THE LIBRARY OF THE OF LOS UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA ANGELES / , I v CAPTAIN CHARLES KING'S MILITARY NOVELS. The Colonel's Daughter. I'intH. Extra, cloth. 91.25. " Captain King is to be thanked for an entertaining contribution to the slender stock of American military novels, a contribution so good that we hope he will give us another." New York Tribune. "It is a charming work, worthy of achieving a permanent place in lit erature. We cordially congratulate Captain King on his accomplished success, for such undoubtedly it la."N. Y. Army and Navy Journal. * Marion's Faith. litmo. Extra, cloth. $1.25. "The author of this novel is a gallant soldier, now on the retired list by reason of wounds received in the line of duty. The favor with which his books have been received proves that he can write as well as fight. ' Marion's Faith' is a very pleasing story, with a strong flavor of love and shoulder-straps and military life, and cannot but charm the reader." Na tional Tribune, Washington, D. C. f' Kitty's Conquest. lOtno. Extra, cloth. &1.OO. " A charming little story of love and adventure, by Captain Charles King, U.S.A. The book is written in a neat, attractive style, and abounds in bright passages. The characters are drawn in a very pleasing manner, and the plot is handled very successfully. It is a good addition to the library of modern fiction." .Boston Post. * The Deserter, and From the Ranks. No. I OF AMERICAN NOVELS. Square Utnto. Extra cloth, 91. OO. Paper, SO cents. " It is a relief, indeed, to turn from the dismal introspection of much of our modern fiction to the fresh naturalness of such stories as these." New York Critic. "No military novels of the day rival those of Captain King in pre cision and popularity. "^-Boston Courier. * *** For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by the Publishers, post-paid, on receipt of the price. J. B. Lippincott Company, 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. MAEION'S FAITH. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER." CAPT. CHARLES KING, U.S.A., AUTHOR OF "KITTY'S CONQUEST," ETC. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPmCOTT COMPANY. 1889. Copyright, 1886, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. Copyright, 1887, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. JHemorg EMMET CRAWFORD, CAPTAIN THIRD REGIMENT OP CAVALRY, ONE OP THE NOBLEST MEN, ONE OF THE KNIGHTLIEST SOLDIERS, AND ONE OF THE MOST INEXCUSABLE SACRIFICES IN THE HISTORY OF OUR ARMY, THIS STORY OP SCENES WHEREIN HE WAS LOVED AND HONORED, IS DEDICATED. 720797 PEEFAOE. THE kind reception accorded " The Colonel's Daugh ter" was a surprise and delight to the author, never theless it was a long time before he could be induced to write this sequel. When Mr. Sam Slick, at the first essay, shot the cork out of a floating bottle some thirty yards away, he had the deep sagacity never to pull trigger again, well knowing he could not improve on the initial effort, and so Prudence whispered that with the Finis to the story of Jack Truscott and sweet Grace Pelham there had best come a full stop. But many a plea has been received to " Tell us more about the th," and at last the motion prevailed. Thackeray has said, " It is an unfair advantage which the novelist takes of the hero and heroine to say good-by to the two as soon as ever they are mack* husband and wife, and I have often wished that we should hear what occurs to the sober married man as well as to the ardent bachelor ; to the matron as to the blushing spinster." And so, many of the characters VI PREFACE. of the old story reappear upon the scene. That they will be welcomed for the sake of auld lang syne has been promised, and that they and their associates may find new interest in the eyes of the indulgent reader is the prayer of THE AUTHOR. COKTEKTS. CHAPTER pAOm I. Two TROOPEKS 5 II. GARRISON TALK 20 III. HEROINES .43 IV. IMPENDING SHADOWS . . . . " . 59 V. MARION SANFORD 72 VI. AT THE FRONT 84 VII. WAR RUMORS 100 VIII. AT RUSSELL ....... 112 IX. RAY TO THE FRONT 125 X. A JUNE SUNDAY 147 XI. THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD . . . 162 XII. A SERENADE 177 XIII. SURROUNDED 189 XIV. RAY'S RIDE FOR LIFE 207 XV. RESCUE AT DAWN 222 XVI. How WE HEARD THE NEWS .... 232 XVII. A COWARD'S DEED ...... 246 XVIII. DESERTION 257 XIX. IN CLOSE ARREST 272 XX. A CORNERED RAT 286 XXI. RAY'S TROUBLES 296 XXII. A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT 309 XXIII. IN CLOSER TOILS 322 XXIV. THE GRASP OF THE LAW . . . .334 XXV. WHOSE GAUNTLET? .... 345 XXVI. REVELATIONS 859 XXVII. VINDICATED 373 XXVIII. THE COLORS ENTWINE 396 XXIX. A CAVALRY WEDDING 419 vii MARION'S FAITH. A SEQUEL TO THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER, CHAPTER I. TWO TROOPERS. " RAY, what would you do if some one were to leave you a fortune ?" " Humph ! Pay for the clothes I have on, I suppose/' is the answer, half humorous, half wistful, as the in terrogated party, the younger of two officers, glances down at his well-worn regimentals. " That's one rea son I'm praying we may be sent to reinforce Crook up in the Sioux country. No need of new duds when you're scouting for old ' Gray Fox,' you know." " I thought you wanted to take a leave this summer and visit the old home in Kentucky," says the major, with a look of rather kindly interest from under his shaggy eyebrows. " Want must be my master, then. I couldn't pay my way home if they'd take me as freight," replies the lieutenant, in the downright and devil-may-care style which is one of his several pronounced characteristics. " Of course," he continues presently, " I would like to look in on the mother again ; she's getting on in l* 5 Q MARION'S FAITH. years now and isn't over and above strong, but she has no cares or worries to speak of; she don't know what a reprobate I am ; sister Nell is married and out of the way ; the old home is sold and mother lives in comfort on the proceeds ; she's happy up at Lexington with her sister's people. What's the use of my going back to Kentuck and being a worry to her ? Before I'd been there a week I'd be spending most of my time down at the track or the stables ; I could no more keep away from the horses than I could from a square game, and she hates both, they swamped my father before I knew an ace from an ant-hill. No, sir ! The more I think of it the more I know the only place for me is right here with the old regiment. What's more, the livelier work we. have in the field and the less we get of gar rison grind the better it is for me. I almost wish we were back in Arizona to-day." " Why, confound it ! man, it isn't a year since we left there," breaks in the major, impatiently, " and we haven't begun to get a taste of civilization yet. You let the women in the regiment hear you talk of wanting to go back there, or what's worse, going up to join Crook in Wyoming, and they'll mob you. Who was it your sister married ?" he suddenly asks. " A man named Rallston, a swell contractor or some thing up in Iowa. I never saw him ; indeed, it's nearly nine years since I saw her ; but she promised to be a beauty then, and they all say she grew up a beauty ; but Nell was headstrong and always in mischief, and I'm glad she's settled down. She used to write to me when she was first married, four years ago, and send me oc casional ' tips' for Christmas and birthdays, and she was TWO TROOPERS. 7 going to give me a Lexington colt when I came East, but she's quit all that, because I was an ungrateful cub and never answered, I suppose. She knows there's nothing I hate worse than writing, and oughtn't to be hard on me. It's all I can do to send a monthly report to the mother." " Did you say you never saw her husband ?" asks the major after a pause, in which he had been apparently studying the quick-tripping hoofs of Ray's nimble sorrel. " No ; never set eyes on him. It was a sudden smite, one of those flash-in-the-pan, love-at-first-sight affairs. He was down in Kentucky buying horses, saw her at a party, and made no end of fuss over her ; had lots of money and style, you know, and the first I heard of it they were married and off. It was our first year in Arizona, and mails were a month old when they got to us." "How long is it since you heard from her?" says the major, after another pause. Mr. Ray looks up in some surprise. He hardly knows what to make of this display of curiosity on the part of his ordinarily indifferent companion, but he answers quietly enough, " Over a year, I reckon. She was in Omaha then and Rallston was away a good deal, had big cattle interests somewhere ; I know that mother used to ask if Nell told me much about him, and she seemed anx ious. Nell herself said that mother was much opposed to the match, didn't seem to take to Rallston at all, but she was bound to have him, and she did, and she's just that high-strung sort of girl that if disappointed 8 MARION'S FAITH. or unhappy would never let on to the mother as long as she lived." They are riding slowly in from troop-drill, the bat talion commander and a pet of his, Mr. Ray, of the th Cavalry. It is one of those exquisite May morn ings when the rolling prairies of Western Kansas seem swimming in a soft, hazy light, and the mirage on the horizon looks like a glassy sea. The springy turf is tinted with the hues of myriads of wild flowers, purple, pale blue, and creamy white ; the mountain breeze that is already whirling the dust-clouds on the Denver plains has not yet begun to ruffle the cottonvvoods or the placid surface of the slow-moving stream, and in many a sheltered pool the waters of the " Smoky Hill" gleam like silvered mirror, without break or flaw. Far out on the gentle slopes small herds of troop-horses or quar termaster's " stock," each with its attendant guard, give life to the somewhat sombre tone of the landscape, while nearer at hand two or three well-filled cavalry " troops" with fluttering guidons are marching silently in towards the little frontier garrison that lies in a shallow dip in the wide, treeless prairie. Bits of color are rare enough, save the faint hues of the flowerets, almost as indistinguishable in the general effect as their fairy fragrance on the air. Aloft, the sky is all one blaze of sunshine, that seems to bleach it into palest, most translucent blue. Far to the west some fleecy clouds are rolling up from the horizon, wafted from the peaks of the hidden Rockies. Down in the "swale," the wooden barracks, stables, quarters, and storehouses are all one tint of economical brown, bright ened only by the hues of the flag that hangs high TWO TROOPERS. 9 over the scene. Beyond the shallow valley and across the stream, looking only long rifle-shot away, but a good two miles when one comes to walk it, a brick school-house with glistening cupola stands sentinel in the centre of the scattering frontier town ; there, too, lies the railway station, from which an ugly brown freight-train is just pulling out Denverwards, puffing dense clouds of inky smoke to the sky. Space, light, and air there are in lavish profusion. Shade there is little or none, except close along the winding stream ; but shade is a thing neither sought nor cared for, as the sun-tanned faces of the troopers show. Every now and then a trumpet-call floats softly over the prairie, or the ringing, prolonged word of command marks some lazily-executed manoeuvre on the homeward way. Drill is over ; the sharp eyes and sharper tongue of the major no longer criticise any faulty or " slouchy" wheel ; the drill proper has been stiff and spirited, and now the necessary changes of direction are carried out in a purely perfunctory manner, while the battalion com mander and his subaltern, troops and all, amble back and give their steeds a breathing spell. Typical cavalrymen are those two, who, chatting quietly together, are riding somewhat in advance of the returning companies. The major is a man a trifle over forty, short, stout, with massive shoulders, chest, and thighs, a neck like a bull, a well-shaped head covered with straight, close-cropped, brown hair, innocent of kink or curl ; a florid face, bronzed and tanned by years of life in sun and wind and storm ; clean-shaven but for the drooping brown moustache that conceals the rugged lines of his mouth, and twinkling blue-gray 10 MARION'S FAITH. eyes that peer out with searching gaze from under their shaggy brows. Firmness, strength, self-reliance, even sternness, can be read in every line ; but around the gathering crowsfeet at the corners of his eyes, and lurking under the shadow of the grim moustache, are little curves or dimples or something, that betray to the initiated the presence of a humorous vein that softens the asperity of the soldier. Some who best know him can detect there a symptom of tenderness and a possibil ity of sentiment, whose existence the major would in dignantly deny. The erect carriage of the head, the square set of the shoulders, the firm yet easy seat in the saddle, speak of the experienced soldier, while in the first word that falls from his lips one hears the tone of the man far more at home in camp than court. There is something utterly blunt and abrupt in his manner, a scathing contrast to the affected drawl brought into the regiment by recent importations from the East, and assiduously copied by a professed Anglo- maniac among the captains. Rude indeed may he sometimes be in his speech, " and little versed in the set phrase of peace," but through it all is the ring of sturdy honesty and independence. He uses the same tone to general and to private soldier alike, extending the same degree of courtesy to each. No one ever heard of " old Stannard's" fawning upon a superior or bullying an inferior ; to all soldiers he is one and the same, short, blunt, quick, and to the point. Literally he obeys the orders of his chiefs, and literally and promptly he expects his own to be obeyed. He has his faults, like the best of men : he will growl at times ; he is prone to pick flaws, and to say sharp and cutting TWO TROOPERS. H things, for which he is often ashamed and sorry ; he can see little good in the works or words of the men he dislikes ; he absolutely cannot praise, and he is over- quick to blame ; but after all he is true as steel, as un swerving as the needle, and no man, no woman could need a stancher friend than the new major of the th, " old Stannard." As for Kay, no officer in the regiment is better known or more talked about. Ten years of his life he has spent under the standard of the th, barring a very short but eventful detail at " the Point." Nebraska, Kansas, and Arizona he knows as w r ell as the savannas of his native blue-grass country. He has been in more skirmishes with the regiment and more scrapes of his own than any fellow of his age in service, but he has the faculty of " lighting on his feet every time," as he himself would express it, and to-day he rides along as buoyantly and recklessly as he did ten years ago, and the saddle is Ray's home. Ephemeral pleasure he finds in the hop- room, for he dances well ; perennial attrac tion, his detractors say, he finds at the card-table, but Ray is never quite himself until he throws his leg over the horse he loves. He is facile princeps the light rider of the regiment, and to this claim there are none to say him nay. A tip-top soldier too is Ray. Keen on the scout, tireless on the trail, daring to a fault in action, and either preternaturally cool or enthusiastically ex cited when under fire. He is a man the rank and file swear by and love. " You never hear Loot'nant Ray saying ' Go in there, fellers.' 'Tis always, l Come on, boys.' That's why I like him," is the way Sergeant Moriarty puts it. Among his comrades, his brother 12 MARION'S FAITH. officers that is to say, opinions are divided. Ray has trusty friends and he has his bitter enemies, though the latter, when charged with the fact, are prone to say that no one is so much Ray's enemy as Ray himself, an assertion which cannot be altogether denied. But as his own worst enemy Ray is thoroughly open and above- board ; he has not a hidden fault ; his sins are many and they are public property for all he cares ; whereas the men who dislike Ray in the regiment are of the opposite stamp. Among themselves they pick him to pieces with comparative safety, but outside their limited circle, the damnation of faint praise, the covert insinua tions, or that intangible species of backbiting which can, " Without sneering, others teach to sneer," has to be their resort, and for good reason. Ray tolerates no slander, and let him once get wind of the fact that some man has maligned him, there is a row in the camp. Minding his own business, however unsuccessfully, he meddles with the affairs of no one else, and thinking twice before he alludes once to the shortcomings of a comrade, he claims that consideration for himself, but doesn't get it. There be men who outrival the weaker sex in the sinister effect they can throw into the faintest allusion to another's conduct, and in the dexterity with which they evade the consequences, and of such speci mens the th has its share. There was Crane, whom Ray had fearfully snubbed and afterwards " cut" in Arizona; there was Wilkins, whom Ray had treated with scant courtesy for over a year, because of some gossip that veteran had been instrumental in putting TWO TROOPERS. 13 into circulation ; there was Captain Canker, who used to like and admire Ray in the rough old days in the cations and deserts, but who had forfeited his esteem while they were stationed at Camp Sandy, and when they met again in Kansas, Ray touched his cap to his superior officer but withheld his hand. Canker felt very bitterly towards Ray, claiming that there was no officer in the regiment whom he had treated with such marked courtesy, and to this, when he heard it, Ray made response in his characteristic way. He would have no middleman. He went straight to Canker and said his say in few terse words : " You consider me un justified in refusing to treat you as a friend, Captain Canker ; now let us have no misunderstanding what ever. Your conduct towards my best friend, Captain Truscott, and towards towards another good friend of mine at Sandy, was an outrage in my opinion, and I have yet to learn that you have expressed regret or made amends. That's my position, sir ; and if you care for my friendship, you know how to regain it." Canker was too much astonished by such directness to make any reply. Other officers who happened to be standing near maintained an embarrassed silence, and Ray faced about and walked off. " For all the world," said Wilkins, " as though he had that d d chip on his shoulder again and was begging somebody to knock it off." Canker was hit in a sore place. Long before this occurrence he realized that several officers of the regiment had with drawn every semblance of esteem in their intercourse with him. He well knew why, but the officer whose cause Ray so vehemently championed was away on de tached service, and Canker really did not know just 2 14 MARION'S FAITH. what to do, and was too proud and sensitive to seek advice. He was a gallant soldier in the field, but a man of singularly unfortunate disposition, crabbed, cranky, and suspicious ; and thus it resulted that he, too, joined the little band of Ray haters, despite the fact that he felt ashamed of himself for so doing. Then there was Gleason, " That man Gleason," as he was generally alluded to, and to those familiar with army life or army ways the mere style is indicative of this character. For good and sufficient reason Mr. Ray had slapped Mr. Gleason's face some years back, when the th was serving in Arizona, and there was no pos sible reason for his failure to seek the immediate repa ration due him as an officer, na possible reason except the absolute certainty of Ray's promptly according him the demanded luxury. The th was commanded by a colonel of the old school in those days, one who had observed " the code" when a junior officer, and would have been glad to see it carried out to this day ; but Gleason was not made of that stuff, and to the scandal of the regiment and the incredulous mirth of Mr. Ray, Gleason pocketed the blow as complacently as he did the money he had won from the Kentuckian by a trick which was transparent to every looker-on, and would have been harmless with Ray had he been himself. Those were the rough days of the regiment's campaign against the Apaches ; officers and men were scattered in small commands through the mountains ; in the general and absorbing interest of the chase and scout after a common foe there was no time to take up and settle the affair as something affecting the credit of the entire corps ; many officers never heard of it at all until long TWO TROOPERS. 15 afterwards, and then it was too late ; but to this day Gleason stood an unsparing, bitter, but secret and treacherous enemy of the younger officer. He hated Ray with the venom of a snake. So far as the regiment was concerned, the enmity of a man of Gleason's calibre could hardly be of conse quence. Like Canker, he had come into the th from the " supernumerary list" at the time of the general reorganization in '71. Scores of infantry officers left out of their regiments by consolidation were saddled upon the cavalry and artillery, and in many instances proved utterly out of their element in the mounted service. All the cavalry regiments growled more or less at the enforced addition to their list of " total com missioned," and the th had not been especially fortu nate. Many a fine soldier and excellent comrade had come into the cavalry in this way, and of them the th had found a few ; but a dozen or more, valuable neither as soldiers nor comrades, had drifted into the mounted service, and of these the regiment had, to say the least, its full share. " All I've got to remark on the subject," said old "Black Bill," the senior major at that eventful period, "all I've got to remark is simply this : those infantry fellows showed profound discrimination in getting rid of their chaff, but they had no mercy on us. When a man ain't good enough for a doughboy officer he ain't fit for anything." Now, it by no means resulted from inefficiency on their part that so many of the transferred officers had left their own regiments. Many had requested the move; many more were rendered supernumerary as being the juniors of their grades; but there were 16 MARION'S FAITH. others still who ranked well Up in their old regiments, and yet were mysteriously " left out in the cold." And of such was " that man Gleason." Six years had he served with the new regiment in the field, and not a friend could he muster among the officers, not one who either liked or respected him, not one who more than tolerated him except among the two or three who daily and nightly haunted the card-room at the trader's store ; but to hear Gleason talk one would fancy him to be on terms of intimacy with every " solid" man of the regi ment, and the casual visitor at the garrison would be more than apt to leave it with the impression that Gleason was the figure-head of the commissioned ele ment. He had fair manners ; his appearance was pre possessing ; he was bland and insinuating among daily associates, confidential and hospitable with strangers. A visitor could go nowhere without meeting Gleason, for his social status was just so balanced between ad verse influences that one could neither forbid nor wel come him to his home. No matter who might be the entertaining officer, the first to call and pay his respects to the guest would be that objectionable Gleason, and very sprightly and interesting could he be. Ten to one the chances were that when he took his departure he had left a pleasant impression on the mind of the new arrival, who would find himself at a loss to account for the evident perturbation with which his host proper re garded his acceptance of Gleason's hospitable invita tions. Gleason's horse, Gleason's dogs or guns or rods were promptly at the door for him to try, and when others sought to do him honor, and other invitations came to hunt or ride or dine, Gleason had the inside TWO TROOPERS. 17 track, and somehow or other it seemed to make the better men of the th retire into their shells when they heard of it. This had been the way with visiting officers from other posts and regiments when in Arizona, and the same thing was being repeated here in Kansas. The th did not like it, but could not exactly see how to help it. The only vulnerable and tangible points upon which he could be "sent to Coventry" were shady transactions at cards or horse-racing that had occurred in Arizona, and his failure to resent Ray's blow ; but two and three years had elapsed since these occurrences ; the scattered condition of the regiment had prevented regimental notice of them at the time, and it was gen erally held that now it was too late for any such action. With any other man coldness, distance of manner, or at the least the pronounced snubs that greeted Glea- son, would have long since had effect, but he was proof against such methods, and no sooner detected them than he found excuses to force himself upon the attention or conversation of the officer, and in so insidious a way as to disarm resistance. He would fairly beam with cor diality and respect upon the commanding officer who was short and gruff with him ; he would invade old Stannard's quarters to ask his advice about the pur chase of a horse or the proper method of dealing with some one of his men, and the major had a soft side in looking after the rights of the rank and file ; he would drop in to ask Mrs. Stannard the name of a new flower he had picked up out near the targets. He cared no more for flowers than she did for him, but it gave him temporary admission, generally when other ladies had called for a morning chat, and though she cordially b 2* 18 MARION'S FAITH. disliked him, Mrs. Stannard was too thorough a lady to show the least discourtesy to an officer of her hus band's regiment. Gleason well knew it, and laid his plans accordingly. For a long time, indeed, there were ladies who could not understand why Mr. Gleason should be so contemptuously spoken of by the officers. He was so thoughtful, so delicate, and then he was so lonely. Gleason was a widower, whose eyes would often overflow when he spoke of the little woman whom he had buried years ago down in Connecticut ; but when Mrs. Turner once questioned Captain Baxter, who knew them when they were in the old infantry regiment in Louisiana, and referred to its being so sad and touching to hear Mr. Gleason talk of his dead wife and their happy days among the orange-groves near Jackson Barracks, the captain astonished her by an outburst of derisive laughter. " Happy, madam ?" said he ; " by gad ! if ever a woman died of neglect, abuse, and ill-treatment Mrs. Gleason did, and next time he attempts to gull you with sentiment, just you refer him to .me." But then, as Mrs. Turner said, poor Captain Baxter's finer sensibilities seemed to have been blunted by a lifetime in the quartermaster's department, and for quite a while Mr. Gleason was one of her fa vorites, quite a devotee in fact, until the disastrous day when she discovered that so far from having been ill and unable to ride with her, as he claimed, he had been spending the afternoon in the fascinations of poker. One by one the ladies of the th had learned to trust Mr. Gleason as little as did their lords, but there was no snubbing him. " Snubs," said the senior major, " are lost on such a pachydermatous ass as Gleasou," TWO TROOPERS. 19 and however tough might be his moral hide, and how ever deserved might have been the applied adjective, the major was in error in calling Gleason an ass. In triguing, full of low malice and scheming, a "slan derer and substractor" he certainly was, but no fool. More's the pity, Mr. Gleason was far too smart for the direct methods and simple minds of his associates in the th. He never in all his life failed to take full note of every slight or coldness, and though it was his r6le to hide the sting, and " smile and smile and be a villain still," never was it his purpose to permit the faintest snub to go unpunished. Sooner or later, unrelentingly but secretly he would return that stab with interest ten times compounded. And sooner or later to the bitter end he meant to feed fat his ancient grudge on Ray. Up to this time he had scant opportunity. For two or three years preceding their removal to the East Gleason had been stationed in Southern Arizona, while Ray, after months of lively service in the mountains, had been sent to regimental headquarters, and marched with them when they came into Kansas. !Xow once more six companies were gathered at the post of the standard, two were tenting on the prairie just outside the garrison, the other four were regularly in barracks, and the concentration there boded a move or " business" of some kind. " Old Catnip," the colonel, was East, but the lieutenant-colonel was commanding, and the junior major was there. Drills were incessant, but scouts were few, and after the years of "go-as-you- please" work in Arizona the th was getting rapidly back into soldierly shape. The little frontier fort was 20 MARION'S FAITH. blithe and gay with its merry populace. All the officers' families had joined ; several young ladies were spending the spring in garrison and taking their first taste of military life ; hops and dances came off almost every night, a "german" every week; rides, drives, hunts, and picnic-parties were of daily occurrence ; the young officers were in clover, the young ladies in ecstasy, the young matrons perhaps not quite so well pleased as when they had the field to themselves in Arizona, where young ladies had been few and far between, and all promised delightfully for the coming summer, all but the war-cloud rising in the far Northwest. CHAPTER II. GARRISON TALK. IT was a picturesque group that assembled every pleasant morning on the veranda of the colonel's quarters^ There had been a time in the not very distant past of the regiment when the ladies gathered almost anywhere else in preference, but that was when Colonel Pelham had retained the command, and when his wife sought to rule the garrison after methods of her own devising. However successful may be such feminine usurpation for a time, it is at best but a temporary power, for women are of all things revo lutionary. The instances where some ambitious matron has sought to assume the control of the little military GARRISON TALK. 21 bailiwick known as "the garrison" are numerous in deed, but the fingers of one hand are too many to keep tally of the cases of prolonged and peaceful reign. Mrs. Pelham's queendom had been limited to a very brief fortnight, so 'twas said in the regiment, despite the fact that the more prominent members of the social circle of the th had been quite ready to do her every homage on her first arrival, provided the prime min istry were not given to some rival sister. But Mrs. Pelham's administration had been fraught with errors and disasters enough to wreck a constitutional monarchy, and, as a result, aifairs were in a highly socialistic, if not nihilistic condition for some months after the re turn of the regiment from its exile in Arizona. Only a few of the officers had taken their families thither with them, for the journey in those days was full of vast discomfort and expense, and life there was an isolation; but those ladies who had shared the heat and burden of the Arizona days with their lords were not unnaturally given to regarding themselves as en titled to more consideration as regimental authorities than those of their sisterhood who had remained in comfort in the East. Then, too, there was a little band of heroines who had made the march " cross country" with the th, and held themselves (and were held by the men) as having a higher place on the regimental unwritten records than those who were sent home by way of the Pacific, San Francisco, and the one railway that then belted the continent. Of these heroines Mrs. Pelham was not, and when she rejoined at Fort Hays, got her house in order and proceeded, though with inward misgiving, to summon her subjects about 22 MARION'S FAITH. her, she found that even the faint rally on which she had counted was denied her. The ladies who knew her at Camp Sandy had thrown off the yoke, and those who were joining for the first time had been unmis takably cautioned by the determined Amazons of the homeward march. Courtesy, civility, and a certain de gree of cordiality when in their social gatherings, the ladies were willing to extend to the colonel's wife, but the declaration of independence had been signed and sealed, they would have no more of her dominion. To a woman of her character garrison life was no longer tolerable to Mrs. Pelham ; the colonel, too, was getting tired of it, was aging rapidly and no longer able to take his morning gallops. Then, too, he was utterly lonely ; his one daughter, the light of his old eyes, had married the man of her choice during the previous year; his sons were scattered in their own avocations, and the complaints and peevishness of his wife were poor companions for his fireside. The officers welcomed him to their club-room, and gladly strove to interest him in billiards or whist, to the exclusion of the Gleason clique and concomitant poker, which was never played in the colonel's presence ; but even this solace was denied him by his wife. She was just as lonely at home, poor lady, and she had to have some one to listen to her long accumulation of feminine trials and grievances, otherwise the overcharged bosom would burst. We claim it an attribute of manhood that "to suffer and be strong" is an every-day af fair ; but the best of men feel infinite relief in having some trusted friend who will listen in patience to the oft-told story of their struggle. To suffer, be strong, GARRISON TALK. 23 and be silent is a task for the stoutest of our sex, but woman triumphs over nature itself in accomplishing the triple feat, and undergoes a torture that outrivals martyrdom. Suffer Mrs. Pelhani could and did, if her voluble lamentations could be credited ; strong she deemed herself beyond all question, in not having suc cumbed to the privations and asperities of Western life, but silent ? ah, no ! Poor old Pelham's life had become a perennial curtain-lecture, so Lieutenant Blake ex pressed it, and when January came, and with it an op portunity to accept a pleasant detail in the East, the colonel lost no time in taking his departure. He left the th with a sorrowful heart, for officers and men were strongly attached to the old soldier who had for years past shared every exile with them, but they could not bear his domineering wife, and many a fellow who hadn't told an appreciable lie for six months gulped unconscionably when it came to saying good-by to Mrs. Pelhani. How could an honest man say he re gretted her going ? Stout old Bucketts, the quarter master, looked her straight in the eye and wished her a pleasant journey and a long and happy visit East, whereat several ladies gasped audibly, yet told it over and over afterwards with infinite delight. The majority of the officers contented themselves with saying that the garrison would not be the same place without the colo nel and herself, which was gospel truth despite its am biguity, but Gleason came in from a hunt purposely to say farewell, and was most effusive in his regrets at her ladyship's departure, and as for the ladies of the regi ment. Ah, well ! Why should they be any different, any more frank in garrison than out of it ? There was 24 MARION'S FAITH. not one of their number who did not inwardly rejoice at Mrs. Pelham's going, but they clouded their gentle faces in decorous mourning ; they grouped about her on the piazza when the hour for parting came, looking in finitely pathetic and picturesque, and the soft voices were touching in their subdued sorrow ; there were even eyes that glistened with unshed tears, and both Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Turner begged that she would write to them, and heaven only knows what all. Who that saw it could doubt the forgiving nature of the gentler sex ? Who dare asperse the sweet sincerity of feminine friendship ? But Lady Pelham had gone, and gone for good they hoped ; the lieutenant-colonel had arrived and assumed command, and Major and Mrs. Stannard made their first appearance at regimental headquarters. A new era had dawned on the th ; the staif sent in their resignations, and were promptly and pleasantly notified by the new commander that he hoped they would not deprive him of services that had been so valuable to his predecessor ; whereat they resumed duty with lighter hearts. It was all well enough where Bucketts was concerned ; he had been quartermaster for years and no one expected anything else, but there were those in the regiment who hoped there might be a change in the adjutancy. The office was held by one of the senior lieutenants, to be sure, and one who possessed many qualifications which were conceded, but his ap pointment had been something of an accident. He, too, had come into the th by transfer in '71 for the avowed purpose of seeking service on the Western frontier with the cavalry. As it was the GARRISON TALK. 25 artillery which he abandoned for that purpose, the th admitted that here was a fellow who might be worth having, but, to the scandal of the entire regiment, no sooner was the order issued which doomed them to a five years' exile in Arizona then overrun with hostile Apaches than the newly transferred gentleman accepted a detail as aide-de-camp on the staff of a general officer* and the th went across to the Pacific and presently were lost to recollection in the then inaccessible wilds of that marvellous Territory. Here they spent four long years of hard scouting, hard fighting, and no little suffering, while the aide in question was presumably enjoying himself in unlimited ball and opera in a gay Southern capital. Suddenly he turned up in their midst just in time to take part in the closing campaign which left the Apaches for several years a disarmed and subjugated race; he happened to get command of a well-seasoned and thoroughly experienced " troop," and through no par ticular personal merit, but rather by the faculty he had of seeking the advice of the veteran sergeants in the company, he had won two or three lively little fights with wandering bands of hostiles, and had finally been quite enviably wounded. It was all a piece of his confounded luck, said some of the th not unnat urally. Many a gallant fellow had been killed and buried, many another wounded and not especially men tioned, and all of them had done months of hard work where Billings had put in only so many days, but here he came in at the eleventh hour, and they, who had borne the heat and burden of the campaign and re ceived every man his penny, couldn't help a few good- B 3 26 MARION'S FAITH. natured slings at the fact that Billings's penny was just as big and round as theirs. The department commander had been clo'se at hand every time that fortunate youth came in from a scout, and even Ray, who was incessantly seeking the roughest and most dangerous service, could not repress a wistful expression of his views when he heard of the final scrimmage far up towards Chevelon's Fork. " Here we fellows have been bucking against this game for nigh onto four years now, and if ever we raked in a pile it's all been ante'd up since, and now Billings comes in fresh never draws but he gets a full hand and he scoops the deck. He has too much luck for a white man." The remark was one that, said by Ray himself in his whimsical' and downright manner, was destitute of any hidden mean ing, and Billings, who had not seen Ray for years, would never have misunderstood it, but when he first heard it six months afterwards, and while Ray and himself had yet to meet, it was told semi-confidentially, told as Ray never said it, told in fact by Gleason ; and Billings, who was of a nervous, sensitive disposi tion, as outspoken in a way as Ray was in his, was hurt more than a little. He had known Ray a dozen years before when both were wearing the gray as cadets at the Point, but they were in different classes and by no means intimate. Each, however, had cordially liked the other, and Billings would have been slow to believe the statement as told him for a single instant except for two things, one was that Gleason was a new ac quaintance of whom up to that time he knew nothing really discreditable ; the other was that just before the regiment came East from Arizona the adjutancy became GARRISON TALK. 27 vacant, Lieutenant Truscott, who had long held the position, was detailed for duty at West Point and speedily promoted to his captaincy ; Billings was brought in wounded and sent off by sea to San Fran cisco as soon as he could travel, and so heard little of the particulars of some strange mystery that was going on at regimental headquarters, and when, some months later, he rejoined the regiment in Kansas, it was with much mental perturbation that he received from " Old Catnip" the offer of the still vacant adjutancy. Of course, he had heard by that time just why Truscott had resigned and refused to re-accept the posi tion ; he also knew that the colonel had said that he could give it to no officer who had not served with them in the rough days in Arizona; and, moreover, that he had once declared that offering the adjutancy to a second lieutenant was equivalent to saying that no first lieutenant was capable of performing the duties. But he did not know that soon after Truscott's resigna tion the colonel had tendered the adjutancy to Ray, and that impolitic youth had promptly declined. He knew, as did the whole regiment, that for Truscott Ray had an enthusiastic admiration and regard, and for that matter, Billings himself had reason to look upon the ex-adjutant as a friend worth having ; but he did not suspect, as some at old Camp Sandy more than sus pected, that Ray had been offered his place. The colo nel, in his surprise and mortification, would speak of it to no one. Ray, in his blunt honesty, conceived it to be his duty to regard the offer as confidential, since he had declined, and so, snubbed any one who strove to extract information. Most of the senior lieutenants 28 MARION'S FAITH. were on detached service when they came in from Ari zona. Everybody thought Stryker would get the detail as soon as he returned from abroad, whither he had gone on leave after making, as mountain scout, leader, the best four years' record in the regiment ; but Stryker came just as Billings did, and to Billings, not Stryker, was the adjutancy tendered. What made the regiment indignant was, that so far from being in the least put out about it, Stryker placidly remarked that Billings was the very man for the place. " He isn't entitled to it," said the th ; " in ten years' service he hasn't spent ten months with us." But Stryker did not see fit to tell them what he knew and the colonel knew, that he had been tendered and had accepted the position of aide-de-camp to his old Arizona chief, and was daily awaiting orders to join ; and Ray was off scouting with his troop when Billings reached headquarters, and had to face, as he supposed, an opposition. Stannard was the only man who really knew very much about him as a cavalry officer, and Stannard's opinion was what brought it all about. They had served for some months at the same post, and both the major and his clear-sighted wife had taken a fancy to the young officer, whose first appearance in " citified garb and a pince- nez" gave little promise of future usefulness in the field. Pelham and Stannard knew that it had to be Billings or a second lieutenant, but Billings had at first no such intimation. Possibly his strong sense of self- esteem might have stood in the way of acceptance had he supposed that he was merely a last resort. Stannard really hoped he would be the appointee, but all he would say to the colonel when asked for his opinion GARRISON TALK. 29 was, " I have had less to find fault with in him than any officer who ever served in my troop ; but then he was only with me six months or so. I like him/' which was tantamount to saying others probably wouldn't. But Stannard and Billings were firm friends, as anybody could see, and the colonel was quick to note that when Stannard had given Billings anything to do, he bothered himself no further about the matter, instead of going along and supervising as was his wont with most of the others. " If he's good enough for Stannard, he'll do for me," was the colonel's comment, and when Billings sought to decline the ap pointment offered, hinting, with well-meant but awk ward delicacy, that perhaps it ought to go to some man of more established reputation and record in the regi ment, the colonel cut him short with, " Here, Mr. Bil lings, I must have some one at once ; old Bucketts has been doing office- work as both quartermaster and adju tant until he is getting used up, and young Dana is only good for parade and guard-mounting. I'll detail you as acting adjutant, and if you like it, at the end of a week we'll make the appointment permanent. Con sult your friends meantime, if you choose." And so it happened that when Stannard said, " Take it," and Stryker told him quietly that there were reasons why he himself would have had to decline, Billings shook his head a few minutes in thinking over what he had heard of Mrs. Pelham, and wished he might see Ray and make him understand that he thought the place should go to him, but Stannard said, emphatically, that Ray was too harum-scarum for office-work, good as he was in the field. And then came a brief letter from 3* 30 MARION'S FAITH. Truscott, cordial and straight to the point as ever. It wound up by saying, " The colonel attributes your hesi tation to the fact that you think it ought to go to some man who has served longer with the regiment. We respect that, and appreciate it ; but you are offered this with the best backing in the regiment, Stannard's, and with that you can afford to laugh at anything the growlers may say." The next morning the order was issued in due form. That afternoon Mr. Ray, returning dusty and unshorn from a two weeks' scout up the Saline, was informed of the fact as he stood at the stables unstrapping from the back of his sorrel the carcass of a fat antelope, gave a low whistle, remarked, " Well, I'm damned !" and, as bad luck would have it, postponed rushing in to con gratulate Billings until dinner, when, to his genuine disappointment, the latter did not appear. He was dining at the colonel's to meet some officers from Leaven- worth, and when the new adjutant went to his rooms late that night he had not seen Ray at all, but there was that man Gleason smoking a cigar, sipping a toddy, and evidently primed for a chat. Already Billings had begun to look upon him with disfavor, but could find no reason to avoid him entirely ; he did not welcome the unwanted guest ; he could not chill him. Gleason had his chat, and, when Ray stepped forward with sunny smile and glistening white teeth and cordial, outstretched hand the next morning, Billings looked him in the eye, took his hand, but there was no warmth in the welcome, and Ray felt rebuffed. " I heard Ned Billings had de veloped into something of a snob," said he afterwards, " but he's changed more, for a frank-hearted fellow that GARRISON TALK. 31 he was ten years ago, than any man I know." And so it happened that two men whose lives were closely inter woven from that time on, who had much in common, who, " had they but known," could never have drifted apart, began the next stage with an unknown, unseen, yet undeniable influence thrusting them asunder. And it was of these two men that the picturesque group on the colonel's piazza happened to be speaking this very May morning as the major and Mr. Ray, dismounting at the south gate, strolled lazily up the lane. It was the habit of the former when not on military duty to thrust his hands deep down into his trousers pockets, and allow his ample and aldermanic paunch to repose its . weight upon his sabre-belt. As the belt was worn only at the hours of drill or parade, it followed that there were lapses of time wherein the paunch knew no such military trammel, and a side elevation of the battalion commander warranted the simile put in circulation by Lieutenant Blake : " The major looked as though he had swallowed a drum." Ray, on the contrary, was slimly, even elegantly built, a trifle taller than his bulky superior, and though indolent in his general movements, excitement or action transformed him in an instant. Then in every motion he was quick as a cat. It was his wont to wear his forage-cap far down over his fore head and canted very much over the right eye, while, contrary to the fashion of that day, his dark hair fell below the visor in a sweeping and decided " bang" al most to his eyebrows, which were thick, dark brown, and low-arched. A semi-defiant backward toss of the head was the result as much perhaps of the method of wearing his cap as of any pronounced mental character- 32 MARION'S FAITH. istic. When Stannard was talking eagerly of any sub ject his hands went deeper into his pockets, his head thrust forward, and his eyes fairly popped, as though slight additional pressure would project them into space like many-tinted grape-shot. If he were standing still, he tilted on his toes and dropped his head to one side as he expounded, until the ear wellnigh reposed upon the shoulder-strap. Ray, on the other hand, threw his head farther back and, unless he was angry, showed his white teeth to the molars. As they came along the walk from the main gate and passed one by one the snug little brown cottages known as the officers' quarters, the ladies grouped on the colo nel's piazza began their very natural comment, there were no other men in sight on that side of the garrison. " Last year you never saw Major Stannard without Mr. Billings ; now you never see him with him, and he is just as chummy with Mr. Ray," remarked our old friend Mrs. Turner, who was languidly swinging in the hammock, her eyes commanding a view of the side walk, and the sidewalk commanding a view of her very presentable feet encased in a new pair of French heeled slippers, and stockings whose delicate mauve tint matched the ribbons of her airy dress. " Well, Mr. Billings is adjutant and cooped up in the office all day," was the reply of Mrs. Raymond, who could readily find reason for taking exception to the remarks or theories of her next-door neighbor and social rival. There were five ladies in the group, all under thirty, two of them under twenty, only one unmarried, none of them avowedly interested in either of the two offi- GARRISON TALK. 33 cers slowly approaching. No one of them, however, neglected a sweeping glance at her draperies or some slight readjustment of pose or petticoat. Possibly the formality would have been equally observed had they all been over fifty. " I never could understand why Mr. Billings was made adjutant," remarked the one spinster, her eyes dreamily resting on the lithe form of Mr. Ray. " I don't mean, of course, that he doesn't do very well, but there were so many others who would have at least who deserved it so much more." " "Well, you must remember this," responded Mrs. Turner, " there wasn't anybody else when it was given to him, and there was no real reason why the colonel should remove him when he took command. Mr. Stryker was going as aide-de-camp; Mr. Gleason well, anybody knows he wouldn't do ; Mr. Crane and Mr. Wilkins were neither of them fit for it ; Mr. Ray wouldn't have it, and Mr. Blake and Mr. Freeman hadn't joined. It was really Billings or nobody, ex cept, of course, the second lieutenants. Dear me ! how I wish one of them could have been appointed !" And Mrs. Turner sighed pathetically. The younger officers were her especial henchmen, and each in turn paid his devotion a year or more at the shrine. If any one of them had been put in power, how much easier 'twould have been to get the band every evening ! and then the hops wouldn't have to close at midnight either ! and Mrs. Turner was devoted to dancing. " But papa says Mr. Billings is right about not let ting the band play after midnight," broke in the young lady, whose years had been spent in many a garrison, 34 MARION'S FAITH. and whose papa the post surgeon had pronounced views on matters of military and medical discipline. " Papa says the officers have no right to make the band play until late at night unless they pay them extra. They have to be up at reveille, and it's a shame to mako them work all day and at night too !" " The doctor is by no means alone in that idea," be gan a third speaker in a quiet voice, and both Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Raymond, who had impulsively burst into speech at the same instant, checked their nimble tongues, bridled, sweetly said, "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Stannard," and inclined attentive ears to a lady who at the moment had stepped from the open door-way to the piazza. It was evident that she was a late arrival, in whose presence the others felt bound to observe the deferential manners which further intimacy would pos sibly extinguish. " Indeed," she went on, " only this morning at breakfast Colonel Foster was saying that the bandsmen were getting their full share of work, and that Mr. Billings was quite right in the stand he made in the matter." " Ah, Mrs. Stannard, I don't wonder Mr. Billings is devoted to you !" said Mrs. Raymond. " You are always ready to defend him." " He was in our troop, you know, and I feel that he belongs to us to a certain extent," said Mrs. Stannard, smiling brightly, and nodding pleasant greetings to the two officers who were passing at the moment, still intent in their earnest talk. The major merely glanced at the piazza and pulled oif his cap, as though he wished its fair occupants were beyond saluting 'distance. Ray bowed with laughing grace, and sung out cheerily, GARRISON TALK. 35 " Don't expect the major home just yet, Mrs. Stan- nard ; he's giving me fits, and I'm in for a lecture." The ladies were silent a moment, until the pair had passed on out of earshoot. Then Mrs. Turner took up the cudgels again. "And yet, Mrs. Stannard, it wasn't so when Mr. Truscott was adjutant. We could have the band night after night if we wanted to, and surely you won't say that Mr, Truscott wasn't the very paragon of an adju tant," " No, indeed," was the reply. " We all know how unequalled Mr. Truscott was ; but then, were not the conditions very different, Mrs. Turner? For instance, in Arizona the band was not mounted, the men had no stable duty, and it was so hot in the daytime that they really had no duty to perform but to play after dark when it was cool. Now, here they have their horses, they have two parades each day ; they practice every morning, and play on the parade every afternoon ; that, with morning and evening stable duty, keeps them very busy, and don't you think Mr. Billings is right?" Now, all this was well understood by both Mrs. Tur ner and Mrs. Turner's friends, and as put by Mrs. Stannard, the case was clearly in favor of the bands men and the adjutant. Down in the depths of her consciousness Mrs. Turner was well aware of the fact. She had gone over the fight with her liege lord, the captain, more than once since the spring weather had set in and the services of the band were in requisition several hours each day. She knew perfectly well that there was no parallel in the conditions existing in Ari zona in Mr. Truscott's time and those of the day in 36 MARION'S FAITH. Kansas with Billings. Still, she wanted to contrast the men and their methods, and, as is not unusual, pronounced the abstract statement that " it wasn't so with Mr. Truscott. Then we could have the band night after night." She was only stating a fact, was her mental justification, but that she was doing an in justice she would probably have not admitted for an instant. Mrs. Stannard, however, had seen through the argu ment, and in her courteous way had shattered its effect. This put Mrs. Turner on her mettle, and she half rose from the hammock. " Don't for a moment think I mean to criticise Mr. Billings, Mrs. Stannard ; I really like him, very much ; only it's so poky not to have the band now. The evenings are so lovely for dancing, and with so many young officers here, it seems such a pity to waste so much time. They are out drilling or shooting, or something, all day long, and who knows but what they'll all be ordered oif somewhere the next minute ? Then we can have the band all day and nobody to dance with. It's always the way." "Well, I like Mr. Billings, too," said Mrs. Ray mond, eager to say something pleasant of Mrs. Stan- nard's friend ; " and Captain Raymond says he is a very soldierly officer, very military, I mean, and knows his duties so well, only we can't help contrasting him with Mr. Truscott. Mr. Truscott was so dignified and calm and deliberate, w T hile Mr. Billings is a regular bunch of springs. They say he's very quick and iras cible ; real peppery, you know ; but I suppose that is because they bother him a good dral." GARRISON TALK. 37 "Mr. Billings has a very nervous temperament I know," replied Mrs. Stannard, " but we never thought him ill-tempered at Fort Gaines, and certainly Captain Truscott thinks all the world of him. They correspond constantly, and only last evening he showed me a letter just received from the captain." "Did he?" said Mrs. Turner, with sudden interest. " What did he say about Grace ?" " About Mrs. Truscott ?" said Mrs. Stannard, smil ingly. " He said a good deal about her. She was so bright and well and so pleased with West Point, and they had such lovely quarters, looking right out on the plain where they could see everything that was going on, and Miss Sanford was visiting them " "What Miss Sanford?" asked Mrs. Turner, with that feminine impetuosity which is born of an incre dulity as to any one's being able to convey information in one's own time and way. "Miss Marion Sanford. She was a classmate of Mrs. Truscott's in their school-days, and belongs to a wealthy New Jersey family, Mr. Billings says." " Oh, I know !" said Mrs. Raymond. " She's that handsome girl in the album that Grace had at Sandy, don't you know ? with the Worth dress and the some thing or other the matter with her forehead, a burn or a birth-mark, wears her hair so low over it. Don't you know ? Grace told us she had such a sad history, her mother died when she was sixteen and her father married again, and she has her mother's for tune and had gone abroad. She was travelling with the Zabriskies and was presented at court last year, and the Prince of Wales said something or other about her. 4 38 MARION'S FAITH. Don't you know ? we read it in the New York some thing as we were coming out on the Kansas Pacific last fall. My ! Just think of her at West Point ! What a catch !" And Mrs. Raymond paused, breathless with admiration, not with effort. Talking fatigued her far less than silence. "Yes, Mrs. Raymond, that is the very one, I be lieve," continued Mrs. Stannard in her pleasant tones, as soon as the lady came to a full stop. " Mr. Billings says that he has heard that her father married a very unpleasant woman the last time, and that 'twas said he would be " " What ! Mr. Billings said that ? Oh, Mrs. Stannard, how rejoiced I am to hear it ! Captain Turner tried to make me believe that he was another Truscott in his horror of gossip. Now, won't I crow over him when he comes in to dinner ?" " Not crow, dear, cackle," suggested Mrs. Raymond, mildly ; " it's the other sex that does the crowing." "Very possibly I have betrayed a trust," laughed Mrs. Stannard, coming to the rescue in the interests of harmony. " It was my mistake in referring to it. Do tell me about Mrs. Truscott; you know I never met her." " What is there to tell except that she is Mrs. Trus cott," half laughed, half pouted Mrs. Turner, who never quite forgave the fact that her queendom, real or imaginary, had been invaded by that very lady a year before, to the temporary loss of her throne. As Grace Pelham, Mrs. Truscott had won all hearts at Sandy. " She is undeniably pretty and lady-like ; but what else can any one say of her? Stylish? no. GARRISON TALK. 39 Now, Mrs. Raymond, you need not try and say you think her stylish, because only last year at Prescott you wouldn't admit it. And as to her winning Mr. Trus- cott as she did, it is simply incomprehensible. What men see in some women is beyond me. She is neither deep, nor intellectual, nor particularly well read that /ever saw or heard of, and how she's a match for him, as people say, I can't see. He's just head over heels in love with her, at least he was, and she was simply wrapped up in him, at least she is. You ought to have seen the letter she wrote Mrs. Page a few months ago ; all about her happiness and Jack, -just as if there never had been another man in the world worth look ing at. She'd have been just as rapturous over Mr. Glenham if she'd married him as she promised to do, I haven't a doubt, or Ray. He was ready to bow down and worship her at one time ; and she encouraged him not a little before we left Sandy, too." " Don't you believe that" interposed Mrs. Raymond. " They were warm friends, I know, but Ray was never her lover." " You always will contradict me, Nellie," protested Mrs. Turner ; " but if you could not see what every one else saw you were simply blind. I wonder she doesn't sometimes regret not marrying Glenham, though. They say he has gone abroad and has more money than he can ever spend." " More than he ever could if he's as close as he was in Arizona," interposed Mrs. Raymond. " But did you not know that Captain Truscott's ven tures were coming out wonderfully well ?" asked Mrs. Stannard, eager to give a pleasanter tone to the talk. 40 MARION'S FAITH. " I heard not only that was true, but that an uncle had left him a good deal of money. . One thing is certain, they have fitted up their quarters beautifully at the Point, and are living there in a good deal of style." "Here come the officers in from drill," exclaimed Mrs. Turner, as a group of bronzed and soldierly-look ing men came suddenly around the corner of the adju tant's office and strolled towards them. "Ask Captain Merrill, he will know. Captain Merrill" she called, raising her voice. " Do come here a moment." And obediently he came, doffing his cap and accepting the seat tendered him beside her by Mrs. Raymond. " You were at the Point last month. Is it true that Captain Truscott has a good deal of money now ?" " Can't prove it by me, maclame," said Merrill, sen- tentiously. " Ask Blake. He's our Jenkins. How is it, Blake?" " Don't call me pet names, dearie. { When my tongue olabs then let mine eyes not see,' " declaimed Mr. Blake, sauntering up to the group and swinging a long, lean leg over the railing. " What do you want to know ?" " Is Mr. Captain Truscott rich ?" " If my individual experiences are indicative, I should say he was boundless in wealth and prodigality." "Why?" " He lent me a hundred dollars when I was East on leave, and I know he never expects to see it again." " I declare, Mr. Blake, you are as bad as Mr. Ray !" " They are scoundrels and substractors that say so of rne. Mrs. Turner, you you make me blush. Ray, come hither and bear me consolation. Friend of my youth, Merrill calls me Jenkins ; Mrs. Turner calls me GARRISON TALK. 41 bad as you ; and you called me with a pair of kings when mine was a bobtail. The world is hollow, Ray." " Mr. Blake ! "Will you stop your everlasting non sense and tell us about Truscott? When were you there ?" "Mrs. Turner, you aggrieve me, but I was there in April." " And are they so delightfully situated ?" " Yea, verily, blissfully," 11 Was Miss Sanford there ?" " She came, alas ! the very eve I hied me hence. I saw her but a moment ; 'twas " " You saw her ? Tell us what she's like. Is she pretty ? is she sweet-mannered as they say ?" "Sweet? She's sweet, aye, dix-huit; at least she was a year agone. Pretty ? Ah me !" And Blake sighed profoundly, and straddled the rail a picture of dejection. His auditors groaned in chorus, the custom ary recognition of one of Blake's puns, but gathered about him in manifest interest. With all his rattling nonsense he was a regimental pet. " But where is she from ? What connection of the New Jersey Sanford ?" " The Autocrat of the Preakness Stable, mean you ? Marry, I know not. She is a Sanford and has a San- ford's wealth, but 'twas not for me. She adores a horse and worships a horseman. This I gathered from our too brief converse. I strove to win her ear with poesie, but she bade me cease. Her soul is not attuned to melody, she'd none of mine. She preferred my Lady Truscott and buttered muffins." "What did Truscott say about Crook's fight with 4* 42 MARION'S FAITH. Crazy Horse ?" asked Ray, who looked blank enough at Blake's jargon, and wanted facts. " I don't think Jack liked the looks of things," said Blake, relapsing into sudden gravity. "He told me that he thought it more than likely we'd all be in the field again in less than a month." " We ?" said Merrill. " It isn't a matter that affects Truscott one way or another. He has his four years' detail at the Point. What difference does it make to him whether we're ordered up to reinforce Crook ?" " Just this difference, my bully rook : that Truscott would catch us before we got to Laramie unless we went by rail." " Why, Blake, you're addled !" replied the captain, in that uncomplimentary directness which sometimes manifests itself among old comrades of the frontier, even in the presence of the gentler sex. " Why, Mr. Blake, you don't suppose he is going to give up his young wife, his lovely home, his pleasant duties, to join for a mere Indian campaign, do you?" asked more than one present, and a general murmur of dis sent went round. " What do you say, major ?" said one voice, in direct appeal to the senior officer of the group. " It depends on what you consider a ' mere Indian campaign,' " was the cool response. "But as to Truscott's going, what do you think, Bay?" " I don't think anything about it. I know." HEROINES. 43 CHAPTER III. HEROINES. "WHAT is so rare as a day in June?" sings the poet, and where can a day in June be more beautiful than at this Highland Gate of the peerless Hudson ? It is June of the Centennial year, and all the land is ablaze with patriotic fervor. From North, from South, from East and West, the products of a nation's inge nuity or a nation's toil have been garnered in one vast exhibition at the Quaker City ; and thither flock the thousands of our people. It is June of a presiden tial nomination, and the eyes of statesmen and politi cians are fixed on Cincinnati. It is the celebration of the first century of a nation's life that engrosses the thoughts of millions of hearts, and between that great jubilee and that quadrennial tempest-in-a-teapot, the nomination, who but a few lonely wives and children have time to think of those three columns far, far out in the broad Northwest. those three columns of reg ulars, cavalry and infantry, rough-garbed, bronzed and bearded, steadily closing in towards the wild and beau tiful region along the northern water-shed of the Big Horn Range, where ten thousand hostile Indians are uneasily watching their coming ? On the Atlantic sea board comrades in full-dress uniform, with polished arms, are standing guard over government treasures on exhibition, and thoughtless thousands wonder at the ease 44 MARION'S FAITH. and luxury of the soldier's life. Out on the frontier, in buckskin and flannel, slouch hats and leggings, and bristling prairie-belts, the little army is concentrating upon an outnumbering foe, whose signal-fires light the way by night, whose trail is red with blood by day. From the northeast, up the Yellowstone, Terry of Fort Fisher fame, the genial, the warm-hearted general, whose thoughts are ever with his officers and men, leads his few hundred footmen, while Ouster, whose division has flashed through battery after battery, charge after charge, in the great Rebellion, now rides at the head of a single regiment. From the northwest, down the Yellowstone, with but a handful of tried soldiery, comes Gibbon ; he who led a corps at Gettysburg and Appomattox. From the south, feeling his way along the eastern base of the Big Horn, with less than two thousand troopers and footmen, marches the "Gray Fox," the general under whom our friends of the th so long and so successfully battled with the Apaches of Arizona. He has met his match this time. Cheyenne, Ogallalla, Brule, Uncapapa, Minneconjou, Sans Arc, and Blackfoot, all swarm over the broad and breezy uplands in his front, or lurk in the deep shade of the lovely valleys. Twice have they sprung upon him and checked his advance. Once only has he been forced to hesitate, but now, as the longest days of the year ap proach and the glistening dome of Snow Peak is yet warm with the flush of the setting sun, when " morn, in russet mantle clad," tinges the eastern slopes with glowing light; now, at last, the long-dreaded leaders of the border warfare are being hemmed in between the encircling advance. Now may we look for stir- HEROINES. 45 ring work along the bluffs and boulders of the Big Horn. And June, Centennial June, has come to West Point. Examinations are going briskly on, four buoyant classes are all excitement with the joyous prospects of the sea son : the seniors look forward to the speedy coming of the longed-for diploma and the prized commission, for relief from the restraint of academic life and for the broader field of the army ; the second, the juniors, to reaching the dignity of " first-class camp," with the highest offices and honors to be achieved so long as they shall wear the gray ; the third, ah ! they are the furloughmen, so soon to be restored for two brief months to home and kindred after the two years of rigid disci pline and ceaseless duty ; the fourth, to step at once and for all from the meekness of " plebedom" and become the envied " old cadet." June brings bliss for all, for all but those who fail. And June brings joy to sisters and sweethearts by the dozen, to fond mammas, to proud paternals, who throng the hostel ries of the Point and the neighbor hood, and swarm in lively interest' all over the historic spot, listening with uncomprehending but tireless pa tience to examinations on fortification or grand tactics, mechanics or calculus ; gasping with excitement over dashing charges on the " cavalry plain," shuddering over the reckless daring in the riding-hall, stopping their ears against the thunder of the great guns at the batteries, and beating time with head and foot to the spirited quicksteps of the band. Dress-parade, the closing cer emony of each day, concentrates the entire afssemblage along the shaded walk that borders on the west the 46 MARION'S FAITH. beautiful green carpet of the " infantry plain," and, at last, as the four gray and white companies go dancing off in double-time through the grim sally-port beneath the barracks, and the carriages and stages whirl away the watching throngs, and the plumed cadet officers scurry off to supper, and, group after group, the spec tators saunter homewards, the band disappears below the crest of the plain towards " Bumtown," and little by little the light turns to violet on the wooded heights across the swirling Hudson, and silence settles down upon the scene. Gazing out from under the foliage of the great elms, watching these very changes, two ladies are seated upon the piazza of the officers' quarters opposite the southern half of the plain. One is a young matron, whose eyes once seen are not soon forgotten, so soft, so deep, so brown, so truthful are they under the long curling lashes, under the low-arched, heavy brows. Beautiful eyes were they when, in all their girlish fearlessness and innocence, they first beamed upon our old friends of the th in the days of exile in Arizona. Lovelier still are they now in that consummation of a woman's happi ness, a worshipped wifehood. It was early in the previous winter when Captain Truscott brought his fair bride to make her home among the scenes so dear to both, and her life has been one song of unutterable gladness. If earth contained a thing to wish for in those six months, Grace Truscott could not name it. Her pretty army house is the gem of the military com munity, the envy of many a wife. Her husband is a man whom all men honor and hold in deep esteem. In strength, in dignity, in soldierly ability, and in his de- HEROINES. 47 votion to her he is all her heart could ask. If she loved him dearly when they were married, her love has de veloped into almost an idolatry, " Jack" is her world. Not that she talks or writes very much of that matter, however ; for quite a wise little head is that which is perched on Mrs. Truscott's white shoulders. Once in a while in some letter to an old and trusted friend she finds it more than she can do to utterly repress her overwhelming sense of bliss, and then she lets slip some little confession of which Jack is the subject. She never dreamed a man could be so lovely, so delicate, so thoughtful, so considerate, so everything that was simply perfect, is the way she has once or twice found herself constrained to clinch the matter in default of adjectives sufficiently descriptive. " Every day he develops some new, lovely, and unsuspected trait," she once confided to her friend Mrs. Tanner (with whom she has corre sponded quite regularly since her marriage, and to whom we are indebted for some of these interesting details), and as Jack Truscott was confessedly a man of many admirable qualities before his matrimonial alliance, it may be conjectured that ere the waning of her honey moon Mrs. Jack's enumeration table was beginning to prove inadequate. And bliss has been, and is, becom ing to Grace. She has lost none of the girlish delicacy of expression which was so marked a characteristic of her youthful beauty a year before, still she has rounded somewhat, and both mentally and physically has de veloped. The slender white hand that rests upon the volume of Carlyle in her lap looks less fragile than it did that day at old Camp Sandy when, in Tanner's library searching for the children's books among the shelves, 48 MARION'S FAITH. it showed itself to Truscott's eyes without a certain ring. Mrs. Jack does not fancy Carlyle. He is too crabbed by far, she thinks, and she wonders how and where people get such distorted views of life, but the captain has been reading him a great deal during the past two months, and anything that interests him is food for her. Happy she is beyond all question, happy as woman ever becomes in this world where happiness is never perfect. If it were, where would be the use of heaven hereafter ? And as she sits here gazing out upon the soft lights and shadows settling upon the distant hills, her sweet, mobile face is fit subject for the brush of some inspired painter who seeks a model for an ideal picture, " I Ask No More." It is twilight, too, the hour of all others when the faintest sorrow is apt to assert itself upon reposeful features, the hour when it takes a very happy woman to look happy ; yet Grace Truscott's eyes tell of only one story, love, peace, tranquillity ; and at last the silence is broken by the remark, which is naturally the result of a woman's undisturbed contemplation of such a face, " I declare, Grace, it is enough to make one want to marry just to look at you !" Mrs. Truscott returns to earth with sudden bound, dropping her blissful day-dream with a merry laugh and a blush that refuses to down at her bidding.. She holds forth her hand appealingly, leaning forward in the great wicker rocking-chair in which, till now, she has been lazily reclining. " How absurd, to be sure ! I wish you would seize me and shake me, Marion, whenever you see me going HEROINES. 49 off into dreamland like that. It is simply detestable. Yet, I can't help it. Oh !" with sudden impulse, " wait till you marry some one the least like Jack, and then see for yourself." "But I never shall marry any one the least like Jack," replies Miss Sanford. " To begin with, you would not be apt to admit any such man could exist. Now, don't bristle all over, Grace ; you are not in the least absurd, to ordinary people that is; you really behave very creditably for so young a wife, but you are quite warranted in betraying your admiration to me. I like it. It was simply mean of me to interrupt your revery as I did, but the exclamation was involuntary. I had been watching your face for several minutes, and thinking how few, how very few women are blessed as you are." Mrs. Truscott's eyes filled with tears, and her hand sought and clasped that of her friend. A most unusual caress for her. " Sometimes I fear I'm growing very selfish in it all, Marion, and I blame myself more than I can tell you when these spells come over me. We had planned to make your visit lovely, Jack and I, and here, the moment we are alone together, I go mooning off and leaving you to be entertained by the sight of my imbe cility." Mrs. Truscott gave herself a vigorous shake. " There ! Now tell me about your walk. "Was Mr. Ferris pleasant ?" " Pleasant ? Very ! They all are for that matter, and I hate to think how much I've lost in being away all May. Father insisted though, and so those six weeks had to be spent at with them. It is rnock- c d ft 50 MARION'S FAITH. ery to call it home." And a deep trouble seemed to settle on her beautiful face. Mrs. Truscott leaned nearer to her friend, an eager tremor in her voice. " Listen, Marion dear," she spoke ; " I cannot allude to the subject except when you do ; but, much as your father loves you, he must see now that it is next to im possible for you to live at home, and after her conduct this spring, first demanding that you should come in stead of spending May with us as was arranged, and then making it so wretched for you, and finally almost driving you from the house, it is useless to think of going back this summer. Do spend it with us. We both ask it, Jack and I. It was such a disappointment to lose you in May, and now that we've got you again, though you said 'twas only for a week, we talked it all over last night, Maid Marion," and here Mrs. Truscott has recourse to one of the pet names of their school-days, " we talked it all over, Jack and I, and that was one of the things he went to the city for to day. He had determined to ask your father to let you spend the summer here. I want it so much, so does Jack, for he may have to go to Kentucky to buy horses for the cavalry stables. Marion, do stay if he will let you." And both Mrs. Truscott's white hands now seized and clasped the unresisting, passive members that lay, still gloved, in her companion's lap. For a moment there was no move. Two big tears were starting from Miss Sanford's eyes ; her sweet, sen sitive lips were twitching nervously. She glanced hur riedly up and down the broad road in front of the quarters, they were unobserved and alone, and, lean- HEROINES. . 5X ing back in her chair; she gently withdrew one hand and held her handkerchief to her face. Mrs. Truscott quickly rose and bent over her, pressed her lips one instant upon the luxuriant hair that fell thickly over the girl's forehead ; then, twining her arm around her head, nestled her own sofc cheek where she had pressed her lips. And there she hovered, saying nothing more, waiting until the little rain-cloud had passed away. Presently there came the sound of quick, springy footsteps along the asphalt from the direction of the barracks. Mrs. Truscott raised her head. " It is Sergeant Wolf, Marion. I think he is coming here." Miss Sanford started up, wiped her eyes and half turned her back, as a young soldier in the undress uni form of" a cavalry sergeant entered the gateway, and, halting at the foot of the steps, respectfully raised hand to his cap, and stood there as though addressing an officer. " Pardon me, madame," he asked, with a distinctly German accent, but with the intonation of a gentleman on every syllable. " The captain has not yet returned ?" " Not yet, sergeant ; I expect him on the eight-thirty train." " It is about Corporal Stein, madame ; he has over stayed his pass." " I presume Mr. "Waring should be told. Have you seen him ?" " Madame, the lieutenant is neither at his quarters nor the mess." " Then there is nothing further to be done that I know of," said Mrs. Truscott, whose girlhood had been passed 52 MARIONS FAITH. in garrison at times, and whose earliest recollections were of papa's dragoons. " I will tell the captain as soon as he returns." And she stepped backward to wards the chairs. The sergeant paused one moment. He was tall, lithe, of graceful and muscular mould ; his face was of the singular Saxon cast, so very fair ; his eyes were blue and clear, his nose and mouth finely shaped ; his teeth were white and even, his hair crisp and curly, and the very color of bleached straw, but redeemed from that dead, soda-dried effect by the sheen of every lock ; his face was oval ; clean-shaved but for the upper lip, whose long, blond moustache twirled trooper- fashion till the ends almost swept his ears. He was a handsome fellow, and his manners and language be spoke him a man of education. After the moment's hesitation, he again touched his cap and quitted the little garden, walking with quick, brisk steps and erect carriage away towards the upper end of the row. Mrs. Truscott stood silently looking after him a moment, then she turned : " Did you notice his hands, Marion ?" " Certainly ; I did the first time I saw him, and he is always here. You say Wolf is an assumed name ?" " Yes. Jack says there can be no question but that he is an educated German officer who has had to quit the service there for some crime or trouble. He came here just when I did, last December ; and Jack says he is the finest first sergeant he ever saw, though I believe the men don't fancy him. He speaks French as well as he does English, and there is apparently nothing he does not know about cavalry service." HEROINES. 53 " And how did he happen to be in the army ?" " I do not know ; there was nothing else for him to do, I suppose. The old first sergeant of the cavalry detachment here was discharged last fall, and when a new one was needed, and there seemed to be no really good one in the troop, Jack wrote to a recruiting officer in the city to send him a first-class man. One day he got a letter saying that a young German desired to en list for cavalry service who was evidently a thorough soldier, and that there was some mystery about him. He was dressed like a gentleman, but had not a cent of money, and claimed to have arrived only within three days from the old country. Next day the man himself came here. Jack had told me nothing about the letter. The servant said there was a gentleman in the parlor wanted to see the captain. Jack was away at the riding-hall, and I went into the parlor, and there stood this tall, fine-looking fellow. I thought, of course, he must be some officer on leave, some one whom Jack knew. It was a little dark, one of those rainy December days, and he had his back to the light, but the moment he spoke and I heard the German accent I saw there was a mistake. He seemed greatly embarrassed, said he had been told he would find the captain here, apologized for the intrusion, and started for the door, when I saw his face was as white as a sheet and that he was staggering, and the next thing I knew he had dropped like a fainting woman in the big arm-chair. Something told me he was weak from want of food. I called Mary, and got some wine and made him drink it, and pretty soon he revived, and then Jack came, and I left them together. He 5* 54 MARION'S FAITH. said that he had eaten uothing for three days and was exhausted. " Well, Jack questioned him closely that evening after he had made him rest and had fed him well, poor fel low ! and the result was that in a day or two he regu larly enlisted. Jack really tried to induce him not to, telling him that a man of his education would surely find something better, but it was useless. He said that if he could not enlist here he would go back to New York and enter for service on the frontier, so, finally, it was settled. He was made a corporal in a few weeks, and now he is first sergeant. He is invaluable in that respect ; still, I do wish there were no mystery. I hate mysteries. He is never seen with the men at all, and when not on duty he is always reading. Jack lends him books that no other soldier cares to look at and that they do not have in the troop library. That is what brings him here so often. He comes every day or two with a book he has read and wants another ; but his name isn't Wolf. Somewhere, he has a seal ring with a crest on it, and last month there had been some trouble among the men, and two hard characters had laid in wait for the sergeant one dark night near the stables and assaulted him, but he was too quick and powerful for them, though they escaped last month he brought Jack a sealed packet which he asked him to keep, and if any thing happened to him it was to be returned to an ad dress he gave in Dresden. It's really quite a romance, but I wish " And Mrs. Truscott broke off abruptly without saying what she did wish. Miss Sanford was silent. She had recovered her eelf-control, and the traces of recent tears were vanish- HEROINES. 55 ing. Once more Mrs. Truscott seated herself by her side. " You will stay with us, won't you ?" she said, with that uninterrogative accent on the "won't" which is indicative of a conviction on part of the questioner that denial is impossible. "Yes, Grace, gladly, if Captain Truscott can win papa over to it. I shall be far happier here, and he will at least have peace at home. She will be satisfied and content if I am not there. How can I thank you enough, Gracie ? I had almost made up my mind to ask Mrs. Zabriskie to take me back to Europe with her. You know she returns on the ' Werra' in July." " Indeed you shall not. I had counted on having you for bridesmaid, and you would not come home. That was the only disappointment in my wedding ; but, after all, since Mr. Kay couldn't come, there would have been a groomsman short if you had been there." " Why didn't he come ? You never told me." " Why ? Poor Mr. Ray ! He wrote one of his laughing letters to Jack to say that he'd be switched if he was going to play hangman at his own execution. You never knew such a queer fellow as he is. The real reason was that he could not afford to come East from Kansas and give us a wedding present too. Jack and I would have far rather had him drop the present, but could not see how to tell him. He sent us that lovely ice-cream set, you know, one of the prettiest of all my presents. Everybody thought 'Ray must have been studying up oil art, it was so graceful and pretty. Mr. Gleason, I believe it was, said that Ray wrote to Colo- 56 MARION'S FAITH. nel Thayer of the lieutenant-general's staff and had him buy it : he was in Chicago when we were married, you know that was Grandmother De Ruyter's stipulation, and that Colonel Thayer, not Ray, was entitled to the credit for taste ; but Jack says that there is far more to Ray than most people give him credit for. He's a loyal friend anyway !" " What was the name of that droll creature who was here last April, Drake ? Blake ?" " Mr. Blake ? Oh, yes ! He is one of the characters of the regiment. He is the book of nonsense on two very long legs, but he is full of fun and full of good ness. He is not at all Mr. Ray's kind, however. Jack says that Mr. Ray is the man of all others whom he would most expect to come to the front in a general war, and that nothing could shake his faith in him. Ray could never do or say a dishonorable thing." " And wasn't it Mr. Ray who saved you when your horse was running away ?" " The very man. You glory so in daring horseman ship, Marion, I just wish you could see Ray ride. Jack is splendid, of course, but he is so much larger, heavier, you know. Ray rides as lightly as a bird flies ; he seems just part of a horse, as indeed Jack does, but then there's this difference : Mr. Ray rides over hurdles and ditches and prairie-dog holes and up and down hill just like an Indian, and the wonder is he isn't killed. Jack is a fine horseman, nobody looks better in the saddle than he, but then Jack rarely rides at top speed, never, unless "there's some reason for it. " See, Marion, it's almost dark. Shall we go in the parlor and light the lamps ?" HEROINES. 57 " Grace, wasn't Mr. Ray just a little bit in love with you once ?" " Honestly, Marion, no ! I know he admired me, and I liked him, and had reason to like him greatly, for he was a true friend to me when I wanted one at Sandy. Once he was a wee bit sentimental," and even in the dusk Grace could feel that Marion saw the flush that mounted to her very brows, " but that was when I fainted after the runaway ; never before, never since. Don't talk nonsense, Maidie." " I think I should like to know him," said Miss Sanford, as she rose to enter the hall. "I know you would. Only well, you might not like him entirely, either. Jack should be here in less than half an hour now, then we'll have tea. Oh, Marion ! I'm so glad you will stay, so will he be." On the parlor-table, as they entered, lay two letters. Turning up the gas, Mrs. Truscott scanned the super scriptions. Both were addressed to her husband. One was postmarked Fort Hays. " This is the one Jack will open first," she said to her friend. " I don't know whom the other comes from, but this is news from the regiment. It is Mr. Billings's writing, and Jack is always eager for news from him." " Mr. Ferris asked me this evening, while we were walking, if Captain Truscott had any news from his regiment. He seemed unusually interested. I could not tell why, but it was something about General Crook being heavily reinforced by troops from somewhere. They were talking of it down at the mess to-day, and Mr. Waring said that if his regiment were ordered on 58 MARION'S FAITH. that duty, he would apply by telegraph to Washington for orders to join it at once. There was some embar rassment then, because one of the gentlemen present Mr. Ferris wouldn't say who belonged to a regiment already there on that very campaign, and he had not applied for orders at all, and wasn't going to, and Why, Grace ! What is the matter ?" With her face rapidly paling Grace Truscott had stood gazing piteously at her companion, and then, seizing the letter in her trembling hands, she stood glaring at the address. For a moment she made no reply, and again Miss Sanford, alarmed, repeated her question. " Marion ! Marion ! It means that I know now why Jack did not show me Major Stannard's last letter. It means that this letter from the adjutant is to tell Jack that the th is ordered < into the field. It means it means" and she threw herself prone upon the sofa, clinching her hands above her head " it means that my dream of delight is shattered ; they will take my husband from me." " But how but why, Grace ? I don't understand. Mr. Ferris said distinctly that Captain Truscott would not be affected, that he had just begun his detail here. If an officer doesn't have to go when his regiment is already in the field, how can your husband be re quired ?" " Hy husband ! Marion. You don't know him, neither does Mr. Ferris, if that's his idea. My hus band would never wait to be ordered to join his com rades on campaign. If that letter says the th is to go, that ends it all, for Jack will start to-morrow." IMPENDING SHADOWS. 59 CHAPTER IV. IMPENDING SHADOWS. WHEN Captain Truscott drove up from the ferry and sprang from the carriage at his gate, a cheerful light beamed from the open door and windows of his home, and Grace, all loving greeting, met him on the piazza. He could not but note the warmth of her em brace and welcome ; but Jack had been in town since early morning, and never before since their marriage had they been separated a single day. In the dim twi light on the piazza he could not see what was apparent as soon as they entered the parlor, that his young wife's face was unusually pale and her lovely eyes showed suspicious trace of tears ; but he could only glance an anxious inquiry, there was then no time for more, as Miss Sanford stood smilingly at the centre-table. Truscott stepped forward with his old-fashioned courtesy and bowed over her extended hand. A few words of pleasant welcome and greeting were exchanged, a few inquiries as to whom he had seen in New York and what had been the result of his various commis sions. Then as the dining-room door was opened and the maid announced that tea was served, Truscott looked inquiringly at the table. " Any mail, Gracie ?" " Oh, yes, Jack. I put them under Carlyle ; two letters." 60 MARION'S FAITH. The captain merely glanced at the superscription of the first letter, but when the second caught his eye, he shot one quick look at his wife, their eyes met, and leaving the first letter upon the table, he stowed the heavier missive in the breast-pocket of the civilian suit he was wearing, led the way to the dining-room door, and there smilingly bowed the ladies to the brightly- lighted table, and demanded of Miss Sanford an imme diate and detailed account of the day's conquests. Not until near midnight could Grace see her husband alone. It was "band night," and long before they had finished tea rich strains of music came floating in from the parade, and, as is always the case, visitors began to arrive. Several ladies and officers dropped in during the evening ; they sat on the piazza enjoying the sere nade until the shrill piping of the fifes and rattle of the drums sounding tattoo sent the musicians off to bed and numerous pairs of white trousers scurrying towards the cadet barracks. They watched the simultaneous " dousing of the glim" in the long fa9ade as the clock struck ten and the three taps of the drum ordered " lights out." Then they entered the parlor and Grace had to sing. For the last year she had gloried in sing ing, her voice seemed so rich with melody, her heart so rich with joy. To-night all the strange old feeling came back. It made her think of those wretched days at Sandy, when with Jack thousands of miles away, perhaps never to see or speak to her again, she had to sing because her father loved it so. She was a soldier's daughter, a soldier's wife, and she rallied all her strength and pride and strove to be blithe and animated and IMPENDING SHADOWS. 61 entertaining. From her first appearance Mrs. Truscott had been a favorite in that somewhat exacting garrison, perhaps the hardest one in the army in which to achieve popularity, because of the various cliques and interests ; and now that that very interesting Miss Sanford was with her, their pretty home on the plain was always a rendezvous for the socially disposed. And so it hap pened that all the long evening neither she nor Jack could obtain release from their duties as entertainers. Eleven o'clock came before the last of the ladies de parted, and then Mr. Ferris lingered for a tdte-d,-tete with Miss Sanford, and poor Grace found herself com pelled to sit and talk with Mr. Barnard, who was a musical devotee and afflicted with a conviction that they ought to sing duets, and Mrs. Truscott could not be in duced to sing duets with any man, unless Jack would try. She knew that he had gone to the little library where he kept his favorite books and did his writing. She heard the door close after him, and, with unutterable longing, she desired to go and throw herself upon her favorite perch, his knee, and twine her arms around his neck and bury her head upon his broad shoulder. She could think of nothing but that fateful letter from Hays. She wished that it might be Mr. Waring who had come in, for he was in the cavalry and would know something of what really was going on out on the fron tier. She was feverishly anxious to learn the truth, and twice directed the talk that way, but Mr. Barnard was obtuse. He only vaguely knew from remarks he had heard at mess that General Crook had called for rein forcements, and that Sheridan was ordering up cavalry 6 62 MARION'S FAITH. and infantry to his support. He did not know what cavalry, in fact, he did not care, he was in the artil lery, and, forgetful of Modoc experiences, believed that Indian fighting was an abnormal species of warfare of which men of his advanced education were not expected to take cognizance. That it ever could call for more science, skill, and pluck than the so-called civilized wars of which Mr. Barnard was a conscientious student he would probably never have admitted, and his comment at mess on the frequently-recurring tales of unsuccessful attack upon savage foes was the comprehensive remark that the affair must have been badly handled ; " those fellows of the cavalry didn't seem to understand the nature of the work they had to tackle." As those were the days before a cavalry superintendent went to the Academy and showed an astonished academic board what a cavalryman's idea of scholarship and discipline really was, it followed that the corps of instructors was made up almost entirely from the more scientific arms ; only two or three cavalrymen were on the detail of forty officers, and they were mainly for duty as instructors in tactics and horsemanship. So when Mr. Barnard dream ily blew the smoke of his cigarette through his elevated nostrils and gave it as his opinion that those cavalry fellows didn't seem to understand their work, his audi ence, consisting mainly of staff and artillery officers, gave the acquiescence of silence or the nod of wisdom ; and the casual visitor would have left with the impres sion that the whole mistake of this Indian business lay in failure to consult the brilliantly-trained intellects of the higher corps. Odd as it may seem, it is the men who have had the least to do with Indians and Indian IMPENDING SHADOWS. 63 fighting who have apparently the most ideas on the sub ject. This is not a paradox. Those who have spent several years at it probably started in with just as many, and exploded them one after another. Mr. Barnard, therefore, was more intent on humming the tenor part of " See the Pale Moon" than of afford ing Mrs. Truscott any information as to rumors of the orders sending additional troops to the field, but her anxiety was only slightly appeased by his airy dismissal of the subject. " Indeed, Mrs. Truscott, I would not feel any concern in the matter; with the forces now concentrated up there in the Yellowstone country, the result is a fore gone conclusion. The Indians will simply be sur rounded and starved into surrender." At last they went. Mr. Ferris with evident reluc tance and not until he had plainly received intimation from Miss Sanford that it was more than time. Knowing Mrs. Truscott well, she could see what was imperceptible to their visitors, that the strain was be coming almost unbearable. The moment they were gone she turned to her friend. "I must write a short letter before going to bed, Grace dear. Now go to him at once;" then impul sively she threw her arms around her. " I shall pray it is not true," she murmured, then turned and ran quickly to her room. Mrs. Truscott closed and bolted the front door, turned out the parlor lights, and stepped quickly to the library ; then she paused a moment before turning the knob : her heart was beating heavily, her hands trembling. She strove hard to control the weakness (54 MARION'S FAITH. which had seized her, and, for support, rested her head upon the casement and took two or three long breaths ; then with a murmured prayer for strength she gently opened the door, and the soft swish of her trailing skirts announced her presence. His back was towards her as she entered ; he was seated in a low-backed library-chair, with both elbows upon the writing-table before him, and resting his head upon the left hand in an attitude that was habitual with him when seated there thinking. Before him, opened, lay a long letter, the adjutant's letter from Hays. A pen was in his hand, but not a scratch had he made on the virgin surface of the paper. Truscott never so much as wrote the date until he had fully made up his mind what the entire letter should be, and he had far from made up his mind what to say in this. Without a word Mrs. Truscott stole quietly up be hind him. He had been expecting her any moment ; he knew well she would come the instant her visitors left her free; he was listening, waiting for her step, and had heard Miss Sanford trip lightly up-stairs. Then came the soft, quick pitapat of her tiny feet along the hall and the frou-frou of the skirts, never yet could he hear it without a little thrill of passionate delight. He half turned in readiness to welcome her, his love, his wife ; then came her pause at the door, a new, an unknown hesitancy, for from the first he had taught her that she alone could never be unwelcome, undesired, no matter what his occupation in the sanctum, and Jack's heart stood still while hers was throbbing heavily. Could she have heard? Could she have suspected? Must he tell her to-night? He turned IMPENDING SHADOWS. (55 again to the desk as she entered, and waited for some thing he loved more than he could ever tell, her own greeting. Often when he was reading or writing during the day, and she, on household cares intent, was tripping lightly about the house, singing sweetly, softly as she passed the library, and bursting into carolling melody when at undisturbing distance away, it was odd to note the many little items that required her frequent incur sions on the sanctum itself, books to be straightened and dusted, scraps of writing-paper to be tidied up, maps to be rolled and tied. Mollie, the housemaid, could sweep or tend the fires in that domestic centre, the cap tain's den, but none but the young housewife herself presumed to touch a pen or dust a tome. Jack's morn ings were mainly taken up at the barracks, riding-hall, or in mounted drill far out on the cavalry plain, whence his ringing baritone voice could reach her admiring earb and for it was only honeymoon with her still set her to wondering if it really were possible that that splen did fellow were her own, her very own ; and time and again Mrs. Grace would find herself stopping short in her avocation and going to the front windows and gaz ing with all her lovely brown eyes over to the whirling dust-cloud on the eastern plain and revelling in the power and ring of Jack's commanding voice, and going off into day-dreams. Was it possible that there had been a great, a fearful war, in which the whole country was threatened with ruin, and hundreds of men had made wonderful names for themselves, and Jack not one of them, Jack, her hero, her soldier beyond compare? Could it be that the war was fought and won without e 6* 66 MARION'S FAITH. him ? But then, who could be braver in action, wiser in council, than he ? Did not the th worship him to a man? Was not Indian fighting the most trying, hazardous, terrible of all warfares, and was not Jack pre-eminent as an Indian-fighter? Was there not a deep scar on his breast that would have been deeper and redder but for her little filmy handkerchief that stopped the cruel arrow just in time? Was any one so gallant, so noble, so gentle, so tender, true, faithful, um-rn-m, sweet? was the way Mrs. Grace's intensified thoughts would have found expression, had she dared, even to herself, to give them utterance? And he loved her! he loved her ! and heavens and earth ! but this isn't practising, or housework either; and pretty, happy, blushing Mrs. Truscott would shake herself together, so to speak, and try to get back to the programme of daily duty she had so conscientiously mapped out for herself. Perhaps it was because she accomplished so little in the mornings that, when Jack betook himself to his study for his two hours of reading or writing in the afternoon, his witching wife would find such frequent need of entering. At first she had been accustomed to trip in on tiptoe after a timid little knock and the query, " Do I disturb you, Jack dear ?" a query which he answered with quite superfluous assurance to the con trary. Later, even after their wise conclusion that they must be rational, she had been accustomed to put the question, not at all as a purely perfunctory marital civility, but, as she shyly admitted to herself, because it was so sweet to hear Jack's negation and see the love- light in the eyes that soon brought her, fascinated and fluttering, to be folded in his arms a moment. Later IMPENDING SHADOWS. 67 still, so confident had she become in her dominion, both knock and query were abandoned, and, unless only five minutes or so had elapsed since the previous visit, she had a pretty little way of greeting him that, though very gradually acquired despite surging impulse, was at last quite a settled fact, and he loved it, well, he would have been an unappreciative, undeserving brute had he not. She would steal behind him, lean over the back of the chair (Jack refused to exchange it for the high-backed one suggested by Mrs. Pelham on the oc casion of a brief visit paid them in March), and, twin ing her arms around his neck, would draw back his head till it rested on her bosom, then sink her soft, sweet lips upon his forehead. It was this he waited for to-night, and not in vain. Another minute and he had drawn her around and seated her on his knee, folding her closely in his arms. But soon she gently released herself, slipped to the little ottoman that stood always ready by his chair, and, clasping her hands upon his knee, looked bravely up in his face. No need to speak one word, no need to break it to her ; he saw she well divined that news, and hard news, had come from the frontier, news which meant more to her than to any woman at West Point. " Shall I read it, Gracie ?" he presently asked, gently stroking the shining, shimmering wealth of her hair, her glory and his. She bowed lower her head and clasped tightly her hands. " One word first, Jack. Does the th go ?" " Yes, darling." She shivered as though a sudden chill had seized her, but spoke no word. Truscott bent and strove to 68 MARION'S FAITH. draw her again to his breast, but she roused herself with gallant effort, threw back her head and again looked bravely up in his eyes. " No ; I'll bear it best here, Jack. I won't Read it, dear." "My brave girlie!" was all he said, as his eyes moistened suspiciously and his hand lingered in its caress upon her soft cheek. " Tt's from Billings, you know." " Yes, Jack ; go on." And then he read to her : " FOKT HAYS, KANSAS, June 6, '76. "DEAR TRUSCOTT, Stannard showed me your letter and bade me answer it. There was no time for him to do it, and I myself am writing on the jump.' You sized up the situation about as com prehensively as Crook himself could have done it, and your predictions have come true. Eight troops of the regiment left night before last by rail for Cheyenne via Denver, and by this time headquarters and most of the th are tenting somewhere near Fort Russell, where we are all to take station and wait further developments. The band follows as fast as we can pack up plunder and be off. It means, of course, a permanent transfer of the regiment to the Department of the Platte, and from the mere fact that the colonel and eight companies were hurried ahead, there can be no question but that we are des tined to take part in the campaign against Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, etc., and for myself, I'm glad of it. IMPENDING SHADOWS. 69 " But I'm glad you weren't here, Jack. There was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth among the women-folks, and some two or three Benedicts looked bluer than brimstone. You know they had counted on a peaceful summer and a good time, and it's par ticularly rough on those who had fitted up their quarters so handsomely and had young ladies to visit them, like the Raymonds and others. Most of them have to break up and go East, but as six troops are to take permanent station at Russell, yours among them, those who are ordered there will simply move from Hays to Russell with us, as the officers can choose quarters on the way up ; for up we are going, and I'll bet a farm we water our horses in the Yellowstone before we see Russell a second time. As soon as packed I shall move all baggage to Russell, public and per sonal, escort the ladies thither and see them comfortably settled in their new quarters. Mrs. Stannard, Mrs. Turner, and Mrs. Wilkins (of course) go to Russell with us. Old Whaling of the Infantry is to remain in command there until the campaign is over, as it will be the main supply depot. His wife is an enliven ing Christian, a sort of Mrs. Gummidge and Mrs. Malaprop rolled into one, but, barring a sensational tendency and a love for theatricals in every-day life, there is nothing dangerous about her. I'm glad my own wife will be able to remain with the home people, for Mrs. Whaling would scare the life out of her with her tales of fearful adventure in the Indian country, and I don't quite like the idea of our ladies being subjected to her ministrations during the separation. However, Mrs. Stannard will be there, and she's a 70 MARION'S FAITH. balance-wheel. Bless that woman ! What would we do without her ? "Now, Jack, a word from Stannard himself. He said to write you fully, that nothing might be concealed. Stryker's letter is straight to the point. It is going to be the biggest Indian war the country has ever seen, and one in which there must be hard fighting. Armed, equipped, and supplied and mounted as those Sioux and Cheyennes are, it will take our best to thrash them. Stannard says that you must be influenced in your action by no misrepresentation one way or- other. No man in the regiment can say in his presence or mine that you have not done your full share of In dian work, and no gentleman in the regiment will blame you should you see fit to stick to the Point and let the rest of us tackle Mr. Lo. You are the only newly-married man in the crowd. On the other hand, your troop is commanded in your absence by Gleason, whom well, you know him better than I ; and in his absence by young Wells, who is to take his first lesson in campaigning this summer. Just as luck would have it, Gleason and Ray were ordered to Leavenworth on a horse board, and were not here to go with the command. Ray heard of the move and telegraphed, begging Stan nard to get him relieved and sent at once to the regi ment, but the board was ordered at division head quarters and 'twas no use. Ray will have to stay until the horses are all bought ; and I'm bound to say he did his best to get back. For some reason, which I could better explain if I didn't have to write, Ray and I don't seem to ' gee.' He has been offish to me ever since our first meeting here, and was one of the men IMPENDING SHADOWS. 1\ hose failure 'to congratulate me on the adjutancy I It. Then I heard of some unjustifiable though, per- ips, natural things he said. However, let that slide. wish you were adjutant again, that's all. Very prob- )ly the others do too. The colonel telegraphed to all ficers on leave, and every blessed one responded inside ? twenty-four hours, ' Coming first train, you bet/ or ords to that effect. It makes one proud of the old -th. Gleason hasn't chirped, but then he is sonie- here in central Iowa buying. They say Ray's rother-in-law is one of the largest horse-dealers, and tannard clamps his mug and looks ugly when it is )oken of. He knows something about him, and was good deal stampeded when he heard Ray was being ined and dined by him at Kansas City. But, be it nderstood, I don't think Ray has any suspicion of tannard's objection to the man. And now, Jack, I'll ind up this rigmarole. It is long after taps, and the len are still at work packing. I've been interrupted me and again, and this is all incoherency. If you ecide to join, let it not be said for an instant that the lintest urging came from us. Address your next to lussell. The colonel forbade my telegraphing you lest fc might sound- like a hint. My compliments to Mrs. ?ruscott, and tell her I saw her old friend Ranger off or the wars two nights ago ; likewise that young imp >f the devil, the Kid. Tanner's old troop isn't what t was in his day. " Yours always faithfully, " BILLIXGS." Long before he had finished reading she had bowed 72 MARION'S FAITH. her head upon her hands, but there came no sound. At last he laid the letter down, and then bent over her. " Grace, darling !" Slowly she lifted her eyes and looked up in his face. All the light, all the joy and gladness had fled. Her lips moved as though to question, but a hard, dry lump seemed to have formed in her throat; she could not speak. His strong hands trembled as they gently raised her from the lowly attitude in which she had been crouching at his knee. He would have drawn her to his breast again, but she put her little hands upon his shoulder and held herself back. Twice she essayed to speak before the words came, "Jack, God knows I have tried to be ready for this. But is there no way ? I never thought to stand between you and your duty your honor. I would not I would not now if I were all. Oh, Jack, my husband, there there is another reason." CHAPTER Y. MAEION SANFOED. As a school-girl Marion Sanford started by being un popular. On first acquaintance there were very few girls in Madame Reichard's excellent establishment who did not decide that she was cold and unsympathetic. Cour teous, well-bred, self-possessed, she was to a fault, but unpardonable sin in school-girl eyes she shrank from those dear and delicious intimacies, those mushroom MARION SANFORD. 73 friendships of our tender years, that are as explosive as fire-crackers and as evanescent as the smoke thereof. The volumes of satire that have been written on the subject have exhausted the field and rendered new ideas out of the question, but they have in no wise dimin ished the impetuosity with which such friendships are daily, hourly entered into, and they never will. Ours is a tale which has little that is new and less that is di dactic. Army life and army loves differ, after all, but little from those which one sees in every community. Human nature is the same the world over, despite our different tenets and traditions. Boys are as full of mis chief and sure to get into scrapes as in the days of Eli jah and the bears. Girls have had their sweet secrets and desperate intimacies with one another since long before Elijah was heard of. Nothing one can say is apt to put a stop to what the Almighty set in motion. Let us not rail at what we cannot correct, but make the best of it. Let us accept the truth. School-girls meet, take desperate and sudden fancies, swear eternal friend ships, have eternal tiffs and squabbles, kiss and make up, fall out again, and as they grow in grace and wis dom they keep up the system, simply taking a new ob ject every few months. It is one of their weaknesses by divine right, over which common sense has no more control than it has over most of ours. But Marion Sanford had no such weakness. Being destitute of the longing for intimate and confidential intercourse with some equally romantic sister, she was spared the concomitant heartburnings, recriminations, and enmities. She passed her first year at the school without an intimate friend. She left it without an 74 MARION'S FAITH. enemy. Hers was not the most brilliant mind in the class. She was not the valedictorian of the school on that eventful day when, " Sweet girl-graduates with their shining hair," they listened in tears and white muslin to Madame's parting injunctions; but her last two years at the old pension had been very precious to her. Grace Pelham was her room-mate, and Grace Pelham's loving arms had opened to her when, motherless and heart-broken, Marion Sanford had returned from the second year's summer vacation. Between the two girls there had gradually grown a deep and faithful friendship, born of mutual respect and esteem. It would be saying too much to assert that at first there had been no differences. Four years at one school give opportunities which are illimitable, but the present writer knew neither of them in the bread-and-butter period, and was properly re proved by the one and snubbed by the other when, in the supposed superiority of his years and co-extensive views on the frangibility of feminine friendship, he had sought to raise the veil .of the past and peer into the archives of those school-days. Partly from school mates and partly from observation the author formed his opinion of what Marion Sanford had been as an undergraduate. What she became the candid reader must judge for self. For a woman she was reticent to a marked degree in discussing the faults and foibles of others. She was slow to anger, loath to believe ill of a man or woman, truth-loving, sincere, and simple-hearted. She had not MARION SANFORD. 75 been the most studious girl at school. Deep down in her heart of hearts she had a vein of romance that made the heroes of fiction the idols of a vivid imagination. Wilfrid of Ivanhoe, Sir Galahad, Launcelot, William Wallace, Bayard, Philip Sidney, were men whom she fondly believed to have existed in other shapes and names time and again, and yet she was staggered in her faith because the annals of our matter-of-fact days told no such tales as those she loved of knighthood and chivalry. Once once she had found a modern hero. Heaven only knows to what a wild worship would not that brief dream have expanded had she not seen him. He was the elder brother of one of her friends at school, a navy officer, a man who when his ship was cut down by a blundering Briton, and sent to the bottom with over a hundred gallant hearts high-beating because " home ward bound," he, the young ensign, gave his whole strength, his last conscious minute to getting the help less into the lowered boats, and was the last man in the " sick-bay" before the stricken ship took her final plunge, carrying him into the vortex with a fevered boy in his strong young arms. Both were unconscious when hauled into safety, and that ensign, said Marion, was the man she would marry. She was less than sixteen and had never seen him. The nearest approach to a desperate intimacy she ever had was with that fellow's sister : a girl of hitherto faint attractions. At last the ensign came to the school, such a day of excitement ! and as a great, a very great concession, Madame had permitted that he should be allowed in her presence to speak with his sister's most intimate friends. She was threatened with popularity for the time being, and Marion was pre- 76 MAJRIOWS FAITH. sented. The hero of her four months' dream was a stoutly-built youth of twenty-five, with florid complex ion and hair, and a manner so painfully shy and em barrassed that additional color was lent to his sun- blistered features. He had faced death without a tremor and, in the most matter-of-fact way in the world, had saved three lives at the imminent risk of his own, but he could not face these wide-eyed, worshipping school girls, and was manifestly ill at ease in a very unbecom ing civilian suit. Still, he wriggled through the inter view and made his escape, leaving only a modified sensation behind. The fatal coup occurred next day when, as prearranged, he came to say farewell. This time Jack Tar had braced for the occasion, and was unexpectedly hilarious and demonstrative. In bidding good-by to his sister he had effusively embraced her, then turned suddenly upon Marion, and before she could dream of what was coming, had caught her in his arms and imprinted upon her fresh young lips a bacchanalian salute that left thereon a mingled essence of Angostura bitters, cloves, and tobacco, and drove her in dismay and confusion from the room to seek her own in a pas sion of angry tears and disenchantment. Never before in her life had she known such an affront. Never for long afterwards did she worship modern heroes. But while she sought no intimacies, as a school-girl her friendship and affection for Grace Pelham strengthened with every week of their association . Their 1 ast two years at school were spent as room-mates, and then Marion had gone almost immediately abroad. Some hint has been conveyed to the reader of a domestic unpleasantness in the Sanford homestead. Sanford paterfamilias was a MARION SANFORD. 77 successful business man of large means and small sen sibilities. His first wife, Marion's mother, was a New York beauty, a sweet, sensitive, refined, and delicate girl ; in fine, " a sacrifice at the altar of Mammon." She married Mr. Sanford when she was eighteen and he thirty-eight, and she married him because the family necessities were such that she could not help herself. Marion was their first child, the darling of a young mother's heart, and later, the pride of a fond father's. Yet, before that daughter was eighteen she was called upon to welcome in the place of her idolized mother who had died after some years of patient suffering the children's governess. It marred all joys of gradu ation, so far as Miss Sanford was concerned. She had gone home in obedience to her conviction of filial duty, and had striven to make her little sister and her brother believe that thejiew mamma was all that she should be. She had been conscientiously earnest in her effort to like in her new rdle the ex-governess, whom she had found it impossible to believe in before. The effort was a failure, due quite as much to the jealous and suspicious nature of the lady of the house as to Miss Sanford's unconquerable prejudice. Pretences for rup ture were easily found ; the rupture came ; Mrs. San ford did all the talking, Miss Sanford said nothing. When her father came home from the city he found his new wife in tears and his daughter fled. The Frenchman who wrote les absents ont toujours tort was undoubtedly thinking of the field as left in possession of a woman, and that Mrs. Sanford's recital of the trouble was a finished calumny at Marion's expense we are spared the necessity of asserting. In her few words 7* 78 MARION'S FAITH. written to. her father that day, Miss Sanford simply said that she was going to pay a brief visit to the Zabriskies ; but in less than a fortnight, with his full consent and a liberal allowance, she went with them abroad. That his experiences in his new marital rela tions were not blissful we may conjecture from the fact that he soon found reason to believe that he couldn't believe Mrs. Sanford. Unbelief grew to conviction and developed into profound distrust. Still, as she not infrequently had to remind him, she was his lawfully wedded wife, and held the fort. He aged rapidly, and his struggles for the mastery were futile. She was young, active, healthy, and wise as the serpent. He mourned for his absent daughter, and when, yielding to her own yearnings, she returned to America in the spring of the Centennial year, he sent for her to come to him. She went, and remained as long as she could, but in leaving, she told him, with eyes that filled and lips that quivered but never shrank, that it was her last visit so long as her step-mother remained beneath the roof, and he broke down and sobbed like a little child, but sought not to dissuade her. " Her mother's fortune," said the 'Mrs. Grundys of Fort Hays, was now her own ; but her mother had no fortune, and if she had, it would have been shared by the two other children. In the old days her father had laughingly bought and set aside for Marion's own ac count some government bonds and some railway stocks ; the latter at time of purchase being practically drugs on the market. In fifteen years they were at a heavy premium. When it came to parting, he had placed these bonds with all their undipped coupons to her MARION SANFORD. 79 credit at his banker's, and she was mistress of a little fortune it seemed to her, which, added to the liberal allowance he insisted on keeping up, gave her far more than she could ever spend on herself even were her tastes extravagant. She dressed richly ; she would have nothing that was not of the best, but she was never wasteful. It had been her habit to keep accurate account of her expendi ture, and to send her father a quarterly balance-sheet that was a delight to his pragmatical eyes. He would have doubled her allowance her last two years at school, but she would not agree to it. She was in deep mourn ing and in sore distress, and money was the one thing she had no use for. All the same he paid it to her ac count, as he termed it, and in due time the money be came her own. She had loved him dearly despite his rough exterior and what she thought his lack of ap preciation of her gentle mother. But when he married the governess before that second winter's snow had mantled the hallowed grave, her soul rebelled in indig nation and dismay. For a year her heart had held out against him, and softened only when she saw that he was breaking under the self-imposed burden, a shrew ish second wife. However, Mrs. San ford "held the fort," as has been said, and Marion, high-spirited, sen - sitive, refined, and loving, was entering on her twentieth year without a home. Was she pretty ? Yes. More than pretty, said those who knew her best. She was simply lovely. But alas for those to whom disappointment is sure to come, she was a decided blonde. A fairer, lovelier, whiter skin than Marion Sanford's 80 MARIONS FAITH. was rarely seen; her complexion was wellnigh fault less, her eyes were large, clear, full of thought and truth and expression, and in tint a deep, deep blue, shaded, like Grace Truscott's, with curling lashes, not so long, but thick and sweeping ; her hair was too dark, perhaps, for the purity of her blond complexion. It was a shining, wavy brown, very soft, thick, and lux uriant. She would be far more striking, said her commentators, had she real blond hair, but those who grew to know her well soon lost sight of the defect. Her mouth was a trifle large, but her teeth were perfect, and the lips so soft, so sweetly curved, that one readily forgave the deviation from the strict rule of facial unity when watching her frequent smiles. In stature she was perhaps below, as Grace was above, the medium height of womanhood, but her figure was exquisite. Her neck and arms were a soft and creamy white, and the perfection of roundness and grace. " She must lace fearfully," was the invariable comment of the sisterhood on first acquaintance. In truth, she did not lace at all. It was a fault beyond her control, but her waist was perhaps too small. Her hands and feet were not like Grace's, long and slender. They were tiny, but her hand was plump and white and might be com pressible. It was undeniably pretty, and her foot was always so stylishly shod that its shape was outlined most attractively. But what would have made Marion Sanford at tractive had she been simply plain instead of pretty, was her manner. Cold and unsympathetic had been the original school-girl verdict pronounced because of her distaste for imparting confidences. This was MARION SANFORD. gl amended in her second year, abandoned in her third, and would have been attacked, if asserted, in her fourth. Over no girl's departure was there such frantic lamentation among the younger scholars as over Marion's. They had learned to love her. To all who were her elders there was gentle deference, to her equals and associates a frank and cordial bearing without degeneration into " confidences." To younger girls and to children Marion Sanford was an angel, the sweetest, the gentlest, the kindest, the most winning girl that lived. No matter who was with her, no matter what her occupation, for them she had ever smiles and sunshiny greeting. It was to her the younger girls soon learned to go in homesickness or troubles, sure of welcome to her arms and comfort in her sympathy ; it was to her that the wee toddlers were never afraid to run for " sweeties," or refuge from pursuing nurse-maids; it was to her that girls of younger sets, accustomed to being snubbed and put down by those two years older, would yield the out spoken homage of loyal subjects. She was Queen Marion to the youngsters of the school, brave, wise, and, oh ! so generous ; while to the chosen few in the class, who knew something of her love for the heroic, she was Maid Marion, but only "Maidie" to one, her loyal and faithful ally, Grace. She was still abroad in the fall of '75 when that quiet wedding took place which she was vainly im plored to attend as first bridesmaid. Three years had elapsed since her mother's death, but her heart was still in mourning. But early in the spring of the Centennial year, after a stormy passage, she was safely 82 MARION'S FAITH. restored to her own land, and the evening after the arrival of their party Captain and Mrs. Truscott were dining with them at the Clarendon. There had been a brief, a very brief call from her father and step mother, and then she accepted Grace's invitation to come to them at the Point. A slight illness of Mr. Sanford's made it necessary to abandon the visit at the time, as she was telegraphed for before she had been forty-eight hours at the Point. The month that fol lowed settled the question as to future relations with Mrs. Sanford. She would meet her father whenever or wherever he wanted except under that roof; on that point she was adamant, and he neither could nor did blame her. And so it resulted that she was once more with Grace and the "Admirable Crichton," as she had been accustomed to allude to him in her letters for the past year ; and up to the moment of his return from the city he was the only hero who had appeared to her eyes in that manufacturing centre where the article is supposed to be turned out at the rate of fifty a year. It never had occurred to her that men so particular about the cut of their uniform trousers, the set of a " blouse," or the nice adjustment of the hair could by any possibility develop heroic qualities, and yet Captain Truscott always looked as though he had stepped out of a band-box. It was late when she went to her room this lovely night in June. It was true that she had one or two letters to write, but they were very brief. She longed to have Grace come to her and tell her the result of her interview with Jack, and she longed to know what that letter would say. Never for an instant had it occurred MARION SANFORD. 83 to her that at a moment's notice a home could be aban doned, a young wife left to mourn, a delightful station left to anybody who wanted the place, and all as an every-day incident of army life. That such things could be expected and demanded in the midst of a mortal struggle for national honor was another mat ter entirely, something to be encountered once in a lifetime, and something to be cherished in family tra dition as grand, patriotic, heroic, and worthy of keeping in remembrance from generation to generation ; but that to do all this merely as a piece of duty because one's particular regiment happened to be setting forth on probably hazardous service, but of a trivial nature as compared with the interests involved in the only war she heard much talked of, why, she never dreamed of such a possibility, and her ideas were no more vague than are those of the general public on precisely the same subject. Twelve o'clock struck from the great bell over at the tower, and still Grace and her husband remained below. It was time high time to go to bed, said Miss Sanford, though still perplexed, anxious, and distressed. Grace would surely come to her as soon as matters were de cided. She stepped to her window to take a good-night look at the moonlit plain. Drawing aside the curtain, she peered through the blinds. Standing in silence at the front gate, leaning on the iron fence and gazing fixedly in the direction of the library window which opened toward the north, there appeared the figure of a man. A moment he stood there motionless, attentive. Then, without a sound, he swung back the gate, and quickly and almost on tipton, it soemed to her, stepped 84 MARION'S FAITH. up the walk, passed through a broad, moonlit space, and was as quickly lost to sight and hearing around the corner of the house. She recognized the form and bearing at a glance. The man was Sergeant "Wolf. CHAPTER VI. AT THE FRONT. RARE indeed is a day in June ! Warmth and frag rance, sunshine and roses, strawberries, straw hats, summer costumes, music and moonlight, soft zephyrs, softer speeches, softest of swains have we left at the Point. Farewells sweet, sad, sentimental some of them have been said. The corps of cadets has gone to the Centennial with thousands of sight-seers from all over the nation. They hardly had dared hope for such an unaccustomed delight. They had not expected to go, but went. The nation flocks to Philadelphia, but out in the Northwest some hundreds of its defenders are flocking in another direction. Come with us and take another look at our old friends of the th. They had expected to go, but didn't. It is a rare, rare day in June, but where are the soft breezes, the sweet fragrance, the blossoms and the bliss of that month of months at the dear old Point ? Rare indeed is the breeze, cloudless the sky, brilliant, beam ing, magnificent, the sunshine, but not a leaf stirs in answering rustle to the wind. Far and near nc patch AT THE FRONT. 85 if shade delights or tempts the eye. Look where you vvill, look for miles and miles over boundless expanse )f rolling upland, of ridge and ravine, of dip and 1 divide/-' of butte and swale, no speck of foliage, no vision is there of even isolated tree. The solid earth oeneath our feet is carpeted with dense little bunches )f buffalo-grass, juicy, life-giving, yet bleaching already }f the faint hues of green that came peeping through :he last snows left in May. Tiny wild flowers purple ohe surface near us, but blend into the colorless effect of the general distance. We stand on a wave of petri fied ocean, tumbling in wild upheaval close at hand; stretching away to the east in a league-long level flat as the barn floor of tradition, and bare as the description. Far to the east the prairie rolls up to the horizon wave after wave till none is seen beyond. Far to the north, bare and treeless, too, the same effect is main tained. Far to the south, across an intervening low land one would call a valley elsewhere, the ground rises against the sky, until its monotonous gray-green meets the gray-blue of the southern heaven ; but west of south, what have we here ? The farthest wave of prairie surges, not against the naked sky, but against a cold gray range, whose peaks and turrets are seamed and sprinkled with glistening snow. Aye, there they stand, the monarchs of the Rockies ; there through the short summer sunshine their lofty crests defy the melting rays and bear their plumage through the very dog-days, to greet and welcome the first, faint, timid snow-flakes of the early fall. There they gleam and glisten, no longer as we saw them from the Kansas plains, dim in the western distance, unapproachable, but close at 8 86 MARION'S FAITH. hand, neighborly, sheltering, for we nestle under their very shoulders. Here, to the west, just behind us, no great day's walk away and seemingly far nearer, in jagged outline against the blue of heaven, are the guardians of the old transcontinental pass. Here, to the west, where you see the rugged spurs jutting out from the range, runs the old trail which the engineers have followed, and carried the Union Pacific to its greatest altitude between the oceans. Far out there among the buttes runs that climbing ridge, yet it seems so close, so neighborly with the foreshortening of that strange scenery, that one cannot realize that in its climb it carries the iron rails still two thousand feet farther aloft. For years we have read of the Rockies, and is this possible ? Do you mean that here, with this ex panse of level prairie before us, we are up among the clouds, so to speak, far up on the very backbone of the continent, and that is why, instead of towering thou sands of feet aloft in air, the great peaks Long's and Halm's and Pike's seem so near us to the south'ard and no higher at all? Aye, call it prairie level if you will, for straight to the east it looks as flat as Illi nois, but we are standing six thousand feet higher in air than the highest steeple in Chicago, and our prairie flat is but the long, long slope of mountain-side that begins in the Black Hills of Wyoming back at Cheyenne Pass and ends at the forks of the Platte down near Julesburg. You say it must be up-hill to that ridge that meets the horizon at the east. -Is it ? Look.over here to our left front, a little to the northeast. See that tiny lake surrounded by low, wooden buildings, and approached AT THE FRONT. 87 by the hard, beaten road from the distant town. A pleasure resort of some kind, judging from the streamers and bright flags about the place. It stands Dn a hill, does it not ? and the hill has risen gradually from the west, but slopes abruptly again to the east and south to the general level. Did you ever see a lake on a hill before ? How does the water get there ? Springs ? No. Mark that slender rivulet that runs from far up the ravine at the southwest ; it crosses the prairie in the Dear distance, and then goes twisting and turning up that apparent slope until it reaches the little lake on the bill. The outlet, you say ? Yes. From here it cer tainly looks so, but step forward a few hundred feet and look at the rivulet, and by all that's marvellous ! the water is running up-hill. So it certainly seems, but the explanation is simple. The prairie is not horizontal by any means. It is a gradual but decided slope to the east, and the top of the little hill two miles away is forty feet lower than the point on which you stand. Then how deceptive is the distance ! Across the level to the southeast lies the bustling frontier city. You wonder to see glistening dome and spire far out there under the very shadow of the Rockies. At least you would have wondered a decade ago in the Centen nial year. You note the transparency of the atmos phere. Science has told you that at such an altitude the air is rarefied. There is no light haze to soften outlines and to lend enchantment to a distant view. Eoof, spire, chimney, all stand out clear and hard, and the coal- smoke from the railway blots the landscape where it rises, yet is quickly scattered by the mountain breeze. 88 MARION'S FAITH. Between you and the little town lies the prairie over which the stage road runs straight and hard as a pike until, nearing us, it begins to twist and turn among the foot-hills for a climb across the ridge into the valley of Lodge Pole Creek beyond. Lodge Pole indeed ! The creek valley has not a stick of timber far as one can see it. Follow it to its source, two days' trot or tramp up towards Cheyenne Pass, and there you find them, as the Sioux did twenty years ago, before we bade them seek their lodge-poles farther north. How far is it to the prairie metropolis, a mile and a half, you venture? My friend, were you an artillerist, and were you to sight a two-hundred-pounder to throw a shell into Cheyenne from where we stand, "setting your sights for three thousand yards," more than your mile and a half, the shell would rip up the prairie turf somewhere down there where you see the road crossing that acequia. Cheyenne lies a good four miles away, and is a good deal bigger than you take it to be. But here to the south lies a strange diamond-shaped enclosure, a queer arrangement of ugly brown wooden barns and sheds far out all by itself on the bare bosom of the prairie. That is called a frontier fort. It is not a fort. It never has been. Even tradition cannot be summoned to warrant the name. It was built after our great civil war, and named for one of the gallant generals who fell fighting in the Shenandoah Valley. It has neither stockade nor simplest defensive work. It is all it can do to stand up against a " Cheyenne zephyr," and a shot fired at one end of it would go clean through to the other without meeting anything sufficiently solid to de flect it from its course. It is a fort by courtesy, as some AT THE FRONT. 39 of our non-conbatants are generals by brevet, and would be as valuable in time of defensive need. All around it, east, west, and north, sweeps the level prairie. South of its unenclosed limits there flows a rapid-running stream, down in whose barren valley are placed the long unsightly wooden stables, the big square corrals for quartermaster's stock, the huge stacks of hay and straw, and vast piles of cord-wood. Farther east along this tortuous stream, and on its left bank, too, midway between fort and city, is another big brown enclosure, in which are dozens of sheds and storehouses. It is a great supply depot for quartermaster's stores and ord nance, and over it, as over the fort, flutters the little patch of color which stamps the property as Uncle Sam's. For reasons that can soon be explained only small-sized flags are ever hoisted near Cheyenne. By noon of three hundred days a year, straight from the wild pass to the west, there comes sweeping down a gale that would snap the stoutest flag-staff into flinders, and that whips even a storm-flag threadbare in a few brief weeks. But it is a rare June morning now, too early for the "zephyr," and nature beams and sparkles even over such bare landscape. The air is crisp, cool, invigor ating. Far out on the slopes and side hills great herds of horses and mules are grazing, guarded by vigilant troopers, some alert in saddle, others prone upon the turf. Out along the road from town comes a train of white-covered wagons slowly crawling northward, with stores and supplies for the army up in the Indian coun try, and down here to our right front, covering the flat between fort and depot, blocked out in regular rows and 8* 90 MARION'S FAITH. groups, dotting the plain with gleaming canvas, is the camp of the th regiment of cavalry. For the first time since the war of the rebellion two-thirds of its entire strength is massed under command of its senior officer. Morning mounted drill is just over, and the two bat talions, having unsaddled and turned the horses out to graze, are now busily occupied about the camp. The soft notes of the trumpet sounding " Officer's Call" has drawn to the colonel's tent a knot of tanned and athletic men in rough field uniform and bristling beards. Those who best know the th will be quicker to recognize old friends in this guise than when in the glitter of parade uniform or the accurate and irreproachable even ing dress of civilization. There is not a man in the group who is not quite at his ease in ball-room attire ; most of them have held acquaintance time and again with the white tie and stiff " choker" of convention ality, but the average gallant of metropolitan circles would turn up his supercilious nostrils at the bare sug gestion were he to see them now. The th is in its element, however, for the order has come, and with the coming dawn it will be on the march for the Black Hills of Dakota, and the colonel has summoned the officers to his tent for some final instructions. It must be conceded that they look like business in their dark- blue flannel shirts, their " reinforced" riding-breeches, the substantial boots, and the field blouses and broad- brimmed campaign hats that Arizona suns and storms have long since robbed of gloss or freshness. The faces are strong and virile in almost every case. It is ten days since the razor has profaned a single chin, and very stubbly and ugly do they look, but long experience has AT THE FRONT. 9} Laught them that the sooner the beard is allowed to sprout when actual campaigning is to be done the greater :he eventual comfort. Occasionally some fellow draws )ff the rough leather gauntlet, and then the contrast oetween his blistered, wind-and-sun tanned face and the white hand is startling. Every man is girt with belt }f stout make, and wears his revolver and hunting- knife, the sabre is discarded by tacit consent, its last ippearance for many a long month. Some of the num ber, indeed, have taken the order to prepare for cam paign work as a permit to doff the uniform entirely. Gruff old Stannard hates the blouse on general princi ples, and looks solid and " stocky" in his flannel shirt ; not a vestige of " rank" can be found about him. Tur ner and old Wilkins, Crane and Hunter, are of his way of thinking, but others who preserve the military propri eties to the last are still garbed in the undress uniform coat. Perhaps they are thinking of the good-byes to be said in the garrison to-night. Less than twenty officers are there who report in answer to the signal, and, having saluted the colonel, dispose themselves on the few camp-stools or on the grass and wait for his remarks. Some are old friends, and some old friends are absent. It is odd to think of the th being here in force with out Truscott, or Ray, or old Bucketts, the men we knew so well in Arizona. Colonel Pelham is, of course, not looked for : he is far too old to be in saddle on so hard a campaign as this promises to be. Trus- cott's troop is not yet here, but is under orders to re main in Kansas for the present, and he, we know, is far away at the Point. Ray, with one of the captains. 92 MARION'S FAITH. whom we have yet to meet, and with Mr. Gleason, is still detained on that horse board, very reluctantly, too, fretting himself into a fever over it say some accounts, and other accounts say worse. Bucketts, as quarter master, is behind at Hays gathering up the fragments that remain and shipping property to the new station. Captain Canker is here : he was East with his wife and little ones, vastly enjoying the surf at Cape May, when the telegram reached him saying that the th were off for the wars again, and within twelve hours he was in pursuit. Four of the group now waiting around the colonel's tent came in just that way. " Gentlemen," says the colonel, stepping quickly from the tent, " I called you here for a word or two. First, there will be forty new horses here at three this after noon. They will be distributed according to color among the eight companies, five to each. See to it that they are shod first thing. There will be twenty in the next lot ; they are to be left here for Webb and Trus- cott. Overhaul your ammunition and equipments at once, and if anything is lacking, you can draw from Cheyenne depot this afternoon. I presume those of you who are to take station at Russell will want to go over to see about your quarters, but my advice is that only those who have families make any selection : there will be some changes by the time we get back. We march at six in the morning, so have everything cleared up to-day. There will be no further drill. Those who have business to attend to in town or at the fort can leave camp without further permission. I shall remain here until we start, and one officer from each troop must be in camp, at stables, and during night. That's AT THE FRONT. 93 all, unless somebody has questions to ask." And the colonel looks inquiringly around. Apparently nobody has, and the group breaks up. Some few of the older officers remained to talk over the prospects at the colonel's tent. Others went to the garrison to rejoin anxious wives and children, and to spend the last day with them in helping get things set tled in the new army homes to which they had been so suddenly moved. A third party, " the youngsters," or junior officers, sauntered across the intervening stretch of prairie towards the low wooden building standing just north of the entrance-gate of the fort. In old army days 'twas known as " the sutler's." In modern parlance it is simply called " the store." The middle room of which, fitted up with a couple of old-fashioned billiard-tables, a huge coal stove, some rough benches, chairs, two or three round tables, and the inevitable bar and cigar-stand, bore on the portals the legend "offi cers'," as distinguished from the general "club-room" beyond. Seated around the room in various attitudes of ennui and dejection were three or four infantry officers sta tioned at the post, while at one of the tables a trio of young lieutenants were killing time after morning drill in the fascination of "limited draw." Target practice, as now conducted, was then unknown, or there would have been no time to kill. The announcement lan guidly conveyed from the occupant of the window-seat, " A squad of the th coming," produced neither sen sation nor visible effect. A minute more, however, and the door burst open, and in they came, half a dozen glowing, breezy, vigor- 94 MARION'S FAITH. ous young cavalrymen, ruddy with health, elastic with open-air life and exercise, brimful of good spirits and cordiality, and headed by the declamatory Blake, who made a bee-line for the bar, shouting, } " ' An if a man did need a poison now, Here lives a caitiff wretch would sell it him.' His name's Muldoon, and he's a fluid man. Step out, Muldoon. What'll ye have, fellers?" he asked, with the sudden transition from the sublime to the ridiculous, which was one of Blake's delights. " Name your re spective pizens, gentlemen. Come, join us, ye gallants of mud-crushers. What, ho ! Poker ?" and with one stride he was at the table and peering over the hands : " No use, Sammy, ' Two queens with but a single ace, Two sharps that beat as one.' That's no hand to tackle a one-card draw with. Never you mind whether he's bluffing or not. There ain't enough in that pot to warrant the expense of testing the question. Take another deal. What did you say, Muldoon ? Whiskey ? No ! Throw whiskey to the dogs ; I'll none of it. Give me foaming lager. That's right, my doughboy ancient. Didn't I tell you to take another hand ? What says the inimitable Pope ? 1 Pair tresses man's imperial race ensnare, And Sammy scoops us with a single pair.' " " Good heavens ! Blake. Give us a rest ! Here, AT THE FRONT. 95 swallow your beer, or take something to choke you," laughed the victim at the table, while a chorus of groans saluted Blake's unconscionable parodies. " If you were to be here a week longer I vow I'd go mad. The best news I've heard in a year is that you're ordered to march in the morning. What quarters did you choose?" " What difference does it make to you, Eags ?" put in Mr. Dana. "You fellows will have the post to yourselves all summer, anyhow. We shan't get out so much as a chair until we come back from the campaign." "Well, the married officers have chosen theirs, you know. Stannard's traps are all moved into No. 11, and they are pretty nearly settled already, the carpets were all down yesterday. So they were at Turner's. Mrs. Whaling has been helping them un pack for the last three days, and telling everybody what they had and didn't have. I tell you what, fellows, we're going to have no end of a good time here this summer with your band and all the ladies while you're roughing it out on the Big Horn. Whaling says he'll bet a hat none of you get back before Thanksgiving." " Is it so that Truscott comes here with his troop ?" asked one of the captains of Lieutenant Crane. "Well, the troop comes, but as to Truscott, that's another matter." " I don't understand you, Crane," said Mr. Blake, with sudden change from his roystering manner. " I thought you heard Ray say that he knew Truscott would be after us as soon as it was settled that we would take the field." 96 MARION'S FAITH. " Ray knew no more about it than you do, Blake," was the impatient reply. " Ray has a fashion of being oracular where Truscott is concerned as though he were on intimate and confidential terms with him. Now I, for one, don't believe he had any authority whatever for saying what he did." "Well, hold on here," said Blake, deliberately. " My recollection is that Ray only spoke of it as his conviction, not that Truscott had told him anything ; still, he was certain that Truscott would come, and that he would lose no time in getting relieved either. You know he is at the Point," he said, in explanation, to the silent infantryman. " Well, I'm d d if I can understand it in him," muttered Wilkins, as he buried his broad face in a beer-mug. " No, Wilkins, I dare say you can't," was the drawl ing reply, and the sarcasm was not lost among the listeners, though it missed its effect on the stolid object. " Truscott, Ray, Heath, and Wayne, and Canker, are not the style of men to spend this summer, of all others, away from the regiment." "Well, here we are, marching to-morrow, and where are your Ray and Truscott?" asked Wilkins, with as near an approach to a sneer as he dare venture. Blake rose quickly from his chair, near where the trio still continued their game, though by this time far more interested in the tone of the talk than in " ten- cent ante." Dana and Hunter, too, were flushing and looking ill at ease. " This is no time or place to be discussing regimental matters," said he ; " but since the matter has come to it, AT THE FRONT. 97 I mean to give what I believe to be the general opinion as opposed to that of a limited few. Crane, Wilkins, you are the only men I have heard express any doubts as to Truscott's coming, or Ray's, for that matter. I've got just fifty dollars here to bet against your ten that if this regiment has any fighting to do this summer they'll both be in it." " I'm not making bets on any such event, Blake, and I did not mean to intimate that they were not apt to come," said Crane, conscious that he had been incau tious. "Well, you then, "VVilkius," said Blake, impul sively. " I want this thing clinched. It is the third or fourth time I've heard you half sneering about these two men. It's bad enough in the regiment, but you are talking now in a bar-room and among outsiders. By Jove ! if there's no other way, I say stop it." There was an embarrassed silence. This was a new trait in Blake, one of the most jovial, whole-souled, rattle-brained fellows imaginable ordinarily, but now he seemed transformed. For years the regiment had been serving by itself. Now for the first time it was thrown into contact with the comparative strangers of the infantry. These gentlemen, too, were ill at ease at the suppressed feeling in the conversation, but Wilkins was " mulish" at times, and he had a reserve. " If you know Truscott's coming it ain't fair to bet," he muttered, sulkily ; " but you'd better go slow on backing Ray ; that's my advice, Blake, unless you've more money than you know what to do with." " All the same, I stand by my bet. Do you take it ?" " Oh, dash your bet ! Blake, I'm no betting man ; K 9 9 98 MARION'S FAITH. but you'd better be certain what Ray's doing before you champion him so glibly. Perhaps I know more than you think." Blake's face clouded a little. " I don't like your hints, Wilkins. We all know, of course, that Ray has been wild and reckless many a time, but he is disbursing officer of that horse board ; he is the man of all others on it to decide what they'll take and what they won't take. Buxton knows mighty little about horses and will vote as Ray does, so that leaves the responsibility with him. He never failed us yet, and, by gad ! I don't believe he will now." " All right ! Blake, just you wait. All I've got to say is thait if Ray wants to keep his skirts out of the mud he'd better quit the company of that fellow Rallston, and I hear he's with him day and night, and has done no little drinking and card-playing with him already. I don't say gambling, but there's those that do," continued Wilkins, hotly. " More than that," he went on, after a pause. " When Wayne came through Kansas City, Gleason and Buxton were at the tram to meet him, but they didn't know, they said, where Ray was. I heard he was at the hotel sick ; been on a tear, I suppose." " See here, Wilkins, unless you can prove it let up on this sort of talk. Ray told Stannard when he went on this detail that he would touch no card so long as he was disbursing officer, and that he'd let John Bar leycorn alone. Now, do you know he has been on any spree ?" " No, I don't know it, Blake, and yet I'm. certain of it just from past experience with him." AT THE FRONT. 99 " By gad ! you're as bad as old Backbite himself. Do you remember that time Chip of the artillery was walking down Nassau Street, and a steam-boiler or something burst under the sidewalk and broke his leg? The first thing old Backbite said when he heard of it was, ' H'm ! been drinking, I suppose.' Now here's Billings with a despatch. What is it, bully rook?" he hailed, as the adjutant came bounding in. " Truscott starts to-night, and the horse board will break up next week, so we'll have Jack and Ray with us inside of ten days." " Precisely. Now, Wilkins, if you want a nice mud- bath for your head, there's an elegant spot back of the stables. Come on, Billings, I'm going to camp." And with that he left, followed by all the cavalry men but Wilkins and his associate Crane. The latter held the ground, and, as they were plainly the defeated parties in the argument so far, human nature demanded that Mr. Wilkins should set himself right in the eyes of the reluctant auditors, and so it happened that among the officers composing what might be termed the permanent garrison of the post the first impres sions received of Mr. Ray were conveyed by a tongue as ill regulated as other people's children. 100 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTEE VII. WAR RUMORS. THE announcement that Captain Truscott had gone to Washington was received at the officers' mess with no little excitement. Questioned as to the meaning of it, the commandant of cadets unreservedly replied that Truscott would not risk failure, but, with the full per mission of the superintendent, had gone to see the Sec retary of War and get immediate orders to join his regiment. The th was to take the field at once, said the colonel, and Truscott felt that it was his duty to go. Things looked very much as though there would be a stubborn and protracted Indian war, and undoubtedly the captain was right in his view of the matter. In this opinion there was general acquiescence among the staff and artillery officers present, it is always safe to adhere to general principles which are not apt to be personal in their application, and the staff and artillery rarely were called upon to take part in such hostilities, and Mr. Ferris being a cavalryman of spirit was quite dis posed to think it the proper thing for him, too, to ask for orders, although the possibility of his regiment's being involved was indeed remote. One or two officers, however, maintained that the principle was bad as a precedent ; that hereafter officers might feel it a reflec tion upon them if they did not immediately ask to be sent to their commands on the first rumor of hostilities, no matter how important might be the duties upon WAR RUMORS. 101 which they were detached. On this view of the case very little was said, but one or two gentlemen whose regiments were known to be marching on the Yellow stone country looked gratefully at the originator and nodded their heads appreciatively. It was mid June now, and except the fight with Crazy Horse's band on Patrick's Day and an unimportant brush with the Sioux on the head-waters of the Tongue River, nothing that could be called "hostilities" had really taken place. " The Indians will be surrounded and will surrender without a blow," said those who sought for reason to evade going ; but no man who knew anything of Indian character or Indian methods believed that for an instant. Every experienced officer knew, and knew well, that a mortal struggle must come and come soon, and come it did. But Jack Truscott needed no such spur to urge him on the path of duty. What it cost to cut loose from all that was so beautiful to him in his happy home no one ever knew. What it cost his brave young wife to let him go was never told. Barely half a year had they rejoiced together in their love-lit surroundings, the most envied couple at the Point, and there is vast comfort in being envied, and Grace Truscott had never for an instant dreamed that so rude an interruption could come ; but come it had, with blinding, sudden force, that for a time stunned and well nigh crushed her. Jack had lifted her in his strong arms and almost carried her to their room the night when he had to tell her of his determination, but, once satisfied that his duty was plain, she rallied, like the soldier's daughter she was, and spoke no word of repining. She looked up in his 9* 102 MARION'S FAITH. eyes and bade him go. True, she cherished faint hope that in Washington there would be attempt to dissuade him, for she had good reason to know that in the days whereof we write there were officials of the War De partment who regarded Indian warfare on the frontier as a matter quite beneath their notice, one which might of course concern the officers and men actually engaged, but that could be of small moment to the Army, that is, the Army as known to society, as known to the press, and, 'tis to be feared, as understood by Congress, the Army in its exclusive and somewhat supercilious exist ence at the National Capital. Colonel and Mrs. Pel- ham were there, and Jack would of course see them ; and was it not possible that there would be officials of the highest authority who could convince him that his services were not needed at the front, but could not be dispensed with at the Point ? Poor Grace ! She little dreamed that for such a place as her husband held there were dozens of applicants, and that senators and repre sentatives by the score had favorites and friends whom they were eager to urge for every Eastern detail ; and then, even now sjie did not entirely know her Jack : so gentle, loving, caressing, as he was with her, she could hardly realize the inflexibility of his purpose. The interview with the Secretary of War was over in five minutes, and never had that functionary experienced such a surprise. He had received Captain Truscott's card and directed that he be admitted, vaguely remem bering him as the tall cavalry officer whom he had seen at the Point on the first of the month, and whom, after the manner of his kind, he had begged " to let him know if there should ever be anything he could do for WAR HUMORS. 103 him in Washington/' and now here he was, and had a favor to ask. The Secretary sighed and looked up drearily from his papers, but rose and shook hands with the young officer who entered, and blandly asked him to be seated. Captain Truscott, however, bowed his thanks, said that he had just left the adjutant-general, and had his full permission to present in person this note from the superintendent of the Academy, and his, the captain's, request to be immediately relieved from duty at West Point with orders to join his regiment, then en route to reinforce General Crook. The Secretary mechanically took the note between his nerveless fingers, and simply stared at his visitor. At last he broke forth, " By the Eternal !" (and the administration was not Jacksonian either) " Captain Truscott. This beats any thing in my experience. Since I've been in office every man who has called upon me has wanted orders for himself or somebody else to come East. Do you mean you want to go West and rejoin your regiment to do more of this Indian fighting ?" "Certainly, Mr. Secretary," was Truscott's half- amused reply. " It shall be as you wish, of course," said the cabinet officer ; " but I've no words to say how I appreciate it. You seem to be of a different kind of timber from those fellows who are always hanging around Wash ington, not but what they are all very necessary, and that sort of thing," put in the Secretary, diplo matically ; " but we have no end of men who want to come to Washington. You're the first man I've heard of who wanted to go. By Jove ! Captain Truscott. Is 104 MARION'S FAITH. there anything else you want ? Is there anything I can do that will convey to you my appreciation of your course ?" " Well, sir, I have spoken to the adjutant-general about some six men of the cavalry detachment at the Point who are eager to go to the frontier for active service. If they could be transferred, sent out with recruits ; we are short-handed in the th, and my own troop needs non-commissioned officers." " Certainly it can be done. We'll see General T about it at once." That night Grace's last hope was broken by the tele gram from Washington, which told her that Jack would be home next day and that the orders were issued. Mrs. Pelham had stormed, of course, that is to her husband. She stood in awe of Jack, and had counted on spending much of the summer at the Point. Living as they were at a Washington hotel, expenses were very heavy, and madame had planned to recuperate her ex hausted frame and fortune in a long visit to dear Grace, who really ought to have a mother's " well, at least, if the captain is to be away so much of the time, she will surely be lonely," madame had argued. It was really quite fortunate that he had to go to Kentucky to buy horses. In his absence she might recover much of the ground she felt she had lost in the last year. The plan was fairly developed in her strategical mind, when who should appear but the captain himself, and with the brief announcement that they would start for Wy oming in a week. Madame could not believe her senses; but either from shock or unusually profound discretion, she re- WAR RUMORS. 105 Trained from an expression of her sentiments, and Truscott continued his calm explanation. Grace had borne up bravely at the idea of his throwing away the detail at the Point, but had made one stipulation. She should go with him to the frontier, rebuild their nest at the new station of his troop, and be near him as woman could be during the summer's campaign, and all ready to welcome him home at its close. He could not say her nay. Old Pelham's eyes brimmed with tears, but when he spoke it was only to repress the im petuous outbreak of his wife. "Now, Dolly, no words. Truscott's right, so is Grace. It's bound to be a sharp ^campaign no matter what your society friends say. By gad ! I'd I'd give anything to go, but I'm top old, Jack ; I'd only be in the way. You're right, my boy. You're right ; you always are. Your place is with the regiment when there's work to be done, and Grace is a soldier's wife. She's right, too. Her place is near him." In vain Mrs. Pelham argued that Grace could better remain East. Jack knew his wife's mind. She would be just as comfortable ; she would be far happier in the cosey quarters of the big garrison at Eussell. She would have Mrs. Stannard, whom they all loved, for friend and companion, and there were a dozen pleasant acquaintances among the ladies there to be quartered. It was simply useless for madame to interpose. Every thing had been settled beforehand and without reference to her. The best they could do was to accept Jack's invitation to come to the Point, be his guests at the hotel, and see them off. He would dismantle his quarters forthwith. 106 MARION'S FAITH. And when he returned to Grace next day she was brave, smiling, really happy. She gloried in the idea of going with her soldier husband back to the dear old th, and she had another plan, a surprise. She and Marion had had a long talk, and as a result Marion wanted to go too. It was novel. It was almost start ling, yet why not ? Several young ladies were already visiting at Hays, two of them were going, had gone to Russell with relatives who were married in the th. Miss Sanford was to have spent the summer with them at the Point. Why should she not accompany Grace to Wyoming and see something of that odd army life of w r hich she had hoard so much. If Captain Truscott would have her she knew no reason to prevent. And they all knew that in the captain's enforced absence on the campaign no one could be so great a comfort, so dear a companion to Grace, as her schoolmate Marion. There was only one question, said Truscott, "Will Mr. Sanford consent?" " I will write to-night," said the young lady, in reply, " and I feel confident of his answer." Within a week, as we know, the telegram had reached the th announcing Truscott's move, and that very afternoon Mrs. Stannard, seated on the piazza of her new quarters and gazing southward across the bare parade to the dun-colored barracks on the other side and the snow-capped peaks of Colorado seemingly just beyond, was startled by a sudden sensation in the group of officers in front of Colonel Whaling's. An other telegram. Presently her husband left the group and came quickly to her, hands in his pockets as usual, and with his customary expression of unastonishable WAR RUMORS. 107 nonclialance. Still, she saw he had disturbing news, and she rose anxiously to^meet him, her sweet blue eyes clouded with the dread she strove to repress. " What is it, Luce?" she asked. The major unpursed his lips and abandoned the attempted whistle. " Been a fight way up on the Rosebud," he briefly said, as he dropped into a chair, still maintaining his apparent indifference of manner. " Yes ; but what was it ? Who is hurt this time ?" " H , of the Third ; shot through the face ; can't live, they say. Reckon that isn't the worst of it, either. Crook found the Indians far too many for him and he had to fall back to his camps." " Oh, Luce ! Then it will be a hard campaign. What news for the th ?" " Nothing as yet. We march, of course, at daybreak, and I suppose the rest of the regiment will be hurried up from Kansas. What must be looked after at once is the great mass of Indians at the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail reservations on White River. They will get this news within the next twenty-four hours, and it will so embolden them that the entire gang will probably take the war-path. There is where we will be sent, I fancy. Orders will reach us at Laramie. They say Sheridan himself is on his way to the reservations to look into matters. Mrs. Turner been here ?" he sud denly asked, with a quick glance from under his shaggy eyebrows. " Mrs. Turner ? Not since morning. Why ?" " There was a sort of snarl down at the store this morning, Some mention of it was made while we were 108 MARIO WS FAITH. talking there at Whaling's, and I was anxious to get the particulars. "Wilkins was saying sometliing about Ray that worries me. Have you heard nothing ?" " Not a thing, Luce. Did you suppose Mrs. Turner was possessed of all the information and would come to me with it?" The major looked uncomfortable. " She would be apt to go to somebody, and you were the nearest. Both those youngsters, Dana and Hunter, were present, and they are leaky vessels, I'm told. Turner never tells her anything, but the boys do." " What a thing to say, Luce !" " Can't help it," growled the major, thrusting out his spurred boot-heels towards the railing and tilting back in his chair. "You never heard, I suppose, that be tween her and Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Wilkins there was a regular intelligence bureau at Sandy two years ago. So you heard nothing about this affair ?" " Not a word ; and it occurs to me, Major Stannard, that you look vastly as though you wish Mrs. Turner had come with the details. That's just the way with you men. You rail at our sex for gossiping, and growl when we can't or won't tell you anything. Luce ! Luce ! How consistent !" And in her enjoyment of her burly lord's discomfiture, Mrs. Stannard forgot for the moment her many anxieties and laughed blithely. The major had too much to worry him, however, and this was so evident to his devoted wife that her laugh was brief, it was never loud or strident, and she moved her chair nearer to his own. " Is Mr. Ray in any trouble ?" she asked, with gen uine concern. WAR RUMORS. 109 " I don't know. Of the officers present at the con versation in the store this morning all I have since seen were infantrymen, whom I couldn't ask. "Wayne and Merrill heard something of it and came to me at once because of their regard for Ray, but Blake has gone to town. He is the man who snubbed Crane and Wilkins. It seems -Wilkins claims to have a letter from somebody that man Gleason probably to the effect that Ray has been on a perpetual tear with the very man of all others I dreaded his meeting. You remember that contractor, Rallston." " Mr. Ray's brother-in-law ?" " Yes ; worse luck ! I knew the fellow by reputa tion before we went to Arizona. He's a scoundrel, and a very polished one, too. Ray is smart enough ordi narily, but if Rallston has been trying to sell him horses there will be trouble sooner or later. I'm more worried about that than over the campaign news. Sorry about H , of course, though I'd never met him : They say he is a capital officer ; but I can't start to morrow and have this thing haunting me all the way up to Laramie. I'll go down to camp and hunt up Wilkins, and ask him flat-footed for his whole story ; then there will be time to write to Ray, or telegraph if need be." That was a dreary night at Russell. All the after noon the telegraph instrument at headquarters was clicking away with details of the brief and sudden fight upon the Rosebud, and the officers read in silence the description of the hordes upon hordes of savages that swooped down upon Crook's little column, and whirled his allied Absarakas and Shoshones off the wooded 10 MARIOJSTS FAITH. bluffs. " They must have been reinforced from every reservation between the Missouri and the mountains," was the comment, for the whole country swarmed with them. Scout after scout had been sent out to strive to push through to the Yellowstone and communicate with General Terry's forces, known to be concentrated at the mouth of the Tongue. Some had come back, chased in to the very guard by yelling " hostiles." Several had failed to return at all, but significant fact none had succeeded in getting through. The last of June would soon be at hand ; the forces that were to co-operate Crook's from the Big Horn foot-hills at the south, Terry's from the banks of the Yellowstone at the north had reached their appointed stations and even gone beyond, but not a vestige of communication could they establish one with the other. Crook, striving to force his way through from his corrals and camps, had been overpowered and thrust back by the concentration upon him of five times his weight in foes. Terry, send ing his cavalry scouting up the Rosebud, found an un impeded passage for miles and miles ; and even as our friends at Russell were reading with gloomy faces the tidings from the front, a little battalion of cavalry, pushing venturously up the wild and picturesque val ley, came suddenly upon a sight that bade their leader pause. Up from among the wild rose-bushes along the sparkling stream, and climbing the great " divide" to the west, there ran a broad, new-beaten, dusty trail, pounded by the hoofs of ten thousand ponies, strewn on every side with abandoned lodge-poles, worn-out blankets, or other impedimenta, malodorous, unsightly. WAR RUMORS. jjj " The Indians have crossed to the Little Horn ^ ithin the last three days," said the experienced scouts in the advance. Back went the column down the valley to report the news, and three days afterwards two war- tried regiments of horse were en route. From the south, heading for the Black Hills of Dakota, with orders to find the trail leading from the reservations to the Indian country and put a stop to the forwarding of reinforcements or supplies, rode our old Arizona acquaintances of the th. From the north, pushing up the Rosebud into the very heart of the hostile re gions, with orders to find the lurking-place of the swarming savages and "hold them" from the east, there came a command and a commander famed in song and story. Between them and the Big Horn heights and cations, where lay the comrade force of Crook, there rolled a glorious tract of wooded crest, of sweep ing, upland prairie, of deep and sheltered valley, of plashing stream and foaming torrent, and there in their guarded fastness, exulting in their strength, mad with rejoicing over their easy victory, lighting the valley for miles with their council-fires, rousing the echoes with triumphant shout and speech, thousand upon thousand gathered the Indian foemen, "covering the hills like a red cloud." 112 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER VIII. AT RUSSELL. " WHAT do you think !" exclaimed Mrs. Turner, breathlessly, as she rushed in upon her friend Mrs. Stannard one bright morning a week later, " Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford will both be here to-morrow. Mr. Gleason escorts them. Why !" she added, in visi ble disappointment, " you knew all about it all the time. Why didn't you tell me ?" " I only knew yesterday, Mrs. Turner," was the smiling reply. " They will stay with me until their quarters are ready. Captain Truscott and Captain Webb will camp here with their troops until further orders, and you knew, of course, that they were on their way. The ladies were to have gone to the hotel in town, but Major Stannard sent word before he left that Mrs. Truscott must come to me, and I have plenty of room for Miss Sanford, too." " Won't it be delightful to have them? It will add ever so much to the life of the post," said Mrs. Turner, with visions of hops and parties innumerable flitting through her pretty head. It was a week since the th had broken camp and marched away. Already they were far across the Platte and up out of reach of all telegraphic communication somewhere among the breaks of the South Cheyenne, and right in among the bands now known to be hurrying day and night, northwest- AT RUSSELL. H3 ward, to join the hordes of Sitting Bull. Captain Turner had been unusually grave in parting with his wife, but that blissfully constituted matron had shed few tears. She was philosophic and sensible beyond question. What good was there in borrowing trouble ? Didn't the captain have to go time and again just the same way in Arizona, and didn't he always come back safely ? Of course, poor Captain Tanner and Captain Squires, and Mr. Clay and Mr. Walters and others, had been killed, and lots of them were wounded at one time or another ; but heavens ! if one had to go into deep mourning every time a husband had to take the field, there would be no living in the cavalry at all ! Mrs. Turner was unquestionably sensible, and far be it from our intention to upbraid her. Ladies there were in the th who spent several days in prayers and tears after they had seen the last of the guidons as they fluttered away over the " divide" towards Lodge Pole, and with these afflicted ones Mrs. Whaling, the "commanding officer's lady," would fain have lav ished hours of time in sympathizing converse. She loved the melodramatic, and was never so happy, said Blake, as when bathed in tears. Detractors of this es timable woman, indeed, were wont to complain that she was too easily content with these pearly but insufficient aids to lavatory process ; and her propensity for adher ing for weeks at a time to an ancient black silk, which had seen service all over the Western frontier, gave sombre color to the statement. The few ladies of the th who had come to Russell for the summer were hardly settled in their new quarters when the regiment was hurried away, and from one house to another had A 10* 114 MARION'S FAITH. Mrs. Whaling flitted, a substantial and seemingly well- fed matron in appearance, and one whose eccentricities of costume and toilet were attributable, no doubt, to a largeness of nature, which rendered all care for personal appearance subordinate to the claims of afflicted hu manity. All the ladies had gracefully accepted her proffered sympathy, and some had warmly thanked her for the well-meant attentions ; but Mrs. Turner was completely nonplussed by the good lady's offer to come and pray with her, and it must be allowed that Mrs. "Whaling's visit of condolence had been produc tive of far more comfort to Mrs. Turner than was ex pected, and in a far different way ; for that volatile young matron rushed in upon Mrs. Stannard late in the afternoon, choking with laughter, to describe her sensations in striving to be proper and decorous until the venerable black silk had whisked itself off out of hearing. Three days after the th had gone the band arrived from Hays. Mr. Billings had spent two days at the post in seeing his men comfortably established and in turning over property to the infantry officer des ignated to be post adjutant, and then he had taken stage to Laramie and gone in chase. That evening, after the band had played delightfully an hour or two on the parade, the officers suggested an informal dance ; their own ladies went readily, and Mrs. Turner decided to go and see the hop-room, and once there it seemed so poky to come away without a waltz or two. " The floor was lovely, so much better than ours at Hays, and really, several of the garrison officers danced remarkably well." So we infer Mrs. Turner had satisfied herself by per sonal experiment on that score. Very properly, the AT RUSSELL. U5 informal hops became regular features of the garrison life, and several ladies of the th, "grass-widowed" for the summer, were speedily induced to join in these modulated gayeties. What with the band, the influx of some half a dozen new ladies, and the constant arrival of officers en route to the front, the garrison not un naturally remarked that Russell was jollier now that the th had gone than it was before. And now Mrs. Truscott and the very interesting Miss Sanford were coming. This was indeed news ! They were to take quarters next to the Stanuards, and be Mrs. Stannard's guests until the furniture arrived and all was made ready for them. Truscott's troop, with Webb's, was coming along by rail fast as they could travel in the heavy freight-trains to which they were assigned, and the ladies, Mrs. Webb included, were being escorted on the express direct to Cheyenne by Lieutenant Gleason, who had joined the party as they passed through Kansas City, and who had, doubt less, made himself especially agreeable to the young and lovely Mrs. Truscott, of whom he had heard so much, and to her friend, the heiress from New Jersey. These were details of which Mrs. Turner was in ignorance when she came in to surprise Mrs. Stannard with the news, and, after her first astonishment, Mrs. Turner's sensations were not those of unmixed delight. A whole day, it seemed, had the major's wife been in possession of the tidings and had not imparted them to her. This was indicative of one of two things : either Mrs. Stan nard was so reticent that she did not care to tell any body, or else she had told others and kept it from her, from her who believed that she had made a most favor- MARION'S FAITH. able impression on this charming and popular lady of whom all mf n and most women spoke so admiringly. Mrs. Turner's face betrayed her mental perturbation, and Mrs. Stannard was quick to divine the cause. In genuine kindness of heart she came promptly to the relief of her pretty friend. Without being in the least blind to her frivolities, Mrs. Stannard saw much that was attractive and pleasant in Mrs. Turner. She was vastly entertained by her, and enjoyed studying her as she would a graceful statue or a finished picture. Be neath the surface she had no desire to penetrate. Warm friends and loving friends she had in troops, and women of Mrs. Turner's mental calibre were sources of infinite, though quiet, entertainment. She enjoyed their pres ence, was cordial, kindly, even laughingly familiar, yet always guarded. Mrs. Staunard's most pronounced characteristic was consummate discretion. She knew whom to trust, and others might labor in vain to ex tract from her the faintest hint that, repeated carelessly or maliciously, would wound or injure a friend. But here was a thing all the world might know. Truscott's telegram had reached her the evening before, saying that the three ladies, escorted by Lieutenant Gleason, would arrive at such a time, and that Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford would gladly accept her offer. The average woman could hardly restrain her self from going out and seeking some one to whom to tell the interesting news. Few pleasures in life are keener than the bliss of being able to convey unexpected tidings, when they are welcome, but Mrs. Stannard knew that the ladies of the regiment with whom she felt at all intimate were over at the hop-room. She had AT RUSSELL. all a woman's eagerness to tell the news, but she was loyal to the th, and would not even in so little a thing let others be the bearers. That Mrs. Stannard was a woman capable of deeds of heroism we deduce from the simple fact that she went to bed that night without having breathed the story to a soul. She had a strong impulse to tell her cook and housemaid, old and reli able followers of her fortunes, but she well knew that those amiable domestics would be clattering up and down the back yards all the evening, and the news would surprise nobody when she came to tell it next day. She was too true a woman to want to part with such a pleasure. Then she had ah ! must it be con fessed ? a little mischievous desire of her own to see how Mrs. Turner would take it, for those who knew Mrs. Turner best were given to the belief that she would far rather have the attention of the masculine element of the garrison concentrated upon herself than shared with such undoubted rivals as these would be ; and so, with perfect truth, Mrs. Stannard's reassurance took the form of these words : " You see I could not make up my mind to let any one know until I had told you, and I've been ex pecting you all the morning," and Mrs. Turner was charmed. " But," said Mrs. Stannard, " tell me how you heard it. I thought no one knew it but myself." " Oh ! Mr. Gleason telegraphed as a matter of course, to announce that he was escorting these ladies. It was quite a feather in his cap to be able to show the com manding officer here that Captain Truscott intrusts to him the duty of guarding anything so precious. When you get to know Mr. Gleason better you'll appreciate 118 MARION'S FAITH that," said Mrs. Turner, with a pout. " Captain Tur ner can't bear him, and dislikes to have me notice him at all ; and what I wonder at is his escorting them. Why is he not with his company ? And where is Mr. Ray? If the board has adjourned, I should suppose that Mr. Gleason would be on duty with his men, he is Truscott's first lieutenant, you know, and that Mr. Ray would be rushing through to catch his company. Why isn't he escorting them I wonder ? Perhaps Cap tain Truscott had reasons of his own for not permitting that, Ray was smitten with her, I don't care what Mrs. Raymond says. Have you heard where Mr. Ray is?" " Not a word. I wish I knew," said Mrs. Stannard, wistfully. "Have you have you heard anything about his being in any trouble, in anything likely to keep him from going with the regiment ?" asked Mrs. Turner, hesitatingly, yet watching closely Mrs. Stannard's face. " Nothing in the least that is anything more than a very improbable story, and one that I have too little faith in to repeat. Tell me what news you have from the captain." And Mrs. Turner knew 'twas useless to ask questions. She hurried through her visit, and tripped eagerly away up the row to carry the news throughout the garrison, meeting Mrs. Whaling com ing down, and the latter had the start. And so, before the setting of a second sun, Grace Truscott was once more in garrison, and Miss Sanford, with quietly observant eyes, was forming her first im pressions of army life in the far West, and welcoming with sweet and gracious manner the ladies, who could AT RUSSELL. H9 not resist their hospitable impulse to gather on Mrs. Stannard's piazza and greet the new-comers as soon as they had removed the dust and cinders of railway travel, and in the bewildering freshness of their New York costumes reappeared on the parlor floor. That evening, of course, they held quite a levee. The band played delightfully upon the parade, welcom ing back to the frontier the colonel's daughter, and wishing, many of them, that old Catnip, too, had come, for he was very thoughtful and kind to his men, and they were realizing that it is no fun to be musicians for somebody else's regiment. Many officers and ladies called, and Mrs. Stannard's pleasant parlor was filled from early until late. One man appeared there before anybody else, accepted an invitation to join them at dinner and stayed until after eleven : this was Mr. Gleason. The sunshine of Mrs. Stannard's bonny face was something the th were prone to speak of very often, perhaps too often to suit other ladies, whose visages on the domestic side were not infrequently clouded. Just as it is an unsafe thing to speak in presence of some mothers of the grace or beauty or behavior of other children than their own, so it is simply idiotic to talk of Mrs. So-and-so's sweet manners or sweeter face to Mrs. Vinaigre, who is said, at times, to be snappish. It may be far from your intention to institute compari sons or to refer, by inference, to graces which are lacking in the lady to whom you speak, but there is nothing surer in life than that you get the credit of it in the fullest sense, and that, most unwittingly, you have affronted a woman in a way the meekest Christian 120 MARION'S FAITH. of her sex will find it hard to forgive ; she will never forget it. Mrs. Stannard's smile was sweetness itself; her eyes smiled quite as much as her mouth, and her very soul seemed to beam through the winsome, win ning beauty of her face. All the young officers looked up to her with something akin to worship ; all the elders spoke of Mrs. Stannard as the perfection of an army wife ; even her closest friends and acquaintances could find no one trait to speak of openly as a fault. The nearest approach to such a thing was Mrs. Tur ner's exasperated and petulant outbreak when her pa tient lord had ventured, in presence of several of her coterie, to speak once too often of that lovely smile. " Merciful powers ! Captain Turner. Any woman with Mrs. Stannard's teeth could afford to smile from morning till night ; but it's all teeth !" But even Mrs. Turner knew better. It was a smile born of genuine goodness, of charity, of loving-kindness, and of a spiritual grace that made Mrs. Stannard marked among her associates. In all the regiment no woman was so looked up to and loved as she. Grace Truscott had known her well by reputation, though this was their first meeting. It seemed not a little strange to Miss Sanford that they should be going thus suddenly and unceremoniously to be the guests of a lady whom neither of them had ever seen, but " 'tis the way we have in the Army," was the laughing response when she ventured to speak of it, and any hesitancy or embarrassment she might have felt vanished at the in stant when their hostess appeared on the piazza and both her hands were outstretched in welcome. " Did you ever see a lovelier expression in a woman's face ?" AT RUSSELL. ]21 was her first impulsive exclamation when she and Grace were shown to their roonis. Yet, once her guests were up-stairs and out of the way, Mrs. Stannard's brow clouded not a little as she descended to the piazza, where she had left Mr. Gleason superintending the un loading of trunks, boxes, and other baggage, and giving directions about the distribution of this thing or that quite as though " one of the family." She had never liked him ; the major cordially hated him ; she knew that Captain Truscott could not possibly feel any friend ship for such a man, and yet here he was, the escort of Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford on their journey. They were her guests, and therefore she had to be unusually civil to him. One or two officers came up to speak to him as he stood at the little gate, and the post adjutant invited him to send his traps to his quarters, where a room was ready. Gleason looked around at Mrs. Stannard and remarked, " Well, I'm much obliged, but you see I'm rather bound as yet to our ladies," and plainly intimated that he hoped Mrs. Stannard would offer him the spare room on the parlor floor, but Mrs. Stannard did nothing of the kind ; and, not very grace fully, he availed himself of the young infantryman's courtesy. The baggage was all in by this time, and there was no need of his prolonging his stay. Mrs. Stannard, of course, announced that they expected the pleasure of his company at dinner at six, and asked him to come in and rest, unless he preferred to go at once and dress. Gleason concluded it best to go, but, in the hearing and presence of the garrison officers who were standing near, begged Mrs. Stannard to explain to the ladies that he had to report to the commanding F 11 122 MARION'S FAITH. officer, and would she please say to Miss Sanford that he would call at five ? What could that mean ? was Mrs. Stannard's vexed inquiry of her inner consciousness. Was the widower bent on making the most of his time in an endeavor to fascinate the Eastern belle? The ladies were hardly dressed when he reappeared, and was urging Miss San- ford to come out with him for a brief stroll to see the mountain prairie and take a whiff of Wyoming breezes, when the appearance of Mrs. Turner and others (who had just happened by, but hearing their voices could not resist rushing in to welcome Mrs. Truscott, etc., etc.) put an end to the possibility. It was a comfort to note that though perfectly courteous and pleasant in her manner, even to the extent of that indefinable yet perceptible half intimacy which exists between travel ling companions, Miss Sanford seemed in no wise en couraging and by no means displeased at the interruption to the plan so audaciously proposed. At dinner Mr. Gleason sat opposite the young lady, and was, therefore, obliged to talk much with Mrs. Stannard. After din ner he promptly established himself by Miss Sanford's side, showing her albums full of photographs of the officers, a collection the major and his wife had been making for years, and one in which they took great delight. Gleason knew most of them, and it enabled him to be very entertaining, as he could tell some anec dote or incident connected with so many, but the early coming of visitors broke in upon his monopoly, yet could not wholly drive him from her side. It was ob served by every man and woman who came in that evening how assiduous was Gleason in his attentions. AT RUSSELL. 123 More than that, there was something about them that can best be described by the word possessive. It seemed as though he had studied the art of behaving as though he felt that every look and word was welcome to her. Mrs. Stannard was secretly exasperated ; Mrs. Truscott, who knew nothing of him until their westward journey, was only vaguely annoyed, but no one could tell from her manner what Miss Sanford thought. It was after eleven when the last of the visitors with drew, and still he lingered. Once more Miss Sanford stood by the centre-table and bent over one of the al bums. She turned rapidly over the pages until she reached a cabinet picture of a dark-eyed, dark-haired, trim-built young officer in cavalry undress uniform. " You did not tell me who this was, Mr. Gleason." " That? Oh ! That is Mr. Ray of our regiment," was the reply, in a tone lack-lustre of all interest. " Mr. Ray ? Where ? Let me see/' exclaimed Mrs. Truscott, coming quickly to them. "Oh, isn't that perfect ? When did you get it, Mrs. Stannard ? How mean of him not to send us one !" " It was taken in Denver this spring," said Mrs. Stannard. " The major says it's the only picture he has ever seen of Mr. Ray, and it is as good as one can be that doesn't represent him in the saddle. You know we think him the best rider in the th, we ladies, that is," she added, knowing this to be one of Gleason's weak points. Mr. Gleason made no remark. " What became of the other members of the board, Mr. Gleason ?" she continued. " I expected to see Captain Buxton and Mr. Ray." " Oh, they gave us all ten days' delay in joining so 124 MARION'S FAITH. as to say good-by to friends, you know. Buxton stopped to see his wife's family at Leavenworth, but he'll be through here in a day or two." Then came a pause. " And where is Mr. Kay ? I supposed that he would be off like a shot." There was an unmistakable sneer on Mr. Gleason's face, though the reply was vague and hesitating. " Yes, Ray made no end of fuss about getting off until the orders came ; since then I haven't heard much that is, I haven't seen anything of him." " He couldn't well get to the regiment without going through here, could he ?" " No ; but he hasn't gone, and he won't be going in any great hurry." It was evident to Mrs. Stannard that Gleason was striving to be questioned. "Whatever he knew he was ready to tell, provided some one would ask. Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford stood silently by, still look ing at the photograph, when Mrs. Stannard again spoke. " "Well, Mr. Ray was never behind in any previous campaign, and I'll venture to predict he isn't far behind now. Now, Mr. Gleason, I'm going to send you home, for these ladies are tired out with their long journey." He would fain have put in another word about Ray, but she was vigilant and checked him. He hoped for an invitation to breakfast, but it did not come. He plead with languishing eyes for a few moments more at the side of the lady he desired to fascinate, but Miss Sanford was still looking at the photographs and would not return his glance. Go he had to, and it was plain to him that in striving to belittle Ray he had damaged his own cause. It made him bitterer still as he strode RAF TO THE FRONT. 125 through the darkness down to the beacon-lights of the store. Gleason drank more and talked more before he went to bed than was good for him ; but no seed is so easily sown as that of slander. CHAPTER IX. KAY TO THE FRONT. IT has been said that Major Stannard told his wife that he proposed going down to camp, hunting up Mr. Wilkins, and getting from him "flat-footed" the authority he had for his insinuations at Mr. Ray's ex pense the day before the regiment marched for the Black Hills. The major went as he proposed ; but at the very moment he reached camp the object of his search was unpacking Mrs. Wilkins's trunks up in the garrison. Stannard left word with the officer of the day that he wanted to see Mr. Wilkins on important business right after " retreat" (sunset) roll-call ; and Wilkins was quick to divine that the major had already heard of his morning's mischief at the store. He stood in awe of the battalion commander, and knew well that when it came to a face to face encounter with him there could be no dodging. He must swallow his words or give his authority. Wilkins, therefore, had impor tant business of his own or his able wife's devising which kept him from going to camp during the even ing, and Stannard, being only the major, could not 11* 126 MARIONS FAITH. order him thither in the face of the colonel's permis sion to be absent. He trudged back across the prairie in 'no amiable mood, therefore, and swore in stalwart Anglo-Saxon to Captain Merrill that he would bring Wilkins to the scratch if he had to go to his quarters to do it. They looked in at the store, and Wilkins wasn't there, so together they walked up the row until they came to the cottage into which the lares and pe- nates of the Wilkins family had so recently been car ried, and Mrs. Wilkins herself met them at the door. She was afraid of nobody, and had doubtless been re quested (he never directed) by her husband to see who was knocking. Now Mrs. Wilkins was as fond of Major Stannard as her husband was afraid of him. She liked his blunt, sturdy, unaffected ways, and many a time and oft she had held him up to her submissive lord as the sort of soldier he ought to be. She knew nothing of the affair at the store as yet, and Wilkins was afraid to tell her. With her keen insight she had long since discovered that her husband's associates and intimates in the regiment were not the strong or the good men, and she had warned him at Sandy that whatever he might have against such men as Truscott or Ray, he had better stamp it out and seek to re-estab lish himself in their good opinion. Such men as Glea- son, with whom he consorted, would soon get him into trouble. Poor Wilkins heard the major's blunt salu tation at the door and his wife's cordial invitation to walk in ; but the major declined with thanks. " Ask Mr. Wilkins to come out here on the piazza, please ; I want to see him on business," was his request; and when Mrs. Wilkins came puffing up-stairs supplement- RAY TO THE FRONT. 127 ing the message with a " Hurry now; the major isn't the man for you to keep waiting," the hapless veteran wished himself anywhere out of Wyoming ; but down he went with rather a hang-dog look. Stannard had met him with unexpected kindness of manner. " I'm worried about the story told of Ray, Mr. Wilkins, and I've come to get the authority from you. Of course you must have had something to base such statements upon," and being fairly cornered, Wilkins said his in formant was Gleason. Being asked to show the letter, Wilkins declared that he had burned it, and would never have alluded to it but for Blake's manner, which he declared had goaded him into the remarks. Then he told Stannard that Gleason wrote in so many words that Ray was with Rallston night and day, and inti mated that the latter kept him at cards and wine most of the time, and that if some scandal did not result when it came to paying for the horses he would be sur prised. Still, he could not quote the language ; but he gave his impressions. Stannard had called Merrill to witness the statement; then, giving Wilkins injunc tions to say nothing more to anybody on the subject, and pledging Merrill to reticence, he had gone home, written brief and hurried letters to Ray and to Glea son, told his wife that he had heard the stories, and that until Ray had a chance to explain would regard them as baseless rumors, or at the worst as exaggera tions, for which Gleason was responsible ; then he had slept the sleep of the just until the corporal of the guard came banging at the door at four A.M. to say the reveille had sounded out in camp. Two hours later he had jogged away at the head of his battalion. 128 MARION'S FAITH. Mr. Gleason's complacent acceptance of her reluctant invitation, and his evident expectation of more to come, were matters that therefore annoyed Mrs. Stannard not a little. She knew well that her husband had written him an angry letter, demanding that he either withdraw or substantiate the allegations he had made at the ex pense of Mr. Ray, but she had not been told what those allegations were. She felt certain that the letter had reached Mr. Gleason, for it was sent to the care of the commanding officer at Hays, yet here was the lieu tenant himself, beaming with effusive cordiality. She felt more than certain that^ were " Luce" at the post Mr. Gleason would by no means be seeking to make himself at home in his quarters, but Luce with the eight companies of the th was out of reach. Gleason was striving to make himself at home with her and her guests, and, as far as the latter were concerned, he had the sanction and apparent approval of Captain Trus- cott, whose name he incessantly quoted, as though the terms of intimacy between them were already estab lished beyond peradventure. " Truscott paid me one of the highest compliments I ever remember having received," said Mr. Gleason to the three ladies at dinner, and Mr. Gleason was a man who was always receiving compliments of one kind or another, if one could accept his statements. " He said that he had never seen the troop look so well as whop I turned it over to him at Wallace." Now, as he had arrived at Wallace on the same train with the Trus- cotts, and did not " turn over" anything connected with the troop but the property returns, anybody acquainted with such matters would have known that Truscott's RAY TO THE FRONT. 129 commendation, if bestowed at all, was probably given to the junior lieutenant, who had put the troop in handsome shape during the absence of Mr. Gleason on the horse board; but what Gleason aimed at was to make an impression on Miss Sanford's mind, since she could not be expected to know the intricacies of such matters. Mrs. Stannard would have been glad to cor rect the impression, but could not in courtesy to her guests, and so she remained silent. She meant, how ever, to discourage his visits in future, but he was too old a practitioner for her simple methods. She had slipped into the kitchen to see how nice a breakfast was being prepared for her guests the following morning, and in that brief absence he had appeared at the open door- way to urge the ladies to come out and see guard mounting. They were just down ; the air was delicious out on the piazza, the band was inspiring; so what more natural than that Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford should make their first appearance that morning escorted by the obnoxious Gleason ? When Mrs. Stanuard came back from the kitchen they were all on the piazza, and others were strolling up the walk to join them. After the spirited little parade was over and the infantry officers had to go to the presence of their commander, Gleason lingered. He had no duties as yet, and how could she avoid it, ladies ? Mrs. Stannard had to ask him if he had breakfasted when the maid came to an nounce that breakfast was served. He had ; but it was easy for Gleason to say that he had merely sipped a cup of coffee and to insure the invitation he intended to extract. After breakfast she had her household duties to attend to, Mrs. Truscott had unpacking and other 130 MARION'S FAITH. matters to look after. Miss Sanford felt that some one ought to entertain their late escort, and the duty fell to her. Garrison people who called that morning were edified by finding Mr. Gleason and Miss Sanford ttte- d,-tete in the parlor despite Mrs. Stannard's efforts. Mrs. Turner was promptly on hand, so were other ladies, and that they made certain inferences at the time, and compared notes later in the day, is, perhaps, supererogation to state. On one pretext or another there was not an hour during that morning in which Mr. Gleason failed to appear at Major Stannard's quarters, and by two P.M., at which hour there was a gathering at the adjutant's office to await the distribution of the mail, it is not to be wondered at that one of Colonel Whaling's officers remarked to another that the cavalry seemed to have the inside track, if there was to be any race for the Jersey belle, and that others looked knowing when Gleason appeared to inquire if any letters had come for the ladies at Major Stannard's. There was no neces sity whatever for his going, Mrs. Stannard protested. The orderly would bring the mail in five minutes if anything had come ; but Gleason said that the orderly would have to stop in two or three houses before he got there, and he knew Mrs. Truscott was impatient, and so she was. In a minute he was back with letters for all three, but Miss Sanford's was a mere note in reply to an order she had sent East, and while Mrs. Stannard and Mrs. Truscott retired to read the long letters that had come from their respective lords, once more Miss Sanford found herself entertaining the assiduous Gleason, She was beginning to think army life distasteful. RAY TO THE FRONT. 131 Determined to break up this monopoly, the major's wife came speedily again to the parlor. Something she had read in her husband's letter had fired her with resentment against Gleason and nerved her to resolute measures. " Not a word of reply have I had from Kay," wrote Stannard, " nor has Gleason yet answered, though I know the letter was delivered to him. In conversation with Billings last night he admitted that he, too, had heard that Kay had been playing fast and loose at Kansas City, and when I asked him how it was brought to him, he replied that Wayne told him, and Wayne had a letter from Gleason. I wish Billings and Ray could have seen more of each other this spring ; there is some feeling between them which I cannot fathom and do not understand. It will disappear when Ray joins us, for Billings cannot help admiring his energy and usefulness in actual campaign. As yet nothing of great interest has occurred, but everything points to wild excitement at the reservations. We are camping to-night at the Cardinal's Chair up on the Nio- brara, and march northward to-morrow by way of Old Woman Fork to the Mini Pusa. General Sheridan's orders are to hide in the valley of the South Cheyenne, and keep a sharp watch on the trails crossing northwest ward, and be ready to strike any and all parties of hos- tiles going up from the reservations on White River. Of course here will be sharp work. We have had two rushes already, for the Sioux have war-parties out rob bing stock and running off horses from far south of the Platte, and a big band swept down the Chug Water within forty-five miles of you the very day we left Lodge Pole. ' K' went forward in pursuit, but they 132 MARION'S FAITH. had too big a start. This letter goes by courier to Lararaie to-night. Expect nothing more now for a week, as even the Black Hills stages have quit run ning. The Indians have driven off every white man between the Platte and the Yellowstone except those in the Black Hills settlements, and they are practically isolated. It was rumored that Webb and Truscott would be ordered forward to join us, and I suppose Buxton and Ray will take that opportunity of joining their companies. Should Mr. Gleason stay any time near Russell he will doubtless be inclined to cultivate the ladies from Wallace, Mrs. Truscott and Miss San- ford especially. If I could have seen Truscott or fore seen the plan, it would have been easy to prevent it. As I could not do either, you must give him few oppor tunities of visiting them at our house. They will be in their own, though, by the time he comes." They were not, however, as we have seen. The major had not contemplated the possibility of Gleason's taking a " ten days' delay" before reporting for duty, and so having ample time in which to ingratiate him self with the ladies. What he would have said in his own vigorous English could he have seen the lieuten ant leaning over Miss Sanford's shoulder as she sat at the table once more looking through the cavalry album, will not bear recording in these pages. As Mrs. Stan- nard herself glanced in from the hall-way she more than wished that Luce were home if only to hear her lion growl. She thought anxiously of him and of the situation of affairs in the Indian country only a hun dred miles to the north. She dreaded to tell Mrs. Truscott of the regiment's prospects for immediate ac- RAY TO THE FRONT. 133 tion, but she determined to try some expedient to rid Miss Sanford and the house of the presence of Mr. Gleason. Her air was brisk and determined, therefore, as she entered the parlor. " The major writes me from the Niobrara crossing that the regiment has had some sharp chasing to do already, and that they will be across the trails in two days, when they will certainly have fighting," she said, looking intently at Mr. Gleason. " What news do you get?" " Well, my mail has all gone on to Wallace, you see ? Mrs. Stannard," explained he, unwilling to admit in the presence of the ladies that nobody in the regiment cared enough for him to write. " It will all be up to morrow or next day, I presume, and by that time the troops will be here, and I'll be myself again. The real cavalryman, Miss Sanford, is like a fish out of water if separated more than a day from his horse. I long to be in saddle again," he added, with a complacent glance at the tall, well-proportioned figure reflected in the mirror. Gleason prided himself, and not without, reason, on his manly build, and was incessantly finding some means of calling attention to it. " If the major's views are correct, you will have abundant cavalry duty this summer, Mr. Gleason," said Mrs. Stannard, " and I was about to ask you if you heard nothing at the office, if none of the garrison officers had letters or news from the front." She hoped he would offer to go and inquire in person, as he had gone for the mail ; but Gleason preferred to have the officers suppose that he was in full possession of news which would not be sent to them. Going for the ladies' let- 12 134 MARION'S FAITH. ters implied certain authority from them, certain in timacy in the household. Going to inquire for news, on the contrary, implied lack of information, and it was his role to play that the th kept him fully posted. His reply was therefore brief, and he quickly changed the subject. " There was no news that I heard of, Mrs. Stannard, but I will go and see Colonel Whaling after he has had time to read all his mail. Miss Sanford was just asking me something about Mr. Stryker, she was admiring his photograph." " Bring the album out on the piazza. It is lovely and bright there now, and the wind is not blowing, for a wonder. I think we will all be better for fresh air, and Mrs. Truscott will be down in a moment." Mrs. Stannard spoke decidedly, and he had no course but to obey, even though he did not see the grateful look in Miss Sanford's eyes. He much preferred the confiden tial flavor which was possessed by a parlor interview, but there was no help for it. Following the lead of his hostess, he stepped out upon the piazza just as Mrs. Truscott. bright, animated, and happy, came fluttering down the stairs waving the captain's letter. Miss San- ford glanced up at her bonny face, and smiled sympa thetically. " No need to ask you is all well, Gracie." " No, indeed ! Jack writes that they will be in camp close beside us to-morrow morning. Oh, listen ! There's the band, and that is the very quickstep he used to love so much at the Point." And, fairly dancing in her happiness, she threw her arm around Marion's waist and together they appeared at the threshold, a lovely RAY TO THE FRONT. 135 picture, as the cap-doffing group of officers thought to a man. Half a dozen of these gentry were lolling at the gate ; the broad walk was already alive with graceful forms in summer dresses, with playful children and sedate nurse-maids trundling the inevitable baby-car riage. The band had just taken possession of its cir cular stand out on the parade ; a few carriages and buggies had driven out from town. It was a lovely June Saturday afternoon, the hebdomadal half holi day of the military bailiwick, and the dingy brown frontier fort looked merry as sunshine, music, and sweet faces could make it. Seeing the ladies upon the piazza, there was a general movement among the officers on the walk indicative of a desire to join the party, and Mr. Gleason gritted his teeth and went for more chairs. Mrs. Turner had appeared on her own gallery just before, possibly with the intention of starting a rival levee, and one or two youthful moths were fluttering about her candle already. She was not averse to a flir tation, ordinarily, but it did not look well to see her sitting with only one or two of the infantry subalterns when Mrs. Stannard's piazza was filled. She wisely determined to join the majority ; smilingly transferred herself and escort thither, and was as smilingly wel comed. There must have been a dozen in the group officers and ladies when the commanding officer's or derly entered the gate, saluted Mr. Gleason, and said, " Colonel Whaling's compliments, sir, and could you tell him when Lieutenant Ray will be here ?" The ladies looked up in surprise. The officers all of whom remembered the name in connection with what had been said by Messrs. Crane, Wilkins, and Gleason 136 MARION'S FAITH. himself listened for his reply. Gleason was quick to note the silence and to divine its cause. " Give my compliments to the colonel, and say that I do not know. I have not seen or heard rather, I have not seen Mr. Ray since leaving Kansas City," he replied. For a moment no one spoke. Then, as the orderly walked away, Mrs. Stannard, coloring slightly, turned full upon the lieutenant. " Mr. Gleason, it seems strange that you should know nothing of Mr. Ray's movements. You are generally well informed, and the major writes me how pleasantly they are looking for ward to Ray's coming. You know that out in the regiment they expect him by c pony express,' " she laughingly said, for the benefit of her silent auditors. Gleason well divined her object. It was to convey to the garrison officers that Ray was popular among his comrades at the front, however he might be regarded by those at the rear. He had already committed him self in presence of several of those now in the party, and he answered, " I'm afraid some people w r ill be disappointed, then. To begin with, there is no way of his reaching the reg iment until Truscott and Webb go up with their com panies. He could get no farther than Laramie by stage even were he here to try ; but he isn't here, and he isn't likely to be, either." "Will you tell me why?" asked Mrs. Stannard, paling now, but looking fixedly at him with a gleam in her blue eyes that made him wince. " Well, I'd rather not go into particulars," he mut tered, looking uneasily around. RAY TO THE FRONT. 137 "Is it illness, Mr. Gleason?" "No ; I don't know that it is." " Then, for one, I feel confident that he will be here in abundant time to go by first opportunity," she said, with quiet meaning. " Who may this swell be ?" languidly remarked one of the officers, looking down the road towards the gate. A.11 eyes followed his in an instant. Speeding at easy lope upon a spirited sorrel a horse man came jauntily up the row. The erect carriage, the perfect seat, the ease and grace with which his lithe form swayed with every motion of his steed, all present could see at a glance. Mrs. Stannard rose quickly to her feet ; her gaze becoming eager, then joyous. " Look !" she almost cried. " It's Mr. Kay himself !" In another minute, throwing himself lightly from the saddle, and tossing the reins to a statuesque orderly, the horseman came beaming through the gate, and Mrs. Stannard, to Miss Sanford's mingled amaze and appro bation, was warmly grasping both his hands in hers. Mrs. Truscott, blushing brightly and showing welcome and pleasure in her lovely eyes, but with the reserve of younger wifehood, had held forth one little hand. Then she heard the voluble gush with which Mrs. Turner precipitated herself upon him, and, while he remained captive as he had to in that fair matron's hands, laughingly answering her thronging questions, Marion Sanford had her first look at the young officer who had been the subject of such varying report. First impres sions are ever strong, and what she saw was this : a lithe, deep-chested, square-shouldered young fellow, with nerve and spring in every motion, standing bare- 12* 138 MARION'S FAITH. headed before them with the sunlight dancing on his close-cropped hair and shapely head. His eyes were dark, and heavily shaded with thick brows and long curling lashes, but the eyes brightened with every laugh ing word, were full of life and health and straight forwardness and fun. She could not but note how clear and brave and wide-open they were, despite the little wrinkles gathered at the corners and a faint shading underneath. His forehead, what could be seen of it when he tossed aside the dark, wavy " bang" that fell almost as low as her own, was white and smooth, but temples, cheeks, the smooth-shaven jaws, and the round, powerful throat were bronzed and tanned by sun and wind, and his white teeth gleamed all the whiter through the shading of the thick, curling, dark moustache, and the lips that laughed so merrily were soft and pink as any woman's might be; at least they were when he bowed and smiled and spoke her name when introduced to her, and when he nodded companionably to the bow ing group of officers, to whom Mrs. Stannard presented him with marked pride, " Mr. Ray of Ours," but how, for a second, his eye flashed and how rigid a spasm crossed his lips when Gleason's name was mentioned. To him he merely nodded, and instantly turned his back. All this and more Miss Sanford noted by that electric process which was known to women long before lightning was photographed, and enabled the sex to see in a quarter-second intricate details of feminine costume that it would take the nimblest tongue ten minutes to describe. She noticed his dress, so unlike the precise attire of his comrades, who wore, to the uttermost de tail, the regulation uniform. He had tossed a broad- RA Y TO THE FRONT. 139 brimmed, light-colored scouting hat upon the little grass plat as he entered, and now stood before them in the field rig he so well adorned. A dark-blue, double- breasted, broad-collared flannel shirt, tucked in at the waist in snugly-fitting breeches of Indian-tanned buck skin, while Sioux leggings encased his legs from knee to ankle, and his feet were shod substantially in alli gator-skin. Mexican spurs were at his heels ; a broad leather belt bristling with cartridges, and supporting knife and revolver, hung at his waist ; a red silk hand kerchief was loosely knotted at his throat, and soft brown gauntlets covered his hands until they were dis carded as he greeted them. If ever man looked the picture of elastic health and vigor it was Mr. Ray. This, then, was something like the cavalry life of which she had heard so much. Marion Sanford, despite East ern education and refinement, was so unconventional as to find something more attractive in Mr. Ray in this same field rig than in Mr. Gleason in faultlessly accu rate uniform. " Why, Mr. Ray, how very well you look !" was Mrs. Turner's exclamation, "and somebody said you had been ill." " I ? No indeed ! I never felt better in my life." " But where have you been ? When did you come ? Why didn't you write ?" were some among the count less questions thrust upon him. " I had a few days' delay, you know ; came by way of Omaha to see my sister ; just arrived at one to-day ; left my trunks with the quartermaster at the depot ; got into field rig in fifteen minutes ; packed my saddle bags and slung them on Dandy, who has been waiting 140 MARION'S FAITH. for me ever since the regiment marched ; galloped out here to say good-by to you, and in half an hour I'll be off for Laramie." " Why, Mr. Ray ! What can be the hurry ? Why start this evening ?" "Why not?" he laughed. " Dandy and I can reach the Chug and put up with old Phillipse to-night, and gallop on to Laramie to-morrow. Once there, it won't take me long to find my way out to the regiment." " Why, the whole country is full of Indians !" ex postulated Mrs. Stannard. " The major writes in this very letter that no one ventures north of the Platte." " How did the letter come in, then ? and how is com munication kept up?" asked the lieutenant, showing his white teeth in his amusement. " Oh ! couriers, of course ; but they are half-breeds, and have lived all their life in that country." " Well, I can wriggle through if they can. One thing is certain, it won't be for lack of trying. So, whatever you may have to send to the major, get ready ; the lightning express leaves at 4.30. I must go and report my movements to the commanding officer, and then will come back to you. Is the adjutant here?" he asked, looking around at the party of infantrymen who were standing waiting for a chance to excuse them selves, and leave the ladies to the undisputed possession of their evident favorite. Mr. Warner bowed : " At your service, Mr. Ray." " Will you come and present me to the colonel ? I will be back in ten minutes, Mrs. Stannard ; and, Mrs. Truscott, remember it is over a year since I saw you last, and you gave me good luck the last time I went RAT TO THE FRONT. out scouting." "With that, and a general bow by way of parting courtesy, Mr. Ray took himself and the post adjutant off. For a moment there was silence. Everybody gazed after him except Gleason. " Isn't that just too characteristic of Mr. Ray for anything?" exclaimed Mrs. Turner. "I wonder if any other officer would be in such a hurry to risk his scalp in chasing the regiment ? You wouldn't, would you, Mr. Gleason ?" she added, with the deliberate and mischievous impertinence she knew would sting, and meant should sting, and felt serenely confident that her victim could not resent. He flushed hotly : " My duties are with my troop, Mrs. Turner, and Mr. Ray's with his. When my troop goes I go with it. When his went he didn't. That's all there is to it." . "But he couldn't go, Mr. Gleason, as you well know," replied Mrs. Turner ; and evidently Mrs. Stan- nard, too, was eager to ask him what he had to say now about Mr. Ray's staying behind. To tell the truth, he was more dismayed by Ray's appearance than he dare admit even to himself. He was startled. He had grave reason for not wanting to meet him again, and as the officers were scattering he seized a pretext, called to one of them that he wished to speak with him a moment, and hurried away. When Ray returned from the colo nel's quarters, he had the field to himself, and that they might have him their regimental possession to them selves, Mrs. Stannard begged the younger ladies to usher him into the parlor, where they could be secure against interruption until he had to start. Gleason's business with his infantry friend was of 142 MARION'S FAITH. slight moment, apparently, as he speedily left him and wended his way to the quarters of the commanding officer. Old Colonel Whaling was just coming forth, and they met at the gate. " You sent me an inquiry a few moments ago, sir, which I could not answer at the time," said the lieu tenant, in his blandest manner. " I see that Mr. Ray has arrived to speak for himself. May I ask if he was wanted for anything especial?" And Gleason looked very closely into the grizzled features of the command ant. " Some letters for him had been sent with my mail and a telegram. I inferred that he must be coming, and thought you might know. Rather a spirited young fellow he seems to be. I was quite startled at his notion -of riding alone in search of the regiment. How soon does he start ? I see his horse there yet." " He spoke of going in a few moments, sir. You see we have been so much accustomed to this sort of thing in Arizona that there is nothing unusual in it to us. Still, I hardly expected Mr. Ray would be going or rather there were some matters which he left un settled that I supposed would prevent his going. You didn't happen to notice where his letters were from, I suppose ?" asked the lieutenant, tentatively. The colonel would have colored had he been younger, but his grizzled old face had long since lost its capacity for blushing. He felt that it grew hot, however, and Gleason's insinuation cut, as Gleason knew it would. Old Whaling was morbidly inquisitive as to the corre spondence of his officers, and could rarely resist the temptation of studying postmarks, seals, superscrip- RAY TO THE FRONT. 143 ;iou, and general features of all letters that came ;hrough his hands. " Not not especially," he stammered. Gleason saw his advantage and pursued it. He spoke with all apparent hesitancy and proper regret. " I feared that he might have been recalled, or his yoing arrested by orders from division headquarters, or from Fort Leaven worth. Some things with regard to ;he purchase of one lot of horses, of which I disap proved, were being looked into when I came away, and when "Well, colonel, it is against the rule of our regiment to talk to outsiders of one another" (" Like ahem !" was old Whaling's muttered comment as lie recalled what he had heard of Gleason's revelations at the store), " and I would not allude to this but that, as 3ommanding officer, you will be sure to hear of it all, You see the principal dealer with whom we did busi ness is a brother-in-law of Mr. Ray's, a fellow named Rallston, and some of his horses wouldn't pass muster anywhere ; but well, Ray was with him day after day, and kept aloof from Buxton and myself, and there was some money transaction between them, and there's been a row. At the last moment Rallston came to me to complain that he had been cheated, and what I'm afraid of is that Ray promised to secure the acceptance of a lot of worthless horses by the board for some five hun dred dollars cash advanced him by Rallston. He was hot about it, and swore he would bring matters to Gen eral Sheridan's notice instantly. That is what made me so guarded in the reply I sent you. I owe you this explanation, colonel, but trust you will consider it con fidential." 144 MARION'S FAITH. Whaling looked greatly discomposed but unquestion ably interested. He eyed Gleason sharply and took it all in without a word. " I thought some of his letters might have been from Leavenworth," said Gleason, after a pause. " One of them was, that is, I think I saw the office mark, but nothing official has reached me on the matter. I'm sorry to hear it, very ; for both your colonel and Major Stannard spoke in highest terms of Mr. Ray when they were here." " Oh, Ray has done good service and all that sort of thing, but when a fellow of his age gets going down hill with debts and drinking and cards well, you know how it has been in your own regiment, colonel." " He don't look like a drinking man," said the colo nel. " I never saw clearer eyes or complexion in any fellow." " Ye-es; he looks unusually well just now." And just at that moment as they stood there talking of him, Mrs. Stannard's door opened and he came forth, the three ladies following. He did look well, more than well, as he turned with extended hand to say good-by. " Dandy," his lithe-limbed sorrel, pricked up his dainty, pointed ears and whinnied eagerly as he heard his step on the piazza, giving himself a shake that threatened the dislocation of his burden of blank ets, canteen, and saddle-bags. The ladies surrounded him at the gate. Mrs. Stannard's kind blue eyes were moistening. How often had she said good-by to the young fellows starting out as buoyantly as Ray to-day, thinking as she did so of the mothers and sisters at home ! How often had it happened that they came RAY TO THE FRONT. 145 back maimed, pallid, suffering, or not at all ! She had always liked Ray, he was so frank, so loyal, so true, and more than ever she liked now to show her friendship and regard since he had been slandered. Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford stood with arms en twined about each other's waist, the sweetest and best of them have that innate, inevitable coquetry, and Mrs. Stannard bent forward to rearrange the silken knot at his throat, giving it an approving pat as she surveyed the improvement. Ray smiled his thanks. " Do you remember the night at Sandy, Mrs. Trus cott, the last scout we started out on, and how you came to see us off and wish me good luck ?" "As well as though it were only yesterday," she answered. " We had good luck. It was one of the best scouts ever made from Sandy, and the Apaches caught it heavily. It was a success all through except our our losing Tanner and Kerrigan. Jack's hit was to be envied." She shuddered and drew closer to Miss Sanford's side. " Oh, Mr. Ray ! I cannot bear to think of that fight. I won't wish you good luck again. You always expect it to mean unlimited meetings with the Indians. I pray you may not see one." " Then I appeal to you, Miss Sanford. Shall I con fess that your name is one I have envied for the last five years ? No, don't be amazed ! "We Kentuckians always associate it now with two of our grandest horses, Monarchist and Harry Bassett. Why, I'm going to ride the old Sanford colors myself this sum- Q k 13 146 MARION'S FAITH. mer. See, the dark blue ?" he laughed, pointing to his breast. " Then you should be among the first coming home," she answered, brightly, "and that isn't your custom, I'm told." " But in this case the whole regiment will be wearing the dark blue ; so there will be no distinction. I won't beg for a ribbon. It's bad luck. I stole the tassel of Miss Pelham's fan in Arizona and wore it on the next dash ; we never saw an Indian, and she married a fel low who stayed at home. All the same, Miss Sanford, if you hear of the th doing anything especially lively this summer, remember that one fellow in the crowd rides his best to win for the sake of your colors. Au revoir. Come, Dandy, you -scamp ; now for a scamper to the Chug." He sprang lightly into saddle, waved his hat to them, then bent low, as by sudden impulse, and held out his hand. " God bless you, Mrs. Stannard !" he said ; and look ing at her in half surprise, they saw her eyes were brimming with tears. Another moment and he had turned Dandy's head to the west, and was tripping up the road past the adju tant's office. They saw him raise his gauntleted hand in salute to the post commander, and heard his voice call out, ringingly, " Good-day, colonel." They saw that between him and Mr. Gleason no sign of recogni tion passed, and they stood in silence watching him until, turning out at the west gate, he struck a lope and disappeared behind the band quarters, out on the open prairie. A JUNE SUNDAY. 147 When Mr. Gleason touched his cap to the colonel and started to rejoin the ladies, they saw him coming. Nobody said a word, but the three ladies re-entered the house, Mrs. Truscott last ; but it was Mrs. Stannard who turned back in the hall and shut the door. When Gleason reached the front gate he concluded not to enter, but went on down the row. CHAPTER X. A JUNE SUNDAY. IT is a cloudless Sunday morning, the longest Sun day in that month of longest days, warm, balmy, rose- bearing June. Only a few hours' high is the blazing god of day, but his beams beat fiercely down on a land scape wellnigh as arid as the Arizona our troopers knew so well. Not a breath of air is stirring. Down in the shallow valley to the right, where the cotton- woods are blistering beside the sandy stream-bed, a faint column of smoke rises straight as the stem of a pine- tree until it melts into indistinguishable air. The sandy waste goes twisting and turning in its fringe of timber southeastward along a broad depression in the face of the land, until twenty odd miles away it seems brought up standing by a barrier of rugged hills that dip into the bare surface at the south, and go rising and falling, rolling and tumbling, higher and raggeder, to the north. All the intervening stretches are bare, 148 MARION'S FAITH. tawny, sun-scorched, except those fringing cottonwoods. All those tumbling heights are dark and frowning through their beards of gloomy larch and pine. Black they stand against the eastern sky, from the jagged summits at the south to where the northernmost peak, the Inyan Kara, the Heengha-Kaaga of the Sioux, stands sentinel over the sisterhood slumbering at her feet. These are the Black Hills of Dakota, as we see them from the breaks of the Mini Pusa, a long day's march to the west. Here to our right, southeast ward, rolls the powdery flood of the South Cheyenne, when earlier in the season the melting snows go trick ling down the hill-sides. But to-day only in dry and waving ripples of sand can we trace its course. If you would see the water, dig beneath the surface. Here behind us rolls another sandy stream, dry as its Dakota name implies, Mini Pusa : Dry Water, and to our right and rear is their sandy confluence. Southward, almost to the very horizon, in waves and rolls and ridges, bare of trees, void of color, the earth unfolds before the eye, while, as though to relieve the strain of gazing over the expanse so illimitable in its monotony, a blue line of cliffs- and crags stretches across the sky line for many degrees. Beyond that, out of sight to the southeast, lies the sheltered, fertile valley of the upper White Earth River; and there are the legal homes of thousands of the " nation's wards," the bands of the Dakotas Ogallalla and Brule, led by Red Cloud and Spotted Tail. There, too, are clothed and fed and cared for a thousand odd Cheyennes. Just over that ridge at its western end, where it seems to blend into the general surface of upland prairie, a faint blue peak A JUNE SUNDAY. 149 leaps up into the heated air, "Old Rawhide," the landmark of the region. Farther off, south west ward, still another peak rises blue and pale against the burn ing distance. 'Tis far across the Platte, a good hun dred miles away. Plainsmen to this day call it Larmie in that iconoclastic slaughter of every poetic title that is their proud characteristic. All over our grand conti nent it is the same. The names, musical, sonorous, or descriptive, handed down as the heritage of the French missionaries, the Spanish explorers, or the aboriginal owners, are all giving way to that democratic intoler ance of foreign title which is the birthright of the free-born American. What name more grandly de scriptive could discoverer have given to the rounded, gloomy crest in the southern sierras, bald at the crown, fringed with its circling pines, what better name than Monte San Mate"o Saint Matthew, he of the shaven poll? Over a century the title held. Adaptive Indian, Catholic Mexican, acceptive dragoon, one and all re spected and believed in it. But then came the miner and the cowboy, and with them the new vocabulary. Monte San Mate"o slinks in unmerited shame to hide its heralded deformity as Baldhead Butte. What dev ilish inspiration impelled the Forty-Niners to damn Monte San Pablo to go down to eternity as Bill Wil liams' Mountain ? Who but an iconoclast would rend the sensitive ear with such barbarities as the Loss Ang- glees of to-day for the deep-vowelled Los Angeles of the last century ? Who but a Yankee would swap the murky " Purgatoire" for Picketwire, and make Zumbro River of the Riviere des Ombres of brave old Pere 13* 150 MARION'S FAITH. Marquette ? And so ; too, it goes through all the broad Northwest. Indian names, beautiful in themselves even though at times untranslatable, are tossed con temptuously aside to be replaced by the homeliest of every-day appellations, until the modern geography of "Wyoming, Dakota, Montana, and Idaho bristles with innumerable Sage, Boxelder, Horse, and Pine Creeks. Mini Pusa Dry Water have the Dakotas called for ages the sandy stream that twists and turns and glares in the hot sunshine down here in the vale behind us. " Muggins's Fork," some stockman said he heard it called a month ago. Far over there to the east almost under the black shadow of the hills we see another slender thread of questionable green ; cotton- woods again, no doubt, for nothing but cottonwoods or sage-brush or grease- wood worse yet will grow down in the alkaline wastes of this Wyoming valley ; and that thread or fringe betokens the existence of a stream in the spring-time, one that the Sioux have ever called the Beaver, after the amphibious rodent who dammed its waters, and thereby rescued them from a like fate at the hands of modern residents. Far to the southeast, miles and miles away, dim and hazy through the heat waves of the atmosphere one can almost see another twisting string of shade, the cottonwoods on the banks of the winding War Bonnet ; at least so the Sioux named it, after their gorgeous crown of eagle feathers, but 'twas too polysyllabic, too poetic for the blunt-spoken fron tiersman, who long since compromised on Hat Creek. We are in the heart of the Indian country, but the wild romance has fled. We are on dangerous ground, for there, straight away before our eyes, broad, beaten as a A JUNE SUNDAY. race-course, prominent as any public highway, descend ing the slope until lost in the timber of the South Chey enne, then reappearing beyond, until far in the southeast it dwindles in perspective to a mere thread, and so dips into the valley of the War Bonnet and Indian Creek, there lies the broad road from the reservations to the war-path. It is the trail over which for years the " Wards of the Nation" have borne the paid-up prices of their good behavior to sustain their brethren rene- gados in the Powder Kiver Country far up here to the northwest. Over this road all winter long, all the spring-tide, and to this very week in June, arms, ammu nition, ponies, bacon, flour, coffee, sugar, clothing, and warriors have been speeding to the hosts of Sitting Bull. The United States is sending to-day three or four thou sand men at arms, equipped and supplied by the De partment of War, to try conclusions with about twioe that number of trained warriors similarly provided for by the Department of the Interior. It is odd, but it is a fact. Camping along the banks of the Rawhide, the first stream on the Indian side of the Platte, the officer in command of the advance-guard of the th was surprised to see a train of wagons and without apparent escort. Galloping down to their fires, he accosted the wagon-master, who smilingly assured him that he and his train were in no danger from the Indians, they were bringing them supplies. What supplies ? Why, metallic cartridges, of course, Winchester and Henry, for their magazine-rifles, don't you know ? Oh, yes. He understood well enough that they were all going out on the war-path, but he couldn't help that. He was piiid so much a month to haul supplies from Sid- 152 MARION'S FAITH. ney to Red Cloud agency, and if it happened to be powder and lead, 'tweren't none o' his business. How much had he? Oh, three or four hundred thousand rounds, he reckoned. To whom consigned ? Why, the trader, the Indian store at Red Cloud, of course, Mr. 's. In speechless indignation the officer rides off and reports the matter to the colonel, and the colo nel goes down and interviews the imperturbable " boss" with similar result, and more ; for he comes back with a shrug of the shoulders and some honest blasphemy, for which may Heaven forgive him. (The fine inflicted by army regulations has not yet been collected.) " We can do nothing," he says. " That fellow has his papers straight from the Interior Department. He has been hauling cartridges all spring." And now, here is the advance-guard of the th again far up on the Mini Pusa, just arrived, and that slender column of smoke rising from among the cottonwoods tells of a tiny fire where the men are boiling their coffee, while, miles away to the southwest, the rising dust-clouds proclaim the coming of the regiment itself. Out on the distant heights, on either side, other smokes are rising. Indian signals, that say to lurking warriors far and near, " Be on your guard ; soldiers coming ;" and so, here on the breaks of the Mini Pusa on this scorching Sabbath morn, the vanguard of the th has reached and tapped the broad highway of Indian commerce. The laws of the nation they are sworn to defend prohibit their interfering with the distribution of ammunition by that same nation to the foes they are ordered to meet. The nation is impartial : it provides friend and foe alike. The War Office sends its cartridges to the th A JUNE SUNDAY. 153 through the ordnance officer, Lieutenant, X. The Indian Bureau looks after its wards through Mr. at Ked Cloud. And now the th is ordered to stop those cartridges from getting to Sitting Bull up on the Rosebud. That is what brings them here to the Mini Pusa, and we see them now riding down in long dusty column into the valley, heedless of the dust they make, for the Indians have hovered on their flanks, out of sight, out of range, but seeing, ever since they crossed the Platte; and here they are, "old Stannard" and Billings with the advance, lying prone on their stom achs and searching through their field-glasses- for any signs of Indian coming from the reservations, while with the column itself, in their battered slouch hats and rough flannel and buckskin, bristling with cartridges and ugly beards, burned and blistered and parched with scorching sun and winds tempered only with al kali dust, ride our Arizona friends, many of them at least. Old Bucketts with his green goggles ; Turner with his melancholy face and placid ways ; Raymond, stern and swart ; Canker, querulous and " nagging" with his men, but eager for any service ; Stafford, who won his troop vice the noble-hearted Tanner whom we lost among the Apaches ; Wayne, who is loquacity itself whenever he can find a listener, and who talks his patient subaltern almost deaf through the long day marches ; and Crane and Wilkins, who are a good deal together at every halt, and consort more with Canker than other captains ; and then there is the jolly element that ever clusters around Blake, whose spirits* defy ad versity, and whose merry quips and jests and boundless distortions of fact or fancy are the joy of the regiment. 154 MARION'S FAITH. With Blake one always finds Merrill and Freeman and some of the jovial junior captains, and, of course, the boys, Hunter, Dana, Briggs ; and here they are on this blessed Sabbath of the Centennial June, sent up to stop Mr. 's cartridges, after they have become the property of " Mr. Lo ;" and once a cartridge be comes Indian property, there is only one way of stop ping it. The wealth of France is inadequate to pur chase of Alfred Krupp a single gun from his shops at Essen, because his love for Fatherland will not let him place a power in the hands of the hereditary enemy. It takes enlightened England and free America to sup ply friends and foes alike with the means to kill. Stannard closes his glass with a grunt of dissatisfac tion, and turns to Billings. " None of those cartridges get through here thi& day anyhow ; but how many do you suppose Mr. has sent up there already ?" And he points as he speaks to the far northwest. Under that blue dome, cloudless, glaring ; under the sentinel peaks of the Big Horn shimmering there in the distance, over the rolling divide in that glorious upland that heaves and rolls and tosses between the Rosebud and the swirling stream in the broad valley farther west, another regiment that of which we spoke, whose leader is famed in song and story is riding rapidly this still Sunday morning in search of Mr. 's cartridges. Some say the tall, blue-eyed, blond- bearded captain who leads that beautiful troop of bays is Mr. 's brother. Odd ! yet how can the Indian Bureau know that Crazy Horse and Two Bears and Kicking Mule want to buy Mr. 's bullets to kill his brother with? How, indeed, should Mr. A JUNE SUNDAY. 155 know? Army officers, 'tis true, have warned them time and again; but when were army officers' state ments ever potent in the Interior Department against the unendorsed assertion of Crazy Horse or Kicking Mule that he only wanted to kill buffalo ? Indeed, is riot Mr. himself eager to go bail for the pur chaser, since his profits are so high ? Over the divide, hot on the broad, beaten trail goes the long column. How different are they from our sombre friends of the th, who, miles and marches away to the southeast, are dismounting and unsaddling under the cottonwoods ! Years in Arizona have robbed the latter of all the old love for the pomp and panoply of war. There is not a bit of finery in the command, there is hardly a ves tige of uniform ; but look here, look here at the bril liance of the Seventh. Bright guidons flutter at the head of every troop ; bright chevrons, stripes, and but tons gleam on the dress of many an officer and man ; the steeds, though worn and jaded with an almost ceaseless trot of thirty-six hours, are spirited and beau tiful ; some are gayly decked. Foremost rides their tried leader, clad from head to foot in beaded buck skin. " The Long Hair" the Sioux still call him, though now the long hair waves not on the breeze, and an auburn beard conceals the handsome outline of the face all troopers know so well. Near him rides his adjutant, dressed like himself in their favorite buck skin, so too are others among the officers, though many wear the jaunty fatigue uniform of the cavalry, and the rank and file are all, or nearly all, in blue. But a short way back they have come upon the scaf folding sepulchre of Indian warriors lately slain in 156 MARION'S FAITH. battle ; but a few miles ahead they see a broad valley from which, far from south to north, a vast dust-cloud is rising, and for this there can be but one explanation, thousands of Indian ponies in excited motion. Ay, scouts in advance already sight indications of the near presence of a great Indian community, and the column resolves itself into three, trotting in parallel lines across the treeless upland a mile or so apart. With the north ernmost, the largest, rides now the leader of all, while between them gallop couriers carrying rapid orders. Every face sets eagerly westward. Every heart beats high with the thrill of coming battle. Some there are who note the immensity of the dust-cloud, who reason silently that for miles and miles the valley before them is covered by the scurrying herds ; ten thousand ponies at least must there be to stir up such a volume ; then, how many warriors are there to meet these seven hun dred ? No matter what one thinks, not a man falters. Far to the south the snow peaks glisten over the pine-crested range of the Big Horn. Nearer at hand deep, dark caflons burrow in towards the bowels of the mountains. Then from their bases leap the rolling foot-hills, brown and bare but for the dense growth of the sun-cured buffalo-grass. Westward, open and un dulating sweeps the broad expanse of almost level valley beyond the bluffs, close under which is curling the fatal stream, the " Greasy Grass" of the Dakotas. Far to the north in the same endless waves the prairie rolls to the horizon, beyond which lies the shallow river where the transports are toiling up-stream with com rade holdiery. Behind the. column, eastward, dip the sheltered valleys of the Rosebud and the breaks of the A JUNE SUNDAY. 157 Tongue among the Cheetish Mountains; and there, not fifty miles away as the crow flies, the soldiers of the Gray Fox, over two thousand strong, are camped, awaiting reinforcements before renewing the attempt to advance upon these lurking bands of Sitting Bull. Not two days' march away, on both flanks, are four times his numbers in friends and allies ; not two miles away, in his front, are ten times his force in foemen, savage, but skilled ; yet all alone and unsupported, the Long Hair rides dauntlessly to the attack, even though he and his well know it must be battle to the death, for Indian warfare knows no mercy. There be those who say the assault was rash ; the speed unauthorized ; the whole effort mad as Lucan's launch of the Light Brigade at Balaclava; but once there in view of the fatal valley, the sight is one to fire the brain of any trooper. Galloping to a little mound to the right front, the broad expanse lies before the leader's eyes, and far as he can see, out to the west and northwest, the dust-cloud rises heavily over the prairie ; here and there, nearer at hand, are the scurrying ponies and, close down by the stream, excited bands of Indians tearing down lodge after lodge and preparing for rapid flight. But one conclusion can he draw. They are panic-stricken, stampeded. They are "on the run" already, and unless attacked at once can never be over hauled. They will scatter over the face of the wild Northwest in an hour's time. He cannot see what we know so well to-day : that only the northern limits of the great villages are open to his gaze ; that the shelter ing bluffs hide from him all the crowded lodges of the bands farthest to the south, and that while squaws and H 158 MARION'S FAITH. children are indeed being hurried off to the west, hun- dreds, thousands of exultant young warriors are gallop ing in from the western prairies, herding the war-ponies before them. He cannot see the scores that, rifle in hand, are rushing into the willows and cottonwoods along the stream, eager and ready to welcome his com ing ; he sends hurried orders to the leaders of the little columns on his left : " Push ahead ; cross the stream ; gal lop northward when you reach the western bank, and attack that end of the village while I strike from the east." He never dreams that behind that solid curtain of bluff Ogallalla, Sans Arc, Uncapapa, and Blackfoot lurk in myriads. " The biggest Indian village on the continent !" they say, he shouts to the nearest column ; but only the northern limits of it could he see. Far, far away in the East the church-bells are ringing out their glad welcome to the God-given day of rest. Mothers, sisters, wives, lift up a prayer for the loved ones on the savage frontier. Aloft the sun in cloudless splendor looks down on all. Westward press the com rade columns, until, reaching the head of a shallow ravine that leads northwestward towards the stream, the Long Hair spurs to the front, Oh, those beautiful Kentucky sorrels ! Oh, those gallant, loyal hearts ! and the eager, bearded faces, the erect, athletic forms, the fluttering guidons, one by one are lost to view as they wind away down the coulee ; one by one they dis appear from sight, from hearing, of the comrades now trotting down the bluffs to the west. Take the last look upon them, fellows, five fated companies. Obedi ent to their leader's order, loyal, steadfast, unmurmur ing to the bitter end, they vanish once and for all from A JUNE SUNDAY. 159 loving eyes. Only as gashed, lifeless, mutilated forms will we ever see them again. Who has not read the story of the Little Horn? Why repeat it here ? Who that was there will ever forget the sight that burst upon the astonished eyes of Reno's men when, breaking through the willows along the stream and reaching the level bench, they saw, not five miles away to the north, as was the first idea, but here in their very front, only long rifle-shot away, the southern outskirts of the great Indian metropolis that stretched away for miles to the north. God of battles ! was this a position, was this a force to be assailed by one regiment ? Why linger over it ? the half-hearted advance of the dismounted skirmish line ; the hesitat ing rally ; then the volley from the willows ; the flank ing warriors on the west ; the sudden consciousness of their pitiful numbers as against the hordes now swarm ing upon them ; the mad rush for the bluffs, with the yelling Indians dragging the rearmost from their steeds and butchering them as they rode; the Henrys and Winchesters pumping their bullets into the fleeing mass ; the plunge into the seething waters ; the panting scramble up the steep and slippery banks ; the breath less halt at the crest, and then, then the backward glance at the field and the fallen. Who will forget Mclntosh, striving to rally the rearmost, dragged from the saddle and hacked to death upon the sward ? Who will forget Benny Hodgson's brave young face, the pet, the pride of the whole regiment ? Even the dar ing and devotion of his men could not save him from the hissing lead of those savage marksmen. Then the strained suspense, the half-hour's listening to the fierce, 160 MARION'S FAITH. the awful volleying to the north that told of a fearful struggle. The flutter of hope that it might be the stronger battalion fighting its way through to the relief of theirs, the weak one ; the blank faces that gazed one into another with awe-stricken inquiry as trumpet blare and rallying shout and rattling volley receded, not ap proached ; died away, not thundered anew in coming triumph ; the pall of certainty that fell on every man when silence so soon reigned in the distance, and pan demonium broke out afresh around them. Back from their bloody work, drunk with blood and victory, came by thousands the savage warriors to swell the forces that had driven the white soldiers to -cover. Up, thank God ! not an instant too soon, came the comrades from the distant left, and Benteen and MacDougall riding in with four full companies and the needed ammunition gave them strength to hold out. Through the hours of fierce battle that followed, through that dread " run ning the gauntlet" for water that the wounded craved, through the stern suspense and strain of the day and night that intervened before the rescuing forces of Terry came cautiously up the valley, and the Sioux melted away before them, ah ! how many a time was the question asked, " What can have become of Ouster ?" Far, far to the east this still Sabbath afternoon, seeking shelter from the glare of the same blazing sun, seeking sympathy from each other's words, seeking hope and comfort from Him who alone can aid, a little group of women gather at the frontier fort on the banks of the Missouri. They are the wives of the officers who that morning ride " into the Valley of Death" with their soldier leader. Fair young matrons and mothers, A JUNE SUNDAY. 161 whose thoughts have little room for tue giad jubilee in the still more distant East, whose world is with that charging column. Only a few days since there came to them the evil news that the Indians had forced back the soldiers of the southern Department, that meant harder work, fiercer fighting for their own. And this dread anxiety it is that clusters them here, lifting up sweet voices in their hymn of praise to the Heavenly Throne, pleading, pleading for the life and safety of those who are their all in all. Oh, God ! there is prophecy in the very words of their mournful song, though they know it not. Pitying Father, listen, and be merciful. " E'en though it be a Cross That raiseth me." Vain the trembling hope, vain the tearful pleading. Far out on the slopes of the Little Horn those for whom these prayers are lifted have fought their last battle. God has, indeed, asked of these women that henceforth " they walk on in the shadow and alone." 162 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XL THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. THE glorious Fourth has come and gone. The Centennial anniversary has had its completed category of parade and picnic ; speech and song ; fun and fire works. The thronging cities of the East have rejoiced with unusual enthusiasm, especially Philadelphia, whose coffers are plethoric with the tribute of visiting thou sands. Out on the frontier we have celebrated with modified 6clat, since" the national celebrants are mostly absent on active service, and have no blank cartridges to dispose of. The big garrison flags have been duly hoisted and saluted. The troops have been paraded where there were any to parade, as only a few infantry men remain to take care of the forts and the families. The Declaration of Independence has been read in one or two of the bigger posts, where enough remains of defenders to make up a fair-sized demonstration. One of these is far up on the Missouri, where the cavalry ladies are all invited to hear the infantry orator of the day and go. No news has come for some time from husbands and lovers on the war-path, and it is best to be hopeful and cheery. They make a lovely picture, a dozen of them in their dainty white dresses, their smil ing faces, their fluttering fans and ribbons. They ap plaud each telling point with encouraging bravos and the clapping of pretty hands. How free from care, THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. 163 how joyous, how luxurious is army life ! How gleeful is their silvery laughter ! How beaming the smiles with which they reward the young gallant who comes among them for their congratulations ! Vanitas, vani- tatum ! They are nearly all widowed, poor girls, but they don't know it not yet. The steamer laden with the wounded and the fell tidings of disaster is but a few hours away. Before the breaking of another day there will be none to smile in all their number. Verily, " In the midst of life we are in death." And Russell, too, has had its jubilee on a more extensive scale, for here are "Webb and Truscott with their fine troops of horse, the band, the infantry com panies, and a brace of old howitzers, with which they make the welkin ring. No tidings of any account have come from the front. The Gray Fox is puzzled at the situation. The Indians are out there somewhere, as he finds every time a scout goes forth, but they appear to be engrossed in some big council over at the Greasy Grass. One thing is certain, he can get no word through to Terry on the Yellowstone, and he cannot afford another tussle with such force as they show when he does come out. The th is still down near the Black Hills. Busy ? Oh, yes. Busy is no word for it ! They are scampering all over the south Cheyenne country after small bands of Indians, whose fleet ponies keep them just out of range of the carbines and just out of reach of the horses, who, grain-fed all winter, are now losing speed, strength, and bottom on the scant and wiry grass they find in the sandy valleys. Trus cott and Webb are eager to go forward, but orders say wait. Mrs. Truscott is again almost in heaven. Jack 164 MARION'S FAITH. has been with her nearly a fortnight. They are domi ciled in their new quarters. Mrs. Stannard is their next-door neighbor ; much of their furniture has come, and the army home is beginning to look lovely. Mrs. "Whaling and Mrs. Turner can never see enough of it, or say enough. Large numbers of recruits have been sent to the post to be drilled and forwarded to the cavalry at the front. They are having riding-school all hours of the day, and the cavalry officers are in saddle from morn till night teaching them. Mr. Gleason is assiduous in this duty. "Whatever Captain Truscott has heard to the gentle man's discredit in the past, he admits to himself that it has prepared him for agreeable disappointment. No lieutenant could be more attentive or subordinate, more determined to please. Captain Truscott cannot but wish that Mr. Gleason were less attentive to Miss San- ford, but that young lady is evidently fully able to keep him at a very pleasant distance. It excites the captain's admiration to see how perfectly lady-like, how really gracious is her manner to the aspiring widower, and yet how serenely unencouraging. No one understood this better than Mr. Gleason himself. Finding her deeper, less impressionable than he at first supposed, he simply changed his tactics. He avoided the store, he shunned conversations on dangerous topics, he cultivated the society of Colonel Whaling, and deeply impressed that veteran with the depth of his information on dogs, horses, and military affairs. He dexterously lost small sums to the post commander at pool and billiards; enough to keep the old gentleman in cigars and good- humor. He became "serious" in his conversation with THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. the colonel's amiable wife, whose exemplary habit it was to be always found seated at a little table behind a very big Bible when visitors called ; though the garri son did say, as garrisons will, that occasionally they had to knock or ring half a dozen times before the summons could be heard ; not because the good lady was so deeply plunged in religious meditation, but be cause the clatter of angry tongues made all demonstra tion from without simply inaudible. The long-suffering and short-serving domestics who successively reigned in the Whaling kitchen and cham bers were wont to say that it was nag and scold from morn till dewy eve, sometimes later, and that in the midst of wrathful tirade the lady of the house would only be brought to instant silence by the an nouncement of " some one at the door." A certain Miss Finnegan, who served a brief apprenticeship in the household, acquired lasting fame in the garrison for the mimetic power which enabled her to portray "Mrs. Gineral's" instantaneous change from a posture of fury to one of rapt devotion. She could look like Hecate Hibernicized, and in one comprehensive second drop into a chair, "smooth her wrinkled front" and side curls, shake out her rumpled draperies, and rise' from an instant's searching of the Scriptures with features expressive of the very acme of Christian peace and benediction. " Mrs. General" was a pet-name the lady had won from a wifely and lovable trait that prompted her to aggrandize her placid lord above his deserts. Him she ever addressed (in public), and of him she ever spoke, as " the general," irrespective of the fact that the rank was one he never had or never 166 MARION'S FAITH. would attain, even by brevet, for the Senate drew the line at the man who had been in the army through three wars and never heard a hostile bullet whistle. His regiment had not been required in the Florida business. He himself was put on other duty when they went to Mexico, and, finally, in the great war of the Rebellion, there was constant need of regulars to act as mustering and disbursing officers at the rear. Such had been old Whaling's career, and, so long as he himself was utterly unpretentious, never claimed to have done any war service, and was content to drift along and draw his pay, nobody would have said much in detraction had it not been for his wife's per sistent pushing. He was merely second in command of his regiment, but the lady spoke of him as " the general" on all occasions, and alluded to his immediate superior, who had led corps and divisions in his day, as Colonel Starr. Others of equal rank and with the brevets of major-generals she similarly belittled. They were merely field-officers. She admitted the ex istence of no greater man than " the general," her hus band, and whatever might be the sorrows of other parents with their children, or housewives with their servants, Mrs. Whaling pitied, even condoled, but could not sympathize. With uplifted eyes she would thank the Giver of all good that He had blessed her with sous so noble and distinguished, with daughters so lovely and so dutiful, with servants so singularly devoted. In the various garrisons in which the good lady had flourished, what mattered it that her boys were known to be graceless young scamps whom cudgelling could not benefit, or that her gentle daughters squab- THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. bled like cats and flew to the neighbors to spread the tales of their wrongs and mamma's injustice? What mattered it that her paragons of servants left her one after another and swore they couldn't stay in a house where there was so much spying and fault-finding? There was no shaking Mrs. Whaling's Christian deter mination to run with patience the race thus set before her. Gleason found in converse with her so much that reminded him of the mother he had lost, alas ! so many years ago, and Mrs. Whaling welcomed him to the consolations of her sanctified spirit. Together they deplored the frivolity and vices of the younger officers (Ray came in for a good showing-up just there, no doubt), and together they projected the reformation of some of her favorites in the garrison. A wise man was Gleason. She and her meek and lowly husband could be useful very useful in time of need. And did he abandon his devotions to Miss Sanford ? No, indeed ! but they were modified as became the subject. He called less frequently ; he became less personal, less aggressive in his talk ; he had naught but good, or silence, for his comrades, and charity for the world. He threw into his every look and word a deference and a respect that made his manner proof against criticism ; and yet, one and all, they could not welcome him. Truscott, his captain, had never yet dropped the " Mr." before the surname' of his subaltern, that well-under stood barrier to all army intimacy, and Gleason, who stood among the very first on the lineal list of lieuten ants, hated him for the restriction, but gave no sign. It was necessary that some one of the cavalry officers J68 MARION'S FAITH. should be placed in charge of the newly-arrived recruits, and this duty fell to Gleason's lot. It relieved him from service with his troop and made him independent of his captain. Webb and Truscott, if consulted, would have named a far better instructor among their lieutenants, but Colonel Whaling issued the order from post headquarters, and there was nothing for it but obey. Gleason lent his best efforts to the work, and he and his drill sergeants were ceaseless in their squad instruction. Several old cavalrymen had come among the dozens of green hands, so had a small squad trans ferred by War Department orders from West Point. Among these men were competent drill-masters, and among the drill-masters the most active and efficient was the Saxon soldier, Sergeant Wolf. Mr. Gleason had invited the ladies to walk out on the prairie east of the post one lovely morning late in June, that they might see the skirmish drills of the two cavalry troops. Often as she had been a spectator before, Mrs. Truscott never tired of watching Jack and his men, and Miss Sanford was greatly interested at all times in the martial exercises, especially the mounted. Strolling homeward about ten o'clock, having been joined by one of the young infantry officers, Mr. Glea son suggested their stopping at the store and refreshing themselves with a lemonade. Miss Sanford would have declined with thanks, but silently waited for her hostess to speak; and Mrs. Truscott, who remembered how papa had sometimes called her into the club-room when she was a child, and who knew that the garrison ladies frequently accepted such invitations, hesitatingly as sented. It must be confessed that Mrs. Truscott some- THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. 169 times acted before she thought, and this was one of the times. Truscott himself rarely, if ever, entered the club-room, and had never thought it necessary to say anything to his wife on the subject. The door stood invitingly open ; the attendant was lolling thereat in his shirt-sleeves admiringly scanning the approaching group. As soon as he saw they were heading for the club-room instead of the gate, he slipped behind the bar and put on his coat. Miss Sanford hung back as Mr. Gleason threw open the portals, and called out en couragingly, " Come right in, ladies ; there's no one here but the bar-keeper." Mrs. Truscott stepped lightly ever the threshold, and glanced with smiling curiosity around. The first thing that caught her eye was a placard hanging at the en trance of a little alcove-like space beyond the rusty old billiard-tables. Within were two or three green baize- covered card-tables and rude wooden chairs. On the placard, roughly stencilled, was the legend, " He who enters here leaves soap behind." Mrs. Truscott's eyes expressed wonderment and mirth commingled. " How utterly absurd ! Who did that, Mr. Gleason ?" " That? Oh ! That's some of Blake's work, I be lieve ! Ah are you not coming in, Miss Sanford ?" " Thanks, no, Mr. Gleason ; I believe I'll wait here," was the reply, pleasant but decided. " Why, Marion ! Do come in !" cried Mrs. Truscott, hastening to the door. H 15 170 MARION'S FAITH. Miss Sanford's face was flushing slightly, but her voice was gentle as usual. " I'll wait for you, Grace ; but I do not care for a lemonade, and would rather not go in." " Indeed, I don't care for one either. I only said yes because I thought, perhaps, you would like it or would care to see the club-room," Mrs. Truscott protested, as she hurriedly came forth. " We are just as much obliged to you, Mr. Gleason, but not to-day." And with that they resumed their homeward stroll. Once through the gate Mr. Gleason slackened the pace, so as to detain his fair companion a moment. " Why would you decline my invitation ?" he asked, in a tone of what was -intended to be tender reproach. "I prefer not to visit the club-room, as I believe it is called." " You would soon get used to it if you were in the Army," he ventured awkwardly. "But I am not in the Army," she began, self-re- strainedly enough ; then, as though she could not re press the words, " Nor would I be if, as you say, I had to get used to that." She has a temper then, quoth Gleason to himself, ruefully noting that he had made a bad move. It gave him an opportunity of putting in what was generally considered a pretty effective piece of work, however, one that had been often employed on somewhat similar occasions, and will be again. " Ah, Miss Sanford, were there more women like you, there would be fewer places like that." But to this she made no reply whatsoever. If any thing, its eifect was to quicken her pace. THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. Arriving near their quarters, a small party of enlisted men, apparently recruits, were observed clustered about a wagon loaded with boxes. A spruce, handsome, blond-moustached young soldier stepped suddenly into view from behind the wagon, where he had been super intending the unloading of some of the goods. At sight of him Miss Sanford stopped short. Looking wonderingly at her, Mr. Gleason saw that her face had paled, and that she was gazing intently on the approaching soldier and on Mrs. Truscott, who, ab sorbed in laughing talk with her escort, had appar ently not observed him. As he halted and saluted, Mr. Gleason could not but note that she started, then that she had flushed crimson. He glanced quickly from one to the other, the pale girl by his side, the startled young matron in front, and the statuesque soldier, respectfully standing with his hand at the cap visor. " Pardon, madame ; the quartermaster sends me to unload these boxes at Captain Truscott's quarters, if madame will designate the room to which they shall be carried." " The captain will be here in a moment," she replied, hurriedly, and moving into the gate as though eager to avoid the very presence of the soldier. " Oh ! may I ask you in, gentlemen ?" she added, glancing over her shoulder, and still evidently discomposed. And Gleason followed. The parlor was cool and pleasant after the hot sun shine without. Mrs. Truscott threw herself into a chair, then rose as hastily and went into the dining- room beyond. Miss Sanford's eyes followed her anx- 172 MARION'S FAITH. iously as she stood at the sideboard pouring out a glass of water. "That man er "Wolf, who came with this batch of recruits, tells me he was first sergeant of Captain Truscott's troop at the Point," he said, tentatively. " Yes. When did he get here, or how ?" " He came with recruits two nights ago ; transferred from West Point with some other men on the captain's application, as I understand it. I presume he is to be assigned to our troop." And here the clatter of hoofs outside announced the captain's return from drill, and Gleason soon took his leave, pondering over what he had seen. What was the secret of Mrs. Truscott's evident uneasiness, if not agitation ? what of Miss Sanford's visible annoyance ? It was very late that night when Miss Sanford sought her room. There had been a drive to town during the afternoon, and a pleasant dance at the hop-room after wards. Not once had she had an opportunity of speak ing alone with Mrs. Truscott, nor was she quite certain of what she wished to say even had the opportunity occurred. For several days previous to their start from the Point, Sergeant Wolf, with others of the cavalry detachment, had been constantly at the house packing goods and furniture. Nothing could exceed the punc tilious distance and respect with which he addressed the ladies whenever occasion required that he should speak to them at all ; but Miss Sanford could not forget his mysterious conduct the night she discovered him at the front gate. Once she spoke with half-laughing hesi tancy of the assiduity with which the sergeant devoted all his spare time to his captain's service, or to madame's, THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. 173 and Grace had looked so annoyed that she ceased fur ther mention of him. She wanted to tell her of his being at the gate that night, and his going around under the library-window, but it proved a difficult thing, and she postponed it from day to day. Then came the sudden departure of the sergeant and his party for New York, where they were ordered to report at a recruiting rendezvous. Believing that they had seen the last of him she breathed freer, and decided to keep the story of his midnight visit to herself, at least for a. time ; and now here he was again, and his coming had evidently startled her friend. She wanted, above all things, to have a frank talk with Mrs. Truscott. This keeping a secret from her was distressing, and she could not bear the thought of a possible cloud or misunderstanding between them, but poor Grace had totally forgotten the existence of such a person as Wolf by the time they got home. She was having a little trouble of her own. They were strolling across the parade in the brilliant moonlight, Grace on her stalwart husband's arm, look ing up in his face with all her soul in her eyes, chatting merrily over the events of the day. Miss Sanford was amiably listening to the dissertation of an infantry friend upon astronomical matters, while Gleason was elsewhere escorting Mrs. Whaling. At the door Trus cott looked back and hospitably invited the young officer to enter, but the latter doffed his cap and gal lantly said something to the effect that all who entered left their hearts behind, and took himself off with the conviction that he had made a glowing impression. It reminded Mrs. Truscott of the stencil inscription over the local Inferno. 15* 174 MARION'S FAITH. " Oh, Jack ! Have you seen Mr. Blake's latest ab surdity, that slangy paraphrase of Dante at the club- room ?" " I heard of it," said Truscott, smilingly. " Who told you of it, Queenie?" " Why ! I saw it to-day," she replied, as though suddenly conscious that she had put her foot on forbid den ground. Then,, as he said nothing whatever, she went on in anxious explanation : " Mr. Gleason asked us in to have a lemonade on our way from drill. You know the ladies often go, Jack." " I know some of them do, Gracie." " Ought we not to have gone I mean, ought I not to have gone ? for Marion would not. Indeed, Jack, the moment I saw she had not come in I left at once. Was it are you vexed ?" "There's no great harm done, dear. I had not thought to warn you against it, though I knew the others some of them, went there at times." . " You mean you had not supposed it would be neces sary, Jack." And so, it must be admitted, he had ; and poor Grace was in the depths as a natural consequence. It was the first time she had felt that he was disappointed in her, and though the matter was trivial and his loving kiss and caress reassured her, she was plunged in dis may to think that in entering the club-room with Mr. Gleason she had done what he disapproved of, what, as a woman of refined breeding, she should have shunned, and what Marion had declined. She was too much a woman not to feel that therein lay an addi tional sting ; she was too gentle and loving a wife not THE WOLF AND THE SHEEPFOLD. 175 to feel forlorn at thought of having disappointed Jack. Some women would have resented the idea of his ob jecting to such a thing. (No, fair reader, of course I don't mean you ; but is it not just possible I may be right in saying so of Mrs. next door ?) Grace had kissed her friend good-night just a wee bit less affectionately than usual, and Marion well knew that husband and wife were best left alone together, as the surest and speediest way of settling the affair. She, therefore, went to her room. There were only two rooms up-stairs in the little army house, each with its big closet, a door connecting the two, and others opening out on the narrow landing above the stairs ; each with its sharply sloping roof and dormer-window. Grace had insisted on her guest's taking the front room, looking out on the parade as she had at the Point ; but after much laughing discussion they settled it by pulling straws, as many a question had been decided in the old school days. This reversed the assignment, and the rear room became Miss San- ford's. The view from the window was not attractive. Immediately beneath was the shingle roofing of the dining-room and kitchen annex, stretching out to the servants' rooms and sheds beyond. The yard, like all its fellows, was bare and brown, for nothing would grow on such a soil. Rough, unpainted wooden fences separated them one from another; rough cow-sheds, coal-sheds, or wood-sheds were braced up against the fences, and back of all the yards along the row ran a high rickety barrier of boards, as rough and unprepos sessing as the others. Beyond this fence lay a triangular space of open prairie ornamented only by ash-barrels 176 MARION'S FAITH. and occasional heaps of empty cans awaiting the coming of the " police cart." Beyond this space stood the big brown hospital on the north ; the back-yards of the surgeon's and sutler's quarters on the east ; while the hypothenuse of the right-angled triangle thus limited was the unsightly fence that bounded the back-yards of officers' row. Mr. Dick Swiveller's delightful view " of over the way" was a gem of landscape in compar ison. But for such gloomy outlook Miss Sanford had little thought. She went to the window to draw the curtain, and far out across the distant prairie slopes, where she could see them at all, the moon was throwing her sil very beams, while closer at hand broad, irregular wastes of blackness sailed over the dry plateau as the clouds that caused them drifted across the dazzling face. Harsh and unlovely as were the surroundings by day, they lost something of their asperity under the soften ing shimmer of that mystic light. Far down by the stables she could hear the ringing watch-call of the sentries proclaiming half-past twelve o'clock and all well, and then and then as a cloud floated away and the bright beams poured down in unhindered radiance, she became aware of a form enveloped in a cavalry overcoat standing in the corner of the fence. She could see the moonlight glinting on the polished insig nia, the crossed sabres, on the front of his forage cap, and though she could not see the face, she knew it was that of Sergeant Wolf. Captain and Mrs. Truscott were still below. She could hear them putting out the parlor lamps and locking the doors. She could hear a quick footstep on the hard- A SERENADE. beaten walk in front and the clink of a Scabbard, and knew it must be the officer of the day starting out to make his rounds. So too, apparently, did the myste rious prowler in the back-yard. He stepped quickly out of the enclosure, and the next instant she could see the erect, soldierly figure moving rapidly away towards the northwestern entrance of the post, where lay the band's quarters. CHAPTER XII. A SERENADE. " NEWS from Mr. Ray !" exclaimed Mrs. Stannard, as she came in all smiles and sunshine the morning after the Fourth. " Just think of it, Captain Truscott ! the major says they were all wondering when they could hope to get letters from home, when who should come trotting into camp but Ray with a bagful. He found a couple of men at Laramie who had been left behind when the regiment went through, and the three of them slipped off together, and by riding all night managed to escape the Indians. Did you ever know such a reckless fellow ?" Truscott shook his head. " I wish Ray would be more prudent. If there were any occasion for such a risk 'twould be a different thing " "But there was," said Mrs. Stannard, promptly. " The commanding officer at Laramie had received im- 178 MARION'S FAITH. portant orders for the th by telegraph, and he didn't know how to get them through. No scouts or runners were in. Ray got there the evening before, and the moment he heard of it he went right to the colonel and begged to be allowed to go. It seems that trouble is expected at the agency," she continued. " The major sends just a few lines to say they expect to leave the Cheyenne valley and go right in there. The pickets have chased Indians coming from the northwest, run ners from Sitting Bull, they say, and the officers do not like the looks of things." Truscott's face was very grave but his manner was unchanged. Mrs. Grace and her friend had risen from the breakfast-table to welcome their ex-hostess and valued neighbor, and the three ladies looked as though news from the front brought far more of anxiety than comfort. Before anything further was said there came a light tap at the door, and Mrs. Turner fluttered in, bewitchingly pretty in her white muslin, with bright- colored ribbons. There were ill-natured people who observed at times of Mrs. Turner that she took far more pains with her dress when the captain was away on campaign and " the doughboys" were running the garrison, than she did when her liege lord was at home. Of this we cannot speak advisedly. Certain it is that on this particularly bright, glorious sunshiny morning of the fifth of July in the Centennial year, Mrs. Tur ner was most becomingly attired. " I wouldn't have intruded at so unconventional an hour only I saw Mrs. Stannard come running in ; I knew she had a letter, and so had I. Isn't .it horrid? Captain Turner says it looks as though they might be A SERENADE. 179 out all summer ! Oh, Miss Sanford ! I'm so glad you are dressed and ready, for the ambulance is coming around now, and I know you and Mrs. Truscott want to go in this morning and see Mrs. Wing's new goods. She opened yesterday, you know, and Mrs. Wilkins says all the bonnets are fresh from New York and lovely. You will go, won't you ? Come just as you are. You'll only need a light wrap, for the sun is very warm." "Why is it that when one woman knows herself to be tastefully and becomingly dressed, she is so eager to assure others who are to accompany her that they need nothing by way of adornment? The ambulance was at the door. The visit to town had been contemplated for two or three days, so matters were quickly arranged. There was abundant room, and Mrs. Stannard decided to go too. In a few minutes half a dozen ladies in their airy summer costumes were gathered around the Concord wagon, ordinarily referred to as " the ambulance." Mr. Gleason was promptly on hand with other officers to assist; the band was just marching away towards its quarters, when Miss Sanford's quick eye was attracted by the sight of some evident commotion at the adju tant's office at the west end ; one soldier was running at full speed in pursuit of the old and new officers of the day, who were descending the slope to the creek valley, another soldier the commanding officer's or derly came running down the road towards the party. She was already seated, as were most of the others. Mrs. Turner sprang lightly in, and coquettishly kissed her hand to the group of officers on the walk. 180 MARION'S FAITH. " Go on, driver," she said. "One moment, Mrs. Turner; please wait. I think something is the matter. Look !" And Miss Sanford pointed to the running men. All eyes were instantly fixed on the orderly. He came up, well nigh breathless. " Captain Truscott ! gentlemen ! The commanding officer's compliments, and desires to see all the officers at once." The group started at the instant. Truscott turned and held out his hands to his wife. With the quick intuition of a woman accustomed to " war's alarms," she felt that evil tidings had come, and was already starting to leave the carriage. " Oh ! what can it be ?" almost wailed Mrs. Turner. " Do you know, orderly ?" " It's been a big battle, ma'am, and they say General Ouster and lots of officers is killed." Truscott swung his wife from the wagon, and almost lifted her to the piazza. Miss Sanford, white and silent, sprang out unaided and ran to her side. Mrs. Stan- nard, with an awful dread in her kind blue eyes, took Truscott's hand as he returned and assisted her to alight. " Will you stay with Grace ?" he whispered. " I will go at once to the office. Come, Mrs. Turner." But Mrs. Turner hung back irresolute. " Perhaps it isn't true at all, captain, and this may be the only time we can have the ambulance for a week." For answer he silently took her at the waist in his powerful hands, set her speechless with astonishment on the sidewalk, sprang in, and spoke sharply to the driver, A SERENADE. " Whirl round. Get there to the office quick as you " can. And the lashed mules went at a gallop. Entering the office with the customary knock at the open door, Truscott stood first in the presence of the post commander and his adjutant. " For God's sake read that !" said the colonel, hold ing up to him some three or four sheets of telegraphic despatch paper. The other officers came hurrying in. " Read it aloud, Truscott." And so to the group of speechless officers and to the knot of soldiers who had gathered in the hall the dread news of the battle of the Little Horn was told at Rus sell. Custer and his five pet companies completely " wiped out," said the staff-officer, who sent the news flashing around to the military posts in the department. Three hundred and twenty-five soldiers swept out of existence only an easy day's gallop in front of the Gray Fox's pickets, and it had taken all this time ten days to get the news into civilization. There was no sign of a smile the rest of that long day at Russell. The gloom of death had settled down on the post. The ladies were seen no more. The doctor was sent for in more than one instance. Mrs. Truscott was reported very ill. But if garrison after garrison was thrown into dismay all over the frontier by the sudden news, who can pic ture the scene at Lincoln, when at dawn of that dreadful day a sergeant came over from the boat at Bismarck to arouse the people at the hospital and to break the blow to the widows and orphans ? Reveille had not sounded when the commanding officer, the adjutant, and a 16 182 MARION'S FAITH. surgeon started on the gloomy round of the cavalry garrison. Yesterday we saw those fair, smiling women bravely striving to hide their anxieties and loneliness, and to lend enthusiasm to the celebration of the nation's tinniversary. One after another they were startled from the deep slumber of early morning by the knocking at the door, " the first knell of disaster," and who that saw the old Missouri post when the fearful news was finally made known to all will ever forget the scene that ensued ? May God avert the possibility of such another ! The day wore gloomily away at Russell. Twice Mr. Gleason called at Captain Truscott's quarters. The second time Mrs. Stannard appeared at the door, and briefly told him that Mrs. Truscott was not well enough to see anybody, and that Miss San ford begged to be ex cused. Mrs. Whaling permeated the post in an ecstasy of soulful comfort, shedding prayers and prophecies of similar fortune for the th with the impartiality of a saint. She even succeeded in scaring Mrs. Turner half to death and exasperating Mrs. Wilkins to the verge of a tirade, but the latter had contented herself with the spirited, though ungrateful announcement that when it came to having hearses and mutes it wouldn't be Mrs. Whaling they'd inquire for. " Matters are bad enough without your making 'em worse, ma'am," she said, in her decided way. And the good lady, longing to deluge somebody with sympathetic tears, was compelled to confine herself to the round of the infantry quarters, where, with the ladies of her own regiment, she could bemoan the unfathomable ingrati tude and lack of appreciation of their sisters of the th. A SERENADE. 133 Late that afternoon there came more orders and despatches. Truscott and the other cavalry officers were summoned to Colonel Whaling's, where they found most of the infantrymen already assembled. Captain Webb had been called back to Kansas as a witness before a civil court, and to Truscott the order of the division commander was conveyed that he should march with the two troops at Eussell without delay, and join the th wherever he could find them north of the Platte. Three of the four infantry companies would also march for Laramie at dawn. Colonel Whaling, with one small company, the recruits, the band, and the noncombatants, would remain to take charge of the post. Sending for his first sergeant, Truscott ordered him to have everything put in readiness at once. A man was sent to town to recall all soldiers on pass. There had been no drills during the day. Officers and men alike seemed stunned by the tidings that had come at guard- mounting. He then went to his quarters, and to his young wife's bedside. She was prepared for the news ; he had told her during the day that now every avail able officer and man would be hurried to the front. She was in no danger whatever ; it was the shock, the abruptness of the announcement of the orderly, that had so prostrated her. She lay there very pale and still never taking her soft eyes from his face and holding tightly his hand as he gently told her all he had to say. " I cannot be too thankful," he said at last, " that I have Miss Sanford and Mrs. Stannard here to be your companions during the campaign. It will be late in autumn before we can hope to return, my darling." 184 MARION'S FAITH. Later that evening the young subalterns of his own and Webb's troop came to him for certain instructions as to the mess and baggage arrangements. Mr. Gleason had not appeared since the issuance of the orders to march. Tattoo was just sounding out on the parade, and the men could be seen flitting to and fro against the lights of the company barracks. They were stand ing at the little gate in front of his quarters, and two or three officers passed them. " Oh, Mr. Gleason, one moment," called Truscott. Gleason turned and approached them. " I presume you will mess with the rest of us, at least until we reach the regiment. Mr. Wells has been arranging for mess-furniture and supplies." " Well er no, captain," said Gleason, in evident embarrassment. "The fact is the colonel directs that I remain here. Somebody has to stay to instruct re cruits, and the colonel has settled upon me. It is merely temporary, of course." Truscott stood looking at him in silence a moment ; a dark line was growing between his brows. "The colonel er sent for me just at retreat," Gleason stumbled on ; "I assure you I had nothing to say to him to bring about such a thing. It was en tirely against my wishes, but orders are orders." " I am glad to hear you say the order was unso licited," said the captain shortly. " The colonel will, doubtless, notify me. That is all, Mr. Gleason ; I will not detain you." And Gleason went on his way to the store, which he had lately avoided ; he felt that he stood in need of bracing. Still, so far as saying that he had made no A SERENADE. 13 5 request of Colonel Whaling, he had told the truth. He had simply represented the detachment of recruits as being utterly demoralized by the news of the mas sacre, and that he had reason to believe many of them would desert, and as that would reflect on the vigilance of the post commander, the latter jumped at what was suggested to him by his far-sighted wife, the tempo rary detention of Mr. Gleason to take charge of them. At daybreak on the sixth, Truscott's squadron, of over a hundred horse finely mounted, equipped, and disci plined, was marching rapidly over the ridge to Lodge Pole, leaving Russell wives and children behind ; leaving to care for them, among others, Gleason and Sergeant Wolf. Wearily the day of their departure rolled away. Mrs. Truscott never left her room. Mrs. Stannard and Miss Sanford rarely left her. Once or twice had Mr. Gleason called, being met again by Mrs. Stannard, whom he was beginning to hate. " The ladies were resting," he was informed ; so, too, was Mrs. Whaling told when she came, and seemed discomfited at not being invited up-stairs. It was difficult, indeed, to persuade her that she had not better remain in the parlor in case Mrs. Truscott should ask for her. " You see, Mrs. Stannard," explained Gleason, " the last thing I promised Truscott as he rode away was that I would not lose sight of the ladies, would watch over them incessantly, and I want to keep faith with him." Mrs. Stannard had her doubts as to how much of this statement was true, though she had no doubts as to how much was uncalled for. Mr. Gleason went away 16* 186 MARION'S FAITH. feeling injured and rebuffed. It was Miss Sanford's business, he held, to come down and see him if only for a moment. He had gained his object in being kept back at the post, that he might pursue his wooing. Satisfied of the wealth and social standing of the lady, he felt no doubt whatever that if given a fair field he could win her, and win her he would. If unlimited conceit has not yet been mentioned or indicated as one of Mr. Gleason's prominent traits, the omission is indeed important. He felt that up to the time of Truscott's coming his progress had been satisfactory. Officers and ladies were already making sly allusions in his presence as to his prospects for a second entanglement, and were heard with complacent undenial. Ever since the day of his aspersion of Ray he had been losing ground, however, and now, confound it ! here was Ray looming up as a hero again, making a wild night-ride with despatches. He felt that things must be brought to a crisis speedily. He knew that, properly handled, he had the means of clouding Ray's name with some thing worse than suspicion. He had already sneeringly replied to the officers who had spoken admiringly of Ray's daring, by saying that Ray was, doubtless, trying to make a record to block matters that were working against him here. Some of his auditors had gone off o o disgusted. One had plainly said he was sick of insin uations. Now, however, they were all gone, and he had the field practically to himself. The half-dozen officers left at the post would be little apt to interfere with him. Only, he must manage Mrs. Stannard. Gleason took a fortifying glass or two, ordered up his horse, and, late as it was, rode in to Cheyenne. There A SERENADE. he dropped in at the telegraph-office, he could have esent it from the adjutant's office just as well, and, after some deliberation, wrote this despatch : " WILLARD KALLSTON, ESQ., Omaha. "Why no letter? When you coming ? Act now. Ferguson e;one. " G." Being in town he dropped in at one or two places of popular resort, and had more or less conversation with the hangers-on at the open bars. He drank more freely than usual, too, and while by no means off Ins balance, mentally or physically, when at midnight he turned his horse's head homewards, he was rather more capable of any deed of meanness than would ordinarily have been deemed expedient. His quarters reached, he stood for a moment gazing along the dark and silent row. Suddenly, soft and sweet on the clear night air he heard the notes of a guitar, then a tenor voice, well trained, rich and melodious. He well knew there was no officer in the garrison who could sing like that. Who was it ? "Where was it ? Slipping through the back-yard and keeping close under the high board fence, Mr. Gleason tiptoed up the row until behind Truscott's. A convenient knot-hole enabled him to peer through, and his eye lit on the dim figure of a man enveloped in cavalry overcoat standing beneath the rear window. This, then, was the troubadour. A moment or two previous, Miss Sanford, wearied after a long day of- anxiety and care, was roused from a broken sleep by a soft, sweet tenor voice beneath her 188 MARION'S FAITH. window, and the tinkling accompaniment of a guitar. Each word came floating through the silent night, " 'Rings Stille herscht es schweigt der Wald, Vollendet ist des Tages Lauf ; Der Vogleins Lied ist langst verhallt, Am Himmel ziehn die Sterne auf. Scblaf wohl, schlaf wohl, Und schliess die schoiien Augen zu ; Schlaf wohl, schlaf wohl, Du siisser, lieber Engel Du." She knew instantly who it must be. She noiselessly slipped to the door leading into Grace's chamber, and the dim night-light showed her sweet friend sound asleep. Returning, she crept to the window, shrouded as it was by the inner curtain. No sign would she give that the song was heard, but what woman would not have risked one peep ? Finishing his song, the serenader turned on his heel, gave one long, lingering look at the darkened window, then strode out of the rear gate and away towards the band quarters. Drawing the curtain farther aside, Miss Sanford plainly recognized the walk and bearing. She followed him with her eyes until he had gone full a hundred yards, was about to let fall the curtain, when, crouching like panther, sneak ing from shadow to shadow, there slipped past the gate the dim figure of a second man in stealthy pursuit. Who could this be? The first, of course, was Sergeant SURROUNDED. CHAPTER XIII. SURROUNDED. " ONE thing is certain : we ought to get word over to Wayne or he'll be cut off." The speaker was old Stannard, and his auditors were a knot of half a dozen officers of the th. It was just daybreak, cold, crisp, and clear. It was about a week after the news of the battle of the Little Horn had reached the regiment. Already its two strongest battalions were marching to join Crook at the Big Horn, but a little squadron two troops under command of Captain Wayne lay nearly two days' march away, lower down the broad valley to wards the southeast. The tidings that had come by special couriers were exciting, even alarming. A great outbreak had occurred among the Indians still at the agencies on White River. Nearly a thousand of the Southern Cheyennes, who had nothing whatever to do with the quarrel of Sitting Bull and his people, who had no grievance whatever against the government, but had been fed, clothed, petted, and pampered for six or eight years, and who up to this time remained at the reservations, had become so emboldened at the success of the renegades and warriors in the Big Horn country, so envious of their great massacre of Custer and his men, that they had suddenly thrown off all disguise, loaded up with all the provisions, arms, and ammuni tion they could buy or steal, and had jumped for the MARION'S FAITH. Northwest, murdering and pillaging as they went. Waiting no orders, dropping, indeed, the retrograde movement he was ordered to make before this outbreak was known, the regimental commander had turned his columns and shot " cross country" on a night inarch to head them off. A soldier who doubted the " grit" of his officers and men, who was himself indisposed to dare so strong and savage a foe, could easily have taken refuge in these orders and, marching as directed, avoid the Cheyennes entirely. They were known to be the fiercest, sharpest, trickiest fighters of the plains, full of pluck and science, superb horsemen, fine shots, splen didly mounted and equipped. A foe, indeed, the aver age man would think twice before " tackling," especially in the light of the fearful exhibition of Indian prowess of the 25th of June. But the leader of the th never thought twice. No sooner did the breathless couriers reach him with the news than he formed his plans in- stanter. Within an hour every horse and man in the th seemed to know they had a race and a fight ahead. Eighty miles of rough country to ride over before they could strike the line on which the Cheyennes were moving, and then the th could speak for themselves. The news of the tragedy of the Little Horn came like a stunning blow to many a fellow who had lost old and tried comrades in the fray ; but while laugh and jest seemed banished for the time, there was no doubting the spirit of the regiment for the coming business. They had turned sharply from their course late in the afternoon of the previous day, had marched nearly all night, had halted to make coffee and give the horses water and a good feed as they reached the sheltering SURROUNDED. 191 cottonwoods by the stream ; and now, while some of the officers with their field-glasses were lying prone upon the commanding ridges studying the distant valley for signs, another party was gathered here around the colonel, who had been having a brief chat with " old Stannard." " Wayne has been warned by this time. I sent two of the scouts across from the Rawhide last evening," was the colonel's quiet reply to the impulsive outburst of his junior. " He is off their line of march entirely, I know," admitted Stannard, " but those fellows have had eyes out in every direction. They know just where he is. They know just where that wagon-train is, and up to last evening they knew just where we were, though they are puzzled now, I reckon. All I'm afraid of is that the moment they find we're not in supporting dis tance, they'll drop what they're after and turn on Wayne. He ought to be only forty odd miles down this valley, considerably off their line, and if he has kept close and not fooled away his time he is safe enough ; but Wayne is Wayne, colonel, and I've known him to go poking off on side scouts and losing time ' topogging' over pretty country when he ought to have been making tracks for home." (Stannard would use the vernacular of the frontier when at all excited-.) " Now it would be just like Wayne to have lost a day in just such a manner. I hope not, but I fear it." " He has Ray with him," suggested Captain Turner. " I know that ; but Wayne is butt-headed as a billy- goat on some points, and one is that he can't be taught anything about Indians. He's as innocent and unsus- 192 MARION'S FAITH. picious and incapable of appreciating their wiles as the average Secretary of the Interior ; and Wayne isn't the kind of man to be influenced by Ray's opinions. He'd be more apt to tell Ray to keep them to himself. It couldn't be helped, of course, but it's a pity two com panies had to be sent on that scout. I'd feel safer under Ray with one troop than under Wayne with two." " I confess I wish we could see just where they were and what they were doing," said the colonel, with an anxious look on his sun-blistered face ; " but we have our hands full as it is. Come, Mr. Adjutant, it's time we were off ! Get the men in saddle and have the arms and ammunition inspected, fifty rounds to the man, at least. Major Stannard, where would you locate Truscott's command this morning ? I shall send cou riers back from here to find him and tell him to join Wayne." To join Wayne ! Well, just at that particular mo ment Wayne was wishing that he might, or somebody equally strong. And if the colonel could but have seen the fix that doughty dragoon was in fifty miles away the concern on his ruddy face would have been intensified. Wayne had succeeded in justifying every thing Stannard had said of him. He had, indeed, been " fooling away his time" on side scouts, and now, before he had fairly dreamed of the possibility of such a thing, the hills around him were alive with Indians. Ray, with his troop, had been assigned to the cap tain's command for a scout of some importance over towards the reservations three days before this unlucky morning. Rumors of the disaffection of the Chey- ennes had come to the colonel. Everybody knew that SURROUNDED. 193 the Indians would be wild with delight over the news from Sitting Bull. Indeed, there was reason to believe that it was being whispered at the reservations before the telegraph flashed the tidings broadcast on the 5th of July. Were there not two days there on the Mini Pusa the 2d and 3d of July wjien little parties of Indians were chased towards as well as from the White River ? Wayne's orders were to scout the valley and report whether Indians were venturing out that way. Before he had been two days away from the regiment he found trail after trail of war-parties crossing the valley northward. Signal-smokes and night-fires were in the hills beyond. The evidence was conclusive to expert eyes, but Wayne said that, all told, no more than one hundred warriors could have gone out. He was bent on going farther and seeing how many more there were. Ray, as second in rank among the five officers present, ventured to suggest that they had seen quite enough, and that without delay they should either return directly to the regiment or send word. Wayne would not send because only a hundred tracks had been seen, and by the time he had run over double that number the two scouts with them refused to go back. " We would be cut off and killed, sure as fate," was their comprehensive reason. They bivouacked that night in the timber, keeping out strong guards and pickets, but with early dawn were astir, moving back up the valley. Once again had Ray offered a suggestion, that they should put back during the night, but Wayne was nettled at the fact that Ray's prophecy had come true. They had stayed too long and gone too far. He was a John Bull sort of fellow, i n 17 194 MARION'S FAITH. full of the ponderous, bumptious courage which prompts the men of that illustrious island empire to be shot down like cattle by Boers and Zulus and Arabs and Afghans, adhering rigidly to the tactics of Waterloo to fight the scientific light troops of the savages sooner than depart from that which was the conventional British method of making war. Wayne was lacking only in moral cour age. He was afraid to say he was wrong and Ray was right. Before they had gone two miles he was forced to admit it. He was hemmed in on every side. The valley had narrowed considerably just here, and the bare, rounded bluffs came down to within two hun dred and fifty yards of the timber along the stream. Willows in sparse groups and cottonwoods in sun- bleached foliage were scattered along the level bench on both sides of the river-bed. Broad wastes of sand extended in places from bank to bank, and what water there was lay in heated pools. Here and there the white incrustation on the sand told of the strongly alkaline nature of the soil and the consequent impurity of the fluid. The little column, with scouts well out on front and flanks, was moving four abreast up the south bank along their trail of the previous day. Every now and then some officer or man would note a new signal-smoke puffing up to the sky among the hills some distance off the valley, and Wayne was rid ing in rather sulky dignity at the head of the command. He had come to the conclusion that he had done an idiotic thing the morning previous, in pushing on down the valley after discovering beyond question that so many Indians were already on the move. He well knew that Ray was the last man in the regiment to SURROUNDED. 195 jounsel avoiding danger, unless it were danger which would prove overwhelming and for encountering which there could be no excuse. He knew he had been idiotic now, for he could see indications that Indians were closing in on him from every side ; but, worse than that, he knew that he had added to his idiocy a performance that was simply asinine : he had lost his temper and said an outrageous thing to Ray, and some of the men had heard it. From earliest dawn the lieu tenant had been out with the pickets eagerly scanning the surrounding country. Indians, of course, were not to be seen. They kept out of sight behind the bluffs and ridges, but their signals were floating skyward from half a dozen different points, and Ray knew it meant that they were calling in their forces to concentrate on this lone command. At last he had gone to Wayne, who was sipping his coffee with as much deliberation as though the troops had nothing on earth to do alt day. " Captain Wayne. May I ask if anything further has been done towards getting word back to the regi ment?" Wayne looked curiously at his junior a moment. He had the unpleasant conviction that whatever his own views might be, the regiment generally would be more apt to back Ray's opinions as to the chances in Indian fighting than they would his. He could not complain of the lieutenant's manner in the least, but all the same he felt certain that Ray had a higher opinion of his own judgment than he had of his, the squadron commander's. It was time to take him down. " Why do you ask, Ray ?" he said, with assumed [96 MARION'S FAITH. composure, setting down his tin cup and motioning tc the attendant that he desired to have it refilled. " Because we are now pretty well hemmed in, and unless word has gone, there will be little chance of sending any." " Well, Mr. Ray, why should we send any ?" " Because, Captain Wayne, we have neither ammu nition nor provisions for a siege, and the chances are in favor of our having to stand one." " Oh, trash ! Ray. I expected more nerve of you, and you are the first man in the crowd to get stam peded." For an instant there was danger of an explosion. Ray's eyes blazed with wrath. He would have burst into a fury of denunciation, captain or no captain, but there close at hand stood many silent groups of the men. For once in his life Ray said not a word. For one long ten seconds he stood there, looking Wayne straight in the eye, then turned on his heel and left him. The captain would have given much to recall the words. He knew their utter injustice. He knew, worse luck ! that if they succeeded in getting back to the th in safety, about the very first thing he would be called upon to do would be to eat them. For the moment he was Ray's commanding officer and there was no resenting them ; but once back with the th, then there would be fun ! Wayne rode for the first mile or so in sulky dignity, as has been said. Ray was out in front with the scouts. He had gone without saying a word to the commander, and though that was a breach of etiquette, the captain SURROUNDED. 197 well knew that there of all others was the place for Ray to be. None of his other subalterns came neai him. There were only two, Dana and Hunter, and they were riding each at the head of the troop to which he was attached. A young assistant surgeon was with the party, and a civilian who had charge of the half- dozen pack-mules ambling alongside, but even these men seemed indisposed to chat with the commanding officer. The column was riding " at ease," but in silence. No whistling, joking, or singing was going on. To the right was the timber through which, well to the front, half a dozen skirmishers were pushing so as to secure the main body against surprise. To the left, full eight hundred yards away, rose the low line of bluffs, sweeping around the left front so as to approach the stream. Two or three men rode warily along their crest, keeping sharp lookout to the south, while scattered across the valley a like distance ahead were half a dozen active troopers, the two guides, and Ray. The latter, easily recognized at that distance by his riding and by " Dandy's" elastic stride, had discarded his coat, and was moving rapidly from point to point in his dark- blue scouting-shirt. Nearing the bluffs that bent around their front, it could be seen that the guides were hanging back a little, so were the skirmishers in advance ; but the men on the flanks pushed ahead. No Indians could be seen from their more elevated position. " They're shy of that bluff," said Wayne between his teeth. " Here, Mr. Dana, send a sergeant and two sets of fours forward, and stir them up a little. Wait a moment ! There goes Ray." 17* |98 MARION'S FAITH. Sure enough, Ray and a couple of horsemen, opening out considerably, could be seen spurring diagonally across the bottom towards a point of bluffs that rose higher than the general line off to the left. Before they had gone two hundred yards, out from the very crest of the bluff there leaped half a dozen quick puffs of smoke ; half a dozen little spirts of dust and sand flew up from the prairie near the three horsemen farthest to the front, two of whose steeds were seen to veer and shy violently, and then six sharp, spiteful, half-muffled reports were borne on the still air. Even before the shots were heard Wayne was turn ing in his saddle. " Deploy to the front, Dana ; only your first platoon," he added, as the young officer was about throwing for ward the whole troop. " Look out for the bluffs on your left. I'll have Hunter face them. Half front your line that way so as not to let them enfilade you. I'm going right out to the front." With that he rode back, said a few words to Hunter, and then, followed by his orderly trumpeter, went thumping off at pon derous gallop towards his distant advance. Almost at the same instant the flankers on the bluffs to the left were seen waving their hats and spurring about in violent excitement, pointing towards the south. Then they fired two or three wild shots in that direc tion, and, ducking as though to avoid return fire, came sweeping down the slopes at full speed. It was stirring to mark the bearing of the little com mand just then. Every man knew that the unseen foe was present in front and flank in heavy force. Every hand seemed nerved to sudden strength. The SURROUNDED. 199 horses tossed their heads and pricked up their ears, looking eagerly in the direction of the firing. In obe dience to his orders, Dana was rapidly deploying his leading platoon, and a sheaf of skirmishers went scat tering out to the front in support of the advance, while Hunter, left for the moment alone, divined in an instant that the Indians were coming with a rush upon the southern flank. He wheeled his fours to the left, and, dismounting his skirmishers, sent them at the double- quick out across the prairie. Not an instant too soon ! Almost simultaneously the ridge to the south, the bluffs out in front, and even the narrow level between them and the timber fairly bristled with daring, dashing horsemen, the Cheyennes in all their glory. Oh, what a brilliant sight they made with plume and pennon, floating war-bonnet, lance and shield ; the sun light dancing on their barbaric ornaments of glistening brass or silver, on brightly-painted, naked forms, on the trappings of their nimble ponies, on rifle and spear ! All at full speed, all ayell, brandishing their weapons, firing wildly into the valley, leaping, some of them, for an instant to the ground to take better aim, then, like a flash, to saddle and top speed again ; through every little swale, over every ridge they popped like so many savage Jacks-in-the-box, and came swooping, circling down on the little column at the old-time tactics of the stampede. Warily though, with all their clamor, for though they whoop and yell and shoot and challenge, they veer off to right or left long before they get within dangerous range of those silent skirmishers of Hun ter's, now sprawling in long blue line out on the dusty prairie, venire d, terre, and every fellow with his car- 200 MARION'S FAITH. bine at the front just praying the painted scamps will come a little closer. Warily in front, too, where Ray is skilfully retiring, face to the foe, but keeping them back while Wayne has time to return to the column and move his horses into the sheltering timber and pre pare for vigorous defence. It is the only course now open to him. This is not civilized warfare, remember, and far different rules must govern. It would be no difficult matter against ordi nary troops to lead a dashing charge, cut through the opposing line, and so make his way back to the regi ment. Of course many men might be unhorsed and wounded, and so left behind, but they would be cared for as prisoners until exchanged or the war was at an end. But war with the Indian means, on his side, war d owtrance, war to the cruellest death he can de vise. When he is cornered, all he has to do is sur render and become the recipient of more attention and the victim of higher living than he ever dreamed of until he tried it, and found it so pleasant that it paid him to go on the war-path every spring, to have a royal old revel in blood and bestiality until fall, and then yield to the blandishments of civilization for the winter. But to officer or soldier capture means death, and death by fiendish torture as a rule. The Indian fights for the glory and distinction it gives him. He has everything to gain and nothing to lose. The sol dier of the United States fights the red man only because he is ordered to. He has nothing to gain even glory, for the Senate has fixed a bar sinister on gallantry in Indian warfare. He has everything to lose. However, no words of mine will ever effect a change of political SURROUNDED. 201 heart in such matters. The fact remains that the one thing left for Wayne to do finding himself cut off by some two hundred Cheyennes was to take to the tim ber and stand them off. By this time the fray was spirited and picturesque in the extreme. The whole line of bluffs was alive with Indians dashing to and fro, occasionally swooping down as though to burst through or over the slender skir mish line. Others had swung clear around to the left, and were circling about in the valley below them. From all but the north side, therefore, the bullets came whistling in, and occasionally some stricken horse would plunge and snort madly, and one or two men were be ing assisted to the bank of the stream, where the young doctor had already gone to work. Hunter's dismounted men, sturdily fronting the south and southeast, were holding five times their force in check, while Ray's and Dana's mounted skirmishers, fronting southwest and west, were slowly falling back fighting. The Chey ennes encircled them on every side but the north. Busy in getting his horses into shelter under the bank, which was a few feet high, and directing where the pro visions and pack-mules should be placed, Wayne was suddenly accosted by Ray. " If twenty men can be spared, sir, I'll put them on that island," pointing to a clump of willows and cot- tonwoods that stood along the opposite shore. " The Indians are crossing above and below, and we'll soon have their fire on our backs." Wayne was soldier enough to see the force of the suggestion. He was man enough, too, to want to ask Ray's pardon for his language of the morning, but there 202 MARION'S FAITH. was only time to accede to the request. The Kentuck- ian, still mounted on Dandy, was darting across the sandy space with a dozen or more of his men at his heels. The island was a Godsend. In less than five minutes the warriors who had ventured across, and were now seeking for a shot at the safety-roost along under the bank, were met by a score of well -aimed bullets that drove them to cover, dragging with them the lifeless body of one of their number. " Spread out there, men !" shouted Wayne. " Seize every point you can get on t'other shore. Run up stream fifty yards or so and scoop holes for your selves in the sand." And then he rode out to the front again to superintend the retirement of his slender lines. But all this time the firing had been rapid and al most incessant. As the troopers came slowly in towards the timber and the Cheyennes realized that it was im possible to drive them into panic or stampede, they seemed to give far more attention to the accuracy of their aim, and for this purpose the best shots had thrown themselves from their ponies and were striving to pick off the officers and prominent sergeants. Still, the greater number remained in saddle whooping and yell ing and darting to and fro at a comparatively safe dis tance, banging away at anything or anybody within the soldier lines, and offering tempting though difficult marks for the sorely-tried skirmishers. Until he noted the distant war-parties crossing to the north side of the stream, Ray had been riding up and down the lines checking the useless waste of ammunition. Every where his voice could be heard, placid, almost laughing SURROUNDED. 203 at times, as he rebuked the senseless long-range shooting of the men. " Hold your fire, men. You can't hit those skipping jack-rabbits half a mile away. What on earth are you shooting at, Mulligan? You couldn't hit a whole barn at that distance." But all the same he was seriously worried. He knew well that at the utmost there were no more than fifty rounds per man with the troopers, and that rapid firing would soon reduce this to next to nothing. The indi cations were that once hemmed in to the timber they would need every shot to stand off the Cheyennes until relief could come, and before galloping off to secure the timbered island in rear of their position and so form a partially protected " corral" for the horses, he had cautioned Dana and Hunter to be most sparing in their fire, to allow no shot unless the Indians charged. The foe, on the contrary, were flush with ammuni tion. Mr. 's cartridges were abundant among them, and from east, south, and west the bullets were whizzing overhead, ripping up little grass tufts from the prairie and raising a dust wherever they struck. The mounted skirmishers sheered off into the timber quite early, as they were being shot at from three sides, sprang from their horses and took to the trees, but before they could do so several casualties had occurred. Six horses were lying dead out on the prairie, others were wounded and bleeding, but worse than that, two old Arizona ser geants, veterans of a dozen fights, and five of the men were severely wounded. Ray's efforts to keep down the return fire were futile. As long as the men had cartridges and he was not about, they w r ould fire. Just 204 MARION'S FAITH. as Wayne the second time rode out to the front he found Dana slowly dismounting. " Are you hit ?" he asked. Dana nodded, pressed his hand to his side, and say ing nothing, walked up to a neighboring cottonwood and leaned against it, looking rather pale. " Damn the luck !" growled Wayne. " This won't do. I must get the whole crowd under cover." " You get under yourself," grinned Dana. " That hat of yours looks like a sieve now. Yi-ip ! There goes your horse." And forgetting his own pain, he strove to aid the captain, whose horse had suddenly plunged forward, and was now rolling and kicking in the agony of death. " I'm all right, Dana. Poor old Ned ! he's carried me many a mile. Here, sergeant, help the lieutenant back to the doctor. Go, Dana ! I'll get the men where they belong. We're all right, once we get in the timber." And so, little by little, slowly and steadily the skir mishers fell back to the shelter of the trees. There in big semicircle they were distributed, each in a little, hastily constructed rifle-pit or shelter of his own, and by nine o'clock this bright July morning the first phase of the combat was at an end, ?nd there was time to '' take account of stock." Dana was shot through the side by a Henry or Win chester bullet, and was lying under the bank faint, thirsty, but plucky. Sergeant Gwinn and two of the men were dead, and eight men now needed the care of the surgeon ; three of them were senseless, probably mortally hurt. At least fifteen horses were killed or SURROUNDED. 205 rendered useless ; the others were " corralled" under the bank, where, in a deep bend, they were safe except from long-range tire. Ray's men on the island had im proved their advantage by seizing defensible positions on the north bank, and, as against two hundred and fifty Indians, with two days' rations left, with abundant water to be had by digging in the sand, with pluck and spirit left for anything, they were not badly off, pro vided the Indians were not heavily reinforced and provided their ammunition held out. The Cheyennes now resorted to other tactics. Leav ing but few warriors scurrying about on the open prai rie, both north and south, they gathered in force in the timber up- and down-stream and began their stealthy approaches, keeping up all the time a sharp fire upon Wayne's position. Every now and then would come a frantic cry from some stricken horse as a random bullet took effect, but few struck among the men. The sur geon and the wounded were well sheltered in a concave hollow of the bank. There was fortunately little wind. With a gale blowing either up- or down-stream, the Indians could have fired the timber and soon driven them out. This was well understood on both sides. But the besieged knew as well that other methods would be resorted to, and speedily they were developed. The rattling fire that had been kept up ever since the first assault had died away to an occasional shot, when suddenly from the down-stream side there came a volley, a chorus of frantic yells, and then a pandemonium of shots, shouts, howls, and screeches, answered by the soldiers with their carbines and the billingsgate of some irrepressible 18 206 MARION'S FAITH. humorist. A savage attack had begun on Hunter's men. Even aS Wayne and Bay, bending low to avoid the storm, went scurrying through the trees to his as sistance, followed by some half a dozen of the " old hands," there came from up-stream just such another assault, and in ten seconds every able man in the com mand was hotly engaged. " For God's sake, captain, don't let them waste their fire !" shouted Kay. " I'll go back to the other front and hold them there." " All right ! I understand, Ray. You watch the same thing over there," answered Wayne, who at an other time would have resented any suggestions, but had seen the value of Ray's words a dozen times that day. " Damn it ! men. Fire slow. Don't throw away a shot. Let them come closer ; that's what we want," he shouted to the soldiers, who, lying behind logs or kneeling among the trees, were driving their missiles through the timber, where the smoke-wreaths told of the otherwise invisible foe. Out on the prairie, too, the mounted warriors went careering about, dash ing at full speed towards the woods, as though deter mined to charge, but invariably veering off to right or left as they came within three hundred yards. Of course, there was no direction from which the bullets did not come whizzing into the timber, and men were more likely to be hit in the back than elsewhere, one of the many disheartening features of such warfare. Almost every moment somebody was hit, though at the time it could not be seen or known, as all were too busy with what was in their front to look around, in a while, too, some lucky shot would send an RAFS RIDE FOR LIFE. 207 Indian pony to his knees out on the prairie, or a wai- rior would drop and be borne off by a ducking, dodg ing trio of his fellows. Then there would be a shout of triumph from the timber, answering yells of rage and defiance from the foe ; but finally, after nearly an hour of such savage work, the Cheyennes seemed to give it up. Then came another respite, another " taking of stock." One of the scouts, one who had refused to try and ride through to the regiment, was shot dead, and lay on his face among the trees. So, too, were two more of the men, while six were wounded, and Wayne him self had a flesh wound in the thigh. The hot sun of noonday was pouring down, and matters looked ugly. " Do you know how much ammunition we have left ?" asked Mr. Ray, in a low tone, of the command ing officer about an hour later. " No," said Wayne, looking anxiously in his face. " Not twelve rounds to the man." CHAPTER XIV. KAY'S KLDE FOB LIFE. DARKNESS has settled down in the shadowy Wyo ming valley. By the light of a tiny fire under the bank some twenty forms can be seen stretched upon the sand, they are wounded soldiers. A little distance away are nine others, shrouded in blankets : they are the dead. Huddled in confused and cowering group are a 208 MARION'S FAITH. few score horses, many of them sprawled upon the sand motionless; others occasionally struggle to rise or plunge about in their misery. Crouching among the timber, vigilant but weary, dispersed in big, irregular circle around the beleaguered bivouac, some sixty sol diers are still on the active list. All around them, vigilant and vengeful, lurk the Cheyennes. Every now and then the bark as of a coyote is heard, a yelp ing, querulous cry, and it is answered far across the valley or down the stream. There is no moon ; the darkness is intense, though the starlight is clear, and the air so still that the galloping hoofs of the Cheyenne ponies far out on the prairie sound close at hand. "That's what makes it hard," says Ray, who is bending over the prostrate form of Captain Wayne. "If it were storming or blowing, or something to deaden the hoof-beats, I could make it easier ; but it's the only chance." The only chance of what ? When the sun went down upon Wayne's timber citadel, and the final account of stock was taken for the day, it was found that with one-fourth of the com mand,, men and horses, killed and wounded there were left not more than three hundred cartridges, all told, to enable some sixty men to hold out until relief could come against an enemy encircling them on every side, and who had only to send over to the neighboring res ervation forty miles away and get all the cartridges they wanted. Mr. would let their friends have them to kill buffalo, though Mr. and their friends knew there wasn't a buffalo left within four hundred miles. HAY'S RIDE FOR LIFE. 209 They could cut through, of course, and race up the valley to find the th, but they would have to leave the wounded and the dismounted behind, to death by torture, so that ended the matter. Only one thing remained. In some way by some means word must be carried to the regiment. The chances were ten to one against the couriers slipping out. Up and down the valley, out on the prairie on both sides of the stream, the Cheyennes kept vigilant watch. They had their hated enemies in a death-grip, and only waited the coming of other warriors and more ammunition to finish them as the Sioux had finished Ouster. They knew, though the besieged did not, that, the very evening be fore, the th had marched away westward, and were far from their comrades. All they had to do was to prevent any one's escaping to give warning of the con dition of things in Wayne's command. All, therefore, were on the alert, and of this there was constant indi cation. The man or men who made the attempt would have to run the gauntlet. The one remaining scout who had been employed for such work refused the attempt as simply madness. He had lived too long among the Indians to dare it, yet Wayne and Ray and Dana and Hunter, and the whole command, for that matter, knew that some one must try it. Who was it to be? There was no long discussion. Wayne called the sulking scrut a damned coward, which consoled him somewhat, but didn't help matters. Ray had been around the rifle-pits taking observations. Presently he returned, leading Dandy up near the fire, the one sheltered light that was permitted. o 18* 210 MARION'S FAITH. " Looks fine as silk, don't he ?" he said, smoothing his pet's glossy neck and shoulder, for Ray's groom had no article of religion which took precedence over the duty he owed the lieutenant's horse, and no sooner was the sun down than he had been grooming him as though still in garrison. " Give him all the oats you can steal, Hogan ; some of the men must have a hatful left." "Wayne looked up startled. " Ray, I can't let you go !" " There's no helping it. Some one must go, and who can you send ?" Even there the captain noted the grammatical eccen tricity. What was surprising was that even there he made no comment thereon. He was silent. Ray had spoken truth. There was no one whom he could order to risk death in breaking his way out since the scout had said 'twas useless. There were brave men there who would gladly try it had they any skill in such matters, but that was lacking. " If any man in the command could ' make it,' that man was Ray." He was cool, daring, keen ; he was their best and lightest rider, and no one so well know the country or better knew the Cheyennes. Wayne even wished that Ray might volunteer. There was only this about it, the men would lose much of their grit with him away. They swore by him, and felt safe when he was there to lead or encourage. But the matter was settled by Ray himself. He was already stripping for the race. "Get those shoes off," he said to the farrier, who came at his bidding, and Dandy wonderingly looked up from the gunny-sack of oats in which he had buried RAY'S RIDE FOR LIFE. 11 his nozzle. "What on earth could that blacksmith mean by tugging out his shoe-nails ?" was his reflec tion, though, like the philosopher he was, he gave more thought to his oats, an unaccustomed luxury just then. There seemed nothing to be said by anybody. Wayne rose painfully to his feet. Hunter stood in silence by, and a few men grouped themselves around the little knot of officers. Ray had taken off his belt and was poking out the carbine-cartridges from the loops, there were not over ten. Then he drew the revolver, care fully examined the chambers to see that all were filled ; motioned with his hand to those on the ground, saying, quietly, " Pick those up. Y'all may need every one of 'em." The Blue Grass dialect seemed cropping out the stronger for his preoccupation. " Got any spare Colts ?" he continued, turning to Wayne. " I only want an other round." These he stowed as he got them in the smaller loops on the right side of his belt. Then he bent forward to examine Dandy's hoofs again. " Smooth them off as well as you can. Get me a little of that sticky mud there, one of you men. There ! ram that into every hole and smooth off the surface. Make it look just as much like a pony's as you know how. They can't tell Dandy's tracks from their own then, don't you see ?" Three or four pairs of hands worked assiduously to do his bidding. Still, there was no talking. No one had anything he felt like saying just then. " Who's got the time ?" he asked. Wayne looked at his watch, bending down over the fire. " Just nine fifteen." 212 MARION'S FAITH. "All right. I must be off in ten minutes. The moon will be up at eleven." Dandy had finished the last of his oats by this time and was gazing contentedly about him. Ever since quite early in the day he had been in hiding down there under the bank. He had received only one trifling clip, though for half an hour at least he had been springing around where the bullets flew thickest. He was even pining for his customary gallop over the springy turf, and wondering why it had been denied him that day. "Only a blanket and surcingle/' said Ray, to his orderly, who was coming up with the heavy saddle and bags. " We're riding to win to-night, Dandy and I, and must travel light." He flung aside his scouting hat, knotted the silk handkerchief he took from his throat so as to confine the dark hair that came tumbling almost into his eyes, buckled the holster-belt tightly round his waist, looked doubtfully an instant at his spurs, but decided to keep them on. Then he turned to Wayne. " A word with you, captain." The others fell back a short distance, and for a moment the two stood alone speaking in low tones. All else was silent except the feverish moan of some poor fellow lying sorely wounded in the hollow, or the occasional pawing and stir among the horses. In the dim light of the little fire the others stood watching them. They saw that Wayne was talking earnestly, and presently extended his hand, and they heard Ray. somewhat impatiently, say, " Never mind that now," and noted that at first he did not take the hand ; but finally they came back to the group and Ray spoke : RAY'S RIDE FOR LIFE. 213 "Now, fellows, just listen a minute. I've got to break out on the south side. I know it better. Of course there are no end of Indians out there, but most of the crowd are in the timber above and below. There will be plenty on the watch, and it isn't possible that I can gallop out through them without being heard. Dandy and I have got to sneak for it until we're spotted, or clear of them, then away we go. I hope to work well out towards the bluffs before they catch a glimpse of me, then lie flat and go for all I'm worth to where we left the regiment. Then you bet it won't be long before the old crowd will be coming down just a humping. I'll have 'em here by six o'clock, if, in deed, I don't find them coming ahead to-night. Just you keep up your grit, and we'll do our level best, Dandy and I ; won't we, old boy ? Now I want to see Dana a minute and the other wounded fellows." And he went and bent down over them saying a cheery word to each ; and rough, suffering men held out feeble hands to take a parting grip, and looked up into his brave young face. He had long known how the rank and file regarded him, but had been disposed to laugh it off. To-night as he stopped to say a cheering word to the Wounded, and looked down at some pale, bearded face that had stood at his shoulder in more than one tight place in the old Apache days in Arizona, and caught the same look of faith and trust in him, something like a quiver hovered for a minute about his lips, and his own brave eyes grew moist. They knew he was daring death to save them, but that was a view of the case that did not seem to occur to him at all. At last he came to Dana lying there a little apart. The news 214 MARION'S FAITH. that Ray was going to " ride for them" had been whis pered all through the bivouac by this time, and Dana turned and took Ray's hand in both his own. " God speed you, old boy ! If you make it all safe, get word to mother that I didn't do so badly in my first square tussel, will you ?" " If I make it, you'll be writing it yourself this time to-morrow night. Even if I don't make it, don't you worry, lad. The colonel and Stannard ain't the fellows to let us shift for ourselves with the country full of Cheyennes. They'll be down here in two days, any how. Good-by, Dana ; keep your grip and we'll lar rup 'em yet." Then he turned back to Wayne, Hunter, and the doctor. " One thing occurs to me, Hunter. You and six or eight men take your carbines and go up-stream with a dozen horses until you come to the rifle-pits. Be all ready. If I get clear through you won't hear any row, but if they sight or hear me before I get through, then, of course, there will be the biggest kind of an excite ment, and you'll hear the shooting. The moment it begins give a yell ; fire your guns ; go whooping up the stream with the horses as though the whole crowd were trying to cut out that way, but get right back. The excitement will distract them and help me. Now, good-by, and good luck to you, crowd." " Ray, will you have a nip before you try it ? must be nearly used up after this day's work." W ayne held out his flask to him. " No. I had some hot coffee just ten minutes ago, and I feel like a four-year-old. I'm riding new RAY'S RIDE FOR LIFE. 215 colors ; didn't you know it ? By Jove !" he added, suddenly, " this is my first run under the Preakness blue." Even there and then he thought too quickly to speak her name. " Now, then, some of you crawl out to the south edge of the timber with me, and lie flat on the prairie and keep me in sight as long as you can." He took one more look at his revolver. " I'm drawing to a bob-tail. If I fail, I'll bluff; if I fill, I'll knock spots out of any threes in the Cheyenne outfit." Three minutes more and the watchers at the edge of the timber have seen him, leading Dandy by the bridle, slowly, stealthily, creeping out into the darkness ; a moment the forms of man and horse are outlined against the stars : then, are swallowed up in the night. Hun ter and the sergeants with him grasp their carbines and lie prone upon the turf, watching, waiting. In the bivouac is the stillness of death. Ten soldiers carbine in hand mounted on their unsaddled steeds are waiting in the darkness at the upper rifle-pits for Hunter's signal. If he shout, every man is to yell and break for the front. Otherwise, all is to remain quiet. Back at the watch-fire under the bank Wayne is squat ting, watch in one hand, pistol in the other. Near by lie the wounded, still as their comrades just beyond, the dead. All around among the trees and in the sand pits up- and down-stream, fourscore men are listening to the beating of their own hearts. In the distance, once in a while, is heard the yelp of coyote or the neigh of Indian pony. In the distance, too, are the gleams of Indian fires, but they are far beyond the positions occupied by the besieging warriors. Dark- 216 MARION'S FAITH. ness shrouds them. Far aloft the stars are twinkling through the cool and breezeless air. With wind, or storm, or tempest, the gallant fellow whom all hearts are following would have something to favor, something to aid ; but in this almost cruel stillness nothing under God can help him, nothing but darkness and his own brave spirit. " If I get through this scrape in safety," mutters Wayne between his set teeth, " the th shall never hear the last of this work of Ray's." " If I get through this night," mutters Ray to him self, far out on the prairie now, where he can hear tramping hoofs and guttural voices, "it will be the best run ever made for the Sanford blue, though I do make it." Nearly five minutes have passed, and the silence has been unbroken by shot or shout. The suspense is be coming unbearable in the bivouac, where every man is listening, hardly daring to draw breath. At last Hun ter, rising to his knees, which are all a tremble with excitement, mutters to Sergeant Roach, who is still crouching beside him, " By Heaven ! I believe he'll slip through without being seen." Hardly has he spoken when far, far out to the south west two bright flashes leap through the darkness. Before the report can reach them there comes another, not so brilliant. Then, the ringing bang, bang of two rifles, the answering crack of a revolver. " Quick, men. Go !" yells Hunter, and darts head long through the timber back to the stream. There is a sudden burst of shots and yells and soldier cheers ; a RAFS RIDE FOR LIFE. 217 mighty crash and sputter and thunder of hoofs up the stream-bed ; a foot dash, yelling like demons, of the men at the west end in support of the mounted charge in the bed of the stream. For a minute or two the welkin rings with shouts, shots (mainly those of the startled Indians), then there is as sudden a rush back to cover, without a man or horse hurt or missing. In the excitement and darkness the Cheyennes could only fire wild, but now the night air resounds with taunts and yells and triumphant war-whoops. For full five minutes there is a jubilee over the belief that they have penned in the white soldiers after their dash for liberty. Then, little by little, the yells and taunts subside. Something has happened to create discussion in the Cheyenne camps, for the crouching soldiers can hear the liveliest kind of a pow-wow far up-stream. What does it mean? Has Hay slipped through, or have they caught him ? Despite pain and weakness, Wayne hobbles out to where Sergeant Roach is still watching and asks for tidings. " I can't be sure, captain ; one thing's certain, the lieutenant rode like a gale. I could follow the shots a full half-mile up the valley, where they seemed to grow thicker, and then stop all of a sudden in the midst of the row that was made down here. They've either given it up and have a big party out in chase, or else they've got him. God knows which. If they've got him, there'll be a scalp-dance over there in a few min utes, curse them !" And the sergeant choked. Wayne watched some ten minutes without avail. Nothing further was seen or heard that night to indicate K 19 218 MARION'S FAITH. ' what had happened to Kay except once. Far up the valley he saw a couple of flashes among the bluffs, so did Roach, and that gave him hope that Dandy had carried his master in safety that far at least. He crept back to the bank and cheered the wounded with the news of what he had seen. Then another word came in ere long. An old sergeant had crawled out to the front, and could hear something of the shout ing and talking of the Indians. He could understand few words only, though he had lived among the Chey- ennes nearly five years. They can barely understand one another in the dark, and use incessant gesticulation to interpret their own speech ; but the sergeant gathered that they were upbraiding somebody for not guarding a coulee, and inferred that some one had slipped past their pickets or they wouldn't be making such a row. That the Cheyennes did not propose to let the be sieged derive much comfort from their hopes was soon apparent. Out from the timber up the stream came sonorous voices shouting taunt and challenge, inter mingled with the vilest expletives they had picked up from their cowboy neighbors, and all the frontier slang in the Cheyenne vocabulary. " Hullo ! sogers ; come out some more times. We no shoot. Stay there : we come plenty quick. Hullo ! white chief, come fight fair ; soger heap 'fraid ! Come, have scalp-dance plenty quick. Catch white soldier ; eat him heart bime by." " Ah, go to your grandmother, the ould witch in hell, ye musthard-sthriped convict !" sings out some irrepres sible Paddy in reply, and Wayne, who is disposed to serious thoughts, would order silence, but it occurs to RAFS RIDE FOR LIFE. 219 him that Mulligan's crude sallies have a tendency to keep the men lively. " I can't believe they've got him," he whispers to the doctor. " If they had they would soon recognize him as an officer and come bawling out their triumph at bagging a chief. His watch, his shoes, his spurs, his underclothing, would all betray that he was an officer, though he hasn't a vestige of uniform. Pray God he is safe !" Will you follow Ray and see ? Curiosity is what lures the fleetest deer to death, and a more dangerous path than that which Ray has taken one rarely follows. Will you try it, reader ? -just you and I ? Come on, then. We'll see what our Kentucky boy " got in the draw," as he would put it. Ray's footfall is soft as a kitten's as he creeps out upon the prairie ; Dandy stepping gingerly after him, wondering but obedient. For over a hundred yards he goes, until both up- and down-stream he can almost see the faint fires of the Indians in the timber. Farther out he can hear hoof-beats and voices, so he edges along westward until he comes suddenly to a depression, a little winding " cooley" across the prairie, through which in the early spring the snows are carried off from some ravine among the bluffs. Into this he noiselessly feels his way and Dandy follows. He creeps along to his left and finds that its general course is from the south west. He knows well that the best way to watch for objects in the darkness is to lie flat on low ground so that everything approaching may be thrown against the sky. His plainscraft tells him that by keeping in the water-course he will be less apt to be seen, but will 220 MARION'S FAITH. surely come across some lurking Indians. That he ex pects. The thing is to get as far through them as possi ble before being seen or heard, then mount and away. After another two minutes' creeping he peers over the western bank. Now the fires up-stream can be seen iu the timber, and dim, shadowy forms pass and repass. Then close at hand come voices and hoof-beats. Dandy pricks up his ears and wants to neigh, but Ray grips his nostrils like a vice, and Dandy desists. At rapid lope, within twenty yards, a party of half a dozen war riors go bounding past on their way down the valley, and no sooner have they crossed the gulley than he rises and rapidly pushes on up the dry sandy bed. Thank heaven ! there are no stones. A minute more and he is crawling again, for the hoof-beats no longer drown the faint sound of Dandy's movements. A few seconds more and right in front of him, not a stone's throw away, he hears the deep tones of Indian voices in con versation. Whoever they may be they are in the " cooley" and watching the prairie. They can see noth ing of him, nor he of them. Pass them in the ten-foot- wide ravine he cannot. He must go back a short dis tance, make a sweep to the east so as not to go between those watchers and the guiding fires, then trust to luck. Turning stealthily he brings Dandy around, leads back down the ravine for some thirty yards, then turns to his horse, pats him gently one minute, " Do your prettiest for your colors, my boy," he whispers ; springs lightly, noiselessly to his back, and at cautious walk comes up on the level prairie, with the timber behind him three hundred yards away. Southward he can see the dim outline of the bluffs. Westward once that little arroya " RATS RIDE FOR LIFE. 221 is crossed, he knows the prairie to be level and unim peded, fit for a race ; but he needs to make a detour to pass the Indians guarding it, get way beyond them, cross it to the west far behind them, and then look out for stray parties. Dandy ambles lightly along, eager for fun and little appreciating the danger. Ray bends down on his neck, intent with eye and ear. He feels that he has got well out east of the Indian picket unchallenged, when suddenly voices and hoofs come bounding up the valley from below. He must cross their front, reach the ravine before them, and strike the prairie beyond. " Go, Dandy !" he mutters with gentle pressure of leg, and the sorrel bounds lightly away, cir cling southwestward under the guiding rein. Another minute and he is at the arroya and cautiously descend ing, then scrambling up the west bank, and then from the darkness comes savage challenge, a sputter of pony hoofs. Ray bends low and gives Dandy one vigorous prod with the spur, and with muttered prayer and clinched teeth and fists he leaps into the wildest race for his life. Bang ! bang ! go two shots close behind him. Crack ! goes his pistol at , dusky form closing in on his right. Then come yells, shots, the uproar of hoofs, the distant cheer and charge at camp, a breathless dash for and close along under the bluffs where his form is best concealed, a whirl to the left into the first ravine that shows itself, and despite shots and shouts and nim ble ponies and vengeful foes, the Sanford colors are riding far to the front, and all the racers of the reser vations cannot overhaul them. 19* 222 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XV. RESCUE AT DAWN. THE short July night wears rapidly away in the high latitudes of the Northwest. It is barely dark at nine, and in six hours " Morn, in the white wake of the morning star, Comes furrowing all the Orient into gold." Yet the night wears wearily, watchfully away in the bivouac down among the cottonwoods south of the Black Hills. Exhausted with the excitement and fatigue of the day, some few men sleep fitfully at times, and other few doze once in a while among the watchers. All the livelong night there is jubilee among the Indians above and below. They keep up their howlings and war-dances in prospective triumph, for, so far as they can learn, they have done no more damage to the soldiers than the killing of a few horses and the wounding of some half a dozen men. Their own loss has been greater than that, and there is mourn ing for some of the braves slain in the combat of the day. They know that escape is impossible to the sol diers. They feel that with another day they can wear out the besieged ; tempt them into firing off their am munition, and, if they can only keep off their friends, the regiment, they have them sure. RESCUE AT DAWN. 223 All the same it is pleasing to Indian ideas of humor to keep up a delusion among the besieged of having captured their messenger. We know Ray is safely off, but Wayne and his men have no such comfort, for, for hours the Indians shout their taunts of " Catch white soger ; eat 'um heart," and in their deep anxieties many of the men seem ready to believe it. To tell the truth, Wayne has hard work keeping up the pluck and spirits of some of the men, and towards morning the suffer ings of the wounded are more than he can bear. Every little while the roystering Indians send a rattling fusil lade in among the timbers, but do no great damage beyond making people uncomfortable. Some of them crawl close to the lines of sentries, but find nothing to encourage further inspection or advance. But Dana begs to be lifted in his blanket and carried some dis tance up-stream, where he can lie on the sand and get away from the sound of others' suffering, and Wayne and Hunter, with two or three men, bear him thither, and there, under the starlight and the waning moon, they lie at full length and softly talk over the situation. There is no disguising the truth. Their condition is most precarious : hemmed in on every side ; ammuni tion almost gone, thanks to the reckless extravagance of the men in twelve hours' fighting, their only hope lies in Ray's reaching the th that night and " rout ing out" the whole command for a dash to the rescue. They never dreamed, poor fellows, that Ray would never find the th where they left it. All hope would have died had they known their comrades had gone. Yet that very circumstance stands at this moment in their favor. The Cheyennes had learned with huge 224 MARION'S FAITH. delight that the strange soldiers had marched off west ward, apparently abandoning that watch near the res ervations, and leaving it safe for them to scurry forth with bag and baggage, with women and children, on their rush for freedom and Sitting Bull. Sighting this little detachment of soldiers venturing on down the valley instead of hurrying back, they had signalled all over the country calling in war-parties to their aid, and formulated their scheme to ambuscade and " corral" it at the narrows of the valley ; but Ray's vigi lance and plainscraft had defeated that scheme ; though they had good chances yet, if they only knew where the regiment had gone. Late the previous evening it had disappeared behind a prominent headland far up a valley farther to the south, and probably had there gone into camp for the night. Late this night they get the news that gives rise to vast speculation and some genuine anxiety. Runners come in who say that instead of camping there, the White Chief rode all night; turned northward soon as it was dark ; crossed this very valley far above them at dawn, and where he went from there they couldn't say. They dare not follow. Was it possible the White Chief was going to beat them at their own tactics ? Could it be that he was going to head them off? attack them in the early morning far to the northwest ? Lying on the ground, the officers heard many hoof-beats dying away in the distance, and wondered what it might mean. It meant that some fifty of their foemen had galloped away to look for their families and the rest of the band, and warn them of the new danger. It was more than certain that no help could come to the soldiers in the RESCUE AT DAWN. 225 valley ; but they must guard their people against this mysterious move. At daybreak those left behind would resume the effort to dislodge the soldiers, and then there would be a revel. And daybreak comes all too soon. Far to the east the stars are paling, and a grayish veil rises slowly from the horizon. One by one the night-lamps in the heavens lose their sparkle and radiance, as the filament of the dawn shrouds and stifles them. Far down the valley tumbling outlines of ridge and height are carved out in sharper relief against the lightening sky. There is a stir in the leaves o'erhead and the soft rustle of the morning breeze. Presently the pallid veil at the east takes on a purplish blush, that is changing every instant to a ruddier hue. Faces are beginning to be dimly visible in the groups of defenders, pinched and drawn and cold in the nipping air, and Wayne notes with a half sob how blue poor Dana's lips are. The boy's thoughts are far away. Is he wandering ? Is it fever already ? His eyes are closed, and he whispered to himself but a moment ago. Hunter is taking a cat-nap. Wayne is too anxious, too unhappy to sleep, and his wound is stiff and painful. A veteran first sergeant comes creep ing up to them for orders, and they are brief enough : " Don't let the men waste a shot. It's our only hope of holding out until help can come. They'll be on us again soon as it is fairly light." " Captain," whispers Dana, " have you been awake all the time?" "Yes, lad. Why?" " Have you heard nothing, no signal ?" P 226 MARION'S FAITH. " Nothing ; not a sound. Why do you ask ?" " I'm afraid I've been only dreaming ; yet I thought, I surely thought a while ago I heard a trumpet-call, far away far out on the prairie." "Which way, Dana?" " Off to the southwest. I didn't like to speak of it, but I thought I heard it twice." " If Ray got through all right that's where the th should be coming from. It may be, Dana. It may be, for they'd lose no time, though Ray thought six would be the earliest hour at which he could fetch them even at a trot. It's only about three now, or a little after. I'll put men on watch and have them listen. Go and bring the trumpeter to me," he said, to one of the men. The light grows broader every moment. Already forms can be dimly distinguished up and down the stream-bed, and mounted Indians darting about out on the prairie. A sergeant comes up to the group of officers with quiet salute : " Those fellows up-stream are getting ready, captain. Several of them mounted a few minutes ago and rode away rapidly towards the southwest. I saw others out on the prairie heading over to the bluffs. They seemed excited-like, and looked to be in full fighting trim." Dana's eyes light with eager hope. " Captain, they heard what I did. Some of our fel lows are off there, taking short cut across country to find us, and are signalling with their trumpets. Let us go farther out, to the prairie. I'm sure I heard it, and we can answer." Almost broad daylight now, though it is long before RESCUE AT DAWN. 227 sun-up, but in very short time Wayne, Dana, and the trumpeter are crouching just at the edge of the timber, listening, listening, while a prayer goes up with every heart-beat. At last Dana's weakness tells upon him. He sinks down at the bottom of a tree exhausted, but his ears are still alert. Suddenly he springs again to his knee. " There ! for God's sake listen. What is that?" And far, far out to the southwest, far beyond the line of bluffs, there rises upon the still morning air soft, clear, floating, and oh ! sweeter than the harmonies of seraphs, the quick, joyous notes of officer's call. Oh, heaven ! was ever reveille so blessed ? " Up with you, Rheinhart ! Answer them ! Blow your whole soul into it, but make 'em hear !" shouts Wayne; and the burly young Prussian rolls over on his back, braces his copper clarion at his lips, and rouses the echoes of the valley with the ringing, jubi lant, pealing reply. None of the dolorous business of Roland at Roncesvalles about Rheinhart's performance this time ! It is like the bugle-horn of Roderick vich Alpine Dhu, " One blast were worth a thousand men." From rifle-pit and stunted log, from shore to shore, the timber leaps into life and rings with the triumphant cheers of the besieged. " Down with you, you idiots ! back to your holes !" yell the officers, none too soon, for with vengeful howls every Indian in the valley seems at the instant to open fire, and once more the little command is encircled by the cordon of savage sharpshooters. Holding their 228 MARION'S FAITH. own fire except where some rabid young foeman too daringly exposes himself, the men wait and listen. Little by little the fury of the attack draws away, and only scattering shots annoy them. They can see, though, that already many Indians are mounting and scurrying off to the north side of the valley, though plenty remain in the timber to keep vigilant watch over their every move. Hunter begs permission to mount and move out with twenty men to guide the rescuers, but there is no ammunition to warrant it. All men are needed just where they are. Scattering shots keep coming in ; the yells of the Indians still con tinue ; the trumpeter raises a lusty blast from time to time, but officers and men are again all eagerly listen ing. " They're coming ! they're coming !" is next the cry, for distant shots are heard, then the thunder of hoofs, the shouts and yells of excited Indians ; then warrior after warrior comes darting back over the bluffs at the south, springing from his pony at the crest, as though for one more shot at rapidly-advancing foe ; more shots and yells; a trumpet-blare, and then, then ringing like clarion over the turmoil of the fight, echoing far across the still valley, the sound of a glorious voice shouting the well-known words of command, " Left front into line gallop !" And Dana can hold in no longer. Almost sobbing, he cries aloud, " Jack Truscott, by all that's glorious ! I'd know the voice among a million !" Who in the th would not? Who in the old regiment had not leaped at its summons time and again ? Who that was there will ever forget the scene, RESCUE AT DAWN. 229 the welcome those wellnigh hopeless fellows give it now ? Dana's men break from their cover, and cheer ing madly, go dashing through the timber towards their persecutors of the day before. Hunter's skirmishers push eastward through the trees for one more crack at the besiegers. Others cheering too, yet spell-bound cling to the spot, and go wild with joy as the long blue line comes flashing into view across the bluffs from the south, the just rising sun flaming at their crests and tinting the wild war-bonnets of the foe, who go tum bling and scurrying away before them ; and their old adjutant comes thundering down the slopes with ninety splendid troopers at his heels, sweeping the valley of their late humiliation, riding home to the rescue. Fired by the sight, some of Wayne's men seize their saddles and throw them on their excited steeds, but before they can mount Truscott's men are whirling up and down the valley, driving the few remaining war riors to the other side, and leaving some wounded ponies and two bedizened braves prone upon the prairies. Quickly the leader comes darting through the timber with hearty, yet laughing, greeting for Wayne, and a wave of the hand to the cheering group. There is no time for compliments now. Out go the skirmishers across the river bottom, through the trees, and spinning away across the valley northward, whirl ing the Cheyennes before them until they are driven to the bluffs. Then, as the "halt" is sounded, and the vigilant line forms big semicircle to ward off further attack, and the little pack-mules with their escort come ambling briskly in from the south, Jack Truscott comes quietly back, lifting his broad-brimmed 20 230 MARION'S FAITH. scouting-hat and wiping the sweat from his brow ; and as they throng about him officers and men almost the first question asked is, " And where is Kay ?" " Safe, but badly wounded." And then little by little the story was told. But for Ray no rescue could have come. The regiment was miles away across country. Truscott's squadron had reached their late camp the previous evening to find them gone. There was a stockade there, where, with underground defences and stout palings, a little com pany of infantry stood guard over a lot of ammunition and supplies. They found there the sick and two wounded of the regiment, a doctor and some scouts who had backed out of going, and they also found a letter to Truscott from the colonel commanding, telling him that Wayne ought to be somewhere west of him up the next valley, to push on and join him, and then together they would be strong enough to ride through the Cheyenne trails and find the regiment. Fearing that Wayne would get too far up the valley, Truscott decided to make a night march due north and strike it some distance up-stream. From four P.M. until eleven they had rested, then had coffee, fed the horses, and started. Somewhere about one o'clock through the dim light of the waning moon they caught sight of a mounted man rapidly nearing them from the east, and heard the whinny of a horse. That was enough to prove 'twas no Indian. Who could it be? One or two flarikers galloped to meet him, and the next thing a sergeant came rushing to Truscott at the head of column. RESCUE AT DAWN. 231 " My God ! captain, it's Loot'nant Ray, an' he's most dead." In an instant Truscott had halted the command and was at the side of his old friend, whom the men had lowered, weak and faint, to the ground. The surgeon came, administered stimulant, examined and rebound his wound ; a bullet had torn through the right thigh, and he had bled fearfully, but all he seemed to think of was the errand on which he came. In few words he told of Wayne's position, pointed out the shortest way, and bade them be off at once. Three men were left with him, one galloped back to the station for an ambulance and the hospital attendant there, and with his faint blessing and " good luck to you, fellows !" Ray had sent them at lively lope bound for the valley and the rescue. There were men that July morning who hid their heads to hide their tears as Truscott quietly told of Ray's heroism and suffering, his narrow escape, his imminent dangers, all met and borne that they might live. There were others who cared not if their tears were seen. There was no one there who did not vow that it would go hard with him if ever man ventured to malign Billy Ray in his presence ; but there was no one there who dreamed that even while daring death to save them the man whose praise was on every lip stood bitterly in need of friends, that blackest calumny, that lowest intrigue, had conspired to pull him down-. It was a week before the four companies rejoined the th, and the reunited regiment pushed northwestward towards the Big Horn Mountains ; but by that time Ray with other wounded was being carefully wheeled back 232 MARION'S FAITH. to Russell, where the news of his heroic exploit had pre ceded him, and where widely different feelings had there by been excited. One household heard it as it will never be forgotten. Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford were just seating themselves at breakfast one bright morn ing, when Mrs. Stannard came rushing in all aglow with mingled excitement and emotion. " Hurrah for the Sanford colors !" she cried. " Read that ! I cannot, I cannot !" And throwing them a long despatch, she astonished her next-door neighbors by fairly bursting into tears. It was with difficulty that the ladies could recover composure in time for the inevitable visit that they knew must come from Mrs. Whaling, and did come at ten o'clock. CHAPTER XVI. HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. SOME strange things had been happening at Russell. Among others the midnight serenade at Mrs. Truscott's had been repeated. Miss Sanford and Mrs. Truscott both heard it this time, and when Mrs. Truscott would have gone to the window to peep and see who it was who sang so delightfully, Miss Sanford restrained her, quietly saying that this was his second visit, and she knew it to be Sergeant Wolf. Mrs. Turner and other ladies, eagerly and naturally curious to find out who it was that serenaded one house in the garrison twice, and similarly honored no others, had plied Mrs. Truscott HOW WE HEARD THE XEWS. 233 with questions. It was agreed that they should tell Mrs. Stannard and seek her advice, but avoid all talk with others. Such resolutions are all very well, but rather impracticable in view of the indomitable energy with which the sex will pursue a train of inquiry. It was delightfully romantic, said the ladies, delightfully sensational some of them thought, and their theory was that some one must be paying his devotions in this way to Miss Sanford, which would account for his total ob- liviousness to the charms of others married and single. Mr. Gleason, when first questioned, had assumed that air of conscious negation, of confirmatory disclaimer, which is calculated to impress the hearer with the be lief that, despite denial, he was deserving the soft im peachment. Gleason would gladly have assumed the responsibility. For a whole day he was the hero, to many feminine minds, of the serenades, and the recipi ent of a dozen warm invitations to come and sing for them that evening ; but before nightfall one theory re ceived a shock which was followed in an hour by an other. The first was when Mrs. Whaling placidly asserted that she knew all about the serenades. That while the supposed unknown had honored Miss San- ford's window twice, it was getting to be an old story at the colonel's, as the troubadour had appeared under her Cecilia's window almost every night for oh, she didn't know how long. Cecilia had blushingly con fessed that morning, and she, Mrs. Whaling, had fre quently heard his tinkling guitar and sweet tenor at odd times. Now, among the infantry ladies it was an older story that fair Cecilia had a way of arrogating to her self attentions never intended for her, and of having a 20* 234 MARION'S FAITH. fertility of invention which enabled her at a moment's notice to discount any story of devotions to another girl with exuberant descriptions of others more intense of which she was the prior object. Any statement of her sainted child was promptly backed by her adoring mother, and, well, there was disbelief, not loud but deep, of this statement among the infantry ladies. As for " ours," Mrs. Stannard listened in silence but with glistening eyes ; Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford with evident relief; Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Wilkins with exclamatory interest. The second shock came when a party of ladies, Miss Cecilia Whaling being of the number, alluded to Mr. Gleason as the probable Maurico, and this for the pur pose of "drawing out" Mrs. Turner. "Nonsense!" said Mrs. Turner. " Mr. Gleason has no more voice than a frog. He thinks he can sing, but you just ought to hear him." " Why, but, Mrs. Turner" said one of the fair ad vocates, eager to sustain the theory she advanced, " Mr. Gleason as much as admitted that he was the man." " He ? of course he would ! Mr. Gleason imagines there is no accomplishment he does not possess. If you need conviction ask him to sing." Ah, me ! And this was the same lady who so ve hemently stood up for Gleason in the days when he was her devotee before she discovered that poker had at tractions for him before which her own could but " pale their ineffectual fires. Tantsene animis ccelestibm irse ?" If it wasn't Gleason, then, who was it? That was what the ladies demanded to know, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Wilkins being- as determined as their sisters of HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. 235 the infantry. It was evident all too soon that the sub ject annoyed and embarrassed Mrs. Truscott. She colored painfully when it was mentioned in her pres ence. This only whetted the zeal and inquisitiveness of the inquisitors. In one form or other it was con stantly being brought up in her presence, and her every look and gesture was narrowly scanned. Mrs. Turner grew wild with curiosity. Here was a mystery indeed ! From Mrs. Stannard she could extract nothing. From Miss Sanford she received smiling, gracious treatment at all times, but nothing tangible in the way of infor mation. She almost made up her mind to be gracious to Mr. Gleason, to be enticing, in fact ; but before her wiles could take effect other developments had rendered that course impracticable. Gleason himself, as we have seen, had taken prompt measures to satisfy himself as to the identity of the serenader. His next step was to institute inquiries as to just what was meant by these demonstrations on part of the sergeant. Insidious questions were propounded to Mrs. Stannard, Mrs. Truscott, and Miss Sanford, only to mystify him the more. They would say noth ing to enlighten him ; but he plainly saw that each one of the three was conscious that Wolf was the midnight visitor, and that two of the three were in possession of knowledge with regard to the mysterious soldier which he could not fathom. He took to studying "Wolf; sent for him frequently ; had long talks with him ostensibly as to his duties with recruits, but began to " draw him out" as to his past. All he could learn was that he had come to this country determined to enlist, had served a few months with Truscott at the Point, and had secured 236 MARION'S FAITH. a transfer because he wanted active service. He de clined to tell what had been his connections or his life before coming to our shores, but he was evidently a man of education and refinement; he was an admirable horseman, swordsman, and drill-master; he had evi dently been trained for the military profession. Now, how was it that he had so readily acceded- to the detail which kept him on duty at Russell, when, if he so wanted active service, he could have been sent with the regiment? Gleason's one interpretation of that was that the sergeant " loved, alas, above his station." It behooved him now to find out which of the ladies at Truscott's had inspired this romantic passion. It oc curred to him that the discovery might be made very useful. He was plainly losing ground there. Invita tions to tea and dinner had not been forthcoming since Truscott's squadron marched away, and his efforts to see Miss Sanford alone had been frustrated. Having secured the detail which kept him at the post while the regiment was out roughing it, he relaxed the assi duity of his attentions to Mrs. Whaling, but kept up his hand with the old colonel througli the medium of pool and billiards, though he lost less frequently. He was always having confidential chats with the colonel, and when Captain Buxton came through on his way to catch the regiment, three days after Ray's departure, Gleason took him to see the colonel, and the three were closeted for some time together. It worried Mrs. Stan- nard, who felt sure there was mischief brewing, and she so wrote to the major, who tackled Buxton the moment he joined with questions about Ray, and Buxton was dumb as Sam Weller's drum with a hole in it. Ray HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. 237 was there and "chipper" as a cricket. Everybody noted how blithe, buoyant, and energetic he was, but this very trait prevented Stannard's having more than one talk with him before the separation of Wayne's command from the regiment. Ray was off on scouts from morn till night. Stannard frankly told him how worried he had been, and Ray looked amazed, declaring he had never been more temperate, and that his accounts were straight as a string. He had played billiards but had not touched a card. When told of the allegation that he had been inces santly with Rallston, and had cut loose from Buxton and Gleason, Ray replied that it was incomprehensible to him how any man who knew Buxton and Gleason could blame him for that. He never spoke to Gleason, and as the two were always together, he had no wish to embarrass their good times. He was with Rallston, his brother-in-law, who had been most kind, hospitable, and jolly ; but Ray went on to say he found that Ralls ton tried to be sharp in palming off some inferior horses upon them, and he had blocked it. This had caused a " split," so to speak, but nothing of consequence, as he had immediately started to rejoin. More than this there was no time to talk of. Ray went with Wayne, Stannard with the th, and they saw nothing more of each other for many a long day. Meantime, Gleason was getting in his work. Stannard had written briefly to his wife to tell her what Ray had said, but she was a keen judge of character, and she could not but note the reticence and evident embarrassment of the young adjutant at Russell a courteous and high-minded fel low whenever she mentioned Ray's name. 238 MARION'S FAITH. Failing in his effort to extract information from Ser geant Wolf, Gleason changed his methods. He began worrying him, restricting his movements in various ways, and hampering him with corrections and sug gestions. One day a bandsman, who was excellent as a clarionet- and violin-player, took his discharge-papers on expiration of term of service, and the bandmaster appeared at the adjutant's office with Sergeant Wolf to announce that the sergeant was even a better musician than the discharged man, and was desirous of giving up his " lance" rank and entering the band. Colonel Whaling and his adjutant were delighted to make a temporary transfer to meet the case and to write to Mr. Billings for regimental sanction. All too late, Gleason heard of and tried to stop it. It took Wolf out of his control and compelled him to resort to watching him. He had so palpably given it to be understood that he was the sweet singer who had en tranced the garrison in his midnight serenades that Gleason now felt he could not go to the adjutant and tell him that Wolf was the man, and that he must pen him up at night. Indeed, he rather wanted to have more of the serenading. He sniffed a scandal, and in his resentment at Mrs. Truscott's evident avoidance of him and Miss Sanford's serene indifference, he was beginning to feel that he could welcome anything that would besmirch their names or cloud their domestic peace. From his soldier servant he learned that Wolf spent hours in writing letters, most of which he burned or tore up ; that he held himself aloof from the bands men, and was trying to get a little room to himself. Every night when he was officer of the day, and occa- HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. 939 sionally when he was not, Gleason patrolled that back fence in search of Wolf, and one night he was rewarded. He sprang suddenly from his hiding-place, and the soldier turned and ran like a deer, distancing Gleasou in no time ; but in his flight he had dropped a letter. Gleason could hardly believe his eyes when he saw it lying there upon the ground. It bore no superscrip tion, but in three minutes the lieutenant had rushed to his quarters, locked the doors, and shut himself up with his prize. The family next door was startled by the shout of triumph and delight with which he read the last lines. He almost kissed the letter in his ecstasy. He hardly slept that night from excitement, and it was the very next morning that Russell was electrified by the telegraphic news that the th had had sharp fight ing ; that the main body of the regiment, early in the morning three days previous, had met and driven back to the reservation a large force of Cheyennes seeking to join Sitting Bull ; that Captain Wayne's squadron had been surrounded and cut off by others of the same tribe, and rescued by Truscott's squadron at the same instant that the fight was going on at the War Bonnet ; that Wayne's people would undoubtedly have been massacred to a man as their ammunition was spent but for the heroism of Ray, who had run the gauntlet through the Cheyennes all alone in the darkness, found Truscott's squadron going rapidly away in another direction, turned him to the rescue just in the nick of time, and now, weak and wounded, was being sent in to Russell; that there had been several men killed, quite a number wounded, and that among these latter were Blake, Wayne, and Dana ; and that Blake, too, 240 MARION'S FAITH. would be sent to Russell. Further particulars came every hour or two. Every report had something ad ditional to say of Ray's valor, and though he ground his teeth in rage at the thought of Ray's temporary exaltation, Gleason was philosopher enough to know that- no man was long a hero in garrison life, and so took advantage of the excitement to go and besiege the ladies with congratulations. How could they exclude him at such a time ? Grace was in an ecstasy of pride and joy over her Jack's splendid charge, and Marion Sanford, who gloried in deeds of valor, sat wondering if it were really true that she knew the man whose name was on every lip, gallant, daring Ray, that that even then, as Truscott wired them, he never forgot he was riding for her colors. But it was delicious to hear Gleason : " I cannot rejoice too much, ladies, that it was the troop I so long commanded that made the decisive charge. They have fulfilled my highest expectations," was an oft repeated remark. And when Mrs. Whaling came the second time to dispense tearful felicitations, she found him ready to say amen to her pious suggestions that they should unite hi praise and prayer to the Throne of Mercy. The man was indeed " A rogue in grain, Veneered with sanctimonious theory." They Grace and Marion had early fled to their rooms and knelt in overwhelming gratitude to thank the God they worshipped for the mercy vouchsafed to HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. 241 those so near to them. He the two-faced villain held in his pocket at that moment the letter with which he meant to crush the woman who had dared to hold him aloof. As yet, however, he had no intention of immediately using it. For the time being, the general rejoicing among the ladies made it possible for even ;i shirk like Gleason to be among them a good deal. They could talk of nothing but how splendid it was to be with the regiment, and how admirably this or that officer had behaved, and one would suppose that such conversation would have been galling to an able-bodied listener ; but that pachydermatous quality, to which allusion has been made, stood Gleason in good stead. He smiled serenely at all their shafts, and spoke of the deeds of the regiment quite as though he had been an active participant. He hung around Truscott's quarters a good deal, bringing all manner of trivial items of news from time to time, and even manufacturing them that he might have an excuse to see the ladies. He was so constantly there on pretext after pretext that he overdid the matter, annoyed both the ladies by his persistency and his covert allusions to Wolf and occasional flings at Ray. They begged Mrs. Stannard to devise means to rid them of him at last ; and one afternoon when he appeared at the door and walked past the servant into the hall, as was his custom, the maid had twice to repeat, "The ladies beg to be excused," before he would hear it. " Say to Mrs. Truscott, with my compliments, that I have some further news of the regiment," he said, L q 21 242 MARION'S FAITH. in a voice he knew would penetrate the rooms on the second floor, and it did ; but Mrs. Stannard was there. He had already called and spent an hour that very morning, and the ladies had determined to check it. " Mrs. Truscott's compliments," said the maid, smil ingly, as she came tripping down the 'stairs. "The ladies are lying down, and would he please leave word. If it was anything important, of course Mrs. Truscott would come." " Oh, no," said Gleason, loudly ; " say I'll call this evening after retreat." But when he came they were all on the piazza, Mrs. Stannard, too, and he knew that he could not be too careful what tidings or rumors he manufactured in her presence. Again, on the following morning, he pre sented himself with similar plea. This time the ladies begged to be excused. " Will you say to Miss Sanford that I would greatly like to see her a few minutes?" he persisted. And then Miss Sanford came to head of the stairs, no fur ther. " What is it, Mr. Gleason ? I cannot come down," she said, very civilly, but uncompromising for all that. " Er I hoped you felt like er taking a walk or something." " Thanks, Mr. Gleason. I am too busy to-day." "Well, shall we say to-morrow, then?" he perse vered. " To-morrow I go riding with Mrs. Stannard." " Do you ? What time ? Perhaps I can arrange to take a gallop at the same hour. You've never ridden with me yet." (Reproachfully.) HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. 243 " You will have to ask Mrs. Stannard. Now, Mr. Gleason, I must go back to my desk. Good-morning." And she vanished, sweet and smiling, and he " went off mad," swearing mad. That very afternoon an ambulance arrived from Laramie with Ray. Oh, what a jubilee they had ! and how those women fluttered around him as he sat in a low reclining-chair on the piazza of the quarters made ready for him ! A young assistant surgeon was with him, whom Ray cajoled and bullied alternately ; called him such military pet names as " Pills/' " Squills," and " Sawbones" whenever he had occasion to address him ; laughed him out of all his feeble pro tests against " exciting himself," and bade him reserve his ministrations for Blake, who would be in on the morrow. The evening he came, after he had been shaved and bathed and rebandaged, and had his hair trimmed, and had donned a very swell brand-new fatigue uniform, in which he looked remarkably natty and well despite a slight pallor, Ray had insisted on being trundled up the row in a wheeled chair, and there at Mrs. Stannard's they had a little rejoicing of their own, Ray and the young surgeon being surrounded by the ladies of the th for an hour, when Mrs. Wilkins had to go off to her brood, Mrs. Turner to visit some infantry friends, and then, awhile longer, Miss San- ford sat and listened to the eager talk of Mrs. Stannard and Grace with the dark-eyed cavalryman, and those dark eyes of his sought hers every other minute. They tried to get him to talk of his ride. Even Grace, de claring that he must, and turning laughingly to her friend, exclaimed, "Come, Maidie, add your plea. 244 MARIONS FAITH. You have a right to know how your colors went ;" and Miss Sanford's face flamed with its sudden blush, but she spoke no word. Mrs. Stannard, smiling and happy, but seeing everything as usual, noted that Ray, too, had flushed underneath the deep tan of his fron tier complexion, but he came to the rescue blithely as ever. " Ah, Miss Sanford, it would have been easy enough if I had only had Monarchist; though Dandy did nobly, bless him !" It was a blissful evening, and all too short, for the doctor simply ended it by wheeling Ray home at nine o'clock and putting him to bed. For two days more he was incessantly up the row in his wheeled chair. Twice Gleason saw him tete-d,-tete with Miss Sanford on the piazza, and the garrison ladies were slyly twit ting him with his prospects of being cut out. The whole garrison by this time saw that he and Ray were not on speaking terms. Blake, too, had arrived, a little cross and crabbed for him, as his wounds were painful, consisting mainly of bruises where his wounded horse had fallen and rolled with him. But he could limp about and swear, and distort the poetry of the old mas ters and be savage and cynical. He hated Gleason, ridiculed him in public, and hailed him as a military Malvolio. " See how he jets 'neath his (anything but) advanc&d plumes !" he spouted, as Gleason came gallanting some of the garrison ladies down the line, desperately hoping to make Miss Sanford jealous. Gleason couldn't for the life of him explain what Blake meant, but he knew there was sarcasm in it, and hated him all the same. It HOW WE HEARD THE NEWS. 245 would be but a few days before both the wounded offi cers would be able to perform light duty. There came a telegraphic inquiry as to that from way up at Fort Fetterman. The colonel wanted to know, and old Whaling was pleased to send the response. But it was a blow to Gleason. Within forty-eight hours it brought other telegraphic orders from division headquarters to send Lieutenant Gleason at once to Fort Fetterman, to join his regiment at the earliest possible moment. There was visible rejoicing in the garrison. Gleason had a vehement interview with the post commander and galloped off to town, where he spent much time telegraphing and awaiting replies. Then, to wear off the tedium of the intervening hours, he resorted to several haunts well known to the inhabitants of those days, and did more or less betting on uncertain games, and much more wrestling with an insidious enemy. He was crazy drunk when lifted from the hack at his quar ters late that night ; and his orders were to take stage for Fetterman at tnree P.M. the following day. Cap tain Webb, returning from his Kansas court, would reach Cheyenne at noon and go by same conveyance. It was arranged that the two officers should be in readi ness at the fort, and the coach would drive through and picJt them up. 21* 246 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XVII. A COWAKD'S DEED. ME. RAY was hobbling about his room blithe as a lark. He had slept soundly, awaked refreshed, en joyed his breakfast and the music of the band at guard- mounting ; was rejoicing in the arrival of Dandy, who had been sent down from Laramie, and was now in a little paddock in the back-yard of the quarters he and Blake occupied in company. He had spent an hour delightfully at Mrs. Truscott's, where the ladies were out taking the morning air, and finally had come home to write to " the mother" at Lexington, who, with all her pride in her boy's achievements, was still vastly worried. She had written to the commanding officer, in fact, and begged particulars from him, as her son was so averse to writing. The colonel tad shown the let ter to Gleason, who happened, as usual, to be on hand, and Gleason had remarked, " Well ! That's what I always told you. You'll get to know him after a while." Ray had written a joyous letter to her and a few jolly lines to sister Nell, whose last letter had perplexed him somewhat, and then, his work finished, he had risen, and was limping around with the aid of a stick singing lustily the old darkey camp-meeting lines, " Oh, de elder's on de road, mos' done trabbelin', De elder's on de road, mos' done trabbelin', De elder's on de road, mos' done er trabbelin ; I'se gwine to carry my soul to de Lawd," when the door opened, and in came Blake. A COWARD'S DEED. 247 " What ho ! Mercutio. Your bosom's lord sits lightly on his throne, anyhow ! What you been drink ing, Billy? Getting shot seems to agree with you. Faith ! lad, I've had a joyous morn, chaffing Gleason and supervising his packing. What a damned sneak that fellow is, anyhow !" he broke off, in sudden disgust. " What's he been doing now ?" " Oh ! I can't tell you ; just hinting and insinu ating as usual. He's no end grumpy at being sent off; seemed to think he had the inside track with the Jersey bluebell. (Look out, William, or you'll be moth to that candle next. She's the winningest thing I ever saw, winning as four aces, i' faith !) Gad ! Did you hear the K. O. W.'s* speech about her ? Hullo ! There they go now. She and Mrs. Stannard driving to town. Wouldn't wonder if they were going just to get rid of having to say good-by to Gleason. Come, Billy ; let's limp over to the store and have a cup of sack." "B'lieve not, Blakie, I've well, let up on it, so to speak." "What? Billy? Oh, come now, that's too why, angels and ministers of grace ! Ray, is it love ? de lirious, delicious, delusive love, again ? Sweet William ! Billy Doux ! bless my throbbing heart ! Odds boddi- kins ! man, nay, think, ' "Tis best to freeze on to the old love Till you're solid as wheat with the new.' Don't throw off on Hebe when Shebe, maybe, only fooling thee. Peace, say you? Nay, then, I mean * Army argot for commanding officer's wife. 248 MARION'S FAITH. no harm, sweet Will. Here's me hand on't. But for me, no dalliance with Venus, 1 Her and her blind boy's scandalled company I have forsworn.' You have my blessing, Billy, but ' Dost thou think because thou art virtuous There shall be no more cakes and ale ?' A vaunt! I'll hie me to metheglin and Muldoon's." And off he went, leaving Ray half vexed, half shaken with laughter. It must have been one o'clock when, looking up the row as he sat basking in the sunshine, he saw Gleason come out of Captain Truscott's quarters and rapidly nearing him along the walk. He had been idly look ing over a newspaper and thinking intently over mat ters which he was beginning to find vastly interesting ; but something in Gleason's appearance changed Mr. Kay's expression from that of the mingled contempt and indifference with which he generally met him into one of more active interest. The big and bulky lieu tenant lurched unmistakably as he walked; his face was flushed, his eyes red. He was muttering angrily to himself, and shot a quick but far from intelligent glance at Ray as he passed. u Now, what on earth could have prompted him to go to Truscott's looking like that ?" thought Ray. " I wonder if Mrs. Truscott saw him. She did not go driving." Presently there came a little knot of ladies down the A COWARD'S DEED. 249 row. They stopped to speak to Ray, and he rose, an swering with smiling welcome, and they on the side walk and he, leaning against one of the pillars of the low wooden portico, were in the midst of a lively chat when his own door opened and there came from within his quarters Mrs. Truscott's soldier servant, an old cavalryman whose infirmities had made him glad, long since, to exchange the functions of a trooper for those of general messenger, bootblack, and scullion on better pay and rations. He had come in from the rear. He held out a note. " Mrs. Truscott said I was to find you at once, sir." " Pardon me, ladies, I will see what this is," he said, opening it leisurely with pleasant anticipations of an invitation for tea. He read two lines : the color left his face. Amaze, consternation, distress, were all pic tured there in an instant. " Excuse me ! I must go to Mrs. Truscott at once," he said, and went limping eagerly, rapidly up the walk. " Why, what can she want ?" asked one of the aston ished ladies. " I cannot imagine. Don't you think we some of us ought to go and see if anything is the matter ?" " Nonsense ! It is nothing where we would be of any service. What makes me wonder is what she can want of Mr. Ray ; what made him look so startled ?" (A pause.) " Didn't Mrs. Turner say he was very attentive to her in Arizona, and that she threw him over for Cap tain Truscott ?" (Tentatively.) 250 MARION'S FAITH. "It wasn't that at all!" promptly interrupted an other, with" the positive conviction of womankind. " Mrs. Wilkins told me all about it, and I know. It was another girl Mr. Ray was in love with, and no, it was Mrs. somebody Tanner, whose husband was killed, and Mrs. Truscott did break an engagement with somebody " " I didn't know about that. What I say is that Mr. Ray was desperately in love with Mrs. Truscott, be cause " And by this time all four were talking at once, and the thread of conversation became involved. But Ray had hurried on. What he read had indeed startled him. " Come to me the moment you get this. I am in fearful trouble. "G. P. T." He knocked at the door, and she herself opened it and led him into the parlor. She was pale as death, her eyes distended with misery, every feature quivering, every nerve trembling with fright and violent emotion. She began madly walking up and down the little room wringing her hands, shivering, gasping for breath. " In heaven's name, what has happened ?" " Oh ! I cannot tell you ! I cannot tell you ! It is too fearful ! Oh, Mr. Ray ! Mr. Ray !" " But you must tell me, Mrs. Truscott. Try and control yourself. Is anything wrong with Jack ?" " Oh, no no !" " Good God ! Has there been an accident ? Has anything happened to Miss Sanford ?" A COWARD'S DEED. 251 " No no no ! It's only me !" she answered, hys terically inaccurate in her wild wretchedness. " I'll tell you. It is that awful man, Mr. Gleason. He has been here and " Ray's face set like stone. The words came through clinched teeth now. He seized her hand released it as suddenly. " Tell me instantly. There's no time to lose. He goes at three." And then at last, half sobbing, half raging with in dignation, she managed to tell her story. Gleason had come in half an hour before, and walk ing at once into the parlor, had sent up word that he wished to see her. She asked to be excused, but he called up that it was a matter of the utmost importance, and she came down. He closed the parlor door, stood between her and escape, and then proceeded to accuse her of slights and wrongs to him, and of interfering with his rights as a gentleman to pay his addresses to Miss Sanford, of prejudicing her against him. He accused her husband of treating him with disdain, and then she saw he had been drinking heavily he with wild triumph told her she was in his power ; he had long suspected her. She strove to check him and to call her servants (for a wonder they weren't at the key hole), but she was powerless against him. Then he went on to denounce her as a faithless wife, and to accuse her of a vile correspondence with a soldier, an enlisted man, a sergeant formerly of her husband's troop. He drew a letter from his pocket, and with sneering emphasis read it aloud. It was an ardent love-letter from Wolf, in which he raved of his love 252 MARIONS FAITH. for her, spoke of other letters he had written, and re* minded her of his happiness in past meetings, and begged to be told when he could see her alone. She was horror-stricken ; indignantly denied any knowledge of him whatever. He simply sneered, and told her he meant to take that letter " to crush her husband with" the first time he asserted any authority over him, and to hold as a menace over her. Then she implored him as an officer, as a gentleman, to give it to her, but he only added sneering insult. Ray could hardly wait till she had finished. At first he blazed with wrath, then that odd preternatural cool ness and sang-froid seemed to steal over him. He looked at his watch One thirty : time enough then asked a quiet question or two. Had any one heard ? Did any one else know ? Not a soul. Whom could she tell ? Whom could she call but him, Mrs. Stannard and Marion being away ? " Don't worry a particle. I'll have him here on his knees if need be. You say Wolf was the signature. Do you know any Why ! does he mean that good- looking German ?" And to his amaze she was blushing painfully. " Yes, Mr. Ray, and he was with us at the Point, and always coming to borrow books of Jack, but indeed he never wrote me, nor I " " Hush ! Who but a blackguard would think it ? Just sit here quietly ten minutes or so. You shall have that letter. If any one comes, I think it would be best to keep quiet about this until later." With that he went hobbling down the row. There were the ladies and they accosted him to know if any- A COWARD'S DEED. 253 thing were wrong, if they had not better go to Mrs. Truscott ? et caetera, et camera ; but he answered with unaccustomed brilliancy and mendacity that he had a scare for nothing because he could not read her fine Italian hand. She was only getting some things ready to send to Captain Truscott by the stage to Fetterman. All the same he slipped into his room, got his revolver, gave a quiet twirl to the cylinder to see that all was working smoothly, and the next minute, without knock ing, banged into the front room of Gleason's quarters, finding that worthy sluicing his head and face with cold water at the washstand. " Who's that ?" he shouted, turning half round to find Ray standing less than ten feet away with a cocked six-shooter gleaming in his hand. There was dead silence a moment, then Ray's placid tones were heard, " Sit down, Gleason." Gleason stood glaring at him an instant, a ghastly pallor stealing over his face, his rickety legs trembling beneath him. " Do you hear ? Sit down !" And though the words were slow, deliberate, clean- cut, there was a hissing prolongation of the one sibil- lant that gave the impression of the 'scape-valve of some pent-up power that bore a ton to the square inch. There was a blaze, a glitter, in the dark, snapping eyes ; there was a pitiless, contemptuous, murderous set to the lips and jaw ; a fearful significance in the slowly-raising pistol hand and the pointing finger of the other. Limp as a wet rag, cowering like a lashed cur, terrified into speechlessness, Gleason dropped into the indicated chair. 22 254 MARION'S FAITH. " If you attempt to move except at my bidding I'll shoot you like a dog. I want that letter." " What letter ?" he whimpered, in his effort to dodge. " The letter you were blackguard enough to steal and coward enough to threaten Mrs. Truscott with. Where is it?" " Ray, I swear I meant no harm ! It was all a a joke. I didn't dream she'd take it so seriously. I picked it up in her yard, and meant to give it " "Shut up! Where is it?" " I I haven't got it now." " You lie ! Bring it out, or I'll " And again the rising pistol hand with dread suggestiveness sup plied the ellipsis. Gleasou began fumbling in the pocket of his waist coat. It was evident that he was on the verge of maudlin tears ; he shook and trembled and began pro testing. " Bah !" said Ray. " The idea of showing a pistol to such a whelp of cowardice ! Hand me the letter !" And with an impatient step forward, he stood towering over the cringing, shrinking, pitiful object in the chair. The nerveless hands presently drew forth a letter from an inner pocket. This Ray quickly seized ; glanced hurriedly over it, stowed it in his blouse, then walked to the door. Fancying him going, Gleason's drunken wits began to rally. He half rose, and with a face distorted with rage, shook his fist, and his high, reedy, querulous tenor could have been heard all over the house. " You think you've downed me, but, by God ! you'll pay for this ! You'll see if in one month's time you A COWARD'S DEED. 255 don't bemoan every insult you put upon me, and if she don't wish " " Silence ! you whelp, you drivelling cur ! Don't you dare utter her name ! Just what I'll do about this infamous business I don't know yet. A woman's name is too sacred to be dragged into court, even to rid the service of such a foul blot as you ; but, now mark me : by the God of heaven, if you ever dare bring up this matter again to a single soul, I'll kill you as I would a mad dog." And with one long look of concentrated wrath, con tempt, and menace, Ray turned his back upon his abject enemy and left him. Gleason's orderly entering the room a minute after was told to hand him a tumbler and the whiskey- bottle, and with shaking hand the big subaltern tossed oif a bumper, while the man went on strapping and roping his trunks and field-kit. Half an hour afterwards, half sobered and partially restored, he was able to say a brief word of farewell to the post commander, a venomous word. Meantime, stopping at his quarters a moment to re turn his revolver and wash his hands, Ray went up the row to Truscott's. He had not time to knock. Grace was waiting for his coming with an intensity of eager ness and anxiety, and the moment she heard his step flew to the door and admitted him, leading, as before, the way to the parlor. Mrs. Turner had, meantime, been apprised by some of her infantry friends that Mrs. Truscott had sent a note to Mr. Ray, and also that there must be something queer going on. Mr. Ray had been much agitated at first and had hurried thither, and heaven only knows 256 MARIONS FAITH. the variety of conjectures propounded. By the time Ray was seen coming up the row again there were four ladies on Mrs. Turner's piazza, who were vehemently interested in his next move. They watched his going to Truscott's ; but, of course, watching was perfectly justifiable in view of their anxiety about her. "Did you see?" said Mrs. Turner. "He didn't even knock. She was waiting to let him in." It was by no means an unfrequent thing for any one of the ladies of the garrison to receive a visit from some old and tried friend of hers and her husband's while the latter was in the field. Mrs. Turner never thought anything of having officers call day or evening, though, as a rule, there was a sentiment against it, and the majority of the ladies especially the elders thought it wrong for the young matrons to receive the visits of young officers at any time when the head of the house was far away. Now that there were only four young officers in garrison and more than 'a dozen ladies, the feeling had strengthened to the extent of considerable talk. It was therefore the unanimous view of the ladies on Mrs. Turner's piazza that in Mrs. Truscott's receiving two visits from Mr. Ray in one morning, under circumstances provokingly mysterious, there was something indecorous, to say the least, and unless they knew the why and the wherefore, it was their intention to so declare. " Indeed !" said Mrs. Turner, " I think Mrs. Truscott ought to be spoken to." Utterly oblivious of this most proper and virtuous espionage, Ray had returned to Mrs. Truscott. She looked at him with imploring eyes as they entered the parlor. DESERTION. 257 " There is the letter," he said ; " do you want it or shall I burn it?" She shrank back as though recoiling from a loath some touch. " Oh, no, no ! Burn it ! Here is a match," she cried, springing to the mantel, and then her over charged heart gave way. She threw herself upon the sofa, burying her face in her hands, sobbing like a child with relief and exhaustion. Ray touched the match to the paper ; had just fairly started the flame, when laughing voices and quick footsteps were heard on the piazza. The door flew open, and all in a burst of sunshine and balmy air, Marion Sanford, saying, " Oh, come right in. You haven't a moment to spare, and she'll be so glad to see you !" whisked into the room followed by Captain Webb. Tableau ! CHAPTER XVIII. DESEETION. IN that species of mental athletics known as jump ing at conclusions Mrs. Turner was an expert. That she always hit the mark is something a regard for veracity will not permit us to assert. Indeed, it was not often that her intellectual subtlety enabled her to extract from outward appearances the true inwardness of the various matters that entered the orbit of her ob servations. All the same she was a born jumper, and, r 22* 258 MARIONS FAITH. like the Allen revolver immortalized by Mark Twain, if she didn't always get what she went for she fetched something. Mrs. Turner could fetch a conclusion from everything she saw, and was happy in her facility. Time and again her patient lord had ventured to point a moral from her repeated mistakes of judgment, and to suggest less precipitancy in the future; but to no good purpose. Mrs. Turner's faith in the justice of her prognostications was sublime, though not unusuaj. It has been within the compass of our experience to meet and know undaunted women who, day after day, could, with equal positiveness, announce their theories as in controvertible facts, or flatly contradict the assertions of those whose very position enabled them to be well informed. When Mrs. Turner was confronted with the proof of her error, and gently upbraided by the placid captain for being so positive in her affirmation or de nial, that pretty matron was wont to shrug her lovely shoulders, and petulantly set aside the subject with the comprehensive excuse, " Oh, well ! I didn't know." In vain had Turner pointed out to her that the fact was self-evident, that in view of that very fact she should have been less confident in the discussion and should be more guarded in the future : his efforts were crowned with small success. Mrs. Turner's beliefs were only too apt on all occasions to be heralded by her as undeniable facts. She saw Miss Sanford and Captain Webb enter the Truscotts' soon after Ray. She saw Captain Webb come out almost immediately and go thence to the Stannards', next door, while Ray soon appeared and walked off homeward. She saw Mrs. Stannard come DESERTION. 259 out with "Webb, and while the latter turned to come and say good-by to her, Mrs. Stannard had gone at once into the Truscotts'. " Is Mrs. Truscott ill ?" she immediately asked. " Well a she seemed to be. She was evidently a good deal cut up about something," said Webb, who was slow of speech and not quick of intellect. " Well, what do you think it was ? What was she doing ? Tell me, captain. I'm so worried about her, she has been so unlike herself since Mr. Truscott went away." " Oh, ah ! she was very pale and very a well, tearful, you know. Been crying, I suppose," and Webb shifted uncomfortably. He couldn't get over that picture exactly, Mrs. Truscott springing up from the sofa all tears ; Ray standing there burning a letter, all confusion. Still, he believed it something suscepti ble of explanation, and did not care to talk about it. But that Laramie stage would soon be along, and Mrs. Turner determined to make the best of her opportuni ties. Ray had never been one of her satellites, and she never forgave too little admiration, though it would be manifestly unfair to assert that she would have forgiven too much. She knew that he had been quite devoted to Mrs. Truscott in the days that succeeded the troub lous times at Sandy, though the days were very brief, and now it was her impulsive theory that Mrs. Trus- cott's odd behavior and Ray's presence at the house were symptoms of a revival of that suspected flame. She was trying to draw Webb out when Gleason, look ing black as a thunder-cloud and immensely melo dramatic, came in to say good-by to her as she stood 260 MARION'S FAITH. on the piazza. The stage came cracking in at the front gate at the moment and stopped below at Gleason's quarters, where the orderly began stowing in their light luggage. " Have you said good-by to Miss Sanford and Mrs Truscott ?" she asked, with mischievous interest. "Er no. I understand Mrs. Truscott is not well. I saw her this morning a moment, and promised to come round later, but I think it best not to disturb them." The stage lumbered up to the front, and as it came Mrs. Stannard reappeared and hurried up the walk. Her usually placid face showed evidence of deep emo tion and barely repressed excitement. " Captain Webb, will you say to the major that I will have a long letter to go to him by the very next mail, and that I hope it will reach him without delay." She looked squarely at Gleason with her kind blue eyes blazing, and never so much as recognized him by a nod. " I must return to Mrs. Truscott, who is far from well, but tell Captain Truscott not to be alarmed about her. Good-by, Captain Webb. Come back to us safe and sound." Another moment and the two officers were borne away, and Mrs. Turner went down to the Truscotts' determined to find out what was the trouble, but came away dissatisfied. There was some mystery, and she could not solve it. What did it portend that Mrs. Stannard should have cut Mr. Gleason dead ? Later that afternoon, just before sunset, there was a pretty picture in front of Truscott's quarters. It had been a lovely day, at the very end of July, but the air DESERTION. 261 was cool and bracing, and many of the ladies, seated on the long row of piazzas, or strolling up and down the gravelled walk, had found it necessary to wear their shawls or wraps. The band was playing sweetly in the circular stand on the parade, and a dozen little chil dren were romping about the few patches of green turf or splashing the water in the narrow acequias. The newly-planted sprigs of trees looked like so many tent- poles stuck up on the edge of the diamond so far as verdure was concerned, and the dingy brown of the barracks on the southern side had little that could at tract the eye. But far beyond, across the creek valley, lay the rolling expanse of open prairie ; far beyond that, those glistening, gleaming battlements of eternal snow standing against the Colorado skies. Only three or four officers could be seen along the row only half a dozen soldiers in all the great garrison. The recruits were all in at supper. The officers and trained men were all far away to the north. To the delight of the children Mr. Ray's orderly came up the road leading Dandy, and after they had crowded around and petted and lauded him while a new halter was being put on, and his glistening coat touched up for the third time since his supper of oats, Dandy was slowly led on up the row, stopping every few rods to be patted and ad mired by the ladies, and at last reached Truscott's house, where Ray went and knocked softly, and Miss Sanford appeared. Together they walked to the gate, and there they stood. Ray expatiating on the many good points of his pet and comrade, Miss Sanford stroking the sorrel's arching neck and velvet nozzle, and looking: volumes of adulation into his intelligent 262 MARION'S FAITH. eyes. Dandy pawed and pricked up his ears, and seemed proud and conscious as any human, and would have purred like a kitten had he only known how, so soft was the touch of her caressing hand, so sweet was the praise of her gentle voice. Ray stood and watched her with delight in his eyes. " Oh, you beauty ! Oh, you dear, dear fellow ! how I would prize you if you were mine ! Do you dream what a hero you are, I wonder ?" Both her white hands were holding his glossy head now, and Dandy stood there looking into her animated face as though he loved every feature in it, or was it Ray? Both of them could hardly keep their eyes off her an instant. She was a puzzle to Dandy. She was an angel to his master. "He was hit twice, was he not?" she asked; and when he showed her the scars, she mourned over them like a mother over a baby's bumped forehead. "I declare, Mr. Ray is growing positively hand some !" said Mrs. Stannard, looking out of the window at the pretty group. " How delighted he is that Miss Sanford should make so much of Dandy !" she added, turning to Mrs. Truscott, who lay there very white and weary looking. Grace smiled. " I must creep up to the window and see," she said ; and for a moment they gazed in silence. He was bending down over her, so bright and brave and gallant, that the next thing the two ladies looked suddenly into each other's face, smiling suggestively. " Just what I was thinking !" said Mrs. Stannard, laughing ; and there seemed no need to ask what the simultaneous thought could be. Then they looked out DESERTION. 263 again. " Oh !" said Mrs. Truscott, impatiently, " I wish she would keep away !" for down came Mrs. Tur ner, all smiles and white muslin, to join them. That woman could never understand tjiat she could be de trop, was Mrs. Stannard's reflection, but it was charac teristic of her that she gave the (possibly) dispropor- tioned thought no utterance. Ray lifted his cap with his customary grace and courtesy, but looked only mod erately rejoiced at the coming of even so bewitching an addition to Dandy's circle of admirers. Possibly some years of experience at poker had given him such ad mirable control of all facial expression as to enable him to disguise the annoyance he really felt. Eay couldn't bear " humbug" in any form, and when horses were the subjects of discussion he was fiercely intolerant of the wise looks and book-inspired remarks of the would-be authorities in the regiment. To his cavalry nature the horse had an affiliation that was simply strong as a friendship. Nothing could shake Ray's conviction in the reasoning powers, the love, loyalty, gratitude, and devotion of the animal that from his babyhood he had looked upon as a companion, almost as a confidant. He had little faith in Mrs. Turner's voluble admiration of Dandy. To use his Blue Grass vernacular, he "didn't take any stock (he called it stawk) in that sort of gush." He knew that there was only one four-legged domestic animal of which Mrs. Turner was more desperately afraid, and that was a cow. She made a ninny of herself when she went out to drive, and the mere pricking up of the horses' ears was to her mind premonitory symptom of a runaway, and excuse for immediate demand to be set down on the 264 MARION'S FAITH. open prairie and allowed to walk home. As for riding, she couldn't be induced to try. To her a horse was a thing that kicked or bit or showed the whites of his eyes and set his ears back and switched his tail and gave other evidences of depraved moral nature, and she would no more touch or approach one than she would a wild-cat, except when in so doing, with an admiring audience, she could become the central figure in an ef fective tableau. Hay wished her in Jericho, as she stood at arm's length and touched Dandy with the tips of her dainty fingers and began to speak of him as " it." Equine sex was a matter beyond Mrs. Turner's consideration, and with eminent discretion she compro mised on " it" as a safe descriptive. Then old Whaling came along with his better half, and the lady stopped to see the now celebrated sorrel, and when Ray cordially addressed his post commander with the natural question, " What do you think of him, colonel ?" he was genuinely surprised at the em barrassed, lifeless response. The colonel looked away as he replied, "Very pretty, very pretty, Mr. Bay," and then walked on as though he desired to keep aloof, and Mrs. Whaling, announcing that she was going to see poor Mrs. Muldoon, who was living outside the gate, moved on after her husband with hardly a glance for Ray. Something strange in the colonel's manner, something constrained and distant in that of the adjutant, had oc curred to him once or twice before, but he had given little thought to it. Now he felt that it could no longer be overlooked. Even Mrs. Turner, who knew that in the regiment from the colonel down almost everybody DESERTION. 265 had a cordial word for Ray,, and that now he was the idol of the hour, even Mrs. Turner looked after the colonel in amaze and then quickly at Ray. A light flashed over her busy intellect. This was further con firmation of her theory. The colonel, too, had heard of Ray's .devotions to Mrs. Truscott and was offended thereat. But now the sunset call was sounding, the band marched away, and Ray and his fair companion stood watching Dandy, who was being led back to his pad dock. A deep flush was on her cheek. She, too, had noted the colonel's cold and distant manner to Ray. She saw that he was stung by it, but was trying to give no sign so long as they were together. She had learned many things since her return from town. She and Mrs. Stannard knew all about the terrible affair of the morning, and fully understood Ray's presence at the house and Mrs. Truscott's agitation. They had recalled many of Gleason's bitter sneers and insinuations against Ray, and all three felt that, unknown to him, some covert influence was at work here at the post to do him injury, and that his loyal services this day in Mrs. Truscott's behalf had but intensified the hatred against him. It was agreed among them that not one word should be breathed of the affair, except what Mrs. Stannard should write to the major. Mrs. Truscott was sure that Jack would shoot Mr. Gleason on sight the moment he was informed, and Mrs. Stannard thought it quite probable. Miss Sanford was silent in this discussion, but all agreed that Ray must be warned that there was some plot against him. It was myste riously whispered among the ladies about the garrison. M 23 266 MARION'S ' FA ITH. Knowing this, and knowing that she could not well be the one to tell him, Marion Sanford, with her whole heart in her beautiful eyes, stood there by his side as the sun went down. She liked him for his frank, manly ways ; she honored him for his loyalty ; she respected him for the lack of certain traits which every one had been so careful to ascribe to him as habitual. She gloried in the daring, the self-sacrifice, the heroism of his conduct in the recent events on the campaign. She felt personal gratitude deep and earnest for his invaluable service to Grace to them all this day ; and just because she could not give utterance to him of any one of these emotions, was it to be wondered at that, as he turned towards her again and caught the earnest look in her swimming eyes, Ray's heart gave one great bound? " I want you to ride him some day, Miss Sanford. I cannot yet. Will you?" And his voice was low, and there was an odd tremor in it for Ray. "Ride Dandy?" she said, after an instant's pause, " Mr. Ray. If he were my horse, after what he has done, after such a deed, do you think I would let any one use him ?" "That would rule me out, Miss Sanford," he answered, smiling. "You?" She had clasped her hands. She was looking down nervously at the tip of her little boot. Her eyes were half suifused, her face flushing, then growing suddenly hot and cold by turns. She knew his eyes were glowing upon her. She knew there was no earthly excuse for such absurd sensations. She knew that it was highly unconventional to experience DESERTION. 267 any such difficulty of expression where acquaintance had been so brief; but was there, after all, anything unwomanly in letting him see that she was proud of him, of his friendship, his daring ? Had not every other woman gushed over him and called him splendid and some of them " lovely," while she had never yet dared speak of it at all ? He had simply laughed off their adulation; but he was not laughing now. She never saw such intensity in his face. Why ! this very silence was dangerous, distracting. If she she cared for him she could not be more nervous and shy. With sudden effort she looked up in his face. "You? Why, Mr. Ray, I never think of one without the other. How could I tell you," she broke forth impulsively, "how simply splendid I thought you both ?" And now, with flaming cheeks, she turned and ran into the house, leaving him all astir with delight at the gate. And yet when he called that evening to inquire after Mrs. Truscott, and Marion, with Mrs. Stannard, received him in the parlor, she was all animation, self-posses sion, and mistress of the situation again. Even when Mrs. Stannard found means to leave them alone, Kay could find no pretext for diverting the talk into the delicious channel in which it flowed at sunset. Per haps, after all, it was only the glow of departing day, like the throes of the dying dolphin lending hectic ra diance to his colors, that so dazzlingly, bewilderingly, beautifully tinged the current of her words, and gave him glimpses of a heaven of hope his wildest dream had never pictured. 268 MARION'S FAITH. But Mr. Ray had still a stern duty for that night. Having disposed of Gleason during the afternoon, he had sent for the soldier Wolf, but was told he would be on pass until tattoo. Until he had sifted the matter to the bottom he would not know how to pro ceed with regard to Gleason. Charges of conduct un becoming an officer and a gentleman, court-martial and publicity, were not to be thought of as involving her name in such a scandal. After what she had said of Wolf, his first theory that it was all a forgery of Gleason's was abandoned. He must see Wolf, ob tain from him any similar letter he might have, clearly point out to him the madness of his conduct, and satisfy himself whether indeed Wolf might not be insane. Immediately after tattoo, therefore, he had again de spatched his orderly for the bandsman, and in two min utes the latter appeared, knocked, and stood, cap in hand, within the door. Ray turned up the lamp and coolly surveyed his man. The two stood a moment confronting each other in silence. Wolf was very pale, and beads of sweat were starting on his brow, but the blue eyes never flinched. He had never served a day under the lieutenant's command, but he knew him well, as all soldiers know the various officers of their regiments: the verdict is rarely at fault. He knew there was no trifling with the man before him ; he felt that no slight pretext had called him to his pres ence, and the instant he set eyes on him he knew his secret was in his hands. " Wolf," said Ray, " have you written any letters to Mrs. Truscott since the one you left in her yard last week?" The question reads harshly. It was spoken DESERTION. 269 calmly, without a vestige of menace or sneer ; yet the soldier's hands clinched, as though in fierce convulsion. His forehead seemed to wrinkle into one mass of cor rugations ; he bowed his ghastly face in an agony of shame. " I ask in no anger. Let me tell you briefly what has happened. I have no word to add to the reproach you feel. That letter fell into the hands of a scoundrel. He took it to Mrs. Truscott this day, and threatened her with full exposure; accused her, in fact, of cor responding with you because you mentioned other letters." " Oh, my God ! my God ! Kill me, Herr Lieuten ant, kill me !" was the soldier's gasping cry, and before Ray could do aught to stay him he had plunged for ward on his face, and lay writhing on the painted floor, tearing wildly at his hair, calling down curses on him self, on his mad love, on the hand that penned the fatal letter, on the hound who had carried it to that innocent, that angel. Then on his knees, with out stretched arms, he looked up at Ray, who stood utterly astounded at his paroxysm of misery and despair. "His name, lieutenant. I implore, I demand. I demand his name ! Sir, I am not unworthy to ask it. I was a gentleman in my country. I am a gentleman ! How know yoti this ? Where is he that has done this so foul wrong?" "Far away by this time. Be calm now. I want the truth in this matter." " Far away ?" He sprang to his feet. " It is that devil ; it is that dog Gleason ! He spied upon me. It was he who found the letter. Ach Gott ! Where 23* 270 MARION'S FAITH. when did he dare threaten that that angel ? Where is the letter ?" " The letter is all right. He had to give it up. It was this morning he threatened her, and she is prostrate now." For all answer he burst into a mad passion of tears. Never had Ray witnessed such self-abasement. Never had he seen such awful remorse. It was an hour, nearly, before he could calm him sufficiently to extract from him his story, and it amounted practically to this: He had killed an opponent in a duel over cards in Dresden. There was nothing for it but to leave in stantly and to seek safety in America. His rank was that of rittmeister in the hussars, and he had nothing to do but enlist in the cavalry. He was penniless and starving when he reached Truscott's quarters, and her face, bending over him as he rallied from his swoon, had haunted him day and night with its beauty, its sympathy and tenderness. She became the idol, the goddess of his life ; he watched her day and night in his mad infatuation ; he dreamed of her as his own ; he wrote letter after letter to her as the sole means of giv ing vent to the wild, passionate love which had turned his brain ; he destroyed them one after another ; he never by word, or look, or deed, so far as he" knew, let her see aught of his hopeless love. He never thought to let one of these letters fall from his hands. Yet, when ever he was alone he wrote. He had sung under her window because in his country everybody sang and played, and it was no unusual attention for any gentle man to pay the compliment of a personal serenade. DESERTION. 271 Still he had avoided, as he thought, all recognition until the night he found Gleason creeping upon him. At mention of that name his paroxysms broke forth afresh. Never, never could he forgive himself for the fearful misery he had caused her. Never, never would he for give the hound who had so basely dealt with her. " He shall wipe out his foul crime in his heart's blood," he swore, and Ray had to order silence. He gave Ray his word that never again would he be tempted to write a line ; he implored him to ask for him her forgive ness. Never again would he cross her path. His grief broke forth afresh every few moments, and he was weak as a child. Ray became really alarmed about him, and going into the dining-room where he and Blake were accustomed to take their bachelor sus tenance, he rummaged around in the dark for some brandy. Of late he had given up all use of stimulants, and Blake was down at the store. It was some minutes before he found the decanter, but when he returned the room was empty. Wolf had gone. The next morning there was a ripple of excitement at the adjutant's office. A horse was missing from the band stables, and a musician from the band barracks. At retreat that evening it was definitely settled that Sergeant "Wolf had deserted. 272 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XIX. IN CLOSE AEBEST. To use his own language, life had suddenly become vested with new charms for Mr. Blake. He had found his conversational affinity. " For years," said he, " I have been like Pyramus, peeking and scratching at a wall for Thisbe, only my Thisbe was never there." But Pyramus Blake had found his mate, he swore, and with huge delight he began devoting hours to chat with Mrs. Whaling. She was old enough to be his mother, though she thought the fact was known to but few. She was as prosaic as he was fanciful, though it was her aim to appear at ease in all literary topics. She knew little or nothing of music or the languages, but it was her im plicit conviction that those by whom she was surrounded knew less ; and she chiefly erred in assuming to know that of which they frankly confessed their ignorance. Aside from a consummate facility for blundering in French, Mrs. Whaling possessed illimitable powers of distortion of her mother-tongue, and this it was that so fascinated and enraptured Blake on short acquaintance. He rushed in one morning to tell Mrs. Stannard that nothing but jealousy could have prompted her and the other ladies in concealing from him Mrs. Whaling's phenomenal gifts in this line, and proclaiming her the sweetest sensation of his maturer years. If we have IN CLOSE ARREST. 273 failed thus far in pointing out some of the lingual peculiarities which had won for this estimable lady the title of Mrs. Malaprop, it was through the confidence we felt that so soon as she began to talk for herself our efforts would be rendered unnecessary. Overweening interest in other ladies has kept her somewhat in the background, a fact that detracts at once from all hope of ever establishing the record of being faithfully his toric, since all who knew Mrs. Whaling are aware that nobody could ever keep her in the background in any assemblage wherein she was permitted to speak for her self. Perhaps it was therein that lay one of her direst misfortunes, but she knew it not, poor lady, and like too many of the rest of us, could never realize what was and what was not best for her at the time. Will the day ever come when the author of this will not realize in mournful retrospect what an ass he made of himself the twelvemonth previous ? Mrs. Whaling had never studied French, but French was the lan guage of courts and courtesy, and it sounded well, she was convinced, to introduce occasional phrase or quota tion in her daily conversation, and what she meant when she used a big word in her own language was (as in the case of honest Mr. Ballon) a secret between her self and her Maker. Mr. Blake had hobbled over to pay his respects soon after his arrival, and was noticed shaking his head and muttering to himself in perplexity at odd hours of the day thereafter. The next morning he was seen to ex plode, as Mrs. Whaling gravely announced among a circle of her friends that she considered Miss Sanford to be the most soi-disant creature she had ever met, and 274 MARION'S FAITH. went on to explain for the benefit of those to whom her French was an impenetrable mystery, " fascinating, or, as they say, seductive." But when she soon thereafter referred to the general's magnanimity in not remanding to the guard-house an inebriated soldier, who had dropped and broken a valuable lamp, because u he knew it was only a lapsus linguae" Blake became her slave, and hovered about her from morn till night in hopes of further revelations. He was getting lots of fun out of life just now despite his aches and pains, and was being chaffed extensively for replacing so readily the absent and lamented Gleason, the one thing that seemed to mar his happiness. Mrs. Truscott had been ailing for two or three days, and the ladies were wont to stop at her door each morn ing to make inquiries and suggestions. Mrs. Stannard had virtually moved in next door, and was with her at all times. Mr. Ray was a frequent visitor, despite the fact that Mrs. Truscott was unable to see him (though he always asked for her), and the garrison was arriving at the not unjustifiable inference that other attractions might draw him thither. He was still too lame to walk or ride, had no duties to perform, and much time to devote to calling ; but beyond leaving his card at the commanding officer's and paying a courteous visit to Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Wilkins, he made no garrison calls at all, for the hours he spent with Mrs. Stannard and Miss Sanford could hardly be so termed. He had been at the post a week, and the adjutant and quarter master of the little command had as yet failed to drop in and welcome him. as is customary. They had called on Blake when Ray was " up the row," but had not IN CLOSE ARREST. 275 left their cards or inquired for his comrade. Blake thought it simply a piece of forgetfulness. Perhaps they had asked and he had forgotten ; but Ray thought otherwise, and still, oddly enough, did not seem to care. He was happy in his day, and life had a new, strange, sweet interest for him that, despite his past ephemeral flames for one belle after another, was seriously influ encing his life and character. Blake wrote to his chums in the regiment that Billy Ray wasn't half the fun he used to be. " Never knew a fellow lose all his old self so quick. He has gone back on potations and poker, and it hasn't improved him a whit." There was another thing Blake growled at : Ray was mixed up in some garrison mystery, and wouldn't tell him anything about it. He had " pumped him," so to speak, because Mrs. Turner kept nagging him for information, and Ray had only colored and stumbled painfully, and finally burst forth with, " See here, Blake ; something has happened that I accident ally got mixed up in, but it's a thing a man can't tell of, so don't ask me ;" and Blake could only surmise. Then, too, there was that desertion of Wolf's, Ray knew something about it, and then the colonel had asked him Blake a point-blank question about Ray's habits which amazed him and set him to thinking. Then no mail was received from the regiment for four days, and they were all anxious ; and so this bright August morn ing quite a party had gathered in front of Truscott's, for a little batch of letters had just arrived, and they were discussing contents and comparing notes. When Mrs. Stannard came down-stairs, blithe and breezy as ever, the ladies began their natural inquiries for Mrs, 276 MARION'S FAITH. Truscott. She had enjoyed a good night's rest, at times at least, but had a severe nervous headache this morn ing. This had prompted Mrs. Turner to remark that nervous headaches were such trying things ; she could never control them except by liberal use of bromides. Mrs. Wilkins was of opinion that if ever she had one she'd cut her head off before she'd use the likes such stuff as that ; lapsing very nearly into the venw 'ilar of her early days ; and Mrs. Whaling calmly an nounced that nothing ever did her so much good as a warm embryocation, whereat there was suppressed sen sation on part of the ladies and convulsive throes by Mr. Blake. Ray and Miss Sanford, absorbed in con verse on the weather, were standing apart at the door way and heard nothing of it. Guard-mounting was over; the band had just fin ished its morning programme of music and was going away, when a sudden exclamation from Mrs. Turner called all eyes to the form of the young post adjutant coming up the row. " Why ! What's Mr. Warner in full uniform for, what can it mean ?" Full uniform had not been worn at the post for any duty since the command left for the front; guard- mounting was in " undress," as only half a dozen men were put on duty each day, and the military reader can readily understand the sensation in the group as the white plumes of the young adjutant were seen. There is only one duty which, in the absence of courts-martial and dress-parades or the like, will account for an adju tant's appearing in full uniform at such an hour, and he was coming straight toward them. IN CLOSE ARREST. 277 Conversation ceased at once in the group at the gate. Ray and Miss Sanford, standing at the door-way, were still absorbed in their chat, and saw and heard nothing of what was coming. Mrs. Stannard turned pale and trembled so that all could see it. Blake looked, as he afterwards said, "six ways for Sunday;" then, as the officer neared him, with attempted jocularity sang out, " ' The king has come to marshal us in all his armor drest, And he has donned his snow-white plume to put us in arrest.' Who's your victim, Warner?" and then stopped short as Warner brushed by, saying, in savage whisper, " Shut up ! man, and get Ray away from this crowd quick. I want him" Blake simply stared. Mrs. Stannard turned quickly and almost ran into the house. Mrs. Whaling lifted her eyes heavenward, as though imploring Divine mercy on the doomed one ; Mrs. Turner flushed, and looked won- deringly from one to the other ; Mrs. Wilkins dropped her parasol and picked it up pretty much as though it were a shillelah and she meant to use it as such, and then the group began to break up. Ray, glancing over his shoulder to inquire the cause of the sudden cessation of talk, caught sight of the snowy plume dancing on up the walk, of Blake standing in petrified and indig nant silence, and then of Mrs. Stannard's face, her eyes filling with tears. He recalled instantly her recent questions and half-uttered warnings, and something told him the blow had come. He gave one quick look at Miss Sinford ; their eyes met, and hers, too, were full of trouble and something she could not express. " Excuse me, but I want to inquire what this means," 24 278 MARION'S FAITH. he said, and, bowing quietly, he turned to the gate whore Blake still stood looking after Warner, who had halted farther up the row. " It's you, Billy boy ; and damn me if I don't be lieve the world is mad !" Ray stalked up the line fast as his halting gait would admit. Wonderment, indignation, bitterness, were in his heart, but he choked it all down, and his eyes were fixed full upon the staff-officer, who, seeing him alone, came rapidly back to meet him. Something of the old reckless, dauntless manner reasserted itself as they reached speaking distance. The adjutant was toying nervously with his sword-knot. Despite all Gleason's insinuations, despite official papers that had been going to and fro, he felt it impossible to believe the allegations against Mr. Ray, and his unbelief was never so pro nounced as at this moment when they came together. He had never seen it done before, but instinctively by an impulse he could not restrain he raised his hand in salute as he spoke the brief official words, " Mr. Ray, you are hereby placed in close arrest, by order of Colonel Whaling." And Ray, with courteous return of the salute, replied with almost smiling grace, " Very well, Mr. Warner. I presume you will give me prompt information as to the charges ;" and, facing about, went slowly and deliberately to his quarters. Mrs. Stannard stood at the door-way until she saw him turn, then, taking Miss Sanford's hand, drew her within the hall, saying simply, " Come." " What can it mean, Mrs. Stannard ? Surely he will stop and tell us." IN CLOSE ARREST. 279 "He cannot, Miss Marion. He must go direct to his quarters. I will send Mr. Blake at once to him. They are going now together. I shall go and find out all I can. Do not tell Mrs. Truscott." And without a word Marion Sanford went slowly up the stairs and to her room. Mrs. Stannard listened until she heard her close the door, then hastened down the row in pursuit of Mr. Blake. Ray waved his hand to her as he stepped inside the threshold, and Blake, fuming with fury, came back to meet her. " Was there ever such an outrage ? It is something of Gleason's doing, of course, but Ray says he can stand it if G. can, and is disposed to laugh it off; but there's something else, I'm afraid ; have you heard anything ?" " Nothing but vague rumors, Mr. Blake, but enough to worry me. There is some deep-laid plot or I'm fearfully mistaken. Gleason would never dare do it alone. Can't you telegraph to the regiment and have things stopped ?" "They are far above Fetter man, and can only be reached by courier. Webb and Gleason went out with small escort last night, so the despatches say. By Jove ! I'll try it. Surely the colonel and Stannard and Wayne ought to be told. Wayne is still at Lara- mie, but he^ would come. Something must be done to block these lies whatever they are." " Oh, if Luce were only where we could make him hear ! Mr. Blake, can't you find out from Mr. Warner what the trouble is, what the charges are ?' ' " Of course I can. It is some mere local mischief that fellow Gleason has kicked up. I'll go just as soon as I've seen Billy." 280 MARION'S FAITH. And go he did : and would have gone straight into the old colonel's office even had that veteran not called him in. And when next Mr. Blake appeared upon the walk, the light had gone out of his face. He went slowly, reluctantly, wretchedly, back down the row. He could not bear to carry the news to Ray, yet he had promised, and in his hand was a copy of the charges and specifications preferred against his friend. So far from being a mere local matter the arrest was ordered from division headquarters, the court was al ready selected, and the time fixed for its meeting. Long before sunset the whole garrison knew and with what additions and exaggerations who can say ? that Lieu tenant Ray was to be tried by court-martial for offences that reflected on the honor of the whole regiment, and that accepting bribes and large sums of money from prominent contractors while on the horse board, gam bling with them and misappropriating public funds, were the main allegations. The charges were signed by a prominent staff-officer, -and Gleason's name only appeared incidentally as a witness; so did that of Rallston, Ray's brother-in-law ; but there were several others. Blake laid the bulky paper before his friend with this word, " Before you say aye or nay to any one of the charges in this batch of infamy, I want to say to you, Ray, that I'll stake my commission on their utter falsity." And he had said practically the same thing to the post commander. That afternoon Mr. Blake, after a long talk with Ray, knocked at Mrs. Stannard's door and asked to see her a moment. She came to him in dire anxiety. IN CLOSE ARREST. 281 Long before this had Mrs. Whaling been in to lament over the downfall of this unhappy young man, and to expatiate on the gravity of the charges. On Mrs. Stan- . nard's making prompt and spirited expression of her utter disbelief in them, the good lady had lifted her eyes in pathetic appeal to heaven that so mercifully enables us to bear the tribulations that befall our friends, and groaned, a veritable Stiggins in skirts. Ah, no ; she hoped, she prayed, of course, it might prove false; but the general the general said the array of witnesses was overwhelming, and then his temptations ! and his past career ! She had been told he was addicted to the vices of drink and cards in their worst form. Ah, no ; it was futile to hope. She feared the worst. And Mrs. Stannard was wellnigh ready to bid her begone, the old croaking raven ! as down in her inmost heart she termed her. She was full of faith and loyalty, but she was fearfully worried, and Blake's coming was a godsend. " How is he ?" she asked. "Astonished, of course; mad, not a little; but as full of pluck as ever. What I want to see you about is this. He forbids my telegraphing to have things stopped. He wants a court, wants to be tried; the quicker the better; says I can write to Stannard or anybody, but not to think of stopping proceedings. All he seems to care for is this : he fully expected to be well enough to travel in two weeks, and then he wanted to join the regiment as fast as horse could take him. All that is now impossible. He has not said a word about Gleason, but I have sent a couple of telegrams from him that will make his brother-in-law smart." 24* 282 MARION'S FAITH. " And have you telegraphed to Fort Fetterman !' I'm sure they would have a chance to send the news." "Yes, of course I did. What I can't get over is this: that much of this matter must have been re-, ported through old Whaling here by Gleason, and it has all been done in the dark. The old rip never gave us a chance to refute any story that Gleason would tell. Did you hear about Ray's message to him ?" " No. When what was it ?" " Instead of asking to see the commanding officer, as the average officer does when put in arrest for a thing he is innocent of, Ray never mentioned him. About an hour ago I met the colonel, and he asked me how Ray was behaving, and was beginning something about not letting him drink, when I could hold in no longer, and told him flatly that Ray hadn't taken as many drinks in a month as he had in a day. You ought to have seen him ; he was struck all aback, and stam mered something about his having been led to suppose Ray was doing a good deal of that sort of thing. I replied that that wasn't the only thing he had been misinformed about by a jugful, and he looked as though he'd like to put me in arrest too the old slab ; he would, too, if he had the grit of his wife ; but he didn't. He sent Warner down just a moment ago to say that if Mr. Ray desired to speak to him about the matter he would see him this evening, as ' he desired to go to town on the morrow.' Ray begged Warner to sit down, offered him a toddy or a glass of wine, and, finally, as though it had suddenly occurred to him, exclaimed, ' Oh ! Do I want to see the colonel ? Why, really, Mr. Warner, I know of nothing that well, IN CLOSE ARREST. 283 you might say this, you know : it isn't at all necessary that I should see him, and I do not send this as a mes sage ; but, as the colonel appears to have furnished much of the information on these charges without reference to me, I shall probably answer them in the same way, without reference to him.' Gad ! I never saw Ray more placidly polite, and he's always most full of fight at such times." But even with such " an old slab" as Whaling any thing more impolitic than the conduct of these two cavalry subalterns could hardly have been imagined. Warner never told the colonel what Ray said ; but, of course, had to say that Ray expressed no desire to see him. By the following morning the colonel was cha fing over it a great deal, and over the indignation ex pressed around the post at Ray's arrest. He concluded that he wanted to see the young man himself, and an opportunity unexpectedly occurred. Sergeant Wolf's recent desertion was still a source of much subdued ex citement, and efforts had been made to capture him. It had begun to leak around the garrison that he had been sent for the night of his departure by Lieutenant Ray, and did not return to the band barracks until eleven o'clock, " when he acted queer." The post quartermaster was much exercised about the theft of one of the best horses from the band stable, as he had become responsible for them in the absence of Mr. Bil lings. Possibly Ray could throw some light on the matter, and, to that officer's surprise, he was sent for at guard-mounting. His first idea was that his remarks to Warner had been carried to the colonel, and that he was to be overhauled for them. His head was perhaps 284 MARION'S FAITH. a trifle higher than usual, therefore, when he entered the office. The first question sent the blood surging to his forehead, and he almost staggered with surprise. "Mr. Ray," said the colonel, abruptly, "do you know anything of the causes of Wolf's desertion ?" It was a moment before he could reply. Know? Of course he knew ; but it was a thing to be sacredly guarded. He could not tell of that interview without betraying Aer, without bringing Grace Truscott's name into the very snare that Gleason had laid for it. The colonel saw his hesitation, and wheeled around in his chair ; Mr. Warner looked up in surprise. " I say, do you know anything of Wolf's desertion, of its causes, of where he has probably gone ?" repeated the colonel, sharply. "I do not know where he has gone, sir; I have formed an opinion as to the cause of his desertion." " And what is it, Mr. Ray?" " If it concerned me, I would answer unhesitatingly, Colonel Whaling. As it is, I cannot." " What possible reason can there be for silence, sir ? I do not understand." " I cannot explain it now, sir. Let me simply as sure you that I never saw him until within the last few days, that I had an interview with him the night of his desertion, and that he has had some trouble of a personal and private nature. Other than that I can give no account of him." " This is most extraordinary, Mr. Ray. How came you to know anything of his private history, sir ?" " I decline to say, sir." " By heavens, Mr. Ray ! Do you realize that in /AT CLOSE ARREST. 285 addition to the other charges against you, you are lay ing yourself open to those of abetting desertion ?" " Possibly, sir. If so, I can meet them before the proper tribunal." " You may go, sir. Stop ! one moment : I have telegraphed to Sidney, to Denver, and to Laramie City to be on the lookout for him. I demand to know whether you have an idea where he has gone ; that you can answer !" " I have not, colonel." " Do you think of any place I have not mentioned where he would be apt to go ?" Ray turned whiter now, but his eyes were unflinch ing. " I do ; but it is only conjecture." "What place, sir?" " Fort Fetterman." "Fort Fetterman? That's simply absurd! He would be recognized there with his horse and surely arrested." " Very well, sir ; then I know of no other." "And you still refuse to tell what your interview was about?" "I shall always refuse that, sir." And therewith Mr. Ray was remanded to his quarters. Verily there was some reason for Blake's outburst when he came in after hearing Warner's brief description of the official interview which Mrs. Whaling had given in lurid ex aggeration to the garrison. " "Why, hell is empty, and all the devils are here." 286 MARIOJSTS FAITH. CHAPTER XX. A CORNERED RAT. FAR away to the northwest this night, close under the shoulders of the Big Horn Mountains, a regiment of cavalry has gone into bivouac after a day's march through blistering sun-glare and alkali. Hour after hour, with strained, aching eyes, they have been watch ing the gradually-nearing dome of Cloud Peak, still glistening white though this is August. Around the blunt elbow of the mountains, two days' marcli away to the north, they expect to find the Gray Fox and all his men eagerly awaiting their coming. A courier from the front has brought them tidings that the Indians are in force all over the country west of the Cheetish group. Another courier has galloped after them from Fetterman, leaving there last night, and he brings strange news. During the long, dusty, burning day Captain Webb and Mr. Gleason have joined the command and re ported for duty. To the disgust of the young second lieutenant commanding Wayne's troop in his absence, the colonel directs Mr. Gleason, the senior lieutenant now for duty, to assume command of it for the cam paign. Captain Truscott has no objections. He pre fers not to have Mr. Gleason with his own troop, and Stannard is glad to get him out of his battalion. Very few men are glad to see Gleason, though nearly all the A CORNERED RAT. 287 officers go to him for letters and news. They bring a small packet of mail, and on the way Gleason has made himself very interesting to Webb, and has easily gathered from that simple-minded gentleman that there was an awkward tableau at Truscott's when he went there to say good-by. " Confidentially," Gleason had let him understand that he had seen only one of many symptoms that had given much food for talk at Rus sell ; that to his, Gleason's, bitter regret he feared Mrs. Truscott had not been as discreet as she should with a fellow like Ray, who was well had Webb heard any thing of that horse board business, etc.? It was so easy, it is so easy, more's the pity, to say so very much in saying very little, when the good name of man or woman is at stake. Long before they got to the regiment Webb was convinced that he had seen very much more than he really did at Russell, and he had heard a volume of gossip that, after all, he could not have asserted was told him by Gleason, yet had been most deftly suggested. Gleason was deep. He knew that they brought with them the mail of the last stage reaching Fetterman for three days. Further news would not be apt to come by letter for a week, by which time the regiment would probably be hotly en gaged, and he himself called back by telegraphic order as an important witness before the court. This latter probability he mentioned to no one. He meant to be grievously surprised and disgusted when the orders came recalling him, and until then his cards had to be carefully played. None of the ladies at Russell who knew him at all had intrusted him with letters. All theirs had gone by mail or by Captain Webb, but when 288 MARION'S FAITH. the mail was opened at Fetterman, Gleason promptly offered to carry forward anything there might be for the officers of his regiment, and on the way this was carefully assorted. He had met Stannard and Truscott with beaming cordiality, saying, " Ah ! you well knew I would not come without letters from your better halves," and fumbling in inner pockets as though they had been stored there ever since leaving Russell. It was not until late that afternoon that Major Stan nard received from Webb the message sent by his good wife, and he was pondering in his mind what it could mean, when at sunset Truscott strolled over from his troop to see him. Gleason by this time was being very sociable with the colonel and Mr. Billings. " Have you anything from Mrs. Stannard later than the letter you spoke of this afternoon, major ?" asked the captain, whose face was somewhat anxious. " Why, yes, Truscott ; Webb brought me a message that he said Mrs. Stannard gave him at the last mo ment, to the effect that she would have a long letter for me by next mail, and to be sure and get it. It seems a little odd." "My last is a pencilled note from Mrs. Truscott, written but a few moments before the stage started. She says she sends it out to Fetterman by the driver, and I suppose our old { striker' easily got him to take it ; but she speaks of being far from well, nervous, etc., and that Mrs. Staunard is such a blessing to her, so constantly with her. I wish there were something more definite. She writes three pages for the purpose of telling me not to be anxious, and the very nervous ness and tremulous style give me some cause for worry." A CORNERED RAT. 289 " Why, in my letter Mrs. Stannard speaks of Mrs. Truscott as being so bright and well, and of their having such good times together, and being so charmed with Miss Sanford. It hardly seems there could have been so sudden a change in one day." But there had been, as we know, and a change as sudden was coming to the current of events in the har monious th. Just after dark a courier on jaded horse came riding in from the south. He brought telegraphic despatches to the colonel and one to Major Stannard. The latter read his by the light of his camp-lantern, gave a long whistle of amaze and dis gust, and sung out for Truscott as he rolled from under his blankets. The trumpets were just sounding tattoo, and Stannard and other officers had turned in early, preparatory to the start at four in the morn ing. While waiting for Truscott's coming, the major could see that at the colonel's tent there was also ex citement and a gathering of several officers. He had not long to wait. Truscott joined him in a few moments. " I called you here because it was where we could talk unobserved. What do you say to that ?" And he handed him the despatch. Truscott read without a word, and then stood there a moment earnestly thinking, his lips firmly set, a dark shadow settling on his forehead. The message was as follows : " Kay arrested. Horse board charges cooked up here by Glea son. Court ordered from Chicago. All staff or infantry officers. Make Gleason name authorities before regiment. " BLAKE." N t 25 290 MARION'S FAITH. Stannard had thrust his head forward and his hands into his breeches-pockets. " Now, isn't that simply damnable ?" he asked. "You do not believe Ray guilty, do you?" was Truscott's response. " No, I don't," though there was hesitating accent on the don't. Stannard hated to be thought unprepared for any trait in a fellow-man good or bad. " What can the charges be ? Eay told me he had neither gam bled nor drank." " Something has been received at the colonel's. Billings was there opening and reading despatches when you called me." And Truscott nodded thither. "Come on. I'm going to see this thing through now," said Stannard, and together they walked to headquarters. The colonel, wrapped in his overcoat, was sitting up at the head of his camp-bed noting with a pencil a few memoranda, while Billings was reading aloud in a low voice some long despatches. Outside the tent were grouped half a dozen officers, waiting for such news as the colonel might give. Beyond them were the scat tered and smouldering fires, the rude shelter-tents of the men, the white tops of the army wagons ; beyond these the dark outlines of the massive hills ; above them all the brilliant, placid stars ; around them the hush of nature, broken only by the drowsing swish and plash of rapid, running waters, the stir of the night wind in the scattered trees, the stamp and snort of some startled troop-horse, the distant challenge of the night sentries. Something important had come, and the group looked eagerly at Stanuard and Truscott as they approached. A CORNERED RAT. 291 " Have you heard anything ?" was the question. " I've got a despatch," said Stannard, gruffly ; " but I want to see the colonel before I speak of it." . Then the colonel's voice was heard, " That you, Stannard ? Come in here." And the major passed into the tent. Presently he came out, took Truscott by the arm and led him away. "No use talking to him to-night. He has nothing but the official despatches, and they look ugly for Ray. There are other things that occupy him now, but what we want is to see Gleason right off. He is ordered to return at once, and goes back in the morning. Come." Over in the second battalion a sentry pointed out Gleason's tent. Stannard scratched and rattled at the flap. No answer. " Gleason !" he called. No reply. " He's shamming sleep, by gad !" growled the major, between his teeth. "It's only fifteen minutes since Billings told him he was to start back at daybreak. He wants to avoid us, and has his flaps all tied inside. I'll have him out or bring his damned tent down about his ears." And it was plain that Stannard was getting excited. An officer came through the gloom. It was Captain Webb. "Isn't this Gleason's tent?" called the majoi. " Certainly. I left him there not half an hour ago," replied the captain. " Wake him up. He's got to go back in the morning." " Yes, sir. And that's just what I want to see him about. Hullo ! you there ! Gleason !" There came from within a snort, as of one suddenly awakened, a sleepy yawn, an imbecile " Oh ah er who is it?" 292 MARION'S FAITH. " It's me, Stannard ; and I want you," was the reply, all the more forcible for being ungrammatic. "Oh,! One minute, major, and I'll be with you," called the inmate, as though overcome with sudden ac cess of joy, and presently he appealed, half dressed. " See here, Gleason, Captain Truscott and I have come to inquire what you know of the charges against Mr. Ray. You are to go back at once, I'm told, as witness against him. There won't be a soul there of his regiment or his friends, for we know well you're not one, to speak for him. By thunder ! what have you against him ?" " I do not think this a matter on which I should speak at all, Major Stannard, except to proper authority. The court will hear the evidence in due season." " Well, I mean to hear something now, Mr. Gleason, or, by the eternal ! I'll wake up the whole command to put the question. What you make one believe is, that you are seeking to ruin Ray by getting him at a disad vantage with all his friends away. Captain Truscott, what do you say ?" And then Truscott spoke. As usual, he was master of himself and showed no vestige of temper. " The matter is very simple, Mr. Gleason. You are believed to be the accuser of Mr. Ray at a moment when it is certain the regiment is going to be so far away that its officers cannot be present at the court, may not even be able to communicate with it. If you decline to indicate what you know to Major Stannard and me, who are his friends, the immediate protest of the regiment against your conduct must go to head quarters with the request that the court be held until A CORNERED RAT. 293 we can appear before it. More than that, in two days we will reach the general commanding the department. Do you fancy he will permit Mr. Ray, of all others, to be brought to trial without a friend to appear for him ?" Gleason saw he was cornered. What he hoped, what he expected, was to make his escape and get back before any one learned of the charges. That hope was frustrated. In his wrath and perplexity he resorted to the invariable device of the cowardly and the low. He must divert their sympathy for Ray into distrust of him, and before he had fully considered his words they were spoken, crafty, insidious, and calumniatory. " Captain Truscott, you have spoken without threat ening me, and I'll answer you. All this time I've been striving not to see, not to know Mr. Ray's offences ; but I was on the horse board. You were not. Ask Captain Buxton to-morrow who and what Ray's asso ciates were ; but let me say to you right here that I can no longer submit to seeing you deceived. You call Ray your friend. No man can be a worse friend than he who sets a whole garrison talking about an absent comrade's wife and the notes she writes him, and who is discovered alone with her, she in tears, he burning a letter. Webb witnessed it. Ask him." The last words were spoken with utmost haste, with upraised hand, with trembling lips, for both Truscott and Stannard almost savagely sprang towards him as though to cram the words down his throat. For an instant Truscott stood glaring at him, not daring to speak until he could resume his self-command ; but in that instant poor, perturbed Webb broke into speech. " Oh, come now, Gleason, that's all aii outrageous 25* 294 MARION'S FAITH. way of putting it, you know. Of course I saw there was some little trouble. Mrs. Truscott had written to Ray because she was all upset about something ; she was crying, you know, and Ray might have just hap pened in " " Never mind, Webb. Don't speak a word ; of course it is all easily explained. No man on earth is more welcome at my home than Ray, and my wife is one of his warmest friends. What I have to say is to you," said Truscott, turning fully upon his subaltern. " If I needed one further proof to assure me that you were the lowest and most intriguing scoundrel that walks the earth, you have given it this night. Gen tlemen, you are witness to my words." And with that he walked away. " And I say, Mr. Gleason, that if ever I lose a chance of showing you up in your true colors before this regiment, may the Lord forgive me ! We're booked for the campaign now ; but if you don't appear before that court with credentials that would damn even an Indian agent it won't be the fault of the th Cav alry : and I mean to start about it to-night." And he did. Old Stannard had a stormy interview with the colonel forthwith, and stirred up Bucketts, the quartermaster, and Raymond and Turner and Mer rill among the captains, and even thought of rousing Canker, but concluded not to ; and they raked out their pencils, and when the escort started back next morning with Mr. Gleason, the sergeant was intrusted with a batch of letters to various staff-officers setting forth in unequivocal terms Gleason's reputation as opposed to Ray's brilliant and gallant, if somewhat reckless, record. A CORNERED RAT. 295 Even the colonel, inspired by Stannard's fiery eloquence, sent a few lines to the general commanding the divis ion, expressing the desire in the regiment that there should be a suspension of proceedings against Ray until they could get in from the campaign. Even Bil lings turned to at Stannard's urging, and wrote person ally to Ray and to the officer who was named as judge- advocate of the court, and everybody felt glad to be rid of Gleason as he rode homeward in gloomy silence. Everybody felt that he would be powerless for harm, little dreaming how ineffectual those letters would be as far as the present case against Ray was concerned ; lit tle dreaming how his going was but the means of coil ing still more closely the folds of suspicion and dishonor around the gallant comrade whom all so gloried in for his summer's work ; little dreaming of the days of doubt and darkness and tragedy that were to envelop those they left behind at Russell ; little dreaming that from them and from friends at home there was coming utter isolation, that before them lay days and weeks of toil and danger and privation, of stirring fight, of . drooping spirits, of hunger, weakness, ay, starvation, wounds, and lonely death ; little dreaming that when next they reached a point where news from home could come to them one-half their gallant horses would be gone, broken down, starved, or shot to death ; many of their own number would have fallen by the way, and that of the bold, warlike array that rode buoyantly in among the welcoming comrades in the camp of the Gray Fox, only a gaunt, haggard, tattered, unkempt shadow would remain, when, eight long weeks there after, there came to them the next sad news of Ray. 296 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XXI. KAY'S TROUBLES. " HERE we are, Billy ! Whoop ! What did I tell you? Official communications disrupt bad grammar. The chief sends back your letter. Wants it changed again, I suppose. It's the old, old story, 1 You can and you can't, You will and you won't ; You'll be damned if you do, You'll be damned if you don't.' " Ray took the paper with a hand that was hot and flushed. For a week he had been in close confine ment, and that and a complication of annoyances and , worries had combined to make him fretful ; then some grave anxieties were added to his troubles ; and then, his quick, impetuous nature had done the rest. He had no cool-headed adviser in Blake, who had taken up the fight with him, and now he was involved in an official tussle with the post authorities that added greatly to his fevered condition. He was sore in body, for the wound in his thigh was now beginning to trouble him again. He was sore at heart, for, except the im politic Blake, he did not seem to have a friend in the world. There had come one or two kind little notes from the ladies " up the row," as they called the Stan- RAY'S TROUBLES. 297 nard-Truscott household when they did not care to be more explicit ; but these had ceased, and what was worse, in his days of worry and trouble and heartsick- ness, Ray had sought comfort in an old solace, that had done no great harm when he was living his vigorous out-of-door life, but was playing the mischief with his judgment and general condition now that he was penned up in the narrow limits of his quarters. Very, very anxious had Mrs. Stannard's face become ; very wistful and anxious, too, was Miss Sanford's ; and very sympathetic was Mrs. Truscott's. The first few days of his arrest they used to stroll down the line, and make it a point to go there and chat with him on his piazza ; and this exasperated old Whaling, who was indignant that the cavalry ladies should make a martyr of their regimental culprit. The third day of his arrest, they were all seated there on the piazza, while Ray sat at his open window, and Hogan, his orderly, had led Dandy around to the front, and the pretty sorrel the light of his master's eyes until eclipsed by one before which even Dandy's paled its ineffectual fire was cropping the juicy herbage in the little grass plat in front of the piazza and being fed with loaf-sugar by delicate hands. Blake w r as sprawled over the railing, limp and long- legged, chatting with Mrs. Truscott. Miss Sanford was seated nearer the window, where Ray's eager eyes seemed to chain her, and Mrs. Stannard was doing most of the talk, for they seemed strangely silent. It was a pleasant picture of loyalty and esprit de corps, thought Mr. Warner, as he came down from the office ; but to old Whaling, coming home crabbed from the store, where his post quartermaster had beaten him several 98 MARION'S FAITH. games of pool, it was a galling sight. The ladies bowed in quiet, modified courtesy, there was no cordiality whatever in it. Blake straightened up and saluted hia (superior in a purely perfunctory style that had nothing of deference and little of respect in it, and the colonel and his quartermaster both raised their caps in evi dent embarrassment. They looked back at Dandy after they had passed on a few rods, and Blake mut tered, " Now, Billy boy, they'll be sending you a note to keep your horse out of your front yard hereafter." But Blake had undershot the mark. That evening there came bad news. Rallston had been named as one of the principal witnesses, and Ray had telegraphed and written to his sister at Omaha asking where he was. His letter explained the situa tion he was in, and, though he would say nothing to accuse her husband, he told her that one of the alle gations was that he had accepted five hundred dollars from him as a bribe to induce him to " pass" certain horses. The facts were these : Rallston had been among the first to welcome him to Kansas City, had taken him to his own rooms, had been most cordial and kind, had brought all manner of loving inquiries from sister Nell, and an invitation from her to visit them at Omaha be fore his return. Ray did not and would not drink anything beyond a little wine at dinner, nor could he be induced to touch a card at play, though every even ing some of Rallston's friends were there playing poker, and Ray was a laughing and interested spectator. In the course of two or three days Rallston had grown very confidential, and had finally, most gracefully, told RAF'S TROUBLES. 299 Ray that he 1 ad disliked to mention it until he felt he knew him well, Lut that Nelly had told him her brother had some outstanding debts ; he .owed money to several different parties and it worried him ; they were dunning him all at the same time, and he could only meet their claims successively. " Now," said Rallston, " why not let me be your banker ? Let me hand you the amount you owe these fellows. Pay 'em off at once, and then you're a free man. You can repay me when you choose, and if you never do, why, it's all right it's Nell's present to you. I've got several thousand dol lars in the bank this moment that I've no use fbr ;" and Ray had thanked him from the bottom of his heart and accepted. Later there began to grow a breach. Rall ston had quickly seen how keen an eye Ray had for defects in horseflesh, and had striven to get him to ac cept some horses he knew to be " off color." Ray had firmly refused. Then, later, he asked Ray to sign an I. O. U. for the five hundred dollars, which was done, and the next thing he noticed Rallston was consorting with Gleason ; and when the board adjourned there was no Rallston to say good-by. Ray went to Omaha and saw his sister, who was rejoiced to hear how generously her husband had behaved, but Ray was a trifle worried then at her repeated questions about him, though Nell was brave and buoyant as ever. She was living at the hotel until his return, and he did not return up to the time Ray left for the regiment. Ray had written to him and received no reply. Now he had written to her asking where he was, and thou she broke down and told him. She had not seen her husband for a month, and had only an occasional line. She needed money at that 300 MARION'S FAITH. moment and knew not where to find him. She thanked God they had no children. This was one letter to cause Ray bitter anxiety. Another came that he read with infinite surprise, turned over the enclosure in his hand, rose and looked through his bureau-drawer, and then, with a long whistle of consternation and perplexity, shoved the note and enclosure into his pocket. All that night he was restless and feverish. The next morning brought a new trouble. Once let a fellow get in arrest and all the buzzing contents of Pandora's box will be turned loose upon his unlucky head. He had risen late, could eat no breakfast, and his wound was troubling him. There came a knock at the door, and the orderly with the commanding officer's compli ments, " Was that horse of the lieutenant's private or public property ?" " Why, public, of course," said Ray ; " but say to the colonel that each officer of the th Cavalry has been allowed to use one horse for campaign purposes to be considered as his own." Blake had gone off somewhere. It was too early for the ladies. Ray fretted and worried, wondering what this new move could portend, when he heard a row in the back-yard ; and in came Hogan, full of fight and wrath. " There's a doughboy sergeant out there, sir, as says he's ordered to take Dandy to the quartermaster's stables, an' I told him to go to blazes, an' whin he shtepped by me an' into the paddock an' began un- tyin' him, I told him he had a right to shpake to you furrst, an' he said he'd slap me into the gyard-house if TROUBLES. 301 I gave him any lip, and I turned the kay on him, sir, an' here it is. I locked 'em both in, sir. Shure they couldn't take the lootenant's horse without his knovvin' it, sir." Ray took the key and hobbled out to his back door, simply telling Hogan to come with him. He was thunderstruck at the idea of their taking Dandy from him. He never thought of that as a possibility Dandy, who seemed after that wild night-ride to be part of himself. "Go and .open the door, v and tell the sergeant to come here," said Kay. But the instant the sergeant was released, he rushed out with fury in his eye, fell upon Hogan, seized him by the collar, and, with rage in every word and exple tive, ordered him to go with him to the guard-house, swearing he'd teach him to resist an officer in the dis charge of his duty. Hogan clinched his fist and looked first as though he would knock the sergeant into the next yard, which he was physically able to do, but dis cipline prevailed ; he lifted neither hand nor voice, but simply looked appealingly at his own officer as the sergeant marched him past. Ray called to the irate infantryman to hold on a moment, he would explain ; but Ray was in arrest and could give no orders. The sergeant knew that for the time being he was virtually the superior. He simply did not choose to hear the lieutenant, but went on with his prisoner across the parade, lodged him in the guard-house, then went to the quartermaster's and reported that he had been vio lently resisted by private Hogan, locked up by him in the paddock with the horse, and that as soon as he 26 302 MARION'S FAITH. could get out he had " arrested private Hogan and confined him by your order, sir/ 7 the customary for mula in such cases made and provided. Meantime, Dandy, finding himself untied and the stable-door open, had ventured forth from the paddock while his master had hurried through the house to again fruitlessly call to the sergeant from the front door, and as the sorrel sniffed the mountain breeze and felt the glow of the sunshine on his glistening coat, all his love for a wild gallop had possessed him ; he trotted out on the triangle in rear of the houses, looked tri umphantly about him a second or two with his head high in air, his nostrils quivering, and his eyes dilating, then with a joyous snort and two or three exuberant plunges, with streaming mane and tail he tore away northward, and went careering over the prairie. Miss Sanford, seated near her window in an arm-chair and a revery, heard the thunder of hoofs, and ran to see what it meant. She stood some minutes watching Dandy racing riderless over the springy turf before she knew that Grace, too, was by her side gazing from the same window. If Billy Ray could have seen those two faces when Marion turned to her friend the quick, hot flush on one, the speaking eyes of both he would never have done what he did do, turn back to his room with a bitter imprecation on his lips, with anger and desolation in his heart, and, raising his hands in almost tragic gesture of impotent wrath as he glared around at the walls of his undeserved prison, he heartily damned the fates that had consigned him to the unsym- pathizing limits of an infantry garrison ; he heartily in cluded the colonel and quartermaster in his sweeping RAY'S TROUBLES. 303 anathema ; and then oh, Ray ! Ray ! it was so weak, so pitifully weak ! he dragged forth the old demijohn, filled and drank a bumper of rye, hurled the goblet into flinders against the door, and threw himself upon his bed in an ecstasy of pent-up wrath and misery, just as Blake came tearing in to tell of Dandy's esca pade. Yes, it was wofully weak, but as wofully human. That the breach between the post authorities and the cavalry officers was widened by the day's occurrences goes without saying. Blake went and asked for Hogan's release on the ground that as a cavalryman he had done perfectly right in refusing to let the horse go until he had seen his own officer, but the colonel properly re plied that that by no means justified or explained his locking up the sergeant, and in plain language said that Hogan should be tried forthwith. Blake then urged that Dandy, being a regimental horse, should be re turned to Mr. Ray, as the colonel well knew the cir cumstances that had endeared them to each other ; but the colonel replied that an officer in arrest had no use for a horse, and that Mr. Ray had no right to a public animal anyway. Again had the colonel law and right on his side. Then Blake declared that the whole regi ment would resent such an action, and the colonel was punishing Ray before he was even tried ; and the colo nel, who was meek as Moses in the presence of his wife, and who preferred peace to war when there was any chance of becoming personally involved, but knew his strategical strength in this contest and was prepared to use it, most properly, pointedly, and justifiably told Mr. Blake that unless he, too, desired to figure as the 304 MARION'S FAITH. accused before a court-martial for insubordinate con duct, he would mend his ways forthwith ; meantime, to leave the office. And Blake went. If Blake had been wise as Gleason he would have cultivated Mrs. Whaling's society instead of dropping her, as he did in this critical state of aifairs. When the good lady called to see the ladies of the cavalry the next morning, she referred with poignant sorrow to the fact that those two misguided young men were drowning their sorrows in the flowing bowl. Mrs. Stannard ventured a disclaimer, but Mrs. Whaling had her information straight from the quartermaster, and was not to be downed. Mrs. Stannard wrote a few earnest words to Mr. Ray, making no mention of what she had just heard, but begging him not to lose heart at having to part with Dandy, and saying they would all be down to see him the next afternoon, and he must be sure and be ready to welcome them. Ray and Blake had been drinking confusion to the doughboys together during the evening, and the former was very feverish and excitable when the letter came. He knew well that somebody had already been telling her of his weakness, and it only angered him. He wrote no answer until later in the day ; but when he did, it was to say that while he would be glad to see them to-morrow as suggested, he could not but feel dis appointed that they had not come this very afternoon. But as they had not come, he and Blake proceeded to get into more mischief. It almost broke Ray's heart when that morning Dandy was led past his window, and presently he saw the post quartermaster, a bulky youth of some forty TROUBLES. 30i summers, climb on his back, get a rein in each hand, and with knees well hunched up and elbows braced, settle himself according to his ideas of equestrianism in the big padded saddle. As Dandy felt a trifle fresh, and chafed under the weight of the heavy rider and heavy dragoon bit, he switched his tail and tossed his head, being instantly rewarded by a fierce jerk on the huge curb and a shout of " whoa there !" that stung him into amazed and suffering revolt and drove poor Ray almost distracted. Dandy's mouth was tender as a woman's. Ray rode him with the veries* feather touch on the rein, and to see his pet tortured by such ignorance was more than he could stand. He flew to the door, and shouted, " For God's sake, man, don't use that curb ! He'll go all right if you give him his head." But the in fantryman only glared, probably did not hear, he was so busy trying to keep his seat ; and paying no atten tion to Ray, went alternately jerking and kicking up the row, while Dandy, startled, amazed, tortured, and high-strung, backed and plunged and tugged at the bit. A mother who sees her child abused by some ruffian of a big boy knows what Ray suffered from that scene. Only to such, and to the trooper who loves the horse who has borne him through charge after charge, who has been his comrade on campaign after campaign, shared wounds and danger and hunger and thirst with him, will Ray's next move be conceivable ; he threw himself upon his bed, buried his face in his arms, and broke down utterly. He and Blake concocted between them later in the day a letter to the colonel expressive of their views as K - 26* 306 MARK. fS FAITH. to Dandy's rights ; but tht letter was so pointed a protest against their seizing a regimental horse for quasi-quar- termaster's purposes, and &o deep a sarcasm on infantry horsemanship, that it came back with a stinging repri mand. Even Warner felt it a slur. Then Blake tried another : setting forth that as neither the commanding officer nor the quartermaster had been in saddle since the war of the Rebellion, if they had then, the latter being a promotion from the ranks, they could not be expected to know what they, as cavalrymen, were re quired to know, that a horse of spirit was not to be ridden like a cast-iron mule; but luckily for Mr. Blake's chances for future usefulness the post surgeon dropped in just then, and casting his eye over the screed, coolly took and tore it up, sent Blake over to the hospital for the steAvard, chatted pleasantly with Ray while he dressed the wounded thigh, pointed sig nificantly to the demijohn, saying, "There's where much of this fever comes from. No more of it, Ray." And then when Blake came back, took him out and gave him a rasping ; told him that his hot-headedness was only making matters worse for Ray, and that he must take things quietly. He knew that Ray hadn't been treated right about the horse, but old Whaling couldn't be expected to have any more sentiment on such matters than his stolid quartermaster, and by fighting them he was simply doing harm. In fact, said the doctor, Ray is now in a very feverish and ex citable state, and if this continue I cannot say what will result. So a more temperate letter was written, and Ray bowed to the yoke, and meekly signed a civil explanation to the quartermaster of the horse's char- RAFfi TROUBLES. 397 acter and the proper way of handling him ; but that worthy had meantime represented to the colonel that Mr. Eay had come to his door and sworn at him when he mounted that morning, and he would have no ad vice ; and so by direction of the commanding officer a communication was sent to Mr. Ray to the effect that as he was no longer responsible for the care of the horse he would refrain from interference with or sug gestions to the post quartermaster. This was the letter that Blake had brought in with a flourish ; and that morning all that day from eight A.M. until late in the afternoon, without water, without his customary feed, saddled and bridled, poor Dandy stood in the hot sun tied to a post in front of the quartermaster's house, in full view of Ray's front windows. The quartermaster was too stiif and chafed after yesterday's experiences to at tempt to mount to-day, but he could worry the horse and madden Ray by keeping him tied there switching the flies from his scarred flanks, and wistfully neighing and pricking up his ears every time any one approached along the walk. Blake had gone to town early in the morning after giving that letter to Ray. Hogan was in the guard-house a prisoner. Ray was penned to the limits of his house in arrest. He could only see and hear the suffering of his pet and not relieve him. Late in the day he called to a soldier going by and offered him a dollar to go to the horse and tie him to a post ten yards nearer where there was a little shade. The soldier untied and was leading him away while Dandy tripped gratefully after, when the quartermas ter's Hibernian accents were heard thundering an order 308 MARION'S FAITH. to " come back wid dthat harrse." The soldier saluted and said Mr. Ray had asked him just to move him into the shade, and the officer damned the man for not knowing better. Then Ray came to the door and asked the soldier to take Dandy a bucket of water, and as the man carried it and the horse pawed and whin nied at the welcome sight, the quartermaster appeared on his piazza, and shouted in wrath to the soldier no* to interfere again or he'd " have him in the lock-up." And poor Dandy, like an equine Tantalus, was robbed of the needed fluid. Ray could bear no more. He kept one foot inside the door- way as his arrest demanded, but leaning far out, with blazing eyes and clinching fist he hurled his challenge at the quartermaster in a voice that rang along the row like the "to arms" of the trumpets. " You cowardly brute ! I'll horsewhip you before the whole garrison the moment I'm free !" The sur geon heard it and came hurrying to him. Mrs. Tur ner heard it and feared poor Mr. Ray must have been taking too much. The colonel heard it far up the row and incorporated it in the additional charge and specifi cations he was drawing up against Mr. Ray ; but the ladies " up the row" were busy dressing to come down according to promise and see him, and they did not hear. Ah, no ! Nine out of ten of those who read this may say it was all improbable, impossible, or, if true, that there was nothing but drink to explain poor Ray's frantic outburst ; but ask any cavalryman who deserves the name, and we will rest the defence with him. The ladies came as Mrs. Stannard had promised, and A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. 309 with anxious face the doctor met them at the gate. Mr. Ray was in no condition to see any one. That night Mrs. Stannard returned with the doctor to his bedside. Eay was delirious, in a raging fever. CHAPTER XXII. A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. WHILE, as has been said, no further news of affairs at Russell reached the regiment before they plunged into the thick of the campaign and were soon cut off" from all communication, there were still three or four days in which the officers could talk over matters and write their letters to be sent back from the intrenched camp at Goose Creek by the first party that was numeri cally strong enough to undertake the journey. The colonel had been furnished a brief synopsis of the charges against Ray, and Stannard swore with a mighty oath when he read them that from beginning to end the whole thing was made up by Gleason and that other scoundrel, Rallston. The officers came together, and Stannard told what he knew of Rallstou's shadowy record in the past, and one by one Gleason's hints, sneers, and slurs about Ray were dragged to light and exploded. There were men sitting around the colonel's tent, a hardy, bushwhacking set of frontiersmen they all looked, who for very shame wished themselves 310 MARION'S FAITH. away. Canker's cheeks burned as he recalled how often he had permitted Gleason to defame Kay. Crane and Wilkins hung their heads and tugged at their stubby beards, and looked uncomfortable, for the whole tenor of talk was an enthusiastic and vehement vote of confidence in the Kentuckian. Knowing him to be hot-headed and rash, there was great anxiety about him, and one impulsive fellow suggested that they all sign a letter to him expressing their belief in his inno cence and their confidence in his cause. This would not do, said the colonel ; it was tantamount to insubor dination. Individually they were at liberty to write, but it must not be done as a regiment ; and so it resulted that only two or three wrote to him, and one of these was Canker. Stannard was not fully satisfied. It was agreed that at the very first opportunity they should have another general talk, and the officers had then gone to their various tents to send what might be the last messages home. They were to march over against the Rosebud at dawn, and it was only a few miles' gallop across the divide where Custer and his gallant men lay at their shallow graves, most of them by this time disinterred by prowling wolves or vengeful Indians. Truscott, too, had written to Ray, and it was not easy. He had written to Grace a long letter, and that was harder still. Three days had elapsed since Glea- son's explosive announcement of that strange tableau at his home. He had disdained to listen to explanation or to further statement. He would not condescend to ask Webb a single question ; but he had called him aside that morning and said a quiet word. A SHOT AT MIDNIQ 3} i " Should you ever need a solution of what may have seemed a mystery to. you, Webb, in what you mention having seen, Mrs. Truscott and my friend Ray, I mean, you have simply to remember that the news of that massacre over yonder has unnerved every woman in the army, and that Mrs. Truscott is not now in a condition to bear any shock. I had asked Ray to go regularly to my house." He was incapable of doubting her. He would not doubt Ray, and yet and yet there was something about the matter he did not like. She had written to him three pages that afternoon after it all occurred, and had mentioned nothing of Ray's being there, nothing of her having been agitated during his visit, nothing at all of it ; and yet such a scene had occurred. He could account for there being a scene, but he could not recon cile himself to her utter silence upon the subject. In his letter to Ray he, of course, said nothing of it. In his letter to his wife he gently, lovingly, pointed out to her that it was not right that he should be told by strangers of her being seen sobbing upon the sofa when alone with Mr. Ray, and that she should make no allu sion to a matter that had struck them as so extraordi nary. Could he have taken her in his strong arms and used just those words in speaking of it with all the grace of love and trust and tenderness accenting every syllable, she would never have mistaken the mood in which he wrote ; but who that loves has not marked the wide difference between such words written and spoken ? When the letter came it cut Grace to the heart, and it was the last letter to reach her in one whole month. The next had to come way around by the 312 MARION'S FAITH. Yellowstone. Was it likely that in that intervening month she should care to see much of Ray ? All over the Northwest that column went marching and chasing after the now scattered bands of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull : always on the trail, always pushing ahead. From the Tongue to the Rosebud ; then over to the Powder ; then up to the Yellowstone ; then, while Miles went across after the fleeing Unca- papas and their wily old rascal of a leader, the Gray Fox gave his ragged followers a few days in which to bait their horses and patch their boots and breeches ; then on he led them after the Ogallallas and Brules, far across the Little Missouri, over to Heart River, where rations gave out ; then down due south by com pass through flooding rain, heading for the Black Hills, two weeks' march away. It was summer sunshine when they cut loose from tents and baggage at Goose Creek, with ten days' rations and the clothes they had on. It was freezing by night before they saw those tents and wagons again down in the southern hills, where they came dragging in late in September, having lived for days on the flesh of their slaughtered horses, and in all these weeks of marching and suffering and fight ing no line had reached Stannard or Truscott or any body from the wives at home. There were sore and anxious hearts among them, but those at home were sojcr still. It was the second week in August when those last letters came from the th to Russell. It was the second week in September before they heard from them at the bivouac on the Yellowstone. It was the second week in October before the next news came, the hurried letters A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. 313 brought down from the Black Hills, and telling of their homeward coming. It was the last week in October as they rode bronzed and bearded and gaunt and thin, herding in the disarmed bands of Red Cloud that the orders were received returning them to winter quarters far down along the Union Pacific, nearly ten days' march to the south ; and meantime meantime how very much had happened at Russell. It was the twelfth day of Mr. Ray's arrest and the sixth of his sharp illness that Mr. Gleason arrived at the post and went to report to the commanding officer. Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford, seated on their piazza, saw him alight at his quarters from the stage, and im mediately went in and closed their door. Mrs. Stannard had been with them awhile the evening previous. Ray was entirely out of danger and was sitting up again, but very quiet and weak. Gleason, it seems, had taken a roundabout way on his return, and had stopped two days at Fort Laramie, from which post he did consid erable telegraphing. The mail coming direct from Fetterman brought those letters (which wsrs sent by the sergeant) three days ahead of him, and not a lady in the cavalry quarters at Russell, except perhaps Mrs. "VVilkins, would now receive him. Mrs. Stannard met him on the walk soon after his arrival, and passed him with a mere inclination of the head and the coldest possible mention of his name, but she saw he was thin and haggard and very anxious-looking. He was clos eted with the post commander a long time, and came out looking worse. Old Whaling was swearing mad over a letter from Stannard and one from the com manding officer of the th, plainly telling him that if o 27 314 MARION'S FAITH. he had been induced to take steps against Mr. Ray by any representations of Mr. Gleason, he would find him self heavily involved ; and now Gleason plainly wanted to " crawfish," and to declare that Whaling had used as facts what he had only suggested as possibilities. Whaling was also notified that they proposed to ask the department commander to have proceedings against Ray suspended until the return of the regiment from the campaign, and meantime here was the young gen tleman sick on his hands at the post, and that blunder ing, bullet-headed quartermaster of his had got him involved in another row. Mr. Blake had made an application to department headquarters for a board of officers to appraise the value of one public horse, which he, Lieutenant Blake, desired to purchase ; had written to a staff friend at Omaha a graphic description of Dandy's and Ray's " devotion to each other," and the decree of divorce which was passed by Colonel Whaling's order. The quartermaster had meantime had Dandy out in the sun for two more days, tied to the post, and had been notified by Mr. Blake that if he ever spoke to him, except in the line of duty, he would kick him, and things were in almost as eruptive a state at Russell in this blessed month of August of the centennial year as they had been at old Sandy during the Pelham rfyime, only only who could this time say it was a woman at the bottom of it ? And yet was it not Gleason's unrequited attentions to our heroine that prompted much of the trouble? Fie on it for a foul suggestion ! Is woman to be held responsible for a row because more than one man falls in love with her ? A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. 315 And yet again. She who has been so studiously kept in the background all these dreary chapters has been coming to the fore on her own account. In plain cav alry language, Miss Sanford has twice taken the bit in her teeth and bolted. Gleason once discovered, anent the club-room, that she had a temper. Mrs. Turner was the next to arrive at this conclusion. Tt was the day after Mr. Ray's illness began. Mrs. Whaling was paying an evening visit. Mrs. Turner had dropped in, as she often did where the ladies were apt to gather, and, despite Mrs. Truscott's polite and modest expres sion of her disagreement with Mrs. Whaling's views, that amiable lady persisted in descanting upon Mr. Ray's intemperate language and conduct, and repeatedly intimating that it was all due to intemperate drink. " The general" had said so, and that settled it. Miss Sanford sat with blazing eyes and cheeks that flushed redder and redder ; she was biting her lip and tapping the carpet with the toe of her slipper. Mrs. Whaling was called away by some household demand before she had fairly finished her homily, and then Mrs. Turner, who had narrowly watched these symptoms, determined to test the depth of Miss Sanford's views upon the sub ject, the revelation might be of interest. "It does seem a pity that Mr. Ray should have done so much to ruin his fine record, does it not, Miss Sanford?" " Ruin it ! Mrs. Turner ? Pardon me ! but you speak of it as though you believed in his guilt, as though you thought him culpable. If I were a lady of the th, I should glory in the name he had made for it, and be defending, not abusing him." And, 316 MARION'S FAITH. with the mien of a queen of tragedy, she swished out of the room to cool her fevered cheeks upon the piazza. " Well !" gasped Mrs. Turner. " If I had supposed she cared for him I wouldn't have suggested such a thing an instant." " It is not a question of her ( caring' for him as you say, Mrs. Turner," spoke up Mrs. Truscott, with unu sual spirit. " He is my husband's warmest friend. We're all proud of him, all indignant at his treatment, and your language is simply incomprehensible !" Just didn't Mrs. Turner tell that interview with variations all over the garrison within twenty-four hours ? She had incentive enough ; the ladies flocked to hear it, and one absurd maiden saw fit the next even ing to simper her congratulations to Miss Sanford on " her engagement" ; but by that time Marion had recov ered her self-control. She met Mrs. Turner as though nothing of an unusual nature had occurred. She laughingly, even sweetly thanked the damsel, and told her she was engaged to no one. But in another way she had come out like a heroine. She loved horses, as has been said. She had wept in secret over Mrs. Stannard's description of Dandy's seizure, and she was vehement with indignation at the subsequent treatment of Mr. Ray's pet and comrade. No one ever saw Marion Sanford so excited about any thing before, said Grace ; she could not refrain from going to the door every little while to see if Dandy were still tied there in front of the quartermaster's, and she would have gone to that functionary himself and implored hiin to send the horse back to the stable, only A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. 317 she could not trust herself to speak. But the second day she could stand it no longer ; she boldly assailed Colonel Whaling, pointed out to him that for two days poor Dandy had been kept there in the hot sun, tor tured by flies, and begged him to exert his authority and stop it. It made the quartermaster rabid. He knew somebody must have been interfering, but that night the colonel told him he must take better care of the sorrel, who was looking badly already, and ordered him to be returned to the corral for a day or two. But this very night, as Dandy was being led away, she heard Blake say to Mrs. Truscott, "I'd give anything to buy him and give him to Kay." " Could you buy him ?" she exclaimed, all flushing eagerness. "Why, yes, if I had an unmortgaged cent, Miss Sanford," he said, with a nervous laugh. She rose, her eyes and cheeks aflame, and stood be fore them, almost trembling, while her hands worked nervously, " Then do it ! Mr. Blake. Don't let him suffer an other minute ! buy him for me, no matter what he costs, and then you give him to Mr. Ray. I I mean every word of it. You can have the money this instant, the check at least." Grace sprang up and threw her arms around her neck. " You darling ! How I wish I could do it !" was all she could say, but Miss Sanford was simply paying no attention to her. She was waiting to hear from Mr. Blake, who was too much astounded to speak. That evening it was all settled that Blake should make 27* 318 MARION'S FAITH. immediate application to purchase, and he went home spouting Shakespeare by the page, perfectly enraptured with this new and unsuspected trait in Marion, and perfectly satisfied that it was not for him. The paper went in, and, preceded by Blake's per sonal letter to the staff-officer, was forwarded to Omaha with an unfavorable endorsement. The post quarter master had said that except the band horses there were none there that were not needed by the quartermaster's service, and daily in use. All the same the order was promptly issued, and came back in four days with tho detail of Colonel Whaling, the post surgeon, and Mr. Warner. Gleason was not named, a singular thing., since he was the only cavalry officer, except Blake, now for duty at the post, and they had begun officer of the day work. But the very day the board met Ray was out on his piazza taking the air with " extended limits," and rejoicing in the letters that had just come to him from the fellows at the front (the same mail had brought Mrs. Truscott that letter from Jack which sent her to her room in misery), and towards evening Mrs. Stannard came down to see him awhile, and hear his letters and tell him of her own. Mr. Gleason passed out of his quarters girt with sabre, he was officer of the day, and walked over towards the guard-house across the parade. Blake had gone " up the row." He wanted to give them a chance for a quiet talk, for Kay's heart was full of gratitude to the major's noble wife. She had nursed him like a mother in his delir ium and illness ; she had nursed him as she had other fellows when they were down, and they none of them forgot it. As Blake passed Number 11 and glanced A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. 319 back towards the rear windows, he saw a sight that, * O 7 to use the words he often affected, " gave him pause." Standing cap in hand at the back of the house was the soldier Hogan, a flush of mingled delight and sur prise on his face, and his mouth expanded in a grin of embarrassed ecstasy. In front of him was Miss San- ford, daintily dressed as usual, holding out her hand. She caught sight of Blake, pressed something into Hogan's hand and sprang quickly back. Can she be sending Ray a note ? was his first thought. He concluded not to go in just then, but went on his way. That night Hogan was unusually conversational around the house. He was plainly exhilarated. He came to the room where the two officers were seated and stumbled over Mr. Blake's boots. " What on earth do you want, Hogan ?" asked Eay, looking up from his paper and pipe. " I was wanting to clane the lootenant's pistol, sir, an' it isn't in the holster." " You needn't clean it to-night," said Ray, coloring. " I want it." "What the dickens do you want it for to-night?" said Blake. " Let him have it ; it hasn't been cleaned for a month." " Never mind, Hogan, not to-night." " Could I be gone for a couple of hours, sir, if there's nothing else the lootenant wants ?" "Oh, yes, go ahead; I shall not need you until morning." " Would the lootenant take care of this for me ?" said Hogan, holding out two twenty-dollar bills. " I might lose it if I tuk too much," 320 MARION'S FAITH. " Don't take too much, then, you sinner. Where did you get this money, sir ?" "Shure the lootenant mustn't blow on me," said Hogan, with rapture in his eyes and a glibness born of poteen on his tongue, " but that court-martial was the makin' of me fortune, sir. Shure not only did the lootenant an' Misther Blake give me a fine charactther and ten dollars to boot, but the moment do I get out of the gyard-house Mrs. Thruscott sends Flanigan for me, an' when I get there shure it's the young leddy as wants to see me. ' You're a good soldier, Mr. Hogan,' says she, ' and you're true to Dandy, you are/ ' Faix I am, ma'am/ says I, ( an' long life to him and the man that rides him,' says I. ' Shure it's he's the sol dier, ma'am, and the boss rider of the regiment too.' ' I know it, Mr. Hogan,' says' she, all a-blushin' like, ' an' I'm proud of ye for bein' so thrue to him in his throuble,' says she. ' Faix, an' the men would mur- ther me, miss, if I wasn't,' says I ; and so they would, begorra ! and thin says she, ' Now how much did they punish you on that court ?' says she. ' Tin dollars blind an' sivin days on the in the gyard-house, ma'am,' says I ; an' says she, ' Here's twinty for the tin they robbed ye of, and five for every day they kep' ye from yer masther an' Dandy.' An', begorra, looten ant, she ran in the house before iver I could shpake another wurrud." " Go it, Mickey Free !" shouted Blake, roaring with laughter. Ray had grown redder and redder as the Irishman told his tale, and at last, laughing to cover his confusion, bade him begone. That night was still and beautiful. Too excited by A SHOT AT MIDNIGHT. 321 the events of the day to think of sleep, Marion San- ford was awake long after midnight. There was no moon, but the skies were cloudless, and a summer breeze played with the curtains of her open window. Far down by the stables she heard the call of the sentry at half-past twelve o'clock. A few minutes later there was a sharp, sudden report, as of a pistol, somewhere down the row ; then as she sprang to the window she heard a stifled cry ; then all was silence again unless was it fancy ? She felt, rather than heard, a running footfall. Excited, startled, she hastily threw on a wrapper and shawl and ran in to Grace, who was sleep ing quietly as before. Looking out on the parade, she could hear men running rapidly over from the guard house. Something terrible had happened she now felt sure. Then a man was heard speeding up the walk to wards the commanding officer's. She could see him as he darted by, and listened intently. He banged at the colonel's door, and then presently more men came hurrying by. Still she did not like to call ; she feared to awaken or shock Grace. But in another minute, as a member of the guard ran by, Mrs. Stannard's clear voice floated out on the night air, " What is the matter, corporal ?" " Lieutenant Gleason's murdered, ma'am ; shot dead in his room." " Good heavens ! Who could have done it ?" " I don't leastwise, ma'am, they they say 'twas Lieutenant Ray." 322 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XXIII. IN CLOSER TOILS. A CORONER'S inquest was in session at Russell, and in the benighted regions of the Eastern States where the functions of that worthy public officer are mainly ex ercised in connection with the " demnition moist" re mains of the " found drowned," or the attenuated skele tons of the starved, there can be but faint conception of the divinity which doth hedge a coroner in a fron tier city where people, as a rule, die with their boots on. Perhaps it was a proper consideration of the relative importance of the two offices which had induced Mr. Perkins to decline with thanks the nomination of ter ritorial delegate to Congress, and to intimate through the columns of The Blizzard that he sought no higher office at the hands of the people than that in which, to the best of his humble ability, he had already served two terms. As the emoluments of the coronership were dependent entirely upon the number of inquests held during the year, the position in an Ohio town of five thousand inhabitants would hardly have taken prece dence over a seat in the House of Representatives, but a lively frontier city, the supply centre of all the stock, mining, and trading enterprises to the north of the railway, a town that had been the division terminus since the road was built, and was the recognized me tropolis of the plains, well, " that was different, some- 7^ CLOSER TOILS. 323 how," said Mr. Perkins's friends ; and, as his gleanings had been double those he would have received in Con gress, that is, in the way of salary, Mr. Perkins had wisely decided that so long as " business was brisk" he preferred the exaltation of holding the most lucrative position in the gift of his fellow-citizens. His decis ion had been a disappointment to other aspirants, for not only pecuniarily was the office of first importance, but, in the very nature of his functions, the coroner acquired in the eyes of all men a mysterious interest and influence beside which the governor of the Terri tory, the mayor, and even the chief of the fire depart ment felt themselves dwarfed into insignificance. For four years Mr. Perkins had been a busy man. He dis pensed far more patronage than the delegate to Con gress, as he was constantly besieged by a class of im pecunious patriots to " put 'em on the next one." A. stranger arriving by train and seeing a man shot down in front of some one of the gambling-saloons, would have been perplexed to account for the rush of the crowd in one direction, instead of scattering till the shooting was over and then concentrating to stare at the vic tim. It was a race for the coroner, and a place on the jury was the customary reward of the winner. Too much precipitancy in some such cases, resulting in the discovery by Mr. Perkins on arriving at the scene that the corpse was humorously waiting for him to " set up the drinks," had resulted in the establishment by him of a system of fines in the event of similar false alarms ; but, as has been said, the coroner had reigned for sev eral years as the wealthiest, the most envied and ad mired of the public officials. He had invested in mines 324 MARION'S FAITH. and real estate, had become a money-lender and capi talist, and for some time considered himself on the high road to fortune, when the discovery of gold in the Black Hills caused a sudden hegira thither of nine- tenths of the shooting element, and the summer of '76 found Mr. Perkins a changed and embittered man. " Cheyenne ain't what it used to be," he would re gretfully say, as entire weeks would elapse without a fatal termination of a row; "fellers who used to shoot on sight only sit around and jaw now. It's gettin' slow as any d d one-horse town east of the Missis sippi." And in the general gloom of the situation Mr. Perkins had more than once regretted that he had not gone to Congress. It was with a thrill of renewed hope, therefore, that he heard the loud knocking at his door before dawn, and descending, received with ill-concealed gratification the message of the commanding officer at Fort Russell that his services were needed there at once. An officer had been shot to death in his bedroom. It was one thing to air his importance before an admiring audience of townspeople; but this this was something border ing on bliss. For the time being he could sit in judg ment on the words and deeds of those military satraps at the fort. Perkins had bundled a jury of his chums into carriages and started out across the prairie before the smoke from the morning gun had fairly died away. By the time the men had finished breakfast the jury and the reporters were at their work, and an awe-stricken group stood silently at the gate of the little brown cot tage wherein death had set his seal during the watches of the night. IN CLOSER TOILS. 325 It was in the back room of the first floor that the jury had assembled. There on the narrow bed lay the mortal remains of the officer whose death-cry had startled the garrison so short a time before. Men and women had spoken with bated breath, with dread and horror on their faces, with heavy load at heart, many had not slept at all, since the news flew round the garrison at one o'clock. It was shocking to think of Mr. Gleason as murdered, but that he should have beeir murdered in cold blood, without a word of altercation, and murdered by an officer of his own regiment, one so brave, so gifted, so popular as Ray, was simply hor rible; and yet who that heard the evidence being given, slowly, reluctantly, painfully before that jury could arrive at any other conclusion. Even before the jury came sentries with fixed bayonet were stationed at Ray's bedroom door, and no one was allowed to go in or out except by order of the commanding officer. The colonel had not gone to bed since being aroused. The moment the post surgeon had announced that Gleason was stone dead the body was lifted to the bed ; Lieutenant Warner was placed in charge of the room, with orders to see that nothing was touched or removed, and the colonel began an immediate investigation. The sergeant of the guard, who, with one or two men, had been out searching the rear yards, had handed the col onel on his arrival a silver-mounted pistol, Smith & Wesson's, of handsome make and finish, with every chamber loaded but one. He had picked it up just by the back gate. On the guard were engraved in mon ogram the letters W. P. R., and as the colonel held it O * up, Private Hogan, who had been assisting in raising '28 326 MARION'S FAITH. the body to the bed, gave one quick look at it, ex claimed, " Oh, Holy Mother !" and hurried from the room. He was sternly called back, and came, white and trembling. " Do you know that pistol, sir ? Whose is it ?" Hogan wrung his hands and looked miserably around. " Answer at once !" " It's it's the lootenant's, sir !" "What lieutenant?" " Misther Ray, sir. Oh, God forgive me !" sobbed poor Hogan, and, covering his face with his hands, he burst into tears. "Where is Mr. Ray?" demanded the colonel, in a voice that trembled despite his strong effort at self- control. " He was here, sir, when I came," said the sergeant of the guard. " He was kneeling over the body, and told me to hurry out on the prairie, the murderer had run that way." " Mr. Ray is in his quarters, colonel. I took him there just before you came," said Blake, entering at the moment, and Blake's face was white as death. " Who was here besides Mr. Ray ?" asked the col onel of the sergeant. " Not a soul, sir. The body lay there on its face where the blood is on the floor, and Mr. Ray wa^ kneeling beside it trying to turn it over, I thought. I was standing in front of the company quarters just over here, sir, when the shot was fired, and I heard the yell. I ran hard as I could straight here, and it wasn't half a minute." " And you saw no one else at all ?" IN CLOSER TOILS. 327 " No one, sir. The lieutenant said the man as did it rushed out on the prairie between the hospital and the surgeon's, and it was dark, sir, and no use looking. Coming back, I picked up the pistol right by the gate." ''Stay here all of you," said the colonel. "Mr. Blake, I want you" And in another moment Blake went silently up the row. The colonel's orders were that he should guard his comrade until relieved by the officer of the day with his sentries. But the coroner's jury had investigated still further. The web of circumstantial evidence that had enveloped Ray by eight o'clock that August morning was simply appalling. It summed up about as follows. The ser geant of the guard had been making the rounds of the ordnance and commissary storehouses, and heard voices out on the prairie as of men coming from town ; listen ing, he recognized those of Hogan and Shea, the latter being Lieutenant Gleason's orderly. They were ap parently coming from the direction of the " house on the hill," as the resort out by the little prairie lake, previously described, was termed, and as they were not boisterous at all, though evidently " merry," he had not gone towards them, but, entering the main gate, he turned to the left to go to the guard-house, and was opposite the second set of company quarters when he heard voices at Lieutenant Gleason's, excited but un intelligible, then the shot, a scream, and he ran full tilt, not more than two hundred yards, into the house and through the little hall to the back room, where a light was burning. There lay Lieutenant Gleason.on his face with his head to the back door, which was open, 328 MARION'S FAITH. while Lieutenant Ray was kneeling between the body and the back door. All he said was, " Quick ! the man who did it ran out on the prairie past the doctor's," and the sergeant had pursued, but returned in a moment or two, having seen nobody but Hogan and Shea, who came running back with him. Shea went for the doc tor and Hogan to call Lieutenant Blake. The corporal of the guard then arrived with two men. They sent one for the colonel. Lieutenant Ray again told them to hunt the murderer, but they found nothing but the pistol. When they returned the second time the col onel and surgeon were there, but Mr. Ray was gone. Shea's testimony was sensational : Hogan had come to him about tattoo, and proposed that they should go out and have a quiet time at the house on the hill ; he had plenty of money and had already been drinking a little. Shea went, but fearing Hogan would take too much and get into more trouble, had persuaded him to start for home about 11.30. They came across the prairie and were talking pretty loud, heard no pistol-shot, or cry, saw or heard no one except the sergeant, though they had come through the gap between the hospital and surgeon's quarters. Shea said that he had been Mr. Gleason's " striker" (soldier-servant) for two years ; knew his character and habits well, and knew there was trouble between him and Mr. Ray. Questioned as to particulars, Shea went on to say that there had been a " terrible row" between them the day Mr. Glea- son started for Fetterman ; he didn't know what it was about, but had overheard some of the language from the back kitchen, and the last thing Lieutenant Ray had said was, " ' If ever you breathe a word of this to a IN CLOSER TOILS. 329 soul/ or something like that, 'I'll shoot you like a dog.' " He was sure of the last words, and he thought then he wouldn't like to be in Mr. Gleason's place. Shea's words produced a marked effect ; but no more so than did Hogan's, whom grief and liquor had made somewhat maudlin. Like every Irishman in the regi ment he thought the world of Kay, and it cut him to* the heart to have to testify against him ; but he recog nized the pistol at once as the lieutenant's, and the fact was dragged out of him that before tattoo the previous evening he had gone to get it and clean it, and found it was not in the holster. He asked the lieutenant for it and was refused. " I want it" was what the lieutenant had said. Mr. Blake, very calm and very white, was brought in next, and faced the impressive coroner and his jury. He corroborated Hogan's statement as to Ray's lan guage about the pistol ; said that lie had gone to bed up-stairs at eleven o'clock, leaving Ray reading in the room below, and knew nothing more of the affair until called by Hogan, when he had run to Mr. Gleason's quarters, and after a moment had taken Ray home and insisted on his going to bed. The lieutenant was just recovering from a severe illness, was weak and un strung, and the affair threatened to bring on a relapse. There had been an open breach between the two officers for over two years, and of late, he knew not how, it had widened. The deceased frequently maligned Lieu tenant Ray, and the latter never spoke of him without aversion. Questioned as to his knowledge of anything that occurred between them on the day of Gleason's departure, he said he knew nothing. Ray had refused 28* 330 MARION'S FAITH. to talk on the subject. The surgeon had given the necessary medical testimony as to cause, a gunshot wound penetrating the heart and causing almost instant death. The post commander told of the charges against Lieutenant Ray, and of the fact that the deceased was a principal witness indeed, an accuser, and that seemed all that was necessary. The jury desired to hear what Mr. Ray had to say, and they questioned the doctor as to his ability to see them. The surgeon had replied with professional gravity that so far as he was concerned he thought his patient should not be disturbed, but that the gentleman himself had insisted that no obstacle should be thrown in their way if they felt disposed to examine him. Mr. Ray was cool as a cucumber, though fully aware by this time of the fearful array of evi dence against him. Blake flew back to his bedside as soon as he heard that the coroner had decided to ques tion him, and with tears in his eyes implored him to say nothing ; but Ray had smiled faintly, and held out a warning hand, "I've never hidden a word or deed of my life, Blake, and what has to be hidden now is for another's sake not mine. Time enough for lawyers when the case comes to trial. A coroner's jury can only express an opinion. I could not rest easy now without the vindication of a full trial." And so the coroner and his jury filed solemnly in. Ray's voice was placid and his eyes steadfast and true. He was courtesy itself to the members of the jury, and all patience even under the insinuations of the coroner that made Blake furious. His story was briefly that ne had strolled out to his rear gate to walk up and /AT CLOSER TOILS. 331 down in the yard a few minutes before retiring. (He did not say " To gaze at a certain window up the row.") Being in arrest he was permitted to go no farther, and just after the sentry's call of half-past twelve he was startled by hearing excited voices apparently in the rear room of the quarters two doors away, then a shot and a scream ; he had hurried thither, and at the back gate of Gleason's quarters a man rushed past him on tiptoe and at full speed. Ray had caught his arm an instant but was thrown roughly aside, and the fugitive had fled like a deer through the open space between the hospital and surgeon's quarters. He himself was weak from recent illness and unable to pursue, but hurried into the back door of Gleason's quarters, which was open, through the kitchen, and there, lying on his face in the back room, was the deceased, dressed in shirt and trousers, apparently even then dead. The sergeant came almost immediately, and soon Mr. Blake, who presently reminded him that he was in arrest and had no right to be in any quarters but his own, and took him home. Questioned as to enmity with the deceased, he said he had long disliked him, and that of late the feeling had become intensified. Questioned as to the affair of the day on which the deceased had left the post, he ad mitted there had been a violent scene, and that he had threatened him. He also admitted that the pistol was his, but that it had not been in his possession since the day the deceased left the post. Questioned as to the cause of his quarrel and some further matters, he spoke very quietly, as follows : " ThesS are matters, gentlemen, that cannot influence 332 MARION'S FAITH. your decision. No statement of mine can well coun teract the chain of circumstances in this case. I can not tell you where my pistol was, and I must decline to say one word at present of the cause of my late quarrel with the deceased." In this he was firm, and what other verdict could they arrive at ? The deceased came to his death by a gunshot wound inflicted with murderous intent, and, to the best of their belief, by the hand of William P. Ray, a lieutenant in the th Regiment of Cavalry, U. S. Army. "When they were gone to their deliberation and Ray was alone with his friend, he called for a scrap of note- paper, thought earnestly a few moments, and then rapidly wrote in pencil a few lines. " Blake," he said, " take this to Mrs. Truscott and give it to her personally. There will probably be no answer. If you cannot see her, ask for Miss San- ford." They were all in the parlor, Mrs. Stannard, Mrs. Truscott, and Miss Sanford, when he readied the house. Three sadder faces he had never seen. The first ques tion was as to the verdict of the coroner's jury. Blake shook his head. " It can only be one thing." Indeed, was not that what Mrs. Whaling had been there to tell them already, with a simply maddening array of em bellishments ? Mrs. Stannard's blue eyes were red with weeping, and Mrs. Truscott looked as though she had wept for hours. Indeed, she had been, long before the shot was fired. Marion Sanford alone was quiet and composed ; her eyes were clear as ever, though deep dark rings had formed beneath them, and her soft lips were set in con- IN CLOSER TOILS. 333 stant effort to repress emotion. Blake briefly told them how calm and brave Ray was, how he had refused to explain about the pistol, or to give any particulars of his quarrel with Gleason, merely saying it had been of long standing. There were many things that he, Blake, must attend to at once, and so, if they would excuse him, he wished to see Mrs. Truscott a moment, and she followed him to the piazza falteringly. " Ray told me to give this note to no one but you, Mrs. Truscott, and I inferred that he wished you only to see it," said he. To his surprise, she drew back her hand. Her lips began to quiver, her eyes to refill. She made no effort to take it. He looked at. her wonderingly. " Mr. Blake I I cannot take it. I cannot ex plain !" And then, abruptly turning, she rushed into the house and up the stairs. Poor Blake stood one moment in dire perplexity and then went back. " She wouldn't take it, Billy. She said she couldn't ; but d n me if I can fathom it." Ray's eyes grew stony. Every vestige of color left his face. He covered it with his thin white hands, and the man who had braved death and torture to save his comrades, who had borne uncomplainingly, resolutely, patiently, the trying ordeal of his examination by a gang of suspicious men, who had suffered in silence the ignominy of a criminal charge rather than drag to light a defence that might involve a woman's name, now quivered and shuddered and turned to the wall with one low moan of agony, cut to the heart by the fragile hand he would have died to shield. 334 MARION'S FAITH. CHAPTER XXIV. THE GRASP OF THE LAW. To a man of Mr. Blake's temperament the next few days were hard to bear. He was worried half to death, and yet, when Mrs. Turner saw an opportunity, and with a suggestive glance at his lean legs, sympatheti cally inquired "if he wasn't afraid he'd lose all his flesh," he was fully able to appreciate the feminine dexterity and malice of the allusion. His quick wit could have suggested a deserved repartee ; but even in his misery Blake would say no wounding word to a lady of the regiment. He had good reason to take very little comfort in her. however, as an exponent of the regimental feeling on which the th had prided itself. Mrs. Turner was far too voluble on the subject of the awful disgrace that had been brought on their good name by this fearful tragedy, and while she hoped