iliiiliiiil THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CUu^ ^ Oc^-il . USEFUL REFERENCE SERIES. NO. 5. ABBREVIATIONS AND TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN BOOK CATALOGS AND IN BIBLIOGRAPHIES ABBREVIATIONS AND TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN BOOK CATALOGS AND IN BIBLIOGRAPHIES BY FRANK KELLER WALTER VICE-DIRECTOR, NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY SCHOOL THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY BOSTON, 1912 COFYSIGHT, 1912, BY THE BOSTON BOOK CO. Stanbq)e pttw F. H.GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE This list was begun as an expansion of Miss Mary Medlicott's Abbreviations in Book Catalogues which was issued in 1906 by the Boston Book Company as Bulletin of Bibliography, pamphlet No. 15. It has so far outgrown the limits of the original list as to have become a quite independent production. Spe- cial thanks, however, for the original plan and for much of the subject matter of the present list are due to Miss Medlicott's list and to a manuscript List of bibli- ographical terms and abbreviations compiled in 1906, under the direction of Mr. E. C. Williams, by Miss Eliza Townsend for the use of the Western Reserve Library School. Originality can hardly be claimed for any work so obviously dependent on previous similar attempts nor, although longer than most previous attempts, can any claim to more than approximate completeness be made for this list. Perhaps the chief point of difference from other lists is the greater attention paid to terms and abbreviations frequently used in current catalogues of second-hand booksellers but which, as they describe peculiarities of individual copies, are seldom found in more formal bibliographies. Arbitrary symbols used only in particular works are usually explained in the works themselves and are therefore seldom included here. The inclusions are almost entirely biblio- graphic rather than literary, that is, confined to terms used in the description of books rather than in the titles proper. The chief exception is the inclusion of a partial list of honorary titles likely to be met in author entries. Many terms have been included which are almost certain to be superfluous for the expert bibliographer but, as the expert seldom ought to need an elementary list to aid him, the needs of beginners have been given first consideration. It is perhaps unnecessary to state that this is a list of terms in actual use, good, bad and indifferent, and not a code of forms recommended for use in catalogues and bibliographies. Some unusual terms used in descriptions of manuscripts and incunabula have been omitted. For these, Cappelli's Dizionario de abbreviature, Chassant's Dictionnaire des abreviations and Prou's Manuel de paleographic Latine et francaise (jd ed. Par. iQio) should be consulted. Older spell- ings which are not radically different from present usages are not usually indicated. They can easily be found in good dictionaries. The lists of honorary titles and of places of publi- cation are confessedly incomplete. For such abbre- viations, titles and place names as are omitted, consult the authorities cited at the head of each of these two sections. Special thanks are due to Mr. A. Hafner of G. E. Stechert & Co., New York, for current catalogues from which many of the entries were taken; to the Grolier Club and its librarian, Miss Ruth S. Grannis, for access to bibliographic works in the club library; to Mr. A. J. F. van Laer, Archivist, New York State Library, for corrections and additions in the Dutch, French and Italian sections; to Miss Gudrun Holth vi of the New York State Library School for similar help in the Swedish and Danish-Norwegian sections; to Mr. John T. Fitzpatrick of the Legislative Reference Section of the New York State Library for correcting the proof of the Spanish section; to Mr. Adam J. Strohm of the Detroit Public Library for correcting that of the Swedish section and to Miss Edna M. Sanderson of the New York State Library School for correcting proof. Whatever accuracy or usefulness the list may possess is in large part due to their assistance. F. K. W. vu PARTIAL LIST OF AUTHORITIES CONSULTED (General dictionaries of the different languages, general encyclopedias and current catalogs of booksellers are not included.) Arskatalog for svenska bokhandeln, 1910. Stockholm, 1911. Beck, C. Jahrbuch der Biicherpresse. v. i., 1906. Leipzig, 1907. Blackburn, C. F. Hints on catalogue titles. London, 1884. Book prices ctirrent. v. i — date. London, 1886 — date. Breul, Karl. Handy bibliographical guide to the study of the German language and literature. London, 1895. Brown, James Duff. Manual of practical bibliography. London, 1910. Brunei, J. C. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres. 6 V. Paris, 1860-65. Cappelli, Ad. Dizionario de abbreviature latine ed italiano usate nelle carte e codici specialmente del medio aevi. Milan, 1906. Chassant, L. Dictionnaire des abreviations latines et fran- gaises usitees dans les inscriptions lapidaires et metalliques, les manuscrits et les chartes. 3d ed. Paris, 1866. CiM, Albert. Le livre. 5 v. Paris, 1908. Collins, F. Howard. Authors' and printers' dictionary. London, 1909. Ebert, F. A. General bibliographical dictionary. 4 v. Ox- ford, 1837. G.\LLARDO, Bartolome Jose. Ensayo de una biblioteca espa- fiola de libros raros y curios. Madrid, 1863. Heinsius, Wilhelm. Allgemeines Biicher-Lexicon, 1 700-1 827. 7 V. Leipzig, 1812-29. Hinrichs, J. H. Halbjahrs-katalog, 1910. Leipzig, 1910. Hinrichs, J.H.,Pm6. Fiinfyahrigeskatalog. 8 v. Leipzig, 1 851- 1905. ix HoEPLi, Ulrico. Catalogo completo delle edizione Hoepli, 1871-1911. Milan, 1905-II. Kayser, C. G. Vollstandiges biicher-lexicon, 1907-10. Leip- zig, 191 1. Kleemeier, F. J. Handbuch der bibliographie. Wien, 1903. Klemming, G. E. Sveriges bibliografi, 1481-1600. Upsala, 1889. Maire, Albert. Manuel pratique du bibliothecaire. Paris, 1896. Medlicott, Mary. Abbreviations used in book catalogues. Boston, 1906. Nordisk Boghandlertidende (Weekly) Copenhagen. Othmer, Gustav. Vademecum des Buchhandlers und Biicher- freunds. 5th ed. Leipzig, 1903. Ottino, Giuseppe. Bibliografia. Milan, 1892. Power, John. Handy book about books. London, 1870. Prou, Maurice. Manuel de paleographie Latine et frangaise. 3d ed. Paris, 1910. Rogers, W. T. Manual of bibliography. London, 1891. Rouveyre, Edouard. Connaissances necessaires a un bibli- ophile. 5th ed. 10 V. Paris, 1899. Salva y M ALLEN, Pedro. Catologo de la bibliotheca de Salva. 2 V. Valencia, 1872. CONTENTS PAGE Preface v Authorities Consulted ix English Abbreviations and Terms i French Abbreviations and Terms 14 German Abbreviations and Terms 36 Danish-Norwegian Abbreviations and Terms 76 Dutch Abbreviations and Terms 90 Italian Abbreviations and Terms 103 Latin Abbreviations and Terms 113 Spanish Abbreviations and Terms 122 Swedish Abbreviations and Terms 135 Brief List of Honorary Titles 145 Brief List of Places of Publication 156 XI ENGLISH ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS A. *A. D. Autograph document. A. D. S. Autograph document signed. A. L. Autograph letter. A. L. S. Autograph letter signed. A. N. S. Autograph note signed. a. V. Authorized version. abbr. Abbreviation (s) . abr. Abridged. acct. Account. add. Additional, addition (s). adv. Advance, (e.g., adv. no.) advance number, adv. Advertised, advertisement(s). aft., aftw. Afterwards. anal. Analysis, analytical. annot. Annotations, annotated, annotator. anon. Anonymous. app. Appendix. apprec. Appreciation. apx. Appendix. arr. Arranged. asm. Assembly, (e.g., asm. doc, assembly docu- ment.) auth. Author, authorized. • The preseuce of a seal is frequently indicated by *. I ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS B. b. Born. B. C. Before Christ. b. 1. Black letter. bas. (baz.). Basil (bazil), red sheep, roan. bd. Bound. bdg. Binding. bds. Boards. bibl., bibliog. Bibliography. bister (bistre). A dark brown color. "Sepia tone." biog. Biography, biographic, biographical. bk. Book. bnd. Bound. bxd. Boxed, i.e., in a box. C. c. Circa, about. c. Copyright. c. 0. s. Condemned or suppressed. c. p. China paper. (India paper.) ca. Circa. cancels. Leaves replaced by corrected extra leaves. cent. Century. cf. Calf. cf. Confer (compare). cf. ext. Calf extra. chap. Chapter (s). Chr. Christian. chron. Chronological. circuit edges. Edges of cover turned over edges of book as in " Teachers' bibles." cl., clo. Cloth. cl. bds. Cloth boards, i.e., boards covered with cloth, col. Collector. 2 ENGLISH col., cold. Colored. col. Column(s). coll. Collected, collection (s). com. Committee, commerce, commercial, comment, commt. Commentator. comp. Compiled, compiler(s). comp. Complete. cone. Concerning. cong. Congress, congressional. cont. Containing, contents, continued. cont. Contemporary, {e.g., cont. cl., contempo- rary cloth.) contin. Continuing. cop. Copy, copyright. cor., corr. Corrected, corrections. cp. Compare. Cr. Crown (English coin). cr. 8°, cr. O., cr. 8vo. Crown octavo, crit. Critical. Crown octavo. About 5 by 7I in. ; — 4to, 7I by 10 in. crwn. Crown, eye. Cyclopedia. D. d. Died. d. e. Deckle edges. D. Duodecimo. i2mo. (i7|to20cm.) D. S. Document signed. Dan. Danish. Demy Svo. Demy octavo, 5I by 8| in.; — 4to, about 8f by II in. dentelle borders. Lace-like tooling or printing on borders. dept. Department. diagr.(s). Diagram (s). 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS diss. Dissertation. divinity calf. Plain dark brown calf binding. doc. Document. dom. Domestic. doublures. Cover linings or ornamental end papers. E. e. d. 1. Edition de luxe. e. i. Extra-illustrated. e. p. c. Editor's presentation copy. ea. Each. ed., edit. Edited, edition, editor. edn. Edition. el. fo. Elephant folio. (About 14 by 23 in.) elem. Elementary, elements. emb. Embossed. encyc. Encyclopedia. eng.(s). Engraving (s). Eng. English. engr. Engraving(s). enl. Enlarged. etch. Etching(s), etcher. ex. Executive, {e.g., ex. doc, executive document.) ex. Extra, (e.g., mor. ex., morocco extra.) expl. Explained, explanatory. F. f. Folio (sheet). F. Folio. (30 cm. and over.) f. e. p. Fore-edges painted. F. P. Fine paper. fac.(s), fac.-sim.(s). facsimile(s). fcap., fcp. foolscap. Fe. 48mo. (7^ to 10 cm.) 4 ENGLISH ff. Folios. fict. Fiction. fl. Flourished. flex. Flexible. fo., fol. Folio, foolscap octavo. About 4^ by 6f in. ; — quarto, about 6| by 8i in. fold. Folded, folding. for. Forel. forel. (forrel). Heavy rough parchment used on old books. foxed. Pages brown spotted. fr. From. Fr. French, front. Frontispiece. G. g. Gilt. g. Guinea (s). g. e. Gilt edges. g. g. e. Gilt, with gilt edges. g. h. Gilt head (gilt top). g. 1. Gothic (black) letter. g. m. e. Gilt marbled edges. g. t. Gilt top. g. t. e. Gilt top edge. Ger., Germ. German. gloss. Glossary. git. Gilt. gn. Guinea(s). gr. Group(s). (Of portraits.) Gr. Greek. gs. Guineas. gt. Gilt. ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS gt. Great, (e.g., gt. f., great folio.) gu. Guinea. H. h. m. p., h. p. Handmade paper. h. c. Half calf. hdbk. Handbook. hf. Half, (e.g., hf. cf., half calf; hf. cl., half cloth; hf. mor. ex., half morocco extra.) hist. Historical, history. hm. Half morocco. I. i. J. p. Imperial Japanese paper. I. p. India paper. I. p. p. India paper proofs. il. Illustrated, illustration(s), illustrator (s). ilium. Illuminated. illus. See il. imp. Imperfect, imperial, imported. imp. Imported. imp. fol. Imperial folio. Imperial octavo. About ii by 7^ in. ; — quarto, about 15 by II in. impr. Improved. incl. Including. incr. Increased. int. Interleaved. introd. Introduction, introductory. Ital. Italian. Ital. Italics. J. J. p. Japan paper. J. p. p. Japan paper proofs. 6 ENGLISH J. V. Japanese vellum. J. V. p. Japanese vellum proofs. jt. Joint. juv. Juvenile. 1. Large. 1. Leaf. L g. Gothic letter (litterse gothicae). L p. Large paper. L p. p. Large paper proofs. L s. Letter signed. 1. t. p. Large thick paper. I. V. p. Large vellum paper. L W. p. Large Whatman paper. lang. Language. Lat. Latin. law calf, law sheep. Plain uncolored leather (calf or sheep) . lea. Leather. leather velvet. Ooze leather. lev. Levant. lex. 8vo. Lexicon octavo. If. Lettering faded. Ig. Large. lib. Library. lit. Literary, literature. II. Leaves. M. m. e. Marbled edges. m. 0. p. Manuscript on paper. m. 0. v. Manuscript on vellum. med. Medical, medicine. 7 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS medium 8vo. About 9^ by 6 in. ; — 4to, about 12 by 9I in. mem. Memoir, misc. Miscellaneous. — mo. Size mark, (e.g., i2mo. (duodecimo), etc.) mo. Month, monthly. mor. Morocco. mor. ext. Morocco extra. ms.(s). Manuscript(s). musl. Muslin. mut. Mutilated. N. n. Net. n. New. n. d. No date, n. ed. New edition. n. p. No place (of publication), n. s. New series. n. u. Name unknown, nar. Narrow. nat. National. no. Number. O. O. Octavo. (20 to 25 cm.) o. p. Out of print. 0. V. On vellum. ob., obi. Oblong, (e.g., obi. 8vo, oblong octavo.) orig. Original. p. Page(s). p. Paper. ENGLISH p. 8vo., p. 8°, p. O. Post octavo. p. 1. Preliminary leaf or leaves. p. 0. a. s. Printed on asses' skin (shagreen). p. 0. f. Painted on fore-edge. p. o. r. p. Printed on rice paper. p. 0. s. Printed on silk or satin. p. p. Proof plates. pa. Paper. pam. Pamphlet. pap. Paper. parch. Parchment. pb. Published. phot. Photograph (s), photogravure (s). pict. Pictorial. pi. Plate(s). pi. pap. Plate paper. pits. Plates. pm. Pamphlet (s). pol. Polished. pop. ed. Popular edition. por. , port.(s). Portrait(s). post octavo. About 5 by 8 in.; — quarto, about 8 by 10 in. Pott (pot) 8vo. About 4 by 6j in. ; — 4to, about 6$ by 8 in. pref. Preface, prefixed. pp. Pages. pph. Pamphlet. prel. 11. Preliminary leaves, preprint. Advance copy or print. pres. Presentation. priv. pr. Privately printed. ps., pseud. Pseudonym, pseudonymous. pt.(s). Part(s). 9 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS pub. Published, publisher. pubd. Published. publ. Published, publisher, publication. Q. Q. Quarto (25 to 30 cm.). q. V. Quod vide (which see). R. r. e. Red edges. R. e. Royal edition. r. f. Rough finish (paper). R. O., r. 8vo. Royal octavo. rec. Record. rect., r®., Recto (right-hand page). Front of printed leaf. red. Reduced. rep. Report (s), reporter (s). rev. Revised, revision, m. Roan. ro. Roan. Rom. Roman. Roxb. Roxburghe binding, toy. 8vo. Royal octavo. About 6j by 10 in.; — 4to, about 10 by 12^ in. Rus., Russ. Russia. Rxb., Rxbgh. Roxburghe binding. S. S. i6mo. (15 to 17^ cm.). s. Series. s. a. Sine anno (without date of publication). 10 ENGLISH s. a., 1., et n. Sine anno, loco, et nomine (without date, place, and name of printer). s. d. Sans date (without date), s. e. Special edition. s. 1. Sine loco (without place of publication). s. n. Sine nomine (without name of printer). s. p. Small paper. s. V. Sub voce or verbo (under the word or title). Sc. He (or she) engraved it. Sci. Science, scientific. sd. Sewed. sel. Selected, selection(s). sen. Senate. Sep. Separate. seq. Sequentes, sequentia. (The following; the next.) ser. Series. sess. Session. Sf. 64mo. (Sexagesimo-quarto. Up to 7^ cm.) Sh. Sheep. Sh. Shelfworn. Shp. Sheep. Sig. Signature. sm. 4° or 4to or Q. Small quarto, soc. Society. spr. Sprinkled. sq. Square. St. Stitched. subs. Subscription. sup. ex. Super-extra, " de luxe." superroyal 8vo. About 6f by lOj in.; — 4to, about ic4 by 13^ in. swd. Sewed. Swed. Swedish. II ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS T. t. Type (i,e., size of printed part of page). T. 24mo. (i2 to 15 cm.) tabby. Watered (moire) silk. t. e. Top edge gilt. t. p. Thick paper. t. p. Title page. t. p. m. Title page mutilated. t. p. w. Title page wanting. tab. Table(s). tall copy. Copy on large paper. temp. Temporary. theol. Theological, theology. thk. Thick. tr., trans. Translated, translation (s), translator (s). Tt. 32mo. (10 to 12^ cm.) typog. Typographical, typography. U. unb., unbd. Unbound, unc, unct. Uncut. (Pages not trimmed in rebind- ing.) und. Undated. unopened. Folds of leaves not opened, unp. Unpaged. V. V. Volume(s). V. d. Various dates. V. y. Various years. vel., veil. Vellum. vers. Verso (left-hand page) , back of printed page. vig. t. Vignette title. 12 ENGLISH vign. Vignette (s). vo. Verso. vocab. Vocabulary. vol.(s). Volume(s). W. w. Wanting. w. Waterstained. w. With. w. a. f. With all faults. W. p. Whatman paper, wkly. Weekly. wormed. Worm-eaten. wraps. Wrappers. X. xylog. Xylographic. Engraved on wood. Relating to " block books." Y. y. b., 3^:. bk. Year book. yapp. Binding with flexible " circuit edges." yrly. Yearly. 13 FRENCH ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS A. a. acier, ann^e. a. (av.) a. avec adresse. a comp. a compartiments. In sections, paneled. a dent, k dentelle. Tooled with lace-like designs. a fond. Thoroughly, completely. abimee (reliure-). Binding damaged, in poor con- dition. abrege. Abridgment, abstract, summary. abt. abonnement. Subscription. achate. Purchased. acier (sur-). On steel, steel engraving. acta. Formal document, acta da notaire. Nota- rial instrument. -aine. Senior, (e.g., Dorbon-aine (Dorbon, Sr.).) ais da bois. Wooden covers. allem. allemand. German. anc. ancien. Old. ancianna maison. Formerly (literally, "old house"). (e.g., ancienne maison Martin & cie (formerly Mar- tin & Co.).) annee. Year. annote. Annotated. app., append, appendice. Appendix. apparition (das 1'-). On (or from) date of publication. aquarelle. Water-color. 14 FRENCH assemble. Gathered and folded, "in sheets." atl., atlan. (format) atlantique. Atlas (folio). augmente. Enlarged. autographe. Autograph, -ie. Autographed. av. avec. avant-propos. Preface, introduction. avec. With. B. bas. basane ; — gran., basane granit (granul^e) ; — m. (mar.), basane maroquin; — rac, basane racinee. basane. Sheepskin; — granit, Mottled sheep; — granulee. Granulated sheepskin. " Imitation shagreen" or morocco; — grenee. Grained sheep; — maroquin, Imitation morocco ; — racinee, Tree sheep. bel, belle. Fine, beautiful; — etat. Fine condition; — ex., bel exemplaire, Fine copy. bistre. Tawny, dark brown. "Sepia." bl. bleu, also blanc. blanc. Blank, white. bias, blason. Coat of arms. bleu. Blue, boite (en-). Boxed. bon etat. Good condition. bord. bordure. Border, edge, boucles de met. boucles de metal. Metal clasps, bouquineur. Lover of old books. bouquiniste. Cheap second-hand bookseller, bouton. Knob, boss. Br. Bradel. br. broche. Sewed, stitched, paper covered. Bradel. A style of French half-binding with cloth or paper back and paper sides. 15 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS broch. broch6. Sewed, stitched, paper covered. brochure. Pamphlet. brun. Brown. bruni. Browned, discolored, " foxed." C. c. centimes. c. couronn4. c.-a-d. c'est-^-dire. c. d. R. cuir de Russie. c. et ferm. coins et fermoirs. cachet. Seal. (Of letter or document. Usually rep- resented by *.) cadre. Frame, ornamental border. cahier. Sheet, " signature," manuscript book, quire. car. , caract. caracteres ; — elz . , caracteres 61z6 viriens ; — goth., caracteres gothiques; — rom., caracteres romains. caracteres. Characters, letters; — cursives, or ital- iques, Italics; — elzeviriens, Elzevir type; — goth- iques, Black-letter, "text"; — romains, Roman characters. cart, cartonnage, car tonne; — Brad., Cartonnage Bradel; — percal., cartonnage percaline. carton. Correction sheet, " cancel." Cardboard box. carton, cartonnage. En carton. In cardboard box; bound in boards. cartonnage. Board binding; — Bradel, board bind- ing, Bradel style; — d'editeur. Publishers' board binding; — percal., Cloth back with board sides. casse. Broken. catal. Catalogue. cde. cord6. cercle. Club, society. i6 FRENCH c'est-a-dire. That is to say (i. e.)- cf. conferer. ch. chiffr6. chagr. chagrin, shagreen. Leather with granulated surface. Properly, asses' skin, but applied also to morocco and other grained leathers. charte. Charter, chif. chiffre. Numbered, chromol. chromolithographe. ci-dessus. Above, ci-dessous. Below, cite. Cited, quoted, citr. citron, lemon colored, cliche. Stereotyped, stereotype plate. coin. Corner, {e.g., coins et fermoirs, Metal corners and clasps.) col. Colonne. colle. Pasted, glued. colonne. Column, colore. Colored, commente. Annotated. commerce. Trade; non destine au — , Privately printed, not for sale; pas en (dans le) — , Not in the trade, not usually sold. comp. complet, complete. Complete, conference. Lecture, conferer. Compare. cons, conserve. Preserved, (e.g., bien conserve, Well preserved, in good condition.) corde. With bands, {e.g., vel. corde, Vellum bind- ing with bands. " In vellum, with bands.") corrige . Corrected . couche. See papier, coul. couleur. Color. 17 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS coupe. Leaves opened. couronne. Approved, crowned by the Academy. couv. convert, couverture. couvert. Covered. couverture. Cover, wrapper; — cons., couverture conserve, Cover preserved, original cover; — imp., couverture imprimee. Printed cover or wrapper. cplt. complet, complete. croquis. Sketch, outline drawing. cuir. Leather; — de Russie, Russia leather; — de s., san., or sang., cuir de sanglier, Pigskin; — de s. g., cuir de sanglier gaufr6, Gauffered pigskin ; — maro- quin, morocco; — maroquine. Imitation morocco. cul-de-lampe. Tailpiece. Cursif. (ve). Cursive letters, italics. D. d. demi. (q. v.); d. b. (d.-bas.), demi-basane;, demi-chagrin ; d. m. (-mar.), demi-maroquin ; d. rel., demi-reliure; d. t., demi-toile; d. v., demi-veau; d. vel., demi-velin. d. dore. d. s. t., dore sur tranche. {See also dore.) dans les marges. In the margins. deboite. Loosened in the joints. dechire. Torn, dechirures. Tears, decoupe. Cut out of, detached. decoupure. Piece cut out. defectuosite. Defect, imperfection. defraichi. Dulled, faded, shopworn, (e.g., reL de- fraichie. Binding faded.) del. delie. Binding loosened, demande. Order. demi. Half; — basane. Half sheep; — chagrin, i8 FRENCH Half shagreen; — maroquin, Half morocco; — re- liure, Half binding; — toile, Half cloth; — veau, Half calf; — velin, Half vellum. dent, dentelle. Lace-like tooling or ornament; — int. (inter.), dentelle int^rieure, Lace-work tooling on inside of cover, derel. dereli^. Unbound, binding gone. des. dessin. Design, drawing. diff. diff4r6. Different, (e.g., reliure diff., Binding not uniform.) dommage. Injury, damage. dor. dore; — s. pL, dor6 sur plats; — sur tr., dor6 sur tranches. dore. Gilt; — sur plats, Gilding on sides; — sur tranches, Gilt edges. donire. Design in gilt. dos. Back (of book) ; — brise, Loose back; — casse, Broken back; — de velin, Vellum back; — fac. (factice), false back, wrapper; — ome. Decorated back. douzaine. Dozen, dzn. douzaine. e. a. entre autres. e. b. en bois. e. t. d. en taille-douce. Copperplate. eau(x) -forte (s), gravure(s) a 1' — . Etching(s). eb. 4barb4. Trimmed, cut. ecaille. Tortoise shell. A kind of calf binding. ecriture. Writing. ed. 6diteur, edition. editeur. Publisher. edition. Edition. 19 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS eleg. 61egant, 61egamment. Elegant, elegantly. empire. Spoiled. en. In; — bois, In wood (wood-cuts); — taille- douce, Copperplate; — tete, At the top, the top, head (of book), headpiece, vignette. encadrement. Frame, border. enchere. Auction, aux — s, vente a 1' — , Sale by auction. endom. (-m.). endommage. Damaged. enleve. Missing. enlumine. Illuminated. ens. ensemble, ensuite. ensemble. Together, as a whole, complete. ensuite. Next, following. entre autres. Among others. entrelac. Interlacing, wreath. env. environ, envoi. environ. About. envoi. Parcel, something sent; — autogr., Auto- graphed presentation copy; — d'auteur, " Au- thors' copy " with authors' autograph, sentiment, etc.; — d'auteur signe, Presentation copy signed by the author; — d'editeur, Publishers' presenta- tion copy. 6poque (de 1' — ). Contemporary. epuise. Exhausted, out of print. err. errata. ess. essai(s). Essay (s). est. estampe, estamp4. estampe. Print, engraving, stamp. Magasin d' — s, Print-shop ; Marchand d' — s, Dealer in prints. estampe. Stamped, embossed. et. and; — suiv., — suivant. And following. et. etude. 20 FRENCH etat. State, condition; — de neuf, — neuf, "As new." 6tude. Study, etui. Case, box. exemp. exemplaire. Copy; — a temoins, Copy so slightly trimmed that some pages escape untouched ; — neuf, New copy; — numerote, Numbered copy, ex-libris. Bookplate. expedie a I'examen. Sent on approval, expl. exemplaire. f. (ff.). feuille(s), feuillet(s). Folio. f. a fr. fer k froid. f. atl. format atlantique. f. d. filets dores. facs. facsimile(s). factice. False, artificial. f. d. s. 1. p. filets d'or sur les plats. f. ob. format oblong. fasc. Fascicule. Number (part) of a serial or book. fauve. Fawn-colored, tawny, faux-titre. False or bastard title. fc. franco. fe. feuille, feuillet; — n. chiff., feuillet non chiffr6. fer. Tool; — a froid, Blind tooling. ferm. (-s). fermoir(s). Clasp(s). feu. "The late." (e.g., "Feu Auguste Renard." " The late Auguste Renard.") feuill. feuilleton. feuille. Leaf, sheet; — hebdomadaire. Weekly news- paper; — periodique. Periodical; — volante. Fly- leaf, loose sheet, broadside; en — s., "In sheets." 21 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS feuillet. Leaf; — blanc, Blank leaf, flyleaf; — chiffre, Numbered page; — non chiffre, Unnum- bered leaf; — refait, " Cancel," corrected page for insertion in place of incorrect one. feuilleton. Flysheet, light literature, part of news- paper devoted to light literature. flf. feuilles, feuillets. fife, feuillets chififr6s. fifnch. feuilles (feuillets) non chififr6s. fig.(-s). Figure(s); — col., figure(s) coloriee(s) (col- or6es) ; — s. b., figures sur bois. figure (-s). Figure (s), illustration (s); — coloriee(s) (colorees), Colored figures; — sur bois, Wood cuts. fil filet(-s). filet. Fillet, ornamental line or band; — s d'or sur les plats. Gilt fillets on the sides; — dores, Gilt fillets; — sur les bords, Gilt fillets on the edges. filigrane. Water mark. fi. d. 1. fleur de lis. fleuron. Tailpiece. fnc. feuillet non chififr^. fol. folio. folio. Folio; — atlantique. Atlas folio. forel. Rough, heavy parchment. form, format. Size ; — atlas. Atlas folio ; Grand — , Large size; — oblong, Oblong; petit — , Small size. fr. franc (s). franco. Free, gratis. frappe. Stamped, tooled; — en or et a froid, Gold and blind tooled. frc.(-s). franc (s). froid, a-. Blind tooling. front., frontisp. Frontispiece. fx. tit. faux titre. 22 FRENCH G. g. gaufr^, grav6, grand. g. e. t. d. grav6 en taille-douce. g. de marges, grand de marges. g. p. grand papier; g. p. d. H., grand papier de Hollande; g. p. v., grand papier velin. gauf. gaufr6. Goffered; — a froid, Goffered with- out gilt; — d'or, Goffered in gilt. gf. gaufr^. glace. Glazed, glossy. goth. gothique. gr. grand ; — in-8°, Large 8vo. gr. grand ; — marg., grandes marges; — pap., grand papier. gr. grave, gravure; — in t.-d., grav4 (gravure) en taille-douce; — gr. s. b., grave (gravure) sur bois. grain, a — s. Grained. grand. Large; — es marges. Wide margins; — pa- pier, Large paper. grav. grav4, gravure. grave. Engraved; — a I'eau-forte, Etched; — en taille-douce, Engraved on copper; — sur acier. En- graved on steel; — sur bois. Engraved on wood; — sur cuivre. Engraved on copper. gravure. Engraving. (For compounds see grave.) gris. Gray. Grol. Grolier. Style of decorated binding. H. h. hauteur. Height. heliograve. Photo-engraved; — gravures. Photo- gravures. heritiers. Heirs. 23 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS hommage. Compliments; — de I'auteur, With the compliments of the author. hors commerce. Not in the trade. Not usually sold. hors texte. Not in the text. I. impr. imprim§, imprimerie. imprime. Printed. imprimerie. Printing establishment. in. In. In composition to express book sizes, (e.g., in-f ., in-folio (Folio) ; pet. in-fol., petit in-folio (Small folio); in-8, in-octavo (Octavo); in-S" ecu (Crown octavo); in-seize (i6mo), etc.) inldit. Unpublished. init. initiale(s), Initial (s). int. interieur. Interior. interfolie. Interleaved. J. j. jaune. jans. janseniste. janseniste. Jansenist. A severe unornamen ted French style of binding. jaune. Yellow. jesus. Superroyal (book or paper size), (e.g., in-8 jesus, Superroyal octavo; grand — .Imperial, e.g., in-8 grand jesus, Imperial octavo.) journal, (-naux). Journal, newspaper, periodical. L. 1. largeur. 1. lettre; — a., lettre autographe; — a. s., lettre autographe signee; — s., lettre sign6e. 1. g. lettres gothiques. 24 FRENCH largeur. Breadth, width, lave. Washed. leg. 16ger. Slight, legeres mouillures, Slight "fox marks." lettre. Letter; — autographe, Autograph letter; — autographe signee, Autograph letter signed; — s gothiques, Gothic letters; — s onciales, Uncial letters; — omees, Decorative letters; — signee, Letter signed. lettrine. Heading, reference, small superior letter, referring to footnote. libraire. Bookseller; libraire-editeur, Bookseller and publisher. librairie. Bookstore, bookselling; — ancienne, Old bookstore. ligne. Line. ligne. Lined . lith., litho., lithog. lithographic, lithographic, lithographic. Lithograph. lithographie. Lithographed ; — par — , Lithographed by (the artist) ; — de — , Printed by (the publisher). livr. livraison. Part or number of a book or serial, livre. Book. livre. Old French coin of various values, livres d'occasion. Second-hand books. 11. lignes. 11. 11. longues lignes. Long lines. Iv. livres (coin). M. main de papier. Quire of paper. m. maroquin; m. ant., maroquin antique; m. br.,maro- quin brun; m. cit, maroquin citron; m. d. d. m., maroquin double de maroquin; m. d. d. t., maro- 25 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS quin double de tabis; m. d. 1., maroquin de luxe; m. gr., maroquin grene; m. fil., maroquin a filets; m. j., maroquin jaune ; m. jans., maroquin jansenist ; m. 1., maroquin lilas; m. n., maroquin noir; m. o., maroquin olive; m. pi., maroquin plein; m. r., maro- quin rouge; m. v., maroquin vert; m. viol., maro- quin violet; d.-m., demi-maroquin. manch. manchettes. Side notes. manuscrit. Manuscript. manque. Lacks, (e.g., " Manque la couverture su- p4rieure (inferieure)," "Lacks the front (back) cover.") manquent. Are lacking. mar. maroquin. (q. v.) marb., marbr. marbre. Marbled. marge. Margin; grandes — s.. Wide margins. maroquin. Morocco; — antique, Antique morocco; — bleu, Blue morocco; — brun. Brown morocco; — citron, Lemon-colored morocco; — double de maroquin, Morocco binding lined with morocco; — double de tabis, Morocco binding lined with tabby; — a filets, Morocco binding with deco- rative lines and bands ; — grene. Grained morocco ; — jaune, Yellow morocco; — jansenist, Morocco binding, Jansenist style ; — lilas, Lilac morocco; — noir, Black morocco; — olive, Olive morocco; — plein. Full morocco; — rouge. Red morocco; — vert, Green morocco; — violet, Violet morocco; demi-maroquin. Half-morocco. marque d'imprimeur. Printer's mark, majuscule. Capital letter. marron. maroon. mauv. mauvais. Bad. mes. mesure. Measure, dimensions. 26 FRENCH min. miniature. minuscule. Lower case letter. Small capital. mod. moderne. Modern, a la — , Modern style. moins. Except, (e.g., **Comp. moins le t. 7," "Com- plete with the exception of vol. 7.") mouil., mouill. mouillure. Water-stain, "Fox mark." — s et piqures, Fox marks and wormholes. mouton. Sheepskin. N. n. nerf, neuf, non, numerote, nouveau (-velle). n. ch. (nch). non chiffre. n. e. non ebarbe. n. ms. notes manuscrites. n. per. nouvelle p6riode. n. r. non relie. n. rogn. non rogne. n. s. nouvelle serie. nch. non chiffre. nerf. Raised band, tape, cord (binding), a — s, " Raised bands." neuf., neuve. New. neumes. Medieval musical notes (literally, breath- ings). "Plain chants." nn. numerote. nombr. nombreux(se). Numerous. non. Not; — chiffre, Unnumbered; — coupe. Un- opened; — ebarbe, Untrimmed, rough edges; — livre au commerce, "Not in the trade"; — rel. (relie). Unbound; — rogne. Uncut. notes manuscrites. Manuscripts. nouv. nouveau, nouvelle. nouvelle. New; — periode, New series; — serie, New series. 27 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS num. num^ro, num6rot6. numero. Number, issue (periodical). numerote. Numbered. O. obi., oblg. oblong, oblongue. oblongue. Oblong. ceuvre. Book, work; — s completes, complete works, oncial. Uncial, Rounded letters used in early mss. orn. orne. Ornament, ome. Ornamented, decorated, omement. Ornament, decoration, ouv., ouvr. ouvrage. Work, {e.g., ouv. cite. Work cited.) P. p. papier; p. de H., papier de Hollande; p. ord., pa- pier ordinaire; p. v., papier velin, papier verg6; p. V. b., papier velin blanc; p. vel., papier velin. p. de tr. peau de truie. p. f. petits fers. p. V. t. par voie telegraphique. page de garde. Flyleaf. pap. papier. papier. Paper; — couche, Coated paper; — de Chme, China paper, India paper; — de Hollande, Holland paper; — glace, Glazed or glossy paper; — faux verge. Machine laid paper; — grand, "large paper"; — jaspe, Marbled paper; — leger. Light- weight paper; — ordinaire, "Small paper," ordi- nary paper; — sparte. Esparto paper; — ramie, Straw paper; — satine. Calendered paper; — velin, Vellum or parchment paper; — verge. Laid paper. par voie telegraphique. By telegraph. 28 FRENCH paraphe. Paraph, signature consisting of initials. paraphe. Initialed. parch., parchem. parchemin. Parchment. partie. Part. pas en commerce. " Not in the trade." peau. Leather; — de Rus. (Russie), Russia leather; — d. tr. (de truie), Sowskin, pigskin. peignees, tranches. Grained edges. per. p^riode. percal. percaline. Book cloth, book muslin. pet. petit. petit. Small; — fers, Small tools or tooling; — grat- tage, Small scratch or rubbing. (The word grattage is also used in connection with palimpsests, rubbed ; literally, scraping.) peu. Little, few; — commun, Scarce; — frais (fraiche), Soiled, shopworn. photogr. photographe, photographique. photographique. Photographic. piq. pique, piqflres. pique. Wormeaten. piqures. Wormholes. pi. planche, plein. pL planche. Plate; — col., planche coloriee (color^e), Colored plate; — enl., planche enluminee, Illumi- nated, hand -colored plate. plaq. plaquette. Booklet, small thin book. plats. Sides (of book) ; — de papier. Paper sides; — dores. Sides gilt; — telle. Cloth sides. plch.(s). planche (s). plein(e) . Full ; — toile. Full cloth ; — veau. Full calf. pile. Folded. pointille, grave au — . Stippled. pontus eau(x). Watermark(s). 29 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS port (le — ). Transportation charges, postage. portef. portefeuille. Portfolio, holder. porto. Postage, carriage charge. portrait. Portrait. pour paraitre prochainement. To appear shortly. precis. Summary. prel. pr61iminaire. Preliminary. prem. premier. First. prix. Price; — courant, Market price; — coutant, Cost price; — fixe, Fixed price, no discount; — fort, List price; — reduit. Reduced price. ptr.(s). portrait(s). Q. quateme. Quire (quaternio, 4 double leaves or 16 pages). qq. quelques. Some. R. r. reliure, rogne, rouge. r. pi. reliure pleine. rac. raccommode. Repaired. rame de papier. Ream of paper. rarissime. Very rare. reclame. Catchword at bottom of page. recouvr. recouvrement. New cover, rebinding. {e.g, vel. a recouvr., Rebound in vellum.) recueil. Collection, redige. Arranged, drawn up, compiled, reduit, prix — . Reduced, refait a la main. Reproduced in manuscript, regie. Ruled, lined, directed. 30 FRENCH reglure. Ruling, (e.g., reglure a la mine de plomb, Ruling made with lead pencil ; — au crayon, Pencil ruling.) rehausse. Decorated. reimpression. Reprint. rel. relie, reliure. relie. Rebound. relieur. Book binder. reliure. Binding; — ang. (anglaise), English bind- ing; — aux armes, Armorial binding; — brisee, Binding cracked or broken; — cassee, Binding broken; — d' editeur, Publisher's binding; — de- faite, Binding loose; — du temps, Contemporary binding; — en bois. Bound in wood boards; — en sus, Binding extra (cost) ; — fat. (fatiguee), Binding worn; — modeme, Modern binding; — orig. (orig- inale), Original (contemporary) binding; — orig. g. ferm. — (originale,gaufre,fermoirs). Con temporary binding with goffered edges and clasps; — pleine, Full binding; — usagee, usee. Binding worn. remarque. Small marginal sketch. remise. Discount; — de 20%, Discount of 20%. repare. Repaired, mended. restaure. Restored. revu. Revised; — et corrige. Revised and corrected. rog. rogne. rogne. Cut, edges trimmed; — en haut. Top edges trimmed. rom. (remain.). Caract^res romains. Roman char- acters. roman. Novel, romance. rouge. Red; — et noir. Red and black, rubricated. rousseur. " Fox mark," red spot. ruban. Ribbon bookmark. 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS S. s. sans. s. c. sur cuivre. s. d. sans date. s. ind. tjrp. sans indices typographiques. s. 1. sans lieu; n. d., sans lieu ni date. s. libr. sans libraire. s. typ. sans typographe. saisi. Confiscated, suppressed. sangl. (cuir de — ). cuir de sanglier. sans. Without; — indices typographiques, With- out typographic marks, i.e., name of place, printer or date; — libraire, Without name of publisher; — lieu. Without place of publication; — lieu ni date, Without place or date; — typographe, Without name of printer. satine. Calendered (paper). sceau. Seal (letter) . Usually indicated in catalogues by*. scient. scientifique. Scientific. ser. s6rie. Series. seulem. seulement. Only. siecle. Century. sig. signature, sign6. sigle. Initial letter used by way of abbreviation. {e.g., S. for Saint.) signat. signature. signature. Signature. signe. Signed. see. societe. Society. sommaire. Summary, compendium, abstract. soufifert. p. p. of soufifrir. (To suffer.) Injured, dam- aged. souple. Flexible. 32 FRENCH SOUS presse. In press. souscription a forfait. Subscriptions taken, at definite price, regardless of extent of work, or number of parts that will appear. spec, special. Special, sup. (suppl.). supplement. Supplement, sv., sw. suivant, suivants (es). Following, {e.g., v. pp. 29 sw., See pages 29 and following.) T. t. tite; — d., tete dor6e. t. titre; — gr., titre grav6. Engraved title. t. toile; — pi., toile pleine. t. tome. tache. Spot, stain; — d'encre, Ink stains; — s de rousseur, " Fox spots." tachete. Spotted, stained. taille-douce. Copperplate. tel que paru. In the same condition as when it ap- peared, as it appeared, as published. temoins. Marks, evidence. tete. Head (of book); — doree, Gilt top. timbre. Stamp, seal; papier timbre, Stamped paper. timbre-poste(s). Postage stamp(s). tirage. Edition, impression; — a part, Reprint, "sep- arate." tire. Printed, struck oflf; — a — exemplaires. Lim- ited to — copies; — a petit nombre. Limited edi- tion. tit. titre ; — cour., titre courant ; — r. et. n., — rouge et noir. titre. Title; — courant, Running title, catch title; — grave. Engraved title; — rouge et noir, Title in red and black. 33 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS toile. Cloth; — pleine, Full cloth (binding). (For colors see under Maroquin.) torn. tome. Volume. tout ce qui a paru, tout paru. All that has (have) appeared. tr. traduction, traduit, tranche. traduction. Translation. tr. tranche; — cis., tranche cisel^e; — d. (dor.)> tranche doree; — j., tranche jasp6e; — m., tranche marbree; — s. d. (super, dor.), tranche sup^rieure doree; — p., tranche peignee; — r., tranche rouge. trad, traduction. Translation. traduit. Translated. tranche. Edge; — ciselee, Ornamentation cut in edge, goffered; — doree, Gilt edge; — jaspee, Sprinkled edge; — marbree, Marbled edge; — peignee, Grained edge; — rouge, Red edge; — superieiu"e doree, Gilt top. tjrp. typographe, typographic, typographique. typographe. Printer. typographic. Printing office; typography. typographique. Typographical. U. unciale. See oncial. iinif. uniforme. use. Used, worn. V. V. veau; v. p., veau porphyre. V. veau, voyez. V®. veuve. veau. Calf. (See under Maroquin for styles); — ecaille, Scaled or "tortoise shell" calf; — fauve. Plain calf, law calf; — porphyre, Porphyry calf. 34 FRENCH vel. v^lin; — bl., v6Hn blanc, velin. Vellum; — blanc, White vellum. verge. Laid (paper), literally "ribbed." vergeur. Rib (line in paper made by rib of wire mesh on which it was laid). The cross wires are called pontuseau(x). veuve. Widow (of). vient de paraitre. Just published, vign. vignette. we. veuve. W. Wh. Whatman (paper). 35 GERMAN ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS A. «?. Pfennig (e). a. aus. a., A. Ausgabe. A. Ausschnitt. a. d. J. aus dem Jahre. a. d. Lat. aus dem Lateinischen. a. S. andere Seite. See next page. a. u. d. T. auch unter den Titel. Abb., Abbild. (gn.) Abbildung(en). Illustration (s), cut(s). Abdr. Abdruck(-drucke). Copy(-ies),impression(s); neuer — , Reprint ; original — , First edition, original impression ; — von der Schrif t, Proof. abgeschabt. Worn, shabby. abgk. abgekiirzt. Abridged, abbreviated. Abh. Abhandlung(-en). Transaction (s). Abklatsch. Impression. Abkrzg. Abkiirzung. Abridgment, abbreviation. Abonnement(-s). Subscription (s). Abonnent(en). Subscriber (s). Abschn. Abschnitt. Extract, paragraph, section. Abt., Abth. Abt(h)eilung(en). Section(s), part(s), chapter(s), division(s), classification (s). Abzug. Proof, first impression; — vor der schrift, Proof impression, " proof before letters." 36 GERMAN Afl. Auflage. allg., allgem., allgm. allgemein. General, universal. Aim. Almanach(e). Almanac, calendar. amtl. amtlich. Official. Andere Seite. See next page. Anf. Anfang(-fange). Beginning, elements (in pi.). Anhang(-hange). Appendix (es), supplement(s). Anm. Anmerkung(en). Note(s), annotation(s). Ann. (Annal.). Annalen. Annals. Ansicht, (zur— ). On approval. Antiquar. Dealer in old books. Antiquariat. Old bookstore. antiquarisch. Old, second-hand. Antiquaschrift. Roman characters. Anzeiger. Advertiser, intelligencer, apart. Separate(ly). Arch. Archiv(e). Record(s), archives (pi.). Art. Artikel. Article. Atlant(-en). Atlas (es). auch unter den Titel. Also under the title, auf Wiinsch. On request. Aufl. Auflage(-n). Edition(s). {See also Ausgabe.) Aufs. Aufsatz(-satze). Essay (s), treatise(s). aus. From. aus dem Jahre. Belonging to the year — . aus dem Lateinisch (etc.). From the Latin, (etc.). Ausdr. Ausdruck(-dracke). Copy(-ies), impres- sion (s). Ausg. Ausgabe (n). Edition (s). autoriz(s)ierte — , Authorized ed. ; berichtige — , Corrected ed. ; billige — , Cheap ed. ; c(k)orrigierte— , Corrected ed. ; durch- gearbeitete — , Thoroughly revised ed. ; erganzte — , 37 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Enlarged ed.; Geschenk — , Presentation ed.; neu- bearbeitete — , Newly revised ed. ; neue — , New ed. ; original — , First edition; revidierte — , Revised ed. ; kritisch rev. — , Revised edition with critical notes ; unveranderte — , Unchanged ed.; verbesserte — , Improved ed.; vergrosserte — , Enlarged ed.; ver- mehrte — , Enlarged ed.; Volks — , Popular edition. ausgeb. ausgebessert. Repaired, completed (of im- perfect copy). ausgew. ausgewahlt. Selected. auslaufende Zeilen. Lines entire width of page, i.e., not in columns. auslieferung durch — . Delivery through — , to be obtained from — . Ausschnitt(e). Extract, excerpt. Auszug. (-ziige). Abridgment(s), abstract (s). autoris(z). autorisirt(-zirt). Authorized. B. b. bar. B. Band. Buch. Beitrage. Band (Bande). Volume (s). Bandchen. Small volume(s), booklet(s). bar. Cash. Bart. See mit Bart. Bd(e). Band (Bande). Bdchn. Bandchen. Bdn. Banden (Dative pleural of Band). Bearb. Bearbeiter. Editor. bearb. bearbeitet. Adapted, arranged. Bedenkblatt. Memorial publication. 38 GERMAN Bei Erscheinen bereits vergriffen. Edition ex- hausted before announced date of publication. Beiblatt (-blatter). (Newspaper) supplement. beigeb. beigebunden. Bound with. Beiheft(e). Supplement (s). Bell. Beilage(n). Beilage(n). Addition (s), enclosure (s), (newspaper) supplement (s). bein. beinahe. Almost, nearly. Beiname. Surname. Beitrag(-trage). Contribution (s). bes. besonders. Especially, particularly. beschad. beschadigt. Damaged. Beschlag(-schlage). Clasp (s). beschnitten. Cut closely, cropped. besorgt. (Orders) filled; (books) procured, edited, prepared for publication. betr. betreffend. Relating to, concerning; e.g., das — Buch) The book referred to. bez. beziiglich. Referring to, respecting. beziehiingsweise. Respectively, concerning; — schnelle Besorgung, Orders executed promptly. bezifferte Blatter. Numbered leaves. bezw. bzw. beziehungsweise. Bg. Bogen. Bh. Buchhandlung. Bib. Bibliothek. bibl. bibliographisch. Bibliographic. Bibl. Bibliotheca. Library (used of series). Bibliothek. Library; — swesen, Library economy; — zeichen, Library bookplate. Bibliothekar. Librarian. 39 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS biegs. biegsam. Flexible. Bild(er). Picture (s). BUdn. Bildnis(se). Portrait(s). Bildtafel(n). List(s) of pictures. billig. Cheap. Bl.(l.) Blatt (Blatter). Leaf (leaves); Fliegende— , Flyleaf, occasional paper, broadside. blattgrossen. Full page. Bld(r.). Bild(-er). Bids. Bildnis. Blindpressung. Blind stamping or tooling. Bn. Beiname. Bogen. Section, sheet, signature. Bogenbezeichnung. Signature (printed section). bbhm. bohmisch. Bohemian. Bordirung, Bordiire. Border, edge. br. broschirt. braunflleckig. Brown spotted, " foxed." Breite. Breadth. breite Rand (Rander). Wide margin (s). breitrandig. With wide margins. Brief (e). Letter (s). broschirt. Sewed, stitched, paper-covered. brsch. broschirt. Buch (Biicher). Book(s). Buchb. Buchbinderei. Bookbindery. Buchd. Buchdruckerei. Printing house. Buchdruckerstock(stocke). Printers' device, head- piece, tailpiece. Biicheranzeige(n). Notice (s) of books. Biicherbesprechung(en). Book review(s); — be- stand, Stock (of books). 40 GERMAN Biicherei. Library. Biicherverzeichnis. Catalogue. Biicherzeichen. Printers' mark, bookplate, bookmark. Buchh. Buchhandel, Buchhandlung. Buchhandel. Bookselling, book trade. Buchhandlung. Bookstore. Buchschmuck. Decoration, ornament. Buchzeichen. See Biicherzeichen. Buckel(n). Knob(s), boss(es). Buntdruck(e). Colored print (s) or impression (s). Bimtpapierdeckeln. Colored paper covers. Butten. See Biitten. Biitten. holland. — , hollandisches Biittenpapier. Biittenausg. in Ldr. Buttenausgang in Leder. (Edi- tion on handmade paper, with leather binding.) Biittenpapier. Handmade paper; hollandisches — , Handmade Holland paper. bzw. beziehungsweise. (See also K for words beginning with C. The two letters are frequently interchangeable.) Cap. Capitel. Capital. Chapter. cart, cartonnirt. Cartonnage. Boards (binding). cartonnirt. Bound in boards. Cattunband. Bound in cloth. ch.-sachs (k.-sachs). churfiirstlich sachsisch. (kur- fiirstlich — , Electoral Saxon.) Char. Charakter. 41 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Charakter. Letter, character, cisel. ciselierte. Engraved, chased, ciselierte Beschlagen. Chased metal clasps. Columnetitel. See Kolumnetitel. (in) Commission. " On commission." May be or- dered through — . cplt. complett. Complete. cr. Crown(s). Austrian coin. Ctb. Cattunband. Custos. See Kustos. D. d. deutsch (adj.), Deutsch (noun). D. Dissertation. d. d. — . datirt den — . d. f. der folgende. d. h. das heisst. d. i. das ist. d. J. des Jahres. d. 1. der letzte. d. M. dieses Monat(s). dan. danisch. Danish, dargestellt. Set forth. dar. darunter. Under that. darst. darstellend. Producing, presenting, descriptive. das heisst. That is. das ist. That is. das(s). dasselbe. dasselbe. The same. datirt den — . Dated the — . dauerhaft gebimden. Strongly bound. dav. davor. Of which. 42 GERMAN Deckelpappe(n). Board cover(s). demnachste-erscheint. (To be) published at once. Denkm. Denkmal. Denkmal (-malar) . Memorial (s) , commemorative pub- lication (s). Denkschr. Denkschrift(en). Memorial document(s). der folgende. The following. der letzte. The last. derg. dergleichen. Like, similar. des Jahres. Of the year, desgl. desgleichen. Likewise, also, deutsch. German (adj.). dieses Jahr(es). This year (of this year), dieses Monat(s). This month (of this month). Diss. Dissertation. Dissertation. Dissertation, essay, thesis. doppelseitig. On both sides of the leaf. Doktor. Doctor. Dr. Doktor. Dr. Drama. Dr. Druck; — u. Verl., Druck und Verlag. Drckp. Druckpapier. Druck(e). Print(s), printing, type(s), proof (s). Druck und Verlag. Printed and published by — . Druckanstalt. Printing establishment. Dnickarbeit (Druckerarbeit) . Presswork. Druckbogen. Printed sheet. Drucker. Printer. Druckerei. Printing house. Printing. Druckjahr. Date of printing, title-page date. Druckort. Place of printing, imprint. Druckpapier. Printing paper. 43 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Drucksachen. Printed matter. Druckschrift(en). Type(s), publication (s). Druckseite(n). Printed page(s). Druckvermark. Printers' mark. Druckversendung. Book post. dt., dtsch. deutsch. diinn. Thin. Diinndr.-Pap. Diinndruckpapier. Thin printing paper, " India paper." durchgesehen. Revised, durchsch. Durchschossen. Interleaved. Duodez-Ausgabe. Duodecimo, i2mo. e. ein. eb., ebd. ebenda, ebendasselbst, ebendort. Ebda. Ebenderselbe. ebend. Ebenderselbe, ebenda, ebendasselbst. ebenda. At the same place. ebendas. Ebenderselbe, ebendasselbst. ebendasselbst. At the same place. ebenderselbe. The same. ebendort. At the same place. Ecke.(-n). Corner (s). ehem. ehemalig, ehemals. ehemalig. Former. ehemals. Formerly. eigenhandig geschrieben imd unterzeichneter Brief. Autograph letter signed. eigenhandig unterzeichneter Brief. Letter signed, eigenhandiger Brief. Autograph letter. Einb. Einband. 44 GERMAN Einband(-bande). Binding(s). Einblatt, Einblattdruck. Broadside. eingedr. eingedruckt. eingedruckt. Imprinted. (Illustrations) inserted into letterpress. Eingel. eingeleitet. With introduction by — . eingeschr. eingeschrieben. Written upon. Einl., Einleitg.(n), Einltg. Einleitung(en). Introduc- tion (s). Einsclialtbild(er). Inserted illustration (s). einseitig bedruckt. Printed on one side. einzeln. Single, separate, retail price, price for sep- arate parts. einzeln verkauflich. Sold separately. einzeln zu haben. To be had separately. Einzelpr. Einzelpreis. Einzelpreis. Price for single parts or numbers. Re- tail price. Einzelverkauf. Retail selling. elg. Elegant. Elegant(ly). Entw. Entwurf. Outline, sketch, drawing. erg. erganzt. Completed, supplemented. Erganzungsheft(e). Supplement(s). erh. (Pr.). erhohter Preis. Increased price. erkl. erklart. Erkl., Erklarg(n). Erklarung(en). erklart. Explained, illustrated. Erklarung(en). Explanation (s), illustration (s). erl. erlauternd. Erl. Erlauterung. erlauternd. Explained, illustrated. Erlauterung (en). Explanatory notes or appendices. 45 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS erm. ermassigter Preis. Reduced price. erscheinen, (so viel — ). All that has (have) been published. erscheint. Will appear, announced for publication, erscheint nicht mehr. No longer published, erwachsen. Increased, enlarged, erweit. Aufl. erweiterte Auflage. Enlarged edition. Erzahlg. Erzahlung. Erzahlung(en). Story (-ies), tale(s), report(s). Exempl. Exemplar (plare). Copy (ies). Expl. Exemplar. F. f. fehlt. f. fur. F. f. Fortsetzung folgt. To be continued. F. u. S. f. Fortsetzung und Schluss folgt. To be continued and concluded. Fa. Firma. Fachblatt. Technical or professional paper. Faksimile(s). Facsimiles. Falsche Schrift. Wrong font. Falz(e). Guard (binding). farb. farbig. Colored. Farbdr. Farbdruck. Farbdruck(e), Farbendruck(e). Colored print. farbig. Colored, farbiger Druck, Colored print, fehlt. Lacks, wanting. femer. Continued, (e.g., Schiller (ferner), i.e., The list or section on Schiller, continued.) fif., fgg., figd. folgende. fg. folgend (sing.). 46 GERMAN fgg. folgende (plu.). fingerfleckig. Fingermarked, thumbed. Firma. Firm, company. Fksm(s). Faksimile. Fl. Florin (Austrian). Fl. h. Florin Hollandish. Dutch florin. Fl. Fleck (e). fl., flekt., flektirt. Spotted, stained. Fliegendes Blatt. Broadside, flyleaf, occasional paper. Fleck (e). Spot(s), stain (s). fleckig. Spotted, stained. flgd. folgende. Flugblatt. Fugitive or ephemeral production. folg(g). folgende. folgende. Following, subsequent. Forrell. Rough, heavy parchment. fortgefuhrt. Continued. Fortsetzung(-en). Sequel (s), continuation (s) ; — folgt, " Continued in the next." Fraktur. Ordinary German text or black-letter. franco (franko). Postpaid. Franzband. Calf binding, franzos. franzosisch, franzosisch. French. freiherrlich. Baronial. frhr. freiherrlich. friih. Early, former. {e. g., friiher Preis, Former price.) Frzbd. Franzband. fstl. fiirstlich. Fstt. Fiirstentum. fiir. for. 47 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS fiirstl. fiirstlich. Princely. Furstent(h)um. Principality. Fussn. Fussnote(n). Footnote (s). Futteral. Case, box. G. G. Gesellschaft. ganzer Lederband. Full leather binding. Ganzled. Ganzleder. Full leather (binding). gb. (geb,). gebunden. Geb. Gebriider. Brothers. gebr. gebrauchlich. Gebrauchsspuren. Marks of use; Mit — , worn, injured by use. gebrauchlich. Usual, customary, gebraunt. Browned, brown stained, gebunden. Bound. Ged. Gedicht. Gedicht(-e). Poem(s). gedr. gedruckt. Printed, gefalzt. Guarded (signatures of a book). Gegensatz. Opposite, contrary. geh., gebeftet. Sewed, stitched, pamphlet form, gek. gekiirzt. Abridged. gelehrte Bibliothek. Library for scholars, gelitten. Damaged. gem. gemalt. Painted, drawn, gen. genennt. genennt. Called, named. Genoss(en). Colleague, fellow-member, gepr. gepragt. gepragt. Stamped. 48 GERMAN Ger. Gericht. Gericht. Court of justice. gepresst. Crushed, pressed (binding). geripptes Papier. Laid paper, ribbed paper. ges. gesammelt. Ges. Geschichte. Ges. Gesellschaft. Ges. Gesang. Ges. Gesetz. gesammelt. Collected. Gesam(m)t Pr. Gesam(m)t Preis. Complete price. Gesam(m)tregister. Complete index. Gesch. Geschichte. Geschichte (-n). History, histories. Gesamtausgabe. Collected edition, complete edition. geschr. geschrieben. geschrieben. Written. Gesellschaft. Company, society, association. Gesetz (e). Law(s). Geschenkausgabe. Presentation edition. geslt. gesammelt. gest. gestempelt. Stamped, i.e., Library stamp on title page. gestochen. Engraved. gestrichenes Exemplar. Expurgated (or suppressed) copy. gez. Bll. gezahlte Blatter. Numbered leaves. Ggs. Gegensatz. Glanzpapier. Glazed (coated) paper. Gldschn. Goldschnitt. gleichm. gleichmassig. Uniform, similar. Gloss. Glossar, Glossarium. 49 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Glossar. Glossarium (Glossarien). Glossary (-ies). goldgepragt. Stamped in goldleaf. Goldleiste. Gold fillets. Goldpressung. Gold stamping. Goldschnitt. Gilt edges. Got(h)ische schrift. Gothic (black-letter) type. gr. gross. Gr. Groschen. grafl. graflich. Pertaining to a count. Groschen. Old German coin worth about two cents. gross. Large. H. h. halb. H. Handschrift, H. Heft. h. heilig. H. Heller. H. Hohe. Hadernpapier. Rag (linen) paper. halb. Half— (Binding), {e.g. Halbfranz(band),Half calf; — kalbleder, Half calf; — leinwand, Half cloth; — schafleder, Half roan or sheep; — per- gament, Half vellum.) Halbfrzbd. Halbfranzband. Halbjahrlich. Semi-annual (ly). HandbibUothek. Reference library, pocket library. Handbuch. Handbook, reference book. Handel (Nicht im — ). " Not in the trade." Handexemplar. Handy volume, handy edition. handgeschopft. Handmade. Handrubrik. Titles, headings, initials, etc., illumi- nated by hand. 50 GERMAN handschr. handschriftlich. Handschrift. Manuscript, autograph. handschriftlich. Manuscript, autograph (adj.). handscriftlich erganzt. Restored (in manuscript). hb. halb. {See also halb for compounds.) Hbfzb. Halbfranzband. Hbldr. Halbleder. Hbhib. Halbleinenband. Hblwd. Halbleinwand. Hdschr. Handschrift. Heft(e). N umber (s), part(s), stitched book(s). — heft. Number, (e.g., Marzheft, March number.) Heilige. Saint. Heller. Austrian and old German coin worth about I cent. herausgegeben. Published, edited. Herausgeber. Publisher, editor. herz. herzoglich. herzoglich. Ducal. Hfrz. Halbfranz. Hft.(e). Heft(e). Hftn. Heften. Dative pi. of Heft. Hfz. Halbfranz. hist, historisch. historisch. Historical. HI. Heilige. Hldr. Halbleder. Hidrb. Halblederband. Hlwd. Halbleinwandband. Hlzschn. Holzschnitt. Hochdruck. Printing in relief, embossed printing. Hohe. Height. 51 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Holzbd. Holz(ein)band. Holzdeckel mit Lederiiberzug. Wooden boards cov- ered with leather. Holz(em)band. Wooden boards (binding). Holzschnitt(e). Woodcut(s), wood engraving(s). Holzstich(e). Woodcut (s), wood engraving(s). Hpgt. Halbpergament. Hr. Heller, hrsg. herausgegeben. Hschn. Holzschitten. Dat. pi. of Holzschnitt. Hschr. Handschrift. hschr. handschriftlich. hsgb. herausgegeben. Hsgbr. Herausgeber. Hwb. Handworterbuch. Handy dictionary. Hz. Halbfranzband. I. i. in. In. i. A. im Auftrage. By order of, under the direction of, by authority of. ill. (illustr.). illustriert. illustriert. Illustrated. im Einzeln. Separately, at retail, in Komm. in Kommission. in Konunission. See Commission, in leer. In blank. in Quart, (in 4° ), etc. Quarto, etc. Inhalt. Contents. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Table of contents, index. Inschft. Inschrift. Inschrift(en). Inscription(s). 52 GERMAN 7. J. Jahr. Jahr. Jahrhundert. Jalir(e). Year(s). Jahrb. Jahrbuch. Jahrbuch(-bucher). Year-book (s), almanac (s), an- nuals). Jahresbericht(e). Annual report (s). Japanbiitten. Japan handmade paper. Jahrg. Jahrgang. Jalirgang(-gange). .Annual set(s), series, or volume(s) . Jahrhundert. Century, centuries. jahriich. Annual. Jb. Jahrbuch or Jahresbericht. Jchbt., Jchtn., Jchtnb. Juchtenband. Jh., Jhr., Jahr. Jahrhundert. Jhrg. Jahrgang. Jl. Journal. Journal. Journal, magazine. Juchtenband. Russia binding. K. {See also C for words beginning with K. The two letters are often interchangeable.) K. Karte. k. koniglich. K. Krone. K. Kupfer. 53 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS K. K. (K. u. K.). Kaiserlich-koniglich. kais. kaiserlich. Imperial. kaiserlich-koniglich. Royal imperial. Katal. Katalog. Katalog. Catalogue, kart. kartoniert. Bound in boards. Karte(-n). Map(s), chart(s). Kattunband. Bound in muslin. Kehrseite. Verso, kgl. Koniglich. Kk. Kupfer (plu.). kl. klein. klein. Small (in composition) ; klein 8°, Small oc- tavo, etc. Kleinoktav. Small octavo. knapp beschnitten. Closely cut or trimmed. Kollege(n). Colleague, fellow-member. Kolumne(n). Column(s); — titel, Running title, komplett. Complete. Kopfverg. Kopfvergoldung. Gilt top. kostenlos. "Gratis." Kpf., Kpfr. Kupfer. Kpfrt. Kupfertafel. Kpf St. Kupferstich. kplt. komplett. kr. kreuzer. Small German and Austrian coin. Krone. Crown (coin) of various values. Ktnb., Ktnbd. Kattunband. Kupfer. See Kupferstich. Kupferatzung(en). Aquatint (s). Kupferblatt (-blatter). Copperplate (s) . Kupferdruckpapier. Plate paper. 54 GERMAN Kupferstich(e). Copperplate(s). Kupf ertaf el(n) . Copperplate (s) . Kunstdr.-Ausg. Kunstdruck-Ausgabe. (Ausgang.) Kunstdruck-Ausgabe (Ausgang). " Art edition." Kursivschrift. Italics. Kustos (Kustoden). Catchword (s). L. 1. letzte. 1. lies. L. G. Leinwandband mit Goldschnitt. 1. J. laufenden Jahres. 1. M. laufenden Monats. L. S. Leinwandband mit Silberschnitt. lad. ladirt. Ladenpreis. List price. Ladenpreis aufgehoben. List price increased. ladirt. Damaged. Lage. Signature, quire. Landesbibliothek. National library. Landkarte(n). Map(s), chart (s). landschftl. landschaftlich. Provincial. laufenden Jahres. Of the current year; — Monats, Of the current month. landw. landwirthschaftlich. Agricultural. Ldnpr. Ladenpreis. Ldr. Leder. Ldrb(d.). Lederband. Led. Leder. Leder. Leather (binding). Lederband. Leather binding, Lederhlzbd. Lederholzband. 55 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Lederholzband. Bound in wooden boards covered with leather. Lederschliesse(n). Leather clasp(s). leer. Blank, leere Seite(n). Blank page(s); leeres Blatt. (Blatter), Blank leaf (leaves) or sheet (s). Leinband (Leinenband). Cloth binding. Leinwand. Cloth (binding) ; — mit Goldschnitt, Cloth binding with gilt edges; — mit Silberschnitt, Cloth binding with silvered edges. Leinwandband. Cloth binding. Leitf. Leitfaden. Leitfaden(-faden). Guide (s), textbook (s), manual (s). Lesespur(en). Worn by use. Lex. Lexikon. Lexicon. Lfg(n)., Lfrg(n). Lieferung(-en). Lieferung(-en). Number (issue) of a periodical or serial. (in) Lieferungen erscheint. Appears serially. Lichtdruck(e). Photograph (s), heliotype(s). Lh. (Lhz.). Lederholzband. Lhbd. Liebhaberband. Liebhaberausg. Liebhaberausgang. Liebhaberausgang. " Favorite " edition, " gift-book " edition. Liebhaberband. Fancy binding, " gift-book " for- mat, usually extra leather binding. Liebhaberband mit Lederecken. Three-quarters leather (leather corners). Liebhaberbd. Liebhaberband. lies. Read. Linie(n). Line(s). 56 GERMAN Lithogr(en). Lithographie(en). Lithograph (s). Ln. Linien. Lnb. Leinenband, Leinwandband. Lsp. Lustspiel. Lustspiel. Comedy. Luxusausgang. Edition de luxe. Lwb(d.)} Lwd. Leinwandband. M. M. Mappe. M. Mark (en). M. Marchen. m. mit. m. A. miniatur Ausgabe. m. e. mit ein. m. G. mit Goldschnitt. m. s. man sehe. Mag. Magazin(e). Magazine(s), bookstack. maler. malerisch. Relating to painting. man sehe. See. Manuskript(e). Manuscript (s). Mappe (n). Portfolio (s). Mar., Maroq. Maroquin. Marchen. Story (-ies), fiction. Mark(en). Mark(s). German coin worth about 24 cents. Marmorschnitt(e). Marbled edge(s). Maroqbd. Maroquinband. Maroquin. Morocco; — band, Morocco binding. Massstab. Scale (of map). med. medizinisch. Medical. 57 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Mem. Memoir (-en). Memoir (s). Mh. Monatsheft. Mindestrabatt. Minimum discount. miniatur Ausgabe. Miniature edition (24mo). mit. With; — Bart, Rough edges; — Goldschnitt, Gilt edges; — Marmorschnitt, Marbled edges; — Silberschnitt, Silvered edges; — Schreibpapier durchschossen, Interleaved with writing paper. Mitglied(er). Member of society, firm, etc. Mitt(h)eilg.(-n). Mitt(h)eilung(-en). Communica- tion (s), contribution (s). Mk. Mark (-en). mod. modern. moderfleckig. Stained by mold. modern. Modern. Monatsheft. Monthly number. Monatschrift(-en). Monthly publication (s). Mschr. Monatschrift. Muster. Style, sample, specimen; — band, Sample binding, high-grade binding; — bogen, Sample sheet; — buch, Book of specimens, "sample book"; — schrift, " Classic," standard work. N. n. nach. n. neu. n. Arbitrary sign indicating no discount (or limited discount only) on cost of binding, (Hinrichs.) n. F. neue Folge. n. num. nicht nummerlrt. n. pag. nicht paginiert. n. Tit. neuer Titel. 58 GERMAN Nach. According to. After. (e.g.,Federzeichennach Phiz, Pendrawings after Phiz.) Nachdruck(e). Unauthorized or pirated edition or publication. Nachdruck verboten. All rights reserved. Nachf. Nachfolger. Nachfolger. Successor to — . Nachgelassene Schrift(en). Posthumous work(s). Nachlass. (Literary) remains. Nachnahme. Cash on delivery. Prepayment. Nachschlagbuch. Reference book. Nachschlagwerk. Reference work. Nachtrag(-trage). Supplement (s), addition, ad- denda (pi.). Namen-und-Sachregister. Name (author) and sub- ject index. naturw. naturwissenschaftlich. naturwissenschaftlich. Relating to natural science. ndr. nieder. netto. net. Nettopreis. Net price. neu. new. neue Folge. New series. neuer Titel. New title. Neugroschen. Old German coin, usually worth about 2 cents. Neuigkeiten. New publications. Ngr. Neugroschen. Nicht im Handel. Not in the trade. Nicht numeriert. Not numbered. nicht paginiert. Unpaged. nieder. Lower. 59 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS nn. Arbitrary term indicating price subject to in- crease (Kayser) or extra charge for commission, service, transportation, etc. (Hinrichs). nnn. Indicates extra charges for commissions, trans- portation, etc. (Kayser, Hinrichs, etc.). Notenblatt (-blatter). Sheet (s) of music. Notenbuch (-biicher) . M usic book (s) , singing book (s) . Notendruck(e). Printed music. Notiz(en). Note(s), notice(s), memorandum(-da). Novelle(n). Novel (s), tale(s). Nr(n). Nummer(n). Nummer(n). Number(s), serial part. numeriert. Numbered. O. o. oben. 0. original. o. Cart, original Cartonnage. 0. Dr. ohne Druckernamen. 0. J. ohne Jahr. 0. O. ohne Ort. 0. O. u. J. ohne Ort und Jahr. o. W. osterreichische Wahrung. Austrian currency, oben. Above. Octav. See Oktav. cesterr. oesterreichische. ofifentl. offentlich. Public, ohne Druckernamen. Without name of printer, ohne Jahr. Without year of publication. ohne Ort. Without place of publication. Old. Original Leinwandband. olfleckig. Oil or grease spotted. 6o GERMAN Oktav. Octavo. Oktav-Ausgabe. Octavo edition, 8vo. orig. original. orig. Bd. original Band. orig. Cart, original Cartonnage. original. Original ; — Cartonnage, Original boards ; — Band, Original binding; — Leinwandband, Orig- inal cloth. origlwd. original Leinwandband. P. Programm. Pag. Pagina. pag. paginiert. pag. S. paginierte Seiten. paginiert. Paged (numbered). paginierte Seite(n). Numbered page(s). Pagina (s). Page(s). Papier. Paper. Papierzeichen. Watermark. Pappband. (Pappenband). " Boards." Pappdeckel. Board covers. Partiepreis(e). Price(s) per part. Perg. Pergament. Pergament(-band). Vellum (binding). Perkal. Percaline. Pfg. Pfennig(e). Pf ennig(e) . Pfennig. The hundredth part of a mark. About i cent. Pgms. Pergamentmanuskriptband. Manuscript vol- ume on vellum. 6i ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Pgmt. (Pgt.). Pergament. Port.(r), Portrat. Porto {pi. Portos or Porti). Postage. Portofrei. Postpaid, prepaid. Portrat (Portraits). Portrait (s). Pp., Ppbd., Pppbd. Pappband, Pappenband. Pr. Preis. pr. (preuss.). preussisch. pr. A. Prachtausgabe. Prachtausgabe. Edition de luxe. Handsome edition, " library " edition. Prachtband. Handsome binding. Prachtlederband. Handsome leather binding. pracht. prachtlich. prachtlich. Splendidly, handsomely, Preis(e). Price(s). Preis im (beim) Einzel. Individual price, retail price. Preis 6. Ladenpreis aufgehoben. List price in- creased. Preisanderung(en). Change (s) of price. preuss. preussisch. preussisch. Prussian. Prgt. Pergament. Privatbibliothek. Private library. Probeseite(n). Specimen page(s). Probeexemplar. Sample copy. Probenummer. Specimen number(s). Progr. Programm. Programm. Program, report, conspectus, school cat- alogue. Ps. Pseudonym. 62 GERMAN Q. Qu. quadrat. Qu.-fol., etc. Quadrat-folio, etc. Quadrat. Square ; — folio, Square folio ; — 8°, Square octavo. Quartausgabe. Quarto, 4to. Quartband(-buch). Quarto, 4°. Quartant(en). Quarto(s). Quer — . Oblong; — folio, Oblong folio (etc.). R. Rabatt. Discount, deduction. Rahmen. Border(s), frame(s). Rand. (Rander). Margin (s). randfl. randfleckig. Stained in the margins. Randnote(n). Marginal note(s). Randverzierung(en). Decorated margin(s). Ratsbibliothek. Law library. Rd. Rand. Rechtsurkunde(-n). Legal document (s). Red. Redacteur, Redaction. red. redigirt. Redacteur, Redakteur. Editor (of a periodical). Redaction, Redaktion. Editorial management (of a periodical) . redigirt. Edited. Referat(e). Short review(s). Referenz(en). Reference (s). Register. Index, table of contents, list. Registerband(-bande). Index volume(s). Reichsbibliothek. Imperial library. 63 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Reichsthaler. Old German coin worth three marks (Rix-dollar). Reihe. Complete set or "run" of a serial. rep. reparirt. reparirt. Repaired. roh. In loose sheets. Roman. Romance, work of fiction. rote Schnitte. Red edges. Rthlr. Reichsthaler. rubr. rubriziert. Rubricated. Riicken. Back ; — erneuert, Rebacked ; — titel, Bind- ers' title. Riickenvergoldung. Back gilt. Riickseite. Verso. Rundschau. Review (in periodical titles). russ. russisch. Russfarbe. Bister (bistre). Tawny, "sepia." russisch. Russian. S. s. sachsisch. S. Seite. s. siehe. S. A. Sonderabdruck, Seperatabdruck. s. d. siehe dieses or siehe dort, siehe dasselbe (dasselbst) . S. f. Schluss folgt. To be concluded, s. g. so genannt. s. 0. siehe oben. s. u. siehe unten. s. V. a. so viel als. Sa. See S. A. Sachregister. Subject index. 64 GERMAN sachs. sachsisch. Saxon. Saffian. Morocco, Spanish leather. Saffianband. Morocco binding, roan (imitation mo- rocco) . Saffianpapier. Morocco paper. Sammelwerk(e). Compilation(s). Sammler. Collector(s), compiler(s). Sammlg. Sammlung. Sammlung(en). Collection (s), compilation (s). sam(m.) sam(m)t. sam(m)tlich. sam(m)tlich. Collected, complete, sammtliche Werke. Collected (complete) works. Samt. (Sammet). Velvet (binding). Samtband (Sammetband). Velvet binding. Sam(m)tbd. Sam(me)tband. samtl. samtlich. Sarsb. Sarsenetband. Bound in sarsenet. Sars. Sarsanet. Sarsenet (Sarcenet). Sauber. Clean. Sch. Schauspiel, Schule. Schulband. sch. schon. schadh. schadhaft. Damaged. Schauspiel (-e). Drama (s). Schl. Schliessen. schles. schlesisch. schlesisch. Silesian. Schliessen. Clasps. Schluss. End ; — folgt, To be concluded. Schlusschrift. Colophon. schmal. Narrow. (In-) Schmal folio. Narrow folio. Schmutztitel. Half title, false title, bastard title. 65 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS Schmtt(e). Edge(s) of a book. schon. Beautiful, handsome. Schreibpapier. Writing paper. Schrift(en). Writing, characters, type(s), publica- tion (s). Schriftchen. Pamphlet (s), booklet (s). Schriften. Writings, nachgelassene — , Posthumous works; periodische — , Periodical articles; ver- mischte — , Miscellaneous writings; vollstandige — » Complete writings. Schriftsteller. Author (s). Schulb. Schulband. Schulband. School book, textbook, half-leather bind- ing. schw. schwabisch. Schw. Schwank. schwabisch. Swabian. Schwank (Schwanke). Farce (s). Schwartenleder. Hogskin. Schwarzkupfer. Mezzotint. schwarzer Druck. Black letter. Schweinsleder. Hogskin, pigskin. Schwldr. Schweinsleder, Schwartenleder. Schwsldr. Schweinsleder. Seide(n). Silk(s). Seidendruck. Printing on silk. Seideneinband. Bound in silk. Seidenpapier. Tissue paper, silver paper. Seite(n). Page(s). Seitenz. Seitenzahl. Seitenzahl. Page number. Selbstverlag. Published by the author. 66 GERMAN selten. Rare. Separatabdruck. Reprint, " separate." Sf., Sfn. Saffian. Sfnb(d). Saffianband. siehe. See. siehe auch. See also; — dasselbe(daselbst), See the same (q. v.); — dieses, See this; — dort, See in that place; — oben, See above; — unten, See be- low. Sign. Signature. Silberschnitt. Silvered edges. Skizze(n). Sketch (es). Skyt. bd. Skytogen band. Bound in " Skytogen," a special waterproof cloth. Sler. Sammler. Slw. Sammelwerk. Smtbd. Samtband. so viel als. As much as. sog. sogenannt. So-called. Sonderabdruck. Separate (special) edition. Sonderheft. Special number, part, or volume. Sortimenter. (Retail) bookseller. Sortimentsbuchhandel. Retail book trade. sow. soweit. As far as, all. (e.g., Sow. erscheinen, All that has appeared.) sp. spat or spater. sp. lat. spat lateinisch. spat(er). late(r). spat lateinisch. Late Latin. Ss. Seiten. St. Staat, Stadt. St. statt. 67 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS St. Stuck. Staat. City. Staatsbibliothek. State library. Stadtbibliothek. City library. Stahlst. Stahlstich. Stahlstich(e). Steel engraving(s) . Stat, statistisch. Statistical. statt. Instead of. (e.g., "Statt mk. 3, mk. 2," "2 marks instead of 3.") Ste(n). Seite(-n). steif geheftet. Firmly sewed. Steindruck(e). Lithograph (s). Steintafel(n). Lithograph (s). Stimseite. Recto of leaf. stl. samtlich. Stnt. Steintafel. stockfl. stockfleckig. Mildewed, fox marked. Stuck(e). Piece(s), extract(s), part(s). T. T. Titel. T. A. Taschen-Ausgabe. tadellos Exemplar. Perfect copy. Taf. Tafel. Tafel(n). Table(s), index (es), register (s). Tageblatt. Daily newspaper. Taschen-Ausgabe. Pocket edition (i6mo). techn. technisch. Technical. Teil(e), Theil(e). Part(s), section(s), v6lume(s). teilw. teilweise. Partly; — gebunden, Part (of series or set) bound. 68 GERMAN Textausgabe. Text edition. Textfig. Textfigur. Textfigur(en). Figures (or illustrations) in the text. Tfl(n). Tafel(-n). Th., Thai. Thaler. Thaler. German coin worth three marks. Theil. See TeU. theol. theologisch. theologisch. Theological. Thl(e). Theil (-e). Thlr. Thaler. tintenfleckig. Ink-stained. Titel. Title (s). Titelausgabe. Edition with merely change of title. Titelbild. Frontispiece. Titelbildchen. Headpiece, vignette on title page. Titelbl. Titelblatt. Titelblatt. Title page. Titeldruck. Binders' title. Titelgolddruck. Title stamped in gold. Titelkupfer(n). Engraved frontispiece. Tl.(e). Teil(e). U. u. und. And. u. a. und andere. u. a. a. O. und an andern Orte. u. a. und ahnliche. u. a. m. und andres mehr. And so forth. u. d. T. unter den Titel. u. f. (u. ff.). und folgende. u. s. f. und so fort. 69 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS u. s. w. und SO weiter. u. V. a. und viele andere. ubers. iibersetzt. iibersetzt. Translated. IJbersetzung(en). Translation (s). iibertragt. Translated. iibrs. iibersetzt. iibrs. iibersetzung. ugbdn. ungebunden. umgearbeitete. Revised. Umschl. Umschlag. Umschlag(-schlage). Wrapper (s), cover (s). unaufgeschn. unaufgeschnitten. imaufgeschnitten. Unopened. unbeschn. unbeschnitten. unbeschnitten. Uncut. und ahnliche. And the like, and similar (ones). und an andem Orte. And elsewhere. und andres mehr. And so forth. imd folgende. And the following. und so fort. And so forth, et cetera. und so weiter. And so forth, et cetera. und viele andere. And many others. unentgeltlich. " Gratis." unfl. unflektirt. Unstained. ungebunden. Unbound. imd so weiter. And so forth, et cetera. und zwar. And also. ung., ungar. ungarisch. Hungarian. ungez. Bll. ungezifferte Blatter. imgezifferte Blatter. Unnumbered leaves. unnum. unnumeriert. 70 GERMAN unnumeriert. Not numbered. unp. unpaginiert. unpaginiert. Unpaged. unsauber. Soiled, dirty. iinter den Titel. Under the title. unter der Presse. In press. Unterhaltungsblatt. Literary periodical. Unterhaltungslekture(-n). Light reading, fiction. unterstrichen. Underlined, underscored. Untertitel. Subtitle. unveranderte. Unchanged. Urkunde(-n). Document (s), record (s). urspr. urspriinglich. urspriinglich. Original, first. Urt. Urtext. Urtext. Original text. usf. und so fort. usw. und so weiter. V. V. a. Volksausgabe. V. J. voriges Jahres. Of the preceding year. V. 0. vergleiche oben. V. u. vergleiche unten. Vakat. Blank page. vb. verbessert. Velin. Parchment; — papier, Wove paper, velp. velinpapier. verand. verandert. verandert. Altered, revised, verb, verbessert. Verband. Association, society, club. 71 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS verbessert. Improved. Verbindung(-en). Association (s), society (-ies), club(s). Verein(-e). Association (s), society (-ies), club(s). Vereinigte Staaten. United States of America. vereinz. vereinzelt. vereinzelt. Separate, scattered (numbers or vol- umes); occasionally (adv.). Verf. Verfasser. Author(s). Verfiigung (zur — ). Subject to order. vergleiche. Compare ; — oben, See above ; — unteni See below. vergleicht. Compared. vergr. vergriffen. Out of print. Verlag. Publishing house. (im) Verlage von — . Published by — . Verlagsanderung(-en). Change(s) of publisher. Verlags(buch)handel. Publishing business. Verlags(buch) handler. Publisher. Verlagskatalog(-e). Publishers' catalogue(s). Verlagsrecht(-e). Copyright. verm, vermehrt. vermehrte (Ausgabe). Enlarged (edition). vennischte (Schriften). Miscellaneous (writings). veroffentlichtet. Published, advertised. Verofifentlichung(-en). Publication (s), public an- nouncement (s). Versaminlung(-en). Assembly (-ies), convention (s), meeting(s). Verslg. Versammlung. Verzeichnis(se). List(s), index (es), catalogue(s). vgl. vergleiche. 72 GERMAN vglcht. vergleicht. vielfach vennehrte Ausgabe. Greatly enlarged edition, volgt. Follows, {e.g., hier volgt, "Here follows,") Volksausgabe. Popular edition. Volksbibliothek. Popular library. Vollbild(-er). Plate(s), full-page illustrations, vollst. vollstandig. Entirely, completely. Voranzeige(-n). Preliminary notice(s), announce- ment(s). (in) Vorbereitung. In preparation. Vorblatt. Foreleaf. voriges Jahres. Of the preceding year. Vorlesung(-en). Lecture(s), reading(s). vorrat(h)ig. In stock. Vorsatzpapier. End paper. Vortrag(-trage). Lecture(s), discourse(s). Vorwort. Foreword, preface, introduction, vorziigl. vorziiglich. vorziiglich. Choice, excellent. Vorzugsausgabe. Choice edition, special edition. W. W. Werk(-e). W. Wissenschaft. w. wiirtembergisch. w. s. welches siehe. w. V. welches vergleiche. wasserfieckig. Water-stained. Wasserzeichen. " Watermark." Wb. Worterbuch. Wegekarte(-n). Road map(s). weiss. White, blank. 73 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS welches siehe. Which see. welches vergleiche. Which compare. Werk(-e). Work(s). wie neu. As new. Wiegendruck(e). Incunabulum(-a). Wiss. Wissenschaft. wiss. wissenschaftlich. Wissenschaft. Science. wissenschaftUch. Scientific. Witwe. Widow. Wob. Worterbuch. wohlfeil. Cheap. Worterbuch (-bucher) . Dictionary (-ies) . Wurmst. Wurmstichig. Wurmstich(-e). Wormhoie(s). wurmstichig. Wormeaten. wiirt. wiirtembergisch. wurt(t)embergisch. Wirtembergian. Wwe. Witwe. Z. Z. Zeile. z. B. zum Beispiel. z. E. zum Exempel. z. T. zum Teil. zahlr. zahlreich. zahlreich. Numerous. Zeichnung(-en). Drawing (s). Zeile (-n). Line(s). (der) Zeit. Contemporary. (Literally "Of the period".) Zeitschrif t (-en) . Periodical (s) . 74 GERMAN Zeitung(-en). Newspaper (s). Zettel. Label (s), slip(s), card(s). Zettel Katalog. Card catalogue. Zg. Zeitung. Zinkatzung(-en). Zinc etching(s). Zoll (Zolle). Customs charge(s). zsgstzt. zusammengesetzt. zsgz.(-n). zusammengezogen. Zsstzg. (-n) . Zusammensetzung(-en) . Zt. (Ztg.(-n)). Zeitung(-en). Ztschr. Zeitschrift. Zugangsverzeichnis. Bulletin or list of additions. zum Beispiel. For example. zum Exempel. For example. zum Tail. Partially, in part. zus. zusammen. zusammen. Together, jointly. zusammengesetzt. Collected, compiled. zusammengezogen. Contracted, condensed, abridged, summarized, collected. Zusammensetzung(-en). Collection (s), compilation (s). Zuschlag(-schlage). Additional charge(s). Zuschlagsgebiihr. Additional charge. Zuschlagsporto. Postage extra. 75 DANISH-NORWEGIAN ABBREVIA- TIONS AND TERMS The Norwegian often uses t, p, and g, where the Danish uses d, g, and k respectively. A. aarh. aarhundrede(r). Century (-ies). aarskatalog(er). Annual catalogue (s). ae. For words written with ae (e.g., bemaerkning) see also e (bemerkning). aendret. Changed, revised, (e.g., 6te noget aendrede og forogede utgave. 6th somewhat revised and enlarged edition.) af. (av.). By. afd. afdeling(er). Part(s). aim. almindelig. Common (ly). anden (andet). Second, ang. angaaende. Concerning, anh. anhang. Appendix (-dices). anm. anmeldelse(r), anmerkning(er). anmeldelse(r). Review (s). anmerkning(er). Note(s). antikvar(er). Secondhand bookseller (s). antikvarboghandel (-handler). Secondhand book- store (s). antikvarisk. Secondhand. arbeid(er), Work(s). auka(d). Enlarge (d). aut. (auth). aut(h)oriseret. Authorized. 76 DANISH-NORWEGIAN avd. avdeling(er). Part(s), volume(s). avtrk. Reprint (s). B. b. bind. balk(ar). Chapter (s). bd. bind, bundet. bearb. bearbeidet. Revised, adapted. bem(a)erkning(er). Remark (s), observation (s). bemerkn. bemerkning(er). bibl. bibliot(h)ek(er). Library(-ies) . (e.g., bibl. f. d. tusen hjem, bibliothek for de tusen hjem. Library for the thousand homes (a well-known trade series) .) bibl's. bibliot(h)eket's. The libraries'. (Poss. of bibliothek.) bidrag. Appendix(-dices), contributions. bilag. Appendix (-dices), contributions. billed (er). Picture (s), illustration (s). billedbilag. Appendix of illustrations or plates. billed bog (boger). Picture book(s). billed bok (boker). Picture book(s). bind. Volume(s). (e.g.. Bind IV. 3 die hefte. Vol. IV, pt. 3) bl. blad. Leaf of book; newspaper, periodical. bl. blandt. Among, {e.g., bl. a., blandt andet. Among others.) bladnotits(er). Brief article, newspaper item. bog (boger). Book(s). bogbind. Book cover (s). boger under tryking. Books in press. bogforening(er). Private circulating library(-ies). bogfortegnelse(r). Book catalogue(s). 77 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS bogh. boghandel. boghandel (-handler). Book-shop (s). boghandler(e). Bookseller (s). boghoker(e). Cheap (small), second-hand bookseller or dealer in cheap, inferior books. boglade(r). Book-shop (s). bogladepris(er). Publisher's price(s), retail price(s). (e.g., bogladepris 3 kr., Published at 3 kroner.) bogliden. Booklet. bogperm(er). Book cover (s). bograbat. Trade discount. bogstav(er). Letter (s), character (s). bogstempel(-stempler). Library stamp (s). bogstok. Books in stock. bogtrykkeri(er). Printing house (s). bok (boker). Book(s). For compounds of bok (the Norwegian form) see under bog (the Danish form), bundet. Bound. C. chagrin, shagreen. com. comedie(r). Comedy(-ies) . conf. confer. Confer, compare. D. d. del. d. den (det, de). The. d. dod. d. s. det samme. The same. d. s. s. det samme som. The same as. del(er). Part(s), volume(s). den. (det, de). The. dod. Died. 78 DANISH-NORWEGIAN E. e., el. eller. eft. efter. After. eft., efterl. efterladte. Posthumous. eks., eksempl.; ekspl., eksemplar(er). Copy(-ies), example (s). el. eller. eleg. elegant. Elegant(ly). eller. Or. ensidig. Printed on one side. eod. eodem. The same. expl. exemplar (er). See eksemplar. F. f. fodt. f. folgende {sing.), fif. {plural). f. for. For. (g.g. "f. i st. m. pfte." "Forenstemme med pianoforte." For one voice with pianoforte accompaniment.) f. eks. (f. ex.), for eksempel. For example {e.g.). t. 0. for ovrigt. Besides, (as) for the rest, further, facsimilen udgave(r) (faks-). Facsimile edition (s). faksimilebidrag. Appendix of facsimiles, farvelagt. In colors, colored. farvetavle(r). Colored plate (s). farvetr. farvetryk. Colored print (s) or plate (s). fif. folgende. The following (plural). figur(er). Figure (s), diagram (s). fi. flere. More, others, {e.g., o. fl., and others.) flg. folgende. The following. fodt. Born, {e.g., f. d. 27 Juni, Born June 2^.) folgende. Following. 79 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS folkeutgave. Popular edition. for. For.; — liver., For each. See also under f. forb. forbedret. Revised, improved. foreg. foregaaende. Preceding. forening(er). Society (-ies), club(s), union(s). forfatter(e). Author(s). forfatterinde(r). Author (s) (fern.). forf' s. forfatterens. The author's, (e.g., Pa forfat- terens forlag, Printed or pubHshed for the author.) forhandlerpris. Sale price. fork, forkorte(t). Abbreviate (d). forkl. forklarende. Explanatory. fori. forlag. Publishing house (s); — boghandel (-handler), Publishing house(s); — boghandler(e), Publisher(s); — ret. Copyright, overtaget fra an- det forlag, Taken over from another publisher; changed publisher. foroget (foroket). Enlarged. fortaelling(er). Story (ies), tale(s). fr. fransk. French. fuldstaendig. Complete. G. gennem. See also gjennem. gennemseede. Revised ; — oplag or udgave. Revised edition. gjennemgaa(et). Revise (d). gjennomsedd. Revised, gl. gammel. Old. graf. tab. grafisk(e) tabell(er). Graphical table (s). guldkant(er). Gilt edge(s). guldblad. Gold leaf. 80 DANISH-NORWEGIAN H. haandbog (boger), haandbok ^boker). Manual (s), handbook(s), reference book(s). haefte(r). Seehefte. haeftet. Stitched, sewed. halvbind. Half-volume, Half of " i vol. in 2," etc. halvaarlig. Semi-annual (ly). handl. handling(er). Part(s), acts (dramatic). hefte(r). Part(s), number (s), stitched or sewed pamphlet(s). heftet. See haeftet. hist, historie(r). Story (-ies), history (-ies). hft. heftet, haeftet. hos. By, at. hvid. (hvit). White, blank, (e.g., indbunden med hvide (hvite) blade, Interleaved.) I. i. in. i. alt. As a whole, complete, entire. i. 8. in 8vo, etc. In octavo, etc. ib. indbunden. Bound. ibl. iblandt. Among. ikke i boghandelen. Not for sale, not in the trade. illus., illustr. illustreret. Illustrated, illustration(s). imp. imperial. Imperial (paper and book size). indb. indbunden (-bundet). indbunden (-bundet). Bound, (e.g., indbunden i biblioteks bind, Library binding; — i shirting, Cloth binding; — med skindryg. Half leather (lit- erally, " bound with leather back "); — i kompon- 81 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS eret pragt bind, Bound in specially designed bind- ing de luxe.) indeh. indeholde(r). Contain (s). indf. indfore. Included, (e.g., indf. i. saml. av. originale skuespil, Included in a collection of orig- inal plays.) indh. indhold. Contents. isl. islandsk. Icelandic. J. jaevnf. jaevnfor. Compare. jfr. jaevnfor, jevnfor. jevnfor (jaevnfor). Compare, jvf. jevnfor. jubil(a)eumsutgave(r). Jubilee edition. K. kart(er). Map(s), chart (s). kart., karton. kartonert. Bound in boards. kartbilag. Supplement consisting of map or chart. kgl. kongelig. Royal. kgr. kongerike(r), kongerige(r). Kingdom (s). kobberstik. Copperplate (s). koll. kollort. Colored. kolorert. Colored. kolort. Colored. kom. komedie(r). Comedy (-ies). komplet. Complete. kongerike(r), (kongerige(r)). Kingdom (s). kongl. kongelig. Royal. kort. Brief, short. kort. Map(s), chart (s). 82 DANISH-NORWE GIAN kplt. komplet. kr. krone(r). Scandinavian coin worth about 28 cents, kulort. Colored, kunstbilag. Art supplement. kvartal. Quarter. kvartalskrift(er). Quarterly periodical (s). L. 1. eller. Or. landkart(er). landkort. Map(s), chart (s). levering (er). Part(s), issue (s), fascicle (s). liden. Small; — bok (bog), Booklet. lit.(h.) lit(h)ografi(er). lit(h)ograferet. Litho- graph (s), lithographed. lit.(t.) lit(t)eratur. Literature, liten. See liden. M. m. med; m. fl., med flere. maalest. maalestok. Scale (of map). maanedsskrift(er). Monthly publication (s). maleblade. Book with outline illustrations for color- ing. mappe. Pocket, case, {e.g., i. mappe, In pocket or portfolio.) marokko. Morocco; — larred, Morocco cloth. med. With; — flere, And others; — guld, Gilt; — (meget) mere, Et cetera; — forfatterens tillatelse (tilladelse) oversat. Authorized translation (lit- erally, " Translated with the author's permission"). meddeldse(r). Communication (s), contribution (s). 83 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS meddelt. Contributed. medl. medlem(mer). Member (s) of a society. medutgiver(e). Joint editor(s). mindendudgave(r), (mindendutgave(r)). Memorial edition(s). mus. musik. Music. musikalier. Pieces of music, music books. N. n. norsk. Norwegian. neds. pris. nedsat pris. Reduced price. netto. Net; — kontant, Net cash; — pris, Net price. no. nummer. nord. nordisk. Scandinavian. norsk. Norwegian. nr. nummer. nummer (e). Number (s). ny. New. O. o. a. og andre (andet). o. fl. og flere. o. s. V. og saa videre. oeget (oeket). See. og. And; — andre (andet), And others, et cetera; — fiere. And others; — lignende, And the Hke; — saa. Also ; — saa videre, Et cetera, oget (oket). Enlarged. ogs. og saa. Also. oket. See oget. omarb. omarbeide(t). Revise(d). omkr. omkring. Circa. 84 DANISH-NORWEGIAN omslag. Cover, wrapper; — sbillede(r), Cover il- lustration (s); — stegning(er), Cover illustrations; — stitel, Cover title, binder's title. opkl. opklabet. Mounted; — med stokke, Mounted on rollers. oplag. Edition (s). oplyst. Explained, annotated. (^.^., oplyst utg., An- notated edition; oplysende bemerkninger ved — , Explanatory notes by — .) optr. optryk. Reprint(s). optrykt. Reprinted. ord. Word(s). ordbog(-b6ger), (ordbok(-boker)). Dictionary (-ies). orig. original. Original. ore. Scandinavian coin worth about I cent (y^^ krone). overgaaet fra andet forlag. Changed publisher. oversaettelse (r) . Translation (s) . overs, oversat. Translated. P. p. paa; p. gr. av (af.). paa grund av. paa. On, in; — grund af (av), Because, on account of; overs, paa tysk, Translated into German. papbind. Board covers. papir. Paper. partipris. Wholesale price(s). pergamentpapir. Parchment paper, vellum paper, pergamentsbind. Vellum binding(s). perm(er). Cover, pfte. piano forte. pi. planche(r). Plate (s). 85 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS plan(er). Plan(s), illustration (s). plade(r), plate (r). Plate (s). plschr. planscher. Plates. per., port, portraet(er). Portrait (s). ppbd. papbind. pr. For, Per. (e.g., 1 kr. pr. heft, " i krone per part.") prgtb., prgtbd. pragtbind. Binding de luxe. {Also pergamentsbind, q.v.) protokolpapir. Record paper, ledger paper. R. rabat. Discount. raekke(r). Series. redaktor(er). Editor (s). red., redig. redigeret. Edited. register. Index. rev. revideret. Revised. rigsdaler. Old Scandinavian coin (Rixdollar). reman (-er). Novel (s), romance (s). ryg(ge). Back(s). S. s. side(r) som. saersk. saerskildt. Separate. (e.g.,saerskilt avtryk, Reprint, "separate.") saertryk. " Separate," reprinted excerpt, samf. Society, association, {e.g., Samf. til. udg. av. gl. nord. litt., Society for editing old Scandinavian literature.) saml. samling, samlet. samling(er). Collection (s). 86 DANISH-NORWEGIAN samlet. Collected, compiled; Samlede vaerker, Complete works. samt. samtidig. Contemporary. se. See. se. side(r). separataftryk. " Separate." serprent. " Separate." shirting. Cloth, side(r). Page(s). Skand. Skandanavia. Scandinavia, skand. skandanavisk. Scandinavian. skildr. skildring(er). Sketch (es). Skilling. Old Scandinavian coin (j-|/) . skindryg. Leather back, half-leather binding. skr. skrift(er). Writing(s). skuesp. skuespil. Play(s). sluttet. Finished, completed, stopped, smaaskrifter. Minor writings. sortiments boghandler(e). General retail book- seller(s). sp. spalte(r). Column (s). St. stemme. Voice (in vocal scores), statist, statistik, statistisk. Statistics; statistical, stift haeftet (stivt heftet). Stitched pamphlet with stout covers. stk. stykke(r). Piece (s). stor. Large. suppl., supplem. supplement (er). Supplement(s). T. t. til. t. (tit.), titel(er). tabel(ler). Table(s). 87 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS talr. talrige (talrike). Numerous. tavle(r). Plate (s). tegn. tegning(er). Picture(s), illustration (s). tekst(er), (text(er)). Text(s). tidsskr. tidsskrift(er). Periodical (s). tilbagekaldelse (r) . Withdrawal (s) . tildels. Partly. tillegg. (tillaeg.). Appendix (-dices). titelblad. Title page. tit. titel(er). Title(s). topogr. topografisk. Topographic. tosp. tospaltet. Double column(s). traesn. traesnit. Woodcut (s). tysk. German. U. u. uden, uten. ud-. See also words beginning with ut- (Norwegian). uden (uten). Without; — titelblad, Without title page. udg. udgave(r) ; udgivet. udgave(r). Edition (s). udgiver(e). Editor (s). udgivet (udgivelse). Edited, issued, published (edit- ing, etc.). udk. udkommer. Published. uforandret. Unchanged. umsett. Translated. umskrift. Translation. undt. undtagen. Except. upag. upagineret. Unpaged. upplag. Edition (s). 88 DANISH-NORWEGIAN ut-. For words beginning with ut- see also ud- (Danish). ut. uten. Without. utarbeidet. Prepared, composed, utdrag. Extract (s). utg. utgave, utgiver(e), utgjevet. utgaave. See utgave. utgave(r). Edition(s). utgiver(e). Editor (s). utgjevet. Edited, issued, pubhshed. utsolgt. Out of print, utk., utko. utkommer. Pubhshed. {e.g., utkommer i 2 hefter, Pubhshed in 2 parts (vols.).) uttog. Extract (s). utv. utvalg, utvalgt. utvalg. Selection, utvalgt. Selected, {e.g., utvalgte skriften, Selected writings.) utvidet. Enlarged. V. vaaben. Coat-of-arms. vaelskbind. Half-calf binding. vaerk(er). Work(s). ved. By. vedr. vedrorende. Concerning, velskb. velskbind. See vaelskbind. vending(ar). Act(s). vignet(ter). Vignette (s). 89 DUTCH ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS A. aank. aankondiging. Announcement, aanst. aanstaande. Coming; — uitgaven, Coming publications. aant. aanteekening. Annotation, aant. aantal. Number. afb. afbeelding(-en). Picture (s). afbeeldsel. Portrait. afdeel. afdeeling. Part. afdruk(-ken). Copy(-ies), edition (s). afdruksel. Copy, impression, print, afgebroken. Broken off. afgedrukt. Printed, afgesneden. Cut, trimmed, aflev. aflevering. Part, afkorting. Abbreviation, discount, afzonderlijk. Separate, separately. alles. All; — wat verscheen, All that has (have) appeared. ambtelijk. Official. B. b. V. bij voorbeeld. For example. baar. Cash. 90 DUTCH Bataafsch. Dutch. benevens. Besides. Bericht(-en). Communication (s), notes, news beschadigd. Damaged. beslag. Mountings, (e.g., met koper beslag, With brass bosses, or brass mountings.) bestelkaart. Order card, bestellen. To order. bijblad(-en). Supplement (s). bijdrage(-n). Contribution. bijgevoegd. Added. bijgewerkte druk. Revised edition, edition brought up to date. bijlage(-n}. Append ix(-ces), illustrative documents, facsimiles. bijzonder. Special, separate. binnenkort. Shortly. blad(-en). Leaf (leaves). bladwijzer. Index, table of contents. bladzijde(-n). Page(s). biz. bladzijde. boek(-en). Book(s). boekbespreking(en). Book review(s). boekdeel. Volume. boekdrukker. Printer. boekenkramer. Secondhand bookseller, boekenlljst. Catalogue. boekerij. Library, boekhandelaar. Book dealer, boekverkooper. Bookseller. boekverkooping. Auction, bovengenoemde. Above-named, aforesaid. 91 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS bronnen. Sources. bundel. Collection, group, part. C. Chineesch papier. China (India) paper, compleet. Complete, completely. D. d. a. V. daaraanvolgende. Following. (e.g.,2julien d. a. V. dagen, 2 July and following days.) d. w. z. dat wil zeggen. That is to say. deel(-en). Part(s), volume(s). derzelfde. Of the same. dezelfde. The same. Duitsch. German. dl. (din.), deel(-en). door. By, through. druk. Print, copy, edition. drukkersmerk. Printer's mark. E. e. k. eerstkomende. Next ensuing. e. V. eerstvolgende. Next following. erven. Heirs, (e.g., Erven B. van der Kamp, Heirs of B. van der Kamp.) eeuw. Century, age. elk. Each. en. And, and so forth. enz. en zoo voort. Etc. ets(-en). Etching(s). etsgravure(-s). Etching(s), exemplaar (-aren) . Copy (-ies) . 92 DUTCH F. f., fl. florijn (same as gulden). Florin, guilder 40 cents. familiewapen. Family coat of arms, fonkelnieuw. Brand-new. fraai. Handsome, francijn. Parchment, franco. Free; — per post, Postpaid. geb. gebonden. Bound, gecart. gecartonneerd. Bound in boards. geconserveerd. Preserved; goed — , In good con- dition. gedeelte. Part of a volume. geetst. Etched. geheel. All, entirely; — en al., Altogether, entirely; — verschillend, Entirely different. geillustr. geillustreerd. Illustrated. gekart. gekartonneerd. Bound in boards. gekl. gekleurd. Colored; — platen, Colored plates; — kaart, Colored map or chart. geneesk. geneeskunde, geneeskundig. Medical sci- ence, medical. geschept papier. Handmade paper, getal. Number (of periodical or serial). getijdenboek. Book of hours, getranslateert. Translated, gevouwen. Folded. gewoon, gewone. Usual, ordinary. 93 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS GL, Gld. gulden. Guilder = 40 cents. goed geconserveerd. In good condition. goedk. goedkoop. Cheap. graveur. Engraver. groot. Former Dutch coin worth about 2^ cents. groot. Large; — papier, Large paper; — e letter, Capital letter, large print. gulden. Guilder. Dutch coin worth 40 cents. H. h". half; — led., half leder; — mar., half marokijn. half. Half; — leder. Half leather; — linnen, Half linen, half cloth; — marokijn, Half morocco. halfled. halfleder. See half leder. halfiederen band. Half leather binding. halfiinnen. See half linnen. handeL Trade, {e.g., "Niet in den handel," "Not in the trade.") herdruk. Reprint. herz. herziende, herziening. herziende. Revised; herziende uitgave, Revised edi- tion. herziening. Revision. Herv. Hervormd. Reformed. hetzelfde. The same. Hd., Hgd. Hoogduitsch. German. Hollandsch. Dutch ; — papier, Holland paper. Hoogeschool. University. Hoogleeraar. Professor (in university). houtsn. houtsnee, houtsnede(-n). Wood cut(s). Hs. handschrift. Manuscript. 94 DUTCH I. in bewerking. In preparation. ingen. ingenaaid. Sewed. inh. inhoud. Contents. inleiding. Introduction. inteekenaar(-naren). Subscriber (s) ; bij. inteekening, By subscription. inz. inzonderheid. Especially. J. jaar. jaargang. jaargang. Annual (volume). jaarlijks. Annually. jaarlijksche aflevering. Annual volume. jaartal. Date. Japansch papier. Japan paper. jg-) jrg- jaargang. Jhr. Jonkheer. Sir (title of nobility). jl. jongstleden. Last past. K. Kaart(-en), kaarte(-n) (Kaerte or caerte is old spelling for kaart). Chart, map. kalfsleder. Calf. Karton. Cardboard, keerzijde. Back of leaf, verso, klein. Small. kl. 8vo. klein 8vo. Small 8° ; — papier, Small paper, kleurendruk. Colored print, kloosterband. Monastic binding. klmdr. kleurendruk. kol. kolom(-men). Column (s). 95 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS kopergravure (-s) . Copper engraving (s) . kop verguld. Gilt top. kopversiering. Headpiece. kosteloos(-ze). Without cost, free, gratis; Catalogus op aanvraag kosteloos verkrijgbaar, Catalogue to be had free on application. kplt. kompleet. Complete. kunstdrukpapier. " Art " paper. L. landkaart. Map. langw. langwerpig. Oblong; — folio, Oblong folio. Latijnsch karakter. Latin character, roman. 11, laatstleden. Last past, lett. Letter. levensgroot. Life-size. lichtdruk(-ken). Photo-engraving (s), heliotype(s). lijst. List, frame, linn, linnen. Book cloth, linnen band (linnenband). Cloth binding, los. Separate; — se banden zijn verkrijgbaar, Vol- umes sold (may be obtained) separately. M. marokijnleder. Morocco. Mej. Mejuffrouw. Miss. met. With. Mevr. Mevrouw. Mrs. middelb. middelbaar. Medium ; middelbaar onder- wijs, Secondary education. mogelijk geb. Furnished also bound, may be ob- tained bound. 96 DUTCH Mr. Meester. Doctor of laws, mv. meervoud. Plural. N. naamcijfer. Monogram. niet. Not; — in den handel, Not in the trade; — afzonderlijk, Not obtainable separately, sold only complete. nl. namelijk. Namely. nr. nrs. nommer(s). Number(s); losse — , separate nos. numero. Number. O. 0. a. onder anderen. Among others, omgewerkt. Revised, rewritten, omlijsting. Border, frame. omslag. Cover, wrapper, case. ongeb. ongebonden. Unbound, ontbreekt. Wanting, lacking, onuitgeg. onuitgegeven. Unpublished. oorspronkelijk. Original ; in de oorspronkelijke ban- den, In original binding. op. On, upon. oplaag. Edition, (e.g., kleine oplaag, Small edition.) opschrift. Inscription, superscription, overdruk. Reprint. P. Pamflet(-ten). Pamphlet(s). paskaart. Sea chart. perkament. Parchment. 97 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS perse (ter — ) . In press ; gaat ter perse, Goes to press. personenregister. Index of names, index to persons. plaat (platen). Plate (s), engraving (s), illustration (s). plaatsregister. Index of place names. platenregister. Index to plates or illustrations. pltn. platen. porte. portefeuille. Portfolio. prachtband. Ornamental binding. portret(-ten). Portrait (s). prent. Print. prijs. Price; — thans, Present price; — vroeger, Former price, prijsverhooging. Advance in price; prijsverlaging, Reduction in price. R. rand. Margin, border. redactie. Editorship ; onder redactie van, Edited by, under the editorship of. reeks. Series. regel. Rule, line, register. Index, register. rug. Back. S. *s. des. Of the, in the. (e.g., *s avonds, In the evening; 's Gravenhage, The Hague (literally, the hague, or hedge, of the count [of Holland]).) schrijver. Author. schutblad. Flyleaf. serie. Series. sierlijk. Neat, elegant. 98 DUTCH slecht. Bad. slechts. Only; — 150 exemplaren gedrukt, Only 150 copies printed. slot(-en). Clasp(s). snede. Edge ; verguld op snede, With gilt edges, soepel. Flexible. St. stuiver(s). Stiver = 2 cents. staalgravure(-s). Steel engraving (s). stevig. Strong, heavy, firm; stevig papier, Strong, durable paper, stkn. stukken. Pieces, parts, volumes, stuk. Piece, part, volume, stukjes. Small, or thin, pieces; pamphlets. 't. het. The. taal. Language. talrijke. Numerous, tekst. Text, passage, tijdelijk. Temporarily, tijdschrift. Periodical, titel. Title, titelblad. Title page, titelplaat. Frontispiece. toegelicht. Explained, translaat. Translation. translateur. Translator. U. uitg. uitgaaf, uitgegeven. uitgaaf. Edition, publication; prijs bij uitgaaf, Price at time of publication, publication price. 99 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS uitgave. uitgever. Publisher. — is gestaakt, Pub- lication stopped, no longer published. uitgeg. uitgegeven. Published, issued. uitslaande plattegrond. Folding plan; — platen, Folding plates, illustrations. uitverkocht. Sold out, not in stock, out of print. V. V. van. Of, from. V. h. van het. Of the. van voren. In front; — gezien, Seen from the front. veiling. Auction. vel. Sheet; in afleveringen van 4 vel druks., In parts of 4 signatures or 64 pages. velijn. Vellum. verbinding. Joint, connection. verguld. Gilt. verhaal (verhalen). Story, account, {e.g., reisver- haal, Account of a journey or voyage; travels.) verkleind. Reduced (copy). verkort. Abridged ; — e uitgave, Abridged edition. verlucht. Illuminated. verm, vermeerderd. Enlarged ; — e druk, Enlarged edition. versiering. Decoration. verslag(-en). Report (s). verspreide geschriften. Miscellaneous writings, col- lected writings. vert, vertaler, vertaling. Translator, translation. vervaardigd. Made, prepared. vervolgwerk(-en). Continuation(s). verzamelaar. Collector. 100 DUTCH verzameld. Compiled, collected, verzameling. Collection, vierkant. Square. vochtvlek. Fox mark. volkomen. Complete, perfect, volledig. Complete, voorrede. Preface. voortgezet. Continued, vooruitbetaling. Prepayment, voorwoord. Foreword, preface. voren. See van voren. vrachtvrij. Freight prepaid, w. volgende. Following. W. wapen. (wapenschild). Coat of arms. ware groote. Full size. water, watervlak, watervlek. Stained or injured by water or dampness, {e.g., een weinig met water- vlekken voorzien, een weinig door water beschad- igd, door watervlekken ontsierd, Slightly water- stained.) wdb. woordenboek. Dictionary. wed. weduwe. Widow. weinig. (A) little. wiegedrukken. Incunabula, cradle-books. wijlen. The late (Mr. Jones). wit. White, blank. Z. z. zonder; — n. v. g., zonder naam van graveur. (graveerder) . lOI ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS z. n. en w. v. dr. en jaart. zonder naam en woon- plaats van drukker en jaartal. Without name and place of printer and date. zaakregister. Subject index. Zakformaat. Pocket size, pocket edition. zal. zaliger. Deceased. zamen (te — ). Together, {e.g., 2 din. tezamen, "2 vols, in I.") zeer. Very, (e.g., — zeldzaam, " Very scarce.") zegel. Seal. zeldzaam. Scarce, rare. 2. g. zaliger gedachtenis. Of blessed memory; zoo- genaamd, So-called. zie. See; — 00k, See also. zijde. Silk; side. (Blazijde, Page.) zinnebeeld(-en). Symbol, emblem, emblemata. zinspreuk. Motto. z., zn. zoon, zonen. Son, sons, (e.g., S. MuUer Fz., S. Muller, son of Frederik Muller, to distinguish him from his uncle or cousin S. Muller, son of — Muller; G. B. van Goor Zonen, Sons of G. B. van Goor.) (Used in corporate names.) zonder. Without; — naam van graveur (graveer- der). Without name of engraver. zwaar. Strong, heavy. zwart. Black. 102 ITALIAN ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS A. abbon. abbonamento. Subscription. abbre viatura (-e) . Abbreviation (s) . accresciuto. Enlarged, aggiunto. Added, continued, enlarged. albo. White. altro. Other ; fra le altra cose, Among other things, ampliato. Enlarged. antiporta. Page preceding frontispiece. Sometimes applied to " false title " page, atlante (-i) . Atlas (es) . aumentato. Increased, enlarged. autografo(-i). Autograph (s). autotipiche(-i). Autotype(s). B. b. es. beir esemplare. bazzana. Sheep. bianco. White, blank. bibliot. biblioteca. Library. bistre. Dark brown (" sepia "), colored with bistre. busta. Box, case; — in tela, Cloth case. C. ca. carta; — azz., carta azzura; — dist., carta distinta; — gr., carta grande; — vel., carta velina. 103 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS carat, caratteri; — got., caratteri gotici; — ton., caratteri tondi. caratteri. Characters; — corsivi, Italics; — gotici, Gothic characters (text or black letter); — ro- mani, Roman characters; — tondi. Rounded let- ters. carta. Paper, map; — azzura, Blue paper; — dis- tinta, Special paper; — grande. Large paper; — pecora, Sheepskin or parchment; — pecorina, Thin parchment (literally, lambskin) ; — velina. Vellum or parchment paper. cartabello. Pamphlet, rare book, manuscript. cartella. Label. carticino. Errata sheet. cartone. Boards (binding). cartoncino. Thin boards (binding). chiuso. Unopened. collez. collezione, collezioncina. collezione(-i). Collection (s). collezioncina (-e). Small collection (s). colonna(-e). Column(s). colorato. Colored. compendio. Compendium. compilato. Compiled ; — sopra f onti ufficiali. Based on official sources. compilatore. Jem. (-trice). Compiler. complessive. — pag., Continuous paging. con. With. cons, conservazione. Preservation. {e.g., buona conservazione, Good condition.) contin., continua. continuato, continuazione. continuato. Continued. 104 ITALIAN continuaz. continuazione. Continuation. copertina(-e). Cover(s), wrapper(s). cordoni. " Bands" (binding). coros. corostoso. Grained. corretto. Corrected. corse, in ; — di stampa, In press. cromolitografia. Chromolithography. D. danese. Danish. dedicatoria. Dedication. diagramma (-1) . Diagram (s) . dig. digerito. Digested, condensed, arranged. dichiarato. Described, explained. disegn. disegni. disegno(-i). Design(s), drawing(s); — e penna, Pen, drawings. disp. disparto, disparte. Separate, separately, documento (-i) . Document (s) . dorato. Gilt. E. ecc, eccez. eccezione. Excepting; ad — , With the exception of; senza — , Without exception. ed. edito. Edited; — a cura di, Edited under the direction of. ed. edizione. editore(-i). fern, (-trice). Publisher (s). ediz. edizione; — stim., edizione stimata; — tasc, edizione tascabile; — uffic, edizione ufficiale; — ult., edizione ultimd. 105 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS edizione. Edition; — di gran lusso, Edition de grand luxe; — di lusso, Edition de luxe; — intera- mente rinnovata, Completely revised; — popolare, Popular edition; — stimata, Good (approved) edi- tion; — tascabile, Pocket edition; — ufficiale, Official edition; — ultima, Last (latest) edition. eleg. elegantemente. eliotipie. Heliotype. erode. Heir. es. esemplare; — abbrun., esemplare abbrunato; — dist., esemplare, distinto. esaur. esaurito. Out of print. esemp. esemplare. esemplare (-i). Copy(-ies); — abbrunato. Memorial copy {i.e., pages with black borders); — distinto, Extra fine copy; — popolare, Popular edition. esplicativo. Explanatory. esterno. Foreign. F. fasc. fascicolo(-i). Part(s), fascicule (s). fig. figura(-e). Figure(s), illustration (s). filigrana(-e). Water mark(s). flessibile. Flexible, limp, foderato. Lined. fogli chiusi. Leaves unopened, foglietto. Small leaf. foglio. Leaf, folio. fogliolina. Leaf of a small book. fol. foglio. Folio, folio, (in — ), Folio size. folleto. Pamphlet, small book. 1 06 ITALIAN fotogr. fotografia. Photograph. franco. Free. fregi. Decorations, ornaments. f otoincisione (-i) . Photo-engraving (s) . fresche. Fresh, clean. fu il. The late. giur. giuridico. Juridical. greve. Seriously; — cylindrata, Badly wormed. grandezza. Size; in — naturale, Full size. I. illustr., illustraz. illustrazione. illustrazione(-i). Illustration (s). — in nero, Illus- trations in black; — in nero e bistre, Illustrations in black and dark brown (sepia). inimagine(-i). Picture (s). impronta. Impression. improntato. Printed, engraved. in-. In composition with book sizes, {e.g., in-4 ob- lungo, Oblong quarto; in-4 piccolo, Small quarto.) inc. incisione(-i). Engraving(s) ; — intercalate nel testo, Illustrations in the text. inciso. Engraved; — in rame. Engraved in copper, copper engravings. indice. Index, table of contents. ined. inedito. Unpublished. inglese. English. insepar. inseparabili. Complete, together, {e.g., 2 vol — , 2 volumes in i.) 107 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS int. intonso. intagliato. Engraved. intaglio. Engraving; intaglio in legno, woodcut. interamente. Entirely, completely, throughout. int(i)ero. Complete, perfect. intonso. Uncut, untrimmed. intorno. About, nearly. introd. introduzione. Introduction. 1. Lira, lire. Coin worth about twenty cents. lavoro (in — ). In preparation. leg. legato, legatura; — all. bod., legato alia bodo- niano; — ant., legatura antica; — in cart., legato in cartone; — in pel., legato in pelle; — ol., legatura olandese. legato. Bound; — alia bodoniano, Bound " Bodoni style " ; — in cartone, Bound in boards; — in mezza pelle. Bound in half leather; — in pelle. Bound in full leather; — in pecora. Bound in sheep; — in tabi. Bound in tabby; — in tela. Bound in cloth; — in tutta seta artificiale. Bound in full imitation silk. legatura. Binding; — antica., Old (antique) bind- ing; — olandese, Dutch (style) binding. libraio. Bookseller. libreria. Library, bookstore; — antiquaria. Old bookstore. libro(-i). Book(s), volume (s). libretto. Small book, booklet. librone(-i). Large book(s). 1 08 ITALIAN M. macchiato. Spotted, stained. manoscritto(-i). Manuscript(s). marco (marchio)-che. Mark, water mark, mezzo. Half; mezza pelle, Half leather; — per- gamena, Half vellum, migliorato. Improved, ms. (mss.). Manoscritto(-i). N. nero. Black. non e ancora pubblicato. Not yet published, num. numero, numerate. numero(-i). Number(s). numerate. Numbered, nuovo. New; nuova edizione, New edition. O. obi. oblungo. Oblong. ott. ottimo. Best, very good ; ottima conservazione, Excellent state of preservation, perfect condition. P. pag. pagina(-e). Page(s). paginatura. Paging. particol. particolareggiato. Detailed. pecora. Sheep ; carta — , Parchment, sheepskin. pelle. Leather, perg. pergamena. Vellum. pianta(-e). Plan(s). pice, piccolo. Small. 109 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS popolare. Popular; — edizione, Popular edition. per cada tomo. Per volume. porto. Postage. prefaz. prefazione. Preface. preparazione. Preparation; in — , In preparation. prezzo complessive. Complete price. pub (b)licazione (-1) . Publication (s) . Q- quasi esaurito. Nearly out of print. R. rac. raccolta, raccolto. raccolta. Compilation, collection. raccolto. Compiled, collected. reale. Royal; folio — , Imperial folio. relazione. Account, statement, report. richiamo(-i). Catchword (s) (at bottom of page). ricorr etto . Revised . rifatto. Restored, repaired. rilegato. Rebound. rilegatura. Rebinding, binding material. riprodutto. Reproduced. riproduzione (-1) . Reproduction (s) . riscontrato. Compared with, verified. risma. Ream of paper. ristampa. New edition, reprint; in — , In process of reprinting; non — , Not reprinted. ristretto(-i). Abstract, compendium. ritr. ritratto(-i). Portrait(s). ritrattino(-i). Miniature(s). riveduta. Revision. no ITALIAN riveduto. Revised; riveduta dall' autore, Revised by the author. S. s. senza. Without; s. a., senz'anno; s. d., senza data; s. 1., senza luogo; s. tip., senza tipografo. sc. scudo(-i). Old Italian coin of varying values. scinp. Scinpato. Torn, injured. scritto. Written. sec. secolo(-i). Age(s), century (-ies). segno(-i). Mark, watermark. senza. Without; senz'anno, Without year of publi- cation; — data. Without date; — luogo, Without place of publication; — tipografo, Without name of printer. seta artificiale. Imitation silk. sigle. Single letter, initial. silografia. Block book printing. sogetto(-i). Subject(s). spagn(u)olo. Spanish. spiegati. Explained. spiegativo. Explanatory. stampa(-e). Copy (-ies), impression (s). stamperia. Printing office. stesso. Same. stup. Stupendo; — es, Stupendo esemplare. stupendo. Excellent, very line; — esemplare, Very fine copy. sunto. Summary, extract. T. tabella(-e). Table(s), compendium(s). tagl. taglio. Ill ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS taglio(-i). Edge(s); — dorato, Gilt edge; — rosso, red edge. tarlato. Wormeaten. tarlatura. Wormholes. tasc. tascabile. Pocket (edition). tav. tavola(-e). Table (s), index(es), plate (s), table(s) of contents; — e a colori, Colored plates; — colorato, Colored plate; — e doppie colorate, Duplicate set of colored plates; — fuori testo, Picture (plate) not in the text; — miniati, Illus- trations in miniature. tedesc(h)o. German. tela. Cloth; — e oro, Bound in cloth ornamented in gold; mezza — , Half cloth; tutta — , Full cloth. testo. Text; nel — , In the text. tipografia. Printing house. tit. titolo; — inc., titolo inciso. titolo. Title, title page; — inciso. Engraved title page. tr. tradotto. Translated. traduz. traduzione. Translation. trattato(-i). Treatise(s). tutta. Full (all) ; — pelle. Full leather; — tela, Full cloth. U. uffic. ufficiale. Ofificial. uflacialmente. Officially. V. volume (-1). Volume (s). 112 LATIN ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS A. a. c. ante Christum. Before Christ. a capite ad calcem. Completely. a. h. 1. ad hunc locum. " On this passage (con- sult)." a. n. absque nota. No particulars of publication. ace. accedit, accessit. accedit. There follows. Literally, there is added, accessit. There has been added. There follows. ad calcem. At bottom of page, at the end. ad lib. (libit.) ad libitum. At pleasure. ad usum. For the use of. ad vivum. From life. ae., aet. aetatis. Aged. agenda. Rituals, liturgies, lists of memoranda, al. alii, alia. Others. al. alia lecta. Other readings. appar. apparuit. (It) has appeared, apud. From the publishing house of — . B. beatissimus. Most reverend, beatus. Blessed, of blessed memory. 113 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS c. c. f. cum figuris. With illustrations. ca. circa. caetera desunt. The rest lacking, or missing. cap. caput. Chapter, chapter head, head. cf. confer. Compare, consult. ch. m. charta magna. Large paper. clavis. Key. corrigendum (-a). Correction (s). cum. With; — barbis, Rough (deckle) edges; — iconibus, with figures; — notis variorum, With variorum notes. D. del. (deli., delin.). dellneavit. He (she) drew it. dir. direxit. (He) arranged, edited. donum. Gift. E. e. g. exempli gratia. « ead. pag. eadem pagina. eadem. The same; — editio, The same edition; — pagina. The same page. ed. editio. editio. Edition; — princeps. First edition, editus. Published, edited. ejusdem. Of the same — . eod. loc. eodem loco. In the same place. err. errata. Errors. et. And ; — al., — alia or alii. And others ; — seq., et sequentes. And the following, 114 LATIN etiam. The same as, also. ex. From; — aedibus, From the (publishing) house of; ex. gr., exempli gratia; — libris, Bookplate; — officina, From the bookshop of; — typ. (ex typo- graphia) , From the printing house of. exempli gratia. For example. exc, excud. excudebat. (He) printed, (e.g., in sere excuEum, Printed on copper; i.e., copperplate; G. Virtue exc, G. Virtue printed it.) excerptum. Selected from, selection, excerpt. Explicit. The end. Used also in descriptive notes to indicate the colophon. extremo. At the end. F. f., fe., fee, ft. fecit. (He) made it. (Usually of illustrations.) (e.g., X fecit aqua forti, X etched it.) finis. End; in fine, ad finem, At the end. folio. Folio (book size) ; — maximus. Large folio. folium. Leaf; folio recto, On the front of the leaf, right-hand page; verso. On the back of the leaf, left-hand page. h. e. hie est. H. h. q. hie quaere. h. t. hoc titulo. hie. This; — est, hoc titulo. In, or This under is; — , this - quaere, title. Look for this i. ib q. idem quod. . (ibid.), ibidem [. In I. the same place. 115 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS icones. Figures, diagrams. id. idem. The same; idem quod, The same as. ign. ignotus. Unknown. impensis. At the cost of, published by (or for). impr. impressus, imprimatur, imprimitur. impressus. Printed. Used also to indicate the colophon. imprimatur. Let it be printed. Official sign of approval. imprimitur. It is printed. in. In; — albis, " In sheets." — extenso, Entire, as a whole; — fidem copiae, a true copy; — globo, as a whole, complete; — loc, in loco. In its place; — pr., in principio. At the top, at the beginning. in., (init., or ad init.). initio, initium. At the begin- ning, the beginning. inedita. Unpublished works. inf. infra. Below, see below. interp. interpres, interpretatus. interpres. Translator. interpretatus. Translated. inv. invenit. (He) designed it. ipse. Himself, (e.g., Se ipse del., Drawn by him- self.) J- juxta. After, according to. L. 1. lege, liber. 1. c. loco citato. I. g. lit(t)erae gothicse. 1. i. c. Loco infra citato. ii6 LATIN 1. r. Ht(t)erae romanae. 1. s. c. loco supra citato. lege. Read, see. Ub. (Ubb.) liber(-bri). Book(s). limine (in — ). At the beginning or end. literatim. Letter for letter. lit(t)erae. Letters, characters; — gothicae, Gothic (black letter) characters; — romanae, Roman char- acters; — unciales, Uncial (round) letters. loc. locus, loc. cit., loco citato; loc. inf. cit., loco infra citato; — laud., loco laudato; — s. cit., loco supra citato. locus. Place ; loco citato, In the place cited or quoted ; loco infra citato, In the place cited below; loco laudato, In the place cited; loco supra citato, In the place cited above. N. n. natus. n. b. nota bene. n. V. ne varietur. Definitive; editio ne varietur, Definitive edition, Nota(-ae). Note(s); nota bene, Take notice. O. ob. obiit. He (she) died, op. opus; — cit., opere citato. opus (opera). Work(s); opere citato. In the work cited. P. p., (pin), pingebat, pinxit. passim. Here and there, at random. 117 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS pingebat. He (she) painted it. pinx. pinxit. See pingebat. pnxt. pinxit. princeps. First, original; editio — , First edition. privilegium. Privilege, authorization; Ctim privi- legio, With privilege, by authority. prostat. (He) sells, offers for sale. pxt. pinxit. Q. q. quod; — e., quod est; — v. (qq. v.), quod vide (quae vide). quod. Which; — est, Which is; — vide, Which see (pi. quae vide). R. recto. Right-hand page of book, usually with odd numbers; face or front of printed leaf, reverse. See verso. S. s. seu, sive. s. sine; — a., sine anno; — a. 1. et n., sine anno, loco et nomine; — d., sine dato; — 1., sine loco; — 1. a. n., sine loco, anno, vel nomine; s. 1. a. et typ. (n.) sine loco, anno et typographi (nomine) ; — n., sine nomine; — typ.(n.) sine typographi (nomine). s. socius. s. sub. — h. v., sub hoc verbo; — v., sub voce. saecul. sa?culum(-a). Age(s), century (-ies). sc. (sculp., sculps.). Sculpebat, sculpsit. ii8 LATIN sc. (scil.). scilicet. That is to say. scripta. Writings. sculpebat, sculpsit. (He) engraved it. seq.(-q). Sequens(-ntes), sequentia. The following. {e.g., V. 1636 seqq., See page 1636 and following pages.) seriatim. In succession, serially. seu. Or. sine. Without; — anno, Without year of publica- tion; — anno, loco et nomine. Without year or place of publication or name of printer; — dato, Without date of publication; — impressore. With- out name of printer; — loco, Without place of pub- lication; — loco, anno, vel nomine; Without place, year, or name of printer; — nomine. Without name of printer; — typographi (nomine), Without name of printer. singillatim. Separately, one by one. sive. Or. soc. Societas, socius. societas. Society, association. socius. Fellow, partner, associate. sq. (sqq.) See seq. ss. scilicet. ss. superscriptus, suprascriptus. sub. Under ; — hoc verbo. Under this word ; — voce, Under the word (or title). smnpt. sumptibus. At the cost of, published by (or for). sup. superexlibris. sup. supplementum. superscriptus. Written over or upon. 119 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS superexlibris. Fine (large) book plate, supplementum. Supplement. suprascriptus. Written at the top. See also super- scriptus. T. t. tomus. tab. tabula (-se). Plate (s). text. rec. textus receptus. Received text, {i.e., Text ordinarily used or cited.) textus. Text. titulus. Title ; — secundarius, Half title, bastard title. tomus(-i). Volume(s). traductum. Translated. typographia. Printing house, typographus. Printer. U. u. ut; — inf., ut infra; u. s., ut supra. ult. ultimo. At the end. ut. diet, ut dictum. As has been said; — infra, As below; — supra. As above. V. V. vide, v., v**. Verso. V. g. verbi gratia. V. lect. (w. 11.), var. lect. vario lectio (variones lec- tiones) . vacat. (It is) blank, vacant. Plural of vacat. 120 LATIN vario lectio (variae lectiones). Different reading(s). variorum. Of many writers, (e.g., editio variorum, Edition including versions, notes, etc., of different people.) verbi gratia. For example. verso. Back of a leaf. (In a book, the left-hand (even- numbered) page.) vide. See; — etiam, See also; — retro, See above, videlicet. Namely. viz. videlicet. vo. Verso. vol. volumen. volumen(-ines). Volume (s). w. 11. Variae lectiones. See vario lectio. 121 SPANISH ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS acero, (en — ) . Steel (engraving) . acotado. Limited. adicion. Addition. agotado. Out of print. agotadisimo. Very scarce, entirely out of print. agujero. Wormhole. aleman. German. algo. Somewhat, {e.g., algo deteriorado, Somewhat damaged.) ampliado. Enlarged. anotacion. Note, annotation. anotado. Annotated. anteportada. Page of half title; — grabada, En- graved half title. antiguo. Old. anual. Annual. anual. anualmente. Annually. anuario. Year book, annual. anunciado. Announced. apaisado. Oblong (particularly of illustrations or en- gravings) . apendice. Appendix, supplement. apolillado. Wormeaten. 122 SPANISH aumentado. Enlarged, autografo. Autograph. autografiado. Autographed. autor. Author, azul. Blue, azulado. Bluish. B. badana. Sheep. bastante. Considerably; — deteriorado, Consider- ably damaged. becerrillo. Calf. bibliografia. Bibliography. bibliografico. Bibliographical. biblioteca. Library, catalogue. bianco. White, blank. boletin. Bulletin. bolsillo. Pocket; ed. de — , Pocket edition. bonito. Attractive; bonita edicion, Attractive edi- tion; — ejemplar, Good (attractive) copy. buen(a). Good; — ejemplar, Good copy; — es- tado (de conservacion), Good condition; buena letra, Good print (type). C. c. con. With. cabeza. Top ; — dorada, Gilt top. cabezal. Title page. cada tomo. Per volume, each volume, cantos dorados. Gilt edges. caracteres. Letters; — cursives, Italics; — goticos, Gothic (text or black-letter) characters. 123 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS carpeta. Portfolio, wrapper. cartone. Bound in boards. cartulina. Cardboard, bristol board. centime (-s). Centime(s). cerca de. About. chagrin. Shagreen, grained leather; tela — , Cloth grained to imitate shagreen, "morocco cloth"; — flexible, Flexible shagreen; — mullido, Padded morocco. coleccion. Collection, colofon. Colophon. colunina. (coluna.) Column, con. With ; — grabados, With engravings, correccion. Correction, corregido. Corrected, cortado per el margen. Margin trimmed, corte. Edge; — s dorados, Gilt edge(s); — s de distinto color, Edges of different colors; — s rojos, Red edges. corto numero, (en — ) . Small number available, scarce. eta. Account. cuademo. Stitched pamphlet, signature " in fours." cuadro. Picture. cubierta. Cover, cuidadosamente corregido. Carefully corrected. D. ded. dedicatoria. Dedication, deteriorado. Damaged. dibujo. Drawing. 124 SPANISH docum. documento. Document. dorado. Gilt. dos col. i.. Double column. E. e. escudo; — de a., escudo de armas; — de a. i., escudo de armas imperiales; — de a. r., escudo de armas reales. ed. edici6n. edicion. Edition ; — autografiada, Autographed edi- tion; — de corto numero de ejemplares, Limited edition; — de gran lujo, Extra de luxe edition; — de lujo, Edition de luxe; — en letra gruesa, Large type edition. ejemplar. Copy; bonito — , Attractive (pretty) copy; bueno — , Good copy ; — inmejorable, Perfect copy ; — numerado, Numbered copy. en. In; — cartone, Bound in boards. enc. encuadernado. encarnado. Flesh-colored. encartonado. Bound in boards. encuademacion. Binding. encuadernado. Bound. epoca, (de la — ). Contemporary, (e.g., pasta de la epoca.) escaso. Defective, lacking. escudo. shield; — de armas, Coat of arms; — de armas imperiales, Imperial coat of arms; — de ar- mas reales, Royal coat of arms. esmeradamente arreglado. Carefully arranged. estropeado. Mutilated. 125 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS estuche. Case, excelentemente. Excellently. extranjero. Foreign. facsimil. facsimile. faltan. Lacking, wanting. falto. Wanting, lacking. fecha. Date. fha. Fecha. fho. Fecho. Dated. filete dorado. Gold fillet. fol. foliacion. folio. foliacion. Pagination. foliado. Paged. folio mayor. Large folio. folio menor. Small folio. folleto. Pamphlet. forrado de tela. Lined with cloth. fotograbado. Photogravure. fiances. French. franqueo. Postage free. frente. Front (cover). frontis. frontispicio. Frontispiece. gastos de envio. Costs of transportation. grab, grabado(s) ; — en mad., grabado en madera. grabado. Engraving; — en acero, Steel engraving; — en madera, Wood engraving; — relieve, En- graving in relief. 126 SPANISH gran. Large, great; — folio, Large folio; — papel, Large paper, grueso. Thick, bulky; — volumen, Large, bulky volume, guia. Guide. H. h. hoja. hecho al cromo. Done in color, hermoso. Handsome. hoja. Leaf; — volante, Broadside, newspaper " ex- tra " or supplement. hoL holandes. Dutch. L iluminado. Illuminated. ilustracion. Illustration. ilustrado. Illustrated. imprenta. Printing office. impresion. Impression, edition. impreso. Printed. impreso. Small book, short treatise. indice. Index. infinidad. A great number; — de laminas, Numer- ous plates. ingles. English. iniciales. Initials. inmejorable. Very remarkable; ejemplar — , Per- fect copy. intercalado en el texto. Intercalated in the text. intonso. Uncut. 127 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS J. jaspeado. Marbled. L. 1. libro. lam. Idmina. Plate, engraving; — doblada, Folded plate, double-page plate; — al agua fuerte, etching; — suelta, Loose plate. let. letra; — curs., letra cursiva; — got., letra g6tica; — rem., letra romana. letra(s). Letter; — s cursivas, Italics; — s capitales. Capital letters ; — s goticas, Gothic (text or black- letter) letters; — gruesa, Large type; — muy gruesa, Very large type; — romana, Roman let- ter; — peguena, small type. libreria. Library, bookshop. librero. Bookseller. linea. Line. litografia. Lithograph. lomera. Back ; — jaspeada, Marbled back ; — y pun- tas chagrin, Three-quarters (back and corners) shagreen. lomo. Back; — cuajado de ore. Back profusely ornamented with gold ; — tela, Cloth back ; — jas- peado. Marbled back. lujoso. Ornate, elaborate. M. MS. (MSS.). Manuscrito(-s). magnifico. Splendid ; — ejemplar, Splendid copy. 128 SPANISH mal. Bad, poor; — ejemplar, Poor copy, mancha. Spot, stain. See manchado. manchado. Spotted, stained; — de agua, Water- stained; — de humidad, "Foxed," mildewed; — de tinta, Ink stained. manuscrito. Manuscript, mapa. Map. marcado. Marked, margen. Margin; — inferior, Lower margin; — superior, Upper margin. materia. Subject; tabia de — s. Subject index. may. mayor. mayor. Large (lit. "larger"); 4° — , Large quarto. medio. Half; media pasta. Half leather binding, menor. Small (lit. "smaller"); folio — , Small quarto. mismo, el — . The same, modemo. Modern. mr.(s). maravedi(s). Old Spanish coin worth about one-sixth of a cent, multidad. Large number; — de grabados. Many engravings. muy. Very; — escaso, Very scarce; — raro, Very rare. N. n. ntimero. neto. Net. nuevo. New; neuva edicion, New edition. nota. Note ; — s marginales. Marginal notes. num.(-s). numero(-s). Number (s). 129 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS o. obra. Work; — sdeocasion, Secondhand works; — s de lance, Secondhand books; — rarisima, Very rare work. opuscule. Short summary or treatise. orden(es). Arrangement (s), class(es). ordenado. Arranged. ordenadamente. Systematically. orl. orla. Margin, border. orla. orlado; — en las tapas, Edges of covers dec- orated ; — orladas las paginas, Decorative margins, ornamental borders. p. por, peseta, p^gina. p. a. por autorizacion. p. p. porte pagado. p. en b. pagina en bianco. pag.(s). pagina(s). pagina. Page; — s doblas, Folded pages; — en bianco, Blank page ; — s orladas, Pages with deco- rated borders. papel. Paper; — gran, large paper; — acani- llado, Laid paper; — avitelado. Vellum paper; — azul, Blue paper; — corriente, Common (ordinary) paper; — couche, Coated paper; — de arroz. Rice paper; — de China, India paper; — de hilo, Rag paper; — hilo. Rag paper; — Japon, Japan paper; — jaspeado, Marbled paper; — satinado, Calendered paper, glazed paper; — volante. Small pamphlet, leaflet. 130 SPANISH papel. Treatise, article, paper. pasta. Leather binding (leather covered boards) , roan leather; — con adornos, Ornamental leather bind- ing; — fina, Fine leather binding; — espanola, Spanish leather binding; — valenciana, Valentian leather binding. perfecto. Perfect. pergamino. Parchment. peseta. Spanish coin worth about 19 cents. peso. Spanish dollar (South American coin worth about 75 cents); peso duro (fuerte), Old Spanish " hard dollar " or " piece of eight." pf(s). peso(s) fuerte (s). picadura de polilla. Wormhole. piel. Leather; — tabla, Diced leather; — valenci- ana, Valentian leather. plancha. Plate. piano. Plan. plegado. Folded. pliego. Sheet of paper. por. By. port, portada. portada. Frontispiece, title page ; — orlada, Deco- rated title page. porta pagado. Prepaid. precio. Price. prel. preliminar. Preliminary. prensa, (en — ). In press. primero. First; primera edicion, First edition. priv. privilegio. Privilege, copyright. proemio. Preface, introduction. prol. prologo. Preface, introduction. 131 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS ps. paginas; — ds., paginas doblas. ps. pesos. pta. (ptas.). peseta(s). pts. pesetas. publicacion. Publication. punta. Corner; — redonda, round corner; — rebar- beado, rough (deckle) edge. Q. Que se hallan de venta. Which are for sale. R. r. (rs.). Real(es). rarisima. Very rare. rare. Rare. real(es). Old Spanish coin worth lo to I2| cents. real. Royal. rebaja. Reduction, rebate, discount. rebarbeado. Rough. recopilado. Compiled. recopilador. Compiler. recortado. Cut, trimmed. reducido. Reduced. reforzado. Strengthened, reenforced. rehecho. Repaired, restored. reimpresion. Reprint, new edition. remendado. Mended. remiendo. Short work, issued in limited edition, patch. reproduccion. Reproduction, retrato. Portrait. 132 SPANISH revisado. Revised. roto. Broken, damaged. rotulo. Binder's title; — dorado, Back title in gilt. rustica (a la — , en — ). Unbound, paper covers. S. s. sin ; — a., sin ano ; — f ., sin fecha ; — 1., sin lugar ; — 1. n. a., sin lugar ni aiio; — 1. ni a. ni numera- cion. ser. serie(s). Series. siglo. Century. sign, signatura. " Signature," section, sheet. siguiente. Following, sequent. sin. Without; — ano., Without year of publica- tion; — fecha. Without date; — foliacion, With- out numbered folios (leaves) ; — foliar. Unpaged ; — lugar. Without place; — lugar ni ano ni numera- cion; Without place, year, or numbered pages; — numeracion, — numerar. Unnumbered; — signa- turas. Without signature marks. sobrepuestas. Mounted plates, etc. sociedad. Society. suelto. Loose. T. tabla. Table of contents. tafilete. Morocco. tamano. Size, shape. tapa. Cover. tela. Cloth; — con dorados, Cloth binding orna- mented in gilt; — encamada, Flesh-colored cloth binding. 133 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS tirado. Printed ; — de ejemplares en corto numero, Only a few copies printed ; tirada especiale, Special edition. tit. titulo. Title. todas sus margenes, (con — ). Margins entire, uncut. tomito. Small volume. tomo. Volume. traduccion. Translation. traducido. Translated. U. ultimo. Last, latest; ultima edicidn, Latest edition. Ultramar. Foreign. unico publicado (Tomo i — ). Only — vol. published. V. V. vease. See. vendido. Out of print. viiieta. Vignette ; — en madera, Vignette woodcuts. volumen. Volume. 134 SWEDISH ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS* Umlauted vowels are arranged in order with unumlauted, not by themselves as in Swedish dictionaries A. a. andra. Second. adl. afdelning(ar). Section (s), part(s). af. By. afhandl. afhandling(ar). Papers, aftryck. Copy(-ies), print (s), impression (s). allm. allman(t). General (ly), common (ly). anledn. anledning. Occasion (s). arg. argang(-ar). Annual volume(s), yearbook(s). arh. arhundrade(r). Century (-ies). arlig. Annual (ly). ark. Signature(s), arr. arrangerad. Arranged. arsberattelse(r). Annual report (s). arskatalog(er). Annual catalogue. arsskrift(er). Annual publication (s). aukt. (auktor.) ofvers. auktoriserat ofversattning. Authorized translation. B. bd. band. Volume(s), binding(s). bearb. bearbetad. Revised. * No claim to completeness or proportion is made for this sec- tion. It is included in default of a fuller available list elsewhere. 135 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS bemjmd. bemyndigad. Authorized — of vers. ( — of versattning) . Authorized translation. bibl. bibhotek. Library (-ies). Also hihiisk. BibUcal. bidrag. Contribution (s). bifogad. Added. bihang. Appendix (es), supplement(s). bil. bilaga(-or). Supplement (s). biogr. biografisk, biografi(er). biografi(er). Biography (-ies). biografisk. Biographical. bl. blad. Leaf(-ves). bl. a. bland annat. bland annat. Among others (inter alia) . bok (bocker). Book(s), part(s). bokb. bokbinderi(-er). Bindery (-ies). bokforl. bokforlag. Publishing house, bokforlaggare. Publisher (s). bokforteckning(ar). Catalogue (s). bokh. bokhandel. Bookstore (s). boklador. Book store. boktr. boktryckeri(er). Printing house (s). — bolag. boktryckeribolag. Printing firm. C. chagrb. chagrinband. Shagreen binding. D. def. defekt. Defective, imperfect, incomplete. del(-ar). Part(s). distr. distribuerad. Distributed, " sold by." distr. Distribution, distributing center, agency. dlr. delar. Part(s). dyl. dylik(a). The same, similar. 136 SWEDISH E. eg. egentlig(en). Real(ly), proper (ly). ej i bokhandeln. Not for sale. el. eller. Or. eleg. elegant. Elegant. ensidigt blad. Broadside, leaf printed on one side. ensk. enskild. Private (ly), special (ly). ett ex. ett exemplar. One copy, single (or unique) copy. ex., expl. exemplar. Copy(-ies). exp. exporterad. Exported. F. f. for. For. f. 0. for ofrigt. Besides, further, f. foljande. Following (sing.). farglitografi. Lithographed in colors, fargtr. fargtryck. Color print, ff. foljande. Following (plu.). fig. figur(er). Illustration(s). fl. fler(a). More, many, folj. foljande. Following, next, foljd. Series. forbattrad upplaga. Revised (improved) edition, foregaende. Preceding. forenmg(en). Association (s), society (-ies). forf. forfattar. Author. fori, forlaggare. Publisher, forord. Preface (s), introduction(s). forteckn. forteckning(ar). List(s), index (es), cata- logue(s). fr. fran. From. franskt band. Calf binding, leather binding. 137 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS G. genom. By, through. genomsedd. Revised. gldsn. guldsnitt. gm., gnm. genom. gotisk stil. Gothic type, " black letter." gray, graverad. Engraved. grav. gravyr. Engraving(s). gsn., (guldsn.). guldsnitt. Gilt edges, gilding. H. h. (hfn.). hafte(n). Number(s), part(s). haftad. Stitched. handskr. handskrift(er). Manuscript (s). hfn. haften. Numbers, parts. heliograv3rr(er). Heliogravure (s). helsidespl. helsides plansch(er). Full-page plate(s). hlfr. bd. (hlfr.). halffranskt band (halffransk). Half- calf binding. hvarje. Each, hvit. White, blank. — sida, Blank page. I. i allm. i allmanhet. Mostly, generally, commonly. i St. f. i stallet for. Instead of. ibl. ibiand. Among. illustr. illustrerat. Illustration, illustration (er). Illustration(s). illustrerat. Illustrated. inb. inbunden. Bound, innehall. Contents. inledning(ar). Introduction (s), preface(s). 138 SWEDISH inneh. inneh^Uer. Contains, interfol. interfolierad. Interleaved, intet titelblad. No title page. J. jamte. Besides, with. jfr. jemfor. Compare. K. kalfband. Calf binding. kartonerad. Bound in boards. kart. karta(-or). kart. kartong. karta(-or). Map(s), chart (s). kartbok(-bdcker). Atlas (es). kartong. " Boards," board binding. klb. kalfband. Calf binding. klotb. klotband. Cloth binding. kolor. kolorerad. Colored. kompl. komplet. Complete(ly). kongl. konglig. Royal. koppartryck. Copperplate. kplt. komplet. kungl. kunglig. Royal. kr. kron(or). Scandinavian coin worth 25-26 cents. L. lagg. Signature (s). Idrbd. laderband. Leather binding, liten qvart. Small 4to (etc.). litograf tryck. Lithograph (s). litogr. litograferad. Lithographed. 139 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS litograferad plansch. Lithograph, lyxband. Binding de luxe. M. m. med. With, and. m. fl. med flera. And others, m. m. med mera. Et cetera. medd. meddelande(n). Communication (s), con- tribution (s). minnes bl. minnes blad. Memorial pamphlet (s). mus. musik. Music. musik f6rteckning(ar). Music catalog (s). N. narv (narvarande) tid. The present time. notis(er). Note(s), notice (s). numr. nummer, numrerad. nummer. Number(s). numrerad. Numbered. ny. New; ny upplaga (nya upplagor), New edi- tion (s). O. 0. och. And. o. ofver. Over. 0. d. och dylika. And similar (ones). o. s. V. och sa vidare. Et cetera, ofvers. ofversatt. Translated, ofversedd. Revised. oillustr. oillustrerad. Without illustrations. omarb. omarbetad. Revised. — uppl., omar- betad upplaga. Revised edition. omkr. omkring. About (circa). 140 SWEDISH onumrerad. Unnumbered. oofver. See ofver. opag. opaginerad. Unpaged. ore. Scandinavian coin worth about | cent. orig. Original. osignerat. Without signature marks. oskuret. Uncut, unopened. P. pagina. Page(s). paginering. Pagination, papper. Paper. perm(ar). Board covers, covers, {e.g. med skindrygg 0. clotpermar, With leather back and cloth sides.) pi. plansch(er). Plate (s). plschr. planscher. porto. Postage; — fri, Postpaid, portr. portratt(er). Portrait (s). ppbd. papband. Board binding. pris(er). Price (s). prgtbd. pragtband. Binding de luxe. Q. Qvart. Quarto. R. redaktor(er). Editor (s). redig. redigerat. Edited. ror. rorande. Concerning. S. s. sida. ss. s^som. For example (e.g.). 141 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS saml. samlade, samling. samlade. Collected, {e.g. samlade skrifter, Com- plete works.) samling(ar). Collection, (e.g. samling dikter, Col- lection of poems.) samma. (The) same. samt. samtidig. Contemporary. sarsk. sarskild. Separate, individual. sartr. sartryck. Abstract, separate. se. See. sid. sida. sida (sidor). Page(s). sign, signatur, signerat. signatur(er). Signature(s), signerat. Signed, marked. skildr. skildring(ar). Description (s). skr. skrift(er). Work(s), writing(s). sp. spalt(er). Column (s). ss. sidor. Pages. stor. Large, (e.g. stor folio, Large folio.) suppl., supplem. supplement(er). Supplement(s). sv. svensk. Swedish. svart. Black; — och rodt tryck, Printed in black and red. T. t. till. t. ex. till exempel. For example, t. 0. m. till och med. Till, inclusive. tafia (tafior). Plate (s), illustration (s). talr. talrik. Numerous. teckn. teckning(ar). Drawing(s). tidskr. tidskrift(er). Periodical (s). 142 SWEDISH till. To ; till exempel, For example ; till och med, Till, up to, inclusive. tillagg. Appendix(-dices). tillok. tillokad. tillokning. tillokad. Enlarged. tillokning (ar). Addition (s), enlargement (s). titelblad. Title-page. tr. tryck, tryckt. trasnitt. Woodcut(s), wood engraving(s). trasnitt gravjrr. Woodcut, trasnitts-tafla (taflor). Woodcut (s). tryck. Print(s). tryckt. Printed. tryckort. Place of printing (or publishing), tvaspaltad. Double column, tvaspaltig. In two columns, double column, tvar. Square, (e.g. tvarfol, Square folio.) U. ungef. ungefar. About (circa). uppgift-(er). Notice (s), report (s), list(s). uppl. upplaga(or). Edition (s). utan. Without ; — ar, Without year ; — ort, Without place of publication; — sign, utan signatur, Without signature mark(s) ; — titelblad, Without title page. utarb. utarbetad. Compiled. utdg., utdr. utdrag. Abstract(s), extract(s). utg. utgifva, utgifven. utgangen ur bokhandeln. Out of print. utgifva. Edition. utgifven. Edited. utgifvare. Editor(s). 143 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS utk. utkomma. Appeared, issued, utm. utmarkt. Choice, excellent, utsald. Out of print. V. volym(er). Volume(s), book(s), part(s). 144 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES Only such titles as are frequently used in connection with authors' names are included. For others, especially those in- dicating ecclesiastical or military rank, appellations of royalty or nobility, designation of particular official positions, or mem- bership in societies, see prefaces to biographical dictionaries like Who's Who, Who's Who in America, Wer Ist's, etc., also the lists of abbreviations in Webster's International Dictionary and the Standard Dictionary: for forenames consult Cutter, C. A., Rules Jor a Dictionary Catalogue, 1904, p. 157-61. (D.) = Dutch; (F.) = French; (G.) = German ; (I.) = Italian; (L.) = Latin; (S.) = Spanish. A. A. Alteza (S). Altezza (I). AA. Altezas. Highnesses. (S). A.D. Archduke. A.N.A. Associate of the National Academy. (U. S.) A.R.A. Associate of the Royal Academy. (Eng.) Adm. Admiral. Alteza. Highness. (S.) Altezza. (I.) Highness. apa. (ap*.), apo., aplica., aplico., apostolica(-o). Apostolic. arz., arzbpo. arzbispo. Archbishop. (S). Att., Atty. Attorney; Att.-Gen., Attorney general. 145 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES B. B. beato. Blessed, holy, (St.). (S.) bach, bachelier, — es lettres, etc.. Bachelor of let- ters, etc. (F.) bart. Baronet. B"". Baron. (F.) bp. Bishop. br. bachiller. Bachelor (of Arts, etc.). (S.) bt. Baronet. C. C.B. Companion of the Bath. C.D.S.O. Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. C. de J. Compania de Jesus (S. J.). (S.) C.G. Consul general. C.J. Chief justice. C.P.S. Custos Privati Sigilli. Keeper of the Privy Seal. (L.) C.R. Custos Rotulorum. Keeper of the Rolls. (L.) C.S. Custis Sigilli. Keeper of the seal. (L.) cap., capn. capitan. Captain. (S.) capl., capln. capellan. Chaplain. (S.) Card., Cardl. Cardenal. Cardinal. (S.) Card. Cardinal. Ch. chancelier. Chancellor. (F.) Ch«. Chevalier. (F.) Col. Colonel. Comdt. Commandant. Commander. (G.) conte. Count. (I.) contessa. Countess. (I.) Ct. Count. 146 BRIEF LIST OF HONORAKY TITLES Ct«. comte. Count. (F.) C^sse^ comtesse. Countess. (F.) D. D., D»., Da. Dona. (S.) D., D°., Dn. Don. (S.) D.C.L. Doctor of Civil (Common) Law. D.S.O. Distinguished Service Order. Dir. Directeur (F.), Direktor (G.). Director. Doc. Docent. Doct. Doctor. Doz. Dozent. (G.) Dr. D^ Doctor. (F.) Due. Duke. (F.) Duca. Duke. (I.) E. Ehzg, Erzherzog(-in). Archduke (-duchess). (G.) Em., Ema., Em*. Eminencia. Eminence. (S.) Em., Emm. Eminentisimo. Very eminent. (S.) Em. Eminenza. Eminence. (I.) Emn. Eminenz. Eminence. (G.) Episc. Episcopus. Bishop. (L.) ER., ERr. Ehrenritter. (G.) Erzb. Erzbischof. Archbishop. (G.) Erzhzg. Erzherzog. Archduke. (G.) Exc, Exc*. Excelencia. Excellency. (S.) Excma., Excmo. Excelentisima(-mo). Most excel- lent. (S.) F. P.M. Field marshal. F.-M.-Lt. Feldmarschall-Leutnant. Lieutenant field marshal. (G.) 147 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES F.R.A. Fellow of the Royal Academy. F.R.C.P. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. F.R.G.S. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. F.R.H.S. Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society. F.S.A. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Frhr. Freiherr. Baron, baronet. (G.) Frhrin. Freiherrin. Baroness. (G.) Fst. Furst(-in). Prince(-ess). (G.) fstl. furstlich. Princely. (G.) G. G.-F.-M. Generalfeldmarschall. General field mar- shal. Generalissimo. (G.) G^K General. (F.) Gen., Genl. General. Gen.-Lt. Generlleutnant. Lieutenant general. (G.) Gen.-Maj. Generalmajor. Major general. (G.) Gf. Graf. Count. (G.) Gfn., Gfin. Grafin. Countess. (G.) Gfst. Grossfiirst. Grand-duke. (G.) Ghz. Grossherzog. Archduke. (G.) Gob., Gobr., Gob'. Gobernador. Governor. (S.) gouv. gouverneur. Governor. (F.) Gov. Governor. Gov. Gen. Governor general. Graaf. Count. (D.) Gravin. Countess. (D.) Grossh., Grossherz. Grossherzog. Archduke. (G.) grossh., grossherz. grossherzoglich. Archducal. (G.) 148 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES H. H.B.M. His (Her) Britannic Majesty. H.C.M. His (Her) Catholic Majesty. H.E. His Eminence. H.E. His Excellency. H.H. His (Her) Highness, His Holiness. H.I.H. His (Her) Imperial Highness. H.M. His (Her) Majesty. Hon., Honble. Honorable. H.R.H. His (Her) Royal Highness. Hauptmann. Captain. (G.) Herren. Gentlemen, Messieurs. (G.) H.H. Herren. (G.) hi., hlg. heilig. Holy, " Saint." (G.) Hofmarschall. Knight marshal, " seneschal." (G.) Hzg. Herzog. Duke. (G.) Hzgin. Herzogin. Duchess. (G.) I. I.e. lurisconsult. Counsellor-at-law. (L.) n™*, Ihna., Ilmo., Illma., Illmo. Illustrisima(-o). Most illustrious. (S.) J. J. Judge, justice. J.C. Jurisconsult. Counsellor-at-law. (L.) J.C.D. Juris Civilis Doctor. Doctor of Civil Law. (L.) J.D. Jurum Doctor. Doctor of Laws. (L.) J.U'.!D. Juris Utruisque Doctor. Doctor of both laws (i.e., civil and canon). (L.) 149 L BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES Jhr, Jonkheer. Sir. (D.) Jkvr. Jonkvrouw. Lady. (D.) K. k. kaiserlich, koniglich. Imperial, royal. (G.) K. King, knight. K. Konig. King. (G.) K.B. Knight of the Bath. K.C. King's Counsel. K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath. K.G. Knight of the Garter. k.k. koniglich kaiserlich, kaiserlich koniglich. Royal imperial. (G.) k.u.k. kaiserlich und koniglich. Royal and impe- rial. (G.) kais. kaiserlich. Imperial. Kap. Kapitan. Captain. (G.) Kg. Konig. kgl. Koniglich. Khr. Kammerherr. Chamberlain. (G.) Komdt. Kommandant. Commandant. (G.) Kt. Knight. Kurfst. Kurfurst. Elector (electoral prince). (G.) kurfstl. kurfiirstlich. Relating to an electoral prince. (G.) L. L. Lady. L. licenciado. Licentiate. (S.) L.C. Lord Chamberlain, Lord Chancellor. L.C.B. Lord Chief Baron. L.C.J. Lord Chief Justice. 150 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES L.H.A. Lord High Admiral. L.H.C. Lord High Chancellor. L.H.D. Litterarum Humanarum Doctor. Doctor of Humanities. (L.) L.J. Lord Justice. L.P. Lord Provost. Ldo. Licenciado. (S.) Ldgf. Landgraf. Landgrave. (G.) Lieut., Lt. Lieutenant; — Col., Lieutenant colonel; — Gov., Lieutenant governor. M. M. Madre. Mother, the Virgin. (S.) M. Maestro. Professor, Master (of Arts, etc). (S.) M. Majestad. M. Marquis. M. Monsieur. M. Member. (See F. (Fellow)). M. Mitglied. Member; M.d.H.H., Mitglied des Herrenhauses, Member of the House of Lords; M.d.L., Mitglied des Landtags, Member of the House of Commons (or Lower House); M.d.R., Mitglied des Reichstags, Member of the Reich- stag; M.d.R.-R., Mitglied des Reichsrats, Member of the Imperial Council. (G.) M.C. Member of Congress. M.G. Major general. M.P. Member of Parliament. Maj. Major; Maj. Gen., Major general. March. Marchioness. Marchese. Marquis. (L) 151 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES Marchesa. Marchioness. (I.) Marechal. Marshal. (F.) Marq. Marquis. Marsch. Marschall. Marshal. (G.) Mdlle. Mademoiselle. Me., M®. Madre. The Virgin, mother (religious). Mej. Mejuffrouw. Miss. (D.) Mevr. Mevrouw. Mrs. (D.) Mgr. Monsignor, Monsignore. (I.) Min. Plen. Minister Plenipotentiary. M'^ Marquis. (F.) M'^^. Marquise, Marchioness. (F.) Mitgl. Mitglied. (See under M.) Mile. Mademoiselle. MM. Their majesties. Mm. Messieurs. Mme. Madame. Mens. Monsieur (used in older English but consid- ered highly incorrect by the French). Mr. Meester. Doctor of Laws. (D.) Most Rev. Most Reverend (Archbishop). Mr., Mrc, Mr^. Maestro. (See M.) Mrs. Missis, mistress. N. N.A. National Academician (Art). O. O.F.M. Ordinis Fratrum Minorum. Of the order of Friars Minors (Franciscan). (L.) O.P. Ordinis Pra^dicatorum. Of the Dominican order. (L.) 152 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES O.S.A. Ordinis St. Angustini. Of the order of St. Augustine. O.S.B. Ordinis St. Benedicti. Of the order of St. Benedict. P. P. Papa, padre. The Pope, father (priest). (S.) P.C. Privy councillor. P.D. See Ph.D. P«. Prince. (F.) Pe. Padre. pere. Father (priest). (F.) Pras. Prasident. President. (G.) principe. Prince. (I.) Prins. Prince. (D.) Prov. Provost. Prz. Prinz. Prince. (G.) Przssin. Prinzessin. Princess. Q. Q.C. Queen's Counsel. R. R. Reverend o. Reverend. (S.) R. Reverencia. Reverence. R. Rex, regina. King, Queen. (L.) R. Real. Royal. R.A. Rear Admiral, Royal Academician (Art). R.E. Right Excellent, Royal Engineers. R.S.S. Regiae Socletatis Socius. Fellow of the Royal Society. (L.) R.W. Right Worthy, Right Worshipful. Rect. Rector. 153 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES Reg. Prof. Regius Professor. Ridder. Knight. (D.) Rt. Ritter. Knight, " Sir." (G.) Rt. Hon. Right Honorable. Rt. Rev. Right Reverend (Bishop). Rt. Wpful. Right Worshipful. S., San. Santo, Santa. Saint. (S.) S., Sant'. Santo, Sante. Saint. (I.) S. Senor. "Mr." (S.) S. Socius. Fellow, Associate, or Member of — . (L.) S.A. Son (sa) altesse. His (Her) Highness. (F.) S.A. Su (sua) Alteza. His (Her) Highness. (S.) S.A.I. Su (Sua) Alteza. His (Her) Imperial High- ness. (S.) S.A.R. Son (sa) altesse royale. His (Her) Royal Highness. (F.) S.A.R. Su Alteza real. His Royal Highness. (S.) S.A.R. Suo (Sua) Altezza reale. His (Her) Royal Highness. (I.) S.C.M. Sacra Caesarea (or Catholica) Majestas. His Imperial (or Catholic) Majesty. (L.) S.J. Society of Jesus (Jesuits). S.M. Su Majestad. His Majesty; S.M.A., Su Majestad Apostolica, His Apostolic Majesty. (S.) S.R.M. Su Real Majestad. His Royal Majesty. (S.) S.R.S. Societatis Regise Socius. Fellow of the Royal Society. (F.) S.T.D. Sacrse Theologise Doctor. Doctor of Divin- ity. (L.) 154 BRIEF LIST OF HONORARY TITLES S*. Senora. (S.) Sa. Senora. " Mrs." (S.) Sen. Senator. Serg., Serj. Sergeant, Serjeant. Sig. Signor. "Mr." (I.) Signora. " Mrs." (I.) Signorina. " Miss." (I.) Sn., Sn., San., Saint. (S.) Sor., Sores. Senor, seiiores. " Mr.," " Messrs.," or Gentlemen. (S.) Sr., Sres. Senor, Senores. See above. Sra., Sras. Senora, Sefioras. Mrs., Mesdames. (S.) Srta., S^. Senorita. Miss. (S.) SS. AA. Sus Altezas. Their Highnesses. (S.) SS. MM. Sus Majestades. Their Majesties. (S.) St. Sainte. Saint. (F.) Sta. Saint (fem.). (S.) Ste. Sainte. Saint (fem.). (F.) Su. See S. Sua. See S. T. ten., tente. teniente. Lieutenant. (S.) V. V. Venerable. (S., F., Eng.) V. Venerabilis, venerandus. Venerable. (L.) V.A. Vice Admiral. V.G. Vicar General. V.P. Vice President. V. Rev. Very Reverend. 155 BRIEF LIST OF IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS For places and forms not in this list consult Deschamps, P. C. E., Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne, Paris, 1870 (often sold as Supplement au (Brunei's) Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres); Ebert, F. A., General bibliographical diction- ary, 4 v., Oxford, 1837; Power, John, Handy-book about books, London, 1870, pp. 51-63. (English places) : Rogers, W. T.. Man- ual of bibliography, London, 1891 , pp. 168-82 ; Brown, J. D., Man- ual of practical bibliography, London, pp.163-72. For location and other information consult any good gazetteer such as Lippincott's. Only the nominative form is usually given here. A. A.V. Augusta Vindelicorum. Augsburg. A(a)rhusium. Aarhus. Aberd. Aberdeen. Aberdonia. Aberdeen. Aix-la-Chapelle. Aachen. Abred., Abredea. Abredonia. Aberdeen. Agsp. Augspurg. Augsburg. Alatum Castrum. Edinburgh. Alb. Albany. Alba Bulgarica, Alba Graeca. Belgrade. Albani Villa. St. Albans. Aldenburgum. Altenburg. Alt., Altd. Altdorf. Alton., Altenb. Altenburg. 156 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Amst. Amsterdam. Amstel. Amsteldam, Amstelodamium, Amstelseda- mum, Amstelredamum. Amsterdam. Amsterd. Amsterdam. Aneda. Edinburgh. Antuerpia. Antwerp. Antv. Antverpia. Antwerp. Antw. Antwerpen. Antwerp. Aqua Bonae. Bonn. Aquae-Grani. Aquis granum. Aix-Ia-Chapelle. Arg., Argent. Argentina, Argentina Reni, Argento- ratum. Strasburg. Arhusen. Arhuzia. Aarhus. Arn., Arnheim. Aschafifbg. Aschaffenburg. Athenae Rauracae. Basle. Augsb. Augsburg. Augsp., Augsperg. Augsberg. Aug. Taur., Augusta Taurinorum. Turin. Aug. Tib., Augusta Tiberii. Ratisbon (Regensburg). Aug. Treb., Augusta Trebocorum. Strasburg. Augusta Trinobantum. London. Aug. Vind., Augusta Vindelicorum, Augsburg. Aurelia. Orleans. Aurelia Allobrogum. Geneva. Avenium. Avignon. B. B. Boston. Bale. Basle (Basel). Bait. Baltimore. Bamb. Bamberg. 157 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Barcel. Barcelona. Barchino, Barcino, Barxino. Barcelona. Bas., Basil. Basilese. Basilea Rauracorum Basle (Basel). Basel. Basle. Bielef. Bielefeld. Ber., Berl. Berlin. Bern., Berna. Berne. Berol., Berolin. Berolinum. Berlin. Bip. Bipontium. Deux-Ponts, Zweibriicken. Bisuntia. Besangon. Bklyn. Brooklyn. Bin. Berlin. Bmb. Bamberg. Bonna. Bonn. Bon. Bononia. Bologna. Best. Boston. Bp. Budapest. Brangonia. Worcester. Braunschw. Braunschweig. Brem. Bremen. Bresl. Bresla, Bressavia. Breslau. Brixia. Briscia. Brsl. Breslau. Brno. Briinn. Brschwg. Braunschweig. Bms., Brs. Braunschweig. Brugae, Brugae Beamiae, Briigge. Bruges. Brun., Bruns., Brunsw. Brunonia, Brunsviga. Brunswick. Briissel. Brussels. Brux. Bruxelles, Bruxellae. Brussels. 158 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Bucharesci. Buchurestum, Bucharest. Byzancium, Byzantium. Constantinople. C. Cadomuna. Caen. Caesar Augusta. Zaragoza. Camb., Cb., Cbr. Cambridge. Camboricum, Cantabrig(i)a, Capitabriga. Cambridge. Cantab. Cantabrig(i)a. Cambridge. Ch., Chic. Chicago. Chra. Christiania. Cin. Cincinnati. Cob. Coburg. Cobl. Coblenz. Codania. Copenhagen. Col., Colon. Colonia. Cologne. Coin. (Colin.). Cologne. Colon. Ag., Colonia Agrippina. Cologne. Colonia Allobrogum. Geneva. Colonia Claudia. Cologne. Colonia Julia Romana. Seville. Colonia Munatiana. Basle. Colonia Ubiorum. Cologne. Copenh., Copng., Coppenh. Copenhagen. Copenhaven. Copenhagen. Cpl. Constantinopolis. Constantinople. D. Dantiscum. Danzig. Danz. Danzig. Darms. Darmstadium. Darmstadt. Daventria. Deventer. 159 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Delfi, Delphi. Delft. Den Haag. The Hague. Dill. Dillingen. Divio. Dijon. Divodurum. Metz. Dortm. Dortmund. Dr., Dres., Dresd. Dresda. Dresden. Dresde. Dresden. Dub., Dubl. Dublinum. Dublin. Dunedin. Edinburgh. DUsseld. Diisseldorf. E. Eblana. Dublin. Ebor. Eboracum. York. Ed., Edin., Edinb. Edinburgh. Edinburgum, Edinum, Edinburchium. Edinburgh. Elvetiorum Argentina. Strasburg. Erf. Erfurt. Erff. Erfiford. (Erfurt.) Erid. Eridanium. Milan. Eri. Erlangen. F. F.a.M., Ff.a.M. Frankfurt am Main. F.a.d.O., F.a.O., Ff.a.O., Frf.O. Frankfurt an (der) Oder. Fir. Firenze. Florence. Flor. Florentia. Florence. Francof. Francofortum. Frankfurt. Frankf., Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurtium ad Msenum. Frankfurt am Main. i6o IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Frankf., Frankfurt a. O. Frankfurtium ad Oderam. Frankfurt an (der) Oder. Frf. Frankfurt. Friberga in Misnia. Freiberg. Friburgum Brisgoviae. Freiburg in Brisgau. Friburgum Helvetiorum. Fribourg in Switzerland. Ganabum. Orleans. Gand., Ganda. Gandav(i)um. Ghent. Gebenna, Gen., Geneve. Geneva. Genf. Geneva. Geneva, Genua. Genoa. Gent. Ghent. Gies., Giess. Giessen. Gl., Glas., Glasg. Glascova, Glascua. Glasgow. Goett. Gottingen. Got. Gotinga. Got., Gott. Getting. Gottingen. Gotb. Goteborg. *s Gravenh. 's Gravenhage. The Hague. Greifsw. Greifswald. Gron. (Gron.) Groninga, Groninga. Groningen. H. (den) Haag. The Hague. Haarl. Haarlem. Hafnia. Copenhagen. Haga, Haga Comitis, Haga Comitum. The Hague. 's Hage. The Hague. Hagen. Hagenau. Hala. Halle. i6i IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Hall. Halle. Hamb. Hambourg. Hamburgum. Hamburg. Hammona. Hamburg. Hannov. Hannover. Hanov. Hanovia. Hanau. Harlemum. Haarlem. Hav. Havnia. Copenhagen. Hdlb. Heidelberg. Helms. Helmstadt. Held. Heidelberg. Helenopolis. Frankfurt-am-Main. Herb. Herborn. Hispalis. Seville. Hlmst. Helmstadt. Hmb. Hamburg. Holmia. Stockholm. I. le., len. lena. lena. lena. Ingolst. Ingolstadt. Insula, Insulae. Lille. Ispalis. Seville. K. Karlsr. Karlsruhe. Kbh., Kbhvn. Kobenhavn. Kgsb. Konigsberg. Khvn. Kobenhavn. Kjob. Kjobenhavn. Kobenhavn. Copenhagen. Konigsb. Konigsberg. 162 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Koln. Cologne. Kop., Kopenh. Kopenhagen. Kristiania. Christiania. L. L. London. L.B., LB. Lugdinum Batavorum. Ld., Leid. Leido, Leiden. Leyden. Leipz. Leipzig. Lemg., Lemgau. Lemgo. Ley. Leyden. Liptzk., Liptzik. Leipzig. Lisb. Lisboa, Lisbon. Loewen. Louvain. Lond. Londinium, Londinum, Londonia. London. Lond. Goth. Londinum Gothorum. Lund. Londres. London. Lev. Lovanium. Louvain. Lips. Lipsia. Leipzig. Lps. Lipsia. Lpz. Leipzig. Liib. Liibeck. Lubecae. Lubicensum. Liibeck. Lug., Lugd. Lugdinium. Lyons. Lug. Bat.jLugd. Bat. Lugdinum Batavorum. Leyden. Lut. Par., Lutet. Lutetia Parisorum. Paris. Lyon. Lyons. M. Madr. Madritum. Madrid. Magdeb. Magdeburg. Mainz. Mayence. 163 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Manh. Manheim. Mannheim. Mannh. Mannheim. Marb. Marburg. Marionis. Hamburg. Mars. Marseille. Marseilles. Mediol. Mediolanum. Milan. Merseb. Merseburg. Mil. Milano. Milan. Monachium. Munich. Mosc. Moscovia, Moscua. Moscow. Mosk. Moskva. Moskau. Moscow. Mrb. Marburg. Miin., Munch. Miinchen. Munich. N. N. O. New Orleans. N. Y. New York. Nap. Napoli. Naples. Neap. Neapolis. Naples. Neust. Neustadt. Norica. Niirnberg. Nuremberg. Norimb. Norimberga. Nuremberg. Nov. Ebor. Novum Eboracum. New York. Nrb. Niirnberg. Niimb. Niirnberg. Nuremberg. O. Ofen. Budapest. Offenb. Offenbach. Olisipo, Olysipo. Lisbon. Ox., Oxf. Oxford. Ox., Oxen. Oxonia, Oxonium. Oxford. 164 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION P. P., Par. Parisius. Paris. Padova. Padua. Panormitum, Panormum. Palermo. Petrop. Petropolis. St. Petersburg. Ph., Phil., Phila., Philad. Philadelphia. Plzna. Pilsen. Prag. Prague. Praha. Prague. Ptb. Petersburg. Qdlb. Quedlinburg. Q. R. Ratis. Ratisbon. Regensberg, Ratisbon. Regiom. Regiomontium. Konigsberg. Reut., Reutl. Reutlingen. Rom. Roma. Rome. Rost. Rostock. Roterod., Roterodamum. Rotterdam. Rott. Rotterdam. Rvik. Reykjavik. Reikeivik. S. S. F. San Francisco. Salam. Salamanca, Saragoss. Saragossa. San Fran. San Francisco. Sev. Sevilla. Seville. 165 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Salzb., Sib. Salzburg. St., Stutt. Stuttgart. St. L. St. Louis. St. P., St. Pet., St. Ptb. St« Petersbourg. St. Petersburg. Stett. Stettin. Sth., Sthm., Stockh. Stockholm. Strassb., Strb. Strasbourg. Strassburg. Strals. Stralsund. Strasb. Strasbourg. Strassburg. Stut. Stutgardia. Stuttgart. Stut., Stutt., Stuttg. Stuttgart. Sulzb. Sulzbach. T. Taurinum. Turin. Tig. Tigurum. Zurich. Tor. Torino. Turin. Traj. Rh. Trajectum (ad) Rhenum. Triboccorum. Strasburg. Trj. ad Rh. Trajectum ad Rhenum. Utrecht. Trj. ad Viad. Trajectum ad Viadrum, Frankfurt- an-Oder. Trj. Inf. Trajectum Inferius. Utrecht. Tub., Tiib., Tubgn. Tubinga. Tubingen. Turicum Helve tiorum, Turigum. Zurich. U. Ubii. Cologne. Ultr. Ultrajectum. Utrecht. Ulyssipo, Ulyssipolis. Lisbon. Upps., Uppsal. Uppsala. Upsala. 1 66 IMPORTANT PLACES OF PUBLICATION Ups., Upsal. Upsala. Utr. Utrecht. V. V. Venice. Val. Valencia. Vars. Varsavia, Varsovia. Warsaw. Yen. Venezia, Venise. Venice. Venedig. Venice. Venet. Venetise. Venice. Vigorina. Worcester. Vin., Vind. Vindabona. Vienna. Vitemb. Vitemberg. Wittenberg. Vratisl. Vratislavia. Breslau. W. W., Wash. Washington. W., Wien. Vienna. Warsch. Warschau. Warsaw. Warszawa. Warsaw. Weim. Weimar. West. Westmonasterium. Westminster. Wiesb. Wiesbaden. Witt., Wittenb. Wittenberg. Wmr. Weimar. Wiirzb. Wurzburg. Z. Zena. Genoa. Ziir. Zurich. Zurich. Zutph. Zutphen. Zweibr. Zweibrucken, Deux-Ponts. 167 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. «'omed/cal Lfdrary ^Mllvx fific^iv^o Form i^9-25m-9,'55(B4283s4)444 \00& 19 i2 1158 00098 5407 SUPPLIED BY THE SEVEN BOOKHUNTERS 3LD CHELSEA STATION, BOX 22