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 Professor of Pharmacy, Chicago College of Pharmacy, The School of 
 Pharmacy of the University of Illinois. 
 The generic term Pharmacy includes the several sciences which con- 
 tribute to the knowledge of drugs and medicines, and the various arts 
 requisite to the practical application of such sciences in the prepara- 
 tion of medicine. Pharmac) , therefore, being a combination of 
 science and art, may be divided into two comprehensive departments, 
 theoretical and practical. 
 Theoretical Pharmacy embraces nearly all the natural sciences, for 
 the reason that all the different kingdoms of nature animal, vegetable, 
 and mineral contribute substances used in medicine, and hence the 
 three general sciences, zoology, botany, and mineralogy. 
 All matter belongs to one of these three great divisions, and is ac- 
 cordingly classified and described as to its physical characteristics, or 
 sensible properties, in the corresponding sciences. 
 When, however, we inquire into the laws which govern the charac- 
 ter or properties of substances, as related simply to the changes in such 
 bodies, or to the origin or causes of such changes, when these do not 
 affect the identity or sensible properties or constitution of the matter, 
 such science is termed physics (from fl/iysis (lat.), nature). 
 When these changes are such as to involve the loss or transformation 
 of one substance into another or into different substances, it is termed 
 chcmistr\ (from chymeia (arab.), juice, mixture). 
 -Examples of these two forces, respectively, may be illustrated by familiar phe- 
 nomena: A piece of lime broken into fragments by force, the movement of a small 
 piece of iron toward a magnet, or that of a stone back to the earth from which it had 
 been thrown, the floating of a piece of wood on water, and a thousand and one 
 similar incidents of constant occurrence all these are dependent upon or explained 
 by physical laws, the science of which is termed physics. 
 On the other hand, when these same substances are treated so as to change their 
 composition, as, for example, when a piece of well -burnt lime, dampened with water, 
 becomes heated, is transformed into calcium hydrate (slakes), and falls into powder, 
 which, absorbing carbonic acid from the atmosphere, is converted into calcium car- 
 bonate or chalk; or when a piece of iron exposed to dampness rusts, forming oxide of 
 iron; or when sugar, through fermentation, is decomposed into alcohol and carbonic 
 arid; in short, whenever the change affects not only the physical characteristics, but 
 also the elementary composition of a substance, it is called a chemical change, and the 
 science contributing to a knowledge thereof chemistry.
 The sciences named, we may say, therefore, constitute theoretical 
 pharmaev; that is, they are the basis of pharmaceutical science. From 
 this, however, it must not be presumed that a thorough knowledge of 
 all is essential to a knowledge of pharmacy; while such knowledge 
 would be very desirable, an intimate knowledge of each would be en- 
 tirely too comprehensive, in fact, quite impossible to attain by any 
 one engaged in active business. It is nevertheless desirable that, in 
 pursuing studies in pharmacy, a limited knowledge of these shou)d be 
 had in a general sense; zoology and physical laws will not come 
 under our province, except as they may be necessary to elucidate a 
 special subject embraced in these lectures. 
 The fundamental principles of matter should above all be mastered 
 to enable the student to understand more readily and thoroughly the 
 various operations and processes involved in pharmacy, and it is 
 recommended that, conjointly with the first lectures, the first chapters 
 in an elementary chemistry or in some work on physics be carefully 
 The vegetable kingdom furnishes the largest number of substances 
 used in medicine, hence its importance in the study of pharmacy. 
 Botany (from Botance, plants), which will be treated in the Second 
 Term, is the science in which all plant or vegetable life and its parts 
 are classified and described. 
 Mineralogy (from Minera, earth, and logos, science) is the science of 
 minerals, and in connection with physics, has, we may say, established 
 that science, which perhaps is the most important of all in the study 
 of pharmacy, namely, chemistry. While this subject is reserved for 
 the Second Term, such reference will be made thereto during the First 
 Term as may be deemed essential. 
 Matcria ^^Cl^!ca (medicinal matter). This term is applied to all 
 material or substances used in medicine, frequently only to such 
 derived from the vegetable and animal kingdoms, when it is termed 
 "organic." The term is also often applied to the general knowledge 
 and uses of medicines. 
 Pharmacology (from Fharmakon, drug, and logos, science) is the 
 science of the uses and properties of remedies; hence, in one sense, the 
 science of medicine. 
 Pharmaeognosy (from Pliannakoii. drug, and cogno, to know) is the 
 science ot crude drugs, organic or inorganic, their identification and 
 valuation. The term is seldom used. 
 Pharmaceutical \f> a term applied to any science or attribute having
 relation to pharmacy; e. g., pharmaceutical botany, phar. chemistry, 
 phar. preparations, phar. literature, etc. 
 The terms p harmacal as applied to the attributes of pharmacy and pharmaceutical 
 as applied to drugs or their preparations, mark a distinction very desirable, as in the 
 case of medical and medicinal. The term pharmacal has not yet, however, been 
 generally accepted by standard authorities. 
 The Practice of Pharmacy embraces the selection, identification, 
 preparation, preservation, and dispensing of medicines, and may be 
 defined as the practical application of the theoretical sciences, or the 
 art of pharmacy. 
 Pharmacy, derived from the Greek pharmakon, which means a drug, is the most 
 popular term for the place in which pharmacy is practiced. The derivation of drug 
 is from the Saxon, the English dry referring to organic substances required to be dried 
 before being used in medicine. Literally drugs, therefore, means only substances of 
 animal or vegetable origin, and a drug store, a place where they are stored and sold. 
 The Apotheke is also of Greek origin and has the same meaning, being converted into 
 Botica in Spanish. L'OJficin is the most common French term. From these the 
 various titles of those practicing the art have been derived: Pharmacist, Druggist, 
 and Apothecary. 
 The subjects embraced in the first three lectures, viz. , Metrology, 
 Heat, and Solution, are, it may be said, the ground-work of pharmacy. 
 Upon these rest all the operations involved in pharmaceutical practice, 
 and a thorough understanding of these becomes, therefore, absolutely 
 essential. While one whole lecture has been devoted to each of these 
 subjects, the student is recommended to still further pursue their study 
 in some elementary work on physics or chemistry. 
 fjt ' ft. /">. **/ /i^ *i- AYMv< 
 Pharmacy Laws. 
 Though the pharmacy acts in force in the various states differ more 
 or less in structure and detail, they all have a common purpose, viz., 
 to confine the practice of pharmacy to such persons only as may ap- 
 pear qualified to perform their duties intelligently, and with safety to 
 the public. 
 The impression is prevalent that pharmacy laws are designed espe- 
 cially for the benefit of persons engaged in the drug business. No la"' 
 of the kind was ever in justice enacted upon this theory. Law-mak- 
 ing bodies have no right to legislate directly in the interest of any
 special class or profession of men Representing the people in general, 
 they are bound to consult only the interests of the people, and it is 
 this principle alone which should dictate the provisions of all phar- 
 macy acts, and which should exclude any clause not required for the 
 protection of the public. For druggists to ask legislation upon any 
 other principle would be a species of mendicancy to which a legislature 
 could not yield without self-stultification and a betrayal of its trust. 
 That pharmacy laws are essential to the public health and safety 
 admits of no denial. That incompetent persons should not be per- 
 mitted to defeat the purpose of intelligent prescribing, and bring death 
 and sorrow to anxious homes, is self-evident; that every precaution 
 should be taken to insure the utmost skill, knowledge, experience, and 
 conscientiousness in these questions so closely related to the dearest 
 associations of earth, so vital to the preservation of homes, and to the 
 happiness of the people, will be universally conceded. Disease too 
 often conquers, despite the resistance of medical and pharmaceutical 
 science; but who will say how many deaths, ascribed every day to 
 disease, may not be due in fact to inexperience or ignorance in our 
 pharmacies? Education at the dispensing desk is not less important 
 than at the bed-side. One should faithfully supplement the other, 
 and a sacred privilege of the former is to correct, when need be, any 
 palpable error of the physician, committed amid the confusing scenes 
 frequently occurring in the sick-room. 
 Hut, we are told, if special laws are necessary in the case of drug stores, why not 
 in the case of grocery stores and other sources of food supplies? Is not food as 
 important as medicine, and is not the public able to care for itself, and to avoid 
 unreliable places? We answer that, as regards the ability of the public to discrimi- 
 nate, there is little or no analogy between drug and food stores. A little experience 
 by a person of average intelligence will usually assure a tolerably accurate judgment 
 of qualities of food, and if an error be made, it is very rarely of immediate and 
 critical consequence. Hut even the more intelligent drug-store patron, on the other 
 hand, may be presumed to know absolutely nothing respecting the nature, qualities, 
 doses, or compounding of drugs, and, if an error be made, it is too often disastrous 
 if not fatal in its results. While a good law against adulterations is, therefore, usu- 
 ally sufficient to protect the public against unwholesome food, nothing short of a law 
 which shall reach the </,,/,',;-.- ;'n .-iritis, which shall exclude the incompetent, and 
 aun- all possible skill and trustworthiness in medical dispensing, can be regarded as 
 Because pharmacy la\vs are not framed in the interests of pharma- 
 cists, it must not be presumed . however, that they do not benefit the
 LAWS. 9 
 profession. The protection, though incidental to that designed to be 
 given to the public, is none the less valuable and important. The 
 discrimination against incompetency and quackery demanded by the 
 public welfare is inevitably associated with discrimination in favor of 
 the educated, the experienced, and competent. 
 It is for this reason that every reputable pharmacist has a special personal interest 
 in the enactment and maintenance of pharmacy laws. While they accord to his pro- 
 fession a legal status, honor it with distinctive recognition among the learned sciences, 
 purify it by rejecting elements which otherwise would tend to degrade and disgrace, 
 elevate it to a rank of dignity, strengthen it with possibilities for the more rapid 
 development of its literature, for the growth of its educational institutions, and for 
 substantial advancement in efficiency while accomplishing these great results, these 
 laws also confer direct business advantages by restricting the number of druggists, 
 reducing competition, and thus, by dividing the trade into fewer parts, assure to 
 each more nearly adequate remuneration. 
 We repeat that, while the public has a general interest in pharmacy laws in times 
 of sickness, the educated pharmacist has a special professional and mercantile interest 
 in their maintenance at all times. 
 The precise character of an ideal pharmacy law we shall not attempt 
 to describe. This species of legislation is still in its infancy, and 
 years of experience will be required to develop it, and to adjust it to 
 American institutions. Certain fundamental provisions are, however, 
 indispensable to a just and efficient law: 
 (1) Its scope should include, for reasons previously stated, only 
 such departments of the pharmacy as require the exercise of special 
 professional qualifications. For this reason, "patent medicines.'' and 
 certain "domestic remedies," the vending of which requires no spe- 
 cial scientific knowledge, may properly be subject to less stringent 
 In the event of legislation requiring that all proprietary or patent medicines be sold 
 under certain restrictions, to protect the public against the indiscriminate use of sub- 
 stances creating noxious habits, or of otherwise dangerous properties, such protection 
 could only be afforded by confining their sale to persons by education and training 
 fitted to understand the chara ,ter and properties of medicine. Next to the physician 
 the pharmacist is the best judge of the use as well as the abuse of medicines, and by 
 virtue of his position as dispenser he should, therefore, be accorded the sole respon- 
 sibility of selling all medicines, knowledge of the contents being invariably assured. 
 (2) All druggists in business when a new law has taken effect have, 
 for constitutional and prudential reasons, been permitted to continue 
 in practice, and all clerks of sufficient experience have been permitted 
 to continue in their duties.
 (^ N The proper administration of the law requires a Board of Phar- 
 macv composed of experienced and thoroughly educated pharmacists. 
 4) In many states, all persons desiring to engage in the practice of 
 pharmacy are required to pass a satisfactory examination before the 
 B< *rd. In other states, diplomas of colleges are accepted for registra- 
 tion in lieu of examination. 
 The recognition of diplomas has been a hazardous experiment in some states where 
 physicians have insisted on the recognition also of medical diplomas. It also pre- 
 sents difficulties in that there are no means of discriminating against diplomas from 
 colleges or schools of no standing, and such who do not require experience in prac- 
 tical pharmary. Until the instruction in the colleges is more uniform, it is the safest 
 plan to require all candidates for registration to be examined by the Board. 
 (5) In the absence of a legislative appropriation, it is clearly good 
 policy for the persons most interested in maintaining the law the 
 druggists to provide the requisite revenue. The payment of a small 
 fee annually by all pharmacists registered appears to be the most feasi- 
 ble method for the purpose, and insures correct registration. 
 (6) The penalties for violation should be sufficiently severe to 
 insure respect, and sufficiently certain to insure prompt conviction. 
 To insure conviction the Board of Pharmacy should be charged with 
 the duty of causing prosecutions. 
 The constitutionality of the principle embodied in pharmaceutical 
 legislation has been affirmed by several Supreme Courts, and prose- 
 cutions under the various state laws, in the absence of verbal defects, 
 have quite invariably been successful. Supported by the people, the 
 courts and the profession, their foundations are deep, firm, and, we 
 may assume, permanent. 
 State pharmacy laws are now in force in all the states and terri- 
 tories of the Union except in a few states, Maryland (except 
 Baltimore) , Nevada, the Indian Territory and Arizona. Texas has 
 a separate Board for each judicial district. 
 Several State Boards recognize the certificates of other State Boards. 
 But in most states pharmacists registered in another state have no 
 advantages over an unregistered person. While this frequently causes 
 great inconvenience ami even hardship to pharmacists desiring to 
 rhange their location from one state to another, it seems unavoidable 
 under existing conditions. The New York Board, for instance, can- 
 not afford to abdicate its authority in that state by accepting certifi- 
 cates from Illinois or Michigan, which would practically give to the 
 latter co-equal authority without possibly maintaining a co-equal
 standard of examinations. The only manner in which reciprocity can 
 be properly brought about is, first, by making all laws practically uni- 
 form in their conditions for registration; or, second, that all Boards 
 agree upon a common standard for examinations. The first requisite 
 appears to be a remote possibility, and the second has been attempted, 
 but without success. 
 It may be assumed that the standards adopted for examinations by 
 State Boards of Pharmacy are designed with a view of determining 
 whether or not the applicant be sufficiently competent to prepare and 
 dispense drugs and medicines, and therefore qualified to conduct a 
 pharmacy. As this can only be determined by an examination chiefly 
 theoretical in character, it is obvious that practical experience in phar- 
 macy alone, unless associated with information obtained by a sys- 
 tematic study, is not sufficient to insure success. While such examina- 
 tions may be largely theoretical, they are nevertheless calculated to 
 draw out information which is also practical; in fact, theory and prac- 
 tice are so interwoven and interdependent in pharmacy that they are 
 necessarily inseparable. 
 Although the various State Boards of Pharmacy have individual 
 standards of examinations, they all have a common basis in the dif- 
 ferent branches, as follows: 
 Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical preparations of the U. S. P.; their component parts 
 or ingredients, mode of preparation, strength and doses; weights and measures; dis- 
 pensing of prescriptions. 
 Chemistrv. The chemical compounds and preparations of the U. S. P.; their 
 physical and chemical properties; specific gravities; percentages of anhydrous acid and 
 degrees of saturation; preparation of and tests for the more simple compounds, such 
 as calomel; enumeration and description, and sometimes distinction, of compounds 
 from a certain metal, such as the chlorides of mercury; incompatibles; poisons; prepa- 
 ration of oxygen, chlorine, etc., involving elementary chemistry. 
 Materia M^Jica. Latin titles for vegetable drugs, and name of natural order, with 
 a brief description of their botanical and physical characteristics; name of active prin- 
 ciples, their properties and doses. 
 Identification <>/ Specimen. 1 :: 
 Of crude drugs, such a> cinchona, columbo. senna, taraxacum, etc. 
 Of chemicals, alum, borax, saltpeter; sulphates of iron, copper, xinc, etc. 
 Of pharmaceutical preparations tinctures of opium and opium camph.. ~-yrups. 
 glycerin, etc. 
 A verbal, and in some states a practical, examination is added to 
 the regular written examination . in order that the Board may mo.-: 
 thoroughly satisfy itself as to the competency of the applicant.
 The Pharmacopoeia. 
 The great confusion concerning the identity of medicinal substances 
 and the variation in the strengths of their preparations caused the 
 compilation of certain medical works at a comparatively early period 
 for the promotion of a scientific standard of quality, process, and 
 composition. These works were issued under medico-legal authority, 
 and called PHARMACOPOEIAS, from Pharmakon (drug), and poiein (to 
 make). The first book of this character was the Pharmacopoeia of 
 Valerius Cordus, published at Nuremberg, Germany, in 1546. Pre- 
 vious to this time many individual publications had appeared named 
 DISPENSATORIES. The Dispensatories thereafter became commenta- 
 ries on the Pharmacopoeia, including, as do the American Dispensa- 
 tories, all information pertaining to the pharmacy as well as the action 
 and uses of medicines. 
 It must therefore be remembered that, while a Pharmacopoeia is a standard and 
 legal authority, the Dispensatories are private publications, only to be used as refer- 
 ence, and not intended to take the place of the former. 
 The first Pharmacopoeia for the United States of Arnerica was pub- 
 lished in 1820, in Boston, in both the English and Latin languages, 
 according to a draft endorsed by a convention of representatives from 
 the medical colleges and societies held in Washington, D. C., that 
 year. Revised editions appeared successively in 1830 and 1840, when 
 much assistance was rendered by the Boston, New York, and Philadel- 
 phia colleges of pharmacy. In this revision the Latin version was 
 dropped, and the process of displacement or percolation introduced 
 for the first time. Succeeding revisions have appeared since regularly 
 every ten years, the representatives of the colleges of pharmacy assum- 
 ing practically charge of the, sixth (1880) and seventh (1890) decen- 
 nial revisions; the representatives of medical associations and colleges 
 merely confirming the work done by the pharmacists. 
 There are about twenty different pharmacopoeias, that of the United 
 States occupying undoubtedly, in point of scientific arrangement, com- 
 pletene-s and accuracy, a place second to none. 
 The Pharmacopoeia may be defined as an authoritative work which: 
 (i ) establishes standards for the identification, quality, purity, and 
 strength, and (2) gives directions for the preparation, purification, 
 and preservation of drugs and medicines.
 The United States Pharmacopoeia, 1890, became official January i, 
 1894, which means that it is at present, and until again revised will 
 be, the only recognized standard for the identification, strength, and 
 purity of drugs and medicines in the United States. The require- 
 ments of the Pharmacopoeia are therefore said to be official as to 
 strengths, tests, etc.; the method of preparation is likewise termed 
 the official process. 
 The terms official and officinal have been employed rather indiscriminately, but 
 in the U. S. P., 1890, the latter term, officinal, has been dropped. 
 The principal changes of the present Pharmacopoeia (1890) from 
 the preceding revision (1880), in which the general features of a 
 pharmacopoeia are also represented, are the following: 
 The Nomenclature (from nomen, name, and callare, to call, is alpha- 
 betic throughout, and embraces the following distinctions as illus- 
 trated in: 
 Magnesii Sulphas, Official Latin Title. 
 Magnesium Sulphate, " English Title. 
 Epsom Salts, English name. 
 Bitter Salts, Common name, or Synonym. 
 In the nomenclature may also be regarded the descriptions of the 
 articles according to their derivation: 
 Chemical. The Chemical Formula according to the new notation 
 and the Molecular Weight. 
 The English titles and names of chemicals being reversed, that is. 
 Magnesium Sulphate instead of Sulphate of Magnesium; Ferrous Sul- 
 phate instead of Sulphate of Iron, etc. 
 Botanical. The Latin Title to be the genus name of the plant: 
 exceptions in Coca for Erythroxylon and Cusso for the former 
 The/<7r/of the plant official is not incorporated in the title, except 
 where more than one part of the same plant may be employed, as in 
 Belladonna Folia and Radix. The botanical name of the plant is 
 always accompanied by the name of the author (_L Linne) and the 
 natural order. 
 The percentage parts-by-weight system, was introduced in the 
 U. S. Ph., iSSo, as it was thought preferable to the Metric system.
 The objection to weighing liquids were too great to be overcome dur- 
 ing the ten years' life of the U. S. Ph., '80, and the system entailed 
 so great variation in liquid preparations, on account of the difference 
 in specific gravities, that it did not become popular. It was an advan- 
 tage, however, in preparing the way for the Metric System, which was 
 introduced throughout the U. S. Ph., '90, except in a few instances 
 where the advantage of the percentage-by-weight system was obvious. 
 These have been effected in many liquid preparations by changing 
 the Formulas from parts-by-weight to weight and volume. These 
 changes are not, however, considerable, except in the general Formulas 
 for Decoctions and Infusions, in both of which the drug strength has 
 been reduced one-half; that is from 10 to 5 per cent. Some changes 
 have also been made in the strengths of the liquid Acids and Dilute 
 The alkaloid percentage requirements of the U. S. Ph., '80, for 
 Cinchona and Opium, the U. S. Ph., '90 has extended to the most 
 important preparations of the latter and also to those of Nux Vomica. 
 The animal ferments, Pepsin and Pancreatin, are also required to 
 have a certain digestive strength. 
 The strength of Spirit Nitrous Ether is determined by gasometric 
 estimation, and certain organic bodies are tested by the determination 
 of their optical rotation. 
 Some thirty Organic substances have been added, including many 
 new remedies, such as Acetanilide, Resorcin, Salol, etc., while none 
 have been dismissed. Of Crude drugs 10 have been added and 23 
 Only a few Inorganic substances have been added as against an 
 equal number dropped; while 50 Pharmaceutical preparations, in- 
 cluding the ii Abstracts, have been replaced by 36 new preparations, 
 in which there are 10 Fluid Extracts and 4 each of Glycerites and 
 Altogether there arc 994 articles included in the I . S. Ph., 1890, 
 two less than in its predecessor.
 Metrology (from Metron, Gr., measure, and logos, science,) treats of 
 the gravitating force of a body called weight; its extension, bulk or 
 volume, called measure, and the relation of these to each other called 
 specific gravity. 
 The weight of a substance is the downward pressure which the earth's 
 attraction causes it to exert. 
 All bodies attract each other with a force which is directly in pro- 
 portion to their mass, or the quantity of matter which they contain, 
 and inversely proportional to the squares of their distances apart. This 
 attraction is called gravitation. 
 Since weight is due to gravity, and gravity is in proportion to the 
 quantity of matter contained in the attracting bodies, weight, other 
 things being equal, will vary as the quantity of matter varies, and a 
 body with twice the quantity of matter or twice the mass of another 
 body, will weigh twice as much. We may therefore estimate the 
 quantity of matter a body contains by weighing it. 
 But it must be distinctly borne in mind that gravity and weight are not the same 
 thing. Weight may vary while the mass remains unchanged. The weight of a sub- 
 stance at the sea-level is not quite identical with that of the same substance at a moun- 
 tain-top, for the reason that in the latter instance, being farther from the earth's 
 center, the attraction is less; and for the same reason it is not so great at the equator 
 as at the poles. It must also be borne in mind that in weighing a body in the air, 
 the air has a buoyant effect and diminishes the weight of the body in the ratio of the 
 weight of the air which it displaces. Of two bodies, therefore, containing precisely 
 the same quantity of matter, but the one a large body, say like a piece of cork, and 
 the other a small one, as a piece of lead, the lead will weigh the most in the air, 
 although a mere trifle. 
 In ordinary weighing, where extreme accuracy is not required, of 
 course no corrections need be made for latitude or distance from the 
 earth's surface, but it is not uncommonly the case, particularly in 
 chemical research and in weighing very light bodies, that these and 
 the buoyant effect of the atmosphere must be taken into account. 
 For this reason the barometric pressure is often referred to in con- 
 nection with the weight of substances, and the standard unit weighed 
 in the absence of air pressure, namely, /// racuo. 
 Since, also, bodies expand by heat and contract by cold, the tempera- 
 ture must frequently be taken into account in weighing a body.
 The temperature most commonly employed being i5C. or 59F. 
 For scientific work the temperature is referred to 4C., the maximum 
 density point of water. 
 Weighing is accomplished by arbitrarily assuming a unit of weight, 
 and then comparing the pressure of the body to be weighed with that 
 exerted by the unit, by means of a balance. 
 The principle upon which the scale or balance is constructed is so 
 simple and well known as to need scarcely any description. With 
 the use of fine instruments, however, such as the prescription-balance, 
 it is well to bear in mind that they should be treated with care. The 
 more sensitive a balance, the more delicate is the construction, espe- 
 cially of the knife-edges upon which the beam rests, and that of the 
 knife-edges of the extremity of the beam from which are suspended, 
 by means of wire, the pans. 
 To insure accuracy in a balance, the point upon which the beam 
 rests must be just aborc the center of gravity of the balance; the point 
 of suspension of the pans must be /// a line absolutely with the fulcrum; 
 the beam must be of sufficient strength to support the weight without 
 bending, and the arms of the beam must be of equal length. 
 A fine balance should always be inclosed in a glass case to keep it 
 free from dust, and more especially to protect it from the corrosive 
 effect of acid fumes, etc., which attack the steel-knife edges, and thus 
 impair their sensitiveness and prevent accuracy in weighing. 
 The Box-Dispensing Scale is constructed upon the compound-lever 
 principle, and is more convenient to use, easier to keep clean, but 
 more liable to get out of order. It answers admirably for dispensing 
 and prescription work, but is not sufficiently delicate for analytic pur- 
 The/w/.y of a balance should always be allowed to rest, to prevent 
 oscillating when not in use, which may be best accomplished, in the 
 absence of a permanent fixture accompanying the balance for that pur- 
 pose, by placing one pan on top of the other until wanted. Care 
 should also be taken that corrosive articles, such as iodine, mercuric 
 chloride (corr. sublimate), and potassium and sodium bromides and 
 iodides, etc., when dispensed, should be weighed in glass pans, which 
 usually accompany the balance, or in watch glasses of equal weight. 
 In 7<.i(-/x/ii//s adhesive substances, such as extracts, etc., small pieces 
 of white cardboard of equal weight should be used. The extract re- 
 quired is, my means of a spatula, placed upon one piece, while the
 other serves as a counterpoise or tare upon the opposite pan. A fine 
 balance will remain in good condition much longer when it is reserved 
 for weighing smaller quantities only, say below one dram. It will be 
 found very convenient to have a coarser scale on the dispensing coun- 
 ter for weighing quantities above one dram and for ointments, etc. 
 A small box or vial of shot, or some similar substance, should always 
 be near at hand, to be used in taking the tare of bottles or containers, 
 when it is necessary to weigh fluids, or whenever a receptacle is used 
 in weighing. 
 The weights used in weighing are usually metal, the downward pres- 
 sure of which is compared and marked according to some fixed stand- 
 The}' are commonly made of iron and brass. For delicate pur- 
 poses, such as weighing with prescription and analytical balances, 
 weights are made of aluminum wire for prescription scales and of Ger- 
 man silver and platinum for analytical scales. These weights should 
 be preserved in a small box or drawer, protected from dust and from 
 the corrosive action of chemicals, which would impair their accuracy. 
 They must be kept bright and clean to be reliable, and for this reason 
 should be handled with a pair of light forceps instead of with the 
 fingers. Weights should be secured from reliable sources, or tested 
 as to their accuracy. 
 The standard of the avoirdupois pound may be obtained (aside from 
 the official method elsewhere described) as follows: A bar of iron, 
 one English yard long, planed exactly one inch square, weighs about 
 10 pounds; one-tenth of this will weigh one av. pound. 
 Liquids, as a rule, are measured while solids are weighed; neverthe- 
 less, it is frequently required that a certain liquid be weighed. While 
 the difference between weighing and measuring some liquids is not 
 very great, yet with others it is considerable, and, without discrimina- 
 tion, it may frequently produce entirely different results. [See Specific 
 Weights and Measures. 
 The systems of weight in use in the United States are Avoirdupois 
 and Apothecaries' or Troy. 
 Apothecaries' Weight \vas adopted as the official standard in all the 
 editions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia previous to that of 1880. 
 Although not officially sanctioned, Apothecaries' weight still remains 
 in use in the prescribing of medicines, owing to the ease with which 
 it can be subdivided into simple fractions. One troy ounce, equal 
 to 480 grains, is easily divided by any even number 2, 4, 8, etc. 
 This quality is of great practical value to pharmacists and physicians. 
 For the latter, it simplifies prescribing because of its easy division; the 
 quantity of a remedy required for administration may be computed 
 with the measure of the solvent very quickly in simple fractions. 
 The fluid measure used in pharmacy can always be reduced to 
 drams the equivalent of a teaspoonful. This being the measure 
 ordinarily used in administering medicines, the quantity in a dose is 
 readily ascertained. When, for example, one grain of morphine sul- 
 phate in one fluid ounce of water is prescribed, with directions "one 
 teaspoonful at a dose," it is readily computed that the quantity of 
 morphine in each dose must be one-eighth of a grain, since one fluid 
 ounce contains eight fluid drams or teaspoonfuls. Should eight 
 grains of morphine sulphate in one ounce of water be prescribed with 
 the same directions as above, the pharmacist at once computes the 
 quantity of morphine in each dose to be one grain, and from this 
 decides whether or not the mixture should be dispensed. 
 The following is a summary of Apothecaries' weight, showing the 
 number of grains in each denomination: 
 Scruple. Dram. Ounce. Pound. 
 20 60 480 5760 
 The Troy ounce, though containing the same number of grains as 
 the Apothecaries', is divided into 20 pennyweights instead of drams 
 and scruples. Its use in pharmacy is practically obsolete. 
 Avoirdupois Weight is the commercial standard of the United 
 States and Great Britain. One av. pound is equal to 7,000 grains, 
 being 1,240 grains more than one troy pound. Tin's difference is 
 chiefly due to the fact that the av. pound contains 16 ounces, while
 the troy pound contains but 12 ounces. Why should not the differ- 
 ence, then, in the number of grains in the two different pounds, have 
 the same relation as 16 to 12? If one av. pound is equal to 7,000 
 grains, one troy pound should equal 5,250 grains, and not 5,760 
 grains. Here is an unfortunate relation existing between these two 
 kinds of weights; while the troy ounce is equal to 480 grains, one av. 
 ounce equals only 437^2 grains, which explains the difference in the 
 number of grains to the pound. 
 The odd number of grains in the avoirdupois ounce, as compared with the round, 
 easily divided, number of grains of the apothecaries' ounce, is due to the fact, that in 
 the Apothecaries' the unit is the ounce, and from this the pound was formed. In 
 the Avoirdupois the pound is the unit, which divided by 16 gives an ounce contain- 
 ing only 437^ grs., as against 480 grs. in the Apothecaries' ounce. 
 The following table gives a summary of avoirdupois and apothe- 
 caries' weight with their respective symbols and customary abbrevia- 
 480 grs.= ^i; then 3 12=5,760 grains, or i troy ft. 
 437/2 grs. = i oz.; then 16 ozs. = 7,000 grains, or i ft. av. 
 The number of grains in the various denominations are as follows: 
 Dram. Ounce. Pound 
 Avoirdupois, 43 7 y 2 7,000 
 Apothecaries' or Troy, .... 60 480 5>76o 
 Difference in favor of apothecaries', . . . 42}^ 
 Difference in favor of avoirdupois, 
 The measures of capacity in use in the United States are "Wine" 
 and Metric measures. 
 The measures of bulk or volume are primarily derived from the 
 linear system (measure of length > and the system of weights, '.n turn, 
 from that of volume. 
 One cubic inch of distilled water, at its maximum density a tem- 
 perature of 4C. /// vacua, weighs 252.892 grains, and 231 cubic 
 inches is a measure equivalent to the U. S. Gallon. 
 The Gallon is divided into eight pints; one pint into 16 fluid 
 ounces: one fluid ounce into 8 fluid drams, and i fluid drain into 60 
 The measure of volume may therefore always be compared with me 
 weight of water as above, the standard for comparison, thus: 
 i cubic 111^=252.892; 252.892 x 23 1=58. 4iX grs. = i Gallon 
 58,418-7-8=7.302 grains=i Pint. 
 7.302 -H 1 6=4^6. 2 grain>=i fi. Ounce. 
 4^6.2 -7- 480=0.95 grain=i Minim.
 These are the exact weights of the respective measures at the official 
 temperature, but the comparison is frequently made at a higher tem- 
 perature. Water reaches its maximum density at 4C., when one pint 
 weighs 7,302 grains, and this is the standard adopted by the Office of 
 Standard Weights and Measures of the United States. In these lec- 
 tures the round number, 7,300 grains, equivalent to one pint, has 
 been adopted as sufficiently accurate in comparing weight with volume. 
 Measure, in pharmacy, is a term usually applied to a certain stand- 
 ard for estimating the dimensions of liquids, or the capacity of vessels 
 used as containers. When of the larger dimensions, measures ar& 
 made of copper or tinned iron- preferably the latter, because it is not 
 so easily dented as copper. 
 In the dispensing of medicines, graduated glass measures are used; 
 they should always be tested with measures of known accuracy, or 
 by weighing their capacity of pure water, which should be a certain 
 weight, if the measure be correct. [For testing any measure of capacity, 
 refer to standard for weights.] 
 A drop is not a minim, and the measurement of liquids by drops 
 does not give uniform and accurate results. The size of drops varies 
 greatly with different liquids; also with the same liquids, according to 
 the conditions governing the process of dropping. Among these con- 
 ditions are, chiefly: 
 (1) The quantity of the liquid contained in the vessel. 
 (2) The size and shape of the lip of the vessel. 
 (3) The rapidity of the dropping. 
 (4) The temperature of the liquid. 
 The size of a drop cannot be estimated by the specific gravity of 
 the liquid, since some substances of great density (e. ,i, r . , chloroform) 
 yieldsmaller drops (300 to i dram) than those obtained from liquids 
 comparatively light, as, for instance, ether. 
 The size of drops of different liquids, estimated by the number to 
 one fluid dram, may be generalized as follows: 
 Drops In one fluid dram. 
 Watery solutions, including dilute acids, 50 to 60 
 Alcohol and strongly alcoholic liquids, spirits, and tinc- 
 tures 120 to 140 
 Alcohol dilute., including tinctures from the same, . . 100 to 120 
 Kther and ethereal prep., including spirit ether, nit.; sp. 
 ether, com]) 120 to 150 
 ( )ils, ethereal 90 to no 
 Oils, fixed; glycerin, 65 to So 
 Chloroform, 200 to ^oo
 The Metric System. 
 The Metric System of weights and measures was originally intro- 
 duced in France at the close of the eighteenth century; hence it is 
 frequently termed the French system. Owing to its decimal parts it 
 is often also called the decimal system. This system has gradually 
 displaced all the various systems of weights and measures throughout 
 the continent of Europe, being the only legally recognized system in 
 all countries, except Russia, Great Britain, her colonies, and the 
 United States of America. 
 Because of its simplicity in construction, regularity and convenience in exact calcu- 
 lations, it has become the only system for scientific work, and is no doubt destined to 
 soon displace the older systems in art and commerce throughout the civilized world. 
 Through our system of decimal numbering: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc., 
 the monetary systems of all civilized nations except Great Britain have also become 
 decimal and brought with them the metric system. 
 The functions of money and weights and measures are so closely related and inter- 
 dependent that a decimal system of one practically demands a decimal system of the 
 The decimal system of money was one of the privileges accorded the people of the 
 United States by early adoption, but while adopting this great improvement over the 
 old English pound, shilling, and pence, the old English weights and measures, based 
 on the penny-system, were unfortunately retained. 
 The U. S. Government in 1867 made the Metric system obligatory 
 in the three branches of its medical service the Army, Navy, and 
 Marine Hospital and also legally permissible throughout the Union, 
 but all efforts to make it obligatory in the various states have so far 
 proved futile. 
 There is some excuse for retaining the old systems in Great Britain, 
 but none whatever in the United States with its decimal proportions of 
 the dollar, the dime, and the cent, based upon the same principle as 
 that of the Metric system. 
 Although employed in medicine to some extent since 1867, the 
 first important attempt to introduce the Metric system was when t he- 
 National Pharmacopceial Convention of iSSo instructed the com- 
 mittee to revise the sixth decennial revision of the U. S. Pharma- 
 copoeia in accordance with the Metric system. The committee, fearful 
 of the radical change involved, disregarded the instructions, and com- 
 promised by employing the system of decimal parts or proportions by- 
 weight, instead.
 The introduction of this system, whereby all liquids as well as solids were directed 
 by weight, was a greater innovation and caused more variation and inconvenience 
 than if the Metric system, in which the familiar method of weighing solids and 
 measuring liquids has been retained, had been adopted throughout. 
 The variation was so great, in fact, that in the case of Fluid Extracts the Metric 
 system had to be employed. 
 This attempt, however, made the introduction of the Metric system 
 comparatively easy, and the next Pharmacopceial Convention unani- 
 mously decided that the seventh decennial revision of the U. S. Ph. 
 (1890) be based upon the Metric system. 
 The objections to the adoption of the Metric system are: first, that being decimal it 
 cannot be as easily divided on the binominal plan (halves, quarters, eighths, etc. , ) as the 
 older systems based on this principle of bisection. This weakness adheres also to the 
 Dollar, which cannot be bisected further than the quarter, but an inconvenience more 
 apparent than real and easily overcome. 
 The second objection made to it is, that the Orthography, the designation of the 
 respective quantities, is not distinct, and is liable to create confusion and cause error. 
 In this respect it shares the objection to all systems. Carelessness in designating 
 quantities, or ignorance in their interpretation, is common in the older systems. 
 Thorough familiarity with the principle, and accurate knowledge and care in its use, 
 will demonstrate the Metric svstcm as free from error as any of the older systems. 
 The Metric System is based upon the meter, which is the standard 
 //;/// of linear measurement, being the ten-millionth part of one-fourth 
 of the circumference of the Earth (the quadrant). It is, therefore, 
 the one forty-millionth part of the entire circumference of the 
 Earth taken around the Poles. , measured by the meridian and not by 
 the equator. 
 One meter is equal to 39.37 + inches. 
 The standard unit of liquid measure (termed the Liter) is the cube of 
 one-tenth of the meter, or cubic decimeter, and one-thousandth part 
 of it, or the cube of one-hundredth of the meter is one cubic centimeter. 
 The unit of weight is the weight of one cubic centimeter of pure 
 Water in vactio at its maximum density, termed gramme or Gram, 
 equivalent to 15.432 grains. 
 The unit Grain (written with a period immediately following, thus, 
 i.) is divided or multiplied to express smaller or larger denominational 
 quantities respectively, by simply moving the decimal point to the 
 /'// or to the right. 
 To designate the quantities thus obtained, Latin prefixes are 
 used to describe those less than one Gram, and Greek those larger 
 than one (Irani the latter also being written with a Capital letter, 
 :i^ shown in tin- following, with their equivalents:
 i. =i Gram, (abbrev. Gm.) . . 
 .1 =i decigram, ( " dcg., or dg.) 
 .01 =i centigram, ( " cntg., or eg.) 
 .ooi=:i milligram, ( " rng-) 
 i. = i Gram, (abbrev. Gm.) . 
 io. = r Dekagram, ( " Dg.) . 
 i oo. = i Hectogram, ( 
 1000. = i Kilogram, ( 
 ioooo. = i Myriagram, ( 
 = i5-432 
 = 1-543 
 = 0.154 
 = 0.015 
 = I5-432 
 = 154.32 
 = I543- 2 
 Hg. or Hecto.J 
 Kg. or Kilo.) =15432. 
 =2 fos. 3Oz. av., 120 grains. 
 Mg.) . . = 154320. grains. 
 = 22 fos. av. 320 grains. 
 i milligram r=o.ooi gram. 
 10 milligrams = i centigram =0.0 1 gram. 
 00 " = 10 centigrams = i decigram =o.igram. 
 = 100 " 
 i Dekagram. 
 100 " = 10 Dekagrams = 
 1000 " = 100 " = 
 10 Grams 
 = i o decigrams = i GRAM. 
 i Hectogram. 
 10 Hectograms=i Kilo. 
 Various methods have been proposed for adapting the metric 
 weights to our apothecaries' weights used in prescription writing with- 
 out entailing calculations in fractions. The method of taking 32 
 Grams as equivalent to one troy ounce, and 30 C. c., or fluid Grams, 
 as equal to one fluid ounce, seems to be the least objectionable. These 
 equivalents are shown in the following: 
 32 Gm. =i oz.; 32-^8=4. Gm. i dram. 
 30 C. c. i fl. oz.; 30-^8=3. 75 C. c. ~i fl. dram. 
 The exact metric equivalent of I grain is obtained by dividing the unit by the 
 Gram equivalent in grains, thus: 1.^-15.432=0.0648 gram (or d l / 2 centigram). 
 The metric equivalents of all the other denominations may be obtained by multiply- 
 ing the grain equivalent by the number of grains in one dram; the number of drams 
 in a troy ounce, etc. The following exact Gram equivalents are thus obtained: 
 I grain. I dram. I ounce av. I ounce troy. I Ib. troy. I Ib. av. 
 0.0648 3.888 28.349 3 I - I 3 373. 2 5 453.592 
 To convert avoirdupois or troy into metric weights, the equivalent of the Gram in 
 grains -15.432 should be remembered, as it servos the purpose of a basis for ob- 
 taining the equivalent of all the higher denominations.
 It will be observed that this number is composed of the first five numerals in re- 
 versed order, except the figure I. In round numbers the Gram is said to equal 15 
 grains, the fraction be ing dropped, which, multiplied by 4, gives 4 Grams, equal to 60 
 grains or I dram; and these multiplied by 8 the number of drams in one ounce 
 give 32 Grams, equal to one troy ounce. 
 To convert metric weights into avoirdupois or troy, the easiest plan is to multiply 
 the quantity in Grams by 15, securing the weight in grains. This is then readily 
 brought back to the larger denominations by dividing it with the number of grains 
 to the dram, ounce or pound. For example; 
 1452.5 (Grams) X 15=21.787.5 grains. 
 21,787.5-7-70003 Ibs. av., I oz. av., 350 grains. 
 With a small" number, as, for example, 24 Grams, this calculation may readily be 
 made mentally by adding one-half of the number to the original and then taking it ten- 
 fold, thus; 24 Grams: 
 24-1-12=36; 36 X 10=360 grains. 
 The Liter is equivalent to 34 fl. ounces, half a Liter approximating one Pint, 
 sometimes called a metric pint (17 fl. ozs. ). The division or multiples of the Liter 
 are not used, all fractions of the Liter being expressed in Cubic centimeters (C.C. ). 
 The equivalent of the Meter is nearly 40 inches, from which the divisions may 
 easily be rendered as follows: 
 I decimeter, 4 in.; I Centimeter, Cm., 0.4 in.; I Millimeter, mm., 0.04 (^5) inch. 
 For further comparison of the different systems of weights, refer to "Preliminary 
 otes," page xlvi, and also Table of Equivalents in the U. S. Ph., 1890. 
 The advantages of the Metric system consist in: 
 1. Simplicity of construction, abolishing complex tables. 
 2. Uniformity, through its adoption in all scientific work. 
 3. Permanence and Stability of its standard unit derived from the 
 Earth itself. 
 4. Facility of its multiplication and division by decimal points. 
 5. Commensurability of all its units and denominations in weighty 
 volume, linear measures and our system of money.
 Specific Gravity. 
 It is well known that some liquids are lighter than water, /. <?., 
 ether, alcohol, etc.; others again are heavier, /'. e. glycerin, sulphuric 
 acid, etc. The weight of a certain measure of any of these "liquids 
 divided by the weight of the same measure of distilled water is termed 
 the specific gravity of that liquid. 
 Thus, if a bottle hold exactly 1,000 grains of water, but of alcohol 
 only 820 grains, the weight of the latter is as 820 is to 1,000. Water 
 being the standard for comparison, it is stated to be i., and if the 
 weight of the liquid is lighter than water, as in the above instance, it 
 becomes a decimal of i., or, in this example, 0.820. If the bottle is 
 filled with a liquid heavier than water, as, for example, glycerin, of 
 which it would hold 1,250 grains, the weight is compared similarly, 
 viz., 1,000 is to i, 250 as i. is to 1.25, the specific gravity of glycerin. 
 The specific gravity (or specific weight) therefore of a substance is 
 its weight in comparison with the weight of a similar bulk or volume of 
 some other substance, or may be defined as the relative weights of 
 equal bulks of different bodies, compared with some definite standard 
 at the same temperature. 
 The standard for comparing the specific gravity of liquids and 
 solids is distilled water at a certain temperature, viz., i5C. (59?.), 
 U. S. Ph. 
 For gases the standard is Hydrogen at i . 
 Example. A certain quantity of glycerin equal in volume to 100 
 grains of water weighs 125 grains; if we divide the weight of the 
 glycerin by the weight of the water the quotient will be the specific 
 gravity of the glycerin. Thus: 125 divided by 100=1.25 specific 
 Since all bodies expand or contract with changes of temperature, it 
 is essential in comparing this difference in weight that the temperature 
 of the substance be the same as that of the standard for comparison, 
 water, viz., i5C. (59F.), except in the case of Alcohol, Wine, and 
 alcoholic liquids generally, required by the I . S. Customs and Inter- 
 nal Revenue regulations to be taken at 6oF. ( i5-667C.) 
 Constancy in temperature is especially to be observed in taking the specific gravity 
 of liquids, since, with the exception of the metals, they are much better conductors of
 heat than solids, and more readily expand and contract. Alcohol, ether, and benzin, 
 for example, increase in bulk in proportion to the height of the temperature to which 
 they are exposed, while they decrease in proportion to the degree of cold they are 
 subjected to. 
 As a rule, the lighter the liquid compared with water, the more its 
 bulk is changed by the temperature, e. g., alcohol, ether, benzin. Con- 
 versely, the heavier the liquid as compared with water, when not below 
 the freezing point, the less its bulk is changed by the temperature, e. g., 
 acids, glycerin, syrups. 
 With solids these rules are reversed. Heavy substances, such as 
 metals, contract and expand, as illustrated in iron rails. Light solids 
 are scarcely affected at all, such as glass, wood, coke, etc. 
 The importance of Specific Gravity to pharmacy lies in the fact that 
 through it the identity, and often the strength and purity of liquids, 
 may be determined. Thus the percentage of Absolute acid in official 
 Acids, such as, Hydrochloric, Sulphuric, etc.; the percentages of salts 
 in the official Solutions, such as the Solution of Ferric Chloride and 
 the amount of water present in Alcohol, Glycerin, etc., may be 
 estimated from the respective specific gravities. For this reason the 
 sp. gr. is always given first in defining the character of chemical 
 liquids in the descriptive text of the U. S. Ph. While not always of 
 itself sufficient to prove the identity, etc., it is always the first and 
 essential step, which, in conjunction with the determination of the 
 boiling or congealing points and other physical attributes, comprised 
 in the term character, discloses the identity, purity or otherwise of 
 The determination of the specific gravity of liquids, although an operation which 
 should be practiced daily in the pharmacy, is nevertheless a process seldom attempted, 
 and even the subject is one which is rarely understood thoroughly, even by those 
 regarded as otherwise well qualified. This is chiefly owing to the fact that no prac- 
 tical demonstration is made at the time the subject is studied. 
 There exists in the mind of the beginner an exaggerated idea as to the implements 
 or apparatus required for its performance, and as these usually are not at hand, he is 
 disposed to content himself with learning the rules from the books, and, in conse- 
 quence, soon forgets the principles involved. 
 This is entirely wrong. Practical demonstration at the time is the only means by 
 which the principle can be thoroughly understood. While it is true that for great 
 scientific accuracy delicately constructed instruments are required, sufficiently accurate 
 results for all practical purposes may be obtained from the use of the ordinary apparatus 
 in every pharmacy. 
 The necessary apparatus for taking the specific gravity of substances
 is primarily a good balance, sensitive to at least i grain, and accurate 
 weights; also a specific gravity bottle of known capacity by weight of 
 water, the most convenient quantity being 50 or 100 Grams or 1,000 
 grains. Such bottles, termed pycnometcrs, are in the market, provided 
 with a glass stopper, and accurately adjusted to hold, when completely 
 filled, the exact weight indicated on them of distilled water at the 
 standard temperature. An opening barely sufficient to admit a small 
 needle permits the escape of air, which may have entered the bottle 
 while l>eing filled, as well as any superfluous liquid. 
 In the absence of a counterpoise, which usually accompanies the 
 bottle, one is easily made from a piece of lead or other metal; or the 
 tare of the bottle may be taken with ordinary weights. When first 
 procured the bottle should be invariably tested as to its accuracy, by 
 filling it with distilled water of the proper temperature, then wiping it 
 dry, and weighing. 
 (1 lass-stoppered one-ounce iodine vials may sometimes be found 
 which hold a convenient volume of water, and by making the incision 
 lengthwise upon the stopper with a three-cornered file, an opening is 
 produced which answers the same purpose as the orifice in the more 
 expensive vials above described. 
 Bottles may also be selected from the ordinary prescription vials; 
 for example a 100 or 120 cubic centimeter vial maybe filled with 
 distilled water at i5C., and marked, with a file, on the neck at such 
 point as may indicate a convenient even number of Grams of water. 
 Such vial is not as accurate, however, as the glass-stoppered bottles, 
 nor as convenient, since it involves more calculation. 
 Furnished with any of these objects, the veriest beginner in phar- 
 macy can take the specific gravity of any liquid, the simplest knowl- 
 edge of arithmetic being all that is required. It should be remembered 
 that the thing sought is the weight of a quantity equal in bulk to a 
 certain volume of water of known weight, or, as above expressed, the 
 relative weights of equal volumes, or bulks of different liquids at the 
 same temperature. A certain volume being decided upon as a stand- 
 ard for comparison, we express that by weight of water, and the weight 
 of an equal bulk of any liquid is divided by this weight. When this 
 standard for comparison can easily be converted into a multiple of ten, 
 the division is effected by simply moving the decimal point to the left 
 or right, as for example: 
 Glycerin. Water. Alcohol. Water. 
 1,250 -- 1,000 = 1.250 sp. gr. 820 -T- 1,000 = 0.820 sp. gr.
 In proceeding to acertain the specific gravity of a liquid, the bottle 
 should first be rinsed with a little alcohol, which volatilizes more 
 quickly than water, and leaves the bottle perfectly empty. After hav- 
 ing ascertained the tem[)erature of the liquid, which, as stated, should 
 be i5C (59F.), the bottle is filled nearly to the top of the neck, the 
 stopper is inserted and the superfluous liquid displaced by it completely 
 removed from the bottle, which is then wiped perfectly clean and dry. 
 The filled bottle is then weighed, after being balanced with the 
 counterpoise. If the weight of the liquid is 1,250 grains, the specific 
 weight is 1.25 (1,250^-1,000). The weight of the water, whatever 
 the quantity, is always taken at i, and the weight of the liquid, whose 
 sp. gr. is sought, is always in proportion to this unit. 
 With bottles holding 500 grains, 250 or 125 Grams, it is necessary to bring the 
 weight of the liquid, whose specific gravity is sought, to l,ooo by multiplying the 
 weight with the required multiplier 2, 4, or 8, respectively, in order to obtain the 
 standard unit for comparison, viz., I. 
 The specific gravity or, as it is sometimes called, the density of 
 liquids is also frequently designated by the number of degrees indi- 
 cated by the hydrometer c. g., B. 18. 
 Hydrometers are instruments made of glass, consisting of a bulb 
 filled with some heavy substance, such as shot or mercury (which 
 maintains the instrument when immersed in the liquid in an upright 
 position), and a graduated stem. These instruments are used only for 
 commercial purposes, since they are not sufficiently accurate for scien- 
 tific work, nor is their use recognized in the U. S. Ph., except for 
 alcoholic liquids. They are designed for special classes of liquids, and 
 named accordingly, alcoholometers, acidometers, saccharometers, urin- 
 ometers, etc. 
 Baiun e's hydrometer is of two kinds: (i) for liquids heavier than 
 water; and (2) for liquids lighter than water. Although they were 
 the first to become extensively employed, their use is being rapidly 
 superseded by hydrometers whose scales also give the actual specific 
 gravities, thereby rendering conversion unnecessary. 
 As these standards cire still in use in the arts, the following rules for 
 converting them into sp. gravity are convenient: 
 For liquids heavier than water: subtract the degree of Baume from 
 145. and divide 145 by the remainder thus obtained. The quotient is 
 the specific gravity. 
 For converting the specific gravity into Baume, reverse the process. 
 For liquids lighter than water: add the number of degrees to 130,
 and divide 140 by the sum thus obtained; the quotient .s the specific 
 gravity. To reduce sp. gr. to B., divide 140 by the sp. gr. and sub- 
 tract 130 from the quotient; the remainder will be the degree Baume. 
 The specific gravity of solids is determined by dividing the weight 
 of the substance by its loss of weight in water. 
 This loss represents the weight of an equal bulk of water and de- 
 pends upon the law of Archimedes, viz.: that bodies immersed in a 
 liquid are buoyed up with a force equal to the weight of the liquid dis- 
 It should be borne in mind that in all calculations to find the spe- 
 cific gravity of solids, whether in mass or powder, heavier or lighter 
 than water, soluble or insoluble in this liquid, the main object sought is 
 the weight of a quantity of water equal in bulk to the substance, the 
 specific gravity of which is to be found. 
 In determining the weight of an equal bulk of water, the methods 
 employed must necessarily vary with the difference in the physical 
 properties of the substances. All solids come under one of the follow- 
 ing divisions: 
 (1) A mass heavier than water: Divide the weight in air by the 
 loss of weight in water. 
 Example: A substance weighed in the air weighs 500 grains; its 
 weight in distilled water, when completely submerged, is 400, loss 
 i oo grains; hence the sp. gr. of the substance is 5. ^500-^100 5). 
 (2) Mass lighter than water: Divide the weight in air by the 
 weight required to restore the equilibrium when weighed in water. 
 The substance is weighed with a body attached to it of sufficient 
 weight to keep it immersed in the water; the heavy body having first 
 been counter-poised under water, in order that the conditions shall be 
 Example: A piece of iron, suspended by means of a silk thread or 
 horsehair, attached to the end of the beam of a scale, is weighed in 
 water contained in a beaker placed so as not to interfere with the full 
 movement of the balance. It is counter-poised by the necessary weight 
 placed upon the opposite pan. A piece of wood weighing 12 grains, 
 in air, is attached near the iron, both being immersed in the water, 
 but the wood being lighter, is buoyed up with a force equal to the 
 liquid it displaces, and carries the iron upward to the surface of the 
 liquid. To restore the equilibrium of the balance it requires an ad- 
 ditional weight of 23 grains, which represents the weight of a bulk of
 water equal to the bulk displaced by the wood. Then 12 divided by 
 23=0.5217 sp. gr. of wood. 
 (3) Mass soluble in water: Divide the weight in air by the loss 
 of weight in some liquid in which it is not soluble, and multiply by the 
 specific gravity of the liquid. 
 Example: A piece of sulphate of copper weighs 300 grains in the 
 air; in oil of turpentine it weighs 186 grains, loss 114 grains; the 
 original weight (300) divided by 114, gives 2.63, which multiplied 
 by 0.88 (the sp. gr. of the oil of turpentine previously ascertained), 
 is 2.3144, the sp. gr. of the sulphate of copper. 
 The Specific Gravity of Powders, as in the manipulations of the 
 specific gravity of solids in mass, is found by ascertaining the amount of 
 liquid the powder displaces when weighed in a specific gravity bottle. 
 The same principles govern and the same rules should be applied as 
 with masses, according as the powders differ in physical properties.
 Percentage Volume and Weight. 
 The specific volume of liquids is the opposite of specific gravity, and 
 is expressed in inverse ratio to specific gravity. 
 As the specific gravity of a liquid is the weight of a certain volume 
 of that liquid divided by the weight of an equal volume of water, so 
 the specific volume of a liquid is the quotient obtained by dividing a 
 given volume of water by the weight of an eqnal volume of the liquid 
 whose specific volume is sought, thus: 
 Water. Glycerin. Specific volume, 
 i. oo divided by 1.25= .80 
 The comparison of specific gravity and specific volume, which also 
 serves to illustrate the relation that exists between the weight and the 
 volume of different substances, may be shown as follows: 
 Take any vessel, preferably a flask of a capacity of a certain round number of cubic 
 centimeters, i. e., 1000, and fill it with distilled water. If at its maximum density 
 the water will weigh IOOO Grams; if at the ordinary temperature it will weigh a little 
 less, because the water, having expanded, a certain quantity takes up more room than 
 it does at the congealing point. 
 The specific gravity and the specific volume of water are therefore 
 the same, water being the unit to which all ,'umids are compared. 
 As observed previously, water is also the weight unit in the Metric 
 System, the Gram being the weight of one Cubic Centimeter of dis- 
 tilled water. But water is the only simple liquid which has this 
 property; other liquids varying greatly in density. As referred to 
 under "specific gravity," some liquids are lighter, and have a hnver 
 specific gravity; others are heavier or denser, and have a higher specific 
 gravity than the liquid, water, the unit for comparison being ex- 
 pressed as i . 
 If the looo C.C. flask be tilled with Ether it will weigh 725 Grams, and the spe- 
 cific volume will be: 1000-5-725=1.379; if tilled with Alcohol it will weigh 820 
 Grams, and the specific volume will he: 1000-7-820=1.220. 
 On the other hand, if the flask be tilled with Chloroform it will weigh about 1,500 
 Grams, and the sp. vol. will be: 1000-^-1500= .666. 
 With the use of the Metric System the knowledge of specific volume 
 has many applications. 
 Thus, for example, when such liquids as have been referred to
 are sold by measure, in metric containers of one liter (1000 C.C.), 
 or fractions, the weight of one liter is known at once from the sp. gr. , 
 i. e. : i Liter Glycerin=i,25o Grams. When sold by weight, the 
 usual custom, by availing ourselves of the specific volume, calculated 
 beforehand from the specific gravity, we have at once the measure of 
 the liquid. For example: 
 I Kilo. Glycerin;=iooo Grams; then IOOO-T- 1.25 sp. gr=8oo Cubic Centimeters of 
 I Kilo. Chloroform; 1,000-7-1.50=666.6 Cubic Centimeters. 
 I Kilo. Sulphuric Acid; iooo-M.835 sp. gr. =544.9 Cubic Centimeters. 
 With the old weights and measures this comparison is entirely lost, 
 as they lack the beautiful regularity and ratio or proportion of the 
 Metric system. f 
 Thus the weight of i Pint of Glycerin is not obtained by multiplying the number of 
 grains in the pound (av. ), 7,000, with the specific gravity of the Glycerin, 1.25, be- 
 cause one pint of water weighs more than one pound, namely, 7,300 grains (7,292 
 59F. ) and the weight of the Glycerin is therefore 7,300x1-25=9,125 grains. The 
 smaller denominations are equally discordant, the grain equivalents for the ounce 
 bemg: tr. oz.=48o grs. ; fl. oz.=456-)-grs. ; av. oz.=437^ grs. 
 The minim and the grain are alike discordant, as will be seen by dividing the 
 number of grains in one pound by the number of grains in one pint, which gives: 
 7,000-^-7,300=0.959 grain, equivalent to one minim instead of one grain. 
 "Parts by weight" means the system by which all quantities, liquid 
 or solid, are expressed by weight. It always refers to decimal num- 
 bers, 10, 100, 1000, etc., and is therefore a percentage system. 
 Owing to this fact, it is in accord with the Metric System, and is 
 often erroneously regarded as identical with the latter. While the 
 metric weights, because of their decimal proportions, are well adapted 
 for the quantities in which parts-by-weight may be expressed, still any 
 other system of weights, or denominations of these, may be used; pro- 
 vided that the same unit is maintained in all the parts. Thus a 
 Formula from the U. S. Ph., 1880, in parts by weight, may be taken 
 in any quantities as follows: 
 Solution of Chloride of Iron. 35 "1 
 Alcohol 65 I grains, Grams, 
 | or drams, etc. 
 To make TOO j 
 This system is of advantage in expressing Formulas for mixtures of 
 soli'i substances, such as Ointments, Cerates, Plasters, etc., but it is 
 not adapted to Formulas for liquid Preparations or those containing 
 liquids, such as Tinctures, Spirits, Syrups, etc., because of the great
 convenience and general custom of measuring liquids instead of 
 weighing them. But the greatest objection to the parts-by-weight 
 systems lies in the fact that all liquid preparations for internal use are 
 prescribed and administered by measure and not by weight, and their 
 strengths should therefore have a uniform relation to the ordinary 
 liquid measures, viz.: the Minim, Cubic Centimeter, fl. Dram, etc., 
 upon which the dosage is based. 
 Thus, in the former example, only by calculating from the specific 
 gravity can the quantity of solution of chloride of iron contained in 
 these respective measures be ascertained, while by the Formula of the 
 U. S. Ph., 1890, in accordance with the Metric System, in which 
 the liquids are measured instead of weighed, these amounts are shown 
 at once: 
 Tinctura Ferri Chloridi. 
 Solution of Ferric Chloride 250 C. C. 
 Alcohol, sufficient to make 1000 C.C. 
 From this it will be at once observed that a certain measure of the Tincture con- 
 elns always one-fourth its volume of the solution, i. e. : 10 min.=2^ min. solution; 
 I C.C. =0.25 C.C. solution. This same uniformity exists throughout all the liquid 
 preparations (except in a few of the Solutions and Syrups) and any Tincture, such as 
 Tincture of Opium of which 100 Cubic Centimeters are made from 10 Grams of 
 Opium, will represent I decig. (o. i) in one C.C., or I grain in 10 minims (approx. ) 
 of the drug. 
 The advantages of this uniformity in measure have been so clearly recognized that 
 the parts-by-weight system of the U. S. Ph., 1880, was discarded for the Metric 
 System in the U. S. Ph., 1890, with the few exceptions noted. 
 The strength of many substances and their preparations are now 
 mostly expressed in percentages (from per for, centum one hundred) 
 abbreviated per cent, and p. c.; also indicated by the sign /' . 
 Per cent is a decimal proportion, which refers to the whole as parts 
 of 100; just as of our money one cent is the one-hundredth and one dime 
 the one-tenth of one dollar; and in the Metric System one centigram is 
 the one-hundredth, one decigram the one-tenth of the Gram, and the 
 Cubic Centimeter the cube of one centimeter, therefore the one-thou- 
 sandth of the cube of the decimeter or the Liter. 
 Any percentage amount is therefore readily converted into its respective quantity 
 in the metric terms, for example: One Kilo, of Opium contains 12.5 per cent of 
 morphine. How much morphine does it contain? Multiply the Kilo., first reduced 
 to Grams, by the percentage number, and then point oti three figures from the ris/ht to 
 represent the decimals for the answer: 1,000X12.5=125 drams of morphine. 
 With the avoirdupois and apothecaries'" weights it is necessary to reduce '.he
 quantities to the unit, the grain; thus: one pound and a half, av., 10,500X12.5= 
 1312.5 grains of morphine; or 10 ounces, apoth., 4800X12.5=600 grains of morphine. 
 The answers in each case should be transposed to the respective highest denomina- 
 tions of the two systems ounces and drams. 
 Percentage is also applied to liquids, for example, to indicate the 
 strength of acids, in anhydrous, or real acid, as in Acid Sulphuricum, 
 U. S. Ph., 9 2 . 5 per cent; the strength of yther, 96 p. c.; Alcohol, 
 91 p. c., etc. Nearly all the official Solutions have their strengths 
 expressed in percentage. 
 In all liquid chemical products the strength is rendered in percent- 
 age by weight, because percentage means that all the component parts 
 referred to in percentage must be compared by the same standard as 
 the whole. That is, they must either all be measured, or all be 
 weighed; if the percentage is based on measure, all the parts must also 
 be measured, an operation not practicable with solids. But as there is 
 no practical difficulty in weighing liquids, particularly on the large 
 scale, for the purpose of attaining the greatest scientific accuracy, this 
 basis has been adopted for liquids, which from their character are not 
 intended to be taken internally without further preparation. 
 Solution of Ferric Chloride is not given internally, but the Tincture, prepared 
 from it, is; hence the convenience of knowing its strength by measure. The Solution, 
 on the other hand, is prepared by weight, in order to attain its correct specific gravity 
 from which its percentage strength is chiefly determined. 
 For pharmacal practice it is necessary to refer the percentage 
 strength of solutions intended for dispensing purposes to measure; 
 that is, solids by weight and liquids by measure. 
 In the administration of remedies the physician is concerned only 
 as to the dose represented in the ordinary fluid measures minim, 
 fluidram, cubic centimeter, etc. 
 In preparing solutions extemporaneously (as needed), therefore, the 
 pharmacist weighs the solid and then adds sufficient of the liquid used 
 (the solvent) to dissolve it, in order to make it up to a certain measure 
 or volume, and not weight, unless so directed. 
 Thus, if I fl. ox. of a 2 p. c. solution of phenol (carbolic acid) is required, the 
 quantities are: 
 l!y volume, 48oX-O2=9.6 grains phenol. 
 liy weight, 456 X- 02=9. 1 2 grains phenol. 
 Here again the uniformity and commensurability of the Metric 
 System become readily apparent. Any percentage solution may oc 
 expressed in i dram for each per cent in each 100 Cubic Centimeters.
 Thus 250 C.C. of a 4 p. c. solution of Boric Acid: 25ox-Q4=io 
 Grams Boric Acid. 
 All percentage solutions, whether by weight or by volume, should 
 be prepared according to the Metric System, as it will save calculation 
 and serve to avoid errors. 
 Every student should have access to, or supply himself with, 
 Metric weights and measures.
 The subject of heat is one of great importance to pharmacy, be- 
 cause only by the right use of this agent can we perform successfully 
 many of the more important operations involved in the preparation 
 and dispensing of medic inc. 15ut in order to understand its proper 
 management, it is important to know something of its nature and its 
 laws. Only such a brief treatment of the subject will be given here, 
 however, as will have important bearings on the practice of pharmacy. 
 Heat was formerly regarded as matter, and was classed along with 
 light, electricity and magnetism, as "imponderable matter," in dis- 
 tinction from ordinary matter, which is ponderable, or capable of 
 being weighed. But this view is now known to be erroneous; heat, 
 light, electricity, and magnetism are all modes of motion, and heat 
 may be defined as that mode of motion which is capable of producing in 
 us the sensation of warmth. 
 Every mass of matter is supposed to be made up of very minute particles 
 called tnoliciilt's (irom inolecnla, Lat., small matter); these molecules are not 
 in absolute contact with each other, even in the most compact matter, but 
 are separated from each other by distances varying under different circum- 
 stances, and in different states of the same substance; moreover, they are 
 in a state of vibration, and this vibration it is that gives rise to the phe- 
 nomenon we call heat. When the vibration is slow the body is said to be 
 cold or to have a low temperature; when rapid it is said to be hot, or 
 to have a ///<;// temperature. As there are no bodies without molecular 
 vibration there can be none that are absolutely without heat, and the 
 terms heat and cold, therefore, are only relative, expressing different 
 degree 1 ' of molecular vibration. 
 It is a great general law that masses expand from an increase and 
 contract by a decrease, in their temperature. We can easily under- 
 stand how this must be so, when we remember that a number of mole- 
 cules vibrating with great intensity will describe longer distances ami 
 require more room than the same number of molecules vibrating with 
 less intensity, and therefore describing shorter distances. 
 The expansion of Liquids is of especial importance in pharmacy, since 
 they are usually kept in glass containers, which are easily fractured through 
 the pressure exerted upon them when rilled with expanding liquids. The 
 expansion of water at the freezing point has already been noted; likewise 
 such watery solutions as are liable to freeze, and thus expand. Sulphuric 
 acid has been known to freeze and burst the carboy containing it. Liquids
 of low specific gravity expand quickly through elevations of temperature. 
 Thus, i.oooC.c. of the following expand to the number of C.c. named for 
 each 10 C. elevation of the temperature, viz: Alcohol ion, Benzin 1013, 
 Ether 1018, etc. ' 
 Matter exists in three states, termed states of aggregation, that of 
 solid, liquid, or gas. These different states depend upon the relative 
 freedom of movement of the molecules. 
 In solids the molecular attraction is so much stronger than the repellant 
 force due to the molecular vibration, that the molecules are not easily dis- 
 placed when external force is exerted upon them; in other words, the solid 
 condition is due to the preponderance of the force of molecular attraction 
 over the opposing force of heat or molecular vibration. 
 In a liquid the two forces nearly balance each other; the molecules not 
 being firmly held in the embrace of each other's attraction glide readily over 
 one another, and liquids, therefore, readily take the shape of the contain- 
 ing vessel. 
 In a.gas the molecules are so far apart that they are wholly unrestrained 
 by molecular attraction and free to obey the repellant force of heat; there- 
 fore, gases tend to expand indefinitely. If restrained, they exert pressure 
 on the walls of the containing vessel, and this pressure is supposed to be 
 due to the impact of the molecules. If the walls of the vessel are unyield- 
 ing, the elastic molecules rebound without losing their energy; if, how- 
 ever, they yield, the molecules lose a portion of their moving power, and 
 so the well-known fact of cooling by expansion is accounted for. 
 Heat may be transferred from one body to another in two differ- 
 ent ways: 
 (i.) By conduction. (2.) By radiation. 
 (i.) Conduction. When one end of a bar of iron is placed in the fire the 
 heat travels from molecule to molecule up the bar to the other end; this is 
 called conduction. Different kinds of matter, or the same kinds in differ- 
 ent states, conduct heat with different degrees of facility. Gases are worse 
 conductors than liquids and solids, because their molecules, being farther 
 apart, can communicate their motion less rapidly to each other than in 
 liquids or solids. 
 When heat is applied to the bottom of a vessel containing a liquid, 
 the layer next to the bottom expands, and, being lighter, rises to the sur- 
 face and a cooler layer takes its place, which in turn is heated, creating 
 ascending and descending currents in the liquid, which result in the heat- 
 ing of the entire mass. This is a form of conduction which has been 
 termed convection. Gases may be heated in this way, a draft in a chimney 
 is created by a fire in the same way, and it is chiefly by this means that the 
 atmosphere is heated by the sun's rays. Hut it is obvious that solids, 
 whose molecules are strongly held by the molecular attraction, cannot be 
 heated by this means.
 A knowledge of the leading facts in regard to the conduction of 
 heat is of much practical importance to the pharmacist. Solid sub- 
 stances differ very widely from each other in their power of conduc- 
 tivity. The metals, on the whole, are much better conductors than 
 other solids, but even metals differ widely among themselves. 
 If the conducting power of silver (the best conductor known) be taken as 
 too, that of copper will be 73.6; tin, 14.5; iron, 11.9; lead, 8.5; platinum, 8.4, 
 and bismuth, i.S. Silver is, therefore, nearly sixty times as good a con- 
 ductor as bismuth, but bismuth is eighteen times as good a conductor as 
 porcelain, and the latter is a far better conductor than wood. On a cold 
 day, in an unheated room, the different objects in the room are practically 
 at the same temperature, but the handle of the poker feels cold, the marble 
 mantle less so, a chair-back less so still, and the Brussels carpet scarcely at 
 all cold to the touch. If the temperature be very low in the room these 
 differences will be very decided, and yet they are due solely to the very dif- 
 ferent power these bodies have of conducting heat from the hand. 
 So, also, on the other hand, if a piece of iron and one of soapstone each 
 be heated to the temperature of iooC., the latter will seem much cooler to 
 the touch than the former, because it is a worse conductor. For reasons 
 like these, metallic vessels that arc to be subjected to high temperatures, are 
 provided with wooden or porous earthenware handles, ice is wrapped in 
 woolen blankets to keep it from melting too rapidly, or a hot body is 
 wrapped in similar .porous metal to prevent it from parting with its heat 
 too rapidly; and for this reason houses are built of wood or other non-con- 
 ducting material, woolen used for winter clothing, and arctic mammals are 
 provided by nature with a covering of thick, soft fur. 
 For further information upon the subject of "Heat" students may refer to 
 Irowbridge's "Essentials of Physics," and Parrish's or Remington's "Phar- 
 (2.) Radiation. This term is applied to that mode of transference of heat 
 derived from heated objects by conduction through the atmosphere, as the 
 heat from combustion in a stove, etc. 
 The earth heated by the sun's rays is also an example of radiation. 
 Heat is found to travel through space with the velocity of about 186,000 
 miles per second, and it is found, moreover, that air is not the medium that 
 conveys it, since it is radiated with equal facility through space devoid of 
 air, and it is incredible that air should fill the entire space between the earth 
 and sun. 
 As we cannot picture to ourselves a force existing apart from matter, we 
 cannot conceive of heat coming from the sun to the earth through a" abso- 
 lute vacuum. Matter of some kind must be the vehicle of the force. Hence 
 the hypothesis of the et/icr, a substance of exceeding tenuity, but highly 
 elastic, which not only fills the spaces between the heavenly bodies, but 
 also those between the molecules of all substances. It is along this that 
 the heat is supposed to be propagated in waves by molecular vibrations of 
 the heated body, much as sound is propagated in waves through the air by
 a sounding body, or ripples on the surface of a pond by a stone thrown into 
 it. The ether waves set in motion by the rapidly-vibrating molecules of a 
 hot body can in turn heat a cooler surface on which they impinge, by setting 
 its molecules into more rapid vibration, as, for instance, the sun's rays heat 
 the earth. 
 The waves that traverse the ether are not all precisely alike. Their effects 
 are quite different in many respects, although the only physical difference 
 between he waves themselves seems to be one of wave-length. Three 
 kinds are distinguished dark heat waves, light waves, and actinic waves. 
 The dark waves have the longest wave-length, possess heating power, but 
 do not affect our sense of sight; the light waves are shorter, affect our sense 
 of sight, and produce also heating and chemical effects; and the actinic 
 waves are shorter still, do not affect our sight, possess little heating 
 power, but produce chemical effects. 
 The extent of the expansion or contraction of a given substance by 
 the addition or subtraction of heat, expressed in parts or degrees, 
 constitutes the usual method for estimating the degree of sensible 
 heat imparted by a body in other words, the degree of its tempera- 
 Since the expansion and contraction in volume are constant with the 
 changes in temperature, the extent of variation may be best determined 
 by the substances usually employed mercury, because of regular expan- 
 sion, and because it boils only at a very high temperature; and alcohol, 
 because it does not solidify at the greatest known cold. 
 Thermometers (from Therma, Gr. , heat, and metron, Gr., measure) 
 are instruments made of a glass tube, with a bulb at one end filled with 
 mercury or alcohol, the tube being attached to a graduated scale; the 
 mercury rises and falls in the tube as its volume is increased by heat 
 or decreased by cold. 
 Unfortunately, no less than three standards have been adopted for 
 thermometers, termed respectively: Reaumur, Celsi, and Fahrenheit. 
 In Reaumur's scale, zero is at the freezing point of water, and 80 
 the point at which water boils. 
 In the Celsi or Centigrade (from Celsius, its discoverer), the zero 
 point is also that of freezing water, but the boiling point is fixed at 
 In Fahrenheit's, the freezing point of water is at 32, and that of 
 boiling water is at 212; hence the number of degrees between these 
 two standard points in this thermometric scale is 180, instead of 80 
 and 100 in Reaumur and Celsi respectively. The point 32, taken 
 for the freezing point of water in Fahrenheit, instead of o as in the 
 other scales, is explained by the fact that it was the lowest degree of
 cold (obtained from a mixture of snow and ammonium chloride) 
 known up to the time of the construction of the Fahrenheit scale. 
 The Fahrenheit thermometer is almost exclusively used in the 
 United States, except for scientific use. The Celsi is becoming the 
 standard authority in scientific work, owing to its centesimal scale 
 being in harmony with the metric system of weights and measures and 
 is given the preference in the U. S. Ph., '90. It will eventually super- 
 cede the other scales. Reaumur's is chiefly employed in Germany 
 and therefore also extensively in the chemical industries. 
 In converting the degrees of one scale into either ft_80 MQO ft-212 
 of the others, we must find a number which is 
 divisible into the three respective numbers: 80, 
 100, and 180, without any fraction. Such a number 
 is 20, and the quotients obtained, viz.: 4, 5, and 9, 
 express the number of degrees in each scale equiv- 
 alent to the same degree of temperature. In 
 Fahrenheit, the 32 between freezing-point and 
 zero must invariably be added when the degrees 
 of other scales are converted into it, after the de- 
 grees are made equivalent to the proportion just 
 In reducing Fahrenheit to Celsi and Reaumur, the 
 32 are first subtracted, and then the remaining de- 
 grees are reduced to the equivalent proportions. 
 Examples. To convert 15 Celsi degrees to 
 those of Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 5, 
 and add 32; equal to 59F. To reduce 40 
 Fahrenheit degrees to those of Celsi, subtract 
 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9; equal to 4. 44C. To reduce 
 F. to R., subtract 32X4-^9- [For table of Thermometric Equiva- 
 lents, see U. S. Pharmacopoeia.] 
 Higher temperatures than 300 or 4OOC. are measured by the pyrometer 
 (from pyr, Gr., fire) an instrument in which the degrees are expressed by the 
 expansion of a metallic rod (platinum). The following terms are used to 
 designate temperatures in the working of metals: Cherry red, 5ooC.; red 
 heat, 7ooC., and white heat, ioooC. 
 From the fact that the temperature of a substance ceases to rise 
 while it is melting, even though heat still be applied to it, we readily 
 see that much heat must disappear in the process. This is said to 
 become latent (from latere* I. at., conceal). Latent heat differs physic- 
 ally from free or sensible heat, in that its presence cannot be determined 
 by the senses or by the thermometer. 
 When, however, certain chemical actions take place, or the state of 
 aggregation changes from a gaseous substance to a liquid, or from a 
 liquid to a solid, the latent heat so-called is rendered sensible . 
 We may regard the particles of any body as being subjected to two 
 opposing forces cohesion, which tends to draw them more closely 
 together and heat, which tends to drive them farther apart. 
 If the heat be increased, the body under its influence further ex- 
 pands, until at a given temperature the particles, driven still wider 
 apart, resolve the substance into a liquid state; finally, in the case ot 
 many substances, the heat entirely overcomes the cohesion, and the 
 particles fly apart in the form of vapor. When the source of heat is 
 removed, and that already acquired by the substance has been im- 
 parted to surrounding objects, cohesion again comes into play and the 
 substance assumes the liquid or the solid state. 
 The heat absorbed by water, for example, is expended in forming it into 
 vapor; when such vapor comes in contact with a colder body, such as air 
 currents, the latent heat is abstracted and the water resumes its original 
 liquid state. When the vapor is confined by the pressure of a steam ooiler 
 it may be heated to a temperature considerably higher than the boiling- 
 point, and thus possesses still greater heating power. 
 STEAM. One cubic inch of water by boiling is converted into about 1,700 
 cubic inches, or nearly one cubic foot, of steam, and in the mere conversion 
 of a cubic inch of water at iooC. into steam at the same temperature an 
 amount of force is exerted which is equivalent to lifting about 27,000 
 pounds one foot high. 
 Steam, as a source of heat, contains 52OC. of latent heat. By contact 
 with a cold surface it is condensed to the liquid form and this heat is given 
 out. Theoretically, steam in the act of condensing will raise the tempera- 
 ture of nearly ten times its weight of water 55C. Twenty pounds of 
 steam condensed in 200 pounds of water at 44C. will raise the temperature 
 of the water to iooC. if no loss is sustained. 
 The sources of heat are various. One great source of heat is the 
 sun, and some is derived from the earth's interior, but most of that 
 of terrestrial origin comes from the transformation of other forms of 
 energy; as, for instance, mechanical energy is converted into heat 
 when a cannon ball strikes a target, or when the brakes are applied to 
 a moving train. 
 Electricity is converted into heat when a strong current is made to 
 pass through an inadequate conductor, as in the various forms of the 
 electric light; and chemical energy is converted into heat in all cases 
 of combustion, as when a match is kindled, or coal is burned.
 In the practice of pharmacy combustion is the most important source 
 of heat. The substances used are the ordinary combustible materials, 
 such as coal, wood, alcohol, kerosene, and coal-gas. The best, per- 
 haps, is coal-gas, if it can be afforded, as it is convenient, safe, cleanly, 
 and heat of almost any required degree of intensity can be obtained 
 by means of it. 
 The best gas stoves are so constructed as to yield a nearly colorless flame, 
 and one whose heat is very intense. These objects are accomplished by 
 admitting a stream of air in such a manner as to cause it to mingle with the 
 gas below the flame,' making the combustion more rapid and complete. 
 Properly regulated, burning 
 with bright, blue flame. 
 With excessive Hume. 
 The Bunsen burner is constructed upon this principle. It consists of a 
 tube serving as a burner whose lower portion has an opening closed with a 
 ring. By moving the ring, air is admitted (which should mix with the gas 
 before it is ignited) and serves to regulate the draft. It should burn with a 
 bluish-colored flame, which, through the complete combustion of the gas, 
 yields but little light and no soot. The highest heat is given by the tip 
 of the flame.
 When a solid or liquid body changes into the gaseous form it is sain 
 to undergo vaporization. 
 Vapori/ation is that process of transformation whereby the state 01 
 aggregation changes into vapor or gas. This change is often effected 
 by relatively low temperature, when the result is called vapor. Higher 
 temperatures drive the molecules apart to their greatest distances, when 
 the result of the change is termed gas. 
 Vaporization depends upon the abstraction of heat from surrounding 
 bodies, as in the transformation of water into vapor, by absorption of heat 
 from the Earth. This heat, rendered latent in converting the liquid into 
 vapor, is abstracted by the colder atmosphere in the upper air-currents and 
 the vapor is transformed into its original liquid state water, or if exposed 
 to a low temperature it congeals or freezes and then forms snow. This 
 natural phenomenon of rain is in fact the best practical illustration, not 
 only of the effects of heat in changing the state of aggregation, but also in 
 demonstrating the various processes depending thereon. Upon the general 
 process of vaporization the following pharmacal operations are dependent: 
 Evaporation is the process of vaporization applied to a liquid or 
 liquid mixture for the removal of liquid, either partly to reduce its 
 bulk or volume called concentration or its entire removal, so as to 
 leave a solid residue. 
 Distillation is the preceding operation extended so a* to transform 
 the vapor into the liquid state by bringing it in contact with a cold 
 surface called condensation and collecting the liquid; the distillate. 
 These operations each have several modifications as applied to dif- 
 ferent substances, and with reference to the vapori/.ed, or the solid, 
 substance, being the object sought by the particular method employed, 
 Evaporation is the term generally applied to the pharmacal opera- 
 tion by which a solution is reduced in volume or concentrated by 
 means of heat. 
 The concentration, being due to the vaporization of the liquid por- 
 tion, is hastened by stirring, which facilitates the evaporation ol 
 liquids lor two reasons: 
 (i ) A larger surface is thereby presented to the action of the heat 
 and also to the action of the air.
 The greater the extent of the surface the greater and more rapid the 
 rate of evaporation. 
 The best illustration of this principle in practice is the method employed 
 of evaporating thick or viscid liquids, such as the so-called Solid Extracts. 
 In Extract of Malt the liquid extract is spread over as shallow a surface as 
 possible. The solutions from which the so-called Scaled Salts of Iron, etc., 
 are prepared are first evaporated to a syrupy consistence and then spread in 
 thin layers on glass-plates in order to remove the remaining liquid. In this 
 way the greatest possible surface is presented both to the source of heat and 
 where the air comes in contact with the vapor and aids in its removal. 
 (2) Agitation favors evaporation by renewing the air in contact 
 with the surface of the liquid. 
 The air above a vaporizable liquid soon becomes charged with 
 vapor, and the evaporating process goes on slowly unless the air be 
 renewed, and the more rapid the removal of the saturated air the more 
 rapid will be the evaporation. 
 Partly on this principle and partly on the principle that the boiling point 
 of liquids is lowered as the atmospheric pressure on the surface is reduced, 
 the process of evaporation in z'acno is performed. While under the ordinary 
 atmospheric pressure of 15 Ibs. to the square inch, water boils at iooC. 
 (2I2F.), when heated in a closed vessel and the air above its surface ex- 
 hausted, it boils at 27 or 32C. (3o or QOF.) below the usual temperature, 
 or about 55C. (132"?.). The process also has the advantage that it permits 
 rapid evaporation in a comparatively low temperature. 
 The following considerations should also be observed in conducting 
 the process of evaporation: 
 The evaporating vessel (dish) must be shallow, so as to present as 
 great a surface as possible both to the heat and to the air which carries 
 off the vapor. 
 The evaporating dishes should be made of material from which the 
 residue, if solid, may be removed without contamination. For this reason 
 porcelain or enameled dishes are to be preferred to those of soft metal, such 
 as copper. 
 The heat should be carefully regulated at its source, to avoid over- 
 heating the substance. 
 Vegetable principles are much more easily impaired or destroyed by heat 
 than inorganic OT mineral substance?; these latter, when in solution, do not 
 require any special precaution, since they may usually be subjected to great 
 heat without undergoing decomposition. 
 In evaporating a substance, the highest degree of temperature to which it 
 may be exposed without injury must be known, and the source of heat em- 
 ployed accordingly. The so-called Baths are therefore employed as the 
 sources of heat for evaporation, as by this means the temperature may be 
 easily regulated and kept within proper limits.
 The principle upon which the baths are constructed is, that all matter 
 gives out heat to surrounding matter. 
 When, therefore, a liquid, such as Water, is heated, it communicates 
 its heat to any substance with which it comes in contact, until both 
 have the same temperature. 
 For the Baths, or Media, as they are called, any substance may be 
 employed, but the following are those in use in pharmacy: 
 Water-Bath. Water boils at iooC. (2i2F.) and through its 
 use in the form of a bath any substance may therefore be heated to 
 this same temperature. 
 With Continuous Water-supply. 
 It consists of two vessels one fitting within the other in such a manner 
 that a space of greater or less extent is left between them. This space is 
 nearly filled with water, and the substance to be evaporated is placed in the 
 inner vessel. It is evident that with such an arrangement the liquid in the 
 inner vessel cannot be heated above the temperature of 100 C. (212 F.); in 
 fact, in practice this temperature is never attained, and if it be a substance 
 liable to decomposition at any higher temperature, the process becomes a 
 safeguard against such an occurrence. The method also admits of very 
 gradual and even application of heat. 
 Steam-Bath. The use of steam heat in certain forms of evaporation 
 is a great convenience, since it affords a range of temperature propor- 
 tionate to ite pressure, or to the pressure which the vessel is calculated 
 to sustain. 
 The vessel or apparatus for a steam bath consists of two pans, riveted 
 together at the upper edge jacketed having an inlet-pipe to admit the 
 ste?.m into the space between the two pans just below the point where they
 were joined, and an outlet-pipe at the bottom, allowing the escape of the 
 condensed steam or water. Hoth pipes must be provided with stop-cocks 
 10 regulate respectively the inflow and escape of the steam. 
 Steam may also be employed for heating purposes, but not for evapora- 
 tion, without being confined, called "live steam," by placing the vessel con- 
 taining the substance to be heated loosely into another vessel so that it 
 rests upon the rim of the latter, into which the steam is admitted. 
 The term "gentle heat" the U. S. Ph. defines as meaning any tempera- 
 ture between 32 and 38C. (90 and iooF.). Other terms occasionally em- 
 ployed are "moderate heat" 55' to 7oC. (130 to 165 J F.) and 'temperate 
 heat" i5C.(59F.). 
 Saline Baths. Saturated solutions of various salts, in order to be 
 brought to the boiling point, require a greater amount of heat than 
 does water. For example, the boiling point of a saturated solution of 
 sodium chloride is io<SC. (227F.); sodium Iterate (borax) io5C. 
 (2 2 2F.); ammonium chloride, ii4C. (2 3 7 F.); potassium nitrate, 
 H5C. (24oF.); sodium acetate, i24C. (256^'.), and calcium 
 chloride, xyc/C. (354!''.). 
 The use of these baths is indicated when it is desired to heat a substance 
 a few degrees higher than can be done by the water-bath, and also when a 
 very regular heat is desired, since the temperature in these baths, under a 
 uniform heat, does not change so long as the water is replenished sufficiently 
 to hold all but a small portion of the salt in solution. 
 When it is desired to heat a substance above the temperature at- 
 tained by the Water or Saline Baths, and yet limit the heat to a tem- 
 perature between 150 and 3ooC. (300 and 5y2F.), various sub- 
 stances boiling at a high temperature have been employed. Of these 
 the fixed Oils and Glycerin are objectionable owing to their decompo- 
 The Petrolatum or Paraffin Hath should be used whenever tempera- 
 tures between the degrees mentioned are wanted. 
 The Saiiii Hath is employed when an extreme heat is desired, but 
 when a naked fire would not yield a constant or regular temperature. 
 It consists simply of a layer of dry sand placed in a shallow-iron dish, 
 in which the vessel to be heated is imbeded. A comparatively thin layer of 
 sand will be sufficient to equalize the heat and prevent a sudden rise in the 
 temperature, which might result in fracturing the vessel or injuring the 
 When, vaporization occurs only on the surface of a liquid the liquid 
 undergoes evaporation, but when vapor is formed throughout the 
 liquid, such liquid is said to boil. 
 Water, on attaining the temperature of iooC. (2i2F.), enters into 
 a state of ebullition', a large number of bubbles of vapor, or steam, are 
 produced in the part of the vessel exposed to the heat, which rise 
 through the liquid, violently agitating it as they burst. This is termed 
 The point at which this ebullition 
 commences is that at which the ten- 
 sion of the vapor becomes sufficient 
 to overcome the pressure of the 
 atmosphere; hence, if this pressure 
 be increased the boiling point will 
 be raised. Thus, the boiling point 
 of water is iooC. at 30 barome- 
 ter; when the mercury column in 
 the barometer falls, indicating di- 
 minished pressure of the air, the 
 water boils at a lower temperature. 
 This also explains how liquids may 
 be brought to the boiling point by 
 the removal of all pressure, as boil- 
 ing under vacuum. 
 The determination of the boil- 
 ing point of liquids is very im- 
 portant, since boiling discloses 
 a physical property usually de- 
 pendent upon the chemical con- 
 stitution of the liquid, and there- 
 fore frequently is an index to its 
 identity, strength or purity, 
 is one of the characteristics of 
 Showing Vapor. 
 For this reason the boiling point 
 liquids, and is usually given in the U. S. Ph. directly after that of the 
 specific gravity. 
 It varies considerably, from that of Ether at 3JC. (99?.) to that 
 of Sulphuric Acid at 33.SC. (64oF.).
 To determine the boiling point the liquid is brought to boiling in a test- 
 tube or other proper vessel, then inserting a bulb thermometer in the vapor 
 just above the surface of the liquid fora few minutes; the degree of heat 
 indicated by the mercury column after it has become stationary is the boil- 
 ing point of the liquid. 
 It is important to note that the material of the vessel and its thickness, 
 together with the condition of its interior surface, influence the temperature 
 of the boiling point; thus, water contained in a thick porcelain dish will boil 
 at io3C. (2i5F.); in a glass vessel, which has just previously contained 
 sulphuric acid, at io5C. (2i8F.). Owing to this lack of uniformity, it is 
 better to take the temperature of the escaping vapor immediately above the 
 liquid rather than that of the liquid itself, although if test-tubes be used the 
 boiling point of the liquid itself may be taken with results that closely ap- 
 proximate correctness. 
 In vessels composed of materials which are good conductors of heat, 
 c. g., metals, a liquid can be brought to the boiling point much more 
 quickly than in porcelain, earthen or glass vessels, which arc poor con- 
 ductors of heat. Heat is more readily absorbed by substances present- 
 ing dark and rough surfaces than by those having light-colored and 
 smooth exteriors. A liquid is therefore more quickly heated in a 
 vessel of unpolished metal than in one having a smooth or brightly- 
 polished surface. 
 Another important effect of heat upon substances is to cause them to ex- 
 pand. The expansion is greatest in gases, and least in solids. Imperfect 
 conduction, in conjunction with expansion produced by the sudden applica- 
 tion of heat, is the well-known cause of the breaking ofglass and other ves- 
 sels of similar fragile material used in the pharmacy. 
 Glass-flasks and earthenware vessels, such as porcelain evaporating 
 dishes, are to be handled very carefully for this reason. Such vessels are 
 usually made very thin in order to diminish the liability to breakage from 
 sudden and unequal expansion. Heat rapidly passes through the walls of 
 a thin glass vessel, and no great strain is produced upon the glass by un- 
 equal expansion; also the thinness of the vessel facilitates the rapid and 
 equal heating of the contents. But these advantages are not gained with- 
 out the corresponding disadvantage of rendering the vessel more liabla to 
 be broken by careless handling. 
 Test-tubes filled with cold water, owing to the exceeding thinness of the 
 glass, may be placed directly in the flame without much danger of break- 
 age; but larger glass vessels, like Florence flasks and beaker glasses, must 
 be heated with more caution when filled with cold liquids, owing to the 
 greater thickness of the material. Porcelain and enameled vessels have a 
 decided advantage over glass vessels, since they are more substantial, not 
 so easily fractured by sudden changes of temperature, and they withstand 
 the action of acids quite as well as glass. They are frequently "cracked," 
 however, but this is generally the result of attempting to heat the vessel 
 first and then pouring into it a cold substance, a thing which should never 
 be dote under any circumstances.
 It is often desirable to use hot water in cleaning glass bottles, 
 graduated measures, or other glass dishes. This operation, unless con- 
 ducted intelligently, is almost certain to result in disaster. A simple 
 and perfectly safe method is first to thoroughly wet the interior walls 
 of the vessel with cold water, then boiling hot water may be poured 
 into it without danger of fracture. 
 Fragile vessels, such as glass flasks and beakers, should never be placed, 
 when hot, in contact with good conductors, such as counter or table-tops 
 made of marble or metal, since the rapid abstraction of heat from a portion 
 of the glass, and not from the rest, will produce a strain which will almost 
 invariably result in fracture. 
 Showing Currents. 
 Of upper portion of Liquid. 
 The tops of tables used in the laboratory should, therefore, be made of 
 wood, or some other non-conducting material, or the hot glass dish should 
 be set down on paper, cloth, or some other soft, non-conducting substance, 
 such as rings of rubber, called grommets. 
 In boiling without pressure in an open vessel the temperature of a 
 liquid can never be raised above its boiling point, as all the surplus 
 heat received is employed in evaporating the water, except under the 
 conditions above noted. When a closed vessel is employed, the pres- 
 sure may be increased and a much higher temperature attained. 
 Advantage is taken of this fact in pharmacy, when boiling water is desired 
 quickly, as, for example, in making decoctions or infusions. The vessel 
 used for heating the water in such cases should be covered.
 Distillation is the process whereby a liquid substance is obtained or 
 separated from other substances by means of evaporation and condensa- 
 tion. The product is termed a distillate. 
 The vaporization of a liquid for the purpose of distillation is usually 
 conducted in a vessel especially constructed for distilling, termed a still. 
 The Still consists essentially of a retort and a condenser. 
 The retort, containing the liquid to be distilled, commonly consists 
 of a vessel rounded below and contracted into a neck above. The 
 neck or outlet-pipe should, in order to faciliatate the escape of the 
 vapors into the condenser, gradually curve downward. 
 The simplest form of distillation is effected by the use of a Flask, fitted 
 with glass-t:ibing, but this is adapted only to highly volatile liquids and 
 for operations on a small scale. 
 The distillation of acid liquids must be conducted in ^lass retorts 
 and may be successfully performed without the use of other apparatu* 
 than a Retort and a Receiver. 
 The vapor may be condensed in the neck of the retort by covering its en- 
 tire length with thick cloth, kept constantly cold by trie application of ice- 
 cold water. If care be taken that every particle of vapor be condensed t 
 before it reaches the opening which dips into the receiver, it is not even
 necessary that the joint between the neck of the retort and the receiver be 
 made tight. The receiver should be surrounded with ice. By this method 
 explosions due to incondensable gases may be avoided. 
 Retorts employed in distilling acid or corrosive liquids and sub- 
 stances requiring a high temperature are usually made of glass. 
 They are either plain retorts made in one piece with one opening 
 at the end of the elongated neck, or furnished with a small aperture 
 at the neck provided with a ground-glass stopper, when they are called 
 tubulated. The purpose of this aperture (tubulure) is to enable the 
 operator to introduce fresh quantities of the substance to be distilled 
 and for the insertion of a thermometer. 
 In retorts not tubulated, this procedure is very difficult and incon- 
 venient, because the liquid cannot be poured into the retort without 
 placing it in an upright position, thus disarranging the whole appara- 
 tus. ]5y means of & funnel-tube (a glass tube with a bell-shaped end) 
 the retort can easily be filled or replenished through the tubulure. 
 The Adapter is a short tube, sufficiently wide at one end to receive 
 the end of the still or retort, gradually tapering to a width which ad- 
 mits it into the neck of the receiver. 
 Condensation. The vapor formed in evaporation by exposure to a 
 cold temperature is converted into a liquid condensed. 
 In distilling it is necessary to use artificial means for condensing 
 tne vapors, since the effect of cold air alone would be too slow and 
 The Apparatus for effecting condensation is termed a condenser. 
 A condenser is a tube or coil of considerable length attached to the 
 neck of the still, for carrying the vapor through a cold substance 
 usually water and after being condensed into liquid form to convey 
 it to the receiving vessel.
 The usual forms of condensers are: 
 The worm, which consists of a coil of tubing, generally of copper 
 or earthenware pipe, but sometimes of glass, and placed in a tub of 
 running water, and 
 Lie big' s Condenser, which consists of two tubes of unequal diameter, 
 fitted one within the other, the intervening space being filled with 
 cold water. 
 As in evaporation, the greater the surface to which the vapor is exposed, 
 the greater the condensation. This principle has been taken advantage of 
 in the construction of various condensers, such as the manifold Liebig's 
 (Remington's), and Lloyd's. 
 One of the most effective condensers is that known as Mitscherlisch's, 
 which consists of a double cylinder surrounded by cold water. 
 Fractional Distillation is the process of distillation applied to the 
 separation of two or more liquids having different boiling points. 
 The method usually employed in this process is to insert a thermometer 
 in the boiling liquid, and collect the distillate in different vessels, as it 
 comes over at different temperatures. The separation may also be effected 
 by condensing the vapor in a series of receivers exposed to different tem- 
 In pharmacy, mixtures of ether, alcohol and water are thus separated, 
 owing to the great differences in their boiling points (or temperature for 
 vaporization) and the corresponding differences in temperature necessary 
 for condensation. In the arts fractional distillation is largely applied to 
 coal-tar, oils, petroleum, etc. 
 The distillatory apparatus best adapted for pharmacal purposes are 
 made of metal, preferably tinned copper.
 In the oldest form of these, the condensation is effected by cold 
 water contained in a jacketed top, surmounting the boiler and the 
 pan containing the liquid to be distilled, which together constitute a 
 water-bath. The top is rendered vapor-tight by a water-joint, but 
 owing to the evaporation of the water, the joint is preferably made of 
 some non-vapori/,able substance, such as Glycerin, or Petrolatum. 
 The most common and cheapest of this style of Still is the Phoenix 
 (made by Whitall, Tatum & Co.). 
 In conducting the process of distillation the following general rules 
 should be observed: 
 (1) The apparatus must be vapor-tight. Since the object of the operation 
 is to recover the volatile portion, any loss of vapor will necessarily reduce 
 the quantity of the product the distillate. In the pharmaceutical stills 
 where the two parts of the still are connected by flanges, these should besub- 
 stantially made and fit upon each other perfectly true, so that when screwed 
 together they will be tight. A piece of wet twine laid between the flanges 
 makes a thoroughly vapor-tight joint when these are clamped together. 
 (2) The condensation must be complete. There must be an abundant 
 supply of cold water around the condensing pipe, sufficient to condense all 
 the vapor, otherwise loss will result. The water surrounding the vapor in 
 the condenser should always be renewed as soon as it becomes warm. 
 (3) In heating the contents of the still, care must be taken that the in- 
 crease of temperature be gradual. The still above described is usually 
 heated by a water-bath, by which the heat may easily be regulated and ac- 
 cidents from over-heating prevented. 
 (4) The still should never be filled more than two-thirds full of the liquid 
 to be distilled, since otherwise it is liable to foam and boil over. Foaming 
 may be avoided by covering the pan with a piece of coarse, wet cloth, per- 
 mitting its edges to rest on the flange and when compressed making a 
 vapor-tight joint. 
 For full description of apparatus employed in distillation see Reming- 
 ton's or Parrish's Practice. 
 Sublimation is the process of distillation applied to solid substances, 
 or, more correctly, the process whereby vapor is condensed to a solid. 
 Substances easily volatilized, such as camphor, are separated from 
 less volatile substances and obtained from their crude state or refined 
 by sublimation. The product is said to have been sublimed and it is 
 sometimes called a sublimate (corrosive sublimate), QK flowers (sulphur). 
 Inorganic substances, such as iodine, sulphur, mercury, etc., are obtained 
 in a pure form by sublimation. Mixtures of different substances or chem- 
 ical compounds may ofte'n be separated by means of sublimation. 
 Dry or Destructive Distillation differs from ordinary distillation in 
 that it is a process involving chemical changes for the production of 
 gases, liquids, or solids from solid substance, such as wood and coal.
 Effects of Heat. 
 When the state of aggregation in substances is changed from solid 
 to liquid by the absorption of heat, the liquefaction is termed fusion 
 or melting. 
 The melting or fusing point of a substance is the temperature at which 
 it changes from the solid to the liquid condition. The fusing poin. 
 is very different for different substances, some liquefying at a very low, 
 others at a very high temperature; and others still, like carbon, resist 
 the highest temperature we are able to command. These are said to 
 be infusible. 
 The temperature at which fusion commences is constant for any 
 substance so long as the pressure remains constant; and from the time 
 that fusion commences the temperature remains stationary until the 
 whole of the substance is melted. 
 Some substances, as iron and wax, soften gradually before they actually 
 fuse, while others, as lead and copper, melt without softening. In the case 
 of iron, great advantage is taken of this property, as by means of it the 
 blacksmith can weld different pieces together, or mould them into any 
 desired shape. 
 In the melting of fats, wax, resin, and similar easily fusible sub- 
 stances liable to injury by heat, this law has a practical bearing, viz., 
 that no injury by exposure of the substance to heat can result until the 
 fusion or liquefaction is complete. 
 Thus, in melting a substance from which a Cerate is composed, the vessel 
 may be exposed to considerable heat without injury to the substance, so 
 long as any portion remains unmelted. As soon as fusion is completed, 
 however, the heat must be carefully regulated (or its source removed), 
 since the temperature will now steadily rise if heat be applied. 
 The kind of vessels used in the process of fusion depends upon thts 
 chemical nature of the substance to be melted, and the degree of heat 
 necessary for its liquefaction. For higher temperatures crucible are 
 In. pharmacy \h& process of fusion is mostly applied to the production 
 of Cerates, Ointments, Plasters and similar preparations composed of 
 substances requiring a temperature usually below iooC. (2i2F.). 
 The melting point of a substrmn.'. simihrlv to the specific gravity and 
 boiling point of liquids, is one of the characteristics whereby the
 identity, etc., may be disclosed, and is therefore often referred to in 
 the U. S. Ph. (Refer to the melting points of Wax, etc.) 
 The melting point of fats is determined by immersing a small portion of 
 the substance in a test-tube of boiling water, in which a thermometer is 
 placed, until completely melted. It is then allowed to cool, and the degree 
 of temperature at which the substance commences to congeal, as indicated 
 by the thermometer, is the melting point. 
 Deliquescence is the property which certain inorganic substances have to 
 absorb moisture from the air and gradually pass into the liquid condition. 
 Potassium carbonate is an example of a substance which possesses this 
 property in a high degree. Substances of this kind should be carefully 
 protected from the atmosphere in well-covered cans or tightly-stoppered 
 bottles, and, if possible, in a cool, dry place. 
 The term hygroscopic is applied to solids which attract moisture, but which, 
 owing to their inferior solubility, do not pass into the liquid condition. Ex- 
 amples of this kind occur in many powdered extracts. 
 Among the important effects of heat are its chemical effects. 
 Heat causes a vibratory motion of the molecules of a compound 
 substance. When the temperature is increased this motion may at 
 last become so great as to cause the constituent elements to move out 
 of the spheres of their atomic attractions, and thus cause decomposi- 
 tion of the substance. 
 Heat is one of the most useful agents for bringing about decomposition. 
 Being a repellant force, and the repellant power increasing as the tempera- 
 ture rises, it is probable that if we could command a sufficiently high 
 temperature even the most stable compounds would be separated into their 
 The principal chemical effects of heat are the following: 
 Calcination, which consists in driving off volatile matter, in the 
 form of gas, from solid substances by heat. The residue is usually 
 left in the form of a friable powder, which is said to be calcined. 
 Calcination is used chiefly to expel Carbon Dioxide from its compounds 
 (the carbonates). For example, when Calcium and Magnesium Carbonates 
 are strongly heated, carbon dioxide and water escape into the atmosphere, 
 and Lime and Magnesia, respectively, are left behind. 
 Sublimation may be regarded as the reverse of calcination, being, as 
 already observed, a process for separating a volatile solid substance from 
 one not volatile, and differs from it in that the volatile portion is the pro- 
 duct desired. 
 Ignition is a term applied to the method of testing chemical sub- 
 stances by heating them to redness according to Pharmacopoeial le- 
 Deflagration is a process seldom employed in pharmacy. It con- 
 sists in heating one inorganic substance with another capable of
 yielding Oxygen, resulting in decomposition and the formation of a 
 new compound. 
 Oxidation is the union of substances with Oxygen producing oxides. 
 This process is usually favored by heat, moisture and division of the 
 substance, as in the formation of rusf from iron, copper, etc. 
 Some elements: Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, etc., combine 
 with Oxygen at the ordinary temperature; other substances, as Char- 
 coal, require a very high heat. 
 Reduction is the process whereby Oxides or Compounds containing 
 Oxygen are deprived of their oxygen by chemical action or the use of 
 heat. The heating of metallic oxides, such as Red Oxide of Mercury, 
 or the "roasting" of ores to obtain their metals, are examples. 
 The different stages of chemical effects of heat on organic substances 
 are dependent upon the degree of heat, or combustion, to which the 
 substances are subjected. 
 Thus, heating a vegetable substance, it at first becomes roasted; by 
 increasing the heat it chars or "coals," if air is excluded, and finally 
 by elevated temperature and in contact with air it "burns." 
 The following are the principal of these processes: 
 Torre/action, or "Roasting," consists in scorching or parching 
 organic substances to change or modify certain constituents without 
 impairing the principles of the most value in the substance so treated. 
 The roasting of Coffee is a familiar example, in which the undesirable 
 constituents are so modified as to give aroma to the berry without deterior- 
 ation of the active principles, caffeine and caffeotannic acid. 
 Carbonization is the process of reducing to coal by heating organic 
 substances until all volatile matter is expelled, air being excluded. 
 The substance is said to be "charred.'' 
 Incineration, or "Burning," is the union of oxygen with the elements 
 of an organic substance by the application of heat, resulting in the 
 production of flame and residue, termed ash.
 The process of vaporization conducted as an operation of evapora- 
 tion applied to solid organic substance is termed Desiccation. When 
 applied to solid inorganic substances it is called Exsiccation. 
 Crude substances obtained from the vegetable and animal kingdom? 
 are usually dried, or desiccated, before they can be utilized in medicine 
 as their bulk is by this means reduced, they are more easily preserved 
 and their comminution is greatly facilitated. 
 As is well known, all organic matter contains water, which, at a 
 favorable temperature, from 32 to 49C. (90 to i2oF.), facilitates 
 changes in the principles usually present, resulting in decomposition 
 of the substance, and frequently impairing its value. 
 Albumen, gum, sugar, starch, etc., are substances found in vegeta- 
 ble drugs, which, with moisture and exposure to warm temperatures, 
 undergo putrefactive or fermentative changes. The presence of 
 moisture and vegetable acids similarly causes the formation of 
 fungoid growth (mold), which is detrimental to the substance, 
 frequently diminishing its active principles, and hence impairing its 
 medicinal value. 
 In depriving the substance of its moisture, by evaporation of the 
 water, we therefore remove the principal cause of decomposition, i. e., 
 water. This process is termed drying. 
 While the most favorable temperature for decomposition is 38C. 
 (iooF.), albumen coagulates at 49C. (i2oF.) and at 6oC. 
 (i4oF.) and above, most of the principles promoting change in 
 organic substances become so modified by the heat as to permit no 
 deterioration of the drugs, which are then designated as cured. 
 Since a temperature above 32C. (90 F.) cannot usually be obtained in 
 temperate climates from the sun's rays alone, the drying of the drugs is 
 generally effected by artificial heat, such as hot air or steam. Substances, 
 previous to being dried, are, in the case of fleshy roots or bulbs, sliced; 
 barks are deprived of the outer cork, fruits freed from the rind, etc., while 
 leaves, seeds and flowers are generally dried whole. The procedure is gen- 
 erally very simple, and consists in exposing the substance properly prepared 
 in shallow trays to hot air, or barks may be dried in a barrel, having a net 
 at both ends, and placed upright, so that a draft of hot air may pass 
 through the contents. 
 On a large scale, drying-rooms are used, heated by hot air or steam and
 furnished with large shelves upon which the trays containing the substance 
 to be dried are placed. It is necessary to admit fresh air in such drying 
 closets at the bottom and provide an exit at the top for the escape of the air, 
 which has become saturated with the moisture of the drugs in the form A 
 vapor (see illustration). Unless so arranged that a current of air trans- 
 verses the drying-room, acting as a carrying agent of the water, the evapo- 
 ration will cease as soon as the air confined in the chamber becomes 
 saturated with vapor. 
 The drying of chemicals, effected in the same manner, is to drive off the 
 water of crystallixation, whereby the crystals lose their shape, fall into a 
 friable powder and the salt loses considerable weight. Such salts are 
 termed exsiccated. (Example: Sodii Carbonas Exsiccatus.) 
 When Salts lose their water of crystallixation by spontaneous evaporation 
 they are said to F.j)lorcscc. K [florescence, is the opposite of Deliquescence. 
 As in the evaporation o f 
 liquids, the vaporization is facili- 
 tated by the extent of surface ex- 
 posed by the substance to the 
 source of heat and to the medium 
 which serves to carry off the va- 
 por the air. 
 The ;w/V of evaporation, there- 
 fore, is governed greatly by the 
 following circumstances: 
 (1) The percentage of mois- 
 ture in the air, and the rapidity 
 with which the air in contact 
 with the substance is removed. 
 (2) The state of division of 
 the substance, or physical condition, and its affinity for water. 
 Thus, compact drugs, such as Aloes, Guarana, and Opium, must be ex- 
 posed to heat for a longer period than porous drug?, /. <., hop and senna. 
 The degree of temperature at which vegetable drugs are dried, varies 
 with the character of the drug. While the maximum heat considered 
 safe, 6oC. (i-j.ol ; .) , may be applied to most roots, /. <., Taraxacum, 
 Inula, Senega, (ientian, etc., a temperature of 49C. (i2oF.) should 
 not be exceeded for herbs containing delicate principles, such as 
 Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Digitalis, etc. 
 Parts of plants containing aromatic, or other volatile constituents, PUC'A 
 as the different Mints, Wild-cherry bark, anil the various gum-resins, 
 Asafcutida, Myrrh, etc., should be dried very carefully, lest their active 
 principles should escape, thus rendering the drug more or less inert. Sub- 
 stances of the class named are frequently dried spontaneously by exposure 
 to a warm atmosphere. 
 With Direction of Hot Air Currents.
 It is quite as important that the temperature at which the drug is 
 dried be not so high as to volatilize any fugitive principle in other 
 words, that it \K properly dried as that the substance shall contain no 
 moisture, that is, be thoroughly dried. 
 The quantity of water or moisture in some vegetable substances, when 
 fresh, is quite considerable. Thus, certain leaves lose eight-ninths of their 
 weight in being dried; fleshy roots and bulbs nearly as much; barks and 
 similar parts of plants of close structure much less. Since, however, drugs 
 are rarely used in the fresh state, this loss is immaterial, although it <s 
 readily seen that such drugs, carefully dried, must be correspondingly 
 stronger than the same drugs containing this quantity of water. 
 The preservation of vegetable drugs is highly important, and 
 deserves more attention than it usually receives. The more fleshy 
 parts of plants, for instance, roots of Rhubarb, Jalap, Colchicum, 
 Columbo, etc., as found in pharmacies, are frequently worthless. This 
 condition is generally due either to the fact that the root was not 
 properly dried or "cured" when purchased, or that it had commenced 
 to deteriorate when procured from the dealer. 
 To remedy this condition, the pharmacist should select only whole drugs 
 of choice quality, and if, upon examination, they should prove to be im- 
 perfectly dried, steps should be taken at once to effectually free them from 
 moisture by a proper application of heat. This can be readily accomplished 
 by improvising a simple arrangement as outlined before. 
 Specimens of drugs of excellent quality frequently deteriorate for no 
 other reason than that they are not perfectly dry; Rhubarb, and nearly all 
 fleshy roots, easily become worm-eaten when in this moist condition, 
 especially if stored in a damp place, where, owing to their hygroscopic 
 qualities, they rapidly absorb moisture from the atmosphere. All vegetable 
 drugs, especially when of this nature, must be protected from damp air. 
 Barks, flowers and leaves do not, as a rule, deteriorate rapidly, though 
 seeds and fruits undergo changes even when carefully preserved, and thus 
 necessitate replenishment of stock annually. 
 Vegetable substances should always be carefully examined for the 
 detection of possible adulterations, either intentional or accidental. 
 This operation is termed garbling, and substances so treated as garb led. 
 The most common form of accidental admixture in parts of plants, 
 such as roots and leaves, is portions of the stems, which, being 
 usually woody and inert, detract from the quality of the drug, and 
 should invariably be rejected. 
 Cimicifuga, Leptandra, Ipecac and Gelsemium are specimens which 
 in the whole or crude state are frequently mixed with considerable 
 quantities of inert stein.
 Dirt, especially earth adhering to the fibers, is met with generally in 
 Hydrastis, Lcptrandra and Valerian. These drugs should always be pro- 
 cured, when possible, "washed." 
 Leaves are frequently accompanied by the stems, from which they must be 
 separated, unless the stems possess medicinal properties and are recognized 
 as the official part. Withered specimens, however, are practical. y inert 
 and should be rejected. 
 Flo 7.v;-.r are clean and easily preserved parts of plants; this is true also of 
 Barks, which must, however, be gathered at the proper season and be free 
 from inert cork and tough fiber. 
 Sometimes the admixture is intentional, when it is more difficult to 
 detect it, since specimens possessing nearly similar physical properties, 
 and similar also in appearance, are used fur adulteration. 
 The most striking illustration of this is in Taraxacum, large quantities 
 of which are frequently found to consist entirely of Chicory (Cichorium 
 intybus); also in the substitution of Cicrman for English Valerian, which 
 latter possesses greater medicinal strength, and is therefore more highly 
 More attention should be paid by pharmacists to the quality of 
 drugs, since adulteration and even sophistication can be detected in 
 crude substances usually without much labor. 
 Adulteration in its usual forms of admixture, dirt and inert portions of 
 plants, must be avoided to obtain preparations that are permanent and 
 possess definite medicinal activity. The presence of earthy impurities in a 
 vegetable drug detracts from the elegant appearance and permanency of 
 the preparations made from it. Inert and sophisticated specimens are of 
 course objectionable, because their use impairs the strength of the prepa- 
 Unfortunately, crude drugs are not procured in a form which admits 
 of ready examination, since they are generally put up for the market 
 \\\ pressed packages. Large specimens ol the>e drugs must be crushed 
 before they can be pressed, and this renders their identification ex- 
 ceedingly difficult. 
 Herbs and I.ea--cs, when procured in small packages, should be examined 
 by opening one or more of these in each large package, so that the quality 
 may be noted. Preference should always be given to drugs in i>it;L, since 
 they admit of ready examination, give better satisfaction and are more 
 economical to use.
 Crude organic substances as a rule require reduction to small or 
 fine particles for pharmacal purposes. This process is termed Com- 
 minution (from con and ininiio, Lat., to lessen), and embraces the fol- 
 lowing operations: Slicing, Cutting, Grating and Rasping, chiefly 
 employed as preparatory to operations more effectual in reducing sub- 
 stances to finer particles. 
 Confusion is the operation of "Bruising" drugs in a fresh, or moist, 
 state by pounding or beating them in a mortar. 
 Grinding is the most common operation of the process of commi- 
 nution. It is effected in mills and produces various degrees of fineness. 
 The vegetable substances used in medicine may be generalized from 
 the standpoint of comminution the process of reducing to small 
 particles into fibrous, cellular, stony, horny {flexible) and fragile or 
 Fibrous drugs embrace most of the roots and barks. 
 Roots of fibrous texture, such as Glycyrrhiza, Stillingia, Sarsaparilia, etc., 
 should be cut transversely into pieces of about half an inch long and dried 
 until crisp, when they can easily be reduced to coarse powder in an iron 
 mortar or in a drug-mill. Barks may be treated in the same manner. 
 Cellular drugs comprise chiefly herbs, flowers and leaves. 
 These parts of the plant are generally very light and of loose texture, it 
 being almost impossible to reduce them to a uniform coarse powder. Owing 
 to the slight resistance they present, their reduction in a mill is very dif- 
 ficult, the mortar being best adapted for this purpose. 
 Small quantities of these drugs, to be used in the preparation of tinctures, 
 etc., are reduced to a moderately coarse powder (contused) by first moisten- 
 ing the drug with the menstruum and then beating it in a bright iron mortar. 
 Stony drugs comprise only a few tubers, Aconite and Jalap and 
 some roots, among which Stone root (Collinsonia) and Gelsemium 
 are conspicuous. 
 These drugs rarely appear in the market whole, since they can only be 
 reduced to powder in mills worked by steam-power. Some of these drugs 
 possess poisonous properties, and great care is therefore necessary in grind- 
 ing them. 
 Horny or Flexible drugs include mostly seeds and low forms of 
 organization, such as Krgot and Galls.
 These drugs are very difficult to powder; owing to their flexible nature, 
 they pass between the grinding plates of a mill, unless it be a powerful 
 one, intact. The best work can be effected by pounding them in a large 
 iron mortar, the constant concussion having the best effect upon the shell 
 of the seed. Nux Vomica is especially difficult to reduce to powder, but 
 when steamed for a few hours and then dried, it may be powdered with 
 comparative ease. 
 By Fragile drugs is meant such as break readily and present a con- 
 choidal fracture. They embrace most of the gums, resins and natural 
 extracts, such as Acacia, Guaiac and Aloes respectively. 
 These are easily and quickly reduced to powder in a large Wedgewood 
 mortar with a flat bottom. This class of drugs usually requires drying, as 
 they contain a large percentage of water. 
 All substances are more readily acted upon by solvents when re- 
 duced \.Q powder, for the reason that in this form the greet test surface 
 is presented to the solvent action of the liquid. 
 Vegetable drugs consisting of parts of plants are composed of cel- 
 lular tissue in which the active principles are found. The medicinal 
 constituents, alkaloids, neutral principles, v esins or acids, are in solu- 
 tion in the sap flowing through the cells which irake up the tissue, and, 
 upon evaporation of the water in the process of drying, are left in 
 these cells in a more or less soluble condition. When, therefore, 
 it is desired to obtain these principles in solution, it is necessary to 
 rupture the cell-walls, so that the solvent action of the liquid used 
 in the extraction (menstruum) may exercise its full power. 
 It is obvious, therefore, that the degree of fineness of a powder of 
 any given drug should be, as far as practicable, pro; oriioned to the 
 size of the cells which make up its structure. 
 In vegetable drugs the cell-walls are usually a sort of septum or mem- 
 brane which permits solution of the principles they contain by the entrance 
 and outflow of the liquid charged with the constituents of the drug. This phe- 
 nomenon is termed i>sit>sis, or, when applied to the separation of different 
 substances, dialysis. With the aid of this property, peculiar to most organic 
 substances, solution of the constituents of a plant may often be effected 
 without reducing the part to a fineness corresponding to the si/e of the cells. 
 This is the case whenever the active principles are soluble in water. It so 
 happens, however, that the cell-walls do not acquire the power of osmosis 
 until they have been restored to the condition they had previous to drying, 
 or, in other words, until they have absorbed :,vA / to saturation. 
 On the other hand, the active principles of a great many drugs, especially 
 alkaloids, resins and oleo-resins, are scarcely soluble in water, and such 
 menstrua must be used for extraction (alcohol) as will readily dissolve them,
 water being therefore excluded. It is necessary with this class of sub- 
 stances to reduce them to rery fine powder for extraction, since only the 
 solvent action of the liquid can be relied upon, the exhaustion of the drug 
 not being favored by osmosis through the cell-walls. 
 A general rule is, therefore: When alcohol, or strongly alcoholic 
 menstrua, are used, the drug to be extracted must be in very fine 
 powder to admit of complete exhaustion. 
 For this reason, Cinchona, Aconite, Belladonna, Nux Vomica, etc., are 
 directed to be in very fine powder. 
 On the other hand, with drugs the active principles of which consist 
 of acids, /. c. , Senna, Gentian, Taraxacum, or other similar prin- 
 ciples soluble in water, the fineness need not be greater than that of a 
 moderately coarse powder, the water permeating the cell-walls and in- 
 ducing the osmotic action, exhaustion will soon be completed. 
 dun, pectin and sugar are inert substances frequently present in drugs, 
 and since they are rendered more or less soluble by water or watery men- 
 strua, they may retard extraction if the drug be in a very fine powder. 
 This well-known piece of apparatus, the first invention of aboriginal 
 man for the purpose of reducing vegetable substances to a condition 
 suitable for food, is indispensable in the pharmacy and has long been 
 the accepted symbol of the art and the profession. 
 Mortars are made of wood, stone and marble for contusing; of brass 
 and iron for contusing and powdering, and of porcelain and glass 
 for triturating. 
 The Wedge-wad mortar, so named after the inventor of a kind of earthen- 
 ware made in England, is the most durable and suitable of any. 
 In its various shapes and sizes it answers the purposes of all the opera- 
 tions of powdering, trituration and mixing, but not that of contusion, since 
 it is very hard and easily fractured by a hard blow of the pestle. 
 In the pharmacy some drugs may be powdered in an iron mortar placed 
 upon a stand fixed in the ground, and provided with a spring to the pestle 
 rirmly fastened to the rafter of the ceiling. A cord attached to the small end 
 of the spring and fastened to the pestle handle permits the pestle to de- 
 scend by the force of the hand. 
 Cinchona, Ergot, Opium, etc., may be powdered by means of this inex- 
 pensive and labor-saving device. Squills, gums and gum-resins when 
 chilled may be reduced to very fine powder without difficulty ; it is necessary, 
 however, in order to preserve them in the powdered form and prevent 
 "caking," to add a small quantity of some inert matter, such as milk-sugar. 
 This class of powders must be stored in tightly-stoppered bottles, and in a 
 cool, dry oiace.
 Trituration (from tritus, Lat. , to wear) is the operation of reducing 
 a substance to the finest state of division by grinding the partiHes 
 together for a long time. 
 While in a pharmacal sense a poivdcr may mean any degree of fine- 
 ness, in a popular sense a "powder" means the highest attainable de- 
 gree of fineness. To such is often also applied the term "pulver- 
 ized" (from pulver, Lat., powder). 
 The finest state of division of solid substances is designated in 
 pharmacy as impalpability and such fineness as impalpable. An im- 
 palpable powder is defined as a powder of such fineness that its particles 
 arc not sensible to the touch 
 The powdered Drugs and chemicals of commerce are usually of this 
 degree of fineness, obtained by trituration. 
 The reduction of vegetable substances to this degree of fineness is 
 generally conducted on a large scale, since it requires expensive rm- 
 chinery and steam power. 
 The dusting process is that usually employed, and consists in crush- 
 ing the drug by means of stones of large diameter and great weight. 
 revolving on a base; the dust which rises during the process accumu- 
 lates upon the platform placed at a height of about four feet, and is 
 collected. Such mills are termed "chasers." 
 which present a conchoidal fracture, and are more brittle, are easily 
 powder id on a small scale in a ball-mill, or "pot-mill," which consists of 
 a hollow ball of any desired dimensions, revolving upon an axis. In the 
 interior of this hollow ball are placed two or more cannon balls (through a 
 convenient opening which may be closed with a large flat cork). The weight 
 and triturating action of the cannon balls reduce the substance quickly to 
 a very fine powder. 
 Chemical substances are easily triturated in a mortar to a very fine 
 powder. Active medicines, such as Calomel, and Alkaloids and active 
 principles, are triturated with other substances, such as Milk Sugar, to in- 
 sure more complete division and enhance their medicinal action. (See 
 Triturations U. S. Ph.) 
 Lcrigation is the operation whereby a substance is reduced to the 
 finest particles by triturating it with a liquid. It may be performed 
 either in a mortar or on a slab with a muller The trituration of 
 metallic oxides with oils in the preparation of ointments, as in Ung. 
 Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri, is a good example.
 The operauon of separating the coarse from the fine particles of a 
 substance, which has been ground or powdered, is termed sifting. 
 Tt consists of passing the substance through a sieie, made of cloth of dif- 
 ferent sized meshes corresponding to the various degrees of fineness desired. 
 These cloths are of iron and brass wire for the coarse and fine powders and 
 of hair and silk, or bolting-cloth, for the finest, or impalpable powders. 
 For the purposes of extraction it is necessary to have the drugs of a 
 uniform fineness, and this is obtained by passing them through sieves 
 of a certain number of meshes to the linear inch. 
 These degrees of fineness are directed by the U. S. Ph., '90, as fol- 
 A very fine powder No. 80 powder. 
 Kfine powder No. 60 powder. 
 A moderately fine powder No. 50 powder. 
 A moderately coarse powder No. 40 powder. 
 A coarse powder No. 20 powder. 
 Elutriation is the operation of separating the finer particles of a 
 nbstance by suspending the powdered substance in water decanting 
 the lighter portion freed from the heavier coarse particles and obtaining 
 them in a fine condition by subsidence and evaporation of the water. 
 This operation has been termed "water-sifting" It depends for its ac- 
 tion upon the adhesion of the smaller particles to the water-molecules. 
 Prepared Chalk is a well-known example of a substance "prepared" by this 
 method in a form free from g:.~~.
 When a solid is transformed into the liquid state, by heat, it may 
 be said to undergo the process of liquefaction, but when a substance 
 (solid or liquid) is rendered into permanent liquid form by dis- 
 tributing its particles throughout the liquid it is said to pass into solution. 
 Solution as a pharmacal operation, therefore, is the mechanical 
 separation and diffusion of the molecules of a solid substance through a 
 For example, when a small quantity of common salt is placed in 
 water, it gradually disappears from view, the water becomes saline to 
 to the taste, and its specific gravity is increased. This liquid mix- 
 ture of salt and water is called a solution. The liquid in which the 
 solution takes place is called a solvent. 
 In all cases of solution proper, neither the solvent nor the dissolved 
 solid undergoes chemical change. The solid retains all its original 
 properties except solidity, and may, by evaporation of the solvent, be 
 recovered from the liquid in the original form, without loss of weight. 
 Such solutions are called, for convenience, simple solutions. 
 Solution is often accompanied by chemical combination, that is, the 
 solid not only disappears in the liquid, but at the same time under- 
 goes chemical change, or enters into combination with the liquid. 
 The resulting liquid is, for convenience, called a chemical solution, 
 or a complex solution, but it must be borne in mind that the two pro- 
 cesses of solution and chemical combination are radically different in 
 their nature, and only such facts pertaining to the latter as wi-l aid in 
 distinguishing between these two kinds of solutions are considered in 
 this Lecture. 
 Solution is purely a phenomenon of molecular attraction. The particles 
 of the solid are pulled asunder and diffused through the liquid by virtue of 
 the attraction exerted upon them by the molecules of the liquid. In chemi- 
 cal combination, on the other hand, a new force comes into play, that of 
 chemical affinity, which changes the identity of the substances and builds 
 up new compounds out of the old. 
 For example, if a small quantity of Iodine be added to an aqueous 
 solution of Potassium Hydrate (^caustic potash) and the mixture be 
 heated, the Iodine will gradually disappear, but it will be found, on 
 examination, that something more than solution has taken place. On 
 evaporating the liquid, no Iodine, as such, will be found, the Potas-
 shim Hydrate will have disappeared, and Potassium Iodide and lodate, 
 entirely new substances, will be found in the residue. 
 Another difference between these important processes is their effect 
 on temperature. 
 A lowering of the temperature always results from solution, while 
 chemical combination invariably produces the opposite effect. 
 In the case of many anhydrous substances, as Lime and Caustic 
 Alkalies and Alcohol and Sulphuric Acid, their solution in water pro- 
 duces an elevation of the temperature. This apparent exception to 
 the la\v is due to the fact that they combine chemically with a portion 
 of the water and such solutions should, therefore, be strictly regarded 
 as chemical solutions. 
 In the case of a mixture where both solution and chemical combi- 
 nation take place, it is evident that the opposite effects of these two 
 processes on the temperature will tend to neutralize each other. 
 The solution of many salts causes so great a reduction of temperature, 
 that advantage is taken of it to produce freezing mixtures, as when 
 Common Salt is mixed with Snow a temperature more than forty 
 degrees below the freezing point is attained. 
 Another difference between solution and chemical combination is the 
 fact that the latter takes place most easily between substances which 
 are most unlike, while solution usually takes place most readily be- 
 tween substances that most resemble each other in composition and 
 Thus Acids and Alkalies form chemical combination and solution, while 
 Fats form simple solution with Ether and Resins with Alcohol. 
 As solution is one of the most important agencies in the hands of 
 the pharmacist for performing many operations, it is important for 
 him to understand the conditions most favorable to the operation. 
 As a great general rule, whatever weakens the cohesion of the 
 particles of a substance promotes solution. 
 The means used to weaken cohesion are chiefly three in number: 
 (i) Heat, (2) Mechanical division and (3) Favorable position of 
 the substance as regards the solvent. 
 Heat weakens cohesion, because it increases the spaces between the 
 molecules, and also because it increases molecular motion. 
 A hot solvent is usually more speedy in its action, and takes up a 
 larger quantity of the solid substance than a cold one. But the law 
 has some notable exceptions. Common salt, for example, is no more
 soluble in hot than in cold water, and Lime is far less soluble in the 
 former than in the latter. 
 The Mfchanifii division of a substance is accomplished in various 
 ways: by agitation, by grinding, as in a drug-mill, and by trituration, 
 as in a mortar. It not only weakens cohesion, but by reducing the 
 substance to a fine powder exposes a vastly greater surface to the action 
 of the solvent. 
 When weak solutions of readily soluble substances are to be made, 
 the method of agitation is usually to be preferred; that is, the sub- 
 stance is dropped into a suitable vessel, and the mixture shaken until 
 solution is complete. Where strong solutions are required, or where 
 the substance is not readily soluble, solution is facilitated by tritura- 
 tion with a solvent in a porcelain mortar. The substance is first rubbed 
 to a powder, a little of the solvent is then added, and the rubbing 
 continued until the liquid is saturated or nearly so, when this portion 
 is poured off in the 'same way. This process is continued until all of 
 the substance has been dissolved. 
 The importance of a favorable position of the substance with refer- 
 ence to the solvent, is shown in the method of circulatory displace- 
 The substance to be dissolved is suspended just beneath the surface 
 of the liquid, on a porous diaphragm, or in a bag of some porous 
 material. The liquid in contact with the substance dissolves a portion 
 of it, lias its specific gravity inceased in consequence, and therefore 
 sinks to the bottom of the vessel, and a fresh portion of the solvent is 
 brought in contact with the substance. Currents are thus established 
 in the liquid, the effect of which is to keep that portion of it, which 
 is farthest from saturation, and has most solvent power, in contact 
 with the substance to be dissolved. 
 Many substances are so readily soluble that either heat or division 
 effect their solution so rapidly as to retard the process. This is for the 
 reason that the liquid becomes quickly saturated and of such thick consis- 
 tence (viscid) as to envelope the solid particles and prevent access of fresh 
 Sugar dissolves more rapidly in coarse powder (granulated) than in fine 
 powder and Gum Arabic forms a solution with cold water more quickly 
 than when heated. 
 Different solids differ from each other very widely in solubility. A 
 few are insoluble, many slightly soluble, and many freely soluble. 
 Some, like Gum Acacia, are soluble in all proportions, and some,
 like Potassium Chlorate and Calcium Sulphate, only in limited pro- 
 portions. Some that are insoluble or nearly so in pure water, be- 
 come freely soluble in certain saline solutions, as for instance, Ben/oic 
 and Salicylic Acids, that dissolve but sparingly in pure water, are dis- 
 solved in large quantities by solutions of Alkaline Acetates, Carbon- 
 ates and Phosphates in water, but this cannot be regarded as strictly 
 simple solution. The reverse is usually the case, however, as, for in- 
 stance, an aqueous solution of Sugar will dissolve less of a salt than 
 pure water. 
 Sustances that are sparingly soluble in one liquid may be freely 
 soluble in another, as Camphor, which is taken up only in small pro- 
 portion by Water, but is dissolved in very large quantity by Alcohol 
 and Sulphur, which resists the action of all ordinary solvents, but 
 melts away like sugar in w r ater, when agitated with Carbon Bisulphide. 
 The quantity of a solid which a solvent will take up must be 
 determined by experiment in each case, as there is no known law 
 governing solvent action. 
 The solubility of most substances varies regularly with the tempera- 
 ture until a certain limit is reached, beyond which no further increase 
 takes place; but in some cases solubility increases faster than the tem- 
 perature, and in others it increases to a certain point with heat, and 
 then declines. As in the case of liquids, the Specific Gravity and 
 Boiling Point and in some solids the Melting Point, are regarded 
 as important characteristics, and reference is made thereto in the 
 U. S. Ph., so is the solubility of a solid indicated by the number oj 
 parts of the different liquids required to effect complete solution of one 
 part of the solid. 
 Since the solubility is influenced by temperature, solubilities are 
 always referred to the uniform temperature of i5C. (59F.). 
 The most common Solvents are: Distilled Water, Alcohol, Ether, 
 Chloroform, Ben/in, Carbon Disulphide and the Fixed and Volatile 
 Oils of which latter Oil of Turpentine is the type. 
 A solvent is said to be saturated when it refuses to take up more of 
 a given solid. The term is also used in a chemical sense. For in- 
 stance, an arid is said to be saturated with an alkali when the solution 
 is neutral to test paper. 
 [Refer to Solubilities of the principal officinal chemicals in the 
 U. S. Ph.] 
 A solvent is said to be supersaturated when it contains in solution
 more of a solid than it would take up if the solid were treated with the 
 solvent at the given temperature. 
 For example, if we prepare a saturated solution of Sodium Sulphate 
 in a test-tube, and stop the test-tube while the liquid is still boiling 
 and allow the solution to cool, without agitation, to the temperature 
 of the air, it may be kept for weeks or months without crystallizing; 
 but if a glass rod be plunged into it, crystals will suddenly be formed 
 through the entire mass. 
 The phenomenon is accounted for by supposing that the molecules, 
 being held in equilibrium by their mutual attractions, are not free 
 to obey the polar forces that produce crystallization until a disturbing 
 cause is introduced. 
 The term supersaturated is also used in an entirely different sense by 
 chemists. An acid, for instance, is said to be supersaturated by an 
 alkali when more than enough of the latter has been added than is suf- 
 ficient to neutralize the former. 
 Diffusion of one liquid through another is of the same nature as 
 solution, and, like it, is a phenomenon of molecular attraction. 
 Liquids differ from each other very widely in their power to diffuse 
 through water. Some, as the Fixed Oils, do not mingle with Water 
 at all; others, like the Volatile Oils, are sparingly dissolved by it, and 
 still others, as Glycerin and Alcohol, mingle with it in any proportion. 
 The mingling of liquids or gases by diffusion through animal or 
 vegetable tissue capable of being wet by both liquids, is called osmosis. 
 Such membranes possess multitudes of excessively minute pores 
 which constitute so many capillary tubes, by means of which the 
 liquids are brought in contact with each other and enabled to com- 
 mingle. This phenomenon is due to capillarity, a result of molecular 
 When the process of osmosis is applied to the separation of the 
 crystallizable from uncrystallizable substances, it is termed Dialysis. 
 The strength of the currents passing in opposite directions through 
 the membrane depends partl\- on the densities of the liquids and partly 
 on their power to wet the membrane. Other things being equal, the 
 strongest current is toward the denser liquid; and if the liquids are of 
 equal density the stronger current will be toward the liquid that has 
 the least power to wet the membrane. 
 Crystalloids diffuse readily through porous membranes, colloids do
 not; hence it becomes possible by osmosis to separate the latter from 
 the former, by dialysis. 
 A Dialvzcr consists of t\vo vessels, one suspended in the other. 
 The outer vessel contains the liquid in which it is desired to ob- 
 tain the diffusible portions, distilled water being mostly used for this 
 purpose. The inner vessel, or the dialyzer proper, consists of a ring 
 of India-rubber or glass, to which 
 a piece of parchment paper is se- 
 curely fastened, as in a drum, at the 
 bottom. The liquid to be dialyzed 
 is poured into the last mentioned 
 vessel, which is then suspended in 
 the water so that the bottom barely 
 reaches below the surface of the 
 water. In pharmacy this process 
 is used in the preparation of Dia- 
 ly/.ed Iron and some Alkaloids. 
 THE DIALYZER. ^ ne m i x i n g> or simple diffusion 
 of liquids, when unaccompanied by 
 chemical change, usually causes no change of temperature. 
 The diffusion of gases through liquids is called absorption. 
 This is also a phenomenon of molecular attraction, and does not 
 differ in its essential nature from solution. Its effects on temperature, 
 however, are often different from those of solution. In cases where 
 large quantities of a gas are absorbed by the liquid, the temperature 
 rises, because the absorbed gas is condensed in volume, and a portion 
 of its latent heat is thereby rendered sensible. Also an deration of 
 temperature usually facilitates solution, while a lowering of tempera- 
 ture increases the absorption of a gas. Pressure has the same effect. 
 This is illustrated in charging a Soda Fountain with Carbon Dioxide.
 Filtration is the process of removing undissolved matter from a 
 liquid; the clear liquid thus obtained is termed the filtrate. 
 When the operation is applied to viscid substances, such as syrups, 
 oils, etc., or to remove grosser impurities, it is termed straining. 
 Filtration, in pharmacy, is usually applied to solutions in which the 
 substance dissolved has been thrown out of solution precipitated, 
 from a change in temperature or other cause. The operation is always 
 effected mechanically by passing the liquid containing the undissolved 
 matter through some material of sufficiently close texture to arrest the 
 solid particles, while the clear liquid is allowed to flow through freely. 
 Such material is termed & filtering medium (plural, media). 
 The most common Filtering Media are: Paper, Cotton, Sand, Glass- 
 wool and porous Earthenware, the form of the auxiliary apparatus em- 
 ployed, except in the case of the last mentioned, being A. funnel. 
 The nature of the filtering medium used depends upon the mobility 
 of the liquid and the character of the undissolved matter. With 
 watery, alcoholic, ethereal and similarly mobile liquids, when not too 
 concentrated, filter paper is commonly used. 
 Filter-paper is of two kinds, gray and white, in circular and square 
 sheets respectively. 
 Gray filter-paper is the kind employed in pharmacy; it is made of 
 woolen rags, and is therefore coarser and more porous than the white, 
 or so-called .Swedish filter-paper, used in analytical operations. The 
 gray filter-paper is stronger, can bear the weight of a large quantity of 
 liquid, filters more rapidly, and is therefore to be preferred when 
 large quantities of galenical preparations, /. c., tinctures, medicated 
 waters, etc., are to be filtered. 
 The rapidity of filtration is of great importance, both for expediting 
 work and to prevent loss by evaporation which cannot always be over- 
 come even though the vessel used in the operation be well covered. 
 Filtration is favored, other tilings being equal, by the following 
 (i) The filter should be carefully folded. The folding of a filter, or 
 "plaiting," is accomplished in various ways, but no filter can be con- 
 sidered perfect unless folded to resemble a fan with 32 exactly equal 
 parts, with the edges perfectly even when laid together (as in a fan)
 and narrowing down to as small a point as possible, without breaking 
 the paper. The result is easily accomplished in a very simple man- 
 ner, as follows: 
 The sheet of round filter-paper is to be folded into 32 equal parts, the folds 
 passing through the center. The sheet is first folded into halves by laying 
 its circular edges evenly together and making a sharp crease along the fold 
 with the thumb-nail or a spatula, then into quarters by folding at 16. 
 For better illustration (see figure), we shall now number the different parts 
 of the double sheet according to the 32 parts the circle represents; each 
 successive fold being designated by its respective number. 
 The first fold is made at 8; it is then opened out and folded" forward at 4; 
 then bo.ck-i.vard at 2, and again backward at 6. 
 Each fold should be made perfectly straight and as close to the point as 
 practicable without rupturing the paper. 
 The folded parts 2, 4, 6, and 8 are then gathered up to 16 and folded at 12, 
 then folded backward at 10, then forward at 16 and backward again at 14, 
 which completes the folding of the 16 parts or one-half of the circle or filter. 
 The other half is folded in precisely the same way. 
 (2) The filter should be pushed down into the neck of the funnel 
 as far as possible without rupturing the paper. 
 This is especially desirable when syrupy liquids are to be filtered, such as 
 elixirs and similar liquids which filter slowly. For this purpose a funnel 
 with a wide neck should be employed (see Funnels); the point of the filter 
 paper is by this means strengthened, and the crevices formed in the paper, 
 when pushed down into the comparatively narrow neck of the funnel, 
 facilitates filtration, and aids in rendering the filtrate clear. 
 This fact is taken advantage of in the arts in the filtration of syrups, oils,
 etc., through bags made of filtering cloth in the following manner: A long 
 bag, narrow at the top and gradually widening at the bottom, is forced into 
 a narrow tin cylinder so that the sides of the bag are filled with fissures and 
 furrows; the upper end of the bag is securely fastened to an opening in the 
 lid of the tin cylinder, which is screwed on air-tight. The liquid to be 
 filtered is permitted to flow through this opening into the bag; the insoluble 
 matter which it holds in suspension lodges upon the protruding sides of the 
 confined \>a.ggraJital/y t not in such quantity as to prevent the outflow of the clear 
 liquid, which would be the case if a bag with straight sides were employed. 
 Filtration is usually further facilitated, in this and other kinds of 
 filters, by allowing the liquid to flow through a tube, which is con- 
 nected air-tight with the filter, from a height of 10 to 30 feet; this is 
 termed filtration \>y pressure. 
 (3) The filter should be thoroughly moistened before filtration is 
 In filtering liquids which readily mix with water, this is very important. 
 The fiber of filter-paper, owing to its porosity when dry, absorbs considera- 
 ble water by capillary attraction; in filtering watery solutions, therefore, 
 the solid which was held in solution is left more or less undissolved in the 
 pores by the attraction of the water, thus preventing the penetration of the 
 liquid. With saturated solutions this is so marked that in some cases they 
 may be poured upon a paper filter, not previously moistened, without any of 
 the liquid passing through; such examples we have in syrups. 
 The filter, accurately plaited, is opened out completely and then pushed 
 into the neck of the funnel, as before described; by gently pressing the top 
 with the flat hand, while held there firmly to prevent its slipping up, a small 
 stream of water is sent into the funnel by means of a wash-bottle or 
 : 'spritz." When the paper has become in the least moist, it will adhere to 
 the glass without danger of slipping, and the hand must be removed, since 
 the least pressure will rupture the paper. The funnel is now gently tumed 
 by the hand so that the thin stream of water may be evenly distributed, then 
 set aside for a few minutes to allow the superfluous water to drain off, when 
 it is ready for use. 
 During the operation of filtration, the following points should be 
 observed: (i) Provision must be made for the air to estate from the 
 receiving bottle; (2) the filter should be replenished with the liquid 
 so as to be completely filled as long as the quantity permits, and ( $~) 
 the funnel should be kept corered. 
 The air is usually allowed to escape by placing a loop of twine in 
 the neck of the receiving bottle. Funnels, ribbed on the outside, are 
 also used with this object in view, but these do not answer the pur- 
 pose as well as the twine, for the reason that glass, when pressed 
 into the neck of a bottle, becomes frequently wedged in so tightly as 
 to break when its removal is attempted. 
 The more liquid in the filter, the greater the pressure, and there
 8 4 
 fore the more rapid the filtration; hardening of the undissolved matter, 
 and consequent stopping up of the pores of the paper, may be pre- 
 vented by having the filter as///// of the liquid as possible. 
 The funnel should always be kept well covered, to prevent evapora- 
 tion; this is best effected by the use of pieces of rubber packing, which 
 fit closely on the edge of the funnel; pieces of glass or cardboard may 
 also be used. 
 The filter-paper must never extend above, the top of the funnel. 
 The plaited filter, previous to being moistened, should be inserted 
 in the funnel and measured as to length; if it extends beyond the 
 rim, it should be cut off evenly, so as to reach rather half an inch 
 below than above the top. This is done partly to facilitate covering 
 the funnel, which cannot otherwise be effectually done, but more 
 especially to prevent evaporation, which sometimes takes place so 
 rapidly, when the filter extends con- 
 siderably beyond the funnel, as to carry 
 some of the liquid down the outside. 
 An illustration of this phenomenon, 
 due to capillarity, is shown in the ac- 
 companying figure. 
 }Vliite filter-paper is rarely used in 
 pharmacy; it is well adapted for the an- 
 alytical laboratory and for filtering acids 
 and alkaline solutions where the gray 
 would be objectionable, because of its 
 colors and impurities being soluble in chemical reagents. 
 Its principal use in pharmacv is in filtering solutions containing 
 precipitates, which latter it is desired to obtain pure by washing with 
 water. For this purpose a funnel resembling an equilateral triangle is 
 most convenient, since the precipitate is more exposed upon the sides 
 than in the ordinary funnel for pharmacal use. This filter-paper is 
 also folded in quarters, and simply dropped into the funnel to adjust 
 itself by the weight of the contents, so that all portions of the precipi- 
 tate may be washed by the water poured upon it. This filter-paper 
 may be "toughened" so that it will bear the weight of acids and 
 alkalies by immersing it in strong nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.40), and then 
 washing with water. Paper treated similarly with sulphuric acid be- 
 comes also very strong, but is not easily permeated by liquids. This 
 is the substance known as parchment. 
 Various devices are in use for facilitating filtration, such as filter- 
 racks, made of wire, also supports, consisting of a china cone with 
 openings in the sides, to be placed inside the funnel, etc. These do 
 not insure such rapid filtration as by the simple funnel with attention 
 to the above rules. 
 Continuous filtration is employed when larger quantities are to be 
 filtered, and when the filter is of limited capacity. 
 It may be effected by inverting the bottle con- 
 taining the liquid over the funnel through an 
 opening in the cover, which admits the neck 
 below the top of the filter, as shown in the illus- 
 tration. By this arrangement the filter is kept 
 filled with liquid up to the level of the neck of 
 the inverted bottle as long as any liquid remains 
 in the receiver, the liquid acting as a valve, by 
 excluding the air from the latter. As soon as 
 the liquid in the filter sinks below the neck of 
 the container, air rushes in and displaces it until 
 the level is again reached, thus working auto- 
 matically. The splashing by the outrushing 
 air may in a great measure be prevented by in- 
 serting a perforated cork in the neck of the con- 
 tainer, so that the displacement will take place 
 more gradually. 
 Filtration in vacito is accomplished by ex- 
 hausting the air from the receiving vessel with 
 an air-pump. It is chiefly employed in the 
 chemical laboratory in filtering viscid alkaline 
 solutions, or such liquids as act upon the filter- 
 paper, causing it to retard their flow. A small perforated cap of platinum 
 is placed in the neck of the funnel to prevent the point of the filter from 
 breaking by the suction created. The mercury pump is the means employed 
 in small operations for producing a vacuum; in the arts pumps worked by 
 steam power are used. 
 The filtration of oils is effected either in the cold, or through 
 heated filters. 
 In the cold, oils require to be filtered through substances more porous 
 than paper, i. <., cotton, flannel, etc. Few oils (fixed) can be filtered when 
 cold, especially the vegetable oils, cottonseed, castor oil, etc., since they 
 contain a large percentage of gum. By gently heating them, however, by 
 the water-bath filter, they may be filtered without difficulty; but care must be 
 taken that the filtration does not take place at too high a temperature, lest 
 they become cloudy again upon cooling. 
 Hot or water-bath filters are constructed in different ways, the most 
 common form being an ordinary funnel placed in a double or jacketed 
 cone of tinned iron filled with water, and furnished with a projecting 
 tube which is heated by a spirit-lamp. 
 Filtering media, other than those mentioned, are: 
 Absorbent Cotton, for neutral mobile liquids. This is especially useful for 
 filtering small quantities of liquids. A small pledget is pressed into the 
 neck of the funnel and held in place with a glass-rod while the liquid is 
 poured in. 
 Sand is sometimes a very useful filtering 
 medium, and is especially adapted in connec- 
 tion with alternate layers of charcoal for filter- 
 ing large quantities of water. Pumice-stone 
 powder is frequently mixed with gummy or 
 resinous substances to facilitate the passage of 
 liquid solvents. 
 Sponge is used for straining, but does not 
 present any advantage, since it is difficult to 
 clean perfectly and too costly to reject wher. 
 once used. 
 Chamois skin is sometimes used as a filter-cloth 
 when pressure is applied. Owing to its great 
 strength it is not liable to rupture. 
 Straining differs from filtration mainly in 
 that more porous media are used for filtering the liquids than filter- 
 This operation is usually applied to more viscid liquids or mixtures 
 to free them from gross impurities, as, for example, in the making of 
 The materials most frequently used for straining are: Canton 
 Flannei, Felt-bags, Cotton, Unbleached Muslin and Calico. 
 For small quantities, flannel, or a plug of absorbent cotton, placed tightly 
 in the neck of a funnel, are the most convenient. 
 For large operations, as in making the syrups by the gallon, a felt bag is 
 the most convenient and satisfactory means, since the whole amount of 
 liquid may be poured in at once and returned to the bag until it runs clear. 
 The tenacle, consisting of four pieces of wood joined together so as to 
 form a square, and furnished in each corner with a projection upon which 
 the filter is fastened, is a convenient device for suspending the bag or filter 
 cloths above the receiving vessel. It may be supported by a stand, or sus- 
 pended from the ceiling by a hook. 
 In straining syrups, it is even more important that the strainer be 
 thoroughly moistened with water than in filtration through paper. 
 When a felt bag is used it should be soaked in water until completely 
 saturated, then wrung out or pressed as hard as possible to free it from 
 superfluous water. When the liquid to be strained is poured in, it displaces 
 the water, which first comes through almost pure, and should be returned
 to the filter. Since a considerable portion of the liquid remains in the pores 
 of the filter at the close of the process, it should be also displaced by the ad- 
 dition of sufficient water to make up the measure, but the product should 
 then be carefully mixed so as to be of uniform composition. 
 When a liquid contains insoluble 
 matter suspended in so finely divided 
 a form that it cannot be separated by 
 simple filtration, some other insoluble 
 substance is added to which the in- 
 soluble matter is attracted, or the 
 chemical character of the liquid is 
 changed so that it may be obtained 
 clear clarified. 
 Clarification may be either phar- 
 macal or chemical. 
 When clarification is effected by 
 pharmacal means, or filtration, the 
 insoluble substances used form a layer 
 over the filter, which retards the in- 
 soluble matter but does not impede the 
 flow of the liquid. 
 The substances used for this purpose 
 in order of their merits are: 
 (i) Paper pulp, prepared by beat- 
 ing in a bright iron-mortar a sheet 
 of gray filter-paper, moistened with 
 sufficient water to make a pasty mass. 
 After pressing out the water, the pulp 
 is added to the liquid and thoroughly 
 mixed by agitation. In commencing 
 filtration the first portions of the filtrate must be returned to the filter until 
 the pulp has formed a layer over the sides, after which the product is ob- 
 tained clear. Paper pulp is especially useful in filtering elixirs and straining 
 (2) Insoluble chemical substances, such as Calcium Phosphate, and Tal- 
 cum; also Magnesium Carbonate. 
 Since substances used for clarification must be insoluble in the ii:;uid, 
 that they may not contaminate the filtrate, Magnesium Carbonate is ob- 
 jectionable owing to its slight solubility in water, especially if the latter be 
 acid. For this reason it has been superseded in the U. S. Ph. by Calcium 
 Phosphate, which is nearly insoluble in neutral liquids.
 The Chemical methods of clarification are: 
 (1) The use of Albumen in the form of egg-white which effects 
 clarification by chemical means through combining with the soluble 
 matter and forming insoluble compounds, which are usually thrown 
 to the bottom of the liquid precipitated. 
 By the application of heat albumen coagulates, envelops the insoluble 
 particles and makes the liquid clear, as in the clarification of "coffee" by the 
 addition of egg-white. 
 Gelatin forms a very insoluble compound with tannic acid, as, for ex- 
 ample, in the preparation of leather; and as the insoluble substances which 
 we desire to reject by clarification are mostly tannic acid derivatives, its 
 value for this purpose is clearly recognized and it is extensively employed 
 in the form of Isinglass for the clarification of Beer. 
 (2) Another method employed for the purpose of clarification is 
 the process of Fermentation. 
 Some liquids, as the expressed juices of Fruits, often contain insoluble 
 matter in so finely suspended condition as to make its removal by mechan- 
 ical means impossible. By permitting such liquids to undergo fermenta- 
 tion, the sugar, through which the particles are kept in suspension, is con- 
 verted into alcohol, in which the suspended matter is also insoluble and 
 therefore is precipitated and easily removed. The clarification of apple- 
 juice and grape-juice in the making of Cider and Wine respectively, are 
 good examples. 
 When it is desired to free a liquid from color, it is easily effected 
 by filtration through some absorbent substance, such as charcoal. The 
 operation is called Decoloration, or "Decolorization." 
 It is purely a physical process designed to remove the coloring 
 principle through the capillary attraction of the agent employed. 
 Animal Charcoal, the agent usually selected, is a mass of minute pores to 
 which many substances in solution are attracted and by them retained. 
 The liquid is permitted to flow through a layer of the Charcoal in coarse 
 powder, or granulated, placed upon some porous media in a funnel. Alter- 
 nate layers of Sand and Charcoal are very effective in decolorizing and 
 purifying water, and also to free it from organic impurities, which the char- 
 coal absorbs. 
 Distinction must be made between decoloration as a form of Filtration 
 and the term frequently but erroneously employed to designate a substance 
 deprived of color by chemical reaction. 
 Funnels used in filtration should he of glass, in order that the 
 operation may he watched; also because they are easily cleaned, and 
 not acted upon by chemicals. 
 The shape of a funnel for filtering purposes should be that of a V
 rather than one so wide at the top as the glass funnels generally found 
 in the shops; one having an angle of 45 degrees will filter much more 
 rapidly than one of 90 degrees. 
 This is explained by the fact that the column of the liquid is thereby 
 heightened and the pressure increased in proportion to the height of the 
 On the other hand, the tube portion of the 
 funnel should be as wide as possible; grad- 
 ually sloping fora distance of several inches, 
 or in proportion to the size of the funnel, 
 about one-third the length of the tube. The 
 end of the tube, or, as it is sometimes called, 
 the "neck" of the funnel, should not be too 
 thick, as is frequently the case, since this 
 prevents inserting the funnel in the neck of 
 bottles, but should be of a thickness uniform 
 with that of the glass in the other part of the 
 The wash-bottle, or "spritz" is a very use- 
 ful adjunct in pharmaceutical work for wash- 
 ing precipitates, wetting filters, and for in- 
 troducing small quantities of water in test- 
 tubes, etc. It consists of a rather wide- 
 mouthed bottle furnished with a perforated 
 cork, into which two bent glass tubes are 
 introduced, one reaching down into the liquid WASH-BOTTLE. 
 and a shorter one ending just above the 
 surface. By blowing in the short tube, the air, pressing upon the surfice 
 of the liquid, causes it to rise in the long tube, and to flow out at the con- 
 tracted end in a fine stream with considerable force.
 Many substances, tinder certain conditions, particularly when pass- 
 ing from a fluid to a solid state, arrange themselves in regular geo- 
 metric forms. Such forms are called Crystals (from Krystaino, Gr., 
 freeze, congeal) and the process is termed crystallization. 
 Substances which crystallize are termed crystallizable, while those 
 that do not, as shellac, glue and glass, are called amorphous. In 
 assuming the crystalline form bodies tend to reject foreign matter, and 
 crystallization is therefore an important process in the purification 
 of many substances. 
 When the regular external form of crystals is wanting, but present in 
 the interior, the body is said to have a crystalline structure. Small 
 irregular forms are called crystalline powder. 
 The science descriptive of crystals, called crystallography, treats of 
 the various forms of crystals. It needs but a brief reference in these 
 T he/6vv;/ of a crystal depends upon its planes or faces. The point 
 of union of two faces is called an edge; of more than two faces, an 
 angle. The forms of crystals are determined by imaginary lines drawn 
 vertically to the faces or from opposite angles, to intersect each other 
 in a common central point and form angles corresponding to the 
 boundary angles. These lines indicate the directions in which the 
 molecules arrange themselves, according, as it is supposed, to the 
 polar force and they are termed the axes of the crystal. 
 According to the number of these axes, their relative lengths and the 
 angles at which the lines intersect in the crystal, there are six different 
 systems of crystallization as follows: 
 1. The Isometric or Regular, having three axes of equal length 
 intersecting at right angles. 
 2. Tetragonal, Rhombic, or Quadratic, having two axes of equal 
 and one of unequal length intersecting at right angles. 
 3. Ortho-Rombic, or Trimetric, having three axes of unequal 
 length, intersecting at right angles. 
 4. Monoclinic, or oblique Prismatic, having three axes of unequal 
 lengths, two obliquely inclined to each other, intersected at right 
 angles by a third.
 5. Tridinic, or Doubly oblique, having three axes of unequal 
 length, all obliquely inclined to each other. 
 6. Hexagonal, or Rombohedric, having one axis of unequal length 
 intersecting three of unequal length at right angles. 
 The following terms are commonly employed to designate shapes of 
 Prismatic, shaped like a prism. 
 Tabular, with a flat (table) top. 
 Laminar, in thin plates or scales (flakes). 
 Acicular, needle-shaped. 
 When a substance crystallizes according to more than one system it is 
 said to be ///-, tri-, or poly-morphous as it assumes two, three, or several forms 
 Isomorphous is the term given to such substances as crystallize in the same 
 Many substances, in the process of crystallization, combine with a cer- 
 tain amount of water, which is called water of crystallization. This water 
 is usually present in definite proportions and is so given in the Molecular 
 Formula of chemicals, as, for example, FeSO 4 -j~7H 2 O, means that Ferrous 
 Sulphate of the U. S. Ph. contains 7 molecules of water of crystallization. 
 When such substances are deprived of their water of crystallization they 
 are said to be exsiccateJ, or dried (Ferri Sulphas Exsiccatus). 
 When the water is simply enclosed mechanically in the crystals, as in 
 Potassium Xitrate, it is called interstitial water. 
 Crystals may be formed in a variety of ways: 
 (1) By sublimation. Such substances as Iodine, Camphor. Sulphur, 
 Calomel, Corrosive Sublimate, Ammonium Chloride and Carbonate 
 may by this means be freed from foreign materials. 
 (2) "Ry fusion. Many substances, as Sulphur, the metals IJismuth 
 and Antimony, and some salts, assume the crystalline form on cooling 
 from fusion. This method has fe\v important applications in phar- 
 macy. Of much greater importance is the next method. 
 (3) By cooling from solution, or by evaporation of the solvent. In 
 the former case a saturated solution of the substance is made in an 
 evaporating dish or other shallow vessel, at an elevated temperature, 
 and the solution is allowed to stand until cold. After the crystals 
 have been deposited the mother liquid is drained off. 
 Usually not all of the substance crystallizes out at the first trial; the 
 mother liquid should therefore be concentrated by heat and again allowed 
 to cool, and the process repeated so long as crystals continue to form. 
 In case large and well-formed crystals are desired, the solution should 
 not be too strongly concentrated at first, and the crystals should be per- 
 mitted to form slowly, and if the nature of the liquid will admit, by ..yV;/- 
 ianeous evaporation of the solvent.
 In case crystals are required in the form of fine granules, the solution 
 should be concentrated until crystals begin to form around the edges of the 
 dish, and then the solution should be cooled rapidly and stirred during the 
 cooling. In many cases the application of heat may be continued until the 
 solvent is evaporated, keeping up in the meantime the stirring. This 
 method is called granulation. 
 Where the solvent is a highly volatile substance like ether, benzol or car- 
 bon disulphide, a cold saturated solution is made, and the solvent allowed to 
 evaporate spontaneously. By dissolving Sulphur in carbon disulphide fine 
 crystals of the former substance may be obtained by this method. 
 (4) By addition oi a substance to a solution of a crystallizable body, 
 whereby the solvent power of the liquid is diminished and the dis- 
 solved matter is thrown out in the form of crystals. 
 This may be effected in two different ways: The addition of a soluble 
 solid having affinity for the liquid, which, passing into solution, produces a 
 supersaturated solution, thus throwing the original dissolved matter out of 
 solution which serves as a nucleus for the formation of crystals. For 
 example, Glucose, in watery solution, does not crystallize, but upon 
 the addition of a crystal of anhydrous Glucose it at once forms a crystalline 
 mass, if the solution be concentrated. 
 It may also be effected by a change in the character of the solvent, as by 
 the addition of Alcoholic liquids, Tinctures, etc., to saturated solutions of 
 Sugar, in the precipitation of Salts in aqueous solution by the addition of 
 Alcohol, etc. 
 (5) By Chemical Reaction in a solution by which an insoluble or less 
 soluble substance is formed, which appears as a crystalline precipitate. 
 Precipitation as a chemical process is the operation whereby an in- 
 soluble compound is formed from mixing the solutions of t\vo or more 
 soluble compounds. The product is termed a precipitate. 
 In a chemical sense, precipitation is always the result of a chemical 
 decomposition, new compounds being formed. Since the result de- 
 pends upon the insolubility of the newly-formed compounds, this pro- 
 cess can only be employed where the product is known to be insoluble. 
 For example, when two soluble salts, Potassium Iodide and Lead Acetate t 
 are dissolved separately, and their solutions mixed, a chemical change 
 takes place, due to an interchange of the elementry constituents of the sub- 
 stances, and new compounds are formed Lead Iodide, which, being in- 
 soluble- in water, is precipitated, and Potassium Acetate, which is soluble 
 and remains in solution in the water. 
 The term precipitation is also applied to any substance which is thrown 
 out of a solution from a liquid, as, for example, precipitates in Tinctures. 
 The compound in solution is separated either by Recantation, when hea<ry or 
 crystalline, or by filtration, when flocculent or gelatinous.
 When a precipitate is desired in a pure form it is necessary to wash 
 and dry it. The precipitated matter is washed by transferring it to a 
 filter, and after having been drained, small portions of liquid, usually 
 distilled water, is poured upon it. After having again been drained 
 it is dried, either in a drying-oven or by simple exposure to the air. 
 Decantation is the simp- 
 lest method for the separa- 
 tion of Liquids. It is effect- 
 ed by pouring the liquid 
 into a tall and narrow 
 vessel and after subsidence 
 of the heavier, or insoluble 
 portion, the clear liquor is 
 poured off. 
 In pouring from such ves- 
 sels, especially when not 
 furnished with a lip, it is 
 necessary to use a guiding 
 rod, as shown in the illustra- 
 tion to prevent the liquid from 
 running down the outside. 
 Other methods of separ- 
 ating liquids are by means 
 of the Syphon, which de- 
 pends for its action upon the qa^ntky of the liquid in the longer and 
 lower end of the tube, and the Pippcne and Burette, glass-tubes with 
 bulbs, which are also used for ine accurate measurement of liquids. 
 Extraction is the process by which the soluble matter of organic 
 drugs is obtained or separated from the insoluble portion. When ex- 
 traction is completely effected the drug is said to be exhausted. 
 Extraction may be effected by either of the following operations: 
 (1) Maceration, Expression and Filtration. 
 (2) Maceration with heat, Expression and Straining. 
 (3) Maceration and Percolation. 
 Maceration consists in mixing the drug, reduced to a coarse powder, 
 with the liquid used for extraction (the menstruum) , and allowing the 
 mixture to stand for some time (from i to 36 hours, according to the 
 proportion of the menstruum used and the nature of the drug) . 
 When the soluble ."natter of the drug has become dissolved in the men- 
 struum, it is obtained as a clear liquid free from the insoluble portion, the 
 marc, by expression. 
 Expression is the operation of straining through a suitable cloth 
 with pressure exerted either by hand or by a screw-press. 
 The most effective way of expressing by hand is to fold together the edges 
 of the press-cloth so that one overlaps the other (as in wrapping a paper 
 package) the ends being meanwhile gathered up so as to prevent the mix- 
 ture running out. These ends are then twisted in opposite directions, care 
 being taken that the middle fold does not give way. 
 The custom of adding a portion of menstruum to the marc (drug) after 
 expressing :t, is not to be recommended, unless necessary to make up thf 
 measure of the product. It is preferable to use as much more menstruurr 
 originally as will be retained by the marc, which can easily be approxi- 
 mated by experience and observation. 
 In extracting a drug by simple maceration the temperature should 
 be moderately warm, as the solvent action on the drug is then greater. 
 In extraction by any form of maceration, with or without heat, the 
 drug must be in a coarse powder. 
 When in fine powder the small particles of drug rapidly swell and adhere 
 to each other as soon as they come in contact with the liquid, and thus pre- 
 vent the solvent action of the menstruum. The expression of the liquid is 
 also more difficult when fine powder has been used, since the fine portions 
 clog the pores of the press-cloth. 
 When a drug is macerated in hot water for a short time, by pouring 
 boiling water upon it in a well-covered vessel, the liquid obtained by
 expression, upon the cooling of the mixture, is termed an Infusion. 
 The U. S. Ph. gives a general process for the Infusions. 
 Drugs containing volatile principles, /. e., Chamomile, Valerian, etc., are 
 frequently prescribed in this form. The boiling water extracts these prin- 
 ciples, and if a proper vessel be used, such as the "Infusion Mug," which 
 can be tightly covered, the water will gradually condense, retaining the 
 fugitive constituents. Infusion from drugs whose active principles art 
 volatilized by heat, are prepared by simple maceration in the cold, i. e., In 
 fusum Pruni Virginianoe. 
 Digestion is maceration in conjunction with heat. When a moder- 
 ate heat is applied to facilitate extraction in connection with maceration 
 the process is termed digestion. 
 When the mixture is boiled for some time the liquid product ob- 
 tained by expression is termed a Decoction. For these a general pro- 
 cess is given in the'U. S. Ph. 
 As extraction is the most common of pharmacal processes so is per- 
 colation the most important related operation, since it is the most 
 effective, economical and expeditious method for the extraction of the 
 medicinal principles of drugs. 
 The process of Percolation as directed in the U. S. Ph., '90, con- 
 sists in subjecting a substance, or a mixture of substances in powder, 
 contained in a vessel called a Percolator, to the solvent action of suc- 
 cessive portions of a certain menstruum, in such a manner that the 
 liquid, as it traverses the powder in its descent to the receiver, shall Lt 
 charged with the soluble portion of it and pass from the percolator 
 free from insoluble matter, this product being termed the Percolate. 
 This process is also called displacement, because it is based upon the prin- 
 ciple that the solvent, after being charged with the soluble constituents oi 
 the drug, is displaced by fresh portions of the solvent liquid; partly from 
 its own weight, partly from the pressure of the supernatant liquid; it con- 
 tinues to be displaced until the process is interrupted. 
 By continuing the supply of solvent, which is termed menstruum (plural, 
 menstrua) when used in extraction, the displacement of the liquid in which 
 the soluble matter is in solution may be effected until no more is to be dis- 
 solved from the drug, when it is said to be exhausted. 
 The exhaustion of a drug is generally determined by the absence of color 
 and taste of the percolate. 
 With resinous drugs it may be conveniently determined by mixing a fe^ 
 drops of the percolate with water; if exhausted, the percolate will not turn 
 the water milky. In percolating drugs containing alkaloids, complete ex 
 haustion has been effected when the percolate does not show any precipita- 
 tion with reagents for alkaloids.
 This is called simple percolation, and is the process usually followed 
 in the preparation of tinctures, wherein the quantity of menstruum is 
 largely in excess of the drug to be exhausted. 
 When employed, however, for more concentrated preparations, viz., 
 Fluid Extracts, where the volume of the product must correspond with the 
 quantity of drug used in the extraction measure for weight, it is necessary to 
 concentrate the percolate. The first three-fourths portion of percolate con- 
 tains nearly a corresponding proportion of the principles of the drug, while 
 the remaining one-fourth of the soluble matter requires usually a much 
 greater amount of menstruum before it can be displaced. The three-fourths 
 portion of the percolate is, therefore, reserved, and extraction continued until 
 the exhaustion is complete; the percolate thus obtained, being very dilute or 
 li'eak, is concentrated to the required bulk, with the application of the least 
 possible amount of heat, and then mixed with the reserved percolate. (See 
 Preliminary Notices Percolation U. S. Ph., '90, p. xl-xlii.) 
 Fractional or re-percolation, introduced by Dr. E. R. Squibb, is a 
 process by which the drug may be exhausted volume for weight, with- 
 out entailing evaporation. 
 It differs from simple percolation in that the drug is divided into four 
 portions, and packed in as many different percolators; each portion is 
 treated as in simple percolation, except that the weak percolate obtained 
 from each is used to moisten and extract each succeeding portion, the first 
 percolate being reserved and mixed finally with the percolate from the last 
 percolator, when their combined volume corresponds to the weight of the drug. 
 Simultaneous fractional percolation is a modification of the process of 
 re-percolation recommended by C. S. Hallberg, differing in that the entire 
 quantity of the drug may be moistened at once, packed into four percolators 
 and the process completed in a much shorter time. 
 To conduct percolation successfully, the following points must be 
 (1) Appropriateness of the apparatus. 
 (2) Degree of fineness of the powdered drug. 
 (3) Care in the moistening and the packing. 
 (4) The use of proper menstrua. 
 The Apparatus employed in percolation is simply a vessel to con- 
 tain the drug, a receiving bottle, and sometimes a tube to carry the 
 percolate into the receiver without loss by evaporation, and to regu- 
 late the flow. 
 Formerly glass Funnels were much used for percolation. While 
 these answer fairly well when the product is not desired too concen- 
 trated as in the extraction for Tinctures, they have been superseded 
 quite generally of late by percolators. 
 A Percolator is a funnel with more or less cylindrical rather than
 conical sides, which are deeper proportionately than those of a funnel. 
 The outlet tube, or "neck," is shorter and made thicker than in a 
 funnel. They are made of glass, tinned iron, earthenware and wood. 
 Gla:s. percolators are to be preferred, because in packing the drug tht 
 operator is enabled to see the material from the outside, and thus obtain 
 better results; also because the percolation can be observed in its various 
 stages, and proper means taken to render it more effective if necessary. 
 The rate of extraction and exhaustion, when completed, may easily be 
 recognized, also when the menstrua has sunk below the surface of the 
 drug, the necessity of replenishing will be at once noticed. 
 Tin percolators, though largely used, are in most instances objectionable, 
 not only because they are lacking in the advantages of glass, which alone 
 should be sufficient to condemn their use, but also in that the material frorr. 
 which they are made is usually acted upon by drugs. When drugs contain- 
 ing acids, /'. <. , Cinchona, Rhubarb, etc., are percolated in tin percolators, 
 the reaction is so great as to contaminate the percolate, which may be 
 detected by a darker coloration (due to the presence of tannate of iron) 
 ihan in products where glass vessels have been employed. In tin o.;rc<r 
 lators the soldering seam is seldom air-tight, resulting in evaporation aa j 
 loss, both of alcohol and percolate and as found in the market, they are 
 rarely correctly constructed as to shape or dimensions. 
 ll'ood and earthenware percolators are largely used in manufacturing, 
 where glass would be too fragile or too expensive, for percolating urugs 
 which would affect metal, or when chemical menstrua are used. 
 A Pressure Percolator is fitted with an air-tight cover through which tne 
 menstruum is supplied to the drug by a tube, connected with a reservoir 
 containing the menstrua. The reservoir being placed high above the per- 
 colator, the liquid is forced through the drug by hydrostatic pressure. The 
 Anderson and the Suit's are the best. 
 Percolators suitable for pharmacopceial quantities should be nearly 
 cylindrical or slightly conical. The neck should be short and become 
 gradually narrow at the opening in the percolator so as readily to admit 
 the insertion of a cork with a glass-tube. Fitted to the tube is a piece 
 of rubber-tubing, about one-fourth longer than the percolator itseK 
 This is attached to the body of the percolator by a rubber band. 
 By raising the tube to the level of the liquid in the percolator, the flow 
 is interrupted. By lowering the tube the flow may be regulated to be 
 either fast or slo-v. For the receiver, any bottle will answer, but a graduated 
 wide-mouthed bottle is the best. In the absence of a graduated "etched" 
 bottle, one may easily be improvised by placing a narrow strip of cloth ad- 
 hesive plaster lengthwise upon the bottle, measuring into it water by the 
 cubic centimeter and then marking the strip carefully at the level of the 
 water. A strip of paper pasted on the bottle may also be used, but it then 
 requires a coat of varnish.
 The rate of flow of the percolate for .the pharmacopoeia! quantities 
 should not exceed from ten to thirty drops per minute. 
 The proper fineness of drugs for percolation is very essential to the 
 success of the process. If the drug is in too coarse a powder, ex- 
 haustion will not he complete; if too fine percolation may cease. 
 With most drugs, the degree of fineness of the powder suitable for 
 percolation is directed by number (see Sifting, Lecture II) in the 
 U. S. Ph. 
 In drugs not officially recognized, the number of powder used should be 
 the same as that of an official drug containing similar constituents. [For 
 :he general law and principles governing the degree of fineness of drugs for 
 extraction, see "Comminution," Lecture II.] 
 Packing. A drug should always be moistened and allowed to 
 macerate in order to swell, before packing it in the percolator. 
 The powdered drug, contained in a shallow dish, is uniformly 
 ,-prinkled and then thoroughly mixed with sufficient menstruum to 
 ;ause it to adhere in a mass when pressed in the hand, but not so wet 
 .nat it will not readily break up and fall into a powder. 
 In moistening drugs containing a large proportion of soluble matter (ex- 
 Tactive, gum, sugar, etc.) the powder agglutinates, especially if very fine, 
 as in Cinchona and Rhubarb, forming small balls which cannot be rubbecf 
 to powder with the hands. Such moistened powder should be sifted through 
 a coarse sieve, and the agglutinated particles rubbed through with the fia* 
 As a rule, the more extractive a drug contains, and the more aqueous 
 the menstruum, the more difficult it is to moisten. 
 Conversely, the /ess extractive in the drug, and the more alcoholic 
 aie menstruum, the easier it is to moisten, and therefore the less care 
 is required. 
 This is also true of packing the powder in the percolator. With the first- 
 mentioned class great care must be taken that the powder be dropped suc- 
 v-tssively in small quantities, and that the pressure in packing be not so 
 great as to cause formation of compact layers of the drug, which could only 
 be penetrated by the menstrua with great difficulty, if at all. On the other 
 nand, with the latter class, containing less extractive and requiring alcoholic 
 menstrua, such as Buchu, Cubeb, Ipecac, etc., the packing may be done 
 much more quickly and with less care, since these powders are easily pene- 
 trated by the alcoholic menstrua. 
 In packing the powdered drug the following procedure should be 
 First, prepare the percolator by inserting a piece of absorbent cotton (cut 
 across the fiber to expose the pores) in the neck, and of such size that it 
 covers the bottom of the percolator. Upon this a piece of filter paper, cut
 round and "nicked," is carefully laid so as to extend a half-inch up the 
 sides, being first moistened with the menstruum, and then a thin layer of 
 fine sand. The first portion of powder is then carefully introduced to guard 
 against any falling between the filtering media, distributed evenly, and 
 gently pressed. With the second portion the pressure is somewhat increased 
 and continued with each successive portion until all the powder is packed. 
 For packing, a cylindrical piece of wood, cut square at the end, is used. 
 The powder is now covered with a disk of paper or cloth, upon which are 
 placed a few pieces of glass or similar heavy material to keep it in place. 
 The menstruum is then poured in, a sufficient quantity constantly being 
 supplied to keep the surface of the powder covered until the percolate begins 
 to flow at the end of the tube, when the percolator should be carefully 
 covered and set aside, if maceration is directed or deemed necessary. 
 Maceration. It is not necessary to continue maceration more than 24 
 hours with drugs containing little extractive, but with more extractive 
 drugs, also such as contain alka- 
 loids, extracted with difficulty, i. 
 e., Cinchona, Hyoscyamus, Nux 
 Vorrica, etc., the maceration may 
 be prolonged for three or four days. 
 With this latter class it is al- 
 ways best to allow the powder to 
 macerate for an hour or two bc- 
 fore\\. is packed in the percolator, 
 so as to permit it to "swell;" 
 without this precaution, the drug 
 is liable to swell when confined 
 in the percolator, and thereby 
 impede the flow of the men- 
 The menstruum (plural, men- 
 strua) or the liquid used for ex- 
 traction, is usually Alcohol, or 
 Alcohol diluted with Water in PERCOLATION. 
 various proportions, sometimes 
 with an addition of Glycerin. When the greater proportion is water, 
 the menstruum is generally said to be aqueous; when Alcohol is the 
 greater, it is termed an alcoholic menstruum. 
 Chemical solvents are sometimes employed for the more effective ex- 
 traction of drugs whose principles are soluble with difficulty in neutral 
 Alkaline menstrua are employed with resinous or acid drugs, such as 
 Glycyrrhiza and Rhubarb, and acid menstrua, when the active princip/e? 
 consist of Alkaloids, as in Cinchona, Conium and Nux Vomica.
 The menstruum should be selected with reference to its solvent 
 power and its adaptability to hold the extracted matter permanently 
 in solution, or to prevent precipitation. 
 The character and solubility of the constituents of the drug must be 
 known to insure the use of the best solvent. 
 As a general rule, therefore, alkaloidal, resinous and oleo-resinous 
 drugs require alcoholic menstrua. 
 Acid and extractive drugs require aqitcoiis menstrua. There are, however, 
 some exceptions to this rule, and the menstrua directed in tue U. S. Ph. 
 should be used in all official preparations. 
 In some drugs the constituents vary greatly as regards solubility, 
 since they contain at once oils, acids, and alkaloids, all possessing 
 medicinal value. 
 In such cases it is difficult to select such menstrua as will extract all 
 these constituents without their subsequent precipitation in the per- 
 Glycerin is here well adapted as a medium, since it possesses intermediate 
 solvent properties between alcohol and water, as it dissolves to a great 
 extent all the principles soluble in either alone. The use of glycerin should 
 be confined to menstrua having only the above purpose in view. 
 The displacement of the menstrua with weak alcohol or water should net 
 be attempted until the greater portion of the extract has been obtained. I' 
 is best to begin with a liquid slightly less alcoholic in strength, and then 
 gradually increase the proportion of water until finished. With drugs con- 
 taining considerable gum, starch, etc.., liable to swell, great care must be 
 taken, that water be not used too early in the process.
 Inorganic Pharmacy. 
 This division comprises the inorganic substances, their Compounds 
 and Preparations. 
 They will be treated with reference to their derivation and produc- 
 tion, their purification and preparation, and their pharmaceutical and 
 medicinal properties and uses. 
 The chemical theories and principles involved are not particularly 
 treated here, but are reserved for the Lectures on Chemistry. Never- 
 theless, the various processes employed in the production and prepa- 
 ration of Chemical substances, the reactions involved and their physi- 
 cal and chemical characters and properties, are sufficiently explained 
 to render the study comparatively easy. It is assumed that every 
 student has a general knowledge of chemistry, however slight, and 
 this should be extended by reference to some text-book on chemistry 
 in conjunction with the study of these Lectures. 
 The following terms are used quite frequently and the respective 
 distinctions should be carefully observed: 
 Elements, which include the Gases, such as Hydrogen; the non-metals, or 
 metalloids, such as Iodine, Bromine; the metals, such as Iron, Copper, 
 Lead; the alkali metals, Potassium, Sodium, and the alkaline earths, Cal- 
 cium, Magnesium, etc. 
 A Compottndis the product of two or more of these elements, which may 
 be an Acid, a Base or a Salt. 
 A Preparation is the particular form given to an element or a compound 
 by dissolving it or mixing it with a substance for certain uses. It differs 
 from a compound in that while the latter is the product of different ele- 
 ments, possessing new and distinctive properties from the elements from 
 which it was made, the substances that enter into a preparation do no'; lose 
 their chemical properties, but are simply changed in form. 
 Thus Potassium Iodide is a compound of Iodine (and Potassium), but 
 Tincture of Iodine is a preparation of Iodine; Sulphuric Acid is a compound 
 of Sulphur, but Precipitated Sulphur is a preparation, or form of Sulphur. 
 The distinction is the same as that between a compound, or chemical, 
 solution and a. simple solution. 7n the former instance a chemical change 
 takes place, in the latter a physical change only. 
 The preparations, being regarded more especially as pharmacal prod- 
 ucts, are mostly treated separately in a succeeding Lecture, accord- 
 ing to their respective classes, i. e. , Waters, Solutions, Spirits. 
 There are some exceptions to this rule, and under each element and
 io6 WATER. 
 compound the respective preparations are always enumerated and 
 often completely described. 
 Water.- H,O. Aqua, U. S., natural water in its purest attainable 
 A colorless, limpid liquid without odor or taste at ordinary tem- 
 perature and remaining odorless while being heated to boiling. 
 The U. S. Ph., prescribes that water should contain not more than 0.05% 
 soluble salts, that it be free from metallic impurities and nitrites and 
 fixes limits for the presence of sulphates, chlorides, nitrates and organic im- 
 Water may be purified by filtration through Animal Charcoal and Sand 
 and by precipitation with Alum (Alum, et Potass Sulph.) or Ferric Chloride. 
 The following adjectives are used to designate different kinds of water. 
 pura, pure; Jluz>ia/is, r\ver\pluvialis, ra\n\f on/ana, fountain. 
 From water the following are prepared: 
 Distilled Water. Aqua Destillata, U. S. From 1,000 volumes of 
 water the first 100 volumes are rejected and of the remainder Soo 
 volumes are collected by distillation. 
 It should be preserved in loosely-stoppered containers. 
 Medicated Waters, Aqua Medicata. The official class of waters; 
 Hydrogen Dioxide Solution. Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxidii, U. S. 
 Solution of Hydrogen peroxide. A slightly acid, aqueous solution of 
 Hydrogen Dioxide, H.,O 2 , containing about 3 per cent of pure Dioxide 
 corresponding to about 10 volumes of available oxygen. 
 Peroxide of Hydrogen is made by decomposing Barium Dioxide with 
 Phosphoric Acid, freeing the solution from Barium Phosphate by precipi- 
 tating it as insoluble Barium Sulphate with Sulphuric Acid. 
 Properties and Uses. As a ready source of oxygen for bleaching and anti- 
 septic purposes. It should be kept in loosely-stoppered bottles in a coo' 
 place to prevent the disengagement of the oxygen which may otherwise 
 result in explosion.
 The Inorganic Acids. 
 Acids, whether organic or inorganic, except in the case of the so- 
 called haloid acids, like Hydro-chloric Acid, arc built on the type of 
 the water molecule, and consist of a negative Atom or a group 
 united by Oxygen to Hydrogen. If we represent the water-molecule 
 thus: II O H. an acid molecule would be represented thus: 
 X () II, X representing the negative atom or group of atoms. 
 Character an./ Properties. Acids are characterized by possessing a 
 sour taste, by the property of changing certain vegetable blues, like 
 blue litmus, to rcii and by the power they have of combining with 
 bases to produce salts. 
 Some acids are //w/w-basic, that is, are built on the plan of one 
 water-molecule, and have one replaceable hydrogen atom, as Nitric 
 Acid, H O (NO.,); others are f//- basic and have two replaceable 
 hydrogen atoms as Sulphuric Acid T , ,^> fSO.,); and some other 
 I 1 \ ) 
 acids have a still higher basicity. 
 In the inorganic, acids the number of Hydrogen atoms in the for- 
 mula indicates the basicity of the acid, but this is not always true of 
 the organic acids, since one or more hydrogen atoms may enter into 
 the constitution of the complex negative radical. Inorganic acids, or. 
 as they are also called, ''Mineral Acids," with but one Hydrogen atom 
 can form but one series of Salts by combining with liases, but those 
 that have two or more Hydrogen atoms may form t~n<o or more >eries, 
 according as all or only a part of the Hydrogen atoms are replac ed by 
 the basic Radical. 
 For example, Sulphuric Acid, H.^SO,, may react upon Soda and produce, 
 under different circumstances, two different salts. In case both its Hydro- 
 gen atoms are replaced by Sodium, neutral Sodium Sulphate N'a-SC),, will 
 be produced, but if only one of the Hydrogen atoms is replaced by the 
 Sodium, Acid Sodium Sulphate HXaSO, will be produced. The latter salt 
 still possesses acid properties. 
 The Haloid Acids differ frorti the other in molecular plan by having the 
 negative Radical directly united to Hydrogen without the mediation of an 
 Oxygen atom, as Hydrochloric Acid, HC1, Hydrobromic Acid. Illir, and 
 Hydriodic Acid, III. These Acids form a corresponding scries of Salts by 
 uiriting with Hases. Common salt, NaCl, is an illustration. 
 Some of the acids are solid, some liquid, and some gaseous at ordi- 
 nary temperatures.
 io8 THE ACIDS. 
 Solid Acids. Arsenous, Boric, Chromic. Arsenous and Chromic 
 Acids arc not true acids; these will be considered with their respective 
 elements. There are eight official Organic Acids that are solid and 
 three that are liquid. 
 Liquid Acids. Nitric, Nitrohydrochloric, Phosphoric, Hypophos- 
 phorous, and Sulphuric. 
 Gaseous Acids. Hydrobromic, Hydrochloric (Hydriodic and 
 Hydrofluoric not official), Sulphurous and Carbonic Acid and Hydro- 
 cyanic Acid which may be here included. 
 The chief inorganic acids occur commercially in three different 
 forms, designated with reference to their strength and purity, viz: 
 "Com.," Commercial, for industrial uses. 
 "U. S. P.," Responding to the tests for purity and strength of the 
 U. S. Ph., for medicinal and pharmacal purposes and 
 "C. P.," Chemically pure, when a degree of purity higher than the 
 U. S. Ph. degree is required for analytical tests and reactions. 
 The strengths of liquid acids are designated by the percentage by 
 weight of real, or anhydrous acid, determined by the specific gravity 
 and by the number of C.C. of the V. S. (volumetric solution) of 
 Potassium Hydrate required to exactly neutralize a given number of 
 C.C. of the acid. (Refer to U. S. Ph., Volumetric Solutions, p. 482.) 
 Preservation and Handling. Especial care should be used in storing acids 
 in a cool place, as they expand by heat, some volatilize and some are liable 
 to freeze and expand through extreme cold (as Sulphuric Acid) and burst 
 the container. They should always be kept in glass-stoppered containers 
 and care must be observed in loosening the stopper should it become 
 tightly fixed in the bottle. 
 Pharmacal Uses. As chemical solvents and precipitants; for the extempo- 
 raneous preparation of their respective compounds; for corroding, etching 
 and many other purposes in the arts and manufactures. 
 Medicinal Uses and Antidotes. To counteract alkalinity in the system; to 
 increase the action of alkaloids and to furnish refrigerant draughts, for 
 which organic acids are, however, mostly used. The corrosive action of 
 concentrated acids taken internally is counteracted by the administration 
 of carbonates of calcium and magnesium, oil, soap and demulcent liquids.
 The Haloid Acids. 
 These include the acids of Bromine, Chlorine, Fluorine and Iodine. 
 Hydrobromic Acid. Acidum Hydrobromicum. A haloid acid 
 having the formula HBr. 
 Preparation. It is made by causing Water to react on Phosphorus 
 Bromide as expressed in the following equation: 
 The hydrobromic acid is separated from the phosphoric acid by dis- 
 Also made by decomposition of Potassium Bromide with Sulphuric 
 Acid, the Potassium Sulphate allowed to crystallize and the acid sepa- 
 rated by distillation: 
 2KBr -}- H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2HBr. 
 Pot. brom. Acidsulph. Pot. sulph. Acid. 
 Properties. A colorless gas, with a strong, irritating smell, and an acid 
 taste and reaction. It liquifies only at the low temperature of 73C. and 
 becomes a colorless solid at 87C. It fumes on exposure to the air, as 
 also does its aqueous solution. Like hydrochloric acid, it has a strong 
 affinity for water, and dissolves in it in very large proportion. It is the 
 aqueous solution which is used in medicine, and to which the name, hydro- 
 bromic acid, is usually applied. The aqueous solution that contains 49.8 
 per cent of the acid gas has a sp. gr. of 1.515. 
 Diluted Hydrobromic Acid Acidum Hydrobromicum Dilutum, 
 U. S. A liquid composed of 10 per cent by weight of absolute 
 Hydrobromic Acid and 90 per cent water. Sp. gr. 1.077. 
 It is readily distinguished from hydrochloric acid by the addition of 
 chlorine water, which sets free the bromine. It should be preserved in 
 glass-stoppered bottles. 
 Medicinal Uses. Chiefly administered in place of Bromides in doses from 
 i to 4C.C. 
 Hydrochloric Acid HC1. Acidum Hydrochloricum, U. S. A 
 liquid composed of 31.9 per cent by weight of absolute Hydrochloric 
 Acid and 68.1 per cent of water. Sp. gr. 1.16. 
 This is also a haloid acid, and, like hydrobromic acid, absolute 
 hydrochloric acid is gaseous at ordinary temperatures, and it is the 
 aqueous solution that is used in the arts, and to which the name 
 Hydrochloric, or "Muriatic," Acid is applied. 
 Source . The pure acid gas is obtained by treating pure Common 
 Salt with pure Sulphuric Acid, according to the following equation: 
 NaCl -f H,SO 4 HNaSO 4 + HC1. 
 Sodium chloride. Sulphuric acid. Sodium sulphate Hydrochloric 
 (acid). acid. 
 and collecting the gas over mercury or by the displacement of air. 
 The aqueous hydrochloric acid is obtained by passing the gas into 
 water, the latter liquid absorbing it in large quantities. 
 C>iijnicl,-r inn/ J'rsferlics. The gaseous hydrochloric acid is intensely 
 irritating to the air passages, and strongly acid in its chemical reaction. It 
 is condensable to a liquid at a temperature 4C. and a pressure of 25 at- 
 mospheres. Its sp. gr., taking air as the standard, is 1.278. 
 The official Hydrochloric Acid is a colorless, fuming liquid, intensely 
 acid to the taste and in its chemical behavior, and possesses a pungent suf- 
 focating odor. Heated with Manganese Dioxide it evolves Chlorine, and 
 in a solution of Silver Nitrate it produces a curdy white precipitate, which 
 on exposure to light soon turns purple. 
 f ~>v.>. In the preparation of various official Chlorides; with nitric acid to 
 form Xitro-IIydrochloric Acid; for generating Chlorine; and in promoting 
 the precipitation of Resins. It is sometimes administered internally, and is 
 sometimes used externally for its irritant or caustic effects. 
 Also in the preparation of Solutions of: Arsenous Acid, Iron Chloride 
 and Zinc Chloride. 
 Diluted Hydrochloric Acid. Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum, 
 U. S., contains 10 per cent of absolute Hydrochloric Acid. Sp. gr. 
 It is made by mixing 100 Gm. official acid with ^19 Gin. of Dis- 
 tilled Water. 
 Hydrofluoric Acid HF. Acidum Hydrofluoricum. A haloid 
 acid. Not official. 
 Obtained by distilling powdered l-'luor-spar with Sulphuric Acid in 
 a leaden retort, and condensing the vapors in water. Great care 
 should be observed in the process not to breathe the vapors, as they 
 are highly irritant and poisonous. 
 /'/-I'/,-;-//,-.*-. Hydrofluoric Acid is a colorless, mobile, fuming liquid, 
 lighter than water, and highly volatile. It boils at i9.4C., and is very 
 soluble in water. A solution whose sp. gr. is 1.15 contains 35.37 per cent 
 of hydrofluoric acid and is the kind usually employed in the arts. It is an 
 extremely caustic liquid, and must be preserved in bottles made of gutta- 
 percha or lead. Its principal use is for etching on glass. 
 Il\'driodicAcid. \\\. Acidum Hydriodicum. A haloid acid. 
 Xot official. 
 Made by decomposing Iodine in solution with Hydrogen Sulphide, 
 or by double decomposition between an Iodide and an Acid.
 The Oxygen Acids. 
 The elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur form acids by 
 uniting with both Oxygen and Hydrogen and these are therefore 
 called oxyacit/s in distinction to the hydracids, which the haloid 
 acids sometimes are termed. They comprise Nitric, Phosphoric, 
 Hypophosphorous, Sulphuric and Sulphurous Acids. Also the acids of 
 Arsenic, Boron and Chromium, treated under their respective elements. 
 Nitric Acid. IINO 3 . Acidum Nitricum, U. S. A liquid com- 
 posed of 68 per cent by weight of absolute Nitric Acid and 32 per 
 cent of water. Sp. gr. 1.41. 
 It is usually obtained by reacting on Sodium or Potassium Nitrate 
 with Sulphuric Acid. The reaction is represented by the following 
 K\0 :) + II 2 SO 4 KHSO 4 +- HNO 3 . 
 Potassium nitrate. Sulphuric acid. Potassium sulphate Nitric acid. 
 The process is conducted in iron or glass-retorts and the acid is 
 obtained by distillation. 
 Properties. The pure acid is a strongly fuming, very caustic and corrosive 
 liquid, of a pungent, suffocating odor, and strongly acid reaction. It rapidly 
 absorbs moisture from the air, and on account of this and its corrosive 
 properties must be kept in tight-fitting glass-stoppered bottles. It acts 
 powerfully on organic tissues, and colors such substances as horn, hair, 
 skin, nails, wool and silk a bright yellow color. It acts energetically on 
 copper, evolving in the process red fumes of nitrogen tetroxide, and yield- 
 ing a green solution of copper nitrate. 
 Uses. For dissolving various metals; as an oxidizing agent; for preparing 
 certain nitrates; in the preparation of Nitrous Ether and Amyl Nitrite and 
 in medicine to some extent as a caustic. 
 Diluted Nitric Acid. Acidum Nitricum Dilutum, U. S., contains 
 10 per cent by weight of absolute Nitric Acid. Sp. gr. 1.057. 
 It is made by mixing 100 Gm. Nitric Acid with 580 Gm. Distilled 
 Nitrohydrochloric Acid. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum, U. S. A 
 mixture of iS volumes of Nitric Acid and 82 volumes of Hydrochloric 
 Acid; called Aqua Regia, because of its power to dissolve gold. 
 The acids, when mixed, should be kept in glas^-stoppered bottles, not 
 more than half-filled. The liquid assumes a golden color and gives off 
 chlorine gas to which its power of dissolving gold is due. 
 It is also called Nitromuriatic Acid.
 Diluted Nitrohydrochloric Acid. Acidum Nitrohydrochloricttm 
 Dilutum, U. S., is a mixture of 4 volumes of Nitric Acid, 18 volumes 
 of Hydrochloric Acid, and Distilled Water 78 volumes. 
 The water is added to the acids after the reaction has ceased. 
 It is frequently given internally in conjunction with bitter tonic medi- 
 There are five different acids of phosphorus: 
 Hypophosphorotis acid, HPH 3 O 2 . 
 Phosphorous acid, H 3 PO 3 . 
 Orthophosphoric acid, H S PO 4 . 
 Pyrophosphoric acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 , and 
 Metaphosphoric acid, HPO 3 . 
 Those of most importance to the pharmacist are Metaphosphoric: 
 Acid, or the co-called "Glacial" Phosphoric Acid, and the official 
 Orthophosphoric Acid. 
 Metaphosphoric Acid. HPO S Glacial Phosphoric Acid. This 
 may be obtained from ordinary or Orthophosphoric acid by heating it 
 until water is no longer given off, according to the equation: 
 H 3 PO 4 =HPO 8 + H 2 O. 
 In practice, it is usually obtained by treating calcined bones (Calcium 
 Phosphate) with dilute Sulphuric Acid, neutralizing the filtered liquid with 
 ammonia and evaporating the liquid freed from the precipitate to dryness 
 and heating to redness. The fused acid is poured upon polishes iron-plates 
 and obtained in flat pieces or molded into pencils. The acid thus prepared, 
 though containing some sodium, is sufficiently pure for some of the purposes 
 of pharmacy. 
 Phosphoric Acid. Orthophosphoric Acid Hal^ Acidum Phos- 
 phoricum, U. S., a liquid composed of not less than 85 per cent by 
 weight of absolute Orthophosphoric Acid and 15 per cent of water. 
 Sp. gr. 1.71. 
 It is prepared from Phosphorus and Nitric Acid in the presence of 
 Water; by the aid of heat the Phosphorus is oxidized by the Nitric- 
 Acid, the excess of Nitric Acid driven off and the liquid concentrated 
 by evaporation. 
 Pn'pt-rties. The official acid is a colorless, odorless liquid, with a strongly 
 acid taste and reaction. When heated gradually it loses water until, when 
 a temperature of about 2ooC. is reached, decomposition occurs and it is 
 converted first into a mixture of pyrophosphoric and metaphosphoric acids, 
 and finally into metaphosphoric acid. 
 Tests. Metaphosphoric and Orthophosphoric acids are readily distin- 
 guished from each other when in solution, by the following tests: Mt'ta-
 phosphoric acid yields with nitrate of silver a transparent gelatinous precipi- 
 tate, with barium and calcium chlorides white precipitates, and it has the 
 property of coagulating albumen. Orthophosphoric acid, if ammonia be 
 added, yields with nitrate of silver a yellow precipitate, does not form pre- 
 cipitates with either calcium or barium chlorides, and does not coagulate 
 Diluted Phosphoric Acid. Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum, U. S., 
 contains 10 per cent of Orthophosphoric Acid and has a sp. gr. of 
 It is made by mixing 100 Gin. official acid with 750 Gm. Distilled 
 Uses. In Syrup of the Phosphates of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine and 
 several unofficial preparations, such as Compound Solution of Phosphates, 
 In weak solutions containing an excess of phosphoric acid a fungoid 
 growth is formed which cannot be prevented except by the addition of a lit- 
 tle hydrochloric acid; it may be retarded, however, by keeping such prepa- 
 rations in small, well-filled bottles, in a dark place. 
 Diluted HypophosphoroHs Acid. HPILO.,. Acidum Hypophos- 
 phorosum Dilutum, U. S. A liquid composed of about 10 per cent 
 by weight of absolute Acid and 90 per cent water. Sp. gr. 1.046. 
 The acid is formed, combined as hypophosphite, when Phosphorus 
 is boiled with Calcium, or other Alkaline Hydrates, in water. The 
 pure acid is obtained by decomposing the hypophosphite with a stronger 
 The process of the National Formulary consists of mixing a solution of 
 Potassium Hypophosphite with an alcoholic solution of Tartaric Acid. 
 Potassium Tartrate, insoluble in alcohol, precipitates, the Hypophosphor- 
 ous Acid is set free and may be obtained in solution of the desired strength 
 by evaporating the alcohol and diluting the liquid with distilled water to 
 the required measure. A concentrated solution, 50 per cent, may be ob- 
 tained by careful evaporation. 
 Uses. As a substitute for Hypophosphites in doses from 0.5 to 4 C.C. in 
 The Acids of Sulphur. 
 Sulphuric A en/. H a SO 4 Acidum Sulphuricum, U. S. A liquid 
 composed of not less than 92.5 per cent by weight of absolute Sul- 
 phuric Acid and not more than 7.5 per cent of water. Sp. gr. 1.835. 
 This is the most important and useful of all acids; it is used in 
 almost innumerable processes in the chemical arts; by means of it the 
 great majority of the other acids are prepared; and its manufacture 
 constitutes a very important branch of modern industry. The com- 
 pounds of sulphuric acid or Sulphates, are very numerous and impor- 
 tant, some of them existing in nature and others being products of the 
 Sources. The acid may be obtained by the "roasting" of sulphides, 
 such as iron pyrites, or by burning Sulphur in a leaden chamber so 
 arranged that the fumes of Sulphur, Sulphur Dioxide, SO.,, come in 
 contact with water, H a O, in the form of vapor, and Nitric Acid, 
 HX0 3 : 
 2HNO.J + 2SO. + H,O= 2 H 2 SO 4 + N a O 3 . 
 The nitrogen trioxide, N^O 3 , combines with Water and Oxygen 
 and Sulphur Dioxide to form Sulphuric Acid with the liberation of 
 the trioxide. This Nitrogen Trioxide arts as a continuous carrier of 
 Oxygen from the Air to the Dioxide, being re-formed as soon as the 
 Sulphuric Acid is produced. 
 The nitrogen trioxide is generated by the action of Sulphuric Acid on 
 crude Sodium Nitrate, and it is evident that a small quantity of it will suf- 
 fice for the production of a large quantity of Sulphuric Acid. The acid 
 produced by this process is allowed to accumulate in the bottom of the 
 leaden chamber until it acquires a specific gravity of 1.55 and contains 
 about 64 per cent of pure acid. This liquid, further concentrated in leaden 
 evaporating pans until it acquires a specific gravity of 1.71 and contains 78 
 per cent of real acid, constitutes the common brown "Oil of Vitriol" of com- 
 Further concentration of the acid is effected by evaporation in platinum 
 Purification. The product thus obtained not only contains considerable 
 water but also frequently Arsenic derived from the sulphur ores used in 
 generating the SO 2 , and Lead Sulphate derived from the leaden chamber 
 and evaporating pans of the same material. 
 To get rid of these impurities the commercial product is distilled in glass 
 retorts until about one-third is passed over. The receiver is now changed
 and the remainder distilled nearly to dryness. The product thus obtained 
 is free from the other impurities, but still contains some water which cannot 
 be got rid of by distillation. 
 Properties. The pure acid thus obtained is an inodorous, colorless, 
 and oily-looking liquid of strong acid reaction, and is intensely cor- 
 rosive and caustic. It is miscible in all proportions with water and 
 alcohol, and the mixture develops ' considerable heat; for this reason 
 the acid should be poured into the water instead of the reverse when 
 these are mixed. As it has a strong affinity for water, it chars or 
 blackens many organic substances, as sugar, by abstracting from them 
 the elements of water, especially when heated with them. It reacts so 
 violently with volatile oils, such as Oil of Turpentine, as to sometimes 
 cause explosion. 
 The impurities of the acid and their detection are fully described in 
 the U. S. Ph. 
 Aromatic Sulphuric Acid. Acidum Sulphuricum Aromaticum, 
 U. S., consists of Sulphuric Acid, too parts; Tinct. of Ginger, 50 parts; 
 Oil of Cinnamon, i part, and Alcohol enough to make 1000 parts by 
 volume, (C.C.). 
 The directions given in the U. S. Ph. to add the sulphuric acid -gradually to 
 700 parts of alcohol should be followed explicitly, for if the alcohol be 
 added to the sulphuric acid, or if the sulphuric acid be added rapidly to the 
 alcohol, accidents are liable to occur from the great heat developed. This 
 preparation has a sp. gr. of about 0.939 and contains about 20 per cent of 
 absolute acid. 
 Diluted Sulphuric Acid. Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum, U. S., 
 contains 10 per cent by weight of Sulphuric Acid. Sp. gr. 1.07. It 
 is made by mixing 100 Gm. of the official acid with 825 Gm. Dis- 
 tilled Water. 
 Uses. In the preparation of alkaloids, ether, pyroxylin, parchment, etc. 
 Also in the manufacture of acids, such as acetic, nitric, citric and tartaric; 
 having a strong affinity for bases, it unites with them when added to their 
 salts and sets the weaker acid free as for example, carbonic acid from car- 
 bonate of lime or soda in the making of "soda water." Also for decom- 
 posing certain organic compounds, as in purification of chloroform; and for 
 forming sulphates. 
 Fuming Sulphuric Acid, or "Xordhausen Acid," for some purposes 
 in the arts is preferred to the ordinary acid: a thick, oily, fuming 
 liquid of a sp. gr. from I.S6 to I.SQ. It consists of a mi\!:;iv or 
 perhaps a combination of the ordinary sulphuric acid. 1I^S() 4 uit'h 
 sulphuric anhydride, SO.,, and is obtained by distilling in earthen- 
 ware retorts basic Ferric Sulphate. Fe^S/),,. the product uJ roa>uiig 
 common Green Vitriol, FeSO A -- jH/X
 Sulphuric Anhydride, SO,, is a substance obtained by passing Sul- 
 phurous Anhydride, SO,, mixed with Oxygen over platinum sponge 
 or platinized asbestos heated to redness. It may also be obtained by 
 distillation of Nordhausen Acid. 
 It exists in two modifications. One consists of transparent prisms which 
 melt at i6C., and on agitation solidifies at the same temperature. If the 
 melted prismatic crystals be permitted to stand at a temperature a little 
 below 25C., a mass of silky needles will be formed which do not melt at a 
 temperature below 5O C C. They change back to the first modification, how- 
 ever, when melted. In the second form SO 3 does not redden litmus paper 
 (unless the latter be damp); it may be handled with impunity with dry 
 hands, and does not attack the metals unless moisture be present. If 
 thrown into water it hisses like a hot iron, great heat is developed and 
 H 2 SO 4 is formed. For convenience and transportation and on account of 
 its purity, it has been proposed to manufacture it on a large scale for most 
 purposes for which pure sulphuric acid is required. 
 Sulphurous Acid. H^SO 3 . Acidum Sulphurosum, U. S. A liquid 
 composed of not less than 6.4 per cent by weight of Sulphurous Acid 
 Gas (Sulphur Dioxide, SO 3 ) and 93.6 per cent of Water. Sp. gr. 
 It may be formed in various ways: 
 (1) When Sulphur Dioxide, SO 2 , is brought into contact with Water. 
 (2) When Sulphur is burned in the air: S-f O 2 =SO 2 . 
 (3) Certain Metals, as copper, acted upon by Sulphuric Acid: Cu-f- 
 2H 2 SO 4 =CuSO 4 -f-2H 2 O-fSO 2 . 
 (4) Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid heated together: S-f 2H 2 SO 4 =3SO 2 +2H 2 O. 
 (5) By the decomposition of a Sulphite by Sulphuric Acid: Xa 2 SO 3 -f- 
 H 2 SO 4 =Na 2 SO 4 -f H 2 O+ SO 2 . 
 (6) By heating Charcoal and Sulphuric Acid together: C-(-2H 2 SO 4 = 
 2H 2 O+CO 2 +2SO 2 . 
 It is the latter process which is adopted in the U. S. Ph. The gas 
 thus obtained is passed through a wash bottle and collected in a 
 bottle containing distilled water, in which it is dissolved. 
 Properties. The official acid is a colorless liquid of a pungent, stifling 
 odor, strongly acid taste and reaction, and first strongly reddens and then 
 bleaches litmus paper. 
 Uses. In the manufacture of sulphites and as a bleaching agent in the 
 Arts; in medicine chiefly for its powerful antiseptic and disinfecting proper- 
 The Non-Metals. 
 The non-metals comprise those elements which lack the specific 
 physical characters or properties of the metals, such as expansibility, 
 elasticity, tenacity, malleability and ductility. 
 They are gaseous, as Hydrogen, Chlorine; liquid, as Bromine, and 
 solids, which may be hard and brittle, such as Carbon and Sulphur, or 
 porous and divisible, such as Phosphorus. 
 Only the elements themselves and their preparations will be here 
 described, their acids having already been treated, and their other 
 compounds, being, as a rule, described under their respective bases; 
 for example: Sodium Chloride under Sodium; Potassium Bromide 
 under Potassium; Mercuric Iodide under Mercury, etc. 
 The non-metals, or metalloids, as they are also preferably called 
 (from oid, Or., like), are usually divided into four groups according to 
 their property of combining with one, two, three or four atoms of 
 Hydrogen to form a volatile compound, as follows: 
 1. Hydrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Fluorine. 
 2. Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium and Tellurium. 
 3. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Arsenic. 
 4. Boron, Carbon and Silicon. 
 Of these the compounds of Hydrogen and Oxygen have already been 
 described, and the compound of Nitrogen with Hydrogen, known as the 
 radical, NH 3 , Ammonia, may, because of its character, be considered with 
 the alkalies. 
 Of the elements Selenium and Tellurium there are no compounds of 
 The element Chlorine is a gas which does not occur in a free state 
 in nature, but its compounds are numerous and important. 
 It is readily obtained by the reaction of Hydrochloric Acid on Man- 
 ganese Dioxide, as represented in the following equation: 
 4 HC1 -f MnO, - : C1 2 -f MnCl, + 2H 2 O 
 Hydrochloric Manganese Chlorine Manganese Water, 
 acid. dioxide. chloride. 
 It can also be obtained in many other ways. 
 Properties. Chlorine is a greenish colored, disagreeable odorous gas, 2. .15 
 times as heavy as air, and under a pressure of 6 atmospheres at o r C. con- 
 vertible into a yellow liquid having a sp. gr. of 1.33. The gas dissolves i*
 about half its volume of cold water, unites with great energy with hydrogen 
 to form Hydrochloric Acid, and owing to its strong affinity for hydrogen is a 
 powerful Mi-aching agent. 
 Chlorine Water. Aqua Chlori, U. S. Is a solution of Chlorine 
 Gas in Distilled Water, and should contain not less than 0.4 per cent 
 of the gas. (For preparation see U. S. Ph.). 
 Uses. As reagent in the pharmaceutical laboratory, and in medicine for 
 its antiseptic virtues. 
 Chlorinated Lime. Calx Chlorata, U. S. Also wrongly called 
 "chloride of lime," is a compound produced by the action of Chlorine 
 on Calcium Hydrate and containing not less than 35 per cent of 
 available Chlorine. 
 It has the odor of chlorine, and is a valuable bleaching agent, disinfect- 
 ant and antiseptic. As is well known, it should not be exposed to the air. 
 Solution of Chlorinated Soda. Liquor Soda; Chloratse, U. S. 
 (Labarraque's Solution) an aqueous solution of several chlorine- 
 compounds of Sodium containing at least 2.6 per cent by weight of 
 available chlorine. 
 Prepared by adding a solution of 150 Gin. Sodium Carbonate to 
 the liquid obtained by nitration from a mixture of 75 Gm. Chlori- 
 nated Lime and Water to make 1000 C.C. 
 Properties. Clear, pale-greenish liquid, sp. gr. 1.052, odor of chlorine, 
 disagreeable alkaline taste, and acting as a bleaching agent upon vegetable 
 coloring matters. 
 Uses. As a reagent in the pharmaceutical laboratory, and in medicine as 
 a disinfectant and antiseptic, and as a bleaching agent, for the removal of 
 fruit-stains, etc. 
 Chlorine is the most efficient as it is the most powerful of all disin- 
 fectants. It is also the cheapest, and in the form of a good article of 
 chlorinated lime leaves nothing to be desired for all purposes of a 
 general disinfectant and deodorizer. 
 Bromine is not found free in nature, but its compounds are not 
 uncommon, occurring in combination with sodium, potassium silver, 
 calcium, magnesium, etc. It occurs in Sea-Water and in the waters 
 of many saline springs. It is usually obtained as a by-product in the 
 manufacture of "Salt" by concentrating the mother liquor containing 
 its salts, the bittern." and treating it with Chlorine, which displaces 
 the Bromine from its (ompounds, as represented in the equation: 
 MgBr, + Cl, MgCl, -f Br a . 
 Magnesium bromide. Chlorine. Magnesium chloiide. Bromine.
 BROMINE. 119 
 Bromine. Br. Bromum, U. S. A heavy, mobile, very volatile 
 liquid, with a disagreeable, pungent odor, the vapors when inhaled 
 producing great irritation of the air passages. Its sp. gr. is 2.99. At 
 22C., it solidifies to a reddish brown solid, and it boils at 63C. 
 Soluble in 30 parts of water, readily in alcohol. The compounds of 
 bromine closely resemble those of chlorine and iodine. 
 Uses. Rarely in medicine as an external application and as an antiseptic. 
 Bromine Water, the one-per-cent solution, is used as a reagent. 
 Bromine must be preserved in small, tightly-fitting glass-stoppered 
 bottles, usually kept in a tin box, and packed in plaster paris. Even with 
 these precautions the whole contents of a vial have been known to escape, 
 owing to its great volatility. 
 Two preparations of Bromine of indefinite composition are to some extent 
 employed in medicine: Bromine Chloride, a liquid soluble in water; 
 Iodine Bromide, a liquid soluble in 6 to 8 parts of water. 
 These are both used in very dilute solutions as application in infectious 
 Like chlorine and bromine, this element does not occur free in 
 nature, and its compounds, though rather widely diffused, do not ap- 
 pear in great abundance. Its salts occur in the Ashes or marine plants, 
 in certain marine animals, and in solution in small quantities in Sea- 
 Water. It occurs also in combination with silver, lead, and in 
 Saline Waters in combination with sodium, magnesium and potassium. 
 It is principally obtained from "kelp" or the ashes of sea-weeds, 
 by lixiviating them, concentrating the solution, and after the alkaline 
 carbonates, sulphates and chlorides have been removed by crystalliza- 
 tion, the iodine is obtained by distilling the mother liquor with Sul- 
 phuric Acid and Manganese Dioxide, the decomposition which takes 
 place being represented by the following equation: 
 2NaI + 3HjSO, + MnO, = 1. 2 + 2N T aHSO 4 -f MnSO, -f zH 2 O 
 Sodium Sulphuric Manganese Iodine Sodium Manganese Water, 
 iodide. acid. dioxide. sulphate (acid). sulphate. 
 Iodine. I lodum, U. S. Dark, lustrous, opaque crystals, belong- 
 ing to the rhombic system. Sp. gr. 4.948, soluble in 5,000 parts 
 Water; in 10 parts Alcohol. Fusing point between 113 and ii5C.; 
 boiling point about 2ooC., when beautiful violet vapors are given off. 
 Iodine sublimes slowly at ordinary temperatures, and a crystal laid 
 upon the skin imparts a characteristic brown color. 
 The following preparations of iodine are official: 
 Liquor lodi Composites. "Lugol's Solution." A solution con- 
 taining Iodine 5 Gm., Potassium Iodide 10 Gin. in 100 Gm. made 
 with Distilled Water.
 120 IODINE. 
 Ungucntum lodi. A mixture of Iodine 4 Gm., Potassium Iodide i 
 Gm., Water 2 C.C. and Benzoinated Lard 93 Gin. 
 Tinctura lodi. Iodine 7 Gm., Alcohol to make 100 C.C. 
 Amylum lodatum. A mixture of Starch 95 parts, Iodine 5 parts, Water 
 to make loo parts; was formerly official for testing purposes. 
 The following compound with an Organic radical may also be 
 lodofonn. CHI S . lodoformum, U. S., formed by the action of 
 Iodine upon Alcohol, Ether and various compounds of the ether 
 series, in the presence of one of the fixed Alkalies or Alkaline Car- 
 Properties. Small lemon-yellow, hexagonal crystals in the form of thin, 
 lustrous scales. They are unctuous to the touch, with an odor resembling 
 Saffron, and a peculiar sweetish and unpleasant iodine-like taste. But 
 slightly soluble in water, soluble in So parts of alcohol, a sp. gr. of 2.0 and, 
 like iodine, volatilizes slowly at ordinary temperatures. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum lodoformi; 10 per cent. 
 Uses. Principally in the official ointment by substituting petrolatum for 
 benzoinated lard. Also in the form of powder as an external application. 
 The odor may be partially masked by the addition of 4 per cent of thymol, 
 menthol or coumarin. (See National Formulary). 
 The following preparation of Hydriodic Acid is official: 
 Syrup Hydriodic Acid. Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici, U. S. A 
 syrupy liquid containing about i per cent by weight of absolute 
 Hydriodic Acid, HI, or about 13 Gm. in 1,000 C.C. 
 It is made by acting upon Potassium Iodide with Tartaric Acid. Hydri- 
 odic Acid is liberated and the Potassium Tartrate formed is precipitated 
 by the Alcohol in the solution at a reduced temperature. The decomposi- 
 tion of the HI into free Iodine is prevented by the presence of the Sugar 
 and a little Hypophosphorous Acid in the Syrup. 
 Uses. As a substitute for Iodides in doses from 5 to 10 C.C. 
 The other compounds of iodine which are of importance pharma- 
 ceutically are treated of under other headings.
 Sulphur. Phosphorus. Arsenic 
 This is an abundant element in nature, occurring both free and in 
 Combination with various metals. Sulphur in a very pure form is 
 found throughout the Rocky Mountain region, but the larger propor- 
 tion of the sulphur used in medicines comes from the neighborhood of 
 Mt. A : Ar\i\. It is usually more or less mixed with earth, but is purified 
 by fusion or sublimation. 
 Roll Sulpliur or brimstone is pre pared by pouring the melted sul- 
 phur into moulds. 
 Sublimed Sulphur. Sulphur Sublimatum, U. S. Also called "flow- 
 ers of sulphur," is obtained by volatilizing the sulphur and condens- 
 ing it in a large chamber. It usually contains a small quantity of 
 eulphuric acid, and sometimes also arsenous sulphide as impurities. 
 Sulphur is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in hot, absolute alcohol, 
 ether, chloroform and benzol, depositing upon cooling in the form of 
 crystals. It is soluble in hot aqueous solutions of the alkalies and alkaline 
 earths, forming sulphides and very soluble in carbon disulphide. 
 Washed Sulphur. Sulphur Lotum, U. S. Prepared by washing 
 sublimed sulphur thoroughly, first with Water of Ammonia and then 
 v:ith Distilled Water to remove the above-named impurities. 
 Off. Prep. Pulvis Glycyrrhizce comp. 
 Sulphur Iodide. Sulphuris lodidum, U. S. Prepared by fusing a 
 mixt.ire of one part of Sulphur and four parts of Iodine, in a flask, to a 
 homogeneous mass. 
 Precipitated Sulphur. Sulphur Prcecipitatum, U. S. Is prepared 
 by heating together freshly slaked Lime, Sublimed Sulphur and Water 
 to make a solution of Calcium Sulphide, separated by filtration, then 
 adding Hydrochloric Acid to precipitate the sulphur, collecting, thor- 
 oughly vrashing and drying the precipitate. 
 This article is found in commerce under the name of "Milk," or "Lac 
 Sulphur," and consists largely of calcium sulphate, owing to the fact that 
 sulphuiic acid, instead of hydrochloric acid, is ignorantly employed to pre- 
 cipitate the sulphur. 
 Sulphur <9//;/w/v//. Unguentum Sulphuris, U. S. 30 Gr.i. Sulphur 
 to 70 Gm. Benzoinated Lard.
 These are very numerous, and many of them are of importance in 
 pharmacy, but, as they are treated of elsewhere in these lectures, only 
 \he following will be mentioned here: 
 Hydrogen Sulphide. H^S. Or Hydrosulphuric Acid. A gas with 
 a disagreeable odor as of decayed eggs, soluble in water, poisonous 
 when respired in the concentrated form, and blackening paper which 
 has been soaked in solution of lead acetate. 
 It precipitates many of the metals from solution as sulphides, and is 
 therefore valuable as a reagent in pharmaceutical chemistry, the Solu- 
 tion being official. 
 Hydrogen Sulphide or ' Sulphureted hydrogen," as it is most frequently 
 termed, is given off when some metals are dissolved in acids, as in the 
 preparation of solutions of the chlorides of iron, zinc, etc., owing to the 
 presence of Sulphur as an impurity. 
 This element is not found free in nature, but certain of its com- 
 pounds are rather abundant. It exists in the bones of animals in the 
 form of Calcium Phosphate, and these constitute its principal com- 
 mercial source. 
 It is known in t\vo Allotropic forms: 
 Pliosphorus. Phosphorus, U. S. Is a transparent, nearly color- 
 less or yellowish, highly refractive body that crystallizes in octahed- 
 rons, and at i5C. has about the consistency of wax. Its sp. gr. is 
 1.83, it melts at 44.3C. (m.2F.); when heated in atmosphere 
 free from oxygen, it boils at 29OC., yielding a colorless vapor. It is 
 almost insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, more soluble 
 in boiling absolute alcohol, slightly soluble in the volatile oils and 
 ether, freely soluble in chloroform and carbon disulphide, and in 
 about 50 parts of any fixed oil. 
 It is obtained by distilling a mixture of Calcium Metaphosphate and 
 Charcoal heated to redness, when the Phosphorus is liberated, and escaping 
 as vapor is collected under Water, condensed and, after redistillation to free 
 it from impurities, is formed into cylindrical sticks. 
 Owing to slow oxidation, it is luminous in the dark, even at ordinary 
 temperatures, but does not inflame until heated to slightly above its melt- 
 ing point. The compounds of phosphorus of pharmaceutical importance 
 are elsewhere considered. 
 Hy exposure to the air it soon loses its transparency and becomes "cor- 
 roded" or covered with a white coating, which is also true when kept under 
 water, not entirely free from air. 
 Red or Amorphous Phosphorus'^ obtained by the action of heat and
 light on the ordinary form. The change takes place at a temperature 
 between 240 and 25oC. If, however, red phosphorus be heated to 
 a temperature of 26oC., it changes back to the ordinary form. 
 Red phosphorus has a reddish-brown color, and when in powder resembles 
 pulverized iron oxide. In the massive form it has a conchoidal fracture, is 
 much harder than ordinary phosphorus, undergoes no change either when 
 exposed to the air, or when taken into the alimentary canal of an animal, 
 and hence is not poisonous, and it does not take fire at any temperature 
 below 24O C C. The commercial product, now extensively used for the 
 manufacture of matches, is usually n.ore or less contaminated with ordinary 
 Pilnhc Phosphori, each pill containing ^ milligram or T J grain of 
 Oleum Phosphoratum, a one per cent solution of Phosphorus in Ex- 
 pressed Oil of Almonds, containing 10 per cent of Ether. 
 Spiritus Phosfhori, a solution of ^3 of one per cent of Phosphorus 
 in absolute alcohol. 
 /.V/.v/y Phosphori, made from the Spirit, and contains i mg. (V-r gr. ) 
 of Phosphorus in 4 C.C. (i il. drm.). 
 I'ses. For internal administration Phosohorus should be largely diluted 
 with an excipient or vehicle, as in the above preparations. 
 Phosphorus, owing to its inflammable character, must always be kept in a 
 strong bottle and be well covered with water. In order to prevent accidents, 
 which may occur by the accidental fracturing of the bottle, it should be 
 placed in a stone jar in a safe location. The same precaution is necessary 
 to observe in dispensing it, especially to guard against exposing it even for 
 a short time without being covered with water, or mixed with some other 
 substance serving to exclude the air. 
 Arsenic occurs in the free state in nature, but much more frequently 
 in a state of combination. Such natural compounds are the sulphides, 
 known as Orpiment and Realgar, arsenons oxide, and various minerals, 
 in which it is found associated with metals. It is frequently present 
 in iron pyrites and native sulphur, and hence finds its way into sul- 
 phuric acid. It is also found in certain ferruginous deposits from 
 mineral waters, nearly all of which, as well as sea-water, contain 
 traces of arsenic. 
 Arsenic in the elementary fonn occurs in two modifications, amorphous 
 and crystalline, viz: Amorphous &a& crystallized arsenic, which differ also in 
 specific gravity. Arsenic volatilixes at iSoC. without previously fusing. It 
 does not change in a dry atmosphere, but when heated it burns with a 
 bluish-colored rlame, forming arsenic trioxide, and disseminating the pecul- 
 iar alliaceous odor. Arsenic and nearly all its compounds are exceedingly
 poisonous. In its uncombined state it is chiefly used for the purpose of 
 hardening lead in the manufacture of shot. 
 Arsiin; or "Arsenetted Hydrogen." AsH 3 . Is an extremely poisonous 
 gas, having a very peculiar and characteristic smell. It burns with a pale- 
 bluish flame, evolving dense white fumes of arsenic trioxide. On holding a 
 cold piece of white porcelain in the flame, metallic arsenic is deposited as a 
 brown or black shining mirror. 
 If the gas be passed through a hard-glass tube, which is heated by means 
 of a glass flame placed beneath it, the arsenic is deposited near the heated 
 portion of the tube, in the form of a bright, shining mirror. Upon this 
 delicate reaction depends the application of Marsh's test, which is the one 
 most frequently employed for the detection of small quantities of arsenical 
 Arsenic Iodide. AsI 3 . Arseni lodidum, U. S. Is a direct com- 
 bination of Arsenic and Iodine. It is soluble in 7 parts of water and 
 30 parts alcohol. 
 It is official in the form of the Iodides of Mercury and Arsenic Solution 
 containing i per cent of each. 
 Arsenous Acid. As.,O s . Acidum Arsenosum, U. S. Chemically 
 considered this is not an acid, but arsenous trioxide, or arsenous an- 
 hydride. When the oxide is dissolved in water, true Arsenous Acid, 
 H 3 AsO 3 , is formed; hence, in the presence of moisture, arsenous oxide 
 exhibits an acid reaction. 
 A heavy, white solid, existing either in the amorphous or crystalline 
 condition, and the specific gravity varying according to its condition from 
 3.738 to 3.689. The amorphous modification has the higher specific gravity, 
 and is transparent or semi-transparent, but on standing becomes opaque by 
 the formation of minute octahedral crystals at the surface. This process 
 goes on gradually from the surface toward the interior until the entire mass 
 becomes crystalline. The appearance of the mass then resembles porcelain. 
 On heating it carefully to a temperature of 2i8C. it volatilizes without melting, 
 and the cooled vapor deposits minute octahedral crystals. 
 Solubility. Its solubility in water varies with its physical condition, 
 sometimes requiring thirty parts and sometimes as high as eighty parts of 
 the solvent. It is slowly but completely soluble in 15 parts of boiling water, 
 and the solution on cooling deposits transparent, regular octahedral crys- 
 tals. It is slightly soluble in alcohol, very soluble in glycerin, and freely 
 soluble in hydrochloric acid and in solutions of the alkalies and their car- 
 Tests. When thrown upon ignited charcoal the oxide is reduced, and 
 emits an alliaceous odor. Its aqueous solution affords a lemon-yellow pre- 
 cipitate with a solution of ammonio-nitrate of silver, and a grass-green pre- 
 cipitate with ammonio-sulphate of copper. If the aqueous solution be 
 acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and a stream of sulphureted hydrogen be 
 passed through it, a bright yellow precipitate of arsenous sulphide will be
 produced. This precipitate is distinguished from the similar sulphides of 
 antimony and tin by its insolubility in hydrochloric acid and by its solubility 
 in test solution of ammonium carbonate. 
 The following methods are used for the detection of arsenic in medico- 
 legal analyses: Marsh's test, which depends upon the deposition of a mir- 
 ror of metallic arsenic formed by arsine, or Arseniureted Hydrogen. The 
 tests of Bettendorff, Fleitmann and Gutzeit are more simple and are recog- 
 nized in the U. S. Ph. (See Reagents, p. 466.) 
 Arsenous acid is a powerful irritant poison, and as it is the com- 
 monest form in which arsenic occurs in commerce, the majority of 
 the cases of arsenical poisoning are produced by it. The maximum 
 safe dose for an adult is about ^ of a grain (0.006, or 6 mg.). The 
 best antidote is Ferric Hydrate with Magnesia. 
 (For the preparation of the latter see the U. S. Ph.) 
 The following Solutions of Arsenic and its Compounds aie official: 
 They are all of the uniform strength of one per cent; containing 10 
 Gm. in 1000 C.C. 
 Liquor Acidi Arsenosi; Solution of Arsenous Acid. 
 Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri lodidi; Donovan's Solution. 
 Liquor Potassii Arsenitis; Fowler's Solution. 
 Liquor Sodii Arsenatis; Solution of Sodium Arsenate.
 Boron. Carbon. Silicon. 
 Boron docs not occur in the free state in nature, but is found com- 
 bined with oxygen and hydrogen to form Boric Acid and also in the 
 tbrm of certain salts of this acid, the most important of which is Borax. 
 Boron is obtained in two Allotropic forms, one crystalline, the other 
 The first form consists of monoclinic, octohedra or prisms, which have a 
 busier and hardness exceeded only by the diamond. Their sp. gr. is 2.68. 
 The second form is a dark brown, tasteless and odorless powder, but 
 ^lightly soluble in water, a very bad conductor of electricity, and fuses only 
 at a very high temperature. 
 Neither of these is used in pharmacy. They are rather rare and ex- 
 pensive products of the chemical laboratory. 
 Borax. XaJ^O, + loH.'O. Sodii Boras, U. S., Sodium Borate. 
 In crystalline, transparent, shining, colorless, somewhat efflorescent 
 crystals, having a mild, cooling, and somewhat alkaline taste and 
 reaction. Soluble in 16 parts of water at i5C. in one part of 
 glycerin at 8oC., insoluble in 'alcohol; when heated parting with its 
 water of crystallization, first swelling up into a porous mass and then 
 fusing into a transparent glass. 
 Uses. In various analytical operations in the laboratory, and in medicine, 
 as ingredient of detergent antiseptic washes such as the Glycerite of Borax, 
 and Honey of Borax, both formerly official. Borax is largely used in the 
 powdered form to destroy cockroaches, etc. In the form of Boro-glyceride 
 it is used extensively as an antiseptic dressing, and to preserve meats and 
 Boric Aciit. Acidum Boricum, U. S. A tribasic acid having the 
 formula H 3 B( ) 3 . 
 Transparent, shining, six-sided plates, which are somewhat unctuous 
 to the touch, permanent in the air, odorless, bitterish, feebly acid, 
 changing blue litmus paper to red. and turmeric paper to brown, the 
 brown color of the latter not being altered in the presence of free 
 hydrochloric acid. At i5C. it is soluble in 25.6 parts of water, and 
 at iooC'. in 3 parts. It is soluble in 1 5 parts of alcohol at i5C. 
 and in 5 parts of boiling alcohol and in TO parts glycerin. 
 Sonny's. The principal commercial source of boric acid is the
 steam jets or fumaroles that issue from the earth in some districts in 
 Tuscany. The acid that issues in these jets collects in the waters of 
 the lagoons or lakelets formed near the orifices whence the jets issue, 
 and is obtained in the crystalline form by evaporation. Borax is 
 produced by treating the concentrated solution with Sodium Carbonate. 
 Borax occurs as a crystalline deposit in a lake in California, and is 
 also prepared from various borates, found in Nevada and South 
 Phann. Uses. Chiefly valuable for its anti-fermentative and anti-putres- 
 cent properties. It is sometimes administered internally, but more com- 
 monly as an external application, combined with an absorbent powder such 
 as starch; or in solution or in the form of ointment prepared with petrola- 
 tum. Owing to the difficulty with which it is obtained in fine powder in the 
 preparation of ointments, the acid should be first triturated with a portion 
 of the fused fat in a hot mortar before the whole of the fat is incorporated. 
 Boric acid may be obtained in the dry powdered form by triturating it with 
 a few drops of ether or glycerin. A saturated solution in hot water gradu- 
 ally poured into a large quantity of cold water with constant stirring, yields 
 the acid in a fine state of division. 
 Preparations. Boro-glyceride prepared by heating 62 parts of boric 
 acid with 92 parts 01" glycerin to i5oC. , until aqueous vapors cease to 
 As this congeals to a gelatinous mass, inconvenient to dispense, it 
 is chiefly used in 5-o-per-cent solution of glycerin, the Glyceritum 
 Boroglycerini of the U. S. Ph. 
 This element exists in three modifications, diamond, graphite and 
 charcoal. The two former are of but slight importance in pharmacy, 
 but Charcoal, on account of the property it possesses of condensing 
 large quantities of oxygen and other gases on the surface of its parti- 
 cles, has important uses. By virtue of this property it absorbs the 
 foul-smelling gases produced by the decay of organic matter and 
 causes their oxidation, bleaches solutions containing organic coloring 
 matter, etc. 
 Animal Charcoal. Carbo Animalis, l\ S. This is prepared by 
 burning the bones of Animals with a limited supply of Air. 
 It occurs in the granulated form, which is best adapted to pharmacal uses, 
 and as a dull black powder. When a portion of it is ignited in the open 
 air, a white residue, called bone-ash, remains. This ash constitutes about 
 85$ f tne weight cf the charcoal and should be almost completely soluble 
 in hydrochloric acid with the aid of heat. 
 Purified Animal Charcoal. Carbo Animalis Purificatus, U. S.
 Consists of ordinary animal charcoal from which the Bone-Ash has 
 been removed by boiling it with Hydrochloric Acid, leaving the 
 nearly pure carbon residue. 
 Wood Charcoal. - Carbo Ligni, U. S. This is prepared by burning 
 Wood with a limited supply of Air, until all the volatile portions have 
 been driven off or consumed. 
 For pharmaceutical purposes that prepared from soft wood is preferred, 
 its chief use being as an ingredient in Dentifrices and sometimes internally 
 as an antacid. 
 These are very numerous and important. All Organic compound:* 
 come under this head. Of the organic compounds, Carbon Dioxide 
 (carbonic acid) and Hydrocyanic Acid only will be treated here; the 
 carbonates will be treated under their respective metals. 
 Carbon Disulphidc. CSj. Carbonei Disulphidum, U. S. Or 
 Carbon Bisulphide, as it is commonly termed. A clear, colorless, 
 strongly refractive, very volatile and inflammable liquid, having a strong, 
 disagreeable odor and a sharp aromatic taste. It is almost insoluble 
 in water, and its sp. gr. is 1.268. It is prepared by adding Sulphur 
 to Charcoal heated to redness, and condensing the vapor. 
 It has anresthetic properties, but its principal pharmaceutical uses are as 
 a solvent; caoutchouc, iodine and some other substances, almost insoluble 
 !n ordinary solvents, being readily soluble in it. 
 Carbonic Acid. Acidum Carbonicum. This is a dibasic acid 
 naving the formula ILC() ;j . It is not stable at ordinary temperatures, 
 decomposing into H_>O and CO 2 , hence it is mainly known through 
 its compounds, the carbonates. 
 When Carbon Dioxide is forced into water, as in charging soda 
 fountains, the water acquires a pleasant acid taste, and a slight acid 
 reaction, which is doubtless due to the formation of carbonic acid by 
 the union of the carbon dioxide with water. Carbonic acid is a feeble 
 acid, being readily displaced from its combinations by the mineral 
 and many of the organic, acids. As the displaced acid escapes it is 
 immediately decomposed, and the escaping gas, CO_>, produces effer- 
 vescence. Frequently the chemical affinity between the carbonic acid 
 and the base is so feeble in the carbonates that a moderate heat suffices 
 for their decomposition. Calcium carbonate affords a familiar illus- 
 Cst-s. Although carbonic acid, save in the form of carbonated waters, 
 has little use in pharmacy, many of the carbonates are of great importance. 
 (These arc treated under the metals with which it forms compounds).
 SILICON. 129 
 Hydrocyanic Acid. HCN. Acidum Hydrocyanicum. Carbon 
 and Nitrogen unite to form the Compound radical Cyanogen, CN. 
 With Hydrogen this forms an acid, Hydrocyanic Acid, HCN, which 
 although containing Carbon and therefore an Organic Acid, may be 
 treated here. 
 It occurs naturally in some vegetable structures, as in bitter almonds, 
 cherry laurel, etc. , but for the purposes of pharmacy it is obtained by 
 distilling Potassium Ferrocyanide (prussiate) with Sulphuric Acid and 
 Water (hence also the name prussic acid). It may also be readily ob- 
 tained from the Silver Cyanide by agitating the salt with dilute 
 Hydrochloric Acid. (See U. S. Ph.). 
 The pure anhydrous acid is a colorless, very mobile and volatile liquid, 
 having the odor of bitter almonds. It is one of the most deadly of poisons, 
 and when taken internally so small a dose as .05 of a grain has been known 
 to produce death. Its soluble salts are also for the most part highly poison- 
 ous. All preparations of it must be handled, therefore, with the greatest 
 The diluted acid is the only kind used in medicine: 
 Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum, 
 U. S. Prussic Acid. A liquid composed of 2 per cent by weight of 
 absolute Acid, HCN, and 98 per cent of Water. 
 As the acid is highly volatile, the solution will rapidly deteriorate 
 unless kept in small, dark, amber-colored, cork-stoppered vials in a 
 cool place. It cannot even with these precautions be kept very long 
 without deterioration, as the acid is slowly decomposed and it should 
 therefore be replaced at least once yearly. 
 Uses. The official dilute acid has a restricted use in medicine, and may 
 be given in doses of 2 or 3 minims. 
 Silicon is never found in the free state in nature, although the most 
 abundant of all the solid elements. It exists in combination with 
 oxygen as silicon dioxide or silica, SiOu, which is known in the crys- 
 talline condition as opal, flint, sand, etc. In the form of salts, it 
 forms a large and important class of minerals termed silicates. In 
 combination with oxygen, it is widely distributed in the vegetable 
 kingdom, being found in the ashes of plants, and in the stems of cereals. 
 Sodium Silicate. NaoSiO 3 . Is official in the form of aqueous solution 
 containing about 60 per cent of the salt; also known as "Soluble Glass." 
 Sp. gr. 1.30 to 1.40. 
 Liquor SoJii Silicatis. Solution Sodium Silicate, used chiefly for surgical 
 purposes, in the preparation of mechanical dressings and as a cement.
 Ammonium and Its Compounds. 
 The combination of Nitrogen and Hydrogen, known as Ammonium. 
 MI 4 , is not found free and has never been isolated. 
 The compound known as Ammonia (Jas. NH. ; , occurs in the at- 
 mosphere, in natural waters and in the Karth. 
 Its chief source is a product of the destructive distillation of wood 
 and coal, and from this all its compounds are directly obtained. 
 Its compounds are frequently classed with the alkalies, and ils gen- 
 eral characters are the same, c\cc| t in one important particular. 
 namely: That all its compounds are 7v/<///ut a moderate temperature. 
 Salts of Ammonium evolve ammonia gas \\hen heated \\ith alkali 
 hydrates, the gas forms white \apors with Hydrochloric Acid, con- 
 densable into Ammonium Chloride, and. similarly to the Alkalies, it 
 saponifies fats and /wAvvv vegetable blues that have been reddened 
 by Acids. 
 Ainnii>nia. NII 3 . The gas may readily be obtained by heating 
 any Ammonium salt with an alkali, such as Soda or 1'ota-h. or an alka- 
 line earth, such a-; l.ime. The iollowing equation indicates the re- 
 Ammonium Chloride. "Sal Ammoniac" i muriate of ammonia > 
 being cheap, is the salt usually employed for the purpose, and in order 
 to insure the complete decomposition of the salt an e\< e<s of lime 
 Ammonia is a colorless ga^. with a pungent odor, strong alkali:. 
 reaction, and a sp. gr. 'taking air as the >Li.ndaru'> of c.^Sf). !'. 
 neutral i/es and forms stable < (.impounds with t he acid-. Al! Ammoni'.: : 
 < oinpounds are completely volatili/.ed bv heat. 
 P>y cold and pressure it ninv lx; ivdnerd ;; the li.jiiid condition, \vlm:- '. 
 forms a colorle.-s, highly refrrjrtivc, r. 1 iMlc li ]':M \v!;;cii !>.jils ai 3; ~'C . nr 
 at -- 75C. becomes converted i:ito a cry>trtliinc solii.l. Li.jv.id amr.m:i.:r; 
 quite extensively used a.; a SLib^iiuitc lur, and in the :;-.a::;:facu:iv '<-t, ic 
 It is highly soluble in water. thi> lio'iid taking up. ai o'C. .;L . 
 under the normal atmospheric pressure, more than i.ico volumes 
 the ga<. Tile gas is j>rc'bably r.ot merelv di olved. bv.t a pr
 'ntt-rs into combination with water, forming NH 4 HO, or Ammonium 
 Hydrate. This compound has, however, never been isolated. 
 Water of Ammonia. Aqua Ammonia;, U. S. An aqueous solu- 
 tion containing 10 percent by weight of the gas. Is a colorless, 
 transparent liquid of a very pungent odor, and a strongly acrid 
 alkaline taste and alkaline reaction. Its sp. gr. at i5C. is 0.960. 
 Off. frt'/>.- Linimentum Ammoniaj; Spiritus Ammonite Aromaticus. 
 The strength of the weaker Ammonia Water of commerce is usually desig- 
 nated by one or more F.'s, an arbitrary standard. The number of F.'s attached 
 to a label usually does not indicate the percentage strength of the ammonia 
 water contained in it. Although the mark of 4 F. is supposed to mean stronger 
 water of ammonia, or 28 per cent, it usually indicates about 18 per cent. 
 Pharmacists should insist that Ammonia Water be designated by its percentage 
 . irength only, when purchasing. 
 Stronger Water of Ammonia.- Aqua Ammoniac Fortior, L. S. An 
 aqueous solution containing 28 percent by weight of the gas. Its sp. 
 gr. is 0.90. It should be kept in a cool place, in tightly-stoppered 
 bottles which are not quite filled, and care should be exercised in 
 opening the bottles. (For tests see U. S. Ph.') 
 Off. J'rep. Spiritus Ammonia:. 
 Uses. As a precipitant in the preparation of many hydrates and salts, held 
 in solution by acids, for example, ferric hydrate, calcium phosphate, and most 
 of the alkaloids. As a solvent in the extraction of some drugs, and for neu- 
 tralizing acid solutions. Combined with citric acid it forms double salts with 
 some: of the metals, as for example, bismuth and iron, rendering these soluble. 
 It is also used as a general solvent for "grease,'' and in the preparation, of 
 many pharmaceutical products. 
 Ammonia gas is a by-product of gas-works, being found in the so- 
 called gas-liquor. .By heating this liquor with Lime, in a retort, the 
 gas is evolved and may be at once conducted into water to form Am- 
 monia Water, or into aqueous solution of an Acid. If Sulphuric Acid 
 lie used Ammonium Sulphate is formed; if Hydrochloric Acid, the 
 Chloride of Ammonium or "Sal Ammoniac" is obtained by crystalliza- 
 From either of these compounds all the other Ammonium Com- 
 pounds are produced. 
 Ammonium Sulphate. (NH 4/ ).jSO 4 . Ammonii Sulphas. Colorless, 
 transparent, rhombic prisms, permanent in air, odorless, possessing a 
 sharp saline taste, and neutral reaction. Soluble in 1.3 parts of water 
 at 15. insoluble in absolute alcohol. It is not official. 
 Ammonium Ch!<>riJ<-. XH.C1. Ammonii Chloridum. I". S.
 Muriate of Ammonia. In the crude state it occurs in tough, fibrous 
 crystalline masses. The pure official salt is a snow-white crystalline 
 powder, with a cooling, saline taste, without odor, a slightly acid re- 
 action, permanent in the air, and on heating with caustic potassa or 
 lime, evolving ammonia gas. 
 l*rt-paration. The pure or granulated form, the only kind now official, is pre- 
 pared from the crude Sal Ammoniac by dissolving it in about twice its weight 
 of hot water, adding a little chlorine water to convert any ferrous chloride 
 present into a ferric salt, then ammonia in excess, which precipitates the iron 
 present in the form of ferric hydrate. The liquid is then filtered, and the 
 clear filtrate evaporated until a pellicle forms, when it is allowed to cool and 
 crystallize; or it may be evaporated nearly to dryness in a shallow vessel, and 
 the granular, crystalline powder dried between sheets of filter paper. Its 
 preparation is well adapted to the beginner as the first chemical to he made in 
 the pharmacy. 
 Off. Prep. Trochisci Ammonii Chloridi. 
 Ammonium Carbonate. (NH 4 ) HCO 3 . (NH 4 )(NH 2 )C(^. Ammonii 
 Carbonas, U. S. This salt is probably in reality a mixture of acid 
 carbonate and carbamate of ammonium as expressed in the above 
 formulas, instead of a true carbonate. 
 White, translucent masses, with odor of ammonia, and giving out 
 both ammonia and carbon dioxide on exposure to the air. Taste- 
 saline, reaction alkaline. It must be kept in tightly closed jars, to 
 protect it from the air. 
 Made by heating a mixture of Chalk and Ammonium Chloride. The Ammo- 
 nium Carbonate, sublimes and is collected in the cooler parts of the vessel, or 
 in a receiver. 
 Uses. As an ingredient in "smelling salts" and in the two official prepara- 
 tions. In conjunction with syrups of acid reaction, such as squill and glyc- 
 yrrhiza for cough syrups, the ammonium carbonate reacting with the acids 
 should be gradually dissolved in a mortar, with the addition nf -.vater when 
 permissible, so as to prevent frothing. 
 Off. Prep. Liquor Ammonii Acetatis; Spirittis Ammonia Aro- 
 Ammonium Acetate. (NH 4 )C 2 H 3 O. 2 . A solution made !>y saturat- 
 ing dilute Acetic Acid with Ammonium Carbonate, constitutes 
 Liquor Ammonii Acetatis, U. S., or Spirit of Mendereru>. 
 This preparation should always be prepared extemporaneously. MHO- when 
 fresh it is a most refreshing draught to feverish patients, while it rapidly loses 
 its carbonic acid, and then possesses a disagreeable saline, frequently decidedly 
 alkaline, taste. The pure acid (U. S. Ph., not the commercial so-called N>-> >) 
 should be used, properly diluted, and the ammonium carbonate, in transluci-nt 
 pieces, gradually added with constant stirring, until only a slight effervescence
 1 4 o AMMONIUM 
 takes place. The solution is then poured in a vial, which must be well corked 
 so as to preserve the carbonic acid. When administered, the preparation, 
 owing to its sparkling character and pleasant acidity, foro>s a cooling and most 
 agreeable potion. 
 Off. Pr,'f>. Misturu Kerri ct Ammonii Acetatis. 
 The following arc- all made by saturating their respective Acid:; 
 with Ammonia Water and obtaining the Salt by crystallization. 
 They may be made extemporaneously (as wanted) and kept in solu- 
 tion. By referring to table on page 551 of the U. S. Ph., the respec- 
 tive quantities of Acids and Alkalies required to produce 100 parts of 
 the Salt may be seen at a glance. 
 Ammonium Bcnzoatc. (NH^C-H/X-. Ammonii Benzoas, U. S. 
 A \vhite crystalline salt having a slight odor of Benzoic Acid, and a 
 saline, bitter and highly acrid taste, made by saturating Benzoic Acid 
 with Ammonia Water and evaporating, keeping the ammonia in ex- 
 cess until crystals begin to form. 
 Soluble in 5 parts of water and 2<S parts of alcohol. 
 Ammonium Bromide. XH 4 Br. Ammonii Bromidum, U. S. A 
 transparent crystalline or white granular salt, changing to yellowish 
 on exposure to the air. and having a pungent saline taste. 
 It is prepared by agitating iron wire with a solution of bromine until the 
 odor of bromine can no longer be perceived, thus forming Ferrous Bromide, 
 adding Ammonia Water to excess, filtering and evaporating to dryness. 
 L '.<,:(. Mostly in the form of Elixir containing 10 grains to the fluid dram 
 Soluble in i 5 parts of water and 30 parts of alcohol. 
 Ammonium Citrate. - Made by saturating a solution of Citric Acid 
 with Water of Ammonia so as to be of a faint alkaline reaction, recog- 
 ni/.ed by a slight odor of ammonia. 
 l.'st's. -As a solvent for many salts especially in Klixirs; with iron and bis- 
 muth it forms soluble double compounds, vi/: Ammonio-citrate of iron and 
 ammonio-citrate of bismuth These will be treated under their respective 
 Aminoiiiim /o./n/<. NH 4 I. Ammonii lodidum, U. S. A white, 
 granular, deliquescent salt, changing to yellow or yellowish-brown 
 on exposure to the air, in which form it should not be dispensed. 
 odorless when white but with a faint odor of iodine when colored bv 
 exposure: a sharp saline taste, and a neutral reaction. It is prepared 
 by saturating Ammonia Water with Hydriodic Acid. Soluble in i 
 part of water and 9 parts alcohol. 
 C.ft's. A spirit, prepared by mixing an alcoholic solution of iodine with 
 strong ammonia water in such proportion as to yield a colorless product, con- 
 sisting of ammonium iodide and ethyl iodide This has been erroneously
 termed "decolorized tincture of iodine." [For formula see the Dispensatory 
 and National Formulary. ] 
 Ammonium Nitrate. NH 4 NO,. -Ammonii Nitras, I'. S. Color- 
 less, usually rhombic prismatic crystals, somewhat deliquescent, odor- 
 less, with a sharp bitter taste and neutral reaction. Dissolves at the 
 ordinary temperature in half its weight of water and in 20 parts of 
 alcohol, and is much more freely soluble in both at their boiling 
 points. Completely resolved by heat into nitrous oxide (laughing gas) 
 and water. 
 Made by saturating dilute Nitric Acid with Ammonia Water or with 
 Ammonium Carbonate. 
 I 'ses. In dentistry for the production of "Laughing tias." 
 Ammonium Uxalatc. Made by saturating a solution of Oxalic Acid 
 with Ammonia, and crystallizing. It is of importance in pharma- 
 ceutical chemistry as a test for calcium, and the Test Solution is 
 Ammonium Phosphate. (XH 4 )_,HPO 4 Ammonii Phosphas. 
 Colorless, translucent, prismatic crystals, evolving ammonia on ex- 
 posure to air, odorless, possessing a cooling saline taste, and neutral 
 or slightly alkaline reaction. 
 Made by adding an excess of Ammonia Water to dilute Phosphoric 
 Acid, and evaporating slowly until crystals form. 
 Ammonium Sulphide. A solution made by saturating Ammonia 
 Water with Hydrogen Sulphide. It is of importance in pharmaceuti- 
 cal chemistry as a test, and the solution is official. 
 Ammonium I'etlerianate. (XH 4/ iC 5 H,,O;,. Ammonii Yalerianas, 
 V. S White or colorless, tabular crystal^, deliquescent in moist air, 
 possessing the peculiar odor of valerianic acid, a >harp, sweetish taste 
 and a neutral reaction. Freely soluble in both water and alcohol. 
 It is made by passing dry Ammonia Gas into Valerianic Acid when the salt 
 crystallizes out. On a large scale, however, it is prepared from Fusel Oil 
 (amylic alcohol), which bears the same relation to valerianic acid as ordinary 
 alcohol bears to acetic acid, and like the last named alcohol is converted into 
 its respective acid by oxidation. 
 L'set. Principally in the form of Elixirs containing two grains to the fluid 
 r lram. Solutions of the salt must be carefully neutralized with ammonia so ae 
 to prevent the volatilization of the acid, to which the disagreeable odor is du 
 [See Rational Formulary.]
 Although potassium does not occur free in nature, it is a widely 
 distributed and rather abundant metal. It occurs in many silicates, as 
 l-'eldspar, Leucite, etc.; as Chloride in certain localities, as at Stass- 
 furt, Germany, and also in solution in small proportion in Sea- Water, 
 and in the waters of certain mineral springs; in the form of Nitrate in 
 \arious soils, and in other combinations in most soils; and in the 
 tissues of plants. 
 Potassium. K. From Kalium, the older name for the element. 
 Potassium is developed from the Anglo-Saxon Pot-ash, the residue in 
 a pot in which a solution of wood-ash had been evaporated. 
 It is obtained in the metallic form by heating to a white heat a 
 mixture of Charcoal and Potassium Carbonate, and rapidly cooling 
 the vapor of potassium as it escapes from the crucible, by conducting it 
 into a properly constructed receiver without access of air. The fol- 
 lowing equation represents the reaction which takes place: 
 K,C0 3 !- 2 C: K, -| - 3 CO. 
 It may also be prepared on a small scale by the electrolysis of 
 Potassium Cyanide. 
 Properties. A silver}- white metal, sp. gr. 0.875, brittle, and possessing a 
 crystalline fracture at oC., but of a waxy consistency, and easily cut at i5C.. 
 melting at C>2.5 C., oxiclix.es readily on exposure to damp air, and forms the 
 hydrate with such rapidity when thrown upon water, that the hydrogen set free 
 from the latter is inflamed, and is colored a characteristic violet by the volatil- 
 ized potassium oxide, which is produced. It must be preserved under Benzin 
 or some other liquid that does not contain oxygen. 
 I'ses. Reing a powerful reducing agent, it has some important uses in the 
 chemical laboratory, but has no pharmaceutical importance. Several of its 
 compounds, however, are of great importance. 
 The natural Potassium Compounds are the Chloride, Sulphate, 
 Nitrate and llitartrate. 
 Potassium S////>/iat<: K.._,SO 4 . - Potassii Sulphas, I". S. Occurs 
 native in Sea-Water: in certain mineral waters, mixed with Common 
 Salt, in some salt beds, and is obtained as a by-product in certain 
 In colorless, transparent, six-sided rhombic crystals. It does not change 
 on exposure to the air, has a cooling, saline taste, and is neutral to test
 paper. Its sp. gr. is 2.648, it is soluble in 4 parts of water at I5C. much 
 more freely soluble in boiling water, and nearly insoluble in alcohol. 
 Uses. In medicine, rarely, as a purgative. Owing to the hardness of the 
 crystal, this salt was formerly used in the preparation of Dover's Powder for 
 the purpose of facilitating comminution of the active ingredients; it was re- 
 placed by sugar of milk in the U. S. Ph., '80. 
 Potassium Sulphite K. 2 SO 3 f- 3H 2 O . Potassii Sulphis. Made 
 by passing a current of Sulphurous Acid gas into a solution of Potas- 
 sium Carbonate. Not official. 
 In oblique rhombic octahedral crystals. Odor slight, taste bitter, saline and 
 sulphurous, deliquescent, freely soluble in water, but slightly soluble in 
 alcohol. On heating, decomposition takes place, water and sulphurous acid 
 being given off. 
 Cses. In medicine as an anti-fermentative and anti-putrefactive. 
 Potassium Nitrate. KNO S Potassii Nitras, U. S. Commonly 
 called Saltpetre. Usually obtained as a product of fermentation that 
 takes place in soils, rich in certain forms of organic matter. It is 
 common in certain hot countries, as India, Egypt, Persia, some portions 
 of South America, etc., where it occurs as an efflorescence in the 
 soil. This is collected and purified by repeated solution and re- 
 Six-sided, usually striated, rhombic prisms, that are colorless, odorless, 
 with a cooling saline taste, containing water enclosed mechanically in the in- 
 terstices; or a crystalline powder. It is soluble in j.8 parts water, in 0.4 boil- 
 ing water and sparingly in alcohol. 
 At a high temperature saltpetre evolves oxygen and is gradually changed to 
 the nitrite. 
 f'ses. As a diluent in fused Silver Nitrate, as an ingredient in medicated 
 vapors for asthma etc., as a diuretic, and in large doses as a cardiac and 
 nervous sedative. In the arts for Gunpowder, and in domestic practice for cur- 
 ing meat. 
 Off. Prep. Charta Potassii Nitratis, made by saturating paper in 
 a solution of the salt and drying it. 
 Potassium Bitartrate. KHC 4 H 4 O G . Potassii Bitartras,U. S. 
 Cream of Tartar. Prepared from Argols, orargol, a crystalline deposit 
 formed in grape-juice during the vinous fermentation. It consists of 
 Cream of Tartar associated with Calcium Tartrate and other impuri- 
 ties. The crude product is boiled with water, through which the impu- 
 rities are largely removed, and then purified by repeated crystallization. 
 Colorless or nearly colorless rhombic crystals, or a white, gritty powder, 
 odorless, pleasantly acid to the taste, and having an acid reaction. It is soluble 
 in 200 parts of water, in 16 parts boiling water, nearly insoluble in alcohol. It 
 blackens when strongly heated, and gives out the odor of burnt sugar.
 As the salt is very liable to adulteration, the pharmacopoeial tests for purity 
 should always be applied to samples purchased for medicinal use. 
 Uses. As the source of Tartaric Acid, and in thte preparation of Antimony 
 and Potassium Tartrate, Iron c'ind Potassium Tartrate, Sodium and Potassium 
 Tartrate, and Potassium Tartrate. 
 In medicine as a laxative, refrigerant, and diuretic. Mixed with some dry 
 powder, such as starch, in conjunction with Sodium Bicarbonate, it is largely 
 used as baking powder. The carbonic acid, by exposure to moisture and heat, 
 is liberated in the process of baking, thus rendering the bread light and porous. 
 Off. Prep. In Pulvis Jalapoe Compositus, P>each's Diaphoretic 
 Powder, and as an ingredient in many unofficial mixtures. Popularly 
 as a blood purifier mixed with flowers of sulphur. 
 From Potassium Bitartrate the following are made: 
 Potassium Tartrate. (K 2 C 4 H 4 O ti ) 2 -{-H 2 O. Potassii Tartras. 
 Made by neutralizing a solution of Cream of Tartar with Potassium 
 Carbonate. Not official. 
 Monoclinic, transparent, somewhat deliquescent crystals, with a saline, 
 somewhat bitter taste, and neutral to test paper. When heated, water is given 
 off, and at a higher temperature the mass becomes charred. Very soluble in 
 Uses. In medicine chiefly as an aperient, and in pharmacy as a test for 
 glucose in Fehling's solution. 
 Potassium and Sodium Tar/raft'. KXaC 4 H 4 O 6 -j-4H.,O. Potassii et 
 Sodii Tartras, l~. S. This is commonly called Rochelle Salt, and is 
 prepared by saturating a solution of Sodium Carbonate with Potassi'im 
 Bitartrate, evaporating the solution and crystallizing. 
 In the form of a white powder, or in transparent rhombic crystals, slightly 
 efflorescent in dry air, odorless, and with a bitterish mildly saline taste. Soluble 
 in 1.4 parts of water at i5C, and nearly insoluble in alcohol. Melts in its 
 water of crystallization at about 75C. ; at a more elevated temperature it dries 
 and then chars. 
 Uses. In medicine as a laxative. 
 Off. Prep. Pulvis Effervescens Compositus.
 From Potassium Sulphate the Carbonate is made, and from this in 
 turn all the other Potassium compounds. 
 Potassium Carbonate. K/'O., Potassii Carbonas. U. S. Sails 
 of Tartar. 
 Obtained by leaching \Vood-Ashes and evaporating the lye thus 
 obtained and purifying it; also from Potassium Sulphate which occurs 
 in sea-water, and as mineral in some localities. 
 White granular powder, or in white solid masses, odorless, with a somewhat 
 raustic and alkaline taste, and alkaline reaction. It is highly deliquescent, and 
 must be kept in well-stoppered bottles. Soluble in one part of w-iter. but i-, 
 insoluble in alcohol. 
 f'scs. For the general purposes of an alkali, in Sulphurated J'otassa, an 1 
 many unofficial preparations. In medicine it is used externally on account of 
 its irritant or caustic effect, and internally as an antacid and diuretic. In larg>; 
 doses an irritant caustic, the proper antidote being dilute acids, such as vine- 
 Potassium Bicarbonate. K.HCO 3 . Potassii 15i< arbonas. U. S. 
 Obtained from the carbonate by saturating a solution of the latter with 
 Carbon-Dioxide, filtering, evaporating, and allowing the liijuid to 
 Transparent, colorless, monoclinic prisms, permanent in dry air without 
 odor, taste saline and somewhat alkaline. It is soluble in 32 parts water, in 
 2 parts at 50 C. ; in solutions above this temperature, Carbon Dioxide, is given 
 off. Almost insoluble in alcohol. Heated to about 2ooC., it gives oft water an-! 
 carbon dioxide, and is converted into the carbonate An impure variety, in tlv- 
 form of a white powder, was formerly sold under the name of Saleratus 
 cV<\9. In many saline draughts, when of acid reaction, to furnish Carbonic 
 Acid by decomposition. For that purpose it is used in the official Solution ot 
 Magnesium Citrate. 
 Caustic Potassa. KHO. Potassa. U. S. Potassium Hydroxide. 
 Caustic Potash. Usually obtained by decomposing a solution ot 
 Potassium Carbonate by means of freshly slaked Lime. It is com- 
 monly sold in sticks or pencils, which are hard, white, very delique- 
 cent, very caustic to the taste, and strongly alkaline in their reaction. 
 At i5C. it is soluble in one-half its weight of water, and in twice it 
 weight of alcohol. 
 Liquor Potassa?, containing Potassa 56 parts, and Distilled Wit -r 
 944 parts. 
 Potassa cum Calce, made by rubbing together equal parts i>y weigiu 
 of Potassa and Lime. " Potassa by alcohol," a pure unofficial form.
 is prepared by precipitating the impurities from a solution of the com- 
 mercial Potassa with Alcohol. 
 Sulphurated Potassa. Potassa Sulplmrata, U. S. "Liver of Sul- 
 phur." -Not a definite compound, but a mixture of several, produced 
 by gradually heating a mixture of Sublimed Sulphur, i part, and 
 Potassium Carbonate, 2 parts, until effervescence ceases, and cooling 
 the fused mass by pouring it out on a marble slab. 
 It is, when fresh, composed chiefly of potassium trisulphide and potassium 
 hyposulphite, but usually contains also a small percentage of unchanged potas- 
 sium carbonate It rapidly undergoes change, on exposure to the air, and 
 must be kept in tight-fitting, glass-stoppered bottles. 
 Liver-colored masses, changing to greenish yellow or brownish-yellow on 
 exposure; odor faint, disagreeable, resembling sulphureted hydrogen; taste 
 bitter, alkaline and repulsive. 
 Uses.- In the preparation of Lotions, Ointments, etc., for diseases of the skin 
 or mucou? surfaces. Now seldom used internally. 
 Potassium Chlorate.- -KC1O 3 Potassii Chloras, U. S. Usually 
 obtained by the action of Chlorine on a solution of Caustic Potash, or 
 on a moistened mixture of Potassium Carbonate and Caustic Lime. 
 After saturation with Chlorine the mixture is diluted with Water and 
 then evaporated until crystals begin to form. 
 Colorless monoclinic prisms or plates, possessing a pearly lustre, neutral to 
 test paper, odorless, and with a cooling, saline taste. Soluble in 16.5 parts of 
 water, in i 7 parts of boiling water, very sparingly soluble in alcohol at any 
 temperature. When heated the salt first fuses, then gives off its oxygen, leav- 
 ing a residue of potassium chloride. 
 (Jses. As a source of oxygen; in the manufacture of Potassium Permanga- 
 nate, and in medicine chiefly as a remedy for ulcers in the mouth and throat. 
 Off. Prep. Trochisci I'otassii Chloratis; and an unofficial solution 
 containing 2 Gin. (30 grains) of the salt in 33 c.c. (fluid ounce) for 
 dispensing purposes. 
 Caution: Potassium chlorate should be kept in glass-stoppered bottles, and 
 %rtat caution should be observed in handling the salt, as dangerous explosions are 
 liable to occur when it is mixed with organic matter (cork, tannic acid, sugar, 
 stc.) or with sulphur, antimony sulphide, phosphorus, or other easily oxidizable 
 substances, and either heated directly, or subjected to trituration or concussion. 
 Potassium Bromide. KBr. Potassii Bromidum, U. S. Ob- 
 tained by the reaction of Potassium Carbonate upon a solution of Fer- 
 rous Bromide, according to the following equation: 
 FeBr a + K. 2 CO :J - 2 KBr -f FeCO a . 
 Colorless, cubical crystals, permanent in dry air, odorless, with a 
 saline taste, and neutral reaction. Soluble in 1.6 parts of water, in
 less than its weight of boiling water, and in 200 parts of alcohol. At 
 a dull red heat it fuses, without loss of weight. 
 Ust-s. As a sedative, anaesthetic, and hypnotic. In various unofficial prepa- 
 rations: Elixir containing 10 grains to the fluid dram, and in a Compound 
 Mixture of Po - l ssiucii Bromide and Chloral, containing 15 grains of each in one 
 fluid dram, ai i j s grain each, extract Cannabis Indica and extract. I lyoscya- 
 mus. (See Nat. Form.) 
 Potassium Iodide. K.I. 1'otassii lodidum, U. S. Obtained by 
 heating Iodine in a solution of Potassa, concentrating by evaporating 
 and treating with charcoal, drying and heating to redness, dissolving 
 in Distilled Water, and crystalli/ing. The reactions that take place 
 are represented as follows: 
 (i) 6KOII-j- 3 I 2 5 KI ; K10 3 -| 3 H,0. 
 Potassium lodate, KIO ;J . is poisonous, and is heated with charcoal, 
 when it becomes reduced to iodide: 
 (2) 2KIO,-j- 3 C 2 -2KI-J-6CO. 
 Colorless, transparent or translucent, cubical crystals, somewhat 
 deliquescent, with a faint, peculiar odor, a saline taste, and neutral 
 reaction. Soluble in 0.75 parts of water, in one-half its weight of 
 boiling water, and in i<S parts of alcohol. 
 Uses. As a reagent in the laboratory, and in medicine as a resolvent, being 
 the most valuable of all the compounds of iodine. It is usually administered in 
 Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, more especially to mask its disagreeable taste. 
 It is also used to make iodine soluble in water or watery mixtures, as in the fol- 
 lowing official preparations: 
 Liquor lodi Compositns: Iodine, 5 Cm.; Potassium Iodide, 10 Gin.; Water, 
 85 Gm. 
 Ungnentinii lodi: Iodine, 4 parts; Potassium Iodide, i pnrt; Water, 2 parts; 
 Benzoinated Lard, 93 parts. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Potassii iodidi: Potassium Iodide, 12 parts: 
 Sodium Hyposulphite, i part; boiling Water, 10 parts: I5enx. Lard. 
 7 7 parts. 
 Potassium Hypophosphitc. KPILO., Potassii Hypophosphis, I . 
 S. Obtained by boiling a solution of Potassa with Phosphorus. 
 Granular powdjr or white confused crystalline masses, neutral to test paper, 
 odorless, with a sharp saline taste, very deliquescent, soluble in o.G parts of 
 water, and in 7.3 parts of alcohol. 
 ( 'st-t. In the preparation of Syrup of Elypophosphites and various unofficial 
 preparations; Elixirs and Cod-Liver < >il Emulsions. 
 Potassium Arst'iiitc, solution. Liquor Potassii Arse-nitis. I . S. 
 Fowler's Solution. 
 Made by boiling i Gm. of Arsenous Acid and 2 of Potassium Bicarbonate, IH 
 IQC.C. of Water, until solution is complete, and then adding Compound Tinc- 
 ture of Lavender 3 c.c., and Water enough t<> measure 100 c.c.
 Potassium Bichromate. K a Cr,() 7 . Potassii Bichromas, U. S. Ob- 
 tained from Chrome-ironstone, l''e()C'r.,().,. by roasting it, heating it 
 strong! v with Potassium Carbonate and Lime, leaching out the Potas- 
 sium Chromate thus formed, and converting it into the I'ichromate by 
 treating the solution with Sulphuric Acid. 
 Garnet rod tables or prisms, odorless, -with an unpleasant, bitter, metallic 
 taste, and an acid reaction. Soluble in 10 parts of water, insoluble in alcohol, 
 fusible below red heat into a transparent, red liquid, and decomposes at a white 
 heat into oxvgen, normal chromate, and chromic oxide. 
 fst-s. As a test in pharmaceutical chemistry (see the official Test Liquid), 
 in the preparation of Chromic and Valerianic Acids. Also in dyeing, and with 
 Sulphuric Acid i'or coloring liquids in "show bottles." Internally in large 
 doses it is poisonous, chalk, magnesia or soap being the proper antidotes. 
 j\~ornial PvJiissiittii Cliroinali', or yellow chromate of potash, K.,CrO,>. This 
 occurs in six-sided, lemon-yellow crystals, and is usually prepared by adding 
 Potassium Carbonate to a solution of the Bichromate so long as effervescence is 
 Ust's. Chiefly for the preparation of test solution in pharmaceutical chem- 
 Potassium Permanganate. KMnO i . Potassii Permanganas, U. S. 
 - Usually obtained by the reaction of Potassa and Potassium Chlor- 
 ate on Manganese Dioxide. 
 Dark purple, or nearly black, rhombic prisms, with a metallic luster, neutral 
 to test paper; permanent in the air, odorless, sweetish and afterward disagreea- 
 ble to the taste. Soluble in 16 parts of water, forming a deep purple colored 
 solution in j parts boiling water. In contact with alcohol it is decomposed. 
 I 'st-s.- Owing to the fact that it readilv parts with oxygen in contact with 
 jrganic matters, it is used as a Disinfectant, in the preparation of washes for 
 Joul ulcers, etc., and is also given internally in diphtheria, sore throat, etc. It 
 should be exhibited only with substances free from organic matter, lest it be re- 
 duced, and for this reason, when prescribed in the pill form, the excipient 
 should be petrolatum and kaoline or similar non-oxidizable substances. 
 Ciiit/inii. Potassium Permanganate should be kept in glass-stoppered bot- 
 tles protected from light and should not be brought in contact with organic or 
 readily oxidizable substances. Mixed with glycerin or similar substances, it 
 may cause explosion.
 The following arc compounds of organic radical: 
 Potassium Acetate. KC^HjOj. Potassii Acetas, U. S. Made by 
 saturating a solution of Potassium Carbonate with Acetic Acid, and 
 evaporating f he solution until crystals are formed. 
 A deliquesc-nt, crystalline or granular white salt, without odor, and having a 
 mildly pungent and saline taste. Soluble in 0.36 parts of water and 1.9 parts 
 of alcohol, melts to an oily liquid at a temperature of about 2goC., and at a 
 higher temperature is decomposed, evolving acetic acid, acetone and other 
 volatile products, and leaves potassium carbonate and charcoal. It must l>e 
 kept in well-stoppered bottles. 
 fscs. In medicine as a diuretic and diaphoretic. 
 Potassium Citrate. K.C FLO, 4- FLO. Potassii Citras, U. S. 
 3507) * 
 Obtained by neutralization of a solution of Citric Acid with Potassium 
 Bicarbonate, and evaporating the solution until a granular salt re- 
 A white, deliquescent powder or transparent prismatic crystals with cooling, 
 faintly alkaline taste and neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Soluble in 0.6 
 parts of water, sparingly soluble in alconol loses its water of crystallization at 
 2ooC., and chars. 
 ( 'ses . As an arterial sedative and a diaphoretic 
 Off. Prep. Liquor Potassii Citratis; a six-per-cent solution of 
 Citric Acid saturated with Potas'um Bicarbonate. 
 The "Neutral Mixture," forme ..'v official, was Lemon-juice neu- 
 tralized with Potassium Bicarbonate. 
 Potassii Citras Effervescent, U. S. A mixture of 63 Gin. of Citric 
 Acid, 90 Gm. Potassium Bicarbonate and Sugar to make 200 Gm. 
 The ingredients are powdered separately, then mixed thoroughly in a warm 
 mortar. The resulting paste is dried rapidly at a temperature not exceeding 
 i2oC. and reduced to a granular powder. The product must be kept in well- 
 stoppered bottles. It is used to furnish effervescing draughts. 
 Potassium Ferrocyanide. K ( Fei ,'CN) ~- 3H 2 O. Potassii Ferro- 
 ryanidum, U. S. From this, in the long run, nearly all the Cyano- 
 gen compounds are prepared. It is obtained by heating crude Potash 
 in covered cast-iron pots, into which is thrown a mixture of Iron 
 filings and Carbonaceous matters, such as horn, feathers, dried blood. 
 etc. The fused mass is lixiviated, and the clear liquid evaporated 
 and crystallized. 
 Large, light-yellow, translucent or nearly transparent, quadratic pyramidal 
 crystals. Soluble in 4 parts of water, in 2 parts boiling water, insoluble in 
 alcohol. Sp. gr. 1.83. Slightly deliquescent, heated to 60 begins to part with 
 its water of crystallization, and at ion it is completely siven off, a white powder 
 remaining. It is not poisonous.
 Uses. Used in the preparation of Hydrocyanic Acid, the Cyanides, etc., and 
 as a test for iron, zinc and copper. 
 Potassium Cyanide. KC'N. Potassii Cyanidum, U. S. Obtained 
 by fusing together proper proportions of dried Potassium Ferro- 
 cyanide and Potassium Carbonate, dissolving out the Potassium Cyan- 
 ide formed and crystallizing it. 
 Amorphous, or finely crystalline, white masses, deliquescent in moist air, 
 with a penetrating odor resembling that of bitter almonds, and a sharp alkaline 
 taste and reaction. Its fumes are poisonous when inhaled, and when taken in- 
 ternally the salt acts as a violent poison. It must be preserved in glass-stop- 
 pered bottles. 
 Uses. Its medicinal properties and uses are similar to those of Hydrocyanic 
 Acid, for which it is sometimes used (in the right proportion) because of being 
 more stable. The commercial article is largely used in the arts for mining, 
 plating, etc., but is usually too impure for med'cina! purposes.
 Sodium resembles Potassium, and forms a similar series of com. 
 Sources. Sodium does not occur native, but its compounds are 
 abundant and widely distributed. Common Salt, Chili Saltpetre, 
 Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Sulphate forming considerable deposits 
 in some localities. The Silicates and Fluorides of Sodium are also 
 common minerals. 
 Sodium. Na. The symbol is derived from Natrium, the N'itrum of 
 the ancients. 
 Metallic sodium is obtained by a process analogous to that used for 
 obtaining potassium, but it is obtained with less difficulty than the 
 "atter metal. 
 A white metal with a silvery luster, sp. gr. 0.973, has the consistency of wax 
 at ordinary temperature; when thrown on water forms the hydrate and melts by 
 the heat produced by its union with the oxygen of the water, but the freed 
 hydrogen of the latter is not inflamed unless the melted sodium globule be res- 
 trained from moving about; when it burns, and the flame has a deep yellow 
 color. It readily oxidizes in contact with moist air. 
 Cst-s. The metal itself is not used in pharmacy, but its compounds are not 
 less important than those of potassium 
 The three most common natural Compounds of Sodium are the 
 Chloride, the Sulphate and the Nitrate. 
 Sodium Chloride. NaCl Sodii Chloridum, U. S. This is com- 
 mon "salt," too familiar to require description. It is found native as 
 Rock Salt in many parts of the world, and occurs in the sea, as well as 
 in many lakes, and in plants and animals. 
 ft is chiefly obtained in the States of New York, Michigan, West 
 Virginia and Kansas from Salt-wells in the Earth, the brine being 
 pumped to the surface and the Salt obtained by evaporation in 
 vacuum apparatus. 
 Uses. In pharmacy in the preparation of Chlorine gas, Hydrochloric Acid, 
 Calomel, etc., and somewhat also in medicine, in washes and as a haemostatic, 
 Sodium Sulphate. Na 2 SO 4 -f-ioH 2 O. Sodii Sulphas, U. S. Com- 
 monly called Glauber's Salt. Frequently found native, and obtained 
 as a by-product in many chemical processes.
 152 SODIUM 
 Large, transparent, colorless, monoclinic prisms; which are odorless, with a 
 cooling, saline, and a decidedly bitter taste. Efflorescent and crumbling to a 
 white powder on exposure to dry air, neutral to test paper, soluble in 2.8 parts 
 of water and insoluble in alcohol. 
 ['ses. As a purgative; chiefly in veterinary practice. 
 Sodium Nitrate. NaNo 3 . Sodii Nitras, U. S. Occurs native in 
 extensive beds in Chili and Peru, and the crude article is called Chili 
 Transparent, colorless, deliquescent, rhombohedral crystals. Neutral to 
 test paper, inodorous, taste cooling, saline and bitterish. Soluble in 1.3 parts 
 of water and nearly insoluble in alcohol. Melts at 3i2C., and at higher tem- 
 peratures gives off oxygen, and is converted into the nitrite. 
 Uses. Principal source of Nitric Acid, also used in preparing Sodium 
 Arsenate. In medicine, chiefly as a mild purgative. 
 In the arts as a substitute for Potassium Nitrate or the ordinary East India 
 So.Uum Nitrite. NaNo 2 . Sodii Nitris, U. S. Obtained by heat- 
 ing Sodium Nitrate with some organic substance, such as Starch, or by 
 fusing it with lead, forming Lead Oxide and Sodium Nitrite. 
 White opaque masses or in the form of pencils, deliquescent and changed to 
 the nitrate by exposure to the air. 
 Soluble in 1.5 parts of water, very soluble in boiling water, slightly soluble in 
 Uses. To yield Nitric Oxide in the preparation of Spirit Nitrous Ether; 
 sometimes used internally. 
 Sodium Carbonate. Na 2 CO 3 - r ioH./).- Sodii Carbonas, U. S. 
 Sal Soda;" exists in many mineral waters, the waters of certain 
 lakes in hot and dry countries, and also in plants 
 It is manufactured at Xatrona, Pa., from the mineral Cryolite ob- 
 tained from Cireenland. which is a double Fluoride of Sodium and 
 Aluminum, by boiling it with caustic Lime. 
 The f.ehlauc process consists in heating the Chloride with Lime 
 and Coal and obtaining the carbonate by lixiviation in an impure 
 form known ;H -Soda Ash." From this the pure salt is obtained by 
 It is also obtained by the ammonia process of Solvay, which consists 
 in treating Sodium Chloride with Ammonia gas and Carbon Dioxide. 
 Ammonium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate are formed, the latter 
 precipitating because of its comparative insolubility. The Carbonate 
 is easily obtained by heating the Bicarbonate, dissolving and crystalli/- 
 ing the residue. 
 Large, colorless, oblique rhombic crystals, or in irregular lumps, with a 
 strongly alkaline reaction, and with an alkaline taste. On exposure to the air
 it effloresces and falls to a white powder. Insoluble in alcohol, soluble in 1.6 
 parts of water. 
 f'sfs. To prepare various other sodium compounds; only the whole crystals 
 should be used It is purified by re-crystallization, or granulated for medicinal 
 Off. J'rep. Sodii Carlumas Kxsiccatus, made by exposing the crys- 
 tals to the air, and then to a temperature of 45C'., until a white 
 ixnvder is formed, which represents one-half the original weight of the 
 Sodium Bicarbonate. NaH('() ;! . Sodii Bicarbonas, ''Baking 
 Soda."- Made from the Carbonate by exposing it to Carbon Dioxide. 
 White powder, permanent in air, odorless, cooling, saline taste, and alkaline 
 reaction. Soluble in 11.3 parts of water, insoluble in alcohol. The aqueous 
 solution if heated gives up a part of its carbon dioxide and becomes a solution 
 of the carbonate 
 Uses. For the preparation of various other sodium compounds, in medicine 
 as an antacid to furnish Carbonic Acid to draughts and in the manufacture of 
 Off. Prep. Mistura Rhei et Soda.': 1'ulv. Effervescences comp.; 
 Trochisci Sodii Bicarbonatis. 
 Sodii Bicarbonas Venalis is common, impure commercial sodium bicarbon- 
 ate, formerly official 
 Soda. NaHO. Soda. U. S. . -'Caustic Soda."- The process of 
 manufacture is similar to that of potassa. consisting in decomposing 
 a solution of Sodium Carbonate with Lime. The insoluble Calcium 
 Carbonate formed precipitates, and the Sodium Hydrate is obtained 
 upon evaporation of the solution. 
 Caustic soda closely resembles caustic potassa in appearance and properties, 
 and is usually cast in pencils in the same way. Soluble in 1.7 parts of water, 
 in 0.8 part boiling water and freely soluble in alcohol. It does not produce a 
 precipitate when an aqueous solution of it be dropped into an aqueous solution 
 of tartaric acid, even when the latter remains in excess It is thus readilv dis- 
 tinguished from caustic potassa 
 I 'srs. Similar to potassa 
 Off. Prep. Liquor Soda,', made either from Sodium C. arbonate and 
 Lime, or by dissolving 56 dm. Caustic Soda in Water to make 1000 
 dm. similarly to the process for Solution of Potassa. 
 Sodium Chlorate. NaCK) s . Sodii Chlora<. 1. S. Obtained by 
 the action of Chlorine on a solution of Soda, by a process analogous 
 to that for the corresponding salt of potassium. 
 Transparent, tetrahedral crystals, permanent in the air. odorless, cooling, 
 saline taste, and neutral reaction Yields up it> nyvsfn when heated, leaving 
 common salt as the residue.
 154 SODIUM 
 If triturated with organic or other easily oxidizable compounds, explosion is 
 liable to occur and the same precautions must be taken in storing, handling and 
 mixing it as are directed in '.he case of Potassium Chlorate. 
 L'si-s. Similar to those of Potassium Chlorate. 
 Sodium Bromide. NaBr. Sodii Bromidum, U. S. Obtained by 
 double decomposition between Ferrous Bromide and Sodium Carbon- 
 ate by a process similar to that employed for potassium bromide. 
 A white crystalline powder or small white monoclinic crystals, permanent in 
 dry air, odorless, having a saline taste, and a neutral or faintly alkaline reaction. 
 Soluble in 1.2 parts of water and in 13 parts of alcohol, and fusing without loss 
 of weight at a dull-red heat. 
 Uses. Same as those of Potassium Bromide. 
 Preparation. An unofficial Elixir containing 10 grains to the 
 fluid-dram. (See Nat. Form.) 
 Sodium Iodide. Xal. Sodii lodidum, U. S. Obtained by the 
 reaction of Iodine on Soda and the conversion of the lodate into 
 Iodide by the same method employed in making Potassium Iodide. 
 A white powder or small, colorless or transparent, monoclinic crystals. 
 Deliquescent, inodorous, and having a bitterish saline taste. Soluble in o.G 
 part of water and 3 parts of alcohol. Melts at a dull-red heat, and at a higher 
 temperature volatilizes with partial decomposition. 
 Uses. Same as that of Potassium Iodide. 
 Sodium Snip/life. Xa 2 SO 3 -f 7H 2 O. Sodii Sulphis, U. S. Prepared 
 by neutralizing a solution of Sodium Carbonate with Sulphurous Acid 
 Transparent, colorless, monoclinic prisms, odorless, with cooling, saline and 
 somewhat sulphurous taste, and slightly alkaline reaction. Effloresces and 
 gradually changes to the sulphate on exposure to the air. Soluble in 4 parts 
 of water and but slightly soluble in alcohol. When heated it first melts, then 
 loses its water of crystallization, and finally is decomposed, giving off sul- 
 phurous gas. 
 Uses. In medicine similar to those of potassium sulphite as an anti-fermenta- 
 tive, etc. 
 Sodium Bisulphite. NaHSO 3 . Sodii Bisulphis, U. S. Made by 
 saturating a cold solution of Sodium Carbonate with Sulphurous Acid 
 A white granular powder or opaqueprismatic crystals, odor faintly sulphurous, 
 taste disagreeable, undergoing decomposition on exposure to tne air. Soluble, 
 in 4 parts of \.ater and i;i 72 parts of alcohol. 
 Uses. Similar to those of the normal sulphite. 
 Sodium Ifyposnlphitc. Xa_>SjO 3 +5FI 2 O. Sodii Hyposulphis. 
 U. S., Sodium Thiosulphate. Usually prepared by heating together 
 the proper proportions of Sulphur and dried Sodium Carbonate, stir-
 ling vigorously to facilitate oxidation, and then converting the 
 normal Sulphite thus formed into the Hyposulphite by dissolving it 
 in Water and boiling it with Sulphur. It is also prepared by decom- 
 position of Calcium Thiosulphate with Sodium Carbonate, or Sul- 
 Monoclinic, prismatic or tabular crystals, permanent in the air, transparent 
 colorless, inodorous, and with a sulphurous, cooling and alkaline taste. Solu- 
 ble in 0.65 part of water and insoluble in alcohol, decomposed iu boiling water. 
 On heating, it first loses its water of crystallization and then is decomposed 
 with the separation of sulphur. 
 I '.'<>. In medicine, for its anti-putrefactive rind anti-fermentative properties, 
 chiefly. In the arts, in the manufacture of paper and in photography as a solvent 
 for bromide, or chloride, of silver. 
 Preparations. The Volumetric Test Solution and in the so-culled 
 Decolori/ed Tincture of Iodine. 
 Tincture Iihii Dccoliiratti. Prepared by digesting Iodine and Sodium H\i<>- 
 sulphite in water, until a dark, brownish-red solution results; adding Alcohol 
 and Stronger Water of Ammonia and shaking until the solution has become 
 colorless. (See Nat. Form.) 
 Snlphocarl'ola/c. XaSO 3 C 6 H 4 (OH) -{- 2H..O. Sodii Siil- 
 phocarbolas, U. S. (Sodium Faraphenolsulphonate). Obtained by 
 the reaction of Barium Sulphocarbolate in solution, upon Sodium 
 Carbonate or Sodium Sulphate. 
 Rhombic prismatic crystals, which are colorless or slightlv pinkish, trans- 
 parent, permanent in the air, inodorous, with a bitterish, saline taste. Soluble 
 in 4.8 parts of water and in i >,2 parts of alcohol. When heated it first loses its 
 water of crystallization, then decomposes, giving off the odor of carbolic acid, 
 leaving behing a charred mass. 
 CM-:. It has much the same medicinal value as carbolic acid, but is much 
 milder in its action, 
 Sodium Phosphate. XaJIPO 4 -(- 1 2H : O. Sodii Phosphas, U. S. 
 Prepared by a somewhat complicated process from Uone-ash, Sul- 
 phuric Acid and Sodium Carbonate. 
 Transparent, colorless, monoclinic, prisms of large si/.e, efflorescent on ex- 
 posure to the air, inodorous and with a cooling, saline or somewhat alkaline 
 taste, and a slightly alkaline reaction. Soluble in 5.8 parts of water and in- 
 - Uible in alcohol. When heated to .40 C. the salt fuses, yielding a colorless 
 li jnid; at iooC. it loses its water of crystallization and at jooC. it is con- 
 verted into the pyrophosphate. 
 Cses. For the preparation of the Sodium Fyrophosphate, of Ir.>n Phosphate 
 etc. In medicine mainlv for its mildlv purgative effects. 
 Sodium ryrophosphatc. ^.'&p.iO. '-ioH,O.- Sodii Pyrophosphus, 
 I. S. Prepared by heating the phosphate to ;,oo C.
 Translucent, colorless, monoclinic prisms, permanent in the air, odor and 
 taste like the phosphate, soluble in j 2. parts of water and insoluble in alcohol 
 Cst-s. Chiefly for the preparation of Iron Pyrophosphate. 
 Sodium Ifypopliosphit,-. \aPH./)j-f-H,O. Sodii Hvpophosphis, 
 U. S. Made Iy the neutral reaction of Sodium Carbonate and Cal- 
 cium Hypophosphite, and in other ways. 
 A white powder, or colorless rectangular tabular crystals, very deliquescent. 
 odorless, with a saline, slightly sweetish taste, soluble in i part of water and 
 30 of alcohol. \Yhen heated strongly, it first loses its water of crystallization, 
 and then undergoes decomposition. 
 I'scs, In medicine, in treatment of phthisis, bronchitis, and in nervous 
 Off. J^rcp. Syrupus Hypophosphitum; Syrupus Hypophosphitum 
 cum Ferro; and in unofficial Cod liver oil Emulsions, Elixirs, etc. 
 [See Xat. Form.] 
 Sodium Arscnatc. Xa^HAsOi-j- yH.'O. Sodii Arsenas, U. S. 
 Made by fusing together in the proper proportions Sodium Carbon- 
 ate and Nitrate with Arsenous Acid, treating the fused mass with 
 Water and crystallizing. 
 Colorless, transparent, prismatic crystals, that are odorless, and have a 
 somewhat alkaline taste. Somewhat deliquescent, soluble in 4 parts of water, 
 very sparing! v in alcohol. It is poisonous. 
 L'scs. Similar to those of Fowler's Solution. 
 Off. /';r/>. Liquor Sodii Arsenatis. 
 Sodium Acetate. XaC,M a O,. - 3ILO. Sodfi Acetas, U. S. Made 
 by saturating a solution of Sodium Carbonate, or Bicarbonate, wiri 
 Acetic Acid and obtaining the salt by evaporation and crystallization. 
 Colorless, transparent, monoclinic prisms or a granular crystalline powder, 
 odorless, slightly alkaline, of a bitterish, saline taste and efflorescent in dry air. 
 Soluble in i.\ parts of water and in 30 parts of alcohol. At Go : C. the crystals. 
 melt, at ].2j~C. give dt tln-ir \\ater of crystalli/ation, and at a higher tempera- 
 ture the mass blackens and decomposes. 
 L'scs. Similar to those of Potassium Acetate, to \\hich it is sometimes pre- 
 ferred because of its milder action. 
 * by 
 Vv'hite. semi-crv^tailine or amorpliiras powder, r.suaiiy v.-ith a fain: 
 ben/oin, a swi'et. astringent taste, and neutral reactinn. It is solubl 
 parts of water and in .|5 jinrts of alcul'i. !. 
 /",.-(.>. In trout, rli' 'i!T..'!ti-;n and rrnrd disorders.
 LITHIUM. 157 
 Sodium Salieylafe. 2XaC 7 II 5 O 3 . Sodii Salicylas, V. S. Prepared 
 by the reaction of Salirylir Ac id on Soda, or on Sodium Carbonate, 
 in Water. 
 White, tabular crystals of small si/.c, or in the form of a white, crystalline 
 powder. Inodorous, saline, and somewhat sweetish taste, and slightly acid 
 reaction. Dissolves in 0.9 part of water and in 6 parts of alcohol. Decom- 
 posed by heat, giving off inflammable vapors and leaving a charred mass. 
 i/.-r.i. In medicine, mainly in the treatment of rheumatism. Con\eniently 
 prepared extemporaneously in solution from salicylic acid and sodium bicar- 
 Si'tiiutn SiJHtuiiiiiiitt-. Made by the reaction of Scda on Santonin, in the 
 presence of Water, and crystallizing the salt was official in the II. S. Ph., 1880, 
 It was used in the form of troches, but since the Sodium Salt of Santonin has 
 proved to be unreliable as a worm-destroyer the substance and the troches 
 have both been discarded. 
 Lithium does not exist free in nature, and its compounds are much 
 .ess abundant than either those of potassium or sodium. It occurs in 
 certain minerals, as lepidolite, spodumene, petalite, etc.; in certain 
 mineral waters, in minute quantities in sea-waters and even in most 
 fresh waters. It occurs also in many plants. 
 The metal, which is too expensive to be more than a scientific curiosity, Is 
 obtained by electrolysis from the choloride. It boars a close resemblance to 
 potassium and sodium in its properties. It is the lightest of all known mstaJs. 
 having a sp. gr. (if onlv 0.5891. 
 Characteristic Reactions of Lithium Salts; 
 The compounds an- not volatilized at a low red heat. 
 They impart a beautiful crimson color to a non-luminous flame. A white 
 precipitate is produced in a solution of Lithium Chloride upon boiling with 
 Sodium Phosphate or Carbonate. 
 The following Compounds of Lithium are official: 
 Lithium Carbonate. - LijCO 3 . Lithii Carbonas, U. S. Obtained 
 from the Chloride by treating its solution with Ammonium Carbonate. 
 A !i_fnt, white powder, odorless and having an alkaline taste; permanent in the 
 air. Soluble in So parts of water, in 140 parts of boiling water: much more 
 soluble- in Carbonic Acid Water; insoluble in alcohol. 
 f'.-: \ In medichv as a solvent for uric acid deposits and gouty concretions; 
 also as a remedy for gouty and rheumatic affections. The dose of tlu 1 Lithium 
 compounds ranges from 0.3 to j Cm. 15 to 15 gr>.). 
 l-'mm the Carbonate all the other Lithium compounds are easily 
 Lithium BromiJc. LilJr. Lithii 15romidum. I'. S. Is made from 
 the Carbonate by decomposing it with Ilydrobromic Acid. 
 A white granular salt, odorless, and hiving a sharp, sli-htlv bitter taste;
 very deliquescent. Soluble in 0.6 part of water and 0.3 part of boiling water; 
 very soluble in alcohol; also soluble in ether. 
 f'sc-s. It has the same medicinal virtues as the other bromides, only, it is 
 claimed, in a higher degree, because more soluble and containing a larger pro- 
 portion of bromine. 
 Lithium Bcnzoatc. LiC 7 H 5 (>2. Lithii Benzoas, U. S. Made from 
 the Carbonate by decomposing it with Benzoic Acid. 
 A light, white powder or small, shining, crystalline scales; odorless or of a 
 faint benzoin-like odor and of a cooling, sweetish taste. Soluble in 4 parts of 
 water and in 12 parts of alcohol. 
 Uses. To some extent in medicine as a substitute for sodium benzoate. 
 Lithium Citrate. Li 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 . Lithii Citras, U. S. Made from 
 the Carbonate by saturating a solution of it with Citric Acid. 
 A white powder, odorless, and having a cooling, faintly alkaline taste; delr 
 quescent on exposure to air. Soluble in 2 parts of water, almost insoluble in 
 alcohol or ether. 
 Uses. Similar to those of the carbonate. 
 Lithii Citras Effcrvcscens. U. S. A mixture of Lithium Carbon- 
 ate, 70 Gm.; Citric Acid, 370 Gm.; Sodium Bicarbonate, 280 Gm. 
 and Sugar to make 1000 Gm. 
 A convenient and elegant form of administering Lithium Salts. The dose i ; 
 .from 4 to 8 Gm. 
 Lithium Salicylate.-UiCJ3.iQy Lithii Salicylas, U. S. Produced 
 by the action of Salicylic Acid upon the Carbonate. 
 A white or grayish white, deliquescent powder, odorless and having a sweet- 
 ish taste; very soluble in water or alcohol. 
 Uses. Similar to tnose of the corresponding salts of potassium and sodium.
 The Alkaline Earths. 
 The alkaline earths include the elements Barium, Calcium, Stron- 
 tium and Magnesium. 
 Barium occurs in nature chiefly in the form of Sulphate or heavy- 
 spar, and as Carbonate or Witherite. The metal, obtained by electro- 
 lysis, possesses a bright, yellow color, and burns brilliantly when heated 
 in the air. 
 Only one salt of barium is official, but some of the compounds are used in 
 chemistry and in the arts, the chloride as a chemical reagent, the sulphate as a 
 pigment and the nitrate in pyrotechny. 
 Barium Dioxide BaO 2 . Barii Dioxidum, U. S. Barium Peroxide. 
 Prepared by conducting oxygen over Barium Oxide heated to redness. 
 A heavy, grayish-white, amorphous powder, odorless and tasteless. When 
 exposed to the air, it slowly attracts moisture and carbon dioxide, and is 
 gradually decomposed. It should be kept in well-closed vessels. 
 Almost insoluble in cold water, with which, however, it forms a definite 
 hydrate, and to which it imparts a decidedly alkaline reaction. Hydrochloric, 
 phosphoric, and most other mineral acids decompose it, producing the corre- 
 sponding barium salts, and hydrogen dioxide, which remains in solution for a 
 considerable time, if the reaction has taken piece in the cold, and an excess of 
 the acid is present. Owing to this property ft is used for the preparation of 
 Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxidi, U. S. Ph. 
 Calcium is an abundant metal in nature, being represented by a large 
 number of compounds, several of which, like Limestone or, native 
 Calcium Carbonate and the Sulphate, or "Gypsum," constitute no 
 inconsiderable portion of the earth's crust. The metal itself, although 
 it has been isolated and studied, is rarely used outside the chemical 
 laboratory and for the production of artificial light. 
 It is obtained by electrolysis, and is a yellow metal harder than lend, mallea- 
 ble, tough, or in some conditions brittle; undergoes oxidation slowly in dry air, 
 rapidly in damp air, and when thrown into water decomposes it with rapid 
 evolution of hydrogen. 
 Lime. CaO. Calx, U. S. Calcium Oxide. Made by calcining 
 white marble, oyster-shells, or the purest varieties of natural Calcium 
 Carbonate, or Limestone. Carbon dioxide and water are expelled, 
 and Lime or Calcium Oxide remains. 
 i%* CALCIUM. 
 Grayish-white masses, which upon exposure to air gradually attract moisture 
 and carbonic acid gas, and fall into a white powder. When moistened with 
 water the latter is absorbed with the liberation of heat, the lime being hydrated, 
 commonly termed "slaked." Mixed with 3 or 4 times its weight of water, 
 slaked lime forms a uniform, smooth magma called "milk of lime." It is solu- 
 ble in 750 parts of cold water, much less in boiling water, 1,300 parts. Lime 
 or burnt lime must be protected from moisture and air, and slaked lime should 
 be prepared when wanted. 
 Uses. For dehydrating various substances, such as alcohol and ether; in the 
 preparation of alkalies and alkaloids and certain organic acids. In preparing 
 Chlorinated Lime, Potassium Chlorate, etc. 
 Off. Prep. Liquor Calcis, a saturated solution of Lime in Dis- 
 tilled water; Potassa cum Calce, Linimentum Calcis and Syrupus 
 Sulphurated Lime. Calx Sulphurata, U. S. Commonly misnamed "Calcium 
 Sulphide," is a mixture of sulphide and sulphate of calcium, prepared by fu- 
 sing together dried Calcium Sulphate, Charcoal and a little Starch. 
 Uses. As a depilatory, and internally in skin diseases. 
 Prepared Chalk. CaCO 3 . -Greta Preparata, U. S. Native Calcium 
 Carbonate freed from most of its impurities by a peculiar process of 
 separation with water, termed ehitriation. 
 White, amorphous powder, usually appearing in commerce in the form of 
 small cones or drops. 
 Uses. Medicinally in many compounds, also largely in Face Powders and 
 Off. Prep. Hydrargyrum cum Creta, Pulvis Cretan Compositus 
 for Mistura Crete, and Trochisci Cretoe. 
 Calcium Chloride. CaCl a . Calcii Chloridum, U. S. Obtained 
 by the reaction of Hydrochloric Acid on Marble, or other Calcium 
 Carbonates and rendered anhydrous by fusion at the lowest possible 
 Hard, white masses, which have a pungent, saline and bitter taste. It is a 
 very deliquescent salt and must be kept in well-stoppered bottles. 
 Uses. As a valuable test reagent in the pharmaceutical laboratory, for 
 drying certain gases and liquids, and in the preparation of certain Calcium 
 compounds. In medicine also as a resolvent. 
 Precipitated Calcium Carbonate. CaCO 3 .- Calcii Carbonas Prsecip 
 itatus, U. S. It is produced by the double decomposition of Calcium 
 Chloride and Sodium Carbonate. 
 Impalpable, white powder, without odor or taste, having a neutral reaction 
 and insoluble in water. At a red heat it gives off carbon dioxide, and is con- 
 verted into calcium oxide.
 Uses. As an astringent and antacid in medicine, and largely as an ingredient 
 in Face Powder and Dentifrices. 
 Precipitated Calcium Phosphate. Ca 8 (PO 4 )j. Calcii Phosphai 
 Praecipitatus, U. S. Obtained from a dilute solution of Bone-Ash in 
 Hydrochloric Acid by precipitation with Ammonia. The precipitate 
 is in the form of a light-white powder, which at a red heat fuses, and 
 on cooling forms a hard, porcelain-like mass. 
 Uses. Formerly in preparing Syrup of Calcium Lactophosphate and in 
 medicine for the same purposes as the hypophosphite; also as a filtering medium 
 Off. Prep. Pulvis Antimonialis, and Syrupus Calcii Lactophos- 
 phatis, U. S. Ph., '80. 
 Calcium Bromide. CaBr f . Calcii Bromidum, U. S. Made by 
 dissolving Calcium Carbonate in Hydrobromic Acid. 
 Whitish salt in granules or powder, without odor, and a saline, bitter taste. 
 It deliquesces in the air, is soluble in 0.7 part of water and i part of alcohol 
 melts at a red heat, and at that temperature begins to give off bromine. 
 I'scs. Similar to those of the otner bromides. 
 Calcium Hypoplwsphitc. Ca(PH 2 O 2 ). J . Calcii Hypophosphis 
 U. S. Obtained by heating Phosphorus with Milk of Lime. 
 Thin, colorless transparent and flexible scales, or in white, pearly, lustrous 
 crystalline powder. Neutral, or slightly alkaline, odorless, and of a disagree- 
 ably bitter taste. Soluble in 6.8 parts of water, in 6 parts boiling water, insolu- 
 ble in alcohol. 
 I'scs. In the preparation of Syrup of Hypophosphites and various unofficial 
 Syrups, Elixirs and Emulsions used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, 
 etc. [See Nat. Form.] 
 Off. Prep. Syrupus Hypophosphitum. 
 Strontium occurs in nature as Sulphate and Carbonate, the latter 
 being a mineral found in Scotland termed Strontianit, whence the 
 name of the element is derived. It is also found in small quantities 
 in barytes, gypsum, limestone, sea-water and in some mineral waters. 
 The metal is obtained from the chloride by electrolysis and is a 
 yellow ductile metal having a sp. gr. of 2.5. 
 The Salts of Strontium have much the same character as those of Barium. 
 They are all made from the Carbonate or from the Hydroxide which is itself 
 produced by heating the Nitrate, the most common commercial Strontium 
 compound. The Nitrate is largely used in red-fire owing to the bright-red 
 color of its flame, when burned, It is not official. 
 Strontium Bromide. SrBr 2 -f 6H 2 O. Strontii Bromidum, I". S. 
 Made by reaction of Plydrobromic Acid on Strontium Carbonate. 
 Colorless, transparent, hexagonal crystals, odorless and having a saline,
 bitter taste, very deliquescent and should be kept in glass-stoppered vials. 
 Soluble in i part of water, readily in alcohol and precipitated from its alcoholic 
 solution by ether, in which it is insoluble. 
 Uses. Similar to other Bromides, in doses from i to 2 Gm. 
 Strontium Iodide. Srl a -f 6H..O. Strontii lodidum, U. S. Made 
 by reaction of Hydriodic Acid on Strontium Carbonate. 
 Colorless, transparent hexagonal plates, odorless and having a bitterish, 
 saline taste. Deliquescent and colored yellow by exposure to air and light and 
 should, therefore, be kept in dark, amber-colored, glass-stoppered vials. Solu- 
 ble in 0.6 part of water, also in alcohol and slightly in ether. 
 Uses. Similar to other Iodides, in doses from 0.5 to i Gm. 
 Strontium Zaftete. Sr(C 3 H B O J ) 2 +3H 2 O. -Strontii Lactas, U. S. 
 Made by reaction of Lactic Acid on Strontium Carbonate. 
 A white, granular powder, or crystalline nodules, permanent in the air, 
 odorless and having a slightly bitter, saline taste. Soluble in alcohol and in 4 
 parts of water. 
 Uses. In affections of the heart and kidneys in doses from i to 3 Gm. 
 Although an abundant metal, magnesium is not free in nature. It 
 occurs in the minerals, magnesite, dolomite, kieserite, asbestos, talc, 
 soapstone, meerschaum and many others; it occurs as the Sulphate in 
 many saline springs, notably those at Epsom, England; as Chloride in 
 sea-water, and in many salt springs, and it is also found in the bones 
 of animals, and the tissues of many plants. 
 Magnesium. Mg. The metal is obtained from its Chloride, or the double 
 Chloride of Magnesium and Potassium, by heating it, together with fluor spar 
 and sodium, in a red-hot iron crucible, and afterward distilling, avoiding con- 
 tact with the air, when the crude metal is obtained. 
 Brilliant silver-white metal, soon tarnishing in damp air, sp. gr. 1.75. Melts 
 at a red heat, and may be inflamed, when in the form of rather fine wire or 
 ribbon, by holding it in a cindle, when it burns with an intensely active flame, 
 producing a bulky white oxide. 
 The metal itself is not of pharmaceutical importance, its chief use 
 being to produce a strong dazzling light similar to that of calcium. 
 The most common compound is the Sulphate and from this all 
 the other medicinal compounds are indirectly produced. 
 Magnesium Sulphate. ~ MgSO t ~ t \\( ). Magnesii Sulphas, U.S. 
 Commonly known as Epsom Salt. It occurs native, as has already 
 been stated, and is also manufactured from the mineral kieserite, 
 which, aside from its impurities, differs in composition from Epsom 
 salt only in having six molecules less of water of crystallization. 
 Four-sided rhombic prisms or acicular crystals without odor, taste saline and 
 bitter, freely soluble in water (1.5) and insoluble in alcohol.
 U:es. In the preparation of the carbonate, and in medicine as a purgative. 
 Off. Prep. Infusum Senna; composition. 
 Magnesium Carbonate. (MgCO :! ) r f Mg(OI I^-f 5 I \(). Mag- 
 nesii Carbonas, U. S. It will be seen from the formula that the 
 official carbonate is really a mixture of the Carbonate and Hydrox- 
 ide. It is made by the reaction in solution of Sodium Carbonate and 
 Magnesium Sulphate. 
 A very light white powder or friable masses, nearly insoluble in both alcohol 
 and water, but giving to the latter a slight alkaline reaction, Dissolves with 
 effervescence in hydrochloric acid. 
 Uses. For the preparation of Magnesia, Liquor Magnesia Citratis and other 
 compounds, and in medicine for similar purposes as magnesia; also as a Face: 
 Magnt'sii Citras A'fi-rriSteits, U. S. A granular powder obtained by mixing 
 Magnesiurr. Carbonate, Citric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sugar and Water and 
 Alcohol, drying the mixture and reducing it t ) a very coarse powder. 
 Cses.- To furnish effervescent purgative draughts. 
 Aiagncsia. MgO. Magnesia, V . S. Magnesium Oxide. Cal- 
 cined, or "Light" Magnesia. Obtained by igniting (Yairiningj the 
 A very white and light powder, which on exposure to the air slowlv absorbs 
 carbon dioxide and becomes converted into the carbonate. It should therefore 
 be kept in tightly-stoppered bottles. 
 L'st's. In medicine chiefly as a corrective to acidity in the alimentary tract. 
 Off. Prep. Ferri Oxidum Hydratum cum Magnesia; I'ulvis Khei 
 Hcci'v Mtr^ncsia. Magnesia Ponderosa, U. S., is similar to the above, exu ; i 
 in possessing only one-fourth the bulk, which facilitates its administration. 
 It is prepared by calcining the heavy Carbonate; the latter is produced in the 
 same wav as the ordinary carbonate, except that the Magnesium Sulpha'e and 
 Sodium Carbonate are used in hot, concentrated solutions. 
 ^}rasue$iit;n Sulf/iifc. MgSO 3 --6H/). Magnesii Sulphis. Ma<U 
 by the reaction of Sulphurous Acid on Magnesia or Magnesium Car- 
 bonate. Not official. 
 White, crystalline, colorless and bitterish powder, with a sulphurous tast'\ 
 changes to the sulphate gradual! v on exposure to the air, and hence should \>L 
 j.e^i in tightly-stoppered bottles. 
 L'st's. Similar to those of sodium sulphite.
 The Aluminum Group. 
 This group includes the elements Aluminum, Cerium and Chro- 
 This metal does not exist free in nature, although, with the excep- 
 tion of oxygen and silicon, it is the most abundant and widely dis- 
 tributed of the elements. 
 It occurs as the oxide in Corundum, of which emery, ruby and 
 sapphire are varieties; in the minerals, cryolite, bauxite and diaspor; 
 in the different kinds of Feldspars, which make up a considerable 
 portion of the weight of granite, syenite, gneiss, mica, porphyry, and 
 so on; in kaolin and the clays, which are essentially Silicates of alumi- 
 num. The metal is, therefore, contained in abundance in all fertile 
 The metal is produced from its ores by reducing these with Carbon and the 
 intense heat produced by an electric furnace. 
 Aluminum. Al. A tin-white, very sonorous metal, capable of receiving a 
 high polish, very malleable, ductile, and tough, sp. gr. from 2.56 to 2.67, con- 
 ducts electricity eight times better than iron, oxidizes but little, and produces, 
 with copper and other metals, a series of alloys, some of which have exceed- 
 ingly valuable properties. 
 The metal free from arsenic is used for testing purposes in the form of foil, 
 wire or ribbon. It undergoes slight oxidation upon exposure, but the oxide is 
 of the same color as the metal and articles made from aluminum do not, there- 
 fore, become discolored, or rust, as is the case with iron, copper, etc. Alum- 
 inum vessels should not be used for strong alkalies as the metal is easily affected 
 by alkaline hydrates. 
 Alum. K,A1_,(SO 4 ) 4 24H..O. Alumen, I'. S. Potassium Alum. 
 The double Sulphate of Aluminum and Potassium. Obtained by 
 digesting calcined Clay with Sulphuric Acid, and afterward adding. 
 to the solution of Aluminum Sulphate thus obtained, the proper pro- 
 portion of Potassium Sulphate, and crystalli/ing. 
 Ammonia alum is produced by adding Ammonium Sulphate instead 
 of potassium sulphate. 
 Transparent, colorless, inodorous crystals of large si^c, which are octahedra, 
 or octahedra combined with cubes, having a very astringent and somewhat acid 
 taste, and an acid reaction. Effloresces somewhat on exposure to air, dissolves
 in 9 parts of water, in 0.3 part boiling water, freely soluble in warm glycerin, 
 but is insoluble in alcohol. Fuses at 92C. in its water of crystallization, and 
 again solidifies at a higher temperature; when the water has evaporated the 
 porous mass remaining has lost nearly one-half (45 per cent) of its original 
 weight and constitutes the "dried" or "burnt alum," Alumen Exsiccatum, U. S. 
 f'sfs. In pharmacy, for the preparation of other compounds cf aluminum, 
 as a precipitant and in the purification of Water by precipitation (when care 
 should be observed that the Ammonia Alum be not employed). In medicine, on 
 account of its acid and astringent properties, and in the powdered form as an 
 Off. Prep. Alumen Exsiccatum. 
 Aluminum Hydrate. Al ii (HO) 6 . Alumini Hydras, U. S. Oc- 
 casionally found native, but usually prepared from Alum by precipitat- 
 ing it with Sodium Carbonate in hot solution. 
 Amorphous, white, odorless and tasteless powder insoluble in water or 
 alcohol. At a red-heat loses water, and is converted into the oxide. 
 Uses. In medicine, as an antacid, and as a protective to the mucous mem- 
 branes; and, in pharmacy, for preparing the Sulphate. 
 Aluminum Sulphate. Al.,(SO/) 3 -f :6H ? O. Alumini Sulphas, U.S. 
 For medicinal use, prepared from Aluminum Hydrate by treating it 
 with dilute Sulphuric Acid. 
 Sometimes in thin pearly lamellae, but usually in a white, crystalline powder, 
 inodorous, taste sweetish and astringent, and acid to test paper. It is perma- 
 nent in the air, soluble at i5C. in 1.2 parts of water, and nearly inpoluble in 
 alcohol, loses its water of crystallization at about aooC. and at a red-heat is 
 decomposed, being converted into oxide. 
 Uses. In medicine, largely as a caustic in the treatment of chronically in- 
 flamed surfaces, exuberant growths, etc. 
 The only compound of this metal of pharmaceutical importance is: 
 Cerium Oxalate. -Ce.j(C 2 O 4 ) s -f gH.O. Cerii Oxalas, U. S. Pre- 
 pared from Cerium Chloride by precipitation with Oxalic Acid. The 
 chloride is obtained by the treatment of the mineral gadolenite or 
 cerite in which form the metal is usually found. 
 The salt is insoluble in both alcohol and water, but soluble in hydrochloric 
 Uses. In the powdered form, or as an effervescing granular salt, in nervous 
 This element does not occur free in nature but as the mineral 
 Chromite, or Chrom-iron ore, Cr 2 O 3 . FeO, from which Potassium 
 Bichromate, the Oxide and the metal are obtained. Potassium Bichro- 
 mate, the most common compound of Chromium, was described under 
 Clii'oinic Adit. Cr().,. Acidum Chromicum, U. S. Chromic 
 trioxide or anhydride. The official title is incorrect as this compound 
 is a trioxide, or anhydride, and does not form an acid until dissolved 
 in water: CrOj-j-H^O H,CrO 4 , as is also the case with "Arsenous 
 It is obtained by adding to a saturated solution of Potassium Bi- 
 chromate Sulphuric Acid; the anhydride crystallizing out on cooling. 
 Delicate crimson, needle-like crystals, or strongly lustrous, scarlet, rhombic 
 prisms; strongly deliquescent in moist air, without odor, and intensely caustic 
 \\hen brought in contact with animal tissues. It is highly soluble in water, 
 forming a deep orange-red solution. If strong alcohol be dropped on the crys- 
 tals, chemical change takes place with incandescence, the anhydride being re- 
 duced to the' mve-n sescjui-oxide of chromium. The crystals fuse at 193 C. to a 
 deep-red liquid, and if the temperature be raised to 250 C., decomposition 
 occurs, and the anhydride is reduced to Cr^O.,, with the evolution of oxygen. 
 Prcrauii^j; ; in /itinJiiir.;. By mixing chromic anhydride with alcohol, ether, 
 glycerin, cork, tannin, sugar, or other readily oxidizable substances, rapid com- 
 bustion, or even explosion, ma}' be produced. Owing to its strong affinity for 
 wat'jr it must be kept in tightly stoppered bottles. 
 Ot'.f. In medicine, chiefly as caustic; in microscopy, for hardening tissues
 The Iron Group. 
 The Iron Group includes the elements Zinc, Manganese, Iron, 
 Nickel and Cobalt 
 ZINC. Zn. 
 Zinc is a rather abundant metal, though rarely occurring uncom- 
 bined in nature. Its most important ores are Calamine, or impure 
 Carbonate, /inc blende, franklinite and hydro/.incite and they are 
 often found associated with lead ores. 
 The ores are first roasted to expel sulphur and other impurities, and the 
 oxide thus obtained is heated with charcoal in a suitable furnace. The zinc is 
 distilled over and condensed. 
 Zi/ii'iiiu. Zn. A bluish-white metal, which melts at 433C., is brittle at 
 ordinary temperatures, but between iooC. and 150 is quite malleable and 
 ductile. Its sp. gr. is 6.9. When strongly heated in the air, it burns with a 
 bluish llame, and is converted into the oxide. 
 Pure Zinc is used in pharmaceutical operations in the production of hydro- 
 gen gas and for testing. It should be free from arsenic. [See U. S. Ph.] 
 These are produced by the action of Acids on the Metal or from 
 the Carbonate or Oxide, prepared from the impure Carbonate. 
 Zinc Chloride. ZnCl.,. Zinci Chloridum, U. S. It is produced 
 when pure Zinc is acted upon by pure dilute Hydrochloric Acid. 
 Pure zinc being expensive, in practice ordinary granulated zinc is used, and 
 the iron and other impurities removed by treating the solution with Nitric 
 Acid, evaporating it and heating the dry residue to fusion, to expel the nitric 
 acid, then allowing the mass to cool. The solution thus obtained is treated 
 with Water agitated with Zinc Carbonate, then filtered, and the filtrate evapo- 
 rated in a porcelain dish, until a drop withdrawn on the end of a glass rod 
 solidifies on cooling to an opaque white solid. 
 Liquor /.inci Chioridi, U. S., prepared in this way, except that the last filtrate 
 is not evaporated, but is diluted with water, has the sp. gr. 1.535, and contains 
 about 50 per cent of the dry chloride. 
 i'xi-s. Valuable as a deodorizer and disinfectant, and in injections and washes. 
 As it is very irritant, and in large doses poisonous, it must be used with great 
 Zinc SW/X'rt^- ZnSO 4 -f-7H 2 O. -Zinci Sulphas, I'. S. Obtained 
 by treating Zinc with Dilute Sulphuric Acid. This is commonly 
 called "White Vitriol." 
 Large, transparent, rhombic prisms, or in small prisms or prismatic needles,
 i?2 ZINC. 
 inodorous, taste styptic nauseous, acid to test paper, soluble in 0.6 part of 
 water and in 3 parts of glycerin, insoluble in alcohol. 
 f'ses. Externally for its stimulant and astringent properties, for the prepa- 
 ration of injections, washes, collyria, etc.; internally in nervous diseases; as a 
 prompt emetic in doses of 10 grains. In large doses poisonous. Also in the 
 preparation of dry Zinc Oleate by chemical decomposition, and many other 
 Precipitated Zinc Carbonate. (ZnCO. j ) 2 3Zn(HO) 2 . Zinci Car- 
 bonas Praecipitatus, U. S. Made by double decomposition of solu- 
 tions of Zinc Sulphate and Sodium Carbonate, in the proper propor- 
 tions. Not a true Carbonate. 
 An impalpable, white powder, inodorous, tasteless, permanent in the air, and 
 insoluble in water or alcohol, but soluble in the mineral acids with the evolu- 
 tion of carbon dioxide. 
 Uses. Externally as an astringent and protective to inflamed surfaces. 
 Preparations, Unguentum Zinci Carbonatis, an ointment formerly 
 Zit>c Oxide. ZnO. Zinci Oxidum, U. S. Made by exposing the 
 Carbonate for some time to a dull red heat, or until a portion of it no 
 longer effervesces with acids (calcination). 
 Nearly white or slightly yellowish, amorphous, inodorous, tasteless powder, 
 which on heating acquires a lemon-yellow color. 
 Uses. Rarely internally, but largely as a Dusting Powder for raw and in- 
 flamed surfaces; also in the form of ointment. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Zinci Oxidi, also made with petrolatum, 
 which in this case is superior to benzoated lard as a vehicle. 
 Zinc Bromide. ZnBr 2 . Zinci Bromidum, U. S. Conveniently 
 prepared by treating granulated Zinc with Hydrobromic Acid. 
 White, granular, very deliquescent powder, with a sharp saline and metallic 
 taste, readily soluble in water and alcohol. Rarely used in pharmacy or in 
 Zinc Iodide. Znl g . Zinci lodidum, U. S. May be made either 
 by the direct accion of Iodine on Zinc in the presence of water, or by 
 that of Hydriodic Acid on the Oxide or Carbonate. 
 White, granular, crystalline and very deliquescent powder, which is inodor- 
 ous, with a caustic, metallic taste, and an acid reaction, readily soluble in 
 water, alcohol or ether. When heated with strong sulphuric acid decomposi- 
 tion takes place, and iodine and sulphurous oxide are liberated. 
 Uses. Sometimes internally, but more commonly as an external application 
 as a wash for scrofulous sores, etc. 
 Zinc Phosphide. Zn s P 2 . Zinci Phosphidum, U. S. Obtained by 
 fusing Zinc in a crucible, and adding the requisite amount of Phos- 
 phorus a little at a time.
 ray, crystalline, friable mass, emitting a slight odor of phosphorus, under- 
 goes very slow change in the air, and at a high temperature absorbs oxygen 
 from the air, and is converted into the phosphate. It is insoluble in water or 
 Uses. In the pill-form in doses of i eg. for nervous disorders. 
 Zinc Acetate. Zn(C 2 H 3 O a ) 2 +2H 2 O. Zinci Acetas, U. S. Ob- 
 tained by the reaction of Acetic Acid on Zinc Oxide, or Carbonate. 
 Thin, white, pearly, six-sided tables or scales, having a faint acetous odor, 
 sharp, metallic taste, and slightly acid reaction. Soluble in 2.7 parts water 
 and 36 parts alcohol, at i5C. 
 Uses. Valuable as an irritant and astringent. Seldom used internally. 
 Zinc Valcrianatc. Zn^HgOJj-^H^O. Zinci Valerianas, U. S. 
 Obtained by the double decomposition of Sodium Valerianate and 
 Zinc Sulphate when solutions of the two are mixed. 
 Soft, white scales of a pearly luster, faint odor of valerian; sweet, and after- 
 ward styptic, metallic taste; soluble in 100 parts of water and 40 parts of alco- 
 hol at i5C. ; and when heated, first melts and afterward decomposes, leaving 
 zinc oxide. 
 Uses. Chiefly in the pill-form, in doses of one grain, in nervous affections. 
 This element, belonging to the iron group of metals, although repre- 
 sented in a number of common ores, pyrolusite (the dioxide), braun- 
 ite, hausmanite, manganite, and several others, is not nearly so abun- 
 dant in nature as iron. It is not found in nature in the metallic form, 
 but the metal is extracted from its ores with some difficulty. 
 Manganese Dioxide. MnO.,. Mangani Dioxidum, U. S. Man- 
 gani Oxidum Nigrum, U. S. Ph., 'So Black Oxide of Manganese. 
 A native mineral containing at least 66 per cent of the pure Dioxide. 
 A heavy, dull black, inodorous, tasteless powder, which is insoluble in water 
 and alcohol. Used as a source of Oxygen; in the manufacture of Chlorine gas, 
 Manganese Sulphate. MnSO 4 -[-4H 2 O Mangani Sulphas, U. S. 
 Made by the reaction of Sulphuric Acid on the Dioxide. 
 Transparent, colorless or pale rose-colored crystals, belonging to the right 
 rhombic system. Inodorous, taste bitterish and astringent, slightly efflorescent, 
 soluble in 0.7 parts of water at i5C., but insoluble in alcohol. Reaction 
 slightly acid. 
 Use. Occasionally as a tonic in doses of 0.5 to i Gm.
 Iron and its Compounds. 
 IRON. Fe. 
 This well-known metal exists native only in meteoric stones, but its 
 Oxides and Carbonates are very abundant, as are also many other of 
 its compounds. The Oxides, which constitute the principal source of 
 the metal, are reduced by carbon at a high temperature, and on this 
 principle depends chiefly the process of "smelting" and extracting 
 iron from its ores. 
 The metal is too familiar a commodity to need particular description here. 
 Iron and its compounds are valuable in medicine for their tonic effects, deepen- 
 ing the color of the red corpuscles, and, it is supposed, increasing their number. 
 The metal itself is official in two forms: 
 Iron. Ferrum, U. S. In the form of fine, bright, non-elastic wire. 
 It is used in making many of the preparations of iron. The other is 
 Reduced Iron. Ferrum Reductum, I'. S. Made by heating the 
 Hydrated Peroxide to redness in an iron tube, and passing a stream 
 of Hydrogen through it. From the process of its preparation also 
 called "Iron by Hydrogen" and Quevcnnc 1 s Iron, after the name of 
 its discoverer. 
 It is a fine, grayish-black, lusterless powder, attracted by the magnet, without 
 odor or taste, insoluble in water or alcohol, and, when ignited in the air, is 
 converted into ferric oxide. 
 Iron forms two classes of compounds, viz: Ferrous a.\\<\ ferric com- 
 pounds, the element in the former being bivalent, in the ferric trivalcnt, 
 In the latter class of compounds the iron is probably present as a 
 double atom; for example, the ferrous chloride, FeCl 2 , forms a ferric 
 compound of the composition Fe,Cl 6 , instead of FeCl 3 . 
 Chemically the two kinds of salts are distinguished as follows: 
 The ferrous salts all have a greenish color and are easily changed to the 
 higher ferric salts through oxidation by exposure to the air and moisture. The 
 alkalies precipitate, from solutions of J\'rr<uis salts, Ferrous Hydrate, Fe(OH)o, 
 which through absorption of oxygen loses its greenish-white color and becomes 
 greenish-black then reddish-brown, forming the Ferric Hydrate, Fe.,(OH') 6 . 
 From ferric salts the alkalies precipitate the reddish-brown Ferric Hydrate, 
 Fe 2 (OH) 6 . 
 Ferrous salts produce with Potassium Ferrocyanide a dark-blue precipitate
 IRON. 175 
 "Turnbull's blue." Ferric salts produce a deep-blue precipitate of "Prussian 
 The two kinds of salts arc; best distinguished by Potassium Ferricyanide, 
 which produces in /v/vv//.*- Salts, in dilute solution, a bluish-white coloration 
 rapidly changing to a dark-blue precipitate; \vith Ferric salts no precipitation is 
 produced, but a deepened brown color without any green or greenish-blue tinge. 
 The two classes of compounds are not distinguished in their official Latin 
 titles, all having the same term, Ferrum, genitive Ferri, but in the English 
 titles the distinction is made between \\\v. jcrriua and ferric compounds, except 
 in the case of the double scale-salts. 
 From the metal by direct action of the Acids and Halogen^ the 
 Chloride, Iodide and Sulphate are made and from these in turn all the 
 other Compounds and Preparations of Iron. 
 Ferric Chloride. Fe,Cl ( .+ i 2 Up. Ferri Chloridnm, U. S. Made 
 by the reaction of Hydrochloric Acid on Iron and oxidi/.ing the fer- 
 rous chloride so formed into ferric chloride with Nitric Acid. The 
 complete oxidation of the ferrous compound is determined by testing, 
 excess of Nitric Acid removed by heating and the salt allowed tocrvs- 
 An orange yellow, very deliquescent salt, usually in irregular masses of a 
 crystalline fracture, often \vith a faint odor of hydrochloric acid, a styptic 
 taste, and an acid reaction. 
 J.iijiit'r Ferri L'liloriJi, U. S. Is prepared in the same way. It contains of 
 the anhydrous chloride 37.8 per cent in solution of Water, sp. gr. i.jSy, with 
 5 per cent Hydrochloric Acid. 
 Tinctura Ferri C/tloridi, U. S. Contains 25 C.C. of the solution and 75 C.C. 
 Liquor Ferri ef Antmonii Acctatis, U. S. Is prepared from the tincture 
 chloride of iron 2 parts, solution ammon. acet. 20 p., dil. acetic acid 3 p. elixir, 
 glycerin and water of each to make 100 parti by measure. 
 Ferric Hypophosfhite. Fc 2 (PH.,( >,) G - Rrri Hypopho.-phis, I". S. 
 Obtained by the double decomposition of Sodium Hypophosphite 
 and Ferric Chloride in aqueous solution. 
 Grayish or whitish, inodorous, nearly tasteless powder, permanent in the air, 
 but slightly soluble in water, and freely so in hydrochloric acid. 
 Uses. In the preparation of unofficial Syrups <-f Hype-phosphites. 
 Iodide of Iron. Fel.,. Ferri lodidum. Ferrous Iodide. -Made bv 
 the reaction of Iodine upon Iron in the presence of \Valcr until the 
 mixture has lost the odor of iodine and acquired a green color, when 
 it contains ferrous iodide in solution which may be obtained 1 >v crys 
 176 IRON 
 Properties, A yellowish or grayish, very hygroscopic powder, with a sweet- 
 ish and slightly ferruginous taste. Soluble in 7 parts of water. 
 Syrupus Ferri lodidi, U. S. Prepared by filtering the Solution of Ferrous 
 Iodide into hot Syrup in such proportion that it contains 10 per cent by weight 
 of ferrous iodide. 
 Both of these preparations must be kept in tightly-stoppered vials. 
 Ferrous Sulphate. FeSO 4 +7H 2 O. Ferri Sulphas, U. S. This is 
 the familiar "Green Vitriol," or "Copperas," made by the action of 
 Sulphuric Acid on Iron. 
 Large, pale bluish-green, efflorescent crystals, in the form of monoclinic 
 prisms, inodorous, with a styptic saline taste and reaction. Soluble in 1.8 parts 
 of water at i5C., insoluble in alcohol. Ordinary impure ferrous sulphate is 
 commonly called "copperas." 
 Ferri Sulphas Exsiccafus, U. S. Dried Ferrous Sulphate. Ob- 
 tained by heating the Sulphate when it loses its water of crystallization 
 and forms a greenish-white powder representing 65 per cent of the 
 weight of the original salt. 
 Uses. As an ingredient in Pil. Aloes et Ferri, other unofficial pills and in 
 veterinary practice. In large doses poisonous. 
 Ferri Sulphas Granulatiis, U. S. Granulated, or "Precipitated," Ferrous 
 Sulphate. Prepared by pouring a concentrated aqueous solution of the Sul- 
 phate into Alcohol. The salt is thrown out as a pale bluish-green crystalline 
 powder which responds to all the tests for the ordinary sulphate. 
 Ferrous Carbonate. FeCO s . Ferri Carbonas. --Obtained by de- 
 composing Ferrous Sulphate with an alkaline Carbonate or Bicarbonate. 
 Occurs as a white precipitate rapidly changing into the ferric compound and 
 assuming a dark color, upon exposure to the air. Preserved by Sugar added 
 in its moist state, it is official in the following preparations: 
 Ferri Carbonas Saccharatus, U. S. A saccharine powder containing 15 per 
 Massa Ferri Carbonatis, U. S. Vallet's Mass. A pill mass containing about 
 35 per cent. 
 Mistura Ferri Composita, U. S. Griffith's Mixture. A saccharine liquid 
 containing about 2 per cent. 
 Pilules Ferri Carbonatis, U. S. Blaud's Pill. Each pill containing about 
 0.06 of ferrous carbonate. 
 Ferrous Sulphide. FeS. Though not official, is important as being 
 the usual source of Sulphureted Hydrogen. It is made by the direct 
 union of Iron and Sulphur at a high temperature. 
 Ferric Ammonium Sulphate. Fe,(NH 4 )., (SOj 4 24H,O. Ferri 
 et Ammonii Sulphas, U. S. Ammonio- Ferric Alum Made by dis- 
 solving Ammonium Sulphate in a hot solution of Tersulphate of Iron 
 and crystallizing.
 Transparent octahedral crystals of an amethyst or violet color, efflorescent, 
 inodorous, and of an astringent taste. Soluble in 3 parts of water, insoluble in 
 Used in medicine for its astringent properties. 
 From Ferrous Sulphate two official .Solutions are prepared by oxidiz- 
 ing the Sulphate with Nitric Acid in the presence of Sulphuric Acid. 
 Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis, U. S. Solution Persulphate of Iron. Monsell's 
 Solution, containing about 43 percent of basic ferric sulphate, sp. gr. 1.550. 
 Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis, U. S. Solution of Ferric Sulphate, containing 
 28.7 per cent of the salt, sp. gr. 1.320. 
 From the Solution of Ferric Tersulphate the Ferric Hydrate is pre- 
 pared and from this, by reaction and solution with their respective acids, 
 the Acetates, Citrates. Phosphates and Tartrates are produced. 
 Ferric Hydrate. Fe.,(HO) 6 . Ferri Oxidum Hydratum, U. S. 
 Made by precipitating a solution of Ferric Sulphate (tersulphate of 
 iron) with Ammonia Water and thoroughly washing the precipitate. 
 This, in its freshly prepared state, is the best antidote to arsenical 
 poisoning, and the materials for preparing it should always be kept on 
 hand. [See U. S. Ph.] 
 Off. Prep. Emplastrum Ferri; Trochisci Ferri. 
 Ferri Oxiditm Hydratum cum Magnesia, U. S. Arsenic antidote. Is pre- 
 pared from the Tersulphate Solution by converting the iron into the Hydrate by 
 the use of Magnesia 
 Ferric Acetate. Obtained by reaction of Glacial Acetic Acid on 
 Ferric Hydrate. Is official only in the following solutions: 
 Liquor Ferri .-h-etatis, U. S. This contains 31 per cent of the acetate, sp. gr. 
 1.160. It should be kept in well-stoppered bottles, away from the light. 
 Tinctura Ferri Acetatis, formerly official, is made of the solution, 50 parts, 
 alcohol 30 parts, acetic ether 20 parts by measure. 
 Liquor Ferri Citratis, U. S. Made by the reaction of Citric Acid 
 on Ferric Hydrate and evaporating the solution so as to have a sp. gr. 
 of 1.250, when it contains about 35 per cent of the anhydrous salt. 
 Ferric OVra/r. Fe 2 (C 6 H 5 O T ) 2 +6H 2 O. Ferri Citras, U. S. Made 
 by evaporating the solution at a temperature not higher than 6oC. 
 until reduced to the consistence of syrup, and then spreading it on 
 glass plates to dry. 
 Transparent, garnet-red scales, permanent in the air, odorless, having a very 
 faint, ferruginous taste, and an acid reaction. Slowly but completely soluble 
 in water, insoluble in alcohol. 
 Iron and Ammonium Citrate. Ferri et Ammonii Citras, U. S. 
 Made by mixing 10 parts of the above solution with 4 parts of Am- 
 monia Water, evaporating at a temperature not above 6oC., until it
 has been reduced to a syrupy consistence, then spreading it on glass 
 plates, and drying. 
 In the form of deliquescent, garnet-red scales, which must be kept in the 
 dark, or in closely-stoppered bottles. 
 From this salt the following are made: 
 Fcrri ft Strychnine Citrus, U. S. Contains i per cent of Strychnine and 99 
 per cent of the Citrate of Iron and Ammonium, and is in the form of garnet-red 
 deliquescent scales. 
 I'inntn Fcrri Citratis, U. S. Contains 4 per cent of Citrate of Iron and 
 Iron, and Quinine Citrate. Ferri et Quininae Citras, U. S. Made 
 by evaporating a solution containing 85 parts of Ferric Citrate, 12 
 parts of Quinine and 3 parts of Citric Acid, at a temperature not ex- 
 ceeding 6oC., until it reaches the consistence of syrup, then spread- 
 ing it on plates of glass and drying 
 Transparent, yellowish-brown or reddish-brown scales, that are somewhat 
 deliquescent, inodorous, and with a bitter, somewhat ferruginous taste. Must 
 be kept in well-stoppered bottles in a dark place. Slowly but completely solu- 
 ble in cold water, more readily soluble in hot water, and but partially soluble in 
 Soluble Iron and Quinine Citrate. Ferri et Quininpe Citras Solu- 
 bilis, U. S. Made in the same way and of the proportions of the 
 preceding salt, except that Ammonia Water is added to form Am- 
 monium Citrate with the Citric Acid, which increases the solubility of 
 the Quinine Citrate. 
 Thin, transparent scales of a greenish, golden-yellow color, rapidly and com- 
 pletely soluble in cold water, but only partially soluble in alcohol. 
 I'iintni Fcrri Amarum, U. S. Contains 5 per cent of the Soluble Citrate of 
 Iron and Quinine. 
 Soluble Ferric Phosphate. Ferri Phosphas Solubilis, U. S.- Ob- 
 tained by treating Citrate of Iron in solution, with Sodium Phosphate 
 in proper proportions, evaporating the solution at a temperature not 
 exceeding 6oC., until it reaches a syrupy consistence, and drying it 
 on glass plates. 
 Transparent, bright-green scales, not deliquescent, turning dark on exposure 
 to light and should, therefore, be kept in dark well-stoppered bottles, inodorous, 
 having a somewhat acid taste and reaction, freely soluble in water, and insolu- 
 ble in alcohol. 
 Off. Prep. Syrupus Ferri, Quinine et Strvchninie Phosphatum, 
 and a similar unofficial Elixir, X. F 
 Soluble Ferric Pyrophosphate. Ferri Pyrophosphas Solubilis, U. S. 
 Prepared in the same way as the last named salt, except that Sodium 
 Pyrophosphate is used instead of the phosphate.
 OF IRON. 179 
 Resembles the phosphate very closely in its properties, but differs in produc- 
 ing a white precipitate instead of a yellow one with solution of silver nitrate. 
 f'ses. Chiefly in Elixirs, in combination with Cinchona or its alkaloids. 
 Iron and Ammonium Tart rate. 2 (FeO)NH 4 C 4 H 4 O 6 -f 5H,O. 
 Ferri et Ammonii Tartras, U. S. Made by dissolving Ferric Hydrate 
 in a solution of Acid Ammonium Tartrate, until the solution is satur- 
 ated, then evaporating the solution at a temperature not higher than 
 60, and, when it reaches the consistence of syrup, spreading it on 
 glass plates to dry. 
 Yellowish-brown, or red, transparent scales, neutral to test paper, inodorous, 
 sweetish and slightly ferruginous to the taste, and only slightly deliquescent. 
 Soluble in water, but almost insoluble in alcohol and ether. Should be kept 
 in well-stoppered bottles in a dark place. 
 Iron and Potassium Tartrate. Fcrri et Potassii Tartras, U. S. 
 The process of manufacture is analogous to that of the preparation just de- 
 scribed, Potassium Bitartrate being used instead of ammonium bitartrate; the 
 salts also resemble each other in their properties and uses. 
 Ferrous Oxalatc. FeC 2 O 4 -|-H.,O. Ferri Oxalas. Not official. 
 Obtained by treating a solution of Ferrous Sulphate with the proper 
 proportion of Oxalic Acid. 
 A yellowish, crystalline precipitate, inodorous and nearly tasteless, perma- 
 nent in the air, but slightly soluble in water, at 155 C. loses its water of crys- 
 tallization, and at a higher temperature is decomposed, leaving ferric oxide. 
 Ferric Valerianate. Ferri Valerianas, U. S. Made by adding to 
 a cold solution of either Ferric Chloride or Ferric Sulphate a cold 
 solution of Sodium Valerianate so long as a precipitate is produced. 
 A brick-red, amorphous powder with a slight odor and taste of valerianic 
 acid. It is decomposed by boiling water, leaving ferric hydrate. 
 Uses. Similar to other valerianates; dose o. i Gm. 
 Ferrous Lactate. Fe(C 8 H 5 O 3 ) 2 -)-3H 2 O. Ferri Lactas, U. S. 
 Made by the direct action of Lactic Acid on Iron. 
 Greenish-white, crystalline crusts or grains, not deliquescent, inodorous, 
 with a sweetish, ferruginous taste and a slightly acid reaction. Slowly br.t 
 completely soluble in 40 parts of water, in 12 parts of boiling water; almost in- 
 soluble in alcohol. 
 U;cs. In the preparation of Syrupus Hypophosphitum cum Ferro, I". S., 
 consisting of i part of the above Lactate with 99 parts of Syrup of Hypopbos- 
 Lead. Copper. Tin. 
 LEAD. Pb. 
 Lead is sometimes, but not often, found free in nature, but its ores 
 are rather abundant, the most important being the Sulphide (galena) 
 and the Carbonate (cerussite.) 
 There are a variety of ways of obtaining it, depending on the character and 
 purity of the ores. From a pure form of galena it is obtained by roasting it in 
 a reverberating furnace, when a part of the ore is reduced and a part converted 
 into the sulphate, and then, by afterward raising the temperature, the sul- 
 phate is also decomposed. In inferior ores carbon is used in the process. 
 Plumbum. Pb. A soft metal, with a metallic lustre and a blue-gray color; 
 very ductile and malleable, but not very tenacious; quite soft; sp. gr. 11.4; 
 melts at 325C., and volatilizes at a white heat. The metal itself is not of im- 
 portance in pharmacy. 
 The soluble compounds of Lead are all poisonous, the best antidote 
 being Magnesium Sulphate 15 Gm. dissolved in a glassful of water. 
 Vomiting should be promoted by hot water or mustard and milk or 
 demulcent drinks should be administered to allay irritation. 
 Lead Oxide. PbO. Plumbi Oxidum, U. S. Litharge. Can 
 be made by heating metallic Lead strongly in Air, but is chiefly ob- 
 tained as a by-product in the extraction of silver from its ore. 
 A heavy powder, varying in color from yellowish to reddish, permanent in 
 air, odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water and alcohol, and by means of the 
 blow-pipe and charcoal, readily reducible to metallic lead. 
 Uses. In pharmacy, for preparing Lead plaster and various Salts of lead. 
 Off. Prep. Liquor Plumbi Subacetatisj Emplastrum Plumbi. 
 Red Lead is a mixture of different oxides of lead, is of a bright-red color and 
 should not be confounded with the above. 
 Lead Acetate. Pb(C J H 3 O 2 ) !J + 3 H 2 O. Plumbi Acetas, U. S. 
 Sugar of Lead. Obtained by treating the Oxide with Acetic Acid. 
 Colorless, transparent or translucent prisms or tables, efflorescent, and slowly 
 converted into carbonate on exposure to the air, with a faintly acetous odor, 
 and a sweet, astringent and metallic taste, soluble in 2.3 parts of water and in 
 21 parts alcohol. The commercial salt should be purified by recrystallization 
 for medicinal use. 
 Uses. As an astringent in washes and injections; internally in the pill 
 form, and in chemistry as a precipitant of various organic principles. 
 Subacetatc of Lead, Solution. Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis, V. S. 
 Sometimes called Goulard's Extract. Made by boiling a solution of
 Acetate of Lead in Distilled Water with Oxide of Lead (litharge) until 
 no more oxide is dissolved, or it is converted into Subacetate. The 
 water lost by evaporation is replaced constantly and Distilled Water 
 added, so that the finished liquid shall have the sp. gr. 1.195 and con- 
 tain 25 per cent of the salt. 
 The subacetate of lead in this solution is not a definite compound, but a mix- 
 ture of Oxyacetates. Upon exposure it absorbs carbonic acid from the atmos- 
 phere and is converted into insoluble carbonate. Distilled water is therefore 
 directed to be used in the preparation of the dilute solution or "lead water," 
 as well as in the concentrated solution. It should be preserved in small, 
 tightly-stoppered bottles. 
 Uses. Only externally as an astringent and sedative and in the following 
 official preparations: 
 Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis Dilutus, containing 3 parts of the above Solution 
 in 100 parts of Distilled Water. 
 Ceratum Plumbi Subacetatis, prepared by mixing 20 parts of the concentrated 
 Solution of Lead Subacetate with 80 parts of Camphor Cerate. 
 Also in the unofficial Liniment made by mixing 40 parts of concentrated 
 Solution of Lead Subacetate with Co parts of Cotton seed Oil. 
 Lead C//-/w/^-.(PbCO 3 ) 2 Pb(OH),. Plumbi Carbonas, .U. S. 
 White Lead. Obtained by the reaction of Carbonic Acid on the 
 Heavy, white powder, odorless, tasteless, permanent in the air, and insolu- 
 ble in water and alcohol. When heated strongly, it changes to yellow, losing 
 carbon dioxide and being converted into the oxide. 
 Uses. Externally as a protective to irritated surfaces, but owing to its poison- 
 ous character it cannot safely be applied except to the unbroken skin. It is 
 largely used in the arts, ground in oil, as Paints. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Plumbi Carbonatis. 
 Lead Nitrate. Pb(XO,) 2 . Plumbi Xitras, U. S. Made usually 
 by treating Litharge, or the Carbonate with Dilute Nitric Acid. 
 Colorless, transparent or nearly opaque octahedra, sp. gr. 4.4, permanent in 
 air, and soluble in 2 parts of water, and nearly insoluble in alcohol at i5C. 
 Uses. In preparing the Iodide, and to a limited extent in medicine as a dis- 
 cutient and as a deodorizing agent. 
 Lead Iodide. PbI 2 . Plumbi lodidum, U. S. Obtained by mix- 
 ing a solution of Lead Nitrate and Potassium Iodide. 
 The precipitate obtained is a bright yellow powder, inodorous, of a some- 
 what metallic taste, turns brick-reel when heated, and if in contact with the air, 
 gives off iodine and is converted into oxyiodide, which is citron-yellow in color. 
 Almost insoluble in alcohol or water. 
 Uses. Externally in ointment, chiefly. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Plumbi lodidi.
 i8z COPPER. 
 This metal occurs in considerable abundance, both native and com- 
 bined. Its most important ores are the Black Oxide or melanconite, 
 the Red Oxide, malachite, azurite, chalcocite or copper glance, and 
 chalcopyrite or copper pyrites. 
 The methods of extracting the copper differ, according to the na- 
 ture of the ores. 
 Cuprum. Cu. A red metal with a bright, metallic lustre, very tough, mal- 
 leable and ductile, has a sp. gr. of 8.94, is next to silver in its conductivity of 
 heat and electricity, and fuses at a bright-red heat. It forms two oxides: Red 
 oxide and black oxide of copper. 
 Copper Sulphate. CuSO 4 +5H 2 O. Cupri Sulphas, U. S. Blue 
 Vitriol. Obtained by oxidizing the Sulphide or by the action of 
 Dilute Sulphuric Acid on the Metal. This is the most Common Salt 
 of Copper and from it all other compounds are made. 
 Large, deep-blue, translucent, triclinic crystals, which on exposure to the air 
 effloresce. They have an acid reaction, are without odor, and have a dis- 
 agreeable metallic taste. Soluble in 2.6 parts of water at 15 C., and insoluble 
 in alcohol. Converted by a temperature a little above 230 C. into the anhy- 
 drous salt, and at a red-heat are decomposed. 
 Uses. Chiefly in Collyria, Injections, Lotions, and occasionally as an emetic, 
 or in smaller doses as a tonic and astringent. As a reagent in various Test 
 Solutions and in Fehling's Solution. [See U. S. Ph., p. 483.] 
 Cuprum Ammonialum. Made by rubbing together in a mortar, until effer- 
 vescence ceases, Sulphate of Copper 4 parts, Carbonate of Ammonia 3 parts, 
 and drying the resulting mass on bibulous paper at a gentle heat. Used as a 
 Test Solution and also for coloring show-liquids. Not official. 
 Copper Acetate. Cu(C 2 H 3 O.,),-{-H 2 O. Cupri Acetas, A'erdigris. 
 It is variously prepared, but may be obtained by mixing solutions 
 of Lead Acetate and Copper Sulphate, when Lead Sulphate will be 
 precipitated and Copper Acetate remain in solution. It is not official. 
 Deep blue-green, rhombic prisms, opaque or translucent, efflorescent, odor- 
 less, taste disagreeable, metallic, and with an acid reaction. 
 Uses. Chiefly in Collyria, Lotions, and as an ingredient in Corn icmedies. 
 '1'initiirc Copper AciLite. Rademacher. Prepared by digesting 90 parts 
 Copper Sulphate and 112.5 parts Lead Acetate with 510 parts water. The 
 mixture is boiled, and when cold, 390 parts Alcohol added, frequently agitated 
 for 4 days, and the solution obtained by nitration. 
 The Salts of Copper are not poisonous, but its double compound 
 with arsenic, the aceto-arsenite of copper, or " Paris Green," is ex- 
 ceedingly poisonous.
 TIN. 183 
 TIN. Sn. 
 This metal is rarely found native. Its principal ore is cassiterite, or 
 tinstone, SnO^, but it also exists in the form of tin pyrites, which is a 
 compound of copper, /inc, iron and tin with Sulphur; in the form of 
 silicate, and in small proportion in several complex minerals. 
 It is obtained from Tinstone by crushing and washing to separate lighter im- 
 purities, roasting to oxidize sulphides that may be present, washing a second 
 time to get rid of lighter oxides that may be present; and then reduction of the 
 purified tin oxide thus produced, in a suitable furnace with anthracite or char- 
 Stanmim. Sn. Brilliantly lustrous, white metal, melting at 235"C., vola- 
 tilixing at a white heat, sp. gr. 7.293, exhibits a fibrous fracture, when bent 
 produces a crackling sound, is somewhat harder than lead, malleable and duc- 
 tile, but not very tenacious. 
 As tin is not readily oxidi/.ed in moist air, it is highly valuable for 
 coating iron and copper surfaces, which is its principal use in the 
 All the compounds and preparations of tin are poisonous. 
 7'in Chloride. SnCl L >.2H. 2 O. Stannous Chloride. Obtained by dissolving 
 Tin in hot Hydrochloric Acid, is used as a reagent, and largely in the arts and 
 GOLD. Au. 
 The only Compound of Gold used in medicine is: 
 Gold and Sodium Chloride. AuCl 3 XaCl. Auri et Sodii Chloridum, 
 U. S. "Double Chloride of Gold and Sodium." A mixture of 
 equal weights of Gold Chloride and Sodium Chloride. Obtained by 
 dissolving Gold in Nitrohydrochloric Acid, adding Sodium Chloride 
 and evaporating the solution to dryness. 
 An orange-yellow powder, very deliquescent, and soluble in water. 
 Used as a tonic in dipsomania, etc. 
 Cadmium Bromide, though an unofficial salt, is sometimes used in pharmacy. 
 It is prepared by double decomposition of solutions of cadmium sulphate and 
 potassium bromide.
 Silver and Mercury. 
 Silver occurs both free and in combination. Its most importanr 
 ores are silver glance (Ag 2 S), ruby silver (Ag s SbS s ), silver-copper 
 glance (AgCu) a S, and horn silver (AgCl). It is obtained from the 
 ores by processes which differ considerably, according to the nature 
 of the ores, their purity, etc. 
 Argentum. Ag. A bright, white metal, susceptible of a high degree of 
 polish, the best conductor of heat and electricity, tenacious, malleable, and very 
 ductile, fuses at iO4O"C., and volatilizes at a white heat. Its specific gravity is 
 about 10.5. 
 Uses. In pharmacy in the preparation of silver compounds. Its surgical 
 uses are also numerous, because it is not readily oxidized. 
 Silver Nitrate. AgNO 3 . Argenti Nitras, U. S. Obtained by 
 treating Silver with dilute Nitric Acid. This is the most important 
 salt of silver, and from it all the other compounds are produced. 
 Colorless, transparent, tabular, rhombic crystals, odorless, very caustic and 
 bitter taste, and of neutral reaction. Soluble in 0.6 parts of water, in 26 parts 
 of alcohol, and in 5 parts boiling alcohol. The crystals and aqueous solution 
 are permanent and not affected by light, but when exposed to the air become 
 rapidly dark in color, owing to decomposition induced by contact with organic 
 Cses. In medicine chiefly as a local remedy, either in solution, as a wash, or 
 in substance moulded into Sticks (lunar caustic) for cauterization. Internally 
 in the pill-form, in doses of about 2 eg., the mass being made with an excipi- 
 ent of indifferent character to prevent reduction of the salt. It is used largely 
 as a Hair Dye, and for Indelible Ink, owing to its property of leaving a perma- 
 nent black stain upon organic matter. Stains upon the skin may be removed 
 by a solution of potassium cyanide. Taken internally in large doses it is poison- 
 ous sodium chloride being the proper antidote. 
 From nitrate of silver are prepared the following: 
 Argenti Nitras Diluhis, U. S. Prepared by fusing together one part of Sil- 
 ver Nitrate and two parts Potassium Nitrate, and casting into cones or cylin- 
 drical sticks, 
 Argenti A'ifras Fusits, U. S. Lunar Caustic. Made by fusing the Nitrate 
 and adding a little Hydrochloric Acid to the melted mass, which is then cast 
 into sticks. The small amount of Silver Chloride contained in this form of the 
 salt makes it tough and the sticks less friable. 
 Silver Oxide. Ag a O. Argenti Oxidum, U. S. Obtained by
 MERCURY. 185 
 pouring a solution of Silver Nitrate into either a solution of Lime or 
 of Caustic Potash. 
 Inodorous, brownish or blackish powder, undergoing reduction or partial 
 reduction on exposure to light; its uses are similar to those of the nitrate It 
 should not be triturated with readily oxidizable or combustible substances, nor 
 brought in contact with Ammonia. 
 Silver Iodide. Agl. Argenti lodidum, U. S. Obtained by mix- 
 ing a solution of Silver Nitrate with one of Potassium Iodide. 
 An amorphous light-yellow and heavy powder that is inodorous, tasteless, 
 and insoluble in the ordinary solvents. 
 Its medicinal use is limited. 
 Silver Cyanide. AgCN. Argenti Cyanidum, U. S. Made by 
 conducting a stream of Hydrocyanic Acid, distilled from a mixture 
 of Potassium Ferrocyanide and Sulphuric Acid, into a solution of Sil- 
 ver Nitrate, and washing and drying the precipitate. 
 White, amorphous powder, permanent in dry air, but slowly growing brown 
 by exposure to the light. It is without odor and taste, and not soluble either in 
 alcohol or water; exceedingly poisonous. 
 Off. Prep. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum. 
 This is the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures. It is 
 sometimes found free in nature in minute globules, but is usually ob- 
 tained from its ores, the chief of which is Cinnabar, an impure Sul- 
 phide of Mercury. The metal is obtained by roasting the ores in a 
 suitable furnace. The sulphur burns and the mercury volatilizes and 
 is collected in a cooling chamber to which the vapors are conducted. 
 Mercury. Hydrargyrum, U. S. Quicksilver. A silvery, mobile 
 liquid, having a sp. gr. of 13.559, solidifying at 39C., and boil- 
 ing at357-2C. It forms two series of salts, the mercurous and 
 Mercury in all its forms is active, and in its more soluble forms, 
 highly poisonous. It acts powerfully on the glandular system, and is 
 useful in many cases, both of local and general inflammation. The 
 metal itself, in the liquid form, is not often medicinally employed, 
 but by triturating it for a long time with fats, chalk or sulphur, it is 
 mechanically reduced to a fine state of division, and in this form 
 possesses more active properties, and has important medicinal uses. 
 The following preparations contain mercury in the metallic form: 
 Mass of Mercury. Massa Hydrargyri, U. S. Blue Mass. Contains one-
 third its weight of Mercury made into a mass with Licorice, Althea, and Honey 
 of Rose, with the addition of 3 per cent of Glycerin to keep it soft. 
 Mercury with Chalk. Hydrargyrum cum Creta, U. S. Contains 38 per 
 cent of Mercury, triturated with Honey and Prepared Chalk, until so finely 
 divided that no globules of mercury are visible with a lens magnifying no less 
 than 4 diameters. 
 Mercurial Ointment. Unguentum Hydrargyri, U. S. "Blue Ointment." 
 Containing one-half its weight of Mercury. The Mercury is extinguished with 
 a little Mercury Oleate and incorporated with Lard and Suet. 
 Mercurial Plaster. Emplastrum Hydrargyri, U. S. Containing 30 per cent 
 of Mercury with Lead Plaster. 
 Ammoniac Plaster with Mercury. Emplastrum Ammoniaci cum Hydrargyro, 
 U. S. Containing 18 per cent of Mercury with Ammoniac and Lead Plaster. 
 Mercury is bivalent and forms two classes of salts, i. e. , mercurous 
 and mercuric compounds. 
 In the mercurous compounds two atoms of mercury combine with 
 the salt-producing radical, while in the mercuric one atom of the metal 
 exerts its bi valence. This distinction is best shown by the formulas 
 of the official compounds as follows: 
 Compounds of Mercurous. Mercuric. 
 O Oxide=HgO 
 Cl. Chloride=Hg,Cl^ Chloride=HgCl 2 
 I. Iodide=Hg,I 2 Iodide=HgI., 
 S. Sulphate=HgSO 4 
 NH 4 Ammon-Chlor=XH 2 HgCl 
 CN Cyanide=Hg(CN) 2 . 
 The Mercuric Chloride, Sulphate, and Cyanide are the only compounds 
 sparingly soluble in water and more freely soluble in alcohol, as is also the 
 Iodide. The Mcrcurous compounds are almost insoluble in either water or 
 The two classes of compounds are distinguished by the following reactions: 
 Hydrochloric Acid with mercurous salts white precipitate; with mercuric no 
 Potassium Iodide with mercurous salts greenish-yellow precipitate; with 
 mercuric, yellow precipitate turning scarlet. 
 Ammonia Water with mercurous salts, black precipitate; with mercuric a 
 white precipitate. 
 Compounds of mercury are more or less affected by light and should 
 be protected against it by being kept in dark-colored bottles. 
 Mercury forms with Sulphur five compounds: Red Mercuric Sul- 
 phide, HgS, found native, and from which mercury is chiefly derived; 
 also Black Sulphide of the same composition; Mercuric Sulphate, 
 HgSO 4 , by reaction of sulphuric acid on the metal; Yellow Mercuric 
 Subsulphate, Hg(HgO) 2 SO 4 , by decomposition of the mercuric sul-
 phatc in boiling water, and Merctirous Sulphate, Hg.,SO 4 , made by- 
 direct union of the metal with mercuric sulphate, or with sulphur. 
 Red Mercuric Sulphide. HgS. Hydrargyri Sulphidum Rubrum. 
 Comrnc.rily known as Cinnabar. Occurs native, and in that form con- 
 stitutes one of the principal ores of mercury. It is also made by heat- 
 ing together Mercury and Sulphur, in proper proportions, and finally 
 subliming the mixture. 
 In the form of brilliant, dark red masses, having a crystalline structure, or 
 else a bright scarlet powder; inodorous, tasteless, permanent in the air; insolu- 
 ble in water or alcohol; it turns dark on heating, but resumes its normal hue 
 again on cooling. The pure sulphide, used in the arts as Vermilion, is com- 
 pletely volatilized by heat, which is not true of samples adulterated with red 
 lead, or with basic lead chromate. Seldom used medicinally. 
 Black Afcrcitrif Sulphide., or "Ethiop's Mineral," has the same composition, 
 and is made by fusing together equal parts of sulphur and mercury. 
 Yclloiv Mercuric ^ul'sulphatc.\\^( \ IgOj a S( \. I lydrargyri Sub- 
 sulphas Flavus, U. S. "Turpeth Mineral."- The normal sulphate is 
 added to boiling distilled water and heated, when upon cooling of the 
 mixture the compound precipitates, is washed and dried. 
 Heavy, bright lemon-yellow powder, unchangeable in the air, odorless, slight 
 metallic taste, sp. gr. 6.44, very slightly soluble in cold water, insoluble in 
 alcohol, and when heated turning red, but resuming its original color on cool- 
 ing. It is a powerful irritant poison. But little used medicinally. 
 Mild Mercurous Chloride. Hg 2 Cl.,. Hydrargyrum Chloridtim 
 Mite, U. S. Calomel. Mild Chloride of Mercury. 
 Obtained by the double decomposition of Mercurous Sulphate and 
 Sodium Chloride. Mercurous Sulphate is mixed with Sodium Chlo- 
 ride in a suitable retort and subjected to heat: Hg 2 SO 4 -|-2NaCl 
 Hg 2 Ci 2 -f-Na. 2 SO4. The calomel is sublimed and collected in a cool 
 chamber, when it is washed with water to free it from the soluble mer- 
 curic chloride, and then dried. 
 A white impalpable powder, showing small isolated crystals under the micro- 
 scope, assuming a yellowish coloration upon trituration, and becoming grayish 
 upon exposur to light. Insoluble in neutral solvents, but decomposed by 
 strong acids and colored black by ammonia water. It should be kept in dark 
 amber-colored bottles. 
 Caution. In contact with the chlorides of ammonium, potassium 
 and sodium, it undergoes a change into mercuric chloride, and great 
 care '-hould, therefore, be observed in dispensing calomel in conjunc- 
 tion with these substances. 
 Uses. In medicine as a cathartic, and externally as a wash com- 
 bined with lime water. Lotio Xigra, X. k. 
 Off. Prep. Pi hike Antimunii com]'.; Pihike Catharlkve coinp.
 Corrosive Mercuric Chloride. HgCl 2 . Hydrargyri Chloridum 
 Corrosivum, U. S. Corrosive Chloride, or Bichloride of Mercury. 
 Corrosive Sublimate. Made by the double decomposition of Mer- 
 curic Sulphate and Sodium Chloride, heating the mixture and obtain- 
 ing the mercuric chloride by sublimation. 
 Heavy white crystalline masses, or colorless rhombic prisms. Sp. gr. 5.4, 
 fuses at 265 C. and at 300 C. sublimes without residue. Permanent in air, 
 inodorous (but its dust very irritating), with an acrid metallic taste, soluble in 
 16 parts of \vaterat 15, in 3 parts of alcohol, in 4 parts of ether and in 14 parts 
 of glycerin. It is a powerful irritant poison. Antidote: White of egg or milk. 
 L T st-s. In making many mercury compounds in medicine, as an alterative 
 and externally as an antiseptic. It is the most powerful of all known antisep- 
 tics, but owing to its poisonous properties it must be used only with great care, 
 With potassium iodide it forms a double compound, a solution of it being a 
 valuable reagent for the alkaloids (Afayer's Solution}, With Lime Water it 
 forms a yellow mixture, Lotio Flava, "Yellow Wash," N. F. 
 Dose. Internally from 4 to 16 mg. (^ to \ gr. ) 
 Yellow Mercuric Oxide. HgO. Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum, 
 U. S. Obtained by mixing solutions of Mercuric Chloride and Soda, 
 and collecting, thoroughly washing and drying the precipitate. 
 A light orange-yellow, amorphous, heavy impalpable powder, permanent in 
 the air, but becoming darker on exposure, and should, therefore, be protected 
 from the light, odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water and alcohol, and changing 
 to red when strongly heated. 
 Off. Prep. Oleatum Hydrargyri; Ung. Hydrargyri Oxidi Flava. 
 Yellow Mcrci/roits Iodide. Hg 2 I 2 - Hydrargyri lodidum Flavum, 
 U. S. Hydrargyrum lodidum Viride. Protiodide, Yellow, or 
 Green Iodide of Mercury. Obtained by precipitating an acid Solu- 
 tion of Mercurous Nitrate with Potassium Iodide, thoroughly washing 
 and drying the precipitate formed. 
 A bright yellow amorphous powder, odorless and tasteless, which becomes 
 darker colored on exposure to the light, without odor or taste, insoluble in 
 alcohol, and nearly so in water. It is less poisonous than the red iodide. 
 L'si's. Chiefly in treatment of syphilis in the pill-form, in doses 8 mg. to 3 
 dcg. (}$ to>< gr.) 
 Red Mercuric Iodide. HgI 2 . Hydrargyri lodidum Rubrum, U. S. 
 Biniodide of Mercury. Obtained by the reaction of Potassium 
 Iodide and Mercuric Chloride in solution. 
 Scarlet red, crystalline powder, without color or taste, permanent in air, 
 nearly insoluble in water and soluble in 130 parts of alcohol, and in 15 parts of 
 boiling alcohol; also soluble in solutions of potass, iodide or mercuric chloride. 
 A powerful irritant poison. 
 Uses. Occasionally given in syphilis, either alone in the pill form, or insolu-
 tion in conjunction with potassium iodide, but mainly used externally in treat- 
 ment of skin diseases, glandular swellings, etc, 
 Off. Prep. Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri lodidi. 
 Ammoniated Mercury. NH^HgCl. Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum, 
 U. S. White Precipitate. Obtained by decomposing a solution of 
 Mercuric Chloride in Ammonia Water in excess a white precipitate of 
 mercuric ammonium chloride being formed: 
 HgCl 2 4-2NH 4 OH=NH. i HgCl-fNH 4 Cl-f-2H 2 O. 
 This, after being washed, is dried between sheets of filter paper at a 
 gentle heat. 
 It is used only in the form of ointment. 
 Unguentum Hydrargyri Ammoniati. U. S., strength 10 parts to 90 of Ben- 
 zoinated Lard. 
 Mercuric Nitrate. Hg(XO 3 ),. Hydrargyri Nitras. Made by dis- 
 solving metallic Mercury in Nitric Acid. It is official in the follow- 
 ing forms: 
 Liquor Hydrargyri Nitratis. U. S. Containing 60% by weight of Mercuric 
 Nitrate with some free nitric acid; sp. gr. of the solution 2. 100. 
 Unguentum Hydrargyri A r itratis. U. S. Citrine Ointment. Prepared by 
 mixing a solution of Mercuric Nitrate with Lard Oil, previously acted upon by 
 nitric acid in order to prevent the decomposition of the mercuric nitrate 
 Red Mercuric Oxide. HgO. Hydrargyri Oxidum Rubrum, U. S. 
 Red Precipitate. Usually obtained by decomposing Mercuric 
 Nitrate by means of heat. 
 Crystalline, red or orange-red, heavy powder, or scales, permanent in air, 
 odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water and alcohol. It turns darker when heated, 
 and at a high temperature evolves oxygen and is reduced to the metallic state. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri. 
 It will be observed there is no chemical difference between the Yel- 
 low and Red Oxides, both being Mercuric compounds. The differ- 
 ence in color is due to a variation in the arrangement of the molecules 
 derived from the different methods of producing the two oxides. 
 Mercuric Cyanide. Hg(CN) 2 . Hydrargyri Cyanidum, U. S. 
 Obtained by dissolving Mercuric Oxide in Hydrocyanic Acid, pro- 
 duced by treating Potassium Ferrocyanide with Sulphuric Acid. 
 Colorless, or white quadrangular prisms, permanent in air, inodorous, bitter. 
 metallic taste, if kept from the light, permanent in the air, and soluble at 15 
 C. in 12.8 parts of water and 15 parts of alcohol. It is very poisonous. 
 Uses. Similar to mercuric chloride, but a dangerous and little used remedy.
 Antimony. Bismuth. 
 This metal rarely occurs in the native state. Its most common ore 
 is stibnite, Sb. 2 S s , but many others are known, as a compound of iron, 
 antimony and sulphur; of copper, antimony and sulphur; and a com- 
 pound of lead, antimony and sulphur, etc. 
 Stibium. Sb. Lustrous, silver-white metal, of a crystalline structure, and 
 at ordinary temperatures brittle; fuses at 425^0., volatilizes at a red heat, and 
 at the temperature of its melting point readily oxidizes in the air, but remains 
 unchanged at ordinary temperatures, Its sp. gr. is about 6.86. 
 The most common compound is the Sulphide from which the other sulphur 
 compounds of Antimony are made. 
 Antimony Sulphide. Sb.,S 3 . Antimonii Sulphidum, U. S. This 
 occurs, as above stated, in nature as the mineral stibnite. It is freed 
 from the impurities, with which the native mineral is usually asso- 
 ciated, by fusion, the impurities mostly remaining behind, while the 
 fused Sulphide is poured off. 
 In masses of a steel-gray color, more or less striated, and of a metallic lustre, 
 forming, when pulverized, a dull grayish powder, which is insoluble in alcohol 
 or water, and without odor or taste. It may be distinguished from black oxide 
 of manganese, which it outwardly resembles, by its ready fusibility. 
 Uses. It is seldom used in medicine, but constitutes the chief source of the 
 metal and of the various compounds of antimony. 
 Purified Antimony Sulphide. Antimonii Sulphidum Purificatum, 
 U. S. The finely powdered sulphide is freed from coarse particles by 
 elutriation and macerated for five days in Ammonia Water, which 
 dissolves the arsenic. The powder, after being washed, is finally dried. 
 A heavy grayish-black powder, insoluble in water or alcohol. 
 Its chief use is in the preparation of the following: 
 Sulphurated Antimony. Antimonium Sulphuratum, U. S. "Ker- 
 mes Mineral." Consists chiefly of Antimonious Sulphide mixed with 
 a small amount of Antimonious Oxide. Obtained by dissolving the 
 purified sulphide in an aqueous solution of one of the Fixed Alkalies, 
 and then precipitating it by means of Dilute Sulphuric Acid. 
 An amorphous, reddish-brown powder, inodorous, tasteless, and insoluble 
 both in water and alcohol. When heated with twelve times of hydrochloric 
 acid it is nearly all dissolved with the evolution of hydrogen sulphide. 
 Uses. It is not much used at present in medicine, but has the essential prop- 
 erties of other antimony compounds. 
 Off. Prep. Pilulce Antimonii composite. 
 Antimony Oxide. Slx-O.,. Antimonii Oxidum, U. S. This oxide- 
 exists in nature as the mineral cervatite, but it is usually prepared for 
 medicinal use from the Chloride by precipitation in water. 
 A heavy, grayish-white powder, but slightly soluble in water, and insoluble 
 in alcohol. Soluble in hydrochloric and tartaric acids, and in hot solution of 
 potassium bitartrate. When heated to a bright red heat it sublimes and forms 
 crystals called flowers of antimony. 
 Uses. In pharmacy to prepare Tartar Emetic, and occasionally in med- 
 icine as a nauseant, sudorific or emetic. 
 Off. Prep. Pulvis Antimonialis. 
 Antimony and Potassium Tartratc. 2K(SbO)C i H 4 O 6 -|-H 2 O. 
 Antimonii et Potassii Tartras, U. S. Tartar Emetic. Made by 
 the action of Acid Tartrate of Potassium on Oxide of Antimony, in 
 the presence of Water. 
 Colorless, transparent crystals of small size, in the form of rhombic octa- 
 hedra which, on exposure to the air, become white and opaque, are inodorous, 
 have a sweetish, followed by a disagreeable, metallic taste. Soluble in 17 parts 
 water at 15 C., in 3 parts of boiling water, insoluble in alcohol, which precipi- 
 tates it from aqueous solution as a fine crystalline powder. 
 Uses. As a test; in preparing compounds, and in medicine as an emetic and 
 irritant. As an antidote tannin should be given. 
 Off. Prep. Syrupus Scillai compositus; Vinum Antimonii. 
 Bismuth exists in the metallic state in some localities. The com- 
 mercial supply is chiefly derived from the mines in Saxony, where it 
 occurs associated with silver, cobalt, and nickel. It also exists as the 
 oxide and sulphide, and in other combinations. It is readily sepa- 
 rated from the metals, with which it is alloyed, by taking advantage 
 of its comparatively low fusing-point. 
 Bisnnithinn. Bi. Hard, brittle, bright, metallic luster, crystalline structure, 
 grayish, with a reddish tinge, sp. gr. 9.823, melts at 270 C., and expands in 
 solidifying. The metal itself is not used in medicine. 
 Bismuth Snbnitrate. BiOXO; V 4-HjO. Bismuthi Subnitras, U. S. 
 Obtained by dissolving the metal in Nitric Acid, pouring the con- 
 centrated solution into Ammonia Water, redissolving the precipitated 
 hydroxide in Nitric Acid and again precipitating with a solution of 
 Sodium Carbonate; the Subcarbonate so formed is again dissolved in 
 Nitric Acid and the solution poured into ammoniated water, the Sub- 
 nitrate precipitates, is washed and dried. 
 Heavy, white powder of somewhat varying chemical composition permanent
 tga BISMUTH. 
 n vne air, odorless, tasteless, and insoluble in water and alcohol. At a red 
 ueat it, like the subcarbonate, is converted into yellow bismuthous oxide. 
 (Jses. Internally, either alone or in conjunction with pepsin, in disorders of 
 the stomach and alimentary canal, where, owing to its insolubility, it protects 
 A^.amod surfaces. Externally as injection and Ointment, and popularly as 
 i snuff in catarrh. 
 Also for preparing Citrate of Bismuth, and several unofficial compounds 
 Bismuth Citrate. BiC fi H 5 O 7 . Bismuthi Citras, U. S. Obtained 
 by boiling the Subnitrate, in a solution of Citric Acid. 
 White, amorphous powder, permanent in the air, odorless, tasteless, insolu- 
 ble in water and alcohol, but soluble in water of ammonia Citrates and alkalies. 
 Uses. Similar to subnitrate and subcarbouate, aud to prepare the citrate of 
 bismuth and ammonia. 
 Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate. Bismuthi et Ammonii Citras, 
 U. S. Made by dissolving Bismuth Citrate in weak Ammonia-Water, 
 /iltering and evaporating the liquid until it is of a syrupy consistence, 
 '.spreading upon glass-plates and allowing it to dry, when the salt is 
 obtained in scales. 
 Peaiiy or nearly transparent scales, becoming opaque on exposure tc the air, 
 c-f neutral or faintly alkaline reaction, %'ery soluble in water, but sparingly in 
 alcohol. The salt loses ammonia if not carefully protected from the air, and 
 becomes insoluble in water, but when the liquid is rendered slightly alkaline by 
 addition of ammonia-water, it becomes again easily soluble. 
 i 'st's. In many Elixirs associated with iron, quinine, hydrastine, strvchnine, 
 pepsin, etc. With pepsin, which requires an acid solvent, the sodio-bismiith 
 tartrate has been employed, instead of the ammonio-citrate of bismuth, the 
 .latter being precipitated in acidulated solutions. 
 Liquor Bismuthi contains two grains of the ammonio-citrate in one 
 fluid drachm. See Xat. Form. 
 Bismuth Subcarbonate. (BiO).,CO s -(- H. 2 O. Bismuthi Subcarbonas, 
 U. S. Obtained by dissolving Metallic Bismuth in Nitric Acid, and 
 pouring the solution into Ammonia Water, dissolving the washed 
 precipitate in Nitric Acid and pouring the solution of the Nitrate thus 
 formed into a solution of Sodium Carbonate, similary to the first 
 -.tops in the process for making the Subnitrate, collecting and thor- 
 oughly washing and drying the precipitate. 
 Whitish, or slightly yellowish, amorphous powder, of somewhat varying 
 chemical composition, unchangeable in the air, inodorous, tasteless, insoluble 
 n water and alcohol, and at a red heat, is converted into yellow bisnu th oxide. 
 VMS. Same as subnitrate, which see.
 Cellulose and Derivatives. 
 Cellulose or Cellulin constitutes the principal portion of the cell- 
 walls of plants, and together with one of its modifications, tignin, it 
 represents the greater proportion of dried wood. Because of its wide 
 distribution Cellulose is an important substance, and in some of its 
 modifications, such as cotton, paper, wood and coal, is the most nearly 
 indispensable substance to mankind. 
 Cellulose has the same chemical composition as Starch, C 6 H 10 O 5 , or 
 a multiple of this and, like it, may by the action of acids be converted 
 into glucose. These substances have therefore been designated chemi- 
 cally as the Cellulin group and have been thus treated in works of 
 chemistry. For the purposes of pharmacy, however, this classification 
 is not desirable, as each class is best studied by itself. 
 I'harmaceutically and chemically considered Cellulose furnishes 
 some of the most important chemical and technological agents, which 
 may be grouped according to the methods of manufacture as follows: 
 A. By separation of Lignin and impurities: 
 1. Mechanical. Cotton, Linen, Jute, 
 2. Pharmaceutical. Paper, Purified Cotton, Lint. 
 B. By chemical decomposition: 
 3. By Nitration. Nitro-Celkilin Pyroxylin. 
 4. From oxalates with H.,SO 4 , Oxalic Acid. 
 5. By destructive distillation: Percentage. 
 Incondensable Gases 25 
 Pyroligneous Acid 40 
 Tarry Liquid 10 
 Solid, Charcoal, etc 25 
 These will be treated in the order that they are derived, together 
 with theu' compounds and preparations. 
 Cellulose occurs in a fairly pure form in the bast-cells of certain 
 plants, such as the Flax, Hemp, etc.. and in a still purer form in the 
 hairs attached to the seed of the Cotton plant. 
 They consist of single, elongated, rather thin-walled cells which, when dry, 
 collapse and form flattened and somewhat twisted bands. But these fibers in
 200 COTTON. 
 their natural form contain more or less coloring and resinous matter of whicn 
 they must be freed before being used for making the finer fabrics and especially 
 before they can be used in pharmacy. Their chief value in pharmacy depend 5 
 upon their power of absorbing liquids due to the capillary attraction exercised 
 by the cells, which] renders these forms of Cellulose invaluable in surgery to 
 abstract irritating liquid (pus), thus keeping the wound clean. They are also 
 used as filtering media for the same reason. 
 Purified Cotton. Gossypium Purificatum. U. S. Absorbent Cot- 
 ton. The hairs of the seed of Gossypium herbaceum L. , freed from 
 adhering impurities and deprived of fatty matter. 
 The "raw" cotton is boiled in an alkaline solution, washed and 
 immersed in a solution of Chlorine, again washed with water and 
 then with dilute Hydrochloric Acid, rinsed thoroughly in weak 
 Alkaline water and finally in pure water and then dried. 
 The cotton so treated has great absorbent power, is insoluble in all ordi- 
 nary solvents, but soluble in copper ammonium sulphate solution. 
 Uses. In surgery and for the preparation of Medicated Cottons by saturating 
 it in solutions of antiseptic agents, such as Carbolic Acid, etc., and drying. 
 Other forms of Cellulose used in surgery are Lint made from Linen obtained 
 from the Linum usitatissimum, Hemp and Jute. 
 The principal modifications of Cellulose are lignin, the thick-celled portion 
 or wood, and suberin, which constitutes the principal portion of Cork. 
 Paper. Charta. Is prepared from Cellulose direct in the form of wood, 
 straw, or linen rags by heating with steam under pressure in revolving cylin- 
 ders with Alkalies, beating into a pulp and bleaching with Chlorine. The pulp 
 is transferred to endless felt-belting revolving on heated cylinders and dried, 
 the sheets finally being pressed between rollers to give them a smooth or "cal- 
 endered" surface. 
 Paper to which no glue or similar substance has been added is called "un- 
 sized" paper, and is the kind directed for the official Papers, prepared by soak- 
 ing the paper in a saturated solution. 
 Chartula means small paper, and has reference to the paper used for en- 
 wrapping powders, hence its use in dispensing directions. For this purpose wax 
 and paraffin paper is also employed. 
 Parchment paper is prepared by dipping unsized paper in cold 5o-per-cent 
 Sulphuric Acid, then in Ammonia Water, rinsing in pure water and finally rolling 
 it so as to give a polished surface. The acid converts the surface of the paper 
 into a gummy substance which gives to the paper great strength. 
 Nitro-Cellulose Gun Cotton. By treating Purified Cotton with a 
 cooled mixture of Nitric and Sulphuric Acids, it is changed into Nitro- 
 Cellulin and may contain from two to six molecules of NO 3 according 
 to the proportion of Nitric Acid used. 
 The (//-nitrate is not scluble in ether and alcohol and is not explosive.
 Tho iWra-nitrate is soluble in ether and alcohol and is slightly explosive. 
 The /^.rrt-nitrate is insoluble, is highly explosive and is the true Gun Cotton. 
 A mixture of these, consising chiefly of the tetra-nitrate, is official 
 under the name of: 
 Pyroxylin. Pyroxylinum, U. S. Soluble Gun Cotton. Made by 
 immersing 10 Gm. Cotton in a mixture of 140 C. C. Nitric Acid and 
 220 C.C. Sulphuric Acid, cooled to 32C.: 
 4 HN0 3 +C ia H 30 O l0 -C IJ H 16 6 (N0 3 ) 4 +4H 2 0, 
 thoroughly washing first in water, then in Alcohol and carefully dry- 
 ing the product. The Sulphuric Acid simply aids the reaction. 
 From this the official class of Collodions are prepared by solution 
 in Ether and Alcohol and addition of medicinal agents. 
 Colloditim, U. S. Pyroxylin 3 Gm.. Ether 75 CC., alcohol 25 CC. 
 Coliodliim Flexile, U. S. 5 Canada Turpentine, 3 Castor Oil, Collodion to 
 100 Gm. 
 Collodium Cantharidatum, U. S. 60 Gm. Cantharides are extracted with 
 Chloroform and the extract concentrated to 15 Gm. is mixed with Flexible Col- 
 lodion to make 100 Gm. 
 Collodium Stypticum, U. S. 20 Gm. Tannic Acid dissolved in alcohol 5 C.C. 
 and ether 25 C.C. and mixed with Collodion to make 100 C.C. 
 Oxalic Acid. H 2 C a O 4 . Aciduni Oxalicum. Is a dibasic acid. It 
 is widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, occurring as acid 
 Potassium Oxalate in sorrel and some other plants, but more commonly 
 in combination with Calcium in rhubarb, curcuma, etc. This latter 
 compound is also found in the animal body. 
 It may be made from Sugar by the action of Nitric Acid and in 
 other ways, but commercially it is made by heating Saw-dust with 
 Potassa and Soda, forming Oxalates of Potassium and Sodium. By 
 Sodium Carbonate the former is converted into Sodium Oxalate 
 which is formed into Calcium Oxalate by the addition of Calcium 
 Hydrate. This Calcium Oxalate is decomposed by Sulphuric Acid 
 into insoluble Calcium Sulphate, Oxalic Acid being set free and ob- 
 tained by crystallization from the solution. 
 Tabular crystals, colorless, intensely sour, soluble in 8 parts of cold water 
 and in all proportions in boiling water. The pure acid does not blacken when 
 heated on platinum foil, but meltsat about 100 C. and sublimes at about i6oC., 
 being partly decomposed into carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The acid 
 is very poisonous; the proper antidote is chalk or magnesia. 
 Oxalic acid itself is not official, but represented in the Volumetric Solution 
 for quantitative testing. [See U. S. Ph.]. It is used for making the Oxalates.
 When wood is burned in a furnace without access of air the result- 
 ing products may be summarized as follows in order of their deriva- 
 f Carbon monoxide, CO; dioxide, CC2. 
 Gases. Non-Condensable, 25% \ Marsh Gas, CH 4 ; Acetylene, C 2 H 2 . 
 ( Propene, C 3 H 6 ; Ethylene, C 2 H 1 . 
 f Acetone, Furfurol. 
 Vapors. Condensable Liquid, I Methyl Alcohol, Methylamine. 
 50% ] Acids. Acetic, Formic, Butyric. 
 [ Crotonic, Capronic, Propionic. 
 | Tar, Creosote. 
 I Toluol, Xylol, Cumol, Methol. 
 Tarry Liquid, lo% \ Cresol, Phlorol. 
 Naphthalene, Pyrene, Chrysene. 
 [ Paraffin. 
 Solid Residue, 15% <j Charcoal, Inorganic Salts 
 The Gases are of but little importance, sometimes being utilized 
 as fuel during the process of distillation. 
 The liquid obtained after separation from the tarry portion consti- 
 tutes the so-called pyroligneous acid, or "crude wood vinegar." This 
 is treated with Lime which neutralizes the acids forming Calcium 
 Acetate, etc., and upon distillation yields the readily vaporizable 
 liquids, Acetone and Methyl Alcohol which come over and are con- 
 densed in the order of their respective boiling points. 
 Acetone. C 3 H 6 O. Pyroacetic Ether. Chemically known as 
 dimethyl ketone, is a very volatile liquid, boils at 56C. and is the 
 first liquid that comes over in the distillation of wood. It has the sp. 
 gr. of 0.800, soluble in all proportions of water, alcohol and ether. 
 It has great solvent properties, readily dissolving gun-cotton, camphor, 
 resins, oils, etc. It is used for the production of Chloroform and Acetophenon 
 or Hypnon, a liquid of hypnotic properties. 
 Methyl Alcohol. CH 3 OH.- Commonly called ''wood alcohol" or 
 "wood naphtha." The product obtained as above, purified by recti- 
 Limpid, colorless, volatile liquid, of a peculiar odor, and a warm alcoholic 
 taste, sp. gr. 0.820, boiling point 65C., soluble in all proportions of water, 
 alcohol and ether. 
 Uses. It is not used in medicine but as a solvent for fixed and volatile oils, 
 resins, etc., largely in the arts. Methylated spirit is common alcohol mixed 
 with 25 per cent of methyl alcohol, used in England for industrial purposes, 
 free from internal revenue tax. 
 Acetic- Acid. HC 2 H 8 O 3 . A monatomic acid having one replaceable 
 hydrogen atom.
 Found in plant-juices free and combined with Calcium and Potas- 
 sium especially in the wood. Also in animal organism, in the perspira- 
 tion and in the urine. 
 Acetic Acid may be obtained in many ways: 
 1. By decomposition through oxidation and fermentation. 
 2. Through oxidation of alcohol. 
 3. By distillation of wood and 
 4. Through decomposition of acetates. 
 Commercially it is chiefly obtained from crude Calcium Acetate ob- 
 tained by destructive distillation of wood as above referred to. 
 The calcium acetate is dissolved in water and after settling, the clear liquid 
 is drawn off and treated with sodium sulphate; in the double decomposition 
 which takes place, insoluble calcium sulphate and soluble sodium acetate are 
 formed. The clear liquid containing the sodium acetate is now drawn off, 
 evaporated to dryness, heated to about 26oC., to char any remaining organic 
 impurities, the residue dissolved in water, and the clear liquid separated from the 
 rediment. By treating the liquid with sulphuric acid, separating from the crys- 
 tals of sodium sulphate that have been formed, the acid is obtained by dis- 
 In the oxidation method or the "quick vinegar process," a dilute alcoholic 
 solution (5 to "]%} is permitted to drip slowly through a large cask filled with 
 clean wood shavings. The cask is perforated with holes for free circulation of 
 air. Before adding the dilute alcohol, a small quantity of warm vinegar is 
 poured in, and some fermented malt liquor, or some "mother of vinegar." The 
 .latter contains microscopic plants (ntyeodermi aceti], which act as a ferment. 
 The alcoholic solution is now permitted slowly to drip through the cask; soon 
 the shavings become coated with the ferment organisms, oxidation of the alco- 
 hol takes place, the temperature of the interior of the cask rises, causing a free 
 circulation of air, and the alcoholic solution is now rapidly converted into a 
 more or less impure solution of acetic acid, which issues in a slow stream from 
 an orifice in the bottom of the cask, and is called vinegar. 
 Vinegars are also made by fermentation of the poorer qualities of wine (wine 
 vinegar), of cider (cider vinegar), of malt (malt vinegar), etc. In all these 
 processes, alcohol is first produced by the fermentation of a saccharine solution, 
 and then the alcohol, by agency of the mycodermi accti and exposure of the 
 liquid to the air, is oxidized to acetic acid. Pure acetic acid may be obtained 
 from vinegar by a process similar to that which has been described for obtain- 
 ing it from wood vinegar. 
 Acetic Acid is official in the following forms: 
 Acetic Acid. Acidum Aceticum, U. S. A liquid composed of 36 
 per cent of absolute acid and 64 per cent by weight of water; sp. gr. 
 A clear, colorless liquid, having a strong, vinegar-like odor, a purely acid taste 
 and a strongly acid reaction, miscible in all proportions with water alcohol, etc 
 The percentage strength of Acetic Acid is not accurately disclosed by its
 204 TAR. 
 specific gravity, as this varies irregularly, but is best determined by tne Volu- 
 metric Solution of Potassium Hydrate. [See U. S. Ph.] 
 Dilute Acetic Acid. Acidum Aceticum Dilutum, U. S. A liquid 
 containing 6 per cent by weight of absolute acid. Prepared by mix- 
 ing 100 Gm. of the official Acid with Distilled water to make 600 
 Gm.; sp. gr. 1.008. 
 This is used as a menstruum for the official Vinegars. 
 Glacial Acetic Acid. Acidum Aceticum Glaciale, U. S. Nearly or 
 quite absolute acid, 99 per cent; sp. gr 1.058. 
 Liquid at ordinary temperature but becoming a crystalline mass below I5C. 
 Commercial Acetic Acid, or "No. 8," contains about 28 per cent of acid. It 
 possesses a disagreeable empyreumatic odor and taste, which unfits it for medi- 
 cinal purposes. 
 Tar. Fix Liquida, U. S. Product of the destructive distillation 
 of the wood of various species of Pine. Mainly produced in North 
 Blackish-brown, thick semi-fluid, odor empyreumatic and terebinthinate; 
 taste bitter, empyreumatic, and somewhat acrid; soluble in alcohol, ether, 
 chloroform, solutions of soda and potash, the fixed and volatile oils, and spar- 
 ingly soluble in water. 
 Composition. Very complex and somewhat variable, consisting of the end- 
 products of the destructive distillation of wood, as already stated, including 
 creosote, phenol, naphthalin, etc., associated with resin. 
 Uses. Stimulant and irritant. Given internally, and used also externally io 
 ointments and plasters, and for fumigations. 
 Off. Prep. Syrupus Picis Liquidae; Unguentum Picis Liquidae. 
 Oil of Tar. Oleum Picis Liquidae, U. S. Obtained by distillation of Tar, 
 Oil of Cade. Oleum Cadinum, U. S. Obtained by destructive distillation of 
 Juniper wood; are considered among the empyreumatic volatile oils. 
 Creosote. Creosotum, U. S. A mixture of several substances 
 belonging to the class known as Phenols, obtained by distillation of 
 wood-tar, preferably that from Beech, with a boiling point above 
 2ooC., consisting chiefly of Guaiacol, C 7 H 8 O 2 and Creosol, C 8 H 10 O. ? 
 The distillate from tar separates into two layers, the heavier portion 
 is freed from impurities by treating it alternately with caustic potash 
 and sulphuric acid, and the portion boiling over 2O5C. separated by 
 fractional distillation. 
 An almost colorless oily liquid, becoming darker with age and upon ex- 
 posure, of a penetrating, smoky odor and burning, caustic taste. Boils above 
 205 C, becomes gelatinous but does not soHdify at the freezing point (difference 
 from Carbolic Acid). It is inflammable, burning with a smoky flame and 
 coagulates the albumen of the skin, thereby producing a white stain when ap- 
 plied to it.
 It is of almost neutral reaction, sp. gr. about 1.070. Soluble in 150 parts of 
 water, in somewhat less of hot water, soluble in all proportions in alcohol, 
 ether, chloroform, fixed and volatile oils, benzin and carbon disulphide. 
 Creosote is largely adulterated with Carbolic Acid, from which it 
 may be distinguished by the above physical properties and also 
 certain tests noted under the latter. 
 Uses. To deaden pain and preserve tissue as an application in tooth-ache. 
 Internally to allay nausea and in larger doses, i C.C. per day, in solution in a 
 fixed oil as a remedy in consumption and lung diseases. 
 Off.Prep. Aqua Creosoti, a saturated solution.
 Coal-Tar Products. 
 By the destructive distillation of Coal, as in the burning of Coal in 
 Gas-works, a series of compounds quite similar to those derived from 
 wood are obtained. First, the gases which furnish the illuminating 
 gas, Hydrogen, and its Carbon Compounds known as the Marsh Gas, 
 CH 4 , Series. Second, Liquids which comprise the Hydrocarbons, 
 Benzol or Benzene or "Coal-tar benzin," Toluol, etc.; the acid con- 
 stituents, Phenol, Cresol, etc., and a great variety of bases of the 
 Ammonia type. Third, solids, Naphthalin, etc., and finally, fourth, 
 the residue, Coke. 
 Of all of these substances only a few are official, although from 
 nearly all of them valuable chemical and medicinal agents are ob- 
 Carbolic Acid. C fi H.OH. Aciclum Carbolicum, U. S. This is 
 aot an acid but chemically a Phenol and this its correct chemical 
 name. Obtained by distilling that portion of coal-tar known as "dead 
 oil," and collecting what comes over between the temperatures of 
 i5oC. and 2ooC. After two rectifications this constitutes the crude 
 Carbolic Acid of the U. S. Ph., a mixture of cresol and phenol. 
 The crude acid is treated with Caustic Potash, the crystals of carbolate of 
 potassa are heated to 170 C. to char organic impurities, dissolved in water and 
 the acid is set free, by S'ipersaturation with Hydrochloric Acid, as an oily 
 liquid. This is freed from water and finally obtained in crystals by condens- 
 ing the distillate at the freezing point. Colorless, acicular crystals, or a crys- 
 talline mass, usually acquiring a reddish tint, having an aromatic odor and a 
 sweetish, burning taste. Soluble in 15 parts of water, very soluble in alcohol, 
 ether, chloroform, benzol, carbon disulphide, fixed and volatile oils. Soluble in 
 glycerin, but almost insoluble in benzin (difference from creosote). 
 Carbolic acid resembles creosote in its odor, in its caustic properties, in its 
 antiseptic power, and in many of its uses, but differs from it in chemical com- 
 position, in being a solid at ordinary temperatures, in having a lower boiling 
 point, in its power to coagulate collodion when mixed with it, and in its far 
 greater solubility in water. 
 Carbolic acid will remain permanently liquid if the crystals be melted by im- 
 mersing the containing bottle in hot water, and then mixing water with the 
 liquefied crystals in the proportion of one part of the former to nineteen of the 
 latter. By using alcohol, instead of water, solution may be effected without the 
 use of heat by simply placing the containing vessel "upside down," after the 
 aJcohol has been added. 
 Uses. The most important uses of carbolic acid are as a disinfectant
 and antiseptic As a dressing, carbolic acid is usually applied in the form of 
 carbolated oil, or petrolatum. The lotion is prepared by dissolving one part of 
 the acid in thirty of hot water. For internal administration, only the purest 
 kinds should be dispensed. The dose is about 0.06 (i grain) largely diluted. 
 Off. Preps. Unguentum Aricli Carbol.; Glyceritum Acid. Carbol. 
 Care must be observed to distinguish between: The Solution 
 of Carbolic Acid, a saturated solution, made by dissolving 5 per cent of 
 the acid in water, and the liquefied Carbolic Acid, prepared by me 
 addition of 5 per cent of water or alcohol, to the crystallized acid. 
 Salicylic Acid. HC,H r O... Acidum Salicvlicum. U. S. A mono- 
 ./ 7 j .i 
 basic acid existing naturally as Methyl Salicylate in Oil of Gaultheria, 
 but made chiefly synthetically from Carbolic Acid. 
 It may be obtained by heating Oil of Caultheria with Potassa until 
 the liberated Methyl Alcohol is volatilized and decomposing the Potas- 
 sium Salicylate thus formed with Hydrochloric Acid, which separates 
 the Salicylic Acid in the form of crystals. 
 Commercially Salicylic Acid is made by treating Carbolic Acid 
 with Sodium Carbonate and subjecting the Sodium Phenolate so 
 formed to Carbon Dioxide, by which it is converted into Sodium 
 Salicylate and decomposing this by Hydrochloric Acid, which sets the 
 Salicylic Acid free. 
 Colorless, needle-shaped crystals, acid and slightly acrid to the taste; melting 
 at i56C., sublimes unaltered if carefully heated to 200 C. Soluble in 450 
 parts of water, in 2.4 parts of alcohol, in 2 parts ether and in So parts chloroform. 
 Salicylic acid should be free from the odor of carbolic acid, and its solution 
 in cold sulpnuric acid should be colorless, or have only a slightly yellow color, 
 showing the absence of organic impurities. 
 Uses. Salicylic acid and its compounds, particularly the Salicylate of Sodium, 
 are extensively used and of great value in acute articular rheumatism. The 
 acid is also of much value as an antiseptic and preventive of fermentation. 
 Su/pho-Carbolic Addis a mixture of equal parts of Carbolic Acid and Sul- 
 phuric Acid. It is used as an antiseptic and furnishes several salts. 
 Sakl, U. S. Phenyl Salicylate. Is a compound of Phenol and Salicylic 
 Acid. A white powder of faint aromatic odor, almost insoluble in water, soluble 
 in 10 parts alcohol, very soluble in ether, chloroform, fixed and volatile oils. 
 [~si-s. Chiefly as a remedy in rheumatism, dose i Gm. 
 riicnacctin. By action of Sulphuric Acid on Phenol. A crystalline powder, 
 almost insoluble in water (1500), soluble in iG parts alcohol. 
 Uses. Antipyretic and antiseptic, dose 0.3 to : Gm. 
 Benzol. HC.H V Benzene. Phenyl Hydride. Obtained from 
 coal-tar by fractional distillation. 
 A colorless liquid boiling at So C., sp. gr. 0.878. A great solvent for fa., 
 wax, resin, etc.
 From Benzene a great many substances are produced, among which 
 the following are the most important: 
 Nitro Benzene. C 6 H 5 NO 2 . Oil Mirbane. 
 Anilin. C 6 H 5 NH 2 . Phenylamine, "anilin oil." 
 Acetanilid. C 6 H 5 NH.C.,H 3 O. Acetanilidum, U. S. 
 A crystalline powder soluble in 194 parts of water, in 5 parts of alcohol, 18 of 
 ether, soluble in chloroform. 
 Uses. As an antipyretic and analgesic; dose 0.3 to 0.6 Gm. 
 Resorcin. C 6 H 4 (OH) 2 . Resorcinum, U. S. 
 Faintly reddish crystals, very soluble in alcohol and water. 
 L'scs. As a non-poisonous antiseptic. 
 Naphtalin. C l0 H g . Naphtalinum, U. S. Obtained as an end- 
 product in the fractional distillation of coal-tar. 
 Crystalline plates insoluble in water. Soluble in 15 parts alcohol, very solu- 
 ble in ether, chloroform, fixed and volatile oils. 
 NaphtoL C 10 H 7 OH. Naphtol, U. S. Beta Naphtol. 
 Buff-colored, shining plates, phenol-like odor, almost insoluble in water (1000), 
 very soluble in alcohol, ether, etc. 
 Uses. As antiseptics and disinfectants. 
 Petroleum. Also kno\vn as Coal Oil, Rock Oil, Stone Oil, Seneca 
 Oil, etc. A liquid mixture of Hydrocarbons with boiling points rang- 
 ing from 3oC. to 30oC. and over. These may be separated by frac- 
 tional distillation, among which the following are the most important: 
 Rhigolene. C 5 H 12 Boiling point 3O-45C., lightest liquid known. 
 Benzin. C 6 H 14 . Boiling point 5o-6o'C., sp. gr. 0.67. 
 Kerosene, rectified petroleum freed from the preceding. 
 At a temperature above 3ooC. paraffin comes over in the three 
 stages of physical form; liquid, semi-solid and solid, according to the 
 relative proportions of the liquid Hydrocarbons and the solid Paraffin, 
 which they hold in solution. The product after purification is official 
 in the following forms: 
 Petrolatum Liquidum, U. S. Paraffine Oil. 
 Petrolatum Molle, U. S. Soft Petrolatum-Petroleum Ointment. 
 Melting point between 40 and 45C. (io4F.-ii3F.). This is the 
 product dispensed for Petrolatum, "Vaselin" and "Cosmolin." 
 Petrolatum Spissum, U. S. Hard Petrolatum. Melting point be- 
 tween 45 and 5iC. (u^F.-i25F.). 
 Uses. As vehicles for external medication. Not absorbable and should not 
 be used instead of vegetable and animal fats, when medicinal action other than 
 that exerted on the skin surface is required. 
 Paraffin, a wax-like substance is the end-product, and asphalt or bitumen 
 the final residue.
 The Carbo-Hydrates. 
 The carbo-hydrates include the Starches, Sugars and Gums; cellulose 
 and lignin being also sometimes classed with these. 
 They are closely related chemically, and agree in containing the 
 Hydrogen and Oxygen in the same proportion in which these elements 
 occur in the water-molecule, that is twice as much Hydrogen as Oxy- 
 In the processes of vegetable life, all other substances appear to be 
 produced either directly or indirectly from starch. 
 Starch appears to be the first product of the assimilative process in 
 the plant, and is made directly from Water and Carbon Dioxide by 
 the agency of chlorophyl and sunlight. It first makes its appearance 
 in the chlorophyl bodies, where, by means of a good microscope, 
 aided by appropriate tests, it may be discovered; it then passes into 
 some soluble form, as glucose, dextrin, or some other of the many 
 forms of sugar, and is carried in the sap of the various parts of the 
 plant, and either again stored up as starch in the roots, seeds, etc., or 
 converted into fixed oils for the future uses of the plant, or it is formed 
 into cellulose, lignin, suberin, gum, or, by reactions with nitrates or 
 ammonia compounds and sulphates, it is converted into proteid com- 
 Starch is, in other words, the formative material of the plant, from 
 which, in the long run, all its tissues are built up. 
 It usually exists in the cells in the form of minute granules, in seeds, in roots 
 and in the pith of some plants, as the Sago Palm also, in the leaves, bark, and 
 even wood. The granules differ widely in shape and size, often so character- 
 istic of certain species of plants that their source may be determined by micro- 
 scopical examination. Usually the grains possess a nucleus or hi linn which is 
 sometimes centrally and sometimes excentrically located, and around this 
 nucleus concentric markings are frequently seen. 
 The starch grain is composed of about 95 per cent gramtlssc and about 5 per 
 cent starch cellulose, By digestion with saliva at 38 C., the granulose dissolves, 
 leaving a perfect skeleton of the grain in starch cellulose, which acquires a yel- 
 lowish coloration with Iodine while the granulose is stained a deep violet color. 
 Starch. Amylum, U. S. The ferula of the seed of /ea Mays. L., 
 Indian Corn. It has the chemical formula C.H.. O- or some multiple 
 i'J "*
 of this. The Starch is obtained by reducing the grain to coarse 
 powder and washing with water to free the starch-grains from the 
 seed coating and other adhering substances. After thoroughly wash- 
 ing, the starch is collected and dried. 
 In irregular masses or fine white powder, inodorous, tasteless, insoluble in 
 neutral solvents but when boiled with water yields a white jelly with a bluish 
 tinge. Owing to its staining effect, iodine is the best reagent for detecting the 
 presence of starch. 
 Off. Prep. Glyceritum Amyli, containing 10 per cent. 
 A large number of isomers of starch are known, among the more 
 important of which are Dextrin, Lichenin, Inulin and Glycogen. 
 Dextrin is soluble in water, and does not react with iodine to produce a vio- 
 let color. As found in the plant it probably represents transition stages in the 
 process of change from starch to the sugars. It may be produced artificially 
 by heating starch paste to a temperature of 26oC. Also by the action of 
 Oxalic Acid, Nitric Acid, or Sulphuric Acid on Starch. Its solution is largely 
 used as a mucilage. 
 Lichenin is the peculiar form of starch which is found in Iceland moss. It is 
 soluble in hot water, but is precipitated from it again as a gelatinous mass on 
 Jnulin replaces starch in the roots of Inula, Taraxacum, Cichorium, and 
 other Compositas. In its properties it stands between starch and sugar. It is 
 slightly soluble in cold water, freely so in hot, and is soluble in absolute alco- 
 hol. It is not colored blue by iodine, and is very hygroscopic. 
 Lcfvnlin is found associated with inulin in some of the Compositae, and with 
 ordinary starch in the young grain of Rye. It is amorphous, and deliquescent, 
 and is soluble in dilute alcohol. 
 Glycogen is the peculiar form of starch found in the liver of man and many 
 other animals. It is an amorphous white powder, soluble in water, and its 
 aqueous solution is colored wine-red by iodine. 
 These starches form a group called the Amylum Group. They are 
 all transformed by the action of acids into glucoses. 
 Arrow Root. Maranta. The Starch prepared from the root of 
 Maranta arundinacese. 
 Canna. From the rhizome of Canna edulis. 
 Cassava. Brazilian Arrow Root, Tapioca meal, from the root of Manihot 
 Tapioca. From the above by drying on iron plates. 
 Sago. The pith of Metroxylon Sagu, granulated and dried. 
 Rice Starch. Amylum Oryzae. From the seed of Oryza sativa. 
 Wheat Starch. Amylum Tritici. From the seed of Triticum vulgare.
 SUGARS. 211 
 The Sugar Group consists of compounds closely related to the 
 starches, but they are crystalline, sweet or sweetish to the taste, and 
 more or less soluble in water. They are divided into two classes, 
 the Saccharoses and Glucoses. 
 The Saccharoses, of which common cane sugar is the type, have the 
 formula C 12 H, 2 O n . The principal members of the group are: 
 Cane sugar, Milk sugar, Maltose. 
 Mclitose, Trehalose, Melezitose, 
 They are all characterized, optically, by deviating the plane of 
 polari/.ed light to the right, and chemically by being convertible by 
 boiling with dilute sulphuric acid into glucoses. They differ also from 
 the glucoses in not being directly fermentable. 
 Cane sugar, the most important member of the group, is widely dis- 
 tributed in the vegetable kingdom, but its principal commercial 
 sources are the Sugar Cane, the Sugar Beet, certain of the Palms, and 
 the Sugar Maple. The sugar is contained in solution in the sap of 
 these plants. 
 The process of obtaining it from the sap varies with the different sources, 
 but consists essentially in the following: 
 (1) Getting rid of albuminoid impurities by treatment with Milk of Lime, or 
 some other suitable substance. 
 (2) Concentration by evaporation and the separation of the crystalhzable 
 from the uncrystallizable portion. 
 (3) Refining the crude crystalline product by dissolving it, treating it with 
 Animal Charcoal and albuminous substances, thus removing coloring matters 
 and other impurities, then concentrating and crystallizing. 
 Si/gar. Saccharum, U. S. The refined sugar of Saccharum 
 officinarum, L. , and from various species or varieties of Sorghum, also 
 from the Beta vulgaris. 
 Pure cane sugar crystallizes in colorless crystals of sp. gr. 1.593. Soluble in 
 one-half its weight of water, in 175 parts alcohol, in 28 parts boiling alco- 
 hol, but insoluble in ether, chloroform, etc. Its melting point is about 160 C. ; 
 when heated to a higher temperature it gradually undergoes change, and is 
 converted into Caramel. More strongly heated, the caramel is decomposed, and 
 a mass of porous charcoal is left behind. 
 Many compounds of sugar, with b^.ses, are known, but only one, the sacchar- 
 ate of calcium, is of importance in pharmacy, under the name of Svnifus Cal' 
 fis. U. S. Ph. 
 Uses. For the production of Syrups, Elixirs, and many Mixtures both solid 
 and liquid. As a preservative, diluent and excipientin Pill-Masses, Confections. 
 Troches, etc.
 Eleosacchara, or Oil Sugars, are mixtures of some volatile oil with sugar, I 
 drop to 30 grains, N.F. 
 Other Saccharoses are the following: 
 Milk Sugar. Saccharum Lactis, U. S. Occurs in the milk of mammalia, 
 particularly in cow's milk. It is prepared from whey by evaporating it to a 
 syrup, allowing it to stand and crystallize, and then purifying by decoloration 
 and re-crystallization. 
 Crystalline, less sweet to the taste than cane sugar, sp. gr. 1.534, soluble in 6 
 parts of cold and in i part of boiling water, insoluble in alcohol, ether or chlo- 
 Uses. Valuable as a diluent and as such used for the official class of prepa- 
 rations, the Triturations. 
 Melezitose is a peculiar sugar found in certain mannas, particularly Abies 
 Melitose forms the principal constituent of the manna that exudes from 
 Eucalyptus manifera and some other species of the same genus. It is in the 
 form of fine felted needles, which contain three molecules of water of crys- 
 Trehalose, sometimes called mycose, occurs in ergot of rye, in Agaricus sul- 
 phureus, and several other fungi. 
 Maltose is a peculiar sugar obtained by treating starch paste with malt. It 
 crystallizes in fine needles. 
 The glucoses, of which common grape-sugar, or Dextrose, is the 
 type, have the formula C g H 12 O ti . 
 They differ from the saccharoses in being directly fermentable, and in 
 having the power to reduce cupric tartrate (in the alkaline volumetric 
 solution, known as Fehling's) to cuprous oxide; manifested by the 
 formation of a brick-red precipitate upon heating a mixture of these. 
 The more important are: 
 Dextrose, or grape sugar. 
 Levulose, or fruit " 
 Arabinose, and Inosite. 
 Dextrose, so-called because it rotates the plane of polarization to 
 the right, is widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, often oc- 
 curring associated with cane, fruit and other sugars. It was first ob- 
 tained from grapes, and hence is called grape-sugar. It is now manu- 
 factured on a large scale from Starch, by the action of Dilute Sulphuric 
 Acid upon it. The process takes place in two stages: Dextrin being 
 first produced, and then afterward, by the continued action of the 
 acid and heat, this is converted into glucose. 
 Commercial liquid Glucose is a dense syrup consisting of true glucose, mal- 
 tose and dextrin in varying proportions with water. Besides being used some- 
 what in pharmacy to increase the body of syrups without producing a corre-
 HONEY. 213 
 spending increase in sweetness, it is used extensively by brewers in the manu- 
 facture of sparkling ales, etc., and in the adulteration of table syrups. 
 Solid Glucose is in whitish, crystalline, anhydrous masses, much less sweet 
 than cane sugar for which it is sometimes substituted. 
 Levulose is found associated with grape-sugar in fruits, and is commonly 
 called fruit-sugar. It differs optically from dextrose or grape-sugar, by rotat- 
 ing the plane of polarization to the left instead of the right. It is a colorless, 
 uncrystallizable syrup, and is nearly as sweet as cane sugar. It is obtained 
 from inulin by treating it with dilute sulphuric acid. 
 Galactose is a peculiar sugar derived from milk sugar by the action of dilute 
 sulphuric acid. It rotates the plane of polarization to the right. 
 Arabinose is a sugar obtained by boiling gum arabic in dilute sulphuric acid. 
 It differs but little from galactose. 
 Inosite was first found in muscles of animals, and hence is called muscle 
 sugar; but it is now known to occur also in some plants. It is crystalline, 
 sweet, soluble in about 6 parts of water, and insoluble in alcohol. 
 Manna. Manna, U. S. A sweet substance formerly regarded as a 
 sugar, a concrete saccharine exudation of Fraxinus Ornus, L., a 
 species of Ash growing in Southern Europe. In flattish pieces, 
 friable, externally yellowish-white, internally white, porous and crys- 
 talline, odor honey-like, taste sweet, slightly bitter and faintly acrid. 
 Mannite is prepared by dissolving manna in half its weight of boiling water, 
 clarifying the solution with white of egg, filtering it while hot and crystallizing. 
 The crystals are separated from the mother liquor by draining or by pressure, 
 dissolved in a small quantity of water, treated with animal charcoal, filtered, 
 and crystallized. 
 Uses. A gentle laxative and cholagogue; an ingredient in Infusum Sennae 
 Honey. Mel, U. S. A saccharine secretion deposited in the_ 
 honey-comb by Apis mellifica, L., the Honey Bee. 
 Consisting of two kinds of sugar in nearly equal proportion, dex- 
 trose, the more solid portion prone to granulation and levulose, or 
 fruit-sugar, the liquid portion. 
 A syrupy liquid of light-yellowish color, translucent when fresh, but gradu- 
 ally becoming opaque and crystalline, of an aromatic odor and a sweet, faintly 
 acrid taste. 
 Purified Honev. Mel Despumatum, U. S. Honey in which the impurities 
 have been removed by coagulation with heat, clarification by straining through 
 paper pulp, and granulation prevented by the addition of 5 per cent of Glycerin. 
 Uses. As an excipient in masses and confections. 
 Off. Prep. Mel Ross, containing 10 per cent of Rose.
 2i4 GUMS. 
 The Gums are bodies closely related in their chemical structure to 
 starch and cellulose, C S H, () O 5 , some containing an additional mole- 
 cule of water. They are common vegetable products. 
 Exuding from many plants when the bark is punctured, they appear 
 to perform the function of plugging up the wounded vessels and 
 facilitating the healing process. These are produced, mostly at least, 
 by the transformation of the cellulose or the substance of the cell- 
 walls of plants. 
 Some are soluble in water, others only swell up but do not properly 
 dissolve, and by reason of this difference they may be divided into 
 two groups, only one representative of each, however, being official: 
 Acacia. Acacia, U. S. Gum Arabic. A gummy exudation de- 
 rived from Acacia Senegal. The greatest portion of a good quality of 
 gum arabic consists of arabin or arabic acid, which may be prepared 
 from the aqueous solution of the gum by acidulating it with chlor- 
 hydric acid and adding alcohol. 
 In roundish tears or angular fragments with a glass-like fracture, nearly in- 
 odorous, taste pleasantly acid, slowly soluble in 2 parts of water, forming a 
 thick, viscid solution or mucilage; insoluble in alcohol. Its solution is coagu- 
 lated by borax and also by lead subacetate solution into a light-yellow mass, 
 and by ferric chloride into a reddish jelly; boiled for some time with dilute 
 sulphuric acid, it is converted into glucose. 
 I'st's. It is employed extensively in the arts for a variety of purposes, as in 
 the manufacture of mucilage, in the preparation of water-colors, in the prepa- 
 ration of ink, in order to hold in suspension the fine particles of tannate of 
 iron; and in pharmacy it is used in the preparation of emulsions, pill-masses, 
 pastes, syrups, etc. 
 Off. Prep. Mucilago Acaciae, containing 34 per cent by weight; 
 Mist. Glycyrrh. Comp.; Syrupus Acacice and the powdered in Pulvis 
 Crete ComposituSj Emulsions, Troches, Pills, etc., as an excipient. 
 Tragacanth. Tragacantha, U. S. Gum Tragacanth. An exuda- 
 tion from the stem of Astragalus gummifer and other species of Astra- 
 galus. It consists largely of bassorin, which swells up but does not 
 dissolve in water and is tinged blue by iodine. 
 In bands more or less curved, translucent, tough, rendered friable by heat. 
 C.tt'.f. The Mucilage without the addition of glycerin as a paste, the 
 Glycerite as an excipient. and the powder as a "binding medium" in many 
 Mixture's and as an Emulsifying agent. 
 Off. J'rcp. Mucilago Tragacanthse, containing 6 per cent. 
 Ci-rasin, foiind in the gummy exudation from cherry trees, resem- 
 bles tragacanth in its properties.
 Drugs of Group I. 
 In this group will be included Drugs which owe their value chiefly 
 to Starch, Sugar or Gum. 
 Barley. Hordei Fructus. The seed of Hordeum distichum , L. 
 Constituents: Starch, Gluten, etc. For preparing demulcent drinks. 
 Malt. Mai turn. Seed of Hordeum distichum, Linne, caused to 
 begin germination and then dried. Constituents: Dextiin, diastase, 
 sugar, starch, etc. Preparation: Extractum Malti. 
 Diastase, a peculiar ferment, during the process of malting converts part 
 of the starch into dextrin and sugar, and subsequently when the malt is 
 "mashed," in brewing and in preparing malt extract, all the starch is converted 
 into these compounds by the action of the diastase, which sets in at a certain 
 temperature. Diastase is destroyed at a high temperature, hence the necessity 
 of not exceeding yo"C. in the process of conversion. 
 Oat Meal. A venae Farina. The grain of Avena sativa, L. , ground 
 into a meal. Used for dietetic purposes, gruel, etc. 
 Corn Silk- Zea, U. 3. The styles and stigmas of Zea Mays, 
 Linne, Indian Corn. Constituents: Sugar, fixed oil, resin, tannin 
 and an acid. Off. Prep. : Ext. Fl. 
 Fig. Ficus, U. S. The fruit of Ficus Carica, Linne. Constitu- 
 ents: Sugar, gum, etc. Off. Prep.: Confectio Sennae. 
 Prune. Prunum, U. S. Fruit of Primus domestica, Linne. Con- 
 stituents: Sugar, pectin, etc. Off. Prep.: Confectio Sennae. 
 Triticum. Triticum, U. S. Couch Grass. Rhizome of Triticum 
 repens, Linne. Constituents: Sugars, triticin (similar to inulin). 
 Off. Prep.: Ext. Fl. 
 Some of these drugs also contain a valuable fixed oil. 
 Sweet ^/W6>//</. Amygdala dulcis, U. S. Seeds of Prmv.is Amyg- 
 dalus, var. dulcis, l)e Candolle. Constituents: Fixed oil about" 50 
 per cent, mucilage, sugar, etc. Off. Prep.: Emulsum Amygdala?: 
 Syrupus Amygdala;. 
 L'si's. For obtaining Oleum Amygdalae Express.: Emulsion, used as a 
 vehicle for other substances; and as Hour or paste for cosmetic preparations. 
 AltJuea. Althaea, U. S. Marshmallow. Root of Altruva ortiri- 
 nalis, Linne. Constituents: Starch 37 percent, mucilage, asparagin, 
 etc. Off. Prep.: Syrupus Althcese.
 Uses. Owing to the large proportion of starch it contains, preparations of 
 althaea must always be prepared without the use of heat in the extraction (see 
 infusion), The root occurs in commerce in the form of small cubes, and as 
 such is largely used as an ingredient in Species Pectorales P. Ger. ; also for 
 preparing a demulcent drink. The powder, owing to its absorbing qualities, is 
 largely used in pill-masses. 
 Cetraria. Cetraria, U. S. Iceland Moss. Entire plant of Cetra- 
 ria Islandica, Acharius. Constituents: Lichenin or lichen starch, 70 
 per cent, cetraric acid, etc. Off. Prep.: Decoctum Cetrariae. 
 Uses. In the preparation of Iceland moss jelly, it is desirable to free the 
 moss from the cetraric acid, to which the bitter taste is due, by macerating it 
 in tepid water for half an hour, expressing the liquid which is rejected; and 
 then exhausting the moss by boiling water, and straining. To the strained 
 liquid sugar is added, and the mixture evaporated to jelly consistence. 
 Chondrus. Chondrus, U. S. Irish Moss. Plant of Chondrus 
 crispus, Stackhouse. Gigartina mamillosa, Greville. Constituents: 
 Mucilage, and traces of iodides, bromides, sulphates. Does not con- 
 tain starch. 
 Uses. Chiefly in the form of a mucilage as an emulsifying agent. The 
 decoction of Irish moss and Carrageen jelly are both prepared similarly to those 
 from cetraria. 
 Cydonium. Cydonium. Quince seed, Seed of Cydonia vulgaris, 
 Persoon. Constituents: Mucilage. Prep. : Mucilago Cydonii. 
 Uses. Mostly as a demulcent in the form of mucilage. Also largely as a 
 hair dressing; the mucilage having but little adhesive power renders it some- 
 times preferable to tragacanth for that purpose. 
 Elm. Ulmus, U. S. Slippery Elm. Inner bark of Ulmus fulva, 
 Michaux. Constituents: Mucilage. Off. Prep.: Mucilago Ulmi. 
 Uses. Somewhat as a demulcent, but chiefly for poultices, when it should be 
 coarsely ground so that the mass will adhere together when moistened with 
 Flax Seed. Linum, U. S. Seeds of Linum usitatissimum, Linne. 
 Constituents: Mucilage, fixed oil about 40 per cent. 
 Uses. Ground flaxseed, "Lini Farina," for poultices. When deprived of 
 oil, it is termed "oil cake," which is said to make an excellent cataplasm. 
 From the whole seeds "flaxseed tea" is prepared, and with the addition of 
 liquorice and a little lemon juice, furnishes a refreshing draught. 
 Sassafras Pith. Sassafras medulla, U. S. Pith of Sassafras varii- 
 folium, Kunze. Constituents: Mucilage. Off. Prep.: Mucilago 
 Uses. In the preparation of Jackson's Pectoral Syrup; for collyria, and as a 
 vehicle for more active remedies.
 Products by Fermentation. 
 Starch and its derivatives, Albumen, etc., subjected to the effect of 
 heat and water, in the presence of bodies called ferments undergo cer- 
 tain transformations by which their physical, as well as chemical, 
 characters are more or less completely changed. 
 These so-called Ferments may be either organized, microscopic 
 plants, such as the Torula Cerevisice, the common "Yeast plant;" the 
 Mycoderma aceti, the "Vinegar plant;" or they may be simply nitro- 
 ge nized or albuminoid substances, such as Diastase from Malted Grain 
 or Pepsin and Pancrcatin derived from Animals. 
 Since there are different Ferments, so there are also different kinds of Fer- 
 mentations, viz. : The saccharine fermentation, in which Starch or Sugar is con- 
 verted into glucose; the alcoholic or "vinous" fermentation, by which Glucose is 
 converted into Alcohol, and the Acetic fermentation, by which Alcohol is con- 
 verted first into Aldehyde and afterward into Acetic Acid. 
 There are, besides, the lactic, butyric and other kinds of Fermentation, not to 
 mention the more complex bodies, such as Emiilsin, that produce so many 
 wonderful phenomena in both animal and vegetable life. 
 The Alcoholic fermentation is of the greatest pharmaceutical interest 
 and will be here considered. 
 As has already been stated, Starch, in the form of Corn or other 
 grain, may be converted into glucose by heat and other agencies. 
 Glucose differs from the other kind of sugar, saccharose, chiefly in 
 that it is directly fermentable. When, therefore, a ferment is added 
 to glucose it is broken up into carbon dioxide and Alcohol, which 
 may be obtained in a more or less pure form by distillation. 
 The steps in the process are as follows: 
 The grain, after being ground to a meal, is macerated with water at 88 C., 
 known as the operation of "mashing, ' through which the Starch is changed into 
 a soluble form, dextrose, etc., or maltose. Upon the addition of Malted Barley 
 or Rye, the Maltose, at a temperature of 6oC., is converted by the Diastase into 
 To this liquid, cooled to iSC., Yeast is added, when the Glucose is broken 
 up into Carbon Dioxide, which escapes, and Alcohol remaining in the liquid. 
 Other products are also formed at the same time, being chiefly alcohols of 
 different chemical composition, such as Amylic Alcohol or Fusel Oil 2nd 
 Propenvl Alcohol or Glycerin. 
 These latter are much less volatile, that is, have a much higher boiling 
 point, than the ordinary alcohol, and therefore are largely left behind when 
 the liquid is distilled in order to obtain the Alcohol in a pure form.
 2i8 ALCOHOL. 
 In the operation of recovering the Alcohol by distillation it may be 
 obtained in various degrees of strength and purity. 
 High Wine or "Crude Whisky" is the first distillate obtained, con- 
 taining alcohol and water in nearly equal proportions. Its strength is 
 designated by the number of degrees proof by the U. S. Internal 
 Revenue Bureau; two degrees proof being equal to one per cent by 
 volume of Absolute Alcohol. 
 Thus an alcohol of equal parts by volume of Absolute Alcohol and Water, at 
 a temperature of i5.667"C. (6oF. ) is 100 proof, and on this the tax to be paid 
 is$i.io for one U. S. Wine Gallon. An alcohol 188 proof contains, there- 
 fore, 94 per cent absolute alcohol, by volume. 
 The strength of alcohol is best determined by a Custom House alcoholometer 
 and may readily be transcalculated into percentage by weight or specific 
 gravity by reference to the alcohol Tables, p. 531, U. S. Ph. For the simplest 
 method of reducing or increasing the strength of alcohol of various percentages, 
 refer to rules U. S. Ph., p. 30. 
 Alcohol. Alcohol, U. S. A liquid composed of about 91 per cent 
 by weight, or 94 per cent by volume, of Ethyl Alcohol, C 2 H.OH, 
 and about 9 per cent by weight, or 6 per cent by volume of Water; 
 sp.gr. at i5C. 0.820. 
 Obtained by fractional distillation from high wine or by direct dis- 
 tillation, separation of most of the water being effected by the use of 
 upright or column condensers. 
 A transparent, colorless, mobile liquid of a characteristic agreeable odor and 
 a burning taste. Miscible in all proportions with water, ether and chloroform. 
 A ready solvent for most of the volatile oils, camphors, etc., resins and a great 
 variety of organic and many inorganic compounds. Does not dissolve nor mix 
 with fixed oils or fats with a few exceptions. It boils at 78 C., is very in- 
 flammable, burning with a blue flame. Organic impurities are detected through 
 coloration with silver nitrate solution. Alcohol should be kept in well-closed 
 vessels remote from light or fire. 
 Uses. As the most valuable and largely employed solvent, next to water; for 
 preparing the three other official forms of alcohol and for producing many 
 chemical compounds. 
 J)ilute Alcohol. -Alcohol Dilutum. U. S. A liquid composed of 
 about 41 percent by weight (48.6^ vol.) of Absolute Alcohol and 
 59 per cent by weight of Water; sp. gr. at i5C. 0.936. Prepared by 
 mixing equal volumes of Alcohol and Distilled Water. 
 In mixing alcohol and water a contraction occurs, which with equal volumes 
 amounts to nearly 3 per cent in the mixed liquids. 
 Deodorized AlcoJiol. Alcohol Deodoratum, U. S. Cologne Spirit. 
 Composed of 92.5 per cent by weight (95.1/0 vol.) of Alcohol
 and 7.5 per cent by weight (5% vol.) of Water; sp. gr. at i5C., o. 816. 
 Prepared from alcohol by filtration through animal charcoal; rectifica- 
 tion from Potassium Permanganate or other oxidizing agents. 
 Uses. Free from the odor of "raw" alcohol clue to fusel oil etc., this kind of 
 alcohol should he used for Flavoring and Perfume purposes. 
 Absolute A/c-o/u>!.C\\ : ()\\. Alcohol Absolutum, U. S. Ethyl 
 Alcohol containing not more than i per cent by weight of water; sp. 
 gr. 0.800 (0.797) at i5C. It is freed from water by rectification 
 over Lime. 
 It is very hygroscopic and must be kept in tightly stoppered boltles in a cool 
 Uses. As a chemical reagent and solvent. 
 IVliisky. Spiritus Frumenti, U. S. An alcoholic liquid obtained 
 by the distillation of the mash of fermented grain, usually mixtures of 
 Indian corn, wheat and rye, and at least two years old. 
 Its sp. gr. should not be more than o 930 nor less than 0.917, corresponding 
 to an alcoholic strength of 44 to 50 per cent by weight (50-58'^ vol.). Tne 
 distillate is colored by being allowed to stand in casks or barrels for a number 
 of years, during which it undergoes changes that improve its quality. 
 Whisky thus mellowed by age is called old whisky. 
 Am\l Alcohol. C 5 H n OH. Or Fusel Oil Obtained as a by-prod- 
 uct in the fermentation of grain. As it boils at a much higher tem- 
 perature than alcohol, most of it comes over as the last product in the 
 rectification of ordinary alcohol. Thus obtained it contains a con- 
 siderable percentage of ordinary alcohol, which is separated by wash- 
 ing it with water, and then distilling over calcium chloride. 
 A thin, oily liquid, of an oppressive, penetrating odor, and an acrid, hot 
 taste, boils at 132 C., sp. gr. 0.818. It is sparingly soluble in water, and freely 
 so in alcohol, ether and benzol. 
 Uses. Solvent for some of the alkaloids, source of valerianic acid and 
 of various compound ethers which are used in flavoring and in perfumery. 
 Propenyl Alcohol. (C 3 H 5 )3HO Glycerin. Is treated under Fats-
 Alcohol Derivatives. 
 These comprise the Ethers, Aldehyde and its derivatives, Chloral 
 tnd Chloroform. 
 These ethers are the products of the action of Acids upon the 
 Alcohols, and, as there are series of alcohols, so there are also of 
 They bear the same relation to the alcohols that the oxides of the 
 metals bear to the hydrates. For example: 
 (C 2 H 5 )HO is ethyl alcohol, or ethyl hydrate, and (C 2 H 5 ) 2 O is 
 ether or ethyl oxide, so 
 Na(HO) is sodium hydrate, and Na 2 O is sodium oxide. 
 Ethers are of various kinds: some simple, as ethyl ether (C 2 H 5 ) 2 O; 
 some haloid, that is, built on the plan of a molecule of common salt, 
 as chlorhydric ether (C 2 H 5 ) Cl; some compound, as 
 ,, C 9 H, 
 acetic ether , , u V 
 L 2 H 3 U 
 There are also several other kinds, of less pharmaceutical interest. 
 The common ethers are liquid, highly volatile and inflammable, 
 but there are others which are dense, non-volatile, or even solid at 
 ordinary temperatures. 
 The ethers of most importance in pharmacy are: 
 o- , ( methyl oxide, (CH 3 ).,O, or methylic ether. 
 ' ( ethyl oxide, (C 2 H.) 2 6, or ethylic ether. 
 {Ethyl chloride, (C 2 H 5 )C1, or chlorhydric ether. 
 " bromide, (C 2 H.)Br, or bromhydric ether. 
 " iodide, (C 2 H 5 )I, or iodohydric ether, 
 ethylene bichloride, (C 2 H 4 )C1 2 , or Dutch liquid. 
 i acetic ether, (C,H 5 )(C 2 H 3 O.,), or ethyl acetate. 
 Compound -j formic " (C 2 H.)(CHO)O, or ethyl formate, 
 (nitrous " (C 2 H 5 )NO 2 , or ethyl nitrite. 
 Ether. ^Ether, U. S. A liquid composed of 96 per cent by 
 weight of absolute Ether or Ethyl Oxide (C 2 H.) 2 O and about 4 per 
 tent of Alcohol containing a little water. It is produced by reaction 
 upon Alcohol with Sulphuric Acid, the Ether being obtained by dis- 
 tillation. The name "Sulphuric Ether" was given to it erroneously. 
 A colorless, transparent, highly refractive, volatile and inflammable liquid, 
 of a pleasant, penetrating odor, and sweetish pungent taste, sp. gr. 0.725 at
 i5C., boiling point about 37C. Its vapor mixed with air forms a highly ex- 
 plosive compound, and hence it should be handled with care and be kept in 
 well -stoppered containers, remote from light or fire. 
 Spirits JEthcris, U. S., is a mixture of 32.5 C.C. ether with 67.5 C.C. of 
 Spiritus ALtheris Compositus, U. S., or Hoffmann's Anodyne, the above with 
 2.5 C.C. of ethereal oil in 100 C.C. 
 This and the preceding spirit are used in medicine as stimulants, antispas- 
 modics, and anodynes. 
 Uses. The great value of ether in pharmacy depends on its solvent 
 power. It stands next to alcohol in this respect, and excels it as a 
 solvent for certain oils and resins. In medicine its most important 
 use is as an anaesthetic. It is safer and better than chloroform. 
 Nitrous Etker. C 2 H.NO 2 , or Ethyl Nitrite. Formed along with 
 other products when Alcohol is acted upon by Nitric Acid or Nitrites 
 in the presence of sulphuric acid as a dehydrating agent: 
 (1) NaNO 2 +H 2 SO 4 =HNO 2 -fNaHSO 4 . and 
 (2) C 2 H 5 OH + HNO 2 =C 2 H.NO.,-! H. 2 0. 
 A mobile, colorless liquid, with a peculiar pungent taste, and an odor re- 
 sembling apples. 
 Spirit of Nitrous Ether. Spiritus /Etheris Nitrosi, U. S. Sweet 
 Spirit of Nitre. An alcoholic solution of the above ether freshly pre- 
 pared representing not less than n times its volume of Nitrogen Di- 
 oxide, NO, corresponding to about 4 per cent of Ethyl Nitrite. The 
 Ether is produced by reaction on Sodium Nitrite with Sulphuric Acid 
 in the presence of Alcohol and obtaining the Ether by distillation, puri- 
 fying it and mixing it with 21 times its weight of Deodorized Alcohol. 
 A transparent, volatile, inflammable liquid with a pungent taste and a fruity 
 odor; sp. gr. from 0.823 to 0.825 and its boiling point 65 C. 
 L'ses. As a diuretic and nervous stimulant. 
 Acetic Ether (C.$\J (C,H :1 O,;. Ethyl Acetate. .Ether Aceticus, 
 U. S. A liquid composed of 98.5 per cent by weight of Ethyl 
 Acetate and about 1.5 per cent of Alcohol. It is produced by re- 
 acting upon Sodium Acetate with Sulphuric Acid in the presence of 
 Alcohol and distilling. 
 A limpid, colorless, volatile liquid, having an ethereal, and somewhat acet- 
 ous odor and taste; inflammable; sp. gr. 0.895, boils at about 76 C. 
 L'scs. Similar to those of ether. It is also valuable as a solvent for many 
 fixed and volatile oils and resins; and as an addition to perfumes. 
 Formic Ether. (C..H.) (CHO)O, or Ethyl Formate, is produced 
 by distillation of a mixture of Sodium Formate. Alcohol and Sul-
 phuric Acid, the distillate being afterward rectified over calcium 
 A limpid, colorless, inflammable liquid, with an agreeable smell, suggesting 
 that of peach kernels, and a pungent taste. Sp. gr. 0.918, boils at yo'C. 
 f'ses.As a mild anaesthetic. 
 Methylic Ether. (CH 3 ) 2 O. Obtained by action on Methylic Alco- 
 hol with Sulphuric Acid and distilling. 
 A colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid at the temperature of 2OC., but at 
 higher temperature a gas which is freely soluble in \vater, ordinary ether, 
 methyl alcohol, and alcohol. Like ordinary ether it has anaesthetic properties. 
 Its uses in pharmacy are limited. 
 Methyl Salic\latc.}\,J&> v Methyl Salicylas, U. S. Arti- 
 ficial Oil of Wintergreen. Produced synthetically by the action of 
 -Salicylic Acid on Methylic Alcohol in the presence of Sulphuric Acid. 
 Sp. gr. 1.183 to l - I ^5 at i5C. 
 A colorless, slightly yellowish liquid having the characteristic odor and 
 sweetish, aromatic taste of Oil of Gaultheria, being identical with the essential 
 constituent of the latter (see Salicylic Acid). It is also identical with the vola- 
 tile Oil of Birch. It boils at 22oC. and is soluble in all proportions in alcohol, 
 glacial acetic acid and carbon disulphide. 
 Uses. Ai| a substitute for Oil of Gaultheria and medicinally for the same 
 purposes as the other salicylates. 
 Ethyl Chlorides. (C.,H.)C1, or Chlorhydric Ether, is produced by 
 the action of Phosphorus pentachloride on ordinary Alcohol. 
 A colorless, mobile, volatile and inflammable liquid; burning taste; boils at 
 I3C., sp. gr. 0.900. 
 Ethylenc Bi-Chloridc. (C2H 4 )C1 2 , is allied to the foregoing. It is 
 commonly called "Dutch liquid," and is produced by the reaction of 
 Chlorine gas upon olefiant gas. 
 A colorless, thin, oily liquid, with an odor like chloroform, a sweetish, pun- 
 gent taste, inflammable, sp. gr. at oC., 1.27, boils at 85C. 
 It has been used as an anaesthetic. 
 Ethyl Bromide. (C 2 H.)Br, or Bromhydric Ether, is produced by 
 the reaction of Bromine on Alcohol in the presence of phosphorus. 
 In physical properties it somewhat resembles ethyl chloride, but is denser, 
 having a sp. gr. at 15 C. of 1.419; boiling point 40 C. It is also less readily 
 Used as an anaesthetic, but the dangers attending its use are similar to those 
 of chloroform.
 Ethyl Iodide. (C. 2 H 5 )I, or lodohydric Ether, is prepared by a 
 method analogous to that adopted in the preparation of ethyl bromide. 
 A colorless, non-inflammable volatile liquid of a peculiar, penetrating odor; 
 sp. gr. 1.93 at i5C., boils at 72 C. 
 Used for its iodine, as an inhalant in pulmonary disorders; not anaesthetic.. 
 Ethereal Oil. Oleum yEthereum, U. S. A liquid consisting of 
 equal volumes of Heavy Oil of Wine and Ether; sp. gr. 0.910. 
 Produced by the reaction of Sulphuric Acid on Alcohol, distilling, washing 
 and mixing the distillate with an equal volume of Ether. 
 Uses. For preparing Spiritus AJtheris Compositus. 
 Amyl Nitrite. C 5 H U NO 2 Amyl Nitris, U. S. A liquid contain- 
 ing 80 per cent of Amyl Nitrite together with some other compounds. 
 Sp. gr. 0.870 to 0.880 at i5C. Produced by the action of Nitric or 
 Nitrous Acid on Amylic Alcohol, the liquid distilled and purified by 
 washing and rectification. 
 A pale, yellow liquid of a peculiar, faintly ethereal odor and pungent, aro- 
 matic taste. Almost insoluble in water, but misrible with alcohol or ether in 
 all proportions. It volatilizes at ordinary temperature ana is inflammable. 
 Use;. The vapors as an inhalant to increase the heart's action. Dose o. i io 
 0.3 in glass-pearls, to be crushed in a handkerchief for i.ihalation
 224 CHLORAL. 
 Aldehyde. CaH 4 O. Ethylic Aldehyde. Produced by the oxida- 
 tion of Alcohol by withdrawal of 2 atoms of H from C 2 H 5 OH, 
 hence the name meaning Alcohol de-hydrogenated. 
 A colorless, mobile liquid, very inflammable, boils at 21 C., miscible with 
 water, alcohol arid ether in all proportions. 
 Paraldchyde. C fi H, 2 O 3 . Paraldehydum, U. S. A polymeric form 
 of Ethylic Aldehyde. Produced by the action of Chlorine on Ethylic 
 Aldehyde until the latter is not soluble in an equal volume of water, 
 when it is separated in a crystalline mass at the freezing point and 
 afterward distilled. 
 A colorless liquid, boiling at i23C., soluble in 8.5 parts water and miscible 
 with alcohol, ether, fixed and volatile oils in all proportions. 
 Uses. As a hypnotic in the form of pearls, elixirs, etc.; dose i Gm. 
 Chloral Hydrate. ClC\,p + ll>. Chloral, U. S. A crystalline 
 solid, composed of trichloraldehyde or Chloral with one molecule of 
 It is obtained by passing dry Chlorine gas into absolute Alcohol for 
 a long time. The Alcohol is first decomposed into Aldehyde and the 
 Chlorine into HC1 and finally by the prolonged action of more 
 Chlorine into Chloral. [See Reaction under Chloroform.] A solid 
 mass is thus obtained which is treated with sulphuric acid, and the 
 chloral separates as an oily layer. This is purified by distillation 
 over quicklime, and hydrating the product by adding the necessary 
 amount of water. 
 Rhomboidal, colorless and translucent crystal, having an aromitic, pene- 
 trating and slightly acrid odor and a bitterish, caustic taste; slowly volatilized 
 when exposed to the air. Freely soluble in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, 
 benzol, benzin, fixed and volatile oils. 
 It liquefies camphor, menthol, thymol, phenol and their derivatives when 
 triturated with them in about equal proportions. 
 Uses. As a hypnotic, but is attended with some danger; as an overdose may 
 produce fatal consequences, great care should be used in dispensing it, and only 
 such samples as answer the Pharmacopoeial tests for purity should be dis- 
 pensed for internal use, namely, the crystals. Dose 0.5 to i Gm. 
 Caution. Chloral is incompatible with alkalies and alkaline car- 
 bonates and compounds of Ammonium and Mercury. 
 Chloroform. CHC1 3 . Chloroformum, U. S. Chloroformum 
 Purificatum, U. S. Ph., 'So. A liquid consisting of 99 to 99.4 per 
 cent by weight of Absolute Chloroform and i to 0.6 per cent of 
 Alcohol; sp. gr. 1.490. 
 Its molecule is like that of methyl hydride. CH 4 , except that three
 of its hydrogen atoms are replaced by chlorine, and it belongs, there- 
 fore, chemically to the methyl series of compounds. 
 Produced by the action of Chlorinated Lime on Alcohol and dis- 
 tilling, also by the action of caustic Soda on Chloral Hydrate. The 
 reaction leaving out the intermediate steps is as follows: 
 2 C 2 H 5 OH-f ioCa()Cl r 2CHCl 3 -f 7CaCl 2 4-2CaCO.,+ 
 Ca(OH) r i 4 H,0. 
 It is usually made by distilling Acetone with a mixture of Chlorinated 
 Lime and Water. The distillate, washed with water, constitutes crude 
 chloroform, which is of value in pharmacy as a solvent and in the 
 preparation of liniment, but should never be used internally. The 
 commercial chloroform is purified with Sulphuric Acid, which de- 
 stroys the organic impurities, thoroughly washed and distilled with a 
 little Alcohol to preserve it. 
 A heavy, clear, colorless liquid of a characteristic pleasant ethereal odor, a 
 burning sweet taste and neutral reaction. It is soluble in about 200 times its 
 volume of cold water and in all proportions in alcohol, ether, benzol, benzin, 
 fixed and volatile oils. It is volatile at ordinary temperature, and boils at 60 C. 
 Tt-sts. When agitated with twice its volume of water, the latter should be 
 \i) neutral to blue litmus-paper (absence of acids), (2) should not affect test- 
 solution of silver nitrate (chlorides), nor (3) show coloration with Sulphuric 
 Acid (organic impurities). No foreign odor should be noticed when a few drops 
 are permitted to evaporate from a piece of blotting-paper. (For further tests 
 see U. S. Ph.) 
 Cst-s. Chiefly as an anaesthetic. It is doubtless less safe than ether, but 
 most of the accidents that happen from its proper use as an anaesthetic may be 
 attributed to the impure quality of the chloroform, and it cannot, therefore, be 
 too strongly insisted upon that the tests of purity required by the Pharmaco- 
 poeia be carefully applied to all chloroform sold for this purpose. 
 Off. Prep. Aqua Chloroformi: Kmulsum Chloroform!; Linimen- 
 tum Chloroformi; Spiritus Chloroformi. 
 Croton Chloral. C H.CLO. Butvl Chloral. Trichlor-butyl-alde- 
 4 D o * 
 hyde. By the action of Chlorine on Acetic Aldehyde, separation by 
 distillation and hydration. as in making ordinary chloral. 
 It differs from ordinary Chloral, chiefly in being sparingly soluble in water. 
 Its medicinal properties are the same as of the ordinary Chloral, in about one- 
 third the dose. 
 lodoform. CHI 3 . Tri-iodo-methane has been described under 
 Products of Vinous Fermentation. 
 Wines are alcoholic liquids produced by the fermentation of fruit 
 juices, chiefly those of the different species of the Grape, Vitis vinifera. 
 They may be divided into white and red wines. 
 The White wines are not usually colorless, but light-colored and 
 are produced by the fermentation of the juice freed from seeds^ 
 stems and skins. The Red wines are reddish in color, because the 
 juice is derived from colored grapes and has been fermented in contact 
 with the "skins," and has consequently taken up more or less of their 
 coloring matter, and therefore contains more tannin than the white 
 Vinum Album, U. S. , refers to any one of the numerous varieties of 
 white wines of domestic production. 
 White wine should have a full, fruity, agreeable taste, without either exces- 
 si%'e sweetness or acidity, and its odor should be agreeable and free from 
 ^eastiness. It should contain not less than 10 per cent, nor more than 14 per 
 cent by weight of absolute alcohol, and its sp. gr. should be not less than 0.99 
 nor more than i.oi. Sherry, Madeira, Hock and Moselle are examples of im- 
 ported white wines. 
 For pharmaceutical purposes, a wine stronger in alcohol is required, than 
 can be prepared by simple fermentation, the highest thus obtained being 13.75 
 per cent by \veight, or 17 per cent by volume. For this reason from 10 to 15 
 per cent of Alcohol is added to wine when it is used as a menstruum or 
 solvent in the Medicated Wines. The greater proportion of alcohol prevents 
 acetic fermentation, and thus better preserves the preparations. 
 Vinum Rubrum, U. S. , refers to dry Red Wines of domestic pro- 
 duction, such as Claret, Zinfandel and Burgundy. Claret and the 
 various kinds of Port are examples of imported red wines. 
 Malt Liquors are made by the fermentation of infusions of malt to which 
 hops have been added; they contain a smaller proportion of alcohol than wines; 
 usually from 5 to 8 per cent. 
 ,#;-tf //</)'. Spiritus Yini Gallici, U. S. An alcoholic liquid ob- 
 tained by the distillation of the fermented, unmodified juice of fresh 
 grapes, and at least four years old. Its sp. gr. should not be more 
 than 0.941 nor less than 0.925. corresponding to an alcoholic strength 
 of 39 to 47 per cent by weight (46-55^ vol.). 
 Brandy improves with age the same as whisky, the improvement in each
 case being chiefly due to the gradual chemical change and disappearance of the 
 traces of fusel oil that could not be separated by fractional distillation. 
 From the Crape-juice indirectly the following is produced: 
 Tartaric Acid. I^CMM),.. Acidum Tartaric um, I'. S. A di- 
 basic acid found either free or in combination in the juices of many 
 fruits as grapes, tamarinds, sumach berries, pineapples, etc. Its 
 principal commercial source is from Cream of Tartar, which in turn is 
 derived from the crude tartar or Argol that collects in the form of 
 crystalline crusts on the sides of casks of fermenting wine. 
 Cream of Tartar is decomposed by Calcium Carbonate into Cal- 
 cium Tartrate and the latter is decomposed by Sulphuric Acid setting 
 the Tartaric Acid free, which is then obtained in a pure form In < rys- 
 Colorless crystals of oblique rhombic prisms, not deliquescent, containing no 
 water of crystallization, inodorous, intensely but agreeably sour, soluble in o S 
 parts of water and in 2.5 parts of alcohol, and in 250 parts of ether nearly in- 
 soluble in chloroform and ben/in. 
 Tartaric acid is not much used medicinally; but in the powdered form is an 
 ingredient in Seidlitz powder. 
 Off. Prep. Pulv. Kffervescens comp. 
 Closely related to Tartiric Acid is Citric Acid, the two often oc- 
 curring together in fruits. 
 Citric Acitt. -- IWJM > 7 , -Hj(). Acidum Citncum, I'. S. A 
 tri basic acid, obtained chiefly from the juice of lemons and limes. 
 The juice is first clarified by boiling, and the clear licniid treated 
 with Calcium Carbonate. From the Calcium Citrate thus formed the 
 Citric Acid is liberated by treating it with Sulphuric Acid, and after- 
 wards repeatedly crystalli/ing. 
 Colorless, transparent, right-rhombic prisms, of an agreeably acid taste, 
 soluble in o.Oj parts of water and 0.4 parts of boiling water, in i.oi parts of 
 alcohol and in iS parts of ether. If an aqueous solution of it be added to lime- 
 water it remains clear until boiled, when a white precipitate falls which will 
 nearly all be taken up when the liquid cools Citric Acid is distinguished from 
 Tartaric Acid, aside from its solubilities, in dro.mp. 'sin- without emitting the 
 odor of burning sugar when slowly ignited, and in not producing a precipitate 
 with a solution of Potassium Acetate, upon the additon of alcohol 
 ('st-s.In making the Citrates am! in the Liquor Ma^nesii Citratib and 
 Liquor Potassii Citratis.
 Drugs of Group II. 
 This group, also called "refrigerant drugs," includes those drugv 
 vhose virtues chiefly depend on the presence of Sugar and such 
 organic acids as citric, malic and tartaric acids. Many of them pos- 
 sess mildly laxative properties. 
 Cassia fistula. Cassia Fistula, U. S. Fruit of Cassia Fistula, 
 Linne. Constituents: Sugar, mucilage, pectin, fruit acids. Off Prep.: 
 Confectio Senme. 
 Last's. The pulp is prepared by treating the cassia with water, freeing the 
 mixture from the seeds and woody portion by straining and evaporating the 
 liquid; yield, about 30 per cent. 
 Lemon Juice. Limonis Succus, U. S. Fresh juice of ripe fruit of 
 Citrus Limonurn, Risso. Constituents: Citric acid from 7 to 10 per 
 cent malic acid, sugar and gum. Preparations, U. S. Ph., '80: Mis- 
 hira Potassii Cirratis; Syrupus Limonis. 
 Lemon juice is liable to become moldy or otherwise unfit for use. It may 
 be prepared by precipitating the gum by the addition to the juice of one-half its 
 weight of alcohol, the clear portion heated to expel the alcohol, and bot- 
 tled while hot. 
 Raspberry. Rubus Idseus, U. S. Fruit of Rubus Idaeus, Linne. 
 Constituents: Sugar, citric and malic acids, pectin, glucose, trace of 
 volatile oil, coloring matters. Off. Prep.: Syrupus Rubi Idoei. 
 (.'.vs. In the preparation of Raspberry Syrup, the crushed berries are al- 
 lowed to stand for about 36 hours, so as to undergo a slight fermentation. The 
 expressed juice is clarified by standing, filtered and the Sugar dissolved in the 
 filtrate by heat. The Syrup is brought to the boiling point, strained, bottled 
 while hot and kept in a cool place. 
 Tamarinds. Tamarindus, U. S. Preserved pulp of fruit of Tama- 
 rindus Indica, Linne. Constituents: Citrates, malates, tartrates, ace- 
 tates; also sugar, pectin, tannin. Off. Prep.: Confectio Sennae. 
 L'ses. The pulp is prepared by treating tamarinds, with water, expressing 
 and straining the expressed liquid, then evaporating to the consistence of a 
 pulp, or a very soft extract. 
 Rhus Glabra. Rhus glabra, U. S. Smooth Sumach. Fruit of 
 Rhus glabra, Linne. Constituents: Acid calcium and potassium 
 malates, tannin, coloring matter. Off. Prep.: Extractum Rhois 
 <rlabrae Fluidum.
 Essential Oils. 
 The Essential or volatile Oils bear some resemblance in their ap- 
 pearance and physical properties to the fixed oils or fats, but they 
 differ from them (i) in chemical composition, (2) in their specific 
 gravities, (3) in their boiling points, (4) in being completely volatiza- 
 ble without decomposition or change and therefore not leaving a stain 
 when volatilized from paper arid (5) in not being saponified by 
 They are slightly soluble in water, in certain proportions of alcohol, 
 but freely soluble in ether, and the fixed oils; they are all inflam- 
 mable, and all burn with a smoky flame. In specific gravity they 
 range from 0.82 to 1.18, but by far the larger portion of them are 
 lighter than water. Their boiling point is higher than that of water 
 ranging from i5oC. to 25oC. They are supposed to be perfectly 
 transparent and colorless when pure, but all undergo change on 
 standing, being partly converted into resin, and acquire various, often 
 characteristic, colors. 
 As to their origin, few occur in animal structures, but they are widely dis- 
 tributed in the vegetable kingdom, and their varieties are very numerous. 
 Sometimes they are diffused through the entire structure of the plant, some- 
 times they are confined to a part, as to the flower, or the fruit; sometimes 
 they occupy separate cells, or conceptacles, as in the rind of the Orange, and 
 the oil tubes in the fruits of the Umbelliferae. They are usually found asso- 
 ciated with resins, and hold them in solution. For the plants that produce 
 them they serve various purposes. The turpentine of Pines, and Oil of Mus- 
 tard and Horseradish are doubtless protective, while those volatile oils that give 
 rise to the pleasant odors of certain flowers serve the purpose of attracting 
 winged insects that aid in cross-fertilization. 
 Volatile oils undergo changes by standing. These are due partly 
 to the effects of light and partly, probably, to the oxidi/ing influence 
 of the air. The changes are greatly retarded if the oils be kept in 
 full, tightly-stoppered bottles and in a dark place, or mixed with 
 about 10 per rent of Alcohol. They should not be kept in shop- 
 bottles. Oils that have become discolored by age may be greatly im- 
 proved by rectification. This is best accomplished by mixing them 
 with an equal bulk of odorless fat and distilling them from a solution 
 of common salt in water. 
 Volatile oils are liable to be adulterated with (i) fixed oils, (2} 
 alcohol, and (3) with other (cheaper) volatile oils. 
 Fixed oils may be detected by placing a drop of the suspected oil upon a 
 piece of clean white paper and gently heating it; if they be present, the oil will 
 leave a permanent stain. Also fixed oils, if present in considerable quantity, 
 will be separated on the addition .of alcohol. 
 Alcohol may be detected by observing whether or not contraction takes 
 place when measured quantities of the oil and water are mixed in a graduated 
 glass tube. If contraction takes place, alcohol is present, and the amount of 
 contraction indicates approximately the quantity of alcohol present. 
 Separation of alcohol may also be effected by adding a fixed oil, such as 
 Olive Oil, which dissolves in the volatile oil and throws alcohol, if present, out 
 of solution. Red anilin may also be used as a test, as it is soluble in alcohol 
 but entirely insoluble in the volatile oils. If, therefore, the sample tested is 
 colored red, it indicates the presence of alcohol as an impurity. 
 Admixture of other cheaper volatile oils is more difficult of detection. 
 It is usually the case that if a drop of mixed oils be evaporated, either from 
 the hand or from a sheet of paper warmed over a lamp, the difference may be 
 detected by observing the odor from time to time, as one of the essential oils 
 is likely to volatilize more rapidly than the other. 
 If the oxygenated oils are adulterated with Turpentine, as is likely to be the 
 case on account of its cheapness, its presence may often be detected by treat- 
 ing a portion of the suspected oil with 85 per cent alcohol, in which the turpen- 
 tine is less soluble than the oxygenated essences, and will therefore separate 
 In judging of essential oils by the sense of smell, particularly if they are 
 alcoholic solutions, it is always better to rub a drop on the hand and then 
 smell of it, than to smell of it directly from the bottle, as in the latter case the 
 pungent odor of the alcohol, if present, obscures the odor of the essence, 
 and evaporation of the oil can not take place so rapidly from the liquid sur- 
 face in the bottle as fro:n the warm hand. 
 The volatile oils, or ' -'Ethereal oils" as they are more correctly 
 termed, enter largely into medicinal preparations, sometimes for the 
 sake of flavor, as in the official spirits or "essences" sometimes as aro- 
 matic stimulants, as in the Medicated Waters or in the Elasosacchara of 
 the Nat. Form.; but more frequently as correctives of nauseous drugs. 
 The volatile oils are extracted in various ways: 
 (1) By Expression, as in the case with the oils of Orange, Lemon 
 and Bergamot, where the oil is secreted in conceptacles in the rinds 
 of the fruit. 
 (2) By Distillation from Oleoresins. The oleoresins are resins in 
 solution in volatile oils, such as Turpentine and Copaiba from which 
 respectively volatile oils are obtained.
 (3) By Distillation of the aromatic substance with water. 
 The Substance coarsely comminuted, or in the fresh state as for example 
 Peppermint, is first macerated with water in a still. Upon applying heat the 
 water boils and vaporizing carries the oil with it. The oil being less soluble 
 in the distillate separates and usually of a lower specific gravity than water, 
 floats on top of the water from which it is collected. This separation is 
 usually effected by using a Florence flask as a receiver. The distillate is a 
 saturated solution of the oil in water and may be used instead of water in sub- 
 sequent similar operations or as an aromatic water; Rose Water and Orange 
 Flower Water are obtained in this way as by-products in the distillation of 
 their respective oils. Most volatile oils, although their boiling points are 
 higher than that of water, owing to their volatility, distill readily in this 
 way, but in case the boiling point of the oil be very high, common salt is 
 sometimes added to the water, to raise its boiling point, or the process is 
 hastened by passing a current of steam into the bottom of the still. 
 (4) By extraction with volatile solvents, such as Alcohol, Ether, 
 Chloroform, Benzin, Carbon Disulphide, etc. 
 The solvent is permitted to evaporate, leaving the volatile oil mingled with 
 some impurities, from which it is freed by distillation. 
 (5) By extraction with fixed solvents, such as Fixed Oils and Fats. 
 The process of distillation, though more speedy and convenient, is 
 too wasteful where it is desired to collect the delicate volatile essences 
 of flowers, which frequently ure present in the flowers only in minute 
 proportions: so, for this purpose, the process of enflcurage is usuall) 
 J'.nflcurage consists in sprinkling the material, from which the essence is to be 
 extracted, on the surface of some purified and odorless fat contained in shallow 
 trays. The fat after a time takes up the essence, and the exhausted material 
 may be replaced by fresh and the process continued until a strongly perfumed 
 poiiunh- is obtained. If this pomade be now treated with Alcohol the essence is 
 dissolved, while but little of the fat passes into solution, and that little may be 
 separated by exposing the alcoholic solution to a low temperature, when the 
 fat crystallizes out. The product thus obtained is the "extract" of the per- 
 fumers. The volatile oil may be obtained from this by treating it with water, 
 when the oil separates out.
 The volatile oils are classified according to their elementary com- 
 position as follows: 
 1. The Terpenes or Camphenes, also called "Hydrocarbons" be- 
 cause they have the Composition C 10 Hj 8 . 
 2. The Oxygenated Oils or "Essences," which contain Oxygen in 
 addition to Carbon and Hydrogen. 
 3. The Nitrogcnatcd, containing Nitrogen in addition to Carbon, 
 Hydrogen and Oxygen, and 
 4. The Sulphurated, consisting of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and 
 The Terpenes, so-called because Oil of Turpentine is the type, in- 
 clude the volatile oils derived from plants belonging mostly to the 
 natural order Coniferre. 
 They are characterized by ranging in specific gravity from 0.840 to 
 0.890; in boiling point from i5oC. to 25oC.; in being less soluble 
 in water than oils of the other groups and being converted into para- 
 Cymol, C, H U , through withdrawal of two H by reaction with Iodine, 
 which becomes so intense as to cause fulmination. They also react 
 strongly with Nitric and Sulphuric Acids and these must be cautiously 
 added when desired to be mixed with these oils. 
 Oil Turpentine. Oleum Terebinthinic, U. S. Obtained by dis- 
 tillation of Turpentine, an Oleoresin derived from Pinus palustris and 
 other species of the Pine. The residue is the common resin or col- 
 A colorless liquid of a characteristic odor and taste, sp. gr. 0.855 to 0.870, 
 boils at 155 to 170 C., soluble in 3 volumes of alcohol and in an equal volume 
 of glacial acetic acid. 
 Uses. As a solvent for resins, etc., externally in Liniments; internally dis- 
 solved in a fixed oil or in the form of emulsion, the purifed form being em- 
 Off. Prep. Linimentum Terebinthinre and the following: 
 OL'inn Tercbinthina: Kcctificatum, U. S. Prepared by shaking common Oil 
 of Turpentine with six volumes of Lime Water, distilling the mixture and col- 
 lecting about three-fourths of the oil employed and separating it from water. 
 This purified oil added to boiling water is used as an inhalant in "consump- 
 tion," bronchitis, etc. The Emulsion is best made by dissolving 5 C.C. of the 
 Oil in 10 C.C. of Almond Oil, emulsifying with 5 Gm. powdered Acacia and 
 water to make 100 C.C. 
 Oil of Turpentine is a mixture of several substances called pinene, ter- 
 pincne and dipentene, which differ chiefly in their optical behavior, 
 i. e. , turning polarized light to the left, lerogyratc, or to the right, dex-
 trogyratc. Treated with Sulphuric Acid, added in small portions at 
 a temperature not above 7oC., washed with alkali water and that 
 portion boiling under i6oC. separated by fractional distillation, the 
 following is obtained: 
 Tcn-hcnc. C 10 II lr> . Tcrebenum, V. S. A liquid consisting chiefly 
 of 1'inene, optically inactive, sp. gr. o.S62. 
 It is sparingly soluble in water, but soluble in an equal volume of alcohol, 
 glacial acetic acid or carbon disulphide. 
 Csi'-f. As an antiseptic and deodorant. 
 Tci-pin Hydrate. C 1( ,H lH (OH) 2 4 II,O. Ferpini Hydras, U. S. 
 The hydrate of the diatomic alcohol Terpin. 
 I'roduced through the action of Nitric Acid on Oil of Turpentine in the 
 presence of Alcohol and crystallizing from hot alcohol or glacial acetic acid. 
 Colorless, lustrous, rhombic prisms, nearly odorless and having a slightly 
 aromatic taste, soluble in 250 parts of water, in 10 of alcohol, in 100 of ether, 
 in 200 of chloroform and in i part of boiling glacial acetic acid. 
 f'.fi-.f.--ln Bronchial difficulties, dose i dcg. 
 The following Oils are also included with the Terpenes: 
 part of. 
 sp. gr. 
 i vol sol in alco- 
 hol volsf. 
 . . . 4. 
 Rosmarini . leaves 
 Lavandulru . flor. . 
 Erigerontis . hb. . 
 Myrcuie . 
 seed . 
 Juniper! . . fruit . . J. communis . . 0.85 . 
 Sabinai . . tops . . J. Sabina . . . 0.91 . 
 . R. officinalis . . 0.895 . 
 . L. officinalis . . 0.885 
 . E. Canadense . 0.850 . 
 M. acris . . . 
 M. fragrans . 
 E. globulus . 
 Cubebce . . fruit . . Piper Cubeba 
 Eiicalyptol. - C 10 H,,,O. A neutral body obtained from the \"olatiie 
 Oil of Eucalyptus. 
 Sp. gr. 09-50, boils at I76C., congeals at a few degrees below the freezing 
 point and is optically inactive. 
 Oil of Ccpail'a. Oleum Copaiba.-, L". S. Obtained by distillation 
 from the Oleoresin of Copaiba Eangsdorftii. Kunt/.e. and other species. 
 Sp. gr. o Sgo. forming a slightly cloud}' mixture with 10 volumes of alcohol. 
 The Oils of the Citrus Family, now classed with the Terpenes. are- 
 ail obtained by expression from the rinds of the Iruits ot their respec- 
 tive plants, except the Oil of Orange Flowers, which is obtained by 
 distillation with water. 
 *Thesp. gr. ranges usually 10 to 20 in 100. only the lowest is given here. 
 f Where no figure is given the oil is soluble in alcohol in anv proportion.
 Oil of Lemon. Oleum Li monis, U. S. Citrus Limonum. 
 Sp. gr. 0.900 to 0.920; soluble in equal volume of alcohol. 
 Off. Prep. Spirit. Aurantii Comp., Spirit. Limonis. 
 Oil of Bergamot. Oleum Bergamottae, U. S. Citrus Bergamia, 
 Risso et P. 
 Sp. gr. 0.880 to 0.885, 2 volumes of oil and i volume alcohol, clear solution. 
 Uses. In cologne water, perfumery. 
 Oil of Orange. Oleum Aurantii, U. S. From either the bitter 
 Orange, Citrus vulgaris, Risso, or the sweet Orange, Citrus Auran- 
 tium, Linne. 
 Sp. gr. 0.850; soluble in 4 volumes of alcohol. 
 Off. Prep. Spirit. Aurantii; Sp. Aurant. Comp., Sp. Myrciae. 
 Oil of Orange Flowers. Oleum Aurantii Florum, U. S. Oil 
 Neroli. Citrus vulgaris, Risso. 
 Sp. gr. 0.875 to 0.890; soluble in equal volume of alcohol. 
 The Oxygenated Oils, or "Essences" as they are sometimes called, 
 comprise a large number of volatile oils, containing, in addition to H 
 and C, also a small proportion of Oxygen. 
 They are in most cases mixtures of a liquid terpene called eleoptene 
 and a solid neutral body called stcaroptenc, which may be separated 
 by fractional distillation, or by congelation (freezing). 
 Examples of these are the Oils of Mint and Thyme from which the two 
 stearoptenes, menthol and thymol, are respectively derived. In Oils of Anise 
 and Rose, the stearoptenes, present in large proportion, crystallize at 10" to 
 I5 C C., and these oils are therefore semi-liquid at ordinary temperature and re- 
 quire to be liquefied by gentle heat previous to use. 
 A few of them consist of compound ethers, esters, from which acids 
 may be obtained in a crystalline form, as the salicylic acid from 
 the Oil of Gaultheria and the Oil of Betula, both identical with 
 Methyl Salicylate, and cinnamic acid from Oil of Cinnamon. 
 Physically they differ from the Terpenes proper, the Turpentines, 
 in having a finer, more agreeable odor, hence their value as perfumes; 
 they are more soluble in water, and the official Aromatic Waters are 
 saturated solutions of these oils; they have a higher specific gravity, 
 ranging with two exceptions from 0.900 to 1.175; and a somewhat 
 higher boiling point. 
 I'fcs. A great many oils belonging to this class, not official, are used in 
 perfumery, such as the Ihlang, Jasmin, etc.; many are employed as flavors, 
 and the savory herbs of Marjoram. Mints and Thyme, the fruits of Anise, 
 Caraway, Pepper and Coriander, the flowers of Cloves and Mace and the 
 barks of Cinnamon are all used in the culinary arts
 In medicine the oils are employed for their aromatic and stimulant effect, in 
 Waters and Spirits, often as carminatives, and most frequently as adjuvants t<: 
 nauseous preparations and as correctives to drastic cathartics, as in many of 
 the official pills. 
 Some have specific effects, as the abortifacients, Pennyroyal, Rue, Tansy 
 (and Sabin) and which, therefore, can be dispensed only on physicians' pre- 
 Anisi . . 
 Betulcc vol. 
 Cajuputi . 
 part of. 
 fruit . 
 bark . 
 fruit . 
 flor's . 
 fruit . 
 bark . 
 fruit . 
 fruit . 
 Pimpinella A . 
 B. lenta . 
 Melaleuca Leuca- 
 dendron . 
 Carum Carui 
 fruit . 
 flor's . 
 C. ambrosioides 
 C. cassia . 
 C. sativum 
 F. capillaceum 
 G. procumbens 
 H. pulegioides 
 M. piperita . . 
 M. viridis 
 P. officinali 
 R. Damascena 
 S. album 
 Cari .... 
 Chenopodii , 
 Cinnamomi , 
 Coriandri . 
 Foeniculi . . 
 Gaultherune . 
 Hedeomre . 
 Menthie pip 
 Menthrc vir 
 Pi mental . . 
 Rosre . . . 
 Santali . . 
 Sassafras . . 
 Thymi . . . 
 The nitrogenated or complex oils are but few in number, anT the 
 plants which yield them all belong to the Rosaces, and most of them 
 to the sub-order Amygdalae. They contain Hydrocyanic Acid in 
 solution in the oil, and are therefore poisonous. 
 Their specific gravity varies from 1.04 to 1.07, boiling poinu from 
 i7oC. to iXoC. and they are acid to litmus paper. 
 The most important of this group are: Oil of Cherry-seeds. Oil of 
 Cherry-laurel leaves, and: 
 Oil of Bitter AlmonJs. Oleum Amygdala? Amara?. U. S Ob- 
 tained from Bitter Almonds by crushing them, macerating with water, 
 and afterward distilling. 
 Its sp. gr. is i. 060, soluble in 300 parts water, in all proportions of alcohol. 
 rt-bark . S. variifolium 
 leaves . T. vuleraris . 
 sp. gr. 
 i vol. sol. in 
 ale. vols. 
 . . . 0.98 . . 
 . . I. 
 . . . I-I75 
 . . . 0.922 . 
 . . I. 
 . . . 0.910 . 
 . . i. 060 . 
 . . I. 
 . . I. 
 les . . 0.970 . 
 . . . 1.055 . 
 . . . 0.870 . 
 n . . 0.960 . 
 ns . .1.17? 
 . . I. 
 . . i. 
 s . . 0.930 . 
 . . 2. 
 . . . 0.900 . 
 . . 1. 
 . . . 0.930 . 
 . . I . 
 . . . 1.045 
 i. . . 0.865 . 
 . .1. 
 . .sp. 
 . . . 0.970 . 
 . . .1.070 . 
 . . . 0.900 . 
 . . 0.5
 It usually contains 50 per cent of Hydrocyanic Acid, and is therefore poison- 
 Off. Prep. Aqua Amygd. Am.; Sp. Amygd. Am. 
 The sulphurated oils constitute a series of pungent essences charac- 
 terized chemically by containing a small proportion of Sulphur. 
 Most of these oils are obtained from plants belonging to the natural 
 order Crucifene, but Oil of Asafoetida is derived from an Umbellifer- 
 ous, and Oil of Garlic from a Liliaceous plant. 
 Volatile Oil of Mustard. Oleum Sinapis Volatile, U. S. Is ob- 
 tained from Black Mustard by maceration with water, and subsequent 
 distillation. It occurs, however, in other Cruciferous plants. 
 A colorless, pungent and acrid liquid; sp. gr. from 1.018 to 1.029, boils at 
 i5oC. Its chemical formula is (C 3 H 5 )(CNS). It is therefore a sulpha-cyanide 
 of allyl. 
 Oil of Horse-radish has the same composition. 
 Oil of Asafcctida has the formula C 12 H 22 S, or C ]2 H 2 2S 2 , and Oil of Garlic 
 C 6 H JO S mixed with C 6 H 10 O 
 Closely allied to the volatile oils are the camphors, and some of the 
 volatile oils may by long exposure to water and the atmosphere be 
 converted into camphors. 
 Common camphor is derived from the wood, branches and roots of 
 Cinnamomum Camphora, a tree which belongs to the Laurineoe, and 
 grows in Eastern and Southeastern Asia. The camphor is obtained by 
 distillation of the chips with water, and the product is afterward puri- 
 fied by sublimation. 
 Camphor. C 10 H lfi O. Camphora, U. S. A stearopten melting at 
 i75C., boils at 204C.; sp. gr. 0.995. It * s volatile at ordinary 
 temperature and burns with a sooty flame. 
 Sparingly soluble in water, readily in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed and 
 volatile oils. 
 Triturated in molecular proportions with menthol, thymol, phenol, or 
 chloral hydrate, liquefaction ensues. 
 Owing to the toughness of its crystals, it cannot be pulverized in a mortar 
 unless first moistened with alcohol, ether, or volatile oil. It may, however, 
 be obtained in a finely divided state by condensing the hot vapors. 
 Off. Prep. Aqua Camphorce; Ceratum Camphoras; Ceratum 
 Plumbi Subacetatis; Linimentum Belladonna; Linimentum Saponis; 
 Linimentum Sinapis Comp.; Spiritus Camphorae, Tinctura Opii Cam- 
 Borneo Camphor is of different composition, and has the formula C, H lh O. It 
 is derived from fissures in the wood of Dryobalanops Camphora, a tree belong- 
 ing to the Dipterocarpaceae. It grows in the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. 
 This camphor is slightly heavier than water, is less volatile; and by the 
 action of nitric acid is converted intp ordinary camphor. 
 <.'iit/>/ti-i! ii>ni>(-oni<it(i, C 10 H 1 . ) HrO, a combination of camphor and bromine. 
 It has similar uses in medicine to those of the bromine compounds. 
 With the Camphors may be classed the following substances: 
 Thymol. Thymol, T. S. A substance, chemically a phenol, ob- 
 tained from the volatile oils of Thymus vulgaris, and Monarda punc- 
 tata, L., and Carum Ajowun, K and If. 
 l!y fractional distillation the terpenes are separated and the portion 
 coming over at i75C. is treated with soda, decomposed by hydro- 
 chloric acid and the thymol crystalli/ed from an alcoholic solution. 
 Large, colorless crystals, sp. gr 1.069, melts at 50., sparingly soluble in 
 water (1200), readily in alcohol, ether, etc , fixed and volatile oils. 
 L'si-s. As an antiseptic and disinfectant. 
 ^fcnthol. C 1(i H ri OH. Menthol, U. S. A stearopten obtained by 
 fractional distillation from American and Japanese peppermint oils. 
 Colorless, acicular or prismatic crystals, melting at 43 C., boil at 212 C., 
 sparingly soluble in water, freely in alcohol, ether, etc. 
 f'ses. It has been used extensively as a topical application in ner.-ous head- 
 Aromatic Drugs, Group III. 
 The Aromatic Drugs include those vegetable drugs whose chief 
 value consists in the volatile oil which they contain. They are mostly 
 stimulant and carminative in their properties. 
 A fe\v of them, Buchu, Cubeb, Eucalyptus, Ginger and Valerian, 
 are sufficiently active to be administered alone in simple preparations, 
 but the rest are merely used as aromatics and adjuvants, and enter 
 largely into various compounds. Their preparations, with one or 
 two exceptions, precipitate with water, and in the degree this precipi- 
 tation takes place, the strength of the preparation, or the quality of 
 the drug from which it is prepared, may be roughly estimated. 
 Nearly all require stronger alcoholic menstrua in their extraction, 
 yet the solvent should contain some water which, by causing the cell- 
 walls to swell, enables the alcohol to dissolve the active constituents 
 and facilitate the extraction of the drug. 
 The active principles or volatile oils of some of the drugs belonging 
 to this class, especially those of the Orange and Rose families, are 
 soluble to some extent in Syrup, which is the most common form of 
 sxhibition; they are, however, still less soluble in water not containing 
 sugar, and such solutions can not, therefore, be so concentrated that 
 the syrups can be prepared from them by admixture with simple syrup. 
 Their principal use is in the manufacture of essential oils. 
 Drugs may contain a volatile oil and yet contain other constituents, such af> 
 resins, tannin or glucosides and alkaloids. In such cases reference is made to 
 the Drug in this Group, but it is described in the particular Group in which- 
 through its most active constituents, it would be most appropriately included. 
 Absinthium. [See Group 4.] 
 Anise. Anisum, U. S. Fruit of Pimpinella Anisum, Linne. Nat. 
 Ord., Umbelliferce. Constituents: Vol. oil about t\vo per cent, 
 sugar, mucilage, etc. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Rhei Dulcis. 
 Arnica. Flowers and Root. [See Group 4.] 
 Buchu. Buchu, U. S. Leaves of Barosma betulina, Bart., B. 
 crenulata, Hook. Nat. Ord., Rutacere. Constituents: Vol. oil about 
 one per cent, resin, bitter principle, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Buchu Fluidum; Tinctura Buchu was formerly official. 
 Short buchu is the only kind recognized in the U. S. Ph. It contains a 
 larger percentage of oil than the variety known as "long" buchu (Barosma 
 serratifolia) and is much lower in price.
 Calamus. Calamus, U. S. Rhizome of Acorus Calamus, Linne. 
 Nat. Orel., Aroidene. Constituents: Vol. oil one-half per cent, bitter 
 principle, resin, etc. Off. Prep.: Kxtractum Calami Fluidum. 
 Uses. A tincture containing 20 per cent of the drug made with the alcohol, 
 sp. gr. 0.892 and an extract with f>o per cent alcohol, are prepared according to 
 the Ph. Ger. Infusion is made 5 per cent strength. A conserve is also made 
 from the peeled root with sugar. 
 Caraway. Carum, U. S. Fruit of Carum Carui, Linne. Xat. 
 Ord. , L'mbelliferrc. Constituents: Vol. oil six per cent. Off. Prep. : 
 Tinctura Cardamom i Com p. 
 Csi-s. As an aromatic in different Elixirs and "Tonics," also as condiment, 
 and as an ingredient in cheese. 
 Cantamoni. Cardamomum, U. S. Fruit of Elettaria repens, 
 Baillon. Nat. Ord., Scitaminese. Constituents: Vol. oil four-fifths 
 per cent, fixed oil, mucilage, etc. Off. Prep.: Puivis Aromaticus; 
 Tinctura Cardamom! ; Tinctura Cardamom! composita; Tinctura 
 Gentiana: comp. ; Tinctura Rhei; Tinctura Rhei Dulcis; Extract. 
 Colocynthidis Comp. 
 Malabar and Aleppo constitute the shorter varieties of Cardamom, which are 
 round in shape, while the Madras are more elongated. Good Cardamom 
 should yield 75 per cent of their weight in seeds. 
 Cascarilla. Cascarilla, U. S. Bark of Croton Eluteria, Bennett. 
 Nat. Ord., Euphorbiaceae. Constituents: Vol. oil one-fifth per cent, 
 cascarillin, and resin. 
 Uses. Chiefly as an ingredient in "fumigating mixtures.' 1 When incinerated, 
 it gives off an odor resembling that of musk. 
 Extractum Cascarilla? Ph. Ger. is prepared by exhausting the bark with hot 
 water and evaporating the liquid. 
 Chenopodium. Chenopodium, U. S. American Wormseed. Fruit 
 of Chenopodium ambrosioides, var. anthelminticum. Gray. Nat. Ord., 
 Chenopodiacea^. Constituents: Volatile oil. 
 f'siS.ln the form of infusion and for the preparation of the volatile oil. 
 Cassia Cinnamon. Cinnamomum Cassia, U. S. Cassia Bark. 
 - The bark of the shoots of one or more undetermined species of Cin- 
 namomum grown in China (Chinese Cinnamon). Nat. Ord., Lau- 
 Saigon Cinnamon. Cinnamomum Saigonicum, U. S. The bark ot 
 an undetermined species of Cinnamomum. 
 Ceylon Cinnamon. Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. V.'S. The inner 
 bark of the shoots of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. Breyne. 
 Constituents. About i per cent of volatile oil. and a little tanin. 
 Uses. Cinnamon is valuable in medicine chiefly for its carminative and 
 stimulant virtues and for the preparation of the volatile oil.
 Off. Prep. Pulvis Aromaticus; Infusum Digitalis; Tinctura Cin- 
 namomi; Tinct. Cardamomi comp.; Tinct. Catechu comp. ; Tinct. 
 Lavandulae comp.; Tine. Rhei Aromat.; Vinum Opii; also in numer- 
 ous unofficial preparations and in Elixirs. 
 Uses. In the powdered form as a spice and sometimes for dusting pills. 
 Cassia Cinnamon is the kind mostly used for culinary purposes; Saigon for 
 flavoring cordials, elixirs, etc.; Ceylon Cinnamon in perfumery, also for flavor- 
 ing, as in preparing Aqua Cinnamomi Ph. Br. 
 Cloves. Caryophyllus, U. S. Unexpanded flowers of Eugenia aro- 
 matica, Kuntze. Nat. Ord., Myrtaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil 
 eighteen per cent, caryophyllin, eugenin, resin, tannin, etc. Off. 
 Prep.: Tinctura Lavandulae comp-; Tinct. Rhei Arom.; Vinum Opii, 
 and externally as an ingredient in the unofficial Spice Plaster. 
 Coriander. Coriandrum, U. S. Fruit of Coriandrum sativum, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Umbelli ferae. Constituents: Volatile oil one- 
 half per cent and fixed oil. 
 Uses. To correct griping in laxative remedies as in the official Confection of 
 Senna; as a very agreeable flavor in Elixirs, and as a promoter of digestion in 
 the compound of various spices, known as "Curry Powder." 
 Cubcb. Cubeba, U. S. Unripe fruit of Piper Cubeba, Linne fil. 
 Nat. Ord., Piperaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil ten per cent, resin, 
 cubebin, cubebic acid. Off. Prep.: Extractum Cubebae Fluidum; 
 Oleoresina Cubebae, Tinctura Cubebae. 
 Cubebic acid and cubebin, also described as indifferent resin, represent all 
 the medicinal value of cubeb, the oil being regarded as nearly inert. 
 Uses. Crushed and made into cigarettes for smoking, powdered and mixed 
 with potassium sulphate as Catarrh Snuff, and made into a paste with muci- 
 lage and Copaiba for ;onorrhoea. 
 Eriodictyon. Eriodictyon, U. S. Verba Santa. The leaves of 
 Eriodictyon glutinosum, lientham. Nat. Orel., Hydrophyllaceae. 
 Constituents: Volatile oil, an acid and possibly a glucoside. Off. 
 Prep.: Extractum Eriodictyi Fluidum. 
 ]']ucalyptns. Eucalyptus, U. S. Leaves of Eucalyptus globulus, 
 Labillardiere. Nat. Ord., Myrtaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil six 
 per cent, resin, tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Eucalypti Fluidum. 
 Uses. :As an addition to quinine mixtures, and externally as a wash in Gan- 
 grene, etc.; also in conjunction with cubeb for smoking in Catarrh. 
 Fennel. Fceniculum, U. S. Fruit of Ftoniculum capillaceum, 
 Gilibert. Nat. Ord., U"mbelliferae. Constituents: Volatile oil about 
 four per cent, fixed oil, sugar. Off. Prep.: Infusum Senna? comp. 
 Uses. In Species Laxantes Ph. Ger., ''St. Germain" or "Hamburger The" 
 and similar preparations to correct the harsh action of purgatives; also largely 
 as infusion for children.
 DRUGS. 245 
 Ginger. Zingibcr, U. S. Rhizome of Zingiber officinale, Roscoe. 
 Nat. Ord., Scitaminese. Constituents: Volatile oil one-half per cent, 
 gingerol, resin, starch, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Zingil>eris 
 Fluiclum; Oleoresina Zingiberis; I'ulvis Aromaticus; Pulvis Rhei 
 comp. : Tinctura Zingiberis. 
 Ginger occurs in the market usually with the outer integuments removed, 
 when it is called "uncoated ginger;" it is also frequently bleached by immer- 
 sion in a solution of chlorinated lime to give it a white appearance. Of the 
 two varieties, the African and the Jamaica, only the latter (unbleached) should 
 be used in pharmacy. 
 Uses. Similar to the other spices, and as an ingredient in "Curry Powder." 
 Hedcoma. Hedeoma, U. S. Pennyroyal. Leaves and flowering 
 tops of Hedeoma pulegioides, Persoon. Nat. Ord., Labiata;. Con- 
 stituents: Volatile oil. 
 Uses. As infusion to bring on retarded or suspended menstruation. 
 Illicinm. Illicium, I". S. Star-anise. Fruit of Illicium verum, 
 Hooker, fil. Nat. Ord., Magnoliaceoe. Constituents: Volatile oil 
 about four per cent, fixed oil about fifteen per cent, and resin and 
 some tannin. 
 Uses. As a substitute for pimpinella anise and as a source of oil of anise. 
 It possesses a delicious flavor. 
 Lemon Peel. Limonis Cortex, U. S. Rind of fruit of Citrus 
 Limonum, Risso. Xat. Ord., Rutaceai. Constituents: Volatile oil 
 two per cent, hesperidin. Off. Prep.: Spiritus Limonis. 
 Uses. For flavoring, and in the Spirit of Lemon for imparting a lemon-yel- 
 low color to the alcoholic solution of the oil. 
 Mace. Macis, U. S. The arilode of nutmeg, the .seed of Myris- 
 tica fragrans, Houttuyn. Xat. Ord., M\ risticacea,-. Constituents: 
 Volatile oil about eight per cent, fixed oil, resin. 
 I'sc-s. Tincture of Mace, Ph Ger, is prepare'! by digesting one part of 
 mace in five parts of alcohol. Mace; is mostly used as a condiment, and as it 
 cannot be powdered without addition of other substances, should be used 
 Marntlnnm. Marrubium. V. S. Ilorehound. Leaves and tops of 
 Marrubium vulgare, Linne. Nat. Orel., Labiate. Constituents: Vola- 
 tile oil, resin, marrubin. tannin. 
 Uses. Popularly as an ingredient in Cough Syrups and as Infusion. 
 Matico. [Sec Croup 4.] 
 J/i'//V.*w. Melissa. I'. S. . Halm. Leaves and tops of Melissa 
 officinalis. Linne. Nat. Ord., Labiate. Constituents: Volatile oil 
 one-sixth percent, tannin, bitter extractive. 
 Uses. For preparing Aqua Melissa Ph Gcr. by distillation with water 1 also 
 in a French preparation. "Eau do Carmes," or Compound Spirit of Balm.
 Nutmeg. Myristica, U. S. The seed of Myristica fragrans, Hout- 
 tuyn. Nat. Ord., Myristicaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil about five 
 percent, and fixed oil twenty-five to thirty per cent. Off. Prep.: 
 Pulvis Aromaticus; Acetum Opii; Tinctura Lavandulre composita; 
 Tinct. Rhei Arom.; and as a flavor in several official Troches 
 Bitter Orange Peel. Aurantii Amari Cortex, U. S. Rind of fruit 
 of Citrus vulgaris, Risso. Nat. Ord., Rutacere. Constituents: Vola- 
 tile oil and hesperidin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Aurantii Amari Fluidum; 
 Tinctura Aurantii Amari; Tinct. Cinchonte comp.; Tinct. Gentianas 
 Uses. Owing to its large percentage of bitter principle, Bitter Orange Peel 
 is used in the several official tinctures, and also in many unofficial tonics and 
 bitters. The volatile oil, while present in much smaller quantity than in the 
 Sweet Orange Peel, is largely used, and sometimes preferred to that of the 
 latter. The volatile oil obtained from the unripe fruit of bitter orange (orange 
 berries) called essence de petit grain, is similar in chemical composition, but dif- 
 fers in the physical characteristics of taste and odor. 
 Sweet Orange Peel. Aurantii Dulcis Cortex, U. S. Rind of fruit 
 of Citrus Aurantium, Risso. Nat. Ord., Rutaceae. Constituents: 
 Volatile oil and hesperidin. Off. Prep.: Syrupus Aurantii Coit. ; 
 Tinctura Aurantii Dulcis. 
 Uses. The fresh rind, when obtainable, should always be given the prefer- 
 ence over the dried, when used for flavoring purposes. A tincture is made by 
 macerating the yellow exterior portion, deprived of the inner white fleshy por- 
 tion, with alcohol, and expressing. It is the chief flavor for Elixirs. 
 Pepper. Piper. V . S. Black Pepper. Unripe fruit of Piper 
 nigrum, Linne. Nat. Ord., Piperacens. Constituents: Volatile oil one- 
 half per cent, piperin, pungent resin. Off. Prep.: Oleoresina Piperis. 
 L'st-s. Sometimes as an addition to Anti-Chill Pills to render other remedies, 
 such as quinine, more active. It is the best known and most largely used of 
 all condiments. The powder is often largely adulterated. 
 Peppermint. Mentha Piperita, U. S. Leaves and tops of Mentha 
 piperita, Linne. Nat. Ord., Labiatae. Constituents: Volatile oil one 
 per cent, pipmenthol, resin, tannin. Off. Prep.: Spiritus Mentha; 
 Uses. Almost exclusively for obtaining oil of Peppermint; also for impart- 
 ing a green color to the alcoholic solution of the oil in Essence of Peppermint, 
 and as Infusion. 
 Pimenta. Pimenta, U. S. Allspice. Nearly ripe fruit of Pimenta 
 officinalis, Lindley. Nat. Ord., Mvrtacere. Constituents: Volatile 
 oil three-fourths per cent, resin, tannin, etc. 
 L'M-S. Exclusively as a condiment and for obtaining the oil, which is used in 
 the preparation of "Bay Rum."
 DRUGS. 247 
 Pale Rose. Rosa Centifolia, U. S. Petals of Rosa centifolia, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Rosaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil, sugar, 
 mucilage, tannin. Off. Prep.: Syrupus Sarsaparillre compositus. 
 I'sfs. In perfumery; in the distillation of Rose Water and in Fumigating 
 Red Rose, Rosa Gallica, U. S. Petals of Rosa Gallica, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Rosacece. Collected before flowers are fully expanded. 
 Constituents: Volatile oil, sugar, mucilage, quercitrin. Off. Prep.: 
 Pilulie Aloes et Mastiches; Confectio Rosae.; Extractum Rosoe Fluidum; 
 Mel Rosa,'. 
 Uses. The Infusion, formerly official, containing sugar and dilute sulphuric 
 acid, as a vehicle for bitter drugs, i. <'., magnesium sulphate and quinine; also 
 as a gargie for sore throat. 
 Saffron. Crocus, U. S. Stigmas of Crocus sativus, Linne. Nat. 
 Ord., Iridere. Constituents: Volatile oil, crocin. Off. Prep.: Tinct- 
 ura Croci; also Syrupus Croci, French Codex. 
 I'scs. Chiefly as a dye and as infusion to produce diaphoresis in "measles." 
 It enters also largely into preparations of the older Pharmacopoeias. Saffron. 
 is largely adulterated; the so-called American Saffron is from an entirely dif- 
 ferent plant (Carthamus), and should not be dispensed as a substitute for 
 Salvia. Salvia, U. S. Sage. Leaves of Salvia officinalis, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Labiatai. Constituents: Volatile oil one-half to three- 
 quarters percent, resin, tannin, extractive matter. 
 f'si's. Infusion in sore mouth and as a gargle in sore throat. 
 Sambucus. Sambucus, U. S. Elder. Flowers of Sambucus Cana- 
 densis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Caprifoliacene. Constitutents: Volatile oil, 
 resin, mucilage, etc. 
 i'ji's. In compound Syrup of Stillingia; in Species Laxantes Ph. Ger. ana 
 as Infusion. 
 Sassafras. Sassafras, U. S. Root bark of Sassafras variifolium, 
 Kuntze. Nat. Ord., Laurineoj. Constituents: Volatile oil four per 
 cent, tannin six per cent, sassafrid nine per cent. Off. Prep.: Decoc- 
 tum Sarsaparillse comp. ; Extractum Sarsaparilloe comp. fiuidum. 
 L'sc-s. Chiefly in the preparation of the oil of sassafras by distillation; in in- 
 fusion as "tea' 1 for purifying the blood, and in Species Lignorum Ph. Ger. 
 Scutellaria. Scutellaria, L T . S. Skullcap. Plant of Scutellaria 
 lateriflora, Linne. Nat. Ord., Labiatre. Constituents: Volatile oil, 
 bitter principle, tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Scutellarias Fluidum. 
 Spearmint. Mentha viridis, L'. S. Leaves and tops of Mentha 
 viridis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Labiatae. Constituents: Volatile oil about 
 one-half per cent, resin, etc. Off. Prep.: Spiritus Mentha; Viridis.
 Sumbul. Sumbul, U. S. Root of Ferula Sumbul, Hooker filius. 
 Nat. Ord., Umbelliferre. Constituents: Volatile oil one-third per cent, 
 angelic and valerianic acids and bitter extractive. Off. Prep.: Tinct- 
 ura Surnbul. 
 Tansy. Tanacetum, U. S. Leaves and tops of Tanacetum vulgare, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Composite. Constituents: Volatile oil one-fourth 
 per cent, bitter principle, resin, tannin. 
 Uses. Infusion to bring on suspended menstruation, and in the preparation 
 of the oil. 
 Thuja. [See Group 4.] 
 Valerian. Valeriana, U. S. Rhizome and rootlets of Valeriana 
 officinalis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Valerianeae. Constituents: Volatile 
 oil one-half to 'two percent, valerianic, formic and acetic acids, and 
 resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Valerianse Fluidum; Tinctura Valer- 
 ianae; Tinctura Valerians Ammoniata. 
 Two kinds of Valerian are found in the market, viz. : English and German, 
 the former being regarded as representing the medicinally valuble constituents 
 in a higher degree than the German. It should always be given the preference, 
 but never used until freed from adhering dirt by washing with water. 
 U-srs. Infusion and the powder in the form of pills. 
 Extract of Valerian was discarded in the U. S. Ph., '80, the Abstract 
 taking its place; the abstract represents the drug quite as fully as the extract, 
 and may be dispensed in the same dose. 
 Vanilla. Vanilla, U. S. Fruit of Vanilla planifolia, Andrews. Nat. 
 Ord., Orchideoe. Constituents: Vanillin, fixed oil, resin. Off. Prep.: 
 Tinctura Vanillre. 
 fr sfs As a flavoring agent in the form of Tincture, or triturated to a fine 
 powder with sugar of milk or rock-candy frequently with an admixture of 
 Achillas (Yellow). 
 Achillaea millefolium. 
 Vol. oil, achi Heine, 
 resin, tannin. 
 Archangelica officials. 
 Vol. oil, acids, resins. 
 Angelica (Amer). 
 Archangelica atropurpurea 
 (Same as above). 
 Apium graveolens. 
 Vol. oil, fixed oil, etc. 
 Artemisia vulgaris. 
 Vol. oil, bitter principle 
 Asarum (Canada 
 Asarum Canadense. 
 Vol. oil 3^, resin, 
 Snake Root.) 
 coloring matter. 
 Benzoin Bush. 
 Benzoin odoriferum. 
 Bk; Fruit. 
 Vol. oil, tannin. 
 Canella alba. 
 Bark. - 
 Vol. oil, resin, bit. prin. 
 Nepeta Cataria. 
 Vol. oil, bitter prin'l. 
 Comptonia asplendifolia. 
 Vol. oil, resin, tannin, 
 Cotula (Maywood) 
 Maruta Cotula. 
 Vol. oil, anthemic and 
 valeric acids, acrid 
 fixed oil. 
 Erigeron Canadensis. 
 Vol. oil, bitter prin'l. 
 Gaultheria procumbens. 
 Vol. oil, 5# (methyl 
 salicylate), ericolin, 
 tannin, etc. 
 Glechoma Hederaceae. 
 Vol. oil, bitter prin'l. 
 Golden Rod. 
 Solidago odora. 
 Volatile oil. 
 Hyssopus officinalis. 
 Vol. oil, bitter princi- 
 ple, tannin. 
 [nperatoria ostruthium. 
 Vol. oil, Imperatorin. 
 Iris (orris). 
 Iris Florentina. 
 Vol. oil, resin, bitter 
 extractive, starch. 
 Juniperus communis. 
 Vol. oil, resin. 
 Laurus nobilis. 
 Vol. oiland bitter prin'l 
 Lavandula vera. 
 Vol. oil, i/-2/, resin, 
 Levisticum officinale. 
 Vol. oil, bitter extract- 
 ive, resins. 
 Origanum marjorana. 
 Volatile oil. 
 Micromeria Douglassii. 
 Volatile oil. 
 Origanum vulgare. 
 Vol. oil i#, resin, bit- 
 ter principle. 
 Petroselinum sativum. 
 Root and 
 Vol. oil, apiin. 
 Pimpinella saxifraga. 
 Vol. oil and acrid resin. 
 Rosmarinus officinalis. 
 Vol. oil I*/?, resin, tan- 
 Rhus (aromatic). Rhus aromatica. 
 Vol. oil, resin, tannin. 
 Sandalwoud. ISantalum album. 
 Vol. oil, resin. 
 Sarsaparilla Aralia nudicaulis. R'zome. 
 Vol. oil, and resin. 
 Spikenard (Amer). Aralia racemosa. R z; Root. Vol. oil and resin. 
 Thyme. Thymus vulgaris. Herb. 
 Vol. oil, resin. 
 Turmeric. Curcuma longa. R'zome. 
 Vol. oil, pungent resin. 
 Wintera. Drimys \Yinteri. Bark. 
 Vol. oil, tannin, pun- 
 gent resin. 
 Xanthoxylum Xanthoxylum fraxineum. Fruits. 
 Vol. oil, resin. 
 (Prickly Ash.) 
 Zedoaria. Curcuma Zedoaria. R'zome. iVol. oil, pungent resin.
 Resins and Oleoresins. 
 Resins zre solid, usually amorphous, vegetable products, com- 
 monly with a conchoidal fracture, soluble in alcohol and usually also 
 in the fixed oils but not in water, transparent or semi-transparent, 
 readily fusible, inflammable, and burning with a sooty flame, not 
 volatilizing without undergoing chemical change and negatively elec- 
 trified by friction. Some contain acids, and with the alkalies are 
 capable of forming soaps; others are neutral, and can not be saponified. 
 Composition. The Resins are complex bodies, being mostly mix- 
 tures of different compounds of Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen. 
 Shellac, for instance, consists of five different resins and a coloring 
 matter. Amber is a mixture of Succinic Acid and several resins; 
 Sandarac consist of three resins, which differ in solubility, but are not 
 soluble in water, and a fourth constituent, a bitter principle, which is 
 soluble in water. 
 Origin. The resins are widely distributed through the vegetable 
 kingdom, there being very few plants that are entirely destitute of 
 them, while some secrete them in large proportion. Sometimes they 
 are diffused through all the tissues of the plant, sometimes they are 
 collected together in certain parts, as in the heart-wood in Guaiac; 
 sometimes they are accumulated in certain special secretion cells, and 
 these cells may be isolated, collected together in masses, or coalescent, 
 forming tubes or ducts; or these secretions may be poured into inter- 
 cellular spaces, and these may be small isolated areas, or they may 
 form tubes in the leaves, wood or bark, following the direction in 
 length of the organ in which they occur. 
 The mode of formation of the resins is obscure, but they are probably to be 
 regarded as degradation products, resulting from the partial breaking down of 
 vegetable tissues. It has been observed in some instances that, as resin ac- 
 cumulates in a tissue, the cell-walls of that tissue become thinner and finally 
 disappear. Resin would appear, therefore, to be, in these cases at least, the 
 product of the retrograde metamorphosis of cellulose or lignin. But that the 
 change is not immediate, but first into Volatile Oil and then into Resin, is in- 
 dicated by the fact that most Volatile Oils, on standing exposed to light and air, 
 partially change into Resin, and also by the fact that Resin appears always to 
 exist in the plant associated with volatile oil. 
 Some of the resins are used medicinally but the larger portion of 
 them are chiefly valuable for varnishes.
 The Oleoresins, like the resins, are of vegetable origin, and con- 
 sist of mixtures in various proportions of resins with volatile oils. They 
 therefore partake of the characters of both. 
 The Oleoresins may be divided into: 
 (1) Natural Oleoresins to which belong Copaiba, the Turpentines 
 and Pitches, and 
 (2) Pharmaceutical Oleoresins, a Class of Preparations made by 
 extracting Olcorcsinous Drugs with Ether and evaporation to a semi- 
 liquid extract. 
 These are the only kind having the official title "Oleoresin" in the U. S. Ph., 
 and are made from the following drug;;: Aspidium, Capsicum, Cubeb, Lupulin, 
 Pepper and Ginger. They are described with the Pharmaceutical Prepara- 
 tions in a following Lecture. 
 Only the natural Oleoresins will be here considered. 
 Copaiba. Copaiba, U. S. Commonly called Balsam of Copaiba. 
 The Oleoresin obtained from Copaiba Langsdorffii, Kuntze, and 
 other species of Copaifera, by boring holes into the heart-wood; the 
 oleoresin being contained in ducts, frequently of large size, in the in- 
 terior of the trunk. 
 Light yellow or brownish yellow, transparent or somewhat turbid, viscid 
 liquid, with a peculiar aromatic odor and an acrid, bitter, and nauseous taste. 
 Sp. gr. from 0.94 to 0.99, increasing with age; soluble in strong alcohol, benzol, 
 and carbon disulphide, fixed and volatile oils; insoluble in water but yields a 
 transparent mixture with one-third its volume of ammonia water. 
 The principal kinds of Copaiba are: 
 Para Copaiba, limpid, light-colored and transparent, and contains from 70 to 
 85 per cent of volatile oil. 
 Rio Janeiro and Maranliani Copaiba resemble eacfh other closely; denser than 
 Para; usually contain from 50 to 60 per cent of volatile oil. 
 Maracaiho Copaiba, still denser, deeper colored, often somewhat turbid; does 
 not usually, like the other Copaibas, yield a clear mixture with one-third of its 
 volume of ammonia water; contains only from 20 to 40 per cent of volatile oil, 
 and solidifies with magnesia. 
 Adulterations. Castor and other fixed oils, turpentine and other volatile oils, 
 and other oleoresins, as Gurjun balsam. Fixed oils are detected by the sticky 
 residue left behind on evaporating the volatile oil, by the greasy areo'a left 
 around the resin when a drop of the suspected article has its volatile oil 
 volatilized from paper, and by the fact that most fixed oils are insoluble in 
 alcohol. Volatile oils, are recognized usually by their odor when warmed. 
 The presence of "Gurjun Balsam" is detected by the violet coloration prc 
 duced by the addition of i drop of a cold mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids 
 to a solution of i drop of copaiba in 19 drops carbon disulphide.
 Constituents. Volatile oil; copaivic, oxycopaivic, or metacopaivic acid; 
 various resins, and a bitter principle soluble in water. 
 Uses.. Expectorant, diuretic and stimulant usually in the form of Emulsion, 
 Paste or Pill. Also applied externally. 
 Off. Prep. Massa Copaibae, a compound of Copaiba with Magnesia. 
 Gurjun Oleo-Rcsin, commonly called Gurjun Balsam. Product of 
 Dipterocarpus turbinatus, and other species of the same genus ^f trees, 
 indigenous to India and the Malay Archipelago. 
 Obtained by making deep incisions in the trunk, and then charring 
 it, causing the oleoresin to flow freely. 
 It closely resembles the more viscid forms of Copaiba in odor, but to the 
 taste is more bitter and not acrid. When heated to a temperature of about 
 130 C., it become gelatinous, and does not resume its fluidity on cooling. Sp. 
 gr. from 0.95 to 0.96; entirely soluble in carbon disulphide, chloroform, and the 
 volatile oils, but only partly so in alcohol, and petroleum benzin. 
 Constituents. Gurjunic acid, resin and volatile oil. 
 Uses. Similar to those of Copaiba. 
 Several turpentines are used in pharmacy, and all but one of them, 
 Cyprus turpentine, are the products of trees belonging to the natural 
 order Coniferae. Cyprus turpentine is the product of one of the 
 The Volatile Oils in all of them are identical in chemical structure, 
 though different somewhat in odor. Their chemical formula when 
 pure is C 10 H J( , 
 Common Turpentine. Terebinthina, U. S. Commonly called 
 "gum" or "pitch" turpentine. A concrete oleoresin obtained as an 
 exudation from Pinus palustris. Miller, and other species of Pines. 
 In yellowish, opaque, tough masses, brittle in the cold, of a terebinthinate 
 odor and taste, containing about 30 per cent of volatile oil and resin. 
 Uses. Diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant and astringent. Used externally in 
 ointments and plasters. Its principal use is in the preparation of "turpentine" 
 oil, which is obtained by distillation, the residue being '"rosin." 
 Canada Turpentine. Terebinthina Canaclensis. U. S. A liquid or 
 semi-liquid oleoresin obtained as an exudation from the Balsam Fir, 
 Abies balsamea, Miller. 
 Transparent when pure, slightly yellowish or greenish, viscid, odor and taste 
 similar to common turpentine, but more agreeable, with age hardening, and 
 acquiring a distinct yellow color. 
 Composition. Volatile oil and two resins, one readily soluble in alcohol, the 
 other with difficulty. 
 Uses. Stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic. Mostly used externally. Used ex- 
 tensively as a mounting medium in microscopy.
 PITCHES. 253 
 Venice Turpentine. Terebinthina Vcneta. Product of the European larch, 
 Larix Europx-a. Secreted in the heart-wood, and is obtained by boring holes 
 to the center of the tree and dipping the liquid out as it accumulates. . 
 Dense, nearly colorless, transparent, fluorescent liquid of a terebinthinate 
 odor and an aromatic, acrid, and bitter taste. 
 Composition. Volatile oil, two or more resins, and succinic acid. Com- 
 pletely soluble in alcohol. 
 I'ses.- Stimulant, diuretic and diaphoretic. Also used externally in oint- 
 ments and plasters. 
 Strasburg Turpentine. Terebinthina Argentoratensis. Product of Abies 
 Resembles Canada Ralsam in its composition, properties and uses. Odor 
 more agreeable. Contains a small amount of succinic acid. 
 Cvprian or Chian Turpentine. Terebinthina Chia. Product of Pistacia 
 terebinthus, natural order Anacardicx. Obtained from incisions in the bark 
 of the tree. 
 Transparent or nearly so, semi-fluid or hardened, brownish or greenish-yel- 
 low in color; taste somewhat bitter, odor balsamic, somewhat fennel-like. 
 Composition. Volatile oil and two resins, one soluble in cold alcohol, the 
 other insoluble. 
 L'scs. Similar to those of other turpentines. 
 Bio-guniiy Pitch. Fix Burgundica, U. S. Exudation product of 
 Abies excelsa, or Norway Spruce Fir, a native of Central and North- 
 ern Europe. 
 Hard, but yielding without fracture to slowly graduated pressure, semi-trans- 
 parent or opaque, yellowish or brownish, fracture shining, conchoidal; odor 
 aromatic; taste agreeable. Almost entirely soluble in glacial acetic acid or in 
 boiling alcohol and partly soluble in cold alcohol. 
 Composition. Volatile oil, probably C 1(J H 1(; , resin, and a little water. 
 Uses. For ointments and plasters. 
 Off. Prep. Emplastrum Picis Burgundicoe; Emplastrum Picis 
 Can thari datum. 
 Hemlock Pitch. Pix Canadensis. Exudation product of common 
 Hemlock, Abies Canadensis. No*; official. 
 Dark reddish brown in color, with a weak terebinthinate, balsamic odor, and 
 resembles in its composition, properties and uses, Burgundy pitch. 
 Tar. Pix Eiquida, U. S. Products of the destructive distillation 
 of the wood of various species of Pine; was described with the products 
 of destructive distillation of wood.
 The Resins may be divided into (i) Resins obtained from Oleo- 
 resins, by separation from the Oil by distillation, (2) natural exuda- 
 tions and (3) resins extracted from resinous Drugs. The latter class 
 are treated with the Pharmaceutical Preparations in a subsequent 
 To the first Class belong: 
 Resin. Resina, U. S. Common Rosin or Colophony. The resi- 
 due after distilling the volatile oil from the Oleoresin of Turpentine. 
 The residue while hot, is drawn off and passed through a series of strainers, 
 when on cooling it constitutes the commercial "rosin." The color of the prod- 
 uct varies according to the temperature at which the distillation takes place. 
 Transparent, light or dark amber colored masses, having a vitreous fracture, 
 fusible at about iooC., soluble in alcohol, ether, and in both volatile and fixed 
 oils; odor and taste somewhat terebinthinate. 
 Constituents. Chiefly abietic anhydride. 
 Uses Mainly fcr ointments and plasters. 
 Off. Prep. Ceratum Resinae; Emplastrum Resinse. 
 Copaiba Resin. Resina Copaibse, U. S. Obtained from the Oleo- 
 resin of Copaiba by distilling off the volatile oil. 
 Amorphous, yellowish, or brownish-yellow brittle masses, soluble in alcohol, 
 ether, carbon disulphide, benzol, and the volatile oils; odor similar to that of 
 the oleoresin; the alcoholic solution is somewhat acrid and bitter, and acid in 
 its reaction. 
 Composition. A mixture of copaivic and metacopaivic acids w 7 ith more or less 
 neutral resin. 
 Uses. Same as those of the oleoresin, which see. 
 To the Natural Resins belong the following: 
 Official: Guaiac and Mastiche. 
 Unofficial: Elemi, Amber and the following used almost exclusively 
 for varnishes: Copal, Dammar, Sandarac, Lac and Asphalt. 
 Guaiac. Guaiaci Resina, U. S. Product of Gtiaiacum officinale, 
 and G. sanctum, West India and South American trees, belonging to 
 the Nat. Orel. Zygophyllea?. It is most abundant in the heart-wood. 
 Obtained partly as natural exudation, partly from incisions in the trunks 
 of living trees, and partly by setting fire to billets of wood that have been chan- 
 neled on one side, the resin as it fuses flowing out along the groove. 
 In tears or irregular masses more or less intermixed with splinters of wood 
 and particles of dirt. In thin pieces, transparent, lustre vitreous, fracture 
 brittle and somewhat conchoidal, color greenish or reddish-brown, soluble in 
 alcohol and caustic potassa, but not in oil of turpentine or benzol. The freshly 
 prepared powder is whitish, but soon turns green on exposure to the air, and 
 its powder or solution is rapidly turned green by nitric acid and other powerful 
 oxidizing agents.
 RESINS. 255 
 Composition. Complex, consisting of guaiacic acid, guaiac yellow, guaiaretic 
 acid, betaresin, a small proportion of gum, ash, etc. 
 Uses. Stimulant, diuretic and alterative, sometimes in the form of Mixture 
 or Emulsion. 
 Off. Prep. Pil. Antimonii comp. . Tinctura Guaiaci; Tinctura 
 Guaiaci Ammoniata. 
 Mastich. Mastiche, U. S. Product of Pistacia Lentiscus. Nat. 
 Ord., Anacardierc, small tree, indigenous to the basin ol the Mediter- 
 ranean. Obtained from vertical incisions into the bast layer of the 
 trunk and larger branches 
 In rounded or enlongated tears about the size of peas, brittle, with a con- 
 choidal fracture, transparent when free from the powdery dust which usually 
 adheres to them, of a light yellow color, partly soluble in alcohol, entirely so 
 in ether and the volatile oils, the alcoholic solution acid in its reaction, odor 
 faintly balsamic, taste somewhat terebinthinous, softening in the mouth. 
 Constituents. Mastichic acid, about go'/r , soluble in alcohol; Masticin, solu- 
 ble in hot alcohol; and a trace of volatile oil. 
 Uses. Mild astringent and masticatory; also for varnishes and cements. 
 Off. Prep. Pilulac Aloes et Mastiches. 
 Elemi. A resinous exudation obtained from various sources: 
 Manila Elaui, exudation from Canarium commune, Nat. Ord. Burseracea?. 
 Brazilian Elcnii, from Icica Icicariba and other species of the same genus. 
 Mexican Elcini, supposed to be the product of Amyris elemifera; and 
 Mauritius Eh'tni, from Colophonia Mauritiana. 
 Manila Elemi is the most important. Crystalline, yellowish, soft, friable 
 when old; taste pungent, disagreeable, bitter; odor aromatic, balsamic. 
 Composition. Volatile oil (Ci H 16 ), elemic acid, crystalline resin, and amor- 
 phous resins. 
 Uses. Stimulant and irritant; externally in ointment and plasters. 
 Cofal Resin. Chiefly found fossil in Zan/.ibars and other parts of 
 Africa, nut i\also obtained from various tropical leguminous trees. 
 Large irregular pieces, usually finely verrucose at the surface, hard, trans- 
 parent or translucent, resembling amber; inodorous, tasteless, difficultly fysibi-?- 
 fracture conchoidal. 
 Constituents. Several different resins. 
 Dammar Resin^ or Dammara. Obtained from two different species 
 of coniferous trees, Dammara Orientalis, Mast Indies; and Dammara 
 Australis, New Zealand. It is a spontaneous exudation. The New 
 Zealand Dammar or "Kauri Gum" sometimes occurs fossil. 
 Roundish, transparent, yellowish, inodorous, tasteless masses, that have a 
 glossy, conchoidal fracture. It is not so hard as copal, mehs at a temperature 
 somewhat above 100 C., is somewhat soluble in alcohol, but more so in chloro- 
 form and benzol. 
 Ci'Hslitiicnt.;. Several different resins. 
 Uses. Sometimes in preparation of plasters, more commonly for varnishes.
 256 RESINS. 
 Samlarac Resin, or Sandarac. Spontaneous exudation from the 
 stem of a small African tree, Callitris quadrivalvis; Nat. Ord. Conifers. 
 Resembles mastiche and is sometimes used to adulterate it. It differs in oc- 
 curring in more elongated tears, in becoming powdered when masticated, and 
 in being almost completely soluble in alcohol. 
 Three different resins and a bitter principle soluble in water. 
 Shellac, or Lacca. Product of a variety of East Indian and a few 
 Mexican plants. An exudation produced by the puncture of ahemip- 
 terous insect, the female of Coccus lacca. The lac of commerce 
 comes chiefly from India, and the most important trees which produce 
 it are a spurge, the Aleuritis laccifera, and a fig, the Ficus Indica. 
 Lac occurs in the following forms: Stick lac consists of the thin twigs of the 
 tree covered with the resinous exudation. Seed lac, of the glossy fragments 
 that have been detached from the twigs; and Lump lac, that obtained by boil- 
 ing the stick or seed lac with water, and melting the product into cakes. 
 Shellac, of reddish or orange colored transparent flakes, brittle, tasteless 
 and glossy, and produced in the same way as lump lac, only dried or hardened 
 in thin plates instead of in masses. 
 Constituents. Complex; five different resins, and some coloring matter. 
 L'scs. Chiefly in the preparation of varnishes and sealing wax. 
 Amber, or Succinum. Fossil product of an extinct coniferous tree, 
 Pinitissuccinifer, and probably also of other species. Obtained princi- 
 pally from the shores of the Baltic where it is cast up by the waves. 
 Hard, brittle, transparent, or translucent, yellowish or reddish-brown irregu- 
 lar masses; melts at 2SS : C., and at that temperature gives off succinic acid 
 Scarcely soluble at all in alcohol, ether, or the volatile oils, but somewhat solu- 
 ble in chloroform. 
 Constituents. Various resins and succinic acid. 
 V->\ Source of oil of amber and succinic acid. 
 Asphalt, or Asphaltum, like amber, is a fossi-1 resin. 
 It is one of the series of petroleum products, and forms extensive deposits iu 
 some parts of the world, as in the Island of Trinidad and Utah, Used in tae 
 iure of varnishes.
 The Gum-Resins and Balsams. 
 The Gum-Resins include those milky exudations of plants which 
 contain a Gum soluble in water and a Resin insoluble in water but sol- 
 uble in alcohol. They also often, but not always, contain volatile 
 oils. They may, therefore, be conveniently divided into two groups: 
 (1) Those which contain volatile oil: 
 Ammoniac, Asafcetida and Myrrh are official. Galbanum, Bdellium, 
 Olibanum, Opoponax and Sagapenum are unofficial. 
 (2) Those which do not contain volatile oil are: 
 Gamboge, Scammony and Elastica, official; Euphorbium, unofficial. 
 Ammoniac. Ammoniacum U. S. Spontaneous exudation product 
 from stem of Dorema Ammoniacum, Don; Xat. Orel. Umbellifernc. 
 Distinct or agglutinated tears, light yellowish-brown externally, milk-white 
 toternally, softens by the heat of the hand; has a bitter and disagreeable acrid 
 <aste, and with water forms a milk-white emulsion. 
 A form which comes in cakes and consists of tears imbedded in a brown 
 oiass; is too impure for medicinal use. 
 Composition. Gum 18 to 28 per cent, resin about 70 per cent, volatile oil from 
 YZ to 4 per cent. 
 Uses. Expectorant and stimulant. 
 Off. Prep. Kmpl. Ammoniac c. Hydrarg. , Emulsum Ammoniaci. 
 Opoponax gum-resin. Product of another umbelliferous plant, a native of 
 Southern Europe, the Opoponax Chironium is obtained by making incisions in 
 root or lower part of stem. 
 Irregular masses, angular or rounded, friable, reddish or yellowish brown, 
 odor disagreeable, taste balsamic, bitter. Similar in properties and uses to 
 Ascfii'tida. Asafcetida, U. S. Exudation product from two dif- 
 ferent species of Ferula fcetida, Regel; a native of Afghanistan and 
 Turkestan. Obtained by making incisions in the root. 
 It occurs in the form of tears nearly distinct, or more or less agglu- 
 tinated in masses, more commonly, however, as 
 Amygdaloid asaf<etida. irregular pieces made up of tears imbedded 
 in a sticky yellowish or brownish gray mass, more or less impure from 
 vegetable fragments and earthy matters. \\ hen the mass is freshly 
 broken the tears are white, but on exposure changing to pink and then 
 to brown.
 Liquid asafcetida is a sticky semifluid, more or less impure mass, at first light- 
 colored but gradually turning brown on exposure. 
 Stony asafoetida is a very impure variety, consisting of a little of the gum- 
 resin mixed with a large proportion of calcium sulphate and other impurities. 
 Good asafoetida should contain 60 per cent of matter that is soluble in alco- 
 hol; it has a strong alliaceous odor and bitter, acrid taste; forms a milky emul- 
 sion with water, and when moistened with alcohol and afterward with chlor- 
 hydric acid a greenish color is produced. 
 Composition. Gum 20 to 30 per cent, resin 50 to 70 per cent, 3 to 9 per cent 
 volatile oil and various impurities. 
 Uses. Stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant, laxative. 
 Off. Prep. Emulsum Asafoetidae, Pil. Aloes et Asafoetidse; Pil. 
 Asafoetida; Tinctura Asafoetidae. 
 Galbanum. Galbanum. Spontaneous exudation from stem of 
 Ferula galbaniflua and other species of the same genus of Umbellifer- 
 ous plants. There are two kinds: in tears and lump galbanum. 
 The tears are small, from the size of a pin-head to that of a pea or larger, 
 mostly agglutinated into a hard mass. Yellowish-brown or greenish-brown out- 
 side, whitish or yellowish inside, peculiar balsamic odor, acrid bitterish taste. 
 Treated with alcohol and then with chlorhydric acid, it turns purplish. 
 Lump galbanum sometimes incloses tears, is sometimes soft, has a somewhat 
 different color and does not change color by alcohol and chlorhydric acid. 
 Probably derived from a different species of plant. 
 Composition. Gum 15 to 20 per cent, resin 60 to 66 per cent, volatile oil 6 to 
 g per cent. 
 Uses. Antispasmodic, stimulant, expectorant. 
 Uses. Emplastrum Asafcetidae, Emplastrum Galbani, Pilulae Galbani com- 
 positae, formerly official U. S. Ph. '80. 
 Myrrh. Myrrha, U. S. Spontaneous exudation from bark of 
 Comrniphora Myrrha, Engler; Nat. Ord. Burseraceae, a tree inhabit- 
 ing Arabia and Northeastern Africa. 
 Dusty, reddish or yellowish-brown masses of irregular tears, odor aromatic, 
 taste bitter, acrid. It yields a brownish-yellow emulsion with water, its alco- 
 holic solution acquires a purple coloration with nitric acid. 
 Composition. Gum 40 to 60 per cent, resin 25 to 40 per cent, volatile oil, bit- 
 ter principle and ash. 
 Uses. Given internally and applied externally. Stimulant, expectorant, 
 Off. Prep. Mistura Ferri composita; Pilulae Aloes et Myrrhx; 
 Tinctura Aloes et Myrrhs: Tinctura Myrrhae. 
 Bdellium. Similar to myrrh. Product of Balsamodendron Mukul, a native 
 of East India and West Africa. 
 It is best distinguished from myrrh by testing the tincture with nitric acid. 
 Myrrh acquires a purple hue while bdellium does not. Used mostly in plasters. 
 Olibanum or Frankincense. Exudes from incisions made in bark
 of Boswellia Carterii and other species of the same genus, Nat. Ord. 
 Burseracene. The trees are natives of Arabia and Eastern Africa. 
 Light red or yellowish, translucent, externally dusty tears of variable size 
 and shape. They soften when held in the mouth, have a bitterish and bal- 
 samic taste and a balsamic odor. Lump olibanum is less pure, being gathered 
 from the ground. 
 Composition. Gum about 30 per cent, resin Co to 70 per cent, volatile oil and 
 a bitter principle. 
 i'sts. Chiefly for plasters and fumigations, sometimes internally. Expec- 
 torant, tonic, stimulant. 
 Gamboge. Cambogia, U. S. Obtained by making incisions into 
 the bark of Garcinia Hanburii, Nat. Ord. Guttiferos, a small tree 
 native to Cochin China, Cambodia and Siam. 
 In sticks or cakes, the former preferred on account of its being less liable to 
 adulteration. Sticks cylindrical, sometimes hollow; surface striated from the 
 impressions of the bamboo, in the hollow stems of which the gum resin is col- 
 lected; fracture smooth, conchoidal, orange red in color, inodorous, taste un- 
 pleasantly acrid, dust sternutatory. A good quality yields a bright yellow pow- 
 der and also a bright yellow emulsion when triturated with water. 
 Composition. Gum 16 to 20 per cent and resin about 80 per cent, besides 
 seme water and impurities. 
 L'sis. In combination with other medicine as a hydragogue cathartic. 
 Off. Prep. Pilulae Cathartics composite. 
 Scammonv. Scammonium, U. S. Dried milk-juice of Convolvu- 
 lus Scammonia, Nat. Ord. Convolvulaceac, a native of Western Asia. 
 Obtained by cutting off the top of root and scraping away the exuding 
 Dark greenish or blackish irregular masses, or regular cakes, breaking with 
 an angular fracture, a resinous lustre; powdered it possesses a greenish cast 
 and yields with water a dark greenish emulsion; odor somewhat like cheese, 
 taste acrid, 
 Composition. Gum 5 to 15 per cent, resin So to go per cent, and various im- 
 purities. Liable to be adulterated with starch, chalk and with various resins. 
 Uses. As hydragogue cathartic. 
 Off. Prep. Resina Scammonii. 
 Enphorbium. Exudation from incisions in the stem of Euphorbia 
 resinifera, a cactus-like shrub, native to the mountains of Morocco. 
 Dull brownish yellow, somewhat translucent, globular, conical or irregular 
 masses, dust violently sternutatory, taste very acrid. Not completely soluble 
 in any simple solvent; does not completely emulsify in water. 
 Composition. Gum 18 per cent, euphorbion and another resin, malates, and 
 various impurities. 
 Uses. Externally as rubefacient, vesicant and suppurant, If taken inter- 
 nally it acts as a violent and dangerous purgative and emetic.
 2<3o BALSAMS. 
 India Rubber. Elastica, U. S. Caoutchouc. The prepared milk- 
 juice of various species of Hevea. Nat. Ord. , Euphorbiacese; known 
 in commerce as Para Rubber. 
 It is obtained from incisions through the bark and dried, on moulds so as to 
 furnish hollow balls, or in solid roundish pieces. 
 Brown or brownish-black, internally lighter colored, insoluble in water, 
 dilute acids, solutions of alkalies or alcohol; soluble in chloroform, carbon di- 
 sulphide, oil of turpentine, benzin and benzol. It is lighter than water and 
 melts at i25~C. 
 I'sfs. Its solution in Chloroform as a cement and sometimes as a surgical 
 dressing. Mixed with Sulphur and heated it is rendered insoluble and unaf- 
 fected by heat, zulcanizcd; a useful material for the construction of surgical ap- 
 pliances, etc. 
 The term balsam is used very frequently in a loose, general sense to 
 designate certain resins, oleoresins and mixtures of various kinds, dif- 
 fering widely in composition and properties, but supposed to possess 
 healing virtues. 
 The term is here restricted to those liquid, semi-liquid or solid veg- 
 etable products that contain, in addition to a resin or oleoresin> ben- 
 zoic or cinnamic acids, or both. 
 The official Balsams included under this definition are: Benzoin, 
 Peru, Tolu and Sty rax. 
 Benzoin. Benzoinum, U. S. A solid balsam from Styrax Ben- 
 zoin, a tree native to Sumatra, Java and Siam. Exudes from incis- 
 ions made through bark of tree. 
 Several varieties, the better consisting of opaque, milk-white tears, aggluti- 
 nated in masses, the mass being yellowish or grayish-brown, but inferior kinds 
 contain few tears and a large proportion of bark and chips of wood. It is 
 almost wholly soluble in 5 parts of warm alcohol and in solutions of the fixed 
 Sumatra Benzoin, in brown-gray masses, containing a variable proportion of 
 milky-colored tears. 
 Siam Benzoin, in red-brown translucent masses with few or many tears and 
 an agreeable vanilla-like odor. 
 Fencing Benzoin, sometimes very similar to the Sumatra variety, but at other 
 times more resembling storax in appearance and odor. 
 Composition. Benzoic and cinnamic acids, various resins, and, in some varie- 
 ties, vanillin. Oinnamir acid is sometimes absent. 
 Uses. Stimulant, expectorant. Also in preparation of pastiles, dentjfr ; ces 
 and perfumes. 
 Off. Prep. Adeps Benzoinatus, Tinctura Benzoini, Tincture Ben- 
 zoini composita.
 BALSAMS. 261 
 Peru Balsam. Balsamum Peruvianum, U. S. Derived from 
 Toluifera Pereira, Baillon, a tree growing in West Brazil, North- 
 western coast of South America and Central America. 
 Molasses-colored, semi-liquid, red-brown, and transparent when seen in thin 
 layers; sp. gr. 1.135 to 1.150; odor agreeable, aromatic, somewhat smoky; taste, 
 warm, bitterish, afterward acrid. Miscible in all proportions with absolute, 
 alcohol, chloroform or glacial acetic acid; only partially soluble in ether ex. 
 benzin; completely soluble in 5 parts of alcohol. 
 Composition. Benzoic and cinnamic acids, benzylic benzoate andcinnamate 
 benzylic alcohol and resin. 
 Adulterations. Alcohol, fixed oils, copaiba, turpentine, rosin, etc. [For testa 
 of purity see U. S. Ph.] 
 Uses. Externally as ointment; internally, stimulant and expectorant; also as 
 a basis for perfumes. 
 Tolu Balsam. Balsamum Tolutanum, U. S. Product of a Legu- 
 minous tree, Toluifera Balsamum, Linne. A native of Central 
 America, Venezuela, and New Granada. 
 It is obtained by scarifying the bark of the trees and collecting the 
 exudation in "calabashes." 
 Liquid or semi-liquid when fresh, hardening with age, but still 
 readily softening in the mouth, yellowish or reddish-brown in color, 
 in thin layers transparent; when examined microscopically, showing 
 crystals of cinnamic acid; odor agreeably aromatic, somewhat resemb- 
 ling vanilla; taste aromatic; completely soluble in alcohol and chloro- 
 form, solutions of fixed alkalies and almost so in ether, but insoluble 
 in carbon disulphide and petroleum benzin. 
 Composition. Benzoic and cinnamic acids, two resins differing in their solu- 
 bility in alcohol, toluene, and benzylic benzoate and cinnamate. 
 Adulterations.- Turpentines, which may be detected by means of sulphurir 
 acid, which turns pure tolu balsam a cherry red, but bleaches that which con- 
 tains turpentine. 
 L'scs. Expectorant, stimulant. Used by perfumers, and in the manufacture 
 of pastiles. 
 Off. Prep. Syrupus Tolutanus; Tinctura Benzoini comp. ; Tine- 
 tura Tolutana. 
 Storax Balsam. Styrax, L T . S. Product of the Liquidamber 
 Orientalis. Nat. Ord., Hamamelaceae, inhabiting the Southwestern 
 part of Asia Mi nor. Extracted from the inner bark of the tree by 
 boiling in water. 
 Consistency of thick syrup; opaque from containing finely divided particles of 
 water, separated by standing into two layers, one heavier and darker colored, 
 the other lighter and containing most of the water; odor strong, agreeable, 
 balsamic. Soluble in alcohol, ether, and carbon disulphide, insoluble in cold
 Petroleum benzin, but hot benzin dissolves out the styracin and cinnamic acid 
 which are deposited in crystals on cooling. 
 Composition. Benzoic and cinnamic acids, styracin, storesin, resins, etc. 
 Uses. Stimulant, diuretic, or expectorant ; also in Tinctura Benzoini Com- 
 Liqiiidamber styraciflua, the "Sweet Gum Tree," of the Southern United 
 States, exudes a similar balsam. It is usually solid. 
 Dragon ' s Blood. Resina Draconis. Exudation from ripening fruit 
 of Daemonorops Draco, a species of Palm, native to the Malay Archi- 
 Solid, dark, red-brown, in tears, rounded masses, sticks, or irregular cakes, 
 transparent in thin pieces, aromatic, and with a benzoin-like odor when heated; 
 readily soluble in alcohol, benzol and turpentine. 
 Composition. Resins, benzoic or cinnamic acid. Sometimes the one and 
 sometimes the other acid is present, and sometimes both are wanting. 
 L ~ses. Astringent, stimulant. Employed for coloring varnishes and tinc- 
 tures, and in plasters. 
 Benzoic Acid. HC 7 H 5 O 2 . Acidum Benzoicum, U. S. A mono- 
 basic acid obtained by sublimation from Benzoin, or produced arti- 
 ficially from Toluol. 
 Only from 7 to 8^ of the acid is obtained by sublimation, nearly an equal 
 amount left in the benzoin being produced by boiling the residue with milk of 
 lime, filtering and supersaturating the hot filtered liquid with Hydrochloric 
 Acid. The crystals thrown out are purified by dissolving them in hot alcohol 
 and filtration through animal charcoal, or by sublimation. 
 Soluble in 500 parts of water at 15 C., in 15 parts of boiling water, and in 2 
 parts of alcohol; completely volatilized without change when heated on plat- 
 inum foil; heated with 3 parts of quicklime in a test tube, it evolves the odor of 
 L'sc's. In medicine chiefly in genito-urinary diseases; dose from 3 to 6 dcg., 
 also as an antiseptic in surgery. 
 Cinnamic Acid. HC 9 H 7 Oo. An acid quite similar to Benzoic Acid is derived 
 ciiefly from Cinnamon Oil, which consists of cinnamic aldehyde.
 Resinous Drugs, Group IV. 
 This group includes those vegetable drugs whose virtues are chiefly 
 or wholly due to the presence of an acrid or bitter resin, or to extrac- 
 tive matter, either associated or not with a volatile or acrid fixed oil. 
 Some few contain glucosides, alkaloids, or other principles, but 
 these are not regarded as possessing any considerable medicinal impor- 
 The Resinous drugs require alcoholic menstrua for extraction and 
 like the aromatic drugs their preparations precipitate with water. The 
 process for preparing the Resin of Podophyllum, by pouring a con- 
 centrated alcoholic Tincture of the drug into Water, is one of the best 
 illustrations of their behavior when mixed with water or aqueous 
 liquids. This pharmaceutical incompatibility may be modified or 
 prevented by the intervention of Sugar or Mucilage, which serves to 
 suspend the resinous matter in liquid mixtures. 
 Absinthium. Absinthium, U. S. Wormwood, leaves and tops of 
 Artemisia absinthium, Linne. Nat. Ord., Compositae. Constituents: 
 Vol. oil, one per cent; absinthin, tannin, resin, etc. Preparation: 
 Vinum aromaticum, U. S. Ph. '80. 
 Uses. Tinctura Absinthii and Abstractum Absinthii Ph. Ger., prepared 
 with diluted alcohol; also largely used in various "Bitters." 
 Arnica Flowers and Root. Arnicae Flores and Arnicae Radix, 
 U. S. Flowers and Root of Arnica montana, Linne. Nat. Ord., 
 Compositae. Constituents: Vol. oil (root 1 per cent) , inulin, both 
 tasteless and acrid resins, arnicin, etc. Off. Prep. : Tmctura Arnicae 
 Florum; Extractum Arnicae Radicis; Extractum Arnicae Radicis Fluid- 
 urn; Tinctura Arnicae Radicis. 
 Asclepias. Asclepias, U. S. Pleurisy Root. Root of Asclepias 
 taberosa, Linne. Nat. Ord., Asclepiadeae. Constituents: Bitter 
 principle, resins, tannin, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Asclepiadis 
 Uses. As Infusion in rheumatic affections, and, as its name implies, in 
 Aspidium. Aspidium, U. S. Rhizome of Dryopteris filix mas, 
 and of Dryopteris marginalis, Gray. Nat. Ord. , Filices. Constitu- 
 ents: Fixed oil, six per cent; filicic acid, filitannic acid, etc. Off. 
 Prep.: Oleoresina Aspidii. 
 Uses. For the removal of tapeworm, ten to twenty minims of the Oleoresin, 
 administered upon a fasting stomach, and followed with a purgative. 
 Buchu. (See Group 3.) 
 Cusso. Cusso, U. S. Brayera, 'HO. Kousso. Female inflores- 
 cence of Hagenica Abyssinica, Gmelin. Nat. Ord., Rosaceae. Con- 
 stituents: Bitter acrid kousinresin about six per cent, tannin and 
 tasteless resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Cusso Fluidum. 
 i'scs. For the removal of tapeworm, either alone or combined with other 
 agents in the form of Infusion which should not be strained. 
 Indian Cannabis. Cannabis Indica, U. S. Flowering tops of a 
 female plant of an East Indian variety of Cannabis saliva, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Urticaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil, several resins and 
 alkaloids. Off. Prep.: Extractum Cannabis Indicse; Extractum Can- 
 nabis Indicae Fluidum; Tinctura Cannabis Indicae. 
 Uses. Cannabin Tannate is a compound of the active principle with tannic 
 acid, and is said to represent the medicinal virtues of "Indian Hemp." 
 Caseara Sagrada. Rhamnus Purshiana, U. S. The bark of 
 Rhamnus Purshiana, De Candolle. Nat. Ord. , Rhamnaceae. Con- 
 stituents: Several resins. Off. Prep.: Extractum Rhamni Purshianae 
 Uses. As a gentle laxative especially in habitual constipation. Also used in 
 the form of Infusion and Extract representing five times the drug. The so- 
 called tasteless preparations made by treating the drug with magnesia previous 
 to extraction are not reliable. 
 Caulophyllutn. Caulophyllum, U. S. Blue Cohosh. Rhizome 
 and rootlets of Caulophyllum thalictroides, Michx. Nat. Ord., Ber- 
 berideae. Constituents: Resins, saponin. 
 Uses. Caulophyllin, a so-called resinoid, is prepared by precipitating an 
 alcoholic tincture in water, washing, drying and powdering the precipitated 
 resin. Owing to the saponin Caulophyllum contains, due care should be ob- 
 served in the process of powdering, as it is a violent sternutatory. 
 Chamomilc. Anthemis, U. S. Flower heads of Anthemis nobilis, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Compositae. Constituents: Vol. oil, bitter prin- 
 ciple, etc. 
 l.'ses. An ingredient in Bitters for domestic use; also as Infusion. 
 Cimicifuga. Cimicifuga, U. S. Black Snakeroot. Rhizome and 
 rootlets of Cimicifuga racemosa, Elliott. Nat. Ord., Ranunculaceac. 
 Constituents: Resin, acrid principle, and a peculiar acid. Off. Prep.: 
 Extractum Cimicifugse; Extractum Cimicifugae Fluidum; Tinctura 
 U.tts. Cimicifugin, or macrotyn, a resinoid prepared by precipitating the 
 alcoholic tincture in water, washing, drying and powdering the precipitated
 DRUGS. 269 
 resin; also as Decoction and Infusion, and solid Extract, which represents ten 
 times the strength of the crude drug. 
 Cotton Root Bark. Gossypii Radicis Cortex, U. S. Bark of root 
 of Gossypium herbaceum, Linne, and other species of Gossypium. 
 Nat. Ord., Malvaceae. Constituents: Resins, coloring matter, fixed 
 oil, and a peculiar principle similar to tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Gossypii Radicis Corticis Fluidum. 
 f'ses. Sometimes in Decoction and Extract. Liquid preparations of cotton- 
 root bark are liable to gelatinize, which may be prevented by using strong 
 alcohol as a menstruum. 
 Cubeb. (See Group 3.) 
 Cypripedium. Cypripedium, U. S. Ladies' Slipper. Rhizome 
 and rootlets of Cypripedium pubescens, Willd., and C. parviflorum, 
 Salisbury. Nat. Ord., Orchideae. Constituents: Volatile oil, resins, 
 etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Cypripedii Fluidum. 
 Eucalyptus. (See Group 3.) 
 Frangnla. Frangula, U. S. Buckthorn. Bark of Rhamnus fran- 
 gula, Linne. Nat. Ord., Rhamnaceoe. (Should be collected one 
 year, at least, before using.) Constituents: Resin, bitter principle, 
 emodin and frangulin. -Off. Prep.: Extractum Frangulae Fluidum. 
 Garlic. Allium, U. S. Bulb of Allium sativum, Linne. Nat. 
 Ord., Liliaceoe. Constituents: Volatile oil one-fourth per ceat; muci- 
 lage thirty-five per cent, etc. Off. Prep.: Syrupus Allii. 
 Ginger. (See Group 3.) 
 Grindelia. Grindelia, U. S. Leaves and flowering tops of Grin- 
 delia robusta, Nuttall, (and G. squarrosa, Dunal) . Nat. Ord.. Com- 
 positge. Constituents: Volatile oil, resin, and bitter extractive. Off. 
 Prep.: Extractum Grindelia; Fluidum. 
 Guaiacum Wood. Guaiaci Lignum, U. S. Lignum vitae. Heart- 
 wood of Guaiacum officinale and G. sanctum, Linne. Nat. Ord. ; 
 Zygophyllese. Constituents: Resin and extractive matter. 
 Uses. In Decoction; as a constituent of Syrup Sarsaparilla comp., and in 
 Species Lignorum Ph. Ger. 
 Hamamelis. Hamamelis, U. S. Witch Hazel Leaves of Hama- 
 melis Virginiana, Linne. Nat. Ord.: Hamamelaceae. (Leaves should 
 be collected in autumn while still green.) Constituents: Tannin and 
 bitter extractive. Off. Prep.: Extractum Hamamelidis Fluidum. 
 Uses. In conjunction with the bark for the preparation of Distilled Extract 
 of Witch Hazel by distillation with water, Aqua Hamamelidis., Nat. Form 
 Inula. Inula, U. S. Elecampane. Root of Inula Helenium,
 Unne. Nat. Ord., Composite. Constituents: Intilin, helenin, bit- 
 ter extractive, and acrid resin. 
 Iris. Iris, U. S. Blue Flag. Rhizome and rootlets of Iris versi- 
 color, Linne. Nat. Ord., Irideae. Constituents: Volatile oil, acrid 
 resin. Off. Prep., Extractum Iridis; Extractum Iridis Fluidum. 
 Uses. Iridin, a resinoid, prepared by precipitating the alcoholic tincture in 
 acidulated water, washing, drying, and powdering the precipitated resin Iris 
 is also a constituent of Compound Syrup of Stillingia. 
 Jalap. Jalapa, U. S. Tuberous root of Ipomcea Jalapa, Nuttall. 
 Nat. Ord., Convolvulacese. Constituents: Resins about fifteen per 
 cent. Off. Prep.: Extractum Jalapae; Pulvis Jalapae CompositusjResina 
 Uses. Resin of Jalap or "Jalapin" (prepared in the same way as the fore- 
 going) is soluble in ether to the extent of ten per cent. The insoluble por- 
 tion is termed convolvulin, and represents the medicinal virtue of Jalap. The 
 U. S. Ph. directs that Jalap should yield not less than twelve per cent of resin. 
 The principal use of Jalap is in the form of Extract in Comp. Cathartic Pills. 
 Kamala. Kamala, U. S. Hairs and glands from capsules of Mal- 
 lotus Phillipinensis, Mueller Arg. or Rottlera tinctoria, Roxburgh. 
 Nat. Ord., Euphorbiaceae. Constituents: Resins eighty per cent, rot- 
 Uses. As a remedy for Taenia and other intestinal worms, either alone or 
 associated with other agents. 
 Lappa. Lappa, U. S. Burdock. Root of Arctium Lappa, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Compositae. Constituents: Inulin, bitter extractive, 
 mucilage, resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Lappse Fluidum. 
 Uses. A tincture of Burdock fruit, twenty per cent, with seventy per cent 
 alcohol, as an internal remedy in certain skin diseases. 
 Lupulin. Lupulinum, U. S. Glandular powder obtained from 
 the strobiles of Humulus lupulus, Linne. Nat. Ord., Urticaceae. Con- 
 stituents: Volatile oil three per cent, resin, lupamaric acid, etc. Off. 
 Prep.: Extractum Lupulini Fluidum; Oleoresina Lupulini. 
 Uses. Chiefly in pills; made into a mass by the addition of a little ether. 
 Marrubium. (See Group 3.) 
 Matico. Matico, U. S. Leaves of Piper Angustifolium, R. & P. 
 Nat. Ord., Piperaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil one and a Ltlf per 
 cent, pungent resin, artanthic acid, tannin. Off. Prep.: Kxtractum 
 Matico Fluidum; Tinctura Matico and an unofficial Infusion. 
 Alatricaria. Matricaria, U. S. German Chamomile. Flower 
 heads of Matricaria Chamomilla, Linne. Nat. Ord., Compositae.
 DRUGS 271 
 Constituents: Volatile oil one- fourth per cent, anthemic acid, anthe- 
 midin, bitter extractive. 
 Uses. As a substitute for English or Roman Chamomile, to which, how- 
 ever, it is said to be inferior. 
 Mezereum. Mezereum, U. S. Bark of Daphne Mezereum, Linne, 
 and other species of the same genus. Nat. Ord., Thymelaeaceae. Con- 
 stituents: Soft acrid resin, daphnin and volatile principle. Off. Prep.: 
 Decoctum Sarsaparillae compositum; Extractum Sarsaparillae composi- 
 tum fluidum; Extractum Mezerei Fluidum. 
 , Mezereum, when being powdered, produces a very irritating dust; it may be 
 prevented by sprinkling a little alcohol upon the bark. 
 Phytolacca Berry. Phytolaccae Fructus, U. S. Poke Berry. Fruit 
 of Phytolacca decandra, Linne. Nat. Ord., Phytolaccaceae. Constit- 
 uents: Acrid principle, sugar, gum, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Phyto- 
 laccse Fluidum. 
 Phytolacca Root. Phytolaccae Radix, U. S. Poke Root. Root of 
 Phytolacca decandra, Linne. Nat. Ord., Phytolaccaceati. Constitu- 
 ents: Acrid principle, resin, tannin, etc. 
 Neither is much employed except by physicians of the Eclectic School of 
 Podophyllum. Podophyllum, U. S. May Apple. Rhizome and 
 rootlets of Podophyllum peltatum, Linne. Nat. Ord., Berberideae. 
 Constituents: Resins five per cent. Off. Prep. : Extractum Podophylli; 
 Extractum Podophylli Fluidum; Resina Podophylli. 
 Uses. Chiefly in the form of Resin, or Podophyllin, in pills, either alone or 
 combined with other cathartics or agents to modify its action, i. <., extract hyo- 
 Pnlsatilla. Pulsatilla, U. S. Herb of Anemone Pulsatilla, and A. 
 pratensis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Ranunculacese. (Should be collected 
 soon after flowering, carefully dried, and not kept more than one year.) 
 Constituent: Volatile acrid principle. Preparations: Unofficial Fluid 
 Extract and Tincture. 
 Uses. The Homeopathic Tincture prepared i part in 10 of alcohol. 
 Pumpkin Seed. Pepo, U. S. Seeds of Cucurbita Pepo, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Cucurbitaceae. Constituents: Fixed oil fourty-four per cent, 
 acrid resin. 
 Uses. Emulsion as a taenifuge; two to four ounces are beaten with some 
 sugar and triturated with water or milk; it should not be strained, as, according 
 to some authorities, its efficiency in expelling the worms is due to the perisperni 
 of the seed, which would be rejected by straining. 
 Pyre thrum. Pyrethrum, U. S. Pellitory. Root of Anacyclus 
 Pyrethrum, De Candolle. Nat. Ord., Composite. Constituents:
 Acrid resin, bitter principle, inulin, fixed oil. Off. Prep.: Tinctura 
 Uses. As an ingredient in Toothache Pills, Ph. Ger. The ground flowers of 
 Pyrethrum roseum, known as "Persian Insect Powder," for the destruction of 
 Sambucus. (See Group 3.) 
 Savinc. Sabina, U. S. Leafy tops of Juniperus Sabina, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Coniferse. Constituents: Volatile oil two per cent, resin, 
 tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Sabinae Fluidum. 
 Scutellaria. (See Group 10.) 
 Serpentaria. Serpentaria, U. S. Virginia Snake root. Rhizome 
 and rootlets of Aristolochia Serpentaria, Linne, and A. reticulata, 
 Nuttall. Nat. Ord., Aristolochiaceae. Constituents: Volatile oil one- 
 half per cent, bitter principle, tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Serpen- 
 tariae Fluidum; Tinctura Cinchonas compositae; Tinctura Serpentariae. 
 Stillingia. Stillingia, U. S. Queen's Root. Root of Stillingia 
 sylvatica, Linne. Nat. Ord., Euphorbiaceae. Constituents: Pungent 
 acrid resin, fixed oil, tannin, starch. Off. Prep.: Extractum Stil- 
 lingiae Fluidum. 
 Uses. In Compound Syrup Stillingia. Am. Disp. (Nat. Form.) The medi- 
 cinal value of Stillingia is due chiefly to the oil; since this is insoluble in water 
 the syrup is more or less cloudy. The Compound Fluid Extract should not yield 
 a clear mixture with water, as in that case it must be nearly inert. 
 Xanthoxylum. Xanthoxylum, U. S. Prickly Ash. Bark of Xan- 
 thoxylum Americanum, Miller, and of X. Clava-Herculis, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Rutaceae. Constituents: Bitter principle, acrid oil, both 
 acrid and tasteless resin, tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Xanthoxyli 
 Mixtures of various drugs coarsely comminuted by slicing or bruis- 
 ing in an iron mortar, mixed often with aromatic drugs in their whole 
 form, are called Species. 
 The following are mixtures of drugs, most of which are included in the forego- 
 ing groups: 
 Breast Tea. Species Pectorales: Althaea, 8; Glycyrrhiza, Russian, peeled, 3; 
 Orris, i; Coltsfoot, 4; Mullein flowers, 2, and Anise (star), 2 parts. Contuse 
 and mix. 
 Laxative Tea. Species Laxantes: Senna, 16; Elder flowers, 10; Fennel, 5; 
 Anise, 5, and Potassium Bitartrate, 4 parts. To the Senna (cut) add the potas- 
 sium bitartrate, then the other ingredients, and mix the whole thoroughly. 
 Wood Tea Species Lignorum, "Blood-purifying Tea." Guaiac wood, 5;
 Ononis (Rest-harrow root), 3; Glycyrrhiza, Russian, peeled, and Sassafras 
 each, one part; mix. 
 Fumigating Powder. A mixture of Lavender Rose Rosemary, Orris, etc , 
 in various proportions, for incinerating in sick chambers etc. 
 Actaea spicata. 
 Acrid principle. 
 Aletris farinosa. 
 Bitter principle. 
 Apocynum (Dog's 
 A. androsaemifolium. 
 R'zome & 
 Bitter principle, etc 
 Arbor Vitae. 
 Thija Occident. 
 Vol. oil, tannin. 
 Arisaema triphyllum 
 Volatile acrid principle 
 (Indian Turnip) 
 Melia A. 
 Root b'k 
 Bitter resin. 
 Aegle Marmelos. 
 Bit. prin., tan., vol oil 
 (See Group 2). 
 Cannabis Am 
 C. saliva. 
 Fl. h'b. 
 Resins, vol. oil. 
 Chelone glabra. 
 Bitter principle. 
 C. Canadensis. 
 R'zome & 
 Bitter principle. 
 Tussijago farfara. 
 Bit. prin., tan., muc'lg. 
 Turnera microphylla. 
 Bit. prin., vol. oil, resin 
 Dioscorea villosa 
 Acrid principle. 
 Symplocarpus foetidus 
 Acrid principle. 
 Drosera (Sun dew) 
 D. rotundifolia. 
 Acrid resin, etc. 
 E. corollata. 
 Acrid resin, etc. 
 Pyrethr. Parthenium. 
 Bit. prin., vol. oil. 
 G. polycephalum. 
 Bit. prin.. vol. oil. 
 H. Canadense. 
 Bit. principle, tannin. 
 H. lanatum. 
 Root 1'ves 
 Acrid principle, vol. oil. 
 H. perforatum. 
 Color, tannin. 
 L. cardiaca. 
 Bit. principle, vol. oil. 
 L. spicata and species. 
 Volatile oil. 
 Bit. prin., vol. oil, tan 
 M. trifoliata. 
 Acrid prin., m'ny'thin 
 Asclepias cornuti. 
 Hit. prin., asclepioii. 
 Myrica cerifera. 
 Myricinic acid. 
 Nymphaea odorata. 
 Bit. prin., muc'lg., tan 
 Panax (Ginseng). 
 Panax quinquefolia. iRoot. 
 (See Group 3). 
 Ricinus communis. 
 Acrid prin., fixed oil. 
 S. angularis and spec. 
 Bit. prin., erythrocen- 
 Senecio (Life root] 
 Senecio aureus. 
 Bit. principle, tannin. 
 S. laciniatum and spec. 
 Resins, vol. oil 
 T. erectum and spec. 
 Acrid principle, etc 
 T. perfoliatum, iR'zome & 
 Bitter principle, etc. 
 (See Group 3) 
 Viscum (Mistl'toe)IViscum album. Herb. 
 Salts, and fixed oil. 
 Wintera. (See Group 3 ) 

 The Fixed Oils and Fats. 
 The Fatty Oils constitute a very distinct natural group of ternary 
 compounds, and are found widely distributed in both the animal and 
 vegetable kingdoms, few animals or plants being entirely destitute of 
 In the higher Animals they are mainly stored beneath the skin in 
 the connective tissue, in the abdominal cavity about the Kidneys, etc. 
 In Plants they often constitute a considerable portion of the weight of 
 Seeds and Fruits, but they are found not infrequently stored in smaller 
 quantities in other parts of the plant. In both kingdoms they serve 
 mainly as reserve stores of Food. 
 They are either liquid, semi-liquid or solid at ordinary tempera- 
 tures; greasy to the feel when sufficiently fluid, they are lighter than 
 water, and do not mingle with it in any proportion, are, with two ex- 
 ceptions, but slightly soluble in Alcohol, while they arefree/y soluble in 
 Ether, Chloroform, Carbon Bisulphide, Benzin and the Volatile Oik; 
 they are not volatilizable without' chemical change and leave a greasy 
 stain upon paper when heated, but at a temperature varying between 
 260 and 315C. they boil, giving off irritating vapors, and most of 
 them, when treated with alkali, form soaps. 
 The fixed oils are all combustible, burning with a smoky flame. 
 Some remain unchanged for a long time when exposed to the air, 
 while others, especially those that contain mucilaginous or proteid im- 
 purities, undergo change and become rancid, while still others 
 gradually harden, lose their unctuous feel, and become tough, flexible 
 and varnish-like. These last are called drying oils. 
 Chemically considered, the fixed oils are mixtures, in various pro- 
 portions, of two or more compounds. The most important of these are: 
 Olein, Stearin, Palmitin, Myristin and Laurin. 
 There are several modifications of Olein, also many others of minor 
 importance such as Butyrin. 
 These are regarded as ethereal salts. For the most part they a.e 
 compounds of Glycerin (a triatomic alcohol), with Acids of the oleic 
 \r\dfafty acid series, and, on saponification, yield Glycerin; but some 
 of them, when saponified, yield, instead of glycerin, some of the 
 higher or more complex monatomic alcohols. To this class belong 
 the waxes.
 Animal fats are prepared from the tissues usually by heating them 
 to their melting point or a little above, either alone or in the presence 
 of water, and separating the fused fat from the tissue by straining. 
 The fixed oils from vegetable structures are usually separated from 
 the containing tissues by expression; sometimes by extraction with a 
 volatile solvent, such as Benzin or Carbon Disulphide. 
 The material is usually ground or crushed, and then pressed, either cold or 
 between metallic surfaces heated to a temperature a little above that of the 
 melting point of the oil. Sometimes, however, the oil is obtained by boiling 
 the material in the presence of water, and separating the refuse solid matter by 
 straining. The product obtained by this last process is generally inferior to 
 that derived by pressure alone. 
 These are chiefly mixtures of the rarer and more expensive kind with 
 common and cheaper ones, and on account of the resemblance in 
 composition, the fraud is difficult to detect 
 The principal means of detection are by the odor when warmed, 
 and by their behavior to certain reagents, color reactions with acids, 
 and such oxidizing agents as Silver Nitrate. 
 There are a few oils that are nearly odorless, but for the most part 
 they have a more or less characteristic odor, which, by carefully com- 
 paring a sample of a suspected product with one of known purity, 
 would enable one to detect the presence of impurities. As the fixed 
 oils do not differ widely in their densities, the specific gravity test 
 must be carefully applied. 
 The determination of the boiling point is also serviceable in some cases, par- 
 ticularly in determining whether or not there has been an admixture of volatile 
 The presence of fish oil as an adulterant of any of the vegetable oils may 
 readily be detected by passing a current of Chlorine gas through the oil If it 
 be pure, no change of color will take place, but if fish oil has been used as an 
 adulterant, the mixture will turn dark. 
 Another test applicable in a few cases is the sulphuric aciJ test. If ten parts 
 of the oil be heated with one of Sulphuric Acid, different colorations will be 
 produced, which will depend upon the nature of the oil. For instance, Oil of 
 Black Mustard will be changed to a bluish g>-een, Linseed Oil will turn </., 
 brown, and Fish Oil will assume a reddish color. 
 As has already been stated the presence of mucilaginous and pro- 
 teid roin Bounds in oils tends to produce rancidity; it is, therefore, 
 desirable to get rid of these imp ;rities.
 This is done either by filtration or by the introduction of some 
 reagent that destroys the impurities. When the quantity to be puri- 
 fied is small, the filtration process is generally resorted to. Care 
 should be taken in this process that the filter be perfectly dry, or the 
 water-bath filter may be used. 
 When the quantity is considerable, Sulphuric Acid is gradually added to the 
 amount of from i to 2%. This carbonizes the impurities, and after separating 
 the acid by repeated agitation with water, the carbonized impurities are gotten 
 rid of by nitration. 
 As many fixed oils undergo gradual change, even if pure, when exposed to 
 light and air, they should be kept in closed vessels; also, as these changes occur 
 more rapidly at an elevated than at a low temperature, they should be kept in a 
 cool place. 
 The Fixed Oils may be classified as follows: 
 I. Those which yield glycerin- 
 (\) Liquid fats. 
 a. Drying Oils: Flaxseed, Hemp, Nut and Poppy Oils. 
 b. Non-Drying Oils: Olive, Almond, Colza, Rape and Lard, Tallow 
 and Neatsfoot Oils. 
 Intermediate Oils partaking partly ( ~ 1S .. ^ A r\-\ r- 
 of the characters of both ' Cotton Seed Oil Group. 
 ) Castor Oil Group. 
 (2) Solid fats. 
 a. The Non-Odorous: Lard, Suet and Wool-Fats. 
 b. The Odorous: Nutmeg, Laurel, Palm, Cacao, Cocoanut Oils and 
 II. Those which yield no glycerin, the Waxes. 
 These Groups will be considered in their order. 
 Under Liquid Fats are included those which are liquid at ordinary 
 temperatures, but many of these become solid or partly so at a low 
 temperature. Usually b) reducing the temperature one of the con- 
 stituent oils solidifies before the other, and hence often by this means 
 it may be separated. 
 These are all derived from the vegetable kingdom and are distin- 
 guished from the other oils by the fact that by exposure to the air they 
 are gradually converted into tough, flexible, varnish-like masses. They 
 arc not solidified by Nitrous Acid. 
 The most important members of the group are: 
 Flaxseed Oil. Oleum Lini, U. S. Obtained by pressure from 
 seeds of Linum usitatissimum without the use ot heat.
 Color, yellow, or if obtained by hot pressure, darker. Odor, slight. Taste, 
 bland. Sp. gr. o 930 to 0.940; does not congeal above 2o"C. Composed of 
 palmitin, myristin and linolein, mainly. 
 1,'ses. As demulcent; externally, as protective; mixed with Lime water as a 
 dressing for burns, "Carron Oil." 
 Off. Prep. Linimentum Calcis; Sapo Mollis. 
 Oil of Hemp. -Oleum Cannahis. - Obtained by pressure from 
 crushed fruit of Cannabis sativa. 
 Color, green, changing to light brown on exposure. Odor, disagreeablp 
 Taste, mild. Sp. gr. 0.930. Solidifies at about i5C. Composed of palmitin, 
 Jinolein, and possibly other oils. 
 i'ses. As demulcent and protective. , 
 Nut Oil. Oleum Juglandis. Obtained by pressure from the seeds 
 of various species of Juglans. 
 Color, greenish or none. Odor, faint Taste, bland, nut-like, Sp gr. 0.92. 
 Solidifies at about i8C. Contains probably linolein with other fixed oils. 
 Uses. As a demulcent and protective. 
 Poppy-Seed Oil. Oleum Papaveris. Obtained by pressure from 
 the crushed seeds of Papaver somniferum. 
 Color, light yellow. Odor, slight. Taste, bland. Sp. gr. 0.92. Solidifies 
 at i8C. Contains linolein, palmitin, and probably other fixed oils. 
 Uses. Protective, demulcent. 
 These oils do not solidify on exposure to the air. They are also 
 characterized by the fact that they become solidified when treated with 
 Nitrous Acid. As a group also they are less fluid than the drying 
 They may be subdivided into two kinds: Those of vegetable and 
 those of animal origin. 
 To the former belong the oils of: 
 Olive, Almond, Colza, 
 Mustard, Rape, Earth-nut. 
 And to the animal oils: 
 Neatsfoot, Lard Oil, Tallow and Bone Oil 
 The most important of the first kind are: 
 Olive Oil. Oleum Oliv?e, U. S. Obtained from the fruit of Olea 
 Kuropjea; the best quality, or virgin oil, by cold pressure of crushed, 
 ripe fruit; a second quality, known as Malaga Oil, from the unripe 
 fruit. By mixing the residue from the expression with hot water, and 
 again expressing and also from decayed material, the inferior qualities 
 of oil are obtained-
 278 FISH OILS. 
 Color, yellow or greenish yellow. Odor, faint, agreeable. Taste, bland. 
 Sp. gr. 0.918 Crystalline deposit at ioC., and at oC. forms a whitish, granu- 
 lar mass. Contains, chiefly olein, also small quantities of palmitin, cholesterin, 
 arachin, and probably stearin. 
 Largely adulterated with Cotton seed and other cheap oils whose presence 
 may be detected by the solidification with Mercuric Nitrate, or the coloration 
 produced by heating with an alcoholic solution Silver Nitrate. For these tests 
 see U. S. Ph. 
 Uses. As lenitive, demulcent and in many Ointments and Plasters. 
 Off. Prep. Kmplastrum Plumbi; Unguentum Diachylon. 
 Oil of Almond. Oleum Amygdalae Expressum, U. S. Obtained 
 from the crushed seeds of Primus Amygdalus var. amara, by powerful 
 pressure, previous to their treatment for obtaining the Oil of Bitter 
 almond. May also be obtained in same way from the seeds of the 
 Sweet Almond. 
 Color, yellowish Odor, faint, nutty, Taste, bland. Sp. gr. o 92. Solidi- 
 fies at about 2oC. Contains olein and a little palmitin. 
 Oils expressed from peach and apricot kernels resemble almond oil, but 
 \vhenthelatteris mixed with an equal bulk of Nitric Acid, sp. gr. 1.16, and 
 heated to 65 C., it does not turn yellow or orange, while the oils from peach 
 and apricot, treated in the same way, do. 
 Uses. As lenitive and demulcent. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Aquae Rosae. 
 The most important animal non-drying oils are: 
 Lard Oil. Oleum Adipis, U. S. Obtained from Lard, by ex- 
 posing it to a low temperature and then subjecting it to great pressure. 
 Nearly odorless, colorless and tasteless. Sp. gr. 0.910: deposits crystals at 
 io"C ; at o"C. forms a white semi-solid mass. Contains olein, with some 
 'tearin and palmitin. 
 Off. Prep. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis. 
 Neatsfoot Oil. Oleum Bubulum. Obtained by boiling with water 
 the fatty tissue of neatsfeet and straining. 
 Little odor or taste Sp. gr. 0.915. Solid fats begin to separate at o"C. Con- 
 tains olein and solid fatty bodies. 
 Uses. Mostly externally. 
 Oils partaking partly of the characters of both Drying and Non- 
 Drying Oils. 
 This is a miscellaneous group, comprising oils both of animal and 
 vegetable origin, most of which thicken but do not solidify on ex- 
 They agree in becoming more or less thickened, but in not solidi- 
 fying when treated with Nitrous Acid.
 They are divisible into three distinct sub-groups, as follows: 
 (1) The Fish Oils; (2) the Cotton-Seed Oil group; (3) the Castor 
 Oil group. 
 The Fish Oils include: 
 Cod Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Hake Oil, Sperm Oil, Porpoise Oil, 
 Shark Oil and various others. 
 For the most part they change their consistence but little on pro- 
 longed exposure to the air; they turn brown on exposure to Chlorine 
 gas; are reddened\>y boiling with caustic Alkali; are but little thickened 
 on treatment with Nitrous Acid, and have a more or less disagreeable 
 fishy odor. 
 Cod Liver Oil. Oleum Morrhuje, U. S. Obtained by cold ex- 
 pression from the livers of Gadus Morrhua and other species of the 
 same genus, and preserved from contact with the air. 
 Color, light yellow. Odor, fishy. Taste disagreeable. Sp. gr. 0.92. 
 Should separate very little or no solid fat at oC. Contains olein, palmitin, 
 stearin, and minute quantities of iodine, bromine, biliary compounds, etc. 
 Uses. Alterative, demulcent, nutritive. The inferior oils are amber-colored 
 or brownish, of a more disagreeable odor and taste, and they deposit crystal- 
 line matter at a temperature higher than oC. 
 The remaining oils of this group are of but little value in pharmacy; 
 they are chiefly employed as lubricating media. 
 The Cotton-seed Oil group includes: 
 Cotton-seed Oil. Sesami Oil, Beech-nut Oil, Sunflower Oil and 
 some others. 
 Their viscosity is considerably increased by exposure to the air; 
 they are considerably thickened by the action of Nitrous Acid, and they 
 are mostly bland to the taste, and nearly odorless. 
 Cotton-Seed Oil. Oleum Gossypii Seminis, U. S. Obtained by 
 pressure from the crushed seeds of Gossypium herbaceum. The crude 
 brownish oil is treated with boiling water, and afterward with a little 
 alkali to bleach and purify it. 
 Color, yellowish. Odor, slight. Taste, sweetish, similar to that of almond 
 oil. Sp. gr. 0.92 to 0.93. Solidifies at oC., or a little below. Contains olein, 
 palmitin, and yellow coloring matter. 
 Uses. As a demulcent. 
 Off. Prep. Liniment um Ammonise; L. Camphorse. 
 Benne Oil. Oleum Sesami, U. S. Teel Oil. Obtained by pres- 
 sure from the crushed seeds of Sesamum Indicum. 
 Color, transparent, yellow. Odor, little or none. Taste, bland. Sp. gr. 
 0.92. Solidifies at about 5C., or a little above. Contains olein. palmitin.
 stearin, and myristin. Uses, as a demulcent. Test, turns red-brown when 
 treated with a mixture of a cold nitric and sulphuric acids. 
 The remaining oils of this group, in common with other oils pos- 
 sessing similar properties, such as the oil of the Peanut, etc., are used 
 for domestic and culinary purposes. Their employment in pharmacy, 
 however, is comparatively rare. 
 The Castor Oil group include Castor Oil and Croton Oil. 
 They are somewhat denser and more viscid than the members of the 
 sub-group, behave similar to them as regards exposure to the air and 
 Nitrous Acid, but differ from all the other oils in being soluble in 
 Alcohol, and in possessing strongly purgative properties. 
 Castor Oil. Oleum Ricini, U. S. Obtained trom the dried and 
 crushed seeds of Ricinus communis. That obtained by cold pressure 
 is the best. It is purified by agitating with warm water, and decant- 
 ing the oil. 
 Color, none. Odor, light. Taste, nauseous, slightly acrid. Sp. gr. 0.96. 
 Thickens at o.C. and at i8C. congeals to a yellowish mass. Soluble in an equal 
 weight of alcohol. Consists of ricinolein, palmitin, and an acrid principle. 
 Croton Oil. Oleum Tiglii, U. S. Obtained by pressure from the 
 crushed seeds of Croton Tiglium. Sometimes also obtained by treat- 
 ing crushed seeds with carbon disulphide and evaporating the solvent. 
 Color, yellowish or brownish. Odor, slight, peculiar. Taste, very acrid. 
 Sp. gr. 0.95. Soluble when fresh in about sixty parts of alcohol, but its solu- 
 bility increases with age. Contains palmitin, stearin, laurin, myristin, various 
 odorous oils, as glycerides of valerianic and butyric acids; and also tiglinic acid 
 and crotonol. 
 Uses. As an irritant, rubefacient and sometimes internally as a drastic 
 purgative. In doses exceeding 2 minims it is poisonous.
 Under these are included all those Fatty substances which remain 
 solid at ordinary temperatures. Their consistence depends upon the 
 relative proportion of the various constituents and they are hard or 
 soft, as they contain more or less of Stearin or Olein, besides the prin- 
 ciples of intermediate consistence, palmitin, myristin, laurin, etc. 
 Their melting points are more or less variable, and may, under certain 
 conditions, be permanently altered. Some are of vegetable and others 
 of animal origin and they may be divided into two groups, viz.: Vege- 
 table and Animal Fats. The vegetable fats all contain either a volatile 
 oil or some other odorous substance. 
 Cacao Butler. Oleum Theobromatis, U. S. Obtained by hot 
 pressure from the seeds of Theobroma Cacao, deprived of their seed- 
 coats and crushed. Derived as a by-product in the manufacture of 
 Color, yellowish, changing to white on exposure. Hard. Odor, aromatic. 
 Taste, similar to chocolate. Sp. gr. 0.96. Melts at about 32C. (9oF.). Con- 
 tains olein, stearin, palmitin, arachin, and laurin. 
 Uses. As a vehicle for Suppositories and Ointments. Demulcent. 
 Cocoanut Oil.- Oleum Cocos. Obtained from the seeds of Cocos 
 nucifera, by boiling them in water and applying hot pressure. 
 Color, white. Consistence of butter. Odor, peculiar. Taste, bland (but 
 rapidly becomes rancid, when both odor and taste are disagreeable). Melting 
 point from 22C. to 28C. Contains laurin, palmitin, stearin, myristin; also 
 glycerides of caprinic, caprylic, and capronic acids 
 Expressed Oil of Nutmeg. Oleum Myristicae Kxpressum. Ob- 
 tained by hot pressure from the seeds of Myristica fragrans and other 
 species of the same genus. 
 Color, yellowish or whitish, mottled with orange-brown. Odor, aromatic. 
 Taste, spicy. Sp. gr. 0.995, Melts at about 45C. Soluble in four times its 
 weight of strong alcohol. Contains, besides volatile oil, myristin, myristic 
 acid, and coloring matter. 
 Uses. Stimulant, carminative. 
 Laurel Oil. Oleum Lauri. Obtained by steeping the fruit of 
 Laurus nobilis in hot water and subjecting it to hot pressure. 
 Color, greenish. Consistence, semi-solid, granular. Odor and taste, aro- 
 matic, spicy. Melts at about 4OC. Contains volatile oil, laurin and other 
 fat substances. 
 Uses. In Ointment, etc. Stimulant and nervine. 
 Palm Oil. Oleum Palmae. Obtained by heating the fruit of Elais 
 Guiniensis with hot water and then subjecting it to hot pressure. 
 Color, orange red, but bleached by exposure to light Odor, pleasant. Taste,
 bland. Melts at 2jC. Rapidly becomes rancid on exposnre. Contains olein 
 palmitin, and a coloring principle. 
 Uses. Mainly for soaps, sometimes as demulcent. 
 The principal solid Animal fats are: 
 Lard. Adeps, U. S. Obtained from the fatty tissues of the Hog, 
 Sus scrofa, by heating them with water and straining. 
 Color, white. Consistence, soft. Taste, bland. Sp. gr. 0.938. Melts at 
 38 to 4OC. (iooF. ) to a liquid. 
 Uses. As a vehicle for Ointments and also in Cerates. 
 Adeps Benzoinatus, U. S. Benzoinated Lard. Prepared by digesting Lard 
 with 2.% of powdered Benzoin and straining. For use in hot weather, 5% oi 
 wax should be added. 
 Suet. Sevum, U. S. Obtained from the fatty tissues of the ab- 
 domen of the Sheep, Ovis aries, by heating (preferably in a water- 
 bath) and straining. 
 Color, white. Consistence, hard. Taste/bland. Melts at about 45 C. Con- 
 tains olein and palmitin, but chiefly stearin. That from the Ox is similar in its 
 Uses. In the preparation of Cerates. 
 Wool- Fat, Hydrous. Adeps Lanas Hydrosus, U. S. Lanolin. 
 The purified fat of the Wool of the Sheep, mixed with not more 
 than 30% of water. The crude fat is purified and ir'xed with water, 
 which it has the power to absorb, furnishing a mixture of ointment-like 
 Color, white. Consistence nearly hard. Melts at 4oC Contains chiefly 
 cholesterin, chemically an alcohol not yielding glycerin. 
 Uses. As an ointment vehicle for endermic medication, that is, when sys- 
 temic effect is desired. 
 Buffer. Butyrum. Obtained by churning the cream of cow's 
 Color, yellow. Consistency, rather soft. Odor, pleasant, peculiar, but when 
 rancid, disagreeable, owing to the presence of butyric acid. Taste, agreeable, 
 bland Melts at about 28C. Contains olein, palmitin, stearin, small quanti- 
 ties of glycerides of butyric, caprylic, capronic and caprinic acids, and traces of 
 an odorous principle. 
 Uses. As a demulcent and sometimes in Ointments. For pharmaceutical uses 
 should be fresh, unsalted, and free from casein. 
 The second of the two principal divisions of the Fats consists of 
 those which yield no glycerin, but instead a compltx monatomic alco- 
 hol. They are called Waxes, and are solid at ordinary temperatures. 
 They include: Bees' wax, Spermaceti and Chinese. Brazil Myrtle 
 and Palm and some other waxes.
 WAXES. 283 
 The most important, pharmaceutically, are: 
 Wax. Cera Flava, U. S. Obtained by melting the Honeycomb 
 in hot water, separating the liquids by decantation and collecting and 
 straining the wax. 
 Color, yellow. Odor, somewhat aromatic, honey-like. Nearly tasteless. 
 Melts at about 64C. Sp. gr. 0.96. Contains cerin, myricin, "aromatic and 
 coloring matters. 
 White Wax. Cera Alba, U. S. Is prepared from the yellow by 
 exposing it in thin layers for some time to moisture and light. Melts 
 at 6sC. 
 Wax is often adulterated with tallow or paraffin. The former is detected by 
 its lower sp. gr. . and by the fact that the mixture is softer than pure wax. 
 Paraffin is best detected by heating one part of the suspected wax with five of 
 Sulphuric Acid to i6o'C., and diluting the mixture with distilled water. If 
 paraffin be present it will separate out, since it is not affected by the acid, while 
 the wax undergoes chemical change. 
 Uses. In Cerates, Plasters and Ointments mainly. 
 Spermaceti. Cetaceum, U. S.- Obtained from deposits in cavities 
 in the head of the Sperm-Whale, Physeter macrocephalus. 
 Color, white, translucent. Consistence, hard, crystalline. Without odor or 
 taste. Sp. gr. about 0.95. Melts at soC. Composed chiefly of cetin. 
 Uses. In Ointments and Cerates. 
 Petroleum Ointmen t. Petrolatum, U. S. Sometimes classed with the waxes 
 because of it containing Paraffin; was treated of under Petrolatum. 
 This Group includes a few Drugs whose chief value in pharmacy is 
 due to a bland Fixed Oil they contain. The oil is usually associated 
 with gum or mucilage as in the case of Almond and Flaxseed and these 
 drugs have, therefore, been treated with the Mucilaginous Drugs of 
 Group 1, 
 The only other official is: 
 Lycopodium. Lycopodium, U. S. Spores of Lycopodium clava- 
 tum, Linne, and other species of Lycopodium. Nat. Ord., Lycopo- 
 diaceae. Constituents: Fixed oil 47 per cent. 
 Uses. Asa protective for raw and inflamed surfaces. Also as a "dusting 
 powder" for pills. 
 Lycopodium is very combustible, burning with a fine rose-colored flame, 
 and is largely used in pyrotechnics. It should be kept remote from light and 
 To this Group belong the parts of plants whence are derived the Oils, viz.. 
 The fruits of Olive, Laurel and Palm; the seeds of the Cotton plant, Sesami, 
 Sunflower, .Poppy; the various "Nuts," Butternut, Peanut, Beech and Cocoanut; 
 the seeds of Cacao, and those that furnish the Castor and Croton Oils
 Derivatives of Fats. 
 When fats or oils are mixed with salifiable bases the principles 
 which they contain, vi/..: Olein, Palmitin and Stearin, etc., arc 
 decomposed into their respective acids, oleic, palmitic and stcaric 
 acids, which unite with the base forming soap. 
 Fats, being mostly compounds of Glycerin with one or more of 
 these Acids, are split up, when boiled with the base, by the reaction 
 into salts and glycerin. The Glycerin is set free and may be obtained 
 as a by-product in soap-making. 
 Soaps, therefore, chemically considered are salts, and consist ot 
 oleates, palmitates and stearatcs of the respective bases, according to 
 the proportion of the several principles in the fats. 
 Soaps may be divided into two classes: 
 (1) Soluble soaps. (2) Insoluble soaps. 
 Soluble Soaps comprise those made with Soda and Potassa and are 
 respectively termed hard and soft soap. The finest Soap is made from 
 Olive Oil and is sold under the name of Castile Soap, which furnishes 
 the base for the finely perfumed toilet Soaps. It is official under the 
 Soap. Sapo, U. S. White Castile Soap. Prepared from Soda 
 and Olive Oil. 
 When dried to a constant weight at a temperature of iio"C,, it should not 
 lose more than 36% of its weight (water). 
 Off. Prep. Emplastrum Saponis; Linimentum Saponis. 
 Soft Soap. Sapo mollis, U. S. Sapo viridis, Green Soap, U. S. 
 Ph., '80. Prepared by heating 40 Gm. Linseed Oil with 9 Gm. 
 Potassa dissolved in 45 C.C. of Water and adding 4 C.C. Alcohol, 
 until the mixture is completely soluble in boiling water. 
 Off. Prep. Linimentum Saponis Mollis. 
 01. FATES. 
 Insoluble Soaps or Oleates, as they are also termed, are formed by 
 combining the fat acid with an Earth or metallic oxide, i. e.. Alumina; 
 Lead; Zinc. Usually made from Castile Soap they are not pure 
 oleates but mixtures of oleates and palmitates. They are either dry 
 powders or of the consistence of cerates. 
 Uses. In various skin affections. 
 OLEATES. 2*5 
 They are produced by double decomposition between a Soluble 
 Soap and a solution of the Salt in water. (See Nat. Form.). 
 The class of Official Oleates are chemical solutions of bases in Oleic 
 Acid; the acid is in excess and they are therefore liquid or semi-liquid: 
 OUatum Hydrargyri, U. S Made by dissolving 20 Gm. Yellow Mercuric 
 Oxide in 80 Gm Oleic Acid 
 Oleatum Veratrini, U. S. Two per cent Veratrine in Oleic Acid. 
 Oteatum Zinci. .U. S. Five per cent Zinc Oxide in Oleic Acid Should not 
 be confounded with the dry Oleate. 
 Oleic Acid. HC lg H 33 O.,. Acidurii Oleicum, U. S. A monobasic 
 acid of the series of Acids contained in Fats and Oils. 
 By subjecting fats to cold and pressure it may be separated from 
 the more solid stearic acid and through this is obtained as a by-prod- 
 uct in the manufacture of stearin candles. It may also be produced 
 from Soaps by saponifying Olive Oil or Almond Oil by boiling one of 
 these with Lead Oxide and Water, as in the making of Lead Plaster. 
 The lead plaster, or Lead Oleate, is decomposed with Hydrochloric Acid, 
 which sets the Oleic Acid free. The acid is then obtained by dissolving it in 
 Benzin and evaporating the solvent. The crude product is exposed to a tem- 
 perature of 4 C., when the pure acid is separated from the solid portion by 
 A yellowish liquid, sp. gr. o goo; insoluble in water and freely soluble in 
 alcohol and ether. It becomes semi-solid a few degrees above the freezing 
 point and at a lower temperature congeals to a solid mass. 
 Stearic Acid. HC. a H_O., Acidum Stearicum, U. S. One of the 
 18 oj & 
 series of Fat Acids, combined with glycerin, constituting the principal 
 portion of the solid animal Fats; also present in some vegetable fats. 
 It is chiefly prepared from Tallow by separating the Stearin from Olein 
 by expression and forming the latter into Soap with an Alkali, when 
 the Stearic Acid is obtained by decomposing the stearate (soap) with 
 an Acid, as in the preceding. 
 A hard, white, glossy solid; insoluble in water; soluble in 45 parts of alcohol 
 readily in boiling alcohol and in ether. The pure acid melts at 69 C. ; the 
 commercial acid should have a melting point not lower than 56 C. 
 I'scs. In the preparation of Soaps; also in Suppositoria Glycerini, U. S 
 Glycerin. C. J H.(OH) 3 . Glycerinum, U. S. A liquid obtained by 
 the decomposition of Animal or Vegetable Fats or Fixed Oils ami 
 containing not less than 95 per cent of absolute glycerin. Chemicalh 
 it is a triatomic alcohol; propenyl, or glyceryl hydrate. 
 It is obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of Soap, and of 
 Lead Plaster, or by subjecting Fats to a high temperature under pn-^ 
 sure and in the presence of water, when they are decomposed into 
 fatty acids and Glycerin, the latter passing into solution in the water.
 A transparent, colorless, oily liquid, sweet and warm to the taste; sp gr. 
 not less than 1.25, which corresponds to g$% of absolute glycerin. Its boiling 
 point is i65C., but it does not vaporize unchanged, a portion of it being con- 
 verted into acrolein and other empyreumatic products. It may, however, be 
 distilled unchanged in a current of superheated steam, and advantage is taken 
 of this fact in purifying it. It may be obtained, but with difficulty, in the 
 crystalline form. It is soluble in all proportions in water and alcohol, in a 
 mixture of 3 of alcohol and i of ether; miscible slightly with fixed and volatile 
 oils; insoluble in ether, benzin, chloroform, etc. 
 Glycerin, like the other alcohols described, is combustible, and burns with a 
 bluish, non-luminous flame. Like them also, there may be formed from it a 
 series of Ethers and Aldehydes. 
 Nitro-Glycerin is regarded as one of its ethereal salts. It is formed by pour- 
 ing Glycerin drop by drop into a mixture of Nitric and Sulphuric Acids in a 
 vessel immersed in a freezing mixture. The resulting oily liquid is afterward 
 purified by washing it in water. Taken internally, it is poisonous. Mixed with 
 some inert material like infusorial earth, it constitutes dynamite. 
 Uses. It is used medicinally under the name of glonoin, or trinitrin in the 
 form of a one per cent alcoholic solution. (See Spiritus Glonoini, U. S. Ph. ) 
 The pharmaceutical uses of glycerin are important; it is the vehicle 
 for the official Glycerites, enters into the menstrua of several Fluid 
 Extracts and Tinctures, is a constituent of the official tragacanth mu- 
 cilage, and serves as a vehicle in many other preparations.
 The Tannins. 
 Tannic Acid or Tannin is a substance peculiar to, and widely dis- 
 tributed in many plants. It occurs in various modifications as gallo- 
 tannic acids from Nut-gall, quertitannic acid from the Oak, catechu- and 
 kramerotannic acid from Catechu and Krameria respectively, cincho- 
 tannic acid from Cinchona and many others. 
 They are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen in different 
 and various proportions; are usually amorphous and soluble in water, 
 alcohol and glycerin; their solutions have weak acid reaction and they 
 are precipitated by most of the Metallic Salts and the Alkaloids. 
 Boiled with dilute acids they are split into glucose and phlobaphene 
 and because of this property they have been regarded as glucosides. 
 They have the property of forming an insoluble compound with gelatin, 
 hence their value in the process of tanning, the tannin producing with the gela- 
 tin of raw hide an impervious, flexible surface upon which the usefulness of 
 leather depends. Applied to the skin or mucous surfaces of the human body a 
 similar but milder action causes a contraction of the tissues, a property termed 
 astringent. The therapeutic use of tannins, or drugs containing them called 
 Astringent Drugs, depends upon this property; indicated in irritated or other- 
 wise diseased mucous surfaces. 
 The tannins are characterized by producing marked coloration with 
 Salts of Iron which may be either green or blue-black, and the different 
 varieties may in fact be distinguished through these variations in 
 Tannic Acid. HC U H 9 O 9 . Acidum Tannicum, U. S. Gallo- 
 tannic Acid, the variety obtained from Nutgall; chemically Digallic 
 Acid, as it is changed into gallic acid through chemical reaction in- 
 duced by heat and moisture. Prepared from powdered Nutgall by 
 maceration with Water and extraction with Ether. 
 A light yellowish, amorphous, coarse powder or in spongy masses, nearly 
 odorless and of strongly astringent taste. Soluble in i part of water, in 06 part 
 of alcohol, in i part of glycerin with heal, freely soluble in dilute alcohol, 
 almost insoluble in absolute ether, benzol, benzin or chloroform. It produces 
 a bluish-black color with ferric chloride and the addition of a little lime water 
 to a one-per-cent solution of it produces a bluish-white flocculent pr-ecipitati. 
 becoming more copious and deeper blue, finally acquiring a pinkish tint, upon 
 excess of the lime water (distinction from Gallic Acid). 
 It precipitates gelatin and the alkaloids, is incompatible with me- 
 tallic salts and forms explosive compounds with Potassium Chlorate, etc.
 In moist condition or in solution it must not be brought in contact 
 with iron vessels or spatulas. 
 Off. Prep. Collodium Stypticum; Glyceritum, Trochisci, Unguen- 
 tum Acidi Tannici. 
 Gallic Acid. HC 7 H 6 O 5 +H 2 O. Acidum Gallicum, U. S. Ob- 
 tained by exposing powdered Nutgall for a considerable time to the 
 action of moist warm Air, and extracting the mass with hot Water. The 
 gallotannic acid having the nature of a glucoside is slowly changed 
 into gallic acid through the fermentation which sets in at a slightly 
 elevated temperature. The latter is extracted from the pasty mass by 
 means of hot water, which deposits crystals of the acid on cooling. 
 Care must be observed not to bring the crystals in contact with iron 
 during the process, otherwise discoloration will take place. 
 Whitish or fawn-colored silky needles, which are without odor and have a 
 slightly astringent taste, soluble in 100 parts of cold and three parts of boiling 
 water, in 5 parts of alcohol, in T2 parts of glycerin and 40 parts of ether; very 
 slightly soluble in chloroform, benzol or benzin. It produces a bluish-black 
 precipitate with ferric salts. 
 It differs from tannic acid in not being precipitated bv a solution 
 of Gelatin except in the presence of gum, in not precipitating Alka- 
 loids and in that it does not color solutions of pure ferrous salts. 
 The only preparation is: Unguentum Acidi Gallici, 10%, U. S. 
 Ph., '80. 
 Pyrogallol. C 6 H 3 (OH).,. Pyrogallol, U. S. Acidum Pyrogalli- 
 cum U. S. Ph., '80. A triatomic P.ienol obtained chiefly by the dry 
 distillation of Gallic Acid. It should be kept in dark amber-colored 
 Light, white laminae or needles, acquiring a gray tint on exposure to air 
 and light, soluble in 1.7 parts of water, in i part of alcohol and in 1.2 parts of 
 Uses. Rarely in medicine; extremely poisonous. Chiefly in Photography
 Astringent Drugs, Group VI. 
 This group includes drugs that are used in medicine mainly fol 
 their astringent properties. These properties are chiefly due to the 
 presence of tannic or gallic acid, or both. 
 The astringent principles are often associated with mucilage, and 
 many of them are therefore both demulcent and astringent in their 
 Some of the drugs referred to in this group as Wild Cherry are 
 usually classed as astringent, but as they contain other active constitu- 
 ents not astringent it was deemed best to treat of them as indicated. 
 Of Hamamelis and Haematoxylon it may be said that the acids to 
 which their astringency is clue, differ quite considerably from the 
 tannic and gallic acids. 
 In their extraction rather strongly alcoholic menstrua containing Glycerin 
 have been found the most effective and to prevent precipitation in the prepara- 
 Castanea. Castanea, U. S. Chestnut. Leaves of Castanea 
 dentata, Sudworth. Nat. Ord., Cupuliferaj. Should be collected in 
 autumn while still green. Constituents: Tannin nine per cent, muci- 
 lage, extractive and a little resin. Off. Prep.: Extraction Castaneai 
 Uses. Infusion, one ounce to the pint, as a remedy for whooping cough. 
 Catechu. Catechu, U. S. Extract obtained from wood of Acacia 
 Catechu, Willd. Nat. Ord. , Leguminosai. 
 The principal constituents are: 
 Catechutanmc^acid, from 25 to 50 per cent, soluble in cold \vater, giving an 
 olive bro-uin coloration with ferric salts. 
 Catechin, from 15 to 30 per cent, soluble in ether and alcohol, but slightly in 
 water; produces a green color with ferric salts. It yields Pyrocatechin upon 
 dry distillation. 
 Protocatech-uic acid is formed by the action of potassa upon catechu and 
 similar resinous tannins. 
 Uses. In Compound Powders and as a Dye-Stuff. Pale catechu or Gambir 
 is mostly used as a dye. 
 Off. Prep. Tinctura Catechu comp.; Trochisci Catechu. 
 Cherry, Wild. (See Group 7.; 
 Geranium. Geranium, U. S. Cranesbill. Rhizome of Geranium 
 maculatum, Linne. Nat. Ord., Geraniaceie- Constituents: Tan 
 nin fifteen per cent. Off. Prep. : Extractum Geranii Fluidum and 
 an unofficial Infusion. 
 Hamatoxylon. Haematoxylon, U. S. Logwood. Heartwood of 
 Haematoxylon Campechianum, Linne. Nat. Ord. , Leguminosae. 
 Constituents: Haematoxylin, tannin and resin. Off. Prep.: Ex- 
 tractum Haematoxyli. 
 Uses. As an addition to astringent mixtures, but chiefly for dyeing and in 
 the preparation of Inks. 
 Kino. Kino, U. S. Inspissated juice of Pterocarpus Marsupium, 
 Roxburgh. Nat. Ord., Leguminosae. Constituents: Kino-tannic 
 acid, Kino-red and pectin. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Kino. 
 Uses. The Tincture is liable to gelatinization, which is best prevented by 
 the use of strong alcohol as a menstruum. 
 Krameria. Krameria, U. S. Rhatany. Root of Krameria tri- 
 andra, Ruiz and Pavon, and K. Ixina, Linne. Nat. Ord., Polygalese. 
 Constituents: Kramero-tannic acid about ten per cent, resembles cate- 
 chin in imparting a green color to ferric salts and in forming pyro- 
 catechin by dry distillation; and red coloring matter. 
 Off. Prep. Extractum Kramerise; Extractum Krameriae Fluidum; 
 Tinctura Krameriae. 
 Nutgall. Galla, U. S. Excrescence on Quercus lusitanica, 
 Lamarck, Nat. Ord., Cupuliferae, caused by puncture and deposited 
 ova of Cynips Gallse tinctoriae, Olivier. Nat. Ord., Hymenoptera of 
 the class Insecta. Constituents: Tannic acid about sixty per cent, 
 and gallic acid two or three per cent. 
 Off. Prep. Tinctura Gallae; Unguentum Gallae. 
 Uses. In the preparation of Tannic and Gallic acids and Inks. 
 Hamamelis. (See Group 4.) 
 Matico. (See Group 4.) 
 White Oak. Quercus alba, U. S. Bark of Quercus alba, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Cupuliferae. Constituents: Tannin or quercitannic acid 
 six to eleven per cent, producing a blue-black coloration with ferric 
 salts, but not identical with gallotannic acid; resin and coloring mat- 
 Uses. Chiefly in tanning leather. 
 Pomegranate. (See Group 7.) 
 Rubus. Rubus, U. S. Blackberry. Bark of root of Rubus vil- 
 losus, Aiton. R. Canadensis, Linne, and R. trivialis, Michaux. Nat. 
 Ord. , Rosaceae. Constituents: Tannin ten per cent. 
 Off. Prep. Extractum Rubi Fluidum, Syrupus Rubi.
 Uses. As Decoction and Infusion. From the fermented juice of the berry, 
 Blackberry Wine and Brandy, useful in summer complaints. 
 Rumex. Rumex, U. S. Yellow dock. Root of Rumex crispus, 
 Linne and other species of Rumex. Nat. Ord., Polygonacese. Con- 
 stituents: Tannin, chrysophan, chrysophanic acid, mucilage. Off. 
 Prep.: Extractum Rumicis Fluidum. 
 Uses. Decoction, one ounce to the pint, also in Compound Syrup of Stil- 
 lingia and various preparations of the American Dispensatory. 
 Box. NAME. 
 A. eupatoria. 
 Tannin 5$. 
 Alnus serrulata. 
 Tannin 4% . 
 A. catechu. 
 Tannin 15%, fixed oil 
 Geum rivale. 
 Tannin, bitter prin 
 Polygonum bistorta. 
 Tannin, etc. 
 Symphytum officinale. 
 Mucilage, tannin. 
 Diospyros, (Per- 
 D. Virginiana. 
 Fruit and 
 Tannin, sugar, etc 
 H. triloba, H. acutiloba. 
 Tannin, mucilage. 
 H. Americana. 
 Tannin 10% 
 O. biennis. 
 Tannin, mucilage. 
 (Evening P'mrose) 
 Plantago lanceolata. Plan- 
 Tannin, bitter prin. 
 tago major. 
 Prinos (Black 
 P. verticillatus. 
 Tann., resin, bit. prin. 
 P. officinalis. 
 Tann., mucilage, resin. 
 Spiraea. (Hard- 
 S. tomentosa. 
 Flor. tops 
 Tannin, bitter prin. 
 S. limonium var. Caroli- 
 Tannin, mucilage. 
 Rhus glabra. 
 Tannin, resin. 
 Tor men til. 
 Potentilla tormentilla, 
 Tannin . kinovic acid.
 Glucosidal Drugs, Group VII. 
 This group includes drugs whose virtues depend largely or wholly 
 on the presence of glucosides and neutral Principles, or on peculiar 
 organic Acids. 
 Some drugs are included under this head whose active principles 
 have not yet been isolated, when there is good reason to believe such 
 active principles are present in the drug. 
 Among the drugs included in the Glucosidal Group are a few which 
 possess very peculiar characteristics, and are classed by some authors 
 as reactionary drugs. 
 These contain two or more complex principles, one being an albu- 
 minous ferment, coagulable and destroyed by heat, but rendered active 
 in the presence of water; the other, a still more complex principle, 
 possessing glucosidal or feebly alkaloidal properties, and decomposed 
 by the action of the ferment, in the presence of water, into various 
 compounds, frequently volatile, and quite active medicinally. 
 Definition. The term ghicoside is applied to those organic princi- 
 ples which are readily resolvable into glucose and another organic 
 principle, either by the action of mineral Acids, of Alkalies, or of 
 They are nearly all ternary compounds, that is, composed of Car- 
 bon, Hydrogen and Oxygen, while one is quaternary or nitrogenized t 
 vi/..: Amygdalin, C 20 H 27 NO U and two are sulphuretedQi complex, viz. 
 Sinalbin, C 30 H M N 2 S 8 O ie , and Sinigrin, C 10 H 18 NS,KO 10 . 
 They possess either neutral or acid properties, and occasionally 
 form salts or crystalline compounds; some few are soluble in water. bu : 
 the greater number are nearly insoluble in water, though readily solu- 
 ble in alcohol. 
 The English ending in, Latin inum, has been officially adopted to 
 distinguish them from the alkaloids ending in ine, Latin ina. 
 Some of the peculiar Organic Acids found in drugs might be classed as Gluco- 
 sides, and are so classed by some authorities, because they are separable into 
 glucose and another organic principle, and they are treated of here in that con- 
 nection. The Neutral Principles are also included in this group, because in 
 the present state of our knowledge of the organic principles it is very difficult to 
 distinguish between these exceedingly complex substances.
 A number of solid crystalline substances obtained from plants are 
 termed neutral pritu fi/es, as they are either neutral or feebly acid and 
 form salts, if at all, with alkalies. 
 They are composed of Carbon, Hvdrogen and Oxygen, are mostly 
 insoluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol and either insoluble or 
 slightly soluble in ether or chloroform. 
 They differ from Glucosides in not being resolvable into glucose and are dis- 
 tinguished from the Alkaloids in that they are not precipitated by tannic acid, 
 mercuric potassium iodide or other alkaloid reagents. They are sometimes 
 called "Bitter principles" because the bitter tasN- of the Drugs that furnish 
 them is chiefly due to their presence. Medicinally they are the most 
 active constituents of their respective drugs and many of them produce toxic 
 effects to such a degree that they are classed with thc/>oisons 
 The following arc official: 
 Aloin. Alomum, U. S. -Obtained from several varieties of Aloes, 
 chiefly Barbadoes Aloes, barbaloin and Socotra, or Zanzibar, socaloin. 
 They differ more or less in chemical composition and physical proper- 
 ties according to the source from which derived. Prepared by ex- 
 tracting the Aloes with acidulated boiling water, concentration and 
 crystallization from warm dilute Alcohol. 
 Minute acicular crystals, or crystalline powder of yellowish color, soluble in 
 60 parts of water, from 20 to 30 parts of alcohol, sparingly in ether. 
 Uses. As an ingredient in Pills, dose from 0.05 to o. i, usually in conjunc- 
 tion with other cathartics. 
 Elatcrin. C, H., S O.. Elaterinum, U. S. Obtained from Elateri- 
 um, a substance deposited by the juice of the fruit of Ecballium 
 Elaterium, Linne. Nat. Ord., Cucurbitaceie. 
 Minute, white scales or prismatic crystals, sparingly soluble in ordinary sol- 
 vents, but soluble in 2.4 parts of chloroform 
 I'scs. -In the official Trituration 10^ . a more uniform and reliable prepara- 
 tion than the crude drug, the so-called Clutterbuck's elaterium. Dose of the 
 Trituration 0.5 dcg 
 Picrotoxin. ^ .^^-'i^ir Picrotoxinum, I". S. Obtained from tin- 
 seed of Anamirta paniculata, Colebrooke. Nat. Ord., Mcnisper- 
 macese "Cocculus Indicus. 
 Colorless, shining prismatic crystals or crystalline powder, having an in- 
 tense bitter taste, soluble in 240 parts of water, in 9 parts of alcohol; also solu 
 ble in the acids and alkalies, slightly soluble in ether or chloroform. 
 f'si-s. Tn the form of pills or granules, dose i mg. 
 Piperin. C r H ]fl NO,,. Piperinum. V. S. Obtained from Pepper 
 and from other plants of the Nat. Ord.; Piperaceae. Classed with the
 Alkaloids. Prepared by extraction with Alcohol or Ether and separa- 
 tion from the Oleoresin. 
 Pale yellowish, prismatic crystals, of a peppery taste, insoluble in water, 
 soluble in 30 parts of alcohol. 
 Uses. As an addition to antiperiodics in pills. 
 Salicin. C 13 H 18 O ? . Salicinum, U. S. Obtained from several 
 species of Salix and Populus (Nat. Ord., Salicaceas,) by digestion 
 with Lead Oxide and extraction with water and purified by filtration 
 through charcoal. 
 White, silky needles or crystalline powder, soluble in 28 parts of water, in 
 jo parts of alcohol, almost insoluble in ether or chloroform. It is colored violet 
 by ferric chloride and sulphuric acid dissolves it with a red color. 
 Salicin is a true glucosidc, being decomposed by a ferment, such as emulsin 
 or saliva into saligenin, C 7 H h O2 and glucose, C 6 H 12 O 6 . 
 Uses. As a remedy in Rheumatism in doses from o. 5 to i.o. 
 Santonin. C 15 H lg O 3 . Santoninum, U. S. Obtained from Santo- 
 nica, Levant Wormseed, by boiling with Milk of Lime and decom- 
 posing the Calcium Santoninate formed with Hydrochloric Acid. The 
 Santonin is dissolved in hot Alcohol, filtered through charcoal and 
 Colorless, flattened, prismatic crystals, odorless, nearly tasteless but de- 
 veloping a bitter taste, nearly insoluble in water, soluble in 40 parts alcohol, 
 in 4 parts chloroform, in 140 parts of ether and soluble in caustic alkalies. 
 It is not affected by exposure to the air but turns yellow exposed to light and 
 must be kept in amber-colored vials, or in a dark place. 
 Uses. In the official Troches, Trochisci Santonini, containing 3 eg. in each. 
 Alkalies impair the effect of Santonin, hence the Sodium Santoninate and the 
 Troches of this, of the U. S. Ph., '80, have been discarded. The dose for 
 children should not exceed i dcg. and should be followed by a purgative. 
 Chrysarobin. Chrysarobinum U. S. A neutral principle, in its 
 commercial, more or less impure form, extracted from Goa Powder, a 
 substance found deposited in the wood of Andira Araroba. Unguen- 
 tnm Chrysarobini $%. 
 A pale orange-yellow powder, darkening on exposure to the air, almost insol- 
 uble in water or alcohol, soluble in 150 parts boiling alcohol with a sligM 
 residue; readily soluble in boiling benzol and in solutions of alkalies 
 Uses. Externally only in Skin diseases, Ringworm, etc.
 The following Reactionary Drugs are official: 
 Bitter Almond. Amygdala amara, U. S. Seed of Prunus Amyg- 
 dalus var. amara, De Candollc. Nat. Ord., Rosaceae. Constituents: 
 Fixed oil about 45 percent, amygdalin, emulsin, mucilage, sugar, etc. 
 Off. Prep.: Syrupus Amygdalae. 
 When bitter almonds are brought into contact with water, the ferment fnntf- 
 sin decomposes the glucoside amygdalin into Hydrocyanic Acid, Oil of Bitter 
 Almond and sugar. 
 Uses. Chiefly for preparing oil of bitter almond. 
 Wild Cherry. Prunus Virginiana, U. S. Bark of Prunus serotina. 
 Erhart. Nat. Ord., Rosaceae. Constituents: Bitter principle, tannin, 
 amygdalin and emulsin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Pruni Virginiana 
 Fluidum; Infusum Pruni Virginiana:; Syrupus Pruni Virginianae. 
 Wild cherry bark should be collected in the month of October, as it then 
 yields the greatest proportion of Hydrocyanic Acid: the thick, corky layer 
 frequently found on old bark should be removed. When treated with water 
 Hydrocyanic Acid is produced by the action of the emulsin upon amygdalin, 
 similarly to the reaction of these principles in bitter almonds. Since the 
 power of the ferment is destroyed by heat and the products are volatile the ex- 
 traction must be effected in the cold and the vessel should be of glass and 
 tightly covered. 
 Black Mustard. Sinapis Nigra, U. S. Seed of Brassica nigra, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Cruciferae. Constituents: Fixed oil 25 percent, 
 myrosin, sinigrin, giving rise to volatile oil. Off. Prep.: Charta Sinapis. 
 Uses. In coarse powder, or ground, for the preparation of Cataplasm, 
 mixed with cold water. Black mustard is more irritant than the. White, and is 
 therefore frequently mixed with the latter when used to produce blister. Mus 
 tard seed oil is obtained by expression between hot plates of iron. 
 Whiff Mustard. Sinapis Alba, U. S. Seed of Brassica alba. 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Cruciferae. Constituents: Fixed oil 20 to 2o 
 per cent: sinalbin and myrosin giving rise to volatile oil. 
 Uses. Similar to those of Black Mustard. 
 Both black and white mustard contain a ferment mvrosin, and each a gluco- 
 side termed respectively sinigrin and sinalbin. Tn the presence of water these 
 substances are decomposed by the myrosin, forming volatile compounds, to 
 which the acrid taste and irritant action of both kinds of mustards are due. 
 In Black Mustard the Sinigrin is by this reaction transformed into Sulpho- 
 cyanide of Allyl or Volatile Oil of Mustard, an exceedingly irritating and. 
 when taken internally, poisonous substance; some acid potassium sulphate and 
 sugar are also formed. 
 In White Mustard the Sinalbin, also termed Sulphocyanide of Sinapin, is de- 
 composed by the action of myrosin, in the presence of water, into Sulphate of 
 Sinapin and Sulphocyanide of Acrinyl, a thick, non-volatile oil, possessing 
 vesicating properties. The base of the other compound, Sinapin. is an alkaloid.
 Aloes. The inspissated juice of leaves of several species of Aloes. 
 Nat. Ord. , Liliaceae. Constituents: Aloin, resin, vol. oil (small 
 quantity). Off. Prep.: Extractum Aloes Aquosum; Extractum Colo- 
 cynthidiscomp.; Pilulae Aloes; Pil. Aloes et Asafcetidae; Pil. Aloes et 
 Ferri; Pil. Aloes et Mastiches; Pil. Aloes et Myrrhae; Pil. Rheicomp. ; 
 Tinctura Aloes; Tinct. Aloes et Myrrhae; Tinctura Benzoin! comp. 
 Aloe Barbadensis, U. S. From Aloe vera, Linne. 
 Aloe Socotrina, U. S. From Aloe Perryi, Baker. 
 Aloe Purificata, U. S. Prepared from Socotrin Aloes by fusing it 
 on a water-bath, keeping it in a liquid form by the addition of Alco- 
 hol, whilst straining it and evaporating it until hard and brittle. 
 Of the three different kinds of Aloes occurring in commerce, viz.: Barba- 
 does, Cape and Socotrin or Zanzibar. Socotrin aloes is regarded as containing 
 the greatest proportion of active principle aloin and as being less harsh in 
 its action than the other varieties. 
 Uses. Chiefly as Purified Aloes. It yields a light golden-yellow powder, 
 and is an ingredient in many unofficial pills, etc., and in Comp. Powder of 
 Aloes and Canella, "Hiera Picra," formerly official, prepared as follows: Aloes, 
 Soc., four parts; Canella, one part; both in fine powder and thoroughly mixed. 
 Apocynum. Apocynum, U. S. Canadian Hemp. Root of Apocy- 
 num Cannabinum, Linne. Nat. Ord., Apocynaceae. Constituents: 
 Apocynin, apocynein, tannin, 'bitter extractive. Off. Prep.: Extrac- 
 tum Apocyni Fluidum. 
 Uses. In preparing Apocynin, a resinoid, the preparation of which has not 
 been published. 
 Araroba. Goa Powder. Powder obtained from cavities in trunk 
 of Andira Araroba, Aguiar. Nat. Ord., Leguminosae. Constituents: 
 Resin, gum, chrysarobin. 
 Uses. As a source of Chrysarobin, of which it contains about eighty per cent, 
 and in Ointments. 
 Bryonia. Bryonia, U. S. Bryony. Root of Bryonia alba and B. 
 dioica, Linne. Nat. Ord., Cucurbitaceae. Constituents: Bryonin 
 (glucoside). Off. Prep.: Tinctura Bryoniae. 
 Uses. Chiefly as homreopathic Tincture. A Fluid Extract is made with 
 alcohol of 85 per cent. 
 Calendula. Calendula. I*. S. Marigold, the florets of Calendula 
 officinalis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Compositor. Constituents: Vol. oil 
 (trace), calendulin, bitter principle. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Calendulae. 
 Uses. Chiefly as a substitute for Arnica in the form of Tincture and Infusion, 
 as an application for sprains and bruises
 DRUGS. *97 
 Galwnba. Calumba, U. S. Columbo. Root of Jateorrhiza pal- 
 mata, Miers. Nat. Ord.; Menispermaceae. Constituents: Columbin, 
 berberine, columbic acid. Off. Prep. : Extractum Calumbae Fluidum; 
 Tinctura Calumbae. 
 Uses. As Infusion, and in powder associated with other tonics. 
 Cascarilla. (See Group 3.) 
 Caulophyllum. (See Group 4.) 
 Cctraria.(See Group 1.) 
 Dulcamara. Dulcamara, U. S. Bitter-sweet. Young branches 
 of Solarium dulcamara, Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanacese. Constituents: 
 Resin, dulcamarin (glucoside), etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Dul- 
 camaras Fluidum. 
 Uses. As Infusion and Decoction. 
 Capsicum. Capsicum, U. S. Cayenne Pepper. Fruit of Capsi- 
 cum fastigiatum, Blume. Nat. Ord., Solanaceae. Constituents: Vola- 
 tile oil, capsaicin, resin, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Capsici Fluidum: 
 Oleoresina Capsici; Tinctura Capsici. 
 Uses. Chiefly in the powdered form as a condiment; also as a rubefacient ia 
 Liniments and Plasters 
 Chimaphila Chimaphila, U. S. Pipsissewa, Leaves of Chima- 
 phila umbellata, Nuttall. Nat. Ord., Ericaceae. Constituents: Chima- 
 philin, arbutin, ericolin. urson, tannin, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Chimaphilae Fluidum. 
 Uses. As Infusion and as an ingredient in Syrup Stillingia Comp. Am. Disp. 
 Chirata. Chirata, U. S. Entire plant of Swertia Chirata, Hamil- 
 ton. Nat. Ord., Gentianeae. Constituents: Chiratin (glucoside) and 
 ophelic acid. Off. Prep.: Extractum Chiratae Fluidum; Tinctura 
 Uses. Sometimes as Infusion, now seldom used, being superseded by gentian 
 and other less costly bitters. 
 Cloves. (See Group 3.) 
 Colocynth. Colocynthis, U. S. Fruit of Citrullus Colocynthis, 
 Schrader. Nat. Ord. , Cucurbitaceae. Constituents: Colocynthin, 
 resin, fixed oil, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Colocynthidis; Extractum 
 Colocynthidis comp. 
 Uses. Chiefly for the preparation of the Extract, and in powdered form in 
 combination with less drastic purgatives. The fruit should be deprived of the 
 seeds previous tc use, because they contain a considerable quantity of fixed oil 
 which is undesi-rable in the preparations. The percentage yield of extract 
 varies considerably, but averages about 17 per cent. 
 Cubeb. (See Group 3.)
 Convallaria. Convallaria, U. S. Lily of the Valley, the Rootlets 
 and Rhizome of Convallaria majalis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Liliaceae. 
 Constituents: Convallarin and convallamarin. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Convallariae Fluidum. 
 Uses. As a substitute for Digitalis in heart diseases. 
 Corn Silk. Zea, U. S. Styles and Stigmas of Zea Mays, Linne, 
 "Indian Corn." Nat. Ord., Gramineae. Constituents: Maizenic 
 acid, tannin, resin, fixed oil and sugar. Off. Prep.: Extractum Zeae 
 Fluidum, made by the same process as Fl. Extract of Triticum. 
 Uses. As Infusion or Decoction. 
 Digitalis. Digitalis, U. S. Foxglove. Leaves of Digitalis pur- 
 purea, Linne. Nat. Ord., Scrophularineae. Constituents: Digitalin, 
 digitoxin and resin. Off. Prep., Extractum Digitalis; Extractum 
 Digitalis Fluidum; Infusum Digitalis; Tinctura Digitalis. 
 The so-called "Digitalin" of commerce is a mixture of the various active prin- 
 ciples, and should not be confounded with the pure active principle, the Digi- 
 taline, which possesses much greater strength. 
 Ergot. Ergota, U. S Ergot of Rye. Sclerotium of Claviceps 
 purpurea, Tulasne. Nat. Ord., Pyrenomycetes of the class Carpos- 
 porae, a fungus replacing the grain of common Rye, Secale c^reale, 
 Linne. Constituents: Sclerotic acid, scleromucin, sclererythrin, fixed 
 oil, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Ergotae; Extractum Ergotae Fluidum; 
 Vinum Ergotae. 
 Ergot should be kept in a close vessel and protected against insects 
 by adding to it a little chloroform. When over one year old Ergot 
 should be rejected. 
 Some doubt yet exists as to what the medicinally valuable principles 
 of Ergot really are. The fact is conceded, however, that whether 
 they be glucosidal, alkaloidal, or both, or whether it owes its value to 
 a peculiar acid, the desirable principles are more soluble in water than 
 in alcohol, and that, therefore, preparations made with aqueous men- 
 strua are preferable to those with alcoholic menstrua. 
 Ergot contains from twenty-five to thirty-five per cent of a non-drying fixed 
 oil more soluble in strongly alcoholic menstrua than in those more aqueous; 
 and since this oil is very undesirable, its presence in the preparations is best 
 avoided through the use of diluted alcohol (or still weaker. 40 per cent) for ex- 
 hausting the drug. 
 L'scs. "Ergotin," a misnomer for extracts supposed to represent the medi- 
 cinal value of the drug. They vary in composition according to the process 
 employed in their preparation, and may contain the principles soluble ia 
 alcohol only (Wigger's); those soluble in weaker (seventy-five per cent) alcohol
 DRUGS. 299 
 (Bunjeau's); or those soluble in twenty per cent alcohol, the fixed oil having 
 been removed (Hallberg in Am. Jour. Pbarm., 1882) 
 The official Extract prepared by evaporating the fluid extract to about one- 
 fifth of its volume is a more reliable preparation than the two first mentioned, 
 although objectionable, owing to the fixed oil it contains, when dispensed in 
 Pills. The extract, freed from oil, is best adapted to the pill-form. 
 Powdered Ergot quickly becomes rancid and thus unfit for use, which may 
 be prevented by depriving the Ergot of its fixed oil with ether or petroleum- 
 benzin. (See Pulv. Ergotae purificat., Ph. Ger., or National Dispensatory.) 
 Euonymus. Euonymus, U. S. Wahoo. Bark of the Root of Eu- 
 onymus atropurpureus, Jacquin. Nat. Ord., Celastrineae. Constitu- 
 ents: Eunonymin, resin, asparagin, etc. Off. Prep. : Extractum Eu- 
 Uses. Euonymin, a resinoid prepared by precipitating the alcoholic tinc- 
 ture in water; it is unreliable, and the Extract may be substituted for it with 
 Eupatorium. Eupatorium, U. S. Boneset. Leaves and flower- 
 ing tops of Eupatorium perfoliatum, Linne. Nat. Ord., Compositae. 
 Constituents: Eupatorin (glucoside), volatile oil, resin. Off. Prep.: 
 Extractum Eupatorii Fluidum; and Infusion unofficial. 
 Frangula. (See Group 4.) 
 Guarana. (See Group 8.) 
 Glycyrrhiza. Glycyrrhiza, U. S. Licorice Root. Root of 
 Glycyrrhiza glabra, Linne, and of the variety glandulifera, Regel et 
 Herder. Nat. Ord., Leguminosae. Constituents: Glycyrrhizin, 
 glycyramarin, sugar, asparagin and resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Glycyrrhizse Fluidum; Extractum Glycyrrhizae Purum; Glycyrrhizi- 
 num Ammoniatum, Pulvis Glycyrrhizae comp. ; Extractum Sarsa- 
 parillae comp.; Syrupus Sarsaparillae comp.; Tinctura Rhei dulcis. 
 Uses. The pure Extract, prepared by exhausting the root with ammoniated 
 water and evaporating to the consistence of a soft extract, is entirely soluble in 
 water, and therefore superior to the commercial extract of licorice, in the prep- 
 aration of Brown Mixture (Mistura Glycyrrhizae comp.). It should be mixed 
 with 10 per cent of Glycerin to preserve it. A Syrup and Elixir are also pre- 
 pared from it. (See National Formulary.) 
 Glycyrrhizinum Ammoniatum "Glycyrrhizin/ U. S. Made by 
 precipitating the Ammoniacal liquid extract from the Rout with Sul- 
 phuric Acid and dissolving the precipitate, first carefully washed, in 
 Ammonia Water, then evaporating by a gentle heat until of syrupy 
 consistence, spreading upon plates of glass to dry, and finally obtained 
 as scales. 
 Extractum Glycyrrhizce, U. S. The commercial extract or stick 
 Licorice. Should contain not less than 60 per cent of matter soluble 
 in water.
 The commercial powdered Extract of Licorice contains a large proportion of 
 starch and other inert matter as adulterants to retain it in the pulverulent form. 
 The powdered root is also frequently adulterated or obtained from inferior 
 specimens of the root. 
 Uses. Licorice and its various preparations, owing to their peculiar sweet 
 taste, are largely employed as adjuvants to nauseous mixtures and to disguise the 
 taste of bitter medicines, as of Quinine. It is the most effective ingredient in 
 Compound Elixir Taraxacum. 
 Juglans. Juglans, U. S. Butternut. The bark of root of Jug- 
 lans cinerea, Linne. Nat. Ord., Juglandaceae. (Should be collected 
 in autumn or very early spring.) Constituents: Nucin, tannin, fixed 
 oil and volatile oil (trace). Off. Prep.: Extractum Juglandis. 
 Uses. Juglandin, a resinoid. prepared by the general formula for this class; 
 the official Extract is a more reliable and efficient preparation. 
 Kamala. (See Group 4.) 
 Leptandra. Leptranda, U. S. "Culver's Root." Rhizome and 
 rootlets of Veronica Virginica, Linne. Nat. Ord. , Scrophularineae. 
 Constituents: Leptandrin, resin, saponin, etc. Off. Prep.: Extrac- 
 tum Leptandrae; Extractum Leptandrae Fluidum. 
 Uses. "Leptandrin," a resinoid, prepared by precipitating the Alcoholic 
 Tincture in water and drying the precipitated Resin. The remaining clear 
 liquid is boiled and Sulphuric Acid added until it ceases to produce a precipi- 
 tate, the clear liquid is rejected, the precipitate washed to free it from sulphuric 
 acid, dried, mixed with the Resin previously obtained, and powdered, This 
 preparation represents all the virtues of Leptandra. 
 Quillaja. -Quillaja, U. S. Soap Bark. Bark of Quillaja Sapon- 
 aria, Molina. Nat. Ord., Rosaceae. Constituent: Saponin, a pois- 
 onous principle. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Quillajae. 
 Uses. As a Detergent in cleaning delicate fabrics. Sometimes used to im- 
 part the quality of frothing to Soda Water Syrups and also as an Emulsifying 
 Agent, but its use for these purposes is of questionable advantage. 
 Quassia. Quassia, U. S. Wood of Picrsena excelsa, Lindle> . 
 Nat. Ord., Simarubeae. Constituents: Quassin, resin. Off. Prep.: 
 Extractum Quassige; Extractum Quassias Fluidum; Tinctura Quassiae. 
 Uses. As an ingredient in Bitters, and as an Infusion, often in conjunction 
 with other bitters. 
 Phytolacca. (See Group 4.) 
 Rhubarb. Rheum, U. S. Root of Rheum officinale, Baillon. Nat. 
 Ord., Polygonaceoe. Constituents: Chrysophan, chrysophanic acid, 
 erythroretin, emodin, phseoretin, aporetin, tannin. Off. Prep.: Ex- 
 tractum Rhei; Extractum Rhei Fluidum; Pilulae Rhei; Pilulae Rhei 
 compositse; Pulvis Rhei compositus; Syrupus Rhei; Tinctura Rhei: 
 Tinctura Rhei Aromatica; Tinctura Rhei Dulcis.
 DRUGS. 301 
 Uitj. In the powdered form obtained from choice specimens of the root; the 
 powder of commerce being frequently prepared from decayed and otherwise in- 
 ferior roots. When Rhubarb in small square pieces is subjected to a heat of 
 about izoC. (roasted), the principles upon which its cathartic action depends 
 are modified or destroyed, so that it becomes astringent in its properties, "Tor- 
 refied Rhubarb." 
 Rhus Toxicodendron. Rhus Toxicodendron, U. S. Poison Ivy or 
 Poison Oak. Fresh leaves of Rhus radicans, Linne. Nat. Ord. , 
 Anacardieae. Constituents: Toxicodendric acid, tannin, etc. 
 Uses. A Tincture, to be prepared from the fresh leaves, according to the 
 formula for Tincturae Herbarum recentium, U. S. Ph. ; chiefly used in homoeo- 
 Rumex. (See Group 6.) 
 Santonica. Santonica, U. S. Levant Wormseed. Unexpanded 
 flower heads of Artemisia pauciflora, Weber. Nat. Ord., Compositae. 
 Constituents: Santonin one and a half to two per cent, volatile oil 
 one per cent. 
 Uses. Wormseed, covered with sugar; and in Decoction or Infusion, as an- 
 thelmintic. Its active principle. Santonin, in the form of Troches, containing 
 Yi grain in each, is more eligible and effective. The principal use of the drug 
 is in the preparation of Santonin, many thousand pounds being produced 
 Sarsaparilla. Sarsaparilla, U. S. Root of Smilax officinalis. 
 Kunth; S. medica, Schlechtendal and Chamisso; S. papyracea, Duha- 
 mel and other species of Smilax. Nat. Ord., Liliaceae. Constituents: 
 Parillin, resin, etc. Off. Prep.: Decoctum Sarsaparillae comp. ; x- 
 tractum Sarsaparillae Fluidum comp.; Syrupus Sarsaparillae comp. 
 Four kinds of Sarsaparilla occur in commerce, viz. : Honduras, Rio Negro, 
 Mexican and Jamaica. Of these, the Honduras variety is the best; the 
 Jamaica is the only kind official in the Ph. Br. ; by others the Mexican is re- 
 garded as superior. It is quite likely that Sarsaparilla, no matter -what kind, 
 possesses but little medicinal value, and is an ingredient of only secondary im- 
 portance in many of the preparations that bear its name. 
 Senega. Senega, U. S. Root of Polygala Senega, Linne. Nat. 
 Ord., Polygaleae. Constituents: Senegin, polygalin, or polygalic acid, 
 fixed oil. Off. Prep.: Extractum Senegae Fluidum; Syrupus Scillae 
 comp.; Syrupus Senegae. 
 Senega is an exceedingly active drug, and care should be used in dispensing 
 it. Its quality of frothing in aqueous mixtures is owing to the polygalin, a sub- 
 stance similar to saponin. 
 Uses. Infusion and as Extract, formerly official, or Abstract. 
 Senna. Senna, U. S. Leaflets of Cassia acutifolia, Delile, and C. 
 Angustifolia, Vahl. Nat. Ord., Leguminosae. Constituents: Cathartic
 acid, sennacrol (a bitter principle), sennit. Off. Prep.: Confectio 
 Sennae; Extractum Sennae Fluidum; Infusum Sennae comp.; Pulvu 
 Glycyrrhizae comp.; Syrupus Sarsaparillae comp.; Syrupus Sennae. 
 The Pharmacopoeia recognizes as Senna the leaves from two species of Cas- 
 sia, of which that from C. acutifolia is known in commerce as Alexandria 
 Senna, and that from C angustifola as India Senna, two varieties of which are 
 known, viz.: Tinnevelly and East India or Bombay. 
 Alexandria Senna is probably more active than the India Sennas (Tinnevelly 
 and Bombay) but not presenting as fine an appearance as Tinnevelly, the latter 
 is usually preferred. 
 Uses. By treating Senna with strong alcohol the principles to which the 
 griping qualities are due are extracted, without in the least impairing its 
 cathartic properties, when the drug, after being dried, is easily exhausted with 
 water or weak alcohol. 
 Extractum Sennce Fhiid. Aquosa. The drug is extracted with boiling water, 
 and 20 per cent alcohol added to the cold infusion, to precipitate resinous 
 principles as in the formula for the official syrup. This process is more simple 
 than the first mentioned, and is nearly equally effective. Senna leaves ex- 
 tracted with Alcohol and afterward dried, "deresinized," act as a mild purga- 
 tive and desirable as an ingredient in Species Laxantes, Ph. Ger. ; Jtfat. Form 
 Squill. Scilla, U. S. Bulb of Urginea maritima, Baker. Nat. 
 Ord. , Liliacese, deprived of its outer scale, sliced and the central por- 
 tion rejected. Constituents: Scillipicrin, scillitoxin, scillin and 
 mucilage. Off. Prep.: Acetum Scillae; Syrupus Scillae; Extractum 
 Scillae Fluidum; Syrupus Scillae comp.; Tinctura Scillae. 
 Uses. In the powdered form; obtained by drying the squill until crisp, and 
 adding about ten per cent of Milk Sugar during the process of powdering to 
 preserve the squills in a pulverulent condition. 
 Strophanthus . Strophanthus, U. S. The Seed of Strophanthus 
 hispidus, De Candolle. Nat. Ord., Apocynaceae. Constituents: 
 Strophanthin and fixed oil. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Strophanthi, 5 per 
 Uses. As a substitute for Digitalis, as a diuretic; poisonous. 
 Taraxacum. Taraxacum, U. S. Dandelion. Root of Taraxacum 
 officinale, Weber. Nat. Ord., Compositae, gathered in autumn. Con- 
 stituents: Inulin. taraxacin, resin, sugar, etc. Off, Prep.: Extrac- 
 tum Taraxaci; Extractum Taraxaci Fluidum. 
 Uses. In various unofficial preparations; the Extract as excipient for Pills. 
 Thuja. (See Group 4.) 
 Uva Ursi. Uva Ursi, U. S. Bearberry. Leaves of Arctosta- 
 phylos Uva Ursi, Sprengel. Nat. Ord., Ericaceae. Constituents: 
 Tannin, arbutin, ericolin and urson. Off. Prep.: Extractum Uvae 
 Ursi; Extractum Uvae-Ursi Fluidum.
 Uses. In Decoction and Infusion, and associated with other diuretic medi- 
 Vanilla. (See Group 3.) 
 Viburnum Opulus, U. S. Cramp Bark, and 
 Viburnum Prunifolium, U. S. Black Haw. 
 The Barks of their respective plants. Nat. Ord., Capri foliaceae. 
 Constituents: Bitter principle (viburnin), bitter resin, valerianic acid, 
 tannin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Viburni Prunifolii Fluidum; Extrac- 
 tum Viburni Optili Fluidum. 
 Uses. Similar to those of Valerian, which it closely resembles. Viburnum 
 opulus or "Cramp Bark" is frequently preferred to V. prunifolium, because 
 supposed to be more active. 
 Agaric (white). 
 Boletus laricis. 
 Laricin, resin, acids. 
 A. glandulosa. 
 Alianthic acid, tannin. 
 Apocynum (Dog's 
 A. Androsaemifolium. 
 Bitter prin . , vol. oil. 
 Carduus Benedic- 
 Cnicus benedictus. 
 Cnicin, tannin, etc. 
 C. luteum. 
 (False Unicorn). 
 Cornus (Dogwood) 
 C. Florida. 
 Rt Bk 
 Cornin, tan., resin. 
 Corydalis (Turkey 
 Dicentra Canadensis 
 Corydalin, resin, fum- 
 aric acid. 
 (Source unknown.) 
 Cotoin, vol. oil, acid. 
 Epigsea (Gravel 
 E repens. 
 Arbutin, ericolin. ur- 
 son, tannin. 
 H autumnale. 
 Glucoside, resin, tan 
 Helleborus niger 
 Helleborin, hellebor- 
 ein, resin. 
 ^Esculus hippocastaneum. 
 /Esculin. fraxin, tan. 
 I. Ostruthia. 
 Imperatorin, vol. oil. 
 K. latifolia. 
 Arbutin, resin, tan. 
 Lactuca (Lettuce). 
 L. virosa. 
 Lactucin, acid, lactu- 
 L. Americana. iBark 
 Acid, resin, tan., vol. oil 
 L. tulipifera. 
 Liriodcndrin, resin, tan 
 Viola tricolor. 
 Bitter prin. , resin. 
 P. erythrina 
 Piscidin, resin, fix oil 
 P. biflorum; gigant. 
 Convall in, aspa'gin, etc 
 S. officinalis. 
 Salix (Willow). 
 S. alba and spec. 
 Salicin, tannin. 
 S. officinalis. 
 Quassin, resin, vol. oil. 
 Dipterix odorata JFruit. 
 Coumarin, fixed oil. 
 Ustilago (Corn 
 U. Maydis. 
 Acids, fixed oil. 
 Xanthium. |X. spinosum; strumarium. Fruit. IXanthostrumarin, resin
 The Alkaloids. 
 Drugs whose virtues depend partly or wholly on the presence of one 
 or more alkaloids are called Alkaloidal Drugs. 
 Definition. The Alkaloids, or, as they are sometimes termed, 
 vegetable alkalies, are peculiar organic bases containing Nitrogen, in 
 addition to Carbon, Hydrogen, and, with few exceptions, Oxygen. 
 They are allied to Ammonia, and, when heated with alkalies, give off 
 ammonia, by which they are distinguished from the glucosides and 
 neutral principles. They form crystallizable salts with acids, and are, 
 medicinally, the most powerful of all the organic principles. 
 The alkaloids are usually named after the genus name of the plant 
 from which they are obtained, with the suffix of ine (Latin ina), thus 
 distinguishing them from the neutral principles and glucosides, which 
 terminate in /;/ (Latin inum) . 
 There are many exceptions, however, to this rule, as, for example: 
 Morphine, named in honor of the god of sleep, Morpheus; when two 
 or more alkaloids are obtained from the same plant, as in the alkaloids 
 derived from the Cinchonas; when the same alkaloid occurs in several 
 different plants, as Berberine, and when derived from the name that 
 the plant was originally referred to as Sparteine (Spartium Scoparium) 
 since changed to another name (Cytisus Scoparius) . 
 Origin. The alkaloids may be found in all parts of the plant, yet 
 in the greater number they are contained in the seeds and fruits, and 
 in the trees they occur in the bark. They are usually combined in 
 the plant with one or more vegetable Acids, often peculiar to the 
 plant, as mcconic acid in Opium, but frequently, also, with tannic 
 acid or some derivative, of it, as kinic or kinoric acid in Cinchona. 
 Properties. They are crystalline solids, with a few exceptions, viz.: 
 Conrnt, Lobeline, Sparteine and Nicotine which are liquid, and do not 
 Contain oxygen, but these also form crystallizable salts with acids. 
 They are all precipitated by the alkalies. 
 In solubility the alkaloids vary greatly; by far the greater portion 
 are insoluble, or only sparingly soluble in Water. They are freely 
 soluble in Alcohol, especially when hot: some also in Kther, Benzol, 
 Carbon disulphide, and Ethereal Oils, others in Amylic Alcohol and 
 vn'th one execution, morphine, they are very soluble in Chloroform.
 These liquids are variously used in their extraction, according to their 
 solvent power. Their Salts on the other hand are soluble in water, 
 some very freely so, also in alcohol, but most of them are insoluble in 
 ether and chloroform. 
 The preparation of alkaloids consists usually in extracting the drug 
 with Water acidulated with about two per cent Acid; with alkaloids 
 difficultly soluble the stronger inorganic acids, /. e. , Hydrochloric or 
 Sulphuric Acids, are used; with others more soluble the organic acids, 
 Acetic, Citric and Tartaric, are employed in the extraction, and with 
 still others, such as Morphine, the drug is exhausted with Water alone, 
 which dissolves it quite readily, as it exists in natural combination in 
 the opium. From the watery solution the Morphine is precipitated 
 by an Alkali, such as caustic Lime or Ammonia, which neutralizes the 
 meconic acid with which it is combined as meconate, thus liberating 
 the morphine. The morphine is then obtained quite pure by dissolv- 
 ing it in boiling alcohol, filtering through Animal charcoal, and allow- 
 ing it to crystallize. 
 The Cinchona Alkaloids are best extracted with water, acidulated 
 with Hydrochloric Acid, which, being much stronger than the acids 
 with which the alkaloids are combined in the bark, replaces them and 
 forms soluble salts. The alkaloids are set free by a strong alkali; in 
 this instance Calcium Hydrate (milk of lime) in excess, a portion 
 neutralizing the acid, the remainder being insoluble precipitates, 
 carrying the alkaloids with it. This precipitate is freed from the 
 clear solution, which contains calcium chloride and some coloring 
 matter, dried, powdered, and then extracted with hot Alcohol re- 
 peatedly, which dissolves only the alkaloids, providing the mixture is 
 free from water, until completely deprived of bitter taste, or exhausted. 
 The alcoholic solution, usually somewhat colored, is filtji^d through 
 animal charcoal, when the alkaloids maybe obtained quite pure by slow 
 evaporation of the alcohol. 
 To produce salts, sulphates for example, the solution is rendered just per- 
 ceptibly acid to litmus by the addition of dilute sulphuric acid, and allowed to 
 crystallize. As the proportion of the various cir.chona alkaloids varies greatly 
 with the kind of bark operated upon, it is necessary to separate them; this is 
 done sometimes at different stages of the crystallization, sometimes by solution 
 in solvents, in which one of these is soluble, and others are insoluble. 
 With some drugs the water extracts so much inert matter, starch, 
 etc., as to render the subsequent extraction of the alkaloids from the 
 extract exceedingly difficult. In such cases, Alcohol is used for ex-
 traction, but this also extracts other constituents usually present in 
 alkaloidal drugs, such as resin and fat, and the extract, therefore, 
 while more concentrated, still contains a considerable proportion of 
 inert matter, which must be rejected before the alkaloid can be ob- 
 tained pure. 
 This is accomplished by mixing the extract with water acidulated with an 
 appropriate Acid, and thoroughly exhausting it by repeated washings with the 
 latter. The alkaloidal base contained in the extract is formed into a salt by 
 the acid, and is dissolved in the water, which contains acid in excess. The 
 resinous and fatty constituents, however, are not soluble in water, and still less 
 so in acidulated water, and these are therefore left behind. The alkaloids 
 may now be precipitated by an Alkali and dissolved in hot Alcohol, -the solution 
 rendered as colorless as possible by filtration through animal charcoal, and the alka- 
 loids obtained pure by crystallization. 
 Some of the alkaloids, owing to their complex constitution, are so 
 delicate that they are split up into other substances when subjected to 
 prolonged heat in evaporation, or treated with the stronger alkalies, 
 as, for example, atropine, pilocarpine. 
 These are obtained from the acidulated aqueous solution, first rendered 
 slightly alkaline, so as to set the alkaloid free, by agitation with Chloroform 
 which takes up the alkaloid, jind, after settling to the bottom of the mixture 
 the chloroformic solution is separated and leaves the pure alkaloid upon 
 With chemical reagents the alkaloids behave similarly to ammonia; 
 they are all precipitated by tannic acid, which, forming an insoluble 
 compound, is given as an antidote in cases of poisoning. Owing to 
 their difference in composition, the reactions vary considerably, and 
 are often characterized by the color produced, but the following are 
 general tests: 
 1. Sulphuric or Xitric acid imparts to many a reddish color. 
 2. riiosplio-tnolyhdic acid produces a yellow precipitate. 
 3. Sih/inin phospho-tiingstatc forms precipitates, insoluble in water, alcohol, 
 ether, and in all the mineral acids, except phosphoric. 
 4. Mercuric J\>t<issiuin L\lidc, U. S. Mayer's Solution, forms insoluble pre- 
 cipitates of a yellowish color in acidulated aqueous solutions mot alcoholic). 
 It is used for the quantitative estimation of alkaloids. (See U. S. Ph., p. 4S6 
 and Nat. Disp. ) 
 With J'nitinic and . I uric C/iicirittcs, the Alkaloid Chlorides form very insoluble, 
 crystalline double salts similar in composition to the ammonium compounds 
 with the chlorides of these metals. 
 Also with the C/'i/jria'cs and A',//,/,/ of Mercury, Bismuth, Zinc and Cadmium 
 the Alkaloids unite to form insoluble double compounds. 
 The Alkaloids and their salts may therefore be regarded as /;/<vw/v///'',y with 
 these substances and they should not be dispensed in conjunction with them.
 Cinchona. Opium. Nux Vomica. 
 The respective alkaloidal strengths of the two important drugs, 
 Cinchona and Opium, are required by the U. S. Ph. to be within 
 certain specified limits. This is also required of the most important 
 preparations of Opium and in one (the Extract) it is fixed definitely. 
 Of Xux Vomica the alkaloidal strength is not fixed by the U. S. Ph., 
 but all the preparations are required to contain a specified amount of 
 total alkaloids. 
 The method of limiting the alkaloidal strength of all alkaloidal drugs and 
 their preparations, termed standardization, except in the three mentioned, has 
 so far not been adopted in the U. S. Ph. In so far as the proposition is based 
 upon the assumption that the medicinal value of these drugs is entirely depend- 
 ent on their alkaloidal constituents, or that our knowledge concerning them is 
 sufficient for their satisfactory determination, it is -wholly unwarranted; on the 
 other hand, that their comparative value is frequently ascertained through 
 standardization and that the method is an excellent corroborative expedient in 
 determining tJie value of these drugs and their preparations are indisputable 
 The Cinchona Barks are obtained from many different species of the 
 genus Cinchona, and vary considerably in the proportion of alkaloids 
 they contain, hence also in medicinal value. 
 The Pharmacopoeia recognizes, by the term Cinchona, the Calisaya 
 Bark, formerly official as Yellow Cinchona, and any bark of C. offici- 
 nalis, or other species and their hybrids, containing not less than 5 per 
 cent Alkaloids, at least half being Quinine. 
 The Red Bark is designated as Cinchona Rubra; the other kind, 
 known as "Pale" or Eoxa Bark, not being official unless containing 
 she required amount of alkaloids. 
 r'ormerly Cinchona was derived exclusively from South America where 
 A was indigenous to Bolivia and Peru (Peruvian Bark). During re- 
 cent years Cinchona trees have been cultivated in the East Indies, 
 notably in the Dutch possessions of Ceylon and Java. This has re- 
 sulted in producing Cinchona barks yielding a far greater proportion 
 of alkaloids than obtained from American Cinchonas and also in in- 
 creasing the relative amount of the most valuable alkaloid, the Quinine. 
 The atsav process consists in extracting the Cinchona with Alcohol 
 and Chloroform, converting the alkaloids into sulphates, liberating the
 alkaloidal bases and extraction with Chloroform, which yields the total 
 alkaloids upon evaporation. The Quinine is separated from the other 
 alkaloids through their comparative insolubility in Ether. 
 Cinchona. Cinchona, U. S. Calisaya Bark. Hark of Cinchona 
 Calisaya, Weddell; C. officinalis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Rubiacea:. Con- 
 stituents: Kinic, kinovic and cinchotannic acids; quinine, quinidine, 
 cinc.honine, cinchonidine and quinamine. Off. Prep.: Kxtractum Cin- 
 chona:; Kxtractum Cinchonre Fluidum; Infusum Cinchonas; Tinctura 
 Calisaya Bark contains the quinine in rather more than one-half the quantity 
 of the total amount of alkaloids, the proportion of cinchonidine, and especially 
 cinchonine, being quite small. While the U. S. Ph. directs that this bark 
 should contain at least two and one-half per cent of quinine, good specimens 
 contain from 4 to 8 per cent of it, and correspondingly less of the other inferi- 
 or alkaloids. Calisaya is also the most desirable kind of the cinchonas phar- 
 maceutically, because it contains less of the more or less inert and insoluble 
 constituents, such as cinchonic red, etc., and the liquid preparations are there- 
 fore less liable to precipitate than those made from other kinds of bark. 
 Red Cinchona, Cinchona Rubra, U. S. Bark of Cinchona suc- 
 cirubra, Pavon. Nat. Ord. , Rubiacere, containing not less than five per 
 cent of its peculiar alkaloids. Constituents: Same as C. Calisaya. 
 Off. Prep.: Tinctura Cinchonre composita. 
 This Cinchona, also known as Red Peruvian Bark or simply "Red Bark," 
 contains usually somewhat less quinine than the Calisaya, and a larger propor- 
 tion of the other constituents, especially cinchonic red. It is nevertheless a 
 more valuable tonic than the yellow kind, and for this reason is directed to be 
 used in the Compound Tincture of Cinchona. Its liquid preparations, especially 
 the Fluid Extract (unofficial), are exceedingly prone to precipitate, which is to 
 a great extent avoided by the addition of glycerin to the menstrua, which serves 
 to keep the cinchonic red in solution. 
 J-'.xtractuin C'liim ai/iii^suni, Ph. Ger. "Ext. Chinse frigid. parat.,"an extract 
 prepared by exhausting the coarsely powdered bark with successive portions of 
 water, concentrating, iiltering and evaporating to soft extract consistence. 
 Spurious, or false, barks are distinguished from the Cinchona barks 
 by Grahe's test: When about 1 Gm. of the bark, in pieces, is heated 
 in a test-tube, carmine-red vapors are given off which finally con- 
 dense to a red colored, tarry liquid, if true Cinchona bark. 
 A great many alkaloids have been obtained from Cinchona but 
 most of these are derivatives of one of the four principal ones. These 
 may be divided into two groups according to their characteristics: 
 1. Quinine and Quinidine. 
 "2. Cinchonine and Cinchonidine.
 In solubilities they differ widely, especially as to their solubility 
 in Water, the Quinine Hydrochlorate being very soluble, the #'</ Sul- 
 phate the most soluble of all, the neutral Sulphate the least soluble of 
 the sulphates of any of the alkaloids. The bases and all their salts are 
 fairly soluble in Alcohol, Cinchonine the least of any. In Ether, Qui- 
 nine is moderately soluble, its Salts, except the Hydrobromate, almost 
 insoluble; the other three bases and their salts are very sparingly solu- 
 ble in Ether, the Cinchonine least of all and upon this the method of 
 separating the Quinine from the other alkaloids, in the process for 
 assay, is based. 
 Quinine and Quinidine form two series of salts, viz.: Neutral 
 salts as the Sulphate and acid salts as the Bisulphate; the former being 
 very sparingly soluble in Water; the latter much more soluble. 
 While the solubility of the Quinine base in Water is increased by 
 Ammonia and decreased by Potassa and Soda, the base is precipitated 
 from the solutions of its Salts by all these alkalies, as well as by the 
 Alkaline Carbonates and Bicarbonates. 
 The acid solutions of the Salts of the Quinine Group, Quinine and 
 Quinidine, give a blue Color, termed fluorescence (1 in 100,000) 
 which is prevented by Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Ferrocyanides. 
 They also afford two reactions through which they and their salts are 
 more clearly distinguished from the alkaloids of the other group, Cin-. 
 chonine and Cinchonidine, viz: 
 Thalleioquin Test. -To a solution of the Salt (i in 2,500) is added one-fifth 
 its volume of Chlorine Water and then Ammonia Water, drop by drop; an 
 Emerald-green coloration is produced, becoming blue in Acid reaction and violet 
 in excess. Also modified: Potass. Chlor. 0.02, HC1 4 drops, warmed, add 
 water 5 C.C. and o.oi Quin. Sulph. and i C.C. Ammon. Water. 
 Hcrapa thite. The formation of crystals of lodo-sulphate of Quinine by re- 
 action of : Quinine Sulph. 8.1 dissolved in Acetic Acid 192, Alcohol 40, add 
 Sulphuric Acid i and Tr. Iodine 8 Gm. Upon cooling beautifully colored 
 crystals separate. 
 The second group, Cinchonine and Cinchonidine, do not afford any 
 fluorescence in dilute acid solutions; they do not produce the thalleio-* 
 quin reaction and their free bases crystallize water- free, while the 
 Quinine bases crystallize with water, forming efflorescent hydrates. 
 The Groups differ in their behavior to Polarized light: 
 Quinine and Cinchonine are /K-rv^mz/V. 
 Quinidine and Cinchonidine are iL-xtro^vrate. 
 The Tartratcs of Quinine and Cinchonine are sparingly soluble in water. 
 The Tartrates of Quinidine and Cinchonidine are eiisily soluble in water. 
 To determine whether or not Ouinir.e or its Salts are contaminate I
 with the other alkaloids, advantage is taken of the solubility of Quinine 
 Sulphate in Ammonia Water, as compared with the insolubility of the 
 other Alkaloidal Sulphates. 
 The method employed is a modification of Kerner 1 s Test and is 
 prescribed by the U. S. Ph. for Quinine and its most important Salts: 
 The Quinine (2 Gm. ) is mixed with a certain amount (i Gm.) of Ammonium 
 Sulphate and 10 C.C. distilled Water, the mixture thoroughly dried (rendered 
 neutral if necessary) and agitated with 20 C.C. of Water, allowed to macerate 
 for half an hour at 15 C. and then filtered through glass-wool. Five C.C. of 
 this filtrate, in a test-tube, gently mixed with 7 C.C. of official Ammonia Water, 
 without shaking, should produce a clear liquid. The presence of i per cent 
 or more of the other alkaloids would be indicated by the liquid assuming a 
 whitish cloudiness. 
 Ether, Chlo'- Gly- 
 U. S. form, cerin. 
 i 5 C Boil'g. 
 C 21) H 24 N Z 2 + 
 3H 2 
 (C, H 24 X,0 2 ), 
 H,SO 4 -f-7H 2 O. 
 Co H, 4 XoO., 
 HBr+H 2 O.. 
 C 2II H.,,X 2 0., 
 C S H,; ) :! 4- H 2 
 (C l9 H 22 NoO) 2 
 (C IB H' 2 N,0), ' 
 H,S0 4 -f 3H,O. 
 5 200 
 680 40 
 ( Cinchonine ). 
 X.K, Sulphas.. 
 Quinine sulphate, with 7 molecules of water of crystallization, con- 
 tains 1(1.18 per cent of Water and upon exposure loses as much as 10 
 to 1-J per cent of water; it should therefore be kept in tightly stop- 
 oered containers in not too dry a place. 
 [~.\rs. Chiefly in the form of powder inclosed in capsules, cachets and pills, 
 coated with sugar or gelatin. The capsules may easily be given the preference 
 over coated pills and have the advantage of being prepared in the pharmacy. 
 For pill mass the best (.(//'/< ;// is Glucose or Glycerite of Starch. Dilute or 
 Aromatic Sulphuric Arid acts dissolving upon the salt and forms a mass wh ch 
 becomes rapidly brittle and must be quickly formed into pills when used 
 instead of other excipients.
 314 OPIUM. 
 Opium. Opium, U. S. Concrete, milky exudation obtained by 
 incising the unripe capsules of Papaver somniferum, Linne. Nat. Ord., 
 Papaveraceae, yielding in its normal moist condition not less than 
 nine per cent of crystallized Morphine. Constituents: Morphine, 
 codeine, thebaine, narcotine, narceine, pseudomorphine, papaverine, 
 and many other alkaloids; also meconic acid, thebolactic acid and 
 meconin. Off. Prep.: Opii Pulvis. 
 Opium contains about ten per cent of moisture, in exceptional in- 
 stances twenty or even thirty per cent, and from nine to fourteen per 
 cent of morphine. Preparations of opium should therefore not be 
 prepared from the crude drug, but from powdered opium, which 
 should contain not less than thirteen nor more than fifteen per cent of 
 ^^z process of assay consists in exhausting the Opium with water 
 and precipitating the alkaloids with Ammonia Water; the crystals are 
 carefully separated from the mother-liquid and washed with Ether and 
 Alcohol until obtained in a pure state. 
 The processes for the assay of the Tincture and the Extract differ in 
 no essential particular from the process applied to the crude opium. 
 Powdered Opium. Opii Pulvis, U. S. Powdered Opium contain- 
 ing not less than thirteen nor more than fifteen per cent of crystallized 
 morphine. Prepared by drying the crude drug, first separated into 
 smaller pieces, at a temperature not exceeding 8oC. (185F.), until 
 it ceases to lose weight, and then reduced to a very fine (Xo. 80) pow- 
 der. It is then assayed for its morphine strength (see Opium Assay, 
 U. S. Ph.), and, if necessary, mixed with other specimens of powdered 
 opium, to bring the strength within the limits prescribed by the Phar- 
 Deodorized Opium. Opium Deodoratum. U. S. Opium Denar- 
 cotisatum T. S. Ph., '8U. Prepared from powdered opium by 
 macerating it successively with Ether, which extracts the principles to 
 which opium is supposed to owe its disturbing qualities. After hav- 
 ing been freed from the Ether, the opium is thoroughly triturated with 
 sufficient Sugar of Milk to represent its original weight. It' is there- 
 fore of the same morphine strength as the powdered opium. 
 This is essentially the process employed in the preparation of the Deodorized 
 Tincture of Opium. Petroleum benzin may be substituted for ether, owing to 
 its economy; although it does not extract narcotine, it removes the principles 
 which are supposed to be objectionable quite as completely as the more high- 
 priced solvent.
 For adulterations and means for their detection, see the U. S. or Nat. Dis- 
 pensatories. Opium or its preparations may be recognized by the d<'t-p-r,-d 
 coloration produced by one of its constituents, Meconic Acid, with Ferric Salts, 
 which differs from that produced with acetic acid by not disappearing on the 
 addition of dilute hydrochloric acid. 
 The Tinctures and Extract are officially directed to be prepared from pow- 
 dered Opium (No. 80.) A coarser (granulated) powder may answer equally well, 
 provided that it is dry and uniform in strength. 
 The designation "aqueous, " so much applied to opium preparations, should 
 be abolished since there are no "strictly alcoholic" preparations of Opium. 
 The following Preparations of opium are official: 
 Acetum Opii; Vinum Opii; 
 Tincturre: Opii; Opii Deodorata; Ipecac, et Opii; and 
 Pulvis Ipecac, et Opii; all 10 per cent. 
 Extractum Opii, triturated with Sugar of Milk so as to contain IK 
 per cent morphine; Emplastrum Opii (<> per cent Ext.) 
 Tinctura Opii Camphorata 0. 4 per cent. 
 Piluke Opii 6.5 eg. (ea. ); Trochisci Glycyrrhiza; et Opii (5 mg. 
 Of the nineteen alkaloids that have been obtained from Opium, only 
 two are official, viz.: Morphine and Codeine; a third. Apomorphine, 
 being produced artificially from either of these. 
 Morphine, the first alkaloid discovered, crystallizes with one mole- 
 cule of water, C 17 H lu XO 3 -f H,O. 
 It is very sparingly soluble in Water, Ether or Alcohol except at the 
 boiling temperature. Its salts are readily formed by saturating the 
 respective dilute acids with the alkaloidal base and obtained in crys- 
 tals by concentrating the solutions by evaporation at a moderate tem- 
 perature. The salts are freely soluble in Water and, except the sul- 
 phate, also moderately soluble in Alcohol; they are all practically in- 
 soluble in Ether. 
 The alkaloid and its salts are precipitated by solutions of I'otassa and of 
 Soda, but the precipitate is dissolved in excess of the alkali, in which Morphine 
 differs from other alkaloids. It forms a bright red color with Nitric Acid, but 
 remains colorless or becomes slightly yellowish with Sulphuric Acid, if free 
 from the other opium alkaloids (narcotine, papaverine. etc. I, and upon the 
 addition of a small crystal of Potassium Permanganate, it should acquire but a 
 greenish, no violet or purple color (distinction from strvchnine' The i-per- 
 cent solution of the sulphate produces a l<luc color with a few drops of solution 
 of Ferric Chloride, which is destroyed by acids, alcohol, or by heating. Mor- 
 phine solution is rendered cloudv by Tannic Acid but the whitish coloration 
 (or precipitate) quickly disappears upon the addition of Acetic Acid.
 Morphine is a powerful reducing agent, acting upon oxides and salts 
 of Silver and Gold and acids of Iodine, liberating the Iodine, thus 
 producing a reddish color in Hydriodic Acid; it acts similarly upon 
 the acids of Titan, Wolfram, Tin and Vanadium and with: 
 Froehde' s Reagent (a" 1 1-per-cent solution of Sodium Molybdate in 
 Sulphuric Acid) it produces a play of colors ranging from violet into 
 blue, then from dirty green into yellow and finally into pale red or 
 pink. This is the most sensitive test for morphine, the reaction oc- 
 curring with 2-J-jj- mg. of the alkaloid in most dilute solution. 
 By boiling with Acids and treating it with Alkalies, Morphine loses 
 one molecule of water and becomes Apomorphine, C 1? H 17 NO 2 , the 
 Hydrochlorate of which is official; it has entirely different properties 
 from morphine and is more powerful as a poison. 
 Codeine is separated from morphine in the mixed alkaloids, in the 
 process of manufacture, by precipitation and is removed by solution 
 in Ether in which it is very soluble. Codeine throws morphine out of 
 solution, when added to solutions of morphine salts. 
 i5 a C 
 C 1T H I9 N0 3 + 
 (Morphine). . . 
 C 17 H 1!) N0 3 ' 
 2 4 1 0.5 
 1 ' 
 3 c g- 
 y 2 
 C 17 H 19 NO, 
 C,H 4 O. 2 +3H 2 O 
 2.5 1.5 
 C 17 H 17 N0 2 
 l /(> 
 C 18 H 2I N0 3 + 
 45 comp. 
 cm p 
 l /3 
 (CodeineV .. 
 H.,0 . . 
 So 17 
 13 6CT. 
 Uses. Morphine in powder, or granules, containing from ] 2 eg. (y 1 , gr.)to 
 3 eg. (}-2 gr.), the maximum dose. Hypodermically the dose is one-half as 
 much, or even less. A solution formerly official (70) contained i grain to the 
 fl. ounce of water; Magendie's solution contained 2 grains to the fl. dram. 
 Great care must be exercised in distinguishing between these two solutions, 
 as fatal consequences have resulted from their confusion. Solutions of mor- 
 phine should specify the strength desired. It should never be administered to 
 children, the least quantity having sometimes proved fatal. 
 For antiiio'i' the stomach should be evacuated as promptly as possible by 
 Mustard infusion, Zinc or Copper Sulphate. Hot Decoction of Coffee with 
 Brandy or Whisky, but without milk, and exercise; as physiological antidote, 
 Belladonna, or Atropine, hypodermically, should be employed. 
 Codeine has been used as a substitute for morphine in double the dose.
 Apomorphine\s used only as an emetic, dose i eg., or subcutaneously in one- 
 half the dose. 
 Nux Vomica. Nux Vomica, U.S. Seed of Strychnos Nux-vomica, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord. , Loganiacece. Constituents: Strychnine one-half 
 to one per cent, brucine, loganine, igasuric acid and fixed oil. 
 f'si-s. Chiefly for the preparation of Strychnine, one of the most powerful 
 poisons, used extensively by trappers for killing fur-bearing animals; also in the 
 powdered form. Nux vomica is reduced to a powder only with great difficulty, 
 owing to its flexible or horny character, and to the fact that it contains about 
 five per cent of fixed oil. By subjecting the seeds to the action of live- 
 steam, however, and subsequently drying them, the integuments become brit- 
 tle, and they are then easily powdered. 
 All the Preparations of Nux Vomica are required to contain a defi- 
 nite percentage amount of total Alkaloids. 
 While strychnine is the most active, if not the only active, constitu- 
 ent, the U. S. Ph. does not fix the strychnine percentages but only the 
 total alkaloid amount, because of the difficulties attending the separa- 
 tion of the strychnine from the other alkaloids. The strychnine 
 constitutes usually about one-half of the total alkaloids. 
 Following are the official Preparations with their Alkaloidal strength 
 and also their approximate Drug strength: 
 L+xtractiun Xncis Vomica, contains 15 / total alkaloids; yield from Drug 
 about io^f ; i of extract rep. 10 of Drug. 
 Extract um Xucis Vomicit Fhtiduni, contains i.5 r r total alkaloids; i C.C. 
 rep. about i Gm. Drug. 
 Tincture Xiifis Vomica, contains 0.3^ total alkaloids or 2 ( ' r extract; 5 C.C. 
 rep. about i Gm. of Drug. 
 In order to obtain the Extract in the powdered form it is necessary to free it 
 from the fixed oil (derived from the Nux in the extraction) which constitutes 
 nearly one-half of its weight. This is done by shaking it with Ether which dis- 
 solves out the oil, but also small quantities of the alkaloids; these are recovered 
 from the oil, after evaporation of the ether, by washing with Water acidulated 
 with Acetic Acid, rendering the liquid alkaline, extracting the alkaloid with 
 Chloroform and adding it to the oil-free extract. After the Extract has been 
 assayed it is triturated vith sufficient Sugar of Milk (nearly an equal weight) 
 to make it represent 15 per cent of total alkaloids. 
 From this Extract the tincture is made by solution in alcohol and water. 
 The Fluid Extract is made by concentrating the percolate to one-fifth and, after 
 assaying this extract, adding sufficient menstruum to make it represent one- 
 tenth the strength of the Extract, or 1.5'^ total alkaloids. 
 The process of Assay for Nux Vomica is based upon the property of 
 the Alkaloids to neutralize Acids. The operation of determining the 
 quantity of alkali by saturating or neutralizing it with acids is that
 branch of Analysis called alkalimetry. When performed by measure it 
 is called Volumetric Analysis and the solutions employed volumetric 
 solutions (V. S.)- (See U. S. Ph., p. 482.) 
 A certain number of cubic centimeters of a normal, decinormal or centinormal 
 solution of an acid, as Sulphuric Acid, is required to completely saturate a cer- 
 tain number of C.C. of similar solutions of alkalies, as Potassium Hydrate, or 
 a certain quantity of the alkali. The point of exact neutrality is known by 
 the effect on certain organic substances termed Indicators. 
 This process is adapted to the determination of alkaloids by obtaining these 
 in a pure form in solution in a certain amount (C.C.) of decinormal Sulphuric 
 Acid and then adding the required number of C.C. of centinormal Solution of 
 Potassium Hydrate to effect saturation. The amount of alkaloid present is 
 then found by reference and calculation from the tables. 
 For further information concerning Volumetric Analysis and its application 
 to the assay of alkaloids refer to a "Hand-book of Pharmacy," by V. Coblentz, 
 (N. Y.). 
 The plants of the Strychnos Family furnish several alkaloids 
 distinguished as the most poisonous of the vegetable principles. The 
 most important of these is Strychnine, obtained from the seed of 
 Strychnos Xux-vomica and also irom other plants of the Loganiacese, 
 especially Strychnos Ignatia, formerly official. A second alkaloid, 
 Bmcine, is obtained as a by-product from the mother-liquid, where it 
 is left in the preparation of strychnine, because of its greater solubility. 
 The presence of a third alkaloid, Loganine, has not been established. 
 The most powerful poison, "Curare," used for the purpose of poison- 
 ing arrows by Indians, and an alkaloid, ci/rarinc, are derived from 
 allied plants. 
 Strychnine is almost insoluble in Water (6,700), but it is so in- 
 tensely bitter that one grain is sufficient to impart a decided bitter 
 taste to over 10 Gallons of Water; it is slightly soluble in Alcohol, in- 
 soluble in Ether, but very soluble in 'Chloroform, hence the use of 
 this solvent in processes for the extraction of the alkaloids. Its salts, 
 especially the sulphate, are moderately soluble in water and alcohol. 
 Brucine is much more soluble in Water and very soluble in Alcohol 
 and Chloroform, but insoluble in Ether. It is poisonous but less so 
 than Strvchnine. 
 Strychnine is not colored by Sulphuric Acid, but when a little of it 
 is dissolved in Sulphuric Acid and then a small crystal of Potassium 
 Bichromate is drawn through the liquid with a glass-rod, there will be 
 produced a series of variegated colors, at first blue to purplish-blue, 
 then gradually to violet, purplish-red and cherry-red in rapid succes-
 sion and finally into orange or yellow. This is the most characteristic 
 test for strychnine. 
 U. S. 
 i 5 C 
 (Strychnine). . 
 Sulphas .... 
 8. 5 
 (Q,H,,N. 2 2 ) 2 
 H 2 S0 4 -f-5H. 2 O . . 
 C 2 ,H, 6 N 2 4 
 Strychnine is colored yellow by Nitric Acid, whereby it is distinguished from 
 Brucine, which is colored blood-red by Nitric Acid and also in a mixture of it 
 and Sulphuric Acid. When Strychnine is boiled with Hydrochloric Acid the 
 liquid turns red upon the addition of a trace of Nitric Acid. Ammonium 
 Sulphhydrate added to the solution of Brucine in Nitric Acid renders the latter 
 intense violet. 
 Uses. In the form of trituration, tablets, granules and associated with other 
 agents in elixirs, syrups, etc. Hall's solution contains i grain of strychnine to 
 the fl. ounce of weak Acetic Acid (colored red). Another solution contains 4 
 grains to the fl. ounce of Alcohol (preferably alcohol 70$); the best form may 
 be made metrically; i Gm. in 100 C.C. which is a saturated solution. 
 The dose is from 2 mg. (Jy gr.) gradually increased to 5 mg. (fa gr.). 
 The Hypodermic solution is usually made from the sulphate, one-per-cent 
 solution in Water (i Gm. in 100 C.C.). 
 Antidote. Prompt evacuation of the stomach by emetics, Mustard Infusion, 
 etc. Physiological antagonists are: Apomorphine hypodermically 2 eg., 
 Chloral and Chloroform. Afterward purging with Castor Oil, saline Cathartics. 
 Alkaloids and Salts. 
 A number of plants belonging to the natural order Solanacese yield 
 a class of alkaloids which exercise a peculiar effect of dilating the pupil 
 of the eye. This effect is termed mydriasis and the agents producing 
 it, mydriatics. 
 These alkaloids, of which Atropine is the type, comprise Hyoscya- 
 mine, Hyoscine and several others, which, although obtained from 
 different plants, are so closely related as to be considered identical 
 and have nearly the same chemical and physical properties. 
 Atropine, the most important of this class, is obtained chiefly from 
 the leaves and root of Atropa Belladonna; Hyoscyamine is obtained 
 from the leaves and seeds of Hyoscyamus niger and also from the 
 seeds of Datura Stramonium, formerly called daturine; from Uuboisia 
 myoporoides (ituboisinc) and from the root ofScopolia atropoides and 
 S. Japonica, the alkaloids of which are also called scopolaminc and 
 scopolin, and also as a by-product in the preparation of Atropine from 
 Belladonna, in which it is retained in the mother-liquid because of 
 its greater solubility in water and dilute alcohol. Recent researches 
 indicate that these are all identical with Hyoscyamine and in fact that 
 the two alkaloids may be obtained from any one of all the different 
 plants here mentioned. 
 Hyoscine is an uncrystallizable alkaloid derived from the mother- 
 liquid from the preparation of Hyoscyamine and Atropine. from which 
 it is also produced, by converting it into a Hydrochlorate, precipitat- 
 ing it as a Gold double-chloride, decomposing this and dissolving in 
 Ether and crystallizing it as Hydrochlorate. 
 As to solubilities, the official Salts of these alkaloids are all very 
 soluble in Water and in Alcohol; they are all very slightly soluble in 
 Kther and sparingly or very slightly soluble in Chloroform. The 
 base, Atropine, is sparingly soluble in water, but freely soluble in 
 alcohol., ether and chloroform. 
 Atropine is split by HC1, at 100 to i3o'C., into Tropin, C S H I5 NO and 
 Tropic Acid, C l( H 10 Oj; the former by reagents is reduced to a number of deriva- 
 tive compounds. 
 These Alkaloids and their Salts all respond to practically the same 
 With Sulphuric Acid no coloration until warmed, then brownish; i mg. 
 warmed with Sulphuric Acid and diluted with an equal volume of Water, 
 develops orange-flower otfur and by the addition of a crystal of Potassium 
 Pichiomate or Permanganate the odor is changed to that of Hitter Almond. 
 A grain of it sprinkled with fuming Nitric Acid leaves a yellow residue, which 
 when dampened with alcoholic solution of Potassa produces an intense violet 
 color (Vitali's test). 
 All these alkaloids and their salts produce precipitates with Mercuric-potas- 
 sium Iodide, but not with Platinic Chloride, through which they are distin- 
 guished from most other alkaloids. 
 They all produce precipitates with Auric Chloride and through the appear- 
 ance of this compound, crystallized from alcohol, the various bases may be 
 distinguished from each other. (See U. S. Ph.) 
 i 5 r c. 
 U. S. 
 (Atropine) . . . 
 C 17 H 23 N0 3 
 (C 17 H 2 ,NO S ) 2 
 H.,SO 4 
 na .... 
 R'ts, 1'vs. 
 mus, Stra- 
 Leaves & 
 Seeds. . 
 N^i, Sulphas.. 
 (C 17 H 2 ,NO :j ), 
 H 2 SO 4 
 Ci 7 H 23 NO,HBr .. 
 C 17 H 21 NO 4 HBr 
 Homatrvpine. C l6 H.jiNO 3 . Oxytoluyl-tropein is produced by acting upon 
 the Amygdalic Acid Salt of Atropine with Sulphuric Acid, precipitation with 
 Alkalies, extraction with Chloroform and crystallizing into the Hydrochlorate. 
 It is said to act as quickly as atropine and to have the advantage in that 
 the effects on the pupil (dilatation) is of but from 12 to 24 hours duration as 
 against a period of 8 days for the effects of atropine to wear off. 
 I'ses. In ophthalmology in one-per-cent solution. Hypodermically in 
 doses ranging from % mg. (.j^ gr.) to i eg. ( l /(, gr.). Sometimes by the 
 mouth in doses somewhat larger, in the form of granules, tablets, etc. 
 Caffeine. C 8 H 10 X 4 O 2 + H,O. Caffeina, U. S. Theine. An 
 alkaloid obtained from "Tea," Thea Sinensis, Linne. Nat. Ord., 
 Ternstroumiaceoe; from Coffea Arabica, Linne. Nat. Ord., Rubiacese; 
 also from Guaranaand some other plants. 
 Soluble in 80 parts of water, in 33 parts alcohol, in 555 parts ether, in 7 parts 
 ot chloroform, in 9.5 parts boiling water and very soluble in boiling alcohol. 
 It is a very feeble base and forms salts with difficulty. The official 
 preparations of it are not true compounds, but simply mixtures with 
 citric acid: 
 Caffeina Cilrata, U. S. Caffeine and Citric -Acid equal parts, dissolved in 
 water, evaporated to dryness and powdered. It forms a clear solution with 3
 parts of water, but is precipitated upon further dilution until 25 parts of watel 
 is added when it remains clear. 
 Caffeina Citrata Effervescent, U. S. Same as the preceding mixed with 
 Sodium Bicarbonate and Tartaric Acid, made into a paste with Alcohol, 
 rubbed through a coarse sieve, dried and obtained as a granular powder. 
 It contains -2.% of Citrated Caffeine; from 2 to 5 Gm. dissolved in water taken 
 as an effervescent draught. 
 Cocaine Hydrochlorate. C 17 H 21 NO 4 HC1. Cocainae Hydrochloras, 
 U. S. Obtained from Erythroxylon Coca. Coca Leaves. Contains 
 also two other alkaloids, ecgonine, C 9 H ig NO 3 , and benzoylecgonin. 
 both of which are left in the mother-liquor from the preparation of 
 cocaine. These are converted into cocaine by a synthetic process, 
 which adds considerably to the yield and has also reduced the cost 
 of the alkaloid. 
 The hydrochlorate is the salt usually employed and is dispensed 
 even when the alkaloid itself may inadvertently be prescribed. 
 It is soluble in about one-half its weight (0.48) of water, in 3. 5 parts alcohol, 
 in 2800 parts ether and in 17 parts of chloroform. Heated with Sulphuric 
 Acid it gives off vapors of Benzole Acid; at the ordinary temperature it is not 
 colored by Sulphuric or Nitric Acids. It should be tested for the absence of 
 other Coca bases by potassium permanganate. It may be distinguished by the 
 sense of numbness it leaves upon the tongue. 
 Uses. Chiefly in the form of solution from i to 5 per cent strength for 
 hypodermic use. These should be prepared by metric quantities; i Gram for 
 each per cent wanted, in 100 C.C. of Distilled or Chloroform Water. It should 
 not be dispensed except upon prescriptions. 
 Hydrastinine Hydrochlorate.^ -C H H n NO 2 HCl. Hydrastininas Hy- 
 drochloras, U. S. An artificial alkaloid derived from Hydrastine, 
 the colorless alkaloid obtained from Hydrastis Canadensis. 
 Through oxidizing agents Hydrastine C^H.-XO. is converted into 
 * 21 -il o 
 Hydrastinine, C n H u NO 2 and Opianic Acid, C 10 H 10 O r : 
 C 21 H 8l N0 6 +0-C 11 H 11 NO a +C 10 H 10 5 . 
 The hydrochlorate is in light yellow, amorphous granules or a pale yellow 
 crystal 1 ine powder, very soluble in water and alcohol, difficultly soluble in ether 
 or chloroform. It imparts a blue fluorescence to water, i mg. in 100 Liter. 
 C'st's. As an emmenagogue, as a substitute for Ergot, in doses of 2 to 3 eg.; 
 or hypodermically in lo-per-cent solution. 
 Physostigminc Sulphate. (C 15 H 21 N 3 O 2 ) 8 H 2 SO 4 Physostigminae 
 Sulphas, U. S. Eserine Sulphate. Obtained from Physostigma, 
 "Calabar Bean." 
 A yellowish white powder very deliquescent, gradually turning reddish upon 
 exposure to the air and light and should 1 therefore be kept in small, dark, 
 amber-colored and well-stoppered vials. Very soluble in water and alcohol.
 Physostigmine Salicylate. C 1 ,.H. !1 N 3 O 2 C 7 H 8 O 3 . Physostigminae 
 Salicylas, U. S.. Eserine Salicylate. 
 Faintly yellowish, acicular crystals, acquiring a reddish tint upon exposure 
 and must therefore bo kept with same precautions as the sulphate. Soluble in 
 150 parts of water, in 30 parts boiling water and in 12 parts of alcohol. Its 
 aqueous solution produces with ferric chloride a deep violet color. 
 L'si's. As a motor depressant in doses of i mg. ( G l j grain). Also in ophthal- 
 mology to contract the pupil in gelatin disks, Lamellar, Ph. Br., containing 
 T&iJS 8 rain - 
 Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate. C u H 18 N a O.,HCl. Pilocarpinae Hy- 
 drochloras, U. S. Obtained from Pilocarpus, or Jaborandi. 
 Small white crystals, deliquescent on exposure to damp air and should there- 
 fore be kept in small well-stoppered vials. Very soluble in water and alcohol; 
 almost insoluble in ether or chloroform. 
 Csi-s. A motor depressant, diaphoretic and sialagogue, i to 3 eg ; hypoder- 
 mically i eg. 
 Sparfeinr Sulphate. C 1 .H., ( .\.,H 2 SO t -f 4H 2 O. Sparteinae Sulphas, 
 U. S. The neutral Sulphate of an alkaloid obtained from Scoparius, 
 Cytisus (Sparteum) Scoparius. 
 White, prismatic crystals or granular powder, deliquescent when exposed to 
 damp air. Very soluble in water and alcohol. 
 L'ses. A motor excitant, diuretic, laxative, in large doses emetic; dose i to 5 
 eg., hypodermically l /i to 3 eg. 
 Veratrinc. Veratrina, U. S. A mixture of Alkaloids obtained 
 from Cevadilla seed, Asagrea officinalis, Mid not from Veratrum as 
 its name would indicate. 
 To the alkaloids obtained from Sabadilla and Veratrum (White 
 Hellebore), the name was first applied, but when the distinction of 
 the alkaloids of the two drugs had been proved, the name of rcra- 
 trine was retained for the total alkaloids derived from Cevadilla, while 
 those found in Veratrum were termed jcrrinc, veratralbinc, etc. 
 Veratrine is very slightly soluble in Water, soluble in 3 parts Alcohol, in 6 
 parts of Ether and in 2 parts Chloroform. 
 With Nitric Acid it forms a iv//<;rc' solution; with Hydrochloric Acid upon 
 heating a deep-red color. 
 With Sulphuric Acid, upon trituration in a glass-mortar, it forms a iv//<'7t' or 
 erange-rtd solution, exhibiting by reflected light a ^rccnii'k lluorescence, while 
 deep-red by transmitted light. 
 L'ses. Only externally in the form of the Oleate ( r '<}, Ointment (4 ^ V It 
 produces great irritation in contact with the nasal membrane and, therefore, 
 when employed in preparing Ointments, etc., should not be triturated in its 
 dry form, but with the addition of a liquid substance. It is very poisonous.
 The Alkaloidal Drugs. 
 Alco. Ether. 
 C ffl H 43 N0 12 .... 
 C 22 H 30 N 2 2 
 C 20 H 17 N0 4 
 HC1+ 4 H 2 O 
 Aconitum.. . . 
 Colchicum ... 
 mg. i 
 eg. i 
 C 8 H 17 N,HBr . 
 C 22 H 35 NO 6 
 Not determin'd 
 C 12 H 14 N0 2 .... 
 Hydrastis .... 
 alb, et vir. 
 Granatum ... 
 eg. i 
 Hydrastine .... 
 C 26 H H7 N0 3 + 
 2H 2 O 
 C b H 15 NO4- 
 *The alkaloids are all soluble in chloroform. 
 Aconite. Aconitum, U. S. Aconite Root. The tuberous Root 
 of Aconitum Napellus, Linne. Nat. Ord., Ranunculacese. Constitu- 
 ents: Aconitine, napelline, fixed oil, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Aconiti; Extractum Aconiti Fluidum; Tinctura Aconiti. 
 Preparations of Aconite Leaves were formerly official (U. S. Ph., '70) and 
 the Tincture and Extract are still occasionally employed. These are not as 
 strong as the respective preparations of the root, and care should be taken that 
 they be not confused with one another. Aconite is the most poisonous of the 
 official Drugs. 
 Uses. In preparing Aconitia, a mixture of the active principles not to be 
 confounded with the crystallized alkaloid, Aconitine, Duquesnel; an Abstract 
 and a Liniment, all formerly official. 
 Aspidospcnna. Aspidosperma, U. S. Quebracho. Bark of Aspi- 
 dosperma Quebracho-bianco, Schlechtdal. Nat. Ord., Apocynaceae. 
 Constituents: "Aspidospermin," a mixture of several alkaloids: 
 aspidospermine, aspidospermatine, quebrachine and two others; also 
 tannin in considerable quantity. Off. Prep.: Extractum Aspido- 
 spermatis Fluidum.
 Belladonna Root. Belladonnas Radix, U. S. Root of Atropa 
 Belladonna, Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanaceae. Constituents: Atropine 
 from 0.4 to 1 per cent and secondary alkaloids said to be identical 
 with those obtained from Hyoscyamus and Stramonium. Off. Prep., 
 Extractum Belladonna; Radicis Fluiduni. 
 Uses. In the preparation of Atropine and in the form of powder; the Extract 
 formerly in Belladonna Plaster and in the Abstract, '80. Old and woody roots 
 should be rejected, as their yield of alkaloid is much less than in young, plump 
 and light colored specimens of the drug. 
 Belladonna Leaves. Belladonnas Folia, U. S. Leaves of Atropa 
 Belladonna, Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanaceas. Constituents: Same as 
 in the Root in about the same proportion. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Belladonnas Foliorum Alcoholicum; Tinctura Belladonnas Foliorum. 
 Uses. Similar to the root; also in the "Powdered Extract" and in the 
 official Belladonna Plaster. 
 Calumba. (See Group 7.) 
 Chelidoniitm. Chelidonium, L T . S. Celandine. Herb of Chelido- 
 nium majus, Linne. Nat. Ord., Papaveraceae. Constituents: Cheli- 
 donine, sanguinarine, chelidoxanthine, chelidonic acid. 
 Uses. As Fluid Extract, Tincture and Extract Ph. Ger., prepared from the 
 juice expressed from the fresh leaves. 
 Colchiciim Root. Colchici Radix, U. S. Corm of Colchicum 
 autumnale, Linne. Nat. Ord., Liliaceaj. Constituents: Colchicine, 
 starch, etc. Off. Prep.: Extractum Colchici Radicis; Extractum 
 Colchici Radicis Fluidum; Vinum Colchici Radicis. 
 Uses. In the form of powder and in the preparation of an unofficial Vine- 
 gar and Oxymel. 
 Colchicum Seed. Colchici Semen, U. S. Seed of Colchicum 
 autumnale, Linne. Nat. Ord.. Liliaceas. Constituents: Colchicine, 
 colchiceine, fixed oil. Off. Prep.: Extractum Colchici Seminis 
 Fluidum; Tinctura Colchici Seminis; Yinum Colchici Seminis. 
 Colchicum Seed contains a large proportion of fixed oil which is liable to 
 separate and cause turbidity in its preparations; its uses are similar to those of 
 the root. 
 Coninin. Conium. I*. S. Poison Hemlock. Fruit of Conium 
 maculatum. Linne. Nat. Ord.. I'mbellifenv. Constituents: Confine, 
 conhydrine. fixed oil. volatile oil. Off. Prep.: Fxtractum Conii, 
 Extractum Conii Fluidum. a Tincture and an Abstract formerly 
 The alkaloid Coniine is very volatile, and Acetic Acid is used in extracting 
 the drug to "fix" it. that is to prevent its volatilization in the process of con-
 centration which should be effected by a moderately warm heat. The leaves, 
 formerly official, have been discarded, owing to their being often inert. 
 Coca. Coca, U. 9l Erythroxylon, U. S. '80 Leaves of Ery- 
 throxylon Coca, Lamarck. Nat. Ord., Lineae. Constituents: Co- 
 caine and hygrine. Off. Prep.: Extractum Cocas Fluidum. 
 Uses. In the preparation of the alkaloid Cocaine and its salts, chiefly the 
 hydrochlorate, largely used as anaesthetic, also in the form of Elixir, Extract, 
 Wine and Infusion. (See Nat. Form.) 
 Gelscmium. Gelsemium, U. S. Yellow Jasmine. Rhizome and 
 rootlets of Gelsemium sempervirens, Persoon. Nat. Ord. , Logani- 
 aceae. Constituents: Volatile oil, gelsemine, gelseminic acid and 
 resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Gelsemii Fluidum; Tinctura Gelsemii. 
 Uses. "Gelsemin,"a resinoid and an Extract (solid) which represents ten 
 times its weight of the drug. 
 Guarana. Guarana, U. S. Paste prepared from crushed seeds of 
 Paullinia Cupana, Kunth. Nat. Ord., Sapindaceae. Constituents: 
 Caffeine four per cent, tannin, saponin and resin. Off. Prep.: Ex- 
 tractum Guarance Fluidum. 
 Uses. In the Various Elixirs, simple and compound. In the powdered form 
 and an Extract, one grain of which represents about four grains of the drug. 
 Hydrastis.- -Hydrastis, U. S. Golden Seal. Rhizome and root- 
 lets of Hydrastis Canadensis, Linne. Xat. Ord., Ranunculaceae. 
 Constituents: Berberine, hydrastine. Off. Prep.: Extractum Hydras- 
 tis Fluidum; Glyceritum Hydrastis; Tinctura Hydrastis. 
 Uses. "Hydrastin," a resinoid; being a mixture of the active principles 
 chiefly of berberine (hydrochlor). This term is a misnomer, because of the 
 existence of a second alkaloid in this drug to which the term hydrastine has 
 been applied. The so-called "aqueous fluid extract'' is similar to the Gly- 
 cerite; a colorless solution of the alkaloid Hydrastine and an artificial alkaloid, 
 Hydrastinine, are also used. 
 Hops. Humulus, U". S. Strobiles of Humulus Lupulus, Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., L'rticacere. Constituents: Volatile oil, tannin four per 
 cent, resin, lupuline. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Humuli. 
 Uses. As Poultice or Plaster, Infusion; and in the brewing of Beer; also an 
 unofficial Extract and Fluid Extract. 
 Hyoscyamits. Hyoscyamus, U. S. Henbane. Leaves of Hyo- 
 scyamus niger, Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanaceae. (Should becollected 
 from plants of the second year's growth.) Constituents: Hyoscya- 
 mine. hyoscineaml hyoscipicrin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Hyoscyami; 
 Extrartum HyG.-ryami Fluidum; Tinctura Hyoscyami. 
 Uses. In the powdered form, but chiefly in the form of Extract and Ab- 
 stract, about one-third the strength of the extract, formerly official.
 DRUGS. 327 
 Ipecac. Ipecacuanha, U. S. Root of Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, A. 
 Richard. Nat. Orel., Rubiaceai. Constituents. Emetine, ipecacu- 
 anhic acid, resin, etc. Off. Prep.: Kxtractum Ipecacuanha? Flui- 
 dum; Pulvis Ipecacuanha,- et Opii; Trochisci Ipecacuanhas; Trochisci 
 Morphina: et Ipecacuanhse. 
 ('M\(. In the form of powder (as a prompt emetic in doses of ten grains). 
 The Syrup, Tincture of Ipecac and Opium, and Wine of Ipecac (U. S. ) are all 
 prepared from the fluid extract. 
 Lobelia. Lobelia, U. S. Leavesand tops of Lobelia inflata, Linne. 
 Collected after flowering, but before seeds are entirely ripe. Nat. 
 Ord., Lobeliacere. Constituents: Lobeline. lobelacrin, lobelic acid 
 and resin. Off. Prep.: Kxtractum Lobelia: Fluidum: Tinctura Lobelias. 
 I'scs. As Decoction and Infusion; sometimes in the form of powder; also in 
 a number of preparations of the Eclectic school and the Vinegar, formerly 
 Me ni sperm inn. -Menispermiim, U. S. Moonseed, Yellow Parilla, 
 Rhi/.ome and rootlets of Menispermum Canadense, Linne. Nat. Ord.. 
 Menispermacese. Constituents: Berberine, menispine, resin. Off. 
 Prep.: Kxtractum Menispermi Fluidum. 
 I'scs. Infusion and in several preparations of the Am. Dispensatory. 
 Pareira. Pareira, U. S. Pareira Brava. Root of Chondodendron 
 tomentosum, Rui/ and Pavon. Nat. Ord., Menispermaceaj. Con- 
 stituents: Pelosine, resin. Off. Prep.: Kxtractum Pareint Fluidum. 
 Cscs. In Decoction and Infusion. 
 Pepper. (See Group 3.) 
 Physostigma. Physostigma, U". S. Calabar-Bean. Seed of Phy- 
 sostigma venenosum. Balfour. Nat. Ord., Leguminosge. Constitu- 
 ents: Physostigmine, calabarine and physosterin. Off. Prep.: Kxtrac- 
 tum Physostigmatis; Tinctura Physostigmatis. 
 f's,-s. In the preparation of the alkaloid and its official salts. 
 Pilocarpus. Pilocarpus, V . S. Jaborandi. Leaflets of Pilocarpus 
 Selloanus, Kngler (Rio [aneiro) and P. Jaborandi. Holmes (Pernam- 
 buco). Nat. Ord., Rutacerc. Constituents: Pilocarpine, volatile oil. 
 Off. Prep.: Kxtractum Pilocarpi Fluidum. 
 Cses. Infusion and in the preparation of the alkaloid Pilocarpine, and its 
 various salts, hydrochlorate, nitrate, etc. 
 Pomegranate. Granatum, U. S. Bark of Stem and Root of 
 Punica Granatum, Linne. Nat. Ord., Lythrariea:. Constituents: 
 Pelletierine. ])imicine, tannin, etc. 
 Uses. In Decoction, and in the preparation of Felletierine Tar.nate, both 
 used as remedies for Ta.-nia.
 Sanguinaria. Sanguinaria, U. S. Bloodroot. Rhizome of San- 
 guinaria Canadensis, Linne. Nat. Ord., Papaveraceac. Constituents: 
 Sanguinarine one per cent, resins. Off. Prep.: Extractum Sangui- 
 narire Fluidum; Tinctura Sanguinaria?. 
 Uses. In the form of powder, as a sternutatory and emetic; also in the 
 preparation of an Extract and as Decoction and a Vinegar, formerly official. 
 Scoparius, Scoparius, U. S. Broom. Tops of Cytisus Scoparius, 
 Link. Nat. Ord., Leguminosae. Constituents: Scoparin, sparteine, 
 tannin, volatile oil. Extractum Scoparii Fluidum. 
 Uses. A Decoction and the official alkaloid Sparteine (sulph.). 
 Spigelia. Spigelia, U. S. Pink Root. Rhizome and rootlets of 
 Spigelia Marilandica, Linne. Nat. Ord., Loganiacese. Constituents: 
 Volatile oil, bitter alkaloidal principle, resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Spigelire Fluidum. 
 Uses. Infusion and Decoction, usually associated with purgatives, such as 
 Senna. The Comp. Fluid Extract Spigelia and Senna was formerly official for 
 the preparation of "Worm Syrup." 
 Staphisagrict. Staphisagria, U. S. Stavesacre. Seeds of Delphi- 
 nium Staphisagria, Linne. Nat. Ord., Ranunculaceoe. Constituents: 
 Delphinine. delphinoidine, delphisnine and iixed oil. 
 Uses. Chiefly as an insecticide, the whole seeds being used, and in the form 
 of Tincture. 
 Stramonium Leaves. Stramonii Folia, U. S. Leaves of Datura 
 Stramonium, Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanacece. Constituents: Atropine 
 and hyoscyamine, the mixture of the two formerly railed daturine. 
 Stramonium leaves have been superseded by the seeds, these being more 
 active in the official preparations. 
 Stramonium Seeds. Stramonii Sernen, U. S. Seeds of Datura 
 Stramonium, Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanacene. Constituents: Atropine, 
 hyoscyamine, fixed oil twenty-five per cent. Off. Prep.: Extractum 
 Stramonii Seminis; Extractum Stramonii Fluidum Seminis; Tinctura 
 Stramonii Seminis. 
 Liquid preparations of Stramonium seed, owing to the considerable quantity 
 of fixed oil they contain, are very prone to precipitation. An Ointment is pre- 
 pared from the extract. 
 Tobacco. Tabacum, L". S. Dried leaves Nicotiana Tabacum, 
 Linne. Nat. Ord., Solanacea?. Constituents: Nicotine two to eight 
 per cent, nicotianin, resin, extractive matter. 
 Uses. In the form of powder, "Snuff." An Ointment is prepared from an 
 aqueous extract of the leaves: Oil of Tobacco by dry distillation. 
 I'eratnim J7r/i/<'. Veratrum Yiride, t . S. -(American or (ireen 
 Hellebore.) Rhi/ome and rootlets of Yeratrtim viride, Solander.
 Nat. Ord., Liliaceoe. Constituents: Jervine, pseudo-jervine, rubi- 
 jervine, veratroidine and resin. Off. Prep.: Extractum Veratri Viri- 
 dis Fluidum; Tinctura Veratri Viridis. 
 f/sfs. A Tincture prepared from the green, or fresh drug, according to the 
 General Formula, Norwood's Tincture. 
 Box. NAME. 
 Achillea (Yarrow) 
 A. millefolium. 
 Achilleine, resin, vola- 
 tile oil, tannin. 
 A. constricta. 
 Ditaine, ditamine. 
 Galipea cusparia. 
 Angusturine, resins, 
 vol. oil. 
 Ash (white). 
 Fraxinus Americana. 
 Alkaloid, volatile oil, 
 Baptisia (Wild 
 Baptisia tinctoria. 
 Baptisine, resin, etc. 
 Berberis vulgaris, B. 
 Root or 
 Berberine, vinetine, 
 Root br'k 
 Boldoa fragrans. 
 Boldine, resin, volatile 
 Veratrum Sabadilla. 
 Veratrine, cevadine, 
 Cicuta maculata. 
 Coffa?a Arabica. 
 Caffeine, volatile oil, 
 Cuprea Bark. Remijia pendanculata R 
 Quinine and other Cin- 
 chona alkaloids. 
 Delphinium (Lark D. Consolida. 
 Delphinine, fixed oil, 
 Gold Thread. Coptis trifoliata. 
 Berberine, coptine, 
 Strychnos Ignatia. 
 Strychnine, brucine, 
 Jequiriti. Abrus precatorius. 
 Alkaloid, abric acid, 
 fixed oil. 
 Ilex Paraguensis. 
 Caffeine, tannin, vola- 
 tile oil. 
 Xectandra Rodia?i. 
 Berberine, sipirine, 
 Poppy. Papaver somniferum. Fruits. 
 Opium alkaloids (see 
 Ptelea (wafer- 
 Ptelea trifoliata. Root Berberine, volatile oil, 
 bark. etc. 
 S. purpurea 
 Herb and Sarracenine, acids. 
 (Pitcher plant.) 
 S. Japonica. Root. Atropine. resin. 
 Theobroma Cacao. Seeds. Caffeine, theobromine, 
 Yeratrum ( white 
 (Yellow root.) 
 Veratrum album. 
 R'zome. Jervine. pseudo-rubijer- 
 vine. ver'tr Ibine, etc. 
 Root. Berberine.
 Classification of Drugs. 
 GROUP No. I. Demulcent Drugs, including those parts of plants 
 whose chief constituents are either Starch, Gum or 
 Sugar or any or all of these together. 
 GROUP No. II. Refrigerant or Acid Saccharine Drugs whose con- 
 stituents are Sugar associated with some acid such as 
 Tartaric, Citric or Malic Acids. 
 GROUP No. III. Aromatic Drugs, whose chief constituent is a 
 Volatile Oil sometimes associated with a resin. 
 GROUP No. IV. Resinous Drugs whose chief constituent is Resin 
 which may be associated with Volatile or acrid Fixed 
 Oil, tannin and bitter principle. 
 GROUP No. V. Oily Drugs whose principal constituent is a bland 
 Fixed Oil or Fat usually associated with gum, or 
 GROUP No. VI. Astringent Drugs whose principal constituents are 
 Tannic, or Gallic Acid, or both, sometimes asso- 
 ciated with volatile oil, resin or other principles. 
 GROUP No. VII. Glucosidal Drugs in which the most active medi- 
 cinal constituents are Glucosides or glucosidal. It 
 embraces Drugs furnishing the Neutral or "bitter" 
 principles as well as the Glucosides. Also the class 
 termed Reactionary Drugs. 
 GROUP No. VIII. Alkaloitlal Drugs, in which the most active con- 
 stituents are Alkaloidal, i. e. , yielding one or several 
 GROUP No. IX. Animal Drugs, including medicinal Animals and 
 Animal products and derivatives not otherwise 
 Animal Drugs, Group IX. 
 As Animal Drugs are here included those substances of arimal 
 origin not heretofore treated of, or classified as having special proper- 
 ties. They embrace: 
 Whole animals, as Cantharis and Coccus and 
 Secretions, as Musk, Oxgall, Milk, Egg, Isinglass and 
 The Ferments Pepsin and Pancreatin. 
 Cantharis. Cantharis, U. S. "Spanish Flies. " Whole animal of 
 Cantharis vesicatoria, DeGeer. Nat. Ord., Coleoptera of the class 
 Insecta. Constituents: Cantharidin. Off. Prep.: Ceratum Canthar- 
 idis; Collodium Cantharidatum: Tinctura Cantharidis. 
 Uses. Chiefly in the form of Cerate for spreading "Blisters," also in Lini- 
 mentum Cantharidis, formerly official. 
 Cochineal. Coccus, U. S. Dried female of Coccus cacti. Linne. 
 Nat. Ord., Hemiptera of the class Insecta. Constituents: Carminic 
 acid. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Cardamomi Comp. 
 I'st's. In Comp. Tincture Cochineal, X. F., for coloring Elixirs and for 
 preparing Carmine, which is a compound of the coloring principle with 
 alumina, etc. 
 Oxyil/. Fel Bovis, U. S. -'Fel Tauri." Fresh gall of Bos 
 Taurus, Linne. Nat. Ord., Ruminantia of the class Mammalia. Con- 
 stituents: P)ilirubin, cholesterin, glycocholic and taurocholic acids. 
 Fel Boils Pnrificatum, U. S. Inspissated and Purinrd Oxgall, U. S. Ph. 
 'So. Prepared by evaporating the liquid Oxgall to one-third its weight, adding 
 an equal volume of Alcohol. The alcoholic solution, freed from the precipi- 
 tated impurities, is then concentrated by evaporation to a pilular consistence. 
 Uses. Exceedingly rare; sometimes in pills. 
 hin^Iass. Ichthyocolla, U. S. Swimming bladder of Acipenser 
 Huso, Linne, and other species of the same genus. Nai. Prd., 
 Sturiones of the class Pisces. Constituents: Gelatin. ( )ff. Prep. : 
 Emplastrum Ichthyocollse. 
 Uses. In the preparation of "Court Plaster" and as a clarifving airent in 
 beer brewing, etc. Russian Isinglass is the must valuable and is the kind chiefly 
 employed. American Isinglass is prepared from the sounds of the I lake; it is 
 inferior to the first-mentioned and much cheaper. 
 J///.V/'. Moschus, I . S. Dried secretion from preputial follicles 
 of male of Moschus moschiferus, Linne. Nat. (>rd.. Ruminantia of 
 the class Mammalia. Constituents: Cholesterin. fat. ammonia, albu-
 332 ANIMAL 
 minous and gelatinous substances, etc. Off. Prep.: Tinctura Moschi. 
 Uses. In Flavoring and Perfumery; seldom in medicine, as a nervous seda- 
 Pepsin. Pepsinum, U. S. Pure Pepsin. A proteolytic Ferment, 
 or enzyme, obtained from the glandular layer of fresh Stomachs from 
 nealthy Pigs; the chief digestive principle of the gastric juice. 
 It should be capable of digesting not less than 3,000 times its own 
 weight of freshly coagulated and disintegrated Albumen when tested 
 by the official process. 
 Pepsin is obtained from the finely comminuted inner lining, or 
 membrane, of the Hog's stomach by macerating it in Water contain- 
 ing about 2 per cent Hydrochloric Acid, expressing and filtering the 
 liquid and obtaining the pepsin by either of the following methods: 
 Scheffer's process, The solution is saturated with Sodium Chloride, through 
 which the pepsin is thrown out of solution and rises to the surface of the liquid 
 from which it is transferred to a strainer and the adhering liquid removed by 
 expression. The residue consists of pepsin associated with other products of 
 the action of acid on albumen, svntonin, and the result of the digestive effect of 
 the pepsin on the albumen, peptone and parapcptonc. To free the pepsin from 
 these by-products is very difficult and has never been entirely effected, abso- 
 lutely pure pepsin not yet having been produced. 
 Upon the small masses, resulting from drying the residue, the adhering salt 
 crystallizes and is removed by immersion in water. The pepsin is purified by 
 re-solution in Acidulated Water and re-precipitation with Salt. It may also be 
 precipitated with Alcohol, pepsin being insoluble in liquids containing 40 per 
 cent alcohol. This pepsin is dissolved with great difficiilty and has been used 
 chiefly in the powdered form, made by adding Sugar of Milk to the freshly pre- 
 cipitated pepsin, drying and powdering and adjusting its strength by the addi- 
 tion of Milk Sugar. 
 Pepsinum saccharatuni. Saccharated Pepsin of the strength of i in 10 of Milk 
 Sugar, i gr. dissolving 300 grs. albumen, is also official. 
 Soluble repsins are made from the Acid Solution obtained as above, or by 
 digesting the membrane with the Acidulated Water at a gentle heat, and neu- 
 tralizing the expressed liquid, filtering and evaporating it to a syrupy consist- 
 ence and then obtaining the product in the form of transparent scales by 
 spreading it upon plates of glass and heating in a drying closet. There are 
 many modifications of this process, whereby it is claimed products of greater 
 purity and strength arc obtained. These depend upon limiting the formation 
 of the by-products referred to. by the use of Sulphurous Acid. etc. 
 These pepsins consist chiefly of peptone, and rapidly deteriorate 
 and assume a disagreeable animal, glue-like odor: they have the ad- 
 vantage of being very soluble in Water, without the addition of acid, 
 and are therefore well adapted to the preparation of liquids, elixirs, 
 etc. Thev are very hygroscopic and must be kept in tightly closed- 
 vessels, in a cool and dry place.
 DRUGS. 333 
 The process for the valuation of Pepsin consists in determining its 
 protcolytic power, or the ratio of its decomposing or digestive effect 
 upon proteids, especially albumen and fibrin. Pepsin in acid solution 
 and at the body temperature, :JH to 40C., (100 to 104F.) digests 
 proteid substances, converting them into a soluble, readily assimilable 
 form called peptone. 
 The test is effected by adding 10 Gm. freshly coagulated and prepared Egg- 
 white to 100 C.C. of Water containing 2 C.C. of Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and 
 /j C 8 d l (j 8 r -) f Pepsin, heated 1040 C. The mixture is kept at this tempera- 
 ture and agitated every 15 minutes, when, at the expiration of 5 or 6 hours, all 
 the Albumen should have been digested and the mixture have resulted in an 
 almost clear solution. By varying the strength of the solutions, the variation 
 in power of any pepsin may be ascertained. 
 The process may be effected in 15 minutes by adding the Egg-white directly 
 to the Water, coagulating and disintegrating it by boiling and stirring and 
 then adding the cooled mixture to the acid solution of Pepsin and maintaining 
 it at a temperature of 55 C., constantly shaking it. 
 Pancreatin. Pancreatinum, U. S. A mixture of enzymes natur- 
 ally existing in the Pancreas (sweetbread) of warm-blooded animals, 
 usually from that of the Hog (and Calf). 
 It is prepared by different methods: By maceration with acidulated 
 Water, neutralization with Calcium Carbonate, precipitation of the 
 clear liquid with Alcohol, collecting, drying and mixing the residue 
 with Sugar of Milk. 
 The scaled form is prepared by extraction, freeing from fat by washing with 
 Ether and drying on plates of glass. 
 Pancreatin peptonizes milk, and 0.28 of it dissolved in 100 C.C. of tepid 
 Water, with 1.5 of Sodium Bicarbonate, added to 400 C.C. of Milk, heated to 
 4o"C. and the mixture maintained at this temperature for thirty minutes, the 
 milk should be so completely peptonized that a little of it, transferred to a test- 
 tube, should show no coagulation with Xitric Acid. 
 Ptvalin. A Ferment present in the Saliva; has the same properties as Dias- 
 tase, obtained from malt. 
 Uses. The above three Principles represent the three fermentative stages of 
 the process of digestion: 
 Ptyalin has amylolotic properties, that is, converts Starch and Carbohydrates 
 generally into glucose, into which all amyloid and saccharine substances must 
 be changed before they can be assimilated. 
 Pepsin, secreted by the stomach, in conjunction with Hydrochloric Acid 
 (and Lactic Acid) digests all albuminous substances into the form necessary to 
 their assimilation, pcptotie. 
 Pancreatin is a mixture of principles representing the properties of the two 
 preceding Ferments and in addition possesses the property in alkaline media to 
 emulsifv Fats, thus facilitating their assimilation. 
 The Pulvis Pepsini Compositus, N. F., "Pulvis Digestivus," is a mixture of
 334 ANIMAL 
 the different principles with Milk Sugar and Hydrochloric and Lactic Acids to 
 represent the Digestive Fluids in their natural proportions. Pepsin is largely 
 used in the powdered form, also in tablets, etc., in Elixirs, WineSj Glycerite, 
 and Solutions. (See Nat. Formulary.) 
 Milk. Lac Vaccinum. Secretion of the character of an Emulsion 
 obtained from the Cow yields an organic acid: 
 Lactic Acid. HC 3 H.O 3 . Acidum Lacticum, U. S. Containing 
 75 per cent by weight of absolute acid; sp. gr. 1.213. 
 Jt is formed in Milk when it sours by the fermentation of the 
 Sugar of Milk, and may be formed in solutions of various other 
 Sugars by fermentation in the presence of casein and certain other 
 proteid compounds resembling it. The Lactic Acid so formed is com- 
 bined with Calcium or Zinc, the Lactate separated and decomposed by 
 strong Acids which set the Lactic Acid free. 
 A syrupy liquid miscible in all proportions with water, alcohol and ether, but 
 not with benzin or chloroform. 
 Off. Prep. Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis. 
 YolkofEgg.'V\te\\\s&, U. S. Yolk of Egg of Gallus Bankiva, 
 var. domesticus, Temminck. Nat. Ord., Gallinae of the class Aves. 
 Constituents: Vitellin, fixed oil, inorganic salts, etc. Off. Prep.: 
 Glyceritum Vitelli. 
 Uses. For preparing Emulsions, especially with strongly alcoholic liquids, 
 for example, spirit nitrous ether, in which Acacia would precipitate.
 Ambra Grisea. 
 Blatta Orientalis. . 'Insect. 
 Castor Fiber. ! Gland'l'r 
 Ambriin, etc. 
 Antihydropin, fats, etc. 
 Vol. oil, castorin, sa- 
 licine, etc. 
 Viverra Zibetha, or GlandTr 
 Vol. oil, fat, resin. 
 V. Civetta. Secret'n 
 salts, etc. 
 Corallium rubrum and 
 Oculina Virginea. 
 Os Sepias. 
 Calc. skel- 
 Calc. skel- 
 Calcium phosphates, 
 carb. Mag. phos. etc. 
 Calcium carb., Mag- 
 nesium carb., etc. 
 Calcium carb., Mag- 
 nesium carb. Phos- 
 phates (traces). 
 (Glue consists of gela- 
 tin, chondrin and 
 Hyrax Capensis. 
 Excr. or 
 S ec r e- 
 various impurities). 
 Vol. oil, resin, fat, 
 various acids and 
 Spongia officinalis. 
 or Ash. 
 Spongin, various salts, 
 including iodides. 
 The Pyridin bases obtained from the tarry residue in the destruc- 
 tive distillation of Nitrogenous substances, such as Bone, or made 
 synthetically. They are colorless, strongly alkaline liquids of pene- 
 trating odor, forming salts with acids. The most important are: 
 Pyridin. C.H.X and its homologue Pyrrol, C 4 H 4 \H. 
 loctsl. C 4 I 4 NH. Tetra iodo pyrrol. Made by mixing alcoholic solutions of 
 Pyrrol and Iodine and separating the lodol by the addition of water. Con- 
 tains 98 r /'c iodine. 
 Uses. As an inodorous substitute for lodoform. 
 The Chinolin bases Chinoline C 9 H X a colorless liquid, forming 
 salts with acids; the Tartrate has been used. Also a number of de- 
 A'am.C u H 15 NO.HCl. Known as "A" and "M." 
 Thallin. C a H, ) (OCH 3 )XH. From Paranitrophenol. The Sulphate; solu- 
 ble in 7 water; too alcohol. 
 Aiitipvriu. C U H 12 X..O. Dimethyl-Phenyl-iso-Pyrazolon. From Phenyl- 
 hydrazin with acetic ether, etc. Soluble in i part of water, alcohol or chloro- 
 form, in 50 parts 6f ether. Solution colored red by Ferric chloride. 
 From fresh meat an alkaloid crcatinin C^H^XjO has been obtained and a 
 number of derivatives of it. 
 Ptomaines, also called Septicine, are alkaloids produced in the Cadaver by 
 decomposition of albumen or as the result of bacterial changes. Some are ex- 
 ceedingly poisonous, others are non-poisonous.
 Solutions may be divided, according to the character of the solvent 
 employed, into groups of aqueous, alcoholic, saccharine and ethcrtal 
 .solutions, and Glycerites and Oleates. 
 The Aqueous solutions embrace two classes: The Waters and the 
 Liquors or pharmacopceial Solutions. 
 The Waters are solutions of volatile substances in Water. 
 The nineteen official Waters may be divided, according to their 
 character or method of preparation, as follows: 
 1. Natural Waters: 
 Aqua. Water, H 2 O. Natural water in its purest attainable state. 
 2. The Aromatic Waters. Solutions of Essential Oils or other 
 volatile principles in Water. With one exception (Aq. Amygdal. 
 am.), they are saturated solutions and are as follows: 
 (<;) By simple solution: 
 Aqua: ft by vol. 
 Amygdalae Amarae bitter almond oil 0.1 
 Creosoti creosote 1. 
 Chloroformi chloroform (in excess) about 0.5 
 Aurantii Florum dist. water 50. 
 stronger orange flower water 50. 
 O O 
 Rosce dist. water 50, stronger rose water 50. 
 (/') Solution by intervention of Calcium Phosphate and filtration: 
 Aqua: ft {iy -,,/. 
 A nisi anise oil 0.2 
 Cinnamomi cinnamon oil 0.2 
 Foeniculi fennel oil 0.2 
 Menthoe Piperitre peppermint oil 0.2 
 Menthre Viridis ... spearmint oil 0.2 
 Camphors alcohol 0.5, camphor 0.8 
 The oils are triturated with twice their weight of precipitated calcium 
 phosphate, the water gradually added and the mixture filtered. Camphor is 
 first reduced to powder with a little alcohol. 
 (<-) By distillation: 
 Aqua Dcstillata. Distilled Water. By distilling Water, rejecting 
 the first 1U per cent of the distillate, collecting the succeeding 80 per 
 cent and preserving it in bottles, loosely stoppered with cotton.
 Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior. Aqua Rosae Fortior. 
 These are made by distillation from the fresh Orange flowers and Rose leaves, 
 respectively, and obtained chiefly as by-products in the manufacture of their 
 essential oils. 
 The Aromatic Waters may also be prepared by the hot-water method: In- 
 troducing the Oil, dropped on a folded filter, in hot water, shaking the con- 
 tainer, allowing it to 'Stand until thoroughly cold and obtaining the water by 
 3. Chemical Waters. Solutions of Gases in Water, made by chem- 
 ical reaction and absorption. All but Ammonia Water are saturated 
 solutions: Sp. gr. % by w't. 
 Aqua Ammonias 0.960 NH 3 10. 
 Ammonias fortior 0.900 NH 3 28. 
 Chlori . MnO. 2 -f-4HCl=MnCl 2 +Cl 2 +2H 2 O Cl 0.4 
 Hydrogenii Dioxidi . . 1 vol. eq. lOvols.O H 2 O 2 3 - 
 The preparation of these and the reactions involved have been described 
 under the Elements from which they are respectively produced. 
 The twenty- four official Solutions are solutions of non-volatile sub- 
 stances, chemical salts, in Water. They are divided into two Groups: 
 (1) Simple solutions. (2) Chemical solutions. 
 1. Simple Solutions are prepared by dissolving the substance in 
 water. Three are prepared by volume: 
 Liquor: . </ c by vol. 
 Acidi Arseniosi (HC1 5) acid arsenous 1. 
 Arseni et. Hydrargyri lodidi arsenic iodide 1. 
 (Donovan's) mercuric iodide 1. 
 Sodii Arsenatis sodium arsenate 1. 
 % ;'/. 
 lodi Comp potassium iodide 10, iodine 5. 
 2. Chemical solutions: These include all those solutions made by 
 forming new chemical compounds, either by double decomposition, 
 direct union or other chemical methods. 
 The weaker of these being used internally, are prepared by volume; the 
 stronger ones, chiefly used for the production of other compounds and prepara- 
 tions, are made by weight. 
 Prepared by volume: 
 Liquor: ^ i y T0 i. 
 A.mmonii Acetatis . . amon. carb. 5, acid acet. NH 4 C 2 H 3 O 2 7. 
 Calcis lime 0.3, water 100, Ca(OH) 2 0.17 
 Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis sol. amon. acet. 20. 
 (Basham's Mixture) acid acetic dil. 3, tr. ferric chl. 2. 
 arom. elixir 10, glycerin 12.
 (Liquor es, continued.') ft by vol. 
 Plumbi Subacetatis dilutus sol. lead subacetate 3. 
 Potassii Arsenitis ..... potass, bicarb 2, acid arsenous 1. 
 (Fowler's) tinct. lavender comp. 3. 
 Potassii Citratis . potass, bicarb 8, acid citric 6, K 3 C fl H 5 O 7 9. 
 Magnesii Citratis .... magnes. carb. 15 G., acid citric 
 30 G., syrup acid citric CO C.C., potass, bicarb. 2.5, 
 water to 350 c.c. for one bottle. 
 Prepared by weight: 
 Liquor: </ c by wt. sp. gr. 
 Hydrargyri Nitratis .... red mercuric oxide 40, 
 HNO 3 45, Hg (NO 3 ) Z CO. 2.100 
 Plumbi Subacetatis . . lead acet. 17, lead oxide 10 25. 1.195 
 Potassse .... potass, bicarb. 8.5, lime 4, KOH 5. 1.036 
 Sodrc sod. carb. 17, lime 5, NaOH 5. 1.059 
 Sodne Chloratre . sod. carb. 15, lime chlorin 7.5, Cl 2.G 1.052 
 Sodii Silicatis sodium silicate 50. 1.3-4 
 Zinci Chloridi . zinc 24, HC1 84, HNO,, 12, ZnCl a 50. 1.535 
 The Iron Solutions are made by acting on the metal with the re- 
 spective acids; Hydrochloric Acid to produce the Chloride and SuU 
 phuric Acid to produce the Sulphate. 
 These are ferrous salts and are oxidized into ferric salts by Nitric 
 Liquor ft by w't. Sp. gr. 
 Ferri Chloridi HC1 5, Fe,Cl fi 3V. 8 1.387 
 Ferri Subsulphatis . . . . (Monsell's) subsulphate 43.7 1.550 
 Ferri Tersulphatis Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 2S.7 1.320 
 By precipitation with Ammonia AVater, washing, etc: 
 Ferric Hydrate, Fe.,(OH) 6 , from which, by solution in their respective Acids 
 the following are produced: 
 Liquor y c b y w < t . s/>. K ,-. 
 Ferri Acetatis Fe,(C 2 H. j O. ) ) ( . 31. 1.100 
 Ferri Citratis Fe a (C 6 H.O.) 2 42.5 1.250 
 Ferri Nitratis Fe 2 (XO 3 ) 6 0.3 1.050 
 From the solution of the Citrate, the scaled salts are prepared. All 
 the solutions of iron have a characteristic reddish-brown color, except 
 that of the Nitrate, which is amber-colored.
 344 SPIRITS, 
 The Spirits are Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances. 
 Of the 25 official, t\vo are "natural" spirits (made by distillation-. 
 Spiritus Frumenti and Sp. Vim Gallici and are treated of as "Products 
 by Fermentation"), fifteen are solutions of essential oils and called 
 "Aromatic Spirits," or, when used for flavoring, "essences"; in some 
 of the last mentioned, Deodorized Alcohol is used as the solvent: 
 1. Natural Spirits, by distillation: %!>vw't. % by vol. 
 Spiritus Frumenti containing alcohol . . . . 44 to 50 50 to 58 
 Spiritus Vini Gallici " "... .39 to 47 46 to 55 
 j. Made by solution: f c by vol. 
 Spiritus Athens ether (C 2 H 5 ) 2 O 32.5 
 Tpiritus ^Etheris Comp. . . . ethereal oil 2.5, ether 32.5 
 (Hoffmann's anodyne) 
 Spiritus Chloroformi chloroform 6. 
 Aromatic Spirits or "Essences." 
 Spiritus: f by vol. 
 Amygdalre Amarse (water 20) . . . bitter almond oil 1. 
 Anisi (alcohol deod.) anise oil 10. 
 Aurantii " " orange oil 5. 
 Aurantii Comp (alcohol deod.) orange oil 20. 
 oils, anise 0.5; coriander 2, lemon oil 5. 
 Camphorce camphor 10. 
 Cinnamomi cinnamon oil 10. 
 Gaultheria? wintergreen oil 5. 
 Juniperi juniper oil 5. 
 Juniperi comp. (water 30) juniper oil 0.4 
 oils, caraway, fennel, each 0.05 
 Lavandulce (alcohol deod.) lavender oil 5. 
 Limonis " " .... lemon peel 5, oil 5. 
 Menthas Piperitre peppermint herb 1, oil 10. 
 Menthse Viridis spearmint herb 1, oil 10. 
 i Myrcix water 38, oil of bay 0.8 
 oils, orange, pimenta, each 0.05 
 Myristicre nutmeg (vol.) oil 5. 
 3. By digestion: ft i, v vo l. 
 Spiritus Phosphor! . . . absolute alcohol, phosphorus 0.12 
 4. By chemical reaction and solution: 
 Spiritus Ammonias Aromaticus . water 14, amon. water 9 
 amon. carb. 3.4 
 oils, lavender, nutmeg each 0.1; lemon oil 1.
 fo by wt. 
 Spirltus Glonoini nitroglycerin, C 3 H 5 (NO 3 ) 3 1. 
 5. By distillation and absorption (from amon. water, stronger): 
 Spiritus Ammoniac amon. gas, NH 3 10. 
 6. By chemical reaction, distillation and solution: 
 Spiritus yKtheris Nitrosi ethyl nitrite 4. 
 (yielding 11 times its vol. of NO.) 
 From reaction of Sulphuric Acid on Sodium Nitrite in Alcohol: 
 NaNo 2 4-H 2 SO i HNO 2 +NaHSO 4 : C 2 H D OH+IINO ;i =C i H 5 NO 2 +H 2 O. 
 The Nitrous Ether is separated by distillation in a glass-retort, fitted loosely 
 in a receiver, the entire neck of the retort being kept cold with ice-water, ac- 
 cording to the method noted under ''Distillation." The distillate is separated 
 from the accompanying alcohol by washing with ice-cold water and traces of 
 acid by agitation with an ice-cold solution of Sodium Carbonate, then freed 
 from adhering water by shaking it with Potassium Carbonate and filtered in a 
 tared bottle containing the alcohol. 
 Its strength of Ethyl Nitrite is determined by measuring the volume <J 
 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO) given off, when decomposed by Potassium Iodide ar** 
 Sulphuric Acid: C 2 H 5 NO 2 +KI+H 2 SO 4 =C 2 H 5 OH4-KHSO 4 4-I+NO, 
 in an instrument termed a nitrometer.
 346 SYRUPS. 
 The official Syrups are nearly saturated solutions of Sugar in Water, 
 in which aromatic or medicinal substances are dissolved. 
 The official Syrup contains 65 per cent by weight, 85 per cent by 
 volume, of Sugar (about 7 Ibs. av. in 1 Gallon): with a smaller pro- 
 portion of Sugar the syrup undergoes fermentation (spoils) . 
 The "Medicated Syrups" contain less syrup owing to the solution of the 
 medicinal substances which usually reduce the solubility of the sugar in the 
 liquid from which the syrup is prepared. Syrups should be made in small 
 quantities and be kept in a cool place, in cork-stoppered bottles in order to pre- 
 serve them. 
 The thirty-two official Syrups are made by different methods: By 
 solution, or mixing the medicinal substance with the syrup; by dis- 
 solving the Sugar in the medicinal solution; by extraction from the 
 drug and by chemical reaction and solution. 
 Tru, methods of dissolving the Sugar are also of importance; in 
 some it is dissolved without heat, in others with heat and with some 
 others by boiling heat. 
 (1) By Solution of Sugar in the liquid: 
 Syrupus . Sugar 850 Gm.; Distilled Water, to make 1000 C.C, 
 Without heat: 
 Syrupus Aurantii Florum Sugar 850 Gm. 
 Orange Flower Water to make 1000 C.C. 
 (2) By mixing a Solution with Syrup: NO. ofcc. imooof 
 Syrupus: Syr., or % by vol. 
 Acacias mucilage acacia 25. 
 Acidi Citrici . . . spirit lemon 1, acid citric (water 1) 1. 
 Krameriae fluid extract 45. 
 Rhei fluid extract (pot. carb. 1, water 5) 10. 
 spirit of cinnamon (glyc. 5) 0.4 
 Rhei Aromaticus tincture rhubarb arom. 15. 
 Rosas fluid extract 12.5 
 Rubi fluid extract 25. 
 By solution and filtration: 
 Sugar dissolved by heat: 
 Syrupus: % i, y -./, 
 Sarsaparillse Comp fl. ext. sarsaparilla 20. 
 fl. ext. glycyrrh. senna, each 1.5 
 oils, sassafras, anise, gaultheria, each 0.01 
 Scillae vinegar squill (clarified) 45.
 SYRUPS. 347 
 Sugar dissolved without heat: % by vol. 
 Ipecacuanha . . . fl. ext. (acid acetic 1, glycerin 10) 7. 
 Senegae fl. ext. (ammonia water 0.5) 20. 
 By solution, filtration with Calcium Phosphate: 
 Solution of Sugar without heat: 
 Syrupus: % by vol. 
 Lactucarii tincture lactucarium 10 
 Scillae Comp fluid extract squill, senega each 8. 
 (Coxe's Hive Syrup) Antimony and potassium tartrate 0.2 
 Tolutanus bals of tolu (sol. in alcohol 5) 1. 
 Zingiberis fluid extract (evap. of alcohol) 3. 
 (3) By extraction: 
 Sugar dissolved without heat: fc by vol. 
 Allii dilute acetic acid 20. 
 Altheae water 40; alcohol 3; glycerin 10 5. 
 Amygdalae (bitter 4; sweet almond 14) 18. 
 orange flower water 10. 
 Pruni Virginianae .*.... glycerin 15, wild cherry ^5. 
 By extraction with heat: 
 Sugar dissolved without heat: 
 Sennae alcohol 15, ol. coriand. 0.5 25 
 Sugar dissolved by heat 
 Picis Liquidae glycerin 10 7.5 
 By digestion and filtration with Calcium Phosphate: 
 Sugar dissolved without heat: 
 Aurantii alcohol 10, fresh exterior rind 5. 
 By extraction and fermentation: 
 Sugar dissolved by heat: % by weight. 
 Syrupus Rubi Idaei filtered juice 40. 
 (4) Chemical Syrups: 
 By simple solution: 
 Sugar dissolved without heat: g rs ; n y c f, v ro i_ 
 Syrupus: 4 c.c., i fl. dr. 
 Hypophosphitum . . . calcium hypophosphite 3 4.5 
 potassium, sodium hypophosphite each 1 1.5 
 spirit lemon 0.5, acid hypophos. dil. 0.2 
 Hypophosphitum cum Ferro . . ferrous lactate 1. 
 with potass, citrate 1, in syrup, hypophosph.
 348 SYRUPS. 
 By chemical reaction and solution: 
 Sugar dissolved without heat: % vol. 
 Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis . . calcium lactophosphate 1. 
 Calc. carb. 25 G. dissolved in Acid Lactic 60 C.C. and Water 100 
 c.c. ; add Acid Phosphoric 36 c.c. and Water 150 c.c. ; filter, add 
 Water to 425 c.c., then Orange flower water 25 c.c., and in this 
 dissolve Sugar 700 G. to make 1,000 c.c. 
 Sugar dissolved by boiling heat: 
 Syrupus Calcis calcium saccharate 1. 
 Mix Lime 65 G. with Sugar 400 G., add to 500 c.c. boiling Water 
 and boil for 5 minutes; strain and dilute with an equal volume of 
 Water, filter, evaporate to 700 c.c. and when cool add Water to 
 make 1,000 c.c. 
 Solution mixed with cold Syrup: 
 % by -weight. 
 Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici absolute acid, HI 1. 
 Dissolve Potass. Iodide 13 G. and Potass. Hypophosphite i G. in 
 Water 15 c.c.; mix with solution of Acid Tartaric 12 G. in Alcohol 
 dilute 25 c.c. , separate the liquid from the precipitate by filtration, 
 concentrate it by evaporation to 50 G. and add to it Syrup, to make 
 1,000 G. 
 Syrupus Ferri lodidi ferrous iodide, FeI 10. 
 To Iron wire 25 G. and Water dist. 150 c.c. add Iodine 83 G. ; filter 
 the greenish colored liquid, after first heating it to boiling, into 600 
 G. Syrup, wash filter with a mixture of 25 c.c. each of water dist 
 and syrup, then add Syrup to make 1,000 Gm. 
 grs. in 4 cc., % by vol. 
 Syrupus Ferri Quininae et Strychnine z ji. dr. 
 Phosphatum: ferric phosphate, soluble l l / 2 2. 
 quinine sulphate 2 3. 
 strychnine fa 0.02 
 acid phosphoric 3 4.8 
 Dissolve Ferric Phosphate 20 G. in Water 50 c.c. with heat, add the 
 Acid Phosphoric 48 c.c., Quinine 30 G. and Strychnine 2 dcg. ; stir 
 until dissolved, filter the liquid into Glycerin 100 c.c. and add Syrup 
 to make 1,000 c.c. 
 There is only one medicated Honey official. 
 Mel or crude honey and Mel Dcspiimatum or clarified honey are 
 described under "Sugars." 
 Mel Rosce. Honey of Rose, fl. ext. rose 12, clarified Honey to 
 make 100 G.
 ELIXIRS. 349 
 Elixirs are a class of elegant preparations similar to wines or cordials, 
 composed of Water, Sugar, Alcohol and Aromatics. 
 The medicinal substances are usually in such proportion that an 
 ordinary dose may be contained in one or two tcaspoonfuls of the 
 There are but two Elixirs official: Aromatic Elixir, which serves 
 as a vehicle and one medicinal, Elixir of Phosphorus. Formulas for the 
 most common elixirs are given in the National Formulary (X. F.). 
 Elixir Aromaticum spirit of orange comp 12.c.c. 
 mix with Alcohol deodori/ed, to make '250 c.c. 
 to this solution add in several portions, agitating after 
 each addition syrup 375 c.c. 
 and in the same manner water 375 c.c. 
 mix the liquid with . precipitated Calcium phosphate 15 G. 
 and filter adding . . . Water 3, Alcohol 1, to make 1000 c.c. 
 This illustrates the method by which Elixirs are made. The medi- 
 cinal ingredients are dissolved in the water, or alcohol, as indicated 
 by their solubilities, before mixing the alcoholic solution of oils with 
 the saccharine solution. 
 Some salts and fluid extracts may be dissolved in or mixed with the 
 elixir itself. 
 Elixir Phosphori: glyc. 55, anise oil 0.2, sp. phosphorus 21 c.c. 
 mix by agitation; then add .... aromatic Elixir to 100 c.c. 
 This Elixir contains of phosphorus 25 mg. in 100 c.c. ; or i mg. (^X grain) in 
 4 c.c., i fl. drm. 
 The Glycerites or "Glyceroles," are solutions of substances in 
 There are six Glycerites official and they are classified, according to 
 the methods of preparation, as follows: 
 By solution: <-; /,,, w '^ 
 Glyceritum Acidi Carbolici acid carbolic 20. 
 Glyceritum Vitelli fresh egg yolk 45. 
 By solution with heat: ^ fry 't. 
 Glyceritum Acidi Tannici acid tannic 20. 
 Glyceritum Amyli water 10, starch 10. 
 By extraction, evaporation and solution: 
 Glyceritum Hydrastis . . . hydrastis (alcohol, water 25) 100. 
 To the Hvdrastis extract obtained with Alcohol, the Water is added, the alco-
 350 OLEATES. 
 bol removed by evaporation, Water added to make 50 c.c. of filtered liquid 
 freed from insoluble matter and Glycerin to 100 c.c. 
 By chemical reaction and solution: 
 Glyceritum Boroglycerini; boroglyceride, or glyceryl borate, 50 
 per cent by weight. 
 Glycerin 46 G.. heated to i5oC.. Acid Boric 31 G. , added in portions and 
 heated until reaction ceases and product weighs 50 G., then add Glycerin to 
 loo G. 
 The official Oleates are solutions of oleates in Oleic Acid. 
 They are distinct from .the solid oleates which are made by double 
 decomposition of salts of the metals and alkaline earths and sodium 
 oleate, or Soap. (See Soap.) 
 Three are official, two liquid and one, Zinc oleate, semi-solid. 
 They are made by incorporating the solid with the Oleic Acid, 
 contained in a warm mortar and effecting solution with a gentle heat: 
 % by w't. 
 Oleatum Hydrargyri yellow mercuric oxide 20. 
 Oleatum Veratrinse '.... veratrine 2. 
 Oleatum Zinci Oxidi zinc oxide 5. 
 These preparations are made by adding medicinal agents to Col- 
 lodion (see Pyroxylin). They are prepared: 
 By solution: 
 Collodium . . . solution in ether 75, alco. 25, pyroxylin 3. 
 Collodium Flexile . . . castor oil 3, Canada turpentine 5. 
 Collodium Acidi Tannici . . alco. 5, ether 25, acid tan. 20. 
 By extraction, evaporation and solution: 
 Collodium Cantharidatum . . . (flex, collo.) cantharides 60.
 The Mixtures. 
 The second division embraces such liquid preparations as are not 
 clear solutions and also solutions made by solvents other than those 
 included in the division of Solutions and ineligible to classification 
 according to the solvents. 
 They are represented by three classes: Mixtures, Emulsions and 
 The four official mixtures are liquid preparations, for internal use, 
 of medicinal substances, dissolved or suspended in water, containing 
 sugar, gum, or glycerin. They should be prepare'd extemporaneously. 
 By solution: y c vo i. 
 Mistura Glycyrrhizae Comp. . . . pure extract glycyrrhiza 3. 
 (Brown Mixture) Spirit ether nitros 3, wine antimony 6. 
 tinct. opium camph. 12. 
 syrup 5, mucilage acacia 10, water, to 100. 
 Mistura Rhei et Sodae sodium bicarbonate 3.5 
 fl. exts. ipecac 0.3, rhubarb 1.5 
 spirit peppermint 3.5, glycerin 35, water, to 100. 
 By suspension: 
 Mistura Cretre comp. chalk powder 20. 
 (Chalk Mixture) cinnamon water 40, water, to 100. 
 By chemical reaction and solution: 
 Mistura Ferri Comp. . myrrh, sugar, each 1.8, potass, carb. 0.8 
 triturate with rose water 70, sp. lavend. 6. 
 (Griffith's Mixt.) ferrous sulph. 6 and rose water, to 100. 
 The Emulsions are liquid preparations consisting of oily, fatty, resin- 
 ous, or otherwise insoluble substances suspended in watery liquids by 
 the intervention of gum, mucilage or other viscid material called emul- 
 sifying agents. 
 They may be divided into (1) Natural and (2) Artificial Emulsions. 
 With Natural Emulsions are included all products of animal or vege- 
 table origin, consisting of oily or resinous substances so combined with 
 gum or albumen as to be readily miscible with water wit/uu/t separa- 
 Of animal products, Milk and Egg Yolk, are the most typical emulsions, 
 since their fat-globules are so finely divided and so perfectly distributed in the 
 watery liquid as to require considerable agitation to separate them from the 
 albuminous envelope, in order to obtain the fat. The operation of "churning" 
 milk to produce Butter is a good illustration of this and is the reverse of the 
 process of emulsification. 
 The milk-juice of many plants, consisting of oil and gum or albumen, is de- 
 posited in fruits and seeds upon evaporation of the water. The nuts, especially 
 Almonds, are rich in this mixture, which, upon trituration with water, is re- 
 stored to its original form of milk-juice or emulsion. The official Almond 
 Emulsion is a good example. 
 Associated with resin and sometimes with ethereal oil, the milk-juice of 
 many plants exudes and dries into semi-solid masses or tears. Examples of 
 these we have in the Gum-Resins, Ammoniac and Asafcetida, which furnish 
 official emulsions by beating them in a mortar with Water. 
 The amount of gum contained in a Gum-Resin is not always sufficient to 
 emulsify the other constituents, resin and ethereal oil, and it is then necessary 
 to add gum artificially in order to produce complete emulsification. 
 These natural products are the most perfect emulsions, and to 
 simulate them is the object of pharmacal art. A natural emulsion 
 may be greatly diluted with water without causing separation of the 
 oil. This is the best test to indicate that an emulsion is perfect. 
 These are made by mixing the Oil with a certain proportion of the 
 emulsifying agent, adding Water and trituration of the mixture in a 
 Mortar or agitation in a Flask. 
 There are various methods, but these are general rules: 
 The emulsification of the oil should be complete before the mixture is made 
 up to the required measure. 
 When Alcoholic liquids are to be added, they should first be diluted as 
 much as possible. 
 Salts should be dissolved before being added. 
 No heat should be employed, as the oil separates in an emulsion when heated. 
 Emulsions should be freshly prepared and be preserved in a cold place. 
 The most common Emulsifying Agents, in the order of their gen- 
 eral value, are: 
 Powdered Gum Acacia: with the powdered Gum, contained in a 
 capacious flat-bottomed, wedgewood mortar, the oil is gradually incor- 
 corporated. To this one and a half times as much Water as of Gum is 
 added at once and the mixture rapidly triturated with a rotary motion 
 of the pestle. Soon the mixture becomes stiff and assumes a milk- 
 white color, the pestle-mortar producing a characteristic "crackling" 
 sound, when the emulsification is complete. This so-called "mother-
 emulsion" may now be diluted to the required measure and othei 
 substances, flavors, etc., be added. 
 The proportion of Gum required varies with different Oils, an oil rich 
 in gum, such as Castor Oil, requiring less gum than an oil poor 12 
 natural gum, as Cod Liver Oil. 
 The following proportions hardly ever fail to produce complete 
 emulsification: Gum, 2 parts; oil, 4 parts; water, 3 parts. 
 Whenever a lesser proportion of Gum is used the water must be de- 
 creased in proportion, viz.: One and a half times as much water as o' 
 gum employed. 
 The Ethereal or Volatile Oils require a much larger proportion of 
 Gum than the fixed oils. 
 Powdered Tragacanth may be used in the same way, or in the form 
 of mucilage, but it does not produce as permanent emulsions as does 
 gum acacia. 
 Mucilage of Acacia or of Irish Moss (N. F.). These are not as 
 satisfactory as powdered gum; while they produce good emulsions the 
 division of the oil-globules is not as thorough as in the preceding; 
 emulsification being incomplete, the mixture more rapidly separates 
 into a heavier, watery liquid and a lighter, thick gelatinous emul- 
 sion, which requires thorough mixing before use. 
 Extract of Malt is an excellent emulsifying agent, when its use is admissible. 
 The oil should be added to the Malt Extract, contained in a capacious mortar 
 and incorporated in small quantities at the time. A good article will emul- 
 sify an equal volume of Cod Liver Oil. 
 Condensed Milk and Egg-yolk produce the most perfect emulsions and also 
 the most palatable, but they rapidly ferment and spoil. 
 Glycerin and sugar added to emulsions for the purpose of preservation and 
 palatability induce separation and their use is not advisable. 
 Emulsification "by intervention" is the best and only reliable 
 method to be employed with Ethereal Oils and all substances of them- 
 selves not emulsifiable. It is illustrated in the official Chloroform 
 Oil of Turpentine, for example, is emulsified by dissolving the Turpentine OiJ 
 in twice its volume of a bland fixed oil (Almond Oil), incorporating an equal weight 
 of powdered Acacia, adding Water and proceeding as with an ordinary emulsion 
 Fancreatin emulsionizes fats in preparing them for digestion, but it does not 
 produce a permanent emulsion when used artificially. While, therefore, not s 
 reliable emulsifying agent, it aids theass'milation of oils and its addition to emul- 
 sions is sometimes therapeu'ically desirable. As it is only active in alkaline 
 media the Emulsion should be prepared with a little Sodium Bicarbonate. 
 The addition of Alkalies to emulsions should be avoided. Soaps are not 
 Emulsions; neither is the use of Soap-Bark to be recommended.
 The four official Emulsions may be classified as follows: 
 Natural Emulsions: 
 From Gum resin triturated with water: <f c vol. 
 Emulsum Ammoniaci ammoniac 4. 
 Emulsum Asafoetidae asafetida, in select tears 4. 
 From seed by intervention: 
 Emulsum Amygdalae sugar 3, acacia powd. 1. 
 sweet almond 6. 
 Artificial emulsion by intervention: 
 Emulsum Chloroformi . . . tragacanth powd. 1.5, chlor. 4. 
 expressed oil almond 6, water, to 100. 
 Shake Chloroform and tragacanth together in a dry bottle, incorporate 25 c.c. 
 Water, then the Almond oil, in small quantities, and finally in the same way 
 add the remainder of the Water. 
 The Liniments are liquid preparations for external use consisting of 
 solutions of oily or resinoiis constituents in Alcohol or Oils; or mix- 
 tures of liquid Soaps. The nine official are prepared : 
 By solution: 
 Linimentum: % by vol. 
 Belladonnas fl. ext. belladonna 95, camphor 5. 
 Chloroformi soap liniment 70, chloroform 30. 
 Saponis Mollis . . . alcohol 30, lavender oil 2, soft soap 65. 
 Sinapis Comp. . . . fl. ext. mezereum 20, mustard oil vol. 3. 
 camphor 6, castor oil 15, alcohol, to 100. 
 By solution with heat: 
 Linimentum: f by w't. 
 Camphorse cotton-seed oil 80, camphor 20. 
 % by vol. 
 Saponis camphor 4.5, soap 7. 
 rosemary oil 1, alcohol 75, water, to 100. 
 % by w't. 
 Terebinthinae resin cerate 65, turpentine oil 35. 
 By saponification: 
 Linimentum: % 
 Ammoniae . . cotton-seed oil 60, alcohol 5, ammonia water 
 Calcis linseed oil 50, lime solution
 Products by Extraction. 
 The preparations made by extraction are represented by ten classes 
 of which seven are liquid, one semi-solid, the Extracts; one solid, tne 
 Resins, and one semi-liquid, the Oleoresins. 
 With reference to the Menstrua, they are divided into aqueous, 
 acetous, vinous, alcoholic and ethereal preparations. 
 The aqueous include the Mucilages, Infusions and Decoctions. 
 These are made by extracting the soluble principles of mucilaginous 
 Drugs with Water. 
 When made from Gums completely soluble they may be classed as 
 solutions. They are made by dissolving the substance in water and 
 rejecting undissolved matter by straining: 
 Mucilago (gen.-inis): % by -aft. 
 or vol. 
 Acaciae gum arabic 34. 
 Tragacanthae (glycerin 18) tragacanth 6. 
 Sassafrasae Medull sassafras pith 2. 
 By digestion: 
 Mucilago Ulmi slippery elm bark 6. 
 The two last-mentioned should be freshly made when wanted. 
 Unless otherwise directed to be prepared by the general process: 
 Of the Drug coarsely comminuted 5 Gm., Boiling Water 100 c.c. 
 Pour the Boiling Water on the Drug in a suitable vessel, provided \vith a 
 cover, and let it stand for half an hour, strain and add enough Water through 
 the strainer to make 100 c.c. 
 Caution. The strength of Infusions of powerful drugs, i. e. Ipecac, 
 should be especially prescribed. 
 The following Infusions are official, being prepared by different 
 strengths and by other processes than directed in the general process 
 Infusum: Parts. 
 Digitalis . . digitalis 1.5; alcohol 10; cinnamon water 15; 
 water to make 100 
 Sennne Comp. (Black Draught) . . . senna (fennel 2 ) G; 
 manna, mag. sulph., of each 12. water to make 100
 By Percolation without Heat. ^ by vol. 
 Infusum Cinchona; .... acid atom, sulph. 1, cinchona 6. 
 Pruni Virginiana: wild cherry 4. 
 Unless otherwise directed Decoctions are prepared according to 
 the following general process: 
 Of the drug coarsely comminuted 5 Gm. 
 Boiling water to 100 c.c. 
 Pour the ('old Water on the I)rug, contained in a suitable vessel provided 
 with a cover, bring it to a boil and let it boil for 15 minutes. Let it cool to 
 40 C. (104 F. ), express, strain and add cold water through the strainer to 
 make 100 c c. 
 Caution as with infusions. 
 The following Decoctions are official, as being made of different 
 strengths and methods than directed in the general process: 
 Decoctum: <f by vol. 
 Cetrarire Iceland moss 5. 
 Sarsaparilla; Comp mezereum 1, sarsaparilla 10. 
 glycyrrhiza, sassafras, guaiac wood, of each 2. 
 The Cetraria is macerated with cold water for half an hour and the expressed 
 liquid rejected before it is boiled with the water. In the Sarsaparilla Decoc- 
 tion, the Sarsaparilla and Guaiac wood are boiled- separately for half an hour, 
 and then the other drugs are macerated in the mixture for two hours before it 
 is strained. 
 The Vinegars are made by extraction with Dilute Acetic Acid. 
 By maceration: 
 Acetum: % by vol. 
 Opii (Black Drop) sugar 20, nutmeg 3, opium 10. 
 Scillrc squill 10. 
 The Vinegars of Lobelia and Sanguinaria (80) were of the same strength. 
 The Wines are made by solution, by maceration or by maceration 
 and percolation. The Menstrua is White Wine to which from 10 to 
 15 per cent of Alcohol is added to aid in the extraction and in the 
 preservation. There are ten Wines official. 
 Those made by solution- 
 Vinum: Parts. 
 Antimonii antimony, potass, tart. (sol. water) 0.4 
 Ferri Amarum iron, quinine citrate, soluble 5. 
 (Bitter Wine of Iron) tinct. orange peel 15, syrup 30.
 WINES. 357 
 Vinum Ferri Citratis iron ammonium citrate 4. 
 tinct. orange peel 15, syrup 10, wine to 100. 
 Ipecacuanhas alcohol 10, fl. ext. ipecac 10. 
 By maceration: 
 Vinum Opii .... cinnamon, cloves, each 1, opium 10. 
 By maceration and percolation: 
 Vinum Colchici Radicis colchicum root 40. 
 " Colchici Seminis " seed 15. 
 " Ergotae ergot 15. 
 The Natural Wines: Vinum Album and Vinum Rubrum are de- 
 scribed under "Products by Fermentation." 
 The Tinctures are liquid preparations made by the extraction of 
 Drugs with menstrua of Alcohol and Water in various proportions. 
 They are prepared by maceration and filtration; also by percolation 
 and a few by solution: 
 By maceration and_/27/ 'ration, those containing resins and oleoresins, 
 Musk, and tinctures of fresh herbs; in a few instances with heat, the 
 Tinctures of Opium, Tincture of Quillaja and Tincture Strophanthus. 
 By percolation, when prepared from dried vegetable drugs, i. e., 
 barks, leaves, roots, etc., usually after brief maceration. 
 By solution, mixing a solution (chloride iron), or dissolving a solid 
 in alcohol (iodine, ext. mix vomica). 
 Tinctures are the simplest form of alcoholic products by extraction. From a 
 Tincture all the other preparations may be progressively produced, through 
 concentration by evaporation, as follows: 
 Fluid Extract representing a uniform drug-strength, viz.: i Gram in i c.c. 
 Exit-act or "solid extract," a semi-solid mass of pilular consistence of no uni- 
 form drug-strength; or assayed and powdered with diluent, to represent a cer- 
 tain alkaloidal strength (Opium, Nux Vomica). 
 Abstract or "powdered extract" by incorporation of Sugar of Milk with the 
 extract to represent one-half the weight, or twice the strength of the drug. 
 Rtsins, separation of the resinous constituents, by precipitation in Water, of a 
 concentrated alcoholic Tincture.
 The Tinctures range in strength (excluding the compound tinctures) 
 from 5 to 50 per cent. They are all made by volume. 
 Menstrua for 
 c.c., or vol. %. 
 Part of Plant 
 or Drug. 
 Containing f per cent. 
 Tinctura Cantharidis 
 " Capsici 
 ' ' Moschi 
 ' ' Strophanthi 
 Containing 7 per cent. 
 Tinctura lodi 
 Containing 10 per cent. 
 Tinctura Arnica? Radicis 
 insp. juice 
 insp. juice 
 Glyc. 5. 
 Glyc. 15. 
 Glyc. 10. 
 Sugar 20. 
 " Brvonise 
 " Calumbae 
 " Cardamomi 
 " Chirata? 
 " Cinnamomi (zeyl) 
 " Croci 
 " Kino 
 " Matico 
 ' ' Opii (see note) 
 " Opii deod ' ' 
 " Quassias 
 " Rhei (cardamom 2) ... 
 " Serpentariae 
 " Sumbul 
 " Vanilla? 
 Containing i^ per cent. 
 Tinctura Belladonna? 
 Ac. Acet 2. 
 " Cannabis Indicae 
 " Colchici 
 ' ' Digitalis 
 " Gelsemii 
 " Hvoscyami 
 " Phvsostigmatis 
 " Sanguinariae 
 " Stramonii Seminis. . . . 
 Assayed Tinctures. Two of the most important Tinctures are re- 
 quired to be of certain specified alkaloidal strengths and their classi- 
 fication according to their respective drug-strengths is therefore only 
 approximately correct. 
 Tinctura Opii.- Should be so adjusted as to represent from 1.3 to 1.5 per 
 cent of crystallized morphine, the proportion obtained from 10 per cent of 
 Opii pulvis, U. S.
 Tinctura Nucis Vomicce. Made by solution of 2 per cent of the official Ex- 
 tract, representing about ten times its weight of the drug; the Tincture, there- 
 fore, being in the 20 per cent class. The Tincture contains 0.3 per cent total 
 alkaloids. (See Alkaloids.) 
 Menstrua for 
 too Parts by vol. 
 Part of Plant 
 or Drug. 
 Water A , lc .- 
 Containing 20 per cent. 
 Tinctura Arnicac Florum . . . 
 50 50 
 Glyc. 7.5. 
 Glyc. 10. 
 sp. am. ar. 
 sp. am. ar. 
 " Asafo3tidae 
 " Aurantii Amari, 
 40 60 
 " Aurantii Uulcis 
 " Henzoini 
 " Calendula? 
 " Cimicifugac 
 " Cinchonas 
 25 07.5 
 " Cubebas 
 " Guaiaci 
 .... IOO 
 " Guaiaci Ammon 
 " 1 lumuli. 
 50 50 
 50 50 
 50 50 
 5 50 
 " 11 ydrasfis 
 " Krameriac 
 " Myrrhas 
 " NucisVomicae(see note) 
 " i'vrethri 
 25 75 
 " Quillajre 
 60 40 
 25 | 75 
 " Valerianae 
 " Valerianas Ammon. . . . 
 " Zingiberis 
 . IOO 
 Containing 25 per cent. 
 Tinctura Ferri Chloridi 
 Containing jj per cent. 
 Tinctura Aconiti 
 30 70 
 Containing jo per icnt. 
 Tinctura Veratri Viridis 
 Containing 50 per cent. 
 Tinctura Lactucarii . 
 2S so Give. 2S. 
 Tincturoi Herbarum Recentium Tinctures of Fresh Herbs, or 
 "Green Tinctures." 
 When not otherwise directed to be prepared by the following 
 General Formula: 
 Take of the fresh herb, bruised or crushed, 50 Gm.; macerate for 
 14 days in Alcohol 100 c.c.; express the liquid and filter.
 Compound tinctures (showing parts of drug in 
 ! aloes 
 10. \ 
 20. f 
 10. ) 
 10. 1 
 10. ) 
 4-. C 
 2 ' ( 
 2. \ 
 0.5 ) 
 10. | 
 5- f 
 10. 1 
 8 - 
 2. ) 
 10. ) 
 1 1 
 100. \ 
 10. / 
 0. 4 ] 
 0. 4 
 20. 1 
 4- 1 
 4- i 
 2- J 
 10. ] 
 i. .1 
 Aloes ct Myrrhac 
 licorice root. . . . 
 ( aloes 
 1 myrrh 
 Benzoini Comp 
 licorice root. . . . 
 j aloes 2, benzoin . 
 I storax 8, tolu. . . 
 i cardamom 
 Cardamomi Comp . 
 Catechu Comp 
 cara'y i, cochin'l 
 ( catechu 
 Cinchonae Comp - 
 \ cinnamon 
 red cinchona. . . 
 bitter orange. . . 
 serpentaria .... 
 Gentianae Comp - 
 bitter orange. . . . 
 Ipecacuanhas et Opii *\ 
 r tinct. opii deod. 
 L fl. ext. ipecac. . . 
 ( oil lavend 
 Lavandulse Comp < 
 oil rosmar 
 cinnnamon. . . . 
 Opii Camphorata < 
 red saunders. . . 
 opium p 
 acid benzoic. . . . 
 Rhei Aromatica 
 oil anise . 
 Rhei Dulcis 
 [ rhubarb 
 Fluid extracts may be defined as a class of concentrated tinctures of 
 such strength as to represent the drug volume for weight. 
 The fluid extracts of the U. S. Ph., previous to 1880, represented 
 one grain of drug in one minim, or one troy ounce in one fluid ounce. 
 In the U. S. Ph., 1880, the standard adopted was one Gram in one 
 cubic centimeter, and this strength has been retained as the standard 
 for the U. S. Ph., 1890. 
 Fluid extracts are made by percolation, maceration or digestion and
 expression. Except on a large scale, or by fractional 'percolation, they 
 cannot be prepared by simple percolation without evaporation to con- 
 centrate the percolate to the required measure. 
 Fractional or repercolation, or simultaneous fractional percolation, by em- 
 ployment of which the use of heat for concentrating the percolate is avoided, 
 may be used to advantage, when the quantity operated upon is sufficiently large 
 to warrant the greater time and attention required. 
 The following are the processes employed: 
 A. In proceeding to percolate one hundred Grams of the drug, according to 
 directions, the first 80 to go cubic centimeters are reserved, and percolation 
 continued until the exhaustion is completed. The weak percolate is evaporated 
 to a soft extract (the alcohol being recovered) and dissolved in the reserved 
 percolate. Sufficient of the menstruum is then added to make the product 
 measure 100 c.c. 
 The official proportions for menstrua expressed in percentages by 
 volume (cubic centimeters), are given in the subjoined tables: 
 Extractum Fluidum. Drug. Extractum Fluidum. -Drug. 
 Aromaticum ........... aromatic Gelsemii .............. root. 
 powder. Grindeliae ............. herb. 
 Buchu ................ leaves. Iridis ................ rhizome. 
 Calami .............. root. Lupulini ............. glands. 
 Cannabis Ind ......... herb. Mezerii ............... bark. 
 Capsici .............. fruit. Sabinae .............. tops. 
 Cimicifugae ........... root. Veratri Viridis ........ rhizome. 
 Cubebae ............... berry. Xanthoxyli ............ bark. 
 Cusso ................ flores'nce Zingiberis ............ rhizome. 
 Extractum Fluidum. Drug. Extractum Fluidum. Drug. 
 Belladonna? ........... root. Khei ................. root. 
 Eriodictyi ............ herb. Serpentariae .......... rhizome. 
 Podophylli ............ rhizome. 
 Extractum Fluidum. Drug. Extractum Fluidum. Drug. 
 Leptandrae ............ rhizome. 
 Arnicae ............... root. Matico ............... leaves. 
 Aconiti ............... root. Scillae ................ bulb. 
 Calumbac ............. root. Valerianac ............ rhizome, 
 Eucalypti ............. leaves. Viburni Opuli ......... bark. 
 Guaranas .............. seed Viburni Prunifolii ..... bark. 
 Ipecacuanha? .......... root. Stramonii ......... . .seed. 
 Extracted Fluidum. Drug. Extractum Fluidum. Drug. 
 Aurantu Amari ........ rind. Digitalis ............. leaf. 
 Chiratae .............. herb. Hyoscyami ............ leaf. 
 Colchici Kadicis ...... corm. Menispermi ........... rhizome. 
 Colchic: Serrpnis ...... sed. Phvtolaccse. . ..... root.
 Extractura Fluidum. Drug. 
 Asclepiadis root. 
 Chimaphilse herb. 
 Cocae leaf. 
 Convallarise rhizome. 
 Cypripedii rhizome. 
 Dulcamara? twigs. 
 Eupatorii herb. 
 Gentianae root. 
 Lobelias... ..herb. 
 Extractum Fluidum. Drug. 
 Pilocarpi leaves. 
 Rumicis root. 
 Spigeliae rhizome. 
 Stillingiae root. 
 Lappae root. 
 Rhamni Purshianae.. . .bark. 
 Scoparii tops. 
 Scutellariae herb. 
 Sennae leaves. 
 Taraxaci... ..root. 
 Extractum Frangulse Fluid, .bark. 
 Extractum Quassias Fluid, .wood. 
 Sarsaparillas root. 
 Extractum Fluidum. Drug. 
 Cinchonae bark 
 Gossypii radicis root bark. 
 Glyc. in 100 c c. 
 Extractum Fluidum. Drug. 
 Geranii rhizome 
 Kramerias root. . . . 
 Rhois Glabrae leaves. . 
 Rosae . . . .leaves . . 
 Glyc. in 100 c. .c. 
 Extractum Fluidum 
 Apocyni ... 
 Aspidospermatis .... ... 
 Sarsaparillae Comp Sarsaparilla 75 
 glycyrrhi/a 12, sassafras 10, mezereum 3 
 Uvre Ursi 
 Menstruum: (i) Water 30 c.c., Glycerin 10 c.c. ; 
 (2) Alcohol 85 c.c., Water 15 c.c 
 Extractum Pruni Virginians Fluidum 
 B. In some drugs, the active principles are extracted with difficulty or liable 
 to dissociation by the heat employed in the evaporation of the weak percolate. 
 In such cases an adit is added to the menstrua which combines with the alka- 
 loid and forms salts much more soluble and not so readily volatilized. To this 
 Class belong:
 Conn ... 
 Nucis Vomicae 1 
 C. When the active principles are of acid character and extracted with dif- 
 ficulty by the use of ordinary solvents (neutral menstrua) or are liable to gela- 
 tinize, alkaline menstrua are employed for their extraction. 
 Two of this class are official: 
 Amon. Water 
 Senega; . 
 D. When the active principles are readily soluble in water and the drug is 
 very cellular, extraction is effected by digestion and expression. This method 
 must be applied only to drugs whose principles are not impaired by the heat 
 necessary to concentrate the expressed liquid to the required measure. 
 To exhaust drugs with water, maceration and expression are always neces- 
 sary, because the cell-walls swell, and the water acts upon starch and gummy 
 matter, thus impeding the flow in percolation. A greater proportion of sol- 
 vent is also necessary than in the process of percolation, hence the necessity for 
 the evaporation of the liquid extract. Since water, especially when hot, ex- 
 tracts matter causing fermentation, the liquid is evaporated to about twice the 
 bulk of the drug employed and Alcohol added so that the liquid may contain 
 about 25 per cent of alcohol by which the undesirable principles are precipitated. 
 The easily fermentable substances are insoluble in liquids containing 20 per 
 cent, or above, of alcohol, and are precipitated and freed from the extract by 
 nitration. The alcohol also acts as a preservative, since aqueous solutions of 
 vegetable substances do not keep for any length of time. 
 Two of this class are official: 
 Extractum Castanece Fluidum glycerin 10, leaves 
 Tritici Fluidum rhizome 
 Extractum Ergotoi Purificatum or "liquid ergot," Ergotin, and 
 Extractum Sennaj Fluid. Aquosum may be prepared by this process. 
 'The concentration is adjusted so that the Fluid Extract shall contain 1.5 
 per tent of total alkaloids and that 10 c.c. shall represent i Gm. extract nux 
 Extracts, or "solid" extracts as they are termed, to distinguish 
 them from fluid extracts, are the soluble active principles of vegetable 
 drugs, concentrated by evaporation to a soft solid, or a plastic mass 
 of pilular consistence. 
 The strength of an extract depends upon the amount of the crude 
 drug it represents. Hence, the smaller the percentage of extract ob- 
 tained from a drug, the greater the relative strength of the extract; 
 provided that the drug is exhausted with menstrua adapted to secure 
 all the active principles in this form. 
 Thus the extracts of different drugs are as many times stronger than the 
 drug, as the quotient obtained by dividing the drug at 100 by the percentage 
 yield. For example: Podophyllum yields 10 percent of extract; then IOO-T- 
 10=10, that is, the extract is ten times as strong as the drug and the Fluid Ex- 
 tract, or that o.i of the extract represents i Gm. of the Drug or i c c. of the 
 Fluid Extract. 
 The yield of extract is influenced by the character of the menstrua 
 employed; with a few drugs like Rhubarb the quality of the drug 
 sometimes governs the yield, the least percentage being obtained from 
 the poorest quality. 
 As a general rule, the more aqueous the menstrua the greater the 
 yield of extract; conversely, the more alcoholic the menstrua the 
 smaller the yield of extract. To obtain the extracts, therefore, of 
 official strength it is necessary to use official menstrua in the extrac- 
 The 33 official extracts may be divided into four classes: 
 1. Those made by extraction with Alcoholic menstrua, by percola- 
 tion and concentration to pilular consistence, including those made 
 by addition of acid (Conium) and evaporation from Fluid Extract 
 2. By extraction with Water, hot or cold infusion, digestion or 
 contusion of fresh drug, and concentration to pilular consistence, 
 including one each made by: 
 Addition of acid (Colchicum), of Alkali (Glycyrrhiza, pure) and 
 Extract Glycyrrhiza, commercial, not prepared in the retail pharmacy. 
 3. Powdered Extracts, Colocynth, and those made by addition of 
 powders to the extracts including: 
 4. Assayed Extracts of Xux A'omica and Opium and 
 One Compound Extract, of Colocynth. 
 The drug strength of these and their respective doses estimated on 
 their drug strengths may be presented as follows:
 100 c.c. 
 Parts of 
 Drup in 
 i of Ex- 
 Dose of 
 Dose of 
 Aconiti (rad) 
 5 J /2 
 Arnica" 1 
 Belladonna; Fol. Alcoholic 
 Cannabis Indicre 
 Conii (ac. acetic 2) 
 Euonymi . 
 Iridis . . . 
 Leptandrac . . 
 Podophylli . . . 
 Stramonii (seed) 
 UVCE Ursi 
 The number of Grams of Drug represented by i Gm. of Extract corre- 
 sponds equally to the number of grains of Drug represented by i grain of the 
 extract and the proportion is the same in any other denomination of weights. 
 By extraction with Water: 
 By hot infusion: 
 Aloes (aquosa) 
 By infusion, coagulation by boiling: 
 By percolation with Dilute Acetic Acid: 
 Colchici I 35 
 By percolation with Amon. Water: 
 Gl ycyrrhizae, pur 40 
 By insuccation from fresh drug: 
 Taraxaci J 30 
 Parts of Dose of Dose of 
 7 C ., Dr "Si, ln Drug, i Ex- 
 Yield, i of Ex- Grains.! ^ract. 
 ; tract. ; Grains. 
 Powdered extracts: 
 By extraction with Dilute Alcohol: 
 Extractum Colocynthidis . . 
 By incorporation with other substances : / foo 
 Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum .... ext. colocynth 16 
 aloes, purif 50, scammony resin, soap powd., each 14 
 cardamom 6, alcohol to 100
 To the Aloes, fused on a water-bath, the Alcohol is added, then the Soap, 
 Colocynth Extract and Scammony Resin; heat until the mixture becomes 
 brittle upon cooling; thoroughly incorporate the Cardamom, allow the mixture 
 to become cold and then reduce it to powder. 
 Assayed Extracts. By extraction, concentration by evaporation 
 and addition of Sugar of Milk to represent a certain alkaloidal strength 
 in the powdered extract: 
 By Percolation with alcohol 75, water 25, acid, acetic 5. 
 Extractum Nucis Vomicse contains 15 per cent of total alkaloids, 
 i represents about 10 of drug. 
 By extraction with water. 
 Extractum Opii contains 18 per cent of crystallized morphine; 
 i represents 2 of normal moist opium, about one and a half of 
 Opii pulvis. 
 The preparation of these, the processes of assay and their strengths related 
 to their respective Drugs, have been described under the Alkaloidal Drugs in the 
 preceding Lecture. 
 A class of powdered extracts, prepared from the extracts by the 
 addition of sufficient milk sugar to make the product represent one- half 
 its weight of the crude drug, was official in the U. S. Ph. 1880, under 
 the title of Abstracts. 
 The Abstracts have a uniform relation to the drug, viz: One grain 
 represents two grains of the drug, just as the fluid extracts have the 
 uniform relation of representing the drug measure for weight. 
 In preparing an abstract the drug is exhausted with proper men- 
 struum and the extract obtained; this, while yet warm, is incorporated 
 with its weight of milk sugar (powdered) and set in a warm place. 
 When sufficiently dry the mixture is powdered and enough milk sugar 
 added to bring the product to one-half the weight of the drug em- 
 ployed. Abstracts must be preserved in small, perfectly dry and well- 
 corked vials in a dry and cool place. 
 Their uniformity alone should have favored the employment of Abstracts in 
 preference to the Extracts, since they do not share the variability in strength 
 of the extracts, the dose of the Abstract being exactly one-half that of the crude 
 drug or Fluid Extract. Unfortunately this advantage on the other hand, was 
 offset by the disadvantage that Abstracts are more bulky, and caused their dele- 
 tion in the U. S. Ph. '90. 
 The official Extracts of Jalap and of Nux Vomica have superseded the 
 Abstracts of these respective drugs in a more concentrated and equally con- 
 venient iorm. Of the remaining nine Abstracts formerly official Aconite, Bell- 
 adonna, Conium, Digitalis, Hyoscyamus (Ignatia, superseded by Nux Vomica), 
 Podophyllum, Senega and Valerian, the five first mentioned, commonly but
 incorrectly called the "narcotics," may be made of a strength to represent four 
 times the weight of the respective drugs, or nearly the same strength as the 
 official Extracts, by extraction with a menstruum of Alcohol 75, Chloroform 
 25 vols. 
 There is no need of the Abstract of Senega nor of that of Podophyllum, the 
 resin taking its place. The volatile oil in Valerian does not permit of evapora- 
 tion necessary for the preparation of an extract but the Abstract is an ideal 
 form and the most concentrated preparation of Valerian practicable. 
 The pharmaceutical Oleoresins are semi -liquid extracts, obtained 
 by exhausting Oleoresinous drugs with Ether. The natural Oleo- 
 resins have been considered. 
 Ether extracts fixed and volatile oils from drugs, as well as resin; 
 these principles constitute therefore the oleoresins which sometimes also 
 contain other active matter in solution or suspension. 
 The menstruum (ether) being easily volatilized, is recovered by distillation; 
 it is sometimes superseded by alcohol, which yields an extract very similar to 
 that obtained with ether. 
 The six following are official: 
 Oleoresina Aspidii separates in two layers, to be mixed when used. 
 " Capsici separates fat. 
 " Cubebre " wax. 
 *' Lupulinaj 
 " Piperis separates piperine, to be rejected. 
 " Zingiberis. 
 The official Resins may be divided into the (i) Natural Resins, (2) 
 Resins obtained from Oleoresins by separating the Volatile Oil by 
 distillation and (3) the Pharmaceutical Resins, prepared by precipita- 
 When a concentrated tincture of a resinous drug is poured into a large 
 quantity of cold water the resinous matter becomes insoluble and is precipitated; 
 this, after being washed, dried and sometimes powdered, is termed a >\-sin. 
 Resins are usually soluble in Alkalies and inso!itl>/c in Acids (dilute); for this 
 reason the Water used for precipitation is sometimes rendered slightly acid to 
 favor the separation. 
 The three following are official: 
 Resina Jalapce precipitated in water; yield 15^.1 rep. 6 of Drug. 
 ' Scammonii " ' ; ' 80-7. 
 " Podophylli " in acidulated water; yield 5^,1 rep. 
 20 of Drug. 
 The Resins obtained as by-products in the distillation of oils:
 368 RESINS. 
 Resina and Resina Copaibge and the Natural Resins have previously 
 been described. 
 The terms resin, resinoid and concentration are also applied to a class of prep- 
 arations used by eclectic physicians, prepared by this general process with some 
 modifications. (See U. S. and Am. Disp.) 
 They are named after their respective Drugs with the ending in as in the 
 Glucosides and must not be confused with the latter. While the Glucosides 
 are usually the active medicinal constituents representing the drug, theresinoids 
 being only the resinous constituents represent the value of such drugs only, 
 whose chief constituents are resins, or whose medicinal value depends upon 
 Mixtures of Solids. 
 This division embraces the several classes of preparations consisting 
 of Mixtures of Solids in various forms. 
 As their therapeutic uses govern their pharmacal form, they may be 
 divided into those (1) for internal use and those (2) for external use. 
 The iirst group includes the Powders, Triturations, Confections, 
 Troches, Masses and Pills. 
 These are treated according to the progressive system, illustrative of 
 the successive methods by which the various preparations may be 
 made from each other, i. e., from the lowest forms, powder, to the 
 highest, pills. 
 From a powder the other preparations may be made as follows: 
 Trituration, by trituration with a diluent as Sugar of Milk. 
 Confection, by making a mass from the powder with Sugar, etc. 
 Troches, by cutting a mass like a Confection containing gum and 
 flavor into discs, to be slowly dissolved in the mouth. 
 Mass, by forming the powder into a plastic mass with Excipients. 
 Pills, by forming the mass into spherical bodies not to exceed 0.3 in 
 weight, intended to be swallowed. 
 The nine official Powders are impalpable mixtures of one or more 
 active drugs, usually with some nearly inert substance such as Sugar. 
 as a diluent, and Aromatics. 
 They are made by trituration: 
 PlllviS Cm. in 100. 
 Antimonialis (James') . calc. phos. 67, antimon. oxide 33. 
 Aromaticus .... cinnamon (Ceylon), ginger, each 35. 
 cardamom (seed), nutmeg, each 15. 
 Crete Compositus . acacia p. 20, sugar 50. prep, chalk 30. 
 Glycyrrhizse Compositus . . senna 18, glycyrrhiza r't 24. 
 fennel oil 0.4, sulphur, washed, 8, sugar 50. 
 Ipecacuanhas et Opii . . . ipecac, opium pulv. , each 10. 
 (Dover's Powder) sugar of milk 80. 
 Jalapae Compositus .... potass, bitartrate 65, jalap 3.5. 
 Rhei Compositus . . magnesia 65, ginger 10, rhubarb 25. 
 370 POWDERS. 
 i n 60 grs t 
 Pulv. MorphinaeCompositus . camphor 19, morphine sulph. 1. 
 (Tulley's Powder) calcium carb. precip., gly- 
 cyrrhiza p. , each 20. 
 for 12 poiv. in each, grs. 
 Effervescens Compositus . . potassium and 
 (Seidlitz Powder) sodium tartrate 93 gm. 120 
 sodium bicarbonate 31 gm. 40 
 acid tartaric 27 gm. 35 
 Confections may be defined as flavored masses wherein the adhesive 
 substance is Sugar, in larger proportions, serving as a vehicle for mask- 
 ing the taste of the drug. 
 Confections, when made by beating a fresh drug, first reduced to 
 pulp with sugar until of the proper consistence, are termed conserves. 
 When made from powders or extracts they are called electuaries. 
 Only one representative of each class is official : 
 Gm. in 100. 
 Confectio Rosse rose water 16, red rose 8. 
 (Conserve of Rose) sugar 64, honey 12. 
 f oil coriander 0.5, senna 10. 
 Confectio Sennse 1 cassia fistula 16, fig 12, tamarind 10. 
 (Electuar. Senna) ^ pmne 7> sugar 5g> water to 1QO> 
 For details of manipulation, see U. S. Ph. 
 Masses are plastic mixtures of pilular consistence. They are made: 
 (1) by incorporating the drug with adhesive substances; (2) by chem- 
 ical reaction; (3) sometimes by both. 
 By the first process: 
 Massa Hydrargyri . . glycyrrhiza 5, althaea 25, mercury 33. 
 Blue Mass) glycerin 3, honey of rose 34. 
 By the second process: 
 Massa Copaibas water 1, magnesia 6, copaiba 94. 
 The Copaivic acid combines with the magnesia, forming mag- 
 nesium copaivate of pilular consistence. 
 By both these processes: 
 Massa Ferri Carbonatis f sodium carb., ferrous sulph., each 100. 
 (Yallet's Mass) { honey 38, sugar 25, syrup to 100. 
 By double decomposition between the Ferrous Sulphate and Sodium 
 Carbonate, ferrous carbonate is formed, which is incorporated with 
 Honey and Sugar to prevent oxidation, and to render the mixture a 
 plastic mass.
 Troches or lozenges are confections made into various forms and 
 then dried. 
 The vehicle or excipient consists ot powdered gum Tragacanth or 
 Sugar with flavoring, in some cases orange flower water; in others, 
 tolu, nutmeg, vanilla, etc. 
 The active ingredients are mixed with the diluent or vehicle and made into 
 a plastic mass with the particular excipient, water, or syrup. The mass is 
 rolled out to the requisite thickness and the disks formed by cutting through 
 it with a punch, or troche-cutter. The troches are then dried by exposure. 
 The size and weight of the troche are regulated by the thickness of the mass 
 and the diameter of the cutter. 
 The 15 official Troches vary in weight from Gm. 0.5 to 1.5: 
 Trochisci: ^ m - in 100 Troches. 
 Acidi Tannici 6. 
 Ammonii Chloridi 10. 
 extract glycyrrhiza 25. 
 Catechu 6. 
 Cretae 25. 
 Cubebae oleoresin 4. 
 extract glycyrrhiza 25. 
 sassafras oil 1. 
 Ferri ferric hydrate 30. 
 Glycyrrhizae . ext. glycyrrhiza 15. 
 et Opii powd. opium 0.5 
 Ipecacuanhas 2. 
 In Each Troche. 
 0.06 orange flor. 
 orange flor. 
 Krameriae extract 
 Menthae Piperitae oil 
 Morphine . . . morphine sulph 
 et Ipecac. powd. ipecac 0.50 
 Potassii Chloratis 30. 
 Santonini 3. 
 Sodii Bicarbonatis 20. 
 Zingiberis .... tinct ginger 20. 0.2 
 Lozenges of peppermint, lemon, musk, vanilla and gaultheria may 
 readily be prepared by saturating sugar lozenges with the respective 
 essences or tinctures and permitting the alcohol to volatilize. 
 3. 0.06 
 1. 0.01 
 0.16 mg. 1 ITT gaultheria. 
 " 5. 
 " flor. 
 orange flor. 
 372 PILLS. 
 Pills are spherical, more or less soluble, masses of medicinal sub- 
 stances rendered cohesive, plastic and firm in consistence by the ad- 
 dition of some substance (usually inert), termed excipient. 
 The kind of excipient employed varies with the nature of the medic- 
 inal substance. As a general rule such substances are chosen as give 
 to the mass, with the smallest proportion, the greatest plasticity, and 
 also best preserve the spherical shape of the pills. The excipient 
 must also, unless the contrary be directed for especial purposes, be in- 
 different in character to avoid change in the medicinal agents. 
 Soluble Substances are rendered adhesive by the action of solvents 
 and require the addition of some liquid that will act dissolving 
 water, alcohol, glycerin, etc., according to their solubilities. 
 Others require the addition of adhesive substances, such as Syrup, 
 Mucilage, Glucose, Glycerite Starch or Tragacanth, etc. 
 Drugs adapted for dispensing in the form of pills may be divided as 
 (1) The official Masses, Extracts and Scaled Salts. 
 Masses and extracts, being of pilular consistence, require no addition, except 
 when hard, Water is incorporated to restore them to their original form. 
 Abstracts and powdered extracts are best made into a mass with water. 
 (2) Vegetable powders in which the dose does not exceed five 
 With these adhesive excipients are indicated, such as Syrup, Mucilage, 
 Glycerite Tragacanth and Glucose. The last mentioned answers the require- 
 ments better than most other substances. Confection of Rose and Extracts of 
 Gentian, Glycyrrhiza and Taraxacum are also used, when their color is not 
 (3) Salts not too deliquescent and Alkaloids. 
 Excipients for these must combine adhesive and absorbent qualities. They 
 are first triturated with a dry powder, /. e., Althea, Glycyrrhiza or Milk Sugar, 
 and then mixed with the adhesive substance, viz.: Glucose or Glycerite of 
 Starch, or Tragacanth. 
 Xo excipient must be used that will give to the mass a color different from 
 ih'ct of the medicinal ingredients (the base). 
 (4) Volatile oils and oleoresins. 
 The quantity of these when dispensed in pills being comparatively large, it is 
 necessary to add some light absorbent substance, such as Magnesia or Starch, to 
 which is added the adhesive material. The practice of adding wax or resin to 
 oils is not to be recommended except as a last resort, since they tend to render 
 the pill insoluble. 
 (5) Resins and gum-resins. 
 These form an adhesive mass by the addition of a little Alcohol, with which
 more bulky excipients, such as Soap, may be incorporated to preserve the 
 shape of the pill. 
 (Gj Salts of the Cinchona Alkaloids, quinine and cinchonidine 
 sulphates, etc. 
 These are often prescribed in pill-form in large doses, and it is therefore de- 
 sirable to reduce their bulk. For this purpose dilute Sulphuric Acid or Tar- 
 taric Acid is added in small quantity, which acts dissolving upon the salt, 
 thereby converting it into a mass. This mass is incorporated with a little 
 Glycerite of Starch, otherwise it soon loses its plasticity, and must therefore be 
 rolled into pills as soon as formed. Chinoidine acts the same way, although 
 its bulk is not reduced. 
 (7) Substances easily decomposed by organic matter. 
 Potassium Permanganate and Silver Nitrate are quickly "reduced" when in- 
 corporated with the excipients usually employed. 
 These should be mixed with an inorganic diluent not affected by them, such 
 as Kaolin, Pipe clay or Fuller's Earth and made into a mass with Water, 
 Petrolatum, Resin Cerate, etc. 
 In making pills the following points are to be observed: 
 The substance, if a solid, must be reduced to a very fine powder, 
 thoroughly mixed with a small quantity of the diluent or excipient; 
 the remainder of the excipient is then incorporated. 
 The mass must be worked until it is perfectly homogeneous and of 
 such consistence that it will scarcely adhere to the sides of the mortar, 
 but form a coherent mass upon the pestle. A good pill mass is re- 
 cognized by this quality, in which case the mortar employed will pre- 
 sent an almost clean appearance when the mass is finished. 
 The mortar used for making pills should be a No. 2 or Xo. 3, with 
 a bottom rather deep than flat; the pestle should not fit too closely, 
 but its extreme end should be shaped somewhat differently from the 
 shape of the bottom of the mortar. 
 In rolling the mass the cylinder must be of uniform diameter and 
 even at the ends. When cut upon a pill machine, the cutter is placed 
 lightly upon the cylindrical roll and moved to and fro with gradually 
 increasing pressure, until the roll is divided and the pills formed. 
 They may be rounded with a slab, or lid from a wooden ointment 
 box, or some similar device, termed a pill-finisher. 
 Dusting poivdcr is used for rolling the mass (to prevent it from 
 sticking, for which powd. Glycyrrhiza is the best); also for dusting 
 upon the pills to keep them separated from each other and to retain 
 their shape; for this purpose Lycopodium is used except for white pills, 
 which should be rolled in and dusted with Milk Sugar or Starch. 
 In pills c-.-'iitcJ with Sugar or Gelatin, such excipient is frequently employed 
 as will prevent the mass from acting upon the coating staining the pill. The
 more soluble a pill the greater is the danger of discoloration of the coating, 
 and although solubility should be the greatest desideratum, it is frequently 
 sacrificed in coated pills for an elegant exterior. With some masses, staining of 
 the coated pill cannot be avoided, no matter what excipient may be employed, 
 in that event some insoluble substance, such as French Chalk or Starch, is 
 spread upon the pills before the sugar coating is applied. 
 The following 15 Pills are official: 
 for 100 
 Aloes aloes purif. , soap, each 
 2 A 
 l /4 
 conf. rose. 
 castor oil. 
 glyc. water. 
 glyc. water, 
 Aloes et Asafoetida aloes, asafcetida, 
 soap, each 
 Aloes et Ferri aloes, ironsulf., arom.p. 
 Aloes et Mastiches. .,,....., aloes 
 (Dinner Pill) mastic 
 red rose 
 Aloes et Myrrhae iloes 
 arom. powder 
 Antimonii Comp antimony sulphurated 
 (Plummer's Pills) mild mercurous chlor. 
 Asafoetida asafcetida 
 Cathartic Comp. . . . extract colocynth comp. 
 mild mercurous chloride 
 extract of jalap 
 Cathartic. Vegetabilis. .ext. colocynth comp. 
 exts. hyoscyam., jalap, each 
 ext. leptandra, res. podophyll. 
 oil peppermint 
 Ferri Carbonatis ferrous sulphate 
 (Ferruginous, Chalybeate, potass, carb. 
 Blaud's). . . .sugar/}, tragac., althea, each 
 Ferri lodidi 1 reduced iron 
 glycyrrh., sugar, each 
 ext. glycyrrh., acacia, each 
 Opii soap 2 opium pulv 
 Phosphori 1 phosphori j 
 althea, acacia, each 
 Rhei soap 6, rhubarb 
 Rhei Comp rhubarb 
 oil peppermint 
 'Coated with ethereal solution of Balsam Tolu. 
 2 Phosphorus dissolved in Chloroform.
 Preparations for External Use. 
 To this class belong Ointments, Cerates, Suppositories, Plasters 
 and Papers. The Vehicle, sometimes incorrectly called the "base," 
 of the three first mentioned consists of fatty substances; of Plasters 
 either Lead Plaster, resins, oleoresins, or mixtures of these. 
 The preparations for external medication are classified according to 
 their fusibility, or melting points, because their therapeutic uses as 
 well as their pharmaceutical forms are through this quality respectively 
 Ointments fuse at the body temperature and therefore produce an emollient 
 effect, or induce the absorption of the medicinal substance by the system. 
 Cerates have a higher fusing point, due to Wax they contain; the medicinal 
 agent is not so readily absorbed and they are therefore used to produce local 
 Suppositories have the same fusibility as cerates and may be said to be cerates 
 intended for application to the orifices of the body. 
 Plasters have a still higher fusibility; they do not melt but become adhesive 
 by the body temperature and are intended to produce local effect and afford 
 mechanical support to the parts affected. 
 The fusibility is likewise governed by the respective A r ehicles em- 
 Ointments are mixtures of a fatty vehicle with which medicinal 
 agents are incorporated, readily fusing at the body temperature 3.3 to 
 40C. (0."> to ]04F>. 
 The vehicles used are: Benzoated Lard, Ointment (simple 1 , Lard 
 and Wax or Spermaceti in different proportions. Lard Oil, Olive Oil 
 and Suet. Petrolatum and Wool-Fat are employed in unofficial oint- 
 The medicinal ingredients must be minutely distributed through the vehicle 
 in order that the ointment may not prove irritating and that the greatest pos- 
 sible surface be presented to the epidermis with a view to quick and uniform 
 absorption. For this reason the highest quality of an ointment (next to its 
 proper melting point) is smoothness. In the preparation of ointments care 
 must therefore be taken that the method employed be such as to yield .->neeit/i 
 The melting point is governed by the fusibility of the vehicle used, which is 
 either officially directed, as in official preparations, or in extemporaneous 
 preparations prescribed by the physician.
 The 23 official Ointments are prepared: (1) by mechanical admix- 
 ture, (2) by fusion, or (3) by chemical reaction. 
 (1) Mixing the medicinal substances with the fatty body in a mor- 
 tar, or on a slab, is the process usually employed for solid substances, 
 especially when insoluble in the fat. Powdered Drugs, Acids, Alka- 
 loids, Extracts and Salts (not attended by chemical union) are exam- 
 ples adapted to this process. 
 The following points must be observed: 
 The so/it/ must be in a very fine powder; a small portion of the fat 
 must first be intimately mixed with the powder and the remainder of 
 the vehicle then thoroughly incorporated until a perfectly homogeneous 
 mixture is obtained. 
 Extracts, especially when hard, are softened by the addition of a 
 small quantity of Water or Alcohol, according to the solvent used in 
 their extraction; then mixed with a small portion of the fat, and finally 
 incorporate with the whole quantity. 
 Acids, such as Boric, Carbolic, Gallic, Tannic, etc., are readily 
 incorporated; a more intimate mixture, however, is obtained when the 
 fat is fused previous to admixture with the drug, but the product then 
 requires to be stirred diligently until cold. 
 In the preparation of ointments of heavy, dry powders, it is difficult to 
 prevent the agglomeration of the insoluble substance. The method usually 
 followed is to triturate the powder into a cream with a small quantity of Olive 
 Oil, then add the vehicle; glycerin should not be used for this purpose since it 
 is incompatible with fats. The best method is to triturate the powder with the 
 previously melted fat, added in small quantities at a time, in a warm mortar, 
 and straining the liquid mixture through a warmed, coarse sieve, or coarse 
 cloth. This process is especially to be commended in preparing Ointment of 
 Zinc Oxide. 
 Official ointments prepared by simple admixture are the following: 
 Parts of Drug 
 UNGUENTUM in joo. Vehicle. 
 Acidi Carbolici 5 ointment 
 Acidi Tannici 20 benz.lard 
 Belladonnae (dil alcohol 5) 10 " 
 Chrysarobini (chrysophanic acid) 5 
 Gallae 20 " 
 Hydrargyri (blue ointment) mercury 50 
 mercury oleate 2, suet 23, lard 25 
 Hydrargyri Ammoniati 10 benz. lard 
 Hydrargyri Oxidi Flavi 10 ointment 
 Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri (castor oil 5) 10 
 lodi (potass, iod. i, water 2 parts) 4 benz.lard 
 lodoformi., 10 "
 Parts of Drug 
 UNGUENTUM in 100. Vehicle. 
 Plumbi Carbonatis 10 benz.lard 
 Plumbi lodidi 10 
 Potassii lodidi (sod. hyposulph. i, water 10) 12 
 Stramonii ext. . (dil. ale. 5) 10 
 Sulphuris (washed) 30 
 Veratrinae (olive oil 6) 4 
 Zinci oxidi 20 _ " 
 (2) Substances readily fusible should be melted, when prepared in 
 the form of ointments, so that they may be more intimately mixed. 
 The substance having the highest melting point, i. e. , wax or 
 plaster, is first melted; the fat is then added; when complete liquefac- 
 tion is effected, the mixture is strained and then stirred until cold. 
 The following are official: 
 UNGUENTUM (Simple) lard 80, yellow wax 20 
 Aquae Rosae spermaceti 12.5, white wax 12 
 (Cold Cream) expressed oil of almond 60 
 then incorporate, borax 0.5, rose water 19 
 Diachylon (Hebra's) lead plaster 50 
 oil lavender i, olive oil 49 
 Picis Liquidac yellow wax 12.5, lard 37.5, tar 50 
 (3) By chemical reaction, whereby the character of the medicinal 
 substance, and also that of the vehicle, is changed. 
 The only ointment of this class official is that of mercuric nitrate, 
 in which the mercury is acted upon by nitric acid, forming mercuric 
 nitrate and the lard is oxidized by another portion of the acid, form- 
 ing a new compound termed claidin. 
 Parts in 100. 
 Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis. . . .mercury 7, dissolve in nitric acid 10.5 
 incorporate with lard oil 76, previously treated with nitric acid 7. 
 At a temperature 100 C and allowed to cool 4O C C, avoiding contact with iron. 
 The Oleates, closely related therapeutically to the ointments, have 
 already been considered. 
 Cerates are mixtures of fats similar to the ointments, but of firmer 
 consistence, because they contain Wax or Resin, having a higher melt- 
 ing point than lard, in greater proportion than do ointments. In the 
 preparation of cerates the same rules are to be observed as noted under 
 The six official cerates are divided into two classes: 
 (i) Prepared by fusion or simple admixture:
 378 CERATES. 
 in 100. 
 CERATUM (Simple) lard 70, white wax 30 
 Camphorae lard 60, white wax 30 
 camphor liniment 10 
 Cetacei white wax 35, spermaceti 10 
 olive oil 55 
 Plumbi Subacetatis solution lead subacetate 20 
 (Goulard's cerate) camphor cerate 80 
 Resinae yellow wax 15, lard 50, resin 35 
 (Basilicon) in cold weather " 12, " 53, " 35 
 (2) By maceration, digestion and evaporation: 
 Ceratum Cantharidis oil turpentine 15, cantharides 32 
 (Blistering cerate) mix and macerate for 48 hours, then add to lard 22 
 yellow wax, resin, each 18 
 previously fused, and evaporate to 100 
 The maceration in Turpentine Oil and subsequent digestion renders the 
 vesicating principle of the Cantharides soluble and the preparation hence more 
 Suppositories may be defined as variously shaped masses of medi- 
 cated fat, possessing a consistence insuring their quick fusion when 
 introduced in the orifices of the body. 
 The U. S. Ph. gives a General Formula for preparing suppositories; 
 only one Suppository is official and this is not made from Cacao Butter. 
 The U. S. Ph. defines Suppositories as to their weights and shapes, 
 corresponding to their several uses, i. e., for introduction in the 
 respective orifices of the body : 
 Rectal, cone-shaped, should weigh 1 Gm. 
 Urethra!, pencil-shaped, should weigh 1 Gm. 
 Vaginal, globular, should weigh about 3 Gm. 
 The vehicle is Cacao Butter (o/citin t/u-olv-cmalis), which possesses the prop- 
 erty of melting at the temperature of the human body 35~C. (95F.), and yet 
 remaining firm at ordinary temperatures. An addition of 10 per cent of sper- 
 maceti has been recommended to raise the melting point and thus give more 
 stability to suppositories during the heated seasons of the year. 
 The iiiithoJi of preparing suppositories are quite numerous: any process may 
 be employed by which the product is obtained uniform in size and shape and 
 with the medicinal ingredients thoroughly incorporated. Moulds are usually 
 employed; the medicinal ingredients, if solid, are first reduced to powder in a 
 mortar, and mixed with a small quantity of the grated Fat; the remainder of 
 the Fat previously melted and cooled to 35 C. is then gradually incorporated 
 with this mixture, thoroughlv mixed, and if possible, without further heating, 
 poured in the moulds, previously chilled. 
 Another process consists in rolling the mass on a slab, cutting It as in mak- 
 ing pills, and forming the cones with the lingers. By cold compression in a 
 screw-press "machine," suppositories may be formed from the prepared mass.
 Suppositoria Clyccrini Made by reaction of Sodium Carbonate 0.3, in Glyc- 
 erin 6 Gm., with Stearic Acid 0.5 and heating until a solution ot sodium s teat-ate 
 or soap is formed, which is poured into a mould. Upon cooling, the mixture 
 gelatinizes and the suppository is wrapped in tin foil. 
 Uses. Upon introduction in the rectum the mass melts and the Glycerin, 
 acting dissolving upon the faeces, produces evacuation. 
 Plasters are mixtures of various fatty or resinous solids of such high 
 melting point as to be friable when cold, but rendered adhesive by the 
 warmth of the body. 
 The vehicles of plasters are: Lead plaster; Resinous substances, 
 made adhesive by admixture with the medicinal ingredients, and simple 
 plasters, such as Isinglass. 
 The making of Plasters does not differ materially from the process 
 employed for ointments and cerates, since they are all prepared by 
 melting the various substances, and incorporating the medicinal sub- 
 stances last. Care must be taken, however, that the heat be not con- 
 tinued too long, lest the product be impaired. 
 The spreading of plasters, though usually done on a large scale, 
 may be easily effected by the pharmacist with the use of a piaster 
 The thirteen official plasters may be divided into: 
 (1) Lead Plasters, (2) Pitch and Gum Resin Plasters and (3) Isin- 
 glass Plaster. 
 (1) The most important plasters are made from Lead Plaster, or 
 lead plaster mixed with resin, the official Resin Plaster. 
 in 100. 
 EMPLASTRUM PLUMIJI olive oil GO, lead oxide '?>>. 
 (Diachylon) mix and add to water 10 
 Boil the mixture until the reaction has ceased and the plaster is of 
 the right consistence, when cooled in water, replacing water 
 lost by evaporation from time to time. 
 The reaction has been explained under the Oils. 
 Emplastrum Kesinac yellow wax 6, resin 14 
 (Adhesive) lead plaster So 
 " Saponis lead plaster go, soap 10 
 from these the following are prepared: 
 Emplastrum Arnicoe resin plaster 67. extract arnica root 33 
 Belladonna; ext. belladonna leaves 20 
 resin plaster, soap plaster, each 40 
 Capsici resin plaster, oleoresin capsicum q. s. 
 Hydrargyri lead plaster 70, mercury oleate 1.2, mercury 30
 380 PAPERS. 
 containing lead plaster and pitch: 
 Emp. Ferri olive oil 5, ferric hydrate 9 
 (Strengthening) Burgundy pitch 14, lead plaster 72 
 Opii Burgundy pitch 18, lead plaster 76, ext. opium 6 
 PicisCantharidatum Burgundy pitch 92, cerate cantharides 8 
 (2) Pitch and Gum Resin Plasters: 
 Ammoniaci cum Hydrargyro oleate mercury 0.8, mercury 18 
 ammoniac 72, dil acetic acid, lead plaster, to 100 
 Picis Burgundica? olive oil 5, yellow wax 15 
 Burgundy pitch, to 100 
 (3) Isinglass Plaster: 
 Emplastrum Ichthyocollse, Court Plaster. 
 A solution of 10 Gm. Isinglass is dissolved in hot Water 120 Gm.; one 
 half of the solution is spread upon Silk (taffeta) in successive layers and 
 when dry the other half of the solution is spread on in a similar manner, 
 after firfet having been mixed with Alcohol 40 Gm., Glycerin i Gm. The 
 taffeta is then coated on the reversed side with Tincture of Benzoin. 
 There are two Papers official. One is made by saturating strips of 
 white, unsized Paper in a 20 per cent solution of Potassium Nitrate 
 and drying; the other is Paper coated with Mustard used similarly to 
 the Plasters: 
 Charta Potassii Nitratis potass, nitrate 20, water 80 
 Vapors from inceration as inhalant. 
 Sinapis oil-free black mustard, 60 sq. cm. 4 Gm. 
 The Mustard is freed from the fixed oil by extraction with Beozin and 
 mixed with a solution of India-Rubber in equal volumes of Benzin ao4 
 Carbon Disulphide and spreading upon Paper.
 With the subject of dispensing is intimately connected that of the 
 organization of a pharmacy, the utensils, shelf-bottles, fixtures and its 
 arrangement generally. An adequate description of these can not be 
 given here, and the student is referred to the various works on phar- 
 Apparatus, involving a knowledge of the principles governing their 
 construction and employment in pharmaceutical processes, such as drug- 
 mills, funnels, stills, condensers, etc., have already been described in 
 connection with the respective operations. 
 A pharmacy should be organized from a dispensing standpoint, so 
 as to combine in order of their importance: 
 (1) Identity and convenience. (~2) Preservation and cleanliness. 
 The term identity is here applied more especially to the arrange- 
 ment of containers, with a view to prevent mistaking one substance 
 for another; the dispensing of poison naturally comes under this divi- 
 sion. The Nomenclature of the labels governs this to a great extent, 
 and if it be perfect and all containers arranged in alphabetic order, 
 the safest plan of preventing mistakes is secured to competent dispen- 
 sers, while to those less advanced it is the only true or scientific 
 Many objections have been urged against this system, the most 
 pertinent being that the alphabetic arrangement sometimes brings a 
 powerful remedy (heroicum) next to one possessing very mild proper- 
 ties, as, for example, Tinctura Opii and Tinctura Opii Camphorata, 
 etc. This objection, however, can not be sustained, because all 
 poisons and remedies possessing great activity, though not always 
 classed as poisonous (termed hcroica in the Continental Pharma- 
 copoeias) should be kept in containers of a capacity adapted to the 
 comparatively smaller quantity required for dispensing purposes. 
 To illustrate: Tinctura Opii, if included in the general arrangement at all, 
 should be kept in a bottle not exceeding one pint capacity, while the container 
 for Tinctura Opii Camphorata should hold at least two pints. 
 It has also been proposed that the old Latin names in some cases be substi- 
 tuted for the Pharmcopoeial titles, as, for example, Sal Rochelle and Tartarus 
 Emeticus, for their respective official chemical names. There are some good 
 reasons for this, in that the official names of thes* two compounds, on contain- 
 ers of nearly the same size, especially if the names be incorrectly abbreviated, 
 may easily be mistaken for each other, viz. : Sod. Pot. Tart, and Ant. Pot. 
 Tart. But the great difference in the respective quantities kept on hand for 
 dispensing purposes of these and other similarly related substances may be 
 trusted to guard against confusion. The plan is, moreover, without justifica- 
 tion, for the reason that it would perpetuate arbitrary synonyms without 
 scientific warrant. 
 A strict adherence to the Pharmacopceial nomenclature, with a 
 faultless abbreviation on all containers, will not only tend to guard 
 against errors in dispensing, but is also desirable because of itc great 
 convenience. It enables those familiar with Pharmacopoeial nomen- 
 clature to find at least official substances with ease in any pharmacy, 
 and, while a correct system affords the beginner much instruction and 
 information, a confused or inaccurate one will prove exceedingly in- 
 convenient, annoying, and be frequently fraught with serious conse- 
 quence?. But, in order that fatal mistakes may be as far as possible 
 prevented, all substances known as poisonous should be kept in separate 
 compartments, preferably under lock and key. 
 The isolation of poisons seems to be the most practicable, as it is 
 the safest method of all the plans proposed, for preventing'mistakes ol 
 a fatal character in dispensing. As an additional precaution the sub- 
 stances should be left in the original containers, as these usually are 
 each characteristic as to size and proportions. Of the various devices 
 designed for this purpose, there are containers of colored glass, painted 
 black, covered with sand paper, or provided with odd stoppers with 
 jagged edges to rouse the attention of the dispenser; none of these, it 
 is believed, can be relied upon unless the poisons are also kept in a 
 separate place. 
 A case especially arranged for poisons such as that designed by Mr. H. 
 Birotli (See Proc. Am. Pharm. Assoc., 1884) combines the advantages of com- 
 pactness and convenience and is well adapted for this purpose. 
 Upon the theory that mistakes frequently occur because of absent-minded- 
 ness on the part of the dispenser, it has been proposed that all poisons be kept 
 in a drawer, in which the containers are promiscuously tnrown, thus compelling 
 the dispenser carefully to examine the label for such as may be wanted for use. 
 The presenation of medicinal agents is a very important part of 
 the pharmacist's duties. Many of them, while originally of good 
 quality, under certain conditions, such as exposure to light, changes 
 in temperature, etc., deteriorate and not infrequently spoil. 
 The attention to be observed in the preservation of crude drugs of 
 vegetable origin has already been pointed out, and the requirements
 in this respect for chemical compounds are indicated in the previous 
 But a still more important, if not larger, class of substances are left 
 for consideration, namely, the so-called Galenic preparations, and 
 especially those of a liquid character. Among these, the weaker 
 preparations (that is, solutions not saturated, such as tinctures, spirits, 
 medicated waters, solutions, etc.), are, as a rule, preserved without 
 much difficulty, although undue exposure should as far as possible be 
 avoided. Essential and Fixed Oils and preparations of the latter, 
 such as Ointments and Cerates and Plasters, should be kept in a cool 
 and dark place, and be well protected from the atmosphere, in tightly 
 stoppered containers. 
 In saturated solutions preservation is more difficult, especially with 
 compound preparations containing various ingredients, as, for ex- 
 ample. Elixirs and Fluid Extracts. In many of these, upon exposure 
 to the slightest change in temperature, some constituent is thrown 
 out of solution, giving to the preparation a cloudy appearance or 
 precipitate, either of which is very undesirable. Such preparations 
 should be kept at a temperature as near as possible to that at which 
 they were prepared. 
 Syrups and Emulsions, owing to their consistence, rarely precipitate, 
 but, since they do not contain any alcohol, they are liable to ferment 
 or otherwise spoil, when exposed to warmth, and they should there- 
 fore be stored in a cool place. 
 The ordinary glass-stoppered bottles are not adapted to syrups, because the 
 caking of the syrup in the neck of the bottle will make the withdrawal of the 
 stopper exceedingly difficult and sometimes at the danger of fracturing the con- 
 tainer. To avoid this difficulty, so-called "syrup bottles" are sometimes used 
 in which the stoppers rest loosely upon the enlarged neck of the bottle, inside 
 of which the stopper proper is suspended without coming in contact with the 
 sides. The objection to this form of container is, that the air is not excluded, 
 and the syrup is therefore liable to spoil. The best kind of containers for 
 syrups and all saccharine liquids are ordinary bottles with corks and written 
 labels; these are more convenient, are easily cleaned, and, in case of breakage, 
 are comparatively inexpensive; besides, the syrup may be poured into them 
 whilst hot, without injuring the label. 
 r Y\\e frescrrafion of Fluid Extracts presents probably more difficul- 
 ties than any other single class of preparations, for the reason that 
 they are usually saturated solutions of organic substances or principles. 
 which, upon the slightest exposure, and frequently without exposure. 
 become insoluble, and are thrown out of solution until heavy pre- 
 cipitates are formed. This precipitation often continues until a very
 large proportion of the extracted matter, which often represents the 
 most valuable principles of the drug, is precipitated, and the prepara- 
 tion becomes more or less inert. 
 This precipitation is sometimes due to exposure to changes in temperature, 
 but most frequently to the employment of menstrua not capable of holding the 
 extracted matter in solution. Other causes, however, at present not fully 
 known, also operate to induce this change, which is singular in that when it has 
 commenced it continues to develop, and the precipitate can not be redissolved 
 without largely increasing the quantity of liquid. To prevent precipitation 
 these preparations should be kept at even temperature, preferably about i5C., 
 and care should be taken that the proper menstrua be employed in their manu- 
 facture. The containers should be ordinary bottles, preferably of amber glass, 
 so as to exclude the actinic rays of sunlight, which appear to have a decom- 
 posing action upon preparations containing a large proportion of chlorophyll ; they 
 should also be provided with tight-fitting corks, so as to prevent evaporation of 
 the alcohol. Different lots of fluid extracts of the same drugs should never be 
 mixed, as the slightest change in the alcoholic strength of the menstrua in differ- 
 ent specimens will induce precipitation. 
 The preservation of Solids, embracing also mixtures of solid sub- 
 stances in various forms, such as Cerates an4 Ointments, while not as 
 difficult as with preparations in the liquid form, deserves considerable 
 attention, because their preservation involves also, to a great extent, 
 a feature very essential in the practice of pharmacy, namely, cleanli- 
 With Extracts (solid) it is especially to be observed that they should be kept 
 in a cool and dry place. Those made with aqueous menstrua, such as extract 
 of Taraxacum, are liable to ferment, when they swell and exude around the 
 cover of the jar, defacing the label and the furniture. Extracts made with 
 alcoholic menstrua, such as Aconite, Nux Vomica, etc., by exposure to a warm 
 temperature, become dry and hard, rendering their dispensing difficult. Both 
 of these undesirable tendencies of the extracts may, to some extent, be coun- 
 teracted by the incorporation of five per cent of glycerin in many of them when 
 prepared, but glycerin readily absorbs moisture, and its presence in extracts, 
 which are also naturally hygroscopic, increases this quality, hence the necessity 
 of storing extracts in a dry place. 
 These observations apply also to Abstracts or Powdered Extracts, 
 Masses, Confections, Pills, and all the various classes of preparations 
 of mixtures of solids. 
 With preparations of an oleaginous character the same gen oral rule 
 is applicable as to high temperature and moisture. Many Cerates and 
 Ointments, however, are prone to become rancid with the best of 
 precautions, and they should be prepared either in very small quan- 
 tities only, cr as in the case of Cerate of Lead Subacetate, be prepared 
 The dispensing of liquids is done by measure except with a few sub- 
 stances, such as acids, glycerin, ether, etc., when sold in considerable 
 quantities or used for a specific purpose. 
 The measures in use are chiefly of glass, graduated either according 
 to the U. S. fluid measure, the Metric system in cubic centimeters, or 
 according to both upon opposite sides. 
 In dispensing a mixture of any character, the dispenser should 
 ascertain, first of all, that every article required for its completion is 
 on hand. 
 The practice, however, of taking down all containers at one time, 
 which is sometimes done with this object in view, so as to place them 
 within easy reach, is not to be recommended, for reasons explained 
 under the dispensing of prescriptions. 
 The next step is to provide the bottle or container with a good 
 cork, which should fit accurately; the very best quality of corks will be 
 found the cheapest in the end; nothing is so apt to displease a patron 
 as to find a poor, worm-eaten or short-cut cork in a bottle. 
 In measuring a. liquid into a "graduate" from a shelf-bottle, care 
 should be observed that: 
 (1) The measure be held by grasping the base of the vessel firmly 
 between the thumb and the index finger of the left hand, bringing it 
 up so as to be on a level with the eye. 
 (2) The container is taken down from the shelf, after the label has 
 first been carefully read, with the right hand placed near the bottom. 
 (:>) The stopper is then clasped between the free little finger of 
 the left hand, extracted, and the contents poured into the measure 
 with great exactness. 
 (4) The remaining drop upon the lip of the bottle is then, by a 
 dexterous movement, wiped off on the stopper, the latter inserted, and 
 the container placed back on the shelf, after again carefully reading 
 the label. 
 (5) The liquid having been poured in, the bottle is carefully stop- 
 pered with a cork, the top extending so that it may be easily extracted 
 with the fingers, but yet so secure that any jolting the package may 
 receive will not be sufficient to dislodge it. 
 The /at>c!i>i is also an important part of dispensing. The label 
 should be plain and printed in black ink. except with those of poisons, 
 which may be in rt'ii ink. When blank labels are used, the name 
 should be written in a bold and legible handwriting, without flourish.
 Labels should, as far as practicable, contain such information as may be 
 essential to an intelligent uses of the article; for example, with glycerin, "that 
 it be diluted with a little water before applying it to raw surfaces," or with 
 castor oil how the taste may be best masked, etc. With all powerful remedies 
 the labels should bear the doses, with some injunction that care be observed in 
 its employment, at least when for internal use. 
 The /,?.</< should combine adhesiveness, cleanliness and 'heapness; Dextrin 
 mucilage possesses these qualities better than any made from acacia, traga- 
 canth or flour. It is prepared by heating four ounces t>f dextrin in eight 
 ounces of water and one ounce of acetic acid until it is dissolved; then add one 
 ounce of alcohol to preserve it. This mucilage is used for gumming postage 
 In uii'ilhi^ a bottle, the label should be affixed, if the proportions admit, so 
 that the center of the label will be about three-fifths the distance from the bot- 
 tom of the bottle. It must never be placed across the seam on round vials, but 
 exactly between the two seams, and should always be perfectly horizontal. 
 The dispensing of solids, to be treated in this connection from a 
 purely mechanical standpoint, requires no special observation, as it in- 
 volves merely weighing and making packages. 
 "Wrapping packages." as it is called, though apparently a trivial 
 performance, is one to which considerable importance is attached by 
 expert pharmacists, and when carried to perfection becomes an art 
 which even the public does not fail to appreciate. The exterior of 
 packages, no less than of the dispenser himself, tends to influence a 
 favorable impression of the skill of the pharmacist and promote per- 
 sonal confidence and esteem. This to the pharmacist is of incalcula- 
 ble value, and, as the extra outlay is slight, it is well worthy his con- 
 The art of wrapping a package artistically may easily be acquired by 
 any one possessing adaptability and patience; but as success depends 
 chiefly upon practice and experience, the subject can not be treated 
 here, except in calling attention to a few general rules to be observed. 
 These arc: 
 (T ) Suitable paper. 
 None with ragged edges should ever be used, except for heavy goods, Tvhen 
 old wrapping paper may be employed. 
 (_') Paper of proper size. 
 An assortment of different sizes should invariably be kept on hand, in com- 
 partments under the counter, convenient to the scales. 
 (':{) Properly folded. 
 The package to be so made, that the center of the double crease shall be 
 exactly in the center of the package, the ends folded over so as to present a per-
 SOLIDS. 387 
 fectly square knife-edge, and so far that their ends meet. The package should 
 be plump and nearly square, rather than flat and long. Many articles can not 
 be wrapped so as to conform to these general directions, but with most crude 
 drugs this n.jthod gives a package of correct proportions and neat appearance. 
 (4) Correctly labeled. 
 It is as necessary thr.t packages of solid substances be labeled, as are bottles 
 containing liquids, although, except in the case of poisons, it is usually neglected. 
 The label should be placed immediately over the center of the double crease, 
 and attached with the smallest quantity of paste, barely sufficient to prevent it 
 from slipping off. This enables the purchaser to easily remove it and attach it 
 to a container. 
 (5) Securely tied. 
 When the package is made, and while it is lying upon the counter right side 
 up, the twine is laid over it along the double crease and then turned over with 
 both hands, the twine being held in position during this operation. After the 
 twine has been crossed in the center this operation is repeated transversely, and 
 the twine then tied in a AT.' knot at the side. This operation can be performed 
 very quickly, and at no time is it necessary to lift the package more than a few 
 inches from the counter, while the exceedingly awkward habit of placing the 
 twine between the teeth is avoided. 
 The following mixtures of Solids are unofficial: 
 L\T/i!f!asi/ia. Poultices Ground substances such as Bran, Oatmeal, Flax- 
 seed or Ulmus mixed with boiling hot water to make a pasty mass to be spread 
 on cloth and applied hot. Mustard Poultice is made of ground Black Must- 
 ard or, if a milder effect is required, equal parts of Black and White Mustard 
 mixed with tepid water. 
 Ci--ii>;-tt,s, Mixtures of drugs in coarse powder, such as Eucalyptus, Erio- 
 dictyon with clover blossom, etc., adapted to smoking for the relief of Catarrh, 
 .SyV.vV.i-. Teas Mixtures of various drugs contused or coarsely comminuted 
 for decoctions or infusions. 
 Collyria. Eye Washes Weak aqueous solutions for dropping or instilling in 
 the eye. 
 Gargarisina. Gargles Solutions or aqueous mixtures of salts or astringent 
 drugs for gargling. 
 //,///.>//.') Draught A term applied to a liquid medicine usually to be swal- 
 lowed at one "draught. ' 
 Injcctioncs. Injections Aqueous solutions of about i per cent strength for 
 injecting in the urethra or vagina or for introduction under the skin subcu- 
 taneous with the hypodermic syringe. 
 Jn!ialatii>nes. Inhalations Volatile liquids adapted to inhalation of vapors. 
 Lstisncs. Lotions Washes, antiseptic, aqueous mixtures containing in- 
 soluble substances or solutions of antiseptic agents. 
 A'.'lniLr. Sprays Solutions sprayed in the body orifices by an atomizer. 
 Kncmata. Enemas or Clysters Aqueous mixtures for injection in the rec- 
 tum to evacuate the bowels or to serve as nourishment.
 Prescription is literally a written order for something from/ra, 
 for, and sc'-ibo. I write. Its popular use, however, relates to medi- 
 cines, usually meaning a written order for medicines, though it is fre- 
 quently employed to designate the remedy or mixture itself. In 
 reading prescriptions the most important considerations are: 
 (1) The language and abbreviations. 
 (2) The signs and terms. 
 The language of prescription-writing is primarily Latin, because the 
 pharmacopoeial titles are chiefly used in designating remedies. In 
 other features, however, such as directions to be written on the label, 
 Latin is rarely employed in America, and, when used, is usually its 
 own condemnation. 
 A Nomenclature that can be understood by pharmacists of all civilized 
 nations is as important to the } rofessicn of pharmacy as a scientific 
 nomenclature of animals and plants is to the zoologist and botanist. 
 Because it is a language with which most scholars are familiar and 
 because of its flexibility, Latin has by common consent been adopted 
 in the naming of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations. Besides, it 
 is a common, though by no means a universal, practice, for physicians 
 to write their prescriptions in Latin. 
 An elementary knowledge of the language is, therefore, of con- 
 siderable importance to the pharmacist. We can not, of course, un- 
 dertake here to give the student a course in Latin. Those who have 
 not had the advantage of attending schools where Latin is taught, 
 should become familiar with the rudiments of the language by study- 
 ing Robinson's Latin Grammar or some similar work especially 
 adapted to pharmaceutical students. 
 To illustrate the use of Latin in prescription writing, the following 
 example is given: 
 B Acid. Arscnos gr. j 
 Fcrri Pyrophos 3 ss 
 ffcs. Podoph\l gr. z>. 
 M. S. A. ft. Mas. ct dir. in pi I. xx. 
 S. Una pil. detur bis in die.
 LATIN. 39 
 Unabbreviated the same prescription would read as follows: 
 Recipe: Acidi Arsenosi granuin uhum, Ferri Pyrophosphatis drach- 
 mam semis, et Resinae Podophylli grana quinque. Misce secundem 
 artem, fiat massa, et divide in pilulas viginti. 
 Signa: Una pilula detur bis in die. 
 Literally translated it reads as follows: Take thou of Acid Arse- 
 nous grain one, of Iron Pyrophosphate, dram a half, and of Resin ot 
 Podophyllum grains five. Mix according to art, let be made a mass, 
 and divide into pills twenty. 
 Write: One pill let be given twice in a day. 
 Or, putting the translation in the proper English order, the prescrip- 
 tion will read: 
 Take of Arsenous Acid a grain, of Iron Pyrophosphate half a dram, 
 and of Resin of Podophyllum five grains. 
 Mix according to art, let a mass be made, and divide into twenty 
 Write: Let one pill be given twice a day. 
 AV<7/v is a verb in the active voice, imperative mode, present tense, 
 second person, and singular number; agreeing with tit (thou) understood. 
 AciJi is a neuter noun of the second declension, in the singular number and 
 genitive case. 
 Ai'si-nosi is an adjective agreeing with its noun, acidi, in gender and number 
 and case. 
 '.tran HI/I is a noun of the second declension, neuter gender, singular number 
 and accusative case, the direct object of the word AVr/yV. 
 CHIII/I is a numeral adjective agreeing with its noun granum in gender and 
 number and case. 
 Fcrri is a neuter noun of the second declension, in the singular number and 
 genitive case. 
 Pyrophosphatis is a masculine noun of the third declension in the singular 
 number and genitive case. 
 Israeli ma in is a feminine noun of the first declension in the singular numbei 
 and accusative case, and governed like granum . 
 Stinis is a numeral adjective agreeing with its nonn drachmam in gendet 
 number and case. 
 /'.t is the conjunction and, connecting the preceding two clauses to the one 
 A'csiiiif is a feminine noun of the first declension, in the singular number and 
 genitive case. 
 /V,/ ( </ iivlli is a neuter noun of the second declension in the singular number 
 and genitive case. 
 Grana is a neuter noun of the second declension found in the plural number 
 and accusative case.
 Quinque is a numeral adjective qualifying grana. 
 Misce is a verb (from misceo) in the active voice, imperative mode, present 
 tense, second person, singular number, agreeing with tu (thou) understood. 
 Secundem is a preposition governing 
 Artcm, which is a noun of the third declension, singular number, feminine 
 gender and accusative case. 
 Fiat is a verb (from fio) in the active voice (in form though not in meaning), 
 subjunctive mode, present tense, third person, singular number, agreeing with 
 its subject, massa. 
 Massa is a feminine noun of the first declension, singular number and nomi 
 native case, the subject of fiat. 
 Et is a conjunction connecting misce and divide. 
 Divide is a verb (from divideo) in the active voice, imperative mode, present 
 tense, second person, singular number, agreeing with tu understood. 
 /;.' is a preposition governing pilulas. 
 Pilnlas is a feminine noun of the first declension in the plural number, ac- 
 cusative case and governed by in. 
 I'i^'inti is a numeral adjective qualifying pilulas. 
 Signci is a verb (from signo) in the active voice, imperative mode, present 
 tense, second person, singular number, and agrees with its subject tn under- 
 L'nii is a numeral adjective, feminine gender, singular number, and nomina- 
 tive case, qualifying pilula. 
 Piluld is a feminine noun of the first declension in the singular number and 
 nominative case, the subject of the verb dctur. 
 Dctur is a verb (from do) passive voice, subjective mode, present tense, third 
 person, singular number, and agrees with its subject, pilula. 
 Bis is an adverb modifying detur. 
 In is a preposition governing die. 
 Die is a noun of the fifth declension, masculine (or feminine) gender, third 
 person, singular number and ablative case, governed by the preposition in.
 A prescription may be divided into five parts, as follows: 
 (1) The superscription = Q. For 
 !Tinctune Opii 3 i 
 Syrupi 1 i 
 Aqu?e Cinnamomi | i 
 (3) The subscription, i. e. : Misce. 
 (4) The signa, i. c. : Sig. One teaspoonful every hour. 
 (o) The name of the prescriber and the date. 
 The superscription consists of the mark \\ (an abbreviation of the 
 imperative of the verbrecipio recipe, which means "takethou,") and 
 the Name of the patient. The latter is too frequently omitted. A 
 perfect prescription should always bear the name of the person whom 
 the medicine is intended for, and if for a child it should be so desig- 
 The inscription is the most important part of the prescription, be- 
 cause it embraces the names of the different ingredients and their 
 quantities, which are written in the genitive: 
 IJ Quininse sulphatis Take of quinine sulphate. 
 The rule is, therefore, that every word in the inscription must 
 terminate in ^\Q genitive. 
 They are rarely written out in full, however, but are nearly always abbre- 
 viated. In the case of words having the first, or the first and second, sylla- 
 bles the same, as, for example, Hydrargyrum and Hydrastis, the abbreviation 
 must not be carried so far as to involve doubt as to what substance is really 
 wanted. To illustrate, the drugs just named are often abbreviated Hydr.. 
 which may mean either of them, or. when followed with chlor., would mean 
 Chloral Hydrate (chloral), but might also be mistaken for Hydrargyrum 
 Chloridum; both Calomel and Mercuric Chloride (corrosive sublimate) being 
 sometimes very improperly, though not infrequently, so written. In such 
 cases the dispenser must carefully judge what article is intended by computing 
 the dose and from a consideration of the other ingredients. 
 In compounds or mixtures the ingredients may be classified from 
 the standpoint of prescribing into: (1) The base or active constitu- 
 ents, the basis. This term is frequently but incorrectly applied to the 
 substances employed to give form to the medicinal agents. The basis 
 of the prescription must be the active constituent, both pharmaceuti- 
 cally and therapeutically considered, 
 (2) The forming substance. This is variously termed according 
 to the form or consistence of the mixture: For liquids and ointments 
 rchitle, i. e. , syrup and petrolatum respectively; in the form of 
 powder diluent, i. e., milk sugar, and when in a mass, as in the form 
 of ] 'ills or troches excipient.
 (3) The corrective is the addition of any agent which modifies the 
 action of the active ingredient, as, for example, syrup of ginger in 
 some mixtures, or capsicum in purgative pills. 
 (4) Adjuvant is a term given to such ingredients as may be added 
 to increase the action of the base, but since these frequently are quite 
 as potent as the principal remedy, the distinction is rarely made, and 
 not here considered. These divisions are illustrated as follows: 
 Liquid ...... 
 Potassii iodidi . . 
 Syrupi . . 
 chloridi mite. . 
 lactis. . . . 
 chloridi corrosivi 
 althaeae . 
 amyli . . . 
 Ointment. . . . 
 Zinci oxidi 
 The subscription consists of signs or terms conveying directions as 
 to the compounding and dispensing. When only one substance is 
 prescribed, it is usually omitted; in the case of mixtures of liquids or 
 solutions, the mark M, or misce (mix), is generally affixed. 
 The most common terms employed are, abbreviated : 
 mix and make a solution, 
 mix and strain the liquid, 
 mix and make a powder, 
 divide in papers (No. ) 
 make a mass, divide in pills, 
 mix and make an ointment. 
 M. ft. sol. 
 M. ft.-colat. 
 M. ft. pulv. 
 in Chart, divide 
 M. ft. mass. pil. div. 
 M. ft. ung. 
 In case no especial directions are given, the pharmacist must employ his skill 
 in compounding the mixture, that not only will the full medicinal effects be 
 derived, but when possible also, that it be presented in the most agreeable and 
 palatable form, expressed in the term secundcin artem. 
 The signa or the directions to be written on the label and affixed to 
 the package or container. These are usually written in English, 
 though sometimes, especially by European physicians, in Latin. There 
 is no good reason for writing the directions other than in English, 
 and in a plain, bold hand-writing. No secrecy is here necessary, as is 
 sometimes desirable in the inscription. On the other hand, it may 
 serve as a check on any errors in the label incident to dispensing. 
 Abbreviated terms should be carefully scrutinized when emploved, 
 before writing the label, and the stereotyped expression, "Use as 
 directed," should as far as possible be avoided. Many serious conse- 
 quences might have been averted if concise directions were given.
 The following Latin terms, more or less abbreviated, are used in 
 the directions: 
 Bis in die. 
 Cochleare magnum. 
 Cochleare medium. 
 Cochleare parvum. 
 Da, detur. 
 Demur tales doses. 
 Diebus alternis. 
 Diebus tertiis. 
 Durante dolore. 
 Ilarum pilularum sumantur 
 Hora somni. 
 In dies. 
 Mane, mane primo. 
 Modo prasscripto. 
 More dictu. 
 Xe tradas sine nummo. 
 Nox, noctis. 
 Omni hora. 
 Omni bihorio. 
 Omni quadrantehorae. 
 Omni mane. 
 Omni nocte. 
 Pro re nata. 
 Quantum libet placet, vis., 
 Quaqua, quaque. 
 Ter in die, ter die. 
 Ut dictum. 
 Bis in d. 
 Coch , Cochl. 
 Coch. mag. 
 Coch. med. 
 Coch. parv. 
 D. , dot. 
 Dent. tal. dos. 
 Dieb. alt. 
 Dieb. tert. 
 Har. pil. sum. iii. 
 II . 
 H. S., Hor. Som. 
 Mod. praescript. 
 More diet. 
 Ne. tr. S. num. 
 Omn. hor. 
 Omn. bihor. 
 Omn. quadr. hor. 
 P. r. n. 
 Q- i . Q- P-. Q- 
 T. i. d., t. 
 Ut diet. 
 Twice a day. 
 Let him (or her) take. 
 A spoonful. 
 Tables poonful. 
 Give, let be given. 
 Give of such doses. 
 Every other day. 
 Every third day. 
 While the pain lasts. 
 Let three of these pills be 
 An hour. 
 Before retiring. 
 From day to day. 
 In the morning. 
 In t'.ie manner prescribed. 
 In t!:e manner directed. 
 Do not deliver unless paid. 
 Every hour. 
 Every tv.o hours. 
 Every quarter of an hour. 
 Every morning. 
 Every night. 
 The first. 
 As much as you please. 
 Each or every. 
 A half. 
 A week. 
 An hour and a half. 
 Three times. 
 Three times a day. 
 As directed. 
 To be used.
 394 SIGNS. 
 The name of the prescribcr and the date are frequently omitted, or 
 at best, the former is given in initials only. 
 Since pharmacists are usually enabled to identify the prescriber by the hand- 
 writing, the initials often suffice, especially since blanks with printed name, 
 address and office hours are to a great extent employed. A much safer plan, 
 however, is to write the name in full, so that errors may be avoided in writing 
 the label. 
 The date should be affixed at the time of dispensing by the pharmacist, so 
 that its omission is of little importance. 
 Signs or symbols are used to designate quantities, and therefore be- 
 long to the inscription, but are more conveniently treated separately. 
 Of those used for designating Apothecaries' weights, the "scruple" and 
 ' 'pound" are going rapidly out of use. For liquids the signs represent only U. S. 
 fluid measures, excepting the 'drop," gutta, plur. giitlic, abbreviated "gtt.," 
 which is too indefinite to warrant employment, and should be discarded in 
 favor of the minim. These have already been fully described. 
 The quantities, except metric, are always expressed in the Roman 
 The numerals i one; v five; x ten; 1 fifty; C one hundred; D five 
 hundred and M one thousand, are the basis upon which this system is con- 
 structed It has a symbol for each decimal unit; also one for its first aliquot 
 division, or five times the lowest preceding one as shown above. From these 
 the intervening numbers are constructed by placing the different numerals side 
 by side: i=i; v=5; x=io; vi=6; xv=i5; xvi=i6; xx=2o; xxvi=26. 
 Xo numeral is used in sequence, however, more than three times, below one 
 hundred; a higher number is constructed by placing the next lowest units 
 after the lower one, for example: iv=^; ix=g; xl=.jo; XC=go. Very cautious 
 prescribers, it may be added, frequently use the full word in preference to any 
 The terms and abbreviations in metric prescription writing were 
 treated under the Metric Weights and Measures in Lecture I. 
 Signs for designating the measure or weight of the mixture are 
 sometimes affixed to the last ingredient; of these the most important 
 At/, the preposition "to"; ad vi to (measure) four fluid ounces. 
 Quantum sufficiat, or quantum satis, usually abbreviated Q. S. orq. s. 
 as much as is sufficient. Of these q. s. should always be preferred 
 since ad is susceptible of confusion with the abbreviation of the verb 
 ad de, to add. 
 Ana, abbreviated aa, of each, is appended when the same quanti- 
 ties are required of two or more ingredients; it follows the last of these, 
 preceding the quantity. 
 Dcntur tales Doses no. Let there be given of such doses number , 
 is a phrase used, especially by foreign physicians, to designate the
 SYMBOLS. 395 
 number of powders to be dispensed, each containing the quantities 
 directed in the inscription. 
 Sic, Sfaft'tn or the exclamation sign (!) after the quantity, indicates 
 that the dose is exceptionally large, but that the prescriber is aware of 
 this fact and directs the stated quantity for special reasons. 
 The more general adoption of signs like these would be very desira- 
 ble, as their presence is exceedingly reassuring to the dispenser, 
 when powerful remedies are prescribed; the first mentioned, sic, should 
 be given the preference, as it is less liable to be confounded for a 
 numeral, than the exclamation point (!) 
 The compounding of prescriptions is the most responsible duty of 
 the pharmacist. It is also the most difficult to fulfil properly, because 
 it involves not only professional skill, but also mature judgment, a 
 cool head and a collected mind. 
 Probably no other division of human labor makes demands simul- 
 taneously upon the exercise of so many faculties as are required of 
 the pharmacist in the compounding of prescriptions. The greatest 
 care, accuracy and skill may be displayed in compounding a mixture, 
 when, in a moment of absent-mindedness, an error may be committed 
 in writing the directions on the label, or placing the wrong label on 
 the package, or, what is worse still, by delivering medicine intended 
 for an adult in place of that for an infant. 
 All these points must be considered in the dispensing of prescriptions, and 
 they call for constant vigilance on the part of the pharmacist. Up< n the 
 receipt of a prescription by him it should be registered as a sacred trust, that 
 the health and perhaps the life of his patron is in his charge, and that this 
 obligation is not discharged until he sees the little package, in which a fond 
 mother's loving hope may be involved, safely in the hands of the proper person. 
 Greater responsibilities may exist in other professions or vocations, involving 
 t h(; care of a greater number of lives and property, as in the operation of means of 
 transportation, but errors or accidents may there usually be avoided by atten- 
 tion to well-known rules, discipline, etc., or dependence chiefly upon mechani- 
 cal means. In the dispensing of prescriptions, skill, rules and regulations are 
 of little avail unless accompanied with a free mind, a clear head and an acute 
 perception of the apparently most trivial details. In this branch c>f pharmacy 
 the price of safety is pre-eminently eternal vigilance! 
 A general plan of procedure in "filling" a prescription will be here 
 outlined in the uelief that adherence to it will reduce the chances of 
 error to a minimum, if not entirelv exclude them.
 (1) Note carefully the person \vho l)rings it, while he is politely re- 
 quested to be seated. 
 (2) Glance orer the prescription, or all of them if more than one, 
 so as to determine, approximately, the length of time required to com- 
 plete them. 
 (T) Inquire whether or not he desires to wait, to have it delivered, 
 or to call for it. 
 (4) j\fake a memorandum accordingly, and in case it is not to be 
 delivered, or called for, note the name and address, unless numbered 
 checks are iised. 
 To prevent confusion the only safe method in the delivery of prescription 
 medicines is to mark the name of the patient on the prescription. Numbered 
 checks may become lost or exchanged by children when several are waiting. 
 While sometimes the name is not readily learned, still it is the only certain 
 plan by which mistakes in delivery may be entirely prevented. 
 (5) Read the prescription closely and deliberately, especially the in- 
 scription, making meanwhile a mental inventory to ascertain if the 
 different articles are in stock and in the quantities required. In case 
 of doubt examine the container, but leave it in its place until wanted. 
 (6) Procure the container of proper size and place it upon the pre- 
 scription as a weight. 
 If a bottle, fit it with a long, soft cork, squeezed with a press when 
 necessary until it admits being inserted one-half its length; the other 
 half extending facilitates its extraction with the fingers. The repre- 
 hensible practice of chewing the cork should, of course, not be tolerated. 
 (7) Procure all the implements necessary for the operation, spatula, 
 mortar, graduate, etc., and place them within convenient reach, hav- 
 ing previously made sure that they are clean. 
 (8) Procure the first article desired for incorporation or solution, 
 and weigh or measure it carefully. 
 If the inscription is correctly written upon the prescription, the basis or active 
 constituents come first, and, if it consists of several, the most active ingredient 
 is first taken, this being, in any event, the rule. The desired quantity having 
 been disposed of, the container is stoppered, the name on the label read delib- 
 erately, and then placed upon the desk at one side of the scale; the next article 
 in order of quantity or compatibility is then procured; the label first being care- 
 fully read, the required quantity is obtained, and the container disposed of in 
 the same way as the first and placed by it. 
 This process is continued until all the articles have been procured and the 
 operation is finished. With very bulky preparations, it is sometimes incon- 
 venient to place the containers on the counter, and this may perhaps be dis- 
 pensed with.
 (9) Each ingredient ami quantify should be checked DV the dis- 
 penser or an assistant on the prescription from the containers left 
 standing upon the counter. 
 These should then be immediately put back in their respective places. This 
 operation may be accelerated by the aid of an assistant. Hut no move must be 
 made by the dispenser with any other work until the package is labeled, in 
 order that mistakes in labeling may be avoided. 
 (10) Any additions and alterations made in compounding should 
 be explicitly stated upon the prescription, so that in case of renewal, 
 the preparation shall be identical with that originally dispensed. 
 The kind and quantity of the various agents employed pharmaceutically. 
 such as Excipients for pill-masses, or Emulsifying agents, are not infrequently 
 ignored by the physician, who leaves their selection to the pharmacist. For 
 pharmaceutical reasons it may be necessary to deviate from the formula, in the 
 character or quantity of the Solvent, or to make alterations in the Vehicle, 
 Excipient or Diluent, entailing no objections therapeutical!}'. This must never 
 be attempted, however, except when absolutely necessary, and then, when pos- 
 sible, only with the consent of the prescriber, and should always be a,-eom+,i- 
 nied by the proper memoranda affixed to the prescription. 
 (11) The numbering and dating of the prescription is next in order. 
 Both should be written in a plain, bold handwriting. 
 To avoid duplication, or errors in numbering, various devices are employed, 
 the most satisfactory being the "patent dating stamp," to be had with duplicate 
 numbers as high as six figures, at reasonable cost. An inexpensive device may 
 be constructed by writing consecutive numbers upon long strips of paper, 
 one-half inch wide; by pasting these together a thousand or more numbers may 
 be rolled upon a spool in a box, the numbered end extending through a .-'.it in 
 .the side. When a prescription is to be numbered, a number is cut ulf the slip 
 and copied on the prescription, or if gummed it may be attached to it, thus 
 saving writing and insuring consecutive numbers, provided, of course, that the 
 numbers on the slips have been written correctly, and also that this oper 
 is always performed when a prescription is to be numbered. 
 U2) Writing the label should be done, as in all writing pertainii 
 to pharmaceutical work, clearly and distinctly, without ilourisl 
 In writing the directions the nmnb'-rs should al \vays 
 well as given in numerals; for example: 
 Two (2) teaspoonfuls every three (3) hours. 
 This lessens the chance for error by the patient. 
 The name should be appended whenever it can be learned. 
 The date must always be given, as through it a pro.-, 
 found when desired for repetition, when the inn 
 effaced. In the absence of a generally accepte 
 month should be given in Roman, the date in Arabic
 The physician' s name should always be written in full. 
 (13) Labeling must be done immediately upon the finishing of each 
 mixture or compound, and as soon as the label is written. 
 When two or more prescriptions are received for compounding, each mixture 
 should be so completed as to make it impossible to mistake it for another. This 
 can only be done by affixing the label to each, before work is commenced on 
 the nexc one. In case two liquids are prepared 'for internal and external use 
 .respectively, care must be observed that the labels are not interchanged on the 
 bottles, since mixtures intended for external application usually possess dan- 
 gerous properties when taken internally. 
 The following strip labels should always be used when directed upon the 
 prescription: and when therein omitted, though clearly indicated, should be 
 employed with proper discretion: 
 For External Use. Shake Well Before Using. 
 The injunction, "for external use," to the public conveys the impression that 
 the mixture must be used only outwardly on the body, and that it does not 
 apply to eye-washes, gargles, injections, etc. While this definition is incorrect, 
 it is best to avoid confusion by the employment upon these of the label, ''Not to 
 be taken!" 
 These strip labels should be attached a bore the label proper, as they are then 
 more conspicuous than when appearing below it. If more than one is used on 
 the same bottle, they may be placed alternately, the most important occupying 
 the most conspicuous position. 
 (14) The wrapping of the package should be neatly done, after which 
 it may be either tied with twine, or, preferably, the ends fastened 
 together with red sealing-wax; black wax should never be used, owing 
 to the superstition of some persons construing its employment as an 
 evil omen. 
 This is also true in scaling the cork tops, which is now chiefly done with the 
 gummed tops in various bright colors. Capping the bottle with a piece of glazed 
 paper is an exceedingly attractive manner of finishing the package, and is 
 especially to be commended'as itassures the patient that the contents are intact, 
 when procured through the aid of a messenger. This is a feature practiced 
 generally on the Continent, and worthy of adoption here. 
 (15) Iii delivering the package, care must be observed that no mis- 
 take be made in the identity of the medicine or of the purchaser. 
 In case numbered checks are not used, the name should be ascertained by 
 deliberate questioning. Verbal instructions should as far as possible be avoided, 
 as these are liable to cause confusion, reliance being placed upon the instruc- 
 tions upon the label. On the other hand, any inquiries should be met with a 
 clear explanation, that the customer may be perfectly satisfied.
 Extemporaneous Compounding. 
 Compounding, or the combination of remedies, more commonly 
 called the "mixing of medicines," is that division of dispensing which 
 involves, besides mechanical skill, also the application of pharmaceu- 
 tical knowledge. 
 The compounding of official preparations has been described under 
 the different classes of these already treated; unofficial preparations 
 belonging to these classes are made by the same processes. 
 Many mixtures are compounded as needed extemporaneously 
 and of these some are not even stable, or lack other characteristics, 
 which render necessary especial methods for their preparation. 
 Mixture, in a pharmaceutical sense, is a term applied to any com- 
 pound of different substances mixed or brought together mechanically. 
 These may be either liquid or solid, and in the former is frequently a 
 clear solution. 
 The official term, mistura (mixturej, is also designed to indicate 
 the class of preparations in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia in order to dis- 
 tinguish them from more definite compounds or solutions. 
 The employment of the term "mixture" here means compounds, or 
 preparations, not official, or directed to be nrepared extemporan- 
 eously. The greatest number of these are prescribed by physicians, 
 and are therefore treated here in connection with the compounding of 
 Care should be observed that all mixtures, especially solutions, be 
 made to appear as clear and inviting as possible. 
 Solutions of salts, or mixtures of liquids, should always be strained 
 through a piece of unbleached muslin before they are dispensed, when- 
 ever the matter rejected is inert. As the appearance of a mixture fre- 
 quently depends upon the method employed in its preparation, the 
 principal points to be observed will be here presented. 
 In compounding liquid mixtures, the most active constituent or base 
 is diluted with the vehicle, or a portion of it. if this is in ex<x'-s 
 If it contain a solid, mixture should be effected either 1 , nr.-t re- 
 ducing the solid to a powder in a mortar and triturating with the 
 liquid, or, if soluble, when necessary, by the application ot heat to it. 
 contained in a test-tube or capsule. The substance next in order ot 
 activity should then be added, but in such a manner as to avoid de- 
 composition or change, if indicated by its character. 
 In compounding solids, the same general rule should be observed, 
 except that the base must invariably be reduced first to a very fine 
 powder. It should then be incorporated with a portion of the ex- 
 cipient, diluent or vehicle, according as it is to be a pill, powder or 
 ointment, until a perfectly homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is 
 then easily mixed with the remainder of the forming body, the 
 Vehicle, to which have been added other active constituents, if pres- 
 ent, in case these should be incompatible. 
 The following mixtures of Solids are unofficial: 
 Cachets. Wafers Consisting of two concentric halves made of starch en- 
 closing the drug fastened together by moisture. Each cachet contains one 
 dose and is to be immersed in water immediately before being swallowed. 
 Capsules. Made of Gelatin consisting of two parts to be filled with solid or 
 liquid (oil) and closed with a tight-fitting cap. 
 LatnclLc. Thin, square disks of glyco-gelatin in which medicinal agents are 
 in solution. 
 Pastilla. Pastills Lozenges made of glyco-gelatin. 
 Tabella. Tablets Triturates, Disks composed of Milk Sugar made into a 
 paste with an alcoholic solution of medicinal substances and moulded so as to 
 weigh about i grain. 
 Linctus. A thick medicated syrup. 
 Pasta. Paste Similar to confections. 
 Antiseptic Bandages. A fabric of loose texture Cheese-cloth saturated in 
 solutions of antiseptic agents in water or alcohol and glycerin, pressed out and 
 made into rolls ot 5 yards and wrapped in paraffined paper and kept in air- 
 tight packages. The strength refers to the peicentage strength of the solu- 
 tion used. 
 Bougies. Pencil-shaped Suppositories for medication of the Urethra or air- 
 Insufflations. Finely powdered substances for blowing into the air-passages. 
 The directions given for the preparation of Emulsions, Ointments, 
 Pills, etc., in previous Lectures are typical of these classes, and should 
 be followed in extemporaneous practice. In the following, only ex- 
 amples which are exceptions to the general methods are given
 When different substances are brought together in a mixture, be it 
 liquid or solid, with the result of undergoing a more or less complete 
 change, they are said to be incompatible. 
 This does not apply to the chemical compounds, or even to some 
 mixtures where the resulting change produces a new compound or 
 compounds desired for use; as, for example, in the preparation of 
 Liquor Ammonii Acetatis or Mistura Ferri Comp. Aside from this 
 consideration, substances of very decided incompatibility are often 
 directed to be mixed intentionally with the object of forming a new 
 compound or compounds, for special reasons. 
 It will thus be seen that the term incompatibility in the generally accepted 
 pharmacal meaning, is not always clear, and not invariably indicative of imprac- 
 ticable, unsafe, or otherwise undesirable combinations. There are indeed few 
 instances in which the cause of incompatibility in a mixture cannot be accounted 
 for by well-known chemical principles, and with these could also be explained, were 
 our knowledge sufficiently complete. 
 The only really scientific method of determining the incompatibility, 
 or the contrary, of the ingredients of a mixture is a correct knowl- 
 edge of chemical laws, and their practical application in pharmacy. 
 For the purpose of practical work in pharmacy, and especially in 
 that pertaining to prescriptions, a generalization may be attempted by 
 bringing together the more important substances, often directed to be 
 Incompatibility may be distinguished as being either of the follow- 
 ing: (1) Chemical, or (2) Pharmaceutical. 
 Chemical incompatibility is of the greatest importance, because the 
 change is usually more decided between chemical compounds than be- 
 tween preparations of vegetable drugs, the latter involving chiefly the 
 solubility of their constituents, their mechanical suspension or other 
 physical treatment. 
 The most common forms of chemical incompatibility occur under 
 the following conditions: 
 (1) When the solutions of two salts are mixed, resulting in the 
 formation of a new salt, which, being insoluble, precij itates: 
 IJ Plumbi Acetatis, Zinci Sulphatis . . 
 Aqux Rosre 
 M. et S. Shake well and use as an injection.
 Here the prescriber desires to exhibit Lead Sulphate, in its freshly prepared 
 state, and directs it to be formed by double decomposition between the two 
 salts, Lead Acetate and Zinc Sulphate. The Sulphuric Acid radical having 
 greater attraction for the Lead, leaves its own base and combines with the Lead, 
 forming Lead Sulphate, while the weak acid, Acetic, being displaced, com- 
 bines with the Zinc, forming Zinc Acetate, which remains in solution. The 
 Lead Sulphate being insoluble is precipitated as a dense, white powder, but 
 upon shaking the mixture, it is temporarily suspended, hence the necessity of 
 directing the bottle "to be shaken" when the contents are to be used. 
 A similar decomposition of two soluble salts may, however, under 
 certain conditions not always be desired, or, in fact, not suspected, as 
 illustrated in the following: 
 5 Quininae Sulphatis gr. xx 
 Potassii Acetatis gr. xxx 
 Acidi Sulphurici diluti m. x 
 Aquae f. 1 iss 
 Syrupi f. 3 iv 
 M. et S. One dessertspoonful every three (3) hours. 
 In compounding the above, the Quinine Sulphate is dissolved in a portion of 
 the Water, by the aid of the Acid, and added to the Potassium Acetate, pre- 
 viously dissolved in the remainder of Water, the Syrup being added last. 
 Upon the two solutions being mixed, the acids exchange their bases, result- 
 ing in the formation of Potassium Sulphate and Quinine Acetate, the former 
 remaining in solution, while the quinine salt, being almost insoluble, is sus- 
 pended in the liquid. It is not precipitated, as is the case in the first example, 
 owing to its bulk and light weight, but remains permanently suspended in the 
 liquid, giving to the mixture a consistence which prevents it from being poured, 
 Quinine sulphate being almost insoluble in water, its solution is effected by 
 converting it into the much more soluble Bisulphate by the addition of Acid, 
 but the latter also combines with the Potassium and hence does not prevent 
 the formation of the almost insoluble salt. 
 (-2) With solutions of salts of weak or volatile acids, by the addi- 
 tion of a strong acid, when decomposition results. 
 Several official preparations and other mixtures are prepared extem- 
 poraneously, by decomposing an alkaline carbonate with an acid, such 
 as acetic, citric or tartaric acids. The Solutions of Ammonium Ace- 
 tate, Magnesium Citrate and Sodium Tartrate are good illustrations. 
 The carbonic acid of the respective carbonates is easily displaced 
 by the acids mentioned, and, being volatile, escapes, though a portion 
 of it may be retained in the solution if kept in a closed vessel. 
 In these the decomposition is intentional, and since definite compounds in an 
 eligible form are produced, the solutions can not be regarded as incompatible 
 mixtures. But in the case of many pharmaceutical preparations containing 
 acids, i, e. , Vinegars, and especially who:: viscid, as, for example, the Syrups of
 Allium and Squills, which are prepared from the vinegars; or of some Fluid 
 Extracts, such as that of Uva Ursi, the addition of an alkaline carbonate pro- 
 duces effervescence and sometimes explosion. Such mixtures should be pre- 
 pared by adding the vehicle to the solution of the salt in a mortar, under constant 
 stirring. The thinner the liquid the more quickly will the gas escape, hence 
 the solution should be diluted with as much water as is permissible. 
 (:5) Salts of a feeble or volatile base are decoinjx>sed by the addi- 
 tion of a strong alkali. 
 Examples of this are rare; it may be illustrated in the evolution of ammonia, 
 when a strong alkali is added to ammonia-alum and in the decomposition of 
 Chloral Hydrate by alkalies. 
 (4) Alkaloids, by the addition of alkalies or alkaline salts, are 
 tin own out of solution or precipitated from solutions of their more 
 soluble salts. 
 The Alkaloids, with but few exceptions, are nearly insoluble in Water, 
 but their Salts, such as the Acetates, Hydrochlorates and Sulphates are com- 
 paratively soluble in Water and other neutral or acid liquids. They are, 
 moreover, very powerful medicinally, and hence administered in very small 
 quantities, so that the alkali Salts, usually prescribed in much greater propor- 
 tion than the alkaloid Salts, may abstract the acid from the alkaloidal base, 
 with the result of throwing the almost insoluble base out of solution. Or what 
 is more frequently the case, even if the alkaloid be soluble as a base in the 
 neutral liquid, the alkalinity of the mixture is sufficient to precipitate it. 
 It is a general rule that Alkaloids are precipitated by Alkalies. Illustra- 
 tions may be mentioned of mixtures containing Strychnine Sulphate and Potas- 
 sium Bromide, the latter in much the largest proportion, and similar prepara- 
 tions. The Alkaloids and their Salts are also incompatible with those chemical 
 compounds with which they produce characteristic reactions. (See Alkaloids.) 
 (.")) Iron and many of its compounds, upon the addition of Tan- 
 nic Acid and preparations containing it. C.allic Acid, or other vege- 
 table Acids, produce a discoloration or precipitation. 
 This is a common form of incompatibility rind is illustrated, when intention- 
 ally employed, in the preparation of ink; this discoloration of mixtures is alsc 
 often termed "inky." Many examples might be given, but since nearlv :<!' 
 vegetable drugs contain more or less of these acids, their preparations rfre often 
 discolored, when mixed with iron compounds. 
 The discoloration may be prcrcnti\l by employing ccrt.iin iron 
 preparations, or compounds of these with other salts, i. e. . ammonium 
 or sodium citrate. Especially is this the case with preparations ot 
 drugs not containing tannic or gallic acids, but some other vegetable 
 acid, similar to these in being discolored by iron. 
 The most familiar illustration of th.s is the formula for Kliv.r Cie;. 
 tian with Tincture Chloride of Iron, X. F. 
 Here the familiar discoloration of the gentisic acid with the tincture of iron 
 chloride is prevented by the use of another compound of iron as above in 
 The production of more or less insoluble substances in mixtures or 
 preparations asbociated or not with chemical change, is termed phar- 
 maceutical incompatibility. 
 Pharmaceutical incompatibility is largely a question of solubility 
 and therefore requires for its understanding a knowledge of the be- 
 havior of substances to various solvents; the degree of solubility of the 
 many salts and chemical compounds as well as the reactions these 
 produce with pharmaceutical products and preparations. While these 
 are usually not as marked as are the reactions between chemical com- 
 pounds they frequently result in the formation of insoluble com- 
 pounds, which should, whenever possible, be prevented without affecting 
 the therapeutic properties of the mixture. 
 In liquid Mixtures, incompatibility is most frequently due to a 
 change in the vehicle or solvent, by the addition of one solution to 
 another causing separation of inert, or active, constituents. 
 When the separation is of inert constituents only these should be 
 removed by straining or filtration; when of active constituents their 
 separation may often be prevented or at least greatly lessened by 
 either of the following methods: 
 By dilution; the greater the extent of dilution the less the danger 
 from precipitation. 
 Preparations of drugs containing oils, resin or oleoresin, made with alco- 
 holic menstrua, precipitate, or cause turbidity, when mixed with aqueous mix- 
 tures, or those containing only small proportions of alcohol. But by diluting a 
 tincture, or a spirit of these, with less than its measure of diluted alcohol, it 
 may often be added to watery solutions or mixtures, without producing precipi- 
 tation if not turbidity. 
 By suspension; the greater the density or viscosity of the liquid, 
 the less the danger of change or precipitation. 
 With many mixtures, dilution can not be practiced; in such cases recourse is 
 had to suspension, by means of intervention, through some inert substance. 
 The best general agent to serve this purpose is acacia. Preparations of the 
 class above described, resinous drugs, etc., can be mixed with watery solutions 
 to which some acacia, either in the form of powder or mucilage, has previously 
 been added, by trituration in a mortar; care must be observed, that the percent- 
 age of alcohol in the finished mixture be not so great as to precipitate the 
 Solubility must always be considered in all solutions or liquid mix- 
 tures. In simple solutions, the active constituents may be directed 
 in larger quantity than soluble in the liquid. 
 Solutions are called supersaturated when they are saturated solu-
 lions at a temperature higher than the ordinary and therefore 
 the excess of solid will be thrown out of solution when the liquid as- 
 sumes the normal temperature. 
 In dispensing mixtures directing a greater proportion of solid than soluble io 
 the liquid, as in the case of a salt, Potassium Chlorate, for example, it should be 
 added in the form of powder and the mixture directed to be shaken while being 
 used It may be a liquid and differ in specific gravity from the vehicle, in 
 which case the excess will either float upon the latter, as with a mixture of Car- 
 bolic Acid and Water, or of Chloroform and Water, remain in a stratum at the 
 bottom. In the first instance *he addition of a little Glycerin will aid the solu- 
 tion of the Carbolic Acid. 
 It may be more complicated, and a powerful, or, as in the follow- 
 ing case, an exceedingly poisonous remedy may be extracted from the 
 mixture by the separated liquid, because of being easily soluble in the 
 Q Tincturae Nucis Vomicae f 3 n 
 Chloroformi f3 ii 
 Aqiuie . q. s. ff iv 
 M. et S. 
 Upon standing, this mixture separates, the Chloroform sinking to the bot- 
 tom, carrying a portion of the active principles of the Nux Vomica with it. The 
 last dose may contain a poisonous quantity, and great caution must be observed 
 in compounding prescriptions of this class. 
 With Solids, when different substances are acted upon when mixed, 
 dilution often prevents undesirable changes. 
 In preparing ointments, pills and suppositories, care should be observed that 
 active medicinal substances, when of such character, are each diluted with the 
 vehicle, or excipient, before they be mixed together, Tannic Acid is often 
 directed to be prepared in ointment, or suppository, with Extract of Belladonna, 
 with which it forms an insoluble compound. But when each active constituent 
 is first incorporated with a portion of the vehicle, Lard or Oil Theobroma, nc 
 change takes place when mixec 1 , and a smooth and active preparation is easily 
 Incompatibility may sometimes be both chemical %&& pharmaceutical. 
 Illustrations of this are frequently found in mixtures containing 
 Quinine, associated with some chemical compound, or acid, and a 
 vehicle; which is decomposed by the latter, as in following: 
 J Quininoe Sulphatis 4. 
 Ammonii Chloridi >. 
 Elixir Glycyrrhixai aromatic! 150. 
 M. et S. 
 Here a reaction takes place between the two salts, with the effect of throw- 
 ing the active principle of the Glycyrrhiza, glycyrrhizin, out of solution. The 
 same change occurs when diluted Sulphuric Acid is used, and a clear mixture
 Tannic j 
 can only be obtained by leaving out !he liquorice. Quinine can be eligibly ex- 
 hibited, in liquid, either suspended in a viscid liquid, such as syrup of glycyr- 
 rhiza, in alcoholic solution, or, in solution, by the aid of acids; a compromise be- 
 tween these, when in large doses at least, is rarely desirable. 
 In the following list, the substances, which can not be classed as 
 Incompatible under any of the above divisions, are given for reference: 
 . . j Alcohol, alcoholic and ethereal Tinctures;* Borax; Ferric 
 Act ' ia j chloride; Lead salts. 
 Acids, in general. . . <j Alkalies, Alkaline solutions; Metallic Oxides. 
 Acid Arsenous \ Ferric Hydrate; Magnesia; Lime water. 
 Salicylic \ Iron compounds; Potassium iodide;* Lime water. 
 Alkalies, carbonates and bicarbonates; Lime water; 
 Chlorine water; Albumen; Gelatin. 
 Bismuth j Calom j Sulphur; Tannin 
 Submtrate . . . . ( 
 Chloral j Alkalies, carbonates;* Ammonium and Mercury corn- 
 Hydrate | pounds; Potassium bromide and Alcohol. 
 ( Ammonia;* Alkalies, carbonates; Chloral; Metallic salts: 
 MiKf (Starch.* 
 r r ( Acacia; Acid Hydrochlor; Acid Sulphuric and sulphates; 
 7( ' < Ammon. chloride; Carbonates; Lime water; Iodine; 
 te f Potassium iodide; Tannin. 
 - Potassium iodide;* Salts, carbonates; Tannin, Borax. 
 Bichloride / 
 .,.. , , , . , i Acids, acid salts; Alkalies, carbonates; Ammon. chloride; 
 M J1? |- - Iodine; Potassium iodide; Ferric chloride, iodide; Sul- 
 (Calomel)...^ phur _ 
 Potassium j Ac j^ s m i n eral; Calomel; Organic substances; Sulphur. 
 Chlorate { 
 ,., ( Acids, acid salts; Alkaloids; Iron; Lead and Mercury 
 j salts; Potassium chlorate; Silver nitrate; Chlorine water. 
 ( Ammonia, salts; Alcohol; Glycerin; Ethereal oils; 
 Permanganate, -j Qrganic substances . 
 I Acids, acid salts; Acid Tannic; Alkaloids; Metallic salts. 
 Bicarbonate. . . ( 
 Bromide { Acids, mineral; Chlorine water; Mercury compounds. 
 _.. i Acids Acetic, Hydrochloric, Hydrocyanic, Sulphuric, Tar- 
 '. - taric, and their salts; Alkalies, Carbonates; Iodine; 
 te / Potass, iodide, bromide; Sulphur. 
 Those marked with an* are sometimes directed to be compounded for the 
 purpose of effecting some especial change or producing new compounds.
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