UC-NRLF B M Ihfl pirn*: MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM SMITH, LL.D., AUTHOR OF THE MAP OF THE STRATA OF ENGLAND AND WALES,' BY HIS NEPHEW AND PUPIL, JOHN [PHILLIPS, F.R.S., F.G.S., PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, AUTHOR OF " ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE GEOLOGY OF YORKSHIRE." Quae fecimus, ipsi ea nostra. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1844, " Ce que les mineralogistes les plus distingues ont fait dans uue petite partie de Allemagne, en un demi-siecle, un seul homme (M. William Smith, ingenieur des mines) 1'a entrepris et effectue pour toute 1'Angleterre ; et son travail, aussi beau par son resultat, qu'il est etonnant par son etendue, a fait conclure que V Anglcterre est regulierement divisee en couches, que Vordre de leur superposition n'est jamais interverti ; et que ce sont exactement des fossiles semblables gu'on trouve dans toutes les parties de la meme couche et a des grandes distances. " Tout en payant au travail de M. Smith le tribut d'admiration qui lui est du, il me sera permis de desirer que des obsen r ations ulterieures en confirment 1'exacti- tude, et deja, sur plusieurs points, les travaux des mineralogistes Anglais Tont confinnee." D'Aubuisson, as cited by the Rev. W. D. Conybeare, Introduction to Conybeare and Phillips's Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, p. xlvi. PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. EARTH SCIENCES UBRAft THESE MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM SMITH ARE GRATEFULLY DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE REV. BENJAMIN RICHARDSON, OF FARLEIGH CASTLE, IN SOMERSET, THE LOVED ASSOCIATE OF HIS EARLY STUDIES ; THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, THE JUDGES AND REWARDERS OF HIS MERIT; SIR JOHN V. B. JOHN STONE, BART., OF HACKNESS, IN YORKSHIRE, THE FIRMEST FRIEND OF HIS DECLINING YEARS. PREFACE. THE following Memoirs are intended to illustrate the life and character of the individual who has been styled by competent authority the " Father of En- glish Geology." They are drawn from authentic ma- terials principally in the possession of the compiler, who, after witnessing the workings of Mr. Smith's mind and the changes of his fortune during the last five-and-twenty years of his life, was called upon to perform the duty of examining his voluminous un- published papers. From these documents, all care- fully dated, and the recollection of many graphic stories in which Mr. Smith embodied his earlier thoughts and struggles, the progress of his disco- veries and some of the peculiarities of his private history may be faithfully collected. No one in- terested in the annals of science would desire that such records of one of its eminent cultivators should be lost ; but the writer an orphan, who benefited by his goodness a pupil, who was trained up under his care feels it a privilege and a duty to endeavour to save from neglect the memory of such a man. Had Mr. Smith's published works been of such a nature as to convey an adequate notion of the varied operations of his mind, this attempt might have been unnecessary, for the outlines of his scientific labours have been already sketched in a few pages, but by powerful hands. The early progress of English Geology has been admirably traced, in a wide and comprehensive view, from a high point of knowledge, by Dr. Fitton*, who, while determining by a just analysis the true and great merits of William Smith, has happily restored to their due honours the names of still earlier if less suc- cessful inquirers. When Professor Sedgwick hailed Mr. Smith as a " great original discoverer" and the " Father of English Geology," and delivered to him the first Wollaston medal, he doubled the value of this award by an eloquent address from the chair of the Geological Society, embodying additional facts and interesting original documents!. Dr. BucklandJ and other eminent writers have done similar honour to his memory. But these notices of the Author of the Map of the Strata of England and Wales were for the most part published in his lifetime, while yet there was hope that some further if not more worthy specimens of his geological studies than had appeared * Notes on the History of English Geology, Phil. Mag. and Annals, 1832. Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review, Feb. 1818. t Address to the Geological Society, Feb. 18, 1831, on an- nouncing the first award of the Wollaston medal. t Address to the Geological Society, 1840. Vll might be given to the world ; while yet there were feelings to be respected which forbad us to estimate the merits of the friend who still walked among us, as if they belonged to the province of history. The events of Mr. Smith's life, and the progress of his scientific discoveries, are faithful and not unin- teresting exponents of the times in which he lived ; it was to sagacity and habits of observation operating on the circumstances in which he was placed, and not to the accidental concurrence of extraordinary phenomena with surpassing stretch of intellect, that his discoveries are due. They are but the effect of combining ideas which none had combined before, but which certainly could not have remained disunited many years later than the date of Mr. Smith's la- bours. A just account of these labours is therefore essential to the history of English Geology ; and the present work, so far as it fulfils the condition of im- partial justice, may be accepted as a contribution to that history, which can be offered in no other name than that of William Smith. Another powerful motive for the present under- taking was supplied by the perusal of the unpublished, though not wholly unarranged, documents left by Mr. Smith. In his later years he had leisure to survey the laborious and painful course by which he had reached the temple of Fame, and approached the haven of repose ; and feeling that in the early and critical pe- riods of his mental progress, as well as in his declining years, he had been blessed beyond other men with the sympathy and support of faithful friends, he re- Vlll solved to place on record his grateful sense of these favours. He was actively employed in this laudable purpose during the principal portion of the last year of his life, verifying from original documents, or re- calling with the admirable exactness of a cultivated memory, the dates, the places, the persons, belonging to every remarkable scene in a varied life of seventy years. On a review of other and earlier MSS., it was found that for most of the events which had been traced from memory in these latest compositions, original documentary evidence remained ; and that from the same sources authentic proof could be brought of the performance of many kind and even noble acts, in favour of Mr. Smith and for the public good, by persons whose names are dear to science and their country. Records so honourable to those persons, which had been treasured with such care by the sub- ject of their regard, have not been omitted in this summary of his life ; but the Editor has purposely softened the darkest outlines of Mr. Smith's private and personal fortunes, because, though to others they seemed very melancholy, by himself they were only regretted as impediments in his adventurous enter- prise. York, Jan. 1, 1844. LIST OF PLATES AND WOODCUTS. Page I. Frontispiece. Portrait of Dr. William Smith, from a painting by M. Fourau. II. Portrait of the Rev. Benjamin Richardson, from a sil- houette in the possession of Mrs. Richardson 24 III. Portrait of Dr. James Anderson, from a sketch by Wil- liam Smith, 1799 32 IV. Portrait of Francis Duke of Bedford, from a sketch by William Smith 40 V. Portrait of the Rev. Joseph Townsend, from a sketch by William Smith 48 VI. Section of the Nevvent Coal-field 58 VII. Sketch of Strata above the Great Oolite 59 VIII. Upper part of the Great Oolite 60 IX. Combe Grove Pit 60 X. Strata near Steeple Ashton 61 XL Strata on the Menai 62 XII. Section of Strata, North \Vilt9 85 XIII. The Levels of the Fen-lands 87 XIV. Section of Boziate Hill 94 XV. Section of Upper Coal Beds in Yorkshire 95 XVI. Section of Strata in Harpswell Hill 97 XVII. Sketch of a surface of Coniston Slate 99 XVIII. Section of Coal Strata in Durham . . . . 100 MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM SMITH, LL.D, 1 HE ancestors of William Smith were a race of farmers who owned small tracts of land, and had been settled in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire for many generations. In 1730, "William Smith of Sarsden, yeoman, eldest son and heir-apparent of William Smith the elder, yeoman, of Churchill," married Lucy Raleigh *, a daughter of Henry Raleigh, yeoman, of Foscott in Oxfordshire. She had many sisters (twelve or more) and one brother, who was accident- ally killed. Her husband received as a marriage-portion the sum of 110, in consideration of which his father set- tled on the bride, as a jointure, " one half-yard and half- quarter of a yard land of arable, meadow and pasture land, situate in Churchill fieldf." * The signatures by Henry and Lucy Raleigh are both thus written, but in the body of the deed the engrosser has written Rawleigh. From child- hood William Smith was impressed by the belief that the Raleighs of Fos- cott were an obscure or forgotten branch of the ill-traced descendants of Sir Walter Raleigh. (See Appendix A.) f* At this time and until 1787, a great part of the land in the parish of Churchill was in " open field/' that is, uninclosed, but with the several properties divided by well-recognised boundary lines, and known by the descriptive term " Yard Lands." The labouring poor were often taken into employment by the farmers in rotation, according to their " yard lands." The land here described as five-eighths of a yard was at the en- closure consolidated to nearly ten acres, and was sold in 1807 for 700. B From these parents, who died in advanced age, sprung a third William Smith, who died in 1805, unmarried, and John Smith, who married Anne Smith of Longcompton in Glou- cestershire, and died in 1777. The fruits of this marriage were a fourth William, the subject of this memoir, with two younger brothers and one sister. Anne Smith married again and died in 1807. William Smith was^born at Churchill, a village in Ox- fordshire, on the 23rd of March, 1769, the year which gave birth to Cuvier. Of his parents he always spoke with great regard, but there is little in the recollections which he has preserved of them to show in what degree they contributed to form his remarkable character. His father he described as " a very ingenious mechanic," and mentions as the cause of his death a severe cold caught while engaged in the erec- tion of some machinery. Deprived of this parent before he was eight years old, it was fortunate for him that his mother was a woman of ability, of gentle and charitable disposition, and attentive to the education of her children. An express- ive pencil-sketch and a characteristic description, both from memory, record his devotion to his mother. According to his own account, however, not only were the means of his instruction at the village school * very li- mited, but these were in some degree interfered with by his own wandering and musing habits. The rural games f in those " merrie daies " of England might sometimes attract the wayward and comparatively unrestrained scholar from his books ; but he was more frequently learning of another mistress, and forming for after-life a habit of close and curious contemplation of nature. After his father's death and his mother's second marriage, the person to whom he was principally to look up for pro- tection was his father's eldest brother, to a portion of whose property he was heir. From this kinsman, who was but * Founded by one of the former owners of Churchill and Sarsden. f One of the merrymakings of Oxfordshire took place at Whitsuntide, under the denomination of " Whitsun-ale." The expenses of this festivity vrere not trifling. In 1720 and 1/21 William Smith of Churchill was trea- little pleased with his nephew's love of collecting the " pun- dibs*" and "poundstones," or "quoitstonesf," and had no sympathy with his fancies of carving "sun-dials" on the soft brown " oven-stone -J" of the neighbourhood, he with great difficulty wrung, by repeated entreaty, money for the pur- chase of a few books fit to instruct a boy in the rudiments of geometry and surveying. But the practical farmer was better satisfied when the youth manifested an intelligent in- terest in the processes of draining and improving land ; and {here is no doubt that young William profited in after-life by the experience, if it may be so called, which he gathered in his boyhood while accompanying his relative (" old Wil- liam") over his lands at Over Norton. Whatever he saw, was remembered for ever. To the latest hours of life he retained a clear and complete recol- lection of almost every event of his boyhood, and often in- terested young and old by his vivid pictures of what he had seen when a child. These notices would be swelled to an unreasonable degree by introducing the pleasant stories of surer for the " Whitsun-ale," and in that capacity presented a complete account of the expenditure. s. d. The whole receipt in 1721 was 58 19 The whole expenditure 54 5 11 In the disbursements we find, properly vouched, For Ribbands 11 19 ... Malt 10 5 ... Cake 530 ... Excise 4 7 11 ... the Fool 1 ... the Fiddler 10 6 ...the Morris 060 ... the Lord 026 ... the Lady 026 The Lord and Lady gave the Fool 016 For Bells 1 6 The Lord's man, the Lady's man and five maids, received nothing. * Terebratulse. f A large Echinite (Clypeus sinuatus of Leske), not unfrequently em- ployed as a " pound-weight" by the dairy women. J Named from its frequent use in the construction of ovens. "the narrative old man;" but the following recollections, written in his seventieth year, of events which had passed fifty-six years before, are worth preserving as evidence of this peculiar circumstantiality of memory. "I was early a tall and strong-grown boy, and in my way to London between twelve and thirteen years of age parti- cularly noticed the great work of cutting down the chalk hill at Henley-upon-Thames, and how the loaded carriages, on an inclined plane, were made to bring up the empty ones. " I was in London shortly after the riots of Lord George Gordon ; and at the time when the news of Rodney's defeat of the French fleet arrived. "There was then a half-penny toll for foot-persons pass- ing Blackfriars Bridge ; the Albion Mills (worked by steam power) had just before been burnt down. "Criminals were hanged at Tyburn, where there were cow- houses with wood seats on top for persons to see the executions . " From Manchester-square to the Edgeware-road and Paddington, there were foot-paths entirely across open fields. The buildings on that side of the square were un- finished ; but, as more connected with what relates to the earth, I saw how the ground was made in Manchester- square, for a poor fellow in turning his cart-load of slush had let his horse and cart slip down, so that he was up to his middle in mud endeavouring to extricate his horse just as I passed by. This was on the east side of the square." In 1783, and from this time to 1787, the young man, without instruction or sympathy, prosecuted irregularly, but with ardour and success, the studies to which his mind was awakened. He began to draw, attempted to colour, became tolerably versed in the geometry and calculations then thought sufficient for engineers and surveyors, and by these acquirements, at the age of eighteen, so strongly re- commended himself to Mr. Edward Webb of Stow-on-the- Wold, who had been appointed to make a complete survey of the parish of Churchill, for the purpose of enclosure, that he became assistant to that most able and excellent man, and was taken into his family. This was the critical moment ; from this event flowed all the current of his useful life, and to the same origin may be ascribed many of the peculiar habits and feelings, the con- trasted lights and shades, which diversified the character of William Smith. Edward Webb was, like his pupil, self-taught, and very slightly acquainted with languages and general literature, but possessed of great ingenuity and skill in mechanics, mensuration, logarithms, algebra, and fluxions. His prac- tice, as a surveyor, included many things now conceded to the engineer, such as the determination of the forces of water, and planning machinery*. His instruments were commonly invented, often made and divided by himself; peculiar pentagraphs, theodolites, scales, and even com- passes and field books, of new construction, enriched the office at Stow, and stimulated to thought and exertion the young men who were fortunate enough to be placed in itf. " I admired," says the subject of this memoir, " the talent of my master, his placid and ever unruffled temper, and his willingness to let me get on, for I required no teaching." Speedily entrusted with the management of all the ordi- nary business of a surveyor, Mr. Smith traversed in con- tinual activity the oolitic lands of Oxfordshire and Glou- cestershire, the lias clays and red marls of Warwickshire ; visited (1788) the Salperton tunnel on the Thames and Severn Canal, and (1790) examined the soils and circum- stances connected with a " boring for coal in the New Forest, opposite the Shoe alehouse at Plaitford." (MS.) All the varieties of soil in so many surveys in different districts were particularly noticed, and compared with the * Among the recollections of the office, Mr. Smith used to quote the following lines regarding the inventor of the slide-rule and steam-boats : " Jonathan Hull, with his paper skull, He tried to make a machine ; But he, like an ass, could not bring it to pass, And now he 's ashamed to be seen." The unfortunate boat was launched on the Warwickshire Avon. f Mr. Richard C. Taylor, the eminent surveyor and geologist, now resi- dent in the United States, was one of the pupils of Edward Webb. general aspect and character of the country, the agricul- tural and commercial appropriations. The arrangement of the lias limestone beds in Warwickshire, contrasted with the neighbouring red marls at Inkborough, the boring for coal in some of the dark lias clays on the road to Warwick, the absence of arenaceous beds from the limestones of Churchill, these were some of the points treasured in a mind capable of combining them at a future time. That time arrived in 1791, when Mr. Webb transferred to his young friend the survey of an estate at Stowey in Somersetshire. Mr. Smith walked by Burford, Cirencester, Tetbury, Bath, Radstock, Old Down, Stoneaston, and Temple Cloud, to Stowey. Here he was surprised to find, as well as at High Littleton, the red marl, evidently similar to that of Worcestershire, similarly posited in regard to the lias and superincumbent rocks, and similarly employed for marling the land. In his own words we read, " Coal was worked at High Littleton beneath the * red earth,' and I was desired to in- vestigate the collieries and state the particulars to my em- ployer. My subterraneous survey of these coal veins, with sections which I drew of the strata sunk through in the pits, confirmed my notions of some regularity in their forma- tion ; but the colliers would not allow of any regularity in the matter of the hills above the ' red earth,' which they were in the habit of sinking through ; but on this subject I began to think for myself." The minute survey which Mr. Smith made of the High Littleton Collieries was con- tinued at intervals through the years 1792 and 1793, and among the papers remaining, which demonstrate a per- fect acquaintance with the effect of the faults, on the out- crops and depths of the coal, are an " Original Sketch and Observations of my first Subterranean Survey of Mearn's Colliery in the parish of High Littleton," and the following curious memoranda, dated June 15, 1793 : " Proposals toward making a model of the strata of earth, &c. in a coal country. " Make a model of the strata of earth and coal at High Littleton of the same materials of which they are composed, reduced to scale and placed in the same order in which they are found in sinking of pits ; make a section of it. N.B. Red ground and other soft materials may be mixed up with gum-water or some kind of glutinous substance, " A model of the strata at High Littleton, Somerset, made of the same materials of which each stratum is com- posed, arranged in the same order as nature has placed them, and divided into sections, that may be taken apart to explain the method of mining for coal. " The grays may be in pieces stuck together with gum, which will represent the water found in the joints. " The brooks above ground may be filled with gum, which will be a good representation of water." To this is added a comparison of scales most adapted for the representation intended, showing clearly the intention of the inventor, to make the model true and proportionate in vertical and horizontal measure. The ability and perseverance manifested by Mr. Smith in his occupations near High Littleton, induced some of the gentlemen resident in the neighbourhood (particularly Mr. Mogg and Mr. Stephens of Camerton) to interest them- selves in his professional success. The occasion was favourable. At this era the services of civil engineers were much in request, and the principal duties entrusted to them were such as Mr. Smith was well qualified to perform. At the present time the accomplish- ments of an engineer are measured by a higher mathematical standard than in the times of Smeaton and Whitworth, be- cause the practical problems committed to them for solution involve more varied dynamical and statical considerations than the cutting of a canal, or even the development of the powers of water and wind ; but at all times the most valu- able basis of good engineering practice must be a habit of accurate observation and a collectedness of mind, which meets unexpected emergencies with prompt and adequate combinations, appearing the result of intuitive sagacity rather than of treasured experience. That in these quali- 8 ties, and a certain inventiveness, put to frequent proof, few ever surpassed Mr. Smith, will appear in the following pages. At the period we are speaking of, projects for new canals, accompanied by new schemes for conquering inequalities of level, inclined planes, caissons, and locks of various kinds, were actively canvassed, and Mr. Smith seized the occasion to procure instruments, extend his reading, and otherwise qualify himself as a competent candidate for the professional honours which seemed within his reach. This was a tide in his affairs, which, had he followed the middle current with- out stopping to examine the banks, would have led him on to fortune ; and even under this great disadvantage of being subject to a strong deflecting force, his career was not un- prosperous, and he joined with tolerable compactness the decisions of an engineer to the inquiries of a geologist. In 1793 we find him engaged in executing surveys and complete systems of levelling for the line of a proposed canal. In the course of the operations which he per- formed in the summer and autumn, a speculation which had come into his mind regarding a general law affecting the strata of the district, was submitted to proof and con- firmed. He had supposed that the strata lying above the coal were not laid horizontally, but inclined ; that they were all inclined in one direction, viz. to the eastward, so as to successively terminate at the surface, and thus to " resemble, on a large scale, the ordinary appearance of superposed slices of bread and butter." This supposition was now proved to be correct by the levelling processes executed in two parallel valleys, for in each of the levelled lines the strata of " red ground," " lias," and " freestone" (afterwards called " oolite"), came down in an eastern direction and sunk be- low the level, and yielded place to the next in succession. But at the same time it was known to Mr. Smith that the position of the strata of coal in Somersetshire was not gene- rally conformed to that of the " red earth," " lias," and other beds above ; the same thing was proved to him by an inspection of the colliery at Pucklechurch in Gloucester- shire ; he knew, besides, that the great faults which divide 9 all the coal strata under ground were in general found not to divide any of the superincumbent rocks which formed the surface. Geologists, who, at the present time, notwithstanding the devoted attention which has been paid to the phenomena of local displacement, find a clear conception of the causes at least difficult of attainment, may imagine the perplexity in the mind of a discoverer enlarged by the notion of general laws, but limited in the proof of them to examples of local, and these partly exceptional phsenomena. Mr. Smith felt this perplexity severely, but not long. The Canal Bill on which he was engaged received the sanction of Parliament in 1794, and one of the first steps taken by the judicious committee of management was to depute two members of their body to accompany Mr. Smith, " their engineer," on a tour of in- quiry and observation regarding the construction, manage- ment, and trade of other navigations in England and Wales. The tour extended altogether 900 miles, and occupied between one and two months ; by one route the party reached Newcastle, and by another returned through Shrop- shire and Wales to Bath. Mr. Palmer and Mr. Perkins were gentlemen well acquainted with coal-working, and they willingly stayed to inspect every new invention applied to canals and collieries ; but Mr. Smith's treasured object of consideration on the road, that which occupied all his thoughts in the interval of professional inquiries, was the aspect and structure of the country passed through, in order to determine if his preconceived generalizations of a settled order of succession, continuity of range at the surface, and general declination eastward, were true on a large scale. It is needless now to say that his general views were justi- fied ; he found the strata from the vicinity of Bath and Bristol prolonged into the North of England, in the same general order of succession with the same general eastward dip. There is, however, one part of the conclusions adopted on this rapid survey from a postchaise which merits par- ticular attention. He passed through York on the high road to Newcastle, and from that line, distant from five to 10 fifteen miles from the hills of chalk and oolite on the east, he was satisfied of their nature by their contours and rela- tive position, and their ranges on the surface in relation to the lias and " red ground" occasionally seen on the road. This was in fact the only authority he could rely upon for drawing, in 1800, the continuations of the chalk of Wilt- shire and the oolite of Somersetshire through the eastern parts of Yorkshire, but he drew them with a considerable approximation to accuracy. The following notice of this tour was written in June 1839, nearly in the same words he had often used before in narrating it : " After the passing of the Act of Parliament for the canal in the summer of 1794, and some preliminary business, it was determined at one of the meetings that, as canals were not then known in those parts, and before the works should be commenced, two of the committee, Dr. Perkins, Samborn Palmer, Esq., and myself, should make a tour throughout England and Wales to procure the best in- formation we could on canals, and report the same to the company of proprietors. " This was joyous intelligence to me. I wished to travel ; for I foresaw that the truth and practicability of my system must be tested far and wide before its uses could be gene- rally known and its worth duly appreciated. " I thought, of course, no one could do this so well as myself; and the result of my observations on this tour may be considered as the first part of the interminable labour of working out the truths of the science ; for it plainly ap- peared that it was to become a system of experimental phi- losophy, which would embrace the whole surface of the globe. " No journey purposely contrived could have better an- swered my purpose. " To sit forward in the chaise was a favour readily granted; my eager eyes were never idle a moment; and post-haste travelling only put me upon new resources. Ge- neral views, under existing circumstances, were the best thdt could have been taken, and the facility of knowing, by 11 contours and other features, what might be the kind of stratification in the hills, is a proof of early advancement in the generalization of phaenomena. " In the more confined views, where the roads commonly climb to the summits, as in our start from Bath to Tetbury, by Swanswick, the slow driving up the steep hills afforded me distinct views of the nature of the rocks ; rushy pastures on the slopes of the hills, the rivulets, and kind of trees, all aided in defining the intermediate clays ; and while occasion- ally walking to see bridges, locks, and other works on the lines of canal, more particular observations could be made. Much, however well observed but depending upon me- mory, would of course be lost, for this was all foreign to the purport of our journey ; and also another important in- quiry on coal and collieries, for which we had each, by agreement, provided an extra memorandum-book. " My friends being both concerned in working coal, and Mr. Palmer having it in his own estate, they were interested in two objects ; but I had three, and the most important one to me I pursued unknown to them ; though I was con- tinually talking about the rocks and other strata, they seemed not desirous of knowing the guiding principles or objects of those remarks ; and it might have been from the many hints perhaps mainly on this subject, which I made in the course of the journey, that Mr. Palmer jocosely re- commended me to write a book of hints. " We had nothing official to notice until we arrived at the Thames and Severn Canal at Thames head. The tunnel, however, 4^ miles long, through Salperton Hill, and 90 or 95 yards beneath the surface, was a main object; and that on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal at Kingsnorth, then making, was another. The former was through the summit edge of the stonebrash range of the Cotteswold Hills, many years before well known to me ; and the latter through the red marl and red sandstone, well known at High Little- ton and other Somersetshire collieries to be an unconform- able cover to the coal-measures. " Saw the same red rock again at the tier of locks on the high side of Birmingham, and at various places on the road to Derby. Saw the silk mills. Went to Derby and Ripley Collieries., where I was surprised to see the long, straight- grained pieces of coal piled up and sold in stacks four feet square. " Went to see Chatsworth, where I remember the varie- gated columns of millstone grit, the bold hills of that rock thereabout, and the limestone rocks and tufa of which the inn was built at Matlock. " In staying hereabout two days we met with Benjamin Outram, the engineer of the Cromford Canal, who took us into the tunnel at Butterley Park, then making : not a stone of the great ironworks since established was then laid. " Chesterfield, in the midst of a rich coal-field, was then a poor place, and is so now. " We found the small steam-engines much better applied to raising coal in Yorkshire than in Somersetshire, where not more than one (I believe), badly constructed, was then in use. " Flat ropes were in use, and at Hisley Wood or White- lane Colliery, on Earl Fitzwilliam's estate, I stood on one end of a cross-bar to which corves were suspended, and Mr. Perkins on the other, and we were very smoothly let down a little more than mid-depth of the pit to see Mr. Cur's, so called, sliding-rods ; when, on being stationary and directed to look up, we saw the ascending corves over our head without knowing that they had passed us at the mid-depth enlargement of the pit. " On reversing the motion of the engine we were soon again on the surface, and simply and easily as this seemed to be effected, by grooves clown from top to bottom of the pit, for opposite ends of the cross-bars to move in with an en- larged place mid- way for their passing, my learned friend could not understand the mechanism, though I was occupied nearly the whole of a long stage in explaining it to him. " The rocks of the Yorkshire coal-field, everywhere so well developed, opened to my mind new views of the facility of obtaining on the surface clear notions of the coal-measure 13 stratification ; and at Banktop, near Barnsley, I found some of the rocks of this series strongly developed. " Leeds being near the extent of the coal-field, we found that further north there were no canals, but determined on seeing York Minster ; and thus, in crossing Tadcaster Moor, I had a clear view of the magnesian limestone, which is a rock unknown in the south. " From the top of York Minster I could see that the Wolds contained chalk by their contour. " We here had time enough to indulge ourselves with a good dinner and a pine-apple at the Black Swan, and re- solved upon a run up to Newcastle, to see the celebrated col- lieries there; and after the first stage from York, I recognized in the Hambleton Hills the features of the Cotteswold Hills viewed from the Vale of Gloucester ; saw near Thirsk the red marl in the road, and found that along Learning-lane we were travelling upon red sandstone. The yellow lime- stone appeared again at Peirce Bridge, and at Ferry Hill they were working coal under it. " Here it presented a well-defined escarpment boundary to the Durham coal-field, as it did to that of Yorkshire ; but these northern coal-measures were observed to be much more obscured by a thick cover of loose and mixed matter. " We arrived at Newcastle on Saturday afternoon, time enough to get to Heaton Colliery, but unfortunately too late for me to go down in the pit ; but a very intelligent overlooker kindly drew with his stick on the dust a plan of the mode of working the coal, which to me was perfectly intelligible. "The railways to the staiths on Tyneside were then mostly of wood, or wood plated with iron ; and such was the state of machinery, that at Heaton Colliery the deep water was raised by a steam-engine into a pool on the surface, and at other times in the twenty-four hours from the pool, by much larger pumps, to the top of two high water-wheels, which raised the coal. " We did not expect to see things so managed in the North ; and I was surprised to see the fires they kept, and 14 other contrivances for promoting ventilation, as in the Somersetshire collieries there is no want of a good current of pure air. " I had observed that my friend Palmer's string of ques- tions sometimes produced a shyness in obtaining answers, and therefore I used to proceed upon the principle of give and take ; and in thus offering my exchange of knowledge of the mode of working coal in Somersetshire, 1000 yards down the steep slope of 1 in 4, and perfectly dry and in good air, 100 to 250 perpendicular yards beneath the bot- tom of the pumps, I believe the honest manager of Heaton Colliery thought I was telling him a travelling story. " The mode of dividing their shafts and mother-gates by brattices of wood-work seemed inconvenient and unphilo- sophical, and we, rather dissatisfied, hastened back through Ripon and Harrowgate, where the M.D. took a nauseous draught of sulphur-water as we sat in the chaise. " We had crossed the yellow limestone between Ripon and Ripley." Engaged for six years in setting out and superintending the works on the Somersetshire Coal Canal, Mr. Smith found but few opportunities of making known to scientific persons the peculiar generalizations which had taken pos- session of his mind. But in the execution of these wishes he was putting them daily into practice, informing the con- tractors what would be the nature of the ground to be cut through, what parts of the canal would require unusual care to be kept water-tight, what was the most advantageous system of work. Another singular advantage attended this engagement ; the notions which up to this time he had ob- tained regarding the distribution of organic remains were comparatively vague ; he found peculiar plants in the " clift" above the coal, particular shells in the lias and oolites, but none in the red ground, and had combined these simple facts so far as to see that " each stratum had been succes- sively the bed of the sea, and contained in it the mineralized monuments of the races of organic beings then in existence." But it was the necessity of a close and accurate knowledge 15 of the different sorts of rock, sand, and clay, which were to be cut through on the line of the canal, which led him to examine minutely and scrupulously into the distribution of the " extraneous fossils" which he had been in the habit of collecting. The result was a proposition which he proved to be locally true, and of practical value, " that each stratum contained organized fossils peculiar to itself, and might, in cases otherwise doubtful, be recognized and discriminated from others like it, but in a different part of the series, by examination of them." He now remarked also the contrast between the rounded state and mixed condition of the fos- sils which lay in gravel deposits, and the sharply preserved specimens lying in natural associations in the strata; and thus acquired a notion of the distinction between what were afterwards named diluvial and stratified deposits. The possessor of all these generalizations, now (1795) twenty-six years of age, was still shrouded in the obscure village of High Littleton, but in this year he removed to Bath, and took up his abode in the central house of a short range of buildings called the Cottage Crescent, which oc- cupied a picturesque and elevated site south of that city. " From this point," says he, " the eye roved anxiously over the interesting expanse which extended before me to the Sugar-loaf mountain in Monmouthshire, and embraced all in the vicinities of Bath and Bristol ; then did a thousand thoughts occur to me respecting the geology of that and adjacent districts continually under my eye, which have never been reduced to writing." He continued to direct all the operations on the Somerset Coal Canal, and very copious note-books attest the constancy and exactitude of his atten- tion to that occupation. To this cause, indeed, may be ascribed the extreme rarity of any essays or even memo- randa from which the progress of his geological studies can be gathered. That in Jan. 1796, he had begun to commit his thoughts to paper in a lucid arrangement for publication, the written proofs remain; in 1797, he drew a larger general plan for such a work ; but not till 1 799, after his engagement ceased with the Coal Canal Company, did he make public his inten- tion to compose a general work on the Stratification of Britain, or enter on the prosecution of an actual survey of the geological structure of the whole of England and Wales. In the execution of the canal, Mr. Smith had found the means of applying his newly-acquired knowledge to useful practical problems, such as how to draw the line through a country full of porous rocks, so as best to retain the limited supplies of water which frequent mills left to the naviga- tion where to place bridges on a good foundation how to intercept and conduct the springs, and where to open quar- ries of proper stone. We find him also engaged, as early as 1796, in the short intervals which could be snatched from the main business before him, in putting to practical proof his theoretical views of the earth's structure, and the properties of the mixed calcareous and argillaceous strata in the hills near Bath, by a new and successful process of land-draining. Under these circumstances, it was impossible for a plain, simple-minded and enthusiastic man, to avoid explaining his views to such intelligent persons as would listen to them ; but Mr. Smith found few auditors who interested them- selves in his speculations, any further than as they ap- peared to have immediate practical results in agriculture or mining. The very intelligent land-steward of the Mar- quis of Bath, Mr. Thomas Davis, (author of the excel- lent Report on Wiltshire, presented to the Board of Agri- culture in 1794,) when informed of the constitution of the Wiltshire hills and vales, and the relation they thus held to neighbouring tracts, was chiefly moved by the obvious light such discoveries shed on the agricultural appropriation of soils, and remarked, " that is the only way to know the true value of land." Even such sympathy was highly prized by the modest " Father of English Geology," who, in his latest years, when geology had claimed in a high degree the public favour, frequently recounted, among many instances of mor- 17 tifying disregard which he had experienced, this apparently slight and solitary sentence of encouragement. It is to be regretted, that of that period in Mr. Smith's mental pro- gress when the grand ideas of a new science were strug- gling for distinctness and generality, so few written monu- ments, and those not the earliest, remain. The essays of this period which have been found indicate the existence of more and earlier efforts, and, being all marked with the place where and the date when they were written, possess a peculiar interest and authenticity. The documents of this nature, belonging to the years 1796, 1797, and 1798, which will be referred to in the following pages, appear to have been written in the short and detached intervals of leisure left by almost constant business, not at home, but at various points to which the daily occupation of a canal engineer conducted him. It is perhaps by mere accident that any of these papers remain ; for they have been all transcribed into " a book" which was intended for publication, but is pro- bably not in existence, nor has any index of its contents been recovered. The earliest connected remarks which have been found bear the date of January 1796, and relate to organic re- mains, and their distribution in the different strata. The vicinity of Bath is rich in fossils, and fine collections were formed there previous to Mr. Smith's researches : it might be after inspecting some of these treasures, whose full value was so entirely unknown to their owners, that the following reflections, which strikingly illustrate the enlarged state of his own views at that period, were penned. " Dunkerton, Swan, Jan. 5, 1796. " Fossils have been long studied as great curiosities, col- lected with great pains, treasured with great care and at a great expense, and shown and admired with as much pleasure as a child's rattle or a hobby-horse is shown and admired by himself and his playfellows, because it is pretty ; and this has been done by thousands who have never paid the least regard to that* wonderful order and regularity with which * Underlined in the original. C 18 Nature has disposed of these singular productions, and as- signed to each class its peculiar stratum." Gifted in a very uncommon degree with that philosophical faith in the generality and harmony of natural laws which is a characteristic of discoverers in natural science, Mr. Smith was at the same time remarkably disinclined to indulge in himself, or even to tolerate in others, mere speculations in geology. Whatever of this nature he found in the circle of his reading was severely judged, by a close collocation of the hypothesis which had been advanced with the phaenomena of stratification which he had entirely established. These judgments might be erroneous in cases which required the knowledge of other data, not then collected, for a true and general solution ; but the very unreasonableness of raising the standard of his own discoveries in a limited region, for condemning a speculation perhaps founded on other truths occurring elsewhere, shows how firmly these discoveries, and the inferences belonging to them, were established and for- tified in his mind. The following passage, written in Ja- nuary 1796, might have been acknowledged by the author to contain his real opinions forty years later : " Therefore every man of prudence and observation who has paid the strictest attention to mineralogy, the structure of the earth, and the changes it has undergone, will be very cautious how he sets about to invent a system which nature cannot conform to without having recourse to subterraneous fires, volcanic eruptions, or uncommon convulsions, by which every hill and dale must have been formed, and every rock must have been rent to form those chasms, which, in comparison to the strata they are found in, are no more than sun-cracks in a clod of clay ; yet such has been the language of ingenious men, who have set their theoretical worlds a-going without either tooth or pinion of nature's mechanism belonging to them." In October and November of this year (1796), we find him returning to the contemplation of organic remains ; dis- cussing the circumstances which attend the sparry substance occupying the place of the shell, which has been removed, 19 in the lias, and the empty cavity, where the shell was, sur- rounding a loose stony cast of the interior, in the freestone (oolite). That his mind was now actively employed in tracing out the bearings of the extensive subject before him, will be evident from the following extract, dated August 1797 : 11 Locality of Plants, Insects, Birds, $c., arises from the nature of the strata. " Where art has not diverted the order of things, and nature is left to herself, a considerable locality may be ob- served in many animals and vegetables, as well as mineral productions, by which they are evidently attached to parti- cular soils to such a degree that, if this subject were studied with attention, it would form one of the principal external characteristics of the strata underneath. Though it may seem mysterious to some that birds, beasts, insects, &c., which have the liberty of roving at pleasure, should feel any particular attachment for this or that soil, yet the won- der ceases when we consider how the chain of natural things is linked together, and how these creatures are taught to cull their food from insects that are lodged in, or seeds that are produced from, particular plants that grow upon par- ticular soils." In the same year (November 3), we have a specimen of the way in which Mr. Smith was proceeding to record the localities of fossils. " 1. Snakestone, 11 inches diameter. " Found near the bottom of a rough bed of bastard free- stone (inferior oolite), which lies upon a thick bed of sand and sand burs. "Remarks. The surface of this stone is covered with marks which have some resemblance to the leaves of plants [edges of the Septa], but on breaking any stone of this sort these marks are found to represent natural divisions of the fossil, which are so linked or dove -tailed one into another in this curious manner as not to be separated without vio- lence after the joints are considerably loosened. c 2 " 2. Part of a snakestone, about 4^ inches diameter. " Found in the same bed about two miles distant from the place where No. 1 was found. " Remarks. The loose joint at the end of this stone will fully explain what I have said about the leaves and joints of No. 1. " 3. Snakestone, about 3 inches diameter, of a bluish cast. " Found in the blue lias limestone." On this occasion we may remark the entire want of scien- tific or technical terms in all the statements relating to or- ganic remains and the arrangement of the strata. The names which Mr. Smith uses for designating the objects are merely the provincial terms of the country where he was located ; the new ideas which were connected with them in his mind, were the fruit of his own observation and reason- ing, and acquired new forms of expression at a later time. The localities of all the specimens in Mr. Smith's possession were carefully written on the stones themselves. A manuscript, dated December 2, 1796, Dunkerton, Swan Inn, headed " Strata in general, and their position," and evidently intended for publication, commences thus : " The strata being found as regular on one side of a ri- vulet, river, deep valley or channel as on the other, over an extent of many miles, when proper allowance is made for the inclination and for the variation of the surface, is it not rea- sonable to suppose that the same strata may be found as regular on one side of a sea or ocean as on opposite sides of a deep valley upon land, and if so, and the continuation of the strata is general, what is their general direction or drift ? Is it in straight lines from pole to pole, or in curved lines surrounding the globe regularly inclined to the east ?" After hinting at a general cause for such an assumed re- gularity, he adds, " But all theories are best built on prac- tical rules, which will enable any one to make such obser- vations for himself as must carry conviction along with them ; for a work so novel as this must expect to find some who will hardly believe what is plain to be seen ; for all men do not see alike, nor can patiently trudge through the dirt to 21 search for truth among the stubborn rocks where nature has best displayed her Shall, therefore, describe a num- ber of quarries, cliffs, &c., at a great distance, &c. See Book ." In what seems to be the continuation of this paper, we see the predominant desire of the author to establish the certainty and generality of the inclination of strata, which he had proved on a limited scale near Bath. "If the strata lay horizontal, every part of the sea-shores would present the same beds at the water edge instead of that wonderful variety which is found on the coast and banks of every river and rivulet in the kingdom, especially those that run in an east and west direction, or nearly so. In such situations the young mineralogist may soon be con- vinced of that wonderful regularity which nature has adopt- ed, especially if the shores are rocky ; he will there find that, independent of partial and local dips which appear in different quarries of the same stone, the outlines or top and bottom layers of each complete stratum or class of stones or earth, considered as a mass, have a general ten- dency toward the eastern horizon." This MS., revised and altered in the first lines, now stands, with several others written in 1797 and 1798, as part of the introduction to a work which is thus sketched in 1797. " Plan of the work. " To be divided into two parts. " The first of which should treat of the strata of the earth in a general way. " And the second enter into the particulars of each stra- tum, with the fossils and minerals that have hitherto been discovered, with their connexion and dependence one upon another. Though it is impossible for the labours of any one individual ever to accomplish a thousandth part of what is proposed by this section, yet when a regular system is established which has nature for its prototype, every one will be enabled to contribute his mite, and carry it on from time to time till after ages may get a tolerable description of the habitable world," On the next page, dated Nov. 5, 1797, the details of this plan are considered thus : " Quere. The best method of explaining the order of the strata, whether by plain coloured maps, or varied black lines, or any variety of coloured lines. " Sections of the strata in different directions will be ne- cessary to show their various inclinations. " In the general section each principal stratum should be numbered with progressive numbers, beginning at the eastern strata of the kingdom, or till that can be accurately ascertained, at some stratum that forms a grand feature therein, as for instance the chalk, which I would number 1 ; and those lesser strata which are contained within it or ge- nerally attached to it, or form any subdivisions therein, I would call 1 a, I b, I c, &c. If any stratum should be omitted, or a new one discovered, [it] may be brought into these numbers by marking it 1 a a, &c. " After the general section of a country or district should follow a large section of each stratum, with its concomitant small strata on the left-hand page, and on the right-hand page* with drawings and descriptions of such peculiarities as the principal stratum, or those connected with it, are found to contain, whether the exuviae of marine animals, vegetable impressions or fossil wood : coal and metals of every de- scription. " The same numbers may refer to an explanation of the chemical properties of each substance, so far as discovered; this may be placed at the end of the book, or make a sepa- rate volume, where these properties may be more minutely examined than can consistently be done in the body of the work, which is intended to form a true representation of the order of nature, with no more digressions from the main sub- ject than are absolutely necessary to make it intelligible. "All the plates should be bound at the end of each vo- lume in a peculiar manner, with cuts or small plates of each shell, &c. amidst the letter-press ; and where there is room in the plate the shells may be dotted out from and drawn * The direction as to the pages has been crossed by the pen at a later date. at the end of each stratum they are found in : these, as well as the strata, to make them more striking, should be co- loured*." In February 1798, we find as part of the Introduction to this contemplated work, an interesting notice of some of the steps by which the author was conducted to his general conclusions. " It will be readily admitted by all classes of men, from the most accurate observers of nature to the simplest pea- sant, that there is some degree of regularity in the strata from whence our building materials are generally collected. Masons, miners and quarrymen can identify particular beds of stone dug many miles apart ; indeed every cliff and quarry presents a true section of a great many beds of stone, which may be found of the same quality and in the same position in all or most of the neighbouring cliffs and quarries. And this regularity is nowhere more conspicuous than in the lias quarries of Somersetshire, from whence these observations first took their rise about seven years since. " For the stratification of stone struck me, who had not been accustomed to such appearances, as something very uncommon, and till I had learned the technical terms of the strata, and made a subterraneous journey or two, could not conceive a clear idea of what seemed so familiar to the col- liers ; but when these difficulties were surmounted, and an intelligent bailiff accompanied [me], I was much pleased with my peregrinations below, and soon learnt enough of the order of the strata to describe on a plan the manner of working the coal in the lands I was then surveying, " Being engaged soon after to survey the lands and take the levels of a canal that was proposed to be made from the collieries to Bath, I observed a variation of the strata on the same line of level, and soon found that the lias rock which about three miles back was full 300 feet above this line was now thirty feet below it, and became the bed of the river, * These ideas were in great degree unexecuted till 1817. The method of notation here suggested for the strata, might be revived with advantage at the present day. 24 and in that direction did not appear any more at the sur- face. This induced me to note the inclination of the same rock, which I knew was to be found at the head of two other valleys lying each about a mile distant from, and in a parallel direction to, the one just described, and accordingly found it to dip the same to the south-east, and sink under the rivers in a similar manner. " From this I began to consider that other strata might also have some general inclination as well as this (though I had been frequently told by the colliers that there was no regularity in the strata above ground), yet by tracing them through the country some miles, I found the inclination of every bed to be nearly the same as [that of] the lias ; and notwithstanding the partial and local dips of many quarries which varied from this rule, I was thoroughly satisfied by these observations that everything had a general tendency to the south-east, and thence concluded there could be none of these beds to the north-west, the truth of which conjecture was soon verified by a tour of observation through the northern parts of this kingdom." [The journey here alluded to was performed in 1794. See p. 11.] Fairly engaged in compiling an account of his discoveries, Mr. Smith naturally turned to inquire what had been done previously in this department of knowledge in his own country. His mind tending in a very strong degree to the path of observing and accumulating facts which might cor- rect and strengthen the general views which he already possessed, he sought, in county histories and other probable sources, information such as he needed. Plot's Oxford- shire, Morton's Northamptonshire, and Woodward's Cata- logue of Fossils, became his favourite study ; and probably no other reader has drawn from those curious but neglected works so many valuable geological data : Morton's drawings of Ammonites gave him points of lias, Plot's Echinida fixed localities of inferior oolite ; and thus by applying the principle of " identifying the strata by their imbedded or- ganic fossils," he was rapidly enlarging his coloured sketches for a geological map of England and Wales. 25 The most prevalent notion in the works which Mr. Smith could then consult, regarding the forms and localities of or- ganic remains, was the vague and irrational belief (founded on a misconception of the meaning of Scripture, but handed down even to these days as if to demonstrate the inde- structibility of a popular error), that these relics of more ancient systems of life were all buried in the solid strata of the earth by the operation of the general deluge. This notion appears never to have influenced for a moment the mind of Mr. Smith, who in his MS. of this period (1797-98), not only denies the unsatisfactory hypothesis, but places in direct contrast with it his own views, that it is the gravelly deposits scattered over the earth's surface, and containing bones of quadrupeds and rolled and transported rock masses holding fossils which had been previously imbedded and petrified, which should be ascribed to diluvial action. " I verily believe that those waters did not penetrate to such a depth, nor disturb the strata so much as has been imagined ; yet the effects of a deluge are very visible upon the surface of the earth, and to a great depth beneath, especially in low lands by the sides of large rivers, where great quantities of gravel, sand, and mud, are generally col- lected, in which the remains of trees and animals are fre- quently found preserved entire. And these are the things which may be reckoned among the most perfect proofs of a deluge, but at the same time they must not be mistaken for or confounded with fossils of a very different description and of a different origin, such as the exuviae of marine ani- mals and vegetable impressions, which are always found regularly imbedded in the solid strata, and composed of the same matter as the mass, whatever it may be ; whereas the horns of the moose deer, and teeth of elephants, which are found in loose gravel or mud, are real substances which con- tain all the properties of horn or ivory, and none of those which belong to the stone or clay which surrounds them. "But gravel-stones always contain fragments of such shells, or other marks, as are always found in the solid strata of which they originally formed a part, till torn from their native beds 26 by the impetuosity of the retreating waters, which is a de- cided proof that such shells were formed prior to the deluge, as their masses are all rounded off by attrition in water, while those of the same sort which are still imbedded in the strata, remain perfect and entire." In March 1 798, Mr. Smith purchased a small but beau- tiful estate in a deep valley within three miles of Bath, almost overgrown with wild wood, hiding in its bosom a sheet of water and a small mill. Through this retired pos- session the canal was cut, without greatly injuring its re- markable beauty; and under Mr. Smith's fond and tasteful attention the scene was partly cleared, the pond expanded to a lake, the cottage became a comfortable home, in which he passed many happy and thoughtful hours. He did not, however, at any time reside long in this favourite retreat, but took up his station for about a year at the village of Mit- ford, near Bath, and engaged in the last duties which he performed as resident engineer to the Coal Canal. Owing to a misunderstanding with the Company, this occupation ceased in June 1799, and Mr. Smith felt and ac- knowledged that a new sera in his life had arrived. He was not only at liberty, but placed under the necessity to con- sider the best means of making known his geological sy- stem, and of founding upon it a professional practice, which might provide the expense of travelling to verify and ex- tend his knowledge, and fill up the outlines of a geological map of England and Wales. In these objects, which were ever closely associated in his own mind, he was successful ; the most valuable portions of his discoveries soon became public property, and he quickly acquired extensive employment in the practical ap- plications of these discoveries to mineral surveying and draining of land on a large scale. The extensive diffu- sion of his fame and opinions, which now began, was owing to no actual and authorized publication, but to con- tinual discussions and explorations with several active friends, oral communications and exhibitions of maps at agricultural meetings (then frequent), and circulation of 27 MS. copies of tabular expositions of the series of strata at that time determined. His views at this epoch appear by the following notice : " During my five years' close confinement to practical engineering on the Coal Canal, my much-wished-for oppor- tunity of collecting observations enough from the ranges of the different strata to make an accurate delineation of the stratification throughout England were suspended. " I had seen enough by my tour of August 1794, to satisfy myself of the practicability of doing it, and often wasted much time in poring over maps, in contriving how the ranging edges and planes of the different strata could best be rendered intelligible : models were thought of, and one small map was cut along the edges of some of the strata with a view of defining their extent, and of showing how one stratum was successively covered by another. " I drew in colours, on a map of the vicinity of Bath, and on Day and Masters' County Survey, all [that had been ob- served] very accurately to a certain extent, which embraced an interesting but intricate variety of strata in hills around Bath ; and some small maps of England were spoiled by speculating on the ranges of stratification without sufficient data. The intricacies in their marginal edges were such that I found, to mark point by point, as the facts were ascer- tained, was the only way in which I could safely proceed. " My experience in what I had done upon the Somerset- shire map was sufficient to convince of this, and that to make a map of the strata on a scale as large as Gary's England (five miles to an inch) with sufficient accuracy, much of it should first be drawn on a larger scale." It was fortunate for Mr. Smith and for the progress of his views, that he gained at this time the friendship of a man singularly competent to estimate the truth and value of these views, and both able and willing to advocate the merit of their author. The Rev. Benjamin Richardson was at this time living in Bath, and possessed a choice collection of local fossils, mostly gathered by his own diligent hands. Extensively versed in natural history, and generally well 28 acquainted with the progress of science, he was perfectly enthusiastic in following out, and liberal in enabling others to prosecute, new and ingenious researches, especially if they tended to practical and public good. He knew accu- rately the country in which Mr. Smith had principally worked, and was acquainted with the views entertained on the subject of fossils, which had been recorded in books, or were adopted by the collectors, who were even then cele- brated in the vicinity of Bath. He had no knowledge of the laws of stratification and the connexion between the forms of organic life and the order of superposition of the strata ; while, on the other hand, his new friend had very little knowledge of the true nature of these organic forms, and their exact relation to analogous living types. The result of a meeting between two such reciprocally adjusted minds was an electric combination ; the fossils which the one pos- sessed were marshalled in the order of strata by the other, until all found their appropriate places, and the arrange- ment of the cabinet became a true copy of nature. That such fossils had been found in such rocks was im- mediately acknowledged by Mr. Richardson to be true, though the connexion had not before presented itself to his mind ; but when Mr. Smith added the assurance, that every- where throughout this district, and to considerable distances around, it was a general law that the " same strata were found always in the same order of superposition and contained the same peculiar fossils," his friend was both astonished and incredulous. He immediately acceded to Mr. Smith's proposal for undertaking some field examinations to deter- mine the truth of these assertions, and having interested in this object a new and learned associate, the Rev. Joseph Townsend (author of Travels in Spain), they at once exe- cuted the project. Among other places visited with this view was the detached hill on which Dundry Church is conspicuously elevated. From its form and position in re- spect of the lias of Keynsham, Mr. Smith had inferred that this hill was capped by the lowest of the Bath " freestones " (inferior oolite); and, from his general views, expected to 29 find in that rock the fossils which it contained near Bath, on the westward rise, which he believed to affect all the strata near Bath above the coal. It is needless now to say, that examination confirmed both the inference of the cha- racter of the rock and the conformity of its organic con- tents. The effect of this and other illustrations of the reality of Mr. Smith's speculations was decisive. In general literature and especially in natural history, Mr. Smith was immeasurably surpassed by his friends, but they ac- knowledged that, from his labours in a different quarter, a new light had begun to manifest itself in the previously dark horizon of geology, and they set themselves earnestly to make way for its auspicious influence. One day, after dining together at the house of the Rev. Joseph Townsend, it was proposed, by one of this trium- virate, that a tabular view of the main features of the sub- ject, as it had been expounded by Mr. Smith, and verified and enriched by their joint labours, should be drawn up in writing. Richardson held the pen and wrote down, from Smith's dictation, the different strata according to their order of succession in descending order, commencing with the chalk, and numbered, in continuous series, down to the coal, below which the strata were not sufficiently determined, according to the scheme already noticed, p. 23. To this description of the strata was added, in the proper places, a list of the most remarkable fossils which had been gathered in the several layers of rock. The names of these fossils were principally supplied by Mr. Richardson, and are such as were then, and for a long time afterwards, fami- liarly employed in the many collections near Bath. Of the document thus jointly arranged each person present took a copy, under no stipulation as to the use which should be made of it, and accordingly it was extensively distributed, and remained for a long period the type and authority for the descriptions and order of superposition of the strata near Bath. The following is a copy of the original docu- ment in Mr. Richardson's handwriting, presented to the Geological Society in 1831 : fJlgl i l flT*' s 8a*i * i-3 en O H ^'PH 31 Mr. Richardson (in 1831) gave the following account of these circumstances, in a letter to Professor Sedgwick : " Farley Rectory, near Bath, 10th Feb. 1831. " SIR, I am requested to present you the particulars of my acquaintance with Mr. William Smith, well known by the appropriate appellation of f Strata Smith.' " At the annual meeting of the Bath Agricultural So- ciety in 1799, Mr. Smith was introduced to my residence in Bath, when, on viewing my collection of fossils, he told me the beds to which they exclusively belonged, and pointed out some peculiar to each. This, by attending him in the fields, I soon found to be the fact, and also that they had a general inclination to the south-east, following each other in regular succession. " With the open liberality peculiar to Mr. Smith, he wished me to communicate this to the Rev. J. Townsend of Pewsey (then in Bath), who was not less surprised at the discovery. But we were soon much more astonished by proofs of his own collecting, that whatever stratum was found in any part of England, the same remains would be found in it and no other. Mr Townsend, who had pursued the subject forty or fifty years, and had travelled over the greater part of civilized Europe, declared it perfectly un- known to all his acquaintance, and he believed to all the rest of the world. " In consequence of Mr. Smith's desire to make so valu- able a discovery universally known, I without reserve gave a card of the English strata to Baron Rosencrantz, Dr. Miiller of Christiania, and many others, in the year 1801. " I am happy to hear the Geological Society proposes to pay a deserved compliment to his merits, to which I most gratefully bear a willing testimony. I am, Sir, &c., " B. RICHARDSON." For the purpose of giving the widest diffusion to the valuable information, of which the " Tabular View" he had composed was but the index, Mr. Richardson introduced " Strata Smith" to Dr. James Anderson, who was then pub- lishing his " Recreations in Agriculture." This eminent person immediately added his influence and persuasions to the many other motives demanding an authentic publication of views so novel, and bearing so many practical applica- tions, and not only offered the pages of his work for the re- ception of these views, but proposed a money payment pro- portioned to their extent. In letters bearing date July 31 and Sept. 12, 1799, he claims the performance of Mr. Smith's promise, but in vain. It appears from the draft of a letter in reply to the last, dated Sept. 29, 1799, that Mr. Smith had been deterred from literary composition by too keen a sense of his inadequacy to that kind of labour, and had been disappointed in not receiving some distinct advice on that head from the learned doctor. He could " with ease trace each stratum of this country, from the chalk hills down to the coal," but he would have had not " the smallest wish whatever to appear in print, if it were not from a hope that some of the observations might be of service to the public." Nothing came of this well-meant proposal, and Mr* Smith turned all his energies to the prosecution of his profession, and the tracing out the courses of strata through districts as remote from Bath as his means permitted him to reach. The time was favourable. An extraordinary degree of wetness in the year 1799 had produced, in the vicinity of Bath, an ex- traordinary phenomenon. Vast mounds of earth displaced by the augmented force of the springs and the direction of water into new channels below the surface, were sliding down the sides of the hills, and bearing to new situations houses, trees, lawns, and fields. To remedy such disasters and prevent their recurrence was exactly what Smith had learned from geology, and had reduced to practice on many occasions while cutting the canal. Naturally, therefore, and as a matter of course, operations of this kind were placed under his care in the vicinity of Bath and Batheaston ; and his reputation for success in draining on new principles rose daily, and carried him into Gloucestershire, the Isle of Purbeck, Wiltshire, &c. Elkington, a Warwickshire farmer, had the merit of ori- PafeSS "'' -, friwi .] /r/cM/A ny WiJjJ^-fn />//./ ///. /'!&9. ginating a system of draining applicable to a considerable class of boggy and springy grounds, and for this he had received a parliamentary grant of 1000/. to induce him to discover his secret. This system had been tried, and often with entire success ; when it failed, as happened at Prisley, the bog selected for trial of the process by the Board of Agriculture, it was because the principles were derived from limited experience, not founded on any general law of the earth's structure. Mr. Smith had found in his geology a truer general theory of springs, a broader and more manageable principle of draining, one which all the experi- ence of his life confirmed and exemplified, and he easily accomplished the drainage of Prisley Bog. Well, then, might he hope for eminent success in this branch of his profession ; and viewing it as merely one of many valuable applications in agriculture and commerce to be derived from the establishment of geology, it is not to be wondered at if at this elastic period of life, he thought that, by following out these discoveries through a toilsome and thriftless man- hood, he should establish an honest claim for some public provision when his work was done. As a specimen of the fearful state in which the landslips, at this time very com- mon, left particular houses, the following passages are ex- tracted from Mr. Smith's Report to the owner of Combe- grove, near Bath (Feb. 1800) : " Having minutely surveyed the slips in the ground, and the cracked and dangerous state of the buildings at Combe- grove, and made a rough plan of the premises, showing the situation of the respective buildings and the faces of the different rocks, &c. which are affected by this accident, and marked the apparent boundary thereof, so as to bring the whole into one point of view much better than it can be seen upon the ground, I am sorry to find that it is of much greater extent than upon my first survey I had reason to expect, for there is not a building of any sort that has not more or less felt the effect of its fatal consequences. Therefore I am of opinion, that the whole of this beautiful place, in a few years, must inevitably fall a sacrifice to the irresistible D 34 pressure of the rocks moving clown upon it, if some effectual means are not speedily taken to prevent their further pro- gress." By tunneling into the hill and intercepting the springs, further damage was entirel^ stopped. The great humidity of the seasons was followed by a scarcity of corn, and the landed proprietors were strongly aroused to the necessity of providing for the prosperity of British agriculture and the food of the nation, by an im- proved drainage of the land. So large a portion of the most productive wheat soil of England rests on clay, that generally wet years have been unfavourable to the crop most valued by the farmer. Mr. Stephens of Camerton, the chairman of the canal company, and Mr. T. Crook of Tytherton, one of the best farmers of the Bath district, set the example of encouraging Mr. Smith in his new occu- pation ; and from this time forward, for several years, he was almost daily occupied in various parts of the country, first in draining land, and, as a second improvement, very often in irrigating it when drained. From the commencement to the termination of Mr. Smith's engagement as engineer to the Somerset Coal Canal, the re- muneration for his time and talents was uniformly one guinea per diem, with allowance for extraordinary expenses. This scale of repayment was continued for some time after the change of his)employments produced almost constant travel- ling ; but the numerous simultaneous demands upon his at- tention, in the new and laborious life which he had entered on, compelled him to raise these terms, from 1801 forward, to two guineas per diem, besides the expenses of travelling. At a later time these fees were again raised to three guineas per diem. Any other than William Smith, equally moderate in his personal expenses, and employed, like him, profes- sionally for every day of many years, would at least have escaped poverty ; but Mr. Smith, at no time in his life, abounded in money. The principal cause was the libe- ral, nay lavish, manner in which he expended his means in endeavours to compass his favourite object of completing the " Map of the Strata of England and Wales." For this 35 end he walked, or rode, or posted, in directions quite out / of the way of his business ; and having thus emptied his pockets for what he deemed a public object, was forced to make up by night-travelling the time he had lost, so as not to fail in his professional engagements. Those who dedm such a course imprudent, can scarcely be entitled to censure the motives on which it was founded ; his personal loss was the public gain ; his individual strength performed a national work; and the sufferings to which this system ultimately conducted, were borne with more than common fortitude. At Mr. Crook's hospitable house, in 1800, the improve- ments effected by Mr. Smith's processes of draining and irrigation, were inspected by that prince of farmers, Thomas William Coke of Norfolk, the late venerable Earl of Lei- cester. This eminent man immediately invited Mr. Smith to Holkham, employed him in a great variety of works, and recommended him to others ; and not only valued his abilities for agricultural improvements, but entered warmly into the merit of his scientific discoveries, and conceived an interest in his welfare, which was manifested near the close of his useful and honoured life. " My journey," says Mr. Smith, " from Bath to Holkham, was performed on horseback, by the guidance of Gary's one-sheet England. The same map was used in my return across the Fens to Peterborough, where I recognized Corn- brash ; and, lest I should not recollect the sites, extent, and intricacies of this and the rocks in the series below it, so well known in Somersetshire, I alighted from my horse from time to time as I passed through Northamptonshire by Banbury Lane, and sketched a section of all the ascents and descents on the road, and marked the stone-quarries, outcrops of the rocks, and other strata thereon, and could not refrain from loading my pockets with identifying fossils." In 1801, amidst incessant occupation and demands for his presence in distant quarters, and even in Ireland, Mr, Smith attempted in vain to commit to paper his fast-growing gene- ralizations in what he regarded as a new science, To this he was stimulated by that never-tiring and always judicious D 2 36 friend, the Rev. Benjamin Richardson, who, in May 1801, alarmed him with the possibility of another publishing those views which should only emanate from himself, and urged the immediate issue of a prospectus and proposals in his own name. This document, which was in consequence drawn up and printed in haste, is now extremely scarce. The title runs thus Prospectus of a Work, entitled accurate Delineations and Descriptions of the Natural Order of the various Strata that are found in different parts of England and Wales, with Practical Observations thereon. The author evidently proposed to give in this work such a review of his observations as might show the principal facts ascertained regarding the nature and properties of the strata, and demonstrate their practical applications. For this purpose he prepared " A correct map of the strata, de- scribing the general course and width of each stratum on the surface, accompanied by a general section, showing their proportion, dip and direction. The maps and sections, to make them more striking and just representations of nature, will be all given in the proper colours." The following paragraph concludes his prospectus : " To attempt a complete history of all the minutiae of strata would be an endless labour ; for a long life devoted to such a pursuit must be inadequate to the purpose, con- sidering the immense variety which is found in this little island. But should the present essay meet with that liberal patronage from the public which the author has reason to 37 expect, it is his intention, in a future work, to give a par- ticular description of the numerous animal remains and vegetable impressions found in each stratum, Avith an accu- rate detail of every characteristic mark that has led him to these discoveries." " Mitford, near Bath, June 1, 1801." This prospectus was extensively circulated ; and Debrett, opposite Burlington-house, Piccadilly, being named as the publisher, a small MS. map of England, uncoloured, was placed in his hands for the engraver. The following letter from his most valued friend, who was in truth his best patron, will explain the then state of progress toward a publication, and demonstrate the earnest and active co- operation of the writer : "Bath, July 15, 1801. " DEAR SIR, As I may not for some time have the plea- sure of seeing you again, I congratulate you on the success of your subscription, which fills readily. And I would have you take Debrett's opinion on the propriety of giving an edition of the work in Latin for the benefit of all Europe, to be circulated under the patronage of our foreign envoys, &c. &c. This would give the system its due importance, and prevent any pirated French edition, which the world will be ready enough to catch at. # # # * " When I rode to the Black Dog, Standerwick, I found the Croydon stone used in polishing wood, at the foot of the sand just above the springs, which may furnish another instance of turning your knowledge to daily use. " I have left my observations on the strata of North Wilt- shire with your brother, and shall be happy if any hints of mine, taken from the Devonshire coast down the Bristol Channel, can be of use to you ; for nothing can be more grateful to my wishes than to reflect a single ray of light back to the person from whom I received the illumination, and whose friend and servant " " I most sincerely subscribe, " B. RICHARDSON." 38 How much interest the announcement of this work ex- cited may be exemplified by the following letter : " Coole, near Gort, Ireland, September 14, 1801. " Mr. SMITH, " Sir, I have distributed your Prospectus amongst my friends, and have the pleasure to request you will add to the list of your subscribers the name of my father, Robert Gregory, Esq., 56, Berners-street, London, and the Hon. Richard Trench, M.P., Spring Garden Terrace, London. " I find Mr. Evelyn in his ' Terra,' a philosophical dis- course on earth, refers to a work of Dr. Lister, called ' A Discourse upon a Map, discovering Sands and Clay, re- duced to Tables, presented to the Royal Society.' " Dr. Hunter in his notes says, ' Dr. Lister was of opinion that, by examining the earth from the surface downwards, as often as an opportunity offered, a pretty just theory might be formed of its contents in general ; for it appeared from his own observations, that upper natural soils infallibly produce the same internal minerals and materials. He has thrown out a hint to every naturalist for extending this useful knowledge, by advising that a soil or mineral map should be made, properly distinguished into countries, and enriched with observations for general use, arising from re- marks on the bounds and produce of every particular soil. The Doctor thought that sand was once the exterior and and general cover of the surface of the whole earth, and that clay was another coat in the more depressed and hollow parts.' Then follows the table of sands and clay. I hope the above may be of use, and I trust you will excuse me for troubling you with this long quotation from Hunter's Eve- lyns Sylva, and believe me to be, Sir, " Your obliged and obedient humble servant, " RICHARD GREGORY." " I shall be happy to see you in Berners-street whenever you come to London, or should anything induce you to come over to Ireland (as you mentioned to me at Woburn Abbey that you had some intention to do so), I shall be 39 happy to show you everything that may be the object of your inquiry in this neighbourhood." In the summer of 1801, Sir Joseph Banks favoured Mr. Smith with an interview, and from this time till his death remained a steady friend and liberal patron of his labours. In the autumn of 1801, Mr. Smith was, by the kindness of Mr. Coke, introduced to Francis Duke of Bedford, and received from this enlightened friend of agriculture not only considerable employment in draining and irrigation, but special encouragement and assistance in prosecuting his geological researches. After hearing an explanation of the nature and object of those studies, he particularly commis- sioned his land-steward, Mr. John Farey, to accompany Mr. Smith on an exploration of the margin of the Chalk- hills, south of Woburn, for the purpose of determining there the true succession of the strata, and judging of their most suitable agricultural appropriations, and suggesting means of improvement. Mr. Bevan, of Leighton Beau-De- sert, joined himself to this expedition, which was, by direc- tion of the Duke, made at his expense. The following in- cident occurred in this tour, which took place in the end of January 1802: " In this geological excursion, as we advanced near to the foot of the Dunstable Chalk-hills, I ventured on a pre- diction which in former times might have stamped me for a wizard. I said, * If there be any broken ground about the foot of these hills, we may find sharks' teeth ; ' when Farey, presently pointing to the white bank of a new fence-ditch, we left our horses, and soon found six exactly the same as I had seen in 1799, collected by a curiosity-man and antiquary of the name of Yockney, from the chalk-pits above War- minster." Some further particulars of this journey appear in the following letter to Mr. Richardson : " Woburn, 1st Feb. 1802. " DEAR SIR, The frost and snow detained me much longer in Staffordshire than I expected, therefore I shall not reach home before the 10th or 12th. 40 " 1 have fixed to meet my brother at Down Ampney next Saturday, Sunday, and Monday ; thence by Lord Peter- borough's, T. Crook's, &c., to Bath, to Longleat and Yeo- vil, and perhaps down into Devonshire, but must be back into Staffordshire by the end of the month. Now, you know what I have got to do I will tell you what I have done. I have collected a great deal from the North of England and Scotland. Our Mendip limestone, with St. Cuthbert's Beads, goes out to sea at Holy Island, where they are found in great plenty, and are called by this name from the saint of the island*. " I have found fossils in red marl of Staffordshire, con- nected some limestones t, and nearly connected some ranges of the coals. " The last week was spent in surveying distant properties belonging to the Duke, and investigating the country for many miles in different directions as far as Aylesbury, accom- panied by the steward (Mr. Farey) and Mr. Bevan of Leigh- ton, I understood by the Duke's desire, to examine the practicability of my arrangement of strata ; and though it is a part in which I am the most diffident, they both re- turned complete converts. Our chief object was the search for coral or other limestones which lie between the sand and chalk hills, which are here situated much the same as in North Wilts. We could not see the oolite, &c., though we saw many marks of it in alluvial gravel. " But the green sand and Crockerton clay, and several others, were found in many places, the car stone and white sand, &c. c. &c. But the Swindon stone, with all its fos- sils, occupies the surface for many miles round Aylesbury, Thame, &c. After spending four fine days very pleasantly in these pursuits, we returned highly gratified and heavy- laden with treasure (not of the East, for that is what every- body knows I was never possessed of, but) such as you and every admirer of nature will be proud to share. Having * St. Cuthbert's beads are columnar joints of Crino'idea. f This passage refers, I believe, to a local patch of limestone in red marl at Arbury in Staffordshire, J^W ,y oM'M<. 8000 5. Duns, &c. . ( . .4016 II. Coal. Strata Coals . _ 3 ft. 4 19 1 6 9 ft. 4 coals. 1104 Total 20 1 10 59 The manner in which Mr. Smith combined his measures of the strata near Bath, may be understood from the follow- ing sections, dating about 1800. SKETCH OF STRATA ABOVE THE GREAT OOLITE. Feet. S3 60 UPPER PART OF THE GREAT OOLITE. Coral rag - Two hard beds\ -irgffffi of loose oolite J " The oblique stratification represented in these sections is of frequent occurrence near Bath, and in Gloucestershire. COMBE GROVE PIT. l. Bastard freestone * O V. 2. Shelly limestone 3. Sand and burs 4. Dark marl 5. Bastard fuller's earth 6. Dull black and selenite 7. Light blue 8. Fuller's earth , f Hard grey stone 9 * \Tender stuff 10. Black marl sunk into. Feet. Inches, ...... 6 1 9 6 Total 47 Profile sections were sketched on most of the roads which Mr. Smith passed over, such as that given on the next page, date 1805. 61 t! S! l\C 62 Natural cliffs were always copied. The faults in the New Red marls at Aust Passage, the cliffs of * red rhab,' as he considered them, at Minehead, the ' red rhab ' of St. Ishmael and Laugharn, the bent limestones on the Menai, are examples. While thus collecting from all sources a body of authentic information, Mr. Smith was still more active in endea- vours to impress upon others the im- portance of the great truths which these facts tended to confirm. In this he might be often thought tedious, but never presuming, even when he ad- dressed to his hearers arguments touch- ing their personal interests; and re- marks thus hazarded were sometimes fruitful of great results. By mere ac- cident he learned from Mr. P., then resident at Tenby, the neglected state of a large tract of ground belonging to that gentleman in the south-west of Ireland, on which there had never been a plough ; and after in vain suggest- ing attempts at agricultural improve- ments, as well worthy of his attention, and likely to gratify as well as benefit him, he finally inquired if no subterra- nean treasures had ever been sus- pected on the estate. He was care- lessly answered, that at some unknown time previous, metallic ore had been found, but that nothing of value was now expected. Mr. Smith paused, and advised the good-natured owner of this neglected property to look well to a matter of so much importance. The 63 consequence was, the establishment of the now famous and very profitable Alighies Copper Mine. While engaged in the superintendence of the Ouse navi- gation (1809), Mr. Smith was very frequently at Tilgate and Cuckfield, and obtained from quarries at this last place several bones of gigantic dimensions, which, with the rest of his collection, were transferred in 1815 to the British Museum. The following notice on the geology of Sussex is worth preserving : " Scarborough, June 30, 1839. " I became engineer to the Ouse navigation (the works on which had been abandoned about fourteen years before), and under my management it was extended from the vicinity of Sheffield Place up to the Balcombe Road. Here I found in the names of ' Hammer-ditch,' ' Furnace-pond,' Cinder- hills,' &c., the traces of iron-works anciently carried on to a great extent in Sussex : indeed, an elderly gentleman who was one of the commissioners on this business had been one of the Sussex ironmasters. " In searching for stone to build the locks and bridges, and by various geological excursions, I became acquainted with the strata, and collected many of the Sussex fossils, some of which were left unnoticed in my Stratigraphical System, from scarcely knowing what stratum they belonged to, and which I think is still dubious in much of the interior of the Wealds. " I was, however, sufficiently well acquainted with the stratification to draw its great outlines on the large county map for my friend Mr. Isaac Watt. This, prior to the Ordnance Survey, was considered to be one of the best county maps in England, patronized by, or made at the ex- pense of, the Duke of Richmond. " There being about this time a projected canal through the northern side of the Wealden district surveyed by Mr. Rennie, I took the levels for a line to connect this with the Ouse navigation up the Balcombe Valley, by a tunnel through the forest ridge, and spent some time unprofitably in preparing a plan of it, which was deposited with the Clerk of the Peace at Lewes." In 1810 the Bath hot-springs had failed, and Mr. Smith was hastily sent for to restore the water to the Baths and the Pump-room. This alarming circumstance, already nearly forgotten at Bath, put in exercise Mr. Smith's peculiar abili- ties and patience. Not without much opposition, he was allowed to open the hot-bath spring to its bottom, and thus to detect the lateral escape for the water. The spring had in no sense failed, but its waters flowed away in new chan- nels. The men, in. the excavation thus opened, found the heat oppressive; wax candles were employed for illumination, and the gushing water raised the thermometer of Fahren- heit to 119. In the channel of the spring was found a bone of some ruminant coated with crystallized sulphuret of iron, and a rolled flint of the kind commonly seen in the Wiltshire chalk hills, and, like them, full of spongoid organization. The operation was perfectly successful, and the cure com- plete, the baths filling in less time than formerly. The failure of these springs was by many persons attri- buted to the sinking of a pit at Batheaston, which at this time was in progress. The pit was sunk as a trial for coal, after several years' discussion ; and it happened that, at the same time that the Bath Corporation required Mr. Smith to restore their springs, he was consulted by the projectors of the ' Batheaston Colliery' as to the best means of over- coming a mighty influx of water into the pit. It was said, probably with truth, that the water which entered Bath- easton pit at the bottom was of elevated temperature ; and many persons connecting in imagination these opposite events, which occurred at the same time, loudly expressed their conviction that the Batheaston pit robbed the wells at Bath, and ought to be filled up. A coal-pit at Batheaston would have been a poor equivalent for the loss of the great attraction to Bath ; and though the fears of a total failure of the hot water might be groundless, still no one could pro- nounce that the springs of such a nature, and rising evi- dently from a great depth, perhaps on the line of a fault not 65 discoverable at the surface, might not be affected by a pit sunk three miles off. Perhaps these views really influenced the fate of that once favoured coal experiment. Mr. Smith found the means of plugging the bore-hole at the bottom of the pit through ninety yards of water, and actually drained it; but the undertaking was abandoned, and only a feeble weeping of water now marks the place where this interesting enterprise was begun. The following remarks were written in 1832. "Hackness, Nov. 8, 1832. "But now to reminiscences in the vale of Bath. The Bath Avon in its way to Bristol crosses two distinct and con- siderably distant exposures of the coal-measures, and two of the lias and two of the red ground, so that Tiverton Mills and Keynsham Bridge are both upon lias ; therefore, admitting the river to be an inclined plane with about forty feet fall, the stratification in the bottom of the valley is evi- dently in a greatly distorted state. "Portions of each of these strata are considerably higher on each side. The lias at Weston is higher, lower toward the Crescent fields, and by declination south and eastward, Bath Bridge is said to stand upon beds of that rock. " The hot-springs in the city rise to the surface through blue marl or lias-clay, their issue not more than fifteen or twenty feet above the river. The discharge of hot water at all the springs is said to be five hogsheads per minute. "Batheaston Pit, ninety yards deep in this clay and stone, may be forty or sixty feet higher. " The water from the lias rock in the pit ascended to the surface, and, with what was let up by boring the red rock beneath, stopped a steam-engine of eighty or ninety horse power. "From these known circumstances at Batheaston, we may infer that the Bath hot-springs have a deep source, and rise as through a natural bore-hole in the blue marl to the surface. Both these great discharges are on the same side of the Avon, and both, of course, receive their supplies of water from strata which, at a high angle of elevation, rise to F 66 a considerable altitude in the hills north thereof. The coal measures do not appear in these hills ; but beyond Lansdown Hill, and only four miles north of Bath, coal has been wrought at Wick, near the mountain limestone, which lime- stone appears in scars still higher east thereof. In the deep bottom, by Hamswell House, west or north-west of Bath- easton pit, but much higher, there is an outburst of the conglomerate portion of the red marl rock called millstone, so that conductors for water in abundance towards Bath and Batheaston are not wanting; arid hence, if the coal- measures should thereabout be unconformably covered, it is possible, by a singular combination of circumstances, that the Bath waters may be a compound from the lias, red rock, coal-measures and mountain limestone." The diffusion of correct geological principles has nearly removed from the chronicle of passing events the records of trials for coal in districts of Great Britain where nature, in- terpreted by science, forbids the discovery of that inestima- ble treasure. In the early part of Mr. Smith's career such experiments were common ; on one occasion he paid twenty- four shillings for a parcel of micaceous sandstone, taken from the old red formations of Herefordshire, and put in the mail- bag, as specimens of the matter sunk through in a trial for coal ! In the vicinity of Wincanton, at a time when he was professionally employed in that country, there was in pro- gress a ridiculous project of this kind at Bruham ; and, in spite of remonstrances from Mr. Smith and his intelligent friends, the speculators proceeded at a ruinous expense through the clunch (now called Oxford) clay, Kelloway's Rock, with " the small lobate oyster" (gryphcea dilatata), till they entered rocks of the oolitic series. At Bagley Wood, near Oxford, within sight of the university halls, which then resounded with the fame of the attractive and useful lectures of Buckland, an absurd experiment for coal was begun in the Kimmeridge clay, and ended in a deplo- rable sacrifice of fortune. In 1811 Mr. Smith was called in to inspect and report upon a singular series of such trials on the estate of Sir 67 John Aubrey, at Brill, and had the melancholy satisfaction of proving, by general geological truths and by special exa- mination of the facts disclosed by the boring-rod, that the trials ought never to have been commenced. Strange that, while so many persons of easy faith should be persuaded by idle conjectures and deceitful analogies to follow the guidance of " a practical man," and search for coal where it is not, others are so firmly incredulous that they deride all the po- sitive facts and reasonable arguments advanced by " men of science," which prove the probability of obtaining coal in a variety of situations yet untried, and determine the best lo- calities for the experiment ! There is another subject of importance, which baffles not only the " practical man," whose rules of conduct are merely local, and only useful in cases strictly parallel and known to be so, but even the scientific engineer of more enlarged views, the course of subterranean drainage, and its effect in producing land-slips, leaks, blow-holes, and breaches in canals. Canals which cross the oolitic ranges of hills are par- ticularly liable to these evils, from the regular alternation of thick open-jointed rocks with impervious clays, and the com- plicated sinuosities and denudations of the strata ; for the consequence of these circumstances is the pouring out of in- numerable springs in ranges along the hill-sides, where the strata are regularly inclined, and in confused groups where they are " faulted" or " slipped." The action of the springs themselves contributes to generate such slips, and to con- tinue for a long time the unquiet state of the ground when once it has been put in motion, so that insecurity is almost perpetuated. Moreover, the canals which cross such a country are cut alternately through open-jointed and even cavernous rocks, and closely water-tight clays. In the latter strata the excavation itself is usually almost water-tight, but in the long passage (which sometimes amounts to several miles in length) across the limestone rocks, all the skill of the en- gineer, supported by even lavish expenditure, often fails to prevent the water from running away as fast as it enters. Such canals, if they happen to have their " summit level" (as the F 2 68 Thames and Severn Canal at Salperton Tunnel), in these rocks, are like the buckets of the Danaids, and with the water goes the profit. In vain the Thames, raised from its source by a mighty engine, is poured into such a thirsty canal, the flood passes into the gaping rocks below, in spite of renewed puddling and continual repairs. But this country presents still another difficulty, in consequence of the very frequent cases of slight derangements, small faults and slides, of portions of rock, clay and sand, at the edges of the hills. These displacements confuse the natural direction of the springs, and enable them to destroy the resisting power of the arti- ficially " puddled " canal. The springs thus circumstanced, often short in their course and temporary in their flow, fill or leave empty the subterranean chasms in the ground that has moved, wash away sandy parts, press upwards against the canal base, or laterally against its sides, weaken insensibly its defence of artificially compacted clay, cause a " leak " or a " breach," and let through with violence a portion or even all the body of the water contained in that level of the canal. Inconveniences and losses from these causes on the Somer- set Coal Canal, which Mr. Smith planned and executed across the oolitic ranges, were in a great degree prevented by the application of the general geological views which he pos- sessed, and which more than supplied the want of that ex- perience which no one possessed ; but the same causes pro- duced disastrous effects on the Kennet and Avon Canal, to which the Coal Canal is joined between Bradford and Bath. In 1811, the evils thus occasioned had grown to be of serious magnitude, and Mr. Smith was ordered to report on the sub- ject of the springs in this portion of the canal with a view to an efficient remedy. The Rev. Mr. Townsend, a member of the committee of management, took great interest in the investigation, and communicated to his old friend a remark- ably clear summary of the evils, and some valuable sugges- tions for overcoming them. In his Reports on this subject (1812 to 1814) Mr. Smith traces the natural circumstances above referred to, which, by 69 their unfortunate combination, foiled the skill of the ablest engineer of his day (Rennie), and rendered the masterly works which he planned subject to grave accidents, from which, in any other country, their admirable execution would have entirely preserved them. By help of a geological map of the line of the canal, he points out the circumstances which rendered the " leaks and blows fatally common in cer 7 tain parts of the canal," and notices the minor "but not-to-be- neglected influence of plants (like Equisetum palustre) and small burrowing animals, which, by penetrating the banks or bed, often originate leaks. Where the canal crosses the loamy sand below the inferior oolite, the canal is in danger ; for, in the first place, that sand is very apt to become cavern- ous by the passing of water through it (as through the " fox earth" of Dorsetshire), and thereby endanger the puddling ; and next, when employed in the banks (or left without puddling on the bed), it is apt to be the favourite habitat of Eguiselum palustre, whose deep roots penetrate and render it unsolid, and the resort of small animals, which perforate to the water. Where the canal crosses the jointed rocks, these give passage to water at one time and to air at another, whenever they are the channels of merely temporary streams, fed by rain, and ceasing with drought. What can be more destructive to the puddles of a canal than to have them washed in the winter by currents of water and dried in the summer by currents of air ? If the canal from any cause becomes short of water, its banks, on their internal surface, are liable to crack, and thus the evil is augmented ; and though great streams should be poured into a canal subject to leaks on its bed or sides, this excessive supply may even augment the evil by increasing the waste and friction through such leaks. The general remedy for all this is the entire interception of all the springs which rise from a level above the canal and pass below it through natural fissures and cavities. This is a process requiring great skill and extensive experience ; some of the springs which it is most important to intercept come not to the surface at all in the ground above the canal, 70 but flowing naturally below the surface through shaken or faulty ground, or along masses of displaced rock which extend in long ribs from the brows down into the vale, emerge or at- tempt to emerge in the banks of the canal ; these no ordinary surface-draining will reach, and none but a draining engineer, well-versed in the knowledge of strata, can successfully cope with such mysterious enemies. But Mr. Smith, confident in his great experience, not only proposed, by a general system of subterranean excavation, to intercept all these springs, and destroy their power to injure the canal, but fur- ther, to regulate and equalize their discharge, so as to render them a positive benefit. This he would have accomplished by penning up the water in particular natural areas or pounds which really exist in that and other countries be- tween lines of " fault," or certain ridges of clay (" horses") which interrupt the continuity of the rock and divide the subterranean water-fields into limited districts, separately manageable for the advantage of man by the skilful adapta- tion of science. Such a noble project was then and is now little adapted to meet the views of ordinary and uninstructed men, but it has been exemplified on a small scale by ar- rangements designed by Mr. Smith for supplying Kirkby Lonsdale and Scarborough with water, and is really a simple and easy deduction from geological data *. Its importance will become evident at a future time ; but to embody a va- luable theoretical truth in wise and economical application belongs only to minds of a high order, and for these (in the present state of public opinion regarding the value of sci- ence) the quiet fields of philosophical research are more attractive than the struggle for practical results, against op- position and prejudice, in the toilsome arena of daily life. We are now arrived at a critical period of Mr. Smith's career, the recommencement of his efforts for producing a part of the great work on which he had for twenty years been occupied. " The end of 1812 brought me a proposal from Mr. Cary to publish my Map of the Strata. Terms * See an account of the arrangements at Scarborough, drawn up by Mr. Smith, in Phil. Mag. 1827. 71 were soon settled, and the work commenced with the begin- ning of January 1813." (MS.) On looking back through several years of his professional toil, it might almost appear as if, while devoting the profits of that toil, and selling his small patrimony to eke out his earnings, in order that he might be enabled to visit and examine the most remote parts of the island, Mr. Smith was forgetful of his own reputation and his promises to the public, and intent only on gratifying at all risks an indomitable and feverish desire to observe and know the structure of his country. This supposition would, however, embrace only half the truth : it is true that Mr. Smith was discouraged by several events, such as the ill success of the far-advanced scheme of publication with Debrett ; the loss of the Duke of Bedford ; the unsuccessful, or at least inconclusive ap- peal to the Board of Agriculture ; and the death of Mr. Crawshay. But yet he was constantly endeavouring to burst the gloom which straitened means and wearisome business spread over his prospects : he employed an artist to draw, and another to engrave select examples of his fossils, and coloured several copies of maps and sections in hopes of some favourable occasion to bring them forth. Meantime circumstances of great importance and signifi- cance had happened. In 1807, the Geological Society of London was formed, and several of his earliest friends were admitted honorary members thereof, while he was almost unnoticed, except by visits from Mr. Greenough, the Presi- dent, Sir James Hall, and a few other members, to examine his collections in Buckingham-street (March, 1808). Mr. Sowerby began (1808) to prepare drawings for his work on the Mineral Conchology of Great Britain ; Mr. Farey, having gained the patronage of the Board of Agriculture, proposed and executed a Mineralogical Survey of Derby- shire (1811) ; and in 1812 appeared Mr. Townsend's * Cha- racter of Moses.' Notwithstanding these exciting motives to activity, Mr. Smith's own pecuniary means were really so feeble, even aided as they had been by the constant liberality and en- 72 couragement of Sir Joseph Banks and a few other friends of science, that the preparation of a great arid costly Map of England and Wales was entirely beyond his power, and his spirit must have sunk in unequal conflict with accumu- lating difficulties but for the courage and resolution of Mr. Gary. The maps of this eminent engraver had for a long time enjoyed the highest reputation, and it was upon the large map of England which he had published that Mr. Smith had collected and arranged the fruits of twenty years' inquiry, marking only the exact points, or drawing only the limited lines which were really ascertained. On these maps, full of names and designations of political geography, colouring of the lines of strata was impracticable ; and Mr. Gary undertook the drawing and engraving of a new and very elegant large map*, which, instead of political divi- sions, should be richly marked by names of natural districts, and by a full delineation of the innumerable small streams, whose distribution is an important feature of physical geo- graphy. Both in respect of these names and the terms to be employed in distinguishing the groups of strata coloured in his map, Mr. Smith was a good deal embarrassed, as the following notice shows : "Scarborough, May 17, 1839. " For several years after the foundation of the earth's history was securely laid, we had no words for the science, -no language in which we could convey our ideas ; its present comprehensive name of Geology remained unnoticed in dic- tionaries and unuttered in England, and usage had scarcely settled whether the word strata should not have an s ap- pended ; but how numerous are now the words from the dead languages which geology has revived and brought into common use all over the world! " Much doubt remained for a long time whether the science, like chemistry, should not have a language of its own ; and I, so very incompetent to the task, thought much about a new nomenclature, and have been at different times strongly urged to it by deep-learned men ; but having * In fifteen large sheets, altogether 8 ft. 6 in. high and ft. 2 in. wide. 73 dictated, off-hand, in the plain language of the country, a tabular view of the science to my two first pupils, the Rev. Benjamin Richardson and the Rev. Joseph Townsend, that crude manuscript, without any revision whatever, was faith- fully transcribed from one to another, and soon despatched to remote parts of the world. "The new cultivators of the science found, as I had done, the necessity of accommodating their language to those in the country from whom they had to collect the facts ; and so, in transmitting by the press the knowledge acquired, some old Saxon and British words have been brought into use ; the further advantage of the science in explaining the many descriptive names of places, and the circumstantial history of Britain, is yet to be developed. I had long been doing much in this way, when circumstances (about 1813) gave me the advantage of great aid from my learned and good friend Henry Jermyn, Esq., of Sibton Abbey, who was then compiling a history of Suffolk. " We fortunately became coadjutors in draining the great level of Minsmere Marshes, he being one of the Commis- sioners and I the engineer. " The writing on my great map being then required by the engraver, I told him my views of introducing, as far as pos- sible, only the most descriptive names, which, to him, was a new view of their derivation, and we presently went to work in his library ; I having a copy of Gary's Map spread out on the carpet, while he turned to his valuable collection of the works of old authors ; and thus did we proceed in mark- ing the names to be introduced on the map, and at the same time each of us marking the corresponding name in his own copy of Gary's ' Index Villaris.' " In those gleams of new light thrown on the dark pages of our history, we had many pleasant discussions ; for, in Wales, I had picked up the meaning of many British names of places ; and the jocular barrister would sometimes laugh most heartily at some of my explanations." While Mr. Gary was engraving the map, business in sur- veying some of the collieries of the Forest of Dean, in com- 74 pleting the drainage of a large tract of marshes at Minsmere near Dunwich, in Suffolk, and in draining and improving some property of Mr. Arbuthnot in Northamptonshire, and other engagements in Kent, Wiltshire, and Somersetshire, contributed to the completion of his great work. Of these professional labours it is only necessary to notice the bold and remarkable plan of drainage by which the Minsmere Marshes were enabled effectually to discharge their super- abundant water into the open sea through a gravelly beach. This was accomplished (in 1814) by bringing to one point close to the beach -the great discharging drains, and uniting their currents in a hexagonal channel or well, from which a large cast-iron pipe was laid right through and deeply buried in the pebbles and sand, which were the natural barrier against the sea. This pipe was of course stopped by the sea rising at every tide, and often buried at its mouth by the accumulated load of "shingle" and sand thrown up by the waves. But on the turn of the tide, the pent-up inland wa- ter gradually made its appearance by the opening of a pair of doors in the upper part of the tube ; then a second, and afterwards a third pair of valves was opened by the force of the water, which soon left the marsh ditches and swept away the accumulated pebbles from the aperture of the tube. In process of time such a tube may be expected to become in parts converted to plumbago, but the iron removed as oxide may cement the surrounding pebbles into a mass more du- rable than the original tube. According to a custom which it is pleasing to record, the observations he made at Wold Farm in Northamptonshire were communicated to his much-loved friend at Farley in the following letter, which also preserves some other in- teresting particulars of their confidential intercourse : " London, Feb. 11, 1813. " DEAR RICHARDSON, I have lately been into Northamp- tonshire on business for the gentleman who franks this. The estate is near Thrapston, on the crop of the cornbrash, and a part of the strata above and below it. There are some novelties in the appearance, which leads me to suspect the . 75 accuracy of our knowledge of the cornbrash. They had a rock opened for building- stone about six feet thick, covered with blue and yellowish tenacious clays containing many fossils, but this did not satisfy me ; and about twenty feet higher I found another rock, by sinking and boring, which contains an immense quantity of water. This I traced for a quarter of a mile, considerably covered with clay, and in other parts so completely covered with alluvial matter (from the chalk hills) as not to be found for some miles. " The rock which I discovered is clearly the upper part of the cornbrash in small thinnish stones, hard and grayish within, and rough on the surface. The most remarkable fossils were the large-ribbed oyster (Ostrea marshii], some- what like our hogs-ear oysters at Combe. " I have the satisfaction to inform you that the large plates of my Map of Strata are nearly finished. Sowerby is en- graving some of my fossils, and I have had a much better offer from a bookseller to publish the first quarto volume than I expected. " As the season for a revisal of the locality of indigenous plants is just approaching, I hope you will not forget to make a complete list of them on each stratum. This, with your able assistance, would form a most interesting chapter, and would serve to draw the attention of many to the sub- ject of strata who probably might otherwise never think of it. Hoping Mrs. R. and friends are well, I remain, " Yours truly, WM. SMITH." " Rev. B. Richardson, Farley." In 1814 some portions of the Map were completely co- loured, particularly four sheets of the vicinity of Bath, per- haps the most varied and beautiful sheets that have ever appeared in geological colours ; and Mr. Smith was allowed an opportunity of explaining them, or rather of delivering a lecture upon them, before the President (Lord Hardwicke) and other members of the Board of Agriculture, at the time that the allied sovereigns were entering London* How the auditors kept their places under this excitement is not known, but one of them, Benjamin Hall, Esq., M.P. for 76 Glamorganshire, son-in-law of Mr. Crawshay, then deceased, a gentleman who took much interest in the proceedings of the Royal Institution, requested a second and private inter- view. He then reminded Mr. Smith of the strong friendly interest which had always been felt in the progress of his researches by Mr. Crawshay, who had subscribed 100 to- ward the publication of them, and had paid half of this sum ; he expressed his own desire to complete Mr. Craw- shay's wishes, and to accompany the payment by an addi- tional subscription on his own part. Sir Joseph Banks, Mr. Coke, the Duke of Bedford, Lord Hardwicke, and some other eminent individuals, also contributed to soften the dire aspect of utter poverty which now in the very crisis of scien- tific success began to frown upon the author of the 'Map of the Strata/ In prosecuting engagements of a professional nature in 1814, Mr. Smith was much in Cheshire, surveying coal- mines, &c.; in the vicinity of Lynn (inspecting sea-banks); in Suffolk, Kent, the Forest of Dean and Somersetshire ; but the greater part of the year was occupied in the hard work of completing the ' Map of the Strata.' It was very trying work for the publisher as well as the author. The basis of the Map, as already explained, was in many respects peculiar ; the colouring of it was more so. Instead of the flat colouring ending in narrow defined edges usually employed for maps, Mr. Smith introduced a peculiar style of full tints for the edges of the strata, softened into the paler tint employed for the remainder of the area which they occupied on the surface. This new style of colouring gave a picturesque effect to the map, but required more than usual skill and patience to be correctly executed, and occasioned great trouble in examining the copies. The co- louring of the map was thus rendered more expensive than had been anticipated, and notwithstanding Mr. Gary paid liberally for the labour, it was not always at first properly performed. At length the difficulties inseparable from such a task were so far overcome, and this enormous labour was so far 77 completed, that a coloured map of the strata of England and Wales was submitted to the consideration of the So- ciety of Arts, supported by various testimonials of its gene- ral accuracy and value, in April and May, 1815*. The re- sult was the award of the premium of 50, which had been in vain offered for very many years for a work of this de- scription a reward which Mr. Smith might have claimed long ago, had not an honest desire to produce his work complete withheld the attempt. The Map was published on the 1st of August, 1815, dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks, and from that hour the fame of its author as a great original discoverer in English geology was secured. Would that this epoch of his revived and enlarged reputation had also been the dawn of more prosperous fortunes, or that, satis- fied with the degree in which he had accomplished his gigantic task, he had left to others the completion of his work, and devoted himself for a time to even the humblest of those professional labours by which he had been at least supported through oppressive difficulties, and by which he must have already grown comparatively rich but for the in- cessant drain of money in following up discoveries which no living man could reasonably hope to complete ! If this be censured as the scholium of a feebler mind and less fervid temperament than that which led Mr. Smith through his mighty enterprise, some allowance may be made for the feeling of the writer, who in this year, at too early an age, began to enter the shadow of those calamities in which his revered relative was plunged. Science, indeed, is a mistress whose golden smiles are not often lavished on poor and enthusiastic suitors. Even in these days, when the Pension List has been opened to literature and science, the rewards are not measured by age, * " May 14, 1815. Began at nine in the morning with an artist to co- lour for me the first printed copy of the 'Map of the Strata' on canvas. May 22, 1815. Finished colouring theirs* 'Map of the Strata* on can- vas. May 23, 1815. Attended a meeting of the Board of Agriculture with the first finished copy on canvas of my ' Map of the Strata/ " MS. Diary. 78 genius or poverty ; the march of knowledge amongst the community is encouraged by the grants to individuals, but leaders and veterans in the ranks of knowledge can scarcely be thought rewarded by quarterly grants of 12 10s. and 25 for the short term of their natural lives. In 1815 the name of " scientific pensions " was not coined, but there were not wanting persons of station, knowledge and huma- nity, who, esteeming Mr. Smith and admiring his solitary and ceaseless industry, exerted themselves to save him from the sad fate which seemed to await him. The time for a strenuous exertion was indeed come. Geology had kept him poor by consuming all his profes- sional gains; the neglect of his employers too often left these unpaid : in such a condition one unfortunate step was ruin, and that step was made. On the property which he had purchased near Bath, and which he had greatly im- proved, he was tempted to lay a railway for bringing the freestone of Combe down to the Coal Canal, to open new quarries of this stone, and to establish new machinery for cutting and shaping it for buildings. The project, which looked well at first, failed utterly by the unexpected defi- ciency of the stone, on whose good quality the whole success depended. The abandonment of this cherished scheme was followed by the compulsory sale of the still more cherished property, a load of debt remained to be discharged, and the miserable effects fell heavily on others besides himself. Such things are common in the lives of men, but they are not often encountered by so resolved and patient a spirit as that of Mr. Smith. One who saw the struggle may boldly say this, because there can be no other motive for mention- ing private and personal griefs but to show forth the charac- ter of the mind which could firmly bear and overcome them. As a means of reducing his difficulties he proposed to sell that geological collection which had been so much prized, and through the assistance of some friends a communication was opened with the Treasury. Two gentlemen being de- puted to examine the collection, reported favourably, and their Lordships were pleased to authorise the purchase, in 79 order that the specimens might be fitted up in the British Museum. There was also some defined notion of engaging Mr. Smith's services at the Museum to take charge of and explain the geological principles which this collection was intended to illustrate ; but this project came to nothing. The sum of money granted for the purchase was 500 (January 1816). By a later order the further sum of 100 was allowed for an additional series obtained from North Wilts, Essex, and other localities, to complete the series (February 1818); and 100 was granted to compensate for trouble of arrangement, making catalogues, &c. The whole sum was 700 ; the number of species supposed to be 693, and of specimens 2657. The authorities at the Museum assigned first one and then another apartment to the col- lection, and it was arranged according to the peculiar views of the framer ; but the Museum then possessed no depart- ment of "palaeontology" or " geology," and there was a dif- ficulty in making these specimens, which were arranged on sloping shelves, to represent the strata, a part of the series of objects open to the public. The present state of this "the first stratigraphical collection" ever made, is unknown. In 1817, a portion of the descriptive catalogue of the col- lection sent to the British Museum was published under the title of "Stratigraphical System of Organised Fossils" in which the fossils collected from the British strata, as far down as the " marlstone," are mentioned, with careful no- tices of the localities. Curious coloured tables are added, the first of the kind ever published, showing the geological distribution of particular groups. In this year also was is- sued the first number of another work, entitled "Strata Identified by Organised Fossils" consisting of numerous figures of fossils engraved by Sowerby, and printed on paper to correspond in some degree with the natural hue of the strata. This remarkable work reached its fourth number (only seven were proposed). The publication of it was undertaken by Mr. Sowerby, in consequence of an ar- rangement by which William Lowndes, Esq., of the Tax- office, a very strenuous and judicious friend of Mr. Smith, 80 advanced 50 to pay for the cost of the first number. The expense of this work left to the author very little chance of profit. Mr. Sowerby estimated the cost of each number at 50; the gross sale price, supposing the whole (250 copies) to be sold, would yield 93 15*., from which the expenses of publication, bookseller's charges, &c., were to be deducted. Now also began the publication, by Mr. Gary, of a large series of geological sections and county maps, coloured upon the same system as the great Map of England and Wales, and carrying out to greater minuteness the delineation of the boundaries and areas of strata. This series extended to twenty-one English counties, including in four sheets a large and valuable map of Yorkshire. The practical applications of new discoveries in science sometimes extend faster and further than the knowledge of the general principles on which they depend. A correct and generalized knowledge of the nature, succession, and posi- tion of strata, in any given region, is a necessary antecedent to correct general practice in draining land and in obtaining supplies of water in new situations, but special cases occur in which drainage can be accomplished and water obtained by the help of experience and analogy. This has been fully shown by the common process of sinking Artesian wells, which are successfully repeated in many districts where an accidental or random experiment had succeeded before. But to direct the attempt for such wells in new situations re- quires the aid of science, as distinguished from experience. A. remarkable exemplification of these views occurred in 18 16, in the vale between Swindon and Wotton Basset, on the line of the Wilts and Berks Canal. The Canal Com- pany had been much inconvenienced by the scarcity of water to feed their own summit level and supply the down lockage of the North Wilts Canal, and being much restricted in the use of the natural streams, they commenced, without geo- logical advice, a well, or pit, to obtain water from below the surface. The pit reached the depth of about 40 yards, and a boring had been continued about 40 yards deeper, 81 without success ; Mr. Smith was then appealed to for ad- vice in respect of further proceedings. The investigation which now followed is both instructive and monitory. Part of it may be given in Mr. Smith's own words, as a specimen of his reports on business. "Swindon, April 13, 1816- " In order to form a correct opinion of the success of the experiment for water now going on by the side of the Wilts and Berks Canal, I have particularly examined the nature of the earth sunk and bored through, and endea- voured by local observations to ascertain the extent of the stratum now penetrating, and the nature of the rock be- neath, which is expected to produce the supply of water required. " The stratum in which the pit has been sunk to the depth of 46 yards, and bored into near 50 yards deeper, is chiefly a tenacious clay, containing at certain depths layers of the Septarium or Ludus Helmontii, very similar to those from which Parker's Roman cement is made. " These stony nodules the sinkers have called rock, but no regular rock has yet been found, nor is there any hope of finding any until the whole stratum of clay is penetrated. The depth of such a perforation can only be judged of by similar experiments for coal and water in various places along the course of this extensive stratum. Here the depth was, of course, expected to be great, from the known depth of several deep wells in the neighbourhood, all of which produced water which ascended to their tops ; and the deepest and nearest to this experiment having done so and continued to overflow ever since it was sunk, afforded data sufficient for such a proceeding. Besides the water found at Mr. King's of Mannington Farm, I find that water has been obtained at another farm of his, and at Costar and Whitefield, along the course of the same clay-ridge which extends to Wotton Basset ; and that at three of these wells, like that of Mr. Edwards's well (at Even Swindon), the water is of a mineral quality. All of them, I am informed, have a copious supply of water, and stand full to the surface, or nearly so, which proves the original source or head of the water to be on high ground. This my extensive and long- continued observations on the strata led me to expect; and the order of the strata is that which I have always thought it to be, a thick stratum of clay overlying the coral rag and upper oolite rocks, which crop out or appear on the surface at Wotton Basset. " To apply this general knowledge of the strata to the situ- ation in question, I have particularly examined the outcrops and extent of surface occupied by that stratum of limestone, as much of the success of the present experiment must de- pend upon the extent and cavities for water in the stratum which underlies the clay. " The surface of this rock about Wotton Basset is very narrow and mterlayered with clay, but between Lidyard and Purton much more extensive and absorbent, terminating about the latter place on the borders of the river Roy, in long narrow ridges sloping to the east, with a partial declination toward the south or south-west, which has a tendency (with the other outliers of the rock) to form a basin or trough, whose deepest part is near the present boring-hole, and consequently the greatest quantity of water which the rock will produce may be there expected. Thus far is the theory of finding water at that situation correct, but there may be some practical objections to the quantity it will pro- duce : " 1st. The top part of the rock is covered, and frequently interlayered with clay. " 2nd. The whole rock is not above 20 or 30 feet thick., " 3rd. It has but few open joints, and those not very large. " Consequently the faults in the declination of these strata to the east or south-east may frequently interrupt the gene- ral descent of water to one point in the deep, and occasion considerable partial discharges of the water absorbed, as I found in the little valley below Purton. " Yet this copious discharge from one or two hundred acres of land serves rather to prove how much the re- 83 mainder of the rock, which has no visible discharge, may be expected to produce. " Water will most probably soon be found, which may be expected to rise to the surface, but with such a head upon it, the discharge will be slow unless it be assisted by ma- chinery, and the natural apertures at the bottom of the pit enlarged by some tunnelling into the rock ; all of which is very practicable. Should there be any variation in the quan- tity of water, it is generally, under such circumstances, most abundant in summer. " WM. SMITH." These predictions were verified. The clay was passed, the coral rag and oolite were entered, and in the upper part, consisting of a few feet of compact rock interlaminated with thin clays, only a moderate addition of water was experi- enced. The workmen proceeded to sink the pit to this rock and to bore deeper, and, as Mr. Smith foretold, the quantity of water augmented continually, till the well altogether reached 87 yards in depth, the lowest 5 yards being bored through rock. The supply was found to be considerable ; the uprushing water filled 15 or 18 feet of the well with sand brought from below the limestone rock, and the assist- ance of a steam-engine was required to prosecute the still incomplete experiment. The water rose in the well, in De- cember 1817, through a bore-hole of 3 inches only, 23 yards 1 foot in 26 hours, notwithstanding the most active efforts of the horses employed, and the ultimate success of the ex- periment appeared probable. The geological investigation had fully proved the continuity of the oolitic rock, and as- certained that it was sufficiently expanded on the surface to gather a good supply of water from rain. The access of the water treasured in its subterranean area to the base of the well seemed to be free, and Mr. Smith believed that only one thing remained to be done, viz. to drive headings or water-levels below the rock, so as to command the streams flowing in the fissures through a sufficient breadth of ground. The following was his plan. " The first sudden rise of water into the well through 84 such a small aperture, and the subsequent rush of water through the sand above referred to, shows that the water comes freely to this hole ; but to obtain a supply sufficient for the regular work of a 50-horse power engine will re- quire headings driven in the level course of the stratum which produces the water, unless the natural working of the water through the sand, with an enlarged aperture, should of itself make a sufficient aperture. Headings may be driven in this loose sand, under such a rock roof, to any extent and at a moderate price. Such subterraneous cavi- ties or headings, if made capacious enough to hold from 10 to 20 locks full,' would serve as regulators between the flowing of the spring and the inequalities of consumption." To what extent this was performed does not appear in the documents which Mr. Smith has preserved. In 1820, however, the supply of water was found to be very limited, and the experiment was abandoned. The section on page 85 correctly represents the principal facts of this curi- ous case, which maybe thus summed up: 1. The well was sunk and bored about 80 yards in clay, without water, except a small chalybeate spring at 14 yards. 2. Mr. Smith was then consulted, and upon general principles declared that no great quantity of water would be found till a jointed rock was pierced. 3. That rock he declared would be found by continuing the experiment, and would yield water. 4. This was found correct, but either from an insufficient subterranean extension of the works, and from the compara- tive thinness of the oolitic rock (only 21 feet in this well), or from some other peculiarity of the ground, the supply failed. It arose perhaps from the circumstance that only a narrow breadth of the rock, inclosed between small faults, conveyed its watery stores to this pit and was soon exhausted ; it is certain, from the height to which the water rose, that it was pressed upon by a column whose effective weight reached nearly to the surface ; and if the headings alluded to by Mr. Smith had been boldly driven right and left, as in a colliery, it is probable that a large and constant stream might have been found and the experiment have been finally CO 5 H tf O fc CO 86 successful. This reasoning was employed by Mr. Smith in 1811 and 1812, to explain the numerous separate springs on the line of the Kennet and Avon Canal, which issued from each of the two oolitic rocks in the hills near Bath, and occasioned so much loss and inconvenience to the Canal Company and the trade of the country. In experiments for water on the principle of Artesian wells, if the supply required is large, it will be necessary to avoid alike a hasty commencement without sufficient local examination, and a hasty abandonment without a complete trial of all the means of success. \ In 1817, Mr. Smith's professional engagements carried him into Norfolk and Suffolk, where he surveyed and pre- pared plans for an intended line of river and canal naviga- tion down the valley of the Waveney from Diss to Bungay, visited Yarmouth, and from an elevated point there sur- veyed, with Captain Manby, a mighty sheet of flood waters spreading over the marshes on the Yare, the Thurn and the Waveriey. He saw it with regret, and remarked -that though twelve years had passed since the sea-breaches were closed and the'proprietors, delivered from the dread of the outer water, had only to contend with the upland streams and the swelling of the rivers, the improvement of the drainage seemed to have been little prosecuted. Perhaps had he remained in Norfolk this would not have been the case, for the confidence reposed in his skill and resources was unbounded, and he was gratified by the assurance that " by the introduction of water-meadows and expulsion of the sea he had immortalized his name in Norfolk." Mr. Smith had been consulted at various times concerning the drainage of certain tracts of marsh-land near Lynn, which were be- low the level of high-water in the sea and in the rivers. This neighbourhood was the theatre of a mighty work^ the celebrated and long-delayed Eaubrink Cut, by which the great river of " the fens," the Ouse, was to be forced to desert its sinuous bed and encounter the sea in a straight artificial channel. This grand experiment for assisting the difficult drainage of the wide region of the fens was the 87 subject of much controversy among profes- sional men 5 for it was argued that if the new cut would permit the drainage water of the uplands to pass more rapidly to the sea at Lynn Deeps, along its straighter and steeper channel, it would also admit the tide more easily and permit it to flow further and higher up the river, and thus increase the difficulty of the drainage of the lands far up the coun- try, though it might facilitate the discharge of water from the lands nearer the outlet*. It is a remarkable fact that the level of the marshes embanked at successive times from the sea rises continually ; the outer marsh- lands being higher than the inner fens, and the unembanked foreshores higher than either. Such at least was the case in 1817, when Mr. Smith inspected a sea-bank of Lord William Bentinck's, then in much danger from the powerful tides of Lynn Deeps. Nor is this at all a solitary case. It is in fact one of most frequent, even ordinary occurrence, on other parts of the British shores, and may be wit- nessed along most of our great tide rivers: for example, the Severn, about Fretherne. It is however more remarkable in the great fen country, on account of the distinct succession of at least three levels, as in the annexed sec- tional sketch, where the innermost lands (fen- lands with interspersed lakes) (1) are the lowest and of least value, the next district toward the sea (called " marsh land ") (2) a few feet higher, and of very great value (3 per acre), and the margin of the sea-coast or foreshore, (3) highest of all, growing daily in breadth and height, and tempting the proprietor to. dare the ha- * This was apparently Mr. Smith's opinion. 88 zardous encounter with the sea. In this country the means of embankment are silt dug from the marshes, grassed over or protected by timber, jetties and other constructions ; but this process was too unlike the work of Nature to please the inquirer who had stopped the dreaded sea-breaches with sand and pebbles. From the eastern coast he was called into Yorkshire to consider of a plan for a new canal between the river Aire at Knottingley and the river Dun at Doncaster, with a branch down the river Went. On this matter he was employed at frequent intervals till 1819, when the bill was brought into Parliament, and defeated by the strenuous opposition of the Aire and Calder Navigation Company. In the course of these surveys he became perfectly acquainted with the series of limestones and gypseous clays and sandstones of the mag- nesian limestone and rothe-todte-liegende, and made several visits to the West Riding coal tract. The oolitic moorlands and lias coast of Whitby and Scarborough were included in some journeys of this period (1817); and a very interesting excursion was made in the early part of 1819 to the ancient mines of Swaledale (' Auld Gang Mines'), where the agents vied with each other in contributing exact sections of the limestone series and plans of the veins and faults, and con- ducted him through several of the remarkable works. The geological results of all these journeys in Yorkshire were coloured on the large County Survey of Jeffreys, which had been employed for the same purpose in 1803 and subsequent years, while examining the country about Spofforth, Mid- dleham, and Peirse Bridge, and were after other expeditions in 1820 and 1821, published on the four-sheet map of Gary. A variety of engagements of like nature led Mr. Smith in many directions from London, and enabled him to com- plete from time to time those valuable county maps and sec- tions already mentioned. The Forest of Dean was fre- quently visited in 1817, 18 18 and 1819, and there was hardly a colliery in that singular and picturesque property of the Crown which he had not examined in detail and illustrated by original plans and sections, One of these plans was of 89 much interest, for it exhibited across a part of the forest a tract of "dead ground," crossing in a winding course one of the coal-beds. This dead ground, called the " Great Horse," is entirely unconnected with faults, and is in fact merely a subterranean tract in which coal would, according to all the usual laws, be found of the usual thickness, but in which, from some peculiarity of the original deposit, no coal occurs. If the coal-bed be thought to have been formed from a peat bog, this " horse " may be regarded as an ancient ivater- channel in such a bog: and perhaps that is a conjecture very near to the truth. In the early part of 1818, a considerable part of Mon- mouthshire was the subject of special geological surveys, which enabled Mr. Smith to draw a section from the centre of the Forest of Dean across the limestone and old red sand- stone by Monmouth and Ragland to the same strata near Pontypool, Risca, and Mynnyddysllwyn, in the midst of the coal-basin of South Wales. Mr. Smith was perfectly aware of the great analogy, and perhaps even identity of the series of coal-beds in the Forest of Dean with those of Glamorganshire, the ironstone courses being wholly de- ficient ; he was fully in possession, by means of accurate surveys about Monmouth and near Laugharn, of the de- tailed sections of the old red sandstone ; but he was only very slightly acquainted with the nature of the Silurian di- strict near Usk, which on his map is indicated by patches of limestone in the midst of the " red rhab." To the gratification which, as an engineer, Mr. Smith had often experienced where his art enabled him to direct and to triumph over the turbulent powers of nature, was now added the sweeter and nobler reward due to a man of science. In this year (1818) his claims as a great discoverer in En- glish geology were fairly and fully advocated by one whom honest inquiry had satisfied of their truth, and filled with a generous desire to redeem from neglect, not " Strata Smith " alone, but many earlier and meritorious names which were fast disappearing from the roll of English fame. Dr. Fit- ton's ' Notes on the progress of English Geology ' (which . *<,,: . 50 Sand of Bedfordshire 10 to 20 Northamptonshire lime, and Portland lime, lying in several strata .... 100 137 Yards of thickness. Lyas strata . . . .... . . . 78 to 100 Sand of Newark about 30 Red clay of Tuxford, and several . . 100 Sherwood Forest pebbles and gravel . 50 unequal. Very fine white sand uncertain Roche Abbey and Brother ton limes . . 100 Coal strata of Yorkshire This section is a correct exponent of the series of strata really observable between Yorkshire and the country around Cambridge, except in regard to the (alluvial) "sand of New- ark " and the " very fine white sand," which seems to be a mistake, perhaps of position, as sand which might be so described lies above the coal and below the Roche lime. It is also tolerably complete, except in the oolites, which were never analysed till Smith began his career of discovery. The information which Michell possessed must have pro- duced a great influence on the progress of positive geo- logy had he retained the Woodwardian Professorship. Per- haps however, in this case, he might never have had the opportunity to gather the knowledge which he so freely distributed. That the public interest in such matters was very slight, is evident from the facts that Smeaton's Memo- randum remained among his unpublished papers till 1810, when accident revealed it to Mr. Farey ; that Whitehurst (publishing in 1777) quotes Michell's paper on earthquakes, but never alludes to his or any other scale of stratification ; and that no British or foreign writer, not even a Wood- wardian professor in the eighteenth century, published, employed, or in any manner alluded to, any such list ! Whitehurst, though inferior to Michell in philosophical power, and not possessed of the same firm and appropriate idea of the earth's structure, has the merit of announcing more distinctly than any previous writer the law of the set- tled order of succession among the strata, which must ere this have been rather generally allowed. " The arrange- ment of the strata," he tells us, " in general is such, that they invariably follow each other, as it were, in alphabetical 138 order, or as a series of numbers, whatever may be their dif- ferent denominations The strata," he observes, "follow each other in a regular succession, both as to thickness and quality, insomuch that, by knowing the incumbent stratum, together with the arrangement thereof in any particular part of the earth, we come to a perfect knowledge of all the in- ferior beds, so far as they have been previously discovered in the adjacent country." Whitehurst distinguishes between stratified and unstrati- fied rocks, and notices the effects of faults, but his work is clouded in a formal cosmogony. Smeaton, interested about water-cements, and finding the lias of Somerset to furnish lime of the required quality, took some pains to ascertain the places where such lias occurred. He did not actually trace its course, but makes this state- ment : " In travelling from Glamorganshire through Monmouth- shire, Gloucestershire and Warwickshire into Leicester- shire, I found such frequent instances of ordinary walls and cottages built with stone that appeared to me to be blue lias, the mortar also being of the same hue, that I have not a doubt but that the curious naturalist, in making this ex- pressly an object of search, would be able to trace it from Aberthaw and Watchet quite to Barrow, though probably with several breaks, as is usual in the arrangement of strata in the earth. From Leicestershire it appears to pass by the Vale of Belvoir into Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, for a species of this kind of stone is used in some of the buildings about Newark ; and the Great North Road is re- paired with the blue lias stone for a considerable length in the post stage between Newark and Grantham; at Long Bennington (a village of Lincolnshire through which the road passes on that stage) there is a limekiln for burning it. I have not yet seen it further north than this, nor anywhere north of the Trent." (Book iii. chap. iv. page 115.) In a similar spirit, he conjectures that the water-setting lime of Petersfield may be found in all the range of chalk 139 hills from Lewes to Peter sfi eld, and probably thence into Surrey to Guildford and Dorking. (Page 116.) In what degree at this time (probably about 1786) Smea- ton had been aided by communications from Michell does not appear. Michell is quoted by him, in page 117, as giving him information on another subject. In speaking of the Bath freestones, he does not connect them with those of Northamptonshire, nor does he employ any of the terms which a person possessed of Michell's views would have naturally chosen. It is probable that Michell's list was un- known to Smeaton till 1788, or perhaps later, and that he left the chapter on water-cements unaltered after 1787, which date is mentioned in it, though the publication did not take place till 1791. This is the more probable, as he quotes Mr. Cavendish and Dr. Blagden for information that the blue lias exists at Lyme Regis (p. 116). From this mere hint, who would have conjectured that about this time Blag- den and Cavendish made extensive journeys in the south and west of England with the express purpose of determining the succession of the strata, and tracing their courses through the English counties ? This fact, so important to the history of geology, I have learned by inspection of the unpublished Cavendish MSS.> which some time since were placed by their noble proprietor in the hands of the Rev. W. V. Harcourt. The tour w r as evidently well planned ; it was rather a tour of inspection and verification than of original investigation ; the strata are spoken of familiarly, as things found where they might be expected, rather than as unknown objects of discovery. It is clear that the tour was consequent on, and planned with reference to, previous information ; and the correspondence in the same collection proves satisfactorily the informant to have been John Michell ! To this distin- guished ornament of British science (whose name is omitted in most of our biographies \], we thus trace (1760) not only some of the grandest views in early geological science, but, in later life (before 1788), of the first approximate scale of the secondary strata of England That he never published this scale, may be accounted for by his advancing age and 140 the freedom of his MS. communications to Cavendish and Smeaton, who might reasonably have been expected to work out his ideas, and secure for him the honour of originating them. But Smeaton died in 1792, Michell in 1793. Cavendish had discovered the composition of water, and was, besides his engagements in other branches of science, too fastidious a judge of his own performances to be induced to publish the results of a hasty journey. He died in 1810, two years after the formation of the Geological Society of London ; but who ever heard from one who could have connected the fame of Michell. and Sedgwick, and filled the most re- markable void in the history of English geology, a single word respecting his own or Blagden's inquiries ? We have now cleared the way to William Smith, who was born about the time when Michell quitted Cambridge, arid acquired the first clear and consistent view of the series of stratification near Bath, just about the time when Smeaton published his chapter on water-cements. In a great degree self-educated, forced to struggle into notice in a laborious profession, unacquainted even with the names of Michell and Cavendish, the phaenomena which had caught the notice of Strachey in Somersetshire fixed the attention of the young man. But instead of supposing with Strachey, strata curved from the centre to the circumference of the earth, or looking with Michell at the Andes and the Sierra, or with Whitehurst expanding into propositions the limited expe- rience of the miners of Derbyshire, he concentrates his at- tention on the general regularity of the strata near Bath (1790-91), broken only by the single case of unconformity between the red ground and the coal. He indulges no speculations of horizontal strata in plains and inclined strata in mountains, but seeing and proving as a local fact that the strata of Somerset have a general inclination to the east or south-east, turns all the energy of his mind to determine if a similar law applies in other districts, dwells for this purpose on every memory of his earliest years (1787-8-9), seizes every occasion of travelling which limited means per- mit, accepts with joy the opportunity of a long journey 141 through England and Wales (1794), takes eager notes of every hill and every quarry, and returns satisfied that the surface of our island is formed on the edges of strata which are continuous for great areas, which succeed one another in a certain order, preserve approximately the same thickness and quality, produce similar soils, have similar uses, and affect in like manner the drainage, the eleva- tion, the physical geography, and the whole aspect of the country. Once master of these ideas, he took them as the guiding-star, the one object of his life ; illustrated them by models, maps and collections ; deduced from them new me- thods of drainage, new principles of mineral surveying, new practices in engineering; and at length, after minute and repeated examinations, not only completed a Table of Stra- tification, and coloured maps, and arranged collections, such as never were conceived before, but arrived at further and more magnificent discoveries, of which scarcely the least in- dication can now, by the most scrutinizing search, be found in the records of earlier inquiry. Accustomed to view the surfaces of the several strata which are met with near Bath uncovered in large breadths at once, Mr. Smith saw with the distinctness of certainty, that " each stratum had been in succession the bed of the sea ;" finding in several of these strata abundance of the exuviae of marine? animals, he concluded that these animals had lived and died during the period of time which elapsed between the forma- tion of the stratum below and the stratum above, at or near the places where now they are imbedded; and observing that in the successively-deposited strata the organic remains were of different forms and structures Gryphites in the lias, Trigoniae in the inferior oolite, hooked oysters in the fuller's earth, and finding these facts repeated in other districts, he inferred that each of the separate periods occu- pied in the formation of the strata was accompanied by a peculiar series of the forms of organic life, that these forms characterized those periods, and that the different strata could be identified in distant localities and otherwise doubt- ful cases by peculiar imbedded organic remains. 142 Of this important series of inferences, which is now the accepted basisof the natural history of the earth, the record of its chronology, hardly the least trace or foreshadowing appears in the writings of earlier explorers. A single pass- age in Lister, who recognised multitudes of a small belem- nite in the Wolds of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, " at sem- per in terra rubra ferruginea," only makes us regret"that so curious an observation should have been clouded with doubt or disbelief of the animal origin of these fossils, a state of mind which effectually prevented the progress toward the acquisition of a great truth which he seemed well fitted to make. Woodward's strange assertion (1696), that the matter of the earth fell from suspension in a liquid, so that the strata are laid one upon another in the order of their specific gra- vity, led him necessarily to maintain the further error, that the shells which lay in these strata had the same specific gra- vity; the heavier shells (as " Conchce> Pectinesand Cochlea") lying in the heavier and lower strata of sandstone, the lighter shells (as Echini) lying in the lighter and upper strata of chalk; and organic bodies still lighter (" as shells of lobsters and crabs, bones and teeth of fishes "-!) would subside last of all, and lie at or near the surface. This opinion, though it 1 e in fact a mass of errors, shows, what indeed cannot be imagined to have happened otherwise, that an observer who was singularly exact in noticing the localities of his fossils, was led to perceive, though very dimly, that their distribu- tion in the earth was subject to some law, but he met with no success in his attempt to conjecture what the law might be. Whitehurst notices in the Derbyshire hills the distinct- ness-of the shelly contents of the limestones from the vege- table remains of the coal series, but the view with which this very obvious circumstance is associated, shows that he had no right apprehension of any general law of the distribu- tion of fossils. Some foreign writers, in particular Scilla and Rouelle, appear to have made very just comparisons of the natural associations of fossil shells, corals, &c. in the earth, with the groups of similar objects as they are found in the 143 sea, and thus to have produced new proofs of the organic origin of these fossil bodies ; but they give no sign of any knowledge of the limitation of particular tribes of organic remains to particular strata, of the successive existence of different groups of organisation, on successive beds of the antient sea. Mr. Smith's claim to this happy and fertile induction is clear and unquestionable : the process by which he arrived at it is perfectly known ; the proof of its truth and value grows brighter from day to day, as the philosophy of geology advances ; and it is gratifying to remember that the wreath which he won was placed on his brow by men who had gained honour in following his footsteps, and were nei- ther slow nor reluctant to acknowledge the obligation. Possessed of this clue, Mr. Smith walked securely through the labyrinth of the strata, classing them in one district and rediscovering them in another, till the Map of the Island grew in his hands to be fit for publication, at a time (1800) when, in the mass of English society, the strata were un- known and geology had no name. By the same guide he was conducted to a clear separation of the superficial de- posits of gravel, sand, clay and peat often enclosing the remains of quadrupeds and rolled specimens of shells which had been drifted from other situations, and always indica- ting surface-agencies in their accumulation from the sand- stones, limestones and shales of older date, due to marine action, and enclosing marine exuviae in the place and under the circumstances of their original deposition. Tfius originated (previous to 1796) that distinction of diluvial and stratified deposits which in after years afforded to Buckland the theme of a splendid theoretical effort ; a distinction which still retains its importance, and still gives occasion for new speculations as the circle of facts widens, and the phenomena of diurnal nature are more carefully compared with the primaeval monuments of the globe. In the study of the stratified, diluvial and alluvial de- posits, with their characteristic organic remains, and in the practical applications of these subjects to agriculture and mining, Mr. Smith exhausted all the resources of his mind : 144 he was very little acquainted with some other important parts of geological research. The granitic and other ig- neous rocks he rarely sought opportunities to examine; the general history of the ancient effects of subterranean heat, and the modern phaenomena of volcanoes and earthquakes, inter- ested him rather as a spectator than as a student : in geo- logical dynamics he seized many leading generalizations in the configuration of the terraqueous surface which seemed to depend on the operation of the atmosphere, rivers, and the sea, but left almost untouched the questions of ancient climate, the changes of ocean-level, the elevation of land, the mecha- nical laws of fracture, and the chemical laws of venigerous fissures. In the promotion of these and other high branches of geological research, other names, both of earlier and later date, must stand on tablets separate from that of William Smith. Even in his own well-laboured field, younger culti- vators are rearing richer crops with better hopes of a pro- pitious harvest: were he alive who first reclaimed the waste, no voice would be louder in their praise, no heart throb with higher delight at every fresh triumph of their toil. APPENDIX. PAGE 1. In this opinion Mr. Smith was probably mistaken ; but he had collected some information to elucidate the point, which the Editor has not found either leisure or opportunity to complete, by searching the parish records of Idbury in Gloucestershire, and the registers of wills at Oxford. It is besides of little consequence to the history of " Strata Smith" from what gens he remotely sprung ; his immediate ancestors and all his connexions were in humble life ; on the oolitic soils which they had cultivated for ages he was born and bred ; on these he planted, in advance of all other men, the standard of geological discovery ; to the study of these his last days of active mind were given ; and in these, according to a natu- ral, if fanciful wish, his last remains are laid to rest. Page 15. The old farm-house in which Mr. Smith lived, while examining the strata of the coal-fields about High Littleton, was called Rugborne. Into his own diet there, milk entered largely, but the honest and hospitable farmer preferred the rich cider of that fertile vale ; and Mr. Smith, when a sexagenarian, used to laugh with boyish glee at the statement of one of the farmer's men, that " he allowed his master four hogsheads of cider a-year for his own drinking." The quantity of "drink" really consumed by farm la- bourers in some parts of Somersetshire and Herefordshire during harvest is almost incredible. Page 17. The Swan Inn still exists at Dunkerton, and is a con- venient station for any one who wishes to explore the geological structure of one of the two valleys in which Mr. Smith measured the eastward declination of the oolitic strata. Its doors are now thronged by innumerable coal carts ; the interior was then the resort of the engineers, contractors and " navigators " engaged on the Coal Canal. L 2 146 Page 30. Soon after the publication of the great " Map of the Strata of England and Wales," Mr. Smith found the means to re- present with additional exactness the subdivisions of the oolites, and drew up a geological table somewhat more extended than that which served as an Index to his Map. Thus has he given three tables which deserve more than a passing glance of comparison, because the causes of their difference and the sources of the successive im- provements are perfectly known to the Editor, partly by Mr. Smith's communications, and partly by tracing with his maps in the hand the lines of country where his observations were made. The following is a Comparative View of the Names and Succession of the Strata given in these Tables, Table drawn up in 1/99. Table accompanying the Map, drawn up in 1812. Improved Table drawn up in 1815 and 1816, after the first copies of the Map had been issued. 1. Chalk Clay or Brick-earth Sand or light Loam Chalk 2. Sand. 3. Crag. 4. Sand. 2. Sand Green Sand Blue Marl 7 Brick-earth 3. Clay. Purbeck Stone, Kentish Rag [" and Limestone of the vales I of Pickering and Aylesbury ] Iron Sand and Carstone . . 1 . . Dark blue Shale . . 8. Sand. 9. Portland Rock. 10. Sand. 11. Oaktree Clay. 12. Coral Rag and Pisolite. 13. Sand. 14. Clunch Clay and Shale. 4. Sand and Stone Cornbrash 15. Kelloway's Stone. 16. Cornbrash. 5 Clay 6. Forest Marble . . Forest Marble Rock 18. Forest Marble. Great Oolite Rock 19- Clay over Upper Oolite. 20 Upper Oolite 8. Blue Clay 9. Yellow Clay 10. Fuller's Earth 11. Bastard ditto and Sun- } 21. Fuller's Earth and Rock. 12. Freestone 13. Sand . . Under Oolite 22. Under Oolite. 23. Sand. 14. Marl Blue . . Blue Marl 24. Marlstone. 25. Blue Marl. 1 5 Blue Lias 26 Blue Lias. 16. White Lias 1 White Lias 27. White Lias. ' 17. Marlstone, Indigo anc XL Black Marls / i ! Red Marl and Gypsum ...... 28. Red Marl. 19. Millstone . . j Magnesian Limestone 29. Redland Limestone. i Soft Sandstone 20. Pennant Street 21. Grays 11 > Coal Districts 30. Coal Measures. 22. Cliff 23 Coal .... Derbyshire Limestone Red and Dunstone Killas or Slate 31. Mountain Limestone. 32. Red Rhab and Dunstone. 33. Killas. Granite, Sienitc and Gneiss j 34. Granite, Sienite and Gneiss. 147 In these tables we see typified unequal degrees of knowledge, dif- ferent estimates of the value of groups, but the same independent mind wielding its own resources uninfluenced by the progress of opi- nion in other men. The first table represents, with almost entire exactness, the natural section on the road from Warminster to Bath. It contains no tertiary strata : of the existence of such farther to the east Mr. Smith was perfectly aware, but in accordance with his scheme of notation mentioned on page 22, the chalk, as forming " a grand feature " and perfectly known, is marked No. 1. On the road in question the greensand No. 2 is perfectly seen ; but Mr. Smith's section notices no strata between this and the clunch or Oxford clay. I had always supposed this omission of all mention of Kim- meridge clay and coralline oolite to be a mark of the incomplete- ness of his knowledge at the time, but the supposition only proved my own ignorance. Lately, on a careful inspection of the ground, Sir H. De la Beche and myself have found that Mr. Smith was per- fectly right in leaving without notice these beds, for they are entirely absent on that line of section, being covered up by the over exten- sion of the greensand so ,as to touch the Oxford clay. Soon after the table was drawn up, Mr. Smith discovered the coralline oolite (which he then called coral rag or superior oolite) in the park at Longleat, and noticed the superjacent blue or oaktree clay (now called Kimmeridge clay), a fact which Sir H. De la Beche and myself have lately recognised with pleasure and ad- vantage. Below the clay No. 3 should have been found some distinct men- tion of the corribrash, which it is almost inconceivable that Mr. Smith could have overlooked ; it is probably included as a member of the series No. 4. From this point to the coal formation the section is remarkably good and complete. The term marlstone was afterwards transferred to some ochraceous beds beneath the sand No. 13. No strata are named below the coal, evidently because they were not accurately known. In Feb. 1802, he began to acquire correct general views of the upper oolitic groups, with their associated clays and sands (see p. 41), which were not well exhibited in the " unconformable " country south-east of Bath ; yet he was not perfectly satisfied about them in 1812, when the principle of the colouring of his map was arranged ; and hence arose two evils, an indecisive delineation of the areas of these rocks, and an incomplete enumeration of their constituent groups in the memoir accompanying the map. In that 148 memoir the tertiary strata are in three groups ; the Colt finds a place, but the Portland and Oxford oolites, and their accompani- ments, were confused in groups very unsatisfactory to Mr. Smith. This confusion he perfectly cleared away almost immediately after the preparation of the first copies of his Map, by a careful examina- tion of the Vale of North Wilts, and a comparison of the sections of Swindon with those of the Vale of Aylesbury, Vale of Wardour, and Isles of Portland and Purbeck. The oolitic groups of Bath are mentioned in the memoir only in general terms, corresponding to the colours employed on the map. The strata below the coal are added upon the same restricted principle. The third table exhibits the series of strata in England and Wales, nearly as we accept them at the present day. In this table the analysis. of the successive marine groups, from the chalk to the lias inclusive, is so remarkably judicious, and the formation of the groups so nearly perfect, that it is become the standard by which all our best maps and sections are measured ; and, if inscribed on the tomb of " Strata Smith," would as appropriately mark a great conquest in natural science as the long array of figures on the monumental stone declares the triumph of the mathematician. Page 77. The following is a general list of the publications on the Geology of England and Wales, by William Smith : " A Geological Map of England and Wales, with part of Scot- land ; exhibiting the Collieries, Mines, and Canals, the Marshes and Fen Lands originally overflowed by the Sea, and the varieties of Soil, according to the variations of the Substrata; illustrated by the most descriptive Names of Places, and of Local Districts ; showing also the Rivers, Sites of Parks, and principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, and the opposite Coast of France." By Wil- liam Smith, Mineral Surveyor. The Map is engraved on a scale of five miles to an inch, and consists of fifteen large sheets. Com- menced in 1812, published 1815. Size, 8 feet 9 inches high, by 6 feet 2 inches wide. In sheets, with Memoir, 51. 5s. On canvas and rollers, 7/. ; varnished, SI. In case for travelling, 71. ; on spring rollers, 10/. " A Reduction of Smith's large Geological Map of England and Wales, exhibiting a general View of the Stratification of the Coun- 149 try ; intended as an Elementary Map for those commencing the Study of Geology." 1819. Price, in sheet, neatly coloured and shaded, 14s. Mounted in case for Travelling, or on rollers, 18s. " A New Geological Atlas of England and Wales, on which are delineated, by Colours, the Courses and Width of the Strata which occasion the varieties of soil ; calculated to elucidate the Agricul- ture of each County, and to show the Situation of the best Mate- rials for Building, Making of Roads, the Constructing of Canals, and pointing out those Places where Coal and other valuable Mate- rials are likely to be found." By William Smith, Author of the Geological Map of England and Wales. Part I. contains Norfolk, Kent, Wilts and Sussex. Price II. Is. 1819. Part II. contains Gloucester, Berks, Surrey and Suffolk. Price II. Is. 1819. Part III. contains Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford and Essex. Price I/. Is. 1820. Part IV. containing a Map of the County of York, on four sheets. Price II. Is. 1821. Part V. containing Leicester, Nottingham, Huntingdon and Rut- land. Price II. Is. 1822. Part VI. containing Northumberland, Cumberland, Durham and Westmoreland. Price ll. Is. 1824. *** These Maps may be had separate, price 5s. &d. each. Other Parts to com- plete this Work were left by Mr. Smith in a state of forwardness. " A Geological Table of British Organized Fossils, which identify the Courses and Continuity of the Strata." By William Smith. Coloured, price }s.6d. 1815. " A Geological Section from London to Snowdon ; showing the Varieties of the Strata, and the correct Altitude of the Hills." By William Smith. Coloured, one sheet, price 7s. 1819. " Geological View and Section of Norfolk, and through Suffolk to Ely." By William Smith. Coloured, one sheet, price 5s. 1819. " Geological View and Section of the Strata through Hampshire and Wiltshire to Bath." By William Smith. Coloured, price 5s. 1819. " Geological View and Section in Essex and Hertfordshire, and of the Country between London and Cambridgeshire." By William Smith. Coloured, price 5s. 1819. 150 " Geological View and Section of the Country from London to Brighton, through Lewes." By William Smith. Coloured, price 5*. 1819. " Geological View and Section through Dorsetshire and Somer- setshire to Taunton, on the road through Yeovil to Wimborn Min- ster/' &c. By William Smith. Coloured, price 5s. 1819. " Strata identified by Organized Fossils." Coloured Plates, 4?to. Seven parts proposed, four published, 7s. 6d. each ; commenced 1816. " A Stratigraphical System of Organized Fossils ;" compiled from the original Geological Collection deposited in the British Museum, with coloured Tables of t the Geological Distribution of the Groups of Echinodermata. By William Smith. 4to. 1817. 15*. THE END. Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street. ALBEMARLE STREET, JANUARY, 1844. MR. MURRAY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS, IN PREPARATION OR JUST PUBLISHED. Jttcmoir OF THE LIFE AND WORKS OF WILLIAM TAYLOR, OF NORWICH, AUTHOR OF "TnK ENGLISH SYNONYMS;" INCLUDING HfS CORRESPONDENCE WITH ROBERT SOUTHEY, ESQ. BY J. W. ROBBERDS, ESQ. 2 vols 8vo. Ready. "When I discovered the nature and extent of Taylor's correspondence with the late Robert Southey, I felt that the history of two such minds, narrated by themselves, without gloss or varnish, in their freshest, best, and most vigorous season, must be much too interesting and instructive to be withheld from the world. Mr. Southey's ready assent to the publication of these letters, his kindness in furnishing me with that portion of them which was in his possession, and the interest with which it will be seen that he regarded the subject, created additional claims upon my attention and perseverance ; and I must ever regret, both that the decline of his health deprived me of the valuable assistance which he had offered, and that he was taken from us before he could see this memorial of one whose worth and talents he so highly and justly appreciated." From the Editor's Preface. A FOURTH VOLUME OF THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. FROM THE PEACE OF UTRECHT. BY; LORD MAHON. 8vo. In preparation. This volume will carry on the narrative from the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) to the Peace of Paris (1763) ; thus comprising the Seven Years' War in Germany, the Conquest of Canada, and the Foundation of the British Empire in India. Jtflr. JWurrag's Nefo ^ttbltcattons. LIFE OF THE LATE LORD HILL, COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. 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