IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS A Contribution Toward a Bibliography By ALICE MARPLE Assistant Curator Introduction by EDGAR R. HARLAN, Curator HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT OFi DES MOINES, IOWA 1918 IOWA: Her affections like the rivers of her borders, flow to an inseperable union. Enoch W. Eastman In all that is Good, Iowa affords the best. Sidney A. Foster Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain. Motto of the Great Seal of Iowa INTRODUCTION In 1913 the Honorable Horace E. Deemer, who served as chairman of the book committee for seventeen years of the twenty-three of which he was a member of our Board of Trustees, requested of the Curator some scheme for disclosing whether there was any substance in the meaning of the phrase, then gaining currency, "Iowa authors and their works." There was submitted, in response, and approved by our Board of Trustees at the instance of Judge Deemer the following SCHEME Miss Marple, assistant and librarian: Please assemble all information upon Iowa authors and their works, accessible in our collections or available elsewhere, upon a catalogue of cards after library methods, but so elaborated as to aid the amateur as well as expert searcher. Please disclose the exist- ence of, and work done by any one fairly entitled to be regarded an author or writer of a book, and so connected with the state as to have been sometime within the meaning of the term "an Iowa author." When your cards exhibit a reasonably complete list, they may be so copied as to serve the printer and be run as current matter in sections' in the Annals of Iowa to the end that public criticism and suggestion may, by the time the list has all appeared, be relied upon to complete the list. When the entire alphabet has thus ap- peared the whole will be reprinted in book form and issued as the contribution of the Historical Department of Iowa toward a bibliog- raphy of Iowa authors and their work. A tentative list of Iowa Authors and their works as a con- tribution toward a bibliography was issued in September, 1914, bearing the following INTRODUCTION Charles Aldrich, founder of the Historical Department of Iowa, regarded attainment in the arts as the equal in importance of mili- tary prowess or political achievement. His successors have observed that while scholarly attention has been turned to Iowa valor and statesmanship, the arts, including letters, have remained almost unnoticed. 203 TC IV I To facilitate the study of Iowa literary effort, we have designed, first, a general list of Iowa writings, and second, a chronological list. The first and by far the more laborious has been prepared by Miss Alice Marple, Assistant Curator, and is here presented. Comprehensive as the list appears presenting many times more information than appears in any other place it is incomplete. To perfect it additions and corrections will be called from every source. It will be circulated in its present form and published in short sections, with corrections, serially in the Annals of Iowa. After the completion of the series it will be republished with full annota- tions showing the connection of each writer with our state. The idea of such a list is not new. It remained, however, for Miss Marple to engage in its present exhaustive character. She has availed herself of the following aids: A list prepared by the late Hon. Theodore S. Parvin; a partial chronological list kindly loaned by Professor Selden L. Whitcomb, now of the University of Kansas; a list prepared by the Iowa Press and Authors Club; "Some Recent Publications by Iowa Authors," current in the Iowa Journal of History and Politics; "A list of books by Iowa Authors," by the Iowa Library Commission, 1904; the excellent collection of clippings upon, and of volumes by Iowa authors in the Iowa State Library. But her greatest aid was the books and pamphlets in the Historical Department itself, of which the collections of the Louis- iana Purchase Commission, and the collection of Hon. Henry Stivers, of Osceola, Iowa, lately acquired, form a large portion. It is not for the Historical Department to decide upon the worth or merit of the works of Iowa people in literature or elsewhere. Its function is to have at hand all the evidence, including the fin- ished works, from which the critic himself may well decide. It is the effort, rather than the result we note, and it is for us to assem- ble everything embraced in the field of inquiry. We hold that whoever was of Iowa birth or worked in Iowa was an Iowa worker and without a record of him and his work our account with Iowa effort is not closed. So "feeling our way by a series of tentatives" to a sound and comprehensive foundation, we present Miss Marple's "Iowa Authors and Their Works, a contribution toward a Bibliography." Through this warp the hands of others may weave the mass and color of a tapestry of Iowa Letters. The present volume merely elaborates the Tentative List and adds to that and all other lists. But since the subject constantly expands by the retrieval of information of earlier writers, by current talent and by new, additions to the present volume will of course appear. In pursuance of this scheme Miss Marple has done more work and employed more time than has been applied by any worker in the history of the institution upon any single task. It has been done incidentally to her administration of the li- brary division of the Historical Department through an era of its growth and public use not equaled since its establishment. The book is her book. Except as above explained the thought is her thought. It is her bid for a place among those of our state who have adduced proof that Iowa achievement is en- titled to the respect of the world and to greater admiration from the state itself. Courtesies unstinted from those individuals and institutions who have made the effort a pleasure are acknowledged, and especially to Miss Ida M. Huntington, until recently of our staff, who read the proof, and to Mrs. Lizzie E. Jones and Miss Mattie A. Watson who classified the matter. EDGAR R. HARLAN, Curator. Des Moines, Iowa, December 1, 1918. G3G TABLE OF CONTENTS t Page Iowa authors and their works 1 Additions and corrections: Errors 337 Full names and dates 337 Additional books 337 Names of Iowa authors grouped, as their works are classified under the Dewey decimal system 341 Philosophy . 341 Religion 341 Sociology .343 Philology 345 Natural Science 346 Useful Arts 349 Fine Arts 350 Literature 350 Biography, History, Travel 354 The relation of the author to the state of Iowa 341 Iowa publishers 357 Vlll EXPLANATIONS. Only the first word, proper names and proper adjectives are capitalized in the titles of the books, according to library usage. Abbreviations of publishers' names follow the usage of the Cumu- lative Book Index published by the H. W. Wilson Company, New York. The connection of an author with the state of Iowa is shown at page 341 and following, and in that group in which his works are classified by libraries under the Dewey decimal system. The list of publishers shown at page 357 and following Js made up from imprints upon the books by Iowa authors in the collections of the Historical Department of Iowa. It does not purport to be a complete list of present Iowa publishers. Titles of the books are listed alphabetically after each author, followed by titles of books by the author as compiler, editor, joint author or translator. When we know the author better by his edi- torial work than by the books he has written, that is noted first. Where a name or any fact bearing upon the right of any one to be denominated an Iowa author is not to be found in the present list nor its additions and corrections, such name or fact should be reported to the Historical Department of Iowa at Des Moines, for inclusion at present in the collections and in the future in published lists. From this list no one is to infer that the inclusion or exclusion of a book implies our opinion of its merit. We possess, or greatly desire to acquire, every book intelligently mentioned as of Iowa authorship, and also all the evidence relating the author to the state. We hold that when an author has been intelligently mentioned as an Iowa author, or was of Iowa birth, or worked in Iowa, he is, for the purpose of our collections and of this list, an Iowa author. IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Abbott, Avery Captain Martha Mary. '12. Century. Abbott, Keene, 1876 Melody in silver. '11. Houghton. Abernethy, Alonzo, 1835-1915 Dedication of Iowa monuments commemorating the bat- tlefields of Vicksburg, Andersonville, Chattanooga and Shiloh. '08. Des Moines. State printer. Glimpses of Abraham Lincoln. '09. Osage, la. The author. Historical sketch of our educational institutions. '91. Davenport, la. Mossman & Vollmer. History of Iowa Baptist schools. '07. Osage, la. The author. Iowa education at the international exposition, 1876. '76. Des Moines. State printer. Iowa under territorial governments. '06. Des Moines, la. Reprinted from Annals of Iowa. (ed.) Whitman, P. Spencer. Early life of Jesus and new light on passion week. '14. Phil. Griffith & Row- land. Abraham, Lot, 1838 (comp.) Camp-fire songs. '91. John B. Alden. Adams, Albert Augustus, 1871 (ed.) True Love. '09. Council Bluffs. The editor. Adams, Charles Kendall, 1835-1902 Christopher Columbus (Makers of America) Dodd. Manual of historical literature. 3d ed. '01. Harper, (comp.) Representative British orations; with supp. vol- ume by J: Alden. '00. Putnam. and Trent, William Peterfield, 1862 History of the United States, rev. ed. '13. Allyn. 2 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Adams, Elmer Cleveland, and Foster, Warren Dunham Heroines of modern progress. '13. Stnrgis & Walton. Adams, Ephraim, 1818-1907 Iowa band; the history of early Congregationalism in the Middle West. New rev. ed. Pilgrim press. Adams, Ephraim Douglass, 1865 British interests and activities in Texas, 1838-1846. '10. Johns Hopkins. Control of the purse in the IT. S. government. Reprint- ed from the Kansas univ. quarterly, April, 1894. Influence of Grenville on Pitt's foreign policy. '04. Carnegie institute. Power of ideals in American history. '13. New Haven. Yale univ. Adams, Henry Carter, 1851 Economics and jurisprudence. '97. Am. economic assn. Outline of lectures on political economy. '81, '86. Priv. ptd. Philanthropy and social progress. '03. Croweil. Public debts. '87. Apppleton. Science of finance. '86. Holt. State in relation to industrial action. '87. Am. eco- nomic assn. Statistics of railways. '01. Supt. of doc. Taxation in the United States. '84. Ticknor. and Newcomb, Harry Turner (comps.) Regulation of railway rates; digest of hear- ings before Com. on interstate commerce, Sen. (59th Cong, first sess. Sen. doc. 244). '06. Gov. ptg. Adsit, Ruth Exercises in phonics. '08. Cedar Rapids. The author. Sense training and games. '06. Torch press. Agg, T. R. Investigation of gravel for road surfacing. '16. Ames la. Iowa state college. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 3 Ainsworth, Danforth Hurlburt, 1828-1904 Recollections of a civil engineer, n. d. Ake, Eli D. Records of the first Iowa battery, 1861-65. The author. Aken, Nellie Essay on ' the ' gradual progression of woman 's sphere from the earliest dawn of history to the present day. '80. Fort Dodge, Iowa. Times steam ptg. Albertson, Cyrus E. Man below, n. d. Ellsworth college. Albrook, J. B. Assembly of the North-west. '77. Chic. Fairbanks & co. Methodism and her sisters. '86. Waverly, la. The author. Alden, B. D. Prohibition hand-book for Iowa. '01. Mount Vernon, la. Mount Vernon Hawk-eye. Alden, Mrs. Cynthia Westover, 1862 Bushy. '99. Silver. Manhattan ; historic, artistic. Silver. Women's ways of earning money. '04, '13. Barnes. Alderman, Alva Bruce, 1874 Students' history of the United States. '13. Marion, la. Educational pub. Aldrich, Charles, 1828-1908 (ed.) Annals of Iowa, third series, v. 1-8, 1893-1908. (ed.) Life and times of Azro B. F. Hildreth. '98. Des Moines. Redhead, Norton, Lathrop & co. Chain of title to Iowa. Reprinted from the Annals of Iowa, July, 1893. Incidents connected with the history of the Thirty-sec- ond Iowa infantry. Reprinted from the Iowa journal of history and politics. Jan., 1906. Recollections of the* Rev. John Johns of Webster county. '92. Des Moines. The author. Repeal of the granger law in Iowa. '05. State historical soc. of Iowa. 4 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Alexander, W. E. History of Chickasaw and Howard counties, Iowa. '83. Decorah, la. Western pub. History of Winneshiek and Allamakee counties, Iowa. '82. Sioux City, la. Western pub. Alexander, William Leidy, 1842-1915 Ex-soldiers, sailors and marines, living in Iowa. '86. Des Moines. State printer. Allen, J. A. Notes on birds in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. '68. Bos- ton. Riverside press. Notes on birds observed in western Iowa in the months of July, August and September. '68. Bost. River- side press. Allen, John. See Clute, Oscar Allen, William G. History of Story county, Iowa. '87. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Allison, William Boyd, 1829-1908 Coinage; speech before the republican party of Des Moines. n. d. Financial bill; speeches in the U. S. senate, February 13 and 14, 1900. Payment of government bonds ; speech in the U. S. sen- ate, Dec. 13, 1877. Purchase of silver bullion; speech in the U. S. senate, September 16, 1893. Revenue bill ; speeches in the U. S. senate, April 3 and 4, 1894. Speech on the republican party, n. d. Allyn, Mrs. Eunice Gibbs Cats' convention. '08. Cochrane pub. One thousand smiles. Dubuque, la. The author. Ames, Edward Scribner, 1870 Divinity of Christ. '11. New Christian century co. Higher individualism. '15. Houghton. Psychology of religious experience. 10. Houghton. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 5 Amos, Andrew Corporation problems and doctrine of the law of shares. '04. Des Moines. Register & Leader. Anderson, D. A. School system of Norway. '13. Gorham press. Anderson, J. P. Iowa erysiphaceae. Iowa acad. of sci. Partial list of parasitic fungi of Decatur county, Iowa. Contribution no. 53, Botanical dept., Iowa state col- lege. Anderson, Melville Best, 1851 Happy teacher; poem. '10. Huebsch. In memory of Alphonso Gerald Newcomer. Reprinted from Stanford alumnus, March, 1914. La Capponeina ; an epistle to friends. '12. The author. Words spoken at the obsequies of Dr. Ewald Flugel, 17th of November, 1914. (ed.) Bacon, F. Essays, (tr.) Hugo, V: M. William Shakespeare; Saint Pierre, P. H. B. de. Paul and Virginia. Anderson, 0. A. Prohibition poems, n. d. Paullina, la. Times job print. Anderson, Rudolph Martin, 1876 Birds of Iowa. '07. Davenport acad. of sciences. Anderson, W. Warren Vengeance is mine. n. d. Cornell college. Andreas, Alfred T., 1839-1900 Historical atlas of the State of Iowa. '75. Chic. Lake- side press. Andrews, A. H. History of Audubon county, Iowa. '15. Indianapolis. B. F. Bowen eo. Andrews, Henry Franklin, 1844 Andrews family; genealogy of Robert Andrews and his family, 1635-1890. '90. Audubon, la. W . E. Brink- erhoff. 6 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Andrews, Henry Franklin Continued. Company D 16th Maine volunteers; a brief history of the individual service of its members, 1862-1865. '06. Exira, la. Exira ptg. co. Hamlin family; descendants of Capt. Giles Hamlin of Middletown, Conn. '00. Exira, la. The author. Hamlin family; descendants of James Hamlin of Barn- stable, Mass., 1639; embracing first five generations. '94. Exira, la. The author. Hamlin family of Barnstable, Mass., descendants of James Hamlin, through his eldest son, James Hamlin, jr. '90. Exira, la. The author, (comp.) List of freemen of Massachusetts Bay colony from 1630-1691. '06. Exira, la. Exira ptg. co. Royal lineage of the Hanilins. '09. Exira, la. The author. Andrews, Launcelot Winchester, 1856 Point of view touching the relation of applied science to university teaching. '01. Iowa City. The author. Science in its relation to the ethical sentiments ; address delivered before the society of Sigma Xi, of the State univ. of Iowa. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Andrews, Lorenzo Frank, 1828-1915 Pioneers of Polk county, Iowa, and reminiscences of early days 2v. '09. Des Moines. Lowell Chamber- lain. Andros, F. In memoriam of Dr. Amos Warner, read before the North Iowa medical society. '65. McGregor. Charles McDowell. Anson, Adrian Constantine Ball player's career. '00. Zra. Antrobus, Augustus M., 1839 History of Des Moines county, Iowa, and its people. 2v. '15. S. J. Clarke co. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 Archibald, Andrew Webster, 1851 Bible verified. Presbyterian bd. Biblical nature studies. '15. Pilgrim press. Easter hope (6 sermons). '09. Boston. Salem D. Towne. Trend of the centuries. '01. Pilgrim press. Arey, Melvin Franklin, 1860 Geology of Blackhawk county. '06. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 16. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining, v. 22, 1912. Armstrong, Mrs. Florence A. (ed.) History of the Alpha Chi Omega fraternity. '11. Blue book. Arnold, G. P. New Buda and the Hungarians, n. d. Garden Grove, la. The author. Arnold, John Henry Debater's guide. '16. Cedar Falls. The author. Arnold, Ralph, 1875 Bibliography of the literature referring to the geology of Washington. Reprinted from the First annual re- port Washington Geol. S. 1901. Coal in Clallam county, Washington. Reprinted from Bui. 260, U. S. Geol. S. 1906. Coal in the Mount Diablo range, Monterey county, Cali- fornia. Reprinted from Bui. 285, U. S. Geol. S. 1906. Cost of drilling oil wells in California by the standard method. U. S. bureau of mines. Tech. pa. no. 96. 1915. Das letzte grosse erdbeden in California, seine ursacken und wirkungen. Reprinted from the Technologist, v. 12. 1907 Descriptions of new cretaceous and tertiary fossils from the Santa Cruz mountains, California. Reprinted from Proceedings of the U. S. national museum, v. 34. 1908. Dome structure in conglomerate. Reprinted from Jour- nal of geology, v. 15. 1907. 8 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Arnold, Ralph, 1875 Continued. Environment of the tertiary faunas of the Pacific coast of the United States. Reprinted from the Journal of geology, v. 17. 1909. Faunal relations of the Carrizo creek beds of California. Reprinted from Science, new series, v. 19. 1904. Geological reconnaissance of the coast of the Olympic peninsula, Washington. Reprinted from Bui. Geol. soc. of America, v. 17. 1906. Geology and oil resources of Coalinga district, Cal. U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 398. 1910. Geology and oil resources of Summerland district, Santa Barbara co., Cal. '07. U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 321. Geology in the vicinity of Stanford university. Reprinted from Stanford Sequoia, v. .10. 1901. Gold placers of the coast of Washington. Reprinted from Bui. U. S. Geol. S. no. 260. 1905. Miner ranch oil field, Contra Costa county, California. Reprinted from U. S. Geol. S. Bui. no. 340. 1908. New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from oil-bearing tertiary formations of Santa Barbara county, Cal. '07. Smithsonian. New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing tertiary formations of Southern Cali- fornia. Reprinted from Proceedings of U. S. national museum, v. 32. 1907. Notes on some rocks from the Sawtooth range of the Olympic mountains, Washington. Reprinted from the American journal of science, v. 18. 1909. Notes on the occurrence of the recently described gem mineral, benitoite. Reprinted from Science, new series, v. 27. 1908. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine pliocene and pleistocene of San Pedro, Cal. Memoirs Cal. Acad. of sci. v. 3. 1903. Paleontology of the Coalinga district, Cal. U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 396. 1910. Salt Lake oil fields near Los Angeles, Cal. Reprinted A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 Arnold, Ralph, 1875 Continued. from Contributions to economic geology for 1905. 1906. Santa Maria oil district, California. Reprinted from Science, v. 25. 1907. Tertiary and quarternary pectens of California. Re- printed from U. S. Geol. S. Professional paper, no. 47. 1906. (jt. auth.) Arnold, Delos. Marine pliocene and pleisto- cene stratigraphy of the coast of southern California. Reprinted from Journal of geology, v. 18. 1902. (jt. auth.) Branner, J. C., Newton, J. F. Santa Cruz folio, California. Reprinted from U. S. Geol. S. Bui. no. 163. 1909. (jt. auth.) Eldredge, G. H. Santa Clara valley, Peunte hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, southern Cali- fornia. Reprinted from Bui. U. S. Geol. S., no. 309. 1907. (jt. auth.) Haehl, Harry L. Miocene diabase on the Santa Cruz mountains in San Mateo county, Cali- fornia. Reprinted from Proceedings American philo- soph. soc., v. 43. 1904. (jt. auth.) Spencer, Arthur C. Cause of the great earth- quake. Reprinted from World's work, v. 12. 1906. and Anderson, Robert Coalinga, California, oil field. Reprinted from Science, new series, v. 38. 1908. Conglomerate formed by a mineral laden stream in Cali- fornia. Reprinted from Bui. Geol. S. of America, v. 19. 1908. Diatomaceous deposits of northern Santa Barbara coun- ty, California. Reprinted from Contributions to eco- nomic geology for 1906. 1907. Geology and oil resources of the Santa Maria oil district, Santa Barbara county, California. Reprinted from Journal of U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 322. 1908. Metamorphism by combustion of the hydrocarbons in the oil-bearing shale of California. Reprinted from Journal of geology, v. 15. 1907. 10 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Arnold, Ralph, 1875 Continued. Paleontology of the Coaliuga district, California. Re- printed from U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 396. 1909. Preliminary report on Coalinga oil district in Fresno and Kings counties, Cal. '08. U. S. Geol. S. Preliminary report on Santa Maria oil district. U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 370. 1907. and Clapp, Frederick Gardner, 1879 Wastes in the production and utilization of natural gas and means for their prevention. U. S. Bu. of mines. Tech. pa. 38. '13. and Garfias, Valentine Richard, 1883 Cementing process of excluding water from oil wells as practiced in California. '13. U. S. Bu. of mines. Geology and technology of California oil fields. Re- printed from American institute of mining engineers, Bui. 87. 1914. Methods of oil recovery in California. Reprinted from U. S. Bu. of mines, Tech. pa. 70. 1914. Pipe line transportation of oil in California. Reprinted from U. S. Bu. of mines, Tech. pa. 91. 1915. Prevention of waste of oil and gas from flowing wells in California with a discussion of special methods used by J. A. Pollard. U. S. Bu. of mines. Tech. pa. '13 . and Hannibal, Harold Marine tertiary stratigraphy of the north Pacific coast of America. From Proceedings of American philo- soph. soc., v. 42. 1913. and Johnson, Harry R. Preliminary report on the McKittrick-Sunset oil region, Kern and San Luis Obispo counties, Cal. U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 406. So-called volcano in the Santa Monica mountains near Los Angeles, Cal. Reprinted from Science, v. 27. 1908. and Strong, A. M. San Gabriel mountains, California. Reprinted from Bui. Geol. soc. of America, v. 16. 1905. San Gabriel mountains near Pasadena. Reprinted from 11 Arnold, Ralph, 1875, and Strong 1 , A. M. Continued. Science, v. 21. 1905, and Wiley, Dewitt C. Geological society of American universities. Reprinted from Science, new series, v. 18. 1903. Arthur, Joseph Charles, 1850 Contributions to the flora of Iowa. '76. Charles City. Intelligencer book print. Ary, Lester C. Miscarriage of justice, n. d. Ashby, Newton B., 1855 Eiddle of the sphinx. '90. Des Moines, la. Industrial pub. Wealth and civilization. '91. Howard & Wilson. Ashton, Charles, 1823-1903, Crosby, James 0. and Jarnagin, J. W. Hand book of Iowa. '93. Iowa Columbian commission. Athearn, Walter Scott, 1872 Beginners' department of the church school. '13. Des Moines. Drake univ. Brief history of Keokuk county, Iowa. '97. Sigourney, la. The News. Church school. '14. Pilgrim press. City institute for religious teachers. '15. Univ. of Chi- cago press. Correlation of church schools and public schools. '17. Pilgrim press. Intermediate department of the church school. '13. Des Moines. Drake univ. Junior department of the church school. '13. Des Moines. Drake univ. Organization and administration of the church school. '17. Pilgrim press. Primary department of the church school. '13. Des Moines. Drake univ. Religious education and American democracy. '17. Pilgrim press. 12 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Atwater, Joshua American farmers' figurer. Des Moines. Fowler & Johnson. Aughey, John Hill Spiritual gems of the ages. '86. Cin. Tupelo. '88. Lincoln, Neb. State Jl. co. Aurner, Clarence Ray, 1863 History of Cedar county, Iowa. S. J. Clarke. History of education in Iowa. 4v. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. History of township government in Iowa. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Iowa stories, bk. 1. '17. Iowa City, la. The author. Leading events in Johnson county, Iowa, history. 2v. '13. Western hist, press. Aurner, Nellie Slayton, 1873 Analysis of the interpretations of the Finnsburg docu- ments. '17. Univ. of Iowa. Austin, J. J. Golden age to come ; a sacred drama. '53. Cin. Avery, Elizabeth H. Some fragments of Iowa history gathered from the records of congress. '94. Iowa City. H. L. Throop co. Aylesworth, Barton Orville, 1860 Song and fable. '97. Des Moines. Kenyon. Thirteen and twelve others, from the Adirondacks and elsewhere. Christian pub. Ayres, Philip Wheelock, 1861 Commercial importance of the "White mountain forests. '09. Gov. ptg. (ed.) Manual of Mount Sunapee. '15. Bost. Sunapee branch of the soc. for the protection of New Hamp- shire forests. Babbitt, Charles Henry, 1843 Early days in Council Bluffs. '16. The author. Badger, Alfred S. Christmas at the Abecs'. '91. National temp. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 Baghdasarin, M. Armenia ; or, The country of Ararat. '92. Des Moines. Northwestern holiness. Bailey, Bert Heald, 1875-1917 Two hundred wild birds of Iowa, new ed. '11. Cedar Rapids. Superior press. Bailey, Edwin C. Past and present of Winneshiek county, Iowa. 2v. '13. S. J. Clarke. Bain, Harry Foster, 1872 Coal mining by machine work in Iowa. Reprinted from Mining industry. 1895. Cretaceous deposits of the Sioux valley. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 3. 1905. Essential properties of building stones. Reprinted from Monthly review Iowa weather and crop service, v. 6, nos. 8 and 9. Fluorspar deposits of southern Illinois. '05. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. Geology of Carroll county, Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 9. 1899. Geology of Decatur county, Iowa. Reprinted from the Iowa Geol. S. v. 8. 1898. Geology of Guthrie county, Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 7. 1897. Geology of Plymouth county, Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 8. 1898. Geology of Polk county, Iowa. '97. Iowa Geol. S. Geology of "Washington county, Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 5. 1896. Properties and tests of Iowa building stones. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 8. 1898. Preliminary report on lead and zinc deposits of the Ozark region (22d ann. rep.) U. S. Geol. S. Stream improvement and land reclamation in Illinois. From Bui. 8, 111 Geol. S. Western interior coal fields (22d ann. rep.) U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. 14 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Bain, Harry Foster, 1872 Continued Zinc and lead deposits of northwestern Illinois. U. S. Geol. S. Bui. 246. 1905. Gov. ptg. Zinc and lead deposits of upper Mississippi valley. '07. U. S. Geol. S. (ed) More recent cyanide practice. '10. Mining & science press. (ed.) Types of ore deposits. '11. Mining & sci. press, (jt. auth.) Tilton, J. L. Geology of Madison county. Eeprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 7. 1897. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. 1912. and Ulrich, Edward Oscar Copper deposits of Missouri. '05. Supt. of doc. Baker, Elwood Thomas, 1853 (comp.) Genealogy of Eber and Lydia Smith Baker of Marion. Ohio, and their descendants. '09. Chariton, la. Lydia A. Copeland. Baker, Elwyn E., 1879 Use of the pardoning power in Iowa since 1880. '06. Des Moines. Drake univ. Baker, Hugh Potter, 1878 Die Prarien in Zentralnordamerika und ihr werk fur forstkultur. '11. Miinchen. Kastner & Callwey. Evergreens for the Iowa planter. Iowa state experiment station. Native and planted timber of Iowa. '08. Gov. ptg. Baker, Mrs. Isadore In memoriam. '96. Iowa state press pub. Remembrance. '02. Iowa state press pub. Sonnets and other verse. '96. Iowa state press pub. Baker, Margaret School room calisthenics; a class book for the training of teachers. Des Moines. Patterson & Vance. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 15 Baker, R. P. Method of monodromie with applications to three para- meter quarties. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Bakke, A. L. Effect of city smoke 011 vegetation. '13. Ames, la. Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanic arts. Index of foliar transpiring power as an indicator of permanent wilting. From the Botanical gazette, v. 60. Late blight of barley. Reprinted from Proceedings of Iowa acad. of sci. Studies on the transferring power of plants as indicated by the method of standardized hygrornetric paper. Re- printed from the Journal of ecology, v. 2. 1914. Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Ruth Along the Anataw. '92. Hunt & Eaton. Around Bronton. Gurnet's garden and new boy at S. Hunt & Eaton. Hepsey's way. '88. National temp. Maurice Roseman's leading. '89. John B. Alden. Baldwin, N. A. Brief genealogy of the Baldwins. '91. The author. Baldwin, W. W., 1845- County pauperism. '03. Chic. Henry O. Shepard co. Some features in the history of the Burlington road. '06. Chic. H. 0. Shepard co. Ball, Carleton Roy, 1873 Better grain sorghum crops (Farmers' Bui. 448). '11. U. S. Agric. Gov. ptg. Genus salix in Iowa. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. . v. 7. 1900. Grain sorghum production in the San Antonio region of Texas (U. S. Bu. plant ind. Bui. 237). Gov. ptg. Grain sorghums ; immigrant crops that have made good. '14. U. S. Agric. Gov. ptg. 16 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Ball, Carleton Roy, 1873 Continued. Importance and improvement of the grain sorghums (U. S. Bu. plant ind. Bui. 203). Gov. ptg. Johnson grass; report of investigation made during season of 1901 (Plant ind. bul.) '02. Gov. ptg. Pearl millet (Farmer's bul.) '03. Gov. ptg. Saccharine sorghums for forage. '06. U. S. Agric. Gov. Ptg- Soy bean varieties (Plant ind. bul.) '07. Gov. ptg. Three much misrepresented sorghums (U. S. plant ind. circ.) '10. Gov. ptg. "Winter forage crops for the South (Farmer's bul.) '02. Gov. ptg. Kaoliangs; a new group of grain sorghums (Plant ind. bul. 253). Gov. ptg. and Clark, Jacob Allen Experiments with marquis wheat. '16. (Bul. no. 40) U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. "Wheat (Farmer's bul. 732). U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. and Leidigh, Arthur H. Milo as dry land crop (Farmer's bul.) '08. Gov. ptg. and Leighty, Clyde Evert Alaska and Stoner; or, "Miracle" wheats; two varieties much misrepresented (Bul. no. 357). U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Ball, Elmer D. Contributions to the hemipterous fauna of Iowa. '97. Iowa state college of agric. Study of the genus Clastoptera. '96. Iowa state col- lege of agric. Ball, James Moores, 1862 Andreas Versalius, the reformer of anatomy. '10. St. Louis. Medical press. Modern ophthalmology; anatomy, physiology and dis- eases of the eye. '08. Davis. Ballard, James, 1837 Songs- beautiful beautifuls. '81. Red Oak, Iowa. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 17 Ballard, John W. Successful druggist. Keprinted from the Pharmaceuti- cal record, April 7. 1890. Ballinger, Richard Achilles, 1858 Annotated codes and statutes of Washington. '97. Bancroft- Whitney co. Ballinger on community property. '95. Bancroft- Whit- ney co. Bancroft, Charles Footprints of time and a complete analysis of our Ameri- can system of government. '75. Burlington, la. R. T. Eoot. Banks, Charles Eugene, 1852 American woman ; drama. '06. Dramatic. Child of the sun. '00. Walter. John Dorn, promoter. '06. Walter. '16. Whitman. Quiet music. '92. Sword and cross, and other poems. '00. Rand. and Armstrong 1 , Leroy Theodore Roosevelt; a typical American. '01. and Cook, George Cram, 1873 In Hampton roads. '99. Rand. and Read, Opie, 1852 History of the San Francisco disaster and Mount Ve- suvius horror. C. C. Thompson. Barbour, Erwin Hinckley Wells and windmills in Nebraska. IT. S. Geol. S. '99. Gov. ptg. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. 1912. Barker, W. T. Legislative supervision over railroad corporations. '66. Des Moines. State printer. Speech of, upon the right of legislative supervision over railroad corporations. '66. Des Moines. State printer. 2 18 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Barnard, William Francis Moods of life; poems of varied feeling. '05. Rooks press. Tongues of toil, and other poems. '11. Fraternal press. Barnes, Alpheus R. Reminiscences of an old newspaper man ; the first paper printed, west of Des Moines ; address delivered before the Southern Iowa editorial association, July 11, 1913. Barnes, Stephen Goodyear, 1853 Atonement and the time-spirit, n. d. St. Johnsbury, Vt. The author. Christian religion and the Christian miracles. Reprinted from Bibliotheca sacra. Darkness and light, n. d. Doctrine of salvation. '09. Hartford seminary press. Fullness of the blessing of Holy Scripture; paper read before the Caledonia association of Congregational churches at St. Johnsbury, Vt. God in Christ ; Christ in you ; anniversary sermon before the state convention of Congregational churches at St. Albans, Vt., June 9, 1908. Love and law. Reprinted from the Hartford seminary record of May, 1897. Man's share in the atonement. '06. Reprinted from the Hartford seminary record. Monastic elements in 'The imitation of Christ.' Re- printed from the Hartford Seminary record for July, 1910. New heaven and a new earth; sermon preached at the South Congregational church of St. Johnsbury, Vt., and published by one of the parishioners. One preacher's creed, n. d. Public opinion ; a founder 's day address at South Had- ley, Nov. 9, 1898. Spiritual in art and literature. '91. Grinnell, la. Her- ald ptg. Theology and life. Reprinted from the Hartford sem- inary record, 1912. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 19 Barnes, Stephen Goodyear, 1853 Continued. Universal gospel; missionary sermon preached at the South church, St. Johnsbury, Vt. n. d. Verses. '88. Grinnell, la. Voices of faith and love. '08. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Cal- edonia CO. What is salvation; sermon preached in the South Con- gregational church, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Barr, Walter, 1860 i. e., G. Walter. Electric power from the Mississippi 'river. '12. Keokuk. Miss, river power co. Idiosyncrasy and drugs. '96. Detroit. The author. Shacklett; a novel. '01. Appleton. Upper Mississippi river. '98. Oshkosh. Barrett, Katharine Ellis. See Ellis, Katharine Ruth. Barris, Willis H., 1821-1901 Defense of our local geology. Davenport acad. of sci. Our local geology. Davenport aead. of sci. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. 1912. Barrows, Willard, 1806-1868 History of Scott county (in Downer, H. E. History of Davenport, v. 1, p. 107-268). Notes on Iowa territory, with map. '45. Gin. Doo- little & Munson. Barrows, William The general; or, Twelve nights in the hunter's camp; a narrative of Iowa life. '70. Bost. Lee. Bartholomew, Charles L. ("Bart") Bart's cartoons. 10 v. 1894-1895. Cartoons for 1901. '02. Minneapolis. Cartoons for 1902. '03. Minneapolis. Expansion; being Bart's best cartoons for 1899. '00. Minneapolis. 20 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Bartlett, Dana Webster, 1860 Better city; sociological study of a modern city. '09. Los Angeles. The author. Better country. '10. C. M. Clark. Bartsch, Paul, 1871 New ashmunella from New Mexico. '04. Smithsonian. New marine mollusks from the west coast of America. U. S. national museum. New mollusks of family vitrinellidae from w r est coast of America. U..S. national museum. New Philippine landshell. '05. Smithsonian. New species of amphidromus. '04. Smithsonian. Notes on the genus sonorella. '04. Smithsonian. Philippine pond snails of the genus vivipara. U. S. national museum. Keport on the Turton collection of South African ma- rine mollusks, with additional notes on other South Africa shells contained in the United States national museum. '15. (Smithsonian inst. Bui. 91). Supt. of doc. Urocoptid mollusks from the mainland of America. U. S. national museum. Zoogeographic study based on the pyramidellid mol- lusks. '09. Gov. ptg. (jt. auth.) Dall, William Healey. Monograph of west American pyramidellid mollusks. '09. Gov. ptg. Bashford, Herbert, 1871 At the shrine of song (poems). '09. Whitaker & R. '17. Potter. Beyond the gates of care. '01. Whitaker & R. Nature stories of the Northwest. Whitaker & R. Songs from Puget Sound. Whitaker & R. Tenting of the Tillicums. '06. Crowell. Wolves of the sea. Whitaker & R. Basquin, Olin Hanson, 1869 (jt. auth.) Crew, Henry. Pocket hand-book of electro glazed luxfer prisms. '98. American luxfer prism CO. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 2t Bassett, Basil Blaine Lyrics of leisure. '15. Iowa City. Chestnut ptg. Batten, Samuel Zane, 1859 Christian state. '09. Am. Bapt. Industrial menace to the home. '14. Am. Bapt. New citizenship. Am. S. S. union. Social problem. '15. Am. Bapt. Social task of Christianity; a summons to the new crusade. '11. Revell. Battey, Thomas C. Life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians. '91. Lee & Shepard. Battin, William and Moscrip, F. A. Past and present of Marshall county, Iowa. 2v. '12. Indianapolis. B. F. Bowen co. Baughman, Mrs. Nancy Randolph Ball True way of life. '07. Burlington, la. The author. Baumann, Louis Beispiel einer Harnanalyse; handbuch der biochemi- schen arbeitsmethoden. v. 6, ed. by Emil Abderhal- den. '12. Berlin. Urban & Schwarzenberg. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Bawden, Henry Heath, 1871 Principles of pragmatism; a philosophical interpreta- tion of experience. '10. Houghton. See "Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Bay, Jens Christian, 1871 (ed.) Denmark in English and American literature; a bibliography. '15. Chic. Danish Am. assn. (tr.) Danish fairy and folk tales. '99. Harper. 22 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Bayer, Charles J. (U. S. Bayer, pseud.) Bronze book. National purity assn. Maternal impressions. '97. Winona, Minn. Jones & Kroeger. Modern researches. '01. National purity assn. Studies of life. '99. Ogilvie. Bayless, Cornelius Outline of practical business training in the science oi accounts. '90. Dubuque. The author. Baylies, Nicholas, d. 1893 Eleazer Wheelock Kipley, of the war of 1812. '90. Des Moines. Brewster & co. Political controversies between the United States and Great Britain. '85. Des Moines. Beach, Abel, 1829 P. S. The mysteries of life and other late poems. Supp. to Western airs. '97. Iowa City. Western airs; choice selections from the miscellaneous poems of. '95. Buffalo. Peter Paul bk. co. Beal, Foster Ellenborough, 1840-1916 American thrushes valuable bird neighbors. '14. U. S. Agric. Gov. ptg. Birds as conservators of the forest. Keport N. Y. Forest and game commission, 1902-3. Birds of California in relation to the fruit industry. (U. S. Biol. S. bul.) '07. Supt. of doc. Blue jay and its food. U. S. Agric. Yearbook, 1896. Cuckoos and Shrikes in their relation to agriculture. (U. S. Biol. S.) '08. Gov. ptg. Food habits of the thrushes of the United States. (Bul. No. 280. Professional papers.) '15. Supt. of doc. Food of our more important flycatchers. (Biol. S. bul. No. 40). '12. Gov. ptg. Food of the robins and bluebirds of the United States. (Bul. No. 171.) Supt. of doc. Food of the woodpeckers of the United States. (U. S. Biol. S. Bul. No. 37). '11. Gov. ptg. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 23 Beal, Foster Ellenborough, 1840-1916 Continued. How birds affect the orchard. U. S. Agric. Yearbook, 1900. Meadow lark and Baltimore oriole. U. S. Agric. Year- book, 1895. Our meadow larks in relation to agriculture. U. S. Agrie. Yearbook, 1912. Preliminary report of the food of woodpeckers. '95. Gov. ptg. Kelation of birds to fruit growing in California. (U. S. Biol. S.) '04. Gov. ptg. Kelations between birds and insects. IT. S. Agric. Year- book, 1908. Some common birds in relation to agriculture. '04. U. S. Agric. '15. Gov. ptg. and McAtee, Waldo Lee, and Kalmbach, Edwin Richard Common birds of southeastern United States in relation to agriculture. (Farmers' bul. 755.) Supt. of doc. Beard, James Thorn, 1855 Blasting coal in bituminous mines. '05. Design of centrifugal ventilation. '99. Detection of small percentages of gas by the safety lamp. '03. Examination questions and answers; information essen- tial to all who wish to pass the mining examinations. '13. Hill pub. Manual of blasting coal. '07. Mine gases and explosions. '08. "Wiley. Mine gases and ventilation. '16. N. Y. McGraw-Hill. Practical mine ventilation; information that's worth dollars in value to the co [ al mining man. '12. Hill pub. Study course in coal mining Coal pocket book. '14. Ventilation of mines. '94. Wiley. Beardshear, William Miller, 1850-1902 Boy again and other prose poems. '04. Cedar Rapids Republican. 24 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Beardsley, Frank Grenville History of American revivals. '04. Am. tract soc. Christian achievement in America. '07. Chic. Winona pub. Beckman, J. W. The touchstone. '14. Waterloo, la. Stewart-Simmons press. Beecher, Milton Ferdinand Investigation of Iowa fire clays. Engineering exper. station bul. 40. '15. Iowa state college of agric. (jt. auth.) Staley, Homer E. Practical handling of Iowa clays with application of ceramic principles. '16. Engineering experiment station bul. 43. Iowa state college of agric. Beede, Charles Gould, d. 1906 Reincarnated, a romance of the soul. '08. Newport pub. Soul shadows. '08. Newport pub. Beede, J. W. Cycle of subterranean drainage in the Bloomington quadrangle. '10. Report Indiana acad. of sci. On the correlation of the coal measures of Kansas and Nebraska. '98. Reconnaissance in the Blue valley permian. n. d. Two new crinoids from the Kansas carboniferous, n. d. Beede, Lillian Barker Through the mists ; poems. '10. Los Angeles, Cal. The author. Belfield, Henry Holman New model arithmetic, n. d. Scott. Revised model elementary arithmetic, 3 pts. n. d. Scott. Belknap, William W., 1829-1890 Address to the graduating class of the U. S. military academy, West Point, June 16, 1875. '75. Van Nostrand. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 25 Belknap, William W., 1829-1890 Continued. History of the Fifteenth regiment Iowa veteran volun- teer infantry from October, 1861 to August, 1865. '97. Keokuk. E. B. Ogden & son. Bell, George W., 1832-1907 New crisis. '87. Des Moines. Moses Hull & co. Thoughts on money. '92. Indianapolis. Vincent bros. Bell, Hill McClelland, i860 Attitude of Iowa teachers toward' direct legislation, n. d. The author. Church and university; an address delivered in the University church, Des Moines, la., Sunday, Feb. 22, 1914. Educational economy; a desideratum in the introduc- tion of industrial training into the public schools ; president's address delivered before the Iowa state teachers' association, Nov. 3, 1910. Fifty lessons in orthoepy and orthography. '92. Des Moines. State printer. Harmony, unity and peace. '14. Atlanta. Foote & Davies. Manual of orthoepy and orthography. Des Moines. State printer. Orthoepy and orthography; with exercises and ad- ditions by Margaret Oliver, and a supplement on re- vised orthography by Homer H. Seerley. '14. Ainsworth. Orthoepy and orthography; arranged for the use of teachers and students. '09. Des Moinesr Jordan bros. Spelling book. '91. Des Moines. A. J. Lilly. Bell, John T. Tramps and triumphs of the Second Iowa infantry, briefly sketched. '88. Omaha. Gibson, Miller & Richardson. Bell, W. B. Modifications in size, form and functions of homologous crustacean appendages. '05. 26 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Bellows, Ernst Wilder Comparative study of city school and rural school at- tendance. '12. Iowa state univ. Belt, R. J. Sad and sand. '12. Maxwell, la. The author. Bender, Wilbur H., 1860 Iowa (Tarr and McMurray geog. supplement). '08. Macmillan. Teacher at work. '02. Flanagan. Benedict, Mrs. Lovinia B. (Mother Benedict), 1826-1899 Woman's work for woman. '92. Des Moines. Bennet, H. Synopsis of the history of fire insurance in Iowa. '06. Bennett, Alfred Allen, 1850 Text-book of inorganic chemistry. 2 pts. '92. Silver. Bennett, G. G. Speech of, upon the right of legislative supervision over railroad corporations. '66. Des Moines. State printer. Benton, Elbert J., 1871 History of taxation in Kansas. '00. International law and diplomacy of the Spanish-Amer- ican war. '08. Johns Hopkins. Wabash trade route in the development of the old Northwest. '08. Johns Hopkins. (jt.. auth.) Bourne, Henry E. History of the United States. '13; Introductory American history. '12. Heath. Benton, Guy Potter, 1865 Real college. '09. Jennings. Berrier, Leroy Cultivation of personal magnetism. Stockham. n. d. New life. '02. Priv. ptd. Power of self-formation, n. d. Alliance. Berry, W. H., 1849 Abraham Lincoln. '93. Simpson college. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 27 Bess, Elmer Allen and Bess, Emma Caughey Twenty-five ; poems. '17. The authors. Bessey, Charles Edwin, 1845-1915. Botany, advanced course. Holt. Botany for high schools and colleges. 7th ed. '08. Holt. Elementary botany. '04. Univ. pub. Neb. New elementary agriculture. '11. Univ. pub. Neb. Plant migration studies. '05. Univ. of Neb. and Bessey, Ernest Athearn, 1877 Essentials of college botany. '14. Holt. Betts, Arthur Gems and diadems of love. '01. Cresco, la. The author. Betts, George Herbert, 1868 Distribution and functions of mental imagery. '09 Teachers college. Fathers and mothers. '15. Bobbs. Imagery. '09. Teachers college. Mind and its education. '06, '16. Appleton. My chance to achieve. '15. Bobbs. New ideals in rural schools. '13. Houghton. The recitation. '11. Houghton. Social principles of education. '12. Scribners. (jt. auth.) Benson, Oscar Herman. Agriculture; a text for the school and farm. '15. Bobbs. and Hall, Otis Earle Better rural schools. '14. Bobbs. Beyer, Harold Legrand Chronological outlines of nineteenth century English drama. '98. Grinnell. Beyer, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Queal, 1849-1916. Genealogical history of the French and allied families. '12. Torch press. Beyer, Samuel Walker, 1865 Geology of Boone county. '96. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 5. Geology of Hardin county. '00. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 10. 28 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Beyer, Samuel Walker, 1865 Continued. Geology of Marshall county. '97. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 7. Geology of Story county. '99. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 9. Peat and peat deposits in Iowa. '09. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 9. Physical tests of Iowa limes. '07. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 17. Sioux quartzite and certain associated rocks. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 6. Supplementary report on Portland cement materials in Iowa. '06. la. Geol. S. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. 1912. and William, Ira A. Geology of Iowa coal products. '07. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 17. Materials and manufacture of Portland cement. '07. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 17. and Young, L. E. Geology of Monroe county, Iowa. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. Bickel, Milton Valentine, 1877 Poultry packers' guide. '09. Mason City, la. Pool pub. Bicknell, Frank W. Alfalfa and beef production in Argentina. '04. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Animal industry of Argentina. U. S. An. ind. bul. '03'. Supt. of doc. Argentina. '03. Supt. of doc. Indian corn in Argentina. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Wheat production and farm life in Argentina. '04. U. S. Statistics bul. Supt. of doc. Bilbo, George W. Inspired vision; or, The dawning of the morn. '16. Des Moines. The author. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 29 Billington, Mrs. Addie B. Dear, my lady. '17. Des Moines. The author. Bingham, Charles W. Selections from Fielding. '08. Torch press. Bishard, H. M. Business directory of the towns of the Des Moines val- ley railroad. '69. Des Moines. Mills & co. Bissell, George Welton, 1866 Selection of power plants and equipment for stone quar- ries in Iowa. '07. Keprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 17. Technical schools of America. Reprinted from Gassier 's magazine, N. Y. 1893. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geol. and mining. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. 1912. Black, S. Soldier's recollections of the civil war; with supple- mental chapters by comrades. '12. Minco, Okla. Min- co minstrel. Black, W. A. No curse' on toil; or, Everybody happy. '88. Black Hawk's autobiography, dictated to Antoine LeClaire. '34. New ed. with introduction and notes by James D. Rishell. '12. Rock Island. Blackmar, E. C., and Blackmar, Mrs. H. W. In memoriam; Emma Middleton Parvin. '95. Burling- ton, la. The authors. Blackmar, Mrs. H. W. (jt. auth.) Blackmar, E. C. In memoriam; Emma Mid- dleton Parvin. '95. Burlington, la. The authors. Blair, William W. Joseph the seer; his prophetic mission vindicated. '89. Lamoni, la. Blake, Orwell Poetic song book for the use of G. A. R. '83. Des Moines, 30 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Blakelee, T. M. Academic trigonometry. '88. Ginn. Blanchard, Rufus, 1821-1904 Discovery and conquest of the Northwest. '80. Chic. Thomas Gushing & Co. Hand-book of Iowa. '67. Blanchard & Cram. Blanden, Charles Granger, 1857 Battle of love. '04. Blue sky press. Chorus of leaves. '05. Elder. Drift of song ; poems. '02. W. S. Lord. Harvest of reeds; poems. '02. Langworthy. Omar resung. '01. L-angworthy. Tancred's daughter and other poems. '89. Putnam. Unremembered God and other poems. '03. Blue sky press. Valley muse; poems. '00. Revell. Wilding bough. '15. Chic. Roadside press. and Mathison, Minna (comps.) Chicago anthology; a collection of verse from the work of Chicago poets, with an introduction by Llewellyn Jones. '16. Roadside press. Bleakley, John L., 1857 Banking laws of Iowa. '13. State printer. Bloomer, Dexter C., 1816-1900 (ed.) Council Bluffs Republican, 1872-74. Life and writings of Amelia Bloomer. '95. Bost. Bloomquist, Churley Progress of freedom, n. d. Iowa Wesleyan college. Bode, William, 1875 Book of Job and the solution of the problem of the suf- fering it offers. '14. Grand Rapids, Mich. Eerdmans- Sevensma co. Praise service and the Christian reformed church. '11. Eerdmans-Sevensma co. (ed.) Thirtieth anniversary of Lincoln Center Chris- tian reformed church, Grundy Center, la. 1884-1914. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 31 Boggs, Edward Brenton Confirmation. Whittaker. The layman; his priestly and executive functions. Whittaker. Boggs, Martha Frye Jack Crews. '99. Dillingham. Martha Steyne. '99. Dillingham. Romance of New Virginia. Boice, Calvin A. Chronic appendicitis. Reprint from St. Louis medical fortnightly. 1909. Continuous sponge. Reprint from Jl. Iowa state medical soc. Apr., 1917. First taxpayers' county hospital, "Washington, la. '15. St. Louis modern hospital pub. co. Ethics of practice, n. d. Fever, what it is, and the indications for treatment. From St. Louis medical fortnightly, Apr., 1906. Importance and value of clinical histories. From St. Louis medical fortnightly. 1916. Mastoid disease. From St. Louis medical fortnightly. 1903. Possibilities of organization. From Iowa medical jour- nal. 1908. Potential malignancy. From St. Louis medical fort- nightly. 1914. Preventive medicine, n. d. Tuberculosis, socially and financially. From St. Louis medical fortnightly. 1906. Boisot, Louis, 1856 By-laws of private corporations. 2d ed. '02. Keefe- Davidson. On mechanics' liens. '97. West. Bolton, Frederick Elmer, 1866 Bibliography on examinations. '00. Des Moines. Iowa state teachers' assn. council. Principles of education. '10. Scribuer. Secondary school system of Germany. '00. Appleton. 32 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Bolton, Frederick Elmer, 1866 Continued. Syllabus of psychology. '07. Supt. public instruction. True function of American high school. '04. Evanston, 111. Northwestern univ. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Boodin, John Elof, 1869 Time and reality. '04. Psychological review. Truth and reality; an introduction to the theory of knowledge. '11. jVlacmillan. Bookwalter, Lewis, 1846 Consecration chapter in Christian doctrine. '89. Un. breth. Do we need a revival? '85. Un. breth. Family; or, The home and training of children. '94. Un. breth. .Repentance. '02. Un. breth. Booth, Benjamin P. Dark days of the rebellion; or, Life in Southern mili- tary prisons. '97. Indianola. Booth pub. Bopp, Clinton Le Roy, 1882 Bopp automatic signalling; text for 1912. '13. Hawk- eye, la. The author. Life's reveries. '11. Hawkeye, la. The author. Bordwell, Percy, i. e. Walter Percy, 1878 Criminal law. 2 v. '12. American school of corre- spondence. Extraordinary remedies. American law and procedure. '11. La Salle extension univ. Law of war belligerents. '08. Callaghan. Public officers. American law and procedure. '11. La Salle extension university. Bose, Suclhindra Some aspects of British rule in India. '16. State uni- versity of Iowa. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 33 Botsford, George Willis, 1862-1917 Ancient history for beginners. '02. Macmillan. Development of the Athenian constitution. '93. Long- mans. Hellenic civilization. '15. Lemcke. History of Greece. '99. Macmillan. History of Rome. '01. Macmillan. History of the ancient world. '11, '14. Macmillan. History of the Orient and Greece. '01. Macmillan. History of the Orient, Greece and Rome. '06. Mac- millan. Roman assemblies from their origin to end of the re- public. '09. Macmillan. Source-book of ancient history. '12. Macmillan. Syllabus of Roman history. '15. Macmillan. and Botsford, Lillie Shaw Story of Rome as Greeks and Romans tell it. '03. Mac- millan. and SiMer, Ernest Gottlieb, 1853 (eds.) Hellenic civilization. '15. Columbia univ. press. Boudinot, Elias C. Question of a territorial government for the Indian ter- ritory. '72. Wash. Bourne, Henry E. Work of the American historical societies. From Iowa jl. of history and politics, April, 1905. Bowman, Harold Martin Administration of Iowa. '03. Longmans. Preliminary stages of the peace of Amiens. Univ. of Toronto. Bowman, James Cloyd, 1880 Gift of white roses. '13. Ada, O. Univ. herald press. Into the depths. Ada, 0. Jennie Bowman. Knight of the Chinese dragon. '13. Columbus, O. Pfeifer press. (ed.) Promise of country life. '16. Heath. and others (eds.) Essays for college English. '15. Heath. 3 34 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Bowman, John Discourse commemorative of the death of Gen. Z. Tay- lor, president of the United States. '50. Tonawanda, N. Y. Commercial office. Discourse on the mode of baptism. '67. Dubuque. Daily Herald. Bowman, Melville Leroy, 1881 and Crossley, Bruce W. Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing. '09. Ames. The authors. Boyd, William Robert, 1864 Kev. Edward R. Burkhalter ; an address in honor of his sixtieth anniversary. '04. Cedar Eapids. Republican. Boylan, William Maye, 1859 Life 's purest gold. '89. Eldora. Line of tribute, L. S. McCoy, 1837-1906. '07. Des Moines, la. Homestead co. Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt (Mrs. Charles Chisholm Brainerd) 1868 Bettina. '07. Doubleday. Concerning Belinda. "05. Doubleday For the love of Mary Ellen. '12. Harper. How could you, Jean? '17. Doubleday. In Vanity fair. '05. Moffat. Misdemeanors of Nancy. '02. Doubleday. Nancy's country Christmas, and other stories. '04. Doubleday. Pegeen. '15. Century. Personal conduct of Belinda. '10. Doubleday. Branch, Homer P., 1865 Iowa legends and lyrics. '16. Sumner, la. The nnthor. Poems. '95. Mitchell, la. Temperance power. Stories in rhyme, by Uncle Ho. '12. Sumner, la. The author. Stories of Westgate and tales of Fremont township. '08. Sumner, la. Branch & Branch. Summer booster jingles; Iowa booster jingles. Supp. to stories in rhyme. '12. The author. Summer rhymes and sleighbell chimes. '14. Sumner, la. Gazette press. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 35 Brandt, Isaac, 1827-1909 (comp.) History of John Brown's raid. '95. Des Moines. Watters-Talbott ptg. Braun, Frederick Augustus Margaret Fuller and Goethe. '10. Holt. Braunwarth, Charles Clarence, and Mackey Phil J. d. 1911. Hunters and hunting at Muscatine, Iowa. '09. Mus- catine News co. Bray, Elizabeth McCullough Judge Gr. C. E. Mitchell ; memories and memorials. '15. Davenport. Priv. ptd. Breckenridge, Mrs. John Mahonomah. 11. Cochrane pub. Brewer, Luther Albertus, 1858 About a great book with some literary autographs. . '14. Cedar Rapids. The author. and Wick, Barthinius L. History of Linn county, Iowa. 2 v. '11. Torch press. Briggs, John Ely, 1890 History of social legislation in Iowa. '15. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Social legislation in Iowa. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Brigham, Arthur A. Progressive poultry culture. '08. Torch press. Brigham, Johnson, 1846 (ed.) Midland monthly, 1894-1898. Banker in literature. '10. Bankers pub. Blaine, Conkling and Garfield; a reminiscence and a study. '15. Des Moines. Prairie club. History of Des Moines and Polk county, Iowa. '11. S. J. Clarke. Iowa ; its history and its foremost citizens, v. 1, history and historical biographies, by Mr. Brigham; v. 2, biographical sketches, by the publishers. '15. S. J. Clarke. 36 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Brig-ham, Johnson, 1846 Continued. Same; home and school ed. 2 v. '18. S. J. Clarke. James Harlan (Iowa biographical series). Iowa state hist. soe. '13. Library in the making; pioneer history of the terri- torial and state library of Iowa. '13. Hist. dept. of ' Iowa. Old man's idyl. '05. MeClurg. Brindley, John Edwin, 1878 History of road legislation in Iowa (Iowa economic history series). '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. History of taxation in Iowa (Iowa economic history ser.). 2v. '11. State historical soc. of Iowa. Road legislation in Iowa (Iowa applied history ser. v. 1, no. 2). '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. State supervision of county assessments and taxation. '13. Am. acad. Study of Iowa population as related to industrial con- ditions (Engineering exper. sta. bul. no. 27). '12. Iowa state college, Ames. Tax administration in Iowa; reprinted from v. 1 of the Iowa applied history series. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Britten, Fred E. Love principles in the Christian system; a triplet of sermons. Broadbent, Mrs. Marie lota's scrap book. Bronson, S. C. Delusions; series of discourses delivered in the First M. E. church, Burlington, la. 1895. Bronson, Thomas Bertrand, 1857 Colloquial German. 3d ed. '03. Holt. Exercises in every-day French. '94. Holt. French verb blank. '96. Holt. (ed.) German prose and poetry. '95. Holt. Same, pt. 1, stories by Grimm, Andersen, and Hauff. '95. Holt. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 37 Bronson, Thomas Bertrand, 1857 Continued. Same, pt. 2, Hauff 's Karawane, with poems by various authors. '95. Holt. (ed.) Coppee, F. On rend I'argent; Hugo, V. M. Sur les bords du Rhin. Brooks, William N. Story of Tabor college, n. d. Tabor, la. The author. Brown, Charles E. Personal recollections, 1813-1893. n. d. Brown, Charles Oliver. Life and character of Judge James Burt ; memorial dis- course delivered at the Congregational church, Du- buque, Iowa, Sept. 12, 1886. Talks on the labor troubles. '86. Chic. Revell. Brown, Charles Reynolds, 1862 Cap and gown. '10. Pilgrim press. Faith and health. '10. Crowell. Gospel of good health. '08. Pilgrim press. Healing power of suggestion. '16. Crowell. Latent energies of life. '12. Funk & Wagnalls. Main points; a study in Christian belief. '06. Pilgrim press. Master's way; a study in the synoptic gospels. '17. Pilgrim press. Modern man's religion. '11. N. Y. Teachers' College. Quest of life. '13. Pilgrim press. Social message of the modern pulpit. '06. Scribner. Strange ways of God. '08. Pilgrim press. Two parables. '98. Revell. Who is Jesus Christ? an address. '17. Pilgrim press. Young man's affairs. '09. Crowell. Brown, George van Ingen, 1862 Surgery of oral diseases and malformations, their diag- nosis and treatment. '12. Lea. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Brown, Henry Edwin (jt. auth.) Teller, William P. First book in business methods. '03. Rand. Brown, John Franklin, 1865 American high school. '09. Macmillan. Training of teachers for secondary schools in Germany and the United States. '11. Macmillan. Brown, Kent J. Strong verb in Fischart. '11. Harrisburg, Pa. Brown, Laura Eugenie. See Smith, Mrs. Laura Eugenie (Brown). Brown, Leonard, 1837-1914 American patriotism. '69. Des Moines. Redhead & Wellslager. In Occident and orient. '01. The author. Iowa the promised of the prophets and other patriotic poems. '84. Modest inquiry into the history, nature and office of money. '78. Des Moines ptg. Money and labor. '80. Des Moines. The author. Our own Columbia that is to be. '08. Des Moines. The author. Pending conflict. '90. Des Moines. Poems of the prairie. '70. Des Moines. Mills & co. Popular perils. '92. Des Moines. G: A. Miller. Protection. '88. N. Y. Hetsch. Rights of labor. '75. Des Moines. Things new and old. Des Moines. Redhead. Workingman's guide to a study of protection and free trade and of single tax. '88. N. Y. Hetsch. Brown, Timothy Jurisdiction of courts. '01. Callaghan. Brown, William Harvey On the South African frontier. '99. Scribner. Brown, William Horace Glory seekers ; romance of would-be founders of empire in early days of the great Southwest. '06. McClurg. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 3!) Brown, William Horace Continued. Story of a bank; an account of the fortunes and mis- fortunes of the Second bank of the United States, with a preliminary sketch of the First bank; includ- ing an introduction by C. E. Roberts. '12. R. G. Badger. Browning, J. D. Minnewaukon (Spirit Lake). '10. Des Moines. Ken- yon CO. Brownson, Howard Gray History of the Illinois Central railroad in 1870. '15. University of Illinois. Bryan, William Alanson, 1875 Key to the birds of the Hawaiian group. Bishop mu- seum. Natural history of Hawaii; being an account of the Hawaiian people, the geology and geography of the islands, and the native and introduced plants of the groups. '15. Honolulu, Hawaii. The author. Pacific scientific institution. '08. Pacific scientific in- stitution, Honolulu. Buchanan, Robert Earle, 1883 Veterinary bacteriology; a treatise on the bacteria, yeasts, molds and protozoa pathogenic for domestic animals. '11. Saunders. (jt. auth.) Barr, Walter. Production of excessive hydro- gen sulphide in sewage disposal plants and consequent disintegration of the concrete. (Engineering exper. sta. bul. no. 28.) '12. Ames, la. Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanic arts. (jt. auth.) Buchanan, Mrs. Estelle Denis (Fogel) Household bacteriology for students in domestic science. '13. Macmillan. Buck, E. C. Guide to the teacher's mastery of texts and aids in elementary instruction. 40 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Buck, Mrs. Lillie West Brown, (Amy Leslie), 1860 Amy Leslie at the fair. Herbert S. Stone & co. Plays and players. Some players. '00. Duffield. Budd, Joseph Lancaster, 1835-1904 Horticultural handbook. '00. Wallace pub. Buffum, Hugh Straight Disposal of public land grants for educational pur- poses. '06. State univ. of Iowa. Federal and state aid in education. '07. State univ. of Iowa. Bullock, Edna D. State supported library activities in the United States. '15. Nebraska legislative reference bureau. Burchard, Ernest Francis Iron ores, fuels and fluxes of the Birmingham district, Alabama. (U. S. Geol. S. bul.) '10. Gov. ptg. Preliminary report on the red iron ores of East Ten- nessee, northeast Alabama and northwest Georgia. '14. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. Production of iron ore, pig iron and steel in 1912. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. Red iron ores of East Tennessee. '13. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. 1912. Burdette, Robert Jones, 1844-1914 Alpha and omega; a little cluster of Easter blossoms. '14. Pasadena, Cal. Clara Vista press. Book of parodies. Hunt. Chimes from a jester's bell; stories and sketches. '97. Bobbs. Drums of the 47th. '14. Bobbs. Little philosophy of life. '14. Pasadena, Cal. Clara Vista press. Gems of modern wit and humor. Walter. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 41 Burdette, Robert Jones, 1844-1914 Continued. Modern temple and templars; sketch of life and work of R. H. Conwell. Silver. New version of certain history; dialog. E. S. Werner. Rise and fall of the mustache. '17. Burlington, la. Burlington pub. Silver trumpets. '12. S. S. times. Smiles yoked with sighs. '00. Bobbs. William Penn, 1644-1718 (ed.) Greater Los Angeles and Southern California. '10. and others Before he is twenty. Revell. Burge, William Through the civil war and western adventures, n. d. Lisbon, la. Burgess, John Pleasant recollections of characters and works of noble- men. '92. Cranston & Stowe. Sermons on the practical duties of life. '91. The author. Voice from the past; fifty years' echo. '94. Gin. Cranston & Curts. Burke, Finley, 1855-1903 Treatise on the law of public schools. '80. N. Y. Barnes. Burke, W. S. Directory of Council Bluffs and emigrants ' guide to the gold regions of the west. '66. Council Bluffs Non- pareil. Burns, Elmer Ellsworth, 1868 Story of great inventions ; with many illustrations. '10. Harper. Experimental course in alternating currents for voca- tional work in electricity. '13. Branch. Burrell, Howard A. History of Washington county, Iowa. '09. S. J. Clarke. 42 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Burrows, J. M. D. Fifty years in Iowa. '88. Davenport. Glass & co. Burton, Martha Virginia Sons of the sun ; poems. '07. Chic. The author. Burton, Marion LeRoy, 1874 First things; a baccalaureate address delivered June 13, 1915. '15. Pilgrim press. Life which is life indeed ; a baccalaureate address. '14. Pilgrim press. On being divine; a baccalaureate address. '16. Pil- grim press. Our intellectual attitude in an age of criticism. '13. Pilgrim press. Problem of evil. '17. Pilgrim press. Problems of evil criticism of the Augustinian point of view. '09. Open ct. Secret of achievement. '13. Pilgrim press. Busby, Mrs. Allie B. Among the Musquakies, relating to the early history of the Sac and Fox tribe. '86. Vinton, la. Two summers among the Musquakies. '86. Vinton, la. Bush, Bertha Evangeline, 1866 Afternoon with Eugene Field, the children's poet. '04. Flanagan. Children of the Northlands. F. A. Owen. Famous early Americans. F. A. Owen. Four great musicians. '13. F. A. Owen. Four little discoverers in Panama. '14. F. A. Owen. Four more great musicians. '13. F. A. Owen. Heroes. F. A. Owen. Indian children's tales. F. A. Owen. Indian myths. F. A. Owen. Later English heroes. F. A. Owen. Prairie rose. '10. Little. Revolutionary girls; dialog. Entertainment pub. Special days with little folks. Barnes; Penn. Stories of courage. F. A. Owen. Stories of heroism. F. A. Owen. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 43 Bush, Bertha Evangeline, 1866 Continued. Story of Don Quixote. F. A. Owen. Story of Lafayette. F. A. Owen. Story of Louisa M. Alcott. Story of Napoleon. F. A. Owen. Story of Robert Louis Stevenson. F. A. Owen. Story of Robinson Crusoe. F. A. Owen. Bushnell, Joseph P., 1842 Iowa resources and industries. '85. J. P. Bushnell & co. (comp.) Des Moines trade circular, containing a brief historical account of Des Moines. '72. Des Moines. Capital city pub. (comp.) Resources and industries of Des Moines and Polk county, Iowa. '85. J. P. Bushnell & co. Butler, Alfred Augustus, 1845 Churchman's manual of methods. '06. Young ch. How shall we worship God? How to study the life of Christ. '01. Whittaker. '15. Church lit. press. How to understand the words of Christ. '09. Whittaker. Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869 Adventures of a suburbanite. '11. Doubleday. Cheerful smugglers. '08. Century. Confessions of a daddy. '07. Century. Dominie Dean ; a novel. '17. Revell. Great American pie company. '07. Doubleday. Incubator baby. '06. Funk. Jack-knife man. '13. Century. Kilo. '07. Doubleday. Mike Flannery on duty and off. '09. Doubleday. Perkins of Portland. '06. Small. Pigs is pigs. '06. Doubleday. Red head and whistle breeches. '15. N. Y. Ban- croft co. Revolt (play). '12. S.French. That pup. '08. Burt. 44 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869 Continued. Thin Santa Glaus. '09. Doubleday. "Water goats and other troubles. '10. Doubleday. and Wilson, Brittain B. French decorative styles. '04. Cawthra. Buts, Casper Gedichte eines Deutsch-Amerikaner. '79. Chic. Butterworth, J. E. An evaluation of methods of financing public secondary education in the United States. '12. Byers, Samuel Hawkins Marshall, 1838 Bells of Capistrano. '15. Grafton pub. Bells of Capistrano, and other romances of the Spanish days in California ; poems. '16. Grafton pub. Glorietta; or, The city of fair dreams. '16. Grafton pub. Happy isles and other poems. '01. Bost. Cupples. Honeymoon and other poems. Rand. Iowa in war times. '88. Des Moines. W. D. Condit. Layman's life of Jesus. '12. Neale. March to the sea ; poem. '96. E. S. Werner. Poems. '14. Neale. Switzerland and the Swiss. '75. Zurich. Twenty years in Europe. '00. Rand. What I saw in Dixie ; or, Sixteen months in rebel pris- ons. '68. Dansville, N. Y. Robbins & Poore. With fire and sword. '11. Neale. Byrkit, C. S., 1849 Iowa in history. '95. Des Moines. The author. Cadle, Mrs. Charles Francis List of one hundred and fifteen colonial ancestors of Cornelius Cadle, Muscatine, Iowa. n. d. Muscatine. The author. Cady, Jay. See Deming, Judson Keith. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 45 Cake, Lu B. Decoration day. '78. Clarinda. Old veteran telling the grand army; poem. n. d. Special agent's dream. '82. San Francisco. H. S. Crocker & co. Caldwell, Henry Clay, 1836-1915 Addresses : Before New England society, St. Louis, 1895. Dedication Hot Springs court house. Old Settlers association, Van Buren county, Iowa, '89. Pine Bluff banquet. American jury system. Insecurity of titles to real estate. Lawyer's address to a lay audience. Railroad receiverships in the federal courts ; an address before the Greenleaf law club, St. Louis, 1896. Receiverships and preferential debts ; an address before the Colorado bar association. Relation of debtor and creditor; address before the Kansas state bar association. '86. Trial by judge and jury ; address before the Mississippi bar association. '99. United States court of appeals; address before the St. Paul bar association. Calkins, Franklin Welles, 1857 Boys' life on the frontier. '99. Donohue. Cougar tamer and other stories of adventure. '99. Duffield. Hunting stories. '93. Donohue. Indian tales. '93. Donohue. My host, the enemy. '01. Revell. Tokala Noni. '03. Revell. Two wilderness voyagers. '02. Revell. Washo Pete. Donohue. Wild life in the west. Call, L. N., 1833 How life looks at sixty; birthday sermon preached in the First Baptist church, Webster City, la., Feb. 12, 1893. 46 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Call, Richard Ellsworth, 1856 Correct English. '13. Sherwood co. History of Mills county, Iowa. '81. Des Moines. State historical co. Life and writings of Constantine Samuel Rafinesque. '95. Morton. Mammoth cave of Kentucky. '97. Louisville. Morton. Sketch of the physical geography of Iowa. '91. Des Moines. la. ptg. co. Tertiary silicified woods of eastern Kansas. Reprinted from American jl. of sci., v. 42. 1891. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. Callender, William Thrilling adventures' of, a union spy. '81. Des Moines. Mills & co. Calvin, Samuel, 1840-1911. Aftonian gravels. Davenport aead. of sci. Aftonian gravels and their relation to the drift sheets in the region about Afton Junction and Thayer. '05. Davenport acad. of sci. Aftonian mammalian fauna. '09. N. Y. Geol. soc. of America. Buchanan gravels ; an interglacial deposit in Buchanan county, Iowa. Reprinted from American geologist, Feb., 1896. Composition and origin of Iowa chalk. '95. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 3. Fauna at Lime creek, Iowa. From Jl. of sci., v. 25, 1883. Geology and revelation. '08. Iowa City. Priv: ptd. Geology of Buchanan county, Iowa. '98. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 8. Geology of Chickasaw county, Iowa. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. Geology of Delaware county, Iowa. '98. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 8. Geology of Howard county, Iowa. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 47 Calvin, Samuel, 1840-1911 Continued. Geology of Johnson county, Iowa. '97. Reprinted from Iowa Geo. S. v. 7. Geology of Jones county, Iowa. '95. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 5. Geology of Mitchell county, Iowa. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. Geology of Page county, Iowa. '01. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 11. Geology of Winneshiek county, Iowa. '06. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 16. lowan drift. Reprinted from Jl. of geol., v. 19. 1911. Notes on geological section of Iowa. '06. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 17. Pleistocene Iowa. Reprinted from Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. v. 3, no. 1. 1897. Present phase of the pleistocene problem in Iowa. '09. Reprinted from the Geol. soc. of America. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. See Wyer, Malcolm G., Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Campbell, Glenn H. Arbitration and industrial peace, n. d. Iowa state col- lege of agriculture and mechanic arts. Campbell, V. J. (comp.) Little poems for little children. '87. Chic. Carpenter, Cyrus C., 1841-1898 Laws, rules and instructions relating to the duties of county surveyors. '70. Des Moines. State printer. Carpenter, George Thomas, 1834-1893 Bible vs. spiritualism. '70. Oskaloosa, la. Call & Bristol. Church polity, n. d. Kansas City. Joseph Howe. and Hughes, John Destiny of the wicked (debate). '88. Christian pub. 48 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Carr, D. M. Biographical sketches of the state officers and members of the Twenty-second general assembly of Iowa. '88. Des Moines. Miller. Carroll, George R. Pioneer life in and around Cedar Rapids, Iowa, from 1839-1849. '95. Cedar Rapids. Times ptg. and bind- ing house. Carstens, Carl Christian Breaking up families. Nat. conf. of charities. Community plan in children 's work ; a report presented at the National conference of charities and correction, Baltimore, Maryland, May 16, 1915. '15. Russell Sage foundation. New methods in rural work for children. '16. National conf. of charities and correction. Public pensions to widows with children; a study of their administration in several American cities. '13. Russell Sage foundation. Carter, B. F. Overland to Santa Fe ; a description of a pioneer journey from Kansas City to Santa Fe by wagon trail in 1851. '13. Winterset Madisonian. Carter, Blanche C. Some Des Moines poems. '08. Des Moines. Register & Leader. Carter, Charles Frederick, 1863 Katooticut; or, The rooster who wanted to be rich. Harper. When railroads were new. '09. Holt, (comp.) Wedding day in literature and out. '00. Carver, Thomas Nixon, 1865 Distribution of wealth. '04. Macmillan. Essays in social justice. '15. Harvard univ. Ethical basis of distribution and its application to tax- ation. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 49 Carver, Thomas Nixon, 1865 Continued. How to use farm credit. '14. Farmers bul. 593. Gov. Ohio tax inquisitor law. Am. econ. assn. Organization of a rural community. '15. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Principles of rural economics. '11. Ginn. .Religion worth having. '12. Houghton. (comp.) Selected readings in rural economics. '16. Ginn. Cary, Mrs. Lillian M. Clark Patriotic instruction. '16. Dubuque. Casady, Phineas M., 1818-1908 (jt. auth.) Sherman, Hoyt, and Hussey, Tacitus. Semi- centennial of the organization of Polk county and Fort Des Moines, July 8, 1896. '96. Des Moines. Carter & Hussey. Casey, Benjamin Solution of Bible problems and logic of Scripture. '90. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Catt, Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman Address as president of the international woman suf- frage alliance, at the congress, Amsterdam, June 15, 1908. Election frauds and defects; excerpt from The crisis; delivered at the forty-eighth annual convention of the National American woman suffrage association. '16. National woman suffrage assn. How to work for suffrage in an election district or vot- ing precinct. '17. National woman suffrage assn. Why the federal amendment? '17. National woman suffrage pub. (comp.) Ballot and the bullet. Phil. A. J. Ferris press. (comp.) "Woman suffrage by federal constitutional amendment. '17. National woman suffrage pub. 4 50 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Catun, Charles Woodhull Things young men should know. '84. Des Moines. Miller, Girton & Walters. Gha Ea Ta Ko Si Collection of Meswaki manuscripts. '07. State hist, soc. of Iowa. Chamberlain, Joseph Scudder, 1870 Comparative study of the styles of compositae. Re- printed from bul. Torrey botanical club, v. 18, no. 7. Feeding value of cereals. '09. Gov. ptg. Organic agricultural chemistry; a textbook of general agricultural chemistry or elementary bio-chemistry for use in colleges. '16. Macmillan. (jt. auth.) Carleton, Mark Alfred. Commercial value of durum wheat. (Plant ind. bul.) '04. Gov. ptg. Chambers, John, 1780-1853 Autobiography. '04. Iowa state historical soc. Chandler, George Chandler genealogy. '83. Am. antiquarian soc. Civil government in Iowa. Flanagan. Iowa and the nation. '13. Flanagan. Practical civics. '01. Flanagan. Textbook of civics for the state of Washington. '10. Am. bk. Chapin, Edwin N., 1822-1895 Iowa cranks ; or. The beauties of prohibition ; a political novel. '93. Marshalltown. Chapin, Mrs. Nettie Sanford, 1830-1901 American court gossip ; or, Life at the national capitol. '87. History of Marshall county, Iowa. '67. Clinton, la. McAllister & co. Chapman, Samuel D. History of Tama county, Iowa. '79. Toledo, la. Times office. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 51 Chappie, Joseph Mitchell, 1867 (ed.) National magazine, Boston. Boss Bart, politician. '96. Neely. Heart chord. '16. Chappie pub. Happy habit. '08. Chappie pub. Heart songs. Chappie pub. Heart throbs. Chappie pub. Minor chord. '98. Scribner. (ed.) Hanna, M. A. Mark Hanna; his book. '04. Chappie pub. (ed.) More heart throbs. '16. Grosset. Chase, Daniel Cady, 1859 Choice of Paris and other poems. '06, Webster City, la. Jl. ptg. '17. Torch press. Cheney, Joseph Warren, 1845-1916 Keosauqua Methodism, 1836-1913. '13. Keosauqua, la. The author. Cherrie, George Kruck, 1865 Contributions to the ornithology of the Orinoco region (Science bul. v. 2, no. 6). '16. Brooklyn institute of arts and sci. Contributions to the ornithology of San Domingo (Ornithological ser. v. 1, no. 6). '96. Field Colum- bian museum. New birds from Orinoco region and from Trinidad. '09. Brooklyn inst. of arts and sci. On a second small collection of birds from the island of Trinidad. '08. Brooklyn inst. of arts and sci. Species of birds collected at St. Mathews-Cocoa estate, Heights of Aripo, Trinidad ; and descriptions of North American moths and larvae, by H. G. Dyar. '06. Brooklyn inst. of arts and sci. Church, Daniel Webster Enigma of life. 2v. '01. '03. Berlin Carey. Idea and vision of Abraham Lincoln and the coming of Theodore Roosevelt. '12. Berlin Carey. An interview. '10. Berlin Carey. 52 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Church, Daniel Webster Continued. Records of a journey; a prologue. '88. Berlin Carey. Chute, H. N. Physical laboratory manual. '96. Heath. Claffin, Tennie C. Constitutional equality a right of woman; also a re- view of the rights of children. '71. N. Y. Clagett, Sue H. Her lovers. 77. Phil. Clagett, Thomas W., 1815-1876 Speech in the house of representatives of Iowa, on the address of Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Feb. 9, 1860. '60. Des Moines. Iowa state jl. office. Clark, Mrs. C. B. See Morris, R. Anna. Clark, Charles A., 1841-1913 Campaigning with the Sixth Maine. '97. Des Moines. Kenyon press. General McClellan. '97. Des Moines. Kenyon press. Clark, Charles Badger, jr. Sun and saddle leather; verse. '14. Gorham press. Clark, Dan Elbert, 1883 Government of Iowa. '15. Silver. History of senatorial elections in Iowa. '12. State hist, soc. of Iowa. One hundred topics in Iowa history (Bui. of informa- tion ser.) '14. '15. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Samuel Jordan Kirkwood. '17. State historical soc. of Iowa. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the Univ. of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Clark, Egbert Norman Art in advertising; address delivered before- the Ad- men's club, Des Moines, la., March 28, 1911. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 63 Clark, Francis Edward, 1851 Bible prayers and Bible classics. '10. Christian en- deavor. Children and the church. Christ and the young people. '16. Eevell. Christian endeavor in all lands. '06. Universal bk. Christian endeavor in principle and practice. Christian endeavor. Christian endeavor manual. '03. Christian endeavor. Christian endeavor unions. Christian endeavor. Classics of quiet hour. 4v. Christian endeavor. Continent of opportunity; South American republics. '07, '15. Eevell. Danger signals; aids to young men. Lothrop. Everlasting arms. '98. Crowell. Fellow travelers. '98. Revell. Francis E. Clark yearbook; comp. by J. R. Clemens. '04. Christian endeavor. Great secret. Christian endeavor. Holy Land of Asia Minor; the seven cities of the book of Revelation, their present appearance, their history, their significance and their message to the church of today. '14, '16. Scribner. Looking out on life. Lothrop. Mossback correspondence. Lothrop. New way around an old world. '01. Harper. Old homes of new Americans; the country and the people of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and their contribution to the new world. '13. Old lanterns for present paths. '00. Christian en- deavor. Presence of God; selections from works of Bishop Jer- emy Taylor. Christian endeavor. Secrets of success ; or, Our business boys. Saalfield. Selections and illustrations from the works of Alexan-- der McLaren. Selections from the works of Thomas a Kempis and Tauler, the German mystic. Some Christian endeavor saints. Pilgrim press. 54 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Clark, Francis Edward, 1851 Continued. Training the church of the future. '02. Funk. Ways and means. Why should a young man support the church? Y. M. C. A. Young people's prayer-meetings; how to conduct them. Funk. and Clark Harriet Elizabeth (Abbott) (Mrs. Francis E. Clark), 1850 Gospel in Latin lands. '09. Macmillan. and White, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Business boys and girls. Saalfield. Clark, Glenn Art of living. '07. Des Moines. The author. Guide to literary criticism. '14. The author. Clark, H. B. (jt. auth.) Pammel,-L. H., and MacDonald, G. B. Native and cultivated shrubs of the Missouri river basin. Proceedings Iowa academy of science, v. 22. 1915. Clark, James Frederic, 1864 Medical history of the Forty-ninth Iowa volunteer in- fantry, for the period of its existence in the service of the United States during the Spanish-American war, June 2, 1898, to May 12, 1899. Clark, J. S. Life in the middle west ; reminiscences. '16. Chic. Advance pub. Clark, Lincoln Speeches in the house of representatives, Jan. 21 and 22, 1852, on the bill providing for land warrants. Clark, Olynthus Burroughs, 1863 Bid of the west for the national capital. '11. Torch press. Lincoln poor white legend. '15. New meaning of our flag. '14. Drake univ. bulletin. Politics of Iowa during the civil war and reconstruction. '11. Cleo press. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 55 Clark, Olynthus Burroughs, 1863 Continued. Third term in American politics. '15. (ed.) Downing 's Civil war diary. '16. Des Moines. Historical dept. of Iowa. Clark, Samuel M., 1840-1900 Army reorganization and pensions; speech in the house of representatives, Jan. 30, 1899. Proposed annexation of Hawaii ; speech in the house of representatives, June 14, 1898. Silver monometalism. '96. Wash. Gov. ptg. Tariff and the trusts. '97. Wash. Gov. ptg. Clark, W. L., and Hunt, C. W. History of Harrison county, Iowa. 2v. '15. B. F. Bo wen co. Clarke, Rachel Chadsey Higher education of women in Iowa. Johns Hopkins. Clarkson, Anna Howell Beautiful life and its associations (Mrs. Druscilla Allen Stoddard). '99. Historical dept. of Iowa. Cleaves, Margaret Abigail, 1848 Autobiography of a neurastherie. '10. R. G. Badger. Colony of the insane at Gheel, Belgium. Reprinted from the Journal of mental science, April, 1891. Light energy. '04. Rebman co. Use of the galvanic current in articular inflammatory exudations. '91. Phil. American medical press. Clemens, Orion, 1825 City of Keokuk in 1856 ; also a sketch of the-Black Hawk war and history of the Half breed tract. '56. Keokuk. The author. Clement, Ernest Wilson, 1860 Christianity in modern Japan. '05. Am. Bapt. Constitutional government in Japan. '03. Am. acad. Constitutional imperialism in Japan. '16. Am. acad. Handbook of modern Japan. 9th ed. thoroughly revised and brought down to date, with additional chapters on the Russo-Japanese war and Greater Japan. '13. McClurg. 56 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Clement, Ernest Wilson, 1860 Continued. Japanese chronology. '10. Japanese floral calendar. Eev. ed. '11. Open ct. Short history of Japan. '15. Univ. of Chic, press. Clement, Wib. F. What the Sam Hill. '11. Broadway pub. Cleveland, William S. History of cryptic masonry in Iowa. '08. Davenport, la. Grand council of Iowa. History of Grand lodge of Iowa, A. F. & A. M. v. 2, pts. 1 & 2. '14. Torch press. Cloud, D. C., 1817-1903 Monopolies and the people. '73. Davenport. Day, Egbert & Fidlar. Cloyd, David Excelmons, 1865 Benjamin Franklin and education. '02. Heath. Civics and citizenship. '16. Des Moines. The author. Modern education in Europe and the Orient. '17. Macmillan. Personality of the teacher as a factor in success. '16. Des Moines. The author. Eeligious education, the social teachings of Jesus. '10. Des Moines. Education pub. Clute, Oscar Blessed bees. '78. Putnam. Clymer, Albert, 1827 Echoes from the woods. '89. Cedar Rapids. Standard ptg. & pub. Cobbey, Joseph Elliott, 1853-1911 Annotated statutes of Nebraska. '11. Beatrice, Neb. The author. Law of replevin. 2d ed. '00. Callaghan. On chattel mortgages. 2v. '93. West, (comp.) Compiled statutes of Nebraska. '09. Beatrice, Neb. The author. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 Cody, William Frederick (Buffalo Bill, pseud), 1846-1917 Adventures of Buffalo Bill. '04. Harper. Buffalo Bill and his wild west companions. Donohue. By lightning's flash. Street. Cry for mercy. Street. Dash for life. Street. Dead man's warning. Street. Fate of the enemy. Street. Hero in buckskin. Street. In a grip of iron. Street. Leaf from the past. Street. Man without honor. Street. On the edge of doom. Street. Out of the jaws of death. Street. Pards of the plain. Street. Plea for the enemy. Street. Story of the wild west and campfire chats. C. E. Thompson. Stranger in camp. Street. Traitor guide. Street. True tales of the plains. '08. Empire bk. When fate plays pranks. Street. When the coil tightens. Street. Cokenower, James W., 1855 Contributions to orthopedic surgery. '98. Des Moines. Conaway & Shaw. Colby, C. J. Illustrated centennial sketches, map and directory of Union county, Iowa. '76. Creston, la. The author. Cole, Chester Cicero, 1824-1913 Courts and legal profession of Iowa. 2v. '07. Chic. H. C. Cooper, jr. & co. (ed.) Western jurist, v. 4-14. 1870-1880. (ed.) Iowa Supreme court reports, v.1-8. '74- '81. Des Moines. Mills & co. 58 JOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Cole, Cyrenus, 1862 Anna Marcella's book of verse. '12. Torch press. Farmer in politics and prosperity. '00. Cedar Rapids Republican. "Father" Clarkson. '93. Des Moines. Kenyon press. Two great canyons. Torch press. Colgrove, Chauncey Peter, 1855 Making of a teacher. '08. Waterloo, la. M. Parrott. Teacher and the school. '10. Scribner. Collier, Ada Langworthy Lilith ; the legend of the first woman. '85. Lothrop. Collier, Paul Stanley, 1890 Minimum wage legislation in Australia. '15. Albany, N. Y. J. B. Lyon co. Combs, Robert Alfalfa leaf spot disease. Reprinted from Biennial re- port Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanic arts. 1897. Hereditary fragility of bone (Bui. 14.) '15. Eugenics record office. Notes on painter's arboretum; paper first read in April, 1898, before the Lansdowne, Pa., Natural history club. Reprinted by the author, Grinnell, March, 1914. Revegetation of a denuded area. Reprinted from Bo- tanical gazette, v. 15, no. 1. Jan., 1914. Some Cuban medical plants. Milwaukee, n. d. Pharm. rev. pub. Compton, James R. Andersonville : the story of man's inhumanity to man. '87. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Conard, Henry Shoemaker, 1874 Structure and life-history of the hay-scented fern. '08. Carnegie inst. Waterlilies. '05. Carnegie inst. and Hus, Henri Water-lilies and how to grow them. '07. Doubleday. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 59 Condit, Edgar Mantelbert, 1840 Two years in three continents. '04. Revell. Condra, George Evert, 1869 Geography of Nebraska. 4th ed. Univ. pub. Neb. Geology and water resources of a portion of Missouri river valley in northeastern Nebraska. '08. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. Geology and water resources of Republican river valley and adjacent areas, Nebraska. '07. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. Pennsylvania formations of southeastern Nebraska; a summary report of papers given before the Ne- braska academy of sciences. '15. Neb. acad. of sci. Conger, Sarah (Pike) (Mrs. E. H. Conger) Letters from China. '09. McClurg. Old China and young America. '13. F. G. Browne. Conklin, Charles H., and Bissell, Julius B. Powers and duties of the justices of the peace. '74. Des Moines. Mills & Co. Conkling, William W. Genealogy of Henry and Mary Conkling. '07. Des Moines. Bishard bros. Conley, John Wesley, 1852 Bible in modern light. Am. Bapt. Divine healing and the doctors. Revell. Early church ; history and doctrine. '09. Am. Bapt. Educative value of Bible study, and the Bible and the schools, from the "Bible in modern ligEt." '08. Am. Bapt. Evolution of man. '02. Revell. In the midst of the years. '15. R. G. Badger. Young Christian and the early church. '08. Am. Bapt. (ed:) Church of Liberty ville as seen by T. Bradley. '08. Am. Bapt. Conner, Jacob Elon, 1862 Development of belligerent occupation. (Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history, v. 4, no. 1.) '12. State univ. of Iowa. 60 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Conner, Jacob Elon, 1862 Continued. Industrial causes affecting American commercial policy since the civil war. '04. Am. acad. Private property in warfare. '04. Am. acad. Uncle Sam abroad. '00. Eand. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the Univ. of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Conover, C. L. American democracy vs. war. Penn college. Cook, E. U. First mortgage. Rhodes. Forbidden fruit. '91. Rhodes. Cook, George Cram, 1873 The chasm; a novel. '11. Stokes. Company B of Davenport. '99. Davenport. Democrat CO. Roderick Taliaferro. '03. Macmillan. ( jt. auth.) Banks, C. E. In Hampton roads, '99. Rand. and Glaspell, Susan (Mrs. George Cram Cook). Suppressed desires. '16. Shay. Cook, Mrs. George Cram, See Glaspell, Susan Cook, Jennie Muchmore Hillside violets. '88. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. Cook, W. W. Usury in the light of the Bible and history. '87. Rock- well City, la. Republican print. Cooke, Wells Woodbridge Bird migration. (Bui. 185.) U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Distribution and migration of North American ducks, geese and swans. (Biol. S. bul.) '06. Gov. ptg. Distribution and migration of North American rails and their allies. '14. U. S. Agric. Gov. ptg. Distribution and migration of North American shore birds. (Biol. S. bul. no. 35.) '10. Gov. ptg. Distribution and migration of North American warblers (Biol. S. bul.) '04. Gov. ptg. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 61 Cooke, Wells Woodbridge Continued. Preliminary census of birds of the United States. (Bui. 187.) U. S. Agric. Gov. ptg. Some new facts about migration of birds. (Yr. bk. '03.) U. S. Agric. Gov. ptg. Cooley, Edwin Gilbert, 1857 Need of vocational schools in the United States; a statement. '12. Commercial club of Chic. Some continuation schools of Europe. '12. Commercial club of Chic. Vocational education in Europe. '12, '15. Commercial club of Chicago. Cooley, Roger William, 1859 Brief making and the use of law books. 2d ed. '09. West. Briefs on the law of insurance. '05. West. Handbook of the law of municipal corporations. '14. . West. Handbook on the law of persons and domestic relations. West. Illustrated cases on damages ; a companion book to Hale on damages. '13. West. Illustrated cases on municipal corporations; a com- panion book to Cooley on municipal corporations. '13. West. Illustrative cases on persons and domestic relations; a companion book to Tiffany on persons and domestic relations. '13. West. Illustrative cases on the law of sales ; a companion book to Tiffany on sales. '13. West, (ed.) Hale, William Benjamin. Hand book on the law of damages. '96. West. and Ames, Charles Leslie Brief making and the use of law books; including ref- erence manual. 3d ed. rev. & enl. '14. West. Coomes, Oliver, 1845 Adrift on the prairie. Amateur hunters on the buffalo range. 62 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Coomes, Oliver, 1845 Continued. Dakota Dan. Delaware Dick. Hawkeye Harry. Kit Bundy, mountain detective. Little Texas. Eaven of the North. Young deer hunter. Cooper, Mrs. Elizabeth (Beaver) (Mrs. Clayton Sedgwick) Drusilla with a million. '16. Stokes. Harem and the Purdah ; studies of Oriental women. '16. Century. Heart of San O San. '17. Stokes. Living up to Billy. '15. Stokes. My lady of the Chinese court-yard. New ed. '15. Stokes. Copeland, Katharine Guild Ancestors and descendants of Josiah Snell Copeland and Katharine Guild. '07. Chariton herald. Corbit, Robert McClain, 1871 History of Jones County, Iowa. 2v. '1C. S. J. Clarke. Corey, S. A. Certain integral formulae useful in numerical computa- tion. Reprinted from the American mathematical monthly, v. 19, June-July, 1912. Method of approximation. Reprinted from American mathematical monthh', v. 13. 1906. Solution of a problem in calculus. Reprinted from American mathematical monthly, v. 14. 1907. Corkey, Alexander Testing fire. 11. Fly. Truth about Ireland ; or, Through the Emerald Isle with an aeroplane. '10. Oskaloosa, la. Shockley bros. & Cook. Victory of Allan Rutledge. '10. Fly. Vision of joy: or, When "Billy" Sunday came to town; a sequel to "The victory of Allan Rutledge." '13. Fly. & CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 63 Cory, N. E. Polymathist; or, Christian pulpit. '91. St. Louis Christian pub. i Cosson, George, 1876 The attorney general; president's address at the an- nual meeting of the national association of attorneys general at Charleston, S. C., July 8-9, 1913. Iowa injunction and abatement law. '11. Gov. ptg. Report of the committee appointed to investigate the character of the warden and the general manage- ment of the Iowa penitentiary at Fort Madison, to- gether with a report concerning the jail system of Iowa with recommendations. '12. Des Moines. State printer. Paper on the necessity and effect of joint action by the states in connection with express' rates, at the National association of attorneys general, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 22, 1911. Proposed legislation; speech before the Chamber of commerce, Des Moines, Dec. 24, 1914. Cotton, William Wick, 1859 (jt. comp.) Bellinger, Charles B. Codes and statutes of Oregon, showing all laws of a general nature, in- cluding the session laws of 1901. '02. Bancroft. Couch, E. J. Description of Greene county, Iowa. '79. Jefferson, la. Ehoads & Gray. Cousins, Robert G., 1859 Iowa and the empire of the pioneers. '98. jBedar Rap- ids, la. Republican ptg. Memorial address on the life and services of the late Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver. '11. Speech before the Republican state convention, Des Moines, Iowa, July 1, 1893. Craig, John Alexander Judging live stock. 10th ed. Des Moines. Kenyon ptg. co. Sheep feeding. '08. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Sheep feeding in North America. 13. Macmillan. 64 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Crampton, Charles Albert, 1858 Baking powders (Bu. of chem. bul.)- '89. Supt. of doc. Fermented alcoholic beverages. (Bu. of chein. bul.) '87. Supt. of doe. Production and use of denatured alcohol in principal countries. '14. Supt. of doc. Crane, William Her Changing the view point; address delivered before the National education association, Dept. superintendents, Milwaukee. 1905. (ed.) Edmund Burke 's speech on conciliation. '00. Appleton. (ed.) Milton's Paradise lost, books 1 and 2. '00. Macmillan. Cratty, R. I. Iowa sedges. Bulletin from the laboratories of the state university of Iowa, Dec. 1898. Craven, Roger Carey In the twilight zone; story. '09. Clark. Crawford, James Shannon, 1851-1913 Socialism ; its good side and its very bad. '11. Chero- kee, la. The author. Political socialism; would it fail in success? '11. Chero- kee, la. The author. Creegan, Charles C., 1850 Famous missionaries of the church. '07. Crowell. Pioneer missionaries of the church. Am. tract. Crevecoeur, B. F. Old settler 's tales. Reprinted from Onaga Republican, 1901-1902. Crofts, George W., 1839 Golden rod; poems. '89. Omaha. Nye & Johnson. Crooke, George, 1828 Twenty-first regiment of Iowa volunteer infantry. '91 Milwaukee. King, Fowle & co. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 65 Crosby, James 0., 1828 (jt. auth.) Ashton, Charles, and Jarnigan, J. W. Handbook of Iowa. '93. Iowa Columbian com- mission. Crosley, George W., 1839-1913 (comp.) Koster and record of Iowa soldiers in the war of the rebellion. 6v. '08-11. Des Moines. State printer. Crossley, Bruce William, 1886 (jt. auth.) Bowman, Melville Leroy. Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing. '09. Ames, la. The authors. Crow, Mrs. Martha Foote, 1854 American country girl. '15. Stokes. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. '07. Meth. bk. Harriet Beecher Stowe; a biography for girls. '13. Appleton. Lafayette. '16. Macmillan. World above; a duologue. '05. Blue sky press, (comp.) Christ in the poetry of today; an anthology from American poets. '17. Woman's press. Cruikshank, G. L. Back in the sixties; reminiscences of the service of Co. A. llth Pennsylvania regiment. '93. Fort Dodge. Times job ptg. Culler, Mrs. Lucy Yeend Europe through a woman's eye. '83. Phil._ Lutheran pub. Lectures, addresses. '05. The author. Violet. '89. Burlington, la. Lutz. Cummins, Albert Baird, 1850 Tariff ; speech in the senate of the United States, August 4, 1909. Tariff Income tax ; speech in the senate of the United States, July 2, 1909. 5 66 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Cummins, Hester V. Bundle of twigs. '93. Vinton, la. Cummins, Scott, i. e. Orange Scott Musings of the Pilgrim bard. '03. Winchester, Okla. Owaaneo, pale flower. '13. Freedom, Okla. The au- thor. Curme, George Oliver, 1860 First German grammar (Oxford grammar series). '14. Oxford. Grammar of the German language. '05. Macmillan. Currier, Amos Noyes, 1832-1909 Table of Latin suffixes. Eldredge. Curtis- Five years at Anamosa. '99. Anamosa. The author. Curtis, Samuel R., 1807-1866 Mormon rebellion and the bill to raise volunteers; speech in the house of representatives, March 10, 1858. Curtiss, Daniel S. Western portraiture and emigrants' guide; a descrip- tion of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, with remarks on Minnesota and other territories. '52. N. Y. Cushman, Job Blessedness of living in the present age of the world; a sermon preached on the first Sabbath in June, 1858, at Chester, Iowa, to the first congregation assembled for worship in that town. '74. Plymouth, la. Avery & Doten. Cutler, John Psyche and miscellaneous poems. '81. The author. Cutler, John Elwood Every man's brother. '91. St. Louis. W. S. Bryan. Dague, J. B. Man, what is he ? n. d. Oskaloosa, la. The author. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 67 Dahlberg, Charles L., 1850 Charles John Alfred Ericson. Reprinted from the An- nals of Iowa, April, 1913. Dale, Robert Burdette, 1884 Arithmetic for carpenters and builders. '15. N. Y. Wiley & Sons. Darling-, Jay Norwood (" J. N. Ding") 1876 Cartoons, 1908, book no. 2. Cartoons which have appeared during the last year in the Register & Leader. '14. Register & Leader. Education of Alonzo Applegate and other cartoons. '11. Register & Leader. In peace and war ; cartoons. '16. Register & Leader. Davidson, Charles, 1852 Studies in the English mystery plays. '92. Davidson, Hannah Amelia (Noyes) (Mrs. Charles Davidson) 1852 Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Houghton. Creative art of fiction. '03. Davidson. Essential conditions of success in study-clubs. David- son. Franklin's heroines in the cause of American independ- ence. George Eliot's Silas Marner. Heath. Guide to English syntax; arranged for study of Irving 's Stage-coach, and Mutability of literature. '03. Dav- idson. Irving 's Sketch book. Heath. Nathaniel Hawthorne's House of seven gables. Heath. Oliver Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Heath. Reference history of the United States. Ginn. Study of four idylls. '09. Davidson. Study of Henry Esmond. '04. Davidson. Study of Idylls of the king. '07. Davidson. Study of Ivanhoe. '07. Davidson. Study of King Henry Fourth, pts. 1 & 2. '08. David- son. 68 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Davidson, Hannah Amelia (Noyes) (Mrs. Charles Davidson) Continued. Study of King Henry Fifth. '08. Davidson. Study of Eomola. 3d ed. Davidson. Study of Shakespeare's King John. '08. Davidson. Study of Shakespeare's King Richard the Second. '08. Davidson. Davies, J. J. History and business directory of Madison county, Iowa. '69. Des Moines. Mills & co. Davis, Floyd, 1859 Education as a means of citizenship ; annual address at Missouri school of mines, June 10, 1896. Elementary course of instruction for hoisting and slope engineers. '01. Des Moines. "Western correspondence school of mining engineering. Elementary course of instruction for mine foremen and pit bosses. '01. Des Moines. "Western correspond- ence school of mining engineering. Elementary course of instruction for stationary en- gineers. '01. Des Moines. Western correspondence school of mining engineering. Elementary handbook on potable water. '91. Silver. Impurities in potable water. '89. Des Moines. The author. Mine investor's guide. '09. Des Moines. Western correspondence school of mining engineering. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. Davis, Jacob Conrad Iowa criminal code and digest and criminal pleading practice. '79. Des Moines. Mills & co. Davis, James Cox, 1857 State aid for main highways, n. d. Better roads com- mission. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 69 Davis, John Allen, 1884 Little Powder river coal field, Wyoming (Bui.) Safety and efficiency in mine tunneling. (jt. auth.) Brunton, David William, 1840 Modern tun- neling; with special reference to mine and water-sup- ply tunnels. '14. Wiley; Safety and efficiency in mine tunneling. '14. U. S. Bu. of mines. Davis, T. C. Seven churches of the book of Revelation. '92. Silver. Davison, Arthur, 1857 , and Swan, Aimer U. (comps.) Statistical abstract of Iowa railroads. '08. Des Moines. State printer. Dawson, Albert Foster, 1872 First half of the Wilson administration. '15. Daven- port. Contemporary club. Dawson, Charles C. Occasional thoughts and fancies. '69. N. Y. Samuel Hamilton. Dawson, Thomas Cleland, 1865-1912 South American republics. 2v. '04. Putnam. Dawson, William Leon Birds of Ohio; with introduction and analytical keys by L. Jones. '03. Columbus, 0. Wheaton pub. Birds of Washington, 2v. '09. Occidental pub. Day, Frank Edward, 1864 , and Hagle, Anson Elisha, 1859 (eds.) Constitution, by-laws and ritual of the Methodist brotherhood. '11. St. Joseph, Mo. Day & Hagle. Dean, Henry Clay, 1822-1887 Crimes of the civil war. '68. Bait. W. T. Smithson. Deane, Ruthveu. 1851 Copper-plates of the folio edition of Audubon's birds of America, with a brief sketch of the engraver. '08. Reprinted from the Auk. v. 25. Passenger pigeon in confinement. '08. Reprinted from the Auk. v. 25. 70 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Deemer, Horace Emerson, 1858-1917 Address delivered on the llth day of June, 1907, at Iowa City, en the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the State university of Iowa. '07. Iowa City. American law schools. '95. Iowa state univ. . Daniel Webster. '04. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Dedicatory address, Drake university law building. '04. Drake university. Indeterminate sentence. '03. Des Moines. -Board of control. Iowa pleading and practice with forms. 3v. '14. Cal- laghan. Part of Iowa men in the organization of Nebraska. '09. Hist. dept. of Iowa. Proposed reforms in criminal procedure. '10. South Dakota bar assn. Representative government. '13. Missouri state bar assn. Socialism and modern industry. '13. South Dakota bar assn. Syllabus of lectures on domestic relations. '07. Iowa state university. William McKinley ; address delivered at Atlantic, Iowa. '07. Priv. ptd. De Ford, William H., 1858 . Lectures on general anaesthetics in dentistry. '08. St. Louis. J. T. Nolde mfg. co. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. De Graff, Lawrence, 1871 Pharmacy law; a treatise defining the rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of druggists. '16. Des Moines. The author. De Kay, John Wesley, 1872 Brown leaves. '11. Judas ; a drama. '10. Longings. '08. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 DeKay, John Wesley, 1872 Continued. Men of Mexico and the land they love. '06. Thoughts. 11. "Weavers and the way of life. '08. Deming, Judson Keith, 1858 Genealogy of the descendants of John Deming of "Weth- ersfield, Connecticut. '04. Dubuque, la. Mathis- Mets co. Moving of the waters. '09. McBride. Eight Reverend William Stevens Perry; a memorial address. '99. Des Moines. Dennis, William J. Traveling post office. '16. Tingley, la. The author. De Puy, Emerson, 1857-1912 (ed.) Northwestern banker, 1907-1912. Few thoughts by, comp. by Ida C., Clifford, and Alice De Puy. '13. Des Moines, la. The compilers. Des Lauriers, Mary E. Christmas visit. '94. Des Moines. Devine, Edward Thomas, 1867 Causes of national prosperity ; syllabus. Am. soc. univ. teaching. Citizenship and government; syllabus. Am. soc. univ. - teaching. Dominant note of philanthropy. National conf. of charities. Economic functions of women. 11. N. Y. Teachers' college. Economics. '98. Macmillan. Efficiency and relief. '06. Lemcke. Essentials of a relief policy. '03. Am. acad. Misery and its causes. '09. Macmillan. Normal life. 15. N. Y. survey associates. Organized charity and industry; a chapter from the history of the charity organization societies of the city of New York. 15. New York school of philan- thropy. 72 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Devine, Edward Thomas, 1867 Continued. Pauperism; an analysis; a paper submitted in section 8, public health and medical science, of the second pan-American scientific conference, "Washington, Dec., 1915. '16. N. Y. school of philanthropy. Political economy; syllabus. Am. soc. univ. teaching. Practice of charity. New ed. '04. "Wessels. Principles of relief. '04. Macmillan. Report on desirability of establishing an employment bureau in the. city of New York. '09. Charities pub. Representative Americans; syllabus. Am. soc. univ. teaching. Shiftless and floating city population. '97. Am. acad. Social forces. '10. Charities pub. . Spirit of social work; addresses. '11. Charities pub. Devine, Tom Shame of a state, n. d. Mount Vernon, la. Cornell col- lege. De Voe, Walter, 1874 Doors of life. '09. Funk. '15. Vita pub. Healing currents from the battery of life. '04. Vita pub. Mystic words of mighty power. '05. Vita pub. Sacred science of regeneration. '06. Vita pub. Thought forces. Vita pub. You will not die. Vita pub. De Wolf, Frank Walbridge, and others Yearbook for 1909 (State Geol. S. bul.) '10. Univ. of 111. Dexter, Walter F. Public opinion versus war. n. d. Oskaloosa, la. Penn college. Deyoe, Albert M., 1862 Making an American ; annual address delivered before the Iowa state teachers' association, Nov. 3, 1917. Public school activities in Iowa; annual address deliv- ered before the Iowa state teachers' association, Des Moines, la., 1914. (ed.) Reference books for the approved high schools of Iowa. '14. Des Moines. Supt. public instruction. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 73 Dickinson, W. H., 1828 Water supply and its relation to health and disease. Iowa state bd. of control. Dickson, John Jacob, 1826 A farmer's thoughts in rhyme and prose. '96. The author. Dickson, Leonard Eugene, 1869 Algebraic invariants. '14. Wiley. College algebra. '02. Wiley. Elementary theory of equations. '14. Wiley. Introduction to the theory of algebraic equations. '03. Wiley. Linear algebras. '14. Putnam. Linear groups. '01. Stechert. Madison colloquium. '13; '14. Am. mathematical soc. On invariants and the theory of numbers. '14. Am. mathematical soc. Ternary orthogonal group in a general field and groups defined for a general field by rotation groups. '02. Univ. of Chic. Diehl, William H. Flora of the ledges region of Boone county, Iowa. Con- tribution to the botanical department of the Iowa col- lege of agriculture and mechanic arts, no. 61. Dill, Homer R. Building an educational museum as a function of the university. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American association of museums, v. 9. JL915. Dillon, John Forrest, 1831-1914 Address delivered at the dedication of the free public library, Davenport, Iowa, May 11, 1904. Anna Price Dillon; memoir and memories. '00. N. Y. Priv. ptd. Century of American law. '88. St. Louis. Commentaries on the law of municipal corporations. 5th ed. '11. Little. Digest of the decisions of the Supreme court of Iowa, 1839-1860. '60. Davenport. Luse, Lane & co. 74 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Dillon, John Forrest, 1831-1914 Continued. Inns and courts of Westminster hall ; address before the Iowa state bar association, May 14, 1878. '78. Des Moines. Mills & co. Law and jurisprudence of England and America. '94. Little. Law of municipal bonds. '76. St. Louis. G. F. Jones & co. Property. '95. St. Louis. Removal of causes from state to federal courts. 6th ed. '98. St. Paul. West. U. S. Circuit court reports, 8th circuit, 1870-79. 5v. '71- '80. Davenport. Egbert & Fidlar. (ed.) John Marshall: Life, character and judicial serv- ices. 3v. '03. Callaghan. Dillon, John Milton, 1868-1911 Motor days in England. '08. Putnam, (ed.) Marshall, John. Constitutional decisions. Cal- laghan. Dilts, William G., 1841 Eecord First Iowa battery, 1861-65. '95. The battery. Dimond, John R. Soldier's appeal to Grover Cleveland; or, The Blue and Gray in financial reform. '94. Keokuk. E. B. Og- den & son. Dinwiddie, James C., 1855 History of Iowa county, Iowa, and its people. 2 v. '15. S. J. Clarke. Ditto, George M. T., 1838 Roster of the Fifth Iowa volunteer infantry. '97. Sig- ourney, la. Smith's Iowa Times print. Dixon, Mrs. Clarissa Belknap, 1851 Janet and her dear Phebe. '09. Stokes. Dixon, J. M. Centennial history of Polk county, Iowa. '76. Des Moines. State printer. Valley and the shadow; comprising the experiences of a blind ex-editor. '68. Russell bros. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 75 Dixon, James Main Dictionary of idiomatic English phrases. Nelson. Matthew Arnold (Modern poets and Christian teach- ing). '06. Meth. bk. Survey of Scottish literature in the 19th century. '06. "Univ. of Cal. Twentieth century life of John "Wesley. '02. (jt. auth.) Lee, James Wideman, and Luccock, Naphtali. Illustrated history of Methodism. '01. Meth. mag. Doane, Isaiah, 1823 "Where corn is king. '94. Webster City. Freeman book print. Dodge, Grenville Mellen, 1831-1916 Address at the annual banquet of the New York asso- ciation of Norwich university alumni and past ca- dets, Delmonico's, April 18, 1893. Address at the fiftieth anniversary of the Fourth Iowa veteran infantry, Dodge's Second Iowa battery, Dodge's band. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Oct. 10 and 11, 1911. Address at the thirty-second annual reunion of the So- ciety of the army of the Potomac held at Utica, N. Y., May 23 and 24, 1901. Address at the thirty-fourth annual reunion of the So- ciety of the army of the Potomac, held at Boston, Mass., June 25 and 26, 1903. Address at the thirty-seventh annual reunion of the So- ciety of the army of the Potomac, held at Washing- ton, D. C.,.May 2 and 3, 1907. Address at the sixtieth anniversary of Council Bluffs lodge no. 49, I. 0. 0. F., October 30, 1913. Address on the life of Andrew Carnegie delivered at the dedication of the Free public library of Council Bluffs, Sept. 12, 1905. Addresses to army associations and miscellaneous pa- pers relating to Civil and Spanish wars. '04. N. Y. Unz & co. Are railroads over capitalized? Reprinted from the Register & Leader. 76 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Dodge, Grenville Mellen, 1831-1916 Continued. Army association addresses, 1901-1911. Battle of Atlanta ; response to a toast at the reunion of the Society of the army of the Tennessee, Sept. 24-26, 1889. Council Bluffs. Monarch ptg. co. Biographical sketch of James Bridger. '05. N. Y. Unz & co. General, Marcellus M. Crocker; an historical address at the reunion of the Crocker brigade, at Keokuk, Iowa, Sept. 27, 1900. '01. Historical dept. of Iowa. History of the recovery and final interment of the re- mains of Col. "W. H. Kinsman and the erection and unveiling of the Kinsman monument at Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 17, 1902. Council Bluffs. Non- pareil co. How we built the Union Pacific railway and other . railway papers and addresses. Council Bluffs. Mon- arch ptg. Indian campaign of winter of 1864-65. '07. The author. Norwich university, 1819-1912. 3v. '12. Northfield, Vt. W. A. Ellis. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and General William T. Sherman. '14. Council Bluffs. Monarch ptg. Personal recollections of Lincoln; address before the Young men's Christian association, Council Bluffs, la., Feb. 12, 1911. Eomantic realities. '88. N. Y. Styles & Cash. Sketch of the life and public services of Brigadier and Brevet Major-General James Alexander Williamson. '03. Des Register & Leader. Sketch of the military service of Major General Wager Swayne; delivered at the meeting of the New York commandery of the Loyal Legion, Feb. 4, 1903. Story of the Illinois Central lines during the conflict 1861-65. From Illinois Central magazine, Jan. and Feb., 1914. Texas and Pacific railway company. '74. N. Y. George W. Wheat. Union Pacific railroad. '68. Wash. Phelp & Solomons. 77 Dodge, William Wallace, 1854 Fraternal and modern banquet orator. '03. Monarch bk. Doggett, Lawrence Locke, 1864 History of Boston Young men's Christian assn. '01. History of the Young men's Christian association, v. 1. '96. Life of Robert R. McBurney. '02. Dolliver, James Cost of child labor, n. d. Sioux City, la. Morningside college. Dolliver, Jonathan P. 1858-1910 Acceptance of the statues of John Hanson and Charles Carroll of Carrollton, in the senate of the United States, January 31, 1903. '03. Wash. Gov. ptg. In memoriam; address on the life and public services of the late Senator Gear, delivered in the senate of the United States, January 19, 1901. '01. Wash. Gov. Ptg. Proposed repeal of the Sherman anti-trust law. '10. Gov. ptg. Proposed retreat of the nation of America; speech in the house of representatives, Jan. 25, 1899. '99. Wash. Gov. ptg. Republic of Panama; speech in the senate of the United States, Jan. 22, 1904. '04. Wash. Gov. ptg. Standard of value; speech in the house of representa- tives, Dec. 11, 1899. '99. Wash. Gov. ptg. War taxes for war times. Wool tariff (61st cong. 1st sess. S. doc. 38). >09. Wash. Gov. ptg. Donaldson, John Barnett Building decade ; a historical sermon. '06. Davenport, la. First Presbyterian church. Two talents and other papers. '00. Minneapolis. North & West. Donnel, William M. Pioneers of Union county, Iowa. '72. Des Moines. Republican steam print. 78 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Douglass, Ellsworth, See Dwiggins, Elmer Douglass, Harlan Paul, 1871 Christian reconstruction in the South. '09. Pilgrim press. New home missions ; an account of their social redirec- tion. '14. N. Y. Missionary education movement of the United States and Canada. Douglass, Truman Orville, 1842 Pilgrims of Iowa. '11. Pilgrim press. Downer, Harry E. Boy and his job ; a paper read before the Contemporary club, Davenport, la., Feb. 9, 1911. Davenport, la. The author. History of Davenport and Scott county, Iowa. 2v. '10. S. J* Clarke. Vera's visit to Davenport, Antoine Le Claire's town in the Black Hawk purchase, n. d. Davenport. Downey, Ezekiel Henry, 1879 History of labor legislation in Iowa. '10. State hist, soc. of Iowa. History of work accident indemnity in Iowa (Iowa economic history ser.) '13. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Regulation of urban utilities in Iowa (Iowa applied history ser., v. 1, no. 3). '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Report on old age pensions. '15. Madison. Industrial commission of Wisconsin. Work accident indemnity in Iowa (Iowa applied his- tory ser., v. 1, no. 6). '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Downing, Alexander G., 1843 Civil war diary, ed. by 0. B. Clark. '17. Hist. Dept. of Iowa. Downing, Andrew Trumpeters, and other poems, including Arizona verses. '13. Sherman, French & co. Drees, Clara Garland of violets. '06. Carroll, la. J. B. Hunger- ford. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 79 Drew, Oilman Arthur, 1868 Habits, anatomy and embryology of the giant scallop. '06. Univ. of Me. Laboratory manual of invertebrate zoology. '07. Saunders. Drouet, Robert, 1870 Captain Bob; play. Doris; play. Fra Diano; play. Idyll of Virginia; play. Montana; play. Tomorrow; play. White Czar; play. Drury, Marion Richardson, 1849 At hand. '95. Un. breth. Handbook for workers. '88. Un. breth. Life and career of Bishop James W. Hott. '02. Un. breth. Otterbein birthday book. '87. Un. breth. Our catechism. '97. Un. breth. Pastor's companion. Un. breth. Pastor's pocket record. '83. Dudgeon, Winfield Study of the variation of the number of ray flowers of certain compositae. n. d. Davenport. Duffield, George C., 1824-1908 Memories of frontier Iowa. '06. Des Moines. Histori- cal dept. of Iowa. Dungan, David Roberts, 1837 Chang Foo ; or, The latest fashions in religions. Stand' ard pub. Hermeneutics ; or, Systems of interpreting the Scrip- tures. Standard pub. Mistakes of Ingersoll about Moses. Christian pub. On the rc^ks. Christian pub. ; Standard pub. Outline studies of the life of Christ. '09. Des Moines. The author. 80 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Dungan, David Roberts, 1837 Continued. Rosa Gray. '04. Standard pub. Rum and ruin. '87. St. Louis. Sabbath or Lord's day. Christian pub. Dungan, J. Irvine. History of the Nineteenth regiment Iowa volunteer in- fantry. '65. Davenport. Luse & Griggs. Dunham, Mrs. Anna (Cross), i. e. Tabitha Ann (Cross), 1846 Corduroy road. '09. New Werner co. Dunn, L. A. Footprints of the Redeemer in the Holy Land. '80. Dunn, L. V. Catholic church in Clinton, Iowa. '07. The author. Dunn, Samuel Orace, 1877 American transportation question. '12. Appleton. Current railway problems. '11. Railway age gazette. Failure of government ownership in Canada. Reprinted from the Journal of political economy for June, 1916. '16. Railway age gazette. Government and business. '16. Railway age gazette. Interstate commerce commission and the railroads. '16. Railway age gazette. New tyranny; an address before the Railway signal association at Mackinac island, Michigan, on Jcpt. 13, 1916. '16. Railway executives' advisory com- mittee. Dunroy, William Reed Corn tassels. '99. Univ. pub. Neb. Tumble weeds; a book of western verse. '01. Univ. pub. Neb. Durant, H. Education and practical common sense. '96. Chi.. Pettibone. Durley, Ella Hamilton My soldier lady. '08. C. M. Clark pub. Standpatter. '13. Herald Square. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 81 Duryea, John B. Art of writing letters. '91. Des Moines. Watters-Tal- bott co. Practical treatise on the business of banking and. com- . mercial credits. 4th ed. Des Moines, la. The author. D wig-gins, Elmer (Douglass, Ellsworth, pseud.) Pharaoh's broker. '04. McClurg. Dye, Mrs. Eva (Emery), 1855 Conquest ; the true story of Lewis and Clark. '02. Mc- Clurg. McDonald of Oregon. '06. McClurg. McLoughlin and old Oregon. '00. McClurg. Old Hawaii. '14. Stories of Oregon. '00. Whitaker. Dye, William McE. Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia. '80. N. Y. Atkin & Prout. Earle, Mrs. Ted a Morgan (Earline Morgan, pseud.), 1854 Jack Frost jingles. '10. Clark. Early, Carrie L., 1880-1907. Poems. '09. George G. Early. East, Emma Tolman Rhymes of an idle hour. '03. Eastman, Charles Rochester, 1868 Brief general account of fossil fishes. '05. Trenton. N. J. Geol. S. Descriptions of bolca fishes. '04. Cambridge, Mass. Museum of comparative zoology. Catalog of the fossil fishes in the Carnegie museum. '15. Carnegie museum. Devonic fishes of the N. Y. formations. '07. N. Y. state educ. dept. Jurassic saurian remains ingested within fish. Reprint- ed from the Annals of the Carnegie museum, v. 8, no. 1. 1911. 6 82 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Eastman, Charles Rochester, 1868 Continued. Mesozoic arid cenozoic fishes. Reprinted from Bui. of the Geol. soc. of America, v. 23. 1912. New elasmobranch from solenhofen in the Carnegie museum. Carnegie museum. New species of Helodus. (Annals, v. 5, no. 83.) Car- negie museum. Notes on triassic fishes belonging to the families catop- teridae and semionotidae. '15. Carnegie museum. On remains of struthiolithus chersonensis from north- ern China. '98. Cambridge, Mass. Museum of com- parative zoology. Tertiary fish remains from Spanish Guinea in West Africa. Triassic fishes of Connecticut. '11. Hartford, Conn. State geol. and nat. history bul. no. 18. (ed. & tr.) Von Zittel's paleontology. '00- '02. Mac- miilan. (tr.) Deperet, Charles. Oligocene of the Roannc basin and its vertebrate fauna. Reprinted from Am. jl. of sci. v. 35, April, 1913. (jt. auth.) Dean, Bashford. Bibliography of fishes. '16. American museum of natural history. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Eastman, Charlotte Whitney, 1861 Evolution of Dodd's sister. Rand. (comp.) One hundred entertainments for parlor use. Denison. (ed.) Young citizen, 1901-1908. Ebersole, Ezra Christian, 1840 Encyclopedia of Iowa law. '02. Toledo, la. The author. Iowa people's law book. '00. Toledo, la. The author. (jt. auth.) Cole, C. C. Courts and legal profession of Iowa. '07. 2v. Chic. H. C. Cooper, jr. & co. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 83 Eckles, Clarence Henry, 1875 Dairy cattle and jnilk production; prepared for the use of agricultural students and dairy farmers. '11. Macmillan. and Warren, George Frederick, 1874 Dairy farming. '16. Macmillan. Edey, E. C. Sixteen to one; or, Be good and you will be grand, n. d. Des Moines. Geo. A. Miller press. Edmonds, James B., 1832-1901 Addresses. '86. Wash. Edmondson, Charles Howard Laboratory guide in invertebrate zoology. '09. To- peka, Kan. The author. Protozoa of Iowa. Davenport acad. of sci. Edwards, M. L. Bible and reason against atheism. '81. Chic. The author. Effinger, John Robert, 1869 (ed.) Hugo's Preface de Cromwell and Hernani. '99. (ed.) Labiche, Eugene Marin and Martin, Edward. Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon. '05. Holt. (ed.) Moliere, J. B. P. Les precieuses ridicules et Les femmes savantes. '12. Holt. (ed.) Selected essays from Ste. Beuve. '95. (jt. auth.) Thieme, Hugo Paul. French grammar. '08. Macmillan. Egan, George William Closing address to the jury, state of South Dakota against Emma Kaufmann. '07. Logan, Iowa. The author. Egan, Maurice Francis, 1852 Onward and upward; a yearbook compiled from the discourses of Archbishop Keane. '02. Bait. 84 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Eggert, Carl Edgar, 1868 (ed.) Grilparzer's Koenig Ottokars Gluck und Ende. '10. (ed.) Heine's Poems. '06. (ed.) Meyer's Der Heilige. '07. (ed.) Schiller's Maria Stuart. '03. Eggert, Charles Augustus, 1835 School and farm. Welch. (ed.) Moliere, J. B. P. Les femmes savantes; Misan- thrope. Eiboeck, Joseph, 1838-1913 Die Deutschen von Iowa und deren errungeuschaften. '00. Des Moines. Staats-Anzeiger. Eisentraut, Bernhard Revelation and footsteps of time. '86. Eevell. Elarton, John W., 1844 Andersonville prison and national cemetery, Anderson- ville, Georgia. '13. Aurora, Neb. The author. Elliott, Francis Perry, 1861 Gift of Abou Hassan. '12. Little. Haunted pajamas. '13. Bobbs. Lend me your name. '17. Reilly & Britton. Magic rug. Pals first. '15. Harper. Ellis, George William, 1870 and Morris, John Emery King Philip's war. '06. Graf ton press. Ellis, J. Loran Story of Nevin ; an historical narrative of the early days of the New England colony of Iowa. '01. The author. Ellis, James Whitcomb, 1848 History of Jackson county, Iowa. 2v. '11. S. J. Clarke. Ellis, Katharine Ruth Wide awake girls. '08. Little. Wide awake girls at college. '10. Little. Wide awake girls in Winsted. '08. Little. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 85 Elrod, Morton John. Pictured rocks; Indian writings on the rock cliffs of Flathead lake, Montana. '08. Missoula. Daily Mis- soulian. Ely, E. H. Latin in the public schools. '82. Chic. S. R. Win- chell co. Emerson, Oliver Farrar, 1860 Brief history of the English language. Macmillan. History of the English language. '96. Macmillan. Middle English reader. '05. Macmillan. Outline history of the English language. '06. Macmil- lan. (ed.) Chaucer, G. Poems; Gibbon, E. Memoirs; John- son's Rasselas. Emerson, Willis George, 1856 Buell Hampton. '02. Forbes. Builders. '06. Forbes. My pardner and I. '99. Laird. Smoky god. '08. Forbes. Treasure of hidden valley. '15. Forbes. Vendetta of the hills. '17. Chappie pub. Winning winds. '84. Dillingham. Engle, Perry, 1871 Atrocities of war ; or, The beauties of peace. '10. New- ton, la. The author. Heredity and environment ; a lecture delivered at Mount Pleasant park chautauqua, Clinton, la. 1909. Ensign, S. J. Russell Immigration problem, n. d. Buena Vista, la. Buena Vista college. Ensign, S. Laura Outlines of ancient, medieval and modern history. Rev. ed. Flanagan. Outlines, tables and sketches in U. S. history. '86. Ce- dar Falls, la. Gazette. and Brooks, Miriam W. Outlines in United States history. '16. Flanagan. 86 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Ethell, Henry G. Else and progress of civilization in the hairy nation; comparative topical review of the stages of progress in the brief history of Davis county, Iowa. '83. Bloomfield, la. Republican steam print. Evans, F. W. Spiritualism on trial. '75. Gin. Hitchcock & Walden. Evans, Samuel B., 1837 History of Wapello county, Iowa, and representative citizens. '01. Chic. Biographical pub. Evans, Mrs. William D., 1854 Laws of Iowa relating to women and children. '12. Hampton, la. Purcell ptg. co. Everest, Frank F. (jt. ed.) McCowan, Hervey S. Under the scarlet and black. '93. Grinnell. Herald pub. Evermann, Barton Warren, 1853 Alaska fisheries and fur industries in 1911. (U. S. Bu. of fisheries, Doc. 766.) ' 12. Supt of doc. American food and game fishes. '02. Doubleday. Animal analysis. '06. McClurg. Description of new species of shad (alosa alabamae). '96. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. Description of new species of shad (alosa ohlensis). '02. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. Description of new sucker, pantosteus jordani from upper Missouri basin. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. Description of two new species of darters from Lake Maxincuckee, Ind. '00. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. Fish fauna of Florida. '98. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. Fishes of Alaska. '08. Supt. of doc. Gov. ptg. Fishes of Porto Rico. '00. U. S. national museum. Golden trout of southern high Sierras. '06. U. S. Fish- eries. Supt of doc. List of species of fishes known to occur in Great Lakes. '02. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 87 Evermann, Barton Warren, 1853 Continued. Lopho, the quail. '02. Harper. Modesty itself, the brown Towhee. '03. Nerka, the blue salmon. '02. Notes on a cyprinodont from Central Peru. '11. Gov, Ptg. Notes on the fishes of East Tennessee. '16. Govt. ptg. Report on investigation by fish commission in Missis- sippi, Louisiana and Texas in 1897. '99. Supt. of doc. (jt. auth.) Jordan, David Starr, 1851 American food and game fishes. '02. Doubleday; Aquatic resources of the Hawaiian islands. (IT. S. Fisheries commission bul. v. 23. 1903.) 2v. '05. Gov. ptg. (jt. auth.) Clary, Howard "Walton; Cox, Ulysses Orange; Goldsborough, Edmund Lee ; Jenkins, Oliver Peebles ; Kendall, William Converse ; Marsh, Millard Caleb ; Seale, Alvin and Smith, Hugh M. Fairall, Herbert S., 1858-1907 Iowa at the "World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition. Manual of Iowa politics. '83. Eepublican steam ptg. World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition. '85. Iowa City. (ed.) Semi-centennial edition of the Iowa City Repub- lican, 1840-90. '90. Iowa City. Iowa City Repub- lican. Fairall, Samuel Husband, 1835 Iowa railroad case. 88. Iowa City. Republican ptg. (comp.) Township laws of Iowa with annotations and forms. '02. Egbert. Fairbanks, Arthur, 1864 Athenian lekythoi, with outline drawing in matt color on a white ground. '14. Macmillan. First philosophers of Greece. '98. Scribner. Handbook of Greek religion. '10. Am. bk. Introduction to sociology. Scribner. Mythology of Greece and Rome. '07. Appleton. Study of the Greek paean. '00. Longman. 88 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Fairbanks, Arthur, 1864 Continued. ' See "Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Fairchild, David Sturges, 1847 Accidental perforations of the uterus. '04. American medical assn. Decapsulation of the kidney. '12. American medical assn. Acute post-operative dilatation of the stomach. Re- printed from New York medical journal, April 17, 1909. Diagnostic value of the deep reflexes of the lower ex- tremities; paper read before the American academy of railway surgeons, Omaha, Neb., Oct. 12-13, 1899. Diseases of the lungs, the result of trauma. Reprinted from the Railway surgeon of April 17, 1900. Immediate and remote effects of brain injury. Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical assn., Sept. 7, 1901. Management of hospitals in cities of 100,000 or less. Re- printed from the Transactions of the "Western surgical and gynecological assn. 1904. Massage of the heart in apparent death from anesthesia ; paper read at the meeting of "Western surgical and gynecological assn., Salt Lake City, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 1906. Medicine in Iowa from its early settlement to 1876. Re- printed from Journal Iowa state medical soc. Non-ealculous cholecystitis. From the Journal of the American medical association, Aug. 12, 1905. Operative treatment of cancer of the rectum. From Western medical review, April, 1898. Post-operative psychosis. From Transactions of Iowa state medical society. 1899. Post-traumatic appendicitis. From the Railway sur- gical journal, Dec., 1907. Pregnancy complicated by tumors of the uterus. From Annals of gynecology and pediatry, Nov., 1904. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 89 Fairchild, David Sturges, 1847 Continued. Present status of aseptic and antiseptic surgery. From Eailway surgical journal, Jan., 1907. President's address. From Railway surgical journal, Nov., 1914. President's address; field of usefulness for the railway surgeon. From the Railway surgeon, Dec., 1901. Psychology of claims against physicians and corpora- tions. From the Railway surgical journal, August, 1912. Punctured wounds of the bladder. From the Railway surgical journal, April, 1906. Remote effects of bone trauma. From Journal of the American medical association, July, 1897. Report of the committee on uniform standard for the examinations of railway employes. From Railway surgeon for Dec., 1903. Review of some surgical and gynecological problems. From Western medical review, Jan., 1899. Sarcoma of the uterus. From Journal of the American medical association, April 26, 1902. Some additional observations on the effects of injury to peripheral nerves; paper read at the annual meeting of American academy of railway surgeons, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 5 and 6, 1900. Some observations on the surgery of the kidney. From Medical herald, March, 1905. Some observations on the treatment of appendicitis. Re- printed from the Omaha clinic, Sept., 189cL Some points in the examination and diagnosis of trau- matic nerve affections. From the Railway surgeon of Sept. 4, 1900. Some points in the examination for alleged peripheral nerve injuries ; paper read at the third annual meet- ing of the Rock Island system surgical association, St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 6, 7, 1905. Some studies in brain surgery. Reprinted from the Omaha clinic, Sept., 1894. 90 Fairchild, D wid Sturges, 1847 Continued. Some observations on compound fractures. From Western medical review, Feb., 1901. Spinal cord hemorrhage. From the Railway surgical journal, Sept., 1909. Surgical considerations in the treatment of chronic sup- purative nephritis. From Journal of the American medical association June 25, 1909. Surgical treatment of abscess of the lungs. From Jour- nal of American medical association, Sept. 30, 1899. Surgical treatment of tubercular peritonitis. From Philadelphia medical journal, April 18, 1903. Trauma as the cause of malignant disease. From Rail- way surgeon for Sept., 1903. Treatment of injuries of the scalp. From Railway sur- gical journal, Dec., 1909. Ulcer of the duodenum considered from a surgical stand- point. From the Medical news, Aug. 3, 1901. Use of the curette in acute infection of uterus with ad- herent placenta. From the journal of the American medical association, Sept. 3, 1898. Farns worth, P. J. Geology and topography of Iowa with a sanitary point of view. Iowa state bd. of health. Farquharson, R. J. Hospitals for contagious diseases and their proper loca- tion. Iowa state bd. of health. Farwell, Asa Signs of the times; a discourse delivered on Thanks- giving day, Nov., 1869, at a union service in the Con- gregational church, Bentonsport, Iowa. '69. Keo- kuk, la. "William Rees. Farwell, Sewell S., 1834 Hennepin canal ; speech in the house of representatives, May 5, 1882. Faurot, F. W. Notes on the early development of astragalus caryocar- pus. From Proc. Iowa acad. of sci., v. 8. 1901. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 91 Favard, Berthe des Combes Daughter of the King's forester. '84. Des Moines. Mills & co. (jt. auth.) Knowles, Mrs. Mary Henrietta. Perfect French possible; some essential and adequate helps to French pronunciation and rhythm. '10. Heath. Fawcett, Howard S. Spotting of citrous fruits due to the action of oil libpi*- ated from the rind. '16. Univ of California college of agric. Viability of weed seeds under different conditions of treatment, and a study of their dormant period. From Proc. Iowa acad. of sci., v. 15. 1908. Fay, Edwin Whitfield, 1865 History of education in Louisiana. '08. U. S. Education. Indo-European verbal flexion was analytical. '13. Univ. of Texas. Mostellaria of Plautus. '02. Fearing, Lilian Blanche, 1862-1901 In the city by the lake. '92. Searle & Groton. Roberta. '93. Kerr. Sleeping world. '87. McClurg. Fellows, Stephen Norris, 1830-1908 History of the Upper Iowa conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, 18561906. '07. Cedar Rapids, la. Lawrence press. Ferber, Edna, 1887 Buttered side down. '12. Stokes. Dawn O'Hara. '13. Stokes. Emma McChesney & Co. '15. Stokes. Fanny herself. '17. Stokes. Personality' plus. '16. Grosset. Roast beef, medium; the business adventures of Emma McChesney. '13. Stokes. 92 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Ficke, Arthur Davison, 1883 April elegy. '17. Kennerley. Breaking of bonds. '10. Sherman, French & eo. Chats on Japanese prints. '15. Lond. T. Fisher Unwin. Earth passion; verse. '08. England. Samurai press. From the isles; verse. '07. England. Samurai press. Happy princess and other poems. '07. Small. Injunctions against labor ; a paper read before the Con- temporary club, Davenport, la., Oct. 1, 1908. Man on the hill top and other poems. '15. Kennerley. Mirror of the East ; a paper read before the Contem- porary club, Davenport, April 13, 1911. Mr. Faust. '13. Kennerley. Some recent poets of note. '10. Chic. Reprinted from the Public. Sonnets of a portrait painter; verse. '14. Kennerley. Twelve Japanese painters. '13. Chic. Seymour. Field, Archelaus G., 1829 Address before an annual meeting of the Iowa associa- tion of railway surgeons. Reprinted from the Railway surgeon for Nov., 1903. Annual address delivered at the twentieth annual meet- ing of the Iowa state medical society, held in Des Moines, June 20-27, 1872. Footprints made in the dark. '10. Des Moiiies, la. Lewis-Wallace eo. Importance of sanitary education and legislation. Re- printed from the Sanitarian, v. 3, no. 30. 1875. On schoolroom lighting. Reprinted from Midland schools. Public health; an address before the Workingmen's in- stitute, Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 19, 1877. Public school structure and teaching. Reprinted from Iowa medical journal, 1895. Scraps. '14. Des Moines. Welch ptg. co. Field, George Washington, d. 1889 Camp ground ; or, Injunctions a specialty ; a play. '78. Potsdam. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 93 Field, George Washington d. 1889 Continued. Doctrine of ultra vires. '81. Des Moines. Mills & co. Justice manual. '90. Rochester. Law of damages. '76. Des Moines. Mills & co. Law of private corporations. '77. Albany. John D. Parsons, jr. Lawyers' briefs. 6v. '84- '86. Rochester. Legal relations of infants, parent and child, guardian and ward in N. Y. '88. Rochester. Williamson & Higbie. Medico-legal guide. '87. N. Y. Treatise on the constitution and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. '83. Phil. T. & J. W. Johnson & co. Treatise on the county and township officers of Iowa. '75. Des Moines. Mills & co. ((jt. auth.) Miller, William Edward. Federal practice. Des Moines. '81. Mills & co. Field, Homer Howard, 1825 , and Reed, Joseph Rea, 1835 History of Pottawattamie county, Iowa. 2v. '07. S. J. Clarke. Field, Jessie, 1881 College women and country leadership. '15. Y. W. C. A. and Nearing, Scott, 1883 Civics and country life. '15. Macmillan. Fields, John, 1871 Sure feed crops. '14. Oklahoma City. The author. Fink, Bruce, 1862 Ascomycetes of Ohio. '15. Ohio state univ. Lichens of Minnesota. (Smithsonian inst. contributions from the U. S. national herbarium) '10. Supt. of doc. Notes on lichen distribution in upper Mississippi valley. '09. Torrey botanical club. Tobacco. '15. Abingdon press. Fink, William Westcott, 1844 Echoes from Erin and other poems. '03. Putnam. Valley Forge. '70. Des Moines. Mills & co. 94 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Fisher, W. R. Poems. '10. Caldwell, Idaho. The author. Voice from the maize land. '90. Harlan, la. Industrial American print. Fitch, George, 1877-1915 At good old Siwash. '11. Little. Automobile. '10. Collier. Big strike at Siwash. '09. Doubleday. Bridge whist. '10. Collier. Golf for the beginner. '10. Collier. Homeburg memories. '15. Little. My demon motor boat. '12. Little. Petey Simmons at Siwash. '06. Little. Sizing up Uncle Sam. '14. Stokes. Twenty-four; where I took them and what they did to me. '17. Barse & Hopkins. Vest pocket essays. '16. Barse & Hopkins. Fitzpatrick, T. J., 1868 Additions to the bibliography of Rafinesque. '05. Iowa City. The author. Drift section of the glacial striae in the vicinity of Lamoni, Iowa. From Report Iowa acad. of sci. 1897. Ferns of Iowa and their allies. '96. Lamoni. Patriot bk. print. Iowa gentians. '06. Iowa City. The author. Manual of the flowering plants of Iowa. '99. The author. Melanthaceae of Iowa. '05. Iowa City. The author. Rafinesque; a sketch of his life with bibliography. '11. Des Moines. Hist. dept. of Iowa. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. and Dean, Seth (comps.) Early history of the Iowa engineering societies. From Proceedings of the seventeenth annual meeting of the Iowa engineering societies, 1905. and Fitzpatrick, M. F. L. Juglandaceae of Iowa. From proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 95 Fitzpatrick, T. J., 1868, and Fitzpatrick, M. F. L. Con- tinued. Orchidaceae of Iowa. From the Iowa acad. of sci. v. 7. 1893. Eanunculaceae of Iowa. From Bui. Lab. nat. hist. la. state univ. v. 5. Fleming, William H., 1833 (eomp.) Historical and comparative census of Iowa, 1836-80. '83. State printer. and Torrey, Dolphus Directory of Davenport and Rock Island; first of the two cities.. '56. Davenport. Luse & Coles. Fletcher, Matilda Practical ethics for schools and families. '75. Des Homes. Fletcher, Robert Huntingdon Arthurian material in. the English chronicles. '06. Ginn. Brief Shakespearean glossary, grammar and booklet of other information necessary to students. '13. Torch press. History of English literature for students. '16. R. G. Badger. Main principles of composition and literature. '14. Barnes. Tennyson and Browning; a manual for college classes and other students. '13. Torch press. (ed.) Shakespeare, W: Timon of Athens. '13. Mac- millan. Flickinger, Robert Elliott, 1846 Bible elements of a good character and good success maxims. '14. Fonda, la. Jl. & times print. Choctaw freedmen and the Bible in the public schools of America. '14. Pittsburgh. Presbyterian board of missions for freedmen. Choctaw freedmen and the story of Oakhill industrial academy, Valliant, McCurtain county, Oklahoma. '14. Rockwell City, la. The author. 96 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Flickinger, Robert Elliott, 1846 Continued. Early history of Iowa and pioneer history of Pocahon- tas county. '04. Fonda, la. George Sanborn. Imperfect blossoms ; their wide range and profitable use. '16. Eockwell City, la. Mattison bros. Pioneer history of Pocahontas county, Iowa. '04. Kock- well City, la. The author. Popular amusements. '97. Fonda, la. Times job ptg. Progress in fruit culture in Pocahontas county. '16. Eockwell City, la. The author. Story of Pocahontas, the Indian princess of Virginia; being a chapter from Pioneer history of Pocahontas county, Iowa. '98. Fonda, la. Times job print. Flom, George Tobias, 1871 Chapters on Scandinavian immigration to Iowa. '06. State hist. soc. of Iowa. History of Norwegian immigration to the United States from the earliest beginning down to the year 1848. '09. Torch press. History of Scandinavian studies in Am. universities, with bibliography. '07. Univ. of Iowa. Phonology of the dialect of Aurland, Norway. '15. Univ. of 111. Speculum regale (Arnamagnean ms. 243 Ba.) ; a fac- simile reproduction, with introduction, diplomatic text, and notes. '16. Univ. of 111. (ed.) Arnamagnean manuscript. 243 Ba., folio, at Det kongelige bibliotek, Copenhagen. '15. Univ. of 111. (ed.) Fragment RA. 58C. of Konongs Skuggsja, from an old Norwegian parchment codex of the 13th cen- tury, with heliotype copy and study of the paleog- raphy and language. '11. Univ. of 111. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Flower, Fred G., and Wilstach, C. Descriptive and illustrated review of Ottumwa, Iowa. '90. The authors. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 97 Floyd, Charles, d. 1804 Journal of, while sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark. 1804. Follett, Marie Louise Libra dawn ; or, Dawn of liberty. '03. The author. Folsom, Moses Treasures of science, history and literature, instructing, amusing, practical. '76. Chic. Ford, Arthur Hillyer, 1874 Complete test of modern American transformers of modern capacities. '96. Univ. of Wis. Electric power transmission in Iowa. '17. Univ. of Iowa. Store lighting. '14. Univ. of Iowa. Street lighting; a lecture delivered on municipal light- ing day, Iowa City, Feb. 4, 1914. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Fordyce, Emma J. Vacation days in Europe. '04. Torch press. Fosdick, Charles Five hundred days in rebel prisons. '87. Chic. Elec- trotype & stereotype co. Foster, Mrs. Judith Ellen (Horton), 1840 Constitution amendment manual. Nat. Temp. Review of Dr. Crosby's Calm view of temperance. Nat. Temp. Saloon must go. Nat. Temp. Truth in the case. Foster, Warren Dunham, 1886 (jt. auth.) Adams, Elmer Cleveland. Heroines of rvl- eru progress. '13. Sturgis & Walton. 7 98 Fox, Dorus M. History of political parties, national reminiscences and the Tippecanoe movement. '95. Des Moines. la. ptg. co. Fox, Mrs. Nettie Pease Mysteries of the border land. '83. Ottumwa, la. D. M. & N. P. Fox. Phantom form. '81. Newton, la. D. M. Fox. Foy, Frank J., 1869 Money in poultry and squabs. '11. Des Moines. The author. Fracker, G. C. On the transference of training in memory. '06. Iowa state univ. Frame, Nathan T. Poems. '88. Cleveland. Franklin, William Suddards, 1863 Advanced theory of electricity and magnetism. '15. Macmillan. Bill's school and mine; a collection of essays on educa- tion. '13. South Bethlehem, Pa. Franklin, MacNutt & Charles. Electric lighting and miscellaneous application of elec- tricity. '12. Macmillan. Electric waves; advanced treatise on alternating-cur- rent theory. '09. Macmillan. Elementary statistics; a supplement of Franklin and MacNutt 's Mechanics and heat. '14. South Bethle- hem, Pa. Franklin, MacNutt & Charles. Elementary treatise on calculus. '13. South Bethle- hem, Pa. Franklin, MacNutt & Charles. Mechanics and heat. '13. South Bethlehem, Pa Franklin, MacNutt & Charles. Mechanics and heat; a text book for colleges and tech- nical schools. '10. Macmillan. Study of science by young people. '08. From Proceed- ings of the 12th annual meeting of the N. Y. state science teachers' assn. 1907. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 99 Franklin, William Suddards, 1863 Continued. Tramp trip in the Rockies of Colorado and Wyoming. '03. Bethlehem, Pa. The author. (jt. auth.) Nichols, Edward Leamington. Elements of physics. 3v. Macmillan. and MacNutt, Barry Elementary electricity and magnetism ; a text-book for colleges and technical schools. '14. Macmillan. General physics; an elementary treatise on natural phi- losophy. '16. McGraw. Fraser, C. McLean Hydroids of the west coast of North America. '11. Iowa state univ. Systematic study of the hydroids of the north Pacific coasts of North America. '11. Univ. of Iowa. See 'Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900- 1912. Frazee, George, 1821-1904 Fugitive slave case, reported by. '50. Burlington, la. Morgan & McKenny. Laissez faire versus paternalism, n. d. Burlington, la. Acres, Blackmar & co. Our judges, n. d. Burlington, la. Acres, Blackmar & co. Railroads as producers. '00. St. Louis. S. G. Sum- ham. Freer, Hamline Hurlburt, 1845 Laity and education; paper presented at the annual session of the layman's association of the upper Iowa conference of the Methodist Episcopal church held at Cedar Rapids, la., Oct. 10, 1907. '07. Mount Vernon, la. Hawk-eye press. French, Alice (Thanet, Octave, pseud.), 1850 An adventure in photography. '93. Scribner. And the captain answered. '17. Bobbs. Best letters of Lady Montagu. McClurg. 100 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS French, Alice (Thanet, Octave, pseud.), 1850 Continued. Book of true lovers. '97. Doubleday. By inheritance. '10. Bobbs. Captured dream, and other stories. '99. Harper. Expiation. '90. Scribner. Heart of toil. '98. Scribner. Knitters in the sun. '87. Houghton. Lion's share. '07. Bobbs ; Grosset. Man of the hour. '05. Bobbs; Grosset. Matter of rivalry. '07. Harper. Missionary sheriff. '98. Harper. Otto the knight, and other trans-Mississippi stories. '91. Houghton. Slave to duty and other women. '98. Stone. Step on the stair. '13. Bobbs. Stories of a western town. '93. Scribner. Stories that end well. '11. Bobbs. Stout Miss Hopkin's bicycle. '06. Harper. We all; book for boys. '91. Appleton. and Bellamy, Edward, and others. Stories by American authors, no. 7. Scribner. and Wilkins, Mary E., and others. Twenty good stories. '01. Jamieson-Higgins. Frisbie, Alvah Lillie, 1830-1917 Plymouth vespers. '95. Des Moines. Wells & Welch. Siege of Calais and other poems. '80. Des Moines. Mills & co. Frisbie, William Albert, 1867 A. B. C. Mother Goose. '05. Rand. Bandit mouse, and other tales. '00. Rand. Frisch and Fromm. Eden pub. Frisk and his flock. Button. Pirate frog and other tales. Rand. Pnggery wee. '02. Rand. Fritschel, George T. Geschichte des seminars Wartburg. '16. Seminar. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 101 Frudden, William Elmer Farm buildings : How to build them. '16. Charles City, la. The author. Frye, Ermil B. Spirit of the true republic, n. d. Mt. Pleasant, la. Iowa wesleyan college. Fuhrmann, Joseph Souvenir of the diamond jubilee of St. Mary's church, Iowa City, Iowa, celebrated May 21, 1916, and history of the principal events of the congregation and sketches of buildings, priests and bishops, 1840-1916. '16. The author. Fuller, A. C., jr. (jt. auth.) McGlade, J. C. & Mahannah, Fred L. Ref- erence books for approved high schools of Iowa. '14. Des Moines. Dept. of -public instruction. Fuller, Burton Challenge of socialism, n. d. Pella, la. Central Uni- versity of Iowa. Fuller, Corydon Eustathius Reminiscences of James A. Garfield. '87. Gin. Stand- ard pub. Fullerton, Robert, 1845 Twentieth century unlimited, a review of how we grow, with a glance at the passing show. '16. Des Moines. Kenyon co. Fulton, Alexander R., 1825-1891 Red men of Iowa, '82. Des Moines. Mills & co. Sketches of the northwest. '78. Des Moines. Mills & co. Fulton, Ambrose Copperthwaite, 1811-1903 Life's voyage; diary of a soldier on sea and land jotted down through a seventy years' voyage. '98. N. Y. The author. Fulton, Charles J. History of Jefferson county, Iowa. '14. S. J. Clarke. 102 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Fultz, Francis Marion, 1857 Fly-aways and other seed travelers. '09. Public school. Out of door studies in geography. '08. Public school. Funk, Nettie Sawyer (Mrs. A. B. Funk) Automatic speller. '15. Band. Five messages to teachers of primary reading. '13. Rand. Little kingdom primer. '12. Hand. Gabrielson, Ira Noel, 1889 Breeding birds of a Clay county, Iowa, farm. Re- printed from Wilson bulletin, June, 1914. Nest life of a cat bird. Reprinted from the Wilson bul- letin of December, 1913. Study of the home life of the brown thrasher. Re- printed from the Wilson bulletin, June, 1912. Ten days' bird study in a Nebraska swamp. Reprinted from the Wilson bulletin, June, 1914. Gaines, Morrell W. Living rate for the railroads, n. d. New Haven. Galer, R. S. Practical methods in arithmetic. 2d ed. '92. Flanagan. Gallagher, J. P. Corn on the cob. '16. Williarnsburg, la. Journal- Tribune press. Galland, Isaac, d. 1858 Iowa emigrant. '40. Chillicothe, 0. William C. Jones. Garden, Robert I., 1840 History of Scott township, Mahaska county, Iowa. '08. Oskaloosa, la. Shockley bros. & Cook. Garland, Hamlin, 1860 Boy life on the prairie. '99. Harper. Captain of the gray-horse troop. '02. Harper. Cavanagh, forest ranger; a romance of the mountain west. '10. Harper. Eagle's heart. '00. Appleton. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 103 Garland, Hamlin, 1860 Continued. Forester's daughter; a romance of the Bear-tooth range. '14. Harper. Her mountain lover. Century. Hesper ; a novel. '03. Harper. '11. Grosset. Jason Edwards. Appleton. Light of the star. '04. Harper. Little Norsk. Long trail; a story of the northwest wilderness. '07. Harper. Main traveled roads. '10. Harper. Same ; autographed ed. 2 v. '16. Harper. Member of the third house. Century. Moccasin ranch ; a story of Dakota. '09. Harper. Money magic. '07. Harper. Other main traveled roads. '10. Harper. Prairie folks. '99. Harper. Rose of Butcher's Coolly. '05. Harper. Shadow world. '08. Harper. Son of the middle border. '17. Macmillan. Spirit of the northern peninsula ; with notes on the agricultural conditions and water power. '11. Lansing, Mich., Geol. & biol. S. Water resources of Illinois (17th annual report) U. S. Geol. S. Wells of northern Indiana. (Water supply pa.) '99. Supt. of doc. Wells of southern Indiana. (Water supply pa.) '99. Supt. of doc. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 173 and Sardeson, Frederick William, 1866 Surface formations and agricultural conditions of north- eastern Minnesota. '17. Minneapolis. Univ. of Minn, library. and Taylor, Frank Bursley, 1860 Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the history of the Great Lakes. (Monograph no. 53.) U. S. Geol. S. Supt. of doc. and others Flowing wells and municipal water supplies in the southern peninsula of Michigan. 2v. '07. Supt. of doc. Lewis, Charles Oakley Mission of the present age. n. d. Fayette, la. The author. Lewis, George Henry, 1840-1913 National consolidation of railways of the United States. '93. Dodd. Lewis, R. R., Ziek, Anna, and Post, Jennie E. Problems in arithmetic, n. d. Cedar Rapids, la. Board of education. Lighten, William Rheem, 1866 Happy Hollow Farm. '15. Doran. Lillibridge, William Otis, 1878-1909 Ben Blair. '05. McClurg. Breath of prairies', and other stories. 11. McClurg. Dissolving circle. '08. Dodd. Dominant dollar. '09. McClurg ; '11. Burt. Quercus alba ; the veteran of the Ozarks. '10. McClurg. Quest eternal. '08. Dodd ; '10. Burt. Where the trail divides. '07. Dodd. Lloyd, Frederick, and Langridge, W. B. Biographical sketch of Theodore S. Parvin. Eeprinted from Proceedings of Grand chapter of the state of Iowa for 1877. 174 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Loban, Joy Maxwell, 1887 Technic and practice of chiropractic. 2d ed. '15. Dav- enport. Universal chiropractic college. Lockhart, Clinton Messianic prophecy. '93. Principles of interpretation. '91. Des Moines. Chris- tian index pub. Loetscher, Frederick William, 1875 Schwenckf eld's participation in the eucharistic contro- versy of the sixteenth century. '06. Long, Joseph Schuyler, 1869 Out of the silence; a book of verse. '09. Council Bluffs. The author. Sign language. '10. Wash. Gibson bros. Longwell, Oliver Henry Elementary grammar. Welch. English grammar. Welch. Outlines of English and American literature. Hinds. Lonsdale, Elston Holmes Geology of Montgomery county, Iowa. '94. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 4. See Keyes, Charles Rollin; Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. Loomis, C. H. Where proudly flows the Mississippi ; some leaves from nature's sketch-book. '97. Bellevue, la. The author. Loos, Charles Louis, 1823 First general Christian missionary convention held at Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 22-27, 1849. Standard pub. Loos, Isaac Althaus, 1856 Political philosophy of Aristotle. '97. Am. acad. Studies in the politics of Aristotle. '99. Univ. of Iowa. William Miller Beardshear, president of the Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanic arts. '02. Iowa City. State historical society of Iowa. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 175 Lothrop, Charles H. History of the First .regiment Iowa cavalry veteran vol- unteers. '90. Lyons, la. Beers & Eaton. Malaria. '81. Lyons, la. Beers & Eaton. Remedial properties of Hot Springs, Arkansas. '81. St. Louis. Times ptg. Louis, John J., 1877 Shelby county; a sociological study. From Iowa jour- nal of history and politics, v. 2, nos 1 and 2. 1904. Lowe, Edna Eugenia Health rules and danger signals. '16. Chic. The plat- form. Lucas, C. L. Milton Lott tragedy. '06. Madrid, la. The author. Lucas, D. R. Paul Darst, '87. Oskaloosa, la. Central bk. Lush, Charles E. Federal judge. '97. Houghton. Lyman, Joseph Free ballot, a free count, an honest count ; speech in the house of representatives, March 6, 1888. Lynch, Samuel Adams (jt. auth.) McNeill, Isaac C. Introductory lessons in English literature. '01. Am. bk. Lynch, Virginia Dr. Tom Gardner. '00. Neely. Lyon, C. W. Salute to the flag ; poem. '17. The author. Lyon, Milf ord Hall, 1868 For the life that now is. '09. Eevell. McArdle, Fred Everything behind the engine for conductors and brake- men. '10. McArdle & Helmholtz. 176 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS McArdle, Fred, and Helmholtz, Henry (eds.) Air brake text for engineers and firemen. '09. McArdle & Helmholtz. (eds.) Locomotive text for engineers and firemen. '09. McArdle & Helmholtz. (eds.) Westinghouse diagramatic and sectional views, air brake and air signal instruction charts. '09. Mc- Ardle & Helmholtz. . McArthur, Henry Clay Address at the dedication of the Fifteenth Iowa regi- mental monument on the battlefield of Shiloh, Ten- nessee, Nov. 22, 1906. Capture and destruction of Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 17, 1865. '11. Wash. The author. McBride, Matilda B. No sheaves. '83. Des Moines. Macbride, Thomas Huston, 1848 Civic improvement in Iowa; annual address before the Iowa park and forestry association, Des Moines, Dec. 12, 1904. Conservation of Iowa lakes, streams and woodlands. Reprinted from the report 'of the Iowa state drain- age, waterways and conservation commission. 1910. Culture and women's clubs; an address. (Extension bul. no. 20). '16. State univ. of Iowa. Forestry notes for Iowa; Dubuque county. '00. Re- printed from v. 10, Report of Iowa Geol. S. Fossil plant remains in the Iowa herbarium. Davenport acad of sci. Geology of Clay and 'Brien counties. '01. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 11. Geology of Emmet, Palo Alto, and Pocahontas counties. '05. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 15. Geology of Humboldt county. '99. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 9. Geology of Kossuth, Hancock and Winnebago counties. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 177 Macbride, Thomas Huston, 1848 Continued. Geology of Sac and Ida counties. '96. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 16. Iowa pioneer and his ideals; an address delivered on June 12, 1906, Education day, of the semi-centennial celebration of the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Key to native plants. '98. Allyn. Lessons in elementary botany for secondary schools. '96. Allyn. Monterey conifers. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci. v. 20. 1913. New flora. Allyn. North American slime-moulds. '99. Macmillan. On the campus; addresses delivered at various times before university and college audiences. '16. Cedar Rapids, la. Torch Press. Science ethical ; an address at Liberal Christian church, Cedar Rapids, la, June 2, 1912. '12. Torch Press. Tramping in western Oregon. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci. v. 20. 1913. Twenty-five years of botany in Iowa. Excerpt from Iowa acad. of sci. v. 19. 1912. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12-. Iowa geol. S. v. 22. McCabe, Olivia Rose fairies. '11. Rand. McCarty, Dwight G.' Early social and religious experiments in Iowa. '02. State hist. soc. of Iowa. History of Palo Alto county, Iowa. '10. Torch press. History of the tariff in the United States. '09. Emmets- burg, la. Tribune pub. Territorial governors of the old northwest. '10. Iowa City. State hist. soc. of Iowa. 12 178 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS McCay, Robert Principles of English pronunciation for grammar schools, high schools and academies. '92. Burling- ton, la. Acres, Blackmar & co. McClain, Emlin, 1851-1915 Annotated statutes of Iowa. 2v. '80; '84. Callaghan. Annotated code and statutes of Iowa. 2v. '88. Callaghan. Cases on carriers. 2d ed. Little. Cases on constitutional law. '00. Little. Constitutional convention (Iowa) and the issues before it. Torch press. Constitutional law in the United States. '10. Long- mans. Criminal law. 2v. '97. Callaghan. Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Iowa from its organization to May, 1908. 4v. '08- '09. Callaghan. Liability in tort of carriers of the mail. '14. Reprinted from Columbia law review. Outlines of criminal law and procedure. '83. Iowa City. The author. Selection of cases on the law of bailments and carriers, including ordinary bailments, pledges, warehousemen, wharfingers, innkeepers, postmasters and public car- riers of goods and passengers. 3d ed. '14. Little. Statutes of lowg, relating to railways and notes of deci- sions thereunder. '91. Des Moines. The author. Synopsis of bailments and pledges. '90. Iowa City. Synopsis of lectures on remedial law. '89. Iowa City. The author. McClelland, Adam History of our Lord. '98. Dubuque. Presb. pub. McCoid, Moses A., 1841 Charge of the Second Iowa at Fort Donelson. '99. Fairfield, la. The author. John Williamson of Hardscrabble. '02. Donohue. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 M'Connell, N. A. Debate on trine immersion, the Lord's supper and feet- washing, with James Quinter, of Ohio. '68. Gin. H. S. Bosworth. McCord, James Peter, 1812 Poems. '89. The author. McCowan, Henry S. and Everest, Frank F. (eds.) Under the scarlet and black.; poems selected from the undergraduate publications of Iowa college. '93. Grinnell. McCowen, Jennie Insanity in women. '86. Davenport. Glass & Axtman. Women physicians in hospitals for the insane; an his- torical retrospect. '86. Buffalo. Peter Paul & bro. McCown, Alfred B. Down on the ridge; reminiscences of the old days in Coalport and down on the ridge, Marion county, Iowa. McCrary, George Washington, 1835-1890 Commerce by railroad among the states; speech in the house of representatives, March 3, 1874. Perils of the situation and how to meet them ; speech in the house of representatives, Jan. 25, 1877. Treatise on the American law of elections. 4th ed. '97. Callaghan. U. S. Circuit court reports. 5v. Callaghan. McCreery, J. L., d. 1906 Songs of toil and triumph; contains the poem, "There is no death." '83. Putnam. McCrory, Samuel Henry, and others Keport upon the Cypress creek drainage district, Desha and Chicot counties, Arkansas (Bui. no. 198) U. S. Agric. Medulla, Thomas History of Cherokee county, Iowa. '14. S. J. Clarke. 180 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS McDaniel, Mrs. Clara (LaTourette) 1880 , and McDaniel, Charles Foster Commercial art typewriting ; a touch method producing typewriting artists. '10. Cedar Rapids. The authors. MacDonald, G. B. Evergreen trees for Iowa ; abridged ed. (Bui. no. 170) '17. Iowa state college of agric. (jt. auth.) Pammel, L. H., and Clark, H. B. Native and cultivated shrubs of the Missouri river basin. Re- printed from the Iowa aead. of sci. v. 22. 1915. MacDonald, Thomas H. (jt. auth.) Sampson, Henry E. Recent road legislation of Iowa. '15. Des Moines. State printer. McDonald, William, 1820-1901 After death, what? Christian witness. Bank of faith. Christian witness. John Wesley and his doctrine. Christian witness. Life of John S. Inskip. Christian witness. New Testament standard of piety. Christian witness. People's Wesley. Meth. bk. Saved to the uttermost. Christian witness. (Germ.) Vo'llig erlb'st. Christian witness. Scriptural way of holiness. Christian witness. Spiritualism. Meth. bk. Spiritualism identical with ancient sorcery, New Tes- tament demonology, and modern witchcraft; with the testimony of God and man against it. '66. N. Y. Carlton & Porter. McElroy, John M. Men of the past. n. d. Presbytery of Iowa. McFarland, John Thomas, 1851-1913 Book and child. '07. Meth. bk. Etchings of the master. '09. Meth. bk. First lesson book on the International Sunday school lessons, for 1905, for the grade immediately above the primary department. '04. Meth. bk. Golden text book (annual). '09. Meth. bk. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 181 McFarland, John Thomas, 1851-1913 Continued. Home department of the Sunday school. Me-th. bk. Poems. 14. Meth. bk. Preservation versus rescue of the child. Meth. bk. Young people's lesson book on the International Sun- day school lessons, for 1905. '04. Meth. bk. Young people's lesson book on the International Sun- day school lessons for 1906. '05. Meth bk. (ed.) Hammond, Theodore M. (comp.) Sunday school manual. '07. Meth. bk. (ed.) Meyer, Henry H. Lesson handbook; annual. '04. Meth. bk. (ed) Thomas, Marion. Primary lesson detail. '13. Meth. bk. and Doherty, Robert Remington Illustrative lesson notes; a guide to the study of the International Sunday school lessons, 1906. '05. Meth. bk. McFarland, William M., 1848-1905 Address at the opening of the Iowa building, Columbian exposition, Chic. May 1, 1893. McGee, Emma R., 1865 Life of W J McGee, distinguished geologist, ethnolo- gist, anthropologist, hydrologist, etc., in service of United States government, with extracts from ad- dresses and writings. '15. Torch press. McGee, W J, 1853^1912 Classification of geographic forms of genesis. Reprinted from National geographic magazine, v. 1, no. 1, 1889. Drainage system and the distribution of the loess of eastern Iowa. '83. Gov. ptg. Encroachments of the sea. Reprinted from the Forum, June, 1890. Field records relating to subsoil water (Bu. of soils. Bui. no. 93). '13. Supt. of doc. Geography of Virginia. '04. Univ. pub. 182 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS McGee, W J, 1853-1912 Continued. Geologic antecedents of man in the Potomac valley. Re- printed from the American anthropologist, v. 2, no. 3. 1889. Index to proceedings of Davenport academy of sci- ences, v. 1-5. Davenport acad. of sci. v. 5. 1893. Paleolithic man in America, his antiquity and environ- ment. Reprinted from the Popular science monthly, November, 1888. Pleistocene history of northeastern Iowa. '93. Re- printed from Eleventh annual report U. S. Geol. S. Prehistoric America ; being v. 19 of the History of North America, ed. by Francis N. Thorpe. '05. Phil. George Barrie & Sons. Soil erosion (Bu. of soils. Bui. no. 71). '11. Supt. of doc. Three formations of the middle Atlantic slope. Re- printed from American journal of science, v. 35. 1888. Wells and subsoil water (Bu. of soils. Bui. no. 92). '13. Supt. of doc. World's supply of fuel. Reprinted from the Forum, July, 1889. (jt. auth.) Thomas, Cyrus. Indians of North America in historic times (History of North America, v. 2). '03. Barrie. McGlade, J. C., Fuller, A. C., jr. and Mahannah, Fred L. Reference books for the approved high schools of Iowa. '14. Des Moines. Dept. of public instruction. McGovern, Anna . Nature studies and related literature. '02. Flanagan. Stories and poems, with lesson plans for primary and intermediate schools. '07. Educational pub. Type lessons for primary teachers in study of nature, literature and art. '05. Flanagan. McGovern, John Pastoral poems and other pieces. '82. Chic. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 183 McHenry, Olive Practical lessons and exercises in grammar. '00. West- ern pub. Mackey, Phil J., d. 1911 American pearls and pearl fishing. '14. National jew- eler. (jt. auth.) Braunwarth, Charles Clarence. Hunters and hunting of Muscatine, Iowa. '09. Muscatine news. McKibbin, Julia Baldwin Miriam. '05. Meth. bk. McKinley, Charles Ethelbert, 1870 Educational evangelism. Pilgrim press. McKinney, Ida Scott (Taylor) (Mrs. William E. McKinney) (comp.) Yearbook of American authors; new ed. '09. Caldwell. MacLean, George Edwin, 1850 Chart of English literature. '90. Ginn. Old and Middle English reader. '11. Macmillan. Present standards of higher education in the United States. '13. Gov. ptg. Maclean, Paul History of Carroll county, Iowa. 2v. 12. S. J. Clarke. McLennan, Evan Cosmical evolution. '90. Donohue. McLoney, Ella M. Historical sketch of the Des Moines public library. '93, Kenyon press. McLuen, William Looking forward; or, Glimpses by an observer of the past, present and probable future of our country, politically. '91. Perry, la. Chief steam ptg. McMillen, Liston Alathiasis; or. Principles of Christian hygiene. '95. Oskaloosa, la. Nicholson & Wilson. 184 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS MacMurray, Arthur Practical lessons in public speaking. '10. Ames, la. The author. McNeely, Marion Kent Kurd, See Kurd, Marion Kent Macomber, J. K., d. 1910. Dangerous illuminating oils. n. d. Ames, la. Intelli- gencer steam print. Lightning rod humbugs. Des Moines. Kenyon press. Matter and force. '76. Ames. Agricultural college steam print. MoVey, Frank Le Rond, 1869 Government of Minnesota. 2d ed. '08. Macmillan. Making of a- town. '13. Macmillan. Modern industrialism. '04. Appleton. Populist movement. Am. economic assn. Railroad transportation; some phases of its history, operation and regulation. '10. Cree pub. (ed.) Minnesota academy of social sciences. Papers and proceedings, 1st annual meeting on taxation ; 2d an- nual meeting on Minnesota. McVicker, George A. Index plat directory of town corporations, additions and subdivisions in Polk county, Iowa. '84. Des Moines. Mills & co. Macy, Jesse, 1842 Civil government in Iowa. '81. Grinnell. Cravath & Shaw. English constitution. '97. Macmillan. Same, pt. 1. The nature of the constitution. '11. Macmillan. First lessons in civil government. '94. Ginn. Government text-book for Iowa schools. '91. Ginn. Institutional beginnings in a western state. (Iowa). '84. Johns Hopkins. Our government ; rev. ed. Ginn. Parliamentary procedure. '92. Am. acad. Party organization and machinery. '04; '12. Century. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 185 Macy, Jesse, 1842 Continued. Political parties in the United States, 1846-61. '00. Macmillan. Political science. '13. Chic, civics soc. and Ganaway, John W. Comparative free government. '15. Macmillan. and Geiser, Carl Frederick Government of Iowa; based on Macy's Iowa govern- ment. '06. Ginn. Macy, Mrs. Maude Little, and Norris, Harry Waldo General physiology for high schools. '00. Am. bk. Macy, S. R., 1865-1911 Outline course of theoretical pharmacy and laboratory work. '91. Des Moines. A. J. Lilly. Madison, W. C. God's crowning work, and other sermons. '86. Roch- ester, N. Y. C. Venton Patterson & co. Madsen, E. F. Fra de stille skove en fortaelling. '96. Minneapolis. Magee, J. C. Apostolic organism. '90. Meth. bk. Magee, Mary (jt. auth.) Clifford, Elsie G. Delegate's mission; a dia- logue. '14. Phil. Woman's foreign mission soc. Pres- byterian church. Maggard, James H. Rough and tumble engineering; a book of instructions for operating farm engines. Iowa City. The author. Traction engine, its use and abuse, including gas and gasoline engines. '05. McKay. Magoun, George F., 1821-1896 Address delivered before the Iowa state bar association at Des Moines, May 17, 1877. Asa Turner and his times. '89. Cong. Sunday-school pub. 186 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Magoun, George F., 1821-1896 Continued. Anarchy; a Thanksgiving day sermon, preached to the united congregations of Grinnell, Nov. 24, 1887. Liquor laws not sumptuary, n. d. Past of our college; an address to the Alumni associa- tion of Iowa college, Grinnell, June 11, 1895. West; its culture and its colleges; oration delivered at the annual commencement of Iowa college, Daven- port, Iowa, July 18, 1855. Magoun, Herbert William, 1856 Agapao and Phileo ; a suggestion for John XXI, 15-17. Anomalies of the Greek Tetrachord. '13. From Proceed- ings of the American philological assn., v. 44. Aryan root vowels ; a query. '10. Eeprinted from Pro- ceedings of the American philological assn. v. 40. Asuri-Kalpa; a witchcraft practice of the Atharva- Veda. '89. Bait. Isaac Friedenwald. Glacial epoch and the Noachian deluge. '10. Cambridge, Mass. The author. Layman's view of a critical theory. '13. Eeprinted from Bibliotheca sacra, v. 70. Pliny's Laurentine villa. Reprinted from proceedings of American philological assn., Special session. 1894. Report of the committee on instruction and courses in Bible reading for the Men and religion forward move- ment in the city of Boston. Reprinted from the Bib- liotheca sacra for Oct., 1912. Testimony of Josephus concerning Jesus. Reprinted from the Bibliotheca sacra. 1912. Thirty-eight and other analyses of logaoedic forms (Me- chanically illustrated). Reprinted from Proceedings of the American philological assn., v. 40. 1910. (ed.) Denison, T: S. Mexican Aryan sibilants. '12. Denison. Mahannah, Fred L. (jt. auth.) McGlade, J. C., and Fuller, A. C., jr. Refer- ence books for the approved high schools of Iowa. '14. Des Moines. Dept. of public instruction. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 Mahin, John Lee, 1869 Advertising data book. 14th ed. N. Y. The author. Advertising; selling the consumer. 2d ed. '16. Double- day. Mahony, D. A. Prisoner of state. 1863. N. Y. Carleton. Mahood, John Wilmot, 1864 Art of soul winning. '01. Meth. bk. Lost art of meditation. '11 ; '16. Revell. Make Jesus king, and other messages to men. '08. 'Meth. bk. Master workman. '10. Praise pub. Renaissance of Methodism. '05. Meth. .bk. Victory life. Meth. bk. Main, John Hanson Thomas, 1859 Locative expression in the Attic orators. '92. Bait. John Murphy co. Mall, Franklin Paine, 1862 Cyclopia in the human embryo (Carnegie inst. of Wash. Contributions to embryology, no. 15). '17. Carnegie inst. Human magma reticule in normal and in pathological development (Carnegie inst. of Wash. Contributions to embryology, no. 10). '17. Carnegie inst. On the fate of the human ovum in tubal pregnancy (Contribution to embryology, no. 1). '15. Carnegie inst. (jt. ed.) Keibel, Franz. Manual of human embryol- ogy ; written by C. R. Bardeen, Herbert M. Evans and others. 2v. '10. Lippincott. Mally, Frederick William, 1868 Bermuda onion (Bui. no. 46). '15. Austin, Texas. Dept. of agric. Manatt, James Irving, 1845-1915 Aegean days. '14. Houghton. (ed.) Xenophon, Hellenica. Ginn. v (jt. auth.) Tsountas, Chrestos. Mycenaean age. Hough- ton. 188 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Mangold, George Benjamin Child's problems. '10. Macmillan. Church and philanthrophy. '07. Am. acad. Labor argument in the American protective tariff dis- cussion. '08. Univ. of Wis. Manning, Mrs. Carrie C., 1839 Heart echoes. '90. Charles City. Manning, Jessie Wilson Passion of life. '87. Cin. Robert Clarke & co. Marchancl, A. A. (ed.) Eevue Icarienne. Markey, Joseph Ignacious From Iowa to the Philippines. '00. Red Oak, la. T. D. Murphy co. Marolf, Louis C. Whisperings and Quarryford. '14. Roxburgh. Marple, Alice Reference use of public documents ; a paper read before the joint meeting of the Iowa and Nebraska library associations held at Council Bluffs and Omaha, Oct. 8-11, 1907. Des Moines. Campbell & Russell. and Griswold, Mrs. Alice Steele (comps.) Index to the Annals of Iowa, third series, v. 1-8, 1893-1909. Marsh, George Linnaeus, 1871 (jt. auth.) Elson, William Harris, and Lynch, Clara E. Good English. '17. Scott. and Royster, James F. Manual for teaching English classes. '02. Scott. Marshall, Carl Goran, 1852 Bookkeeping and business training. 9th ed. '11. Cedar Rapids, la. Goodyear-Marshall pub. Business English. 6th ed. '13. Cedar Rapids, la. Good- year-Marshall pub. Business speller. 6th ed. '14. Cedar Rapids, la. Good- year-Marshall pub. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 189 Marshall, Carl Coran, 1852 Continued. Corporation and voucher accounting. '11. Cedar Rap- ids, la. Goodyear-Marshall pub. Double entry drills. 6th ed. Cedar Rapids, la. Good- year-Marshall pub. and Goodyear, Samuel Horatio Inductive commercial arithmetic. '10. Cedar Rapids, la. Goodyear-Marshall pub. Marshall, Caroline Louise Girl ranchers. '97. Penn. Two Wyoming girls. '99. Penn. Marston, Anson, 1864 History of engineering. '12. Ames, la. King ptg. Sewers and drains. '09. Am. school of correspondence. and Anderson, A. 0. Theory of loads on pipes in ditches, and tests of cement and clay drain tile sewer pipe (Engineering exper. sta. Bui. no. 31). '13. Iowa state college of agric. and Pammel, L. H., and others Preliminary data for the design of the proposed sewage disposal system of Marshalltown. '00. Marshall- town, publisher. and Weems, J. B., and Pammel, L. H. Iowa state college sewage disposal plant and investiga- tions. Bui. Iowa state college. 1900. See Macbride, Thomas H. Twenty-five years in botany. Iowa acad. of sci. v.19. 1912. Martin, C. C. Harness-makers' complete guide. '91. Chic. Jefferson Jackson. Martin, J. L. History of Palo Alto county, Iowa; prepared for the celebration at Emmetsburg, July 4, 1876. Emmets- burg, la. 190 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Martin, J. N. Physiology of the pollen of trifolium pratense. Re- printed from the Botanical gazette, v. 56. 1915. Martin, Junius M. Church history and manual of the Congregational church of Salem, Iowa. '97. Burlington, la. Con- rad Lutz. Marvin, Merze, 1887 McCauslands of Donaghanie and allied families. '11. Shenandoah, la. The author. Mason, Charles, d. 1882 ' ' Give us once again union ! Give us peace ! ' ' oration before the national democratic association at the cap- itol grounds, in the city of Washington, July 4, 1864. '64. Wash. Constitutional union. Mason, Jasper Kimble, 1840-1903 Escape from rebel prison and adventures in the woods and swamps of Louisiana and Texas ; a true narrative of an Iowa soldier. '76. Keokuk, la. Gate City steam Ptg- Mason, William Ernest, 1850 John the unafraid (anon.). '10. McClurg. John -the unafraid calendar. '13. McClurg. Mathews, Harvey Carrier's address of the Daily herald tribune. '85. Matthews, Washington, 1843-1905 Catlin collection of Indian paintings. '77; '92. Gov. Ptg. Earth lodge in art. Reprinted from the American an- thropologist, v. 4, January-March, 1902. Ethnology and philology of the Hidatsa Indians. '77. Gov. ptg. Further contribution to the study of consumption among the Indians. '09. Phil. W. J. Doran. Gentle system of the Navajo Indians. Reprinted from the Journal of American folk-lore, April-June, 1890. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 191 Matthews, Washington, 1843-1905 Continued. Grammar and dictionary of the language of the Hidatsa. '73. Mountain chant, a Navajo ceremony. '87. Navajo gambling songs. '09. Judd & Detweiler. Navajo legends. Houghton. Navajo myths, prayers and songs. '07. Univ. of Gal. Navajo silversmiths. '83. Navajo weavers. '83. Night chant ; Navajo ceremony. '07. Am. museum of nat. hist. Part of the Navajo 's mythology. Reprinted from the American antiquarian for April, 1883. Prayer of a Navajo shaman. '88. Wash. Judd & Detweiler. Some illustrations of the connection between myth and ceremony. Reprinted from the Memoirs of the inter- national congress of anthropology, Chicago. Study in butts and tips. Reprinted from the American anthropologist for Oct., 1892. Two-faced Navajo blanket. Reprinted from the Amer- ican anthropologist, v. 2, Oct.-Dec., 1900. Vigil of the gods a Navajo ceremony. Reprinted from American anthropologist, v. 9, 1896. Maurer, Jacob D., 1852 Supplementary arithmetic. '93. Garnavillo, la. The author. Maurer, Oscar Edward August, 1878 Brotherhood of the burning heart. '15. Pilgrim press. Maurer, Washington 'Irving, 1879 Genus of the reformation. '02. Beloit, Wis. The au- thor. Prayers of the college life. '13. Northampton, Mass. The author. Maxwell, Sara B., 1837-1904 Centennial history of Guthrie county, Iowa. '76. Des Moines. Carter, Hussey & Curl. Manners and customs of to-day. '90. Des Moines. Cline pub. 192 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS May, Celeste Ball, 1850 Eddies of memory. '12. Gin. Monfort & Co. Love purified. '06. Christian pub. May, Eugene Annual missionary sermon, delivered before the Upper Iowa conference, Oct. 7, 1887. Cedar Rapids, la. Daily Republican. Mazzuchelli, Samuel Charles, 1806-1864 Memorie d'un Missionario Apostolico. '44. Milan. Memoirs historical and edifying of a missionary apos- tolic of the order of Saint Dominic among various Indian tribes and among the Catholics and Protestants in the United States of America; with an introduc- tion by the Most Reverend John Ireland. '15. Chic. W. F. Hall ptg. co. Meacham, (Lotta) Allen Belle Jones ; a story of fulfillment. '16. Dutton. Medbury, Charles Sanderson, 1865 From Eden to the Jordan ; series of lessons in the Pen- tateuch. '09. Standard pub. From the Jordan to the throne of Saul; for advanced teacher-training classes, adult Bible classes, etc. '10. Standard pub. From the throne of Saul to Bethlehem ; for advanced training classes, Bible classes, etc. Standard pub. Meeker, Ezra Morgan, 1830 Ox team and the old Oregon trail. '06. Indianapolis. The author. Pioneer reminiscences of Puget Sound. '05. Seattle. The author. Story of the lost trail to Oregon. Seattle. The author. Ventures and adventures; or, Sixty years of frontier life. '08. Seattle. Rainier ptg. co. Meeker, Royal History of shipping subsidies. '05. Am. economic assn. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 193 Meese, William Augustus, 1856 Abraham Lincoln ; incidents in his life relating to water- ways. Moline, 111. The author. Mehan, J. M. Chart of political history, with key. '85. Des Moines. Meigs, Cornelia Kingdom of the winding road. '15. Macmillan. Master Simon's garden; a story. '16. Macmillan. Steadfast princess ; a play for young people. '16. Mac- millan. Melendy, Peter, 1823-1901 Fifty years; historical record of Cedar Falls, the gar- den city of Iowa. '93. Cedar Falls. The author. Meredith, Edwin Thomas, 1876 What do the people want? Speech of, as democratic candidate for governor, before the state convention at Clinton, Iowa, "Wednesday, May 10, 1916. Meredith, Mrs. Maude (pseud, for Mrs. Dwight Smith) Parson's sin. Donohue. Rivulet and clover blossoms. '81. N. Y. St. Julien's daughter. '83. Chic. Merriam, Charles Edward, 1874 History of American political theories. '03. Macmillan. History of theory of sovereignty since Rousseau. '00. Longmans. Investigation as a means of securing administrative ef- ficiency. '12.^ Am. acad. Primary elections. '08. Univ. of Chic. Report of investigation of municipal revenues of Chi- cago. City club of Chic. Merrill, J. W., 1833-1908 Yellow Spring and Huron ; a local history. '97. Medi- apolis, la. The author. 13 194 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Merrill, 0. W. Home field and the home missionary ; discourse preached before the Dubuque association of Congregational ministers and delegates, Sept., 1860. Merrill, S. B. Paradise restored and improved. '81. Des Moines, la. Merritt, Fred D. Early history of banking in Iowa. '00. State univ. of Iowa. Merritt, William Wallace, 1832 History of the county of Montgomery from the earliest days to 1906. '06. Ked Oak, la. Thomas D. Murphy CO. Metcalf, Arthur, 1864 Green devil; a romance of Thornton abbey in the days of John Wyclif. '12. Pilgrim press. Metcalf, Herbert J. Riverside echoes. '04. La Crosse, Wis. Spicer & Busch- man. True garden of Eden. n. d. Meyer, Frederic Louis, 1875 Twentieth century manual of railway and commercial telegraphy. '05. Rand. Twentieth century manual of railway station service. '06. Rand. Twentieth century telegraphy, n. d. Des Moines. Meyerholz, Charles Henry, 1876 History and government of Iowa. '12. Educational pub. Meyers, Fred W. History of Clayton county, Iowa. 2v. '16. Chic. Robert 0. Law. History of Crawford county, Iowa. '11. S. J. Clarke. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 195 Michael, William H., 1846-1916 Iowa soldiers and sailors in the war of rebellion; ad- dress before the biennial meeting of the association of Crocker's brigade, at Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 14, 1904. Mikkelsen, A. Experiences of a minister in a large city. '93. De- corah, la. North synod. Miller, Albert Arthur Circleometry. '16. Des Moines. Homestead co. Miller, Benjamin Leroy, 1874 Geology of Marion county. '01. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 11. Graphic deposits of Pennsylvania (Rep. no. 6). '12. Pennsylvania topographic and geologic soc. Miller, Daniel F., sr. Rhetoric as an art of persuasion. '80. Des Moines. Mills & co. Miller, E. History of Page county, Iowa, from the earliest settle- ment in 1843 to the first centennial of American in- dependence, July 4, 1876. '76. Clarinda, la. Her- ald book and job office. Miller, Emory, 1834-1912 Evolution of love ; rev. ed. '07. Meth. bk. Fact of God. /Ol. Meth. bk. Future probation. '87. Des Moines. Memoirs and sermons. '11. Meth. bk. Thoughts. Des Moines. Kenyon. Miller, Irving- John Annitage, 1866 Fireside poems. '87. Marshalltown, la. Miller bros. Miller, James N. Story of Andersonville and Florence. '00. Des Moines. Welch. 196 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Miller, Mrs. Mary Farrand Rogers, 1868 Brook book. '02. Doubleday. Outdoor work. '11. Doubleday. Miller, Mrs. Mary H. (comp.) Historical sketch of the State library. '93. Des Moines. Miller, Samuel Freeman, 1816-1890 Constitution of the United States ; three lectures before the University law school of Washington. '91. Banks & co. Decisions of the U. S. supreme court, 1855-62. 4v. Memorial oration delivered at the one-hundredth anni- versary of the framing and promulgation of the con- stitution of the United States of America, in Inde- pendence square, Philadelphia, September 17, 1887. Reports of the decisions of the supreme court of the United States. 2v. '82. Des Moines. Mills & co. U. S. circuit court decisions, 1863-69; reported by J. M. Woolworth. '70. Chic. Callaghan & Cockcroft. Miller, Mrs. Sylvia Penn Genealogical record. '13. Englewood, 111. The author. Miller, W. J. (jt. auth.) Peck, J. L. E., and Montzheimer, 0. H. His- tory of O'Brien and Osceola counties, la. 2v. B. F. Bowen co. Miller, William Edward, 1823-1896 New revised and annotated code of Iowa. '80 ; '85 ; '88. Supplement. '92. Des Moines. Mills & co. Treatise on pleading and practice in Iowa. 5th ed. Des Moines. '88. Mills & co. Probate law and practice in Iowa. 1st ed. '68. 5th ed. '90. Des Moines. Mills & co. and Field, Washington Federal practice. '81. Des Moines. Mills & co. Millerd, Clara Elizabeth, 1873 Interpretation of Empedocles. '08. Univ. of Chic. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 197 Millikan, Robert Andrews, 1868 Electron; its isolation and measurement and the deter- mination of some of its properties. '17. Univ. of Chic, press. Isolation and measurement of the electron. '14. Univ. of Chic, press. Mechanics, molecular physics and heat. '03. Ginn. New instruments of precision from the Ryerson labora- tory. '03. Univ. of Chic, press. (tr.) Drude, Paul. Theory of optics. '02. Longmans. and Bishop, Edwin Sherwood Elements of electricity; a practical discussion of the fundamental laws and phenomena of electricity and their practical applications in the business and in- dustrial world. '16. Am. technical soc. and Crocker, Francis Bacon, and Mills, John Practical lessons in electricity. '14. Am. school of cor- respondence. and Gale, Henry Gordon First course in physics. '06. Ginn. Laboratory course in physics for secondary schools. '06. Ginn. and Gale, Henry Gordon, and Bishop, Edwin Sherwood First course in laboratory physics for secondary schools. '14. Ginn. and Mills, John . Short university course in electricity, sound and light. '08. Ginrf. Mills, Charles Francis Henry, 1875 Voice and vocalism, '09. Hawkeye press. Mills, Frank Moody, 1831 Home-made jinglets, cast in the rough at odd times. '14. Sioux Falls. S. D. Sessions-Mannax co. Index-digest of the American trotting register; digest of first ten volumes published in 1892. Sioux Falls, S. D. Mills pub. co. 198 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Mills, Frank Moody, 1831 Continued. Mills family and its collateral branches with autobi- ographical reminiscences. '11. Sioux Falls, S. D. The author. Mills, Harlow Spencer, 1846 Making a country parish ; a story. '14. Missionary education movement of the U. S. and Canada. Mills, William Wirt, 1867 King's views of the Panama canal in course of con- struction ; text by W : Wirt Mills. '12. M. King. Miner, S. E. Creation ; or, The power behind evolution. '87. Burling- ton, la. Miner, William Harvey, 1877 Contributions toward a bibliography of writings con- cerning Daniel Boone. '01. Torch press. History of the American Indians north of Mexico. '14. Cambridge univ. press. Iowa Indians; a sketch of their history. '10. Torch press. Mitchell, Bennett History of the Northwest Iowa conference. '04. Sioux City, la. Perkins bros. Mitchell, Lebbeus Bobby in search of a birthday. '16. Volland. Mitchell, Richard L. Man of the hour. Sioux City, la. Morningside college. Mitchell, S. H. Historical sketches of Iowa Baptists. '86. Burling- ton, la. Burdette co. Mix, George A. Report given by Col. George A. Mix, Dubuque, of the explorations of the proposed route of the Dubuque and Pacific railroad. "55. Dubuque. Daily Tribune, office. Monlux, George Early history of Lyon county. '09. Rock Bapids, la. The author. Monnet, Julien C. Address delivered at the formal opening exercises of the university of Oklahoma, Sept. 21, 1911. Latest phase of negro disfranchisement. '12. Harvard law review assn. Montzheimer, Otto Hillock, 1867 (jt. auth.) Peck, J. L. E., and Miller, W. J. History of O'Brien and Osceola counties, Iowa. 2v. B. F. Bowen co. (Joint auth.) Schee, George W. Biographical data and army record of old soldiers who have lived in 'Brien county, Iowa. '09. Primghar, la. Priv. ptd. Moore, Al Cab, coach, caboose. '02. Des Moine-s. Welch ptg. co. Moore, Elizabeth, 1879 English composition for college women. '14. Macmil- lan. Moore, Henry Clarke Nihilism and other isms of the day. '82. Chic. The author. Moore, Samuel A., 1821 History of Davis county, Iowa. '76. Bloomfield, la. Moore & Ethell. Moorhead, Frank Graham Unknown facts about well-known people; a biograph- ical dictionary and directory. '95. St. Louis. Nixon- Jones. Morcombe, Joseph E. History of Crescent lodge no. 25, A. F. and A. M. Cedar Rapids, 1850-1905. '06. Torch press. History of Grand lodge of Iowa, A. F. & A. M. v. 1. '10. Torch press. 200 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Morcombe, Joseph E. Continued. Life and labors of Theodore Sutton Parvin. '06. Torch press, (comp.) Perfect Ashlars; Masonic poems. Fidlar & Chambers. Morean, Minnie A. Calendar for my soldier. '17. Des Moines. The author. Don't worry calendar for the year of our Lord, 1913. '13. Des Moines. The author. Morgan, Erastus Gould Centennial history of Webster county. 76. Fort Dodge, la. Times job ptg. Morley, Margaret Warner, 1858 Apple tree sprite. '15. McClurg. Bee people. '99. McClurg. Butterflies and bees ; insect folks. '05. Ginn. Carolina mountains. '13. Houghton. Donkey John of Toy valley. '09. McClurg. Down north and up along (Nova Scotia). Dodd. Few familiar flowers. Ginn. Flowers and their friends. Ginn. Grasshopper land. '07. McClurg. Honey makers. McClurg. Insect folks. '03. Ginn. Life and love. McClurg. Little Mitchell ; story of a mountain squirrel. '04. Mc- Clurg. Little wanderers (seeds). Ginn. Renewal of life ; how and when to tell the story to the young. '06. McClurg. Seed-babies. Ginn. Song of life. McClurg. Spark of life. '13. Revell. Wasps and their ways. '00. Dodd. Will o' the wasps. 13. McClurg. Morris, R. Anna Physical education in the public schools. '92. Am. bk. Morris, Robert, 1818-1888 Level and the square. '97. Priv. ptd. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 201 Morris, Robert, 1818-1888 Continued. Lights and shadows of freemasonry. '52. Louisville, Ky. The author. Poetry of freemasonry. Macoy pub. and Mackey, Albert Gallatin Lights and shadows of the mystic tie. Macoy pub. Morrison, M. V. B. Orphan's experience; or, The hunter and trapper. '68. Des Moines. Mills & co. Morrison, 0. C. Pathology of traumatic wounds; paper read before the New England railroad surgical association. October 18, 1916. Morrison, Theodore Nevin, 1850 Prayers for daily use and for holy communion. Young, ch. Morse, Nathan C., See Lynch, Virginia, pseud. Moscrip, F. A. (jt. auth.) Battin, William. Past and present of Mar- shall county, Iowa. 2v. '12. Indianapolis. B. F. Bowen co. Mosely, J. W. .Joseph ; a poem. '05. Cleveland. Burrows bros. Mosely, Moses Colored man of America as a slave and as a citizen. '84. Mount Pleasant, la. Journal eo. / Mosher, L. 0. Log cabin history of the settlement of Wapsinonoc, Pike and Springdale townships. (Cedar county, la.) n. d. Mosnat, H. R. Artesian wells of the Belle Plain area. '99. Eeprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 9. Mott, D. C. Fifty years in Iowa. n. d. Marengo, la. Marengo Re- publican. 202 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Mott, John Raleigh, 1865 Bible study department of the student association. Y. M. C. A. Bible study for personal spiritual growth. Y. M. C. A. Call of the non-Christian world. S. V. M. Chinese student migration to Tokyo. Y. M. C. A. Claims of general secretaryship. Y. M. C. A. Consecration. S. V. M. Decisive hour of Christian missions. '12. S. V. M. Evangelism of the world in this generation. '00. S. V. M. Future leadership of the church. '09. Y. M. C. A. How to make Jesus Christ real. '07. Y. M. C. A. How to secure a college association building. Y. M. C. A. How to secure a student association building. Y. M. C. A. Intercessors the primary need. '16. Assn. press. Intercollegiate movement. Y. M. C. A. Literary enthusiasms. Reprinted from the Grand Junction Globe. Missionary department of the student association. Y. M. C. A. Modern watch. Y. M. C. A. Modern world movements; God's challenge to the church. Am. bd. Pastor and modern missions; plea for leadership in world evangelization. '04. S. V. M. Present world situation, with special reference to the demands made upon the Christian church in rela- tion to non-Christian lands. '14. S. V. M. President of student association. Y. M. C. A. Secret prayer life. Y. M. C. A. Six prophets out of the Middle West. '17. Grand Junction Globe. Strategic points in the world's conquest. '97. Bevell. Student association. Y. M. C. A. Student association buildings. Y. M. C. A. Students of North America united. '03. Y. M. C. A. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 203 Mott, John Raleigh, 1865 Continued. Urgency and crisis in the Far East. S. V. M. Vision of the student missionary pioneers realized by the students of the present generation. '11. S. V. M. Watchword as a spiritual force. S. V. M. Work for new students. Y. M. C. A. World's evangelization. (ed.) Claims and opportunities of the Christian min- istry. Y. M. C. A. (ed.) World missionary conference, Edinburgh, 1910. Continuation committee conferences. and Ober, Charles K. Personal work how organized and accomplished. Y. M. C. A. Mount, G. H. Correlation of pitch discrimination with control of the voice, musical training and hearing ability. '10. Mueller, Alfred C. Home rule for cities in Iowa; an address before the Contemporary club of Davenport, Iowa. '14. The author. Mueller, Herman A. History of Madison county, Iowa, and its people. 2v. '15. S. J. Clarke. Mueller, Ign. Communism. '92. Des Moines college. Gymnasium; an educational institution of Germany and Austria-Hungary. '90. Des Moines. Kenyon. Muffly, J. W. Story of our regiment ; a history of the 148th Pennsyl- vania volunteers. '04. Des Moines. Kenyon ptg. Mulhern, Kitty M. Poems. '05. Newton, Iowa. Munger, E. E. Physician and the newspaper. Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association, August 24, 1907. 204 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Mung-er, E. E. Continued. Therapeutics a sine qua non in surgery. Reprinted from Iowa medical journal, Nov. 15, 1909. Murphy, John W. Book of Murphy. '05. Jasper county, la. The author. Murphy, Thomas Dowler, 1866 British highways and byways from a motor car. '08. Page. Hugh Montgomery Murphy; a memoir; with a short tribute to the pioneer of Iowa. n. d. Priv. ptd. In unfamiliar England; a record of a seven thousand mile tour by motor of the unfrequented nooks and corners, and the shrines of especial interest in Eng- land with incursions into Scotland and Ireland. '10. Page. On old world highways; a book of motor rambles in France and Germany and the record of a pilgrimage from Land's End to John 'Groats in Britain. '14. Page. On sunset highways; a book of motor rambles in California. '15. Page. Three wonderlands of the American west. '12. Page. Myers, Harriet Williams Birds' convention. '13. Los Angeles. Western pub. Naylor, R. S. Affection's tribute; original poems. '74. Oskaloosa, la. Central bk. Neff, Mary Lawson Brief manual of prescription writing in Latin or Eng- lish. '01. Davis. Measuring mentality, by the Binet-Simon system of mental tests. '14. Des Moines. Reprinted from Iowa Med. Jl. Mental hygiene. '13. Brooklyn. Reprinted from Woman's med. jl. Mental symptoms associated with renal insufficiency. '13. Bost. W. M. Leonard. Minimizing insanity. '13. Am. med. assn. Neff, Mary Lawson Continued. Normalizing the institutional life of 'the insane. '13. Minneapolis. Quarterly representing Minnesota educational, philanthropic, correctional and penal institutions under the State board of control. Occupation as a therapeutic agent in insanity. '10. Reprinted from the Med. record. Pima and Papago legends. Eeprinted from Jl. Am. folk lore, Jan.-March, 1912. Syllabus of ten lectures on sanitation in the home, de- livered at Coe college, 1903. (Jt. auth.) Smith, Joseph. Freud's views of the mechanism of hysteria. Reprinted from the Medical record, Apr. 2, 1910. Neidig, Mrs. Clara Adele As the seasons come and go; a cantata. '06. Clara Adele Neidig library. Flowers by the wayside; a collection of poems. '91. Columbus, O. Cooperative pub. Methodical music master; an operetta. '07. Bost. White, Smith music pub. Neidig, William Jonathan, 1870 False dates on Shakespeare quartos. '10. First wardens (Nominated for the Nobel prize in idealistic literature). '05. Macmillan. Shakespeare quartos for 1619. '10. Nelson, Aven, 1859 Analytical key to some of the common flowering plants of the Rocky Mountain region. '02. Appleton. Brome-grasses of Wyoming. '01. Univ. of Wyoming. First report of the flora of Wyoming. '96. Univ. of Wyoming. Native vines in Wyoming homes. '02. Univ. of Wyoming. Red desert of Wyoming and its forage resources. (Plant ind. bul.) '98. Supt. of doc. Shade tree suggestions. '03. Univ. of Wyoming. Wheat grasses of Wyoming. '03. Univ. of Wyoming. 206 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Nelson, Aven, 1859 Continued. (ed.) Coulter, J: M. New manual of botany of the Central Rocky mountains. '09. Am. bk. Newcomer, M. S. Golden gleanings. '91. Cedar Rapids. Republican ptg. Lectures on preaching. Central bk. Newhall, John B. d. 1849 Glimpse of Iowa in 1846 ; or, The emigrant 's guide and state directory. '46. Burlington, la. W. B. Skill- man. Sketches of life; or, The emigrant's guide. '41. Colton. Newton, Joseph Fort, 1876 Abraham Lincoln; an essay. '10. Torch press. Ambassador; City temple sermons. '16. Revell. Builders; a story and study of Masonry. '14. Cedar Rapids, la. Torch press. David Swing; poet-preacher. '09. Unity pub. Eternal Christ; studies in the life of vision and service. '12. Revell. History of Masonry. '14. Torch press. Lead kindly light. '14. Murray press. Lincoln and -Herndon. '10. Torch press. Ministry of Masonry. '13. Cedar Rapids. The author. Patriarchs ; address at banquet given by Crescent lodge no. 25, to aged Masons, Cedar Rapids, Oct. 12, 1914. Verse for little folks and others. '11. Des Moines. Successful farming. Wesley and Woolman. '14. Abingdon press. What have the saints to teach us? '14. Revell. Nichols, Charles Sabin, 1883 Iowa engineering experiment station and its service to the industries of the state. (Engineering exper. sta. Bui. no. 35.) '16. Iowa state college of agric. Sewage disposal for village and rural homes. '16. (Bui. 41, Engineering exper. sta.) Iowa state college of agric. 207 and McCullough, C. B. Determination of internal temperature range in con- crete arch bridges. (Engineering exper. sta. Bui. no. 30). '13. Iowa state college of agric. Nichols, James Thomas, 1865 Lands of sacred story. '10. Des Moines. Christian union. Noble, C. E. Scriptures as seen by an author, n. d. Fairfield, la. The author. Noble, Charles, 1847- Story of English speech. '13. R : G. Badger. Studies in American literature. '01. Macmillan. Noble, Frank Henry Sparks Taxation in Iowa. '97. St. Louis, Mo. Nixon-Jones ptg. co. Noble, John W., 1831-1912 Address as presiding officer of ceremonies at Des Moines, Iowa, Battle-flag day, Aug. 10, 1894. Address at banquet of Oklahoma republicans, Okla- homa city, April 22, 1902 thirteenth anniversary of opening Oklahoma to settlement. Noe, Charles F. Brief history of the Amana society, 1714-1900. '04. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Nollen, John, 1828-1914 Die afcheiding. *98. Orange City, la. Volkvriend ptg. Spectre of the brocken. '79. Pella, la. A. T. Betzer. Nollen, John Scholte, 1869 Fellowship; the church and the college; addresses de- livered at the opening of the academic year, Lake Forest, 111., Sept. 18 and 22, 1907. Evanston, 111. Kimball press. God and the nations; convocation address, Lake Forest, 111., Sept. 27, 1914. 208 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Nollen, John Scholte, 1869 Continued. Goethe's Gotz von Berlichingen auf der Biihne. '93. Leipzig-Reundnitz. Osvald Schmidt. Prinz Friedrich von Homberg. '00. Ginn. Warfare of peace ; convocation address, as president of Lake Forest college, Lake Forest, 111., Sept. 28, 1913. What is that in thine hand? Baccalaureate address as president of Lake Forest college, Lake Forest, 111., June 18, 1911. (comp.) Chronology and practical bibliography of mod- ern German literature. '03. Scott. (ed.) German poems, 1800-1850. '12. Ginn. Norris, Harry Waldo, 1862 Recent studies on the vertebrate head. Reprinted from American naturalist, Feb., 1891. Studies on the development of the ear of amblystoma. '92. Ginn. (;jt. auth.) Macy, Mrs. Maude Little. Physiology for high schools. '00. Am. bk. Norton, Frederick Owen Lexicographical and historical study of diatheke. '08. Univ. of Chic, press. Norton, Mrs. M. F. (Latham) Rose of Auzenburg. '14. Broadway pub. Norton, Roy, 1869 Boomers. '14. Watt. Garden of fate. '10. Watt. Man of peace. '15. Oxford. Mediator. '13. Watt. Plunderer. 13. Watt. Toil of the sea. '09. Appleton. Unknown Mr. Kent. '16. Doran. Vanishing fleets. '08. Appleton. and Hallo well, William C. Guilty; magazine gun tragedy. Laird. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 209 Norton, William Harmon, 1856 Artesian wells of Iowa. '97. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 6. Certain Devonian and carboniferous outliers in eastern Iowa. '95. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 3. Contribution to the history of Cornell college. Re- printed from the Proceedings of the historical soci- ety of Linn county, Iowa, 1904-5. Elements of geology. '05. Ginn. Geology of Bremer county. '06. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 16. Geology of Cedar county. '01. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 11. Geology of Linn county. '95. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 4. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. Nourse, Charles Clinton, 1829-1916 Answer to the letter of the secretary of the State tem- perance alliance as to his being retained in the case of Lochran & Pearson vs. John S. Kidd, involving the right of the big distillery to manufacture alcohol for export. Autobiography. '11. Priv. ptd. Iowa and the centennial; the state address. '76. Des Moines. State Register print. Nourse, Mrs. Laura A. Sunderlin, 1836 Lyric of life. '92. Moulton. Pencilings from immortality. '76. Maquoketa, la. Swigart & Sargent. Noyes, William Albert, 1857 Atomic weight of hydrogen. '08. U. S. stand. Supt. of doc. 14 210 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Noyes, William Albert, 1857 Continued. Attempt to prepare nitro-nitrogen trichloride, an electromer of ammononitrogen trichloride. Reprinted from Jl. of Am. chem. soc., June, 1913. Chemistry for the laboratory. 3d ed. '16. Chem. pub. Electron theory; president's address. Reprinted from Transactions Illinois acad. of sci., fifth annual meet- ing, Bloomington, 111., Feb. 23 and 24, 1912. Elements of qualitative analysis, 6th ed., rev., in col- laboration with the author, by G. McP. Smith. '11. Holt. Molecular rearrangements in the camphor series. V. Mechanism of the reactions by which laurolene is formed. Reprinted from Jl. American chem. soc. v. 32, no. 9, Sept. 1910. Organic chemistry for the laboratory. 2d ed. '11. Chemical. Preliminary report for the committee on coal analysis of the American society for testing materials and the American chem. soc. Reprinted from Jl. of in- dustrial and engineering chemistry, v.5, no. 6 June, 1913. Textbook of chemistry. '13. Holt. Textbook of organic chemistry. '03. Holt. and Derick, C. G. Molecular rearrangements in the camphor series. III. Oxidation products of 1- and d-laurolene. Re- printed from Jl. Am. chem. soc. v.32, no. 9, Sept. 1910. and Homberger, A. W. Molecular rearrangements in the camphor series. VI. Isocampholactone. Reprinted from the Journal of the Am. chemical soc. v.32. 1910. and Kyriakides, L. P. Molecular rearrangements in the camphor series. IV. Synthesis of laurolene. Reprinted from the Journal of the Am. chemical soc. v.32. 1910. Synthesis of the dimethyladipic acids, and separation of racemic acid into optional isomers. Reprinted from the JL of Am. chem. soc., v. 32, no. 9, Sept. 1910. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 211 and Knight, Luther Molecular rearrangements in the camphor series. VII. Derivatives of isocamphroic acid; Dihydrohydro- xycampholytic. Reprinted from Jl. of Am. chem. soc. v. 32, no. 12, Dec., 1910. and Weber, Henry Charles Paul Atomic weight of chlorine. '08. U. S. stand. Supt. of doc. Nutting, Charles Cleveland, 1858 Alcyonaria of the California coast. U. S. nat. museum. American hydroids. '00 ; '04 ; '15. U. S. nat. museum. Descriptions of alcyonaria collection by U. S. bureau of fisheries steamer Albatross in vicinity of Hawaiian is- lands. '02. U. S. nat. museum. Supt. of doc. Hydroids from Alaska and Puget Sound. U. S. nat. museum. Hydroids (in Harriman Alaska ser., v. 13). '10. Smith- sonian. Hydroids of Hawaiian islands collected by steamer Al- batross in 1902. '05. U. S. Fisheries. Supt. of doc. Hydroids of the Woods Hole region. '01. U. S. Fish- eries. Supt. of doc. On local museums. Davenport acad. of sci. Nutting, John K. Rocky hill and rolling prairie. '70. Congregational pub. Two little brown churches in story and song. '14. Plant City, Fla. Courier print. 0' Conner, Charles James Graecostasis of the Roman forum and its vicinity. '04. Univ. of Wis. O'Connor, Henry, 1820-1900 History of the first regiment Iowa volunteers. '62. Muscatine, la. Faust premium job ptg. Oelrich, Henry Cityless and countryless world; an outline of practical co-operative individualism. '93. 212 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Ogilvie, Mrs. Carolyn M. (ed.) Midwestern, 1905-date. Ogilvie, Will H. Quack and wheat grasses. Bui. 83, Experiment sta., Botanical section, Iowa state college of agric. Oldys, Henry Audubon societies in relation to the farmer (Agric. yrbk. '02). Supt. of doc. Cage bird traffic of the United States (Yrbk. '06). U. S. Agric. Definitions of open and close seasons for game. '04. U. S. Agri. Supt. of doc.,, Game protection in 1907. (Yrbk. '07). U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Pheasant raising in the United States. (Farmers' bul. no. 390). '10. Supt. of doc. and Brewster, Charles E., and Earnshaw, Frank L. Game laws for 1911; a summary of the provisions re- lating to seasons, shipments, sale, limits and licenses. (Farmers' bul. 470). '11. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Olshausen, Theodor Der Staat Iowa geographisch. '55. Opsahl, J. Eberhard What is an American? n. d. Decorah, la. Luther college. Ortlepp, E. E. Story of Christ's passion. 2v. '06. Burlington, la. German literary board. Osborn. Herbert, 1856 Additions and notes on Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Ohio. (Contributions from the dept. of zoology and entomology, no. 39). '15. Ohio state univ. Agricultural entomology for students, fanners, fruit- growers and gardeners. '16. Lea. Contributions to the hemipterous fauna of Iowa. Re- printed from Proceedings of Iowa acad. of sci. v. 4. 1897. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 213 Osborn, Herbert, 1856 Continued. Descriptions of new forms of jassidae. Davenport aead. of sci. Economic zoology. '08. Macmillan. Entomological work in Ohio. (Contributions from the dept. of zoology and entomology, no. 38). '15. Ohio state univ. Hessian fly in the United States. (Entom. bu. bul.) Gov. ptg. Insects affecting domestic animals. (Entom. bu. bul.) Supt. of doc. Lice affecting domestic animals. '92. Iowa agricul- tural exper. sta., Iowa state college of agric. Notes on coccidae occurring in Iowa. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. v. 5. 1898. Partial catalogue of the animals of Iowa. '92. Pediculi and mallophaga affecting man and the lower animals. (Entom. bu. bul. o. s.) '91. Supt. of doc. Eemarks on the genus scaphoideus with a revised key and description of new American species. (Con- tributions from the dept. of zoology and entomology, no. 34). '11. Ohio state univ. and Ball, Elmer Darwin, 1870 Genus pediopsis. Davenport acad. of sci. Studies of North American jassidae. Davenport acad. of sci. and Drake, Carl J. Records of Guatemalan hemiptera-heteroptera with descriptions^ of new species. (Contributions from the dept. of zoology and entomology, no. 40). '16. Ohio state univ. Osmond, Samuel McClurg Sulamith; a metrical romance. '92. Phil. James B. Rogers ptg. co. Otis, William Bradley American verse, 1625-1807. '09. Moffat. 214 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Ott, Edward Amherst, 1867 Good recitations. Christian pub. How to gesture ; new ed. Hinds. How to use voice in reading and speaking. '01. Hinds. Phillip Gerard, an individual. Waukegan, 111. The au- thor. Sour grapes; or, Heredity and marriage. '09. Chic. Lyceumite press. Otto, Ralph Code pleading in Iowa; selected cases. '15. la. state univ. Overton, D. Y. Annotated code "of civil practice for Wisconsin and Iowa. 75. Chic. Treatise on the law of liens, as common law, equity, statutory and maritime. '83. Banks & co. Owen, David Dale, 1807-1860 Keport of the geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, 2v. '52. Lippincott. Page, Charles Nash, 1860 Feathered pets. Des Moines. The author. First American flag. '17. Point Loma, Cal. The au- thor. History and genealogy of the Page family from the year 1257 to the present. '11. Des Moines. The author. Home floriculture. Des Moines. The author. Parrots and other talking birds. '10. Des Moines. The author. Baine, Albert Bigelow, 1861 Arkansaw bear. '03. Altemus. Beacon prize medals, and other stories. '99. Baker. Boys ' life of Mark Twain ; the story of a man who made the world laugh and love him ; with many anecdotes, letters and illustrations. '16. Harper. Bread line. '00. Century. Captain Bill McDonald, Texas ranger. '09. Austin, Texas. W. J. McDonald. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 215 Paine, Albert Bigelow, 1861 Continued. Commuters; the story of a little hearth and garden. '04. Taylor. Dumpies. Russell. Elsie and the Arkansaw bear. '09. Altemus. From van dweller to commuter. '07. Harper. Great white way. '01. Taylor. Hollow tree and deep woods. '01. Harper. Hollow tree nights and days; being a continuation of the stories about the hollow tree and deep woods peo- ple. '16. Harper. Hollow tree snowed-in books; being a continuation of the stories about the hollow tree and deep woods peo- ple. '10. Harper. How Mr. Dog got even. '15. Harper. How Mr. Babbit lost, his tail. '15. Harper. In the deep woods. Russell. Life and letters of Thomas Nast. '10. Harper. Little garden calendar for boys and girls. '05. Altemus. Little lady, her book. '01. Altemus. Lucky piece. Baker. Making up with Mr. Dog. '15. Harper. Mr. 'Possum's great balloon trip. '15. Harper. Mr. Rabbit's big dinner. '15. Harper. Sailor of fortune; personal memoirs of Captain B. S. Osbon. 2d ed. Doubleday. Ship-dwellers; a story of a happy cruise. '10. Harper. Tent-dwellers. '08. Harper. Thomas Nast, his period and his pictures. Harper. Wanderings of Joe and little Em. Altemus. When Jack Rabfait was a little boy. '15. Harper. and White, William Allen Rhymes of two friends. '93. Fort Scott, Kan. M. L. Azor & son. Painter, J. H. Iowa pulpit of the church of Christ. '86. Christian pub. 216 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Palmer, W. N. Coining conflict; or, Why the railroads of the country should he owned and operated hy the government. '91. Woodbine, la. The author. Pammel, Louis Hermann, 1862 Anatomical character of the seeds of leguminosae, chiefly genera of Gray's manual. Keprinted from the St. Louis acad. of sci., v. 9. 1899. Charter members of the Iowa academy of science. From Iowa acad. of sci. Comparative anatomy of the corn caryopsis. Reprinted from Iowa aead. of sci. 1897. Comparative study of vegetation of swamp, clay and sandstone areas in western Wisconsin, southeastern Minnesota, northeastern, central and southeastern Iowa. '05. Davenport acad. of sci. Cotton root-rot. '90. Austin, Texas. State printer. Course of cryptogamic botany. Reprinted from Pro- ceedings twenty-first annual meeting of Society for promotion of agricultural science. 1900. Dr. Edwin James. Reprinted from Annals of Iowa, v. 8. 1909. Ecology. '03. Carroll, la. J. B. Hungerford. Flora of Iowa peat bogs. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 19. 1908. Flower ecology, n. d. Carroll, la. J. B. Hungerford. Forestry as a national problem. From Report Iowa state horticultural soc, v. 35. 1900. Four new fungous diseases in Iowa. Agric. exper. sta. Bui. no. 131, Iowa state college of agric. Fungus diseases of Iowa forage plants ; extracts from a paper read before the Iowa acad. of sci. n. d. Fungus diseases of the sugar beet. Reprinted from Bui. no. 15, Agric. exper. sta. Iowa state college of agric. Grasses of Uintah mountains and adjacent regions. From Iowa acad. of sci. v. 20. 1913. Grasses of the national forests of the Rockies. From Ames Forester. 1914. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 217 Pammel, Louis Hermann, 1862 Continued. Histology of the caryopsis and endosperm of some grasses. Keprinted from Trans. St. Louis acad. of sci. v. 8, no. 2. Iowa seed analysis, 1910-1913. Exper. sta. Bui. no. 146. '14. Iowa state college of agric. Lecture on pollination of flowers. '92. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. Manual of poisonous plants, chiefly of eastern North America ; with brief notes on the economic and me- dicinal plants. '11. Torch press. Notes on grasses of Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyom- ing; and fungi collected in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska, by H. H. Hume. Davenport acad. of sci. Notes on the grasses and forage plants of Iowa, Ne- braska and Colorado. (U. S. plant ind. bul.) '97. Supt. of doc. Notes on some introduced plants of Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci. 1897. Notes on some plants of northeastern Iowa. From Plant world, Feb., 1905. Notes 'on the bacteriological analysis of water. From Proceedings of Iowa acad. of sci. v. 8. 1901. Old lake vegetation in Hamilton county, Iowa. Re- printed from the Plant world, v. 2, no. 3. 1898. On seeds and tests of some cruciferae. Reprinted from Am. monthly microscopical jl. n. d. On the pollination of phlomis tuberosa L., and the per- foration of flowers. '88. St. Louis acad. of sci. On the seed-coals of the genus euphorbia. '91. St. Louis acad. of sci. Powdery mildew of the apple. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci. ^1899. Preliminary notes on the flora of western Iowa, espe- cially from the physiological ecological standpoint. From Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 9. 1902. Problem of weeds in the west. From Iowa acad. of sci., v. 15. 1908. 218 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Pammel, Louis Hermann, 1862 Continued. Recent literature on fungus diseases of plants. Re- printed from Proceedings Iowa state horticultural soc., v. 48. 1913. Relation of ecology to agriculture. Reprinted from pro- ceedings of the Society for the promotion of agricul- tural science. 1913. Some changed conditions of our flora incident to the settlement of the state. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for the promotion of agricultural science. 1913. Some ecological notes on the vegetation of the Uintah mountains. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. v. 10. 1903. Some fungus diseases common in Iowa during the season of 1904, paper read before the Society for the pro- motion of agricultural science, at its annual meeting held at Philadelphia, 1905. Some germination studies of cereals. Reprinted from Proceedings Society for the promotion of agricultural sci. 1898. Some municipal water problems. Contribution no. 33, Botanical dept. Iowa state college of agric. Some unusual fungus diseases in Iowa during the sum- mer of 1903. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the society for the promotion of agricultural science. 1904. Some weeds of Iowa. Bui. 70, Iowa exper. sta., July, 1903. Syllabus of a course in cryptogamic botany. Iowa agri- cultural college. Talk on weeds; an address delivered before the county road school, Clinton county, Iowa, 1910; with an ap- pendix describing a few weeds. Ames, la. The author. Thistles in Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci. v. 8. 1901. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 219 Pammel, Louis Hermann, 1862 Continued. Weedy plants of Iowa. Reprinted from Proceedings twenty-first annual meeting of the Society for pro- motion of agricultural science. 1900. (comp.) Major John F. Lacey memorial volume and re- port of the Iowa forestry association for 1913. '15. Torch press. See Macbride, Thomas H. Twenty-five years of bot- any in Iowa. Iowa acad. of sci. v. 19. 1912. and King, Charlotte M. Delayed germination. Reprinted from Proc. Iowa acad. of sci. v. 15. 1908. Four new fungus diseases in Iowa. Bui. no. 131, Agric. exper. sta. Iowa state college of agric. Iowa seed analyses, 1910-1913. Bui. no. 146, Agric. exper. sta. Iowa state college of agric. Pollination of clover. Iowa acad. of sci. Unlawful Iowa weeds and their extermination. Circ. no. 5, Agric. exper. sta. Iowa state college of agric. Vascular cryptogams of Iowa and the adjoining parts of southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Re- printed from Proc. Iowa acad. of sci. v. 9, 1902. Weed survey of Story county. Contribution no. 55. Botanical dept. Iowa state college of agric. and King-, Charlotte M., and Bakke, A. L. Two barley blights, with comparison of species of hel- minthosporium upon cereals. Bui. 116, Agric. exper. sta. Iowa state college of agric. and King, Charlotte M., Martin, J. N., Cunningham, J. C., Hayden, Ada, and Kellogg, Harriette S. Weed flora of Iowa. Bui. no. 4, Iowa Geol. S. 1913. and King, Charlotte M., and Seal, James Louis Studies on a fusarium disease of corn and sorghum. (Re- search bul. no. 33.) '16. Iowa state college of agric. and MacDonald, G. B., and Clark, H. B. Native and cultivated forest trees and shrubs of the Mis- souri river basin. Contribution no. 59. Botanical dept. Iowa state college of agric. 220 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS and Pammel, Emma Contribution on the gases produced by certain bacteria. '96. Jena. Gustav Fischer. and Robb, Luella Notes on the historical structure and specific gravity of the seeds of pyrus. Iowa acad. of sci. and Stewart, F. C. Influence of fungicides upon the germination of -seeds. Reprinted from Agricultural science, May, 1894. and Weems, J. B. Investigation of some Iowa sewage disposal systems. '04. Jena. Gustav Fischer. Parish, John Carl, 1881 Administrative departments, offices, boards, commis- sions and public institutions of Iowa, 1838 to 1897. '08. Iowa City, la. The author. John Chambers (Iowa biog. ser.). '09. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Man with the iron hand. '13. Houghton. Robert Lucas. '07. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Chambers, J. Autobiography; Lucas, R. Journal of war of 1812. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Parish, Leonard Woods, 1850-1910 Outline study of the constitutions of England, France and Switzerland. '95. Cedar Falls, la. Gazette print. Studies and exercises in economics, 2 pts. in Iv. '03. Cedar Falls, la. The author. Study out of school hours. '85. Des Moines. State bd. of health, (jt. auth.) Seerley, Homer Horatio. History and civil government of Iowa. '97; '08. Am. bk. Parker, George Frederick, 1847 Age of concentration ; address delivered at Simpson col- lege, Indianola, la., Sept. 11, 1907. Recollections of Grover Cleveland. '09. Century. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 221 Parker, Mrs. Helen Fitch, 1827-1874 Constance Aylmer ; a tale of the times of Peter Stuyve- sant. '89. N. Y. John B. Alden. Parker, Henry Webster, 1824 Spirit of beauty. 2d ed. '91. N. Y. John B. Alden. Parker, Leonard Fletcher, 1825-1911 The college ; on the campus and beyond it ; address be- fore the alumni of Oberlin college, June 28, 1887. Higher education in Iowa (in American educational hist, v.l). '91. Wash. Gov. ptg. History of Poweshiek county, Iowa, 2v. '11. S. J. Clarke. Puritan faith, rather than French atheism, the parent of American liberties ; an address before the state asso- ciation of Congregational churches of America. '97. Grinnell, la. Ray & MacDonald. Sarah Candace (Pearse) Parker; a memorial for those who loved her. '00. Grinnell, la. The author. Teachers in Iowa before 1850. '94. (In Early leaders in the professions in the territory of Iowa.) '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Parker, Nathan Howe Iowa as it is in 1855. '55. Chic. Keen & Dee. Iowa handbook for 1856. '56. Bost. John P. Jewett. Iowa handbook for 1857. '57. Bost. John P. Jewett. Kansas and Nebraska handbook for 1857. '57. Minnesota hand book for 1856-57. '57. Bost. John P. Jewett. Missouri as it is in-1867. '67. .Lippincott. Missouri handbook. '65. St. Louis. Parker, W. F. Which: spiritualism or Christianity? Truth seeker. Parkhurst, Clint Poems. '74. Chic. Western news co. Parrish, Randall, 1858 Air pilot. '13. McClurg. '15. Burt. Beth Norvell. '07. McClurg. 222 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Parrish, Randall, 1858 Continued. Beyond the frontier; a romance of the early days in the Middle West. '15. McClurg. Bob Hampton of Placer. '06. McClurg. Contraband. '16. McClurg. Devil's own. '17. McClurg. Don MacGrath ; a tale of the river. '10. McClurg. Great plains. '07. McClurg. Historic Illinois ; romance of the earlier days. 3d ed. McClurg. Keith of the border ; a tale of the plains. '10. McClurg. Last voyage of the Donna Isabel. '08. McClurg. Love under fire. '13. Burt. Maid of the forest; a romance of St. Glair's defeat. '13. McClurg. My lady of doubt. 13. Burt. My lady of the north. '04. McClurg. My lady of the south ; story of the civil war. '09. Mc- Clurg. '11. Burt. Prisoners of chance. '08. McClurg. Eed mist ; a tale of civil strife. '14. McClurg. Shea of the Irish brigade; a soldier's story. '14. Mc- Clurg. Sword of the old frontier; tale of Fort Chartres and Detroit. '05. McClurg. When wilderness was king; tale of the Illinois country. '04. McClurg. Parry, Charles Christopher, 1823-1890 Arctostaphylos, Adans. Davenport, acad. of sci. Biographical sketch of Joseph Duncan Putnam. '82. Davenport acad. of sci. Botanical observations of western Wyoming with no- tices of rare plants. '74. Salem press. California manzanitas. '87. Cal. acad. of sci. Ceanothus L. '89. Davenport acad. of sci. Chorizanthe. '84. Davenport acad. of sci. Early botanical explorers of the Pacific coast. Re- printed from the Overland monthly, for October, 1883 A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 223 Parry, Charles Christopher, 1823-1890 Continued. Harfordia, Greene and Parry. '86. Davenport acad. of sci. Historical address on the early exploration and settle- ment of the Mississippi valley. '73. Davenport, Ta. Day, Egbert & Fidlar. Memorial of David Sylvester Sheldon. '86. Davenport acad. of sci. Pacific coast alders. '87. Cal. acad. of sci. Rancho chico. '88. Overland monthly pub. co. Summer botanizing in the Wasatch mountains, Utah territory. '76. Davenport acad. of sci. Systematic catalogue of plants of Wisconsin and Min- nesota. '48. (In Owen, David Dale. Report of a ge- ological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. '48.) What a botanist saw in Europe; paper read before the Chautauqua literary and scientific circle at Monterey, Cal. July, 1887. See Parry, Mrs. C. C. List of papers published by Dr. C. C. Parry. '97. Davenport acad. of science, v. 6. Parsons, Eugene, 1855 Guide book to Colorado. '11. Little. Life of George Washington, first president of the United States, 1789-1797. '13. Laird. Making of Colorado. '08. Flanagan. Parvin, Theodore Button, 1817-1901 Address before Pioneer law-makers' reunion, 1892. Address spoken at Oak Hill cemetery, Washington, D. C., Oct. 24, 1895. Biographical sketches of Iowa men. 4v. Early bar of Iowa (in Historical lectures upon early leaders in the professions in the territory of Iowa). '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Historical sketch of Iowa. '74. History of education in Iowa. '89. History of templary in America. '86. Phil. Yorston. 224 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Parvin, Theodore Sutton, 1817-1901 Continued. History of the early schools and education in Iowa, 1830- 59. Oration delivered upon the occasion of the laying of the corner-stone of the library building, Grand lodge of Iowa, May 7, 1884. Sketches of Triennial conclave, Baltimore, 1871. Sketches of Triennial conclave, New Orleans, 1874. Volumes of addresses before Masonic societies. Who made Iowa; or, Who are the "Pioneers and old settlers of Iowa?" '96. Davenport. Egbert, Fidlar & Chambers. Patchin, Mrs. Calista Halsey Two of us. Des Moines. Out of print. Patrick, George Thomas White, 1857 Fragments of the work of Heraclitus of Ephesus. '89. Psychology of relaxation. '16. Houghton. (ed.) University of Iowa studies in psychology, v. 1 and 2, '98, '99. Stechert. Patrick, Joseph M. Reminiscences of the battle of Shiloh. n. d. Enid, Okla. Drummond & Patrick. Patterson, J. G. Thanksgiving sermon delivered at Fort Madison, la., Nov. 28, 1872. Patton, Odis K. Home rule in Iowa. (Iowa applied hist, ser., v. 2, no. 3.) '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Removal of public officials in Iowa. (Iowa applied hist. ser.) '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Paul, Nathaniel Judas outdone ; or, How boodle bought betrayal. '06. Cedar Rapids, la. The author. Paxson, Ruth. Helen Manville Henshaw. n. d. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 225 Payne, Cora M. (Patty) Genealogy of the Maulsby family for five generations, 1699-1902. '02. Des Moines. Geo. A. Miller press. Payne, Adaline Maria, 1834 Modern Martha ; paper read before the Iowa federation of women's clubs, Burlington, May 5, 1899. Telephone talk on the sixtieth birthday of William Pierce Payne, Nevada, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1891. Payne, William Orson, 1860 Barnabas Payne and his son John C. Payne ; some data of biography arid genealogy that concern their many descendants. '03. Nevada, la. The author. History of Story county, Iowa. 2v. '11. S. J. Clarke. Republican party; address delivered before the Grant club, Des Moines, December 19, 1907. Payne, William Pierce, 1832 Jefferson county, New York, in the great west. '05. Nevada, la. The author. Old trails and new. '13. Nevada, la. The auth. Pearson, Raymond Allen, 1873 Agricultural organizations in European countries. '14. Albany, N. Y. Dept. of agric. Pease, Ernest Mondell, 1859 Development of Latin satire. Greeting in the letters of Cicero. Relative value of Mss. of Terence. and Fairclough, Henry Ruston, 1862 (eds.) Students' series of Latin classics. Sanborn. Pease, Merrick F. Argosa altrura; poems. '12. The author. Peck, J. L. E., Montzheimer, Otto H., and Miller, W. J. History of O'Brien and Osceola counties, Iowa. B. F. Bowen co. 15 226 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Peirce, Paul Skeels, 1874 Congressional districts in Iowa. '03. State univ. of Iowa. Freedmen's bureau. '04. State univ. of Iowa. Pellett, Frank C. Our backdoor neighbors. '17. Abingdon press. Productive bee-keeping; modern methods of production and marketing honey. (Lippincott's farm manuals.) '16. Lippincott. (jt. auth.) Van Hyiiing, Thompson. Mammals of Iowa. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Iowa acad. of sci. 1910. Pelzer, Louis, 1879 . Augustus Caesar Dodge. (Iowa biog. ser.) '08. Torch press. Henry Dodge. (Iowa biog. ser.) '11. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Pendleton, Isaac, 1832-1896 Thought ; its products, progress and power. Chic. n. d. R. R. Donnelley. Percival, C. S. Border land ; poem. '84. Poetic parallels and smiles in song. '92. Cleveland. Williams pub. Sponsorship. '82. Cleveland. Percival, James Gates, 1795-1856 Poetical works, with a biographical sketch by L. W. Fitch. 2v. '59. Ticknor. Report on the geology of the state of Connecticut. '42. New Haven. Osborn. Perin, George Landor, 1854 Sunny side of life. Brookline, Mass. The author. Perkins, D. A. W. History of O'Brien county, Iowa. '97. Sioux Falls. Brown & Saenger. History of Osceola county, Iowa. '92. Sioux Falls, S. D. Brown & Saenger. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 227 Perkins, George Douglas, 1840-1914 ' David Bremner Henderson; eulogy pronounced at the funeral, Dubuque, March 1, 1906. Perkins, Jacob R. A thin volume. '17. Akron, 0. Saalford pub. Perkins, William Rufus, 1847-1895 Eleusis; a poem. '90. Chic. Priv. ptd. History of the Amana society. '91. Iowa state univ. Trappist abbey of New Melleray. Iowa state univ. Perry, William Stevens, 1832-1898 Address at the laying of the corner-stone of the Masonic library building, Cedar Rapids, May 7th, 1894. Alleged "Toryism" of the clergy of the United States at the breaking out of the war of the revolution, n. d. America; the study of nations; her religious destiny; the Columbian sermon delivered in St. Paul's cathe- dral, Buffalo, N. Y. '93. Davenport, la. Edward Borcherdt. Bishops of the American church. '97. Christian lit. co. Cathedral a spiritual home ; sermon preached in the cathedral at Davenport, Iowa, the Sunday before advent, 1881. Centenary of the British colonial episcopate; a sermon preached in St. Paul's cathedral, London, Wednes- day, June 22, 1887. '87. Grinnell, la. Pub. for St. Paul's church. Christ church in the revolution; discourse preached be- fore the Society, of the Cincinnati and other patriotic organizations, in Christ church, Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1892. '92. Philadelphia. The society. Christian patriotism of our fathers ; sermon delivered in the Davenport cathedral, May 31, 1891. Church's centennial thanksgiving; sermon preached in Davenport cathedral, Nov. 28, 1889. '89. Daven- port, la. The church. Church's year. '81. Davenport, la. Conquering cross; sermon preached in Saint Mary's church, Ottumwa, Easter day, 1890. 228 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Perry, William Stevens, 1832-1898 Continued. Episcopal addresses of. 1877-86. Davenport. The convention. Episcopate in Iowa, '95. N. Y. Faith of the signers of the declaration of independence, n. d. Four centuries of conflict for the continent of North America, 1497-1897. n. d. General ecclesiastical constitution of American church. Whittaker. God, the help and hope of our nation; Thanksgiving sermon delivered at Fort Madison, Iowa, November 28, 1872. Gospel; a sermon preached in St. Luke's church, Rochester, on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1854, at the con- secration of Rev. Henry Washington Lee, as bishop of the diocese of Iowa. Handbook of the general convention of the Protestant episcopal church. '81. Whittaker. Historical addresses delivered in St. John's church, Du- buque, la., on occasion of the centennial celebration of the parish. '96. Davenport, la. Edward Bor- cherdt. Historical sketch of church. Whittaker. History of the American episcopal church, 1587-1883. 2v. '85. Boston. James R. Osgood & co. Influence of the clergy in the war of the revolution, n. d. Law of the church respecting music. From the address to the convention of the diocese of Iowa, May 19, 1891. Life lessons from the book of Proverbs. '85. Whittaker. Missionary apostle ; sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, August 12, 1887, on the occasion of the cen- tenary of the consecration of Charles Inglis, D. D., first bishop of Nova Scotia. Proofs of the historic episcopate. '91. Priv. ptd. Questions on the life of St. Paul. Dutton. Relations of the church and the clergy. '93. Daven- port. Edward Borcherdt. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 Perry, William Stevens, 1832-1898 Continued. Sermon delivered in St. Paul's church, in the city of New York before the order of the Cincinnati, April 28, 1889. Sermon preached at the consecration of the Kt. Rev. W. T. Harrison, D. D., Lord Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, at the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Glasgow, Scotland, September 29, 1888. Some summer days abroad. '80. Davenport. Sunday school experiment, n. d. Petersen, W. M. H. About the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. '92. Decorah, la. North synod. Peterson, Frederick, 1859 Song of the latter days. N. Y. Cheltenham press. (ed.) Hofmann, E. von. Atlas of legal medicine. '98. Saunders. (tr.) Jung, C. G. Psychology of dementia praecox. '09. Journal of nervous and mental disease pub. (jt. auth.) Church, Archibald. Nervous and mental dis- eases. '11. Saunders. and Haines, Walter S. (eds.) Text-book of legal medicine and toxicology. 2v. '03- '04. Saunders. Peterson, Henry J. Selection of public officials in Iowa. '14. State hist, soc. of Iowa. Phelan, John Appeal for unity in faith. '11. Donohue. Phelps, Charles Edward Davis, 1851 Accolade ; or, The canon and his yeoman. '05. Lippin- cott. Echoes from the mountain. '96. Putnam. and North, Leigh Bailiff of Tewkesbury. 2d ed. Ed. pub. 230 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Pickard, Andrew Ezra, 1878 Industrial booklets (Elementary industrial ser.). '16. Webb pub. Industrial work for boys. (Elementary industrial ser.). '16. Webb pub. Rural education ; a complete course of study for modern rural schools. '15. Webb pub. Pickard, Josiah Little, 1824 Brief political history of the U. S. Public sch. Early clergy of Iowa. (In historical lectures upon early leaders in the professions in the territory of Iowa.) '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Retrospect of sixty years. '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa. School supervision. Appleton. Pickworth, Felix H. Our treatment of lawbreakers; is it reformatory? '09. Anamosa, la. Reformatory press. Pierce, Lyman B., 1834 History of the 2d Iowa cavalry. '65. Burlington, la. Hawk-eye steam book. Pierson, Johnson, 1814-1906 Semi-centennial of the statehood of Iowa ; a poem. '97. Burlington, la. The author. Pierson, Mrs. Jane A. Coming of the dawn. '17. Cin. Standard pub. Pillsbury, Walter Bowers, 1872 Attention. '08. Macmillan. Essentials of psj^chology. '11. Macmillan. Fundamentals of psj'chology. '16. Macmillan. Psychology of reasoning. '10. Appleton. Pilsbury, Henry Augustus, 1862 Barnacles of the United States. '07. Guide to the study of Helices. Manual of conchology. 26v. 1888-1911. Marine mollusks of Japan. '95. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 231 Pinkerton, Colin McKenzie Buckeye-hawkeye school-master; or, The life of Carl Mackenzie. '91. Chic. W. W. Knowles & co. Hidden fortune ; an educational story. '02. Des Moines. Shissler-Chase. Piper, Edwin Ford Barbed wire and other poems. '17. Moorehead, Minn. Midland press. Pitts, William Savage, 1830 Biographical history of Fredericksburg township. (Chickasaw co., la.). '07. Little brown church in the vale ; song. Plum, Harry Grant, 1868 Teutonic order and its secularization. '06. Univ. of Iowa. Plumbe, John, jr. Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin, embracing the ex- perience of a residence of three years in those ter- ritories. '39. Chambers, Harris & Knapp. Plummer, Frank Everett, 1858 Gracia; a social tragedy. '00. Kerr. Words, their spelling, choice and pronunciation. '88. Flanagan. Poarch, Filo Few observations of a printer's visit in Germany, August, September, October, 1908. Algona, la. The author. Polk, Jefferson S., 1831-1907 Address of, before the Des Moines municipal league, on the question of municipal ownership of public util- ities, Jan. 30, 1898. Pollard, Mrs. Kate. See Harrington, Kate. Pollard, Mrs. Rebecca Harrington Smith, 1831-1917 Advanced reader. Am. bk. Advanced speller. '97. Am. bk. First book for little folks. '98. Am. bk. Intermediate reader. '99. Am. bk. 232 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Pollard, Mrs. Rebecca Harrington Smith, 1831-1917 Con. Synthetic method of reading and spelling. '92. West- ern pub. Synthetic primer. Synthetic readers. 1st, 2d, 3d. Am. bk. Synthetic speller. '94. Am. bk. Teacher's manual. Am. bk. Pope, C. J., and Tuttle, F. May History of the First Baptist church, Osage, Iowa, 1861- 1891. '01. Osage, la. Jl. ptg. Porter, Will, 1833-1913 Annals of Polk county and Des Moines. '98. Des 'Moines. G. A. Miller ptg. co. Post, Jennie E. (jt. auth.) Lewis, R. R. and Ziek, Anna. Problems in arithmetic, n. d. Cedar Rapids, la. Board of edu- cation. Potter, Franklin Hazen Elementary Latin course. '08. Sanborn. New method for Caesar. '07. Sanborn. Potter, George Hensley World crisis, n. d. Fayette, la. Upper Iowa uni- versity. Powell, Clifford, 1868 Contributions of Albert Miller Lea to the literature of Iowa history. '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa. History of the alumni register of Irving institute of the state univ. of Iowa. '98. Iowa state univ. (ed.) Company orders of the Dodge Light Guards, Company L, 3d Iowa infantry. '16. Council Bluffs. Morehouse & co. Power, Earl D. Preservation of American ideals, n. d. Fairfield, la. Parsons college. Powers, Isabella Little brown church in the vale; its author and its in- spiration. '15. Reprinted from the Annals of Iowa, v. 12, no. 2. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 233 Powers, Julius Henry, 1830-1907 Historical and reminiscences of Chickasaw county, Iowa. '94. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Memorial of the Twenty-fifth anniversary of the First Congregational church of New Hampton, Iowa. '83. New Hampton. Pub. by a member. Pratt, Ellen Fracker Jerry. '91. N. Y. Columbian pub. Pratt, Harlow Munson, 1876 History of Fort Dodge and Webster county, Iowa. 2v. '13. Pioneer pub. Prentice, Ezra Parmalee, 1863 Federal power over carriers and corporations. '07. Macmillan. and Egan, John G. Commerce clause of the federal constitution. '98. Callaghan. Preston, C. H. Biographical sketch of Charles Christopher Parry. '93. Davenport acad. of sci. Priaulx, D. D. Teachers' memory gems. '86. Welch. Price, E. B. Beulah and other poems. '91. Laird & Lee. Price, Hiram, 1814-1901 Address at the first meeting of the congressional tem- perance society, house of representatives, Feb. 17, 1867. '67. Wash. Gibson bros. Brief note f rom' submitting the indictment of Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby vs. George Sellers, n. d. Printed letter to some of my friends; book issued for private circulation. Recollections of Iowa men and affairs. Reprinted from Annals of Iowa. 3d ser. v. 1, no. 1. Priesel, Alba Chambers, 1867 Gospel in miniature; an exposition of the prayer that Jesus taught men to pray. '03. Jennings. 234 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Proudfoot, Aaron V., 1862 Some errors in the trial of Jesus; an address delivered at the Methodist Episcopal church, Indianola, la,, May 6, 1917. Proudfoot, Mrs. Andreas Hofer, d. 1913 Child's Christ tales. '92. Chic. Woman's temple. Prouty, Solomon Francis, 1850 Taxation in the District of Columbia; speech in the house of representatives, April 13, 1914. Unconstitutionality of the coercive features of the Glass-Owen currency bill; speech in the house of representatives, September 11, 1913. Putnam, Edward Kirby Lafayette ode and later lyrics. '03. Bost. National magazine press. Spelling reforms and authority in language. '09. Dav- enport. Contemporary club. Putnam, Frank Arthur, 1868 Battle call for Cuba. '98. Blakely press. Putnam, George Rockwell, 1865 Light houses and light ships of the United States. '17. Houghton. Living in the world. '99. Rand. Love lyrics. '98. Blakely press. Memories and impressions. '96. Chic. Priv. ptd. Putnam, William Clement Charles Edwin Putnam; a memoir, n. d. Pyle, William J. Iowa the beautiful; scenes and poems from the wild rose state. '14. Torch press. Quaife, Milo Milton, 1880 Chicago and the old northwest, 1673-1835 ; a study of the evolution of the northwestern frontier, together with a history of Fort Dearborn. '13. Univ. of Chic, press. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 235 Quaife, Milo Milton, 1880 Continued. Critical evaluation of the sources for western history. Reprinted from the Mississippi valley historical re- view, v. 1, Sept., 1914. Doctrine of non-intervention with slavery in the terri- tories. '10. Chic. Mac C. Chamberlin co. (comp. and ed.) Development of Chicago, 1674-1914, shown in a series of contemporary original narratives. '16. Caxton pub. (ed.) Diary of James K. Polk during his presidency, 1845-49. 4v. '10. McClurg. (ed.) Hay, Henry. Narrative of life on the old fron- tier; Henry Hay's journey from Detroit to the Mis- sissippi river. '15. Wis. state hist. soc. Quaintance, Altus Lacy, 1870 Aphides affecting apples. '07. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Apple maggot or railroad worm. '08. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Apple-tree tent caterpillar. '08. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Codling moth or apple worm. '08! U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Contributions towards a monograph of Am. aleyrodidae ; with red spiders of the United States, by Nathan Banks. (Entom. bul.) '00. Supt. of doc. Control of bollworm. Farmers' bulletin, no. 191. '04. Wash. Gov. ptg. Control of the cpdling moth in the Pecos valley in New Mexico. Bul. no. 88. U. S. Agric. Cotton bollworm. '05. U. S. Agric. Supt. of doc. Fumigation of apples for the San Jose scale (Entom. bul.) '09. Supt. of doc. Information about spraying for orchard insects. (Yrbk. '08.) U. S. Agric. Insect enemies of tobacco in Florida. Florida agricul- tural exper. sta. Bul. no 48. 1898. 236 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Quaintance, Altus Lacy, 1870 Continued. Leaf blister mite. U. S. Bu. of entomology. Circ. no. 144. Lesser apple worm. (Entom. bul.) '08. Supt. of doc. Lime sulphur washes for the San Jose scale. (Yrbk. '06)- Supt. of doc. Mediterranean fruit-fly. IT. S. Bu. of entomology. Circ. no. 160. More important aleyrodidae infesting economic plants. (Entom. bul.) '07. Supt. of doc. New germs of aleyrodidae, with remarks on aleyrodes nubifera Berger, etc. (Entom. bul.) '09. Supt. of doc. Observations of diabrotica 12-punctata oliv. U. S. Bu. of entomology. Bul. no. 26. Periodical cicada or seventeen-year locusts. Maryland agric. exper. sta. Bul. no. 87. Pickle-worm. Georgia exper. sta. Bul. no. 54. Principal insect enemies of the peach. (Yrbk. '05.) U. S. Agric. Remarks on some of the injurious insects of other coun- tries. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Entomo- logical soc. of Wash. v. 15, no. 2, 1913. San Jose scale and its control. (U. S. Bu. of entom. circ. no. 124.) Supt. of doc. Second report on grapes. Georgia exper. sta. bul. no. 53. Some important insect enemies of cucurbits. Georgia exper. sta. Bul. 45. Some present-day features of applied entomology in America. U. S. Bu. of entomology, Bul. no. 52. Some strawberry insects. Florida agric. exper. sta. Bul. no. 42. Spring canker. (Entom. bul.) '07. Supt. of doc. Strawberry thrips and the onion thrips. Florida agric. exper. sta. Bul. no. 46. Three injurious insects; bean leaf-roller, corn delphax, canna leaf-roller. Florida agric. exper. sta. Bul. no. 45. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 237 Quaintance, Altus Lacy, 1870 Continued. Trumpet leaf -miner of apples. (Entom. bul.) '07. Supt. of doc. (jt. auth.) Scott, W. M. Spraying for apple diseases and the codling moth in the Ozarks. Farmers' bul. no. 283; Spraying peaches for the control of brown-rot, scab, and curculio. Farmers' bul. no. 440. and Baker, A. C. Classification of the aleyrodidae, 2 pts. '13, '14. Govt. and Bishopp, Fred Corry Cotton boll worm. (Entom. bul.) Supt. of doc. and Bnies, C. T. Cotton bollworm. (Entom. bul.) '05. Supt. of doe. and Jenne, E. L., Scott, E. W., and Braucher, R. W. One-spray method in the control of the codling moth and the plum curculio. U. S. Bu. of entomology. Bul. no. 80, pt, 7. '10. Supt. of doc. and Sasscer, E. R. Oyster-shell scale and the scurfy-scale. U. S. Bu. of entomology. Circ. no. 121. '10. Supt. of doc. and Scott, W. M. More iniDortant insects and fungus enemies of the fruit arid foliage of the apple. Farmers' bul. no. 492. '12. Supt. of doc. and Shear, Cornelius Lott Insect and fungus enemies of grape east of Rocky mountain, (farmers' bul.) '07. Supt. of doc. Quick, Herbert i. e. John Herbert, 1861 Aladdin & co. ; a romance of Yankee magic. '07. Bobbs. 10. Grosset. American inland waterways, their relation to railway transportation and to national welfare. '09. Putnam. Broken lance. '07. Bobbs. '10. Burt. Brown mouse. '15. Bobbs. Double trouble; or, Every hero his own villain. '06. Bobbs. 238 IOWA AUTHORS AND "THEIR WORKS Quick, Herbert i. e. John Herbert, 1861 Continued. In the fairy land of America. '03. Stokes. Merchant marine ; article entitled ' ' Shall we give up the ship," showing how the administration proposes to build up the merchant marine. (64th cong., 1st sess. S. doc. 320). '16. Supt. of doc. On board the good ship Earth ; a survey of world prob- lems. '13. Bobbs. Virginia of the air lanes. '09. Bobbs. Yellowstone nights. '11. Bobbs. Quinter, James Life and sermons, by M. N. Quinter. Breth. pub. Trine immersion as the apostolic form of Christian bap- tism. Breth. pub. and M'Connell, N. A. Debate on trine immersion, the Lord's supper and feet- washing. '84. Christian pub. Quirk, Leslie W., 1862 Baby Elton, quarter-back. '04. Boy scouts of Black Eagle patrol. '17. Grosset. Boy scouts on crusade. '17. Little. Ice-boat no. 1. '16. Little. Midget Blake. '06. Fourth down. '12. Freshman Dorn, pitcher. '11. Freshman eight. '13. Freshman friends. '13. Playing the game. '14. Radford, Benjamin Johnson, 1838 Court of destiny and other poems. '83. Christian pub. Ray & Frisbie Early history of Grhmell, Iowa, 1854-1874. '16. Grin- nell, la. The authors. Raymond, William Gait, 1859 Engineering as a profession. (Univ. extension bul. no. 3). '14. Univ. of Iowa. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 239 Raymond, William Gait, 1859 Continued. Modern turnout formulas. '08. Allen bk. & ptg. co. Plane surveying and tables. Am. bk. Plane surveying for use in the class room and field. '14. Am. bk. Railroad field geometry. '10. Wiley. Railroad field manual for civil engineers. '15. Wiley. Rate making for public utilities ; a lecture. (Univ. ex- tension bul. no. 2). '14. Univ. of Iowa. What is fair. '17. Wiley. Read, John M, William L. Read; in memoriam. n. d. Des Moines. Kenyon press. \ Reed, Benjamin Franklin, 1848 History of Kossuth county, la. 2v. '13. S. J. Clarke. Reed, David Wilson, 1841 Annual report of the Shiloh national military park com- mission. '13, '14. Govt. ptg. Battle of Shiloh and the organizations engaged; rev. ed. '09. Govt. ptg. Campaigns and battles of the Twelfth regiment Iowa veteran volunteer infantry. '03. Evanston, 111. The author. Shiloh ; paper prepared for the 36th reunion of the army of the Tennessee, at Council Bluffs, la., Nov. 8 and 9, 1906. University recruits, Company C, 12th Iowa infantry. n. d. The author. Reed, Joseph Rea, 1835 (jt. auth.) Field, Homer H. History of Pottawattamie county, la. 2v. '07. S. J. Clarke. Reed, Julius A., 1809-1890 Reminiscences of early Congregationalism in Iowa. '85. Grinnell, la. Herald office. Reed, Verner Zevola, 1863 Soul of Paris and other essays. '13. Lane. , 240 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Reeves, Mrs. Winona (Evans), 1871 Blue book of Iowa women. '14. Mexico, Mo. Mission ptg. & pub. Register and Leader Protege. '05. Des Moines. The author. Reid, Harvey, 1842-1910 In the shadow of the gallows; a true story of an Iowa pioneer. '02. Maquoketa, la. Grant & Wilson. Outline geological history of Jackson county, Iowa. '03. Jackson county normal institute. Sketch of Enoch Long; Illinois pioneer. '84. Chic, hist. soc. Fergus ptg. Thomas Cox. '09. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Reid, Hiram A. Carrier's address to the patrons of the Iowa State Dem- ocrat. '58. Davenport. Harp of the west ; a poem. '58. Davenport. Luse, Lane & co. Reid, J. M. Sketches and anecdotes of old settlers and newcomers; the Mormon bandits and Danite band. '76. Keokuk. K. B. Ogden. Remley, Milton Life of George Alderson Kemley; an address delivered before the George A. Kemley post 183, G. A. E. of Oxford, Iowa, September 19, 1886. Repp, Austin 0. America and universal peace, n. d. Toledo, la. Lean- der Clark college. ReQua, Mrs. Harriett Warner, 1856 Stones for the temple ; or, Gaining the summit. Rochester, N. Y. E. E. Andrews. Ziona, the bride of the king. Rew, Johann Michael, 1889 Catechetics from the Lutheran standpoint. '14. Wav- erly, la. Warzburg pub. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 241 Rew, Johann Michael, 1889 Continued. Christian ethics. '14. Waverly, la. Warzburg pub. Dr. M. Luther's catechismus erklaert. '04. Waverly, la. Warzburg pub. Luther's catechism explained. '06. Waverly, la. Warz- burg pub. Pericopes of the Old Testament. 2v. '01, '06. Wav- erly, la. Warzburg pub. Sources of the history of the religious education in Ger- many between 1530 and 1600. 5v. 1904-1914. Ger- man govt. Warzburg lehrmissel fur Evangelical Lutheran Son- tagsschulen. 7v. '11- '14. Waverly, la. Warzburg pub. Warzburg lesson for Evangelical Lutheran Sunday schools. 7v. '14- '16. Waverly, la. Warzburg pub. Reynolds, Conger Iowa desk book of newspaper practice. '17. Iowa City. State univ. of Iowa. Reynolds, Myron Herbert, 1865 Veterinary studies for agricultural students. '11. Mac- millan. Rhoads, Alvaretta Sage leaves from Iowa land. '11. Madrid, la. West- ern ptg. co. Rhodes, John Chester, 1868 (comp.) Questiens and answers in the use of coal and oil fuels and locomotive operation. '09. Valley Junction, la. The author. Rich, Arthur William New higher arithmetic. '00. Flanagan. New practical arithmetic. '01. Flanagan. Outlines, drills and test problems in arithmetic; rev. & enl. '98. Cedar Rapids. C : A. Fabrick & co. 16 242 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Rich, Mrs. Ellen In memory of Agnes McCully Parvin, wife of Hon. Theodore S. Parvin. Reprinted from the Iowa his- torical record, April, 1898. Rich, Joseph Warford, 1838 Battle of Shiloh. '11. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Richards, A. W. Progress of life and thought; or, "Papa's scrap book:" sixty years' experience. '92. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Richards, Laura A. Napoleons of peace; or, Pillars of progress and civiliza- tion. '87. Newton, la. Lufkin & Gorrell. Richardson, Anna Steese Adventures in thrift. '13 ; '16. Bobbs. Better babies and their care. '14. Stokes. Girl who earns her own living. '09. Rickey. Why not marry? '17. Bobbs. Richardson, David Nelson, 1832-1898 Girdle round the earth ; home letters from foreign lands. '88; '94. McClurg. Richman, DeWitt C., 1826 Talisman and other poems. '67. Muscatine, la. Demorest & Coe. Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861 Appenzell. '95. Longmans. California under Spain and Mexico, 1535-1847. '11. Houghton. History of Muscatine county, Iowa. 2v. '11. S. J. Clarke. John Brown among the Quakers and other sketches. 3d ed. '97. Torch press. Rhode Island ; a study in separation. '05. Houghton. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 243 Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861 Continued. Rhode Island; its making and meaning. 2v. Putnam. (ed.) San Francisco bay and California in 1776. '11. Providence, R. I. John Carter Brown library. Richter, August Paul Die Davenporter Turngemeinde ; geden schrift zu ihrem jubilaum. '02. Davenport, la. Rickert, Edith i. e. Martha Edith, 1871 Beggar in the heart. '09. Moffat. Folly. Baker. Golden hawk. '07. Baker. Reaper. '04. Houghton. '07. Grosset. (comp.) American lyrics. '10. Baker. (comp.) Ancient English Christmas carols, 1400-1700. '10. Duffield. (ed.) Early English romances of friendship in verse. '08. Duffield. (ed.) Furnivall, F: J. Babees' book. '08. Duffield. (ed.) Marie de France. Lais. Scribner. (ed.) Romance of Emare. '06. Oxford. Riddell, W. 0. Topical history of the United States. '88. Huntington, Ind. Emery & Biliter. Ridenour, Clyde E. Carrier's address to the patrons of the Page county Democrat. '79. Riehl, Frank Charles, 1867 Poems of the piasa. '96. Alton, 111. Melling & Gaskins. Poems of the red race. '99. Melling & Gaskins. Riggs, John Franklin, 1860 Conditions and needs of rural schools. '05. Des Moines. Dept. of public instruction. Next step in school legislation. '08. Des Moines. Dept. of public instruction. Riggs, Sara May, 1860 Studies in United States history. '02. Ginn. 244 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Rimel, Warden Challenge to international faith, n. d. Indianola, la. Simpson college. Rittenhouse, Ruf us Boyhood in Iowa forty years ago. '80. Dubuque, la. Charles B. Dorr. Robb, J. L. History of Manning. '98. Manning, la. Berthold Kraus. Robb, Luella (jt. auth.) Pammel, L. H. Notes on the histological and specific gravity of seeds of pyrus. Iowa acad. of sci. Robbins, C. A. Laws made plain. '11. Carlville, la. Carlville state bk. Robbins, Edwin Clyde, 1883 High school debate book. '11. McClurg. Kailway conductors; a study in organized labor. '14. N. Y. Columbia univ. Socialism. '15. H. W. Wilson, (comp.) Selected articles on a central bank of the United States. '10. H. W. Wilson, (comp.) Selected articles on reciprocity. '13. H. W. Wilson, ('comp.) Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. 3d & enl. ed. '12. H. W. Wilson, (comp.) Selected articles on the open versus closed shop. 2d ed. '12. H. W. Wilson. Roberts, George Evan, 1857 Address at commerce and industry session second national pea*ce conference. '09. Coin at school in finance. '95. Conkey. Common interest; address delivered before the New York state banker's association, Ottawa, -Canada, June 12, 1913. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 245 Roberts, George Evan, 1857 Continued. Distribution of surplus incomes. Reprinted from Re- view of reviews, April, 1914. Economic aspects of the war. '15. National city bank of New York. Economic effects of the war; address before the West Virginia bankers' association, White Sulphur Springs, July, 1915. Economic position of the United States at the close of the war. '15. National city bank of New York. Evolution of society; address delivered before the Upper Des Moines and Corn belt editorial associations at Estherville, Iowa, August 9, 1907. Finance and industry after the war; address delivered before the National institute of social sciences, New York, April 28, 1916. Functions of a gold reserve.' '11. National citizen's league. Influence of the new gold supplies. Reprinted from Bankers' magazine, Jan., 1906. Investment fund; address delivered before the Farm mortgage bankers' association, Chic., Oct. 10, 1914. Iowa and the silver question. Money, wages and prices. Need of a central bank. '08. Am. acad. Postal savings banks. '09. Chic. The author. Utilization of bank reserves in the United States and foreign countries. '10. Am. acad. and Sprague, Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Central bank of issue. '10. Bankers' pub. Roberts, Isaac Phillips, 1833 Autobiography of a farm boy. '16. Albany. J. B. Lyon co. Fertility of the land. 13th ed. '17. Macmillan. 246 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Roberts, M. A. (jt. auth.) Cosson, George. Report of the committee appointed to investigate the character of the warden and the general management of the Iowa penitenti- ary at Fort Madison, together with a report concern- ing the jail system of Iowa with recommendations. '12. Des Moines. State printer. Robertson, David Taylor Winning of the valley. '15. Roxburgh pub. Robertson, J. F. and Shepherd, C. W. Memorial and other sermons. '96. Keosauqua, la. C. W. Shepherd. Robertson, W. S. Over-pressure in school. '85. Des Moines. State printer. Sanitary science and public hygiene. '85. Des Moines. State printer. Robinson, Charles Henry, 1843 First fire. '08. Western review. Hawk; the young Osage. '13. Page. Longhead; the story of the first fire. '13. Page. Robinson, Emma Amelia, 1863 Bible study manual, no. 1. Meth. bk. Junior Epworth league. 4 leaflets. Meth. bk. Making men and women. '06. Meth. bk. Short studies of Christ, the ideal hero. '09. Meth. bk. Short studies of the heroes of the early church. '08. Meth. bk. Stories of Bible victories, from the Old Testament. '07. Meth. bk. and Morgan, Charles Herbert Short studies of Old Testament heroes. '06. Meth. bk. Robinson, Francis Smith Triune theology. '87. Ottumwa, la. The author. Robinson, Gifford S. Employment of prisoners. '13. Anamosa. Reforma- tory press. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 247 Robinson, James Harvey, 1863 Development of modern Europe. 2v. Introduction to the history of western Europe. 2v. Readings in European history. 2v. (jt. auth.) Breasted, J. H. Outlines of European his- tory. '14. Ginn. and Rolfe, H. W. (ed. and tr.) Petrarch, the first modern scholar and man of letters; a selection from his correspondence with Boccaccio and other friends; designed to illustrate the beginnings of the renaissance. 2d ed. '14. Putnam. Robinson, Julia Almira (ed.) Iowa Library Quarterly, Sept. 1913 date. Epworth league handbooks, 1893- '99. Meth. bk. Handbook of Kentucky libraries. '11. Frankfort, Ky. Kentucky library com. Some institutional library problems. '13. Des Moines. State board of control. Robinson, Leonard Browning 1 , 1873 Reference work on Iowa justice practice, with complete forms and index. '08. Callaghan. Rockwood. Elbert William, 1860 Introduction to chemical analysis, for students of medi- cine, pharmacy and chemistry. 4th rev. ed. '13. Blakiston. Laboratory manual of physiological chemistry. 3d ed. rev. & enl. '10. Davis. / Rogers, Julia Ellen, 1866 Among green trees; a guide to pleasant and profitable acquaintance with familiar trees. '02. Mumford. '10. Doubleday. Book of useful plants. '13. Doubleday. Earth and sky every child should know. '10. Double- day. '13. Claflin. Key to nature library. '09. Doubleday. Shell book; guide to knowledge of families of living mollusks. '08. Doubleday. 248 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Rogers, Julia Ellen, 1866 Continued. Tree book. '05. Doubleday. Tree guide. '14. Doubleday. Trees every child should know. '13 1 . Claflin. Wild animals every child should know. '11. Double- day. '13. Claflin. Rogers, May Waverly dictionary. 2d ed. '85. Chic. S. C. Griggs & co. Rolfs, Peter Henry, 1865 Vegetable growing in the South for northern markets. '96. Judd. Rood, Henry Harrison, 1841-1915 History of Company A, Thirteenth Iowa veteran in- fantry. '89. Cedar Rapids, la. Republican ptg. Rorer, David, 1806-1884 American interstate law. . 2d ed. by C. E. Estabrook. '93. Callaghan. Judicial and execution sales. 2d ed. '78. Callaghan. Treatise on the American law of railways. 2v. '84. Callaghan. Rose, Curtis Malvern, 1879 Four leaf clover. Oskaloosa. The author. Friend o' mine. Oskaloosa. The author. Jingle-ology. '15. Oskaloosa herald co. Less we smile. Oskaloosa. The author. Listen to me. '16. Oskaloosa herald co. Ripples in rhyme. Oskaloosa. The author. Something for the blues. Oskaloosa. The author. Rosemond, Mary M. (comp.) Select list of references on the valuation of public service corporations. '12. Nat. assn. railway commissioners. Rosenberger, N. Civil government of Iowa. '97. Scott. Same, and Ostrander's civil government of United States. Scott. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 249 Ross, Edward Alsworth, 1866 Business the heart of the nation; new ed. '14. John Lane co. Causes of race superiority. .'01. Am. acad. Changing America. '12. Century. Changing Chinese; the conflict of oriental and western cultures in China. '11. Century. Foundations of sociology. '05. Macmillan. Latter day sinners and saints. '10. Huebsch. Old world and the new; the significance of past and present immigration to the American people. '14. Century. Seligman's shifting and incidence of taxation. '93. Am. acad. Sin and society. ''07. Houghton. Sinking funds. Am. economic assn. Social control; survey of the foundations of order. '01. Macmillan. Social psychology. '08. Macmillan. South of Panama. '15. Century. Standard of deferred payments. '92. Am. acad. Total utility standard of deferred payments. '93. Am. acad. Uncertainty as a factor in production. '96. Am. acad. Ross, James M. Class book of geography of Iowa. '84. Des Moines Mills & co. Ross, Lewis W. Law of checks, in outline. '91. Council Bluffs. Ross, William Frazier Estimation of exposures; or, External hazards in firf insurance. '74. Davenport, la. Egbert & Fidlar. Exposures in fire insurance. Spectator. Roszell, 0. H. P. History of Buchanan county, Iowa. '76. Independ ence, la. Warren Barnhart. 250 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Rouse, Clara B. Civil government of Iowa. '97. Scott, Fousman & co. Row, Lillie School stories of little things. '83. Des Moines. Rowe, Leo Stanton, 1871 Establishment of civil government in the Philippines. '02. Am. aead. Instruction in French universities. '92. Am. acad. Instruction in public law and economics in German universities. Municipality and the gas supply. '98. Am. acad. Political parties in Porto Rico. '02. Am. acad. Possibilities of intellectual co-operation between North and South America. '08. Am. assn. for international conciliation. . Problems of city government. '08. Appleton. Problems of political science. '97. Am. acad. Reorganization of local government in Cuba. '05. Am. acad. Supreme court and the insular cases. '01. Am. acad. United States and Porto Rico ; with special reference to problems arising out of our contact with Spanish- American civilization. '04. Longmans. (jt. auth.) Young, James Thomas. Organization and financial powers of the department of education. '00. Am. acad. and others. Corporations and public welfare. '00. Am. acad. Russell, Charles Edward, 1860 Business ; the heart of the nation. '11 ; '14. Lane. Greatest trust in the world (beef trust). '05. Ridg- way-Thayer. '08. Rickey. Lawless wealth. Rickey. Obstructions in the way to justice. National Am. woman suffrage assn. Passing show of capitalism. '12. Girard, Kan. Appeal to reason. Russell, Charles Edward, 1860 Continued. Songs of democracy and other poems. '09. Moffat. Stories of the great railroads. '12. Kerr. Story of Wendell Phillips; soldier of the common good. '14. Kerr. Such stuff as dreams. '02. Bobbs. These shifting scenes. '14. Doran. Thomas Chatterton, the marvelous boy. '08. Moffat. Twin immortalities and other poems. Gregg. Uprising of the many. '07. Doubleday. "Why I am a socialist. '10; '15. Doran. Russell, Frank, 1868-1903 Explorations ,in the far north. '98. Univ. of Iowa. Ruston, W. 0. Presbytery of Dubuque ; a history. '89. Dubuque, la. The Presbytery. Rutherford, George S. Poetic history of the Second Iowa regiment, containing all its principal marches and all the battles they have been engaged in. 2d ed. '64. The author. Ryan, Charles Membranous pericolitus ("Jackson's membrane" and "Lane's Kink") Reprinted from the Medical herald, St. Joseph-Kansas City, Mo., June, 1913. Ryan, Granville N. Annual address before the Polk county medical society. Reprinted from the Jl. Iowa state medical soc., March, 1915. Attitude of the public to the doctor. Reprinted from Jl. Iowa state medical soc., Oct., 1916. Importance of laboratory examinations in early infancy and childhood. Reprinted from the Jl. Iowa state medical soc., Sept., 1913. Ryan, Paul H. Foxy government ; or, Fallacies of the Des Moines plan. '12. Des Moines. The author. 252 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Sabin, Albert R. Ear and eye spelling book. '05. Rand. Sabin, Edwin Legrand, 1870 Around the circle; 1,000 miles through the Eocky mountains. '15. Denver, Colo. Denver & Rio Grande R. R. Bar B. Boys. '09 ; '16. Crowell. Beaufort chums. '15. Crowell. Boy settlers; or, Terry in the new west. '16. Crowell. Buffalo Bill and the overland trail. '14. McClurg. Circle K. Crowell. Gold seekers of '49. '15. Lippincott. Great Pike's Peak rush; or, Terry in the new gold fields. '17. Crowell. How are you feeling now? '17. Little. Magic mashie and other golfish stories. '02. Wessels. Old Four Toes. '12. Crowell. On the plains with Custer. '13. Lippincott. Opening the West with Lewis and Clark. '17. Little. Peaks of the Rockies. '16. Denver & Rio Grande R. R. Pluck on the long trail. '12. Crowell. Range and trail; or, The Bar B's great drive. '10. Crowell. Scarf ace ranch ; or, The young homesteaders. '14. Crowell. Treasure mountain. '13. Crowell. When you were a boy. '05. Baker. With Carson and Fremont. '12. Lippincott. With Sam Houston in Texas; a boy volunteer in the Texas struggle for independence, 1835-36. '16. Lip- pincott. (jt. auth.) Sabin, Henry. Making of Iowa. '00; '16. Flanagan. Sabin, Elbridge Hosmer, 1865 Magical man of mirth. '10. Jacobs. Prince Trixie ; or, Baby Brownie 's birthday. '14. Rand. Queen of the city of mirth. '11. Jacobs. Stella's adventure in starland. '07. Small. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 253 Sabin, Elbridge Hosmer, 1865 Continued. (jt. auth.) Sabin, Henry. Early American history for Young Americans. '04. Educational pub. Sabin, Henry, 1829 Common sense didactics for common school teachers. '05. Rand. Horace Mann's country school. '94. Des Moines. Rowen bros. Organization and system vs. originality and individu- ality on the part of teaching pupils. '04. Educa- tional pub. Talks to young people. '99 Des Moines. Educational exchange. and Sabin, Edwin Legrand, 1870 Making of Iowa. '00; '16. Flanagan. and Sabin, ELbridge Hosmer, 1865 Early American history for young Americans. '04. Educational pub. Sage, John Charles, 1866 Private prayers for the faithful. Minneapolis. Young churchman. Sage, John R., 1832 Iowa weather and crops service reports, 1890-1907. Des Moines. State printer. Salisbury, Rollin D., and Trowbridge, Arthur C. Laboratory exercises in structural and historical geo- logy. '13. Holt. Sallada, William Henry, 1846 Silver sheaves. 2d ed. '79. Des Moines, la. The author. Salmon, E. J. Pharmaceutical compendium. '85. Des Moines, la. Salter, William, 1821-1910 American colonial history two hundred years ago ; King William's war; discourse in commemoration of Major Charles Frost, delivered before the Eliot historical soc. Eliot, Maine, July 5th, 1897. 254 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Salter, William, 1821-1910 Continued. Augustus Caesar Dodge, senator of the United States from Iowa. '87. Iowa historical record. Columbian calendar. '92. Burlington, la. E. C. Gnahn. Co-operative Christianity; sermon preached in the Congregational church of Burlington, Iowa, in com- memoration of the fiftieth anniversary of its original formation. '88. Burlington, la. Forty years' ministry; sermon preached in the Congre- gational church, Burlington, la., Apr. 4, 1886. Imperialism; a lecture before the society for ethical culture of Chicago, Feb. 12, 1899. In memoriam, Mrs. Eleanor T. Broadwell, 1804-1886. '87. Burlington, la. The church. Iowa: the first free state in the Louisiana purchase from its discovery to the admission of the state into the union, 1673-1846. '05. McClurg. Life of Henry Dodge, from 1782-1833. '90. Burling- ton, la. Life of James W. Grimes. '76. Appleton. Memoirs of Joseph "W. Pickett. '80. Burlington, la. James Love. Old people's psalm with reminiscences of deceased members of the Iowa band. '95. Burlington, la. E. C. Gnahn. Planting of Iowa; address in behalf of Tabor college on the occasion of laying the corner stone of Gaston hall, June 30, 1886. Psalms for worship and instruction. '99. Burlington, la. E. C. Gnahn. Rights of labor and property. '87. Schiller memorial. '05. Burlington, la. Mauro & Wilson. Sixty years and other discourses with reminiscences. '07. Pilgrim press. Tribute to the life of Martin Tuttle. n. d. Voyage of the Christopher Columbus. '92. Burling- ton, la. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 255 Salter, William, 1821-1910 Continued. William Pepperell, 1647-1734; address at the 5th re- union of the Pepperell association, Kittery Point, Maine, Aug. 15, 1901. (comp.) Words of life for 1905. '04. Burlington, la. E. C. Gnahn. (ed.) Letters of John McLean to John Teesdale. '99. Reprinted from Bibliotheca sacra, Oct., 1899. Salter, William Mackintire, 1853 Anarchy or government? Am. ethical union. Bad wealth, and how it is sometimes got. Am. ethical union. Cause of ethics. Am. ethical union. Children's questions; how shall we answer them? Am. ethical union. Clue to the meaning of life. Am. ethical union. Ethical agnosticism. Am. ethical union. Ethical culture ; its message to Jew, Christian and un- believer. Am. ethical union. Ethical elements in socialism and individualism. Am. ethical union. Ethical religion. '05. Lond. Watts & co. Ethics of religion? Am. ethical union. "Everyman," or, The higher possibilities of the drama. Am. ethical union. First steps in philosophy; physical and ethical. Am. ethical union. First things in life. Am. ethical union. Gospel for an age of doubt. Am. ethical union. Great side of Walt Whitman. Am. ethical union. Highest rule of life. Am. ethical union. Judaism and ethical culture. Am. ethical union. Justice of the single tax. Am. ethical union. Lack of joy in modern life and need of festivals. Am. ethical union. Moral aspiration and song. Am. ethical union. Morality as a religion. Am. ethical union. Morality: What does it mean? Am. ethical union. Negro problem. Am. ethical union. 256 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Salter, William Mackintire, 1853 Continued. Neitzsche the thinker; a study. '17. Holt. New militarism. Am. ethical union. New nation and a new duty. Am. ethical union. New step in Christianity. Am. ethical union. Non-Christian teachers and Jesus: Whom shall we fol- low? Am. ethical union. Society and its children; problems of child labor. Am. ethical union. Thy commandment is exceeding broad. Am. ethical union. Venezuelan question. Am. ethical union. Woman in recent fiction. Am. ethical union. Sampson, Henry Ellis, 1879 Recent temperance legislation in Iowa. '15. Iowa Dept. of justice. Workmen's compensation laws; an address delivered before the National association of attorneys general of the United States of America at Washington, D. C. Monday, Oct. 19, 1914. Year under the Des Moines plan. '10 Des Moines. George A. Miller co. (comp.) Iowa workmen's compensation, 1916; legal opinions on various phases of the Iowa workmen's compensation act ; supplement to the eleventh biennial report of the attorney general -of Iowa. Des Moines. Workmen's compensation service. and MacDonald, Thomas H. Recent road legislation in Iowa. '15. Des Moines. State printer. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831 Life and letters of John Brow r n. 4th ed. '10. Torch press. Sanborn, Martha, and Heinz, Flora Art and love. '11. Ginn. Sanders, Cyrus, 1818 Early settlement of Johnson county. '81. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 257 Sanford, J. P., 1832 Letters of travel from different lands. '87. Mar- shalltown, la. Marshall ptg. co. Sanford, Mrs. Nettie (Mrs. Nettie Skiff Sanford Chapin), 1830-1901 Central Iowa farms and herds. '73. Newton, la. The author. Early sketches of Polk county from 1842 to 1860. '74. Newton, la. Charles A. Clark. Sanxay, Theodore Frederic, 1843 Letter to the commission appointed to survey the edu- cational institutions of Iowa, etc. '07. N. Y. The author. Sanxay family and descendants of Eev. Jacques Sanxay, Huguenot refugee to England in sixteen hundred and eighty-five. '07. N. Y. Priv. ptd. Sartis, Sara "La Grippe"; a romance. '90. Keokuk. R. B. Ogden & son. Satterlee, Anna E. H. Love's equality. '01. Educational pub. Saucer-man, Samuel, 1840-1911 Devil and his creed, n. d. Des Moines. Savage, Thomas Edmund, 1866 Geology of Benton county, Iowa. '05. Reprinted from Iowa geol. S. v, 15. Geology of Fayette county. '05. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 15. Geology of Henry county. '02. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 12. Geology of Jackson county. '06. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 16. Geology of Tama county. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. 17 258 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Savage, Thomas Edmund, 1866 Continued. On the lower paleozoic stratigraphy of southwestern Illinois. From American journal of science, May, 1908. Preliminary report of the peat resources of Iowa. Iowa Geol. S., Bui. no. 2. 1905. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa geol. S. v. 22. Sawyer, Nettie Alice. See Funk, Nettie Sawyer (Mrs. A. B. Funk) Schaffter, Eugene, 1863 Rambles in Europe, 1890-91. Eagle Grove, la. Gazette steam print. Student days. '92. Eagle Grove, la. Gazette steam presses. Schee, George W., and Montzheimer, Otto H. Biographical data and army record of old soldiers who have lived in O'Brien county, Iowa. -'09. Primghar, la. Priv. ptd. Schell, Edwin Allison, 1859 Concerning the collection. Meth. bk. Epworth league Bible studies. Meth. bk. In ports afar. '14. Abingdon press. New generation. Meth bk. Stay in the high school. Meth. bk. Traits of the twelve. '11. West. Meth. bk. and Foster, Mary Jane (Chisholm) Junior hymnal. Meth. bk. Schmidt, Louis Bernhard, 1879 Economic history of agriculture. '15. American his- torical assn. Scholte, Henry Peter, 1805-1868 Eene stem uit Pella. '48. Amsterdam. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 259 Schrader, E. A. Necessity for better nerve operations. '17. Indepen- dence, la. The author. Oral foci of infection; their causes and prevention. '16. Iowa state medical soc. Schriever, W. Equal chances. '88. Richland, la. Clarion job print. Scott, Clifton Analytic and synthetic methods in arithmetic. '92. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Etymological outline of the elements of physiology and anatomy. '90. Dixon, 111. A. J. Lilly. Topical outline with definitions of the elements of natural philosophy. '92. The author. Scott, Mrs. H. B. Biography of Christopher Pearse Crauch. '17. Hough- ton. Scott, John, 1824-1903. Hugh Scott; an emigrant of 1670 and his descendants. '95. Nevada, la. John Mano Scott. Iowa road manual ; a digest of the road laws of Iowa. '84. Iowa City, la. Republican pub. 'Story of the Thirty-second Iowa infantry. '96. Ne- vada, la. The author. Scott, Mary S. Indian corn as human food. '89. Nevada. Payne. Seashore, Carl Emil, 1866 Apparatus. Reprinted from the Psychological bul. June, 1912. Child welfare research station ; plans and possibilities of a research station for the conservation and develop- ment of the normal child. (Bul. n. s. no. 107.) '16. Univ. of Iowa. Class experiment. Reprinted from the Jl. of educational psychology, v. 1, no. 1, Jan., 1910. Consulting psychologist. Reprinted from the Popular science monthly, March, 1911. 260 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Seashore, Carl Emil, 1866 Continued. Country school; a study of its foundations, relations, developments, activities, possibilities. '13. Scribner. Elementary experiments in psychology. '08. Holt. Elementary study on mental fatigue. From Psychologi- cal bul., v. 1, no. 4, March 15, 1904. General report on the teaching of the elementary course in psychology; recommendations. Reprinted from Psychological monographs of pyschological review, v. 12, no. 4. Graduate study; an address delivered to the students in the colleges of Iowa in 1909. '10. Univ. of Iowa. Hearing; a study in experimental psychology. Homogeneous content in the measurement of continuous memory processes. Reprinted from the Psychological bulletin, v. 4, no. 7, Jl. 15, 1909. Illusion of length. Reprinted from the Psychological review, Nov., 1900. Localization of sound. Reprinted from the Middle- tonian, Dec., 1903. Measure of a singer. Reprinted from Science, n. s. v. 35, Feb. 9, 1912. Measurements of illusions and hallucinations in normal life. Reprinted from Studies from the Yale psycho- logical review, v. 3. Method of measuring mental work. (In University of Iowa. Studies in psychology, v. 3.) 1902. Play impulse and attitude in religion. Reprinted from American jl. of theology, Oct., 1910. Psychology in daily life. '13. Appleton. Some aspects of graduate work. Reprinted from the Iowa alumnus, March, 1909. Spark chronoscope. Reprinted from Science, n. s., v. 26, no. 668. 1907. Suggestions from the tests on school children. Reprinted from the Educational review, June, 1901. Tonoscope. From Psychological monograph, June, 1914. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 261 Seashore, Carl Emil, 1866 Continued. Training the voice by the aid of the eye in singing. Re- printed from Journal of educational psychology, June, 1910. Voice tonoscope (in University of Iowa. Studies in psychology, v. 3). (ed.) University of Iowa studies in psychology. '05; '09. Psychological review co. See Wyer, Malcolm G., Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Seaver, Fred J. Hypocreales of North America. '12. Some North Dakota hypocreales. '09. N. Y. botanical garden. Secor, Eugene, 1841 The calendar. '14. Forest City, la. The author. Echoes from the Shelter. '15. Forest City. The author. Glimpse of Elysium. '09. Forest City, la. The author. The hollow; a reminiscence. '02. Forest City. Winne- bago county Republican. Story of a garden ; paper read at a meeting of the Iowa state horticultural society, December 12, 1917. Verse for little folks and others. Voices of the trees; address before the Iowa horticul- tural soc., Dec., 1906. Sedlasky, Ferdinand James, 1864 Defense of truth. '10. Epworth, la. Epworth ptg. Seerley, Homer Horatio, 1848 American school and the American people; abstract of an address before the Iowa state teachers' association at Des Moines, Dec. 28, 1898. Baccalaureate address delivered before the graduating class of the Iowa state normal school, June 19, 1887. Baccalaureate address delivered before the graduating class Iowa state normal school, June 24, 1888. Chief good; baccalaureate address Iowa state normal school, June 17, 1894. 262 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Seerley, Homer Horatio, 1848 Continued. Child saving vs. child reform ; address before the South- west Iowa teachers' association, Council Bluffs, Nov. 3, 1905. Christian heroism; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 18, 1893. City supervision. '95. Iowa teachers' association. Columbus day address, Iowa state normal school, Cedar Falls, Oct. 21, 1892. Country school. '13. Scribner. Fair chance for true greatness; baccalaureate address Iowa state normal school, June 12, 1898. Grading and classification. '94. Des Moines. la. ptg. co. Great need of the age; president's address Northeastern Iowa teachers' association, "Waterloo, Oct. 21, 1898. Here and hereafter; baccalaureate address Iowa state normal school, June 13, 1897. How child-study affects teachers ; paper read before the Iowa child study society, Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 28, 1897. Human aims and possibilities; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 7, 1891. Measure of man ; baccalaureate address, Iowa state nor- mal school, June 5, 1904. Normal school problem; address before Iowa state teachers' association, Cedar Rapids, Dec. 26, 1892. Opportunities and outcome ; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 7, 1908. Perfect life; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 8, 1890. Power of Godliness; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 14, 1896. Promise of the kingdom; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 16, 1895. Reign of the common people in public education ; paper read before the Northeast Iowa teachers' association, Waterloo, la., Oct. 20, 1905. Rewards of obedience ; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 9, 1889. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 263 Seerley, Homer Horatio, 1848 Continued. Sign of the times ; abstract of an address given at Coun- cil Bluffs, April 2, 1892. Standards and results; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 9, 1907. Triumph of trust; baccalaureate address, Iowa state normal school, June 5, 1892. and Parish, Leonard Woods History and civil government of Iowa. '08. Am. bk. Seines, E. Robert Woman and the nation, n. d. Decorah, la. Luther college. Shaffer, Joshua Monroe, 1830-1913 Dedication to the Sir Knights of Damascus commandery, No. 5. Keokuk, la. '87. The author, (cornp.) Reports of the Tri-state old settlers' associa- tion of Illinois, Missouri and Iowa, 1st to 4th re- unions, 1884-1887. Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, 1871 Applied history. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Assembly districting and apportionment in Iowa. Re- printed from the Iowa jl. of hist, and pol. v. 2. 1904. Beginnings of a western commonwealth. From Progres- sive men of Iowa. '01. Des Moines. Conaway & Shaw. Brief history of the State historical society of Iow r a. Reprinted from Iowa jl. of hist, and pol. Case of Mr. Lor^in Wheeler. From Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. v. 4. 1898. Commission government in Iowa; the Des Moines plan. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Constitution and records of the Claim association of Johnson county, Iowa. '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Constitution of the state of Iowa with historical intro- duction and index. '02 ; '07. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Constitution of the state of Iowa and amendments from 1857 to 1914, with historical introduction "and index. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. 264 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, 1871 Continued. Constitutional law in progress, v. 5. '00. Chic. Univ. assn. Debates of the Constitutional conventions of 1844 and 1846. '00. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Documentary material relating to Iowa. 3v. 1897-1901. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Documents relating to Governor Lucas. From Iowa historical record, v. 16. 1900. Early Iowa and the pioneers. Priv. pub. Executive journal of Iowa, 1838-1841. '06. State hist. soc. of Iowa. First census of the original counties of Dubuque and Demoine. '97. Hist. dept. of Iowa. First report on the public archives. Reprinted from Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 1907. Frontier land clubs or claim associations. Reprinted from the Annual report of the American historical assn. 1901. History of Iowa from 1699-1821; a history of govern- ments. From the Iowa hist. rec. v. 16. 1900. History of the constitutions of Iowa. '02. Hist. dept. of Iowa. History of the west and the pioneers. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the State historical society of Wis- consin for 1910. 1911. Iowa City; a contribution to the early history of Iowa. '93. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Maps illustrative of the boundary history of Iowa. Re- printed from the Iowa jl. of hist, and pol. v. 2. 1904. Notes on the early church history of Iowa City. From Iowa hist. rec. v. 15. 1899. Scientific law-making. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Second report on public archives. '07. Hist. dept. of Iowa, (comp. and ed.) Messages and proclamations of the governors of Iowa. 7v. '03- '05. State hist. soc. of Iowa. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 265 Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, 1871 Continued. (ed.) Bulletins of information, nos. 1-7. 1904-1915. (ed.) Iowa applied history. 3v. 1912-1916. State hist. soc. of Iowa, (ed.) Iowa historical lectures. '92, '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Iowa historical record, v. 16-18. 1900-1902. (ed.) Iowa journal of history and politics, v. 1-15. 1903-date. (ed.) Proceedings of the fiftieth anniversary of the constitution of Iowa. '07. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Proceedings of the Mississippi valley historical association, v. 1-7. 1909-1914. (ed.) Statute law-making in Iowa. (Iowa applied hist. ser.) '16. State hist. soc. of Iowa, (ed.) Aurner, Clarence Ray. History of education in Iowa. 4v. '14- '16. State hist. soc. of Iowa, (ed.) Aurner, Clarence Ray. History of township gov- ernment in Iowa. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Briggs, John E. History of social legislation in Iowa. (Iowa sociological hist, ser.) '15. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Brigham, Johnson. James Harlan. (Iowa biog. ser.) '13. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Brindley, John E. History of road legislation in Iowa. (Iowa econom. ser.) '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa, (ed.) Brindley, John E. History of taxation in Iowa. 2v. (Iowa econom. ser.) '11. State hist. soc. of Iowa, (ed.) Clark, Dan Elbert. History of senatorial elections in Iowa. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Clark, Dan Elbert. Samuel Jordan Kirkwood. (Iowa biog. ser.) '17. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Downey, E. H. History of labor legislation in Iowa. (Iowa econom. ser.) '10. State hist. soc. of Iowa. 266 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, 1871 Continued. (ed.) Downey, E. H. History of work accident indem- nity in Iowa. (Iowa econom. ser.) '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Gillin, John L. History of poor relief legislation in Iowa. (Iowa sociological hist, ser.) '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Gregory, Charles Noble. Samuel Freeman Miller. (Iowa biog. ser.) '07. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Jones, Louis Thomas. Quakers in Iowa. '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) McCarty, D wight G. Territorial governors of the old Northwest. '10. State hist. soc. of Iow T a. (ed.) Parish, John Carl, (ed.) Autobiography of John Chambers. '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Parish, John Carl. John Chambers. (Iowa biog. ser.) '09. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Parish, John Carl. Man with the iron hand. '13. Houghton. (ed.) Parish, John Carl. Robert Lucas. (Iowa biog. ser.) '07. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Parish, John Carl. Robert Lucas journal of the war of 1812 during the campaign under Gen. "William Hull. '06. State hist. soe. of Iowa. (ed.) Parish, John Carl. George Wallace Jones. (Iowa biog. ser.) '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Pelzer, Louis. Augustus Caesar Dodge. (Iowa biog. ser.) '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Pickard, J. L. Retrospect of sixty years. '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa, (ed.) Reid, Harvey. Thomas Cox. (Iowa biog. ser.) '09. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Rich, Joseph W. Battle of Shiloh. 11. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Shambaugh, Bertha M. H. Amana: The com- munity of true inspiration. '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 267 Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, 1871 Continued. (ed.) Teakle, Thomas. Spirit Lake massacre of 1857. '18. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Van der Zee, Jacob. Hollanders of Iowa. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. (ed.) Wick, Barthinius L. Amish Mennonites in Io\va. '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Shambaugh, Mrs. Bertha Maud (Horack), 1871 Amana, the community of true inspiration. '08. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Sharp, Mrs. Abigail (Gardner), 1843 History of the Spirit Lake massacre and captivity of Miss Abbie Gardner. 6th ed. rev. '10. Arnold's Park, Lake Okoboji, la. The author. Sharp, Gazelle Stevens Little patch of blue. '10. Bost. Gorham press. Shattuck, A. L. Thirty months' primary school work. '89. Victor, la. Index ptg. house. and Laylander, 0. J. Orthography; a treatise on spelling, pronunciation and derivation. '85. Des Moines. Mills & co. Shaw, Albert, 1857 Business career in its public relations. '04. Univ. of Cal. Cartoon history of Roosevelt's career. '10. Review of reviews. Co-operation in a western city. American economic assn. Icaria; a chapter in the history of communism. '84. Putnam. Local government in Illinois ; and Local government in Pennsylvania, by E. R. L. Gould. '83. Johns Hop- kins. Municipal government in continental Europe. '01. Macmillan. Municipal government in England. Johns Hopkins. Municipal government in Great Britain. '01. Macmil- lan. 268 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Shaw, Albert, 1857 Continued. Outlook for the average man. '07. Maemillan. Political problems of American development. '07. Lemcke. and others Life of Col. G. E. Warner, jr. (Our country ser.) '99 j '00. N. Y. Patriotic league ; Review of reviews. Our war in two hemispheres. 2v. '98. Review of re- views. Shaw, Arvin Benjamin Corning and Adams county, Iowa. '89. Corning. Faw- ker pub. Montgomery county, Iowa. '89. Corning. A. B. Shaw pub co. Shaw, Leslie Mortier, 1848 Aptitude plus application. Graves. Current issues. .'08. Appleton. and others Banking, etc.; addresses. '07. National business league of Am. Sheldon, Caroline M., 1860 Princess and pilgrim in England. '04. Wash. Lucas- Lincoln co. (tr.) Echegary, Jose. Great Galeoto. 12. Grinnell, la. Ray & Frisbie. Sheldon, Parley (jt. auth.) Cosson, George, and Roberts, M. A. Report of the committee appointed to investigate the char- acter of the warden and the general management of the Iowa penitentiary at Fort Madison, together with a report concerning the jail system of Iowa, with recommendations. '12. Des Moines. State printer. Shelton, Charles Eldred, 1859 Muscle, beauty and health. '90. Flanagan. Shelton, E. M. Railway consolidation a natural process; paper read before the Omega club, Burlington, Iowa, Feb. 4, 1902. 269 Shepherd, C. W. (jt. auth.) Robertson, J. F. 'Memorial and other ser- mons. '96. Keosauqua, la. C. W. Shepherd. Shepherd, Mrs. E. R. For girls; a special physiology. 3d ed. '83. N. Y. Fowler & Wells. Sherman, Althea R. Birds by the wayside, in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Re- printed from the Wilson bulletin, March, 1915. Carolinian avifauna in northeastern Iowa. Reprinted from the Auk, v. 30, no. 1, Jan., 1913. Experiments in feeding humming birds during seven summers. Reprinted from the Wilson bulletin, Dec., 1913. Extermination of the wild turkey in Clayton county, Iowa. Reprinted from Wilson bulletin, June, 1913. Nest life of the screech owl. Reprinted from the Auk, v. 30, 1911. Nest life of the sparrow hawk. Reprinted from the Auk, v. 30, 1911. Sherman, Amelie Harris Corning and other poems. '09. Corning, la. J. C. Burch. Sherman, E. Amelia Disease of women as causes of insanity. Reprinted from Transactions of the Iowa state medical society, v. 8. 1902. Immaterial remedies and their uses in the regular prac- tice of medicine ; paper read before the Clayton coun- ty medical society, Oct. 24, 1906. State vs. county care of the insane. Reprinted from the Women's medical journal, Aug. 1904. Sherman, Ernest Anderson, 1868 Dedicating in Dixie. '07. Cedar Rapids, la. Record ptg. 270 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Sherman, Hoyt, 1827-1904, Casady, P. M., and Hussey, Tacitus Semi-centennial of the organization of Polk county and Fort Des Moines, Iowa, July 8, 1896. Sherman Stuart Pratt, 1881 Matthew Arnold; how to know him. '17. Bobbs. (ed.) Book of short stories. '14. Holt. (ed.) Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour, 1850-1894. Treas- ure island. '11. Holt. Sherman, William T. Old Shady; or, The disappointed Yankee. '93. San- born, la. Pioneer print. Sherwood, Nellie Rowena (jt. auth.) Swem, Leota. Primer of nursery rhymes. '09. Houghton. Shields, George 0. (Coquina, pseud.), 1846 Cruising in the Cascades and other hunting adventures. Rand. Hunting in the great West. Donohue. (ed.) American book of the dog. Rand; (ed.) American game fishes. Rand. (ed.) Big game of North America. Rand. Shimek, Bohumil, 1861 Additional notes on Helicina occulta. Reprinted from the Journal of geology, v. 13, no. 3. 1905. Additional notes on Iowa mollusca. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 4. 1893. Aftonian sands and gravels in western Iowa. Bui. Geological soc. of America, v. 20. 1909. Alluvial fossils and modern drifted shells; supplement to the address of the vice-president and chairman of section E., Geology, Am. association for the advance- ment of science, Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 30. 1912. Artificial prairie. Bui. Lab. nat. hist., v. 6. 1913. Bohemians in Johnson county. '13. The author. Distribution of forest trees in Iowa. Reprinted from Proceeding Iowa acad. of sci., v. 7. 1899. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 271 Shimek, Bohumil, 1861 Continued. Distribution of loess fossils. Reprinted from the Iowa acad. of sci., April, 1898. Early Iowa locality records. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci., v. 22. 1913. Evidence that the fossiliferous gravel and sand beds of Iowa are Aftonian. '10. Geol. soc. of America. v. 21. Ferdinand Reppert. From Iowa acad. of sci., v. 11. 1903. Ferns of Nicaragua. Extract from Bui. lab. nat. hist., State univ. of Iowa, v. 4, no. 2, May, 1917. Finley M. "Witter. From the Iowa acad. of sci. v. 17. 1910. Flora of Lyon county, Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S., v. 10. 1900. Flora of Winneshiek county. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S., v. 16. 1906. Forestry in Iowa. From Iowa acad. of sci., v. 9. 1902. Future of the lakes. Reprinted from Bui. no. 9. 1913. Okoboji protective association. Genesis of loess a problem in plant ecology. '09. Iowa acad. of sci. Geology of Harrison and Monona counties. From Iowa Geol. S., v. 20. 1910. Helicina occulta Say. Reprinted from Proceedings Davenport acad. of sci. v. 9. 1904. Hybrid oak. '77. St. Louis acad. of sci. Iowa forestry bill. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa park and forestry association. 1907. Iowa liverworts. Reprinted from Report Iowa acad. of sci. 1893. Is the loess of aqueous origin? From Report Iowa acad. of sci. 1897. Loess and the lowan drift. Reprinted from American. geologist, v. 32. 1913. Loess and the Lansing man. Reprinted from the Ameri- can geologist, Dec., 1903. 272 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Shimek, Bohumil, 1861 Continued. Loess of Iowa City and vicinity; Iowa pteridophyta (Con) ; addenda to the flora of Lyon county. Excerpt from the Bui. of the lab. of nat. hist. State univ. of Iowa, v. 5. 1901. Loess of the Missouri river. Reprinted from the Iowa acad. of sci. Loess of Natchez, Miss. Reprinted from American geologist, Nov., 1902. Loess of Peczel, Hungary. Reprinted from Proceedings of Iowa acad. of sci., v. 22. 1915. Loess of the Paha and river-ridge . From Proceedings of Iowa acad of sci., v. 15. 1909. Loess papers. Extract from the Bui. from the lab. of nat. hist, of State univ. of Iowa, V. 5, no. 4. 1901. Memoir of Samuel Calvin. Reprinted from Bui. Geol. soc. of America, v. 23. 1912. Mingling of pleistocene formations. Reprinted from the Bui. Geol. soc. of America, v. 23. 1912. Nebraska "Loess man." '08. Geol. soe. of America. New succinea. Reprinted from Bui. nat. hist. State univ. of Iowa, March 6, 1913. Notes on some Iowa plants. Reprinted from Proceed- ings of Iowa acad. of sci., v. 10. 1904. Pioneer and the forest. Reprinted from Proceedings Mississippi valley hist, association. 1911. Plant geography of the Lake Okoboji region. '15. State univ. of Iowa. Pleistocene of the Missouri valley. Reprinted from Science, n. s. v. 31, January, 1910. Pleistocene of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and vicinity. Reprinted from Bui. Geol. soc. of America, v. 23. 1912. Prairie openings in the forest. From Iowa acad of sci., 1010. Prairies. '11. Bui. from the lab. of nat. hist. Iowa state univ. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 273 Shimek, Bohumil, 1861 Continued. Pyramidula Shimekii (Pils) Shim; Iowa pterodophyta ; excerpt from the Bui. of the lab. nat. hist. Iowa state univ., v. 5, 1901. Relation of forestry to engineering. From Pro- ceedings Iowa engineering soc., v. 21. 1909. Significance of pleistocene mollusks. Reprinted from Science, v. 37. 1913. Theory of the loess. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 3. 1895. Tribute to Thomas Huston Macbride. '08. State univ. of Iowa. Wood preservation. Reprinted from the Transit, v. 11. 1906. (jt. auth.) Macbride, Thomas H. Conservation of Iowa lakes, streams and woodlands. Reprinted from the report of the Iowa state drainage, waterways and conservation commission. 1911. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S., v. 22. See Macbride, Thomas H. Twenty-five years of bot- any in Iowa. Excerpt from Proc. la. acad. of sci. v. 19, 1912. ^See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publi- cations of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. / Shiras, Oliver Perry, 1833 De Platonis idearum doctrina. '84. Equity practice. '89; '98. Callaghan. Shorey, Paul, 1857 Greek life and thought at its culmination, age of Peri- cles. '03. Univ. of Chic. Unity of Plato's thought. '03. Univ. of Chic. (ed.) Horace. Odes and epodes. '10. Sanborn. 18 274 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Short, Wallace Merton, 1866 Christian patriotism; a sermon delivered in Central church, Grand theatre, Sioux City, Iowa, Sunday, July 4, 1915. '15. Kansas City, Mo. Hyde park press. Fifteen years in the ministry. '11. Sioux City, la. The author. Let there be light ; a study in freedom and faith, being a review of six years' ministry in Sioux City, Iow T a. '16. Sioux City, la. The author. Shoup, William J. Easy words and how to use them. Am. bk. Graded didactics, v. 1 & 2. Am. bk. Graded speller. '88. Am. bk. History and science of education. '91. Am. bk. Siebolcl, M. Leu Two grand historic poems of Keokuk water power dam and the Titanic. '12. Keokuk, la. The author. Sieg, L. P. Peculiarities in the elastic . properties of certain wires. '10. See "VVyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publi- cations of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. Sieg, Vera Negro problem; a bibliography. '09. Madison, Wis- consin free library. Simmons, John T., 1829-1904 History of the Twenty-eighth Iowa volunteer infantry from the date of enlistment down to Jan. 1, 1865. '65. Wash. W. H. Moore. Simms, Paris Marion, 1874 What must the church do to be saved? '13. Revell. Simpson, J. P. Historical key; important dates and references. '88. Campbell ptg. co. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 275 Slagle, Mrs. Flora Lamson, and others Ward Lamson, Truth seeker; selections from his daily writings of the years eighteen hundred fifty-three to nineteen hundred three. '11. Burlington, la. Mc- Mullin & Woellhaf. Slaughter, Moses Stephen, 1860 High school course in Latin. '08. Univ. of Wis. Story of Turnus, from Aeneid. bks. 7-12. Sanborn. Sloan, Robert, 1860 Charles Baldwin. '14. Hist. dept. of Iowa. Sloan, Sam B. Newspaper English. Extension Bui. no. 30. '17. Univ. of Iowa. Sloanaker, Elizabeth Lyday, 1860 Song to the sea, and other poems. '90. Burlington, la. Conrad Lutz. Small, Arthur J. (cornp.) Index to the Iowa state bar association pro- ceedings, v. 1-15, 1895-1909. Iowa City. Iowa state bar association. (comp.) Proceedings early Iowa state bar association, 1874- '81. '12. Iowa state bar association. Smiley, J. B. Basket of chips; a varied assortment of poems and sketches. '88. Kalamazoo, Mich. The author. Meditations of Samwell Wilkins. / Smith, Belle E. If I should die tonight ; poem. Smith, Charles A., 1828 Recollections of prison life at Andersonville, Ga., and Florence, S. C. '75. Muscatine, la. R. A. Holmes. Smith, D. B., 1834 Two years in the slave-pen of Iowa. '85. Kansas City. H. N. Farey & co. 276 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Smith, Earl Sloan Potonowok; an historical sketch of Fort Madison in verse. '16. Fort Madison. Evening Democrat. Smith, Elbert A. Plea for the golden rule. '13. Lamoni, la. Herald pub. Smith, Franklin Orion Rational basis for determining fitness for college en- trance. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Smith, Fred Burton, 1864 Man's religion. 'Icf. Assn. press. Men wanted. '11. Y. M. C. A. Smith, George L. Carboniferous section of southwestern Iowa. '09. Re- printed from Iowa Geol. S. v. 19. Smith, Heman Conoman, 1850 Truth defended. 4th ed. '08. Lamoni, la. Board of publication of the Reorganized church of Jesus Christ L. D. S. True succession in church presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 3d ed. Lamoni, la. Board of publication of the Reorganized church Jesus Christ L. D. S. (jt. auth.) Howell, J. M., History of Decatur county, Iowa, and its people. 2v. '15. S. J. Clarke. Smith, Henry I., d. 1910 History of the Seventh Iowa veteran volunteer infantry during the civil war. '03. Mason City, la. E. Hitchcock. Smith, J. Frederick School geometry. '97. Scott. Smith, Joe H., 1833 History of Harrison county, Iowa. '88. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. 277 Smith, Joseph, 1832 , and Smith, Thomas W. Rules of order and debate for deliberate assemblies of the church of Jesus Christ. '91. Lamoni, la. Board of pub. Church of Christ L. D. S. Smith, Mrs. Laura Eugenie Brown Autocrat of Arkansas. On the track and off the train. '92. Little Eock. Press Ptg- Victory's divorcement (With Alice French). Smith, Lewis Worthington, 1866 English tongue and other poems. '16. Four seas. God's sunlight. '01. Crowell. Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, the individualists. Re- printed from Popular science monthly, Feb., 1911. In Sunday's tent. '16. Four seas co. In the furrow; poems. '06. Des Moines. Baker-Tris- ler. Lady of the lake, by Sir Walter Scott, with questions and notes. Flanagan. Lay of the last minstrel, by Sir Walter Scott, ed. with teaching material. '10. Flanagan. Lays of Ancient Rome, by Macaulay. '11. Flanagan. Mechanism of English style. '16. Oxford. Princess; a medley by Alfred Lord Tennyson. '99. Flanagan. Selections from the Sketch book with teaching material. '09. Flanagan. Ships in port ; poems. '16. Putnam. Writing of the short story. '02. Heath. (ed.) Tennyson, Alfred. The princess. '99. Sanborn. and Thomas, James E. 'Modern composition and rhetoric. '00. Sanborn. Smith, Seth M., 1822 Autobiography of "Your Uncle Fuller" and quaint say- ings from the diary of "Sarah's husband." '05. El- liott, la. Graphic press. 278 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS 'Smith, Walter Inglewood, 1862 Address as temporary chairman Republican state con- vention, Des Homes, Iowa, July 30, 1902. Smith, William B. On wheels and how I came there. '93. N. Y. Hunt & Eaton. Snoddy, Martin Let every tub stand on its own bottom. '93. Bloom- field, la. Democrat print. Snow, Alvin L. Songs of the White mountains and other poems. '92. Creston, la. Gazette pub. Snyder, Carl, 1869 American railways as investments. '07. Moody cor- poration. Das weltbild der moderenen naturwissensehaft. '03. La nuova scienze. '07. New conceptions in science. '03. Harper. World machine. '07. Longmans. Snyder, Virgil, 1867, and Hutchinson, John Irwin, 1867 Differential and integral calculus. '02. Am. bk. (jt. auth.) McMahon, James. Differential calculus. Am. bk. and Sisam, Charles Herschel, 1878 Analytic geometry of space. '14. Holt. Sonle, Caroline A. Pet of the settlement; a story of prairie-land. '60. Bost. A. Tompkins. Sparks, Charles H. History of Winneshiek county, with biographical sketches of its eminent men. '77. Decorah, la. James Alexander Leonard. Spaulding, Solomon Manuscript story of. '85. Lamoni, la. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 279 Speer, Fay Nixon Letters to Mary. '10. Iowa legislative ladies' league. Solomon's court. '14. Indianola, la. Civics com. of Woman's club. Spencer, Edward Buckham Taylor Adnominatio in the plays of Plautus, with special refer- ence to questions of pronunciation and orthography. '06. Lancaster, Pa. Era ptg. Sperry, Andrew F., 1839 History of the Thirty-third Iowa infantry volunteer regiment, 1863-6. '66. Des Moines. Mills & co. Ehyme and reason. '95. Wash. Potomac series pub. Spinney, Louis Bevier Text-book of physics. '11. Macmillan. Sprague, Dewitt Clinton, 1881 Biography of William Dean Howells. '14. English in secondary schools. '14. Bui. Eastern 111. State normal school. Sprague, F. W. Story of a storm ; a history of the great tornado at Pomeroy, Iowa. '93. Chic. H: 0. Shepard co. Springer, Arthur, 1855 History of Louisa county, la., from its earliest settle- ment. 2v. 12. S. J. Clarke. Springer, Frank, 1848 Actinometra lowensis; a new unstalked crinoid from the Florida reefs., (Bui. lab. nat. hist. v. 5, no. 3) '03. State univ. of Iowa. Chapters on cystids, blastoids and crinoids. '13. Zittel- Eastman. Textbook on palaeontology. Circular letter regarding nomenclature. '09. The author. Cleiocrinus (Memoirs Museum comparative zoology, v. 25). '05. Harvard college. Crinoid fauna of the knobstone formation. Eeprinted from Proceedings U. S. nat. museum, v. 41, June. 1911. 280 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Springer, Frank, 1848 Continued. Discovery of the disk of onychocrinus and further re- marks on crinoidea flexibilia. Reprinted from Jour- nal of geology, v. 14, 1906. Field session of the School of American archaeology. Reprinted from Science, Nov. 4, 1910. Further note on uintacrinus. Reprinted from American geologist, v. 24. 1900. New American Jurassic crinoid. Reprinted from U. S. national museum v. 36. 1909. Notices of a new discovery concerning uintacrinus. Reprinted from American geologist, v. 24. 1899. Notice of a new comatula from the Florida reefs. Re- printed from American geologist, v. 33. 1902. On a Trenton echinoderm fauna at Kirkfield, Ontario. Reprinted from Memoirs Geological survey of Can- ada, Dept. of mines. 1911. On the crinoid genera sagenocrinus, forbesiocrinus, and allied forms. Reprinted from American geologist, v. 30, 1902. On the occurrence of the lower Burlington limestone in New Mexico. Reprinted from American jl. of sci., v. 27. 1884. On the presence of pores in the ventral sac in fistulate crinoids. Reprinted from American geologist, v. 26. 1900. Some new American fossil crinoids. Reprinted from Memoirs comparative zoology, Harvard college, v. 25. 1911. Uintacrinus; its structure and relations. Reprinted from Memoirs comparative zoology, Harvard college, v. 25. 1901. (jt. auth.) See Wachsmuth, Charles, 1829-1894. and Slocum, Arthur Ware Hypsocrinus, a new genus of crinoids from the Devon- ian. '06. Chic. Field Columbian museum. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 281 Springer, John List of the reproductions both imitation and fac-simile of the productions of the press of William Caxton, England's first printer, with some preliminary ob- servations by B. H. Beedham. '79. Iowa City, la. The author. Memoranda relating to the early press of Iowa. '80. Iowa City, la. The author. Springer, W. G. Dialogue on conscience. '66. Phil. Howard Challen. Stacy, J. S. Code of civil procedure. '78. Des Moines, la. Stacy, Mrs. M. S., Lapham, Mrs. J. A., and others Women's Columbian souvenir. '93. Osage, la. H. E. Tuttle co. Staley, Homer F., and Beecher, Milton F. Practical handling of Iowa clays with application of ceramic principles. '16. Bulletin 43. Engineering ex- per. sta. Iowa state college of agric. Stanton, Gerrit Smith, 1845 When the wildwood was in flower; a narrative covering the fifteen years' experiences of a New Yorker on the western plains. 2d ed. rev. '10. Ogilvie. Where the sportsman loves to linger. '05. Ogilvie. Stapp, Emilie Blackmore Bread and 'lasses; sketches of child life. '02. Des Moines. George A. Miller ptg. Little Billy Bowlegs. '16. . Doran. Squaw lady. '13. McKay. Trail of the Go-Hawks. '08. Clark. Uncle Peter-Heathen. '12. McKay. Starbuck, Edwin Ciller, 1866 Psychology of religion ; an empirical study of the growth of religious consciousness. '11. Scribner. 282 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Starch, Daniel, 1883 Advertising ; its principles, practice and technique. '15. Chic. Scott, Foresman & co. Educational measurements. '16. Macmillan. Experiments in educational psychology. '11 ; '17. Mac- millan. Measurement of efficiency in reading, writing, spelling and English. '14. Madison, Wis. College book store. Perimetry of the localization of sound. '06. Iowa state univ. Principles of advertising. '10. Madison, "Wis. Univer- sity co-operative co. Starr, Frederick, 1858 Ainu group at the St. Louis exposition. '04. Open ct. American Indians. Heath. Bibliography of Congo languages. '08. Univ. of Chic. Bibliography of Iowa antiquities. Davenport acad. of sci. v. 6. ' 1897. Early man in Europe, part 1 ; syllabus. Univ. of Chic. Ethnographic notes from Congo Free State. Davenport acad. of sci. In Indian Mexico. '08. Forbes. Liberia; description, history, problems. '13. Chic. The author. Little pottery objects of Lake Capala, Mexico. Univ. of Chic. . Mapa de Cuauhtiantzinco ; or, Codice campos. Univ. of Chic. More notched bone rattles. Davenport acad. of sci. v. 9. 1904. Native races of North America; syllabus. Univ. of Chic. Notched bones from Mexico; shell inscription from Tula, Mexico. Davenport acad. of sci. v.. 7. 1899. Notes on Mexican archaeology. Univ. of Chic. Notes upon ethnography of southern Mexico, 2 pts. Dav- enport acad. of sci. v. 9. 1904. Physical characters of Indians of southern Mexico. '02. Univ. of Chic. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 283 Starr, Frederick, 1858 Continued. Prehistoric archaeology of Europe ; outlines and refer- ences. '02. N. Y. State lib. Readings from modern Mexican authors. '04. Open ct. Recent Mexican study of native languages of Mexico. Univ. of Chic. Some first steps in human progress. '10. Chautauqua press. Strange peoples. '01. Heath. Summary of the archaeology of Iowa. Davenport acad. of sci. Truth about the Congo. '07. Forbes. (ed.) Little book of Filipino riddles. '09. World book CO. Stebbins, Callie B. Silver thimbles. '92. Lamorii, la. Herald pub. Steele, Charles Homer Helen Parker. '04. Henneberry. Steele, James E., 1849 (jt. autlO Gillespie. Samuel. History of Clay county, Iowa. '09. S. J. Clarke. Steele, Lavinia (comp.) Check list of the publications of the state of Iowa. '04. Des Moines. State printer. (comp.) Midland monthly general index, v. 1-11. Des Moines. Iowa library commission. Steele, Mrs. Marion Aristo-K'ats. '02. Des Moines. Talbott Ammons co. Steele, William H. 567 useful hints for the busy dentist. '92. Wilmington dental mfg. co. Steiner, Edward Alfred, 1866 Against the current; simple chapters from a complex life. '10. Revell. Broken wall ; stories of the lingering folks. '11. Revell. Confessions of a hyphenated American. '17. Revell. Cup of Elijah. (Idyll envelope ser.) '10. Revell. 284 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Steiner, Edward Alfred, 186& Continued. From alien to citizen. '14. Revell. Immigrant tide ; its ebb and flow. '09. Revell. Introducing the American spirit. '15. Revell. Mediator j tale of the old world and new. '07. Revell. My doctor dog. '17. Revell. Naturalizing America. '16. Revell. On the trail of the immigrant. 4th ed. '06. Revell. Parable of the cherries. '13. Revell. Slavic world ; syllabus. Univ. of Chic. Tolstoy, the man and his message. '08. Revell. '16. Fleming. Stempel, Guido Hermann, 1868 (comp. and ed.) Book of ballads, old and new. '17. Holt. Stephenson, Helen F. Pageant of light and truth. '15. Univ. of Chic. Stevenson, J. H. History and business directory of Wright county, Iowa. '70. Des Moines. Mills & co. Stevenson, Mrs. William See Thorpe, Minerva Stewart, Holland Maclaren Co-operative methods in the development of school sup- port in the United States. Iowa City, la. Chestnut Stiles, Cassius C. Public archives of Iowa. '11 ; '12. Hist. dept. of Iowa. Stiles, Edward Holcomb, 1836 Recollections and sketches of notable lawyers and pub- lic men of early Iowa belonging to the first and second generations ; with anecdotes and incidents illustrative of the times. '16. Pasadena, Cal. The author. Society of the Sons of the American revolution what it should stand for ; address at the annual dinner of the society of the Sons of the revolution, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 19, 1906. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 285 Stiles, Edward Holcomb, 1836 Continued. (jt. auth.) Withrow, Thomas Foster. Digest of deci- sions Supreme court of Iowa. 2v. '74- '75. Chic. B. B. Myers; v.3 by E. H. Stiles. '79. Des Moines. Mills & co. Stokely, Edith Keeley, and Kurd, Marian Kent Miss Billy; a neighborhood story. '05. Lothrop. Stoltz, K. E. Auto-suggestion in private prayer. '11. Stone, John Y. Optimism as a health producer; paper read before the "Briar Club," Glenwood, la., Nov. 25, 1913. Stonebraker, Beaumont E. Past and present of Calhoun county, Iowa. 2v. '15! S. J. Clarke. Storms, Albert Boynton, 1860 Cool of the day, the breeze of the evening. '02. Meth. bk. Democracy and education. Univ. of Chic, press. Heart of the Apocalypse. Reprinted from the Metho- dist review, Jan., 1902. Master secret. '13. Western Meth. bk. Memorial day address. Des Moines. 1903. Outlook; inaugural address as president. of the Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanic arts, Ames, Iowa. June 6, 1904. Stopping at an inn ; or, Best and master things. Mad- ison, Wis. State journal ptg. co. Stratton, P. E. Questions in botany. '91. Davenport. Mossman & Vollmer. Street, Ida Maria Ruskin's principles of art criticism. '01. Herbert S. Stone co. 286 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Stromstem, Frank Albert, 1872 Contribution to the anatomy and development of the posterior lymph hearts of the turtle. From Publica- tion no. 132 of the Carnegie inst. of Wash. 1910. Contribution to the anatomy and development of the venus system of chelonia. From American jl. of anatomy, Sept. 15, 1905. On the development of the prevertebral (thoracic) duct in turtles as indicated by a study of uninjected em- bryos. From the Anatomical record, v. 6, no. 9, Sep- tember, 1912. On the relations between the mesenchymal spaces and the development of the posterior lymph hearts of tur- tles. From the Anatomical record, v. 5, no. 4, April, 1911. Stuart, A. A. Iowa colonels and regiments. '65. Des Moines. Mills & co. Stuart, I. L., 1855 History of Franklin county, Iowa. 2v. '14. S. J. Clarke. Stuart, Ira Beal, 1877 Heart throbs. '10. Marshalltown, la. Charter Oak pub. Stuart, Theodore M. Past and present of Lucas and Wayne counties, Iowa. 2v. '13. S. J. Clarke. Stuckey, Lorin Iowa state federation of labor. '16. State univ. of Iowa. Stuntz, Homer Clyde, 1858 Philippines and the Far East. '04. Meth. bk. Sturm, Frederick Bernard (ed.) Stern, Adolph Ernst. Die wieder taufer; his- torische novelle. '13. Heath. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 287 Sumner, G. H., 1857 Importance of thorough sanitation. '10. Chic. Re- printed from the. Emb aimers' monthly. Short history of the state board of health, n. d. Sunday, William Ashley, 1863 Burning truths from Billy's bat; a graphic description of the remarkable conversion of the Rev. Billy Sun- day. '14. Phil. Diamond pub. Get on the water wagon. Fort Wayne. E. A. K. Haek- ett. Great love stories of the Bible, and their lessons for to- day. '17. Putnam. Moral leper. Fort "Wayne, Ind. E. A. K. Hackett. Mother's sermon. Fort Wayne, Ind. E. A. K. Hackett. Second coming. Fort Wayne, Ind. E. A. K. Hackett. Seventy-four complete sermons ; sermons in the Omaha campaign in the fall of 1915 ; as reported by the Oma- ha daily news. Schulte 's book store. Three groups. Fort Wayne, Ind. E. A. K. Hackett. What shall the end be? Fort Wayne, Ind. E. A. K. Hackett. Button, Preston M., 1845-1901 Work's dialogue with Henry George. '87. Marshall- town, la. Marshall ptg. co. Swan, Aimer U. (jt. auth.) Davison, A. H. Statistical abstract of Iowa railroads. '07. Des Moines. State printer. Swan, Gustav N. Svenskarna in Sioux City. '12. Chic. Jacobson ptg. Swem, Earl Gregg Bibliography of Virginia. (Bui. v. 8, no. 24.) 16. Virginia state lib. French newspapers of 1848-50 in the library. 16. Vir- ginia State lib. Letters on the condition of Kentucky in 1825. 17. Heartman. 288 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Swem, Earl Gregg Continued. (comp.) Finding list of books in some of the classes of language and literature in the. Virginia State library. (Bui. v. 7, no. 4.) '14. Virginia state lib. Swem, Leota, 1866 , and Sherwood, Nellie Rowena Primer of nursery rhymes. '09. Houghton. Swift, John W. An Iowa boy around the world in the navy ; a true story of our navy. '11. Des Moines. Kenyon ptg. Sylvester, Reuel Hull Form board test. '13. Princeton univ. press. Taber, Ralph Graham Northern light and shadows. '00. Lond. Greening & co. ltd. ) Taft, Stephen H., 1825 Address delivered on the opening of Humboldt college, at Springvale, Iowa, September 18, 1872. Discourse on the character and death of John Brown. '72. Des Moines. Carter, Hussey & Curl. Talbot, Ellen Bliss, 1867 Fundamental principles of Fichte 's philosophy. '06. Talbott, J. Exploits of prince alcohol. '76. Council Bluffs. Chris- tian expositor pub. The Sunday school, n. d. Des Moines. The author. Tatum, Lawrie New Testament on baptism and other ordinances; rev. ed. '89. Pub. assn. of Friends. Taylor, Alonzo Englebert, 1870 Autolysis of protein; and Reversion of tryptic diges- tion. '04. Univ. of Cal. Digestion and metabolism; the physiological and path- ological chemistry of nutrition, for students and phy- sicians. '12. Lea. Fermentation. '07. Univ. of Cal. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 289 Taylor, Alonzo Englebert, 1870 Continued. Hydrolysis of protamine, with special reference to the action of trypsin. '04. Univ. of Cal. Studies on an ash-free diet. '04. Univ. of Cal. Synthesis of fat through reversed action of fat-splitting enzyme; and Occurrences of amido-acids. '04. Univ. of Cal. Synthesis of protein through the action of trypsin. '07. Univ. of Cal. Taylor, B. S. Full salvation. '86. Bost. McDonald, Gill & co. Taylor, Henry Charles, 1873 Agricultural economics ; syllabus of lectures. '03. Mad- ison, Wis. Cantwell press. Commercial relations of the United States with Latin America. '03. Am. acad. Decline of land-owning farmers in England. '04. Mad- ison, Wis. Univ. of Wisconsin. Differential rent of farm land. Reprinted from Quar- terly journal of economics, August, 1903. Introduction to the study of agricultural economics. '05. Macmillan. Marketing of Wisconsin cheese. '13. Madison, Wis. Agric. exper. sta., Univ. of Wisconsin. Methods of renting farm lands in Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. Agric. exper. sta. Bui. no. 198. '10. Univ. of Wis. Place of economics in agricultural education and re- search.' Madison, Wis. Agric. exper. sta. Bui. no. 198. '10. Univ. of Wis. Price of farm products. Madison, Wis., Agric. exper. sta. Bui. no. 209. '11. Univ. of Wis. Rent and profits in agriculture, n. d. Theory of rent and American agriculture. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the American economic assn. 19 290 TOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Taylor, Henry Charles, 1873 Continued. What a salesman should know (Practical ser.) '13. Browne & Howell. and Lee, C. E. Progress of the dairy industry in Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. Agric. exper. sta., Univ. of Wis. Taylor, John W. Doorkeeper, and other poems; with a memoir by his wife. 2d ed. '14. Longmans. The west; description of Iowa. '60. Dubuque. The author. Taylor, Lewis L. Past and present of Appanoose county. 2v. '13. S. J. Clarke. Taylor, Thomas Eddy, 1865-, Taylor, S. Earl, and Morgan, Charles Herbert Studies in the life of Christ. '06. Gin. Western Metho- dist book concern, (jt. auth.) Morgan, Charles Herbert. Studies in the Old Testament. '05. Cin. Jennings & Graham, (jt. auth.) Morgan, Charles Herbert, and Taylor, S. Earl. Church of the first apostles, n. d. Chic. Epworth league; Studies in the early church; rev, ed. '07. Cin. Jennings & Graham. i Taylor, V. C. Praise offering ; a collection of tunes. '67. Des Moines. Teakle, Thomas Romance in Iowa history. '16. Reprinted from Iowa journal of history and politics, April, 1916. Spirit Lake massacre of 1857. '18. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Teller, William Pierre, 1852-, and Brown, Henry E. First book in business methods. '03. Rand. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 291 Templin, James D. Abridgement of decisions of Supreme court of Iowa, in- cluding practice and pleading in the several courts. 74. Des Moines. State ptg. Templin, John W. Compendium of repeals and amendments to the revised statutes 1843, 1851, 1860, 1871 and subsequent laws. '78. Burlington, la. Acres, Blackmar. Thayer, Edward H., 1832-1904 Past and present of the city of Clinton, la. '69. Clin- ton, la. Iowa Age News and job ptg. Thomas, Mrs. A. E. Who shall teach; an essay read before the Guthrie county teachers' association, at Casey, la., April 8, 1882. Thompson, Albert Henry Teacher's examiner. '92. Chic. W. B. Conkey. Thompson, Elbert Nevius Sebring Controversy between the Puritans and the stage. '03. Holt. English moral plays. '10. Yale univ. press. Essays on Milton. '14. Yale univ. press. Theme of Paradise Lost. '13. Modern language assn. of America. Thompson, James K. P., 1845-1903. Iowa at Vicksburg and the Vicksburg national military park. From the Annals of Iowa, January, 1902. Thompson, James Westfall, 1869 Decline of the missi dominici in Frankish Gaul. '03. Univ. of Chic, press. Making of England ; syllabus. Univ. of Chic, press. Reference studies in mediaeval history. 2d ed. '14. Chic. The author. Russian diplomacy and the war. '15. Germanistic soc. of Chic. Wars of religion of France, 1559-1576. '09. Univ. of Chic, press. 292 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Thompson, James Westfall, 1869 Continued. (ed.) Estienne, Henri. Frankfort book fair. '11. Cax- ton club. Thompson, Robert John, 1865 England and Germany in the war ; letters to the depart- ment of state. '15. Chappie pub. Suggestions for development of American export trade to Germany. Nat. business league of America. (comp.) Proofs of life after death; a twentieth cen- tury symposium. '02. Chic. The author. Thompson, Seymour D., 1842 Kecollections with the Third Iowa regiment. '64. Cin. The author. Thorington, James, 1858 Ophthalmoscope and how to use it. '06. Blakiston. Prisms: their use and equivalents. '13. Blakiston. Refraction and how to refract. '09. Blakiston. Retinoscopy, or shadow test, in determination of re- fraction at one meter distance with the plane mir- ror. 6th ed. rev. & enl. '11. Blakiston. Thorne, Clifford Argument in the five per cent case. n. d. Great American experiment; president's address at the Twenty-seventh annual convention of the National association of railway commissioners, San Francisco, Oct. 12, 1915. Thorpe, Francis Newton, 1857 Political value of state constitutional history. Reprint- ed from Iowa journal of history and politics, Jan., 1913. Thorpe, Minerva Pierre and his dog Jock. '98. Des Moines. Kenyon press. Two chums; the story of a boy and his dog. '99. Laird. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 293 Tichenor, George Carter, 1838-1902 Tichenor, H: D. Col. George C. Tichenor's views on revision of tariff and customs laws. Priv. ptd. '08. Washington, D. C. H. D. Tichenor. Tichenor, Henry Dodge (ed.) Col. George C. Tichenor's views on the revision of the tariff and customs laws. . Priv. ptd. '08. Wash- ington, D. C. The author. Tiffany, A. S. Geology of Scott county, Iowa, and Rock Island county, 111. '85. Davenport, la. Glass & Hoover. Rev. Dr. Barris, the critic, reviewed. Tillinghast, Benjamin Franklin, 1849 Rock Island arsenal ; in peace and war. '99. Crescent City, Florida. The author. Three cities and Rock Island arsenal. '83. Davenport, la. Glass & Hoover. Tilton, John Littlefield, 1863 Geological section along Middle river in central Iowa. '95. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 3. Outline for the study of meteorology. '14. Indianola, la. Pleistocene deposits in Warren county, Iowa. '11. ' Univ. of Chic, press. World-wide humanity; paper read before the Con- temporary club, Davenport, la. '02. Contemporary club." See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. and Bain, Harry Foster Geology of Madison county. '97. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 7. Tinley, Emmet, 1867 Charles Marshall Harl; in memoriam. n. d. Council Bluffs, la. The author. 294 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Tireman, Loyd Immigration problem, n. d. Fayette, la. Upper Iowa university. Tjernagel, Nehemias, 1868 Paragraphs of a pedestrian. '13. Northfield, Minn. Mohn ptg. co. Walking trips in Norway. '17. Sioux City, la. The author. Todd, James Edward, 1846 Benton formation in eastern South Dakota. From Bui. Geol. soc. of Am., v. 15. 1903. Evidence of pleistocene crustal movements in the Mis- sissippi valley. '12. Kansas univ. sci. bul. v. 6, no. 4. First and second biennial reports on the geology of South Dakota. '98. South Dakota Geol. S. Bul. no. 2. Geology and water resources of southeast South Dakota. '00. Wash. Gov. ptg. History of Wakarusa creek. Kansas acad. of sci. Mineral resources of South Dakota. '02. South Da- kota Geol. S. Bul. no. 3. Moraines of southeastern South Dakota and their at- tendant deposits. (Geol. S. bul.) '99. Wash. Gov. Ptg. . Moraines of the Missouri coteau and their attendant de- posits. '96. U. S. Geol. S. Supt. of doc. More about septarian structure. Reprinted from Geo- logical magazine, n. s. v. 10, Aug., 1913. More light on the origin of the Missouri river loess. '06. Iowa acad. of sci. Newly discovered rock at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. From Am. Geologist, v. 33. 1904. Pleistocene history of the Missouri river. Eeprinted from Science, n. s. v. 39. 1914. Preliminary report on the geology of South Dakota. '94. Sioux Falls, S. D. State printer. Recent alluvial changes in southwestern Iowa. Iowa acad. of sci. v. 14. 1907. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geo. S. v. 22. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 2S5 and Hall, Charles Monroe Geology and water resources of part of lower James river valley. '04. TJ. S. Geol. S. Supt. of doc. Todd, John, 1818-1894 Early settlement and growth of western Iowa. '06. Hist. dept. of Iowa. Tomlinson, Jess L. Challenge of life. n. d. Toledo, la. Leander Clark col- lege. Totten, Silas University education ; address delivered at Des Moines, Feb. 6, 1860. '60. Des Moines. John Teesdale. Towle, Ella Reinking- (Mrs. C. H. Towle), 1856-1917 Helen Marsdon's call. '04. Grinnell, la. Ray & Cow- den. Towner, Horace Mann, 1855 Democratic war tax ; speech in the house of representa- tives, Sept. 25, 1914. Pood control; speech in the house of representatives, August 3, 1917. Reformatory and remedial legislation; president's ad- dress at the annual meeting, Iowa state bar associa- tion, Davenport, July 11, 1907. '07. Corning, la. The author. Townsend, Rufus H. Origination and genealogy of a name. '06. Hartley, la. Hartley jl. print. Townsend, Thomas C., 1799 Reminiscences. '74. Des Moines. Carter, Hussey & Curl. Tracy, Frank Basil, 1866 Tercentenarjr history of Canada, from Champlain to Laurier. MDCVIII-MCMVIII ; revised to the present time by Britton B. Cooke. 3v. 13. Collier. Travers, Mrs. Libbie Miller Honor of a Lee. '08. Cochrane pub. 296 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Tripp, Howard Carlson, 1871 Around the fireside and other poems. Legend of Le Mars and other poems. '83. Le Mars, la. The author. Troeger, John Winthrop, 1849 Science book. Scott. and Troeg-er, Edna Beatrice Nature study readers. 5v. Appleton. Trout, Mrs. Grace Wilbur A Mormon wife. '96. Weeks. '12. Van-American press. Trowbridge. Arthur Carleton, 1885 Geology and geography of the Wheaton quadrangle (111. state Geol. S. Bui. no. 19). '12. Univ. of 111. (jt. auth.) Salisbury, Rollin D. Laboratory exercises in structural and historical geology. '13. Holt. Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin, 1847 Case for limitations of armaments. Am. peace soc. Christ of the Andes; the story of the erection of the great peace monument on the Andean boundary be- tween Chile and Argentina. 7th ed. '14. Am. peace soc. Cost of war. Am. peace soc. Federation of the world. 3d ed. '08. Houghton. Historic development of the peace idea; new ed. Am. peace soc. History of the American peace society and its work. '08. Am. peace soc. How the Sunday schools may aid the peace movement. International arbitration at the opening of the twen- tieth century. Am. peace soc. Nation's responsibility for peace. '99. Am. peace soc. Periodic congress of the nations with list of congresses held. Am. peace soc. Results of the second Hague conference. Am. peace soc. Two Hague conferences and their result. '14. Am. peace soc. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 297 Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin, 1847 Continued. William Penn's holy experiment in civil government. Am. peace soc. Women in the peace movement. Am. peace soc. Turner, Alice Bellvadore (Sams), 1859-1915 ' What the Christmas spirit should be. '10. Colfax, la. The author. Turner, Dan W. Address as temporary chairman of Republican state con- vention, Des Moines, July 10, 1912. Turner, Silas Eight and one-half years in hell. '12. Des Moines. The author. Turney, Daniel Braxton, 1848 Two discourses on the mode of baptism. '89. Jackson- ville, 111. Courier steam bk. Turrill, H. B. Historical reminiscences of the city of Des Moines. '57. Des Moines. Redhead & Dawson. Tuttle, Charles Richard, 1850 Alaska ; its meaning to the world, its resources, its op- portunities. '14. Seattle. F. Shuey co. Centennial history of the state of Kansas. '76. Madi- son, Wis. Inter-state bk. co. General history of the state of Michigan. '73. Detroit. R. D. ST Tyler. Illustrated history of the state of Iowa. '76. Chic. Richard S. Peale co. Illustrated history of the state of Wisconsin. '75. Bost. B. B. Russell & co. and Pennock, A. C. Centennial northwest. '76. Inter-state bk. co. Tuttle, F. May (jt. auth.) Pope, C. J. History of the First Baptist church Osage, Iowa, 1861-1901. '01. Osage, la. Jl. Ptg- 298 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Twombly, Voltaire P., 1842 Second Iowa infantry at Fort Donelson, February 15, 1862. '01. Des Moines. The author. Tyler, Alice Sarah, 1859 (ed.) Iowa library quarterly, 1900-1912. Public library in commission-governed cities. Re- printed from the National municipal review for April, 1913. John W. Tyler, 1808-1888; memorial of the one hun- dredth anniversary of his birth, Sept. 27, 1908. . '09. Torch press. Tyler, Loren S., 1843-1914, and Belknap, W. W., 1829-1890 History of the 15th regiment Iowa veteran volunteer in- fantry, 1861-1865. '87. Keokuk. R. B. Ogden & son. Udden, Johan August, 1859 Deep boring at Spur (Scientific ser. no. 28). '14. Univ. of Texas. Geology of Clinton county. '05. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 15. Geology of Jefferson county, Iowa. '02. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 12. Geology of Louisa county. '01. Reprinted from low? Geol. S. v. 11. Geology of Mills and Fremont counties. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. Geology of Muscatine county. '99. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 9. Geology of Pottawattamie county. '01. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 11. Old Indian village. '00. Rock Island, 111. Lutheran Augustana book concern. Potash in the Texas permian. (Bui. no. 17). '15. Univ. of Texas. Some deep borings in Illinois. (Bui. no. 24). '15. Illinois Geol. S. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 299 and Baker, Charles Lawrence, 1887 , and Bose, Emil, 1868 Keview of the geology of Texas. (Bui. no. 44). '16. Univ. of Texas. and Bybee, H. P. Thrall oil field. (Bui. no. 66). '16. Univ. of Texas. Underwood, Joseph Harding 1 , 1874 Distribution of ownership. '07. Longmans. Updegraff, Allan Second youth ; a novel. '17. Harper. Updegraff, Harlan, 1874 Expenses of city school systems. '12. Supt. of doc. Improvement of the rural school. '11. Am. Unitar. Origin of the moving school in Massachusetts. '08. Columbia Univ. Teachers' certificates issued under general state laws and regulations. (Bu. of educ. Bui. no. 18.) '11. Supt. of doc. and Hood, William R. Urban and rural educational statistics. '12. Gov. ptg. Upham, Warren Fields of outflow of the North American ice-sheet; paper read before the International geological con- gress, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 13, 1913. Sangamon interglacial stage in Minnesota and west- ward;- paper read before the International geological congress, Toronto, Canada, August 13, 1913. Vail, Thomas H. Sermon preached at the consecration of Griswold col- lege, Davenport, la., Dec. 30, 1864. '65. Davenport, la. Luse & Lane. Van Arsdall, G. B. Light of the world ; abstract of sermon delivered at the First Christian church, Cedar Rapids, la., 1907. 300 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Van der Zee, Jacob, 1884 Direct legislation in Iowa. (Iowa applied hist. ser. v. 2, no. 4). '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Episodes in the early history of the western Iowa coun- try. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Hollanders of Iowa. '12. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Merit system in Iowa. (Iowa applied hist. ser.). '14. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Mormon trails in Iowa. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Van Hyning 1 , Thompson, and Pellett, Frank C. Mammals of Iowa ; a preliminary annotated catalogue of the recent mammals of Iowa. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Iowa academy of science, v. 17. 1910. Van Metre, Isaiah, 1838-1914 History of Black Hawk county, Iowa, and representa- tive citizens. '04. Chic. Biographical pub. Van Ness, J. 6. Dreams come true. '91. Maquoketa, la. The author. Vannoy, Charles Amzi Studies on the Athena Parthenos of Pheidias. (Human- istic studies, v. 1, no. 5). '17. Univ. of Iowa. Van Steenderen, Frederic Cornelius Leonard, 1864 French exercises to be used alternatively with part 1 of A. N. Van Daell's Introduction to the French lan- guage. Ginn. Translations from the French in the Middle Dutch literature. '06. Iowa state univ. Van Stigt, K. Geschiedenes van Pella, Iowa en omgeving. 3v. '90 Pella, la. Van Tuyl, Francis M. Origin of dolomite. '14. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 25. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 301 Van Valkenburgh, John, 1832-1890 Knights of Pythias' complete manual and text-book. 78. Phil. Moss & eo. Van Wagenen, Anthony, 1852 Government ownership of railways; considered as the next great step in American progress. '10. Putnam. Vawter, J. B. (Sergeant Oats, pseud.) Prison life in Dixie; short history of treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities. '90. Christian pub. Veblen, Oswald, 1880 , and Lennes, Nels Johann Introduction to infinitesimal analysis; functions of one real variable. '07. Wiley. and Young, John Wesley, 1879 Protective geometry. '10. Ginn. Vincent, C. Usury and present issues. '87. Winfield, Kan. Am. nonconformist. Vittum, Edmund March, 1855 Church festivals in a meetinghouse. New Haven. The author. Faith on the frontier. '90. Pilgrim press. Head of the firm. '91. Bost. Bradley & Woodruff. Ministry of pain. '03. Grinnell, la. The author. Record of fifty years. '06. Grinnell, la. The author. Vogt, Volrath, i. e. Henrik Ludvig Volrath, 1817-1889 Bible history, with epitome of church history, tr. by E. Belfour. '05. Chic. J. Anderson. 'Same; with title, illustrated Bible history and brief outlines of church history; from the Norwegian, by N. C. Brun. '05. Augsburg pub. Voldeng, Mathew Nelson After care of the insane. '07. Iowa state board of control. Fuel problem in our state institutions. '12. Iowa state board of control. 302 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Voldeng, Matthew Nelson Continued. Hospital laboratory and its functions. '16. Iowa state board of control. Influence of massage in the treatment of mental and nervous diseases. Observation cottage in connection with hospitals for the insane. '04. Iowa state board of control. Pathology and more recent theories concerning the etiology of general paresis. '06. Iowa state board of control. Peculiar features of paranoia. '14. Iowa state board of control. Scientific work in hospitals for the insane. '03. Iowa state board of control. Some observations, past, present and future, touching the care and treatment of the insane. '12. Kansas board of control. Wachsmuth, Charles, 1829-1896 Evidence of two distinct geological formations in Bur- lington limestone. '66. Structure of paleozoic crinoids. '95. and Springer, Frank, 1848 Crotalocrinus ; its structure and zoological position. Re- printed from Proceedings Phil. acad. of nat. sci. 1888. Description of fossil invertebrates. Reprinted from Illinois Geol. S. v. 7. 1883. Discovery of the ventral structure of taxocrinus and haplocrinus, and consequent modifications in the clas- sification of crinoids. Reprinted from Proceedings Phil. acad. of nat. sci. 1878. Hybocrinus, haplocrinus and baerocrinus. Reprinted from Am. journal of sei. v. 26. 1883. Monograph of the crinoidea camerata of North America. Reprinted from Memoirs Museum of comparative zoology, 2 pts. 1895. New species of crinoids and blastoids from the Kinder- hook group of Le Grand, Iowa. Reprinted from Illi- nois Geol. S. v. 8. 1890. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 303 Wachsmuth, Charles, 1829-1896, and Springer, Frank, 1848 Continued. North American crinoidae camerata. 3v. '97. Cam- bridge. The museum. Perisomic plates of the crinoids. ''90. Proceedings of: Phil. acad. of nat. sci. Remarks on glytocrinus- and reteocrinus, two genera of Silurian crinoids. Reprinted from Am. Journal of sci. v. 25. 1883. Revision of the genus belemnocrinus and description of two new species. Reprinted from Am. journal of sci. v. 3. 1887. Revision of the palaeocrinoidea; pt. 1, Icthyocrinidae and cyathocrinidae. Reprinted from Proceedings Phil. acad. of nat. sci. 1878. Revision of the palaeocrinoidea, pt. 2, Spaeroidocrinidae. Reprinted from Proceedings Phil. acad. of nat. sci. 1881. Revision of the palaeocrinoidea, pt. 3, sec. 1. Reprinted . from the Proceedings of the Phil. acad. of nat. sci. 1885. Revision of the palaeocrinoidea, pt. 3, sec. 2. "Reprinted from Proceedings Phil. acad. of nat. sqi. 1886. Summit plates in blastoids, crinoids, and cystids and their morphological relations. '87. Phil. acad. of nat. sci. Transition forms in crinoids. Reprinted from Proceed- ings Phil. acad. of nat. sci. 1878. Wade, Martin Joseph, 1861 Selection of cases on malpractice of physicians, sur- geons and dentists. '09. St. Louis. Medico-legal pub. Wade, Mary L. Book of corn cookery. '17. McClurg. Wagner, Herbert Walter, 1886 Study of oil engines in Iowa power plants. (Bui. 42, Engineering exper. sta.). '16. Iowa state college of agric. 304 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wagner, Herbert Walter, 1886 Continued. (jt. auth.) Fish, Fred Allen, 1875 Electric central station in Iowa. (Engineering exper. sta. Bui. 38). '15. Iowa state college of agric. (jt. auth.) Meeker, Warren H. House heating fuel tests. (Engineering exper. sta. Bui. 33). '13. Iowa state college of agric. Waite, E. G. Moses and Elijah, with an introduction by Emory Mil- ler. . '99. Cedar Rapids, la. Republican ptg. Waite, Mrs. Letitia C. By the thorn road. '03. Revell. Wakefield, George W., 1839 Evolution of the humane sentiment; poem read before the Longfellow section of the Unity 1 club, of Sioux City, la., Feb. 22, 1888. Walker, C. B. Mississippi valley and prehistoric events. '79. Burl- ington, la. R. T. Root. Walker, J. D. Pamphlet of rhymes. Des Moines. Mills & co. Walker, Mrs. Marietta, 1834 Questions, answers and brief stories on and from the Holy Scriptures. '89. Lamoni, la. Reorganized church of Jesus Christ, L. D. S. Questions on the Holy Scriptures. Lamoni. la. Reor- ganized church of Jesus Christ, L. D. S. With the church in an early day. '91. Lamoni, la. Walker, Margaret Coulson Bird legend and life. '08. Doubleday. Lady Hollyhock and her friends; book of nature dolls and others. '06. Doubleday. Our birds and their nestlings. '04. Am. bk. Tales come true and tales made new. '10. Doubleday. Walker, S. F., 1831 Ruins revisited and world-story retold. '87. Lamoni, la. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 305 Walker, William Bohler Claims of diocesan missions ; sermon preached in Daven- port cathedral, May 12, 1891, at the opening of the 38th annual convention of the church in Iowa. Wallace, Henry C. Education for the Iowa farm boy. '10. Des Moines. The Prairie club. Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916 Class history of the class of 1859, Jefferson college, Pennsylvania. '09. Des Moines, la. The author. Clover culture. '92. Des Moines. Homestead co. Clover farming. '00. "Wallaces' farmer. Doctrines of the Plymouth brethren. '80. Pittsburg. How to make good dirt roads. '05. Wallaces' farmer. Skim-milk calf. '00. Wallaces' farmer. Trusts and how to deal with them. '99. Wallaces' farmer. Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy. 3d ed. Macmil- lan. Uncle Henry's own story, v. 1. '17. Des Moines. Wal- lace pub. (jt. auth.) Gilpin, William J. Clearing houses of New York city. '04. M. King. Wallin, John Edward Wallace, 1876 Experimental studies of mental defectives. '12. War- wick & York. Mental- 'health of the school child, the psycho-educa- tional clinic in relation to child welfare; contribu- tions to a new science of orthophrenics and orthoso- matics. '14. Yale univ. press. Optical illusions of reversible perspective. '05. Stan- ton, la. The author. Problems of subnormality ; with an introduction by John W. Withers. '17. World bk. 20 306 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wallin, John Edward Wallace, 1876 Continued. Eeport on speech defectives in the St. Louis public schools. Reprinted from the Annual report of the Board of education for the year 1915-1916. '17. St. Louis, Mo. Eesearches on the rhythm of speech. '02. Schema for the clinical study of mentally and educa- tionally unusual children; being chapter 19 of The mental health of the school child. '14. Yale univ. press. Spelling efficiency in relation to age, grade and sex. '11. Warwick & York. Walpole, Thomas, 1855 (jt. auth.) Wegersley, C. H. Past and present of Buena Vista county, Iowa. 2v. '09. S. J. Clarke. Walton, John Proctor, 1826-1899 Early recollections of Bloomington and its surround- ings; paper read at the Old settlers' society of Musca- tine county, Iowa, February 16, 1887. History of the oldest continuous weather record in the middle west with paper read to the academy of sci- ence in Muscatine, Iowa, February 13, 1899. History of Trinity Episcopal church, Muscatine, la. '92. Muscatine, la. Journal office. Indian and the first settler; paper read before the Mus- catine academy of science on Jan. 5, 1892. Irrigation on the Muscatine island; paper read before the Muscatine academy of science, February 19, 1894 Masonic history, 1841-1896, Hawk-Eye lodge no. 30, at Muscatine, Iowa. '96. Muscatine, la. A. C. Hop- kinson. Muscatine 's pioneer preacher; paper read before the semi-centennial of the First Presbyterian church of Muscatine, Iowa, April 28, 1892. Pioneer papers. '99. Muscatine, la. Preservation of our native fish; paper read before the Muscatine academy of science, October 22, 1895. President's address Old settlers' reunion, Muscatine, Iowa, August 30, 1898. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 307 Walton, John Proctor, 1826-1899 Continued. Prevention of tuberculosis by law; paper read before the Muscatine academy of science, March 21, 1898. Recollections of Muscatine Island; paper read before the Muscatine academy of science, April 28, 1884. Records of the Walton family. Rise and fall of the lakes ; paper read before the Mus- catine academy of science, December 4, 1897. Scraps of Muscatine history. '99. Muscatine. What shall we tax? paper read before the Muscatine academy of science, April 6, 1891. Wambaugh, Eugene, 1856 Cases for analysis. Little. Cases on agency (including master and servant). '06. Harvard law. '12. Harvard univ. press. Cases on constitutional law, v.3-4. '15. Harvard Univ. press. Guide to the articles of war ; prepared for the Reserve officers' training corps of Harvard university. '17. Harvard univ. press. Relation between general history and the history of law. Torch press. Selection of cases on constitutional law. 4v. '14. Har- vard univ. press. Selection of cases on insurance. '02. Harvard law. Study of cases. '94. Little. (ed.) Little, Sir Thomas. Tenures in England. '03. Bryne. Walsh, William Thomas Mirage of the many. '10. Holt. Wanerus, Theodore Albert, 1880 History of the Zetagathian society of the State uni- versity of Iowa. '11. Iowa City, la. Zetagathian soc. Ward, Duren James Henderson, 1851 Anthropological instruction in Iowa. '03. State hist, soc. of Iowa. 308 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Ward, Duren James Henderson, 1851 Continued. Anthropology ; an evolutionary synopsis of man ; sylla- bus, n. d. Classification of religions, different methods, their ad- vantages and disadvantages. '09. Open ct. Historico-anthropological possibilities in Iowa. Re- printed from Iowa journal of history and polities, Jan., 1903. Human races; a sketch of classifications; a chapter in anthropology, n. d. Priv. ptd. Meskwakia and the Meskwaki people. '06. State hist, soc. of Iowa. Problem of the mounds. Reprinted from Iowa journal of history and politics, Jan., 1905. Some Iowa mounds. Reprinted from the Iowa journal of history and politics, Jan., 1904. Ward, William Henry, 1829 All sides of life; a volume of prose and poetry. '86. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Wardall, Ruth Aimee, 1877, and White, Edna Noble Study of foods. '14. Ginn. Ware, Eugene Fitch (Ironquill, pseud.) 1841-1911 From court to court. 3d ed. '06. Crane & co. Indian war of 1864; being a fragment of the early his- tory of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. '11. Crane & co. Lyon campaign in Missouri. '07. Crane & co. Rhymes. 13th ed. Putnam. (tr.) Roman water law. '05. West. Ware, Thomas A. Story of the centuries ; or, The rise of the common peo- ple. '08. Cochrane pub. Waring, Edmund H., 1826-1916 History of the Iowa annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, including the planning and prog- ress of the church within its limits, from 1833-1909 inclusive. '09. The author. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 309 Warman, Edward Barrett, 1847 Care of the body. Am. sports pub. Clairvoyance and clairaudience, premonitions and im- pressions (Psychic sci. ser., no. 7). '10. McClurg. Don'ts for the speaker and writer. Saalfield. Gestures and attitudes. '92. Lee. Get well, keep well. '15. Am. sports pub. Health influenced by underwear; influenced by insula- tion; influenced by color; exercise, who needs it? '10. Am. sports pub. Hindu philosophy in a nutshell. '10. McClurg. How to live 100 years and then some; with a supple- ment, the Emmanuel church movement. '11. Am. sports pub. Hypnotism. '10. McClurg. Indian club exercises. '11. Am. sports pub. Personal magnetism. '10. McClurg. Physical education and hygiene. '04. Am. sports pub. Physical training simplified. '13. Am. sports pub. Practical orthoepy and critique. '87. Donohue. Spiritism. '10. McClurg. Suggestion. '10. McClurg. Telepathy mental telegraphy thought transference mind reading muscle reading. '10. McClurg. Tensing exercises. '13. Am. sports pub. Twenty-minute exercises. '09. Am. sports pub. 285 health answers. '04. Am. sports pub. Voice ; how to train it. Lothrop. Washington, Mrs. Lucy H. Memory's casket. '91. Charles Wells Moulton. Wassam, Clarence Wycliffe, 1877 Salary loan business in New York city; report. '08. Charities pub. Waterman, Harrison Lyman, 1840 History of Wapello county, Iowa. 2v. '14. S. J. Clarke. 310 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Waterman, Nixon, 1859 Book of verses. '00. Forbes. Boy wanted. '06. Forbes. For you and me. '13. Davis & Bond. Girl wanted. '10. Forbes. In merry mood; rhymes. '02. Forbes. Some home-made poems. '95. Bost. Greenleaf co. Sonnets of a budding bard. '07. Forbes. Sunshine verses. '13. Davis & Bond. Watkins, Emma Games for teaching correct English to little ones. '17. Iowa City. Kohl & Schaedler. Watrous, Charles Leach, 1837 Dream come true ; address before the American porno- logical society, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19, 1905. Watson, William, 1876 Early medical practitioners in Iowa (in Historical lec- tures upon early leaders in the professions in the ter- ritory of Iowa). '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Weaver, James Baird, sr., 1833-1912 Call to action; an interpretation of the ~~ pnt uprising, its source and cause. '92. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Human life vs. gold; speech delivered in the house of representatives, May 10, 1880. The issue ; speech in extra session of congress. '79. Keithsburg, 111. Charles Roberts. Past and present of Jasper county, Iowa. 2v. '12. Indianapolis. B. F. Bowen. Weaver, James Baird, jr., 1861 Far horizon; an address before the Iowa state bar association at its annual banquet held in Des Moines, Thursday evening, June 23, 1910. Professional ideals; an address before the bar associa- tion of Polk county at its annual banquet held at Des Moines, Monday evening, Feb. 17, 1908. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 311 Weaver, Louise Bennett, and Le Cron, Helen Cowles Thousand ways to please a husband; with Bettina's best recipes. '17. Britton pub. Weaver, Silas Matteson, 1845 Iowa, its constitution and laws. '06. C. E. Merrill. Same: (In Young's government class book, Iowa ed). C. B. Merrill. Same: with Shimmall's government of the United States. '08. C. E. Merrill. Webster, Clement L. Aboriginal remains near old Chickasaw, Iowa. n. d. Charles City, la. The author. Among the cliff-dwellers. Reprinted from the Ameri- can naturalist, May 1, 1893. Description of the Rockford shales of Iowa. Reprinted from Proceedings Davenport acad. of sci., v. 5, 1887. History of Floyd county, Iowa. Charles City, la. In- telligencer print. Monograph on the geology and paleontology of the Iowa Devonian rocks. '00. Charles City, la. L. H. Henry. Notes on the geology of Johnson county, Iowa. Re- printed from American naturalist, v. 22. 1888. Weed, Cora Chaplin Hand book for Iowa soldiers' and sailors' monument. '98. Des Moines. State printer. Weed, Maria Voice in the wilderness. '95. Laird. Weeks, Ida Ahlborn Poems. '11. Newton, la. L. T. "Weeks. Weeks, Raymond, 1863 Ode to France. '17. Oxford. (ed.) Chevalerie Vivien; facsimile phototypes of the Sancti Bertini manuscript of the Bibliotheque munici- pale of Boulogne-sur-mer. '09. Univ. of Missouri. (ed.) Musset, Alfred. Quatre comedies. '16. Oxford. 312 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Weems, Julius Buel, 1865 (jt. auth.) Pammel, L. H. Investigation of some Iowa sewage disposal systems. '04. Jena. Wegersley, C. H., 1874, and Walpole, Thomas, 1855 Past and present of Buena Vista county, Iowa. '09. S. J. Clarke. Wegner, Joseph H. History of the descendants of Nicholas Beery. '11. South English, la. The author. Weimer, Marion Dekalb, 1853 True story of the Alaska gold fields. '03. The author. Welch, Adonijah Strong, 1821-1889 Analysis of the English sentence. Barnes. Object lessons. Barnes. Talks on psychology. '89. Kellogg. Teacher's psychology. Kellogg. Welch, Mrs. Mary B. Cook book. '84. Des Moines. Mills & co. Welch, William M. How to organize, classify and teach a country school. '86. Weich. How to study. '89. Welch. Memory gems. Welch. Weld, Laenas Gifford, 1862 Decisive episodes in western history; address delivered at Iowa City before the State historical society of Iowa, Feb. 21, 1914. Joliet and Marquette in Iowa. '03. State hist. soc. of Iowa. On the way to Iowa. '10. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Weller, Charles Heald, 1870 Athens and its monuments. '13. Macmillan. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 313 Weller, Stuart, 1870 Atactocrinus, a new crinoid genus from the Richmond of Illinois ; and Description of a Ste. Genevieve lime- stone fauna from Monroe county, Illinois. (Contri- butions from Walker museum, v. 1, no. 10). '16. Univ. of Chic, press. Circum-insular paleozoic fauna. '95. Univ. of Chic, press. Classification of the Mississippian series. '98. Univ. of Chic, press. Correlation of the Devonian faunas in Southern Illinois. '97. Univ. of Chic, press. Cryptodiseus, Hall. '97. Univ. of Chic, press. Description of a new series of hydreionocrinus from the coal measures of Kansas. Reprinted from the Trans- actions N. Y. acad. of sci., v. 16. 1898. Description of new species of Ordovician fossils from China. U. S. nat. museum. Geological map of Illinois. Univ. of Chic, press. Mississippian brachiopoda of the Mississippi valley basin. (Monograph 1). 2v. '14. Illinois Geol. S Report on the cretaceous paleontology of New Jersey. 2v. '07. Trenton. N. J. Geol. S. Paleontology of Niagara limestone in Chicago area. 2 pts. pt. 1, Crinoidea; pt. 2, Trilobita. Chic. acad. of sci. Stokes collection of Antarctic fossils. '04. Univ. of Chic, press. (jt. auth^ Smith, J. P. Predomites, new ammonite genus from lower carboniferous. '01. Univ. of Chic, press. and Davidson, R. A. Petalocrinus mirabilis and a new American fauna. '96. Univ. of Chic, press. Wells, Clifford W., 1884 Immune human serum in the treatment of acute poliomyelitis. '16. Am. medical assn. 314 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wells, Clifford W., 1884 Continued. Specific precipitin in the blood of persons injected with antidiptheric. '15. Jl. of infectious diseases. Welty, Ira C., 1866 Farmer's friend, n. d. Wendt, Alvin Century's call to the American, n. d. Fairfield, la. Parsons college. Wetmore, Mrs. Mai Wee folk of no-man's land. '83. Chic. Shepard & Johnson. Whalen, John Albert Monseigneur; a petition. '14. Des Moines. The author. Wheeler, Hial A., 1854 Abstracts of pharmacology. '89. Onawa, la. The au- thor. Wheeler, Mrs. Jeannette (Classon) Curse of three generations. '03. Donohue. Josephine Grahame; a romance and other stories. '01. Abbej 7 press. Lady Estabrook. '01. Abbey press. Wheeler, William H., 1849-1904 Better way; or. Lessons in trueness, wisdom and love. '96. Grinnell, la. Office of the Better way. Whicher, George Frisbie Life and romances of Mrs. Eliza Haywood. (Columbia univ. studies in English and comparative literature). '15. Columbia univ. press. Whicher, George Meason, 1860 From Muscatine; verses. '12. Muscatine, la. F. A. Neidig. (jt. auth.) Arrowsmith, Robert. First Latin readings. Am. bk. Stephen Whicher. n. d. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 315 and Whicher, George Frisbie On the Tibur road ; a freshman 's Horace. '12. Prince- ton univ. press. Whipple, J. E. Story of the Forty-ninth. '03. Vinton, la. The author. Whitacre, Joseph Jingles and junk. '07. Marshalltown, la. Reflector Ptg- Whitcomb, Selden Lincoln, 1866 Autumn notes in Iowa. . '14. Torch press. Chronological outlines of American literature. '93. Macmillan. Faculty corner. '91. Grinnell. Iowa college. Lyrical verse. '98. Grinnell, la. The author. Meditations on the Via Crucis. '15. Torch press. Nature notes, for February, March, April. '07. Law- rence, Kan. The author. Outlines for the study of modern prose fiction. '98. Iowa college. Pamphlets in civics, nos. 1 & 2. '92. Cedar Falls, la. Poems. '12. Gorham press. Random rhymes and the three queens. '13. Grinnell, la. Herald pub. Study of the novel. '05. Heath. Topical outlines in literary criticism. '01. Grinnell, la. White, Charles Abiathar, 1826-1910 Ancestral origin of North American unionidae, or fresh- water mussels. '05. Smithsonian. Archaic monetary terms of United States. '07. Smith- sonian. Bibliography of North American invertebrate paleon- tology. '78. Supt. of doc. Biographical memoir of John Strong Newberry, 1822- 1892. '07. Wash. The author. Cretaceous fossils of the western states and territories. '79. U. S. Geol. S. Govt. ptg. Invertebrate fossils from the Pacific coast. '89. U. S. Geol. S. Gov. ptg. 316 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS White, Charles Abiathar, 1826-1910 Continued. Manual of physical geography of Iowa. '73. Local pub. Memoir of Amos Henry Worthen, 1813-1888. '93. Na- tional acad. Memoir of Fielding Bradford Meek. '96. "Wash. Judd & Detweiler. Memoir of Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden, 1839-1887; paper read before the National academy, Nov., 1894. Memoir of George Engelmann, M. D., 1809-1884. '96. Wash. Judd & Detweiler. New cretaceous fossils from California (Geol. S. bul.). '85. Supt. of doc. Notes on the invertebrate fauna of the Dakota forma- tion. U. S. nat. museum. Relation of biology to geological investigation. '94. U. S. nat. museum. Relation of Laramine molluscan fauna to that of suc- ceeding fresh-water eocene and other groups. (Geol. S. bul.) '86. Supt. of doc. Report of geological survey of Iowa. '70. Des Moines. Mills & co. Report on the paleontological field-work for the season of 1877. '79. Wash. Govt. ptg. Report on invertebrate fossils and surveys west of 100th meridian. Wash. Supt. of doc. Review of the fossil ostreidae of North America. '83. Wash. Gov. ptg. Review of the marine fossil mollusca of North America. '83. Gov. ptg. See Marcou, John Belknap. Annotated catalogue of the published writings of Charles Abiathar White, 1860-1885. '85. Gov. ptg. See Stanton, Timothy W. Supplement to the An- notated catalogue of the published writings of Charles Abiathar White, 1886-1897. '98. Gov. ptg. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 317 White, Edward Speer, 1871 Past and present of Shelby county, Iowa. '15. B. F. Bowen co. White, G. H. Historical sketch of Chester township, Poweshiek county, Iowa. '81. Grinnell, la. Cravath & Shaw. White, Hamilton, 1834 New theology, by a Methodist layman. '10. Broad- way pub. White, Hervey, 1866 Adventures of young Maverick. '11. Woodstock, N. Y. The author. Green peppers (comedy in 3 acts). '13. Maverick press. House in the road; a fantasy of truth. '13. Maverick press. In an old man's garden where the old man is. '10. Woodstock, N. Y. The author. New songs for old. '10. Woodstock, N. Y. The author. Noll and the fairies. '03. Duffield. Quicksand. '00. Maynard. Ship of souls; poems. '10. Woodstock, N. Y. The author. When Eve was not created and other stories. Sherman, French & co. White, James Terry, 1845 Garden of remembrance. '17. The author. White, Trumbull, 1868 Glimpses of the Orient. '98. Franklin bk. Historic disasters; 12 chapters on (In Linthicum, Richard. San Francisco earthquake horror.) '06. Vansant. Our new possessions; account of all things pertaining to Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and Philippine islands. '99. Walter. Our war with Spain. '98. Monarch bk. Our wonderful progress. '02. Vansant. 318 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS White, TrumbuU, 1868 Continued. Reuben and Cynthia at the world's fair. '93. Wel- lington pub. Silver and gold; or, Both sides of the shield. Phil. P. W. Zeigler. War in tjie East, with history of China, Japan and Ko- rea. '95. Zeigler. Wizard of Wall street. '92. Mid-Continental pub. World's progress. Vansant. and Curtis, William Free silver in Mexico. '96. Chic, record. and Inglehart, William World's Columbian exposition. '93. Phil. P. W. Zieg- ler & co. White, Mrs. Villette Hutchins Mental control of the body. Edward J. Clode co. Whittaker, J. S., 1835 Early history of Methodism in Wayne county and Cory- don, n. d. Corydon, la. The author. Wick, Barthinius L. Amish Mennonites; a sketch of their origin and settle- ment in Iowa. '94. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Did the Norsemen erect the Newport round tower, n. d. Lands of liberty; address delivered at Graettinger, la., May 17, 1904. Pioneer traits ; address delivered at the semi-centen- nial of the Norwegian settlement at Dunbar, Iowa, Sept. 11, 1908. Trappist abbey of New Melleray. Iowa state univ. (jt. auth.) Brewer, Luther A. History of Linn county, Iowa. 2v. '11. Chic. Pioneer pub. (jt. auth.) Perkins, William Rufus. History of the Amana society. '91. Iowa state univ. Wickham, Henry Frederick, 1866 Aletia argillacea. Reprinted from the Entomological news, April, 1913. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 313 Wickham, Henry Frederick, 1866 Continued. Beetles of an Oregon beach. Reprinted from the Ot- tawa naturalist, June, 1903. Catalogue of the coleoptera of Colorado. Bui. from the laboratories of natural history of the State univer- sity of Iowa, Sept., 1902. Cicindelidae at artificial lights. Reprinted from En- tomological student, April, 1902. Eleodes in Iowa. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Iowa acad. of sci. v.7. 1899. Fossil coleoptera from Plorrisant in the 'United States national museum. Reprinted from Proceedings U. S. national museum, v.45. 1913. Fossil coleoptera from Florissant, with descriptions 1 of several new species. Bui. of the Am. museum of r.t,t. hist. no. 30, 1911. Fossil coleoptera from the Wilson ranch near Floris- sant. Reprinted from Bui. lab. nat. hist. v.6. no. 4. '13. State univ. of Iowa. Gynandromorphism in Lucanus elaphus. Reprinted from Canadian entomologist, July, 1903. Habits of American cicindelidae. Davenport acad. of sci. Influence of the mutations of the pleistocene lakes on the present distribution of cicindela ; Reprinted from Am. naturalist, v.38, Sept., 1904. Insect distribution in the Great Basin, considered in the light of its geological history. Reprinted from report of the Entomological society of Ontario, v.35. 1904. Knowledge of nature in insect control. Reprinted from Transactions of the Iowa horticultural society, v. 40. 1905. List of coleoptera of Iowa. Bui. from the lab. of nat. hist, of the State univ. of Iowa, Oct., 1911. 320 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wickham, Henry Frederick, 1866 Continued. List of the Van Duzee collection of Florida beetles. Re- printed from Bui. of the Buffalo soc. of nat. sci., v.9. 1909. Meristic variation in Cordalis cornuta Linn. Keprinted from the Canadian entomologist, July, 1903. Metamorphosis of aegialities. Reprinted from Canadian entomologist. March, 1904. New coleoptera from the western United States. Re- printed from Canadian entomologist, v.35, March, 1903. New fossil coleoptera from Florissant. Eeprinted from Am. journal of sci. v.28, 1909; '16. State univ. of Iowa. New fossil elateridae from Florissant, with notes on some already described. Reprinted from Am. jour- nal of sci., v.29, Jan., 1910. New North American elatindae and scarabaeidae. Re- printed from Psyche, v.20, 1913. Note on emesa loongipes. Reprinted from Entomologi- cal news, Jan., 1910. Notes on a thread-legged bug. Reprinted from the Ot- tawa naturalist, March, 1909. Notes on some cicindelidae from the southwestern United States. Reprinted from Societas entomolo- gica, v.15, Sept., 1900. On coleoptera found with ants ; fifth paper. Reprinted from Psyche, v.9, Jan., 1900. On some fossil rhynchophorous coleoptera from Floris- sant, Colorado. Bui. of the Am. museum of nat. hist., v.31, March, 1912. On the systematic position of aegialites. Reprinted from Canadian entomologist, v.36, Dec., 1904. Preparation of beetles for the microscope. Reprinted from Canadian entomologist, v.41, Jan., 1909. Princeton collection of fossil beetles from Florissant. Reprinted from Annals entomological soc. of Am. v.6. 1913. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 321 Wickham, Henry Frederick, 1866 Continued. " Protective resemblance" in Arizona. Reprinted from Entomological news, v.15, Nov., 1904. Races of cicindela tranquebarica Hbst. Reprinted from Entomological news, v.17, Feb., 1906. Recollections of old collecting grounds. Reprinted from Entomological news, v.ll, Nov., 1900. Reduplication of the tarsus in hydrocharis. Reprinted from Entomological news, v.15, Sept., 1904. Report of some recent collection of fossil coleoptera from the miocene shale of Florissant. Bui. from the lab. 'of nat. hist., State univ. of Iowa, v.5, May, 1912. Review of the species of tanarthropsis Casey. Reprinted from Trans. Am. entomological soc., v.32, June, 1906. San Francisco ; a reminiscence. From Entomological news, v.14, April, 1903. Some insects of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico. Coleoptera Psyche, v.9, Jan., 1901. Twenty new coleoptera from the Florissant shales. Re- printed from Trans. Am. entomological soc., v.40, 1914. Two new blind beetles of the genus adraiies, from the Pacific coast. Reprinted from Canadian entomologist, v.33, Jan., 1901. Two new silphidae from Colorado. Reprinted from Canadian entomologist, v.34, July, 1902. See Wyer, Malcolm G. Bibliography of the publica- tions of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. and Wolcott, A. B. Notes on cleridae from North and Central America. Bui. from the lab. 'of nat. hist, of the state univ. of Iowa, v.6, May, 1912. Wilcox, Charles F. Des Moines illustrated souvenir. '95. Des Moinea. Iowa historical illustrative co. 21 322 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wilcox, Henry S., 1855 Fallacies of the law. '07. Legal literature. Flaws. '85. Des Moines. George S. Kline. Foibles of the bar. '06. Legal literature. Foibles of the bench. '06. Legal literature. Frailties of the jury. '07. Legal literature. Great boo-boo. '92. Des Moines. J. B. Swinburne. Joys of earth; poems. '09. Legal literature. Sinless boo-boo. Legal literature. Strange flaw. Legal literature. Trials of a stump speaker. '06. Ogilvie. Wilder, Frank A. Fuel values of Iowa coals. '09. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 19. Geology of Lyon and Sioux counties. '00. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 10. Geology of Webster county. '02. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 12. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. and Lees, James H., 1875 Fuel values of Iowa coals. '09. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 19. and Savage, T. E. Preliminary report on the peat resources of Iowa and a report on the tests of Iowa coals made at the gov- ernment coal-testing plant, at the Louisiana purchase exposition. Wilkie, Franc B. Davenport past and present. '58. Davenport, la. Luse & Lane. Walks about Chicago, 1871-1881. '82. Chic. Belford, Clarke co. Wiltons, J. J. Former and latter days. '91. Des Moines. Kenyon press. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 Wilkins, Samwell Meditations; a collection of original poems, opinions and parodies. 4th ed. '08. Kalamazoo. J. B. Smiley. Wilkinson, Mrs. Marguerite Ogden (Bigelow) In vivid gardens; songs of the woman spirit. 11. Sherman, French & co. Williams, Benjamin Franklin, 1872 New English grammar. '02. Des Moines. Commercial text book co. Williams, C. F., 1841-1906 Prohibition in Iowa; lessons of the past applied to the present ; paper read before the Ministerial association of Des Moines, March 6, 1899. Williams, Edward Huntington, 1868 Increasing your mental efficiency. '14. Hearst's int.' lib. Question of alcohol. '14. Goodhue co. "Walled city; a story of the criminal insane. '13. Funk. (jt. auth.) See Williams, Henry Smith, 1863 Williams, Henry Smith, 1863 Adding years to your life. '14. Hearst's int. lib. Alcohol, how it affects the individual, the community and the race. '09. Century. Conquest of time and space. '11. Goodhue co. Luther Burbank; his life and works. '15. Hearst's int. lib. Manuscripts, inscriptions and muniments, oriental, clas- sical, medieval and modern, described, classified and arranged, comprehending the history of the art of writing. '02. Merrill. Miracles of science. '13. Harper. Science in the industrial world. '11. Goodhue co. Science of happiness. '10. Harper. Story of the nineteenth century science. '00. Harper. (ed.) Historian's history of the world. 25v. Encyclo- pedia Brittanica co. 324 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS and Williams, Edward Huntington, 1868 Every-day science; an encyclopaedic record of the growth of knowledge and its application to the needs of practical life. llv. '09- '10. Goodhue co. Goodhue library of popular science, invention and prac- tical civilization. 12v. Goodhue co. History of science, llv. '04- '10. Harper. Modern warfare. '15. Hearst's int. lib. Wonders of science in modern life. lOv. '12. Funk. Williams, Ira Geology of Franklin county. '06. Keprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 16. Geology of Jasper county. '05. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 15. Geology of Worth county. '00. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 10. (jt. auth.) Beyer, S. W. Geology of Iowa quarry pro- ducts. '07. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 17. See Keyes, Charles Rollin. Annotated bibliography of Iowa geology and mining. '12. Iowa Geol. S. v. 22. Williams, Lewis Milton, 1862 Jacob the heel-grasper. '08. Oskaloosa, la. The author. War of the ages. Christian pub. Where art thou? Revivalist office. Williams, Mark Wayne, 1875 Babble o' green fields. '15. Bost. Sherman, French & co. Williams, Ora, 1862 Oriental America; official and authentic records of the dealings of the United States with the natives of Lu- zon and their former rulers. '99. Chic. Oriental Am. pub. Williams, R. E. George K. Little and his revival work. '87. Un. breth. Williams, Rudolph, 1844 New church and Chicago: a history. '06. Conkey. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 325 Williams, W. E. America's opportunity, n. d. Des Moines. Highland Park college. Williams, William W. Border land ; a poem. '84. Cleveland. Williamson, James Poems. '00. Willsie, Honore McCue (Mrs. Henry Elmer Willsie) (ed.) Delineator. Benefits forgot. '17. Stokes. Broken gate. '17. Appleton. Heart of the desert. '13. Stokes. Lydia of the pines. '17. Stokes. StillJim. '15. Stokes. Wilson, Abbie Oliver White man's chance. '00. Abbey press. Wilson, Charles Branch, 1861 Additional notes on the development of the argulidae. U. S. nat. museum. Activities of mesenchyma in certain larvae. Reprinted from Zoological bul. v. 2, no. 1. Copepod parasites of fresh-water fishes and their eco- nomic relations to mussel glochidia. (Doc. 824.) U. S. Bu. of fisheries. Supt. of doc. Crustacean parasites of West Indian fishes and land crabs, with descriptions of new genera and species. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the U. S. national museum, v. 44, April 3, 1913. Descriptions of new species of parasitic copepods in the collections of the United States national museum. Re- printed from the Proceedings of the U. S. national mu- seum, v. 42. 1912. Dragon flies of the Cumberland valley in Kentucky and Tennessee. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the U. S. national museum, v. 43, 1913. Dragonades of Mississippi valley collected during pearl mussel investigation on the Mississippi river, July and Aug., 1907. U. S. nat. museum. 326 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wilson, Charles Branch, 1861 Continued. Embryology. Reprinted from American naturalist, Sept., 1896. Experiments 'On the early development of the amphyb- ian embryo under the influence of ringer and salt so- lutions. '97. Leipsig. Wilhelm Engleman. Fish parasites of genus argulus found in the Woods Hole region. '04. U. S. Bu. of fisheries. Supt. of doc. Mussel fauna of the Kankakee basin. '12. Wash. Gov. Ptg. Mussel fauna of the Maumee river. '12. Gov. ptg. Mussels of central and northern Minnesota. (U. S. Bu. of fisheries, Economic circular, no. 3.) '12. Supt, of doc. Mussels of the Cumberland river and its tributaries. '14. Wash. Gov. ptg. New species of argulus. U. S. nat. museum. Newly hatched larva of argulus magalops. Reprinted from Science, n. s. v. 17. 1903. North American copepods ; descriptions of new genera and species. Reprinted from Proceedings of the U. S. nat. museum, v. 39. 1911. North American parasitic copepods ; new genera and species of caliginae. Reprinted from Proceedings of the U. S. nat. museum, v. 33. 1908. North American parasitic copepods belonging to the family ergasilidae. Reprinted from Proceedings of the U. S. nat. museum, v. 39. 1911. North American parasitic copepods belonging to the family of caligidae. 4 pts. Reprinted from the Pro- ceedings of the U. S. nat. museum, v. 28, 31, 33. 1905, 1907, 1908. North American parasitic copepods of the family argu- lidae, with a bibliography of the group and a system- atic review of all known species. From Proceedings of the U. S. nat. museum, v. 25. 1903. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 327 Wilson, Charles Branch, 1861 Continued. North American parasitic copepods ; the lernaeopodidae. Reprinted from Proceedings of U. S. nat. museum, v. 39. 1911. Notes on dragon flies of America. Reprinted from Johns Hopkins univ. circular, Feb., 1911. Notes on Jamacia fish and their parasites. Reprinted from John Hopkins univ. circ., Feb., 1911. Our North American echiurids. Reprinted from Biolog- ical bul. v. 1, no. 4. Outline of the course in botany for the State normal school, Westfield, Mass. '03. Wright & Potter ptg. Parasitic copepoda collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. '06. Ceylon pearl oyster fisheries, Supplementary report, no. 36. Parasitic copepods from Nanaimo, British Columbia, in- cluding eight species new to science (in Contributions to Canadian biology, 1906-10). Report to the government of Ceylon on the pearl oyster fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, by W. A. Herdman; Supplementary report 34, on some parasitic copepoda. '06. Royal society. Some disputed points in the anatomy of the limpets. Re- printed from Biological bul. no. 2. (jt. auth.) Eigemami, Carl H., and Henn. Arthur New fisheries from western Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. - (Univ. studies, Bul. 19.) '14. Univ. of In- diana. and Clark, Howard Walton, 1870 Mussels of the Cumberland river and its tributaries (Doc. 78.) '14. U. S. Bu. of fisheries. Supt. of doc. and Danglade, Ernest, 1865 Mussels of central and northern Minnesota. (U. S. Bu. of fisheries. Economic circ. no. 3.) '12. Supt. of doc. 328 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wilson, Mrs. E. B. Practical lessons. "Welch. School workshop for the heart, head and hand. '06. Welch. Wilson, James F., 1828-1895 Address at the annual meeting of the old settlers of Jef- ferson county, held at Fan-field, Iowa, Sept. 10, 1885. Address delivered at the inter-state agricultural fair at Hamburg, la., September 21, 1881. Beck bill; speech in the senate of the United States, February 4, 1887. Bible and science. Reprinted from the Annals of Iowa, v. 1, 1882. Civil rights; speech in the senate of the United States, December 12, 1883. Civilization When did it begin? n. d. Competition; address delivered at the Crawford county fair, Denison, la., Sept. 14, 1882. Counting the electoral votes; speech in the senate of the United States, Feb. 2, 1886. Crime against the nation; address delivered at Logan, Iowa, August 17, 1881. Defense of the Eepublican party; speech delivered at Fairneld, Iowa, August 10, 1872. Ethics of education ; a lecture, n. d. Federal election laws ; speech in the senate of the United States, January 23, 1894. Federal elections; speech in the senate of the United States, Dec. 11, 1890. Fitz-John Porter case; speech in the senate of the United States, March 12, 1884. Government and the Pacific railroads ; speech in the sen- ate of the United States, January 5, 1886. International arbitration; remarks at the Friends' peace convention, June 27, 1887. Interstate commerce ; speech in the senate of the United States, April 25, 1884. Issues of the day; speech delivered at Bedford, Iowa, Sept. 23, 1886. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 329 Wilson, James F., 1828-1895 Continued. Jackson, Miss., municipal election ; speech in the senate of the United States, August 23 and 27, 1888. Legislative supervision over railroad corporations; speech delivered in the house of representatives, March 5, 1866. Moral element in education; address delivered before the Iowa state teachers' association, at Oskaloosa, Iowa, December, 1881. One of the needs of agriculture ; address delivered at the Floyd county fair, Charles City, Iowa, August 31, 1882. Police powers of the state ; speech in the senate of the United States, Feb. 14, 1889. Political contrasts and sham reforms; speech delivered at Fairfield, Iowa, August 22, 1885. Possibilities ; address delivered before the society of the Central university -of Iowa at Pella, June 14, 1881. Present tendencies; speech in the senate of the United States, June 16, 1886. President vs. citizen ; speech in the senate of the United States, March 11, 1886. Protection and the farmers ; speech in the senate of the United States, April 5, 1888. Protection to the settlers ; speech delivered in the senate of the United States, February 12, 1885. Regulation of interstate commerce ; speech in the senate of the United States, Dec. 21, 1886. Republican Iowa; speech delivered at Columbus Junc- tion, Iowa, October 1, 1889. Results of protection; speech delivered in the senate of the United States, August 5, 1890. Review of the Democratic platform; speech delivered at Fairfield, Iowa, September 23, 1882. Speech delivered at the Republican convention of Powe- shiek county, Brooklyn, Iowa, August 17, 1887. Suffrage in the District of Columbia; speech in the house of representatives, January 10, 1886. 330 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wilson, James F., 1828-1895 Continued. Two parties; speech delivered at Indianola, Iowa, Sep- tember 17, 1881. Two platforms; speech delivered at Bloomfield, Iowa, Sept. 23, 1885. Will of the people and the protection of the home; speech delivered at Clarinda, Iowa, August 11, 1383. Work ; address at the annual meeting of the Alumni as- sociation of Denmark academy, Iowa, June 14, 1882. Wilson, Jennie Lansley, 1847 Legal and political status of women in the United States. '12. Torch press. Legal status of women in Iowa. '94. Des Moines. Iowa ptg. co. Wilson, Thomas, 1832-1902 Arrowpoints, spearheads and knives of prehistoric time. '98. ' Gov. ptg. Blue-Beard ; a contribution to history and folk-lore, be- ing the history of Giles De Retz of Brittany, who was the original of Blue-Beard in the tales of Mother Goose. '99. U. S. national museum. Criminal anthropology. '90. Gov. ptg. Minute stone implements from India. '92. Gov. ptg. Prehistoric art. '98. Gov. ptg. Primitive industry. '92. Gov. ptg. Swastika. '96. Gov. ptg. Wilson, William Duane (ed.) Iowa Homestead. Description of Iowa and its resources. '65. Des Moines. Mills & co. Wilstach, C. (jt. auth.) Flower, F. G. Descriptive and illustrated review of Ottumwa, Iowa. '90. Ottumwa, la. The authors. Windsor, Ruth, and Hawley, Mrs. Carrie W. Your future revealed. '99. Des Moines. Kenyon press. . A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 331 Wing, Frank Amiable libels; more than a hundred sketches of Min- neapolitans, the victims having been executed by C. L. Bartholomew. '16. Reilly & Britton. Fambly album. '17. Reilly & Britton. Winsett, Nannie B. Jottings of a trip to Europe in the summer of 1909. '14. Nevada, la. The author. Winslow, Herbert Hall Boys' poems. '78. Keokuk, la. Gate City ptg. Withrow, Thomas Foster, and Binmore, Henry American corporation cases. '72- '78. '81. E. B. Myers. and Stiles, Edward Holcomb Digest of the decisions of the Supreme court of Iowa. 2v. '74- '75. Chic. E.B.Myers. Wittenmyer, Mrs. Annie, 1827-1900 Address before the non-partisan W. C. T. U. n. d. Collection of recipes for the use of special diet kitchens in military hospitals. '64. St. Louis. R. P. Studley & co. History of the temperance crusade. Jeweled ministry. Under the guns; a woman's reminiscences of the civil war. '95. Bost. E. B. Stillings & co. W. R. C. red book. Women of the reformation. Women's w,ork for Jesus. Witter, Finley Miller, 1839-1909 Cabbage butterfly. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. for 1875-80. Ferns of Muscatine county, Iowa. Reprinted from Pro- ceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 1, 1890. Gas wells near Letts, Iowa. Reprinted from Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 2, 1892. Notes on land and fresh water shells at Muscatine. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., 1875- 80. 332 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Witter, Finley Miller, 1839-1909 Continued. Notes on some shells and ferns. Reprinted from Pro- ceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 1, 1890. Notice of arrow points from the loess in the city of Mus- catine. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa aead. of sci., v. 1, pt. 2, 1892. Notice of a stone implement from Mercer county, Illi- nois, and one from Louisa county, Iowa. Observations of the genus limnea. From Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., for 1875-80. Observations on the geology of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 4, 1899. On the absence of ferns between Fort Collins and Meeker, Colorado. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 3, 1893. On the number of hours children may be confined in the school room each day. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. for 1875-80. On the occurrence of certain shells in the vicinity of Muscatine. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. for 1875-80. Science teaching in lower grades ; paper read before the Iowa state teachers' association, Dec. 29, 1885. Some additional observations on the loess in and about Muscatine. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 1, 1890. Some geological features near Muscatine. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci. for 1875-80. Some observations on Helix Cooperi. Reprinted from Proceedings Iowa acad. of sci., v. 1, pt. 3, 1893. Wolf, Blair, 1841 Patriotic and promiscuous poems. '10. Lincoln, Neb. State ptg. co. Wood, James Iowa justices' form book and constables' guide. 5th ed. '09. Davenport, la. Fidlar & Chambers. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 333 Wood, Robert Franklin, 1869 Past and present of Dallas county, Iowa. '07. S. J. Clarke. Woodhouse, James Stewart, 1879 The fugitive; a drama in four acts. '13. Torch press. Woodhull, Mrs. Victoria Claflin, 1838 Argument for woman's electoral rights. Garden of Eden stirpiculture. Origin, tendencies and principles of government. '71. N. Y. The author. Rapid multiplication of the unit. and Clafln, Tennie C. Human body the temple of God. '90. Lond. Woodman, Hannah Kea, 1870 Heart and the crown ; poems. '05. Neale. In memoriam; the Titanic disaster. '13. Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. The author. Noahs afloat. '05. Neale. Open road ; a hook of outcast verse. '10. Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. The author. Tumbleweed; poems. '09. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. The author. Woodward, Alson Landon, 1830-1909 Songs; contains the poem, ''"We are coming, Father Abraham." '07. Hill City, Kan. T. McManine. Woodward, Sherman Melville Land drainage by means of pumps. (Exper. sta. bul.) 11. Supf. of doc. (tr.) Sorel, Ernst. Carbureting and combustion in alco- hol engines. '07. Wiley. Work, John McClelland, 1869 What's so and what isn't. (Socialist propaganda book). ? 05. Where you get off. '13. (Socialist propaganda book). 334 1UWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Wright, David Sands, 1847 Drill book in English grammar for the use of schools. 77. Chic. George Sherwood. Early recollections of Iowa education and of Iowa educa- tors, n. d. Cedar Falls, la. The author. Exercises in concrete geometry with supplementary dis- cussions. '03. Cedar Falls, la. The author. Wright, Edward E., 1859 Everard and Eulalia; a novel. '86. Council Bluffs, la. Herald ptg. Lightning's flash; an unveiling of mysteries. '92. Council Bluffs, la. Nonpareil ptg. Wright, George G., 1820-1896. Address delivered before the Pioneer association of Van Buren county, August 28, 1872. Keosauqua Republi- can print. President's address, American bar association, August 15, 1888. '88. Phil. Dando ptg. & pub. co. Wright, Hattie Leonard At the twilight hour and other poems. '97. Fort Dodge, la. Messenger print. Wyer, Malcolm Glenn, 1877 Bibliography of the publications of the University of Iowa and its members, 1900-1912. '12. Iowa state univ. Book plates in Iowa. '14. Torch press. and Groves, Charlotte Elizabeth Index of N. Y. governors' messages, 1777-1901. '06. N. Y. state library. Wynn, W. H. Essays and reviews, n. d. Ames, la. Materialism and pedagogy. Reprinted from Quarterly review of the Evangelical Lutheran church, n. d. Yaggy, L. W. (jt. auth.) Haines, T. L. Royal path of life. '84. Des Moines. Hill pub. A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY 3I>5 Yeoman, Joseph A. 0., 1842-1900 Memorial address. '91. Fort Dodge, la. Times ptg. Yoakum, Benjamin F. The people, the railroads, the government, n. d. Re- printed from the World's work. Young, James Philosophy of evolution. '82. Keokuk, la. Young, Lewis Emanuel, 1879 (jt. auth.) Beyer, Samuel Walker. Geology of Monroe county, Iowa. '03. Reprinted from Iowa Geol. S. v. 13. Young, Lafayette. 1848 (ed.) Des Moines Daily Capital, 1890 date. History of Cass county, Iowa. '77. Atlantic, la. Tele- graph steam ptg. Proposed American donation to Canada; speech in ihc senate of the United States, Feb. 28, 1911. Threatened destruction of the farmers' protection; speech in the senate of the United States, Dec. 15, 1910. Young, Mrs. Sarah A. Palmer, 1830-1908 Aunt Becky's army life. '67. N. Y. John F. Trow & co. Younker, Falk Festival of light, its message to young and old ; address at the seventh anniversary banquet of the Young men's Hebrew association, Manhattan, Dec. 24, 1913. N. Y. Mercantile ptg. co. Youtz, Herbert Alden, 1867 Enlarging conception of God. '14. Macmillan. Zeuch, William Edward Problem of the twentieth century, n. d. Hopkinton, la. Lenox college. Ziek, Anna (jt. auth.) Lewis, R. R., and Post, Jennie E. Problems in arithmetic, n. d. Cedar Rapids, la. Board of education. 336 . IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Zollinger, Gulielma (William Zachary Gladwin, pseud.), 1856-1917 Boy's ride. '09. McClurg. Dan Drummond of the Drummonds. Pilgrim press. Maggie McLanehan. '01. McClurg. Rout of the foreigner. '10. McClurg. Widow O'Callaghan's boys. '05. McClurg. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 337 ERRORS. ANDREWS, A. H., p. 5, should be Andrews, H. F. BELFIELD, Henry Holman, p. 24, should be Belfleld, Henry Holmes. BROOKS, William N., p. 37, should be Brooks, William Myron. BROWN, I/aura Eugenie, p. 38, should be Brown, Lura Eugenie. BUTLER, Alfred Augustus, p. 43, should be, Butler, Alford Augustus. DOGGETT, Lawrence Locke, p. 77, should be Dog-gett, Laurence Locke. HOLDER, Perry Greely, p. 136, Should be Holden, Perry Greeley. KEAYS, Hersilla A., p. 155, should be Keays, Hersilia A. KEIGWIN,Albert Edward, p. 155, should be Keigwln, Albert Edwin. KELLER, Buda (Henry Herbert Kibbs, pseud.), p. 155, should be Keller, Buda (Henry Herbert Knibbs, pseud.) MOTT, Frank Luther, instead of Mott, John Raleigh, p. 202, is the author of Literary Enthusiasms and Six Prophets out of the Middle West. ROUSE, Clara B., p. 250, wrote "Iowa Leaves; six chapters," instead of Civil Government of Iowa. SMITH, Mm. Laura Eugenie Brown, p. 277, should be Smith, Mrs. Lura Eugenie Brown. FULL NAMES AND DATES. ' *' * BEAL, Foster Ellenborough Lascelle*. 1840-1916. BENTON, Elbert Jay, 1871 BRONSON, Solon Cary, 1855 CROSBY, James Ott, 1828 DOLLIVER, Jonathan Prentiss, 1858-1910. EVANS, Samuel B., 1837-1903. HALE, Charles Reuben, 1837-1900. HARRIS, Joseph B., 1830-1912. MICHAEL. William Henry, 1846-1916. HAYS, Wlllet Mrtin, 1859-1916. HAYWARD, William C., 1847-1917. KEANE, John Joseph, 1839-1918. NOBLE, John Willock, 1831-1912. PITTS, William Savage, 1830-1918. RUSTON, William Otis, 1852 SABIN, Henry, 1829-1918. SUMNER, Guilford Herman, 1857 ADDITIONAL BOOKS. ADAMS, Henry Carter, 1851 American railway accounting; a commentary. '18. Holt Description of industry; an introduction to economics. "18. Holt. AURNER, Clarence Ray Iowa stories: Book two. '18. Iowa City, la. The author. 338 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS \\ i:un.l,. Annie S. Annie Mason. Lentilhon. AVERY, L. M. Gems of thought. '17. Roxburgh pub. IIAKTLKTT. Maro l/ooiiiis Class and chorus. '89. Summy. High school chorus collection. '02. Echo music co. Male quartette book. '87. Echo music co. New male quartette and chorus book. '98. Echo music co. Progressive music course. '06. W. M. Welch. Sacred gems for quartette and chorus choirs. '83. Chicago music co. (jt. auth.) Myers, S. S. Ideal music course. '04. Echo music co. BEACH, Spencer Ambrose, 1860 Apples of New York. '05. N. Y. State. MOM-:. Hugh Alvin Geographic factors in American history. "17. Sioux City, la. The author. CHAPPLE, Joseph Mitchell, 1867 We'll stick to the finish. '18. Chappie pub. CLARK, Dan Elbert Border defense in Iowa during the civil war (Iowa and war no. 10) '18. State hist. soc. of Iowa. CONDRA, George Evert, I860 Preliminary report on the potash industry of Nebraska. '18. Univ. of Nebraska. DAWSON, Nell P. (Mrs. Allan Dawson) The good soldier. '18. Macmillan. (DEEMER, Mrs, Horace Emerson) comp. Horace Emerson Deemer; in memoriam. '18. Red Oak, la. priv. ptd. id : v I M :, Edward Thomas, 1867 Social problems of the war. '17. National conference of social work. DOWNER, Harry E. Friendly chats with possible Americans; Hawkeye civics for worth while folks. '18. Davenport, la. Friendly house. ENGLISH, Emory H. Investment and depositing of reserve funds of insurance com- panies; an argument supporting the Iowa principle of com- pulsory deposit with the state. '17. Columbia, S. C. State co. War and after war supervision of insurance; address delivered before the association of life insurance presidents, New York, Dec. 17, 1917. FERBER, Edna Cheerful by request. '18. Doubleday. I 01, SUM. Moses Treasures of science, history and literature. '76. Chic. Moses Warren. GRIFFITH, Helen Sherman Letty Grey heiress. '18. Penn. HALL, James Norman High adventure. '18. Houghton. HANSEN, Marcug L. Old Fort Snelling. '18. State hist. soc. of Iowa. \ ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 339 HATHAWAY, Esse Virginia Frederick the great, king of Prussia. v '17. Rand. II I LI. is. Newell Dwight, 1858 German atrocities; their nature and philosophy; studies in Belgium and France during July, 1917. '18. Revell. Picture of Germany's war plans and her atrocities in Belgium and France. '17. Manufacturers record. HOFER, Marl Ruef (comp. and ed.) Polite and social dances; a collection of historic dances, Spanish, Italian, French, English, German, American; with historical sketches, descriptions of the dances and in- structions for their performance. '17. Summy. HOOVER, Herbert Clark, 1874 Address. '17. Dept. of food supply, Philadelphia. HORNADAY, William Temple, 1854 Awake! America; object lessons and warnings. '18. Moffat. HOUGH, Emerson, 1857 Firefly's light. '16. Trow press. Way out; a story of the Cumberlands today. '08. Appleton. Young Alaskans in the far north. '18. Harper. HUGHES, Rupert, 1872 Unpardonable sin. '18. Harper. HUTCHINSON, Woods, 1862 Doctor in war. '18. Houghton. Exercise and health. '18. Macmillan. JACKSON, Charles Tenney, 1874 Call to colors. '18. Harper. I. \IM>. Emma Oromer (Mrs. Scott M. Ladd) In memoriam, J. B. Cromer, '02. Sheldon Mail. LEES, James II. Description of the region about Camp Dodge. '18. Des Moines. Iowa Geol. Survey. LINN, Ellis G. Travel sketches, n. d. Mt. Pleasant, la. The author. McCLENAHAN, Bessie A. Iowa plan for the combination of public and private relief. '18. State univ. of Iowa. MARSTON, Anson, 1864 and Schlick, William J., and Clemmer, H. F. Support- ing strength of sewer pipe in ditches and methods of testing sewer jpipe in laboratories to determine their ordinary sup- porting strength (Bui. 47, Engineering exper. station.) '17. Iowa state college of agric. MORRILL, Charles Henry Morrills and reminiscences. '18. Chic. univ. pub. MOTT, F-ranlt Luther Literary enthusiasms. Reprinted from the Grand Junction Globe. Six prophets out of the Middle West. '17. Grand Junction Globe. MOTT, John Raleigh, 1865 Addresses (in United States, Special diplomatic mission to Rus- sia, America's message to the Russian people.) '18. Marshall Jones. NEWTON, Joseph Fort, 1876 Mercy of hell and other sermons. '17. Murray press. 340 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS NORTON, Roy, 1869-1917 Unknown Mr. Kent. '18. Burt. I'lli.y.i :n, Louis, 1879 Marches of the dragoons in the Mississippi valley; an account of marches and activities of the First regiment United States dragoons in the Mississippi valley between the years 1833 and 1850. '17. State hist. soc. of Iowa. POLLOCK, Ivan L. History of economic legislation in Iowa. '18. State hist. soc. of Iowa. QUAIFE, Mil,, Milton, 188O (ed.) Spencer, Oliver M. Indian captivity of O. M. Spencer. '17. Donnelley. RAYMOND, William Gait, 1859 Elements of railroad engineering. 3d ed. rev. '17. Riley. What is fair; a study of some problems of public utility regu- lations. '18. Riley. ROSS, Edward Alsworth, 1866 Russia in upheaval. '18. Century. RUSSELL, Charles Edward, I860 Addresses (in United States, Special diplomatic mission to Russia, America's message to the Russian people.) '18. Mar- shall Jones. SALTER, William Mackintire, 1853 Imperialism. '99. Chic. Afred C. Clark & co. SCOTT, Orion G. Scotch-Irish and Charles Scott's descendants. "17. Berwyn, 111. The author. SECOR, Eugene The vision. '05. Forest City, la. The author. SHAW, Albert, 1857 (ed.) President Wilson's state papers and addresses; with edi- torial notes; a biographical sketch and analytical index. '18. Doran. SMITH, J. u. Humorous sketches and addresses. '79. Dubuque, la. Ham & Carver. SPRINGER* Frank, 1848 Address delivered at dedication of new Museum building, Santa Fe, N. M. '17. Archaeological inst. of America. On the crinoid genus scyphocrinus and its bulbous root camaro- crinus. '17. Smithsonian inst. STEINER, Edward A. Uncle Joe's Lincoln. '18. Revell. SWEM, Earl Gresrgr Bibliography of Virginia, pt. 2. (Bui. v. 10, nos. 1-4.) '17. Vir- ginia state library. TINLEY, Lacy William* (Mrs. M. A. Tinley) First steps in reading. '18. Lincoln, Neb. Univ. pub. I DDI : \ . Julian Animat, 1869 Texas meteor of October 1, 1917. '17. Univ. of Texas. UPDEGRAFF, Allan Strayed revellers. '18. Holt. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 341 VAN der ZEE, Jacob Black Hawk war (Iowa and war no. 9). '18. State hist. soc. of Iowa. Old Fort Madison (Iowa and war no. 7). '18. State hist. HOC. of Iowa. WEAVER, James Balrd, jr. Soul of the world; address delivered at the annual banquet of Iowa state bar association held at Des Moines, June 27, 1918. WRIGHT, Arthur Harold Visions of home. '18. Moorhead, Minn. Midland press. NAMES OF IOWA AUTHORS LISTED IN WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA 1899-1918, HERE GROUPED AS THEIR WORKS ARE CLASSIFIED UNDER THE DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION. RELATION OF THE AUTHOR TO IOWA. GENERAL WORKS. HOWE, Anna Belknap (Mrs. Henry J. Howe), lives at Marshalltown, la. HURST, John Fletcher, M. E. bishop, elected bishop in 1880, resi- dence Des Moines, la., 1880-84. McKINNEY, Ida Scott (Taylor), song writer, lives at DeWltt, la. WYER, Malcolm Glenn, librarian Univ. of Iowa, 1904-13. PHILOSOPHY. BETTS, George Herbert, psychologist, b. Clarkesville, la. BRONSON, Solon Cary, theologian, b. West Union, la. DE VOE, Walter, author, b. near Cedar Rapids, la. FOSTER, Mr*. Judith Ellen (Horton). lecturer, moved to Clinton, la., where in 1869 she married E. C. Foster; studied law; ad- mitted to the Iowa bar 1872, and practiced law. HALL AM, Mrs. Julia Klrkland (Clark), author, recording sec. Iowa federation of women's clubs, 1901-03; pres. Iowa equal suffrage assn. 1909-10. KIRKPATRICK, Edwin Anbury, educator, b. Peoria, Mahaska co.. la. PATRICK, George Thomas White, univ. prof. A. B. State unlv. of Iowa, 1878. PILLSBURY, Walter Bowers, psychologist, b. Burlington la. SALTER, Wllilam Macklntlre, lecturer for Soc. ethical culture. Chic. b. Burlington, la. STARCH, Daniel, psychologist, B. A. Morningside (la.) coll. 1903, M. A. State univ. of Iowa, 1904. TALBOT, Ellen Bliss, college prof., b. Iowa City, la. TRUEBLOOD, Benjamin Franklin, educator, preacher, publicist, LL,. D. State univ. of Iowa, 1890; pres. Penn. coll.. Oskaloosa, la., 1879-90. WALLIN, John Edward Wallace, psychologist, b. Page co., la. RELIGION. AMES, Edward Scrlbner, college prof. A. B. Drake univ., Des Moines. la., 1889. ARCHIBALD, Andrew Webster, clergyman, pastorate In Iowa at Nevinville and Fontanelle (yoked), Stuart, Ottumwa and Dav- enport, la,, 1876-87, 1888-92. 342 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS ATHEARN, "Walter Scott, college prof., b. Marengo, la. BARNES, Stephen Goodyear, educator, clergyman, D. D. Iowa coll. 1896; prof. English Iowa coll., 1873-91. BATTEN, Samuel Zane, clergyman, head of dept. social sci., Des Moines (la.) coll., 1910-12; ex-pres. Des Moines federation of churches. BOOKWALTER, Lewis, minister, A. B. Western coll., Toledo, la., 1872. BROWN, Charles Reynolds, clergyman, A. B. State univ. of Iowa, 1883. BUTLER, Alford Augustus, theologian, M. A. Griswold coll., la. and theological graduate the same. CLARK, Francis Edward, founder United soc. Christian endeavor, . L.L. D. Iowa college, Grinnell, la. CONLEY, John Wesley, clergyman, b. near Cedar Rapids, la. CREEGAN, Charles Cole, college prof., b. Brighton, la. DOGGETT, Laurence Locke, educator, b. Manchester, la. DOUGLASS, Harliin Paul, clergyman, b. Osage, la. DRURY, Marlon Richardson, clergyman, A. B. Western coll., la., 1872; pres. Leander Clark coll., Toledo, la. 1913 DUNGAN, David Roberts, theologian, A. M. Drake univ., Des Moines, la., 1884, prof, exegesis and hist. Drake univ., 1883-90, prof. sacred literature Drake univ. 1905. (now prof, emeritus) FREER, Hamline 'Hurlburt, college dean, B. S. Cornell coll., la., 1869, M. S. 1878, A. B. 1880, A. M. 1883, LL. D. 1911, dean and David Joyce prof. pol. econ. and sociology Cornell coll. 1902 GORDON, John, univ. pres., pres. Tabor coll., la., 1901-03. GREEN, Thomas Edward, lecturer, pastor Grace church, Cedar Rapids, la., 1888-1903. HAGGARD, Alfred Martin, clergyman, b. Cedar Rapids, la. HALE, Charles Reuben, dean Davenport cathedral, la., 1886-92. HALL, Newton Marshall, clergyman; prof. English lang. and lit. Iowa coll., 1891-3. HERRON, George Davis, lecturer, author, prof, applied Christianity, Iowa coll., 1893-1900. HILL, James Langdon, clergyman, b. Garnavillo, la. nil, I, is. Newell Dwight, clergyman, b. Magnolia, la. HUGHES, Edwin Holt, clergyman, ed. Iowa coll., Grinnell, la. HURST, John Fletcher, M. E. bishop, elected 1880; lived in Des Moines, la., 1880-84. JOHNSTON, Howard Agnew, clergyman, D. D. Parsons coll., la., 1894; pastor Central Christian church, Des Moines, la., 1890-3. JUDY, Arthur Markley (Tschudy), clergyman, pastor First Unita- rian church, Davenport, la., 188f-1907; editor Old and New. KEANE, John Joseph, archbishop, resided at Dubuque, la. KEIGWIN, Albert Edwin, clergyman, b. Clinton, la. LOCKHART, Clinton, univ. prof., prof. Semitic and Biblical litera- ture Drake univ., Des Moines, la., 1900-05. LOETSCHER, Frederick William, clergyman, b. Dubuque, la. LYON, Milford Hall, evangelist, b. Waukon, Allamakee co., la. McDONALD, William, M. E. minister, D. D. Upper Iowa univ. 1887. McKINLEY, Charles Ethelbert, clergyman, b. Anita, la. MAHOOD, John Wilmot, evangelist, resides Morningside, Sioux City, la. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 343 MASON, William Ernest, ex-senator, removed with his parents to Bentonsport, la,, 1858; taught sch. 1866-70, last two years in Des Moines. MAURER, Oscar Edward August, clergyman, b. Garnavillo, la. MEDBURY, Charles Sanderson, clergyman, D. D. Drake univ. 1910, pastor Univ. Christian church, Des Moines, la., 1904 MORRISON, Theodore Nevin, bishop, resides Davenport, la. MOTT, John R., moved with parents to Postville, la., 1867, when 'he was but two years old, lived in Postville until 1888. NEWTON, Joseph Fort, clergyman, pastor Liberal Christian church, Cedar Rapids, la., 1908-17. PERIN, George Lander, clergyman, b. Jasper co., la. SAGE, John Charles, clergyman, rector St. John's church, Dubuque, la., 1902-11; St. John's church, Keokuk, la., 1911-15. SCHELL, Edwin Allison, college pres., pres. Iowa Wesleyan univ. 1908-11 SIMMS, Paris Marlon, clergyman, lecturer, pastor Presbyterian church, univ. of Iowa, 1906 SMITH, Fred Burton, sec. Y. M. C. A., b. Lone Tree, la. SMITH, Joseph, pres. Reorganized church of Jesus Christ, L. D. S., lived at Lamoni, la. STARBUCK, Edwin Diller, college prof., prof, philosophy State univ. .of Iowa, 1906. STORMS, Albert Boynton, clergyman, pastor First M. E. church, Des Moines, la., 1900-03; pres. Iowa state coll. of agric., 1903-10. SUNDAY, William Ashley, evangelist, b. Ames, la. VITTUM, Edmund March, clergyman, D. D. Iowa coll., 1898, pastor Congregational church Cedar Rapids, la., 1888-91. Grinnell, la., 1891-1907. YOUTZ, Herbert Alden, theologian, b. Des Moines, la. SOCIOLOGY. ADAMS, Ephraim Douglass, univ. prof., b. Decorah, la. ADAMS, Henry Carter, prof, polit. economy, b. Davenport, la. ALDEN, Mrs. Cynthia May Westover, journalist, b. Afton, la. ALLISON, William Boyd, U. S. senator from Iowa, 1873-1909. BALLINGER, Richard Achilles, ex-sec, of the interior, b. Boonesboro, la. BARTLETT, Dana "Webster, clergyman, A. B. Grinnell coll. 1882. BENTON, Guy Potter, educator, coll. pres., pres. Upper Iowa univ., 1899-1902. - BOISOT, Louis, lawyer, b. Dubuque, la. BOLTON, Frederick Elmer, educator, prof, and head dept. educa- tion, Iowa state univ., 1901-12. BROWN, John Franklin, editor educational books, prof, education State univ. of Iowa, 1901-5. BROWN, William Horace, author, acad. ed. Waukon, la. CALDWELL, Henry Clay, -jurist, moved with family to Iowa in 1837. CARTER, Charles Frederick, author, b. Jones co. la. CARVER, Thomas Nixon, univ. prof., b. Kirksville, la. COBBEY, Joseph Elliott, lawyer, A. B. State agric. coll. of Iowa, 1876, LL. D., Simpson coll. (Drake univ.) 1877. COLE, Chester Cicero, judge and chief justice Supreme court of Iowa 1864-75; dean Iowa college of law, 1892-1913. 344 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS COLGROVE, Chuuncey Peter, college prof., A. B. Upper Iowa univ., Fayette, la., 1881, Sc. D. 1908; prof, psychology and didac- tics Iowa state normal sen., 1896, head of dept. of professional instr. 1908, and since 1907 acting pres. Iowa state teachers coll., Cedar Falls, la. CONNER, Jacob Elon, consul. A. B. State univ. of Iowa 1891, fellow, 1900-03, Ph. D. 1903. COOLEY, Edwin Gilbert, educator, b. Strawberry Point, la. COOLEY, Roger William, lawyer, lecturer, b. Decorah, la. COSSON, George, attorney-general of Iowa 1911-17. COTTON, William Wick, lawyer, b. Lyons, la. CUMMINS, Albert Baird, senator, gov. of Iowa 1902-04, 1904-06, 1906-08; U. S. senator from Iowa 1909 DAVIS, James Cox, lawyer, b. Keokuk, la. DEEMER, Horace Emerson, justice Supreme court of Iowa, 1894- 1917. DEVINE, Edvrard Thomas, social worker, b. Union, Hardin co., la. DEYOE, Albert M., state supt. of schs. B. S. State univ. of Iowa 1887. A. M. 1890; state supt. public instr. 1911 DILLON, John Forrest, judge, came to Iowa in boyhood. M. D. Iowa state univ. 1850; after six mos. medical practice began the study of law, LL. D. Iowa coll. and Cornell coll., la. 1862; judge of the Supreme court of Iowa 1863-9. EBERSOLE, Ezra Christian, lawyer, lives at Toledo, la. GEAR, John Henry, U. S. senator from Iowa, 1895-1901; gov. of Iowa, 1878-82. GEISER, Karl Frederick, college prof. b. Fairbank, la. GIBBONS, John, judge, admitted to Iowa bar 1870; city attorney Keokuk, la., 1871-6; mem. Iowa house of representatives, 1876. GILLIN, John Lewis, college prof., b. Hudson, la. GREGORY, Charles Noble, univ. dean, dean college of law State univ. of Iowa, 1901-11. GURNEY, Charles Henry, educator, prin. schs. Villisca, la., 1876-80; supt. schs. Shenandoah, la., 1880-88, Marengo, la., 1888-91. HANEY, Lewis Henry, univ. prof., instr. economics Univ. of Iowa, 1906-08. HERRIOTT, Frank Irving, univ. prof., b. near Liberty, Scott co., la.; prof, economics and polit. sci., Drake univ. 1903 HILL, Gershom Hyde, alienist, b. Garnavillo, la. HOLLISTER, Horace Adelbert, educator, b. near Manchester, la. JAMES, Edmund Janes, educator, LL. D. Cornell coll., la. 1903. JESSUP, Walter Albert, educator, dean coll. of edn., State univ. of Ia_, 1913, pres. 1916-18. JOHNSON, Allen, univ. prof., prof. hist. Iowa (now Grinnell coll.), 1898-1905. KASSON, John Adam, lawyer, diplomat, mem. congress from Iowa, 1863-7. 1873-7, ,1881-4. KAWAKAMI, KlyoNki, author, fellow in political sci., State univ. of Iowa, 1903. M. A. 1903. KELSEY, Carl, college prof., b. Grinnell, la. KERBY, William Joseph, clergyman, educator, b. Lawler, la. KING, Irving:, univ. prof., prof. edn. State univ. of Iowa, 1909 KINNE, La Vega George, lawyer, LL. D. Western coll., la.; judge Supreme court of Iowa, 1892-7. KIRKPATRICK, Edwin Anbury, educator, b. Peoria, Mahaska CO., la. KOREN, John, statistician, b. Decorah, la. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS G45 KRATZ, Henry Elton, supt. schs. Sioux City, la., 1891-1902. LA Kit. A HICK, William, ex-governor, moved to Iowa 1853; gov. of Iowa 1886-90. LOOS, Isaac Althaus, educator, D. C. L. Penn coll., la. 1898; prof. since 1889, dir. sch. polit. and social sci. and commerce State univ. of Iowa, 1905 MACY, Jesse, prof, political science, Iowa coll., Grinnell, since 1885. McVEY, Frank Le Rond, educator, ed. in public schs., Des Moines, la., Des Moines coll. 1881. I AM, Charles Edward, univ. prof., b. Hopkinton, la. PEIRCE, Paul Skeels, prof, political economy, instr. hist. State univ. of. Iowa. 1902-4; prof. hist. Iowa state coll. 1904-06; asst. prof. hist. 1906-09; asst. prof, political economy, 1909-11, prof. 1911, State univ. of Iowa. PRENTICE, Ezra Parmalee, lawyer, b. Davenport, la. RICHARDSON, Anna Steese, reporter Council Bluffs (la.) Nonpareil, 1894-8. ROBERTS, George Evan, banker, b. Delaware co., la. ROBINSON, GIfford Simeon, Judge Supreme court of Iowa 1888-1900. Address Spirit Lake, la. ROSS, Edward Alsworth, sociologist, grad. Coe coll., Cedar Rapids, la. 1886. ROWE, Leo Stanton, economist, b. McGregor, la. RUSSELL, Charles Edward, journalist, author, b. Davenport, la. SEASHORE, Carl Emil, college dean, asst. prof, philosophy, 1897- 1902, prof, psychology, 1902, head of dept. philosophy and psy- chology, 1900, dean Grad. coll. 1908 State univ. of Iowa. SHAW, Leslie Mortler, ex-secretary of the treasury, B. S. & M. S. Cornell coll. la. 1874. LL. B. Iowa coll. of law, 1876. LL. D. Simpson coll. 1898, Cornell coll. 1899; gov. of Iowa, 1898-1902. SHIRAS, Oliver P., judge, practised law at Dubuque, Iowa, 1856-62; U. S. dist. judge, northern dist. of Iowa, 1882-1903. STEINER, Edward Alfred, sociologist, prof, applied Christianity Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. since 1903. THOMPSON, Robert John, publisher, b. La Porte .City, la. THORNE, Clifford, lawyer, b. Brooklyn, la. TO WNER, Horace Mann, congressman^ admitted to the bar, 1877; practised law Corning, la., until 1890; mem. 62d-65th congresses, 1911-18, 8th Iowa dist. UPDEGRAFF, Harlan, educator, b. Sigourney, la. VAN WAGENEN, Anthony, lawyer, b. Brighton, la. VOLDENG, Matthew Nelson, physician, surgeon, b. on a farm near Decorah, la. WAMBUAGH, Eugene, lawyer, LL. D. State univ. of Iowa, 1892. WASSAM, Clarence Wyckllffe, univ. prof., b. Black Hawk co., la. WEAVER, Silas Matteson, judge of the Supreme court of Iowa since 1902. WORK, John McClelland, socialist, b. near West Chester, la. PHILOLOGY. BELL, Hill McClelland, univ. pres., pres. Drake univ., Des Moines, la. 1903-1918. GURME, George Oliver, univ. prof., prof. German language and lit- erature, Cornell coll., la., 1887-96. CURRIER, Amos Noye*, univ. prof., A. M. and LL. D. Des Moines coll.; prof, ancient languages Univ. of Iowa and then Latin ,1867-1909; acting- pres. Univ. of Iowa, 1898-9. 346 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS LONGWELL, Oliver Henry, college pres., pres. Highland Park coll., Des Moines, la., 1890-1913. NORTON, Frederick Owen, college dean, dean college of liberal arts Drake univ., Des Moines, la., 1907 NATURAL, SCIENCE. ANDREWS, Launcelot "Winchester, chemist, prof, of chemistry Iowa state coll. of agric. 1884-5; prof, of chemistry Iowa state univ. 1885-94. AREY, Mt-lvin Franklin, college prof., supt. schs. Cedar Falls, la. 1877-90; prof, natural sci. Iowa state teachers coll. 1890 ARNOLD, Ralph, consulting geologist and engineer, b. Marshalltown, la. ARTHUR, Joseph Charles, botanist, B. S. Iowa state coll. 1872. AYRES, Philip Wheelock, forester, b. Winterset, la. BAILEY, Bert Heald, zoologist, b. Farley, la. BAIN, Harry Foster, consulting geologist, asst. Iowa Geol. S. 1893; asst. Iowa state geologist, 1895-1900. BAKER, Hugh Potter, forester, prof, forestry Iowa state coll. 1904-06. BALL, Elmer Darwin, entomologist, B. S. Iowa state coll. 1895; asst. in zoology and entomology, Iowa state coll. 1895-7. BARBOUR, Edwin Hinckley, geologist, stone prof, natural hist, and geol., Iowa coll., 1889-91. BARTSCH, Paul, naturalist, B. S. State univ. of la., 1896, M. S. 1899, Ph. D. 1905. BASQUIN, Olin Hanson, college prof. b. Dows, la. II HAL, Foster Ellenborougrh Lascelles, naturalist, prof, civil en- gineering 1876-82, acting prof. geol. 1879-82, prof. geol. 1883, Iowa state coll. of agric. BELFIELD, Henry Holman, educator, A. B. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll., 1858 Ph. D. 1878. A. M. Griswold coll., 1861; served in civil war as 1st It. and adj. la. cav. on staff brig.-gen.; tutor in Greek Iowa coll. 1858; supt. schs., Dubuque, la., 1859-60, 1861-3, 1865-6; tutor in Latin Griswold coll., 1860-61. BENNETT, Alfred Allen, chemist, prof, chemistry Iowa state coll., 1885-1907. BESSEY, Charles Edwin, botanist, Ph. D. Univ. of Iowa, 1879. LL. D. Iowa coll. 1898; prof, botany Iowa state coll., 1870-84 (act- ing pres. 1882). BEYER, Samuel Walker, geologist, grad. Iowa state coll., 1889, prof. geol. and mining Iowa state coll., 1898 BISSELI* Georgre Welton, prof, mechanical engineering Iowa state coll., 1892-1907. BRYAN, William Alanson, zoologist, b. on a farm near New Sharon, la. CALL, Richard Ellsworth, museum curator, science teacher high sch. Des Moines, la. 1886-92. CALVIN, Samuel, geologist, attended Lenox college, Hopkinton, la. Prof, geology State univ. of Iowa 1874-1911. CHERRIE, Georgre Kruck, field naturalist, b. Knoxville, la. CONARD, Henry Shoemaker, botanist, prof, botany, Grinnell coll. 1906 CONDRA, Georgre Evert, college prof., to. Seymour, la. ORAMPTON, Charles Albert, chemist, b. Davenport, la. 347 CHATTY, Robert Irvin, farmer, teacher in public schs. 111. and Iowa, 1875-95; has made extensive collections of Iowa, and Minn. plants; has herbarium of 6,000 species; writer on flora of Iowa. DAWSON, William Leon, ornithologist, b. Leon, la. DE WOLF, Frank Walbridge, geologist, b. Vail, la. DICKSON, Leonard Eugene, mathematician, b. Independence, la. DREW, Gilman Arthur, biologist, b. Newton, la. EASTMAN, Charles Rochester, b. Cedar Rapids, la. ELROD, Morton John, biologist, A. B. Simpson coll. 1887. A. M. 1890. M. S. 1898; prin. high sch. Corydon, la. 1887-8. EVERMANN, Barton Warren, naturalist, b. Monroe co., la. FARNSWORTH, Phiio Judsoii, physician, prof, materia medica, 1870-95, prof, emeritus med. dept. Iowa state univ. 1905. FIELDS, John, chemist, b. near Davenport, la. FINK, BRUCE, botanist, prof, biology Upper Iowa univ. 1892-3; prof, botany Iowa coll. 1903-06. GORDON, Charles Henry, geologist, instr. high sch. Keokuk, la. 1886-7; prin. Wells sch., Keokuk, la. 1887-90. GUTHE, Karl Eugen, physicist, prof, physics State univ. of Iowa, 1905-09 HAWORTH, Erasmus, educator, geologist, b. on a farm near Indian- ola, la. HENDRIXSON, Walter Scott, chemist, prof, chemistry Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. since 1890; prof, chemistry State univ. of Iowa, summer, 1902. HINRICHS, Carl Gustav, chemist, b. Iowa City, Iowa. HINRICHS, Gustav Detlef, chemist, 25 yrs. prof, physical sci. State univ. of la. HORNADAY, "William Temple, zoologist, ed. Iowa state coll. of agric. HUNTER, Samuel John, educator, removed with parents to Iowa in infancy; grad. Keosauqua high sch., 1883. JESSUP, Walter Albert, educator, dean coll. of edn. State univ. of Iowa, 1913 , pres. 1916-18. JONES, Lynds, zoologist, raised on a farm near Grinnell, la. JONES, Marcus Eugene, botanist, geologist, A. B. Iowa coll., Grin- nell, la. 1875. A. M. 1876; tutor Iowa, coll. .1876-77. KAY, George Frederick, geologist, prof. geol. 1907 , head of dept. of geol. May, 1911 Univ. of Iowa; state geologist of Iowa, May, 1911 KEYES, Charles Rollin, geologist, b. Des Moines, la. Address, Des Moines, la. KNIGHT, Nicholas, chemist, prof, chemistry Cornell coll., 1899 LELAND, Samuel "Phelps, lyceum lecturer, A. M. Charles City coll., la.; prohibition candidate for gov. of Iowa, 1898. LEONARD, Arthur Gray, geologist, special asst. Iowa Geol. S., 1893-7; prof. geol. and related sci. Western coll., Toledo, la., 1894-6; asst. state geologist Iowa Geol. S. 1896-7, 1900-03. LEVERETT, Frank, geologist, b. Denmark, la. MACBRIDE, Thomas Huston, univ. pres., prof, botany Iowa state univ. 1884-1914 ;pres. 1914-16. McGEE, W J, anthropologist, geologist, hydrologist, b. Dubuque, la. MALLY, Frederick William, entomologist, b. Marquisville, la. MILLER, Benjamin LeRoy, geologist, prof, biology and chemistry Penn coll. Oskaloosa, la., 1897-1900; spl. asst. Iowa Geol. S. summer 1899. 348 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS MILLER, Mrs. Mary Farrand Rogers, educator, b. Dallas co., la. MILLIKAN, Robert Andrews, physicist, large portion of youth spent In Iowa; his father, a Congregational minister, held most of his pastorates in Iowa. MORLEY, Margaret "Warner, author, teacher, b. Montrose, la. NELSON, Aven, botanist, b. Lee co., la. \ORRIS, Henry Waldo, zoologist, A. B. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. 1886. A. M. 1889; prof, zoology Grinnell coll. since 1903. NORTON, William Harmon, geologist, prof. geol. Cornell coll. 1890 ; special asst. Iowa Geol. S. since 1892. NOYES, William Albert, chemist, b. near Independence, la. NUTTING, Charles Cleveland, zoologist, prof, of zoology and cura- tor Mus. of natural hist, since 1886, prof, and head dept. of zoology, since 1890, State univ. of Iowa. OSBORN, Herbert, biologist, B. S. Iowa state college, 1879, M. S. 1880; asst. 1880-3, asst. prof. 1883-5, prof, zoology and entomology, 1885-98, la. state coll.; state entomologist of Iowa, 1898. PAMMEL, Louis Hermann, botanist, prof, botany Iowa state coll. since ,1889. PILSBITRY, Henry Augustus, zoologist, b. Iowa City, la. Q,UAINTANCE, Altns Lacy, entomologist, b. New Sharon, la. . ROCKWOOD, Elbert William, chemist, M. D. Univ. of Iowa. Ad- dress: Iowa City, la. ROGERS, Julia Ellen, author, lecturer, attended sch. Minburn, la., Adel high sch., Callanan coll., Des Moines, and the State univ. of Iowa. SAVAGE, Thomas Edmund, geologist, b. Salem, la. SHIMEK, Bohumll, botanist, b. near Shueyville, Johnson co., Iowa; instr. botany, 1890-3; asst. prof. 1893-1903, prof, physiol. botany 1903-14, prof, botany and head of dept. 1914 , State univ. of Iowa. SNYDER, Carl, author, b. Cedar Falls, la. SNYDER, Virgil, college prof. b. Dixon, la. SPINNEY, Louis Bevier, B. M. E. Iowa state coll., 1892, B. S. in E. E. 1893; instr. physics Iowa state coll., 1893-7; prof, physics, .1897 SPRINGER, Frank, paleontologist, b. Wapello, la. STARR, Frederick, anthropologist, prof. biol. sci. Coe college, la. 1884-5. TABER, Ralph G., traveler, author, Des Moines, la., 1904. TAYLOR, Alonzo Englebert, pathologist, b. Alden, la. TODD, James Edward, geologist, prof. nat. sci. Tabor coll., la., 1871-92. TROEGER, John Wlnthrop, taught dist. sch. in Clayton co., la. 1869. UDDEN, Johan August, geologist, prof. geol. and nat. hist. August- ana coll., Rock Island, 111.; mem. Davenport acad. 'of sci. VEBLEN, Oswald, prof, mathematics, b. Decorah, la. WALK Kit, Margaret Conlson, author, lives at Des Moines. la. WARD, Duren James Henderson, editor, lecturer, pastor Unitarian church, Iowa City, 1900-06. WEEMS, Julius Buel, chemist, prof, agric. chemistry and chemist exper. sta. Iowa state coll., 1895-1904, consulting and analytical chemist, 1904-11. WELLER, Charle* Heald, archaeologist, prof, and head of dept. of. Greek and archaeology, univ. of la., 1906 WELLER, Stuart, geologist, consulting geologist Iowa Geol. S., 1899, 1912 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 349 WHITE, Charles Ablathar, geologist, ed. Burlington, la. WICKHAM, Henry Frederick, entomologist, student Univ. of Iowa 1887-91. M. S. 1895; prof, entomology State univ. of Iowa 1903 YOUNG, Lewis Emanuel, E. M. Iowa state coll., 1904; instr. in mjn- ing- Iowa state coll. 1900-1901; asst. geologist Iowa Geol. S. summer 1901. USEFUL, ARTS. BALL, Carleton Roy, agronomist, b. Little Rock. Lyon co., la. BALL, .laiitc.H Moores, opthalmologist, b. West Union, la. BEACH, Spencer Ambrose, horticulturist, vice-dean Iowa coll. * of agric., 1906 BEARD, James Thorn, mining engineer, proprietor Iowa coal ex- change, 1891-96. BISSELL, George Welton, prof, mechanical engineering Iowa state coll., 1892-1907. BROWN, George van In Ken, surgeon, prof, oral surgery and oral pathology, State univ. of Iowa, 1904-10. BUCHANAN, Robert Earle, bacteriologist, b. Cedar Rapids, la. BURNS, Elmer Ellsworth, author, b. Monroe co., la. COKENOWER, James W., surgeon, lives in Des Moines, la. DAVIS, James Cox, lawyer, b. Keokuk, la. DAVIS, John Allen, mining engr., b. Sioux City, la. DUNN, Samuel Grace, editor, b. Bloomfield, la. ECKLES, Clarence Henry, prof, dairy husbandry, b. Marshall CO., la. FAIRCHILD, David Sturgis, surgeon, prof, physiology and com- parative anatomy, Iowa state coll., 1879-93; prof. surg. pathology Drake univ. coll. of medicine, 1882-1909; dean, 1903-09. Address: Clinton, la. FIELD, Archelaus G., physician, lives in Des Moines, la. FORD, Arthur Hlllyer, prof, electrical engineering State univ. of Iowa, 1905 FRANKLIN, William Suddards, physicist, prof, physics and electrical engineering Iowa state coll. 1892-7. GILLETTE, Halbert Powers, editor, engineer, b. Waverly, la. HAYS, Willet Martin, agriculturist, educator, b. in Hardin co., la. HEDRICK, Ulysses Prentlss, horticulturist, b. Independence, la. HERTZLER, Arthur Emanuel, surgeon, b. West Point, la. HOLDEN, Perry Greeley, agricultural educator, prof, agronomy and vice-dean dept. agr. Iowa state coll., ,1902 HOOVER, Herbert Clark, engineer, b. West Branch, la. HOOVER, Theodore Jesse, mining engineer, >b. West Branch, la. HUTOHINSON, Woods, physician, author, grad. Penn coll. Oska- loosa, la. 1880, A. M. 1883. KEFFER, Charles Albert, prof, horticulture, b. Des Moines, la. K'ERR, Alvah Milton, editor, author, telegraph operator and train dispatcher Chic. Rock Island & Pacific R. R. McCRORY, Samuel Henry, civil engineer, b. Iowa City, la. MAHIN, John Lee, advertising, b. Muscatine, la. MALL, Franklin Paine, anatomist, b. Belle Plaine, la. MALLY, Frederick William, orchardist, nurseryman, b. Marquis- vllle, la. MARSTON, A IINOII, civil engineer, dean and director Iowa state coll. 1904 ; chairman Iowa state highway com. 1913 PEARSON, Raymond Allen, expert in dairy science, pres. Iowa state coll. of agric. 1912 350 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS PETERSON, Frederick, physician, attended Sioux City, la., high sch. RAYMOND, William Gait, engineer, b. Princeton, la. REYNOLDS, Myron Herbert, veterinarian, B. S. Iowa state coll. 1886. D. V. M. 1889, M. D. Iowa coll. physicians and surgeons, 1891, Ph. G. Iowa coll. pharmacy 1891. ROBERTS, Isaac Phillips, educator, M. Agr. Iowa state coll. agric. 1875. ROLFS, Peter Henry, plant pathologist, b. Le Claire, la. SHELTON, Charles Eldred, college pres. b. Mt. Pleasant, la., pres. Simpson coll., Indianola, la. 1899-1910. SUMNER, Gollford Herman, physician, M. D. medical dept. Iowa state univ. 1896; supply instructor in pathology and bacteriology, same, 1896; sec. Iowa state board of health and medical exam- iners 1910 TAYLOR, Alonzo EnKlebert, univ. prof. b. Alden, la. THORINGTON, James, physician, b. Davenport, la. WALLACE, Henry, agricultural economist, ed. Wallaces' Farmer, 1895-1916. WARMAN, Edward Barrett, lecturer, taught in county institutes in Iowa. WATROUS, Charles Leach, fruit grower, moved to Iowa in 1865; mem. Iowa house of representatives, 1883-5. FINE ARTS. BARTHOLOMEW, Charles L, ("Bart"), cartoonist, b. Chariton, la. DARLING, Jay Norwood, cartoonist, Des Moines Register & Leader, 1901-11, 1913 GAYNOR, Mrs. Jessie L., writer of music, m. Iowa City, la. Thomas Wellington Gaynor, 1886. SHIELDS, George O. ("Coquina"), editor, ed. in common sens. Dela- ware co., la. STREET, Ida Maria, educator, b. Oskaloosa, la. WING, Frank (Francis Marion), d. Grinnell (la.) coll. LITERATURE. ABBOTT, Keene, writer, tutor English lit. Univ. of la., 1899. ADAMS, Charles Kendall, educator, moved with his parents to Iowa in 1856, attended Denmark academy, 1856. ANDERSON, Melville Best, univ. prof., prof, literature Univ. of Iowa, 1881. AYLESWORTH, Barton Orvllle, educator, LL. D. Drake univ., pres. Drake univ. 1889-97. BANKS, Charles Eugene, author, b. Clinton, la. BARR, G. Walter, lived in Keokuk, la. 1890-1914. BASHFORD, Herbert, author, b. Sioux City, la. BEARDSHEAR, William Miller, pres. Iowa state coll., 1891-1902. BESS, Elmer Allen, clergyman, D. D. Lenox coll., la., 1907; pastor Presbyterian church, Clinton, la., 1907-13. BLANDEN, Charles Granger, author, cashier First national bank, Ft. Dodge, la., 1875-90; mayor of Ft. Dodge, 1888-9. BRAINERD, Eleanor Hoyt, author, b. Iowa City, la. BRONSON, Thomas Bertrand, teacher, b. Wyoming, la. BUCK, Llllie West Brown (Amy Leslie), dramatic critic, b. W. Bur- lington, la. BURDETTE, Robert Jones, humorist, lecturer, came to Burlington, la, in 1875 and remained there until 1882. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 351 BURTON, Marlon LeRoy, educator, b. Brooklyn, la. BUTLER, Ellis Parker, author, b. Muscatine, la. BITERS, Samuel Hawking Marshall, came to Oskaloosa, la., in his childhood. His present home is Des Moines, la. CALKINS, Franklin Welles, author, lived in Clay county, la., 1865 CATT, Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman, lecturer, ed. Iowa state coll. of agric. ; prin. high sch. and gen. supt. of schs., Mason City, la. CHAPPLE, Joe (Joseph) Mitchell, editor, b. La Porte City, la. CODY, William Frederick, scout, showman, b. Scott county, la. COLE, Cyrenns, editor, b. Pella, la. COOK, George Cram* author, b. Davenport, la. COOPER, Elizabeth, (Mrs. Clayton Sedgwick Cooper), author, b. Homer, la. CORKEY, Alexander, clergyman, A. B. Tabor coll., la, 1902. D. D. 1910. COUSINS, Robert G., educator, b. Cedar co., la. CRANE, William Her, lecturer, b. Delaware co., la. DAVIDSON, Charles, univ. prof., teacher in Mitchell seminary, la. 1877-9. DAVIDSON, Hannah Amelia, editor, author, A. B. Iowa (now Grin- nell) coll. 1878. A. M. 1881. DAWSON, Albert Foster, congressman, b. Spragueville, la., mem. 59th-61st cong. 2d la. district. DeKAY, John "Wesley, capitalist, author, b. New Hampton, la. DODGE, Grenvllle Mellen, civil engineer, resided in Council Bluffs, la. la. DOLLIVER, Jonathan Prentiss, U. S. senator from Iowa, 1900-1913. DROUET, Robert, actor, playwright, b. at Clinton, Iowa. DYE, Eva Emery, author, lived at Sidney, la., married Charles Henry Dye, a pioneer of Port Madison, la. EFFINGER, John Robert, prof. French, b. Keokuk, la. EGAN, Maurice Francis, educator, author, for a number of years traveled as press correspondent in the western and southern states and Mexico. EGGERT, Carl Edgar, univ. prof., b. Iowa City, la. EGGERT, Charles Augustus, college prof. LL. D. State univ. of Iowa 1889. ELLIOTT, Francis Perry, spent much of his life in New York City, although he , always speaks of Keokuk, I/a., as his home; re- ceived his greatest literary inspiration from his wife, daughter of Dr. Philander J. Payne, one of Keokuk's leading citizens. ELLIS, Katharine Ruth, author, b. Charles City, la. EMERSON, Oliver Farrar, univ. prof., b. Traer, la. EMERSON, Willis George, author, b. near Blakesburg-, la. FAIRBANKS, Arthur, art director, prof. Greek literature and archae- ology univ. of Iowa 1900-6. FERBER, Edna* writer, spent youth in Ottumwa, la. FICKE, Arthur Davlson, author, lawyer, b. Davenport, la. FITCH, George, author, reporter Council Bluffs Nonpareil, 1902-05. FLOM, George Tobias, philologist, began teaching Iowa state univ. 1900. FRENCH, Alice, author, b. and lives at Davenport, la. FRISBIE, Alvah Llllle, clergyman, pastor Plymouth Congregational church, Des Moines, la., 1871-98; pastor emeritus, 1898-1917. FRISBIE, William Albert, editor, B. S. Iowa coll. 1889; mfg. busi- ness, Des Moines, la. 1889-90. 352 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS GARLAND, Hamlln, author, spent boyhood on farm in Iowa, attended Cedar Valley seminary, Osag-e, la., 1881. GATES, George Augustus, college pres., pres. Iowa coll. 1887-1901. GILSON, Roy Rolfe, author, b. Clinton, la, GLASPELL, Susan (Mrs. George Cram Cook), b. Davenport, la. HALE, Edward Everett, Jr., univ. prof., prof. English Univ. of Iowa, 1892-5. HANFORD, Cornelius Holgate, judge, b. Van Buren CO., la. HARBERT, Elizabeth Morrisson Boynton, author, lecturer, corres- pondent Des Moines Register, 1868-72. HARBOUR, Jefferson Lee, author, b. Oskaloosa, la. HARDY, Arthur Sherburne, diplomat, prof, civil engineering Iowa coll., 1871-3. HARLAN, James, lawyer, ex-senator, pres. Iowa Wesleyan unlv., 1853; prof, mental and moral sci., 1853-5; elected U. S. sena- tor from Iowa, 1855, reelected, 1861, resigned May 1865, to office of sec. of interior under Lincoln; reelected to senate for 3d term 1865. Residence: Mt. Pleasant, la. HARRIS, Joseph B., college pres., pres. Indianola coll., 1898. HKIDEL, William Arthur, college prof., b. Burlington, la. HOPKINS, Louise Virginia Martin, lives at Villisca, la. HOUGH, Emerson, author, b. Newton, la. HUGHES, Rupert, author, lived in Keokuk, la., 1879-1902. HULL, John Albert Tiffin, ex-congressman, parents moved to Iowa, 1849; sec. state of Iowa, 1879-85; It. gov., 1885-9; mem. 52d-61st congresses, 7th Iowa dist. HUSSEY, Tacitus, author, lives in Des Moines, la. JACKSON. Charles Tenney, attended grade sch. Knoxville, la. The scene of his novel, The Midlanders, is laid in Knoxville and a number of the characters have been taken from Knoxville people. JONES, Richard D., educator, prin. Des Moines high sch., 1883-86. KEAYS, Mrs, Htrallla A. Mitchell, b. in Woodstock, Ontario, but lived throughout the west of the United States, chiefly in Iowa and Michigan. KENDALL, Nathan E., ex-congressman, b. Greenville, la. KING, William Fletcher, college pres., pres. Cornell coll., 1865-1908; pres. emeritus, 1908 KNIPE, Alden Arthur, author, practised medicine, Iowa City, la., 1897-1902. KNIPIQ, Mrs. Emllle Benson, author, illustrator, wife Alden Arthur Knlpe. LACEY, John Fletcher, congressman, lawyer, moved to Iowa, 1855; mem. congress, 1889-91, 1893-1903, 6th Iowa dist. LEHMANN, Frederick, lawyer. A. B. Tabor coll., la. 1873., practised law in Des Moines, 1876-90. LILLIBRIDGE, William Otis, D. D. S. coll. of dentistry State unlv. of Iowa. LOCKHART, Clinton, prof. Semitic and Biblical lit. Drake univ. Des Moines, la., 1900-05. LOOS, Isaac Althaus, educator, D. C. L. Penn coll., Oskaloosa, la., 1898; prof, since 1889, dir. sch. polit. and social sci. and com- merce State univ. of Iowa, 1905. McFARLAND, John Thomas, clergyman, editor, ed. chiefly in Iowa v Wesleyan univ. A. B. Simpson coll., Indianola, la., 1873; pres. Iowa Wesleyan univ., 1884-91. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 353 MacLEAN George Edwin, univ. pres., pres. State univ. of Iowa, 1899- 1911. MAGOUN, Herbert \Villiani, college prof., A. B. Iowa (now Grinnell) icoll. 1879. A. M. 1882; asst. prin. high school., Oskaloosa, la., 1879-80; tutor Iowa coll. 1881-4. MAIN, John Hanson Thomas, college pres. LL. D. Iowa state univ. 1912; pres. since 1906 Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. MAN ATT, James Irving, univ. prof. A. B. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. 1869. A. M. 1872; priv. 46th Iowa inf. 1864. MEREDITH, Edwin Thomas, editor, publisher, b. Avoca, la. Address: Des Moines, la. MILLERD, Clara Elizabeth, college prof., prof. Greek literature and philosophy, Grinnell college, since 1906. MONNET, J u lien Charles, lawyer, b. Keosauqua, la. MORLEY, Margaret "Warner, author, b. Montrose, la. NEIDIG, "William Jonathan, author, b. Western, coll., la. NOBLE, Charles, clergyman, educator, pastor Congregational church, Charles City, la., 1888-93; prof. English language and rhetoric, Iowa coll., Grinnell, la., 1893 NOLLEN, John Scholte, univ. prof., b. Pella, la. NORTON, Roy, author, attended high sch. and academy, Clarinda, la. OTT, Edward Amherst, lecturer. M. O. Drake univ., Des Moines, 1895. Ph. B. 1898; prof, oratory and English Drake univ. 1891- 1901. PAINE, Albert Bigelow, author, spent his boyhood at Bentonsport, la. PARRISH, Randall, author, L.L,. D. Univ. of Iowa 1911; admitted to bar in Iowa. PEASE, Ernes* Mondell, editor, investor, b. "West Union, la. PROUTY, Solomon Francis, congressman, mem. 62d and 63d con- gresses, 1911-15, from Iowa. Address: /Des Moines, la. PUTNAM, George Rockwell, engineer, b. Davenport, la. QUICK, Herbert, editor, b. near Steamboat Rock, Hardin co., la. QUIRK, Leslie W., author, b. Alta, la. RADFORD, Benjamin Johnson, theologian, pastor Christian church, Des Moines, la. 1881-3; pres. Drake univ., Des Moines, 1882-3. REED, Verner Zevola, author, attended Eastern Iowa normal sch. ROGERS, May, b. Dubuque, la. RUSSELL, Frank, educator, b. Fort Dodge, la. SABIN, Edwin Legrand, author, lived in Iowa 1871-96. A. B. State 'univ. of Iowa 1892. SABIN, Elbrldge Homer, author, grad. Clinton, la. high sch. 1882. A. B. State univ. of Iowa 1886. SEERLEY, Homer Horatio, college pres., pres. Iowa state teachers' coll. since 1886. SHELDON, Caroline M., educator, A. B. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. 1893. A. M. 1895; instr. French, 1906-8, acting dean of women, 1907-9, asst. prof, modern languages 1909-11, asso. prof. 1911-13, prof, romance languages since Sept. 1913, Grinnell coll. SHERMAN, Stuart Pratt, college prof., b. Anita, la. SHOREY, Paul, univ. prof., b. Davenport, la. SLAUGHTER, Moses Stephen, prof. Latin Iowa coll., 1889-96. SMITH, Lewis Worthington, univ. prof., prof. English, Tabor coll. la-., 1899-1902; prof. English Drake univ., Des Moines, since 1902. SMITH, "Walter. Inglewood, judge, b. Council Bluffs, la. 354 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS SOULE, Caroline Augrusta, universalist minister, prin. female dept. Clinton liberal inst., 1842. SPENCER, Edward Buckham Taylor, college prof., b. Delmar, la. STEMPEJL, Guldo Hermann, univ. prof., b. Ft. Madison, la. STORMS, Albert lloynton, clergyman, pastor First M. E. church, Des Moines, la. 1900-03; pres. Iowa state coll. of agriculture, 1903- 10. UPDEGRAFF, Harlan, educator, b. Sigourney, la. VAN STEENDEREN, Frederick Cornelius Leonard, college prof., M. A. Penn coll., la., 1893; Ph. D. State univ. of Iowa, 1905, prof. modern langs. Penn coll., 1891-4; prof, romance langs. State ' univ. of la., 1894-1905. "WATERMAN, Nixon, author, lived in Union county, la., 1869-89. WEEKS, Raymond, univ. prof., b. Tabor, la. WHICHER, George Meason, college prof., b. Muscatine, la. WHITCOMB, Selden Lincoln, college prof., b. Grinnell, la. WHITE, Hervey, author, b. New London, la. ZOLLINGER, Gullelma, lived at Newton, la. WILLSIE, Mrs. Honore McCue, b. Ottumwa, la. BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, TRAVEL, ABERNETHY, Alonzo, educator, Ph. D. Lenox coll., la. 1886, pvt. to col. 9th Iowa vols. 1861-5; supt. public instr. 1871-6; prin. Pes Moines coll. 1870-1. ADAMS, Ephralm, univ. prof., b. Decorah, la. AIiDRICH, Charles, founder, 1892, and curator Hist. dept. of Iowa until death, 1908. ALEXANDER, William Leldy, Brig-Gen. U. S. A., b. in Iowa. BALDWIN, William Wright, railway official, b. Keosauqua, la. BENDER, Wilbur H., B DL Iowa state normal sch., 1886, Ph. D. State Univ. of Iowa, 1895, B. S. Iowa state coll., 1914; prin. and supt. schs. in Iowa, 1886-9, 1890-3, 1895-7; director of dept. of train- ing in teaching, Iowa state teachers coll., Cedar Falls, la., 1897- 1913; asst. prof, in dept. agrl. edn. and spl. student of industrial and vocational edn. Iowa state coll., 1913-14. BOTSFORD, George Willis, college prof., b. West Ufuon, la. BREWER, Luther Albertus, publisher, resides at Cedar Rapids, la. BRIGHAM, Johnson, librarian, state librarian of Iowa since 1898. BROOKS, William Myron, educator, prin. Tabor lit. inst. 1857-66; pres. Tabor coll., 1866-96; supt. schs. Fremont, la. 1860-65; mem. Iowa house of representatives, 1876-8. CLEMENT, Ernest Wilson, teacher, author, b. Dubuque, la. COLE, Cyrenus, editor, b. Pella, la. CONGER, Sarah Pike (Mrs. E. H. Conger), lived in Dexter, Dallas oo., la., 1868-97. CROSBY, James Ott, lawyer, removed to Iowa in 1854, practised law until 1900, lived at Garnavillo, la. CROW, Mrs. Martha Foote, author, lady principal Iowa (now Grin- nell) coll. 1884-91. DAWSON, Thomas Cleland, diplomat, practised law, Des Moines, la. 1886-9; legislative cor. and later city editor Daily Register, Des Moines, 1890-1; practised law Council Bluffs, la. 1891-7; asst. atty. gen. of Iowa 1891-4. DEMING-, Judson Keith, banker, connected with banking business Dubuque, la. 1876 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 355 DOUGLASS, Truman Orville, clergyman, D. D. Tabor coll. 1893; pastor Congregational church Osage, la., 1868-82. Address: Grinnell, la. EIBOECK, Joseph, lived in Clayton co., la. FOSTER, Warren Dunham, editor, instr. in English Iowa state coll. 1908-9. GOLDTHWAIT, Nathan Edward, capitalist, prof, mathematics, Des Moines (la.) coll. 1873-86. Lived at Boone, la. GUE, Benjamin Franklin, journalist, elected Iowa legislature, 1858; served 4 years in house and also senate; elected It.-gov., 1865; U. S. pension agent for Iowa and Nebraska, 8 yrs. HALLAM, Mrs. Julia Kirkland (Clark), author, recording sec. Iowa women's clubs, 1901-3; pres. Iowa equal suffrage assn., 1900-10. HARLAN, Edgar R., asst. and acting curator Hist. dept. of Iowa 1907- 9; curator 1909 HARWOOD, William Sunnier, writer, b. Charles City, la. HEBARD, Grace Raymond, b. Clinton, la, JAMES, James Alton, univ. prof., prof, hist; Cornell coll., la., 1893-7. JOHNSON, Allen, univ. prof., prof. hist. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. 1898-1905. KENYON, William Squire, senator, U. S. senator from Iowa, 1911 KIRBYE, J. Edward, clergyman, pastor Plymouth Congregational church, Des Moines, la., 1911 MATTHEWS, Washington, M. D.-maj. U. S. A., retired Sept. 25, 1895. ed. in common schs. of Iowa; grad. Univ. of Iowa (med. dept.) 1864 LL. D. 1888. MICHAEL, William Henry, consul-gen., irregular course univ. of Iowa, 1866-9; enlisted as pvt. Co. B. llth la. inf. 1861; hon. dis- charged 1862, after injury in battle of Shiloh; city ed. Sioux City, (la.) Journal 1873. MINER, William Harvey, journalist, lived in Cedar Rapids, la., for a number of years. ' MURPHY, Thomas Dowler, art publisher, Red Oak, la. NEWTON, Joseph Fort, pastor Liberal church Cedar Rapids, la. 1908-16. PARKER, George Frederick, journalist, ed. in public schs. of Iowa, 1854-68; Univ. of Iowa, 1868-9. PARKER, Leonard Fletcher, prof. hist. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. 1888-98, same, emeritus, 1898-1911. PARSONS, Eugene, editor, teacher Latin and French Des Moines (la.) coll. 1883-4. PARVIN, Theodore Sutton, librarian Iowa hist. soc. founded in 1844, and built Iowa Masonic library, occupying the only Masonic library building in the world, was librarian until his death in 1901. PERKINS, George Douglas, newspaper editor, editor Sioux City Journal, 1869-1914. PICKARD, JoHiah Little, educator, pres. Univ. of Iowa, 1878-87; pres. Iowa hist. soc. 1871-1900. QUAIFE, Milo Milton, author, b, Nashua, la. REED, Joseph Rea, judge, settled in Adel, Dallas co., la., 1851, judge Supreme court of Iowa, 1883-9. Address, Council Bluffs, la. REMLEY, Milton, lawyer. B. A. State univ. of Iowa 1867; practiced law Anamosa, la. 1868-74, Iowa City 1874 RICHMAN, Irving Berdine, lawyer, b. Muscatine, la. Address: Mus- catine, la. 356 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS RUSSELL, Frank, educator, b. Ft. Dodge, la. HUSTON, William Otis, educator, D. D. 1886, LL. D. 1907, Lenox coll., pastor Presbyterian church West Union, la., 1877-86, Du- buque, la., 1888-03; prof, sacred langs. and lit., 1903 , pres. 1904-08, dean of faculty, 1908 Dubuque German coll. and semi- nary. SABIN, Henry, educator, moved to Iowa 1871; state supt. public instr. 1888-92, 1894-98. SALTISH, William, clergyman, pastor Congregational church, Bur- lington, la. 1846-1910. / SCOTT, John, mem. Iowa state senate, 1860; It.-col. 3d Iowa inf. 1861, col. 32d Iowa inf. 1862-4, mem. state senate, 1868. SHAJHBAUGH, Benjamin Franklin, univ. prof., b. Elvira, la., prof, polit. sci. State univ. of Iowa since 1895. SHAW, Albert, editor, A. B. Iowa (now Grinnell) coll. 1879. A. M. 1882. SHERMAN, Hoyt, banker, lived at Des Moines, la. .STILES, Edward Holcomb, lawyer, removed from Conn, to Ottumwa, la. where he began the practice of law in 1857. STUIVTZ, Homer Clyde, M. E. bishop, took law course in Iowa. D. D. Upper Iowa univ. 1896. SWAN, (iustav Nilsaon, sec. and mgr. Sioux City (la.) plow CO., 1880-7, vice-consul of Sweden for state of Iowa, 1899 THOMPSON, James Westfall, univ. prof., b. Pella, la. TILLINGHAST, Benjamin Franklin, editor Davenport Democrat, 1894-1909. TRACY, Frank Basil, journalist, b. Brighton, la. WARE, Eugene Fitch ("Ironquil"), lawyer, ed. public schs. Burling- ton, la.; served through the civil war in Co. E, 1st la. inf. and Co. L, 4th la, cav. and mustered out as capt. Co. F, 7th la. cav. WEAVER, James Baird, Sr., ex-presidential candidate People's party, served in union army, priv. 2d la. vol. to col. and bvt. brig-gen., 1861-65; mem. of congress from Iowa 1879-81, 1885-9; Greenback candidate for president of the U. S. 1880; People's party candi- date 1892. WELD, Laenns Gilford, univ. dean, B. S. Univ. of Iowa 1883, A. M. 1886, L.L. D. 1912; teacher of mathematics Burlington high sch. 1884-6, asst. prof. 1886-7, acting prof. 1887-9; prof, .mathematics and astronomy and head of dept. 1889-1911, dean grad. coll. 1900-7, dir. sch. applied science, 1903-5, dean coll. liberal arts, 1907-10, State univ. of Iowa; State supt. weights and measures for Iowa, 1888-1911. WHITE, Trumtmll, journalist, ed. the Red book, b. Winterset, la. YOUNG, Lafayette, journalist, b. in Iowa; ed. Des Moines Capital, 1890 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 357 IOWA PUBLISHERS. Ames Intelligencer steam print. Iowa state college of agric. A mimosa Reformatory press. Atlantic Telegraph steam ptg. \inliilMin William E. Brinkerhoff. Bloomfield Democrat press. Moore & Ethell. Boone Hoist pub. Burlington Acres, Blackmar & co. Burdette co. Conrad Lutz. E. C. Gnahn. German literary board. Hawk-eye steam print. James Love. Mauro & co. Morgan & McKenny. McMullin & Woellhaf. R. T. Root. W. B. Skillman. Cedar Falls Charles A. Fabrick & co. Iowa state teachers college. Monist pub. Cedar Rapids Charles F. McDaniel. Daily Republican. Goodyear-Marshall pub. Jones & Wells. Lawrence press-. Record ptg. Republican ptg. Standard ptg. Superior press. Torch press. Times ptg. & binding. Charles City- Intelligence book print. L. H. Henry. Clarinda Herald book & job office. Clinton Iowa, News age & job ptg. McAllister & co. Corning A. B. Shaw pub. Fawker pub. J. C. Burch. Council Bluffs Christian expositor. i Herald ptg. pub. Morehouse & co. Creston Gazette pub. Davenport Academy of science. Contemporary pub. Day, Egbert & Fidlar Edward Bocherdt. Egbert & Fidlar. Fidlar & Chambers. Glass & co. Glass & Hoover. Griggs, Watson & Day. Luse & Coles. Luse & Griggs. Luse, Lane & co. Mossman & Vollmer. Universal chiropractic. Decorah A. K. Bailey & son James Alexander Leonard. North synod. Western pub. Des Molnes Baker-Trisler. Bishard bros. Brewster co. Campbell & Russell. Capital City pub. Carter & Hussey. Carter, Hussey & Curl. Christian index pub. Cline pub. Commercial textbook co. Conaway & Shaw. Des Moines printing. Drake university. Educational pub. Educational exchange. Fowler & Johnson. George A. Miller printing co. Highland Park college. Hill pub. Historical department of Iowa. 358 IOWA AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS IOWA PUBLISHERS-CONTINUED. Industrial pub. Iowa academy of science. Iowa geological survey. Iowa historical illustrative co. Iowa printing co. Iowa state board of control. J. B. Swinburne. J. P. Bushnell. Jordan bros. Kenyon press. Koch bros. Miller, Girton & Watters. Mills & GO. tf Moses Hull & co. Northwestern holiness. Patterson & Vance. Personal help pub. Prairie club. Redhead & Dawson. Redhead & Wellslager. Register & Leader. Rowen bros. Russell bros. 'Shissler-Chase. State printer. State Register print. Successful farming. Wallaces' farmer. Watters-Talbot printing co. Welch printing. Western correspondence school of mining engineering. Eagle Grove Gazette steam print. Elliott Graphic press. Tribune press. Epworth .Epworth ptg. Extra Exira ptg. co. Fort Dodge Observer ptg. house. Times steam ptg. Times job ptg. Fort Madison Evening Democrat. Grlnnell Cravath & Shaw. Herald pub. Ray & Cowden. Ray & Frisbie. Hampton Purcell ptg. Hurlan Industrial American print. Hartley Hartley Journal print. Independence Warren Barnhart. Indianola Booth pub. Iowa City Chestnut pub. Clio press. H. L. Throop co. Kohl & Schaedler. State historical society of la. State university of Iowa. Zetagathian soc. Jefferson Rhoads & Gray. Keokuk Gate city steam printing. Keokuk Mississippi river pow- er co. R. B. Ogden & co. Keosauqua C. W. Shepherd. Lamoni Herald pub. Patriot office. Reorganized church of Jesus Christ, L. D. S. Lyons Beers & Eaton. J. C. Hopkins. Madrid Western printing co. Manning Berthold Kraus. Maquoketa Swigart & Sargent. Marengo Marengo Republican. Marlon Educational pub. Marshalltown Charter Oak pub. Marshalltown printing. Miller printing. Reflector printing. Mason City E. Hitchcock. Pool pub. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 359 IOWA PUBLISHERS-CoNTiNNBD. Mitchell Temperance power. Mount Vernon Hawk-eye press. Muscatine A. C. Hopkinson. Demorest & Coe. F. A. Neidig. Journal office. Muscatine News co. Newton Charles A. Clark. Lufkln & Gorrel. Osage H. E. Tuttle co. Journal printing. Oskaloosn Call & Bristol. Central book. Nicholson & Wilson. Bhockley bros. & Cook. Ottumwa D. M. & N. P. Fox. Panlllna . Times job print. Plymouth Avery & Doten. Red Oak T. D. Murphy co. Richland Clarion job print. Rockwell City Mattison bros. Sunburn Pioneer print. Sheldon Sheldon Mail Sioux City Perkins bros. Volksfreunds. Western pub. Sioux Falls Brown & Saenger. .sunnier Branch & Branch. Victor Index printing co. Waverly Warzburg pub. Webster City Journal printing. Winterset News print. Madisonian. 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