UC-NRLF I * # METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER .--- FOR TWELVE YEARS, FROM 1831 TO 1842 INCLUSIVE: COMPILED FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE BY THE OFFICERS OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMEN OS 1 'TSE AT THE MILITARY POSTS OF THE UNITED STATES. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP BREVET BRIG. GEN'L THOMAS LAWSON, SURGEON-GENERAL UNITED STATES ARMY. !: > ; .r < * WASHINGS*TC)tf: C. ALEXANDER, PRINTER, F STREET, NEAR THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. 1851. e*p PREFACE. Those interested in the progress of Meteorological Science are doubt- less aware that a system of Meteorological Observations was commenced in 1819, by Surgeon-General Joseph Lovell, under the auspices of the Hon. J. C, Calhoun, then Secretary of War. The first fruits of the labors of the Medical Department of the army in this field were laid before the public in 1826, when tabular ab- stracts of mean temperatures, &c., were published under the title of " A Meteorological Register, for the years 1822, 1823, 1824, and 1825, from observations made by the Surgeons of the army at the military posts of the United States." A second Register after the same form was prepared and published in 1840, under the direction of the present Surgeon -General Doctor Thomas Lawson, who succeeded to Doctor Lovell's responsible posi- tion, after the decease of the latter, in October, 1836. This Register gave the abstracted results of the observations taken during the five years succeeding the first publication, from 1825 to 1830, inclusive. The present publication stands third in the series of Registers issued from the Surgeon-General's Office, and embraces the results of observations made by the officers of the Medical Department of the army, from 1831 to 1842, inclusive, a period of twelve years. These observations have been examined and tabulated, so as to correspond in form with the abstracts heretofore published ; and with them give for comparison an uninterrupted series of Meteorological data, collected within the limits of the United States, extending through a period of twenty-one years. The importance and general value of Meteorological observations need not be dwelt upon at the present day. On all sides we see a just appreciation of the benefits to be derived from their careful study and comparison. In our own country, numerous corps of observers have been, and are being organized, for the express purpose of collect- ing the material necessary for the solution of many of the perplexing problems now under consideration by the scientific world. The system of observations first instituted in 1819, has been steadi- ly continued, under a modified form, to the present day. From time M111284 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. Jfo \tioke; m accordance with the recommendations of scientific men,, various improvements have been introduced ; additional instruments employed ; the hours for taking the observations changed ; their number increased, and indeed every endeavor made to keep pace with the demands of a science so important and so constantly progres- sive as that of meteorology. It cannot be expected, however, that the Meteorological Observations taken at all the military Posts in the United States should be attended with that extreme accuracy, &c., which is attainable at institutions, where many persons are spe- cially employed, and exclusively engaged by day and by night in the prosecution of these scientific researches. The officers of the Medical Staff of the army have other duties to perform than that of keeping a diary of the weather. They have, in addition to their military and professional duties proper, when stationed at a frontier post, frequently to give, from courtesy and kindness, from motives of charity, in fact from the actual necessity of the case, their professional services to the inhabitants of the surrounding country. It is, therefore, impossible for the Medical Officer to be at all times pre- sent to take the observations himself; hence the duty devolves in some measure upon the hospital steward, who though selected for his gene- ral intelligence, may not be so observant of the prescribed rules, nor feel the necessity of extreme accuracy in taking Meteorological Ob- servations, as might be desired. Notwithstanding the most careful supervision, errors will occr.r ; but the effect of these, as will be seen on an examination of the ab- stracts, are completely lost in the mass of correct facts arranged and averaged for publication. Owing to the exigencies of the service, a number of our military posts are frequently unoccupied; and others again are altogether aban- doned. These constant changes in the location of the troops, prevent observations being continued at the same points through a long series of years. A comparatively short period of time places the outpost in the midst of a population dense and far advanced in civilization, and its garrison is then removed to some other point where protection to the frontier settlers is more imperatively required. Thus our posts have gradually moved farther and farther west, until now they are estab- lished upon the very shores of the Pacific. Our Meteorological Observations at these last points, commenced PREFACE. 5 while the adjacent country is still in its primitive wild and uncultivated state, will aid materially in determining the influences of the progress of civilization that is, the effect of the improvement of a country on climate, temperature, and atmospheric phenomena generally. It will be perceived, as was remarkecj before, that the twelve years abstracts now published are drawn up and arranged after the same form as those published in 1826 and 1840. The hourly and monthly mean temperatures are deduced from observations taken daily at 7 A. M., and at the hours of 2 and 9 P. M. From the direction of the winds and the character of the weather, reported at the same hours, the monthly and yearly tabular results are also deduced. In 1836, rain gauges were furnished to many of the posts, by which the daily falls of rain and snow could be measured and entered upon the tables in inches and the fractions of an inch. The instrument employed is the conical rain gauge of De Witt ; and observations are ordered to be made immediately after every shower or fall of rain or snow. The following are the instructions issued by the Department for its observers : " The instrument used to measure the quantity of rain which falls, is the conical rain gauge. It will be kept remote from all elevated structures at a distance at least equal to their height, and still further off, where it can be conveniently done. It is to be suspended in a circular opening, made in a board, which is to be fixed to a post, eight feet from the ground ; the opening to be five inches in diameter, and leveled, so as to fit the side of the gauge, into which the cap is to be fixed, base downwards, to prevent evaporation. The measurement is made by putting down perpendicularly to the bottom of the gauge the measuring stick, and applying it from its point to the water mark, orx the scale, which will express the quantity in inches, or their decimals. The graduation of the scale is by hundredths of an inch for the first three-tenths of an inch, and above that by tenths and half tenths* Parts of degrees will be measured by the eye, and set down in deci- mals. If a rain continue for any length of time, the quantity in the gauge will be measured at suitable intervals, before the water rises high in it, and the measurements summed up at the close. "In freezing weather, when the rain gauge cannot be used out of doors, it will be taken into the room, and a tin vessel will be substi- tuted for receiving the snow, rain, or sleet that may then fall. This vessel must have its opening exactly equal to that of the rain gauge, 5 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. and widen downwards to a sufficient depth, with a considerable slope. It should be placed where nothing can obstruct the descending snow from entering, and where no drift snow can be blown into it. During a continued snow storm, the snow may be occasionally pressed down. The contents of the vessel myst be melted by placing it near the fire, with a cover to prevent evaporation, and the water produced poured into the gauge to ascertain its quantity, which must then be entered on the Register." In 1842, the number of daily observations was increased, and the thermometer and direction of the wind was required to be noted at sunrise, 2 P. M., sunset, and 9 P. M. On the 1st of January, 1843, the improved system of observations now in use by the Medical Department of the army was commenced, and is in operation at the present time at* all the more permanent posts within the limits and upon the frontiers of the United States, wherever officers of the Medical Staff and troops are stationed. The accompanying tables give the mean temperatures of each par- ticular month, at each post, of the various seasons, and of the year; the monthly and yearly range of the thermometer, the prevalent winds, the number of fair, cloudy, rainy, or snowy days ; and for the last few years the fall of rain. The observations at those points only where they were continuously taken for an entire year, are published. They embrace, during the twelve years, results obtained at sixty-two different points, lying between the 24 20' degree of north latitude, (Key West Barracks,) and the 47 15' of Fort Kent, Maine ; from the 66 58' degree of west longitude, Fort Sullivan, to the 95 -|- of Fort Gibson, a range of about 23 degrees from north to south, and 31 degrees from east to west. The Department has made no attempt to deduce any results jrom the mass of facts it has accumulated. It offers the following collec- tion of materials to those interested in the progress of meteorology, trusting that in the hands of such as enjoy leisure, opportunity, and a love of the subject, it may be profitably employed in the elucidation of many of the interesting theories of this important science. *For a full description of the system of Meter ological Observations now in use by the Department, reference can be had to the transactions of the American Philosophical Society, or to the New York Journal of Medicine, Vol. 2, page 135, where will be found a paper by Surgeon Thomas G. Mower, United States army, who has given an. interesting and detailed history of the operations of the Medical Bureau in this field. PREFACE. PLACES POSITION* \^2fiTTjAjJj^ OF REMARKS. * OBSERVATION. Lat. Long. . of ft. a bo el of these o > gr 9) O i a ' a Fort Kent 47 15 04 68 35 25 575 Mouth of Fish river, Maine. Fort Fairfield 46 46 07 67 49 40 415 On the Aroostook river, Maine. Fort Brady 46 29 55 84 43 00 595 Sault Ste Marie, Wisconsin. Hancock Barracks 46 07 38 67 49 01 620 Houlton, Maine. Fort Mackinack 45 51 00 85 05 00 728 Island of Mackinack, Lake Huron. Rouse's Point 45 00 26 73 20 52 _ Lake Champlain. Fort Sullivan 44 54 28 66 58 20 _ Eastport, Maine. Fort Sneliing 44 52 46 93 04 54 780 Mouth of St. Peter's river, Minnesota. Plattsburgh Barracks 44 41 00 73 26 00 _ Lake Champlain, New York. Fort Howard 44 37 30 87 00 00 600 Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Fort Winnebago 43 35 00 88 58 00 _ Source of Fox river, Wisconsin. Madison Barracks 43 57 00 76 04 00 250 Sackett's Harbor, New York. Fort Preble 43 39 04 70 20 30 _ Portland, Maine. Fort Niagara 43 15 00 79 05 00 250 Niagara river, New York. Fort Crawford 43 03 06 91 09 19 580 Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Fort Constitution 43 04 00 70 49 00 _ Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Fort Atkinson 42 55 00 88 46 30 _ Wisconsin. Buffalo Barracks 42 53 00 78 55 00 _ Buffalo, New York. Fort Gratiot 42 51 00 82 53 00 578 St. Clair river, Michigan. Watervliet Arsenal 42 50 00 73 55 00 _ Watervliet, New York. Fort Independence 42 22 00 71 02 00 - Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Watertown Arsenal 42 21 00 72 17 00 _ Near Boston, Massachusetts. Detroit Barracks 42 19 18 82 58 00 _ Detroit, Michigan. Dearborn ville Arsena 42 20 00 83 01 30 _ Dearbonville Arsenal. Fort Dearborn 41 50 00 87 54 00 591 Chicago, Illinois. Fort Wolcott 41 30 00 71 18 00 _ Newport, Rhode Island. Fort Adams 41 30 00 71 19 00 _ Newport, Rhode island. Fort Armstrong 41 28 00 90 33 00 _ Rock Island, Mississippi river, 111. West Point 41 23 30 74000 .167 New York. Fort Trumbull 41 22 00 72050 L New London, Connecticut. Fort Columbus 40 42 00 74090 22 Governor's Island, N. York harbor. Fort Wood, N. Y. 40 42 40 74 110 _ Bedlow's Island, New York harbor. Alleghany Arsenal 40 26 00 82020 704 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. ( rlisle Barracks 40 03 00 76500 _ Carlisle, Pennsylvania. -t Leavenworth 39 20 00 94520 912 Missouri river. i< ort McHenry 39 03 00 7649 _ Baltimore, Maryland. Fort Severn Washington City 38 58 00 38 53 34 76270 77 01 3 : Annapolis, Maryland. District of Columbia. Fort Washington 38 41 00 76580 115 Potomac river. Jefferson Barracks 38 28 00 90080 382 Near St. Louis, Missouri. Bellona Arsenal 37 48 00 77530 _ James river, Virginia. Fort Monroe 38 02 00 76 120 _ Old Point Comfort, Virginia. Fort Wayne 36250 94283 _ Cherokee Nation. Fort Gibson 35 47 00 95 100 543 Cherokee Nation, Arkansas. Fort Smith 35250 94490 Arkansas. Fort Macon 34420 76460 _ Beaufort, North Carolina. Little Rock Arsenal 34400 92120 _ Little Rock, Arkansas. Fort Johnston 34000 78050 _ Smithville, North Carolina. Fort Towson 33530 94 130 _ Sevier County, Arkansas. Augusta Arsenal 33280 81 530 Augusta, Georgia. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. PLACES POSITION. T>I?lLf A TJ1TC! or OBSERVATION. Lat. Long. of ft. above 1 of the sea. tUSALAJUVO. . V Fort Moultrie O ' I' 32 42 00 i // 79 56 00 Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Oglethorpe Barracks Fort Jesup 32 05 00 31 30 00 81 07 00 93 47 00 Savannah, Georgia. Louisiana. Baton Rouge Bar 'ks Fort Pike 30 26 00 30 10 00 91 18 00 89 38 00 : Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Petite Coquille, Louisiana. Fort Wood 30 05 15 89 51 15 _ Petite Coquille Island, Louisiana. New Orleans Bar'ks 29 57 23 89 58 52 _ New Orleans, Louisiana. Fort Marion 29 50 00 81 27 00 12 St. Augustine, Florida. Cedar Keys 29 08 00 83 09 30 East Florida. Fort King 28 58 00 82 05 00 _ East Florida. Fort Brooke 27 57 00 82 35 00 _ Tampa Bay, East Florida. Key West Barracks 24 20 00 81 49 00 Key West, East Florida. '\ OF THE .5, ; N'KW- METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER, 10 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. oo (A o r-< co r- -i< CM ?o t^ i co 1 -- f CO I CO iC C*5 C} TO '0 1-1 I-H CM I-H I-H . ' GV{ CJ 72 ll a M z "U'^ e METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. 11 I i-iaj 2iO'-" ^lO oj ( ioa5'-Hor> 'fQ'5t CO 05 -i f-t 00 0? 0* d - ojniBJadmaj, r-ieootio-*' icooooc^ i"ico-H<7^oao ^| I-H t-l CJ rH i-H rH OJ J-H (7J rt i 1 O* (M r-l l-t N3 l II ^*5 *" II M -2 II ,1 II S C 5^ 3 ^ C tS il Ilil* ll ulill^iiili -- -J^ T3 -^ I! 2 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. 13 SUIJIBA9JJ .fa .fa .fa .fa" .fa .fa .fa .i ^.h .J3 .i .fa .fa ^.fa ci o5 as _sJ cS PS _3 _3 ^ 3 _aS _? - J - J OQO*C*i-li-ICOrHCO-Hi-li-l 1 o co cj -> ^oocioco. 1 ! 14 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831, ffl o OJ *f) < CO "* O CO 1-1 O t- , I CO C* i-H rH GO 03 CO i -i -iC5"3OC>l ) ^. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. 15 3UIIIBA8JJ CO CO CO O -^ Ct iO O O > i t- CO CO Oi Ct "* <0 ^ r-l CO co as t^ ^i-Hi i CO CO i-H i i t- ^ * CO CO ^ *t rf Qo -* (N CO i -i i-H i "* i 1 CO i-H C - i oo i tr; i o * t- d 1 w t- c* r~ w o (M ^ co uo ot I-N OCOOCOCOCOOCOOOOCOOQCOCOCOCO COCCCO"*' I I o 73 -t - - - - 1 - - - METEOROLOG1CA"L REGISTER FOR 17 I-H in i i r- i i co as 10 oj co tfs u7 i T-I o CD ot 02 M 02 05 CQ T-J T}- o oo ct t^ >* o co t- T-I H ^ 03 0) OvHGveocti CO 05 Ct CO CO CO CO CO t- i i iCOCO-*^H M.M -.! 1 v.ni >' | METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. 19 h c >^^t>.i: c c c >H' ^ : h c 3 '_3 '_3 '3 & 3 s 3* 2 s '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 10 as o t^ o co Of o i- t^ r- to c? co * 1-1 OQ i-io os icCrH i 1 * i !> O * i I -H i-H t- C3 00 (M CO UO t~ (7J i-HOO i rH i irHOOOO rH CO ffil t^ OS (M CO rH t- 1 rH IO 00 CO 00 CO ooaioocniasoi l iOt > -OCO(MCDOiO'* < O5 CccoajasxioooiCOOOQO ' icooao ^t'Ocio t-- 10 co -* o * >o co I-H ot co 10 co 1: t: >t: 20 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER' FOR 1831. 2UI[1BA8JJ '3 '3 '3 & 'S '3 :P '3 "? '3 '3 3 s 'S '5 '5 IP '3 '3 ^ 05 !N OJ I-H CO I O-*C?>O'* QOQOt^OOOOCBQOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOQOQOaO CO CO CO CO C cocooococ O ^O CO O CO CO O CO C Jd METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. 3UIIIBA3JJ 3 3 3 3 3 3 ^ 3 3 CO <* O5 CO tO -l 00 0 T< CO OJ rH O^iOOtOiOiOO iOOiO ? '~ r* 1 i2 ~ r "^ 3 '''' ~ "^ o oj co >o cs ro o = -53 $^ C -.S F< S ^- ^CCK^ i^6o^ ^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. uCfcIt!^ fc t^>^^^l^C!^' X >C' > ^' > > :3j*5'jr3jr333:*2322 l-COt-rH-*OCOCOC'OC*COOOCOCOO* CO r- l-*O-*COt-"*OOOaOrH-*tO 00 i O? O co i oo o co oo o co oo CM rH rH rHrHirHrHCOlOll |CO irHrH i t- I O rH C5 * 3 LO lr- t- lr- t- t !> t- QOQDQOQOGOOO coo^ioioirsoooicoocnoooorHaiooo *O 00 "*^ O ^ ^ O OO O^ OOCOC*O^CO^-*r-iCO t^GOo6oOOOOOOOC5000COOOOOOOOOOOOOO ofi 2 d 8j t; t: >> 24 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR J831. SUI[IBA3JJ '-fcjU^^Cui^^^fclrJ^^sJ'*^^^ " '3 '3 5 s '3 '3 '5 '3 '3 3* '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 2 s '3 '3 CICO i CO -* * t- 00 1C t- CO <*< d CO ** t- 02 I (N O (M 1-4 i-t rH CO * CO O 00 i-< 1 i-H O TH .-H CO !-( CT lO O t- (M CO . t- CO 6 , METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. K Cli-lCt^T 1 -< C^ CM oo^cnocoio i-( C* I-H i-i (M f-i ^ w . w _.. _. . . .. ,_ . ... i Ct r-i 'OQOO^D OOO^CJQO asasOOOiO OCX>OiOOQOQOO5CB ' i o co o i i "H -! COr^i-*rJ't-00l 00 CTS-^OCiOi lOCDQOCNCOCO^COCOt^^ t^CX)OOC^OOOOOOOOOOCDQt5oOQOQOOOQOOO CO CM tO O t- CO 00 OJ t^ t^ "* Ct * i CO CQ CM O? TO 00 CO t- CM rH I CO i 1 >O i-l CO r-t r-H QD -* -^ CD XD O t- -^ C^ O? CO 00 ocoCT)t-c^>o i iOfOCOOCO-HOC>JiOl^'-IOOi l locooooroorocooooocoro 'OiOCOCOiOCMCJiOCOODODOOCOCOtM i O CO I lr CO 00 i CO CO CO CO lr- CO ooococococo -^CMCOt^COiOCO cocoocoooco cooococo O'*t^<-iO OCO. l( COO-*OO"i li-li-ICOi-O COCOCOCOCOCOCOOCOOCOOCOCOCOCOCO CO 00 i-H CO CO OO CTJ J3 -< -*-a C JL( > i . to O ^ ?3 d CQ ^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR :? ' 5 ' S S 3 2 s ' = '5 ^ ' 5 ^ ' ~ '3 '3 Cn.&H ^ co CM t-* n oo i * ot *& T-t <& I C5 "H ~7* CO i t-i >O iC ^ CO Ol O O CO O5 W5 tO (?J Ct CJ O < m to'et i> I-H COOi'tCO i 00 -H in I-H I-H I-H o i i to rf to ^ I. ct^-tcoinr-ionoeoci -...'.I--. >[> I83M01 t* 00 1* O A WO CO CO f-H * t- (SO CO t- CO 00 t- * * c oet i> at < I72CO Ol Jr- -^ CO co ci i- t- 1-1 o> I-H > I-H t^ QO CM o 00 t^ t* o >-i cooo i t~ 10 00 o co cr. o^H?r-ic^wr- gTf oo ao i oo f ft 1 -l CO CO rH i i lO C* CO O r-< rH r-H i-H lCOl-^1 II 1 1 t^ Of CO r-l (71 1-1 01 . <0 i-i 00 T I TTiTlfTTi i li 7 ...i,-. !' 1- 'iR 1 1 1-g o1 1 I 1 SP ^^^ajQ.-ciucicsgg^r-a.^^o METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1831. 33 i-< t' O IO i-H CO Ol CO W5ffOO^OiOC?COO^Or-t^Tjot>QOC<^H i-l CM CM rH i-H i-H CM rl r-H i-t r-l i-H i-1(M CM ** O CO >O i-t i 1 CO CO i i-H O5 >-H CO CO CM i-H rH O3 -! i l U? CO 00 CM <-H O5 CO -* CM CO ^ COiCMi ir-lO} l CM-H CN CM 10 IIIlllllllllll 38 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. PQ W -* I-H co oi QO t^ ^ irj i-t * ?-H CO I- (M O5 * i-H -! O H i-H CCC^CO !*<* it-CO CO irt iO QC t- t- "*< !?> C5 I d ( f-n d CM Ot Cf) as co * "* *o co irj o o _ 1 T-I r- 1 ll l-l (M r-l . . 02 H W '** < -<*COii-lCCO>O' Ii-H CO CO 01 CO CO t- CM > rtiO i-H ITS COr-ILO lOO iCO iCOCOCO COOOOOilCO 00 1 | rH i -^ CO I 1 lCOr-ICOCOr-1 o^ooco-Hocococ^aiofCTi M i i r-i .|, HIM iv : "/-'T^rl 00 O OJ u .c 3'3'3-P COli I^Hr-l SU111BA8JJ 02 OQ i -^ tfj i 1-1 TJ< i-ieo ico icoioco tft i i-H (N i CO < KMtO CO CO CO ifj CO OJ CO O OJ CO COOOl O5OOOCOQO'5ti'^i-iCOOO' II COCOCO^'*CO'* < ^'^ < OOirtOCOt- METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. C?lO'5'FH 00 -H CO i-H CO -^ ^ F-I Tjr O CCOCi i O t-l to lO I- * CO PO i-l CO O O* CO .-.lp J >..!(--! || O5OCMQOCiOQOi-taOCOCO'Xi(Mt^rO C^ 1 Vt-OJ'*'i>t^OO<-HQO'-it-CCC^^-i . _ Bferil ^^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. 43 cj 3 a co eo o (N o co o ec -< iO i a> cc ct CO * C< 00 CO >0 10 CO "* t- CT CJ 10 t^ ito^xit-^ioc^co tc^aiicooo i-* i o _ aJ g Ko>cc-2-:aiOi P CiJsic(j, ( " 44 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. i-H (M i-" i-H i-l t-4 r-t i-l o S = METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. 45 >"> u >*tZ jj > tl C >> C C_C _' > : I?'S '3 '3 00 >O O{ * * TJI CO 00 -^ CO i tfj r- 1 O CO^CO i ^ CO H * Ol i-l 00 t^ CO tfi O5 rHi |COlO*-l aajSap jsaMoi O 00 O iO O tO CJ t- DJ * O CJ O tO 1~- O5J^-CZ)QOOOt--O^QOO500C5XiO5COOO OJC5"f-<*-*J< O , i 05 - g - 46 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. S-^.Ss.S: ^.b.h.b 3 2 s _3 _3 2 s _5 _3 _d * 00 ifl W iCSCOQO'-H'* i 0* 3UI[IL'AOJJ i-iecoi^H loco fHrHCO it^OCOCOCMQOrH ^ CO i ^ 00 O i O* tO CO 1-1 I-H OJ to iO CO 05 (M CO 3* ^ i-l (M -H (M CO -^ CO i COO iCOCOF-l iQOCO iCO*-l aoaUop JSDAVOI tOtOOCOCit^t^WQOQOO^OJO-H 5S5SS?SSSSS5S5S co scotbcococoococooco'o o'co O'^OO' "O^oco^rOr-tc^oocco > id METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. 47 O4 CO -^ CO 00 O VO iO ^ tO i-l i CO ^T CO c? Q a D 15 H 25 O O OKMOO I^HrH ,05 t- CO CO -<* 0? 1-H (71 rH (^ I- ,r-HOit- 10 r-l k rH CO CM * CO 00 COiOfOOOCOCOi |CO i iCOi-H -l 30 CM CO i i-H i I i i-H CO CO l^ggi m m 48 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. '3 2 s '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 os o oi 05 oo eo i CO i CO 00 OJ ^ o i 1-1 1-1 1-" o c i eo Sooco -tcs > 6 - I.il! METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. 49 ioaoo*coaoICOCOCOC^ i i 1 lOtrH t^ooasi-*jr-i-H |i t 1 O CO 1 1 1 I r-( i t i-Hr 1 oo^ ( CO TO i <'* ( CX> O OS >O C -O CQOOi l^l- 00 00 C t 00 OD t^- OO QOQOQOQOQO C5'^t | iO QOQOQO aOOsaOQOQOaO cr>ioc*"*cn CO t** f" C^- CO ' 50 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. Ipl'll'l'll'll'l'lll OS O Oi O5 00 CO d O* t CO t-t - d (M 00 CO <* Tj O -^ i-H i-l tO C* i CO i i i i -7J O'-*dOt ^t* to co co ^* T*H -t^ oo ""H o^ t"* o oj o^ lO-^i iCO^ftDO'^'W^OlOOO'^fG^iO 00 i-( CO CO tf5 * i O5 * cc d co -* cn co 10 H t- c< co CM o i co cor- II-H ii-i(?ico(Moojco t- r C7 CT 1-1 CO * ft O i-( OJ i-( O CO . ...!,-. .p j-. un- 1 CD CO O ^O CO CO O O O CO CO CO CO *** CO ^f l^* ^5 ^1 00 CO GO Ol O^ O O^ O^ 00 O *O cococoincot-cococot-cococot-t- COO COOOCO o(Ma5O COCOfSO O ci JS 3 ^S METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. 53 !_ w ^ (H t- u rH 00 * t- CO r 00 C< , -( CQ T*H 5 i 1 i-HC^ |T> i t~ ** ao 10 o? i i CD II-H-^ i^oooao (Mi i ii lOJi ii l t i>-i~-i>-oo ^ (TO O CO CO > r-l0 O COOCO i * CQ o C5C*5OOCTir7CJC}C^(M COOOQOaot^QOOOOOCDOO iOQO Illlsllllllllll METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. W w o o 50 , CO ^ ^H 00 ift - I ITS CO ^H ff^ <* i-H i C ^>^._lJ>^>4->J4->J^ Vl ~> ^J METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. 55 c >: c ^ c c c : >> s - ^ ; OQ |5* CO 05 5 fe ^, fc CO CO I^CCOirH I i i-H 10 I f-t rH f-i OOQOt^QOl^l^OOOOQOQOQOOOQOQOaO c^iocjco^-ioooio -*! 1 10 t- io I-H 10 o w 56 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832? OS O P5 -t CO >O e*3 -^ 2 w o 8UIIIBA3JJ CO it-OCOt i t- 00 00 W I i i i * CO ^ 00 , I , METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1332. 57 i-< (M O 00 O <* -rj< 10 CO i- i CO iO CO CO 00 C~ >0 (N t- -* 1> V> G* C 00 CO <0 CO CO CQ GQOQ OO ii-l iCOO i U5 f-i 1-1 i-t I r-l QO CO Tjt OJ -^ rH C? i-H ( (M<>O'-O-<* 00 I*- t- tO oo i o * i i oo oo n ** d cc r^ co oo oi C5 CQTfCO i CCQO"* i i-l rH CO i-( Ot Ct O* CrHi-lCllCQOli-t i-Hi-l i5i-i i C00 t- 1 ! ococo-^ < -* < SH I'o-S S J s S METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. J^>C*^>i4 C u, C _* C C >> &*> j^ C l T3"!!l r d > Ta > n"^'H"-^5 CO O ** O O i iO iTi <*> Year. Winter. Spring. Summ'r Autumn A. M. P.M. P.M. VII. II. IX. Fort Brady 41.61 17.30 38.35 64.99 45.83 36.07 50.11 39.52 91 Hancock Barracks 39.68 15.55 36.70 61.37 45.08 33.35 47.50 38.19 87 Fort Mackinack 40.25 17.96 36.84 61.88 44.32 36.99 45.24 38.20 82 Fort Sullivan 41.35 23.13 37.88 57.89 46.52 38.33 46.57 39.44 81 Fort Snelling 45.94 16.82 49.30 69.42 48.23 40.86 54.09 42.63 90 Fort Winnebago 50.37 24.62 50.83 73.48 52.55 44.72 58.82 47.43 93 Fort Crawford 47.65 19.09 49.39 72.40 49.75 42.20 53.75 47.04 94 Fort Constitution 45.41 27.34 41.76 62.73 49.81 42.12 49.96 43.67 86 Fort Gratiot 47.88 26.07 44.26 69.27 51.94 44.91 53.02 45.73 93 Watervliet Arsenal 47.01 24.10 41.36 69.54 53.04 41.99 54.70 45.02 95 Fort Independence 48.76 30.38 44.14 66.68 53.86 44.69 53.32 46.80 90 Fort Wolcott 48.03 31.67 42.53 64.67 53.27 43.58 54.46 45.71 80 West Point 50.97 31.77 48.02 69.52 54.58 47.96 56.56 49.79 92 Fort Trumbull 54.75 37.74 49.16 72.06 60.05 52.25 58.07 53.94 82 Fort Columbus 51.29 32.41 47.79 70.24 54.72 47.87 57.96 48.80 97 Fort Leavenworth 52.77 26.88 54.95 74.00 55.27 44.17 63.88 50.84 94 Fort McHenry 53.05 36.08 53.30 73.43 59.40 50.67 62.00 54.83 91 Fort Severn 55.95 37.79 52.30 75.14 58.58 52.85 60.50 54.33 93 Jefferson Barracks 56.12 33.02 57.72 77.22 56.54 51.71 62.50 54.01 94 Bellona Arsenal 60.04 45.53 58.15 76.92 59.78 55.29 64.05 58.92 94 Fort Monroe 56.01 38.70 50.76 70.56 64.08 51.90 58.86 54.51 87 Fort Gibson 61.10 43.72 63.04 77.98 61.87 53.83 72.63 58.79 98 Fort Johnston 64.07 44.51 63.75 79.20 68.82 61.77 72.79 64.44 98 Augusta Arsenal 65.44 53.54 63.92 79.64 64.66 58.40 71.18 64.50 92 Fort Moultrie 66.01 53.53 65.12 77.81 67.60 62.93 69.85 66.04 90 Fort Jesup 66.17 52.38 67.15 80.68 64.49 60.53 75.03 63.14 94 Baton Rouge Bar'ks 68.33 56.53 68.22 80.72 67.86 62.93 75.02 67.04 94 Fort Pike 70.83 59.75 71.21 82.22 70.15 66.68 75.38 70.19 94 Fort Marion 70.60J 59.85 70.58 79.64 72.35 68.22 73.99 69.59 88 Key West Barracks 76.05 71.08 75.98 81.48 75.69 75.10 78.35 74.73 90 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1832. VATIONS FOR 1832. 61 1 S WINDS. WEATHER. r>. s . tn * 0) a I- , B ~7*~ i I o3 ~~T '3 W, S H 02 K E > s > O h^ i i e Q s Q 1 fi i Q Q 1 Q I PH 28 ~119 53.0 81 59 43 50 47 18 19 49 N. 172 87 76 31 Cl'dy, -19 106 51.7 i 91 124 30 82 24 10 1 N.E. 236 10 79 41 Fair. -22 104 43.0 ir 46 18 52 25 16 35 159 W. 172 101 63 30 Cl'dy. 7 88 40.4 3 67 33 25 34 90 40 47 S. 194 43 87 42 Fair. -30 120 53.0 25 66 11 17 26 68 57 96 W. 191 92 58 25 Fair. 33 126 54.4 56 52 18 27 28 79 63 43 s. 205 52 77 32 Fair. 32 126 53.0 G7 46 17 30 40 88 46 32 s. 194 135 25 12 Fair. 4 90 42.0 18 69 47 30 10 83 50 59 s. 210 119 30 7 Fair. 10 103 47.7 93 35 33 d 21 99 42 41 s. 189 104 49 24 Fair. 16 111 47.9 18 113 11 4 23 83 47 67 N.W. 220 72 54 20 Fair. 90 41.7 14 73 59 15 18 25 139 23 S.W. 213 62 74 17 Fair. 2 78 39.8 12 83 50 6 25 15 150 25 s.w. 180 91 75 20 Cl'dy. o 90 38.5 50 113 C 4 31 125 10 28 s. 214 32 96 14 Fair. 10 72 32.8 38 67 57 12 30 31 83 48 s.w. 225 82 52 7 Fair. 1 96 39.8 10 61 43 16 66 45 74 45 s.w. 235 84 41 6 Fair. 26 120 60.0 35 66 31 14 57 116 27 20 s. 214 122 16 14 Fair. 91! 43.0 10 73 64 31 41 14 50 83 W. 244 73 45 4 Fair. 1 92 40.8 15 89 38 9 113 45 36 21 S.E. 195 70 90 11 Fair. 12 106 51.8 33 153 30 2 53 62 15 18 N.W. 216 59 81 10 Fair. 4 90 38.6 24 53 49 21 62 21 83 53 S.W. 226 82 52 6 Fair. 8 79 32.8 43 28 105 21 22 29 98 20 N.E. 191 127 48 f Fair. 1 97 49.5 6 34 8 88 131 24 36 39 S.E. 195 97 68 6 Fair. 16 82 35.1 11 34 97 10 21 8 184 1 S.W. 237 72 57 - Fair. 8 84 39.5 7 70 59 26 62 13 88 41 S.W. 188 78 100 Fair. 22 68 29.6 10 31 71 66 64 58 40 26 N. E. 231 112 23 '. Fair. 12 82 42.0 58 8 19 122 19 23 17 100 E. 262 97 7 . Fair. 13 81 36.6 20 32 45 59 41 31 93 45 S.W. 231 34 100 1 Fair. 21 73 32.6 30 31 52 83 82 10 30 48 S.E. 279 56 31 _ Fair. 25 63 23.5 u 40 82 39 78 45 38 13 S.E. 215 50 101 4- Fair, 55 35; 14.3 32 35 151 54 62 4 20 8 N.E. 260 40 66 * Fair. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. CO CO ** i-M CO lO * CO O< * CO i O r-l eo i co i -H 10 to -* c Tf co 05 0 t-(M CO'* lOCM COt- i ITJ Oi (X) (M C r- CO iO iO CO iO 1C CO O tO CO C* QO CD ' IOO'OOCQ CO-rPCOOC^ b 8|| 64 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. rt i CM C* t*- rH iO CO CO VI CO * 00 "* i O 00 . i l i l i l i I i CO O ^H ^ 1-1 10 r-i I i i-l i f- CO U) i-4 CO CO i CO ^*" t- if} CJ i Ct O CO C* t- CO tO -^ ^f i CO ID o oTci^ (^ a rt^^^JrldOli^rHOiClCJdevSi X J -4 -^- fc J^_,^'-^->^_.*-*-'-J*_-*-'-^>W V. -._. *J *- o * o o o o o o _o _o _o .o o o t> S o G -J .11:7;. ij-ry METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR isss. L S_ I- !_ J_, t-i t-i IH rH CM C5 rt li-Hrt S5 ' C0(? i 10 .I|I [I tou'5Otf5t-cotf;aot->C'O i C5 CM 00 f-i CM O ift |i-H CO CO (7rt i-l CO i-H CO ii-HCOi-KM i i i I i-H (M lO>O>OO l X>OC> < * ? ** ** ** ** ^ ^ *- ^ i: ^.13-i 3?33SS3SJS3SSS3?33 fl (M CO -l i-H Jr-i-iCO il*-rHOO i OS 00 n C* IO O* -^ OS Oi 00 a 1 02 CO CO <> 00 CD r-> iCOCO^O 2 ^,^o l-OQOi-Hi-H i(M i T-I Qi iOi-iQooicoi-(io ^ (M 10 Ifl 00 t^ rt .-H rH -... i n..|' jsaiif JH .i.iiUi!J.p(ini...|, in:, .iv" ni...|, i ...i,-\ 3J: 5^^5 ^'fiOiO-*<^0'*OiOiOiOi^ oootoocoocoocoocoocotoococo io < 9't~ i 9 < aot^eooo " ^ t: t: t: s & t: METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. 69 i li-HOCOCOiOCO CO i -^ CO CM CO O i-H CO i t- <* t-H CO (M tO rH rH CH (M rHCOl irH^CMCOl 1 iCOi CO-^-^O)COO-O5 ssgg COCOOOOCOOCOCOOCOCOO tococooocoocpooocococococoi fi ' 70 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. O CO 00 CO fft O C5 l~- 00 00 t . S Is .M g=j-as o"?.2g g g, | 3- 5? (3 c^(/2 C c hrl -^^ :r ^'^ r ' t; '^^ :jjpH| t: g-ct t o Jz; METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. 71 f*frt* ** ^ ^ ** ^ ^ ^ 1* ^ S !. 3 >s ' 3 ' 3 '2 '3 '3 CM -* 00 i-H 05 O i-H O IO O t-t i ( i Ct i < rH CO Ct 0 CO >0 00 -* -* If* -* rH rH rH CO rH I- i-H O CO lC^ lO I I CO J- > \V ] > 6 CO iO t^ 00 lr- i-t ^ (M O T5 (M (7^ O CO ^ i CO tf3 i li I C* li I i-^ i-H f-H ? I i l-^i I i If Ol r li li ( 03 02 i(M i^l it- ii-ii-i COOi 1 i i-i CO O i I i C5 rl r- 1 C5 00 O. iOQO'*OO5QOCOOt^G^COCOO' 100 CM CM - r-i r-i (M (^ CT G^ i-H CM CM Ot CM Ci ' kj H .aJL^aiai^Waj^^ .Sod . .odW OJ GO OQ CQO2 co t~ -^ QO t- -i iCOO(Mi-HOCC T-H CM ^ >0 CO rt CO CO 00 .-! I i-H !- r-t 00 1 li-lr-llrH O C> i 1 i-H C\{ CO Ol (CO ii-Hr-HCO i !-"<*< i rH i i 1 O) CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO O-CO CO CO coooojo^ ^oocoooi>'COQoasi ii II-HQOO cocococooc OO5OCOCOOOCOOCOCOCO O^CQ^OCOCO^Sr-ScoCN QOC-C-QOQOOOQOQOQOOOQOOOQOai coocooococoococococooococoo COCOtOI^COOOCOQOt^-HC^i lQOt-O5CQ 10 74 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. 2UHIBA3JJ O> 00 -* (N CO i t^4-<*(iOt- O1OJ C^O^i-H OJCMi-iC^^i o i ooi r-i< ^HCO co co * UO O <7l CO i -** i-l i i i "* i i CM CS (Ml 1 | -* T-l CO i-t i t *< CO 1 ^ 00 CO 1 00 rHlOCOCOrHCO ' IO- i UO - i UO CO *< i i iC^CO ooasoooiajQoooooiCiOoajaiooasas !-Hcoco asaso ojiot-t^CT' ico^fffiji iaocort^H OOCXJGOlr-aiQOCXDOOOOCJQOQOOOOO oa5O 78 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. 00 00 CO -<1< O l^ Tf . 1 O 00 00 OP O) OOOQOfO'-HC'S>O5^ < COf^OOO^'^ O5i to t O l^- t~- t JOC^OOiOa>:caOC>J C-t^l^OOt^t^QOQOaOOOQOQOXOOQOQOQO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. > jj >>u fcl >* C >> i^ 5 36. fc ^3 5 ^ fe o 6 o o o o 6 6 i-l <2 Ot t- 05 05 t- TJ CO ^o^o-^ai OJ ^H SliqiBAO-lJ 1 PS w ffl o H o o "* O N i d CO <-H I-H (?< (M CO -^ 1 Ci 00 9< -Hd II-H . t~ CO * CO i-t CO i d i ^ -1 aaaSap jsaMOT; t: > 8-1 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. >O *** Ol CO O5 OJ CO CO O Ot Ci C* CJ >O * CJ i i-( ^H i CO Oi CO CO Oi CO CO O t t- tO O lO *< O O C^ D CJ PQ S w -H ii-(C3O i * 00 C? -H CO iCOCOQO i 1 i 1 i 1 -^ CO ^5 itOOO i iCO Oi(MOlOii-H-H<7JffO COOCOCt"* * CO Ct 00 t- COOlCOCJCOCOOJCOCOCO^COCOCOCOCOirOCO X 6 S ^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. 85 CO O I- 00 CM "*" CO lO CO CM IO i * O O >O rf O 00 CM tOS 5 OS CM ^ QO >O (M U7 t^ -^ 03 -02 * CM * t- (M Oi i C70 i 10 i CM r-< CO * 00 i-li (CMCM^ iCMt^CM iii iCM ii-Ht-i .CO iCOeOrHOO iCOCOrH ,iOCMi-HCM^ i ii li lr-IOCMC?5(Mr-<'*CM I < 1 O5 i- 1 irH t' CO * CM i-H C> i OJ CM to CM i icooooioo ^Cr ^H .- * b to 2 c ^ g i4fcy||^s 86 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. MEAN OF OBSER PLACES OF OBSERVATION. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 4 It .P so S3 Year. Winter. Spring. Summ'r Autumn A. M. P.M. P.M. VII. II. IX. Fort Brady 41.11 21.01 39.36 61.61 42.48 37.57 48.16 38.30 87 Hancock Barracks 40.70 16.81 39.13 60.73 46.15 32.83 48.18 38.87 85 Fort Mackinack 41.22 23.39 37.03 59.93 44.54 38.88 45.60 38.98 78 Fort Sullivan 43.01 24.45 46.04 55.81 45.75 38.29 49.66 40.77 92 Fort Snelling 47.97 24.56 48.98 71.29 47.05 42.65 55.16 46.00 93 Fort Howard 46.62 25.09 45.64 68.99 46.77 41.35 54.32 44.39 99 Fort Preble 45.53 25.88 43.49 64.85 47.92 40.66 53.15 42.64 93 Fort Niagara 52.85 30.54 51.11 70.36 54.28 46.88 58.47 51.88 94 Fort Crawford 51.78 27.95 52.88 72.56 51.06 46.34 58.14 51.05 98 Fort Constitution 45.71 27.75 43.58 63.20 48.34 43.30 52.72 46.38 91 Fort Gratiot 48.17 29.79 45.85 67.34 49.72 45.57 54.34 47.43 96 Fort Dearborn 49.67 50.67 48.39 69.35 50.27 45.73 54.85 48.18 94 Fort Wolcott 48.55 31.90 45.67 65.08 51.55 44.02 53.36 46.38 82 Fort Armstrong 50.67 29.66 52.22 71.24 49.56 45.13 56.99 50.64 90 West Point 51.65 31.63 50.95 70.30 53.74 46.61 58.07 50.27 98 Fort Trumbull 53.00 36.11 52.37 69.12 54.51 49.39 57.08 52.50 84 Fort Columbus 51.25 33.52 49.31 69.36 52.84 48.47 57.76 48.39 94 Fort Leavenworth 56.02 36.29 55.71 76.00 56.08 49.69 64.80 52.49 98 Fort McHenry 55.24 34.32 55.85 74.84 55.98 50.97 61.59 55.11 94 Fort Severn 56.28 37.17 55.24 74.79 57.95 53.31 61.15 54.56 96 Washington City 55.75 36.56 56.61 74.47 55.35 50.39 62.72 54.23 96 Fort Washington 58.40 38.50 59.64 79.07 59.04 53.59 65.22 58.39 99 Jefferson Barracks 57.54 37.44 58.49 78.13 56.11 52.70 64.24 55.34 99 Fort Monroe 57.57 40.45 53.70 73.77 62.39 54.59 61.09 57.09 95 Fort Gibson 61.80 45.25 61.77 78.46 61.73 54.78 72.02 59.45 103 Fort Johnston 64.87 49.70 64.75 80.06 64.98 60.82 70.37 63.49 94 Fort Towson 61.93 45.71 60.93 80.58 60.52 57.11 69.59 59.36 91 Augusta Arsenal 65.38 52.16 66.45 83.01 62.90 60.83 70.71 66.86 98 Fort Moultrie 66.23 52.96 65.20 80.18 66.59 62.76 70.03 65.92 89 Fort Jesup 67.92 53.13 69.46 82.97 66.15 60.47 75.55 65.79 98 Baton Rouge Bar'ks 68.84 56.79 68.99 82.84 66.76 63.04 75.57 67.93 95 Fort Pike 72.15 58.84 71.29 82.16 76.73 66.99 75.12 69.3? 96 Fort Wood, La. 69.96 58.10 69.75 83.52 68.50 66.53 72.87J 70.19 91 Fort Marion 70.64! 60.51 69.23 81.24 71.61 69.42 73.50 69.47 96 Fort King 72.39 60.17 72.80 84.90 71.70 66.03 80.70 70.48 106 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1833. VATIONS FOR 1833. 87 Mean monthly range. WINDS. WEATHER. Lowest de- gree. Range for the year. H H i* s I 02 1 Prevailing. '3 h >> T3 a O 1 i c c 02 ! Prevailing. I T fi w 02 1 1 | Q 1 Q Q 16 10344.5 66 74 37 28 80 18 34 28 S. E. 164 68 88 45 Cl'dy. 24 109 52. - 72 118 26 113 19 17 - N.E. 235 7 90 33 Fair. 13 91 38.6 38 99 13 56 44 18 17 80 N.W. 184 123 48 10 Fair. ]3 105 42.8 50 44 20 32 4 127 11 77 S. 198 28 106 33 Fair. 20 113 50.7 39 112 17 10 24 56 61 56 N.W. 207 84 52 22 Fair. 14 113 50.7 49 27 42 28 17 116 42 44 S. 185 84 68 28 Fair. 1 92 42. 43 54 39 26 19 33 56 95 w. 212 95 46 12 Fair. 5 89 44.7 40 53 29 51 9 23 45 115 w. 157 53 114 41 Cl'dy. 14 112 54.3 49 54 9 13 25 82 84 49 s.w. 193 104 53 15 Fair. M 98 43. 29 76 39 23 12 61 55 70 N.W. 224 108 25 11 Fair. 6 102 49.1 27 45 49 12 28 82 67 55 S. 185 44 93 43 Fair. 12 106 49.8 54 46 49 39 44 36 59 38 s.w. 195 105 61 4 Fair. 3 79 38.3 5 100 63 1 36 5 133 12 s.w. 168 108 77 12 Cl'dy. 14 104 46.5 28 42 51 39 36 69 47 53 S. 188 90 72 15 Fair. 4 94 41.9 24 161 4 - 14 151 5 6 N.W. 222 48 74 21 Fair. 12 72 35. 54 73 44 13 26 22 54 79 W. 225 103 29 8 Fair. 8 86 38. 17 65 49 15 48 43 74 54 S.W. 197 188 26 4 Fair. 9 107 51.9 46 45 9 3 36 176 21 29 S. 211 109 35 10 Fair. 10 84 40. 9 97 59 34 44 11 54 57 N.W. 261 48 50 6 Fair. 9 ' 87 37.6 23 94 44 9 98 39 27 31 S.E. 223 47 83 12 Fair. 12 84 39.3 29 103 57 9 23 30 86 29 N.W. 195 87 71 10 Fair. 12 87 41.9 20 66 18 18 20 140 35 48 S. 217 52 82 14 Fair. 3 96 46. 25 57 16 51 47 65 " 41 63 S. 226 12 25 2 Fair. 12 83 33.5 42 25 91 26 28 36 90 27 N.E. 213 95 53 4 Fair. 11 92 48.7 8 50 22 138 79 12 14 42 N.E. 197 85 79 4 Fair. 18 76 33.9 8 32 130 9 24 92 60 10 N.E. 268 43 53 1 Fair. 16 75 42. 19 63 21 11 64 29 125 33 S.W. 219 78 64 4 Fair. 20 78 33.4 31 56 45 40 57 33 47 56 S.E. 197 70 97 1 Fair. 21 68 30.9 17 34 82 39 86 19 66 22 S.E. 229 122 14 - Fair. 21 77 42.6 89 19 52 68 19 41 29 48 N. 250 105 10 - Fair. 27 68 35.1 40 23 86 53 46 60 48 E. 203 41 121 - Fair. 31 65 31. 20 42 27 76 71 21 68 40 E. 258 65 42 Fair. 31 60 29. 10 57 84 32 91 15 50 26 S. 232 105 28 - Fair. 41 55 25.2 30 12 102 31 84 66 23 17 N.E. 219 26 120 - Fair. 26 80 39.7 34 30 41 58 47 32 63 60 S.W. 318 33 14 - Fair. 88 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 1 3* '3 "3 '3 "3 '5 '3 '3 ' '3 '3 '5 ^ ^ ^ '3 '3 '3 '3 i-i i i -^ CO U5f-i 010} t- 000 -M(N t^OO 1- t--*5005 0.t- 7- . -. o O CO 1 lOOi-ll co-fteo ioi-- coirHir5O (M d u^ O CO CO ^ O O rH O l O* i-l CO CM * OJ CO rH rj -H CO i i CO x CO 10 (^ CO -* <^ CO fl rt *t D rt CQ g U5 t^ (M O 00 i CM 00 CO CO 00 O5 CO O -^ iO -^ -^ CO i-Hoo-^as-^ OT i-rf ctc^G^dcococicococo cococococococococo ^^ -c-3 ^c c* - o S c s IP'S ll^ s og S^SJ c rillfiliiiilillilll (3 .gala5isli5f 4*^3:5 No METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 91 5 '3 '3 2 s '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 ^ ^ '3 '3 '3 '3 3 rH 10 00 o -H eo d 1-1 o 1-1 ^c^^LOG^^cocotcoco^o-^coao CT5O5(MO5Ot^CO)CO oir5>o>irjiooco!X>t co;ot--f- o "3 g a g b 6 1) 2 a ga,S M il|^issl^e|a|S*2ip> "Sti S'SfS'S'S'S'S'S ^f'S^J'SStJ'S >> 92 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. - 2 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 5* '3 '3 3* "3 ? '3 '3 S o <* co * (M 00 00 ift 10 (? t~ CO (M 02^020202 coco i i eo i-i r~ os ec t- ** d *-> i-< I-H t^ t 1-4 ec t- ** d *-> i 1-H 1-N I-I QOtOOJ i 10 -H -H ( Ct OS i-t -HC-tiD-HiCi iCO ^i-Hirt i CO D -1< t' 00 CO -* ^H CO CO aao^p isaqgiH > X C X > X ^ c 1O "^ *^j *& ^3 I T^ '13 *!I3 (M 00 CO /J rH 0(M^{ rt cu T-H ^ t~ i-( CO CO O <-H CC CO !*- r. . 7- :'.-,.- ..3'iiuji sro ^^ O METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 95 I I I I I I I I I I CO r-( -^ CVJ Tf CO CO -H rH <7J CO d iQCXNOJ i-HCOt-oaio'ooaiaoc'Oi-t-c^ao (^ rt r-H CM ^H rH r-l ,-H ^H Ot rH (M rH . .OQOQ 02 (MCOrH lOt-H "*t-QOOOdt-tOi-HvO5 8UIITBA3JJ 02 H 02 CQ CQ O OQ . . . 03 . OQ CQGOO3 CO 02 i (? -( CO 10 00 I-H i d 04 - -^ H ,-H ^H ,-H in co >o QO JH i ^ i-H O i > OO O -i rj iCidCX) i ^ C! 00 -l -^ G* 01 I CO PO * 00 i CO 0* Tf 05 CQ CO i-KMCOOO I'VCO ir-li-H-H>OOI it* it^CJC* O> iF-tf-tt-i-i i 00 O i-t CO CX) O i i iF-lf-i-H t-i~i i-H CO 00 CO * rH -H ^ 50 , CD CO 1 t- 2 i i-l 0) t- -* CO ^ CO i COCO ~H COW ^ t^ 00 ^ CO -^ tf5 t **< O (7i CO f-H aeuSap jsaAvoi oojgap jsaqSiH OCOO5COt^i t^ ^ ^ QO SO *O ^H Tt* >O *O CO : 30 ^ ^^ O^ ^ O t* -H^oJ^t^TrffjcDcsodci^^coiri^aood tOCOJOsOiCCOt^t-'COWC^t J>-l^-lr-l^-l>^- > - -g - bo)| c SuS M tt:t;tt:t;bjDt^uSt:^ 13 98 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR J834. p.- .s.. s * ^ as rt S '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 2* '3 3 s 7 '3 '3 *S I - CO t^ -^iOO ,Ca5 .0 i 00 i- CC CJ fl -l i-H ^-t i-H w D QQ OQQQOQ O3 03 1 c* i-t O tfj as co o? d ct to 10 ct i o co c* ooooaor- t t~ I-H I-H C< CO \fi CO i CO Ct CO O CO Oi G^ tf3 >O CO OJ 1 i-H , QO t4 1 CO O< i-H 1 1 1 CO I-H I 10 1 I!-H*H i-H tO -H i-l i O< d i O ** CO lO O t^ d i-H CO W5 CO i05CO(?ti-H i tD W 01 rj 10 Ct CO ^H CO 10 * i-ii i(7|COi0 C< rH CO CO -^ OJ ^ * W5 iQO CM rt 00 ri i i-l i-l CM i OtOtOi llr-i ilr-OiCMCOCSOOOCOCO' < OOJCOCMOiCMOO'OOUTiOOCOl-OOOOOiCO Oi CO O5 1^0000000000000000 100 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 3 3 3 3 (6 3 OB ss 3 3 3 33 i-t l ,-H f t- -^ 00 CO 05 CO 1 -< f(M I-H T-I - i-H a I eooioco t t"t-t 00 C^ 00 00 00 t" C^* 00 00 QO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 101 t-l CM O UO CM O5 * CMO irHCO iCMCO^SO iCM lO CMOOCMil-rH.COi i 5 i i-HCM i i rHirHrHi iCMl iCOrHCOrHirH cMr~oaorHcoooi^i^t^coo'*oaoi>' COCMCOCMCOCMCOrHrHrHCMrHCMCMCMCMCM , 102 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. ST. AU 1 05 1 *0 rH OJ * t^ iiO00 1 * < OOO'=J < OOtO 1-1 OO fi OJ 00 OJ?O i iC i-l r-i i C* TJ CO t^ at (M W r-i Ok> Oi r* 9> 00 9) O> O> Oi O PLACES OF "39 I 11= SP = No METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 103 >"> ^ u > 4 i-H rj< r-t T-I C* CO ** CO CM O CM O iCO i CO 00 i ( o it^irsoococoeooo C5 t- r-l CO .!? . o * " CQ g P METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. PQ a w a w GO X No METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. 105 co w i-c 1-1 -^ i-i ^ 00 CO 5O Tf CO rH O -O CO IH l-li- i-H TT CO CO i-H I I CM * i-l d i-H i CJ CO O r-l^-t ,t-.OjT^COOJiCrX>0. i i Tj> i; >>>c u >*c ^ t- -* O C* i-* o ^o co to r-iC* - F. ci O >-^ 00 >-H i ^^5! QOiOC^OO' (O^OO 5^^o^5o o cO'-H!Mr-r^ < co(7i'O'^ i c^ ^coooo-roro o>*rtcoao-'-<'-< i ^c--coi/ l 5a> i Ot~t~O5'-i"*-*l i i T (M CO C? CO OJ i-H rf i-H i O5 i 1 ?O 0 10 COtO^ I CO t- i-H it) 05 CO i 10 ^HOJOO t- ^ CO *O O5 O 00 |Kg Ji! .8 " " 108 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. * t~i-H Id irHd ldi-ti i-l i CO -H 1-1 00 I t- m ** i-t m -^ i-H -> OJ i I-H i i ii-lrHi-?O CC CO i-H I Ci J^ O i C* CO i-H r-l O CO GO O i-l ^ t- 10 <7J 3 , 00 !M (7* * 10 CO CO i-l (^ CM T-lir-liJr-i i i-<*O . o 112 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. MEAN OF OBSER PLACES OF OBSERVATION. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. 4 li "* Yean Winter. Spring. Summ'r Autumn A. M. P M. P. M. VII. II. IX. Fort Brady Hancock Barracks 41.43 40.49 19.38 15.09 39.99 39.14 63.68 63.85 42.67 43.89 37.86 34.09 48.53 48.75 37.10 38.71 91 92 Fort Mackinack 42.46 24.48 37.04 64.71 43.63 37.70 45.09 39.46 82 Fort Sullivan 43.14 23.29 41.40 60.68 47.20 39.01 49.81 40.64 89 Fort Snelling Fort Howard Fort Pfeble 47.18 46.88 46.12 29.87 23.10 24.84 48.58 46.10 43.56 72.69 69.98 67.29 47.60 48.37 48.82 42.60 42.30 41.31 53.69 54.15 54.21 44.98 44.21 42.48 90 96 96 Fort Crawford 50.14 23.38 51.60 75.60 50.04 43.89 57.25 49.35 98. Fort Constitution 46.74 27.31 46.45 64.36 48.87 41.91 50.80 42.15 92 Fort Gratiot 48.57 28.71 46.90 70.01 49.66 45.41 54.32 46.72 98 Watervliet Arsenal 50.67 25.95 47.41 76.30 53.03 44.41 56.44 46.18 93 Fort Independence Fort Dearborn 48.03 48.05 28.74 26.12 44.73 46.98 68.13 69.85 50.53 49.27 41.82 44.37 54.78 53.06 48.03 46.62 96 92 Fort Wolcott 48.39 31.21 45.18 65.60 51.59 44.13 55.20 46.61 92 Fort Armstrong West Point 49.43 51.78 26.33 30.83 51.07 50.63 70.53 73.06 49.78 52.61 44.08 46.57 56.34 57.72 49.94 50.38 94 100 Fort Trumbull 51.31 31.03 48.63 74.77 50.84 46.46 57.20 47.89 93 Fort Columbus 50.52 33.19 48.18 68.45 52.27 47.77 56.62 48.58 94 Fort Leavenworth 52.80 26.66 54.97 76.04 53.56 44.93 63.24 48.91 105 Fort McHenry Fort Severn Washington City Fort Washington Jefferson Barracks 55.68 55.28 55.54 57.25 56.23 36.79 35.87 36.50 38.24 32.67 54.49 53.06 55.00 55.02 57.55 76.55 76.94 76.03 78.73 79.66 54.89 55.18 54.64 57.03 55.05 51.10 51.52 50.64 52.89 50.91 60.52 60.07 62.14 64.05 63.17 55.45 53.04 54.52 55.48 54.58 100 99 97 97 101 Fort Monroe 60.64 42.80 57.23 78.53 64.00 57.68 64.09 60.37 92 Fort Gibson 63.16 39.84 64.24 83.69 64.88 55.73 74.34 59.27 116 Fort Macon 64.92 48.21 63.42 81.30 66.76 62.06 70.05 62.75 96 Fort Johnston 64.62 48.71 62.94 80.69 66.14 61.34 69.31 63.31 89 Fort Towson 61.91 41.60 63.12 80.68 62.26 55.79 70.25 60.84 94 Augusta Arsenal Fort Moultrie 65.42 66.64 51.83 53.41 62.18 64.32 83.78 80.70 63.91 68.15 59.77 63.39 71.90 70.59 64.55 66.14 97 91 Oglethorpe Barracks Fort Jesup Baton Rouge Bar'ks Fort Pike 70.21 67.65 68.98 70,20 58.47 51.90 54.77 55.65 68.57 68.53 69.65 70.75 82.87 82.35 83.28 83.40 70.94 67.85 68.24 71.00 67.03 61.98 63.64 66.59 73.59 74.13 75.37 75.63 69.53 66.87 67.77 68.41 93 92 98 93 Fort King Key West Barracks 73,70 76.00 66.68 72.27 71.55| 73.51 83.37 82.82 72.50 76.15 66.65 75.34 82.52 77.64 69.54104 76.53 88 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1834. TATIONS FOR 1834. 113 Mean monthly range. WINDS. WEATHER. Lowest de- gree. Range for the year. i? BE & c4 fe w a 02 VI 02 Prevailing. '3 pi 0* a 1 > c s Vj Prevailing. j >, Q ! i I i i 1 Q Q ! i~ a 12 103 46.3 3C 109 22 34 84 19 35 32 N.W. 141 58 97 69 Cl'dy. 18 no 49.9 2o 51 119 ( 77 63 20 . N. E. 241 19 74 31 Fair. t 77 39.2 46 110 i 60 37 26 11 73 N.W. 214 95 37 19 Fair. 13 102 46. 39 44 18 20 15 136 20 73 S. 203 72 61 29 Fair. 30 120 48. 30 101 15 10 37 72 56 44 N.W. 224 59 64 18 Fair. 20 116 46.7 46 17 58 28 17 97 34 68 S. 203 39 16 7 :Fair. 12 108 45. 43 37 28 36 13 42 50 116 w. 185 118 50 13 Fair. 28 126 49.2 16 103 4 10 11 16 113 92 s.w. 253 38 57 17 Fair. 6 98 42.4 2( 72 57 14 21 83 58 40 S. 222 111 26 6 Fair. -T0 107 45.7 L. 60 66 6 27 25 147 20 s.w. 189 38 96 42 Fair. 32 125 48.8 37 80 13 t 37 85 41 68 S. 191 99 60 15 Fair. 6 102 46.2 2 105 53 32 55 - 107 11 s.w. 163 115 72 1C t. Cl'dy. 18 120 44. 65 37 47 24 40 33 62 57 N. 186 89 68 22 Fair. 2 94 41. - 93 62 r 40 c 129 12 S.W. 168 99 81 17 Cl'dy. 20 114 42.9 32 50 38 60 18 58 47 62 E. 145 125 75 20 Cl'dy. 5 95 44.7 * t 150 16 c 37 103 31 12 S. 220 55 73 17 Fair. 4 97 42.6 )> ^Q 1 1 55 33 45 56 55 26 N.W. 191 108 53 13 Fair. 8 86 9.6 65 69 6 45 32 89 24 S.W. 180 123 36 *1 Fair. 30 135 4.8 66 39 12 15 2*6 167 13 27 S. 199 124 32 10 Fair. 10 90 1.7 9 94 51 20 73 22 55 41 N.W. 226 74 61 4 Fair. 10 89 7.4 24 117 40 18 62 28 48 28 N.W. 200 63 88 14 Fair. 8 89 0.7 21 134 54 9 31 40 63 13 N.W. 205 79 73 g Fair. 9 88 2.8 ft 42 15 5 26 164 76 29 S. 251 61 47 6 Fair. 11 112 7.6 ii 70 21 19 29 81 51 77 S -^ -236 91 36 % Fair. 17 75 1.5 68 30 87 28 34 56 56 16 N. E. 201 110 51 3 Fair. 7 123 3.9 21 42 15 124 84 22 16 41 E. 211 70 76 8 Fair. 20 76 4.5 57 44 46 26 34 38 105 15 S.W. 208 52 105 - Fair. 19 70 3.6 17 24 148 -8 21 104 40 3 N. E. 278 21 65 1 Fair. 3 97 1.4 24 33 30 20 36 111 54 57 S. 250 72 40 .2 Fair. 23 74 1.3 30 69 45 34 48 23 59 57 N.W. 187 80 98 .! Fair. 29 62 0.1 17 27 90 31 66 56 59 19 N. E. 224 95 46 .,' Fair. 28 65 0.9 31 61 60 23 73 60 38 19 S.E. 256 58 51 .' Fair. 11 81 0.6 78 33 67 37 27 22 71 30 N. 221 136 6 2 Fair. 17 81 7.3 33 35 45 60 36 42 68 46 S.W. 191 42 132 - Fair. 22 71 6.3 27 47 47 75 50 31 34 54 E. 219 110 35 i Fair. 28 76 4.5 5 37 42 27 56 103 80 15 S. 300 35 30 - Fair. 58 30 4.5 17 53 128 51 93 12 6 5 N.E. 190 119 56 - Fair. * Mean of 340 days. 15 114 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. CO CO CO ?0 t-i CO i CO O< CO Tf tfj CO CO CO i-nO -^ CO O i CO i-H i (7 CD CO t* -H t- rt tfj r-l W5 CO Ct CO TH 'j.-.i| j-.i ( ,-i 1 1 ,.Jllll:J.Mlii|.i J, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I O CJ -H *~* < ^ _O !> M -> CO to 00 CO t -l to i-l i I-H i-i to o QO CO-n > | in:.. iv rs; cood 1-1 d aaaidaoi^eotoo 1-1 d d ^H -H d I-H C7 O t- t^ O ^H d t^ O 00 CO ifi 00 COi il^fOd'^'COO^CO'O'-' K o 1 3 QQ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. 117 t^ ^ tfi 00 Ot f-l 00 (M "^ CC t~- O CO C*5 t- OtMoooii iioasc^iot^ou^c^oi l-H f-H i-H 1 I (M !-( r-l <7J I-. i-H CN 1-H F-H .-I OOCO iCO ii-lrH i-l i *COi-i5)eO i it- i OffOOCMtOOOOO < <*'-H tOQOQOt-OJOOCSJCOCiCC^OOCOlOC^COC! cococoojro^^Tf lOiOCiO-^iOt^'JO^ OCOCii (i-HCOCOr-it 118 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. CCOOCOt-CO IOCO^J< CO COCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. 119 120 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. -- 3UJIIBA8JJ 'SIP ' ~ 00 00 CO iri CM 0-5 o oo in os co ci " r-t rH ^ 00 Tf t^ C O ,-ltO 1 -* ,-, CO 03 I "-' i-ti-i^-ii-ico it- i so o CO C5 CO CN i-H o I-H C< i-H O (M O 00 r-i -i (M i O iO i in.\)K" GO I" CO 00 CO CO 00 CO c^ r-: -^ ~ > I I O METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. ilr- 4 0 rH 00 C*5 CO * i 00 t- .-i i-t i-i o r- i 1 1 ^H , CO C r-i rf (M ^I-H to (? I-H C< ^H j S^ , -* 10 00 t' 01 iT5 CO 00 10 i-H i fH 00 i-H 00 CO CO i i^i-Hi-iOl , -H .unuu.til ui.i.i, in:.. iv OOO to to o to o -< co~cr > o Is a METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. 123 ^3 ^^ CO O i 1 r-l CM T-< ITS t-H -^ O 1 r-( OJ CM -^ -* 02 COO iCii-t CMCO iCMCMCMCOCO CO iCOCOCO'* i i OtOOOfMCMOD * CM i t- 00 t -^ CO CS O5 r-i CO CO CO O CO O CS O5 rH > i CM CO CO CM I 1 CO t- i-H tH CO i-H CO ^ i if- iQOCMCMO I-^TH COOCOr-i-* i CO I iCOi-HU^i-HCMCMCO i-ti-HCOOiCOCO i lOCOi ICOOCMCMCOOCOI Jr-' lOCOi ICOOCMCM OOi>OJr^l^CMi-( Jr-OOOOOiCOOCOt '^Ot Ci O5 I O CMCOOOO * 3 * j lllllll 124 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR J835, W > 6 2UIIIBA8JJ 3j3ap J83M01 L .! .* t! .* . ^> .' .* * >"> C t** X .g .| .| .g .g .S .fa .h TJ .g .g .h TS ?) .g ra 00 t- 1-1 OS tO CO 10 CO i OJ rn . t> H . {> W pq .O2O3 f> ;HGQf > ;02 . CQ P| .02 GO w m w m (M ?O CO 00 "* CO C^J i I * Ti 00 CO O t- o -^ i -^ co co > i-i oo * to co d o co * (M (M i I t- -* CO co w uo r-i cr> co co 10 r-i ^ CM <* oo 10 w 1 I d(?t r-l 1 1 CO 1 CO 1 rH 1 0* iiOOQOCOtOCOOCMOOCOC^OO' 1 tOCOOCMOO cotot-t-tcco C^C5 CO t^* OCOOCOCOiOOC^COOCOCOCOCOOfO CO d cocoroocoooococoocoococoo co-^asc^cjc^uorfcoi lajoi^c^t-^t 126 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. > 6 3UIJIBA8JJ ~ .53 .h .- .i: .53 .i .b .i: .i: .3 .i: ^"-s.t: sj ** _~ _ri s s a s ~ 3 _3 13 13 JB P "3 " ? * 1 OOJ I a 1 _!L 02 02 co co o c* c?< o< ^ t- ao co t o* PH , as cr> OCO-^tOO (COCOCl '^QOOtO O* iQO id CO ^J rl 10 CO CO (7* i (M i O* OCOCCOO 0{io-<(^^^fcno5t-co'i'ooG^oi050 CM C CM OJ (M r-l I-l Of i-H T-H i-H r-H CM rH ^ ^ . ai ^ W 03 ^ 02 5 OQ OQ W H iO -^ CO i i CM -^* i-l i O3CMO5 i^ ' t-CDCM i I t- CO 10 CO 00 10 10 CM -H r-1 rH iCMCrH irH COCOrH iPO iCOCMCMCO lOrH-^a^ocoot^cccicscofM-^o^ COfOCOCOCMCOCMCMCOCOrHrHCOCMCOrH QOOOOOOOt^OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOCXD eo OO nr ," ' P 3 bJD rt 128 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. i. I__^ f-i-HOO^OCOO^t^ 1t I I Q " IA3J J . OQ : : ^ 02 02 ^r ^ 02* 02 O3 O3CQ 02O?^CO > CO i CO 00 t- r-l to 00 CO -^ t^ CO O CO O QO >fl Q O 00 dtO t~ 0) 00 O i O* I i CO Q ej- eOi-KNCOiUi^coeocii II-H^I-I itOrHlCOl I I I . 0>'*0'-i"-. ^iT-tOCO^COOOCMQOai^l l!j a?UBH ^55^^55^^^ UB8W g! H Oi > 6 , ed PH B 72 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR .1835. 129 a -K O alum 00i3ap 183M01 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835 131 . 3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 ^ '3 '3 '3 ' 00 CO i tO t*- >O CO 00 CO O * C? I-H OJ r-t 00 CO>t^Oi-H(7l I ir-lC^i-HCMCO CTS i rH 3 CO SO t- CO 40 "* CO i-*rHf-l (Mi-Hi i i * ffl i i-tt-OlCOtO"*lT- iO O 00 C- CO (M rH * (71 CO i Tf C) O? rHl li-HQOiCO < I i-l O4 CO >O 1 ^rO-^CiCOCMCMCO-^ CM -iii.r-.ii) jsaAvoq i 10 COO aa.i3ap jsaqSifi OOOOOOQCt^OOQOCOOOQOQOOOQOCno^QO i *t CO cou5 COCJOTCSOOl^-HO^t't^COG^'l ^COCO iotooococot t^cotot-i i^-t t^t CD CO CO CO t^* coir50oioao-*oot-cO' tor- i 132 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. Oi o co t- co C00 ^H t- t-01 t^O CO t-Ol CJ t- i C- CO CT> O> CO i iO I-H TJ CJ ^H CO CO O CO QD i t iO CO d-H^'(7O f-l CM t^ t~ IO 1 -^ CC CO t^ C5 00 CT5 >O 00 CO 1-1 i O <* * Of t- r-i CO O O i t- CO ?O OJ (M <* 00 i-< CO ^ rH (M O i CO r-t rH i 1 ITS lO CO ii-H t-00 i-^Ct'^COi-l'^G^f-i CQiOli i CO t COOCO'sfOOOOC^ i CO T-H r-H O? T* C5 CO C5 00 i-l O O aaiSap jsaMoi 134 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. w .uiuiM "I"-'' r, UK.. K X * CO ^< n Ol ^f ^5 C*5 OC?5'fC5 l CO i CO CO "t UO CO IT3 O -^ CO rt 1C 00 O t^ CO cocoooc* t^- r- co . >: c h ' ^ '3 'S '3 ** 00 CO "* CO <* CM CM t- CO CO t- CM O -^ CO "* 00 CO i CM 1-1 CO CO I-H 00 xO i i "* CM >O rH O COCOOCOCDCQCOtOCOCOiC^OCOCOO CMOtOOOCOi iF-OOOOi IO5CMOOCM fi * 136 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. Ct CO t- ^H OJ 00 i-H ^ i- i * (M .-1 (N (M = g c fcjo-o ^ ^5^,O(MiQOOO(M - 18 138 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. MEAN OF OBSER PLACES or OBSERVATION. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. MI-IK M de- gree. Year. Winter. Spring. Summ'r Autumn A. M. P.M. P.M. VII. II. IX. Fort Brady 40.07 16.85 38.61 62.81 42.04 36.02 47.72 36.50 87 Hancock Barracks 38.71 13.38 35.84 62.57 43.07 32.86 45.69 37.61 85 Fort Mackinack 39.26 17.61 36.18 61.51 41.77 37.02 43.52 36.77 90 Fort Sullivan 41.66 21.27 38.86 58.51 48.00 38.13 47.16 39.62 82 Fort Snelling 43.38 16.68 46.42 63.87 41.56 38.55 50.39 41.30 92 Fort Howard 43.94 19.13 44.96 68.33 43.36 38.48 53.09 40.20 96 Fort Winnebago 41.70 15.71 44.28 65.48 41.35 36.55 49.71 38.86 91 Fort Preble 44.4] 21.45 41.51 66.07 48.61 39.79 52.19 41.43 96 Fort Crawford 46.02 19.14 49.44 70.28 48.25 40.77 52.84 44.59 94 Fort Constitution 44.60 24.12 41.98 63.64 48.67 41.48 49.78 42.57 88 Fort Gratiot 46.88 25.99 45.20 67.17 49.16 43.04 52.27 45.28 94 Watervliet Arsenal 45.98 19.73 46.50 69.10 50.14 41.68 53.91 42.46 92 Fort Dearborn 44.24 22.50 43.80| 65.75 44.91 40.17 49.26 43.05 92 Fort Wolcott 47.37 27.96 43.03 67.05 51.46 43.22 55.10 45.38 85 Fort Armstrong 46.63 21.19 46.99 69.04 49.31 40.88 53.46 45.57 93 West Point 50.54 26.14 49.83 71.81 54.40 44.96 56.18 48.73 91 Fort Trumbull 49.16 27.08 45.58 71.05 52.96 44.93 56.00 46.60 90 Fort Columbus 49.67 28.31 46.61 69.79 53.98 46.03 56.04 46.72 89 Fort Me Henry 52.99 31.40 51.33 73.02 56.21 47.41 58.60 53.00 91 Washington City 54.48 30.91 53.42 76.38 57.21 50.30 60.63 52.67 94 Jefferson Barracks 53.13 30.13 55.26 73.99 53.18 47.58 60.11 51.58 94 Fort Monroe 58.64 39.64 56.19 75.14 63.61 56.27 61.85 57. 7G 85 Fort Gibson 59.20 39.34 63.46 75.72 58.29 52.47 67.91 57.29 96 Fort Macon 61.93 43.84 58.72 79.14 66.04 59.40 64.77 60.92 84 Fort Johnston 63.15 44.56 62.30 79.71 66.03 58.79 69.20 61.47 92 Fort Towson 59.01 41.51 61.10 76.47 56.97 53.27 69.031 56.96 97 Augusta Arsenal 62.36 44.22 61.84 79.44 63.95 55.19 70.23 61.61 96 Fort Moultrie 63.91 44.71 62.55 79.88 68.53 61.02 67.06 64.45 90 Oglethorpe Barracks 66.40 51.07 68.35 79.36 66.93 62.55 71.21 65.87 90 Fort Jesup 63.81 48.11 63.18 80.26 63.72J 57.57 72.04 62.64 94 Baton Rouge Bar'ks 65.93 51.40 66.16 79.73 66.46! 61.25 73.40 63.58 92 Fort Wood, La. Fort King 68.46 51.73 68.641 53.33 69.32 69.94 82.73 78.79 70.07 64.49 74.34 70.521 62.55; 76.09 GG.U0100 66.54 97 iVtfif EO&OLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1835. VATIONS FOR isss. 139 g WINDS. WEATHER. 1 I . a g jj t e ji .i B 5 c fc fc fc r 02 02 02 tJD g c 5 '3 1 tJD "^ . Si o ~ C S| 1! E c S | g, M i CO J. 1 t 7 : 'a J A M A a ft I ce Q Q cS O Q 2 a Q a' Q -' Q PH --20 107 48.5 26 104 13 3( 90 33 38 31 N.W. 185 36 75 G9 Fair. 23 108 49.3 38 32 116 ! 24 73 56 15 11 N.E. 233 20 6052 Fair. 23 113 46.0 24 85 2452 45 23 35 77 N.W. 191 130 23 21 Fair. 14 96 41.7 45 42 1826 8 119 34 73 S. 213 57 60 35 Fair. 30 122 53.7 26 92 25 6 45 66 73 32 N.W. 217 54 74 2o| Fair. -23 119 54.5 60 28 23 36 26 99 45 48 S. 220 122 15 8 Fair. 26 117 54.7 54 56 11 14 20 96 63 51 S.W. 239 42 58 2G Fair. 12 108 47.3 38 29 3129 14 44 62 118 w. 213 92 43 17 Fair. -26 120 52.6 28 111 814 13 22 107 62 N.W. 238 51 62 14 Fair. -8 96 41.5 17 65 43 25 15 84 39 77 S. 225 113 15 12 Fair. 7 101 49.7 11 65 82 : 22 22 149 12 s.w. 174 61 83 47 Cl'dy. -10 102 52.1 18 89 34 8 69 28 80 39 N.W. 197 121 32 15 Fair. 22 114 51.9 98 35 31 16 18 93 34 40 N. 97 213 42 13 Cl'dy. *- 6 91 41.4 26 79 47 48 1 141 20 S.W. 185 87 77 1G Fair. -24 117 52.8 24 68 19 39 23 59 59 74 W. 181 98 71 15 Cl'dy. 10 101 45.6 8 152 13 4 38 44 81 25 N.W. 248 79 28 10 Fair. 8 98 46.0 30 112 61 1 60 25 64 12 N.W. 139 137 72 17 Cl'dy. 1 90 40.2 14 65 55 14 47 30 84 56J S.W. 219 118 22 6 Fair. -10 101 45.6 7 109 55 36 61 9 52 46!N. W. 244 62 52 : 7 Fair. 14 108 45.4 11 147 59 6 17 40 46 38 N.W. 217 45 89 14 Fair. 18 112 49.6 39 64 10 19 21 102 35 75 S. 247 88 23 - Fair. 4 6 81 102 31.7 49.7 46 25 34 38 9513 2485 17 86 63 53 79 24 18 30 N. E. S. E. 240 219 73 61 50 74 11 Fair. Fair. 20 64 26.5 65 42 3324 26 72 86 17 S.W. 213 40 107 t Fair. 3 89 ! 37. 19 31 110 1 30 71 102 1 N.E. 261 53 46 c Fair. 97 42.6 42 22 3611 38 127 40 49 S. 233 54 65 13 Fair. 2 98 46.4 6 71 6028 56 20 92 32 S.W. 222 39 95 9 Fair. 6 84 29. 30 22 73.40 35 73 67 25 S. 216 113 36 _ Fair. 16 74 33.6 34 51 5428 36 57 59 46 s.w. 242 76 46 1 Fair. 8 86 40.8 124 34 3827 26 33 44 39 N. 233 67 64 1 Fair. 10 82 38.2 13 65 4064 79 28 37 40 S. E. 197 65 103 - ; Fair. 14 86 38. 40 46 5436 46 49 45 46 N.E. 193 110 59 - Fair. 11, 86! 37.7 31 20 4471 25 44 44 86 w. ; 245 55 64 1 Fair.. * For 362 days. 140 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. i- - ' i ~. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. 143 I-H 00 dt C5 -H CM 1-1 1-1 CM 1-1 i C* r- 1-1 C fi CG O l(7}-^i 1 rH *< O SO O> - I x l^gljllell ct;ytt:t:t: 'O 144 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. SUI|IBA3JJ i-l i-l t^ CJ i-l 00 00 i f~ CO I (MCO ^f t- TH i t- 00 CO *H 00 CO CO gjnjBjadoiaj, UB3j\[ *j w +j iJC^j ^ +j *j * ~ 19 146 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 18%'. 1-1 I-H c I-H a o co o co l-H r-l -H -H 1-4 r-t CO . I, U -H ft CO I-H CO co * rj QO a* "* OF THE T ,. , > t~JL/l cocoooco 1 O CO CO CO CO CO r-i <^ iOOi-HCOO^*OCO ocoocoocoo t^OOi-HCOQOO oooooo 148 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. 1 3'3' gg'lblfi Cl I d O< OJ OJ * CO ^ O i CO i-l "* i i-( Tt" i (N i CO (M -* "i ^ t- d <* 00 C 00 iv o d * 05 tob -- o c < " Bjadiuoj, ,,),:,-. un.T -^ < t-' < i'O l^OCOl CO r3 a) u ^5^^^^^^^- * "- ^s^.S.g^^^tS^^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. SUIIIBA9JJ .DQ e . i-l r-( (M i CO CM -H 00 CO iO rH cq i i-l i-t i-H CM * -^ * CM CM CO CO i O5 CJ i-i i-H CD 05 CM i i-KMi-lCM i CO oeuSop jsaMOT. aanjBjaduiaj, uu8j\[ CO ^ CM to ^ CO (M'*'* CM OOOCMl--*-H^OCDOO (Kdooooaoooaoaiaooo r-t'*? lOi 1 i-l i-H Ct to C< (M <0 f-l C5 Oi CO O CO CO I*- < 1 i CO <-H CO CO -^ t-t i r-( (M 00 <* CO ^ CO i-H CO caj'-c g.o -3 B fc *3 s ^ oiai^^so^^ t: S t; ^t^ -s fa fa fa 152 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. 3 S si S 3 3 2 s 5 GO ^1* I-H O >-H CO O " -" I ^' .W . .!> W ^0202 GO 0>r CO.- ^ R 00 fc -H r- -^ c5 o* i- .-H co rH < CO i 1 i i-l ^ .U,-..|> 1-.' \\n' 1 5S3S358SS8S .u ii i iu. > 6 h fo S METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. 153 CM CO i O Ol O CO -^ iO w OQ02 O C5 CO -H rH 00 CO i rHCN i CO * -^ r-l ir-i 156 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. 1 2 - s a ca OQ -H I' i-H N ^ CO 1 -in M CO 'O O 'O '-O "O s s t: o METEOROLOGICAL RtfGISTtfR FOR 1836. 157 nd T3 T3 - T3 - '2 ^3 -3 " " " " ' QO -i co QO - Z3 *"H ^'^* 4 ' i^tOtO>OtO co co co co co co co co cooicocccocicococ^c^co CO(MG^ CO IIIIIIIIIII METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1836. 161 2 '3 '5 '3 '3 '3 ^3 '3 '3 '3 fH fc fe fe fo &, Cn Cin ft. CO i CO -H i 1 -< <-l i i 00 O i-H O5 OJ 5 i-( ^J COrHQO it-CO^OCO iO CO CM (M IO ^* i-l 1 I 00 , , , Cit-COT} ' n e* * ro fc QOCi ir-H^-l i co i i lNO)l (l) S-i!-^S-i-'l- 0^0=000000 b<>pE(, c '3 (4 i J2 J3 S, Lowest degree. Range for the yei Mean monthly rar I I i. I i Prevailing. i i & Q ^. a Prevailing. i i Q a Q GO > Q 25 114 51.1 23 99 39 ID 127 15 32 12 S. E. 164 74 65 63 Cl'dy. 23 122 56,5 74 46 39 33 57 61 28 28 N. 259 41 39 :27 Fair. 22 102 42.4 34 73 27 63 38 23 32 76 W. 188 150 14 4 Fair. 28 121 51.4 61 68 20 2!) 41 65 28 54 S. 236 57 41 32 Fair. 17 114 49.8 63 41 38 27 24 99 26 48 S. 191 73 70 32 Fair. 22 112 52.4 35 62 53 33 41 56 42 44 N.W. 200 64 79 23 Fair. 22 112 55.7 73 49 21 28 15 100 28 52 S. 196 106 40 :24 Fair. 10 93 36. 23 77 63 16 24 35 37 71 N.W. 216 118 23 9 Fair. 18 108 47.5 5 57 118 7 40 11 120 8 s.w. 126 92 97 5] Cl'dy. 26 120 53.6 59 70 24 11 62 68 32 40 N.W. 196 107 45 18 Fair. 7 102 41.8 4 134 106 14 11 2 85 10 N.W. 227 107 19 13 Fair. 12 96 44.4 115 29 20 28 16 51 56 47 N. 121 160 64 17 Cl'dy. 10 104 48. 8 146 37 8 36 51 65 15 N.W. 205 117 34 10 Fair. 89 34.8 20 77 77 13 50 19 60 50 N.W. 207 76 69 14 Fair. 10 74 36.5 90 24 61 2 12 60 108 9 S.W. 188 119 51 8 Fair. 7 104 46.2 77 18 7 LO 28 152 22 52 S. 185 133 41 7 Fair. 1 93 35. 25 70 89 13 34 38 51 46 N.W. 231 81 44 7 Fair. 8 80 33.7 29 25 126 17 28 42 78 21 S.W. 236 57 67 6 Fair. 10 92 44.5 52 48 35 (Hi 50 49 26 40 E. 214 52 89 11 Fair. 7 92 37.0 53 16 17 2<; 46 103 74 31 S. 232 95 38 1 Fair. 14 80li38.7 100 28 45 -if; 21 22 39 65i N. 226 18 121 1 Fair. * For 362 days. 166 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. i- .IA\( ' I III II III .JIIJI:J.t-i-(7tQOi-coQo o 55 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 183 1 /. '3 ^ '3 '3 '3 ^ '3 '3 '3 fe g PC, fn fe ^3 fo fe ft, i-HCO -H I r CO ^ O 00 CO r< O CO i t- CiCOOrHCOCOCli 100 SUIIPBA8JJ .W >> icQ.aj^;! 5 :^;^; 3 OQ t-l i O COQD i-l I -* rH lO 1*- O d O CM IrH CM i-H 1 1 1 CM CM 1 1 OiCMOO'HO i CM CO t-ioot^cocDaoocoao satpui 'UIBH OOt-lCMCOCM'-lCOOO a-immadraajL ireajv[ lOCOU^O COCMCO-* COCOCMt-CO CMCMOCM -5 *j *JOOOOOO fa -*QO0)C l Q*1 < O i * co QO *>" o r- co r-i Sr^C^oao aoaooioo aot-aoooao O -^ CJ < i ^f cn^toto^ OCOCOtOiO^O)iD > d sstimi-SrtsS METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. 177 CO CTJ >O CO O Ol Ol rj< i lOCOl^W Ct rH i-< -H CM SU1ITBA3JJ 02 02 03 00 C* C? CO -f -i O{ (M -i CM O< C^ C O SU1ITKA3JJ 5 ^ 1 CO ^ 1 O* ~ 1 1 o c o o >o ajnuuixlim.i ^a5Ot^-^ < ;o^j'CQt- O < o METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. 179 3UIIJCA8JJ Ci i i 1-1 00 CO (7t i i 3UIITBA8JJ H CO i Cl O4 CO ^ i t> 00 C^! O5 i "* i CO tfi * irt rt* i i ^ CO CO O i-H * 6 > l BO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. 181 *" B14M * SB a QQ Q i a 1 1 jHCO-COO^jHr- 5 >, i CO 1- r-t CO r-l 00 CO i CO ^ s. 1 < (OJiOi I 05 i ^ i I CO CO CO CO i-H i COCJCN i CO K 1 I-H -^ i (M 00 CO CO Oi i * 1 ^ , ! COCOCM i -i i-i rH >O ^t* I r-l saqoui gssssss^ CO 05 COt-t-t-t- OO 00 "^ i"-l ^^ i^ ^3* CO t^* t^" CO C^ C- t^ l^ 00 C- t~-OOGOOOOOO50OODOO l 182 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. w PQ H fX W br" OQ 00 CQ OQ ^ OQ ^ CO i?OJI5i-Hr-ti-(aO soipui 'uia 83j3ap J33M01 r-ooojCX)3oao(X) ooococoo^cotoco o >n t- ^* ao o i (7J r- socococoeotoocoo t: t -s -s METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. 183 oo QO t sc ro ci co W . -H -H .Hfe .H . 02 CQ 02 !-! I I <** i i CO O5 O CO i-l O5 O saqouj 'UIBH r I CO CO t- t-t-ooc-QOoo lOCMtOiTJO' eocMcoc^O >->!!! s fe -'C 5- o o-g o 5 fJSfffflf < 186 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. ^ ^fcQQQQCJ^fclfofe I 1 ; fl DCO i-H i CO i >-< i CS fl -* 00 MS 00 rf C , Um ,^ . H . . . -^ CQ ^"^ I co co <* co r-> n a t o rH i I i. i CO CO CO CO -* d ^O* i 4 | COCOCOOi-HOCMi-ttOQO w i i-l i O CO * CO r-t rH rH i-( W t C -* (M * * * 1 1 -H 1 rH H K i ___.-_ , i/5 rH tf I t rH s | i i-H CO CO "t 00 * CO t- j in;, i j^ S 2 S CO CO S CO rH 1 ^i^c?^^&555^ s ^ r2rHoo2coSo?J 1 1 X C^S^^S^^555 H c3^S32oao B S * s g^^^^^s^^^^g 2 cootocoocoococoto < > ic^fOCOOCOCOtO; jj *; c c ; : '3 ^ '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 OJQO i tOffOOlrH i-H CO ^H rH rH t^ t^ r-l CO i C* * t-0 CO CO CO i-H r-l i Oi saqoui C rH !*! Q ^H c nS 2 0.2 ***.$* O O O O O O 190 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. MEAN OF OBSER THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. PLACES A. M. P.M. P.M. or Year. Winter goring Smiim' Autumn OBSERVATION. K3|/Illlg aj VII. II. IX. a 1 Fort Brady 36.66 15.98 31.01 57.37 42.29 28.40 45.89 35.05 90 Hancock Barracks 40.64 17.92 38.80 62.36 43.49 31.44 49.22 39.61 90 Fort Snelling 44.36 21.74 40.27 67.77 47.68 35.24 52.80 44.14 94 Fort Howard 43.31 24.74 37.08 64.19 47.25 34.69 53.03 47.92 92 Fort Winnebago 41.83 21.34 36.69 64.71 44.60 34.18 51.42 38.19 99 Fort Crawford 46.46 21.96 42.01 70.71 51.19 38.72 53.34 46.71 95 Fort Constitution 43.19 25.02 39.98 60.88 46.88 38.53 48.99 42.06 82 Watervliet Arsenal 45.55 26.68 42.21 68.61 49.71 40.11 53.14 44.25 90 Watertown Arsenal 45.91 35.59 43.14 65.51 49.43 37.96 53.19 46.62 88 West Point 48.27 26.92 45.15 69.07 51.93 41.92 56.47 46.35 93 Fort Wood, N. Y. 49.65 30.60 45.22 67.55 55.14 44.04 53.99 48.78 86 Alleghany Arsenal 47.28 24.05 39.63 73.21 52.25 41.28 57.15 42.28 87 Fort Leavenworth 53.29 32.56 47.68 76.13 56.81 43.77 62.89 52.41 90 Fort McHenry 52.46 32.15 49.98 72.29 55.43 46.84 59.96 52.50 98 Fort Monroe 58.73 40.50 54.72 77.04 62.68 54.47 64.12 57.63 02 Fort Gibson 61.46 41.66 57.43 81.16 65.62 55.23 70.91 60.48 06 Fort Towson 62.12 44.40 59.45 79.83 64.83 54.16 71.01 61.22 98 Fort Jesup 66.24 49.02 63.30 80.18 68.49 55.93 74.10 65.74 97 Fort Marion 67.70 55.08 65.91 79.98 69.83 61.74 75.29 66.08 03 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1837. r ATIONS FOR 1837. 191 Mean monthly range. Rain, Inches. WINDS. WEATHER. Lowest degree. Range for the year. fe fc 5 ri a 02 02 j * 1 1 1 5 1 o fcb E I | I to 1 1 Q i c Q Q Q 1 1 1 i & -30 120 49.7 36.92 32 83 42 43 89 29 19 28 S. E. 139 93 91 42 Cl'dy. -16 106 50.5 35.68 93 48 17 28 36 72 29 42 N. 248 64 36 17 Fair. -20 114 46.7 24.02 83 38 18 43 48 45 21 69 N. 193 79 70 03 Fair. -18 110 43. 40.55 59 27 39 35 34 97 36 38 S. 185 61 86 33 Fair. -18 117 48.3 31.32 71 70 49 44 34 37 33 27 N. 169 89 78 29 Cl'dy. -15 110 47.2 34.05 75 45 8 25 10 97 18 81 S. 203 84 59 19 Fair. - 5 87 37.3 28.16 26 99 45 25 11 56 27 76 N.W. 222 111 23 ( Fair. -17 107 49.6 32.04 66 70 28 9 34 75 45 38 S. 237 70 47 11 Fair. - 8 96 50.1 32.06 19! 67! 15 30! 34 40 94! 64 S.W. 198 116 41 10 Fair. - 6 99 45.7 83.00 8 160 13 5 43 78 28 30 N.W. 221 102 36 G Fair. 10 76 32.6 65.51 12 50 64 9 41 34 121 34 S.W. 219 46 84 1( Fair. r 85 40.5 35.66 93 15 54 17 15 96 74 ] S. 172 116 54 13 Cl'dy. 92 51. 38.45 58 20 15 16 18 179 28 36 S. 246 78 35 G Fair. 5 93 38.5 45.00 35 63 52 23 43 30 44 75 w. 269 45 4" 4 Fair. 14 88 36.1 40.70 46 32 51 42 37 79 28 50 S. 256 53 50 G Fair. 8 98 43. 34.66 53 24 33 53 73 60 33 36 S. E. 216 88 50 11 Fair. 10 88 38.8 43.80 19 37 9 37 71 81 98 13 S.W. 237 72 54 t Fair. 17 80 39.8 49.54 86 39 30 34 1G 17 35 108 w. 239 8 116 i Fair. 28 75 32.1 - 21 37 120 12 81 19 48 27 N. E. 248 37 80 - Fair. 192 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. >!- >>_' >V (Tt * ^ t^ O CO -H CO ^ t- CO CO CO tO t- i CO 00 CO O <7i *" i i i-i i i - ^< ^H i-H rH CO (M CO i- eaqoui -i co OO >(?< CJ rl CJ CO -?l CJi-ic^co co co ro co OO>C* "^ rH i 1 lOQOOlrH OJ 00 i i t~ 00 CM QO i i ^fCOOt l>-OCOCTil~- i-l CM (M i 1 i-( CO d CO r ICT5 coo *' ^ n ... i -.i]i jsaqSiH II I-H 1-H rH I-H I-H OJ Ol lCOl-HCOrHOQOC*5rHC5 rHcooiffoaiococi tB.-- i tt: St METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838, 195 00 C? rH O5 (M co i i ^r 1-1 w i to O O O O a* o ci oo c< T-H 0100 CO CO d I-H G* TJ ff -^ o ^Hi-(CO^ CO CO CO C* l^ 05 -^ ^H CO W5 OJ i 1 <- : METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 199 n W & H to O O eo rt saqouj CC 00 00 Ot O5 OO ^OJ(7J ^HrHO ooajc^t^ooooooasoooo cctococotocooto > HH c 200 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. SUIIJBA8JJ CD i ITJ ^H l-H (?< 1 l-H > 6 saqoui 'tuna ] aot-^o^rcoroTOciooo} ci co co ^H ' I-H co -* co d co UB3JV cos^oj-i'tocoioo^OTr 00 00 CS 00 00 X t^ 00 00 00 l^ 01 - --T -^ rr o as >-i I dco^aj5ait^'*5-o 1 O >O O ^ iO ^ O ^O >O iO t^t^<7 10 co o ^* * o r- 1 as o o 7 - Tri i<7i METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 201 fc fe fc fe pC| ft, Pt, fe fe 00 (7i t- CO CO t^ "* t~ (?t 02 aj O Q rH t- CO t-t rf saqouj 't rH -^< CO O t of tOr-tCJOt-^CJiOiOO'O ooaoooaoooaooocrsaoao COOOiOOOOO^iO gaoto iOT-H t-aomcDootooocooi iOO s 202 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 3 '3 '3 '3 3 s '3 co to co i o in r- eo oo r- o C^CBOOi H^-iojo i co i *5fcoao t- saqouj 6 g S) JJU ^ ^PQ .S 5 s c^'S-e Pc_ r *Lt METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 203 ^3 tg eg ^ c fo [S f 5 c as 10 -^ co \n i i c? Q& oo eo >o >-H -^ I-H - oc 00 00 O ^ ^ CO O OS CO OS 5 * CO O CO 1 O i i O t- i iCOO-*O l X> COCOCMCO-^COCOi li 1 * CO >0 CO O^-HO OOOsaj GOOSCTlCTSOS coo^oococo COCOOCOCOCOtOCOtOO C > o o-Q S 5 S O ^ S^^OH^^^M 8M ts-stj-fi-so^t: 204 iMETEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. ;-> ;-, H -* SH !_ s* s-i SH ti i, 'S '3 '3 '3 ',3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 CO W5CD i i t-'* OJ 02 * IffOr-fCO 1 CO C*5 O CO i-H i-H rH -INi-H i-H saqoui 'u{BH ainiBJadiuaj, ui;,.[\; S o^aoioioioioco^coio OOOOOOOOOOQOt^CDQOaOQO > 6 s > 1 I c METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 205 ^ i * ;>>,! cs-S'S'S'S CD CO r-< i O? CO O 00 "* i-l O Q P C* CO i-l * CO t~ tf5 O5 CM * ^ * * i to O5 CO 0} (N CO 0 i i COr-H ir~OOlOO5-4 li 1 r-t , i-l CO 10 rH CO (^ CO i-( I 10 CM rH i-H CO ^ saqoui O Oi Oi.O^ c-COOCOCO(MCO (MiOCOOJr-cnOr-iO 6 206 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. o o J2? 00 I t^ C- rs i 00 r-O CO O5 i 1 i 1 CO CO ^^odcoaiooocooo oooicnaiooiCTicnooQO I-H ffd i i O CM CO 00 l^OOOOOOO5O500000000 o sz; ' 208 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 3 m <-i t- (7J (7< OJ i <* -^^ICO lOt ..-1 I^H CO CO , t; x >, >> ^ ._ c SUIIIBA3JJ ^GS5ob 1 1 Oi i a .^.00^.^00,^^ 5 a > saqouj 'uina * CO 1-1 ^ CO CO CJ il?*''*' COlO CO ^ i-H ^ CM -* 00 CO 00 t~ U3 Oi cs ~ c< 1-1 1- i-( -H CC CO POCOCO^OOOCOC' O5Cii-i(Mioc;oot^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 213 2UIIIBA9JJ f-((M rH rtrtr-I 1C r-< QO IO rH C*3 CC rH CO 00 t- *H> 00 050000- icoi l(M ** 1 r-l 1 CO 1 -l 1 -IN^I CO saqoui ' E I i- auuwadataj, uea^vr CCPO'sfCO'^-^rfCTj^irS'^' /: vs -r ro co o o* i C^J C>f CO iO Oi 00 tO r- c^ O-*QO>O-HCi>OO r-* r-t i-l r-1 i I CN CM METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 215 "* (M CJ d O 00 rt - OQ 00 OB 03 t-i-HC!fO5 it i 10 ii l O i ** CO Oi i I i CD i rH CO 1 r-l -^ C\J IO COOCOiOCiCO CO CO -^ i i 00 <* C5 ^ i 1 i-l CM IO t-oooocoaico t^OQO001r^>OC5 coaicotooooio Illilll 216 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. MEAN OF OBSER THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. PLACES jt A. M. P.M. P.M. or Year. Winter. Spring. > u n 11 a 'i Autumn OBSERVATION. 1 w VJI. II. IX. 1 f to Fort Brady 37.60 11.71 35.69 62.73 40.29 30.29 48.57 34.84 94 Hancock Barracks 41.23 16.17 40.77 66.26 41.72 30.81 52.17 40.71 99 Fort Snelling 41.74 8.51 44.10 72.91 41.45 32.85 53.41 38.98 100 Fort Howard 42.86 16.56 42.79 69.41 42.68 34.44 52.39 41.79 98 Fort Winnebago 40.87 13.53 41.58 69.26 39.11 32.95 51.04 37.71 104 Fort Crawford 45.77 15.60 48.40 74.85 45.77 38.19 52.85 47.65 97 Fort Constitution 43.46 25.56 39.99 61.91 46.41 39.89 50.51 43.26 90 Watervliet Arsenal 46.75 21.49 43.17 72.98 49.38 42.67 53.33 44.28 91 Watertown Arsenal 47.32 26.22 43.83 70.74 48.50 38.82 55.21 47.95 96 West Point 50.92 28.63 45.60 74.98 54.58 43.79 58.48 50.10 98 Fort Wood, N. Y. 50.35 28.95 46.04 74.09 52.35 45.91 55.65 49.53 94 Alleghany Arsenal 50.01 24.66 46.82 74.68 53.91 43.50 56.95 49.62 90 Fort Leavenworth 51 .23 23.05 55.34 77.11 49.42 45.34 59.27 50.05 95 Fort McHenry 52.56 29.51 50.14 77.46 53.16 47.45 59.06 52.90 102 Fort Monroe 58.49 39.35 55.29 79.51 59.83 54.17 62.10 58.69 94 Fort Gibson 58.34 34.29 60.56 81.48 57.06 52.39 67.56 54.67 106 Fort Towson 59.72 38.33 62.10 80.62 57.85 50.62 69.56 58.99 99 Fort Jesup 63.98 46.54 65.09 80.66 63.62 54.06 73.69 65.16 98 N. Orleans Barracks 67.74 53.95 66.64 82.20 67.60 61.89 75.46 65.44 99 Fort Marion 65.31 55.33 58.73 76.33 70.85 62.21 72.25 65.46 89 Fort Brooke 70.46 62.17 69.00; 78.40 72.28 64.78 76.08 70.55 90 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1838. 217 VATIONS FOR 1838. Mean monthly range. Rain, Inches. WINDS. 'Jfy ; WEAT f HER, > >> ^ Lowest degree. Range for the year. 2 ! fc a s oc 02 5: 02 * '3 I Q W '3 1 I OB 7! r. Prevailing. 25 s Q OB re a 1 5 5 28 122 51.1 34.37 14 83 25 63 GJ 43 51 N.W. 201 39 74 51 Fair. 19 118 52. 38.37 84 45 13 26 2u 104 22 51 S. 237 71 42 15 Fair. 40 140 53.1 28.22 59 54 21 29 65 61 39 37 S. E. 194 76 58 37 Fair. -30 128 53. 37.56 77 27 21 15 29 117 34 45 S. 195 54 66 50 Fair. 29 133 55.5 27.88 79 101 51 24 17 25 35 33 N.W. 169 80 77 39 Cl'dy. 24 121 49.6 21.96 23 132 23 8 26 44 94 15 N.W. 232 76 42 15 Fair. 4 86 37.1 31.84 27 95 40 22 18 49 48 66 N.W. 229 102 23 11 Fair. 4 95 41. 30.80 40 68 29 10 35 81 49 53 S. 212 101 35 17 Fair. 4 100 46.5 43.99 2lj 46 15 31 19 46 90* 96 W. 213| 103 41 7i Fair. 5 93 40.8 83.37 12 134 30 9 39 83 34 24 N.W. 225 71 56 1 Fair. 13 81 32.5 41.90 14 68 54 10 25 61 82 51 S.W. 213 57 82 13 Fair. -12 102 2.9 - 33 59 29 29 30 24 78 83 w. 201 76 63 25 Fair. -12 107 9.7 26.28 42 72 22 8 67 85 32 37 S. 248 79 27 11 Fair. 10 92 7.7 47.10 47 53 45 6 51 30 44 89 w. 272 48 3*8 7 Fair. 17 77 2.4 44.94 31 47 75 58 37 23 ,3 36 N.E. 233 71 53 8 Fair. 106 7.5 8.84 47 34 43 56 54 71 27 33 S. 234 86 38 7 Fair. 1 100 6.2 4.40 25 37 31 32 74 63 -2 31 S. E. 251 64 50 - Fair. 7 91 40.9 47.22 67 52 34 78 26 21 4 83 W. 221 48 93 3 Fair. 22 77 40.3 - 60 43 53 39 36 44 50 40 N. 28 73 64 - Fair. 24 65' 33. - 69 26 99 22 ~3 31 37 8 N.E. 43 40 82 - Fair. 26 64 26.7 - 11 27 79 44 57 24 00 23 S.W. 79 74 12 - Fair. 28 218 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. I 3. i ^l id I-H ^i CO o> oo co i-" f-i to r- co to = r METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 219 >> >> C v." > > il c$ CO CO -^ (O CO (M CO OJ i G^ O{ OJ rH * > CO i-( OS iCOi- CO CM CO O5 Ct i CO O Ot CM <* C CO -l r-( cot^-co ioaoO Tj< | Tt< CO rH CO CO saqouj 'urea T-( i 1 -* If} rH >O CO (M 98Jap JS8M01 - t-ojcococoooio cooo OOiO 224 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. Ji J2 .3 53 3 3 3 J3 Ji ^H i i-l i-H 5 <0 10 w .^w.- . .w .^ .CQZ; . - -.S^E C2 e * a ffi |> O c CCsCCliCt /-c^ -*ccc [I ai i i i i is. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 227 I I IP'S "2 -2 j3 co as ro o co co -i 10 i so O -l O aaaSap CO^iO ooaoao o^ooaoaoo^osooo^o^o^ r c pa l ~ l METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. I I I I C-O i (N * O 00 05 CO ^1 CD ^ fc fc w i-H r-i 00 O i i-l CO SO O O CO 00 saqoui 'uina rr o I-H . o C< -^ ajniBJadmaj, usajfl -,- r: r r-; -r >~ T? <- ^ r eo^Tj.-*'j'io^0' CO t^ C- I (O t- l^ I- > 6 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 229 $ \ C5 t~ ITS ^ 00 CM <-H i-i IO <* * CM CO i i -^ f- jz; 02^2 co co f-HtOr-fOQ iO ^^^HO ^ KM-^r-^ i CO CO r-i U| Min:;i -Ht- COCO i- oc^r>ocot~-O' I^H-^ -^Soooooot-aooooo > 6 . ^03 .5 (S o 0,== & METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 231 3UIITBA3JJ CtlfefcfofcCsHCi.CEifcQQQ M U s Se OQ ti Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EH < w OS > Q C^t-crstflifOrO i S t^ C? H p w rt C5 r-r}rf-^rf-^t^ i*O?OJ i 1* a fg, a fi OJ (7^ CM O a S5 >, cS Q rH CO i 1 CO i 1 i CO CO CO CO -* t- 2 1 Q CC-^CO i i(MCOi-(CM^3>l i fe g, | CO^-IC?C^i i iC^iCOi i saiiDuj 'mug O C\J O O O CO O ^ r-i to O * OJ QO CJ 10 -^ CO CO 0) 8UB^ ^OOr- iC^OOCOi iO5t^OOOOQOt-Xi i Sirji ii>-OCOCOOit--'^ < C<^' lO'*GOt^r-ia5' IQOCO IO a S3 _, 2 S ^ CS d i-^fcocnco ajT-ioj<^i^' i ir-t t t OOOOi>-OOQOOOlr-00 e- s "s^COi <.cr-uocoo - ^'r-i i S ^ M o(Mf7J-*crsO?cocnasaO' -^t* OOQOC(X)OOa500QOOOOOCX30O g ^ 1 C5CSaDCQCOOt-CJC'JC* 1 <*O r-io^rai'-HQCcocQC^roioc- s . > r- oCNjoiocoi-Oco^foocooo PLACES OF OBSERVATION. S5 X "a ?$ U " c 03 ^ ^!s=gl alga t-ialll^g-fsis S=>Oo- Q SJw.2c5a30 llslSHll^lal St:'t:7:t:Iot: ^sigiggslea^g 232 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. cs 3 '5 *3 *3 R I I CC 09 OQ > > 6 30 ^H s? x 05 OS 234 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 3UIIIBA8JJ 05 W oq S W w GO .b .b .s .s .- .b .s .s .a a i-C 1 C< ^H i-H fH CO i -I^^ tO Oi O ^< i-t 'i-H i-t <# r* & r* ** -,,un,ip is.jijrii H ; *^ . - S METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 235 CO U1 CO <7t i-< (M i TJ< CO CO irj O OtCO i 00 t- CO FH * rH fH * CO 3UIIIBA8JJ 1 CO (?* >O O CO i O i 1 ri O CO CO CO i-l 0< i-t rH , d OS 0* i-l CM Ol OJ QO i CO (M 00 CO O CO i-i r* O r-l 00 CO CO CO - .WW COi-HCO lOO C'JD-<*Oi-H'!fr-l(7tCO iCO 00 00 CO r-l 10 . i ii I CO gg2?!!^ojQO Oi-t^Hoocod cocococ^otoico cococococo coystocooococoto fi-g CQ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. 239 lO tfi CJ *** CO QO i-H CO W5 OO t- i SO - ITS (M CM 't 1 CO (7? "# QO Oi CO CD i-H i-t i-t rH '-l i i >>c > 'O T3 "2 T3 i I -H *< "* rH i-( CO 1-H -g 1: 31 242 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. MEAN OF OBSER PLACES OF OBSERVATION. THERMOMETER. Mean Temperature. Highest degree. Year. Winter. Spring. Summ'r Autumn A.M. P.M. P.M. VII. II. IX. Fort Brady 41.63 21.61 38.11 62.65 44.16 35.38 52.04 37.52 98 Hancock Barracks 41.99 20.51 39.59 63.58 44.27 33.97 50J9 41.81 97 Rouse's Point 43.85 21.26 42.76 64.77 46.63 40.02 48.45 43.11 83 Fort Snelling 47.20 23.11 48.04 70.72 46.96 38.94 57.84 44.84 97 Fort Howard 46.07 25.47 45.66 65.94 47.24 37.75 56.91 43.59 9& Fort Winnebago 44.30 22.49 46.40 64.38 43.93 36.81 54.02 41.74 94 Fort Crawford 51.19 27.25 53.55 73.42 50.56 43.75 57.99 51.89 100 Fort Constitution 45.52 28.40 42.32 62.39 49.00 40.71 51.43 44.76 84 Watervliet Arsenal 47.78 25.38 46.50 69.10 50.14 42.87 54.85 46.10 92 Watertown Arsenal 48.43 28.62 46.63 67.37 51.10 40.28 56.97 48.88 93 West Point 51.35 31.31 51.39 69.16 53.56 43.24 59.13 51.84 87 Fort Columbus 51.19 32.67 48.73 69.07 54.32 43.99 55.30 51.48 86 Alleghany Arsenal 50.76 31.18 50.95 69.33 51.60 44.39 59.56 49.02 89 Fort Leaven worth 53.88 32.68 57.14 72.82 52.90 47.54 60.50 53.62 92 Fort McHenry 54.33 33.88 55.22 73.19 55.03 49.30 59.92 54.45 96 Fort Monroe 58.47 40.78 57.58 75.78 59.46 55.95 61.99 58.78 93 Fort Gibson 60.22 41.15 61.53 78.04 62.63 55.32 69.75 60.55 104 Fort Towson 63.29 44.35 66.12 80.59 62.11 55.36 71.46 62.00 100 Augusta Arsenal 62.28 43.16 63.86 79.31 62.82 56.13 68.16 62.07 97 Fort Jesup 67.39 50.61 67.86 82.09 69.00 66.29 76.34 67.97 100 Baton Rouge Bar'ks 68.12 51.92 71.66 82.31 66.59 58.54 75.39 70.49 100 N. Orleans Barracks 68.72 52.92 68.64 82.67 70.67 62.82 77.07 67.06 96 Fort Marion 67.08 55.30 65.04 78.83 69.14 62.49 71.62 65.45 94 Fort Brooke 72.04 59.50 71.59 81.70 75.38 67.00 77.47 71.68 92 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1839. VATIONS FOR 1839. 243 WINDS. WEATHER. & . S >-> e rt H B ft* o q i I W; * , s S a * fc * w L 02 02 bb fc 3 a 0) D o S a B I _3 S K 1 'a M 5 1 I s rt Q & Q I Q Q 1 t 1 28 126 53.5 24.01 8 138 26 26 98 18 25 26 N.W. 210 74 52 29 Fair. 26 123 49.7 38.77 83 40 23 25 29 104 25 36 S. 214 81 53 17 Fair. -18 101 42.1 - 43 56 34 14 54 68 53 43 S. 151 84 88 42 Cl'dy. 26 123 55.5 21.19 54 48 23 20 57 77 49 37 s. 199 87 58 21 Fair. 16 114 53.3 31.28 124 23 18 12 2G 122 16 24 N. 200 51 74 40 Fair. 26 120 54.5 28.95 137 51 42 29 17 45 16 28 N. 190 64 77 34 Fair. 26 126 50.8 31.46 67 62 14 17 23 80 76 26 S.W. 262 43 52 8 Fair. 10 94 43.8 26.93 38 66 50 19 11 74 38 69 S. 208 127 25 K Fair. 10 102 41.9 29.73 36 65 43 11 33 90 37 50 s. 197 103 56 9 Fair. -12 105 49.6 42.89 33| 53 30 38! 17 51 72! 69! S.W. 214! 97 46! 7 Fair. 11 98 38.8 69.47 80 90 28 8 47 40 55 17 N.W. 190 80 81 14 Fair. 6 92 34. - 25 80 73 13 4b 20 87 19 S.W. 192 72 84 17 Fair. 4 93 46.9 25.62 40 59 27 53 17 36 51 82 W. 175 67 95 28 Fair. -3 95 46. 33.32 18 81 37 12 SI 60 51 25 s. 213 72 67 13 Fair. 4 92 39.7 51.70 43 56 44 14 53 43 54 58 w. 272 51 37 5 Fair. 20 73 31i7 72.00 12 56 90 10 54 22 113 8 S.W. 208 87 64 6 Fair. 104 47.6 - 33 16 21 29 JO 99 49 28 s. 229 97 34 5 Fair. 100 41.2 66.00 16 49 36 8 G8 116 53 19 s. 231 77 57 - Fair. 29 68 35.4 - 13 43 36 25 55 32 85 66 S.W. 279 66 19 1 Fair. 18 82 38.4 45.36 82 37 54 81 25 42 17 27 N. 232 49 82 2 Fair. 20 80 40. - 10 25 46 169 4G 5 22 42 E. 292 16 57 - Fair. 29 65 34.8 50.02 68 47 46 22 38 35 72 37 S.W. 214 64 87 - Fair. 29 65 28.4 - 55 25 71 38 40 85 29 22 S.W. 232 53 80 - Fair. 38 54 23. 3 - 10 20 119 75 53 30 43 15 N. E. 245 70 50 - Fair. 244 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. i CO CO C* J>- O i CO 00 TJ "* CO CO d vO O ** CO OO i tCJOOf iftcoOil~-iOOOO 1 d i t i li f d li li ii li li IT 1 CO t- CO i-l i- TJ 05 -^ 0 iO OJ CO (> QO CC CO t^ JO i-l CO 2 rt 2UIIIBA3JJ 02 .H-> > > .02020202 ..^^02.^02^^ 03 ^02 0202 ^ ^ ^, (M <^ CO t- C7J i >T5 f- ^ ^H 00 d CO r-H 01 CO CO CO ir-trH^ , OJ C* iC^i-it-lC^tOi-li-ltO i tOt i OS"* r-H l^ O * -^ r>< 1-4 C5 CO (M i-l CO t- 1 CO 23 Jo ( 8 d rH cH rl C4 'I aajSap jsaAVoq dcooao^CJocJ nTm"? in:. . iv .il\.r,,ur,r,\- I-ICO-^Cc5ros:ao c5ros: roTj-iC>} *H U ^ iu rf c3 -2 (u t. ^ O O O Ot>t>^t> O ! METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. 249 3 3 S 3 3 -A 3 3 5 2 s s ^ 3 3 fc fe fc fc fc fa &, [fc fc, JTJ & Q * fe 05 ?0 * 00 Cjo (M cirt 00 '30 00 00 2; O O i i >O O? CM i O CC 00 00 00 CO tO O ** 00 ^H , t- d CC Ci CO O * Gll . . . 020205 D2 I- i-H CO i (i iCOCOCOi-lfCO 1 '*' !>- co ro to co -INI i '*QOrH CO CO CO 00 t- t^ >O i CO CO CNI CO i eo 1-1 CM co , co co o ct co c^ ,_, _( ,H OJ 00 i-l 1 --- CO i -" CM i 3^ r-. ^H i-H -H CM C< saqotii OJCOO^CO QOOOOOOOQO CXlCTiCDQOOOl^OOasaj i ico c^iO"*i i < ?jcoco'* | iO'^t | t it^'in lOiOlOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOl^t^t^ C*5COOCOCOCOOCOCOCOOCCCOCO iOiOiOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOt>-t~- 252 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 184(7. I I I I I I I O5 O O t*- CO t- i i-< I-H 00 CO 00 CM tfi O CO 0} > 6 COCO i-'I'rfO'-H iQOC* i-*-^ O croi O r-i I i-H P-( Tf * i ' i 00 (M -" i ir-( SOOlOCOOt^ lib . - &t:t:o | 254 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. w Zi r , s5 a 3 3UI|IUAOJ,J ^ * . .> .-.>. .CCMMCWa^M^OQ^OQ^l .^ 1 ^J OJ OQ OQ^ 2. ^ CM I <0 ^H ^110 ^ o CM OS CO CM ^ * * 1 Q rH > >> coeocM^- ,^-o^ O'* i * i '/> 1 Q 1-1 ! ' 1 OD 25 ^0^oP S O i CO 1 H I CO CO CO (M s 1 COCO^0 -* i ~* CM ' 5 r-( i-l .-.!(. >'![ ' j ^^^ CM i^ O 5 OOOOOO^l^ I CMiOCO 't^CO '(M-^ 'cM<-"CMCMCO . i-Mitii ro co ^* so ^* ' ' T 10 co -T ^ '.u:!.i|i js.i.\\u'j a 05"*cMoocMO'*f'ao-aocoo?o QOOOQOOSCiasaOOlCSQOClQOOOOJQO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. 255 '5 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 "3 '3 '3 '3 ' '3 '3 "3 fc&HClH co as co co oco CM co CM i r-i r*- co as CO iCMt^COr-1i- CM O m CO O5 CM CM t- iCM CO CM CO iO -* CO 05 HCM i~i f-i CM i iO Ift iCMCMO lCMi-H ICO irH li-H O' O I ^ CO > I I I I *-1 I r- 1 i I i I ^ i I CM O O O O O tfSOOJ CO i I i-H 5 O5 CO O5 i IT- co i i oo co CM'O CM oo o 05 1- o cTo~ ^xOiOCOiOCOOOCOiOCOCOt t O5O5O500O5O5O5O5O5O500O5O5O5 O O5 00 cocoococoorocococococooo CO>OCMCOCO'^-<1 < -HCMCMO5r--l^- i C* i-KNOO* i -< CO (N CO 10 00 -t CO "* CO i i CO CO CO C* iQOCJO GO I** OS Ol tf5 tfi C! 'O C METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. 257 ' iCMOSOt^ CO CO CO loco CO I-H i -* -* I i 00 , 1-1 *&& QO o i ^o?oD30oSiiSoooDoo>CTja3 O X -5-2 S 33 258 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. O ^rtr-it-ii i(?*'-'C'lC O* POC^r^>-Ht~<7lt^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. 259 CM -< C* d C C* f"H - -P O oo 02 w * >=r I- CO IO tfj m r-t i CO i-l t~- i-H CO to os * "* to co co cio t- to c^ <* co r-* CJ iO "t * iO CO CO TJ< soijoui 00 tft O OS CO IO 1 rr c>i ui ' a w ' ai 03 fc . M 03* ^' OQ CO ^ ^* > s 01 -* JC * {-- ^- CO (ID - .- - METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOIt 184(J. 261 co Ol ^t 1 -^ ** 'f C^ iri-i 05 CD i co r- li i 00 C3 i- t r-( oo o o i > ^ o r- o o ^ 00 CO 00 O (7^ CO 00 t- CO^t-' -^ ' CO ' 'f-H^Ht^ aSueg o tO oo CTs ai oo co u"5 i- i" ' 'cococoooco ^HCTJ jicococr>Gvja>ojojcoc^cj orocorooocooiooo C^Otr^OOOOt^t^C>{O5OJCQ JS-5 'a ME? OROLC)GiCAL REGISTER JS40. O METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. 263 CO i ff^ 00 tO CJ COt- tf) >O CO 00 CO CO * CM t^ *O "* 00 -c^ CM I-H i 00 CM 1- * CM i CM-* i CM -^ i CM saqouj s ure a ooo^ if:, en co ooc- oo i 1 1- O^ ""^ *O CO CO "t O CO "-H ^"^ CO CO O * r-.COiOOOOCOOO'-iCOiOO -G CO CM > O CO CO (M i i CO 00 C 00 264 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. SUIJIBA3JJ ^di^^'".': -t^oo w ^H ,* IFHCOOJ Oj0 1 (X -1 -^(r iO TO tCO iO ""5 O O 0<> C: OJ C5^ CT5 oioi '^crJ 'occiroci 33j3.jp )J3M01 uuajy 73 8 < * X 6 . METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1840. 265 UdHCKNCtM i-i i co co t^ cc cj -^ co co to i-i 10 co ^ il i-H LO i I lO t'Tfi ICO^fOO OOO5-*COCO T< OO < ^ < oo-tco o o -* IGx *O O O CO O CO CY CO C^C^CO O t- IO Oi O* <* M C '5 fc, Q t>> T3 S C O Q .S M C 1 c B I!L >. Prevailing. K I & i, 1 w 03 02 1 o rf >. K* Q j? Q I 21 Ill 46.4 33.09 20 10 29 40 83 21 32 31 N.W. 158 124 50 34 Cl'dy. 19 111 47.6 41.91 72 47 12 15 24 135 26 35 S. 242 74 33 17 Fair. 37 127 55. 23.00 43 67 23 13 51 70 41 58 s. 199 101 49 17 Fair. 24 124 45.7 - 43 03 12 8 37 103 18 42 S 177 122 54 13 Cl'dy. 30 126 50.1 33.57 86 23 14 21 29 132 25 36 s. 208 55 71 32 Fair. 23 121 54.4 28.12 122 27 58 46 18 32 23 40 N. 194 62 70 40 Fair. 4 84 39.3 - 31 77 32 -32 37 34 65 58 N.W. 189 77 81 19 Fair. 22 117 48.4 31.25 95 54 15 24 20 75 46 37 N. 267 61 31 7 Fair. 94 42. 42.98 97 37 32 11 15 50 82 42 N. 219 52 70 25 Fair. -26 119 45.7 - 47 38 17 14 18 116 9 107 S. 207 112 35 12 Fair. -12 109 51.2 48.08 24 57i 15 37i 20 41 90 81 s.w. 230 80 41 15 Fair. c 97 42.8 29.92 45 17 22 32 19 115 61 55 s. 219 97 32 Ib Fair. Q X 96 41.2 47.62 137 46 18 1 10 135 11 8 N. 225 57 68 16 Fair. g 88 34".8 30.76 20 75 56 19 57 20 68 51 N.W. 184 97 75 10 Fair. 12 100 43.8 29.64 36 60 28 28 25 4" 61 81 W. 178 85 85 Ib Cl'dy. 15 109 48.4 - 13 50 27 63 33 25 24 131 W. 233 93 31 c Fair. 8 102 46. 33.05 49 46 19 10 50 128 32 32 S. E. 218 75 63 10 Fair. 91 39.7 37.90 33 49 55 13 47 43 56 70 W. 277 44 36 y Fair. 19 71 31.7 74.10 18 42 81 38 43 50 73 21 N.E. 264 57 40 c Fair. 10 82 47.3 - 21| 52| 45 ! 42 2 - 105| 26 '){ 13 S. E. 218 51| 87| 9 Fair. 2 94 46.7 55.82 33 25 31 35 56 75 4b 63 S. 246 75 43 f Fair. - 4 106 50.2 46.23 40 29 11 63 57 70 3b 56 S. 266 61 36 3 Fair. 20 76 40.1 - 31 42 54! 46 31 53 5 Z 54 2 W. 235 5 71 55 2 4 Fair. 16 83 45.2 55.70 44 29 51 27 33 61 8L 39 s.w. 264 33 62 - Fair. 22 70 38. - 14 32 36 35 35 58 8b 66 s.w. 172 135 59 - Cl'dy. 24 64 27.4 - 57 61 67 21 38 28 50 44 N.E. 223 97 46 - Fair. 24 76 41.2 37.12 36 44 18 17 30 62 7; 84 W. 247 38 80 ! Fair. 28 72 43. 44.28 60 24 95 42 15 78 r 15 N.E. 266 48 52 - Fair. 34 56 28. 89.86 15 29 90 64 63 24 57 24 N.E. 192 68 106 - Fair. 270 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. rt < D I ! = i o t~ to -H 01 co oo ec o CM TOO i-irf , CO 0> ^ CM 50 I C* CO -^ CO It* CTi l/i T GO fj "~S tO tO 3^ Lft !!5 ^ i-iOOCM>OQO 1 T TT iT 77 i i i Oi-lOCOCMt^tOiOCOOO'OaiC5C5 KMCO c-.CMiCMCMCMCMCMC'SCM METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. 271 ( O5 CO U3 CO CD CQ i O CD QO (Mt^r-Ht^iOSO FH ^H -1 CJ ~* rt < I CC I r-t tO C? ^* O O OS -^ 00 I- CO I-H O CO i Ot CO (M CO -INC? if3 00 -^ -^ i-H O< t- CO O5 OJ I CO O? <-H o O 52; <1 co r r oo us n ^p i saqouj ^ O OO O CO O COO 00 0-HOOC^CO 00 O 00 to ' ^o 1 C\f Ci O i I i : c^ I-HCJ I-H G* CO OJ O r-l 1> i-H IO CO T-CfCMi IOlr-( COCOOOCOl i(M -INH rH I CO t- (71 CO 1 i-H r-l , tOOO CO fr- CO CO i-( F-H t- i Oi^>l^ K* C * fcl >>>>> CO CO CO CO < r i -* CO .-I CO 0* - CO jj PH w Ol CO 00 tO i-l O CO CO ** CO T* i O* t *0 C* CO ??* 0* 3 CO i C* !"<* iO (M METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 184L 277 SUIJIBA8IJ " 'J3 *3 "S3 j3 1.3 * *' 3 es cssjtrfrfoj o fe fe &H fe fx, !JH fo fe fe fa EE, fe fe M 9 I i __ oa fi ^' , r-, ci < H C " 1 ? CO CO 10 t- -^ ffj CO r-H 10 ,l-COCO i 1 3 a ^ C^ 10 10 10 CO r-l 10 <* I 00 10 1 "* 3 & co o t^'oo oo o t^ os ^o 10 csi fc* 3| c^ & Q (M d C* SUIHHAOJJ > ^ i OO^t*-*(Mr-W IN )W .?! C-l>Oi-HCOCMi i i -<* i iCMO satpuj 'UIBH COOCOCOCOCM OS i 1 CO ^ * ** CO CM CO CM iO a8ire}i o o co < CM co co co QO oo oo f-i oo oo W5 * CO O CO CO CO *3< CM 'sf CO CO ^ CM aajSap jsaMoi ^i-HO'-HaiO'OCM o ^coo**'^ 1 CM CO CO CO CO O 'st 1 -^ >O ^ iO IO >! O ad aaaSap jsaqSiji >* CO CO (M i i CO 00 iO 00 CM "H i I CM CM r^ t^ co oo t^ oo t^ GO t- os os oo os oo H h ajnjBjaduiaj, UBaj\[ S^5Sc^a3?S g SSgg^ N 9 o aju3aj82v CO_Ht^cO"*i ICMOO CO OS > 1 CO 00 -H ^lO^iOiOCOCO'* CO COt-COCOCO 1 S 00 CO i 1 00 * CO O * i-l O ^f CM iO CM i 5 S M Pi OS <* CM t^ CM CO O O O CO t- QO O IO OS rf iO "* UO IO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 1 g foooocooco o otococoo OO I-H 00 CO CO > 1 CO CM IO 00 Of OS i 1 1 ; ^ 00 CO i 1 t~ i-H O i 1 t~ CM O5 CM I-H OS iOiO>OCOiOt-t-t to OOt-t-OOt i a i T^COOOCOCOCOCO to cococot-co i-^CMCMOSt iO r-4 ^ ^ O>OCMt-O <= ^ 01 O CO CM -* i 1 CO 00 * O OS CO OS CO CO ^^^^lOOiOiO to lOCOOiOCO fe O a ^ ! s ^ M fllisgil i ^ s ^|KM-ggt2t:>ih>hfa (?>: r.ui|u:\. i.i,[ no o CO (H I- I-H tfi t^. rt -lCOOCOOOrHOJ'- o METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. 281 2UHIBA8JJ '-co i OD t r-H 0< rt C< I-. OJ r-1 r-, CM CN -< t- o coc oo-^ CO 1 <* ^ *< (7J (X5 (M * r* CO CO CO * i-H D -IN CO rH r-1 (M 1 1 i-l I-IFH C i i-H ^T r^j ^TJ v^ to t-~ co i- co -<> I r-l i-l -IN -IN -IN -IN . B N IN IN 'N - IN 02 | T-l-*COiOlOCOCOCOGO i S -tf i C? >O CO -INO CO (N -^ (?J ITS -iNCO W >> saqauj aa.i3ap JSSMOT r-( i CO i i i CO O* O irt 00 O i CH r4 rH CO r-H cocTscot^-^iocococooo-^tnt^ ^COCOCOtMCOCOCOi-HCOOJCiCOrH rso^r 5 O O5 cocoootoaii tcioi OOG^OCOOii i 284 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. O O iO CO -H QO OS O* (X) * ITS i tfj O iO j .aJ CO > 00 CO r-i ^ "* l CM CO >-i ^ <-< i COOO CO 1-1 OJ * -H CO 00 ** -H ^H 1C CO CO (XI CO CD -* -HO ^i iQOOt- > C - METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. 285 286 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. w CQ ~~ -"* -^ r a SUTJIBA3JJ _ ^. _ ^H (N Ct CO i-iirs , rf -"sf CO (7< i i ...l.uaj, UBW CO CO OO CO O O CO CO ^O ^ O >O CO O STSOJCOCOt^aOt^OOOJiOi-CT^ CO t t^- CO CO ( 'if METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. 287 i 55 Q PCS W pq i < |CO>OCf5r-( |i t t- O O O CO CO i i O *=}< CM "* C- saqoiij 'UIBJJ UB3H CTOO1OCOO -Tt* t^- r-H tfi CO C5 fS*H}i ITS IO QO CO COCO-^OO i ic^f-ooi i COCO-^OOCOCOCOOOCOOCOO r i>-t tt^lr-C^GOGOGOGOGO OJ^ GOGO lOlOCOCOt^COCOCOt-COt-C-COt- 288 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1S41. 3UHIBA3JJ " ; w CQ O o i I KMf-HiOC5r-(iX)COOOOCO 00 *< iO <* CO O *< OO CM *" CO 00 00 -H CO O I-H CO i 00 00 i-* t- 0 'Otoooiocooicovocoaioo 98:' o t- i o >o i I-H 05 o o o r: t^ ' iCOOlOC^t^ 53 5 2 "* X si METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. O O I PQ p b o i( i CO O? VO -T c r-i 1-1 CO saqouj G^GGl tOiOCS f-H ** CO CO i-i "* O5 ' SO (M ' CO O5 00 00 CO CM O i i i I to CO O i I "^ ^ 00 to GSJ Cl CO " O 290 MliTEORO LOGICAL REGISTER FOR 184 1. 2UII1BA3JJ 02 UO tfi 00 C t. o r- o O5 oo o o I cocioi " "co ^^ OJ CO CO Ol aSuvy ...u ,T.i |i )8MOq CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Oi tuoooo^couoinQO^r-^cn CO CO CO C^l CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ^f CO SS?gS5gSSTs?~5l X c METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. 291 ^ i CO O> CO iO 1C i-i-^ t o i 1 1- co ii i o> o i 1 1- co ii i i-l i-H (M 1 W i Ii 1 ^ "* i-H 00 -HOlOrHi lCOOr-1 -IWTjt rH CO CO O I -3 lOO t-~t i 1 Oi CO i-H CO -* (M -H i co co co 01 w I-H co QO co * g53S^g& i cS"^ ci co uo -H -H to co ' o* 'co'iocico aocoaot-'^'aoooooi OCOC^JDO METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1841. 293 ,,,,^ .h.^.i^.i.i.i^ . >. >% X 5_' X ^ 1 i yj Q c 1 C co co co oo o o T* i COO,^^ V, >> oo o co t- ui r-< i i i -1N-IM-IM o oo t^ to co co ^SJ ^2^ (MTtCO-iOOt-'*-|CO 1 o t- -" corocot-t- CO -H i CO CO i -* 1-1 I -, S H u li | G Jg j c t3 g i g fc fej w 02 02 02 j* S I R K G ou It s s & III il S R CO & E ~~ i 1 S, oi 3! s e a H M e 8 Q r Q a 7 c e? Q re Q "1 Q Q 1 Q CM 26 120 57.5 22.74 41 71 46 49 44 27 40 47 N.W. 146 133 55 32 Fair. 19 114 53.3 36.97 79 45 24 22 30 106 23 36 S. 237 71 35 22 Fair. - 5 95 42.8 38.11 13 45 30 12 56 68 84 57 S.W. 160 144 40 21 Fair. 32J125 53.8 21.67 57 47 32 32 37 65 44 51 S. 188 114 46 17 Fair 29 121 54.0 28.45 123 66 32 42 19 30 15 38 N. 144 107 87 27 Fair. 1 ! 92 42.1 37.00 34 59 61 13 35 25 51 87 W. 157 96 91 21 Fair. 28 124 57.9 31.05 52 44 16 28 35 88 44 58 S. 187 115 48 15 Fair. - 2 94 44.5 - 35 31 24 34 19 46 123 53 s.w. 119 125 75 46 Cl'dy. 15 110 51.7 32.95 4'J 54 77 9 12 28 98 38 s.w. 156 96 86 27 Fair. i18 112 43.2 _ 41 70 9 6 22 104 14 99 S. 210 84 57 14 Fair. -4 98 49. 27.16 41 16 28 60 11 104 41 64 S. 196 75 63 31 Fair. 3 99 41.3 53.94 130 42 34 - 12 121 23 3 N. 225 63 62 15 Fair. 9 83 33.2 42.08 23 84 47 23 14 30 57 87 W. 173 98 72 22 Fair. 3 95 48.3 34.84 51 84 34 24 24 34 46 68 N.W. 155 102 87 21 Fair. 10 106 50.1 26 47 34 56 29 34 15! 124! W. 217! 104 29! 14 Fair. -20 119 53.3 23.73 70 41 17 9 34 146 22 22 S. 229 97! 28! 6* Fair. 95 40.9 43.90 35 67! 61! 18! 49! 31! 39! 62 N.W. 247! 61! 42! 13! Fair. 14 111 49.6 36.27 35 39! 46! 54 68 43! 27! 51 S. E. 236! 52! 59 17 Fair. 14 84 33.5 65.30 16! 38 85 37! 56! 38! 70 23 N. E. 261 45 55 4 Fair. -12 111 50. 36.25 46! 24! 27! 30! 43! 73! 45! 73! W. 248 65! 43! 8 Fair. too 42.4 62.00 24 29 58 70 20 33 39 92 W. 313! 8! 41 2 Fair. 17 83 41.5 28 28 26 44 42 60 83 54 S.W. 184 104 77 - Fair. 26 65 28. * / 42! 49 92 21 39 26! 62 33 N. E. 167 131! 66! - Fair. 16 84 48.5 55.95 18 62 54 30! 58 39! 88! 14! S.W. 244 39 81 1 Fair. 29 71 34.8 60.53 51! 67 50 62! 11 35! 30! 57 N.W. 148 152 65 - Cl'dy. 24 72 37.9 - 18! 36! 127 24 22! 36! 54! 45! N.E. 195! 56! 113 - Fair. 22 81 49.1 - 42! 21! 68*19 21! 32! 138 27! S.W. 199 77 89 - Fair. 30 61 32.8 48.89 80! 35! 72! 34! 14! 51! 41 35! N. 223! 48! 93 - Fair. * For 361 days. 296 METEOROLOGICAL RKUISTEIl FOIL r-r-KM-H' 1 ir-t |COC5 ->M ^^ -IM-IM-1N W CT. 50^QDOO(M t~ 00 O -isii-i I ^ ?0 Cl * -w^ i -' CO 1- CO i -wrt iO i i -' CO -w.ro X'^f?l'*f-'*(M-i^S-^iO(M'*'05^ o X METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. 297 3* '3 '3 '3 ' ^> 00 O CO tO i tO iO OJ i I t~ r-l t-t I in 00 tfi -IN, I CO 10 i I CM ** lO t- I iCOCOOl -IN -IN ' (i (QOC- CDG^J OS O CO 38 298- METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. cq 1 E i ^ i- d -H -o CJ N if} tO ^ -iMCO i-KMSOCOaOTCOCOOiCSOKMCOC^-H ^-^JO~HCN^ ro ro ?{ -f -^ -j: -^ -j: i - -r ' ^^coot 7> r_ -o T? -r 7.' -r 3<9 COA 00 Q9 ^< O CO CO O Ot O t O r* 00 CO 9) O coi-iiocor--(7-l -* ' 1 1 (?< ^ >O CO CO CO CQI r- 1 CO -* -^COCOOJCi-^00 iCOCO i^r-i en co QO oo co co ^ 'o o en o "O (7J O i-l O3 t- ?- u5 oo O CO OO Ct aSuH ^To^ C v }COCT3'*O"O' < *tr-LOCO 1 *OOC75COiO OO '*" cooaocoocjcoooj^cococoioincoaococoi c ai II COC^-^iOOOOG^COrHOOOC^OCNOi ( '* l '*''7>- - 'S'S'ffl'S'S'3'S- '3 '5'3'3'3'S- 3 '3'3 i icO"OOOCO l COC > icO''Q0 1 !t 4 ^tO 1 1 i-!- rsiO -IN^O t^ n -IN-INT-H CO CO CO 0502CO rH -INrH 07 O r-i CO d rH -loiX rH fQ r-l ,1 CO lO CO CO C* i-H -IN 1 I rH I -INT* i 10 CO ^ r-( CO - iO -INO CO >O i (OS ^ CO (M 00 ** "* t- (^ O5 -iNvO CJirHlOi ir-lrHCMOOOO saqoui ' C^ Cv{ r-l 302 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR I ' ''' 3 S'3^ 3 '3'3'3 3 ^ 3'3'3 33 -KM -IN -IN OH i . ad GQ w ^. ^ aj . ^ ^" ^ aj ^ a ^ . o5 a ^ co i- Nr-( 7H C^ <* -IN -IN -IN -in -I VO 00 "* ' t~OT-*'* t to < ** < F-teO'* i **'-'N - o* c* o ^ -?< 10 o -i^ r-i-ij<^?o^ro^-^ 'una !' , , ^ , ~ / o> -.1. )!;;.-! isa.uo'j M* cj CO CO CO CO -* . -. r ; > O rr ^ > > < O 11 O Ci 00 O> f-l IIIIllllllllllllllll METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. 303 3 * ,3 53 ^ sj CJEj j UM 4 MM 55 ^53 - 3 s -- ,- ^ 1 '"' "I.N -IN -IN -IN -IN -IN CO J5 rou, ,o<*~-,<.^o ^f CM co cTos crTrt'c* ro -H i N \ -a C ^ od J? 10 ^H r-t ^ < I , rH CO CO t~ CO O CO -IN1O (Mt^COtOCO'*'<**rHCOi li I Q * i f -IN -IN-IN -IN-IN 1 CO 1 <* -IN 1 ** I 1 1 -IN l-H 1 1 O O) *3* 1 1 (ft ->N 21 1 Q ICOiOO^ ^fOOJOOCOO CIO O O i-i G5 CO CO 00 CO O >O i I t~ CO lO <7J ^ t- I CO^CO-'* ^ ao ot op ee eo CQ ao ao <4* CM. 00 00 -* O^-HOOCO^fCOiOQOCOOCOOOQO i lOOt^- iiOOOOiJ "^GOOJCOCnO COOOOOCOCOO' I t^^OOOC^t-^r-li l OOCOOCOO i 1 W5 r- lOt^O ' I i-l O5 CO * i l-H * coocococococoocbcocoococococoococoo O5 O *< i-H CO t 1 00 O t- -i I-H o i iuOOCMC : : '? a 3 O i O (M^^^^H,^^^^ 7^ii CIN ^u* ^ij -IN-I ^4 '- en o co o ^ cj >o ITS t^ o oo is c? -* o o JTJ .-.i-.~.~ i-; i- -^ ..- -^ >~ i.~ i- (- i.~ -^ -_r .- , - -.r -_r . - r~. ~ =. i - ^r. c- i.-: -= i - /. - -o OD cr. o -r ~ - , ^ METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. 305 53 aJ 3 ^ 3 S '3 ' S "* O 00 > SO - 2lin.lKA3.ia * (M OC^ <-l i- Tv C5 C^ CO C3 coxtooo co o x r~ -r ro oo -H CJO 00 39 306 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1342. t 30 or-55cj**ooo i^Tj.^.o-4 HW* i-l i-H CO ^ 1-1 r-i -^ d -^ CO satpuj ' ~05 O t^Ol O -* CO CO C3 O O JO O <* <* 99*l3dp ISSAVO'T ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^*^ ^^ ^^ ^** ^^ ^^ ^* ^^ ^*^ ^* ^ ^^ *^* ^^ ^^ > - ' ~. ' ~ -~ .-: ^ ~ ~ - r- r7 _; ^ Bj C C CJ i^ot^oo'^t^coooioi cor^ooco-^-ioo iO O "*f *O ^O O t^ tO ^O ^ ^O *^5 CQ iO CO *O ^O CO 'O CO "co"c5' w""co">^~ro~c5ro"crio";o o " - o p ro o n o 3 - o O o co o to o OJ CM CO -INI-( rH .^ i CM N i i 0* i i C* JO rf -IN i iO saipui ' CTS-^COt IGOCOOOCOC^OC7J'"* < COiO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO l*~ t^~ t"~ t~~- !> t^ !> 00 ~CO^b IO CO~CO OJOCOCOCOCOCOOOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO jx>_ooJ30 O5_oo oo oojri oo ooocooocooocococoo eTco co co o co^co" OCOi l-^fCOi It iCOCOriC5t--OOt^-O}l^-OTCJ5l^CO -5 8 11 Igg 308 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. 1 i iO -'.NO S co 0:02 02 2* - G0 CO -^ ^ -r -i<*D r- C< X> (71 -IMO T< O < ^-i "O O Ol 7I i 01 C- -iMT i-^ i Cl i-i -iw < CO i-l T xcx>=r>ucr5 ___LsiS^533S5'5-JSS, : i?53 7 ii^ ""^ [ S Co o co co o S ^s 3 - o r -o vS i^ '.o '-r 2 If i~ '- : j = tj ."."*. . . *. . . . . '*. . . . " . . " . . . T I CO '-O O "O \S ^O ^S CO VD -.0 '0 *^ I- 'vO l'- '3 'O l<^ -O VD I co 10 ro o t^ t^ 5^ js "o 5 ' 'o T ~yj "^ i Cf rr 2 o ""{^ I coco-^coto-^co'*to?ocoro-Hroot^coo^5^ T^ ristSsIT I METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. 309 t-ooaoaor-ico^ i aOG-=* < cooo} i ir ac -*r co t~ Cl tOOsOOCOOCSCM lOTCO-^t^CMiO^-^CO 5 r-iCMCMCMCMCMCMCMiCM ^-r-i r-t CM ^ OJ OQt/203O} . .03 . < .03 02^7273 i-< O C75 (M * (M co co ^ oo '* co ooo , o ^ co O{ p-i I- i^- '.a r- r- < t~- t r~ o- 3D t~- t t Jo Jr- t t- IT _ i lOCM^fCMcrj- iooo5cocoir;'-o o'eo'io" -^"oo "t-"co T I CO^Ot^CMO^rOi 1^1 iCOC5XlC5CMiOCOCOO:i-O SS coco T? 3? S o i- -^ iS g CO CO t^ CO CO CO CO CO t~" CO CO CO CO iJ|ll!lig,ili,?i^ S-S 3 K^ rn O) [3 |JJ C CQ .^ 3 S C 's- ^ ^ JS ^H r ^ rf ^) ^ ^ O *rj l*w ^ ^ -^ ^H ^ <3^ *^ K^J ^ 310 METEOROLOGICAL UEatSTER. FOR. 1842. Q. io rsas o i^ >^ y . H y ^ w z"*lcoaSw .co . -^ai . 03 03 03^03 ^ O > 6 z Vim METEOROLOGICAL IlEGISTEll FOR. 1842. 311 , * r ' ^=^fc 6* fc fc fc & fe 6 ^ fa fa fo '-''-iirs'O cooo i i co i co co -COi i -icoiO COi l 1 CO * O5 tO -! i ( COT 1 -IN i -INC^ (71 CO iO -^ i t- o c^ i-i co c co i i -INC) co i-i c 'tf 05 0* 10 CO ^ rH 00 CO C* "* COt- ocooti-c}t *"H 3Q O ^t 1 O^ *-O t^* CO O t-* O^ QO G^ O O O CO CO CO cccot^-cctococotot^-cocococococo c- <> co t^ t^* 312 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR H42. X I C METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. 313 ... fcoafc fcfc fc CO i >O t- -* CS CO CO i i -iO 00 ^d O IO CO r-t rH 00 1 1 1 1 I rH -ICO Hi-lOlOlCOC*5Oi-lrHi ICO 1 saqouj ' rH O O O ^ 00 CO i O CM >O CM CM rH rH rH rH -^t* "* **< ^ Tj< SCOt^^dtOQOrH-^^d CO CO CO CO CO CO t^* t^ t^* t** dtC-^ CO CO 00 QO O OT 00 I OCOCOiOOOCOCOtOCOOCOOCOOCOOOCOO I COCMO O ^ CD 05rH CO C5 00 O O O5 CO OO rH O CM l- 40 314 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. I 1 . 02 GQ03 i-i o "* I-H o* co o* co r- l^-tCt -JM^H e5 CO -I i (?t eo i- r o co -IN^ co i fi 1-1 i o i I-H < CJ Or-(iOOCN lCM-^0 ->N"* 1 ^H , r-t t- I CO co * co X METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER tfoil 1842. 315 Q Tf o co t- CM -^r ev'ok *& ot os * .-o -^ ?O (MCOCOCJMiOO-^i I 3UIIIBA8JJ O 00 CM CM iO -ieCM i i t l^ QO -' I O OQ CO i > O iCJOCOOCi coot ^ co a co -^ co * co c -iCOt-f-lOI'<*Tjooi^.ir5iOO < ^ < 'Hl^CO(X>ONt~ CJ 'urea OO' i i CM co -H CT5 i tO i-H vOQOC^OO-^fCC (Mi id P-(II-( (Mr-l i ICM COCMfO-^COCO-^ 1 co o i iioco<7jcot--i~-cococooo^t''*coG< i oo r- co rcocoococMcocooo^o'co iDCOOOCOCJ CO-^OOCOCOr coooiocoocoo'^ocorocoocoocooooco (MOOOOt^f5' lOOCJCOOO. iCO ocococooococococoo:ocoocoococoo 318 REGISTER FOR 1841 W CQ > ~ ~~> - > . ,, * * 2 "3 P g -3 - '3 ^ iO CO 3D 0* $$ r^ J| i o co i t- Nr-t o co rtt- ao OJ i -i . iO CO -IN i CO I-I^H -iNCI ^^ TO 3 iO THERiMOMETER e500^f:|!H CO'*"I 1 1 1 1 I S i 2 IS 1 a 1 C i fi 1 < 1 CU c a m CU 03 "5> ^ Fort Kent 37.30 12.02 35.20 61.86 40.15 29.61 46.98 39.73 33.87 98 -33 Fort Fairfield 36.86 14.01 37.01 63.4440.99 30.63 47.68 40.99 35.87 98 24 Fort Brady 38.82 19.48 37.40 57.3041.12 32.01 47.58 39.61 36.53 91 17 Hancock Barracks 40.67 16.97 39.41 63.59 42.73 32.90 48.70 42.53 38.58 96 18 Fort Mackinack 42.47 25.03 39.88 59.71 45.26 38.75 46.15 43.4341.50 82 8 Fort Sullivan 42.63 24.93 40.09 59.41 46.11 37.52 49.08 43.4140.24 85 Fort Snelling 43.2918.45 46.94 63.7544.02 34.68 50.51 46.3241.62 91 22 Plattsburgh Bar'ks 43.8021.75 42.52 65.5545.40 38.96 49.46 46.4740.34 85 16 Fort Winnebago 43.79 20.26 47.72 63.1044.09 35.10 52.51 45.92 41.66 92 21 Madison Barracks 45.30 26.62 44.26 64.1546.2040.43 50.49 46.64 43.69 90 Fort Preble 44.43 26.75 42.08 62.5646.3239.7750.23 45.28 42.42 94 4 Fort Niagara 47.54 29.81 45.37 65.6649.3443.3151.13 48.9146.38 85 9 Fort Crawford 48.46 20.83 53.75 70.84 48.4240.1856.20 51.42:46.07 9522 Fort Constitution 48.64 29.12 44.78 64.5756.11 41.37 52.84 48.2244.66 90 c Fort Atkinson 47.43 19.33 51.4567.7351.22 38.62 57.16 49.75 44.60 93 22 Buffalo Barracks 47.26 28.63 46.3766.3347.73 41.74 54.06 48.35 44.57 88 6 Fort Gratiot 46.59 29.21 46.2363.2547.68 40.2653.57 47.63 44.59 93 1 "Watervliet Arsenal 49.23 29.93 51.0069.6046.39 42.6156.96 50.49 47.09 92 2 Detroit Barracks Dearbornville Ar'l 48.57 49.21 31 .23 30.73 49. 39 64. 65U9. 02 40. 77)56. 97 51. 43 66. 2JU48. 50 39.81 58. 79 50.0645.85 51.4546.43 94 100 4 8 Fort Adams 50.23 32.90 47.1569.76,51.1446.48155.80 51.1447.56 88 9 West Point 53.54 35.34 53.38 70. 79 54. 68 46. 75 58. 05 55. 6653. 71 87 8 Fort Columbus 53.00 36.32 51.52 71.4952.6948.31 55.27 54.6151.99 85 16 Alleghany Arsenal 50.97 33.68 52.53 67.8049.8843.96 59.15 52.33 48.48 92 4 Carlisle Barracks 50.11 31.29 51.33 69.41 48.4342.48 58.53 51.56 47.91 94 4 Fort Leavenworth 53.48 32.08 58.98 70.5052.3944.73 60.78 56.82 51.65 90 Fort McHenry 54.02 35.74 53.93 72.5953.81 47.29 59.82 55. G 4 53.25 92 10 Jefferson Barracks 57.11 36.70 62.88 72.69156.13 49.54 63.77 59.4655.74 94 Fort Monroe 60.23 43.53 62.31 74 .ft 60. 34 56 .73 64.73 61 .32(59. 43 92 17 Fort Gibson 61.24 44. 53 ! 65. 49 75. 34 59. 63 53. 37 70.86 64.7558.49 93 10 Fort Smith 59.9042.03J64.89l75.5157.20l49.22 71.71 62.4356.45 101 6 Fort Towson 64.23 46.65 68.85 79 .44J61 .97 53.69 73.24 67.6861.33 98 12 Augusta Arsenal 63.1448.1767.59176.2560.5554.82 72.0964.8760.59 99 18 Fort Moultrie 65.0151.99 67.31J75.40G5.33;60.91 69.5565.9663.62 96 24 Fort Jesup 67. 1052.10 72. 02 '80. 13 64. 15 58. 37 76.8270.09 B3.14 98 20 N. Orleans Barracks 68.47j56.15;72.03!80.1365.5763.80 74.3570.98 68.24 88 31 Fort Marion 68. 71158. 62 68. 84*77.12 70.26 63. 05 73.76 68.81 S7.05 96 34 Cedar Keys 69.1858.5970.0576.7471.3964.46 73.46 70.33 58.59 86 34 Fort King 68.8958.]5 ; 71.9775.61G9.8G5i).:,l 80.00 71.8564.23 98 2(5 Fort Brooke 72.1262.9474.8379.01 71.7265.48 78.49 74.37 70.18 90 32 ! | ., METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. VATIONS FOR 1842. 321 ii i WINDS. WEATHER. 1 W w |M '3 o '5 f . S3 fc W 02 02 02 * O 02 1 u> a o> O> I c o g i 1 1 to 2 e be 1 I i oi i 1 ft i jj rt* 1 1 i I i rt I S s M Q fi G Q D Q Q Q Q Q 131 57.08 89 66 101 23 21 45 37 73 N. 1451 166 301 23 Cl'dy. 122 56.33 _ 191 61 11 41 91 541 128 77" S.W. 220 28 59 58 Fair. 108 53.66 26.40 421 36 39 38 76" 35 461 S. 183 771 591 45 Cl'dy. 114 54.25 37.60 101 221 91211 14O;j 251 15 s. 2311 701 40 23 Fair. 90 37.66 . -i ' 46| 55! 27 751301 18 221 90 w. 199 52 i 79 34 Fair. 92 42.33 40.65 471 121 221751 471 115 361 s.w. 1971 1221 301 141 Fair. 113 57.50 25.17 30 33 64 2734 43 73" 61 s.w. 228 76 42 19 Fair. 101 46.25 29.02 521 58 i 40 j2i|35i 78 601 27^ s. 2341 70 43 171 Fair. 113 57.16 24.51 127 821 251 26 151 32 13 43 1 N. 2131 54 631 34 Fair. 95 46.58 37.31 121 100 50 ^ 3 451 64 83 61 N.W. 891 1341 99 42 Cl'dy. 98 42.83 36.64 29^ 45 32 27 50 431 42^ 94^ W. 2141 88 49 131 Fair. 76 39.75 50.49 6 64 6 4" 37 1041 N.E. 215 631 701 16 Fair. 117 56.08 38.34 321 72 ^ 71 11 271 1181 50 451 S. 232 62 541 16 Fair. 88 45.16 33.79 22 98 40 6 75 501 59 N.W. 222 1001 311 11" Fair. 115 60.08 _ 201 61 21 451)221 38 51 105 w. 220 631 59 241 Fair. 82 41.00 _ 34 22| 201 39201 504 124 54 s.w. ]84 811 72 27 Fair. 92 51.83 39.62 14 991 1*12* 13" 149 12 s.w. 242| 181 68 36 Fair. 90 46.00 44 55 121 31 121 137 13 871 s. 228 811 391 16 Fair. 90 53.25 31.84 261 48 451 72jl2| 53 46 61 E. 202 1091 45 81 Fair. 108 56.08 21.61 27 191 71 25 6" 97" 361 146^ W. 212 981 421 12 Fair. 79 37.00 60.79 22 42 461 49J421 39 71 521 s.w. 211 50 92 12 Fair. 79 40.16 50.62 101 67 39 4 12 102 27 13 s. 224? 70 61 91 Fair. 69 32.58 32.98 20 98 53 21 431 22 59 481 N.W. 225 2 58 74 8 Fair. 88 48.91' 41.54 48 82^ 251 34117| 35 451 761 N.W. 184 70 98 13 Fair. 90 47.58 _ 251 341 26 62128 421 141 1311 W. 225 991 331 7 Fair. 90 49.25 26.29 12 801 39 39 83 45 47 19 S. E. 2481 66 391 11 Fair. 82 42.50 35.18 221 851 56 12H7 21 531 67 N.W. 2651 561 391 31 Fair. 94 50.08 29.18 44 32 27 251 39 671 511 781 W. 2201 611 70 13 Fair. 75 34.91 67.06 91 381 1201 27155 191 741 20 N.E. 263 32 69 1 Fair. 83 48.25! 29.11 18 271 141 281 731 124 56 23 S. 264 46 53 2 Fair. 95 55.41 38.79 13^ 581 851 14 451 541 63 301 N.E. 1931 119 521 - Fair. 86j 49.33 73.36 13 56 50 381 781 311 621 35 S.E. 259 441 611 - Fair. 81 j 45.16 _ 40 721 461 121 25 31 122 151 S. W. 242 58 65 - Fair. 72| 33.16 _ 37 431 58 51 34 21 65 55 s.w. 188 1341 42 i Fair. 78 57 50.16 31.16 42.27 45.60 70 63 30 57 311 49 231371 40143 122 381 37 311 131 431 s. N. 2021 37 911 2411 701 861 ! Fair. Cl'dy. 62 52 31.75 26.75 44.20 491 151 19 451 94 751 451 501 33511 33 291 51 85 26 26 N.E. S.W. 190 286| 951 46 791 321 ~ Fair Fair. 72 58 46.33 30.66 - 421 j 14 45. 96' 271 9 65 k 301 27 113 38 30" 671 691 81 26 29 59 S.W. E. 274 2 99 49 541 - Fair. Fair. 41 322 AVERAGE OF THE OBSERVATIONS THERMOMETER. WINDS. . Average Mean Tempera- PLACES o Si i ture of the or i f w . 1 RE i OBSERVATION. 2 a $ i 1 I 'o 6 1 Winter. 8? I Summer Autumn, I V 1 Mean an i c i Fort Kent 1 37.30 12.02 a5.20 61.86 40.15 98 33 131 131.00 '.l (10 66.00 Fort Fairtiled 1 38.86 14.01 37.'oi 63.44 40.99 98 -24 122 122.00 19.50 61.00 Fort Brady 12 39.82 17.64 37.39 61.79 42.47 98 30 126 114.39 36.37 86.12 Hancock Barracks 12 40.71 16.49 38.95 63.70 43.73 99 -2b 12S 112.08 60.92 53.46 Fort Mackinack 7 40.37 ju.u- 36.69 61.33 43.39 90 21 113 97.57 31.50 73.35 Rouse's Point 1 43.85 21.26 42.76 64.77 46.63 83 18 10 42.10 43.00 56.00 Fort Sullivan 7 42.78 23.49 40.88 59.56 47.25 92 14 106 96.85 30.92 51.35 Fort Snelling 12 44.54 18.52 46.16 69.68 44.64 100 40 147 121.33 44.66 65.00 Plattsburgh Barracks 2 44.32 20.60 43.62 67.55 45.24 100 .' 124 112.50 47.75 80.75 Fort Howard 9 44.33 20.53 43.66 67.71 45.45 99 :;; I-.". r,-. -.'-.' 27.11 Fort Winnebago 10 43.53 18.78 44.35 66.94 44.07 104 29 132 120.00 86.10 Madison Barracks 2 47.12 2334 46.90 68.25 50.03 90 11 106 99.50 80.85 87.00 Fort Preble 6 45. !6 124.18 .)_) ~0 65.70 48.11 96 1- 110 100.66 33.58 42.00 Fort Niagara 4 49.56 29.46 4BJ9I 68.88- 51.65 94 94 85.75 26.50 63.95 Fort Crawford 12 47.57 21.08 49.35 72.54 48.63 100 3: 132 119.50 .vj..-,u 70 JN Fort Constitution 10 45.28 26.05 42.77 63.23 49.10 92 10 in- 92.20 23.40 78.50 Fort Atkinson 1 47.43 19.83 51.45 67.73 51.22 93 22 1!. 115.00 20.50 61.50 Buffalo Barracks 2 45.76 27.20 41.79 65.89 48.17 92 94 B8.00 34.50 Fort Graliot 9 46.96 25.77 43.22 67.44 48.02 96 __ ] - 114 102.88 39.11 56.05 Watervliet Arsenal 11 47.42 23.88 45.65 70.75 50.01 95 3 12- 10-.:,! 39.00 Fort Independence 4 48.12 26.83 45.96 67.87 5 .83 96 102 98.75 8.00 105.25 VVatcrtown Arsenal 4 47.58 26.75 45.35 68.39 49.84 97 108 102.50 24.62 56.00 Detroit Barracks 3 47.36 28.69 46.32 66.44 47.98 1 i 98 95.00 37.50 27.00 Fort Dearborn 4 46.18 95J91 45.06 66.96 47.16 94 -fl 116 109.00 83.00 38.75 Denrbonville Arsenal 1 4921 30.73 51.43 66.21 I-..M) 100 108 108.00 27.00 19.50 Fort Wolcott 5 48.30 29.51 44.87 66.41 52.43 92 ( 96 85.80 15.40 88.00 Fort Armstrong 4 48.35 22.66 49.82 70.77 50.16 !K 24 120 111.50 28.75 47.75 Fort Adams 1 50.23 39.90 47.15 69.76 51.14 < 79 79.00 22.00 49.00 West Point 12 50.80 29.18 49.25 71.35 53.47 100 11 111 95.00 51.66 113.08 Fort Tr urn bull 5 58v46 32.26 50.00 72.42 55.17 93 8 101 83.80 35.40 69.40 Fort Columbus 10 50.82 30.85 48.45 70.48 53.51 98 6 104 86.90 18.55 72.00 Fort Wood, N. Y. 2 50.00 29.77 45.63 70.68 53.74 94 13 81 78.50 13.00 59.00 Alleghanv Arsenal 7 49.57 28.32 48.63 71.54 50.43 92 12 104 91.00 55.85 54.78 Carlisle Barracks 3 49.58 29.11 49.43 70.52 49.25 96 If 111 101.66 21.50 43.83 Fort L-avenworth 11 52.35 29.77 54.30 73.88 52.67 105 30 108.36 45.90 51.8S Fort McHenry 1-2 53.48 32.69 52.68 73.76 55.62 102 10 112 91.41 24.37 75.08 Fort Severn 4 55.32 34.51 53.81 75.67 57.26 99 1 98 90.00 17.25 101.00 Washington City 4 54.68 32.73 55.02 75.35 55.59 H 14 112 07.96 18.00 185.85 Fort Washington 2 57.82 38.37 57.33 78.90 58.03 99 9 90 87.50 14.00 f, }.()() Jefferson Barracks 6 55.73 33.95 57.72 76.36 55.38 101 18 119 105.16 32.16 69.25 Bellona Arsenal 1 60.04 45.53 58.15 76.92 59.78 96 4 90 90.00 24.00 53.00 Fort Monroe 12 58.49 39.94 56.36 76.03 61.54 In-' 4 78.83 32.00 36.20 Fort Wayne 1 60.08 43.73 62.18 76.72 57.68 92 10 82 47.30 21. .SO 59JW Fort Gibson 12 60.34 40.37 61.88 78.76 60.77 116 12 128 100.25 29.29 34.08 Fort Smith 1 60.43 41.48 63.14 79.07 58.03 102 4 106 5020 40.00 29.00 Fort Macon 2 63.42 46.01 61.07 80.11 66.40 96 'ii 76 70.00 61.00 43.00 Little Rock Arsenal 1 (i-j -,> 45.34 64.42 78.64 61.68 96 10 76 40.10 31.00 42.00 Fort Johnston 5 64.07 46.08 63.45 80.01 66.73 102 19 S3 80.00 13.20 33.00 Fort Towson 9 1.10 42.93 62.12 79.32 60.07 100 103 92.44 29.77 35.00 Augusta Arsenal 9 63.17 ! 48.03 63.58 79.21 62.63 100 2 102 80.00 19.43 56.72 Fort Moultrie 8 C,:,. 17 50.57 65.07 77.90 67.11 96 6 90 68.62 26.71 37.31 Oglethorpe Barracks 2 68.30 ! 54.77 68.46 81.11 68.93 93 16 77 32.25 32.50 56.00 Fort Jesup 12 (..-..si 49.79 66.94 80.84 65.32 100 8 92 81.58 73.3 35.50 Baton Rouge Barracks 6 67.48 53.99 68.61 81.33 67.08 100 10 98 76.83 17.50 42.50 Fort Pike 4 70.27 55.90 70.78 82.33 79.18 96 21 75 68.25 30.75 41.25 Fort Wood 2 69.21 54.91 69.53 83.12 69.28 100 14 86 73.00 25.00 51.50 New Orleans Barracks 5 69.44 55.23 70.22 i-2.69 69.52 100 22 88 68.40 60.50 49.60 Fort Marion 8 68,30 56.70 86.96 78.94 70.76 103 21 82 66.00 36.00 30.25 Cedar Keys 1 69.18 58.59 70.05 76.74 71.38 34 52 52.00 19.00 45.50 Fort King 5 70.28 ] 59.62 70.88 80.17 70.45 106 11 95 79.00 31.00 24.50 Fort Brooke 6 71.18 61.13 70.94 79.54 71.65 92 26 66 5'.50 26.16 33.91 Key West Barracks 3 76,04 70.4X 75.16 81.86 76.69 90 50 40 34.66 30.66 42.66 AT THE SEVERAL POSTS, FROM 1831 TO 1643. 323 WINDS. WEATHER. H N . 1 e i W 02 OQ 02 ^ 1 o i 02 bo 9 Ml C S '^ 1 Q ctf P 1 1 1 ! I Q 1 1 Q I 10.50 23.00 21.00 45.00 37.00 73.50 N. 145.50 166.00 30.50 23.00 Cl'dy. 11.00 4.50 9.50 54.50 128.00 77.00 S.W. 220.00 28.00 59.00 58.00 Fair. 33.91 42.12 74.05 26.66 31.00 35.12 N.W 168.33 77.29 71.79 47.91 Cl'dy. 54.20 24.71 53.71 75.62 21.29 21.33 S. 237.20 46.21 54.26 27.58 Fair. 20.29 60.00 35.07 18.42 27.50 99.14 W. 188.85 97.07 49.85 29.93 Fair. 34.00 14.00 54.00 68.00 53.00 43.00 S. 151.00 84.00 88.00 42.00 Cl'dy. 23.50 21.78 34.92 94.21 49.64 58.78 S. 191.64 82.50 63.50 27.50 Fair. 24.16 21.58 40.91 61.83 48.50 58.58 N.W. 204.25 82.91 54.75 23.33 Fair. 26.00 10.25 36.25 90.50 39.25 34.75 S. 205.75 96.00 48.50 15.25 Fair. 33.11 24.00 24.66 107.66 39.44 40.77 S. 198.77 79.77 57.11 29.55 Fair. 35.35 29.70 23.95 53.70 35.40 40.75 N. 192.55 67.40 72.45 31.90 Fair. 40.75 5.00 35.25 37.50 88.00 51.25 S.W. 115.25 126.25 87.00 36.50 Cl'dy. 35.16 25.55 25.55 44.58 58.16 100.25 W. 194.58 96.50 57.83 16.16 Fair. 54.87 27.25 ' 15.25 29.62 62.12 86.37 W. 220.00 63.50 59.00 24.50 Fair. 12.95 19.81 22.86 73.68 64.18 49.95 S. 223.36 79.54 47.59 14.77 Fair. 47.20 20.45 13.90 70.90 44.95 65.90 N.W. 218.10 113.05 25.25 8.80 Fair. 21.00 45.50 22.50 38.00 51.00 105.00 W. 220.00 63.50 59.00 24.50 Fair. 22.25 36.50 19.75 48.25 123.50 53.50 S.W. 151.75 103.25 73.50 36.50 Cl'dy. 6204 57.20 22.50 48.66 101.11 29.11 S.W. 184.61 61.05 81.55 36.11 Fair. 20.87 7.77 34.95 88.00 37.63 65.50 N. W. 211.54 92.86 46.22 14.63 Fair. 68.75 22.25 27.50 12.75 102.75 18.25 N.W. 208.25 84.25 57.75 15.25 Fair. 18.75 34.37 22.50 44.50 86.87 77.62 S.W. 214.00 99.00 42.37 9.87 Fair. 31.83 54.66 14.16 90.83 49.33 60.00 S. 206.00 93.83 46.66 19.16 Fair. 36.75 26.75 29.50 53.25 52.75 45.50 N. 149.75 141.75 58.75 14.00 Cl'dy. 7.50 25.00 6.00 97.00 36.50 146.50 W. 212.00 98.50 42.50 12.00 Fair. 51.60 4.00 37.00 8.80 37.20 23.20 N.W. 175.60 98.40 73.80 17.40 Cl'dy. 39.50 44.00 27.25 58.75 50.75 68.25 W. 180.25 102.00 64.25 18.50 Cl'dy. 46.50 49.00 42.50 39.50 71.00 52.50 S.W. 211.00 50.00 92.00 12.00 Fair. 21.66 4.50 27.16 95.08 34.91 17.16 N.W. 222.62 72.66 57.58 12.37 Fair. 54.40 14.60 40.00 31.40 67.40 39.60 N.W. 202.00 106.40 46.80 10.00 Fair. 52.33 16.55 50.50 34.55 69.55 51.27 N.W. 209.22 88.33 56.66 11.11 Fair. 59.00 9.50 33.00 47.50 101.50 42.50 S.W. 216.00 51.50 83.00 14.50 Fair. 36.92 26.78 20.07 47.42 66.21 57.21 S.W. 180.42 90.75 76.14 18.00 Cl'dy. 29.00 60.50 30.00 33.83 18.00 12900 W. 225.56 98.83 31.33 10.00 Fair. 20.70 14.15 47.30 124.40 28.30 33.40 S. 218.05 98.50 38.35 10.40 Fair. 55.79 22.66 49.04 25.70 49.66 62.91 N.W. 253.75 58.83 45.25 7.16 Fair. 37.75 11.00 94.50 39.00 37.50 26.50 (N. W. 200.00 63.25 88.50 13.50 Fair. 53.25 7.50 23.50 40.70 67.75 28.75 IN. W. 196.50 84.75 71.25 12.50 Fair. 16.50 11.50 23.00 152.00 55.50 38.50 S. 234.00 56.50 64.50 10.00 Fair. 25.08 28.41 42.83 70.16 36.83 60.41 S. 230.33 77.33 49.00 8.50 Fair. 49.00 21.00 62.00 21.00 83.00 53.00 S.W. 226.00 82.00 52.00 6.00 Fair. 91.04 27.83 36.37 40.91 77.54 23.33 N.E. 231.00 75.50 54.41 4.25 Fair. 45.50 42.50 105.50 26.00 59.00 13.50 S. E. 218.00 51.50 87.50 9.00 Fair. 24.50 69.66 74.91 57.37 34.62 41.02 S.E. 224.25 74.71 58.87 7.41 Fair. 11.00 63.00 57.00 70.00 38.00 58.00 S. 226.00 61.00 36.00 3.00 Fair. 39.50 25.00 30.00 55.00 95.50 16.00 S.W. 210.50 46.00 101.00 2.50 Fair. 54.50 46.00 31.00 53.00 54.00 54.50 W. 235.50 71.00 55.50 4.00 Fair. 113.60 6.80 21.40 57.20 116.00 4.00 S.W. 261.40 50.20 52.00 1.60 Fair. 32.11 26.88 50.00 80.44 70.77 40.44 S. 247.83 61.50 52.33 3.44 Fair. 44.50 27.27 49.88 31.66 90.55 45.27 S.W. 206.11 78.66 78.44 2.00 Fair. 75.87 37.25 52.43 42.31 62.12 31.25 N.E. 214.18 110.31 40.68 .12 Fair. 57.00 25.50 54.50 58.50 48.50 32.50 S. 249.00 67.00 48.50 .50 Fair. 39.04 50.25 27.37 42.21 42.62 54.91 N. 235.54 65.04 63.45 1.20 Fair. 36.83 82.33 49.16 34.50 57.00 45.50 E. 220.33 40.50 103.83 .50 Fair. 51.50 71.00 65.75 20.50 40.75 43.75 E. 254.25 74.00 36.75 .25 Fair. 69.00 34.00 68.50 32.00 47.50 36.00 N.E. 207.50 107.50 48.50 _ Fair. 56.60 41.10 28.70 46.20 46.20 38.50 N. 214.00 84.25 67.00 _ Fair. 100.00 27.68 69.87 40.69 38.81 21.81 N.E. 222.31 50.87 91.68 .25 Fair. 75.50 33.00 51.50 29.50 85.00 26.00 S.W. 286.50 46.00 32.50 _ Fair. 51.00 40.40 37.60 55.80 H.20 43.50 S.W. 255.70 59.90 49.20 .20 Fair. 74.83 64.58 46.74 36.66 53.41 29.00 N.E. 236.75 62.50 65.91 - Fair. 126.66 60.00 74.00 8.33 15.33 7.66 i N. E. 233.66 64.66 67.00 - Fair. 324 ANNUAL FALL OF RAIN. ' - 1 3 PLACES c , b OF o a d OBSERVATION. 1 1 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840 1841. 1842. C a a 1 ' a O ' II Fort Brady Hancock Barracks 46 29 55 46 07 38 84 43 0036.9234.3724.01 67 49 0135.6838.3738.77 33.09 41.91 22.74 36.97 26.40 37.60 29.588 38.213 Fort Sullivan 44 54 28 66 58 20 - _ _ 38.11 40.K539.380 Fort Snelling Plattsburgh Barracks 44 52 46 44 41 00 93 04 5424.02 73 26 00 - 28.2221.19 24.00 21.67 25.1724.045 29.0229.020 Fort Howard Fort Winnebago Madison Barracks 44 37 30 43 35 00 43 57 00 87 00 00 88 58 00 76 04 00 40.55 31.32 37.56 27.88 31.28 28.95 33.57 28.12 28.45 - 35.740 24.5128.205 37.3137.310 Fort Preble 43 39 04 70 20 30 _ _ _ 37.00 36.6436.820 Fort Niagara 43 15 00 79 05 00 _ _ _ _ 50.4950.490 Fort Crawford Fort Constitution 43 03 06,91 09 19 43 04 00 ! 70 49 00 34.05 28.16 21.9631.46 31.8426.93 31.25 31.25 _ 38.34 33.79 31.45] 30.180 Fort Gratiot Watervliet Arsenal 42 57 00 42 50 00 82 53 00 73 55 00 32.04 30.80 29.73 42.98 32.95 39.62 38.516 30.856 Watertown Arsenal 42 21 00 72 17 00 32.06 43.99 42.89 48.08 _ _ 41.755 Detroit Barracks Dearbonville Ar'nal 42 19 18 42 20 00 82 58 00 83 01 30 24.28 29.92 27.16 31.84 21.61 28.300 21.610 Fort Adams West Point 41 30 0071 19 00 41 23 30|74 00 00 83.00 83.37 69.47 47.62 ->3.94 60.79 50.62 60.790 64.670 Fort Columbus Fort Wood, N. Y. 40 42 00 74 09 00 40 42 4074 11 00 65.51 41.90 37 ~57 30.76 42.08 32.98 35.273 48.326 Fort Hamilton 40 43 00 74 01 00 40.72 51.61 _ m _ 46.165 Alleghany Arsenal 40 26 0082 02 00 35.66 25.62 29.64 34.84 41.54 33.460 Fort Leavenworth Fort McHenry St. Louis Arsenal 39 20 0094 52 00 39 03 00 76 49 00 38 37 2890 13 24 38.45 45.00 26.88 26.28 47.10 23.27 33.32 51.70 33.05 37.90 23.73 43.90 26.29 35.18 30.186 43.463 25.075 Jefferson Barracks 38 28 00 90 08 00 _ . 36.27 29.1832.725 Fort Monroe 38 02 00 76 12 00 40.70 44.94 72.00 74.10 65.3067.0660.683 Fort Gibson 35 47 00 95 10 00 34.66 18.84 55.82 3G.2529.il 34.936 Fort Smith Fort Towson 35 25 0094 49 00 33 53 00;94 13 00 43.80 34.40 42.5946.23 66.00|55.70 - 38.79:42.536 J2.0073.365:..>-:* Fort Jesup N. Orleans Barracks 31 30 0093 47 00 29 57 2389 58 52 49.45 47.22 45.36 50.02 37.12 44.28 55.95 60.53 42.2746.243 45.6050.107 Cedar Keys 29 08 0083 09 30 _ _ _ 44.2044.200 Fort Brooke 27 57 00 82 35 00 - - - 39.86 48.89 45.9661.570 s^&fSit, / *\^ i SJfenjg^Z THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY &* F * ill