-^YNA^cDU^OuLTr (AjC^ioJcXAuJh^ O,A/Y\! \ . RECORD OF SERVICE OF IN THE ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR PHILIPPINE INSURRECTION AND CHINA RELIEF EXPEDITION FROM APRIL 21, 1898 to JULY 4, 1904 UNDER DIRECTION OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL Brigadier General GEORGE M. COLE Colonel EDWARD SCHULZE Adjutant General Assistant Adjutant General HARTFORD, CONN. PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY 1919 E o NOTE: It is requested that any errors or omissions in this volume be noted and such information forwarded to the Adjutant General, Hartford, Conn. M212517 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introductory 9 First Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry History 25 Roster 43 Third Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry History 98 Roster 99 First Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Artillery Battery A History 159 Roster 100 Battery B History 166 Roster 167 Battery C History 175 Roster 1 7G Naval Battalion, Connecticut Volunteers Report of Lieut. Commander A. H. Day 184 Report of Lieut. John W. Weeks 185 Roster, Headquarters . 186 1st Division 186 " 2nd Division 189 Engineer Division 191 Officers, Connecticut National Guard, in Volunteer service at large 193 U. S. Army Officers, born in, or appointed from, Connecticut 195 U. S. Naval Officers, horn in, or appointed from Connecticut 199 U. S. Marine Officers, horn in, or appointed from Connecticut 200 Connecticut Men enlisted in United States service U. S. Army 201 U. S. Navy 208 U. S. Marine Corps 209 Civilian Appointees from Connecticut 209 Index 211 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Colonel Charles L. Burdett Facing page 43 Colonel Augustus C. Tyler " 98 Captain Barlow S. Honce " 159 Captain Fred C. Breckhill " " 166 Captain Francis G. Beach " 175 Lieutenant Commander Arthur 11. Dav " " 184 INTRODUCTORY The attention of the General Assembly was first officially called to the necessity for a complete a authentic " Record of Connecticut Men in the War with Spain " by Lieutenant Nathaniel G. Valenti: President of the Legislative Committee, Department of Connecticut, United Spanish War Veterans, whi resulted in the passage of the following Act : " AN ACT CONCERNING A ROSTER OF SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND MARINES WHO SERVI IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR, PHILIPPINE INSURRECTION, AND CHINA R LIEF EXPEDITION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: Section 1. The adjutant general- is hereby directed to prepare a roster containing the names and co plete military and naval record of the soldiers, sailors and marines who were in the service of the Unil States in the Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, and China Relief Expedition, from Ap 21, 1898 to July 4, 1904, who were credited on the quota from this State. It shall include the names those who served in the United States volunteers in the regular army or navy, or as volunteers from otl States who were residents of this State at the time of enlistment, or who are residents of this State at \ time of the passage of this act. Section 2. Such roster shall contain a brief statement of the operations and service of each regime battalion, battery, detachment, and ship of which any resident of this State was a commanding officer, a of engagements by the United States Marine Corps commanded by any resident of this State. Such ros shall contain a half-tone engraving of the commanding officer of the first and third regiments (infantr light battery A,, heavy batteries B and C (artillery), and the first naval battalion. Section 3. A copy of such roster shall be forwarded to each State officer, town clerk, clerk of the boa of charities where such board succeeds to the duties of any board of selectmen, or judge of probate, to kept in their respective offices, the adjutant general of the United States, the adjutant general of each sti and territory of the United States, the national headquarters and headquarters of the department of C< necticut, United Spanish War Veterans, each camp of the United Spanish War Veterans in the State, ea college and library in the State open to the public, and two copies each to the librarian of the United Sta and the State Librarian, and two hundred copies shall be retained in the office of the adjutant general j future distribution. Approved March 31, 1915." In accordance with the provisions of the foregoing act, the adjutant general at once began to ta steps for securing any information possible, which could not be had from records on file at the adjut general s office, in order to make this record as complete as possible. Blank forms of questionnaire w( mailed to all United Spanish War veteran camps in the State, also on several occasions did the adjutant g< eral United Spanish War veterans insert paragraphs in general orders from headquarters requesting vetera of the Spanish-American War to communicate with this office, and considerable valuable data was there secured. As a final resort permission was requested of, and granted by the adjutant general of the am for a search through the records of the War Department, where names and records of men were secured whi could not have been found otherwise. The statements of the operations and service of each regiment a pther organizations were prepared by officers of the several organizations and they are given without fi ther revision than a verification of dates by comparison with official records. 10 INTROD UCTORY. The following extracts from the report of the Adjutant General, State of Connecticut, 1898, to the Governor of Connecticut, together with official reports of the several commanding officers of the Connecticut organizations in the War with Spain, will give a fair synopsis of the proceedings leading to the volunteer ing of the organizations and their service in the war : "ADJUTANT-GENERAL S OFFICE, HARTFORD, December 1, 1898. To His Excellency, LORRIN A. COOKE, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. SIR : I have the honor to submit the following report of this department for the fiscal year ending Septem ber 30, 1898. WAR WITH SPAIX. Under date of April 28, 1898, a communication was received by this department from the Secretary of War relative to the first call for troops following the President s proclamation for one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) men, from which an extract is herewith submitted: I have the honor to request you to provide from your state the quota of volunteers as fol lows : One regiment of infantry, 1 light battery, and two heavy batteries to serve in the arms of service designated, for the period of two years unless sooner discharged. Attached will be found a statement showing the organization for artillery and infantry. The rendezvous for your state will be Xiantic. The composition of organization required for quota was as follows: Light battery, 125, officers inclusive. Heavy battery, 150, officers inclusive. Infantry companies, 84 maximum, officers inclusive. Field, staff, and non-commissioned staff, 18. In accordance with the requirements of the Secretary of War, General Orders Xo. 6, under date of April 22, 1898, was at once issued from this department increasing the maximum strength for companies of infantry, to eighty-four (8-i) men, officers inclusive. General Orders Xo. 7, under date of April 27th, directed commandants of organizations of the Connecticut Xational Guard, with the exception of the Xaval Battalion, to turn in to the Quartermaster-General s Depart ment, Arsenal, Hartford, Conn., all the dress coats and helmets in their possession, as it was assumed there would be no use for the same during the war. General Orders No. 8, under date of April 30th, constituted the State Military Rendezvous at Xiantic a mili tary post, under the command of Brigadier-General George Haven, Adjutant-General. It also directed Colonel Charles L. Burdett, commanding First Regiment, Infantry, and Capt. Barlow S. Hoiice, commanding Battery A, Light Artillery, C. X. G., to assemble their respective commands at the Military Rendezvous May 4th, prepara tory to muster into the service of the United States. General Orders Xo. 9, under date of May 6th, named the Military Post at Xiantic, Qonn., Camp Haven, in honor of the Adjutant-General. General Orders Xo. 10, under date of May 7th, authorized the addition oi^tawH&atteries of artillery to the Connecticut Xational Guard, by the re-organization of Co^K, Fourth Regiment, (designated Battery B, and the new company recruited by Lieut.-Col. Francis G. Beach, A. A.-G., Brigade C. X. G., designated Battery C. General Orders Xo. 11, under date of May llth, appointed officers of the Xational Guard in the Connecticut Volunteers, with rank from date of muster into the United States service, added a third platoon to Battery A, Light Artillery, and granted leave of absence for the commissioned officers and furloughs to the enlisted men of the First Regiment and Battery A, during their term of service in the volunteer army of the United States. Special Orders Xos. 66 and 70 directed Capt. Fred. J. Breckbill to assemble his command at State Mili tary Rendezvous May 4th, Lieut.-Col. Francis G. Beach, A. A.-G., to assemble his recruits at the same place, May 7th. The third platoon mentioned, added to Battery A, Light, was composed of young men from Yale College, and Herbert T. Weston, one of their number, was appointed a Lieutenant to command it. Prior to the call of the President, the Connecticut Xational Guard consisted of thirty-seven (37) infantry companies with a maximum strength each of sixty-eight (68) men, officers inclusive; one light battery consist ing of two platoons with a maximum strength of eighty-seven (87) ; machine-gun battery of four sections, ten (10) men each; a signal corps consisting of four sections, ten (10) men each; and a Xaval Battalion consisting of two line and one engineer division, making in all one hundred and sixty-six (166) men, officers inclusive, all under the command of a Brigadier-General. The total strength of the Brigade was two thousand eight hun dred and sixty-two (2,862). INTRODUCTORY. 11 The executive department at this time found itself in a peculiarly embarrassing position on account of there being no fund for military purposes. The General Assembly at its session of 1897 passed a law making a specific appropriation for military purposes but classifying the same so that no balance could be diverted from the object so classified into other channels, and all the unexpended money was required to be turned back into the state treas ury at the close of the two fiscal years, and, as a result, there was but a very small amount of money of said appropriation that could be utilized for arming, uniforming, equipping, and paying the troops. The State Board of Control, of which you were the Chairman, upon my recommendation and your approval as Commander-in-Chief, created a fund for the purchase of articles required. First Lieutenant Hamilton Rowan, U. S. A., was designated by the Adjutant-General of the Army as mus tering officer of the several organizations called for from Connecticut and in compliance with orders, reported to the Commander-in-Chief. Each commandant of the four regiments, C. N. G., was urgent in hisi claim that the several commands should have the honor to be first in the field in response to the call for troops. After a careful consideration of the matter, your Excellency decided that the First Regiment, Colonel Charles L. Burdett commanding, by seniority in rank of its commanding officer, should be the first to be called out, and said decision is embodied in the following communication. (Copy.) STATE OF CONNECTICUT. ADJUTANT-GENEBAL S OFFICE, HABTFORD, CONN., April 27, 1898. Colonel CHABLES L. BUBDETT, Commanding First Regiment, C. N. G., Hartford, Conn. SIB: The selection of the First Regiment, C. N. G., as of the quota of infantry required by the President of the United States for an enlistment of two years, given orally to you by His Excellency, the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, is hereby confirmed. It is understood that the selection of the First Regiment is based on the fact that the regi ment will report for duty with numbers, as per your report of yesterday to the Adjutant-General. Very respectfully, WM. E. F. LANDERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. The First Regiment, Battery A, Light, and Battery B, reported to me May 4th, at about 5.40 P. M., at Camp Haven, State Military Rendezvous, Niantic, Conn., the morning report for the day showing practically 100 per cent, present. Vacancies had been left in some companies by the enlistment of band and hospital corps which had to be taken from the strength of the organizations. It was understood that the medical examinations of the men should begin on the morning of May 5th, but the weather was so unfavorable, it being damp and cold, I concluded to put a stove in one of the mess-houses, so that the danger from colds and possible pneumonia would be reduced to the minimum. At two o clock p. M., the surgeons began their medical examinations, which were made as fast as possible until completion. Nine companies of the First Regiment were mustered into the United States service on May 17th, the re maining companies and batteries being mustered on the following day. The surgeon s very strict examination resulted in a decrease of 20 per cent, in the membership of the different organizations. This deficiency had to be made up by new recruits. The interval between arrival in camp and final muster into the United States service was fully occupied in drills. Recruits were constantly being brought in to take the place of those rejected by the surgeons, and squads at drill were to be seen at almost any hour of the day. In addition thereto, battalion and regimental drills, also drills in extended order, and battle exercises were held frequently. Brigadier-General Albert P. Day, Commissary-General, under your direction attended to the very responsible duties of the subsistence department. The troops were supplied with food upon their arrival, and very little complaint was heard. The experience of cooking their own rations was a novelty as well as a success. It has been said that Connecticut was slow in getting her first quota of troops ready, but it was not con sidered wise to follow the example of one State which fairly jumped her men into camp with nothing to protect them from the inclemency of the weather. Acting under your instructions, I was determined that ample pro vision for shelter and subsistence should be made for the Connecticut troops before going into camp; regard for the health of the men unaccustomed to exposure being of primary importance compared to that of trying to make a record by promptness in mobilizing troops. As a matter of fact, however, the time expended in examination and muster had no bearing on the final disposition of our quota under the first call, as this department knew that the entire quota was assigned to coast defense as early as May 8th. 12 INTRODUCTORY. The fact that the members of the Connecticut National Guard were enlisted in the State service for a period of three years, and re-enlistment for a period of two years, retarded the work of mobilization to some extent. The following is quoted from the militia law : The active militia .... shall first be called out by the Commander-in-Chief on all occasions for military service, and may by him be turned over into the service of the United States, on requisition by the President, for service without the State, not exceeding three months in any one year. Many of the enlisted men were occupying lucrative positions, with fair or good salaries. They had been promised by their employers leave of absence for the three months prescribed by law, but to have these positions retained during their two years service, as required by the Government, could not be expected. On this account many hesitated, and in some cases refused, to enter the United States service for two years for the small sum of $15.60 per month. I believe that had the call been only for three months, ninety-eight (98) per cent, of the National Guard would have responded. Under the circumstances much recruiting had to be done, which caused delay. Battery A, Light, was expanded from eighty (80) to one hundred and twenty-five (125) men; Battery B, from eighty-four (84) to one hundred and fifty (150) men, and Battery C, recruited entirely, with a numerical strength of one hundred and fifty (150) men. The Quartermaster-General s Department is to be complimented on the promptness with which it met all requisitions for equipments and transportation. The brigade had been thoroughly equipped for three months service with the exception of ponchos, underwear, and shoes. All organizations were equipped as rapidly as they were mobilized. I was actuated by a desire not only to save the Connecticut troops unnecessary exposure, but to furnish them good food, clothing, and equipments, so that when they were called into service they might be a credit to the State. Troops from some States were sent with but scanty supply of necessary equipments; others found themselves minus nearly everything, except, perhaps, the few clothes they wore. As a result of the work above mentioned our troops were mustered into the United States service, uniformed, armed, and equipped for the field, and prepared to fill any position where the Government saw fit to place them, whether at the front or elsewhere. The work of preparing troops for the field takes time, and it is utterly impossible to mobilize troops at a moment s notice and have them in any degree prepared for service. While our officers were fairly competent in tactical maneuvers, they were totally inexperienced in caring for their men in the field, so that it was necessary that some officer of the army who had seen field service should be assigned to each regiment. With this in view, application was made to the War Department for Captain Andrew G. Hammond of the 8th United States Cavalry, then stationed at the Cavalry and Infantry School, Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas. Captain Hammond was given leave of absence from the army and immediately appointed Lieuten ant-Colonel of the 1st regiment. Colonel Hammond is a native of Connecticut, and was appointed to West Point from the First Congressional district. The aggregate strength of organizations mustered into the United States service under the first call was as follows 1 : First Kegiment C. V. Infantry, eight hundred and forty-eight (848) men, officers inclusive. First Kegiment C. V. Artillery, four hundred and thirteen (413) men, officers inclusive. Making a total of one thousand two hundred and sixty-one (1261) men, officers inclusive. There was issued to the organizations by the State, tentage, cooking outfits, mess outfits, medical stores, and full set of hospital equipments. The State also furnished each commissioned officer with a Colt s revolver. All of the supplies were in first-class condition, most of them new, with the exception of the tentage. It was a source of regret to the military authorities that the tentage was not in as good condition as the other equipments. Under ordinary circumstances the same would have answered for half a dozen more encampments of the National Guard, but the weather conditions during the time the organizations were in camp were exceptionally bad, with constant rain and snow. It is safe to say that the tentage never experienced such a strain. New tentage would have mildewed and deteriorated rapidly under such usage, and, to make the matter worse, it was utterly impossible at this time for the State to buy a yard of canvas, as everything in that line had been promptly secured on ac count of the great demand. The following telegram from the Secretary of War is itself explanatory of the needs of the Government INTRODUCTORY. 13 (Copy.) WASHINGTON, D. C., May 5, 1898. To the Governor of Connecticut: Kindly inform me number and kind of tents you can loan or sell to Quartermaster s De partment, with a view to their immediate use by the volunteers now being mustered in. The question of compensation for this property will be made by this office on terms of equity. Give us all possible. R. A. ALGER, Secretary of War. In response to this telegram, tents were furnished by the State, and the Government was charged with a fair valuation for the same. SECOND CALL FOR 75,000 MEN, UNDER PRESIDENT S PROCLAMATION OF MAY 25, 1898. The following telegram was received from the War Department, Washington, D. C., under date of May 28, 1898. (Copy.) To the Governor of the State of Connecticut: It is estimated that about 490 enlisted men will be needed to fill to the maximum the organiza tions already in service from your State. It is desired to know how far you will be able to furnish the above number. R. A. ALGER, Secretary of War. In response to the above you telegraphed as follows: (Copy.) HON. RFSSELL A. ALGEB, Secretary of War, WASHINGTON, D. C. Cannot understand telegram. On April 25th you directed me to furnish one regiment, of infantry, one light battery, two heavy batteries, and you also write, Attached will be found a statement showing the organization for the Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry: Infantry, 84 maximum, light battery, 125 maximum, heavy battery, 150 maximum, officers inclusive. The State furnished the same strictly in accordance with your order. Please explain our ( esti mated deficit of 490. Wire immediately. LORRIN A. COOKE, Governor. A reply was received from the War Department, May 29, 1898, to the above telegram as follows: (Copy.) To the Governor of Connecticut: Under first call for 125,000 men, it was contemplated that the number of original organiza tions called for should have the maximum strength stated below, but on account of additional organizations having to be accepted, this maximum had to be reduced to 81 enlisted men per company. The maximum above contemplated is 106 enlisted men per company of infantry, 100 per troop of cavalry, 173 per light battery, 200 per heavy battery, 1,326 of all grades per regi ment of infantry, consisting of three battalions of four companies each. Secretary of War bids me to say it is now the wish of the President to apply, in accordance with the law, so much of second call for 75,000 as may be necessary to fill organizations already in service from your State to the maximum strength just stated. The Secretary of War bids me s-ay that recruiting officers will be detailed to make and superintend, under army regulations, enlistments for this purpose of the number of men wired you May 27th. Please name one or more com petent field officers of the regiment already in service from your State to be detailed under orders from War Department for this duty. H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant-GeneraL It is proper to state, in order to make the conditions clear, that the requirements, as embodied in the sec ond telegram, necessitated that the ten (10) companies in the First Regiment Infantry should be expanded from eighty-four (84) to one hundred and six (106) men per company, and two companies added with one hun dred and six (106) men each; Battery A, Light, First Regiment, Artillery, be expanded from one hundred and twenty-five (125) to one hundred and seventy-three (173), and Batteries B and C of the same should be ex panded from one hundred and fifty (150) to two hundred (200) each, making in all five hundred and eighty (580) additional troops (which were furnished), leaving a balance of three hundred and eighty (380) due the govern ment. 14 INTRODUCTORY. This result was accomplished by recruiting Company G, Fourth Kegiment, commanded by Captain Vincent M. King of Danbury, to its maximum strength and adding it to the First Regiment. (Special Orders No. 105, A.-G. O., June 20, 1898.) In Special Orders No. 125, A.-G. O., July 6, 1898, said company was designated Com pany M, First Regiment, C. V. I. Special Orders No. 124, A.-G. O., July 5, 1898, attached the military organization of one hundred and nine (109), men, officers inclusive, recruited by Captain Charles B. Bowen, retired, of Meriden, to the First Regiment, C. Y. I., and designated the same Company L. Your tender of the Third Regiment of twelve (12) companies of one hundred and six (106) men each, which was finally accepted and mustered, left to the credit of the State of Connecticut nine hundred and forty-six (946) men in excess of quota under both calls. Under date of May 6, 1898, you tendered the Third Regiment in the following communication : (Copy.) STATE OF CONNECTICUT, HON. RUSSELL A. ALGER, ADJUTANT-GENERAL S OFFICE, Secretary of War, HARTFORD, May 26, 1898. WASHINGTON, D. C. I have the honor to designate the Third Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, to respond to the proclamation of President McKinley, dated May 25th, calling for 75,000 troops, and will order the same into camp immediately on receipt of your approval. (Signed) LORRIN A. COOKE, Governor of Connecticut. Twenty-two days later, June 17th, the following telegram was received from the Secretary of War: (Copy.) GOVERNOR OF CONNECTICUT, Hartford, Conn.: Under the President s second call, May twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, after filling to the maximum the organizations already in U. S. service from your State, you are re quested to furnish one regiment of infantry, consisting of one colonel, one lieut.-colonel, two majors, one adjutant (extra lieutenant), one quartermaster (extra lieutenant), one surgeon, two assistant surgeons (first lieutenants), one chaplain, one sergeant major, one quartermaster ser geant, one chief musician, two principal musicians, three hospital stewards, and twelve companies, each to consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one first sergeant, one quartermaster-sergeant, four sergeants, twelve corporals, two musicians, one artificer, one wagoner, and eighty-four privates, maximum, and seventy-eight minimum. The mustering officer, Capt. J. M. Thompson, at New Haven, has been directed to confer with your representative concerning details affecting comfort, shelter, subsistence of organiza tions, and the order in which they should be mobilized for muster. To save expense and for other reasons that will occur to you, it is suggested that preliminary physical examinations be made of men before they are taken from their homes. Blanks must be mailed to Adjutant- General of State. You are requested to constitute a board of three reputable physicians for the purpose only of examining the regimental medical officers nominated by you. These physi cians to receive ten dollars per day and traveling expenses to place of meeting of board and re turn. The regimental medical officers will then be mustered into United States service to assist mustering officer with physical examination of men. The recruitment for the old companies will be conducted by the officers now in the field, and under orders from this office. R. A. ALGER, Secretary of War. In accordance with the foregoing, General Orders No. 16, A.-G. O., June 20, 1898, was issued appointing Brigadier-General Albert W. Phillips, Surgeon-General, and Doctors Nelson and Graves of New London, such a Board, to convene at the Third Regiment Armory, Tuesday, June 21st, to examine the Surgeon and Assistant Surgeons of the Third Regiment, and report to Major J. M. Thompson, U. S. mustering officer. In pursuance with Special Orders Nos. 106 and 108, A.-G. O., June 20-21, the Third Regiment was assembled at Niantic, State Military Rendezvous, June 22d-23d. The number of companies per regiment required by the Government being twelve (12), and the Third Regiment having only eight (8), the number was increased in accordance with the following Special Orders: INTRODUCTORY. 15 STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL S OFFICE, HARTFORD, June 28, 1898. Special Orders No. 117. I. Companies C, F, and I, Fourth Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, are hereby transferred to the Third Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, and designated Companies K, L, and M, respectively. II. The Company organized in Stonington, Conn., now in camp at Niantic, is hereby assigned to the Third Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, and designated Company H. III. Promotions and appointments are hereby made in the Connecticut National Guard as follows : THIRD REGIMENT. Company H. Hadlai A. Hull of Stonington, to be Captain original appointment. Battalion Sergeant- Major Herbert D. Utley of New London, to be First Lieutenant original appointment. Walter T. Fish of Mystic, to be Second Lieutenant original appointment : all with rank from June 27, 1898. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. GEORGE HAVEN, Adjutant-General. Official : WM. E. F. LANDERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Capt. Alexander Rodgers, U. S. A., was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Third Regiment, C. V. I., and Major Gilbert L. Fitch of the Fourth Regiment, was appointed Major of the Third Regiment, C. N. G. The examination and muster of the above organizations began June 22d and ended July 6th (14 days). The same difficulty was experienced in medical examinations with this regiment as with the previous organiza tions of the C. N. G., twenty (20) per cent, of the recruits failing to pass the medical examination. This, to gether with the expansion of the companies, by order of the War Department, from eighty-four (84) to one hun dred and nine (109) men each, necessitated additional recruiting. The regiment numbered one thousand two hun dred and seventy-seven (1,277) at time of muster, forty-nine (49) men short of strength required by the Govern ment, which were afterwards recruited and added to the several companies, making an aggregate of one thousand three hundred and twenty-six (1,326) men. This regiment was held at Niantic until September 10th, when it was ordered to Camp Meade, Pennsylvania, by the War Department. NAVAL MILITIA. Under date of March 26, 1898, a communication was received from the Assistant Secretary of the Navy with the request that this Department forward to Commander Elmer, U. S. N., the names of such vessels be longing to the seaports of this state as could be most readily fitted out as improvised gun vessels, rams, or tor pedo boats, also information as to the possibility of securing the services of the present captains and crews. In accordance with the same, Commander Edward G. Buckland, commanding Naval Battalion, C. N. G., was ordered to make a detail from his battalion to visit the seaport towns of the state and harbors where vessels had been laid up for the winter, to inspect and make out a complete list of the vessels suitable for an auxiliary naval fleet. His report wa forwarded by this Department to the Secretary of the Navy April 1, 1898, and em braced a report of the yachts Embla and Huntress, the only two craft in Connecticut suitable for torpedo boats, besides two steel tugs which could be utilized, but there was nothing available for gunboats. In said report was also a list of smaller craft, ferry-boats, transports, etc. In response to the same the following communication was received : 1G INTRODUCTORY. (Copy.) NAVY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY, WASHINGTON, April 4, 1898. SIR: The Department is in receipt of your letter of the 2d instant, stating that you have for warded certain data relating to auxiliary vessels. The blanks giving the above information have also been received. Very respectfully, T. KOOSEVELT, Assistant Secretary. Assistant Adjutant-General of Connecticut, Hartford, Conn. Before the month expired the following communication was received from the Navy Department : (Copy.) NAVY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY, WASHINGTON, April 25, 1898. SIR: In compliance with the recommendations of Commander Horace Elmer, U. S. N., Chief of the U. S. Auxiliary Naval Force, the Department requests that the Naval Militia force of Connecticut be increased to such numbers as will enable it to man the vessels assigned to it in the scheme for coast defense. You are requested to have the Adjutant-General confer with Commander Edward G. Buck- land, commanding the Naval Battalion of Connecticut National Guard, in regard to this plan. Very respectfully, T. KOOSEVELT, Assistant Secretary. The Governor of Connecticut, Executive Department. In compliance with the above letter, Commander Backland was ordered to put his command in condition for immediate service. The Quartermaster-General was dirested to supply all needed equipments. On May 26th, this Department received a communication from the Navy Department which is herewith submitted. (Copy.) NAVY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C., May 26, 1898. SIR: The consideration of the value to the country at large, and to the Navy in particular, of a naval militia in case of war was based upon the expectation of a body of well-drilled officers and men capable of being taken into the service when wanted, and prepared to endure the regular work of the Navy during a war, the officers and men being taken together. The exigencies of the present war have demonstrated that insufficient drill has been given to both officers and men, especially of the Seaman Branch who have not had previous naval training, and it is only by making regular enlistments for one year, unless sooner discharged, and then selecting such details as seem best suited to the wants of the Department that the greatest efficiency can be obtained. The recent passage of the Auxiliary Naval Force Joint Resolution now gives an opportunity for a more general employment of the Naval Militia, and in order to secure the largest number of men, it is suggested that the Adjutant-General of the different states be instructed to ren dezvous their Naval Reserves for examination and enlistment of such as may be found qualified. The officers and men should be informed that, while the intention is that their services shall be used as far as practicable for necessary coast defense, yet inasmuch as they are to be mus tered in, to receive the same rank and pay as those of the regular Navy, they must be prepared in case of special emergencies to serve wherever the Department deems their presence most necessary. In order to save the State useless expense, and the men unnecessary loss of time, Rear Ad miral Erben, 39 Whitehall Street, New York city, will be instructed to arrange with the Ad jutant-General as to the time and place for holding examinations and making enlistments of those who may volunteer to serve under the above-mentioned conditions. Those passing the examinations, physically and professionally, shall be recommended for the appointment to the grades, or enlisted for the ratings, for which they may be found best qualified, and when mustered into the service they will be sent to the nearest receiving ship, or station, INTRODUCTORY 17 from which regular details can be drawn as required, which, as far as practicable, will be made up of men from the same state and organization. In this manner all the states Naval Militia can be utilized and the same opportunities can be offered to all alike. The Department herewith encloses the instructions that will be issued for making examina tions and enlistments. .Respectfully, JOHN D. LONG, Secretary of the Navy. To the Governor of the State of Connecticut, . Hartford, Conn. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ENLISTMENT OF AUXILIARY NAVAL FORCE. 1. Officers and men must be given one year s leave from the state authorities. 2. At the top of the first and main sheets of the Enlistment Records must be noted in red ink, " Auxiliary Naval Force." 3. The enlistments must be made for " one year s general service unless sooner discharged," which must be endorsed with red ink on the first and main sheets of the Enlistment Records. 4. On the same sheets must also be noted, " Discharge will be granted, upon request, provided the exigencies of the service will permit." 5. Officers must be examined for the grades to which they may be appointed, for one year if successful, and according to the duties they will be expected to perform. 6. Men will be examined for the ratings which they will be expected to hold, and will be enlisted according to Article 797, Paragraphs 1 and 2, Navy Regulations, 1896. Petty officers will then be given acting appointments by their commanding officers. 7. Officers and men will be examined physically, and slight disabilities will be waived, taking into consideration the duties to be performed. Age and height limits will also be waived. 8. All disabilities waived will be entered on the Enlistment Records, or attached to the appointment. Respectfully, A. S. CROWNINGSHIELD, Chief of Bureau. This was followed by a communication from Rear Admiral Erben relating to the same matter, immediately on receipt of which Commander Buckland was directed to notify this Department as to the number of men from his command who w r ould volunteer into the United States Navy. On May 31st, he wired as follows: (Copy.) NEW HAVEN, CONN., Governor LORRIN A. COOKE, Commander -in-Chief, HARTFORD, CONN. Naval Battalion will volunteer full strength for enlistment, two hundred and three men, eighteen officers. I await orders rendezvous. EDWARD G. BUCKLAND, Commander. The following telegrams explain themselves : (Copy.) HARTFORD, CONN., May 31, 1898. HON. JOHN D. LONG, Secretary of Nary, WASHINGTON, D. C. The Governor directs acknowledgment of your communication of the 26th inst.. in relation to Naval Battalion. The same will be attended to promptly, and this Department will com municate with Rear Admiral Erben immediately in accordance with instructions. GEORGE HAVEN, Adjutant-General. NEW YORK, June 3, 1898. Governor LORRIN A. COOKE, HARTFORD, CONN. Have Naval Militia assemble at Niantic, Monday, June 6th. Officer will be there to examine and enlist officers and men. HENRY ERBEN. NEW YORK, June 3, 1898. Adjutant-General, STATE OF CONNECTICUT, HARTFORD, CONN. The examination of the Naval Militia of Connecticut will 1 egin at Niantic on Monday, June sixth. Kindly arrange with the railroad company to deliver the men who pass the examination to the receiving-ship here. The matter of transportation to be settled hereafter. Please advise by wire. ERBEN. 18 INTRODUCTORY NEW YORK, June 2, 1898. SIR: I am directed by Rear Admiral Erben, U. S. N., retired, in charge of the Coast Defense Sys tem, to acknowledge receipt of your telegram of the 1st inst., and telephone message to the effect that 203 men and 18 officers are prepared to volunteer into the Auxiliary Naval Force, and to notify you as soon as preparations have been made to enlist these men, due notice will be sent you. It is probable that this will be done in a few days. Very respectfully, GEORGE EDWIN KENT, Lieutenant, U. S. N. Governor LORRIN A. COOKE, HARTFORD, CONN. Upon receipt of these communications, I wired as follows: (Copy.) HARTFORD, CONN., June 3, 1898. REAR ADMIRAL ERBEN, 39 Whitehall St., New York City. The Governor directs acknowledgment of telegram. Naval Battalion, C. N. G., ordered to rendezvous at Niantic, Conn., Monday, June sixth, not later than 5.30 p. M. It is understood at present that matter of transportation from Nianic to receiving-ship must be arranged by tho Government. GEORGE HAVEN, Adjutant-General. Under date of June 3d, the following Special Orders was issued from the Adjutant-General s office: STATE OF CONNECTICUT. ADJUTANT-GENERAL S OFFICE, Hartford, June 3, 1898. SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 95. I. Commander Edward G. Buckland, commanding Naval Battalion, Connecticut National Guard, is hereby ordered to assemble his command at Camp Haven, State Military Rendezvous, Niantic, Connecticut, Monday, June 6, 1898, preparatory to examination and enlistment into the United States Navy. The command will leave the home station to arrive in Niantic not later than 5.30 on date mentioned. II. The Quartermaster-General will furnish the necessary transportation from Hartford and New Haven respectively. III. The Commissary-General will furnish subsistence for the enlisted men. The officers furnish their own rations as their pay per diem covers ration allowance. IV. Triplicate pay-rolls for duty duly signed by each member, and sworn to by the com manding officer will be required; one copy to be retained by the commanding officer, and two copies to be forwarded to this office. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. GEORGE HAVEN, Adjutant-General. OFFICIAL : WM. E. F. LANDERS, Assistant Adjutant-General. June 15, 1898, the Naval Battalion was mustered into the United States service as a part of the Auxiliary Force, with a numerical strength as follows: Commissioned Officers, ........ 14 Non-Commissioned Officers, ....... 2 First Division, .......... 80 Second Division, ......... 81 Engineer Division, ......... 25 202 In regard to the service of the Naval Militia, you are respectfully referred to the report of Lieutenant John W. Weeks, U. S. N. In this report Lieutenant Weeks speaks very highly of our Naval Militia and considers their services especially meritorious, as said service was particularly trying, most of the men being stationed on a re- INTRODUCTORY 19 cruiting ship, with very little hope of seeing active service. Their prompt response to the call of the Govern ment is worthy of the highest commendation. ************* OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD WHO WERE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT AS OFFICERS OF VOLUNTEERS. Colonel Lucien F. Burpee, Second Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel and A&fatfeftt Judge Advocate, U. S. Y. Lieutenant-Colonel Leonard B. Almy, Medical Director Brigade, C. N. G., retired, Major and Surgeon of Division, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Colonel George M. Cole, Third Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel, Fourth Regiment, U. S. Y. Colonel James B. Houston, Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Major and Paymaster, U. S. Y. Captain Benjamin H. Stark, Third Regiment, Quartermaster Fourth Regiment, U. S. Y. Captain Howard A. Giddings, Brigade Signal Officer, Captain and Signal Officer, U. S. Y., attached to the Staff of General Fitzhugh Lee. First Lieutenant Wm. F. M. Rogers, Third Section Signal Corps, First Lieutenant, U. S. Y., Signal Corps, with General Wilson at Porto Rico. First Lieutenant Rodmond Y. Beach, Battalion Adjutant, Second Regiment, First Lieutenant and Adjutant, First Regiment U. S. Y. Engineers. Died in Porto Rico. Ex-Captain Wm. C. Dwight, Company K, First Regiment, Major and Paymaster, U. S. Y. Captain Frederick A. Hill, Company F, Fourth Regiment, Major and Judge Advocate, U. S. Y. Lieutenant Philip E. Fairchild, Commanding First Section Brigade Signal Corps, C. N. G., Sergeant-Major U. S. Y. Signal Corps Battalion. Died at Jacksonville, Fla. In addition to the above, one company of signal men was recruited from our Brigade Signal Corps and not counted on our quota. These men performed their duties to the satisfaction of their superior officers and with credit to the State. They are still in service. ************* With the destruction of the Spanish fleet under command of Admiral Cervera all danger to our seaboard was obviated, and the commandant of the First Regiment w r as ordered to assemble the several companies of his command at Camp Haven, and from these they were transported to Camp Alger, Dunn Loring, Ya. It is proper to add that but one of the New England States had troops in active service, and but few of the entire sisterhood of states had troops at Santiago, the only battlefield of the war with the exception of Manila. The fact of our troops not being called to the front does not detract in the least from their patriotism or fidel ity. A good soldier is one who is ready to obey orders, to do duty at home, in camp, or on the battlefield. Our Connecticut troops enlisted with the expectation of going anywhere in the United States or foreign countries, if ordered. The service they performed, consisting of a monotonous routine of camp duty, while termed " in active," was fraught with something more deadly and insidious than a Spanish bullet, and that was typhoid fever. A number of them succumbed to this disease, and their names should be imperishable and recorded on our State roll of honor with those who died in the War of the Rebellion. Statistics show that during the War of the Rebellion four men died from disease where one died from the enemy s bullet, and it must be remembered that thousands died from disease in the Chicahominy swamps before Richmond; thousands died in Andersonville prison, and history simply records the fact. War is horrible in any phase, and a soldier who battles with and dies from disease is entitled to just as much glory as one who falls facing the enemy. Connecticut should be proud of the National Guard. Their promptness to respond to the call of their country shows that the spirit of patriotism and loyalty which actuated and animated their forefathers in the War of the Revolution, War of 1812, and the War of the Rebellion has descended to the present generation, and history will record that Connecticut, under your Excellency s wise administration, placed in the field in a little over sixty days more than three thousand four hundred (3,400) men uniformed, armed, equipped, and ready for service. It may be further added that one thousand one hundred and forty-eight (1,148) of this num ber were in excess of quotas called for. SIGNAL CORPS. The Brigade Signal Corps, C. N. G., at the beginning of the Spanish-American war, had a national reputa tion. General A. W. Greeley, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, was anxious that they should have opportunity for active service, and through his influence, Captain Howard A. Giddings, commanding Brigade Signal Corps, and Lieutenant Win. F. M. Rogers, commanding 3d Section, Avere given commissions in the volunteer Signal Corps, and several of the enlisted men of the corps were appointed non-commissioned officers. Their experience demonstrated that visual signaling is but a small factor in the work of a Signal Corps. 20 INTRODUCTORY A Signal Corps, to be up to the present standard of excellence, in addition to the qualifications men tioned, must understand telegraphy and also be electricians. Our Brigade Signal Corps, therefore, will have to be reorganized with this idea in view. ******* ******* Our Battalion of Naval Reserves, when called for by the Government, responded almost to a man. Its officers were examined by officers of the Navy, and, to their credit be it said, passed the examination and were commissioned by the President. Upon being mustered into service, the naval officers absolutely refused to take the equipments which had been furnished by the State, and it was with difficulty, and after considerable correspondence with the Naval Department, that Connecticut was enabled to send her Naval Militia to their ships in uniform. They were finally accepted, each man receipting for the uniform he wore. Unlike the land forces, our Naval Reserves lost their identity. The Officers were sent to different vessels, and the men placed on receiving ships as ordinary American sailors. It is to be regretted that this action was thought necessary by the Naval Department, as our battalion was composed of a fine body of intelligent men, who would have done credit to the State had opportunity offered. * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * In conclusion, I desire to heartily commend the National Guard as being a thoroughly loyal and patriotic organization, willing and anxious, at a great personal sacrifice to themselves if necessary, to volunteer into the service of their country, and while, like the troops of other states, they have been subjected to the usual camp fevers, etc., no great discontent has manifested itself, and, in comparison with the troops of other states, I believe that Connecticut, with a proud record, stands today among the leaders in the National Guard of the country. ******* ******* With highest personal regards, I remain, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, GEORGE HAVEN, Adjutant-General." REPORT OF COLONEL CHARLES L. BURDETT, COMMANDING FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS, INFANTRY. " HEADQUARTERS FIRST CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS, INFANTRY, HARTFORD, CONN., September 30, 1898. " Adjutant-General, State of Connecticut. SIR: " I have the honor to send herewith a report of the First Connecticut Volunteers, Infantry, covering briefly points in the history of the Regiment: " May 4, 1898. First Regiment, C. N. G., ten companies of 84 men with Field, Line, Staff, Non-commis sioned Staff, and Hospital Corps, 100 per cent, reported at Niantic, Conn., as volunteers in the United States service. " May 17, 1898. Companies A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, and K, were mustered into the United States service by Lieutenant Rowan. " May 18, 1898. The Field, Staff, Non-commissioned Staff, Hospital Corps, and Company E were mustered into the United States service. " May 23, 1898. Under S. O. No. 110, Department of the East, Company C sent on detached duty to Fort Constitution, New Hampshire, and Companies F and K to Fort Preble, Portland, Me. The order detailing these companies was received Monday, May 23d, at 8.20 A. M. Company C reported at Portsmouth at 6.10 that evening with arms, uniformed, and camp and garrison equipage. Companies F and K reported at Portland at 8 p. M. that evening. " May 24, 1898. Captain Hammond, 8th U. S. Cavalry, reported at post as Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. ; May 29, 1898. Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond and Companies E and I went to Plum Island under S. O. No. 110. "June 9, 1898. Company B went to Gull Island under S. O. No. 110. "June 10, 1898. Field, Staff, Non-commissioned Staff, Band, Hospital Corps, and Companies A, D, G, and H, arrived at Fort Knox, Bucksport, Me. "July 10, 1898. Company L of Meriden, under Captain C. B. Bowen, with 107 men, reported for duty at Fort Knox. INTRODUCTORY 21 " July 13, 1898. The Headquarters detachment left Fort Knox and arrived at Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., July 14, 1898. " July 15, 1898. Company C reported at Camp Haven. " July 16, 1898. Companies F and K reported at Camp Haven. " July 18, 1898. The Regiment left Camp Haven for Camp Alger, Virginia. " July 19, 1898. The whole command arrived at Camp Alger, Va., at noon. " August 2, 1898. The First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry was brigaded in Second Brigade, Third Divi sion, Second Army Corps, and reported to Major M. C. Butler, First Division, for duty. Colonel Burdett was appointed acting Brigade commander. " September 7, 1898. The Regiment left Camp Alger for Camp Haven, Conn. " September 8, 1898. Arrived at Camp Haven. " September 22, 1898. The Regiment left camp, officers on leave and men on furloughs for thirty days. " The above covers in brief the main incidents in the history of the Regiment. " Very respectfully, " Your obedient servant, " CHARLES L. BURDETT, Colonel Commanding First Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Infantry." CATALOGUE OF CONNECTICUT MEN HISTORY of the FIRST REGIMENT CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, Written by Colonel Charles L. Burden, Commanding. " This brief account of a few of the most salient facts in the history of a militia regiment serving as volunteers in a foreign war may be of interest to the members and it is offered with apologies for its incom pleteness. On behalf of the command the many courte sies received at the hands of friends is acknowledged. To the several military commands at Hartford, the members of the G. A. R., the Second Division Naval Battalion, the First Company, Governor s Foot Guard; to the Third Regiment, C. V. I., and the Artillery commands at iSTiantic the Regiment was indebted for courteous attention as escort, and on its behalf thanks are hereby extended. To Mrs. Sarah T. Kinney as regent of the Con necticut D. A. R. especial thanks are due for contribu tions of money, of wearing apparel, of hospital supplies and for a prompt and eager response to every requisi tion and request made by the Chaplain in behalf of the sick in the command. The regiment is also indebted to the War Committee of the D. A. R., Mrs. Frank L. Howard, chairman, to Colonel and Mrs. Cheney, to Miss McCook, to the ladies of Hartford, East Hartford, Niantic and "Washington, who gave aid in various forms and abundant good wishes and kindly services. The greater part of the cuts in the book are from photographs taken by Mr. Waite, who has kindly per mitted their reproduction. The duties of an active military service required of the officers, hard and untiring work, particularly in the administrative departments, and the regiment w r as fortunate in having the services of Adjutant Wain- wright, Quartermaster-Commissary Bronson, Commis sary-Sergeant Prescott, Surgeon Rockwell and Assis- ant Surgeons McCook and Griswold. The Chaplain was untiring in the work of his own department and in looking after the physical as well as the spiritual welfare of the men. He was constant in his efforts to aid, interest and improve the men and to cheer them in sickness. Two companies in the command were especially fortunate in being under the direct command and guidance of Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond (Captain Eighth U. S. Cavalry), who joined the Regiment just in time to proceed to Plum Island with two companies, and who remained with them until the rendezvous at Niantic, July 18th. The Regiment Avas fortunate in having no causi for complaint in the matter of maintenance, sub sistence, transportation or medical care. Early in the year 1898 the First Regiment, Con necticut National Guard, was in effective condition standing high among the organizations which made u] the active militia of the state. With the rest it wa liable to military duty under the orders of His Excel lency, the Governor, as Commander-in-Chief of th military forces of the state. On requisition by the President of the Unite* States it was liable for service for duty without th state for a time not exceeding three months in any on year. The troubles in Cuba and the public interest tha had been excited, both in and out of Congress, causes many of the more conservative thinkers to fear tha the United States would become embroiled in a wa with Spain. This fear grew to be a practical certaint; when news was received of the blowing up of the Main in Havana harbor. Very soon after this the regimen was thoroughly canvassed, a list prepared of all th officers and men showing age, occupation, and whethe married or single ; also a list of the house and busines address of each man. A copy of the list with addresse was furnished to the Southern New England Telephon Company, in answer to their offer to assist in notifyin, the men in case of a sudden call. In answer to an inquiry from the Adjutant Gen eral s Department, the following report was made, am it is here set out in full to show the condition o affairs: HABTFORD, MARCH 21, 1898. Brigadier-General George Haven, Adjutant General Connecticut: SIR : I have the honor to submit the fol lowing report regarding the First Regiment, C. N. G., based on answers to inquiries made : 1. The condition is that which existed on March 15, 1898, and at that time there were 608 officers and men in the line, non-com batants excepted. 2. Of the total membership in the line 28 per cent, are married. 3. The average age as based upon one city and one country company is 24 years. In Company C 55 per cent, are in the 20 s and 20 per cent, are under 20 years of 25 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY age. The oldest is 38 and the youngest is 18. In Company B 90 per cent, of the member ship are in the 20 s and only 12 per cent, are married. 4. The percentage of men to be relied upon for duty in case of call was 93 per cent. This, however, in my opinion, is too high. Under present conditions 80 per cent, would be nearer the facts for reasons which will be hereinafter stated. 5. The average time reported as required to mobilize the several companies at their armories was one hour and thirty minutes, except as to Company F, Captain Newton stating that he did not know how long it would take and that he could make no esti mate. In my opinion, except as to Company G, in which the men are scattered over quite a large territory, the command could be mobilized within two hours and placed on the train at Hartford within three hours of receipt of the call at these Headquarters. This I regard as a safe estimate. * 6. I find that only a small percentage of the command are engaged in clerical occupa tions ; that far the largest percentage are artizans and mechanics, but that only a small percentage have out-of-door employment. The physical condition of the command from a hygienic point of view I should rate as excellent. The factor of weakness, in my opinion, if the command should be called upon for a tour of duty extending beyond ten days, would be the large percentage of married men. Al though all would want to serve it is doubtful whether they should be permitted to, as they are in most instances the sole support of the family. In the case of the officers this criti cism may not apply, but in the case of the enlisted men who are married I have the fol lowing request to make. First, that you will approve the discharge promptly at the re quest of the commanding officer of those married men whom inquiry has shown to be so circumstanced as to make their leaving a hardship, and to fill their places with compe tent and desirable men who are ex-members of the C. !N". G., or other military organiza tion. Second, that a list of those who will volunteer for such special duty and can be depended upon to enlist at once may be quietly prepared by the commander of each organization for use, and enlistment papers for such men made out, signed and the men held on the waiting list. My reasons for asking this are, that if occasion demands I want to take the field with the Eegiment at its maximum strength; that I want in such command, men who can leave with the least possible loss or hardship to those dependent on them, and for the reason that there are more than enough men com paratively free from any and all such obliga tions who will be only too ready to fill the ranks. My request applies whether the duty which the Regiment may be called upon to perform shall be local or in a distant section. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, CHARLES L. BURDETT, Colonel. Affairs in Washington were rapidly drawing to a focus, and on April 21st Congress declared war with Spain. This put to rest any doubts as to whether there would be war or not, and should have been fair notice to all the states that a call would be made on them for volunteers, as the meager twenty-five thou sand regulars in the then existing army were totally insufficient. For several weeks, and particularly after the order had been issued by the Adjutant-General of the state to recruit the companies in each regiment to a maxi mum of eighty-four officers and men, members of the C. N". G. had been confident that Connecticut would be called upon for at least one regiment, but no hint or indication could be obtained as to what regiment might be chosen. This caused the whole brigade to be made uneasy and worried by the uncertainty as to whether they would have the desired opportunity to go or not. All that could be learned was that if a regiment was ready when the call was received, its claim would receive consideration by the Governor. The First Regiment was ready when the call came on April 26th, and early on Tuesday, April 27th, the final report showing the condition of the command and its readiness was submitted to the Adjutant-General. Two years before, or in May, 1896, the command ing officer of the regiment, Colonel Burdett, had ob tained from Governor Coffin the privilege of using the amount of money that it would cost for a regimental field day in the purchase of supplies. On this the regiment had been outfitted with canvas leggins, haver sacks, containing meat can, knife, fork and spoon, with revolvers for the officers, and a little later cam paign hats were obtained. By orders of the Colonel, the mess outfits had been kept packed in the original boxes, and as a result in April, 1898, the regiment was the only one in the state equipped in this most essential regard. The small supply of these articles which the government had on hand were exhausted in supplying the regular troops, and it was months before the needed supplies for the two hundred and fifty thousand volunteers, or even a small part of them, could be obtained. Several meetings of the Council of Officers of the First Regiment, C. N. G., had been held in the officers room in the armory at Hartford, where the situation from time to time had been discussed. In General Orders No. 6, A.-G. O., dated Hartford, April 22, 1898, the several commanding officers of the infantry FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 27 companies of the C. N. G. had been ordered to recruit their companies to the maximum strength of eighty- four officers and men. On Monday evening, April 25, 1898, the final re ports from the commanding officers of the several or ganizations were received, and these reports showed that all the officers for whom the War Department would find places in the regiment required and ten companies of a maximum strength of eighty-four men per company had volunteered. A report to this effect was filed in the office of the Adjutant-General of the State at 8:45 o clock A. M. on Tuesday, April 26, 1898. On this later date Adjutant-General Haven received from the War De partment the Connecticut quota and the details as to the total number of infantry, heavy artillery, and light artillery required, this under the official call. On Wednesday morning, April 27, 1898, Governor Cooke, in a personal interview, notified Colonel Burdett that he then selected the First Kegiment to fill the infantry quota, and later in the day an official notice was received. The commanding officers of all organizations in the First Kegiment were at once notified of this selec tion and active steps were at once taken to put the command into shape for immediate service. During April, and particularly the latter part, Lieutenant J. M. Wainwright, Regimental Paymaster, and Doctor R. J. Griswold, Assistant Surgeon, had been active in recruiting and drilling a provisional company, although this work was sadly hampered by the public sentiment. Just what this was is shown by the following extract from a letter dated April 28, 1898, to Senator Hawley from Colonel Burdett: " Of the command 100 per cent, field and line officers have volunteered for two years. 85 per cent, of the whole command have vol unteered. They have done this in the face of a public sentiment which has been pro nounced and violent. Press^ business men and the whole public have been out of sym pathy not only with the war, or the idea of war, but with the officers and men whose sense of duty has caused them to stand by their country when actual w T ar and peril are facts." Whether or not the instructions given to the regi ment in years past, the sentiment aroused and the feeling engendered had been truly military in character can be well judged by this record made by the First Regiment, C. N. G. In fact, 100 per cent, of the whole command as it existed on April 26, 1898, vol unteered, the band (who are non-combatants) excepted. Not only did every officer volunteer for whom the schedule of organizations outlined by the War Depart ment made a place, but many others were eager to go. No paymaster could be taken, but Lieutenant Wain wright would not be denied. No inspector of Small Arms Practice could go, but Captain William H. Stratton went down to camp with the regiment as act ing quartermaster, and after that as aide, and for several days did all he could to help it. Captain C. W. Burpee, Ex. I. S. A. P., went down with the regiment as special aide on the Colonel s staff and worked for weeks in the tedious routine of instruc tion and mustering, until it was clear that no vacancy for him would occur. General Orders No. 8, A.-G. O., Hartford, April 30, 1898, directed the troops making up the quota for Connecticut to rendezvous at Niantic, Conn., Wednes day, May 4, 1898, and in this same order Brigadier- General George Haven, Adjutant-General, was desig nated as Post Commandant. The delay from April 27th to May 4th was solely due to failure of the state authorities to prepare the camp ground at Niantic in advance for the reception of troops. The regiment was ready to move on 24 hours notice. On April 29, 1898, a communication from the Secretary of War (including S. O. No. 97 and S. O. No. 98, A.-G. O., TJ. S. A.) was received by Governor Cooke, naming the rendezvous, mustering officer and the examining officers. On Monday, May 2, 1898, Lieu tenant Hamilton Rowan, TJ. S. Army, reported at Hartford as mustering officer and went with the com mand to Niantic on May 4th. Now when the actual reality of war overcame the adverse sentiment the good will of the people and their intense interest in the command was shown. The Court of Common Council, City of Hartford, passed the following: " CITY CLERK S OFFICE, HARTFORD, CONN., MAY 3, 1898. By concurrent action in Court of Common Council, the following were received and unanimously passed: WHEREAS, Our country is at war with Spain for the prevention of further atrocities in Cuba and the guaranteeing to that unhappy island of a stable government by and for the people, and WHEREAS, In response to President McKin- ley s call for volunteers the First Regiment, Connecticut National Guards, Colonel Charles L. Burdett commanding, is to leave Hartford, Wednesday, May 4th, for the state rendezvous at Niantic to be mustered into the federal service as the first part of the quota of this state, and WHEREAS, The commandant and several staff officers (one of them a member of this court) of this regiment and five companies are our fellow citizens of Hartford, therefore be it 28 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RESOLVED, That we, the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford, hereby place on record our commendation of the patriotic spirit shown by Hhe First in its quick response to the call to arms, a response worthy the example of their predecessors in 1776, 1812, 1846 and 1861. RESOLVED, That the City Hall be appro priately decorated. That a half holiday be given to the school children. That places of business be closed. That escorts be tendered the regiment by Grand Army Veterans, the First Company of Governor s Foot Guards, the Putnam Phalanx, and any other home companies desiring to participate, and that the column be reviewed in front of the City Hall by his Honor, the Mayor, and the Court of Common Council; RESOLVED, That a joint special committee, to consist of his Honor, the Mayor, ex-officio chairman, the acting president of the Board of Aldermen and three Aldermen; the presi dent of the Board of Common Council and five Councilmen ; be and hereby are appointed to act in conjunction with Colonel Burdett, the commandants of Grand Army Posts and of the Foot Guard and Putnam Phalanx, to carry these resolutions into effect. RESOLVED, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and that a copy be sent to Colonel Burdett, commanding the First Regi ment, C. 1ST. G. Approved May 3rd, 1898. Attest: (Signed) HENRY F. SMITH, City Clerk." May 4th came, and the regiment as it moved with full ranks and with most soldierly array from the armory to the railroad station, was most heartily applauded along the whole line of march by an immense crowd of people. In even greater enthu siasm Co. C at Rockville, Co. G at South Manchester, and Cos. I), E and I at New Britain were escorted by the Grand Army Posts and other organizations and were cheered and applauded. The special escort to the regiment tendered by the First Company Gover nor s Foot Guard, under Major E. Henry Hyde, Jr., was a courtesy highly appreciated by the regiment. His Excellency, Governor Cook and members of his staff, his Honor, Mayor Preston, and members of the Common Council, reviewed the regiment and gave it their best wishes. At about five o clock P. M., May 4, 1898, the regi ment encamped at Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn. Every one of those present, except the band (which could not be recognized as a separate organization under the call) had volunteered for two years or the war. Not a man was taken to camp who had not volunteered to go before leaving the home station. Nothing could exceed the good will shown by the people of the First District toward the First Regiment as soon as it was designated to represent the state in the war. Cheney Brothers, of South Manchester, bought a life insurance policy of $2,000 for each volunteer of Company G who left their employ to go to war, and assured them of work on their return. Colonel Albert A. Pope, of the Pope Manufacturing Company, paid for a like policy of $1,000 on the life of each employee and held places open for many. The Hartford City Council, in addition to resolutions of approval, appropriated $500 for band instruments for the regiment, and no sum was put to better use. Only those who have experienced it can appreciate the encouragement of band music in a lonely camp or on the march in the field. The citizens of Hartford contributed toward and bought a stand of colors, which the regiment carried during their war service and on their return placed in the custody of the state. Promptly on the arrival of the command at Niantic on the afternoon of May 4, 1898, Commissary General A. P. Day turned over to Colonel Burdett the keys of the storehouses where ample subsistence stores for the regiment were stored, and Colonel Morgan, Assistant Quartermaster-General, turned over the Buzzcott ovens which were to be the only apparatus usuable by the troops for service in the field for cooking. Several years before this, and on this same camp ground, a com pany of the Fourth Regiment, C. N. G. (then under Colonel, now Brigadier-General, Frost) hastset up and used this same kind of a cooking outfit during the week s encampment, and it would have been an excel lent thing if this lesson had been thoroughly learned and practiced in subsequent years at each encamp ment by every company in the C. N. G. Under the personal direction of Colonel Burdett the oven of each command was established, rations for one day were issued, and the company cooks, who were trained cooks specially enlisted for the work, were busy getting supper. The trench for the grate of the cooking outfit was dug, cord wood brought from a pile and cut to proper size and length, and fires started by Ihe company details, and it was fully seven o clock, and in some instances later, before supper was ready. By direction of the Colonel commanding, one whole day s rations were served at this first meal. The next two day s rations were consumed in one day, and on the next two days three days rations were consumed, and it was nearly two weeks before the cooks and men learned how to properly divide and serve the very ample ration issued by the government and to restrict each man to his share. Within a few days, and in fact by Friday evening, May 6th, severe cold rains set in, and" for the next two weeks cold rains or wind and heavy fogs were frequent. An urgency issue of rubber ponchos, heavy underclothing, and stockings and shoes was made to the regiment by the state. The care taken of the men enabled them to remain in excellent health in spite of the adverse weather. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 29 It was not until Saturday, May 7th, that the medical officers began the official examination of the men of the First Regiment, although the command was ready on the 5th, and on that day about eighty men of Com pany A were examined. The rate of examination was noted as well as the number thrown out, and judging from the result in this company, it appeared that ten days would be required for the physical examination, and that fifteen per cent, of loss would be incurred. This total appeared to be too much, and the need of prompt recruiting was also evident. This was called to the attention of General George Haven, Adjutant- General of the State, and Post Commandant, and an effort made to have the work expedited, but without success. Early on Monday, May 9th, Colonel Burdett ob tained from Governor Cooke in Hartford, permission to recruit in advance to fill organizations, but by oral instructions from Assistant Adjutant-General Landers, based on a complaint from the Second Regiment, the recruiting ground was limited to the First Congres sional District, the order coming from the Governor. On the physical examination of the men Com pany C, of Rockville, stood at a high rate; other companies lost as high as twenty-six per cent. Recruiting kept pace with the losses, and although many of the recruits sent to camp were not accepted the quota was finally completed without any delay, and on May 18, 1898, the Field, Staff, and nine companies of the regiment were mustered into the United States service by Lieutenant Rowan, the tenth company being mustered in on the 19th. A regular routine of drill was established and the officers and non-commissioned officers were working hard instructing recruits, as well as the older men, in drill and camp duties. Particular attention was paid to individual instruction, so that in the extended order drill the men could intelligently take the part required by the new tactics where so much is left to the smaller sub-divisions of a regiment, or even of a company. On Sunday afternoon, May 22, 1898, a message was received from Captain Crawford, A. A. Q. M., at Fort Trumbull, Xew London, Conn., asking about the transportation of the First Regiment to the several positions to which the companies had been assigned, and this was the first notice received of the assign ment. At 8 :20 o clock the next morning an official copy of the order, as follows, was received : "HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE EAST, GOVERNOR S ISLAND, T^EW YORK CITY, SPECIAL ORDERS XO. 110. MAY 20, 1898 (EXTRACT.) 3 The . First Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Infantry having reported for duty will proceed to and take stations as follows, taking tents, necessary camp equipage and ten days rations. The Colonel with Headquarters, unassigned to go to the stations indicated. The Lieutenant-Colonel and two companies to Plum Island, N. Y. Two companies to Fort Preble, Maine. One company to Gull Island, N. Y. One company to Fort Constitution, 1ST. H. The Colonel with Headquarters, unassigned field officers and six companies will remain for the present in camp at Niantic, Conn. The Chief Quartermaster of the Depart ment will arrange for the necessary trans portation. By command of Brigadier General Frank: M. BARBER, Assistant Adjutant-General." Official : M. BARBER, A. A. G. Companies were at once designated for the several positions, as follows : Fort Preble, Portland, Me., Companies K and F. Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, N. H., Company C. Gull Island, N. Y., Company B. Plum Island, 1ST. Y., Companies E and I. To secure the needed transportation, arrangements had to be made with the Passenger Department of the K Y., X. H. & H. R. R. Co., and they had to arrange with three other railroad companies before a time schedule for the train could be issued. The Commis sary Department, under the immediate charge of Commissary-Sergeant A. N. Prescott, had to issue the needed rations and make arrangements also for travel rations, and the Quartermaster s Department, under Quartermaster A. II. Bronson, had to make the neces sary arrangements for the transportation of the com mands and all baggage to the railroad station, and for the train to transport the whole. All these details were so promptly arranged and completed that at six o clock Monday evening of the day the order was received Company C reported at Fort Constitution, N". H., and at eight o clock that same evening Companies F and K reported at Fort Preble, Portland, Me., the several companies being armed, uniformed and equipped and provided with camp equipage, such as it was. The regular army officers at the posts to which these companies were assigned were much surprised at the prompt arrival of the companies, and Com panies K and F were obliged to sleep in the cars the first night, as no arrangements had been made to locate their camp. As but very little was known regarding Plum Island and Gull Island, Surgeon Griswold was sent on the 9 :06 train Monday morning to New London, to Major Leach, of the U. S. Engineer Department, with request that he be permitted to examine the two 30 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY islands and report on available camp sites and general condition of the places, ascertaining from the condi tion of the workmen who were employed there, what the conditions were from a sanitary point of view, and also to bring back sterilized samples of the water avail able at each place. At six o clock Tuesday morning Lieu tenant Griswold reported back to Camp Haven with a sample of the water from Plum Island, and further reported that there was no adequate water supply at Gull Island. The condition of the workmen at Plum Island, the diseases which had been prevalent there during the past year, and all details needed for a correct understanding of the sanitary questions had been obtained and were reported on by Lieutenant Griswold, a camp site being also recommended. Beginning with Saturday, May 7, 1898, the weather was most inclement, cold rains and snow squalls severely taxing the health and patience of the officers and men. Tents were blown down during the rain storms and the occupants drenched. This, how ever, was merely a matter of experience that did not disturb the command very much, as they were buoyed up with the idea that they were soon to see active service, and very little illness resulted. Lieutenant-Colonel Red-field, however, who had not fully recovered from the effects of a serious illness of a few years previous, took a severe cold, but attended to his duties until Surgeon Rockwell directed that he be sent away from camp as his only chance of re covery. The case proved so serious that on the advice of Dr. Howe, Dr. Morgan and Surgeon Rockwell, the Colonel commanding the regiment requested the resig nation of the Lieutenant-Colonel, which resignation was handed in. As soon as the certainty of a vacancy was learned, the Colonel commanding the regiment obtained from Governor Cooke permission to nominate a successor to Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield. Before making this re quest he had telegraphed to Captain A. G. Hammond, Eighth Cavalry, TJ. S. A., then stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, asking him if he would accept the position if it could be obtained. Captain Ham mond was a Hartford man, a "West Point graduate, and well known to many of the officers in the C. N. G. In reply to this telegram Captain Hammond at once replied " Yes, with thanks." He was at once nomi nated for the position by the Colonel, and leave of absence from his regular command was obtained, this through the assistance of General Hawley, but it was not until May 24, 1898, that Captain Hammond could get to Niantic. The appointment of the regular army officer in the regiment was wholly at the instance of Colonel Burdett, and was not requested because there was any doubt about the ability of the officers to take care of the men, or any doubt about their knowledge of tactics or their main duties, but it was in order that the regiment might have the benefit of that intimate knowledge with paper work, the customs of the service, and the rules and regulations that can be learned only from actual experience in the regular army, and even then not by all. Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond received his commis sion from the governor and was mustered into the service on May 26, 1898, in time to proceed at a later date with Companies E and I to Plum Island. The heavy weather, fogs and rain storms had prevented the companies from going to the island, as the owners of the tug-boat and barge repeatedly reported from New London that they did not dare undertake the trip. Finally, on May 27th, the two companies under com mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond, were loaded on to a barge with arms, uniforms, camp equipage and rations, and taken in tow by a tug. They had hardly cleared Niantic Bay before a heavy fog shut in, and the captain of the tug-boat shut off steam and allowed the tow to drift. In this emergency Lieu tenant Griswold, at his own request, was taken on board of the tug-boat and soon persuaded the pilot that he could help him out. Lieutenant Griswold was born in Lyme, near the shore, and from a boy had been familiar with the Sound and with the sailing of vessels; in fact, he held a pilot s license along the Sound and Massachusetts Bay. The tug-boat was again soon under steam and with the help of Lieuten ant Griswold the correct land fall was made on the eastern side of Plum Island and the troops disem barked without any loss. In answer to the telegraphic report, sent to Head quarters of the Department on May 21st, stating the lack of water on Gull Island, orders were received not to send the company to that place until further orders. Provision having been made for a proper water supply, Company B, under Captain Moran, left Camp Haven on June 8, 1898, by the steamer Manhansett, and at 12 :30 o clock arrived at the island and pitched camp. An order from the Headquarter s Department of the East, under date of June 6, 1898, contained the following extract from S. O. No. 122: " 1. The following changes of and assign ments to stations are ordered : " The Colonel, Headquarters, unassigned field officers and six companies of the First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, now at Niantic, Conn., will proceed to and take sta tion at Fort Knox, near Bucksport, Me." This order was received at Camp Haven a day or two after its date, and inquiry at once made as to the whereabouts of Fort Knox. None of the officers or men of the United States artillery, stationed at Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn., knew where the place was, and neither Mr. Hempstead of the Passenger Department of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., nor FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 31 any of the force in that office in New Haven, could tell anything about it, and, in fact, the best the trans portation agent could do was to get the command to Bucksport, Me. Finally, some one in New London was discovered who reported that Fort Knox was down the river from Bucksport, and could only be reached by about a half day s transportation on barges or river steamers. As a matter of fact, Fort Knox is on the west bank of the Penobscot River, directly opposite Bucksport, eighteen miles from Bangor and forty-five miles from the coast of Maine. On June 10th all transportation arrangements having been completed by Quartermaster Bronson, the headquarters and four companies of the regiment proceeded to Fort Knox. From the first it had been understood that the regimental band would not volunteer for service with the regiment, but it had been ordered into camp for ten days. The orders from the War Department pro vided for the raising of a band from the strength of a regiment, and knowing the great delay and the prac tical impossibility of getting musical instruments in any sort of time from the general government, Captain John K. Williams, of Hartford, ex-Adjutant of the regiment, had been active in getting the City of Hart ford to purchase the needed instruments and present them to the regiment. On May 17th, Captain Wil liams visited camp at Niantic and conferred with the officers about the matter, and soon after that the in struments were received and a band organized. In a very short time, owing to the hard work done by Bandmaster Kennedy and the members of the band, they could perform a few marches and other pieces in a manner fairly satisfactory, and they became in time a credit to the regiment and were a most efficient factor in keeping up the spirits and health of the men in camp. On May 30, 1898, all the troops remaining in Camp Haven, including the four companies of the regiment, the heavy artillery and the light artillery companies, at the invitation of the members of the Grand Army Post located at jSTiantic, took part in the parade and in the services at the decoration of the graves of departed comrades, Chaplain Kelsey delivering the oration. It was a memorable occasion. Thirty-three years elapsed since the last war in which the United States had been involved had ended, and now at the outset of another war troops new in the service were taking part in honors paid to those soldiers of the nation who had served in the last war, but who had passed away, and in doing so stood shoulder to shoulder with the small remnant of living veterans. Ever since war had been declared on April 21, 1898, the people along the coast had been hearing guns of Spanish cruisers and seeing ghosts of hostile battle ships. The good people of Boston had been sending valuables and securities to Worcester and to Spring field until the safe deposit vaults in those places were taxed to their utmost. The people of Bangor, Me., had petitioned Congress for protection and the War Department was, by the middle of May, almost filled with petitions for protection and requests of like im port. The First Regiment, C. V. I., consisting of ten companies of a maximum strength of eighty-four members per company, armed, uniformed and equipped and provided with camp equipage, such as it was, were available for an important duty and were assigned to that duty. This was perhaps done as much, however, to quiet the fears and stop the annoyance, as for anything else, because by this time the fate of Montojo s fleet at Manila had been fully known, and as early as May 19th the War Department had been fully advised of the presence of Cervera s squadron in Santiago harbor. General Greely, of the Signal Corps, had advised the War Department of an authenic report to that effect received from a member of the U. S. Signal Corps in the employ of the cable company at Havana. This was, of course, not generally known, but is of interest taken in connection with the failure of the War Department to supply the regiment thus assigned to coast reserve duty with any ammunition. In the latter part of April, after the regiment had been designated for duty, special care had been taken in the organization of the several departments. The hospital corps, then under the immediate command of Lieutenant Griswold, Assistant Surgeon, was outfitted with medical supplies and an efficient force of hospital stewards and assistants were enrolled. The captains of the several companies were di rected to take all the ball cartridges that they had on hand for target practice and all they could get hold of, as it was uncertain when or how soon supplies of this kind could be issued by the general government. Many of the rifles furnished to the command by the state were defective and practically useless, but the bayonets Avere all in first-class shape. On May 19, 1898, as soon as the regiment had been mustered into the United States service, a requisition was made for the needed supply of ball cartridges, but the answer from the Ordnance Department was that none Avould be issued until the regiment reached its designated post or camp. When Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield resigned he used all the pay coming to him for the purchase of ball cartridges, which he presented to the regiment. The cartridges brought by the sev eral commands in the regiment, except in the case of one company, were all put into a common stock and then distributed equally among the several com panies as they left for their different posts. Com panies K, F and C each received five rounds per man. Companies E and I at Plum Island each 32 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY received seven rounds per man, and Company B at Gull Island seven rounds per man. There was about the same number of rounds per man left for each of the remaining companies. The four thousand rounds given by Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield were distributed pro rata among the companies, but except for the ten rounds per man neither of the companies at Fort Knox, Gull Island or at Plum Island during the whole term of their occupancy received another round from any source. The assignment of the different companies of the regiment to the several widely separated posts took them practically out from under the command of the Colonel, except as to the companies at the post where headquarters were located. Lieutenant-Colonel Ham mond at Plum Island had full control and care of Companies E and I; Captain Moran at Gull Island had full control and was responsible alone for the con dition and instruction of Company B, and the same was true of Captain Laubscher with Company C at Fort Constitution, and Captain Saunders, senior in command, at Camp Burdett, Fort Preble, of Com panies F and K. At an early hour on the morning of June 10, 1898, the first section of the train with the headquarters command arrived at Bucksport, Me., and the troops were quickly disembarked. By this time the exact location of Fort Knox had been learned and Company H was soon marched on board the ferry boat H. G. Totten and crossed the river to Prospect, where the command landed. The fort is built on high ground, just at the head of the narrows in the river at this point, and with surroundings that rendered it difficult to find even an acre of level ground. The Colonel decided quickly not to quarter the troops in the old fort, although there was ample room, but selected a spot to the south and west of the fort, just below an old railroad embankment and on a small clearing in the birch woods. The grass was quickly mowed, the camp laid out, and by noon the company kitchens were located and the company cooks busy preparing the dinner. No attempt was made at any tactical layout of the camp, but places were chosen for the headquarters and staff tents and for the officers street and the tents of the men where there would be the best chance to preserve the health of the men. Assistant Surgeon McCook had obtained samples of the water available and at once analyzed them, guards being put over the wells until the result of the examination could be learned. He was also charged with the selection of proper places for the sinks, while Surgeon Rockwell looked out for the establishment of the hospital and attended to his general duties as sur geon of the regiment. Details were at once made for the Quartermaster, Commissary and other departments and proper places found in the fort for the storage of all supplies and stores. A pioneer company of some thirty-two men was organized and the work of under-draining the camp, building corduroy roads over moist places and of properly flooring the tents was carried on. A signal corps was organized under command of Lieutenant Cosgrove of the First Battalion, and in a short time became extremely proficient. Soon after the command arrived at Fort Knox recruits were received under the orders, which increased the membership of the companies to one hundred and nine men, and the work of drilling these men was divided among the several officers and non-commissioned officers. Lumber was obtained, the tents were floored and good storehouses were built. The ground all about the camp for a distance of about sixty feet was cleared of all trees and undergrowth and a perfect system of sanitation adopted and enforced. Orders being issued from the War Department that all troops stationed at forts or fortified places should be instructed in heavy artillery practice, this work was begun at Fort Knox under the supervision of Major Hickey, details from each of the companies being drilled daily on the heavy guns. Bakers were detailed from the command and they had the charge of baking some four hundred loaves of bread per day to supply the troops. A detail of three carpenters was made and tools provided and with these one of the old rooms at ihe fort intended for officers was fitted up with writing desks, and this served as a reading room for the men. Wood was cut and fires built in the large open fire places, providing a pleasant resort in stormy weather and in the evenings. Owing to the close supervision of Major Rockwell and his assistants the health of the command was remarkably good, no diseases of an infectious nature breaking out, nor any filth diseases occurring; in fact, there was no serious illness during the occupancy of the camp. After an extended reconnoissance of the surround ing country a place was found where a two hundred yard rifle range could be established through the woods after some heavy cutting of timber. The pioneer com pany took this in charge, and by the early part of July had the ground cleared and ready for the con struction of butts and targets. When notice was re ceived early in July that Company L had been ordered to report at Camp Knox without arms, uniforms, equipment or camp equipage, prompt steps were taken to fit up the two rooms at the fort that had been used as a library and workshop, as barracks. Lumber was obtained and a frame work erected, so that the men when they arrived were made comfortable indoors. This protection was needed, for while the weather was warm during the day it was extremely cold at night and the men suffered unless well protected with cloth ing and blankets. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 33 A limited number of passes were issued each day, allowing the men to go to Bucksport, and the privilege was not abused. The men gained an excellent record for good conduct on the whole and were frequently commended by the town officials. A stand of colors for the regiment were to be pre sented by the citizens of Hartford, and the Fourth of July was selected as the proper time and Fort Knox as the proper place, to make the presentation. Early in July the Colonel Commanding was surprised to receive an order from the Department of the East ordering the troops at Fort Knox to parade at Bangor on the Fourth of July, provided that the government should be put to no expense thereby. It was learned that this order had been obtained at the instance of the Congressman from that district, and although other plans had been made for the celebration of the national holiday, the command got ready for the parade as ordered. On July 4th Companies A, D, G and H, and all of the officers, except those detailed for special duty embarked on a steamer for Bangor, where they arrived in good time to take part in the parade. The command was given a hearty reception and treated in a most hospitable manner by the citizens of Bangor, and the men were highly pleased with the reception. Early in the afternoon they returned to Bucksport, where a parade was held, and Alderman Hansling and Councilman Countryman, of the Hartford City Coun cil, presented the handsome stand of colors of silk to the regiment, the Colonel accepting in a brief speech. Officers and men were kept extremely busy during the whole time they were at Camp Knox, learning the many duties and anxiously waiting the time when they might receive orders to go to the front. Just below the fort, in the channel on the west side of Verona Island, submarine mines had been placed in position as part of the defense of the Pen- obscot River, and the troops were stationed at the fort for the purpose of guarding these mines, as well as for the purpose of providing a garrison for the fort and the batteries. The wires connected to these mines were led into a casement in the lower part of the fort, where an electric battery was established, by means of which the mines could be exploded. There were strict regulations regarding the use of this chan nel where the mines were placed, and patrol boats were stationed both above and below the defense. The officer commanding the post had charge of this mine field, although it was under the direct supervision of Major Hoxie, United States Engineer Corps, in charge of the district. The instructions to the commanding officer of Fort Knox on this point were as follows: " The Ordnance Sergeant at Fort Knox is in charge of the mining casemate and is instructed in respect to turning on the bat teries when the mines are to be made ready for the approach of an enemy. He is in structed to report to you for orders in such emergency and to permit no one except your self to have access to the mining casemates. R. IIOXIE, Chief of Mining Engineers." The camp occupied by Companies F and K had been named by the officers of the companies after the colonel commanding the regiment. The work was taken up and conducted at this camp in the manner characteristic of the two companies, the officers and men rapidly becoming proficient in all the duties of the soldier. The following is a copy of the first order issued at this camp: "CAMP BURDETT, NEAR FORT PREIJLE, ME., SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 1, May 25, 1898. I. The encampment of the battalion com posed of Companies K and F, 1st Infantry, Conn. Volunteers, will be designated Camp Burdett, in honor of Colonel Charles L. Burdett, commanding regiment. II. 2nd Lieut. Nathaniel G. Valentine, Company K, is hereby detailed as Adjutant, Quartermaster, Commissary of Subsistence and Ordnance Officer of the camp. III. Serg. Herbert G. Bailey, Company F, is hereby detailed as Sergeant Major of the camp. IV. Private George F. Stivens, Company F, is hereby detailed as Acting Hospital Steward of the camp. Privates R. A. McKee and E. H. Rathbun, Company K, will report to him for daily duty in hospital work at such hour as he may direct. V. First Sergeants will deliver morning reports to the Sergeant Major at eight o clock a. m., daily. HENRY H. SAUNDERS, CAPTAIN FIRST INFANTRY, CONN. VOL., COMMANDING CAMP/ The officers and men stationed at this camp rapidly earned the good will and esteem of the regular army officers and of the citizens of Portland, and the latter took great pains to entertain the Connecticut troops, and so often were social functions held in Portland and attended by the men of the command that the impression got abroad that the service was rather a picnic than a soldier s life, but this impression was unfounded, because it lost sight wholly of the con tinued hard work being done by the whole force in their regular line of work. The companies took part in the parade in Portland on July 4th and received great commendation. The camp of Company at Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, N. H., was located on a rather rough piece of ground, but it was the best available, and the company, although a hardy set of men (it will be remembered that this company passed nearly a 34 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY hundred per cent, of its men on the physical examina tion before being mustered in) suffered more in sick ness than the men of any of the other companies in the command. They had perhaps the worst tents and were a great deal exposed. At the end of a week or two, two of the men were quite seriously ill with lung troubles, but afterwards recovered. The members of the company rapidly made friends among the people of Portsmouth and were frequently entertained in that city. A number of the citizens of Portsmouth, soon after the arrival of the company at Fort Constitiition, loaded up a wagon with supplies of good things eat able, and otherwise, and took them over to the camp as a present to the company. This gift of good things was often repeated during the stay of the company at this place, and more than one of the friends made by the command went especially to Camp Alger to visit them at a later date. Immediately on arrival a routine of drill was at once established at the camp and thoroughly carried out. Great attention was paid to the individual in struction of the recruits and all other members of the company in extended order drill and in the duties of the soldier. Guards were established and maintained and guard duty thoroughly performed. The credit of establishing the first United States army post on Great Gull Island, N. Y., belongs to Company B, First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. The order to occupy this place was received five days after the muster in of the regiment into the volunteer service. The inspection of the land and of the water supply by Assistant-Surgeon Griswold, and the report thereon had resulted in special arrangements being made for a proper supply of water, and when that was completed Company B, on June 8, 1898, was trans ported by the Steamer Manhansett from Crescent Beach to Gull Island, being about three hours on the water. The company arrived before noon and the tents were promptly pitched, trenches dug and blind drains made by filling the trenches with cobble stones, after which a light covering of loam was provided. There was but one spot available for the camp, and that was about one hundred and seventy-five feet long by forty feet wide on the south end of the island, and but little above the high tide level. The remainder of the island was excavated as to its entire length for the fortifications which were being built there. There was no room for any extended order drill, but what there was, was utilized in company and squad drill. As soon as the camp was pitched details were at work building and putting in tent floors, and this part of the work was soon finished. On the island, and employed on the fortifications, were about two hundred and fifty men composed of Italians, Swedes, negroes and a small number of Irish men and Americans; in fact, a very conglomerate class of laborers. The guard lines were established and rigid orders issued that no one should be allowed to pass the lines within the limits of the camp unless accompanied by an officer. These orders were carried out to the letter, and no one but the contractor or foreman employed on the fortifications passed the guard line. The workmen and others on the island would gather along the guard line and watch the troops at drill, at guard mount, inspection, and even at play, with great curiosity, but at no time was there any difficulty whatever between the troops and any of the inhabitants of the island. This speaks well for the discipline of the command. The most serious breach of discipline was the es capade of a number of the men who took French leave one night on a sailboat and made a trip to Xew London. All except one or two of these men returned to camp within ten days, so as to avoid any chance of charge of technical desertion. They were all punished for the offense. The rather hard conditions of life at the island. the limited room, and the rough surface available for drill Avere thought to be something of a hardship by the men of the command, but after the experience at Camp Alger they were heard to express longings for a return to Gull Island. The camp at Plum Island, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond, was an ideal spot for an encampment. Promptly on the arrival of the troops on May 27, 1898 3 the government teams then employed at the work of building fortifications on the island, were impressed into the service and the camp equipage was hauled about a mile from the landing and camp was pitched at a spot about a hundred and fifty feet from a fine bathing beach, and on high ground sloping toward the beach. Tents were pitched, drains provided, and, as at Gull Island, the sinks were so located that all refuse matter was disposed of by the action of the tide. A regular camp routine was taken up promptly, company drills only, however, being had. In the ex tended order drill by bugle commands, Companies E and I gained great proficiency, as well as in guard duty. Nothing of importance occurred until the latter part of June, Avhen twenty-five men were added to each of the companies and the work increased in break ing in and instructing the recruits. The officers in charge of the post were Lieutenant- Colonel A. G. Hammond, Post Commandant ; Lieu tenant Samuel E. Mason, Co. I, Adjutant and Quar termaster ; Lieutenant R. S. Griswold, Surgeon ; Ser geant B. C. Morey, Co. E, Sergeant Major. On June 24th Lieutenant Magson was relieved as Post Adjutant at his own request and Lieutenant G. Arthur Iladsell, Co. E, was appointed to fill his place. The need of a storehouse at this point was soon apparent, and lumber being sent to the island on a sailboat, one was soon completed by details from the FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 35 companies. Plans were drawn, cellar dug, foundation walls laid, and the building constructed entirely by the enlisted men of the post. An old well was found within a hundred yards of the camp, however, filled with rubbish and probably unused for years. This was cleaned out thoroughly, samples of the water ana lyzed and found to be all right. A requisition was made for a chain pump, and on its arrival it was put in place and adjusted by a man from Company I who worked at that business when at home. From that time to the time of leaving of the com mand they had an abundance of pure water from this well, all pollution of the well being avoided by the system of drainage and the location of the sinks, in such manner as to prevent any bad effects. About July 1st a canteen was started with Lieu tenant Mycroft, of Company E, as Canteen Officer, and it proved a great success, the profits all going to the company funds and being used to vary and in crease the ration for the companies. General Orders No. 61, Headquarters of the Army, dated June 1, 1898, received at Fort Knox on June 7, 1898, provided for the expansion of the organiza tions composing the regiment and already accepted and mustered into the service under the President s proclamation of April 23, 1898, by recruiting the com panies to the maximum enlisted strength. It was also provided for the organization of additional companies necessary for the completion of the regiment to twelve companies. Recruiting parties, consisting of one offi cer and four enlisted men, were ordered. At this time there were ten companies in the First C. V. I., with a maximum membership of eighty-four officers and men per company. Under the new orders, the maximum membership was raised to one hundred and nine officers and men per company. Orders JNTo. 11, Headquarters, C. Y. L, dated June 8, 1898, designated Captain William E. Mahoney and Lieutenant G. W. Ripley as the officers to proceed to Hartford and open a recruiting station. The two additional companies were to be raised by increasing the membership of Company G, Fourth Regiment, under command of Captain V. M. King, of Danbury, and raising a new company in Meriden under com mand of Captain Charles B. Bowen. The Avork of recruiting was soon begun and recruits were sent to the various posts, filling the ten companies to the maximum by June 21st. Captain Mahoney, as recruiting officer, asked in structions by telegram as to the muster in of Company L, of Meriden, and Company M, of Danbury, through General Frank, commanding Department of the East. The answer received from Adjutant-General Corbin was that no instructions had been given to the Gov ernor of Connecticut authorizing tho organization of two additional companies. An urgent telegraphic re quest on June 27th to the War Department at Wash ington for permission to add the companies was met with the following answer: " WASHINGTON, D. C., JUNE 28, 1898. Colonel Charles L. Burdett, Bud-sport: Message June 27th received. Replying thereto the Secretary of War bids me say he has nothing to add beyond Avhat was stated in message to you of June 26, 1898. The excess granted to the State of Connecticut under the President s second call is already eight hundred and twenty-one. H. C. CORBIN, Assistant Adjutant-General." General Haven, Adjutant General of Connecticut, reported that he had received full authority from the War Department to raise these two companies, and on June 28th the Secretary of War authorized the accept ance and muster in of the two companies. Lieutenant Hamilton Rowan, U. S. A., who had mustered in the regiment, was detailed as mustering officer and pro ceeded to Meriden, and afterwards to Danbury, and mustered in these organizations. Company L reported at Fort Knox on Sunday afternoon, July 10, 1898, without arms, uniforms or equipments. From the time that the order assigning the regi ment to coast reserve duty and spreading it along the coast of JSTeAv England was issued, persistent efforts had been made by the Colonel Commanding to secure the mobilization of the command and its assignment to active duty. Officers and men had enlisted for the purpose of performing active duty and were most eager to go to the front. General Hawley, Congress man Henry and other prominent men, had been urged to use their best endeavors to have the State of Con necticut recognized in a fitting manner. About the middle of June General HaAvley had secured from the Secretary of War and Adjutant General of the Army, a promise that this request Avould be soon granted and the regiment given active service. At Niantic, com mands from other states had passed through Connecti cut going to the larger camps and toward the front, Avith the larger number of men of the commands with out arms, uniforms or equipment. In Maine they saw regiments without arms, uniforms or equipment, pass them to go to the front. July came, and so far as Connecticut had any place in any brigade, division or army corps, it looked as if the history of the Avar Avould find the state unrecognized in either. Early in July the Colonel commanding obtained leave of absence for the purpose of going to Washing ton to try to get the regiment to the front, at the same time making a strenuous effort to obtain the desired result through the influence of General Hawley. In answer to a letter to General Hawley a reply was re ceived from the General by telegraph, asking what Avas wanted. The following ansAver \vas sent : 36 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY " BUCKSPORT, JULY 9, 1898. General Joseph R. Hawley, Washington, D. C. Astonished. Have repeatedly asked to be relieved from reserve duty and assigned to active duty in the field. I want this com mand mobilized, outfitted and sent to Porto Rico or elsewhere for field service. Having been waiting since June 20th the carrying out of your promise to this effect. BFRDETT, Colonel." In answer to this telegram the following answer was received by telegram from General Hawley on Sunday evening, July 10, 1898, and immediately com municated to the command at the camp at Fort Knox : " WASHINGTON, D. C., JULY 9, 1898. To Colonel Charles L. Burdctt, First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, Fort Knox, Me. : You totally misunderstood my telegram. Wanted to know the status of the muster in, the character of supplies, whether clothing, canteens, muskets or ammunition lacking. I did not wish to know that you desired to go to the front. I knew that already. I did not care to be informed that you wanted your command mobilized and ordered out for field service and sent to Porto Rico or elsewhere. You say " have been waiting since June 1st the carrying out of your promise " to this effect. You surprise me. I call your atten tion to the fact that I am neither President nor Secretary of War. I told you just what the War Department told me. I quote the following from the President s own hand writing just given me. General Alger. I think if you can supply their place the First Connecticut should be ordered here or Keif- fer s division. This is what General Hawley wants and I want. W. McK. JULY 9, 1898. JOS. R. HAWLEY. In less than five minutes after the delivery of this message, the men broke out with loud cheering, yells, routed out the band and paraded en masse about the camp. The temporary buildings of brush and sap lings that had been built were set on fire, and water had to be thrown on the tents about the edge of the camp to keep them from catching fire. For a short time pandemonium reigned, with, however, no breach of discipline. The news was received throughout the regiment with the same satisfaction, and the following order was promptly complied with : "HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE EAST. GOVERNOR S ISLAND, NEW YORK CITY, SPECIAL ORDER NO. 152. JULY 11, 1898. 5. Pursuant to telegraphic orders from the War Department, of the 9th instant, the companies of the First Connecticut U. S. Volunteer Infantry, will proceed from their present stations in this department, to Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., reporting upon arri val to the regimental commander. When the regiment shall be assembled at Camp Haven, it will proceed to Camp Rus sell A. Alger, Virginia, and report to the Commanding General, Second Army Corps, for duty. The troops will take their entire equip ments and be provided with not less than five days rations on leaving their present sta tions. Property pertaining to the posts of Fort Knox, Me., Great Gull Island and Plum Island, N. Y., from which the entire garri sons are to be withdrawn, will be disposed of under the direction of the Chief Quarter master and Chief Commissary of Subsistence of the department, previous to the departure of the responsible officers. The Quartermaster s Department will fur nish the transportation; the Subsistence De partment will arrange for the necessary sub sistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier-General Gil- lespie : GEORGE ANDREWS, Assistant Adjutant-General. Official: HERMAN C. SCHUMM, 1st Lieutenant 2d Artillery. Aide-de-Camp." It came out afterwards that in the commands at Portland, where they were supposed to be having such a picnic, a petition had been circulated among the men and signed by the greater number, asking that an effort be made to have the regiment see active service. Nothing of this, however, was known at the time, ex cept, of course, among the signers. In behalf of the regiment, it must be said they fully understood that in doing the work to which they had been assigned, they were fully performing their duties as soldiers. They had obeyed orders, and that promptly, and all of the time consumed in waiting, had been utilized in the best manner in learning and practicing the duties Avhich to a great extent were new to all of them. The mere matter of drill is a small part of the work which must be done by a field or line officer in service. By Saturday, July 16, 1898, the last company ar rived at Niantic, and the whole command was for the first time assembled. That part of the command which was at Fort Knox left there at 4 :50 o clock A. M. July 14th, and arrived at Niantic about 9 o clock that evening. The greater part of the needed equipment and supplies was provided there from the government or from the state, the latter taking receipts from the regimental quartermaster. On Monday, July 18th, FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 37 the regiment left camp for Camp Alger, arriving at Dunn Loring station, about one mile from camp, on Tuesday noon. The following extract from the NEW YORK SUN of July 19, 1898, shows what the SUN reporter thought of the command which he inspected as they filed past him onto the ferry boat at Harlem River: " The First Connecticut Volunteers, as fine a regiment of men as has been seen in New York since the war began, came down from Niantic last night on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad on the way to Camp Alger, Falls Church, Va., where the regiment, will join Butler s brigade. The 48 officers and 1,279 men arrived at the Harlem River Station at 8 o clock on a four-section train. A Central New Jersey ferry boat was waiting for them there to take them to the railroad station in Jersey City. The regimental band played The Star Spangled Banner, Dixie, and The Stars and Stripes Forever/ while the men were em barking and the thousand or more New Yorkers who had turned out to give the Con necticut boys a welcome swarmed on the nearby bridge across the Harlem and cheered themselves hoarse. The Yankees did some cheering, too. They were bubbling over with enthusiasm because they were at last bound for the South. Colonel Charles L. Burdett was as happy as anybody in the regiment. His headquarters for the past few weeks have been away up in Maine, at old Fort Knox, on the Penob- scot, eighteen miles below Bangor. Four companies were stationed there, garrisoning a fort of old smooth-bore guns. Two com panies \vere at Fort Preble, Portland, one at Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, two at Plum Island and one at Gull Island. Our right was at Gull Island, said the Colonel last night, and our left was up in the Maine woods, in the suburbs of Bucks- port. I tell you Ave are mighty glad to get somewhere near the front, and if we don t see some fighting before long we ll be as dis appointed a lot of men as can be found in the country. We were mustered in on May 18, the first Connecticut volunteers to enter the service, and I tell you I ve kept the wires warm ever since asking for marching orders. Did you ever see a finer body of men? You ought to have seen them on the parade ground. And if we ever do get to the front, just watch the battle reports for the doings of the First Connecticut. The Connecticut boys left Jersey City at 11 :30 o clock. One train carried baggage and horses. Three trains carried the troops and the mascots, a bull pup and a goat. Senator Hawley arrived at Niantic a few hours before the regiment left. He was en thusiastically received. He made a speech giving the men words of encouragement. The Third Connecticut escorted the First to the Niantic station." The train was made up of three sections, the first arriving in Washington at nine o clock and the others following at twenty minute intervals. The regiment marched from the B. & O. depot, near the Capitol, across the city to a station of the Southern Railroad on Maryland Ave. and 12th Street. The regiment had over 1,362 officers and men at this time on duty, without a sick man in the hospital, and the prompt ness with which the transfer was made and the regi ment embarked and disembarked, was greatly to the credit of Quartermaster Bronson and to the command. Superintendent Ryder, of the Southern Railroad, said it was the only regiment of the thirty thousand troops that had been handled by the Southern Railroad, that had succeeded in getting across Washington and out to Camp Alger in less than a day, and he was greatly astonished at the system with which everything was done. The regiment had marched through Washington in heavy marching order, and in hot weather, which was extremely trying to men accustomed to the cool breezes of the New England coast. They disembarked from the train at Dunn Loring and formed on roads that were heavy with dust and under the heat of a sun that was almost tropical in the intensity of its heat. The command had been assigned to the First Division, Second Army Corps, which was under com mand of Major-General M. C. Butler, and Major Wright, Division Quartermaster, and Captain Brooks, Division Commissary, were at the station when the command arrived. As soon as the horses were de trained, Colonel commanding and Captain Brooks, at the request of the former, rode over to the camping ground assigned to the regiment, which was about a mile from the station, leaving the regiment to proceed under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hammond, as soon as the three battalions had arrived. The camp ground was found to be an old corn field overgrown with rag weed, and located on the main road from Falls Church to Fairfax Court House, a short distance from the Merrifield pike. This was said by some old settlers to be the very ground on which the first Connecticut regiment had encamped in the war of the Rebellion. Be that as it may, the whole section near Falls Church, which is about three miles east from Dunn Loring station, was a most familiar section to many of the Connecticut men dur ing that war, whether the precise locality had been occupied by any Connecticut regiment before or not. It was found that the Division Engineer had not yet established the lines or laid out the camp, and after a careful survey of the ground the Colonel rode back along the road to see what had become of the regiment, which by that time should have arrived. They were found about a half mile back resting in a large field, next to the camp of the Eighth Pennsyl vania, it appearing that the other staff officer, Major 38 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY Wright, had been unable to guide them any further. A large number of the men had fallen out owing to the heat, but the regiment was called to attention, and in the pouring rain continued its march to the camp ground. An effort was made to get some shelter along a line of bushes at one side of the ground, but the only thing to do appeared to be to take things as they came, and in fact the cold rain proved to be a great benefit in cooling the air and in reviving the men, who were exhausted by the heat. The Division Engineer, Major Pierce, was soon on the ground, and assisted by details from the companies of the regiment, pro ceeded to lay out the camp. The Colonel, Lieutenant- Colonel, and Adjutant, at once rode over to the main camp at Falls Church, about two miles and a half to the east, to report to the Corps Commander, General Graham, and also to the Division Headquarters to General Butler. On their return to the new camp it was found that nearly all the tents had been pitched, the kitchens established, and the men rapidly settling down. The storm having cleared away, after about two hours of heavy rain, the spirits of the men quickly revived. No attempt was made at a tactical arrangement of tents, but the headquarter tents were established where the best results could be secured and the best uses made of the ground. The color line extended very nearly east and west, the tent of the Lieutenant- Colonel, Senior and Junior Majors being established opposite the center of the respective commands or battalions, the first being on the right. Two large hospital tents with the dispensary were located near the east end of the line, opposite the third battalion. The headquarter tent was pitched on the south side of the ground nearly opposite the center, leaving a broad parade between it and the camp. The Colonel and the Staff were located near the southeast quarter of the ground, and the stables established in the south west corner. The ground was rolling from the east and south, toward the west and north, the camp lying along a sort of spur or ridge that provided for drain age both ways from the center of the camp in each street. Within twenty-four hours everything was in running order, and the daily routine had been taken up. It was expected that the regiment would proceed within a few days to Newport News, en route for Porto Rico with the first expedition to that point, but through some influence this was prevented, and they saw Squadron A leave camp on the 23d of July on its way to Porto Rico, while the regiment remained at Alger for about ten days before any disposition was made as to its assignment. Camp Alger, Va., was located about sixteen miles southwest of Washington, on the line of the Southern Railroad and in the village of Falls Church. The soil is the well-known Virginia clay that, after a rain storm produces roads almost impassable, and in dry weather, furnishes clouds of dust. There was no natural water supply at the place, or in the vicinity, nor were there any facilities for bathing. This was the camp of the Second Army Corps, under the command of Major-General W. M. Graham, TJ. S. A., and the corps numbered 25,000 men. At the time the First C. V. I. was ordered to this camp a large part had been condemned as unfit for use on account of its unsanitary condition and the lack of the needed water supply. Typhoid fever, which is endemic in this village of Falls Church, had broken out and prevailed to an alarming extent among the troops. It had been found necessary to move to new grounds on the old Chittenden farm near the Dunn Loring station, this having been chosen for the new camp. The Eighth Pennsylvania had been moved to this new ground, and the First Connecticut was the second organization to camp on the farm. There was no river or large stream near the camp of the First, and a driven well about two hundred yards from the north line and on a road running along the eastern boundary of the camp was the sole source of supply for the regiment. Within a few days after the regiment arrived, another driven well was started near the western end of the camp ground, and within the limits of the camp. It took about ten days to get this in shape, but in the meantime the Third Virginia had been moved over from the old camp and was established on the field directly north of the First Connecticut. The single pump was then used by the some 2,600 men of these two commands. A small stream of water that ran along the north side of the camp, between the ground occupied by the First Connecticut and the Third Virginia, and along the west side of the ground through some thick bushes, supplied the only water available for bathing, and only a few could use this at one time. It was not long before the men discovered that the most efficient way to take a bath was to wait for a heavy rain storm, and then turn out with not enough clothing on to in terfere with the ceremony. This usually occurred in the evening, but was a common occurrence, and no attention was paid to it by the commanding officers, who recognized the need of the bath, and the absolute lack of any other means of supplying the need. There was a rumor prevalent that in the early history of Camp Alger brigades had marched over to the river, about seven miles away, for the purpose of bathing, and then marched back again to Camp Alger, arriving at the camp in fit condition to repeat the bath that they had taken at the other end of the route. No such custom as this was ever observed during the time that the First Connecticut was at the camp. By the 1st of August the Thirteenth Pennsylvania, the First New Jersey, the Seventh Ohio and the Sixty- Fifth New York, making up the whole of the First Division, and the Division Headquarters, had moved FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 39 over to the new camp. The First Division Hospital was established on a lot just east of that occupied by the Third Virginia, and but a short distance from the ground occupied by the First Connecticut, and at a later date a section of Signal Corps, attached to the Second Army Corps, was established in camp near the Division Headquarters. Shortly after the regiment arrived at this camp, a practice march was undertaken under command of the Lieutenant-Colonel, but when they were about four miles from camp the flanking parties and advance guards were threatened with arrest by the Provost Guard of the Corps, on the ground that they were off the main road. The flankers and advance guard were drawn in and the regiment returned to camp to under take no more practice marches or other manoeuvres of the kind while they remained in camp. The tents occupied by the men were what are known as A wall tents, about eight feet square, and in each of these tents six men had been obliged to sleep, with all their uniforms and equipments. When it is noted that eight feet means ninety-six inches, and that a sixth of that means sixteen inches, the crowded condition of the tent, in which neither one of the men could move or turn over without disturbing his tent mate, can be appreciated. The need of more tents had been forcibly called to the attention of the War Department, and requisi tions had been put in repeatedly. This crowded con dition of the tents could be borne by the men while they were in a cold climate, but at Camp Alger, where the temperature was often over a hundred degrees in the shade during the day, and not much lower during the night, the extreme danger to health from this con dition could not but be apparent. As a matter of fact, within a few days after the First arrived at camp, a large number of the men pre ferred to sleep in the furrows of the open field, rather than to sleep in a tent, and in fact the latter was practically impossible with any comfort. So long as there was a prospect that the regiment would be sent to the front, no complaints were made by the men and no grumbling, but they took what came simply as a part of what they might expect; but as the days went by and the typhoid fever which prevailed in the camp began to take hold of the men of the regiment, discon tent appeared in some quarters, but it was by no means general throughout the companies. Quartermaster Bronson and Commissary-Sergeant Prescott were untiring in their efforts to administer the affairs of their departments so that the men should have every comfort possible, and their efforts were crowned with success. About forty-seven dollars per month was made by each company during this whole term of service, and this amount went into the company fund to be used in extending and varying the army ration. The regular army ration provides for the issue of specified quan tities of different components, meat, potatoes, bread, vinegar, etc., and if a company does not use up its allowance of several of these articles, they are allowed the value in money of the part not consumed. Early in August an order was issued from Corps Headquarters, brigading the First Regiment, and in compliance with that order the following was issued: " BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS, SECOND BRIGADE, THIRD DIVISION, SECOND ARMY CORPS, CAMP ALGER, VA., AUGUST 2, 1898. GENERAL ORDER NO. 1. In compliance with G. 0. No. 59, Head quarters Second Army Corps, Camp Alger Virginia, August 2d, 1898, the undersigned assumes command of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Army Corps. CHARLES L. BURDETT, Colonel First Conn. Volunteer Infantry, Commanding Brigade." The Third Virginia and the Second South Caro lina regiments were assigned to this brigade, but the latter had not yet left its state, so that the brigade was made up of the First Connecticut and the Third Virginia. As soon as the Third Virginia had established itself on the ground next to the First Connecticut, a concert was tendered to Colonel Nolle and the officers of the Third Virginia by Colonel Burdett, and the tender being accepted, the band of the First reported early in the evening at the headquarters of Colonel Nolle. The band had been practicing on well-known southern airs, and very early in the concert played "Dixie" in a manner that caused the Virginians to raise the whole camp with the peculiar southern yell. The two regiments soon established friendly relations, and it got to be a regular custom for the First Regi ment Band, after its evening concert in one or the other of the company streets, to march down along the regimental line playing "Dixie," an occurrence which was always received by the Virginians with loud yells of approval. On August 2, 1898, the fol lowing order was issued from the War Department, and the men again rejoiced in a renewed prospect of service at the front: " WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL S OFFICE, GENERAL ORDERS NO. 111. WASHINGTON, D. C., AUGUST 2, 1898. The commanding officers of the following regiments, U. S. Volunteer Infantry, will re port to Major-General J. F. Wade, U. S. Volunteers, War Department, Washington, District of Columbia, by telegraph, for in structions and orders: 40 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY First Rhode Island, First North Carolina, First New Hampshire, First New Jersey, Second Texas, First Maine, Fourth Missouri, First Alabama, First Vermont, First West Virginia, First Connecticut, Third Tennes see, Twenty-Second New York, First Arkan sas, Fifty-Second Iowa, Third Virginia, First Delaware, and First Maryland. These regiments will be organized into brigades, as follows: First Brigade First Rhode Island, Fourth Missouri, TAventy-Second New York. Second Brigade First North Carolina, First Alabama, First Arkansas. Third Brigade First New Hampshire, First Vermont, Fifty-Second Iowa. Fourth Brigade First New Jersey, First West Virginia, Third Virginia. Fifth Brigade Second Texas, First Con necticut, First Delaware. Sixth Brigade First Maine, Third Ten nessee, First Maryland. Major-General Wade, U. S. Volunteers, is, by direction of the Secretary of War, as signed to command of these brigades, and will conduct them to Porto Rico. On his arrival there he will report to Major-General John R. Brooke, U. S. Army, for duty with the forces under the immediate direction of the Major-General commanding the army. The commanding generals of the several Army Corps in which these regiments are now serving, are enjoined to give General Wade every possible assistance in the move ments herein ordered. These regiments are detached from the corps with which they are now serving for this campaign only, and at the termination of which they will be returned to their respec tive corps. They will be accounted for on all returns as on detached service. On completion of this service, General Wade will resume command of the Third Army Corps. By order of the* Secretary of War, H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant-General." A renewed interest was shown in the drills and the men began to get rid of all surplus parts of uni form and equipment, so as to be ready to move in the lightest possible marching order. August 12th, how ever, came without any order having been received for the regiment to proceed to any seaboard for transpor tation, and on that day the Protocol was signed which practically ended the war. The effect upon the troops was most disheartening. Several of the men had come down with what was termed by the surgeon, typhoid malaria, owing to the peculiar nature of the temperature curves and other symptoms shown by the patient. This soon proved to be the camp fever, or typhoid fever, as it was called, and the men were moved from the Regimental Hospi tal to a special ward in the First Division Hospital, where they could receive extra and continuous care. This removal of the typhoid patients was caused by the greatly increased number of cases, requiring treat ment in the regimental hospital, which soon became overcrowded. As soon as it became evident that the cases of a serious nature were rapidly increasing in number, arrangements were made for sending the sick men to the Hartford Hospital. In a very short time there were a dozen or more of these serious cases, not yet so far advanced as to make the journey a fatal one, and they were sent in parlor cars from Dunn Loring through to Hartford. In one or two instances the cases were so serious that the patients were removed from the cars and left in New Haven. From this time on, the men being fully convinced that the war was over, and that they would have no opportunity to see active service, and in view of the authorized publications in the papers that one hundred thousand of the volunteers would be discharged, and that the wishes of the men in this regard would be considered by the War Department in selecting the regiments, nearly all of the regiments in the vicinity of the First Connecticut evinced a wish to be mustered out. Camp rumors spread like wild fire, but it was soon learned as a matter of fact, that, through the efforts of the Governor of New York, the Sixty-Fifth New York was to be mustered out, and then the First New Jersey; after that the Seventh Ohio, and the feeling soon spread through the First Connecticut that if the government had no further need of their services for active work, and if they could have the privilege of deciding the question, they would like to be mustered out. In the latter part of August the First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry was designated as one of the regi ments to be mustered out from the United States ser vice, and about two weeks would be taken in the prepa ration of books, papers, and descriptive lists under an extremely elaborate order. A physical examination of each man was included in the program, so as to reduce as largely as possible any future pension list. By the last of August nearly all the regiments had left the camp ground, and the sickness in the First increased to such an extent that authority to have it sent to Niantic, Conn., there to prepare for the muster out was obtained. A thirty days furlough was ordered, the plan being, that as soon as the papers were completed, the men would be given the furlough, and then return to camp for the final muster out. It was thought desirable to send the regiment to Niantic to change the climate, and the reports of the State Board of Health as to the excellent sanitary condition of the camp ground, apparently rendered the move ment safe. On September 7th the First C. V. I. left Camp Alger for Camp Haven, Connecticut, in three sections, FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 41 the baggage train leaving early in the morning, and each battalion following in its proper order. The trip was made on time and without accident, the first bat talion arriving in Niantic about 9 A. M., on Septem ber 8th, and going into camp on the south side of the ground near the gate. The second battalion arrived within an hour, and went into camp on the south side of the ground about one hundred yards east of the first, and the third, when it arrived, also camped on the south side of the ground, and about one hundred yards east of the second. Officers designated by the Adjutant General TJ. S. A. to muster out the Regiment were: Captain Walter Howe, Fourth Artillery, Captain Wisser, Sixth Artil lery, and when the books and papers had been pre pared to their satisfaction, the regiment, on September 20th, left camp on thirty days leave, with order to report back for muster out on October 21st. The place of muster out was afterwards changed from Niantic camp ground, to Hartford and New Britain. Companies A, B, C, F, G, H, K, L and M were mustered out at Hartford and Companies D, E and I in New Britain. On October 21st when the commands reported, it was found that a large amount of the work of prepara tion of muster-out rolls had to be done over, and it was October 31st before the final muster out was ac complished. A large number of the men were sick at the time of muster out, many being taken down after leaving on furlough. There were over eighty at one time sick with typhoid at the Hartford Hospital alone, where, however, the men received most excellent care and treatment, and the percentage of loss was extremely small. A hospital was started in New Britain, where the best of care and attendance was given to men of the regiment who were sick. The volunteer regiment that on May 4th, 1898, had left the city with highest hopes and eager to take part in the contest at the call of the nation, had served for many months at various posts, preparing, waiting for and expecting the opportunity for active service at the front, but through no fault of the com mand, had been doomed to disappointment. At a later date, in addressing the command, His Excellency, Governor Lounsbury, said: "A year ago you enlisted at the call of your country, and to its cause, without hesi tation and without condition, you offered your hopes, your energies and your lives. There can be no higher devotion than this. If this regiment had fought on a score of battlefields and had mingled its blood with every soil, it could not have shown a deeper consecration, nor merited from the state and the nation a profounder gratitude." Although the First Connecticut Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, had ceased to exist as an organization, its nucleus, the First C. N. G., remained. The companies were gradually reduced in strength from 84 (and in some instances over 100), to 68, and so far as the officers and men were concerned, stood ready to per form the regular routine duties incident to the service. The state authorities, however, were unable to provide either arms, uniforms, or equipment, and when the orders to resume drill were issued in November, the First Regiment was excused until such time as it could be properly armed, uniformed and equipped. Months passed without this desired result, and not until May, 1899, could the needed equipment be obtained. At that date two companies were without uniforms arid could not get the outfit until late in June. The council of officers of the regiment decided to recognize in an appropriate manner the sacrifice made by the soldiers who had died as a result of their war service and fixed upon a memorial tablet to be erected in the armory as a proper expression of their feelings. The 18th of May was selected as the day on which the tablet should be unveiled, as that would be the anniversary of the muster in of the command into U. S. Service, and arrangements were made to hold the ceremony in the armory on the evening of that day. The attendance of His Excellency, Governor Louns bury, was assured, and he also consented to receive the war flags of the regiment on behalf of the state on the same evening. In view of an express wish on the part of Adjutant- General Van Keuren and other officers, a regimental parade was ordered, and that of the First fixed for May 18th. On that day the Field, Staff, Band, Hos pital Corps and Companies A, B, C, F, G and H paraded, Companies E and I being without arms or equipment. The regiment had a membership of ninety- two per cent, of the maximum and of these sixty-five per cent, were veterans of the war. Eighty-six per cent, of the command paraded. The regiment assembled at the armory early in the morning, marched to Colt s Meadows, and put in several hours of battalion and regimental drill with Brig.-General Russell Frost, commanding brigade as Inspector. Early in the afternoon the regiment re turned to the Elm Street armory and an eighth com pany of veterans of the C. V. I., was formed under Captain M. Laubscher (ex-Captain of C Company) Lieutenant Sparks (Lieutenant of II Company) and Second Lieutenant Raymond G. Keeney (ex-Second Lieutenant of L Company), and this was designated as the color company. Sergeants Neddo and Leslie, who had carried the colors during the war, carried the colors. After a street parade the regiment at 3 :30 P. M. passed in review before Governor Lounsbury and his staff at the Capitol, and in a shower of rain turned over the colors, which were received by His Excellency with a felicitous speech. 42 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY The command then returned to the armory and in the presence of the Governor, his staff and invited guests, the memorial tablet was unveiled with appro priate ceremonies. Chaplain Kelsey was assisted by ex-Chaplain Voorhees of the Third C. V. I. The regiment received high commendation from Governor Lounsbury and from General Frost for its excellent soldierly work and appearance during the day. GOVERNOR LOUNSBURY S SPEECH. " Colonel Burdett and Soldiers of the First Regiment : - As the representative of the State of Connecticut I receive from your hands and into its keeping these colors. It is fitting that in a few words, at least, I should give voice to that high appreciation and that profound regard which the people of this commonwealth feel for this regiment. A year ago you enlisted at the call of your country, and to its cause, without hesitation and with out condition, you offered your hopes, your energies and your lives. There can be no higher devotion than this. If this regiment had fought on a score of battlefields and had mingled its blood with every soil, it could not have shown a deeper consecration nor mer ited from the State and the Nation a pro- founder gratitude. It is a matter of history, I believe, that in the late war, of the six New England states, only Massachusetts had her troops at the front. This was so, not because the Massa chusetts soldier was braver or stronger or more reliable than his brother in-arms from Maine or from Connecticut, but because the average standard of the American soldiery as compared with that of Spain was so high that only a part of those who were called were needed at the front to make victory reason ably certain. And so from her great num bers, regiments from Massachusetts were sent forward to the fight, while those of her sister states, just as eager and just as ready for the fray, were kept in camp to retrieve some un looked-for-defeat, or to act in some emer gency of war, which, thank God, never came. Your history in the last war was not the story of some mere dash of bravery. You volunteered and so obeyed the first" call of duty. Your hearts beat high in the hope that some commanding word would give your strong arms the right to strike the blow that avenged and set free, but it was your lot to form a part of that grand reserve which was never called into action, but which none the less dedicated the terms of victory. It is taught in all the military schools, it is laid down in all the books of the great masters of war, that obedience is the supreme test of the true soldier, that from the patient disci pline of the camp comes the enduring tri umph of the campaign. It was yours to feel the pulse of courage in the heart of obedience, and there is no grander soldiership than this. For you who in the monotony of the camp longed for the inspiration of the battle, who in the patience of obedience listened in vain for some bugle to sound an advance, the State of Connecticut feels an affection and gives to you an honor not less than it would have felt and given had you swept in triumph over the hills of San Juan, and had brought back this flag pierced by Spanish bullets and torn by Spanish shell. You offered all the ser vices that could be asked; you gave all the service that was permitted, and you gave high service for in the loftiest sphere of work, in sublime patience and obedience they also serve who only stand and wait. The State of Connecticut receives these colors, and through all the years she will keep them as the flag of her brave defenders. And whether it shall float upon the breeze in honor of the living, or to be folded away in sacred memory of your dead, it shall stand forever to the State as a token of her faith in the courage and loyalty of this regiment, and of her pride in its spotless record." COLONEL CHARLES L. BURDETT COMMANDING IST REGIMENT, CONN. VOL. INFANTRY FIRST REGIMENT CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY Field and Staff RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Colonel Charles L. Burdett Hartford Nantucket, 49 18 Jan. 92 18 may 98 Post commander, Camp Haven, Niantic, Mass. Conn., 18 may to 9 June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; command ing 2d brigade, 3d division, 2d army corps, 2 aug. to 7 sept. Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Leave of absence 22 sept, to 21 oct. Hartford, Conn., 21 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Lieutenant Colonel Andrew G. Hammond U. S. Army Hartford 41 26 may 98 Commanding camp at Plum Island, N. Y., 28 may to 15 July. Stationed Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Leave of absence 22 sept, to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Majors John Hickey South Manchester 39 30 oct. 90 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to 9 Manchester June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July. Post commander 16 to 21 June and 14 to 15 July. Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn.; 15 to 18 July and Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. Commanding regiment, 16 to 29 aug. and 2 to 5 sept. Leave of absence 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Edward Schulze Hartford Hessen Cassel, 49- 26 June 93 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to Germany 9 June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July. Leave of absence 14 to 16 July. Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 17 to 18 July. Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. On detached service, provost duty at Dunn Loring, Falls Church and Vienna, Va., 27 aug. to 6 sept. Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Leave of absence 22 sept, to 21 oct. Hartford, Conn., 21 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Captain and Adjutant Jonathan M.Wainwright Hartford Hartford 24 30 apr. 98 18 may 98 Post adjutant, Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to 9 June. Post adjutant, Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July, Camp Alger, Va., acting assistant adjutant general, 2d brigade, 3d division, 2d army corps, 4 aug. to 7 sept. Taken sick while absent on 24 hour verbal leave from post commander, 12 to 15 sept. Present sick 16 to 18 sept. Leave of absence, 21 sept, to 21 oct. Hartford, Conn., 21 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. First Lieutenant and Quartermaster Arthur H. Bronson Hartford Hartford 32 15 feb. 97 18 may 98 Post quartermaster and commissary, Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to 9 June, Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; sick in line of duty, 25 June to 14 July; post quartermaster and commis sary, Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; acting brigade quartermaster and commissary, 9 aug. to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Leave \ of absence, 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. (43) 44 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS First Lieutenants and Battalion Adjutants Patrick J. Cosgrove Hartford Tynaugh, 31 10 Jan. 95 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to 9 Ireland June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; instructor in visual signaling, Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; act ing regimental adjutant, 11 to 22 sept. Leave of absence, 22 sept, to 21 Oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Frank E. Johnson Hartford Hartford 35 21 July 94 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to 9 June; acting ordnance officer of the regi ment, 18 may; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. ; on detached service, provost duty at Dunn Loring, Falls Church and Vienna, Va., 27 aug. to 6 sept.; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Leave of absence 22 sept, to 21 oct. Hartford, Conn., 21 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Major and Surgeon Thomas F. Rockwell Rockville New York, 43 20 may 90 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to N. Y. 9 June; post surgeon at Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July. Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. On detached service taking sick men to hospital, Hartford, Conn., 8 to 13 sept. Leave of absence, 22 sept, to 15 oct. On special duty at New Haven, Conn., 15 to 22 oct., for physical examination of batteries A and C, 1st Conn. vol. art.; Hartford, Conn., 24 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. First Lieutenants and Assistant Surgeons Richard S. Griswold Hartford Waterbury 29 18 Jan. 98 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 to 28 may; on detached service, post surgeon at Plum Island, N. Y., 28 may to 15 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July; on special duty with reserve ambulance corps, Camp Meade, Pa., 16 to 28 aug., and at 1st division hospital to build and equip it until 6 sept.; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Leave of absence, 22 sept, to 15 oct. On special duty at New Haven, Conn., 15 to 22 oct. for physical examination of batteries A and C, 1st Conn. vol. art.; New Britain, Conn., 24 oct. for examination of men. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. John B. McCook Hartford Hartford 30 30 apr. 98 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to 9 June; assistant surgeon at Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 1 July; on detached service, post surgeon at Great Gull Island, N. Y., 2 to 15 July; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 16 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; post surgeon, 22 sept. to 15 oct. New Haven, Conn., on special duty, 15 to 22 oct., for physical examina tion of batteries A and C, 1st Conn. vol. art.; Hartford, Conn., 24 to 31 oct., for examination of men. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Chaplain Henry H. Kelsey Hartford ivans Mills, 45 8 aug. 90 18 may 98 Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 18 may to N. Y. 9 June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. Leave of absence, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn. 21 to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 45 Noncommissioned Staff RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Located same as Field and Staff. Sergeant Major Edward E. Moseley Hartford Thompsonville 33 28 may 88 18 may 98 Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Discharged 26 oct. to accept commission as 1st lieuten ant, 1st Conn., vol. inf.; appointed 1st lieutenant, 27 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Commissary Sergeant Albert N. Prescott Hartford Hartford 30 29 may 92 18 may 98 Post commissary sergeant. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Discharged to accept commission as 2d lieutenant, 1st Conn. vol. inf., 26 oct.; appointed 2d lieutenant, 27 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Battalion Sergeant Majors John D. Milne Rockville Rockville 32 25 feb. 90 18 may 98 Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Thomas J. Mines Hartford Hartford 32 3 mar. 87 18 may 98 Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Quartermaster Sergeant Otto Mantei Hartford Bremen, 28 5 June 90 18 may 98 Post quartermaster sergeant. Furlough 22 Germany sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Hospital Stewards Edward C. Noonan Hartford Hartford 25 16 may 96 18 may 98 Mustered in as chief hospital steward. On detached service, Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., during furlough of the regiment. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Lorens J. Madsen Hartford Hartford 21 22 Jan. 97 18 may 98 Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. William B. L. Robertson Hartford Hartford 19 23 feb. 97 18 may 98 Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Band RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in (J. S. Service REMARKS Musicians Thomas J. Kennedy Gloversville, N. Y. * * 9 June 98 Located same as Field and Staff. Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. E, 1st Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band. Promoted chief musician, noncommis sioned staff 10 June. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. John U. B. Thomas Hartford Hartford 28 26 July 89 17 may 98 Chief trumpeter. Transferred to band as principal musician. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Charles W. Pierce Hartford Cambridge, Mass. 35 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. K, 1st Conn. vol. inf. Promoted principal musician, noncom missioned staff. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Anton Conraux Meridcn Alsace, Germany 25 9 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. L, 1st Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Nelson E. Darrow Guilford Chandleville, 111. 24 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. "Not given in muster roll. 46 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS William J. Finley Rockville Rockville 21 1 mar. 97 17 may 98 Transferred from co. C, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Sick furlough 22 sept, to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Albert M. Driesnack Hartford Berlin, Germany 22 31 mar. 97 17 may 98 Transferred from co. H, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Houston Flint East Hampton Chaplin 31 9 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. William V. Hoskins East Hampton * * 9 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. E, 1st Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Sala D. Jones Middletown Portland 20 5 feb. 97 17 may 98 Transferred from co. H, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Edward J. Manning New Britain * * 20 June 98 Joined co. E, 1st Conn. vol. inf., Plum Island, N. Y. Transferred to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 31 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Arthur J. Pascoe Hartford East Windsor 25 1 July 97 17 may 98 Transferred from co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Thomas Quinn Danbury Brewster, N. Y. 36 14 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. M, 1st Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band. Sick furlough 21 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. William W. Reed New Britain Oneida, N. Y. 25 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. D, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. Henry Schwerdtfeger Hartford Bremen, Germany 39 6 June 95 17 may 98 Transferred from co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. On detached service; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn. 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Edward Seymour Hartford Hartford 20 2 dec. 97 17 may 98 Transferred from co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. Samuel Shapiro Hartford Wilno, Russia 20 2 may 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. Ernest A. Sharp Rockville Troy, N. Y. 22 27 July 96 17 may 98 Transferred from co. C, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. Clarence H. Stannard Guilford Guilford 23 2 may 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. Harry F. Tennent Hebron * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. G. 1st Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mustered out 31 oct. 98. James R. Veitch South Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. G, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. Charles H. Wittig rlartford Hartford 37 29 July 95 17 may 98 Transferred from co. H, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. Frank Wondruska Mew Britain Klumetz, Austria 30 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. D, 1st Conn. vol. inf. to band. Furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct. Mus tered out 31 oct. 98. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 47 COMPANY A RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age 1 >atr KnllMrii or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS This company located as follows: Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 4 may to 9 June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. This company was on provost duty, Dunn Loring, Va. ; 26 aug. to 7 sept. 98. Captain James C. Bailey Hartford London, 38 17 July 93 17 may 98 England First Lieutenant Edwin E. Lamb Hartford Hartford 28 17 July 93 17 may 98 Second Lieutenant Charles F. Wolf Hartford Wurtemberg, 34 17 July 93 17 may 98 Germany First Sergeant Frank J. Williams Hartford Hartford 27 9 may 89 17 may 98 Quartermaster Sergeant George M. Rohrmayer Hartford Hartford 24 1 July 90 17 may 98 Sergeants Joseph R. Neddo Hartford Ticonderoga, 27 3 mar. 92 17 may 98 Enlisted U. S. volunteers for Philippine ser N. Y. vice; 4th class inspector, Philippine constabulary. Died of wounds contracted in line of duty, 14 april 02. George A. Roemer Hartford Enfield 27 1 oct. 91 17 may 98 William H. Leslie Hartford Chippewa Falls, 24 30 June 93 17 may 98 Wis. Charles Olshefskie Hartford Prussia, 30 3 may 94 17 may 98 Germany Corporals John G. Libutzke Hartford Prussia, 23 6 June 95 17 may 98 Germany Edward N. Flood Hartford East Hampton 24 26 June 95 17 may 98 On sick furlough 21 to 31 oct. 98. Mustered out with detachment of company. Charles S. Riley Hartford Florence, 23 4 mar. 97 17 may 98 Mass. Eugene J. Sullivan Hartford Meriden 24 27 apr. 93 17 may 98 Nick Frederickson Hartford Haer, 20 10 dec. 96 17 may 98 Germany Charles W. Fritzson Hartford Sweden 26 3 Jan. 94 17 may 98 John Kilmartin Hartford Westmeath, 29 4 feb. 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal Ireland 1 July 98. Samuel W. Green Hartford Hartford 21 7 may 96 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98. Alexander T. Westcott Hartford St. Johns, 23 6 June 95 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal Newfoundland 1 July 98. Conrad C. Kalber Hartford Hartford 21 5 dec. 95 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98. Patrick D. Kennedy Hartford Kings, 26 1 July 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal Ireland 1 July 98. Raoul D Arche Hartford Newport, 29 2 may < 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal Ky. 1 July 98. 48 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Musicians John W. Lehnemann Hartford Hartford 20 1 July 97 17 may 98 Absent, sick at home from 31 aug. Died 24 sept. 98 of typhoid fever at Hartford, Conn. Clinton L. Steele Hartford Halifax, 23 21 feb. 98 17 may 98 Mass. A rlificer Howard Leslie Hartford Chippewa Falls, 21 5 dec. 95 17 may 98 Wis. Wagoner Clinton H. Myers Hartford Hazardville 23 7 jan. 97 17 may 98 Privates Blake, Frank Hartford Milford Haven, 21 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Wales Bennett, Thomas A. Hartford Boston, 22 12 may 98 17 may 98 Mustered out with detachment of company. Mass. Brandt, Fred Hartford Horhausen, 21 11 may 98 17 may 98 . Germany Brennan, William J. J. Hartford Hartford 33 2 may 98 17 may 98 Bride, Edward East Hampton East Hampton 26 12 may 98 17 may 98 Bush, Simon J. Hartford Prussia, 24 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 5 sept. 98 Germany to date of muster out with detachment of company. Becker, Frederick Hartford Germany 20 13 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Bleasius, William P. Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Buell, John A. Moodus * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in division hospital 19 to 21 July 98. Canales, Fred Hartford Portland, 21 1 July 97 17 may 98 Maine Campbell, William A. Hartford Phillipsburg, 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in division hospital 19 to 21 July 98. N.J. Cashman, James Meriden Portland 27 10 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 5 to 13 July 98. Carlson, Otto Hartford Mattala, 21 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 23 aug. to 7 sept. 98. Sick at Sweden home to date of muster out. Crane, Frank Hartford Hartford 24 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Claffey, Frank Hartford Hartford 21 10 dec. 96 17 may 98 Coffey, James J. Hartford Westmeath, 26 10 feb. 98 17 may 98 Ireland Daly, John J. Hartford Norwich 21 1 apr. 97 17 may 98 Dolbeare, William B. Hartford Saybrook Point 27 1 July 97 17 may 98 Dooley, Timothy Hartford * * 13 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Daniels, Frank D. Hartford Hartford 20 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Fargo, Theodore C. Hartford Bristol 25 2 may 98 17 may 98 Fogg, Wade H. Hartford Virginia 20 13 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital 21 to 24 June 98. Freund, Simon J. Hartford Rodnitz, 21 11 may 98 17 may 98 Bohemia . Fuller, James J. Hartford * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 49 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Date Enlisted or Com- Age missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Gaffey, William F. Hartford Hartford 23 11 may 98 17 may 98 Gallivan, Murty J. Hartford Willimantic 36 3 may 98 18 may 98 Gates, Benjamin Hartford West Rutland, Vt. 24 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Garland, Frank Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Gropp, Frank Hartford Germany 39 21 mar. 78 17 may 98 Guckin, Thomas Hartford Hartford 28 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 29 July to 4 aug. 98. Hanson, Harry J. Hartford Hartford 21 10 dec. 96 17 may 98 Harkins, Fred B. Hartford Providence, R. I. 22 10 may 98 17 may 98 Heffernan, James Hartford Tipperary, Ireland 37 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Herter, Louis A. Hartford Rahway, N. J. 24 26 June 95 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Hindley, George A. Hartford North Adams, Mass. 23 11 feb. 97 17 may 98 Hoban, Edward A. Hartford London, England 36 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Holden, John F. Hartford * * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Holmes, Marion S. Hartford t * 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Holt, Rodney A. Hartford Montpelier, Vt. 23 11 may 98 17 may 98 Discharged 16 aug. 98, on surgeon s certifi cate of disability at Camp Alger, Va. Iffland, Alexander Hartford Frankfort, Germany 30 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Kenefick, Thomas Hartford * * 11 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kilmarten, Edward J. Hartford \Vestmeath, Ireland 28 1 apr. 97 17 may 98 Kollenz, Christian Hartford Waldorf, Germany 32 11 may 98 17 may 98 Kostenbader, Fred Hartford East Hartford 33 10 mar. 98 17 may 98 Lotze, Frederick Hartford Hartford 30 28 feb. 89 17 may 98 McAdams, Thomas J. Hartford Hartford 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 28 to 29 July 98. McQuillen, John J. Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Mills, Frank Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Miller, Richard Hartford Prague, Austria 37 11 may 98 17 may 98 Mitchell, William H. Fartford if * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick at home from 31 aug. 98 to date of muster out. Muhleib, William H. Hartford Hanover, Germany 21 12 may 98 17 may 98 Mullaney, John J. Hartford Albany, N. Y. 23 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Munsell, William F. Hartford Hartford 25 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. 50 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS O Brien, Daniel J. Hartford Troy, 26 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 N. Y. O Brien, Joseph F. Hartford Troy, 25 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 N. Y. Palmer, John Worcester, * * 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company. Sick in hospital 22 and 23 July. Detailed for guard, Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Parker, Howard Hartford Harrisburg, 22 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Penn. Patton, Benjamin S. So. Glastonbury * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Payne, Herbert R. Hartford Hazardville 23 11 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in division hospital 19 to 21 July 98. Preissner, Arnold Jr. Hartford * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Roehm, Emil W. Hartford Germany 21 4 mar. 97 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Rose, Charles E. Boston, * * 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company. Rivers, Albert Hartford * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Ross, Fred H. Hartford East Haddam 26 10 may 98 17 may 98 Roth, Henry Middletown * * 11 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital 25 to 26 June and 11 to 13 July 98. Roulston, Archibald W. Hartford Hartford 33 5 aug. 85 17 may 98 Detailed for guard, Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Ryan, James B. Hartford Ellington 28 10 may 98 17 may 98 Schiessl, Max Hartford Bavaria, 23 25 apr. 98 17iiKiy 98 Sick at home from 29 aug. 98 to date of muster Germany out. Smith, Edmund S. Hartford East Hartford 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Steele, Henry W. Hartford Hartford 31 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Stedman, John E. Hartford East Windsor 21 21 feb. 98 17 may 98 Stephan, Maurice Hartford Kingston, 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 N. Y. Sullivan, John E. Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Tripp, Harold W. Hartford Essex 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 On sick furlough 21 to 31 oct. 98. Mustered out with detachment of company. Turner, William A. Hartford * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Vinton, William O. Hartford Windham 18 16 may 98 17 may 98 Waldo, Leon J. Windsor Locks Windsor Locks 20 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Welles, Ralph C. Hartford West Hartford 21 1 apr. 97 17 may 98 Wodal, John F. Hartford Hungary 22 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Young, William H. Penobscot, * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Maine company. Detailed for guard, Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 51 COMPANY B RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat I Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 may to 8 June; Great Gull Island, N. Y., 8 June to 15 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain John F. Moran Hartford Hartford 41 19 mar. 97 17 may 98 First Lieutenant Frank E. Shea Second Lieutenant Patrick A. Farrell First Sergeant John J. McMahon Hartford Hartford Hartford Greenfield, Mass. Moet, Ireland Hartford 26 29 23 19 mar. 97 19 mar. 97 1 apr. 95 17 may 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 Acting assistant post quartermaster at Great Gull Island, N. Y. Acting assistant post commissary of sub sistence at Great Gull Island, N. Y. Quartermaster Sergeant John F. Dahill Hartford Hartford 25 23 July 95 17 may 98 Sergeants John A. Barlow Hartford Hartford 21 5 feb. 95 17 may 98 George W. Covey Hartford Hartford 23 26 may 96 17 may 98 Thomas I. Crilly Hartford West Winsted 25 1 oct. 97 17 may 98 Frank H. Lee Hartford Glastonbury 23 9 July 97 17 may 98 . Corporals Thomas F. Gibbons Hartford Orange, N.J. 24 15 mar. 98 17 may 98 George R. Km 11 Hartford Hartford 21 13 July 97 17 may 98 Thomas F. Hogan Hartford Hartford 26 11 nov. 97 17 may 98 John T. Blake Hartford East Windsor 25 4 may 98 17 may 98 Edward J. Cosgrove Hartford Co. Monaghan, Ireland 23 11 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Thomas J. Scanlon Hartford Hartford 23 25 feb. 96 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Ya. James McAuliffe Hartford County Cork, Ireland 23 27 oct. 97 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Va. George S. Leibert Hartford Hartford 23 10 may 98 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Va. James I. Riordan Hartford Hartford 25 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Va. Sick in hospital at Hartford, Conn., from 4 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Patrick Finigan Hartford County Mayo, Ireland 28 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Va. Stephen F. Henson Hartford Hartford 19 1 July 97 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Va. Walter Thompson Musicians William E. Missell John Sullivan Hartford Hartford Fall River, Mass. Caledonia, N. Y. Hoboken, N.J. Fall River, Mass. 26 28 28 16 may 98 5 may 96 10 may 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 July 98, at Camp Alger, Va. Sick in hospital at Fort Truinbull, Conn.; 8 to 23 July 98. 52 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in (J. S. Service REMARKS A rlificer William A. Doyle Hartford Thompsonville 23 1 oct. 97 17 may 98 Wagoner Char es H. Welton Hartford Hartford 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Privates Aninger, Benjamin C. Hartford New Haven 19 27 July 97 17 may 98 Abbott, William H. Poquonock Limerick, 21 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Ireland company. Barrows, Michael Hartford Hartford 28 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Beaune, Edward P. Hartford New Britain 24 15 mar. 98 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Belisle, Tancrede Hartford Drummondville, 27 16 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to Canada 21 oct. 98. Bennett, Lewis J. Poquonock Poquonock 26 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Bernard, Isadore Hartford Burlington, 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Vt. Blake, Charles L. Hartford Hartford 24 18 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Bogue, Philip L. New London Groton 21 5 may 98 17 may 98 Special duty at regimental hospital, 25 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Brennan, Michael Hartford County Kerry, 22 16 may 98 17 may 98 Ireland Brooks, William Hartford Holyoke, 24 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company; sick 15 aug. to 21 oct. 98. Brust, Frank Hartford Bremen, 29 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in city hospital, Hartford, from 4 oct. to Germany to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Burby, John A. Hartford Glasgo 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick from 18 to 28 aug. 98. Burke, Patrick J. Hartford County Kerry, 21 5 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to Ireland 21 oct. 98. Camp, George W. Hartford Hartford 21 16 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 13 to 29 June 98. Clarkin, Peter A. Hartford Thompsonville 26 16 mar. 97 17 may 98 V Cleary, Thomas Hartford Deerfield, 26 16 may 98 17 may 98 Mass. Cole, Henry J. Hartford San Francisco, 21 22 apr. 97 17 may 98 Cal. Collins, Frank W. Hartford Hartford 21 15 mar. 98 17 may 98 Corrigan, John F. Hartford Liverpool, 30 11 may 98 17 may 98 On special duty at 1st division, 2d army corps England hospital, 25 aug. to 2 sept. Transferred to hospital corps, 1st division, 2d army corps 2 sept. Stationed at Camp Meade, Pa., and Camp McKenzie, Ga.; discharged 1 dec. 98. Coyle, Frank P. Hartford Hartford 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Degnan, James F. Hartford Hartford 24 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick from 23 aug. to 3 sept. 98. Devoy, Michael F. Waterbury Jersey City, 24 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of N.J. company. Dougherty, John J. Hartford Glasgow, 21 10 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital at Hartford, Conn., 10 sept. Scotland to 22 oct. 98. Duffy, James A. Hartford Hartford 19 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Eagan, John Hartford Hartford 24 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 53 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Knlisted or Com missioned in the \al : ( ,!.... . Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Ferguson, Owen J. Hartford Thompsonville 21 12 may 98 17 may 98 Foley, Daniel Hartford County Kerry, 25 10 may 98 17 may 98 Ireland Fox, Martin J. Hartford County Clare, 24 1 oct. 97 17 may 98 Ireland Fox, Oscar Hazardville Hazardville 28 16 may 98 17 may 98 Frost, Lannie A. Watertown Watertown 24 3 may 98 17 may 98 Flynn, John P. Hartford Hartford 21 29 apr. 98 Died 5 may 98, at Niantic, Conn, of heart failure, prior to muster in. Gallagher, Patrick Hartford Jauschambe, 23 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Ireland company. Sick 11 to 22 sept. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Gasser, Florent, Jr. Torrington Germany 18 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Geary, Patrick J. Hartford County Cork, 31 16 may 98 17 may 98 Ireland Gorman, John J. Hartford rlartford 28 22 mar. 98 17 may 98 Heffernan, Charles C. Hartford County Kerry, 22 5 apr. 98 17 may 98 Ireland Hurley, William Hartford County Cork, 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Ireland Kelly, James Hartford County Limerick, 20 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Ireland Kelley, James J. Hartford Hartford 21 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Sick at Hartford, 5 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Kennedy, James Hartford Paterson, 22 11 may 98 17 may 98 N. J. Kershaw, William Hartford County Clare, Ireland 23 12 Jan. 97 17 may 98 Sick in 1st division, 2d army corps hospital Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 12 aug. 98. Kiely, Abraham Hartford Kensington 22 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kuhn, Albert Hartford Nashville, 27 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Tenn. company. Laughlin, Robert Hartford Hartford 24 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Leonard, Martin C. Hartford Malone, 37 17 may 98 Deserted 24 June 98, at Great Gull Island, N. Y. N. Y. Lewis, George Hartford Hopkinton, N. Y. 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn. 26 June to 12 July 98. Little, Harry R. Hartford New York, 28 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 N. Y. Livingston, William F. Hartford Cork, 31 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Ireland company. Lutz, Frank G. Hartford Hartford 40 11 may 98 17 may 98 Lynch, James Hartford Hartford 23 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Malley, Thomas P. Hartford Hartford 23 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in St. Francis hospital at Hartford, Conn., 20 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Maynard, Anson H. Hartford Niantic 26 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 McCarthy, Thomas A. Hartford Hartford 23 10 may 98 17 may 98 54 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS McLaughlin, John J. Hartford rlartford 25 28 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. McLaughlin, Richard F. Waterbury Waterbury 34 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Meara, John Hartford County Kings, 21 13 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital, Hartford, 20 oct. 98 to date Ireland of muster out with detachment of company. Missel, Jacob J. rlartford rlartford 22 30-dec. 95 17 may 98 Sick 29 July to 10 aug. Sick leave 3 sept, to 22 oct. 98. Mooney, Matthew rlartford County Queens, 22 10 may 98 17 may 98 Ireland Murphy, Michael F. rlartford Griswold 36 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Murphy, Patrick J. rlartford Hartford 21 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Murray, Bernard W. rlartford Hartford 34 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Murray, Luke T. Hartford Hartford 28 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Nolan, William F. Hartford Co. Roscommon, 22 16 mar. 97 17 may 98 Ireland O Toole, Richard Hartford County Limerick, 38 10 may 98 17 may 98 Ireland Payne, Frederick E. Hartford Hazardville 33 10 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital, Hartford, Conn.; 4 to 21 oct. 98. Quinn, Edward W. Hartford Hartford 28 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Quirk, Patrick H. Hartford Dublin, 26 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Ireland company. Richard, Don C. Hartford Rkhford, 22 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick at Richford, Vt., from 10 oct. 98 to date Vt. of muster out with detachment of company. Riedel, Rudolph C. Hartford Berlin, 21 16 may 98 17 may 98 Germany Riordan, Michael F. Hartford County Kings, 31 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to Ireland 21 oct. 98. Rosheck, Joseph Hartford Meriden 21 16 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Ryan, Thomas C. Meriden Meriden 21 11 may 98 17 may 98 Shannon, Owen Hartford Hartford 24 10 may 98 17 may 98 Smith, George H. Hartford County Cork, 24 14 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to Ireland 21 oct. 98. Stanley, Joseph T. Hartford Manchester, 30 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of England company. Wadsworth, George N. Hartford Utica, 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 N. Y. Walsh, John J. Hartford Hartford 21 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Williams, Frederick E. Hartford Hartford 18 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Williams, John H. Hartford Hartford 21 28 July 96 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford, Conn., from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out of company. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 55 COMPANY C RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the \al ] ( .11. ml Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 to 23 may; Fort Constitution and Jerry s Point, N. H., 23 may to 15 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 8 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 9 to 22 sept.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on fur lough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain Martin Laubscher Rockville Rockville 34 20 mar. 91 17 may 98 Resigned and honorably discharged 2 sept. 98. First Lieu enant John Paul Haun Rockville Saxony, 38 14 apr. 93 17 may 98 In command of company from 3 sept. 98 to Germany date of muster out. Second Lieutenant Frederick W. Chapman Rockville Greenwich 32 14 apr. 93 17 may 98 On sick leave at Rockville, Conn., from 20 aug. to 1 oct. 98. First Sergeant James H. Barnett Rockville London, 31 29 mar. 90 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of England muster out with detachment of company. Quartermaster Sergeant Francis Murray Rockville Rockville 34 6 apr. 91 17 may 98 Sergeants Charles B. Milne Rockville Rockville 28 11 mar. 90 17 may 98 Arthur W. Gyngell Rockville Trowbridge, 30 30 oct. 91 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of England muster out. James VV. Milne Rockville Rockville 30 16 June 94 17 may 98 Died at Somersville, Conn., of typhoid fever, 26 sept. 98. Albert E. Usher Rockville Trowbridge, 28 31 oct. 91 17 may 98 England Corporals William F. Schillinger Rockville New York, 22 10 dec. 94 17 may 98 N. Y. Webster Kaye Rockville Huddersfield, 33 24 June 93 17 may 98 England William M. Hefferon Ellington Ellington 24 28 aug. 93 17 may 98 Arthur R. Gerich Rockville Prussia, "23 2 may 95 17 may 98 Germany William J. Breen Rockville Rockville 23 25 feb. 95 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 27 July to 6 aug. 98. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Albert E. M. Profe Rockville Forst, 20 30 mar. 96 17 may 98 On detached recruiting service at Hartford, Germany Conn., 15 June to 1 July 98. James S. Jones Rockville Newton, Wales 32 2 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private, promoted corporal 20 sept. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Musician Walter F. McCray Rockville Ellington 25 14 feb. 98 17 may 98 A rtificer Henry M. Seipt Rockville Saxony, 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Germany Wagoner George B. McClellan Ellington Prescott, 35 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of Mass. muster out. Privates Aborn, George N. Ellington Tolland 32 21 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Anderson, Charles R. Rockville Monson, 22 21 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company. Arnold, Sylvester E. Rockville Stafford Springs 21 7 mar. 98 17 may 98 Austin, Ernest E. Rockville Le wist on, Me. 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. 56 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Bartlett, Albert C. Rockville Rockville 21 22 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. Beaumont, James A. Rockville Battley, 30 6 dec. 97 17 may 98 England Binck, Charles E. Rockville Chicago, 20 30 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of 111. company. Brache, Richard Rockville Sommerfeld, 19 31 may 97 17 may 98 Germany Breen, Frank S. Rockville Rockville 26 25 feb. 95 17 may 98 Broil, Hugo Rockville Giittbus, 18 1 nov. 97 17 may 98 Germany Brown, Harry J. Rockville Farmington 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Cahoon, Elmer W. No. Coventry Franklin 19 24apr. 98 17 may 98 Chadwick, Frank D. Rockville Manchester 22 2 nov. 95 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 17 to 19 aug. 98. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. to date of muster out with detachment of company. Champion, Richard G. Rockville Maynard, 18 15 nov. 97 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of Mass. muster out with detachment of company. Charter, Perlin L. Ellington Ellington 23 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough at Rockville from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Charter, Wilbur F. Rockville Ellington 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 26 July to 7 aug. Shot in leg by pistol ball while walking post 13 aug. at Camp Alger, Va. In hospital until 5 sept. Sick on furlough at Bridgeport from 5 sept. to 5 oct. 98. Mustered out with detachment company. Clift, Jesse Rockville Trowbridge, 21 24 Jan. 98 17 may 98 England Connolly, William J. Hartford * * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Connors, John 2d Rockville Rockville 19 10 may 97 17 may 98 Cullumn, Jewett Rockville Marlborough 42 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Diedering, Phillip Jr. Rockville Hackensack, 24 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 N.J. Donovan, John Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Dowd, Frank P. Broad Brook * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Einsiedel, Francis F. Rockville Rockville 19 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Farrell, James B. Rockville Rockville 29 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 21 to 27 July and 15 to 16 aug. 98. Fitzpatrick, Francis P. Rockville * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Flossback, Otto Rockville Huckeswagen, 24 24 feb. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of Germany muster out with detachment of company. Flynn, Joseph H. Rockville * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Fox, David E. Essex * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 57 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Jate Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Franz, Herman P. Rockville 7 orst, 22 14 may 97 17 may 98 Germany Gawtrey, John E. Rockville Rockville 27 13 may 98 17 may 98 Golden, Thomas F. Hartford Orange, 21 22 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of N. J. company. Gorham, George F. Rockville Montreal, 23 24 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 21 to 22 July and 4 sept. 98. . Canada Gross, Felix Rockville 3uschweiler, 30 14 mar. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 22 to 31 aug. Died 25 sept. 98, Germany at Rockville, Conn., of typhoid fever contracted at Camp Alger, Va. Grumhack, Manville Rockville ^eustadt, 26 11 mar. 95 17 may 98 Sick on furlough 21 oct. 98 to date of muster Germany out. Haun, John F. Tolland Osborne, 18 24apr. 98 17 may 98 Kansas Hecker, John J. Rockville ^ee, 36 25 feb. 97 17 may 98 Sick on furlough at Rockville, 3 sept, to Mass. 3 oct. 98. Hewett, George A. Rockville Trowbridge, 30 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 6 and 7 aug. 98. England Hewett, John A. Rockville Trowbridge, 23 17 July 95 17 may 98 Sick in hospital, Portsmouth, N. H., 24 June England to 3 July. On sick leave 5 to 25 July. Discharged for disability 11 aug. 98. Hopf, Andrew Rockville Bavaria, 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Germany Jackson, Squire Rockville Halifax, 26 2 nov. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough 21 oct. 98 to date of muster England out with detachment of company. Jennings, Elijah W. Hartford * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company, Sick in hospital, Portsmouth, N. H., 5 to 15 July, and in hospital, Camp Alger, Va., 22 July to 5 aug. Sick on fur lough 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Jepson, John Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Leamy, Martin T. Hartford Ireland 24 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital 26 to 28 aug. Sick on furlough 31 aug. to 1 oct. 98. Lehmann, Robert H. Ellington Gottbus, 20 2 July 96 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 1 to 4 sept. 98. Germany Lowell, Jason D. Rockville Adams, 21 8 feb. 97 17 may 98 Mass. Ludwig, Charles F. Rockville Rockville 18 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Lutton, James H. Rockville Enfield, 19 8 mar. 97 17 may 98 Mass. Lutz, Joseph H. Rockville Rockville 20 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Lyons, William E. Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Lynch, Thomas P. Rockville * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Macnamara, Matthew Rockville Webster, 26 1 apr. 97 17 may 98 Mass. Mahr, Philip J. Rockville Prussia, 19 1 mar. 97 17 may 98 Germany Manion, Frank L. Hartford * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. *Not given in muster roll. 58 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Matthewson, Ferdinand A. Rockville Cumberland, R. I. 23 2 aug. 97 17 may 98 McCullough, Patrick J. Hartford * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. McLagan, Donald K. Rockville Hartford 22 1 1 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough at Rockville from 3 sept, to 3 oct. 98. Meyer, George Rockville Rockville 28 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 . Miller, George H. Rockville Ayrshire, Scotland 20 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Millott, Thomas L. Rockville * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Moore, Thomas F. Rockville Stafford Springs 18 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Murphy, John C. Rockville Rockville 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Murphy, John L. Essex * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Murphy, John W. Hartford Ireland 19 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Murphy, William C. Windsor * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Nahigis, Matthew N. Hartford * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Newbury, Thomas F. Rockville Hartford 19 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Norton, Francis M. Rockville Rockville 20 7 dec. 96 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 26 amd 28 July 98. O Neil, John J. Rockville Tolland 32 25 feb. 90 17 may 98 Phillips, William Rockville Suffield 19 2 may 98 17 may 98 Profe, Frederick J. A. H. Rockville Forst, Germany 18 2 nov. 96 17 may 98 Quinn, James J. Rockville Vernon 27 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Rau, Robert H. Rockville Rockville 20 11 apr. 98 17 may 98 Raushenback, Charles H. Broad Brook Seifritz, Germany 24 2 may 98 17 may 98 -- Regan, John Rockville * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Roche, John J. Hartford * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Scherwitzky, Emil R. Rockville Norwich 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 Schmieske, Carl C. Rockville Peitz, Germany 38 2 July 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of com pany. Schmieske, Emil W. Rockville Peitz, Germany 38 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Simms, Isaac Rockville Portadown, Ireland 27 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 22 to 26 July 98. Smith, John H. Rockville Rockville 18 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Stengel, Frederick W. Rockville Rockville 20 30 may 96 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 1 to 3 sept. 98. Tracy, Henry H. Vernon Center Vernon Center 21 11 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 29 July to 1 aug. 98. Wagner, Herman C. Rockville Schleiss, Germany 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 59 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Waidner, Charles J. Ellington Rockville 26 1 mar. 97 17 may 98 Sick on furlough 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Wannenger, Anthony Rockville Bavaria, Germany 30 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 4 sept. 98. Sick on furlough at Rockville from 5 sept, to 5 oct., and from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Willis, Walter J. Rockville Springfield, Mass. 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Winchell, Howard Rockville Rockville 18 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. COMPANY D RANK AND NAME Residence Place, of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 may to 10 June; Fort Knox, Me. 11 June to 14 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; New Britain, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain Sidney M. Leonard New Britain Hoosic Falls, 37 4 dec. 94 17 may 98 Detailed on general court martial at Camp N. Y. Alger, Va., 29 July 98. First Lieutenant Louis V. Schutz New Britain Vernon 31 28 July 96 17 may 98 Resigned and honorably discharged 28 sept. 98. Second Lieutenant George B. Gifford New Britain Stillwater, 30 11 aug. 96 17 may 98 / N. Y. First Sergeant Eugene F. Barnes New Britain New Britain 30 26 July 86 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 10 oct. to 4 nov. 98. Mustered out with detachment of company. Quartermaster Sergeant George W. Barnes New Britain New Britain 25 27 feb. 91 17 may 98 Sergeants . Carl E. Thorngran New Britain Northern, 24 8 may 94 17 may 98 Sweden James P. Connelly New Britain New Britain 24 10 July 94 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 23 aug. to 1 sept. 98. Walter S. Belden Plainville Meriden 24 21 may 95 17 may 98 Sick from 12 oct. to date of death of typhoid fever, at Hartford, 28 oct. 98. George B. Pickop New Britain Terryville 22 5 feb. 96 17 may 98 Corporals Frederick G. Beh New Britain Guttenberg, 29 14 apr. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 6 sept, to 6 oct. 98. Germany John F. Burns New Britain New Britain 23 14 feb. 93 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 June 98. Richard Cannell New Britain Douglas, 26 1 ju.y 97 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal Isle of Mann 1 aug. 98. Victor Carlson New Britain Wexao, 24 21 mar. 95 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal Sweden 1 aug. Sick on furlough from 1 sept, to 1 oct. 98. Austin A. Birmingham New Britain * 27 1 may 89 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. *Not given in muster roll. GO FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Samuel C. Davis New Britain New Britain 20 1 aug. 96 17 may 98 Allan M. Keegan New Britain Philadelphia, 26 30 July 97 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal Pa. 1 aug. 98. Mortimer Lyman New Britain New Britain 22 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. Arthur F. Mitchell New Britain Bat ley, 22 10 feb. 96 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 4 oct. 98 to England date of muster out with detachment of company. Harry A. Norton New Britain Hartford 19 25 nov. 96 17 may 98 Sick at home from 5 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Edward J. Sheehy New Britain New Britain 27 18 may 92 17 may 98 George N. Strickland New Britain Jersey City, 27 30 dec. 90 17 may 98 Mustered in as private, promoted corporal N. J. 1 aug. 98. Musicians William R. Banks New London New London 28 13 aug. 86 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 29 aug. to 29 sept. Detailed for guard at Niantic 29 sept, to 21 oct. 98. John J. Laverty New Britain New Britain 29 30 may 92 17 may 98 A rlificer Hinman L. Smith Plainville Burlington 20 3 mar. 96 17 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 2 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Wagoner Perry Strong New Britain Warren 37 1 may 98 17 may 98 Privates Abetz, William New Britain Burlington 27 27 July 95 17 may 98 Abrahamson, John W. New Britain Guttenberg, 19 27 July 97 17 may 98 Sick on furlough at division hospital from Sweden 3 sept, to 3 oct. 98. Adolphson, Charles D. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Anderson, Charles F. New Britain Sweden 20 29 june :95 17 may 98 Barnes, William H. New Britain New Britain 31 26 July 86 17 may 98 Bloom, Emil G. New Britain Stockholm, 19 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sweden Canfield, Charles V. J. New Britain St. Johns, 21 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 v New Brunswick Carlson, Jacob New Britain Osterdant, 22 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain from 22 sept. 98 to date Sweden of muster out with detachment of com pany. Carlson, John E. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Mustered out with detachment of company. Casey, Thomas E. Burnside * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Chapman, Lorenzo B. Hartford East Haddam 30 13 may 98 17 may 98 Chichcster, Burton J. Plainville Linn, 18 15 mar. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 1 sept, to 1 oct. 98. N. Y. Coleman, Michael New Britain New Britain 21 2 may 98 17 may 98 Conlin, Martin E. Mew Britain New Britain 21 29 July 96 17 may 98 Corbett, Edward J. Mew Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Cornell, Cornelius H. Mew London * * 9 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Cosgrove, James J. Mew Britain Windsor 21 2 may 98 17 may 98 "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 61 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Cragan, Charles A. Hartford * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Curtis, Edwin S. New Britain Raleigh, N. C. 21 15 mar. 98 17 may 98 Daly, Michael Southington Southington 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in Southington from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Devitt, Patrick New Britain * * 9 junc 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Dunbar, Eugene A. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Egan, Edward F. New Britain New Britain 20 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Frawley, James New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Finochietti, Nicholas New Britain Genoa, Italy 44 12 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Fox, Ernest New Britain Conostota, N. Y. 20 29 June 97 17 may 98 - Freese, Ernest W. New Britain Ansonia 22 1 oct. 96 1 7 may 98 Fritz, George J. New Britain Shelburnc Falls, Mass. 24 4 Jan. 96 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Fritz, Jacob F. New Britain Shelburne Falls, Mass. 19 13 jan. 97 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 9 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Grady, James J. Hartford Hartford 22 17 apr. 98 17 may 98 Graham, John F. Plainville Plainville 19 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in Plainville from 6 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Grant, John R. Brockton, Mass. * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Sick at Brockton, Mass., from 8 oct. to 11 nov. 98, date of his muster out. Hardy, Edward F. Heiderich, Ernest Bristol \ T ew Haven Avon * 22 * 17 June 98 2 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Sick at home, Ulster Co., N. Y., from 5 oct. to 19 nov. 98, date of his muster out. Hesse, Albert W. S T ew Britain Prussia, Germany 27 2 feb. 93 17 may 98 Higgins, Peter J. New Britain * * 17 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. Johnson, Charles G. Plainville Sweden 21 3 sept. 96 17 may 98 \bsent sick, from 27 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Johnson. Edward T. Plainville West Hartford 23 12 may 98 17 may 98 Jones, Charles J. Mew Britain * * 17 June 98 foined and enrolled aftt/ muster in of company. Jubb, James \ T ew Britain * * 9 June 98 [oined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kennedy, George P. New Britain SJew Kritain 21 12 may 98 17 may 98 Krebser, Frederick Cambridge, Vt. * * 17 June 98 [oined and enrolled after muster in of company. Injured on troop train en route from Ft. Knox, Me., to Niantic, Conn., 14 July. Received at N. Y., N. H., & H. R. R. emergency hospital. Sent to Ft. Adams, R. I., 25 July. Discharged from same 19 aug. Sent to Middletown, Pa. Reported for duty with his company at Camp Alger, Va., 4 sept. Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. *Not given in muster roll. 62 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth j Age Date Enlisted or Com- - missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Larsson, Laurin New Britain Southern, Sweden 23 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 27 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Lawton, Albert E. New Britain Hartford 35 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Martin, James F. New Britain Naugatuck 22 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. May, William New Britain New Britain 25 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 McCarthy, John F. New Britain New Britain 27 13 may 98 17 may 98 McClellan, William A. East Hartford East Hartford 24 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company McDermott, John New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. McElrath, James B. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. McMahon, Charles W. Middletown Roy Bareilly, India 21 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital, Hartford from 18 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. McMahon, Peter H. New Britain New Britain 24 20 July 97 17 may 98 McManus, Thomas A. New London New London 27 16 may 98 17 may 98 Mulheam, Patrick J. Burnside * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Newton, Ralph J. New Britain New York, N. Y. 21 16 July 95 17 may 98 O Brien, Simon So. Glastonbury Wethersficld 28 13 may 98 17 may 98 O Brien, William P. New Britain New Britain 18 13 may 98 17 may 98 O Connell, John New Britain Burlington 34 27 feb. 86 17 may 98 O Connell, William A. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in Hartford from 6 to 27 oct. In Hartford hospital to date of muster out, 7 nov. 98. O Conner, Thomas F.Jr. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. In Hartford hospital from 10 sept, to 12 oct. 98. Olson, Albert New Britain Eskenstana, Sweden 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain from 26 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Palmer, Lewis B. New Britain Hazardville 20 1 mar. 98 17 may 98 Parsons, Lester New Britain Thompsonville 18 7 July 97 17 may 98 Post, Samuel New Britain New Britain 31 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 28 aug. to 5 sept. 98. Potter, Archer I. Plainville Plainville 21 5 may 96 17 may 98 Sick in Plainville from 20 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Prentise, George II. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Quinn-, John J. Bristol * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Rehm, William F. New Britain Hartford 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 Russell, Frank E. Plainville Plainville 21 12 may 98 17 may 98 Ryan, Thomas J. New Britain Dublin, Ireland 22 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 - Schmidt, William J. New Britain Berlin, Germany 21 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain from 1 oct. 98 to date of muster out, with detachment of company. "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 63 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Shea, John J. New Britain Hartford 19 1 feb. 98 17 may 98 Shine, Cornelius M. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in New Britain hospital from 2 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company . Smith, Fred B. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Spindler, Philip New Britain Germany 25 1 June 97 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from division hospital, Camp Alger, Va., from 29 aug. tq 29 sept. 98. Stanton, Daniel H. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in New Britain hospital from 7 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Staubly, George L. Norwich * * 9 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Stiles, John F. Meriden Meriden 18 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick at Meriden from 19 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Urban, Rudolf New Britian Q Austria 20 1 July 96 17 may 98 Wetherell, Joseph A. New Britain New Britain 18 12 apr. 98 17 may 98 Williams, Elmer H. New Britain New Britain 21 3 mar. 98 17 may 98 Woods, Arthur Hartford Worcester, Mass. 22 13 may 98 17 may 98 COMPANY E RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Corn- missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 to 29 may; Plum Island, N. Y., 29 may to 15 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; New Britain, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain , Abraham L. Hauerwas New Britain Lebanon 37 10 feb. 98 18 may 98 First Lieutenant G. Arthur Hadsell Plainville Plainville 25 10 feb. 98 18 may 98 Detailed post adjutant, Plum Island, N. Y., 24 June to 16 July 98. Second Lieutenant George M. Mycroft New Britain Ellenville, N. Y. 26 10 feb. 98 18 may 98 Detailed post exchange offcer, Plum Island, N. Y., 20 June to 16 July. Sick at home from 29 sept, to 9 oct. 98. First Sergeant John E. Lynch Meriden New Y ork, 29 29 apr. 98 18 may 98 N. Y. Quartermaster Sergeant William W. Bullen Plainville London, 38 2 nov. 85 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster England in of company. Promoted to quarter master sergeant 27 June 98. Sergeants Charles A. Anderson New Britain Sweden 25 4 apr. 98 18 may 98 Frederick Gustavson New Britain Fulkenberg, 28 31 dec. 90 18 may 98 Sweden *Not given in muster roll. 64 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Louis J. Brague New Britain Washington 25 12 may 94 18 may 98 Burton C. Morey New Britain New Britain 23 21 Jan. 93 18 may 98 Sick at home from 23 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Corporals William J. Rice New Britain Brighton, 28 15 oct. 94 18 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 4 oct. 98 England to date of muster out with detachment of company. Thomas J. Boyle New Britain New Britain 23 1 sept. 96 18 may 98 Ira B. Leonard New Britain New Britain 19 1 feb. 97 18 may 98 Sick in division hospital, Camp Alger, Va., from 28 July to 8 aug. 98. William T. Young New Britain Richmond, 22 3 feb. 96 18 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital, from 4 oct. 98 Va. to date of muster out. William G. Hall New Britain Pequabuck 23 3 feb. 96 18 may 98 Frank L. Smith New Britain New Britain 23 1 sept. 96 18 may 98 John A. Eades New Britain New Britain 23 22 apr. 98 18 may 98 Mustered in as private; promoted corporal 6 July 98. Ike T. Hills New Britain Portchester, 19 7 dec. 96 18 may 98 Mustered in as private; promoted corporal N. Y. 6 July 98. Simon J. Kelliher New Britain Kerry, 22 6 mar. 94 18 may 98 Mustered in as private; promoted corporal Ireland 6 July 98. John J. Magner New Britain Waterbury 23 27 July 96 18 may 98 Mustered in as private; promoted corporal 6 July 98. Charles A. Osterman New Britain Linkoping, 35 22 apr. 98 18 may 98 Mustered in as private; promoted corporal Sweden 6 July 98. Frederick H. Westover New Britain New Britain 23 6 may 95 18 may 98 Mustered in as private; promoted corporal 6 July; Died of typhoid fever, 17 oct. 98, at New Britain hospital. A riificer George Hoffman New Britain New Britain 21 3 may 97 18 may 98 Wagoner Patrick J. Whelen Bristol Southington 27 27 apr. 98 18 may 98 Musicians Louis A. Kumm New Britain New Haven 23 24 sept. 94 18 may 98 Relieved as musician 25 June; sick on fur lough from 31 aug. to 1 oct. 98. Charles P. Blakesley New Britain Waterbury 21 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company as private, appointed musician 28 June 98. Axel E. Samuelson New Britain Sweden 27 1 feb. 92 18 may 98 Privates Anderson, Charles New Britain Hudson, 21 30 may 96 18 may 98 N. Y. Anderson, Charles A. New Britain Sweden 27 17 Jan. 93 18 may 98 Bacon, William Hartford * * 13 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Balf, Edward, Jr. rlartford * * 11 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick from 16 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Beckett, William H. New Britain New York, 30 9 feb. 91 18 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 8 oct. 98 to N. Y. date of muster out with detachment of company. Bresnahan, Thomas New Britain New York, 23 26 apr. 98 18 may 98 "- N. Y. Bronkie, Frederick Manchester Yonkers, 21 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of N. Y. company. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age 1 (ate 1- nlistc i or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Brown, George H. Hartford Gal way, Ireland 26 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Callahan, Daniel New Britain New Britain 20 22 apr. 98 18 may 98 Callender, Edward T. Plainville * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Mustered out with detachment of company. Carlson, David New Britain Sweden 21 22 apr. 98 18 may 98 Died 15 oct. 98 of typhoid fever at New Britain hospital. Casey, Michael J. Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Clark, Alpha A. New Britain New Britain 18 23 apr. 98 18 may 98 Connahan, Daniel J. New Britain Lawrence, Mass. 22 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Conner, Norman G. New Haven Marshallton, Pa. 18 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Coons, Charles Bristol West Cornwall 19 26 apr. 98 18 may 98 Cowles, John H. New Britain Hartford 22 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Crowe, Luke New Britain New Britain 29 25 apr. 98 18 may 98 Crowe, Luke J. New Britain New Britain 23 21 apr. 98 18 may 98 Crowe, Matthew New Britain * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Denn, William New Britain Waterford, Ireland 19 26 apr. 98 18 may 98 Donahue, John J. Hartford * * 13 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Died at Hartford 22 oct. 98, of typhoid fever. Doughty, Alonzo New Britain Wappinger Falls, N. Y. 22 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Mustered out with detachment of company. Duprey, Frank E. Hoosic Falls, N. Y. * * 25 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. English, Charles R. New Britain New Britain 22 27 dec. 97 18 may 98 Evans, Frederick New Britain Mansfield 26 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Fagan, Thomas F. New Britain New Britain 22 31 mar. 98 18 may 98 Finley, George L. New Britain Plainville 25 1 nov. 93 18 may 98 Foley, Thomas New Britain Cork, Ireland 30 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Frechette, Edmund Florence, Mass. * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Gillis, James Hartford * * 25 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Griffin, Maurice E. New Britain West Hartford 21 10 mar. 98 18 may 98 Higgins, Michael J. New Britain Wapping 27 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Ililthrand, Frederick W. New Britain Berne, Switzerland 25 1 mar. 97 18 may 98 Sick in division hospital, Camp Alger, Va., 26 aug. 98. Holclen, Benedict M. Bristol Bristol 24 2 may 98 18 may 98 Furlough from 25 aug. to 1 oct. 98. Hotchkiss, Charles B. Bristol Plainville 21 27 apr. 98 18 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. 66 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Hubbell, Eugene B. Bristol Bristol 23 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Hulteen, Emil New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled in co. I, after muster in of company. Transferred to co. E, 6 July 98. Kagei, Albert New Britain Switzerland 24 28 mar. 98 18 may 98 Kane, Cornelius New Britain * * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Died 12 oct. 98 at New Britain hospital of typhoid fever. Keith, James L. New Britain Plymouth 21 17 mar. 98 18 may 98 Kellerman, Emil New Britain Germany 21 24 apr. 98 18 may 98 Sick in Bellevue hospital N. Y. from 1 oct. to date of his muster out, 11 nov. 98. Kennedy, John F. New Britain New Britain 26 13 may 98 18 may 98 Kilmurray, Michael J. Hartford * * 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kindelan, Edward New Britain New Britain 23 24 apr. 98 18 may 98 Mustered out with detachment of company. King, Charles F. New Britain Enfield 29 3 may 98 18 may 98 King, John T. Hartford * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in Hartford hospital from 9 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detach ment of company. Larson, Gustaf New Britain Hallons, Sweden 25 10 feb. 98 18 may 98 Lavine, Jacob A. New Britain Willhelmsburg, Germany 28 12 apr. 98 18 may 98 Lgor, Adolph New Britain * * 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Lindquist, Albert New Britain Souport, Sweden 23 25 apr. 98 18 may 98 Markham, Patrick J. New Britain Elmira, N. Y. 35 29 apr. 98 18 may 98 Martin, Robert M. New Britain Pittsburgh, Pa. 27 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. McAvay, John New Britain * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. McCarthy, James New Britain New Britain 23 10 may 97 18 may 98 Mclnerny, Matthew New Britain * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Merget, Richard V. New Britain Bavaria, Germany 22 1 may 96 18 may 98 Messenger, Charles New Britain New Britain 22 26 apr. 97 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Moody, William New Britain Cheshire 22 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Sick on furlough from 30 aug. to 30 sept. 98. Nelson, Julius Mew Britain Elginberg, Sweden 23 24 apr. 98 18 may 98 Sick on furlough from 31 aug. to 20 sept. 98. Neurath, Frank A. Mew Britain * * 21 June 98 [oined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in New Britain hospital from 12 oct. to date of his muster out, 14 nov. 98. O Mara, Michael \ T ew Britain * 20 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 67 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth A K e Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the \ ; 1 1 I i . 1 1 . n ! Date Mustered in U. S. Servict REMARKS Packard, Joseph Hartford t * 11 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 5 oct. Sick in hospital from 5 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detach ment of company. Phelps, Wilbur B. New Britain New Haven 25 25 oct. 97 18 may 98 Prelle, Charles G. New Britain No. Manchester 18 18 apr. 98 18 may 98 Prevost, Charles F. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Prior, Andrew New Britain Toronto, Canada 22 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Died 2 oct. 98 of typhoid fever at Hartford hospital. Quinn, Frank VV. Hinsdale, Mass. * * 27 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Roper, Thomas J. New Britain Terryville 30 24 apr. 98 18 may 98 Rourke, Thomas Hartford * * 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sakelsky, Mike New Britain * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Schofield, William T. New Britain Middletown 19 3 Jan. 98 18 may 98 Shea, John F. New Britain * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Smith, Charles H. New Britain Jersey City, N.J. 20 3 aug. 96 18 may 98 Sperl, Adolph A. New Britain New Britain 18 24 apr. 98 18 may 98 St. Jacques, Lafayette New Haven Fair Haven 20 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Stayna, Michael New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in New Britain hospital from 17 oct. to date of his muster out, 14 nov. 98. Sullivan, John New Britain Hartford 22 18 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Tobin, Thomas P. New Britain New Britain 23 4 apr. 98 18 may 98 Wadsworth, Arthur New Britain Meriden 18 30 apr. 98 18 may 98 Walsh, Michael New Britain Southbury 27 28 apr. 98 18 may 98 Sick on furlough from 31 aug. to 21 sept. 98. Young, Myron New Britain Richmond, Va. 19 21 mar. 98 18 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. 68 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY F RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat I Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 to 23 may; Fort Preble, Me., 23 may to 16 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 16 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out 31 oct. 98. Captain Charles W. Newton Hartford Hartford 37 18 Jan. 97 17 may 98 First Lieutenant George W. Ripley Second Lieutenant Frank H. Smith East Hartford Hartford So. Windsor Glastonbury 40 35 18 Jan. 97 18 Jan. 97 17 may 98 17 may 98 On recruiting service at Hartford, from 11 June to 5 July 98. First Sergeant William H. Talcott Quartermaster Sergeant Frederick A. Seidler Sergeants Herbert G. Bailey Hartford Hartford Hartford Lebanon Hartford Danbury 29 21 28 19 July 86 3 aug. 96 2 aug. 93 17 may 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 On recruiting service at Hartford from 11 June to 5 July 98. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. William C. Simmons Hartford Hartford 24 9 mar. 93 17 may 98 Andrew B. Marshall Hartford London, England 24 9 apr. 96 17 may 98 Herbert A. Wiley Hartford Hartford 21 19 nov. 95 17 may 98 Corporals Frank M. Jones Hartford Hartford 21 19 nov. 95 17 may 98 Frank E. Clark Hartford Hartford 22 9 dec. 95 17 may 98 John E. Piddock Hartford Claremont, N. H. 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sidney W. Ackerman Hartford Middletown, N. Y. 30 18 July 96 17 may 98 George D. Robins Hartford Plymouth, N. H. 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Benjamin C. McKenney Hartford Darien 29 30 nov. 96 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Bayard C. Bonfoey Hartford Higganum 26 9 mar. 96 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of company; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Earl E. Davidson New Haven Hudson, Mass. 20 7 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Irving L. Fisher Hartford Brookline, Mass. 21 7 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Howard A. Flagg West Hartford West Hartford 19 15 feb. 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Ward W. Pickard Hartford Wilson, N. Y. 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July. Discharged 8 sept. 98, by order Secretary of War. Ralph R. Richardson Hartford St. Joseph, Mo. 19 12 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 8 sept. 98. Herbert A. Ross Hartford Northampton, Mass. 25* 17 Jan. 98 V 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98, sick on furlough from 21 oct. to date of muster out with detachment of company. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 69 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Musicians Thomas W. Foley Hartford Hartford 21 20 oct. 94 17 may 98 Philip B. Hawk Middletown East Branch, N. Y. 23 15 may 98 17 may 98 A rtificer Charles H. Finney Hartford Orford, N. H. 31 11 may 96 17 may 98 Wagoner Eugene D. Miller Hartford Great Barrington, Mass. 27 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Privates Arnold, Alfred C. Barton, Jason H. Hartford East Hampton St. Johnsbury, Vt. * 21 * 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Beckwith, Julius H. Miantic Hartford 20 16 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in quarters and on furlough from 28 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Belcher, Gregory Mew London New London 25 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Billings, Fred H. Hartford Hartford 19 4 may 98 17 may 98 Campbell, Charles L. Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Campbell, John H. New Haven Orange, N.J. 21 13 may 98 17 may 98 Candee, Albert Harwinton * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Candee, Ralph Harwinton * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Carroll, Frank G. Hartford Mclntyre, N. Y. 26 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Chapman, Morton L. Hartford Malone, N. Y. 25 11 may 98 17 may 98 Chase, Nelson L. Hartford Fleetville, Pa. 26 16 may 98 17 may 98 Clintsman, William D. Hartford * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Col vocoresses, George M . Litchfield East Orange, N.J. 21 7 may 98 17 may 98 Cook, Louis A. New Haven So. Weymouth, Mass. 21 12 may 98 17 may 98 Cornell, Arthur M. Hartford * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in quarters and on furlough from 22 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Darling, George O. Bloom field Hastings, Neb. 26 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Davis, Charles E. Hartford Hartford 21 11 may 96 17 may 98 Dixon, Frederick W. Waterbury Birmingham, England 21 3 may 98 17 may 98 Doherty, Charles, Jr. Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Douthwaite, Harry W. Hartford Hartford 27 22 feb. 97 17 may 98 Dowen, George J. Burnside Burnside 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Dresser, Wilfred H. Hartford Springfield, Mass. 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. 70 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Embler, Ralph H. Hartford Windsor 30 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept to 21 oct. 98. Fletcher, Emerson C. Hartford Hartford 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Gooding, Earl W. Hartford Plymouth, Mass. 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Greene, Edward C. New Haven Westminster 22 11 may 98 17 may 98 Green, Harry D. Hartford Berlin, N. H. 22 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Hale, Arthur H. Rocky Hill * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Hall, George R. Hartford Wolcott 21 15 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hastings, Walter S. Hartford Hartford 21 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hawkins, Claude B. Columbia Columbia 22 12 may 98 17 may 98 Hayes, Robert C. St. Johnsbury, Vt. * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Hollingsworth, Harry E. Hartford Chelsea, Mass. 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Holmes, Fred G. East Hartford Thompson, N. Y. 22 1 feb. 98 17 may 98 Horton, Thomas Hartford New Haven 26 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Howard Fred G. Florence, Mass. * * 30 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital, Fort Preble, Me , from 5 to 29 July. On furlough from 29 July to 9 sept. 98. Hutchins, Nelson Hartford Hartford 23 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Joy, Harry E. Deep River Salmon Falls, N. H. 27 3 may 98 17 may 98 Kay, George H. Union City Ansonia 21 11 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in quarters and on furlough from 31 aug. to 22 sept. Sick in Hartford hospital from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Lacey, Herbert V. Hartford Marion, Ind. 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Discharged 28 may 98, by order Secretary of War. Lane, Robert Hartford Hartford 18 16 may 98 17 may 98 Sick from 21 July to 6 sept., in hospital at Hartford from 6 to 22 sept., sick on fur lough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Lincoln, Robert M. Hartford Windham 22 8 Jan. 95 17 may 98 Linsley, Ray K. Suffield Central City, Col. 22 1 apr. 98 17 may 98 Lowenhaupt, Ralph Hartford New York, N. Y. 19 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick from 11 to 22 sept., in Hartford hospital from 22 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Lyman, Frank W. Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. MacEwen, Hugh C. Jr. Florence, Mass. * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick from 11 to 22 sept.; in Hartford hospital from 22 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. McCook, George S. Hartford Niantic 22 4 may 98 17 may 98 McVan, John J. Hartford Tubberenny, Ireland 20 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Martin, Fred M. Hartford Hartford 26 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Marsh, Frank T. Hartford Hartford 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 71 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age D.iti- Knli-iti-.l or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Miller, John Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Miller, Robert G. West Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Montgomery, Edward L. South Manchester South Manchester 24 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Montgomery .Thomas H. South Manchester South Manchester 21 13 may 98 17 may 98 Mountain, John S. Hartford St. Johns, Newfoundland 28 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Newman, James F. Hartford London, England 32 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Norris, Louis A. Hartford Dracut, Mass. 23 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick from 3 to 5 July. Assigned for duty at regimental hospital 17 aug. Died of typhoid fever 11 oct. 98 at Montpelier, Vt. Obryan, Tompkins H. Hartford Skinners Eddy, Pa. 24 3 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in quarters and on furlough from 22 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Owen, Ernest L. Hartford Charlotte, Vt. 25 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Owen, Hans C. Hartford Messina, Italy 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Parker, Arthur V. Hartford Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Pearson, William T. Hartford Newburyport, Mass. 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in quarters and on furlough from 1 aug. to 20 sept. 98. Pettys, George J. Hartford Ft. Wayne, Ind. 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Powers, Almond D. Hartford Stratford 28 28 apr. 98 30 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Reynolds, Forrest H. West Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Rice, Sanford A. Florence, Mass. * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Rich, Alfred T. Hartford Cape Elizabeth, Me. 27 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Schuler, Louis A. Hartford Saxony, Germany 27 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Schuster, Anthony F. Rocky Hill * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Sedgwick, Benjamin, Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick from 17 July to 6 sept.; in Hartford hospital from 6 to 22 sept. 98. Shields, Thomas H. Watertown * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Shortall, Thomas F. Milford, Mass. * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Stevens, George T. Guilford New York, N. Y. 33 3 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital at Ft. Preble, Me., from 5 to 16 July. Transferred to hospital corps, U. S. A., 18 July 98. Tabor, Mallory W. Hartford Higganum 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Thomas, Noel D. Hartford Lineburgh, Vt. 35 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Travcrs, Edward S. Middletown Meriden 23 16 may 98 17 may 98 Yinton, Louis E. So. Windsor So. Windsor 21 3 mar. 98 17 may 98 Walsh, Eugene T. Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Wilcox, Harry E. Hartford Granby 37 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 30 aug. to 22 sept. 98. \Yilkes, Thomas Jr. Hartford * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Woods, James C. Hartford Portchester, N. Y. 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Wrench, George E. Hartford * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Yarrow, Ernest A, Middletown London, England 22 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 COMPANY G RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 may to 9 June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. ; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept. ; Officers on leave of absence _and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hart ford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain Joel M. Nichols Manchester Rockland, 34 27 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Del. First Lieutenant J. Davenport Cheney Manchester Hartford 28 27 jan. 98 17 may 98 Detailed judge advocate of garrison court, Niantic, Conn., 3 June. Detailed member of board of survey, Fort Knox, Me., 5 July 98. Second Lieutenant Lewis J. Doolittle Hartford Plantsville 29 29 July 96 17 may 98 First Sergeant Charles O. Lord Manchester Marlborough 29 1 mar. 92 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 25 aug. to 21 oct. 98. Quartermaster Sergeant Alfred C. House Manchester Manchester 37 21 feb. 87 17 may 98 Sergeants Philip Fraher Manchester Tipperary, 24 6 jan. 96 17 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 22 sept, to Ireland 15 oct. 98. Edmund M. Ogden Manchester Albany, 27 18 nov. 95 17 may 98 N. Y. Gustave H. Leidholt Manchester Rockville 25 10 may 94 17 may 98 Charles B. Warren Manchester Manchester 22 31 may 97 17 may 98 Corporals James E. Sherman Manchester Lake Howard, 29 25 may 96 17 may 98 Minn. > Thomas J. Scott Manchester Worcester, 23 26 sept. 96 17 may 98 Mass. K Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 73 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Harry Nelson Manchester Lancaster, England 32 18 nov. 95 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 5 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Seth L. Cheney John Connelly, Jr. Manchester Manchester Hartford Manchester 24 24 4 feb. 95 22 July 95 17 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital from 25 June to 8 July. Sick on furlough from 29 aug. to 25oct. 98. William F. Madden Manchester Manchester 18 24 may 97 17 may 98 Patrick Connor Manchester County Kerry, Ireland 22 25 Jan. 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. Charles H. Grabowski Manchester Wiesenberg, Germany 23 2 may 94 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. George Johnson Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 30 4 apr. 92 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. William J. Nichols Manchester East Hartford 41 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 aug. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Peter L. Norquist Manchester Malino, Sweden 32 22 nov. 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. Harry E. Olcott Manchester Manchester 26 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 aug. 98. Sick on furlough from 6 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of Musicians William Crawford, Jr. Manchester Manchester 21 3 may 94 17 may 98 company. Sick on furlough from 29 aug. to 21 oct. 98. Michael Spillane Manchester Manchester 23 6 Jan. 96 17 may 98 A rlificer Gordon W. Dunn Manchester Manchester 24 22 apr. 98 17 may 98 Wagoner John J. O Neill Privates Ait ken, James C. Hartford Manchester County Kerry, Ireland Manchester 22 21 29 -apr. 98 16 may 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 Anderson, Albert Manchester Stockholm, Sweden 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Aveson, Alfred Manchester Skene, Sweden 29 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 Barry, Michael F. Manchester Manchester 26 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Behrend, Joseph J. South Manchester Hartford 23 10 may 94 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Berggian, Alexander South Manchester * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Birath, Gustaf Manchester County Werm- land, Sweden 32 12 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 23 aug. to 23 sept. 98. Carlson, Charles J. Manchester Gottenberg, Sweden 22 23 apr. 94 17 may 98 Carney, John F. Hartford Hartford 34 21 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 1 oct. 98. Chamberlain, Austin H. Manchester Manchester, N. H. 30 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Cheney, W 7 ard Manchester Manchester 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Discharged to accept commission as 2nd lieutenant, 4th infantry, U. S. A., 25 July 98. Clark, Louis E. Manchester Hartford 23 18 sept. 97 17 may 98 Colton, Archie W. Manchester Glastonbury 22 2 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 6 sept, to 21 oct. 98. "Not given in muster roll. 74 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Cranick, Charles A. Hartford Fremont, Mich. 19 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Cuff, Edward C. Hartford Hartford 23 1 June 97 17 may 98 Donahue, Patrick F. Manchester * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Donnellan, Frank P. Buckland Buckland 23 29 mar. 97 17 may 98 Transferred from co. D, 1 June. Died 20 oct. 98 of typhoid fever at Hartford hospital. Doolan, John J. Manchester County Carlow, Ireland 30 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Dougan, Robert B. Manchester Manchester 20 26 sept. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 6 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Dougherty, Charles C. Hartford Brooklyn, N. Y. 26 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Dux, Fred Manchester Manchester 20 31 July 95 17 may 98 Ethridge, John B. Manchester Eastford 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Falknor, Clark T. Hartford Anderson, Ind. 21 16 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. F inlay, John Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Flint, Fred C. Flory, William A. Hartford South Manchester Chelmsford, Mass. * 39 * 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 16 June 98 Sick on furlough from 25 aug to 3 oct. 98. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Fox, Andrew J. Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 21 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 Fraher, Daniel Manchester Tipperary, Ireland 22 7 dec. 96 17 may 98 Garland, Daniel L. Manchester Manchester 20 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Grabbe, Conrad H. Manchester Yuland, Germany 28 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 Grogan, Edward South Manchester * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Hall, William J. Manchester Glasgow, Scotland 20 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Harrison, Thomas Manchester Manchester 23 2 nov. 96 17 may 98 Holmquist, Edward Manchester Hesleun, Sweden 22 31 may 97 17 may 98 Hultman, Charles J. Manchester Manchester 24 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Keating, Arthur E. South Manchester South Manchester 20 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Keeney, Newton C. Manchester Kensington 27 21 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in division hospital, 20 to 28 July. On furlough from 6 to 16 aug. 98. Kerrigan. John J. Lahey, John V. Hartford Manchester Jersey City, N.J. Manchester 27 23 29 apr. 98 19 oct. 96 17 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital from 14 to 17 sept. Transferred to Hartford hospital 17 sept. Sick on furlough from 21 to 27 oct. 98. Lee, Samuel F. Bolton Bolton 32 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Lindell, Uno Manchester Manchester 21 12 may 98 17 may 98 Lombard, George Bolton Notch * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in regimental hospital from 7 to 11 July 98, mustered out with detachment of company. "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 75 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the \;il 1 i .II.IM! Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Malkin, Richard L. Manchester Springfield, Mass. 18 28 apr. 98 17 may 98 Mallon, William J. South Manchester * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Maxwell, Frank E. Y. Manchester Hartford 23 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 McCann, John J. Manchester Manchester 21 5 June 97 17 may 98 McCrea, Mark C. Hartford Fagundus, Pa. 28 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital from 8 to 13 aug. Sick on furlough from 6 sept, to 21 oct. 98. McDonald, John E. Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in regimental hospital from 16 to 17 sept., transferred to Hart ford hospital 17 sept. Sick on furlough from 21 to 27 oct. 98 McVeigh, Patrick F. South Manchester Manchester 22 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Meinke, Charles M. Manchester Germany 21 29 nov. 95 17 may 98 Moynihan, Cornelius Manchester County Kerry, Ireland 28 12 may 98 17 may 98 Mulligan, John Hartford * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Mullinette, Julius Manchester Russia 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Nelson, Carl F. Manchester Stockholm, Sweden 20 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Newbury, Henry G. Buckland Hartford 23 29 mar. 97 17 may 98 Discharged 20 aug. 98 for disability, Camp Alger, Va. (not incurred in line of duty). Park, William Suffield * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Pohl, Fritz Manchester West Prussia, Germany 19 22 July 95 1 7 may 98 Popple, Thomas W. Manchester Mansfield 24 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Prentice, William J. South Manchester * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Sick on furlough from 31 aug. to 21 oct. 98. Raineault, Leon Collinsville * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Ritchie, David Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Robinson, William Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 21 4 apr. 98 17 may 98 Seastrand, Ernest Manchester Sweden 19 21 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital 6 to 11 July 98. Scherwitzsky, Fred k W. Manchester Norwich 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Shields, David South Manchester * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Shields, Hugh South Manchester * 24 27 apr. 96 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out, with detachment of Shields, Samuel Manchester Londonderry, Ireland. 21 6 Jan. 96 17 may 98 company. Silow, Walfrid Hartford * * 22 June 98 [oined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. *Not given in muster roll. 76 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Sinnamon, Edwin Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 23 12 may 98 17 may 98 Smith, George J. Manchester Boston, Mass. 29 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out, with detachment of company. Smith, Richard Sullivan, Daniel J. Quarryville Manchester * Waterville, Ireland. * 21 9 mar. 96 14 June 98 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Mustered out with detachment of company. Sullivan, James Buckland Hartford 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sullivan, Timothy Poquonock * * 27 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Sweeney, Frank South Manchester * * 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Taylor, Fred B. Manchester Manchester 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Thompson, Joseph Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 24 12 may 98 17 may 98 Tripp, Adelbert Manchester Gloucester, R. I. 32 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital 29 June to 6 July 98. Twarz, Richard Rockville * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Waddle, John Manchester County Armagh, Ireland 27 12 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 27 aug. to 3 sept. 98. Westland, Alfred South Manchester * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Wolski, Thomas Hartford * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. COMPANY H RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 may to 9 June; Fort Knox, Me., 10 June to 13 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 8 sept ; On provost duty, Dunn Loring, Va., 26 aug. to 6 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn. 8 to 22 sept. ; Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain William E. Mahoney Hartford Hartford 27 17 apr. 96 17 may 98 On recruiting service, Hartford, Conn., 9 June to 5 July 98. First Lieutenant William A. Sparks Hartford Dudley, 35 17 apr. 96 17 may 98 England Second Lieutenant James Smith Hartford Hartford 24 15 June 97 17 may 98 - First Sergeant Patrick J. White Hartford Hartford 36 25 Jan. 86 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 77 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlistee or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Quartermaster Sergeant John F. Landrigan Hartford Hartford 27 24 nov. 9- 17 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant; promoted quarter master sergeant 30 June; furlough from 25 June to 18 July 98. Sergeants Thomas J. Coyle Hartford Hartford 22 13 apr. 9-4 17 may 98 Maurice C. Foley Hartford Hartford 23 12 Jan. 94 17 may 98 Patrick Callaghan Hartford Cork, Ireland 29 25 may 96 17 may 98 Joseph F. Healey Hartford Hartford 21 11 Jan. 95 17 may 98 Mustered in as corporal; promoted sergeant 1 July 98. Corporals William M. Clark Hartford Hartford 21 28 feb. 96 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital from 13 to 16 sept., in Hartford hospital from 16 to 28 sept. 98. John B. Stevens Hartford Bridgeport 21 1 July 96 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. John F. White Hartford East Hartford 26 1 feb. 95 17 may 98 Phil Ensling, Jr. Hartford Norwich 25 1 July 96 17 may 98 Francis Horan Hartford Hartford 22 30 June 96 15 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of company; promoted corporal 1 July 98 William Kelleher Hartford Cork, Ireland 32 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Robert Wilcox rlartford New York, N. Y. 22 31 mar. 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Philip H. Bailey Windsor Locks Windsor Locks 24 5 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of company; detailed on recruiting service at Hartford from 9 June to 1 July; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Daniel Walsh -lartford Cork, Ireland 27 26 may 96 17 may 98 enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Louis H. Wittig lartford lartford 37 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Dennis F. McCarthy lartford Vliddletown 23 28 feb. 96 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Michael T. Keena Musicians Elith N. C. Madsen lartford lartford lartford Copenhagen, Denmark 22 21 8 nov. 95 12 may 96 17 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July. Sick in Hartford hospital from 21 sept, to 22 oct. 98. Herbert D. Mack lartford Vliddletown 21 8 may 96 17 may 98 A rlificer Archibald J. Roulston Hartford lartford 30 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed on recruiting service at Hartford from 9 June to 1 July 98. Wagoner Frank A. Seinsoth Hartford lartford 24 2 July 97 17 may 98 Privates Adams, Lester J. \Vindsor Locks * * 17 June 98 [oined and enrolled after muster in of company. Adler, Harry S. Hartford * * 17 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. Atchison, George Hartford * * 17 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. Baker, Matthew M. Hartford * * 17 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. *Not given in muster roll. 78 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Barton, Seymour B. Hartford Fishkill, N. Y. 31 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Blicher, August W. Hartford Ebteld, Denmark 25 14 may 98 17 may 98 Bos worth, Charles H. Hartford * 30 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Bowen, Edward Hartford Bay City, Mich. 29 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Brimble, Ernest W. Hartford Hartford 25 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Buckley, Jeremiah J. Hartford Hartford 24 18 may 93 17 may 98 Burns, William H. Hartford Hartford 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Carroll, Michael Clark, Julius W. Hartford Bristol * Simsbury * 19 14 may 98 17 June 98 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Clounan, James H. Hartford Meriden 33 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Cooper, William H. East Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Connor, John F. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Cowles, Royal M. Hartford Hartford 24 14 may 98 17 may 98 Cunningham Thomas H. Hartford Hartford 20 16 feb. 97 17 may 98 Donahue, Thomas J. Jr. Hartford Hartford 21 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Duffy, Joseph P. Hartford Meriden 21 17 July 95 17 may 98 Duffy, Michael J. Hartford Meriden 21 17 July 95 17 may 98 Duffy, Thomas F. Hartford Hartford 26 17 July 95 17 may 98 Ellison, James Hartford Brooklyn, N. Y. 29 31 may 92 17 may 98 Fogarty, Cornelius J. Hartford Willimantic 24 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Furlong, Thomas V. Hartford Hartford 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Gastonguay, Joseph G. Hartford Canada 31 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Golden, Peter J. Hartford Hartford 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detached hospital duty, Camp Haven, Conn., 7 to 21 oct. 98. Gourley, Fred F. Windsor Locks Windsor Locks 26 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Harper, Joseph P. Hartford Troy, N. Y. 23 28 feb. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 17 aug. to 17 sept. 98. Hawkins, Wallace V. Hartford Buffalo, N. Y. 23 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 1 aug. to 1 sept. 98. Hebron, Robert F. Hartford Dunnamacrena, Ireland 28 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hedburg, Charlie V. Hartford Bararyo, Sweden 26 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Herron, Robert Hartford Sheffield, England 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hines, James J. Hartford Hartford 25 12 jan. 94 17 may 98 - Mines, James M. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 79 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlistee or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Hines, John B. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Hoban, John J. Hartford Hartford 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Johnson, Hugh M. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kearns, James F. Jr. Burnside * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. King, George, Jr. Hartford Willimantic 28 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Lewis, Fred H. Hartford Hartford 19 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Sick in quarters from 5 to 11 aug. 98. Sick in hospital to date of muster out. Lewis, Howard C. Hartford Hartford 28 21 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Lohs, Fred W. Hartford Hartford 23 16 June 96 17 may 98 Lovcland, Edward E. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Hartford 32 14 may 98 17 may 98 Low, William B. Jr. Hartford Hartford 27 29 may 90 17 may 98 Lyons, Philip Hartford Hartford 26 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Mahoney, William H. Hartford Hartford 22 19 feb. 97 17 may 98 Manahan, Thomas F. Windsor Locks * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Manion, Edward J. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Marenholtz, Fred T. Hartford Hartford 20 7 apr. 98 17 may 98 McCue, Thomas J. Hartford Hartford 23 28 apr. 96 17 may 98 McDonough, James P. Hartford Hartford 20 4 may 98 17 may 98 McGinn, Edward J. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. McGregor, John B. Hartford Edinburgh, Scotland 22 4 may 98 17 may 98 McKee, James F. East Hartford East Hartford 24 1 June 95 17 may 98 McMahon, Henry P. Hartford East Hartford 26 23 apr. 981 7 may 98 McPherson, John Hartford Glasgow, Scotland 21 4 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Mooney, James P. Hartford Port Arlington, Ireland 26 6 dec. 95 17 may 98 Mottram, Alfred Hartford Dudley, England 22 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Mullen, Thomas F. Jr. rlartford Hartford 22 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Mustered out with detachment of company. Munro, Kenneth McK. Hartford Hartford 19 8 oct. 97 17 may 98 On detached duty, 30 July to 7 sept., sick on furlough from 22 sept. 98, to date of muster out. Murphy, Edward T. iartford New York, N. Y. 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Murphy, Michael D. South Glastonbury ^uincy, Mass. 35 4 may 98 17 may 98 Murphy, Thomas E. lartford Tariffville 27 4 may 98 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS O Flaherty, John P. Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of I company. Raisbeck, Bertie John Suffield * * 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Raisbeck, Ralph Suffield * * 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Readel, William H. Hartford * * 17 June 98 company Joined and enrolled after muster in of Reese, William E. Hartford Watertown, N. Y. 23 31 mar. 97 17 may 98 company. Reeve, William R. Hartford New Britain 27 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Selleck, Edwin H. Hartford * * 30 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detached hospital duty. Nian- tic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Sheedy, Thomas F. Hartford Hartford 29 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Shields, Howard L. Hartford Cincinnati, Ohio 23 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detached hospital duty Niantic, 11 to 19 oct. 98. Van Buren, Henry S. Hartford New York, N. Y. 22 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Wadstrum, Justus Hartford Sweden 22 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Watson, Alexander Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Watson, William T. Hartford Hartford 24 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Welch, William J. Hartford Salisbury 21 20 feb. 97 17 may 98 White, Richard Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Woodworth Walter G. Hartford Andover 20 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Wucherer, Julius Hartford Germany 19 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 26 aug. to 5 sept. Sick on furlough 6 sept, to 6 oct. 98. COMPANY I RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn. 4 to 27 may; Plum Island, N. Y. 27 may to 15 julv; Camp Haven, Conn., 15 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; New Britain, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out., 31 oct. 98. Captain Charles H. Moore New Britain New Britain 37 23 June 91 17 may 98 Judge advocate of a general court martial, Camp Alger, Va., 29 July 98. First Lieutenant William J. Rawlings New Britain Berlin 45 19 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Second Lieutenant - Samuel E. Magson New Britain Ripponden, 28 19 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Post adjutant, Plum Island, N. Y., 27 may to England 24 June; acting post commissary and quartermaster, 27 may to 16 July 98. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 81 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U.S. Service REMARKS First Sergeant Jesse J. Broadbent New Britain Hartford 31 9 aug. 90 17 may 98 Quartermaster Sergeant Venires A. Clark New Britain Haddam 27 7 may 91 17 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 19 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of Sergeants Frank D. Clark New Britain I laddam 22 4 nov. 93 17 may 98 company. Sick in New Britain hospital from 12 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Alfred H. Griswold New Britain New Britain 25 2 mar. 93 17 may 98 Claude D. Clark New Britain Haddam 23 28 may 95 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 13 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Patrick Crowe New Britain Limerick, Ireland 29 18 July 96 17 may 98 Corporals Harry E. Smith New Britain New Britain 24 25 may 92 17 may 98 Edward J. McBriarty New Britain New Britain 20 8 Jan. 96 17 may 98 James P. McNeil New Britain New Britain 28 9 aug. 90 17 may 98 Reinhold Schell New Britain Mecingen, Germany 23 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Willard J. Dyson New Britain New Britain 31 9 aug. 90 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 19 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Chester L. Wyman Waterbury Cornish, N. H. 25 12 nov. 90 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 25 June to 5 July 98. Albert E. Lane Hartford Manchester 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as artificer; promoted corporal 1 July 98. George Y. C. Cheney New Britain Little Falls, N. Y. 22 17 Jan. 93 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Morris Hebb New Britain Sterling, Mass. 23 9 may 96 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July. Sick in hospital from 15 to 18 July 98. Frank F. McGrath New Britain * 22 16 feb. 94 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of company, promoted corporal 1 July 98. Per J. Ryquist New Britain New Britain 24 1 apr. 97 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Arthur H. VVilcox Musicians Franklin R. Fagan Berlin Hartford Brooklyn, N. Y. * 26 * 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 18 June 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 1 July 98. Sick from 1 July to date of muster out with detachment of company. Joined and enrolled as private in co. E, after muster in of company, transferred from co. E, 6 July, appointed musician 8 July 98. John H. Mills Artificer Robert L. Hayes Wagoner Lewis T. Bacon Hartford Hartford New Britain Wongrowitz, Germany Hartford New Britain 24 30 24 30 apr. 98 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; appointed artificer 1 July 98. Privates Anderson, August New Britain Norr Koping, Sweden 25 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Boquist, Martin New Britain Slotofto, Sweden 22 24 mar. 97 17 may 98 Sick in post hospital, 18 may to 8 June 98. Brown, Frank New Britain Naugatuck 18 7 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 4 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. *Not given in muster roll. 82 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Burns, James J. New Britain * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Mustered out with detachment of company. Carlson, Carl E. New Britain Collinsville 25 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Carlson, Gustaf A. New Britain Carl Krona, Sweden 22 14 apr. 97 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 26 oct. to 9 nov. 98; mustered out with detachment of company. Carroll, Dennis A. New Britain Newtown 29 3 feb. 94 17 may 98 Chute, William F. Jr. New Britain New Britain 26 1 may 98 17 may 98 Died 3 sept. 98, Camp Alger, Va., of typhoid fever. Coffey, James F. New Britain * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Conley, Eugene New Britain New Britain 33 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Cooney, John L. New Britain New Britain 19 10 feb. 97 17 may 98 Damon, Herbert H. Berlin New Britain 24 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital, 26 may to 4 June 98. Dunbar, John A. New Britain New Britain 24 22 feb. 97 17 may 98 Dunn, Daniel J. Hartford Hartford 18 14 may 98 17 may 98 Dyson, William New Britain Royten, England 22 1 may 98 17 may 98 Mustered out with detachment of company. Eagan, Thomas F. New Britain New Britain 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Fields, Allie D. South Glastonbury * 14 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 7 oct., sick from 8 to 25 oct. 98. Fitzgerald, Peter Hartford Ellinville, N. Y. 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Flint, Edwin H. South Glastonbury * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Center, Charles New Britain Saeckingen, Germany 34 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick from 5 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Gilligan, William P. New Britain * * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in New Britain hospital from 6 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Goodwin, Frank D. New Britain South Glastonbury 31 13 apr. 98 17 may 98 Guenther, Rudolph F. New Britain * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Hallen, Andrew F. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in Boston city hospital from 4 oct. to 12 nov. 98. Hansen, Hans Hartford Denmark 34 14 may 98 17 may 98 Sick from 21 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Hawthorne, Walter J. New Britain Montezuma, N. Y. 21 16 feb. 98 17 may 98 Herriander, Fred New Britain Skone, Sweden 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hughes, John J. Hartford * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Hunt, Henry H. Glastonbury Glastonbury 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 28 July to 1 aug. Sick on furlough 5 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Johnson, Charles ^ew Britain Sweden 25 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick from 29 oct. 98 to date of muster out. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Joyce, David F. Holyoke, * * 27 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company. Joyce, Michael P. Terryville * * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kalick, Micke New Britain Austria 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 13 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Keefer, Charles C. Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Kelley, Thomas New Britain * * 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Kienell, Fred C. New Britain Spiese, 20 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Germany Kiernan, William New Britain New Britain 32 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Kilkelly, Thomas F. Holyoke, * * 27 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company, sick on furlough from 3 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Koop, Ernest H. G. New Britain Hamburg, 21 25 apr. 98 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Germany company. Larson, Axel New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Larson, Charles O. New Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Larson, Christie Hartford Syonping, 25 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of Denmark company. Sick in Hartford hospital from 18 oct. to 14 nov. 98, date of death of typhoid fever. Larson, John New Britain Falkenberg, 24 22 dec. 97 17 may 98 Sick in New Britain hospital from 6 oct. 98 to Sweden date of muster out with detachment of company. Lehman, Frederick New Britain Germany 19 1 June 96 17 may 98 Mustered out with detachment of company Leidholt, Henry F. Manchester Rockville 26 14 may 98 17 may 98 Lind, Alvin New Britain * * 20 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Lutostauski, Peter New Britain Smolany, 21 28 apr. 98 17 may 98 Poland Lutz, John New Britain Rockville 25 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in post hospital, Niantic, 18 may to 8 June 98. Mustered out with detachment of company. Mack, John Torrington Germany 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Deserted 15 sept. 98 at Niantic, Conn. Magson, Joe S. New Britain Halifax, 32 8 dec. 90 17 may 98 England Mahon, Joseph East Hartford West Hartford 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 22 June to 5 July 98. Mayer, Joseph Hartford Castle Frank, 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Italy McCabe, James Berlin Haverstraw, 25 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 31 aug. to 21 oct. 98. N. Y. McCollum, Oleon Hartford Westfield, 27 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of Mass. company. Merrill, Charles O. Hartford Boston, 40 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of Mass. company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Mix, Daniel New Britain Marshal, 38 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed as company cook 4 may, detached N. Y. service, Niantic, 22 sept, to 9 oct. Sick from 10 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of companv *Not given in muster roll. 84 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Mulligan, James H. Mew Britain * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Discharged 12 sept. 98, at Niantic for disability. Nielson, Henry Hartford Ruldien, Denmark 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 5 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Nord, Charles Hartford Marjestag, Sweden 33 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Orton, Oliver New Britain Paisley, England 30 22 Jan. 96 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 13 sept, to date of death, 28 oct. 98, of typhoid fever. Pearson, Adolph Hartford Helmburg, Sweden 25 14 may 98 17 may 98 Peterson, Alfred K. Hartford Filistad, Sweden 29 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Sick in St. Francis hospital from 9 oct. to date of death, 15 nov. 98, of pneu monia resulting from typhoid fever. Peterson, Andrew Hartford Vile, Denmark 25 14 may 98 17 may 98 Pierson, Wilbur B. Hartford Hartford 22 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Detached service, Niantic, 1 to 10 oct. 98, as hospital steward. Prendergast, James New Britain New York, N. Y. 28 4 may 94 17 may 98 Richter, Gunther New Britain Germany 20 9 July 95 17 may 98 Sick from 28 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Riley, Patrick J. New Britain Boston, Mass. 28 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Reid, Matthew L. Hartford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Rosengren, John Hartford Boros, Sweden 30 24 apr. 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. B. 16 may 98. Ryberg, Gottfried New Britain Harplingo, Sweden 22 4 may 98 17 may 98 Transferred from co. B, 1st C. N. G. 16 may. Sick in hospital 30 July to 6 aug., sick in Hartford hospital from 12 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Samlow, William F. New Britain New Britain 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sheehan, John J. New Britain * * 21 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sperry, Eugene New Britain Hartford 20 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Detached service, Niantic, 22 to 27 sept., as clerk to commissary. Sick from 27 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Sproch, Andro New Britain Kreupauk, Austria 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Stevens, John E. New Britain Orange, Mass. 18 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 12 to 14 sept. Sick in New Britain hospital, 5 oct. to 11 nov. 98. Sullivan, Eugene East Hartford Kemare, Ireland 21 14 may 98 17 may 98 Sick in U. S. general hospital 11 aug. to 20 oct. 98. Sullivan, John R. Towers, Samuel E. New Britain New Britain * Rose Hill, Iowa * 20 21 June 98 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Tryon, George W. Kensington Durham 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Veinovitch, Aimen New Britain Lombse, Russia 21 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 - - Wells, Edwin New Britain Sheffield, England 19 1 feb. 97 17 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 85 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age ! >ut< Knlisti il or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Williams, George Hartford Deerfield, Mass. 33 14 may 98 17 may 98 VVylie, Joseph Windsor Marcellus, N. Y. 19 14 may 98 17 may 98 Zwirz, William Hartford New York, N. Y. 20 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. COMPANY K RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS This company was located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 to 23 may; Fort Preble, Me., 23 may to 16 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 16 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept.; On provost duty, E. Falls Church, Va., 26 aug. to 7 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captain Henry H. Saunders Hartford Hartford 40 11 mar. 95 17 may 98 In command of battalion companies F and K. 1st Conn. vol. inf. stationed at Camp Burdett, near Fort Preble, Me., 23 may to 16 July; commanding company as provost guard, East Falls Church, Va., 26 aug. to 6 sept. 98. First Lieutenant Edward H. Waterman Hartford Hartford 41 11 mar. 95 17 may 98 Second Lieutenant Nathaniel G. Valentine Hartford Hartford 34 2 dec. 96 17 may 98 Detailed as adjutant, quartermaster, com missary of subsistance and ordnance officer, Camp Burdett, Fort Preble, Me., 27 may to 16 July. On detached service at division headquarters 27 aug. to 1 sept. 98, as acting assistant provost marshal. First Sergeant Samuel G. Huntington Hartford Norwich 29 20 apr. 87 17 may 98 Quartermaster Sergeant Robert L. Beebe Hartford East Boston, 24 15 may 94 17 may 98 On recruiting service at Hartford, Conn., Mass. 11 June to 5 July. Sick in quarters and on furlough from 12 aug. to 18 sept. 98. Sergeants Richard W. DeLamater Hartford Hartford 26 26 mar. 90 17 may 98 Sick in hospital, Camp Alger, Va., 26 to 30 July. Sick at Wethersfield, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out. Henry L. Huntington Hartford Norwich 27 16 nov. 91 17 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital, 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Henry T. Holt Hartford Springfield, 24 1 mar. 94 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. 98 to date of Mass. muster out. John D. Boniface Hartford White Plains, 25 8 nov. 93 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford, Conn., 23 aug. to 21 sept. N. Y. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 to 27 sept. 98. Corporals Charles A. Carroll Hartford Hartford 27 30 nov. 94 17 may 98 Francis M. Johnson Hartford Newton, 22 28 apr. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 4 to 14 aug. 98. Mass. Louis Silvernail Hartford Salisbury 29 5 may 92 17 may 98 80 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Cyrus E. Wheeler Hartford Woburn, Mass. 23 9 apr. 96 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford, 11 sept, to 11 oct. Sick on furlough 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. George K. Dwyer Ralph B. Pierce Hartford Hartford Hartford Blackstone, Mass. 20 28 20 may 96 1 feb. 9 17 may 98 17 may 98 Sick at .Hartford from 31 aug. to 26 sept. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 27 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Frederick L. Appleton Hartford Chelsea, Mass. 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 20 July 98. William F. Campbell Hartford New York, N. Y. 27 23 may 98 Enrolled as private after muster in of com pany; promoted corporal 20 July 98. Theodore Gruener Hartford New York, N. Y. 38 30 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 20 July 98. William W. Low Hartford Portsmouth, N. H. 28 2 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 20 July. Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 11 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Edward F. Sanderson Hartford Cleveland, Ohio 24 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 20 July. Sick in hospital, from 5 to 20 aug. Sick at Boston, Mass., 20 to 30 aug. 98. Edward M. Ward Musicans Robert R. Ashwell Hartford Hartford Hartford Bloomfield 21 19 22 may 95 29 dec. 97 17 may 98 17 may 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 20 July 98. Sick at Hartford, Conn., from 21 aug. to date of muster out with detach ment of company. Henry P. Camp Hartford Hartford 22 13 mar. 95 17 may 98 Wagoner Edward F. Ahern Hartford Hartford 23 1 dec. 92 17 may 98 Artificer Guy F. Rowland Hartford Hartford 24 lOaug. 94 17 may 98 Privates Barber, William R. Hartford Mooers, N. Y. 18 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Barker, Alfred Hartford Hartford 18 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Barrows, Charles D. Hartford Farmington 37 18 may 85 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 22 may to 16 June, and from 9 to 15 aug. Sick at Hartford, from 15 aug. to 15 sept. 98. Bassett, Merton W. Hartford Bristol 26 25 July 94 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford, from 20 aug. to 20 sept. 98. Beauchamp, George G. Borland, Henry L. Hartford Hartford Paris, France Yonkers, N. Y. 21 23 23 apr. 98 29 June 98 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital, from 9 to 14 July. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Brigham, William E. Hartford Middletown 19 22 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 27 July to 3 aug.; Sick at Hartford from 4 to 9 aug. 98. Brown, Dwight E. Brown, William H. Simsbury Hartford Simsbury England * 21 25 apr. 98 24 June 98 17 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital from 2 to 6 sept. Sick on furlough at Simsbury from 6 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detach ment of company. Bryant, Harry E. Hartford Hartford 19 30 oct. 96 17 may 98 Burnell, Francis C. Hartford Rocky Hill 19 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 10 to 23 June, and 27 to 29 aug. Sick in New Haven hospital from 29 aug. to 29 sept. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. to date of muster out with detachment of company. "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 87 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Dan- KnlisU-d or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Burnell, Joseph Hartford Montreal, Canada 28 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Cadwell, Frank J. Hartford Elmwood 19 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Cannon, Archie L. Hartford Russell, Mass. 23 21 feb. 94 17 may 98 Case, Robert A. Hartford East Hartford 21 22 sept. 96 17 may 98 Sick on furlough from 27 aug. to 10 sept. 98. Case, William O. Hartford Granby 30 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Chamberlain, Henry H. Hartford Hartford 22 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital from 8 to 11 sept. Sick on furlough at Hartford, from 11 sept, to 11 oct. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Clapp, Howard S. Hartford Hanain, Mass. 21 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Converse, Lawrence A. Hartford Longmeadow, Mass. 21 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 8 to 18 June, and from 3 to 6 sept. Sick on furlough at Hartford from 6 sept, to 6 oct. 98. Denison, Frank E. Hartford Hartford 25 2 may 92 17 may 98 Denison, Frederick R. Hartford Hartford 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Denniston, Minott C. Hartford Washingtonville, N. Y. 25 30 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Dickinson, Howard L. Hartford Marlborough 19 4 may 98 17 may 98 Dimock, Irving Hartford West Haven 25 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Died 21 sept. 98, of typhoid fever, at Hartford, Conn. Driscoll, Clarence J. Hartford Hartford 21 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Eno, John E. Hartford Simsbury 20 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 28 July to 1 aug., and from 4 to 6 sept. Sick at Simsbury from 6 sept, to 6 oct. Sick on furlough from 2 1 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detach ment of company. Fisher, Alfred M. Hartford Syracuse, N. Y. 23 5 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 15 oct. Sick in hospital at Hartford from 15 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detach ment of company. Fowler, Edward C. Bloomfield Cornwall 24 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Fuller, Frank E. Hartford Odell, 111. 22 22 apr. 98 17 may 98 Fulton, Albert C. Hartford Indianapolis, Ind. 25 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Gale, Charles D. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 28 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Died 7 oct. 98 of typhoid fever, at Hartford, Conn. Gillette, Henry C. Hartford Hartford 19 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hall, Henry H. Hartford Short Hills, N. J. 19 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 19 to 21 sept. Sick in Hartford hospital from 2 1 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Hatton, William H. Hartford Yonkers, N. Y. 23 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 13 to 22 sept. 98. Hayden, Edgar G. Hartford East Hartford 19 16 nov. 97 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 26 may to 24 June, and from 16 to 20 aug. Sick at Hartford from 20 aug. to 20 oct. 98. Henderson, James D. Hartford Hartford 20 5 Jan. 97 18 may 98 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Hollis, Eben C. Hartford Worthington, Mass. 21 1 apr. 97 17 may 98 Humphrey, Robert M. Hartford Burlington 23 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Hynes, James P. Hartford Ireland 19 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Johnson, William C. Hartford Newton, Mass. 25 13 may 96 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 27 to 30 June. Sick at Hartford from 13 to 18 sept. 98. Judson, Edward W. Hartford Woodbury 23 22 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford from 14 sept, to 14 oct. 98. Kirkley, Robert Hartford Manchester, England 23 26 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital 4 to 5 July; sick in quarters from 31 aug. to 14 sept. 98. Knox, John B., Jr. Hartford Hartford 18 9 feb. 98 17 may 98 Sick at Hartford from 13 to 23 sept, and from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Kober, Edward G. Hartford Hartford 18 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Landerman, Myer Hartford Russia 18 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Served in Cuba in co. C. 1st U. S. infantry. Malloy, Peter J. Hartford Ireland 22 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Marion, Otis D. Hartford North Woburn, Mass. 21 10 feb. 97 17 may 98 Marvel, Eugene T. Hartford Rocky Hill 18 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 28 may to 1 June 98. McGrath, Michael E. Hartford Windsor Locks 32 29 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed company cook. McKee, Robert A. Hartford Hartford 23 5 aug. 97 17 may 98 Detailed for service with hospital corps, 4 may. Sick in hospital from 26 to 30 may 98. McKone, John J. Hartford Hartford 20 22 June 97 17 may 98 McLaughlin, James Hartford Hartford 21 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Moran, James L. Hartford Scranton, Pa. 21 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital from 12 to 22 sept. 98. Morgan, Jeremiah Hartford Ireland 22 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Morgan, Joseph Hartford Ireland 19 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Morley, Reuben H. Hartford Saginaw, Mich. 21 4 may 98 17 may 98 Transferred to 32nd Mich. vol. inf. 13 June 98. Numan, Edward P. Hartford Terryville 26 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Oviatt, Edward M. Hartford New Britain 23 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick at Portland, Me., from 16 July to 9 aug. Sick in hospital from 18 to 20 sept. Sick at Hartford from 21 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Pattison, George E. Hartford Simsbury 24 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 9 to 20 June 98. Perry, John B. West Haven East Norwalk 19 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Pierce, Merlin A. Rainbow Moria, N. Y. 24 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Died 27 sept. 98 of typhoid fever, at Hartford, Conn. Pimm, Alfred B. Hartford Newington 22 19 oct. 94 17 may 98 Detached service at regimental headquarters from 23 may to 30 June. Sick at Hartford, from 14 to 23 sept. 98. Potter, James H. Hartford Atlanta, Ga. 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough at Thompsonville from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detach ment of company. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 89 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Rathbun, Edward H. Hartford Oswego, N. Y. 34 4 may 98 17 may 98 Detailed for service with hospital corps, 4 may 98. Ripley, Herbert J. Hartford Unionville 22 7 Jan. 98 17 may 98 Sick on furlough at Unionville from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Roberts, William A. Hartford Montreal, Canada 17 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Rogers, William H. Hartford South Windsor * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Root, Herbert E. Hartford West Suffield 23 4 may 98 17 may 98 Sick at West Suffield, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Sander, Anthony J. West Haven Gossengrun, Austria 22 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital from 12 to 16 sept. Sick at West Haven from 16 sept, to 16 oct. 98. Sarvan, Frank H. Hartford Sufferns, N. Y. 20 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in hospital from 8 to 11 sept. Sick at Hartford from 11 sept, to 11 oct. 98. Scharper, Ernest A. Hartford Middletown 23 22 apr. 98 17 may 98 Schults, Carl H. Hartford Canton 22 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Detailed on special duty at headquarters, 1st division, 2d army corps, from 2 aug. to 7 sept. 98. Shea, Maurice B. Hartford Hartford 21 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 13 to 16 sept. Sick at Hartford from 16 sept, to 16 oct. 98. Sherman, Frederick L. West Haven New York, N. Y. * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Sick in hospital from 4 to 6 sept. Sick at West Haven from 6 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Sobieralski, John A. Hartford Brooklyn, N. Y. 19 25 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 23 to 30 June, and from 28 July to 7 aug. Sick at Hartford from 6 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Thayer, George B. Hartford Rockville 44 27 aug. 89 17 may 98 Thompson, Michael J. Hartford County Kildare, Ireland 26 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Tinkham, Charles A. Hartford Hartford 21 2 may 98 17 may 98 Died 26 nov. 98. Shipwrecked off Cape Cod. Yibert, Robert K. Hartford Unionville 22 22 apr. 98 17 may 98 Walsh, Thomas H. Hartford Hartford 21 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 19 aug. to 6 sept. Sick at Hartford from 6 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Webster, Roy C. Hartford East Charlston, Vt. 25 11 nov. .96 17 may 98 Detailed as stenographer at brigade head quarters, 2d brigade, 3rd division, 2d army corps, 26 aug. Sick at Hartford from 21 sept. 98 to date of muster out. Wheelock, Paul L. Hartford Paterson, N. J. 21 27 apr. 98 17 may 98 Wiley, Royal H. Hartford Wakefield, Mass. 23 2 mar. 96 17 may 98 \Yolcott, Charles B. Hartford Hartford 26 23 apr. 98 17 may 98 Sick in hospital from 30 June to 9 July 98. Zoller, Arthur W. West Haven New Haven 19 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Died at West Haven, 18 oct. 98 of typhoid fever. *Not given in muster roll. 90 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY L RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Captain Charles B. Bowen Meriden Lewiston, Me. 37 20 oct. 87 8 July 98 Company located as follows: Meriden, Conn., 8 to 9 July; Fort Knox, Me., 10 to 13 July; Camp Haven, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 7 sept. ; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. (This company was organized at Meriden, Conn., 8 and 9 July 98.) First Lieutenant Delbert R. Jones Meriden Canton 33 8 nov. 97 9 July 98 Second Lieutenant Raymond G. Keeney Somersville Warren, Mass. 19 9 July 98 First Sergeant Philip T. Vibert Meriden Penzance, England 35 13 June 85 9 July 98 Quartermaster Sergeant Arthur A. Abel Meriden Springfield, Mass. 25 30 sept. 94 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 to 25 sept. 98. Sergeants William H. Rees Meriden Merthys, South Wales 32 10 sept. 85 9 July 98 Howard H. Bartram Meriden Meriden 28 28 June 95 9 July 98 Walter L. Bevins Meriden Meriden 21 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 10 sept. 98 to date of muster out. William H. Banner Meriden Meriden 20 23 apr. 98 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 15 oct. 98. Corporals Clifford A. Hauschild Meriden Norwalk 22 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Chas. E. Wachtelhauser Meriden Meriden 23 24 June 93 9 July 98 Fred H. Relyea Meriden Middletown, N. Y. 26 22 July 97 9 July 98 Thomas P. Timothy Wallingford Birmingham, England 25 9 July 98 Othniel Ives Meriden Cheshire 22 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 4 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Albert A. Burr Meriden Meriden 20 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 4 sept. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. John W. Hickey Meriden New Haven 28 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 9 aug. 98. Joseph R. King Meriden Meriden 29 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 4 sept. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. William L. Penfield Meriden New Britain 20 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 4 sept. 98. Charles S. Perkins, Jr. Meriden Meriden 18 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 9 aug. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 91 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS George W. Shea Meriden North Brookfielcl, Mass. 25 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 4 sept. 98. Leonard Skinner Musicians Joseph G. Aichler Marion Meriden New Haven Meriden 35 19 17 dec. 96 9 July 98 9 July 98 Enrolled as private; promoted corporal 9 aug. 98. Edwin F. Bolton Wallingford Manchester, England 26 18 June 91 9 July 98 A rtificer Eugene W. Early Wallingford New Haven 36 9 July 98 Wagoner Louis E. Coutermash Meriden Suttonflat, Canada 30 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Privates Abel, Alfred A. Hartford Springfield, Mass. 21 9 July 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disability, 11 aug. 98. Ammann, Louis Meriden Etobon, France 19 9 July 98 Anthony, George H. Southington Southington 24 9 July 98 Benson, Axel M. Meriden Stockholm, Sweden 27 9 July 98 Benziger, Frederick C. Yalesville Springfield, Mass. 20 9 July 98 Mustered in as corporal, reduced to private 1 sept.; sick on furlough from 29 aug. to 29 sept. 98. Bickford, Louis H. Meriden Meriden 23 29 nov. 97 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 1 oct. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Borchard, Ferdinand L. Meriden Germany 24 9 July 98 Bofird, Maxwell Meriden Odessa, Russia 21 9 July 98 Bower, Clarence A. Yalesville New Britain 19 9 July 98 Brechlin, Charles A. Meriden Gothberg, Germany 21 28 may 96 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Burdett, Charles S. Meriden Meriden 20 23 apr. 98 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Burr, Walter W. Meriden Meriden 31 9 may 89 9 July 98 Carlin, Philip C. Meriden Meriden 22 9 July 98 Carter, Edward Meriden Rocky Hill 23 9 July 98 Sick on furlough, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Cobb, Rollo W. South Meriden * 29 15 July 92 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Collins, James F. Meriden Cambridge, Mass. 23 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Cooper, Arthur Meriden Grimesthorpe, England 21 9 July 98 Sick on furlough, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Cox, John J. Wallingford Brooklyn, N. Y. 29 9 July 98 Dainton, Frank E. Meriden Meriden 26 15 mar. 93 9 July 98 Dulick, Frank A. Meriden Meriden 24 9 July 98 Sick on furlough, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Dupee, Charles J. Meriden Springfield, Mass. 24 9 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 92 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Durkin, Frank W. Bristol Naugatuck 21 9 July 98 Dassault, Alfred Meriden St. Casimeire, Canada 32 8 Jan. 98 9 July 98 Fletcher, John W. New Haven Simsbury 24 9 July 98 Folce, Henry E. Meriden Meriden 28 9 July 98 Foran, John V. Meriden Meriden 18 9 July 98 Francis, John J. Wallingford Wallingford 27 9 July 98 Galvin, Thomas Meriden Oregon, Pa. 37 9 July 98 Gardner, Willis W. Goldstein, Louis Meriden Meriden Meriden New York, N. Y. 20 25 22 apr. 98 9 July 98 9 July 98 Sick on furlough, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Gollnick, Fred Meriden Hamburg, Germany 18 9 July 98 Goodman, Michael J. Meriden Hammondville, N. Y. 20 9 July 98 Gracey, Joseph H. Meriden Meriden 23 9 July 98 Granger, Harry C. Meriden Meriden 24 9 July 98 Harvey, Harry E. Meriden Meriden 21 9 July 98 Hennessy, Maurice Meriden Portland 26 9 July 98 Higgins, Edward Meriden Bruslena, England 19 9 July 98 Hiller, William G. Meriden New York, N. Y. 23 9 July 98 Sick on furlough, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Hogan, Edward T. Meriden Meriden 24 9 July 98 Hopwood, John Meriden Birmingham, England 22 9 July 98 Hourigan, James D. Hyde, William G. Meriden Meriden Meriden Germany 22 21 9 July 98 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Jirma, Michael Wallingford Mirola, Austria 21 9 July 98 Kaschube, Herman Kay, John Meriden Meriden Meriden Meriden 24 20 30 sept. 97 9 July 98 9 July 98 Sick on furlough, from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Kelly, John J. Meriden Meriden 25 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Kennedy, John J. Wallingford Wallingford 28 9 July 98 Sick in division hospital from 13 to 20 aug. 98. King, John Meriden St. Anne, Canada 21 9 July 98 Kline, August O. Meriden Meriden 23 18 mar. 97 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Kline, Charles J. Meriden Meriden 20 9 July 98 Knoblauch, William J. Meriden Stonington 20 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Lacoursiere, Philip F. F. Meriden Meriden 23 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Lee, William D. Meriden * * 18 aug. 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 93 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Lenihan, James J. Meriden Derby 35 9 July 98 Lucchini, Arthur C. Meriden Meriden 18 9 July 98 Died at Meriden, 20 oct. 98 of typhoid fever and intestinal hemorrhage. McGoldrick, John F. Meriden South Meriden 22 9 July 98 McLaughlin, Edward T. Meriden Meriden 18 9 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Mulroney, Patrick J. Meriden Carlow, Ireland 24 9 July 98 Noonan, William E. Meriden Meriden 22 9 July 98 Numann, August Meriden Booflitch, Germany 21 23 apr. 98 9 July 98 O Donnell, Charles J. Meriden Meriden 26 9 July 98 Olson, Charles A. Meriden Sweden 19 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Pickhardt, Frank W. Meriden Meriden 19 22 apr. 98 9 July 98 Plunkett, John F. Meriden Meriden 24 9 July 98 Reama, Walter S. Meriden Meriden 26 25 apr. 98 9 July 98 Rogers, Eugene C. Meriden Meriden 22 22 apr. 98 9 July 98 Royce, Walter H. Bristol Bristol 31 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Runge, Julius G. Meriden Meriden 21 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 4 sept, to 4 oct. 98. Russell, Lorenzo C. Meriden East Haddam 22 9 July 98 Senecal, Joseph Meriden Montreal, Canada 22 9 July 98 Shea, Patrick J. Norwich * * * Transferred from Co. A, 3rd Virginia vol. inf., 11 July 98. Sheehey, Anthony A. Wallingford Northampton, Mass. 21 10 dec. 96 9 July 98 Shinkey, John J. Meriden Meriden 21 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Shortell, Patrick J. Meriden Dublin, Ireland 23 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Siegel, Herbert J. Meriden Naugatuck 20 9 July 98 Smith, Michael Meriden Brooklyn, N. Y. 23 9 July 98 Stanley, Harry Harwinton Rothadam, England 22 9 July 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disability 16 aug. 98. Stillman, Floyd W. Meriden Southington 18 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Tighe, Thomas E. Meriden Meriden 22 9 July 98 Todd, Whitney A. Yalesville Wallingford 24 9 may 94 9 July 98 Walsh, Michael Meriden Meriden 24 9 July 98 Wollschlager, Frank M. Meriden Meriden 20 5 July 97 9 July 98 Wren, William Middletown Meriden 24 9 July 98 Young, William G. Meriden New York, N. Y. 24 9 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. *Not given in muster roll. 94 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY M RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 14 to 18 July; Camp Alger, Va., 19 July to 27 aug. ; On provost guard at old headquarters 2nd Army Corps, Camp Alger, Va., 27 aug. to 6 sept.; Camp Haven, Conn., 8 to 22 sept.; Officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough 22 sept, to 21 oct.; Hartford, Conn., 21 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. (This company was formerly co. G, 4th regt. inf., C. N. G.) Captain Vincent M. King Danbury London, 38 15 dec. 96 14 July 98 In command of provost guard at old head England quarters, 2nd Army Corps, Camp Alger, Va., 27 aug. to 6 sept. 98. First Lieutenant Charles Lord Danbury Broad Brook 26 15 dec. 96 14 July 98 In command of guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Second Lieutenant Cyrus E. Ryder Danbury Patterson, 23 15 feb. 98 14 July 98 N. Y. First Sergeant * Emil W. Ericson Danbury New York, 28 3 dec. 89 14 July 98 N. Y. Quartermaster Sergeant Emil A. Ihloff Danbury Germany 25 23 dec. 95 14 July 98 - Sergeants George Nelson Danbury Cold Spring, 29 3 dec. 89 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 20 sept. 98 to date of N. Y. muster out with detachment of company. Benjamin H. Turner Danbury Lewisboro, N. Y. 24 28 Jan. 96 14 July 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 11 sept. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Orlando C. Kent Danbury Danbury 23 26 June 94 14 July 98 Wilbur L. Pike Danbury Danbury 22 23 Jan. 94 14 July 98 Corporals John E. Woolard Danbury Danbury 25 8 Jan. 95 14 July 98 Charles L. Walters Danbury Germany 20 8 oct. 95 14 July 98 Oscar E. Parks Danbury Amenia, 33 1 may 95 14 July 98 N. Y. George W. Hitchcock Danbury Danbury 26 25 apr. 93 14 July 98 Alfred Heim Danbury East Fishkill, 21 23 mar. 97 14 July 98 N. Y. Walter F. Nichols Danbury Brooklyn, 19 20 apr. 97 14 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to N. Y. 21 oct. 98. Charles H. Miller Danbury Danbury 20 2 mar. 97 14 July 98 Robert W. Menzies Danbury Aberfeldy, 24 9 sept. 92 14 July 98 . Scotland Leonard E. Smith Danbury Danbury 21 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Charles Avery Danbury Pleasantville, 32 8 mar. 98 14 July 98 N. Y. Frank W. Stone Danbury Danbury 24 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Martin C. Braun Danbury Germany 27 20 June 98 14 July 98 Musicians John L. Quinn Danbury Danbury 23 9 mar. 97 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Fred A. Claus Danbury Danbury 21 20 June 98 14 July 98 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY- RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS A rtificer James Donovan Danbury Danbury 21 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 27 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Wagoner John Kroha Danbury Danbury 30 20 June 98 14 July 98 Privates Abbott, Charles Danbury Brewster, N. Y. 32 20 June 98 14 July 98 Barber, Edward Barnum, Howard S. Danbury Danbury Patterson, N. Y. Osborn, Ohio 25 25 3 mar. 85 31 may 92 14 July 98 14 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Barrett, Richard M. Danbury Brookficld 23 12 July 98 14 July 98 Bloom, Emil Danbury Germany 21 20 June 98 14 July 98 Brotherton, Bennett L. Danbury Huntington 18 21 may 98 14 July 98 Brownell, Charles H. Danbury Pawling, N. Y. 22 20 June 98 14 July 98 Butler, Guy H. Danbury Danbury 19 24 may 98 14 July 98 Carson, Samuel Bethel Bethel 30 20 June 98 14 July 98 Clark, Daniel J. Danbury Ireland 27 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 5 to 22 sept. 98. demons, John H. New York, N. Y. South Reading, Mass. 36 12 July 98 14 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Cole, Frank S. Bethel Patterson, N. Y. 21 31 July 97 14 July 98 Cosgrove, John J. Danbury Danbury 18 20 June 98 14 July 98 Currid, Lawrence Danbury Norwalk 19 20 June 98 14 July 98 Davis, George E. Danbury Patterson, N. Y. 35 20 June 98 14 July 98 Dorgan, Dennis F. Redding Redding 22 20 June 98 14 July 98 Durbin, Charles B. Danbury Danbury 19 24 may 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Erwin, Gay New Milford New Milford 21 12 July 98 14 July 98 Ferguson, Ernest Danbury Pawling, N. Y. 23 20 June 98 14 July 98 Finnegan, Christopher B. Danbury Danbury 23 20 June 98 14 July 98 Fitzpatrick James H. Bethel Danbury 25 20 June 98 14 July 98 Gilmartin, Charles Ginty, James Bethel Danbury Bethel Danbury 25 23 20 June 98 20 June 98 14 July 98 14 July 98 Sick from 16 to 21 July, and from 24 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Himple, Samuel Bethel Oswego, N. Y. 25 20 June 98 14 July 98 Hopkins, Aba J. Bethel Campbell, N. Y. 20 4 may 97 14 July 98 Hornig, August G. Danbury S T ew York, N. Y. 32 12 apr. 98 14 July 98 Horton, Edward D. Danbury Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 28 12 July 98 14 July 98 Horton, Wesley D. Danbury r ouehkeepsie, NY. 24 20 June 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Hueston, Charles VV. Danbury Danbury 30 20 June 98 14 July 98 Hull, Charles Danbury \ew Milford 33 20 June 98 14 July 98 . Hunt, Dominic W. Bethel Bethel 23 13 July 98 14 July 98 Sick from 5 to 22 sept. 98. 96 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Joyce, Howard B. * Bethel Bethel 18 20 June 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 17 aug. to 14 sept. 98. Kenny, Michael Bethel Harrison, N.J. 26 20 June 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Kernick, Albert Bethel Bohemia 37 20 June 98 14 July 98 Kroha, Edward C. Larson, Charles J. Danbury Bethel Danbury Sweden 18 21 20 June 98 20 June 98 14 July 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 30 aug. to 22 sept., and from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Lynch, James L. Danbury Williamstown, Mass. 38 20 June 98 14 July 98 Detailed as company cook, 14 July 98. Lyons, Herbert C. Danbury Bethel 19 20 June 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Magersuppe, Henry Danbury New York, N. Y. 25 12 July 97 14 July 98 McFarland, Frank P. Danbury Danbury 23 20 June 98 14 July 98 McLaughlin, Michael J. Danbury Danbury 33 20 June 98 14 July 98 McManus, Matthew L. Bethel Bethel 21 24 may 98 14 July 98 McNamara, John Danbury Ireland 24 5 may 90 14 July 98 McNamara, Michael J. Danbury Danbury 25 20 June 98 14 July 98 Miller, David A. Danbury Danbury 19 23 mar. 97 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Montgomery ,William H. Danbury Stockport, England 22 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Morahan, William Hartford Green Island, N. Y. 21 12 July 98 14 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 sept, to 21 oct. 98. Morgan, William Bethel Bethel 22 24 may 98 14 July 98 Murphy, Frank Danbury Danbury 21 12 July 98 14 July 98 Nevins, William Danbury Burlington, Vt. 18 29 mar. 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 28 aug. to 22 sept. 98. Norman, Frank J. Southbury Octonville, Canada 19 20 June 98 14 July 98 Norman, William Southbury Quebec, Canada 23 20 June 98 14 July 98 Oakley, Charles H. Danbury Danbury 18 20 June 98 14 July 98 Oakley, George E. Danbury Bethel 19 20 June 98 14 July 98 Odell, Lester Danbury Sherman 20 8 mar. 98 14 July 98 Odell, Odie Danbury Pleasantville, N. Y. 23 8 may 98 14 July 98 Osborne, William H. O Sullivan, Thomas F. Danbury Danbury Marbledale Ireland 38 22 22 apr. 98 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 14 July 98 Detailed for guard at Niantic, 22 to 26 sept. 98. Pardee, Fred C. Danbury New York, N. Y. 30 20 June 98 14 July 98 Pawlowski, Antone Danbury Germany 38 20 June 98 14 July 98 Peavey, Thomas Danbury Danbury 21 20 June 98 14 July 98 Pelletier, Louis Danbury Chicago, 111. 19 20 June 98 14 July 98 " Prout, William L. Danbury Pawling, N. Y. 21 20 June 98 14 July 98 Purdy, Albert J. Danbury Danbury 21 21 may 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 97 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nafl Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Purdy, Hart A. Danbury Danbury 21 2Tmay 98 14 July 98 Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out. Purdy, William A. Danbury Danbury 19 5 June 97 14 July 98 Quinn, Martin Danbury Brewster, N. Y. 28 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Reagan, Michael Danbury Danbury 22 24 may 98 14 July 98 Reagan, Peter Bethel Bethel 24 12 July 98 14 July 98 Rosso, John R. Danbury Venice, Italy 21 29 June 97 14 July 98 Ryan, Michael Bethel Bethel 24 20 June 98 14 July 98 Sick from 17 to 29 July, and from 23 to 27 aug. 98. Ryan, Frank X. Bethel Bethel 22 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Sullivan, James J. Danbury Ireland 22 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 Sick from 2 to 22 sept. Sick on furlough from 21 oct. 98 to date of muster out with detachment of company. Taylor, Howard J. Danbury Miry Brook 18 28 dec. 97 14 July 98 Teller, Stephen Bethel Rockland, N. Y. 18 20 June 98 14 July 98 Torrance, William M. Danbury Canada 22 20 June 98 14 July 98 Wakem, Paul S. Danbury Hoosic Falls, N. Y. 20 2 mar. 97 14 July 98 Warburton, Irving Bethel Rosendale, N. Y. 21 20 July 97 14 July 98 Wheeler, Frank F. Danbury Danbury 24 20 June 98 14 July 98 Wood, Robert E. Danbury Danbury 18 20 June 98 14 July 98 Woodin, Nelson H. Danbury Berkman, N. Y. 21 20 June 98 14 July 98 Young, Charles R. Danbury South Britain 23 22 apr. 98 14 July 98 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. REPORT OF COLONEL AUG. C. TYLER, COMMANDING THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS, INFANTRY. HEADQUARTERS THIRD REGIMENT, C. V. I. CAMP MARION, S. C., November 26, 3898. Adjutant-General, Connecticut National Guard, Hartford, Conn. Under the second call of the President of the United States for troops, Connecticut was called on to furnish one 12-company regiment, 106 men and 3 officers to the company. The Governor of Connecticut designated the eight companies of the Third Connecticut National Guard, together with the Field and Staff of the same regi ment, under command of Colonel Augustus C. Tyler. The four additional companies were Companies C, F, and I of the Fourth Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, and one company to be organized by Haldai A. Hull of Stonington, Conn. This Regiment, under command of Colonel Tyler, went into camp at Camp Haven, Niantic, Conn., part on June 22d, and the rest on June 23d, with the exception of that company organized by Captain Hull, which reported a few days later. Major Gilbert L. Fitch, Fourth Regiment, Connecticut Na tional Guard, was appointed to command the Third Battalion, which was composed of Companies C, F, and I of the Fourth Regiment, and the company organized by Captain Hull. On June 22d, Surgeon Julian La Pierre and Assistant Surgeons Hiram B. Thompson and Harry M. Lee were mustered into the United States service. On June 23d, First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Roswell D. Trimble, and First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Percy H. Morgan, were mustered into the United States service. The company organized by Captain Hull and Companies C, F, and I, Fourth Regiment, were designated respectively as Companies II, K, L, and M. On July 2d, Alexander Rodgers, Captain Fourth United States Cavalry, and late Major and Inspector-General, United States Volunteers, joined the regiment as Lieutenant- Colonel. On July 2d, Companies C, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, were mustered into the United State s service. On July 3d, Companies B and D, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Rodgers, Majors Henry J. Thayer and Gilbert L. Fitch, were mustered into the service of the United States. On July 6th, Company A, Colonel Augustus C. Tyler, and Chaplain J. Spencer Voorhees were mustered into the United States service, completing the muster of the Regiment, which was the first to be mustered into the service under the second call. ************** During the Regiment s stay at Niantic, Connecticut, they performed usual camp and garrison duties. On July 4th, Company K went to Stamford, Connecticut, to participate in the celebration of the Declaration of Independence in that town, returning the same night to Camp. During the stay at Niantic, there was only one death that from lockjaw. On September 9th, the Regiment left Camp Haven for Camp George G. Meade, Middletown, Pennsylvania, arriving on September 10th. The aggregate enlisted strength, present and absent, of the Regiment on leaving Camp Haven was 1,255 men; 1,223 men and 41 officers left this Camp with their Regi ment. On arriving at Camp George G. Meade, the strength of the Regiment present was 1,233 enlisted men and 43 officers. On October 9th, the Third Battalion (composed of Companies H, K, L, and M), under command of Major Hull* went on provost duty at Camp Meade, being relieved on October 31st. On October 26th Colonel Augustus C. Tyler, his staff, and the First Battalion (composed of Companies A, B, D, and I), under command of Lieu tenant-Colonel Alexander Rodgers, left Camp Meade to participate in the Peace Jubilee in Philadelphia, return ing to Camp Meade on October 28th. On November 4th, a Provisional Battalion of the Second Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps (com posed of Company A, Fourteenth Pennsylvania, Company A, Ninth Ohio, and Company K, Third Connecticut Volunteer Infantry), under command of Major Roswell D. Trimble, Third Connecticut Volunteers, Infantry, left Camp Meade and proceeded to Summerville, S. C., to prepare winter camp for the Brigade. On November 15th, the Third Connecticut Volunteers, Infantry, left Camp Meade and proceeded to Camp Marion, Summer ville, S. C., arriving on November 17th. The aggregate enlisted strength, present and absent, on leaving Camp Meade was 1,208 men; present aggregate enlisted strength, 1,202 men. Respectfully submitted, AUG. C. TYLER. Colonel Third Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Infantry. (98) COLONEL AUGUSTUS C. TYLER COMMANDING 3RD REGIMENT, CONN. VOL. INFANTRY THIRD REGIMENT CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY Field and Staff RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Field and staff located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 22 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 26 oct.; Philadel phia, Pa. 26 to 28 oct.; Camp Meade, Pa., 28 oct. to 15 nov. ; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 17 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga. 18 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Colonels Augustus C. Tyler New London Norwich 47 22 June 92 6 July 98 Sick in New London, 7 July to 3 aug. 98. Resigned and discharged, Camp Marion, S. C., 30 Jan. 99, by order Secretary of War. Alexander Rodgers Washington, Morristown, 45 3 July 98 Mustered in as lieutenant colonel, 3d Conn. D. C. N. J. vol. inf. On detached service at Huntsville, Ala., 4 to 6 dec. 98; Charleston, S. C., 4 to 5 Jan.; Savannah, Ga., 16 to 17 feb.; Tampa, Fla. 20 to 22 feb. 99. Appointed Colonel 31 Jan.; on special duty in charge of musters from 15 feb. 99. Lieutenant Colonel Eugene T. Kirkland New London New York, 39 5 feb. 95 2 July 98 Mustered in as captain, co I. 3d Conn. vol. N. Y. inf. Appointed major, 11 sept. 98. Ap pointed lieutenant colonel, 27 feb. 99. Majors Henry J. Thayer Putnam Woonsocket, 44 27 June 93 3 July 98 Resigned and discharged at Niantic, Conn., R. I. by order of Secretary of War, 9 sept. 98. Hadlai A. Hull Stonington Stonington 43 27 June 98 2 July 98 Mustered in as captain, co. H, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Appointed major 20 sept. Resigned and discharged, Camp Meade, Pa., by order Secretary of War, 17 oct. 98. Gilbert L. Fitch Stamford Corfu, 28 24 June 98 3 July 98 On special duty as field officer, court at N. Y. Niantic, Conn., 14 July; resigned and discharged, Camp Meade, Pa., by order Secretary of War, 19 sept. 98. Philip W. Prior Stamford Stamford 27 11 feb. 97 2 July 98 Mustered in as captain, co. K, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Appointed major, 1 mar. 99. Roswell D. Trimble New London New York, 26 23 June 98 23 June 98 Mustered in as 1st lieutenant and adjutant, N. Y. 3d Conn. vol. inf. Detailed recruiting and mustering offcer, 11 July; appointed major, 1 nov. ; detached service at Summer- ville, S. C., 5 to 17 nov. 98 and at Savannah, Ga., in command of U. S. forces, 22 Jan. to 18 feb. 99; appointed provost marshal, city of Savannah, 18 feb. to 10 mar. 99. First Lieutenants and Quartermasters \ Percy H. Morgan Poquonoc Bridge Groton 28 6 mar. 95 23 June 98 First Lieutenant and Adjutant David C. Twichell Hartford Hartford 23 2 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant battery A, 1st regiment, Conn. vol. art., 19 may; on recruiting service, New Haven, Conn., 21 June to 3 July; discharged to accept commission, 8 oct. Appointed 2nd lieuten ant, co. F, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 10 oct.; transferred and promoted 1st lieutenant and regimental adjutant, 4 nov. 98. 99) 100 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Majors and Surgeons Julian La Pierre Norwich Norwich 54 4 July 92 6 July 98 Resigned and discharged, Camp Meade, Pa., 19 sept. 98 by order Secretary of War. Hiram B. Thomson New London Barrie, Out., 34 16 July 92 22 June Mustered in as 1st lieutenant and assistant Canada surgeon, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Appointed i major and surgeon, 23 sept. Sick at New London, 18 oct. to 12 dec. 98. Detailed as brigade surgeon, 11 to 14 feb.; chief sur geon, U. S. forces in Savannah, Ga. 18 to 24 feb. 99. First Lieutenants and Assistant Surgeons Harry M. Lee New London New London 23 18 June 98 22 June 98 On detached service in charge of brigade hospital, Summerville, S. C., 19 Jan. to 2 mar. 99. John S. Blackmar Norwich Norwich 24 26 sept. 98 Joined and enrolled, Camp Meade, Pa., after muster in of organization; on detached service with 3d battalion, Savannah, Ga., 22 Jan. to 18 feb. 99. Chaplain J. Spencer Voorhees Hartford Rocky Hill, 40 24 June 98 6 July 98 Sick at Rocky Mount, N. J., 15 sept, to N. J. 27 nov. 98. Noncommissioned Staff RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Located same as Field and Staff. Sergeant Majors Richard P. Freeman New London New London 29 14 oct. 97 25 June 98 Discharged at Niantic, Conn., 8 sept. 98, by order Secretary of War. Robert McKay Worcester * * - 19 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. B, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; sick in regimental hospi tal, 29 oct. to 4 nov.; transferred to co. I, 14 nov.; appointed corporal 22 nov.; appointed sergeant major, noncommis sioned staff, 14 dec. 98. Quartermaster Sergeants James D. Copp New London Boston, Mass. 33 20 apr. 94 25 June 98 Discharged at Niantic, Conn., 8 sept. 98 by order Secretary of War. William F. Holt Putnam Putnam 24 8 mar. 97 2 July 98 Mustered in as quartermaster sergeant, co. G, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Appointed regimental quartermaster sergeant, noncommissioned staff, 9 sept. 98. Hospital Stewards Hubert F. Pierce East Norwalk Brandon, Vt. 26 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of non commissioned staff. On detached service, Savannah, Ga., 21 Jan. 99. Clarence D. Sevin Norwich Norwich 25 15 apr. 90 25 June 98 Harry F. Thompson New London Barrie, Ont., Canada 32 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of non commissioned staff, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Acting Hospital S .eward Samuel Heghin Hartford Marash, Armenia 30 2 July 98 Joined and enrolled as private, co. M, 30 June; on detached service, 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., for ten days from 22 sept., at regimental hospital, Camp Marion, S. C., 12 dec. 98 to 9 Jan. 99, appointed acting hospital steward 9 Jan. 99. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 101 Band RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Located same as Field and Staff. Chief Musician Charles E. Barker Winsted Grand Rapids, Mich. 28 1 may 88 2 July 98 Mustered in as sergeant, co. M, 3d Conn, vol inf., appointed principal musician, band, 20 July; appointed chief musician, 30 sept. 98. Principal Musicians Ralph P. Durfee Putnam Putnam 20 17 may 97 2 July 98 Mustered in as musician, co. G, 3d Conn, vol. inf. Appointed quartermaster sergeant, 1 sept.; appointed principal musician, 16 oct. 98. Aubrey J. Newburg New London New York, N. Y. 25 15 July 96 6 July 98 Sergeant Octave Caillouette Privates Bacon, Clarence W. Willimantic Danielson Canada Killingly 22 21 18 mar. 97 21 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Transferred from co. E, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 21 July; appointed sergeant, 6 sept. 98. Transferred from co. F, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 20 July; sick at Danielson, Conn., 7 oct. to 11 nov. 98. Beach, Wilbur F. Winsted Winsted 39 25 Jan. 83 2 July 98 Transferred from musician, co. M, 3d Conn, vol. inf. to band, 20 July ; sick in regimental hospital 18 to 19 nov. 98. Darrow, Nelson E. Guilford * * 6 Jan. 99 Joined and enrolled after date of muster in of co. E, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; transferred to band, 7 Jan. 99. Fairfield, David A. Torrington * * 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. B, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band, 21 July; sick in Red Cross hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 12 sept. 98 to 26 Jan. 99. Finch, Edward D. Stamford Darien 25 16 apr. 94 2 July 98 Transferred from co. K, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 21 July 98. Gorman, Richard O. Norwalk * * 5 aug. 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. D, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band, 5 aug. 98. Grzywacz, Leopold A. Norwich Elbing, Germany 33 1 sept. 92 2 July 98 Transferred from co. C, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band 20 July 98. Holland, Bert E. Watseka, 111. * * 8 nov. 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. B, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Transferred to band, 11 nov. 98. Hunt, Albert E. Winsted Colebrook 26 25 June 98 2 July 98 Transferred from co. M, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 20 July 98. Levell, John Danielson Fall River, Mass. 30 17 feb. 98 2 July 98 Transferred from co. F, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 20 July 98. Mead, Harry A. Port Chester, N. Y. * * 27 sept. 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of co. A, 3d Conn., vol. inf. Transferred to band, 28 sept. 98. Peckham, William W. Norwich Norwich 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Transferred from co. C, 3d Conn. vol. inf. band, 18 sept. 98. Phillips, Charles H. New London Newport, R. I. 28 16 apr. 83 6 July 98 Reduced to private from chief musician, 3 sept. 98. Plouffe. Dosithee Webster, Mass. Wesbter, Mass. 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Transferred from co. G, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 18 oct. 98. *Not given in muster roll. 102 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Rathbun, Charles I. Norwich Salem 31 28 July 97 2 July 98 Transferred from co. C, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 21 July. Sick in 1st division hospital Camp Meade, Pa. 23 oct. to 1 dec. 98. Richmond, Harry S. Norwalk Ver Plank Pt., 30 15 sept. 97 2 July 98 Transferred from musician, co. L, 3d Conn. N. Y. vol. inf. to band, 20 July; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 4 oct. to 26 dec. Discharged Camp Marion, S. C., 26 dec. 98, per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. Sharpe, Harry W. Putnam Putnam 25 16 dec. 97 2 July 98 Transferred from co. G, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 8 oct. 98. Discharged, Camp Marion, S. C. 20 Jan. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Smith, Robert Stamford Stamford 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 Transferred from co. K, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 10 dec. 98. Toms, Leslie R. Stamford Stamford 23 15 nov. 93 2 July 98 Transferred from co. K, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 21 July 98. Tooker, Frederic B. Montville Montville 19 14 dec. 97 2 July 98 Transferred from co. C, 3d Conn. vol. inf. to band, 18 sept. 98. Tuttle, Herbert F. New Canaan New Canaan 24 12 mar. 95 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, co. L, 3d Conn. vol. inf. and transferred to band, 20 July 98. COMPANY A RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 23 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 26 oct.; Philadelphia, Pa., 26 to 28 oct.; Camp Meade, Pa., 28 oct. to 15 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C. 17 nov. 98 to 16 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga. 17 feb. to date of muster out 20 mar. 99. Captain Henry S. Dorsey New London New London 32 1 nov. 93 6 July 98 First Lieutenants Edward T. Drea New London New London 28 11 nov. 95 6 July 98 Resigned and discharged, Camp Marion, S. C., 28 nov. 98. John A. Hagberg Norwich Vestervik, 30 26 mar. 89 2 July 98 Mustered in as sergeant, co. C, 3d Conn. vol. Sweden inf.; detailed company clerk, 8 July; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa. 27 sept, to 11 oct.; discharged to accept commission 21 nov.; appointed 1st lieuten ant, 22 nov.; assigned to co. A, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 25 nov.; appointed adjutant, 1st battalion, 7 dec. 98; mustered out with co. A, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 20 mar. 99. Second Lieutenant Edward H. Corcoran New London New London 27 1 nov. 93 6 July 98 First Sergeants Frank A. McDonald New London Canada 23 8 June 91 6 July 98 Reduced to sergeant from 1st sergeant, 11 Jan. 99; appointed 1st sergeant, 11 mar. 99. Walter W. Philbrick New London New London 22 30 may 95 6 July 98 Appointed 1st sergeant from sergeant. Quartermaster Sergeant John A. Malona Waterford Waterford 38 11 may 80 6 July 98 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 103 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Sergeants Edward A. Lawless Waterford Niantic 20 18 apr. 94 6 July 9 Daniel A. Rankin New London New London 25 28 may 90 6 July 9 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 7 mar. 99. Corporals Fred N. Buell Plymouth Plymouth 19 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company; sick in 2nd brigade hospital, 24 nov. 98 to 10 feb. 99; appointed cor poral from private, 7 mar. 99. Patrick J. Carey Stonington Stonington 27 4 July 98 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private 15 dec. 98. Fred Crowther Shelton Paterson, 18 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of N. Y. company. Appointed corporal from private. 15 dec. 98. John D. Drudy New London New London 21 8 dec. 97 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 aug.; on detached service as clerk, 1st division headquarters, 28 sept. 98 to 25 feb. 99. George W. Gardineer Hartford Yonkers, 25 5 July 98 6 July 98 Appointed head cook from private with rank N. Y. and pay of corporal, 20 sept.; reduced to private from corporal, 14 dec. 98; appointed head cook with rank and pay of corporal, 30 Jan. 99. Robert H. Jaeger New London Westerly, 26 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of R. I. company. Appointed corporal from private, 20 sept. 98. Benjamin F. Kay Groton Groton 21 1 dec. 97 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 aug. 98. Frank A. Kempf Pomfret Pomfret 21 4 July 98 6 July 98 Appo nted corporal from private, 7 mar. 99. Jeremiah T. Moriarty Slew London Mew London 21 20 nov. 97 6 July 98 Deduced to private from corporal (own request) 28 dec. 98; appointed corporal, 7 mar. 99. Erastus G. Oakley Southport laston 18 6 July 98 foined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Appointed corporal from private, 20 sept. 98. Edward Pendleton ^ew London Vew London 23 29 June 93 6 July 98 deduced to private from corporal (own request) 23 dec. 98; appointed corporal, 7 mar. 99. Frederick A. Perrin S T ew London Mystic 23 29 dec. 97 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 15 dec. 98. William D. Tracy ^ew London Norwich 26 6 July 98 oined and enrolled on date of muster in of company; appointed corporal from private 7 mar. 99. Musicians Frank Joseph Mew London Vew London 21 1 aug. 95 6 July 98 Arthur L. Williard ^ew London Detroit, 23 2 July 98 6 July 98 Mich. A rtificer Walter H. Wolveron Voank Sandbrook, 23 22 June 98 6 July 98 N.J. Wagoner Mert E. Reagen Willimantic Willimantic 21 21 June 98 6 July 98 Privates Barber, Frederick Chester Eli, 26 6 July 98 oined and enrolled on date of muster in of Canada company. Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., from 30 oct. to 25 dec. 98. Bennett, Lewis L. Shelton ^ew Milford 18 6 July 98 oined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Berardinelli, Peter S. Waterford taly 22 3 nov. 97 6 July 98 bick in 1st division hospital, 10 nov. 98, Discharged 24 Jan. 99 per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Bivens, James M. Tarrytown, "arrytown, 24 9 June 98 6 July 98 discharged 24 aug. 98 per order Secretary of Md. Md. War. 104 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Boyle, John South^Windsor 2aston, 38 6 July 98 [oined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Breen, Michael E. ^ew London ^ew London 21 24 nov. 96 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 aug. 98; reduced to private nov. 98. Bryan, John Toronto, Canada Vew York, N. Y. 22 4 July 98 6 July 98 Bunnell, Herbert ^oank Poquonoc 21 2 July 98 6 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 31 Jan. 99. Burr, Clayton W. Chester Chester 21 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Callahan, Charles L. rlartford Boston, Mass. 20 4 July 98 6 July 98 Caracausa, Joseph Mew London Italy 21 3 June 97 6 July 98 Appointed head cook with rank and pay of corporal 15 dec. 98; reduced to private from corporal, Jan. 99. Carney, Thomas Mew London Morwich 20 12 Jan. 98 6 July 98 Chapman, Andrew G. Morwich Greenport, L. I. 32 5 July 98 6 July 98 Chapman, Edward K. Groton Willimantic 21 20 apr. 98 6 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital from 16 oct. 98. Cleaveland, Robert I. Mew London St. Johns, N. B. 25 5 July 98 6 July 98 Coon, Willard E. Westerly, R. I. Demiter, N. Y. 31 4 ju!y 98 6 July 98 Cotter, John F. Mew Britain Meriden 21 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Daley, Hugh Willimantic Willimantic 22 5 July 98 6 July 98 Deffley, James E. New London Oswego, N. Y. 40 19 Jan. 72 6 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital from 23 to 27 dec. 98. Delap, George T. New London New London 24 9 dec. 93 6 July 98 Dorey, John Hartford Burlington, Vt. 32 5 July 98 6 July 98 Doyle, Joseph M. New London New Haven 29 5 July 98 6 July 98 On detached service at 2d army corps bakery, 28 sept, to 16 dec. 98. Dunn, Daniel F. New London Norwich 24 23 apr. 98 6 July 98 Dykes, James Shelton, Glasgow, Scotland 38 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company; on detached service, 1 dec. 98 to 1 jan. 99. Flynn, John I. Meriden Meriden 28 5 July 98 6 July 98 Foley, Michael New London New York, N. Y. 29 29 June 98 6 July 98 Gillespie, Daniel J. Oswego, N. Y. Oswego, N. Y. 30 5 July 98 6 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 20 oct. 98 and 2d brigade hospital, 15 feb. to 9 mar. 99. Greenman, Joseph New London Stonington 21 24 oct. 96 6 July 98 Sick in 2d brigade hospital from 15 feb. 99 to date of muster out. Greer, Benjamin Boston, Mass. * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after date of muster in of company. Hansen, Gilbert A. Shelton New York, N. Y. 18 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company; sick in 2d brigade hospital, 20 nov. to 29 dec. 98. Hardiman, Thomas C. Bloomfield Galway, Ireland 31 4 July 98 6 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 105 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Hewie, Ralph Hartford Hartford 27 5 July 98 6 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 17 and 18 July. Deserted at Niantic, Conn., 13 aug. 98. Higgins, Nicholas D. Rahway, N.J. New London 21 30 June 96 6 July 98 Holland, Arthur Westerly, R. I. Lancashire, England 30 4 July 98 6 July 98 Holland, James B. Hartford Springfield, Mass. 32 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Howard, Joseph New London New London 22 2 July 98 6 July 98 Howard, William Hartford Limerick, Ireland 28 5 July 98 6 July 98 Hynds, John J. New London Norwich 21 2 aug. 97 6 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. Kopp, George Waterford Waterford 21 23 apr. 98 11 July 98 On detached service at headquarters, 2d brigade from 11 oct. 98 to 24 feb. 99. Lacey, Thomas V. New Britain Bristol 24 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Locke, David M. Boston, Mass. Lockeport, N. S. 28 5 July 98 6 July 98 Maloney, William Derby Southbury 33 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Martin, Frederick J. Hartford Westfield, Mass. 24 4 July 98 6 July 98 McCarthy, Robert J. New London New London 24 13 Jan. 97 6 July 98 Dishonorably discharged 12 Jan. 99. McLaughlin, James H. New London England 29 29 June 98 6 July 98 Deserted at Niantic, Conn., 1 sept. 98. McMoran, Eugene New London New London 34 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. McPartland, James F. Waterbury Brooklyn, N. Y. 24 4 July 98 6 July 98 Mealady, Daniel J. New London Meath, Ireland 26 23 June 98 6 July 98 Meehan, Michael W. New York, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. 23 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Morgan, Charles L. Montville Norwich 21 29 June 98 6 July 98 Morton, Sidney E. New London New London 22 13 dec. 93 6 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 23 July. Reduced to private from corporal, 9 sept. 98. O Connell, William Westerly, R. I. Norwich 30 29 June 98 6 July 98 O Rourke, Edward J. New London New London 22 22 June 98 6 July 98 O Rourke, Thomas New London New London 20 8 Jan. 96 6 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 29 Jan. 99. Petty, George New London Nottingham, England 19 22 June 98 6 July 98 Phair, Michael Derby Derby 18 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Phillips, Joseph D. Waterford Waterford 28 28 feb. 89 6 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 23 Jan. 99. Powers, William P. Hartford Youghal, Ireland 32 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Dishonorably discharged, 12 Jan. 99. Rhodes, William H. Wakefield, R. I. Kingston, R. I. 26 22 June 98 6 July 98 Discharged, 24 aug. 98. Rogers, Edward H. East Lyme East Lyme 21 20 June 98 6 July 98 106 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Ryan, Hubert W. New London Galway, Ireland 25 18 apr. 94 6 July 98 Reduced to private from sergeant, 18 feb. 99. Ryan, John F. New London New London 21 20 June 98 6 July 98 Saunders, Lyman R. Mystic Ashaway, R. I. 22 6 apr. 98 6 July 98 Sautter, John F. Norwich Norwich 19 23 June 98 6 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 10 July 98. Shea, Daniel F. New London Kerry, Ireland 21 22 June 98 6 July 98 Sheehan, Jeremiah Hartford Kerry, Ireland 34 4 July 98 6 July 98 Sheridan, John J. New London New London 20 28 nov. 94 6 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 24 to 28 nov.; on detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. Sheridan, William J. New London New London 19 3 dec. 96 6 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. Skinner, John 0. New London Canterbury 21 20 June 98 6 July 98 Smith, Edward C New London Groton 22 1 dec. 97 6 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, Jan. 99. Storey, William J. New London New York, N. Y. 22 3 nov. 97 6 July 98 Deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 11 nov. 98. Sullivan, Dennis D. New London Kerry, Ireland 26 20 Jan. 97 6 July 98 Sullivan, James New London * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Dishonorably discharged, 29 Jan. 99. Sweeney, John T. New London New London 27 30 Jan. 89 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 29 June; reduced to private, oct; sick in 1st division hospital 2 nov. to 16 dec. 98. Tumulty, Thomas New London * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sick in regimental hospital, 23 aug. 98. Turk, Harry New London Tells, Russia 23 27 June 98 6 July 98 Waldron, James E. Wallingford Tamaqua, Pa. 21 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Sick in regimental hospital, 23 to 25 aug. 98. Dishonorably discharged, 10 mar. 99. Watson, William L. Hartford Hartford 26 4 July 98 6 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 31 Jan. 99. Weinstein, Joseph New London Borozna, Russia 23 2 July 98 6 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital from 12 oct. to 22 oct. 98. . Wilson, John New London Lawrence, Mass. 21 19 July 93 6 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 20 aug.; reduced to private, 7 sept. 98. Wilson, William New London St. Johns, N. B. 19 24 June 98 6 July 98 Dishonorably discharged 24 Jan. 99. Woods, John E. New Britain New Haven 29 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Wright, Fred C. Pomfret Pomfret 21 4 July 98 6 July 98 Discharged 6 feb. 99 per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 107 COMPANY B RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 23 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 15 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 16 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 17 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captain Cornelius Bransfield Westerly, Stonington 41 4 June 96 3 July 98 R. I. First Lieutenant Everett M. Carver Putnam Putnam 27 4 dec. 96 2 July 98 Mustered in as 2d lieutenant, co. G, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Appointed battalion adjutant, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 12 July; appointed 1st lieutenant, co. A, 3d Conn. vol. inf. and detailed to co. B, 9 dec. 98. Second Lieutenant Isaac F. Gavitt Pawcatuck Narragansett Pier 26 13 oct. 97 3 July 98 - R. I. First Sergeant James F. Spellman Pawcatuck Stonington 22 2 Jan. 94 3 July 98 Quartermaster Sergeant Esbon H. Gavitt Pawcatuck Narragansett Pier 24 27 nov. 91 3 July 98 Detailed on special duty as company com R. I. missary sergeant, 4 July 98. Sergeants John J. Bentley Pawcatuck No. Stonington 26 1 mar. 95 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and Morristown, Pa., hospital from 27 oct. to 28 nov. 98. Dennis F. Connell Pawcatuck Stonington 30 1 Jan. 97 3 July 98 On detached service as provost guard from 21 to 31 dec. 98 at Summerville, S. C. Appointed sergeant from corporal, 24 feb.99 Michael F. O Connell Pawcatuck Stonington 36 1 Jan. 89 3 July 98 Patrick W. Shea Pawcatuck Stonington 23 1 dec. 93 3 July 98 Detailed as color sergeant, 21 Jan. 99. On detached service to deliver general prisoner at St. Francis Barracks, St. Augustine, Fla., 20 to 22 feb. 99. Corporals Robert Brucker Westerly, Westerly, 22 1 July 96 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 28 oct.; and in R. I. R. I. Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., from 3 to 14 nov. 98, date of death from typhoid fever. Patrick H. Connell Pawcatuck Stonington 21 25 Jan. 97 3 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 2 dec. 98 to 21 Jan. 99. Appointed corporal from private, 24 feb. 99. John J. Donahue Pawcatuck Stonington 20 1 mar. 97 3 July 98 John T. Fitzgerald Pawcatuck Stonington 28 4 nov. 89 3 July 98 Ezra Gould Monson, Monson, 23 29 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 27 sept, to 7 oct. Mass. Mass. 98. Appointed corporal from private, 24 feb. 99. Joseph Herbst Westerly, Lawrence, 23 1 mar. 95 3 July 98 R. I. Mass. Thomas F. Lenihan Pawcatuck Burrillbrille, 22 2 Jan. 94 3 July 98 Appointed company clerk. Discharged R. I. 13 feb. 99 per telegraphic instructions from Secretary of War. James M. Lindsay Westerly, Glasgow, 25 3 June 95 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 15 to 20 dec. 98. R. I. Scotland James P. McMahon Pawcatuck Stonington 22 7 oct. 94 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 2 nov.; trans ferred to Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 nov. 98. On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C. 10 to 16 feb. 99. 108 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS John F. Moriarty Westerly, R. I. Norwich 21 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 24 feb. 99. Edward W. Murphy Westerly, R. I. Voluntown 21 27 oct. 96 3 July 98 James D. Neville Pawcatuck Stonington 24 1 nov. 93 3 July 98 Patrick D. Roche Pawcatuck Westerly, R. I. 28 2 Jan. 88 3 July 98 On detached service as baker at corps bakery, 24 to 28 sept. 98. Appointed chief cook with rank and pay of corporal, 16 mar. 99. Cornelius L. Shea Pawcatuck Stonington 23 7 oct. 94 3 July 98 John H. Shea Pawcatuck Colchester 23 2 Jan. 94 3 July 98 Musicians Charles R. Chadwick Westerly, R. I. Connecticut 29 1 feb. 97 14 July 98 Joined and enrolled after date of muster in of company. Appointed musician from private 21 July 98. John J. Cunningham A rtificer Dennis C. Brown Wagoner Daniel J. Casey Pawcatuck Pawcatuck Pawcatuck Westerly R. I. Wauregan Stonington 23 29 30 1 nov. 93 1 nov. 97 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 3 July 98 3 July 98 On special duty with ordnance officer 10 to 17 Jan. 99. Appointed wagoner from private, 1 sept. 98. Privates Ahearn, Henry P. Norwich Norwich 30 23 June 98 3 July 98 Alves, Charles Stonington Lawrence, Mass. 22 1 June 98 3 July 98 Angley, Frank J. Alington, Mass. Leicester, Mass. 23 29 June 98 3 July 98 Barlow, Nathan F. Westerly, R.I. Lenox, Mass. 23 28 June 98 3 July 98 Barry, Joseph Norwich Norwich 23 27 June 98 3 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 10 to 16 feb. 99. Boles, John Jr. Greenwich * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Bramble, Louis Shannock, R. I. East Haddam, 31 29 June 98 3 July 98 Deserted at Middletown, Pa., 23 sept. 98. Brightman, Frank Stonington Stonington 37 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 2 July 98. Brown, Juan F. Stafford Springs Uxbridge, Mass. 21 30 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital; Germantown hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., and U. S. General Hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., from 5 nov. 98 to 29 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Brucker, Frank Westerly, R. I. Westerly, R. I. 19 4 Jan. 97 3 July 98 Buck, Henry H. Pawcatuck Westerly, R. I. 33 27 apr. 98 3 July 98 Dropped as deserter, 5 oct.; apprehended at Pawcatuck, Conn., 20 oct. 98. Burke, James Lewiston, Me. Lewiston, Me. 25 22 June 98 3 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 16 Jan. 99. Calmie, Joseph Westerly, R. I. New York, N. Y. 20 1 feb. 98 3 July 98 Carey, John E. Pawcatuck Stonington 21 20 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 19 to 29 nov. 98. Carey, Oliver Stafford Springs Whitehall, N. Y. 20 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 Carson, Edward R. Stonington Stonington 21 1 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and Lancaster, Pa., hospital from 3 nov. 98. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 109 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Casey, John Pawcatuck Steubenville, Ohio 35 6 may 89 3 July 98 Casey, John F. Pawcatuck Stonington 24 21 June 98 3 July 98 Chadwick, James F. Westerly, R. I. Groton 20 4 Jan. 97 3 July 98 On special duty as nurse at regimental hospital, 2 dec. 98 to 2 Jan. 99. On de tached service as nurse, Savannah, Ga., 22 Jan. to 17 feb. 99; on special duty as nurse at regimental hospital, 18 feb. 99. Chadwick, John B. Westerly, Groton 25 1 nov. 97 3 July 98 Sick in brigade hospital 3 to 6 dec. 98. On special duty with quartermaster 14 to 21 Jan. 99. Chadwick, William F. W esterly, R. I. Groton 18 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 26 to 27 July 98. Church, Walter Stafford Greenville 21 29 June 98 3 July 98 Clark, Edward A. Stafford Springs Wales, Mass. 23 21 June 98 3 July 98 Discharged 6 feb. 99, per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. Coleman, Thomas D. Westerly, R. I. Stonington 28 1 feb. 97 3 July 98 Connor, James J. Norwich Norwich 28 23 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 10 to 13 and 19 feb. 99; transferred to hospital, Savan nah, Ga., 22 feb. 99. Connors, John Providence, R. I. Watergap, Pa. 36 29 June 98 3 July 98 Creighton, James Blackstone, Mass. Blackstone, Mass. 26 23 June 98 3 July 98 Donahue, James F. Pawcatuck Stonington 22 1 feb. 97 3 July 98 Donahue, John F. Pawcatuck Stonington 29 23 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 8 nov. 98; transferred to hospital, Reading, Pa. (date not known) ; transferred to U. S. Gen eral hospital, Ft. Myer, Va. (date not known). Donahue, Michael E. Pawcatuck Westerly, R. I. 28 20 June 98 3 July 98 Doran, Andrew W. Manchester Manchester 35 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 2 July. Sick in 1st divi sion hospital, 30 oct.; transferred to hospi tal, Philadelphia, Pa., 31 oct. 98. Dowling, Thaddeus Jersey Heights, N.J. Jersey Heights, N.J. 28 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled, 2 July 98. Duncan, Ernest Stafford Ash ford 19 29 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 9 to 10 Jan. 99. Eaton, Ervin J. Worcester, Mass. * * 12 aug. 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Ennis, John Stonington Eyrshire, Scotland 23 1 June 98 3 July 98 Fallen, John Stonington Stonington 27 1 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 30 oct.; trans ferred to Germantown hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 2 nov. 98. Farrell, John E. Pawcatuck Longford, Ireland 21 1 mar. 95 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 5 nov. 98; trans ferred to hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. (date not known). Fenton, Edwin H. Pawcatuck Norwich 23 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 sept.; sick in regimental hospital, 25 nov. 98. Fogarty, William L. Norwich Norwich 26 27 June 98 3 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 16 Jan. 99. Gilmore, Dennis Stonington Stonington 19 1 June 98 3 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 110 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Griffin, John Boston, Galway, 29 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 2 July; dropped as Mass. Ireland deserter at Summerville, S. C., 13 dec. apprehended at Charleston, S. C., 15 dec. 98; dishonorably discharged, 31 Jan. 99. Hakes, Arlington O. Westerly, De Ruyter, 20 22 June 98 3 July 98 On detached service as nurse at 1st division R. I. N. Y. hospital, 30 sept, to 19 oct. 98, inclusive. Harrington, Walter A. Providence, Pomfret 19 28 June 98 3 July 98 R. I. Jordan, Andrew A. Westerly, Stonington 22 25 nov. 95 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 8 to 16 aug. ; sick R. I. with typhoid fever, 12 oct. 98 to 10 Jan. 99. Discharged, 9 feb. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Keegan, John H. Pawcatuck Westerly, 30 20 July 96 3 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook from R. I. 20 sept.; sick "in 1st division hospital, 7 nov. 98; transferred to Lancaster, Pa., hospital (date not known.) Kinney, William Ashaway, Hinsdale, 22 29 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 10 to 21 Jan. 99, R. I. Mass. inclusive. Knight, William B. Pawcatuck Charleston, 25 1 apr. 96 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 14 to 21 Jan. 99, R. I. inclusive. Knowles, George E. N. Stonington Westerly, 21 2 may 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 24 to 31 aug. 98. R. I. Lawton, Lewis H. Stafford Stafford 19 29 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 19 to 22 July. Discharged fraudulent enlistment, 6 aug. 98, by order of U. S. Circuit Court, District of Conn. Leriche, William H. Westerly, Westerly, 24 22 June 98 3 July 98 R. I. R. I. Loranger, Omer Tilton, Chenwick, 19 29 June 98 3 July 98 N. H. Canada Luck, Gussie A. Pawcatuck New York, 18 23 June 98 3 July 98 N. Y. Maxson, John M. Stonington Hopkinton, 21 1 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital 25 July to 11 sept.; R.I. detailed on light duty at regimental hospi tal, 22 sept.; discharged per certificate of disability, 18 nov. 98. McCort, James J. Stonington Stonington 25 1 June 98 3 July 98 Reduced from wagoner to private, 1 sept. 98. McDonald, John J. Pawcatuck Stonington 24 20 June 98 3 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 17 to 21 Jan. 99. McDonald, Thomas J. Pawcatuck Stonington 23 28 June 98 3 July 98 McGrath, John D. Pawcatuck Stonington 19 20 June 98 3 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 10 to 16 feb. 99. McGrath, Martin Westerly, Waterbury 18 22 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 25 aug., 6 to 8 R. I. sept.; 1st division hospital, 12 to 15 sept., 7 nov. 98. Transferred to U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va. (date not known). McQuaid, James Monson, * * 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Mass. company. O Gara, James P. Pawcatuck Ashton, 29 25 June 98 3 July 98 R. I. Palmer, Henry E. Pawcatuck Westerly, 19 1 June 97 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 1 nov. 98; R. I. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va. (date not known). Discharged at Ft. Myer, Va., 16 Jan. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. "Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 111 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in LJ. S. Service REMARKS Preston, Roger A. Pawcatuck Roundout, N. Y. 35 7 aug. 83 3 July 98 Quiel, Charles Stafford Roxton Falls, Canada 22 29 June 98 3 July 98 Rabdean, Joe Stafford Springs Slattersville, R. I. 21 29 June 98 3 July 98 Robinson, Henry Stonington Berlin, Germany 35 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital 1 to 8 sept.; 1st division hospital from 22 oct. 98; trans ferred to Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., (date not known). Rushlow, Joseph T. Pawcatuck East Shelbourne, Vt. 21 1 nov. 97 3 July 98 Ryan, John T. Westerly, R. I. Westerly, R. I. 18 25 June 98 3 July 98 On special duty as company clerk, 27 feb. 99. Shea, Daniel Stonington New York, N. Y. 19 21 June 98 3 July 98 Shea, Daniel C. Pawcatuck Ireland 19 1 dec. 93 3 July 98 Smith, Joseph Pawcatuck Valancia, Ireland 21 29 June 98 3 July 98 Sullivan, Cornelius Westerly, R.I. Stonington 29 29 June 98 3 July 98 Sullivan, Edward J. Pawcatuck Stonington 18 20 June 98 3 July 98 Sutton, James Stonington New York, N. Y. 21 1 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 27 oct. Trans ferred to Jefferson Medical College hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 30 oct. 98. Tedford, Robert Stonington Armagh, Ireland 21 1 June 98 3 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Sum- merville, S. C., 2 dec. 98 to 17 Jan. 99. Sick in 2nd brigade hospital, 18 Jan. to 16 feb. 99. Whalen, John J. Pawcatuck Taunton, Mass. 37 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 Sick in 2d brigade hospital, 16 to 26 feb. 99. White, Thomas F. Lawrence, Mass. Woonsocket, R. I. 36 29 June 98 3 July 98 Wilcox, Jerome A. Stonington Stonington 19 1 June 98 3 July 98 Dropped as deserter at Summerville, S. C., 21 jan. 99. Wright, Robert W. Derby Catskill, N. Y. 24 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 23 oct. 98; transferred to Lebanon, Pa., hospital, same date; transferred to U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va. (date not known). Reported for duty, 26 Jan. 99. Sick in regimental hospital, 26 jan. to 5 feb. and 21 to 23 feb.; transferred to Savannah General hospital, 24 feb. 99. 112 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY C RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 23 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 15 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 15 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 16 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captain Charles A. Hagberg Norwich Vestervik, Sweden 28 12 Jan. 97 2 July 98 Appointed provost marshal at Camp Marion, Summerville, S. C., 19 nov. 98. Relieved as provost marshal, 19 Jan. 99. First Lieutenant Harry E. Comstock Norwich Norwich 24 9 feb. 97 2 July 98 Mustered in as 1st lieutenant, co. C, 3d Conn, vol. inf.; detached to assume command of co. F, 30 oct.; detached from co. F and ordered back to co. C, 19 nov. 98. On special duty in command co. G, 26 feb. to 4 mar. 99. Second Lieutenant Frank Q. Smith Norwich Norwich 34 9 feb. 97 2 July 98 On special duty in charge of prisoners working parties from 21 Jan. 99. First Sergeant Milo R. Waters Norwich Centerville, Iowa 30 5 July 87 2 July 98 Quartermaster Sergeant John Gembel Norwich Colchester 40 1 June 89 2 July 98 Sergeants Walter C. Coffee Norwich Norwich 23 10 mar. 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 aug. ; detailed company clerk 26 sept, to 5 nov. 98; appointed sergeant 7 feb. 99. Henry H. Morrill Norwich Troy, Me. 19 25 may 97 2 July 98 On special duty in command of provost guard, Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1-4 Jan. 99, appointed sergeant from corpo ral, 14 jan. 99. Charles E. Ramage Montville Montville 24 19 apr. 92 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 4 to 6 nov.; University of Pennsyl vania hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 nov. to 4 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 2 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Charles H. Thorpe Uncasville Montville 28 3 may 92 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 1 dec. 98. Edward T. Waterman Corporals Frederick W. Burton Norwich Norwich Lawrence, Mass. Norwich 30 18 27 July 97 12 oct. 97 2 July 98 2 July 98 George H. Fletcher Norwich Ware, Mass. 31 6 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 nov. 98. Herbert A. Gibson Norwich Bolton, England 28 23 may 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 7 feb. 99. John W. Haselden Norwich Norwich 19 14 sept. 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 nov. 98. John Hubbard Norwich Baltimore, Md. 36 13 nov. 88 2 July 98 Honorably discharged, 10 oct. 98, Camp Meade, Pa., per telegraphic orders Assist ant Secretary of War. James Jack, Jr. Greenville Glasgow, Scotland 22 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 11 feb. 99. Walter B. S. Jeffers Jewitt City Griswold 33 1 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 nov.; detailed provost -corporal in charge of prisoners working parties, 1 to 29 dec. 98. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 113 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Charles T. Perkins Norwich Norwich 26 23 may 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 dec. 98. John J. Pigott Northfield, Northfield, 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 26 sept. 98. Mass. Mass. George W. Rathbun Norwich Montville 25 28 July 97 2 July 9.8 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 14 to 16 nov.; Penn. hospital, Phila delphia, Pa., 16 nov. to 4 dec. and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 2 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Charles Sabrowski Norwich E. Treussen, 24 2 nov. 97 2 July 98 Germany Frank E. Sterry Norwich Norwich 23 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 7 feb. 99. Albert Thorp Norwich Westerly, 26 30 Jan. 92 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private 1 aug.; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 12 to 16 nov.; Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 16 nov. to 5 dec. and Penn. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 5 to 12 dec. 98. William H. Thorpe Montville Montville 26 1 June 92 2july 98 Appointed corporal from private, 7 feb. 99. William C. Zelz Norwich Germany 23 2 oct. 94 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 23 to 25 oct.; Lebanon hospital, Lebanon, Pa., 25 oct. to 10 dec. and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 10 dec. 98 to 2 feb. 99, date of discharge, per tele graphic instructions Secretary of War. Cook Daniel Duff Taftville Dublin, 25 22 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of Ireland company. Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 16 to 23 oct. and Episco pal hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct. to 14 nov. 98; appointed corporal cook, 7 mar. 99. Artificer Patrick H. Donahue Norwich Portland, 3.6 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed artificer from private, 1 aug. 98. Me. Wagoner George H. Gadle Norwich Norwich 27 23 may 98 2 July 98 Detailed on special duty, quartermaster s department, 4 oct.; appointed wagoner, 1 nov. 98. Musicians John C. Osborne Norwich Norwich 23 1 mar. 97 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 1 aug. 98. Walter C. Robinson Norwich Brooklyn, 28 2 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 1 aug. 98. N. Y. Privates Ahern, William H. Norwich Norwich 36 21 June 98 2 July 98 Aspinall, Henry Yantic Shrewsbury, 36 21 June 98 2 July 98 England Audette, Alfred Taftville Vermont 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted 14 oct. Surrendered at Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C., 31 dec. 98. Audette, Elmer Taftville Manchester, 26 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Vt. Barnes, Philo H. Preston Preston 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 Detailed to commissary department, 1 July 98. Baumann, John Norwich Bavaria, 25 1 July 96 2 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, Germany Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. Benjamin, James H. Norwich New York, N. Y. 23 5 Jan. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 14 oct. On detached service, 1st div- sion hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 28 sept. to 12 oct. 98. Bliven, George L. Lebanon Windham 20 2 may 98 2 July 98 Honorably discharged at Niantic, Conn., 6 sept. 98, per telegraphic orders from Assistant Secretary of War. 114 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Brock, Eugene S. Norwich Norwich 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service at 2nd army corps bakery, Camp Meade, Pa., 24 sept, to 15 nov.; brigade bakery, Summerville, S. C., 15 nov. to 14 dec. 98. Cahoon, David A. Norwich Norwich 28 22 June 98 2 July 98 Callahan, Dennis Norwich Norwich 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 Callahan, John F. Norwich Norwich 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 7 and 8 nov.; General hospital, Lan caster, Pa., 8 nov. to 17 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 17 dec. 98 to 3 feb. 99, date of discharge per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. Carroll, William F. Preston Preston 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 Carter, John Norwich Warrentown, Va. 44 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed assistant cook, 1 July; sick in regimental hospital, 30 nov. to 14 dec. 98. Caruthers, William Norwich Glasgow, Scotland 19 20 June 98 2 July 98 Casey, Daniel C. Norwich Occum 18 27 may 98 2 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. Clark, James N., Jr. Norwich Norwich 27 23 feb. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 18 sept. 98. Coles, George D. B. Springfield, Mass. Westfield, Mass. 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Comstock, James H. Norwich Niantic 43 20 June 98 2 July 98 Detailed special duty as cook; 1 July, trans ferred to band, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 13 oct.; transferred to co. C, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 5 dec. 98. Connell, Patrick F. Norwich Norwich 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 21 to 23 oct. and Jefferson Medical hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct. to 17 nov. 98. Corcoran, Murty Taftville Cork, Ireland 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Cox, Thomas J. Norwich Norwich 23 20 June 98 2 July 98 Durfey, Frank Greenville Norwich 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 Dyrdal, Giordi Norwich Austria 23 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Fitzgerald, Frederick Norwich Norwich 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 Fletcher, William C. Foren, John M. Norwich Jewitt City Nova Scotia, Canada Providence, R. I. 32 24 16 June 96 2 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3 to 7 oct.; Penn. hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 7 oct. to 4 dec. and U. .S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 28 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Gambel, John Taftville Blackburn, England 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 oct. to 2 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, Baltimore, Md., 2 to 10 nov. 98, date of death from typhoid fever. Gay, James M. Norwich Lebanon 19 20 June 98 2 July 98 Geary, Morris F. Montville Montville 28 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick at Lancaster hospital, Lancaster, Pa., 26 sept, to 26 oct. 98. Grover, Anson E. Preston Hartford 21 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Hiscox, Judson L. Preston Preston 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 to 23 oct.; Jefferson Medical hospi tal, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct. and 17 nov. 98; Backus hospital, Norwich, Conn., 17 feb. to 8 mar. 99. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 115 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Hughes, Joseph Norwich Cole, Ireland 24 1 June 98 2 July 98 Kellogg, Walter J. Norwich Norwich 27 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 25 sept, to 13 oct. 98. King, Joseph VV. Norwich Norwich 40 20 June 98 2 July 98 Letendre, George Taftville Norwich 24 22 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 23 to 26 oct. Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 26 to 28 oct. and St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 28 oct. to 30 nov. 98. L Heureux, Alfred A. S. Taftville Danielson 26 9 apr. 95 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 15 sept. 98. L Heureux, Nelson S. Taftville Voluntown 21 9 apr. 95 2 July 98 Sick in St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 2 to 14 nov. 98. Loffler, John T. Norwich Plymouth, England 18 29 mar. 98 2 July 98 Lumsden, George R. Norwich Cooper, Scotland 31 23 sept. 90 2 July 98 Lynch, George H. Preston Preston 32 23 feb. 97 2 July 98 Honorably discharged, 27 nov. 98, per tele graphic instructions from Secretary of War. Maguire, William F. Norwich Omyville, R. I. 28 29 June 97 2 July 98 Sick in brigade hospital, Camp Marion, S. C., 16 to 25 feb. 99. Malone, William J. Taftville Canaan 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service provost guard, Summer- ville, S. C., 21 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. McClure, William Preston Glasgow, Scotland 28 15 June 97 2 July 98 McCormick, James Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 McGill, John H. Stamford Stamford 19 23 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in Penn. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 15 nov. to 29 dec. and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 29 dec. 98 to 3 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic in structions Secretary of War. McVey, Peter Norwich Norwich 38 20 June 98 2 July 98 Merrill, Orville W. Springfield, Mass. Sandersfield, Mass. 32 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 aug. reduced to private; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 23 to 26 oct. and St. Joseph s hospital, Lancaster, Pa., 26 oct. to 20 nov. 98. Miner, Hurbert Greenville Fitchville 19 22 feb. 97 2 July 98 Moore, Michael M. Norwich Middletown 39 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 oct. to 3 nov., Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 to 8 nov. 98, brigade hospital, Camp Marion, S. C., 16 to 25 feb. 99. Morgan, James, Jr. Norwich Norwich 29 20 June 9S 2 July 98 Munsmann, Andrew H. Franklyn Hartford 24 1 sept. 96 2 July 98 Appointed wagoner from private, 1 aug.; reduced to private, 1 nov. 98. Oliver, Charles B. Olsson, Ivar Norwich GVeenville Norwich Gottenberg, Sweden 28 29 1 June 98 20 mar. 94 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 27 sept, to 6 oct. 98. Pickorski, Mike Norwich Austria 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Pierce, Arthur W. Jewitt City Stonington 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Polsten, Charles A. Norwich Vestervik, Sweden 25 5 dec. 93 2 July 98 Reduced to private from sergeant, 10 Jan. 99, detailed clerk, adjutant s oftice, 14 Jan. 99. 116 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Raphael, Robert Montville Posen, Germany 33 22 June 98 2 July 98 Reeves, George P. Taftville Baltic 24 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 26 sept.; reduced to private (own request), 14 oct. 98. Rushlow, Peter Norwich Isle LaMotte, Vt. 37 20 June 98 2 July 98 Sabrowski, August Norwich Liebinmile, Germany 20 9 feb. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 to 22 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 22 oct. to 4 dec., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va.; 4 dec. 98 to 28 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Sellick, Frederick W. Norwich Norwich 33 28 may 95 2 July 98 Sikorski, Albert Norwich Samosihin, Germany 25 8 feb. 98 2 July 98 Sikorski, John Greenville Samosihin, Germany 21 18 Jan. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 29 oct. to 1 dec. 98. Simpson, Louis E. Franklin Franklin 20 6 July 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 27 oct.; Pottsville hospital, Pottsville, Pa., 27 oct. to 4 dec. 98. Skinner, Benjamin F. Norwich Norwich 20 23 may 98 2 July 98 Stark, William Brattleboro, Vt. Waddington, N. Y. 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, 23 to 24 oct.; Jefferson Medical hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 24 oct. to 31 dec. 98; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 1 to 30 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per tele graphic instructions Secretary of War. Sullivan, Patrick Taftville Baltic 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 Taft, Frank G. Glens Falls, N. Y. Chester, Vt. 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Detailed company clerk, 5 nov. 98. Turner, George A. Norwich London, England 19 22 June 98 2 July 98 Tylendar, Antoni Norwich Russia 24 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 2 to 6 nov.; Penn. hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 6 nov. to 4 dec. and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 24 Jan. 99. Welden, Albert C. Norwich Norwich 22 24 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 to 23 oct., and Jefferson medical hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct. to 2 dec. 98. Woodworth, Harvey L. Norwich Norwich 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 117 COMPANY D RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 23 June to 9 sept. ; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 26 oct. ; Philadelphia, Pa., 26 to 28 oct.; Camp Meade, Pa., 28 oct. to 15 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 16 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 17 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captain David Conner New London Brooklyn, N. Y. 36 27 June 98 3 July 98 Captain, 46th U. S. infantry, 17 aug. 99. Served in Philippines. First Lieutenants William H. Ryley New London New London 45 3 aug. 96 3 July 98 Resigned and discharged, Camp Marion, S. C., 24 jan. 99, by order Secretary of War. William S. Steele Torrington * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private in Battery A, 1st Conn. vol. art. after muster in of battery; discharged to accept commission, 13 sept.; appointed 2d lieutenant, co. D, 3d Conn. vol. inf. rank from 8 sept.; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 13 to 25 oct.; on detached service with co. H, 3d Conn. vol. inf., Camp Marion, S. C., 6 to 12 jan. 99; promoted 1st lieuten ant, 25 jan. 99. Second Lieu enant John J. Lawless Waterford East Boston, Me. 22 18apr. 94 6 July 98 Mustered in as sergeant, co. A, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; appointed 1st sergeant 11 Jan. 99; discharged to accept commission 11 mar. 99; appointed 2d lieutenant, co. D, 3d Conn. vol. inf. rank from 25 jan. 99. First Sergeant William R. Chipman New London Macon, Ga. 36 20 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed 1st sergeant from sergeant, 15 oct. 98. Quartermaster Sergeant Enimett L. Crowell New London New London 42 4 mar. 79 3 July 98 Sick in hospital 19 to 20 sept. 98. Sergeants Byron W. Bemis Shelton Worcester, Mass. 35 30 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 July; promoted sergeant from corporal, 3 sept.; on special duty as canteen steward 30 nov. 98 to 16 feb. 99; on regimental canteen accounts, Camp Onward, Ga., 9 to 20 mar. 99. Henry B. Cullen Ansonia Ansonia 22 30 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 9 aug.; promoted sergeant 21 oct. 98; on detached service at St. Francis Barracks, St. Augustine, Fla., conveying prisoners 4 to 6 feb. 99; on detached service 21 to 22 feb. 99 at Summerville, S. C. George Hennes New London Ealing, England 32 30 June 91 3 July 98 Reduced to sergeant from 1st sergeant 31 July; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 4 to 11 oct. 98. George H. Wright Jersey City, N.J. * 30 1 dec. 96 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Appointed corporal from private 17 July; promoted sergeant 12 dec. 98. Corporals Leon F. Buck Stamford Sugar Grove, Pa. 21 28 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 dec. 98; on detached service, 21 to 22 feb. 99 at Summerville, S. C., as witness at general court martial. John J. Butler New London Pawcatuck 21 3 aug. 96 3 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 118 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Michael C. Carey ^ew London Mew York, N. Y. 19 16 dec. 96 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 July 98. John F. Conway Slew London Westerly, R. I. 22 20 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 July 98. John J. Hagan Stamford Stamford 23 28 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 mar. 99. Thomas F. Maher Mew Haven Mew Haven 42 1 July 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 nov. 98. Frank J. Martin Mew London Mew London 20 23 dec. 96 3 July 98 Sick in hospital, 1 to 13 aug. 98. Thomas H. McMahon rlolyoke, Mass. Hartford 21 3 July 98 On detached service as baker at Corps bakery, Camp Meade, Pa., 24 to 28 sept. 98. Ap pointed corporal from private, 2 mar. 99. James F. O Keefe Greenwich Greenwich 26 28 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 15 feb. 99. David Roberts Stamford South Wales, England 25 28 June 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 13 feb. 99. George E. Ryley New London New London 23 5 dec. 93 3 July 98 Appointed company clerk, 5 July; appointed corporal from private, 9 aug.; reduced to private, 12 dec. 98; appointed corporal, 2 mar. 99. Charles E. Slater Shelton Wash g n Hollow, N. Y. 37 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 28 June 98. Sick in hospital 12 to 16, 25 to 28 aug.; appointed corporal and cook from private, 1 feb. 99. Everett Stillenworth Musicians Walter M. Chase New London Norwich Greenport, L. I. Norwich 18 22 27 may 98 15 July 97 3 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 nov. 98. Transferred to co. D, from co. C, 3d Conn, vol. inf., 25 Jan. 99. Charles Ormsby New London Waterbury 22 14 June 94 3 July 98 Wagoner Cassius A. Harding Artificer Dennis J. Sullivan New London Durham Clayton, 111. Durham 39 30 14 may 88 1 July 98 3 July 98 3 July 98 Appointed artificer from private, 3 aug. 98. Privates Albecker, Edward Brooklyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 30 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled, 29 June 98. Allen, Henry Norwich Lisbon 19 1 July 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 19 to 22 oct.; transferred to St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct. 98. Austin, James Shelton Brooklyn, N. Y. 24 ljuly 98 3 July 98 Deserted 20 July 98, Niantic, Conn. Beckwith, Frank L. New London New London 26 20 may 91 3 July 98 Reduced to private from sergeant, 2 sept.; on detached service at brigade commissary depot, Camp Meade, Pa., 2 oct. to 22 dec. 98. Blackledge, John T. Brooklyn, N. Y. * * 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Buchannan, John Pomfret Donegal, Ireland 27 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 24 June 98. Burdick, Edwin S. Escoheag, R. I. New London 31 22 June 98 3 July 98 Carr, Joseph J. New London Jersey City, N.J. 20 1 mar. 95 3 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 18 feb. 99. Condorff, William New Haven New Haven 21 1 July 98 3 July 98 Sick in hospital 2 to 15 feb. 99. Conklin, Lincoln Stamford Peekskill, N. Y. 33 28 June 98 3 july 98 *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 119 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Conroy, James H. Stamford Stamford 18 28 June 98 3 July 98 Corr, Daniel Waterbury Waterbury 30 1 July 98 3 July 98 Deserted 16 dec. 98, Camp Marion, S. C. Crighton, Thomas J. Woonsocket, R. I. W. Chesterfield, Mass. 25 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 1 July 98. Culloo, William F. Stamford Stamford 22 28 June 98 3 July 98 Cunningham, Robert W. New Haven New Haven 30 1 July 98 3 July 98 Daley, Edward Haverhill, Mass. Haverhill, Mass. 29 1 July 98 3 July 98 Deserted 28 oct. 98, Camp Meade, Pa. Dayton, Frank E. Bridgeport Chicopee, Mass. 21 30 June 98 3 July 98 Dean, George Bridgeport Bridgeport 22 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 29 June 98. Devaney, Stephen H. Bridgeport Bridgeport 26 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 29 June 98; dishonorably discharged 25 Jan. 99. Dutton, Joel A. New London Middletown 21 3 sept. 95 3 July 98 Fitzpatrick, Daniel Stamford Stamford 27 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3 to 6 oct.; transferred to St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 7 oct. 98 Fleming, William J. Pittsfield, Mass. Pittsfield, Mass. 21 21 June 98 3 July 98 Galligan, Michael J. New Haven New Haven 41 1 July 98 3 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 9 aug. 98; reduced to private, feb. 99. Garde, James New Haven Meriden 28 30 June 98 3 July 98 Deserted 11 nov. 98, Camp Meade, Pa. Gifford, Edward L. Derby Lewiston, Me. 23- 30 June 98 3 July 98 Discharged 29 dec. 98, by order Secretary o War. Gorman, Edward C. Bridgeport Pittsfield, Mass. 21 30 June 98 3 July 98 Discharged 23 aug. 98, per order of Secretary of War. Gould, Everett New London Nahant, Mass. 22 20 June 98 3 July 98 Guile, Otis S. New London Chatham 21 14 mar. 98 3 July 98 Hearns, John R. Stamford Westboro, Mass. 27 28 June 98 3 July 98 Hedman, Charles J. \ Stamford Shortona, Sweden 20 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 to 23 oct.; transferred to Jefferson Medical hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct.; on detached service at 2d brigade head quarters, Camp Meade, Pa., 21 sept, to 4 dee. 98. Higgins, Richard Bridgeport Bridgeport 19 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 29 June; deserted 14 aug. 98, Niantic, Conn. Hogan, Michael F. North Plains Waterbury 22 25 Jan. 97 3 July 98 Deserted 13 oct. 98, Camp Meade, Pa. Holloway, Daniel W. New Haven New Haven 34 1 July 98 3 July 98 Deserted 26 sept. 98, Camp Meade, Pa. Kane, John J. Derby Derby 19 1 July 98 3 July 98 Discharged 27 nov. 98, Camp Marion, S. C., surgeon s certificate disability. Keeney, Patrick Philadelphia, Pa. Collan, Ireland 26 28 June 98 3 July 98 King, Edward J. Stamford Stamford 21 28 June 98 3 July 98 Dishonorably discharged 7 mar. 99. Lee, James T. Norwich Richmond, Va. 28 28 June 98 3 July 98 Discharged 24 aug. 98, by order Secretary of War. Lynch, Thomas F. W r aterbury Waterbury 21 30 June 98 3 July 98 Martin, Edward Stamford Watershire, England 35 1 July 98 3 July 98 120 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS McCann, Joseph Bridgeport Kent 25 3 July 98 [oined and enrolled 29 June; appointed cook and corporal from private 1 nov. ; reduced to private 1 dec. 98. McFarlane, John H. Montville Montville 26 20 June 98 3 July 98 Millard, Leonard D. New Haven New Haven 30 1 July 98 3 July 98 On detached service at St. Francis Barracks, St. Augustine, Fla., 4 to 6 feb. 99. Mills, John Waterford Thompson 32 20 June 98 2 July 98 Transferred to co. C, from co. I, 3d Conn, vol. inf. 21 sept.; appointed corporal cook 21 sept.; reduced to private 1 Jan. 99; transferred to co. D, 6 Jan. 99. Miner, Carles A. New London * * 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; deserted 7 dec. 98 from St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa. Mitchell, George D. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 32 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 27 June; deserted 15 sept. 98, Camp Meade, Pa. Monohan, John E. New Haven New Haven 21 1 July 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 14 oct. to 29 nov. 98. Moore, William P. Stamford Stamford 19 28 June 98 3 July 98 Morgan, Harry E. New London Montville 19 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled, 29 June 98. Neff, Frank P. Waterford Waterford" 24 1 nov. 93 3 July 98 O Brien, James O Connor, Michael New Britain Stamford New Britain Tipperary, Ireland 23 31 1 July 98 28 June 98 3 July 98 3 July 98 Appointed cook and corporal from private 1 oct.; reduced to private 1 nov. 98. O Neil, John E. New Haven New Haven 21 1 July 98 3 July 98 Pellet, Lewis E. Scotland Scotland 23 24 June 98 3 July 98 Polskey, Joseph Montville Poland, Russia 19 20 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 22 oct.; transferred to German hos Preston, William F. New Haven New Haven 21 ljuly 98 3 July 98 pital, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 oct. 98. Prince, Harry B. New London New London 24 1 apr. 93 3 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 9 feb. 99. Pry, Joshua J. Montville Norwich 21 28 June 98 3 July 98 Discharged 27 aug. 98, by order Secretary of War. Rafferty, Joseph F. Stamford Stamford 21 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in hospital 13 to 20 dec. 98. Reynolds, James B. Stamford Meriden 19 28 June 98 3 July 98 Rinaldi, James Stamford Naples, Italy 21 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 28-29 oct. 98. Transferred to Jefferson Medical hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 30 Oct. 98. Roberts, Samuel E. Stamford Brooklyn, N. Y. 19 28 June 98 3 July 98 Rooney, John Bridgeport Kerry, Ireland 20 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 29 June 98. Rudd, John S. Chesterfield * if 16 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Russell, John Grosvenordale Newmarket, N. H. 23 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled 1 July 98. Rutter, Edward V. Lancaster, Ohio Lancaster, Ohio 21 23 June 98 3 July 98 - Scoville, Daniel B. New London New London 21 28 feb. 98 3 July 98 Reduced from corporal to private 14 July; on special duty, 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 28 sept, to 7 oct.; appointed cook and corporal 1 dec. 98; reduced to private 1 feb. 99. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 121 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth A S e Jate Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Sherry, Thomas Waterford Waterford 22 20 apr. 96 3 July 98 Spooner, Isaac F. Springfield, Mass. Springfield, Mass. 35 1 July 98 3 July 98 Stebbins, Charles S. East Lyme Old Lyme 29 22 June 98 3 July 98 Stinchfield, Walter P. New London Portland, Me. 28 25 apr. 98 3 July 98 Sullivan, Peter Stafford Stamford 19 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sullivan, Phillip A. New Haven New Haven 34 1 July 98 3 July 98 Sydney, Arthur J. Greenwich Greenwich 26 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in hospital 20 nov. to 8 dec. 98. Terleski, John Webster, Mass. Oresterini, Poland 21 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Thewlis, Thomas J. Stamford Konnonia, Ireland 22 28 June 98 3 July 98 Sick in hospital 6 to 7 sept. 98. Tobin, John E. Stamford Syracuse, N. Y. 18 28 June 98 3 July 98 Voos, Charles East Bridgeport New York, N. Y. 26 30 June 98 3 July 98 Warner, Carl Springfield, Mass. Springfield, Mass. 24 20 June 98 3 July 98 Deserted 15 aug. 98, Niantic, Conn. White, Martin Stamford Stamford 19 28 June 98 3 July 98 Willey, Frank Norwich Coventry, R.I. 29 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in of company. Wilson, Arthur G. Stamford Stamford 21 28 June 98 3 July 98 COMPANY E RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 22 June to 10 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 11 sept, to 17 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C., 19 nov. 98 to 17 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 18 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captains Edward F. Flynn Willimantic Windham 27 16 dec. 97 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged 1 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. James Cochrane Willimantic Paisley, 35 16 dec. 97 2 July 98 Mustered in as 1st lieutenant, co. E, 3d Conn. Scotland vol. inf. Appointed captain, 15 oct. 98. First Lieutenant Harris Pendleton New London Guilford 26 17 Jan. 96 2 July 98 Mustered in as 1st sergeant, co. I, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; discharged to accept commission 28 July; appointed 2d lieutenant, co. M, rank from 23 July; appointed 1st lieutenant, co. E, 10 oct.; on detached service, com mand co. M, 15 oct. ; detached to command co. A, 21 to 25 nov.; on special duty, judge advocate, general courts martial 9 dec.; detailed battalion adjutant 11 dec. 98. Second Lieutenant Michael Cronin Willimantic Jewitt City 28 16 dec. 97 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged 7 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. 122 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS George Foster Sanford New Haven Ashland, N. Y. 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as corporal, battery A, 1st Conn, vol. art.; discharged to accept commission 8 oct.; appointed 2d lieutenant, co. E, 3d Conn. vol. inf., rank from 10 oct.; on detached service, Philadelphia, Pa. (Peace jubilee) with co. A, 26 to 28 oct.; on special duty as sanitary inspector of post 30 nov. ; on detached service as aide de camp, staff of commanding general 19 dec. 98 to 4 mar. 99. First Sergeant William Kelly Willimantic Windham 24 2 sept. 92 2 July 98 Quartermaster Sergeant Michael J. Murphy Sergeants Andrew Faulds Willimantic Willimantic Windham Rutherglen, Scotland 25 29 18 June 96 6 apr. 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 27 to 28 oct.; in German hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 29 oct. to 30 nov. 98. Timothy McNamara Willimantic Liberty Hill 22 1 July 97 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal 23 aug. ; sick in regimental hospital, 17 to 18 sept. 98. James J. Sullivan Willimantic Windham 22 4 mar. 97 2 July 98 On detached service at Niantic, Conn., 20 to 22 aug. 98. Corporals Louis H. Ashton Willimantic Windham 21 21 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private 23 aug. 98. Fred T. Bump Willimantic Lyme 26 27 may 97 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private 23 aug. 98. Edward F. Corrigan Willimantic Belfast, Ireland 24 14 dec. 93 2 July 98 Discharged at Camp Marion, S. C., 9 dec. 98, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Michael J. English Willimantic Hertford 22 31 July 96 2 July 95 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., Reading hospital, Reading, Pa., U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 6 nov. 98 to 3 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic orders Secretary of War. William Falvey Willimantic Windham 21 8 July 96 2 July 98 Frank P. Fenton Willimantic Mansfield 25 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as company clerk, 5 nov. to 8 dec. 98; as acting regimental orderly sergeant, 5 Jan. 99. John J. Kelly Willimantic London, England 22 18 mar. 95 2 July 98 Edward J. Lynch Willimantic Windham 21 3 June 97 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 Jan. 99. John T. McCarthy Willimantic Oneco 25 26 may 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 13 feb. 99. Jean B. Paulhus Willimantic St. Bonaventure, Canada 23 27 may 97 2 July 98 John Simmons Willimantic Windham 26 21 may 96 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 6 and 20 to 29 aug. 98. James D. Sullivan Willimantic Mansfield 19 24 July 97 2 July 98 On special duty as company clerk, 2 July to 4 nov.; appointed corporal from private, 23 aug.; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and at Reading hospital, Reading, Pa., 6 to 30 nov. 98. Michael D. Sullivan Willimantic Caherciveen, Ireland 24 25 Jan. 94 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 22 aug. 98; appointed corporal, 1 mar. 99. William H. Tully Pittsfield, Mass. * * 20 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; appointed corporal from pri vate, 23 aug. 98. James H. Walsh Willimantic Cheshire, Mass. 21 5 oct. 96 2 July 98 On detached service at Summerville, S. C., as witness, general court martial, 1-9 to 21 feb. 99. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 123 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Wagoner Michael J. Sullivan A rtificers William Johnstone Willimantic Willimantic Middletown Ayrshire, Scotland 26 40 4 Jan. 94 22 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed wagoner from musician, 22 aug., sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3 to 4 nov., and at St. Joseph s hospital, Baltimore, Md., 5 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Appointed artificer from private 12 nov. 98. Frederick H. Ward Waterbury * * 19 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; appointed artificer from private 22 aug. ; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and in Pottsville, Pa., hospital, 26 oct. to 6 nov. 98, date of death from typhoid fever. Musicians George Haggerty Willimantic Windham 18 6 may 97 2 July 98 On detached service at Philadelphia, Pa., as trumpeter, 26 oct. 98. Edward A. Murphy Willimantic St. Albans, Vt. 18 25 mar. 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 22 aug.; discharged 13 dec. 98, by way of favor. Privates Benway, Peter H. Uncasville * * 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; transferred to band, 21 July; transferred from band to co. E, 3d Conn, vol. inf., 15 sept. 98. Bland, Charles E. Willimantic Colchester 22 3 mar. 98 2 July 98 Bliven, John L. Eagleville Windham Centre 29 24 June 98 2 July 98 Brown, John, Jr. Mansfield Portland 25 20 June 98 2 July 98 Caillouette, Eli Willimantic River de Loup, Canada 22 20 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 10 oct. 98. Cairns, John Willimantic Lisuaska, Ireland 28 26apr. 98 2 July 98 Casey, James Willimantic Norwich 22 26 oct. 96 2 July 98 Casey, William S. Willimantic Pontiac, R. I. 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 Clancy, Michael Willimantic Boston, Mass. 28 31 may 98 2 July 98 Sick in Red Cross hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 11 sept, to 25 oct. 98. Curran, Patrick Willimantic Kerry, Ireland 27 2 June 98 2 July 98 Daley, James J. Willimantic Coventry 24 23 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as provost guard, 21 dec. 98. Darby, Fred Willimantic Wauregan 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged at Camp Meade, Pa., 18 sept. 98, by order Secretary of War. Davis, Fred Willimantic Windham 20 18 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 17 to 27 oct., date of death from typhoid fever. Demarais, Joseph Willimantic Shirley, Mass. 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Donahue, Patrick Willimantic Nanticoke, Pa. 34 24 June 98 2j\iiy 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and Lancaster hospital, Lancaster, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 7 nov. to 23 dec. 98. Donohue, Joseph F. Willimantic Willimantic 20 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Edgarton, John B. Willimantic Windham 25 23 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as clerk with inspector general, 1st division, Camp Meade, Pa., and Augusta, Ga., 8 oct. 98 to 23 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. English, James Willimantic Sneen, Ireland 28 29 June 94 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 22 aug. 98. *Not given in muster roll. 124 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Fenton, Anson C. Willimantic Mansfield 26 21 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as provost guard, 5 dec. 98. Fenton, James Fraser, Paul S. Willimantic Willimantic Kerry, Ireland Putnam 26 23 28 may 98 21 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., Jewish hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, 10 oct. 98 to 26 Jan. 99. Gillett, Samuel Willimantic Springfield, Mass. 22 22 June 98 2 July 98 Gingras, John B. Willimantic Windham 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa.; Jewish hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 27 oct. to 13 dec. 98. Goff, Willis H. Willimantic Windham 22 23 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as clerk at regimental head quarters, 12 dec. 98 to 15 Jan. 99. Guilford, Joseph E. Willimantic Windham 26 21 may 96 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., Reading hospital, Reading, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 6 nov. to 24 dec. 98. Hagan, James F. Willimantic Gilead 24 15 mar. 94 2 July 98 Hoey, John Willimantic Dublin, Ireland 22 6 July 96 2 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, 4 dec. 98. Hoffman, Alvin C. Willimantic Kingston, N. Y. 38 23 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, Summerville, S. C., 27 Jan. to 15 feb. 99. Hussey, Daniel Willimantic Haverhill, Mass. 20 20 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and General hospital, Lancaster, Pa., 8 oct. to 2 dec. 98. Hyde, Albert B. Willimantic Franklin 18 24 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and Reading hospital, Reading, Pa., 6 oct. to 1 nov. 98. Joyce, Thomas Willimantic Chaplin 25 15 July 95 2 July 98 Kelley, Timothy Willimantic Fermoyle, Ireland 24 5 apr. 94 2 July 98 Reduced to private from sergeant, 22 aug. 98. King, William Willimantic New London 23 26 may 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 19 oct. to 2 nov. 98. On special duty as baker, 22 feb. 99. Lacey, George P. So. Coventry So. Coventry 18 24 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 29 sept, to 3 oct. 98. Lacroix, John Willimantic Montreal, Canada 25 8feb. 94 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and Red Cross hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3 to 10 oct. 98, date of death from typhoid fever. Laflamme, Joseph Willimantic St. Isen, Canada 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Larrabee, Christopher A. Windham Ledyard 43 31 may 98 2 July 98 Lavezzi, David Willimantic New York, N. Y. 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in brigade hospital, Summerville, S. C., 7 to 19 dec. 98. Loomis, Herbert L. Willimantic Lebanon 22 3 mar. 98 2 July 98 Discharged, 13 feb. 99, per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. Lynch, James F. Willimantic Windham 23 21 June 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 16 aug.; sick in regimental hospital, 5 to 6 nov. and 2d brigade hospital, 8 dec. 98 to 9 Jan. 99. Marra, Thomas E. Willimantic Sprague 26 27 apr. 98 2 July 98 Maxwell, William J. Willimantic Windham 37 21 June 98 2 July 98 Transferred to band, 20 July; transferred from band to co. E, 3d Conn. voi. inf., 15 sept. 98; discharged at Camp Onward, Ga., 20 feb. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Maynard, Joseph Willimantic Wauregan 18 24 June 98 2 July 98 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 125 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS McCabe, Patrick Derby Derby 18 30 June 98 2 July 98 McCarthy, Jeremiah A. Willimantic Willimantic 2i 28 feb. 98 16 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 17 oct. to 28 nov. 98. McGee, Patrick Ansonia Milford 25 30 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, 4 dec. 98. Meigs, Clifton O. Niantic Niantic 19 27 June 98 2 July 98 Moran, James Niantic * * 12 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; on detached service as baker at corps bakery, 24 sept. 98. Moreau, Frederick H. Willimantic Windham 22 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Moriarty, Thomas F. Willimantic Kerry, Ireland 18 20 June 98 2 July 98 Morse, Ernest Shelton Gt. Barrington, Mass. 19 30 June 98 2 July 98 Mullen, Samuel Willimantic St. Antoyne, Canada 33 20 June 98 2 July 98 Norton, William, J. Willimantic E. Hampton 20 18 June 98 2 July 98 O Brien, John F. So. Coventry Donnoleague, Ireland 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 O Keefe, Edward J. W T illimantic Greenwich 24 23 June 98 2 July 98 Owens, Thomas Willimantic Windham 23 12 oct. 96 2 July 98 Pates, James W. R. Willimantic Basic City, Va. 20 30 may 98 2 July 98 Deserted, 6 nov. 98 at Camp Meade, Pa. Perry, Isaac P. Willimantic Thompson 32 20 June 98 2 July 98 Quinn, Timothy Willimantic Boston, Mass. 41 28 may 98 2 July 98 Reede, Patrick Derby Derby 18 30 June 98 2 July 98 Regan, Bernard Willimantic Brooklyn 23 24 June 98 2 July 98 Shea, James J. Willimantic Jewitt City 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as hostler, 22 oct. 98. Smith, Alexander Willimantic Glasgow, Scotland 28 28 may 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and hospital at Lancaster, Pa., 11 to 27 nov. 98. Smith, Willard Willimantic Troy, N. Y. 25 23 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted at Camp Marion, S. C., 22 dec. 98. Sullivan, James Willimantic New York, N. Y. 33 27 may 98 2 July 98 Sullivan, Jeremiah P. Willimantic Middleboro, England 23 1 may 96 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa.; St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 17 oct. 98 to 1 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Sullivan, Jerry J. Willimantic Windham 26 2 June 98 2 July 98 Sullivan, John F. Willimantic Baltic 26 20 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 10 to 18 oct. 98. Sullivan, Lawrence D. Willimantic Weedsport, N. Y. 30 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sullivan, Maurice J. Willimantic Windham 24 16 Jan. 94 2j>uly 98 Reduced to private from sergeant, 22 aug. 98. Sullivan, Michael J. Willimantic Bolton 22 1 feb. 97 2 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 126 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Sweet, Arthur W. Willimantic Windham 20 23 apr. 98 2 July 98 On detached service at 2d brigade head quarters, Summerville, S. C., 25 dec. 98 to 6 mar. 99. Sweet, Frederick A. Willimantic Windham 19 20 June 98 2 July 98 Tarrent, Joseph Willimantic Occum 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Teevan, Frank Willimantic Willimantic 24 24 June 98 2 July 98 Whitehouse, Frank Willimantic Mansfield 21 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Wilcox, Edward L. Willimantic Badam Falls 25 23 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as clerk at regimental head quarters, 1 dec. 98 to 6 Jan. 99. Wilcox, Wells S. So. Coventry So. Coventry 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as company clerk, since 11 dec. 98. Windmiller, Everett Willimantic Windham 22 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On detached service at 2d brigade head quarters, 16 oct. 98 to 6 mar. 99. Wood, Fred Willimantic Fall River, Mass. 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 COMPANY F RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 22 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 15 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 16 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 17 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captain William H. Hamilton Danielson Winsted 42 15 nov. 95 1 July 98 First Lieutenant Kent A. Darbie Danielson Thompson 39 30 June 98 1 July 98 On detached service at Danielson, Conn., 22 aug. ; at Summerville, S. C., as quarter master, 17 oct. to 19 nov. 98. Second Lieutenant Howard J. Bloomer Norwalk Burlington, 25 19 apr. 98 2 July 98 Mustered in as corporal, co. L, 3d Conn. Iowa vol. inf.; on special duty as company clerk, 3 July to 13 nov., date of discharge to accept commission; appointed 2d lieuten ant, co. F, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 14 nov. 98. First Sergeant Frederick N. Flagg Danielson Pomfret 24 11 sept. 93 1 July 98 Quartermaster Sergeants Eddy N. G. Baker Danielson Woodstock 29 21 may 95 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 18 to 23 sept. 98; honorably dis charged at Summerville, S. C., 21 feb. 99, per telegraphic instructions, Secretary of War. William A. Hoyle Danielson Putnam 26 2 feb. 94 1 July 98 Appointed quartermaster sergeant from ser geant, 15 feb. 99. Sergeants Carl Anderson Danielson Bocholt, 21 16 apr. 95 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Germany Pa., 6 to 9 oct.; transferred to St. Agnes hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 9 oct. 98. Philip Lockwood Danielson Killingly 21 12 feb. 94 1 July 98 Andrew C. Racine Dayville Westfield, 25 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled, 22 June 98; appointed Vt. sergeant from corporal, 15 feb. 99. Louis F. Roberts Wauregan Green, 21 13 nov. 93 1 July 98 R. I. / THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 127 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS William H. Warren Danielson Killingly 23 29 June 95 1 July 98 Appointed sergeant major, 3d Conn. vol. inf. per verbal order, 22 June 98; mustered out as sergeant, co. F, 3d Conn. vol. inf. Frank E. Young Danielson Brooklyn 26 28 oct. 95 1 July 98 Corporals Fred Bowen Sterling Sterling 28 20 June 98 1 July 98 Alfred C. Cutler Brooklyn Sprague 23 15 Jan. 97 1 July 98 On special duty as acting commissary ser geant, 18 nov. 98. John E. Dillon Lafayette, R.I. Hammond, Wis. 28 20 June 98 1 July 98 Appointed corporal, 15 feb. 99. George H. Farron Danielson Killingly 21 23 apr. 98 1 July 98 Herbert H. Flagg Danielson Abington 21 1 sept. 92 1 July 98 On special duty as mail carrier, 18 aug. 98. Samuel N. Frink Moosup Norwich 35 28 apr. 98 1 July 98 Frank I. Gibson N. Sterling Foster, R. I. 19 23 feb. 97 1 July 98 Appointed corporal, 15 feb. 99. James E. Harrington Danielson Brooklyn 23 21 apr. 96 1 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, Summerville, S. C., 5 to 25 dec. 98. John Lofgren Wauregan Guttenburg, Sweden 30 26 apr. 98 1 July 98 Appointed corporal, 15 feb. 99. James H. Malbone Brooklyn Hampton 41 6 June 98 1 July 98 On special duty as head cook, 3 July; ap- appointed corporal, 20 sept. 98. Fred Nash Danielson Watch Hill, R. I. 23 4 jan. 94 1 July 98 Musicians Thomas Gaffney Danielson Brooklyn 19 9 June 96 1 July 98 Appointed musician, 29 July 98. Hosea Greene Wagoners Cassius A. Hamilton Danielson Danielson E. Killingly Killingly 20 23 19 feb. 97 8 July 95 1 July 98 1 July 98 Appointed musician, 29 July; sick in 1st division hospital, 19 to 20 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 20 oct. to 9 dec.; transferred to U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 9 dec. 98. Appointed wagoner from private, 1 feb. 99. Edwin Saunders A rtificer Delor Gauthier East Killingly Wauregan Gloucester, R. I. Killingly 30 20 28 apr. 98 21 June 98 1 July 98 1 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 23 to 30 July; honorably discharged at Camp Marion, S. C., 27 jan. 99, per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. Appointed artificer from private, 21 nov. 98. Privates Asselin, Oscar L. Sterling Sterling 23 20 June 98 1 July 98 Bailey, Gilbert A. Danielson Little Compton, R.I. 46 28 July 96 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 5 to 7 oct.; Penn. hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 7 to 13 oct., date of death from typhoid fever. Bates, Arthur E. Monson, Mass. * * 21 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in 2d division hospital 1 to 10 oct.; 1st division hospital, 21 to 22 oct.; German hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 22 oct. to 25 nov. 98. Benoit, Napoleon Danielson Canada 21 20 June 98 1 July 98 Boivin, Adolph Wauregan Plainfield 24 20 June 98 1 July 98 Brooks, Clarence C. Dedham, Mass. Killingly 19 30 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 17 oct.; trans ferred to Episcopal hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 17 oct. to 21 nov. 98. Browne, Charles V. So. Killingly So. Killingly 19 23 June 96 1 July 98 Burke, George Wauregan Killingly 25 1 feb. 96 ljuly 98 *Not given in muster roll. 128 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Chartrand, Dona Shelton Vtontreal, Canada 19 30 June 98 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Marion, Summerville, S. C., 22 dec. 98. Clark, John M. Ansonia VIeriden 18 30 June 98 ljuly 98 Colleran, John P. "all River, Mass. Oldham, England 23 25 June 98 1 July 98 Condon, James, Jr. Vew Haven * * 18 ju!y 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of company. Coogan, Patrick fewitt City Glasgow, Scotland 45 25 June 98 1 July 98 Dishonorably discharged at Camp Onward, Ga., 17 feb. 99. Copeland, Harry B. Brooklyn Brooklyn 19 25 July 96 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 27 sept, to 7 oct.; transferred to St. Joseph s hospital, Phila delphia, Pa., 7 oct. 98. Copeland, James C. Brooklyn Brooklyn 21 23apr. 98 1 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 19 to 23 nov. 98. Curran, John J. Dayville Crofotsville, Indiana 22 25 June 98 1 July 98 Daignault, Fred I. Wauregan Plainfield 21 23apr. 98 1 July 98 Duke, Frank W. F. Danielson Lancheshire, England 21 2 aug. 97 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 28 oct. to 7 nov., in regimental hospital, 15 to 21 dec. 98. Dwyer, Martin J. Wauregan Fall River, Mass. 30 20 June 98 1 July 98 Dishonorably discharged at Camp Marion, S. C., 16 Jan. 99. Earnshaw, Albert B. Dayville East Greenwich, R. I. 30 20 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 19 to 22 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 22 oct. to 4 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 16 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per tele graphic instructions. Fagnant, Hector G., or Fanning, Hector G. Hope, R. I. Montreal, Canada 21 25 June 98 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 13 oct. 98. Ferneaf, Fred Danielson New York, N. Y. 19 21 June 98 1 July 98 On detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 5 to 25 dec. 98. Fogal, Charles Southbridge, Mass. Southbridge, Mass. 29 20 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in reqimental hospital, 4 July, 17 to 20 aug. 98; dishonorably discharged at Camp Marion, S. C., 11 Jan. 99. Fournier, Domas Danielson Sandona, Canada 21 25 June 98 1 July 98 Gagnon, Frank Auburn, Me. Lewiston, Me. 22 30 June 98 1 July 98 Gay, Everett E. Attawaugan Killingly 18 20 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 17 to 20 oct.; 1st division hospital, 20 oct.; transferred to St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 20 oct. 98; honorably discharged, U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 24 Jan. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Germain, Phillip Dayville Troy, N. Y. 34 26apr. 98 ljuly 98 Gilman, John H. Attawaugan Killingly 24 11 may 97 1 July 98 Golden, William St. Francis, Me. St. Francis, Me. 28 21 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 5 to 6 nov.; University of Pennsylvania hospital, Phila delphia, Pa., 6 to 24 nov.; on detached service as provost guard at Summerville, S. C., 5 to 25 dec. 98. Gregoire, Medos Wauregan Plainfield 21 14 June 98 1 July 98 Head, Michael J., Jr. Danielson Providence, R.I. 23 23apr. 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 9 to 11 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Lancaster, Pa., 11 oct. to 3 nov.; on special duty as assist ant mail carrier, 30 dec. 98 to 13 feb. 99. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 129 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Hines, Charles D. No. Sterling No. Sterling 22 21 June 98 1 July 98 Howard, Charles B. Monson, Mass 19 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; on special duty as clerk for regimental adjutant, 7 Jan. 99. Hughes, Daniel P Attawaugan Erin, Wis. 24 20 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital 1 to 3 Oct.; transferred to General hospital, Pottstown, Pa., 3 oct. 98. Hurley, Stephen Williamsville Fall River, Mass. 38 3 June 98 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Marion, S. C., 30 dec. 98. Irons, Lewis Moosup Blackstone, Mass. 21 21 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 10 to 20 Jan. 99. Johnson, Francis H. Plainfield Plainfield 21 28 June 98 1 July 98 Jolly, James K. Norwich Turton, England 36 20 June 98 1 July 98 Jordan, George W. Warwick, R.I. Washington, R. I. 25 25 June 98 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Marion, S. C., 23 dec. 98. Kennedy, Charles A. Danielson Killingly 22 27 may 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 9 to 17 oct. 98. Kingsbury, John L. Ballouville Killingly 21 22 mar. 98 1 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, aug. 98. Lapelle, Joseph A. Danielson Killingly 21 1 aug. 95 1 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, Jan. 99. Laramie, Bartimus J. Attawaugan Bellmont, N. Y. 21 20 June 98 1 July 98 Larence, George A. Putnam Putnam 21 25 June 98 1 July 98 Lavell, James Fall River, Mass. Fall River, Mass. 30 21 June 98 1 July 98 Lyman, Ernest E. Danielson Willimantic 23 19 mar. 95 1 July 98 On special duty as company clerk, 1 July 98. Marley, James Webster, Mass. Archable, Pa. 34 22 June 98 1 July 98 Mathews, Elmer J. Westford Union 26 25 apr. 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 8 to 11 oct. 98; transferred to St. Joseph s hospital, Lan caster, Pa., 11 oct. 98. Maynard, George Wauregan Plainfield 19 21 June 98 1 July 98 On detached service at 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 1 oct. to 1 nov. 98; on detached service at regimental hospital as orderly from 22 Jan. 99. McDermott, Thomas J. Danielson Brooklyn 26 23 apr. 98 1 July 98 McDonald, George Wauregan Port William, Nova Scotia 25 27 July 97 1 July 98 McGivney, Patrick Ansonia Green County, Ireland 21 30 June 98 1 July 98 McKay, Robert B. Seymour Seymour 19 30 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade. Pa., 4 to 6 nov.; University of Penn sylvania hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 nov. to 4 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 25 Jan. 99. McRau, William Wauregan Plainfield 26 20 June 98 1 July 98 Dishonorably discharged at Camp Onward, Ga., 19 feb. 99. McShane, Michael East Killingly Lippitt, R. I. 29 30 apr. 98 1 July 98 Monahan, Patrick Moosup Doon, Ireland 25 20 June 98 ljuly 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 7 to 9 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 9 nov. to 4 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 28 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. *Not given in muster roll. 130 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birlfi Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Moran, George Ansonia Ansonia 20 30 June 98 ljuly 98 Morse, Albert H. Wauregan Plainfield 38 21 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and Augusta, Ga., 5 oct. to 21 nov. 98. Mottram, John T. New Bedford, Fall River, 34 25 June 98 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Haven, Conn., 6 aug. 98. Mass. Mass. Oban, Felix, or Wauregan W. Shefford, 24 27 July 97 1 July 98 Oblin, Felix Canada Perkins, George H. So. Killingly Foster, 23 4 feb. 97 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Haven, Conn., 21 aug. 98. R. I. Popple, George A. Danielson Moosup 22 12 nov. 95 1 July 98 Potter, Ezekiel L. Killingly Gloucester, 37 25 June 98 1 July 98 R. I. Quinn, Michael A. Danielson * * 16 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in 1st division hospital, .- Camp Meade, Pa., 20 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 20 oct. to 9 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 9 dec. 98 to 27 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions, Secretary of War. Rapp, Charles C. Danielson Brooklyn 21 2 Jan. 96 1 July 98 Roberts, Napoleon F. Wauregan Moosup 25 27 July 97 1 July 98 On special duty with regimental quarter master, 9 oct. 98. Rooney, Michael F. Danielson New York, 21 23 apr. 98 1 July 98 Deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 13 oct. 98. N. Y. Rosebrush, Harvey J. Meriden * * 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick with typhoid fever at home in Meriden, Conn., 19 oct. 98 to 1 Jan. 99. Schlitter, Ernest W. Ansonia Germany 18 30 June 98 1 July 98 Sholes, Herbert E. Ballouville N.Grosvenordale 24 20 June 98 1 July 98 Sullivan, Frank Williamsville Phoenix, 26 25 June 98 1 July 98 R. I. Tracy, Gurdon F. Wauregan Plainfield 36 30 may 98 1 July 98 On detached service 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 23 oct. to 12 nov. 98. Walker, Frederick E. Willimantic Willimantic 35 20 June 98 1 July 98 On detached service as cook for regimental band, 9 to 16 dec.; on special duty as assistant cook, 16 dec. 98 to 16 Jan. 99. Warren, Frank J. Danielson Killingly 20 20 sept. 95 1 July 98 On special duty with regimental commissary, 26 aug. 98 to 20 mar. 99. Watt, Robert Cohoes, Cohoes, 42 18 June 98 1 July 98 On special duty, as orderly for mustering N. Y. N. Y. officers, 4 mar. 99. Webster, Lester A. Danielson Chaplin 21 29 may 96 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 26 oct.; transferred to a Philadelphia hospital and to U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 27 dec. 98 to 3 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Wood, John Moosup Champlain, 34 27 mar. 89 1 July 98 N. Y. Young, Fred Williamsville West Farnum, 21 21 June 98 1 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade Canada Pa., 1 oct.; deserted at Camp Marion, S. C., 29 nov. 98. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 131 COMPANY G RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 30 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 17 nov. ; Camp Marion, S. C., 19 nov. 98 to 17 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 18 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captain Arthur D. Mclntyre Putnam Springfield, Mass. 36 24 oct. 96 2 July 98 Appointed regimental exchange officer, 27 sept. 98. First Lieu enant Charles E. Richardson Putnam Pennacook, N. H. 31 24 oct. 96 2 July 98 Second Lieutenant James J. Murphy First Sergeant George L. Wilbur Pawcatuck Putnam Stonington Wakefield, R. I. 23 21 1 may 93 27aug. 92 3 July 98 2 July 98 Mustered in as sergeant, co. B, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; discharged to accept commission, 22 Jan. 99; appointed 2nd lieutenant, co. H, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 19 Jan.; attached to co. G, from co. H, 22 Jan. 99. Quartermas er Sergeant Frank L. Main Putnam Brooklyn 21 18 apr. 95 2 July 98 Appointed quartermaster sergeant from ser geant, 17 oct. 98 Sergeants Stephen Brady Putnam Thompson 22 18 July 95 2 July 98 Joseph J. Breault Putnam St. John s, N. B. 23 31 may 94 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 1 aug. 98. Clarence W. Chase Putnam Killingly 20 13 July 96 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 14 nov.; Penn. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 15 nov. 98; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 18 to 25 Jan. 99. Adin A. Harrington Corporals Frank J. Cruise Putnam Pascoag, R. I. Putnam Killingly 20 23 13 feb. 96 22 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 17 oct. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 4 to 12 Jan. 99. Appointed corporal from private, 1 sept.; on detached service as provost guard, 1 dec. 98. Phineas Cutter Nashua, N. H. Nashua, N. H. 21 27 may 98 2 July 98 On detached service as provost guard, 1 dec.; appointed corporal from private, 9 dec. 98. Thomas W. Duffey Putnam Providence, R. I. 27 31 may 92 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 2 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, 2 nov. to 4 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 24 Jan. 99. Grant S. Hopkins Putnam Des Moines, Iowa 30 17 may 89 2 July 98 Appointed head cook, 1 sept, to 1 dec. 98. George M. Kent East Killingly * * 25 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; appointed corporal from private, 4 nov. 98. Felix King Putnam Putnam 23 27 apr. 93 2 July 98 Detailed to quartermaster s department, 6 oct. 98. George Lamondy Putnam Killingly 20 26 mar. 97 2 July 98 George G. Milliken Putnam Mount Hope 24 21 Jan. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 14 nov.; Penn. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 15 nov. 98 to 4 mar. 99. Bartholomew Reynolds Pomfret Pomfret 38 23 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corpora) from private, 1 dec. 98. Charles St. Onge Putnam Brandon, Vt. 25 29 June 94 2 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 132 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date M ustered in U. S. Service REMARKS John J. Toolan Putnam London, 21 18 July 95 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 nov. 98. England Leroy E. Tourtellotte Putnam Putnam 21 23 June 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 30 Oct.; Ger- mantown hospital, 2 nov. to 14 dec. 98. Lindley M. Travis Putnam East Douglas, 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 sept.; Mass. sick in 1st division hospital, 4 nov.; Woman s College hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 nov.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98. (Served in 46th 4 U. S. Volunteers, 15 sept. 99 to 20 apr. 1901). Musicians George E. Broadhurst Putnam Willimantic 18 22 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician, 15 sept.; sick in 1st division hospital, 30 oct.; Germantown hospital, 2 nov. 98, until muster out. John B. Mayo Putnam Putnam 29 29 may 90 2 July 98 A rtificer Paul Aug. Larson N. Grosvenordale West Gutland, 24 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sweden Wagoner Willis E. Moore Woodstock Woodstock 22 22 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed wagoner from private, 1 jan . 99. Privates Bailey, Elmer E. Monroe * * 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Barnes, C. Harry Pottsdam, Pottsdam, 27 22 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, regimental hospital, N. Y. N. Y. 20 iuly to 15 dec. 98. Beaudry, Henry N. Grosvenordale St. Caulis, 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Canada Beaudry, Joseph N. Grosvenordale Montreal, 24 26 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital from 9 feb. 99. Canada Bellrose, Ulric Putnam Grosvenordale 24 22 June 98 2 July 98 Benoit, Juter Putnam Marlboro, 26 15 mar. 94 2 July 98 Sick at Putnam, Conn., 14 aug. to 26 oct. 98; Mass. discharged, surgeon s certificate of dis ability, 19 jan. 99. Benway, Peter Putnam Woonsocket, 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 R. I. Bibeau, David Arctic Center, St. Cescare, 19 4 feb. 98 2 July 98 R. I. Canada Blake, William H. Putnam Putnam 28 28 Jan. 98 2 July 98 Blanchette, Herman Putnam Roxton Falls, 24 29 apr. 98 2 July 98 Detailed at regimental exchange, 30 nov. 98 N. Y. to 11 mar. 99. Brady, Ambrose J. Putnam Thompson 26 26 June 98 2 July 98 Detailed at quartermaster s department, 20 feb. 99. Brett, James Putnam Sligo County, 31 20 June 98 2 July 98 Ireland Brouillette, Pierre C. Woonsocket, * * 14 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of R. I. company. Burrows, Horace W. Hampton * * 16 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in 1st division hospital and St. Joseph s hospital, Lancaster, Pa., discharged, 9 jan. 99, by order Secretary of War. Cantwell, James Norwich Ledyard 26 22 June 98 2 July 98 Cardinal, Louis Killingly Killingly 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Champeau, Albert Putnam St. Hyacinthe, 36 30 June 98 2 July 98 Detailed as cook at regimental hospital, Canada 1 dec. 98 to 29 jan. 99. Conners, William Webster, Worcester, 19 22 June 98 2 July 98 Mass. Mass. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 133 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Converse, Henry L. Putnam Thompson 21 26 jqne 98 2 July 98 Detailed to regimental hospital, 11 aug. 98 to 12 feb. 99, sick in brigade hospital, 4 dec. 98 to 12 feb.; returned to duty at regimental hospital; sick in U. S. General hospital, Savannah, Ga., 13 mar. 99. Corbin, Charles S. Webster, Mass. Grosvenordale 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted 1 dec., apprehended by civil author ity at Webster, Mass., 28 dec. 98. Dis charged without honor, 4 mar. 99, by order Secretary of War. Cunningham, Patrick Ashwillett, N. H. Ashwillett, N. H. 42 22 June 98 2 July 98 Cutler, Augustus Putnam Putnam 18 25 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service as provost guard. 10 dec. 98. Debosher, Joseph Putnam Windsor Mills, Canada 24 13 July 96 2 July 98 Devlin, William J. Gilbertville, Mass. Hardwick, Mass. 31 20 June 98 2 July 98 Dion, Israel P. Webster, Mass. Webster, Mass. 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Downs, William S. Stepney Depot * * 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Droney, Patrick Providence, R.I. County Clare, Ireland 29 20 June 98 2 July 98 Duffey, James H. Putnam Providence, R. I. 24 20 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., and U S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., from 8 nov. 98. Dumonchelle, Louis J. Webster, Mass. N. Grosvenordale 22 26 June 98 2 July 98 Fall, Willie Putnam Black River, N. Y. 24 22 July 97 2 July 98 Flye, Fred S Putnam Putnam 21 22 July 97 2 July 98 Gagne, Albert Putnam Putnam 22 23 July 96 2 July 98 Garner, Joseph Putnam Woonsocket, R. I. 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 16 to 20 July: 31 July to 4 aug. ; 8 to 12 sept. 98. Gaudette, Arthur Putnam Prov. of Quebec, Canada 28 22 June 98 2 July 98 Girade, Arthur Grosvenordale Grosvenordale 22 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 12 to 15 Oct.; Jewish hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 15 oct. to 2 nov. 98. Girade, Napoleon N. Grosvenordale Grosvenordale 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 23 to 29 aug. 98, date of death from tetanus. Grinnell, George W. Putnam Pomfret 18 15 July 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 20 to 22 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 22 oct. to 4 dec.; U. S. General hospital Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 10 Jan. 99. Hahn, George C. Putnam Susquehanna, Pa. 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 3 to 4 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, Lancaster, Pa., 4 to 9 nov. 98, date of death. Hall, William A. Putnam Ashford 20 21 Jan. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, nov. 98. Kies, Fred E. Putnam Putnam 32 27 may 98 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal; on detached service, 11 oct. 98. Kozak, Anthony Putnam Treiki, Russia 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Lamondy, Thomas Putnam Putnam 18 12 feb. 98 2 July 98 3n detached service, 1 oct. 98; detailed assistant postman, 14 feb. 99. *Not given in muster roll. 134 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Le Glair, Alfred Killingly Peterboro, N. H. 21 14apr. 98 2 July 98 Loiselle, Alphonse Putnam Worcester, Mass. 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Lovely, George Putnam Putnam 31 22 June 98 2 July 98 Lowe, Charles W. So. Woodstock Woodstock 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 28 oct. ; Jefferson Medical College hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 2 nov. to 21 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 21 dec. 98 to 24 Jan. 99, date of discharge, per instruc tions Secretary of War. Madison, Charles W. So. Woodstock Bozrahville 32 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Main, Walter Ash ford Killingly 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty, 29 nov. 98 to 11 mar. 99. Maloney, Eugene R. Putnam Uxbridge, Mass. 42 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On detached service, 11 dec. 98 to 8 mar. 99. Marion, Joseph Putnam Quebec, Canada 28 30 may 98 2 July 98 McCoy, William H. Putnam Blackstone, Mass. 21 20 feb. 96 2 July 98 McGann, James E. Putnam Blackstone, Mass. 28 13 feb. 96 2 July 98 Menard, Willie Putnam Putnam 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, 20 dec. 98 to 16 feb. 99; on special duty, 22 feb. 99. Messier, Louis Putnam Glass Point, N. Y. 20 2 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in Hahnernan hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.; discharged at Ft. Myer, Va., 10 mar. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Micotte, Charles Putnam Putnam 20 21 June 98 2 July 98 Murphy, Bernard P. Putnam Putnam 26 29 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 nov.; reduced to ranks, own request, 9 dec. 98; Sick in regimental hospital, 6 feb. to 10 mar. 99. Murray, William J. Putnam Putnam 27 25 June 98 2 July 98 O Neil, James Putnam London, England 36 22 June 98 2 July 98 Ouillette, Augustus Moosup Quebec, Canada 26 22 June 98 2 July 98 Petsching, Carles W. Lymansville, R. I. Prussia, Germany 42 21 June 98 2 July 98 Quinn, Walter R. Putnam Putnam 21 7 feb. 95 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, nov. 98. Richards, Albert Grosvenordale N. Grosvenordale 23 26 June 98 2 July 98 Roberts, Charles Putnam Stillwater, R. I. 22 21 feb. 95 2 July 98 On detached service, 21 oct. 98 to 16 feb. 99; on special duty, 22 feb. 99. Ryan, Edward J. Putnam Killingly 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Rylander, John E. Pomfret Denver, Colorado 19 23 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 5 to 6 oct.; transferred to Pottstown hospital, Potts- town, Pa. Died, 7 oct. 98. Scott, Caleb M. Hampton Scotland 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, 23 oct. to 12 dec. 98. Sherman, Henry A. Putnam Stafford Springs 34 22 June 98 2 July 98 Smith, Charles E. South Milford, Mass. Scituate, R. I. 35 21 June 98 2 July 98 Staples, Lewis Woodstock Woodstock 24 29 apr. 98 2 July 98 St. Martin, Joseph Putnam Georgiaville, R. I. 24 26 nov. 94 2 July 98 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 135 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS St. Martin, Stephen Putnam Thompson 21 30 July 96 2 July 98 St. Onge, Peter Putnam Brandon, Vt. 20 2 dec. 97 2 July 98 Sutton, Robert Uxbridge, Mass. Uxbridge, Mass. 35 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sweeney, Marshall Putnam Little Falls, N. Y. 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Swett, Herbert N. Pomfret Charlestown, Mass. 20 27 June 98 2 July 98 Terry, Robert C. Putnam Fall River, Mass. 18 10 feb. 98 2 July 98 Tremblay, Henry Putnam Montreal, Canada 18 12 may 98 2 July 98 Watson, Stanley S. Pomfret Halifax, N. S. 20 23 June 98 2 July 98 Reduced to private from wagoner, 1 Jan. 99. Young, George D. So. Woodstock Pomfret 22 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 3 nov. 98; transferred to Red Cross hospital, Phila delphia, Pa. COMPANY H RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 27 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 15 nov.; on provost guard, 9 to 31 Oct.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. to 21 jan. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 22 Jan.; on provost guard, Savannah, Ga., 25 Jan. to 4 feb. ; mustered out at Camp Onward, Ga., 20 mar. 99. Captain Francis G. Beach New Haven New Haven 37 7 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as captain, battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art.; mustered out at Governor s Island to accept commission as captain, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 10 oct.; appointed captain, co. H, 3d Conn. vol. inf. rank from 26 sept.; mustered in at Governor s Island, N. Y.; assumed command, 10 oct. 98. First Lieutenants Herbert D. Utley New London Chaplin 33 27 June 98 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged, 27 sept. 98, by order of Secretary of War. * Clarence E. Young Danielson Killingly 27 15 nov. 95 2 July 98 Mustered in as 2d lieutenant, co. F, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; on special duty as regi mental commissary, 8 July; appointed 1st lieutenant, co. H, 16 oct. 98. Second Lieutenants Walter T. Fish Mystic, Glasgow, 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged, 5 Jan. 99, by order Scotland of Secretary of War. Albert H. Vitenheimer Derby New Canaan 25 3 July 98 Joined and enrolled as private, co. B, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 2 July; detailed as mounted orderly, 4 oct. ; appointed regimental ser geant major, non-commissioned staff, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 14 nov. 98; appointed 2d lieutenant, co. G, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 9 dec. 98; transferred to co. H, 3d Conn. vol. inf. 25 jan. 99. 136 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS First Sergean s Wi.lis N. Hawley Hawleyville Hawleyville 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from private, appointed 1st sergeant, 2 July; sick in Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 to 19 nov. 98, date of death. Oscar W. Palmer Norwich Norwich 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; appointed sergeant, 2 July 98; appointed 1st sergeant, 14 feb. 99. Quartermaster Sergeant Charles S. Francis Newington Newington 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from private, 2 July; appointed quartermaster sergeant, 2 July; sick in regimental hospital, 15 to 20 July, 98. Sergeants Charles S. Chapman Westbrook Westbrook 18 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from private, 2 July 98. George M. Greene Canterbury Canterbury 19 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; appointed sergeant, 2 July 98. Herbert Kirkpatrick Cromwell Cromwell 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from private, 2 July; sick in hospital, University of Pennsyl vania, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 nov. 98 to 28 Jan. 99; honorably discharged at U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 29 Jan. 99, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Corporals Gould R. Anthony Scotland * * 16 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; appointed corporal from private, 26 aug. ; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3 oct. to 1 nov.; sick in Germantown hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 2 nov. 98 to 6 feb. 99. George Brotherton New Haven Norwalk 26 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 13 sept. 98. Francis L. Driscoll Waterbury Waterbury 21 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; discharged at Camp Meade, Pa., 12 oct. 98. John J. Gilmartin New Haven Harlem, 24 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July 98. N. Y. Harry H. Glass New Haven Ashland, 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 26 aug.; Ohio sick in regimental hospital, 9 to 13 Jan. 99. Walter H. Lamb Norwich Auburn, 27 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July 98. Mass. Myron A. Maynard Jewitt City Voluntown 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July 98. Wilfred Prevost Jewitt City West Warren, 20 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July 98. Mass. Albert Simmons New Haven Waterville, 31 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July 98. Canada Hubert A. Tregaskus New Haven Haddam Neck 21 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 1 to 3 aug.; appointed corporal from private, 13 sept.; sick in regimental hospital, 18 to 22 nov. 98. Frank J. Winans Norwich Rockville 18 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July 98; sick in regimental hospital, 3 to 29 mar. 99. A rtificer Arthur Galbraith Norwich Glasgow, 39 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed artificer from private, 1 aug. 98. Scotland Wagoner George Conrad Norwich Ledyard 27 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed wagoner from private, 2 July; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 10 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, Read ing, Pa., 11 nov. 98 to 18 Jan. 99. Musicians James E. Slattery Milford, Milford, 21 1 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 2 aug.; Mass. Mass. sick in Jefferson Medical hospital, Phila delphia, Pa., 30 oct. to 2 dec. 98. Frederick E. Whipple Jewitt City Jewitt City 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 2 aug. 98. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 137 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Privates Abbey, George No. Stonington Groton 38 27 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped as deserter, 19 nov. 98. Aldrich, Harry State Line Monson, 19 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Mass. Pa., 26 sept, to 10 oct. 98. Barrett, Michael Hartford Enfield 31 29 June 98 2 July 98 Bassett, Edwin B. Norwich Preston 44 27 June 98 2 July 98 Beard, Fred B. Willimantic So. Coventry 25 29 June 98 2 July 98 Brennan, Humphrey Norwich Greenville 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 23 sept, to 2 nov. 98. Breslin, James New Haven Glasgow, 25 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Scotland Pa., 26 sept, to 9 oct. 98. Cairns, James New Haven Glasgow, 30 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 24 to 28 dec. 98. Scotland Callahan, Christopher New London New York, 30 28 June 98 2 July 98 N. Y. Carrigg, Thomas New London Fisher s Island, 21 28 June 98 2 July 98 N. Y. Carroll, John T. Norwich New York, 32 27 June 98 2 July 98 N. Y. Carter, John F. Norwich Norwich 21 29 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged, 20 aug. 98, by order Secretary of War. Cavanaugh, Patrick Stonington Co. Moynahan, 38 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 27 to 31 dec. 98. Ireland Coleman, Thomas New Haven Manchester, 44 1 July 98 2 July 98 England Comerford, Michael Waterbury Queens County, 28 1 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 1 to 20 dec. 98. Ireland Connors, Patrick New Haven Bridgeport 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 19 to 21 dec. 99. Conrad, John Preston No. Stonington 19 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in City hospital, Savannah, Ga., 11 feb. to 19 mar. 99. Coughlin, David Norwich Norwich 35 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in provost hospital, 11 to 27 feb. 99. Cox, Thomas J. Norwich * * 12 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Curran, James F. New Haven New Haven 26 29 June 98 2 July 98 Daniels, Richard Stonington East Lyme 20 2 July 98 Joined and enrolled, 27 June; sick in Jefferson Medical hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 20 oct. 98 to 3 feb. 99, discharged from U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 3 feb. 99, by order Secretary of War. Davis, John T. New Haven Saybrook 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 18 aug. 98. Devine, Michael, Jr. Norwich Norwich 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Dillon, John Waterbury Listowe, 28 1 July 98 2 July 98 Ireland Donnelly, Francis New Haven New Haven 24 29 June 98 2 July 98 Donahue, Michael New Haven New Haven 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Duane, John W. Danbury Danbury 36 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in Third Georgia hospital, 12 to 13 feb. 99. Dupuis, Joseph O. O. Occum Occum 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 25 oct. 98. Dutram, Peter Bridgeport Lowell, 19 2 July 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deseiter, 13 aug. 98. Mass. Enright, James Norwich Norwich 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 138 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME * Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Flynn, James F. New Haven New Haven 32 29 June 98 2 July 98 Foote, Herbert M. New Haven Norfolk 33 1 July 98 2 July 98 Frid, Charles Bridgeport Sweden 18 2 July 98 2 July 98 Gay, Frederick A. Norwich Lebanon 19 27 June 98 2 July 98 Gay, William T. Norwich Bozrah 25 27 June 98 2 July 98 Gore, Thomas J. Greenwood, James F. New Haven New Britain Balleyconnell, Ireland New Britain 26 28 29 June 98 29 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3oct.; transferred to German hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 2 nov. 98; deserted from U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va.; dropped from rolls as deserter, 16 feb. 99. Hallasey, William Norwich Kenmaly, Ireland 33 27 June 98 2 July 98 Harkins, James Harrison, Thomas P. N. Leominster, Mass. Danbury Ayer Junction, Mass. New York, N. Y. 23 41 27 June 98 30 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 23 oct. to 2 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 to 10 nov. 98. Hayes, Thomas M. New Haven New Haven 38 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 6 aug.; reduced to private from corporal, 24 nov. 98. Heady, Harry Danbury Brewster, N. Y. 25 29 June 98 2 July 98 Healey, Daniel New London Waterford, Ireland 24 28 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in provost hospital, 26 feb. to 1 mar. 99. Hewlitt, Charles Lebanon Poquonnock 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in City hospital, Savannah, Ga., 17 to 27 feb. 99. Hoye, Frank Danbury Lomford, Ireland 35 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 13 to 20 Jan. 99". Hubbard, George E. New Haven Middle Haddam 41 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; reduced to private from corporal, 13 sept. 98. Isaacs, Philip New Haven New Haven 21 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; reduced to private from corporal, 26 aug. Jones, George New Haven New Haven 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Keane, Frank New Haven New Haven 18 2 July 98 Joined and enrolled, 29 June; discharged, 22 aug. 98, by order of Secretary of War. Kehr, William Norwich Norwich 38 27 June 98 2 July 98 Kelly, John N. Norwich Norwich 36 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; reduced to private, 15 sept. 98. Kennedy, Richard Stafford Springs Ireland 23 29 June 98 2 July 98 King, Thomas New Haven New Haven 38 29 June 98 2 July 98 Lee, William New Haven New Haven 24 30 June 98 2 July 98 Lukoski, Joseph Norwich Norwich 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Lyons, Edward New Haven New Haven 24 29 June 98 2 July 98 McMahon, Thomas L. New Haven Cumberland, Md. 21 1 July 98 2 July 98 On special duty as provost guard at provost headquarters, Camp Marion, S. C., 5 dec. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 13 to 22 feb. 99, in City hospital, Savannah, Ga., 20 feb. to 9 mar. 99. McShera, John P. New Haven New Haven 21 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed hospital orderly from private, 9 dec. 98. Mell, Charles B. Norwich Hesse-Darmstadt Germany 41 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as provost guard at provost headquarters, Camp Marion, S. C., 28 dec. 98. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 139 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Meyers, Julius C. New Haven New Haven 23 29 June 98 2 July 98 Moore, Luke Norwich * * 12 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Moran, Thomas J. Danbury Danbury 30 30 June 98 2 July 98 Morris, John S. Danbury Danbury 33 29 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 2 nov. 98. Mullaney, John H. Groton Groton 24 27 June 98 2 July 98 Murphy, Thomas L. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. 27 27 June 98 2 July 98 O Neil, Francis, Jr. New Haven New Haven 30 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in city hospital, Savannah, Ga., 4 feb. to 2 mar. 99. O Rouark, John, J. Albany, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. 27 2 July 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 13 aug. 98. Pariseau, Nelson Glasgo Franklin, Mass. 20 27 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 25 oct. 98. Perkins, Charles A. Preston Norwich 18 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 2 July; sick in regimental hospital, 12 July; reduced to private from musician, 2 aug. 98. Powers, Ralph F. Norwich Norwich 20 29 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged, 20 aug. 98, by order Secretary of War. Reno, Henery Pinconning, Mich. Bay City, Mich. 21 1 July 98 2 July 98 Roarke, John Preston Preston 29 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 21 to 23 oct.; Jefferson Medical College hospital, 23 oct. to 8 dec. 98. Sauter, John Danbury Schenectady, N. Y. 33 29 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 21 sept. 98. Shannon, Jeremiah Jewitt City Fitchville 34 27 June 98 2 July 98 Shea, Patrick J. New Haven New Haven 24 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sheehan, Daniel Jewitt City Kenmore, Ireland 35 28 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 9 oct. 98; St. Agnes hospital, Phila delphia, Pa., 98. Singer, William Danielson Rockville 32 28 June 98 2 ,uly 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 27 feb. 99. Smidt, Emil Bridgeport Gothland, Sweden 22 1 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in Red Cross hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 nov. to 15 dec. 98. Dropped from rolls as deserter, 11 Jan. 99. Smith, George New Haven Fall River, Mass. 28 29 June 98 2 July 98 Dropped from rolls as deserter, 3 sept. 98. Sparks, Ernest Norwich Norwich 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sullivan, John Fair Haven Kerry, Ireland 21 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 25 nov. 98, to 9 Jan. 99, 2d brigade hospital, Camp Marion, S. C., 9 Jan. to 11 feb. 99. Sullivan, Patrick Norwich Mektreat, Ireland 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Tierney, James W. New Haven New Haven 22 29 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 2 July; reduced to private, 25 aug.; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 13 to 15 nov.; transferred to Penn. hos pital, Philadelphia, Pa., 15 nov.; transferred to U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 16 dec. 98. Wallace, William E. Griswold Jewitt City 29 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 18 to 26 nov. 98. Wood, Eugene Danbury Danbury 39 30 June 98 2 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 140 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY COMPANY I RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 23 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 26 oct.; Philadelphia, Pa., 26 to 28 oct.; Camp Meade, Pa., 28 oct. to 15 nov.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 16 feb. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 17 feb. to date of muster out, 20 mar. 99. Captain Albert P. Ware Mew London Mew London 23 5 feb. 95 2 July 98 Mustered in as 1st lieutenant, co. I, 3d Conn, vol. inf.; appointed adjutant, 1st battalion, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; appointed captain, 10 sept.; appointed summary court officer, 14 sept. 98. First Lieutenants Carey Congdon Mew London Mew London 28 17 Jan. 96 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged, 2 dec. 98, by order of Secretary of War. Giles Bishop, Jr. Mew London Mew London 20 1 may 97 19 may 98 Mustered in as 2d lieutenant, battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art; appointed captain, 19 oct.; mustered out, 31 oct.; appointed 1st lieutenant, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 3 dec.; assigned to duty with co. I ; appointed judge advocate, general courts martial, 20 dec. 98. Second Lieutenant Dan Tyler Moore Mew London * * 19 sept. 98 Appointed 2d lieutenant, co. I, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 19 sept. 98; detached service at Augusta, Ga., 31 Jan. to 4 mar. 99. First Sergeant Richard B. Smith Mew London New London 21 26 July 95 2 July 98 Appointed 1st sergeant from sergeant, 1 nov. 98. Quartermaster Sergeant John T. Sherwin New London Bangalor, India 34 4 dec. 88 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 5 to 11 oct.; Reading hospital, Pa., 11 oct. to 9 nov. 98. Sergeants Clark S. Bishop New London New London 26 7 nov. 95 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 8 aug. 98; sick at New London, Conn., 8 sept. 98 to 21 Jan. 99. Louis H. Goddard New London Waterford 25 18 dec. 95 2 July 98 Jeremiah J. Murphy New London Cork, Ireland 22 20 feb. 95 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 12 July; on detached service, brigade bakery, 11 dec. 98. John I. Stubbert Corporals John E. Angus New London Groton Suffield New York. N. Y. 21 23 24 apr. 96 27 July 97 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 18 nov. 98; on detached service, provost duty, Summer- ville, S. C. ( 11 to 16 feb. 99 John H. Broadwell New London New London 33 28 oct. 90 2 July 98 Sick in hospital, 20 to 28 oct. 98. William F. Callahan New London New London 23 16 sept. 97 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 July 98; on detached service provost duty at Sum- merville, S. C., 10 to 16 feb. 99. Richard L. Crump New London New London 28 8 dec. 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private; discharged 10 nov. 98, per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War. Adam J. Gernhard Norwich Norwich 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, provost, Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 21 Jan. 99; appointed corporal from private, 27 Jan. 99. Stephen J. Hayes New London Pittsfield, Mass. 22 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 17 dec. 98. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 141 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Edward H. Mack New London New London 18 1 may 97 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 July 98. James McGregor, Jr. Mystic Mystic 25 24 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 17 dec. 98. Lee Myers New York, Portsmouth, 35 30 June* 98 2 July 98 On special duty, clerk to ordnance officer, N. Y. Va. 16 July to 10 nov. ; company clerk, 10 nov. 98 to 1 mar. 99; appointed corporal from private, 1 mar. 99. William H. Noland New London New London 20 10 Jan. 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 8 aug. 98. John C. Russell, Jr. New Haven Buffalo, 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 27 Jan. 99. N. Y. Jesse Smith Groton Groton 22 1 July 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 July; on detached service, provost duty at Summerville, S. C., 8 dec. 98 to 21 Jan. 99. Harry A. Wiley New London Montville 25 7 feb. 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from musician; dis charged, 5 Jan. 99, per telegraphic instruc tions Secretary of War. Henry L. Willows New London Newport, 29 23 may 96 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 17 dec. 98. Nova Scotia Cook Alexander Baker Woonsocket, Woonsocket, 31 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed head cook with rank of corporal, R.I. R. I. 19 sept.; reduced to private, 2 dec. 98; appointed head cook, with rank of corporal, 1 mar. 99. Musicians William M. Dunn New London New Haven 20 2 sept. 97 2 July 98 William Walsh New Britain Cavan, 27 22 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 8 aug. 98. Ireland A rtificer Charles Malona New London Norwich 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed artificer from private, 8 aug. 98. Wagoner George Bollard Ansonia Birmingham, 25 30 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed wagoner from private, 8 aug. 98. England Privates Allen, Lucien O. Mystic Concord, 28 22 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty at regimental reading room, N. H. 9 dec. 98, to date of muster out. Allen, William H. Niantic * * 14 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; on detached service at brigade bakery, 16 dec. 98 to 17 mar. 99. Baxter, John Perryville, Paisley, 30 20 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 17 feb. 99. Mass. Scotland Bennet, Patrick * * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; deserted, 15 aug. 98. Berry, Lewis O. Montville N. Grosvenordale 20 21 June 98 2 July 98 Berthel, Rudolph C. New Haven New Haven 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 2 oct.: Red Cross hospital, 2 oct. to 14 nov. 98. Blake, Frederick C. New London Jewitt City 22 18 oct. 97 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 July reduced to private, 16 dec.; on special duty, regimental adjutant s office, 17 dec. 98 to 20 mar. 99. Blake, William F. New Haven New Haven 28 25 June 98 2 July 98 Blanchard, Frederick C. Norwich Bozrah 18 25 June 98 2 July 98 Breen, James New Haven New Haven 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Brobeck, Albert Niantic * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Bruedly, George Philadelphia, Philadelphia. 33 20 June 98 2 July 98 Pa. Pa. *Not given in muster roll. 142 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS B utterly, Peter Niantic * * 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick at Pennsylvania hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 27 oct. to 14 nov. 98. Carroll, William New Haven New Haven "19 23 June 98 2 July 98 Condon, John J. New Haven New Haven 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 Died at Penn. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., of typhoid fever, 14 oct. 98. Condon, Jeremiah New Haven Springfield, Mass. 27 25 June 98 2 July 98 Conners, Thomas Attleboro, Mass. Attleboro, Mass. 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 14 feb. 99. Conway, William F. New Haven New Haven 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Coombs, Ralph A. Lincolnville, Maine Lincolnville, Maine 19 25 June 98 2 July 98 Daniels, George T. Saybrook Saybrook 22 23 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, brigade headquarters, 14 oct. 98 to 8 mar. 99. Dart, Bertie South Lyme South Lyme 27 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 5 to 12 oct.; absent sick at South Lyme, Conn., 12 nov. 98 to date of muster out. Degnan, Joseph M. New Haven New Haven 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, provost duty, 10 to 16 feb. 99, Summerville, S. C. Doyle, James F. New Haven New Haven 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Emerson, Thomas R. New Haven New Haven 27 23 June 98 2 July 98 Farrell, Frank T. Norwich Lebanon 22 16 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty, regimental canteen, 4 dec. 98 to 20 mar. 99. Fitzpatrick, Joseph New Haven New Haven 33 25 June 98 2 July 98 Gallagher, James W. New Haven New York, N. Y. 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 Galpin, Charles H. Shelton Shelton 21 30 June 98 2 July 98 Gettings, Bernard A. Watertown, N. Y. Watertown, N. Y. 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Gingrass, Frank J. Taftville Baltic 19 25 June 98 2 July 98 Gleeson, William J. Norwich Norwich 30 25 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty, regimental hospital, 18 dec. 98 to 20 mar. 99. Glennon, John T. New Haven New Haven 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, provost duty, 10 to 16 feb. 99, at Summerville, S. C. Greene, Arthur A. Westerly, R. I. Charlestown, R. I. 18 24 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged without honor, 31 oct. 98, per telegraphic order Secretary of War. Hallock, Willard H. Chester Matatuck, Long Island, N. Y. 20 23 June 98 2 July 98 Hanrahan, John Norwich Norwich 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and Red Cross hospital, 7 to 25 nov. 98. Hartigan, Daniel G. New Haven New Haven 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Heglan, Edward S. New Haven New Haven 25 25 June 98 2 July 98 Holmes, Jesse N. Saybrook Westbrook 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 Died at New Haven, hospital, New Haven, Conn., of typhoid fever, 27 oct. 98. Holmes, William I. Deep River Saybrook 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Hunter, John A., Jr. Norwichtown Norwich 36 25 June 98 2 July 98 James, Frederick H. New London Millstone 22 16 apr. 98 2 July 98 Keefe, Denis Hartford Charleville, Ireland 25 20 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as regimental hospital cook, 16 Jan. to 20 mar. 99. "Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 143 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Kelleher, Joseph P. New Haven Chelsea, Mass. 27 20 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 14 feb. 99. Kelley, James F. New London San Francisco, Cal. 28 22 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 20 sept.; on detached service provost duty, at Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 1 Jan. 99; reduced to private, 21 Jan. 99. La Rose, Thomas F. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Latham, Albert Groton Groton 21 23 apr. 98 2 July 98 On detached service, provost duty, 1 dec. 98 to 21 Jan. 99, at Summerville, S. C. Lock, George New Haven Fridericia, Denmark 27 23 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital and St. Joseph s hospital, Baltimore, Md., 30 oct. 98 to 10 Jan. 99. Mahoney, Michael J. New Haven Cahirciveen, Ireland 32 25 June 98 2 July 98 McAvoy, James New Haven New Haven 26 25 June 98 2 July 98 McCarron, John New London Philadelphia, Pa. 32 30 June 98 2 July 98 McKegg, Alfred R. New Haven New Haven 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in Memorial hospital, New London, Conn., 8 sept. 98 to 19 jan. 99. Mecklenberg, John J. Ansonia Brooklyn, N. Y. 19 27 June 98 2 July 98 Mooney, William P. New Haven New Haven 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 12 July; reduced to private, 3 dec. 98. Mulligan, Frank New London Pawtucket, R. I. 38 30 June 98 2 July 98 Murley, Thomas J., Jr. New Haven New Haven 32 25 June 98 2 July 98 Murphy, John J. New Haven Colchester 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in hospital, 7 and 8 sept. 98. Newbury, Harry N. Groton Stony Creek 22 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 O Brien, Michael P. New Britain Tipperary, Ireland 26 22 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as teamster, quartermaster s department, 1 oct. to 21 nov. ; sick in hospi tal, 19 dec. 98 to 1 feb. 99. O Mara, John Deep River Ireland 32 23 June 98 2 July 98 O Neil, Owen Norwich Norwich 43 25 June 98 2 July 98 Parkinson, Joseph Exeter, N. H. Fall River, Mass. 22 23 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 3 oct. 98. Parson, Waldo H. Niantic * * 24 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in 1st division hospital, 17 to 23 oct.; Women s hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 23 oct. to 29 nov. 98. Pendleton, Lyman B. New London New London 31 1 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in Penn. hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 14 nov. 98 to 26 jan. 99. Peppin, Frederick Taftville Winooski, Vt. 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Phillips, William C. New Haven Albany, N. Y. 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service, 2d brigade headquarters, 4 oct. 98 to 1 mar. 99. Reed, Lorenzo R. New London Cannon s Ferry, Del. 21 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 Discharged, physical disability, 2 sept. 98, per telegraphic orders Secretary of War. Reed, Winder E. Waterford Berlin, Md. 24 6 may 98 2 July 98 Sick in hospital, 1 to 6 nov.; 1st division hospital, 7 to 9 nov.; St. Joseph s hospital, Reading, Pa., 9 to 22 nov. 98. Rehley, Charles Norwich New York, N. Y. 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. 144 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Rockwell, Walter S. New London New London 26 1 sept. 97 2 July 98 On special duty at regimental quarter master s department, 2 July 98 to 20 mar. 99. Seamon, Carl New London New London 19 9 apr. 97 2 July 98 Appointed head cook with rank and pay of corporal, 2 dec. 98; reduced to private from corporal, 22 Jan. 99. Simonne, Joseph New Haven New Haven 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 13 oct. 98. Slattery, Edward P. New Haven New Haven 26 29 June 98 2 July 98 Tracy, George New Haven New Haven 29 23 June 98 2 July 98 Wattles, William M. Shelton Rome, Pa. 25 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in hospital, 5 to 21 feb. 99. Williams, Frank E. Groton, New London 21 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty, post quartermaster s de partment, 7 July to 8 sept.; commissary department, 8 sept. 98 to 20 mar. 99; sick in hospital, 17 to 19 dec. 98. Williams, Thomas S. New London New London 20 24 July 97 2 July 98 Wolfe, David Mystic Noank 22 23 June 98 2 July 98 Wood, Edmond New London Coytesville, N.J. 22 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 COMPANY K RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 22 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 4 nov. ; on provost guard, 9 to 31 oct. ; Camp Marion, S. C., 5 nov. 98, to 21 Jan. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 22 Jan.; guarded stores near Savannah, Ga., 22 Jan. to 20 feb.; on provost duty, Savannah, Ga., 20 feb. to 15 mar.; mustered out at Camp Onward, Ga., 20 mar. 99. Captain Charles W. Bucklee Stamford Lowelland, 33 17 sept. 97 2 July 98 Mustered in as 1st lieutenant, co. K, 3d Conn. Canada vol. inf.; appointed battalion adjutant, 12 July 98; appointed captain, co. K, 23 feb. 99. First Lieutenant Elmer Weston Stamford Stamford 27 16 sept. 91 2 July 98 Mustered in as 1st sergeant; discharged to accept commission, 8 sept. ; appointed 2nd lieutenant co. K, rank from 6 sept. 98; on special duty, assistant regimental police officer, 7 Jan. 99; sick in hospital, 12 to 17 feb.; appointed 1st lieutenant, co. K, 3 mar. 99. Second Lieutenants Frederick G. C. Smith Greenwich Greenwich 26 1 oct. 97 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged, 3 sept. 98, by order Secretary of War. Harvey D. Hatch Stamford New York, 24 28 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from musician, 27 aug.; N. Y. sergeant, 11 nov.; 1st sergeant, 23 nov. 98; discharged to accept commission, 7 mar. 99; appointed 2d lieutenant, co. K, rank from 3 mar. 99. First Sergeant Andrew J. Moran Glenbrook Stamford 22 17 feb. 96 2 July 98 On special duty, 21 to 26 feb. 99; appointed 1st sergeant from sergeant, 9 mar. 99. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 145 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Quartermaster Sergeant George W. Murdock Sergeants Frank B. Gurley Stamford Glenbrook Springfield, Mass. Morrisville, N. Y. 23 21 22 oct. 96 30 apr. 97 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed artificer from private, 17 sept. 98; sergeant, 18 Jan. 99; quartermaster ser geant, 19 jan. 99. On detached service at brigade headquarters, 28 nov. 98 to 25 feb. 99; on special duty, clerk, regimental headquarters, 4 mar.; appointed sergeant from corporal, 10 mar. Edwin F. Rambo Stamford Riverside 20 15 mar. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to sergeant from quartermaster sergeant, 26 sept. ; on special duty at commissary department, 2d brigade, 26 sept. 98 to 25 feb. 99. James W. Smith Stamford Rye, N. Y. 25 9 dec. 91 2 July 98 Appointed 1st sergeant from sergeant, 26 sept.; reduced to sergeant, 14 nov.; appointed quartermaster sergeant, 14 nov. 98; reduced to sergeant, 19 jan. 99. Benjamin Stewart Stamford Glasgow, Scotland 22 5 mar. 95 2 July 98 Wells Weston Corporals William S. Boswell Stamford Greenwich Stamford Brooklyn, N. Y. 25 26 11 feb. 95 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disability, 3 jan. 99, by order commanding general, 2d Army Corps. Appointed corporal from private, 27 aug.; discharged by telegraphic instructions Secretary of War, 30 oct. 98. Frank R. Gisborne Riverside Bayonne, N.J. 21 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 27 aug.; sick in 1st division hospital, 15 to 21 oct. 98; St. Joseph s infirmary, Savannah, Ga., 9 to 25 feb. 99. Edward O. Lester Stamford Greenport, N. Y. 20 28 feb. 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 27 to 29 July; on detached service, provost guard, 29 dec. 98 to 15 jan. 99. John A. Maher Stamford Stamford 20 2 aug. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 5 to 15 oct. 98. Edward H. Murray Stamford Darien 21 10 may 97 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 24 dec. 98 to 3 feb. 99; appointed corporal from private, 9 feb. 99. Peter Murray Stamford Darien 23 27 apr. 97 2 July 98 Discharged by telegraphic instructions Secre tary of War, 10 dec. 98. Ira S. Palmer Stamford New Rochelle, N. Y. 24 4 nov. 95 2 July 98 Charles H. Peck Stamford Sound Beach 24 15 feb. 95 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 27 aug. 98. Paul A. Raymond Greenwich Norwalk 23 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 27 aug.; on special duty as company clerk, 23 July to 13 oct. 98. James A. Ritch Stamford Greenwich 21 26 apr. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and Red Cross hospital; appointed corporal from private, 14 jan. 99. Elmer J. Scott Frank J. Scully Port Chester, N. Y. Stamford Greenwich Stamford 22 23 21 June 98 6 apr. 96 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 14 nov. 98; sick in St. Joseph s infirmary, Savannah, Ga., 26 to 28 jan. 99, date of death from spinal meningitis. Oliver H. Slaney Stamford Fazeley, England 28 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 13 to 19 July; 21 July to 25 aug.; 23 sept, to 3 oct.; 10 to 20 nov. 98; on special duty with regimental ordnance o 1 cer, 1 1 to 22 jan. 99 ; appointed corporal from private, 14 jan. 99. Oliver J. Stewart Stamford Stamford 21 4 may 96 2 July 98 On special duty, sanitary police, 27 July to 3 aug.; on special duty, company clerk, 8 oct. to 7 dec.; discharged per telegraphic instructions Secretary of War, 23 dec. 98. Charles C. Weideman Stamford New York, N. Y. 22 15 mar. 97 2 July 98 On detached service at brigade headquarters, 19 nov. 98 to 25 feb. 99. 146 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat ! Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Chief Cook James E. Kenefic A rtificer Bert F. Porter Stamford Stamford Stamford Benton Harbor, Mich. 30 31 21 June 98 21 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 17 oct. 98 to 25 feb. 99; appointed corporal (chief cook) 25 feb. 99. Appointed artificer from private, 4 feb. 99. Wagoner Michael J. Mooney Stamford Stamford 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed wagoner from private, 17 sept. 98. Musicians Walter T. Clark Stamford Peekskill, N. Y. 27 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 27 aug.; sick in regimental hospital, 16 to 18 sept., 30 oct. to 6 nov. ; University of Pennsyl vania hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 nov. 98. John J. Hynes Stamford Clifton, N. Y. 28 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 27 aug. 98. Privates Albert, John H. Springdale Bangor, Pa. 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 18 to 30 Jan. 99. Armstrong, Joseph P. Stamford Belfast, Ireland 22 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 11 to 16 dec. 98. Baynes, Ernest H. Stamford Calcutta, India 30 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty, field oTcers court clerk, 22 July to 1 sept.; discharged by telegraphic order Secretary of War, 27 oct. 98. Bonnell, Joseph F. Stamford Woodbury 19 10 mar. 98 2 July 98 Sick in Red Cross hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 2 oct. to 6 oct. 98, date of death from typhoid fever and spinal meningitis. Botsford, John, Jr. Stamford Bridgeport 24 20 apr. 94 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 n 24 dec. 98. Britt, Gilbert A. Stamford Portchester, N. Y. 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 Burke, Thomas F. Stamford Stamford 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty, 30 Jan. to 8 feb. 99. Burnett, Harry Greenwich Orange, N.J. 20 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 10 to 15 nov. 98, and 18 Jan. to 8 feb. 99. Burns, Edgar J. Stamford Stamford 26 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 13 oct.; as water detail, 6 to 19 dec. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 5 to 8 mar. 99. Burr, George H. Stamford Trumbull 26 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 July to 1 aug.; 3 to 13 oct.; as colonel s mounted orderly, 24 nov. 98. Caterson, George H. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Wakefield, N. Y. 28 6 oct. 93 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 15 to 21 July, 20 sept, to 3 oct., 15 to 20 nov. 98, and 8 to 20 feb. 99. Clarke, John J. Stamford Stamford 26 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 29 oct. to 1 nov., 24 nov. to 16 dec. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 19 to 30 dec. 99; on special duty as assistant cook, 20 to 24 jan. 99. Crawford, Henry P. Greenwich Greenwich 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 1 to 10 nov. 98, as provost guard, 19 dec. 98 to 19 jan. 99, as assistant cook, 20 feb. to 10 mar. 99. Crissey, Henry M. Long Ridge Long Ridge 22 11 apr. 98 2 July 98 Cudlipp, George M. Stamford Brooklyn, N. Y. 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as sanitary police, 22 to 27 July 98; as assistant cook, 3 to 10 mar. 99. Curran, John J. Stamford Stamford 26 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 16 nov. to 16 dec. 98, 7 to 13 mar. 99. Dalv, James A. Stamford Stamford 21 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 to 27 sept.; sick in regimental hospital, 12 to 20 dec. 98. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 147 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Devitt, John E. Stamford Providence, 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 R. I. Dolan, Patrick Sound Beach Banagher, 33 21 June 98 2 July 98 Ireland Dunne, John J. Stamford Stamford 24 15 feb. 95 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 20 oct. 98; as provost guard, 3 dec. 98 to 19 jan. 99, as assistant cook, 1 to 8 feb. 99. Dutcher, William C. Brooklyn, New Canaan 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 N. Y. Eccles, Robert J. Stamford New York, 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 29 aug. to N. Y. 21 sept. 98. Enright, Morgan J. Stamford Stamford 24 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 sept, to 13 oct.; 10 to 20 nov.; sick in brigade hospital, 26 dec. 98 to 12 feb. 99; regi mental hospital and U. S. General hos pital, Savannah, Ga., from 28 feb. to date of discharge. Fairchild, William H. Stamford Stamford 21 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 18 to 29 aug.; sick in regimental hospital, 3 to 5 dec. 98. Finan, Michael J. Stamford New York, 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 N. Y. Finch, Frederick O. Stamford Banksville, 29 7 may 94 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to N. Y. 25 July; 13 to 28 oct.; 27 nov. to 11 dec. 98; 8 to 24 feb. 99; sick in regimental hospital, 2 to 8 mar. 99. Fitzpatrick, Francis J. Stamford Stamford 36 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 18 to 20 feb. 99; sick in regimental hospital, 2 to 8 mar. 99. Flynn, David E. Stamford * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. On special duty as assistant cook, 9 to 20 oct., 26 oct. to 10 nov. 98, 10 to 19 jan. 99. Gerard, Frank Stamford Buffalo, 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 N. Y. Giles, William A. Stamford Wrentham, 18 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 10 oct. Mass. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 28 feb. to 9 mar. 99. Gill, John J. Stamford Stamford 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Gleason, Edward J. Stamford Stamford 20 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 6 oct. to 14 nov.; sick in regimental hospital, 17 to 22 nov., and 19 dec. 98 to 4 jan. 99. Greene, Frank H. Stamford Yonkers, 27 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as regimental clerk, 12 July N. Y. to 7 dec. ; as company clerk, 8 dec. 98. Gully, Eugene W. Stamford Oakville 20 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 15 to 21 July; 1 to 29 aug.; 20 to 28 sept.; sick in 1st division hospital, 9 to 18 oct. 98. Hitt, Alfred C. Stamford Stamford 23 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 19 July; 21 July to 16 sept.; appointed chief cook with rank of corporal, 17 sept.; sick in 1st division hospital, 26 sept, to 7 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 7 oct. to 15 dec.; on detached service, brigade bakery, 18 to 21 dec. 98; reduced to private, 25 feb. 99. Hynes, Thomas Stamford Stamford 22 26 apr. 98 2 July 98 Isbell, Burt Stamford Waterbury 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 Johnson, James M. Stamford Brooklyn, 18 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 N. Y. *Not given in muster roll. 148 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth A-e Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. (Service REMARKS Kenealy, Edward J. Stamford Stamford 18 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 to 21 feb. 99; as clerk, provost headquarters, 22 feb. to 9 mar. 99. Kraft, Frederick A. Stamford Stamford 20 24 mar. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 24 feb. to 3 mar. 99. Kurth, Arnold Stamford Koln, Germany 30 3 nov. 93 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 July to 29 aug. ; as provost guard, 3 to 19 dec. 98, 18 to 20 Jan. 99; on special duty, 21 to 26 feb. 99. Lahey, Edward J., Jr. Stamford Stamford 19 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 24 feb. 99. Law, Thomas F. Stamford Darien 32 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Maguire, John R. Stamford Stamford 20 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 20 to 22 oct.; German hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 22 oct. to 16 nov. 98; on special duty as assistant cook, 24 feb. to 3 mar. 99. Mahrt, John Stamford Bayonne, N. J. 21 2 dec. 95 2 July 98 On special duty as provost guard, 25 dec. 98 to 20 Jan. 99; at battalion bakery, 9 to 24 feb. 99. Malin, James F. Stamford Stamford 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 29 to 30 aug. 98. Manning, James E. Stamford Stamford 20 24 mar. 98 2 July 98 Martin, John Stamford Slago, Ireland 32 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 19 to 21 July; on special duty as assistant cook, 29 aug. to 9 sept. 98. McCIellan, Frank W. Stamford Stamford 20 3 apr. 96 2 July 98 McDonald, Arthur A. Stamford Stamford 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 3 to 23, 24 to 26 July, 98; on special duty as assistant cook, 10 Jan. to 1 feb. 99. Mead, Seaman M. Greenwich Greenwich 21 25 apr. 98 2 July 98 Miller, Herbert Stamford Bedford Village, N. Y. 23 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 29 aug. to 6 sept. 98, 9 to 12 mar. 99. Moore, Thomas E. Stamford Stamford 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty, sanitary police, 7 to 14 July; sick in regimental hospital, 22 to 23 July, 98, Mory, Louis Brandford Basle, Switzerland 18 27 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 9 to 18 aug. ; on detached service, regimental hospital, orderly, 16 dec. 98. O Connor, Terence Stamford Tipperary, Ireland 28 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 21 oct. to 10 nov. 98. O Neil, James J. Stamford Carrick More, Ireland 24 21 June 98 2 July 98 Paight, John H. Stamford Stamford 32 21 June 98 2 July 98 Peters, John J. Stajnford Richmond, Va. 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 1 to 28 aug. ; 28 oct., 10, 20 to 27 nov. 98. Pierce, John T. Raymond, Arthur S. Stamford Stamford Stamford Greenwich 23 19 6 apr. 96 2 nov. 96 2 July 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 27 nov. to 6 dec., 17 dec. 98 to 10 Jan. 99. Reese, James J. Stamford Stamford 19 26 may 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 3 to 9 July; on special duty, sanitary police, 14 to 22 July; sick in 1st division hospital, 9 to 14 oct.; Woman s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 14 oct. to 5 dec. 98. Rew, Fred J. Stamford Greenwich 19 14 feb. 98 2 July 98 On special duty, 10 mar. 99. Sanborn, Irving L. Stamford Littleton, N. H. 27 23 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty at brigade commissary, 31 oct. 98 to 3 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic order Secretary of War. Smith, George R. Darien Naugatuck 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 7 to 11 oct. 98. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 149 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Smith, Ralph J. Philadelphia, Pa. New Bloomfield, Pa. 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 30 July to 3 aug. ; sick in regimental hospital, 4 to 5 aug. 98; in U. S. General hospital, Savannah, Ga., 14 to 19 mar. 99. Sparks, John H. Stamford Stamford 30 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 to 27 nov. 98. Stankard, John J. Stamford Stamford 20 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 10 aug., 20 to 27 nov. 98; sick in regimental hospi tal, 4 to 9 mar. 99. Talbot, Fredderick Greenwich Greenwich 20 27 may 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 10 mar. 99. Thompson, George R. Stamford Brooklyn, N. Y. 20 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 17 dec. 98 to 10 Jan. 99. Tichenor, Herbert G. Stamford Washington, D. C. 18 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as mail carrier, 15 nov. to 30 dec. 98. Veit, Frank F. Stamford Glenbrook 23 11 nov. 95 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 July to 29 aug., 9 to 13 oct., as provost guard, 3 to 23 dec. ; on detached service, brigade commissary, 22 dec. 98 to 25 feb. 99. Weed, Howard F. Stamford So. Norwalk 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, 21 oct.; trans ferred to St. Joseph s hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 22 oct. 98. Weed, Robert L. Stamford * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; on special duty as assistant cook, 28 to 30 Jan. 99. Worden, Harry B. Stamford Darien 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service at quartermaster s department headquarters, 2d Army Corps, Augusta, Ga.; 13 sept, to 13 oct.; sick in 1st division hospital, 13 oct. 98 to 17 mar. 99. COMPANY L Date Enlisted or Com Date RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age missioned Mustered in REMARKS in the U. S. Service Nat l Guard Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 23 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 15 nov.; on provost guard, 9 to 29 oct.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 21 Jan. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 22 Jan.; on provost guard, Savannah, Ga., 20 feb. to 15 mar., mustered out at Camp Onward, Ga., 20 mar. 99. Captains Reuben M. Rose Norwalk Essex, 49 4 nov. 90 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged, 22 oct. 98, by order Ohio Secretary of War. John F. Murphy Pawcatuck Stonington 30 4 June 96 3 July 98 Mustered in as 1st lieutenant, co. B, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; special duty as acting regimental adjutant, 18 oct. 98; discharged to accept commission as captain, 14 nov. 98; ap pointed captain, co. L, 3d Conn. vol. inf. same date. First Lieutenant William W. Bloom Norwalk Norwalk 25 28 July 96 2 July 98 On detached service in command of co. H, 3d Conn. vol. inf., 1 to 11 oct. 98. Second Lieutenant William I. Comstock Norwalk Norwalk 25 13 aug. 96 2 July 98 On detached service at Norwalk, Conn.. 24 to 26 July, and 1 dec. 98 to 20 Jan. 99; on provost duty at Summerville, S. C. *Not given in muster roll. 150 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS First Sergeant William Rauch Norwalk ersey City, N.J. 20 6 apr. 97 2 July 98 deduced to sergeant from quartermaster sergeant, 14 nov. ; on detached service as provost guard at Summervtlle, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 20 Jan. 99; appointed 1st sergeant, 10 mar. 99. Quartermaster Sergeant George C. Meehan Morwalk ^ew York, N. Y. 28 3 apr. 97 2 July 98 On detached service at Norwalk, Conn., 24 to 26 July; appointed sergeant from corporal, 30 sept. ; quartermaster sergeant, 14 nov. 98. Sergeants Milo C. Brown Norwalk ^lew Haven 23 9 mar. 95 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 16 aug.; appointed corporal, 1 nov.; sergeant, 25 nov. 98. Albert H. Buttery Norwalk S T orwalk 27 6 may 90 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 14 oct.; transferred to hospital, Potts- ville, Pa., 15 oct.; appointed 1st sergeant from sergeant, 18 dec. 98; reduced to sergeant, 10 mar. 99. John H. Chase Kingston, N. Y. Worcester, Mass. 27 25 Jan. 95 2 July 98 deduced to private from sergeant, 26 sept.; appointed corporal, 17 dec. 98; sergeant, 18 Jan. 99. Cyrus J. Crabbe Stamford ^ong Ridge 22 7feb. 93 2 July 98 discharged by telegraphic order Secretary of War, 13 Jan. 99. Albert Tetzner Norwalk Germany 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 14 nov. 98; sergeant, 9 Jan. 99. Corporals William G. Abendroth South Norwalk Norwalk 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 9 Jan. 99. John H. Beagan Norwalk Norwalk 30 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as cook s assistant, 10 to 16 aug. 98; appointed corporal from private, 15 feb. 99. Edward Brotherton Norwalk Norwalk 21 17 sept. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 9 nov.; appointed corporal, 17 dec. 98. Emil Durbeck Morwalk Germany 34 23 mar. 97 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 30 sept. 98. Coles M. Flewellin Norwalk Mount Kisco, N. Y. 25 4 feb. 96 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 27 oct.; Pottsville hospital, Pottsville, Pa., 28 oct. to 28 nov. 98. Arthur E. Godfrey Norwalk Norwalk 23 9 July 95 2 July 98 Discharged by order Secretary of War, 29 Jan. 99. William H. Guthrie Norwalk Norwalk 24 20 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal cook from private, 1 aug.; reduced to private and appointed corporal, 14 nov. 98. Joseph Haggerty Bridgeport Waterbury 28 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 15 feb. 99. Henry W. Hopson Norwalk Norwalk 22 20 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 9 Jan. 99. Sanford B. Law Stamford New York, N. Y. 23 21 feb. 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private; on special duty, as clerk in quartermaster s depart ment, 22 July 98 to 21 Jan. 99; on detached service as clerk in quartermaster s depart ment, Camp Marion, S. C., 21 Jan. to 18 feb.; Savannah, Ga., 20 feb. to 20 mar. 99. Ira C. Lockwood Norwalk New Canaan 18 16 mar. 9 2 July 98 Sick in ls"t division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 27 to 28 oct.; Pottsville hospital, Pottsville, Pa., 28 oct. to 28 nov.; dis charged per telegraphic instructions, Secre tary of War, 26 dec. 98. James A. Riley Norwalk Glenville 21 21 June 9S 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 nov. 98. George B. Tiffany Bridgeport Stoke, England 39 27 June 9S 2 July 9S On special duty as assistant cook, 30 July to 15 sept., 11 to 19 nov. 98, 21 Jan. to 20 feb. 99; appointed corporal cook from private, 21 feb. 99. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 151 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enliste or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard : Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS William J. Troy Norwalk New Canaan 25 22 June 9f 2 July 9* Appointed corporal from private, 14 nov. 98. Frank H. Webber Norwalk Providence, 23 13 apr. 9; 2 July 9f Reduced to private from corporal, 9 nov.; R. I. appointed corporal cook, 17 dec. 98; returned to duty as corporal, 18 Jan. 99. A rtificer Harry M. Waldorf Bridgeport Bridgeport 24 20 June 9 2 July 9 On special duty as assistant cook, 25 July to lOaug. 98. Wagoner Henry Steele Waterbury Hartford 42 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as carpenter, quartermaster s department, 1 to 8 oct. 98. Musicians Frank Eigner, Jr. South Norwalk Peterd, 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Austria James J. Quigley Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private. Privates Ash, George J. Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 10 to 17 July 98. Baker, William H. Bridgeport Philadelphia, 25 29 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 17 to Pa. 19 July, 21 to 28 sept.; deserted at Camp Meade, Pa., 2 oct. 98. Bendtzen, Hans C. Westport Denmark 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 Berkedal, Edward Norwalk Norwalk 27 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 1 to 4 mar. 99. Black, John W. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted, 1 nov. 98, at Camp Meade, Pa. Brennan, David S T orwalk Norwalk 30 27 June 98 2 July 98 Britt, Matthew Norwalk Norwalk 24 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 10 July 98; 1 to 15 mar. 99. Brown, Fred Norwalk ^orwalk 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as sanitary police, 27 July to 3 aug., assistant to cook, 21 to 28 sept. 98. Butler, Walter A. Wilkesbarre, Wilkesbarre, 24 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 4 aug.; Pa. Pa. reduced to private, 26 sept. 98. Buttery, Ulysses G. Norwalk New Canaan 21 9 apr. 95 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant to cook, 4 to 15 mar. 99. Cahill, John J. Norwalk Norwalk 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Canary, John Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Castle, George C. Norwalk Norwalk 30 21 June 98 2 July 98 Chartrand, Nelson H. Shelton St. Ann, 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 11 to 13, Canada 19 to 26 npv. 98. Connors, George Bridgeport Waterbury 32 27 June 98 2 July 98 Cornell, Ernest B. Norwalk Norwalk 22 22 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as hospital orderly, 14 July 98 to 20 Jan. 99; on detached service, 21 Jan. to 17 feb.; on special duty, 17 to 20 feb.; on detached service, 20 feb. to 20 mar. 99. Crawford, James Norwalk Norwalk 25 4 apr. 92 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 26 nov. to 3 dec. 98. "ullen, Robert Norwalk New York, 22 20 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, N. Y. Pa., 20 oct.; transferred to Philadelphia, Pa., oct. 98; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 4 dec. 98 to 24 Jan. 99. Davis, Charles A. SJorwalk Norwalk 23 12 July 96 2 July 98 3n special duty as sanitary police, 21 to 27 July 98; on detached service as provost guard at Surnmerville, S. C., 1 to 4 Jan. 99. Donnelly, William Norwalk Norwalk 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 19 oct. to 31 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 31 dec. 98 to 4 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic orders Secretary of War. 152 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Dougherty, Michael J. S T orwalk Newark, N.J. 21 Ojune 98 2 July 98 Ellis, Royal A. Norwalk Norwalk 21 1 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 16 oct. 98 to 18 Jan. 99, Philadelphia, Pa., hospital and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 18 Jan. to 4 feb. 99, date of discharge, per telegraphic orders Secretary of War. Farley, Frank Bridgeport Bridgeport 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 Farrell, Michael Bridgeport Waterbury 34 27 June 98 2 July 98 Fell, John E. S orwalk Norwalk 29 21 June 98 2 July 98 Ferris, James "arryan, N. Y. Armonk, N. Y. 33 27 June 98 2 July 98 Godfrey, Frederick W. \orwalk Norwalk 23 6 mar. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 7 to 8 oct.; Philadelphia, Pa., hospital, 8 to 17 oct., date of discharge, by order Secretary of War. Gorman, John ^orwalk Norwalk 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Hadley, William H. \ T orwalk Chappaqua, N. Y. 26 27 June 98 2 July 98 Hall, Beekman F. Norwalk Westport 29 21 June 98 2 July 98 Henry, Joseph F. Norwalk Weston 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 Henry, Michael Bridgeport reland 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Hopkins, George W. Norwalk Condon, England 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Kearney, Henry J. iartford -lartford 22 27 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service at Summerville, S. C., as provost guard, 1 dec. 98 to 20 Jan. 99. Kellar, Joe Norwalk Connecticut 22 9 feb. 97 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 8 to 10 July 98. Kemple, James Keogh, John J. Bridgeport Morwalk Bridgeport Norwalk 29 35 27 June 98 23 June 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 25 July to 16 oct.; 27 oct. to 11 nov. ; 19 nov. to 3 dec. 98 and 2 to 18 Jan. 99; appointed corporal cook from private, 18 Jan.; re duced to private, 21 feb. 99. Kiley, David Bridgeport Southport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Kincella, John Norwalk Norwalk 25 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 July to 9 aug., 10 aug. to 4 sept., and 3 to 17 oct. 98. Landrigan, Philip J. Norwalk Norwalk 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 1 to 12 feb. 99. Lawlor, Henry P. Waterbury Waterbury 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 14 to 16 oct.; Philadelphia, Pa., hospital, 16 oct. to 21 dec.; U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 21 dec. 98 to 23 Jan. 99. Lovejoy, Arthur G. Norwalk Newtown 21 21 June 9S 2 July 98 Matmore, Bernard Worcester, Mass. Worcester, Mass. 31 27 June 9 2 July 9 Manning, Thomas J. Shelton Ballyhaunis, Ireland 29 30 June 9 2 July 9 Appointed sergeant major, noncommissioned staff from private, co. I, 9 sept.; reduced to private and transferred to co. L, 14 nov.; appointed corporal, 26 nov.; reduced to private, 9 dec.; on special duty as com pany clerk, 21 nov. 98 to 20 mar. 99; as stenographer for general courts martial, Summerville, S. C., 13 dec. 98 to 18 feb. 99. McCarthy, Daniel M. New York, N. Y. Cork, Ireland 22 27 June 9 2 July 98 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 153 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Xat l (.uanl Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS McGarry, Thomas J. Norwalk England 19 22 apr. 98 2 July 98 On special duty at regimental hospital, 18 July to 16 dec. 98; as clerk at regimental headquarters, 8 to 21 Jan. 99. McGuinness, Stephen Norwalk London, England 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 30 oct.; Jefferson hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 30 oct. 98 to 22 nov. 98. Meyers, William Bridgeport Kledg Co., Germany 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 3 to 25 July; on detached service as provost guard, Summerville, S. C., 1 dec. 98 to 20 Jan. 99. Morris, Wallace W. Warren, Pa. * * 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Murphy, James Norwalk New York, N. Y. 21 20 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 10 to ^17 July; deserted, 8 sept. 98, Niantic, Conn. Neugebauer, Frank South Norwalk Wallaburg, Germany 22 20 July 96 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 29 oct. 98. Norman, Arthur S. Monson, Mass. * 20 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; detached service as provost guard, Summerville, S. C., 4 to 20 Jan. 99. Noyes, William T. New York, N. Y. Pueblo, Col. 23 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., and Philadelphia hospital, Philadel phia, Pa., 12 oct. to 16 dec., and U. S. General hospital, Ft. Myer, Va., 16 dec. 98 to 2 feb. 99, date of discharge, per tele graphic orders Secretary of War. Oakes, John W. South Norwalk Stamford 36 27 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 aug.; reduced to private, 19 dec. 98. O Brien, Peter F. Norwalk Norwalk 33 20 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 14 nov. 98; reduced to private, 9 feb. 99. Osborne, Charles H. Norwalk Norwalk 33 29 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 25 to 30 July 98. Parker, Charles E. Norwalk New York, N. Y. 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 15 feb. to 1 mar. 99. Payne, Henry H. Norwalk Redding 24 11 aug. 91 2 July 98 Reduced to private from sergeant, 9 nov.; sick in regimental hospital, 19 nov. to 20 dec.; deserted at Camp Marion, S. C., 21 Jan. 99. Peters, John P. Bridgeport Dansha, Ireland 34 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in brigade hospital, 28 dec. 98 to 17 Jan. 99; hospital for Insane, Washington, D. C., 17 Jan. to 8 feb., date of discharge on surgeon s certificate of disability. Peterson, John South Norwalk Nysted, Denmark 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 17 July; as sanitary police, 3 to 8 aug. ; sick in regimental hospital, 14 aug. to 2 sept.; Memorial hospital, New London, 3 sept, to 5 oct. 98; brigade hospital, Summer ville, S. C., 20 to 28 Jan. 99. Phillips, Warden B. Norwalk Norwalk 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Deserted, 3 mar. 99, at Camp Onward, Ga. Rooney, Frank P. Norwalk Norwalk 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Ross, Thomas H. Harbor Grace, Newfoundland Newfoundland, Canada 29 29 June 98 2 July 98 Sargeant, Joseph Norwalk Norwalk 24 15 dec. 96 2 July 98 Scofield, Albert R. Norwalk Norwalk 19 17 sept. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 9 nov.; on detached service at Summerville, S. C., as provost guard, 1 dec. 98 to 20 Jan. 99. Sheehan, William South Norwalk Rutland, Vt. 44 20 June 98 2 July 98 Shockley, Herbert F. Stamford * * 17 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. *Not given in muster roll. 154 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Smith, John H. Norwalk Weston 26 4 mar. 90 2 July 98 Reduced to private from 1st sergeant, 17 dec. 98. Smith, Thomas Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Squires, Joseph Northampton, Mass. Northampton, Mass. 26 27 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 20 aug. to 15 sept., 17 oct. to 11 nov. ; at regimental stables, 20 dec. 98 to 21 Jan. 99; on detached service at regimental stables, 22 Jan. to 18 feb., 20 feb. to 20 mar. 99. Storey, Peter New Britain * * 18 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sturm, Joseph F. Norwalk Germany 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as sanitary police, 6 to 13 July 98; assistant cook, 15 feb. to 1 mar. 99. Sturm, Valentine South Norwalk Germany 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Sullivan, George L. Norwalk Norwalk 23 20 June 98 2 July 98 On special duty as assistant cook, 17 to 25 July; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 14 oct.; transferred to Philadelphia hospital, 16 oct. 98. ^alleau, George P. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged, per telegraphic orders Secretary of War, 9 dec. 98. kVeyerhauser, John P. Norwalk Germany 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 ifoung, Frank A. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 27 June 98 2 July 98 COMPANY M RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Company located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 30 June to 9 sept.; Camp Meade, Pa., 10 sept, to 15 nov.; on provost guard, 9 to 31 oct.; Camp Marion, S. C., 17 nov. 98 to 21 Jan. 99; Camp Onward, Ga., 22 Jan.; on provost guard, Savannnah, Ga., 22 Jan.; on provost guard, Savannah, Ga., 25 Jan. to 4 mar. 99; mustered out at Camp Onward, Ga., 20 mar. 99. Captains George M. Grossman Winsted Sutton, 39 13 mar. 96 2 July 98 Resigned and discharged, 7 sept. 98. Mass. Charles P. Kirkland New London New York, 34 27 June 98 3 July 98 Mustered in as 2d lieutenant, co. D, 3d Conn. N. Y. vol. inf.; appointed ordnance officer, 3d Conn., vol. inf., 8 July; relieved, 30 sept.; appointed captain, co. M, 3d Conn. vol. inf. rank from 8 sept.; detailed as summary court, 3d battalion, 7 nov. to 5 dec. 98, 6 Jan. 99; appointed provost marshal of Savannah, Ga., 27 Jan. to 17 feb.; assistant provost marshal, Savannah, Ga., 17 feb. to 4 mar. 99. First Lieutenant Francis S. Hubbard Winsted Glastonbury 35 10 apr. 96 2 July 98 On detached service at brigade headquarters, 16 sept. 98 to 15 mar. 99; as acting brigade commissary, 2 to 10 nov.; as executive offi cer, brigade hospital, 4 dec. 98 to 15 mar. 99. Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Jennings New London New London 22 17 dec. 96 2 July 98 Mustered in as corporal, co. I, 3d Conn. vol. inf.; appointed sergeant and 1st sergeant; discharged to accept commission, 11 nov.; appointed 2d lieutenant co. M, rank from 10 oct. 98 ; on extra duty as acting A. A. G., U. S. forces, Savannah, Ga., 27 Jan. to 23 feb. 99. *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 155 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS First Sergeant James E. Mitchell Quartermas er Sergeant Edward L. Whiton Torrington Winsted W. Greenwich, R. I. Hartford 23 30 24 June 98 4 July 96 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 1 nov. ; sergeant, 22 dec. 98; 1st sergeant, 8 feb. 99; sick in Savannah hospital, 22 to 26 feb. 99. Sick in brigade hospital, Summerville, S. C., 8 dec. 98 to 1 1 feb. 99. Sergeants Christopher C. Coon Colebrook New London 23 11 may 96 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 30 sept, to 2 oct.; General hospital, Pottstown, Pa., 2 oct. to 28 nov. 98. George E. Doughty Winsted Cornwall 20 7feb. 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 18 sept. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 28 feb. to 10 mar. 99. William R. Walker Winsted New York, N. Y. 31 18 mar. 89 2 July 98 Orrin W. White Corporals Martin Grossman Torrington Winsted Winsted West Warren, Mass. 28 32 2 may 87 22apr. 98 2 July 98 2 July 98 Appointed sergeant from corporal, 2 aug.; 1st sergeant, 11 sept. 98; reduced to sergeant, 8 feb. 99. James T. Grady Winsted Winsted 22 23 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 17 to 22 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 22 oct. 98 to 28 Jan. 99. Burton D. Griffith Torrington Burrillville, R. I. 26 24 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 18 sept.; on special duty as company clerk, 2 oct. to 22 dec. 98. William Harrington Winsted Meriden 20 25 June 98 2 July 98 Benjamin W. Johnson Winsted West Avon 20 3 may 97 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 24 feb. to 7 mar. 99. Edward L. Lynch Winsted Winsted 18 23 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 15 to 17 sept.; hospital, Pottsville, Pa., 17 sept, to 22 oct. 98. Reginald R. Miller Winsted New York, N. Y. 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 4 to 6 nov.; University of Pennsyl vania hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 6 nov. to 2 dec. 98. John H. Parsons Winsted Lime Rock 25 10 feb. 90 2 July 98 Reduced to private from 1st sergeant, aug. 98; appointed corporal, 16 oct.; on detached service at Camp Marion, S. C., and Camp Onward, Ga., as corporal of provost guard, 28 dec. 98. Charles F. Redman Torrington Berlin, Geimany 25 23 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from private, 22 dec. 98. Eugene P. Searing Torrington Newfoundland, N.J. 21 16 may 98 2 July 98 Appointed corporal from artificer, 9 dec. 98. John J. Simmons Winsted Barkhamsted 22 11 may 96 2 July 98 Edward R. Vibberts Torrington Graf ton, Mass. 27 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 13 to 14 aug.; appointed corporal from private, 16 dec. 98. Cook Walter Blythe Winsted Marlborough 40 25 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed head cook, rank of corporal, from private, 6 Jan. 99. Musicians Charles B. Brown Torrington Colebrook 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 12 sept.; sick in regimental hospital, 21 to 29 dec. 98. Miles W. Dean Torrington New Hartford 22 23 June 98 2 July 98 Appointed musician from private, 12 sept. 98. A rtificer Miles A. Dean Winsted Falls Village 29 25 may 96 2 July 98 Appointed artificer from private, 13 dec. 98. Wagoner John Witzke Torrington Torrington 18 24 June 98 2 July 98 156 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Privates Amesbury, John H. Winsted Gt. Barrington, Mass. 30 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 9 to 13 dec. 98. Amrich, Andrew Torrington Ris Sadna, Hungary 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 Barnes, Harry L. Colebrook Winsted 19 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 2 to 10 mar. 99. Beauchamp, Camille J. Winsted Collinsville 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 20 oct. to 2 nov. 98. Bertig, William F. Winsted Stuttgart, Germany 21 29 nov. 97 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 1 to 4 aug. 98. Brennan, John M. Winsted Mill River, Mass. 34 25 June 98 2 July 98 Buck, Charles E. Winsted Waterbury 25 23 apr. 98 2 July 98 Bues, Lowes Torrington Beregsas, Hungary 22 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 5 to 17 oct. 98. Burke, James Norwich Pawtucket, R. I. 27 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 20 to 24 dec. 98. Butts, William A. Winsted * * 21 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of com pany. Casey, Charles W. Torrington Pine Meadow 19 25 June 98 2 July 98 Caul, Samuel L. Norfolk Lime Rock, 25 21 June 98 2 July 98 Centrella, Angelo Winsted Valenia, Italy 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Clayton, Charles Winsted Boston, Mass. 22 18 Jan. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal. Connole, Patrick F. Winsted Collinsville 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Coons, Daniel Torrington Canaan 23 22 June 98 2 July 98 Coons, Harry N. Torrington Sharon 18 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 16 oct.; Episcopal hospital, Phila delphia, Pa., 17 oct. 98 to 20 Jan. 99. Coons, Louis E. Torrington Sharon 21 23 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in hospital, 5 to 12 mar. 99. Corbette, Louis H. Torrington * 25 16 aug. 97 24 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; appointed cook from private, 1 aug.; reduced to private, dec. 98; sick in regimental hospital, 27 dec. 98 to 12 Jan. 99. Crippen, Homer Torrington Torrington 18 24 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service as clerk at headquarters of U. S. forces, Savannah, Ga., 26 Jan. to 20 mar. 99. Grossman, Robert B. Winsted Winsted 28 20 June 98 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal. Curtiss, Edward J. Torrington Goshen 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 7 to 10 oct.; St. Joseph s hospital, Lancaster, Pa., 10 to 19 oct. 98. Dean, Arthur H. Winsted Falls Village 23 25 may 96 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 29 aug. to 1 sept., reduced to private from sergeant, 20 dec. 98. Denison, Silas E. Norwich Norwich 28 25 June 98 2 July 98 Donahue, John Winsted Tipperary, Ireland 25 22 June 98 2 July 98 Donahue, Michael J. Winsted Limerick, Ireland 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 Donovan, Stephen Torrington Clornell, Ireland 29 25 June 98 2 July 98 *Not given in muster roll. THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 157 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Duncan, William Norwich Boston, Mass. 28 29 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged, 21 sept. 98, per order Secretary of War. Duplain, George Torrington Colebrook 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Ferency, Julius Torrington Torrington 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 19 to 24 oct. 98. Fink, Oliff Torrington Frerup, Germany 20 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 5 to 7 nov. ; General hospital, Reading, Pa., 1 to 30 nov. 98. Flamer, Emile Torrington Germany 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Fortin, Samuel Thompsonville Quebec, Canada 24 22 June 98 2 July 98 Gagne, Joseph A. Winsted Levis, Canada 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 26 to 30 aug.; Memorial hospital, New London, Conn., 31 aug. to 23 oct. 98. Gillette, Clarence B. Winsted Litchfield 21 4 July 96 2 July 98 Reduced to private from corporal, 12 oct. 98. Gisselbrecht, Eugene M. Torrington Muttersholz, Germany 18 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 3 to 12 oct.; Good Samaritan hospital, Lebanon, Pa., 12 oct. to 23 nov. 98. Golliker, George Torrington Schaughticoke, N. Y. 22 21 June 98 2 July 98 Griffin, Walter N. Winsted Winsted 21 4 may 96 2 July 98 Griswold, Grant Winsted Winsted 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 1 to 2 aug.; appointed corporal from private, 13 oct.; reduced to private, 16 oct.; sick in regi mental hospital, 22 to 29 nov. 98. Hill, Louis E. Winsted * * 19 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in regimental hospital, 2 to 4 aug. 98. Hine, George I. Torrington New Milford 23 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 6 to 7 oct. 98, date of death from malaria typhoid. Hodge, Frank B. Winsted Old Hadley, Mass. 36 22 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 11 Jan. 99. Holland, Daniel Old Mystic * * 19 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 27 sept, to 17 oct. 98. Howard, Dellaware Norwich Richmond, Virginia 24 29 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged, 21 sept. 98, per telegraphic order Secretary of War. Judd, Thomas M. Derby Lee, Mass. 27 24 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 18 Jan. 99. Kenney, John J. Winsted Waterbury 27 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 25 to 28 sept.; Red Cross hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 28 sept. 98 to 24 nov. 98. Kopankiawitz, Frank Torrington Kapko, Germany 26 25 June 98 2 July 98 Kimberly, Edwin N. Torrington New Hartford 34 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 24 feb. to 15 mar. 99. Looby, Michael Torrington Torrington 21 22 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 11 Jan. 99. Markwart, Adolf Torrington Lipno, Russia 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, 30 aug. to 2 sept.; Memorial hospital, New London, Conn., 3 sept. 98 to 14 Jan. 99. McGrane, James F. McGrath, Henry Winsted Winsted Winsted Barre, Mass. 27 21 21 June 98 12 July 97 2 July 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 4 to 10 oct.; General hospital, Lan caster, Pa., 10 oct. to 14 nov. 98. *Not given in muster roll. 158 THIRD REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER INFANTRY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS McMahon, John L. Torrington Torrington 25 22 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 11 Jan. 99. Munroe, Arthur Winsted St. George, Canada 25 5 July 97 2 July 98 Murphy, Charles Torrington Berlin 23 22 June 98 2 July 98 Murphy, John Winsted Ireland 29 25 June 98 2 July 98 O Connors, Daniel Winsted Annisgaul, Ireland 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 O Neill, Michael Torrington Tipperary, Ireland 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Padelford, Charles D. Winsted Colebrook 20 22 mar. 97 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 30 sept, to 7 oct., St. Joseph s hospi tal, Philadelphia, Pa., 7 oct. to 1 nov. 98. Palmer, Samuel Winsted Kent 19 22 June 98 2 July 98 Rathburne, John H. Winsted Winsted 24 24 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, aug.; appointed head cook with rank of corporal, 13 dec. 98; reduced to private, 17 Jan. 99. Reardon, Daniel Torrington Holyoke, Mass. 31 21 June 98 2 July 98 Riley, James Torrington New Britain 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 - Ryan, John Torrington Tipperary, Ireland 24 25 June 98 2 July 98 Shea, John J. Winsted Winsted 28 21 June 98 2 July 98 Spitko, Thomas Torrington Bussots, Hungary 21 25 June 98 2 July 98 Stickles, Clayton E. Torrington Riverton 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 Stone, Clifford B. . Torrington * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Stone, Spencer J. Winsted Winsted 21 24 June 98 2 July 98 Sullivan, James J. Torrington Ireland 21 21 June 98 2 July 98 Sykes, Wilbur H. Winsted Winsted 22 25 June 98 2 July 98 Talbert, Edward Norfolk Paterson, N.J. 28 21 June 98 2 July 98 Dishonorably discharged, 23 Jan. 99. Tucker, Patrick Torrington P Falls Village 37 21 June 98 2 July 98 Tuozzo, Pasquale Torrington Salerno, Italy 26 22 June 98 2 July 98 On detached service at Summerville, S. C., as baker at brigade bakeries, 15 Jan. to 15 feb. 99. Turner, Theodore Norwich Norwich 24 29 June 98 2 July 98 Discharged, 21 sept. 98, per telegraphic order Secretary of War. Wallace, James Torrington Mountrath, Ireland 28 28 June 98 2 July 98 Wells, Joseph H. Winsted St. Helene, Canada 21 18 Jan. 97 2 July 98 Reduced to private from musician. White, Joseph A. Torrington New Hartford 23 25 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 16 and 17 oct.; Episcopal hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 17 oct. to 14 nov. 98. Williams, Walter E. Hartford Lime Rock 21 23 apr. 98 2 July 98 Sick in 1st division hospital, Camp Meade, Pa., 4 to 11 oct.; appointed company clerk, 22 dec. 98. Young, Edward L. Winsted New Haven 22 22 June 98 2 July 98 Sick in regimental hospital, Camp Onward, Ga., 1 to 7 mar. 99. *Not given in muster roll. CAPTAIN BARLOW S. HONCE COMMANDING BATTERY A, IST REGIMENT. CONN. VOL. ARTILLERY FIRST REGIMENT CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY REPORT OF CAPTAIN BARLOW S. HONCE, COMMANDING BATTERY A, LIGHT, FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS, ARTILLERY. HEADQUARTERS BATTERY A, LIGHT, FIRST REGIMENT, C. V. A., NEW HAVEN, October 25, 1898. SIR: I have the honor to report the condition of Battery A for the period commencing May 4th to the muster- out of the organization, as follows: In obedience to G. O., No. 8, A.-G. O., dated Hartford, Conn., April 30, 1898, Battery A, 125 strong, as sembled at Niantic Conn., May 4, 1898, preparatory to muster into the service of the United States. By authority of G. O., No. 10, A.-G. O., Hartford, Conn., May 11, 1898, a third platoon was added to the Battery. By the same order leave of absence for the commissioned officers and furloughs to enlisted men during their term of service in the Volunteer Army of the United States was granted. The Battery was mustered in at Niantic, Conn., on May 19, 1898, for two years service, by authority of the President s proclamation of April 23, 1898. The Battery was stationed at Niantic, Conn., by telegraph orders dated Headquarters, Department of the East, and assigned to that Department, June 2, 1898. The Battery was recruited and supplied with modern guns and equipments, and a thorough system of drill and discipline established in accordance with U. S. Army regulations. By telegraphic orders dated August 4, 1898, the Battery was detailed with General Wade s expedition to Porto Rico, which was abandoned. We remained in camp at Niantic, Conn., till September 16, 1898, when the Battery was furloughed for thirty days. On expiration of furlough, October 15th, the Battery assembled at New Haven, Conn., and was mustered out of the U. S. service ten days later, October 25, 1898. During the period covered by this report the health and condition of the men under my command have been excellent. We have lost by disease, 1 ; by transfer, 1 ; discharged for disability, 5. Five have been discharged to accept commissions in the U. S. Army, and 3 by order of the Secretary of War. The receipt of many favors from the State authorities, which added much to the comfort and convenience of the Battery, is hereby gratefully acknowledged. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, BARLOW S. HONCE, Captain, Commanding Battery A, Light, First Connecticut Volunteers, Artillery. (159) 160 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY BATTERY A RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Battery located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 may to 15 sept.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 15 sept, to 15 oct.; New Haven, Conn., 15 oct. to date of muster out, 25 oct. 98. Captain Barlow S. Honce Branford Middletown, 42 18 June 94 19 may 98 Sick from 30 June to 12 July 98. N.J. First Lieu enants William J. O Brien Branford Branford 30 4 June 94 19 may 98 Detailed as post adjutant, 19 June to 15 sept. 98. Herbert T. Weston New Haven Lincoln, 22 6 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as sergeant; commissioned 1st Neb. lieutenant, 6 may; detailed battery quartermaster, 23 may to 5 June; detailed post adjutant, 9 to 19 June; on recruiting service, New Haven, Conn., from 20 June to 3 July 98. Second Lieutenants John F. Kinney Branford Branford 31 4 June 94 19 may 98 James A. Honce Guilford Branford 39 12 June 95 19 may 98 First Sergeant John W. Lynch Branford Branford 33 9 may 89 19 may 98 Quartermaster Sergeant Edward B. Treat New Haven Naugatuck 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 Veterinary Sergeant William S. Clancy Branford Branford 32 7 Jan. 90 19 may 98 Sergeants Frank V. Chappell New London New London 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 Thomas G. Fisher Branford New York, 31 27 apr. 93 19 may 98 N. Y. William D. Massey Branford Branford 23 11 dec. 93 19 may 98 Alton Spencer Guilford Madison 30 28 dec. 85 19 may 98 Frank M. White Guilford Lyme 24 30 June 93 19 may 98 Corporals Charles J. Anderson Guilford Guilford 22 26 apr. 97 19 may 98 John W. Baisly Branford New York, 27 29 apr. 98 19 may 98 N. Y. John S. Dailey Guilford Guilford 29 1 aug. 87 19 may 98 Oliver I. Griswold Guilford Guilford 31 20 may 90 19 may 98 Carleton C. Jones New Haven Wilkesbarre, 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Pa. Patrick McGuire Branford Limerick, 32 9 may 90 19 may 98 Ireland John J. Massey Branford Limerick, 26 27 feb. 96 19 may 98 Ireland Robert A. Oughton Guilford Meriden 26 21 Jan. 95 19 may 98 John R. Paxton, Jr. New Haven Harrisburg, 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Pa. Peter W. Plass Guilford Franklin, 20 3 feb. 96 19 may 98 Mass. Harleigh Parkhurst New Haven Providence, 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 R. I. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 161 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Charles L. Sherwood Southport Omaha, Neb. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Charles M. Tilley Branford ^ew York, N. Y. 25 2 may 95 19 may 98 George C. Walsh Branford ^Jew York, N. Y. 25 18 may 95 19 may 98 Farriers Frank B. Aninger -lartford Germany 22 22 apr. 96 19 may 98 Horace L. Carter rlartford rlartford 33 11 may 98 19 may 98 A rtificers Stephen H. White Guilford South Lyme 27 31 may 85 19 may 98 Harry E. Rogers 3ranford Branford 27 29 apr. 98 19 may 98 Saddler Harry Clish Musicians William H. Hotchkiss Morwich Guilford E. Brookfield, Mass. Guilford 25 26 17 may 98 2 apr. 94 19 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as private, appointed saddler, *19 may 98. James E. Mathews Branford Branford 25 17 may 94 19 may 98 Wagoner Henry Hill Guilford N. Guilford 25 20 may 95 19 may 98 Sick at date of muster out, 25 oct. 98. Privates Ahern, John Branford Cork, Ireland 28 2 dec. 97 19 may 98 Anderson, Elmer J. Guilford New York, N. Y. 25 10 Jan. 85 19 may 98 Bangs, Merwin B. New Haven New York, N. Y. 20 3 may 98 19 may 98 Barnes, Charles C. Guilford Fair Haven 28 14 may 97 19 may 98 Barnett, William L. New Haven New Rochelle, N. Y. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Barton, George L. Norwich Taunton, Mass. 23 12 may 98 19 may 98 Beach, Sidney Branford New London 21 2 may 98 19 may 98 Died of typhoid fever, 28 sept. 98, at Grace hospital, New Haven, Conn. Beecher, Norman B. New Haven Hillsboro, Ohio 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Bell, Archibald M. New Haven Allegheny, Pa. 20 14 may 98 19 may 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disability, 23 aug. 98. Benner, Burnham C. New Haven Springfield, Mo. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Bennett, Clarence O. Norwich Mansfield 18 6 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Birge, Nathan R. Bristol * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Bissell, Arthur H. Montclair, N.J. * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Bogart, John D. New Haven * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Bohan, Michael T. New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Born, Frank J. New Haven Richfield Springs N. Y. 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick on furlough, 3 to 24 sept. 98. Buist, George L., Jr. New Haven Charleston, S. C. 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 Transferred to hospital corps, 31 aug. 98, Montauk Point, N. Y. Calhoun, Charles M. Springfield, Mass. * * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. *Not given in muster roll. 162 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Callahan, Eugene Branford Branford 21 3 mar. 98 19 may 98 Callahan, Joseph H. New Haven * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Chaipel, Clifford L. Branford Branford 25 27 feb. 96 19 may 98 Sick on furlough, 8 to 14 aug. 98. Chapman, Grenville T. Springfield, Mass. * 11 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Chappell, Alfred S. New London New London 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Cheney, Austin New Haven So. Manchester 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 On recruiting service at New Haven, Conn., 21 June to 3 July 98. Cowan, Samuel M. Waterbury * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Cowdrey, Nathaniel H. New Haven Hohokus, N.J. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Cruise, Richard Guilford Dublin, Ireland 23 17 may 97 19 may 98 \ Cumings, Ralph H. New Haven East Brady, Pa. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Deegan, John Branford New Haven 41 12 may 98 19 may 98 De Forest, Lee New Haven Council Bluffs, Iowa 24 14 may 98 19 may 98 Doolittle, Warren J. Mt. Carmel * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Downey, William J. New Haven * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Sick on furlough, from 18 aug. to 9 sept. 98. Dwyer, Michael F. Ansonia Ansonia 21 18 may 98 19 may 98 Egan, Charles E. Waterbury * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Egan, John J. New Haven * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Feeter, George I. Little Falls, N. Y. * * 29 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Florence, Charles E. New Haven Derby 22 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Fowler, Henry B. Guilford Hamden 40 2 may 98 19 may 98 Fuller, Frederick Guilford New York, N. Y. 20 21 apr. 98 19 may 98 Cause, Frederic T. New Haven Wilmington, Del. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Discharged, by order Secretary of War, 26 aug. 98. Gearns, Edward S. New Haven * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Gilmore, William B. Guilford Guilford 22 1 aug. 96 19 may 98 Graham, Frank L. New Haven * * 25 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; Sick in Mass. General hospital, Boston, Mass., at date of discharge, 25 oct. 98. Granger, Charles E. Waterbury * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Greenberg, Michell G. New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Greiner, Oscar H. Meriden West Prussia, Germany 30 12 may 98 19 may 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disability, 5 aug. 98; (Served later in co. E, 46th U. S. vol. infantry.) GriT.n, James L. New Haven * * 20 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Guerin, Harold C. New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Gullans, Eric Branford Ludington, Mich. 23 12 may 98 19 may 98 - Harrison, Claude R. Guilford Guilford 24 30 mar. 98 19 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 163 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Holden, Francis P. Meriden Meriden 19 17 may 98 19 may 98 Honce, Charles A. Guilford Branford 37 18 apr. 98 19 may 98 How, Louis New Haven St. Louis, Mo. 25 3 may 98 19 may 98 Howard, James L., Jr. Hartford Hartford 20 14 may 98 19 may 98 Hubbell, William S., Jr. New Haven Boston, Mass. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Hutchins, William H. New Haven * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kelly, William H. Killoy, John E. Norwich New Haven Springfield, Mass. * 28 * 12 may 98 19 may 98 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kirkham, Charles M. Springfield, Mass. * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kniffen, Arthur H. Branford Fair Haven 19 20 may 97 19 may 98 Kniffen, Clifford E. Branford Clinton 23 17 mar. 98 19 may 98 Sick on furlough from 16 sept, to date of muster out. Ledyard, Augustus C. New Haven Chicago, 111. 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 22 June to 10 July; dis charged to accept appointment as 2d lieutenant, 2d U. S. inf., 2 sept. 98. Lloyd, Charles R., Jr. New Haven Leeds, England 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 22 June to 10 July; dis charged to accept appointment as 2d lieutenant, battery I, 6th U. S. artillery, 2 sept. 98. Served in Philippine insurrec tion. Loeb, Arthur S. New Haven * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Linskey, Nicholas Guilford Guilford 21 1 June 96 19 may 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disability, 5 aug. 98. Luis Frank New Haven Haddenville, N.J. 38 18 may 98 19 may 98 Lyman, George E. New Haven * * 25 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. MacLane, Paul B. New Haven Brownsville, Pa. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 MacMillin, Marion M. New Haven Ironton, Ohio 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Discharged to- accept commission as captain and assistant quartermaster, U. S. V., 23 July 98. Mannix, Dennis Branford Branford 22 17 mar. 98 19 may 98 Mansfield, Thomas E. New Haven * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Marks, William E. Waterbury Thompsonville 20 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Marlow, John H. New Haven * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Marlow, William F. Fair Haven * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Maroney, William A. New Haven * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Marshall, Edward E. New Haven Philadelphia, Pa. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Marshall, Samuel A. New Haven Charlemont, Mass. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 McCabe, John H. New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. McCarthy, Timothy J. Branford Cork, Ireland 29 9 mar. 93 19 may 98 McGovern, Frank J. New Haven * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. McGrail, Eugene J. Branford Branford 21 8 feb. 95 19 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. 164 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS McMahon, Thomas Shelton * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. McNamara, John T. New Haven Branford 27 12 may 98 19 may 98 Miller, Charles H. Waterbury * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Mooney, Luke F. Guilford New Haven 21 27 June 96 19 may 98 Moore, George C. New Haven Bolton 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Moran George F. New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Moran, John Murdock, William M. Guilford New Haven Guilford Pittsburg, Pa. 21 18 30 mar. 98 14 may 98 19 may 98 19 may 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disa bility, 23 aug. 98. Murphy, William Guilford Guilford 20 1 June 96 19 may 98 Neef, Joseph A. Waterbury * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Noonan, William F. New Haven * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. O Brien, Frank A. New Haven New York N. Y. 21 18 may 98 19 may 98 O Hara, Thomas F. New Haven * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Packer, William S., Jr. New Haven Baltimore, Md. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Page, Charles H. Branford Branford 22 5 jan. 97 19 may 98 Parker, Charles V. New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Parmelee, Cleon A. New Haven * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Rafter, Edward A. New Haven * * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Reynolds, John J. New Haven * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Reynolds, John T. Branford Branford 26 2 dec. 97 19 may 98 Ricketts, Joseph J. New Haven * * 28 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Ripley, Julien A. New Haven New York, N. Y. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Roberts, George New Haven * * 23 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Rockwell, Maxwell W. New Haven Brooklyn, N. Y. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Rodden, Bernie Branford Springfield, Mass. 22 2 may 96 19 may 98 Roesler, Edward New Haven Brooklyn, N. Y. 20 3 may 98 19 may 98 Rourke, Michael H. Branford Branford 19 2 jan. 96 19 may 98 Scanlan, Michael A. Branford Bridgewater, Mass. 29 30 apr. 98 19 may 98 * Selin, Edward Branford Landstrom, Sweden 31 2 may 98 19 may 98 Seymour, John B. New Haven Newburyport, Mass. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Shea, John T. Branford Branford 23 27 apr. 93 19 may 98 Shroder, William J. New Haven Cincinnatti, Ohio 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Slocovich, William P. New Haven Brooklyn, N. Y. 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 - Spencer, Frederick J. Guilford 1 Madison 21 21 jan. 95 19 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 165 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the N at l (;u;inl Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Spencer, George W. Guilford Madison 33 31 July 97 19 may 98 Stannard, Frederick Guilford Guilford 19 30 mar. 98 19 may 98 Sick on furlough from 24 aug. to 5 sept. 98. Strobel, Fritz Branford Germany 34 30 apr. 98 19 may 98 Suiter, Charles E. Mew Haven Versailles, Ohio 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sullivan, Daniel J. Guilford Guilford 28 2 may 98 19 may 98 . Sweet, Joseph Guilford VVeston, R. I. 21 2 may 98 19 may 98 Sykes, Walter H., Jr. New Haven New York, N. Y. 20 18 may 98 19 may 98 Taylor, Charlie Guilford Essex 19 18 apr. 98 19 may 98 Thompson, Clarence S. New Haven * * 25 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Thrall, George C. Mew Haven Omaha, Neb. 21 17 may 98 19 may 98 Tichborne, Walter F. C. New Haven New York, N. Y. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick on furlough from 17 July to 15 aug. 98. Treat, Frank L. Wallingford Wallingford 20 12 may 98 19 may 98 Trowbridge, Cecil H. Milford * 29 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Sick on furlough, 2 to 12 sept. 98 Tuckerman, Julius Mew Haven Jassy, Roumania 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Vaile, William N. Mew Haven Kokomo, Ind. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as saddler; reduced to private 19 may. Sick on furlough in Cambridge Hos pital, Cambridge, Mass., from 12 oct. to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Walsh, Thomas F. Branford Branford 23 11 dec. 93 19 may 98 Sick on furlough, mustered out with detach ment of battery. Watts, John M. Mew Haven Philadelphia, Pa. 18 16 may 98 19 may 98 Wedge, Charlie Guilford * * 22 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disa bility, 5 aug. 98. White, Thaddeus C. Vliddletown * * 1 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Wilcox, John W. Putnam * * 26 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Wildman, Frederick J. Guilford Guilford 32 27 apr. 98 19 may 98 Winslow, William A. Mew Haven * * 29 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Worrall, Walter L. Mew Haven Philadelphia, Pa. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Discharged, 14 sept. 98, by order Secretary of War. Wright, James T. Guilford Lancashire, England 33 13 apr. 98 19 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. REPORT OF CAPTAIN FRED J. BRECKBILL, COMMANDING BATTERY B, FIRST REGIMENT, C. V. ARTILLERY. FOKT GRISWOLD, CONN., September 30, 1898. Adjutant-General, State of Connecticut: SIR: I have the honor to report in compliance with your request that I give you a brief history of Battery B since its entry into the United States service, that Battery B, First Heavy Artillery, Connecticut Volunteers, reported at Niantic, Conn., at 5 o clock p. m., May 4, 1898, and was mustered into the United States service May 19th, with four officers and one hundred and forty-six enlisted men, after being considerably riddled by the ex amining officer. On May 21st, two days following our being mustered in, we were ordered to Fort Griswold, Conn. At that time there was considerable excitement in that end of the state, they not knowing the exact location of Cervera s fleet, and the chances the Government thought were very good for his gaining an entrance to Long Island Sound. After assuming command of Fort Griswold, it being virtually an obsolete post, as no troops had occupied it for years, it took a great deal of hard labor on the part of the men to get it in condition for immediate serv ice. The first thing we thought of doing was to get the guns (eight inch Rodman, smooth bore) in condition for service. When once we had them in condition where we knew they would be of use we immediately started the artillery drill, and can say that it took us but a short time to master it. On May 29th I was ordered to send a detachment of one officer (Lieut. John A. Leonard) and thirty en listed men to Stonington, Conn., to take charge of gun located on the breakwater at that point, at the same time sending a detachment about two miles below Fort Griswold to take charge of mine station located there. On June 1st we were ordered to recruit the battery to a total enlisted strength of 200, which necessitated an additional 54 men. On June 30th Lieut. Leonard and his detachment returned from Stonington, staying at this post until July 7th, when he was once more ordered to report to Fort Trumbull, Conn., that giving us the care and control of the entire Connecticut coast. The course of instruction we have undergone since our entry has been in Artillery, Infantry, and signal work, the majority of the men becoming very efficient in each branch. Since our entry in the service we have had no sickness to speak of, the men standing the inclement weather in Niantic and since leaving there, very well. There have been no deaths in the battery to date. In closing, I wish to thank the Adjutant-General and his assistants, Quartermaster-General and his assist ants, and the Commissary-General and his assistants for the many courtesies received at their hands while in Niantic. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, FRED J. BRECKBILL, Captain, Commanding Battery B, First Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, Artillery. (166) CAPTAIN FRED J. BRECKBILL COMMANDING BATTERY B, IST REGIMENT. CONN. VOL. ARTILLERY FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 1(57 BATTERY B RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Battery located as follows: Camp Haven, Conn., 4 to 20 may; Fort Griswold, Conn., 20 may to 11 nov.; battery ordered to Bridgeport, Conn., 11 nov.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on fur lough, 11 nov. to 10 dec.; Bridgeport, Conn., 10 dec. to date of muster out, 20 dec. 98 Captain Fred J. Breckbill Bridgeport Shelley Co., 30 20 jan. 98 19 may 98 On recruiting service at Bridgeport, Conn., 15 Ohio to 18 June. Detailed for service at Fort Adams, R. I., 15 to 30 July 98. First Lieutenant John A. Leonard Bridgeport Livermore Falls, 25 14 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 28 Me. may to 2 July: detailed post signal olf-cer, 6 to 10 July; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 8 July to 10 nov. 98. Second Lieutenants William A. Evans Bridgeport Norwalk 27 17 aug. 96 19 may 98 Detailed post commissary and quartermaster, Fort Griswold, Conn., 21 may; detailed summary court officer, 3 sept, to 22 oct. 98. William Baseley New London Westchester, 42 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled on date of muster in. On N. Y. detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 to 28 may; detailed post adjutant 28 may, signal officer 7 July, and canteen officer 3 sept. -98 First Sergeant Frederick W. Teele Bridgeport Waterbury 21 2 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as sergeant; sick on furlough and in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn., from 7 to 31 aug.; promoted first sergeant 17 sept. 98. Sergeants Charles F. Gushee Bridgeport Taunton, 26 30 mar. 95 19 may 98 Discharged at Fort Griswold, Conn., 2 nov. Mass. 98, per telegraphic order Secretary of War. Charles Andres Bridgeport Bridgeport 24 3 June 93 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Horace W. Pigg, Jr. Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 31 dec. 94 19 may 98 George T. Eadie Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 23 apr. 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Adams, R. I., 15 to 30 July 98. Alexander Weed, Jr. Stamford Stamford 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 Walter Smith Danbury Bloomfield, 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 N.J. Henry B. Phillips Bridgeport London, 29 14 apr. 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., England 1 to 11 aug.; on duty making muster out rolls and completing battery returns and records, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Phillip Powers Bridgeport New York, 31 3 may 98 19 may 98 N. Y. Edmond E. Monahan Bridgeport Brooklyn, 20 15 aug. 96 19 may 98 N. Y. Thomas J. Lyons Bridgeport Newtown 25 1 nov. 93 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. John Walker Danbury Newark, 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., N.J. 12 July to 27 aug. 98. Anson D. Barnes Bridgeport Kingston, 30 1 oct. 93 19 may 98 N. Y. William M. Skinner Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 27 apr. 98 19 may 98 168 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS George F. Gammons West Haven ^orwalk 31 3 may 98 19 may 98 Ernest P. Leonard Bridgeport Jvermore Falls, Me. 24 1 Jan. 98 19 may 98 On recruiting service at Bridgeport, Conn., 15 to 18 June 98. William S. Coughlin Bridgeport Bridgeport 18 28apr. 98 19 may 98 Arthur E. Chase Bridgeport Wassiac, N. Y. 21 2 nov. 97 19 may 98 Mustered in as corporal; appointed ser geant 23 July 98. Herbert J. Reilly Bridgeport <ings Co., Ireland 24 27 may 96 19 may 98 Mustered in as corporal; appointed ser geant 3 nov. 98. Louis J. Herrmann Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 29 June 97 19 may 98 Mustered in as artificer; appointed sergeant 30 June 98. Howard N. Godfrey Morwalk Bridgeport 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private; appointed sergeant 1 July; on furlough from 21 to 31 oct. 98. John P. Flanagan Bridgeport Hamilton, Ont., Canada 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private; appointed sergeant 11 July 98. Joseph W. Smith Bridgeport Bridgeport 22 25 may 93 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Adams, R. I., 15 to 30 July; relieved as first sergeant, 17 sept.; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Cassius E. Deitz Corporals Harry W. Fuller Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport Troy, N. Y. 21 21 30 mar. 95 23apr. 98 19 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private; appointed corporal 23 July; sergeant 4 oct.; on detached ser vice at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 15 July to 26aug.; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Edward S. Davis Danbury Danbury 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Adams, R. I., 15 to 30 July; sick 10 to 20 aug.; and 8 to 10 oct.; on duty making muster out rolls and completing battery returns and records, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Thomas J. Gore Bridgeport Bridgeport 28 24 mar. 98 19 may 98 Herbert Leid Danbury Brooklyn, N. Y. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 James A. McDonald Bridgeport Stratford 23 12 dec. 95 19 may 98 Charles A. Barnes Stamford Mohawk, N. Y. 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 Albert A. Buckingham Danbury Danbury 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private; appointed corporal 13 aug.; sick 21 to 25 oct.; on duty making muster out rolls and completing battery returns and records, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Charles P. Dickinson Bridgeport Haddam 25 25apr. 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private; detailed for service at Stonington, Conn., from 26 may to 3 July; appointed corporal 4 oct. ; on furlough from 15 oct. to 3 nov. 98. William A. Strickland Stratford * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of battery; appointed corporal 5 oct.; on duty making muster out rolls and com pleting battery returns and records, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Albert Thompson Bridgeport Denmark 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private, appointed cook with rank of corporal, 18 sept. 98. Howard Wilcox Musicians George W. Dieringer Bridgeport Bridgeport Ansonia * 23 * 23apr. 98 19 may 98 16 June 98 Mustered in as private, appointed corporal, 13 aug. 98. Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of battery; appointed musician 17 July; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTTILLERY 169 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Knlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Joseph B. Stebbin Hartford * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of battery, appointed musician 1 July 98. A ri .ficers James W. Ogden Bridgeport Harrisburg, Pa. 20 23 apr. 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private, appointed artificer; discharged, 31 aug. 98, by order Secretary of War. Julius E. Ponshow Bridgeport Switzerland 23 23 apr. 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private, appointed artificer 1 sept. 98. George B. Sanger Wagoner Martin V. See Bridgeport So. Norwalk Bridgeport Sing Sing, N. Y. 25 25 9 nov. 94 1 may 97 16 June 98 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of battery, appointed artificer 22 aug. 98. Privates Abercrombie, Robert Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; on duty making muster out rolls and com pleting battery returns and records, 1 1 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Adlard, James So. Wilton New York, N. Y. 27 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Allen, William C. Bridgeport Oakland, Calif. 20 1 mar. 96 19 may 98 Mustered in as corporal; reduced to private, 23 July 98. Allan, James Bridgeport Johnston, Scotland 28 2 may 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 16 sept, to 6 oct. 98. Alexander, Frank Bridgeport Bridgeport 28 24 mar. 98 19 may 98 Alexander, James Bridgeport Bridgeport 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Alvord, Fred E. Stratford Thomaston 21 25 apr. 98 19 may 98 Anderson, Charles Bridgeport * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; on duty making muster out rolls and com pleting battery returns and records, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Ashton, Joh n T. Bridgeport Whftingsville, Mass. 27 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Auld, Robert B. Bridgeport New York, N. Y. 27 7 June 92 19 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant; reduced to private, 20 July 98. Baldwin, Albert E. So. Norwalk * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Baker, Frederick Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Bardwell, George W. Bridgeport Whately, Mass. 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 15 July to 26 aug. ; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Barwick, John Bridgeport Yorkshire, England 21 2 may 98 19 may 98 Sick on furlough and in hospital, Fort Trum bull, Conn., 8 to 31 aug. 98. Bell, William So. Wilton * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Blakeslee, Charles W. Stratford * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Bolt, Jerome L. Bridgeport Kent 23 21 apr. 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Botwright, George Bridgeport Newcastle, England 27 3 may 98 19 may 98 Bowron, Frank J. Bridgeport Port Chester, N. Y. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 July to 27 aug.; sick on furlough, 29 aug. to 26 sept. 98. Branigan, James Bridgeport * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Breton, Joseph W. Torrington France 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. *Not given in muster roll. 170 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Brophy, Joseph Bridgeport Ansonia 28 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Brown, Robert E. Bridgeport Bridgeport 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 Buck, Charles O. Stratford Housatonic, Mass. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Burton, Edward Bridgeport Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 30 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; sick on furlough, 11 July to 9 sept.; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Buttery, Fred Bridgeport Norwalk 19 24 mar. 98 19 may 98 Discharged surgeon s certificate of disability 30 July 98. Callan, John Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in o attery. Callahan, John H. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick on furlough, 23 oct. to 7 nov. 98. Cannon, John F. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Cavanagh, Willis L. Norwalk Norwalk 23 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Christensen, Charles R. Jersey City, N.J. Jersey City, N.J. 18 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Clancy, James J. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Clancy, Patrick Bridgeport Jamestown, Ireland 36 3 may 98 19 may 98 Cleary, James Bridgeport * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Cleary, Thomas F. Bridgeport * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Connor, Charles E. Bridgeport Bridgeport 30 3 may 98 19 may 98 On furlough, 26 sept, to 6 oct. 98. Connors, John Bridgeport * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Connors, Walter J. Bridgeport Birmingham, England 25 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Cullen, John U. Bridgeport Maynard, Mass. 18 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Curtis, Howard A. Bridgeport Ithaca, N. Y. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as private; appointed corporal, cook, 3 aug. ; reduced to private, 18 sept. Absent without leave from 10 dec. 98. Danick, Andrew Bridgeport Neroceau, Russia 20 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; sick from 19 to 26 oct. 98. Dawson, James L. Derby Wilton, N. H. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick from 11 to 21 July 98. Demery, Albert V. Bridgeport Montreal, Canada 27 7 apr. 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Dobson, George K. Danbury Danbury 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 13 to 30 July 98. Donovan, John W. Bridgeport Port Chester, N. Y. 27 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 24 July to 26 aug. 98. Downs, Charles E. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Ennis, James F. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick -in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn., from 31 July to 11 nov. 98. Faulkner, James A. Bridgeport Palestine, Texas 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick from 13 to 18 oct.; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Feeley, James E. Bridgeport Bridgeport 20 3 may 98 19 may 98 Fischer, Hugo Bridgeport Germany 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 "Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 171 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Fitzgerald, Richard So. Norwalk * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Fotch, Charles W. Bridgeport Bridgeport 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Furbershaw, John Bridgeport New York, N. Y. 23 30 apr. 98 19 may 98 Garrish, Henry Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick from 6 to 13 aug. 98. Gerner, Frederick Bridgeport Richmond, Va. 21 24 mar. 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Ghiotto, Anthony B. So. Norwalk * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; on furlough from 28 sept, to 18 oct. 98. Gilmore, William G. Norwalk * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick from 19 aug. to 1 sept. 98. Gleason, Michael J. Bridgeport * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick from 22 aug. to 2 sept., amd from 22 to 29 oct. 98. Guarnieri, Charles F. Norwalk New York, N. Y. 23 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 July to 17 aug. 98. Hamrick, Schuyler Bridgeport Green Castle, Ind. 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as artificer; reduced to private, 22 aug.; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Hanson, John Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick on furlough from 15 to 28 sept. 98. Harrington, Frank New York, N. Y. Ansonia 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Havey, Joseph Bridgeport Bridgeport 29 3 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as sergeant; reduced to private, at his own request, 1 July 98. Healy, George E. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Heaply, George E. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 1 oct. 96 19 may 98 Hennessey, William Bridgeport Bridgeport 23 22 apr. 98 19 may 98 Henwood, Samuel J. Bethel Brewster, N. Y. 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn. 26 may to 3 July 98. Hines, Frank Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Hodge, George E. Danbury Milltown, N. Y. 30 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn^ 26 may to 3 July 98. Hoyt, Francis E. Bridgeport Bridgeport 27 1 July 92 19 may 98 Enrolled as corporal; reduced to private, 20 July; sick from 21 may to 1 June 98 Hutchinson, Ernest Bridgeport Birmingham, England 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Ives, Fred 0. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Judd, Ernest H. Bridgeport Falls Village 20 22 apr. 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 30 sept, to 10 oct. 98. Judpon, Henry Stratford Stratford 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 24 July to 27 aug. 98. Judson, Howard Stratford Stratford 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 24 July to 27 aug. 98. Keating, Edward Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Keefer, Philip S. Bridgeport Bridgeport 19 23 apr. 98 19 may 98 On detached service in hospital, Fort Trum bull, Conn., 14 aug. to 30 sept. 98. Keenan, Frederick Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Deserted at Fort Griswold, Conn., 8 July 98. *Not given in muster roll. 172 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Keniston, Charles E. Bridgeport Arlington, Mass. 24 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Kernan, Charles Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kilkenny, John St. Ellen s, England St. Ellen s, England 30 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Knapp, Albert E. Bridgeport Philadelphia, Pa. 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 Lahey, Daniel J. Danbury Dykemans, N. Y. 27 3 may 98 19 may 98 Langan, William H. Bridgeport Bridgeport 33 3 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as musician; reduced to private, 1 July 98. Lawler, James Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Leppert, Charles Letcher, Joseph H. So.Norwalk Bridgeport * Newport, Vt. * 35 3 may 98 16 June 98 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 July to 27 aug. 98. Lowe, Howard E. Danbury Bridgeport 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 24 July to 27 aug.; on duty making muster out rolls and completing battery returns and records, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Lynch, Robert F. Bridgeport Bridgeport 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Makara, Edward J. McCabe, Edward Bridgeport Bridgeport * Brewster, N. Y. * 21 23 apr. 98 16 June 98 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick on furlough, 5 to 22 sept. 98. McCauley, Charles C. Bridgeport Bridgeport 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. McClure, Henry Bridgeport Worcester, Mass. 22 2 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. McDonald, Michael Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Mclntyre, Frederick W. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 McKenna, Jeremiah Mew London * * 25 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Monaghan, Joseph Moody, Lester Mew Hartford Bridgeport New Hartford Nova Scotia 27 21 3 may 98 3 may 98 19 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Moore, Herbert L. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 15 may 97 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbul , Conn., 24 July to 27 aug. 98. Moss, Ernest J. Bridgeport Fitchburg, Mass. 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 27 sept, to 7 oct. 98. Muller, Max W. Mew Britain * * 23 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Munson, Hiram Bridgeport Seymour 18 25 apr. 98 19 may 98 Sick from 19 to 29 sept. 98. Murphy, James Bridgeport Bridgeport 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 24 July to 22 aug. 98. Murphy, Michael J. Murphy, William H. Bridgeport Bridgeport Limerick, Ireland Bridgeport 27 22 3 may 98 24 mar. 98 19 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Adams, R. I., 2 to 11 aug.; sick on furlough from 31 aug. to 13 sept. 98. Murray Charles J. Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Murray, William H. Bridgeport Bridgeport 18 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 13 oct. to 2 nov. 98. Murtagh, Thomas Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 [oined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick on furlough from 19 aug. to 1 sept. 98. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 173 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Muth, William H. Bridgeport Easton 22 30 sept. 97 19 may 98 Sick on furlough from 12 aug. to 10 sept.; on furlough from 9 to 19 oct. 98. Myers, William A. Bridgeport Lynndale, Mass. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Nelson, George Bridgeport Bridgeport 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Nichols, Andrew E. Bridgeport Bridgeport 23 30 apr. 98 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 11 to 19 nov. 98 Nichols, Herbert F. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. O Connell, John J. Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. O Connor, Maurice Bridgeport Newark, N.J. 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Adams, R. I., 2 to 11 aug.; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 17 to 27 aug. 98. Phalen, Patrick J. Bridgeport Bridgeport 20 17 may 97 19 may 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disa bility at Fort Griswold, Conn., 30 July 98. Policy, Henry S. Danbury Danbury 27 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 July to 27 aug. 98. Post, Arthur Bridgeport Woodbury 21 25 apr. 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 22 sept, to 12 oct. 98. Quigley, John Bridgeport Bridgeport 18 3 may 98 19 may 98 Radcliff, John Bridgeport Cohoes, N. Y. 22 3 may 98 19 may 98 Rahm, Oscar Cleveland, Ohio * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Ramsey, James Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Randall, Ernest E. Worcester, Mass. Worcester, Mass. 21 2 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Rauscher, Fred Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Raycroft, John Regnery, Frank W. London, England Bridgeport London, England Mahone City, Pa. 34 24 3 may 98 30 jan. 97 19 may 98 19 may 98 Enrolled as musician; reduced to private, 1 uly; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Regnery, Peter Bridgeport Mahone City, Pa. 29 10 dec. 95 19 may 98 Reilly, William Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 foined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Rickel, George Bridgeport Bridgeport 21 31 July 97 19 may 98 Sick from 21 aug. to 16 sept.; on furlough from 16 sept, to 6 oct. 98. Roberts, Charles F. Bridgeport Slew York, N. Y. 21 17 mar. 98 19 may 98 Transferred to hospital corps, U. S. Army, 1 July; discharged at Bridgeport, Conn., 16 nov. 98. Rogers, Thomas Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Rooney, Thomas W. Bridgeport Worcester, Mass. 18 3 may 98 19 may 98 On furlough from 25 sept, to 20 oct. 98. Schneider, George L. Bridgeport Bridgeport 24 2 jan. 93 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; on furlough from 16 to 31 oct. 98. Schroh, Jacob Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 oined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Schwarzenberg,Bernhard Bridgeport * 16 June 98 bined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Sebas, George J., Jr. Bridgeport Scranton, Pa. 18 16 June 98 oined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick from 8 to 17 aug. 98. Sheehan, John T. Bridgeport Windsor Locks 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. 174 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Sherwood, Harold Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Shields, William E. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Sleight, Harry Bridgeport * * 1 aug. 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Smith, Benjamin Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Smith, Daniel C. Smith, Edward M. Milford Middletown Milford Bridgeport 21 26 15 aug. 96 3 may 98 19 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 July to 27 aug.; on duty making muster out rolls and completing battery records and returns, 11 nov. to 10 dec. 98. Smith, James J. Bridgeport Bridgeport 25 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; mustered out 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Smith, Richard C. Bridgeport Holden, England 27 28 apr. 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant; reduced to private, 31 may 98, at his own request. Spall, Edwin C. Stratford Stratford 19 3 may 98 19 may 98 Stagg, Harry L. Bridgeport Stratford 22 1 June 96 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Starr, Charles F. Danbury Danbury / 37 3 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant; reduced to private, 11 July; mustered out, 27 oct. 98, by order Secretary of War. Steele, Wilbur J. Bridgeport New Britain 24 28 may 96 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; sick from 23 to 30 aug. 98. Stenger, Anthony So. Norwalk * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Storck, Matthias Bridgeport Hanover, Germany 25 13 dec. 93 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; sick from 22 to 27 sept. 98. Straight, George Bridgeport Hartford 23 25 apr. 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant; on detached serv ice at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; reduced to private, 4 oct.; mustered out, 27 oct 98, by order Secretary of War. Sullivan, Patrick Bridgeport * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick from 31 July to 6 aug., and from 23 to 27 aug. 98. Tate, John Bridgeport * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Taylor, James H. Bridgeport Waterford 26 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick from 17 to 29 July 98. Thibideau, Frederick J. Bridgeport New Brunswick, Canada 23 3 may 98 19 may 98 Tompkins, Samuel Bridgeport Pitts County, Va. 27 3 may 98 19 may 98 Sick from 8 to 14 oct. 98. Vail, Everett Bridgeport Orient, L. I., N. Y. 21 25 apr. 98 19 may 98 Van Button, Alfred H. Waite, Walter E. Bridgeport Bridgeport St. Augustine, Fla. Bridgeport 34 19 22 apr. 98 17 mar. 98 19 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July; on detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 July to 27 aug.; sick in hospital at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 27 to 31 aug., and 9 to 14 oct. 98. White, Anthony S. Bridgeport Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 21 3 may 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Stonington, Conn., 26 may to 3 July 98. Wolff, Charles H. Bridgeport Yonkers, N. Y. 21 28 apr. 98 19 may 98 On detached service at Fort Trumbull, Conn., 12 to 15 July; on detached service at Fort Adams, R. I., 15 July to 27 aug.; on fur lough from 9 to 29 oct. ; sick from 29 oct. to 2 nov. 98. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 175 REPORT OF CAPTAIN GILES BISHOP, JR., COMMANDING BATTERY C, FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS, ARTILLERY. HEADQUARTERS FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOL. ARTILLERY, NIANTIC, September 30, 1898. Adjutant-General, State of Connecticut. SIR: At the call for volunteers issued early in the spring of the present year, Connecticut was asked to furnish one regiment of Infantry, one Battery of Light Artillery, and two Batteries of Heavy Artillery. As there was no organization of Heavy Artillery in the National Guard of the State, it was necessary to organize them, as it were, from nothing. Of the two Batteries thus organized, Battery " C " was the only " Simon Pure " volun teer Battery, or, for that matter, organization, that Connecticut produced in the late war. Francis G. Beach of New Haven, Connecticut, who held the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General of the State troops, was given the task of recruiting the Battery. He was ably assisted in the work by Allan M. Osborn, then a Sergeant in the New Haven Grays. The work of recruiting was quietly, but effectively, carried on. Men from all over New Haven, Wallingford, Meriden, Wins ted, and other cities joined the ranks, and on May 7, 1898, marched down the street to the New Haven station, and were transported to the State Camp, Niantic, Conn. Battery C arrived in Camp Haven in excellent spirits in spite of the cool spring air and cloudy sky. The first night in camp was a memorable one, and many of the recruits received their first camp experience a severe drenching. For twenty-five days it rained with but few intermissions. On May 19th the Battery, with an aggregate of 144 members, was mustered into the Volunteer service of the United States by Lieutenant Hamilton S. Rowan, United States Artillery. The commissioned officers of the Battery were: Captain Francis G. Beach; First Lieutenant Allan M. Os born; Second Lieutenant Giles Bishop, Jr., of New London, and Second Lieutenant Henry S. Terrill of Winsted. Twenty-seven non-commissioned officers had been appointed before the muster-in of the Battery, and consequently were mustered with their rank. From May 7th until September 29th the Battery remained at Camp Haven. But few changes happened. The daily drills were looked forward to as a break in the monotony. By the end of camp the Battery had the reputation throughout the State of being the best-drilled organization in the State forces. The opportunities for Artillery practice were very limited, being confined to the six 10-inch mortars in the seacoast Battery, and the two unserviceable smooth-bores. In the early part of the camp a beautiful set of colors was presented to the Battery by the Quinnipiack Club of New Haven. N. G. Osborn, of the New Haven Register, made the presentation speech, and Captain Beach received the silken emblem for the Battery. The departure of the First Regiment twice from camp, and its returns; the arrival of the Third Regiment, and subsequent departure for Camp Meade, Penn. ; the change of station of Battery B from Niantic to Groton, together with Decoration Day, and the reviews of the First and Third Regiments by Governor Lorrin A. Cooke, were a few other incidents. The Battery received and escorted about every organization that went into camp during the year. Towards the end of August there was considerable sickness in camp. A form of malarial fever had a short run, und then a number of Battery men were taken to hospitals about the State suffering from typhoid fever. Finally, after the many weary days of expectant waiting, orders came to muster-out Battery C. The mus tering officers arrived, and on September 29th the Battery was furloughed for thirty days, at the end of which time they were to re-assemble for the final work of muster-out. During the summer the membership of the Battery had been increased so that the number at furlough was 195 officers and men. This is a summary of the adventures of Battery C, First Connecticut Artillery, U. S. Volunteers, up to September 30, 1898. GILES BISHOP, JR., Late Captain First Conn. Art., U. S. V., Commanding Battery C 176 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY BATTERY C RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS This battery was organized at New Haven and enrolled at Niantic, Conn., on May 7, 1898, where it remained until 29th day of September; battery ordered to New Haven, Conn., 29 sept.; officers on leave of absence and enlisted men on furlough, 29 sept, to 29 oct.; New Haven, Conn., 29 oct. to date of muster out, 31 oct. 98. Captains Francis G. Beach New Haven Mew Haven 37 2 June 93 19 may 98 Mustered out to accept commission as captain of Co. H, 3d Conn. Vol. Inf., 10 oct. 98. Giles, Bishop, Jr. Mew London Mew London 20 19 may 98 Mustered in as 2d lieutenant; on sick leave, 16 to 22 sept.; in command of battery, 10 oct.; promoted captain, 19 oct. 98. First Lieutenants Allan M. Osborn New Haven New Haven 26 19 may 98 Died at New Haven, Conn., of typhoid fever, 1 oct. 98. Henry S. Terrell Second Lieutenants Walter G. Penfield Winsted New Haven Colebrook E. Berlin 33 26 8 apr. 89 19 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as 2d lieutenant; detailed post quartermaster and commissary, 9 June; promoted 1st lieutenant, 1 oct. 98. Mustered in as 1st sergeant; on recruiting service at New Haven, Conn., 15 to 20 June; promoted 2d lieutenant, 21 oct. 98. Oliver A. Phelps Sergeants Frank Corves Wallingford New Haven Wallingford New Haven 33 27 19 may 98 19 may 98 Mustered in as sergeant; sick at Wallingford, Conn., 28 July to 18 aug. ; promoted 2d lieutenant, 21 oct. 98. Sick on furlough at New Haven, Conn., from 23 July to 19 aug. 98. James A. Howarth, Jr. New Haven New Haven 23 19 may 98 Sick on furlough from 3 oct. to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Vincent Pasetsk Wallingford Mariampal, Russia 24 19 may 98 Michael G. Hoey New Haven New Haven 36 2 nov. 87 19 may 98 Richard J. W. Emery Torrington Cork, Ireland 25 19 may 98 Hans Gronow Winsted Guestrow, Germany 29 19 may 98 Edward B. Eames New Haven West Haven 24 19 may 98 Franklin W. Allis Wallingford Stamford 23 19 may 98 George A. Hegeman New Haven Burlington 20 19 may 98 Charles N. Burdick New London Westerly, R. I. 22 19 may 98 Sick at New London, Conn., from 10 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Frederick W. Schultz Winsted Ashley Falls, Mass. 21 19 may 98 James A. Gorman New Haven New Haven 25 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 31 July to 2 aug. 98. Peter P. Contois Westville Coon Hollow, Vt. 22 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 10 to 17 sept. 98. James H. Flaherty New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Died at New Haven, Conn., of typhoid fever, 9 oct. 98. William Noonan New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 1 to 17 sept. 98. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 177 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Robert E. Broatch Middletown Middletown 23 19 may 98 Sick at Middletown, Conn., from 9 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. William P. Gilligan Meridan New York, N. Y. 34 19 may 98 John J. McNamara New Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 11 to 26 aug. ; appointed sergeant, 10 sept. 98. James C. Stoddard New London New London 28 19 may 98 Enrolled as private; appointed sergeant, 19 may 98. Corporals Harry A. Goodale New London East Hampton, N. Y. 19 19 may 98 Sick at New London, Conn., from 2 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Lester E. Ferris Stamford Stamford 22 19 may 98 Sick in post hospital from 12 to 20 sept.; and in Hartford hospital from 20 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Harry M. Cooke New Haven Cromwell 20 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., 28 July to 10 aug. 98. Newton F. Lewis New Haven New Haven 20 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., 6 to 14 sept. 98. Royal E. Penney Southport New Haven 21 19 may 98 Arthur E. Foley Winsted New Haven 23 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Burton M. Welch New Haven No. Windham 23 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Charles Loventhal New Haven Cincinnati, Ohio 28 19 may 98 Enrolled as private; appointed corporal, 19 may; sick at New Haven, Conn., 2 to 12 sept. 98. Artificers Charles O Keeffe New Haven Cork, Ireland 27 19 may 98 George A. Hull New Haven New Haven 25 19 may 98 Musicians Frank W. Reed New Haven Hartford 42 19 may 98 Wilbur H. Bradford Winsted Suffield 30 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., 18 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Wagoner Charles Jahnke New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 21 19 may 98 Privates Adams, John H. New Haven New Haven 23 19 may 98 Ball, Charles V. New Haven Northboro, Mass. 19 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 16 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Barrett, James J. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Bauer, George W. New Haven Allington 21 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 10 sept, to date of muster out. Beach, Alburton C. Meriden Meriden 30 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Beardsley, William H. New Haven New Haven 23 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Bess, Charles Wallingford Grosspeterkow, Germany 22 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New London, Conn., from 29 aug. to date of muster out. Beyer, Louis A. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 14 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. *Not given in muster roll. 178 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Blieske, Henry C. New Haven New Haven 26 19 may 98 Deserted at Niantic, Conn., 12 aug. 98. Brennan, Samuel A New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 9 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Bromm, Andrew New Haven Raushenberg, Germany 21 15 July 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Brown, Richard J. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Brown, William J. New Haven New Haven 26 19 may 98 Brundage, George A. New Haven Leominster, Mass. 21 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New London, Conn., from 8 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Buckingham, William E. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Buckley, Daniel M. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Burgess, Frederick L. Torrington Riverton 28 19 may 98 Burton, Archibald A. Torrington Middletown 23 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at Hartford, Conn., from 20 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Cadwell, Edward H. New Haven New Haven 25 19 may 98 Cahn, Louis W. New Haven New Haven 18 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 26 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Campbell, Walter S. Lanesville Lanesville 28 19 may 98 Casey, Edward J. New Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 2 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Casey, James J. New Haven Meath, Ireland 28 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 10 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Casey, William H. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Chapman, Harold R. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., at date of muster out. Clancy, John J. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Clark, Michael R. New Haven Rutland, Vt. 37 19 may 98 Enrolled as corporal; reduced to private, 1 July; deserted at Niantic, Conn., 25 July 98. Clement, George New Haven Warren, Ohio 34 19 may 98 Comiskey, William J. New Haven Peoria, 111. 22 16 June 98 Joined ad enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 11 to 16 sept. 98. Condon, William J. New Haven New Haven 24 19 may 98 Corcoran, James H. Cremin, Dennis J. New Haven New Haven New Haven Brighton, Mass. 21 21 19 may 98 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 26 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Cross, Joseph Meriden Cork, Ireland 38 19 may 98 Cuddy, John J. New Haven Yonkers, N. Y. 22 19 may 98 Cullinan, Stephen W. New Haven New Haven 18 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 22 sept, to date of muster out. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 179 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Date Enlisted or Com- Age i missioned in the | Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Cummings, John J. New Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 1 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Cummings, James N. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Daily, Martin F. New Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 10 to 20 sept. 98. Dehmer, Joseph J. New Haven New Haven 18 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 27 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Deery John C. New Haven Boston, Mass. 33 19 may 98 Deskin, Martin J. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Dole, Everett C. New Haven Yonkers, N. Y. 24 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at Hartford, Conn., from 9 sept, to date of muster out. Donnelly, George H. New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 14 June to date of muster out. Donnelly, John J., 1st New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New London, Conn., from 8 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Donnelly, John J., 2d New Haven New Haven 19 19 may 98 Donnelly, Thomas A. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Duffy. Harry New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Dunlay, Charles P. Edwards, Arthur L. New Haven New Haven New Haven New Haven 21 23 17 June 98 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 22 to 28 aug. 98. Faith, Leonard P. Meriden Aschaffenburg, Germany 21 19 may 98 Farren, Comfort S. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 17 to 20 aug. 98. Ferris, James New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Finn, James L. New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., at date of muster out. Fitzgerald, John T. New Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Flood, William J. D. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Forsyth, James M. New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Died at New Haven, Conn., of typhoid fever, 13 oct. 98. Foster, John H. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Fuchko, John Meriden * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Funk, Edward H. New Haven Hudson, N. Y. 23 19 may 98 Discharged for insanity, 23 sept. 98. Gahan, James New Haven New Haven 28 19 may 98 Galligan, Andrew New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Gasser, Albert New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Gilligan, Dennis New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Gillon, Thomas H. New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Grady, Harry P. Winsted Sheffeld, Mass. 22 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., at date of muster out with detachment of battery. *Not given in muster roll. 180 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in J. S. Service REMARKS Hackett, Thomas New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Hannon, John J. New Haven Greenwich 21 19 may 98 Harrison, Michael R. New Haven New Haven 23 19 may 98 Havens, Eugene B. Meriden Meriden 21 19 may 98 Sick at Meriden, Conn., at date of muster out. Hi IT; Hayes, John T. Winsted Andover, 21 19 may 98 r . Mass. Healy, James S. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 10 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Healy, Michael J. New Haven Clogheen, 21 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from Ireland 30 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Hickey, Patrick J. New Haven New Haven 24 19 may 98 Hill, William D. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New London, Conn., from 7 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Hitchcock, Harry S. New Haven New Haven 26 19 may 98 Hoefler, Benjamin New Haven Aschaffenburg, 21 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from Germany 13 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Jones, John B. New Haven Brooklyn, 24 19 may 98 N. Y. Kaiser, Charles F. New Haven Stamford 23 19 may 98 Keane, William H. Meriden Meriden 21 19 may 98 Keefe, Patrick J. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kehoe, Thomas J. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kelly, Robert H. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Kelly, Thomas F. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Kenny, John E. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kenney, Thomas New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Killoy, Lawrence F. New Haven New Haven 27 19 may 98 Kinsella, Gerald T. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Kolet, Frank Meriden Sohtprict, 21 19 may 98 Germany Kramer, William C. Meriden Meriden 23 19 may 98 Sick at Meriden, Conn., at date of muster out. Kuran, Riley B. Torrington Ashland, 24 19 may 98 N. Y. Langshore, Harry W. New Haven Burlington, 27 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., at Vt. date of muster out. Lawler, Bernard F. Winsted Peioche, 24 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., from 15 sept, to Nev. date of muster out. Lawrence, Norman F. New Haven New Haven 26 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Leary, Dennis New London Sprague 21 19 may 98 Sick at New London, Conn., at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Leary, John J. New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Leonard, Francis J. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Lockert, John E. Wallingford Brooklyn, 21 19 may 98 Sick at Wallingford, Conn., from 9 sept, to N. Y. date of muster out with detachment of battery. *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 181 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Aae Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l GiiarH Date Mustered in U. S. oervicc REMARKS Lockery, Frederick New Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Lonergan, Michael New Haven Chase, 31 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 29 sept, to Ireland date of muster out with detachment of battery. Loy, Clarence W. Meriden Meriden 22 19 may 98 Sick at Meriden, Conn., from 10 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Lyke, Harvey New Haven Chatham, 22 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven, Conn., from 16 aug. to N. Y. date of muster out. Lynch, Patrick J. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Maher, Cornelius New Haven New Haven 21 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 20 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Maher, Joseph M. New Haven New Haven 22 19 may 98 Mahoney, Michael New Haven New Haven 25 19 may 98 Maloney, John S. S T ew Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Marshall, Robert W. Vew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 26 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Marvin, Frank New Britain Tonowanda, 29 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 22 sept, to N. Y. date of muster out with detachment of battery. Masterson, Thomas E. Winsted Southington 22 19 may 98 Discharged, surgeon s certificate of disa bility, 31 July 98. McGrath, Richard H. New Haven Gloucester, 27 19 may 98 Mass. McKinnon, Daniel T. New Haven Campbell, 28 19 may 98 Scotland McLaughlin, Thomas J. Wallingford Vew York, 27 19 may 98 N. Y. Me Mahon, James J. Vew Haven * * 16 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. McNeil, Bernard Vew Haven Vew Haven 28 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 15 sept, to date of muster out with datachment of battery. Meehan, William J. Torrington Torrington 21 19 may 98 Merli, Edgar A. New Haven Milano, 23 19 may 98 Sick at Brooklyn, N. Y., from 31 aug. to Italy date of muster out. Merrett, William S. Vew Haven Cleveland, 21 19 may 98 Ohio Miller, Frank W. forrington ^ee, 22 19 may 98 Sick at Torrington, Conn., at date of muster Mass. out with detachment of battery. Morton, Edward F. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Mulligan, Lawrence H. Vew Haven Westville 26 19 may 98 Murphy, Charles F. Vaugatuck Vaugatuck 25 19 may 98 Sick at Naugatuck, Conn., from 10 to 17 sept. 98. Murray, Thomas A. Vew Haven Bridgeport 21 19 may 98 Mutz, Hugo Vew Haven Saliengen, 30 19 may 98 Germany O Connor, Charles A. N ew Haven Llmira, 23 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from N. Y. 30 sept, to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. O Donnell, Thomas J. S T ew Haven lartford 22 19 may 98! Sick in Hartford hospital from 10 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. *Not given in muster roll. 182 FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age }ate Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in LI. S. Service REMARKS O Donnell, William H. ^ew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. O Hare, Raymond Wallingford Washington, D. C. 24 19 may 98 O Neil, John T. Mew Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Parker, Philip E. Mew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Parsons, Matthew F. Torrington Torrington 21 19 may 98 Phalen, James J. Mew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 4 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Rafter, John F. Mew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at New Haven, Conn., from 9 sept, to date of muster out. Reidy, Morris J. Winsted Winsted 26 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., from 22 to 28 June 98. Reilly, Patrick H. Mew Haven Bridgeport 18 19 may 98 Richards, Dominick Mew Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Richardson, Brodie J. Torrington * * 24 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick at Torrington, Conn., from 7 sept, to date of muster out. Robertson, Wallace C. Mew Haven Welde, Maine 35 19 may 98 Died at New Haven, Conn., of typhoid fever, 14 oct. 98. Roos, Birger Mew Haven Stockholm, Sweden 24 19 may 98 Ryan, Michael Mew Haven Ennis, Ireland 35 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Sabins, Benjamin J. Mew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Sabins, Charles M. Mew Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery. Schomburg, Otto Wallingford Astoria, N. Y. 21 19 may 98 Died at Wallingford, Conn., of typhoid fever, 2 oct. 98. Schultz, Charles E. Winsted Norfolk 18 19 may 98 Sick at Winsted, Conn., from 28 aug. to date of muster out. Scranton, Leonard L. Scully, Andrew J. New Haven New Haven * Worcester, Mass. * 28 17 June 98 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 12 oct. to date of muster out with detach ment of battery. Scully, William J. Torrington Torrington 21 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Seery, James E. New Haven New Haven 28 19 may 98 Smiley, Bertram E. Torrington Halifax, Nova Scotia 22 19 may 98 Sick in hospital at New London, Conn., from 17 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Steppler. Charles G. New Haven Frankfurt, Germany 19 19 may 98 Sick at New Haven Conn., at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Stickney, Herbert F. New Haven Franklin, N. Y. 22 19 may 98 Sullivan, James J. Sullivan, John F. New Haven New Haven * New Haven * 29 17 June 98 19 may 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in Hartford hospital from 8 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Sweeney, John F. New Haven Holyoke, Mass. 21 19 may 98 *Not given in muster roll. FIRST REGIMENT, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY 183 RANK AND NAME Residence Place of Birth Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Toes, Charles H. New Haven New Haven 18 19 may 98 Walker, David M. New Haven * * 18 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; dishonorably discharged, order of Dept. of East, 22 aug. 98. Watson, Charles W. New Haven * * 17 June 98 Joined and enrolled after muster in of battery; sick in hospital at New Haven, Conn., from 8 sept, to 19 oct. 98. Welch, Merritt New Haven No. Windham 18 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Wesson, John P. New Haven New Haven 19 19 may 98 Sick in Grace hospital, New Haven, Conn., at date of muster out with detachment of battery. Willey, Joseph A. New Haven East Haddam 35 19 may 98 Yorke, Richard B. New London Norwich 21 19 may 98 Sick in Hartford hospital from 14 sept, to date of muster out with detachment of battery. Young, Anthony E. Meriden New York, N. Y. 21 19 may 98 i *Not given in muster roll. . NAVAL BATTALION CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS REPORT OF LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER ARTHUR H. DAY, COMMANDING NAYAL BATTALION, C. N. G., IN RELATION TO SERVICE IN UNITED STATES NAVY. HEADQUARTERS NAVAL BATTALION, C. N. G. NEW HAVEN, CONN., November 8, 1898. Adjutant-General, State of Connecticut. SIR: By your order, dated June 4, 1898, at the request of the Navy Department, the Battalion assembled at Camp Haven, Niantic, 011 June 6th, for the physical and technical examination of such officers and men as should be willing to volunteer for service in the United States Navy for the war. The First and Engineer Divisions of New Haven, with the Battalion line and staff, and the Second Division of Hartford, were escorted on their de parture by the local military companies. From the 6th to the 15th of June, the officers and men of the Battalion were subjected to a rigid physical and professional examination by a board of officers appointed by the Navy Department, consisting of Commander Wells L. Field, U. S. N., Chief Engineer Henry W. Fitch, U. S. N. (retired), and Passed Assistant Surgeon John S. Sayre, U. S. N. (retired). As the result of the examination, every officer of the Battalion was recommended by the board for a com mission in the United States Navy, although, unfortunately, the medical officers and adjutant failed to receive commissions owing to the lack of vacancies in the staff corps. One officer, who had already been conspicuous for diligent application to professional study, was recommended for and received a commission in the Navy with higher rank than he held in the Naval Battalion. I believe this case to be unique among the militia officers commissioned in the Navy. I consider the gratifying result of this examination to be in a great measure due to the faithful and diligent work of the officers in the study of navigation and seamanship on board of the U. S. Monitor Wyandotte. Although the physical examination was very rigid, but few members of the Battalion were rejected, and the majority of these for color blindness. One hundred and eighty-eight enlisted men who had passed examination volunteered for service, and on the 15th day of June were sworn into the U. S. Navy; this number being within fifteen of the total authorized strength of the Battalion. In view of this fact, that, in this volunteering, the Bat talion and division organization completely disappeared and officers and men became individual units in the U. S. Navy, I think we may be proud of such a record. By order of Commander Field, I was detailed to take charge of the men, with Lieutenants Parker and Goodridge and Chief Engineer Trowbridge, and report with them aboard the U. S. S. Minnesota in Boston. The enlisted men were, unfortunately, mustered in at so late a date that many of them were compelled, from the fact that ships already had their complement of men, to spend their entire service in the Navy aboard that vessel, and I wish to say in this connection, that the manly and uncomplaining way in which they per formed their duties under such trying circumstances, has met with most enthusiastic praise from those who were acquainted with the facts. Early in September, the officers and men began to receive honorable discharges, and, on October 25th, I had the honor to report that the officers and men of the Battalion had returned and had reported for duty. At date of this report, the paymaster of Battalion is still in the service of the United States. Lieutenant Samuel F. Punderson, Adjutant, was accepted by the Navy Dept. for Commission as Asst. Pay master, U. S. Navy. Seaman Yandel Henderson was appointed ensign in the Navy and served throughout the war on board the U. S. S. Yale. Quartermaster Walter H. Allen in July was honorably discharged, and was appointed naval cadet and served aboard the U. S. S. Dolphin during the war. (184) LIEUT. COMMANDER ARTHUR H. DAY COMMANDING NAVAL BATTALION, CONN. VOLUNTEERS NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS 185 SUMMARY. The Battalion furnished the following officers to United States Navy: Four Lieutenants. Four Lieutenants (Junior Grade). Five Ensigns. One Passed Assistant Engineer. One Assistant Engineer. One Assistant Paymaster. One Naval Cadet. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, ARTHUR H. DAY, Lieutenant-Commander and Executive Officer Commanding Naval Battalion, C. N. G. REPORT OF LIEUTENANT JOHN W. WEEKS, UNITED STATES NAVY. UNITED STATES AUXILIAEY NAVAL FORCE, HEADQUARTERS SECOND DISTRICT, U. S. S. "MINNESOTA/ BOSTON, Sept. 10, 1898. Adjutant-General, State of Connecticut. SIR: The 15th day of last June there were received on board this ship one hundred and eighty-eight men in charge of four officers, all from the Connecticut Naval Militia. Between the 1st of July and the 25th of August, one hundred and three of these men were transferred to other ships; the remaining eighty-five have been dis charged from the service from this ship. It gives me much pleasure to report the willingness, readiness for any duty, and excellent conduct of the men. I believe there has not been a case of willful infraction of any regulation of this ship or of any unbecom ing conduct when ashore. Their service has been particularly trying, as they entered the service late, and after the first two or three weeks there was little possibility of their seeing service at the front, and since the first of August very little possibility of serving on any other ship than this. A recruiting ship at best is simply an abiding place to keep men until they are needed on service ships. This very fact would prevent men from taking any special interest in the Minnesota, but their performance of duty here did not in any way indicate that this was not the ship of all others they preferred to serve on. When the men came aboard, the Minnesota was tied up to a wharf. The second day of July fire destroyed the storage warehouse on this wharf and very nearly destroyed the ship. During the fire the militiamen on board quickly showed their fighting qualities and what could be expected of them at the front. Twenty men were overcome by smoke and heat so that they had to be removed to the sick bay or hospitals, and I did not see a single case where a man failed to do his duty. The 25th of August I received orders to discharge all men belonging to the Connecticut Naval Militia, but as the ship would have been left without a crew sufficient to have cared for her, authority was given to retain fifteen men. The following, although entitled to their discharge, volunteered for this duty, and continued to serve until they could be discharged without injury to the ship or to the service: Chief Master at Arms, Charles K. Hutchinson, New Haven, Conn. Chief Yeoman, Henry F. Punderson, New Haven, Conn. Seaman, Clifford M. Peck, Milford, Conn. Seaman, Francis S. Hunn, New Haven, Conn. Seaman, L. F. L. Pynchon, Philadelphia, Pa. Seaman, . Albert J. Kenyon, Branford, Conn. Seaman, Fred E. Bosworth, Hartford, Conn. Seaman, Lorenzo W. Kenyon, Hartford, Conn. Seaman, Charles S. Lee, Guilford, Conn. Ordinary Seaman, Theodore P. Judson, New Haven, Conn. Ordinary Seaman, Walter W. Lounsbury, New Haven, Conn. Ordinary Seaman, Ernest R. Kelsey, Guilford, Conn. Ordinary Seaman, Henry W. Drury, Springfield, Mass. Landsman, Paul Franke, Hartford, Conn. Landsman, William R. Lee, Guilford, Conn. Fireman, 1st class, Dennis M. Mahoney, New Haven, Conn. Any state should be proud of such men, and do everything possible to keep them in its service. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN W. WEEKS, Lieutenant, U. S. N., Assistant Chief Auxiliary Naval Force, Commanding the Second District. 186 NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS HEADQUARTERS RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Excepting where otherwise stated in this column as to the service and date of discharge reference is made to the "Report of Lieu tenant Commander Arthur H. Day, commanding Naval Battal Lieut. Commander ion, C. N. G.", printed on page 184. Arthur H. Day New Haven 29 24 feb. 97 15 June 98 Commissioned lieutenant U. S. Navy, 27 June; dis charged, 8 sept. 98. Lieutenant Edward V. Raynolds New Haven 39 1 July 97 15 June 98 Commissioned lieutenant, U. S. Navy, 22 June; com manding U. S. Monitor Manhattan, 20 July to 2 sept.; discharged, 8 sept. 98. Ordnance Officer, Lieutenant (J.G.) Nathaniel W. Bishop Bridgeport 33 28 July 97 15 June 98 Commissioned lieutenant (j. g.) U. S. Navy, 22 June; served on board U. S. S. Enquirer and U. S. S. Restless; discharged, 8 sept. 98. Paymas er, Lieutenant (J. G. ) Frederick L. Averill New Haven 33 28 July 97 15 June 98 Commissioned ensign, asst. paymaster, U. S. Navy, 15 July; ordered to U. S. S. Minnesota, detached; ordered to U. S. S. Manhattan, 27 July; discharged, 3 sept. 98. Chief Master-at-arms Charles K. Hutchinson New Haven 30 15 nov. 93 15 June 98 U. S. S. Minnesota, 20 July; discharged, 25 aug. 98. Chief Yeoman Henry F. Punderson New Haven 27 15 nov. 93 15 June 98 Discharged, 26 aug. 98. FIRST DIVISION RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Lieutenant Daniel M. Goodridge New Haven 35 16 apr. 96 15 June 98 Commissioned lieutenant, (j. g.) U. S. Navy, 24 June; ordered to U. S. S. Sylvia, 24 June; stationed off Havana on blockade duty; detached, 16 sept; dis charged, 22 sept. 98. Lieutenant (J. G.) Frank S. Cornwall New Haven 28 16 apr. 96 15 June 98 Commissioned lieutenant (j. g.) U. S. Navy, 28 June; discharged, 8 oct. 98. Ensigns Stephen D. Baker New Haven 30 16 apr. 96 15 June 98 Commissioned ensign, U. S. Navy, 22 June; ordered to U. S. S. Elfrida, 28 June; stationed outside Sandy Hook, N. J.; also quarantine station at Fort Pond Bay, L.I., off Camp Wykoff; discharged, 23 sept. 98. Robert E. L. Hutchinson New Haven 28 12 aug. 97 15 June 98 Commissioned lieutenant (j. g.) U. S. Navy. Seamen Allen, Walter H. West Haven 23 27 feb. 97 15 June 98 Discharged, 16 June 98; appointed naval cadet, U. S. N. Applegate, Wm. A. New Haven 23 6 June 98 15 June 98 Best, George W. New Haven 20 25 Jan. 97 15 June 98 Barrett, Harry A. New Haven 23 3 July 96 15 June 98 Boerner, George F. New Haven 20 22 oct. 96 15 June 98 Buzzell, Harry A. New Haven 22 17 may 97 15 June 98 ,- - Benton, Winfred W. New Haven 23 25 mar. 98 15 June 98 Ball, Benjamin H. New Haven 21 23 may 95 15 June 98 * | NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS 187 RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Best, Edward L. New Haven 22 8 mar. 97 15 June 98 Bush, Frank W. New Haven 21 5 apr. 97 15 June 98 Beach, Joseph W. Pine Orchard 28 12 July 97 15 June 98 Discharged 6 aug. 98. Clemens, Frank G. (Clemons) Ansonia 23 11 June 98 15 June 98 Dusenberre, Ralph E. New Haven 25 6 feb. 96 15 June 98 Dulaney, George W., Jr. New Haven 21 25 feb. 98 15 June 98 Henderson, Yandell Huntley, Henry F. New Haven New Haven 22 24 11 nov. 95 12 feb. 94 15 June 98 Discharged, 4 June 98, to accept commission as ensign, U. S. Navy. Hume, Francis S. (Hunn) New Haven 21 26 mar. 96 15 June 98 Kenyon, Albert J. Branford 26 7 mar. 95 15 June 98 Konitz, Wm. J. New Haven 21 20 apr. 98 15 June 98 Lum, Benjamin B. New Haven 22 26 dec. 96 15 June 98 Lee, Charles S. New Haven 28 23 may 87 15 June 98 Lewis, Edward Y. New Haven 23 9 July 96 15 June 98 Murphy, John K. New Haven 23 18 oct. 97 15 June 98 Mason, Frank H. New Haven 21 14 oct. 96 15 June 98 Makepeace, Walter D. New Haven 23 4 nov. 97 15 June 98 Morris, Charles G. New Haven 27 25 June 96 15 June 98 O Brien, James M. New Haven 24 23 oct. 97 15 June 98 O Keefe. John A. New Haven 28 5 dec. 95 15 June 98 Peck, Clifford M. New Haven 27 27 feb. 94 15 June 98 Peabody, Robert S. New Haven 30 25 feb. 98 15 June 98 Smyth, Nathan A. New Haven 22 10 nov. 97 15 June 98 Schurig, Robert C. New Haven 26 23 mar. 98 15 June 98 Trueland, Hiram New Haven 36 10 June 98 15 June 98 Way, Charles L. New Haven 22 8 mar. 97 15 June 98 Webb, Clarence W. New Haven 29 17 oct. 95 15 June 98 Ordinary Seamen Burgess, Wm. J. New Haven 30 5 apr. 97 15 June 98 Brown, Arthur H. New Haven 21 4 mar. 98 15 June 98 Cahill, Wm. J. New Haven 23 5 mar. 96 15 June 98 Eldridge, Nathan S. New Haven 22 2 June 98 15 June 98 Eels, J. Shepard New Haven 19 1 June 98 15 June 98 Filley, Walter O. New Haven 22 30 oct. 97 15 June 98 v , Farr, Edward R. New Haven 22 14 Jan. 98 15 June 98 Hey wood, Carl B. Milford 24 25 may 98 15 June 98 Hamlin, Edgar F. New Haven 23 30 apr. 98 15 June 98 Hewett, Wm. Harrison New Haven 21 30 dec. 97 15 June 98 Isbell, John A. Ansonia 24 2 June 98 15 June 98 Judson, Theodore P. New Haven 24 15 nov. 93 15 June 98 188 NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Kendall, Edward G. New Haven 20 23 mar. 98 15 June 98 Discharged 4 aug. 98. Kelsey, Ernest R. New Haven 24 2 mar. 98 15 June 98 Lounsbury, Walter W. New Haven 25 4 apr. 98 15 June 98 Norton, Louis L. New Haven 23 4 nov. 97 15 June 98 Snow, Louis L. New Haven 19 4 June 98 15 June 98 Discharged 6 aug. 98. Williams, Charles E. New Haven 24 4 June 98 15 June 98 Landsmen Adams, Henry T. New Haven 23 6 June 98 15 June 98 Discharged 6 aug. 98. Anketelle, Arthur M. New Haven 21 4 June 98 15 June 98 Arvine, Earlliss P. New Haven 24 22 apr. 98 15 June 98 Brown, Leslie M. New Haven 20 11 June 98 15 June 98 Church, Ulysses G. New Haven 28 16 July 97 15 June 98 Cluff, Charles S. New Haven 24 26 may 98 15 June 98 Carroll, George F. New Haven 20 2 June 98 15 June 98 Doolittle, Harry W. New Haven 27 6 June 98 15 June 98 Docker, Guy Fairfield 32 10 June 98 15 June 98 Fowler, Frederick C. Milford 27 25 may 98 15 June 98 Ferguson, George W. New Haven 21 23 apr. 98 15 June 98 Garland, Wm. J. New Haven 20 2 June 98 15 June 98 Discharged 4 aug. 98. Gallagher, Elliot S. Branford 21 2 June 98 15 June 98 Harger, Alfred M. New Haven 24 1 June 98 15 June 98 Hott, Frederic New Haven 21 2 June 98 15 June 98 Jewett, Ambrose B. New Haven 21 25 apr. 98 15 June 98 Leonard, Harry A. New Haven 28 6 oct. 97 15 June 98 Lyon, George, Jr. New Haven 23 11 June 98 15 June 98 Lautz, Louis F. New Haven 30 11 une 98 15 June 98 Lee, Wm. R. New Haven 22 11 June 98 15 June 98 Nichols, John W., Jr. New Haven 28 15 nov. 93 15 June 98 Phillips, Charles C. New Haven 24 19 apr. 97 15 June 98 Price, Wm. B. New Haven 21 2 June 98 15 June 98 Shepard, E. Morris New Haven 20 2 June 98 15 June 98 Discharged 6 aug. 98. Scranton, Wm. J. New Haven 20 2 June 98 15 June 98 Strong, Richard W. New Haven 21 1.3 June 98 15 June 98 Woodford, Harry E. New Haven 20 6 June 98 15 June 98 Wallace, Edward D. New Haven 23 6 apr. 98 15 June 98 NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS 189 SECOND DIVISION RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Lieut nant Felton Parker Hartford 38 12 may 96 15 June 98 Lieutenant (J. G.) Herman F. Cuntz Hartford 26 2 feb. 98 15 June 98 Commissioned ensign, U. S. Navy, 22 June; ordered to U. S. S. Sylvia; stationed off Havana on blockade duty; detached 16 sept..; discharged 23 sept. 98. Ensigns Louis F. Middlebrook Hartford 32 12 may 96 15 June 98 Commissioned ensign in U. S. Navy, 22 June; ordered to U. S. S. Enquirer, 24 June; detached, ordered to U. S. Monitor Jason, 4 aug. ; discharged, 9 sept. 98. Lyman Root Hartford 29 2 feb. 98 15 June 98 Commissioned ensign U. S. Navy, 22 June; ordered to U. S. S. Elfrida, 24 June; stationed outside Sandy Hook, N. J., also at Fort Pond Bay off Camp Wykoff ; detached, 18 July; ordered to U. S. S. Rainbow, at Norfolk, Va.; detached 25 July; ordered to U. S. S. Elfrida; discharged, 13 sept. 98. Seamen Bigelow, Henry W. Hartford 30 22 June 96 15 June 98 Discharged, 6 aug. 98. Baldwin, Henry F. Hartford 23 2 apr. 98 15 June 98 Bosworth, Fred E. Hartford 23 12 may 98 15 June 98 Discharged 9 sept. 98. Baxter, George S. Hartford 22 12 may 96 15 June 98 Blakeslee, Fred G. Hartford 30 3 sept. 89 15 June 98 Bissell, Herbert G. Hartford 23 5 June 96 15 June 98 Brewer, Arthur L. East Hartford 21 15 feb. 97 15 June 98 Brinley, George Newington 26 21 sept. 97 15 June 98 Brinley, John H. W. Newington 22 12 aug. 97 15 June 98 Buck, Henry R. Wethersfield 22 29 nov. 97 15 June 98 Case, Archibald L. Hartford 23 14 dec. 96 15 June 98 Chapin, Robert D. Hartford 22 29 mar. 97 15 June 98 Coggeshall, Murray H. Hartford 25 3 June 98 15 June 98 Doran, Edward J. Hartford 23 21 dec. 96 15 June 98 Field, Francis E. Hartford 24 29 apr. 96 15 June V 98 S Forrest, George C. Hartford 28 9 may 98 15 June 98 Gallup, Christopher M. Hartford 22 3 mar. 98 15 June 98 Discharged 6 aug. 98. Hawley, James J. Hartford 26 26 apr. 98 15 June 98 Kenyon, Lorenzo W. Hartford 19 8 feb. 97 15 June 98 Keyes, Frank R. Hartford 22 14 dec. 96 15 June 98 Malm, O. William Hartford 24 22 June 96 15 June 98 McCreary, Ralph W. Hartford 22 18 may 96 15 June 98 Miller, Guy P. Hartford 23 29 apr. 96 15 June 98 Discharged, 6 aug. 98. Miller, Hugh I. Hartford 24 29 apr. 96 15 June 98 Discharged, 6 aug. 98. Morgan, Victor F. Hartford 19 15 feb. 97 15 June 98 Morgan, James H. Hartford 23 29 apr. 96 15 June 98 Morris, Shiras Hartford 23 4 June 98 15 June 98 McManus, Ward Hartford 22 20 may 96 15 June 98 190 NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Northam, Edward T. Hartford 23 13 apr. 98 15 June 98 Discharged, 6 aug. 98. Northam, Robert C. Hartford 24 29 apr. 96 15 June 98 Discharged, 3 aug. 98. Pynchon, Lauriston F. L. Hartford 26 15 mar. 98 15 June 98 Saunders, Charles C. Hartford 21 24 may 98 15 June 98 Scoville, Albert W., Jr. Hartford 22 24 may 97 15 June 98 Scrivener, Wm. H. Hartford 21 5 June 96 15 June 98 Shepherd, Forrest Hartford 28 2 apr 98 15 June 98 Discharged 20 aug. 98. Storrs, Herbert E. Hartford 19 16 sept. 97 15 June 98 Uhler, Jonathan K. Hartford 24 3 June 98 15 June 98 Welles, James D. Wethersfield 22 14 mar. 98 15 June 98 Wilson, Louis B. Hartford 26 20 apr. 98 15 June 98 Wightman, Alanspn H. Hartford 26 29 apr. 96 15 June 98 Wells, Richard B. Hartford 28 29 mar. 97 15 June 98 Ordinary Seamen Berry, Howard Hartford 19 1 June 98 15 June 98 Dimock, Stanley K. Hartford 19 2 feb. 97 15 June 98 Discharged, 6 aug. 98. Drury, Henry W. Hartford 22 1 June 98 15 June 98 Gabrielle, Burton L. Hartford 20 20 dec. 97 15 June 98 Gillette, Frank W. Hartford 22 1 apr. 98 15 June 98 Holcombe, George A. Hartford 22 19 apr. 98 15 June 98 Holmes, Richard J. Hartford 28 21 dec. 96 15 June 98 Kurd, Wm. M. Hartford 23 2 apr. 98 15 June 98 Jackson, Edward Q. Hartford 23 22 apr. 98 15 June 98 Long, Michael C. Middletown 28 9 may 98 15 June 98 Martin, George R. Hartford 19 9 may 98 15 June 98 Noble, Edward J. Hartford 22 20 apr. 98 15 June 98 Nutter, Harrie Y. Hartford 27 21 oct. 96 15 June 98 Root, Judson B. West Hartford 22 25 mar. 98 15 June 98 Sanford, Harrison Hartford 21 28 apr. 98 15 June 98 Scoville, Lester H. Hartford 22 17 may 97 15 June 98 Seymour, Freeman P. rlartford 34 20 June 96 15 June 98 Wilcox, George E. Hartford 21 9 may 98 15 June 98 Landsmen Beers, Robert C. Hartford 26 24 mar. 98 15 June 98 Burke, John F. rlartford 21 16 may 98 15 June 98 Barber, Arthur W. Hartford 25 11 June 98 15 June 98 Case, Henry B. Windsor 19 4 jun 98 15 jun 98 Cutting, Arthur S. rlartford 20 1 jun 98 15 jun 98 Colby, George F. rlartford 21 11 jun 98 15 jun 98 Foster, George C. rlartford 23 16 may 98 15 jun 98 Franke, Paul Hartford 24 1 jun 98 15 jun 98 NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS 191 RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Geer, Wm. A. Hartford 24 3 jun 98 15 jun 98 Goulet, Wm. Hartford 22 11 jun 98 15 jun 98 Huntington, Charles A. Hartford 25 28 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Kowalcky, Frank E. Hartford 21 13 jun 98 15 jun 98 LeFever, Arthur P. Windsor 19 1 jun 98 15 jun 98 Moses, Linwood K. Hartford 20 4 may 98 15 jun 98 Neilson, Carl Hartford 24 4 jun 98 15 jun 98 Schwerdtfeger, Otto M. Hartford 21 3 jun 98 15 jun 98 Seaver, Frederic A. Hartford 34 1 jun 98 15 jun 98 Talcott, Morton C. Hartford 19 2 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Twardoks, John F. Hartford 21 4 jun 98 15 jun 98 Tregoning, Wm. C. Hartford 22 31 dec. 97 15 jun 98 Tinkham, George H. Hartford 21 13 jun 98 15 jun 98 Young, Frank L. Windsor 19 4 may 98 15 jun 98 ENGINEER DIVISION RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Lieutenant (Chief Engineer) Aniasa Trowbridge New Haven 28 9 nov. 97 15 jun 98 Commissioned, passed assistant engineer and lieutenant (j. g.), U. S. Navy, 22 jun; ordered to U. S. S. Cats- kill, 6 July; detached, 20 sept.; discharged, 27 sept. 98. Ensign (Assistant Engineer) Frederic C. Spencer New Haven 29 9 nov. 97 15 jun 98 Commissioned assistant engineer and ensign, U. S. Navy, 22 June; discharged, 26 aug. 98. Firemen, 1st Class Adams, Francis M. New Haven 26 13 feb. 96 15 jun 98 Anderson, Fred T. New Haven 21 19 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Brown, Curtis P. New Haven 23 4 nov. 97 15 jun 98 Clark, Percival S. New Haven 21 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Goodrich, Robert H. Ansonia 20 25 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Johnson, George T. New Haven 24 25 mar. 98 15 jun 98 Mahoney, Dennis M. New Haven 21 17 may 98 15 jun 9? McMahon, Daniel M. New Haven 30 22 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Parsons, Arthur L. Ansonia 26 25 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Wheeler, Lynde P. New Haven 23 13 feb. 96 15 jun 98 Wurts, John C. New Haven 18 22 apr. 98 15 jun 98 Firemen, 2nd Class Barrows, George H. New Haven 34 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Minnix, Francis I. New Haven 21 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 192 NAVAL BATTALION, CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Ryan, John P. Hartford 22 11 jun 98 li jun 98 Ryan, Timothy J. New Haven 26 11 jun 98 15 jun 98 Ryals, Edward R. New Haven 23 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Schatz, Jacob F. Allentown 29 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Skelly, Henry F. New Haven 21 11 jun 98 15 jun 98 Coal Passers Conroy, Joseph T. New Haven 29 2 may 98 15 jun 98 Dunlea, Thomas J., Jr. New Haven 21 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Golden, Edward New York, N. Y. 15 jun 98 Kondrick, George (Konelk) Meriden 21 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Noonan, Eugene F. New Haven 24 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Peck, Albert E. New Haven 22 6 jun 98 15 jun 98 Tripp, Charles E. Shelton 21 12 jun 98 15 jun 98 OFFICERS, CONNECTICUT NATIONAL GUARD IN VOLUNTEER SERVICE, AT LARGE RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Colonel Lucien F. Burpee Waterbury 43 11 July 95 21 July 98 On duty in Washington, 16 may to 12 June, 1898, under direction of the Adjutant General of Connecticut. Commissioned lieutenant colonel and judge advocate, U. S. Volunteers, from colonel, 2nd regt., Conn, national fuard, 21 July. Granted leave of absence from C. N. G., 6 July 98. Ordered by Secretary of War to report in person to Major General Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., for duty in Porto Rico; served in Porto Rico on his staff and on staff of Major General James H. Wilson, 1st Div., 1st Army Corps; honorably mentioned for distinguished services, sept. 25, 98. Assigned to duty on staff of Major General James H . Wilson, 1st Army Corps, U. S. A., 13 oct., and served in Kentucky and Georgia, in organization of Army of Occupation of Cuba. Resigned and honorably discharged 1 Jan. 99. The following extract is quoted from the official report of Major General James H. Wilson, U. S. V., October, 98: *****"It gives me great pleasure to say that Lieut. Col. L. F. Burpee, Judge Advocate, U. S. V., was charged with the task of investigating the burning of the village of Goto, near Ponce, and with the trial of certain prisoners charged with riot and arson in violation of the laws of war. This was a very important case, as it affected the peace and quiet of the island and the future relations of the people with the United States, and as it was tried by a military commission, it required legal ability and discretion of a high order.***** The case was conducted with great solemnity and decorum. The prisoners were defended by Capt. Lemly, U. S. A., long resident in Caracas, who speaks Spanish perfectly. Every safeguard was thrown around the proceedings, but they resulted in the conviction and sentence of three to confinement at hard labor for two years each and two for fifteen years each. "The case reflects great credit on Col. Burpee and was admirably managed throughout. The leading officers of the commission and Capt. Lemly concurred in saying they never knew a case to be presented with greater fairness, thoroughness and ability, or with more learning and solicitude for the interests of all concerned. Col. Burpee is a very competent, able man, who would not have failed to reach the highest distinction had the war lasted. "Should it be my lot to participate in the preparation of the people of Cuba for American citizenship, I should regard myself as fortunate indeed if I could have the assistance of so learned, so judicious and so responsible an officer as Col. Burpee. JAMES H. WILSON, Commanding 1st div., 1st Army Corps." Lieut. Colonels Leonard B. Almy Norwich 46 6 June 92 20 may 98 Commissioned major, chief surgeon, U. S. volunteers from lieut. colonel, Conn, national guard retired. Discharged from U. S. volunteers, 5 oct. 98. George M. Cole New London 44 25 aug. 93 31 may 98 Commissioned lieutenant colonel, 4th U. S. volunteer infantry (Immunes), from lieut. colonel, 3rd regt. inf., Conn. national guard. Served in Cuba. Discharged from volun teers by reason of muster out of regiment, 8 June 99. Frederick A. Hill Norwalk 29 15 oct. 97 9 may 98 Commissioned lieut. colonel, judge advocate general s dept., U. S. volunteers, from captain, co. D, 4th regt. inf., Conn. national guard. Discharged from volunteers, 14 June 99. Majors William C. Dwight Hartford 32 4 mar. 90 20 June 98 Commissioned major and paymaster, U. S. volunteers. (Ex captain, company K, 1st regt. inf., Conn, national guard.) Discharged from volunteers, 27 may 99. John Hickey So. Manchester 39 30 oct. 90 5 July 99 Commissioned captain, 26th U. S. volunteer inf. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 13 may 01. (Major, 1st Conn. vol. infantry in 98.) 193 194 OFFICERS, CONNECTICUT NATIONAL GUARD IN VOLUNTEER SERVICE, AT LARGE RANK AND NAME Residence Age Date Enlisted or Com missioned in the Nat l Guard Date Mustered in U. S. Service REMARKS Surgeon Richard S. Griswold Hartford 30 18 Jan. 98 5 July 99 Commissioned 1st lieutenant, assistant surgeon, 26th U. S. volunteer infantry, 5 July 99; from 1st lieutenant, assistant surgeon, 1st regt. Conn. vol. infantry; commissioned captain, assistant surgeon, 26th U. S. vol. infantry, 24 apr. 01 ; mustered out, 13 may 01 ; commissioned major, surgeon volunteers, 4 June 01; killed 28 sept. 01, in action at Balangiga, P. I. (Served as 1st lieutenant, assistant surgeon, 1st regt. Conn. vol. infantry in 98.) Captains Howard A. Giddings Hartford 30 6 June 92 20 may 98 Commissioned captain, U. S. volunteer signal corps, from captain, brigade signal corps, Conn, national guard, 20 may 98, assigned to recruiting service in Hartford, ordered to duty at Washington Barracks, D. C., where the volunteer signal corps was being organized, was detailed as adjutant at that post, was later assigned to command of the 2nd company, U. S. volunteer signal corps, was ordered with that company to report to Major General Fitzhugh Lee commanding 7th Army Corps at Jacksonville, Florida, to proceed to Porto Rico (orders to proceed to Porto Rico afterwards rescinded) was detailed as acting chief signal oTcer. 7th Army Corps, in addition to other duties, and as acting chief signal officer commanded the field signal battalion, attached to 7th Army Corps. Discharged from volunteers, 2 dec. 98. Sick in hospital when discharged. Benjamin Stark, Jr. New London 40 6 mar. 95 31 may 98 Commissioned 1st lieutenant, Q. M. 4th U. S. volunteer inf. 31 may 98 to 8 June 98; from captain, i. s. a. p., 3rd regt. inf., Conn, national guard. Served in Cuba. Commissioned , 1st lieutenant, 31st U. S. volunteer inf., 5 July 99, promoted captain, 31 may 00; served in Philippine Islands. David Conner New London 37 27 June 98 17 aug. 99 Commissioned captain, 46th U. S. volunteer inf. 17 aug. 99, from captain co. D, 3rd Conn, national guard. Served in Philippine Islands. Dis harged 31 may_01._ (Served as captain co. D, 3rd regt., Conn, volunteer inf. in 98.) First Lieutenants Rodmond V. Beach New Haven 33 25 Jan. 92 21 June 98 Commissioned 2nd lieutenant, 2nd regt.,.U. S. volunteer engineers, from 1st lieut., battalion adjutant, 2nd inf. Conn. national guard. Transferred to 1st regt. U. S. vol. engineers; promoted to 1st lieutenant, and appointed regimental adjutant, 12 July 98. Died at Ponce, Porto Rico, 28 sept. 98. William F. M. Rodgers New London 39 14 Jan. 96 20 may 98 Commissioned 1st lieutenant, U. S. volunteer signal corps, with Gen. Wilson at Porto Rico, from 1st lieutenant, brigade signal corps, Conn, national guard. Discharged from volunteers 15 dec. 98. Philip E. Fairfield Hartford 22 7 mar. 98 11 June 98 Enlisted private, U. S. volunteer signal corps, from 1st lieutenant, brigade signal corps, Conn, national guard; promoted 1st class sergeant; promoted 1st sergeant; promoted sergeant major signal corps battalion, 7th Army Corps. Died at Jacksonville, Florida, 28 oct. 98. Delbert R. Jones Meriden 34 . 9 July 98 17 aug. 99 Commissioned 1st lieutenant, 43rd U. S. volunteer inf. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged from volunteers, 30 June 01. (Served as 1st lieutenant, co. L, 1st regt. Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Second Lieutenants John Q. Tilson New Haven 32 29 June 98 Commissioned 2nd lieutenant, 6th U. S. volunteer inf. Dis charged from volunteers, 20 sept. 98. (Enlisted in co. F, 2nd inf. Conn, national guard, 1 Jan. 98, discharged, 18 aug. 98.) Theodore Gruener Hartford 39 17 aug. 99 Commissioned 2nd lieutenant, 46th U. S. volunteer inf., 17 aug. 99. Served in Philippine Islands. (Served as corporal, co. K, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) U. S. ARMY OFFICERS BORN IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT General Officers RANK AND NAME Commissioned in Volunteer Service Entry into Regular Army REMARKS Major General George W. Davis 4 may 98 22 Jan. 67 Appointed brig, general in volunteers from lieutenant colonel, 14th infantry, U. S. A., colonel 23rd infantry, U. S. A., 19 oct. 99. Brig, general, U. S. A., 2 feb. 01. Vacated volunteer commission, 28 feb. 01. Major general, U. S. A. 21 July 02. Retired, 26 July 03. Brigadier General John B. Babcock Colonel George E. Pond Adjutant General s Department 3 June 98 22 Jan. 67 Appointed brig, general in volunteers from lieut. colonel, asst. adjutant general, U. S. A. Discharged from volunteers, 30 nov. 98. Colonel, asst. adjutant general, U. S. A., 21 feb. 01. Brig, general, U. S. A., 7 aug. 03. Retired, 8 aug. 03. Quartermaster s Department 9 may 98 1 July 68 Appointed in volunteers from major, quartermaster s dept., U. S. A. Discharged from volunteers, 12 may 99. Lieut, colonel, d. qm. gen. U. S. A., 26 oct. 01. Medical Department Lieutenant Colonel Henry S. Turrill Surgeons Majors Robert J. Gibson 7 nov. 98 26 June 16 June 75 80 Appointed in volunteers from major, medical department, U. S. A. Discharged from volunteers, 28 feb. 99. Lieut, colonel, dep. surgeon general, U. S. A., 28 June 02. Medical department, U. S. A. William J. Wakeman Assistant Surgeons Captains Henry R. Stiles 4 June 98 23 may 4 nov. 82 92 Appointed major, brigade surgeon in volunteers, from captain, medical department, U. S. A. Discharged from volunteers, 30 apr. 99. Major, medical department, U.S. A., 21 feb. 00. Medical department, U. S.;A. Edward L. Munson 12 may 93 Medical department, U. S. A. Assistant Surgeons First Lieutenants Sanford H. Wadhams 3 oct. 00 Medical department, U. S. A. William L. Keller 2 June 02 Medical department, U. S. A. Philip W. Huntington 27 oct. 02 Medical department, U. S. A. Charles F. Craig 18 feb. 03 Medical department, U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeons First Lieutenants Charles S. Stern 30 June 98 Medical department, U. S. A. Completion of service with annulment of contract, 10 July 99. Richard M. English feb. 00 Medical department, U. S. A. Resigned, oct. 01. 195 196 U. S. ARMY OFFICERS BORN IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT Pay Department RANK AND NAME Commissioned in Volunteer Service Entry into Regular Army REMARKS Brigadier Generals Asa B. Carey 1 July 54 Paymaster general, U. S. A. Retired, 12 July 99. George W. Baird 11 may 66 Pay department, U. S. A. Retired, 20 feb. 03. Majors James B. Houston 27 may 98 3 feb. 01 Commissioned major, add. pay. volunteers. Discharged from volunteers, Pay department, U. S. A. 14 may 01. Robert S. Smith 17 may 98 7 feb. 01 Pay department, U. S. A. (Commissioned major, add. pay. volunteers. Discharged from volunteers, 20 may 01.) Timothy D. Keleher 17 may 98 8 feb. 01 Captain, pay department, U. S. A., 8 feb. 01. (Commissioned major volunteers, 17 may 98. Discharged from volunteers, 11 may 01.) , add. pay. Corps of Engineers Brigadier General Samuel M. Mansfield Lieutenant Colonels Charles W. Raymond Charles E. L. B. Davis Majors Theodore H. Bingham Eugene W. Van C. Lucas 31 Captain William J. Barden First Lieutenant Sherwood A. Cheney Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Arnold, Jr. Major Clarence E. Dutton Captain William W. Gibson Firs! Lieutenant Walter G. Penfield I 1 July 58 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. Retired, 21 feb. 03. 1 July 61 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. j j r - o 1 July 62 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. 1 sept. 75 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. may 98 1 sept. 83 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. (Appointed in volunteers from captain, corps of engi neers, U. S. A. Discharged from volunteers, 2 mar. 99.) 17 June 90 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. 15 June 93 Corps of engineers, U. S. A. 1 Ordnance Department i 1 July 58 Ordnance department, U. S. A. Died, 15 oct. 01. 29 jan. 64 Ordnance department, U. S. A. Retired, 7 feb. 01. 1 July 75 Ordnance department, U. S. A. I 19 may 98 10 apr. 99 1st infantry , U. S. A., detailed ordnance department, 21 June 02. (Battery C, 1st Conn. vol. infantry, 19 may 98 to 29 oct. 98.) Signal Corps Captains Daniel J. Carr 20 may 98 28 July 80 Signal corps, U. S. A. Commissioned captain, 2 feb. 01. (Vacated commission in volunteers, 29 apr. 01.) Leonard B. Wildman 20 may 98 2 feb. 01 Signal corps, U. S. A. (Signal officer, 1st lieutenant volunteers, 20 may 98 to 9 may 01 .) Allan L. Briggs 17 aug. 99 2 feb. 01 Signal corps, U. S. A. (2nd lieutenant, 47th U. S. infantry, 17 aug. 99 to 2 July 01.) U. S. ARMY OFFICERS BORN IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT 197 Cavalry RANK AND NAME Commissioned in Volunteer Service Entry into Regular Army REMARKS Colonel David Perry 24 mar. 62 9th Cavalry, U. S. A. Retired, 5 July 98. Lieu enant Colonel Andrew G. Hammond Captains William F. Flynn 26 may 98 14 June 76 1 July 79 Appointed lieutenant colonel, 1st Conn. vol. infantry, from captain, 8th cavalry, U. S. A. Mustered out of volunteers, 31 oct. 98. Major, 3rd cavalry, U. S. A., 5 aug. 03. 8th cavalry, U. S. A. William A. Mercer 23 nov. 80 8th infantry, U. S. A., transferred to 7th cavalry. James A. Ryan 1 July 86 15th cavalry, U. S. A. William H. Paine 17 June 90 7th cavalry, U. S. A. First Lieutenants Conrad S. Babcock 15 June 94 3rd cavalry, U. S. A. Robert F. Jackson 15 June 96 3rd cavalry, U. S. A. Henry S. Terrell Second Lieutenants Charles H. Jennings 19 may 98 2 feb. 01 20 June 98 10th cavalry, U. S. A. (1st Conn. vol. artillery, 19 may to 29 oct. 98. 28th U. S. vol. inf., 5 July 99 to 1 may 01.) 13th cavalry, U. S. A. William M. Nichols 13 June 99 3rd cavalry, U. S. A. Thomas H. Jennings 12 nov. 98 2 feb. 01 7th cavalry, U. S. A. (3rd Conn. vol. infantry, 2 July 98 to 20 mar. 99. llth U. S. cavalry, 21 aug. 99 to 13 mar. 01.) Artillery Corps Colonels James B. Burbank 14 may 64 Artillery corps, U. S. A. Retired 11 sept. 02. Benjamin K. Roberts 18 apr. 66 Artillery corps, U. S. A. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver E. Wood Major James C. Bush 9 may 98 16 sept. 63 1 July 71 Appointed lieutenant colonel, chf. com. sub. in volunteers from captain, 5th artillery, U. S. A. Discharged volunteers, 17 apr. 99. Appointed major, com., sub., volun teers, 17 apr. 99. Discharged from volunteers, 12 June 01. Major, artillery corps, U.S. A., 8 may 01. Artillery corps, U. S. A. Captains Warren P. Newcomb 1 July 78 5th artillery corps, U. S. A. Elmore W. Hubbard 1 July 81 Artillery corps, U. S. A. Robert H. C. Kelton 9 July 98 Artillery corps, U. S. A. Frank S. Long First Lieutenants Ralph S. Granger 8 July 98 1 aug. 01 15 June 94 1st lieutenant, artillery corps, U. S. A. (Captain 6th Iowa battery, 8 July 98 to 5 sept. 98. Captain 39th U. S. Infantry, 17 aug. 99 to 6 may 01.) Artillery corps, U. S. A. Jairus A. Moore 16 apr. 98 Artillery corps, U. S. A. Charles M. Bunker 1 July 01 Artillery corps, U. S. A. (Co. B, 15th Minn, infantry, 9 July 98 to 27 mar. 99.) Second Lieutenants Arthur H. Bryant 19 June 97 Artillery corps, U. S. A. William M. Copp 9 July 98 Artillery corps, U. S. A. Resigned, 1 sept. 00. Clarence B. Ross 8 may 01 Artillery corps, U. S. A. (2nd Mass, infantry, 10 may to 3 nov. 98.) James Totten 8 sept. 00 1 July 01 Artillery corps, U. S. A. (31st U. S. infantry, 14 July 99 to 18 June 01.) 198 U. S. ARMY OFFICERS BORN IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT Infantry RANK AND NAME Commissioned in Volunteer Service Entry into Regular Army REMARKS Brigadier Generals Daniel W. Burke 10 June 58 From 17th infantry, U. S. A. Retired, 21 oct. 99. Cyrus S. Roberts 9 may 98 1 may 66 Appointed lieutenant colonel and asst. adjutant general in volunteers, from major 17th infantry, U. S. A. Resigned commission in volunteers, 27 aug. 98. Lieutenant colonel 13th infantry, U. S. A., 14 aug. 99. Colonel, 2nd infantry, U. S. A., 13 apr. 01. Brigadier general, 8 aug. 03. Retired, 9 aug. 03. Colonel Owen J. Sweet 27 may 67 28th infantry, U. S. A. Majors George O. Webster 1 sept. 61 4th infantry, U. S. A. Died, 10 oct. 99. Charles H. Bonesteel 1 July 72 23rd infantry, U. S. A. Died, 24 sept. 02. Captains Edmund D. Smith ljuly 75 19th infantry, U. S. A. Died of wounds received in action, 5 feb. 00, at Sagod, of Cebu, P. I. Island Walter H. Chatfield 4 oct. 78 5th infantry, U. S. A. Dwight E. Holley 1 July 82 4th infantry, U. S. A. John Adams Perry 10 oct. 83 13th infantry, U. S. A. Herbert N. Royden 16 June 87 26th infantry, U. S. A. Retired, 10 Jan. 03. James T. Moore 16 June 88 27th infantry, U. S. A. George H. Shelton 17 June 91 llth infantry, U. S. A. Harris Pendleton, Jr. 29 July 98 2 feb. 01 18th infantry, U. S. A. (3rd Conn. vol. infantry, 2 July 98 to 20 mar. 99. Captain, 26th U. S. infantry, 5 July 99 to 13 may 01.) John M. Field 11 may 98 1st lieutenant and quartermaster, 1st D. C. infantry, 11 may 98. Mustered out, 20 nov. 98. Captain, 47th U. S. infantry, 17 aug. 99. First Lieutenants John S. Murdock 7 oct. 91 25th infantry, U. S. A. Resigned, 30 June 99. Olin R. Booth 10 oct. 95 llth infantry, U. S. A. Ward Cheney 9 July 98 4th infantry, U. S. A. Died of wounds received in action . 7 Jan. 00 at Imus, P I. Francis J. McConnell 10 apr. 99 17th infantry, U. S. A. G. Arthur Hadsell 18 may 98 1 may 99 19th infantry, U. S. A. (1st Conn. vol. infantry, 18 may 98 to 31 oct. 98.) Harry E. Comstock 2 July 98 2 feb. 01 2Tth infantry, U. S. A. (3rd Conn. vol. infantry, 2 July 98 to 20 mar. 99. 26th U. S. infantry, 5 July 99 to 13 may 01.) Second Lieutenants George F. Brady 26 feb. 98 14th infantry, U. S. A. Stephen M. Barlow 20 may 98 26th infantry, U. S. A. George A. Wieczorek 9 Jan. 99 2nd infantry, U. S. A. Benjamin D. Foulois 17 June 99 17th infantry, U. S. A. (Co. G, 1st U. S. engineers, 7 July 98 to 25 Jan. 99.) Tallmadge H. Brereton 2 feb. 01 2nd infantry, U. S. A. (71st New York infantry, 10 may to 15 nov. 98.) Henry H. Hall 2 feb. 01 23rd infantry, U. S. A. (1st Conn. vol. infantry, 17 may to 31 oct. 98.) Emmett Addis 4 June 01 20th infantry, U. S. A. Horatio K. Bradford 28 oct. 02 17th infantry, U. S. A. U. S. NAVAL OFFICERS BORN. IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT RANK AND NAME Date of I onimissi >n Entry RANK AND NAME Date of Commission Entry Rear Admirals Francis M. Bunce 6 feb. 98 28 may 52 Medical Corps Henry B. Robeson Ralph Aston 8 mar. 99 jan. 02 2 sept. 56 9 dec. 61 Medical Directors Rear Admiral Walter K. Scofield 18 feb. 90 12 July 61 Captains Samuel L. P. Ayers 21 mar. 70 21 July 58 Commander Samuel H. Dickson 26 jan. 02 19 mar. 75 Colby M. Chester Caspar F. Goodrich 2 June 96 6 sept. 97 31 oct. 59 10 dec. 61 Surgeon Lieutenant George H. Barber 7 June 00 23 may 89 Francis W. Dickins Charles S. Sperry 3 July 98 1 July 00 20 sept. 61 26 sept. 62 Passed Asst. Surgeons Lieutenants, (J. G.) Brownlee R. W r ard 14 jan. . 96 14 jan. 93 William Swift 9 feb. 02 25 sept. 63 Robert S. Blakeman 27 may 99 27 may 96 William S. Cowles 2 nov. 02 22 July 63 John T. Kennedy 15 jan. 03 15 jan. 00 Commanders William H. Everett 3 mar. 99 23 July 63 Charles W. Rae James H. Perry Joseph B. Murdock 3 mar. 99 3 mar. 01 [6 June 01 10 oct. 66 29 jan. 67 25 July 66 Pay Corps Pay Director Captain Henry T. B. Harris L3 June 02 1 nov. 64 Walter C. Cowles Lieutenant Commanders William H. Webb Charles F. Pond 14 June 02 3 jul 82 1 July 99 22 sept. 69 19 June 62 13 June 72 Paymaster Lieutenant Frank T. Arms Passed Asst. Paymaster Lieutenant (J. G.) Theodore J. Arms 15 June 98 4 mar. 01 14 mar. 92 23 oct. 98 Harry S. Knapp Frank W. Kellogg 11 feb. 01 29 apr. 02 26 June 74 24 June 75 Asst. Paymasters Lieutenant (J. G.) Walter T. Camp 15 June 00 Lieutenants William L. Howard 10 mar. 98 27 sept. 77 Ensigns Frank B. Payne 10 June 98 Lyman B. Perkins, (temporary) 12 may 98 12 may 98 Edward E. Goodhue 28 feb. 01 Roger Welles, Jr. 3 July 98 25 sept. 80 Edward T. Witherspoon 3 mar. 99 28 sept. 82 George N. Hayward Charles A. Brand Frederick A. Traut Walter S. Crosley 3 mar. 99 3 mar. 99 1 July 00 3 mar. 01 19 may 84 8 sept. 85 19 may 88 9 sept. 89 Chaplains Lieutenants Curtis H. Dickins Edward J. Brennan 1 1 nov. 98 2 dec. 01 Henry H. Ward 11 feb. 01 7 sept. 89 Lieutenants, (J. G.) William H. Perkins, (temporary) Robert Sommers, (chief gunner) 24 June 98 3 mar. 99 24 June 98 11 nov. 73 Professor of Mathematics Lieutenant William S. Eichelberger 15 jan. 00 Edward H. Dunn 1 July 00 5 sept. 91 * Ensigns Edward M. Jennings, (temporary) Frank L. Pinney 3 June 98 4 apr. 00 3 June 98 6 sept. 94 Asst. Naval Constructor Lieutenant Henry M. Gleason 3 mar. 01 20 may 95 William P. Cronan 4 apr. 00 6 sept. 94 Ernest A. Weichert Midshipman Caspar Goodrich 28 jan. 01 6 sept. 95 7 sept. 97 Civil Engineer Commander Frank O. Maxson 26 oct. 81 199 200 U. S. NAVAL OFFICERS BORN IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT Warrant Officers RANK AND NAME Date of Appointment Entry Chief Boatswain Stephen McCarthy 3 mar. 99 18 may 76 Boaslwains Hugh J. Duffy 7 July 97 11 sept. 89 Dennis J. O Connell 30 Jan. 00 7 dec. 93 Frank Garvey 30 Jan. 00 7 dec. 93 Karl Rundquist 30 July 03 21 July 93 Gunners Charles B. Babson 17 July 95 4 Jan. 86 John H. Lohman 13 June 98 7 dec. 89 Philip Doherty 4 apr. 99 9 nov. 79 William Carroll 19 July 99 24 Jan. 84 Humbold J. Palmer 11 mar. 02 30 July 90 Warrant Machinists George L. Russell 6 July 99 11 mar. 98 David Purdon 22 aug. 99 18 oct. 94 Charles H. Gilhuley 1 nov. 01 4 feb. 94 U. S. MARINE OFFICERS BORN IN, OR APPOINTED FROM CONNECTICUT RANK AND NAME Date of Commission Entry Colonel Robert W. Huntington 10 aug. 98 5 June 61 Captain Theodore H. Low 3 mar. 99 1 July 94 First Lieutenant Willi .m W. Low 1 July 99 1 July 99 Second Lieutenants William E. Smith 23 July 00 23 July 00 Giles Bishop, Jr. 23 July 00 23 July 00 CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U.S. Service REMARKS Sergeant Major Benedict M. Holden ^rtford 25 sept. 99 27th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged mar. 01. First Sergeants John E. Angus Groton 24 5 sept. 99 Co. C, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry, Stationed, Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 June 01. (Served with co. I, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) George A. Powers (Geo. A. Rew) Greenwich 18 22 dec. 99 20th co., U. S. c. a. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 21 dec. 03. William Shaffer So. Willington 24 11 apr. 01 Troop H, llth U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 10 apr. 04. Quartermaster Sergeants Walter R. Quinn Putnam 22 18 sept. 99 Co. I, 46th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 01. (Served with co. G, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Edward L. Whiton West Hartford 31 17 July 00 Co. A, 22nd U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 16 July 03. Sergeants John B. Albert Danbury 24 27 may 98 Hospital corps, U. S. A. Stationed Porto Rico and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 29 apr. 99. Reenlisted, 13 June 00. Discharged, 12 June 03. John J. Bannon New Haven 23 21 Jan. 02 Troop K, 2nd U. S. cavalry. Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 Jan. 05. Frederick A. Barton Hartford 38 2 July 98 Co. M, 1st U. S. volunteer engineers. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 2 feb. 99. Eugene N. Bibeault Putnam 24 18 sept. 99 Co. I, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 01. John H. Brinley New Haven 28 3 Jan. 98 Band, 21st U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and Cuba, Discharged, 2 Jan. 01. John A. Burby Warehouse Point 21 16 nov. 98 Co. M, 9th U. S. infantry, transferred to co. L, same regiment. Trans ferred 12th battery, U. S. field artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 15 nov. 01. Walter S. Campbell Still River 30 2 aug. 99 Co. D, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed, Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) George J. Dowen Burnside 23 June 99 Signal corps, U. S. A. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, June 02. (Served with co. F, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Samuel A. Gager New London 21 13 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co. U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brigade signal corps, Conn, national guard. Discharged from volunteers, 8 apr. 99. George F. Gammons West Haven 32 29 dec. 98 Co. F, 14th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 28 dec. 01. (Served with battery B, 1st Conn. vol. artillery in 98.) Henry de Hedouville New Haven 25 5 aug. 95 Co. M, 1st U. S. artillery. Discharged, 4 aug. 98. Morris L. Holden Hartford 21 10 oct. 99 Co. F, 48th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed in Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 June 01. William Lounsbury Bridgeport 25 13 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brigade signal corps, Conn, national guard. Discharged from volunteers, 15 sept. 98. Frederick A. Mackenzie Hartford 27 11 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brigade signal corps, Conn, national guard. Discharged from volunteers, apr. 99 in Cuba. Edward J. Maher New London 28 10 July 97 18th co., U. S. coast artillery. Stationed in Cuba. Discharged, 10 July 03. 201 202 CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U.S. Service REMARKS Justin McCarthy Norwich 27 11 oct. 95 Band, 2nd regt., U. S. artillery. Stationed in Cuba. Discharged, 3 apr. 02. Frederick C. Morcom Hartford 20 may 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brigade signal corps, Conn. National guard. Discharged, Jan. 99. Harry A. Norton New Haven 21 20 June 99 Cos. B and F, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 19 June 02. (Served with co. D, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Francis A. O Rourke (Francis A. Cassidy) New Britain 28 3 dec. 97 Battery B, 5th U. S. artillery. Stationed Cuba and Porto Rico. Dis charged, 2 dec. 00. Michael F. Owens . Hartford 23 11 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brig, signal corps, Conn, national guard. Promoted sergeant. Discharged from volunteers, 31 oct. 98. Harry W. Platt New London 21 11 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private brig, signal corps, Conn, national guard. Promoted sergeant. Discharged from volunteers, 13 oct. 98. William H. Sanford Waterbury 23 14 June 99 Troop K, 4th U. S. cavalry and troop F, 12th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 12 sept. 08. Anton E. Sauter New London 27 11 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from corporal, brig, signal corps, Conn, national guard. Promoted sergeant. Discharged from volunteers, 13 oct. 98. Frederick W. Schultz Winsted 22 11 aug. 99 Co. H, 35th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 2 may 01. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Leonard Skinner Meriden 35 9 sept. 99 Co. D, 43rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 July 01. (Served with co. L, 1st Conn. vol. inf. 98.) James C. Stoddard New London 29 26 aug. 99 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed, Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 01. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. artillery in 98.) Ralph A. Taylor Hartford 19 2 June 00 Hospital corps, U. S. A. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 June 03. Matthew W. Ward New Haven 25 27 July 94 2nd and 7th U. S. artillery. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 26 July 99. Peter Zarr Corporals Charles N. Burdick Waterbury New Haven 20 22 31 July 99 1 dec. 98 Troop A, 2nd U. S. cavalry and troop B, llth U. S. cavalry. Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 17 oct. 12. Battery E, 5th U. S. artillery. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 29 Jan. 01. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Ralph Candee Harwinton 25 mar. 99 Troop H, 4th U. S. cavalry. Stationed, Philippine Islands. Discharged, 24 mar. 02. (Served with co. F, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98). Philip F. Cashin Hartford 20 22 sept. 99 Co. F, 42nd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 27 June 01. James W. Collins New Milford 26 8 aug. 99 Co. G, 35th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 2 may 01. Albert E. Cornwell Meriden 21 sept. 99 Co. E, 43rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 6 July 01. Edward S. Davis Danbury 27 29 dec. 98 Cos. D and E, 14th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 28 dec. 01. (Served with battery B, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) George W. Fuller Bridgeport 25 11 June 98 Enlisted, 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brig, signal corps, Conn, national guard. Promoted corporal. Discharged from volunteers, sept. 98. Frank X. Gagne Putnam 21 27 dec. 99 Co. I, U. S. volunteers. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 9 nov. 00. Archie E. Galpin Bridgeport 20 12 Jan. 99 13th battery, U. S. field artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands. Dis charged, 11 Jan. 02. Charles Healy Waterbury 21 7 June 99 4th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 6 June 02. William G. Hyde Meriden 23 31 July 99 Co. B, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. (Served with co. L, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY 203 NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U. S. Service REMARKS James P. Hynes Hartford 22 31 may 01 Co. H, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 2 may 01. (Served with co. K, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Eugene C. Juckett Mew London 28 15 July 96 Battery K, 2nd U. S. artillery, and co. F, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed in Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 14 July 99. Edward G. Kober Hartford 19 10 oct. 99 Co. B, 41st U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 3 July 01. (Served with co. K, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Adolph P. King Robert S. Lull Waterbury Middletown 21 22 9 June 99 29 July 99 Troop E, 3rd U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 8 June 02. Co. D, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. Edward E. Lyon Mew Haven 22 24 oct. 91 Troops C and K, 6th cavalry, and co. C, 20th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba, China and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 17 Jan. 02. George M. Mars Bridgeport 22 8 may 95 Troop A, 6th U. S. cavalry. Discharged, 7 may 98. Reenlisted, 19 may 98. Stationed Cuba. Wounded and discharged for disability, 13 dec. 98. Robert J. McCormick Mew Haven 27 15 June 99 Co. F, 20th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 14 June 02. George J. Rau Hartford 18 2 mar. 00 Troop D, 7th U. S. calvary. Stationed in Cuba. Discharged, 2 mar. 03. Samuel O. Roune Bridgeport 27 31 mar. 99 59th co., U. S. coast artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 mar. 02. George J. Sebas, Jr. Bridgeport 19 21 June 99 Co. C, 12th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 20 June 02. (Served with battery B, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Alec York Stilson New Haven 19 11 June 98 Enlisted in 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps, from private, brig, signal corps, Conn, national guard. Promoted corporal. Discharged from volunteers, sept. 98. Lindley M. Travis Putnam 24 15 sept. 99 Co. K, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 20 apr. 01. (Served with co. G, 3rd. Conn. vol. inf. in 98). Saddler William T. Dupree Hartford 22 12 dec. 00 Troop F, 15th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 11 dec. 03. Wagoner Sebastian Siwik Bridgeport 20 17 Jan. 01 Troop G, 8th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 16 Jan. 04. Artificers George F. Gormley Danbury 29 1 aug. 99 Co. C, 20th regt. and co. L, 2nd regt., U. S. infantry. Served in Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 July 02. Norton W. Grover Old Saybrook 22 18 mar. 98 5th and 7th batteries, U. S. field artillery. Served in Porto Rico. Dis charged, 21 apr. 04. Charles Hull Danbury 34 1 aug. 99 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 June 01. James McAuliffe Hartford 25 24 mar. 99 Co. C, 19th U. S. infantry. Stationed Porto Rico and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 23 mar. 02. (Served with co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Stephen H. White Guilford 29 7 sept. 99 Co. E, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 01. (Served with battery A, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Privates 1st Class Gundaker, Oscar F. New Haven 40 1 July 98 Co. H, 1st U. S. vol. engineers. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 25 Jan. 99. Hague, Charles K. Hartford 26 June 98 2nd co., U. S. volunteer signal corps. Discharged from volunteers, dec. 98. Hascall, Arthur I. Hartford 20 7 July 98 Co. K, 1st U. S. volunteer engineers. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 25 jan. 99. Leavenworth, Frederick C. New Haven 23 6 July 98 1st U. S. engineers. Discharged, 25 jan. 99. Enlisted, co. K, 15th U. S. infantry, 10 July 00. Discharged, 9 July 03. Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Stevens, Willard H. New Britain 19 25 June 98 2nd company, U. S. volunteer signal corps. Discharged, 21 sept. 98. Whelan, Henry Bridgeport 33 28 June 98 U. S. engineers. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 25 jan. 99. Wildman, George A. New Haven 22 26 Jan. 99 Co. B, 7th U. S. infantry and hospital corps. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 16 June 03. 204 CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U. S. Service REMARKS Musicians Brennan, Henry M. New Haven 16 24 sept. 99 Co. E, 43rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 July 01. Landa, Jacob Derby 22 17 Jan. 01 Co. B, 30th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged 17 Jan. 04. Privates Andrews, William W. Southington 18 24 feb. 99 Troop K, 5th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Porto Rico and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 7 mar. 02. Andrulis, John New Haven 19 8 July 95 Co. E, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 22 July 98. Half, Edward P. Hartford 21 22 dec. 98 Co. C, 16th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 22 dec. 01. Barry, Frederick L. Bridgeport 28 5 dec. 00 Co. L, 1st U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 dec. 03. . Beach, Alburton C. Meriden 32 99 107th co. U. S. coast artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 26 June 02. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Beauchamp, William Waterbury 16 7 June 99 20th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Dis charged, 23 July 05. Blake, John T. East Windsor 26 20 dec. 98 Battery L, 4th U. S. artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged 01. (Served with co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Bohan, William H. New Haven 29 13 mar. 99 Co. B, 13th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 jan. 05. Brown, Herbert S. Ashford 36 3 June 98 23rd U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 14 aug. 99. Bundock, John B. Wallingford 14 sept. 99 Co. C, 43rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 July 01. Burdett, Charles S. Hartford 20 18 nov. 98 Co. I, 1st U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and Cuba. Discharged, 17 nov. 01. Busch, Simon J. West Hartford 25 14 June 99 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, apr. 01. (Served with co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Chappell, Samuel A. Chaplin 28 1 may 98 Co. A, 1st Col. U. S. vol. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Dis charged, 1 apr. 01. Christensen, Peter M. Mew Haven 21 20 June 98 Co H, 1st U. S. volunteer engineers. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 25 Jan. 99. Coleman, James A. West Hartford 18 7 July 99 Co. H, 22nd U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 6 July 02. Condoff, Leonard F. Mew Haven 25 3 mar. 99 Stationed Philippine Islands, China and Porto Rico. Discharged, 2 mar. 02. Conine, Charles H. Mew Haven 21 21 July 98 Battery A, 5th U. S. artillery. Date of discharge not known. Conlin, Henry M. Bridgeport 22 23 mar. 99 Troop E, 1st U. S. cavalry. Discharged, 11 June 99. Connor, Charles E. Bridgeport 33 28 may 00 Co. C, 13th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 10 nov. 02. (Served with battery B, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Contois, Bartholomew D. Westville 24 8 nov. 98 Co. E, 17th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 7 nov 01. Contois, Peter P. Mew Haven 22 16 nov. 98 Co. L, 13th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged 15 nov. 01. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Cornell, William rlartford 42 2 July 98 Co. M, 1st U. S. volunteer engineers. Stationed Porto Eico. Discharged, 26 Jan. 99. Coyne, Thomas Bridgeport sept. 97 Troop F, 8th U. S. cavalry. Discharged, sept. 00. Crowe, Luke J. Mew Britain 23 28 nov. 98 U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged 27 nov. 01. (Served with co. E, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Curran, Edward A., Jr. New Haven 19 7 July 98 Co. F, 15th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and Cuba. Discharged, 6 July 01. Dougherty, Charles C. Manchester 27 8 nov. 98 Co. D, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 13 nov. 01. (Served with co. G, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY 205 NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age L ate Enlisted in U.S. Service REMARKS Edwards, Clark D. Milford 23 14 sept. 99 Co. B, 43rd U. S. volunteers. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 July 01. Ely, Arthur J. Danbury 24 9 July 03 Troop F, 4th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 July 08. Eustis, Clement, Jr. Southington 29 4 oct. 99 Co. H, 43rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 July 01. Finance, Paul C. New Britain 19 27 dec. 00 Co. D, 30th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 26 dec. 03. Franke, Paul New Haven 25 24 June 99 Battery C, 7th U. S. field artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands. Dis charged, 23 June 02. Gade, Burdett Derby 19 13 July 00 Co. M, 22d U. S. infantry, and co. M, 13th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 6 dec. 02. Gallivan, Murty J. Willimantic 35 21 dec. 98 Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 20 dec. 01. (Served with co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Geleailen, Maike Middletown 21 31 July 99 Co. G, U. S. volunteers. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. Gomme, Irving C. Hartford 19 21 July 00 Co. G, 15th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 20 July 03. Haggerty, Laurence J. Willimantic 22 14 mar. 99 Co. D, 8th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 28 nov. 99. Harris, Robert E. East Norwalk 19 6 mar. 02 54th company, U. S. coast artillery. Discharged, 29 nov. 02. Healion, Joseph C. Waterbury 28 14 June 99 Troop A, 4th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged 8 Jan. 01. Hill, Lewis C. Winsted 9 oct. 99 Co. F, 35th U. S. infantry. Discharged, 2 may 01. (Served with co. M. 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Hultman, Charles J. Hartford 24 25 July 99 Co. K, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. Jackson, Frank W. Waterbury 20 7 June 99 20th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 26 June 02. Jackson, William E. Lebanon 23 16 may 98 Co. F, 12th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 11 feb. 99. Jaeger, Harry A. Bridgeport 19 8 dec. 98 Battery L, 5th U. S. artillery and batteries B and M, 6th U. S. artillery. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 7 dec. 01. Johnson, James V. Hartford 32 11 feb. 02 Co. K, 22nd U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 feb. 05. Johnson, Theodore New Britain 21 2 oct. 00 Troop F, 3d U. S. cavalry, and Troop M, 5th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 oct. 03. Katz, Joseph Hartford 19 25 apr. 95 Band 7th U. S. artillery. Discharged, 21 feb. 99. Kelley, Edward Wallingford 10 mar. 99 Co. F, 13th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Died in service, 27 dec. 99. Kenny, Edward P. Waterbury 24 8 June 99 Co. E, 4th U. S. infantry and co. E, 21st U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 7 June 02. Knowlton, Henry E. Willimantic 19 13 sept. 99 Co. H, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 6 sept. 00. Lacy, George P. So. Coventry 19 23 feb. 01 Troop D, 1st U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 22 feb. 04. (Served with co. E, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Lahey, Daniel J. Danbury 28 29 June 99 23rd co., U. S. coast artillery. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 30 June 02. (Served with co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Larsen, Carl A. Putnam 25 99 23rd U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 02. (Served with co. G, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Lee, Martin, Jr. Bridgeport 38 15 aug. 99 Troop B, 6th U. S. cavalry and co. E, 8th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba, China and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 26 July 02. 206 CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U. S. Service REMARKS Lewis, Fred H. Hartford 21 3 oct. 00 Troop L, 5th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 2 oct. 03. (Served with co. H, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Lovejoy, Arthur G. Norwalk 22 Co. I, 14th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. (Served with co. L, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Malloy, James J. New Haven 17 5 aug. 99 Co. C, 34th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 17 apr. 01. Malone, Thomas J. Naugatuck 27 14 June 99 Co. E, 4th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 9 sept. 00. Martin, John H. Mt. Carmel 29 5 Jan. 00 Co. K, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 4 Jan. 04. Mautte, George Charles New Haven 23 mar. 99 Co. L, 6th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Died, 19 aug. 00. McBrien, Francis J. New Haven 39 29 June 98 1st U. S. volunteer engineers. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 1 feb. 99. McCarthy, Michael H. New Haven 21 21 oct. 98 Cos. E and G, 5th U. S. artillery. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 8 nov. 99. McKone, Thomas L. Waterbury 30 20 July 99 Co. H, 13th U. S. infantry, transferred to 5th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 19 July 02. McMahon, Bernard A. Bristol 43 4 apr. 01 Teamster, q. m. department. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 8 aug. 02. McNally, John T. Bridgeport 24 10 apr. 99 Co. H, 5th U. S. infantry. Stationed Porto Rico and Cuba. Discharged 4 apr. 00. Mickelson, Charles J. New Haven 24 24 July 99 Co. K, 27th U. S. vol. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Dis charged, 1 apr. 01. Miller, Eugene D. Hartford 28 18 nov. 98 1st U. S. infantry. Discharged, 17 nov. 01. Miller, Richard Hartford 32 8 dec. 98 4th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 23 feb. 05. (Served with co. A, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Monoghan, Joseph Bridgeport 29 13 Jan. 99 Co. M, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 12 Jan. 02. (Served with battery B, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Moody, John Lafferty Norwich 17 20 nov. 01 Coast artillery corps. Discharged, 29 nov. 04. Moquin, Alex J. Middletown 22 31 July 99 Co. D, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. Morelly, Joseph Southington 23 2 oct. 99 Co. F, 23rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 6 sept. 07. Morrissey, Richard New Canaan 28 1 July 98 Battery G, 5th U. S. artillery. Stationed Porto Rico. Discharged, 5 apr. 99. Murphy, John New Haven 21 31 July 99 Co. A, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. Murphy, Thomas E. Hartford 34 25 July 99 Co. B, 27th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 1 apr. 01. (Served with co. H, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Nelson, Carl F. Hartford 20 17 nov. 98 Cos. A and F, 1st U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 12 dec. 01. Nielsen, Peter C. Hartford 19 1 may 00 Troop G, 5th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 30 apr. 03. Nolan, William H. Bridgeport 32 2 mar. 92 Cos. B and G, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed in Cuba. Discharged, 13 nov. 98. O Donnell, John Hartford 28 12 aug. 99 Co. M, 45th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 3 June 01. Reenlisted 109th co. U. S. coast artillery, 18 June 01. Discharged, 25 dec. 01. O Donnell, William E. Danbury 34 16 June 99 Co. F, 19th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 22 June 02. OToole, Phillip J. Hartford 19 19 dec. 98 1st U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and Cuba. Discharged, 18 dec. 01. CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. ARMY 207 NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U. S. Service REMARKS Paletti, Joseph Hartford 21 5 feb. 01 Troop G, 15th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 4 feb. 04. Payne, Walter H. New Haven 20 10 mar. 99 Co. F, 13th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 18 mar. 02. Fenders, John J. Hartford 24 17 aug. 98 5th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 10 may 99. Peterson, Charles East Hartford 26 17 nov. 98 Co. M, 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed China and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 16 nov. 01. Pryor, George H. Hartford 20 14 feb. 01 Troop C, 14th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 13 mar. 06. Rathbun, Clarence E. Norwich 19 3 oct. 98 Battery A, 2nd U. S. artillery. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 24 apr. 99. Rigney, Thomas F. Hartford 26 7 June 98 Co. I, 1st U. S. volunteer engineers. Stationed Philippine Islands and Porto Rico. Discharged, 23 feb. 00. Roach, Michael F. Unionville 21 15 sept. 99 Co. H, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 01. Sallies, Milo J. New Haven 27 10 may 99 Troop E, 7th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 17 feb. 00. Schiller, James New Britain 27 10 July 00 Co. M, 3rd U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 9 July 03. Schroeder, Frederick New Haven 23 7 mar. 01 Co. K, 27th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 25 aug. 03. Schultz, Charles E. Winsted 19 5 apr. 99 Troop F, 7th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 4 apr. 02. (Served with battery C, 1st Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Schwartz, Louis New Haven 19 20 June 98 Battery D, 1st U. S. hv. artillery. Discharged, 20 oct. 99. Shapiro, Samuel M. Hartford 24 21 nov. 98 2nd U. S. artillery. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 24 July 99. (Served with band, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Sheehan, Daniel Jewitt City 43 25 June 99 6th U. S. infantry. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 24 June 02. (Served with co. G, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Smith, James J. Bridgeport 26 nov. 98 Co. E, 20th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 01. (Served with battery B, Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Smith, Walter A. Bridgeport 24 29 dec. 98 14th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Dis charged, 28 dec. 01. (Served with battery B, Conn. vol. art. in 98.) Snyder, William A. rlartford 19 feb. 01 Troop E, 15th U. S. cavalry. Discharged, 18 feb. 04. Stankard, John J. Stamford 21 8 aug. 99 Co. C, 34th U. S. vol. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Dis charged, 17 apr. 01. (Served with co. K, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Therhildsen, Martin A. Ansonia 24 6 sept. 99 Co. C, 46th U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 01. Theroux, Ned Waterbury 21 9 June 99 Troop L, 4th U. S. cavalry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 8 June 02. Voos, Charles Bridgeport 27 6 oct. 99 43rd U. S. volunteer infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 5 July 01. (Served with co. D, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Wade, Frank J. Winsted 35 22 June 00 Co. D, 12th U. S. infantry. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 23 June 03. Welton, Charles H. Hartford 27 21 Jan. 99 9th U. S. infantry. Stationed China and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 24 feb. 02. (Served with co. B, 1st Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) 208 CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. NAVY NAME AND RANK Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U. S. Service REMARKS Chief Musician Henry L. Fisher Bridgeport 21 5 oct. 00 U. S. Navy. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Discharged, 4 oct. 04. Chief Carpenter s Mate James H. Lacy So. Coventry 31 11 apr. 98 U. S. S. Wasp. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 28 sept. 98. Machinist 1st class Clarence R. Barrett Stamford 26 11 July 98 U. S. Navy. Stationed U. S. S. Texas. Discharged, 26 June 99. Alexander L. McLaughlin Bridgeport 31 2 oct. 00 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Yorktown. Stationed Philippine Islands, China, Japan and Guam. Discharged, 4 nov. 02. Quartermas er, 2nd class Henry Rose Elliott Old Lyme 35 apr. 98 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba. Enlisted private, co. G, 1st U. S. infantry, 10 sept. 00. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 9 sept. 03. Oiler Charles B. Linke Hartford 18 23 July 97 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba and Porto Rico. Discharged, 28 dec. 04. Yeoman, 2nd class John W. Klinger Stamford 22 19 mar. 97 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Wilmington, Solace and Badger. Stationed West Indies and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 29 mar. 00. Walter K. Quigley New Haven 18 4 sept. 00 U. S. Navy. Discharged, 3 sept. 00. Coxswain Thomas A. Synnott Bridgeport 18 5 June 02 U. S. Navy. Discharged, 4 June 06. Ship s Cook, 3rd class Albert Portman Waterbury 19 1 oct. 00 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba and Porto Rico. Discharged, 30 sept. 04. Fireman, 1st class Hoey, John Willimantic 23 9 oct. 00 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Kentucky. Discharged ex. term of service. (Served with Co. E, 3rd Conn. vol. inf. in 98.) Se men Barton, William John Thompsonville 23 10 July 00 U. S. Navy. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 9 July 04. Conley, Thomas F. Bridgeport 26 6 may 98 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Marblehead. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 28 feb. 99. Culver, Christopher New London 30 2 may 98 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 9 oct. 98. Denman, Harry Norwich 20 25 sept. 00 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba, Porto Rico, Central America, China, Japan, Philippine Islands. Discharged, 24 sept. 04. Knapp, Arthur F. Danbury 19 97 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 15 may 01. Mahoney, John New Haven 24 28 apr. 98 U. S. Navy. Discharged, 28 apr. 99. Reenlisted. Seamen, 2nd class Huresky, John Bridgeport 17 1 June 96 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 23 nov. 00. Ord. Seamen Clarke, John J. Wallingford 33 28 apr. 98 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 28 feb. 99. Fair, Frank L. New Haven 21 4 sept. 00 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Dixie and Alabama. Discharged, 16 aug. 01. Hitchcock, John A. Waterbury 35 27 apr. 98 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba. Discharged, 4 apr. 99. Sliney, James F. Hartford 28 98 U. S. Navy. Stationed Cuba, Porto Rico, China and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 20 may 01. Coal Passers Burke, William Hartford 26 1 aug. 98 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Indiana. Discharged, 19 Jan. 99. Sheehan, Cornelius Bridgeport 19 26 June 95 U. S. Navy. Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 18 may 99. Apprentice Seamen Leake, Joseph Benjamin New Haven 16 5 sept. 99 U. S. Navy. Stationed Philippine Islands and Pacific-Asiatic fleet stations. Discharged, 1 feb. 04. Loomis, Leon E. Plainville 16 13 apr. 99 U. S. Navy. U. S. S. Kentucky. Stationed China and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 26jnay 04. CONNECTICUT MEN ENLISTED IN UNITED STATES SERVICE U. S. MARINE CORPS 209 RANK AND NAME Residence at date of Enlistment Age Date Enlisted in U. S. Service REMARKS Sergeants Michael J. Daly Stamford 26 22 sept. 96 U. S. Marine Corps. Stationed Cuba and Philippine Islands. Discharged, 3 oct. 04 Stephen Le G. Hopkins New Fairfield 22 11 may 08 U. S. Marine Corps. Stationed Philippine Islands, Discharged 10 may 01. Corporal John J. Mallon Willimantic 24 20 June 99 U. S. Marine Corps. (Master at Arms U. S. Navy.) Stationed Philippine Islands. Discharged, 31 may 04. Privates Bassen, William So. Norwalk 21 20 may 97 U. S. Marine Corps. Stationed Philippine Islands. Bonton, Louis C. Stamford 22 17 jan. 00 U. S. Marine Corps. Stationed Philippine Islands and China. Dis charged, 22 July 02. Cavanaugh, William C. Bridgeport 19 13 dec. 99 Co. A, 1st reg., U. S. Marine Corps. Stationed Philippine Islands, China, Porto Rico and Isthmus Panama. Discharged 12 dec. 04. CIVILIAN APPOINTEES FROM CONNECTICUT RANK AND NAME Residence at date of Appointment Age Date of Appointment REMARKS Paymas er s Clerk Bissland, John K. Enfield 29 10 June 98 Stationed in Cuba. Discharged, 19 nov. 99. ARMY NURSE CORPS RANK AND NAME Residence at date of Appointment Age Date of Appointment REMARKS Chief Nurse Heavren, Rose M. New Haven 28 17 aug. 98 Stationed Montauk Point, L. I., and Cuba. Discharged, 25 aug. 00. Nurses Benson, Anna Matilda New Haven 29 17 aug. 98 Stationed Camp Wikoff 30 sept. 98. , L. I., and on Red Cross Yacht. Discharged, Browne, Sara Stanford New Haven 29 17 aug. 98;Stationed Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, L. I. Discharged, 30 sept. 98. Schmidt, Joanna Moesch New Haven 40 20 aug. 98 Stationed Jacksonville, Florida. Discharged , nov. 98. INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS Abbey, George, 137. Abbott, Charles, 95. Abbott, William H., 52. Abel, Alfred A., 91. Abel, Arthur A., 90. Abendroth, William G., 150. Abercrombie, Robert, 169. Abetz, William, 60. Aborn, George N., 55. Abrahamson, John W., 60. Ackerman, Sidney W., 68. Adams, Francis M., 191. Adams, Henry T., 188. Adams, John H., 177. Adams, Lester J., 77. Addis, Emmett, 198. Adlard, James, 169. Adler, Harry S., 77. Adolphson, Charles D., 60. Ahearn, Henry P., 108. Ahern, Edward F., 86. Ahern, John, 161. Ahern, William H., 113. Aichler, Joseph G., 91. Aitken, James C., 73. Albecker, Edward, 118. Albert, John B., 201. Albert, John H., 146. Aldrich, Harry, 137. Alexander, Frank, 169. Alexander, James, 169. Alger, Russell A., 13, 14, 36. Allan, James, 169. Allen, Henry, 118. Allen, Lucien O., 141. Allen, Walter H., 184-186. Allen, William C., 169. Allen, William H., 141. Allis, Franklin W., 176. Almy, Leonard B., 19, 193. Alves, Charles, 108. Alvord, Fred E., 169. Amesbury, John H., 156. Ammann, Louis, 91. Amrich, Andrew, 156. Anderson, Albert, 73. Anderson, August, 81. Anderson, Carl, 126. Anderson, Charles, 64, 169. Anderson, Charles A., 63, 64. Anderson, Charles F., 60. Anderson, Charles J., 160. Anderson, Charles R., 55. Anderson, Elmer J., 161. Anderson, Fred T., 191. Andres, Charles, 167. Andrews, George, 36. Andrews, William W., 204. Andrulis, John, 204. Angley, Frank J., 108. Angus, John E., 140, 201. Aninger, Benjamin C., 52. Aninger, Frank B., 161. Anketelle, Arthur M., 188. Anthony, George H., 91. Anthony, Gould R., 136. Applegate, William A., 186. Appleton, Frederick L., 86. Arms, Frank T., 199. Arms, Theodore J., 199. Armstrong, Joseph P., 146. Arnold, Alfred C., 69. Arnold, Isaac, Jr., 196. Arnold, Sylvester E., 55. Arvine. Earlliss P., 188. Ash, George J., 151. Ashton, John T., 169. Ashton, Louia H., 122. Ashwell, Robert R., 86. Aspinall, Henry, 113. Asselin, Oscar L., 127. Aston, Ralph, 199. Atchison, George, 77. Audette, Alfred, 113. Audette, Elmer, 113. Auld, Robert B., 169. Austin, Ernest E., 55. Austin, James, 118. Averill, Frederick L., 186. Avery, Charles, 94. Aveson, Alfred, 73. Avers, Samuel L. P., 199. Babcock, Conrad S., 197. Babcock, John B., 195 Babson, Charles B., 200 Bacon, Clarence W., 101. Bacon, Lewis T., 81. Bacon, William, 64. Bailey, Elmer E., 132. Bailey, Gilbert A., 127. Bailey, Herbert G., 33, 68. Bailey, James C., 47. Bailey, Philip H., 77. Baird, George W., 196. Baisly, John W., 160. Baker, Alexander, 141. Baker, Eddy N. G., 126. Baker, Frederick, 169. Baker, Matthew M., 77. Baker, Stephen D., 186. Baker, William H., 151. Baldwin, Albert E., 169. Baldwin, Henry F., 189. Balf, Edward, Jr., 64. Balf, Edward P., 204. Ball, Benjamin H., 186. Ball, Charles V., 177. Bangs, Merwin B., 161. Banks, William R., 60. Banner, William H., 90. Bannon, John J., 201. Barber, Arthur W., 190. Barber, Edward, 95. Barber, Frederick, 103. Barber, George H., 199. Barber, M., 29. Barber, William R., 86. Barden, William J., 196. Bardwell, George W., 169. Barker, Alfred, 86. Barker, Charles E., 101. Barlow, John A., 51. Barlow, Nathan F., 108. Barlow, Stephen M., 198. Barnes, Anson D., 167. Barnes, Charles A., 168. Barnes, Charles C., 161. Barnes, C. Harry, 132. Barnes, Eugene F., 59. Barnes, George W., 59. Barnes, Harry L., 156. Barnes, Philo H., 113. Barnes, William H., 60. Barnett, James H., 55. Barnett, William L., 161. Barnum, Howard S., 95. Barrett, Clarence R., 208. Barrett, Harry A., 186. Barrett, James J., 177. Barrett, Michael, 137. Barrett, Richard M., 95. Barrows, Charles D., 86. Barrows, George H., 191. Barrows, Michael, 52. Barry, Frederick L., 204. Barry, Joseph, 108. Barry, Michael F., 73. Bartlett, Albert C., 56. Barton, Frederick A., 201. Barton, George L., 161. Barton, Jason H., 69. Barton, Seymour B., 78. Barton, William John, 208. Bartram, Howard H., 90. Barwick, John, 169. Baseley, William, 167. Bassen, William, 209. Bassett, Edwin B., 137. Bassett, Merton W., 86. Bates, Arthur E., 127. Bauer, Gteorge W., 177. Baumann, John, 113. Baxter, George S., 189. Baxter, John, 141. Baynes, Ernest H., 146. Beach, Alburton C., 177, 204. Beach, Francis G., 10, 135, 175, 176. Beach, Joseph W., 187. Beach, Rodmond V., 19, 194. Beach, Sidney, 161. Beach, Wilbur F., 101. Beagan, John H., 150. Beard, Fred B., 137. Beardsley, William H., 177. Beauchamp, Camille J., 156. Beauchamp, George G., 86. Beauchamp, William, 204. Beaudry, Henry, 132. Beaudry, Joseph, 132. Beaumont, James A., 56. Beaune, Ed\vard P., 52. Becker, Frederick, 48. Beckett, William H., 64. Beckwith, Frank L., 118. Beckwith, Julius H., 69. Beebe, Robert L., 85. Beecher, Norman B., 161. Beers, Robert C., 190. Beh, Frederick G., 59. Behrend, Joseph J., 73. Belcher, Gregory, 69. Belden, Walter S., 59. Belisle, Tancrede, 52. Bell, Archibald M., 161. Bell, William, 169. Bellrose, Ulric, 132. Bemis, Byron W., 117. Bendtzen, Hans C., 151. Benjamin, James H., 113. Benner, Burnham C., 161. Bennet, Patrick, 141. Bennett, Clarence 0., 161. Bennett, Lewis J., 52. Bennett, Lewis L., 103. Bennett, Thomas A., 48. Benoit, Juter, 132. Benoit, Napoleon, 127. Benson, Anna Matilda, 209. Benson, Axel M., 91. Bentley, John J., 107. Benton, Winfred W., 186. Benway, Peter, 132. Benway, Peter H., 123. Benziger, Frederick C., 91. Berardinelli, Peter S., 103. Berggian, Alexander, 73. Berkedal, Edward, 151. Bernard, Isadore, 52. Berry, Howard, 190. Berry, Lewis O., 141. Berthel, Rudolph C., 141. Bertig, William F., 156. Bess, Charles, 177. Best, Edward L., 187. Best, George W., 186. Bevins, Walter L., 90. Beyer, Louis A., 177. Bibeau, David, 132. Bibeault, Eugene N., 201. Bickford, Louis H., 91. Bigelow, Henry W., 189. Billings, Fred H., 69. Binck, Charles E., 56. Bingham, Theodore H., 196. Birath, Gustaf, 73. Birge, Nathan R., 161. Birmingham, Austin A., 59. Bishop, Clarke S., 140. Bishop, Giles, Jr., 140, 175, 176, 200. Bishop, Nathaniel W., 186. Bissell, Arthur H., 161. Bissell, Herbert G., 189. Bissland, John K., 209. Bivens, James M., 103. Black, John W., 151. Blackledge, John T., 118. Blackma, John S., 100. Blake, Charles L., 52. Blake, Frank, 48. Blake, Frederick C., 141. Blake, John T., 51, 204. Blake, William F., 141. Blake, William H., 132. Blakeman, Robert S., 199. Blakeslee, Charles W., 169. Blakeslee, Fred G., 189. Blakesley, Charles P., 64. Blanchard, Frederick C., 141. Blanchette, Herman, 132. Bland, Charles E., 123. Bleasius, William P., 48. Blicher, August W., 78. Blieske, Henry C., 178. Bliven, George L., 113. Bliven, John L., 123. Bloom, Emil, 95. Bloom, Emil G., 60. Bloom, William W., 149. Bloomer, Howard J., 126. Blythe, Walter, 155. Boerner, George F., 186. Bofird, Maxwell, 91. Bogart, John D., 161. Bogue, Philip L., 52. Bohan, Michael T., 161. Bohan, William H., 204. Boivin, Adolph, 127. Boles, John, Jr., 108. Bollard, George, 141. Bolt, Jerome L., 169. Bolton, Edwin F., 91. Bonesteel, Charles H., 198. Bonfoey, Bayard C., 68. Boniface, John D., 85. Bonnell, Joseph F., 146. Bonton, Louis C., 209. Booth, Olin R., 198. Boquist, Martin, 81. Borchard, Ferdinand L., 91. Borland, Henry L., 86. Born, Frank J., 161. Boswell, William S., 145. 211 212 IXDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. Bosworth, Charles H., 78. Bosworth, Fred E., 185, 189. Botsford, John, Jr., 146. Botwright, George, 169. Bower, Clarence A., 91. Bowen, Charles B., 14, 20, 35, 90. Bowen, Edward, 78. Bowen, Fred, 127. Bowron, Frank J., 169. Boyle, John, 104. Boyle, Thomas J., 64. Brache, Richard, 56. Bradford, Horatio K., 198. Bradford, Wilbur H., 177. Brady, Ambrose J., 132. Brady, George F., 198. Brady, Stephen, 131. Brague, Louis J., 64. Bramble, Louis, 108. Brand, Charles A., 199. Brandt, Fred, 48. Branigan, James, 169. Bransfield, Cornelius, 107. Braun, Martin C., 94. Breault, Joseph J., 131. Brechlin, Charles A., 91. Brcckbill, Fred. J., 10, 166, 167. Breen, Frank S., 56. Breen, James, 141. Breen, Michael E., 104. Breen, William J., 55. Brennan, David, 151. Brennan, Edward J., 199. Brennan, Henry M., 204. Brennan, Humphrey, 137. Brennan, John M., 156. Brennan, Michael, 52. Brennan, Samuel A., 178. Brennan, William J. J., 48. Brereton, Tallmadge H., 198. Breslin, James, 137. Bresnahan, Thomas, 64. Breton, Joseph W., 169. Brett, James, 132. Brewer, Arthur L., 189. Bride, Edward, 48. Briggs, Allan L., 196. Brigham, William E., 86. Brightman, Frank, 108. Brimble, Ernest W., 78. Brinlev, George, 189. Brinley, John H., 201. Brinle y, John H. W., 189. Britt, Gilbert A., 146. Britt, Matthew, 151. Broadbent, Jesse J., 81. Broadhurst, George E., 132. Broadwell, John H., 140. Broatch, Robert E., 177. Brobeck, Albert, 141. Brock, Eugene S., 114. Broil, Hugo, 56. Bromm, Andrew, 178. Bronkie, Frederick, 64. Bronson, A. H., 25, 29, 31, 37, 39, 43. Brooke, John R.. 40. Brooks, Captain, 37. Brooks, Clarence C., 127. Brooks, William, 52. Brophy, Joseph, 170. Brotherton, Bennett L., 95. Brotherton, Edward, 150. Brotherton, George, 136. Brouillette, Pierce C., 132. Brown, Arthur H., 187. Brown, Charles B., 155. Brown, Curtis P., 191. Brown, Dennis C., 108. Brown, Dwight E., 86. Brown, Frank, 81. Brown, Fred, 151. Brown, George H., 65. Brown, Harry J., 56. Brown, Herbert S., 204. Brown, John, Jr., 123. Brown, Juan F., 108. Brown, Leslie M., 188. Brown, Milo C., 150. Brown, Richard J., 178. Brown, Robert E., 170. Brown, William H., 86. Brown, William J., 178. Browne, Charles V., 127. Browne, Sara Stanford, 209. Brownell, Charles H., 95. Brucker, Frank, 108. Brucker, Robert, 107. Bruedly, George, 141. Brundage, George A., 178. Brust, Frank, 52. Bryan, John, 104. Bryant, Arthur H., 197. Bryant, Harry E., 86. Buchannan, John, 118. Buck, Charles E., 156. Buck, Charles O., 170. Buck, Henry H., 108. Buck, Henry R., 189. Buck, Leon F., 117. Buckingham, Albert A., 168. Buckingham, William E., 178. Buckland, Edward G., 15, 16, 17, 18. Bucklee, Charles W., 144. Buckley, Daniel M., 178. Buckley, Jeremiah J., 78. Buell, Fred N., 103. Buell, John A., 48. Bues, Lowes, 156. Buist, George L., Jr., 161. Bullen, William W 7 ., 63. Bump, Fred T., 122. Bunce, Francis M., 199. Bundock, John B., 204. Bunker, Charles M., 197. Bunnell, Herbert, 104. Burbank, James B., 197. Burby, John A., 52, 201. Burdett, Charles L., 10, 11, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43. Burdett, Charles S., 91, 204. Burdick, Charles N., 176, 202. Burdick, Edwin S., 118. Burgess, Frederick L., 178. Burgess, William J., 187. Burke, Daniel W., 198. Burke, George, 127. Burke, James, 108, 156. Burke, John F., 190. Burke, Patrick J., 52. Burke, Thomas F.. 146. Burke, William, 208. Burnell, Francis C., 86. Burnell, Joseph, 87. Biirnett, Harry, 146. Burns, Edgar J., 146. Burns, James J., 82. Burns, John F., 59. Burns, William H., 78. Burpee, C. W., 27. Burpee, Lucien F., 19, 193. Burr, Albert A., 90. Burr, Clayton W., 104. Burr, George H., 146. Burr, Walter W., 91. Burrows, Horace W., 132. Burton, Archibald A., 178. Burton, Edward, 170. Burton, Frederick W., 112. Busch, Simon J., 204. Bush, Frank W., 187. Bush, James C., 197. Bush, Simon J., 48. Butler, Guy H., 95. Butler, John J., 117. Butler, M. C., 21, 37, 38, Butler, Walter A., 151. Butterly, Peter, 142. Buttery, Albert H., 150. Buttery, Fred, 170. Buttery, Ulysses G., 151. Butts, William A., 156. Buzzell, Harry A., 186. Cadwell, Edward H., 178. Cadwell, Frank J., 87. Cahill, John J., 151. Cahill, William J., 187. Cahoon, David A., 114. Cahoon, Elmer W., 56. Cahn, Louis W., 178. Caillouette, Eli, 123. Caillouette, Octave, 101. Cairns, James, 137. Cairns, John, 123. Calhoun, Charles M., 161. Calmie, Joseph, 108. Callaghan, Patrick, 77. Callahan, Charles L., 104. Callahan, Christopher, 137. Callahan, Daniel, 65. Callahan, Dennis, 114. Callahan, Eugene, 162. Callahan, John F., 114. Callahan, John H., 170. Callahan, Joseph H., 162. Callahan, William F., 140. Callan, John, 170. Callender, Edward T., 65. Camp, George W., 52. Camp, Henry P., 86. Camp, Walter T., 199. Campbell, Charles L., 69. Campbell, John H., 69. Campbell, Walter S., 178, 201 Campbell, William A., 48. Campbell, William F., 86. Canales, Fred, 48. Canarv, John, 151. Canfie id, Charles V. J., 60. Candee, Albert. 69. Candee, Ralph, 69, 202. Cannell, Richard, 59. Cannon, Archie L., 87. Cannon, John F., 170. Cantwell, James, 132. Caracausa, Joseph, 104. Cardinal, Louis, 132. Carey, Asa B.. 196. Carey, John E., 108. Carey, Michael C., 118. Carey, Oliver, 108. Carey, Patrick J., 103. Carlson, Carl E., 82. Carlson, Charles J., 73. Carlson, David, 65. Carlson, Gustaf A., 82. Carlson. Jacob, 60. Carlson, John E., 60. Carlson, Otto, 48. Carlson, Victor. 59. Carlin, Philip C., 91. Carney, John F., 73. Carney, Thomas, 104. Carr, "Daniel J., 196. Carr, Joseph J., 118. Carrigg, Thomas, 137. Carroll, Charles A., 85. Carroll, Dennis A., 82. Carroll, George F., 188. Carroll, Frank G., 69. Carroll, John T., 137. Carroll, Michael, 78. Carroll, William, 142. 200. Carroll, William F., 114. Carson, Edward R., 108. Carson, Samuel, 95. Carter, Edward. 91. Carter, Horace L., 161. Carter, John, 114. Carter, John F.. 137. Carver, Everett M., 107. Case, Archibald L.. 189. Case, Henry B., 190. Case, Robert A., 87. Case, William 0., 87. Casey, Charles W., 156. Casey, Daniel C., 114. Casey, Daniel J., 108. Casey, Edward J., 178. Casey, James, 123. Casey, James J., 178. Casey, John, 109. Casey, John F., 109. Casey, Michael J., 65. Casey, Thomas E., 60. Casey, William H., 178. Casey, William S., 123. Cashin, Philip F., 202. Cashman, James, 48. Cassidy, Francis A., 202. Castle, George C., 151. Caterson, George H., 146. Caul, Samuel L., 156. Cavanagh, Willis L., 170. Cavanaugh. Patrick, 137. Cavanaugh, William C., 209. Centrelia, Angelo, 156. Chadwick, Charles R., 108. Chadwick, Frank D., 56. Chadwick, James F., 109. Chadwick, John B., 109. Chadwick, William F., 109. Chaipel, Clifford L., 162. Chamberlain, Austin H., 73. Chamberlain, Henry H., 87. Champeau, Albert, 132. Champion, Richard G., 56. Chapin. Robert D., 189. Chapman, Andrew G., 104. Chapman, Charles S., 136. Chapman, Edward K., 104. Chapman, Frederick W., 55 Chapman, Grenville T., 162. Chapman, Harold R., 178. Chapman, Lorenzo B., 60. Chapman, Morton L., 69. Chappell, Alfred S., 162. Chappell, Frank V., 160. Chappell, Samuel A., 204. Charter, Perlin L., 56. ( barter, Wilbur F., 56. Chartrand. Dona, 128. Chartrand, Nelson H., 151. Chase, Arthur E., 168. Chase, Clarence W., 131. Chase, John H., 150. Chase, Nelson L., 69. Chase, Walter M., 118. Chatfield, Walter H., 198. Cheney, Austin, 162. Cheney Brothers, 28. Cheney, Colonel and Mrs., 25. Cheney, George Y. C., 81. Cheney, J. Davenport, 72. Cheney, Seth L., 73. Cheney, Sherwood A., 106. Cheney, Ward, 73, 198. Chester, Colby M., 199. Chi Chester, Burton J., 60. Chipman, William R., 117. Christensen, Charles R., 170. Christensen, Peter M., 204. Church, Ulysses G., 188. Church, Walter, 109. Chute, William F., Jr., 82. Cleary, James, 170. Cleary, Thomas, 52. Cleary, Thomas F., 170. Cleaveland, Robert I., 104. Clemens (demons). Frank G.. 187. Clement, George, 178. demons (Clemens), Frank (!., 187. demons, John H.. 95. Claffey, Frank, 48. Clancy, James J., 170. Clancy. John J., 178. Clancy, Michael, 123. Clancy, Patrick. 170. Clancy, William S., 160. INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. 213 Clapp, Howard S., 87. Clark, Alpha A., 05. Clark, Daniel J., 95. Clark, Claude 1)., 81. Clark, Edward A., IDS). Clark, Frank 1)., 81. Clark, Frank E., 08. Clark, James N., Jr., 114. Clark, John M., 128. Clark, Julius W., 78. Clark, Louis E., 73. Clark, Michael R., 1/8. Clark, Percival S., 191. Clark, Walter T., 140. Clark, William M., 77. Clark. Venires A., 81. Clarke, John J., 140, 208. Clarkin, Peter A., 52. Claus, Fred A., 94. Clayton, Charles, 15(5. Clit t, Jesse, 50. Clintsman, William 1).. 0!>. Clish. Harry, 101. Clounan, James H., 78. dull , Charles S., 188. Cobb, Rollo W., 91. Cochrane, James, 121. Coffee, Walter C., 112. Cotl ey, James F., 82. Coffey, James J., 48. Coilin, Governor, 26. Coggeshall, Murray H., 189. Colby, George F., 190. Cole, Frank S., 95. Cole, Henry J., 52. Cole, George M., 19, 193. Coleman, James A., 204. Coleman, Michael, 00. Coleman, Thomas, 137. Coleman, Thomas D.. 10!). Colleran, John P., 128. Collins, Frank W., 52. Collins, James F., 91. Collins, James W., 202. Colton, Archie W., 73. Colvocoresses, George M., 0!). Comerford, Michael, 137. Comiskey, William J., 178. Comstock, Harry E., 112, 198. Comstock, James H., 114. Comstock, William 1.. 14!t. Condon, James, Jr., 128. Condon, Jeremiah, 142. Condon, John J., 142. Condon, William J., 178. Condoff, Leonard F., 204. Condorff, William, 118. Congdon, Carey, 140. Conine, Charles II., 204. Conklin, Lincoln, 118. Conley, Eugene, 82. Conley, Thomas F.. 208. Conliii, Henry M., 204. Conlin, Martin E., 00. Connahan, Daniel J., 65. Connell, Dennis F., 107. Connell, Patrick II., 107. Connelly, James P., 59. Connelly, John, Jr., 73. Conner, David, 117. 194. Conner, Norman G., 65. Conners, Thomas, 142. Conners, William, 132. Connole, Patrick F.. 156. Connolly. William J., 5(5. Connor, Charles E.. 170, 204. Connor, James J., 109. Connor, John F., 78. Connor. Patrick, 73. Connors, George, 151. Connors, John, 109. 170. Connors, John, 2d, 56. Connors, Patrick, 137. Connors, Walter J., 170. C onrad, George. 136. Conrad, John, 137. Conroy, James H., 119. Conroy, Joseph T., l!2. Conraux, Anton, 45. Contois, Bartholomew D., 20 L Contois, Peter P., 170, 204. Converse, Henry L., 133. Converse, Lawrence A., 87. Conway, John F., 118. Conway, William F., 142. Coogan, Patrick, 128. Cook, Louis A., 6!). Cooke, Harry M., 177. Cooke, Lorrin A., 10, 13, 14 17, 18, 27, 28, 29, 30, 175. Coombs, Ralph A., 142. Coon, Christopher C., 155. Coon, Willard E., 104. Cooiit y, John L., 82. Coons, Charles, 65. Coons, Daniel, 15(5. Coons, Harry X., 156. Coons, Louis E., 156. Cooper, Arthur, 91. Cooper, William H., 78. Copeland. Harry 15., 12S. Copeland. James ( ., 128. Copp, James D., 100. Copp, William M., 1!)7. Corbin, Charles S., 132. Corbin, H. C.. 13, 35, 40. Corbett, Edward J., 60. Corbette, Louis IL, 156. Corcoran, Edward H.. 102. Corcoran, James H., 17S. Cornell, Arthur M., 69. Cornell, Cornelius H., 60. Cornell, Ernest B., 151. Cornell, William, 204. Cornwall, Frank S., 186. Cornwell, Albert E., 202. Corr, Daniel, 119. Corrigan, Edward F., 122. Corrigan, John F., 52. Corves, Frank, 176. Cosgrove, Edward J., 51. Cosgrove, James J., 60. Cosgrove, John J., 95. Cosgrove. Patrick J., 32. 44. Cotter, John F., 104. Coughlin, David, 137. Coughlin, William S., 168. Countryman, Councilman. 33. Coutermash, Louis E., 91. Covey, George W., 51. Cowan. Samuel M., 162. Cowdrey, Nathaniel H., 162. Cowles, John IL, 65. Cowles, Royal M.. 78. Cowles, Walter C., 199. Cowles, William S., 199. Cox, John J., 91. Cox, Thomas J., 137. Coyle, Frank P., 52. Coyle, Thomas J., 77. Coyne, Thomas, 204. Crabbe, Cyrus J., 150. Cragan. Charles A., 61. Craig, Charles F., 195. Crane, Frank, 48. Cranick, Charles A., 74. Crawford, Capt., 29. Crawford, Henry P., 146. Crawford, James, 151. Crawford, William, Jr.. 73. Creighton, J;imos. 109. Cremin, Dennis J., 178. Crighton. Thomas J.. 119. Crilly. Thomas L. 51. Crippen, Homer. 156. Crissey, Henry M.. 146. Cronan, William P.. 199. Cronin, Michael, 121. Crosley, Walter S., 19!). Cross, Joseph, 178. Crossman, George M., 154. Crossman, Martin. 155. Crossman, Robert B., 156. Crowe. Luke. 65. Crowe, Luke J., 65, 204. Crowe, Matthew, 65. Crowe, Patrick, 81. Crowell, Emmett L., 117. Crowningahield, A. S., 17. Crowther, Fred, 103. Cruise, Frank J., 131. Cruise, Richard, 162. Crump, Richard L., 140. Cuddy, John J., 178. Cudlipp, George M., 140. Cull , Edward C., 74. Cullen, Henry B., 117. Cullen, John U., 170. Cullen, Robert, 151. Cullinan, Stephen W., 178. Culloo, William F., 119. Culhimn, Jewett, 56. Culver, Christopher, 208. Cumings, Ralph II., 1(52. Cummmgs, James N., 179. Cummings, John J., 179. Cunningham, John J., 108. Cunningham, Robert W., 119. Cunningham, Patrick, 133. Cunningham, Thomas IL, 78. Cunt/.. Herman F., 189. Curtis, Edwin S., (ii. Curtis. Howard A., 170. Curtiss, Edward J., 156. Curran, Edward A., Jr., 204. Curran, James F., 137 Curran, John J., 128, 146. Curran, Patrick, 123. Currid. Lawrence, 95. Cutler, Alfred C., 127. Cutler, Augustus, 133. Cutter. Phineas, 131. Cutting, Arthur S.. 190. D Arche, Raoul, 47. Da bill, John F., 51. Daignault. Fred L, 128. Dailey, John S., 160. Daily, Martin F., 179. Dainton, Frank E., 91. Daley, Edward, 119. Daley, Hugh, 104. Daley, James J., 123. Daly, James A., 146. Daly, John J., 48. Daly, Michael, 61. Daly, Michael J., 209. Damon, Herbert H., 82. Daniels, Frank D., 48. Daniels, George, 142. Daniels, Richard, 137. Danick, Andrew, 170. Darbie, Kent A., 126. Darby, Fred, 123. Darling, George O., 69. Darrow, Nelson E., 45, 101. Dart, Bertie, 142. Davidson, Earl E., 68. Davis, Charles A., 151. Davis, Charles E., 69. Davis, Charles E. L. B., 196. Davis, Edward S., 168, 202. Davis, Fred, 123. Davis, George E., 95. Davis, George W., 195. Davis, John T., 137. Davis, Samuel C., 58, 60. Dawson, James L., 170. Day, A. P., 11, 28. Day, Arthur IL, 184, 185, 186. Dayton, Frank E., 119. Dean, Arthur H., 156. Dean, George, 119. Dean, Miles A., 155. Dean. Miles W., 155. Debosher, Joseph, 133. Deepan, John, 162. Deery, John C., 179. Deffley, James E., 104. DeForest, Lee, 162. Degnan. James F.. 52. Degnan, Joseph M., 142. Delledouville, Henry, 201. Deimier, Joseph J., 179. Deitx, Cassius E., 168. DeLamater, Richard W., 85. Dtlap, George T. ,104. Demarais, Joseph, 123. Denison, Frank E., 87. Denison, Frederick R., 87. Denison, Silas E., 156. Denman, Harry, 208. Demi, William, 65. Dennery, Albert V., 170. Denniston, Minott C., 87. Deskin, Martin J., 179. Devaney, Stephen H., 119. Devini , Michael, 137. Devitt, John E., 147. Devitt, Patrick, 61. Devlin, William J., 133. Devoy, Michael F., 52. Dickins, Curtis H., 199. Dickins, Francis W., 199. Dickinson, Charles P., 168. Dickinson, Howard L., 87. Dickson, Samuel H., 199. Dicdering, Phillip, Jr., 56. Dieringer, George W., 168. Dillon, John, 137. Dillon, John E., 127. Dimock, Irving, 87. Dimock, Stanley K., 190. Dion, Israel P., 133. Dixon, Frederick W., 69. Dobson, George K., 170. Docker, Guy, 188. Dohertv, Charles, Jr., 69. Doherty, Philip, 200. Do Ian, Patrick, 147. Dolbeare, William B., 48. Dole, Everett C., 179. Donahue, Patrick, 123. Donahue, Patrick F., 74. Donahue, Patrick H., 113. Donahue, Thomas J., Jr., 78. Donavan, James, 95. Donolme, James F., 109. Donohue, John, 156. Donohue, John F., 109. Donahue, John J., 65, 107. Donohue, Joseph F., 123. Donohue, Michael, 137. Donohue, Michael E., 109. Donohue, Michael J., 156. Donnellan, Frank P., 74. Donnelly, Francis, 137. Donnelly, George H., 179. Donnelly, John J., 1st, 179. Donnelly, John J., 2nd, 179. Donnelly, Thomas A., 179. Donnelly, William, 151. Donovan, John, 56. Donovan, John W., 170. Donovan, Stephen, 156. Doolan, John J., 74. Dooley, Timothy, 48. Doolittle, Harry W., 188. Doolittle, Lewi s J., 72. Doolittle, Warren J., 162. Doran, Andrew E., 109. Doran, Edward J., 189. Dorey, John, 104. Dorgan, Dennis F., 95. Doisey, Henry S., 102. Dougan, Robert B., 74. Dougherty, Charles C., 74, 204 Dougherty, John J., 52. Dougherty, Michael J., 152. Doughty, Alonxo, 65. Doughty. George E., 155. Douthwaite, Harry W., 69. Dowd, Frank P.. 56. Dowen, George J., 69, 201. Dowling, Thaddeus, 109. Downey, William J., 162. Downs, Charles E., 170. 214 INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. Downs, William S., 133. Doyle, James F., 142. Doyle, Joseph M., 104. Doyle, William A., 52. Drea, Edward T., 102, Dresser, Wilfred H., 69. Driesnack, Albert M., 46. Driscoll, Clarence J., 87. Driscoll, Francis L., 136. Droney, Patrick, 133. Drudy, John D., 103. Dmry, Henry W., 185, 190. Duaue, John W., 137. Duff, Daniel, 113. Duffey, James H., 133. Duffey, Thomas W., 131. Duffy, Harry, 179. Duffy, Hugh J., 200. Duffy, James A., 52. Duffy, Joseph P., 78. Duffy, Michael J., 78. Duffy, Thomas F., 78. Duke, Frank W. F., 128. Dulaney, George W. Jr., 187. Dulick, Frank A., 91. Dumonchelle, Louis J., 133. Dunbar, Eugene A., 61. Dunbar, John A., 82. Duncan, Ernest, 109. Duncan, William, 157. Dunlay, Charles P., 179. Dunlea, Thomas J., Jr., 192. Dunn, Daniel F., 104. Dunn, Daniel J., 82. Dunn, Edward H., 199. Dunn, Gordon W., 73. Dunn, William M., 141. Dunne, John J., 147. Dupee, Charles J., 91. Duplain, George, 157. Dupree, William T., 203. Duprey, Frank E., 65. Dupuis, Joseph O. O., 137. Durbeck, Emil, 150. Durbin, Charles B., 95. Durfee, Ralph P., 101. Durfey, Frank, 114. Durkin, Frank W., 92. Dusenberre, Ralph E., 187. Dussault, Alfred, 92. Dutcher, William C., 147. Dutton, Clarence E., 196. Dutton, Joel A., 119. Dux, Fred, 74. Dwyer, George K., 86. Dwyer, Martin J., 128. Dwyer, Michael F., 162. Dwight, Wm. C., 19, 193. Dykes, James, 104. Dyrdal, Giordi, 114. Dyson, William, 82. Dyson, Willard J., 81. Eades, John A., 64. Eadie, George T., 167. f^agan, John, 52. Eagan, Thomas F., 82. Eames, Edward B., 176. Early, Eugene W., 91. Earnshaw, Albert B., 128. Eaton, Ervin J., 109. Eccles, Robert J., 147. Edgarton, John B., 123. Edwards, Arthur L., 179. Edwards, Clark D., 205. Eels, J. Shepard, 187. Egan, Charles E., 162. Egan, Edward F., 61. Egan, John J., 162. Eichelberger, William S., 199. Eigner, Frank, Jr., 151. Einsiedel, Francis F., 56. Eldridge, Nathan S., 187. Elliott, Henry Rose, 208. Ellis, Royal A., 152. Ellison, James, 78. Elmer, Horace, 15, 16. Ely, Arthur J., 205. Embler, Ralph H., 70. Emerson, Thomas R., 142. Emery, Richard J. W., 176. English, Charles R., 65. English, James, 123. English, Michael J., 122. English, Richard M., 195. Ennis, James F., 170. Ennis, John, 109. Eno, John E., 87. Enright, James, 137. Enright, Morgan J., 147. Ensling, Phil, Jr., 77. Erben, Henry, 17, 18. Ericson, Emil W., 94. Erwin, Gay, 95. Ethridge, John B., 74. Eustis, Clement, Jr., 205. Evans, Frederick, 65. Evans, William A., 167. Everett, William H., 199. Fagan, Franklin R., 81. Fagan, Thomas F., 65. Fagnant, Hector G., 128. Fair, Frank L., 208. Fairchild, Philip E., 19, 194. Fairchild, William H., 147. Fairfield, David A., 101. Faith, Leonard P., 179. Falknor, Clark T., 74. Fall, Willie, 133. Fallon, John, 109. Falvey, William, 122. Fanning, Hector G., 128. Fargo, Theodore C., 48. Farley, Frank, 152. Farr, Edward R., 187. Farrell, Frank T., 142. Farrell, James B., 56. Farrell, John E., 109. Farrell, Michael, 152. Farrell, Patrick A., 51. Barren, Comfort S., 179. Farron, George H., 127. Faulds, Andrew, 122. Faulkner, James A., 170. Feeley, James E., 170. Feeter, George L, 162. Fell, John E., 152. Fenton, Anson C., 124. Fenton, Edwin H., 109. Fenton, Frank P., 122. Fenton, James, 124. Ferency, Julius, 157. Ferguson, Ernest, 95. Ferguson, George W., 188. Ferguson, Owen J., 53. Ferneaf, Fred, 128. Ferris, James, 152, 179. Ferris, Lester E., 177. Field, Francis E., 189. Field, John M., 198. Fields, Allie D., 82. Filley, Walter O., 187. Finan, Michael J., 147. Finance, Paul C., 205. Finch, Edward D., 101, Finch, Frederick 0., 147. Finigan, Patrick, 51. Fink, Cliff, 157. Finlay, John, 74. Finley, George L., 65. Finley, William J., 46. Finn, James L., 179. Finnegan, Christopher B., 95. Finney, Charles H., 69. Finochietti, Nicholas, 61. Fischer, Hugo, 170. Fish, Walter T., 15, 135. Fisher, Alfred M., 87. Fisher, Henry L., 208. Fisher, Irving L., 68. Fisher, Thomas G., 160. Fitch, Gilbert L., 15, 98, 99. Fitzgerald, Frederick, 114. Fitzgerald, John T., 107, 179. Fitzgerald, Peter, 82. Fitzgerald, Richard, 171. Fitx.patrick, Daniel, 119. Fitzpatrick, Francis J., 147. Fitzpa/trick, Francis P., 50. Fitzpatrick, James H., 95. Fitzpatrick, Joseph, 142. Flagg, Frederick N., 126. Flagg, Herbert H., 127. Flagg, Howard A., 68. Flaherty, James H., 176. Flamer, Emile, 157. Flanagan, John P., 168. Fleming, William J., 119. Fletcher, Emerson C., 70. Fletcher, George H., 112. Fletcher, John W., 92. Fletcher, William C., 114. Flewellin, Coles M., 150. Flint, Edwin H., 82. Flint, Fred C., 74. Flint, Houston, 46. Flood, Edward N., 47. Flood, William J. D., 179. Florence, Charles E., 162. Flory, William A., 74. Flossback, Otto, 56. Flye, Fred S., 133. Flynn, David E., 147. Flynn, Edward F., 121. Flynn, James F., 138. Flynn, John L, 104. Flynn, John P., 53. Flynn, Joseph H., 56. Flynn, William F., 197. Fogal, Charles, 128. Fogarty, Cornelius J., 78. Fogarty, William L., 109. Fogg, Wade H., 48. Folce, Henry E., 92. Foley, Arthur E., 177. Foley, Daniel, 53. Foley, Maurice C., 77. Foley, Michael, 104. Foley, Thomas, 65. Foley, Thomas W., 69. Foote, Herbert M., 138. Foran, John V., 92. Foren, John M., 114. Forrest, George C., 189. Forsyth, James M., 179. Fortin, Samuel, 157. Foster, George C., 190. Foster, John H., 179. Fotch, Charles W., 171. Foulois, Benjamin D., 198. Fournier, Domas, 128. Fowler, Edward C., 87. Fowler, Frederick C., 188. Fowler, Henry B., 162. Fox, Andrew J., 74. Fox, David E., 56. Fox, Ernest, 61. Fox, Martin J., 53. Fox, Oscar, 53. Fraher, Daniel, 74. Fraher, Philip, 72. Francis, Charles S., 136. Francis, John J., 92. Frank, Brig. Gen l, 29, 35. Franke, Paul, 185, 190, 205. Franz, Herman P., 57. Fraser, Paul S., 124. Frawley, James, 61. Frechette, Edmund, 65. Frederickson, Nick, 47. Freeman, Richard P., 100. Freese, Ernest W., 61. Freund, Simon J., 48. Frid, Charles, 138. Frink, Samuel N., 127. Fritz, George J., 61. Fritz, Jacob F., 61. Fritzson, Charles W., 47. Frost, Lannie A., 53. Frost, Russell, 28, 41, 42. Fuchko, John, 179. Fuller, Frank E., 87. Fuller, Frederick, 162. Fuller, George W., 202. Fuller, Harry W., 168. Fuller, James J., 48. Fulton, Albert C., 87. Funk, Edward H., 179. Furbershaw, John, 171. Furlong, Thomas V., 78. Gabrielle, Burton L., 190. Gade, Burdett, 205. Gadle, George H., 113. Gaffey, William F., 49. GafTney, Thomas, 127. Gager, Samuel A., 201. Gagne, Albert, 133. Gagne, Frank X., 202. Gagne, Joseph A., 157. Gagnon, Frank, 128. Gahan, James, 179. Galbraith, Arthur, 136. Gale, Charles D., 87. Gallagher, Elliot S., 188. Gallagher, James W., 142. Gallagher, Patrick, 53. Galligan, Andrew, 179. Galligan, Michael J., 119. Gallivan, Murty J., 49, 205. Gallup, Christopher M., 189. Galpin, Archie E., 202. Galpin, Charles H., 142. Galvin, Thomas, 92. Gambel, John, 114. Gammons, George F., 168, 201. Garde, James, 119. Gardineer, George W., 103. Gardner, Willis W., 92. Garland, Daniel L., 74. Garland, Frank, 49. Garland, William J., 188. Garner, Joseph, 133. Garrish, Henry, 171. Garvey, Frank, 200. Gasser, Albert, 179. Gasser, Florent, Jr., 53. Gastonguay, Joseph G., 78. Gates, Benjamin, 49. Gaudette, Arthur, 133. Gause, Frederic T., 162. Gauthier, Delor, 127. Gavitt, Esbon H., 107. Gavitt, Isaac F., 107. Gawtrey, John E., 57. Gay, Everett E., 128. Gay, Frederick A., 138. Gay, James M., 114. Gay, W T illiam T., 138. Gearns, Edward S., 162. Geary, Morris F., 114. Geary, Patrick J., 53. . (Jeer, William A., 191. Geleailen, Maike, 205. Gembel, John, 112. Genter, Charles, 82. Gerard, Frank, 147. Gerich, Arthur R., 55. Germain, Phillip, 128. Gerner, Frederick, 171. Gernhard, Adam J., 140. (Settings, Bernard A., 142. Ghiotto, Anthony B., 171. Gibbons, Thomas F., 51. Gibson, Frank L, 127. Gibson, Herbert A., 112. Gibson, Robert J., 195. Gibson, William W., 196. Giddings, Howard A., 19, 194. Gifford, Edward L.. 119. Gifford, George B., 59. Giles. William A.. 147. Gilhuley, Charles H., 200. Gill, John J., 147. INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. 215 Gillespie, Brig. Gen l, 36. Gillespie, Daniel J., 104. Gillett, Samuel, 124. Gillette, Clarence B., 157. Gillette, Frank W., 190. Gillette, Henry C., 87. Gilligan, Dennis, 179. Gilligan, William P., 82, 177. Gillis, James, 65. Gillon, Thomas H., 179. Gilman, John H., 128. Gilmartin, Charles, 95. Gilmartin, John J., 130. Gilmore, Dennis, 109. Gilmore, William B., 162. Gilmore, William G., 171. Gingras, John B., 124. Gingrass, Frank J., 142. Ginty, James, 95. Girade, Arthur, 133. Girade, Napoleon, 133. Gisborne, Frank R., 145. Gisselbrecht, Eugene M., 157. Glass, Harry H., 136. Gleason, Edward J., 147. <;l ( .a>on, Henry M., 199. Gleason, Michael J., 171. Gleeson, William J., 142. Glennon, John T., 142. Goddard, Louis H., 140. Godfrey, Arthur E., 150. Godfrey, Frederick W., 152. Godfrey, Howard N., 168. Goff, Willis H., 124. Golden, Edward, 192. Golden, Peter J., 78. Golden, Thomas F., 57. Golden, William, 128. Goldstein, Louis, 92. Golliker, George, 157. Gollnick, Fred, 92. Gomme, Irving C., 205. Goodale, Harry A., 177. Goodhue, Edward E., 199. Gocding, Earl W., 70. Goodman, Michael J., 92. Goodrich, Casper, 199. Goodrich, Casper F., 199. Goodrich, Robert H., 191. Goodridge, Daniel M.. 184, 186. Goodwin, Frank D., 82. Gore, Thomas J., 138, 168. Gorhain, George F., 57. Gorman, Edward C.. 119. Gorman, James A., 176. Gorman, John, 152. Gorman, John J., 53. Gorman, Richard O., 101. Gormley, George F., 203. Gould, "Everett. 119. Gould, Ezra, 107. Goulet, William. 191. Gourley, Fred F., 78. Grabbe, Conrad H., 74. Grabowski, Charles H., 73. Gracey, Joseph H., 92. Grady, Harry P., 179. Grady, James J., 61. Grady, James T., 155. Graham, Frank L., 162." Graham, John F., 61. Graham. W. M., Major-General, 38. Granger, Charles E.. 162. Granger, Harry C., 92. Granger, Ralph S., 197. Grant. John R., 61. Graves, Dr., 14. Greeley, A. W., 19. Greeley, General, 31. Green, Harry D., 70. Green. Samuel W., 47. Greenberg, Michell G., 162. Greene, Arthur A., 142. Greene, Edward C., 70. Greene, Frank H.. 147. Greene, George M., 136. Greene, llosea, 127. Greenman, Joseph, 104. Greenwood, James F., 138. Greer, Benjamin, 104. Gregoire, Medos, 128. Greiner, Oscar H., 162. Grillin, James L., 162. (Jrillin, John, 110. Grillin, Maurice E., 65. Griilin, Walter N., 157. Griilith, Burton E., 155. Grinnell, George W., 133. Griswold, Alfred H., 81. Griswold, Grant, 157. Griswold, Oliver L, 160. Griswold, R. J., 27. Griswold, Richard S., 25, 29 30, 31, 34, 44, 194. Grogan, Edward, 74. Gronow, Hans, 176. Gropp Frank, 49. Gross, Felix, 57. Grover, Anson E., 114. Grover, Norton W., 203. Gruener, Theodore, 86, 194. Grumback, Manville, 57. Grzywacz, Leopold A., 101. Guarnieri, Charles F., 171. Guckin, Thomas, 49. Guenther, Rudolph F., 82. Guerin, Harold C., 162. Guile, Otis S., 119. Guilford, Joseph E., 124. (Julians, Eric. 162. Gully, Eugene W., 147. Gundaker, Oscar F., 203. Gurley, Frank B., 145. Gushee, Charles F., 167. Gustavson, Frederick, 63. Guthrie, William H., 150. Gyngell, Arthur W., 55. Hackett, Thomas, 180. Hadley, William H., 152. Hadsell, G. Arthur, 34, 63, 198. Hagan, James F., 124. Hagan, John J., 118. Hagberg, Charles A., 112. Hagberg, John A., 102. Haggerty, George, 123. Haggerty, Joseph, 150. Haggerty, Laurence J., 205. Hague, Charles K., 203. Hahn, George C., 133. Hakes, Arlington O., 110. Hale, Arthur H., 70. Hall, Beekman F., 152. Hall, George R., 70. Hall, Henry H., 87, 198. Hall, William A., 133. Hall, William G., 64. Hall, William J., 74. Hallasey, William, 138. Hallen, "Andrew F., 82. Hallock, Willard H., 142. Hamilton, Casaius A., 127. Hamilton, William H., 120. Hamlin, Edgar F., 187. Hammond, Andrew G., 12, 20, 25, 32, 34, 37, 43, 197. Hamrick, Schuyler, 171. Hannon, John J., 180. Hansen, Gilbert A., 104. Hansen, Hans, 82. Hansling, Alderman, 33. Hanson, Harry J., 49. Hanson, John, 171. Hanrahan, John, 142. Hardiman, Thomas C., 104. Harding, Cassius A., 118. Hardy, Edward F., 61. Harger, Alfred M., 188. Harkins, Fred B., 49. Harkins, James, 138. Harper, Joseph P., 78. Harrington, Adin A., 131. Harrington, Frank, 171. Harrington, James E., 127. Harrington, Walter A., 110. Harrington, William, 155. Harris, Henry T. B., 199. Harris, Robert E., 205. Harrison, Claude R., 162. Harrison, Michael R., 180. Harrison, Thomas, 74. Harrison, Thomas P., 138. Hartigan, Daniel G., 142. Harvey, Harry E., 92. Hascall, Arthur L, 203. Hastings, Walter S., 70. Hatch, Harvey D., 144. Hatton, William H., 87. Hauerwas, Abraham L., 63. Haun, John F., 57. Haun, John Paul, 55. Hauschild, Clifford A., 90. Haven, George, 10, 15, 17, 18 20, 25, 27, 29, 35. Havens, Eugene B., 180. Havey, Joseph, 171. Hawk, Philip B., 70. Hawkins, Claude B., 70. Hawkins, Wallace V., 78. Hawley, General, 30. Hawley, James J., 189. Hawley, Joseph R., 35, 36. Hawley, Senator, 27, 37. Hawley, Willis N., 136. Hawthorne, Walter J., 82. Hayden, Edgar G., 87. Hayes, John T., 180. Hayes, Robert C., 70. Hayes, Robert L., 81. Hayes, Stephen J., 140. Hayes, Thomas W., 138. Hayward, George N., 199. Hazelden, John W., 112. Head, Michael J., Jr., 128. Heady, Harry, 138. Healey, Daniel, 138. Healey, Joseph F., 77. Heal ion, Joseph C., 205. Healy, Charles, 202. Healy, George E., 171. Healy, James S., 180. Healy, Michael J., 180. He:iply, George E., 171. Hearn s, John R., 119. Heavren, Rose M., 209. Hebb, Morris, 81. Hebron, Robert F., 78. Hecker, John J., 57. Hedburg, Charlie V ., 78. Hedman, Charles J., 119. Heffernan, Charles C., 53. HetTernan, James, 49. Hefferon, William M., 55. Hegeman, George A., 176. Heghin, Samuel, 100. Heglan, Edward S., 142. Heiderich, Ernest, 61. Heim, Alfred, 94. Hempstead, Mr., 30. Henderson, James D., 87. Henderson, Yandell, 184, 187. Hennes, George, 117. Hennessey, William, 171. irennessy, Maurice, 92. Henry, Congressman, 35. ETenry, Joseph F., 152. rlenry, Michael, 152. rlenson, Stephen F., 51. Ten wood, Samuel J., 171. lerbst, Joseph, 107. lerriander, Fred, 82. lerrmann, Louis J., 168. Terron, Robert, 78. lerter, Louis A., 49. Jesse, Albert W., 61. Icwett, George A., 57. lewett, John A., 57. lewett. William H uri^on. 187. lewie, Ralph, 105. Hewlitt, Charles, 138. Heywood, Carl B., 187. Hickey, John, 32, 43, 193. Hickey, John W., 90. Hickey, Patrick J., 180. Higgins, Edward, 92. Higgins, Michael J., 65. Higgins, Nicholas D., 105. Higgins, Peter J., 61. Higgins, Richard, 119. Hill, Frederick A., 19, 193. Hill, Henry, 161. Hill, Lewis C., 205. Hill, Louis E., 157. Hill, William D., 180. Killer, William G., 92. Hills, Ike T., 64. Hiltbrand, Frederick W., 65. llimple, Samuel, 95. Hindley, George A., 49. Hine, George L, 157. Hines, Charles D., 129. Hines, Frank, 171. Hines, James J., 78. Hines, James M., 78. Hines, John B., 79. Hines, Thomas J., 45. Hiscox, Judson L., 114. Hitchcock, George W., 94. Hitchcock, Harry S., 180. Hitchcock, John A., 208. Hitt, Alfred C., 147. Hoban, Edward A., 49. Hoban, John J., 79. Hodge, Frank B., 157. Hodge, George E., 171. Hoefler, Benjamin, 180. Hoey, John, 124, 208. Hoey, Michael G., 176. Hoffman, Alvin C., 124. Hoffman, George, 64. Hogan, Edward T., 92. Hogan, Michael F., 119. Hogan, Thomas F., 51. Holcombe, George A., 190. Holden, Benedict M., 65, 201. Holden, Francis P., 163. Holden, John F., 49. Holden, Morris L., 201. Holland, Arthur, 105. Holland, Bert E., 101. Holland, Daniel, 157. Holland, James B., 105. Holley, Dwight E., 198. Hollingsworth, Harry E., 70. Hollis, Eben C., 88. Holloway, Daniel W., 119. Holmes, Fred G., 70. Holmes, Jesse N., 142. Holmes, Marion S., 49. Holmes, Richard J., 190. Holmes, William L, 142. tlolmquist, Edward, 74. Holt, Henry T., 85. tfolt, Rodney A., 49. Elolt, William F., 100. Elonce, Barlow D., 159. Honce, Barlow S., 10, 160. Elonce, Charles A., 163. flonce, James A., 160. rlopf, Andrew, 57. lopkins, Aba J., 95. iopkins, George W., 152. Hopkins, Grant S., 131. Topkins, Stephen LeG., 209. rlopson, Henry W., 150. rlopwood, John, 92. loran, Francis, 77. lornig, August G., 95. lorton, Edward D., 95. lorton, Thomas, 70. lorton, Wesley D., 95. loskins, William V., 46. lotchkiss, Charles B., 65. HotchkSss, William H., 161. Hott, Frederic, 188. 216 INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. Hourigan, James D., 92. House, Albert C., 72. Houston, James B., 19, 196. How, Louis, 163. Howard, Charles B., 129. Howard, Dellaware, 157. Howard, Fred G., 70. Howard, James L., Jr., 163. Howard, Joseph, 105. Howard, Mrs. Frank L., 25. Howard, William, 105. Howard, William L., 199. Howarth, James A., Jr., 176. Howe, Dr., 30. Howe, Walter, 41. Hoxie, R. Major, 33. Hoye, Frank, 138. Hoyle, William A., 126. Hoyt, Francis E., 171. Hubbard, Elmore W., 197. Hubbard, Francis S., 154. Hubbard, George E., 138. Hubbard, John, 112. Hubbell, Eugene B., 66. Hubbell, William S., Jr., 163. Hueston, Charles W., 95. Hughes, Daniel P., 129. Hughes, John J., 82. Hughes, Joseph, 115. Hull, Charles, 95, 203. Hull, George A., 177. Hull, Hadlai, 15, 98, 99. Hulteen, Emil, 66. Hultman, Charles J., 74, 205. Hume (Hunn), Francis S., 185, 187. Humphrey, Robert M., 88. Hunn (Hume), Francis S., 185, 187. Hunt, Albert E., 101. Hunt, Dominic W., 95. Hunt, Henry H., 82. Hunter, John A., Jr., 142. Huntington, Charles A., 191. Huntington, Henry L., 85. Huntington, Philip W., 195. Huntington, Robert W., 200. Huntington, Samuel G., 85. Huntley, Henry F., 187. Kurd, William M., 190. Huresky, John, 208. Hurley, Stephen, 129. Hurley, William, 53. Hussey, Daniel, 124. Hutchins, Nelson, 70. Hutchins, William H., 163. Hutchinson, Charles K., 185, 186. Hutchinson, Ernest, 171. Hutchinson, Robert E. L., 186. Hyde, Albert B., 124. Hyde, E. Henry, Jr., 28. Hyde, William G., 92, 202. Hynds, John J., 105. Hynes, James P., 88, 203. Hynes, John J., 146. Hynes, Thomas, 147. Iffland, Alexander, 49. Ihloff, Emil A., 94. Irons, Lewis, 129. Isaacs, Philip, 138. Isbell, Burt, 147. Isbell, John A., 187. Ives, Fred 0., 171. Ives, Othniel, 90. Jack, James, Jr., 112. Jackson, Edward Q., 190. Jackson, Frank W T ., 205. Jackson, Robert F., 197. Jackson, Squire, 57. Jackson, William E., 205. Jaeger, Harry A., 205. Jaeger, RobeVt H.. 103. Jahnke, Charles. 177. James, Frederick H., 142. Jeifers, Walter B. S., 112. Jennings, Charles H., 197. Jennings, Edward M., 199. Jennings, Elijah W., 55, 57. Jennings, Thomas H., 154, 197. Jepson, John, 57. Jewett, Ambrose B., 188. Jirma, Michael, 92. Johnson, Benjamin W., 155. Johnson, Charles, 82. Johnson, Charles G., 61. Johnson, Edward T., 61. Johnson, Francis H., 129. Johnson, Francis M., 85. Johnson, Frank E., 44. Johnson, George, 73. Johnson, George T., 191. Johnson, Hugh M., 79. Johnson, James M., 147. Johnson, James V., 205. Johnson, Theodore, 205. Johnson, William C., 88. Johnstone, William, 123. Jolly, James K., 129. Jones, Carelton C., 160. Jones, Charles J., 61. Jones, Delbert R., 90, 194. Jones, Frank M., 68. Jones, George, 138. Jones, James S., 55. Jones, John B., 180. Jones, Sala D., 46. Jordan, Andrew A., 110. Jordan, George W., 129. Joseph, Frank, 103. Joy, Harry E., 70. Joyce, David F., 83. Joyce, Howard B., 96. Joyce, Michael P., 83. Joyce, Thomas, 124. Jubb, James, 61. Juckett, Eugene C., 203. Judd, Ernest H., 171. Jucld, Thomas M., 157. Judson, Edward W., 88. Judson, Henry, 171. Judson, Howard, 171. Judson, Theodore P., 187. Kagei, Albert, 66. Kaiser, Charles F., 180. Kalber, Conrad C., 47. Kalick, Micke, 83. Kane, Cornelius, 66. Kane, John J., 119. Kaschube, Herman, 92. Katz, Joseph, 205. Kay, Benjamin F., 103. Kay, George H., 70. Kay. John, 92. Kaye, Webster, 55. Keane, Frank, 138. Keane. William H., 180. Kearney, Henry J., 152. Kearns, James F., Jr., 79. Keating, Arthur E., 74. Ken ting. Edward, 171. Keefe, Denis, 142. Keefe, Patrick J., 180. Keefer, Charles C., 83. Keefer, Philip S., 171. Keegan, Allan M., 60. Keegan, John H., 110. Keena, Michael T., 77. Koenan, Frederick, 171. Keeney, Xewton C., 74. Keeney, Patrick, 119. Keeney, Raymond G.. 41, 90 Kehoe, Thomas J., 180. Kehr, William, 138. Keith, James L., 66. Keleher, Timothy D., 196. Kellar, Joe, 152. Kelleher, Joseph P., 143. Kelleher, William, 77. Keller, William L., 195. Kellerruan, Emil, 66. Kelley, Edward, 205. Kelley, James F., 143. Kelley, James J., 53. Kelley, Thomas, 83. Kelley, Timothy, 124. Kelliher, Simon J., 64. Kellogg, Frank W., 199. Kellogg, Walter J., 115. Kelly, James, 53. Kelly, John J., 92, 122. Kelly, John N., 138. Kelly, Robert H., 180. Kelly, Thomas F., 180. Kelly, William, 122. Kelly, William H., 163. Kelsey, Ernest R., 188. Kelsey, Henry H., 31, 42, 44. Kelton, Robert H. C., 197. Kernpf, Frank C., 103. Kemple, James, 152. Kendall, Edward G., 188. Kenealy, Edward J., 148. Kenefeck, Thomas, 49. Kenefic, James E., 145. Keniston, Charles E., 172. Kennedy, Charles A., 129. Kennedy, George P., 61. Kennedy, James, 53. Kennedy, John F., 66. Kennedy, John J., 92. Kennedy, John T., 199. Kennedy, Patrick D., 47. Kennedy, Richard, 138. Kennedy, Thomas J., 31, 45. Kenney, John J., 157. Kenney, Thomas, 180. Kenny, Edward P., 205. Kenny, John E., 180. Kenny, Michael, 96. Kent, George Edwin, 18. Ivent, George M., 131. Kent, Orlando C., 94. Kenyon, Albert J., 185, 187. Kenyon, Lorenzo W., 185, 189 Keogh, John J., 152. Kernan, Charles, 172. Kernick, Albert, 96. Kerrigan, John J., 74. Kershaw, William, 53. Keyes, Frank R., 189. Kiely, Abraham, 53. Kienell, Fred C., 83. Kiernan, William, 83. Kies, Fred E., 133. Kiley, David, 152. Kilkelly, Thomas F., 83. Kilkenny, John, 172. Killoy, John E., 163. Killoy, Lawrence F., 180. Kil martin, Edward J., 49. Kilmartin, John, 47. Kilmurray, Michael J., 66. Kimberlv, Edwin N., 157. Kincella, John, 152. Kindelan, Edward, 66. King, Adolph P., 203. King, Charles F., 66. King, Edward J., 119. King, Felix, 131. King, George, Jr., 79. King, John, 92. King, John T., 66. King, Joseph R., 90. King, Joseph W., 115. King, Thomas, 138. King, Vincent M., 14, 35, 94. King, William, 124. Kingsbury, John L., 129. Kinney, John F., 160. Kinney, Sarah T., 25. Kinney, William, 110. Kinsella, Gerald T., 180. Kirkham, Charles M., 163. Kirkland, Charles P., 154. Kirkland, Eugene T., 99. Kirkley, Robert, 88. Kirkpatrick, Herbert, 136. Kline, August O., 92. Kline, Charles J., 92. Klinger, John W., 208. Knapp, Albert E., 172. Knapp, Arthur F., 208. Knapp, Harry S., 199. Knilien, Arthur H., 163. Knitfen, Clifford E., 163. Knight, William B., 110. Knoblauch, William J., 92. Knowles, George E., 110. Knowlton, Henry E., 205. Knox, John B., Jr., 88. Kober, Edward G., 88, 203. Kolet, Frank, 180. Kollenz, Christian, 49. Kondrick (Konells), George, 192. Konitz, William J., 187. Koop, Ernest H. G., 83. Kopankiawitz, Frank, 157. Kopp, George, 105. Kostenbader, Fred, 49. Kowalcky, Frank E., 191. Kozak, Anthony, 133. Krafi t, Frederick A., 148. Kramer, William C., 180. Krebser, Frederick, 61. Kroha, Edward C., 96. Kroha, John, 95. Krull, George R., 51. Kuhn, Albert, 53. Kumm, Louis A., 64. Kuran, Riley B., 180. Kurth, Arnold, 148. Lacey, George P., 124. Lacey, Herbert V., 70. Lacey, Thomas V., 105. Lacoursiere, Philip F. F., 92. Lacroix, John, 124. Lacy, George P., 205. Lacy, James H., 208. Lallamme, Joseph, 124. Lahey, Daniel J., 172, 205. Lahey, Edward J., Jr., 148. Lahey, John V., 74. Lamb, Edwin E., 47. Lamb, W T alter H., 136. Lamondy, George, 131. I.amondy, Thomas, 133. Landa, Jacob, 204. Landerman, Myer, 88. Landers, Wm. E. F., 11, 15, 18. 29. Landrigan, John F., 77. Landrigan, Phillip J., 152. Lane, Albert E., 81. Lane, Robert, 70. Langan, William H., 172. Langshore, Harry W., 180. Lapelle, Joseph "A., 129. La Pierre, Julian, 98, 100. Laramie, Bartimus J., 129. Larance, George A., 129. La Rose, Thomas F., 143. Larrabee, Christopher A., 124. Larsen, Carl A., 205. Larson, Axel, 83. Larson, Charles J., 96. Larson, Charles 0., 83. Larson, Christie, 83. Larson, Gustaf, 66. Larson, John, 83. Larson, Paul Aug., 132. Larsson, Laurin, 62. Latham, Albert. 143. Laubscher, Martin, 32, 41, 55. l.aughlin, Robert. 53. Lautz, Louis F., 188. Lnvell. James, 129. Laverty, John J., 60. Lavezzi, David, 124. Lavine, Jacob A., 66. Law, Sanford B., 150. INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. 217 Law, Thomas F., 148. Lawler, Bernard F., 180. Lawler, James, 172. Lawless, Edward A., 103. Lawless, John J., 117. Lawlor, Henry P., 152. Lawrence, Norman F., 180. Lawton, Albert E., 62. Lawton, Lewis H., 110. Leach, Major, 29. Leake, Joseph Benjamin, 208. Leamy, Martin T., 57. Leary, Dennis, 180. Leary, John J., 180. Leavenworth, Frederick C., 203. LeClair, Alfred, 134. Ledyard, Augustus C., 163. Lee, Charles S., 185, 187. Lee, Fitzhugh, 19. Lee, Frank H., 51. Lee, Harry M., 98. 100. Lee, James T., 119. Lee, Martin, Jr., 205. Lee, Samuel F., 74. Lee, William, 138. Lee, William D., 92. Lee, William R., 185, 188. Le Fever, Arthur P., 191. Lehman, Frederick, 83. Lehmann, Robert H., 57. Lehnemann, John W., 48. Leibert, George S., 51. Leid. Herbert, 168. Leidholt, Gustave H.. 72. Leidholt, Henry F., 83. Lenihan, James J., 93. Lenihan, Thomas F., 107. Leonard, Ernest P., 168. Leonard, Francis J., 180. Leonard, Harry A., 188. Leonard, Ira B., 64. Leonard. John A., 166, 167. Leonard, Martin C., 53. Leonard, Sidney M., 59. Leppert, Charles, 172. Leriche, William H., 110. Leslie, Howard, 48. Leslie. William H., 41, 47. Lester, Edward O., 145. Letcher, Joseph H., 172. Letendre, George, 115. Levell, John, 101. Lewis, Edward Y., 187. Lewis, Fred H., 79, 206. Lewis, George, 53. Lewis, Howard C., 79. Lewis, Newton F., 17". Lgor, Adolph, 66. L Heureux, Alfred A. S., 115 L Heureux, Nelson S., 115. Libutzke, John G., 47. Lincoln, Robert M., 70. Lind, Alvin, 83. Lindell, Uno, 74. Lindquist, Albert, 66. Lindsay, James M., 107. Linke, Charles B., 208. Linskey, Nicholas, 163. Linsley, Ray K., 70. Little, Harry R., 53. Livingston, \Villiam F., 53. Lloyd, Charles R., Jr., 163. Lock, George, 143. Locke, David M., 105. Lockert, John E., 180. Lockery, Frederick, 181. Lockwood, Ira C., 150. Lockwood, Philip, 126. Loeb, Arthur S., 163. Loffler, John T., 115. Lofpren, John. 127. Lohman, John H., 200. Lohs, Fred W., 79. Loiselle. Alphonse, 134. Lombard, George, 74. Lonergan, Michael, 181. Long, Frank S., 197. Long, John D., 17. Long, Michael C., 190. Looby, Michael, 157. Loomis, Herbert L., 124. Loomis, Leon E., 208. Loranger, (Jmer, 110. Lord, Charles, 94. Lord, Charles O., 72. Lotze, Frederick, 49. Lotinsbery, Walter W., 185, 188. Lounsbury, Governor, 41, 42 Lounsbury, William, 201. Lovejoy, Arthur G., 152. 206. Loveland, Edward E., 79. Lovely, George, 134. Loventhal, Charles, 177. Low, Theodore H., 200. Low, William B., Jr., 79. Low, William W., 86, 200. Lowe, Charles W., 134. Lowe, Howard E., 172. Lowell, Jason D., 57. Lowenhaupt, Ralph. 70. Loy, Clarence W., 181. Lucas, Eugene W. Van C 196. Lucchini, Arthur C., 93. Luck, Gussie A., 110. Ludwig, Charles F., 57. Luis, Frank, 163. Lukoski, Joseph, 138. Lull, Robert S., 203. Lum, Benjamin B., 187. I umsden, George R., 115. Lutostauski, Peter, 83. Lutton. James H., 57. Lutz, Frank G., 53. Lutz, John, 83. Lutz, Joseph H., 57. Lyke, Harvey, 181. Lyman, Ernest E., 129. Lyman, Frank W., 70. Lyman, George E., 163. L.Mnan, Mortimer. 60. Lynch, Edward J., 122. Lynch, Edward L., 155. Lynch, George H., 115. Lynch, James, 53. Lynch, James F., 124. Lynch, John E., 63. Lynch, John W., 160. Lynch, Patrick J., 181. Lynch, Robert F., 172. Lynch, Thomas F., 119. Lynch, Thomas P., 57. Lyon, Edward E., 203. Lyon, George, Jr., 188. Lyons, Edward. 138. Lyons, Herbert C., 96. Lyons, Philip, 79. Lyons, Thomas J., 167. Lyons, William E., 57. MacEwen, Hugh C., Jr., 70. Mack, Edward H., 141. Mack, Herbert D., 77. Mack, John, 83. Mackenzie, Frederick A., 201. MacLane, Paul B., 163. MacMillin, Marion M., 163. Macnamara, Matthew, 57. Madden, William F., 73. Madison, Charles W., 134. Madsen, Elith N. C., 77. Madsen, Lorens J., 45. Magersuppe, Henry, 96. Magner, John J., 64. Magson, Joe S., 83. Magson, Samuel E., 34, 80. Maguire, John R., 148. Maguire, William F., 115. Maher, Cornelius, 181. Maher, Edward J., 201. Maher, John A., 145. Maher, Joseph M., 181. Maher, Thomas F., 118. Mahon, Joseph, 83. Mahoney, Dennis M., 185, 191 Mahoney, John, 208. Mahoney, Michael, 181. Mahoney, Michael J., 143. Malioney, William E., 35, 76. Mahoney, William H., 79. Mahr, Philip J., 57. Mahrt, John, 148. Main, Frank L., 131. Main, Walter, 134. Makara, Edward J., 172. Makepeace, Walter D., 187. Malbone, James H., 127. Malin, James F., 148. Malkin, Richard L., 75. Mai ley, Thomas P., 53. Mallon, John J., 209. Mallon, William J., 75. Malloy, James J., 206. Ma Hoy, Peter J., 88. Malm , O. William, 189. Malona, Charles, 141. Malona, John A., 102. Malone, Thomas J., 206. Malone, William J., 115. Maloney, Eugene R., 134. Maloney, John S., 181. Maloney, William, 105. Manaban, Thomas F., 79. Man ion, Edward J., 79. Manion, Frank L., 57. Manning, Edward J., 46. Manning, James E., 148. Manning, Thomas J., 152. Mannix, Dennis, 163. Mansfield, Samuel M., 196. Mansfield, Thomas E., 163. Mantei, Otto, 45. Marenholtz, Fred T., 79. Marion, Joseph, 134. Marion, Otis D., 88. Markham, Patrick J., 66. Marks, William E., 163. Markwart, Adolf, 157. Mai ley, James, 129. Marlow, John H., 163. Marlow, William F., 163. Maroney, William A., 163. Marra, Thomas E., 124. Mars, George M., 203. Marsh, Frank T., 70. Marshall, Andrew B., 68. Marshall, Edward E., 163. Marshall, Robert W., 181. Marshall, Samuel A., 163. Martin, Edward, 119. Martin, Frank J., 118. Martin, Frederick J., 105. Martin, Fred M., 70. Martin, George R., 190. Martin, James F., 62. Martin, John, 148. Martin, John H., 206. Martin, Robert M., 66. Marvel, Eugene T., 88. Marvin, Frank, 181. Mason, Frank H., 187. Mason, Samuel E., 34. Massey, John J., 160. Massey. William D., 160. Masterson, Thomas E., 181. Matbews, Elmer J., 129. Mathews, James E., 161. Mat more, Bernard, 152. Matthewson, Ferdinand A., 58. Mautte, George Charles, 206. Maxson, Frank O., 199. Maxson. John M.. 110. Maxwell, Frank E. Y.. 75. Maxwell, William J., 124. May, William, 62. Mayer, Joseph, 83. Maynard, Anson H., 53. Maynard, George, 129. Mavnard, Joseph, 124. Maynard, Myron A., 136. Mayo, John B., 132. McAdams, Thomas J., 49. McAuliffe, James, 51, 203. McAvay, John, 66. McAvoy, James, 143. McBriarty, Edward J., 81. McBrien, Francis J., 206. McCabe, Edward, 172. McCabe, James, 83. McCabe, John H., 163. McCabe, Patrick, 125. McCann, John J., 75. McCann, Joseph, 120. McCarron, John, 143. McCarthy, Daniel M., 152. McCarthy, Dennis F., 77. McCarthy, James, 66. McCarthy, Jeremiah A., 125. McCarthy, John F., 62. McCarthy, John T., 122. McCarthy, Justin, 202. McCarthy, Michael H., 206. McCarthy, Roberts J., 105. McCarthy, Stephen, 200. McCarthy, Thomas A., 53. McCarthy, Timothy J., 163. McCauley, Charles C., 172. McClellan, Frank W., 148. McClellan, George B., 55. McClellan, William A., 62. McClure, Henry, 172. McClure, William, 115. McCollum, Oleon, 83. McConnell, Francis J., 198. McCook, George S., 70. McCook, John B., 25, 32, 44. McCook, Miss, 25. McCormick, James, 115. McCormick, Robert J., 203. McCort, James J., 110. McCoy, William H., 134. McCray, Walter F., 55. McCrea, Mark C., 75. McCreary, Ralph W 7 ., 189. McCue, Thomas J., 79. McCullough, Patrick J., 58. McDermott, John, 62. McDermott, Thomas J., 129. McDonald, Arthur A., 148. McDonald, Frank A., 102. McDonald, George, 129. McDonald, James A., 168. McDonald, John E., 75. McDonald, John J., 110. McDonald, Michael, 172. McDonald, Thomas J., 110. McDonough, James P., 79. McElrath, James B., 62. McFarland, Frank P., 96. McFarlane, John H., 120. MoGann, James E., 134. McGarry, Thomas J., 153. McGee, Patrick, 125. McGill, John H., 115. McGinn, Edward J., 79. McGivney, Patrick, 129. MeGoldr ick, John F., 93. McGovern, Frank J., 163. McGrail, Eugene J., 163. McGrane, James F., 157. McGrath, Frank F., 81. McGrath, Henry, 157. McGrath, John D., 110. McGrath, Martin, 110. McGrath, Michael E., 88. McGrath, Richard H., 181. McGregor, James, Jr., 141. McGregor, John B., 79. McGuinness, Stephen, 153. McGuire, Patrick, 160. Mclnerny, Matthew, 66. Mclntyre, Arthur D., 131. Mclntyre, Frederick W., 172. McKay, Robert, 100. McKay, Robert B.. 129. 218 INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. McKee, James F., 79. McKee, Robert A., 33, 88. McKegg, Alfred R., 143. McKenna, Jeremiah, 172. McKenney, Benjamin C., 68. McKinley, President, 27. McKinnon, Daniel T., 181. McKone, John J., 88. McKone, Thomas L., 206. McLagan, Donald K., 58. McLaughlin, Alexander L., 208. McLaughlin, Edward T., 93. McLaughlin, James, 88. McLaughlin, James H., 105. McLaughlin, John J., 54. McLaughlin, Michael J., 96. McLaxighlin, Richard F., 54. McLaughlin, Thomas J., 181. McMahon, Bernard A., 206. McMahon, Charles W., 62. McMahon, Daniel M., 191. McMahon, Henry P., 79. McMahon, James J., 181. McMahon, James P., 107. McMahon, John J., 51. McMahon, John L., 158. McMahon, Peter H., 62. McMahon, Thomas, 164. McMahon, Thomas H., 118. McMahon, Thomas L., 138. McManus, Matthes L. 96. McManus, Thomas A., 62. McManus, Ward, 189. McMoran, Eugene, 105. McNally, John T., 206. McNamara, John, 96. McNamara, John J., 177. McNamara, John T., 164. McNamara, Michael J., 96. McNamara, Timothy, 122. McNeil, Bernard, 181. McNeil, James P., 81. McPartland, James F., 105. McPherson, John, 79. McQuaid, James, 110. McQuillen, John J., 49. McRau, William, 129. McShane, Michael, 129. McShera, John P., 138. McVan, John J., 70. McVeigh, Patrick F., 75. McVey, Peter, 115. Mead, Harry A., 101. Mead, Seaman M., 148. Mealady, Daniel J., 105. Meara, John, 54. Mecklenberg, John J., 143. Meehan, George C., 150. Meehan, Michael W., 105. Meehan, William J., 181. Meigs, Clifton 0., 125. Meinke, Charles M., 75. Mell, Charles B., 138. Menard, Willie, 134. Menzies, Robert W., 94. Mercer, William A., 197. Merget, Richard V., 66. Merli, Edgar A., 181. Merrett, William S., 181. Merrill, Charles O., 83. Merrill, Orville W., 115. Messenger, Charles, 66. Messier, Louis, 134. Meyer, George, 58. Meyers, Julius C., 139. Meyers, William, 153. Mickelson, Charles J., 206. Micotte, Charles, 134. Middlebrook, Louis F., 189. Millard, Leonard D., 120. Miller, Charles H., 94, 164. Miller, David A., 96. Miller, Eugene D., 69, 206. Miller, Frank W., 181. Miller, George H., 58. Miller, Guy P., 189. Miller, Herbert, 148. Miller, Hugh L, 189. Miller, John, 71. Miller, Reginald R., 155. Miller, Richard, 49, 206. Miller, Robert G., 71. Millikcn, George G., 131. Millott, Thomas L., 58. Mills, Frank, 49. Mills, John, 120. Mills, John H., 81. Milne, Charles B., 55. Milne, James W., 55. Milne, John D., 45. Miner, Carles A., 120. Miner, Hurbert, 115. Minnix, Francis L, 191. Missel, Jacob J., 54. Missel, William E., 51. Mitchell, Arthur F., 60. Mitchell, George D., 120. Mitchell, James E., 155. Mitchell, William H., 49. Mix, Daniel, 83. Monaghan, Joseph, 172. Monahan, Edmond E., 167. Monahan, Patrick, 129. Monoghan, Joseph, 206. Monohan, John E., 120. Montgomery, Edward L., 71. Montgomery, Thomas H., 71. Montgomery, William H., 96. Moody, John Lafferty, 206. Moody, Lester, 172. Moody, William, 66. Mooney, James P., 79. Mooney, Luke F., 164. Mooney, Matthew, 54. Mooney, Michael J., 146. Mooney, William P., 143. Moore, Charles H., 80. Moore, Dan Tyler, 140. Moore, George C., 164. Moore, Herbert L., 172. Moore, Jairus A., 197. Moore, James T., 198. Moore, Luke, 139. Moore, Michael M., 115. Moore, Thomas E., 148. Moore, Thomas F., 58. Moore, William P., 120. Moore, Willis E., 132. Moquin, Alex J., 206. Morahan, William, 96. Moran, Andrew J., 144. Moran, George, 130. Moran, George F., 164. Moran, James, 125. Moran, James L., 88. Moran, John, 164. Moran, John F., 30, 32, 51. Moran, Thomas J., 139. Morcom, Frederick C., 202. Moreau, Frederick H., 125. Morelly, Joseph, 206. Morey, Burton C., 34, 64. Morgan, Charles L., 105. Morgan, Dr., 30. Morgan, Harry E., 120. Morgan, Henry C., 28. Morgan, James, Jr., 115. Morgan, James H., 189. Morgan, Jeremiah, 88. Morgan, Joseph, 88. Morgan, Percy H., 98, 99. Morgan, Shiras, 189. Morgan, Victor F., 189. Morgan, William, 96. Moriarty, Jeremiah T., 103. Moriarty, John F., 108. Moriarty, Thomas F., 125. Morley, Reuben H., 88. Morrill, Henry H., 112. Morris, Charles G., 187. Morris, John S., 139. Morris, Wallace W., 153. Morrisey, Richard, 206. Morse, Albert H., 130. Morse, Ernest, 125. Morton, Edward F., 181. Morton, Sidney E., 105. Mory, Louis, 148. Moseley, Edward E., 45. Moses, Linwood K., 191. Moss, Ernest J., 172. Mottram, Alfred, 79. Mottram, John T., 130. Mountain, John S., 71. Moynihan, Cornelius, 75. Muhleib, William H., 49. Mulheam, Patrick J., 62. Mullaney, John H., 139. Mullaney, John J., 49. Mullen, Samuel, 125. Mullen, Thomas F., Jr., 79. Muller, Max W., 172. Mulligan, Frank, 143. Mulligan, James H., 84. Mulligan, John, 75. Mulligan, Lawrence H., 181. Mullinette, Julius, 75. Mulroney, Patrick J., 93. Munro, Kenneth McK., 79. Munroe, Arthur, 158. Munsell, William F., 49. Munsmann, Andrew H., 115. Munson, Edward L., 195. Munson, Hiram, 172, Murdock, George W., 145. Murdock, John S., 198. Murdock, Joseph B., 199. Murdock, William M., 164. Murley, Thomas J., Jr., 143. Murphy, Bernard P., 134. Murphy, Charles, 158. Murphy, Charles F., 181. Murphy, Edward A. 123. Murphy, Edward T., 79. Murphy, Edward W., 108. Murphy, Frank, 96. Murphy, James, 153. 172. Murphy, James J., 131. Murphy, Jeremiah J. 140. Murphy, John, 158, 206. Murphy, John C., 58. Murphy John F., 149. Murphy, John J., 143. Murphy, John K., 187. Murphy, John L., 58. Murphy, John W., 58. Murphy, Michael D., 79. Murphy, Michael F., 54. Murphy, Michael J., 122, 172. Murphy, Patrick J., 54. Murphy, Thomas E., 79, 206. Murphy, Thomas L., 139. Murphy, W 7 illiam, 164. Murphy, William C., 58. Murray, Bernard W., 54. Murray, Charles J., 172. Murray, Edward H., 145. Murray, Francis, 55. Murray, Luke T., 54. Murray, Peter, 145. Murray, Thomas A., 181. Murray, William H., 172. Murray, William J., 134. Murtagh, Thomas, 172. Muth, William H., 173. Mutz, Hugo, 181. Mycroft, George M., 35, 63. Myers, Clinton H., 48. Myers, Lee, 141. Myers, William A., 173. Nahigis, Matthew N., 58. Nash, Fred, 127. Neddo, Joseph R., 41, 47. Neef, Joseph A., 164. Neff, Frank P., 120. Neilson, Carl, 191. Nelson, Carl F., 75, 206. Nelson, Dr., 14. Nelson, George, 94, 173. Nelson, Harry, 73. Nelson, Julius, 66. Neugebaiier, Frank, 153. Neurath, Frank A., 66. Neville, James D., 108. Nevins, William, 96. Newburg, Aubrey J., 101. Newbury, Harry N., 143. Newbury, Henry G., 75. Newbury, Thomas F., 58. Newcomb, Warren P., 197. Newman, James F., 71. Newton, Charles W., 26, 68. Newton, Ralph J., 62. Nichols, Andrew E., 173. Nichols, Herbert F., 173. Nichols, Joel M., 72. Nichols, John W., Jr., 188. Nichols, Walter F., 94. Nichols, William J., 73. Nichols, William M., 197. Nielsen, Peter C., 206. Nielson, Henry, 84. Noble, Edward J., 190. Nolan, William F., 54. Nolan, William H., 206. Xoland, William H., 141. Nolle, Colonel, 39. Noonan, Edward C., 45. Noonan, Eugene F., 192. Noonan, William, 176. Noonan, William E., 93. Noonan, William F., 164. Nord, Charles, 84. Norman, Arthur S., 153. Norman, Frank J., 96. Norman, William, 96. Norquist, Peter L., 73. Norris, Louis A., 71. Northam, Edward T., 190. Northam, Robert C., 190. Norton, Francis M., 58. Norton Harry A., 60, 202. Norton, Louis L., 188. Norton, William J., 125. Noyes, William T., 153. Numan, Edward P., 88. Numann, August, 93. Nutter, Harrie Y., 190. Oakes, John W., 153. Oakley, Charles H., 96. Oakley, Erastus, 103. Oakley, George E., 96. Oban, Felix, 130. Oblin, Felix, 130. O Brien, Daniel J., 50. O Brien, Frank A., 164. O Brien, James, 120. O Brien, James M., 187. O Brien, John F., 125. O Brien, Joseph F., 50. O Brien, Michael P., 143. O Brien, Peter F., 153. O Brien, Simon, 62. O Brien, William J., 160. O Brien, William P., 62. Obryan. Tompkins H., 71. O Connell, Dennis J., 200. O Connell, John, 62. O Connell, John J., 173. O Connell, Michael F., 107. O Connell, William, 105. O Connell, William A., 62. O Conner, Thomas F., Jr., 62. O Connor, Charles A., 181. O Connor, Maurice, 173. O Connor, Michael, 120. O Connor, Terence, 148. O Connors, Daniel, 158. Odell, Lester, 96. Odell, Odie, 96. O Donnell, Charles J., 93. O Donnell, John, 206. O Donnell, Thomas J., 181. INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. 219 O Donnell, William E., 200. O Donnell, William H., 182. O Flaherty, John P., 80. O Gara, James P., 110. Ogden, Edmund M., 72. Ogden, James W., 169. O Hara, Thomas F., 104. O Hare, Kaymond, 182. O Keefe, Edward J., 125. O Keefe, James F., 118. O Keefe, John A., 187. O Keeffe, Charles, 177. Olcott, Harry E., 73. Oliver, Charles B., 115. Olshefskie, Charles, 47. Olson, Albert, 62. Olson, Charles A., 93. Olsson, Iver, 115. O Mara, John, 143. O Mara, Michael, 66. O Neil, Francis, Jr., 139. O Xeil, James, 134. O Neil, James J., 148. O Xeil, John E., 120. O Neil, John J., 58. O Neil, John T., 182. O Neil, Owen, 143. O Neill, John J., 73. O Neill, Michael, 158. Ormsby, Charles, 118. O Rouark, John J., 139. O Rourke, Edward J., 105. O Rourke, Francis A., 202. O Rourke, Thomas, 105. Orton, Oliver, 84. Osborn, Allan M., 175, 176. Osborn, N. G., 175. Osborne, Charles H., 153. Osborne, John C., 113. Osborne, William H., 96. Osterman, Charles A., 64. O Sullivan, Thomas F., 96. O Toole, Phillip J., 206. O Toole, Richard, 54. Oughton, Robert A., 160. Ouillette, Augustus, 134. Outram, Peter, 137. Oviatt, Edward M., 88. Owen, Ernest L., 71. Owen, Hans C., 71. Owens, Michael F., 202. Owens, Thomas, 125. Packard, Joseph, 67. Packer, William S., Jr.. 164. Padelford, Charles D., 158. Page, Charles H., 164. Paight, John H., 148. Paine, William H., 197. Paletti, Joseph, 207. Palmer, Henry E., 110. Palmer, Humbold J., 200. Palmer, Ira S., 145. Palmer, John, 50. Palmer, Lewis B., 62. Palmer, Oscar W., 136. Palmer, Samuel, 158. Pardee. Fred C., 96. Pariseau, Nelson, 139. Park, William, 75. Parker, Arthur V., 71. Parker, Charles E., 153. Parker, Charles V., 164. Parker, Felton. 184, 189. Parker, Howard, 50. Parker, Philip E.. 182. Parkhurst, Harleigh, 160. Parkinson, Joseph, 143. Parks, Oscar E., 94. Parmelee, Cleon A., 164. Parson, Waldo H., 143. Parsons, Arthur L., 191. Parsons, John H., 155. Parsons, Lester, 62. Parsons, Matthew F.. 182. Pascoe, Arthur J., 46. Pasetsk, Vincent. 176. Pates, James W. R., 125. Pattison, George E., 88. Patton, Benjamin S., 50. Paulhus, Jean B., 122. Pawlowski, Antone, 96. Paxton, John R., Jr., 160. Payne, Frank B., 199. Payne, Frederick E., 54. Payne, Henry H., 153. Payne, Herbert R., 50. Payne, Walter H., 207. Peabody, Robert S., 187. Pearson, Adolph, 84. Pearson, William T., 71. Peavey, Thomas, 96. Peck, Albert E., 192. Peck, Charles H., 145. Peck, Clifford M., 185, 187. Peckham, William W., 101. Pellet, Lewis E., 120. Pelletier, Louis, 96. Penders, John J., 207. Penfield, Walter G., 176, 196. Penfield, William L., 90. Pendleton, Edward, 103. Pendleton, Harris, 121. Pendleton, Harris, Jr., 198. Pendleton, Lyman B., 143. Penney, Royal E., 177. Peppin, Frederick, 143. Perkins, Charles A., 139. Perkins, Charles S., Jr., 90. Perkins, Charles T., 113. Perkins, George H., 130. Perkins, Lyman B., 199. Perkins, William H., 199. Perrin, Frederick A., 103. Perry, David, 197. Perry, Isaac P., 125. Perry, James H., 199. Perry, John Adams, 198. Perry, John B., 88. Peters, John J., 148. 1 Peters, John P., 153. Peterson, Alfred K., 84. Peterson, Andrew, 84. Peterson, Charles, 207. Peterson, John, 153. Petsching, Charles W., 134. Petty, George, 105. Pettys, George J., 71. Phair, Michael, 105. Phalen, James J., 182. Phalen, Patrick J., 173. Phelps, Oliver A., 176. Phelps, Wilbur B., 67. Philbrick, Walter \V., 102. Phillips, Albert W., 14. Phillips, Charles C., 188. Phillips, Charles H., 101. Phillips, Henry B., 167. Phillips, Joseph D., 105. Phillips, Warden B., 153. Phillips, William, 58. Phillips, William C., 143. Pickard, Ward W 7 ., 68. Pk-khardt, Frank W 7 ., 93. Pickop, George B., 59. Pickorski, Mike, 115. Piddock, John E., 68. Pierce, Arthur W 7 ., 115. Pierce, Charles W., 45. Pierce, Hubert F., 100. Pierce, John T., 148. Pierce, Major, 38. Pierce, Merlin A., 88. Pierce, Ralph B., 86. Pierson, W 7 ilbur B., 84. Pigg, Horace W., Jr.. 167. Pigott, John J., 113. Pike, Wilbur L., 94. Pimm, Alfred B., 88. Pinney, Frank L., 199. Plass, Peter W., 160. Platt. Harry W., 202. Plouffe, Dosithee, 101. Plunkett, John F., 93. Pohl, Fritz, 75. Policy, Henry S., 173. Polskey, Joseph, 120. Polsten, Charles A., 115. Pond, Charles F., 199. Pond, George E., 195. Ponshow, Julius E., 169. Pope, Albert A., 28. Popple, George A., 130. Popple, Thomas W., 75. Porter, Bert F., 145. Portman, Albert, 208. Post, Arthur, 173. Post, Samuel, 62. Potter, Archer L, 62. Potter, Ezekiel L., 130. Potter, James H., 88. Powers, Almond D., 71. Powers, George A., 201. Powers, Phillip, 167. Powers, Ralph F., 139. Powers, William P., 105. Preissner, Arnold, Jr., 50. Prelle, Charles G., 67. Prendergast, James, 84. Prentice, William J., 75. Prentise, George H., 62. Prescott, Albert N., 25, 29, 39 45. Preston, Mayor, 28. Preston, Roger A., 111. Preston, \Villiam F., 120. Prevost, Charles F., 67. Prevost, Wilfred, 136. Price, William B., 188. Prince, Harry B., 120. Prior, Andrew, 67. Prior, Philip W., 99. Profe, Albert E. M., 55. Profe, Frederick J. A. H., 58 Prout, W-illiam L., 96. Pry, Joshua J., 120. Pryor, George H., 207. Punderson, Henry F., 185, 186 Purdon, David, 200. Purdy, Albert J., 96. Purdy, Hart A., 97. Purdy, William A., 97. Pynchon, Lauriston F. L., 185 190. Quiel, Charles, 111. Quigley, James J., 151. Quigley, John, 173. Quigley, W 7 alter K., 208. Quinn, Edward W., 54. Quinn, Frank W., 67. Quinn, James J., 58. Quinn, John J., 62. Quinn, John L., 94. Quinn, Martin, 97. Quinn, Michael A., 130. Quinn, Thomas, 46. Quinn, Timothy, 125. Quinn, Walter R., 134, 201. Quirk, Patrick H., 54. Rabdean, Joe, 111. Racine, Andrew C., 126. Radcliff, John, 173. Rae, Charles W., 199. Rafferty, Joseph F., 120. Rafter, Edward A., 164. Rafter, John F., 182. Rahm, Oscar, 173. Raineault, Leon, 75. Raisbeck, Bertie John, 80. Raisbeck, Ralph, 80. Ramage, Charles E., 112. Rambo, Edwin F., 145. Ramsey, James, 173. Randall, Ernest E., 173. Rankin, Daniel A., 103. Raphael, Robert, 116. Rapp, Charles C., 130. Rathbun, Charles I. ,102. Rathbun, Clarence E.. 207. Rathbun, Edward H., 33, 89. Rathbun, George W., 113. Rathburn, John H., 158. Kau, George J., 203. Rau, Robert H., 58. Rauch, William, 150. Rauscher, Fred, 173. Rauschenback, Charles H., 58. Rawlings, William J., 80. Raycroft, John, 1/3. Raymond, Arthur S., 148. Raymond, Charles W., 196. Raymond, Paul A., 145. Haynolds, Edward V 186 Readel, William H., 80. Reagan, Michael, 97. Reagan, Peter, 97. Reagen, Mert E., 103. Reama, Walter S., 93. Reardon, Daniel, 158 Redtield, Lt. Col., 30, 31, 32 Redman, Charles F 155 Reed, Frank W., 177. Reed, Lorenzo R., 143 Reed, William \\., 46. Reed, Winder E., 143 Reede, Patrick, 125. Rees, William H., 90. Reese, James J., 148 Reese, William E., 80 Reeve, William R., 80. Reeves, George P., lie. Regnery, Frank W., 173 Regnery, Peter, 173. Regan, Bernard, 125. Regan, John, 58. Rehley, Charles, 143. Rehm, William F., 62. Reid, Matthew L., 84. Reidy, Morris J., 182. Reilly, Herbert J., 168 Reilly, Patrick H., 182 Reilly, William, 173. Relyea, Fred H., 90. Reno, Henery, 139. Rew, Fred J*, 148. Rew, George A., 201. Reynolds, Bartholomew, 131 Reynolds, Forrest H., 71. Reynolds, James B., 120. Reynolds, John J., 164. Reynolds, John T., 164. Rhodes, William H., 105. Rice, Sanford A., 71. Rice, William J., 64 Rich, Alfred T., 71. Richard, Don C., 54. Richards, Albert, 134. Richards, Dominick, 182. Richardson, Brodie J., 182. Richardson, Charles E., 131. Richardson. Ralph R., 68. Richmond, Harry S., 102. Richter, Gunther, 84. Rickel, George, 173. Ricketts, Joseph J., 164. Riedel, Rudolph C., 54. Rigney, Thomas T., 207. Riley, Charles S., 47. Riley, James, 158. Riley, James A., 150. Riley, Patrick J., 84. Rinaldi, James, 120. Riordan, James L, 51. Riordan, Michael F., 54. Ripley. George W., 35, 68. Ripley, Herbert J., 89. Ripley, Julian A., 164. Ritch. James A., 145. Ritchie, David, 75. Rivers, Albert, 50. Roach, Michael F., 207. Roarke, John, 139. Roberts, Benjamin K., 197. Roberts, Charles, 134. Roberts, Charles F., 173. Roberts, Cyrus S., 198. 220 INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. Roberts, David, 118. Roberts, George, 104. Roberts, Louis F., 126. Roberts, Napoleon F., 130. Roberts, Samuel E., 120. Roberts, William A., 89. Robertson, Wallace C., 182. Robertson, William B. L., 45. Robeson, Henry B., 199. Robins, George D., 68. Robinson, Henry, 111. Robinson, Walter C., 113. Robinson, William, 75. Roche, John J., 58. Roche, Patrick D., 108. Rockwell, Maxwell W., 164. Rockwell, Thomas F., 25, 30, 32, 44. Rockwell, Walter S., 1-14. Rodden, Bernie, 164. Rodgers, Alexander, 15, 98, 99. Rodgers, William F. M., 19, 194. Roehm, Emil W., 50. Roemer, George A., 47. Roesler, Edward, 164. Rogers, Edward H., 105. Rogers, Eugene C., 93. Rogers, Harry E., 161. Rogers, Thomas, 173. Rogers, William H., 8!. Rohrmayer, George M., 47. Rooney, Frank P., 153. Rooney, John, 120. Rooney, Michael F., 130. Rooney, Thomas W., 173. Roos, Birger, 182. Roosevelt, T., 16. Root, Herbert E., 89. Root, Judson B., 190. Root, Lyman, 189. Roper, Thomas J., 67. Rose, Charles E., 50. Rose, Reuben M., 149. Rosebrush, Harvey J., 130. Rosengren, John, 84. Rosheck, Joseph, 54. Ross, Clarence B., 197. Ross, Fred H., 50. Ross, Herbert A., 68. Ross, Thomas H., 153. Rosso, John R., 97. Roth, Henry, 50. Roulston, Archibald J., 77. Roulston, Archibald W., 50. Roune, Samuel O., 203. Rourke, Michael H., 164. Rourke, Thomas, 67. Rowan, Hamilton, 11, 20, 27, 29, 35. Rowan, Hamilton S., 175. Rowland, Guy F., 86. Royce, Walter H., 93. Royden, Herbert X., 198. Rudd, John S., 120. Rundquist, Karl, 200. Runge, Julius G., 93. Rushlow, Joseph T., 111. Rushlow, Peter, 116. Russell, Frank E., 62. Russell, George L., 200. Russell, John, 120. Russell, John C., Jr., 141. Russell, Lorenzo C.. 93. Rutter, Edward V., 120. Ryals, Edward R., 192. Ryan, Edward J.. 134. Ryan, Frank X., 97. Ryan, Hubert W., 106. Ryan, James A., 197. Ryan, James B., 50. Ryan, John, 158. Ryan, John F., 106. Ryan, John P., 192. Ryan, John T., 111. Ryan, Michael, 97, 182. Ryan, Thomas C.. 54. Ryan, Thomas J., 62. Ryan, Timothy J., 192. Ryberg, Gottfried, 84. Ryder, Cyrus E., 94. Rvder, Superintendent, 37. Rylander, John E., 134. Kyley, George E., 118. Ryley, William H., 117. Kyquist, Per J., 81. Sabins, Benjamin J., 182. Sabins, Charles M., 182. Sabrowski, August, 116. Sabrowski, Charles, 113. St. J-acques, Lafayette, 67. St. Martin, Joseph, 134. St. Martin, Stephen, 135. St. Onge, Charles, 131. St. Onge, Peter, 135. .sakelsky, Mike, 67. Sallies, Milo J., 207. Samlovv, William F., 84. Samuelson, Axel E., 64. Sanborn, Irving L., 148. Sanderson, Edward F., 86. Sandner, Anthony J., 89. Sanford, George Foster, 122. Sanford, Harrison, 190. Sanford, William H., 202. Sanger, George B., 169. Sargent, Joseph, 153. Sarvan, Frank H., 89. Saunders, Charles C., 190. Saunders, Edwin, 127. Saunders, Henry H., 32, 33, 95. Saunders, Lyman R., 106. Sauter, Anton E., 202. Sauter, John, 139. Sautter, John F., 106. Scanlan, Michael A., 164. Scanlon, Thomas J., 51. Scharper, Ernest A., 89. Schatz, Jacob F., 192. Schell, Reinhold, 81. Scherwitzky, Emil R., 58. Scherwitzsky, Frederick W., 75, Schiessl, Max, 50. Schiller, James, 207. Schillinger, William F., 55. Scblitter, Ernest W., 130. Schmidt, Joanna Moesch, 209. Schmidt, William J., 62. Schmieske, Carl C., 58. Schmieske, Emil W., 58. Schneider, George L., 173. Schotield, William T., 67. Sclionburg, Otto, 182. Schroi der, Frederick, 207. Schroh, Jacob, 173. Schuler, Louis A ., 71. Schultz, Carl H., 89. Schultz, Charles E., 182, 207. Schultz, Frederick W., 176, 202. Schulze, Edward, 43. Schumm, Herman C., 36. Schurig, Robert C., 187. Schuster. Anthony F., 71. Schutz, Louis V., 59. Schwartz, Louis, 207. Schwarzenberg, Bernhard, 173. Schwerdtfiger, Henry, 46. Schwerdtfeger, Otto M., 101. Scofield, Albert R., 153. Scofield, Walter K., 199. Scott, Caleb M., 134. Scott, Elmer J., 145. Scott, Thomas J., 72. Scoville, Albert W., Jr., 190. Scoville, Daniel B., 120. Scoville, Lester H., 190. Scranton, Leonard L., 182. Scranton, William J., 188. Scrivener, William H., 190. Scully, Andrew J., 182. Scully, Frank J., 145. Scully, William J., 182. Seamon, Carl, 144. Searing, Eugene P., 155. Seastrand, Ernest, 75. Soaver, Frederic A., 191. Sebas, George J., Jr., 173, 203. Sedgwick, Benjamin, 71. See, Martin V., 169. Seery, James E., 182. Seidler, Frederick A., 68. Seinsoth, Frank A., 77. Seipt, Henry M., 55. Sehn, Edward, 164. Selleck, Edwin H., 80. Sellick, Frederick W., 116. Senecal, Joseph, 93. Sevin, Clarence D., 100. Seymour, Edward, 46. Seymour, Freeman P., 190. Seymour, John B., 164. Shaffer, William, 201. Shannon, Jeremiah, 139. Shannon, Owen, 54. Shapiro, Samuel, 46. Shapiro, Samuel M., 207. Sharp, Ernest A., 46. Sharpe, Harry W., 102. Shea, Cornelius L., 108. Shea, Danie), 111. Shea, Daniel C., 111. Shea, Daniel F., 106. Shea, Frank E., 51. Shea, George W., 91. Shea, James J., 125. Shea, John F., 67. Shea, John H., 108. Shea, John J., 63, 158. Shea, John T., 164. Shea, Maurice B., 89. Shea, Patrick J., 93, 139. Shea, Patrick W., 107. Slieedy, Thomas F., 80. Sheehan, Cornelius, 208. Sheehan, Daniel, 139, 207. Sheehan, Jeremiah, 106. Sheehan, John J., 84. Sheehan, John T., 173. Sheehan, William, 153. Sheehey, Anthony A., 93. Sheehy, Edward J., 60. Shelton, George H., 198. Shepard, E. Morris, 188. Shepherd, Forrest, 190. Sheridan, John J., 106. Sheridan, William J., 106. Sherman, Frederick L., 89. Sherman, Henry A., 134. Snerman, James E., 72. Sherry, Thomas, 121. Sherwin, John T., 140. Sherwood, Charles L., 161. Sherwood. Harold, 174. Shields, David, 75. Shields, Howard L., 80. Shields, Hugh, 75. Shields, Samuel. 75. Shields, Thomas H., 71. Shields, William E., 174. Shine, Cornelius M., 63. Shinkey, John J., 93. Shoekley, Herbert F., 153. Sholes, "Herbert E., 130. Shortall, Thomas F., 71. Shortell, Patrick J., 93. Shroder, William J., 164. Siegel, Herbert J., 93. Sikorski, Albert, 116. Sikorski, John, 116. Silow, Walfrid, 75. Silvernail, Louis, 85. Simmons, Albert, 136. Simmons, John, 122. Simmons, John J., 155. Simmons, William C., 68. Simms, Isaac, 58. Simonne, Joseph, 144. Simpson, Louis E., ll(i. Singer, William, 139. Sinnamon, Edwin, 76. Sivvik, Sebastian, 203. Skelly, Henry F., 192. Skinner, Benjamin F., ll!i. Skinner, John O., 1()(J. Skinner, Leonard, 91, 202. Skinner, William M., 1U7. Slaney, Oliver H., 145. Slater, Charles E., 118. Slattery, Edward P., 144. S lattery, James E., 136. sleight, Harry, 174. Sliney, James F., 208. Slocovich, William P., 1U4. Smidt, Emil, 139. Smiley, Bertram E., 182. Smith, Alexander, 125. Smith, Benjamin, 174. Smith, Charles E., 134. Smith, Charles H., 67. Smith, Daniel C., 174. Smith, Edmund D., 198. Smith, Edmund S., 50. Smith, Edward C., 106. Smith, Edward M., 174. Smith, Frank H., 68. Smith, Frank L., 64. Smith, Frank Q., 112. Smith, Fred B., 63. Smith, Frederick G. C., 144. Smith, George, 139. Smith, George H., 54. Smith, George J., 76. Smith, George R., 148. Smith, Harry E., 81. Smith, Henry F., 28. Smith, Hinman L., 60. Smith, James, 76. Smith, James J., 174, 207. Smith, James W., 145. Smith, Jesse, 141. Smith, John H., 58, 154. Smith, Joseph, 111. Smith, Joseph W., 168. Smith, Leonard E., 94. Smith, Michael, 93. Smith, Ralph J., 149. Smith, Richard, 76. Smith, Richard B., 140. } Smith, Richard C., 174. Smith, Robert, 102. Smith, Robert S., 196. Smith, Thomas, 154. Smith, Walter, 167. Smith, Walter A., 207. Smith, Willard, 125. Smith, William E., 200. Smyth, Nathan A., 187. Snow, Louis L., 188. Snyder, William A., 207. Sobieralski, John A., 89. Sommers, Robert, 199. Spall, Edwin C., 174. Sparks, Ernest, 139. Sparks, John H., 149. Sparks, William A., 41, 76. Spellman, James F., 107. Spencer, Alton, 160. Spencer, Frederic C., 191. Spencer, Frederick J., 164. Spencer, George W., 165. Sperl, Adolph A., 67. Sperry, Charles S., 199. Sperry, Eugene, 84. Spillane, Michael, 73. Spindler. Philip, 63. Spitko, Thomas, 158. Spooner, Isaac F., 121. Sproch, Andro, 84. Squires, Joseph, 154. Stagg, Harry L., 174. Stankard, John J., 149, 207. Stanley, Harry, 93. INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. 221 Stanley, Joseph T., 54. Stannard, Clarence H., 46. Stannard, Frederick, 165. Stanton, Daniel H., 63. Staples, Lewis, 134. Stark, Benjamin H., 10. Stark, Benjamin, Jr., 194. Stark, William, 116. Starr, Charles F., 174. Staubly, George L., 63. Stayna, Michael, 67. Stebbins, Charles S., 121. Stebbins, Joseph B., 169. Stedman, John E., 50. Steele, Clinton L., 48. Steele. Henry, 151. Steele, Henry W., 50. Steele, Wilbur J., 174. Steele, William S., 117. Stenger, Anthony, 174. Stengel, Frederick W., 58. Stephan, Maurice, 50. Steppler, Charles G., 182. Stern, Charles S., 195. Sterry. Frank E., 113. Stevens, George T., 71. Stevens, John B., 77. Stevens, John E., 84. Stevens, Willard H., 203. Stewart, Benjamin, 145. Stewart, Oliver J., 145. Stickles, Clayton E., 158. Stickney, Herbert F., 182. Stiles, Henry R., 195. Stiles, John F., 63. Stillenworth, Everett, 118. Stillman, Floyd W., 93. Stilson, Alec York, 203. Stinchfield, Walter P., 121. Stivens, George F., 33. Stoddard, James C., 177, 202. Stone, Clifford B., 158. Stone, Frank W., 94. Stone, Spencer J., 158. Storck, Matthias, 174. Storey, Peter, 154. Storey, William J., 106. Storr s, Herbert E., 190. Straight, George, 174. Stratton, William H., 27. Strickland, George X., 60. Strickland, William A., 168. Strobe!, Fritz, 165. Strong, Perry, 60. Strong, Richard W., 188. Stubbert, John L, 140. Sturm, Joseph F., 154. Sturm, Valentine, 154. Suiter, Charles E., 165. Sullivan, Cornelius, 111. Sullivan, Daniel J., 76, 165. Sullivan, Dennis D., 106. Sullivan, Dennis J., 118. Sullivan, Edward J., 111. Sullivan, Eugene, 84. Sullivan, Eugene J., 47. Sullivan, Frank, 130. Sullivan, George L., 154. Sullivan, James, 76, 106, 125. Sullivan, James D., 122. Sullivan, James J., 97, 122 158, 182. Sullivan, Jeremiah P., 125. Sullivan. Jerry J., 125. Sullivan. John, 51, 67, 139. Sullivan. John E., 50. Sullivan, John F., 125, 182. Sullivan, John R., 84. Sullivan, Lawrence D., 125. Sullivan, Maurice J., 125. Sullivan, Michael D., 122. Sullivan, Michael J., 123, 125. Sullivan, Patrick, 116, 139, 174. Sullivan, Peter, 121. Sullivan, Phillip A.. 121. Sullivan, Timothy. 76. Sutton, James, 111. Sutton, Robert, 135. Sweeney, Frank, 76. Sweeney, John F., 182. Sweeney, John T., 10(i. Sweeney, Marshall, 135. Sweet, Arthur W., 126. Sweet, Frederick A., 126. Sweet, Joseph, 165. Sweet, Owen J., 198. Swett, Herbert N., 135. Swift, William, 199. Sydney, Arthur J., 121. Sykes, Walter H., Jr., 165. Sykes. Wilbur H., 158. Synnott, Thomas A., 208. Tabor, Mallory W., 71. Taft, Frank G., 116. Talbert, Edward, 158. Talbot, Fredderick, 149. Talcott, Morton C., 191. Talcott, William H., 68. Tarrent, Joseph, 126. Tate, John, 174. Taylor, Charlie, 165. Taylor, Fred B., 76. Taylor, Howard J., 97. Taylor, James H., 174. Taylor, Ralph A., 202. Tedford, Robert, 111. Teele, Frederick W., 167. Teevan, Joseph, 126. Teller, Stephen, 97. Tennent, Harry F., 46. Terleski, John, 121. Terrell, Henry S., 175, 176. 197. Terry, Robert C., 135. Tetzner, Albert, 150. Thayer, George B., 89. Thayer, Henry J., 98, 99. Therhildsen, Martin A., 207. i Theroux, Ned, 207. Thewlis, Thomas J., 121. Thibideau, Frederick J., 174. Thomas, John U. B., 45. Thomas, Noel D., 71. Thompson, Albert, 168. Thompson. Clarence S., 165. Thompson, George R., 149. Thompson, Harry F., 100. Thompson, Hiram B., 98. Thompson, J. M., 14. Thompson, Joseph. 76. Thompson, Michael J., 89. Thompson, Walter, 51. Thomson, Hiram B., 100. Thorngran, Carl E., 59. Thorp, Albert, 113. Thorpe, Charles H., 112. Thorpe, William H., 113. Thrall, George C., 165. Tichborne, Walter F. C., 165. Tichenor, Herbert G., 149. Tiorney, James W., 139. Tiffany, George B., 150. Tiphe, Thomas E., 93. Tilley, Charles M., 161. Tilson. John Q., 194. Timothy. Thomas P., 90. Tinkham, Charles A., 89. Tinkham, George H., 191. Tobin. John E., 121. Tobin. Thomas P., 67. Todd. Whitney A., 93. Toes. Charles H.. 183. Tompkins. Samuel, 174. Toms. Leslie R., 102. Tooker, Frederic B., 102. Toolan, John J., 132. Torrance, William M.. 97. Totten. James, 197. Tourtelotte, Leroy E., 132. Towers, Samuel *E., 84. Tracy, George, 144. Tracy, Gurdon F., 130. Tracy, Henry H., 58. Tracy, William D., 103. Traut, Frederick A., 199. Travers, Edward S., 72. Travis, Lindley M., 132, 203. Treat, Edward B., 160. Treat, Frank L., 165. Trogaskus, Hubert A., 136. Tregoning, William C., 191. Tremblay, Henry, 135. Trimble, Roswell D., 98, 99. Tripp, Adelbert, 76. Tripp, Charles E., 192. Tripp, Harold W. 50. Trowbridge, Amasa, 184, 191. Trowbridge, Cecil H., 165. Troy, William J., 151. Trueland, Hiram, 187. Tryon, George W., 84. Tucker, Patrick, 158. Tuckerman, Julius, 165. Tully, William H., 122. Tumulty, Thomas, 106. Tuoz/o, Pasquale, 158. Turk, Harry, 106. Turner, Benjamin H., 94. Turner, George A., 116. Turner, Theodore, 158. Turner. William A., 50. Turrill, Henry S., 195. Tuttle, Herbert F., 102. Twardoks, John F., 191. Twar/., Richard, 76. Twichell, David C., 99. Tylendar, Antoni, 116. Tyler, Augustus C., 98, 99. Uhler, Jonathan K., 190. Urban, Rudolf, 63. Usher, Albert E., 55. Utley, Herbert D., 15, 135. Vail, Everett. 174. Vaile, William N., 165. Valentine, Nathaniel G., 9, 33 85. Valleau, George P., 154. Van Buren, Henry S., 80. Van Dutton, Alfred H.. 174. Van Keuren, Adjt. Gen l, 41. Veinovitch, Aimen. 84. Veit, Frank F., 149. Veitch. James R., 46. Vibberts. Edward R., 155. Vibert, Philip T., 90. Vibert, Robert K., 89. Vinton, Louis E., 72. Vinton. William O., 50. Vitenheimer, Albert H.. 135. Voorhees, J. Spencer, 42, 98. 100. Voos. Charles, 121. 207. Watchtelhauser. Charles E., 90. Waddle, John, 76. Wade, Frank J.. 207. Wade, J. F., 39. 40. Wadhams, Sanford H., 195. Wadstrum, Justus, 80. Wadsworth, Arthur, 67. Wadsworth, George N.. 54. Wagner. Herman C., 58. Waidner. Charles J., 59. Waimvright, Jonathan M.. 25. 27, 43. Waite, Mr., 25. Waite, Walter E., 174. Wakem, Paul S., 97. Wakeman, William J., 195. Waldo, Leon J., 50. Waldorf, Harry M., 151. Waldron, James E., 106. Walker, David M., 183. Walker, Frederick E., 130. Walker, John, 167. Walker, William R., 155. Wallace, Edward D., 188. Wallace, James, 158. Wallace, William E., 139. Walsh, Daniel, 77. Walsh, Eugene T., 72. Walsh, George C., 161. Walsh, James H., 122. Walsh, John J., 54. Walsh, Michael, 67, 93. Walsh, Thomas F., 165. Walsh, Thomas H., 89. Walsh, William, 141. Walters, Charles L., 94. Wannenger, Anthony, 59. Warburton, Irving, 97. Ward, Brownlee R., 199. Ward, Edward M., 86. Ward, Frederick H., 123. Ward, Henry H., 199. Ward, Matthew W., 202. Ware, Albert P., 140. Warner, Carl, 121. Warren, Charles B., 72. Warren, Frank J., 130. Warren, William H., 127. Waters, Milo R., 112. Waterman, Edward H., 85. Waterman, Edward T., 112. Watson, Alexander, 80. Watson, Charles W., 183. Watson, Stanley S., 135. Watson, William L., 106. Watson, William T., 80. Watt, Robert, 130. Wattles, William M., 144. Watts, John M., 165. Way, Charles L., 187. Webb, Clarence W., 187. Webb, William H., 199. Webber, Frank H., 151. Webster, George O., 198. Webster, Lester A., 130. Webster, Roy C., 89. Wedge, Charlie, 165. Weed, Alexander, Jr., 167. Weed, Howard F., 149. Weed, Robert L., 149. Weeks, John W., 18. Weichert, Ernest A., 199. Weinstein, Joseph, 106. Welch, Burton M., 177. Welch, Merritt, 183. Welch, William J., 80. Welden, Albert C., 116. Wells, Edwin, 84. Wells, Joseph H., 158. Wells, Richard B., 190. Welles, James D., 190. Welles, Ralph C., 50. Welles, Roger, Jr, 199. Welton, Charles H., 52. 207. Wesson, John P., 183. Westcott, Alexander T., 47. Westland, Alfred, 76. Weston, Elmer, 144. Weston, Herbert, 10. Weston, Herbert T., 160. Weston, Wells, 145. Westover, Frederick H., 64. Wetherell, Joseph A., 63. Weyerhauser, John P., 154. Whalen, John J., 111. Wheeler, Cyrus E., 86. Wheeler, Frank F., 97. Wheeler, Lynde P., 191. Wheelock, Paul L., 89. Whelan, Henry, 203. Whelen, Patrick J., 64. Whipple, Frederick E., 136. White, Anthony S., 174. White, Frank M., 160. White, John F., 77. White, Joseph A., 158. White, Martin, 121. White, Orrin W., 155. White, Patrick J., 76. White, Richard, 80. White, Stephen H., 161, 203. 222 INDEX TO CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS. White, Thaddeus C., 165. White, Thomas F., 111. Whitehouse, Frank, 126. Whiton, Edward L., 155, 201. Wieczorek, George A., 198. Wiedeman, Charles C., 145. Wightman, Alanson H., 190. Wilbur, George L., 131. Wilcox, Arthur H., 81. Wilcox, Edward L., 126. Wilcox, George E. 190. Wilcox, Harry E., 72. Wilcox, Jerome A., 111. Wilcox, John W., 165. Wilcox, Howard, 168. Wilcox, Robert, 77. Wilcox, Wells S., 126. Wildman, Frederick J., 165. Wildman, George A., 203. Wildman, Leonard B., 196. Wiley, Harry A., 141. Wiley, Herbert A., 68. Wiley, Royal H., 89. Wilkes, Thomas, Jr., 72. Willey, Frank, 121. Willey, Joseph A., 183. Williams, Charles E., 188. Williams, Elmer H., 63. Williams, Frank E., 144. Williams, Frank J., 47. Williams, Frederick E., 54. Williams, George, 85. Williams, John H., 54. Williams, John K., 31. Williams, Thomas S., 144. Williams, \Valter E., 158. Williard, Arthur L., 103. Willis, W T alter J., 59. Willows, Henry L., 141. Wilson, General, 19. Wilson, Arthur G., 121. Wilson, John, 106. Wilson, Louis B., 190. Wilson, William, 106. Winans, Frank J., 136. Winchell, Howard. 59. Windmiller, Everett, 126. Winslow, William A., 165. Wisser, Captain, 41. Witherspoon, Edward T., 199. Wittig, Charles H., 46. Wittig, Louis H., 77. Witzke, John, 155. Wodal, John F., 50. Wolcott, Charles B., 89. Wolf, Charles F., 47. Wolfe, David, 144. Wolff, Charles H., 174. Wollschlager, Frank M., 93. Wolski, Thomas, 76. Wolverton, Walter H., 103. Wondruska, Frank, 46. Wood, Edmond, 144. Wood, Eugene, 139. Wood, Fred, 126. Wood, John, 130. Wood, Oliver E., 197. Wood, Robert E., 97. Woodford, Harry E., 188. Woodin, Nelson H., 97. Woods, Arthur, 63. Woods, James C., 72. Woods, John E., 106. Wood worth, Harvey L., 116. Woodworth, Walter G., 80. Woolard, John E., 94. Worden, Harry B., 149. Worrall, Walter L., 165. Wren, William, 93. Wrench, George E., 72. Wright, Fred C., 106. Wright, George H., 117. Wright, James T., 165. Wright, Major, 37, 38. Wright, Robert W., 111. Wucherer, Julius, 80. Wurts, John C., 191. \\ ylie, Joseph, 85. Wyman, Chester L., 81. Yarrow, Ernest A., 72. Yorke, Richard B., 183. Young, Anthony E., 183. Young, Charles R., 97. Young, Clarence E., 135. Young, Edward L., 158. Young, Frank A., 154. Young, Frank E., 127. Young, Frank L., 191. Young, Fred, 135. Young, George D., 135. Young, Myron, 67. Young, William G., 93. Young, William H., 50. Young, William T., 64. Zarr, Peter, 202. Zelz, William C., 113. Zoller, Arthur W., 89. Zwirz, William, 85. YF 003: THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY