THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY MRS. NELLIE R. PREUSS Fruits Hawaiian Islands GERRIT PARMILE WILDER IN THREE VOLUMES VOL. I. ILLUSTRATED BY THIRTY-SIX HALF-TONE PLATES WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF SAME Copyright December, 1906, by GERRIT PARMILE WILDER HONOLULU siiKi) BY THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Co., LTP. 1907 -111 **? Preface. In introducing to the public this book on the "Fruits of the Hawaiian Islands," I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness for assistance in my researches, to various works on Horticulture, and to many personal friends for their valuable assistance. My intention is to present this work in a series of three volumes, and I trust that, when complete, they will contain a comprehensive list of the Fruits of the Hawaiian Islands. GERRIT PARMILE WILDER. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA ANTA BARBARA Index. Pages Preface 3 Persea gratissima, Plate 1 6 7 Persea gratissima, Plate II 8 9 Persea gratissima, Plate III 1011 Punica Granatum, Plate IV 12 13 Ficus Carica, Plate V 1415 Ficus Carica, Plate VI 1617 Ficus Carica, Plate VII 18 19 Eugenia malaccensis, Plate VIII 2021 Eugenia sp., Plate IX 2223 Eugenia alba, Plate X 24 25 Eugenia sp., Plate XI 2627 Eugenia Jambos, Plate XII 28 29 Eugenia brasiliensis, Plate XIII 30 31 Eugenia uniflora, Plate XIV 3233 Eugenia Jambolana, Plate XV 34 35 Eugenia Jambolana, Plate XVI: : . . .3637 Averrhoa Carambola, Plate XVII 3839 Achras Sapota, Plate XVIII 4041 Casimiroa edulis, Plate XIX 4243 Primus Persica, Plate XX 4445 Chrysophyllum Cainito, Plate XXI 46 47 Chrysophyllum Cainito, Plate XXII 4849 Chrysophyllum monopyrenum, Plate XXIII 50 51 Chrysophyllum sp., Plate XXIV 5253 Spondias dulcis, Plate XXV 5455 Spondias lutea, Plate XXVI 5657 Mammea americana, Plate XXVII 58 59 Tamarindus indica, Plate XXVIII 6061 Duno zibethinus, Plate XXIX 6263 Aleurites triloba, Plate XXX 6465 Coffea arabica, Plate XXXI 6667 Coffea liberica, Plate XXXII 6869 Cookia punctata, Plate XXXIII 7071 Physalis peruviana, Plate XXXIV 7273 Carica Papaya, Plate XXXV 7475 Carica Papaya, Plate XXXVI 7677 G P. W. Collection. PLATE I. Per sea gratissima. AVOCADO, PALTA OR ALLIGATOR PEAR. Grown in the garden of Gerrit Wilder. PLATE \.~Avocado. G. P. W. Collection. PLATE 1 1 Pcrsea gratissiina. AVOCADO. This spreading evergreen tree is a native of the West Indies. In the Hawaiian Islands, the first trees of its kind were said to have been planted in Pauoa Valley, Oahu, by Don Marin. It at- tains a height of from 1040 feet, and is adverse to drought. Its leaves are elliptico-oblong, from 4-7 inches in length. The flowers are greenish-yellow and downy. The fruit, which ripens from June until November, is a round or pear-shaped drupe, covered with a thin, rather tough skin, which is either green or purple in color. The flesh is yellow, firm and marrow-like, and has a delicious nutty flavor. The seed-cavity is generally large, con- taining one round or oblong seed, covered by a thin, brown, parchment-like skin. The quality of the pear is judged, not only by its flavor, but by the presence or absence of strings or fibre in the meat, and also by the quantity of flesh as compared to the size of the seed. Innumerable variations as to size, shape, and quality have been produced from seedlings some of which may be seen in the accompanying illustration. The Avocado is easily reproduced by budding and grafting, and the best varieties may be obtained in this manner. PLATE II. Avocado. One third natural size. G. P. W. Collection. PLATE III. Pcrsea gratissima. GUATAMALA AVOCADO. This variety is a native of Mexico, and although known as the Guatamala Avocado, it is more commonly to be found in the markets of the City of Mexico. Its leaves are purplish-green. The flowers which appear in May and June, are like those of the preceding variety ; and the drupe, which matures in the early part of the year, has a long stem. This fruit is round, from 3-5 inches in diameter, has a thick, tough, rough rind, which when ripe, is a deep claret color, and the meat which is a golden- yellow, is tinged with purple next to the rind, and is free from strings or fibres. There are but two trees of this variety bear- ing fruit in Honolulu. They were propagated from seeds brought here in 1890 by Admiral Beardsley. These two trees are grow- ing in private gardens. PLATE III. Avocado. One half natural size. G. P. //'. Collection. Pl.ATE IV. Pnnica Granatiiin. POMEGRANATE. The name was derived from the word punicus, of Carthage, near which city it is said to have been discovered ; hence malum- punicum, Apple of Carthage, which was the early name of the Pomegranate. It is a native of Northern Africa, and of South- western Asia, and is grown in the Himalayas up to an elevation of 6000 feet. It is a deciduous shrub, which by careful training can be made to grow into a tree from 10-15 feet high. Many shoots spring from the base of the tree, and should be cut away, as they draw the sap which should go to the fruit-bearing stems. The branches are slender, twiggy, nearly cylindrical, and some- what thorny. The bark contains about 32 per cent, tannin, and is used for dying the yellow Morocco-leather. The peel of the fruit serves also as a dye. There are several varieties of Pome- granate growing in Hawaii ; the double-flowering variety is popu- lar as an ornamental plant. All of the varieties are of easy cul- ture, and are readily propagated by means of cuttings of the ripe wood. The leaves are lanceolate, glabrous, and a glossy-green with red veins. The flowers are axillary, solitary or in small clusters, and in color are a very showy rich orange-red. The fruit is about the size of an ordinary orange, has a persistent calyx, and is made up of many small compartments arranged in two series, one above the other. The crisp, sweet, watery pink pulp enveloping each seed, is the edible portion of the Pomegrante. -ATK IV. Pomegranate, r.4 G. P. W. Collection. Pl.ATE V. Ficus Carica (common variety). FIG. The Fig is the most ancient, as well as one of the most valuable of all fruit trees. Its name is nearly the same in all European languages. The tree is supposed to be a native of Caria in Asia Minor. The intelligent cultivators of Anatolia by whom the Smyrna Figs are produced, adhere to the caprification process, used from time immemorial. In California, efforts have been made to test this process. In the Hawaiian Islands, the Portu- guese seem to be the most successful cultivators of the Fig, and several varieties are to be found throughout the group. This common variety grows to a height of from 10-20 feet, is hardy, and can easily be propagated from cuttings. Its leaves are alter- nate, 3-5 deeply lobed, and are shed during the fall months, at which season careful pruning will increase the following year's yield. The fruit is single, appearing from the axils of the leaves, on the new wood. It is a hollow, pear-shaped receptacle, contain- ing many minute seeds, scattered throughout a soft pinkish-white pulp. PLATE V.Fig. One half natural size. G. P. it'. Collection. PLATE VI. Ficus Carica. Some years ago, this variety of Fig was to be found growing in large numbers at Makawao, and in the Kula district of Maui. Now, however, there are few, if any trees remaining, as a de- structive blight, together with the lack of proper attention, has caused their extermination. This variety is very prolific. The fruit is small, pear-shaped, and has a particularly sweet and delicious flavor. 17 PLATE \\.-Fig. One half natural size G. P. W. Collection. PLATE VI 1. Ficns Carica (white or lemon variety). FIG. This is a low-growing tree with compact foliage. The leaves are small, and the fruit is round-turbinate, about i-i l /2 inches in diameter. The skin is very thin, is light-green in color, turning to a greenish-yellow when thoroughly ripe. The pulp is pink, very sweet, and when quite ripe is free from milky juice. This variety is also prolific, is easily dried, and on this account would find a readv sale in our markets. PLATE V\\.-Fig. One half natural size G. I>. II'. Collection. PLATE VIII. Eugenia inalaccensis. MOUNTAIN APPLE, "OHIA AI." This tree is found on all the large islands of the Polynesian groups, and in the Malaysian Archipelago. In the Hawaiian Islands it confines itself almost entirely to the moist, shady val- leys, and thrives well, up to an elevation of 1800 feet. It is gener- ally gregarious, and on the north side of East Maui it forms a forest belt. It attains a height of from 25-50 feet. Its dark, shiny, glabrous leaves are opposite, elliptico-oblong, and from 6-7 inches long, and from 2^-3 inches broad. The flowers are crimson fluffy balls, appearing in March and April, on the naked branches and upper trunk of the tree. The fruit, which ripens from July until December, generally contains one seed, is obovate, about 3 inches in diameter. The skin is so thin as to be barely perceptible, and the fruit is very easily bruised. In color, it is a deep, rich crimson, shading into pink and white; the pulp is firm, white, and juicy, with a very agreeable flavor. PLATE VIII. -Mountain Apple. One third natural size. G. P. W. Collection. p LATE IX. Eugenia sp (Solomon Island variety). WATER APPLE. This low-growing tree is very rare in the Hawaiian Islands. It was introduced here, from the Solomon Islands, by Mr. A. Jaeger. The foliage and crimson flowers resemble those of the Eugenia melaccensis, but the drupe is not so highly colored, and is, in shape, much more elongated. Specimens of this sweet edible fruit have measured 5 inches in length. PLATE IX.- Water Apple. One fourth natural size. G. P W. Collection. Pl.ATE X. Eugenia alba (white variety,). WATER APPLE. This tree is a native of the Malay Islands. The foliage is symmetrical, and its opposite shiny leaves are broad, lanceolate, and obtusely-acuminate. The pure white flowers, which bloom from March until June, are about l /2 -inch in diameter, and are pro- duced in bunches on the naked branches. The fruit, which is also produced in bunches, ripens in October. It is transversely oval in shape, about 1-1^2 inches in diameter at its largest end. It contains from 1-3 seeds. Even when quite ripe, the fruit re- mains pure white in color, and has a tart, insipid flavor. PLATE \. U'af?r Applt One half natural size. G P. W. Collection. PLATE XI. Eugenia sp. (red variety). WATER APPLE. This low-growing tree with its bright evergreen foliage, is not common in Hawaii. The flowers are small, deep crimson, and ap- pear on the branches either singly or in bunches. The contrast between these brilliant flowers, and the fresh green leaves makes a very beautiful sight when the tree is in full bloom. The fruit, which ripens in July, appears in clusters ; it is the same shape as that of the preceding variety, but in color it is a bright scarlet. It contains from 1-3 seeds, which are somewhat difficult to germ- inate. The fruit is crisp, watery, and has a sub-acid flavor. ^ PLATE TL\.- Water Apple. One third natural size. G. P. W. Collection. PLATE XII. Eugenia Jainbos. ROSE APPLE. This evergreen tree, which is a native of the West Indies, is of medium size, reaching a height of from 20-30 feet. It grows well in Hawaii, and is found at an elevation of 2000 feet. It is propagated from seed, as well as from cuttings of the ripe wood. The leaves are lanceolate, acuminate, thick and shiny. The large, fluffy flowers which appear from January until April, are pro- duced freely, and are a beautiful creamy-white. The fruit is a somewhat compressed, globular shell, varying in size from 1-2 inches in diameter, and with a large cavity, containing generally one seed. This shell, which is the edible portion of the fruit, is a light-creamy-yellow, with a tinge of pale-pink on one side ; it requires from 2-2]/ 2 months to mature. It is firm, crisp, and has a delicious flavor somewhat resembling an apricot, and with a rose odor. The season for the fruit varies according to the eleva- tion, but ends about August or September. V PLATE XII. Rose Apple. One half natural size. G. P. W. Collection PLATE XIII. Eugenia brasiliaisis. BRAZILIAN PLUM, OR SPANISH CHERRY. This evergreen shrub, or low-growing tree, which in many countries is said to reach a height of but 6 feet, in Hawaii attains a height of 20 feet ; and although it thrives in comparatively high altitudes, it bears best below the 2oo-foot elevation, and requires considerable moisture. The bluntish, dark, shiny leaves, which are scale-like along the branches, are obovate,oblong, and about 3 inches in length. The blossoming season varies according to the location, however, the tree generally has flowers and fruit from July until December. The fruit is the size of a cherry, is deep purple in color, and the persistent calyx is very prominent. The sweet pulp has a very agreeable flavor. Probably the first plants of this variety were brought here by Don Marin, about a century ago. Some fine trees may be found in Pauoa and Makiki valleys, and also in Nuuanu, in the garden which formerly belonged to Dr. Hillebrand. PLATE XIII. Brazilian Plum, or Spanish Chcrty. One half natural size. G. P. If. Collection PLATE XIV. Eugenia unifiora. FRENCH CHERRY. This shrub is said to be a native of Brazil. In Hawaii, it is a common garden plant, sometimes reaching a height of 10 feet. Its glossy leaves are ovate-lanceolate, and its peduncles short. It has small, single, white fragrant flowers. The mature fruit, which resembles a cherry, is about I inch in diameter, and is ribbed longitudinally. It has a delicious, spicy, acid flavor. There is generally one large, round, smooth seed. 33 PLATE XIV. French Cherry. One third natural size. C. P. W, Collection PLATE XV. Eugenia Jainbolana. PORTUGUESE PLUM. This tall, hardy tree is a native of Southern Asia. In Polynesia it grows well, up to an elevation of 5000 feet. It is a very com- mon tree in the Hawaiian Islands. Its leaves, which are from 4-6 inches long, and from 2-3 inches broad, are opposite, obtuse or shortly-acuminate. The flowers, which bloom in June, July and August, are white and quite fragrant, and are especially at- tractive to the honey-bee. The oblong fruit grows in large clusters, ripens from September until November, and varies in size from a cherry to a pigeon's egg. It is purplish-black in color, and is edible only when thoroughly ripe. It contains one large oblong seed. 35 PLATE XV. Portuguese Plum, One half natural size. G. P. Jf. Collection. PLATE XVI. Eugenia Jambolana (small variety). PORTUGUESE PLUM. This tree, which is also very common in the Hawaiian Islands, is said to have been introduced by Dr. Hillebrand. It bears but one crop a year, will grow in any soil, and withstands dry weather. The foliage is smaller than that of the preceding variety ; its leaves are narrower, and a lighter green in color. It blooms at about the same time of year, but its flowers are not as large, and appear in thick bunches. The purplish fruit ripens from September until December. 37 PLATE VI. Portuguese Plum, One half natural size. G. P. W. Collection. PLATE XVII. Avcrrhoa Carainbola. This tree, which is said to have been named after Averrhoes, an Arabian physician, is a native of Insular India, and is much cultivated in India and China. It is evergreen, with dense foliage, and grows to a height of from 15-20 feet. It is easily propa- gated from seeds, and fruits in about three years. In Hawaii it bears one crop annually, the flowers appearing in July and the fruit in November and December. The leaves are alternate, odd- pinnate. The flowers, which are borne in clusters on the naked stems and branches, are minute, fragrant, and in color shading from a pale pink to a deep purplish-red. The fruit, varying in size from a hen's egg to an orange, is ovate, and has 5 acutely- angled longitudinal ribs. The fragrant light-yellow skin is very thin, and the pulp is watery ; it contains a number of flat brown seeds. This fruit is of two varieties : the sweet, which may be eaten raw, and the acid which is delicious when preserved. A very appetizing pickle may be made from the half-ripe fruit of the acid varietv. 39 PLATE XVII. Averrhoa Carainbola. G. P. IV. Collection PLATE XVIII. Achras Sapota. SAPODILLA, OR NASEBERRY. This tree, which grows on almost ail of the Islands of the Hawaiian group, is a fine evergreen, growing to a height of from 10-20 feet, and producing a fruit which is much prized in warm countries. The bark possesses tonic properties, and from the juice chewing-gun is made. Its foliage is dense, and the shiny leaves are thick, lance-oblong, entire, and clustered at the ends of the branches. The flowers which are small, whitish, and per- fect, are borne on the rusty pubescent growths of the season. The fruit, of which there are two varieties, the round and the oblong, is about the size of a hen's egg. It has a rough skin, the color of a russet apple, beneath which is a firm, somewhat stringy, sweet pulp, having the flavor of an apricot: This pulp is divided into 10-12 compartments, and contains from 4-6 large, flat, smooth black seeds. PLATE XVIII. Sapodilla, or Naseberry. One half natural size. G P. U'. Collection. PLATE XIX. Casiniiroa c did is. WHITE SAPOTA. This tree, which is a native of Mexico, is said to have been named after Cardinal Casimiro Gomez. The first tree of its kind in Hawaii, was planted in 1884, at the Government Nursery, Honolulu. The seed came from Santa Barbara, California, where there grows today, a tree more than 80 years old, and which still bears its fruit. It is a tall evergreen with irregular branches ; its digitate leaves are dark and glossy. The trunk is ashen grey, with warty excrescences. The fruit, which matures in April and May, is large, 1-4 inches in diameter; it is depressed- globular and somewhat ribbed, like a tomato; in color it is a light green, turning to a dull yellow when ripe, and it has a very thin skin. The pulp is yellow, resembling that of an over-ripe papaia, and has a melting, peach-like flavor. It contains from 1-3 large oblong seeds which are said to be deleterious. PLATE XIX. White Sapota. One third natural size. 44 G. P. W. Collection. PLATE XX. P 'run its Pcrsica. The Peach-tree is said by some authorities to be indigenous to Persia, while by others it is claimed to be a native of China. It is a hardy tree, and has been known to bear fruit precociously even in the second year after planting. If allowed to do so, the Peach will grow to a height of about 15 feet; but it should be pruned annually, in order to secure a good crop. Its leaves are lanceolate and coarsely serrate. The flowers are solitary, pink in color, and appear before the leaves. The fruit is soft and pubescent at maturity. The stone is deeply pitted and very hard. There are two well-marked varieties, the cling-stone and the free-stone. Ulupalakua and Makawao, Maui, once had the reputation of growing finely flavored seedling peaches ; however, many of these trees have been injured by cattle, and others have been destroyed by root-fungus and insect pests. In several localities in Hawaii good peaches have been grown from imported varieties. 45 PLATE XX. Peach. One half natural size. G. P. W. Collection. p LATE X XI. Chrysophyllum Cainito (purple variety). STAR APPLE. This tree is a native of the West Indies, and although not com- mon in Hawaii, there are good specimens to be found in many gardens. It has large irregular spreading branches, grows to a height of from 10-25 feet, and has rather thick foliage. Propaga- tion is ordinarily effected by seeds, which germinate readily, when fresh. It can also be grown from cuttings of the ripe wood. The tree derives its name from the words "chrysos," gold, and "phyllon," a leaf; referring to the golden-russet color of the un- der-side of the beautiful, glossy green leaves. The small flowers, which appear from June until October, are solitary at the nodes, or in fascicles. The fruit, which ripens in April, is round, about 3^ inches in diameter, has a smooth tough rind, about 1/16 inch thick, which is a deep purple in color. A cross-section of the fruit shows the edible pulp with its numerous black seeds, and the star-shaped core, from which the fruit derives its common name of Star Apple. Unless the fruit is thoroughly ripe, its milky juice is remarkably astringent. 17 PLATE XXI. Star Apple. One halt natural size. G. P. 1C. Collection. PLATE XXII. Chrysophylhtm Cainito (white variety). STAR APPLE. This tree, which will bear fruit in four or five years, has about the same characteristics as that of the preceding variety. The fruit is somewhat larger, and is not quite so sweet. In color it is a pale green, shaded with purple. PLATE XXII. Star Apple. One hall natural si/e. G. P. W. Collection. p LATE XXIII. Chrysophyllum monopyrenum. This small tree, which is indigenous to the West Indies, is also a native of Southern Florida, and is to be found as an ornamental plant in many localities of tropical America. In Jamaica it is called the "Damson Plum." Its small single white flowers are highly perfumed. The fruit, which matures from August until December, is small, ovoid-oblong, and when ripe is purplish- black ; when bruised it emits a white sticky juice. It contains one large seed. Specimens of this tree are to be found growing in the grounds of the Queen's Hospital and at the Government Nursery, Honolulu. PLATE XXIII. Chrysophyllnm Monopyrcnuin, One half natural size. G. P. W. Collection. PLATE XXIV Chrysophylhun sp. This handsome evergeen tree, with its bright glossy green leaves, is very suitable for hedges and wind-breaks. Its leaves are altenate, irregular, ovate, and accuminate. The small solitary flowers have many creamy white petals, and are very fragrant. The yellow fruit is about the size and shape of a small olive, con- tains a dry mealy pulp, and has one large, flat brown seed. PLATE XXIV, Chrysophyllnm. One half natural size. 54 G. P. if. Collection. PLATE XXV. Spond'ias dnlcis. wi. This deciduous tree is said to be a native of the Society Islands, and is common to the tropics of both hemispheres. It is a large, spreading and graceful tree, reaching a height of from 30-50 feet. Its pinnate leaves are green and glossy; the leaflets are oval-oblong and opposite . The foliage is shed from December until April. The flowers are paniculate, small, and greenish- white. The fruit, which ripens from November until April, is a fleshy drupe, oval in shape, from 1-3 inches in diameter; it has a thin, smooth golden-yellow skin, which has a rather sour disagreeable odor. The fleshy pulp is light yellow, is mellow when quite ripe, and has a sub-acid delicious flavor, compared by some to the pineapple. Within this pulp is embedded a 1-5 loculed bony endocarp, which contains generally one seed. This endocarp is covered with fibres which penetrate the pulp. The first Wi tree in Hawaii was planted at the residence of John S. Walker, Nuuanu Valley. 55 PLATE XXY.-.S>W/