y.CS. LIBSARY f "■"*"''*-*5. i. '^■ J? H PHYSICAL SCI. LIB. Ly^ ^^ff j WATER POLLUTION CONTROL RESEARCH SERIES # 1 3030ELY 5-7 ^V/A^flBI'^ REC-R2-72- DWR NO. 174 ^')1 BIO-ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF AGRI CULTU RAL DRAINAGE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA .V1AY14REC'U NOV 1 3 1974 OEC 1 3 m4 _ 1975 gl^RECT) rPOSSlBlLITY OF REDUCING NITROGEN •OCT 4 ^^ DRAINAGE WATER BY ON FARM PRACT Jan 5 1 37 7 IN CES JUNE 1972 NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY»RESEARCH AND MONITORIN UNITED STATES BUREAU OF R ECL A M ATI O N BIO-ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF AGRICULTURAL DRAINftGE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA The Bio-Engineering Aspects of Agricultural Drainage reports describe the results of a unique interagency study of the occurrence of nitro- gen and nitrogen removal treatment of subsurface agricultural waste- waters of the San Joaquin Valley, California. The three principal agencies involved in the study are the Water Quality Office of the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Bureau of Reclamation, and the California Department of Water Resources. Inquiries pertaining to the Bio-Engineering Aspects of Agricultural Drainage reports should be directed to the author agency, but may be directed to any one of the three principal agencies. THE REPORTS It is planned that a series of twelve reports will be issued describ- ing the results of the interagency study. There will be a sununary report covering all phases of the study. A group of four reports will be prepared on the phase of the study related to predictions of subsurface agricultural wastewater quality-- one report by each of the three agencies, and a summary of the three reports. Another group of four reports will be prepared on the treatment methods studies and on the biostimulatory testing of the treatment plant effluent. There will be three basic reports and a summary of the three reports. ^This report, "POSSIBILITY OF REDUCING NITROGEN IN DRAINAGE WATER BY ON FARM PRACTICES," is one of the three basic reports of this group. The other fchre* planned xep^^s will, covei;>;. (p.) technique;^ to reduce nitrogen dufing tranisport "ot Sto'rag^, (2) removal of nitVate by an algal system, and (3) desalinatibn df subsurface agricultural waste- waters. BIO-ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF AGRICULTURAL DRAINAGE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA POSSIBILITY OF REDUCING NITROGEN IN DRAINAGE WATER BY ON FARM PRACTICES Prepared by the United States Bureau of Reclamation Robert J. Pafford, Jr., Director Region 2 The agricultural drainage study was conducted under the direction of: Robert J. Pafford, Jr., Regional Director, Region 2 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF RECLAMATION 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, California 95825 Paul DeFalco, Jr., Regional Director, Pacific Southwest Region WATER QUALITY OFFICE, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 100 California Street, San Francisco, California 94111 John R. Teerink, Deputy Director CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814 June 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Oovernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20403 Price $1.26 domestic postpaid or $1 QPO Bookstore REVIEW NOTICE This report has been reviwed by the Water Quality Office, Environ- mental Protection Agency and the California Department of Water Resources, and has been approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Water Quality Office, Environmental Protection Agency, or the California Department of Water Resources. The mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recom- mendation for use by either of the two federal agencies or the Cali- fornia Department of Water Resources. XI ABSTRACT A nitrogen balance study of the San Luis Service Area determined that the average annual nitrogen contributions from all sources other than residual soil nitrogen were approximately equal to the nitrogen removal by crops and volatilization losses. This would indicate that, although in many instances the residual nitrogen would replace some of the contributed nitrogen, especially fertil- izers, animal and municipal wastes, the amount of nitrates moved to the drains would be directly proportional to the amounts of soluble, native nitrogen in the soil. A soil sampling study at several sites throughout the area indica- ted that there was a wide range in the concentrations of nitrates, anunonia and organic nitrogen in the soils and subsoil. There were extremely high concentrations of nitrates in those soils located on the interfan positions between the larger streams. Fertilizer studies in lysimeters show that in medium to heavy textured soils under normal irrigation and fertilizer management practices very little nitrogen fertilizer is leached to the drains. Nitrate type fertilizer contributed more nitrogen to the drainage effluent than ammonia and slow release sulfur coated urea fertili- zers. It was concluded that the best possibilities to reduce nitrogen in drains by on farm practices will be to establish Farm Advisory Programs to encourage the most efficient farm management and fertilizer practices and, if found feasible, to design drain systems to promote denitrif ication and reduce the area swept by the drain flow lines. BACKGROUND This report is one of a series which presents the findings of inten- sive interagency investigations of practical means to control the nitrate concentration in subsurface agricultural waste water prior to its discharge into other water. The primary participants in the program are the Federal Water Quality Administration, the United States Bureau of Reclamation, and the California Department of Water Resources, but several other agencies also are cooperating in the program. These three agencies initiated the program because they are responsible for providing a system for disposing of sub- surface agricultural waste water from the San Joaquin Valley of California and protecting water quality in California's water bodies, Other agencies cooperated in the program by providing particular knowledge pertaining to specific parts of the overall task. The need to ultimately provide subsurface drainage for larg6 areas of agricultural land in the western and southern San Joaquin Valley has been recognized for some time. In 19 54, the Bureau of Reclam- ation included a drain in its feasibility report of the San Luis Unit, In 1957, the California Department of Water Resources initi- ated an investigation to assess the extent of salinity and high ground water problems and to develop plans for drainage and export facilities. The Burns-Porter Act, in 1960, authorized S^n Joaquin Valley drainage facilities as a part of the California Water Plan. The authorizing legislation for the San Luis Unit of the Bureau of Reclamation's Central Valley Project, Public Law 86-488, passed in June 1960, included drainage facilities to serve project lands. This Act required that the Secretary of Interior either provide for constructing the San Luis Drain to the Delta or receive satisfactory assurance that the State of California would provide a master drain for the San Joaquin Valley that would adequately serve the San Luis Unit. Investigations by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Water Resources revealed that serious drainage problems already exist and that areas requiring subsurface drainage would probably exceed 1,000,000 acres by the year 2020, Disposal or tne drainage into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near Antioch, California, was found to be the least costly alternative plan. Preliminary data indicated the drainage water would be relatively high in nitrogen. The Federal Water Quality Administration con- ducted a study to determine the effect of discharging such drainage water on the quality of water in the San Francisco Bay and Delta, Upon completion of this study in 1967, the Administration's report concluded that the nitrogen content of untreated drainage waters could have significant adverse effects upon the fish and recreation values of the receiving waters. The report recommended a three- year research program to establish the economic feasibility of nitrate-nitrogen removal. As a consequence, the three agencies formed the Interagency Agri- cultural Wastewater Study Group and developed a three-year cooper- ative research program which assigned specific areas of responsibil- ity to each of the agencies. The scope of the investigation in- cluded an inventory of nitrogen conditions in the potential drain- age areas, possible control of nitrates at the source, prediction of drainage quality, changes in nitrogen in transit and methods of nitrogen removal from drain waters, including biological- chemical processes and desalination. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page I Conclusion 1 ^ II Introduction 3 ^ III Literature Review 5 IV Methods and Procedure 7 Nitrogen Balance Study 7 ^ Sources of Nitrogen Contribution 7 Nitrogen Fertilizers 9>^ Mineralization of Organic Nitrogen 9 Irrigation Water 9 Rainfall 9 Leguminous Plants 9 Livestock 10 Municipal and Industrial 10 Nitrogen Losses from the Soil IQ-/ Removal by Crops 10 Volatilization 10 Denitrif ication 11 Deep Percolation and Drainage 11 Lysimeter Studies 11 Transect Studies 15 Nitrate Concentrations in the Groundwater 1709Naocnaocnc^»(ncstMOooiAl ^ ,^ CM >4 ^ m ^ I p O >A p O th f^ « -? m < A • r^Pr^ I m P fMI »H I cn ■* f^l c»» uuuuouuuuouu uou I m>»pa0>A'^009\PocMp I •^pp u « « u « > M< •H i »4 ■ 00 ■*-<•-< "> O -< k< « •o a «i o tl hi CO o • CM "< r^ e* r* r* t^ m CM f^ ro .^ a o e e aaoaeaecae «ooooBo^ooo.aoo^o r»r^OP^<00PP00a0P * CM ^ ^-fM-HfMeMr^ (<^aOvOP>4'rN.^^goA(»iae(nv* ^ P CM en w 4-1 u M X! eo u Ou c C •H •H X! (U O Z -< z 1 o n ac o to z £) vO 00 ro o vD m fsi 00 CO ro CM 3- CM f-l 00 00 00 m esi o 00 CN ro m ^ in k£) fO .-1 r~ O ON 00 u-l 00 iri r-) O- -1 CO vO m f-i o vj- r-l O t-l f-l •-< o in r^ vo CJN .— 1 o n .-H -< v£> . CM m O 00 ON o <^ nO CM CM en en en ■J- CM en en CM i-l J V > " | II I I ; I I I I I I I I >[ I I I I J I I I T I I I I I I I I I I J « W |l» fO ^ D«pth In Feet FIG. 9- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (47) SITE NO, 7- LEVIS SOIL 4O00-T 1000- 500 100- 10- 5 - ORGANIC N - i NHj-N- NO3-N- i' I ' f 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I [ I I » I I I I » I I 2 !G 8 S 5{ D«pth in Feet FIG. 10- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (48) SITE NO. 8-OXALIS SOIL 4000—1 1000- 500 100- 10- 5 - ''"'■ ORGANIC N - i NH3-N- ^ NO3-N- *M • 1 1 I I n I t'tr i' t I f I ' l I r I I I I I I I I 'l I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 ' D«pth in Feet FIG. II - DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (49) SITE NO. 9-PANOCHE SOIL 4000-1 1000 — > 500 100 — 10 — 5 - -: 2f ORGANIC N - NHj-N- NO3-N- pTr i* !' r I I ' l I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I Dtpth in Feet FIG. 12- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND 0R6ANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (50) SITE NO. 10 -LOST HILLS SOIL 4000-1 1000 -; 500 100 — o 50 - 10- 5 - ORGANIC N - i NHj-N- NO3-N — r: I — Ti' f t'i' TV vrf r vvfp ' v rfp ' fr r yff f T [ » 1 < 1 | 1 1 1 i " Dtpth in Feet FIG. 13- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC -N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (SI) SITE NO. II- PANOCHE SOIL 4000-1 1000- 500- JS 100 — ORGANIC N - i NHj-N- NO3-N- I p'v t'f y ^ 'vi' i ' i ' i 'V i I y I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I 'v i-ri'i f t rv D«pth in Feet FIG. 14- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (52) SITE NO. 12 - PANOCHE SOIL 4000-1 1000- 500 100- 10 — 5 - ORGANIC N - i NH3-N- ^ NO3-N — ^ ' {' ' I » 'I I ' I I I I [ I I I I [ I I I I [ I I I I J I I I T ] I I I I I I I I II - N W {15 rO 'T D«pth in Feet FIG. 15- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (53) SITE NO. 13- OXALIS SOIL 4000-1 1000- 5 - J" ORGANIC N - i NH3-N- NO3-N- I p ' f l' f | Tf l T ^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I r [ I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I Dtpth in Feet FIG. 16- DISTRIBUTION OF NO3-N, NH3-N AND ORGANIC-N BY SAMPLING DEPTH (54) less than 10, however, normally they contained more than 100 parts per million. The organic N concentrations were higher on the alluvial fans than on the interfans and in both fan and interfan areas there is an increase in concentration from north to south. Sites No. 8, 9, and 10 have unusually high concentrations of nitrates. They represent different soil series and physiographic position. However, they do have a common factor in that they are located on similar geomorphic units; that is, interfan areas between the larger streams, Little Panoche , Panoche and Cantua Creeks. These areas have been subjected to less surface flooding and consequently there has been less leaching of the nitrates from the soil profile. There is also the possibility that because less water has moved through the soils there have been fewer saturated conditions there- fore less denitrif ication has occurred to reduce the nitrate con- centrations. Nitrogen in Groundwater About 2 5 percent of the ultimate water demand will be met from the groundwater of the area, therefore, it is necessary to know the amount of nitrate in this body of water in order to predict the nitrate-nitrogen content of the agricultural drainage effluent. Generally data from the wells above the Corcoran clay show a decrease in the nitrate concentration with increasing depth. The wells which have their primary yields from the Sierra sediments have lower nitrate concentrations than those wells that produce from the Coast Range sediments. A description of nitrate concentrations in water above the Corcoran clay by well depth interval as prepared by the Geology Branch, USER, Sacramento is presented below: 0-50 foot well depth As shown in Tables 15 through 19, the highest NO3-N values appear to be in the 0-50 foot depth on the Los Gatos-Zapatos interfan in Coast Range material. However, this concentration of 122 mg/1 NO3-N is based on an average of only two samples. The 0-50 foot depth on the Panoche-Cantua interfan has a mean of 52 mg/1 NO3-N in Coast Range sediments based on 16 samples. The standard deviation for the 52 mg/1 mean approached 68 mg/1 indicating a wide range of NO3-N concentrations within the 0-50 foot depth interval. On the Panoche fan a mean NO-j-N concentration of about 36 mg/1 in Coast Range sediments was computed for 53 samples including a very high NO3-N value (560 mg/1) reported for USER geohydrologic obser- vation hole No. 14S/14E/28R2. Excluding this high analysis, the mean NO7-N content was 16 mg/1, with the next highest NO^-N being 150 mg/1. (55) TABLE 15 Summary a/ of Nitrate Nitrogen and Standard Deviations in Milligrams per Liter for Wells and USER Geohydrologic Observation Holes Above the Corcoran Clay - 0-50 Foot Depth 0-50 Ft. well depth Yield primarily from: GEOMORPHIC UNITS No. of Sierran Coast Range analyses sediments sediments LOS BANCS CR. - L. PANOCHE INTERFAN 1 10. ,2 LITTLE PANOCHE FAN 5 IB. ,b + 14.0 LITTLE PANOCHE - PANOCHE INTERFAN 3 /. ,b + 4.6 PANOCHE FAN 53b/ 52c/ 1 1. .0 2b, 15. .9 .6 + 76.3 24.8 PANOCHE - CANTUA INTERFAN 16 52, .5 + 67.6 CANTUA FAN 14 6. .1 + 9.3 CANTUA - LOS GATOS INTERFAN 7 22, .7 + 29.6 LOS GATOS FAN 40 16 2. .4 t 4' ,0 30, .1 + 77.3 LOS GATOS - ZAPATOS INTERFAN 2 122, .4 (aver. ) MENDOTA - FIREBAUGH AREA 1 2 .9 (aver .) 0.1 TOTAL SAMPLES ABOVE CORCORAN CLAY: 244 160 a/Expressed as arithmetic mean plus or minus standard deviation. b/Includes analysis from USER geohydrologic observation hole No. 14S/ ~ 14E-28R2 with a nitrate nitrogen value of 562 mg/1. c/Excludes analysis from USBR geohydrologic observation hole No. 14S/ ~ 14E-28R2. (56) TABLE 16 Summary of Nitrate Nitrogen and Standard Deviations in Milligrams per Liter for Wells and USER Geohydrologic Observation Holes Above the Corcoran Clay - 50-150 Foot Depth GEOMORPHIC UNITS 50-150 No. of analyses ft. well Yield pr Sierran sediments depth imarily from: Coast Range sediments LOS BANGS CR. - L. PANOCHE INTERFAN LITTLE PANOCHE FAN LITTLE PANOCHE - PANOCHE INTERFAN PANOCHE FAN 2 1.4 (aver.) PANOCHE - CANTUA INTERFAN 1 93.5 CANTUA FAN 1 0.1 CANTUA - LOS GATOS INTERFAN 1 0.7 LOS GATOS FAN 9 29.3 + 32.4 LOS GATOS - ZAPATOS INTERFAN MENDOTA - FIREBAUGH AREA 3 0.5 + 0.3 TOTAL SAMPLES ABOVE CORCORAN CLAY: 244 17 (E7) TABLE 17 Summary of Nitrate Nitrogen and Standard Deviation in Milligrams per Liter for Wells and USER Geohydrologic Observation Holes Above the Corcoran Clay - 150-300 Foot Depth 150-300 ft. well depth Yield primarily from:" No. of Sierran Coast Range analyses sediments sediments GEOMORPHIC UNITS LOS BANCS CR. - L. PANOCHE INTERFAN LITTLE PANOCHE FAN LITTLE PANOCHE - PANOCHE INTERFAN PANOCHE FAN 7 1 0. ,5 51, .0 + 117. ,2 PANOCHE - CANTUA INTERFAN 1 .6 CANTUA FAN CANTUA - LOS GATOS INTERFAN LOS GATOS FAN 2 1 0, ,3 5, .8 (aver. ) LOS GATOS - ZAPATOS INTERFAN MENDOTA - FIREBAUGH AREA 6 18 0, ,3 + 0.2 0, .4 + 0.5 TOTAL SAMPLES ABOVE CORCORAN CLAY: 244 36 (58) TABLE 18 Summary of Nitrate Nitrogen and Standard Deviations in Milligrams per Liter for Wells and USER Geohydrologic Observation Holes Above the Corcoran Clay - 300-600 Foot Depth GEOMORPHIC UNITS 300-600 ft. well depth Yield primarily from~ No . of Sierran Coast Range analyses sedinents sediments LOS BANGS CR. - L. PANOCHE INTERFAN LITTLE PANOCHE FAN LITTLE PANOCHE - PANOCHE INTERFAN PANOCHE FAN 5 2 + 0.3 PANOCHE - CANTUA INTERFAN 3 9 + 0.5 CANTUA FAN 1 2 2 (aver 21 ) CANTUA - LOS GATOS INTERFAN LOS GATOS FAN 1 8 1 4 + 2.6 10 6 LOS GATOS - ZAPATOS INTERFAN MENDOTA - FIREBAUGH 1 2 1 (aver. ) 1 TOTAL SAMPLES ABOVE CORCORAN CLAY: 244 23 (59) TABLE 19 Sununary of Nitrate Nitrogen and Standard Deviation in Milligrams per Liter for Wells and USER Geohydrologic Observation Holes Above the Corcoran Clay - 600-800 Foot Depth GEOMORPHIC UNITS 600- No. of analyses ■800- ft. well depth Yield primarily from: Sierran Coast Range sediments sediments LOS BANOS CR - L. PANOCHE INTERFAN LITTLE PANOCHE FAN LITTLE PANOCHE - PANOCHE INTERFAN PANOCHE FAN PANOCHE - CANTUA INTERFAN CANTUA FAN CANTUA - LOS GATOS INTERFAN LOS GATOS FAN 5 2 0.2 + 0.5 0.5 (aver. ) LOS GATOS - ZAPATOS INTERFAN 1 5.6 MENDOTA - FIREBAUGH AREA TOTAL SAMPLES ABOVE CORCORAN CLAY: 244 8 (60) Little Panoche fan has a mean NO3-N concentration of 18 mg/1 for five analyses with individual analyses ranging from 4 mg/1 to 40 mg/1 in the 0-50 foot interval. Generally NO3-N concentrations for the 0-50 foot depth in wells which obtain their yield from Sierran sediments is comparatively low, ranging from to 14 rag/1 (Los Gatos fan). Nitrate -N concentrations for USER holes in Coast Range sediments in the interval are high, ranging from a trace up to 460 mg/1, as mentioned above. About five holes had nitrates in excess of 225 mg/1. 50-150 foot well depth In the 50-150 foot depth range, one analysis on the Panoche -Cant ua interfan was 93 mg/1 in Coast Range sediments. On the Los Gatos fan the average for this depth was 29 ppm in Coast Range sediments. On the other fans and interfans in this depth range, mean NO3-N was less than 2 mg/1, based on a small number of analyses in both Coast Range and Sierran sediments. 150-300 foot well depth In the 150-300 foot depth interval Panoche fan had a high concen- tration of nitrate in Coast Range sediments; based on seven analyses the mean NO3-N concentration was about 51 mg/1 with a standard deviation of 117 rag/1. The range was from 1 to 320 mg/1. For other fans and sediments concentrations in this depth range were as much as 7 mg/1 but were generally less than 1 mg/1. 300-600 foot well depth In the 300-600 foot depth interval, NO3-N concentrations are generally low, ranging from 0.1 to 2 mg/1, principally from Sierran aquifiers. Two wells in this depth zone producing from Coast Range sediments on the Cantua and Los Gatos fans had 22 and 10 rag/1, respectively of NO3-N. 600-800 foot well depth In the 600-800 depth interval, nitrate was low in both Sierran and Coast Range sediments with the highest NO,-N being 6 mg/1 in Coast Range sediments on the Los Gatos-Zapatos interfan. The average NO3-N concentration, about 0.5 mg/1, of the irrigation water from the wells in the area is much less than the average concentration of water in the material above the Corcoran as listed in Table 15 through 19. This is particularly true of the water in all depths of the Coast Range sediments and in the 0-50 depth of (61) the Sierran sediments, indicating that relatively small amounts of irrigation water is obtained from these sources. Also, as many of the wells are drilled below the Corcoran clay to depths of 2,000 feet or greater they pick up most of their water from strata not shown in this report. Nitrogen Transformation and Movement in Lysimeters The movement of residual nitrogen and applied fertilizer nitrogen in lysimeters was monitored under leaching and cropping regimes. The initial NO3-N levels of the soils ranged from 12 ppm in the Panoche clay subsoil to 115 ppm in the Lethent clay loam surface. The NO3-N levels in leachates collected during initial leaching and before fertilization ranged from 4,290 ppm in the Oxalis clay to 560 ppm in the Panoche fine sandy loam. These high levels are believed due primarily to the change in the environment of the soils as a result of the screening, mixing and aeration during the filling of the lysimeters. These actions increased microbial activity which encouraged mineralization of some of the native organic nitrogen to nitrates. After the high initial nitrate concentrations were recorded, a rapid drop in the nitrate levels occurred as additional water moved through the columns. When sufficient water had been applied to reduce the nitrate-N levels in the soil extracts from all sampling depths of the soil columns to less than 10 ppm, the NO3-N concentrations in the leachates ranged from about 11 ppm for the Panoche fine sandy loam to about 115 ppm for the Oxalis clay. After the barley was planted and the 1% enriched fertilizer applied, periodic samples were collected of the soil extracts at three depths in the columns and from the leachates. Data resulting from the analyses of these samples, based primarily on the atom percent excess -'■% , are presented in Tables 20 through 28. These data are averages of values from duplicate columns of each treatement. Data for nitrogen content and the percentages which are attributable to ferti3j.zer nitrogen in the "A" depths, 9 to 18 inches, are presented in Table 20. These data show that at this depth the highest percent- age of fertilizer nitrogen appeared in those soils to which KNO3 was applied. In Panoche fine sandy loam and Lethent sandy clay loam, respectively, 81 and 65 percent of the total nitrogen collected in the soil extract was fertilizer nitrogen. By comparison 14 and 27 percent of the nitrogen in the extract was fertilizer nitrogen when (NH4)2S04 was applied to Panoche clay loeim and Oxalis clay and when sulfur coated urea was applied to Panoche fine sandy loam 2 5 percent of the extract from "A" depth was fertilizer nitrogen. This would indicate that much of the ammonia-N is adsorbed by the (62) clay complex of the soil near the soil surface. Since only 30 per- cent of the sulfur coated urea was readily soluble and the remainder was treated to dissolve slowly, movement of nitrogen from the urea fertilizer could be expected to be approximately 30 percent of N movement from KNO3 assuming appreciable hydrolosis did not occur. The data are in accord with these proportions. However, the system is complicated by nitrogen release from sulfur coated urea, hydrolosis of urea, nitrification and soil textural differences, therefore, the apparent proportionality may have resulted from compensating effects. The nitrogen content and the percent fertilizer nitrogen in the soil extract at the "B" depths, 24 to 39 inches, are listed in Table 21. TABLE 20 Nitrogen Content and Percent of Fertilizer Nitrogen in Soil Extracts from "A" Depths December 16, 1968 - August 18, 1969 Soil Type Fertilizer Wate r Applied Probe Depth Total N Fertilizer N In In mg % Panoche CL (NH4)2S04 60.6 16 13.2 13.6 Panoche FSL KNO3 60,6 15 49.5 81.4 Lethent CI KNO3 60.6 9 34.2 66.1 Panoche FSL S:Urea-N 60.6 11 15.2 25.0 Oxalis C (NH4)2S04 60.6 18 16.5 27.3 TABLE 21 Nitrogen Content and Percent of Fertilizer Nitrogen in Soil Extracts from "B" Depths December 16, 1968 - August 18, 1969 Soil Type Fertilizer Wate r Applied Probe Depth Total N Fertilizer N In In mg % Panoche CL (NH4)2S04 60.6 39 23.5 2.1 Panoche FSL KNO3 60.6 39 23.0 4.8 Lethent CL Kri03 60.6 24 14.2 23.9 Panoche FSL S:Urea-N 60.6 33 14.4 4.2 Oxalis C (NH4)2S04 60.6 31 36.0 1.4 The percent of fertilizer N of the total N collected from the "B" depths was less than 4.8 with the exception of the Lethent clay loam. The higher percentage of fertilizer N in the Lethent columns may have been because the suction probes were higher in the columns. These low values for the other columns indicate that little movement of the fertilizers occurred to depths of 31 to 39 inches. (63) The nitrogen content and percent fertilizer N for the "C" depth are shown in Table 22. At the most, 4.5 percent of the N collected from the probe came from the applied fertilizer. The highest percentage of fertilizer N was from the Lethent soil and least was from the Panoche fertilized with sulfur coated urea. These low values indicate, as did those of the "B" depths, that a very small percentage of the applied N moved through the soil columns. TABLE 22 Nitrogen Content and Percent < in Soil Extracts from "C December 16, 1968 - August Df Fertilizer " Depths 18, 1969 Soil Type Fertilizer Panoche CL (NH4)2S04 Panoche FSL KNO3 Lethent CL KNO3 Panoche FSL S:Urea-N Oxalis C (NH4)2S04 Water Applied In 60.6 60.6 60.6 60.6 60.6 Probe Depth In 63 62 60 58 56 Total N mg 25.9 41.6 19.8 20.9 20.5 Fertilizer N % 1.5 2.2 4.5 1.4 1.5 Both the total nitrogen removed in the leachate and the percent of this total that was fertilizer nitrogen are listed in Table 23. The total N in the leachates ranged from 163 to 1010 milligrams, however, of these amounts less than 1.5 percent was from the applied fertilizer N. TABLE 23 Nitrogen Content and Percent Fertilizer Nitrogen in the Leachate December 16, 1968 - August 18, 1969 Soil Type Panoche CL Panoche FSL Lethent CL Panoche FSL Oxalis C Fertilizer (NH4)2S04 KNO3 KNO3 S:Urea-N (NH4)2S04 Water Applied In 60.6 60.6 60.6 60.6 60.6 Total N mg 244 503 163 302 1010 Fertilizer N % 0.5 1.3 0.7 0.8 0.2 The total nitrogen removed in the soil extracts and leachates and the percentage of these values that were fertilizer nitrogen are shown in Table 24. Although the total N ranged from 231 milligrams in the (64) Lethent clay loam to 1083 milligrams in the Panoche fine sandy loam, only a small percentage of these totals were from fertilizer N. The percentages of fertilizer nitrogen in the total removed varied from 0.7 percent in the Oxalis clay to 12.2 percent in the Lethent clay loam. The higher percentages of fertilizer nitrogen recovered from those columns using KNO3 are due primarily to the large quantities extracted from the "A" and "B" depths in these soils. Total Nitrogen Content of Soil Extracts, and Leachates and Percent Fertilizer Nitrogen for the Period December 13, 1968 to August 18, 1969 (Soil ■ - Fertilizer) Fertilizer Soil Type Fertilizer N N mg % of Total N Panoche CL (NH4)2S04 307 1.2 Panoche FSL KNO3 619 7.9 Lethent CI KNO3 231 12.2 Panoche FSL S:Urea-N 353 2.0 Oxalis C (NH4)2S04 1083 0.7 The fertilizer nitrogen recovered as a percentage of the total fer- tilizer applied is shown in Table 25. The largest percentage, 3.91, of the fertilizer N recovered was from the Panoche fine sandy loam soil treated with KNO3 fertilizer. The smallest percentage, 0.30 or 3.8 milligrams, was from the Panoche clay loam which was treated with (NH4)2S04. The most significant of these data are the amount of N recovered in the leachates. This is the quantity which under field conditions would enter the groundwater. The data show that the largest percentage of fertilizer nitrogen was recovered from the leachate of the light textured soil treated with KNO3. It was a very small amount, representing 0.54 percent, 6.7 milligrams, of the total fertilizer applied. The least amount, 0.09 percent, 1.1 milligrams, was recovered from the Panoche clay loam soil that was treated with (NH4)2S04. The total amounts of nitrate N in leachates from various soil columns treated with fertilizers and similar columns in which no fertilizers were applied are shown in Table 25. The total NO3-N removed varied in the fertilized columns from 1002 milligrams in the Oxalis clay to 28 milligrams in the Lethent clay loam and in the control columns from 788 milligrams in the Oxalis clay to 44 milligrams in the Lethent clay loam. As noted in Table 25, the maximum amount of fertilizer nitrogen recovered in the leachate was 0.54 percent or 6.7 milligrams from the Panoche fine sansy loam soil treated with KNO, . Lesser amounts of fertilizer (65) TABLE 2 5 Recovery of Fertilizer Nitrogen from All Probes and Leachate for the Period - December 15, 1968 - August 18, 1969 Soil Type Sample Depth Fertilizer A B C Leachate Total (NH4)2S04 KNO3 KNO3 S:Urea- (NH4)2S04 Pan.CL Pan.FSL Le. CL Pan.FSL Ox. C % 0. 3. 1. 0. 0. ,14 ,22 ,81 ,30 ,36 mg 1, 40. 22, 3, 4. % mg .8 0.04 0.5 ,3 0.09 1.1 ,6 0.27 3.4 ,8 0.05 0.6 ,5 0.04 0.5 % 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mg ,03 0.4 .07 0.9 ,07 0.9 ,02 0.3 ,02 0.3 % mg 0.09 1.1 0.54 6.7 0.10 1.2 0.18 1.3 0.16 2.0 % 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, mg ,30 3.8 ,91 48.9 ,24 28.1 ,56 7.0 ,58 7.3 TABLE 26 Nitrate -N Recovered in the Leachate of Soil Columns for the Period - December 16, 1958 - August 18, 1969* Soil Type Panoche CL Panoche FSL Lethent CL Panoche FSL Oxalis C Fertilizer (NH4)2S04 XNO3 KNO3 S:Urea-N (NH4)2S04 Nitrate N in Leachate Control Fertilized mg mg 133 143 259 431 44 28 259 233 788 1002 Determined by measurements with the Orion Nitrate probe, nitrogen were recovered from the other columns. Although large differences existed between the control arid the fertilized columns for two of the soils and treatments (Table 26) these differences probably were due to analytical and soil variability rather than contributions from the applied fertilizers. The significance of these data showing relatively large amounts of nitrogen removed from the columns is that only a very small percentage came from the applied fertilizers. Since the N in the leachate did not originate from the fertilizer applied during the study and the amount in the applied water was small, it had to come from the nitrogen in the soil at the start of the study. The percentages of applied fertilizer nitrogen recovered by cropping are listed in Table 27. The highest percentage recovery by the barley was 73 percent from the Panoche fine sandy loam treated with KNO3. (66) The lowest recovery, 4 7 percent, was from the urea treated Panoche fine sandy loam. This was probably due to the slow release rate of the sulfur coated urea. The recovery rates in the other treatments ranged from 63 to 65 percent. TABLE 27 Recovery of Applied Fertilizer Nitrogen in the Barley and Grain Sorghum Fertilizer Soil Type Barley (%AFN)' Grain Sorghum (%AFN) Straw Grain Total Straw Seed Total (NH4)2S04 Panoche CL 17.9 47.7 65.6 1.00 1.87 2 87 KNO3 Panoche FSL 18.8 54.3 73.1 0.78 2.89 3 67 KNO3 Lethent CI 17.4 47.9 65.3 0.76 1.51 2 28 Urea-S Panoche FSL 8.9 38.4 47.3 3.75 9.78 13 53 (NH4)2S04 Oxalis C 24.5 38.2 52.7 1.60 1.45 3 05 *Applied fertilizer nitrogen The percentage of recovery by grain sorghum of the applied fertilizer nitrogen was greatest, 13.5 percent, in the Panoche fine sandy loam treated with the sulfur coated urea. The large recovery rate in this treatment was due to the great amount of residual N remaining in the soil as a result of the slow release of N from sulfur coated urea. The recovery rates in the other treatments ranged from 2.3 to 3.7 percent. The percentages of the applied fertilizer nitrogen recovered by barley, grain sorghum and in the water samples collected between December 16, 1968 and August 18, 1969 are listed in Table 28. They ranged from a maximum 80.6 percent in Panoche fine sandy loam treated with KNO3 to a minimum of 61.4 percent in Panoche fine sandy loam treated with sulfur coated urea. The recovery from the other systems ranged from 66.3 to 59.8 percent. The high percentage recovery from Panoche fine sandy loam soil treated with XNO3 was probably because the NO3-N form of fertilizer is more mobile in the soil and thus a greater root surface would be available to absorb the nitrogen. These data do not account for a minimum of 19.4 and a maximum of .38.5 percent of the applied fertilizer nitrogen. No analyses have been made to determine the quantities that might be accounted for by the following: (1) volatilization and denitrif ication, (2) tied up in the plant roots, (3) adsorbed on the clay complex, (4) converted -to an organic N form by soil bacteria, (5) remained in solution in the soil columns. A portion of the residual N could be leached from the columns at a later date. To check this, water is still being applied to the columns and the leachate collected, however, as this is written no additional data are available. (67) TABLE 28 Recovery of Applied Fertilizer Nitrogen in Barley, Grain Sorghum, and Water Samples Fertilizer Soil Type Barley Grain Sorg-hum Water Samples Total % ^ % % (NH4)2S04 Panoche CL 65.6 2.87 0.30 SB. 17 KNO3 Panoche FSL 73.0 3.67 3.91 80.58 KNO3 Lethent CL 65.3 2,28 2.24 69.82 S:Urea-N Panoche FSL 47.3 13.53 0.56 51.39 (NH4)2S04 Oxalis C 62.1 3.05 0.58 56.33 After the barley and grain sorghum crops were harvested, soil samples were taken from one of each of the paired lysimeters. These samples were analyzed for nitrate, organic N and amount of 15n. The results of these tests for two of the lysimeters, one filled with Panoche FSL to which NO3 fertilizer had been applied and one with Panoche CI to which NH4 fertilizer had been added, are in Table 29. The amounts of NO3-N remaining in the soils were small and relatively consistent throughout the depths of the column. The two columns had essentially the same concentration and distribution of NO3-N indicating no difference as a result of the applications of different types of fertilizers and soil textures. Only about 0.8 percent of the applied fertilizer remained in the soil in the nitrate form. The majority of the applied nitrogen still in the soil was in the organic form and the largest amount of the l^N, representing the applied nitrogen, remained in the top 15 centimeters of soil. This was because the returned crop residue was concentrated in this depth. The nitrogen fertilizer that remained in the organic fraction was 25.9 percent of that applied to the Panoche CL and 19.9 percent in the Panoche FSL. The amounts of -^^H collected from the various sampling categories are listed in Table 30. These data show that an average of approxi- mately 56 percent of the applied nitrogen was adsorbed up by the plants. The greatest removal of fertilizer N by the crops was from those lysimeters to which the nitrates were applied. There was no significant difference between the recovery of nitrogen in those lysimeters applied with NH4 and urea. The residual nitrogen in the soil accounted for 13.1 to 30.5 percent or an average of about 24 percent of the applied nitrogen. The largest percentage of this fraction was found in those columns to which the ammonium type / fertilizer had been applied. The quantity of the applied nitrogen ■> that was unaccounted for ranged from 12.4 to 24.5 percent. This I amount, aside from any possible analytical error, was lost through volatilization and denitrification. (68) TABLE 29 Recovery of Applied Fertilizer Nitrogen in Nitrogen Fraction from Two the Nitrate and Organic Lysimeters Depth Panoche CL (3) (NH4S0d) Panoche FSL (6) (KNOg ) cm NO^-N ppm ppm Organic N -L^N mg NO^-N ppm ppm Organic N -L^N mg 0-15 43 358 22.2 41 246 12.6 15-30 38 310 4.2 48 220 1.0 30-45 42 288 1.7 47 211 1.3 45-60 45 3 53 0.8 35 243 3.4 60-75 41 281 0.6 49 234 1.5 75-90 49 284 0.5 42 234 1.0 90-105 45 176 0.4 43 213 0.3 105-120 50 178 0.1 44 175 0.4 120-135 43 127 0.5 37 209 1.1 135-150 43 134 0.4 50 261 0.9 150-165 65 124 1.0 45 233 0.3 165-180 42 546 148 0.5 32.9 56 537 238 1.1 25.3 % Recovery 0.8 25.9 .8 19.9 (69) T3 01 iJ U f^ m ^ 1^ 1^ Z C O in m oo o o O 3 <4J CM O ro (3> >3- m o vO 3- • U i) f-H in o o\ vO m in r^ s-s o f-~ 00 r^ 00 00 0) Kl .-< C IB « o o O o o 3 -1 M CO CM vl- o v£> •a -w O o CJ^ m r^ tN •H O 1-1 ro -> O CM vD * in to CO -u lO m • in CM m (U -H CM O t3N r^ t— 4 on (N O en CD OS Z 1 ro CM 1 1 1 e^ o D. nj as CM ^ -3- m -J o > f—i OS •H n o CO CM v£> vO r^ SUB u-i *» •— 1 n 1-4 •N e»l 4) CM CSI CM m cn OS 1 CM n o\ 1 CM 1 r-i 1 m o--^ TJ O nJ J > 4J u O CO e in r-» in % OJ (U OS f— I ro %£> CM o l-l rH -J- A o 3C to 4) > c 0) 1-1 o r^ f— 1 00 •-I c m (X3 ^ 00 vj c o ^7^ CM 00 (0 -H 00 o- cn u tu m t— t CM S M s^ s-« S^ n B-5 T3 .u u-i o o- o vO o ^ O m O < M «-^ o m o i-i o 1— 1 O 1—1 O 0) f— t f— t CO f— 1 i-i •-I t-i 1-1 1—1 f-i b + + z m -1- + Z in 1-1 + z in 1-1 w s^ M B-S M B^ M B^ M S^ 3 D D 3 3 =«= to tn ■ 00 X .-1 u <7v O vO o cn ?i >J '-' z •-' D z z Z ^ CM (70) The conditions in the lysimeters will be different than field con- ditions. In the lysimeters, the root distribution is rather uniform throughout the soil area while in the field, especially in row crops, there would be areas between the rows where the root density is relatively low. Under these conditions, unless special care is taken in fertilizer placement, ie, in bands near the plant, and to avoid excess irrigation there could be greater losses of fertilizer nitrogen than indicated in the lysimeter studies. Other lysimeter studies were conducted on the movement of nitrogen- ous salts in unsaturated flows under non-cropped conditions. Cal- cium nitrate and calcium chloride were applied to the columns and four inches of water added every two weeks. Under the aerobic conditions that existed in the upper portion of the column the N03's and Cl's moved with the percolating water. However, under the ana- erobic conditions in the lower saturated portion of the column the nitrates were changed to a different form of N. Although part of this nitrogen was probably changed to an organic form in the cell material of microorganisms, most investigators attributed low re- coveries primarily to denitrif ication (16). Chlorides, which are not subject to change to gaseous form under these conditions, were moved through the column with the percolating water and collected in the leachate. The movements of the nitrates and chlorides in one of the lysimeters are plotted in Figures 17 and 18. It can also be noted from these data that approximately 36 inches of applied water was required to move the chlorides through the six foot soil column. The porosity of these soils is approximately 50 percent, therefore, the equivalent of about one pore volume of water moved the nitrate and chloride front through the columns. A nitrogen balance sheet was prepared on one lysimeter to gain some insight on nitrogen gains and losses that occurred. The budget was prepared on lysimeter number 6 which was filled with Panoche fine sandy loam soil and treated with KNOv. The measurements were made over approximately a years time, from December 13, 1968 to December 20, 1969, during which one fertilizer application was made and two crops, one of barley and one of milo, were grown and harvested. The sources of nitrate -nitrogen available were the applied fertilizer, irrigation water, the residual nitrate in the soil at the start of the study and the nitrogen available as the result of mineralization of the organic nitrogen. One application of 1.27 grams of KNO3 fertilizer which was equivalent to 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre, was added to the soil. The applied irrigation water, which con- tained about 0.5 parts per million of nitrate -N, added 0.09 grams of nitrogen or the equivalent of about 7 pounds per acre. The residual nitrate in the soil column at the start of the study was calculated to be 1.05 grams or equivalent of 83 pounds per acre. These three sources totaled 2.42 grams or equivalent to 190 pounds of nitrate -N per acre . (71) LEACHATE (1) "A" DEPTH - 1.70' B -2.73' C " - 3.74' zi/s o*H „p asnddw > 6E/f o^H ,> asnddv 5 1 1 1 i i fri/fr o^H „f a3ndd» ITRATES IN "d" depth a LEACHATE REMAINED EAR ZERO', PLOT OF PRINTS NOT PRACTICAiLE N GRAPH SCALE i/» o^H ,> 03nddv ,-''- ..■•■\ / z/E o'^H ,> a3ndd* ••' '. / <■■ A ■ • ■■-•• ( ' £/z o^H .,tr a3ndd» ];■ 1 / '■■ 2 1 Z|3O3 + Z(t0N)O0 0300* 'OZ/I O^H ,> Q3nddV / 1 1 1 1/ P»!lO P»!I««V _• (\J ro * I I I I »- I < tr -I .4 O U O frl/V O^H ,.» paiiaov 2 _l O O a. =■ < o 0) UJ UJ CD ^ LxJ ^ £/Z O^H ,.fr P»liaav O oz/i ^13 BD*- ^I^ON)D0 +o^H ,> a3aav -