1 GIFT or EdTrard Hilliard THE BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER THE ;:v^2:;h^'- BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1832-1914 EDITED BY ^ ^ r). EDWARD HILLIARD FELLOW AND SENIOR BURSAR OF BALLIOL COLLEGE OXFORD OXFORD PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION BY HORACE HART AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1914 /^ '.-:>'•?: : •'. \j\H v^ (n f r I/.//. ; o The Master and Fellows desire to present a record of all the living members of the College. They think that men of all generations will be interested to know what has become of contemporaries, with some of whom they may have lost touch, while others again have served and are serving in distinguished posts all over the world. They have to thank the Trustees of the Balliol College (1904) Endowment Fund, who have contributed largely to the expenses of the undertaking ; Hkewise those who have so freely given information ; and especially the Senior Bursar, who has carried out the task of com- pilation at the cost of much trouble. Balliol College, Oxford, May 1914. 482794 PREFACE There is not much necessity for an introduction in a book of this kind, but the following facts may be interesting to members of the College. The Register represents a * Who 's Who ' of Balliol men now living, containing details more particularly about their careers at College and in the University. The alphabetical arrangement was chosen as the most convenient for reference. At p. 381 will be found the Roll of Balliol College — a chronological list of names taken from the admission book. Since the receipt of the returns I regret to say that the College has lost some of its old members. Their names have been retained and a note has been added recording the date of death when known. There are 2,412 names in the Register, and it will be found that the professions of our old members may be classified approximately as follows : Barristers, 388 ; Clergymen, 254 ; Indian Civil Servants, 249 ; Readers, Lecturers, Schoolmasters, Tutors, 197 ; Fellows of Oxford Colleges, 175 ; Home Civil Servants, 129 ; Professors, loi; Solicitors, 67; Members of Parliament, 56 ; Army, 51 ; Diplomacy, 51 ; Medical, 46 ; Colonial Civil Servants, 42 ; Journahsts, 33 ; Ministers of State, 22 ; Bankers, 19 ; Land Agents, 10 ; Heads of Oxford Colleges, 9. The above figures have not been checked in minute detail, and they include members who have retired from their respective posts or professions. vii PREFACE In a compilation like the Register there must be mistakes. I have read all the manuscript and revised the proofs, and for any inaccuracies I accept full responsi- bility. Some omissions have been made at the request of members when sending in their returns ; for other omissions and any mistakes the excuse must be the magnitude and difficulty of my task. Any corrections or additions for insertion in a future edition will be welcomed by the editor. Thanks are due to my wife, who has helped me in all the stages of this work; to my shorthand writer, Mr. G. B. Whitaker, to whom I owe much for his untiring zeal and especially for his accuracy ; and to Mr. Horace Hart, the Controller of the Press, who has ever been ready with valuable suggestions. Especially are thanks due to those who have made their returns with such promptitude and care. They are the real authors of this book ; and its interest for present and future generations will be found in the distinguished careers of Balliol men set forth in the following pages. EDWARD HILLIARD. May 15, 1914. viu CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Note v Preface vii The Visitor, Master, Fellows, and Staff, 1914 . . xi Abbreviations xii The Register J The Roll 381 Appendices : I. Visitors, Masters, and Fellows from 1800 to 1914 . 417 II. Tutors 419 III. College Societies 420 iz THE VISITOR MASTER, FELLOWS, AND STAFF, 1914 Visitor The Right Hon. Earl Lorebum, B.A., Hon. D.C.L,, elected in 1912. Master James Leigh Strachan-Davidson, M.A. (1872), elected in 1907 ; Jowett Fellow. Fellows Newman, William Lambert, M.A. (1858), Hon. D.Litt. (1904). Smith, Arthur Lionel, M.A. (1877), Jowett Fellow, Tutor in Modern History, and Senior Dean. Markby, Sir William, D.C.L. (1879). Macdonell, Arthur Anthony, M.A. (1883), Boden Professor of San- skrit. Urquhart, Francis Fortescue, M.A. (1897), Lecturer in Modern History, and Domestic Bursar. Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace, M.A. (1898), Classical Tutor, Jowett Lecturer in the Greek Language and Literature, and Librarian. Hartley, Harold Brewer, M.A. (1904), Science Tutor, Bedford Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, and Junior Bursar. Bailey, Cyril, M.A. (1897), Classical Tutor, Tutor for A dmissions, and Dean of Examinations. Davis, Henry William Carless, M.A. (1898), Classical Tutor. Hilliard, Edward, M.A. (1904), Law Tutor and Senior Bursar. Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop, M.A. (1906), Classical Tutor and Jowett Lecturer in Philosophy. Talbot, Rev. Neville Stuart, M.A. (19 10), Theological and Classical Tutor and Junior Dean. Gibson, Robert, M.A. {igi 3), Classi- cal Tutor. Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, B.A. (1912), Classical Tutor. Gibbon, Rev. Henry Hensman, M.A. (1911), Catechetical Lecturer. Honorary Fellows Bright, James Franck, D.D. (1884). Acland, Right Hon. Arthur Herbert Dyke, M.A. (1873). Fry, Right Hon. Sir Edward, Hon. D.C.L. (1894). Warre, Edmond, D.D. (1884), Hon. D.C.L. (1907). Marshall, Alfred, M.A. (1883), Hon. D.Sc. (1904). Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett, Hon. D.C.L. (1875), M.A. (1883). Hythe, Thomas Allnutt Brassey, Viscount, M.A. (1902), Hon. D.C.L. (1911). Newlands, James Henry Cecil Hozier, Lord. Curzon of Kedleston, Right Hon. George Nathaniel, Earl, M.A. (1884), Hon. D.C.L. (1907). Lorebum, Right Hon. Earl, B.A. (1869), Hon. D.C.L. (1907). Asquith^ Right Hon. Herbert Henry, B.A. (1874), Hon. D.C.L. (1904). Kilbracken, Lord, M.A. (1873). Farwell, Right Hon. Sir George, B.A. (1869). Bradley, Andrew Cecil, M.A. (1876). Cliaplains Gibbon, Rev. Henry Hensman, M.A. (1911). Talbot, Rev, Neville Stuart, M.A. (1910). I Tutors and Lecturers not on the I Foundation : Russell, John Wellesley, M.A. j (1876), Merton, Mathematical Tutor. Bourdillon, Robert Benedict, B.A. (191 2), Lecturer in Chemistry. Bourdillon, Francis Bernard, B.A. (1905), Lecturer in Modern Lan- guages. Stone, Charles Graham, B.A. (1909), Lecturer in History. Director of Music Walker, Ernest, D.Mus. (1898), M.A. (1894). Organist Smith, Norman Fairbanks, B.A. (1913). XI ABBREVIATIONS Assist. = assistant. Lang. = language. Assoc. = associate, association. Lib. = library, librarian. b. = born. m. = married. Capt. = captain. Math. = mathematics, ma Ch. = church. matical. Chapl. s= chaplain, chaplaincy. Mod. = modem. CI. = classics, classical. Mods. = moderations. Coll. = college, collegiate. p. = priest. d. = daughter. Pres. = president. d. = deacon, died. 5. = son. e. = eldest. Sch. = scholar, scholarship. Educ. = educated. Sec. = secretary. Educ. = education, educational. Sen. = senior. Ex. = exhibition, exhibitioner. Soc. = society. Exam. = examination, examiner. T. = term. Gr. = grammar. Theol. = theology, theological. Hist. = history, historical. Treas. = treasurer. jun. = junior. Univ. = university. For List of Tutors, referred to by initials in the Register, see Appendix II, page 419. xii > » > ' » » t • ' • ' ' t 9 > • 3 > ' • • 3 'b BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER The * denotes members of Convocation at the time of the publication of the Register. Abbott, Evelyn Robins : b. May 9, 1873 ; s. of Samuel Abbott, M.I.C.E., of Buenos Aires ; m. Sep. 20, 1909, Florence LiUian, d. of Sir W. O. Clark, Kt., I.C.S. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Bath College ; Balliol 189 1-3 (W.M.) ; Torpid (2) ; Rugby XV. I.C.S. Punjab ; Assist. Commis- sioner 1893 ; Deputy Commis- sioner 1904 ; Settlement Ofi&cer, Jhang ; Sen. Secretary to Financial Commissioner 1907 ; Deputy Com- missioner, Sialkot, 1 91 3. Club : East India United Service. Ad- dress : Sialkot, Punjab, India. Abbott, Reginald Stuart : b. Nov. 12, 1882 ; s. of Samuel Abbott, M.I.C.E., of Buenos Aires. Educ. Tonbridge (Sch. and Ex.) ; BaUiol 1901-4 (A.W.P.C.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1903 ; B.A. 1907 ; Torpid (i and 2) ; Eight. Held O.U.R.V.C. 1903 1904, Lieut. 1907, Ajrtillery ; quarters, ^unia, 190^^9 ; ex- Commission in ; 2nd Lieut. Royal Garrison Attache, Army Head- Simla, 190&-9 changed to 38th King George's Own Central India Horse 1909, Adjutant 1910-14; Capt. 1913. Club : Jvmior Naval and MiHtary. Address : c/oCox & Co., 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Abbott, Wilbur Cortez : b. Dec. 28, 1868 ; s. of T. W. Abbott, of Indianopolis, Ind. ; m. 1899, Margaret S., d. of C. W. Smith. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Shortridge High School, Indianapolis ; Wabash Coll. ; Cornell Univ. ; BaUiol 1896-7 (A.L.S., F.Y.P.) ; B.Litt. 1897. Arnold Soc. Instructor in Hist., Univ. of Michigan, 1897-9 » Assist. Prof, of Hist., Dartmouth Coll., 1899-1902 ; Prof, of Hist., Univ. of Kansas, 1902-8, Yale Univ. 1908-, Univ. of Chicago (Sum- mer) 1910 ; Lecturer in Hist., Har- vard Univ., 1912-13 ; B.A. 1892, M.A. 1902, Wabash Coll. ; M.A., Yale, 1909. Publications : Colonel Bloody Crown Stealer ; articles in English and American Historical Reviews, The Nation, Yale Review, &c. Recreations : Tennis, Golf. Clubs : Graduates', The Lawn. Address : 384 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. Abdul Karim Khan : Nawabzada of Sachin : b. May 10, 1891 ; s. of Nawab Abdul Kadir Khan, of Sachin. Educ. Malvern ; Balliol 1909-13 (N.S.T., F.F.U.) ; B.A. 191 3. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : The Palace, Sachin, Guzerat, India. *Aboul Kassem Khan Nasserul- Moulk, Sir : b. July 17, 1856 ; s. of Head of KaragozU clan of Hamadan ; married ; has issue two sons, one daughter. Educ. Teheran ; Balliol 1879-82 (M.M.J., J.L.S.D., R.L.N .). Union, Arnold, and Dervorguilla Socs. Formerly Under-Sec. of State in Persian Foreign Office ; Deputy Governor- General in Province of Khorassan ; Governor- General of Kurdistan ; Ambassador Extraordinary in dif- ferent European Courts ; twice Minister of Persian Finance ; Premier of Persia imder Constitu- tional Government ; Regent of Persia 1911 ; K.C.M.G. 1889; G.C.M.G. 1897 ; G.C. of Lion and Sun of Persia ; ist Class of Por- trait of the Shah ; G.C. of Alex- BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER • ji'nder Newsky of Russia ; G.C. of Lion of the Netherlands ; G.C. of Leopold of Belgium ; G.C. of Legion d'honneur ; G.C. of Iron Crown of Austria. Address : Teheran, Persia. * Abrahams, Barnett Lionel : b. Dec. 9, 1869 ; s. of jNIordecai Abrahams, of London ; m. April 8, 1896, Lucy, d. of N. S. Joseph. Issue : one son. Educ. City of London School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1888-92 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; CI. Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; Prox. Acces. Hert- ford Sch. 1888 and 1889 ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; 2nd Lit. Hmn., and B.A., 1892 ; Arnold Prize 1894 ; M.A. 1905. Brakenbury and Arnold (Pres. and Sec.) Socs. ist in Open Competition for Home Civil Service, and entered India Office, 1893 ; Assist. Sec. to Indian Currency Commission 1898-9 ; Financial Sec. 1902-11 ; member of Departmental Committee on Indian Railways (Finance and Administration) 1907-8 ; C.B. 1908 ; Assist. Under-Sec. of State, India Office, 191 1-. Publica- tions : The Expulsion of the Jews from England in isgo ; contribu- tions to Dictionary of Political Eco- nomy. Addresses : 18 Porchester Terrace, London ,W. ; India Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. *Acland, Rt. Hon. Arthur Herbert Dyke : b. 1847 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir T. D. Acland, Bart. ; m. 1873, Alice Sophia, d. of Rev. Francis Cunningham. Educ. Rugby ; Christ Church 1866-70 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1868 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1870; M.A. 1873. Senior Bursar 1883-8, Hon. Fellow 1888, Balliol. Formerly Student and Steward of Christ Chiurch, and Principal of Oxford Military Coll., Cowley; Vice- Pres. of Committee of Council on Education 1892-5; M.P. (L.) Rotherham, 1885-09; P.C. ; Hon. LL.D., Leeds. Pub- lications : Handbook of Political History of England ; Working- Men Co-operators, Clubs; Athe- naeum, National Liberal. Ad- dresses : 29 St. James's Court, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.; Dunkery House, Felixstowe. Acland, Francis Dyke : 6. March 7, 1874 ; s. of Rt. Hon. A. H. D. Acland, P.C, LL.D., Hon. Fellow of Balliol ; m. Aug. 31, 1905, Eleanor Margaret, d. of C. J. Cropper, of Ellergreen, Kendal. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1893-7 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1897. Brakenbury Soc. Examiner in Education Department 1900-3; Assist. Director for Secondary Edu- cation to West Riding of Yorks C.C. 1903 ; M.P. (L.) Richmond Div. of Yorks 1905-10, Camborne Div. of Cornwall 191 1- ; Parliamentary Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. R. B. Haldane 1906-8 ; Financial Sec. to War Office 1908-n ; Chairman of Departmental Committee on Accidents in Factories 1909—11 ; Member of Senate of Univ. of London ; Parliamentary Under- Sec, for Foreign Affairs 191 1-. Recreation : Fishing. Clubs: Athenaeimi, Brooks's, Travellers'. Address : 5 Cheyne Place, London, S.W. Acland-Hood, Henry Fuller : b. Dec. 12, 1863 ; s. of ist Baron St. Audries ; m. Ruth, d. of Hugh Astley. Issue : one son. Educ. Evelvns, Hillingdon ; Eton ; Bal- liol '1882-6 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1886. Eight (Capt.) ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Dervor- guilla Soc. Solicitor 1890 ;" part- ner in Radcliffe, Cator & Hood, 20 Craven St., Charing Cross, W.C, since 1890. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, golf, and law. Club : Arthur's. Addresses : 10 West Eaton Place, London, S.W. ; Mill House, Odiham, Hants. Acland-Hood, Rt. Hon. Sir Alexan- der Fuller : see Lord St. Audries. Acton, Ernest Reginald : b. July 23, 1856 ; s. of T. L. Acton, Manager of Smith's Bank, Nottingham. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1875-9 (E.A., A.C.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1877 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; M.A. 1884. Union BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Soc. Solicitor : Bath 189 1-7 ; in partnership with Henry Cooke, of Bristol, 1 897-1 906. Recreation : Travel. Address: 22 Sion Hill, Clifton, Bristol. Adam, Arthur Innes : b. April 25, 1894 ; s. of Dr. James Adam, of Cambridge. Ediic. Winchester ; Balliol 1912- (C.B.) ; Hon. Sch., and Warner Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1 9 14. Sec. of Coll, Musical Soc. ; Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 21 Barton Road, Cambridge. Adam, Charles Fox Frederick : b. Nov. 27, 1852 ; s. of General the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Adam, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; m. 1877, Juliet, d. of Siurgeon-Gen. J. C. Palmer, U.S. Navy. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1 871-3 and one term in 1876 (F. de P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1873. Union Soc. Attache, and 3rd Sec, Washington, 1875 ; transferred to Madrid 1878 ; 2nd Sec. Washington, 1879 ; St. Petersburg 1882 ; Rome 1885 ; Sec. of Legation 1888, Acting Charge d' Affaires 1890-1, Rio de Janeiro ; transferred to Brussels 1892 ; Sec. of Embassy, Washing- ton, 1897 ; Acting Charge d' Af- faires, ditto, July-Oct. 1897 ; transferred to Madrid 1898 ; Coun- cillor of Embassy 1904 ; retired 1905. Clubs : Travellers', St. James's, British Empire. Address : 6 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W. [Died Jan. 27, 1913-] Adam, Frederick Edward Fox : b. Feb. 9, 1887 ; s. of C. F. F. Adam, H.M. Diplomatic Service. Educ. Rugby ; Private ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.); 3rd Mod. Hist. 1909 ; B.A. 1910. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Clerk in Foreign Of&ce 1910-. Club : Travellers'. Address : 6 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W. Adams, John Dingle : b. Oct. 4, 1876 ; s. of W. G. Adams, of London. Educ. Tonbridge ; Bal- liol 1895-9 (J-C, W.H.F.) ; 4th Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1899. *Adams, William George Stewart : b. Nov. 8, 1874 ; s. of John Adams, of Hamilton, Scotland ; m. Muriel, d. of William Lane, of Stonehurst, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Issue : one son. Educ. St. John's Gr. School, Hamilton ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1896-1901 (F. de P., J.L.S.D., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1898 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1900 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1901 ; M.A. 1910. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Tutor at Borough Road Training Coll., Isleworth, 190 1-2 ; Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of Chicago, and travelled in U.S.A. and Canada, 1902 ; Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of Manchester, 1903—4 ; Superintendent of Statistics and InteUigence Branch, Department of Agric. and Technical Instruc- tion for Ireland, 1905-10 ; Fellow of All Souls 1910 ; Member of Government Committee on Irish Finance 1911; Reader 1910-12, Gladstone Prof. 191 2-, Politi- cal Theory and Institutions, Ox- ford Univ. Address : 13 Bardwell Road, Oxford. *Addis, Rev. William Edward : b. May 9, 1844 ; s. of Rev. T. Addis, Free Church Minister, Morning- side, Edinburgh ; m. Nov. 5, 1888, Rachel, d. of R. Flood, of Syden- ham, S.E. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Merchiston Castle School ; Balliol 1861-6 (B.J.) ; Snell Ex. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1863 ; 1st Lit. Hum. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1891. Tutor, Manchester CoU., Oxford, 1899-19 10 ; Lec- tmrer. Bow Church, Cheapside ; Cmrate of All Saints, Oxford, 1909- 10 ; Vicar of All Saints, Knights- bridge, 19 10-. Publications : Catholic Dictionary, 1884 ; Docu- ments of Hexateuch, 1893-9 ; Christianity and the Roman Em- pire, 1893 ; The Hebrew Religion in the Time of Ezra, 1908 ; Job and Ruth (Dent's Series) ; con- tributor to Essays on the Synoptic Gospels, Encyclopaedia Britannica, &c. Address : 34 Rutland Gate, London, S.W. Addison, John Joseph : b. July 18, 1863 ; s. of Joseph Addison, of i B2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Bolton Wood House, near Wigton, and Banks House, Low Row, Cumberland ; m. Oct. 23, 1895, Barbara Hewlett (d. 1907), d. of William Wareham, Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. King's Coll. School, London ; New- Inn- Hall 1886 ; BaUiol 1887-90. Solicitor, Supreme Court of Judica- ture, 1886 ; J. P., and Commis- sioner of Income Tax, 1899, Cumberland. Address : Banks House, Low Row, Cumberland. Adey, Arthur Lewis : h. 1855 ; s. of W, C. L. Adey, of Longfleet, Dorset. Educ. Blundell's; Balliol 1874-8 ; Blundell Sch. ; B.A. (New-Inn-Hall) 1886. Adkins, Sir William Ryland Dent, Kt. : b. 1862 ; s. of William Adkins, J. P., of Northampton. Educ. Mill Hill ; University Coll., London ; Balliol 1882-4 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Ex. Barrister, I.T., 1890 ; M.P. (L.) Middleton Div. of Lanes. 1906- ; Recorder of Nottingham 191 1-; Vice-Chair- man Northants County Council. Clubs : Reform, Bath, Eighty. Address : Springfield, Northamp- ton. Adler, Berthold : h. May 12, 18 71 ; s. of Louis Adler. Educ. Univer- sity Coll. School, London (Sch.) ; Balliol 1889-93 (F. de P., T.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1891 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1893. Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1895 ; Surrey Sessions. Club : Reform. Address : 4 Harcourt Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Agnew» Patrick Dalreagle : b. April 26, 1868 ; s. of W. H. Agnew ; m. Nov. 1897, Elizabeth Frances Seaton, d. of Lieut. -Col. C. F. Massy, Indian Army. Educ. Bedford Gr. School; Balliol 1887-9 (W.M.). Annandale Soc. I.C.S., Punjab ; Assist. Commis- sioner and Settlement Ofi&cer 1889 ; Deputy Commissioner 1898 ; Divisional Judge 1910. C/w6 : East India United Service. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament Street, London, S.W. Ahmad, Syed Ahsanuddin : b. Aug. 16, 1859 ; s. of Nawab Amir All Khan Bahadir, CLE. ; m. Dec. 25, i88i. Issue : seven children. Educ. Calcutta Madrassa ; Hoogh- ly Coll. ; Doveton Coll., Calcutta ; Balliol 1877-9 (J.L.S.D., A.T., W.M., J.F.B.). Union (Assist. Lib.) and Brakenbury Socs. Bar- rister, I.T., 1881 ; I.C.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1882 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector 1893 ; Magistrate and Collector 1899 ; I.S.O. 1911 ; transferred to Bihar 1912 ; Com- missioner of Excise and Salt 1912. Clubs : Beaconsfield and Calcutta. Address : Bihar, India. Ainslie, Ainslie Douglas (formerly Grant-Duff) : b. July 9, 1838 ; s. of J. C. Grant-Duff, of Eden, Aberdeenshire; m. 1863, Fanny, d. of E. J. Morgan, of St. Petersburg. Educ. Balliol 1857-9 ; Taylorian Sch. (German and French) 1858. Barrister, M.T., 1874 ; Diplomatic Service ; attached to H.M.'s Legation, Dresden ; Third Sec, St. Petersburg and Paris, 1859-66 ; Contested (L.) E. Aberdeenshire 1875 ; Elgin Burghs 1881 ; formerly Vice-Lieut, for Aber- deenshire ; D.L. Publications : Goethe's Reynard the Fox (in English verse), 1886 ; Glances over Past and Present^ 1913- Recrea- tions: Literatiure, music, fly-fishing, fencing. Clubs : Athenaeum, Re- form, London Fencing. Address : Delgaty Castle, Turriff, Aberdeen- shire. Aitchison, Charles Umpherston : b. April 10, 1875 ; s. of Sir Charles U. Aitchison, K.C.S.I. ; m. Sept. 30, 1908, Helen, d. of James Graham. Issue : one son. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1894-9 (J.C.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1898; M.A., B.M., and B.Ch., 1902 ; M.D. 1907 ; Torpid 1895. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Medical Sch., London Hosp., 1902 ; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. 1902. Formerly Clinical Assist, (medical). House Physician, Re- ceiving-Room Officer, Resident BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Accoucheur, and House Surgeon at London Hospital. Medical Practitioner 1907-11. C/«6 : Bath. Address : 9 Drayton Terrace, South Kensington, London, S.W. [Died Dec. 31, 1911.] Aitken, Stephen Rowan : b. Feb. 18, 1883 ; s. of S. R. Aitken, of London. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1902-6 (F.F.U., E.J., C.B.) ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Union and Arnold Socs. Student, I.T., 1906. Recreations : Golf, lawn tennis. Address : 21 a Car- lyle Square, Chelsea, London, S.W. Albery, Bronson James : &. March 6, 1 881 ; s. of James Albery, Dramatist, of London. Educ. Uppingham ; Balliol 1900-3 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1903. Barrister, I.T., 1904. Club : Gar- rick. Address : 2 Dr. Johnson's Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Alcock, Wilfrid Owen : 6. June 19, 1874 ; s. of John Alcock ; m. Eliza Esther Murray, d. of Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., Principal of the Free Church Coll., Glasgow. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Blundell's; BalUol 1892-6 (J.W.R., A.L.S.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1893 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1895. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1898 ; 2nd Assist. 1909 ; 1st ditto 191 1. Address : c/o Thomas Cook & Son, Bombay, India. Alden, Percy : b. June 6, 1865 ; s. of Isaac Alden, of Oxford ; m. 1899, Dr. Margaret Pearse. Issue : four daughters. Educ. Balliol 1884-8 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1886 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1891. Union Soc. Warden Mansfield House Univ. Settlement 1891- 190X, Hon. ditto 1901, Vice-Pres. 1902 ; Editor of Echo 1901-2 ; Hon. Sec. Settlements Assoc, and of British Institute of Social Ser- vice ; Councillor 1892-1901, De- puty-Mayor 1908, Borough of West Ham ; co-opted Member of London School Board 1903 ; M.P. (R.) Tottenham Div. of Middlesex 1906-. Recreations : Yachting, golf. Clubs : National Liberal, New Reform. Address: The Out* look, Woodford Green, Essex. Alderson, Sir Charles Henry : b, June 29, 1831 ; s. of Hon. Sir E. H. Alderson, of London. Educ* Eton; Balliol 1849; Trinity (Sch.) 1851 ; ist CI. Mods. 1852 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1853 ; B.A. 1854; M.A. 1856. Barrister, I.T., 1855 ; Fellow of All Souls 1857; H.Mf Inspector 1857-82, chief ditto 1882-5, of Schools ; 2nd Charity Commissioner for England and Wales 1885-1900, chief ditto 1900-3 ; C.B. 1899 ; K.C.B. 1903. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 40 Beaufort Gardens, London, S.W. [Died May 2, 1913.] Alexander, Peter James : b. Feb. 17, 1895 ; s. of John Alexander, of Midfield, Perth. Educ. Fettes ; BaUiol 1913- (A.W.P.C.) ; Wil- liams Ex. ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Mid- field, Perth, Scotland. ♦Alexander, Samuel : 6. Jan. 6, 1859 ; s. of Samuel Alexander, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. Wesley Coll., Melbourne ; Melbourne Univ. ; BaUiol 1878-81 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D., A.C.B.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and ist Math. Mods., 1879 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1885 ; Green Moral Philo- sophy Prize 1888. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Fellow 1881- 93, Lecturer 1883-8, Lincoln Coll. ; Prof, of Philosophy, Univ. of Manchester, 1893- ; Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews, 1905 ; Pres, of Aristotelian Soc. 1908-11; F.B.A. 1913. Publications: Moral Order and Progress, 1889 ; Locke, 1908 ; various papers on philo- sophical subjects (especially a series of studies in Realism) in Mind, Proceedings of Aristotelian Soc, British Journal of Psychology, International Journal of Ethics, and other journals. Address : 24 Brunswick Road, Withington, Manchester. Allan, Henry : b. May 31, 1866 ; s. of Alexander Allan, of Glasgow. BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 188S-9 (W.R.H., A.L.S., A.H.J., -A.V.D.) ; 2nd Jur. 1889 ; B.A. 1890. Address : Greystone, Prest- wich, Ayrshire. ♦Allen, Bernard Meredith : b. May 30, •1864; s. of C. H. Allen, Sec. of British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Soc. ; m. Aug. i, 1895, Rosa E., d. of Rev. T- Hunt Cooke. Educ. Highgate School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., J.W.M., J.L.S.D.) ; CI. Sch. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886 ; Hon. Mention for Ireland Sch. ; M.A. 1889 ; Cricket 2nd XI. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Assist. Master Highgate School 1888 ; Harrow 1889-92 ; Dover Coll. 1893 ; entered Tech- nical Education Board, L.C.C., 1894 ; Assist. Sec, ditto, 1897 ; Assist. Executive Officer, L.C.C. Education Department, 1905; De- puty Education Ofiicer,ditto,i909-. A ddress : 14 Gainsborough Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. Allen, Edward Howarth : see Greenly, E. H. Allen, Geoffrey William : 6. May 12, 1893 ; s. of A. W. Allen, of Duf- field, Derby. Educ. Uppingham ; Balliol 1912- (N.S.T., E.H.) ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. Ad- dress : Ellesmere, DufSeld, Derby. Allen, George Boyce : b. Nov. 14, 1856 ; e. s. of Sir George Wigram Allen, K.C.M.G., of Sydney, N.S.W. ; m. Dec. 13, 1888, - Isabella, d. of Joseph Dundas, of Fingask and Carron Hall, Stirling- shire. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Sydney Gr. School ; Univ. of Sydney ; Balliol 1878-80 (F. de P., A.C.B.) ; Minor Ex. Union and Braken- bury Socs. B.A., Sydney, 1876 ; Barrister, I.T., 1890. Director of W. and A. McArthur, Ltd., Silk St., London, E.C., and of Mount Kembla Collieries, Ltd., Moorgate St., London, E.C. Clubs : Devon- shire; Union (Sydney). Address: 145 Woodstock Road, Oxford. *Allen, Rev. John Seymour : b. March 17, 1855 ; s. of Capt. S. P. Allen (ist Life Guards), M.P,, M.F.H., of Cresselly, Pembroke ; m. April 1888, Lilian, d. of J. C. Brown, J. P. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1873-7 (R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1875 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1876; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1877 ; M.A. 1880; Torpid; winner Univ. Foils and Silver Medal for G>Tnnas- tics. Wells Theol. Coll. 1877-8 ; F.R.G.S. 1878 ; Curate of Frees, Salop, 1878-80 ; Vicar of Pembroke Dock 1880-94 ; Rector of Clid- desden - cum - Farleigh, Hants, 1 894-. Recreations : Mountaineer- ing, travel. Address : Cliddesden Rectorv, Basingstoke. Allen, Jbnn William : b. 1865 ; s. of J. W. Allen, of London. Educ. Marlborough ; BalUol 1884-8. (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; Minor Ex. ; 1st Mod. Hist. 1887; B.A. 1888. Address : 30 Blenheim Gardens, Willesden Green, London, N.W. Alliott, Richard : b. 1870 ; s. of Rev. R. Alliott, of Bishop's Stortford. Educ. Bishop's Stort- ford Gr. School ; Balliol 1889-93 (J.C, W.H.F.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Phys.) 1893 ; B.A. 1894. M.R.C.S. ; L.R.C.P. Address : 17 Augusta Road, Ramsgate. Allison, William : b. April 30, 1851 ; s. of J. p. Allison, of Kilvington, Thirsk ; m. Aug. 30, 1876, Frances, d. of J. L. Walker. Issue : one son , one daughter. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1870-4 (R.L.N., A.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; ist Jur. 1874; B.A. and M.A. 1896; winner Coll. Half-Mile Handicap. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1877 ; Editor St. Stephen'' s Review 1883-1900 ; ' The Special Commissioner ' of The Sportsman ; Founder and Hon. Sec. of the Sporting League ; Proprietor International Horse Agency and Exchange, and of the Cobham Stud. Publications : The British Thoroughbred Horse ; Blair Athol ; The Tory Lordling ; The Tale of a Horse ; Hidden Talent ; The Parson and the Painter (in collaboration with Phil May) ; editor of Lowe's Breeding Race- BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER horses by the Figure System. Ad- dresses : Park Cottage, Cobham, Surrey ; 17 Kensington Gate, London, W. AUsopp, Henry : b. Aug. 31, 1878 ; s. of William Allsopp, of Derby ; w. Dec. 28, 1910, Elizabeth May Robertson. Educ. Orchard St. Board School, and Pupil Teachers' Centre, Derby ; Univ. Coll., Nottingham, 1897-9 ; Balliol 1907- 10 (E.J. P., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1910. Vice- Principal and Sec, Ruskin Coll., Oxford, 1910 ; H.M. In- spector of Schools, 1912-. Publica- tions : The Voice of One, 1903 ; Life and Death, 1905 ; The Wood- man, 1910 ; Introduction to English Industrial History, 191 2 ; edited Tennyson's Princess, 1910. Ad- dress : Peveril, Bracken Road, Darlington. Ameer Ali, Waris : 6. Oct. 12, 1886 ; s. of Rt. Hon. the Sved Ameer Ali, P.C, CLE., M.A., LL.D. Educ. Wellington ; BaUiol 1905-9, and 1911 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909 ; Sec. of Univ. Rifle Assoc, and of Coll. Rifle Club ; snap-shooting team v. Cambridge 1908-9 ; won Championship of Univ. Rifle Assoc. 1908. I.C.S. United Prov. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 191 1. Publications : Various articles on shooting and on political (especially Eastern) and military questions. Recreations : Hunting, shooting, tennis, polo. Addresses : 2 Cadogan Place, Lon- don, S.W. ; c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India. 'I'Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett : b. Nov. 22, 1873 ; s. of C. F. Amery, India Forest Service ; nt. 1910, Florence, d. of J. Hamar Greenwood, of Whitby, Ont. Issue : one son. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892-6 (E.A., W.R.H., J.A.S.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and Prox. Acces. to Craven Sch., 1894 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1896 ; M.A. 1901 ; Half-blue, cross-country running, 1895 ; Hockey XL Union (Lib. Committee) andBrakenbury(Pres.) Socs. Ouseley Sch. in Tiurkish, Imperial Institute, 1895 ; Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. L. H. Courtney 1896-7 ; Fellow of All Souls 1897 ; travelled in Near East 1897-8 ; Tittles correspondent in S. Africa 1899-1900 ; Barrister, I.T., 1902 ; Contested (U.) E. Wolverhampton 1906, 1908, and 1910 ; ditto Bow and Bromley 1910 ; M.P. S. Birm- ingham 191 1-. Publications : The Problem of the Army, 1903 ; Funda- mental Fallacies of Free Trade, 1906 ; The Great Question, 1909 ; Union and Strength, 1912 ; Editor ' Times ' History of Boer War, 1900-9. Recreations : Travelling, mountaineering, ski-ing, sailing. Clubs : Athenaeima, Alpine, Bath, United Empire. Address : g Em- bankment Gardens, Chelsea, Lon- don, S.W. Anderson, Albert John Gordon : b. Aug. 30, 1885 ; s. of Rev. J. F. Anderson, of Mauritius, and Kew Gardens, Surrey. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 190S , B.A. 1909 ; Hockey XI (Sec. and Capt.). Union, Arnold (Treas. and Pres.), and Brakenbury Socs. Solicitor. Address : 4 Lichfield Road, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Anderson, Francis Geoffrey Hart- nell : b. Dec. 23, 1869 ; s. of E. F. Anderson, C.E. ; m. 1893, Kath- leen Mary, d. of S. C. Clark. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Bath CoU. (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1888-93 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D., W.M.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1892 ; Hon. Mention Hertford Sch. ; B.A. and M.A. 1906. Union and Brakenbury Socs. I.C.S. 1892 ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Bombay Presidency ; Assist. Po- litical Agent, Savanur, 1896 ; Comptroller, Finance Depart- ment, Central Province, 1899 ; Deputy Accountant-General, Ben- gal, 1900 ; Deputy Comptroller- General, Calcutta ; Accountant- General, Jammu and Kashmir States, 1903 ; Accoimtant-General, Punjab, 1905 Junior Collector BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and Magistrate, Oct. 1909 ; ditto and PoUtical Agent, Surat, Nov. 1909 ; Sen. Collector and ditto 191 1- ; on special duty (Maha- baleshwar) in Revenue Secre- tariat, 1914. Clubs : Byculla, Roval Yacht (Bombay). Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Anderson, Geoffrey Basil : b. Jan. 8, 1893 ; s. of E. Anderson, of Ox- ford. Educ. Oxford High School ; Balliol 1912- (H.B.H.). Address : 76 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Andorsen, Harold Frederic : b. Nov. 4, 1SS5 ; s. of Harald An- dorsen, of London. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1903-6 (A.L.S.,H.\V.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906. Barrister, I.T., 1912. Address : 25 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle Place, S.W. Andrewes-Uthwatt, Augnstus : b. April 25, 1879 ; s. of Thomas Andrewes-Uthwatt, of Ballarat, Victoria, N.S.W. Educ. Ballarat Coll., Victoria ; Balliol 1901-3 (E.J.) ; B.C.L. 1903 ; Vinerian Sch. 1905 ; Torpid ; Lawn Tennis Six. Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, G.I., 1904 ; Reader of Incorporated Law Soc. Publica- tictn : Joint-editor of Lindley on Partnership, 8th ed. Club : Re- form. Address : 9 Stone Build- ings, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Angus, Henry Forbes : b. April ig, 1S91 ; s. of William Angus, of Victoria. B.C. Educ. McGill Univ. (ist Class Honours in Eco- nomics) ; Balliol 191 1- (E.H.) ; ist Jut., and B.A., 1913 ; Vinerian Law Sch. 1914. Address : c/o Bank of Montreal, 47 Threadneedle St., London, E.C. Anis, Hassan Mohammed : b. March 20, 1S85 ; s. of Mohammed Bey Anis, of Cairo. Educ. Tew- fikieh School and Khedivial School of Law, Cairo ; Balliol 1903-4 (E.J., E.H.). Annandale, Thomas Nelson : b. June 15, 1876 ; s. of Prof. Thomas Annandale, F.R.C.S. Educ. Rug- by ; Balliol 1895-8 (J.C.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Morph.) 1898 ; B.A. 1S99. Union Soc. Research Fellow 1902-4, D.Sc. 1905, Univ. of Edinburgh. Deputy Superintendent 1904-6, Super- intendent 1906-, Indian Museum ; Fellow, and Hon. Sec. (Anthrop.), 1904-11, Hon. Sec. (Biology*) 1914, Asiatic Soc. of Bengal ; member of Board of Visitors of Indian Institute of Science 1910. Publications : The Faroes and Iceland ; Studies in Island Life ; Freshwater Sponges, Polyps, and Polyzoa (in Fauna of British India) ; various papers in zoologi- cal and anthropological journals ; contributor to Fasciculi Malay- enses. Club : Bengal United Ser- vice (Calcutta). Address : Indian Museum, Calcutta, India. Anson, Arthur : b. 1857 ; s. of Rev. Frederick Anson, Rector of Sud- bury, Derby, and Canon of Wind- sor. Educ. Hailevbury ; Balliol 1876-80 (F. de 'p., W.R.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1S78 ; 3rd Jur. 1880. Private Tutor and Tea Planter. Address : Carfax, Hatton, Ceylon. ♦Anson, Frederick Henry : b. Dec. 3, 1848 ; s. of Rev, Frederick Anson, Rector of Sudbury, Derby, and Canon of Windsor ; m. Aug. 1885, Agnes Henrietta, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir T. D. Ac- land, Bart. Issue : two daugh- ters. Educ. Radley ; Balliol 1867-71 (E.P., H.J.S.S.) ; ist Math. Mods. 1869 ; 2nd Math. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1874 ; Torpid ; Eight. Union Soc. CivU Engineer ; J. P., County of London, 1907 ; Chairman of St. Margaret's Bench, West- minster, 191 1, of Managers of L.C.C. Schools, Westminster, of Westminster Skilled Employment Committee, and of Herts, and Essex Waterworks Co. Recrea- tions : Photography, golf, music. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 72 St. George's Square, London, S.W. *Anson, Sir William Reynell, 3rd Bari;. : b. Nov. 14, 1843 ; s. of Sir J. W. H. Anson, 2nd Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1862-6 (E.C.W., E.P., J.R., B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods. 8 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1863 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1866; M.A. 1869; B.C.L. 1875; D.C.L. 1881. FeUow 1867, War- den 1881-, All Souls Coll. ; Barris- ter 1869, Bencher 1900, I.T. ; Vinerian Reader in English Law 1874-81 ; Examiner in Jur. 1876, 7; 1880,2,3,4; 1895; Contested (L.) W. Staffs. 1880; FeUow of Eton Coll. 1883 ; Chancellor of the Diocese of Oxford 1899-1912 ; Trustee of Jowett Memorial Fund ; Alderman, City of Oxford, 1892-6 ; Chairman of Quarter Sessions for Oxfordshire 1894- ; Vice-Chancel- lor, Oxford Univ., 1898 ; M.P., ditto, 1899- ; Parliamentary Sec, Board of Education, 1902-5 ; Trustee, National Portrait Gallery, 1904- ; P.C., and Trustee of the British Museum, 191 1 ; Curator of Bodleian Library ; member of the Visitatorial Board ; Delegate of Non-Collegiate Students ; Corre- sponding member of French Academy of Moral Sciences ; LL.D., Cambridge ; Edinburgh ; D.C.L., Durham, 1913 ; F.B.A. Publications : Principles of the English Law of Contract ; Law and Custom of the Constitution : Part I, Parliament ; Part II, The Crown ; Editor of Memoirs of ■^rd Duke of Grafton. Clubs : Brooks's, Athe- naeum,Travellers', New University. Addresses : 194 Ashley Gardens, London, S.W. ; Pusey House, Faringdon ; All Souls College, Oxford. *Argles, Rev. Canon George Mar- sham : b. July 12, 1S41 ; s. of Ver}'' Rev. Marsham Argles, Dean of Peterborough ; m. 1870, Mary Ann, d. of Thomas Harrison, of Singleton Park, Kendal. Issue : three sons, five daughters. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1861-5 (J.R.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1864 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch., and M.A., 1867. Ordained d. 1865, p. 1866 ; Curate of Christ Church, Doncaster, 1865-71 ; Rector of St. Clement's, York, 1871-; Canon of York 1888 ; Proctor in Convocation for Archdeaconry of York 1896 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Peterborough 1897. Publication : Instructions for Confirmation. Addresses : St. Clement's Rectory, York ; Haw- barrow, Milnthorpe, Westmor- land. *Argles, Hubert Davys : b. May 28, 1879 ; s. of Rev. Canon G. M. Argles, Rector of St. Clement's, York. Educ. Charterhouse ; Bal- liol 1898-1902 (E.A., F.F.U.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1900 ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1906 ; Torpid and Eight (cox). Braken- bury Soc. Sub-Agent to Earl Manvers, and Agent to the Dowa- ger Countess of Carnarvon. Club : Leander. Address: White Lodge, Thoresby Park, Ollerton. ♦Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pel- lew : b. April 10, 1864 ; s. of Rev. G. H. ArkwTTight, of Sutton Scars- dale, Derbvshire. Educ. Eton ; BaUiol 1883-7 (J-W.M., F. de P., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1885 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1887; B.A. and M.A. 1906. Address : Crowshott, Highclere, Newbury. Arkwright, Walter George : b. 1866 ; s. of Rev. G. H. ArkwTright, of Sut- ton Scarsdale, Derbyshire. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1884-7 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D., A.L.S., R.L.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1885 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1887. Address: Great Gravels, Newbury, ♦Armitage, Valentine Leathley : b. Feb. 14, 1888 ; s. of Rev. A. L. Armitage, Vicar of Gretton, Northants. Educ. King's School, Canterbury ; Balliol 1906-9 and 1911 (E.J.P., J.A.S.) ; 4th Mod. Lang. (French) 1910 ; B.A. 1911 ; M.A. 1913 ; Torpid (2). Lecturer in Enghsh, Lycee de Gar^ons, Rennes, 1909-11 ; ditto Univ. of Rennes ; Diplome de la langue et de la litterature fran^aises, Univ. of Rennes, 1911 ; Mod. Lang. Master, Gore Court, Sitting- bourne, and The Grange, Folke- stone, 1911-14; Assist, ditto, '■ Rossall, 1914- ; connected with Boy Scout Movement, E. North- ants. Address : Gretton Vicarage, Northampton. BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Arraitstcad, George Henry : b. April 24, 1853 ; s. of Robert Armitstead, of Dunscar, Bolton. Educ. Thorpe MandeviUe ; Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1872-5 (T.H.G.) ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875 ; M.A. 1890; Eight; O.U.A.C, Three Miles v. Cam- bridge. Solicitor 1878. Address : 136 Terminus Road, Eastbourne. [Died Dec. 23, 1911.] Armour, John Stuart : h. Jan. 25, 1885 ; s. of William Armour, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1911-13 (H.W.C.D.); 3rd Mod. Hist. 1913 ; Assoc. XI. Address : 19 Kelvinside Gardens East, Glasgow. ♦Arnold, Emest Penrose : h. Aug. i, 1847 ; s. of Rev. C. T. Arnold, Assist. Master at Rugby ; m. April 3, 1880, Clara EUza, d. of Dr. Richard Bright, of Guy's Hospital. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1867-70 (B.J.) ; 2ndCl. Mods. 1869; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1871 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1877. Studied in BerUn, Munich, Wiirzburg, and Paris, 1 871-2 ; Assist. Master, CHfton Coll., 1873-7 ; Joint Master, . Wixenford School, 1877-9; Head Master, ditto, 1879— 1903. Address : Stileraans, Godalming, Surrev. Arnold, Rev. Kerchever William : b. 1 831 ; s. of Rev. T. K. Arnold, of Lyndon, Rutland. Educ. Ros- sall ; Balliol 1850-4 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1854 ; B.A. 1855. Curate of TopcUffe, Yorks., 1856-60. [Died June 22, 1911.] ♦Arthur, James Startin Wills : b. March 9, 1881 ; s. of Rev. W. W. Arthur, Rector of Atherington, Devon. Educ. Marlborough (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1900- 4 (A.L.S., F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 191 1. Colonial Civil Service, Cadet, 1904 ; studied Chinese at Amoy 1905-7 ; appointments in Singapore, Penang, &c., 1908-. Club : Junior Carlton. A ddr esses : Atherington Rectory, Umberleigh, R.S.O., N. Devon ; Penang, Singa- pore, Straits Settlements. Arundel, Arthur Duncan Stuart : 6. Oct. 4, 1882 ; s. of Sir A. T. Arundel, K. C.S.I. Educ. Charter- house ; Balliol 1901-3 and 1905-6 (F. de P., A.W.P.C.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1903 ; B.A. 1906, Arnold Soc. Schoolmaster 1906-7 ; studied at Univ. Coll. of Wales, Aberystwith, 1908-9, Edinburgh Univ., 1909-10, and St. Andrews Univ., 1910-11. Recreations : Athletics, cross-country running. Address : Uplands, Maybury Hill, Woking. Arundell, Rev. Gilbert Harris- : b. 1869 ; s. of W. R. A. H.-Arundell, of Lifton, Devon ; »». Jan. 5, 1904, Theodora Isabella, d. of J. H. de C. Bellamy. Issue : one son. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1889-90 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; Newte Ex. ; B.A. 1895. Schoolmaster ; ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curateof Stoke Damarel 1907-9; St. Mary Magdalene, Barnstaple, 1909-10 ; Lew Trenchard, 1910-. Address : The Ramps, Lew Down, Devon. ♦Ashbumer, Walter : b. at Boston, Mass., March 13, 1864 ; s. of Samuel Ashbumer. Educ. Univ. Coll. School, London ; Balliol 1883-7 (E.A.) ; Domus and Jenkyns Ex. ; I St CI. Mods. 1884 ; Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1885 ; Craven Sch. 1886 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887 ; Eldon Law Sch. 1889 ; M.A. 1890 ; Fellow of Merton 1887-94. Barrister, L.I., 1892. Publications : Concise Treatise on Mortgages, 1897 ; Principles o[ Equity y 1902 ; The Rhodian Sea- Law (edited from the MSS.), 1909. Club'. Reform. Address: 6 Piazza San Lorenzo, Florence, Italy. Ashley, George Randolph : 6. July, 1858 ; s. of Rev. Prebendary G. E. Ashley, Rector of Stretton- Sugwas ; m. 1882, Alice Louisa, d. of R. O. Davies, of Pencraig. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1877-80 (W.H.F., R.G.T.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1881 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Assist. Master St. Mark's School, Windsor, 1881- 4 ; late Major 3rd V.B. Royal 10 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Welsh Fusiliers ; J. P. Carnarvon- shire. Clubs : Marylebone, Con- stitutional. Address : Hafaned, Bettws-y-coed, Carnarvon. Ashley, William James : b. Feb. 25, i860 ; s. of James Ashley, of Bermondsey ; m. 1888, Margaret, d. of G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L. Issue : one son, two daughters, Educ. St. Olave's Grammar School, Southwark (Sch.) ; Balliol 1878- 81 (A.L.S., J.F.B.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; Shakespeare Prize, 1880 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1881 ; Lothian Prize 1882 ; M.A. 1885 ; Fellow and Hist. Lecturer, Lin- coln, 1885-8 ; Hist. Lecturer, Cor- pus, 1885-8; Prof, of Pohtical Economy and Constitutional Hist., Univ. of Toronto, 1888 ; Prof, of Economic Hist., Harvard Univ., U.S.A., 1892 ; Corresponding Member, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1901 ; Prof, of Commerce, 1901-, Dean of Faculty of Com- merce, 1902-, Univ. of Birming- ham ; Pres. Economic Science Section of British Assoc. 1907, and of Economic Hist. Section of Intemat. Hist. Congress, 191 3 ; M.Com. ; Ph.D., Berlin, 1910. Publications : Introduction to English Economic History and Theory : Part I, The Middle Ages, 1888 ; Part H, The End of the Middle Ages, 1893 ; Surveys, Historic and Economic, 1900 ; Adjustment of Wages, 1903 ; The Tariff Problem, 1903 (3rd ed., enlarged, 191 1) ; Progress of the German Working Classes, 1904 ; The Rise in Prices, 1912 ; edited Economic Classics (and translated therein Turgot, Reflections, and Schmoller, Mercantile System) ; British Industries, 1903 ; Mill's Political Economy, 1909 ; and British Dominions, 191 1. Ad- dress : 3 Yateley Road, Edg- baston, Birmingham. Ashton, Arthm" Jacob : h. Feb. 4, 1855 ; s. of Walter Ashton, Bank Manager, of Warrington ; m. 1890, Emma, d. of Dr. Thomas Burnie, of Nottingham. Issue : one son, two daughters, Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 1874-8 (F. de P., A.C.B.) ; Sch. ist CI. Mods. 1875 ; ist Lit. Hum. and B.A., 1878. Union Soc Barrister, I.T., 1881 ; K.C. 1906 Recorder of Manchester, 191 4- Clubs : Garrick, Reform. Ad dresses'. 2 Mitre Court Buildings Temple, London, E.C. ; 4 Lad broke Square, London, W. Lavender Walk, Rye, Sussex. Ashton, Edward Deakin : b. Oct 27, 1889 ; s. of H. D. Ashton, J. P. of Darwen. Educ. Sedbergh Balliol 1908-12 (C.B., A.L.S. H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1912 B.A. 1913. Address : EUerslie, Darwen. Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank Trelawny Arthur: b. April 14, 1889 ; s. of Rev. W. H. T. Ashton-Gwatkin, Rector of Wrotham, Educ. Eton ; BaUiol 1907-9 (H.W.C.D.) ; New- digate Prize 1909. Student Inter- pretership, Japan, 191 3. Address : British Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. Asquith, Cyril : b. Feb. 5, 1890 ; s. of Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, K.C, M.P., Prime Minister and Sec. of State for War. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1909- 13 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; CI. Sch. ; dist. in Craven, and Prox. Acces. Hertford Schs. 1910 ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford, Craven, and Ireland Schs., 191 1 ; ist Lit. Hum., and Eldon Law Sch., 191 3 ; B.A. 1914. Fellow of Magdalen 191 3-. Address : Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. Asquith, Herbert : b. March n, 1881 ; s. of Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, K.C, M.P., Prime Minis- ter and Sec. of State for War. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1900-4 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1904. Union Soc. (Treas. and Lib. 1902, Pres. 1903). Barrister, L.I., 1907. Address : 20 Caven- dish Square, London, W. Asquith, Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry : b. Sept. 12, 1852 ; s. of J. D. Asquith, of Croft House, Morley ; m. (i) 1877, Helen, d. of F. Mel- land, of Manchester. Issue : four II BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER sons, one daughter ; (2) 1894, Emma Alice Margaret, d. of Sir C. Tennant, Bart. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1870-4 ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1872 ; ist Lit. Hum., Craven Sch., and B.A., 1874 ; Hon. D.C.L, 1904. Union Soc. (Treas. 1872-3, Pres. 1874). Fellow 1874-82, Hon. Fellow 1908, Balliol. Barrister, L.L, 1876; M.P. (L.) for East Fife 1886- ; . Jun. Counsel to Sir Charles Russell, Parnell Commission, 1889 ; Q.C. 1890 ; Sec. of State for Home Department 1892-5 ; Ecclesiasti- cal Commissioner 1892-5 ; P.C. 1892 ; Lord Rector, Glasgow Univ., 1905 ; Chancellor of Ex- chequer 1905-8 ; Prime Minister and First Lord of Treasury 1908- ; Sec. of State for War 1914- ; Hon. LL.D., Cambridge, 1908, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, and St. Andrews ; Lord Rector, Aber- deen Univ., 1908 ; Elder Brother of Trinity House 1909 ; F.R.S. ; D.C.L. Durham 1913. Recreation : Golf. Clubs : Brooks's, Athe- naeum, Reform, National Liberal. Addresses : 10 Downing St., London, S.W. ; 20 Cavendish Square, London, W. *Asquith, Raymond : b. Nov. 6, 1878; s. of Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, K.C., M.P., Prime Minister and Sec. of State for War ; m. July 25, 1907, Katharine Frances, d. of Sir John Homer, K.C.V.O. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1897-1902 (F. de P., J.A.S., E.J.) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch., and Prox. Access, to Hertford Sch., 1898 ; ist CI. Mods. 1899 ; Ireland Sch. 1900; ist Lit. Hum., JenkynsEx., and B.A., 1901 ; ist Jur., and Derby and Eldon Schs., 1902 ; M.A. 1904 ; Assoc. XI (capt.). Union (Lib. 1899, Pres. 1900), Dervor- guilla (Pres.), and Annandale (Pres.) Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1902-10 ; Barrister, I.T., 1904 ; Jun. British Counsel at the Hague Arbitration on the Newfoundland Fisheries question 1909. Recrea- tions : Shooting, golf. Clubs: Brooks's, Union ; Hampshire County and Sunningdale Golf. Addresses : 49 Bedford Square, London, W.C. ; i Paper Build- ings, Temple, London, E.C. *Asquith, William WUlans : b. June23, 1851; s. of J. D. Asquith, of Croft House, Morley. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1871-5 (F. de P., T.H.G.) ; Minor Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875 ; M.A. 1879. Assist. Master Clifton Coll. 1 876-1910. Club : National Liberal. Address : 15 The Pryors, East Heath Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Aston, Arthur Henry Southcote : b. July 4, 1874 ; s. of H. F. Aston, Puisne Judge of the High Court of Bombay ; w. April 16, 1906, Ada Lilian, d. of Col. Albany Savile. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow (Bot- field Sch.) ; Balliol 1893-6 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; B.A. and M.A. 1901 ; Eight ; Cricket XL An- nandale and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, L.L, 1901 ; member Inns of Court R.V. ; practised at Bombay Bar 1902-6 ; Hon. Sec. Bombay Cricket Gymkhana 1904- 5 ; Public Prosecutor and Govern- ment Pleader, Sind, 1906 ; Chief Presiding Magistrate and Revenue Judge, Bombay, 1907. Publica- tion : Joint editor Starling's Indian Criminal Law, 8th ed. Clubs : Bath ; Royal Yacht, BycuUa (Bombay). Address: c/o Grindlay & Co., Bombav, India. Aston, Ernest John Soutlicote : b. Nov. 12, 1875 ; s. of H. F. Aston, Puisne Judge of the High Court of Bombay ; m. Sept. 16, 1908, Blossom Matilda Haye. Issue : one son. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1893-7 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1897 ; Eight ; Torpid. Dervorguilla Soc. Entered service of British S. Africa Co. 1898 ; took part in Boer War under Col. Plumer (present at relief of Mafeking) ; Acting Registrar of Deeds, 12 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Patents, and Trademarks, 1907 and 1909 ; Acting Magistrate and Civil Commissioner, Victoria Dis- trict, 1907 ; Assist. Magistrate, Hartley, 1911 ; ditto, Buluwayo, 1911-12 ; ditto, Gwelo, 1912-. Address : Gwelo, Rhodesia, S. Africa. Atkins, Charles Herbert : b. Dec. 31, 1870 ; s. of John Atkins, of Coventry ; m. Aug. 15, 1900, Amelia Farquhar, d. of Robert Lumsden, of Aberdeen. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. King Henry VHI's School, Coven- try (Sch.) ; Balliol 1889-91 (W.M.) ; Morrison Fours ; Tor- pid (2). Union and Arnold Socs. I.C.S. 1891 ; Registrar, Punjab Chief Court, 189&-9 ; Divisional Judge, Ferozepore ; Deputy Com- missioner, Lahore, Shahpur, and Ferozepore Districts ; Political Agent, Phulkian States and Baha- walpur, 1 910. Recreations : Polo, shooting. Clubs : East India United Service ; United Service (Simla), Punjab (Lahore). Ad- dresses : c/o Secretariat, Lahore, India ; The Bungalow, Porlock, Som. Atkins, John de Courcy : b. Nov. 4, 1859 ; s. of J. R. Atkins, of the Public Record Office ; m. June 23, 1896, Gertrude, d. of A. Black. Issue : one daughter. Educ. University Coll. School ; London Univ. ; Balliol 1878-80 (A.T.) ; played for Univ. Chess Club. I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Forest Settlement Officer, Under-Sec. to Government in Financial and Revenue Depart- ments, Deputy Accountant- General, Postmaster-General, Junior Sec. to Government in General, Education, &c.. Depart- ments, Bombay, 1880-95 ; Sec. to Government, ditto, 1896 ; Senior Collector, Satara, and Political Agent, Phaltan, 1901-4; Collector of Surat; Acting Com- missioner, N.D., 1904-9. Retired 1909. Recreations : Golf, lawn tennis, croquet, bridge, chess. Clubs : East India United Ser- vice ; Roehampton. Address : 37 Holland Villas Road, London, W. Auld, William James : b. June 21, 1882 ; s. of Robert Auld, of Greenock. Educ. Greenock Aca- demy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1904-7 (J.A.S., H.W.C.D., J.L.S.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1907 ; B.A. 1908. Assist. Master, Ajn: Academy, 1907-10 ; Classical Master, Leith Academy, 1910-. Address : 31 Ryehill Terrace, Leith, Scotland. *Austen-Leigh, Rev. Arthur Henry : b. Feb. 28, 1836 ; s. of Rev. J. E. Austen- Leigh, Vicar of Bray ; m. 1876, Mary Violet, d. of R. Hall, of Oakley Comrt, Windsor. Issue : seven children. Educ. Cheltenham; BalUol 1855-9 (E.C.W.) ; Craven Sch. 1857 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1858 ; ist Law and Hist. 1859 ; B.A. i860 ; M.A. 1866 ; B.D. 1872 ; Cricket XI ; Univ. Junior Racquets. Ordained d. 1864, p. 1865 ; formerly Fel- low of St. John's ; Curate of Christ Church, Marylebone, 1865- 7 ; ditto. Bray, Berks., 1867-74 ; Rector of Winterboum 1875-90 ; Vicar of Wargrave 1 890- 191 1. Member Governing Body Chelten- ham Coll. CZw& : Marylebone. Ad- dress : 2 Southcote Road, Read- ing. Austen-Leigh, Charles Edward : b. 1833 ; s. of Rev. J. E. Austen- Leigh, Vicar of Bray. Educ. Harrow ; BaUiol 1851 ; Craven Sch. 1851. Principal Clerk of Committees, House of Commons, 1892-7. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, stalking, golf. Club : Oriental. Address : Frog Firle, Berwick Station, Sussex. ♦Avebury, Rt. Hon. Lord, 2nd Baron, Jolm Birkbeck Lubbock : b. Oct. 4, 1858 ; s. of ist Lord Avebury. Edtic. Eton ; Balliol 1878-81 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 2nd Jur. 1881 ; B.A. and M.A. 1885. Partner in Robarts, Lub- bock & Co., Bankers. Club : Arthur's. Address : 15 Lombard St., London, E.G. »3 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER B Backhouse, Edward : b. Oct. 26, 1876 ; s. of James E. Backhouse, of Hurworth ; m. April 8, 1902, Lucy Backhouse, d. of E. B. Mounsey, of Blackwell Hill, Darlington. Educ. Leighton Park School, Reading ; Balliol 1895-8 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1898 ; B.A. 1899 ; Arnold Soc. (Vice- Pres.). Local Director, Barclay and Co., Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees, 1906, Darlington 1908; J. P. Durham County 1907 ; Pres. S.E. Diurham Liberal Assoc. 1904-. Recreation : Mountaineer- ing. Address : Blackwell Manor, Darlington. Backhouse, Kenneth James : b. April 26, 1885 ; s. of James E. Backhouse, of Hurvvorth. Educ. Leighton Park School, Reading ; BaUiol 1903-7 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.); 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1907. Address : Hurworth Grange, Croft, Darlington. [Died Jan. 8, 1912.] Bacon, His Honour Judge Francis Henry : b. Oct. 7, 1831 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir James Bacon, Vice- Chancellor. Educ. King's Coll. School ; Private ; Balliol 1850- 4 (B.J., E.C.W., G.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1852 ; 3rd Lit, Hum., and B. A., 1854; M. A. 1856. Barrister, L.I., 1856 ; Revising Barrister of the Metropolitan Boroughs ; County Court Judge, Blooms- bury and Whitechapel, 1878-1911. Clubs : Athenaeum, United Univ., Automobile, Ranelagh, and Hur- lingham. Addresses : i Lancaster . Gate Terrace, London, W. ; Comp- ton Beauchamp, Shrivenham. [Died June 10, 19x1.] Bacon, Roger Sewell : b. Jan. 23, 1895 ; s. of Sewell Bacon, of Ox- ton, Birkenhead. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 191 3- (A.D.L.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address: High- ground, Oxton, Birkenhead. *Badcock, Hugh Daniel : b. Jan. 9, 1871 ; s. of Daniel Badcock, of Kilve Court, Bridgwater, Som. ; tn. 1901, Margaret Isabel, d. of D. R. Close. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1890-4 (J.W.R.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1892 ; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1897 ; Univ. Hockey XI 1893-4. Union, Der\''orguilla, and Brakenbury Socs. Civil Engineer ; A.M.I.C.E. 1897 ; Resident En- gineer Weymouth Sewage Works 1897-8 ; Sergeant in West Somer- set Yeomanry in S. African War (Queen's medal, four clasps) ; Inspector of Machinery, and J. P., Transvaal, 1901-2 ; City Engineer, Pretoria, 1902-8 ; Commissioner of Works, member of Legislative Council, and J. P., Fiji Islands, 1910-12. Club : New Oxford and Cambridge, ^^ir^ss: Kilve Court, near Bridgwater. Badenoch, Alexander Cameron : b. July 2, 1889 ; s. of Alexander Badenoch, of Dunfermline. Educ. Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1911-12 (J.L.S.D.) ; Morrison Fours 1912. I.C.S. Address : U.F.C. Abbey Manse, DunfermUne, Scotland. ♦Baden-Powell, Frank Smyth : b. July 29, 1850 ; 5. of Rev. Prof . Baden-Powell, F.R.S., of Oxford, and Langton, Kent ; m. May 1902, Florence Sydney, d. of James Watt, of Napier, New Zealand, Issue : one son. Educ. St. Paul's School, London ; Marlborough ; Balliol 1 871-5 (B.J.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1878 ; Univ. Rugby XV ; winner various college athletic prizes. F.R.G.S. ; F.Z.S. ; Barrister, I.T., 1883 ; studied art in Paris 1883-5 (paint- ing under Carolus Duran, and sculpture under Rodin) ; ex- hibited at Royal Academy, Paris Salon, &c. Recreations : Travel- ling, shooting, fly-fishing, billiards, mechanical inventions. Clubs : Shikar, White's, Arts, Ranelagh ; Royal and Ancient St. Andrews, Royal Wimbledon Golf, Skating, Address : Langton House, Palace Gate, London, W. *Bagnold, Alexander Bumes : b. March 8, 1846 ; s. of Major- General Bagnold, Bombay Army, 14 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1864-8 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1866 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A, 1872. Barrister, L.I., 1870 ; Assist. Sec. Fire Offices' Committee 1886-90 ; Sec, ditto, 1890-1911. Clubs : Union, Bath. Address : 59 Warrington Crescent, London, W. ♦Bailey, Cyril : b. April 13, 1871 ; s. of Alfred Bailey, Barrister-at- Law, formerly FeUow of Univer- sity Coll. ; m. Jan. 2, 1912, Gemma, d. of Rt. Rev. Mandell Creighton, D.D., Bishop of Lon- don. Issue : one daughter. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D., E.A., R.L.N., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; Hertford and Craven Schs. 1891 ; ist CI. Mods. 1892 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1897 ; Cricket and Hockey XI's. Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Fellow 1894, Assist. Tutor 1896, Tutor 1900, Exeter ; Fellow and Tutor 1902-, Librarian 1906-13, Tutor for Admissions 1908-, Dean of Exams. 191 3-, Balliol. Served as CI. Moderator (Chairman 1914), and Exam, for Hertford, Ireland, and Craven Schs. ; member of Appointments Committee ; Governor St. Paul's School 1 901-. Publications: Text of Lucretius {Bibliotheca Oxoniensis) , 1898 ; Religion of Ancient Rome, 1907 ; Translation of Lucretius, 1 910. Clubs : Savile, Alpine. Addresses : Balliol College, and 7 Banbury Road, Oxford. Baillie, Alexander William Mow- bray : b. March 16, 1843 ; s. of George BaiUie, H.E.I.C.S. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1862-7 (B.J.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1864 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1866 ; B.A. 1867. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1871. Clubs : New Univer- sity, Oxford and Cambridge. Address : 11 Chantrey House, Eccleston St., London, S.W. Baillie, George Edwin : 6. July 7, 1877; s. of G. O. Baillie, H.E.I.C.S. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1896-1900 (A.L.S., W.H.F., E.J.) ; B.A. 1900. Address : New University Club, St. James's St.. London, S.W. Bailward, Geoffrey : 6. Nov. 28, 1884; s. of T. H. M. Bailward, J . P. Educ. Summerfields, Oxford ; Eton; Balliol 1903-7 {J.L.S.D., C.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1905 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1907 ; B.A. 1908. Brakenbury Soc. Engaged with Burma Oil Co. Address : Hor- sington Manor ,Templecombe, Som. Bailward, Thomas Henry Methuen : b. Dec. 14, 1843 ; s. of John Bail- ward, of Horsington Manor, Som. ; m. 1882, Margaret Eliza, d. of H. Hobhouse. Issue : five sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1862-6 (E.C.W., E.P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1864 ; 3rd Law and Hist. 1866 ; B.A. 1867. Chairman of Board of Guardians and of Dis- trict CouncU ; member of County Council, and J. P., Som. Address : Horsington Manor, Templecombe, Som. [Died Nov. 23, 191 3.] ♦Bailward, William Amias : b. June II, 1852 ; s. of John Bail- ward, of Horsington Manor, Som. Educ. Rugby (Ex.) ; Balliol 1871- 4 (J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1873 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1879. Barrister, I.T., 1884 ; active member Lon- don C.O.S. since 1886 ; Chairman Ad. Committee, ditto, 1899-1913 ; Poor Law Guardian, Bethnal Green (formerly Chairman of Board) ; Governor of Parmiter (Bethnal Green) and Grey Coat (Westminster) Schools ; member of Port of London Immigration Board, and of Central Unem- ployed Body. Publications : articles and papers on social questions in various Reviews. Recreations : Shooting and fishing. Clubs : New University, Arthur's. Address : I Prince's Mansions, Victoria St., London, S.W. Baines, Frederick John Talbot : b. July 25, 1892 ; s. of Talbot Baines, of Haywards Heath. Educ. Repton ; Balliol 191 1- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T., A.D.L.) ; Univ. Freshmen's and Coll. Assoc. XI's; Cricket XI. Address: Lucas's, Haywards Heath, Sussex. X3 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Baines, Rev. Montague Charles Alexander : b. 1842 ; s. of Rev. C. T. J. Baines, Vicar of North Carlton, Lines. Educ. Private ; Non-Coil. 1878; Balliol 1881-2 ; and Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1886. Ordained d. and p. 1891 ; Curate and Rector of Carlby 1891-. Address : Carlby Rectory, Stamford. Baker, Rev. Arthur : b. Jan. 27, 1863 ; s. of Major-General W. A. Baker, R.E. ; m. 1906, Ann Read, d. of T. B. Eves. Educ. Clifton (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1880-4 (A.T., R.L.N.) ; LC.S. Proba- tioner ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1884 ; M.A. 1887. Minister of Truro Congregational Church ; Vice-Pres. of West Cornwall Federation of Free Churches ; winner of ' Russell Cup ', City of London Chess Club, 1904 ; ditto, Cornish ' Emigrant Cup ', 1907 ; ditto, 2nd CI., National Chess Congress, Oxford, 1910. Publica- tions : Latin Prose ; Outlines of Lo^ic, Psychology, and Ethics. Recreation : Chess. Baker, Frederick Cecil : 6. June 12, 1889 ; s. of F. W. Baker, of Hook Heath, Woking. Educ. Welling- ton ; Balliol 1907-10 (F. de P., C.B., H.B.H.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Geol.), and B.A., 1910. Address : c/o F. Butcher, 5 Moorgate St., London, W.C. Baker, George Prescott : 6. Feb. 22, 1877 ; s. of L. E. Baker, of Yar- mouth, N.S. ; m. April 29, 1903, Mabel Thomfrey, d. of A. E. Ellis. Issue: four children. ErfwcSt. Paul's School, Concord, U.S.A. ; Balliol 1899 (A.L.S.). Union and Arnold Socs. Coal Merchant. A ddress : Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. •Baker, Herbert Brereton : b. 1862 ; s. of Rev. John Baker, Vicar of St. John's, Blackburn ; m. 1904, Muriel, d. of H. J. Powell. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; BalHol 1880-5 (F- de P., J.W.R., H.B.D.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1889 ; D.Sc. 1903. Demonstra- tor in Chemistry at Balliol 1883-5 ; F.R.S. 1903 ; Senior Science Master, Dulwich Coll., 1 885-1 901 ; Head Master, Alleyn's School, Dulwich, 1 901-3 ; Student and Tutor, Christ Church, and Lee's Reader in Chemistry, 1903- 12 ; member of Council of Chemical Soc. 1896-8 ; Long- staff Medallist, 1912 ; member of Council of Royal Soc. 1909 ; Prof, of Chemistry at the Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, S. Kens- ington, 1912-. Publications : In Journal of Chemical Society ; Com- bustion in Dried Oxygen^ 1885 ; Action of Light on Silver Chloride, 1892 ; Influence of Moisture on Chemical Action, 1894 ; Drying of Ammonia and Hydrogen Chloride, 1898 ; Vapour Density of Dried Mercurous Chloride, 1900 ; Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen, 1902 ; joint author The Chemical In- activity of Rontgen Rays, 1896; ditto. Gaseous Nitrogen Trioxide, 1907 ; in Phil. Trans. : Combus- tion in Dried Gases, 1888. Address : Latchmoor House, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. Baker, Humphrey Lawrence Peto : b. June 9, 1887 ; s. of L. I. Baker, of Wayford Manor, Crewkerne. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1906-8 (A.L.S., E.J.P.). Address: Way- ford Manor, Crewkerne. Baker, Richard Philip : b. Feb. 3, 1866 ; s. of William Baker, of Condover, Salop ; m. Kate, d. of John Riedelbanch, of Glasford, Illinois. Issue: two daughters. £iMC. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1884- 7 (J.W.R.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1886. B.Sc, London, 1887 ; member of Texas Bar ; Master, Lamar Coll., Mo., 1897-1901 ; Assist, Prof, of Math., Univ. of Iowa ; Ph.D., Chicago, 1910 ; Fellow of Ameri- can Assoc, for Advancement of Science ; member of American Math. Soc. and of Circolo Matema- tico di Palermo. Publications : The Problem of the Angle Bisectors, 1910 ; various papers in .(4mmca« Mathematical Monthly, and BuUe- I6 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tin of American Mathematical Soc. Address : 8i8 Kirkwood Avenue, Iowa City, U.S.A. *Baker Wilbraham, Sir Philip Wil- braham, 6th Bart. : formerly Baker, P. W. ; 6. Sept. 17, 1875 ; s. of 5th Bart. ; m. Aug. 8, 1901, Joyce Christabel, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir J. H. Kennaway, 3rd Bart. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Harrow (Entrance Sch.) ; Balliol 1894-9 (W.R.H., E.A., J.A.S.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1896 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; 2nd Jur. 1899 ; M.A. 1901 ; Eight (Henley) ; Cricket XI. Brakenbury Soc. Fellow of All Souls 1899 ; Barrister, L.I., 1 901 ; Chancellor of Diocese of Chester 191 3- Clubs : Athe- naeum, Cavendish. Addresses : 5 Lancaster Street, London, W. ; 15 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ; Rode Hall, Scholar Green, Cheshire. Balfour, Hon. Harry Robert Chichester : b. Oct. 31, 1882 ; s. of I St Lord Kinross. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Chelten- ham ; Balliol 1901-5 (F. de P., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905. Union and Arnold Socs. Student, I.T. ; Clerk in House of Commons 1906-8 ; ditto, Home Office, 1908 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. R. McKenna, Home Sec, 1 91 3-. Clubs : Savile, Oxford and Cambridge. Address : 99 St. George's Square, London, S.W. Balfour, Hon. James MoncreiS : b. July 6, 1878 ; s. of ist Lord Kinross ; m. 1908, Madeline Maude, d. of J. G. Watson, of Kingston Grange, Midlothian. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Chel- tenham; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.L.S., F.F.U., W.H.F., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1901 ; winner Univ. Sabres 1900. Braken- bury Soc. Writer to the Signet. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; New (Edinburgh). Address : 23 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Balfour, Hon. John Ramsay Blair : b. Sept. 21, 1881 ; s. of ist Lord Kinross. Educ. Cheltenham ; Bal- liol 1900-4 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1904. Bra- kenbury Soc. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge; New (Edinburgh) . Ad- dress : 16 Pall Mall, London, S.W. *Balfour, Hon. and Rev. Norman Frederick William : b. March 26, 1884 ; 5. of ist Lord Kinross. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Bal- liol 1903-6 (F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906 ; M.A. 191 1. Union and Arnold Socs. Wells Theol. Coll. 1907 ; ordained d. 1909, p. 1910 ; Curate, Wimborne Minster, 1909-11 ; St. Anne's, Bermondsey, 191 1-. Ad- dress : 52 Alma Road, Bermondsey, London, S.E. Balfour, Patrick : see Kinross, Lord. Balgonie, Lord : see Leven and Melville, Earl of. Ballantyne, James : b. Jan. 22, 1884 ; s. of James Ballantyne, Sen., of Carstairs Junction. Educ. Lanark Gr. School ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1904-8 (F. de P., A.D.L.) ; Goldsmith Ex. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1908. Tutor and Journalist. Address : Carstairs Junction, Lanarkshire. Balmforth, Alfred : b. Feb. 2, 1892; s. of W. A. Balmforth, of Rus- holme, Manchester. Educ. Man- chester Gr. School ; Balliol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.J.T.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 191 3. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 15 Conyngham Road, Rusholme, Manchester. Banerji, Albion RajKumar : b. Oct. 10, 1871 ; s. of Sasipada Banerji, of Calcutta ; m. March 1898, d. of Sir Krishna Gupta, K.C.S.I. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Presidency Coll., Calcutta ; Balliol 1894-5 (W.M.). Sch., Medallist, and M.A., Calcutta Univ. ; I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Madras, 1895 ; Sub-Collector, Joint Magistrate, and District Officer ; transferred to foreign service as Diwan of Cochin, 1907-14; CLE. 1911. A ddress : Madras, India. 17 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Baring, Hon. Cecil : b. Sept. 12, 1864; s. of Lord Rcvelstoke ; m. 1902, Maude, d. of Pierre Loril- lard. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1884-7 (E.A.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1885 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887; M.A. 1904. Dervorguilla Soc. Director of Baring Brothers & Co., Ltd., London, 191 1-. Address : Lam- bay Island, Co. Dubhn. •Barker, Ernest : b. Sept. 23, 1874 ; s. of George Barker, of Woodley ; m. July 26, 1900, Emily Isabel, d. of Rev. R. Salkeld, Vicar of St. Mark's, Dukinfield, Cheshire. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.); Balliol 1893-8 (W.R.H., F. de P., J.A.S., E.A., J.L.S.D., A.L.S.); Classical Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1895 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1897 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1898; M.A. 1900. Arnold Soc. (Vice- Pres.). Classical Fellow, Merton, 1898-1905 ; Lecturer in Mod. Hist., Wadham, 1899-1909 ; ditto, Pembroke, 1907-9 ; ditto, Non-Coil. Students, 1899-1913; Fellow and Lecturer, St. John's, 1909-13 ; Fel- low and Tutor, New Coll. 1913-; Delegate for Exam, of Schools and for Licensing Lodging Houses ; Exam. Mod. Hist. 1914-15. Publi- cations : The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, 1906 ; The Dominican Order and Convocation, 1912 ; various contributions to new edition of Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. Recreations : Tennis, golf. Address : 7 Linton Road, Oxford. Barnardo, Cyril Gordon : b. Dec. 18, 1886 ; s. of T. J. Barnardo, F.R.C.S., of Edinburgh ; m. Oct. 22, 1909, Ethel, d. of Charles Gordon. Educ. Repton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (F. de P., E.H.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1907 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1909 ; Cricket, Hockey, and Assoc. XI's. Articled clerk to Solicitor, Winni- peg, Canada, 1909. Address: c/o The Merchants' Bank, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Barnes, Charles Lightfoot : b. Dec. 10, 1858 ; s. of William Barnes, of Manchester. Educ. Manchester Gr. School; Balliol 1876-81 {E.A., W.H.F., J.W.R., W.W.F.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1878 ; ist Nat. Sci. 1879 ; B.A. 1880; M.A. 1884. Science Master, Bromsgrove School, 1884- 9 ; ditto, Sherborne, 1889-91 ; Editorial staff, Manchester Courier, 1897-1905 ; Mathematical Master, Manchester Gr. School 1905- ; Hon. Lib. and member of Council of Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Soc. Publications : Prac- tical Acoustics, 2nd ed., 1909 ; Rock History, 1884; Sound; Geology. Recreations : Fives, walking. Address : 151 Plymouth Grove, Manchester. Barnes, Edmund Lyndon : b. Nov. 3, 1881 ; s. of E. W. Barnes, of Chesterfield. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1900-4 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1902 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. Barrister, I.T., 1907. Addresses : 2 Cloisters, Temple, London, E.C. ; 159 Knightsbridge, London, W. Barnes, Hon. Ronald Gorell : b. April 16, 1884; s. of ist Lord Gorell. Educ. Winchester ; Harrow ; Bal- liol 1903-7 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1907 ; B.A. 1908 ; Cricket (Capt.) and Assoc. XI's ; Torpid (2) ; Univ. Cricket XI 1906-7. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Barrister, I. T., 1909; on edi- torial staff of The Times ; author. Club : Garrick. Address : 10 Old Square,Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. *Barrett, William Henry : 6. March 17, 1887 ; s. of Rev. Benjamin Barrett, Vicar of Braunston, Rut- land. Educ. Marlborough (Foun- dation Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-10 (H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 1913 ; Hockey XL Demon- strator in Balliol Lab. 1908- II ; Modern Sixth Form Master, Lancing Coll. 1911-13; Sen. Science Master, Rossall, 191 3- Engaged in demonstration and research in Physical Chemistry. Addresses : Braunston Vicarage, Oakham ; Rossall School, Fleetwood. |8 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Barrington-Kennett, Victor Annes- ley : b. June i6, 1887 ; s. of Col. B. H. B. Barrington-Kennett, of H.M. Bodyguard. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1906-10 (C.B., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. . 1908 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1910 ; Eight (Capt.) ; Four (Henley). DervorguillaSoc. Cana- dian Agency, Ltd., 1911-; 2nd Lieut., London Balloon Company. Recreations : Aeronautics, morris dancing, shooting, hunting, cricket. Clubs : Royal Aero, City Uni- versity. Addresses : Tillington House, Petworth ; 6 Prince's St., London, E.C. ; 19 Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea, London, S.W. Barrington - Ward, Robert Mc- Gowan : b. Feb. 23, 1891 ; s. of Rev. M. J. Barrington-Ward, Rector of Duloe. Educ. West- minster ; Balliol 1909-13 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; Classical Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1911 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1913. Union Soc. (Sec. and Treas. 191 1, Lib. and Pres. 191 2). Tancred Student, L.I., 1911. Pub- lications : contributor to Times. Address : 32 Harley St., London, W. Barron, William Douglas : b. Sept. 10, 1887 ; s. of George Barron, of Carbost, Portree. Educ. Aber- deen Univ. ; Balliol 1909-10 (C.B., J.A.S., A.D.L.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1910. Cadetship under Federated Malay States Govern- ment, 1 911. Addresses : Newton of Pitfodels, Cults, Aberdeen ; Kroh, Upper Perak, Federated Malay States. *BaiTy, James Tilson : b. Nov. 20, iSSi ; s. of J. M. Barry, of Lon- don. Educ. St. Paul's School ; BaUiol 1900-4 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; Classical Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907 ; Cricket, Football, and Tennis teams. Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, LT., 1906 ; ditto, Trans- vaal, 1907 ; Sec. to Judge of Supreme Court of Transvaal 1907-10 ; practising at Johannes- burg Bar 1910-. Club : Country (Johannesburg). Address : 40 Standard Bank Chambers, Johan- nesburg, Transvaal. Bartindale, Guy Cecil : b. Nov. 5, 1883 ; s. of John Bartindale, of Stourbridge. Educ. King Ed- ward VI Gr. School, Stourbridge (Ex.) ; BaUiol 1902-6 (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Ex., 1903 ; Jim. Math. Sch. 1904 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1906. Union Soc. Math. Master, Queen Elizabeth's Gr. School, Wakefield, 1908-10 ; Lec- turer in Hon. Maths., Univ. of N. Wales, Bangor, 191 1 ; Math. Master, St. Lawrence Coll., Rams- gate, 1911-. Address: 81 a High St., Stourbridge. *Bartlett, Rev. Canon William : b. Feb. 17, 1861 ; s. of Rev. R. E. Bartlett, of Chelmsford. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1879 (F. de P.) ; Corpus (Sch.) 1880 ; ist CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; English Essay 1884; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1885; EUerton Essay, and M.A., 1886. Ordained d. 1886, p. 1887 ; Curate of Stockton-on-Tees 1886-91 ; Kingston - on - Thames, 1 891-3 ; Vicar of St. Barnabas, Sutton, 1896- ; Rural Dean of Beddington 1908- ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Southwark 1908- ; Hon. Canon of Southwark 191 2. Address : St. Barnabas' Vicarage, Sutton, Surrey. Basing, 2nd Baron, George Limbrey Sclater-Booth : b. Jan. i, i860 ; s. of ist Baron Basing ; m. 1889, Mary, d. of John Hargreaves, of Maiden Erleigh. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1878-81 (E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1880 ; B.A. 1882 ; Torpid. R.M.C., Sandhurst, 1881 ; Gazet- ted to ist Royal Dragoons 1882 ; Served in S. African War 1899— 1902 ; commanded column 1901— 2 ; commanded regiment 1902-6 ; retired, Lieut. -Col., 1906 ; C.B. 1902 ; D.L., County CouncUlor, 1909-, and member of Territorial Force Assoc, nominated by County Council, Hants. Address : Hod- dington House, Winchfield, Hants. 19 C2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Bassano, Alfred Hill : b. Aug. 9, 1862 ; s. of Walter Bassano, of Haden Cross, Old Hill, Staffs. ; m. June 1892, Agnes, d. of George Allan, of Corngreaves Hall, Hadley Heath. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Malvern ; Leamington ; Balliol 1883-6 (J.W.M.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1884 ; B.A. 1886 ; won Coll. Mile ; Univ. Cross Country Team v. Cam- bridge. Union Soc. Colliery Proprietor ; Director New Haden Collieries, Lim., Cheadle ; ditto, Rowley Granite Quarries, Lim. Engaged in local work with Education and Sanitary Authori- ties ; J. P. Staffs. Address : Hadenholme, Old Hill, Staffs. Bassano, Rev. Charles Walter : b. Aug. 20, 1 863 ; s. of Walter Bassano, of Haden Cross, Old Hill, Staffs. ; m. Philomena, d. of F. J. Steffen, of Lucerne. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Malvern ; Leamington ; Balliol 1883-6 (J.W.M.) ; 3rd CI. Mods.1884; B.A. 1886; Univ. Cross Country Team v. Cambridge. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1888. |. P. Staffs. 1900. Address : Haden Cross, Old Hill, Staffs. ♦Bastard, Rev. William PoIIexfen : b. Jan. 12, 1832 ; s. of E. P. Bas- tard, M.P. ; m. Jan. 27, 1859, Caro- line, d. of Admiral G. Woollcombe, of Hemerdon, Devon. Issue : two sons, eight daughters. Educ. Twyford (Hants) ; Eton ; Balliol 1849-54 (E.C.W.); B.A. 1853; M.A. 1857. Ordained d. 1856, p. 1857; Curate of Buckland-in- the-Moor 1856-60 ; ditto. Corn- worthy, 1860-2; Vicar of Brixton, Devon, 1862-6 ; Rector of Lezant 1866-96 ; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Exeter, 1896—. Addresses : Buckland Court, Ashburton ; Cof- fiete, Torquay. Batchelor, Frank : b. Jan. 25, 1889 ; s. of Francis Batchelor, of Cupar, Fife. Educ. Bell-Baxter School, Cupar ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Bal- liol 1911- (A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; Domus Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1 91 3. Arnold Soc. Address 21 Newtown, Cupar, Fife. 20 Bate, Rev. Frank : b. Jan. 5, 1882 ; s. of W. F. Bate, of London. Educ. Coopers' Company School ; Liver- pool Univ. (Sch. and Fellow) ; Balliol 1904-6 (A.L.S., J.A.S.) ; B.Litt. 1907. B.A. 1904, M.A. and Fellow, 1905, Univ. of Liver- pool. Ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curate of St. Peter's, Everton, 1907-9; Claverley 1909-10; Dur- weston-cum-Bryanston 1910-11; Rector of Pimperne 1911-. Publication : The Declaration of Indulgence, 1908. Address : Pimperne Rectory, Blandford, Dorset. *Bath, 5th Marquess of, Thomas Henry Thynne : b. July 16, 1862 ; s. of 4th Marquess of Bath ; in. 1890, Violet Caroline, d. of Sir Charles Mordaunt, loth Bart. Issue : two sons, three daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1881-4 (R.L.N., A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1884; B.A. 1886; M.A. 1888, M.P. (C.) Frome Div. of Som. 1886-92 and 1895-6 ; Under-Sec. of State for India 1905 ; Lord- Lieutenant of Som. 1904- ; Chairman, Wilts. County Council, 1906- ; Lieut. -Col. conmaanding Royal Wilts. Yeomanry 1905-10. Club : Carlton. Address : Long- leat, Warminster, Wilts. Battersby, Rev. George Harford : see Harford, Rev. Canon George. Batty, Rev. Francis de Witt : b. Jan. 10, 1879 ; s. of Rev. W. E. Batty, Rector of Finchley, Lon- don, N. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; BaUiol 189&-1902 (V/.H.F., A.W.P.C, E.A., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1900 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1905. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Wells Theol. Coll. 1902-3 ; Ordained d. 1903, p. 1904 ; Curate of Hornsey 1903-4 ; Domestic Chapl. to Archbishop of Brisbane 1904- ; Lecturer at St. Francis's Theol. Coll., Nundah, 1905- ; editor of Brisbane Church Chronicle 1909- ; M.A. (ad eund.), Univ. of Queensland, 191 1. Pub- lication : The Diocese of Brisbane, i843-igo9. Recreations : Riding BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER music. Address : Bishopsbourne, Brisbane, Australia. Baumann, Arthur Anthony : b. Jan. 9, 1856 ; 5. of William Bau- mama, Merchant, of Glasgow. Educ. Wellington ; Balliol 1874-8 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1875 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1878 ; B.A. 1879. Union Soc. (Pres. and Treas. 1877). Barrister, I.T., 1881 ; Parliamentary Bar ; M.P. (C.) for Peckham 1885-92 ; con- tested North Salford 1892 ; ditto, Kirkaldy Boroughs, 1910 ; Chair- man of various Financial Trust Companies ; on staff of Saturday Review. Publications : Betterment ; and numerous reviews and maga- zine articles. Club : Carlton. Address : 44 Hyde Park Square, London, W. *Bax, Rev. Arthur Nesham : b. March 21, 1871 ; s. of Capt. B. W. Bax, R.N. ; m. 1899, Diana Caroline Marie (d. 191 2), d. of Col. Napier. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Kelly Coll., Tavistock (Foundationer) ; Balliol 1889-93 (A.L.S.) ; Williams Ex.; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1900 ; Rugby XV. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Ordained d. 1894, p. 1895 ; Curate of St. Thomas's, Bishopwearmouth, 1894-8 ; Domestic Chapl. to Bishop of Southwell 1898-1905 ; Rector of Duloe 1905-9 ; Vicar of Long Benton 1909-12 ; Rector of Maperton 1912-, Address : Maperton Rectory, Wincanton, Som. Baynes, Rt. Rev. Arthur Hamilton : b. March 23, 1854 ; s. of Rev. J. A. Baynes, of Nottingham; m. 1894, Cecilia, d. of Rev. Canon Cromp- ton, of Pinetown, Natal. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Denmark Hill Gr. School ; Cam- den House, Brighton ; Univ. of St. Andrews ; Balliol 1875-6 (A.G., W.H.F.) ; Ludwell and Robinson Ex., Oriel, 1876 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; M.A. 1882 ; D.D. (Hon.) 1893 ; Univ. Golf Club (ist Sec). Union Soc. Studied at Univ. of Gottingen after leaving Oxford; Ordained d. 1881, p. 1882 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Not- tingham, 1 88 1-4 ; Vicar of St. James's, ditto, 1884-8 ; Domestic Chapl. to Archbishop of Canter- bury 1888-92 ; Six Preacher, Canterbury Cathedral, 1890-3 ; Vicar of Christ Church, E. Green- wich, 1892-3 ; Bishop of Natal 1893-1901 ; S. African War Medal ; Hon. D.D., St. Andrews, 1898 ; Assist, Bishop in Dio. of Southwell, Vicar of St. Mary's, Nottingham, and Rural Dean of Nottingham, 1901-13; Hon. Canon of Southwell 1905-13 ; Chapl. to S. Notts Hussars, I.Y., 1901 ; Rector of Cathedral, Birmingham, and Hon. Canon and Assist. Bishop of Birmingham, 191 3-. Publica- tions : My Diocese during the War, 1900 ; South Africa, 1908. Ad- dress : Cathedral Rectory, Bir- mingham. Beal, Hastings Evelyn : b. Sept. 19, 1883 ; s. of E. W. Beal, of London. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1901- 2 and 1906-7 (F. de P., C.B., W.M.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1903. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1907 ; transferred to Bihar 1912, Address: 10 Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, London, W. Beaumont, Henry Hamond Dawson : b. Feb. 4, 1867 ; s. of Rev. T, G, Beaumont, J. P., Rector of Chel- mondiston ; m. 1908, Henrietta, d. of Col. Baldwin Wake, 21st Lan- cers. Issue : two sons. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1886-9 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1889. Nominated Attache in Diplomatic Service 1892 ; Copenhagen 1892 ; Madrid 1893 ; 3rd Sec. 1894 ; Rio de Janeiro 1896 ; 2nd Sec. 1898 ; Paris 1899 ; St. Peters- burg 1900 ; ist Sec. 1905 ; Lisbon 1905 ; Foreign Office 1908-9 ; Councillor of Embassy 1909 ; Charge d'Affaires in Montenegro 1909-10 ; British Delegate on the International Financial Commis- sion in Greece 1910 ; Councillor of Embassy, Constantinople, 191 3-. 21 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Clubs : Brooks's, St. James's. Addresses : British Embassy, Con- stantinople ; 22 Thurloe Square, London, S.W. Beaumont, Hon. Hubert George : b. April 6, 1864 ; s. of ist Lord Allendale ; m. May 26, 1900, Elisa Mercedes, d. of M. P. Grace, of Battle Abbey, Sussex. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Chelten- ham ; Balliol 1883-6 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1886. Union Soc. Con- tested King's Lynn 1895, N. Bucks. 1900, and Barnard Castle 1903 ; M.P. (L.) Eastbourne Div. of Sussex 1906-10, Clubs : Brooks's, Reform, Garrick. Ad- dresses : Wotton House, Ayles- bury ; 6 Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. Beaven, Harold Castlereagh : b. Sept. 12, 1879 ; s. of Rev. A. B. Beaven, of Preston, Lanes. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1 898-1 901 (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist. Math. Mods. 1899 ; Jun. Math. Ex. 1900 ; ist Maths., and B.A., 1901 ; M.A. 1906. Union and Arnold Socs. Assist. Master, Clifton, 1901 ; Head of Math. Department, ditto, 1910-. Address : Clifton College, Bristol, ♦Beazley, Charles Raymond : b. April 3, 1868 ; s. of Rev. J. Beazley, of Blackheath; m. July 1 901, Gladys, d. of Rev. Morlais Jones. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; King's Coll., London ; Balliol 1886-9 (A.L.S.) ; Braken- bury Sch.; Prox. Acces. Stanhope Essay 1888 ; Lothian Essay, and ist Mod. Hist., 1889 ; B.A. 1890 ; Prox. Acces. Arnold Essay 1891 ; M.A. 1893 ; D.Litt. 1908. Union Soc. (Sub-Lib. 1888). History Prize Fellow, Merton, 1889 ; Re- search Fellow, ditto, 1897-1910 ; F.R.G.S. 1892 ; member of Coun- cil of Royal Hist. Soc. of London 1893- ; Geographical Student, Oxford, 1894 ; Corresponding Fellow of Lisbon Geographical Soc. 1900; Lecturer in Hist, of Geo- graphy, Oxford, 1 901-9 ; Gill Me- morial Prizeman, Royal Geographi- cal Soc, 1908 ; Lowell Lecturer, Boston, U.S.A., 1908 ; Prof, of Hist., Univ. of Birmingham, 1909- ; Corresponding member of Lisbon Academy of Sciences 19 n, of Hispanic Soc. of America, and of Soc. Archeologique de France, 1 91 3 ; Ilchester Lecturer (Russian Hist.) 191 3. Publications : Henry the Navigator, 1895 ; The Dawn of Modern Geography, vol. i, 1897 : vol. ii, 1901 : vol. iii, 1906 ; John and Sebastian Cabot, 1898 ; editor, Carpini and Rubruquis, 1903 ; joint editor Azurara's Guinea, vol. i, 1896 : vol. ii, 1899 ; editor, Directorium ad Passagium Transmarinum, 1907 ; various contributions to Social England, Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1 9 1 1 ) , American Historical Review, Geo- graphical Journal, Dictionary of National Biography. Addresses : 48 Hagley Road, Edgbaston ; The University, Birmingham. ♦Beazley, John Davidson : 6. Sept. 13, 1885 ; s. of Mark Beazley, of Brussels. Educ. Christ's Hospi- tal ; Balliol 1903-7 (C.B., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; Ireland and Craven Sch. 1904 ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1905 ; ist Lit. Hum., Gaisford Greek Prose Prize, Derby Sch., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 191 1. Lecturer, Christ Church, 1907 ; Student and Tutor, ditto, 1908-. Publication : papers on Attic Vases. Address : Christ Church, Oxford. *Beckit, Henry Oliver : b. Nov. 29, 1874 ; s. of W. S. Beckit, of Exeter. Educ. Exeter Gr. School ; Balliol 1893-7 (A.L.S., F. de P., W.H.F.) ; Ex. ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1897 ; B.A. and M.A. 1900. Assist, to the Prof, of Geography, Oxford Univ. Address : Cheney Cottage, Headington, Oxford. Beddington, John Louis : b. Jan. 30, 1893 ; s. of C. L. Beddington, of London. Educ. Wellington ; Balliol 1911- (F.F.U., N.S.T., R.G.). Address: 37 Egerton Gardens, London, S.W. Bedford, 11th Duke of, Herbrand Arthur Russell : b. Feb. 19, 1858 ; 22 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER s. of gth Duke of Bedford ; m. 1888, Mary du Caurroy, d. of Ven. W. H. Tribe, Archdeacon of Lahore. Issue : one son. Educ. Private; Balliol 1877-9 (R.G.T., F. de P.). Dervorguilla Soc. Joined Grenadier Guards 1879 ; served in Egyptian Campaign (medal, with clasp, and Khedive's Star) 1882 ; A.D.C. to Lord Dufferin, Viceroy of India, 1884- 8 ; I St Mayor of Holborn ; Lord- Lieutenant of Middlesex ; Trustee of British Museum ; Pres. Zoo- logical Soc. of London ; Chairman Beds. County Council ; A.D.C. to the King ; Lieut. -Col. in the Army ; member of House of Lords since 1893 ; K.G. ; F.R.S. ; D.L, ; J. P. Recreations: Zoology, natural hist. Publication : The History of a Great Agricultural Estate. Clubs : Guards', Brooks's. Ad- dresses : Woburn Abbey, Beds. ; Endsleigh, Tavistock, Devon ; 15 and 16 Belgrave Square, London, S.W. Bedford, James Perch : b. Sept. 26, 1868 ; s. of James Bedford, of the Indian Siurvey Department ; m. Ida Le Geyt. Issue : three daugh- ters. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1887- 9 (W.M.). I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1889 ; Assist. Account ant-General 1895 ; Deputy ditto 1897 ; Head Assist. 1898 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1901 ; District and Sessions Judge 1906 ; Collector, Magistrate, and Government Agent, Salem, 1911. Address : Salem, S. India. *Beeching, Very Rev. Henry Charles : 6. May 15, 1859 ; s. of J. P. G. Beeching, of Bexhill ; m. 1 891, Mary, d. of Rev. A. J. Plow. Issue: three daughters. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1878-81 (E.A., A.C.B.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1880 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1887 ; B.D. and D.D. 1911 ; Sacred Poem Prize 1896. Union, Brakenbury,and Dervorguilla Socs. Ordained d. 1882, p. 1883 ; Curate of Mossley Hill, Liverpool, 1882-5 ; Rector of Yatteudon 1 885-1 900 ; Select Preacher, Oxford, 1896-7, 1 91 2-14 ; Clark Lecturer, Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1900 ; Prof, of Pastoral Theology, King's Coll., London, 1900-3 ; Chapl. of Lin- coln's Inn 1900-3 ; Canon of Westminster Abbey 1 902-11 ; Hon. D.Litt., Durham, 1903; Select Preacher, Cambridge, 1903, 9, 12 ; ditto, Dublin, 1905 ; Preacher to Lincoln's Inn 1904-12 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Carlisle 1905- 1 1 ; Dean of Norwich 191 1-. Publi- cations : Faithf 1892 ; Seven Ser- mons to Schoolboys, 1894 ; In a Garden, &c., 1895 ; Pages from a Private Diary, 1898 ; Conferences on Books and Men, 1900 ; Two Lectures on Poetry ; Inns of Court Sermons, 1901 ; Religio Laid, 1902 ; The Apostles* Creed ; The Grace of Episcopacy, 1906 ; Pro- vincial Letters; The Atonement, 1907 ; The Doctrine of the Sacra- ments, 1908 ; Francis Atterbury, 1909 ; Revision of the Prayer Book, 1910; joint author, Love in Idle- ness, 1883, and Lovers Looking Glass, 1891 ; editor, A Paradise of English Poetry, 1892 ; Lyra Sacra, 1894 ; Milton's Poetical Works, 1900 ; Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1904 ; Ainger's Lectures and Ser- mons, 1906 ; Herbert's Country Parson ; Vaughan's Poems ; Tenny- son's In Memoriam ; Shake- speare's Julius Caesar; Poems of Daniel and Drayton ; Lyra Apostolica ; Essays and Studies by Members of the English Associa- tion, &c. Club : Athenaeum. Address : The Deanery, Norwich. ♦Beldam, James Ward : b. May 26, 1 861 ; s. of Edward Beldam, of Royston, Cambs. Educ. Wymond- ley House, Stevenage ; Eton ; Balliol 1880-4 (F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1882 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1888. Address : Harrison House, ChUliwack, British Columbia. *Bell, Alexander James Mont- gomerie : b. Sept. 24, 1845 ; s. of A. M. Bell, W.S., Regius Prof, of Conveyancing in the Univ. of Edinburgh ; m. April 16, 1875, Anna Mary, d. of W. R. Rayne. 23 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Issue : four children. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1864-9 (B.J., E.P., T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1866; Gaisford Verse Prize 1867; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1868; B.A. 1869; M.A. 1871 ; Torpid and Eight ; winner Coll. High and Long Jumps and Hurdles. Union Soc. (Lib. Com- mittee). CI. Lecturer, Worcester Coll., 1869 ; Master, Marlborough, 1870 ; Form and House Master, Fettes, 1870-5 ; CI. Lecturer St. John's and Non-Coil. Students, 1876-7 ; Examiner, Pass Mods., 1877, 1911 ; Private Tutor, Limpsfield, 1877-90 ; ditto, Ox- ford, and occasional Examiner to Civil Service, 1890-1911 ; Master of Schools 1904-5 ; Chairman, Law Preliminary Exam., 1906 ; F.G.S. ; Pres. of Ashmolean Nat. Hist. Soc. 189S-9. Publications : Author of several school-books {Selections from Burns, Second Greek Reader, Caesar, Book I), and of articles in Journals of the Geo- logical and Anthropological Socs., Longman's Magazine, &c. Ad- dress : The Barn House, South Newington, Banburv. Bell, Edward Collingwood David : b. 1833 ; s. of Rev. E. J. Bell, of Wickham Market, Suffolk. Bal- liol 1850. Bell, James Young : b. Feb. 4, 1877 ; s. of Alexander Bell, of Edinburgh ; m. 1908, Jean H., d, of Alexander Macnair. Educ. George Watson Coll., and the Univ., Edinburgh; Balliol 1899 (F.de P.) ; CI. Ex. ; M.A. Edinburgh, 1899. Passed Civil Service Examination (sixth place) 1899 ; Secretary's Office, G.P.O., 1899-. Address : 46 Ashburnham Mansions, Chel- sea, London, S.W. Bell, John : b. Nov. 4, 1890; s. of Rev. H. H. Bell, Vicar of Tim- berscombe. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.W.P.CH.M.W., A.D.L., A.L.S.) ; CI. Sch., and Jenkyns Ex. ; Craven Sch. 1910 ; Prox. Acces. Ireland and Hertford Schs., 1911 ; ist CI. Mods. 1911 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., and John Locke Sch. in Mental Philo- sophy, 191 3. Fellow and Lecturer in Classics, Queen's Coll., 191 3-. Addresses: Timberscombe Vicar- age, Taunton ; Queen's College, Oxford. Bell, John Johnston : b. March 16, 1878 ; s. of WUliam Bell, M.D., of Liverpool. Educ. Liverpool Institute and Univ. ; Balliol 1901-5 (J. L. S. D., A. L. S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909. Union and Arnold Socs. Assist. Lecturer in Hist., Univ. of Liverpool, 1905-6 ; Lecturer in Hist., Goldsmiths' Coll., Univ. of London, 1906-11; ditto, Univ. of Toronto, 1911-12. Address : i Kelvin Grove, Prince's Park, Liverpool. *Bell, Kenneth Norman : b. Sept. 3, 1884 ; s. of A. G. Bell, of South- borne, Hants ; m. 1909, Esther Gertrude, d. of Lieut.-Col. S. W. Bell. Issue: one son, two daughters. Educ. Berkhamsted (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1903-7 (A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch., ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906 ; M.A. 191 1 ; Torpid ; Eight. Fellow of All Souls 1907- ; Lec- turer in Hist., Toronto Univ., 1 909-1 1 ; Director of G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., Publishers, London. Publications : various articles in Cornhill Magazine, &c. A ddr esses : All Souls College, Oxford ; 17 Reynolds Close, Hendon, London, N.W. Sell, Nicholas Dodd Beatson : b. June 19, 1867 ; s. of A. B. Bell, Advocate, of Edinburgh. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1886-9 (W.M.) ; ist Oriental Studies, Boden Sanskrit Sch., and B.A., 1889. Brakenbury Soc. I.C.S. ; Collector and Settlement Of&cer, Bengal, 1896-1905 ; Kaisar-i-Hind Medal 1900 ; Direc- tor of Land Records, Bengal and Assam, 1905- ; C.I.E. 1906 ; member of Legislative Council of E. Bengal and Assam 1910 ; Chief Sec. to Government 191 1 ; Commissioner 191 2. Recreation : 24 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Golf. Clubs : University (Edin- burgh), Royal and Ancient (St. Andrews), United Service (Cal- cutta). Address : Dacca, Eastern Bengal, India. Bellairs, Cecil Sebastian : b. May 25, 1 871 ; 5. of Rev. H. S. K. Bellairs, of Bournemouth ; m. Feb. 6, 1904, Agnes Frances, d. of Peter Metelerkamp, of Knysna, Cape Colony. Issue : one son. Educ. Private ; Non-CoU. 1892-3 ; Bal- liol 1894-6 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1896 ; B.A. 1897 ; M.A. 1899 ; Hockey XI (Capt.). Solici- tor, Supreme Court, S. Africa (Transvaal Division) ; Notary Public and Conveyancer 1906. Recreations : Horticulture and motoring. Address : Box 544, Pretoria, Transvaal, S. Africa. Bellairs, Ralph Hamon : b. Sept. 5, 1867 ; s. of Rev. H. S. K. Bellairs, of Bournemouth ; m. 1893, M.E.E., d. of Rev. Canon Pope, D.D. Educ. Private ; St. Peter's Coll., Westminster (Queen's Sch. and Triplet Leaving Ex.) ; Balliol 1886-90 (E.A., F. de P., W.H.F., R.L.N.,C.W., J.L.S.D.) ; Abbott Sch. 1887 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1888 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1897 ; B.Mus. 1897 ; D.Mus. 1904. Director of Music at Bradfield Coll. 1892-6 ; Resident in Oxford, publishing and reviewing, 1896- 1901 ; Organist and Choirmaster, Christ Church, Cheltenham, 1901-. Publications : The Elements of Pianoforte Technique, 20th ed. ; ditto, trans, into French ; Melodic and Rhythmic Primer ; Short Scale Studies for the Pianoforte^ on a Rhythmic Basis ; Melodious Five- Finger Studies in Duet Form ; Melodious Octave Studies ; The Examination Candidate' s Complete and Concise Scale and Arpeggio Book ; Melodious Studies^ with Continental Fingering ; Six Melo- dious Pieces for Small Hands ; The Progressive Pianist ; Classical Songs (arranged for piano solos). Recreations : Motoring, botany, croquet. Address : Ferlys House, Cheltenham. Belloe, Joseph Hilaire Peter : b. July 27, 1870 ; s. of L. S. Belloe, of Slindon, Arundel, Sussex ; m. i896,ElodieAgnesHogan(d. 1914), of Napa, California. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Oratory School, Edgbaston ; Bal- liol 1893-6 (J.W.R., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1895 ; B.A. 1896. Union (Lib. 1894, Pres. 1895) and Dervorguilla (Pres.) Socs. Walked (with Hon. A. M. Henley) from Carfax to Marble Arch in 11 J hours; M.P. (L.), S. Salford, 1906-10 ; Head of English Department, East London College ,1911-13. Publica- tions : Verses and Sonnets, 1895 ; The Bad Child's Book of Beasts, 1896 ; More Beasts for Worse Children, 1897 ; The Modern Traveller, 1898 ; The Moral Alphabet ; Danton, 1899 ; Lamb- kin's Remains ; Paris, 1900 ; Robespierre, 1901 ; Path to Rome, 1902 ; Caliban's Guide to Letters, 1903 ; Avril ; Mr, Burden, 1904 ; The Old Road, 1905 ; Esto Per- petua ; Hills and the Sea, 19.06 ; The Historic Thames ; Cautionary Tales, 1907 ; On Nothing ; Mr, Clutterbuck's Elec- tion, 1908 ; The Pyrenees ; On Everything ; A Change in the Cabinet, 1909; Marie Antoinette ; On Anything ; Verses, igio ', The Girondin ; More Peers ; The Party System ; On Something ; First and Last ; Blenheim ; Mal- plaquet, 191 1 ; The Four Men; The Green Overcoat ; The Servile State, 1912 ; The River of London ; This and That ; Crecy ; The Stane Street; Tourcoing, 191 3. Club: Reform. Address: King's Land, Shipley, Horsham. Bennett, Stephen Ashlock : b. March 15, 1847 ; s. of James Ben- nett, of Salisbury. Educ. Sher- borne ; BalUol 1866-70 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1867; 2nd Lit, Hum. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 Barrister, L.I., 1874. Club : New University. Address : Warreleigh, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. 25 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Benson, Constantino Evelyn : b. April 10, 1895 ; s. of R. H. Benson, of Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1913- (A.D.L., N.S.T.). Brakenbury and Annan- dale Socs, Address : 16 South Street, Park Lane, London, W. Benson, Guy Holford : b. May 23, 1888 ; s. of R. H. Benson, of Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1907-11 (H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 191 1 ; 2nd String, Tennis, v. Cambridge ; Assoc, and Cricket XI's. Banker. Clubs : Bache- lors', Bath, Queen's, Vernon. Ad- dress : Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex. Benson, Ralph Beaumont : b. March 10, 1862 ; s. of R. A. Benson ; m. June 1886, Caroline Essex, d. of Rev. R. H. Chol- mondeley. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-2 (R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1881. Club : Carlton. Address : Lutwyche HaU, Much Wenlock. [Died April 16, 191 1.] Benson, Reginald Lindsay : b. Aug. 20, 1889 ; s. of R. H. Benson, of Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-9 (A.L.S.). Lieut., 9th Lancers; A.D.C. to the Viceroy of India 1 91 3-14. Address : Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex. ♦Benson, Robert Henry : &. Sept, 24, 1850 ; s. of Robert Benson, of the family of Benson, of Stang End, North Lanes. ; m. July 1887, Evelyn, d. of R. S. Holford. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1869-73 (E.P., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; 2nd Lit, Hum. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1907 ; winner Univ. Mile and Three Miles, Inter-Univ. Mile, and Amatevu: Champion- ship MUe, 1870 ; Pres. O.U.A.C, and ran dead heat in Inter- Univ. Three Miles, 1872 ; played in first Assoc, match v. Cam- bridge 1874. Studied at Inner Temple ; sole partner, Robert Benson & Co,, Merchant Bankers; Director and Deputy Governor of the London Assurance ; Chair- man of Merchants Trust, Ltd., and the CharterTrust and Agency, Ltd. ; Hon. Treasurer, National Art Collections Fund ; member of Councils of Royal Coll. of Music, and of Victoria and Albert Museum ; Trustee of Nat. Gallery 191 2 ; J. P. Sussex. Recreations : Collection of pictures, early Chinese porcelain, and other objects of art. Clubs : Brooks's, Turf, Bath, Queen's, Burlington Fine Arts. Addresses : 16 South St., Park Lane, London, W. ; 31 Bishops- gate, London, E.C. ; Buckhurst, Withyham, Sussex ; (and tenant of) Killilan and Glomach Forests, Ross-shire. Benson, His Honour William Den- man : b. March 21, 1848 ; s. of General H. R. Benson, C.B. ; m. Aug. 8, 1876, Jane, d. of Thomas Penrice, D.L., Glam. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1867-71 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; Univ., 1868-70, and Coll, (Capt,) Eights ; Pres. O.U.B.C. 1870-1. Barrister, I.T., 1874 ; County Court Judge, Circuit 13; Revising Barrister, and Counsel to Post Office ; LL.D. ; J, P. Glam., West Riding of Yorks., and Sheffield, Recreations : Row- ing, shooting. Clubs : Reform, National Liberal, Marylebone, Leander ; Sheffield. A ddr esses : 10 William St,, Lowndes Square, London, S.W. ; The Club, Norfolk St., Sheffield. Bentinck, Arthur Harold Walter, Baron (Holland) : b. Dec. 29, 1875 ; s. of Walter Bentinck, of the 15th Hussars ; m. 1903, Emma, d. of G. S, Hayes, Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1894-8 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; CI. Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1896 ; B.A, and M.A, 1901 ; Cricket (Capt.) and Assoc, XI's. Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). I.C.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1898 ; transferred to E. Bengal and Assam 1905 ; Joint 26 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Magistrate and Deputy Collector 1906 ; Magistrate and Collector 191 1 ; Political Officer with Abor Expedition 1911-12 ; Deputy Commissioner, Assam, 1912 ; F.R.G.S. Clubs : East India United Service ; United Service (Calcutta). Address: United Ser- vice Club, Calcutta, India. Bere, Francis Wentworth : b. Jan. 26, 1 861 ; s. of Montagu Bere, of Grimstone, Horrabridge, Devon. Educ. Blundell's; Balliol 1879- 1886 ; Blundell Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1881 ; 3rd Math. 1883 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1893. Address : 5 South Parade, Weston-super- Mare. Beresford, Salisbury de la Poer : b. Dec. 6, 1882 ; s. of Col. C. F. C. Beresford, R.E. Educ. St. Colum- ba's, Rathfarnham ; Balliol 1900- 3 (F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1904. Union Soc. Clerk, House of Commons, 1906-10. Address : 18 Lansdowne Road, Holland Park, London, W. Berman, Leopold Edward : b. Jan. 7, 1877 ; s. of Edward Berman, of London. Educ. Elstree ; Har- row (Sch.) ; Balliol 1 895-1 900 (J.A.S.) ; CI. Ex. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1899. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Director of Royalty Theatre, London, 1911-; author of various plays, sketches, revues, &c. Recreations : Theatre, music, bridge, golf. Address : 16 Cavendish Square, London, W. Bernstein, Ludwik : see Namier, L. B. Bemstorff, Count Erich Adolf Ernst : b. June 26, 1883 ; s. of Count BernstorfE Gyldensteen. Educ. Gymnasium of Doberan, Mecklenburg ; Balliol 1902-4 (A.L.S.) Univ. Lacrosse Team. Studied law at Munich and Berlin (Referendar) ; Lieut, of Reserve, 17th Dragoons, 1909 ; studied forestry in Denmark, and agricul- ture in Mecklenburg. Address : Gyldensteen, Bogense, Denmark. Berrill, Bernard Francis Gotch : b. Sept. 13, 1894 ; s. of A. E. Berrill, of Muswell Hill. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1913- (F.F.U., E.H.). Union Soc. Ad- dress : Wahringah, Muswell Hill, London, N. Berry, George Godfrey : b. 1867 ; s. of Edward Berry. Educ. Clifton; Balliol 1884-8 (J.W.R., W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1885 ; ist Math. Mods. 1886 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. i888 ; B.A. 1890. Address : South Side, Hamilton Road, Oxford. Bertie, Alberic WUloughby : b. Jan. 10, 1891 ; s. of Hon. and Rev. A. E. Bertie, Rector of Gedling. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-10 (J.W.R.) ; Morrison Fours. Ad- dress : c/o Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd., Bartholomew Lane, Loudon, E.C. Bertie, Hon. Arthur Michael Cosmo : b. Sept. 29, 1886 ; s. of 7th Earl of Abingdon. Educ. Ralksburg ; Balliol 1904-8 (J.W.R., A.L.S.). Address: Wytham Abbey, Oxford. Besly, Ernest Francis Withers : b. Dec. 30, 1891 ; s. of Rev. E. F. S. Besly, of Stokesley, Yorks. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1910- (C.B., A.W.P.C, H.M.W., A.J.T.) ; CI. Sch. ; dist. in Craven Sch. 1911 ; ist CI. Mods. 1912 ; Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Brakenbury Soc. Address : Great Ay ton, S.O., Yorks. *Bevan, Rev. John : b. May 12, 1854; s. of Rees Bevan, of St. Davids, Carmarthen ; m. April 24, 1894, May Roberta, d. of Rev. Canon R. V. Sheldon, Vicar of Ormskirk. Educ. Cowbridge Gr. School ; Non-Coil. 1877 ; New Coll. 1878-80 ; New-Inn-Hall ; B.A. 1887, M.A. 1896, Bal- liol. Ordained d. and p. 1888 ; Curate of N. Meols, Lanes., 1888- 94 ; Vicar of The Slad, Gloucs., 1 894-. Address: The Slad Vicar- age, Stroud. *B6venot, Clovis Maurice Camille : s. of Hippolyte Bevenot, engineer, of Le Quesnoy, Nord, France ; m. 1887, Flavie, d. of Isidore Bevenot. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Petit Semi- naire de Cambrai (Sch.) ; Bal- 27 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER liol 1880-4 (R.L.N. , J.L.S.D., E.A., F. de P., A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 3rd CI. Mods., and Taylorian Ex. (Italian), 1882 ; B.A. and M.A. 1896 ; winner Coll. Rega a Eights. Union and Carlyle Socs. Holder of Medal, Bene Merenti, and Cross, Mentana campaign, 1867 ; studied at Univs. of Naples and Gottingen ; Assist. Master, Bury St. Edmunds, Stony Strat- ford, Ipswich, Crewkerne, War- grave, and at Clifton 1884-9 ; Prof, of Romance Languages and Interim Prof, of German, Mason Coll., Birmingham, 1 889-1 900 ; Lecturer at the Oratory, Edgbas- ton, 1889-94 ; ditto, Midland Insti- tute,Birmingham,i889-i907; Prof. (Chair of French), Birmingham Univ., 1 900-9; Hon. M.A. , Birming- ham, 1901; Exam, in Languages • (Roumanian, &c.), Univs. of Ox- ford, Cambridge, London, Birming- ham, Manchester, Aberdeen, Liver- pool, National Univ. of Ireland, I.C.S.,&c.;pensionedi909,andsince engaged in examining and original work. Publications : French and German Poets, 1889 ; edited Cer- vantes^ Wooden Horse, &c., 1897 ; Historical French Readings, 1898- 9 ; Le Violon de Faience, 1891 ; collaborated in Spanish Grammar, 1892, and Moncalm's UOrigine de la Pensee et de la Parole. Ad- dress : The Glen, Torquay. ♦Beveridge, William Henry : h. March 5, 1879 ; s. of Henry Beveridge, I.C.S. Educ. Charter- house (Jun. and Sen. Sch. and Talbot Ex.) ; Balliol 1 897-1902 (J.W.R., E.A., A.W.P.C, E.J.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1898; ist CI. Mods. 1899; Hon. Mention Ireland and Craven Sch. 1900; ist Lit. Hum, 1901; B.A. 1902 ; 2nd B.C.L. 1903 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1904 ; Lawn Tennis Six (winners of Inter-Coll. Cup, two years). Union and Arnold Socs. Stowell Civil Law Fellow, University Coll., 1902-9 ; Sub- Warden, Toynbee Hall, 1903-5 ; Barrister, I.T., 1904 ; member of Central Unemployed Body for London 1905-8 ; leader writer, Morning Post, 1906-8 ; Director of Labour Exchanges (from 1909), and Assist. Secretary to Board of Trade — Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance Depart- ment (from 1913). Publications : Unemployment ; A Problem of Industry, 1909 ; John and Irene ; An Anthology of Thoughts on Woman, 1912 ; articles in Con- temporary Review, Economic Jour- nal, &c. Club : Union. Ad- dresses : Board of Trade, London, S.W. ; 35 Campden Hill Road, London, W. *Bewsher, James : b. March 8, 1861; s. of Robert Bewsher, of Manchester ; r,i. Annie, d. of H. Joscelyne, of Chelmsford. Issue : five children. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1879-84 (R.L.N., J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1880 ; Prox. Acces. Jun. Math. Sch. 1881 ; ist Math. 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Physics) 1884; M.A. 1886. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Second Master, Colet Court, 1884 ; Head Master, ditto, 1887-. Address : 49 Gunterstone Road, West Kensington, W. Bhadbhad6, Lakshman Gangadhar : b. 1861 ; s. of Gangadhar S. Bhadbhade. Educ. Deccan Coll. Government Law Sch., Bombay Balliol 1885-7 (R.G.T., A.V.D. E.A., W.M.) ; Boden Sch. 1885 2nd Or. Stud., and B.A., 1887 Barrister, M.T., 1888. Address c/o K. S. Nulkar, Civil Lines Camp, Poona, India. Bicknell, Arthur : b. April 6, 1891 ; s. of Leonard Bicknell, of Pains- wick, Gloucs. Educ. Uppingham ; Manchester Univ. ; Balliol 191 3- (H.B.H.). Address ; Pains wick, Gloucs. Biddle, Alfred Alexander : b. Dec. 19, 1885 ; s. of Arthur Biddle, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. Educ. St. Mark's School, Yale ; Balliol 1911- (A.L.S.). Address : Pene- l>Ti, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Bilderbeck, Alured Alcock Stokes : b. July 23, 1854 ; s. of Rev. John 28 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Bilderbeck, of Taunton ; m. Sept. I, 1 88 1, Ada Mary, d. of W. A. Woodley, of Taunton. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Ton- bridge ; Balliol 1875-8 (R.L.N., E.A., W.H.F.) ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1878 ; M.A. 1883. Formerly Sen. Assist. Master, Foyle Coll., Londonderry, Dorset County School, Dorchester, and Mr. Frank Townsend's Army Coaching Establishment, Clifton ; late proprietor of Army Coaching Establishment at Wimbledon. Address : 105 Southmoor Road, Oxford. [Died Jan. 2, 1914.] Bilgrami, Syed Hashim : &. July 13, 1869 ; s. of S. H. Bilgrami, Nawab Imadul Mulk, C.S.L ; m. d. of Syed Amir Ali. Educ. M.A.U. Coll., Aligarh ; Nizam Coll., Hyder- abad; Balliol 1890-2 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1893. Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1894 ; practised at Madras Bar ; afterwards entered service of H.H. the Nizam of Hyderabad, filling several minor judicial posts ; now Judge of the High Court. Address : Hyderabad, Deccan, India. *Birchenough, Charles : b. Aug. 8, 1882 ; s. of Samuel Birchenough, of Stockport ; m. Aug. 1910, Gertrude, d. of James Thomas, of Cardiff. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1902-5 (H.B.H.) ; Oxford Second- ary Teachers' Diploma Examina- tion 1904 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909. Arnold Soc. Assist. Lecturer in Education, Univ. Coll. of S. Wales, Cardiff, 1905-9 ; Lecturer in Education and Master of Method, Univ. of Sheffield, 1909-. Publica- tions: History of Elementary Educa- tion in England and Wales, 1800- ^9^3 ; various papers on educa- tional subjects ; joint author of A Primer of Teaching Practice. Address : 8 Severn Road, Sheffield. *Birley, Rev. Hugh Hornby : b. Aug. 31, 1825 ; s. of H. H. Birley, of Manchester. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1843-6 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B. J., F.T.) ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1852. Ordained d. 1849, p. 1852 ; Curate of Plymstock 1849-55 ; Perpetual Curate of Hove 1855-61 ; Curate of Buckingham 1861-2 ; Holy Trinity, Stepney, 1864-5 ; Vicar of Newport Pagnell 1865-6 ; Rector of Cranfield 1866-87 ; Assist. Chapl., Nice, 1888 ; Curate of Collingham 1 890-1 ; Ebrington 1891-2. Address : 6 Sandy Lane, Pendleton, Manchester. *Birley, William Hornby : b. Dec. 22, 1834 ; s. of H. H. Birley, of Manchester; m. 1861, Mary Louisa, d. of Richard Yapp. Issue : two sons, three daughters. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1852- 6 (W.C.L., H.J.S.S.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1855 ; 3rd Math. 1856 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. 1859 ; Eight. Union Soc. Barrister, L.I., i860 ; Sec. to Royal Sanitary Commis- sion 1869 ; ditto, City Parochial Commission 1878. Address : Evers- ley. Knoll Road, Dorking. Biswas, Suresh Chundra : b. 1862 ; 5. of C. P. Biswas. Educ. Presi- dency Coll., Calcutta ; Balliol 1883-6 (R.G.T.) ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1886. Barrister, M.T., 1886. Address : 34 Beadon Street, Cal- cutta, India. *Black, Floranee William : b. Jan. 31, 1879 ; s. of W. C. Black, of Kailzie, Peebles. Educ. Winches- ter ; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 4th Mod. Hist, and B.A., 1 901 ; M.A. 1905. Address : Kailzie, Peebles, Scotland. Black, John Bennett : b. July 26, 1883 : s. of John Black, tobacco manufacturer, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1908-10 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and Beit Prize, 1910 ; B.A. 1911 ; Arnold Prize 1914 ; M.A. (Honours), Glasgow, 1907. Lecturer in Hist., Glasgow Univ., 1910-. Address : The University, Glasgow. Blackwood, Lord Ian Basil Gawen Temple : b. Nov. 4, 1870 ; s. of ist Marquess of Dufferin and Ava. Educ. St. George's School, Ascot ; Harrow ; Balliol 1 891-4 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1894. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, I.T., 29 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1897; Deputy Judge- Advocate, S. Africa, 1 900-1 ; Sec. to Gover- nor, Orange River Colony, 1901-2 ; Assist. Colonial Sec, ditto, 1902-7 ; Colonial Sec, Barbados, 1907-9 ; Assist. Sec. Development Cora- mission, 1910-. Illustrated the Bad Child's Book of Beasts, More BeastSy Modern Traveller, &c Clubs : White's, Beefsteak. Ad- dresses : 6 a Dean's Yard, West- minster, London, S.W. ; Clande- boye, Co. Down, Ireland. Blair, Patrick James : b. March 16, 1891 ; s. of Hugh Blair, of Edinburgh. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1910- (C.B., A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1912 ; 2nd Torpid and Eight. Brakenbury Soc. Address : 15 Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh. Blandy, Edmond Nicolas : b. July 31, 1886 ; s. of A. F. Blandy, of Abingdon. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-10 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L., J.A.S., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909 ; Boden Sanskrit Sch. 1910 ; Rugby XV ; Tennis VI. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. I.C.S., E. Bengal and Assam ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1910 ; transferred to Bengal 191 2. Address : The Warren, Abingdon. Blennerhassett, Sir Arthur Charles Francis Maria Henry Bernard, Bart. : b. April 14, 1871 ; s. of Sir Rowland Blennerhassett, 4th Bart., P.C. ; m. 1899, 'Mary Frances, d. of Baron Ludwig von Aretin, of Haidenburg, Bavaria. Issue : one son. Educ. Maximi- lian-Gymnasium, Munich ; Balliol 1890-5 (W.R.H., A.L.S.) ; 3id Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1894. Union, Brakenbury, and Annan- dale Socs. I.C.S. ; Assist. Com- missioner, Political Agent, Divi- sional and Sessions Judge, Central Provinces, 1 895-1 908 ; Deputy Commissioner 1908 ; 3rd Sec. to Chief Commissioner, Feb. 1912 ; 2nd Sec, ditto, Feb.-May, 1912. Publication : The Weaving In- dustry in the Central Provinces, 1898. Clubs : Wellington, St. James's. Address : c/o Grindlay Sc Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Blight, Edward Clare : b. Oct. 22, 1887 ; s. of James Blight, of Bennetthorpe, Doncaster. Educ. Doncaster Gr. School ; Balliol 1906-10 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1910 ; Hockey XI. Investigating Officer under Trade Boards Act. Recreation : Scoutmaster. Address : Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel, London, E. Bliss, Henry James Wheeler : b. Aug. 16, 1881 ; s. of Sir H. W. Bliss, K.C.I.E. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1900-4 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1902 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1904 ; Torpid (i). Arnold Soc. Studied at Columbia Univ. (M.A. 1905) ; engaged in commercial chemical research work with Strange and Graham, Lim., London. Publica- tions : paper before American Chem. Soc, 1905 ; Patents, 1912 ; &c. Address: United University Club, Pall MaU East, London, S.W. Bloxam, Richard Noel : b. Dec 25, 1887; s. of F. R. T. Bloxam, Taxing Master of Supreme Court. Educ. Bradfield (Sch.) ; Ballioi 1908-9 (C.B.). Farming in Inver- ness-shire 1910-11 ; fruit-farming at Pershore 1911-. Address : Sunnyside, Pershore. BlUcher von Wahlstatt, Count Lothair William Gebhard : b. Oct. 20, 1890 ; s. of Gebhard Prince Bliicher von Wahlstatt. Educ. Charters Towers, East Grinstead; Balliol 1909-11 (E.H., A.L.S.). Address : Herm Island, Guernsey. Blythman, Rev. Arthur : b. Jan. 9, 1841 ; s. of R. O. Blythman, of Swinton, Yorks. ; m. April 13, 1869, Mary E., d. of Rev. A. Borradaile. Issue : eleven chil- dren. Educ. Durham School (Sch.) ; BalUol 1861-4 (E.C.W., E.P.,J.R.,B.J.,W.L.N.,T.H.G.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1862 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1868 ; 2nd in Univ. High Jump 1862 ; Eight ; winner 30 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER College Mile, Hurdles, 120 yards, and Long and High Jumps. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1867, p. 1868. Curate of St. Mary's, Vin- cent Square, Westminster, 1867- 9 ; Rector of Shenington, 1869-, with Alkerton 1900- ; Chairman Banbury Rural District Council ; ditto, School Attendance Commit- tee ; member of Old Age Pensions Committee ; Income Tax Com- missioner ; J. P. Oxon. Address: Shenington Rectory, Banbury. *Boas, Frederick Samuel : b. July 24, 1862 ; s. of Hermann Boas, of Belfast ; m. Dec. 29, 1892, Henrietta O'Brien, d. of S. J. Owen, Reader in Indian History, Oxford. Issue : one son. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1 881-6 (D.G.R.) ; Open and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1882 ; ist Lit. Hum, 1885 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1886; M.A. 1888. Union (Standing and Lib. Committees), Carlyle, and Brakenbury Socs. Lecturer, Oxford Univ. Exten- sion Delegacy, 1887-1901 ; Prof, of English Literature, Queen's Coll., Belfast, and Fellow of Royal Univ. of Ireland, 1 901-5 ; Libra- rian, Queen's Coll., Belfast, 1903- 5 ; Exam, in English, Edinburgh Univ., 1903-7 ; Clark Lecturer in English Literature, Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1904-5.; Divi- sional Inspector of Higher Educa- tion, Education Department of London County Council, 1905- ; first Hon. Gen. Sec. of English Association 1906-9 ; Vice-Pres., ditto ; Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews, 1909. Publications : Shakespeare and his Predecessors^ 1896 ; Thomas Kyd's Works, 1901 ; The Poetical Works of Giles and Phineas Fletcher, 1908 ; University Drama in the Tudor Age, 1914 ; contribu- tions to vols. V and vi, The Cam- bridgeHistory of English Literature ; editor of various Elizabethan plays, &c. Recreations : Cycling, croquet. Address : 51 Longridge Road, Earl's Court, London, S.W. Bodley, John Edward Courtenay : b. June 6, 1853 ; s. of E. F. Bodley, J. P. (Founder's Kin of the Bodleian Library) ; m. 1891, Evelyn, d. of John Bell, of Rush- pool Hall, Yorks. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Private ; BaUiol 1873-6 (J.L.S.D., R.G.T., A.D.) ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1879. Barrister, I.T., 1874 ; Private Sec. to Pres. of Local Govern- ment Board 1882-5 ; Sec. to Royal Commission on Housing of Working Classes 1884-5 ; corre- sponding Member of the Institute of France (Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques), 1902. Pub- lications : France, ist ed. 1898, /th ed. 1908 (French editions trans, by author 1 901-4) ; L' Anglo- manie et les traditions frangaises, 1899 ; three reports on Housing of Working Classes in England, Scot- land, and Ireland, 1885 ; The Church in France (Royal Institu- tion Lectures), 1906 ; The Coro- nation of Edward VII (by His Majesty's command), 1903, 2nd ed. 1911 ; articles on France in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1910 ; Cardinal Manning and Other Essays, 191 2 ; L'Age mecanique et le declin de I'idealisme en France, 1 91 3. Address : 2 Adelaide Man- sions, Hove. Boissier, Arthur Paul : b. Jan. 25, 1881 ; s. of Rev. F. S. Boissier, Vicar of Denby, and formerly Head Master of All Saints School, Bloxham ; m. Dec. 30, 1909, Dorothy Leslie, d. of Rev. Canon Clement Smith, M.V.O., Rector of Whippingham. Educ. St. John's School, Leatherhead (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1900-4 (J.W.R.) ; Williams Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Math. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; Univ. 1904, and Coll. Assoc. XI's ; Cricket, Hockey, and Tennis teams. Assist. Master in Math., Fettes, 1905 ; ditto. Royal Naval Coll., Osborne, 1906 ; Senior, ditto, ditto, 191 1-. Address : Royal Naval College, Osborne, I.W. Bokhari, Halimshahi Syed Ali Abbas : b. Aug. 19, 1889 ; s. of HaUm Shahi Syed Mahmood Shah 31 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Sahib Bokhaii. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1909. Addresses : Marai in Tirah, Afghanistan ; Provincial Muslim League, N.W.F.P., Pesha- war, India. Bomford, Hugh : b. Aug. 12, 1882 ; 6\ of Sir Gerald Bomford, K.C.I.E. Educ. Marlborough (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1900-6 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S., W.M.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; Univ. 1 901-4, and Coll. (Capt.) Hockey XI's ; Cricket XI.(capt.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. I.C.S. ; Assist. Commissioner United Provinces, 1906-. Recrea tions : Polo, shikar. Addresses : c/o Secretarial Department, Allaha bad, India ; Hillersdon House Godwyne Road, Dover. *Bonar, James : h. Sept. 27 1852 ; s. of Rev. Dr. A. A. Bonar of Collace, Co. Perth ; m. 1883 Mary Mewburn, d. of G. S. Miller of Liverpool. Issue : two sons two daughters. Educ. Glasgow Academy and Univ. ; Leipzig Tubingen; Balliol 1873-6 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; Snell Ex, ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1875 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1877 ; M.A. 1881 ; winner Terminal Prize Foils, Dec. 1874. Union Soc. M.A. 1874, LL.D. 1886, Glasgow; Lecturer, London Soc. for Exten- sion of Univ. Teaching, 1877-80 ; Private Tutor, Oxford, 1881 ; Jun. Exam. H.M. Civil Service Com- mission 1881, Sen. ditto 1895 ; member of Council of Royal Economic and Statistical Socs., and of British Assoc. ; Pres. Section F (Economics) British Assoc. 1898 ; Deputy Master Canadian Branch of Royal Mint 1907-. Publications : Malthus and his Work, 1885 ; Philosophy and Political Economy, 1893 ; Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library, 1894 ; Elements of Political Economy, 1903 ; Disturbing Ele- ments in Political Economy, 191 1 ; editor, Ricardo's Letters to Malthus, 1887 ; joint editor, Ricardo's Letters to Trower, 1899. Recrea- tions : Fencing, skating, litera- ture, music. Clubs : Savile ; Rideau (Ottawa). Address : The Mint, Ottawa, Canada. Bonham-Carter, Maurice : b. Oct. II, 1880; s. of H. Bonham- Carter, Barrister-at-law. Educ. Winchester (Ex.) ; Balliol 1899- 1903 (J.C, H.B.H.) ; 4th Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1903 ; B.A. 1906 ; Univ. Cricket XI 1902 ; Cricket, Hockey, and Assoc. XI's; Rugby XV. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. (Pres.). Barrister, L.I., 1909 ; Private Sec. to Prime Minis- ter 1910-. Club : Union. Ad- dress : 5 Hyde Park Square, London, W. Bonham-Carter, Norman : b. Dec. 29, 1867 ; s. of H. Bonham- Carter, Barrister-at-law ; m. Eileen Beatrice, d. of Surgeon-Col. Mathew, I. M.S. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1886-8 (W.M.) ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. I.C.S. , Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1888-93 ; Under- Sec, to Government 1893-6 ; Magistrate and Collector 1896— 1904 ; Inspector-General of Police, E. Bengal and Assam, 1905-10 ; Magistrate and Collector 1912 ; Divisional Commissioner 191 3. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Bomierjee, Kalikrushna Wood : b. Dec. 4, 1874 ; s. of Hon. W. C. Bon- ner jee, of Calcutta. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1894-7 (E.J.P., F. de P., T.R., W.H.F., E.A.) ; B.A. 1899 ; M.A. 1902. Barrister, M.T., 1899. Bonnerjee, Ratnakrishna Curran : b. July 28, 1883; s. of Hon. W. C. Bonnerjee, of Calcutta ; m. Oct. 3, 1907, Amia, d. of R. N. Roy, Auditor-General of India. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1902-6 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1904 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1906 ; Eight (Cox). Union (Treas. 1905) and Dervorguilla (Pres.) Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1907 ; Advocate, High Court of Judica- ture, Fort Wilham, Bengal, 1907. Clubs : National Liberal ; Cal- 32 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER cutta. Address : ii Ballygunge Circular Road, Calcutta, India. Bonus, Arthur Rivers : b. Dec. 29, 1866 ; s. of Major-General Joseph Bonus, R.E, Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1884-6 (W.M.) ; Torpid. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Col- lector, Bombay, 1889-92 ; served in Burma as Assist. Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner ; Sen. Collec- tor, Bombay, 1906-. Publications: various casual papers and sketches. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, photography, travel, mountaineer- mg. Clubs : Oxford and Cam- bridge, United Empire. Address : Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, London. Borel, Maurice Armand Hippolyte : b. Oct. 10, 1862 ; s. of Paul Borel, of Paris. Educ. Lycee Fontanes ; Balliol 1882. Union Soc. Entered French Diplomatic Service 1883 ; Sec. of Embassy, Vienna ; ditto, London ; ditto, Brussels ; Private Sec. to MM. Hanotaux and Del- casse, French Ministers for Foreign Affairs ; Minister Plenipotentiary ; retired 1904. Publications : his- torical essays in Revue des Deux Mondes. Addresses : 65 Avenue Henri Martin, Paris ; La Cour Sarrasine, Chemin de Fabron, Nice, France. Borley, George Colby Hawkins : b. May 12, 189 1 ; s. of G. J. Borley, of London. Educ. Univ. Coll., Reading; Balliol 1910- (A.L.S., N.S.T., H.M.W., A.J.T.) ; Braken- bury Sch. Prox. Acces. Stan- hope Hist. Essay 191 2. Address : 32 Baskerville Road, Wandsworth Common, London, S.W. *Bosanquet, Bernard : 6. 1848 ; s. of Rev. R. W. Bosanquet, of Rock, Alnwick ; m. 1895, Helen, d. of John Dendy. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1867-70 (E.P., T.H.G., B.J., W.L.N.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1868 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1870 ; M.A. 1873 ; Fellow, Lecturer, and Tutor, University Coll., 1871-81 ; Exam, in Classics 1882 ; took part in work of Charity Organization Soc. (Chairman of Administrative Com- mittee, Vice-Chairman of Council), and Ethical Soc. (Pres.) in London 1881-97 ; Pres. of Aristotelian Soc. ; Chairman of Executive Committee of London School of Sociology ; Prof, of Moral Philo- sophy at St. Andrews 1903-8 ; Gifford Lecturer, Edinburgh Univ.; LL.D., Glasgow and Birmingham ; D.C.L., Durham ; Fellow of British Academy 1903. Publica- tions : translation of Schomann's Constitutional History of Athens, 1878 ; Essay on Logic, 1883 ; edited translation of Lotze's System of Philosophy, 1884 ; translation of Introduction to Hegel's .4 ^s^^^^ic, 1886 ; Knowledge and Reality, 1885 ; Logic, 2 vols., 1888 ; Essays and Addresses, 1891 ; History of Aesthetic, 1892 ; Civilization of Christendom, 1893 ; Essentials of Logic, 1895 ; Com- panion to Plato's Republic, and Aspects of Social Problem, 1895 ; Psychology of the Moral Self, 1897 ; Philosophical Theory of the State, 1899 ; Education of the Young in Plato's Republic, 1900 ; The Prin- ciple of Individuality and Value, 1912 ; Value and Destiny of the Individual, and The Distinction between Mind and its Objects, 1913. Recreations : Gardening, novel- reading. Clubs : Royal Societies, Albemarle. Address : Heath Cot- tage, Oxshott, Surrey. Bosanquet, Robert Holford Mac- dowall : b. July 30, 1841 ; s. of Rev. R. W. Bosanquet, of Rock, Alnwick. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1859-63 (E.C.W., H.J.S.S.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1861 ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1862 ; ist Math. 1863 ; M.A. 1868. Barrister, L.I., 1866 ; Math. Lecturer, Christ Church, 1868-70; Fellow of St. John's 1870-1912 ; Math. Moderator 1871 ; Nat. Sci. Exam. 1871-2-3 ; F.R.S. ; F.R.A.S. Publications : Musical Intervals and Tempera- ment, 1876 ; articles on ' The Organ * in Encyclopaedia Britan- nica ; various papers on Acoustics, Electro-magnetism, and optical 33 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER subjects in PM. Mug., Photo- graphic Journal, and elsewhere. Address: Castillo Zamora, Realejo- Alto.Teneriflfe. [Died Aug. 7, 1912.] ♦Boulton, Harold Edwin : b. Aug. 7, 1859 ; s. of Sir S. B. Boulton, ist Bart. ; m. Jan. 26, 1889, Adelaide Lucy, d. of Lieut. -Col. H. D. C. R. Davidson, D.L., of Tulloch Castle, Dingwall. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1878-81 (R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1879; 3rd Lit. Hum., B.A., and Prox. Acces. for Newdigate Prize, 1881; M.A. 1884; winner Coll. Eights and Pairs. Hon. Sec. of Keats-Shelley Memorial Assoc. ; Vice-Chairman of Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses ; Chairman of People's Palace and East London Horticultural Soc. ; founder and Hon. Manager of House of Shelter ; an Hon. Manager of Mendicity Soc. ; founder and Vice-Pres. of Federa- tion of Working Men's Social Clubs ; on Committee of London Hospital, Gordon League, and Naval and Military Musical Union; Director of Burt, Boulton, and Haywood, Ltd., Timber Mer- chants and Chemical Manufac- turers, Dominion Tar and Chemical Co., Ltd., and Baths Club, Ltd. ; M.V.O. 1903; C.V.O. 1913; J.P. for West Ham ; Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusa- lem in England ; Hon, Special Commissioner for Canada of St. John Ambulance Assoc. ; late Capt. 3rd Batt. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders ; an ovate bard of Wales (title Prydydd Gen- heddloed Prydain). Publications : The Skye Boat Song ; Glorious Devon ; editor and part writer of Songs of the North (2 vols.) ; Songs of the Four Nations ; Canti d' Italia ; Twelve Lyrics ; and various volumes of songs and detached lyrics. Clubs : Athenaeum, Marl- borough, Oxford and Cambridge, Bath. Address : 5 South wick St,, London, W. •Boulton, Oscar Evan : 6. May 29, 1866 ; s. of Sir S. B. Boulton, ist Bart. ; m. 1894, Barbara Marion, d. of Major-General Wauchope, Indian Army. Issue : one daugh- ter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1884-8 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1886 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1888; B.A. 1889; M.A. 1895. Served in S. African War with Scottish Yeomanry (medal, three clasps) ; Lieut.-Col., commanding since 191 3, City of London Yeo- manry (Rough Riders) ; Terri- torial Force Assoc. ; late Pres. Northern Federation (London) Working Men's Social Clubs; Director of Burt, Boulton, and Haywood, Ltd., Timber Mer- chants and Chemical Manufac- turers, The British Australian Timber Co., and of Dominion Tar and Chemical Co, ; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Publications : occa- sional contributor of poems, articles, &c., to periodical litera- ture. Address : Lyenells, Totte- ridge, Herts. Bourdillon, Francis Bernard : &. March 3, 1883 ; s. of F. W, Bour- dillon, of Buddington, Midhurst, Sussex; W.Dec. 1 7,1 91 o,Mary Doro- thea, d. of Joseph Armitage, M.D. Issue : one son. Educ. Charter- house (Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-7 (A.W.P.C, F.L.A., H.W.C.D., A.L.S.) ; ist Mod. Lang. (French), and B.A., 1905 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1907 ; Torpid (i) ; Hockey XL Union Soc. O.U.R.V.C. (2nd Lieut.) 1902-7. Lecturer in Ger- man, University Coll., Reading, 1908-13 ; Warden of Wantage Hall, Reading, 1908-10 ; Sec. Reading Guild of Help, 1911-; Lecturer in Mod. Lang., Balliol, 1913- Addresses'. Balliol College, Oxford ; Meadowland, Heading- ton, Bourdillon, Robert Benedict : b. Sept, 8, 1889 ; s, of F, W. Bour- dillon, of Buddington, Midhurst, Sussex, Educ. Private ; Balliol 1908-12 (H,B.H., D.H.N.) ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 191 2. Lec- turer in Chem., Balliol, 1912 ; Fellow and Praelector in Chem., 34 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER University Coll., 1913-. Address : University College, Oxford. Bowden-Smith, Godfrey : b. Nov. 27, 1865 ; s. of Rev. P. Bowden- Smith, of Rugby. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1884-8 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1886 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1894. Assist. Master, Repton, 1888-95 ; Rugby, 1896. *Bowen, Hon. and Rev. William Edward : b. Nov. 28, 1862 ; s. of Lord Bowen, Visitor of Balliol 1885-94 ; tn. d. of Rev. Canon Morse, Vicar of St. Mary's, Not- tingham. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol - 1882-4 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1885 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1893. Ordained d. 1886, p. 1890 ; Curate of St. John the Evangelist, Darlington, 1886 ; St. Mary's, Nottingham, 1887-8 ; St. Botolph's, Bishops- gate, 1888 ; Warminster 1889-91 ; St. Stephen's, Westboume Park, 1892-3 ; St. Andrew's, Holborn, 1893-6 ; Holy Trinity, Stepney, . 1896-7 ; St. Botolph's, Aldgate, 189&-9 ; Lecturer, St. Mark's, N. Audley St., 1899-1900. Publica- tions : Edward Bowen, A Memoir ; Parochial Sermons, ist series, 1903 ; 2nd series, 1904. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 107 Bark- ston Gardens, London, S.W. Bower, George : b. Jan. u, 1864 ; s. of Rev. A. Bower, Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; m. July 21, 1896, Eleanor, d. of H. Hicks. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1882- 4 (A.T.). I.C.S. ; Assist. Commis- sioner and Officiating Under-Sec. to Government, N.W. Provinces and Oudh, 1884 ; Joint Magistrate 1890 ; Deputy Superintendent, family domains of the Maharaja of Benares, 1890-3 ; Deputy Commissioner 1896 ; Magistrate and Collector 1897 ; Additional Commissioner 1907 ; retired 1910. Address : Netherleigh, South Nut- field, Surrey. Bowlby, Henry Russell : b. April 17, 1890 ; s. of Rev. H. T. Bowlby, Head Master of Lancing Coll. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T., F.F.U.) ; Cricket (Capt.) and Assoc. (Sec.) XI's ; Pres. of Athletic Club 191 1. Brakenbury Soc. Canning Club ; Officer, O.U.T.C. Address : Lanc- ing College, Shoreham, Sussex. *Bowlby, Rev. Henry Thomas : b. June 15, 1864 ; 5. of Rt. Rev, H. B. Bowlby, Bishop-Suffragan of Coventry ; m. 1889, Annie, d. of Rev. W. W. Gedge, of Malvern Wells. Issue : four sons, two daughters. Educ. Charterhouse (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-7 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887 ; M.A. 1892 ; Pres. O.U.A.C. 1887 ; Sec. of Canning Club 1886- 7. Ordained d. 1893, p. 1895 ; Assist. Master, Eton, 1 887-1 909 ; Hon. Chapl. to Archbishop of York 1909 ; Head Master, Lanc- ing Coll., 1909-. Club : Royal Automobile. Address : Lancing College, Shoreham, Sussex. Bowlby, Hugh Salvin : b. July n, 1892 ; s. of Rev. H. T. Bowlby, Head Master of Lancing CoU. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1911- (H.B.H.); Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Brakenbury Soc. Address : Lanc- ing College, Shoreham, Sussex. Bowman, Eric Fisher ; b. April 28, 1893 ; s. of J. F. Bowman, of Scarborough. Educ. Scarborough Municipal School; Balliol 1911- (A.L.S., N.S.T.) ; Torpid, Morri- son Fours, 1 91 2. Union Soc. Address : 37 Scalby Road, Scar- borough. Boyd, Andrew : b. 1863 ; s. of Gage Boyd, of Kilrea, Co. London- derry. Educ. Coleraine School ; Balliol 1887-90 (F. de P., A.L.S.). Boyd-Carpenter, Archibald Boyd : b. March 26, 1873 ; s. of Rt. Rev. W. Boyd-Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon ; tn. Jime 5, 1907, Annie, d. of Thomas Dugdale, of Cross Hill, Blackburn. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1892-6 (W.R.H., A.L.S., W.H.Fremantle) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1896; B.A. 1897. Union (Sec. 1895, Pres. 1896) and Brakenbury Socs. 35 D 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER On staff of Yorkshire Post 1896-9 ; served ia S. African War ; Imperial Yeomanry ; Commission in High- land Light Infantry 1900 ; Staff Ofi&cer to Major-General Lord Chesham ; A.D.C. to General Bellield ; twice mentioned in dispatches ; Queen's Medal (three clasps), King's Medal (two clasps) ; retired with rank of Captain in the Reserve 1904; Mayor of Harro- gate 1909-10 and 1910-11 ; repre- sentative of Harrogate on West Riding County Council 1910- ; contested (C.) Colne Valley Div. Jan. and Dec. 1910 ; J. P. Clubs : Carlton, Junior Carlton, Junior Constitutional. Address : Ash- bourne, Harrogate. ♦Boyer, Rev. Percy James : b. July 31, 1859 ; s. of Henry Boyer. Edtic. Merchant Tavlors' School (Ex.) ; Balliol 1879^84 (W.H.F., E.A., T.K.C.) ; Hebrew Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1880 ; Pusey and EUerton Sch., and 2nd Theol., 1882 ; Kennicott Sch., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. Ordained d. 1883, p. 1884 ; Curate of St. Mark, Peterborough, 1883-6; Nar- borough 1886-8 ; Benhilton 1888- 92 ; Cranbrook 1893-4 ; Vicar of Desborough 1 894-1 903 ; Rothers- thorpe, 1903-13. Publications : Critical and Historical Notes, 1908 ; The Book of Joshua, 1910. A ddress : Seacot, Westbrook, Margate. *Boyle, Sir Edward, 2iid Bart. : b. June 12, 1878 ; s. of Sir Edward Boyle, ist Bart., K.C., M.P. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1896-1900 (W.H.F., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1902. Pres. of Dervorguilla Soc. and of Palmer- ston Club. Barrister, I.T., 1902 ; engaged in political work on various committees ; Associate of Sur- veyors' Institution ; F.R.G.S. ; J.P.Sussex. Publications : vdnioxis songs. Clubs : Reform, Union, Garrick, Eighty. Addresses : 63 Queen's Gate, London, S.W. ; I King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. ; Ockham, Hurst Green, Sussex. Boyle, John : b. 1820; s. of Rt. Hon. David Boyle, of Shewalton ; m. Sept. 6, 1853, Jane, d. of Theodore Walrond, of Calder Park, Lanarkshire. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Bal- liol 1839-43 ; Snell Ex. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1843 ; M.A. 1846. Barrister, I.T., 1846. Northern Circuit and Chancery Bar ; Trustee under Will of Mar- quis of Bute 1852. Brabant, Frank Herbert : b. May 22, 1892 ; s. of F. G. Brabant, of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford. Educ. Winchester (Ex.) ; Balliol 1911- (R.G., N.S.T.) ; Braken- bury Sch. ; joint holder Jenkyns Ex. 1914. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 22 Museum Road, Oxford. Bradby, Godfrey Fox : 6. May 21, 1863; s. of Rev. E. H. Bradby, D.D., Head Master of Haileybury. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1884; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886 ; M.A. 1889 ; Univ. Rugby XV 1883-6 (Treas. 1885-6). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Master 1887, House ditto 1908, Rugby. Publications : Great Days of Versailles ; Dick ; Mar- quis's Eye ; Awakening of Bittle- sham ; Broadland, and other Poems ; Reaping the Whirlwind, and other Poems ; When Every Tree was Green ; The Lanchester Tradition. Address : The School, Rugby. ♦Bradley, Andrew Cecil : b. March 26, 1851 ; s. of Rev. Charles Bradley, of Clapham. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1869-73 (T.H.G.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; 1st Lit. Hum. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; English Essay 1875 ; M.A. 1876 ; Cricket XI. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Fellow 1874, Lecturer 1876-81, Hon. Fellow 1912, Balliol ; Lecturer to Assoc, for Teaching of Women, from its foundation to 1881 ; Prof, of Mod. Literature (and for a time of Mod. Hist.), University Coll., 36 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Liverpool, 1882-9 ; Prof, of English Language and Literature, Glasgow Univ., 1889-1900; Prof, of Poetry, Oxford, 1 901-6 ; Trustee of Jowett Memorial Fund ; LL.D., Edinburgh and Glasgow ; D.Litt., Victoria and Liverpool ; F.B.A. Publications : Aristotle's Conception of the State (in Hellenica), 1880 ; edited T. H. Green's Prolegomena to Ethics, 1883 ; translated Book III of Lotze's Metaphysik, 1884 ; edited, with a biographical sketch, first volume of Philosophical Lectures and Remaifis of R. L. Nettleship, 1897 ; A Commentary on Tennyson's ' In Memoriam ', 1 901 ; Shakespearean Tragedy, 1904 ; Oxford Lectures on Poetry, 1909 ; various pamphlets. Recrea- tions : Golf, mountaineering, botany. Cluh: Savile. Address: 54 Scarsdale Villas, Kensington, London, W. Bradley, William Roper : h. 1855 ; s. of B. S. Bradley, of Birmingham. Educ. King Edward's School, Birmingham ; Balliol 1873-6 ; Ex. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1875 ; 4th Math., and B.A., 1876 ; M.A. 1 88 1. Second Master, Camp Hill Gr. School, Birmingham. Address : Camp HUl Grammar School, Birmingham. *Bramston, Sir John : h. Nov. 14, 1832 ; s. of T. W. Bramston, M.P., of Roxwell, Essex ; m. 1872, Eliza Isabella, d. of Rev. H. V. Russell. Educ. Winchester ; Bal- liol 1850-4 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1852 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1853 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B. A., 1854 ; B.C.L. 1856 ; D.C.L. 1863 ; Eight. Barrister, M.T., 1857 ; Private Sec. to Governor of Queensland 1860-2 ; member of Legislative Council 1863-72 ; Executive Council 1864-6 and 1870-4 ; Assembly 1872-4 ; Attorney- General 1870-4 ; Attorney- General, and member of Execu- tive Council, Hong Kong, 1874-6 ; Assist. Under-Sec. of State, Colonial Office, 1876-97 ; Royal Commissioner to Newfoundland 1898; C.B. 1886; K.C.M.G. 1897 ; G.C.M.G. 1900. Cluh : Travellers'. Address : 18 Berke- ley Place, Wimbledon. *Brander, Rev. Gustavus : b. Oct. 17, 1838 ; s. of Capt. T. C. Brander, of Devonport. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1857-62 (E.C.W.) ; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1867 ; second in O.U.A.C. 300 Yards i860, third 1861 ; second in Univ. Racquets i860 ; winner of prizes in Coll. Sports, Racquets, and Morrison Fours, Ordained d. 1865, p. 1867 ; Curate of Kingston, Devon, 1865-7 ; Braunton 1868- 9 ; Holmer 1869-73. Address : Hafod, St. Giles's, Shrewsbury. Brander, William Browne : b. Aug. I, 1880 ; s. of W. J. Brander, of Edinburgh ; m. Nov. 6, 1909, Matilda Baird, d. of Dr. Thompson. Educ. George Watson's Coll., Edin- burgh ; Balliol 1903-4 (W.M.). Union Soc. I.C.S., Burma; Assist. Sec. to Government 1908 ; Offi- ciating Under Sec, ditto, 1909 ; Registrar of Chief Court of Lower Burma 1912-13. Cluh : Pegu (Rangoon). Address : c/o T. Cook & Son, Rangoon, Burma, India. Brandt, Drucc Robert : b. Oct. 20, 1887; s. of R. E. Brandt, of London. Educ. Harrow : Balliol 1906-10 (C.B., H.M.W.) ; CL Ex. ; dist. in Craven Sch., 1908-9 ; ist CI. Mods., and Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch., 1908 ; dist. in Exam, for Jenk5ms Ex. ; Aegrotat Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1910 ; Univ. (1907) and Coll. (Capt.) Cricket XFs. Brakenbury, Jowett, Deca- logue, and Annandale Socs. Fel- low and Lecturer, Brasenose, 1910- 13. Address: 1 5 Lennox Gardens, London, S.W. Branfoot, Edward Percy : b. Dec. 31, i»55 ; s. of J. H. Branfoot, M.D. Educ. Epsom ; Balliol 1875-80 (R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877 ; B.A. 1881 ; Univ. 1878- 80, and Coll. Rugby XV's ; Assoc. XI, and Fives Team. Assist. Master, Plymouth High School, 1 88 1-5 ; Sutton Valence 1885-7 ; Hartford House Preparatory 37 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER School, Winchfield, 1887-95 ; Head Master, East Field House Preparatory School, Ditchling, 1 895-. Address : East Field House, Ditchling, Sussex. Branson, James Charles Emerton : b. March 17, i860 ; s. of J. H. S. Branson, Advocate-General, Ma- dras ; m. March 28, 1892, Sonia, d. of Kazimir Klimovich. Issue : four sons, one daughter, Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1879-81 (A.T.). Union, Brakenbury, and Dervor- guilla Socs. LC.S. ; Assist. Com- missioner, Oudh, 1882 ; Assis- tant Accountant-General, Madras, 1885 ; Ofi&ciating Assist. Accoun- tant-General 1886 ; Deputy Ac- countant-General, Bombay, 1889; passed Interpretership in Russian 1891 ; Acting Accountant-General, N.W. Provinces and Oudh, 1892 ; Magistrate and Collector 1894 ; District and Sessions Judge 1896 ; Accountant-General, Bombay, 1898 ; ditto, Bengal, 1899 and 1904 ; ditto and Commissioner of State Paper Currency, Bombay, 1903 ; Officiating Comptroller and Auditor-General 1906 ; retired 19 10. Address : ' Kerval ', Rue Laurent, S. Servan, Ille-et-Vilaine, France, Brassey, Hon. Thomas Allnutt : see Hythe, Viscount. Brami von Stmnm, Gustav Theodor Rudolf : b. June 23, 1890 ; s. of Capt, Wilhelm Braun, of Saarbrucken, Germany. Edue. Saarbrucken Coll. ; Balliol 1909-10 (E.H.,H.M.W.). Union and Arnold Socs. Studied at Bonn and Strass- burg Univs. ; served in 7th Hussars, Bonn, 1910-n. Clubs: Bonn and Strassburg (Hockey). Address: Hal- berg, Brebach fSaar), Germany, Bray, Denys de Saumarez : b. Nov, 28, 1875 ; s, of Rev, T. W, Bray; m. Dec. 16, 1903, Celestina, d. of Col, H, P. P. Leigh, CLE, Issue : one daughter. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1894-9 (F, de P., J.A.S.) ; Blundell Sch, ; 2nd CI, Mods, 1896 ; Taylorian Sch. (German) 1897 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898; Rugby XV. Brakenbury Soc, (Pres.). LC.S,; Assist, Com- missioner, Punjab, 1899 ; N,W. Frontier Province 1902 ; member of Indian Political Department, Baluchistan, 1903 ; Census Super- intendent 1910-12 ; Kaisar-i-Hind Gold Medal 1911 ; Assist, to Agent to Governor-General 191 2. Publica- tions : The Brahui Language, Part I, Introduction and Grammar, 1909 ; Census Report on Baluchi- stan, 191 2 ; The Life History of a Brahui, 191 3, Addresses : Quetta, Baluchistan ; 33 Lansdowne Road, Bedford. Bremer, John Lewis : b. Nov, 3, 1874 ; s. of J. L. Bremer, of Boston, Mass., U.S.A. ; m. Mary Cleveland, d. of J, S. Bigelow. Educ. Harvard IJniv, ; Balliol 1897 (J,C.). Union Soc. B,A. 1896, and M,D, 1901, Harvard. Teacher in Histology 1907, Assist. Prof. 1 91 2-, Harvard Medical School. Publications : various articles in anatomical journals. Club : Somerset (Boston). Ad- dress : Cohasset, Mass., U,S,A. Brendon, Benjamin Adams : b. Jan, II, 1 871 ; s, of W, T, Bren- don, of Yelverton, Devon ; m. June 7, 1902, Aimee Gladys, d. of Dr, D, C, B. Griffith, Issue : one daugh- ter. Educ. Plymouth Coll, ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.M.). LC.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Thana, Poona, Karachi, Hyderabad, Bom- bay, Khandesh, and Ahmednagar, 1 892-1 904 ; special duty, compiling Sind Gazetteer, 1904-5 ; Collector and Magistrate, Belgaum, 1 906-1 1 ; Collector and Magistrate, and Political Agent, Satara, 191 3-. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Brereton, Reginald Hugh : b. Nov, 12, 1861 ; s. of E, W, Brereton, of Cheltenham ; m. Sept. 29, 1885, Edith Margaret, d. of Dr. W. Dunne, of Londonderry, Issue : one son, Educ. Cheltenham (Sch,); Balliol 1880-2 (A,T,) ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV, Union and Carlyle Socs, LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 38 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1882-92 ; Magistrate and Collec- tor 1892-9 ; Inspector-General of Police 1 899-1 909 ; retired 1909 ; CLE. 1910 ; King's Police Medal 191 1. Address : East India United Service Club, 16 St. James's Square, London, S.W. Brewin, Lancelot : b. Nov. 14, 1868 ; s. of Arthur Brewin, of Giggleswick, Settle. Educ. Giggles- wick, Yorks. ; Balliol 1888-92 ; Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1889; ist Math., and B.A., 1892. Sen. Math. Master, Michaelhouse, Balgowan,Natal. Address : Michael- house, Balgowan, Natal. Brien, Robert Barnett : b. 1827 ; s. of Robert Brien, of London. Educ. Balliol 1845 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1850 (Lincoln Coll.) ; M.A. 1853. Barrister, L.I., 1853. ♦Bright, George Charles: 6. Sept. 17, 1840 ; s. of Richard Bright, M.D., of Guy's Hospital ; tn. 1869, Sara Emmalina, widow of Thomas Hagan. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Rugby (Queen's English Poem Gold Medallist) ; Balliol 1860-4 (B. J., E.P., E.C.W.) ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1863 ; M.B. 1867; M.D. 1875. Union Soc. Studied in Edinburgh and Paris 1 865 ; House Physician, St. George's Hospital ; Lecturer in Compara- tive Anatomy, St. George's Medical School ; engaged in earliest re- searches into condition of air in hospital wards ; in practice at Cannes 1875- ; F.R.C.P. 1879. Publications : various articles in medical journals. Recreations : Violin, sketching, woodcuts, phi- lately, fishing. Clubs : Athe- naeum, United University; Con- tinental and American Medical Society (Paris). Addresses : Chalet Magali, Cannes, France ; 24 Nor- folk Crescent, Hyde Park, London, W. ♦Bright, Rev. James Franck : b. May 29, 1832 ; s. of Richard Bright, M.D., F.R.S., of Guy's Hospital ; m. 1864, Emmeline Teresa, d. of Rev. E. D. Wickham, of Hohn- wood, Surrey. Issue : four daugh- ters. Educ. Rugby ; University Coll. 1 85 1-4 ; ist Law and Hist. 1854; B.A. 1855; M.A. 1858; B.D. and D.D. 1884 ; Assist. Master and Head Master of Mod. Schools, Marlborough, 1855; Tutor and Fellow 1872, Master 1880-1904 (retired by Statute), Hon. Fellow, University Coll. ; Hist. Tutor, Balliol and New Coll. ; Hon. Fellow of Balliol 1877 ; Hist. Exam. 1876, 7, 8 ; 1880, I, 2 ; 1893, 4 ; Lord of the Manor of Brockbury, Colwall, Hereford. Publications : History of England to 1900 ; Lives of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, 1897. Address : Hollow Hill, Ditchingham, Nor- folk. ♦Brinton, Rev. Percival Robert : b. 1873 ; s. of John Brinton, of Moor Hall, Stourport. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1 891-5 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1893 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1904. Ordained d. 1904, p. 1905 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Portsea, 1904-8 ; Domestic Chapl. to Bishop of Bombay 1908-10 ; Chapl. (Eccles. Est.) Malabar Hill, Dio. of Bombay, 1910-11 ; Rector of All Saints', Colchester, 191 1-. Address : All Saints' Rectory, Colchester, Britton, Alfred Edward : b. Sept. 21, 1872 ; s. of George Britton, of Hastings ; m. April 30, 1904, Elsie Isabel, d. of Henry Dot- tridge, of Amhiurst Park, Stamford Hill. Isstie : three sons. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 189 1-5 (E.A., T.R.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1895. Union and Arnold Socs. Solicitor 1899-. Address : 15 Soho Square, London, W. Britton, Herbert : b. 1849 ; s. of Rev. T. H. Britton, of Hock- worthy, Exeter. Educ. Blun- dell's; Balliol 1868-71; Blundell Sch. ; B.A. 1872. Barrister, M.T., 1879. *Brodie, Robert : b. April 15, 1840 ; s. of p. B. Brodie, Barrister-at- Law ; m. Feb. 1871, Emma Bet- sey, d. of Edward Moseley. Issue : four sons, one daughter. Educ. 39 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Charterhouse ; BalHol 1859 (J.R.); Sch. of Trinity 1859 ; ist CI. Mods. i860 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1863 ; M.A. 1866 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Sen. Student 1864-9, Tutor 1866-71, Christ Church; Head Master, Whitgift Gr. School, Croydon, 1871-1902. Address : 20 St. Peter's Road, Croydon. Brodrick, Hon. George St. John : b. Feb. 21, 1888 ; s. of 9th Vis- count Midleton. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1907-8 (A.L.S., E.J.P.). Address : 34 Portland Place, London, W. Bromley-Davenport, William : h. Jan 21, 1863 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. W. Bromlev-Davenport, M.P. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1881-4. Com- manded 4th Batt. LY., S. Africa, 1 900-1 (dispatches, Queen's Medal, four clasps, and D.S.O.) ; Lieut. - Col. ; M.P. (C.) Macclesfield Div. of Cheshire 1 886-1 906 ; contested same div. 1910 ; Financial Sec, War Office, 1903-5 ; J. P. ; D.L. Club : Carlton. Addresses : Capes- thorne, Crewe ; Baginton Hall, Coventry ; Wootton Hall, Ash- bourne. Brooke, Joshua Rupert Ingham : b. Jan. 14, 1892 ; s. of Rev. W. I. Brooke, Rector of Barford, War- wick. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1911- (A.L.S., E.H., N.S.T.). Address : Barford Rectory, War- wick. Brooks, Francis : h. July 15, 1861 ; s. of John Brooks, of Edgbaston ; ni. April 18, 1906, Beatrice, d. of Rev. G. F. Wade, St. Lawrence Vicarage, York. Educ. King Edward VI Gr. School, Birming- ham ; Balliol 1880-4 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1881 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1884; M.A. 1887. Lecturer in Clas- sics 1887-1902, Prof, of Classics 1902-10, University Coll., Bristol ; Prof, of Classics, Univ. of Bristol, 1910-. Publications : Cicero, De Natura Deorum, 1896 ; Greek Lyric Poets, 1896 ; Initia Graeca, 1898 ; Poems of Leopardi, 1909 ; An Athenian Critic of Athenian Democracy, 1912. Club : Uni- versity and Literary (Bristol). Address : 8 The Paragon, Clifton, Bristol. ♦Brooks, Hugh Cecil : b. Jan. 18, 1885 ; s. of W. T. Brooks, M.D., of Oxford. Educ. Blundell's (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.L.S., C.B.) ; Newte Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 191 3 ; Univ. 1906, and Coll. Hockey XI's ; Cricket XI (Capt.) ; Rugby XV. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Colonial Civil Service, Political Department, N. Nigeria. Address : 32 Holvwell Street, Oxford. Broughton, Rev. Reginald : b. May 28, 1836 ; s. of B. S. Broughton, of Elmley Lovett, Worcs. ; m. (i) Ellen, d. of Robert Webber, of Silverton, Devon. Issue : one son ; (2) Julia, d. of John Eagle- ston, of Oxford. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Rossall ; Chel- tenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1855-60 (B.J., E.C.W., J.R., E.P., T.W.) ; Sch. and Ex. ; Hertford Sch., ist CI. Mods., and 2nd Math. Mods. 1856 ; Gaisford Prize (Verse), and 2nd Lit. Hum., 1858 ; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1859 ; Chancellor's Latin Essay i860 ; M.A. 1861. Union Soc. Assist. Master, Marlborough, 1859 ; Chel- tenham 1 861 ; Principal, Nelson Coll., N.Z., 1862 ; Head Master, Christ's Coll., Christchurch, N.Z., 1863-4 ; CI. Lecturer, University, Exeter, and Wadham Colls., 1866- 8 ; ordained d. 1867, p. 1868 ; Curate of St. Clement's, Oxford, 1867-8 ; Vicar of Long Benton 1868-71 ; Second Master, Gr. School, Newcastle-upon-T>Tie, 1870-2 ; M.A., Durham, 1872 ; Fellow and Humanity Lecturer, Hertford Coll., 1874-7 ; Rector of Mottestone, W. Shorwell, I.W., 1877-85 ; Vicar of Great Edstone 1906-12. Publications : Arts- tone's Politics, Books I, III, VII, 1876 ; Coleridge's Ancient Mariner translated into Latin Elegiacs, 1 906. Recreations : Walk- ing, riding, swimming, rowing. A ddress : Edstone, Kirby Moorside, Yorks. [Died Nov. 16, 191 2.] 40 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Broun, John Alexander : b. May ii 1856 ; s. of J. A. Broun, F.R.S. of London ; m. May 21, 1889 Mary, d. of Major-General de S Barrow. Educ. Abroad ; Univer sity Coll., London ; Balliol 1877-8 LC.S., N.W. Provinces and Oudh Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1879 ; Cantonment Magistrate Assist. Commissioner ; Joint Magistrate 1888 ; District Judge Magistrate and Collector 1896 Commissioner 1905 ; offtciating member of Board of Revenue 1912 ; member of Legislative Council ; Col, 2nd Regiment U.P. Horse; Hon. A.D.C. to H.E. the Viceroy; C.S.L 1909; retired 1 91 3. Address : East India United Service Club, 16 St. James's Square, London, S.W. ♦Brown, Alexander Grant : b. May 28, 1881 ; 5. of William Brown, of Toronto. Educ. Toronto Univ. ; Balliol 1903-5 (A.L.S.) ; ist Mod. Hist. 1905 ; B.A. and M.A. 1909. Address : 596 Huron St., Toronto, Canada. ♦Brown, Archibald : b. 1841 ; s. of James Brown, of Galashiels. Educ. Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1865-6 ; Jun. Student of Christ Church 1866-8 ; ist CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1S68 ; ist Law and Hist., and B.A., 1869 ; Vinerian Sch. 1870 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1872. Barrister, M.T., 1870. Publications : The Law ojf Obligations, 1872 ; A New Law Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1880 ; The Law of Fixtures, 1881 ; Analysis of Savigny^s Obligations in Roman Law ; A New Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature, 2nd ed., 1885 ; Rating of Mines and Quarries, 1898 ; The Copyhold Enfranchisement Acts, 1903. Ad- dress : 3 Stone Buildings, Lin- coln's Inn, London, W.C. Brown, Charles Dallas : b. 1866 ; s. of T. E. Brown, M.D., CLE. Educ. Charterhouse (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1885-8 (W.M.) ; 4th Or. Stud., and B.A., 1888. LC.S., Bombay, 1887 ; retired 1894. Address ; Brynteg, Rhayader, Radnor. Brown, David Westcott : b. Dec. 19, 1892 ; s. of Rev. G. G. Brown, Rector of St. Mary's, Bedford. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1912- (A.W.P.C.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1914. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : St. Mary's Rectory, Bedford, ♦Brown, Rev. George Gibson : b. Nov. 23, 1862 ; s. of J. C. Brown, of Edinburgh ; w. 1891, Nelly, d. of Joseph Hardman. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. George Watson's Coll. (Sch.) ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1885-8 (W.H.F., F, de P., E.A., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1886 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1 891. Prepared for Orders at Auckland Castle 1888-9 ; ordained d. 1889, p, 1890 ; Curate of Tudhoe Grange 1889-93 ; Rector of All Saints', Colchester, 1893-1911 ; Diocesan Inspector 1 893-1 904 ; Deputy Chairman Colchester Education Committee ; Vicar of St, Mary's, Bedford, 191 1-. Address : St. Mary's Vicarage, Bedford. Brown, Ivor John Carnegie : h. April 25, 1 891 ; s. of W. C. Brown, M.D., of London. Educ. Chelten- ham ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W., R.G.) ; Hon. Sch. and Warner Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1911 ; Hall and Kington Oliphant Prizes 1912 ; ist Lit. Hum., joint holder of Jenkyns Ex., and B.A., 1913. Union and Arnold Socs. 6th place Civil Service (Home) Exam., and entered Home Office 1913; resigned Home Office 1913. Address : yj Fitzjohn's Avenue, London, N.W. Brown, John : b. Aug. 30, 1891 ; s. of John Brown, of Edinburgh. Educ. Merchiston Castle ; Balliol 1910- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.D.L.); Rugby XV. Union Soc. Address: 7 Greenhill Place, Edinburgh. Brown, John Macmillan : b. 1846 ; s. of James Brown, captain in the Merchant Service ; m. 1886, Helen Connon. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Irvine Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; BaUiol 1869-74 (T.H.G., B.J., R.L.N.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd 41 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER CI. Mods, 1871 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1873 ; M.A., Glasgow, 1870 (ist CI, Honours, winner of Rectors and Coulter prizes) ; Geological Survey, Scotland, 1874 ; Prof, of Classics, Canterbury Coll., Christ- church, N.Z., 1874 ; English Literature (with Hist, and Politi- cal Economy), ditto, 1879-95 ; Fellow of Senate, Univ. of New Zealand, 1877- ; member of Com- mission on Secondary and Higher Education in New Zealand 187S- 81 ; Hon. LL.D., Glasgow, 1906. Publications : Manual of Eng- lish Literature, 1894; studies: Thackeray's £smonti, 1894, Shake- speare's Julius Caesar and Mer- chant of Venice, 1894, Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, 1903, Car- lyle's Sartor Resartus, 1903, Milton's Samson Agonistes, 1903 ; Riallaro, 1900 ; Limanora, a Scientific Utopia, 1903 ; Maori and Polynesian, their Origin, History, and Culture, 1907; The Dutch East, 1914. Recreation : Ethno- logical study of the Pacific and its shores. Address : Christ- church, Canterbury, New Zealand. •Brown, John Ranlune : b. April 4, 1886 ; s. of Rev. John Brown, D.D., of Bellahouston Manse, Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow High School ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1905-9 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Snell Ex. and first Newlands Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1907 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909 ; Hon. Mention Arnold Hist. Essay ; M.A., 191 2 ; Ferguson Sch. in Classics (Scotland), 1906, 7. Lecturer in Classics and Ancient Hist., Arm- strong Coll., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 191 1 ; Fellow and Jun. Bursar, Pembroke Coll., 1911-. Ad- dresses : Pembroke College, Ox- ford ; Bellahouston Manse, Glas- gow. ♦Brown, Kenworthy : b. Feb. 10, 1859 ; s. of Rev. T. K. Brown, of Brockhall, Weedon. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1878-82 (A.T., A.L.S.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1885. Union, Brakenbury,and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, LT., 1885; practised in Madras 1 885-1902 ; London 1904-. Clubs : Athenaeum, Ori- ental. Addresses: 3 Temple Gar- dens, Temple, London, E.C. ; 5 Campden Hill Court, Kensington, London, W. Brown, Leonard Graham : 6. Sept. 6, 1888 ; s. of J. G. Brown, of Brisbane. Educ. Brisbane Gr. School; Balliol 1909-13 (H.B.H.); Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1912; England, Univ. (Capt. and Sec), and Coll. Rugby XV's. Student at the London Hospital 191 3. Address : Brisbane, Queensland. ♦Brown, Richard Cuthbert : b. April 28, 1 871 ; s. of Richard Brown, of Whitehill, Luton. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1890-3 (A.L.S.) ; B.A. 1898 ; M.A. 1899. Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, L.L, 1898. Address : 14 Devonport St., Hyde Park, London, W. Brown, WUliam Barclay : 6. 1865 ; s. of David Brown, of Dairy, Scot- land. Educ. Ayr Academy ; Bal- liol 1883-6 (W.M.) ; B.A. 1886. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1886 ; Assist. Commissioner, Assam, 1889 ; Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1894 ; District and Sessions Judge, 1897 ; transferred to E. Bengal and Assam, 1905 ; retired 1 91 1. Publications : Grammar of Deori-Chutiya Language ; Guide- Book to Orissa. Address : The Gables, Broadway, Worcs. Browne, Arthur Harold : b. 1871 ; s. of Rev. J. J. Browne, Rector of Little Tey, near Colchester. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1889- 93 ; Blundell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1891. ♦Browne, Rev. Charles Gordon : b. Jan. 9, 1845 ; s. of Octavius Browne, of Brixton ; m. Jan. 7, 1874, Mary Alice (d. 1906), d. of G. I. Bevan. Issue : seven children. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1864-8 (J.R., E.P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1865 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1867; M.A. 1870; B.D. andD.D. 1908. Union Soc. Ordained d. 42 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1871, p. 1872 ; Curate of God- manchester 1 871-4 ; Ringwood 1874-5 ; St. Peter's, Bourne- mouth, 1875-9 ; Clewer 1879-80 ; Chapl. Clewer House of Mercy 1880-8 ; Curate of St, Nicholas's, Guildford, 1888-90 ; Assist. Sec. of E.C.U., and Hon. Curate of St. John's, Red Lion Square, 1890-2 ; Rector of Lympstone 1892- ; Rural Dean of Ayles- beare 1906-. Publications : co- translator of St. Gregory Nazianzen (Schafi's Post-Nicene Fathers). Address : Lympstone Rectory, Exeter. Browning, Andrew : b. March 28, 1889 ; s. of Daniel Browning, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1912- (H.W.C.D.) ; Braken- bury Hist. Sch. ; Stanhope Essay 1913 ; divided Coll. Hist. Prize 1914. Union Soc. Address : 4 Clayton Terrace, Dennistoun, Glasgow. Bruce, Hon. Alexander : b. July 29, 1884 ; s. of 9th Earl of Elgin. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1902- 6 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1904 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Assist. District Commissioner, B. E. Africa, 1 908-. Club : National Liberal. Address : Broomhall, Dunfermline, Scotland. Bruce, Edward James, Lord : b. June 8, 1881 ; s. of 9th Earl of Elgin. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1901- 4 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D. ) Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Served in Forfar and Kincardine R.G.A. Militia 1900-8 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Sec. of State for Colonies 1906-8 ; Major Com- manding Highland (Fife) R.G.A. 1908- ; J.P., D.L. Clubs : Brooks's; New (Edinburgh). Ad- dress : The Hill House, Dunferm- line, Scotland. Bruce, Hon. Frederick John : b. Sept. 16, 1854 ; s. of 8th Earl of Elgin. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1873-7 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1875 ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1877. Club : Athenaeum. Address : Seaton House, Arbroath, Scotland. *Bruce, George Lewis : b. Dec. 17 1862 ; s. of A. C. Bruce (after- wards Bruce- Pryce), of Duffryn, Cardiff ; m. 1903, Helen Camp- bell, d. of M. H. Rankin. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-5 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1888. Toynbee Hall 1 886-1903 ; member London School Board 1891-7, 1900-4 ; Metropolitan Asylums Board 1 897-1 900 ; London Educational Committee 1904-6 ; ditto, co- opted, 1913-; Barrister, L.L, 1909 ; London County Council 1910-13. Club : National Liberal. Addresses : Woodberrie Knoll, Loughton ; Blaen-y-cwm, Monk- nash, Glamorgan. Bruce, James Fawthrop : b. Sept. 26, 1888 ; s. of George Bruce, of Petersham, N.S.W. Educ. Sydney Univ. ; Balliol 1912- (H.W.C.D., A.L.S.) . Address : Clovelly, Brighton St., Petersham, New South Wales. Bruce, Richard Frederick David : b. March i, 1894 ; s. of Hon. F. J. Bruce, of Arbroath. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1913- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T.). Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Address : Seaton House, Arbroath. Bruce, Hon. William Napier : b. Jan. 15, 1858 ; s. of ist Baron Aberdare ; m. 1882, Emily, d. of General Sir Montagu McMurdo, G.C.B. Issue : two children. Edtic. Harrow ; Balliol 1876-80 (R.G.T., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1880 ; O.U.A.C, Quarter Mile v. Cam- bridge 1877, 9, 80. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, L.L, 1883 ; As- sist. Commissioner in Charity Commission under Endowed Schools Acts 1 886-1 900 ; Sec. of Royal Commission on Secondary Education 1894-5 ; Assist. Sec. Board of Education 1900-3 ; Principal ditto. Secondary Schools Branch, 1903- ; C.B. 1905. Pub- lications : Short Life of General Sir Charles Napier, 1885; edited 43 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Autobiography and Letters of Sir A. H. Layard, 1903. Club : Athenaeum. Addresses: i4Cran- lev Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. ; Celbridge Lodge, Cookham, Berks. Bruce-Gardyne, Ian Meredith : b. July 12, 1895 ; s. of D. G. Bruce- Gardyne, of London, Educ. Eton; Balliol 1913- (J.W.R.); Torpid. Union Soc. Address: 26 Sloane Gardens, London, S.W. Bryce, John Annan : b. 1844 ; s. of James Bryce, LL.D., of Glasgow ; m. Violet, d. of Captain Cham- pagne L'Estrange, R.A. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. High School and Univ., Glasgow ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1868- 72 ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1869 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1 871 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1872. Union Soc. (Sec. 1869, Treas. 1870, Pres. 1872). M.A., Glasgow ; formerly East India Merchant, Chairman Ran- goon Chamber of Commerce, and member of Legislative Council of Burma ; Director London, County and Westminster Bank, English, Scottish, and Australian Bank, Atlas Assurance Co., Bombay, Baroda, and Burma Railway Cos. ; member of Council of Royal Geographical Soc. ; member of Royal Commission on Congestion in Ireland ; M.P. (L.) Inverness Burghs 1906-. Clubs : Alpine, Savile. Address : 35 Bryanston Square, London, W. Bryce, Roland L'Estrange : b. Nov. 19, 1889 ; s. of J. A. Bryce, M.P., of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.L.S., A.D.L., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912 ; Morrison Fours. Club : Eighty. Address : 35 Bryanston Square, London, W. Buch, Charles Justus : b. April 16, 1880 ; s. of Charles Buch, of London. Educ. Abbey School, Beckenham ; Rossall (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1900-4 (F. de P., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1904. Union Soc. Private Tutor 1904-7 ; Hist. Lecturer, Egyptian Educa- tion Department, 1907-. Club : Turf (Cairo). Address : c/o O. Andreae, Esq., Messrs. Hermann, Meyer & Co., 11 Copthall Court, Throgmorton St., London, E.C. Buchanan, Rt. Hon. Thomas Ry- burn : b. April 2, 1846 ; s. of John Buchanan, of Dowan Hill, Glasgow ; m. 1888, Emily Oc- tavia, d. of T. S. Bolitho, of Trengwainton, Cornwall. Educ. High School, Glasgow ; Sher- borne ; Balliol 1865-9 (B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods., and Math. Mods., 1867; Stanhope Prize 1868; ist Lit. Hum. 1869 ; B.A. 1870 ; M.A. 1872 ; winner Coll. Half- Mile ; Fellow of All Souls 1871 ; M.P. (L.) Edinburgh 1881-5, West Edinburgh 1885-92, East Aber- deenshire 1 892-1 900, East Perth- shire 1903-10 ; Financial Sec. for War 1906-8 ; P.C. 1907 ; Under- Sec, for India 1908. Address : 12 South St., Park Lane, London, W. [Died April 7, 1911.] Buchanan, Thomas Thomson : b. May 2, 1878 ; s. of James Bu- chanan, of Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. Educ. St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol 1900-1 (A.W.P.C.) ; Lincoln (Sch.) 1901 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. CI. Assist., Royal Academy, Inver- ness, 1904; CI. Master, Gr. School, Berwick-on-Tweed, 1906 ; Sen. ditto. High School, Kirkcaldy, 1907-14. Address : Bahvearie Road, Kirkcaldy. Buckland, Charles Edward : b. Sept. 19, 1847 ; s. of C. T. Buck- land, I.C.S. ; m. Dec. 6, 1873, Laura Anna, d. of C. R. Lindsay, I.C.S. Issue : four sons, three daughters. Educ. Laleham ; Eton ; Balliol 1866-9 (E.P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods., and Math. Mods., 1868; B.A. 1869; Torpid. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1885 ; I.C.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1870 ; Attache, Foreign Department, 1 871-3 ; Canton- ment Magistrate ; Famine Duty 1874 ; Private Sec. to Lieut. - Governor of Bengal 1874-7 ; ditto 44 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER to Governor of Bombay 1877-8 ; Ofl&ciating Under-Sec, Home Department, 1878-9 ; Officiating Press Commissioner 1879-80 ; Magistrate and Collector 1880-3 > Jun. Sec. to Board of Revenue 1883-7 ; Sen. ditto 1887-91 ; Revenue and General Sec. to Government of Bengal 189 1-6 ; Commissioner of Burdwan 1896-8 ; ditto, Presidency Division, 1898- 1900 ; Chief Sec. to Government of Bengal 1900-2 ; Sen. Member Board of Revenue, Bengal, 1902- 4 ; member of Legislative Council 1891-1904 ; CLE. 1895 ; retired 1904. Publications: Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors (2 vols.) ; A Dictionary of Indian Biography ; various official manuals. Recrea- tions : Cricket, rowing, football, cycling, riding, swimming. Clubs : United Service (Calcutta), Athe- naeum. Address : 61 Cornwall Gardens, South Kensington, Lon- don, S.W. Buckley, James William : b. Jan. 26, 1850 ; s. of James Buckley, of Quick Edge, Saddleworth ; m. 1873, Anna Maria, d. of William Ward. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Private ; Bal- liol 1868-72 (E.P., T.H.G., H.J.S.S.) ; ist Math. Mods. 1870. Cotton-spinner 1872-97. Clubs : Clarendon (Manchester), Royal Windermere. Addresses : Moor Crag, Windermere ; Westwood, Altrincham, Cheshire. ♦Bucknill, Rev. Edwin George : b. Aug. 24, 1886 ; s. of G. E. Bucknill, of London. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-8 (C.B., H.W.C.D.) ; WUliams and CI. Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 1 91 3. Union and Arnold Socs. O.U.R.V.C. 1906-8; 9th (Terri- torial) Batt. Middlesex Regt. 1908-13 ; Solicitors' Law Final Exam. 1912 ; Cuddesdon Coll., and ordained d., 1913 ; Curate, Portsea Parish Church, 191 3-. Address : The Vicarage, Portsea, Buist, Alexander AUardice : b. March 20, 1889; s. of J. C. Buist, of Broughty Ferry. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1907-g and 1911-12 (F. de P., C.B., A.D.L.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1909 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 191 2. Address : Balgillo, Broughty Ferry, Scotland. Bulkeley-Johnson, Vivian : b. Jan. 15, 1891 ; s. of F. H. Bulkeley- Johnson, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1913; Univ. Racquet Team v. Cambridge. Rifle Brigade. Address : Bachelors' Club, Hamilton Place, London, W. Burd, Laurence Arthur : b. June i, 1863 ; s. of Laurence Burd, of Shrewsbury ; m. Alice Gertrude, d. of Dr. Burd, of Shrewsbury. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1882-5 (J.L.S.D., R.L.N., W.H.F., E.A.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1888. Master at Repton 1886—. Publications : Le Fonti letter arte di Machiavelli nelV ' Arte delta Guerra ', 1897 ; ' Florence and Machiavelli ' (Camb. Mod. Hist.) ; ' The Evolution of a Public School ' ( The Public Schools from Within) ; editor of Machia- velli, II Principe ; Plutarch, Coriolanus. Address : Repton School, Burton-on-Trent. Burkitt, William John Dwyer : b. Oct. 28, 1872 ; s. of Sir William Burkitt, Puisne Judge of High Court, N.W. Prov., India ; m, Jan. 3, 1906, Noel Stephanie, d. of Major Woodham, Northampton- shire Regiment. Issue : one son. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1891- 3 (W.M.). I.C.S., United Prov. 1893 ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector ; Assist. Settlement Offi- cer ; Joint Magistrate and Settle- ment Officer 1900 ; Assist. Com- missioner 1904 ; Registrar, High Court, 1905 ; Deputy Commis- sioner 1910 ; Magistrate and Col- lector, and District and Sessions Judge, 1911. Address : c/o Grimbly, Groom & Co., Bombay. ♦Burnet, John : b. Dec. 9, 1863 ; s. of John Burnet, Advocate, of 45 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Edinburgh ; m. 1894, Mary, d. of John Farmer. Issue : one daugh- ter. Educ. Royal High School and Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1883-7 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1884 ; Taylorian Sch. (French) 1885 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887 ; M.A. 1890. Braken- bury Soc. Assist, to Prof, of Greek, St. Andrews, 1887 ; Assist. Master, Harrow, 1888 ; Fellow of Merton 1890 ; Prof, of Greek in United CoU. of St. Salvator and St, Leonard, St. Andrews, 1892- ; Exam, in Lit. Hum., Oxford, 1901-3 and 191 1 ; ditto, Cam- bridge CI. Tripos, 1908-9 ; LL.D. Edinburgh ; Hon. Ph.D., Prague ; Vice-Pres. of CI. Assoc, of Scot- land ; Ofl&cier de I'lnstruction Publique 191 1. Publications : Early Greek Philosophy, ist ed., 1892, 2nd ed. 1908, German translation 191 3 ; Nicomachean Ethics, 1899 ; Platonis Opera, 5 vols., 1899-1906 ; Aristotle on Education, 1903 ; Plato's Phaedo, 191 1 ; Greek Philosophy, Thales to Plato, 1 91 4. Address : United College, St. Andrews, Scotland. *Bunis, Rev. Islay Ferrier : h. Sept. 18, 1854; s. of Rev. Prof. Islay Burns, D.D., of the Free Church Coll., Glasgow ; m. 1893, May Carmichael, d. of Robert Hender- son, of Glasgow. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Glasgow Academy and Univ. ; Balliol 1876-80 (R.G.T., E.A.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1878 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1880; M.A. 1899. Union Soc. Sometime Classical and English Master, Edinburgh Academy ; Minister of EngUsh Presbyterian Church, Darenth, Kent, 1893; Tutor and Lib., Westminster Theol. Coll., Cambridge, 1 899-; M.A., Glasgow and Cambridge, Publications: Chiefly ' Charites ', ' Greek and Roman Cosmogony and Cosmo- logy \, &c., in Hastings's Encyclo- paedia of Religion and Ethics. Addresses : Westminster College, and Kilsyth, Storeys Way, Cam- bridge. Bums-Lindow, Samuel Lindow : b. Oct. 1, 1869 ; 5. of Jonas Lindow Bums-Lindow, of Irton Hall, Cumberland. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1888-9 (W.H.F., W. H. Fremantle, E.A,) ; Brasenose, 1889 ; B,A, 1891 ; M.A. 1893. J. P. 1904, High Sheriff 1906, Coimty of Cumberland. Address : Greenlands, Holmrook, Cumber- land. ♦Burroughs, Rev. Edward Arthur : b. Oct. I, 1882 ; s. of Rev. Pre- bendary Burroughs, Vicar of Plymouth. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; BalUol 1900-4 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch. 1901 ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1902 ; Chancellor's Latin Verse Prize, and Prox. Acces. Ireland Sch., 1903; Prox. Acces. Gaisford Greek Verse Prize 1903, 4 ; ist Lit, Hum., and B.A., 1904 ; Derby Sch. 1905 ; M.A. 1907, Arnold Soc, Ordained d, 1908, p. 1909 ; Fellow and Lecturer in Greek and Latin 1905-, Tutor 191 2-, Hert- ford ; Lecturer, Jesus Coll., 1907 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Liver- pool 1909- ; Governor, Lady Mar- garet Hall, 1910-. Addresses : Hertford College, Oxford; The Rectory, Tiverton, Devon, Burrows, John Henry : b. July 15, 1892 ; s, of J, R, Burrows, of Bradford. Educ. Bradford Gr. School; Balliol 1911- (H.B.H., J.W.R., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1912, Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Moorlands, Bradford Moor, Bradford. Burrows, Montagu Brocas : h. Oct. 31, 1894 ; s. of S. M. Burrows, of Oxford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol I9i3-(H.W.C.D.,N.S.T.). Braken- bury and Annandale Socs. ; Univ, Freshmen's Cricket Match 1914. Address : Norham House, Oxford, Burt, Rev. Emest Whitby : b. July 30, 1866 ; s. of William Burt, of Yeovil ; w. (i) 1894, Helena (d. 1904), d. of Rev. J. P. Tetley. Issue : one son, two daughters ; (2) 1910, Ethel Mary Tetley, Educ. Clevedon ; University Coll., Bris- tol ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.M.) ; 46 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Davis Chinese Sch. 1890 ; 3rd Lit. Ind., and B.A., 1892 ; M.A. 1900. Union Soc. B.A., London (ist CI. Honours), 1888 ; Mis- sionary in Shantung under English Baptist Mission 1892- ; Teacher in Shantung Christian Univ. Union Institution (330 Students in Arts, 200 in Theology and Normal School, 30 in Medical School) 1904- ; Sec. of Baptist Mission in Shantung, and of Shantung Federation of the Christian Church ; joint editor of Chinese Recorder ; member of China Con- tinuation Committee. Addresses : Tsing Chow Fu, Shantung, N. China ; Ayr Villa, Yeovil. Bussweiler, Ronald Henry : b. Jan. 18, 1895 ; s. of A. B. Bussweiler, of Harrow-on-the-Hill. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1913- (C.B.). Union Soc. Address : The White Cottage, Sudbury Hill, Harrow- on-the-Hill. ♦Butler, Harold Beresford : b. Oct. 6, 1883 ; s. of A. J. Butler, D.Litt., Fellow and Bursar of Brasenose ; w. April 14, 1910, Olive, d. of S. A. W. Waters, of Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-5 (J.A.S., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909 ; Hockey XI (Capt.). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1905 ; Home Office 1908 ; Sec. to British Delegates at In- ternational Conference at Paris on Aerial Navigation 1910 ; Private Sec. to Mr. EUis Griffith, K.C., M.P., Parliamentary Under Sec. of State for the Home Department, 191 3-. Publication : The English Con- ception of Police. Addresses : Home Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. ; All Souls College, Oxford. Butler, Sir Spencer Harcourt : b. Aug. I, 1869 ; s. of S. P. Butler, of London ; m. July 1894, Flo- rence, d. of F. N. Wright, I.C.S. Issue : one son. Educ. Harrow (Ex.) ; Balliol 1888-90 (W.M.). I.C.S., N.W. Prov. and Oudh 1890 ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector ; Jun. Sec. Board of Revenue 1892 ; Settlement Officer 1893 ; Sec. to Famine Commis- sion 1900 ; Financial Sec. to Government 1903 ; Director of Agriculture ; Judicial Sec. to Government of United Prov. ; Deputy Commissioner, Lucknow ; Foreign Sec. to Government of India 1908 ; member of the Executive Council of the Governor- General 1910-; CLE. 1901; C.S.I. 1909 ; K.C.S.I. 1911. Address : With the Supreme Government, India. Butt, Rev. Arthur : b. 1852 ; s. of H. Butt, of Blandford; m. 1886, D. A., d. of L. H. Nolan. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Private ; Non-Coil. 1878-80 ; Bal- liol 1880-1 (H.B.D.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1885. Army Tutor 1881-97 ; ordained d. 1885, p. 1886 ; Curate of All Souls', Eastbourne, 1885-7 ; St. Mary-de-Lode, Gloucester, 1897 ; Licensed Preacher in Dio. of Chichester 1887-97 ; Rector of Rodmarton 1897-. Address : Rodmarton Rectory, Cirencester. ♦Butterfield, Frederick William Louis : b. 1858 ; m. 1888, Miss Ridgway, of Philadelphia. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Private ; Columbia Coll. Law School, New York (graduate 1882) ; Leipzig Conservatory of Music (graduate 1887) ; Non-Coil. 1895 ; Balliol (incorporated) 1901 ; 4th Eng. Lit., and B.A., 1898 ; M.A. 1901. Sometime U.S. Consul at Ghent. Recreations : Music, fencing, swim- ming. Clubs : Authors', 1900, &c. Address : CliSe Castle, Keighley, Yorks. Butterworth, Alan : b. July 25, 1864 ; s. of Henry Butterworth, of Rochdale; m. 1897, Alice Erskine, d. of Major-General G. Colclough, R.H.A. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey ; Balliol 1883-5 (W.M.). I.C.S., Madras; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1885; Under -Sec, Revenue Department, 1893 ; Judge and 47 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Sessions Judge 1897 ; Divisional Judge 1898 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1898 ; Collector and Magistrate 1901 ; Sec. to Government, Local, Municipal, Educational, and Legislative De- partments, 1912 ; member, Board of Revenue, 1913. Publications : a work on Indian Trees ; joint author of a work on Indian Epi- graphy. Address : Madras Club, RIadras, India. Butterworth, Frederick William : b. March 21, 1844 ; s. of Rev. J. H. Butterworth, of London ; m. March 28, 1892, Agnes Amelia, d. of R. C. Benabo, and widow of W. A. Baillie. Educ. Marlborough (Ex.) ; Balliol 1864-7 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1866 ; B.A. 1867 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Partner in John Whitham & Son, Bordeaux, and Whitham & Butterworth, Lon- don, 1870 ; Deputy Chairman of Gresham Life Assurance Soc. and of Gresham Fire and Accident Soc. ; Director of Licences In- surance and Guarantee Corpora- tion. Clubs : New University, Marylebone, Address : Hughen- den, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, S.W. Buxton, Charles Sydney ; b. May 26, 1884 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sydnev Buxton, M.P. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1903-7 Hist. Ex. ; B.A. 1906 ; M.A. 1909. bury Socs. Lecturer in (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1905 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1907; Union and Braken- Vice- Principal and Hist., Ruskin Coll., Oxford, 1907-9 ; contested (L.) Woodbridge Div. of Suffolk 1910. [Died Aug. 31, 1911.] Byles, Rev. Tliomas Roussel Davids : b. Feb. 26, 1870 ; s. of Rev. A. H. Byles, of Shelton, Hanley. Educ. Leamington Coll. (Sch.) ; Rossall (Sch.) ; Balliol 1889-94 (J.W.R., A.L.S.) ; Math. Sch. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1891 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1893 ; 3rd Theol., and B.A., 1894. Arnold Soc. (Vice-Pres.). Master St. Edmund's Coll., Ware, 1896-9 ; studied Theology in Rome 1899-1903 ; B.D., Gre- gorian Univ., 1 901 ; ordained p. 1902 ; Catholic Rector of Ongar 1905-12. Publication : A School Commentary on 2nd Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, 1897. Address : Catholic Presbytery, Ongar, Essex. [Perished in Titanic disaster, April 14, 1912.] Byth, George Leonard : b. Oct. 10, 1890 ; s. of G. G. Byth, of Ithaca, Brisbane. Educ. Sydney Univ. ; Balliol 191 3- (A.D.L.). Union Soc. Address : Bon Accord, Ithaca, Brisbane, Queensland. CabaW, Michael : 6. 1855 ; s. of Nahum Cababe, of The Grove, Walton-on-Thames. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1873-5 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1876. Barrister, I.T., 1879. Publica- tions : The Principles of Estoppel, 1888 ; On Attachment of Debts and Equitable Execution, 3rd ed. ; and Interpleader in the High Court of Justice and in the County Courts, 3rd ed., 1900 ; joint author of Reports of Actions tried in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court, vol. i, 1883-5. Addresses : The Grove, Waltou-on-Thames ; 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, Lon- don, E.C. Cadell, Patrick Robert : h. May 6, 1871 ; s. of Col. Thomas Cadell, V.C, C.B. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Haileybury (Sen. and Jun. Schs.) ; Balliol 1889-91 (W.M.) ; Univ., South of England, and Coll. Rugby XV's. I.C.S. ; Chairman, Karachi Plague Com- mission, 1898 ; Under-Sec. to Government, Revenue, &c.. De- partments, 1 900-1 ; Private Sec. to Governor, 1907 ; Collector of Customs, Calcutta, 1908 ; Municipal Commissioner, City of 48 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Bombay, 1910- ; CLE. 1913. Clubs : East India United Ser- vice ; New (Edinburgh), Byculla (Bombay). Address : c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India. Cadogan, Hon. Alexander Montagu George : b. Nov. 25, 1884 ; 5. of 5th Earl Cadogan ; m. 1912, Lady Theodosia Acheson, d. of 4th Earl of Gosford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1903-6 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.); 2nd Mod. Hist. 1906 ; B.A. 1908. Passed Diplomatic Service Exam., and entered Foreign Office, 1908 ; Attache, Constantinople, Jan., 3rd Sec, Oct. 1910 ; transferred to Foreign Office 191 2 ; Sec. in Embassy, Vienna, 191 3. Address : Chelsea House, Cadogan Place, London, S.W. Cadogan, Hon.Edward Cecil George : b. Nov. 15, 1880 ; s. of 5th Earl Cadogan. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1899-1903 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; B.A. 1904. Union Soc. (Sec. 1902). Barrister, I.T., 1905 ; S.E. Circuit ; Borough Councillor, Chelsea, 1907-9 ; ist Lieut., Suffolk Yeomanry ; con- tested (C.) King's Lynn 1910 ; Sec. to Rt. Hon. Walter Long for one year ; Sec. to the Speaker of the House of Commons 1911- ; Sec. to Caledonian Canal Commis- sion ; Director of Law Insurance Co. ; on Committees of Victoria Hospitals for Children and Women. Publications : Makers of Modern History, 1905 ; Cavour, 1907. Club: Bachelors'. Address: Chel- sea House, Cadogan Place, Lon- don, S.W. Cahill, Joseph Robert : b, Jan. 12, 1879; s. of M. Cahill, M.D., of Dublin. Educ. Clongonewood Coll., Co. Kildare ; Balliol 1899- 1902 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1900 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1902 ; B.A. 1904. Address : c/o Dr. F. K. Cahill, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Caine, William : 6. Aug. 28, 1873 ; s. of W. S. Caine, of Liverpool ; tn. July 1907, Edith Gordon, d. of F. R. Walker, of Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Educ. Westminster; St. Andrews Univ. ; Non-Coil. 1892 ; BaUiol 1893-5 (W.H.F., A.L.S.); 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1895 ; Torpid (i and 2). Union and Ar- nold Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1897; N. Circuit ; author. Publications : Boom; The Rewll at Roskelly's; A Prisoner in Spain, &c. Clubs: Reform, Fly Fishers'. Address : Reform Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Calvert, Wilkle : b. June 21, 1881 ; s. of J. M. Calvert, of Rochdale. Educ. Silcoate's School, Wakefield ; University Coll., London ; Balliol 1899-1903 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1903. Assist. Master King Edward's Gr. School, Birmingham, 1905 ; commercial career with Christopher Thomas & Sons, Ltd., Soap Manufacturers, Bristol, 1906 ; joined T. H. Vavas- seur & Co., East India Merchants, London, 1909 ; Director, ditto, 1912 ; travelled in Ceylon and the East 1910 ; Lecturer on ' Distribu- tion of Goods ', London School of Economics. Recreation : Golf. Club: National Liberal. Address: 7 Wentworth Road, Hendon, London, N.W. Cameron, Arthur Garfield : b. March 6, 1882 ; s. of D. G. Cameron, of Montague, Prince Edward Island. Educ. Queen's Univ. ; Balliol 1906-9 (H.B.H., A.L.S.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909 ; Univ. Lacrosse Team 1908. Address : Montague, Prince Ed- ward Island, Canada. Cameron, Ewen Charles : b. Feb. 18, 1878 ; s. of Cameron of Lochiel. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1896-1900 (E.J., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1900 ; Assoc. XL Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1904 ; in chambers at Temple 1904-7 ; A.D.C. to the Earl of Selborne, Governor of Transvaal and High Commissioner for S. Africa, 1907-10 ; Acting Private Sec. to Lord Methuen while administering Government of Transvaal, June-Sept. 1909 ; 2nd Lieut., 1902, Major 1909, Lovat's Scouts Yeomanry; Sec. of Boy Scouts' Assoc, 1912-. Re- 49 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER creations : Deer-stalking, shooting, golf. Clubs : Marlborough, Bache- lors', Union, Walton Heath Golf. Addresses : 51 Montagu Square, London, W. ; Bachelors' Club, Piccadillv, London, W. Camoys, 5th Baron, Ralph Francis Julian Stonor : b. Jan. 28, 1884; s. of 4th Baron ; w. Nov. 25, I Oil, Mildred Constance, d. of W. Watts Sherman, of New York. Issue : one son. Educ. Oratory School, Edgbaston ; Balliol 1902- 4 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.). Captain in Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hus- sars ; Attache at Madrid 1907-8. Recreations : Motoring, balloon- ing, tennis, shooting. Clubs : Boodle's, Bachelors', Aero, New, Phyllis Court. Address : Stonor Park, Henley-on-Thames. Campbell, Colin George : b. May 26, 1852 ; s. of C. G. Campbell, D.L. for Argyllshire. Educ. Rugby : Balliol 1 871-5 (J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875; M.A. 1879. Union Soc. India Office ; Jun. Clerk, Mili- tary Department, 1876 ; Private Sec. to Permanent Under Sec. of State 1877-92 ; Sen. Clerk 1889 ; Reading Clerk to Council 1890-7 ; Private Sec. to Sec. of State 1894- 5 ; Sec. to Royal Commission on Indian Expenditure 1895 ; Assist. Sec. Political Department 1897 ; Assist. UnderSec. of State 1907-11; C.B. 1910. C/m6 : New University. Addresses: 43Lower Belgrave St., London, S. W.; Oakdene, Bracknell. [Died May 27, 1911.] ^Campbell, Rev. John McLeod : b. July 6, 1884 ; s. of Rev. Donald Campbell, Rector of Oakford, Devon. Educ. Marlborough ; Bal- liol 1903-7 (F.F.U., H.W.C.D., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906 ; M.A. 1910. Bishop's Hostel, Farnham, 1907 ; ordained d. 1909, p. 1910 ; Chapl. of Hert- ford 1909- ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Oxford 1910 ; ditto. Archbishop of York, 1912 ; Com- missary to Bishop of Bombay 1910. Address: Hertford College, Oxford. Campbell, John Stratheden : b. Jan. 21, 1863 ; s. of J. S. Campbell, I.C.S. ; m. Oct. 28, 1884, Honor, d. of General Sir Oliver Newmarch, K. C.S.I. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-3. IC.S., N.W. Prov. and Oudh ; Assist. Magis- trate and Collector, and Assist. Commissioner, 1883 ; Joint Magis- trate 1890 ; Deputy Commis- sioner, and District and Sessions Judge, 1896 ; Magistrate and Collector 1898 ; Commissioner, Kumaon Division, 1906 ; Famine ditto 1907 ; CLE. 1907 ; C.S.I. 1909. Clubs : Junior Carlton, East India United Service. Ad- dress : I.C.S. Commissioner, Ku- maon Division, United Provinces, India. ^Campbell, Norman Phillips : b. April 25, 1886 ; s. of J. B. Camp- bell, of Montreal ; nt. Lettice Margaret, d. of Dr. Joseph Armi- tage, of Tasmania. Educ. Duhnch Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (H.B.H.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1907 ; B.A. 1908 ; M.A. 1911. Missionary (C.M.S.). Address: Trinity Col- lege, Kandy, Cevlon. ♦Campbell, Percy Gerald Cadogan : b. Jan. 8, 1878 ; s. of Rev. C. C. Campbell, of Wirksworth ; m. Dec. 14, 1 9 10, Evelyn Amy, d. of j F. J. Rogers. Educ. Pensionnat St. Pierre, Calais ; Rossall ; Bal- liol 1897-1901 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; CI. Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1899 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1901 ; Chancellor's Medal for English Essay, and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1904 ; Univ. 189S-1901 (Sec.) and Coll. Hockey XI's ; Cricket, Football, Tennis Teams. Union, Arnold (Sec. and Pres.), Brakenbury, and Fotherin- gay Socs. Prof, of Romance Literature and Philology, Queen's Univ., Canada, 1902-. Club : Junior Army and Navy. Address : Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. ♦Campbell-Johnston, David Gavin : b. April 30, 1873 ; s. of A. R. Campbell- Johnston, F.R.S., of 50 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER London ; m. July 1905, Rosenda Isabel, d. of John Campbell. Issue : two sons. Educ. Marl- borough (Sch ) ; Balliol 1894-8 (A.L.S., W.H.R, F.F.U., E.J.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., Taylorian Cer- tificate in French, and B.A., 1898 ; 3rd B.C.L. 1900 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1903. Studied theo- logy in a Trappist Monastery in Palestine, and subsequently at Scots' Coll., Rome ; Barrister, L.I., 1905 ; since engaged in private study of subjects bearing on history, comparative religion, biblical criticism, &c. ; some- time representative of Mesopo- tamia Exploration Syndicate, Ltd., in Constantinople. Publications : * A Holiday in the Pyrenees ' {Field, Aug. 1910) ; various articles on financial topics in the Cosmo- politan Financier. Recreations : Fencing, mountaineering Club : Union. Address : Les Bruyeres, Anglet, Basses-Pyrenees, France. Camperdown, 3rd Earl of, Robert Adam Philips Haidane-Duncan : formerly Viscount Duncan ; b. May 28, 1 841 ; s. of 2nd Earl. Educ. Woodcote House ; Eton ; Balliol 1859-63 (B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1861 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1863 ; B.A. 1864 ; Morrison Fours i860. Lord-in-Waiting 1868-70 ; Civil Lord of the Admiralty 1870-4 ; LL.D., St. Andrews; Convener of Forfarshire ; D.L. ; J. P. Publi- cation : Admiral Duncan, 1898. Clubs : Brooks's, Marlborough, St. James's. Addresses : 39 Charles St., London, W. ; Camperdown, Dundee ; Gleneagles House, Perth. Campion, Charles Walter : b. Nov. 10, 1839 ; s. of W. J. Campion, of Danny, Sussex ; m. 1879, Charlotte Susan, d. of H. H. Seymour. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1858-62 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods, i860 ; 2nd Law and Hist. 1862 ; B.A. 1863. Barrister, L.I., 1866 ; Sec. to Speaker of House of Commons 1872-84 ; Exam, of Standing Orders, ditto, 1 884-1 91 1. Club : Travellers'. Address : Mariteau House, Win- chelsea, Sussex. *Camian, Edwin : 6. 1861 ; s. of D. A. Cannan ; m. 1907, Margaret M., d. of Deputy Surgeon-General Cullen ; Issue : one son. Educ, Clifton; Balliol 1881-3 {E.A., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; B.A. 1884 ; Lothian Essay Prize 1885 ; M.A. 1887. Lecturer at London School of Economics 1897- ; Hon. LL.D., Glasgow, 1 901 ; Prof, of Political Economy, Univ. of London, 1907- ; Dean of Faculty of Economics, ditto, 1900-4. Publications : The Duke of Saint Simon (Lothian Essay), 1885 ; Elementary Political Econo- my, 1 888, 3rd ed. 1903 ; History of the Theories of Production and Distribution, 1893, 2nd ed. 1903 ; History of Local Rates in England, 1896, 2nd ed. 1912 ; edited Adam Smith's Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue, and Arms, 1896, and Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 2 vols., 1904 ; The Economic Outlook, 1912 ; Wealth, 191 4. Recreations : Cycling, history of English roads. Address : 11 Chadlington Road, Oxford. Capel-Cure, Rev. Laurence George : b. Aug. 10, 1833 ; s. of Capel-Cure, of Blake Hall, Ongar ; m. 1857, Augusta Elizabeth, d. of Sir C. Cunliffe Smith, Bart. Issue : six children. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1852-6 (E.C.W., B.J.) ; 3rd Lav/ and Hist., and B.A., 1856. Or- dained d. 1858, p. 1859 ; Rector of Roding-Abbess 1858-1912. Ad- dress : Roding-Abbess Rectory, Ongar. [Died June 22, 1912.] Cardew, Alexander Evelyn : b. Nov. 19, 1888 ; s. of A. G. Cardew, C.S.I. , Revenue Sec. to Madras Government. Educ. Repton ; Balliol 1908-13 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S., H.M.W.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1910 ; Univ. and Coll. Assoc. XI's. Egyptian Civil Service 1913. Address : c/o Col. Brooke- Ander- son, Brookestead, King's Park Road, Bournemouth. Carew-Robinson, Courtenay Denis : b. Nov. 23, 1887 ; s. of C. Carew- Robinson, late of Calcutta, and 51 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Bepton, Midhurst, Sussex. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1906- lo (C.B., H.M.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1908 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1910 ; Assoc. XI (Capt.). Union Soc. Clubs : Savile, Queen's. Address : Home Office, London, S.W. Carey, Lionel Slade : b. Aug. 19, 1861 ; 5. of Sir T. G. Carey, Kt. ; m. July 3, 1886, Blanche Augusta, d. of Col. C. O'Donoghue. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey ; Bal- liol 1880-2 (A.T.) ; Eight ; Rugby XV. Union and Carlyle Socs. I.C.S., Central Prov. ; Assist, and Deputy Commissioner, Settlement Ofl&cer and Commissioner, Revenue Sec, Commissioner of Division, 1882-1908 ; retired 1908 ; King Edward VII Delhi Durbar Medal 1903 ; Jurat of Royal Court of Guernsey 1908-. Publication : Report on the Land Revenue Settle- ment of Raipur District, Central Provinces, 1885-9. Clubs : East India United Service ; Grange (Guernsey). Address : Rozel, Guernsey. Carlisle, 10th Earl of, Charles James Stanley Howard : formerly Vis- count Morpeth ; b. March 8, 1867 ; s. of 9th Earl ; m. April 17, 1894, Rhoda Ankaret, d. of Col. P. W. L'Estrange, R.A. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1886-9 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; Prox. Acces. Stanhope Prize; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1889 ; Rugby XV (Capt.). Dervorguilla Soc. Contested (U.) Chester- le- Street 1895 ; Hexham Div. of Northumberland 1900 ; Gates- head 1904 ; M.P. for South Birmingham 1 904-11 ; member of London School Board 1894-1902 ; Capt. in 5th Batt. Rifle Brigade ; served in S. Africa (Queen's Medal, three clasps) ; Alderman of County Council, J. P., and D.L., Cumberland. Clubs : Brooks's, Travellers'. Address : Naworth Castle, Carlisle. [Died Jan. 20, 1912.] Carlyle, Sir Robert Warrand : 6. July 11, 1859; s. of Rev. J. E. Carlyle (Free Church of Scotland) ; m. Sept. 29, 1903, Jane Isabel, d. of James Barton, of Farndreg, Co. Louth. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1878-80 (A.T.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1880 ; Under Sec. to Government, Judicial, Political, and Appoint- ment Departments, 1888 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector 1890 ; Under-Sec. to Government of India, Home Department ; Chief Sec. to Government of Bengal 1889 ; Magistrate and Collector 1894 ; Inspector-General of Police 1902 ; Commissioner, and OflSciating Chief Sec. to Govern- ment of Bengal, 1904 ; Chief Sec. 1905 ; temporary Sec. to Govern- ment of India, Revenue and Agricultural Departments, 1907 ; Sec, ditto, 1908 ; member Gover- nor-General's Executive Council 1910- ; transferred to Bihar 1912 ; CLE. 1898; C.S.I. 1910; K.C.S.I. 1911. Publication : joint author of A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Carmichael, George : b. March 25, 1866 ; s. of George Carmichael, of Aberdeen ; tn. Mary Gertrude, d. of C. T. Glover. Issue : two sons. Educ. Aberdeen Gr. School and Univ. ; Balliol 1884-6 (W.M.). I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector, Magis- trate, and Forest Settlement Officer, Bombay, 1886 ; Assist. Commissioner, Burma, 1889 ; re- turned to Bombay as 2nd Assist. 1894 ; ist Assist. 1897 ; Jun. Collector 1901 ; ditto and Political Agent, Rewa Kantha, 1901 ; Sen. Collector, Punjab, 1905 ; ditto. Magistrate, and Political Agent, Bhor, 1906-9 ; additional member of Governor's Legislative Council 1910 ; Chief Sec. to Government, Revenue, Finance, and Special Departments, 1910 ; C.S.I. 1913. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. 52 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Carndufl, Sir Herbert William Cameron : b. July 17, 1862 ; s. of D. Carnduff, of the Indian Educa- tional Service ; m. 1888, Julia, d. of Col. K. MacLeod, M.D., Hon. Phys. to the King. Issue : two sons. Educ. Private ; Edin- burgh Univ. ; Balliol 1881-3 (W.M.,A.T.). CarlyleSoc. Barris- ter, I.T., 1906. I.C.S., Bengal, 1883; Under -Sec. to Govern- ment 1887 ; Registrar, Calcutta High Court, 1889 ; District and Sessions Judge 1894 ; Sec. to Government of India 1901 ; Private Sec. to Viceroy of India 1902 ; Judicial Commissioner of Chota Nagpore 1904 ; Puisne Judge, Calcutta High Court, 1908 ; Judge of the High Court, Fort William, Bengal ; CLE. 1903 ; knighted 191 3. Clubs : United Services, Bengal United Service and Bengal (Calcutta). Address : The High Court, Bengal, India. Carpenter, Rhys : b. Aug. 5, 1889 ; s. of Prof, W. H. Carpenter, of Columbia Univ., New York. Educ. Columbia Univ., New York; Balliol 1908-11 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W.); Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911. Addresses : 417 West 117 Street, New York City, and Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa., U.S.A. Carr6, Meyrick Heath : b. Dec 12, 1891 ; s. of Rev. A. A. Carre, Rector of Smarden, Kent. Educ. Loretto ; Balliol 1911- (A.D.L., N.S.T.). Address : Smarden Rec- tory, Kent. ♦Carter, Frank : b. Aug. 21, 1861 ; s. of Rev. R. O. Carter, of Colwall Green, Malvern. Educ. Upping- ham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-3 (W. H. F., A. C. B., J. L. S. D., R.L.N.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist 01. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1895. Union and Arnold (one of original founders) Socs. Master, King's School, Ely, 1884-5 ; St. Paul's School, London, 1885-96 ; Prof, of Classics, McGill Univ., Montreal, 1896-1903; Master at Winchester 1903-. Publications : various articles and reviews in Classical Review. Recreations : Lawn tennis, golf. Clubs : Queen's, Savile ; Hampshire (Winchester), Royal Winchester Golf, Winchester Lawn Tennis. Address: Ashdene, Winchester. ♦Carter, Reginald : b. Jan. 12, 1868 ; s. of R. H. Carter, of Falmouth ; m. 1895, d. of Major- M. O. Boyd, Deputy Commis- sioner of Cachar. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Truro Gr. School ; Clifton (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1886-90 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1888 ; Gaisford Prize (Prose) 1889 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1890 ; Prox. Acces. Hertford Sch. ; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1893 ; Eight ; Rugby XV. Fellow and Lecturer, Lincoln, to 1901 ; CI. Moderator 1898-9 ; Principal, Oxford Univ. Day Training Coll., 1 898-1 901 ; Rector of Edinburgh Academy 1902-11; Head Master, Bedford Gr. School, 1911-. Ad- dress : School House, Bedford. Cartwright, Sir Chauncy : b. Sept. 25, 1853 ; s. of Aubrey Cart- wright, of Edgcote, Banbury. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1872-4 (R.L.N.) ; Cricket XI ; Morrison Fours. Entered Foreign OflSce 1875 ; Sec. to Sir H. D. Wolff at Philippopolis 1878-9 ; to Lord E. Fitzmaurice at Constantinople 1880; Acting Agent and Consul- General in Egypt 1882 ; Acting 2nd Sec. at Teheran 1888-9 ; sent to Venezuela 1893 ; Sec. to Lord Herschell at Quebec and Washing- ton 1878-9 ; Chief Clerk, Foreign Office, 1900-13; C.M.G.,andEgyp- tian Medal and Clasp, and Khe- dive's Star, 1882 ; K.C.M.G. 1910. Recreations : Travelling, cycling, riding. Clubs : Travellers', St. James's, National, Society of Dilettanti ; Touring Club de France. Address : i Whitehall Gardens, London, S.W. Carus-Wilson, Martin Macdowall : b. Aug. 22, 1894 ; s. of C. A. Carus- Wilson, of London. Educ. Sher- borne ; Balliol 1913- (A.L.S., N.S.T.). Address : Hanover 53 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Lodge, Kensington Park, Lon- don, W. •Case, Thomas : b. July 14, 1844 ; s. of Robert Case, of Liverpool ; m. Jan. 22, 1870, Elizabeth Donn, d. of Sir Sterndale Bennett. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1863-7 (E.C.W.) ; 1st. CI. Mods. 1865 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1867; B.A. 1868; M.A. 1871 ; Univ. (1864, 5, 7) and Coll. Cricket XI's. Fellow of Brase- nose 1868-9 ; Lecturer and Tutor of Balliol 1870-6 ; Lecturer 1873, Tutor 1876, Fellow and Tutor, 1883, and Pres. 1904-, Corpus ; CI. Exam. 1877, 8, 9 ; 1883, 4 ; Lecturer in Greek Hist, at Christ Church 1883-9 ; Waynflete Prof, of Moral and Metaphysical Philo- sophy, and Fellow of Magdalen, 1889^1910. Publications : Physi- cal Realism, 1888 ; St. Mary's Clusters, 1893 ; lectures on The Methods of Science, 1906 ; preface to Bacon's Advancement of Learn- VIS, 1907 ; articles on Meta- physics, Logic, and Aristotle in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911. Address : Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Cash, William : 6. June 18, 1891 ; s. of William Cash, of Coombe Wood, Addington. Educ. Hailey- bury ; Balliol 1910-13 (H.W.C.D., N.S.T., A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. ; B.A., and Hon. Mention for Stan- hope Hist. Essay, 191 3. Union Soc. Pres. of Acton Hist. Soc. 1 91 3. Address : Coombe Wood, Addington, Surrey. ♦Castellain, Alfred : b. Jan. 10, 1840 ; s. of Alfred Castellain, J. P., of Liverpool ; m. April 5, 1866, Emily, d. of Charles Saunders, J. P., of Liverpool. Issue : three sons, five daughters. Educ. Private ; Brighton Coll. ; Harrow ; Balliol 185&-62 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd Math. Mods, i860; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1862 ; M.A. 1865. Engaged with Gruner & Haye, Bremen, and Beylard Freres, Bordeaux, 1863-5 ; partner in Frederick Huth & Co., Liverpool, and Gruning & Co., 1866-81 ; Vice-Consul for Chile 1873-81 ; Acting Consul during Chile- Peru War. Address : 19 Pulteney Road, Bath. •Castellain, Charles : b. Jan. 10, 1840 ; s. of Alfred Castellain, J. P., of Liverpool ; m. (i) Oct. 8, 1867, Katharine Florence, d. of Major- General Sir Robert Wallace, K.C.S.L Issue : one son, two daughters; (2) April 20, 1885, Amy Gertrude, d. of J. B. Towse. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Brighton Coll. ; Harrow ; Balliol 1858-62 (B.J.) ; 2nd Math. Mods, i860; 3rd Math., and B.A., 1862 ; M.A. 1865. Union Soc. In Bordeaux 1862-4 ; Bre- men 1864-6 ; business in Liver- pool 1866-79 ; Egypt 1881-3 ; New Zealand 1898. Address : Durgates Lodge, Wadhurst, Sus- sex. Castiehow, Stanley : b. Feb. 13, 1887 ; 5. of Isaac Castiehow, of Sandgate, Brisbane. Educ. Bris- bane Gr. School, St. Andrew's Coll., Svdney ; Balliol 1908-11 (C.B., J.A.S., A.D.L.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911. Address : St. Andrew's College, Svdney, New South Wales. Cave, Harold Watkins : b. Aug. 18, 1862 ; s. of Sir Lewis W. Cave, Judge of the High Court ; in. Sept. 23, 1891, Frances Maude, d. of J. Darlington, of Bourton Hall, Rugby. Issue : five chil- dren. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-5 (F. de P., R.G.T.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 2nd Jur. 1885 ; B.A. and M.A. 1888 ; Univ. (1881, 2, 3, 4) and Coll. Rugby XV's ; Eight ; Cricket XL Barrister, L.I., 1888 ; Solicitor 1895 ; Agent for Lord Cadogan's London Estates 1906-. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Leander. Address : Heath Lodge, Maidenhead Thicket, Berks, Chalmers, Kenneth Edlmann : b. Sept. 15, 1873 ; s. of Frederick Chalmers, formerly Capt. in Rifle Brigade, and partner in Brown, Shipley & Co., London ; m. 1898, Agnes, d. of Rev. Canon 54 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Theobald, Rector of Lasham, Hants. Educ. Eton (Captain of Oppidans 1892) ; Balliol 1892-6 {W.R.H., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and S.A., 1896. Union (Committee) and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1898. Chibs : Reform, Union, Wellington. Addresses : 8 Fig Tree Court, Temple, London, E.C. ; Blackbrook, Bickle}'^, Kent. ♦Chalmers, Thomas Marriott : b. July 28, 1884 ; s. of Rev. A. Chalmers, of Wakefield. Educ. Hamburg ; Willaston School, Nantwich ; Balliol 1902-7 (H.W.C.D., F.F.U., F.L.A.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906 ; M.A. 1913 ; Eight (cox). Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, L.L 191 1 ; Public Trustee Of&ce 1911-. Address : St. John's Mount, Wakefield. Chambers, Frank Harding : b. Sept. II, 1867; s. of Rev. J. J. Chambers, Vicar of St. Barnabas, Southampton ; m. 1888, M. A., d. of John Firth, of Sheffield. Issue : two sons, three daughters. Educ. Wolverhampton Gr. School ; Balliol 1885-8 (J.W.R.) ; Minor Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1886 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1893. Master at Portsmouth Gr. School to 1890 ; Charterhouse 1 90 1 ; Head Master, Lincoln Gr. School, 1901-11. Publication : Elements of Language. [Died March, 1912.] Chambres, Rev. Gordon Crewe : b. April 26, 1861 ; s. of C. C. Chambres, of Eyrie, Wallasey, Cheshire ; m. Dec. 20, 1910, Lilian Annie, d. of Dr. Plant, of Hindley. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; BaUiol i88o-i (W.H.F., H.B.D.) ; Minor Ex. ; Jun. Student of Christ Church 1881 ; ist Nat. Sci. 1883 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1886. Demonstrator at Christ Church, 1884 ; student at Marburg Univ. 1884-5 ; Science Master, King's School, Chester, 1886 ; Lecturer at Keble 1887 ; Second Master, Uttoxeter Gr. School, 1887-9 ; ordained d. 1888, p. 1889 ; Science Master Bromsgrove School 1889- 91 ; Head Master, Wigan Gr. School, 1 891- ; member of Chemi- cal Soc. and Incorporated Head Masters' Assoc. Addresses : 31 Upper Dicconson St., and The Grammar School, Wigan. Champneys, John Dalrymple : b. May 23, 1889 ; s. of Sir F. H. Champneys, Bart., M.D., of Lon- don. Educ. Rossall ; Balliol 1908- II (E.H.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1911. Club: Saviie. Address: 42 Upper Brook St., London, W. Chancellor, John Brandon : b. 1856 ; s. of John Chancellor, of Reading. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1875-8 ; Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876; 2nd Jur. 1878; B.A. 1879. Barrister, I.T., 1881. [Died Oct. 21, 1911.] Chaney, Newcomb Kinney : b. April 27, 1883 ; s. of Prof. Lucian W. Chaney ; m. 191 1, Elsie Webb. Educ. Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minnesota ; Balliol 1907-10 (H.B.H., F.L.A.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1910 ; Rugby XV ; Torpid (2) ; Morrison Fours. Union and Arnold Socs. George Leib Harri- son Fellow in Chem. 1910-12, Ph.D. 19 1 2, Univ. of Pennsyl- vania ; Research Chemist, Labo- ratory of National Carbon Co., 1912-; B.S. and M.S., Univ. of Car- leton. Address: 161 4 Wyandotte Ave., Lakewood, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Chaplin, Humphrey Marmaduke : b. Jan. 8, 1892 ; 5. of M. K. Chaplin, of Derbv. Educ. Rossall ; Balliol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Doraus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., Craven Sch., and Hon. Mention for Hertford Sch., 1913 ; Hockey XL Address : Lake House, Macclesfield. Chapman, Cecil Maiuice : b. June 24, 1852; s. of Henry Chapman, of Woodford, Essex ; nt. 1899, Adeline Mary, d. of D. B. Chapman, and widow of A. E. Guest. Educ. Tonbridge (Ex.) ; Balliol 1 871-5 (T.H.G., R.L.N., T.C.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1872 ; B.A. 1875 ; Cricket 55 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER XI. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1S78 ; S.E. Circuit and Sur- rey Sessions ; Assist. Commis- sioner on Markets and Fairs Com- mission 1887-8 ; ditto Labour Commission 1892-4 ; member London County Council for Chel- sea 1896-8, and of Council of Charity Organization Soc. ; Metro- politan Police Magistrate, South- wark, 1899- ; J. P. Publications : Marriage and Divorce, 191 1 ; editor of Cunningham's Indian Law of Evidence Act ; Assist. Editor of Fisher's Common Law Digest. Recreations : Cricket, golf. Clubs : Athenaeum, New University. Addresses : 24 Buck- ingham Gate, London, S.W. ; The Cottage, Roehampton, Lon- don, S.W. •Charnwood, 1st Baron, Godfrey Rathbone Benson : b. Nov. 6, 1864 ; s. of William Benson, J. P., of Langtons, Alresford, Hants ; w, 1897, Dorothea Mary Roby, d. of Roby Thorpe, of Nottingham. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Winchester (Ex.) ; BaUiol 1883-7 (J.W.M., R.L.N.) ; Minor Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1887 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1890. Braken- bury Soc. (Pres.). Barrister, I.T., 1898 ; sometime Lecturer at BaUiol; M.P. (L.) Mid-Oxon 1892-5 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Pres. of Board of Agriculture 1893-5 ; Mayor of Lichfield 1909- II ; member of House of Laymen, Province of Canterbury; J. P. Staffs. Publications : Tracks in the Snow ; joint editor of Nettle- ship's Philosophical Lectures and Remains. Clubs : Brooks's, Bath. Addresses : 108 Eaton Square, London, S.W. ; Stowe House, Lichfield. Charterls, Hon. Evan : b. 1864 ; s. of 10th Lord Wemyss. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1887-8 (B.J.). Barrister, I.T., 1891 ; Parlia- mentary Bar. Publication : Af- fairs of Scotland, n44-6. Club : Turf. Address : 23 St. James's Place, London, S.W. *Chaundy, Theodore William : b. Jan. 19, 1889 ; s. of John Chaundy, of Oxford. Educ. Oxford High School ; Balliol 1906-10 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Sch., 1907 ; ist Math., and B.A,, 1909 ; Sen. Math. Sch. 1910; M.A. 1913. Student and Lecturer in Math, at Christ Church 191 2- ; Treas. of Univ. Fabian Soc, member of Indepen- dent Labour Party, and London Math. Soc. Address : Christ Church, Oxford. *Cliavasse, Albert Sidney : b. Sept. 16, 1840 ; s. of Sidney Chavasse, of Birmingham ; m. 1882, Flo- rence Isabella, d. of Rev. R. Mann, Rector of Long Whatton, Leics. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. King Edward VI School, Birmingham (Leaving Ex.) ; Bal- liol 1858-64 (J.R., E.C.W., B.J., E.P., H.W.) ; Sch. and Jenk>Tis Ex. ; ist CI. Mods, and 3rd Math. Mods, i860 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1861 ; ist Law and Hist., and B.A., 1862 ; Prox. Acces. to Ireland Sch. 1861, and Johnson Theol. Sch. 1863 ; Vinerian Sch. 1863 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch., Ellerton Essay, and M.A. and B.C.L., 1865. Union Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1869 ; Fel- low 1 864-1902, Praelector 1864-6, Tutor 1871-93, Librarian 1878-86, Registrar and Sec. 1886-93, Uni- versity Coll. ; Exam, in Law and Hist. 1872, Jur. 1872, 3, 8, 9, and for B.C.L. 1873, 9 ; Sen. Proctor 1 880-1 ; CI. Moderator 1890. Publications : Hymns Translated and Original, 1900 ; co-editor of The Fourth Book of ThucydideSy 1884. Address : Lynch Rectory, Midhurst, Sussex. Chavasse, Francis Bernard : b. Dec 2, 1889 ; s. of Rt. Rev. F. J. Chavasse, D.D., Lord Bishop of Liverpool. Educ. Liverpool Univ.; Balliol 1908-12 (H.B.H.) ; Hon. Brakenbury Ex. ; Theodore Wil- liams Sch. in Human Anatomy and in Physiology 191 1 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1912 ; won Hundred Yards in Univ. Fresh- 56 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER men's sports. Address : The Palace, Liverpool. Cheatle, Walter John North : 6. Oct. 27, 1887 ; s. of T. H. Cheatle, of Burford. Educ. Repton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1906-9 (H.W.C.D., F.F.U., A.E.S.) ; B.A. 1910. 2nd Lieut. 1910, Lieut. 1912, ist Batt. King's Own Scottish Borderers. Recrea- tions : Polo, tennis, golf, hockey, and shooting. Addresses : Dil- kusha, Lucknow, India ; Burford, Oxon. Chevis, William : b. Sept. 4, 1864 ; s. of James Chevis, of Andover ; m. 1893, Amy Florence, d. of Rev. J. C. A. Darmenberg. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Lanc- ing ; BaUiol 1883-5 (W.M.). I.C.S., Punjab ; Assist. Commissioner 1885; District Judge 1893 ; Deputy Commissioner 1898 ; Divisional and Sessions Judge 1900; Officiat- ing Judge of Chief Court 19 10; Permanent Judge, ditto, 1914. Ad- dress : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. *Cheyne, Rev. Thomas Kelly : b. Sept. i8, 1841 ; s. of Rev. C. Cheyne, of Christ's Hospital ; m. (i) Frances E. (d. 1907), d. of Rev. D. R. Godfrey ; {2) Elizabeth, d. of J. P. Gibson. Educ. Merchant Taylors' School ; Sch. of Worces- ter Coll. ; B.A. 1862 ; Kennicott Sch., Johnson's Theol. Sch., and Ellerton Prize 1863 ; Pusey and Ellerton Sch., and Chancellor's English Essay, 1864 ; M.A. 1865 D.Litt. 1902 ; ordained d. 1864 p. 1865. Fellow, Chapl., Lib. and Hebrew Lecturer at Bal liol 1865-82 ; Rector of Ten dring 1880-5 5 Theol. Exam 1 881, 2, 9 ; Oriel Prof, of Inter pretation of Scripture 1 885-1 908 Canon of Rochester 18 85-1 908 member of Old Testament Revi sion Company 1884 ; Bampton Lecturer 1889 ; American Lee turer on Hist, of Religions 1897-8 Hon. Fellow of Oriel and Worces ter Colls. ; Prof. Emeritus 1909 F.B.A. ; M.A. Durham ; Hon D.D. Edinburgh and Glasgow Publications : Notes and Criticisms on the Hebrew Text of Isaiah^ 1868 ; Book of Isaiah, Chrono- logically Arranged, 1870 ; The Prophesies of Isaiah, 2 vols., 1 8 80-1 ; The Book of Psalms, a new translation, 1884.-8, re- written 1904 ; Job and Solomon, 1887 ; The Origin and Religious Contents of the Psalter, 1891 ; Founders of Old Testament Criti- cism, 1894 ; Introduction to the Book of Isaiah, 1895 ; Isaiah, a new translation, 1897-9 ; Jewish Religious Life after the Exile, 1898 ; The Christian Use of the Psalms, 1899 ; joint editor Encyclopaedia Biblica, 4 vols., 1 899-1 903 ; Critica Biblica, 1904 ; Bible Problems, 1904 ; Traditions and Beliefs of Ancient Israel, 1907 ; ' Outlines of History of Israel ' in Historians* History of the World, 1907 ; Decline and Fall of the Kingdom of Judah, 1908 ; The Two Religions of Israel, 1910 ; Mines of Isaiah Re-explored, 1912 ; The Veil of Hebrew History, 191 3 ; Fresh Voyages on Unfrequented Waters, 1914. Address : 11 Oak- thorpe Road, Oxford. Chitty, Christopher : b. June 18, 1893 ; s. of Herbert Chitty, of London. Educ. Westminster ; Balliol 1912- (A.W.P.C, C.B., A.L.S.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 51 Campden House Road, Kensington, Lon- don, W. ♦Chitty, Herbert : b. Jan. 13, 1863 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir J. W. Chitty, Kt., P.C., Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal ; of Balliol ; m, 1890, Mabel Agatha, d. of Rev E. H. Bradby, D.D., Head Master of Haileybury. Educ. Winchester Balliol 1882-6 (F. de P., W.H.F., J.W.M., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; 1st CI. Mods. 1884; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1886; B.A. 1888; M.A. 1889; Univ. (1885-6) and Coll. Assoc. XI's ; winner Univ. Fives and Lawn Tennis Doubles ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. (Sec). ; Pres. Palmerston Club 1885-6 ; Treas. of Coll. Athletic Clubs. Barrister, I.T., 1889 ; Sec. 1903-, 57 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Bursar and Steward of Coll. Manors 191 1-, Winchester Coll. ; Hon. Treas. Canterbury and York Soc. Publications : ' Markets and Eairs * {Encyclopaedia of Local Government Law) ; Winchester Scholars in the Dictionary of National Biography, 1901 ; Witi- Chester College Medal Speaking, jt6i-iSis (1905) ; joint author of The Law relating to Markets and Fairs, 1899 ; ' Markets and Fairs ' {Laws of England, vol. xx) ; editor, Holgate's Winchester Long Rolls, i7'3-'Si3 (1904); 'Win- chester Cathedral Registers ' and ' Winchester College Registers ' (Hampshire Parish Registers, vols, iv and xi) ; joint editor, Smith's Leading Cases, loth and nth eds. ; Broom's Legal Maxims, yth and 8th eds. ; Chitty's King's Bench Forms, 13th ed. Club : Hampshire (Winchester). Ad- dresses : 51 Campden House Road, London, W. ; i King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. ; The College, Winchester. Cholmeley, Norman Groodford : b. May 5, 1863 ; s. of Col. Montague Cholmeley, Indian Army ; m. March 28, 1903, Mary Katharine, d. of H. G. Batten. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Charterhouse ( Sch. ) ; Balliol 1881-4 (J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. 1884 ; Assoc. XI ; winner Inter-Coll. Lawn Tennis Doubles. I.C.S., Burma ; Assist. Commissioner 1884 ; Deputy ditto 1890 ; Com- missioner, Mag^ve Division, 1902- 10 ; C.S.I. 1910 ; retired 1911. Recreations : Polo, lawn tennis. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W, Chrestien, Fernand Edward : b. June 20, 1882 ; s. of F. F. Chres- tien, of Worthing ; m. 1908, Violet Howard, d. of Dr. Nicholls. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1 901-5 (E.J., R.W.L., E.H.) ; 2nd Jur. 1905 ; B.A. 1906. Union and Arundel Socs. Barrister (ist CI. Honours), M.T., 1907 ; engaged in mining (Mica) and land management in Bihar and Orissa. Address : Tisree, Richmond Road, Worthing. Christian, Frederick William : b. June 15, 1867 ; 5. of E. H. Christian, of London ; m. April 19, 191 1, Ethel Lilian, d. of W. G. Mares, of Romsey, Hants. Educ. Eton (Latin Essay, Latin Verse Prize, Select for Newcastle Sch.) ; Balliol 1886-90 (R.L.N., E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1888; B.A. 1890; Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Corre- sponding member of Polynesian Soc. of New Zealand ; formerly engaged in exploration, literary work, and journalism ; now in lecturing and private tuition. Publications : The Caroline Is- lands, 1899 ; Eastern Pacific Lands, 1910 ; Comparative Table 0/450 English Key-words in 58 different Oceanic Languages (Micronesian, Polynesian, Indonesian, and Peru- vian) ; and lectures and vocabu- laries in various geographical and other journals. Recreation : Cricket. Address : Femleigh, Lymington, Hants. ♦Christian, Rev. George : 6. at Valetta, Malta, Sept. 19, 1841 ; s. of R. S. Christian. Educ. Shrews- bury ; Balliol 1860-4 (J.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1861 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1864 ; M.A. 1867. Ordained d. 1867, p. 1868 ; Second Master, Oswestry Gr. School, 1865-9 ; Assist. Master 1 869-1 906, Chapl. 1874-96, Hon. ditto 1 896-1 906, Uppingham ; Vicar of Billesdon with Rollestou and Goadby, and Chapl, of Billes- don Union, 1906-13 ; Rector of Tickencote 191 3-. Address : Tickencote Rectory, Stamford. Chrystal, George William ; b. Aug. 28, 1880 ; s. of George Chrystal, Prof, of Math, in Univ. of Edin- burg. Educ. Univ. of Edinburgh ; Balliol 1901-4 (E.A., A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D., J.A.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Warner Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods, 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A,, 1904. Arnold (Sec, and Pres.) and Brakenbury Socs. Member I.T. ; clerk in Admiralty 1904 ; Home Office 1906 ; Sec. of Conference 58 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER on Justices' Clerks' Fees and Salaries 1907 ; Joint Sec. Royal Commission on Mines 1909 ; ditto Royal Commission on Metalli- ferous Mines and Quarries 1910 ; Acting Sen. Clerk 1910 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Home Sec. 191 1 ; Private Sec. to Parliamentary Under- Sec. 1912 ; Private Sec. to Sir Edward Troup, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Home Department, 191 3-. Pub- lications : The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antonius, 1902 ; editor English edition of Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlohe-Schillings- fuerst, 1906 ; co- translator of Meier-Graefe's Modern Artf being a Contribution to a New System of Aesthetics, 1908 ; joint author of Biography of Professor William Robertson Smith, 19 12. Recreations: Literature, travel, angling. Clubs : Savile, Oxford and Cambridge. Addresses : 99 St. George's Square, and Home Office, London, S.W, * Chute, Rev. John Chaloner : b. Oct. 4, 1881 ; s. of C. W. Chute, of Basingstoke. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-4 (J.W.R., E.A., A.L.S.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1901 ; ist Math. 1903 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 1908 ; Colour-Sergt. O.U.R.V.C. Brakenbury Soc. Assist. Master 1906-, Eton; or- dained d. 1913. Addresses: Eton College, Windsor ; The Vyne, Bas- ingstoke. ♦Clark, Albert Curtis : 6. Feb. 21, 1859 ; s. of A. C. Clark, of Hailey- bury. Educ. Haileybury ; Balliol 1878-82 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; Ireland Sch., ist CI. Mods., and Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch., 1879 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1881 ; Craven Sch., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1884. Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Fellow and Tutor, Jun. Bursar 1885-7, Dean 1 897-1 904, Queen's Coll. ; Univ. Reader in Latin 1909-13 ; Corpus Prof, in ditto 191 3-. Publications : Colla- tions from Harleian MS. of Cicero 2682, 1891 ; Cicero, pro Milone,with English notes, 1 895 ; Cicero, pro Mi- lone,Caesariafuze,Philippicae,igoo; The Vetus Cluniacensis of Poggio, 1905 ; Cicero, pro Sex. Roscio, de imperio Cn. Pompei, pro Cluentio,in Catilinam, pro Murena, pro Caelio, 1905 ; Asconius, 1907 ; Cicero, pro Quinctio, pro Roscio Comoedo, pro Caecina, de lege agraria, pro C. Rabirio perduellionis reo, pro Flacco, in Pisonem, pro Rabirio Postumo, 1909 ; Inventa Italorum, 1909 ; Pontes Prosae Numerosae, 1909 ; The Cursus in Mediaeval and Vulgar Latin, 1910 ; Cicero, pro Tullio, pro Fonteio, pro Sulla, pro Archia, pro Plancio, pro Scauro, 191 1 ; Prose Rhythm in English, 191 3 ; The Primitive Text of the Gospels and Acts, 1914. Address : Queen's College, Oxford. *Clark, Rev. Andrew : b. June 5, 1856; s. of Robert Clark, of Dollar, Scotland ; m. 1886, Mary Walker, d. of John Paterson, LL.D., of St. Andrews. Issue : two daughters. Edtic. Dollar Academy ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol 1875-6 (J.P., A.G.) ; Sch. of Lincoln 1876 ; ist CI. Mods. 1877 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Fellow 1880- 95, Tutor 1883-6, Chapl. 1884-93, Hon. Fellow 1905, Lincoln ; or- dained d. 1883, p. 1884 ; Vicar of All Saints' 1884-5, St. Michael's 1885-93, Oxford ; Jun. Proctor 1887-90 ; Rector Great Leighs 1893- ; Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews, 1896 ; CI. Moderator 1914-15; compiled in manuscript and presented to Balliol Coll. a tran- script of the old Battell Books. Publications : editor Rcgistrum Universitatis Oxoniensis, vol. iii, parts i-iv, 1 887-9 ; Eildon Grange, 1887; Wood's City of Oxford, vols, i-iii, 1889-99 ; Wood's Life and Times, vols, i-v, 1891-1900; The Colleges of Oxford, 1891 ; History of Lincoln College, 1898 ; Aubrey's Brief Lives, 1898 ; English Register of Oseney, 1907 ; Bodleian Guide, 1907; Shirburn Ballads, 1907. Address : Great Leighs Rectory, Chelmsford. 59 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER •Clark, Edward George Urling: b. Dec. 29, 1875 ; s. of Edward Clark, of Loudon ; m. Jan., 1905, Betha Hume Young. Issue : four children. Ediic. Harrow ; Balliol 189&-1902 (W.H.F., E.A., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1900 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902; M.A. 1910 ; O.U.A.C. Quarter Mile V. Cambridge 1900. Braken- bury Soc. Member of Stock Exchange 1902-8 ; now farming in Norfolk. Address : Towans, West Runton, Norfolk. Clark, Francis William : h. Dec. 8, 1857 ; s. of F. W. Clark, of Glas- gow ; m. July 15, 1910, Caroline, d. of Crompton Hutton, County Court Judge. Educ. Academy, Park School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1879-82 (E.A., R.G.T., W.R.A.,W.M.) ; SneUEx. ; istCl. Mods. 1881 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. Union Soc. Barrister, LT., 1885 ; formerly practised at Parliamentary Bar ; member of County and Parish Councils, School Board, &c. ; J. P. Club : Royal Highland Yacht (Oban). Address : Ulva, Aros, Argyllshire. Clark, Frederick Le Gros : b. Sept. 3, 1892 ; s. of E. T. Clark, of Teign- mouth. Educ. Blundell's School ; BaUiol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.J.T.) ; BlundeU Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 191 3. Address : Belvedere, Teignmouth, S. Devon. Clark, George Norman : b. Feb. 27, 1890 ; s. of J.W. Clark, J.P., of Hali- fax. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 190&-12 (A.L.S., J.A.S., H.M.W.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1912. Fellow of All Souls 191 2-. Addresses : 5 Nor- folk Place, Halifax ; All Souls College, Oxford. Clark, John : b. 1865 ; s. of Rev. J. S. Clark, of Foveran, Aberdeen. Educ. Old Aberdeen Gr. School ; Aberdeen Univ. ; Balliol 1884-6. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1887 ; Assist. Commissioner, Assam, 1890 ; re- transferred to Bengal 1897. Addresses : c/o Grindlay & Co., Hastings St., Calcutta, India ; c/o North of Scotland Bank, West End Branch, Aberdeen. Clark, Robert Thomson : b. June 3, 1889 ; s. of Rev. P. A. G. Clark, of Perth. Educ. Perth Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1910-12 (H.M.W.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1912. Address : West U. F. C. Manse, Perth, Scotland. Clark, Thomas Rutherford : 6. Feb. 9, 1857 ; s. of A. R. Clark, Senator, Court of Justice, Scot- land. Educ. Loretto ; Fettes ; Balliol 1876-9. Advocate, Edin- burgh ; Political Sec. to Lord Advocate 1896-1903. Publica- tion : translated Odes of Horace, 1887. Recreations : Golf, fishing. Clubs : New and University (Edinburgh), Royal and Ancient (St. Andrews), Hon. Company (Muirfield). Address : 17 Great Stuart St., Edinburgh. [Died Sept. 22, 1912.] Clarke, Edward Stanley : b. Jan. i, 1879 ; s. of G. H. Clarke, of Rose- ville, Lisburn. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1897-1901 (H. Williamson, W.H.F., E. A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1899 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1901 ; B.A. 1907; Cricket and Hockey XI's. Braken- bury Soc. Irish Bar 1904. Recrea- tions : Fishing, shooting, hunting, cricket, hockey. Club : Friendly Brother House(Dublin). Addresses: Roseville, Lisburn ; 86 Lower Baggot St., Dublin. ♦Clarke, Francis : b. July 23, 1887 ; s. of H. E. Clarke, of Beckenham. Educ. St. Dunstan's Coll., Cat- ford (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (J.A.S., A.D.L., J.L.S.D., A.L.S., E.J.P.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1909 ; M.A. 1912. Fellow of All Souls 1909 ; Prof, of Mod. Hist., East London Coll., 1913-. Addresses : All Souls College, Oxford; 11 Queen's Road, Bec- kenham, Kent. Clarke, Rev. Rupert Charles : b. July 4, 1866 ; s. of F. R. Clarke, of Taunton ; m. June 19, 1906, Kathleen Isobel Septima, d. 60 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Rev. J. P. Britton, Vicar of Lee, Bucks. Edtic. Taunton Coll. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1884 (W.H.F., F. de P.) ; Sch. of Exeter 1884 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1886 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1892. Arnold Soc. Wells Theol, Coll. 1888-9 (Hebrew Prize and Ex.) ; ordained d. 1889, p. 1890; Curate of St. Mary's, Reading, 1889-92 ; St. James's, Chicago, U.S.A., 1892-3 ; Aylesbury 1893-7 ; Taplow 1898- 9 ; Rector of Ellesborough 1899- 1912 ; Rural Dean of Wendover 1908-12. Address : Ellesborough Rectory, Tring. [Died April 8, 1912.] Clarke, Sir Rupert Turner Havelock, 2nd Bart. : b. March 16, 1865 ; s. of Hon. Sir W. J. Clarke, ist Bart. ; m. 1886, Aim^e, d. of Hon. Thomas Cumming. Issue : two daughters. Educ. New-Inn-Hall 1884; Balliol 1887. Address: Clarke Buildings, 430 Bourke St., Melbourne, Australia. ♦Clay, Charles Travis : b. July 30, 1885 ; s. of J. W. Clay, of Rastrick, Yorks. ; m. 191 3, Violet, d. of Lord Robson of Jesmond, G.C.M.G. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (J.W.R., F.F.U., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Math. Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1905 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 1912 ; Lawn Tennis VI. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Private Sec. to Lord Crewe at Colonial Ofi&ce 1909-10 ; at India Office 1910-; F.S.A. Clubs: New University, Burlington Fine Arts. Addresses : Rastrick House, Ras- trick, Yorks. ; 11 Tite St., Chelsea, London, S.W. ♦Clay, Lionel Pilleau : b. March n, 1880 ; s. of J. W. Clay, of Ras- trick, Yorks. ; in. 1910, Mary Winifred Muriel, d. of Ralph Walker, of Ratcliffe Hall, Leices- ter. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1899-1903 (E.A., H.W.C.D.) ; 1st CI. Mods. 1 901 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1903 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. Barrister, I.T., 1906 ; studied languages for two years in France and Germany ; Hon. Sec. Liberal Union Club 1905-7 ; 2nd Lieut. 1906, Lieut. 1 91 2, Yorkshire Dragoons (Yeomanry) ; Lieut., Territorial Force Reserve, 19 13. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, fencing. Club: Bath, Addresses: 20 Regent's Court, Regent's Park, London, N.W. ; Rastrick House, Rastrick, Yorks. ; i Hare Court, Temple, London, E.C. Clayton, Geoffrey Sherborne : b. 1856; s.of J. R.Clayton, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1875-9 ; B.A. 1879; M.A. 1882. Ad- dress : Christchurch, Canterbury, N.Z. Clayton, Roger : b. Dec. 12, 1876 ; s. of J. H. Clayton, of Liverpool ; tn. Sept. 4, 1907, Grace Hamilton, d. of Robert Sharp, of Riding Mill, Northumberland. Issue : one son. Educ. Sedbergh ; Balliol 1895-9 (E.A., J.A.S.); 3rd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1899; Rugby XV; Eight and Torpid (cox.). Union and Arnold Socs. Solicitor (3rd CI. Honours) 1902 ; partner in Bram- well, Bell & Clayton^ Newcastle- upon-Tyne and N. Shields. Club : Union (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Address : 31 Fern Avenue, New- castle-upon-Tyne. ♦Clear, Thomas : b. June 17, 1886 ; s. of T. H. Clear, of Bromley. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; Balliol 1904-7 (H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1907 ; Diploma in Forestry ; M.A. 1912. Assist. Conservator of Forests, Madras, 1908 ; District Forest Officer, South Salem ; Deputy Conservator of Forests, 1914-. Addresses : Vellore, N. Arcot, Madras, India ; 5 Elmfield Park, Bromley, Kent, Clegg, Robert Bailey : b. Jan. 28, 1865 ; s. of J. J. Clegg, of Man- chester ; tn. Dec. 13, 1893, Lilian Mary, d. of Alfred OUerenshaw, of Eccles. Issue ; three children. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-4 (A.T., W.M.). Union Soc. LC.S., Madras, 1884 ; Assist. Collector 61 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and Magistrate 1885 ; Head ditto 1892 ; Sub-Collector, Joint Magis- trate and Principal Assist. Col- lector, 1897 ; District and Sessions Judge 1899 ; Collector and Magis- trate 1900 ; officiating member of Board of Revenue, and additional member of Council, 1908 ; Per- manent Second, and Acting First Member of Board of Revenue, 1 9 1 3. Club: Madras. Address: Madras, India. Cleland, James William : b. Feb. 27, 1874 ; s. of Charles Cleland, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Aca- demy and Univ. ; Balliol 1894-8 (VV.H.F., E.J., H.R.) ; 2nd Jur. 1898 ; 3rd B.C.L., and B.A., 1899. Union (Sec. 1896, Lib. 1896-7, Pres. 1897) and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1899 ; member, London County Council (Chairman Parks and Establish- ment Committees), 1 901-7 ; M.P. (L.), Bridgeton Div. of Glasgow, 1906-10. Address : 4 Harcourt Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Clements, Rev. Harvey : b. Sept. 23, 1877 ; s. of John Clements, of New York ; w. June 14, 1910, Frances Champlain, d. of Major-General G. H. Eldridge, U.S. Army. Educ. Union Univ., New York ; Balliol 1907-8 (A.L.S., C.B.). Union and Arnold Socs. A.B. 1897, B.D. 1902, A.M. 1910, Union Univ., New York. Minister of St. Nicho- las Collegiate Church, New York City, 1909-10 ; St. Peter's Church, Rochester, N.Y., 191 1-. Publica- tion : Men and Religion. Recrea- tions : Golf, riding. Chibs : Alpha Delta Phi (N.Y.) ; University, Genesee Valley, Masonic (Roches- ter, N.Y.). Address : 37 South Washington St., Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A. Cleveland, Sir Charles Raitt: b. Nov. 2, 1866 ; 5. of Henry Cleveland, of Bombay and Blackheath ; w. Mary Kathleen, d. of Col. T. W. Hogg. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Christ's Coll., Finchley (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.) ; Univ. Rugby XV 1885, 6, 7 ; won Hammer-Throwing in Univ. Sports 1887. English Rugby XV's 1887 ; I.C.S., Cen- tral Provinces ; Assist. Commis- sioner, Settlement Officer, Assist, to Commissioner of Settlements and Agriculture, Commissioner of Excise, &c., 1887-97 ; Deputy Commissioner 1897 ; Inspector- General of Police 1900 ; Director of Criminal Intelligence 1910- ; CLE. 1906 ; King's Police Medal 1909; K.C.I.E. 1911. Clubs: East India United Service ; Bengal (Calcutta), United Service (Simla). Address : Simla, India. Clifton, Emest William Victor : b. May 8, 1887 ; s. of William Clifton, of London. Educ. Dul- wich Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1906-10 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1908; 2nd Lit. Hum., and Prox. Acces. Newdigate Prize, 1910 ; B.A. 1911. Union Soc. Student, I.T. Address : 16 AUeyn Park, West Dulwich, Lon- don, S.E. Clonbrock, 4th Baron, Luke Gerald Dillon : b. March 10, 1834 ; s. of 3rd Baron ; m. July 18, 1866, Augusta Caroline, d. of 2nd Lord Crofton. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Eton ; Ballio! 1852-5 (W.C.L.) ; 2nd Law and Hist. 1855. Attach^ at Berlin 1856-9; Vienna 1859-60; 2nd Sec. Vienna 1 861-2 ; Private Sec. to Lord Lieut, of Ireland 1866-8 and 1874-6 ; H.M.'s Lieut, for County of Galway 1892- ; K.P. and P.C. 1898 ; J. P. Clubs : Travellers'; Kildare Street (Dub- lin), County (Galway). Address : Clonbrock, Ahascragh, Co. Galway. Cloncmry, 4th Baron, Valentine Frederick Lawless : b. Nov. i, 1840 ; s. of 3rd Baron ; m. Jan. 1883, Hon. Laura Winn (d. 1891), d. of ist Baron St. Oswald. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Eton (Capt. of Boats 1858) ; Balliol 1858-61 (B.J ) ; B.A. 1861 ; Univ. Eight 1859 ; Coll. Four and Eight. Agriculturalist ; winner of Hunt Cup, Punchestown, and other races as owner and rider ; frequent competitor at N.R.A. meetings at 62 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Wimbledon and Bisley 1870-1908 ; Chairman Property Defence Assoc, of Ireland. Clubs : Carlton, Consti- tutional ; Kildare Street (Dublin). Addresses : Lyons, Hazlehatch, Co. Kildare ; i Deanery St., Park Lane, London, W. ; Maretimo, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Cluer, His Honour Judge Albert Rowland : b. Dec. 3, 1852 ; s. of J.T.T. Cluer, of London ; m. 1881, Julia, d. of R. A. Cooper. Educ. Bruton ; Clifton (Guthrie Sch.) ; Balliol 1872-6 (R.L.N., J.P., F. de P., T.H.G., T.C.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1873 ; Prox. Acces. Hert- ford Sch. 1874; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1876. Barrister, L.I., 1877 ; Recorder of Deal 1894 ; Metropolitan Police Magistrate, 1895 ; Judge of Whitechapel County Court 191 1-. Club : Re- form. Address : Wolvelye, Cox Green, Maidenhead. Cluer, Reginald Montagu : b. March 10, 189 1 ; s. of His Honour Judge A. R. Cluer. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1909-13 (E.H.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1913. Student, I.T. Address : Wolvelye, Cox Green, Maidenhead. Clutterbuck, Bernard Valentine : b. Feb. 14, 1883 ; s. of Alexander Clutterbuck, of Liskeard, Cornwall. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1902-6 (J.W.R., F. de P.) ; Wil- liams Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1904 ; 1st Math., and B.A., 1906. Studied at Liege for two years ; formerly engaged with Siemens-Schuckert- werke in Berlin ; farming in Canada. Address : Sinnett, via Lanigan, Sask., Canada. Coar, Rev. Charles John : b. Sept. 5, 1830 ; s. of T. T. Coar, surgeon, of Oxford ; m. 1856, Ellen Price. Issue : eight children. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1849-54 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B.J., J.R.) ; Ex. ; B.A. 1854 ; M.A. 1869. Ordained d. 1856, p. 1857 ; Curate of Aymes- trey 1856-7 ; Boxraoor 1857-61; Chapl. H.M. Forces 1861 ; served in China 1865 ; Sen. Chapl., Zulu War, 1879 (Medal and Clasp, men- tioned in dispatches, and specially promoted to First Class 18S0) ; Special duty, Egypt, 1883 ; retired from Army 1888 ; Vicar of Hilton 1888-96 ; Rector of St. Ive 1896-. Address : St. Ive Rectory, Lis- keard. *Coates, George : b. Sept. 20, 1851 ; s. of George Coates, of Eccles ; m. Aug. 6, 1890, Constance E., d. of Ven. Archdeacon Pow- nall. Issue: two sons. Educ. Derby Gr. School ; Balliol 1870-4 (H.J.S.S., R.L.N.) ; Brakenbury Nat. Sci. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1872 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Biol.), and B.A., 1874; M.D. 1886; M.A. 1887. Union Soc. Radcliffe Travel- ling Fellowship 1877 ; studied medicine at St. Bartholomew's, London, Leipzig, and Vienna ; practised in S. Kensington 1880- 1904 ; contested (U.) Lichfield and Camborne ; now working for Unionism and Tariff Reform, and prospective candidate (U.) for Lichfield. Publication : Tariff Reform, Employment and Imperial Unity. Clubs : United Empire, Compatriots, 1900. Addresses : 24 The Grove, Boltons, London, S. W. South Kilworth House, Rugby. Coats, John Dundas Orr : b. Oct. 12 1893 ; s. of Rev. W. W. Coats D.D., of The Manse of Brechin Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Bal liol 1912- (F.F.U., N.S.T., A.L.S.) Freshmen's, Seniors', Univ. (occa sionally), and Coll. Rugby XV's Union Soc. Address : The Manse Brechin, Scotland. Cobb, Kenneth Rhodes : b. June 6 1875 ; s. of H. P. Cobb, of Weald stone, Middlesex. Educ. Sedbergh Balliol 1893-7 (E.A., W.R.H. J.A.S.) ; 3rdCl. Mods. 1895 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1897 Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Dervor guilla Soc. Solicitor 1901. Ad- dresses : 7 New Court, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ; Wealdstone House, Middlesex. ^Cockayne, Edward Alfred : b. Oct. 3, 1880 ; 5. of E. S. Cockayne, of Shefiield. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1899-1904 (J.C, H.W.C.D., H.B.H.) ; ist Nat. Sci. (Phys.), 63 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. and M.B. 1907 ; M.D. 1912. Skynner Prize 1907, Brakenbury Sch. in Medicine 1908, House Physician 1908-9, Casualty ditto 191 1, St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; House Physician, Children's Hospi- tal, Great Ormond St., London, 1909-10; M.R.C.P. 1909 ; Assist, Physician, Middlesex Hospital ; Physician to Out-patients, Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea ; Lecturer in Pharmacology, Middle- sex Hospital Medical School ; Fellow of Entomological Soc. Publications : Influence of Salicy- lates on the Cardiac Lesions of Chorea, 191 1 ; Catarrhal Jaundice, Sporadic and Epidemic, and its Relation to Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver, igi2 ; &c. Address: 130 Harley Street, London, W. Ck)ckerell, Rev. Louis Arthur : b. Nov. 20, 1836 ; s. of Rev. Henry CockereU, Vicar of North Weald ; m. Jan. 21, 1882, Madeleine Barbara, d. of Ralph Benson, of Lutwych Hall, Much Wenlock. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1856-60 (E.C.W., E.P., W.L.N.) ; B.A. 1861 ; M.A. 1866 ; Cricket XI. Or- dained d. 1863, p. 1864 ; Curate of North Weald 1863-4 and 1870- 81 ; Boughton Aluph 1864-7 ; Foulsham 1867-70 ; Vicar of North Weald 1881-92 ; Rural Dean of Ongar 1890-2 ; Vicar of Wormingford 1892-6 ; Binsey 1902-5. Address : 106 Banbury Road, Oxford. ♦Coen, Rev. John Creagh: b. Feb. 3, 1844 ; s. of John Coen, of Eyre Court, Co. Gal way ; m. (i) Oct. 13, 1868, Mary Frances, d. of Charles Alkins. Issue : three sons, five daughters ; (2) Oct. 23, 1901, Georgina MacManus, d. of J. C, Heacock. Issue : one son. Educ. Clifton ; Trinity Coll., Dublin ; Non-Coil. 1877; Balliol 1878-80 (E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1878 ; 3rd Theol. 1880 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1883. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1869, p. 1870 ; Curate of Tenbury 1869-70; Witney 1870-2 ; Vicar of Northmoor 1872-9 ; Talland 1879- 86; Chapl. at St. Jean de Luz 1884-9; Karlsruhe 1889-90; Rector of Hannington, Northants, 1891-. B.A. 1869, M.A., B.D., and D.D. 1891, Trinity Coll., Dub- lin. Address : 186 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Coghlan, Francis Robert : b. 1845 ; s. of Rev. James Coghlan, of London. Educ. Non-Coil. 1870 ; Balliol 1872-4 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; 4th Theol., and B.A., 1874. Cohen, Benjamin Arthur : b. Dec. 20, 1862 ; 5. of Rt. Hon. Arthur Cohen, K.C., P.C. ; m. July 28, 1890, Marguerite, d. of Nathaniel Cohen. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Rugby (Ex.) ; Balliol i88i-5 (R.L.N., E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1885 ; Rugby XV ; Eight ; Cricket XL Barrister, M.T., 1887 ; Jun. Common Law Counsel to Admiralty 1910-. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Marylebone. Ad- dresses : Asgyll, Limpsfield, Sur- rey ; 1 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. Cohen, C. W. : see Waley-Cohen, C. ♦Cohen, Harry Monteflore : b. Aug. 3, 1877 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Arthur Cohen, K.C., P.C. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1896-1900 (J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1900 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1908. Arnold Soc. Solicitor 1904. Re- creation : Music. Clubs : Union, Oxford and Cambridge Musical. Address : 27 Hornton St., Ken- sington, London, W. Cohn, Albert Mayer : b. April 1, 1877 ; s. of Maurice Cohn, of Lon- don ; m. March 1905, Elizabeth Elesmor, d. of W. Haldenstein. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1895-9 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CL Mods, 1897; 3rd Mod. Hist,, and B,A., 1899. Solicitor 1902. Address : 49 Albert Hall Mansions, London, S,W. *Cole> Edward Launcelot Davey : b. Oct. 8, 1875 ; s. of Thomas Cole, M.D,, F.R.C.P., of Bath; m. Dec. 27, 1902, Violet, d. of A. G, D. Moger, J. P., of Bath. Issue : two sons. Educ. Bath Coll. (Sch.) 64 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER BalHol 1894-8 (W.R.H., E.A.) ; Domus Ex. ; Craven Sch. 1894 ; Ireland Sch. 1895 ; ist CI. Mods, and Gaisford Greek Verse Prize, 1896 ; Gaisford Greek Prose Prize 1897 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; M.A. 1 901. Union and Arnold Socs. Assist. Master, Rugby, 1 898-. Address : Troy House, 12 Hillmorton Road, Rugby. Cole, George Douglas Howard : b. Sept. 25, 1889 ; s. of George Cole, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S., A.D.L., A.L.S.); Domus and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1910 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1 91 2. Fellow of Magdalen Coll. 1912-. Publications : Poems, 1910 ; Rousseau's Social Con- tract and Discourses, edited and translated, 191 3 ; The World of Labour : A Discussion of the Present and Future of Trade Unionism, 191 3. Addresses : Glen- devon. Mount Park Road, Ealing, London, W. ; Magdalen College, Oxford. Cole, Robert William : b. 1869 ; s. of Sydney Cole, of Norwood Court, Middlesex. Educ. Eton ; ' Non- Coil. 1889 ; BaUiol 1890-2 (T.R.) ; 3rd Jut. 1892 ; B.A. 1897. ♦Cole, Sydney John : b. July 17, 1870 ; s. of John Cole, of Bromp- ton. Educ. Portsmouth Gr. School ; Non-Coil. 1889 ; Balliol 1891-4 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1893 ; M.B., B.Ch. 1897 ; M.A. and M.D. 1901. Union and Arnold Socs. Student 1894-7, Resident Obstetric Of&cer 1897-8, House Physician 1898-9, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington ; Assist. Medical Of&cer London County Asylum, Colney Hatch, and en- gaged in research work in the Pathological Laboratory of the London County Asylums, Clay- bury, Essex, 1 899-1 902 ; Sen. Assist. Medical Officer 1902-14, Medical Supt. 1914-, Wilts. County Asylum, Devizes ; mem- ber of British Medical and of Medico- Psychological Assocs. ; Fellow of Royal Soc. of Medicine ; Pres. of Wilts. County Chess Assoc. 1909-10. Publications : Systematic Examination of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System in a Case of Acute Alcoholic Paralysis ; Changes in the Central Nervous System in the Neuritic Disorders of Chronic Alcoholism, 1902 ; Clinical Observations on Korsakow's Psychosis, 1904 ; Dis- orders of Visual Association in Insanity, 1905 ; Some Relations between Aphasia and Mental Disease, 1906 ; The Comparative Anatomy of the Frontal Lobe, and its bearing upon the Pathology of Insanity, 1911 ; Some Morpho- logical Aspects of Microcephalic Idiocy, 1 910. Recreations : Sing- ing, chess, amateur theatricals. Address: Wilts. County Asylum, Devizes. Coleridge, Ernest Hartley : b. Dec 8, 1846 ; 5. of Rev. Prebendary Derwent Coleridge, first Principa. of St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea ; m. April 20, 1876, Sarah Mary, d. of Wniiam Bradford, of Newton Abbot. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Sherborne ; BaUiol 1866-70 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1868 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1870 ; M.A. 1873. Tutor 1872-93 ; Secretary to Lord Chief Justice of Eng- land 1894, Hon. Fellow Royal Soc. of Literature. Publications : edited Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2 vols., 1895 ; Anima Poetae, 1895 ; Poetical Works of Lord Byron, vols, i-vii, 1898- 1903 ; Poems, 1898 ; Life and Correspondence of John Duke, Lord Coleridge, 2 vols., 1904 ; Poetical Works of Lord Byron, I vol., 1905 ; S. T. Coleridge's Christabel, 1907 ; complete Po^/tca/ Works of S. T. Coleridge, 2 vols., 1912; contributed papers on Byron, Coleridge, Wordsworth, to Poefs Country, 1907, and on Byron to Encyclopaedia Britannica, 191 1. Address: Rickford's Hill, Aylesbury. 65 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Coleridge, Luke Frederick Rennell : b. Nov. 20, 1892 ; 5. of Rennell Coleridge, of Ottery St. Mary, Devon. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1911- (F.F.U., N.S.T.); Cricket and Assoc. XI's; Whip to Exeter and Balliol Beagles. Brakenbury and Annandale Socs. Address: Salston, Ottery St. Mary, Devon. *CoIes, Rev. Canon Vincent Stuckey Stratton : b. March 27, 1845 ; s. of Rev. J. S. Coles, Rector of Shepton Beauchamp. Educ. Eton; BaUiol 1864-8 (J.R., E.P.) ; Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1866 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1868 ; M.A. 1872. Union Soc. (Sub-Treas.). Cuddesdon Coll. 1868-9 > or- dained d. 1869, p. iS/o ; Curate of Wantage 1869-72 ; Rector of Shepton Beauchamp 1872-84 ; Curate, ditto, 1886-97 ; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Bath and Wells 1897- ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of St. Andrews 1 893-1908 ; one of the first three Resident Libra- rians 1884, Chapl. 1890, Principal 1897-1909, Pusey House, Oxford ; Warden of the Community of the Epiphany, Truro, 191 1- ; Diocesan Chapl. and Hon. Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, 191 2 ; member of Council of Keble Coll. Publica- tions : Good Friday Addresses at St. Paul's Cathedral ; Lenten Meditations ; A dvent Meditations ; Lectures on Pastoral Work in Country Districts. Address : 19 Fore St., Seaton, Devon. ♦Collier, Hon. Gerard : b. Oct. 17, 1878 ; 5. of 2nd Lord Monkswell ; m. July 21, 1 910, Lily, d. of Sir M. E. Grant Duff. Educ. Eton ; BaUiol 1898-1901 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; ist Mod. Hist. 1901 ; B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1907. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Studied education in Germany and Eng- land ; travelled round world 1903 ; Acting Prof, of Mod. Hist., Sydney Univ., N.S.W., 1907 ; working for Workers' Educa- tional Assoc. 1908- ; now taking Tutorial Classes for Birmingham. Address : The Lawn, St. Mary's Road, Harborne, Birmingham. Collier, Laurence : b. June 13, 1890 ; s. of Hon. John Collier, of London. Educ. Bedales School ; Balliol i9o8-i2(A.L.S., H.W.C.D.); Brakenbury Sch. ; Coll. History Prize 191 1 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912. Clerk in Foreign Office 1913-. Clubs : Arts', St. James's. Address : 69 Eton Avenue, S. Hampstead, London, N.W. Collier, William Tregonwell : b. Oct. 12, 1889 ; s. of William Col- lier, M.D., of Oxford. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1908-12 (H.B.H.); 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1912. Address: St. Mary's Entry, Oxford. Collins, Laurence Churton : b. Jan. 25, 1878 ; s. of Prof. J. C. Collins, of London ; m. Jan. i, 1908, Constance Eleanor, d. of Prof. Woodroffe Hill, F.R.C.V.S. Educ. City of London School ; St. Paul's School; Balliol 1897 (F. de P.). Clerk in Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, 1899-. Publications : Life and Memoirs of John Churton Collins ; edited Posthumous Essays of John Churton Collins. Addresses : 35 Cavendish Mansions, West Hamp- stead, London, N.W. ; Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, London, W.C. ♦Collins, Vere Henry Gratz : b. July 2, 1872 ; s. of W. M. Collins, M.D., of London; m. 1907, Emilie, d. of Gustav Bischof, Prof, of Chemistry at Glasgow Univ. Educ. Charter- house ; Balliol 1890-4 (E.A.), 3rd CI. Mods. 1892 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1913. Assist. Master, Sywell House, Llandudno, 1894-5 ; Morelands School, Edinburgh, 1895-6 ; Mer- cers' School, London, 1896---1590 ; Sec. of National Home Reading Union 1905-6 ; on staff of Univer- sity Tutorial Press 1906-7 ; Oxford University Press 1907-, Publica- tions : contributions to Fortnightly, Westminster, and National Reviews; editor of De Quincey's Spanish Military Nun and Revolt of the 1 66 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Tartars, 1909 ; liinglake's Eothen, 1910 ; Poems of Action, 1913. Addresses: 2 Hurst Close, Hamp- stead Garden Suburb, London, N.W. ; Ivy Cottage, Blackheath, Chihvorth, Surrey. Compton, Earl : see Northampton, Marquess of. Compton, Lord Spencer Douglas : b. May 3, 1893 ; s. of 5th Marquess of Northampton. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1911- (F.F.U., N.S.T.) ; Morrison Fours 191 2. Address : Castle Ashby, Northampton. Compton-Bracebridge, Charles : b. May 12, 1883 ; s. of J. E. Compton- Bracebridge, of London. Educ. Eton ; BaUiol 1902-6 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1904 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Address : The Hall, Atherstone. Comyn-Macfarlane, William Alex- ander : see Macfarlane- Grieve, W. A. Connolly, Mam-ice : b. March 13, 1877 ; s. of Thomas Connolly, of Dubuque, Iowa. Educ. Cornell Univ. ; Balliol 1900 (E.J.) . Studied Heidelberg ; member of Iowa Bar ; Pres. of Connolly Coach and Carriage Co., Carriage and Auto Body Builders, National Assoc, of America 1909, and on Executive of same 1910— 11, Dubuque Town Club, and Elk's Assoc, of Iowa ; Vice- Pres. Dubuque Fire and Marine Assur- ance Co. ; Bank and Insurance Building Co. (also Treas.) ; Direc- tor and Exam. Iowa Trust and Savings Bank ; Chairman Du- buque Charity Organization ; Sec. and Treas. Hotel Julien Co., Dubuque, and Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin R. R. Co. ; elected Member of Congress for third Iowa District 1912 ; A.B., Cornell ; LL.B., New York. Clubs: Univer- sity (Chicago), Cornell, and Army and Navy (New York), Army and Navy, and National Press (Wash- ington). Address: 1637 Iowa St., Dubuque, Iowa, and no Home Of&ce Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Connolly, Vincent: b. Oct. 17, 1878 ; s. of John Connolly, of Dublin. Educ. Belvedere Coll. and Trinity Coll. (Ex. Sch., and Prizeman) Dublin ; Balliol 1899- 1902 (J.L.S.D., A.W.P.C.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; B.A. 1902. Brakenbury and Newman (Pres.) Socs. B.A., Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1901 ; I.C.S. Punjab ; Assist, and Deputy Commissioner 1902-5 ; Personal Assist, to Political Agent for Phulkian States and Bahawal- pur 1905-6 ; Settlement Ofi&cer, Kangra, 191 0-12 ; Additional Dis- trict Magistrate, Delhi, 191 3-. Clubs : New ; Pmijab (Lahore), United Service (Simla). Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. *Cook, Herbert Frederick : b. Nov. 18, 1868 ; s. of Sir F. L. Cook, 2nd Bart., Viscount Monserrate in Por- tugal ; m. 1898, Hon. Mary Hood, d. of Viscount Bridport, C.B. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Mrs. Burmann's, Brighton ; Mr. Tabor's, Cheam ; Harrow ; Balliol 1886-90 (E.A., R.L.N., W.R.H.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1888 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1890 ; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1894. Barrister, I.T., 1893 ; member of firm of Cook, Son, & Co., St. Paul's Churchyard, London, E.C. ; Chairman Ware- housemen and Clerks' Schools, Purley ; English correspondent for La Gazette des Beaux-Arts (France) and VAr'e (Italy) ; one of the founders of Burlington Magazine, the Arundel Club, and the National Art Collections Fund ; joint organizer of exhibi- tions at Burlington Fine Arts Club and Grafton Gallery (Na- tional Loan Exhibition and Spanish Old Masters) ; member of various International Exhibition Com- mittees ; Hon. Member of Royal Academy of Milan ; Hon. Sec. Queen Alexandra's House, Ken- sington Gore; F.S.A. Publica- tions: Giorgione (Bell's Great Mas- ters Series) ; Reviews and Appre- ciations, and A Catalogue of the Pictures at Doughty House, Rich' mond, 3 vols., 191 3 ; numerous contributions to English and Con- 67 F 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tincntal art periodicals. Clubs ; Athenaeum. Burlington Fine Arts, Hurlingham. Addresses : Copse- ham, Esher, Surrey ; Hillclose, Studland Bay, Dorset. Cookson, Geoffrey Montague : b. Nov. 14, 1867 ; 5. of Rev. Christo- pher Cookson, of Dallington, Northants ; m. 1898, Ethel, d. of Captain Cookson, R.N. Isstie : one son, two daughters. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1886-90 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1888 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1890; Assoc. XL Dervorguilla Soc. Ceylon Civil Service 1891-1912, Address : Brackenhurst, Bridport. Coolidge, Julian Lowell : b. Sept. 28, 1873 ; s. of J. R. Coolidge, of Boston, U.S.A. ; m. Theresa, d. of Dr. J. P. Reynolds, of Boston, U.S.A. Issue : six children. Educ. Phillips' Exeter Academy; Harvard Univ. (A.B. 1895) ; Balliol 1895-7 (J.W.R.) ; B.Sc. 1897. Teacher of Math., Groton School, Mass., 1897-9 ', Harvard Univ. 1899-1902 and 1904-8 ; Assist. Professor, ditto, 1908- ; studied in Paris, Turin, Greifs- wald, and Bonn 1902-4 ; D.Phil., Bomi, 1904 ; Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, U.S.A. Publications: The Elements of Non-Euclidean Geo- metry, 1909 ; various short papers on scientific subjects. Club : Union (Boston). Address : Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Cooper, George James Robertson : b. July 22, 1890 ; s. of Sir G. A. Cooper, ist Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-10 (A.L.S., N.S.T., F.F.U.). Address : Hursley Park, Winchester. Coote, Colin Keith : b. Oct. 19, 1893 ; s. of Howard Coote, of Stuiceley Hall, Huntingdon. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1912- (A.L.S., N.S.T., A.J.T.) ; Freshmen's Rug- by XV. Address : Stukeley Hall, Huntingdon. Copas, Edwin Charles : b. Dec. i, 1847 ; s. of Charles Copas, of Clewer, Berks. Educ. St. Mark's, Windsor; Nou-Coll. 1874; Balliol 1877 (W.W.F., J.W.R.) ; and Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1877 ; M.A. 1882. Master at Felstead, King William's Coll. (L of Man), Handsworth, and Uppingham, 1878-1901. H.M. Inspector (tem- porary) of Schools 1903. Address : 107 Southtield Road, Oxford. ♦Corbet, Eustace Kynaston : 6. June 22, 1854 ; s. of Rev. Andrew Cor- bett. Rector of South Willingham, Lines. Educ. Cheltenham (Jun. and Sen. Sch.) ; BaUiol 1873-6 (J.L.S.D., E.A.) ; Domus Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874; 3rd Jur. 1876; B.A. 1877; M.A. 1881. Dervor- guilla Soc. Engaged in tuition, chiefly in Germany, after leaving College ; Tutor to sons of Khedive Tewfik 1881 ; English Sec. to Khedive Tewfik 1885-91 ; Judge of Native Court of Appeal, Cairo, 1 891-7 ; Procureur-G^neral, Na- tive Courts, Egypt, 1897-1908 ; C.M.G. 1905 ; retired 1908 ; Direc- tor of the Egyptian Educational Mission in England, 1908-13 ; Grand Cordon of Medjidieh ; 2nd Class Osmanieh. Publication : verse translation, vnth introduc- tory essay, of Lessing's Nathan der Weise, 1883. Club : New Univer- sity. Address : Rock House, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent. Corbin, John : b. May 2, 1870 ; s. of C. R. Corbin, of Chicago, U.S.A. ; m. Nov. 2, 1899, Amy, d. of E. D. Foster. Educ. Harvard Univ. ; Balliol 1894-5 (A.L.S.) ; O.U.A.C, half-blue, 2nd string in Mile. Brackenbury and Annandale Socs. Instructor in English, Har- vard, 1895-6 ; Assist. Editor Harper's Magazine 189 7-1 900 ; Dramatic Critic Harper's Weekly, 1899-1900, A'^.y. Times, 1902-5, N.Y. Sun, 1905-8 ; Editor, Ency- clopaedia Britannica, 1 900-1 ; Literary Director The New Theatre, N.Y., 1909-10 ; A.B. 1892, A.M. 1893, Harvard. Publications: The Elizabethan Hamlet, 1895 ; School- boy Life in England, 1898 ; An American at Oxford, 1902 ; A New 68 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Portrait of Shakespeare, 1903 ; The First Loves of Per ilia, 1903 ; The Cave Man, 1907 ; Which College for the Boy ?, 1908 ; Husband, and The Forbidden Guests (two plays), 1910 ; and various articles in Eng- lish and American Magazines. Clubs : University and Harvard (N.Y.). Address : 131 East 15th St., New York, U.S.A. Corfield, Rev. George : b. 1847 ; s. of George Corfield, of London. Educ. Private ; London Univ. ; Non-CoII. 1879 ; BaUiol, 1 881-2 ; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. B.A., London, 1875. Or- dained d. 1877, p. 1883 ; Vice- Principal, Winchester Training Coll., 1875-9 ; Curate of St. John's, Winchester, 1877-8 ; Steventon, 1879-83 ; Vice- Principal, Culham Coll., 1883-6 ; Principal, Brighton Training Coll. for Schoolmistresses, 1886- ; Prebendary of Heathfield, Dio. of Chichester, 1910. Address : Roeheath, Harrington Road, Brighton. *Costley-White, Rev. Harold : b. Nov. 9, 1878 ; s. of R. W. Costley- White, of Gloucester ; m. Jan. 3, 1 91 2, Constance Hope Hewetson Guest, d. of A. W. G. Ranger, D.C.L., of South Croydon. Issiie : one son. Educ. Malvern (Sch.) ; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.W.P.C, E.A.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Distinguished Mention Hertford Sch., 1899 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1901 ; M.A. 1904. Pres. of Brakenbury Soc. and of Palmer- ston Club, Ordained d, 1902, p. 1903 ; Assist. Master, Sherborne, 1901-3 ; Rugby 1903-10 ; Head Master, Bradfield Coll., 1910- ; served in Volunteers and O.T.C. since 1902 ; captain 1908. Publi- cations : Joint-editor of Periods of Old Testament History, 5 vols., 1908-10 ; contributor to Scripture Teaching in Secondary Schools (Pitt Press), 1912. Address : Bradfield College, Berks. Cotterell, Cecil Bernard : b. Dec 27, 1875 ; s. of George Cotterell, of York. Educ. St.sPeter's School, York (Ex.) ; Balliol 1894-9 (J.W.R., F. de P.) ; Math. Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods., and ist Math. Mods., 1896 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1898 ; Torpid (i and 2). Brakenbury Soc. LC.S., Madras, 1899 ; Assist. Collector and Agent to Governor, Vizagapatam ; Deputy Commis- sioner, Salt, Abkari, and Customs Department, 1906 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate, 191 o ; Private Sec. to Governor of Madras, 191 2. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Cottesloe, 2nd Baron, Thomas Francis Fremantle, Baron of the Austrian Empire : b. Jan. 30, 1830 ; s. of ist Baron ; m. 1859, Lady Augusta Henrietta Scott, d. of 2nd Earl of Eldon. Issue : four sons, one daughter. Educ. Dr. Mayo's, Cheam ; Eton ; Balliol 1847-52 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B.J.); Sch. ; Hertford Sch. 1849 J ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1852 ; M.A. 1858. Union Soc. Travelled in Egypt and Holy Land 1852-3 ; Barrister, M.T., 1855 ; Director (formerly Chairman), London, Brighton, and South Coast Rail- way Co., 1868- ; Chairman, Eagle Insurance Co. ; formerly Chairman of Bucks. County Council and Quar- ter Sessions ; D.L. ; J. P. Clubs : Carlton, Travellers'. Address : 43 Eaton Square, London, S.W. ; Swanbourne, Winslow. Cotton, Albert Louis : b. Sept. 12, 1874 ; s, of Sir Henry Cotton, K. C.S.I. Educ. Pau, France ; Appuldurcombe Coll., I.W. ; Bal- liol 1892-5 (A.L.S.). Union and Arnold Socs. Journalist ; London Correspondent of The Bengalee, Calcutta, 1900-, and The Trtbune, Lahore, 1903-9. Publications: The Company of Death, igo4. ; frequent contributor to Anglo-Indian Press. Address : 45 St. John's Wood Park, London, N.W. Couchman, Rev. Ernest Henley : b. Oct. 10, 1862 ; s. of J. B. Couchman, Solicitor, of Henley-in- Arden; m. 1895, Lucy Jane, d. of Edmund Tonks, of Birmingham. 69 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Educ. Rugby (CL Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-5 (F. de P., D.G.R.) ; Sch. ; and CI. Mods. 1883 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1885; B.A. 1886; M.A. 1892. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1891, p. 1892 ; Master at Uppingham 1887-97 ; Curate of Wollaston 1 89 1-4 ; Vicar of Packwood 1 894-. Address: Packwood Vicar- age, Hockley Heath, Warwick- shire. Coventry, Bernard Okes : b. May 24, 1873 ; s. of Edward Coventry, of London ; m. Nov. 19, 1896, Maud Bevington, d. of Joseph Simpson. Issue : two children. Educ. Trinity Coll., Stratford-on- Avon ; Balliol 1907-8 (H.B.H.). Passed Indian Forest Service Exam. 1891 ; studied at R.E. Coll., Cooper's Hill (Fellowship, and Prizes in botany, geology, chem- istry, and sylviculture) ; Assist. Conservator of Forests 1894 ; Divisional Forest Officer, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Kulu, and Bashahr Forest Divisions ; Instructor, Im- perial Forest Coll., Dehra Dun ; deputed to Europe by Sec. of State for India for two years' study of chemistry, 1907 ; Imperial Forest Chemist, Research Institute, Dehra Dun, 1909-10 ; Personal Assist, to Conservator of Forests in the Pun- jab, 191 1. Address : 24 Boling- broke Grove, Wandsworth Com- mon, London, S.W. Cowie, Arthur William Spring : b. March 8, 1886 ; s. of H. G. Cowie, of Tiverton, Devon. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1904-6 and i9io-ii(F.deP.,J.A.S.,H.W.C.D.); Blundell Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1906 ; B.A., ign. Address : Hamerton Rectory, Huntingdon. *Cowie, Donald William Garden : b. April 24, 1865 ; s. of Hugh Cowie, J. P., of London ; m. Wini- fred, d. of Sir Thomas Hewitt, K.C. Educ. Charterhouse (Jun. and Sen. Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-6 (W.M.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1886 ; M.A., 1894 ; Assoc. XI. Barrister, G.I., 1894 ; I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1886 ; Head Assist. Collector 1892 ; Registrar of High Court (Appellate side) 1895 ; SuD- Collector and Joint Magistrate 1898 ; Principal Assist, to Dis- trict Magistrate and Agent to Government, Vizagapatam, 1900 ; District and Sessions Judge 1902 ; Collector and Magistrate 1903 ; Inspector-General of Police 1908-. Recreations : Hunting, golf, motor- ing. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Cox, Sir John Hugh : b. May 12, 1870 ; s. of Surgeon-General C. L. Cox, H.E.LC.S. ; m. Augusta Edith, d. of E. R. Warner, Barris- ter-at-law. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1888-90 (W.M.). I.C.S., N.W. Prov. and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1890 ; Joint Magistrate 1896 ; Assist. Commissioner 1899 ; Deputy ditto 1903 ; Joint Sec, Board of Revenue, 1904 ; Excise Commis- sioner, Central India 1906- ; CLE. and K.C.I.E. 1912. Address: c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Crabtree, Harry Holden : 6. Jan. 14, 1894 ; s. of Herbert Crabtree, of Todmorden. Educ. Secondary School, Todmorden ; Manchester Univ. (B.A. 1913) ; Balliol 1913- (C.B.) ; CI. Ex. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : The Mount, Todmorden, Yorks. *Craigie, WilUam Alexander : b. Aug. 13, 1867; s. of James Craigie, of Dundee ; m. 1897, Jessie K. Hutchen. Educ. West End Aca- demy, Dundee ; St. Andrews Univ. (Guthrie Sch.) ; Balliol 1888-9 (W.R.H.) ; Oriel (Bible Clerk) 1889 ; ist CI. Mods. 1890; ist Lit. Hum. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1902 ; M.A. (Honomrs in Classics and Philosophy), and LL.D., St. Andrews ; studied Scandinavian languages in Copen- hagen, 1892-3 ; Assist, and Lec- turer in Humanity at St. Andrews 1893-7; Joint-Editor, Oxford English Dictionary, 1901- ; Lee* 70 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tiirer in Scandinavian Languages at Taylorian Institution, Oxford, 1905-. Publications : Scandina- vian Folklore, 1896 ; A Primer of Burns, 1896 ; Editions of Burns, 1896 and 1898 ; Bellendefi's Scot- tish Translation of Livy, 1901-3 ; Religion of Ancient Scandinavia, 1906 ; Skotland's Rimur {Icelandic Ballads on the Gowrie Conspiracy), 1908 ; The Icelandic Sagas, 1913. Address : 15 Charlbury Road, Oxford. ♦Craig-Sellar, Gerard Henry: b. March 20, 1871 ; s. of Alexander Craig-Sellar, M.P. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1889-93 (A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1904 ; Cox of Univ. Trial 1891, and Coll. (Winners of Ladies* Plate 1890-1) Eights. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1895 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. J. Chamberlain (Colonial Sec.) 1897- 1901 ; Sec. Executive and Legis- lative Councils, Transvaal, 1901-3 ; J.P. Argyll. Clubs : Athenaeum, Brooks's. Addresses : Ardtornish, Morvern, Argyll ; 75 Cromwell Road, London, S.W. ♦Craik, Sir Henry : b. Oct. 18, 1846 ; s. of Rev. James Craik, D.D., Minister of St. George's Chiurch, Glasgow ; m. Dec. 17, 1873, Fanny Esther, d. of Charles Dufl&eld. Issue : three sons. Educ. Glasgow High School ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1865-70 (B.J.) ; Snell Ex. and Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., ist Law and Hist., and B.A., 1869 ; M.A. 1882. Jun. Examiner 1870, Sen. ditto 1878, Education Depart- ment ; Sec. to Scotch ditto 1885 ; retired 1904 ; M.P. (C.) for Glas- gow and Aberdeen Univs. 1906— ; C.B. 1887; K.C.B. 1897; LL.D., Glasgow and St. Andrews. Publi- cations : Life of Swift, 1882 ; The State and Education, 1883 ; Selec- tions from Swift, 1893 ; English Prose Selections, 1896-1900 ; A Century of Scottish History, 1902 ; Impressions of India, 1908 ; Life of Edward, first Earl of Clarendon, 1911. Club : Athenaeum. Ad- dress : 5 A Dean's Yard, West minster, London, S.W. ♦Craster, Herbert Henry Edmund : b. Nov. 5, 1879 ; s. of E. C, Craster, H.E.I.C.S. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1898-1903 (F. de P., E.A., H.W.C.D., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1900 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1903 ; Lothian Prize Essay 1904 ; M.A. 1905. Union and Arnold Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1903- ; Sec. Northumberland County History Committee 1904-14 ; Sub-Libra- rian, Bodleian Library, 191 2-, Publication : History of Northum- berland, vol. viii, 1907, vol. ix, 1909, vol, X, 1914. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : All Souls College, Oxford. ♦Crawford, Donald : b. May 5, 1837 ; s. of Alexander Crawford, of Aros, Argyll. £iMc. Edinburgh Academy; Glasgow Univ. ; Heidelberg Univ. ; Balliol 1856-60 (B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1858 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., i860; M.A. 1864, UnionSoc. (Sub-Treas.). Fellow of Lincoln 1861-81 ; Advocate at Scottish Bar 1862 ; Legal Sec. to Lord Advocate 1880-5 ; Parliamentary Boundary Commissioner 1885 ; M.P. (L.) Lanarkshire, N.E. Division, 1885-95 ; Member of Scottish Univ. Commission 1889— 97 ; Sheriff of Aberdeen, Kincar- dine, and Banff, 1895-1912 ; De- puty Chairman, Fishery Board for Scotland, 1897-1912 ; K.C. 1903 ; Hon. LL.D., Aberdeen, 1909 ; D.L., Aberdeen and Kincardine, 1905. Clubs : Brooks's, Oxford and Cambridge ; New and Scottish Liberal (Edinburgh). Address : 35 Chester St., Edinburgh. *Crawfurd, Rev. Lionel Payne : b. July 26, 1864 ; s. of Rev. C. W. P. Crawfurd, J. P., of East Grinstead ; m. Jan. 8, 1902, Ina, d. of T. K. Hamilton, M.D. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-7 (E.A.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887 ; Special Mention Hertford Sch. 1888 ; M.A. 1890. Ordained d. 71 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and p. 1890 ; Curate of Bensham 1890-2 ; St. Mary, Addington, 1892-3 ; Parish Church, Leeds, and Vice- Principal, Leeds Clergy School, 1893-5 ; Examining and Domestic Chapl. to Bishop of Adelaide 1896-1902 ; Vicar of Bensham 1902-7 ; Ramsgate 1907-. Address : The Vicarage, Ramsgate. Crawley-Boevey, Arthur William : b. Aug. 12, 1845 ; s. of Sir M. H. Crawley-Boevey, Bart. ; w. Aug. 16, 1873, Annie Maria, d. of General Sir Robert Phayre, G.C.B. Issue : one son. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1864-8 (E.P., E.C.W.) ; B.A. 1868; M.A. 1880; Cricket XL Barrister, L.L, 1868 ; LC.S., Bom- bav ; Assist. Collector and Magis- trc»i.e, and Special Assist, to Politi- cal Agent, 1868 ; Assist. Resident, Baroda, 1873-4 ; in Special Charge of Sachin State 1874 ; Special Duty, Baroda, 1875 ; Famine Duty, Kaladgi, 1877 ; Talukdari Settlement Ofl&cer, Gujarat, 1879 ; Special Ofl&cer for settlement of claims to giras and watans, Baroda, 1883 and 1885 ; Chief Presidency Magistrate and Revenue Judge, Bombay, 1887 ; Jun. Collector and Magistrate 1889 ; Senior ditto 1 891 ; retired 1893. Fellow of Bombay Univ. 1888. Publica- tions : Cartulary of the Cistercian Abbey of Flaxley, 1887 ; The Perverse Widow, 1898 ; The Holy Sepulchre and the New Sites, 1901 ; Gordon's Tomb, and Golgotha, 1907 ; articles in Palestine Explora- tion Fund Quarterly Statement, &c. Address : 24 Sloane Court, London, S.W. [Died July 9, 1913.] Creak, Rev. Ettrick Havelock : b. Aug. 6, 1868 ; s. of Capt. E. W. Creak, R.N., C.B., F.R.S. Educ. Blackheath ; Lincoln Coll. 1886 ; New-Inn-Hall 1887; Balliol 1887- 9; B.A. 1892; M.A. 1908. Ordained d. 1894, p. 1896; Curate of Lower Brixham 1894-6 ; Church Bramp- ton 1897-1900 ; Chapl. H.M. Indian Establishment ; N. Black Town, Madras, 1 900-1 ; Mysore 1901-2 ; Cocanada 1902-3 ; Poo- namallee 1903-7 ; Berhampore 1907-8 ; St. Thomas Mount 1908- 9 ; Vellore 1909-10 ; Trichinopoly 1910-. Address : Trichinopoly, India. Crerar, James : b. Dec 11, 1877; s. of John Crerar, of Maryport, Cumberland. Educ. George Wat- son's Coll., and the Univ., Edin- burgh ; Balliol 1 899-1901 (F. de P.) ; Domus Ex. ; Hon. Mention Hertford Sch. 1899 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901. Union and Arnold Socs. M.A., Edinburgh (ist Class Honours), 1899. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector, Hyderabad, 1902 ; ditto and Sub-Divisional Magis- trate, Larkana, 1902-5 ; Acting Assist. Commissioner, Sind, 1905 ; Manager of Encumbered Estates, and Deputy Commissioner, Thar and Parkar, 1906 ; Assist. Com- missioner, Sind, 1907-10 ; Deputy Municipal Commissioner, Bombay, 1911 and 1913 ; Assist. Political Agent, Kathiawar, and on Special Duty in connexion with Royal Commission, 1912 ; Acting Munici- pal Commissioner, Bombay, 1913. Address : East India United Ser- vice Club, 16 St. James's Square, London, S.W. Crook, Thomas Ashley : b. 1862 ; s. of Joseph Crook, M. P. , of Bolton ; m. 1893, E. Daisy, d. of Nathan Whitley, J. P., of Greenroyd, Halifax. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1881-4 (A.L.S.) ; 1st Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1884; M.A., 1887; Torpid. Union, Carlyle, and Brakenbury Socs. Director of Bleachers' Assoc, Lim., 1901-8; J. P., Lanes., 1894. Recreation : Motoring. Club : Athenaeum. Address : Holcombe, Grayshott, Hants. Cross, Alexander : b. April 4, 1880; s. of Alexander Cross, of Glasgow. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1898- 1902 (A.L.S., W.H.F.); 2nd Mod. Hist. 1902. Barrister, I.T., 1905. Address : 44 Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S.W. Cross, Alexander Robertson : b. Sept. 1, 1894 ; s. of Robert Cross, 7Z BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Edinburgh, Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1913- (A.D.L., N.S.T.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. Address : 13 Moray Place, Edin- burgh. Cross, George Harold : b. Aug. 12, 1874; s. of John -Cross, of York. Educ. Owens Coll., Manchester ; Balliol 1893-7 (J.C, W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; and Math. Mods. 1895 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1897 ; M.A., and B.M., 1910. LC.S. 1896 ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Bombay; retired, invalided, 1904; studied medicine at Leeds 1904-9 ; House Physician, Leeds Infirmary, 1 910. Address : 27 South Drive, Harrogate. [Died Dec. 1912.] Cross, John Ashton : b. May 20, 1845 ; s. of Rev. John Cross, of Middletown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Educ. Glasgow Univ. (Ferguson Sch.); Balliol 1868-71 ; SnellEx.; ist CI. Mods. 1870 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1871 ; B.A. 1872. Union Soc. (Lib. 1874). M.A., Glasgow (double ist Class Honours), 1870. Barrister, M.T., 1875 ; Oxford Circuit. Publications : Translation of In- stitutes of Gains and Justinian in Hunter's Roman Law, 1876 ; Limited Liability Companies, 1912. Address : 3 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ♦Crosse, Rev. Ernest Courtenay : b. March 18, 1887 ; s. of Rev. E. I. Crosse. Educ. Clifton (Ex.) ; Balliol 1906-10 (C.B., A.D.L.j ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1908 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1910 ; M.A. 1914; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. Assist. Master, Marlborough, 1911-; ordained d. 1912, p. 1913. Address : The College, Marl- borough. Crosse, Felix Warren : b. Feb. 26, 1892 ; s. of T. W. Crosse, of London. Educ. Wellington ; Bal- liol 1910- (A.W.P.C, F.F.U., H.W.C.D., A.L.S.). Address : 10 Cresswell Gardens, South Kensing- ton, London, S.W. Crosse, Thomas Warren : &. 1851 ; s. of Edmund Crosse, of London. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1 871-4 ; ist Nat. Sci. 1874; B.A. 1875. Barrister, L.I., 1878. Address : 10 Cresswell Gardens, South Ken- sington, London, S.W. Crossley, Cyril : 6. Aug. 16, 1886 ; s. of L. J, Crossley, of The Grange, Markington, Yorks. Educ. Marl- borough ; Balliol 1905-6 (A.L.S. , E.J.P.). Crossley, John de Bathe : b. Feb. 4, 1893 : s. of Rt. Hon. Sir S. B. Crossley, 2nd Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1912-13 (H.B.H.) ; won High Jump V. Cambridge 1913- Address : Somerleyton Hall, Lowestoft. Crossley, Rt. Hon. Sir Savile Brin- ton, 2nd Bart. : b. June 14, 1857 ; s. of Sir Francis Crossley, ist Bart. ; m. Dec. 14, 1887, Phyllis, d. of Sir Henry de Bathe, K.C.B. Issue: two sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1876-80 (F. de P., A.C.B., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1878 ; B.A. 1881 ; O.U.A.C, 100 Yards v. Cambridge, 1880 ; Torpid ; Fours ; Eight (Capt.). Dervorguilla Soc. M.P. (L.) 1885, (L.U.) 1886-92, N. Suffolk ; Hali- fax 1900-6 ; High Sheriff of Suf- folk 1896 ; Paymaster- General 1902-6 ; P.W.O. Norfolk Artillery 1879-1909,001. Commanding 1909 ; served in S. African War 1899— 1901 as Captain in Imperial Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), medal and four clasps, promoted Lieut. - Col., and mentioned in dispatches ; contested (L.U.) West Ishngton 1910 ; Hon. Sec. King Edward's Hospital Fund ; Chairman Hospi- tal Saturday Fund 1900-14, and of Liberal Unionist Council 1902-12 ; Governing Director and Chairman, Crossley & Sons, Ltd., Halifax ; J. P., Norfolk and Suffolk ; D.L., Suffolk; P.O. 1902; K.C.V.O. 1909. Clubs : Brooks's, Marl- borough, Beefsteak. Addresses : 12 Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W. ; Somerleyton Hall, Lowes- toft. Crosthwaite, Rev. Guy Bentley : b. Jan. 6, 1887; s. of Sir Robert Crosthwaite, K. C.S.I. Educ. Blundell's (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 73 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (C.B., J.A.S.) ; BlundeU Sch. ; 2nd CI, Mods. 1907 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909 ; M.A. 1912 ; Rugby XV ; Shooting team ; O.U.O.T.C, Certificate ' A '. Union and Arnold Socs. Bishop's Hostel, Liverpool, 1909 ; ordained d. 1910, p. 1911 ; Curate of St. Mark's, St. Helens, 1910- 13 ; Holy Trinity, Rotherhithe, and in charge of Blundell's School Mission, 191 3-. Address : 670 Rotherhithe St., London, S.E. Crum, John Ludovic : b. May 21, 1874 ; s. of Alexander Crum, of Glasgow. Educ. Eton ; Ball ol 1894-5 (A.L.S., W.H.F., J.C). Address : 4 West Regent St., Glasgow. Cnim, Walter Ewing : b. 1865 ; s. of Alexander Crum, of Caplerig, Co. Renfrew. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1884-8 (A.L.S., W.H.F., R.L.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1892. Hon. Ph.D., Berlin. Address : Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Crump, Charles George : 6. April 9, 1862 ; s. of C. A. W. Crump, Barrister-at-Law ; m. Lucy, d. of G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Private; Balliol 1880-3 (A.T., W.M.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1883. Union and Arnold Socs. I.C.S. ; retired, through ill health, 1885 ; ist Class Clerk, G.P.O., 1887-8 ; transferred to Public Record Of&cei888-. Publications: edited works of Walter Savage Landor, 1890-3 ; Autobiography of Thomas Eilwood, 1900 ; Dialogus de Scac- cario, 1902 ; contributed article on ' Records ' to Encyclopaedia Bri- /rtnwrca, nth ed. Addresses: 179 Hampstead Way, Hendon, London, N.W. ; Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Crump, Harry Ashbrooke : b. Dec. 31, 1863 ; s. of Charles Crump, of Yeohampton, Devon. Educ. Pri- vate ; Balliol 1882-5 (W.M.) ; 3rd Math., and B.A., 1885. I.C.S., Central Prov. ; Assist. Commis- sioner 1885 ; Commissioner of Excise 1893 ; Deputy Commis- sioner 1894 ; 2nd Sec. to Chief Commissioner 1894-5 ; Chief Sec. to ditto 1 901-2 and from 1906 ; Commissioner 1907 ; Officiating Chief and Financial Commissioner 1912 ; Financial Commissioner 1913 ; Officiating Chief Commis- sioner 1914. Address : c/o Grind- lay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Crump, Louis Charles : b. Jan. 2, 1869 ; s. of C. A. W. Crump, Barrister-at-law ; m. Alice Clara, d. of W. Russell, Auditor-General of Trinidad. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1888-90 (W.M.). LC.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, and Assist. Judge, 1890 ; Second Assist. 1897 ; Under Sec. to Government 1898 ; Registrar of the High Court 1902 ; Sec. to Government, Legal Depart- ment, and Remembrancer of Legal Affairs, 1908-. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Cruso, Hem'y Alford Antony : b. Jan. 5, 1874 ; s. of Rev. H. E. T. Cruso, Rector of Tunstall, Sitting- bourne ; m. April 1902, Mildred Sophia, d. of Sir F. L. Robinson, K.C.B. Issue : two children. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892- 6 (J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1894 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1896. Home Civil Service (Upper Division) 1897 ; promoted 1903 and 1909 ; Inland Revenue, Somerset House. Publications : Sir Walter Raleigh (a drama) ; various contributions of prose and verse. Club : Royal Societies. Address : 38 Norland Square, Lon- don, W. Cubltt, Bertram Blakiston : b. Aug. 20, 1862 ; s. of Major F. A. Cubitt, of Thorpe Hall, Norwich ; m. April 21, 1887, Leila Guilda, d. of Capt. W. N. Leslie, Gordon Highlanders. Issue : two sons. Educ. Rugby (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1881-5 (R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 2nd Lit. Himi., and B.A., 1885 ; Eight and Sculls. Union Soc. Home Civil Service 1886 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. C. Stanhope, Sec. of State, 74 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1890-1 ; ditto, Rt. Hon. St. John Brodrick, Under Sec. of State, 1896-8 ; Assist. Sec, War Office ; C.B. 191 1. Clubs : Union, Sports, London Rowing. Address : Hill- stead, Brentwood, Essex. dimming, Alexander Neilson : b. July 3, 1859 ; s. of Rev. J. E. Gumming, D.D., of Perth. Educ. Edinbinrgh Academy ; Park School, and the Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1879-83 (W.H.F., W.R.A., W.M.) ; Snell Ex. ; Cobden Prize and 2nd CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Jur. and B.A., 1882 ; O.U. Golf Club (Sec), played thoree years v. Cam- bridge. Union (Treas. 1881-2, Pres. 1882) and Brakenbury Socs. M.A. (Honours) Glasgow ; Barris- ter, M.T., 1884 ; Leader-writer 1893, Managing Editor 1897-1901, Manchester Courier ; on staff of Morning Post 1 901-4 ; ditto. Morning Advertiser, 1904-13. Re- creation : Golf. Address : Con- stitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C. [Died July II, 1913.] Cumming, Alexander Robertson : b. 1 871 ; s. of R. S. Cumming, of Aberdeen. Edu^. Gr. School, and the Univ., Aberdeen ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.M.). I.C.S., Madras; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1892 ; Sen. Assist. 1899 ; Sec to Commissioners of Land Revenue 1902 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1906 ; Collector, Pro- tector of Emigrants, and Super- intendent of Stamps and Sta- tionery, 1909 ; Collector and Magistrate 1910. Address : I.C.S., Madras, India. Cumming, John Arthur : b. May 6, 1866 ; s. of R. S. Cumming, of Aberdeen ; m. Oct. 17, 1890, Harriet Maria, d. of William Ronald. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Gr. School (Bursar), and King's Coll. (Bursar), Aberdeen; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.) . I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1887 ; Head Assist. 1894 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1899 ; Collector and District Magistrate 1903 ; retired 191 3. Address ; Queenwood, Parkstone, Dorset. Gumming, John Ghest : b. Dec 29, 1868 ; s. of Dr. J. S. Cumming, of Glasgow. Educ. Academy, High School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1887-90 (W.M.) ; Boden Sch., 2nd Or. Stud., and B.A., 1890. M.A., Glasgow, 1887; I.C.S., Bengal, 1890; M.R. San. Inst. ; CLE., 191 1 ; Chief Sec to Govt, of Bengal 191 3. Address : East India United Service Club, 16 St. James's Square, London, S.W. Cunlifle, John Williams : b. Feb. 22, 1857 ; s. of Robert Cimliffe, D.L., County of Cardigan ; w. July i, 1903, Evelyn Florence Adderley, d. of Sir George D. Harris. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Bradfield ; BaUiol 1875-9 (W.H.F., T.R.B., J.F.B.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1879 ; 2nd in Morrison Fours. Union Soc Barrister, I.T., 1883 ; Equity Draftsman and Convey- ancer ; retired 1907 ; Lieut. 1881, Capt. 1887, Hon. Major 1896, Major and 2nd in command 1903, Hon. Lieut. -Col. 1904, temporary command of regiment 1908, Royal Cardigan Artillery Militia ; retired, with permission to retain his rank, 1908 ; has held since Oct. 5, 1900, the honorary rank of Capt. in the Army ; Chairman, Bridgnorth Rural District Council, 191 2- ; ditto of Governors of Bridgnorth Grammar, and Girls' Public High, Schools, 1912-. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Mihtia; South Shropshire. Address : Bradeney, Bridgnorth, Salop. ^Cunningham, Henry Julian : b. April 3, 1876 ; s. of Rev. W. L. Cvmningham, Vicar of St. Augus- tine's, N. Shields ; m. 191 1, Mar- jorie Rose Gordon, d. of G. G. Hake. Educ. Marlborough (Foundation Jun. and Sen. Sch.) ; Balliol 1894- 9 (F. de P., E.A.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1896 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1899 ; M.A. 1 901. Lecturer in Ancient Hist, in Univ. of Edinburgh 1901- 4 ; Lecturer 1904-5, Fellow 1905-, 75 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Tutor 1909-, and Librarian, Worcester Coll. ; Jun. Proctor 1906-7. Addresses : Worcester CoUege, Oxford ; Whickham, Co. Durham. Cunningham, John Craigie : b. Aug. 28, 1885 ; s. of William Cunningham, of Edinburgh. Educ. George Watson's Coll. ; Balliol 1906-9 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1909. Address: Brant wood, West Linton, Peeblesshire. Cunningham, Joseph Thomas : b. April 4, 1859 ; s. of W. H. Cun- ningham, of London ; m. 1886, Sophia Ingo, d. of W. H. Cross- field, Solicitor, of London. Issue: one son. Educ. St. Olave's Gr. School, Southwark (Leaving Sch.) ; Balliol 1877-81 {R.L.N., J.W.R.) ; Brakenbury Sci. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1879 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Biol.), and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1883. Union Soc. Fellow of University Coll. 1882-9 ; Assist, to Prof, of Natural Hist., Edinburgh Univ., 1883-4 *) Superintendent of Marine Research Station, Granton, 1884- 7 ; Naturalist to Marine Biological Assoc, Plymouth, 1887-97 ; Lec- turer to Cornwall Technical Educa- tion Committee 1 897-1 902 ; visited St. Helena, and reported to Colonial OflBce on the fisheries of the island, 1909 ; Lecturer in Zoology, South Western Poly- technic, Chelsea ; F.Z.S. Publica- tions : Treatise on Common Sole, 1890 ; Marketable Marine Fishes, 1896 ; Sexual Dimorphism, 1900 ; Secondary Sexual Characters in Relation to Hormones, 1908 ; editor and contributor of Fishes, in Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, &c., 191 1 ; and numerous memoirs on zoological subjects in various scientific journals. Address : 63 St. Mary's Grove, Chiswick, Lon- don, W. ♦Curzon of Kedleston, 1st Earl, Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon : b. Jan. II, 1859 ; s. of 4th Baron Scarsdale ; m. April 1895, Mary Victoria, d. of L. Z. Leiter, of Washington, U.S.A. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1878-82 (R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1882 ; Lothian Prize 1883 ; Arnold Prize, and M.A., 1884. Union (Pres. 1880) and Dervorguilla (Pres.) Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1883 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Marquis of Salisbury 1885 ; contested S. Derbyshire 1885 ; M.P. (C.) Southport Div. of Lan- cashire 1886-98 ; Under Sec. of State for India 1891-2 ; ditto. Foreign Affairs 1895-8 ; Gold Medallist, Royal Geographical Soc. 1895 ; Baron, Ireland, 1898 ; Viceroy and Governor-General of India i 899-1 904 and 1904-5 ; Lord Warden of Cinque Ports 1904- 5 ; Chancellor of Oxford Univer- sity, and Hon. Fellow of Balliol, 1907 ; Romanes Lecturer, 1907 ; Trustee of Jowett Memorial Fund ; Lord Rector, Glasgow Univ., and Irish Representative Peer, 1908 ; Pres. of Royal Geographical Soc, and Trustee National Gallery, 1 9 1 1 ; Rede Lecturer, Cambridge Univ., 1913 ; G.C.S.I. ; G.C.I. E. ; P.C. ; F.R.S. ; Hon. D.C.L., Oxford and Durham ; Hon. LL.D., Cambridge, Manchester, and Glasgow; J.P. ; D.L. ; F.B.A. Publications : Russia in Central Asia, 1889 ; Persia and the Persian Question, 1892 ; Problems of the Far East, 1894 ; Lord Curzon in India, 1906; Frontiers (Romanes Lecture, 1907) ; Principles and Methods of University Reform, 1909 ; Modern Parliamentary Eloquence (Rede Lecture, 1913). Clubs : Carlton, Athenaeum. Addresses: i Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W. ; Hackwood, Basingstoke. Curzon, Hon. Francis Nathaniel : b. Dec. 15, 1865 ; s. of 4th Baron Scarsdale. Educ. Windleshani House, Brighton ; Eton ; Balliol 1885-8 (J.L.S.D., W.H.F., E.A., R.L.N., F. de P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1886 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888. Dervorguilla Soc. Member of Stock Exchange 1889- ; with Chinnery Bros. 1889-1900 ; part- ner in Panmure, Gordon & Co. 76 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1900-13; Director of Parr's Bank and of National Mutual Assurance Soc. Clubs : White's, Arthur's, Royal Automobile. Address : 11 Mount Street, London, W. Cutler, Edward : b. May 4, 1831 ; s. of Edward Cutler, Surgeon to St. George's Hospital ; m. Aug. 3, 1868, Ellen Mona, d. of Major Larkins. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Dresden ; Paris ; Balliol 1849-54 (B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1852 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1853. Barrister 1857, and Bencher, L.L ; Equity Drafts- man and Conveyancer ; studied music in Dresden ; Grand Organ- ist, English Freemasons, 1892-3 ; P.M. of the three English Lodges of Freemasons whose work is done in the French lan- guage ; member of Imperial Commission for Copyright 1909 ; prepared International Copyright Bill 1910 ; Q.C. 1884 ; J.P. Pub- lications : The Law of Musical Copyright ; numerous songs and pieces for full orchestra, organ, and pianoforte ; co-author The Teacher's Legal Guide; Musical and Dramatic Copyright. Address : 32 Eaton Place, London, S.W. D ♦Dakyns, Arthur Lindsay : b. May 28, 1883 ; s. of H. G. Dakyns, of Higher Combe, Haslemere, Surrey. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1902-6 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1906 ; M.A. 1910. Union and Jowett (Sec. and Pres.) Socs. Barrister, L.I., 1912. Addresses : 24 Upper Wimpole St., London, W. ; Common Room, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ♦Dale, Frank Harry Busbridge : b. Dec. 19, 1871 ; s. of H. J. Dale, Electrician and Manufacturer, of London ; m. 1899, Lucy M., d. of C. Hanson. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (W.R.H., E.A.) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch. 1891 ; ist CI. Mods., and Ire- land Sch., 1892 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1894 ; Derby Sch. 1895 ; M.A. 1896. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Fellow of Merton ; Lec- turer at University Coll. 1894-6 ; Exam,, Education Department, 1897 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1900 ; conducted Special In- quiries into Irish Elementary and Intermediate Education 1903-4 ; H.M. Inspector Training Colls., 1906 ; Divisional Inspector Elem. Schools, Metropolitan Division, 1 910 ; Chief Inspector of Elem. Schools, and C.B., 1913. Club : Royal Societies. Addresses: Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. ; 33 Clarendon Road, Holland Park, London, W. *Dale, Harold Edward : b. Dec 5, 1875 ; s. of H. J. Dale, Electrician and Manufacturer, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1894-8 (W.R.H., F. de P., E.A., J.A.S., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch. 1894 ; Hertford and Craven Schs. 1895 ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland Sch., 1896 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; Derby Sch. 1899 ; M.A. 1901. Arnold Soc. (Sec). Fellow of New Coll. 1898 ; ist in Civil Service Exam. 1898 ; Colo- nial Ofl&ce 1 898-19 10 ; Special Mission to British Honduras 1903-4 ; one of British represen- tatives at Anglo-French Confer- ence on New Hebrides 1906 ; Assist. Secretary Imperial Con- ference 1909 ; represented Colonial Ofl&ce at North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration at the Hague 1910 ; Sec. to Development Commis- sioners 1910— . Recreation : Golf. Clubs : Savile; Wimbledon Park Golf. Addresses : Development Commission, 6 a Dean's Yard, Westminster, London, S.W. ; 63 Clarendon Road, Holland Park, London, W. Daly, Sir Hugh : b. May 29, i860 ; s. of General Sir H. D. Daly, G.C.B., CLE. ; m. 1891, Diana, 77 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (i. of Charles Denison, of Penn- sylvania, U.S.A. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1879-80 (R.L.N., W.H.F.).; Union Soc. Entered Gloucester- shire Regiment 1881 ; Captain 1892 ; Burmese Expedition 1886- 7 (dispatches, medal with clasp) ; Lieut. -Col., Indian Army, 1907 ; Political Department, Govern- ment of India, 1884- ; Superin- tendent Northern Shan States, IBurraa, 1888-91 ; Secretariat of Foreign Department, Government of India, 1892-1903 ; Agent (officiating) to Governor-General in Central India 1903-4 ; ditto (substantive) 1905-10 ; Resident in Mysore and Chief Commis- sioner of Coorg 1910- ; CLE. 1892 ; C.S.I. 1903 ; K.C.I.E. 191 1. Publication : Memoirs of General Sir Henry Dermot Daly, G.C.B., &.C. Address : The Resi- dency, Bangalore, Southern India. ♦Daman, Gerard William : b. Nov. 16, 1 880 ; s. of Rev. Henry Daman, Vicar of Moulsford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1899-1903 (J.W.R., F.L.A.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1901 ; 3rd Math. 1902 ; B.A. 1903 ; M.A. 1907 ; Torpid and Eight (Cox.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. Engaged in Life Insurance work for four years ; Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries 1908 ; Barrister, L.I., 1909. Club: Savile. Address: 56 Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea, Lon- don, S.W. ♦Danckwerts, Harold Otto : b. Feb. 23, 1888 ; s. of W. O. A. J. Danck- werts, K.C. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1906-10 (H.W.C.D., F.F.U., E.H.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909 ; M.A. 191 3 ; Cricket XL Union and Arnold Socs. Studied at Law School, Harvard Univ., 1910-11 ; Barrister, L.I. (Certifi- cate of Honour, Hilary, 191 3). Club : Garrick. Address : 2 Brechin Place, South Kensington, London, S.W. Daniell, Ven. George William : b. March 15, 1853 ; s. of Rev. G. F. Daniell, Vicar of Aldingbourne, Cliichester ; nt. Emma Julia, d. of Rev. G. B. Lewis. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Hurst- pierpoint ; Balliol 1872-6 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1876 ; M.A. 1880 ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Assist. Master Cheam 1876 ; Bradfield Coll. 1877-8 ; St. Paul's School 1879-81 ; ordained d. 1877, p. 1878 ; Chapl. and Censor 1881-4, Lecturer on New Test. 1881-93, Fellow 1894, member of Council 191 1, King's Coll., London; Chapl. Dulwich Coll. 1884-1904 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishops of Rochester and Southwark 1891- ; Vicar of St. Matthew's, Redhill, and Archdeacon of Kingston- upon-Thames, 1904-; Canon and Chancellor of Southwark Cathe- dral 1 910. Publications : Life of Bishop Wilberforce, 1893 ; articles in Smith's Dictionary of Christian Biography. Address : St. Mat- thew's Vicarage, Redhill, Surrey. Daniels, Sidney Reginald : b. Sept. 18, 1873 ; s. of Joseph Daniels, of Lightpill, Stroud, Glos. Educ. Wycliffe Coll., Stonehouse ; Lon- don Univ. ; Balliol 1 891-3 (W.M.) ; Boden Sch. 1893. Union Soc. B.A., London ; Student, M.T. ; I.C.S., N.W. Prov. and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1893 ; Joint Magistrate 1899 ; District and Sessions Judge 1907. Clubs : East India United Service, National Liberal. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Danson, Arthur Llewelyn : b. May 18, 1875 ; s. of Very Rev. J. M. Danson, D.D., Dean of Aberdeen and Orkney. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; BalUol 1894-9 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; Warner Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1896 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1898 ; B.A. 1899 ; O.U.A.C. Mile v. Cambridge and V. Harvard and Yale 1899 ; Rugby XV. Brakenbury and Annandale Socs. I.C.S., Punjab ; Assist. Commissioner 1899 ; Under-Sec. to Government 1905-7 ; Registrar of Chief Court 1908-12. Recrea- tions : Polo, racquets, hunting, golf. Clubs : East India United 78 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Service, Vincent's, United Service (Simla). Address : Government Ofl&ce, Simla, India. Died March 27, 1912.] ♦Darbishire, Arthur Dukinfleld : b. Feb. 14, 1879 ; s. of Dr. S. D. Darbishire, of Oxford. Educ. Magdalen Coll. School ; Balliol 1897-1901 (J.C.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Zool.),andB.A.,i90i; B.Sc. 1904; M. A. 1905. Dervorguilla Soc. Jun. Demonstrator in Comparative Ana- tomy, Univ. of Oxford, 1 901-2 ; ditto Zoology, Univ. of Manchester, 1902-5 ; Sen. Demonstrator in Zoo- logy in Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, S.W., 1 905-1 1 ; Lecturer in Genetics, Edinburgh Univ., 1911-. Publica- tions: Breeding and the Mendelian Dis- covery ; various papers on Heredity. Recreation: Gardening. Club: Savile. Addresses : The University, Edin- burgh ; Boar's Hill, near Oxford, Darbishire, Francis Vernon : b. Aug. I, 1868 ; s. of Vernon Dar- bishire, J. P., of Pisa, Italy. Educ. Private ; Gr. School, Dresden ; BaUiol 1887-91 (J.C.) ; 4th Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1891 ; B.A. 1892 ; Univ. and Coll. Hockey and Tennis Teams ; Eight (won Ladies' Plate 1 890-1) ; Torpid (i and 2). Arnold Soc. (Vice-Pres. and Treas.). Ph.D., Leipzig, 1899 ; studied at Bale and Tubin- gen ; Assist. Demonstrator and Lecturer, Cardiff ; ditto, and Hon. Research Fellow, Manchester Univ. ; Sen. Resident Tutor in Chemistry and Physics, Hulme Hall ; Assist. Demonstrator, Lec- turer, and Analyst, South-Eastern Agricultural Coll., Wye, Kent ; studied Beet Sugar Chemistry at Gottingen Univ. and Friihling's Sugar School, Brunswick, 1910-. Publications : thesis on Organic Chemistry ; various papers and reports ; joint author of transla- tion of Letters of Berzelius and Schonbein ; ' Organic Chemistry ' {Trans, of Chemical Soc.) ; Oxida- tion in Soils and its Relation to Productiveness ; joint editor, Let- ters of Faraday and Schonbein. Addresses: Dorotheen-Strasse 12, Dresden, Germany ; Woodcraft, Boar's Hill, near Oxford. Darbishire, Otto Vernon : b. March 16, 1870 ; s. of Vernon Darbishire, J. P., of Dwygyfwlchi, Conway, N. Wales. Educ. Vitzthumianum Gymnasium, Dresden ; Florence ; Univ. Coll., Bangor ; Balliol 1888- 92 (J.C, J.W.R.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Bot.), and B.A., 1892. Ph.D., Kiel ; Lecturer in Botany at Kiel 1897-8, Manchester 1898-1909, Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-upon- Tyne 1909-11 ; Univ. of Bristol 191 1-. Publications : Investiga- tions on Algae, Lichens, and Vege- table Physiology ; Plant Book for Schools. Address : 67 Ravenswood Road, Bristol. Darbishire, Robert Shelby : b. Oct. 4, 1886 ; s, of Godfrey Darbishire, of Fort Meade, Florida, U.S.A. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist, and B.A., 1909. Address : Shelby City, Kentucky, U.S.A. Das Gupta, Jogendra Nath : b. 1868 ; s. of H. H. Das Gupta, of Khoolna, Bengal ; m. Hemlata, d. of the Hon. G. P. Sen. Educ. Presidency Coll., Calcutta (Govern- ment and State Sch.) ; Balliol 1887-90 (E.A., J.L.S.D., W.R.H., A.L.S., T.R.) ; Ex. ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1889 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1890. Real and Personal Property Law Sch., and Barrister 1890, M.T. ; Prof, of Hist, and English Literature in Colls, under Govern- ment of Bengal; sometime Prin- cipal of Hooghly Coll., Bengal ; member of Central Text-Book Committee, Bengal ; Fellow, mem- ber of Syndicate and of various Boards of Studies, Reader, Exam., and Lecturer in Hist, and English Literature, Calcutta Univ. Publi- cations : Critical Miscellanies ; The Teaching of History in Indian Schools ; Mukundram ; A Glimpse of Bengal in the Sixteenth Century A.D. Address: 38/2 Lower Circu- lar Road, Calcutta, India. ♦Davenport, Alfred : b. May 5 1849 ; s. of J. M. Davenport, of 79 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Oxfoid ; »i. Dec. 1S85, S. C. Maturiii. Issue : two children. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1868-71 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1869 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1871 ; M.A. 1874 ; Univ. Trial and Coll. Eights. Solicitor, London, 1877-. Address : 43 Evelyn Gardens, London, S.W. ♦Davenport, John Davies : b. Jul> 15, 1840; s. of J. M. Davenport, of Oxford ; m. Dec. 23, 1875, Flora Elizabeth, d. of Donald Macleod. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Rugby ; Bal- liol 1858-63 (E.C.W., J.R., E.P., H.J.S.S., W.L.N.) ; ist Math. Mods, i860 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1862 ; Sen. Math. Sch. and John- son's Math. Sch. 1863 ; M.A. 1865. Fellow of Brasenose 1864- 75 ; Math. Exam. 1866-7 ; Barris- ter, L.I., 1866. Address : 13 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Davey, Alfred Frank Clifton : b. Jan. 24, 1887 ; s. of C. R. Davey, of Oxford. Educ. Abingdon ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.L.S., E.J. P., C.B.). Address : 280 Upper Brook St., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. Davidson, Douglas Du Bois : b. Dec. 30, 1883 ; s. of W. E. Davidson, C.M.G., Governor of Newfoundland. Educ. Winches- ter (Ex. and Sch.) ; Balliol 1903- 7 (C.B., J.A.S.) ; Hon. Mention Stanhope Essay 1904 and 1906 ; ist CI. Mods. 1905 ; Kington Oliphant Prize 1906 and 1907 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907. Union and Arnold Socs. Engaged in research work (Hist, of Roman Gaul) 1907- ; Jun. Exam., Board of Education, Secondary Branch, 1908-10 ; ditto. Technological Branch, 1910- ; Sec. to Standing Committee of Advice for Educa- tion in Art 1912- ; N.S.A. Silver Medallist, Figure Skating, In- ternational Style. Recreations : Figure skating, riding, walking, travel. Clubs : Savile, Prince's Skating, Figure Skating. Address: 9 Alfred Place West, Thurloe Square, London, S.W. Davidson, Lionel : b. Jan. 19, 1868 ; s. of William Davidson, Assist. Manager of the Oriental Bank ; m. Emily Bryce, d. of Brigadier- General H. P. Pearson, C.B. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. University Coll. School, and University Coll. (Matric. Ex., West Sch., Andrews Entrance Prize), London ; Balliol 1886-9 (W.M.) ; ist Or. Stud., Prox. Acces. and Hon. Mention Boden Sch., and B.A., 1899. Union and Braken- bury Socs. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist, and Head Assist. Collector 1890-3 ; Sub ditto 1897 ; Ass st. and Under-Sec. to Government 1893- 7 ; Sec, to Legislative Council 1895-7 ; ditto, Board of Revenue, 1898-1902; Commissioner of Coorg 1902-5 ; Collector and District Magistrate 1905-6 and 1909-10 ; Resident in Travancore and Cochin 1908-9 ; Sec. to Local, Municipal, Educational, and Legislative De- partments, and Additional Member Legislative Council, 1910, Madras ; Delhi Durbar Medal 191 1 ; C.S.I. 191 3. Publications : compiler of Administration Report (Madras), 1891 and 1893 ; ditto, Madras Re- venue Board Standing Orders, 1900 ed. Addresses: c/o Secretariat, Fort St. George, Madras, India ; c/o Union of London and Smith's Bank, Princes St., London, E.G. Davidson, Lionel Hugh : b. Dec. 17, 1892 ; s. of Lionel Davidson, C.S.I. Educ. Charterhouse ; Bal- liol i9ii-(C.B., A.W.P.C, F.F.U.); Univ. Freshmen's, and Coll. Assoc. XI's. Address : The Vicarage House, Manor Road, Teddington. Davidson, Sir William Edward : b. April 17, 1853 ; s. of William Davidson, of Mount House, Braintree. Educ. Private ; Bal- liol 1871-5 (T.H.G., J.L.S.D., H.J.S.S.) ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1875 ; M.A. 1879 ; Cricket, Racquet, and Tennis Teams. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister 1879, Bencher 1901, I.T. ; occasionally acted as Judge's Marshall to Hon. Mr. 80 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Justice Cave ; assisted Law Officers of Crown with official work 1881-6 ; Private Sec. to Solicitor-General 188 1-5 ; Stand- ing Counsel to Board of Trade, Bankruptcy 1884, Shipping 1885 ; Private Sec. to Lord Chancellor, and Sec. of Commissions of the Peace, 1886 ; Permanent Legal Adviser to Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs 1886 ; Pres. of Clan Dhai (Davidson) Assoc. 1 909-1 1 ; holds Royal Commis- sion as Acting Councillor of Embassy in H.M.'s Diplomatic Service ; C.B. 1897 ; K.C. 1902 ; K.C.M.G. 1907 ; F.S.A. Clubs : Alpine (Pres. 191 1), Soc. of Dilettanti, Athenaeum, Brooks's, Travellers', Beefsteak, Bath, Ox- ford and Cambridge, Marj'^lebone, Queen's. Address : 12 Lower Sloane St., London, S.W. Davies, Evan Lewis : b. 1870 ; s. of Edward Davies, of London. £^MC. Westminster ; Ballioli889- 92 (F. de P., T.R., R.L.N., W.H.F.) ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1904. Address : 68 St. Mary's Mansions, Paddington, London, W. Davies, Edward Read : b. 1869 ; s. of Edward Davies, of London. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; West- minster School ; Balliol 1888-93 (W.R.H., T.R., W.H.F.) ; B.A. 1894 ; M.A. 1896. Major, Army Service Corps, ist London Division; F.R.G.S. Address : Tynant, 191 Walm Lane, Cricklewood, London, N.W. Davies, Maurice Llewelyn : 6. Sept. 13, 1864 ; 5. of Rev. J. L. Davies, D.D., of London ; m. 1891, Mary Eulelia (d. 1902), d. of Rev. A, J. Roberts. Isstie : one son, two daughters. Educ. Marlborough (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-7 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1884 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1887. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Entered shipping business in 1888 ; for- merly member of firm of Alfred Holt & Co., Blue Fimnel Line, Liverpool ; retired 1914. Publica- tion : contribution on Shipping (Liners) to British Industries under Free Trade, 1903. Address : 2 Ob- servatory Gardens, London, W. Davies, Ronald Leslie : b. April 15, 1888 ; s. of Robert Davies, proprietor of Tranmere Quarries. Educ. Birkenhead Institute ; Liverpool Univ. ; Balliol 1906-8 (A.L.S., E.H.). Union and Arnold Socs. Migrated to Downing Coll., Cambridge; Private Tutor; Assist. Master in Preparatory School. Address : Green Lawn, Clifton Road, Birkenhead. Davies, William Robert : b. June 27, 1870 ; s. of WiUiam Davies, of Bolton, Lanes. ; m. Lucie Isabel, d. of Henry Julian, of Bolton. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-5 (J.W.R., J.C.) ; Math. Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1891 ; ist Math. 1893 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1894 ; Sen. Math. Sch. 1896. Assist. Master, Royal Naval Engineering Coll., 1896-9 ; Jun. Exam. 1899— 1905, Sen. ditto 1905-11, Private Sec. to President 1903-5, Assist. Secretary, Techno- logical Branch 191 1-, Board of Education ; Private Sec. to Chief Sec. for Ireland 1905-8 ; C.B. 1909. Addresses : 26 Ashley Place, Westminster, London, S.W. ; Board of Education, London, S.W. Davis, Arthur William : b. Jan. 4, 1 861 ; s. of Rev. Samuel Davis, of Burrington, Devon ; m. Feb. 4, 1907, Mabel Blanche, d. of Dr. Charles Pridham, Educ. Rossall ; Balliol 1880-2; Rugby XV. I.C.S. ; Assist. Commissioner, Assam, 1882 ; Deputy ditto 1891 ; special duty with Manipur Field Force 1891 ; ditto Political Offi- cer, N. Lushai, 1892 ; Inspector- General of Police, Prisons, Regis- tration, &c., Assam, 1897 ; Deputy Commissioner E. Bengal and Assam 1905 ; PoUtical Agent, Manipur ; retired 1909. Club : East India United Service. Ad- dress : Glyn Garth, Northam, R.S.O., N. Devon. [Died July 27, 1913-] Davis, Charles Thomas : b. April 20, 1873 ; s. of Thomas Davis, of 81 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Brecon ; m. Aug Kathleen, d. of Brecon. Educ. Brecon (Sch.) ; 12, 1903, Norah H. C. Rich, of Christ's Coll., Balliol 1892-6 (W.R.H., E.A., J.A.S.) ; Sch. and JenUvns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1894 ; Hon.' Mention Ireland and Craven Schs. 1895 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1896 ; Rugbv XV. Arnold Soc. Home Civil Service ; Admiralty 1896-7 ; Inland Revenue 1897; Colonial Office 1897 ; sent to Gibraltar on Currency business 1898 ; Sec. to Pacific Cable Committee 1900 ; ist CI. Clerk 1905-. Address : Colonial Office, London, S.W. Davis, Haldinstein David : b. May 9, 1881 ; s. of Richard Davis, of London. Educ. Charterhouse (Sch.) ; Balliol 1899-1903 (J.C, H.B.H.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1903 ; "M.B. 1906. Chief Assist., Skin Department, St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Physician, Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, Blackfriars ; Physician-in-Charge of Skin De- partment, Paddington Green Chil- dren's Hospital; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. 1905 ; F.R.C.S. Eng. and M.R.C.P. Lond. 1908. Publica- tions : Skin Diseases in Getieral Practice (Oxford Medical Publica- tions), 1913 ; various contributions on ' Diseases of the Skin ' to medical journals. Clubs: Royal Societies, Re- form. Address: 17 Cavendish Place, Cavendish Square, London, W. * Davis, Henry William Carless : b. Jan. 13, 1874 ; s. of H, F. A. Davis, of Ebley, Stroud, Glos. ; m. 191 3, Rosa J., d. of W. J. Lindup, of Bampton, Oxon. Educ. Weymouth Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (J.L.S.D., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch., and Jen- kyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1893 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895 ; Lothian Prize Essay 1897 ; M.A. 1898. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Fel- low of All Souls 1 895-1902 ; Deputy Prof., University Coll. of N. Wales, 1896-7 ; Lecturer at New Coll. 1897-9 ; Lecturer 1899, Fellow and Tutor 1902-, Balliol ; editor, Oxford Magazine, Easter and Michaelmas Terms 1 901 ; Exam, in Mod. Hist. 1907-9 ; Delegate for the supervision of women students ; member of the General Board of the Faculties ; Chichele Lecturer in Foreign Hist. 1913-14 ; Curator of Bod- leian Library 1913-. Publications: Charlemagne, 1900 ; Balliol Col- lege, 1900; 'Gilbert Burnet' ( Typical English Churchmen) , 1902; England Under the Normans and Angevins, 1905 ; ' Catholic Emancipation ' {Camb. Mod. Hist., vol. x), 1907 ; Mediaeval Europe, 191 1 ; editor of Stubbs's Charters, 9th ed., revised, and Regesta Re- gum Anglo- Normannorum, io66~ J/S4, vol. i, 191 3 ; and contribu- tions to Helmolt's World''s History, English Historical Review, and Encyclopaedia Britannica (1911). Recreations : Travelling, golf. A d- dr esses : 11 Fyfield Road, and Balliol College, Oxford. *Davis, John Samuel Champion : b. Feb. 21, 1859 ; s. of Rev. S. Davis, Vicar of Burrington, N. Devon ; m. Sept. 21, 1880, Minna Sophia, d. of William Butt, of Axmouth. Issxie : two daugh- ters. Educ. Rossall ; Balliol 1878-80 and 1891-2 (A.T.) ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1897 ; Univ. Shooting Eight. Union Soc. I.C.S., United Prov. ; Assist. Magistrate 1880 ; Assist. Superintendent 1882-5 ; Jun. Sec. and Joint Sec, Board of Revenue, 1886-91 ; Settlement Ofl&cer 1893-7 ; Deputy Commissioner 1900-2 ; Commis- sioner 1903-6; special duty with Viceroy 1903; retired 1906; Lieut. Mussoone Volunteer Rifle Corps 1883 ; Captain Allahabad Rifle Volunteers 1889 ; served in Oudh and United Provinces Light Horse ; retired with rank of major 1907 ; member County Education Com- mittee, and Territorial Force Assoc, Devon ; Coimty Director, British Red Cross Soc, Devon- shire Branch; V.D. 1901 ; J. P., Devon, 1906. Club : New Uni- versity. Address : Ebberly, Bea- ford, S.O., Devon. 82 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER *Davls, Rushworth Kennard : b. March 2, 1883 ; 3. of S. K. Davis, of The Old Vicarage, Roehampton ; m. March 31, 1909, Maude Agnes, d. of J. A. Mack, of The Grinstead, Partridge Green, Sussex. /s5M 1893 ; s. of Rev. Canon J. R. Denham, of The Precinct, Roches- ter. Educ. Bradfield; Balliol 1912- (H.B.H.). Address : The Precinct, Rochester. Denman, John : b. Aug. 29, 1857 ; s. of W. T. Denman, Solicitor, Calcutta ; m. Oct. 19, 1895, Helen Mary Emma, d. of G. F. White, of Sydenham. Issue : one son. E^MC. Marlborough ; Balliol 1878- 9 (A.T.). I.C.S. ; passed First in Final Examination (Sanskrit and Hindi Prizes) 1880; N.W. Pro- vinces ; Assist. Magistrate and Col- lector ; Assist. Commissioner ; Joint Magistrate 1891 ; Small Cause Court Judge 1893 ; District and Sessions Judge 1894 ; retired 1907. Club : East India United Service. Address : 7 Border Crescent, Sydenham. [Died June 20, 1911.] Denman, Hon. Richard Douglas : b. Aug. 24, 1876 ; s. of 3rd Baron Denman. Educ. Westminster ; BaUiol 1896-9 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; Stanhope Essay 1898 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1899 ; English Essay 1900. Chairman, London Juvenile Advisory Commit tee, 1 9 1 o PrivateSec. to Mr. Buxton 1905-14; Director Marine General Mutual Life Assmrance Society ; M.P. (L.) Carlisle 1910-. Club : Union. Addresses : 35 Campden Hill Road, London, W. ; 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Dent, Charles Henry : b. Aug. 18, 1865 ; s. of J. D. Dent, of Ribston Hall, Wetherby, Yorks. ; m. July, 1910, Rhoda C. S., d. of M. H. Williams, of Pencalenick, Truro. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1884-8 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1888 ; B.A. 1889 ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. Banker 1888- ; Director Barclay & Co., Ltd. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge; Yorkshire (York). Address : c/o Messrs. Barclay & Co., Ltd., Darlington. Dent, Francis : b. Aug. 12, i860 ; s. of J. D, Dent, of Ribston, Hall, Wetherby, Yorks. ; m. Nov. 1888, Geraldine, d. of E. N. Buxton, of Knighton, Buckhmrst Hill. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1879-83 (A.C.B., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1880; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; Torpid and Eight (Capt.). Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1885 ; N.E. Cir- cuit ; retired 1900 ; member of County Council, and J. P., Essex. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Hatfields, Loughton, Essex. 85 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER *de Paravicini, Francis : b. Jan. 0, 1 84 3 ; s. of Rev. F. de Paravicini, Rector of Avening ; »». Frances, d. of W. W. Williams, of Oxford. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1862-6; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1864 ; and Lit. Hum. and Gaisford Prose Prize, 1866; B.A. 1867; M.A. 1869. Sen. Student of Christ Church 1866-71 ; Tutor 1872- 1908, CI. Lecturer 1872-8, Jun. Bursar 1875-9, Fellow 1878-1908, Balhol. Address : Ashley Lodge, Abbev Road, Torauay. de Sails, Count Jonn ' Eugen : b. Oct. 4, 1891 ; s. of Count J. F. C. de Salis. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1910- (F.F.U., N.S.T.) ; won Company and Long Range Cups, and Officers' Challenge Cup, O.T.C. ; member of Snap- Shooting Team, and won 2nd prize, Half - Section Jumping, O.T.C. , V. Cambridge ; Univ. Fencing Club (Sabres) v. Cam- bridge 1 91 3, 14. Address : Lough Gur House, Kilmallock, Ireland. de Saram, Frederick John : b. Aug. 10, 1875 ; 5. of F. J. de Saram, of Colombo, Ceylon ; m. April 23, 1906, Elsie Charlsbelle, d. of J. H. Barber, of Ukuwela, Ceylon. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Royal Coll., Colombo; Clifton; Balliol 1894-9 (W.H.F., J.W.R., E.J.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1896 ; B.A. 1899 ; M.A. 1902 ; Rugby XV (Capt.) ; Cricket XI ; Torpid (2). Union and Brakenbury Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1899; Advocate, Supreme Court of Ceylon, 1900 ; practising in Colombo ; Jun. Counsel to Colombo Municipal Council ; drafted Municipal Coun- cils' Ordinance, 1910, for Govern- ment of Ceylon. Recreations : Golf, tennis, cricket, shooting, agriculture. Clubs : Bath ; Auto- mobile (Ceylon). Address: ii Kvnsey Road, Colombo, Ceylon. Desborough, 1st Baron, of Taplow, William Henry Grenfell : b. Oct. 30, 1855 ; s. of C. W. Grenfell, M.P. ; m. 1887, Ethel, d. of Hon. Julian Fane. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1874-8 ; 2nd CI. Mods, 1876; B.A. 1879. Pres. O.U.A.C. and O.U.B.C. ; ran in Three Miles V. Cambridge 1876 ; rowed V. Cambridge 1877-8 ; climbed in the Alps and shot in Rocky Mountains, India, &c. ; swam twiiie across Niagara ; stroked eight across the Channel ; won Amateur Punting Championship three years ; Special Correspon- dent, second Suakim Campaign ; M.P. (C.) Salisbury 1880-2 and 1885-6, Hereford 1892, Wycombe Div. of Bucks. 1900-5 ; Private Sec. to Chancellor of Exchequer 1885 ; High Sheriff of Bucks. 1890 ; Mayor of Maidenhead 1895-7 ; member of Tariff Com- mission 1904 ; won Epee Prize, Military Tournament, 1904-6 ; Chairman of Thames Conservancy Board ; Pres. of London Chamber of Commerce ; Chancellor of the Primrose League ; C.V.O., J. P. ; D.L. Publications : articles on Rocky Mountains, Rowing, House of Lords, Bimetallism. Recrea- tions : Hunting, rowing, punting, shooting, fishing. Clubs : Turf, Travellers', Carlton, Address : Taplow Court, Bucks. de Trafford, Henry Joseph : b. July 30, 1877 ; s. of A. H, de Trafford, of Haselour Hall, Tam- worth. Educ. Stonyhurst Coll. ; Balliol 1898-1902 (E.J.) ; B.A. 1903. Barrister, I.T., 1907. Capt. 3rd South Staffs. Regiment (Special Reserve) ; J. P. Staffs. Recreations : Hunting, shooting. Club : Bath. Address : Haselour Hall, Tamworth. Dettraann, Herbert Stanley : b. Oct. 25, 1875 ; s. of John Dett- mann, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. High School and the Univ., Syd- ney, N.S.W. ; Balliol 1899-1902 (J.L.S.D., J.A.S., E.J.); Ex.; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1901 ; 2nd B.CL., and B. A., 1902; M.A. and B.CL. 1906. B.A., Sydney, 1897; Acting Prof, of Classics, and Hon, M,A., Ade- laide, 1906; Prof, of Classics, University Coll., Auckland, N.Z., 86 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1908-. Address: University Col- lege, Auckland, New Zealand. Devenish, William Hammond : b. 1861 ; 5. of Rev. C. W. Devenish, of Pensford, Bristol. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1 880-1 ; Sch. of Brasenose, and 3rd CI. Mods., 1882 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1884. Barrister, M.T., 1886 ; Solicitor 1893. Addresses : 13 and 14 Walbrook, London, E.C. ; 26 South Eaton Place, Belgravia, London, S.W. de Vere, Gaston Louis Duchein: b. Oct. 14, 1881 ; s. of H. D. de Vere, of London. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1900-4 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D.); Ex.; 2nd CI. Mods. 1902. Dewar, Robert : b. March 10, 1882 ; s. of Alexander Dewar, of Dankeith, Kilmarnock. Educ. Irvine Royal Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1905-7 (A.L.S.). M.A. Glasgow ; Assist, to Prof, of English 1907-10 ; ditto, and Lecturer in English, 1910-12, Glasgow Univ. ; Prof, of English Lit., University Coll., Reading, 1912-. Addresses : Dankeith, Kil- marnock ; St. Patrick's Hall, Reading. de Wesselow, Rev. Charles Hare Simpkinson : formerly Simpkin- son ; b. March 11, 1855; s. of Rev. J. N. Simpkinson, of Har- row ; m. Nov. 14, 1882, Hen- rietta Lucy, d. of R. O. White. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Haileybury (Sch.) ; Balliol 1874-8 (J.F.B.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1877; M.A. 1881. Ordained d. 1878, p. 1879 ; Curate of St. Mark's, Kennington, 1878- 80; St. Mary'Sj.Lewisham, 1880-1 ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, Greenwich, 1 88 1-7 ; St. Paul's, Newington, Surrey, 1887-94 '> Rector of Farn- ham 1894-7 ; Stoke-on-Trent 1897-1904 ; Vicar of Eynsford, Kent, 1904-6 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Winchester 1891-1903 ; ditto. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1903 ; Proctor ia Convocation 1900. Publications : A South London Parish, 1893 ; Life and Times of Archbishop Laud, 1894 ; Life and Work of Bishop Thorold, 3rd ed., 1896 ; History of England (to 1603), 1897 ; ditto (to 1898), 1898 ; History Readers for Ele- mentary Schools, 1898-1901 ; Life of Major-General Harrison, 1906 ; Editor Laud's Controversy with Fisher, 1902. Club : Athenaeum. Address : c/o National Provincial Bank, Stoke-upon-Trent. [Died Sept. 22, 1Q12.] *Dewliurst, Robert Paget : b. July 21, 1869 ; s. of James Dewhurst, of Clitheroe ; m. Nov. 30, 1893, Florence Frances Maud, d. of Rev. W. Millington, Rural Dean of N. Meols, Lanes. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Clitheroe Royal Gr. School ; BaUiol 1888-93 (E.A., R.L.N., J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; Jun. Math. Ex., 2nd CI. Mods., and ist Math. Mods., 1890 ; ist Math. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1902. I.C.S., United Prov. ; Assist. Commissioner, Magistrate, and Collector, 1893 ; Joint Magistrate 1899 ; Under Sec. to Government 1 900-1 ; Reader in Persian, Univ. of Oxford, 1904-5 ; Deputy Com- missioner 1906 ; District and Sessions Judge 1909- ; gained Degree of Honour in Arabic, Per- sian, Urdu, and Hindi, and passed Higher Proficiency Examination in Sanskrit ; F.R.G.S. ; M.R.A.S. Publications : translation of Naf- hat'Ul-Yaman ; and various com- munications to Journal of Royal Asiatic Soc. Address : Gonda, Oudh, India. de Wiart, Adrian Carton : b. May 5, 1880 ; s. of L. C. de Wiart, of Cairo. Educ. Oratory School, Edgbaston ; Balliol 1899-1901 (E.J., H.W.C.D). Capt. 4th Dra- goon Guards. A ddress : White's, 37 St. James's St., London, S.W. *de Winton, Yen. Frederic Henry: b. Jan. 19, 1852 ; 5. of Ven. Henry de Winton, Archdeacon of Brecon. Educ. Uppingham (Sch.); Balliol 1871-5 (T.H.G., J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1872 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875; M.A. 1877; and in 87 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Coll. Half-Mile. Assist. Tutor, St. Boniface Missionary Coll., Warminster, 1876 ; Fellow of Jesus Coll. 1877-8; ordained d. 1876, p. 1877 ; Incumbent of St. Mark, Badulla, Ceylon, and Domes- tic Chapl. to Bishop of Colombo, 1879-84 ; St. John, Kalatara, 1886-91 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Colombo 1888 ; Commissary, ditto, 1904 ; Dio. Inspector of Schools 1893-1900; Archdeacon of Colombo 1902- ; Commissary to Bishop of Calcutta 1902-3 ; acted thrice as Ofl&ciating Chapl. to Forces, Colombo. Club : West- m.inster. Address : Colombo, Cey- lon. Dews, Albert : b. Aug. 6, 1867 ; s. of F. B. Dews, of Wakefield ; m. Dec. 28, 1910, Ethel Gertrude, d. of B. G. Bentham, of Rochester. Educ. Rishworth Gr. School ; Balliol 1886-9 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D., R.L.N., E.A.) ; Minor Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1887 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889. Assist. Master, Ipswich, 1890-2 ; Prof, of Classics and Moral Philosophy, Codrington Coll., Barbados, 1892-5 ; Head Master, Wolmer's School, Kings- ton, Jamaica, 1895-1901 ; Assist. Master, King's School, Rochester, 1902-. Addresses: King's School, and 5 Langdon Road, Rochester, Kent. ♦Dibblee, George Binney : b. May 17, 1868 ; s. of F. L. Dibblee, P.W.D., India ; m. March 14, 1904, Laura Sterling Thomson, of New York. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Haileybury ; Balliol 1887-90 (A.L.S.) ; Braken- bury Sch. and Williams Ex. ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1896. Brakenbury and Annandale Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1890 ; Manager, Manchester Guardian, 1 892-1 902 ; Printer and Publisher of various periodi- cals and books, 1902-13 ; General Manager of the Field, Queen, and other papers, 191 3-. Clubs : United University, Savile. Ad- dress : Watford Old Farm, Guild- ford, Surrey. *Dicey, Albert Venn : b. Feb. 4, 1835 ; s. of T. E. Dicey, of Clay- brook Hall, Leics. ; m. 1872, Elinor Mary, d. of J. Bonham Carter, M.P., of Petersfield. Educ. Private ; King's Coll. School ; Balliol 1854-60 (B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1856 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1858 ; Arnold Prize i860 ; M.A. 1861 ; B.C.L. 1877 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1907. Union Soc. (Pres. 1859). Fellow i860, Hon. ditto 1 894, Trinity Coll. Barrister, I.T., 1867 ; Northern Circuit ; Counsel to Inland Revenue 1876- 90 ; Vinerian Prof, of English Law, Oxford, 1 882-1 909 ; Emeri- tus Prof. 1909 ; Fellow of All Souls 1882- ; Official Fellow for Law Students, Balliol, 1886-9 j Lecturer at Harvard Univ. Law School 1898 ; Principal of Work- ing Men'sColl., London, '1899-1913; Lecturer in Private International Law, Oxford, 1910-13 ; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow 1883, Edinburgh 1886, Univ. of Princeton, N.J., 1898, Cambridge 1898 ; Q.C. 1890 ; F.B.A. Publications : The Privy Council (Arnold Essay i860) ; Patiies to Actions, 1870 ; The Law of Domicil, 1879 ; The Law of the Constitution, 1885 ; England's Case Against Home Rule, 1886 ; Unionist Delusions, 1887 ; The Verdict, 1890 ; A Leap in the Dark, 1893 ; The Conflict of Laws, 1896 ; Law and Opinion in England during the Nineteenth Century, 1905 ; Letters to a Friend on Votes for Women, 1909 ; various articles to journals and reviews 1862-. Club : Athenaeum. Addresses : The Orchard, Banbiury Road, and All Souls College, Oxford. Dickinson, Humphrey Neville : b. Jan. 15, 1882 ; s. of Henry Dickinson, of Harrow. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1900-4 (E.J.) ; 3rd Jur. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. Barrister, I.T., 1905. Addresses : 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, Lon- don, E.C. ; Peterborough House, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Dillon, Hon. Luke Gerald : see Clonbrock, Lord. 88 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Dingwall, James : b. 1866 ; s. of Robert Dingwall, of Tarland, Aberdeen. Educ. Aberdeen Univ.; Balliol 1888 (W.R.H.). Dixon, Charles William : b. April 29, 1888 ; s. of J. W. Dixon of Manchester. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1907-11 (C.B., A.D.L.); Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1909 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1911; B.A. 1912. Union and Arnold Socs. 2nd Class Clerk, Colonial Office, 1911-. Address : Colonial Office, Lon- don, S.W. Dixon, Gerald Conroy : b. Aug. 4, 1886 ; s. of Prof. H. B. Dixon, of Manchester Univ. Educ. Charter- house ; Balliol 1905-8 (H.B.H.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1908 ; Univ. Lacrosse Team 1906, 7, 8. Arnold Soc. Entrance Sch. in Medicine 1908, M.B. and Ch.B. 1912, Victoria Univ., Manchester. Address : Beechey House, Vic- toria Park, Manchester. *Dixon, Harold Baily : b. Aug. n, 1852 ; s. of W. H. Dixon, editor of The Athenaeum; m. July 14, 1885, Olive Beechey, d. of E. M. Hoplcins, of Montreal. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Westminster (Sch.) ; Christ Church ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1873 ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1875 ; M.A. 1878 ; Univ. Assoc. XI ; Christ Church and Trinity Cricket XI's ; Jun. Student of Christ Church ; Millard Lectiurer at Trinity 1879-86 ; Bedford Lec- turer 1879-87, Fellow 1886-7, Balliol ; Prof, of Chemistry and Director of Chemical Laboratories, Owens Coll., (afterwards Univ. of) Manchester, 1886- ; Chairman, General Board of Studies, 1893-5, Dean of Faculty of Science 1905-6, Pro-Vice-Chancellori909-io,Univ. of Manchester ; Pres. of Chemistry Section, British Assoc, 1894 ; Member of Royal Commission on Explosion of Coal Dust in Mines 1 891-4 ; Royal Commission on Coal Supplies 1 901-5 ; Hofmann Lecturer, German Chemical Soc, 1905 ; Pres. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Soc. 1907-8 ; Chemical Society 1909-11 ; mem- ber of Home Office Executive Committee on the Prevention of Explosions in Coal-mines, 1911-; F.R.S. ; Royal Medal 1913. Pub- lications : Conditions of Chemical Change in Gases, 1884 ; Rate of Explosion in Gases, 1893 ; The Movements of Flame in Explosions, 1903 ; The Atomic Weight of Chlorine, 1905 ; The Ignition Point of Gases, 1909 ; Report to Trinity House on Lighthouse Illu- minants ; ditto Board of Trade on Standards of Light ; Reports from Home Office Experimental Station, Eskmeals, Cumberland, on explo- sions in mines. Clubs : Alpine ; Brazenose, Rucksack (Manchester). Address : Beechey House, Fallow- field, Manchester. Dixon, Lloyd : b. May 26, 1886 ; s. of Amasa Dixon. Educ. Mount Allison Coll., Harvard ; Sackville High School ; Balliol 1 910-13 (J.W.R.,H.W.C.D.); Rhodes Sch.; dist. in Jun. Math. Sch. 191 1 ; 3rd Math. 1912 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 191 3; Robert Herbert Memorial Prize 1913-14 ; Univ. Lacrosse Team v. Cambridge, 1912,13. Ad- dress : Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. *Dobbs, Archibald Edward : b. 1838 ; s. of A. E. Dobbs, of Castle Dobbs, Co. Antrim, Barrister- at-Law. Educ. Rugby; BalUol 1857-62; B.A. 1862; M.A. 1865. Barrister L.I., 1865 ; J.P. ; D.L. Address : Castle Dobbs, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim. Dodd, Charles Edward Shuter : b. May 2, 1891 ; s. of H. W. Dodd, F.R.C.S., of London. Educ. Har- row ; Balliol 1910- (A.W.P.C, C.B., A.D.L.) ; Domus Ex., and Hon. Sch. ; Craven Sch., and dist. in Hertford Sch., 191 1 ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford and Ireland Schs.,1912; Assoc. XL Union and Arnold Socs. Address: 136 Harley St., London, W. Dodd, Roderic James Shuter : b. June 19, 1894 ; s. of H. W. Dodd, F.R.C.S., of London. Educ. Har- row ; BalUol 1913- (A.W.P.C.) ; Hon. Ex. ; Assoc. XI. Union and 89 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Arnold Socs. /lrfif«s : 136 Harley Street, London, W. Doderet, William : b. Sept. 30, 1662 ; s. of I'Yederic Doderet, of London ; in. Dec. 31, 1884, Mar- garet Robertson, d. of James Macdonald, J. P., of Bombay. Issu£ : two daughters. Educ. University Coll. School, London ; Germany ; Balliol 1880-2. Union Soc. LC.S., Bombay ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1883 ; Forest Settlement Officer 1888 ; 2nd Assist. 1890 ; Special Under Sec. to Govt., Department of Famine Relief, 1892 ; ist Assist. 1893; Jun. Collector 1897 ; Politi- cal Agent, Dangs, 1901 ; Sen. Collector 1902 ; Divisional Com- missioner 1907-8 ; retired 1909 ; passed in Marathi (High Pro- ficiency Test) and in Gujerati and Hindustani (Vernacular Test) ; Lecturer in Mardthi, Univ. of Cambridge, 1910-. Address : East India United Service Club, St. James's Square, London, S.W. Dodgson, Reginald Charles Frede- rick I b. May 12, 1890 ; s. of C. H. Dodgson, of Braishfield House, Braishfield, Hants. Edxic. Private ; Rugby ; Balliol 1909-10 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L., N.S.T.) ; Bra- kenbury Sch. Address : Fir Toll, Mayfield, Sussex. Dodson, Joseph Edward : b. Nov. 4, 1885 ; s. of Edward Dodson, of Sheffield. Educ. Sheffield Gr. School ; Balliol 1904-7 (H.B.H.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1906 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1907. Assist. Master Liverpool Coll. Address : College House, Sefton Park, Liverpool. Doe, Arthur Brittan : b. Aug. 22, 1890; s. of J. B. Doe, of Mil- waukee, Wisconsin. Educ. Wis- consin Univ. ; Balliol 191 3- (E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. Arnold Soc. Address : 517 Juneau Place, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. •Don, Robert Bogle : b. Dec 5, 1853 ; s. of John Don, of Broughty Ferry; m. July 6, 1882, Lucy Flora, d. of Archibald Campbell, of Hong Kong. Issue : five sons. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1873- 5 (H.J.S.S., W.W.F., T.H.G., E.A.) Brakenbury Sch. (Nat. Sci.) ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1875 ; M.A. 1880. Union and Dervor- guilla (Sec.) Socs. Merchant and Mill owner in Dundee ; Director of Don Brothers, Buist & Co., Ltd., and of several large Invest- ment Trust Companies ; formerly Pres. Dundee Chamber of Com- merce ; Chairman Dundee Savings Bank ; member of Council of University Coll., Dundee, 1886-. Recreations : Shooting, golf. Clubs : New University, University (Edin- burgh), Royal and Ancient St. Andrews. Address : Tealing House, near Dundee. Doule, Sir James MeCrone: 6.1854; s. of Rev. D. B. Douie, of Edin- burgh ; m. 1885, Frances Mary Elizabeth, d. of Sir Charles Roe. Issue : two sons, four daugh- ters. Educ. High School, and Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1875-6 (J.L.S.D.) ; Boden Sch. 1876 ; I.C.S., Punjab ; Executive and Secretariat Appointments 1876-98; Commissioner, Lahore Division, 1899 ; Chief Sec. to Govt, 1900-2 ; Settlement Commissioner 1903-7 ; Commissioner, Rawalpindi Divi- sion, 1907-9 ; Financial Commis- sioner 1 909-11 ; Lieut.-Governor, April- Aug. 191 1 ; Member Legis- lative Council 1900-2, 1903-7, 1909-11 ; retired 1911 ; C.S.I. 1906; K.C.S.L 1911 ; Fellow of Linnean and Royal Statistical Socs. Address : 2 Chadlington Road, Oxford. Down, Rev. Alexander Thornton : b. Jan. 7, 1884 ; 5. of Captain W, T. Down, R.N. Educ. Chigwell School, Essex (House Sch., Mills Ex.); Balliol 1902-5 (C.B.,E.J.P.); 3rd Theol., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909. Arnold Soc. Assist. Master, Catherington House Preparatory School, Horndean, 1905-6 ; Stu- dent at Wells Theol. Coll. 1906-7 ; ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curate of Raunds 1 907-11 ; St. Andrew's, Walsall, 191 1-, Address : St. Andrew's, Walsall. 90 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Downes, Oscar Clayton : b. Oct. 9, 1884 ; 5. of Sir Arthur H. Downes, Kt. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1902-3 (H.W.C.D.) ; Assoc. XL Dervorgiiilla Soc. 5th Fusiliers 1904 ; trans, to 4th Batt. Rifle Brigade, Lieut., 1908 ; Capt. 191 3 ; Assist. Supt. of Gymnasia, Irish Command, 191 3. Clubs : Jun, Naval and Military, Royal Automobile. Address : Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Dowson, Sydney Houghton : b. Aug. 6, 1884 ; 5. of Frank Dowson, of King's Lynn. Educ. Repton ; BaUiol 1903-6 (C.B., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906. Address : East End, West Meon, Petersfield. Draff en, George Algernon : b. April 23, 1858 ; s. of Col. W. P. Draffen, R.M.A. ; »». April 23, 1892, Bea- trice M. A., d. of George Wood, M.D., of Ackworth, Yorks. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Private ; King's Coll. School ; St. Mary Hall 1879 ; Wadham 1881 ; New-Inn-Hall 1884 ; Bal- liol 1887 ; Wadham Torpid and Eight. Union Soc. Underwriting Member of Lloyd's 1885-1903 ; late Lieut. -Col., 4th Border Regi- ment ; Esquire of the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Recrea- tions : Cycling, golf, lawn tennis, shooting. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Prince's, Marylebone, White's. Address: Hilbre, Shering- ham, Norfolk. Drake, John CoUard Bernard : b. March 7, 1884 ; 5. of Felix Drake, of North Coker, Yeovil. Educ. Blundell's (Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-8 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; BlundeU Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1904 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1906 ; B.A. 1907 ; Univ. Freshmen's, 1903, and CoU. Cricket XI's ; Univ. 1905, and Coll. (Capt.) Hockey XI's; Assoc. XI. Dervor- guOla Soc. I.C.S., Lower Bengal, 1908; Sub-Divisional Ofi&cer, Kur- seong, Darjeeling ; trans, to Bihar and Orissa 1912; Under-Sec. to Government, Revenue Depart- ment. Recreations : Polo, tennis, golf, cricket, hockey, football, pig- sticking, bridge. Addresses : North Coker, Yeovil ; c/o King, Hamil- ton & Co., Calcutta, India. ♦Dredge, Joseph Alan : b. March i, 1872 ; s. of Joseph Dredge, of Hereford. Educ. Hereford County Coll. ; BaUiol 1892-5 (F. de P., E.A., W.H.F.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894 ; B.A. and M.A. 1913. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 65 Comhill, E.C. Du Bos, Charles : b. Oct. 27, 1882 ; s. of Auguste Du Bos, of Paris. Educ. Lycee Janson de Tailly ; Balliol 1900-1 (J.L.S.D.). Address : 49 Rue de la Tour, Paris (XVI), France. Du Boulay, Sir James Houssemayne : b. April 15, 1868 ; s. of Rev. J. T. H. Du Boulay, of Winchester Coll. ; m. 1 901, Freda Elais Butts, d. of Alfred Howell. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1887-9 (W.M.) Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Annan dale Soc. I.C.S., Bombay, 1889 Private Sec. to Governor of Bom- bay (Baron Northcote) 1902 ; ditto (LordLamington) 1904-7; Political Sec. to Government of Bombay, 1909-10 ; Private Sec. to Viceroy (Baron Hardinge of Penshurst) 1910-; CLE. 1906; K.C.I. E. 1 911. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India. Ducat, Yen. William Methven Gor- don : b. March 17, 1847; s. of J. S. Ducat, W.S., of Edinburgh; w. May 7, 1878, Fanny Marian, d. of A. A. Webbe, of London. Educ. Edinburgh Academy (Gold Medallist) ; Glasgow Univ. ; Bal- liol 1867-71 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1869 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1870 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1874 ; prize-winner Coll. Regatta and Sports. Jeffrey Gold Medallist, Glasgow Univ. ; or- dained d. 1873, p. 1874 ; Curate of All Souls, Langham Place, 1874; Chapl. 1876-7, Principal 1883-94, Cuddesdon Theol. CoU. ; Rector of Lamplugh 1877-80 ; Principal of Leeds Clergy School 91 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1880-3 ; Rural Dean, Cuddesdon, 1890-4, Reading, 1 899- 1 903 ; Vicar of St. Giles's, Reading, 1894-1903; Hon. Canon of Christ Church 1894 ; Archdeacon of Berkshire 1903-. Publication: Hints to Those Preparing for Holy Orders. Clubs : Westminster; Berkshire (Reading). Address: Ripon Lodge, Bath Road, Reading. Ducker, Sidney Herbert: see Tucker, Albert Edward. Duff, Charles Patrick : b. July 20, 1889; s. of Harry Duff, of All Souls and Balliol Colls., Oxford. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1 907-11 (F. de P., C.B., J.A.S., H.M.W.) ; Blundell Sch ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1909 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 191 1. T.C.S. Address : 36 St. Margaret's Road, Oxford. Dugdale, Edgar Trevelyan Strat- ford : b. July 22, 1876 ; s. of W. S. Dugdale, of Merevale Hall, Ather- stone ; m. 1902, Blanche, d. of Col. Eustace Balfour. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1895-8 (F.F.U.) ; Torpid ( Head of River) . Dervorguilla Soc. (Pres.). Underwriting member of Lloyd's 1905- ; J. P. Leicester- shire. Addresses : Burbage Hall, Hinckley ; i Roland Gardens, London, S.W. Dugdale, William Francis Strat- ford : b. Oct. 20, 1872 ; s. of W. S. Dugdale, of Merevale Hall, Ather- stone. Educ. Castlemount, Dover ; Eton; Balliol 1891-5 (E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1893 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895. Dervor- guilla Soc. Travelled for two years after leaving Oxford ; en- gaged in estate and colliery management ; member of County Council and other public bodies ; Trustee of Rugby School. Clubs : Travellers', Brooks's, Athenaeum, Oxford and Cambridge. Ad- dresses : Merevale Hall, Ather- stone, Warwickshire ; 20 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Duncan, Viscount : see Camper- down, Earl of. Duncan, Harold Handasyde : b. June 15, 1885 ; s. of A. H. F. Duncan, late R.N. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; B.A. 1 91 3. Address : St. James's Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Duncan, John : b. Nov. 23, 1880; 5. of John Duncan, of Penarth, Glam. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1899-1903 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1903. Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1906 ; S. African Medal (five clasps) 1900 ; Journal- ist. Address: South Wales Daily News, Cardiff. *Duncan, Rev. John Murray : b. Sept, 13, 1884 ; s. of Rev. J. Duncan, Canon of Salisbury, and Vicar of Calne. Educ. Eton (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1903-7 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1910. Cuddes- don Theol. Coll. 1908 ; ordained d. 1909, p. 1910 ; Curate of All Saiuts, Chesterfield, 1909-10 ; Stapenhill 1910-13 ; St. Mary's, Stoke Newington, 191 3-. Address : 2 Glebe Place, Stoke Newington. *Duncan, Patrick : b. Dec. 21, 1870 ; s. of John Duncan, of Fortrie, Gamrie, Banffs. Educ. George Watson's Coll., and the Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1889- 93 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. and Warner Ex. ; Craven Sch. 1890 ; ist CI. Mods. 1891 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1907. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Inland Revenue Department 1894 ; Treas. 1 901-4, Colonial Sec. 1904-7, Acting Lieut. -Gover- nor igo6, Transvaal ; Barrister, I.T., 1907 ; Advocate, Supreme Court of Transvaal, 1908 ; member House of Assembly in Parlia- ment of Union of S. Africa 1910 ; C.M.G. 1904. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Savile, Rand (Johannesburg). Address : 17 Sauer's Buildings, Joharmes- burg, S. Africa. Dunckley, Rev. William : b. Feb. i3» -^853 ; s. of Charles Dunckley, of Wolverhampton ; m. Aug. i, 1907, Edith Mary, d. of C. I. Beard, M.D. Educ. Wolverhamp- ton Gr. School ; Balliol 1873-6 (F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1873 ; 92 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER B.A. 1877; M.A. 1879. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1882, p. 1883 ; Ciirate of Edlesborough 1882-4 ; St. Pancras, London, 1884 ; St. Mary's, Paddington, 1885-1900 ; member of Paddington Vestry and Board of Guardians 1 894-1 900 ; Vicar of St. Luke's, Uxbridge Road, London, W., 1900- ; mem- ber of Hammersmith Board of Guardians 1904-10. Recreations : Football, rowing, cricket. Ad- dress : St. Luke's Vicarage, Ux- bridge Road, London, W. Dundas, David, The Hon. Lord Dundas : b. June 8, 1854 ; s. of George Dundas (Hon. Lord Manor), one of the Senators of the Coll. of Justice in Scotland ; m. 1885, Helen (d. 1897), d. of D. B. Wauchope, of Edinburgh. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1872-6 (F. de P., E.A., T.H.G., R.L.N.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1873 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1876 ; B.A. 1877 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. Studied Law at Edinburgh Univ. 1876-8 ; Scot- tish Bar 1878 ; Q.C. 1897 ; Solicitor-General for Scotland 1903-5 ; Senator of the Coll. of Justice in Scotland 1905- ; con- tested (C.) Linlithgowshire 1900 ; member of Court, former Assessor to a series of Lord Rectors, and to the Chancellor (Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P.), and Hon. LL.D., Edinburgh Univ. ; D.L. County and City of Edinburgh. Clubs : Wellington; New, and Conserva- tive (Edinburgh). Address : 11 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. Dunleath, 2nd Baron, Henry Lyle Mulholland : b. Jan. 30, 1854 ; s. of John Mulholland, M.P. ; created ist Baron Dunleath 1892 ; m. i88i, Norah Louisa Fanny, d. of Capt. the Hon. Somerset Ward. Issue : four sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; Balliol 1877-80 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1880 ; B.A. 1 88 1 ; Eight ; Four. Lieut. Royal Engineers 1873-8 ; Capt. and Major 5th Batt. Royal Irish Rifles 1882-95 ; M.P. (C.) North Londonderry 1885-95 ; member of Royal Commission on Electrical Commimications with Lighthouses and Lightships, General Synod, Church of Ireland, Standing Com- mittee, Ulster Unionist Council, Dio. Council for Down, Connor, and Dromore, and of Senate, Queen's Univ., Belfast ; Pres. of Annual Congress of Royal Sanitary In- stitute 1911. Recreations: Yacht- ing, shooting, golf. Clubs : Carl- ton, Bachelors', Royal Yacht Squadron. Address : Bally waiter Park, Co. Down, Ireland. *Dunlop, Charles Robertson : b. Jan. 9, 1876 ; s. of Professor James Dunlop, M.D., of Glasgow. Educ. High School, Glasgow ; King Wilham's Coll., Isle of Man (Sch.) ; Balliol 1894-7 (T.R., E.J.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1897 ; ist B.C.L. 1900 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1903 ; Eight. Studied Law at Glasgow Univ. (Prizeman in Scots Law) ; Barrister, I.T., 1901 ; practised in Admiralty and Com- mercial Courts ; Reader and Lecturer, Incorporated Law So- ciety, 1903-10 ; appointed Jun. Counsel for Admiralty Division by Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty 191 1. Publication : rewrote and revised Book V of 15th ed. Stephens' Commentaries on the Laws of England, and 15th ed. of Abbott's Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen. Recrea- tion : Riding. Clubs : Bath, Ranelagh. Addresses : 64 South Audley St., Grosvenor Square, London, W. ; 2 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Button, Edward Lenox : see Sher- borne, Baron. Dwight, Winthrop Edwards : b. Dec. 23, 1872 ; s. of Timothy Dwight, of New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. Edtw. Private ; Yale Univ. (B.A. 1893, Ph.D. 1895, LL.B. 1896) ; Balliol 1897 (A.L.S.). Address : 62 Cedar St., New York City, U.S.A. Dyer, Charles Nettelton : b. April 24, 1878 ; s. of Frederick Dyer, of Croydon. Educ. Clifton ; Bal- 93 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER liol 1897-1901 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; and CI. Mods. 1899 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1901 ; Univ. Trial and Coll. Eights. Braken- bury See. (Pres.). Solicitor 1904 ; engaged in mercantile business ; Lieut. Hon. Artillery Co. Club : Bath. Addresses : 17 Alderman- bury, London, E.C. ; Pentlands, Park Hill Road, Croydon, London. Dyer, Charles Volney : b. Dec. 22, 1890 ; s. of Louis Dyer, of Oxford. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1909-10 (J.W.R.). Dyer, James Ferguson : b. July 2, 1880 ; s. of Henry Dyer, LL.D., Civil Engineer, of Glasgow ; m. Oct. 22, 1909, Edna, d. of Major- General L Ketchen, R.A. Educ. High School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1902-3 (W.M.). M.A. Glasgow Univ. ; LC.S., Central Prov. ; Assist, and Deputy Com- missioner 1903-11 ; special duty in connexion with rebellion in Bastar State 1910 ; Settlement Officer, Nagpur District, 1911-. Recreations : Shooting, polo. Ad- dresses : Nagpur, Central Pro- vinces, India ; 8 Highburgh Terrace, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Dyer, Stewart Barton Bythesea : b. Nov. 26, 1875 ; s. of Capt. Stewart Dyer, of Westcroft Park, Chobham, Surrey; m. June 11, 1906, Mai, d. of Capt. S. L. Osborne, R.N. Issue : one son. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1901 (E.G.); Assoc. XI. Dervorguilla Soc. 2nd Life Guards 1899 ; Capt. (retired) ; served with Kaduna Expedition 1900 (men- tioned in dispatches, medal with clasp) ; Bornu, Lake Chad, ditto, 1902 (wounded, dispatches, medal with clasp) ; operations in Bas- sama Country ; present at occupa- tion of Kano and Sokoto (twice wounded and mentioned in dispatches for conspicuous gal- lantry, clasp) ; commanded Daka- kerri Expedition 1904 (dis- patches) ; winner ist prize Offi- cers' Fencing (Ep6e) Competition, Military Tournament, 1907 ; Epee Club Cups 1908, 9, 10 ; medal of French Epee Society at Inter- national Meeting at Houlgate 1909 ; three prizes International Fencing Tournament, Ostend, 1909 ; two prizes International Fencing Tournament, Prague, 1911 ; D.S.O. 1903. Clubs : White's, Cavalry, Ranelagh. Ad- dresses : 25 Seymour St., Portman Square, London, W. ; La Maison Rose, Biarritz, France. Dyson, Reginald Joseph : b. Nov. 24, 1873 ; s. of Hiram Dyson, of Hungerford House, Edgerton, Huddersfield ; m. April 15, 1903, Nora, d. of Harry Beardsell. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1892-4 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894. Address : Oakwood, Kirkburton, Nr. Huddersfield. Eagleston, Arthur John: b. Oct. 29, 1870 ; s. of Joseph Eagleston, Ironmonger, of Oxford ; m. Sept. 12, 1901, Fanny Congreve, d. of R. E. Younger. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Oxford High School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1888-92 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. and Jen- kyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; ist Lit, Hum. 1892 ; B.A. 1894. Union and Arnold Socs. 3rd Place in Class I Competitive Examination, Home Civil Service, 1894 ; appointed to Home Office 1894 ; Sen. Clerk 1903 ; Principal Clerk 1912 ; Assist. Sec. 1913-. Recreations : Golf, cycling. Clubs : National Liberal, Wimbledon Park Golf. Address : Home Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. Eales, Herbert Lorely : b. Aug. 20, 1857 ; s. of Charles Eales, of Calcutta ; m. June 12, 1889, Mary Ball, d. of Joseph Eales. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Dulwich ; Balliol 1878-9 (J.L.S.D., A.T.) ; Torpid (2). I.C.S., Burma ; Assist. Commissioner 1879 ; Poli- 94 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tical Ofl&cer with Field Force, Upper Burma (mentioned in dis- patches, medal and two clasps) 1885; Deputy Commissioner 1888; Sec. to Chief Commissioner i8go; Provincial Superintendent of Cen- sus 1890-2 ; Pres. of Rangoon Municipality ; Commissioner of Pegu ; Financial Commissioner 1910 ; Member of Legislative Council ; C.S.L 191 1. Publication : Census Report of Burma, 1891. Recreations : Riding, motoring. Club : East India United Service. Address: Harberton House, Head- ington Hill, Oxford. East, Alfred Ernest: b. 1868 ; s. of Joshua East, of London. Educ. Turrell's Hall 1886; New-Inn- Hall 1887; Balliol 1887-8. Ad- dress : Longstock House, Stock- bridge, Hants. Eaton Smith, Leonard : see Smith, L. E. Edgar, John : b. May 23, 1857 ; s. of John Edgar, of Dumfries ; m. 1884, Jemima, d. of Rev. Thomas Bowman, of Catrine, Ayr. Issue : three children. Educ. Dumfries Academy (Crichton and Armstrong Bursarships) ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1878-82 (R.L.N., A.C.B., J.L.S.D., B.J.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A., Glasgow ; Higher School Diploma, Edin- burgh ; CI. Master Royal High School, Edinburgh, 1 882-1 902 ; CI. Exam., Univ. of Glasgow ; Prof, of Education, Univ. of St. An- drews 1902— ; Exam, in Educa- tion, Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1 909-1 1, Publications : History of Early Scottish Education ; trans- lations of Aeschines in Ctesiphon- tern, Homeric Hymns, Latin Un- seens, &c. Recreations : Fishing, golf, photography. A ddress : East Scores, St. Andrews. Edgar, John : b. Aug. 19, 1876 ; s. of Rev. John Edgar, of Glas- gow ; m. April 12, 1906, Annie Grace, d. of G. Buttifont. Educ. Hutchson's Gr. School and the Univ., Glasgow; Balliol 1897-1900 (A.L.S.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1900 ; Torpid (i). ist Class Honours in Lit. and Hist., Glasgow Univ. ; Lecturer in Hist., Khedivial Coll., Cairo, 1900-3 ; Prince of Wales Prof, of Hist., South African Coll., Cape Town, 1903- ; Editor of Transvaal Leader 191 1-. Publications: Expansion of Europe from 14 so (2 vols.) 1911 ; The Unionof South Africa ; Union and the University Question. Re- creations : Golf, fishing. Clubs : Rand, Golf (Johannesburg). Ad- dress : ' Leader ' Ofi&ce, Johannes- burg, S. Africa. Edgar, Wilfred Haythome : b. Jan. 9, 1864 ; s- oi Rev. J. H. Edgar, of Weston, Som. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. and B.A., 1886 ; Univ. 1884-6 and Coll. Assoc. XI's ; Cricket XI (Capt.) ; played for •Next XVI' V. XI, O.U.C.C. Judge's Associate to the Hon. Sir M. H. Stephen and the Hon. Sir George Innes, Judges of Supreme Court of New South Wales, 1888- 91 ; Barrister, New South Wales, 1891 ; ditto, I.T., 1896 ; Western Circuit. Address: Briarside, Wey- bridge, Surrey. Edgerley, Sir Steyning William : b. Aug. 16, 1857 ; s. of J. F. Edgerley, of Shrewsbury ; m. 1898, Ethel Frances (d. 1912), d. of Sir C. B. Pritchard, K.C.I. E.. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Shrews- bury ; Balliol 1878-9 (J.L.S.D.) ; Torpid. Dervorguilla Soc. I.C.S., Bombay, 1 879-1 909 ; Member of Council, Bombay, and of Royal Commission on Decentralization, 1907 ; Member of Council of India 1909. CLE. 1895 ; K.C.V.O. 1905. Club : Athenaeum. Ad- dress : Littlebury, Saffron Walden. ♦Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro : b. 1 845 ; s. of F. B. Edgeworth, of Edge- worthstown, Ireland. Educ. Pri- vate ; Trinity Coll., Dublin (Sch.) ; Exeter 1867; Magdalen Hall (Sch.) 1867 ; Balliol 1868-9 (B.J.) ; ist Lit. Hum. 1869 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1877. ist Class CI, Honours, Trinity Coll., Dublin. Barrister, I.T., 95 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1877 ; Lecturer on Logic, after- wards Tooke Prof, of Political Eco- nomy, King's Coll., London, to 1891 ; Prof, of Political Economy, Oxford, 1891- ; Fellow of All Souls, Oxford, and King's Coll., London ; Pres. of Royal Statistical Soc. ; formerly Editor Economic Journal ; D.C.L. Durham ; F.B.A. Publi- cations : Mathematical Psychics, 18S1 ; articles in Encyclopaedia Britannica (191 1) ; Philosophical Magazine, Economic Journal, Jour- nal of Statistical Soc, &c. Recrea- tion : Golf. Clubs : Alpine, Athe- naeum, Savile. Address : All Souls College, Oxford. Edinger, Walter Marcus Valentine: b. Feb. 14, 1894 ; s. of O. H. Edinger, of London. Educ. Wel- lington ; Balliol I9i2-(A.W.P.C.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1914. Union and Arnold Socs. Address: i9Cadogan Square, London, S.W. ♦Edwards, Rev. David Charles : b. March 31, 1851 ; s. of Rev. Lewis Edwards, D.D., of Bala Coll. ; m. Annie, d. of Evan Thomas, of Birmingham and Rhiwgwreiddyn. jE^mc. Bala Coll. ; Aberystwyth Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1875-8 (J.L.S.D., T.H.G., R.L.N., A.G.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A,, 1878 ; M.A. 1 88 1. Minister of Bala Welsh Presbyterian Church 1879-88 ; Hope English Presbyterian Church 1889-96 ; District Sec. to British and Foreign Bible Soc, North Wales, 1896—. Address: Hafody- bryn, Llanbedr, R.S.O., Merioneth- shire. Edwards, Gilbert Sutherland : b. 1858 ; s. of H. S, Edwards, of London. Educ. Brighton ; Balliol 1876-9; Ex.; 2ndCl. Mods. 1877; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1879 ; B.A.. and M.A. 1886. I.T., 1885; Clerk in Secretary's Office, G.P.O. Ad- dresses: Secretary's Office, G. P.O., London, E.C. ; 18 Westbourne Terrace Road, London, W. ♦Edwards, Owen Morgan : b. Dec. 25, 1858 ; s. of Owen Edwards, of Coed-y-Pry, Llanuwchllyn ; m. June 19, 1 891, Ellen, d. of Ivan Davies, of Prys Mawr, Llanu- wchllyn. Issue : three children. Educ. Bala Gr. School ; University Coll. of Wales ; London Univ. ; Balliol 1884-8 (A.L.S., B.J., J.L.S.D.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; Stanhope Prize 1886 ; Lothian Prize, and ist Mod. Hist. 1887 ; B.A. 1888; M.A. 1891. B.A. London Univ. Lecturer at Lin- coln, Corpus Christi, Balliol, Trinity, and Pembroke till 1907 ; Fellow, and subsequently Hon. Fellow, of Lincoln ; M.P. for Merionethshire 1899-1900 ; First Warden of the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales ; H.M. Chief Inspector of Education for Wales 1907-. Publications : Story of Wales ; Short History of Wales ; Hanes Cymru ; Tro yn yr Eidal ; Tro yn Llydaw ; Tro yn y De ; Clych Adgof ; Cartrefi Cymru ; Tro trwy'r Gogledd ; Er Mwyn lesu ; editor of Heddyw, Cymru ; Lienor ; Cymru Fydd ; Wales ; CymruW Plant ; and works of D. ab. Gwilym ; Edward Morris ; Hugh Morris ; Joshua Thomas ; Anne Griffiths ; Ap Vychan ; Robert Owen ; Theo- philus Evans ; Ellis Wynne, Hugh Jones ; Owen Griffith, Goronwy Owen ; Twm o'r Nant ; Glan y Gors ; Ficer Prichard ; leuan Glan Geirionnydd ; Eben Fardd ; Dewi Wyn ; Alun ; Samuel Roberts ; Ceiriog ; Gwilym Maries ; John Thomas ; Islwyn, &c. Addresses : Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. ; Neuadd Wen, Llanuwchllyn, Bala. Edwards, Thomas Herbert : 6. 1854 ; s. of T. G. Edwards, of Liverpool. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1872-4 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874. Edwards-Moss, Sir John Edwards, 2nd Bart. : b. Oct. 25, 1850 ; s. of Sir Thomas Edwards-Moss, ist Bart. ; m. Feb. 20, 1873, Mar- garet, d. of Col. Ireland Black- bume, of Hale Hall. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1869-72 (E.P., T.H.G.) ; 2nd Jur. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875 ; Univ. 1870-1, and Coll. 96 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (Capt.) Eights ; Coll. Fours. Pri- vate Sec. to Home Sec. (Lord Cross) 1 874-80 ; ditto (Sir Stafford North- cote) 1 88 1-2 ; contested Christ- church 1880, Southport Div. of Lanes. 1885 ; Captain of Boats at Eton 1869 ; won Ladies* Plate, 1867, 8, 9 ; House Fours, Eton, i866, 7, 8 ; Eton Football XFs ' field ' and * wall ' 1868 ; sculling, pulling, and walking races, Eton, 1869 ; Grand Challenge Cup, Hen- ley, in Oxford-Etonian Crew, 1871. Publications : A Season in Suther- land, 1 888. Recreations : Yacht- ing, gardening. Clubs : Carlton, Orleans, Beefsteak, Royal Yacht Squadron, Marylebone, Leander. Address : Roby Hall, Torquay. ♦Edye, Ernest Henry Huish : b. June 2, 1884 ; s. of Ernest Edye, of Strawberry Hill ; w. Sept. 24, 1908, Alice Dorothy, d. of J. N. Stuart, of Broomhill, Harrow. Issue : one son. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; BalUol 1903-8 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1905 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1912 ; Assoc. XL Union and Brakenbury Socs. I.C.S., United Provinces ; Assist. Magis- trate 1908. Address : Gifford Lodge, Strawberry Hill, Twicken- ham. Egerton, Arthur Edward : b. Aug. 7, 1893 ; s. of H. E. Egerton, Beit Prof, of Colonial History in Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1912- (A.L.S., N.S.T., R.G.). Address : 14 St. Giles's, Oxford. Eland Rev. Edwin Harding : b. 1 861 ; s. of William Eland, of Market Harborough. Educ.Vniv.ot London ; Balliol 1885-8 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1886 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1888 ; B.A. 1889; M.A. 1891. B. A., London Univ., 1884; ordained d. 1889, p. 1890 ; Master of Modem Side, Radley Coll., 1889-96 ; Curate of Dorking 1896- 1903 ; Winchester Diocesan Mis- sion er 1903-7; Vicar of Cuddington, Surrey, 1907-. Publications : The Layman's Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer, 1896 ; Con- firmation, 1903 ; Life's Pilgrimage, 1 907. A ddress : Cuddington Vicar- age, Worcester Park, Surrey. Elcho, Lord, Hugo Richard wemyss Charteris : 6. Aug. 23, 1857 ; s. of 9th Earl of Wemyss ; m. 1883, Mary Constance, d. of Hon. P. S. Wyndham. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1877-80 (E.A.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1880. M.P. Haddington- shire 1883-5, Ipswich 1886-95 ; member of London County Council for six years; D.L. Addresses: 62 Cadogan Square, London, S.W. ; Stanway House, Winchcombe, R.S.O. *Elgin and Kincardine, 9th Earl of, Victor Alexander Bruce : b. May 16, 1849 ; s. of 8th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine ; m. 1876, Lady Constance Mary Carnegie (d. 1909), d. of 9th Earl of Southesk, K.T. Issue : six sons, four daughters. Educ. Trinity Coll., Glenalmond ; Eton; Balliol 1869-73 (B.J., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1870 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1873 ; M.A. 1877; Cricket XI (Capt.). Deputy Lieutenant 1870, Vice ditto 1881, Lord ditto 1886, Convener 1890 (re-elected 1903), County of Fife ; Pres. of Fife- shire Territorial Force Assoc. ; Hon. Colonel late ist Fifeshire R.A. ; Lieut, of King's Bodyguard for Scotland ; Commissioner of Educational Endowments (Scot- land) Act, and of University ^Scotland) Act ; Chairman Royal Commissions, Salmon Fisheries, 1900, War in S. Africa 1902, Churches (Scotland) 1905 ; Treas. to H.M. Household, and First Commissioner of Works and Public Buildings, 1886 ; Viceroy and Governor- General of India 1894-9 ; Sec. of State for the Colonies 1905-8 ; Chancellor of Aberdeen Univ. ; K.G. ; G. C.S.I. ; G.C.I.E.; P.C. ; D.C.L., Oxon. ; LL.D., St. Andrews, Punjab, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Cambridge Univs. ; J. P., Fife. Clubs : Brooks's, Travellers' ; New (Edinbiurgh). Addresses : Broom- 97 iBALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER hall, Dunfermline, Fifeshire ; Dun- phail, Moravsliiic. tlgooa, Cyril Lloyd : b. Oct. 14, i6gz ; 5. of F. M. Elgoocl, of Northwood, Middlesex. Educ. Bradfield; Balliol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.J.T.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1 91 3. Union Soc. Address : The Close, Northwood, Middlesex. ♦Eliot, Sir Charles Norton Edge- cumbe : b. i8t»4 ; s. of Rev. Edward Eliot, of Norton Bavant. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1880- 3 ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1881 ; Boden and Ireland Schs. 1883 ; Syriac Ver- sion Prize, ist Lit. Hum., and Craven Scholar, 1884 ; B.A. 1885 ; Derby Sch. 1886. Fellow of Trinity 1884 ; 3rd Sec., St. Peters- burg 1888-92, Constantinople 1893-8 ; Charge d' Affaires, Mo- rocco 1892-3, Bulgaria i895,Servia 1897 ; Sec. of British Embassy, Washington, 1898 ; British High Commissioner, Samoa, 1899; Com- missioner and Commander-in- Chief, British E. Africa Protec- torate, Agent and Consul- General, Zanzibar, and Consul- General for German E. Africa, 1900-4 ; Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Shefl&eld, 1905 ; First Principal, Univ. of Hong-Kong, 1912-; Hon. LL.D., Edinburgh ; Hon. D.C.L., Durham; C.B. 1898; K.C.M.G. 1900. Publications : A Finnish Grammar, 1890 ; Tur- key in Europe, 1900 ; The East Africa Protectorate, 1905 ; Letters from the Far East, 1907 ; various papers on ' Marine Zoology '. Club : St. James's. Address : The University, Hong Kong, China. ♦Elliot, Sir Francis Edmund Hugh : b. March 24, 1851 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir H. G. Elliot ; m. Oct. 26, 1881, Henrietta Augusta Mary, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir F. Clare Ford, G.C.B. Issue : four daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1869-73 (B.J., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1873 ; M.A. 1877 ; Torpid ; Eight (head of river) and Four ; Capt. of Boat Club ; Oxford-Etonian Eight (winners Grand Challenge Cup, Henley, 1871). Diplomatic Ser- vice ; appointed to Constan- tinople 1874 ; 3rd Sec. 1876 ; transferred to Vienna ; 2nd Sec, Rio de Janeiro, 1879 ; transferred to Stockholm, Lisbon, Cairo, and Paris ; Sec. of Legation, Athens, 1890 ; Agent and Consul-General, Bulgaria, 1895 ; Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary, Athens, 1903- ; K.C.M.G. 1904 ; G.C.V.O. 1905 ; Grand Cross of the Royal Hellenic Order of the Redeemer 1906. Recrea- tions : Lawn tennis, bridge. Clubs : Travellers', St. James's. Address : British Legation, Athens. ♦Elliott, Ivo D'Oyly : b. March 7, 1882 ; s. of Sir T. H. EUiott, K.C.B. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-6 (E.A., W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1 910. I.C.S., United Prov. ; passed 5th in open examina- tion; Assist. Commissioner 1906; Under-Sec. to Government 191 2. Addresses : Allahabad, United Provinces, India ; Ravensbrook, Oxted, Surrey. Ellis, Griffith ; b. 1844 ; s. of Griffith Ellis, of Aberlefinny, N. Wales. Educ. Bala Coll. ; Non- Coil. 1871 ; Balliol 1873-5 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1879. Address : 10 Pem- broke Road, Bootle. Ellis, Henry Guysulf Bertram : b. March 7, 1875 ; s. of Hon. and Rev. W. C. Ellis, of Bothalhaugh, Morpeth. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1893-6 (F. de P., T.R.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1895 ; 4th Jur. 1896 ; B.A. 1897. /I rff^A-^ss: Bothalhaugh, Mor- peth, Northumberland. Ellis, Robinson : b. Sept. 5, 1834 ; s. of James Ellis, of Barming House, near Maidstone. Educ. Forest School, Walthamstow ; Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey ; Rugby (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1852-8 (W.C.L., E.C.W., B. J., J.R., E.P.) ; Sch. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1854 ; Ire- land Sch., and Latin Verse Prize, 98 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1855 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1856 ; B.A. 1857 ; Boden Sanskrit Sch. 1858 ; M.A. 1859. Union Soc. Fellow of Trinity 1858-1913 ; engaged in research work relating to Catullus 1858-69 ; Prof, of Latin, University Coll., London, 1870 ; Reader in Latin 1883, Corpus Prof., ditto, 1893-1913, Oxford ; corresponding member of Acca- demia Vergiliana di Mantova 1910 ; Hon. LL.D., Dublin ; D.PhU., Konigsberg; F.B.A. Pub- lications : Catulli Veronensis Liber, 1867, 2nded. 1878 ; A Commentary on Catullus, 1876, 2nd ed. 1889 ; a translation of Catullus in the Metres of the Original ; The Ibis of Ovid, 1881 ; The Fables of Avianus, 1887 ; ' The Commoni- torium of Orientius ' (in vol. xv, Vienna Corpus Scriptorum Eccle- siasticorum), 1888 ; Nodes Mani- lianae, 1891 ; Aetna, a new recen- sion of the text, 1901 ; Appendix Vergiliana, 1908 ; The Tomb laid undfr a Spell, 191 1 ; The Amores of Ovid, 1912. Address : Trinity College, Oxford. [Died Oct. 9, 1913.] ♦Ellis, Hon. and Rev. William Charles : b. July 22, 1835 ; 5. of 6th Lord Howard de Walden ; m. 1873, Henrietta, d. of H. M. Ames. Issue : four sons, two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1854-9 » 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1858 ; M.A. i860. Ordained d. 1859, p. i860 ; Curate of Prestwich 1859-61 ; Rector of Bothal with Sheepwash and Hebburn 1861-. Club : Athe- naeum. Address : Bothalhaugh, Morpeth, Northumberland. Elton, Godfrey : b. March 29, 1892 ; ^. s. of E. F. Elton,of Ovington Park, Alresford, Hants. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1911- (A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; Ex., ist CI. Mods., and dist. in Craven Sch., 1913 ; Rugby XV. Arnold and Brakenbury Socs. ; O.U.D.S. Address : Ovington Park, Alresford, Hants. Elwin, Edgar Alfred : b. Feb. 20, 1864 ; s. of Edward Elwin, Solicitor, of Dover. Educ. Dover Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-3 (A.T., W.M.). Union Soc. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1883 ; Manager, Jaipur Estate, 1890 ; Sen. Assist. Col- lector 1 891 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1896 ; District and Sessions Judge ; Collector and Magistrate 1898 ; member of Board of Revenue and Legislative Council ; retired 1908. Publication : joint author Madras Famine Code, 1904. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o A. B. Elwin, Esq., 2 Castle St., Dover. Elwin, Emest Bames : b. Nov. 24, 1869 ; s. of Edward Elwin, Solicitor, of Dover ; m. July 2, 1903, Gertrude Hamilton Phillips, of Temple Ewell, Dover, Issue : two sons. Educ. Dover CoU. ; Balliol 1888-90 (W.M.). Union Soc. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1891 ; Special Assist. 1896 ; Head ditto 1902 1 Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1902; Special Agent for Vizianagram Zemindari 1905-7 ; District and Sessions Judge 1907 ; Collector, District Magistrate, Government and Political Agent, Godavari, 1909— . Address : I.C.S., District Magistrate, Cocanada, Madras Presidency, India. Emanuel, Montagu Rousseau : b. July 24, 1873 ; s. of Joel Emanuel, of London ; m. 1904, Florence Helena, d. of Alexander Leon. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1891-5 (J.A.S.) ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1898. Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1897. Address : 3 Dr. Johnson's Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Emanuel, Victor Rousseau : b. Jan. 2, 1879 ; s. of Joel Emanuel, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1896-7 (E.A., J.C, W.H.F.). Address ; 166 State St., Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Emery, Albert : b. March 29, 1888 ; s. of Francis Emery, of Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. Educ. Longton Tutorial Class ; Balliol 1013- (A.L.S., N.S.T.). Address : White 99 H 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER House, Fen ton Park. Fenton, Stoko-on-Trcnt. Emmons, Hamilton : b. Aug. 15, 1864 ; 5. of R. VV. Emmons, of Boston, U.S.A. ; m. 1903, Marion, d. of T. Van Buren. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Leam- ington Coll. ; Balliol 1883-7 (W.H.F., H.B.D.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chcm.) 1887 ; B.A. 1889 ; Tennis and Lawn Tennis Teams, and Long Jump V. Cambridge. Studied Geology for two years at Leipzig. Publication : Petrography of Island of Capreija. A ddress : The Copse, Hamblc, Hants. Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood : b. Oct. 16, 1877; s. of R. H. Ensor, of The Knap, Milborne Port, Som. ; m. 1906, Helen, d. of VV. H. Fisher, of Manchester. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1896-1901 (F. de P., E.A., E.J.) ; Sch.; ist CI. Mods. 1898; Chan- cellor's Prize Latin Verse, and Craven Sch., 1899; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1900. Union (Treas. and Sec. 1899, Pres. 1900) and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. Barrister, LT., 1905 ; Leader-writer, Man- chester Guardian 1902-4, Daily News 1909-11, Daily Chronicle 191 2-; member of London Coimty Council 1910-13. Publications : Modern Socialism, 1903 ; Modern Poems, 1904 ; Healthy Homes, 1912. Address : The Beacon, Sands, High Wycombe. Estcourt, 1st Baron, George Thomas John Sotheron-Estcourt : b. Jan. 21, 1839 ; s. of Rev. E. H. B. Estcourt, Rector of Eckington, Derbyshire; m. 1863, Monica, d. of Rev. Martin Stapylton, Rector of Barlborough. Educ. Harrow : Balliol 1857-61 (R.S., B.J., E.P., H.W., J.R.) ; 3rd Law and Hist. 1861 ; B.A. and M.A. 1865. Royal Wilts. Yeomanry 1861-98 (in com- mand 1890-8) ; M.P. North Wilts. 1874-85 ; J. P. Glos. and Wilts. ; D.L. Wilts. Recreations : Hunting, shooting, fishing. Clubs : Carlton, Boodle's. Address : Estcourt. Tetbury, Glos. Estcourt, Rev. Edmund Walter : b. 1850; 5. of C. W. Estcourt, of Newport, LW. £ Chairman of Court of Referees under National Insurance Act, Glasgow district, 1912-. Publication : Law of Rights in Security, iSgy. Clubs i New (Edin- burgh), Western (Glasgow). Ad- dresses : 3 The University, Glas- gow ; Kincaimey, Murthly, Perth- shire. Glover, Cedric Reward : b. June 20, 1892 ; s. of J. H. Glover, of Lon- don. ErfMC. Rugby ; Balliol 1911- 13 (F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Lang. (German) 1913 ; Sec. of Coll. Musical Soc. 1912-13. Union Soc. Address : 35 Steele's Road, Hamp- stead, London, N.W. *Godley, Alfred Denis : b. Jan. 22, 1856 ; s. of Rev. James Godley, Rector of Carrigallen, Co. Lei- trim ; m. 1894, Amy, d. of C. H. Cay, Fellow of Gonville and Caius CoU., Cambridge. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1874-8 (E.A., R.G.T., A.C.B.) ; Sch. ; Prox. Acces. to Hertford 1875 and 76, Ireland 1877 and 78, Craven 1879, Schs. ; ist CI. Mods. 1875 ; Latin Verse Prize 1877 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and Gaisford Verse Prize, 1878 ; Latin Essay, and B.A., 1879 ; Craven Sch. 1880; M.A. 1882. For a short time in Civil Service (Inland Revenue) ; Assist. Master, Bradfield, 1879-82 ; Fellow and Tutor 1883-1912, Hon. Fellow 191 2, Magdalen ; formerly Dele- gate for superintending instruc- tion of I.C.S. candidates ; six times Exam, in CI. Mods. ; editor Oxford Magazine 1 890-1, Classical Review 1910- ; Public Orator 1910— ; commanded a company in 4th Batt. Oxford Light In- fantry 1900-5 ; member of Heb- domadal Council 191 1- ; Governor of Harrow School ; Hon. LL.D., Princeton, U.S.A. ; Univ. repre- sentative on City Council, Oxford, 191 3-; elected a Permanent Elector to Corpus Professorship of 12^ BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Latin 1914 ; J. P. Co. Leitrim. Publications ; Verses to Order, 1892 and 1903 ; Aspects of Modern Oxford, 1893; Socrates and Athe- nian Society, 1895 ; Lyra Frivola, 1899 ; Second Strings, 1902 ; a translation of the Odes of Horace, 1898 ; Nova Anthologia Oxoniensis (with Prof. Robinson Elhs), 1899; Latin Stories ; Fables of Orbilius, 1 90 1 and 1902 ; Oxford in the Eighteenth Century, 1908 ; The Casual Ward, 1912 ; edited the Histories of Tacitus ; Rejected Addresses ; London Lyrics; Moore's Poems. Clubs : Savile, Alpine (Committee 1908-11). Address : 27 Norham Road, Oxford. ♦Godley, Hon. Hugh John : b. June 12, 1877 ; s. of ist Lord Kilbracken, G.C.B. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1896-1900 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1900; B.A, 1901 ; M.A. 1909; Morrison Fours. Annandale and Brakenbury Socs. Barrister, L.L, 1902 ; British Representative at Conference on Maritime Law at Brussels 1909. Address : 29 Sloane Gardens, London, S.W. Godley, John Arthur : see Kil- bracken, Lord. Godwin, Rev. George Harold : b. June 22, 1873 ; s. of W. A. God- vnn, of Merton, Surrey. Educ. King's Coll. School ; Balliol 1892- 6 (A.L.S., F. de P.) ; Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1896 ; B.A. 1898 ; M.A. 1900. M.A. Durham 1900 ; ordained d. 1898, p. 1900 ; Curate of Christ Church, Albany Street, 1898 ; St. Giles', Durham, 1902-3; Hamsteelsi9o6- 9 ; Chapl. Univ. Coll., Durham, 1899-1905 ; Lecturer in Hist., Univ. of Durham, 1899 ; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Durham, 1909. Address : Church Lane, Merton, London, S.W. Goetz, Charles Edward : b. 1872 ; 5. of E. L. Goetz, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1891-4 (W.R.H., A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1894. Barrister, I.T., 1897. Address : 3 John Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. *Goldner, Alfred Leopold : b. Dec. 24, 1870 ; s. of Samuel Goldner, of London ; m. Maud, d. of Henry Levy. Issue : one son. Educ. Brighton Coll. ; Charterhouse ; Balliol 1889-92 (F. de P., T.R.) ; and Jur., and B.A., 1892 ; M.A. 1896. Barrister, M.T., 1893. Recreations : Skating, cycling. Address : 20 Wetherby Mansions, Earl's Court Sguare, S.W. Goldschmidt, Cnarles Alfred : b. Nov. 27, 1872 ; s. of M. A. Gold- schmidt, of London. Educ. Har- row ; Balliol 1891-4 (T.R.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1894 ; Rugby XV. Barrister, I.T., 1899. Banker. Club : Bath. Address : 66 Mount Street, London, W. Goldsmith, Edward Thomas : b. July 31, 1877 ; s. of E. J. Gold- smith, of Bardwell Hall, Sufiolk ; m. Oct. 22, 1907, Margaret, d. of C. S. Wolton, J. P., of Lavenham Hall, Sufiolk. Issue : one son. Educ. Ipswich School ; Balliol 1896-9 (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., 1897 ; 2nd Math. 1899 ; Prox. Acces. Jun. Math. Sch. ; B.A. 1901. Union Soc. ist Class honours, Bs.C, En- gineering, London, 1912 ; Naval Instructor, Royal Navy. Address : Royal Naval College, Keyham, Devon. ♦Gooch, Charles Edmund : b. Feb. 5, 1870 ; s. of C. C. Gooch, of Lon- don ; m. Apr. 29, 1901, Eleanora Margaret, d. of David Watson. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Aldine House, Slough ; Eton ; Balliol 1888-92 (E.A.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1892 ; M.A. 1895. Union and Braken- bury Socs. J. P. Essex. Land- owner. Club : Carlton. Address : Wyvenhoe Park, Colchester. *Goodchild, William Alfred Cecil : b. Nov. 7, 1885 ; s. of John Good- child, of London. Educ. Univer- sity Coll. School (Horton Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.); Domus Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 191 3 ; Half-blue for Swim- ming ; Rugby XV. Passed 3rd in 124 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Home and Indian Civil Service List 1909 ; Jun. Clerk, Scottish Ofi&ce, 1909, Recreations : Lawn tennis, swimming, golf. Address : Brentham, Headway, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, N.W. Goodlake, Thomas Surman : b. 1848 ; 5. of Rev. T. W. Goodlake, of Bradwell, Oxon. Educ. Chelten- ham ; Balliol 1866-70 ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1870. Barrister, L.I., 1878. Goodrich, William John : h. Jan. 22, 1867 ; s. of Rev. Octavius Good- rich, Rector of Humber, Hereford- shire ; m. Sept. 29, 1900, Henrietta Maud, d. of W. Jennings, of the Mysore Coramission. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Charter- house (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-9 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch. 1886 ; ist CI. Mods. 1887 ; Hon. Mention, Ireland Sch., 1888 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Union Soc. Vlth Form Master, Radley, 1891- 2 ; Prof, of History, Muir Central Coll., Allahabad, 1892-5 ; Prof, of English, and subsequently Princi- pal, Pachaiyappa's Coll., Madras, 1896-1901 ; Fellow of Madras Univ. ; Principal, Guzerat Coll., Ahmedabad, 1901-2 ; Assist. Master, Merchant Taylors' School, 1902-4 ; ditto, Dulwich, 1904 ; Assist. Lectmrer in Classics, Univ. of Manchester, 1905-8 ; Sen. Classical Master, Bradford Gr. School, 1908- ; formerly Hon. Sec. Manchester Branch of Classical Assoc. Publications : Contribu- tions, mainly on Platonic subjects, to Classical Review and Journal. Address : i Highfield Place, Man- ningham, Bradford. Goodwin, Alfred : b. 1857 ; s. of W. H. Goodwin, of London. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1875-8; Sch.; istCl. Mods. 1876; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879. ♦Goodwin, Fritz Shirley : b. Feb. i, 1880 ; s. of Alfred Goodwin, Sch. and Fellow of Balliol ; m. July 27, 1909, Marie, d. of Major G. R. Gliinicke. Educ, Univ. Coll. School, London ; Balliol 1899-1904 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1901 ; B.A. and M.A. 1906 ; Univ. Water Polo team 1903 ; Sergeant O.U.R.V.C; Torpid (2). Arnold Soc. Assist. Master, Loretto School, 1905-7 ; Manchester Gr. School 1907 ; Perse Gr. School, Cambridge, 1907-9 ; Captain, T.F., Unat- tached List, 1909; Rector of High School, Glasgow, 1909-13 ; Head Master, Emanuel School, Wands- worth, 191 3-. Address : Ema- nuel School, Wandsworth, London, S.W. ♦Goodwin, Thomas Arnold : b. Sept. 13, 1852 ; 5. of Rev. T. B. Good- win, Minister in the Wesleyan Church ; tn. June 27, 1877, Mary, d. of Thomas Hazlehurst. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Kingswood School, Bath ; Balliol 1869-74 (H.J.S.S., R.L.. J.F.B.); Ex.; 2nd Math. Mods. 1871 ; 2nd Jur. 1873; B.A. 1874; M.A. 1914. Solicitor, Club : Reform (Liver- pool). Address : Shelley, Blundell- sands, Liverpool. Gordon, Charles James Mackay : b. June 17, 1866 ; s. of Robert Gordon, of Tobago, W. Indies. Educ. Glasgow Academy and Univ. ; Balliol 1887-91 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1889 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1891; B.A. 1892. Assist, to Prof, of Greek, Univ. of St. Andrews, 1 891-2 ; Master, Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow, 1892-5 ; Tutor to sons of Earl of Cariisle 1895-7 ; Master, Shrews- bury Gr. School, 1897-8 ; Magda- len Coll. School 1898-1900 ; Assist. District Commissioner 1900-2, Inspector of Schools 1902-4, S. Nigeria ; Vice-Prin. of Govt. Training Coll. for Teachers, Colom- bo, 1904-7 ; invalided 1907. Ad- dress : Cherry Tree Comer, Ches- ham Bois, Bucks. Gordon, Gerald Clayton East Pelham : b. Nov. 20, 1862 ; s. of Major Robert Gordon, of London. Educ. Eton ; Non-Coil. 1879 ; Balliol 1881-2 ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1887. Barrister, L.I., 1888. Club : Conservative. Ad- dresses : 5 Essex Court, Temple, 125 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER E.C. ; 49 Lower Belgrave St., London, S.W. •Gordon, Rev. John Shand More : b. 1849 ; s. of George Gordon, of Edinburgh. Educ. Rugby ; Bal- liol 1868-74 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1870 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1872 ; EUerton Prize, and B.A., 1873 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch., and M.A., 1875. Ordained d. 1875, p. 1877. Curate of St. Luke's, Nutford Place, 1876- 7; Kingston-on-Thames, 1877-82; Vicar of St. John's, Redhill, 1882- 191 3. Address : Charleton, Mont- rose, Scotland. Gordon-Walker, Alan Lachlan : b. Jan. 20, 1883 ; s. of Sir T. Gor- don-Walker, C.S.L, K.C.I.E. ; m. Dora Marguerite Chrestien. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1901-4 (A.W.P.C, W.H.F., E.J.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1904. Barrister, M.T., 1907. LC.S., Pun- jab ; Assist. Commissioner 1907; Settlement Officer 191 2. Address : Mandi, Punjab, India. ♦Gore, Rt. Rev. Charles : b. Jan. 22, 1853 ; s, of Hon. C. A. Gore, of Wimbledon. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1871-5 ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1872 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A,, 1875; M.A. 1878; D.D. 1901 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1904. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Fellow 1875- 95, Lecturer 1876-80, Hon. Fellow 1903, Trinity Coll. ; ordained d. i876,p. 1878; Vice-Principal, Cud- desdonTheol. Coll., 1880-3; Exam- ining Chapl. to Bishop of Lincoln 1 885-1901 ; Select Preacher, Ox- ford 1882-4, 1894-6, and 1913-14, Cambridge 1889, 1893, 1895, and 1898 ; Librarian of Pusey House 1884-93; Bampton Lecturer 189 1 ; Vicar of Radley 1893-4 ; Canon of Westminster 1 894-1 902 ; Hon. Chapl. 1898-1900, Chapl. in Ordi- nary 1900-1, to Queen Victoria ; ditto to King Edward VII 1901 ; Lecturer in Pastoral Theology at Cambridge 1 899-1 901 ; Bishop of Worcester 1902-5 ; Birmingham 1905-11 ; Oxford 1911-; Hon. D.D., Edinburgh,i896; Hon.LL.D., Cambridge, 1909, and Birmingham, 1908. Puhlicatio;is : The Church and the Ministry ; Roman Catholic ClaUns ; Leo the Great ; The Incarnation of the Son of God ; The Mission of the Church ; Disserta- tions on Subjects Connected with the Incarnation ; The Creed of the Christian ; The Sermon on the Mount ; The Epistle to the Ephesians ; Prayer and the Lord's Prayer ; The Epistle to the Romans ; The Body of Christ ; The New Theology and the Old Religion ; The A thanasian Creed ; Orders and Unity ; The Question of Divorce ; The Basis of Anglican Fellowship in Faith and Organiza- tion, 1914 ; editor of Lux Mundi; Romanes' Thoughts on Religion ; Essays in A id of Church Reform ; contributed Introduction to Pro- perty : Its Duties and Rights — Historically, Philosophically, and Religiously Regarded, 191 3. Ad- dress : The Palace, Cuddesdon, Wheatley. Gore-Booth, Mordaunt : b. Dec. 5, 1878 ; s. of Sir Henry Gore-Booth, 5th Bart. ; m. Jan. 31, 1906, Evelyn, d. of R. S. Scholfield, of Sandhall, Howden, Yorks. Issue : two sons. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1901 ; B.A. 1902 ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV (Captain). Dervorguilla Soc. Engineering pupil at Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Shef&eld, 1902 ; Manager of tyre mill, ditto, 1905-. Club : Union. Address : 37 Hall Gate, Doncaster. Goring-Lloyd, L. H.: see Lloyd- Goring, L. H. Gorton, Nevill Vincent: b. March 11, 1888 ; 5. of Rev. Canon Gorton, Rector of Morecambe. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1907-12 (A.L.S., E.J.P., J.A.S., A.D.L., N.S.T.) ; Williams Ex. ; 4th Lit. Hum., Aubrey Moore Student, and B.A., 191 1 ; Univ. (occasionally) and Coll. Rugby XV's ; Hockey XL Address : House of the Resur- rection, Mirfield, Yorks. Goschen, Christopher Gerard: b. May 15, 1881 ; s. of Henry Goschen, of Addington, Surrey. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1899-1903 120 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; ist Mod. Hist. 1903. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Barrister, LT., 1905 ; prac- tised until 1907 ; Stockbroker 1907-. Club : Bachelors. Ad- dress Surrey. Goschen, Joachim 1866 ; s. Heathfield, Addington, 2nd Viscount ; George Goschen : b. Oct. 15, of ist Viscount ; m. 1893, Lady Evelyn Gathome-Hardy, d. of ist Earl of Cranbrook. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1885-8 (A.L.S.). Arnold Soc. Assist. Private Sec. to Chancellor of Exchequer 1889- 90, and First Lord of Admiralty 1895-1900 ; Private Sec. to Gover- nor of New South Wales 1890-2 ; Extra A.D.C. to Commander-in- Chief 1901-4 ; M.P. (C.) East Grinstead 1895-1906; Chairman, London County and Westminster Bank, 1909- ; Treas. of Guy's Hospital ; Chairman of Coimcil of Queen Victoria's Jubilee Nurses ; Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; Lieut. -Col. (retired) 2nd V.B. East Kent Regt. ; Coro- nation medal and volunteer deco- ration. Recreations : Shooting, motoring, gardening, travel. Club : Carlton. Addresses : 25 Rutland Gate, London, S.W. ; Seacox Heath, Hawkhurst, Kent. Gough, George Woolley : b. Jan. 30, 1869 ; s. of William Gough, of Stafford. Educ. London School of Economics ; Balliol 1902-6 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Hon. Ex. ; Cobden Prize 1905 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Address : Free Trade Union, 8 Victoria St., London, S.W. Gough, Harold Stuart : b. Sept. 5, 1894 ; s. of Col. the Hon. G. Gough. Educ.Eton; Balliol 191 3- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Address : 13 Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. Gouldsmith, Harold Salter : b. March 25, 1874 ; s. of S. S. Gould- smith, Solicitor, of Bristol ; m. Sept. II, 1907, Clara, d. of Rev. Prebendary Edward Burbidge, Rector of Backwell, Som. Educ. Clifton; Balliol 1892-5 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1895. Solicitor (2nd Class Honours Law Final 1899). Recreations : Golf, gardening, carpentry. Address: The Homestead, Coombe Dingle, Bristol. Govare, James Paul Maurice : b. May 13, 1891 ; s. of Dr. Paul Govare, of Paris. Educ. Lycee Condorcet, Paris ; Balliol 1909-11 (A.L.S.), Member of M.T. ; Avocat h la Cour d'Appel, 1910- ; studied at Univs. of Munich, 1912, and Heidelberg, 1913. Address : 50 Boulevard de Courcelles, Pare Monceau, Paris, France. Gover, William : b. Nov. 2, 1893 ; s. of E. W. Gover, of Croydon. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; Balliol 191 3- (H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. Union Soc. ^ ^if ^ss : Woodwards^ 37 Birdhurst Rise, S. Croydon, Surrey. Gow, William : b. Nov. 26, 1872 ; s. of James Gow, of Coupar Angus, Perthshire. Educ. Coupar Angus and Dundee High Schools ; Glas- gow Univ. ; Balliol 1894-8 (F. de P., E.A.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1898 ; B.A. 1899. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Assist. Master, Merchiston Castle, 1898-1904; Sen. CI. Master, Perth Academy, 1904-. Publication : Drift of Isla, 1902. Recreatiotis : Golf, lawn tennis. Address : Blairgowrie Road, Coupar Angus, Perthshire. Graham, Archibald Knightley : b. Feb. 27, 1882 ; s. of Donald Graham, CLE., of Airthrey ; m. Oct. 25, 1 910, Dorothy, d. of Allen Shuttleworth. Issue : one daugh- ter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1901-5 (F.F.U., A.L.S.) ; Univ. 1903-5, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights. Merchant (Graham & Co., Glasgow and India). Club : Windham. Ad- dress : Airthrey, Bridge-of- Allan, Scotland. ♦Graham, Sir Henry John Lowndes : b. Jan. 15, 1842 ; s. of William Graham, of Bumtshields, Co. Ren- frew ; m. (i) Lady Edith Elizabeth Gathome-Hardy (d. 1875), d. of ist Earl of Cranbrook. Issue : two sons ; (2) Lady Margaret 127 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Georgiana Compton, d. of 4th Mar- quis of Northampton. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Har- row ; Balliol 1860-5 (B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1862 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1864 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1867. Union Soc. Barrister, LT., 1868 ; Principal Sec. to Lord Chancellor 1874-80 ; Master in Lunacy 1880- 5 ; Clerk of the Parliament 1885- ; C.B. 1895 ; K.C.B. 1902. Clubs : Carlton, Bath ; Walton Heath, New Zealand, and Mitcham Golf. Ad- dresses : Royal Court, Palace of Westminster, London, S.W. ; Mar- den Hill, Hertford. Graham, Lancelot : b. April 4, 1880 ; s. of W. E. Graham, of London ; w. Nov. 12, 1910, Olive Bertha, d. of Sir J. F. Maurice, K.C.B. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1899-1904 (A.W.P.C, E.A., H.W.C.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1901 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; Rugby and Lawn Tennis teams. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector, Magistrate, and Political Agent 1904-9 ; Assist, and Sessions Judge 1909 ; Assist. Remem- brancer for Legal Affairs, and Sec. for making laws and regulations 191 1. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., Bombay, India. Grahame, Alexander Hugh Erskine : b. 1867 ; s. of J. A. Grahame, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1885-9 (W.R.H., A.L.S.). For- merly Prof, of English, College Frangais du Caire, Cairo. Ad- dress : Villa Torelli, Capri, Italy. Grahame, Walter : b. April 5, 1872 ; s. of J. A. Grahame, of London. Educ. Balliol 1891-5 (F. de P., E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1893 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895. Ad- dress : Longmeadows, Ripon. Granet, Sir William Guy : b. Oct. 13, 1867 ; s. of W. A. Granet, of Genoa ; m. 1892, Florence Julia, d. of ist Viscount Selby. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1885-9 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1889 ; Capt. of Boat Club. Dervorguilla Soc. Went into business in Genoa 1889 ; Barrister, L.I., 1893 ; Sec. of Rail- way Companies Assoc. 1900 ; Assist. 1905, General Manager 1906-, Midland Railway ; knighted 191 1 ; member of Royal Commis- sion on the Civil Service 191 2. Clubs : Brooks's, Athenaeum. Addresses : Midland Railway, Der- by ; The White House, Sutton Bonnington, Loughborough. Grant, Alfred Hamilton : 6. June 12, 1872 ; s. of Sir Alexander Grant, 8th Bart. ; m. 1896, Mabel (dec), d. of Col. Lovett, of Belmont, Salop. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Fettes Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-5 (E.A., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; Hon. Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1892 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1894 ; Univ. Rugby XV 1892-3 ; Cricket XI. Dervorguilla Soc. I.C.S., P\mjab ; Assist. Commissioner 1895 ; Jun. and Sen. Sec. to Financial Com- missioner 1900 ; Sec. to Chief Commissioner N.W. Frontier Pro- vince, 1901, 3, 6 ; Assist. Sec. Foreign Department, Government of India, 1903 ; with Dane Com- mission to Kabul, 1904-5 ; CLE. 1908 ; Political Agent and Deputy Commissioner 1910 ; Dep. Sec. to Government of India 191 2 ; Publication : A Winter at the Court of an Absolute Monarch. Clubs : Brooks's, East India United Ser- vice ; Royal and Ancient (St. Andrews). Address : Foreign Office, Simla, India. Grant, Charles Frederick : b. Sept. 30, 1878 ; s. of Rev. C. M. Grant, D.D., of Dundee, Educ. High School, Dundee ; Edinburgh Univ.; Balliol 1900-1 (W.M.). I.C.S., Burma ; Assist. Commissioner 1 901. Address : c/o T. Cook & Son, Rangoon, Burma. ♦Grant, Rev. Canon Cyril Fletcher : b. 1845 ; s. of Ven. Archdeacon Grant, of Romford, Essex ; m. 1909, Alicia, d. of Captain W. P. Sal- mon, 6oth Rifles. Educ. Marl- borough ; Balliol 1865-9 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1867; 2nd Lit. Hum. and Stanhope Prize 1869 ; B.A. 1870 ; 2nd prize, Arnold Essay, 1871 ; El- lerton Prize, and M.A., 1872. Or- 128 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER daiiied d. 1871, p. 1872. Curate of St. John's, Chatham, 1 871-4 ; St. James's, Gravesend, 1874-5 ; St. Margaret's, Lee, 1875 ; Aylesford 1876-8 ; Vicar of Aylesford 1878- 95 ; Hon. Canon of Rochester 1890; Rural Dean of Cobham and Chapl. to Bishop of Rochester 1892-5 ; Rector of Holy Trinity, Guildford, 1 895-1 907 ; Rural Dean of Guildford 1905-7. Publication : 'Twixt Sand and Sea, 191 1. Ad- dress : I Sloane Gardens, Chelsea, London, S.W. Grant, Sir Ludovic James, 9th Bart. : b. Sept. 4, 1862 ; s. of Sir Alexan- der Grant, 8th Bart. ; m. 1890, Elizabeth, d. of H. H. Lancaster. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Fettes; Balliol 1881-5 (D.G.R.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mod. 1883 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1885 ; B.A. 1886 ; Univ. Golf team v. Cambridge 1882, 3, 5. Scottish Bar 1887 ; Regius Prof, of Public Law 1890, Sec. of Sena- tus 1897, Dean of Faculty of Law, 1894-1910, Edinburgh Univ. ; Trustee and Commissioner of Board of Manufactures, Scotland, 1 90 1-4 ; Univ. representative on Territorial Force Assoc, Edin- burgh ; Hon. LL.D. Glasgow 1904. Clubs : Caledonian, Cocoa Tree, New (Edinburgh). Address : 4 Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh. Grant, Patrick Charles Murray : b. 1 861 ; s. of Patrick Grant, of Cal- cutta. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1880-3 ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1883 ; B.A. 1884. Address : Perry, Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A. ♦Grant, William Lawson : b. Nov. 2, 1872 ; s. of Rev. Principal G. M. Grant, D.D., of Queen's Univ., Kingston, Canada. Educ. Kingston Collegiate Institute, and Queen's Univ., Canada ; Balliol 1894-8 (E.A., J.L.S.D., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1896 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; M.A. 1906 ; Hockey XI. Arnold Soc. Master, Upper Canada Coll., 1898- 1902, St. Andrew's Coll. 1902-4, Toronto ; studied at Univ. of Paris 1904-6 ; Beit Lecturer in Colonial Hist., Oxford, 1906-10 ; Prof, of Colonial Hist., Queen's Univ., Canada, 1910-. Publica- tions : Principal Grant, a Memoir, 1904 ; Lescarbot's Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 1907-14 ; The Voyages of Samuel Champlain,igoS; (with Prof. H. E. Egerton) Cana- dian Constitutional Documents, 1908 ; co-editor of Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series, 1907- II. Clubs : Authors' ; Frontenac (Kingston), ^drfr^ss: Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, Ont., Canada. Grant Duff, Arthur Cuninghame: b. May 23, 1861 ; s. of Right Hon. Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff, G. C.S.I. ; ni. Nov. 12, 1906, Kathleen, d. of General Powell Clayton, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1879-83 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1881 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1883. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Entered Diplo- matic Service as Attache 1885 ; 3rd Sec. 1887 ; 2nd ditto 1892 ; Sec. of Legation, Mexico, 1902 ; Stockholm and Brussels 1905 ; Councillor of Embassy and Charge d' Affaires, Darmstadt, 1906; Min- ister Resident, Havana, 1906 ; ditto Dresden and Coburg, and Charge d' Affaires at Arolsen, Waldeck-Pyrmont, 1909-. Clubs : Travellers', Athenaeum. Address : British Legation, Dresden, Ger- many. Graves, Harry : b. May 25, 1871 ; s. of Algernon Graves, Art Publisher ; m. Oct. 3, 1898, Eva Clara, d. of Charles de la Taste, of St. Heliers, Jersey. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Derby School (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1889-94 (W.R.H., E.A., J.C.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1891 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1893 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Geol.) 1894; Capt. Univ. Bicycle Club 1893-4. Ar- nold Soc. Higher Division Clerk, Science and Art Dept., 1894; Jun. Exam. 1900, Sen. ditto 1904-, Board of Education ; formerly in Cyclist Sections of O.U.R.V. and 20th Middlesex (Artists) R.V. Publications : The Roads round Oxford : article on ' Cycling ' in Encyclopaedia of Sport ; various 129 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER writings on cycling and highway matters. Address : 3 HurUngham Court, London, S.W. ♦Grayson, Ernest Nowell : b. Sept. 16, 1873 ; s. of G. E. Grayson, of Birkenhead. Educ. Sedbergh School ; Balliol 1892-6 {A.L.S., W.H.F., T.R.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1896 ; M.A. 1900. Address : Griquatown, South Africa. Green, Charles James Salkeld : b. March 27, 1880 ; s. of C. T. Green, of London ; in. Feb. 16, 1905, Mabel Kate, d. of W. S. CoUard, J. P., of London. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1899-1903 (A.L.S., F. de P., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1903 ; Univ. Shooting Eight, 1900, I, 2, and Long Range Four, 1900, I, 2, 3 ; Pres. of Univ. Small Bore Club. Union Soc. Barrister, LT., 1904. Club : Gar- rick. Address : 61 Glenmore Road, Belsize Park, London, N.W. Green, Theophilus Herbert : b. 1 861 ; s. of Theophilus Green, of Dowdeswell, Glos. Educ. Leam- ington ; Balliol 1880-4 (D.G.R.) ; SrdCl.Mods. 1882 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1884; M.A. 1891. Address : Sabinal, Weston, Bath. Greene, William Chase : b. June 14, 1890 ; s. of H. E. Greene, of Balti- more, Maryland, U.S.A. Educ. Harvard Univ. ; Balliol 191 1- (H.M.W., A.J.T.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Newdigate Prize 191 2 ; Charles Oldham Prize 1913. Union (Lib. Committee), Arnold, and Braken- burySocs. Address: ioi9St. Paul St., Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Greenly, Edward Howorth : formerly Allen ; b. April 11, 1837 ; s. of C. W. Greenly (formerly Allen), of Titley Court, Herefordshire ; in. 1869, d. of General Bowes Forster. Issue : five children. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1856-9 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1857 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1859 ; B.A. i860 ; M.A. 1864. Barrister, L.L, 1862 ; Oxford Circuit. Club : New University. Ad- dress : Titley Court, Titley, Herefordshire. Greentree, Richard : b. April 10, 1874 ; s. of J. Greentree, of Petersfield, Hants. . Educ. :. Mal- vern ; Balhol 1892-6 (F. de P., E.A.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1894 ; ist Lit. Himi., and B.A., 1896. For a short time in Colonial Civil Service ; helped in the compilation of the detailed index of the Dictionary of National Biography. ♦Greenwell, His Honour Judge Francis John : b. Oct. 20, 1852 ; s. of Francis Green well, of Dur- ham ; m. July 29, 1884, Constance Frances Sybil, d. of His Honour Judge Bradshaw. Educ. Durham School (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1872-6 (R.L.N., J.L.S.D., T.H.G., T.C., W.H.F., R.G.T.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1876 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1879 ; Torpid ; Eight (Capt.). Union Soc. Bar- rister, I.T., 1877 ; N.E. Chrcuit ; practised in Newcastle district 1882-95 ; Recorder of Durham 1883 ; Judge of County Coiurt Circuit No. i (Northumberland and part of Durham) 1895- ; Chairman Durham Quarter Ses- sions 1907- ; J. P., Northumber- land and Durham. Recreation : Riding. Address : Greenwell Ford, Lanchester, Durham. Greer, William : b. May 24, 1880 ; s. of Hugh Greer, of Belfast. Educ. Harrow; Pembroke Coll., Cambridge ; Balliol 1903-4 (W.M.). I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1904. Club : East India United Service. Addresses : I.C.S., Bombay, India ; 2 lement Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. ♦Gregory, Rev. Thomas : b. April 8, 1856 ; s. of Rev. Alexander Gregory, Minister of the Free Church of Scotland ; m. Sept. 8, 1887, Jane Adam, d. of Dr. James Lochhead, o£ Greenock. Issue : five sons. Educ. Edinburgh Aca- demy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1875-9 (A.G., W.H.F., T.K.C., R.L.N.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1876; ist CI. Mods. 1877; ist Math. 1878 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A. ,1879; Ellerton Prize 1 881; 130 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER M.A. 1883. M.A., Glasgow (Triple ist Class Honours), 1880 ; Minis- ter of United Free Church of Scotland, Kilmacolm, Renfrew- shire, 1 884-. Publications : arti- cles on ' Mercy ', ' Sacrifice ', ' Union ', in Hastings's Dictionary of the Gospels. Address : Kil- macolm, Renfrewshire. Orenfell, Hon. Gerald William : b. March 29, 1890 ; s. of ist Lord Desborough. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1909-13 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., Craven Sch., and Dist. in Hertford Sch., 191 1 ; Dist. Mention Craven Sch. 1912 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1913; Univ. Tennis team v. Cambridge. Ad- dress : Taplow Court, Bucks. Grenfell, Hon. Julian Henry Francis : b. March 3, 1888 ; s. of ist Lord Desborough. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1906-10 (J.L.S.D., A.D.L., J.A.S.) ; Eight ; Four (Henley). Dervorguilla Soc. Royal Dragoons ; King Edward VII Coronation Medal. Address : Taplow Court, Bucks. Grey, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward, 3rd Bart. : b. April 25, 1862 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. G. H. Grey ; m. 1885, Dorothy (d. 1906), d. of S. F. Wid- drington, of Newton Hall, North- umberland. Educ. Winchester ; BaUiol 1880-4 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. i88i ; 3rd Jur. 1884 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1907 ; Univ. Tennis team v. Cambridge 1881, 3, 4. M.P. (L.) Berwick - on - Tweed 1885- ; P.C. 1902 ; Under- Sec. 1892-5, Sec. 1905-, of State for Foreign Affairs ; winner Amateur Teimis Championship 1896 ; Trustee of the British Museum ; K.G. 1912 ; D.L. Publication : Fly-fishing, 1899. Clubs : Brooks's, Oxford and Cambridge. Addresses : Fallo- den, Lesbury, Northumberland ; Foreign Office, London, S.W. Grey-Edwards, Henry Bayly Regi- nald: b. Aug. 2, 1894; s. of Henry Grey-Edwards, of Bangor. Educ. Winchester; Balliol 1913- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Address : Bank Place, Bangor. GriflQth, Frank Kingsley : b. Dec 23, 1889 ; s. of Frank Griffith, of Bromley, Kent. £tii Chair- man Public Accounts Committee 1 901-5 ; member Executive of Royal Patriotic Fund 1885-1900 ; P.C. 1894 ; Baron 1906 ; J. P. ; D.L. Publications : Essays on Production ; various articles in reviews. Recreations : Cricket, shooting. Clubs : Brooks's, Tra- vellers', Devonshire, National 144 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Liberal. Addresses : 9 Grosvenor Square ; South Hill Park, Brack- nell ; Tintagel, Camelford. ♦Hawkins, Anthony Hope : b. Feb. 9, 1863; s. of Rev. E. C. Hawkins, Vicar of St. Bride's, Fleet St., London, E.C. ; m. July I, 1903, Elizabeth Somer- ville, d. of C. H. Sheldon, of New York. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Marlborough (Foundation, Jun., and Sen. Schs.) ; Balliol 1881-6 (F. de P., E.A., W.H.F., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; CI. Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1882 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1889 ; Rugby XV. Union (Pres. 1886), Dervor- guilla, Brakenbury, and Carlyle Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1887 ; practised in London and on Midland Circuit till 1894 ; began writing novels 1889. Publications : A Man of Mark ; The Prisoner of Zenda ; Dolly Dialogues ; The God in the Car ; The King's Mir- ror ; Quisante ; Double Harness ; Rupert of Hentzau ; Tristram of Blent ; The Intrusions of Peggy ; A Servant of the Public ; Sophy of Kravonia ; Tales of Two People, 1907 ; The Great Miss Driver, 1908 ; Second String, 1910 ; Mrs. Maxon Protests, 1911 ; plays, The Adventure of Lady Ursula ; Pilkerton's Peerage, &c. Clubs : Athenaeum, Reform, Garrick. Address : 41 Bedford Square, London, W.C. Hay, John Yalden : b. Jan. 3, 1850; s. of Col. W. F. Hay, H.E.I.C.S., and R.A. ; m. Aug. 9, 1883, Margaret L., d. of J, B. Alston. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Wellington ; Balliol 1868-72 (B.J., E.P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1870 ; 3rd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1872 ; M.A. 1878; Eight. Solicitor; member of Beachcroft, Thompson & Co., 1 885-. Addresses : 9 Theobald's Road, Gray's Inn, London, W.C. ; Warley, Bromley, Kent. ♦Hayes, Edward Harold : b. May 24, 1854 ; s. of Rev. William Hayes, Vicar of Stockton Heath; w. July 19, 1887, Isabelle, d. of T. M. Marriott, Solicitor, Milford and London. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1873-8 (H.J.S.S., J.W.R.); granted leave in 1875 to wear a Scholar's gown ; Jun. Math. Sch., and ist Math. Mods., 1875 ; ist Math. 1877 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Physics), and B.A., 1878 ; M.A. 1880. Fellow and Lecturer 1878-, Tutor 1 886-, New College ; Nat. Sci. Exam. 1883, 4, 5, 99, 1900; Math. Moderator 1888, 9, 96 ; Math. Exam. 1893, 4, 5, 7. Ad- dress : 5 Rawlinson Road, Oxford. Hayhurst-France, Atherton Henry : b. Feb. 14, 1894 ; s. of Capt. G. E. Hayhurst-France, of Istym Col- wyn, Montgomery. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1912- (J.W.R.). Address : Istym Colwyn, Mont- gomeryshire. *Haynes, Edmund Sidney Pollock : b. Sept. 26, 1877 ; s. of E. C. Haynes, Solicitor ; m. 1905, Oriana Huxley Waller. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1896-9 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1899 ; M.A. 1903. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Solicitor ; member of Hunter & Haynes, Lincoln's Inn ; member Rationalist Press Assoc. ; Chairman of Divorce Law Reform Union ; Founder of Hall Prize, Balliol, 191 1. Publications : Standards of Taste in Art, 1904 ; Religious Persecution, a Study in Political Psyclwlogy, 1904 (popular edition 1906) ; Early Victorian and other Papers, 1908 ; Divorce Pro- blems of To-day, 1910 ; Modern Morality and Modern Toleration^ 1912 ; The Belief in Personal Im- mortality, 1913 ; A Study in Bereavement, a comedy in one Act, 1914 ; various articles on the anomalies of marriage laws at home and abroad. Recreations : Walking, swimming, sculling, travelling, music, divorce law reform, and occasional journalism. Clubs : Athenaeum, Savile, Ox- ford and Cambridge Musical, Agenda. Addresses : 38 St. 145 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER J..>hirs Wood Park, London, N.W.; 9 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Haynes, Rev. Everard Joseph : b. May 4, 1869 ; s. of Rev. E. J. Haynes, Rector of Catwick ; m. Sept. 29, 1895, Anna Elizabeth, d. of W. Weir, of London. Issue : two children. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1888-92 (E.A., R.L.N., W.R.H., F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1890 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1892 ; M.A. 1896 ; B.D. 1900 ; D.D. 1905. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1894, p. 1895; Assist. Curate St. George's, Han- over Square, 1894-1902 and 1908- 12 ; St. Alban's, Acton Green, 1906-8 ; Vicar of Shudy Camps 1902-6 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Paddington, 191 2-. Address : The Vicarage, St. Mary's Terrace, Pad- dington, London, W, Hayter, Sir Arthur Divett, 2nd Bart. : see Haversham, Baron. Head, Harry Francis ; b. 1864 ; s. of C. H. Head, of Bedford. Educ. Bedford Gr. School; Bal- liol 1882-4 (W.M.). Director of Ordnance and Commander of Permanent Field Force, New Zea- land. Address : Director of Ordnance and Commander of Permanent Field Force, New Zealand. Headlam, Geoffrey Wycliffe : b. Sept. 8, 1879 ; s. of F. J. Head- lam. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1898-1902 (A.W.P.C, A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1900 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1902 ; Cricket XI (Capt.). Dervorguilla Soc. (Pros.). Assist. Master, Eton, 1904-. Club : Union. Address : Eton College, Windsor. Heard, William Theodore : b. Feb. 24, 1884 ; s. of Rev. Dr. Heard, Head Master of Fettes Coll. Educ. Fettes ; Balliol 1903-7 (A.W.P.C, E.H.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1905) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1907 ; Univ. 1907, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights. Solicitor ; studying for Roman Catholic priesthood 191 3. Clubs : New University, Leander. Addresses : New University Club, St. James's St., London, S.W. ; The English College, Rome, Italy. Heathcote, Walter John : b. Sept. 23, 1870 ; s. of C. G. Heathcote, Barrister - at - law. Stipendiary Magistrate of Brighton 1884-1902. Educ. Eton ; Trinity Coll., Cam- bridge ; Balliol 1894-6 (W.M.). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Con- sular Assist., Salonica, 1896-9 ; Vice-Consul, Beirut, 1899-1903, Bitlis 1903-5, Philippopolis 1906-7 ; Consul, Monastir, 1907-9 ; Direc- tor of Basset Bolt and Nut Co., Hondeng, Belgium, 1911-. Clubs : St. James's, Union. Addresses : 2 Park Row, Knightsbridge, Lon- don, S.W. ; Kilmeston Manor, Alresford, Hants. Heather, Henry James Shedlock : b. May 9, 1863 ; s. of James Heather, of London ; m. April i, 1894, Ethel Kate, d. of Wilberforce Wilson, Survej'or-Gen. of Hong Kong, and widow of H. C. Wood. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-6 (F. de P., J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1883 ; 2nd Math. 1886 ; B.A. 1888 ; Eight. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Electrical Engineer; engaged in Transvaal almost con- tinuously since 1894 ; has con- verted a large proportion of gold mines on the Witwatersrand to electrical power ; Member Institu- tion of Civil Engineers, Institution of Electrical Engineers, American Institute of Electric Engineers ; formerly External Examiner, and now Prof., in Electro-technics to S. African School of Mines and Univ. of Cape of Good Hope. Publications : Electrical Engineer- ing for Mining and Mechanical Engineers ; various articles to societies and journals. Clubs : Royal Societies ; Rand (Johannes- burg). Address : P.O. Box 11 76, Johannesburg, Transvaal, S.Africa. ♦Heberden, Charles Buller : b. Dec. 14, 1849 ; s. of Rev. William Heberden, Fellow of Exeter Coll. Edtic. Harrow ; Balliol 1868-71 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. 146 BAI.LIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Mods. 1869 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1874 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1909. Fellow 1872, Vice- Principal 1883, Principal 1889-, Brasenose ; member of Heb- domadal Coimcil 1 896-1 902 and 1906- ; Pres. of Somerville Coll. 1907-10 and 191 3-; Governor of Harrow School 1907-13 ; Vice- Chancellor 1910-13, Pro ditto 1 91 3-, Oxford ; Fellow of Win- chester Coll. 1914-. Hon. LL.D., St, Andrews. Publication : Editor of Brasenose College Register (2 vols.), 1909. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Alpine. Address : Brasenose College, Oxford. Hecht, Hans : b. July 16, 1876 ; s. of Felix Hecht, LL.D., P.C, of Mannheim. Educ. Mannheim Gymnasium; Balliol 1894-5 (A.L.S.). Union Soc. Studied at Heidelberg and Berlin Univs. ; Ph.D., Berlin 1900 ; Lecturer in Berne Univ. 1905; Extraordinary Prof. 1908, Prof, of English Philo- logy 191 1- Basel Univ. Publica- tions : Bischof Werferth's von Wor- cester Angelsdchsische Uebersetzung der Dialoge Gregors des Grossen, vol. i, 1900, ii, 1907 ; Songs from David Herd's Manuscripts, 1904 ; TJwmas Percy und William Shen- stone, 1909 ; translated Pater's Plato and Platonism, 1904 ; editor of Bibliothek der angelsdchsischen Prosa. Recreation : Riding. Ad- dress : 96 Hebelstrasse, Basel, Switzerland. ♦Hedley, Basil : b. Jan. 1863 ; s. of Rev. W. Hedley, formerly Fellow of University Coll., and Rector of Beckley, Sussex ; m. June 1908, Margaret, d. of Alexander Jackson, F.R.C.P., Edinburgh. Ediic. Clif- ton ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1886; B.A. 1887; M.A. 1891. Union Soc. Assist. Master, Giggleswick, 1887-93 ; Agent to Shaw and Sandleford Es- tates, near Newbury. Club : Junior Conservative. Address: Brimpton Lodge, Brimpton, Reading. Heinemann, John Walter : b. Oct. 18, 1889 ; s. of W. D. Heinemann, of London. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1908-12 (C.B., H.M.W.); 2ndCl.Mods. 1910 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1912 ; B.A. 1913 ; Univ. Trial, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights ; Four (Henley), Address : 4 Ovington Gardens, London, S.W. Hely-Hutchinson, Maurice Robert : b. May 22, 1887; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir W. F. Hely-Hutchinson, G.C.^LG. Educ. Cheam ; Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-8 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1906 ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Phys.) 1908 ; Golf team. Dervorguilla Soc. Joined W. R. Grace & Co., Exporters and Importers, New York, 1908 ; Assist. Manager, Bond Depart- ment of Kountze Bros., Bankers, New York, 1 910-12 ; joined Robert Fleming & Co., London, 1912-. Addresses : Court Lodge, Shome, Gravesend ; c/o Robert Fleming & Co., 8 Crosby Square, London, E.C, Hemans, Herbert Nassau : b. Sept. 29, 1 871 ; s. of Henry Hemans, of London ; m. July 27, 1901, Elizabeth Ermina, d. of J. W. Dottridge. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; on Continent ; Balliol 1890 (E.A.). Joined B.S.A. Police, Buluwayo, 1898 ; accompanied Sir Charles Metcalfe's Railway Survey Ex- pedition North of Buluwayo 1898 ; served with Regiment in Boer War (Medal and two clasps) ; retired from Police with rank of Staff Ser- geant-Major 1 901 ; Superintendent of Refugee Camp at Norval's Pont 1901-2 ; Law Agent, J. P., and Town Councillor, Jagersfontein ; trading and shooting in Rhodesia 1905 ; entered Southern Rhodesia Civil Service 1907; passed Law 1909, Native Languages 1910, examinations ; Assistant Native Commissioner 1908 ; Acting ditto (on rehef) and Assist. Magistrate, Matabeleland, 1909-, Recreation : Big game shooting. Address : c/o Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, S, Rhodesia, S. Africa. Henderson, Andrew William : b. June 13, 1894 ; s. of WilHara 147 L3 BALLlOL COLLEGE REGISTER Henderson, of Glasgow. Eiwc .Win- chester; Balliol 1913- (A.W.P.C). Brakenbury and Arnold Socs. Address : 4 Windsor Terrace West, Glaspow. Henderson, George Cockbum : b. May I, 1870 ; 5. of Richard Henderson, of Pelusham, N.S.W. Educ. Fort Street Training Coll. (Sch.), and Univ. (Sch.), Sydney ; Balliol 1894-7 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; and Mod. Hist. 1897 ; B.A. 1898 ; M.A. 1901 ; Eight (Henley). Arnold Soc. (Vice-Pres.). Fraser History and King of Irrawang Schs., Gold Medallist in Philosophy, and B.A., Sydney Univ. ; Oxford Univ. Extension Lecturer 1897-9 and 1901 ; Acting Prof, of Hist. 1899- 1900, ditto Philosophy 1900-1, Sydney Univ. ; Prof, of Hist., Adelaide Univ., 1902- ; Pres. of Historical and Geographical Sec- tion of Australasian Assoc, for Advancement of Science 1910-11. Publications : Biography of Sir George Grey, 1907 ; ' Colonial His- torical Research ' and * Theory of Mutation in History ' {Proceed- ings Australasian Assoc, 1910- 11). ' Natural and Rational Selec- tion ' {Internat. Journal of Ethics, 1914). Recreations : Golf, rowing, travel. Club : Adelaide. A ddress : The University, Adelaide, S. Australia. Henderson, Hamilton George : b. Nov. 29, 1849 ; s. of Rev. R. Henderson, Incumbent of the Episcopal Church, Stirlmg. Educ. Trinity Coll., Glenalmond ; Balliol 1871-4 (F. de P., R.L.N.). Club : Constitutional. Address : Snow- down House, Stirling, Scotland. Henderson, John Hossell : b. April 29, 1873 ; s. of George Henderson, of Leghorn, Italy ; m June 3, 1902, Mary, d. of Dr. Byrom Bramwell, of Edinburgh. Educ. George Wat- son's Coll., and Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1893-7 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and Prox. Acces. to Stan- hope Prize, 1897 ; B.A. 1898. Arnold and Brakenbury Socs. M.A. and LL.B., Edinburgh ; Advocate. Address : 10 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Henderson, Rev. Patrick Arkley : see Wright-Henderson, Rev. P. A. Hendy, Ernest William : b. Nov. 23, 1872 ; s. of J. W. Hendy, of Trow- bridge. Educ. Blundell's (Pinck- ardSch.); Balliol 1892-5 (W.H.F., T.R.) ; Newte Ex. ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1895 ; Rugby XV. Arnold Soc. Solicitor 1898 ; partner in firm of Cunliffe, Greg & Co., Manchester. Publications : Occa- sional verse and articles. Recrea- tions : Beagling, nature study, gardening. Address : 56 Brown St., Manchester. Henl6, Frederick Thomas Henry : b. March 2, 1874 ; s. of L. A. Henle, of London ; in. April 5, 1904, Rachel, d. of Rev. H. M. Walter, Rector of St. Paul's, Wokingham. Issue : two children. Educ. Private ; Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892-6 (E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1896 ; Rugby XV. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1898 ; member Kensington Bor- ough Council 1903-4 ; contested South Paddington, Jan. and Dec. 1910. Clubs : National Liberal, Eighty. Addresses : 6 Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park, London, W. ; 3 Hare Court, Temple, London, E.C. [Died Aug. 14, 1913.I Henley, Hon. Anthony Morton : b. Aug. 4, 1873 ; s. of 3rd Baron Henley ; m. April 1906, Hon. Sylvia Laura Stanley, d. of Lord Sheffield. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 189 1-5 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1895 ; Eight (Capt.). Der- vorguilla and Annandale Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1897. Walked (with H. Belloc) from Carfax to Marble Arch in 1 1 ^ hours ; Enlisted in Compton's Horse, 28th Co. I.Y., 1899 ; took part in S. African War ; received Com- mission, Scots Greys, 1900 ; Ad- jutant 1903-6; Captain, 5th Lan- cers, 1907; passed Staff College 1910 ; General Staff Officer, 3rd Grade, War Office, 1911 ; Brigade 148 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Major, 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 1 91 3-. Clubs : Brooks's, Cavalry. Ad- dress : Brooks's Club, St. James's St., London, S,W. *Henley, Hon. Francis Robert : b. April II, 1877 ; s. of 3rd Baron Henley. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1896-1900 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1904 ; represented Univ. in Putting the Weight v. Cambridge 1897-8. Annandale and Dervor- guilla Socs. Club : Brooks's. Address : 49 Montagu Square, London, W. Henniker, Frederick Chandos : b. Sept. 2, 1866 ; s. of Rev. Robert Henniker, formerly Head Master of Rossall ; m. Jan. 1901, Ada Russell, d. of A. P. Howell, LC.S. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.). I.C.S. Assam ; Assist. Commissioner 1887 ; Director of Land Records and Agriculture 1 898-1 902 ; Sec. to Chief Commissioner 1902 ; Magistrate and Collector 191 o ; Deputy Commissioner 1912-. Ad- dress : c/o Bank of Bengal, Cal- cutta, India. Hepburn, Arnold : b. 1869 ; s. of Archibald Hepburn, of Barwood House, Ramsbottom. Educ. Leam- ington Coll. ; Balliol 1887-91 and 1893 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; Minor Ex.; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1891 ; B.A. 1892. Address : 131 Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Herbert, Auberon Thomas : see Lucas, Lord. Herbert, Hon. Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux : b. April 3, i88o; s. of 4th Earl of Carnarvon ; m. Oct. 20, 1910, Hon. Mary Vesey, d. of 4th Lord de Vesci. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1898-1902 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; ist Mod. Hist. 1902 ; B.A. 1908. Union (Lib., Treas., and Sec. 1901, and Vice-Pres.) and Dervorguilla (Pres.) Socs. Hon. Attache, Japanese Legation, 1902 ; ditto, Constantinople, 1904-5 ; travelled in Macedonia, Arabia, Yemen, Servia, Persian Gulf, Syria, America, Australia, 1905-8 ; M.P. (U.) S. Somerset 1911-; formerly Lieut. Royal N. Devon Hussars ; J. P. Clubs : Travel- lers', Bath. Address : Pixton Park, Dulverton, Somerset. Herbert, Hon. Mervyn Robert Howard Molyneux : b. Dec. 27, 1882 ; s. of 4th Earl of Carnarvon. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1901-6 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; ist Mod. Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; Cricket XI ; Harlequins. H.M. Diploma- tic Service ; Attach^ 1907 ; ap- pointed to Rome 1908 ; trans- ferred to Lisbon 1910 ; 3rd Sec. 1 910. Clubs : Travellers', St. James's. Address : Pixton Park, Dulverton. Herbert, Michael George : b. May 12, 1893 ; s. of Sir Michael Herbert. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1911-13 (F.F.U.). ♦Herbert, Ronald Young : b. April 9, 1878 ; s. of Edward Herbert, of Croydon. Educ. Bradfield ; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D., W.H.F.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1901 ; M.A. 1904. Arnold Soc. Solicitor 1905. Recreation, : Golf. Clubs : New Oxford and Cambridge, Oxford and Cambridge Musical, City Uni- versity. Address: Lndioxd House, Duppas Hill, Croydon. Herbert, Sidney : b. July 27, 1870 ; s. of Sir Michael Herbert. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.L.S., F.F.U.). Address : 7 Carlton House Terrace, London, W. Herbertson, Andrew Hunter : b. Aug. I, 1894 ; s. of A. J. Herbert- son, Prof, of Geography in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Magda- len Coll. School ; Balliol 1912- (A.L.S.,N.S.T.,A.D.L.). Addresses : Two Shires Yew, Spriggs Alley, Chinnor, Oxon. ; 9 Fyfield Road, Oxford. Herington, Rev. Sydney Sparkes : 6. 1857 ; s. of Edwcird Herington, of Pagham, Sussex ; m. 1899, Muriel Agnes, d. of C. G. Bolam. Educ. Hurstpierpoint ; Balliol 1876-9 (F. de P., E.A., A.C.B., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1877; Shakespeare Prize 1878 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and 149 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER B.A., 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Engaged in Tuition 1 880-1 ; Cuddesdon TheoL Coll. 1882; ordained d. 1882, p. 1884 ; Curate of All Saints', Boyne Hill, Maideihead, 1882-4 ; St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, 1884-7 ; Chapl. and Tutor Scholae Can- cellarii, Lincoln, 1887-98 ; Vicar of Heydour with Kelby 1898-. A ddress : Heydour Vicarage, Grantham. Horvey, Lord Francis : b. Oct. 16, 1846 ; s. of 2nd Marquess of Bristol. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1865-9 (B.J.) ; Blundell Sch. ; ist Cl. Mods. 1866 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1869 ; M.A. 1874. Union Soc. (Treas. 1866, Pres. 1867). Barrister, L.L, 1872; Fellow of Hertford Coll. 1874; M.P.(C.)Bury St. Edmunds 1874-80 and 1885- 92 ; member London School Board 1S76-9 ; Alderman, West Suffolk, 1 889-1 908 ; 2nd Civil Service Commissioner 1892-1907, ist ditto 1907-9 ; J. P., Suffolk. Publications : Suffolk in the Seventeenth Century, 1902 ; Corolla Sancti Eadmundi, 1907. Clubs : Carlton, United University. Ad- dress : 42 Sussex Square, Brighton. Hervey, Hamilton Law : b. March 24, 1865 ; s. of R. K. Hervey, Barrister-at-law ; m. Feb. 5, 1 891, Edith Kathleen, d. of Col. H. E. D. Bayley, Indian Army. Issue : six children. Educ. Giggleswick ; Balliol 1884-6 (VV.M.). I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1887 ; 2nd Assist. 1894 ; ist ditto 1897 ; District and Sessions Judge 1897 ; Judge and Sessions Judge 1909. Address : c/o King, King & Co., Bankers, Bombay, India. Hewart, Gordon Mbrley : b. Aug. 6. 1893; s. of Gordon Hewart, K.C, M.P., of London, Educ. Man- chester Gr. School ; Balliol 1912- (A.W.P.C.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist Cl. Mods. 1914 ; Torpid (2). Union and x\mold Socs. Address : 26 Kensing- ton Park Gardens, London, W. Hewetson, John : b. Jan. 7, 1859 ; i\ of Re\-. John Hewetson, Vicar of Measham ; m. Evelyn Marian Muriel, d. of Col. T. J. Hackett Wilkins, India Medical Service. Issue : five children. Educ. Repton; Balliol 1878-80 (A.T.). I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Madras, 1880 ; Assist. Commissioner, Judge of Civil Court, and District Officer, Manda- lay, 1886-8 ; returned to Madras 1888 ; Sen. Assist., Ganjam, 1889 ; Head ditto 1893 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1894 ; Dis- trict and Sessions Judge 1897 and 1899 ; Collector and Magistrate 1898 ; retired 1906. Club : East India United Service. Address : Claremont, Oaklands Road, Brom- ley, Kent. Hewett, Sir John Prescott : b. Aug. 25, 1854 ; s. of Rev. John Hewett, of Barham, Kent ; m. 1879, Ethel Charlotte, d. of H. B. Webster, Bengal C.S. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1875-6. I.C.S. ; Assist. Magistrate, Collector, and Commissioner, N.W. Prov, and Oudh, 1877 ; in charge o Provin- cial Gazetteer 1883 ; Acting Assist. Accountant-General, Jun. Sec. to Board of Revenue, 1884 ; Officiat- ing Under-Sec. to Government, Home Department, 1886 ; Private Sec. to Viceroy 1888 and 1892 ; Officiating Sec. to Government, Home Department, and Census Commissioner, 1890; Deputy Sec. to Government, Home De- partment, 1890 ; Deputy Com- missioner, and Sec. of Royal Commission on Opium, 1893 ; Magistrate and Collector 1894 ; Sec. to Government, Home Department, 1895 ; member of Plague Commission 1898 ; Officiating Chief Commissioner, Central Prov., 1902 ; member of Governor-General's Council 1904 ; Lieut. -Governor of United Prov. 1907-12 ; Pres. of Coronation Durbar Committee 191 1 ; retired 191 2 ; Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem ; CLE. 1891 ; C.S. I. 1898; K.C.S.I. 1907; G.C.S.L 1 911. Club: Arthur's. Address: 150 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Government House, Allahabad, India. Hewett, Stephen Henry Philip : b. Jan. 12, 1893 ; s. of J. S. Hewett,of Exeter. Educ. Downside ; Bal- lioli9ii-(A.W.P.C.,C.B.,A.D.L.); CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., Craven, Hertford, and Ireland Schs. 191 3 ; joint holder Jenkyns Ex. 1914 ; member of Univ. Hockey Club Committee ; Univ. (191 4) and Coll. (Capt.) Hockey XFs. Brakenbury Soc. ; O.U.D.S. Ad- dress : Stratton on the Fosse, near Bath. Hey, Norman Heather : b. Sept. 22, 1882 ; s, of Edmund Hey, of Whalley Range, Manchester. Educ. Hulme Gr. School ; Victoria Univ., Manchester ; University Coll., London ; Balliol 1901-4 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Sind and Bombay, 1906— ; served in Government Financial Department 1909. Ad- dress : Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bombay, India. Heywood, Frank Lewis : b. Nov. 23, 1889 ; s. of C. L. Heywood, of Wrexham. Educ, Wrexham County School ; Balliol 1909-13 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Skynner Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1910 ; Math. Ex. 1911 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1 91 2. Address : Ashfield, 140 Edgeley Road, Stockport. Hibbert, John Geoffrey : b. April 23, 1890 ; s. of John Hibbert, of London. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1909-12 (F.F.U.) ; ist Mod. Lang. (French) 1912 ; B.A. 1913. Address : 64 Belsize Park Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. Hibbert, William Capel : b. 1823 ; s. of W. T. Hibbert, of St. Marga- ret's, Westminster. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1841 ; B.A. 1845 ; M.A. 1847, Barrister, I.T., 1846. ♦Hicks, Rev. Frederick Cyril Nugent : b. June 28, 1872 ; s. of C. C. Hicks, M.D., of Wokingham ; m. June 29, 1909, Ethel Kathleen, d. of Rev. F. F. Savage, Vicar of Flushing. Educ. Harrow (Entrance and Anderson Leaving Schs.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (E.A., W.R.H., J.A.S.) : Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1893 ; ist Lit. Hum., LiddonTheol. Student, and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1899 ; Torpid. Brakenbury Soc. Cud- desdon Theol. Coll. 1896-7 ; Lec- turer 1896, Tutor 1897-1909, Dean 1901-9, Keble Coll. ; or- dained d. 1897, p. 1898 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Oxford 1898- 1901 (Dr. Stubbs), 1 901-9 (Dr. Paget) ; 2ud in command, Oxford Univ. Volunteers 1905-8 ; Ofi&cer commanding Oxford Univ. Officers* Training Corps 1908-9 ; Lieut. - Col., Unattached List for Terri- torial Force, 1909 ; Principal of Bishops' College^ Cheshimt, 1909- ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of St. Albans (Dr. Jacob) 191 3-. Club : Athenaeum. Address : Bishops' College, Cheshunt, Herts. *Kide, Percy : b. April 12, 1874 ; s. of Joseph Hide, of Haslemere, Surrey. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; Balliol 1893-7 (J.C.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1897 ; M.A. 1900 ; Eight ; Rugby XV. Dervorguilla Soc. Principal, Sind Madrasseh, Karachi, 1897-1903; ditto, Elphinstone High School, Bombay, Aug.-Nov. 1903 ; ditto. High School, Poona, Nov.-Dec. 1903 ; Guardian and Tutor to H.H. the Maharajah Holkar 1903-4 ; Vice-Principal, Raj- kumar Coll., Rajkot, Kathiawar, 1904-6 ; Principal, Daly Coll., Indore, 1906-. Address: Daly College, Indore, Central India. -Higgins, George Herbert : b. Dec 10, 1878 ; 5. of G. Randell Higgins, J. P., Burcote, Oxon. ; m. May 1906, Violet Howard, d. of Edward Clark, of Sydenham Hill, London, S.E. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Dul- wich ; Balliol 1897-1901 (E.J.) ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1904. Barrister, I.T., 1903. Club : Re- form. Addresses : Chasewood, Enfield ; 4 Elm Court, Temple, London, E.G. Higgins, Mervyn Bournes : b. Nov, 8, 1887 ; s. of Mr. Justice Higgins, 151 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Melbourne. Educ. Onnoud Coll., Melbourne Univ. ; Balliol 1906-10 (J.L.S.D., A.W.P.C, E.H.) ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1910 ; Univ. and Coll. (Capt.) Eights ; Four (Henley) ; Pairs. Address : Doona, Malvern, Victoria, Aus- tralia. Higginson, Thomas Arthur : b. Dec. 27, 1888 ; s. of G. F. Higgin- son, of Tenbury, Worcs. Educ. Ludlow Gr. School (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1907-11 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W.) ; Greaves Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1909 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 191 1 ; B.A. 1912. Music and Art Master, Oxford Preparatory School, 1911-. Publications ; Various articles in Westminster Gazette. Address : The Poplars, Tenbury, Worcs. ♦Higgs, Arthur : 6. Oct. 6, 1850 ; s. of Samuel Higgs, J. P., of Sudbury, Suffolk. Educ. Sudbury Gr. School ; University Coll. School ; University Coll., London ; Balliol 1869-74 (B.J., J.P.,T.H.G., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1879. Address : i Ship Street, Oxford. Hlgnett, Edward Ashmore : b. 1872 ; s. of Rev. G. E. Hignett, of Oxford. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Non-Coil. 1889 ; Balliol 1890-2 (A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1892. Hilbery, Timothy Nathaniel : b. 1852 ; s. of Francis Hilbery, of Lee, Kent. Educ. Blackheath ; Balliol 1868 ; Ex. ; Non-Coil. 1869 ; B.A. 1872. Barrister, L.L, 1873, Hill, Arthur Charles Percival : b. Oct. 21, 1884 ; s. of C. P. Hill, of Beckenham. Educ, Rugby ; Balliol 1902-7 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., E.H.) ; B.A. 1907 ; M.A. 1910. Address: 19 Carlton Road, Putney, London, S.W. [Died March 7, 1911.] Hill, Charles Percy : b. March 15, 1876 ; 5. of J. R. Hill, of Guernsey. Educ. Haversham Gr. School; Balliol 1896-1900 (J.W.R.,W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1898; 3rd Math. 1900; B.A. 1901. Address : Le Hurel, Guernsey. Hill, Edward Maurice : b. Jan. 8, 1862; s. of G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L., Hon. Fellow of Pembroke Coll. ; w. 1891, Susan Ellen, d. of G. B. Hadwen, of Kebroyd, Hali- fax, Issue : two sons. Educ. Haileybury ; Balliol 1880-5 (E.A.); CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A,, 1884. Bar- rister, LT., 1888 ; K.C. 1910. Addresses : 17 Hillside, Wimble- don; Llanbedr, Merioneth; 2 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. Hill, Gerard Robert : b. Feb. 19, 1872 ; s. of Henry Hill, J.P,, of Thornton-le-Dale ; in. Sept. 10, 1903, S. D., d. of E, G, Place, of Skelton Grange, Yorks, Issue : two sons. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (E,A., J.L.S.D.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1893 ; 2nd Lit, Hum,, and B.A,, 1895 ; M,A, 1899 ; Cricket and Assoc. XPs, Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, LT., 1899, Publications : Various.text-books on local govern- ment law and cognate subjects ; an editor of Lumley's Public Health, Arnold's Law of Municipal Corporations, and Paterson's Li- censing Law. Addresses : 109 The Avenue, West Ealing, London, W.; The Lodge, Crianlarich, Perthshire ; 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple, Lon- don, E,C. *Hill, Hem-y Seymour McCalmont : b. Nov. 26, 1846 ; s. of Rev. A. B, Hill, Vicar of St. Paul's, Tiverton ; m. 1886, Mrs. Tilson Moseley, d. of Stephen Olliver, of Littlehamp- ton. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1865-9 (E.C.W.) Blundell Sch. ; 3rd Law and Hist. 1869 ; B.A. 1870; M.A. 1873; B.CL, 1897; D.C.L. 1902 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Master at Hartford House, Winchfield ; Head ditto. Holmes- dale House, Burgess Hill, 1876-86 ; Barrister, I.T., 1889 ; travelled in India, Malay States, China, Japan, and Canada, 1891 ; contested (C.) Wansbeck Div. of Northumber- land 1892 ; J. P., Sussex, 1900 ; Chairman, Advisory Committee to Sussex County Council Education Committee, 1902-3 ; member of [Borough Council 1907-, Mayor 19H-14, Bournemouth. Publica- 152 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER lions'. Articles in y4cai^w>' ; pam- phlet on Free Trade from a Conser- vative Standpoint. Recreations : Golf, bowls. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; United. Addresses : The Priory, Boscombe, Hants ; ID King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. Hill, Phillip Maurice : b. June i8, 1892 ; s. of E. M. Hill, K.C., of Wimbledon. Educ. King's Coll. School; Balliol 1910-13 (F.F.U., N.S.T., H.W.C.D., A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 191 3. Union Soc. Address : 17 Hillside, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Hill, William Ellis : b. 1862 ; s. of Julian Hill, of Glasgow. Educ. Eton; BaUiol 1880-3; 3rd CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. Barrister, LT., 1885. Address : 27 Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Hillelson, Sigmar : b. Aug. 12, 1883 ; 5. of Fehx Hillelson, of Berlin. Educ. Gymnaisium zum Grauen Kloster, Berlin; Balliol 1904-8 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; WiUiams Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1908 ; Arnold Soc. Studied Oriental languages at University Coll., London ; Ouseley Sch. in Persian, 1909, ditto Arabic, 19 10, London Univ. ; appointed to staff of Gordon Coll., Khartoum, 191 1. Club: Royal Societies. Address: Gordon College, Khartoum, Sudan. ♦Milliard, Edward : b. Nov. 20, 1867 ; s. of Capt. G. E. Anstruther Hilliard, of Ickenham Hall, Ux- bridge ; m. May 15, 1897, Kath- leen Margaret Alexandra, d. of Rev. A. H. Arden, Reader in Tamil, &c., Cambridge Univ. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Malvern; Magdalen 1887- 91 ; Prox. Acces. to Taylorian Sch. (Spanish) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1891 ; M.A. 1904. Original member of Univ. R.V. Cyclist Corps ; won Two-mile Challenge Cup 1 890-1, and Half and Quarter Mile 1891, Magdalen Coll. Sports. Barrister, I.T., 1897 ; Home Cir- cuit and Kent Sessions ; Tutor 1904-, Fellow and Senior Bursar 1905-, Balliol ; Exam., B.C.L., 1908-9, Honour School of Jur, 1911-13, Vinerian Sch. 191 3 ; Sec. to Jowett Trustees 191 2- ; Dele- gate of the Common Univ. Fund 1911-13; member of the Board of Faculty of Law 1909-, and of General Board of the Faculties 1913- ; editor of the Balliol College Register. Recreations : the study of Spanish language and literature, golf. Clubs : Savile, New Univer- sity. Addresses : 120 Banbury Road, and BaUiol College, Ox- ford. ♦Billiard, Robert Osborne : b. 1869 ; s. of Vandeleur HiUiard, of Liver- pool. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1888- 91 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1891; B.A. 1892; M.A. 1896. Address : i Grosvenor Place, Lon- don, S. W. Hills, Eustace Gilbert : b. July 26, 1868 ; s. of H. A. Hills, Judge of International Court of Appeal, Egypt ; m. (i) 1899, Margaret (d. 1904), d. of Sir Walter Philli- more. Issue : two daughters ; (2) 1910, Nina Louisa, d. of Rt. Hon. Lord Shuttleworth, ist Baron. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1887-91 (F. de P., A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1891. ist in Mile, 2nd in Quarter, Freshmen's Sports, 1887. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1894. Club : Brooks's. Ad- dress : 22 Cheyne Gardens, Chel- sea, London, S.W. Hills, John Waller : b. Jan. 2, 1867 ; s. of H. A. Hills, Judge of Inter- national Court of Appeal, Egypt ; m. April 10, 1897, Stella (d. 1897), d. of Herbert Duckworth. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1885-9 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1887 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1889 ; B.A. 1894 ; Torpid ; Eight ; won Clinker Fours 1888, and Coll. Pairs 1887-8. Dervorguilla Soc. Read for Bar 1890-3 ; Solicitor 1897 ; in part- nership Rooper &. Whately, 1897-1901 ; ditto Hills & Halsey, 1901-8 ; ditto Hills, Godfrey & Halsey 1908-12 ; retired 1912 ; J. P., Cumberland 1901 ; M.P. (U.) 153 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGLSTER Durham City 1906- ; Capt. (re- tired), Bedfordshire Imp. Yeo- manry ; D.C.L., Durham, 1910. Addresses : (Jueen Anne's Man- sions, Westminster, London, S.W, ; Highhead Castle, Carlisle. Hind, Rev. William : b. Aug. 21, 1852 ; s. of Very Rev, Charles Hind, Dean of Ferns ; m. Jan. 4, 1881, Charlotte Julia, d. of John Walker, H.E.LC.S. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Chel- tenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1871-5 (F. de P., T. H.G.) ; CI. Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods, 1873 ; Latin Verse Prize 1874 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1879. Master at Haileybury ; ordained d. 1879, p. 1880 ; Curate of St, John the Evangelist, Kilburn, 1879-82 ; Christ Church, Melcombe Regis, 1882-4 ; Vicar of St. Matthew's, Luton, 1884-5 ; Rector of St, Peter's, Dorchester, 1886-8 ; Vicar of St. Barnabas, Holloway, 1892- 1903 ; St. John's, Downshire Hill, Hampstead, 1903-. Address : St. Johns, Downshire Hill, Hamp- stead, London, N.^^^ Hindmarsh, Leonard King : h. Sept. 23, 1877 ; 5. of Henry Hind- marsh, of Birmingham ; m. Aug. 1907, Alice Cleaver, d. of James Spence, of Belfast. Educ. King Edward's High School, Birming- ham (Foundation Sch., and Leav- ing Ex.) ; Balliol 1897-1900 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; WiUiams Ex. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1900 ; B.A. 1901 ; M.A. 1904. Arnold Soc. First Sec. of Jowett Soc, founded in Summer Term 1900 ; studied Phys. Chem. in Univ. of Leipzig 1 900-1 ; Sci. Master, Methodist Coll., Belfast, 1901-2 ; Alleyn's School, Dulwich, 1902-3 ; Bishop Vesey's Gr. School, Sutton Coldfield, 1903-5 ; Assist. Inspector for Higher Edu- cation to West Riding County Council 1905- ; Joint Sec. to Leeds Univ. Tutorial Classes Com- mittee 1910- ; 4 years Hon. Sec. of Wakefield Branch of Workers' Educational Assoc. Addresses : Manygates Lane, Sandal, and County Hall, Wakefield. Hinds, Allen Banks : b. Dec. 4> 1870 ; 5. of Henry Hinds, of Rams- gate. Educ. Private ; Balliol Jan.-Oct. 1889 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Christ Church (Sch.) 1889-94 ; Stanhope Essay, ist Mod. Hist., and B.A. 1892; M.A. 1896 ; mem- ber Univ. Chess Team 1891-2 ; Sec. O.U. Chess Club 1892. :6coIe des Chartes, Paris, 1892-4 ; editor Northumberland County History, 1894-6 ; editor of Calendars, Close Rolls 1 896-1 906, Venetian 1905-, Public Record Office. Publications': Making of England of Elizabeth ; History of Northum- berland (vol. iii) ; A Garner of Saints ; translation of Vasari's Lives of the Painters, &c. ; edited Close Roll Calendar /jj7-do (8 vols,) ; Venetian Calendar 1613-2S (6 vols,) ; Milan Calendar. Ad- dress : 13 Patten Road, Wands- worth Common, London, S.W, Hinton, Rayner Winterbotham : b. 1867 ; s. of William Hinton, of Roborough, Glos. Educ. Blun- dell's; Balliol 1885-7 (W.R.H., A.V.D.) ; Blundell Sch. Hirst, Edward Theodore : 6. 1857 ; s. of W. E. Hirst, of Lascelles Hall, Huddersfield. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1876-9 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1878 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1880. Address : c/o F. J. Hirst, Oat- hurst, Bampton, Oxon. *Hirst, Francis Joseph : b. i860 ; s. of W. E. Hirst, of Lascelles Hall, Huddersfield. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1879-83 ; 3rd CI, Mods. 1881 ; 4th Jur. 1883 ; B.A. 1884 ; M.A. 1891. Solicitor 1889. Ad- dress : Oathurst, Bampton, Oxon. Hirst, Hugh Taylor ; b. 1864 ; s. of John Hirst, of Saddleworth, Yorks. Educ. Wakefield ; Balliol 1882-6 (F. de P., H.B.D.) ; B.A. 1887. Hirst, Philip Leslie : b. 1863 ; s. of W. E. Hirst, of Lascelles Hall, Huddersfield, Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1882-4 (W.M.), Address : Meadowside, Pemburv, Tunbridge W^ells. Hitchcock, Herbert William : b. Nov. 12, 1894 ; s. of H. P. Hitch- 154 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER cock, of Famham, Surrey. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Balliol 1913- (A.W.P.C.) ; CI. Sch. Address : The Deans, Firgrove Hill, Fam- ham, Surrey. Hoare, Arthur Fanshawe : b. Aug. 14, 1854 ; s. of Rev. A. M. Hoare, of Fawley, Hants ; m. 1894, Gertrude J. K,, d. of Rev. J. S. Hoare, of Godstone. Issue : four sons, one daughter. Educ. Marl- borough ; Balliol 1873-6 (E.A., J.L.S.D., J.F.B.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. 1876 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1878 ; M.A. 1883. Assist. Master, Haileybury, 1879- ; Lieut. -Col., 1st Batt. Herts. Regiment ; Or- ganizing Sec, Public Schools (now O.T.C.) Brigade Camp, 1889- 1912; V.D. ; C.B. Address: Hailey- bury College, Hertford. Hoare, Hugh Edv/ard : b. 1854; s. of Henry Hoare, of Staplehurst ; in. (i) 1886, Lily (d. 1905), d. of James Wolfe-Murray, of Cringle- tie. Issue : two sons ; (2) 19 12, !MabeI, d. of D. B. Wauchope, of Edinburgh. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1872-5 (R.L.N., J.L.S.D., T.C., F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1873 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1875 ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. Director of Hoare's Brewery ; M.P. (L.) West Cambs. 1892-5 ; defeated, ditto, 1895 and 1900 ; contested Chelsea 191 1. Club : Travellers', Address : Bix, Henley-on-Thames. Hoare, Henry William : see Hamil- ton-Hoare, H. W. *Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. Henry : b. March i, 1854 ; s. of Henry Hob- house, of Hadspen ; m. 1880, Mar- garet Heyworth, d. of R. Potter, of Gloucester. Issue : four sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1872-5 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1873 ; ist Lit. Himi. 1875 ; B.A. 1877; M.A. 1878. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1880 ; practised as Parliamentary Draftsman and Counsel to 1885 ; M.P. (L.U.) East Somerset 1885-1906 ; P.C. 1902 ; member of Royal Com- missions, Secondary Education 1904, Appointment of Justices 1910 ; Chairman, Somerset County Council, 1904- ; ditto, Rural Education Conference 1910-13; Ecclesiastical Commissioner for England and Wales ; J. P. Publi- cations : Local Government and Local Taxation in England and Wales ; County Councillor's Guide, &c. Recreations: Golf, shooting. Club : Athenaeum. Address : Hadspen House, Castle Cary, Somerset. *Hobhouse, Stephen Henry : b. Aug. 5, 1881 ; 5. of Rt. Hon. Henry Hobhouse, P.C. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-4 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; 1st CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. Union, Arnold, and Fotheringay Socs. Jun. Exam., Board of Education, 1905- 12 ; War Relief work in Balkans 1912-13 ; working in connexion with the Soc. of Friends. Address : Hadspen Flouse, Castle Cary, Somerset. Hobson, John Davidson : b. April 5, 1878 ; s. of H. P. Hobson, of Trinidad ; m. 1904, Cecilia Louise, d. of Lieut. -Col. Johnstone. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Queen's Royal Coll., Trinidad (Sch.) ; Balliol 1896-1900 (E.A., H. Williamson, E.J.) ; 3rd CI. Mod. 1898 ; 1st Jur., and B.A., 1900. Arnold Soc. Barrister, M.T., 1900 ; practised at Bar 1900-14, Acting Master, Queen's Royal Coll., 1901, Sec. to Asphalt Industry Commission 1902, Mayor of San Fernando 1908-14, Trini- dad ; member of Legislative Council of Trinidad and Tobago, 1908. Recreations : Tennis, bridge. Club : Trinidad Union. Address : Mon Nid, San Fernando, Trinidad, B.W.I. Hockley, Rev. Guy Wittenoom : b. Feb. 16, 1869 ; 5. of Major J. J. Hockley, of Tiverton. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1887-91 (R.L.N.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1S89 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., i8gi ; M.A. 1895. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Cuddcsdon Theol. Coll. 1892 ; 155 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER ordained d. 1892, p. 1893; Curate of Hawarden 1892-7 ; St. Mat- thew's, Westminster, 1 897-1 903 ; Vicar, ditto, 1908- ; Dio. Chapl. to Bishop of Worcester 1903-5 ; Vicar of St. Saviour's, Hoxton, 1906-8. Address : St. Matthew's Clergy House, Great Peter St., Westminster, London, S.W. Hodge, Rev. Edward Vere : b. 1848 ; s. of Rev. H. V. Hodge, Vicar of Middleton, Warwicks. : m. 1879, Helen, d. of John Bacchus, J. P., of Bradford. Issue : four sons, one daughter. Educ. Ros- sall; Balliol 1867-71 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1868 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1871 ; M.A. 1874. Union Soc. Assist. Master, Beaumaris, Gloucester, Bradford Gr. Schools 1875-9 ; ordained d. 1873, p. 1874 ; Curate, St. James's, Gloucester, 1873-5 ; Head Master, Oakham School, 1 8 79-1 902 ; Rector of Normanton with Pilton 1902-9 ; Rural Dean of Rutland, Part II, 1903-9 ; Rector of Lyndon 1909-. Address: Lvndon Rectory, Oakham. ♦Hodge, Rev. Roger Cuthbert Vere : b. Sept. 17, 1884 ; s. of Rev. C. F. D. Hodge, Vicar of Esh, Durham. Educ. Oakham School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1903-6 (H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906 ; M.A. 1910. Arnold Soc. Assist. Master, St. Mary's School, Cairo, 1906-7; Cud- desdonTheol. Coll. 1 907-8 ; ordained d. 1908, p. 1909 ; Curate of All Saints', Northampton, 1908-12 ; Chapl., Bombay Eccles. Establish- ment, 1912-. Address : c/o the Bishop of Bombay, Bombay, India. Hodges, Thomas Oliver : b. May 19, 1881 ; s. of O. T. O. Hodges, of Croydon. Educ. Rugby (Sch. and Leaving Ex.) ; Balliol 1900-4 (E.A., J.A.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Ex. ; I St CI. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; Rugby XV and Golf team ; played in trials, and occasionally for Oxford Univ. Golf Club. Indian Educational Service (Madras) 1906 ; Principal of Government Coll., Kumba- konam, 1906-10 ; Inspector of Schools, Sixth Circle, 1910- ; Fellow of Madras Univ. Publica- tion : edition of Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum, 1908. Recreations : Golf, billiards. Clubs : Madras, Ootacamund. Address : Tanjore, S. India. ♦Hodgkin, Robert Howard : b. April 24, 1877 ; s. of Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L. ; m. Dec. 15, 1908, Dorothy Forster, d. of A. L. Smith, Jowett Fellow of Balliol. Issue : two sons. Educ. Leighton Park ; Repton ; Balliol 1895-9 (A.L.S.) ; Prox. Acces. to Stan- hope Essay ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1899 ; M.A. 1902 ; Univ. Hockey team v. Cambridge 1898 ; Capt. Coll. Hockey XI. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Lecturer in Mod. Hist. 1900-, Fellow 1904-, Queen's Coll. ; Lieut., ist V.B. Northumberland Fusiliers, 1900-7. Publication : ' Elizabeth of Bohe- mia ' {Five Stuart Princesses), 1901. Recreations : Golf, riding, fishing, lawn tennis. Addresses : Queen's College, Oxford ; Mendip House, Headington Hill. *Hoenile, Reinhold Friedrich Al- fred : b. Nov, 27, 1880 ; s. of Dr. Rudolf Hoernle, CLE., of Oxford. Educ. Gymnasium Emestinum, Gotha ; Gymnasium Pforte, Naumburg ; Balliol 1 899-1 903 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; Jenkyns Ex. ; special Taylorian Sch. (German), and 2nd CI. Mods., 1901 ; ist Lit. Hum., John Locke Sch., and B.A,, 1903 ; Sen. Demy, Magdalen Coll. 1904 ; M.A. 1907 ; B.Sc. 1908 ; Torpid (2). Arnold and Jowett Socs. Assist. Prof, in Moral Philosophy at St. Andrews 1905-7 ; Prof, of Philosophy, S. African Coll., Cape Town, 1 908-1 1 ; ditto, Armstrong Coll. (Durham Univ.), Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1912-14 ; Assist, ditto, Harvard Univ., 1914-. Publica- tions : Articles and reviews in various philosophical journals. Recreations : Mountaineering, golf. Club : Royal Societies. Address : 156 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Hofmeyr, Jan Hendrik : b. March 20, 1894 ; s. of A. B. Hofmeyr, of Van de Sandt de Villiers Printing Co., Cape Town. Educ. S. African Coll., Cape Town; Balliol 1913- (A.W.P.C.) ; Rhodes Sch.; ist CI. Mods. 1 91 4. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : c/o Mrs. D. C. Hofmeyr, Cape Town, S. Africa. Hogg, Malcolm Nicholson : b. Jan. 17, 1883 ; s. of Quintin Hogg, of London ; m. Dec. 20, 1910, Lorna, d. of the Hon. Mr. Justice Beaman, High Court Judge, Bombay. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1901-4 (A.W.P.C, A.L.S.) ; B.A. 1905 ; Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Braken- bury Soc. Partner in Forbes, Forbes, Campbell & Co., Ltd., 1904 ; proceeded to Bombay office 1905. Clubs : Travellers' ; BycuUa, and Yacht (Bombay). Address : c/o Forbes, Forbes, Campbell & Co., Ltd., 9 King William St., London, E.C. Hohenlohe-Oehringen, Prince Hugo Felix August : b. April 28, 1890 ; s. of Prince Hans Hohenlohe- Oehringen. Educ. Vitzthumsches Gymnasium, Dresden ; Balliol 1909-10 (E.H.). Address: 7 Park- strasse, Dresden, Germany. Holden, Andrew : b. Sept. 16, 1883 ; s. of Lonsdale Holden, of Brid- port. Educ. Univ. of Tasmania (Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-7 (J.W.R.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1903 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1905 ; Sen. Math. Sch. 1906 ; Eight. Inspector, Ministry of Finance, Cairo. Address : Mountfield, Brid- port, Dorset. *Holden, Rev. Hyla : b. Sept. 14, 1867 ; s. of Rev. Canon Holden, D.D., of Durham ; m. Nov. 1905, Mary Constance, rf. of A. F. Nussey, of Chislehurst. Educ. Durham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1886-90 (E.A., F. de P., W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1888 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1890; B.A. 1892; M.A. 1894; Captain of Boat Club and Rugby XV. Brakenbury and Dervor- guilla Socs. Ely Theol. Coll. 1893-4 ; ordained d. 1894, p. 1895; Curate of St. John-at-Hackney, London, N.E., 1 894-1 901 ; Assist. Missioner, Trinity College Mission, Stratford, London, E., 1 901-2 ; Curate of All Saints', Poplar, London, E., 1902-3 ; Chapl. to Archbishop of Canterbury 1903-5 ; Rector of Smarden 1906-12; Vicar of Whitstable 191 2-. Ad- dress : St. Cross Vicarage, Whit- stable. Hole, Hugh Marshall : b. May 16, 1865 ; s. of Charles Marshall Hole, of Tiverton ; m. Jan., 1890, Ethel, d. of T. Rickman, of Poole. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Blundell's School; Balliol 1883-7 (W.H.F., A.V.D.) ; Newte Ex. ; 4th Jur. 1887; B.A. 1888; Torpid; Mor- rison Fours 1885. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Clerk in B.S.A. Co., Kimberley 1890, at Capetown, and in Administrator's Office, Salisbury, 1891 ; Acting Sec. to Administrator 1892 ; Civil Com- missioner and Magistrate, Salis- bury, and Registrar of Deeds for Mashonaland, 1893 ; Lieut, in Rhodesia Horse during Mashona Rebellion 1896 ; Sec. to Adminis- trator of Matabeleland 1898 ; J. P., Southern Rhodesia ; Civil Com- missioner and Government Repre- sentative, Bulawayo, 1901 ; Special Service in connexion with native labour, Arabia, 1901, ditto, Nyasa- land and Portuguese E. Africa, 1909 andigii; Administrator of N.W. Rhodesia 1903-4 and 1907 ; Acting Chief Native Commissioner, Matabeleland, 1905 ; Sec. to Ad- ministration of S. Rhodesia, 1908; retired on pension 191 3 ; first Pres. of Devonian Soc, and Pres. (twice) of Scientific Assoc, Rhodesia ; Rhodesian (1896) and Boer (two clasps) Wars, and Coronation, Medals. Publication : joint author (with Earl Grey) Report on Native Disturbances in Rhodesia 1896, 1898 ; papers and articles on Rhodesia in various journals. Recreation : Travel. Clubs : Bad- minton; Bulawayo and Salisbury 157 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (Rhodesia). Address : British South Africa Company, 2 London Wall Buildings, London, E.C. ♦Holland, Rev. Canon Henry Scott : b. Jan. 27, 1847 ; s. of G. H. Hol- land, of Wimbledon. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1866-70 (J.R.. E.P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1867 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1870 ; M.A. 1872 ; Hon. D.Litt. 1907 ; Hon. D.D. igii ; Eight; Torpid. Ordained d. 1872, p. 1874 ; Sen. Student 1S70-86, Tutor 1876-86, Censor 1882-4, Canon 191 1-, Christ Church ; Sen. Proctor 1882-3 ; Select Preacher at Oxford 1879-80 and 1895-6 ; Hon. Canon of Truro 1883-4; Canon 1884-1911, Pre- centor 1886-1911, St. Paul's Cathedral ; Examining Chapl. to Bishop Wilkinson 1883-91, Bishop Gott 1891-1900, Bishop of St. An- drews 1 893-1 908 ; Commissary to Bishop of Brisbane 1885-1900 ; editor of The Commonwealth 1899- ; Hon. D.D., Aberdeen, 1903 ; Ro- manes Lecturer, Oxford, 1908 ; Regius Prof, of Divinity, Oxford, 191 1-. Publications : The Apos- tolic Fathers ; Logic and Life and Other Sermons, 1882 ; Creed and Character, 1887 ; Christ and Ecclc- siastes, 1888 ; ' Faith ' (in Lux Mundi) and On Behalf of Belief, 1890 ; Life of Jenny Lind, 1891 ; Pleas and Claims, 1892 ; God's City, 1894 ; ' Church and State ' (in Essays in Aid of Church Reform) 1898; ' Obligation of Civil Law ' (in Good Citizenship), 1899; 'Justin Martyr ' (in Dictionary of Christian Biography) ; Old and Neiv, 1900 ; Personal Studies, 1905 ; Vital Values, 1906 ; Fibres of Faith, 1910 ; editor of, and contributor to, Miracles, 191 2 ; contributor to Property : Its Duties and Rights — historically, philosophically, and religiously regarded, 1913- -Ad- dress : Christ Church, Oxford. ♦Holland, Thomas Erskine : b. July 17, 1835 ; s. of Rev. T. A. Holland, Rector of Poynings, Sussex ; m. (i) 1 871, Louise Henriette(d. 1891), d. of M. Jean Delessert ; (2) 1895, Ellen, d. of David Edwardes and widow of Rev. Stephen Edwardes. Issue : six sons, one daughter. Educ. Brighton Coll. ; Balliol 1854-5 ; Magdalen (Demy) 1855 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1856; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1858 ; Chancellor's Prize for English Essay i860 ; M.A. i860; B.C.L. 1871 ; D.C.L. 1876 ; Fellow, Exeter, 1859-71, All Souls 1875- ; Barrister, L.L, 1863 ; K.C. 1901 ; Bencher 1907 ; Vinerian Reader in English Law 1874 ; Exam. Law and Hist. 1868, Jur. 1873, 4, 5, 1880, I, 2, B.C.L. often, Oxford, London Univ., and Inns of Court ; Chichele Prof, of International Law, 1874-1910 ; Prof. Emeritus 1910 ; Assessor of Chancellor's Court 1876-1910 ; worked for Admiralty, War Office, and Foreign Office ; member of Royal Commission on Food, &c.. Supply in Time of War, 1903-5 ; British Delegate 1903, Plenipoten- tiary 1906, Geneva Conference ; Hon. citizen of San Ginnesio; Hon. Prof, of Law in Univ. of Perugia ; Hon. LL.D. Bologna, Brussels, Dublin, Glasgow ; Knight Cav. 1875, Uffiz. 1885, Commen- datore 1908, della Corona d' Italia ; Grand Commander of the Rising Sun of Japan 1903 ; F.B.A. 1902 ; Corresponding Member, Royal Aca- demies of Bologna, Brussels, and Padua ; Hon. Member, Univ. of St. Petersburg, Juridical Soc. of Berlin, and American Soc. of International Law ; Member 1878, Vice-Pres. 1892 and 1910, Pres. 191 3, Institute of International Law. Publications : An Essay on Composition Deeds under 24 and 25 Vict. c. 134, 1864 ; A Plan for the Formal Amendment of the Lau) of England, 1867 ; Essays upon the Form of the Law, 1870 ; The Insti- tutes of Justinian, edited as a recen- sion of the Institutes of Gaius, 1873, 1881 , joint editor of Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian, 1874- 81 ; Albericus Gentilis, 1874, tra- dotto da Aurelio Saffi, 1884 ; The Brussels Conference of 18:4, and other Diplomatic Atteiupts to mitigate the Rigour of Warfare, 1876 ; The 158 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Treaty Relations of Russia and Turkey, 1774 to jSjj, with an Appendix of Treaties, 1877; Al- herici Gentilis De lure Belli Libri Tres (edited) 1877 ; The Elements of Jurisprudence (which gained the Swiney Prize in 1894), 1880, nth English edition 1910 ; The European Concert in the Eastern Question, 1885 ; The Admiralty Manual of Naval Prize Law, 1888 ; Studies in International Law, 1898 ; The War Office Manual of the Laws and Customs of War on Land, &c., 1904 ; Neutral Duties in a Mari- time War, 1905 ; The Law of War on Land, 1908 ; Letters to the Times upon War and Neutrality, with some Commentary (i 881-1909), 1909, 2nd ed. (1881-1913), 1914 ; Proposed Changes in Naval Prize Law (B, Acad.), and Zouche's lus Feciale (edited), 191 1 ; Joh. de Lignano, De Bello (edited), 1914. Address : Poynings House, 74 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Hollway, Charles Robin : h. Dec. 28, 1894; s. of Lieut. -Col. Charles Hollway. Educ. Eton ; Balliol I9i3-(A.W.P.C.); CI. Sch. Union Soc. Address : c/o Holt & Co., 3 Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Hollway-Calthrop, Henry Calthrop : formerly Hollway : b. March 4, 1856 ; s. of James Hollway, of Stanhoe, Norfolk ; m. 1879, Wil- helmina, d. of David Ralston. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1874-8 (E.A., A.C.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1875 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1878 ; Taylorian Lecturer, Mich. Term 1903. J. P. 1877, member of County Council 1889-1901, Nor- folk ; Bursar of Eton Coll. 1900-. Publication : Life of Petrarch, 1907. Addresses : The Cloisters, Eton College, Windsor ; Stanhoe Grange, King's Lynn, Norfolk. ♦Holmes, Aubrey ; b. Oct. 18, 1880 ; s. of Benjamin Holmes, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1898-1 901 (E.J.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1901 ; M.A. 1905 ; Torpid (i). Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, L.L, 1902 ; Royal Agric. Coll., Ciren- cester, 1910 ; formerly engaged in farming. Address : 80 Oakwood Court, Kensington, London, W. Holmes, Rev. Francis William Reginald: 6. 1870; s. of Frank Holmes, of Stroud, Glos. Educ. Blundell's; Balliol 1888-92 (E.A., A.L.S., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1890 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1895 ; St. Ste- phen's House, Oxford, 1893. Ordained d. 1894, p. 1895 ; Curate of Buckingham, 1894-7 ; St. James's, Clapton, 1897-9 ; Mt. Malcolm, W. Aust., 1899-1901 ; St. Mary, Stoke Newington, 1902- 7 ; Rector of Beaconsfield, W. Aust. 1 901-2 ; Vicar of St. Michael at Bowes, Southgate, 1 907-. A ddress : The Vicarage, Palmerston Road, Bowes Park, London, N. Holmes, Henry Cuthbert : 6. Dec. 15, 1890; s. of W. C. Holmes, of Victoria, B.C. Educ. McGill Univ. ; Balliol 1909-13 (E.H., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912 ; Univ. Lacrosse team v. Cambridge, 1912-13. Address : Rocklands, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Holmes, Henry Wesley: b. March 29, 1891; s. of A. E.Holines, ofWhalley Range, Manchester. Educ. Man- chester Gr. School ; Balliol 1909- 13 (H.B.H., J.W.R.) ; Braken- bury Sch. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 191 1 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1913. Address : 29 Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, S.W. Holmes, Mam'ice Gerald : b. June 14, 1885 ; s. of E. G. A. Holmes, of Crowthome, Berks. Educ. Welhngton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.W.P.C, E.H.) ; 3rd CI. Mods 1906 ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1908 ; Pres. Coll. Athletic Club ; Sec. Coll. Tennis Six and Athletic Committee. Union and Braken- bury Socs. Barrister, LT., 1909 ; Jun. Exam., Board of Education, 1909-. Recreation : Lawn tennis. Clubs : Union, Queen's. Address : I King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. Holms, John Mitchell : b. June 25, 1863 ; 5. of James Holms, of Ibrox, Glasgow ; m. Jan. 1893, 159 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER d. of M. L. Ferrar, LC.S. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Blairlodge School ; BaUiol 1 88 1-3 (A.T.) ; Rugby XV ; Pres. LC.S. Debating Soc. ; Law and Economy Prizeman in Final Exam, for Pro- bationers for LC.S. Barrister, LT., 1913; LC.S., N.W. Prov. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, 1883 ; Joint Magistrate 1889 ; Jun. Sec. to Board of Revenue 1889 and 1891 ; Deputy Commissioner 1895 ; Magistrate and Collector and Joint Sec. to Revenue Board, 1896 ; Sec. to Revenue Board 1898 ; Inspector-General of Registration and Commissioner of Excise 1899 ; Magistrate and Collector 1901 ; Financial Sec. to Govt. 1903 ; member Legislative Council 1903 ; Chief Sec. to Govt. 1905 ; mem- ber of Excise Committee 1905-6 ; C.S.I. 1906 ; Additional member, Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1908 ; Chief Sec. to Govt., United Provinces, 1909 ; Addi- tional member Governor-General's Legislative Coimcil, and Commis- sioner of Fyzabad, 1910. Club : East India United Service. Ad- dress : Fyzabad, U.P., India. Hope, Charles William Webley ; b. Aug. 9, 1864 ; s. of Rear- Admiral C. W. Hope, R.N, Educ. Mannamead School, Plymouth ; Tonbridge; Balliol, 1883-5 (W.M.). LC.S., United Prov. of Agra and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1885 ; Joint Magistrate 1886 ; Assist. Commissioner, Oudh, 1891 ; Settlement Officer 1893 ; Joint Magistrate, and Deputy Commissioner, 1896 ; Magistrate and Collector 1903 ; Superinten- dent, Dehra Dun, 1904-7 ; retired 1912. Club : East India United Services. Address : Pigeonsford, Llangranog, Cardiganshire. Hope, Thomas : b. June 12, 1890; s. of Thomas Hope, of Ro- sario, Argentine Republic. Educ. Geo. Watson's Coll., and the Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1913- (A.W.P.C). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 17 Wilton Road, Edinburgh, Hope-Wallace, Charles Nugent : 6. Feb. 3, 1877 ; s. of J. G. F. Hope- Wallace, of Featherstone Castle, Northumberland ; m. Jan. 12, 1905, Mabel, d. of Col. Chaplin. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Cheam ; Eton (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1895-9 (J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1899 ; B.A. 1900 ; M.A. 1902. Barrister, L.I., 1904 ; ist Division Clerk, Charity Commission, Recreations : Music, walking, shooting. Club : Union, Address : i Lancaster Avenue, Wimbledon Common, London, S.W. Hopkins, Ernest Threlfall : b. 1861 ; s. of J. S. Hopkins, of Edgbaston. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1880-84 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mod. 1882 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1884. Address : 5 Portland Road, Edg- baston, Birmingham. Hopkins, Gerard Walter Sturgis : b. April 12, 1892 ; s, of Everard Hopkins, of London. Educ. Marl- borough ; Balliol 1910- (A.L.S., N.S.T., H.M.W., R.G.) ; Williams Ex. O.U.D.S. (Pres.). Address : 7 Pembroke Road, Kensington, London, W. Hornby, Rev. Hugh Leycester : b. Nov. 20, 1888 ; s. of Ven. P. J. Hornby, Vicar of St. Michael's, Garstang, and Archdeacon of Lancaster. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1907-12 (C.B., H.M.W., N.S.T.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1909 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 191 1 ; Reserve for Univ. Cross Country team 1909. 2nd Lieut., 5th Batt., King's Own Royal Lancaster Regt., Territorial Force, 1910 ; ordained d. 1913 ; Curate of St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, 1913. Recreations'. Shooting, fish- ing. Address : St. Michael's on Wyre, Garstang, Lanes. Hornby, Ven. Phipps John : b. Jan. 10, 1853 ; s. of Rev. WiUiam Hornby, Vicar of St. Michael's on Wyre ; m. Dec. 30, 1885, Agnes Eleanor, d. of E. H. Leycester Penrhyn, J. P., D.L. Issue : four sons, two daughters, Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1872-6 (R.G.T., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mod, 1874 ; 3rd Lit, Hum., 160 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and B.A., 1876 ; M.A. 1879 ; Univ. Trial, 1874-5, and Coll. Eights. Dervorguilla Soc. Or- dained d. 1877, p. 1878 ; Curate of Lytham St. Cuthbert 1877-80 ; Curate 1880-5, Vicar 1885-, St. Michael'sonWyre; Surrogate, Dio. of Manchester, 1896 ; Proctor in Convocation 1905-9 ; Archdeacon of Lancaster 1 909-. Address: The Vicarage, St. Michael's on Wyre, Garstang, Lanes. Hornby, William : 6. Aug. 18, 1893; s. of Ven. P. J. Hornby, Vicar of St. Michael's, Garstang, and Arch- deacon of Lancaster. Educ. Rug- by ; Balliol 1912-13 (A.W.P.C). Address : The Vicarage, St. Mi- chael's on Wyre, Garstang, Lanes. Homer, Edward William : b. May 3, 1888 ; s. of J. F. F. Homer, of Mells, Frome. Educ. Eton, Bal- liol 1906-10 (J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1910 ; Four. Dervorguilla Soc. .(4 (i^f^ss : Mells, Frome, Som. *Homer, Rev. George William : b. June 10, 1849 ; s. of Rev. J. S. H. Homer, of Mells, Frome. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1868-72 (E.P., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mod. 1869 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1872 ; M.A. 1874. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1874, p. 1875 ; Curate of Ciren- cester 1874-5 ; Rector of Mells, Som., 1875-92. Publications: Bohairic New Testament, 1898, 1904 ; Consecration of Church according to Coptic Rite ; The Ethiopic Statutes of the Apostles ; Sahidic Gospels, 1911. Address : The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, Lon- don, S.W. *Horaer, Sir John Francis Fortescue : b. Dec. 28, 1842 ; s. of Rev. J. S. H. Homer, of Mells, Frome ; m. Jan. 18, 1883, Frances, d. of William Graham, of London. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1861-5 (J.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1863 ; ist Law and Hist. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1873 ; Cricket XL Barrister, I.T., 1868 ; Commissioner of Woods and Forests 1 895-1 907 ; member of Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments; K.C.V.0. 1907; Coro- nation Medal of King Edward VII. Club : United University. Ad- dresses : 16 Lower Berkeley St., London, W. ; Manor House, Mells, Frome, Som. ♦Homer, John Stuart : b. Aug. 30, 1855 ; 5. of Rev. J. S. H. Horner, of Mells, Frome ; m. July 26, 1887, Emily, rf. of Col. J. F. Birch. Issue: three sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1874-7 (J-W.R.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1876 ; 4th Math. 1877; B.A. 1878; M.A. 1882; Eight ; Torpid. Union and Der- vorguilla Socs. Worked at London School of Mines for three years after leaving Balliol; joined firm, 1884, now Managing Director, John Birch & Co., Engineers, Liverpool ; Chairman C.O.S., Southwark District Committee ; Director Maenofferen Slate Quarry Co. Club : United Universities. Addresses : 107 Maple Road, Sur- biton ; 2 London Wall Buildings, London, E.C. Horsley, William Henry : 6. 1855 ; s. of Rev. Henry Horsley, of Durs- ley, Glos. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1875-8 ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1876 ; 4th Math. 1878 ; B.A. 1879. Barrister, L.I., 1885 ; Equity Draughtsman and Conveyancer. Address : 4 Stone Buildings, Lin- coln's Inn, London, W.C. *Hoskins, Rev. Charles Thomas : b. Sept. 19, 1824 ; s. of Rev. Henry Hoskins, Rector of N. Perrott, Som. ; m. Lucy Isabella, d. of Rev. John Drake, Rector of Stourton, Wilts. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Ilminster Gr. School ; Eton ; Balliol 1844-8 (E.C.W., F.T., B.J.) ; Somerset Ex. ; B.A. 1848 ; M.A. 1865 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Ordained d. 1848, p. 1849 ; Curate of Misterton 1848-53 ; Pepper Harrow 1853 ; Chilton- Cantello 1854-6 ; St. Mark's, N. Audley St., London, 1856-7 ; Rector, Clipsham 1858-76, North Perrott 1 876-1 908. Address: Plas Gwyn, Babbacombe, S. Devon. Hoskyns, Henry William Paget : b. Feb. 5, 1853; s. of H. W. Hoskyns, of N. Perrott Manor, 161 M BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Som. ; m. Mabella Hariette Georgina, d. of Capt. Whitby, of Creswell Hall, Stafford. Issue : one sou. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1 871-5; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1875; B.A. 1876 ; Torpid ; Morrison Fours. Barrister, LT., 1880 ; Underwriting Member of Lloyd's ; Director of the Tyser Line, Ltd., and local Director of Parr's Bank, Ltd. ; J. P., member of County Council, High Sheriff, 191 3, Somer- set. Clubs : United Universities, Burlington Fine Arts, Leander ; Somerset County. Address : North Perrott Manor, Crewkerne, Som. Hoskyns, Rev. Canon Sir John Leigh, 9th Bart. : b. Feb. 4, 1817 ; s. of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, 7th Bart., of Cheltenham ; w. 1846, Emma, d. of Admiral Sir J. G. Peyton. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1835 ; Magdalen (Demy) 1837-43 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1839 ; M.A. 1841. Ordained d. 1840, p. 1842 ; Curate of Dunchurch 1840-1 ; Lugwardine 1841-5 ; Fel- low of Magdalen 1843-5 ; Rector of Aston Tyrrold 1 845-191 1; Select Preacher, Oxford, 1855-6 ; Rural Dean of Wallingford 1860-1902. Address : Aston Tyrrold Rectory, Wallingford. [Died Dec. 8, 1911.] House, Henry Frederick : b. 1864 ; s. of Richard House, of Bristol. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Balliol 1882-4 (W.M.); I.C.S. 1882; N.W. Provinces and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector; Joint Magistrate ; Assist. Superinten- dent, Dehra Dun, and Assist. Commissioner; Settlement Officer 1893 ; Magistrate and Collector 1897 ; Sec. to Revenue Board 1900-2 ; Opium Agent, Benares, 1902; retired 1911. Publication: Editor of N.W. Provinces Rent Act. Address : c/o India Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. House, William : b. 1859 ; s. of John House, of Taunton. Educ. Non-Coil. 1884 ; New-Inn-Hall 1886 ; Balliol 1887. Address : The Parsonage, Stoke St. Gregory, Taunton. ♦Howard, Frederick Thomas : b. Jan. 18, i868 ; s. of Charles Howard, Schoolmaster, of Sud- bury, Derby; in. Feb. 13, 1897, Mary, d. of Ivor James, Registrar of Univ. of Wales. Issue : one son. Educ. Denstone Coll. ; Non- Coil. 1887 ; Balliol 1888-91 (J.C.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Geol.), B.A., and Burdett Coutts Sch., 1890 ; M.A. 1894. Lecturer in Geology and Geography, University Coll., Car- diff, 1891-6 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools 1896 ; H.M. Divisional In- spector for London 191 2-. Publi- cations : Geological papers, chiefly on S. Wales. Address : Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. Howard, Rev. John Thomas : b. July 23, 1838; s. ot Rev. J. F. Howard, Rector of Yattendon. Educ. Tonbridge (Ex.) ; Balliol 1857-9 (W.C.L., J.R.) ; Magdalen (Clerkship) 1859 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1858 ; B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1865. Ordained d. 1865, p. 1866 ; Curate of Swaffham 1866-7 ; Besthorpe 1868-9 ; Blofield 1869-77 ; Star- ston 1877-8 ; Pulham, St. Mary the Virgin, 1878-80 ; Vicar of Great Plumstead 1880-97 ; Chapl. at Mt. Caux 1898 ; Locarno 1899. Address : 349 Unthank Road, Norwich. [Died July 9, 1913.] ♦Howard, William Newman : b. Sept. 19, 1882 ; s. of Walter Howard, of Weybridge ; m. Nov. 26, 1910, Margaret, d. of William Murray, of Glasgow. Educ. Har- row ; Balliol 1901-5 (F.F.U., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1909. Union and Arnold Socs. Associate of Institute of Chartered Accountants 1908. Recreations : Golf, tennis, music. Club : Na- tional Liberal. Address : c/o Howard, Howes & Co., 28 Norfolk St., Strand, London, W.C. Howe Browne, Rev. Arthur Henry : b. Oct. 16, 1881 ; s. of Hon. Richard Howe Browne, of Hove, Sussex. Educ. Winchester ; Bal- liol 1900-4 (F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 1907. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Cuddesdon 162 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Theol.ColI. 1905 ; ordainedd. 1905, p. 1906; Curate of Witney 1905-8 ; Curate 1908-9, Vicar 1909-, St. John's, East Dulwich. Address : St. John's Vicarage, East Dulwich, London, S.E. Howley, Thomas : b. 1831 ; s. of Thomas Howley, of Bangalore, East Indies. Educ. Bishop Cowie's Gr. School, Madras ; Balliol 1879- 81 ; Hon. M.A. 1881 ; Teacher of Telugu, 1878-85. Hoyle, Basil William Edmund : b. April 13, 1893 ; s. of Rev. J. F. Hoyle, Vicar of Stoke Poges. Educ. Radley ; Balliol 1912- (C.B.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1914. Address ; Stoke Poges Vicarage, Slough. Hozier, James Henry Cecil : see Newljinds, Lord. Huckin, Victor Henry St. John : b. July 22, 1880 ; s. of Rev. Dr. Huckin, Head Master of Repton. Educ. Mr. St. John Parry's, Stoke Poges ; Eton ; Balliol 1 899-1903 (J.W.R.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1901 ; 4th Math., and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. 1906. Entered Consular Service 1906 ; Vice-Consul and Archivist to Legation (Charge d' Affaires for one year during absence of Minis- ter), Bogota, 1907 ; Vice-Consul, Bergen, 1912-. Addresses : Brit- ish Consulate, Bergen, Norway ; Worcester Park, Surrey. Hudson, Arthur : b. Jan. 7, 1861 ; s. of Henry Hudson, of Walsoken ; m. 1899, Mary Rose, d. of Capt. Donald McBamet, 79th High- landers, and 9th Regt. Issue : one son. Educ. Private ; Non- Coil., and New-Inn-Hall, 1886 ; Balliol 1887-90 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1900. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1892 ; District Commissioner 1896, Solicitor - General 1897, Attorney-General 1901, Judge of Supreme Court 1903, Sierra Leone ; Attorney-General 1908, K.C. 1910, Gold Coast ; Fellow of Colonial Institute ; member African Soc, Clubs : St. James's, Authors'. Addresses : 11 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. ; 2 Vicarage Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Hughes, John David Ivor : b. Nov. 12, 1885 ; s. of J. B. Hughes, of Nottingham. Educ. University Coll. of Wales, Aberystwyth ; Bal- liol 191 1- (E.H.) ; Powell Prize 1912 ; Torpid ; Eight (2). Pres. Univ. Law Moot Soc. Barrister, M.T., 1910 ; Studentship of Coun- cil of Legal Education. Address : 5 Herbert Road, Nottingham. ♦Hughes, Rt. Rev. Joshua Prichard: b. Feb. 13, 1847; s. of Rt. Rev. Joshua Hughes, Bishop of St. Asaph ; nt. 1886, Blanche Eliza, d. of Archibald Campbell. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Llandovery ; Shrewsbury ; Bal- liol 1866-70 ; Powis Ex, ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1868 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1870; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1876; D.D. (by diploma) 1905. Ordained d. 1871, p. 1872 ; Curate of Neath 1872-7 ; Vicar of Newcastle, Glam., 1877-84, Llantrisant 1884- 1905 ; Chapl. to Bishop of Llan- daff 1900-5 ; Bishop of Llandaff 1905-. Club : Athenaeum. Ad- dress : The Palace, Llandaff. Hughes-Buller, Ralph Buller : for- merly Hughes ; b. 1871 ; 5. of Sir W. T. Hughes, K.C.B., of Dunley, Bovey Tracey ; m. 1898, Elizabeth, d. of Very Rev. Norman MacLeod, Dean of the Thistle. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.M.) ; Rugby XV. Dervor- guilla Soc. I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and Assist. Settlement Officer, 1892-8 ; Political Agent, and Secretariat duties, Political Department, Government of India, 1 898-1 906 ; special duty, Delhi Coronation Durbar (medal), 1902-3 ; re- transferred to East Bengal and Assam 1906 ; Magistrate and Collector of Barkarganj ; Sec. to Government, General and Revenue Department ; CLE. 1908 ; Inspector-General of Police 1910 ; re- transferred to Bengal 1912 ; Director of Criminal Intel- ligence, Government of India, 1913 ; Inspector-General of Police, Ben- gal, and King's Police Medal, 1914. Publications : Report on Census 163 M 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Baluchistan, 1901 ; articles on • Baluchistan ' in Revised Gazetteer of India ; Provincial Gazetteer of Baluchistan ; author of several volumes of Baluchistan District Gazetteer Series ; Horses and Camels in Baluchistan. Clubs : Isthmian; Bengal (Calcutta). Ad- dress : Woodhayes, Whimple, Devon. Hull-Brown, Rev. Richard Arthur : formerly Hull ; b. 1844 ; 5. of Rev. R. P. Hull, of Buxton. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1861- 4 ; B.A. 1864 ; M.A. 1868. Ad- dress : Golf Links Club House, St. Andrews, Scotland. Hulme, John Charles : b. 1822 ; s. of Rev. George Hulme, of Shinfield, Berks. Educ. Balliol 1840-4 ; B.A. 1844. Hulse, Sir Edward Hamilton Wes- trow, 7th Bart. : b. Aug. 31, 1889 ; 5. of Sir E. H. Hulse, 6th Bart. Educ. Eton; Balliol 190 7-1 1 (A.L.S., E.J. P., F.F.U.) ; B.A. 1912. Lieut., 2nd Scots Guards, 1913. Address: Breamore House, Breamore, Hants. HuIse, Hamilton John : b. Feb. 21, 1864 ; s. of Sir Edward Hulse, 5th Bart. ; m. April 27, 1908, Estelle, d. of W. Lorillard Campbell. Issue : one son. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883. Barrister, I. T., 1889 ; Private Sec. to Lord Ran- dolph Churchill 1890-4 ; J. P., and memberCounty Council 1897-1904, Hants. Recreations : Hunting, shooting. Clubs : Bachelor's, Bath, Garrick. Address: Sandle Manor, Fordingbridge, Hants. ♦Humphiy, Hugh McNab : b. March i, 1855 ; s. of J. T. Humphry, Barrister-at-law ; nt. April 7, 1896, Dora, d. of John Ord, J. P., of Overwhitton, Rox- burghshire, Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1873-6 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1876 ; M.A. 1881 ; Torpid ; Cricket XI (Sec.) ; Coll. Double Racquets (with R. R. Farrer) 1875. Dervorguilla Soc. Barris- ter, L.I., 1879 ; Equity Draughts- man and Conveyancer. Publica- tion : The Viking, and Other Poems, 1906. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address: 4 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Hunebelle, Jules Charles Alfred : b. 1861 ; 5. of Edouard Hunebelle, of Paris. Educ. Paris Univ. ; Bal- liol 1889-90 (A.L.S.). Address : 93 Avenue Mala Kaff, Paris. Hunt, Arthur Percy : b. March 20, 1878 ; s. of Thomas Hunt, of Oxford ; m. Nov. 25, 1899, Maria, d. of B. P. Chick, of Godalming. Issue : two children. Educ. Wesleyan Higher Grade, and Boys' High (Sch.) Schools, Oxford ; Bal- liol 1897-1901 (J.C, W.H.F., H.W.C.D.) ; B.A. 1901. Assist., and later Sub-, Lib., Balliol, 1895-1903 ; Assist. Sec. and Lib. Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Soc, 1903-11 ; Lib., Sheffield Univ., 191 1-. Address : The University, Sheffield. Hunt, Charles William : b. Dec. i, 1866; s. of W. H. Hunt, of Alresford. Educ. Trent Coll. ; Balliol 1885-8 (W.H.F., E.A., R.L.N.) ; B.A. 1889. Joint Head Master, Hill-Brow Prep. School. Address : Hill-Brow Preparatory School, Meads, Eastbourne. *Hunt, Colin Bertram : b. Feb. 22, 1881 ; 5. of Dr. Bertram Hunt, of London ; nt. April 29, 1911, Dorothea Mary, d. of R. F. Charles, Master of City of Lon- don School. Issue : one son. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1899- 1903 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. 1909 ; Tor- pid. Union and Brakenbury Socs. H.M, Jim. Inspector of Elem. Schools, Buckinghamshire, 1907- 10 ; Inspector, Kent, 1910-12, Staffordshire 191 3-1 4, Oxfordshire 1914-. Address: Board of Educa- tion, Whitehall, London, S.W. ♦Hunt, Edmund Henderson : b. Nov. 23, 1874 ; s. of J. M. Hunt, of Dorking ; m. Laura Mary, d. of Sir James Buckingham, CLE. Issue : two sons, three daughters. Educ. Temple Grove, 164 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER East Sheen ; Harrow ; Balliol 1893-7 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; ist Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A. 1897 M.A., M.B., B.Ch., 1900; M.Ch 1903. Univ. Water Polo Team 1906 ; Coll. Lawn Tennis Team member Univ. Skating Club O.U. Jun. Sci. Club (Sec), and Brakenbury Soc. Resident Medi cal Of&cer, Radclifife Infirmary 1901 ; House Svirgeon 1901-2 Midwifery Assist. 1902-3, St. Bar tholomew's Hospital ; F.R.C.S 1903 ; Chief Medical Officer N.G.S Railway,and Surgeon-Capt. Hyder abad Volunteer Rifles, 1903- Royal Humane Soc. Certificate 1896. Club : Authors'. Address Secunderabad, Deccan, India. Hunt, John Willets Bertram : b Aug. 4, 1884 ; s. of Bertram Hunt M.D. Educ. Charterhouse ; Bal liol 1903-7 (A.W.P.C, A.L.S.) 3rd Mod. Hist. 1907; B.A. 1910 Address : 15 Cheyne Gardens Chelsea, London, S.W. *Hunt, Rev. Oswald Andrew : b Jan. 7, 1879 ; s. of J. M. Hunt of Dorking. Educ. Temple Grove East Sheen ; Harrow ; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod Hist., and B.A., 1901 ; M.A. 1904 Union and Brakenbury Socs. Ox ford House, Bethnal Green, 1901-2 Wells Theol. Coll. 1903-4 ; or- dained d. 1904, p. 1905 ; Curate of St. Mary, Portsea, 1904-. Address : The Vicarage, Portsea. ♦Hunt, Wilfrid Mortimer : b. Feb. 21, 1871 ; 5. of J. M. Hunt, of Dorking ; m. July 28, 1904, Anne Henrietta, d. of Hugo Honnet, of Johannesburg. Issue : four children. Educ. Temple Grove, East Sheen ; Harrow ; Balliol 1889-93 (T.R.) ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1892 ; ist B.C.L., and Vinerian Sch., 1893 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1896 ; Lawn Tennis Team (Sec). Studentship, Council of Legal Education, and Barrister, L.I., 1894 ; Equity Draughtsman and Conveyancer. Addresses : 33 Royal Crescent, Holland Park Avenue, London, W. ; 6 New Court, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Hunter, John Leslie : b. Jan. 10, 1873 ; s. of James Hunter, of Glenapp, Ayrshire ; m. Jan. 4, 1 90 1, Gertrude Caroline, d. of Gen. Sir William Hughes. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Cargilfield, Edinburgh ; Harrow ; Balliol 1892-5 (E.A., T.R.) ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1895 ; Rugby XV ; Cricket XI. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. Partner in Fielding, Son, & MacLeod, Stock- brokers ; member of The Royal Archers, H.M. Bodyguard for Scotland. Recreations : Polo, shooting, fishing. Clubs : New University, Wellington Fly Fishers' ; County (Ayr), Univer- sity (Edinburgh). Addresses iCodi' cotebury, Welwyn, Herts. ; Austin Friars House, London, E.C. Hunter, John Maurice : b. April 17, 1885 ; s. of Rev. Dr. John Hunter, of Glasgow. Educ. Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow ; University Coll. School, London ; Private ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.); 2nd Mod. Hist. 1908 ; B.A. 1909 ; Lawn Tennis VI. Arnold Soc. (Vice-Pres. and Sec). With Williams & Norgate, Publishers, 1910 ; editorial department of Glasgow Herald, 191 1 ; Temporary Examiner 191 1, Jun. Exam. 1912-, Board of Education. Publication : Machiavelli {Oxford and Cambridge Review, 19 10). Recreations : Play- writing, lawn tennis, walking. Address : Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. Hunter, William Chevers : b. July 15, 1870 ; s. of Sir W. W. Hunter, K. C.S.I. ; m. 1897, Marian Eliza- beth, d. of Rev. W. P. Robinson, D.D., Warden of Trinity Coll., Glenalmond. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ, Eton ; Balliol 1888-90 (E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1890 ; Torpid (2). Dervorguilla Soc. Royal Military Coll. 1890-1 ; 2nd Lieut. 1892, Lieut. 1893, Capt. 1899, Oxfordshire Light Infantry ; served with regiment in Burma, India, and at home till 1900 ; Special Service Of&cer S. Africa (medal with clasp) 1900 ; 165 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER on Staff in India 1901-2 ; Adjutant of Volunteers in England 1902-7 ; retired 1908 ; since retirement engaged with O.T.C., Wellington Coll. Recreations : Polo and pig- sticking (while in India), motoring, hunting, boating. Clubs : Naval and Military, Old Etonian Assoc. (Eton). /I rfir^ss : Deanburn, Wel- lington College Station, Berks. Hunter-BIair, James : b. May 7, 1889 ; s. of Capt. E. Hunter- Blair, R.N. Educ. Wellington (Sch.) ; Balliol 1907-11 (F. de P., A.W.P.C, J.A.S., A.D.L.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1909 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911. Union Soc. Address: Blairquhar, Maybole, Scotland. Hurry, Arnold Eardley : 6. Aug. 5, 1 861 ; s. of Rev. Nicholas Hurry, of Bournemouth; m. May 22, 1900, Ellen Elizabeth, d. of J. H. E. Alley, of Moscow. Issue : one son. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1880-2 (A.T.). Student, I.T., 1880; B.A., London, 1881. I.C.S., Assist. Commissioner, Pun- jab, 1882-6 ; ditto and Deputy ditto, Burma, 1886-90 ; re-trans- ferred to Punjab 1890 ; Jun. Sec. to Government 1895 ; Deputy Com- missioner 1896 ; Divisional Judge 1897 ; retired 1908. Address : Hempsted Court, Gloucester, Hutchings, De Witt Vermilye : b. Aug. 18, 1879 ; s. of G. L. Hutchings, of New Jersey, U.S.A. ; tn. Sept. 13, 1909, Allis Harden- burg, d. of F. A. Miller, of River- side, Cal. Educ. Princeton Univ. ; Balliol 1905-6 (A.L.S.). Union Soc. Manager, Astor Safe Deposit Co., N.Y. City, 1907-8; Assist, do., Glenwood Mission Inn, Riverside, California, 1909-. Address : The Mission Inn, Riverside, California, U.S.A. Hutchinson, George Adrian : h. May 15, 1885 ; 5. of W. G. Hutch- inson, of Leicester. Educ. Magda- len Coll. School, Oxford ; Balliol 1904-8 (H.B.H.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1908 ; B.A, 1909. Ad- dress : 8 Leam Terrace, Leaming- ton. [Died Dec. 1912.] Hutchinson, William Doge : b. April 26, 1883 ; s. of W. G. Hutchinson, of Leicester ; tn. June 2, 1909, Else, d. of Karl Thieme, of Miinchen. Educ. Latin School, Vevey, Switzerland ; Private ; Balliol 1902-6 (H.B.H.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1906 ; Univ. Lacrosse Club (Sec.) ; Torpid (2). Union and Arnold (Sec.) Socs. Engaged for two years at Rothamsted Experimental Sta- tion ; Munich (botany) for six months ; afterwards in chemistry work. Recreations : Skiing, sail- ing, tennis. Club : Academical Ski (Munchen). Address: Seestrasse 5/II, Munchen, Bavaria. Hutton, James Boswell : b. 1888 ; s. of James Hutton, of Fossoway, Kinross-shire. Educ. Dollar Aca demy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1910- (A.W.P.C, C.B., R.G.); Snell Ex., and Newlands Sch. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1912. Union Soc. Address : Aitken Cottage, Fosso- way, Kinross-shire. Huxley, Aldous Leonard;: 6. July 26, 1894 ; s. of Leonard Huxley, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1913- (C.B., N.S.T.). Address : 27 Westbourne Square, London, W. Huxley, Gervas : b. April 6, 1894 ; s. of Henry Huxley, of London. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1913- (F.F.U., E.H.). Address : 51 Por- chester Terrace, London, W. Huxley, Julian Sorel : b. June 22, 1887 ; s. of Leonard Huxley, of London. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1906-9 (H.B.H.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; Newdigate Prize 1908 ; Bio- logical Sch. at Naples, 1st Nat. Sci. (Zool)., and B.A., 1909 ; Prox. Acces. RoUeston Memorial Prize 1912 ; High Jump v. Cambridge 1908, 9. Union, Arnold, and Brakenbury Socs. Lecturer in Biology, Balliol, and Univ. De- monstrator in Zoology, 1910-12 ; Prof, of Biology, the Rice Insti- tute. Address : The Rice Insti- tute, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Huxley, Leonard : b. Dec. 11, i860 ; s. of Prof. T. H. Huxley, Pres. of Royal Soc. ; m. (1) 1885, Julia Frances (d. 1908), d. of Thomas 166 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Arnold. Issue : three sons, one daughter; (2) 1912, Rosalind, d. of W. W. Bruce. Educ. Univer- sity Coll. School ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol 1880-3 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883. Brakenbury Soc. Assist, to Prof, of Greek at St. Andrews Univ. 1883-4 ; Assist. Master, Charterhouse School, 1 884-1 901 ; Literary Adviser to Smith, Elder & Co., 1901-. Publications : Trans- lation of Hausrath's New Testa- ment Times, Part ii, Time of the Apostles (4 vols.), 1895 ; Life of Huxley, 1900 ; Letters of a Betrothed, 1906 ; Thoughts on Education from the Writings of Matthew Arnold, 1912 ; arranged Scott's Last Expedition, 191 3 ; various contributions to Cornhill, Strand, znd Everyman's Magazines, &c. Recreations : Music, chess, walking, skating, tennis, cycling, and a rock-garden when attainable. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 27 Westboume Square, London, W. Huxley, NoelTrevenen : b. Dec. 23, 1889 ; s. of Leonard Kuxley, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-13 (J.W.R., A.D.L.) ; Hon. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1909 ; Jun. Math. Sch. 1910 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1912 ; Univ. High Jump V. Cambridge 1910, 11, 12. Civil Service. Address: 27 Westboume Square, London, W. Hydari, Mahomed Saleh Akbar : b. Oct. 12, 1894 ; s. of M. A. N. Hydari, of Hyderabad. Educ. Bombay Univ. ; Private ; Balliol 1913- (E.H., N.S.T.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Hydera- bad, Deccan, India. ♦Hythe, Viscount, Brassey, Hon. Thomas AUnutt : b. March 7, 1863 ; s. of ist Earl Brassey; m. 1889, Lady Idina Nevill Lady of Justice of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, d. of ist Marquess of Abergavenny. Educ. Eton; Bal- liol 1882-5 (F. de P., A.L.S.); 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1886 ; M.A. 1902 ; Hon. Fellow of Balliol 1907; Hon. D.C.L. 1911 ; Capt. of Boat Club 1885. Originator of and Trustee of the Balliol Coll. (1904), and also of the Univ., Endowment Funds ; editor Naval Annual, xB>go-igo2 ', Assist. Private Sec. to Earl Spencer when First Lord of Admiralty ; Assist. Sec. Royal Commission on Opium 1894 ; contested Epsom Division of Surrey 1892 ; Christchurch 1895 and 1900 ; Devonport 1902 ; Lieut.-Col. West Kent Yeomanry Cavalry ; raised 69th Co. Imperial Yeomanry ; First Acting Civil Governor of Pretoria, 1900 ; mem- ber of Archbishop's Committee on Church Finance 1910-11 ; Chair- man of Chichester Diocesan Board of Finance ; Commander of Crown of Italy ; Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; J. P. Sussex. Publications : Problems of Empire ; The Case for Devolu- tion, 191 3. Recreations : Hunting, deer-stalking, shooting. Addresses: 1 1 Hereford Gardens, London, W. ; 28 Victoria Street, London, S.W. ; Normanhurst, Battle, Sussex. Iddesleigh) 2nd Earl of, Northcote, Walter Stafford : b. Aug. 7, 1845 ; s. of ist Earl of Iddesleigh ; m. 1868, Elizabeth Lucy, d. of Sir H. S. Meysey-Thompson, Bart. Issue : one son, two daughters. Edtic. Eton; Balliol 1863-6; 3rd CI. Mods. 1865. Private Sec. to his father 1867-8 and 1874-7; member Inland Revenue Board 1877-92. Publications : Belinda Fitzwarren, 1 901 ; Luck 0' Lassendale, 1902 ; Charms, 1904 ; Dowland Castle, 1907; lone Chaloner. Club: Athe- naeum. Address: Pynes,Nr. Exeter, ♦Dbert, Sir Courtenay Peregrine : b. June 12, 1841 ; s. of Rev. P. A. Ilbert, of Thurlestone ; m. June 27, 1874, Jessie, d. of Rev. Charles BradJey. Issue : five daughters. 167 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Eiluc. Marlborough (Sch.) ; Bal- liol i86a-6 (E.C.W.), Sch. and Jen- kyns Ex. ; Hertford Sch. 1861 ; I St CI. Mods, and Ireland Sch. 1862 ; Craven Sch., ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1864 ; Eldon Law Sch. 1867; M.A. 1871 ; Fellow 1864- 74, Bursar 1870-80, Balliol ; L^nion Soc. (Lib. 1864-5, Pres. 1865). Barrister, L.I. , 1869; Coun- sel to Education Department 1879- 82 ; Law Member of Council of Governor- General of India 1882-6 ; CLE. 1882 ; C.S.I. 1885 ; Pres. of Governor-General's Council 1886 ; Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta Univ. 1885-6 ; Assist. Parliamentary Counsel 1886-9, Counsel 1889- 1902, to the Treasury ; K.C.S.I. 1895 ; Clerk to the House of Com- mons 1902- ; Trustee of Jowett Memorial Fund ; Romanes Lec- turer 1904 ; K.C.B. 1908 ; G.C.B. 1911 ; Chairman of Statute Law Committee and of Exec. Com- mittee of Soc. of Comparative Legislation ; member of Board of Governors London School of Economics ; British Academy (Council 1902-10) ; Council of Marlborough Coll. ; Vice- Pres. of London Library. Publications : The Government of India, 1898 ; Legislative Methods and Forms, 1901 ; Montesquieu (Romanes' Lec- ture), 1904 ; Parliament, 191 1 ; The Mechanics of Law Making (Car- pentier Lectures), 1914.C/M&: Athe- naeum. Addresses: Speaker's Court, Palace of Westminster, London, S.W. ; Troutwells, Penn, Bucks. Ingham, John Young : b. April 30, 1892 ; s. of George Ingham, of Middlestown, Wakefield. Educ. Wakefield Gr. School ; Balliol 1911- (J.W.R.) ; Williams Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1913. Union Soc. A ddress : Burnbrae, Middles- town, Wakefield, Yorks. *Inkster, George Leonard Macaulay : b. Dec. 27, 1885 ; s. of S. M. Ink- ster, of the Shetland Is. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1904-8 (H.B.H., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1908 ; B.A. and M.A. 1912 ; Univ. Lacrosse Team 1905-6, and 6-7. Journalist ; Dramatic Critic of Sheffield Daily Telegraph 1910 ; contributor to Manchester Reper- tory Theatre 1910. Address : 57 Constantine Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. lonides, Constantine Albert : b. Aug. 26, 1863 ; s. of C. A. lonides, of Hove ; m. April 17, 1894, Eve- lyn Frederica, d. of A. R. Capel. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Radley ; Kiel ; Balliol 1882-5 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1885 ; B.A. 1886; M.A. 1891 ; Torpid ; Eight. Union and Der- vorguilla Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1886 ; member London Stock Exchange 1886-. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Burlington Fine Arts, Royal Automobile. Address: 10 Second Avenue, Hove, Sussex. lonides, Stephen Archigenes : b, June 7, 1880 ; 5. of C. A. lonides, of Hove ; m. Aug. 31, 1907, Louise Lydia, d. of H. Silliman, of Chicago, U.S.A. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Winchester; Balliol 1898- 1902 (J.C, H.B.H.) ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1902. Address: 1040 Corona Street, Denver, U.S.A. Irby, Greville Northey : b. Aug. 24, 1889 ; s. of Hon. C. S. Irby, of Taplow, Bucks. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-11 (A.L.S., N.S.T., H.W.C.D.). Address : Mitcham Grange, Taplow, Bucks. Irving, Edward Hamilton : 6. Jan. 7, 1856 ; s. of M. H. Irving, Prof, of Classics in Melbourne Univ.; m. Dec. 29, 1881, Julia, d. of H. W. De Mole, of Melbourne. Educ. Scotch and Wesley Colls., Mel- bourne (Dux and Argus Sch.) ; Balliol 1875-8 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; Non-Coil. 1878 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1879 ; B.A. 1880 ; Univ. Shooting VIII V. Cambridge 1877 ; Torpid ; Eight. M.A., Melbourne, 1880 ; 2nd Master 188 1-3, Head ditto 1884-5, Hawthorn Gr. School ; afterwards engaged in teaching, coaching, and examination work ; Lecturer in Classics for one year, and sometime Examiner in Classics for Matriculation and Degree examinations, Melbourne Univ. ; 168 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER editor of Kalgoorlie Standard 1897- 8 ; sub-editor 1898-1900, editor 1901-, Kalgoorlie Miner. Publica- tions : Verse translation of Horace's Odes, Book I (with J. Holland) ; newspaper leader work, &c. Re- creations : Rowing, rifle- shooting, cycling, croquet. Addresses: Miner Ofl&ce, Hannan St., and 46 Lyall St., Kalgoorlie, Wastern Australia. Irving, Martin Howy : b. Feb. 21, 1 831 ; s. of Rev. Edward Irving, of St. Pancras, London ; w. (i) 1855, Caroline Mary, d. of Capt. Benyeres, Sec. L. & N.W. Railway. Issue : four sons, five daughters ; (2) Mary, d. of John Mowat, of Dublin. Issue : one son, three daughters. Ediic. King's Coll. School, London (CI. and Math. Sch.) ; Balliol 1848-53 (E.C.W., BJ.) ; Sch. ; Jun. Math. Sch. 1850 ; ist Lit. Hum., and ist Math., 1852 ; B.A. 1853 ; M.A. 1856 ; won Univ. and Coll. Sculls 1852 ; Eight. CI. Master, City of London School, 1854-6 ; Prof, of Classics, Univ. of Melbourne, 1856 -70 ; Head Master, Wesley Coll., Melbourne, 1870-5 ; Hawthorn Gr. School 1875-84 ; served as Private, Captain, Major, Victorian Volunteer Force, 1862-84 ; Major and Lieut. -Col. (Commanding) Victorian Militia, 1884-90 ; Chair- man Victorian Board of Australian Mutual Provident Soc. 1878-84 ; member Public Service Board, Colony of Victoria, 1884-92. Recreations : Rifle-shooting, walk- ing, rowing, cycling. Address : Talgai, Albury, Guildford. [Died Jan. 23, 1912.] Irving, Miles : b. Aug. 21, 1876 ; s. of C. J. Irving, C.M.G. ; m. Dec. 21, 1901, Gertrude Edith (d. 1905), d. of Rev. S. J. Childs Clarke. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Blundell's (Sch.) ; Balliol 1894-9 (W.R.H., J.A.S.) ; Blun- dell Sch., and Open and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1896 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; Torpid (2); Brakenbury Soc. I.C.S. (4th place Final Exam. 1899) ; Assist. Com- missioner, Punjab, 1899 ; Deputy ditto, Montgomery, 1905-6 and 1909-13; Amritsar 1907-8 ; Sen. Sec. to Financial Commissioners, 1914-, Sergeant, Punjab Light Horse. Publications : The Irvings of Newton ; Inscriptions on Chris- tian Tombs or Monuments in the Punjab, N.W. Frontier Province, Kashmir, and Afghanistan. Club : United Service (Simla). Address : Lahore, India. Isaac, Rev. Charles Powys : 6.1830; s. of Elias Isaac, of Boughton, Worcester. Educ. Cheltenham ; Bromsgrove Gr. School ; Balliol 1849-52 (E.C.W., B.J.) ; 3rd Litt. Hum., and B.A. , 1852 ; M.A. 1856. Ordained d. 1854 ; p. 1855 ; Curate of St. Leonard's, Bridg- north, 1854-7; Vicar of Boningale 1857-1912. Address : Albrighton, Wolverhampton. Isaacs, Hon. Gerald Rufus : b. Jan. 10, 1889 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Rufus Isaacs, Lord Chief Justice of England. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1907-11 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1909 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 191 1 ; Morrison Fours. Arnold and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1912. Clubs : Reform, Eighty. Addresses : 32 Curzon Street, London, W. ; Fox Hill, Earley, Reading. J Jacks, Maurice Leonard : b. Jan. 5, 1894 ; s. of Dr. Jacks, of Oxford. Educ. Bradfield ; Balliol 1912- (C.B.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1914. Pres. of Boys' Club 1914 ; Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Strete, Shotover, Oxford. Jackson, Basil Hippisley : b. Feb. 4, 1887 ; s. of T. G. Jackson, R.A. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1905-8 (A.L.S., E.J. P.). Architect. Re- creations : Golf, tennis, hunt- ing. Club : Bath. Addresses : 14 Buckingham St., Strand, London, 169 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER W.C. ; Eagle House, Wimbledon. * Jackson, Rt. Hon. Frederick Huth : b. April 26, 1863 ; s. of T. H. Jack- son, of The Manor House, Birken- head ; m. 1895, Clara, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir M. E. Grant-Duff, G.C.S.L Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Harrow ; BaUiol 1884-7 (A.L.S., A.H.J.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1887; M.A. 1891 ; Dervorguilla Soc. Partner since 1890 in Frederick Huth & Co., Bankers and Merchants, London ; Director of Bank of England 1892-; Pres. of Institute of Bankers 1909- II ; Governor of Harrow School 1908- ; member of Board of Finance, Oxford Univ. ; Trustee of the Univ. and of the Balliol Coll. (1904) Endowment Funds ; mem- ber of Royal Commission on Rail- ways 191 3 ; represented England at Conference on Bills of Exchange at the Hague ; oneof H.M. Lieuts. for City of London ; P.C. 191 1. Clubs : Athenaeum, Oxford and Cambridge, Reform, New Univer- sity, Arts, Burlington Fine Arts, Political Economy. Addresses : 64 Rutland Gate, London, S.W. ; Possing^vo^th, Cross-in-Hand, Sus- sex ; La Maison du Diable, Aix- les-Bains, France. Jackson, Geoff rey Laird : &. Jan. 10, 1894 ; s. of G. M. Jackson, of Clay Cross Hall, Chesterfield. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1913- (A.L.S., E.H.). ; Univ. Freshmen's Cricket Match 1 914. Address : Clay Cross Hall, Chesterfield. Jacksbn, Roland Octavius : b. March 26, 1879 ; s. of T. H. Jack- son, of The Manor House, Birken- head. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1898-1901 (A.W.P.C.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1900. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. Studied singing under Francis Korbay ; Profes- sional Singer. Address : The Manor House, Birkenhead. Jackson, Thomas Hughes : b. Oct. 14, 1871 ; s. of T. H. Jackson, of The Manor House, Birkenhead ; m. Aug. 10, 1910, Eileen Lucy, d. of Edward Devery. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1890-3 (A.L.S., W.H.F.). Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, L.I., 1896 ; Sheep farming in New Zealand. Address : Mangatarehu, Puha, Poverty Bay, New Zealand. * Jackson, Thomas Watson : b. 1839, s. of Rev, Richard Jackson, of Wreay, Carlisle. Educ. Durham ; Balliol 1858-64 ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods, i860 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1862 ; M.A. 1865 ; Fellow 1 864-, CI. Lecturer and Tutor 1865, Dean 1869, Vice- Pres. 1877, Wor- cester Coll. ; CI. Moderator 1879, 80, I, 5, 6, 7 ; Keeper of Hope Collection of Engravings 1896- ; Curator of the Bodleian Library ; formerly Visitor of Ashmolean Museum. Address : 8 Bradmore Road, Oxford, Jackson, Victor Herbert : 6. Dec. 21, 1875 ; s. of Moses Jackson, of The Vale, Ramsgate. Educ. Ton- bridge ; Balliol 1894-8 (J.C.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1898 ; M.A, 1903. Indian Educational Service ; Professor, Presidency Coll., Cal- cutta, 1900 ; Assist. Director of Public Instruction, Bengal, 1905- 7. Address : Patna College, Banki- pore, India. ♦Jackson, Rev. William Walrond : b. May 17, 1838; s, of Rt. Rev, W, W, Jackson, D.D,, Bishop of Antigua ; m. 1887, Amelia, d. of F. W. Staines, of St. Leonards, and widow of A. B. Shepherd, M.B., Oxon, Educ. Codrington Coll., Barbados ; Balliol 1856-60 (W.C.L., J.R.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1858 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., i860 ; M.A. 1863 ; B.D. and D.D. 1892 ; Torpid. Assist. IMaster, Radley, 1861-3 ; Fellow 1863-87, Lecturer and Tutor 1863-83, Sub- Rector 1878-83, Rector 1887-1913, Hon. Fellow 191 3, Exeter Coll. ; or- dained d. 1866, p. 1869; Proctor (appointed by Balliol) 1872-3 ; CI. Moderator 1874-5 ; Oxford Sec. to Oxford and Cambridge Exam. Board 1876-80 ; Censor of Unattached Students 1883-7 ; Select Preacher 1880 and 1903 ; formerly member of the Heb- 170 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER domadal Council and of Delegacies of Local Exams., Training of Teachers, Extension of Univ. Teaching, &c. ; life member of Delegacy of Non-Coil. Students ; especially interested in those developments which bring the Univ. into relation with secondary education in the country ; original member Oxford Dante Society. Publications : Translations of a volume of Ranke's History of England (Clarendon Press), and of Dante's Convivio. Addresses : i8 Bardwell Road, Oxford ; Single- ton Park, Kendal. ♦Jager, George Harold : b. Jan. 9, 1877 ; s. of George Jager, of Birkenhead ; tn. 1908, Dorothy, Reader to the Law Soc. 1904-13. Publications'. Short His- tory of India, igoi ; joint author of Contracts, 1909 ; contributor to Independent Review, 1903, 4 ; Journal of Comparative Legislation, 1903, and Fortnightly Review, 191 1. Club : Garrick. Address : 7 New Court, Carey St., London, W.C. ^Laurie, Hemy Montague : b. Oct. 17, 1865 ; s. of D. C. Laurie, M.D., Edinburgh ; m. Nov. 1892, Caroline, d. of J. A. Callender, of Edinburgh. Issue : two sons and one daughter. Educ. Private ; Germany; Balliol 1884-7 (R.L.N., A.V.D.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1887. Union Soc. Barrister, M.T., 1887; I.C.S., Central Prov., 1887; Assist. Commissioner and Under -Sec. to Chief Commis- sioner; Commissioner of Excise 1892 ; Deputy Commissioner 1895 ; 2nd«Sec. 1900, Chief Sec. 1903, to Chief Conmiissioner ; Political Agent, Chhattisgarh feudatories, 1906-7 ; Commissioner, Nerbudda, 1908 ; Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Division, 1912 ; Additional Mem- ber, Imperial Legislative Council, 1914. Clubs : East India United Service, Albemarle. Address : Raipur, C.P., India. Lawless, Hon. Valentine Frederick : see Cloncurry, Baron. Lawrence, Edward : b. Sept. 9, 1855 ; s. of Sir E. Lawrence, Kt., of Liverpool ; m. Nov., 1899, Violet G., d. of Lieut.-Col. Hojel, I.M.S. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Rugby (Head of School 1873-4, Leaving Sch.) ; BaUiol 1874-8 (F. de P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1876; B.A. 1878. I.C.S., ist in Open Competition 1876, and Final 1878; Bombay Presidency; passed High Profi- ciency and Honours Exams, in Arabic and Persian ; Assist. Resi- dent at Aden during Egyptian War 1882; Under-Sec. to Govern- ment of India, Finance Dept., 1889 ; Accountant-General, Alla- habad, 1890-9 ; commanded Alla- habad Rifles 1898-9 ; Collector and Commissioner, Bombay Presi- dency, from 1900 ; Commissioner, Ahmedabad, 1903-4 ; retired 1904 ; member of Liverpool City Coimcil 1906 ; Director of Liverpool United Gas Co. ; on committees of various charities ; shooting expedition, B. E. Africa, 1911-12. Club : Junior Carlton. Address : Kingsland, Aigburth Hall Road, Liverpool. Lawrence, Henry Walter Neville : b. Oct. 26, 1892 ; s. of Sir W. R. Lawrence, ist Bart. Educ. Wel- lington ; Balliol 1910-11 (H.B.H.); Morrison Fours. Address : 94 Eaton Square, London, S.W. ^Lawrence, James Frederick Na- thaniel : b. Jan. 18, 1874 ; s. of N. T. Lawrence, of Lincoln's Inn ; w. July, 1906, Kathleen, d. of Lieut.-Col. W. Pott. Issue: one 193 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1891-5 (F. de P., E.A., J.L.S.D.); B. A. 1895; M.A. 1900; Univ. Trial 1894, and Coll. Eights; won Coll. Sculls 1892-3. Annan- dale Soc. Solicitor ; partner in Lawrence, Graham & Co. Clubs : Windham, Union. Address^ : 6 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, Lon- don, W.C. ; Pilgrims' Hall, Brent- wood. Lawrence, Sir Walter Roper ; 1st Bart.: b. Feb. 9, 1857; s. of George La^vrence, J. P., Monmouth- shire ; fn. 1885, Lilian Gertrude, d. of J. Gwynne James, of Here- ford. Issue : two sons. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1877-9 (J. L.S.D., A.T.). Dervorguilla Soc. ; Palmerston Club. I.C.S., ist in Open Competition, 1877 ; Assist. Commissioner, Thai, Kurram, Af- ghanistan (medal), 1880 ; poli- tical service Rajputana 188 1-4 ; Under-Sec. to Punjab Government 1884-6, and to Government of India 1887-9 ; Officiating Sec. to Government of India 1889 ; Hon. Sec. to Countess of Dufferin's Fund ; Settlement Commissioner, Kashmir, 1889-95 ; CLE. 1891 ; Private Sec. to Viceroy 1 898-1903 ; K.C.I. E. 1903 ; Chief of Staff of Prince of Wales for Indian Tour 1905 ; G.C.I. E., and Baronet, 1906 ; Member of Council of India 1907-9. Publication : The Valley of Kashmir. Clubs : Bath, Beef- steak, Garrick. Address : 22 Sloane Gardens, London, S.W. Lawson, Edward Frederic : b. June 16, 1890 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. the Hon. W. A. W. Lawson, D.S.O. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1913; B.A. 1914; Univ. Polo team v. Cambridge 191 3. Address : Staveley Lodge, Melton Mowbray. ♦Lawson, Hon. Harry Lawson Webster : b. Dec. 18, 1862 ; 5. of ist Lord Bumham, K.C.V.O. ; tn. Jan. 2, 1884, Olive, d. of Gen. Sir Henry de Bathe, Bart., K.C.B. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1881-4 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1884 ; M.A. 1887. Union (Sec. 1882), Dervor- guilla, and Brakenbury Socs. Lieut. 1883, Lieut.-Col., and Col. Commanding 1902, Bucks. Hussars, Territorial Reserve ; Barrister, I.T., 1889 ; represented St. Pancras 1889-92, Whitechapel 1 897-1904, on London County Council ; member of Royal Com- mission on Civil Establishments 1889-92 ; Member (U.) of Parlia- ment, West St. Pancras 1885-92, Cirencester Div. of Gloucester- shire 1893-5, Tower Hamlets, Mile End, 1905-6, ditto 1910- ; Mayor of Stepney, 1907-9 ; Territorial decoration 1909 ; Pres. of Insti- tute of Journalists 1910 ; Master of Spectaclemakers Company 1910- 1 1 ; Managing Proprietor of Daily Telegraph ; Lieut, of the City of London, 1911 ; J. P., D.L., Bucks. Publications : Contributions to Daily Telegraph and various magazines. Clubs : Athenaeum, Marlborough, Garrick, Oxford and Cambridge. Addresses: syGxosve- nor Square, London, W. ; Orkney Cottage, Taplow, Bucks. Layng, Thomas Malcolm : b. April 23, 1892 ; s. of Dr. H. Layng, of Swatow, China. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1913. Ad- dress : Coniston, Eldorado Road, Cheltenham. Lea, James Herbert : b. April 27, 1867 ; s. of Richard Lea, of the Assam Commission ; w. Nov. 22, 1893, Nelly Grace, d. of C. F. Chadbum, of Bengal. Educ. Rugby (CI. Sch) ; Balliol 1886-8 (W.M.) ; Rugby XV. I.C.S., Ben- gal. Address : Heathfield, Earley, Reading. [Died May 16, 1911.] Leather, John Francis : b. July 19, 1894 ; s. of F. H. Leather, of Weobley, Herefordshire. Educ. Repton ; Balliol 1913- (C.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1914 ; Domus Ex. ; Coll. Athletic team. Address : Castle House, Weobley, S. O., Herefordshire. Le Breton, John Glossop Bythesea : b. Oct. 4, 1884; s. of Lieut.-Col.. 194 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER E. H. Le Breton, i8th Royal Irish Regt. Educ. Radley ; Balliol 1904-7 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1907 ; B.A. 1909 ; Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Island, Petersfield, Hants. Lee, Archibald Edward John : b. Oct. 29, 1881 ; s. of A. M. Lee, of Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead. Educ. Rugby ; Private ; Balliol 1900-1 and 1904 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Union Soc. Author and journalist ; travelled in S. Africa, W. Indies, Ceylon, Egypt, U.S.A., New Zea- land, and Australia, 1903-6 ; lived in Melbourne, Victoria, 1906-9 ; member of Board of Management of the Lady North- cote Permanent Orchestra Trust Fund till 1910 ; member of Fabian Soc. Publications : contributions to Bulletin (Sydney) and World (London). Address : c/o Lee, Spooner & Co., Sugar Planters and Brokers, 9 Fenchurch Avenue, London, E.C. *Lee, Robert Warden : 6. Dec. 14, 1868 ; s. of Rev. Canon M. H. Lee, Vicar of Hanmer. Educ. Rossall (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1887- 91 (F. de P., E.A.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1889 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1891 ; M.A. 1894; B.C.L. 1898. Arnold Soc. (ist Pres.). Ceylon Civil Service 1 891-4 ; Bar- rister, G.I., 1896 ; Fellow 1903-, Vice- Provost, Tutor, and Lecturer in Jur., Worcester Coll. ; Prof, of - Roman-Dutch Law, University Coll., London, 1906- ; Advocate Supreme Court of S. Africa 191 1 ; Exam, in Jur. 1907-9, B.C.L. 1911 -12 ; Lecturer at Oriel Coll. ; Examiner for Council of Legal Education. Publications : Law of Contract (in Digest of English Law), 1906-7 ; Commercial Laws of the World (vol. 15), S. Africa, 19 12; articles on Roman-Dutch Law in Journal of Comparative Legislation, South African Law Journal, &c. Club : Athenaeum. Addresses : s Worcester College, Oxford ; 5 Pump Court, Temple, London, E.C. Lee, Sir Sidney : b. Dec. 5, 1859 ; s. of Lazarus Lee, of London. . Educ. City of London School; Balliol 1878-82 ; Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1882 ; Hon. D.Litt. 1907. Assist. Editor 1883-90, joint ditto 1890-1, Editor 1891-, Dictionary of Na- tional Biography ; Hon. Litt.D., Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1900 ; Clark Lecturer in English Lit., Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1901-2 ; Lecturer at Lowell Institute, Boston, U.S.A., 1903 ; Chairman of Executive of Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust 1903- ; Registrar of Royal Literary Fund, and Hon. LL.D., Glasgow, 1907 ; Lecturer for Common Univ. Fund, Oxford, 1909 ; member of Royal Commis- sion Public Records 1910-; F.B.A. ; Corresponding Member of Massa- chusetts Historical Soc. ; Knight 191 1 ; Prof, of English Language and Literature at East London College, 19 1 3-. Publications : Lord Berners's Translation of Huon of Bordeaux, 1883-5 ; Stratford-on- Avon, 1885, new ed., 1906 ; Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Autobio- graphy, 1886, new ed. 1906 ; A Life of William Shakespeare, 1898, illus. ed. 1899, popular ed. 1900, 1907 ; A Life of Queen Victoria, 1902, new ed. 1904 ; Shakespeare's First Folio Facsimile with Intro- duction, &c., 1902 ; Elizabethan Sonnets, and Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century, 1904 ; Shake- speare's Poems and Pericles, 1905 ; Shakespeare and the Modern Stage, 1906 ; ' America and Elizabethan England' {Scribner's Magazine), 1907 ; The French Renaissance in England, 1910 ; Principles of Biography (Leslie Stephen lecture) 1911 ; ' Memoir of Edward VII ' {Diet, of National Biog.), 1912 ; The Place of English Literature in the Modern University, 1913. Clubs : Athenaeum, Reform. Ad- dress : io8a Lexham Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Lee, William Herbert : b. Sept. 6, 1880 ; s. of John Lee, of EUesmere, Salop. Educ. Wolverhampton Gr. School (Warner Sch.) ; Balliol 1899-1903 (J.C, H.B.H.); Wil- 195 o 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER liams Ex. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A,, 1903. Qualified for medical profession 1906 ; travelled as ship's surgeon, visiting Canada, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, and S. Africa ; practising in Hereford- shire. Address : Trimpley House, Ellesmerc, Salop. Leeper, Alexander Wigram Allen : b. Jan. 4, 1887 ; s. of Alexander Leeper, LL.D., Warden of Trinity Coll., Melbourne. Educ. Ch. of Eng. Gr. School, and Trinity Coll., Melbourne ; Balliol 1908-12 (J.A.S., A.L.S., H.M.W.) ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 191 1. Addresses : Trinity College, Melbourne, Aus- tralia ; 4 Palace St., Westminster, London, S.W. ; Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, London, W.C. Lefroy, Langlois Massy : b. Oct. 26, 1885 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. A. H. Lefroy, D.L., J. P., of Carrigglas Manor, Longford, Ireland. Educ. Trent Coll. ; Balliol 1905-8 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1908. Dervorguilla Soc. Engaged in Land Agency work. Address : Gill Moss, Croxteth, Liverpool. •Legard, Albert George : b. May 31, 1845 ; s. of George Legard, of Scarborough ; m. Jan. 1875, Mildreda, d. of M. R. Bigge, of Stamford. Educ. Durham School (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1864-8 (E.C.W.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1866 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1880 ; won two-mile race, Coll. Sports, 1868. Appointed H.M. Inspector of Schools 1871 ; in charge of Leeds district 1872-96; Chief Inspector for Wales 1896 ; Inspector of Training Colleges up to retirement in 1907 ; sometime member of West Riding of Yorks Technical Instruction Committee, Welsh University Court, South Wales University Coll. Council, and governor of various schools ; co-opted as member of Somerset Local Education Authority 1908-. Recreation : Walking, riding. Address: Brow Hill, Batheaston, Bath. ♦Le Geyt, Rev. Charles Arthur : b. 1852 ; s. of C. W. Le Geyt, of Jersey. Educ. Magdalen Coll. School ; St. John's Coll. 1871 ; New-Inn-Hall 1873-6 ; B.A. (New- Inn-Hall) 1876; M.A. (Balliol) 1 9 10. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1876, p. 1878 ; Chapl. of Rheola, and Curate of Cadoxton juxta Neath, 1876-9 ; Curate of St. Peter's, Bournemouth, 1880; All Saints', Ryde, 1880-2 ; Curate- in-Charge, Beer, Devon, 1882^4, South Huish 1896-1901 ; Priest- Vicar 1894-6, Hon. ditto 1910, Truro Cathedral ; Acting Chapl. to the Forces, Jersey, 1901-3 ; Chapl. to Lord St. Levan 1907-12. Address : The Gables, Weston- super-Mare. Legh, Rev. Henry Edmund : b. Feb. 16, 1840 ; s. of Rev. E. D. Legh, of St. Botolph's, London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1859-63 (J.R.) ; 4th Law and Hist., and B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1867. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1864, p. 1865 ; Curate of Christ Church, Tun- bridge Wells, 1864-5 ; Christ Church, Brighton, 1867-70; Lang- ton Green 1870 ; St. John's, Penge, 1 871-4 ; Vicar of Legh 1874-8 ; Chapl. Dover Union 1881 ; Org. Sec. of C.E.T.S. for Dio. of Win- chester 1882-7 ; Vicar of Steeple with Stansgate 1890-5 ; Rector of St. Nicholas with St. Runwald, Colchester, 1 895-1 902 ; Bishop's Caundle 1902-13. Address : Bis- hop's Caundle Rectory, Sherborne, Dorset. [Died Feb. 27, 1913-] Legros, Ren6 Pierre : b. March 31, 1890 ; s. of Pierre Legros, of Rennes, Brittany. Educ. Edin- burgh Univ. ; Balliol 1913- (F.F.U.). Address: 3 Boulevard de la Duchesse, Rennes, Brittany, France. Leigh-Smith, Philip : 6. June 2, 1892 ; s. of B. Leigh-Smith, of Scalands, Robertsbridge. Educ, Eton; Balliol 1911- (F.F.U.). Union Soc. Address : Brown's, Robertsbridge, Sussex. ♦Leighton, Robert Leighton : for- merly Figgins ; b. Dec. 7, i847 J 196 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER s. of Rev. J. L. Leighton (fonnerly Figgins), of Manchester ; m. 1876, Mary Elizabeth Anne, d. of T. G. Wright, M.D., of Wakefield. Issue : five sons, two daughters. Edtic. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 1867-73 (B.J., T.H.G.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1869 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1875. Union Soc. Assist. Mas- ter Cheltenham Coll. 1873-5 .' Head Master Wakefield Gr. School 1875-83 ; ditto Bristol Gr. School 1883-1906 ; incorporated M.A., Downing Coll., Cambridge, 1906. Publication : The Boy and His School, 1905. Address : The Porch, Newnham Croft, Cambridge. Leiper, Robert Jeffrey : b. April 21, 1876 ; s. of Rev. John Leiper, of Drumboy, Lanarkshire. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1897-1901 (H. Williamson, F. de P., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1889 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1901 ; B.A. 1902. Address : Quarter, Largs, Ayrshire. Leith-Ross, Frederick William : b. Feb. 4, 1887 ; s. of F. W. Leith- Ross, of Amage, Aberdeenshire. Educ. Merchant Taylors' School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Warner and Jenkyns Exs., and Hon. Sch. ; mentioned for Hertford Sch. 1906 ; ist CI. Mods. 1907 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Clerk in Treasury 1909 ; Private Sec. to Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. H.H. Asquith) 1911-13. Addresses: The Treasury, Whitehall, London, S.W. ; II Beaufort House, Beau- fort Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. Le Marchant, Francis Charles : b. 1844 ; s. of Sir Denis Le Marchant, ist Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1862-6 ; ist CI. Mods. 1864 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1866; B.A. 1867; Member of Council of India 1896- 1906. Address : 2 West Eaton Place, London, S.W. Lembcke, Richard Edward : b. July 12, 1878 ; s. of Edward Lembcke, of London. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1897-9 (A.L.S., W.H.F.). Address : Peruvian Le- gation, 104 Victoria St., London, S.W. Le Mesurier, Havilland : b. June 22, 1866 ; s. of E. A. Le Mesurier, of Genoa ; tn. March 8, 1893, May Stuart, d. of J. A. Hopkins, I.C.S. Issue : three sons. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1884-6 (W.M.). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. I.C.S., 1886; Assist. Commissioner, Assist. Sec. and Personal Assist, to Chief Com- missioner, Assam ; Assist. Magis- trate and Collector, Bengal, 1892 ; joint Magistrate and Deputy Col- lector 1893 ; Magistrate and Col- lector 1897 ; CLE. 1903 ; trans- ferred to E. Bengal and Assam, Commissioner of Dacca Division, 1906 ; Chief Sec. to Government I907> 9> and (Bihar and Orissa) 1912 ; Inspector-General of Police 1908 ; 2nd member Board of Revenue ; C.S.I. 1910 ; member of Executive Council 1914. Ad- dress : Ranchi, Bihar and Orissa, India. Le Patourel, Rev. Wallace Macken- zie : b. Feb. 19, 1865 ; s. of Mes- surier Le Patourel, of Guernsey; tn. 1904, Eva Beatrix, d. of Rev. T. Bacon, Rector of Wiggenholt. Educ. Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey ; Balliol 1886-90 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; 4th Lit Hum., and B. A., 1890; M.A. 1895. Annandale Soc. ; Univ. Chess Club (Pres. 1890). Ordained d. 1891, p. 1892 ; Curate and Precentor of Holy Trinity, Upper Chelsea, 1891-1907 ; Vicar of St. Dunstan's, East Acton, 1907- ; formerly member of Chelsea and Brentford (1910-13) Boards of Guardians. Recreations : Chess, golf. Address : St. Dvmstan's Vicarage, East Acton, London, W. Leslie, Norman : b. July 5, 1886 ; 5. of A. S. Leslie, of Brisbane. Educ. Brisbane Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-8 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908. Union, Arnold, and Jowett (Pres.) Socs. Tennis, Rugby, Hockey, and Swimming teams ; CI. Master, Elstow, 1908- 9 ; with Asiatic Petroleum Co., China, 1909-. Address : c/o The 197 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ltd., Shanghai, China. Leslie Melville, Hon. Ian : b. Aug. 14, 1894; 5. of nth Earl of Leven and Melville. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1912- (A.D.L., N.S.T.). Winner of Balliol and Worces- ter Coll. Grinds. Union, Arnold, Brakenbury, and Annandale Socs. Address : Kirtlington Park, Ox- ford. Le Sueur, Arthur : b. 1858 ; s. of Rev. J. Le Sueur, Rector of St. Brelade's, Jersey ; w. June 1887, Lorania Carrington (d. 1899), d. of Col. W. E. Hoy, of U.S.A. Issue : two sons. Educ. Victoria Coll., Jersey; Balliol 1877-80 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D., F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1881. Union Soc. Army Coach (retired). Recreation : Gardening. Club : Victoria (Jersey). Address : 3 Westbourne Terrace, St. Saviour's, Jersey. Lethbridge, Charles : b. 1836 ; s. of T. P. Lethbridge, of Brompton Ralph, Som. ; m. 1865, Susan, d. of G. J. YarlDiurgh, of Haslington Hall, Yorks. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1854-6. High Sheriff of Hants 1895 ; J. P. Som. and Hants, Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Carlton. Address : Heytesbury, Wilts. Leven and Melville, 12th Earl of, John David Leslie Melville : for- merly Lord Balgonie ; b. April 5, 1886; s. of nth Earl. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1904-8 (E.H., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1908 ; Univ. Polo team (Capt.) ; Drag Hounds (Whip) ; winner of eight * Grinds ', including Balliol (twice). Annandale Soc. Repre- sentative Peer for Scotland ; Partner in Frederick Huth and Co. ; 2nd Lieut. Lovat's Scouts. Clubs: Carlton, Bachelors'. Ad- dresses : Kirtlington Park, Oxon. ; Glenferness, Dunphail, Scotland. [Died June 12, 1913.] Leveson-Gower, Lord Allstair St. Clair Sutherland : b. Jan. 24, 1890 ; s. of 4th Duke of Suther- land. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1908- 9 (A.L.S. ). Annandale Soc. 2nd Lieut. Royal Horse Guards 1910. Club : Bachelors'. Address : Staf- ford House, St. James's, London, S.W. Leveson-Gower, George Granville : b. May 19, 1858 ; s. of Hon. E. F. Leveson-Gower, of London ; nt. 1898, Hon. Cicely, d. of 8th Baron Monson. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1876-80 (E.A., B.J., J.L.S.D., F. de P., A.C.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1878 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1880. Private Sec. to Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone) 1880-5 ; Spanish Mis- sion 1881 ; M.P. (L.) N.W. Staffs. 1885-6, Stoke-on-Trent 1890-5 ; contested E. Marylebone 1889 ; Jun. Lord of Treasury 1885-6 ; Comptroller of H.M.'s Household, and 2nd Church Estates Commis- sioner, 1892-5 ; member of Lon- don Sehool Board 1897-9 ; Euro- pean Editor of North American Review in England 1 899-1908 ; Commissioner of Woods and Forests 1908-. Publications : Poems, igo2 ; co-editor of Memoirs of Captain George Elers, 1903. Clubs : Brooks's, Marylebone, Athenaeum. Address : 12 Nor- folk Crescent, London, W. *Leveson-Gower, Granville Charles Gresham : b. 1865 ; s. of G. W. G. Leveson-Gower, of Titsey Place, Limpsfield ; m. 1894, Evelyn, d. of H. A. Brassey. Issue : four sons. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1885-8 (W.H.F., A.L.S., R.L.); B.A. 1889; M.A. 1894. Late Lieut. Hampshire Carabineers Y.C.; Lord of Manors of Titsey, Limpsfield, and Tatsfield ; J. P. Recreations : Hunting, shooting, cricket, golf. Club : Travellers'. Address : Tit- sey Place, Limpsfield. Levinge, Edward Vere : b. May 24, 1867 ; s. of H. E. Levinge, J. P., of Knockdrin Castle, MuUingar ; m. Dec. 1900, Alys Ad^le, d. of Major-Gen. Thomas. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1885-8 (W.M.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1888 ;« Cricket XL 198 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER LC.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1888 ; Under Sec. Judicial, &c.. Departments 1893 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Col- lector 1896 ; Magistrate and Collec- tor 1898 ; temporary Additional Commissioner 1908. Officiating Chief Sec. to Government 1910 ; Commissioner, and C.S.I., 1911; member of Board of Revenue, Bihar, and of Executive Council, 1 91 2. Address : c/o National Bank of India, 26 Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Levis, Harry Edward : b. Sept. 22, 1877 ; s. of Julius Levis, of Lon- don. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1896-9 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898. Lewis, Charles William Mansel : b. Dec. 2, 1845 ; s. of David Lewis, D.L., J.P., of Stradey ; w. 1875, Edith Clara, d. of Sir Philip Miles, of Leigh Court, Bristol. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1864-8 (J.R., E.C.W., W.L.N.) ; B.A. 1869 ; Coll. Racquets. Studied painting for two years with W. Riviere ; occasional exhibitor at Royal Academy, &c. ; High Sheriff of Carmarthenshire i88i ; Fellow of Royal Soc. of Painter-Etchers ; engaged in farming, &c., of own estate ; D.L. ; J. P. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, and most games. Club : United University. Address : Stradey Castle, Llanelly, South Wales. *Lewis, Rev. Daniel Rowland : b. iune 14, 1855 ; s. of Rev. David ewis, of Castle Bank, Conway. £iMC. Shrewsbury ; Balliol 1876- 9 (A.G., R.L.N., R.G.T., F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1906 ; Assoc, and Cricket XI's ; member of Coll. Athletic Committee. Union and Braken- bury (original member) Socs. Assist. Master, Christ's Coll., Brecon, 1879 ; ordained d. 1882, p. 1885 ; Curate of Llanrwst 1882 ; Vicar of Caerdeon with Bontddu 1885-96 ; Dio. Inspector of Schools 1892-9 ; Rector of Llanenddwyn v^nth Llanddwywau, Riiral Dean of Ardudwy, and Proctor in Convocation, 1906. Recreation : G )lf . Address : Llanenddwyn Rectory, DyfiEryn, Merionethshire. Lewis, Rev. George : b. 1848 ; s. of George Lewis, vet3rinary sur- geon, of Monmouth ; w. (i) 1873, Ada (d.), d. of Thomas Mattinson, of Oldham. Issue : one daugh- ter ; (2) 1 910, Constance, d. of W. O. Gridley, of London. Edtic. Monmouth Gr. School ; Balliol 1881-4 (R.L.N., W.H.F., E.A., F. de P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; ist Theol., and B.A., 1884 ; M.A. 1888. B.A. 1869, M.A. (Ment. and Mor. Sci.) 1879, London ; ordained d. 18^2, p. 1873 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Oldham, 1872-4 ; St. Matthew's,Manchester,i874-7 ; St. Mary's, Hulme, 1877-81 ; St. Paul's, Oxford, 188 1-8 ; Vicar of Dodderhill 1 888-1 901 ; Rjctor of Icomb 1901-11 ; Rudford 191 1-. Publications : A Life of Joseph Hall, D.D., Bishop of Exeter and Norwich, 1886 ; An Oxford Parish Priest (Memoir of Rev. W. B. Duggan) ; translator St. Basil De Spiritu Sancto, with Introduction and Notes, 1888 ; 5^. Bernard on Consideration, 1908 ; Origen's Philocalia, 1911 ; joint translator Letters and Select Works of St. Jerome, 1893. Recrea- tions : Cycling and riding. Ad- dress : Rudford Rectory, Glouces- ter. Lewis, Sir George James Graliam, 2nd Bart. : b. Sept. 12, 1868 ; s. of Sir George Lewis, ist Bart. ; m. March 26, 1896, Marie, d. of Emil Hirsch, of Mannheim. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1887-9 (W.R.H., A.V.D., W.H.F.). Soli- citor 1894 ; head of firm of Lewis & Lewis. Clubs : Bath, Eighty. Addresses : 21 Montagu Square, London, W. ; Dyke House, Sheringham, Norfolk ; Ely Place, London, E.C. ♦Lewis, Hon. Sir NeU EUiott : b. Oct. 27, 1858 ; s. of Neil Lewis, of Hobart ; m. 1896, Lina Hen- 199 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER rietta, d. of Charles Youl, J. P., of Oakdene, Tasmania. Issue : two sons. Educ. High School, Hobart Balliol 1878-81 (R.L.N., A.L.S.) 3rd Mod. Hist. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 M.A., and B.C.L.. 1885 ; Torpid Eight. Barrister, LT., 1882 Barrister and Solicitor of Supreme Court of Tasmania 1885 ; prac- tising in Hobart ; member of House of Assembly, Tasmania, 1885-1903 and 1909- ; Attorney- General 1892-4 ; Leader of Op- position 1894-7 ; Premier and Attorney-General 1 899-1 903 ; Pre- mier and Treasurer 1909-12 ; one of Tasmanian representatives at Convention for framing of Com- monwealth Constitution 1897-8 member of first Federal Executive Council, and C.M.G., 1901 ; took active part in foundation, Vice- ChanceUor 1903-9, and member of Council, Univ. of Tasmania ; Lieut. 1886, Capt. 1897, Un- attached List 1902, retired 1910, Southern Tasmanian Artillery ; Pres. of Southern Law Soc. of Tasmania; K.C.M.G., and al- lowed to retain title of Honourable for life, 1902. Club : Tasmanian (Hobart). Address : Wemdee, Augusta Road, Hobart, Tas- mania. Lewis, Nigel Somers : b. Sept. 12, 1876 ; s. of Col. S. R. Lewis, C.B. Educ. Temple Grove, East Sheen ; Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1895-9 (W.H.F., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1899 ; B.A. 1900 ; Univ. Shooting Eight 1896, 7, 8, and 9 (Capt.). Braken- bury Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1900. Address : 3 Vicarage Gate, Ken- sington, London, W. Lewis, Percy Tyson : b. Oct. 2, 1884 ; s. of Prof. C. E. Lewis, of the S. African Coll., Cape Town. Educ. S. African Coll., Cape Town ; Balliol 1904-7 (A.L.S. , H.W.C.D., E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Jur. 1906 ; B.A. 1907. Barrister, M.T., 1907 ; played for S. African Cricket XI v. England in first test game 1913. Address : c/o Prof. C. E. Lewis, Manor Owen, Park Road Gardens, Cape Town, S. Africa. ♦Leycester-Penrhyn, Arthur Leyces- ter, formerly Penrhyn : b. March 10, 1866 ; s. of E. H. Leycester- Penrhyn, of East Sheen ; Educ. Eton; Balliol 1885-9 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1887; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Brakenbury and Annandale Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1892 ; S.E. Circuit and Surrey Sessions 1 892-1 903 ; mainly occupied with Local Government work of various kinds since 1903 ; member of County Council 1903-, Education Committee 1909-, and J. P., Surrey ; member of Barnes Dis- trict Council and of various Boards of School Managers ; held Com- mission in Volunteer and Terri- torial Battalion 1900-9. Recrea- tions : Golf, shooting, fishing. Club '. New University. Address : The Cedars, East Sheen, London, S.W. ♦Leycester-Penrhyn, Edward Hugh : formerly Penrhyn ; b. Jun > 7, 1827 ; s. of Edward Penrhyn, formerly Leycester ; m. April 21, 1853, Vere, d. of Robert Gosling. Issue : two sons, six daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1846-50 (B.J.) ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1852 ; Eight ; Cricket XI. Capt. and Major ist Royal Surrey Militia (Crimean War, Indian Mutiny, &c.) ; Chairman of first County Council and of Quarter Sessions for 33 years, D.L., and J. P., Surrey ; J. P. Han:s. Club : St. Stephen's. Address : East Sheen, London, S.W. Liddell, Adolphus George Charles : b. June 29, 1846 ; s. of Hon. Sir A. F. O. Liddell, K.C.B. Educ, Eton'; Balliol 1865-9 (J.R., E.P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1869; B.A. 1870; M.A. 1873 ; Morrison Fours 1865 ; Coll. High Jump 1868. Barrister, I.T., 1872 ; Durham and North- umberland Sessions ; N.E. Cir- cuit ; I Sec. to Royal Commissions on Municipal Corporations, Re- formatory and Industrial Schools, 200 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and Trawling ; Revising Barris- ter for S. Div, of West Riding of Yorks. 1884-6 ; Counsel to Mint on Durham and Northumber- land Sessions ; Exam, of the Court ; Jun. ditto in Common Law ; Chief Clerk, Crown Ofl&ce in Chancery, 1886 ; Ecclesiastical Sec. 1891, Private Sec. 1909-, to Lord Chancellor ; C.B. 1908. Publication : Notes from the Life of an Ordinary Mortal, 191 1. Clubs : Travellers', Wellingto.i, Burlington Fine Arts. Address : 6 Seville St., Lowndes Square, London, S.VV. Liddell, John Aidan : b. Aug. 3, 1888 ; s. of John Liddell, of Sher- field Manor, Basingstoke. Educ. Stonyhurst Coll., Balliol 1908-12 (H.B.H.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Zool.) 191 2. Address : Sherfield Manor, Basingstoke, Hants. Lidderdale, Alan Wadsworth : b. Nov. 15, 1885 ; s. of Rt. Hon. William Lidderdale, of London. Educ : Winchester ; Balliol 1904- 8 (C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908 ; Cricket XL Club : New University. Address : 113 Ashley Gardens, Victoria Street, London, S.W. *Lilley, Henry Thomas : b. 1859 ; s. of John LUley, of Dover. Educ. St. Olave's, Southwark ; Balliol 1877-80 ; Ex. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1879 ; 3rd Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1884. Sci. Master, Portsmouth Gr. School. Address : 7 Canterbury Road, Brixton, Lon- don, S.W. ♦Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop : b. May 14, 1879 ; 5- of Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., Principal of United Free ;Chiu:ch Coll., Glasgow; tn. Dec. 1907, Erica Violet, d. of Francis Storr. Issue : two children. Educ. Glasgow Academy and Univ. ; University Coll. (Sch.) 1898-1902 ; ist CI. Mods. 1900 ; 1st Lit Hum., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1905. Union Soc. (Sec. and Treas. 1901, Pres. 1902). Clark Philosophical Fellow, Univ. of Glasgow, 1902-4 ; Shaw ditto, Univ. of Edinburgh, I 1904-9 ; Assist, to Prof, of Philo- sophy, Univ. of Manchester, 1904- 6 ; Fellow and CI. Tutor 1906-, Jowett Lecturer in Philosophy 1910-, Balliol. Publications : Translation of The Republic of Plato, 1907 ; The Philosophy of Bergson, 191 1 ; The Philosophy of Kant, and contributor to Property ; Its Duties, and Rights — Histori- cally, Philosophically and Re- ligiously Regarded, 191 3. Recrea- tions : Fishing, golf. Addresses : Balliol College, and 2 Fy field Road, Oxford. Lindsay, Thomas : 6. Sept. 17, 1888 ; s. of Rev. T. M. Lindsay, D.D., Principal of United Free Church Coll., Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Academy ; Balliol 1907- 12 (H.B.H.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A. 1 9 10. Address : Insurance Com- mission, London, S.W. ♦Lindsay, Wallace Martin : 6. 1858 ; s. of Rev. A. Lindsay, of Pitten- weem, Fifeshire. Educ. Edinbm-gh Academy ; Glasgow and Leipzig Univs. ; Balliol 1877-80 (W.H.F., F. de P., R.G.T.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1878 ; ist Lit. Hum., andB.A.,i88i ; Craven Sch. 1883; Fellow of Jesus Coll. 1880-99 ; Sen. Proctor 1899 ; CI. Moderator 1 89 1, 2 ; Latin Lecturer to Graduate Students, Harvard Univ., 1898 ; Sandars Reader in Palaeo- graphy, Cambridge, 1910 ; Prof, of Humanity, St. Andrews Univ., 1899- ; M.A. and LL.D., Glasgow ; Hon. Ph.D., Heidelberg ; Hon. Litt.D., Dublin ; F.B.A. ; corre- sponding member of the Institute of France. Publications : Plau- tus's Captivi, school ed., 1887, large ed. 1900 ; The Latin Language, 1894, German transla- tion 1895 ; Short Historical Latin Grammar, 1895 ; The Palatine Text of Plautus, 1896 ; Introduc- tion to Latin Textual Emendation 1897, French translation 1898 ; Handbook' of Latin'^, Inscriptions {Boston, U.S.A.), 1897; The Codex Turnebi of Plautus, 1898 ; Nonius Mar cellus' Dictiofiary, 1901; 201 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER edition of Nonius Marcellus (Teub- ner Series), 1902 ; edition of Martial (Oxford Classical Series), and The Ancient Editions of Martial, 1903 ; edition of Plautus (Oxford Classical Series) 1904-5 ; I he Ancient Editions of Plautus, 1904 ; Report on Plautine Study in Bursian's Jahresbericht, 1906, 1914 ; Syntax of Plautus, 1907 ; Contractions in Early Latin Min- uscule MSS., 1908 ; Early Irish Minuscule Script, 1910 ; edition of Isidore's Etymologiae (Oxford Classical Series) 191 1 ; Early Welsh Script, and edition of Festus (Teubner Series), 1912 ; contributions to Encyclopaedia Britannica, and various English and foreign journals and magazines. Recreation : Golf. Club : Royal and Ancient St. Andrews. Address : The University, St. Andrews. *Llndsell, Henry Martin : b. May 7, 1846; s. of Lieut. -Col. Lindsell, 28th Regt. Educ. Harrow (Head of School, and Lyon Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1865-6 (J.R.) ; Trinity Coll. (Sch.) 1866-71 ; ist CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1869 ; B.A. 1870; M.A. 1872. Barrister, I.T., 1872 ; Examiner 1876, Advising Coimsel 1891, Education Depart- ment ; Principal Assist. Sec, Board of Education, 1903 : C.B. 1904 ; J. P., Beds. Clubs : United University, Wellington. Addresses: 67 Albert Hall Mansions, London, S.W. ; Shortmead, Biggleswade, Beds. Linsley, William Hessel : b. 1861 ; s. of J. R. Linsley, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. Sydney Gr. School, N.S.W. ; Balliol 1881-5 (D.G.R.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1885; B.A. 1886; M.A. 1891. Barrister, I.T., 1887. Address : Ermington Park, Ermington, New South Wales. Lister, Hon. Cliarles Alfred : &. Oct. 26, 1887 ; s. of 4th Lord Ribbles- dale. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1906-9 (F. de P., A.L.S., J.A.S.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Lit. Hum. 1909. Diplo- matic Service. Address: Gisbume Park, Clitheroe, Yorks. Lister-Kay, Ellis Cunlifle Lister : formerly Kay; b. Dec, 18, 1847; s. of J. C. Kay, of Godmersham Park ; m. 1869, Annie Clementina, d. of W. C. D. Esdaile, of Buriey Manor, Hants. Educ. Radley ; Wellington ; Balliol 1866-7 (B.J.). Union Soc. Club. Constitutional. Addresses : Godmersham Park, Canterbury ; Farfield Hall, Ad- dingham, Yorks. ♦Little, Andrew George : b. 1863 ; s. of Rev. Thomas Little, Rector of Princes Risborough ; m. 1893, Alice Jane, d. of William Hart, of Fingrith Hall, Blackmore. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1882-6 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1886 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1889 ; Union and Brakenbury Socs. Studied at Gottingen, 1887; Lec- turer, afterwards Prof., in Hist., University Coll., Cardifif, 1892- 1901 ; Lecturer in Palaeography, Univ. of Manchester, 1904- ; Exam, in Hist., Oxford, 1904-6, and Univ. of Wales 1907-8 ; Chair- man of British Soc. of Franciscan Studies ; member of Council of Canterbury and York Soc. 1910-, and of Royal Hist. Soc. 1912- ; Chairman of Publications Com- mittee of Hist. Assoc. 1911-13 ; Ford Lecturer in English Hist., 1 914-15. Publications : The Grey Friars in Oxford, 1892 ; Mediaeval Wales, 1902 ; Description du MS. Canonici Misc. 525 {Opuscules de Critique historique), 1903 ; Initia Operum Latinorum quae saec. XIII, XIV, XV atiribuuntur, 1904 ; Tractatus Fr. Thomae de Eccleston {Collection d'dtudes et de documents, Tome VII, 1904 ; Liber Exem- plorum, 1908, Tractatus lo. Pc' chant, 1909, and Bibliography of Roger Bacon, 191 1), Part of the Opus Tertium of Roger Bacon, 1912, Collectanea Franciscana, 1914 (British Soc. of Franciscan Studies), contributions to English Historical Review, Victoria County Histories, &c. Address : Ris- borough, Sevenoaks. Little, Rev. George Caruthers : b. June 30, 1858 ; s. of J. C. Little, 202 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Boston, Lines. Educ. Blun- dell's; Balliol 1878-8. (W.H.F., J.W.R.) ; Newte Ex. ; 3rd Math. Mod. 1879 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1884, Union Soc. Ordained d. 1883, p. 1884 ; Curate of Pershore 1883 ; Private Sec. and Chapl. to Dr. Moorhouse, Bishop of Manches- ter, 1886-92 ; Rector of Christ Church, Heaton Norris, 1892- 1911 ; Commissary to Bishop of Bunbury, W. Australia, 1 904-11 ; Surrogate in Diocese of Manches- ter 1888-1911. Address : Christ Chiurch Rectory, Heaton Norris, Stockport. [Died Nov. 7, 191 1.] *LittlehaiIes, Richard : b. Feb. 14, 1878 ; s. of John Littlehailes, of Sunderland ; m. May 18, 1904, Roberta May, d. of John Ruther- ford, of Roker, Sunderland. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. N.E. Coimties School, Barnard Castle ; Bede School, Simderland ; Balliol 1898-1902 (J.W.R., C.E.H., J.C, D.H.N., W.H.F.) ; Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mod. 1900 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1906 ; Assoc. XI (Coll. Cup). Arnold Soc. Studied in Germany 1 900-1 ; Demonstrator in Physics, Clarendon Lab., 1902-3 ; Indian Educational Service 1903 ; Prof, of Math. 1903, 1908, 1913-, ditto Physics 1907, Presidency Coll., Madras ; Fellow of Madras Univ. 1904 and in 191 1 ; Warden of Victoria Students' Hostel 1904-7 ; Meteorologist, and Deputy Direc- tor, Madras Observatory, 1905, 1907-8, and 1913-; Inspector of Eiuropean and Training Schools, Madras, 1910 ; member of Univ. Commission for inspection of col- leges af&liated to Univ. of Madras, 19 10. Recreation : Golf. Clubs : Madras, Ootacamund. Address : The Observatory, Nungumbau- kum, Madras, India. *Lloyd, Edward Owen Vaughan : b. Aug. 20, 1857 ; s. of Edward Lloyd, 2nd s. of Edward Lloyd, of Rhagatt, Conven ; w. Sidney Christian, d. of C. L. Rose, of Fumham House, Chard. Educ. Private ; Eton ; Non-Coil. 1877 ; New-Inn-Hall 1877; B.A. 1886; Balliol, and M.A., 1887. Union Soc. Formerly High Sheriff for Denbighshire and Merionethshire ; Queen Victoria Jubilee medal 1897 ; J. P. Merioneth and Den- bigh ; D.L.Merioneth. Addresses: Rhagatt, Corwen, and Berth Ruthin, N. Wales. *Lloyd-Goring, Lewis Harry : for- merly Goring-Lloyd : b. Nov. 13, 1873 ; s. of Capt. Digby Lloyd. Educ. Beaumont's, Brighton ; Bal- liol 1893-7 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; Aeg. Mod. Hist. 1897 ; B.A. and M.A. 1905. R. Anglesey R.E. (Mil.) 1898-1907; Sub-Inspector Basuto- land Mounted Police 1901-6. Ad- dress : 26 Clareville Grove, Lon- don, S.W. Lobel, Edgar : b. Dec. 24, 1888 ; s. of Arthur Lobel, of Manchester. Educ. Manchester Gr. School(Sch.); Balliol 1907-11 (C.B., A.W.P.C, J.A.S., A.D.L.) ; CI. Sch. ; Dist. in Craven and Hertford Schs. 1908 ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1909 ; ist Lit. Hum., mentioned in Craven Sch. and in Exam, for Jenk>Tis Ex., 1910 ; Gaisford Greek Verse Prize, Derby Sch., and B.A., 191 1 ; Craven Fellow 1912. Arnold and Jowett Socs. Assist, to Prof, of Humanity at Edinburgh Univ. 1911-12. Re- creations : Tennis, golf, walking. Address : Balliol College, Oxford. Loch, Charles Stewart : b. Sept. 4, 1849 ; s. of George Loch, Judge of the High Comt, Calcutta ; m. May 20, 1876, Sophia Emma, d. of Edward Peters, I.C.S. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Glen- almond; Private; Balliol 1869-71, 73, 75 (E.P., T.H.G.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1870 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1873 ; B.A. 1875 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1906. Union Soc. Clerk, Royal Coll. of Surgeons, London, 1873-5 ; Sec. to CouncU of Charity Organiza- tion Soc. 1875- ; received medals for exhibits at Paris, 1889 and 1900, Columbian, 1893, and Milan, 1906, Exhibitions ; Guy Silver Medallist, Royal Statistical Soc, and Decoration of Minister of 203 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Public Instruction, France, 1899 ; Dunkin Trust Lecturer, Manches- ter Coll., Oxford, 1898 and 1902 ; Tooke Prof, of Economic Science and Statistioe, King's Coll., Lon- don, 1904-8 ; member of Royal Commissions on the Aged Poor (re- ported 1895), the Care and Con- trol of the Feeble-Minded (reported 1908), and the Poor Law (reported 19^9) ; gave evidence before Select Committees of House of Lords on Poor Law Relief, 1888, and Metropolitan Hospitals, 1890, and House of Commons, on Emi- gration and Immigration, 1889, The Aged Deserving Poor, 1899 ; Mansion House Conference on Dis- tress in London, 1893; Depart- mental Committees on Habitual Offenders, Beggars, Inebriates, and Juvenile Delinquents, Scotland, 1895, Vagrancy, 1906, &c. ; jointly reported on Elberfeld System and German Working-men's Colonies to Local Government Board, 1888 ; LL.D., St. Andrews, 1905 ; Vice- Pres. of Institut International de Sociologie 1909 ; member of International Statistical Institute (and Vice-Pres.), Committee of In- ternational Congress on Assistance Publique et privee, and of the Societe Internationale de Science Sociale. Publications : The Or- ganization of Charity, 1890 ; Old Age Pensions and Pauperism, 1892 ; Charity and Social Life, 1910 ; many articles and papers in Aspects of the Social Problem, 1895, Methods of Social Advance, 1904, Nineteenth Century, Economic Journal, Mac- millan's Magazine, Journal of Royal Statistical Soc, Charity Organization Review, Encyclopae- dia Britannica, &c. Recreations : Sketching, gardening, golf. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Athenaeum, Political Economy, Economic. Addresses : Drylaw Cottage, Little Bookham, Surrey ; Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W. Loch, Willie Walker : b. June 14, 1846; s. of George Loch, Judge of the High Court, Calcutta ; m. Aug. 12, i868, E. H. A., d. of C. A. Lush- ington, I.C.S. Issue : one son, five daughters. Educ. Glenalmond ; Balliol 1864-7 (J.R., E.P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1865 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A. 1867 ; Eight. Union Soc. I.C.S., Bombay, 1866 ; As- sist. Collector and Magistrate 1868 ; Jun. ditto 1888 ; Sen. ditto 1890 ; British Delegate for Portuguese- Indian Treaty ; Acting Sec. to Government, Revenue, &c., de- partments, 1894 ; member of Legislative Council 1895 ; Com- missioner of Customs 1 89 1, 1894, and up to retirement in 1896 ; Fellow of Bombay Univ. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Lock, Charles Snow : b. 1822 ; s. of Thomas Lock, of Pilton, Devon. Educ. Balliol 1840-6 ; Blundell Sch. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1844 ; M.A. 1851. *Lodge, Richard : b. June 20, 1855 ; s. of Oliver Lodge, of The Wat- lands, Wolstanton ; m. 1882, Annie Gwendoline, d. of Henry Morgan, of Norwich. Issue : three sons, four daughters. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1874-8 (E.A., J.F.B., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. and Brakenbury Sch. ; Stanhope Prize 1875 ; Lothian Prize 1876 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1877; B.A. 1878; M.A. 1881. Fellow 1878-94, Lec- turer 1878-83 ; Tutor 1883-94, Vice- Principal 1891, Hon. Fellow 1 911, Brasenose Coll; Exam, in Mod. Hist., Oxford, 1883, 4, 5, 6, 7, 96, 7, 8, 1906, 7, 8; Prof, of Hist., Glasgow Univ., 1894-9 ; ditto, 1 899-, and Dean of Faculty of Arts 191 1-, Edinburgh Univ. ; Hon. LL.D., Glasgow, 1905 ; Hon. Litt.D., Manchester, 1912. Publi- cations : A History of Modern Europe, 1885 ; Richelieu, 1896 ; The Close of the Middle Ages, 1901 ; English Political History, 1660- 1702,^ 1909. Club : University (Edin.). Addresses : 25 Hope Ter- race, and the University, Edin- burgh. Lodge, Wilfrid John : b. June 2, 1890 ; s. of Prof. Richard Lodge, 204 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Edinburgh. Educ. Oiindle ; Balliol 1910-13 (H.B.H.). Wil- liams Ex. ; Aegrotat Nat. Sci. 1913 ; B.A. 1914 ; Morrison Fours. Address: 25 Hope Terrace, Edinburgh. *Logie-Pirie, Francis : formerly Pirie ; b. Feb. 16, 1841 ; s. of Francis Pirie, of Waterton, Aber- deenshire ; w. (i) 1866, Thoma- sina, sister of Sir George Banner- man, Bart. ; (2) 1895, Margaret Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Liebenrood, R.N., of Prospect Hill Park, Berks., and widow of Capt. A. Jopp, Director-General of Stores, India Office. Educ. Rugby (Ex.) ; Bal- liol 1860-4 (B.P.) ; ist Math. Mods. 1862 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1863 ; M.A. 1872. Went into commer- cial life on leaving Oxford. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Tottingworth Park, Heathfield, S1ISS6X Lopes, George de Arroyave : b. Jan. 9, 1872 ; s. of G. L. Lopes, of Bradford - on - Avon ; tn. 1913, Maud, widow of Capt. Granville Forbes. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1890-3 (A.L.S., W.H.F.). Clubs : Carlton, St. James's. Address : 7 Egerton Place, London, S.V/. Lopes, Henry Ludlow : see Ludlow, Lord. Lopes, Sir Henry Yarde BuUer, 4th Bart. : b. March 24, 1859 ; s. of Sir Massey Lopes, 3rd Bart. ; m. 1 891, Lady Albertha Louisa, d. of 4th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1879-82 ; 3rd CI. Mods.1880 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1882. Barrister, I.T., 1888 ; con- tested Totnes Div. 1885, Torquay 1910 ; M.P. (C.) Grantham 1892- 1900 ; formerly Lieut, in Royal Wilts. Yeomanry Cavalry. Clubs : Carlton, Wellington. Address : Mariston, Roborough, S. Devon. Lord, Arthur Ritchie : b. Feb. 5, 1880 ; s. of Deputy Surgeon-Gen. R. G. Lord, I. M.S. ; m. April 2, 1907, Hilda Maud, d. of F. W. Waide. Issue : two sons. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1 898-1 902 (F. de P., E.A., H.W.C.D.); Blimdell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods, 1900 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1909 ; Green Moral Philosophy Prize 1911. Arnold Soc. Assist, to Prof, of Moral Philosophy, and Lecturer in Pol. Science and Philosophy, Aberdeen Univ., 1902-5 ; Prof, of Philosophy and History 1905-10, Prof, of Philosophy 1910-, Rhodes Uni- versity Coll., Grahamstown, S. Africa ; Assessor and Exam., Univ. of Cape of Good Hope, 1905-- Recreations : Golf, fishing. Addresses : Rhodes University College, and Dromore, West Hill, Grahamstown, South Africa. Lorebum, Rt. Hon. the Earl of, 1st Earl, Robert Threshie Reid : b. April 3, 1846 ; s. of Sir J. J. Reid, of Mouswald Place, Dumfries ; m. (i) 1871, Emily Douglas (d. 1904), d. of Capt. Fleming; (2) 1907, Violet Elizabeth, d. of W. F. Hicks Beach, of Witcombe Park, Glos. Educ. Cheltenham ; Mag- dalen (Demy) 1864 ; Balliol 1865 -8 (J.R., E.P.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods,, and Prox. Acces. Hertford Sch., 1866 ; ist Lit. Hum., Ireland Sch., and Prox. Acces. Craven Sch., 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1907 ; Univ. Cricket XI v. Cambridge 1886, 7, 8 ; Univ. Racquets v. Cambridge 1865, 7. Barrister, I.T., 1871 ; M.P. (L.) Hereford 1880-5, Dumfries 1886- 1905 ; Q-C. 1882 ; Solicitor- General 1894 ; Attorney-General 1894-5 ; Knight 1894 ; Univ. Counsel, Oxford, 1899 - 1906 ; G.C.M.G. 1899 ; Lord Chancellor 1905-12 ; Baron 1906 ; Trustee of 1904 Endowment and of Jowett Memorial Funds ; Hon, Fellow 1908, Visitor 1912-, Balliol ; Earl 191 1 ; decorated for services in connexion with Venezuelan Boim- dary Arbitration Commission ; re- instated the old chapel windows in Balliol Coll. Chapel as a memorial to his first wife, 191 2 ; Chairman of Royal Commission on Railways 1 91 3; J. P. Publication: Capture at Sea, 1913. Clubs : Brooks's, Athenaeum. Addresses : 8 Eaton 205 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Square, London, S.W. ; Kings- down, Dover. •Lovell, Rev. George Francis : b. 1844 ; 5. of F. G. Lovell, of Lon- don. Educ. Birmingham ; Balliol 1863-7 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1867 ; Sen. Greek Testament Prize 1869 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch., and M.A., 1870; B.D. 1876; Torpid; Eight. Ordained d. 1868, p. 1869 ; Curate of Kempston 1868-9 ; Vice-Prin. of St. Edmund Hall 1871-89 ; City Lecturer at St. Martin's, Oxford, 1872-95 ; Theol. Lecturer, Queen's 1882-9, Pembroke 1885-9, St. Edmund Hall 1 895-1 906, Non-Coil. Students 1S96-1906 ; Divinity ditto, Hert- ford, 1879-82; Pass Moderator; Exam. ; Master of the Schools ; Rector of Waterstock 1896-1906. Address : Hope Cottage, Staverton Road, Oxford. Lovett, Harrington Vemey : b. April 29, 1864 ; s. of Rev. Robert Lovett, of Dorset ; m. 1893, Clara Crofton, d. of Major C. J. Jamieson, Bengal Staff Corps. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Sherborne (Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-4 (A.T., W.RL). Union Soc. LC.S. Assist. Com- missioner, N.W. Provinces and Oudh. 1884 ; Joint Magistrate 1893 ; Deputy Commissioner Feb., Magistrate and Collector Dec, 1896 ; Kaisar-i-Hind gold medal 1901 ; Commissioner 1906- ; C.S.L 191 1. Club : East India United Service. Address : Lucknow, United Provinces, India. Low, James Alexander : 6. Jan. 26, 1884 ; s. of Alexander Low, Advo- cate, afterwards Lord Low ; m. April 4, 1910, Mary Dorothy, d. of J. N. Forsyth, of Quinish, Argyll. Educ. Eton; BalUol 1902-5 (H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1905. Passed Chartered Accountant's Final Examination 1909; Chartered Accountant 1910. Address : 29 Great King St., Edin- burgh. Low, Sidney James Mark : b. Jan. 22, 1857; s. of Maximilian Low. Educ. King's Coll. School, London (Sch.) ; Pembroke Coll. (Sch.) 1876 ; Balliol 1877-80 (R.L.N. , A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1879 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1904. Barrister, I.T., 1892 ; author and journalist ; Editor of St. James's Gazette, 1888-97 ; regu- lar staff of Standard as leader- writer 1898 ; Literary Editor 1904; Special Correspondent during tour of Prince of Wales in India, 1905- 6 ; at Coronation of King Haakon of Norway 1906; the Hague Con- ference 1907; in U.S.A., Ger- many, Egypt, &c. ; Lecturer on History 1883-5 ; and Fellow, King's Coll., London ; Lecturer on Im- perial and Colonial Hist., Univ. of London, 191 3 ; Alderman, London County Council, 1 901-5. Publica- tions : Dictionary of English His- tory, 6th ed., 1904 ; The Gover- nance of England, 1904, revised ed. 1914 ; A Vision of India, 1906 ; Political History of England, iSjy- igor, 1907; De Quincey, 1911 ; Egypt in Transition, 19 14. Clubs : Garrick, Ranelagh. Address : 24 Marlborough Hill, London, N.W. Lowden, John Howat : b. April 15, 1891 ; 5. of T. W. Lowden, of Krugersdorp, Transvaal. Educ. Rhodes Univ. Coll., Grahamstown ; Balliol 1910-13 (A.D.L., C.B.) ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1913 ; Univ. Freshmen's and Coll. Rug- by XV's. Address : Krugersdorp, Transvaal, S. Africa. *Lowe, Hubert Foster : b. Feb. i, 1861 ; s. of W. B. Lowe, of Etting- ton, Warwickshire ; m. Feb. 8, 1888, Kathleen Mary, d. of William Willmott. Issue : eight children. Educ. Oliver's Mount School, Scar- borough ; Clifton; Balliol 1879-84 (E.A., J.W.R., H.B.D.); Braken- bury Science Sch. ; 3rd Math. Mods., 1881 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; xM.A. 1886 ; Univ. Lawn Tennis and Chess Clubs ; Morrison Fours 1880. Union Soc. Member, I.T. ; Assist. Exam. 1885, Exam. 1904-, Patent Ofl&ce. Recreations : Golf, chess. Club : Coombe Hill Golf. Ad- dresses : Patent Office, London, 206 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER W.C. ; Egremont, Manorgate Road, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Lowther, Arthur James Beresford : b. Oct. 28, 1889 ; s. of Rt. Hon. J. W. Lowther, Speaker of the House of Commons. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1907-10 (A.L.S., E.J. P.). Address : Speaker's House, West- minster, London, S.W. Lowther, Sir Henry Crofton : h. March 26, 1858 ; s. of Rev. Brabazon Lowther, of Shrigley Park, Cheshire ; m. 1906, Dorothy Olga, d. of Sir F. R. St. John, K.C.M.G. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1877-81 (F. de P., A.L.S.); 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1887; Eight (Capt. 1881). Attache Diplomatic Service 1883 ; the Hague 1884 ; 3rd Sec. 1885 ; Stockholm 1886 ; 2nd Sec, Berlin 1888, Rio de Janeiro 1889 ; Constantinople 1892 ; Madrid 1894 ; Berne 1897 ; Sec. of Lega- tion, Rio de Janeiro 1901 ; Coim- cillor of Embassy, Tokio, 1906 ; has been Charge d'Affaires at Madrid, Berne, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokio ; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Chile 1909-12 ; Minister at Copen- hagen 1912-; K.C.M.G. 1913. Publications : Official reports, and books on skating. Recreations : Skating, cycling, lawn tennis, photography. Clubs : Carlton, St. James's, New University. Addresses : Foreign Office, Lon- don, S.W. ; British Legation, Copenhagen. Lowy, Walter Albert : b. Oct. 15, 1892 ; s. of Lionel Lowy, of London. Educ. Wellington ; Bal- liol 1911- (A.W.P.C, A.J.T.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1913. Address : 8 St. John's Wood Park, London, N.W. Lubbock, Hon. Eric Fox Pitt : b. May 16, 1893 ; s. of ist Lord Avebury. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1912- (H.B.H.) ; Univ. Trial 1913, and Coll. Eights ; Athletic Club ; Four. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. ; Balliol Boys' Club. Address : High Elms, Orpington, Kent. Lubbock, Hon. John Birkbeck : see Avebury, Lord. Lucas and Dingwall, Rt. Hon. Lord, Auberon Thomas Herbert : b. May 25, 1876 ; s. of Hon. Auberon Herbert. Educ. Bedford Gr. School; Balliol 1895-9 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1899 ; B.A. 1 901 ; Univ. 1898-9, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights. Lieut. Hants Yeomanry Cavalry ; Under-Sec. of State, War Office 1 908-11, Colonies 1911 ; Parliamentary Sec. to Board of Agriculture 191 1-; P.C. 1912. Recreation : Ornitho- logy. Clubs : Brooks's, Union, Travellers'. Addresses : 32 Old Queen St., London, S.W. ; Picket Post, Ringwood, Hants. Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare : b. May 7. 1853 ; s. of Rev. Samuel Lucas, F.G.S., Wesleyan Minister ; m. 1882, Charlotte, d. of Barrett Christmas, of Histon. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. New Kingswood School, Bath ; Balliol 1870-4 (R.L.N., T.H.G., H.J.S.S., J.W.R.) ; Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1872 ; 4th Math. 1874 ; Burdett Coutts Sch. 1876 ; B.A. and M.A. 1877. Union Soc. London Hos- pital (Sen. Sci. Sch.) 1876-7 ; Gold Medal of Apothecaries' Soc. for Botany ; Sci. Master, Leys School, Cambridge, 1877-82 ; Head Math, and Sci. Master, Wesley Coll., Melbourne, Math. Tutor and Sen. Fellow, Queen's Coll., and Nat. Sci. Tutor, Trinity, Ormond, and Queen's Colls., Univ. of Melbourne, 1883-92 ; Head Master, Newing- ton Coll., Sydney, 1893-8 ; Head Math, and Sci. Master, Sydney Gr. School, 1899-; Lecturer in Physio- graphy, Univ. of Sydney ; Pres. of Field Naturalists' Club, Victoria, of Naturalists' Club, Linnaean Soc, and of Teachers' Guild of N.S.W. ; Hon. Curator of Algae in National Herbarium of N.S.W. Publica- tions : Memoirs of Horn Expe- dition ; Scientific papers in Geo- logical Magazine, Proceedings of Royal Soc. of Victoria, Transactions of New Zealand Institute, Proceed- ings of Linnaean Soc. of N.S.W., 207 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER &c. ; joint author of Introduction to the Study of Botany, The Animals of Australia, Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibia, and The Birds of Australia. Address : The GTaxamar School, Sydney, New South Wales. Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood : b. Aug. 7, 1853 ; s. of H. J. Lucas, M.D., of Crickhowell. Educ. Win- chester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1872-6 (T.H.G. J.L.S.D., R.L.N., T.C.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1873 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1876 ; Chancellor's Latin Essay Prize 1877 ; B.A, 1884 ; 2nd string in High Jump v. Cam- bridge 1876 ; Cricket XL Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, L.I., 1885 ; Clerk in Colonial Ofi&ce 1877 ; Private Sec. to Sir R. Herbert 1881 and 1886 ; to Earl Granville 1886 ; Chairman of Committee of Emigrants' Informa- tion Office till Dec. 1896 ; ist CI. Clerk 1892 ; principal ditto 1896 ; Assist. Under Sec. of State 1897 ; C.B. 1901 ; K.C.M.G. 1907 ; Head of Dominions Department, and visited Australia and New Zealand, 1909 ; Registrar of Order of St. Michael and St. George 1909-11 ; retired 1911; K.C.B. 1912. Publi- cations : Historical Geography of the British Colonies ; The Canadian War of 1S12 ; A History of Canada, 176J-/S/2 ; Greater Rome and Greater Britain ; edited Sir G. Comewall Lewis's Government of Depeyidencies, and Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America. Clubs : Athe- naeum, New University. Address: 65 St. George's Square, London, S.W. LudloW) Rt. Hon. Lord) 2nd Baron, Henry Ludlow Lopes : b. Sept. 30, 1865 ; s. of ist Baron Ludlow ; m. 1903, Blanche (d. 191 1), widow of 7th Lord Howard de Walden. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1885-8 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1888 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1894. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1890 ; Capt. Royal Wilts. Imp. Yeomanry ; member of London County Council ; Pres. of Cancer Hospital ; Treas. of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital ; J. P., Wilts and Northants. ; D.L., Wilts. Recrea- tions : Hunting, coaching, shoot- ing. Clubs : Carlton, Marlborough, Four- in-Hand. Addresses : Lam- port Hall, Northamptonshire ; 27 Portland Place, London, W. Lunn, Arnold Henry Moore : b. April 18, 1888 ; s. of Sir Henry Lunn, Kt. ; m. Dec. 191 3, Mabel, d. of Hon. and Rev. Prebendary J. Stafford Northcote. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1907-11 (E.H., A.L.S., E.J.P., H.W.C.D.). Union (Sec. 1909) and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. Sometime editor of The Isis. Publications : Alpine Ski Club Guides ; edited Oxford Moun- taineering Essays, The Englishman in the Alps, Ski-ing, and The Har- rovians. Address : 3 Upper Wo- bum Place, Tavistock Square, London, W.C. Lupton, William Arthur : 6. July 21, 1858 ; s. of J. S. Lupton, of The Manor House, Bramley ; m. (i) Jan. 12, 1892, Constance (d. 1899), d. of John Denby, of Shipley. Issue : two sons ; (2) March 12, 1908, Laura Mabel, d. of John Denby. Educ. Bradford Gr. School; Balliol 1876-9 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879, Union Soc. Admitted Solicitor 1882 ; sen. partner in Lupton and Fawcett, Solicitors, Leeds. Ad- dress : Red Gables, Ilkley. Lushlngton, Franklyn Guy : b. Aug. 9, 1862 ; s. of J. L. Lushington, I.C.S. ; m. April 1896, Elvina, d. of H. B. Price. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Highgate School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-5 (J.L.S.D.) 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 4th Lit. Hum. and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1890 Cricket XI ; won Coll. Long Jump Assist, and House Master, High gate School, 1 885-. Address: Fitz roy Lodge, Highgate, London, N. ♦Lushington, Rev. Philip Austen : b. Oct. 10, 1874 ; s. of W. B. Lush- ington, Barrister - at - law ; m. April 17, 1907, Frances Katharine Anne, d. of G. C. Harrison, of Fettes Coll. Educ. Winchester; 208 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Balliol 1893-8 {W.H.F., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1897 ; M.A. 1900 ; Univ. Golf team 1895, 6, 7 (Capt.), 8 ; Cricket XI (Capt, 1897). Dervor- guilla and Annandale Socs. Assist. Master, Walton Lodge, Clevedon, Prep. School, 1898-9 ; Pembroke Lodge Prep. School, Southbourne- on-Sea, 1900-2 ; Wells Theol. Coll. 1902-3 ; ordained d. 1903 (Gos- peller), p. 1904 ; Curate of Knigh- ton 1903-7 ; Vicar of Churchstoke 1907-9 and 1914- ; Breinton 1909 -14 ; Hon. Diocesan Inspector of Schools in Religious Knowledge 1908-14 ; Examiner Dio. Prize Exam. 1910-14 ; Hon. Sec. Dio. Simday School Committee 1909- 14, and Jun, Clergy Missionary Assoc, Hereford Archdeaconry, 1911-14 ; Hon. Lectmrer, Church Committee for Instruction and Defence, ditto ; Editor of Hereford Diocesan Calendar, 1912-; Chapl., 4th Class, Welsh Divisional Trans- port and Supply Columns, A.S.C. (T.F.), 1912. Recreations : Cricket, golf. Address : Churchstoke Vicarage, Montgomeryshire. Lusk, Rev. David Colville : 6. Nov. 19, 1881 ; s. of John Lusk, of Dunavon, Strathaven, Lanark- shire ; m. Sept. 3, 1909, Mary Theodora, d. of John Colville. Issue : one son. Educ. Private ; Glasgow High School and Univ. ; Balliol 1901-4 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., andB.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909 ; Eight. Union and Arnold Socs. Studied at Edinburgh Univ. 1904- 5 ; New Coll. (Theol.), Edinburgh 1905-7 and 1909 ; Univ. of Jena 1906 ; Acting Prof, of Hist., Ma- dras Christian Coll., India, 1907-8 ; Licensed Preacher, United Free Church of Scotland, 1909 ; Assist. Minister, Kelvinside, Glasgow, 1 909-1 1 ; ordained by Presbytery of Dunoon, and inducted to Innellan, 191 1. Address : United Free Church Manse, Innellan, Argyllshu-e. Lutterell, Geoffrey Fownes : h. May 20, 1887 ; 5. of Capt. A. F. Lutterell, of Quantoxhead, Bridgwater, Som. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1906 (A.L.S., E.J. P.). Address : Court House, East Quantoxhead, Bridgwater, Som. Luxburg, Count Guldo : h. Aug. 13, 1885; s. of Count F. Luxburg. Educ. Wurzburg : Balliol 1904-5 (E.J., J.A.S.). Address: Rschach (Unterfranken), Germany. Lyall, Charles Elliott : h. Sept. i, 1877 ; s. of Sir C. J. Lyall, K.C.S.I. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1896- 9 (W.H.F., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898; Torpid (2); Union Soc. Sudan Civil Service. Deputy Inspector 1901, Jun. ditto 1905, Kordogan Prov. ; Jun. ditto 1906, Sen. ditto 1909, White Nile Prov. ; Sen. ditto, Red Sea Province, 1912 ; Governor of Haifa Province 1914. Recreations: Golf, shoot- ing, fishing. Cluhs : Isthmian, Sports. Addresses : 82 Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. ; Haifa, Sudan. *Lyall, Sir Charles James : &. March 9, 1845 ; s. of Charles Lyall, of London ; m. 1870, Florence Lyall, d. of Henry Eraser. Issue : two sons, five daughters. Educ. King's Coll. School, and King's Coll., London; Balliol 1863-7 (J.R., E.P.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1865 ; B.A. 1867; M.A. 1879. I.C.S. ; first in open competition 1865 ; district and secretariat appoint- ments, N.W. Prov., 1867-73 ; Under Sec, Revenue, Agricul- ture, and Commerce Depart- ment, to Government of India 1873-9; CLE. 1880; Sec. to Chief Commissioner, and Judge and Commissioner, Assam Valley districts, 1880-4 and 1886-9 ; Sec, Revenue Department 1886, Home ditto 1889-94, to Government of India ; C.S.I. 1893 ; Chief Com- missioner, Assam 1894, Central Prov. 1895-8 ; K.C.S.I. 1897 ; Judicial and Public Sec, India Office, London, 1 898-1910 ; re- tired 1910 ; Hon. LL.D., Edin- burgh, 1886 ; Fellow of Univ. of Calcutta; D.Phil. (Honoris Causa), Kaiser Wilhelm's Universitat, Strassburg ; Fellow and Life 209 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Governor of King's Coll., London; member of Council, and Vice-Pres., Royal Asiatic Soc. ; hon. member (Pres. 1894) of Asiatic Soc. of Ben- gal, and of the Deutsche Morgen- landische Gesellschaft ; member Board of Studies in Oriental Languages, Univ. of London ; represented Government of India at Oriental Congresses at Rome 1S99, Hamburg 1902, Algiers 1905, Copenhagen 1908, Publications : articles on ' Hindostani Litera- ture ', &c., in Encyclopaedia Briian- nica, 9th and nth eds. ; Sketch of the Hindostani Language, 1879 ; Translations of Ancient Arabian Poetry, 1885 ; Ten Ancient Arabic Poems, with Commentary by Tibrizi (in Arabic), 189 1-4 ; The Mikirs (Assam Ethnographical Mono- graphs), 1908 ; editor of Mufadda- liyat, and the Diwans of 'Abid and *Amir, two collections of ancient Arabic poetry, 1914 ; contribu- tions to The Academy, Journal of Royal Asiatic Soc, the Noldeke- Festschrift, &c. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 82 Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. Lyall, Frank Frederick : b. June 12, 1872 ; s. of D. R. Lyall, C.S.I. ; m. 1906, Ina Kathleen, d. of A. M. Markham. Educ, Edin- burgh Academy ; Balliol 1 891-3 (W.M.); Rugby XV; Cricket XI ; winner of 100 Yards and Quarter Mile in Coll. Sports. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1893 ; Under Sec, General Department, to Govern- ment 1899 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector 1899 ; Magis- trate and Collector 1906 ; Kaisar- i-Hind Medal 191 1 ; transferred to Bihar 1912. Recreations: Polo, pigsticking, hunting, cricket, tennis, football, racquets. Clubs : East India United Service ; Ben- gal United Service (Calcutta). Address : United Service Club, Calcutta, India. Lyell, David : 6. April 30, 1888 ; s. of David Lyell, W.S., of Edin- burgh. Educ. Merchiston ; Bal- liol 1907-11 (A.W.P.C, E.H.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1909 ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1911 ; Rugby XV; Golf team. LL.B. Edinburgh. Recrea- tion : Golf. Club : University (Edinburgh). Address : 24 Colin- ton Road, Edinburgh. Lymington, Viscount : see Ports- mouth, Earl of. Lyon, Walter Scott Stuart : b. Oct. I, 1886; s. of W. F. K. Lyon, of North Berwick. Educ. Haileybury (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909. Union Soc. Reading for Scottish Bar ; 2nd Lieut. 9th Batt. (Highlanders) Royal Scots. Club : Junior Army and Navy. Address : 47 Castle St., Edinburgh. M MacAlpine, Archibald Nichol : b. Jan. 6, 1891 ; s. of A. N. MacAlpine, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 191 1- (A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; Snell Ex. and Newlands Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1913. Address : 41 Scott St., Gamethill, Glasgow. *Macalpine, Bernard Ireland : b. Nov. 4, 1886 ; s. of Rev. C. S. Macalpine, of Manchester. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911; M.A. 1914. Address: 145 Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Manchester. McAlester, Charles Godfrey Somer- Ville : b. 1868 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. Somerville McAlester, of Dunskaig House, Ayr. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1887-91 (W.R.H., A.V.D., T.R., R.L.N., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1889; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1891. Barrister, I.T., 1892. Address : Kennox, Stewarton, Scotland. McArthur, James Fowler : b. Nov. 210 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 4, 1863 ; s. of James McArthur, of Glasgow. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-6 (F. de P., H.B.D.) ; Brakenbury Nat, Sci. Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chera.) 1885 ; B.A. 1886. Union Soc. Barrister, M.T., 1895 ; prac- tised in Lancashire Chancery Court 1 895-1905, and subse- quently in London. Address : 3 Plowden Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Macaulay, Thomas Cropper : b. Aug. 15, 1871 ; s. of H. D. Macaulay, Lieut. R.N., and after- wards Capt. in Warwickshire Militia ; w. June, 1909, Katharine Gertrude, d. of C. G. H. Kinnear, of Edinburgh. Educ. Wellington ; Balliol 1894-6 (W.M.). Union, Dervorguilla, and Annandale Societies. Attached to Consulate- General, Constantinople, 1896-9 ; H.B.M. Vice-Consul for Island of Rhodes 1899 ; afterwards Seconded for Service under Egyptian Government ; Private Sec. to Sir Eldon Gorst (Financial Adviser to the Khedive) ; Sec- General 1905, Sub - Director - General 191 1, Egyptian Customs Administration. Recreations : Sail- ing, painting, riding. Clubs : Windham, Turf (Cairo). Address : Sidi Gaber, Alexandria, Egypt. McBamet, Alexander Cockburn : b. Dec. 6, 1867 ; s. of Colonel McBamet, D.L., Ross-shire. Educ. Fettes College ; Balliol 1887-90 (F. de P., A.V.D., T.R.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1890. Barrister, I.T., 1892 ; Professeur k I'^cole Khedi- viale de Droit, Le Caire, L'^^gypte, 1904-6 ; Judge in Native Tribunal, Assiut, Upper Egypt, 1906 ; pro- moted to Court of Appeal, Cairo, 1913 ; 3rd Class Mejidieh 1913. Address : Turf Club, Cairo, Egypt. *MacCallum, Mungo Lorenz : b. Oct. 22, 1884; s. of M. W. Mac- Callum, Prof, in Univ. of Sydney ; w. 1912. Educ. Sydney Gr. School, and Univ. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1906-9 (E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1908 ; and B.C.L. 1909 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1912 ; Eight ; Lawn Tennis team (Pres. 1908). Barrister, I.T., 1910 ; N.S.W. Bar 191 1 ; Associate to Chief Judge in Equity, Sydney, N.S.W., 1911-12 ; Law Tutor, St, Andrew's Coll., Univ. of Sydney, 191 1-12 ; practising at Sydney Bar 1912-. Address: University Club, Sydney, New South Wales. McCormick, Cyrus : b. Sept. 22, 1890 ; s. of C. H. McCormick, of Chicago. Educ. Princeton Univ. ; Balliol 1912- (F.F.U., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; represented Oxford (Putting Weight) v. Cambridge 191 3 ; Pres. of Athletic Club. Brakenbury, Arnold, and Annan- dale Socs. Address : 50 East Huron St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. ♦MacCunn, John : b. Sept. 23, 1846 ; s. of John MacCunn, J. P., Shipowner, of Greenock ; m. Sept. 26, 1877, Florence Anne O'Quincy, d. of Prof. W. Y. Sellar, of Edinburgh. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Greenock Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1872-6 (T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1876 ; M.A. 1881 ; Univ. Prize Foils. Private Coach, Ox- ford, 1876-81 ; Prof, of Logic, Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Pol. Economy, 1881, afterwards Prof, of Philosophy, and Emeritus Prof., University Coll., Liverpool ; Exam, for I.C.S. ; External ditto, Univs. of St. Andrews, Birming- ham, Sheffield, and Leeds ; M.A. (First Class Honours in Mental Philosophy) and LL.D., Glas- gow ; D.Litt., Liverpool. Pub- lications : Ethics of Citizenship ; The Making of Character ; Six Radical Thinkers ; Ethics of Social Work ; The Political Philosophy of Burke ; contribu- tions to International Journal of Ethics, &c. Recreations : Fenc- ing, boating, hill-climbing, fishing, golf. Address : Bencruach Lodge, Tarbet, Loch Lomond. *McCurdy, Edward Alexander Coles : b. June 28, 1 871 ; s. of Rev. Alexander McCurdy, of Lough- borough ; m. Oct. 2, 1906, Sylvia 2x1 Pa BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Wiaiired Annette, d. of William Stebbing, of Frith Park, Epsom, lion. Fellow of Worcester Coll. Issue : four daughters. Edtic. Loughborough Gr. School ; Bal- liol 1889-94 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1898. Barrister, I.T., 1895 ; Resident at Toynbee Hall 1895 and 1896-8. Publications : Roses of Paestum, 1900 ; Leonardo da Vinci, 1904 ; Leonardo da Vinci's Note Books, 1906 ; The Thoughts of Leonardo, 1907 ; Essays in Fresco, 1912 ; contributions to Athenaeum, Nineteenth Century, &.C. Recreations : Travel, walk- ing. Club : United University. Address : Oakdene, Ashstead, Surrey. ♦Macdonald, George : b. Jan. 30, 1862 ; s. of James Macdonald, LL.D., of Elgin ; in. 1897, Margaret Tannahill, d. of George Younger. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Ayr Academy ; Univ. of Edinburgh (Ferguson Sch.) ; Balliol 1884-7 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1885 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887 ; M.A. 1 89 1. Union and Brakenbury (Pres. and Sec.) Socs. blaster in Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow, 1887-92 ; CI. Exam., Univ. of Edinburgh, 1888-91 ; Lecturer in Greek 1892-1903, in CI. Archae- ology 1903-4 ; Dalrymple ditto 1909-10, Univ. of Glasgow ; Rhind Lecturer in Archaeology 1904 ; Assist. Director of Higher Inspec- tion in Scotland 1900-4 ; Assist. Sec, Scotch Education Depart- ment, 1904- ; Hon. Curator of Coins to Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland, and of Hunterian Coin Cabinet ; Corresponding member of Numismatic Soc. of Vienna, and Royal Numismatic Soc. of Hol- land ; Vice-Pres. of Soc. for Promotion of Roman Studies ; M.A., Edinburgh, 1882 ; LL.D., Glasgow, 1905 ; F.B.A. Publica- tions : translation (part) of Erd- mann's Geschichte der Philoso- phic, 1890 ; English edition of Storm's French Dialogues, 1892 ; Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, vol. i, 1899, vol. ii, 1901, vol. iii, 1905 (' crowned ' by the French Aca- demic des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres — Prix Allier de Haute- roche 1907) ; Coin Types, Their Origin and Development, 1905 ; The Roman Forts on the Bar Hill (collaborated), 1906 ; The Roman Wall in Scotland, and collaborated in revised edition of Head's His- toria Numorum, 191 1 ; contri- butions to Numismatic Chronicle, Journal of Hellenic Studies, &c. Clubs : Caledonian, University (Edinburgh). Address : 17 Lear- month Gardens, Edinburgh. Macdonell, Alasdair Somerled : b. Dec. 10, 1893 ; s. of A. A. Mac- donell, Boden Prof, of Sanskrit in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Repton ; Balliol 1912- (A.D.L., N.S.T., A.L.S.) ; Univ. Long Jump V. Cambridge 1913. Ad- dress : 107 Banbury Road, Ox- ford. *MacdonelI, Arthur Anthony : 6. May II, 1854; s. of Col. A. A. Macdonell, of Lochgarry, Perth- shire ; m. 1890, Mary Louise, d. of William Lowson, J.P., D.L., of Balthayock, Perthshire. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Gj'^mnasium and Univ., Gottin- gen ; Univs. of Leipzig and Tubingen ; Corpus Christi Coll. (Ex.) 1876-80 ; Taylorian Sch. (German) 1876 ; Davis Chinese Sch. 1877; 2nd CI. Mods., and Boden Sanskrit Sch., 1878 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1880 ; M.A. 1883 ; C.C.C. Torpid. Taylorian Teacher of German 1880-99 ; Exam, in Oriental Studies 1888, 9, 90, 4, 1900, 4, 7, 14 ; Deputy Prof, of Sanskrit 1888-99; Boden Prof, of ditto, and Keeper of Indian Institute, 1899- ; Fellow of Balliol 1900- ; elected Repre- sentative of Sanskrit Language and Literature at Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, U.S.A., 1904 ; made a tour of study and research in India 1907-8 ; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1884 ; 212 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER F.B.A. 1906. Pubiicaiions : edi- tions of Paul Heyse's Hans Lange, Auerbach's Auf Wache, Roquette's Der gefrorene Kuss, z vols., 1885 ; edition of Sarvdnukramanf, with Commmiary (Anecdota Oxoniensia • Series), 1886; Sanskrit Grammar, ist ed. 1886, 3rd ed. 191 1 ; Camp- ing Voyages on German Rivers, 1890 ; Sanskrit Dictionary, and Camping Out, 1892 ; Vedic Mytho- logy, 1897 ; History of Sanskrit Literature, 1900 ; The Brihad- devatd, critically edited, with notes and translation, 2 vols. (Harvard Oriental Series), 1904 ; Vedic Grammar, 1910 ; Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, 2 vols., 1912. Recreations : Row- iii&j cycling, fishing, and formerly camping. Address : 107 Banbury Road, Oxford. Macdonell, William Robert : h. Oct. 16, 1852 ; s. of John Mac- donell, of Dufftown, Co. Banff ; m. Jan. 29, i88g, Alice Elizabeth, d. of J. F. White, LL.D., of Aberdeen and Dimdee. Issue : two sons. Educ. Old Gr. School, and Univ. (4th Bursar, and joint holder of Fullerton Math. Sch.), Aberdeen ; Balliol 1874-s (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1875. East India Merchant, Bombay, Burma, and London, 1880-99 J Chairman of Chamber of Conmierce, and additional mem- ber of Council of Governor, Bom- bay, 1893-95 ; retired from busi- ness 1899 ; since occupied in Pure Math., Biometry, and Reli- gionswissenschaft. Publications : papers on ' Dante's Divine Com- media ' {Royal Asiatic Soc. Journal, Bombay, 1891), ' Crimi- nals,' ' English Skulls,' ' Small- pox,' and ' Shirley Poppies,' ' On the Expectation of Life in Ancient Rome, and in the Provinces of Hispania and Lusitania, and Africa' {Biometrika, vols, i, ii, iii, iv, and ix, 1892-1913). Recreations: Golf, foreign travel. Address : Bridge- field, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. Macdonnell, Hugh Williamson : b. Nov. 2, 1887 ; s. of G. M. Macdon- nell, K.C., of Kingston, Ont., Canada. Educ, Queen's Univ., Ontario ; Balliol 1909-12 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1910 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1912 ; Eight (Capt.). Address : Uni- versity Avenue, Kingston, Ont., Canada. Macdomiell, James Mackerras : b. Dec. 15, 1884 ; s. of G. M. Mac- donnell, K.C., of Kingston, Ont., Canada. Educ. Queen's Univ., Kingston, Canada ; Balliol 1905-8 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908 ; Tor- pid ; Eight. Union, Arnold, and Brakenbury Socs. House Master, St. Andrew's Coll., Toronto ; articled to Rowell, Reid, Wilkie & Wood, Barristers and Solici- tors, Toronto ; Canadian Bar 191 1 ; National Trust Co., Ltd., 1911-. Address : National Trust Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Macdomiell, Norman Scarth : b. Sept. 4, 1886 ; 5. of D. J. Macdonnell, of Toronto, Ont., Canada. Educ. Upper Canada Coll., Toronto ; Queen's Univ., Kingston ; Balliol 1907-10 (C.B.j A.D.L.); Rhodes Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1908 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1910 ; Univ. Lacrosse Team (Capt.) ; Lawn Tennis Team. Union Soc. Practising law, Os- goode Hall, Toronto. Address : Kirkhall, Fergus, Ont., Canada. McDougall, Dugald Gordon : b. March 28, 1867; s. of Dugald McDougall, Printer and Stationer, London and Melbourne ; m. Feb. 23, 1901, Helen lone, d. of J. R. Atkinson, of Ipswich, Queensland. Issue : six sons. Educ. Private School, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; Haw- thorn Gr. School, and Univ., Mel- bourne ; BaHiol 1888-92 (W.R.H., T.R.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1892 ; ist B.C.L. 1894 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1902 ; Univ. Chal- lenge Cue for Billiards 1892 ; Lawn Tennis team (Capt. and Sec). Dervorguilla Soc. Barris- ter, I.T., 1892 ; with Blake & 213 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Riggall, Solicitors, Melbourne, 1893 ; read in Chambers of T. i\ Beckett Weigall, K.C., 1895-7 ; called to Victorian Bar 1895 ; practised on own account till 1900 ; Prof, of Law and Mod. Hist., Univ. of Tasmania, 1900- ; acted as Prof, of Law, Univ. of Sydney, for two terms, 1905 ; M.A. 1890, LL.D. 1909, various Schs. and ist Classes, Melbourne Univ. Publications : pamphlets on Self-Governing Colonies, and Commonwealth and State, Recrea- tion : Royal tennis. Clubs : Tas- manian (Hobart), Launceston. Address : Lome, Sandy Bay, Hobart, Tasmania. *MacEwen, Rev. Alexander Robert- son : b. May 14, 1851 ; s. of Rev. Alexander MacEwen, D.D., of Glasgow ; m. 1885, Margaret, d. of R. H. Begg. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Glas- gow Academy, and Univ. (Bur- sar) ; Univ. of Gottingen ; Balliol 1870-4 (T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; Arnold Prize 1876 ; Prox. Acces. Ellerton Essay, and M.A,, 1887. Union and Dervorguilla (original member) Socs. Deputy for Prof, of Greek 1874-5, Assist. Prof, of Latin 1875-8, CI. Exam, for Degrees 1882-5, Univ. of Glasgow ; United Presbyterian Minister, Moffat, 1880-6, Glasgow 1886-1901 ; Prof, of Church Hist., New Coll., Edinburgh, 1901- ; Sec. of Chris- tian Unity Assoc. 1904- ; Chair- man of Moffat School Board 1882- 6 ; member of Glasgow School Board 1888-94, Edinburgh Pro- vincial Council 1906-10 ; B.D. 1880, Hon. D.D., Glasgow, 1892. Publications : Roman Satiric Poetry, 1877 ; St. Jerome, 1878 ; Life of Principal Cairns, 1894 ; The Erskines, 1900 ; Antoinette Bourignon, 1910 ; A History of the Church in Scotland, vol. i, 1913 ; and various essays and reviews. Address: 5 Doune Terrace, Edinburgh. McFadyen, John Edgar : b. July 17, 1870 ; s. of J. H, McFadyen, of Glasgow ; m. 1898, Marie, d. of Amtsgerichtsrat Schefifer, of Esch- wege,Germany. Issue: twosons,one daughter. Educ. Hutcheson's Gr. School, and Univ., Glasgow; Balliol 1890-4 (W.R.H., E.A.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1892 ; Jun. Hall Houghton Septuagint Prize 1893 ; Sen. ditto 1896 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1894 ; B.A. 1895 ; Denyer and Johnson Theol. Sch. 1897. Arnold Soc. Studied at Free Church Coll., Glasgow, 1894-8 ; Williams's Theol. Sch. (London) ; George A. Clark Fellow, Glasgow Univ., 1893-7 ; Assist, to Prof. G. A. Smith 1897-8, Prof, of Old Test . Language, Literature, andThe- ology, 1910-, United Free Church Coll., Glasgow ; Prof, of Old Test. Literature and Exegesis, KnoxColl., Toronto, 1898-1910 ; M.A., Glas- gow ; D.D., Halifax and Glasgow. Publications : The Divine Pursuit, and The Messages of the Prophetic and Priestly Historians, 1901 ; Thoughts for Silent Hours, 1902 ; Old Testament Criticism and the Christian Church, 1903 ; Messages of the Psalmists, 1904 ; Introduc- tion to the Old Testament, 1905 ; The Prayers of the Bible, 1906 ; Ten Studies in the Psalms, 1907 ; Commentary on Epistles to the Corinthians and Galatians, 1908 ; The City with Foundations, 1909 ; Commentary on Isaiah, 1910 ; The Historical Narrative of the Old Testament, and A Cry for Justice (a Study in Amos), 1912; revision of the late Prof. A. B. Davidson's Hebrew Grammar, 1914. Address : United Free Church College, Glasgow. Macfarlane, Alastair Hunter : b. June 14, 1894 ; s. of Hon. Lord Ormidale, Senator of the College of Justice in Scotland. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1912- (H.B.H.). Address : 3 St. Colme Street, Edinburgh. ♦Macfarlane-Grieve, William Alex- ander : formerly Comyn-Macfar- lane, W. A. ; b. 1844 ; s. of WilliamMacf ariane,M.D., F. R.C.S., R.N. Educ. Royal High School, 214 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Edinburgh (prizeman) ; Edin- burgh Univ. (prizeman) ; Balliol 1863 (B.J.) ; St. John's CoU. (Sch.) 1864-8 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1865 ; B.A., and S.C.L., 1866; M.A. 1869. Union Soc. Of Lincoln's Inn i88i ; M.A.by incorporation, Clare Coll., Cambridge, 1895. Assumed name and arms of Grieve, and ceased to use name of Comyn, by Royal Licence 1891 ; member of County Licensing Committee, Cam- bridge ; a Commissioner of Supply for Roxburghshire ; actively in- terested in agriculture and forestry (medal of Royal Agri- cultural Soc. of England 191 1) ; J. P., Roxburgh, Cambridge, and Berwick. Recreations : Book- collecting, heraldry. Clubs : Con- servative, New University, Coimty (Cambridge), County (Oxford), Border (Hawick), Scottish Con- servative (Edin.). Addresses : Impington Park, Cambridgeshire ; Penchrise Peel, Hawick ; Edenhall House, Kelso. MacGilchrist, Rev. John : b. Sept. 15, 1866 ; s. of Rev. John Mac- Gilchrist, of Bowmore, Islay ; m. (i) Jan. 23, 1896, Beatrice (d.), d. of Charles Blatherwick, M.D. Issue : one son, one daughter. ; (2) Feb. 28, 191 1, Hon. Agnes Caroline Bums, d. of ist Baron Inverclyde. Educ. Newton School, Islay ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1886-90 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1888 ; 2nd Lit. Hmn. 1890 ; B.A. 1892 ; Torpid ; Braken- bury Society. Took Divinity Classes 189 1-4, and held Black Theol. Fellowship, Glasgow Univ. ; Minister (Church of Scotland), Glengarry 1894-6 ; Strathpeffer 1896-9 ; Skelmorlie 1899-1911 ; West St. Giles, Edinburgh, 191 1- 13 ; Govan Parish, Glasgow, 191 3-. Publications : two articles in Temple Dictionary of Bible, 1910. Address : The Manse of Govan, Glasgow. *MacGregor, John Marshall : b. March 8, 1879; s. of J. B. W. MacGregor, of Liverpool. Educ. Wallasey Grammar School ; Bal- liol 1900-3 (A.W.P.C, E.A., H.W.C.D.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1901 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. 1914. Lectvurer in Classics, Univ. of Liverpool, 1903- 8 ; Reader in Greek, Univ. of Lon- don, 1908-. Address: University College, London, W.C. Mackail, Denis George : b. June 3, 1892 ; s. of J. W. Mackail, Prof, of Poetry in the Univ. of Oxford 1906-1 1 . Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1910-13 (A.D.L., N.S.T., H.M.W., C.B., R.G.). Braken- bury Soc. (Pres.). Address : 6 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, London, W. *Mackail, John William : b. Aug. 26, 1859 ; s. of Rev. John Mackail, of Ascog, Bute; m. 1888, Margaret, d. of Sir E. Bume-Jones, ist Bart. ; Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Ayr Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. ; BalUol 1878-84 (E.A., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; Warner Ex., and Hon. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1879 ; Hertford and Ireland Schs. 1880 ; ist Lit. Hum., English Verse Prize, and B.A., 1881 ; Craven Sch. 1882 ; Derby Sch. M.A. 1885. Dervorguilla and Brakenbury Socs. Fellow of Balhol 1882-91 ; Examiner 1884- 1903, Assist. Sec. 1903-, Board of Education ; Professor of Poetry, Oxford, 1 906-1 1 ; Trustee of Jowett Memorial Fvmd ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh and St. Andrews. Publications : Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology, 1890; Latin Literature, 1895 ; Life of William Morris, 1899 ; translation of Homer's Odyssey in verse, 1903- 10 ; The Springs of Helicon, 1909 ; Lectures on Greek Poetry, 1910 ; Lectures on Poetry, 191 1. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 6 Pem- broke Gardens, Kensington, Lon- don, W. Mackay, John Macdonald : &. 1856 ; s. of Rev. John Mackay. Educ. Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and St. Andrews Univs. ; Balliol 1878-81 ; Minor Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1879 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1881 ; B.A. 1882. Prof, of History 1884, University 215 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER ColJ. and Uiiiv, of Liverpool ; I resigned 1914 ; M.A., LL.D. St. I Andrews. Address : The Univer- : sitv, Liverpool. i Mackay, Samuel Francis Hender- son : b. Feb. 15, 1880; 5. of Martin Mackay, W.S., of Glasgow ; ; m. April 11, 19 10, Valentine, d. of 1 Emile du Bled. Issue : one son. ] Educ. Glasgow Academy, and Univ. (ist Bursar) ; Balliol 189S- 1902 (W.H.F., F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1900 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902. Arnold Soc. Lecturer in Classics (George A. Clark Sch.) 1902-5, Examiner for CI. Degrees 1907-9, Glasgow Univ. ; Sen. CI. Master Kilmarnock Academy 1905-6 ; Jun. Inspectorof Schools, Aberdeen 1906-10, Glasgow 1910-, Scotch Education Department; M.A., Glasgow, 1899 ; Ph.D., Jena, 1906. Addresses: 41 Kelvinside Gardens, Scotch Education De- Whitehall, London, Glasgow ; partment, S.W. MacKenna, James : b. Aug. 15, 1872 ; s. of Robert MacKenna, of Dumfries. Educ. Dumfries Aca- demy ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1894-5 (W.M.). LC.S., Burma; Assist. Commissioner and Settle- ment Ofi&cer 1895 ; Director of Land Records and Agriculture 1904. Address : Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Burma, India. Mackenzie, Ian : b. Sept. 25, 1893 ; s. of John Mackenzie, of Tower Place, Tain. Educ. Fettes ; Bal- liol 191 2- (A.W.P.C.) ; Domus Ex. ; Prox. Acces. to Craven Sch. 1913 ; 1st CI. Mods. 1914. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Address : Tower Place, Tain. 'Mackenzie, Kenneth : 6. March 10, 1882 ; s. of J. O. Mackenzie, of Dolphinton ; m. Oct. 4, 1910, May Eudora, d. of H. M. Horsbrugh, C.A., of Edinburgh. Issue : two children. Educ. Fettes ; Balliol 1901-5 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1903 ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1908 ; Half-Blue, Hammer, v. Cam- biidge 1905. Writer to Signet 1909. Addresses : Dolphinton House, Dolphinton ; 20 Ainslie Place, and 14 Young Street, Edin- burgh. McKerron, Robert Gordon : 6. May 31, 1871 ; s. of Peter McKerron, of Edinburgh. Educ. Kelso High School ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Bal- liol 1893-4 (W.M.). LC.S. ; As- sist. Commissioner and Settlement Ofi&cer, Burma, 1894. Chih : United Service (Edin.). Address : I.C.S., Shwebo, Upper Burma, India. Mackintosh, James : b. Feb. 22, 1858 ; s. of Lachlan Mackintosh, of Edenkellie, Co. Moray, m. 1894, Anna, d. of I. Giddings, Deputy- Controller of Legacy Duty for Scotland. Issue: one son. Educ. Gr. School, Old Aberdeen ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol 1877-8 ; Exeter (Sch.) 1878 ; 1st CI. Mods. 1879 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1881. Scotch Bar 1886 ; Prof, of Civil Law 1893, Dean of Faculty of Law, Edinburgh Univ. ; Sherifi of Ross, Cromarty, and Suther- land, 1912 ; K.C., Scot. ; LL.D. ; M.A., St. Andrews ; Advocate. Publications : The Roman Law of Sale, 1892, 2nd ed. 1907 ; co- editor of Burge's Foreign and Colonial Laws. Recreation : Golf. Address : 49 Northumberland St., Edinburgh. McLaren, Hon. Francis Walter Stafford : b. June 6, 1886 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Charles McLaren, Bart., ist Baron Aberconway; m. July 20, 191 1, Barbara, d. of Col. Sir Herbert Jekyll, K.C.M.G. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1909 ; B.A. 1910 ; Lawn Tennis team (Sec). Union, Brakenbury, Arnold, and Annan- dale Socs. M. P. (L.) Spalding Div. of Lines. 1910-; Director Metro- politan Railway Co. 1911 ; Parlia- mentary Sec. to Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt ; J. P. Clubs : Bachelors', Queen's. Addresses : 8 Little College St., Westminster, London, S.W. ; Bodnant, Tal-y-Cafn, N. Wales. 2X6 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER ^McLaren, Hon. Henry Duncan : b. April i6, 1879 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Charles McLaren, Bart., ist Baron Aberconway; m. July 19, 1910, Christabel, d. of Sir Mel- ville Macnaghten. Issue: one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton (Capt. of Oppidans 1897-8); Balliol 1898- 1902 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1906 ; Hockey XI (Sec. and Capt.). Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.) ; Palmerston Club (Pres.). Barrister, L.I., 1905 ; M.P. (L.) West Staffs. 1906-10, Bosworth Div. of Leicestershire 1910-; Parliamentary Private Sec. to Chancellor of Exchequer 1908-10 ; Director of Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., Palmer's Ship- building and Iron Co., and of Tredegar Coal and Iron Co. Recreations : Shooting, gardening. Clubs: Brooks's, Reform. Ad- dresses: 69 Eaton Place, London, S.W. ; Bodnant, Tal-y-Cafn, N. Wales. Macleay, James William Ronald : b. July 9, 1870 ; s. of Col. A. C. I\Iacleay,C.B., of Lyndhurst, Hants. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1889- 92 (F. de P., T.R.,W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1892 ; B.A. 1895. Attache, Washington, 1895 ; 3rd Sec, and transferred to Copen- hagen 1897 ; passed Exam, in Public Law, and transferred to Brussels 1898 ; 2nd Sec, and transferred to Madrid, 1901 ; Charge d' Affaires, June 1904 and Jan. 1905 ; transferred to Constantinople 1905 ; Charge d' Affaires, Belgrade, July-Sept. 1907 ; transferred to Mexico, Oct. 1907 ; ist Sec. 1908 ; Charge d' Affaires March-Dec. 1909; trans- ferred to Foreign Of&ce 1910 ; ditto to Brussels 1911 ; Charge d' Affaires, Sept. and Oct. 191 1, and July-Sept. 1912 ; British Delegate to Intemat. Conference on Commercial Statistics, Brussels, 1913 ; Councillor of Embassy, and transferred to Peking, 1914. Clubs : Travellers', St. James's. Address : Thorn Lodge, Spencer Road, East- bourne. Macleay, Oswell Sullivan : &. July 8, 1852 ; s. of J. R. Macleay, of the Foreign Of&ce; w. April 16, 1895, Ida Marion, d. of James Searight, and widow of Capt. F. G. Mawes, Welch Regt. Educ. Westminster ; Balliol 1871-3 (R.L.N., T.C., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1877. Barrister, I.T., 1878 ; practised as Convey- ancer until 1893 ; retired through ill health. Clubs : Athenaeum, Conservative. Address : 39 Dray- cott Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. [Died Jan. 5, 1912.] MacLehose, Hamish Alexander : b. Dec. 17, 1886 ; s. of N. M. Mac- Lehose, of Berkhamsted. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1905-8 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1908 ; B.A. 1909 ; Rugby XV ; Hockey XI. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Printer. Ad- dress : R. MacLehose & Co., Ltd., University Press, Glasgow. MacLehose, Norman Crawford : b. April 21, 1889 ; s. of N. M. Mac- Lehose, of Berkhamsted. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1908-11 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 191 1 ; B.A. 1812. Address: Little Heath House, Berkhamsted. MacLeod, Alexander Robertson : b. March 12, 1884 ; s. of M. S. Mac- Leod, of Uigg, Prince Edward Is. Educ. McGill Univ. ; Balliol 1906-9 (C.B., J.A.S.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 3rd. CI. Mods. 1907 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1909; Univ. Lacrosse team. Address : c/o A. G. Cameron, Esq., Messrs. Harris & Bull, Bank B.N.A. Building, Hastings Street W., Vancouver, B.C., Canada. *Macleod, Rev. Henry Crawford Crichton : b. 1857 ; s. of H. D. Macleod. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1876-9 ; Ex. ; 2nd CI, Mods. 1877 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1880 ; B.A. 1881. Union Soc. (Sec. 1879). M.A. 1884. Macmlchael, Neil : b. July 23, 1871; s. of Nev. Neil Macmichael, Min- ister of Craignish, Argyll. Educ. Royal High School, Edinburgh (Sch.) ; BalUol 1893-4 (W.M., G.U.P.). Arnold Soc M.A., 217 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Edinburgh, 1893. LC.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1894-6 ; Head Assist, ditto 1896- 1900 ; Special Settlement Officer 1900-4 ; Sec. to Board of Revenue 1904-5 ; on leave 1905-7 ; Col- lector, District Magistrate, and Agent to Governor in Ganjara 1908-14. Address: Cy'o The Chief Secretary to Government, Madras, India. Macmillan, Arthur Tarleton : b. Dec. 4, 1889 ; s. of M. C. Mac- millan, of London. Educ. Private; Balliol 1907-10 (J.W.R., E.H.). Address : 52 Cadogan Place, Lon- don, S.W. *Maciiiillan, Daniel de Mendi : b. Feb. I, 1886; 5. of M. C. Mac- millan, of London. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (C.B., J.A.S.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Prox. Acces. Craven Sch., 1906 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1908 ; B.A. 1909 ; M.A. 1912 ; Union and Brakenbury Socs. Publisher. Club : Savile. Addresses : 52 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. ; Birch Grove House, East Grinstead, Sussex. Macmillan, Maurice Harold : b. Feb. 10, 1894 ; s. of M. C. Macmillan, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1912- (C.B.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist CI. Jtlods. 1914. Union Soc. (Sec. and Jun. Treas. 1914). Address : 52 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. McMuBen, Alan : b. May 28, 1872 ; s. of A. P. McMuUen, of Hertford Castle ; m. (i) Nov. 19, 1904, Mary Evelyn (d. 1905), d. of Sir Walter Armstrong. Issue : one son ; (2) Feb. 6, 1914, Mrs. K. E. Halversen, d. of C, F. Philip, of Copenhagen. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1890-5 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; Brakenbury Sci. Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1894 ; Eight ; Rugby XV. Union, Dervorguilla, and Annan- dale Socs. Nat. Sci. Master, Wellington Coll., 1895 ; Brewer to A. Guinness & Co., Ltd. Clubs : Kildare Street (Dublin), Royal St. George Yacht (Kingston). Ad- dress : The Manor House, Raheny, Co. Dublin. Macmurray, John : 6. Feb. l6» 1891 ; s. of James Macmurray, of London. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; BalUol 1913- (A.D.L.) ; Snell Ex. and Newlands Sch. Address : 70 Crouch Hill, London, N. Macnabb, Archibald Corrie : b. Dec. I, i886 ; s. of J. W. Macnabb, J. P., H.E.I. C.S., B.C.S. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 and lo-ii (A.W.P. C, J.A.S., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1909 ; B.A. 1910 ; Univ. Trial Eights 1906 ; Univ. Sports, 3rd in Quarter Mile, 1908, and 100 yards, 1909 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Four. Dervorguilla Soc. I.C.S., Pimjab; Assist. Commissioner 191 1. Club: Leander. Address : Arthurstone, Bracknell, Berks. McNair, Arthur Wyndham : b. Aug. 23, 1872 ; s. of Major T. F. A. McNair, C.M.G., R.A. w. Jan. 3, 1903, Elisabeth Eva Dawn, d. of D. C. B. Griffith, F.R.C.P. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. St. Paul's School (Jun. and Sen. Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-3 (W.M.). Union Soc. I.C.S., United Pro- vinces ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1893 ; Deputy Com- missioner 1908 ; Magistrate and Collector 191 1. Club : East India United Services. Address : Fyza- bad, Oudh, India. ♦McNeile, Rev. Robert Fergus : b. July II, 1877 ; s. of Rev. H. McNeile, Vicar of Bishop's Sutton, and Fellow of St. John's Coll. Educ. Dean Close School, Chelten- ham ; Balliol 1895-1900 (J.W.R., J.L.S.D.) ; Math. Sch. ; 3rd CI. and ist Math. Mods., and Prox. Acces. Jun. Math. Sch., 1897; ist Math., and B.A., 1899 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1900 ; M.A. 1902 ; Assoc. XI (Capt.) ; Lawn Tennis team. Union and Arnold Socs. Wycliffe Hall 1900 ; ordained d. 1901, p. 1902 ; Curate of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 1 901-3 ; Student and Tutor of Christ Church 1902-8 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Manchester 1903-8 ; C.M.S. Missionary in Egypt 1908-. Recreations : Lawn-tennis, golf. 218 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Address : 35 Sharia Falaki, Cairo, Egypt. Maconochie, Alexander Francis : b. Nov. 16, 1862 ; s. of Alexander Maconochie, of the Home Of&ce. m. May 8, 1895, Eveline, d. of Major J. Grieve Hall, R.E. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Westminster (Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-2. Union and Brakenbnry Socs. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Ahmeda- bad, 1882-6 ; Joint Administrator, Rajpipla, 1886-7 ; Survey and Settlement Superintendent, Baro- da, 1890 ; First Assist. 1895 ; Jim. Collector and Magistrate, Shola- pur, and Political Agent, Akalkot, 1899 ; Senior ditto 1904 ; ditto, Nasik, 1904-5, and 1909-11 ; Col- lector, Ahmadnagar, 1911-12 ; retired 1913. Clubs : East India United Service, Cocoa Tree. Ad- dress : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. McPherson, Hugh : b. May 4, 1870 ; s. of Duncan McPherson, of Paisley ; m. Feb. 24, 1897, Gertrude, d. of Dr. James Kelly. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Gr. School, and Academy, Paisley ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1889-91 (W.M., A. A.M.) ; Snell Ex. ; Prox. Acces. to Boden Sch. Union and Arnold Socs. First Exhs. in Matric. and Intermed. Arts Exams., B.A. 1890, London. I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and As- sist. Settlement Officer, 1891-7 ; Joint Magistrate and Dep. Collec- tor 1897 ; Magistrate and Collec- tor 1902 ; Director of Land Records 1907 ; ditto, transferred to Bihar, 1912 ; Sec. to Revenue Department, 191 2. Publications : Various Settlement reports, &c. Clubs : East India United Service ; Bengal United Services (Calcutta). Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament Street, London, S.W. MacQueen, John Ranier : b. 1840 ; s. of James MacQueen, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. Canterbury ; Bal- liol 1858-62 ; 2nd L. and H., and B.A., 1862. M.A. 1865 ; Address : Brookhouse, Chailey, Cooksbridge, S.O., Sussex. [Died April 18, 1912.] Macran, Henry Stewart : b. 1867; s. of H. E. Macran, of Dublin; m. Stella, d. of Rev. R. S. Kerr, Rector of Howth. Educ. Wesley and Trinity Colls., Dublin ; Bal- liol 1889 (F. de P.). M.A., and Fellow 1892, Trinity Coll., Dublin ; Prof, of Mental and Moral Philo- sophy, Univ. of Dublin, 1901-. Publications : The Harmonics of Aristoxenus, 1902 ; article on ' Greek Music' in Grove's Diction- ary of Music ; HegeVs Doctrine of Formal Logic, 1912. Club : Irish Automobile. Address : Trinity College, Dublin. Madan, Geoffrey Spencer : b. Feb. 6, 1895 ; s. of Falconer Madan, Bodley's Librarian in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1913- (C.B.) ; CI. Sch.; Union, Arnold, Brakenbury, and Annan- dale Socs. Address : 94 Banbury Road, Oxford. Madgavkar, Govind Dinanath : b May 21, 1 871 ; s. of Maharastra Gand Saraswah Brahmin ; m. Saraswati Bhadrabai, d. of Rao Bahadur Shankar Pandurang Pandit, Oriental Translator to Govt, of Bombay. Educ. St. Xavier's School and Coll., and Elphinstone Coll. (Sch.) ; Bombay ; Balliol 1891-2 (W.M.). Arnold and Brakenbury Socs. B.A., Bom- bay ; I.C.S. Assist. Commis- sioner, Burma, 1892-7 ; on sick leave 1897-8 ; Assist. Collector, Collector, and District and Ses- sions Judge, Bombay, 1898-1912 ; Judge, Thana, 191 2-. Club : Orient (Bombay). Address : The Secretariat, Bombay, India. Mahmoud, Ali : b. Aug. 15, 1890 ; s. of Mahmoud Suliman Pasha, of Cairo. Educ. Agricultural School, Gizeh, Egypt; Balliol 1910-11 (H.B.H.). Address : 18 Falaki Street, Cairo, Egypt. Mahmoud, Hefni : b. May 18, 1891 ; s. of Mahmoud Suliman Pasha, of Cairo. Educ. Nasrich School ; Balliol 191 2- (A.L.S., 319 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER N.S.T.) ; Morrison Fours. Ad- dress : 1 6 Falaki Street, Cairo, Maltinoud, Mohammed Bey : b. April 15, 1878 ; 5. of Mahmoud Suliman Pasha, of Cairo ; m. April 1905, Fitnat, d. of Idris Ragheb Bey. Issue : two children. Educ. Assiut Government Primary School ; Tewfikieh Secondary School, Cairo; Balliol 1898-1901 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A,, 1901. Brakenbury Soc. Government of Egypt ; Sub-In- spector in Ministry of Finance 1901, Ministry of Interior 1904 ; Private Sec. to Adviser to Ministry of In- terior 1905 ; Governor of Province of Fay um 1 906 ; ditto of Suez Canal 1910- ; Order of Sanieh 1906 ; Moutamaiez 1907 ; 3rd Class Osmanieh, and Commandeur de la Couronne de S. M. le Roi des Beiges, 191 1. Recreations : Ten- nis, riding. Club : Turf (Cairo). Addresses : Government House, Port Said ; 16 Falaki Street, Cairo ; Abutig, Upper Egypt. Main, Rev. Archibald : b. Dec. 17, 1876 ; s. of Archibald Main, of Partick, Glasgow ; tn. June 25, 1907, Mary Jardine, d. of Andrew Giffen, of Glasgow. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Garnethill School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1899- 1902 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., Stanhope Prize, and B.A., 1903 ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. M.A. (ist CI. Honours in Mental Philosophy) 1899, D.Litt. 1912, Glasgow ; studied in Divinity Hall, Glasgow, 1902-3 ; licensed 1903 ; Assist, to Rev. John Watt, D.D., Anderston Parish, 1903-4 ; Ordained to St. Madoes, Perthshire, 1904 ; Exam. St. Andrews Univ., 1906, 7, 8, 12- 14 ; Minister of Old Kilpatrick Parish Church, Dumbartonshire, 1912-. Publications: The Emperor Sigismund, 1903 ; articles in Hastings's Dictionaries ; reviews in Athenaeum, Scottish Historical Re- view, and Review of Theology and Philosophy. Recreations : Golf, curling. Clubs : Cardross and Duntocher. Address : The Manse, Old Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire. Malcolm, James Aratoon : 6. 1868 ; s. of Aratoon Malcolm, of Bushire, Persia. Educ. HerneHouse School, Cliftonville, Kent ; Balliol 1886-9 (A.V.D., E.A.). One of the founders and editors of the Haiasdan ; after leaving Oxford engaged in jour- nalism, publishing a political- finan- cial newspaper in London ; made first offer to provide 1,000 sharp- shooters for service in S. African war ; fitted out Tourmoline Expe- dition to Southern Morocco, 1897 ; Contractor for public works ; in- terested in construction of longest water conduit in Europe (Baku), and in the extensions to London Docks; a Founder and Director of company controlling Montreal , Ottawa, and Georgian Bay Canal project, and of the Corps of Veterans ; formerly Chairman of Royal London Yacht Club ; mem- ber of Council of British Red Crescent Soc. ; negotiated the £5,000,000 * Crisp ' loan for the Chinese Government ; a founder of the British Empire League, and of the Royal Motor Yacht Club. Publications : contributor of arti- cles on banking and currency to various financial journals. Ad- dress : 58 Lombard St., London, E.C. ♦Malcolm, William Rolle : &. Jan. 10, 1840 ; s. of John Malcolm, of Potalloch, Argyll ; w.(i) Georgina, d. of Lord Charles Wellesley. Issue : two sons, one daughter. (2) Ruth, d. of Hon. E. P. Bouverie. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1858-62 (J.R.) ; ist CI. Mods, i860 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1862 ; Fellow of All Souls, and M.A., 1865. Barrister, L.I., 1865 ; Assist, to Lord Thring when Parliamentary Counsel to Government ; Assist. Sec. to Board of Trade 1874 ; Assist. Under-Sec. to Colonial Office 1878 ; partner in Coutts's Bank 1878. Address : Walton Manor, Walton- on-the-Hill, Surrey. Malik, Hardit Singh : b. Nov. 30, 1894 ; s. of M. S. Malik, of Rawal 220 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Pindi. Educ. Eastbourne Coll. ; Balliol 1912- (F.F.U., N.S.T.) ; Univ. Freshmen's Cricket Match 191 3 ; Univ. Golf team v. Cam- bridge 191 4. Address : Rawal Pindi, Punjab, India. Mallet, Bernard : b. Sept. 17, 1859 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Mallet ; tn. 1891, Hon. Marie Constance Adeane (V.A.), Maid of Honour to Queen Victoria, 1887-91, and Extra Woman of the Bedchamber 1895-1901. Issue : two sons. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1878-81 (R.L.N., A.L.S.) ; 1st Mod. Hist. 1 88 1. Clerk in Foreign Office 1882, ditto, Treasury, 1885 ; Pri- vate Sec. to Rt. Hon. A. Akers- Douglas 1886-91, and to Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour 1891-2 and 1895-7 ; Commissioner of Inland Revenue 1897 - 1909 ; Registrar- General 1909-, and in that capacity was responsible for the Census of England and Wales in 1911 ; on Coimcils of Royal Economic and Statistical (also Vice-Pres.) Socs. ; C.B. 1 911. Publications : Mallet du Pan and the French Revolution, 1902 ; Sty Louis Mallet, a Record of Public Services and Political Ideals, and editor of a blue-book on graduated income taxes abroad, 1905 ; Earl of Northbrook, a Memoir, 1908 ; British Budgets 18S7 to 1913, 191 3. Clubs : Brooks's, Athenaeum. Address : 43 Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W. Mallet, Charles Edward : b. Dec. 2, 1862 ; s. of Charles Mallet ; m. 1895, Margaret, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir H. E. Roscoe, F.R.S. Issue : two sons. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1881-5 (E.A., W.H.F., F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 1st Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1885. Union (Lib. 1883-4), Der- vorguilla, Brakenbury, and Carlyle Socs. Lecturer in History on Univ. Extension Staff ; Barrister, M.T., 1889 ; Director of a London Publishing House ; contested (L.) West Salford 1900 ; M.P. Ply- mouth igo6-io ; Parliamentary Private Sec, to Rt. Hon. W. Runci- man at Treasury and Board of Education ; Financial Sec. to War Office 1910-11 ; Additional Sec. at India Office and Sec. for Indian Students, 1912- ; J. P. Hants, 1906. Publications : The French Revolution, and various historical papers. Club : Athenaeum. Ad- dress : 4 Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S.W. Mallet, Sir Louis du Pan : b. July 10, 1864 ; 5. of Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Mallet. Educ. Private; Balliol 1883-5 (A.L.S.). Union Soc. Foreign Office 1888 ; 3rd Sec. 1896 ; served in Brazil, Rome, and Cairo ; Pr6cis Writer to Marquess of Lansdowne 1902-5 ; Private Sec. to Sir Edward Grey 1905-7 ; C.B. 1905 ; an Assist. Under-Sec. for Foreign Affairs 1907-13 ; K.C.M.G. 1912 ; Ambassador at Constantinople 1 91 3-. Club: St. James's. Address : Foreign Of- fice, London, S.W. Mallet, Victor Alexander Louis : &. April 9, 1893 ; s. of Bernard Mallet, C.B. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1911- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T., A.L.S.) ; Assocn. and Cricket XFs. Union (Sec. 1914), Arnold, and Brakenbury Socs. Address : 43 Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W. Malloek, William Hurrell : 6. 1849 ; s. of Rev, William Malloek, of Cheriton Bishop, Devon. Educ. Private; Rev. W. B. Philpot, Littlehampton ; Balliol 1870-3 ; English Verse Prize, and 3rd CI. Mods. 1871 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1874. Publications : The Neiv Republic, Studies of Con- temporary Superstitions, Property and Progress, and Labour and the Popular Welfare, 1893 ; Classes and Masses, 1896 ; Aristocracy and Evolution, 1898 ; Doctrine and Doctrinal Disruption, 1900 ; Re- ligion as a Credible Doctrine, 1902 ; The Veil of the Temple, 1904 ; two volumes of verse ; Lucretius on Life and Death ; The Reconstruc- tion of Belief, 1905 ; An Immortal Soul, 1908 ; The Nation as a Business Firm, 1910 ; novels — A Romance of the Nineteenth Cen- tury ; The Old Order Changes ; 221 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER A Human Docummt ; The Heart of Life ; The Individualist. Club : Bachelors'. Addresses : Bornhill, near Exeter ; Lauriston Hall, Torquay. Mann, Francis Oscar : h. Oct. 15, 1885 ; s. of F. C. Mann, of London. Educ. University Coll. (Sch.), London ; Balliol 1907-10 (A.L.S., E.J. P.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909 ; awarded certificate of B.Litt. 1912. Jun. Inspector 1909, Inspector 1914-, of Ele- mentary Schools, Board of Edu- cation ; Fellow of University Coll., London, 1911. Publication : Edited Deloney's Works (Clarendon Press), 191 1. Address : Board of Education, Whitehall,London,S.W. Mann, James Saumarez : 6. Nov. 10, 1893 ; 5. of J. S. Mann, of Bromley, Kent. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; Bal- liol 1912- (C.B.) ; CI. Sch. ; Dist. in Hertford Sch. 1913 ; ist CI. Mods. 1914. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Hazeldene, South Hill Park, Bromley, Kent. Manners, Hon. John Nevile : b. Jan. 6, 1892 ; s. of 3rd Lord Manners. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1910-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 191 3 ; Univ. LawTi Tennis and Racquets teams v. Cambridge 191 3 ; won Univ. Silver Racquet. Address : Avon Tyrrell, Ringwood, Hants. Manning, Charles Downes : b. 1829 ; s. of C. J. Manning, of Lon- don. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1847. Lieut, ist Royal Dragoons. Mano, Constantine Thrasybulos : b. Sept. 21, 1869 ; s. of General Mano, of the Military School, Piraeus; m. March 12, 1899, Henrietta Isabella, d. of C. E. P. Merlin. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Athens Gymna- sium ; Univs. of Leipzig, Berlin, Heidelberg, and Paris ; Balliol 1894-5 (J.A.S.). Hon. Sec. and Organizer of first Olympic Games, Athens, 1896 ; Chief of the ' Holy Band ' in Crete during insurrec- tions of 1896-7 ; member of Insur- rectional Assembly 1897 ; Mayor of Canea 1901 ; one of the thxee ' Chiefs of Therisso insurrection in Crete 1905 ; member of Constitu- tive Assembly, Crete, 1906 ; De- puty for Canea 1907 ; member for Attica and Boeotia, Greek Na- tional Assembly, 1910 ; Canea Correspondent of the Daily Mail ; Knight of the Greek Saviour Order 1897. Took part in whole of Greco-Turkish war in Epirus, 1912-13, at head of 300 Cretan Irregulars ; led in assault and capture of Preveza, and was thrice wounded ; upon disband- ment of irregular army his was the only company retained by the commander-in-chief, owing to their efficiency; killed by a fall while flying over Bulgarian outposts at Langatha, near Salonica ; buried at Athens with military honours. Publications : Greek Verses, 1890 ; Handbook on Athletic Training (in Greek), 1896 ; translation of Sophocles' Antigone, in modern Greek verse, 1905 ; Sonnet, in French, in Athenian and Cretan papers, to commemorate the tak- ing of Preveza, Nov. 2, 1912. Club : 'AOrjvaiT] A(axv> Athens. Addresses : 3 Nicodemus St., Athens ; Bellacampagna, Canea, Crete. [Died April 21, 191 3.] Manoukian, Arshag Sarlds Sane- kerim : b. Aug. 15, 1864 ; s. of Senekerim Manoukian, of Guedik, Constantinople ; m. 1892, Agnis Suzanon, d. of A. H. Boyajian, Head of the Protestant Conmaunity of the Ottoman Empire. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Robert Coll., Constantinople ; Bal- liol 1882-5 (J.L.S.D., W.H.F.). Union Soc. B.A., Robert Coll., Constantinople ; member of Cham- ber of Legal Counsellors, Foreign Of&ce, Sublime Porte, Constanti- nople, 1886-9 ; engaged in com- merce, Egypt 1890-2, Constanti- nople 1 892-1 906, Marseilles 1906- 10 ; manufacturer of scientific stones, 1910-. Address : 46 Quai de Billancourt (Seine), Paris. ♦Marett, Robert Ranulf : b. June 13, 1866 ; s. of Sir R. P. Marett, Baililt of Jersey ; w. July 6, 1898, Nora, 222 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER d. of Sir John Kirk, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Victoria Coll., Jersey ; Balliol 1885-8 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and mentioned for Hertford Sch., 1886; Chancellor's Latin Verse Prize 1887 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1888 ; Prox. Acces. Chancellor's English Essay Prize, and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1891 ; Green Moral Philosophy Prize (1893 ; D.Sc. 1913. Union (Sec. 1889) and Brakenbury Socs. jMember of LT., and Jersey Bar ; studied Philosophy under Prof. |Paulsen at Berlin 1888-9, and Archaeology in Rome 1889-90 ; jAssist. Tutor, Balliol, 1 890-1 ; Fellow 1891-, Tutor in Philosophy, and Dean, Sub-Rector 1893-8, Exeter Coll. ; Exam, in Lit. Hum. 1905-8, Hertford and John Locke Schs., and in various prizes, diplomas, &c., Oxford, and for Civil Service Commission ; Sec. to Committee for Anthropology 1908-, and Reader in Social Aji- thropology 1910-, Oxford Univ. ; formerly held conmiission in Royal Jersey Militia, and served with O.U.R.V.C. ; Fellow of Royal Anthropological Institute ; Pres. of Folk-Lore Soc. ; Vice- Pres. of Section I of 3rd Intemat. Congress for History of Religions 1898 ; Invite de I'Association Frangaise pour I'Avancement des Sciences, Toulouse, 1910; served on Advisory Commission appointed by Colonial Ofi&ce ; Org. Sec. of Intemat. Congress of the Anthropological Sciences ; Oxford Univ. Represen- tative at 19th Intemat. Congress of Americanists, Washington, 19 14. Publications : Origin and Validity \in Ethics in Personal Idealism (Essay), 1902 ; Oxford editor of, land contributor to. Anthropologi- cal Essays presented to E. B. Tyhr, ii9o8 ; editor of, and contributed preface to. Anthropology and the Classics, 1908 ; The Threshold of Religion, 1909, 2nd ed. 1914 ; The Birth of Humility, 1910 ; Anthro- pology ,igi2 ; and various papers in philosophic and scientific journals. Addresses : Exeter College, Ox- ford ; Manoir de La Haule, Jersey. *IVIarkby, Sir William : b. May i, 1829 ; s. of Rev. W. H. Markby, Rector of Duxford ; m. 1866, Lucy, d. of J. E. Taylor, of Wey- bridge. Edtic. King Edward's School, Bury St. Edmunds (Sch.) ; Merton Coll. 1846-50 ; Post- master ; ist Math. 1850 ; B.A. 1851 ; M.A. 1856; D.C.L. (by Decree) 1879. Barrister, I.T., ;i856 ; Recorder of Buckingham 1865-6 ; Judge of High Court 1866-78, Vice- Chancellor of Univ. 1877-8, Calcutta; Reader in Indian Law 1 878-1900, Exam, in Jur. 1 8 80-1, Oxford ; Perpetual Curator of Indian Institute ; mem- ber of Hebdomadal Council 1883- 92 ; Delegate of the Press 1881- 1907 ; Curator of the Chest 1885- 93 ; Fellow of All Souls 1883 ; Fellow 1 883- Jun. Bursar 1887, Sen. and Jun. ditto 1888-92, Sen. ditto 1 893-1 905, Tutor to Indian Probationers, Balliol ; Commis- sioner to inquire into administra- tion of Justice in Trinidad and Tobago, 1892. Sec. to Trustees of Jowett Memorial Fund 1904- 12 ; Railway Commissioner 1906 ; Alderman of County Council 1910, and J.P., Oxon. ; K.C.I. E. 1889. Publications : Lectures on Indian Law ; Elements of Law considered with refereyxce to the General Prin- ciples of Jurisprudence, 6th ed. 1905 ; contributor to Encyclo- paedia Britannica. Club : Athe- naeum. Address : Headington Hill, Oxford. ♦Marks, Harry Cecil : b. Sept. 9, 1885 ; s. of H. H. Marks, some- time M.P. for Thanet. Educ, Harrow ;Ballioli903-6(H.W.C.D.; F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1906 ; B.A. and M.A. 1912. Barrister, I.T., 1906. Addresses : 10 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. ; Callis Court, St. Peters-in- Thanet, Kent. Marriott, Robert Denis : b. March 18, 1879 ; 5. of P. H. Marriott, of Whalley Range, Manchester. Educ. Currie Schools, Folkestone; Sea 223 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER field Park, near Porstmouth ; Balliol 1897-1901 (E.A., E.J.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1899 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1901 ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. Solicitor (Slater, Heelis, Colley, Sandbach and An- derson), Manchester. Address : 71 Princess St., Manchester. *Marsden, George : b. Jan. 9, 1885 ; 5. of Edmund Marsden, of Chelten- ham. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1903-6 (C.B., H.W.C.D.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1905 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1910 ; Half-Blue, running, O.U.A.C. ; Rugby XV (Capt.) ; Cricket and Hockey XI's. Arnold, Brakenbur}', and Jowett Socs. j Fellow of All Souls 1909 ; Barris- ter, LT. (Certificate of Honour), i 1910 ; N.E. Circuit, and Leeds, ; Shefi&eld, and West and East Riding Sessions. Addresses : 2 I Garden Court, Temple, London, E.C. ; Waltroyd, EUerdale Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. ♦Marsh, James Ernest : b. July 5, i860 ; s. of John Marsh, J. P., of Rainhill ; m. 1903, Lavinia, d. of J. E. Paintin. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1879-82 (H.B.D.) ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1891 ; Studied at Univs. of Bonn 1882-3, Paris 1893 ; Sci. Master, Exeter School, 1883-5 ; Lecturer in Materia Medica 1893-7, Re- search Assist. Demonstrator at Univ. Museum, Exam, in Nat. Sci. 1896, 7, Oxford ; Lectmrer at Exeter Coll. ; Fellow of Merton Coll. 1906- ; F.R.S. 1906. Publi- cations : Van 7 Hoff's La Chimie dans Vespace ; articles in Proc. of Royal Soc, Journal of Chemical Soc, &c. Address : 2 Davenant Road, Oxford. ♦Marshall Alfred : b. July 26, 1842 ; s. of William Marshall, of Syden- ham ; m. 1877, Mary, d. of Rev. Thomas Paley. Educ. Merchant Taylors' School ; St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Title to probationary CI. Fellowship at St. John's Coll., Oxford, 1861 ; Second Wrangler iSes ; Fellow 1865, Hon. ditto 1908, St. John's Coll^ Cambridge ; Principal of Univ. Coll., Bristol, 1877 ; Lecturer and Fellow 1883-4, Hon. Fellow 1896, Balliol ; Prof, of Political Economy, Cambridge Univ., 1885-1908 ; member of Royal Commission on Labour 1 891 ; Socio straniero della Reale Accademia dei Lincei 1896 ; F.B. A. 1902 ; corresponding member of rinstitut de France 1908 ; Foreign Fellow of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1911 ; Vice-Pres., Royal Economic Soc. M.A., Oxon. 1883, Cambridge 1868 ; Hon. D.Sc, Oxon. 1904, Cambridge 1907 ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh and Bristol ; Hon. Dr. Jur., Cracow and Christiania. Publications : Economics of Indus- try (in conjunction with his wife), 1879 ; Principles of Economics (translated into several languages), 1890 ; Elements of Economics, 1891 ; The New Cambridge Curri- culum in Economics, and Memo- randum on the Fiscal Policy of International Trade (published as a White Paper), 1903, &c., &c. Ad- dress : Balliol Croft, 6 Madingley Road, Cambridge. Marshall, Alfred George : b. March II, 1888 ; s. of G. T. Marshall, of Port Chalmers, N.Z. Educ. Univ. of New Zealand ; Balliol 191 1- (H.B.H.); Rhodes Sch. Univ. Lacrosse team v, Cambridge 1914; Torpid; Eight. Address: Port Chalmers, New Zealand. Marshall, John : b. March 9, 1845 ; s. of Peter Marshall, of Edinburgh; m. 1872, Rose, d. of IJ. Wilson. Issue: two sons, two daughters. Educ. Newington School, Moray House Training Coll., and the Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1869- 72 (J.P., J.L.S.D., T.H.G.) ; Ex. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1871 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1876. Union Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1874; CI. Lecturer, Balliol, 1876 ; Prof, of Classics and Philosophy, York- shire Coll., 1877-82 ; Rector of Royal ^High School, Edinburgh, 1 883-1909 ; Inspector of Secon- dary Schools for Oxford and Cara- 224 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER bridge Syndicates, and for Bur- saries to West Riding of Yorkshire and Warwickshire County Coun- cils, and Bamsley County Borough ; Bruce, Greek Travelling, and Ferguson CI. Schs., Guthrie CI. Fellow, M.A. (ist CI. Honours), 1869, and LL.D. 1889, Edinburgh ; exhibitor at Academy, &c. ; J. P., Fife. Publications : edited Xeno- phon's Anabasis, i, iii, iv, v, and Memorabilia, also Vocabulary to Xenophon ; Caes. de Bell. Gall., iv, V ; Scott's Lady of the Lake ; author of A Short History of Greek Philosophy ; translator of Horace's Odes and Epodes into English Verse. Recreations : Paint- ing in oil. Clubs : Chelsea Arts; Scottish Conservative, and Scot- tish Arts (Edin.). Address : 6 Comely Bank, Edinburgh. ^Marshall, John Wilson : 6. Oct. 19, 1857 ; s. of Alexander Marshall, M.D., of Kilmarnock. Educ. Kilmarnock Academy ; High School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1879-83 (F. de P., A.C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. Assist. Prof, of Greek and Lecturer in Latin 1884-1909, Prof, of Greek 1910-, Univ. Coll, of Wales, Aberystwyth ; Internal Exam, in Greek, Univ. of Wales, 1896- ; M.A. 1879, Exam, in Classics 1890- 7, Univ. of Glasgow ; Capt. O.T.C. 1909. Address : University Col- lege of Wales, Aberystwyth. Marshall, Louis : b. Dec. 9, 1870 ; s. of Henry Marshall, of Barcelona, Spain ; m. Sept. i, 1894, Agnes Kathleen, d. of Charles Hoskins. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1889- 91 (W.M.). Arnold Soc. I.C.S., United Provinces, 1891 ; Assist, and Joint Magistrate ; Acting Collector, in Financial Depart- ment ; District and Sessions Judge. Address : District and Sessions Judge, Moradabad, United Pro- vinces, India. ♦Marten, Clarence Henry Kennett : b. Oct. 28, 1872 ; s. of Sir Alfred Marten, K.C. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1891-5 (A.L.S.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1900 ; Assoc. XI. Dervorguilla Soc. Assist. Master 1896, House ditto 1907-, Eton. Publications : A Syllabus of English History ; joint author of A History of Great Britain. Recreations : Cricket, golf, shooting, &c. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Eton College, Windsor. *Martin, Chester Bailey : 6. June 22, 1882 ; 5. of H. C. Martin of St. John's, New Brunswick. Educ. St. John's High School, and Univ. (Sch.), New Brunswick ; Balliol 1904-7 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.); Rhodes Sch. ; Gladstone Prize 1906 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1907 ; Beit Prize 1908 ; Brassey Studentship ; B.A. and M.A. 1911 ; Univ. 2nd Lacrosse team. Arnold Soc. Engaged in Archives Department, Ottawa, 1908-9 ; Prof, of History, Univ. of Manitoba, 1909-. Address : The University, Manitoba, Canada. Martin, Hugh : b. April 9, 1888 ; 5. of Rev. Prof. Martin, D.D., New Coll., Edinburgh. Educ. Edin- burgh Academy ; Balliol 1907-10 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Univ. and Coll. Rugby XV's. Union and Arnold Socs. With Ilbert & Co., of Shanghai. Addresses : 16 Eildon Street, Edinburgh ; c /o Ilbert & Co., 22 Kiangse Road, Shanghai, China. Martin, Hugh Forgon : b. Oct. 25, 1886 ; 5. of Rev. T. Martin, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow High School ; Balliol 1909-12 (A.D.L.) ; Snell Ex. and Newlands Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1912 ; B.A. 1913. Address : 55 Cambridge Drive, Glasgow. ■^Martin, Thomas Alexander : b. Aug. 26, 1858 ; s. of John Martin, of Westbury House, Fareham, Hants ; tn. Mary Phipps. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1877-80 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1880 ; M.A. 1884. Barrister, I.T., 1882. Martin, William : b. Dec. 5, 1886 ; s. of William Martin, of Winnipeg. 225 Q BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Educ. Upper Canada Coll., To- ronto; Balliol 1910-12 (E.H.) ; 3rd B.C.L., and B.C.L., 191 2 ; Torpid. Address : 125 Wellington Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. *Martley, William Gibson : b. Nov. 21, 1859 ; 5. of F. B. Hartley, of Ballyfallon, Co. Meath ; m. 1891, Ethel Maud, d. of His Honour Judge Clarke, K.C. Educ. Rugby ; Private ; Balliol 1882-5 (F. de P., W.H.F., W. H. Fremantle) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Theol. 1885 ; B.A. 1886 ; M.A. 1889. Union Soc. Fausset Theol. Prize ; or- dained d. 1885 ; Curate of Ayles- bury 1885-7 ; relinquished Orders and joined staff of Charity Organ- ization Soc. ; interested in social and industrial questions, literature, and philosophy, and in the work of Toynbee Hall ; occasional lecturer, and preacher in Unitarian churches. Address : 134 High St., Poplar, London, E. ♦Mason, Rev. Charles Arthur : b. Nov. 27, 1858 ; s. of Major F. J. M. Mason, Indian Army ; m. Feb. 15, 1890, Laura Kate, d. of S. A. Plumbe, M.D., of Maidenhead. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. St. Paul's Coll., Stony Strat- ford ; Balliol 1877-81 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist, and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1884. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1881, p. 1882 ; Assist. Master and Chapl., King's Coll., Taunton, 1881-6 ; Chapl., Madras Railway, 1886-7; Eccles. Estab., Dio. of Lahore, 1887 ; Rawal Pindi 1889 ; Nowshera 1889-91 ; Su- bathu and Umballa 1892-3 ; Allahabad 1893-5 ; Chunar 1896- 7 ; Agra 1897-1903 ; Landour 1903-5 ; St. Mary, Benares, 1905- 7 ; Dio. Inspector, Lucknow, 1900-7 ; Hon. Canon of Lucknow Cath. 1906-9; Curate of St. Peter's, Southsea, 1907-8 ; Vicar of Otter- bourne, 1909-13 ; Chapl. of St. Catharine's Home for Consump- tives, Ventnor, 191 3-. Address : Wollescote, Spring Hill, Ventnor, I.W. Massey, Charles Vincent : b. Feb. 20, 1887; s. of C. D. Massey, of Toronto. Educ. Univ. of Toronto ; Balliol 1911-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1913. Address : Victoria College, Toronto, Canada. Matheson, Alexander : b. 1872 ; s. of Ewing Matheson, of Leeds. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1891-5 (E.A.,T.R.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1893 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1895. Address: 20 Castle St., Chester. ♦Matheson, Percy Ewing : b. Jan. 23, 1859 ; 5. of Rev. J. Matheson, B.A., Congregational Minister, of Nottingham; m. April 9, 1896, Hon. Elizabeth Fox Bruce, d. of 1st Lord Aberdare. Educ. Notting- ham High, and City of London Schools (Leaving Schs.) ; Balliol 1877-81 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1878 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1883. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Assist. Master, Fettes Coll., 1881-2 ; Fellow 1 88 1-, Lecturer and Tutor 1884, Dean 1889-1903, Dean of Arts 1903-13, New College ; Editor of Oxford Magazine, 1883-4 ; Sec. to Delegacy for Inspection and Examination of Schools 1887- ; Poor Law Guardian, Oxford Incor- poration, 1888-1904 ; CI. Modera- tor, 1894, 8, 9 ; formerly Assist. Lectmrer at Balliol and University Colls. ; Sen. Proctor 1895-6 ; Governor of Royal Holloway Coll. 1895- ; member of Hebdomadal Council 1897- ; Delegate of the University Press, Local Examina- tions, and for Training of Secon- dary Teachers ; member of Royal Commission on Civil Service 191 2, and of Univ. Appointments Com- mittee. Publications : A Skeleton Outline of Roman History ; joint editor of Demosthenes' Orations against Philip, 2 vols., 1887-90, and Speech on the Crown, 1899 ; co- translator of Blmitschli's Theory of the State. Club : Savile. Ad- dress : 1 Savile Road, Oxford. Mathews, Leslie Henry Staverton : b. March i, 1875 ; s. of J. A. S. Mathews, Solicitor. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1894-9 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; 226 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER ist CI, Mods., and Craven Sch., 1896 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898; represented Univ. Boxing Club, 1897 ; Rugby XV ; Cricket XI. Brakenbury Soc. Assist. Master 1899, afterwards Sen. Master CL Vlllth Form, St. Paul's SchooL Address : 32 Redcliffe Gardens, South Kensington, Lon- don, S.W. Matsudaira, Viscount Keimin : b. March 13,1883:5. of Marquis Keiei Matsudaira. Edttc. Gakushuin, Tokvo ; Balliol 1905-8 (A.L.S., E.J.'P., A.W.P.C). Chamberlain to H.M. the Emperor of Japan. Club: Tokyo. Address: 8 Fuji- micho, Azabu, Tokyo, Japan. Matsugata, Kojiro : b. Dec. 31, 1868 ; s. of Count Matayosti Matsugata, of Tokyo. Educ. Yale Univ., U.S.A. ; Balliol 1893. Matthews, Ernest Lewis : b. April 12, 1871 ; s. of J. A. Matthews, J. P., of Gloucester; m. Dec. 16, 1902, Ethel Mary, d. of Rev. W. Tebbs, Vicar of Ashwick. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. King's Coll., London; Balliol 1890- 2 (E.A., W.H.F., A.L.S., T.R.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1892 ; Rugby XV (Cayt. 1891-2). Bar- rister, I.T., 1895 ; practised in London and on Oxford Circuit 1 896-1 902 ; Advocate of Supreme Court of Transvaal 1902 ; Legal Adviser to Transvaal Govt., 1902- 10, ditto, and Acting Attorney- General of Transvaal Province, Union Government of S. Africa, 1910- ; Legal Adviser to High Commissioner for S. Africa in Pro- tectorate matters 1904-7 ; Acting Crown Prosecutor for Swaziland 1907-10 ; King's Counsel for the Union 1912 ; C.M.G. 1914. Ad- dresses : Department of Justice, and Ashwick, Bryntinon, Pretoria, South Africa. Maude, John William Ashley : b. Oct. 13, 1885 ; 5. of F. W. Maude, J. P., of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1903-5 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.); 3rd Mod. Hist. 1906. Student, I.T. Address : 9 Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W. Maude, Walter : b. June 3, 1862 ; s. of T. J. Maude, of Rugby ; tn. 1892, d. of E. T. Atkinson, CLE. Issue : two sons, four daughters. Educ. Furniss's Prep. School, Rugby; Highgate School (Founda- tioner) ; Balliol 1881-3 (A.T.). I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1883 ; Under-Sec, General, Revenue, and Statistical Departments, 1890 ; Settlement Of&cer, Orissa, 1892 ; Joint Magis- trate and Deputy Collector 1893 ; Magistrate and Collector 1895 ; Deputy Commissioner 1901 ; Com- missioner 1905 ; ditto, transferred to Bihar, and member of Board of Revenue, 1912-. Address: Suther- land Tower, Torquay. *Maughan, David : b. Feb. 5, 1873 ; s. of John Maughan, of Sydney, N.S.W. ; m. March 30, 1909, Jean Alice, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Ed- mund Barton, P.C., G.C.M.G., first Prime Minister of Australia, and Judge of High Court of Australia, Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. The King's School, Parra- matta, N.S.W. (Broughton and Forrest Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (W.H.F., T.R., J.W.R.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1893 ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1895 ; ist B.C.L. 1895 ; M.A., and B.C.L., 1912 ; played in Freshmen's Rugby trial game 1891, and Coll. XV. Arnold Soc. (Vice-Pres. 1894). Barrister, L.L, and acting Law Tutor at Balliol, 1896 ; B.A., Sydney Univ. ; prac- tising, mainly Equity, at Sydney Bar 1898-. Clubs : Australian and University (Sydney). Address : Nyrangie,Woollahra, Sydney, New South Wales. Maughan, John Malbon : b. Dec 19, 1877 ; s. of John Maughan, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. The King's School, Parramatta, N.S.W. (Macarthur, and Broughton and Forrest Schs.) ; Balliol 1896-1900 (J.W.R.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1898 ; 3rd Math., and B.A., 1900. Arnold Soc. Solicitor, Supreme Court of New South Wales, 1905 ; Manag- ing Equity Clerk to Norton, Smith & Co., Sydney, Address : 227 Q 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER University Club, Sydney, New South Wales. ♦Maxwell, Sir Frederic Mackenzie : b. Jan. II, i860; s. of Rev. Joseph Maxwell, Rector of St. Matthew, Nassau, Bahamas ; m. Oct. II, 1882, Adela Theodora Mary, d. of Rev. Prebendary Drought, Rector of Clontuskert, Ireland. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1882-5 (F- de P., R.G.T.) ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1891. Union Soc. ist Class Studentship, Inns of Court, 1882 ; ist Class Sch. in Equity, and Barrister, L.I., 1884 ; Attorney-General 1896, Chancellor of Diocese (with Central America) 1896-1907, K.C. 1905, Major commanding Volunteer Force 1906-8, Chief Justice 1907- 12, British Honduras; Knighted 191 1 ; Chief Justice of Leeward Islands 1912-. Address : Royal Colonial Institute, London, W.C. Maxwell, John Hamilton : b. Dec. 7, 1885 ; s. of Andrew Maxwell, of Paisley. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1906-10 (J.A.S.) ; Snell Ex. and Newlands Sch. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909. Address : 165 King St., Rutherglen, Glasgow. Maxwell, Thomas Doveton : b. July 6, 1873 ; s. of Major-Gen. W. MaxweU, R.A. Educ. Blun- dell's; Balliol 1892-6 {E.A., F. de P., J.A.S., T.R.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1896 ; Braken- bury and Annandale Socs. Bar- rister, G.I., 1903 ; Police Magis- trate, Calabar, S. Nigeria. Address : Calabar, Southern Nigeria. May, Charles Henry : b. Aug. 31, 1886 ; s. of C. G. May, of Wey- bridge. Educ. Winchester ; Bal- liol 1905-9 (J.W.R.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1907; 3rd Math., andB.A., 1909 ; Union and Arnold Socs. Solicitor. Recreations : Lawn ten- nis, football. Address : Pine Lodge, Byfleet Road, Weybridge. May, Richard Trelawny : b. March 25, 1890; s. of C. G. May, of Weybridge. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1909-12 (E.H.); 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1912 ; Univ. Cross Country team v. Cambridge. Ad- dress : Pine Lodge, Byfleet Road, Weybridge. Mayes, Herbert Frederick : b. July 16, 1869 ; s. of Frederick Mayes, of Whitfield, Dover, m. July 25, 1900, Elise M., d. of E. Coles, Political Agent, Rewah State. Educ. Dover Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1888-90 (W.M.) ; Brakenbury Soc. I.C.S., Central Provinces ; Assist. Commissioner 1890 ; Deputy ditto 1898 ; Kaisar-i-Hind Medal (ist class) 1901. Club : East India United Service. Address : Nag- pur, Central Provinces, India. Mayne, Arthur Brinley ; b. Jan. 9, 1893 ; s. of J. M. Mayne, of Swansea. Educ. Llandovery Coll. ; Balliol 1910- (J.W.R., H.W.C.D.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1911 ; Jun. Math. Sch. 1912; ist Math., andB.A., 1913; Rugby XV; Ath- letic team (half-mile). Union and Arnold Soc. Address : 3 Bryn-y mor Crescent, Swansea. Mayo, John Pym : b. 1872 ; 5. of C. T. Mayo, of Corsham, Wilts. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 189 1-5 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1803 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1895 ; B.A. 1896 ; Assist. Master, Manchester Gr. School. Address : Ivy House, Corsham, Wilts, Mead, Lawrence : b. April 20, 1884 ; 5. of Frederick Mead, Metropolitan Police Magistrate. Educ. Ton- bridge ; Balliol 1903-6 (H.B.H.) ; 4th Nat, Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1906. Union Soc, Barrister, M.T,, 1908 ; Lieut,, Reserve of Officers (Yeomanry) ; Captain's Certifi- cate, Cavalry School, 1907, Dis- tinguished ditto, Hythe, 1908 ; studied land agency and estate management 1 908-11 ; Associate of Surveyors' Institution ; Quali- fied Associate of Land Agents Soc. Publication : Editor of Oke's Game Laws, 5th ed,, 1912, Recrea- tions : Hunting, golf. Clubs : Cavalry, St. Stephen's. Addresses: 4 Eliot Place, Blackheath, London, S.E. ; 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. 228 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Meade, Charles Francis : b. Feb. 25, 1881 ; s. of Hon. Sir Robert Meade, of Taplow Court, Maiden- head. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1899- 1903 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.). Ad- dress : Bath Club, Dover Street, London, W, Melitus, Paul Gregory: b. March I, 1858; s. of G. P. MeHtus, of London ; m. Oct. 1906, Janet Douglas, d. of J. D. Cowan. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1878- 9 (A.T., W.M., G.F.N.). Union Soc. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate, &c., Bengal, 1880-6 ; Assist, and Deputy Commissioner, and Assist. Sec. to Chief Commissioner, Assam, and Acting Postmaster- General, Bengal, 1886-91 ; Under and Deputy Sec. to Govt, of India, Home Department, 1891-4 ; CLE. 1S94 ; Sec. to Chief Commissioner, Assam, 1894-8 ; Judge and Com- missioner, Assam Valley Districts, 1898-1905 ; Member of Board of Revenue, East Bengal and Assam, 1905-12 ; C.S.L 1912 ; retired 1913. Address: 17 Gwydyr Man- sions, Hove, Sussex. Melllsh, Henry : b. Oct. 31, 1856 ; 5. of Lieut.-Col. W. L. Mellish, Notts. Militia, late Rifle Brigade. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1875-9 ; ist Math. Mods. 1877 ; ist Nat. Sci. 1879 ; shot for Univ. in Chan- cellor's Plate at Wimbledon 1876- 9. Barrister, I.T., 1882 ; served in Notts. Volunteers and Terri- torial Force 1876-1912 ; com- manded 4th (Notts.) V.B. Sher- wood Foresters 1901-5 ; Major 8th Batt. ditto; Lieut.-Col. (Vols.) and V.D. ; Chairman of Territorial Force Assoc, Education Com- mittee, and Quarter Sessions (Ret- ford Division), D.L., and J. P., Notts. ; Pres. of Royal Meteoro- logical Soc. 1909-10 ; shot for England in Elcho Shield at Wimbledon and Bisley more than twenty times since 1882. Club : New University. Address : Hod- sock Priory, Worksop. Mellor, Rhubert William Henry : b. Aug. 7, 1892 ; s. of Matthew Mellor, of Gympie, Queensland. Educ. Queensland Univ. ; Balliol 1912- (H.B.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Univ. Freshmen's Cricket Match 1913. Address: Channon Street, Gympie, Queensland, Australia. Mehdelssohn-Bartholdy, Paul Ro- bert Ernst von : b. Nov. 14, 1875 ; s. of Ernst Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, of Berlin ; m. May 29, 1902, Charlotte, d. of Dr. Georg Reichen- heim. Educ. Friedrichs Wer- dersches Gymnasium, Berlin ; Bal- liol 1893-4 (J.C.,T. R.). Studied law in Bonn and Berlin till 1897 ; partner in Mendelssohn & Co., Bankers, Berlin, 1902- ; nomi- nated Danish Consul-General in Berlin 1903 ; Prussian Order of Red Eagle, 4th Class ; Danish Dannebrog Order. Clubs : Berlin and Imperial Automobile. Ad- dress: 67AWilhelmstrasse, Berlin, W., Germany. Menzies, George Kenneth : b. Oct. 8, 1869 ; s. of James Menzies, of London ; m. 1899, Mary Strath- earn Gordon, d. of John Burnet, Advocate, Edinburgh. Educ. Private ; St. Andrews Univ. ; Bal- liol 1889-90 (W.R.H.). M.A., St. Andrews, 1889 ; Assist, to Prof, of Greek, St. Andrews Univ., 1893- 6 ; Private Sec. to Sir W. Dunn, Bart., M.P., 1896-1904 ; Sec. in Academic Department, London Univ., 1904-8 ; Assist. Sec. and Editor of Journal, Royal Soc. of Arts, 1 908- Publications: numer- ous contributions to Punch, Daily Chronicle, &c. Address : 14 Mil- bome Grove, The Boltons, London, S.W. Menzies, Walter Baker : b. Nov. 23, 1888 ; 5. of Sir Walter Men- zies, M.P., of Culcreuch. Educ. King William's Coll., Isle of Man ; Balliol 1907-10 (E.H.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1910 ; Torpid (i and 2, Cox.). Union Soc. Studied at Glasgow Univ. 1910. Club : Glasgow Liberal. Ad- dresses : Culcreuch, Stirlingshire ; 34 Gordon Square, London, W.C. Menzies, William : b. Oct. 7, 1868 ; s. of Robert Menzies, Farmer, of Weem Aberfeldy, Perthshire. 229 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Educ. St. Andrews and Edinburgh Univs. ; Balliol 1892-4 and 1898 (W.R.H., W.H.F., E.J. P., J.A.S.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1894 ; B.A. 1898. Arnold Soc. Lecturer and Assist, in Greek, St. Andrews Univ., 1897-8 ; Schoolmaster in Scotland 1 899-1 903 ; Inspector in Scotch Education Department 1903-. Recreation : Golf. Ad- dress : Scotch Education Depart- ment, Whitehall London, S.W. Meredith, Leonard Arthur de Lacy : b. March 14, i888 ; s. of Arthur Meredith, of London. Educ. Eton ; BaUiol 1906-9 (A.W.P.C, E.H.) ; B.A. 1911. Union and Arnold Socs. Solicitor. Address : Claypole Rectory, Newark. ♦Merk, Frederick Holland : b. May 23, 1863 ; s. of Rev. J. N. Merk, of Dhurmsala, East Indies. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1882-6 (A.T., F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; 1st CI. Mods, 1883; ist Lit. Hum. 1886; B.A. 1887; M.A. 1899. Brakenbury Soc. Assist. and House Master, with short periods elsewhere, Christ's Hospi- tal. Club : Constitutional. Ad- dress : Christ's Hospital, West Horsham, Sussex. Merrill, Robert Valentine : b. Nov. 24, 1892 ; s. of E. T. Merrill, of Chicago. Educ. Univ. of Chicago ; Balliol 1913- (R.G., N.S.T.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Univ. Fencing team v. Cambridge 1914. Arnold and Brakenbury Socs. Address : 5826 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Merriman, Roger Bigelow : b. May 24, 1876 ; s. of Daniel Merri- man, of Worcester, Mass., U.S.A. ; m. June 2, 1907, Dorothea, d. of H. W. Foote. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Private ; Harvard Univ. ; Balliol 1897-9 (A.L.S.) ; B.Litt. 1899 ; Torpid ; Athletic and Lawn Tennis teams. Dervorguilla Soc. Studied at Harvard and in Germany, France, and Spain ; Instructor 1902, afterwards Assist. Prof, and Chairman of Department of Hist,, Harvard. Publications : Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell, 2 vols., 1902 ; translation of G6mara's Annals of the Emperor Charles V, 1912 ; articles and reviews in American Historical Review, Nation (New York), &c. Address : Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. *Merry, Rev. William Walter : b. Sept. 6, 1835 ; s, of Walter Merry, Solicitor, of London ; m. 1862, Alice Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Collings, Jurat of Royal Court of Guernsey, Issue : two sons, two daughters, Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1852-9 (E.C.W,, J.R., B.J.) ; Sch, ; ist CI. Mods. 1854 ; 2nd Lit, Hum, 1856 ; B.A., 1857; Latin Essay 1858; M.A. i860 ; B.D, and D.D. 1886. Or- dained d. i860, p. 186 1 ; Fellow and Lecturer 1859-84, Rector 1884-, Lincoln Coll. ; Vicar of All Saints', Oxford, 1862-84 ; CI. Moderator 1863, 4, 9, 70, I, 4, 7, 82, 3, 4 ; Select Preacher 1878-9, 89-90 ; Public Orator 1880-1910 ; White- hall Preacher 1883-4 ; member of Hebdomadal Council 1902-8 ; Hon, D.Litt., Univ. of Manches- ter, 1902 ; Vice-Chancellor, Oxford Univ., 1904-5 ; Hon. LL.D., Aber- deen, 1906 ; one of Lord Crewe's Trustees ; life member of Council of Cheltenham Coll. Publications : Homer's Odyssey i-xii, 60th thou- sand ; xiii-xxiv, i6th thousand ; Aristophanes' Clouds, Acharnians, Frogs, Knights, Birds, Wasps, Peace ; Fragments of Roman Poetry. Address : Lincoln Col- lege, Oxford. Merton, Thomas Ralph : b. Jan. 12, 1888 ; s. of E. R, Merton, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1906-10 (H.B.H,) ; B,Sc. 1910. Address : 25 Gilbert St., London, W, Meston. Sir James Sccrgie : b. June 12, 1865 ; 5. of James Meston, of Aberdeen ; m. Jeanie, d. of James McDonald, of Mossat, Aberdeenshire. Issue : one son surviving, Educ. Gr, School, and King's Coll., Aberdeen ; Balliol 1883-5 (J.L.S.D., W.M.) ; Torpid, 230 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTEI^ LC.S. 1885 ; employed in settle- ment of Jhansi and Budaun Dis- tricts 1889-97 ; Director of Agri- culture in United Prov. 1897-9 ; Financial Sec. to United Prov. Government 1 899-1 903 ; sent to S. Africa in connexion with reform of Colonial Civil Services 1904-7 ; Financial Sec. to Government of India 1907 ; Finance Minister (temporary), and C.S.I. , 1908 ; member of Imperial Legislative Council; K. C.S.I. 1911 ; Lieut. - Governor of United Prov. of Agra and Oudh 1912- ; LL.D., Aberdeen. Publications : mainly official. Club : East India United Services. Addresses : Government Houses, Allahabad, Lucknow, and Naini Tal, India. Meyer, Charles Julius : b. May 18, 1869 ; s. of F. A. Meyer, Cotton Merchant, of Liverpool. Educ, Rossall; Balliol 1888-92 (J.W.R., T.R.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1890 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A,, 1892 ; M.A. 1895. Barrister, I.T., 1893 ; practising at Liverpool ; Lancashire Chancery Court, and N. Circuit. Recreations : Golf, photography, music. Club : Con- servative (Liverpool). Addresses : 8 Harrington St., Liverpool ; Wellington Road, New Brighton, Cheshire. Michael, Walter Henry : 6. 1866 ; s. of W. A. Michael, of Liss, Hants ; m. Feb. 19, 1901, Lettie Maud, d. of H. C. Batchelor, of Caswell, Glam. Educ. Private ; Heidel- berg ; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.) ; Assoc. XI. Union Soc. LC.S. 1887 ; served in Madras 1888- 98 ; Accountant-General, Bengal, 1898-1904 ; ditto, Bombay, 1908 ; Officiating Joint Sec, Finance Department, Government of India, 1912- ; Financial Adviser to H.E. the Commander-in-Chief ; Addi- tional member of Governor- General's Legislative Council, 191 3 ; Delhi Durbar Medal. Recreations : Riding, shooting, rackets, tennis, &c. Clubs : East India United Service, Grosvenor, Royal Yacht (Bombay), Bengal. Address : c/o National Bank of India, Bishopsgate St., London, E.C. Michell, Richard Brooke : b. 1845 ; 5, of Rev. Richard Michell, Prin- cipal of Hertford Coll. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1865-8 ; Latin Verse Prize 1865 ; ist CI. Mods. 1866 ; B.A. and M.A. 1871. Barrister, L.I., 1872 ; Advocate High Court 1874, Prof, of Law, Presidency Coll., 1881, Acting Administrator-General 1893, Chief Judge of Small Causes Court 1894, Acting Judge of High Court, 1899, Madras. Address : The Lawn, Rugby. *I>Iidleton, Rt. Hon. Viscount, 9th Viscoimt, William St. John Fre- mantle Brodrick : b. Dec 14, 1856 ; 5. of 8th Viscount ; m. (i) 1880, Lady Hilda Charteris (d. 1901), d. of 9th Earl of Wemyss. Issue : one son, four daughters ; (2) 1903, Madeleine, d. of Col. the Hon. J. Stanley. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1875-8 (R.L.N., J.L.S.D., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1878 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1882 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. (Pres. 1878). Played for Oxford V. Cambridge (Eton Foot- ball) ; M.P. (C.) W. Surrey 1880- 5, Guildford Div. of Surrey 1885- 1906 ; Financial Sec. to War Office 1886-92 ; Under-Sec of State for War 1895-8 ; Under- Sec of State for Foreign Affairs 1898-1900 ; Sec. of State for War 1900-3 ; Sec. of State for India 1903-5 ; Alderman of London County Council 1907-13 ; P.C. 1897 ; J.P. ; D.L. Chibs : Carl- ton, Athenaeum, Addresses: Peper Harow, Godalming ; 34 Portland Place, London, W. ; The Grange, Midleton, Ireland, Miles, Basil : b. June 20, 1877 ; s. of F. B. Miles, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. Educ. St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass., and Univ. of Pennsylvania (A.B. 1897), U.S.A. ; Balliol 1902-5 (A.L.S.) ; B.Litt. 1905 ; Eight ; Torpid ; Morrison Fours. Union, Annan- dale, Dervorguilla (Pres.), and 231 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Arnold Socs. Engaged in Com- merce in Philadelphia 1897-9 ; Master at St. Mark's School, Southborough, 1 899-1 902 ; At- tache 1905, 3rd Sec. 1906, Ameri- can Embassy, St. Petersburg ; 3rd Sec, Berlin, 1907 ; Superin- tendent of Foreign Mails, Post Office Department, Washington, 1908-13 ; Chief Correspondence Division, Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.A., Washington, D.C., 1914-. Recreations : Shooting, motoring, music, &c. Clubs : Metropolitan (Washington), St. Anthony (Philadelphia). Ad- dress : Metropolitan Club, Wash- ington, D.C., U.S.A. Miles, Frederick Fisher : b. Aug. 3, 1892 ; 5. of James Miles. Educ. Otago Univ. ; Balliol 191 3- (J.W.R.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Rugby, Hockey, and Athletic teams. Union Soc. Address : c/o Bank of Australasia, Invercargill, New Zealand. Miles, James Edward : b. Oct. 6, 1894 ; s. of Alexander Miles, M.D., of Edinburgh. Educ. Edin- burgh Academy ; Balliol 191 3- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address: 20 Walker St., Edinburgh. Milford, Rev. Robert Newman : b. Feb. 8, 1829 ; s. of John Mil- ford, Banker, of Exeter ; m. Nov. 22, 1854, Emily, d. of Rt. Rev. C. R. Sumner, Bishop of Winchester. Issue : five sons, five daughters. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1848-51 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B.J., J.R.) ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1851 ; M.A. 1855. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1853, p. 1854 ; Curate of Stockwell Chapel, Lam- beth, 1853-4 ; Rector of Bright- well 1860-5 ; Bishop's Knoyle 1865-1912 ; Rural Dean of Chalke (Timsbury portion) 1872-88 ; Prebendary of Stratford in Salis- bury Cathedral 1 896-191 2. Pub- lications : Farnham and its Borough, i860 ; History of Farn- ham Castle, 1874. Address : 2 Richmond Gardens, Bournemouth. [Died June 18, 1913.] *MiIIar, John Hepburn : b. June 9, 1864 ; s. of Lord Craighill, Senator of the Coll. of Justice ; m. 1892, Margaret Wilhelmina, d. of J. W. Wharton-Duff, of Orton, Morayshire. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Edinburgh Academy; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., D.G.R.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1886 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1909 ; won Coll. Junior Fours. Union (Committee) and Brakenbury Socs. LL.B., Edin., 1889; Advocate 1889; Extra Advocate-depute 1903 ; Coun- sel to Scotch Education De- partment 1899- ; Lecturer on Intemat. Private Law 1902-9, Prof, of Constitutional Law and Hist. 1909-, Edinburgh Univ. ; Lecturer on Scottish Literature, Glasgow, 1911-12. Publications : A Handbook of Prescription, 1893 ; ' The Mid-Eighteenth Century ' {Periods of European Literature), 1902 ; A Literary History of Scotland, 1903 ; Scottish Prose of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 191 2. Clubs : Carlton ; New, and University (Edinburgh). Address : 10 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. *Miller, Rev. Charles Stewart : b. Oct. 8, 1857; s. of Major D. S. Miller, 7th Royal Fusiliers. Educ. Richmond (Yorks.) ; Balliol 1878- 82 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1880; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1886. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1883, p. 1884 ; Curate of St. Peter's, Eaton Square, 1883-96 ; Vicar of St. John's, Bournemouth, 1896- ; Governor and Vice-Chairman of High School, and Hon. Sec. of S.P.G. Assoc, Bournemouth. Address ; St. John's Vicarage, Surrey Road, Bournemouth. *Milner, Rt. Hon. Viscount, 1st Viscount, Alfred Milner : b. March 23, 1854 ; s. of Charles Mil- ner, M.D., of Tubingen, Germany. Educ. Gjonnasium, Tiibingen, Ger- many ; King's Coll., London ; Balliol 1873-5 (F. de P., E.A., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., 232 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and Hertford Sch., 1874 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1876 ; Craven Sch., and B.A. 1877 ; Eldon and Derby Schs. 1878 ; M.A. 1879 ; D.C.L. 1906. Union (Treas. 1875-6, Pres. 1876) and Dervorguilla Sees. Fellow of New Coll. 1877 ; Barris- ter, I.T., 1881 ; mainly engaged in journalism {Pall Mall Gazette, &.C.) 1882-5 ; contested (L.) Har- row Div. of Middlesex 1885 ; Prin- cipal Private Sec. to Chancellor of the Exchequer (Rt. Hon. G. J. Goschen) 1887-9 ; Under-Sec. of State for Finance, Egypt, 1889-92 ; Chairman of Board of Inland Revenue 1892-7 ; Gover- nor of Cape of Good Hope 1897- 1901 ; ditto Transvaal and Orange River Colonies 1901-5 ; High Com- missioner for S. Africa 1 897-1 905 ; Director of London Joint Stock Bank ; Chairman of Bank of British W, Africa, and of the Mortgage Co. of Egypt ; member of Royal Commissions on Local Taxation, and the University of London ; C.B. 1894 ; K.C.B., 1895; G.C.M.G. 1897; G.C.B. 1900 ; P.C, and Baron, 1901 ; Viscount, 1902. Puhlications: Eng- land in Egypt, 1892 ; Constructive Imperialism, 1907 ; Speeches in Canada, 1908 ; The Nation and the Empire, 191 3; various articles in reviews, &c. Clubs : Brooks's, Athenaeum, New University. Ad- dress : Sturry Court, Sturry, Kent. Milner, Rev. Herbert Wilson : h. April 9, 1870 ; s. of Rev. J. W. Milner, of Birkenhead ; m. Oct. 22, 1902, Dora, d. of J. Chambers. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1890-4 (E.A., R.L.N., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1892 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1894 ; B.A. 1895. Ordained d. 1899, p. 1900 ; Curate of St. Helen's, Wit- ton, 1899-1901 ; Okehampton 1902-6 ; Rector of Belstone 1906-. Address : Belstone Rectory, Oke- hampton, Devon. Milner, Rev. Thomas : b. Nov. 25, 1864 ; s. of Rev. J. W. Milner, of Liverpool; m. Mav29, 1894, Annie Christine, d. of W. H. Selby, of Cape Coast Castle, W. Africa. Issue : six children. Educ. Shrewsbury ; Balliol 1885-9 (F. de P., E.A., R L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1893. Ordained d. 1892, p. 1893; Curate of Hampton- on-Thames 1892-1903 ; Wilraing ton 1903-5 ; Swanley 1905-. Address: Hillside, Hextable, Kent. *Milroy, Edward Andrew Wallace : b. May 6, 1873 ; . of Rev. A. W. Milroy, of Cowes, Isle of Wight. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1892-6 (E.A., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1896 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 1903 ; Univ. 1894-6 (Sec), and Coll. (Capt.) Hockey XI's. Member of L.I. (Honours in Bar Final) 1896- 1901 ; Solicitor (2nd Class Honours in Final) 1905 ; member of firm of Monier- Williams, Robinson & Milroy ; served in C.I.V., S. Africa, 1900. Clubs : Oxford and Cam- bridge, Farnham Golf. Addresses : 72 Alexandra Road, Wimbledon ; The Oast House, Farnham, Surrey ; 6 and 7 Great Tower St., London, E.C. Minami-Iwakura, Baron Tomotake: b. June 2, 1869 ; s. of Tomayoshi Minami-Iwakura, of Tokyo. Educ. Gakushuin,Tokyo; Non-Coil. 1892; Balliol 1893-5 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; B.A. 1895 ; M.A. 1899. Ad- dress : c/o Prince Iwakura, Tokyo, Japan. Mirrielees, Frederick Donald : b, Sept. 4, 1881 : 5. of Sir F. J. Mirrie- lees, K.C.M.G. ; m. Sept., 1910, Mary Cavendish, d. of Major J. G. Pangboume, of Baltimore, U.S.A. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1900-4 (F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. Address : 53 Porches- ter Terrace, London, W, Mitchell, Alexander : b. Aug. 20, 1 871 ; s. of Alexander Mitchell, of Luscar and Camock, Fifeshire ; m. July 3, 1894, Meta, d. of John Paton, of Lethangie, Kinross-shire. Issue : two sons. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1889-93 (A.L.S.) ; B.A. 1897 ; Rugby XV, Lando^^^le^, and director of several Companies ; Lieut. -Col. commanding Fife and Forfar Yeomanry. Recreations : 233 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Hunting, shooting, travel. Clubs : Conservative, Raleigh, University (Edin.). Addresses: Luscar, Dun- fermline'; Monksford, St. Boswells. Mitchell, Frank Herbert : b. June 13, 1878 ; s. of R. A. H. Mitchell, of Eton Coll. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1897-1901 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1899 ; played in Univ. Golf team four years (Capt. 1901) ; Cricket XI (Capt.). Dervor- guilla and Annandale Socs. Jubilee Medal 1897. Address : Union Club, Trafalgar Square, S.W. Mitchell, Paul Lincoln : b. Aug. 9, 1879 ; s. of R. H. Mitchell, of Cincinnati. Educ. Yale Coll. ; Bal- liol 1907 (E.H.) ; Brakenbury Soc. Practised Law in Cincinnati 1907- II ; Surveyor of Customs, Cincin- nati, 1911-. Address : Traction Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. Mitchell, Robert Henry : b. July 22, 1874; 5. of R. A. H. Mitchell, of Eton Coll. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1893-6 (F. de P., E.A., A.L.S.) ; represented Univ. 1894-6, Capt. 1895-6, won President's Gold Medal, 1894, and Scratch Cup 1896, O.U. Golf Club ; won Inter-Col- legiate Foursomes 1894, 1896 ; Cricket XI (Capt. 1896). Annan- dale Soc. (Pres. 1896). Address : Stock Exchange, London, E.C. *Mitchell-Innes, Edward Alfred : b. Dec. 21, 1863 ; s. of Gilbert Mitchell- Innes, of Edinburgh ; m. April 18, 1893, Annie Barbara, d. of Robert Laycock, of Wiseton. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Wellington Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-7 (J.W.M., R.L.N.) ; Minor Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1885 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1887 ; B.A. and M.A. 1899 ; Dervorguilla Soc. Travelled round world 1889-90 ; Barrister, M.T., 1894 ; N.E. Cir- cuit ; member of County Council 1907-, J.P. 1908, formerly holder of commission in ist Batt. Territorial Regt., Herts. ; Officer in National Reserve ; K.C. 1908. Recreations : Golf, fishing, shooting. Clubs : St. James's, Garrick. Address : Churchill, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Mitchell-Thomson, William : b. April 15, 1877 ; 5. of Sir M. Mitchell-Thomson, ist Bart., of Polmood ; m. 1909, Madeleine, d. of Hon. Sir Malcolm McEacham. Educ. Winchester; Balliol 1896- 1900 (J.L.S.D., W.H.F., J.A.S., E.A., H. Wilhamson) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1900 ; Eight ; Cricket XI ; Athletic team. Dervorguilla Soc. LL.B. (Honours and Special Dis- tinction), and Prizeman in Civil and International Law, Edinburgh Univ. ; Scotch Bar 1902 ; engaged in West India trade 1902-6 ; has travelled extensively ; M.P. (U.) N.W. Lanark 1906-10, North Down 1910-; member of Execu- tiv^e of West India Committee, and of Royal Company of Archers (H.M. Bodyguard in Scotland), Publications : Articles on Man- churia, Siberia, and the West Indies. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, golf, motoring. Clubs : Constitutional, Junior Carlton ; Caledonian United Service (Edin.), Western (Glas.), Union (Trinidad). Address : 45 Draycott Place, Lon- don, S.W. ♦Moberly, William Octavius : b. Nov. 14, 1850 ; s. of Rev. C. E. Moberly, of Shoreham ; m. July 30, 1884, E. F., d. of T. T. Taylor, of Stoke Bishop. Educ. Rugby (Sch.); Balliol 1869-73 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; 2nd Lit, Hum., and B.A., 1873 ; M.A. 1877. Assist. Master, Clifton Coll., 1874-1913. Address : I Worcester Crescent, Clifton, Bristol. [Died Feb. 2, 1914.] Molyneux, John Heam : b. Aug. 12, 1879 ; s. of H. H. Molyneux, of Ballyhighland, Co. Wexford. Educ. Austria ; Stony hurst ; Bal- liol 1898-1901 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1901. Union and Arnold Socs. S. Africa 1901-7 ; Ireland 1907-10 ; Colo- nial Office Service, Assist, Resident, Northern Nigeria, 1911-. Address : New University, Club, St. James's Street, London, S.W. Mon^^an, Francis John : b. 1865 ; s. of J, H. Monahan, of Dublin. 234 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Educ. Oratory School, Edgbaston ; Balliol 1883-5 (VV.M.). I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Commissioner 1892 ; Deputy ditto 1894 ; Director of Land Records and Agriculture 1895 ; Sec. to Chief Commissioner 1898 ; Commissioner 1905, Assam ; transferred to Bengal 191 2. Ad- dress : I.C.S. Commissioner, Ben- gal, India. Monckton, Walter Turner : b. Jan. 17, 1891 ; s. of F. W. Monck- ton, of Ightham Warren, Kent. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1910- (A.W.P.C, C.B., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 191 2 ; Univ. Freshmen's, and Seniors', and Coll. Cricket XI's ; Assoc. XI. Union (Sec. 1911, Treas. and Lib. 1912, Pres. 1913), Arnold, Brakenbury, and Annandale Socs. Address : Igh- tham Warren, Kent. Monie, Peter William : b. March 30, 1877 ; s. of Peter Monie, of Irvine, Ayrshire; w. 1901, Ursula Winifred, d. of Rev. H. S. K. Bellairs. Issue : two sons. Educ. Irvine Royal Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Bal- liol 1897-1900 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1899 ; B.A. 1900. I.C.S. 1900 ; Under- Sec, to Government of Bombay 1905-8 ; ditto Government of India, Home Department, 1908- II ; 2nd Assist., Bombay, 1911- 13 ; Acting Collector, Nawabshah, Sind, 1913-. Address: Nawabshah, Sind, India. Monins, John Eaton : b. Sept. 27, 1890 ; s. of J. H. Monins, of Ring- would House, near Dover. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-13 (N.S.T., F.F.U.), 3rd Mod. Hist. 191 3. Address: Ringwould House, near Dover. ■^Monro, Henry Ramsay : b. July 5, 1881 ; s. of R. W. Monro, Chief Clerk in Private Bill Office, House of Lords. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1900-4 (E.A., F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1904; B.A. 1905; M.A. 1910 ; Assoc. XL Union andDervorguilla Socs. Sunderland Sch., Faculty of Conunerce, Birmingham Univ., 1904-5 ; engaged with Alfred Holt & Co., Shipowners, Liverpool, 1905-. Club : Union. Address : c/o Alfred Holt & Co., Shipowners, Liverpool. Monson, George Louis Esme John : b. Oct. 28, 1888 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir E. Monson, G.C.B., of Balliol and All Souls. Educ. Paris ; Eton ; Balliol 1907-9 (F.F.U., E.J. P., H.W.C.D.). Union Soc. Studied in London, Germany, and Spain 1909-14. Address : 4° Montagu Mansions, Gloucester Place, Lon- don, W. Montagu, Richard Headley : b. Sept. 16, 1882 ; s. of Hyman Montagu, F.S.A., Deputy Lieut, of City of London. Educ. Lockers Park ; Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1901-3 (F. de P.). Union Soc. Solicitor (2nd Class Honours). Club : Devonshire. Address : 34 Queen's Gardens, Hyde Park, Lon- don, W. Montague, Charles Edward : b. January i, 1867 ; s. of Francis Montague, of St. Margaret's, Twickenham ; m. Dec. 20, 1898, Madeleine, d. of C. P. Scott. Issue : five sons, two daughters. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1885-9 (E.A., W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1887 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1889; Eight; Four; Rugby XV. Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Joined stafE 1890, chief leader writer 1896-, and Director, Manchester Guardian ; Member of Court of Governors, Manchester Univ. Publications : A Hind let loose, 1910 ; Dramatic Values^ 1 911 ; The Morning's War, 191 3. Recreations : Mountaineering, fives, lawn tennis. Clubs : Alpine ; Reform (Manchester). Address : 10 Oak Drive, Fallowfield, Manchester. "^ Montague, Francis Charles : b. Aug. 31, 1858 ; s. of Francis Montague, of London. Educ. University Coll. School, and Uni- versity Coll., London ; Balliol 1876-9 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1877 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1879 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1885. Union and Brakenbury Socs. B.A. (CI. Honours), London, 1878 ; 235 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Fellow 1 88 1, and Lecturer in Mod. Hist., Oriel Coll. ; Barrister, L.L, 1883 ; Prof, of History, University Coll., London, 1893- ; Curator of Indian Institute 1900- ; Delegate and Sec. to Delegates for Superintendinglnstructionof I.C.S. Candidates. Publications : Limits of Individual Liberty, 1885 ; Life of Sir Robert Peel, 1888 ; Edition of Bentham's Fragment on Govern- ment, 1891 ; Elements of English Constitutional History, 1894 ; Macaulay's Essays, 1903 ; chap- ters in Cambridge Modern History, vol. iii, 1904 ; The History of Eng- land from the Accession of James I to the Restoration (vol. vii, Long- man's Political History of England), 1907. Address : 177 Woodstock Road, Oxford. ♦Montefiore, Claude Joseph Golds- mid : b. 1858 ; s. of Nathaniel Montefiore, of London ; m. (i) Theresa (d. 1889), d. of Lazar Schorstein. Issue : one son ; (2) Florence Fyfe Brereton, d. of R. J. Ward. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1878-81 (F. de P., A.C.B.) ; ist Lit. Hum. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1885. Pres. of Anglo- Jewish Assoc. ; Hibbert Lecturer 1892. Publications : Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Hebrews (Hibbert Lectures, 1892) ; The Bible for Home Reading ; Truth in Religion ; The Synoptic Gospels ; The Religious Teaching of Jesus (Jowett Lectures, 1910) ; Elements of Liberal Judaism ; St. Paul and Judaism. Clubs : Reform, Athe- naeum. Addresses : 8 Palace Green, Kensington, London, W. ; Cold- east, Southampton. Montefiore, Leonard Nathaniel Goldsmid : b. June 2 ,1889 ; s. of C. J. G. Montefiore, of Coldeast, Southampton. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 190&-11 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1911. Union Soc. (Sec. 1910, Treas. 191 1). Address : Coldeast, Southampton. Monteith, John Herbert Ignatius : b. July 23, 1885 ; s. of Joseph Monteith, of Carstairs. Educ. Stonyhurst; Balliol 1904-6 (A. L.S., H.W.C.D., J.W.R.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1906. Address : c/o Bul- lock Bros. & Co., Ltd., Rangoon, Burma. Montford, Rev. John Arthur Man- nering : b. May 30, 1872 ; s. of J. W. Montford, of Ludlow, Salop. Educ. Ludlow ; Balliol 1890-4 (E.A., T.R ) ; Greaves Ex. ; B.A. 1895 ; M.A. 1898. Annandale and Dervorguilla Socs. ElyTheol. Coll. 1895-6 ; ordained d. 1896, p. 1897 ; Curate of St. John the Evangelist, Taunton, 1 896-1902 ; St. Albans Diocesan Mission Staff 1902-10 ; Rector of Loughton 1910-. Address : The Rectory, Loughton, Essex. Montgomerie, Alexander : b. Feb. 27, 1879 ; s. of John Montgomerie, Merchant, of Glasgow ; m. Catha- rine, d. of William Rankin, of Lisbon. Educ. High School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1902-3 (W.M.). M.A., Glasgow ; I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Bombay, 1903-. Address : Ettrick Bank, Partick, Scotland. Montgomerie, Frederick Butler Molineux : b. Nov. 21, 1832 ; s. of F. M. Montgomerie, of Brighton ; m. Oct. 22, 1878, Isabella, d. of Hon. Colin Lindsay. Issue : five children. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1852-5 (B.J.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1853 ; Hertford and Craven Schs. 1854 ; 4th Lit. Hum., 4th Law and Hist., and B.A., 1855 ; M.A. 1859. Bar- rister, I. T., 1863. Clubs: Conser- vative, St. Stephen's, Athenaeum. Address : i Cromwell Place, South Kensington, London, S.W. [Died Nov. II, 1913.] Montgomery, Henry : b. May i, 1884 ; 5. of J. J. Montgomery, of Belfast. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1903-7 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D., A.D.L.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI, Mods. 1905 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; Rugby XV. Fotheringay Soc. I.C.S. ; probationary year at King's Coll., Cambridge ; Assist. Collector, Sind, 1908-. Address : Sind Club, Karachi, India. 236 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Montgomery, William Hugh : b. Sept. 14, 1866 ; s. of Hon. William Montgomery, of Canterbury, N.Z. ; m. d. of James Allen, M.P. (N.Z.). Issue : two daughters. Edtic. High School, Christchurch, N.Z. ; Balliol 1885-7 (A.V.D.) ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1888. Union and Bra- kenbury Socs, Barrister, LT., 1890 ; member of N.Z. House of Representatives 1893-9 ; sheep- farming 1891-. Club : Christ Church (N.Z.). Address : Little River, New Zealand. Monypemiy, William Flavelle : b. Aug. 7, 1866 ; s. of William Mony- penny, of Ballyworkan, Co. Ar- magh. Educ. Royal School, Dun- gannon ; Trinity Coll., Dublin ; Bal- liol 1889-90 (J.W.R., W.R.H.) ; Math. Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1890. Annandale Soc. Contributor to Spectator 1892-3 ; Assist. Editor of The Times 1894-9 ; Editor of Johannesburg Star 1899 and 1902- 3 ; obtained Commission in Im- perial Light Horse, 1899, and served through Siege of Lady- smith ; Director of Civil Supplies, Johannesburg, 1 900-1 ; Director of The Times Publishing Co. 1908- 12. Publication: Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, vol. i. Club : Athenaeum. A ddress : The Times Office, London, E.C. [Died Nov. 23, 1912.] Moodie, Alexander : b. Jan. i, 1 891 ; s. of John Moodie, of West Didsbury, Manchester. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 1910- (A.W.P.C, C.B., N.S.T., H.M.W., A.J.T.,) ; Torpid. Ad- dress : 21 Clyde Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Moore, Bertram Percy : b. May 30, 1877 ; 5. of John Moore, of Bir- mingham. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.); Balliol i896-i90o(F.de P., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; Hertford and Craven Schs. 1897 ; ist CI. Mods., and Chancellor's Latin Verse Prize, 1898 ; Ireland Sch. 1899 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1900 ; Derby Sch., and B.A., 1 901. Union and Arnold Socs. Inland Revenue Department 1900 ; Private Sec. to Chairman of Board 1902-8 ; Committee Clerk 1908 ; Accountant and Comptroller-Gene- ral 1 9 II-. Club : Union. Address : 75 Holland Road, Kensington, London, W. Moore, Cecil: 6. Sept. 24, 1878; s. of Mr. Justice Lewis Moore, Judge of High Court, Madras. Educ. Chel- tenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1897-1901 (H. Williamson, A.W.P.C, E.A.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1899 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1901 ; B.A. 1902 ; Hockey XI ; Lawn Tennis Six (won Inter-Coll. Cup two years). Union, Arnold, and Brakenbury Socs. I.C.S., United Provinces ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1902 ; Joint Magistrate and Collector 191 2-; Lawn Tennis Open Singles Champion, Heme Bay, Rochester, Windlesham, 1912 ; Open Men's Doubles (Riviera Championship), Mentone, 1912. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament Street, London, S.W. Moore, Harry Christopher : b. Oct. 28, 1872 ; s. of J. C. Moore, Portrait-painter; m,. 1897, Es- meralda, d. of Maung Po. Educ. Bradfield (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (F. de P., R.L.N., G.R.B.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1892 ; Hon. Mention Boden Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1894 ; B.A. 1895. Arnold Soc. I.C.S., Burma ; Assist. Commissioner 1895 ; District Judge 1908 ; Divi- sional ditto 1 91 2. Club : Pegu (Rangoon). Address : c/o A. Scott & Co., Rangoon, India. *Moore, Rev. Henry Kingsmill : b. Dec. II, 1853 ; 5. of Rev. Thomas Moore, LL.D., Rector of Midleton and Precentor of Cloyne ; m. 1880, Constance, d. of John Turpin, of Youngrove, Co. Cork. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Midle- ton Coll. ; King Edward VI School, Bromsgrove; Balliol 1873-7 (E.A. , R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1875 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1880 ; B.D. and D.D. 1898 ; Choragus and Hon. Organist of Balliol. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1879, p. 1880 ; Curate of Queenstown 1879 ; Fermoy 1880 ; Dio. Inspector, Cork, 237 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Cloyne, and Ross, 1881-4 ; Princi- pal, Church of Ireland Training Coll., 1884-; Canon of St. Patrick's National Cathedral 191 3 ; Hon. Chapl. to the Lord Lieut, of Ireland ; Member of Standing, and Home Reunion Conmiittees, of Board of Education, General Synod, and of Royal Irish Academy ; Governor of the King's Hospital, the Eras- mus Smith Board, and of the Incorporated Soc. ; Chairman of High School Committee, and of Islands and Coasts Soc. ; Hon. Sec, Sunday School Soc. for Ire- land ; member, on nomination of Archbp. of Canterbury, of Inner Committee of nine appointed at request of Lambeth Conference for the improvement and develop- ment of Sunday School Teach- ing; F.S.A. (Ireland). Publica- tions : Class Teaching for Sunday School Teachers ; Fundamental Principles of Education ; An Un- written Chapter in the History of Education ; Lessons in Bible Teaching ; The Way to Teach the Bible ; The Training of Infants ; The Cente^iary Book of the Church of Ireland Training College ; Irish History for Young Readers ; con- tributions to Blackii'ood's and Mac- millan's Magazines, and to many other journals, magazines, &c. Recreations : Cycling, gardening, music. Addresses : Kildare Place, Dublin ; Cedar Mount, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Moorhead, Gilbert Howe : b. Sept. II, 1876 ; s. of H. B. Moorhead, of Newry ; tn. June, 1910, Eileen Alice, d. of Daniel O'Connell. Educ. Bedford Gr. School ; Balliol 1895-9 (H. Williamson, J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. and B.A., 1899 ; Torpid. Braken- bury Soc. Club: Union. Address : Prospect House, Omeath, Co. Louth. ♦Morgan, Gwyn Vaughan : b. Aug. 3, 1872 ; s. of S. V. Morgan, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1893-5 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1900. Part- ner in Morgan Bros., Trade News- paper Proprietors; Lieut, of City of London. Recreation: Motoring. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge Union, Reform, Royal Automobile,. Ranelagh. Addresses : 37 Har- rington Gardens, London, S.W. ; Bookham Cottage, Great Book- ham, Surrey. Morgan, John Hartman : b. March 20j 1876 ; s. of Rev. David Morgan, of Tongwynlais, Cardiff. Educ. Caterham School (Sch.) ; Univer- sity Coll. of S. Wales (Sch.) ; London School of Economics ; Berlin Univ. ; Balliol 1897-1900 (A. L.S.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; Hon. Mention Lothian Prize 1899 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1900 ; B.A. 1905. Union (Standing Committee) and Arnold (Vice-Pres.) Socs. M.A., London, 1896. On literary staff. Daily Chronicle, 1 901-3 ; Mitchell Research Student at London School of Economics, Student at Berlin Univ., Univ. Extension Lecturer, London, and Lecturer at Toynbee Hall, 1902-4 ; leader writer, Manchester Guardian, and con- tributor to Speaker, 1904-5 ; Prof, of Constitutional Law and Legal Hist., University Coll., London, 1908- ; Examiner in Law, Lon- don Univ., and to Civil Service Commission ; contested (L.) Edg- baston, and W. Edinburgh, 1910. Publications : Towards a Social Policy (in collaboration), 1905 ; The House of Lords and the Consti- tution (with introduction by Lord Lorebum), and The Place of a Second Chamber in the Constitution (with introduction by Lord Hal- dane), 1910 ; The New Irish Con- stitution, 1912 ; The Law Merchant (Selden Soc.) ; The Legal and Political Unity of the Empire, with introduction by Lord Haldane ; occasional contributor of legal and educational articles to The Times, and regular contributor to West- minster Gazette, Manchester Guar- dian, XlXth Century and After, Law Quarterly Review, &c. Re- creations : Walking, golf, riding, tennis. Clubs : Eighty, National Liberal. Addresses : i Mitre Court 238 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Buildings, Temple, London, E.G. ; Holly Terrace House, Hampstead, London, N.W. ; Priory Cottage, Wootton Bassett, Wilts. Morgan, Penry Vaughan : b. Nov. 11, 1875 ; s. of O. V. Morgan, M.P., of London ; m. Dec. 6, 1909, Evelyn Arden, d. of J. B. M. Camm, Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1893-6 (VV.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Eight ; Tor- pid. Annandale Soc. Publisher in London 1896- ; High Sheriff of Radnorshire 191 2-1 3. Clubs : Boodle's, United University, Royal Automobile. Addresses : 21 Carl- ton House Terrace, S.W. ; Putten- ham Priory, Guildford. Moriarty, Gerald Patrick : b. March I, 1863 ; s. of Stephen Moriarty, M.D., of Dieppe. Educ. Brighton Coll. ; Balliol 1881-5 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1885. Arnold Prize 1886 ; M.A. 1896. Union Soc. Hon. M.A., Cambridge, 1897 ; engaged in private tuition in Oxford 1886-94 ; Univ. Teacher of Indian History, and Director of Civil Service Studies, Cambridge, 1 894- Publications : Dean Swift and his Writings, 1893 ; The Paris Law Courts, 1894 ; More Kin than Kind, 1903 ; Griffith Cole- grove's Wife, 1911. Club: Royal Societies. Address : i Mill Lane, Cambridge. Morison, Bruce Haultain : b. Nov. 12, 1888 ; s. of C, B. Morison, of Wellington, N.Z. Educ. Wanga- vine Coll., N.Z. ; Balliol 1909-10 (E.H.) ; won Half-mile in Univ. Freshmen's Sports. Address : 38 Aurora Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand. *Morison, Cecil Graham Traquair : b. July 12, 1881 ; s. of John Morison, of St. Albans ; m. Dec. 20, 1910, Nora, d. of Capt. Wardell, R.M.L.L Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1899-1903 (J.C, H.B.H.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. 1909. Demonstrator in Agric. Chem. 1909-14, Univ. Lec- turer in ditto 1914-, and Exam, in Rural Economy 1914, Oxford Univ. Publications : various scien- tific papers. Address : 17 Lath- bury Road, Oxford. Morison, Ronald William : b. Aug. 16, 1888 ; 5. of F. W. Morison, of London. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1907-8 (A.L.S., E.J. P.). Address : 78 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. Morison, Sir William Thomson : b. Sept. 23, i860 ; s. of Patrick Morison, C.A., of Edinburgh ; m. 1897, Mabel Elise, d. of Lieut. - Col. J. M. Hunter, C.S.I. Educ. Fettes Coll. ; Balliol 1879-81 (A.T.). I. C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Alagistrate, Collector and Magistrate, Commissioner, &c., 1881-7 and 1891-1912 ; served in Upper Burma 1887-90 ; Pres. of Indian Factory Labour Commis- sion 1908 ; C.S.I. 1909 ; member of Exec. Council of Governor of Bombay 1910 ; retired, and K.C.S.I., 1912. Club : East India United Service. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Morpeth, Viscount : see Carlisle, Earl of. *Morrell, Philip Edward : b. June 4, 1870 ; s. of F. P. Morrell, M.A., Solicitor to the Univ. of Oxford ; rn. 1902, Lady Ottoline Cavendish- Bentinck, half-sister of 6th Duke of Portland. Issue : one daughter. Educ'Eion-, Balliol 1889-93 (E. A.); B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1898. Solicitor 1897 ; retired from practice 1906 ; M.P. (L.) South Oxon, 1906-9 ; Burnley 1910-, Club : Savile. Address : 44 Bedford Square, London, W.C. Morrell, William John : b. April 6, 1868 ; s. of William Morrell, of Tiverton ; m. March 30, 1897, Agnes Mary, d. of J. H. Tucker, of Blackheath. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Blun- dell's (Down and Huish Leaving Exs.) ; Balliol 1885-90 (E.A., R.L.N., A.L.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1887 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1889 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1896. Teaching since 1891 ; Sixth Form Tutor, Trent Coll., 1895-7 ; Chief Master of Classics 239 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and English, Auckland Gr. School, N.Z., 1897-1906 ; Rector of Otago Boys' High School, Dunedin, 1907-; Member of Council, Univ. of Otago, 1912-. Recreations : Walking, cycling, music. Address : Otago Boys' High School, Dunedin, New Zealand. Morris, Edgar Ford : b. May 20, 1874 ; s. of Joseph Morris, of Manchester; m. July 11, 1900, Henrietta S. A., d. of John Eraser. Educ. Rugbv (Ex.) ; Balliol 1892- 8 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1899. Union and Arnold Socs. Chemist, with Roberts, Dale & Co., Manchester ; Chairman of Combrook Chemical Co. (successors to Roberts, Dale, & Co.) ; member of Chemical Soc, Soc. of Chemical Industry, and of Exec, of Chemical Trade Section of Manchester Chamber of Com- merce. Club : Oxford and Cam- bridge Musical. Address : Corn- brook Chemical Co., Ltd., Stock- port. Morris, Francis John Albert : b. April 5, i86g ; s. of Rev. A. J. T. Morris, of Bath. Educ. Duhvich Coll. ; Balliol 1888-92 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1890 ; B.A. 1894, Arnold Soc. (original member). Master, High School, Smith's Falls, 1896-8 ; Upper Canada Coll., Toronto, 1889 ; Trinity Coll. School, Port Hope, Ontario, 1 900-, Publications: Eng- lish Verse — Day-dreams, A Mas- ter Mind, Man's Past in Nature, 1900-8 ; Address on Nature Study, 1904 ; various articles on Ento- mology and Botany, &c. Address : Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. Morrison, George Norman : b. July 24, 1880 ; s. of Rev. David Morrison, of Edinburgh. Educ. Private ; Univ. of Glasgow ; Balliol 1899-1903 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903. Union and Arnold Socs. LL.B., Glasgow, 1907. Solicitor 1912 ; partner in French & Morrison, Glasgow ; Sec. of Democratic Unionist Assoc. 191 2- ; Procura- tor in Sheriff Courts of Lanarkshire and Stirlingshire. Addresses : 65 Renfield St., Glasgow ; Belmont, Dunblane. ♦Morrison, Walter : b. 1836 ; s. of James Morrison, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1853-7 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1857 ; M.A. 1862. M.P. Plymouth 1861-74, Skipton Div. of Yorks. (L.U.) 1886- 92 and 1 895-1900 ; contested City of London 1880. Publications : Some occasional papers. Club : United University. Addresses : 77 Cromwell Road, London, S.W. ; Malham Tarn, Langclifife, Settle. Morshead, Leonard Frederick : b. Sept. 5, 1868 ; s. of Frederick Morshead, of ^Winchester ; m. Dec. 18, 1893, Sybil Mary, d. of Archibald Hills. Issue : three sons. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1887-9 (W.M.). Union and Arnold Socs. I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1889 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector 1896 ; Magis- trate and Collector 1900 ; Col- lector of Customs, Calcutta, 1902 ; Imperial Customs Service 1906 ; Inspector-Gen. of Police, Bengal, 1908 ; ditto, Bihar, 1912. Clubs : Bengal, Bengal United Service (Calcutta). Address : c/o Grind- lay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Mortimer, Charles Raymond Bell : b. April 25, 1895 ; 5. of C. E. Mor- timer, of Redhill. Educ. Malvern ; Balliol 1913- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Furze Hill Lodge, Redhill, Surrey. ♦Mortimer, George Frederick Lloyd Jones : b. Sept. 9, 1866 ; s. of Rev. M. L. J. Mortimer, Vicar of Norton, Stockton-on-Tees ; m. 1893, Ella, d. of Sir Thomas Wrightson, ist Bart. Issue : three children. Educ. Birkenhead School; Balliol 1885-9 (W.H.F., E.A., J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1887; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1892 ; Cricket 2nd XI (Capt. 1888). Union Soc. 240 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (Lib. 1888-9, and Pres. 1 Barrister, I.T., 1891 ; N.E. Cir cuit ; Recorder of Rotherham 1905-. Club : New University. Addresses : 17 Sloane Court, Lon- don, S.W. ; 4 Harcourt Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Mortimer, Mansel Witherby : b. May 26, 1868 ; s. of Rev. M. L. J. Mortimer, Vicar of Norton, Stock- ton-on-Tees ; m. Feb. i, 1894, Eve, d. of Capt. C. Marillier. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Bir- kenhead School ; Balliol 1887- 91 (F. de P., W.H.F., T.R.) ; 4th Jur. 1890 ; B.A. 1891 ; M.A. 1899 ; Rugby XV. Union and Annan- dale Socs. 4th Batt. Essex Regt. 1889-99 ; Land Agent to Earl of Gainsborough 1894-7; ditto (Cul- ford Estate) toEarlCadogan 1899-. Clubs : Junior United Service, West Suffolk County. Address : Culford, Bury St. Edmimds, Suffolk. Morton, William Cuthbert : b. March i, 1875 ; s. of Rev. J. Morton, D.D., of Trinidad. Educ. Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1897. Address : 27 Stratford St., Leeds. Moscardi , Alexander Francis George : b. Oct. 18, 1874; s. of L. D. Mos- cardi, of Bath ; m. Dec. 10, 1900, Laura, d. of A. H. Giles, Indian Police. Issue : two sons. Educ. Bath Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892-6 (W.R.H., F. de P., J.A.S., E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; Hon. Mention Hertford Sch. 1892 ; ist CI. Mods. 1894 ; Taylorian French Certifi- cate 1895 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1896. Arnold Soc. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist, Collector and Magistrate 1897 ; Head ditto 1908 ; Sub- Collector and Joint Magistrate 1910- ; High Proficiency Prizes, Candarese 1904, Sanskrit 1907. Addresses : Madras Club, Madras, India ; c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Par- liament St., London, S.W. Moscardi, William : 6. i860 ; s. of L. D. Moscardi, of Bath. Educ. Somerset Coll., Bath ; BalUol 1878-80. Sen. Modem Language Master, St. Andrew's Coll., Dublin. Address : St. Andrew's Coll., Dublin. Mosditcliian, Harootune Nishan : b. May 21, 1861 ; s. of Nishan Mosditchian, of Caesarea, Asia Minor ; m. 1893, Dicranoohi, d. of Krikor Nakkashian, of Constan- tinople. Issue : one son. Educ. Nubar-Schnazarian and Roberts Colls., Constantinople ; Balliol 1881-5 (J.L.S.D., A.L.S., R.G.T., W.M.) ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1885. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Sec. to Legal Advisers of the Sub- lime Porte 1889-90 ; Principal of Armenian Central School, Galata, 1890-6 ; member and ist Sec. of Armenian National Assegibly ; member of Armenian Cientral Council of Education, Constanti- nople, 1894-6 ; Councillor and Private Sec. to the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople 1894- 6 ; escaped to England during the Armenian massacres of 1896; joined staff of Credit Lyonnais, Moscov/, 1897 ; engaged in petro- leum business in Moscow and Baku 1 899-1 903 ; returned to England 1903 ; Director of Petroleum Com- panies ; member of Armenian National Delegation appointed by His Holiness Kevork V, Catholicos of All Armenians, for obtaining from the European Powers the execution of the 6ist Article of the Treaty of Berlin. Address : 6 Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C. Moseley, William Henry : b. April I, 1833 ; s. of William Moseley, of Leyton, Stourbridge ; m. July 25, 1876, Mary Alice, d. of W. Billyard. Issue : four children. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1852-6 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1854 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1856; Eight; won Ladies' Challenge Plate, Henley, 1855. Joined 2nd Batt. 60th King's Royal Rifles 1857 ; retired (Capt.) 1869 ; pastoral pur- suits in N.S.W. 1870-6 ; Solicitor of Supreme Court of N.S.W. 1889 ; retired. Address : Bovington, Shell Cove Road, Neutral Bay, Sydney, New South Wales. ♦Moulder, Rev. Thomas Jordan : 6. 1847 ; s. of Cornelius Moulder, of St. Lawrence, Kent. Educ. 241 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER New-Inn-Hall 1886 ; Balliol 1892, 7, 8, 9 ; B.A. and M.A. 1902. Ordained d. 1871, p. 1872 ; Curate of Weston Favell 1 871-2 ; Vicar of St. Augustine's, Demerara, 1872-82 ; Christ Church, George- town, 1882-90 ; Rector of St. Swithin's, Demerara, and Canon of Guiana, 1890-3 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Guiana 1891-3; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Oxford, 1 892-1904 ; Vicar of Swalchffc 1904-12. Moung Kyaw : b. 1866 ; s. of Prince Strata Zan, of Mandalay. Educ. Doveton Coll., Calcutta ; Balliol 1884-5 (J.L.S.D.). Barris- ter, M.T., 1887. Address : 48 Crispo Street, Rangoon, British Burma, India. Mountmorres, Rev. and Rt. Hon. Viscount, 6th Viscount, William Geoffrey Bouchard de Mont- morency : b. Sept. 23, 1872 ; s. of 5th Viscount ; m. 1893, Bessie Louise Cameron, d. of S. T. Rowe, of Trecarrel. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Dunkerque ; Paris ; Radley (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1890-1 (J.C, J.A.S.) ; Williams Ex. ; Torpid ; Eight (Ladies' Plate, Henley) ; Morrison Fours. Dervorguilla and Annan- dale Socs. Travelled in America, West Indies, Eg^^pt, Morocco, The Sahara, Asia Minor, West and Central Africa, Congo Free State, &c. ; member (Mile End) of London County Council, 1895- 8 ; Metropolitan and Provincial Sec. of Primrose League 1895-6 ; Assist. Sec. Women's Memorial to Queen Victoria 1902 ; Director of Tropical Institute, Liverpool Univ., 1905-8 ; Hon. A.D.C. to Governor of Jamaica 1907, and received thanks of Jamaican Government for services in con- nexion with earthquake ; Soc. of Arts Silver Medal for contribu- tions to Ethnography 1905 ; Lagos Government Gold Medal for Agricultural Lectures 1906 ; late Lieut. R.N.V.R. ; F.L.S. ; F.R.G.S. ; ordained d. 1913 ; Curate of All Saints', Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1913-. Publications : Some Ignored Factors in Inter- national Economics, and The Races of the Unknoun Heart of Africa, 1905 ; The Congo Indepen- dent State, 1906 ; Maize, Cocoa, and Rubber : Hints on their Production in West Africa ; The Commercial Possibilities of West Africa, and Notes on the Jamaica Earthquake, 1907 ; various novels, and papers on tropical agricul- ture and commerce. Addresses : The Deanery, Athlone, Co. West- meath ; Ryde, Isle of Wight. "^Mowat, Robert Balmain : b. Sept. 26, 1883 ; s. of Robert Mowat, Publisher, of Edinburgh ; m. Mary George, d. of C. S. Loch. Issue: two sons. Educ. George Wat- son's Coll. ; Merchiston Castle School ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Bal- liol 1902-6 (J.L.S.D., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; WilHams Ex. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1906 ; Arnold Essay (bracketed equal) 1908 ; M.A, 1909. Brakenbury Soc. Assist. Master, Eton, 1906-7 ; Fellow, Assist. Tutor, Lecturer in Mod. Hist., and Dean, Corpus Christi Coll., 1907- ; Lecturer at Jesus Coll. Publication : The Wars of the Roses, 1914. Address : 1 Grove Place, Oxford. *Mowbray, Sir Robert Gray Cornish, 2nd Bart. : b. May 21, 1850 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir J. R. Mowbray, 1st Bart., Burgess of Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1868-72 (B.J., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1870; 1st Lit. Hum. 1872; B.A., 1873; M.A. 1875. Union Soc. (Pres. 1873). Barrister, I.T., 1876 ; Oxford Circuit ; Fellow 1873-, Estates Bursar 1899-1910, All Souls ; Sec. to Royal Com- mission on Stock Exchange 1876-7; M.P. (C.) Prestwich Div. of S.E. Lanes. 1886-95, Brixton Div. of Lambeth 1900-6 ; Parliamentary Private Sec. to Chancellor of Exchequer (Rt. Hon. G. J. Goschen) 1888-92 ; member of Public Accounts Committee 1892-5 and 1900-5, and of Royal 242 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Commissions, Opium 1893-5, In- dian Finance 1896—9 ; Chairman of Quarter Sessions, of County Council, J. P., and D.L., Berks. ; Director of University Life Assur- ance Soc. ; member of the Court of Worshipful Company of Gold- smiths, and of Councils of Uni- versity Coll., Reading, and Brad- field Coll. Clubs : Athenaeum, Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge. Addresses : Warennes Wood, Mor- timer, Berks. ; 90 Piccadilly, London, W. Moyse, Charles Stirling : b. Feb. 23, 1884 ; s. of C. E. Moyse, of Montreal, Educ. Bath Coll. ; Balliol 1904-7 {A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1911. Address : 802 Sher- brooke St., Montreal, Canada. Muir, Francis Robert : b. Sept. 27, 1885 ; s. of J. W. Muir, I.C.S. Educ. Stella Matutina, Feldkirch, Austria ; Stonyhurst Coll. ; Bal- liol 1905-8 (J.W.R.) ; Math. Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1906 ; ist Math. 1908; B.A. 1910. Dervorguilla Soc. Hoskins & Sons, Ltd., Manu- facturers, Birmingham, 1909, Sec. 191 1, Works Manager, 191 3 ; T. de la Rue & Co., Ltd., Stationers, London, 1914-. Address : c/o T. de la Rue & Co., Ltd., Wholesale Stationers, no Bunhill Row, Lon- don, E.C. ♦Muir, John Ramsay Bryce : b. Sept. 30, 1872 ; s. of Rev. A. B. Muir, Presbyterian Minister. Educ. Private ; University Coll., Liver- pool ; Balliol 1894-8 (W.R.H., J.A.S., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1895 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1897 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1898 ; M.A. 1912. Arnold Soc. B.A., Victoria, 1893 ; M.A., Liver- pool, 1903. Assist. Lecturer in Hist., Owens Coll., Manchester, 1899 ; ditto 1900, and Andrew Geddes Lecturer in Mod. Hist. 1902-6, University Coll., Andrew Geddes Lecturer 1902-6, Prof, of Mod. Hist. 1906-13, and Dean of Faculty of Arts 1905-8, Univ. of Liverpool ; Sec. to Liverpool Univ. Extension Soc. 1900, Lec- turer to American ditto 1906 ; Exam, in Univs. of Durham 1908-9, Birmingham 1909-10, and Oxford 191 i-i 3 ; Lecturer in Univ. of Punjab 191 3-14 ; Prof, of Mod. Hist, in the Univ. of Manchester 1914-. Publications : Plea for a Liverpool University, 1901 ; His- tory of Municipal Government in Liverpool, and William Roscoe, 1906 ; History of Liverpool, and The University of Liverpool : its present state, 1907 ; Peers and Democrats : two Problems of English Government, and School Atlas of Modern History, 1910 ; Students' Atlas of Modern History, 191 1. Clubs : University, Athe- naeum (Liverpool). Address: The University, Manchester. Muir, William : b. Oct. 16, 1849 ; s. of WilUam Muir, of Glasgow. Educ. Seminary, and Queen's Coll., Belfast ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1875-80 ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1877 ; ist Jur. 1879 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1880. Address : 82 Buccleuch St., Glasgow. ♦Muirhead, John Henry : b. April 28, 1855 ; s. of J. W. Muirhead, W.S., Glasgow ; m. July 29, 1892, Mary Talbot, d. of Rev. G. I. Wallas. Educ. Glasgow Academy and Univ. ; Balliol 1875-9 (A.G., E.A., J.L.S.D.); Snell Ex.; ist CI. Mods. 1877; Prox. Acces. for Gaisford Prize ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; Latin Essay 1881 ; M.A. 1887 ; Univ. Gymnasium Medal. Assist, to Prof, of Humanity 1879, M.A. 1876, and LL.D. 1902, Glasgow Univ. ; Lecturer in Classics and Philosophy, Royal Holloway Coll., Egham, 1889 ; ditto in Philosophy, Bedford Coll., 1891 ; Prof, of Philosophy, Mason University Coll., 1897, and the Univ., 1900-, and M.A. 1901, Birmingham. Editor of Library of Philosophy, and Ethical Library ; member of Editorial Committee of Hibbert Journal. Publications : Selected Letters of Cicero ; Translation of Zeller's Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics ; Elements of Ethics ; 243 R 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics ; Philosophy and Life ; The Service of the Stale, 1908 ; By what Authority the Principles in Com- mon and at Issue in the Reports of the Commission on the Poor Laws ?, 1909 ; and articles in various scientific and philosophical journals. Address : The Rowans, Balsall Common, near Coventry. Muirhead, Lionel Boulton Campbell Lockhart : b. 1845. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1864. Address : Haseley Court, Wallingford. Muir-Mackenzie, Sir Kenneth Au- gustus : b. June 29, 1846 ; s. (4th) of Sir John Muir-Mackenzie, 2nd Bart. ; m. 1874, Amy (d. 1900), d. of William Graham, • M.P. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Charterhouse (Sch. and Leaving Ex.) ; Balliol 1864-8 (B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1866 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1868 ; M.A. 1873 ; Cricket XL Barris'.er, L.L, 1873 ; Permanent Sec. to Lord Chancellor 1880- ; Clerk of the Crown in Chancery 1884- ; Warden of Winchester Coll. since 1904 ; Governor of Charterhouse ; member of Stand- ing Committees for Revision of the Statute Law, and the Publica- tion of State Trials ; High Bailiff of Westminster 191 2-; Q.C. 1886; C.B. 1893 ; K.C.B. 1898 ; G.C.B. 191 1 ; J. P. ; member of Dilet- tanti Soc. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Brooks's, Athenaeum ; Royal St. George's Golf (Sand- wich). Address : 39 Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. Mulholland, Hon. Alfred John : b. July 25, 1856 ; s. of ist Baron Dunleath ; m. 1889, Mabel Charlotte, d. of Llewellyn Saim- derson, of Dromkeen, Co. Cavan. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1875-9 ; and Mod. Hist. 1879 ; B.A. 1881 ; Univ. 1877 (dead heat with Cam- bridge) and Coll. Eights ; Sec. O.U.B.C. 1878. Clubs : Bache- lors', Carlton ; Royal Yacht Squad- ron (Cowes). Address : Worling- ham Hall, Beccles. Mulholland, Hon. Henry Lyle : see Dunleath, Baron. MuUoy, Lome Winfred Redmond : b. April 14, 1876 ; s. of George Mulloy, of Winchester, Ont. Educ. Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont. ; lialliol 1907-9 (A.L.S.). Address : Winchester, Ont., Canada. Munster, John Francis : b. Feb. 25, 1894; s.of J. P. Munster, of London. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1912- (F.F.U., N.S.T.) Address : 43 Onslow Gardens, London, S.W. Murphy, Herbert: b. 1861 ; s. of Rev. J. P. Murphy, of Preston, Lanes. Educ. Uppingham ; Balliol 1880-4 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1884. ♦Murray, David Leslie : b. Feb. 5, 1888 ; s. of Charles Murra}', of Pinner, Middlesex. Educ. Har- row ; Balliol 1906-10 (A.L.S., E.J. P., J.A.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1910; John Locke Sch. in Mental Philosophy 1912 ; M.A. 1914. Address : 29 North Gate, Regent's Park, London, N.W. ♦Murray, Harold James Ruthven : b. June 24, 1868 ; s. of Sir J. A. H. Murray, Kt. ; m. Jan. 4, 1897, Kate Maitland, d. of Rev. S. M. Crosthwaite, Head Master of Car- lisle Gr. School. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Mill Hill (Jun. and Sen Sch., Governors' Ex.) ; Balliol 1887-91 (J.W.R., J.C.) ; Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1888 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1893. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Assist. Master, Queen's Coll., Taunton, 1 891-3 ; 2nd ditto, Carlisle Gr. School, 1893-6 ; Head ditto, Ormskirk Gr. School, 1 896-1900 ; Jun. Inspector 1901, Inspector (Ele- mentary Branch) 1903, ditto (Secondary Branch) 1905-, Board of Education. Publications : A History of Chess, 1913 ; articles in British Chess Magazine and Deutsches Wochenschach. Recrea- tions : Golf, chess. Addresses : 58 Batem'an Street, Cambridge ; Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. 244 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER *MurrHy, Sir James Augustus Henry : b. 1837 ; m. 1867, Ada Agnes, d. of George Ruthven, of Kendal. Issue : six sons, five daughters. Educ. Cavers ; Minto ; Hawick ; Edinburgh ; Balliol 1885 ; M.A. (Hon.) 1885 ; ditto (by Decree) 1896 ; Romanes Lecturer 1900 ; Assist. Master, Hawick Gr. School, 1855 ; Master, Hawick Academy, 1858 ; Mill Hill School 1870-85 ; Assist. Examiner in English, Univ. of London, 1875-9 ; one of the founders 1856, Sec. 1856-64, Pres. 1906, Hawick Archaeological Soc. ; Pres. of Philological Soc. (London) 1878-80, 82-4, 1907-9 ; undertook for Philological Soc. and Clarendon Press editing of New English Dictionary 1879- \ B. V. London; Hon. LL.D., Edinburgh 1874, Glasgow 1901 ; D.C.L. Durham, 1886 ; Ph. D., Freiburg i. B. 1896 ; D.Litt., Wales 1902, Capetown 1905 ; Litt.D., Dublin 1908, and Cambridge 191 3 ; Knight Bachelor 1908 ; Foundation Fellow of British Academy ; Hon, F.R.S., Edinburgh ; foreign member of Institute of France ; member of Imperial Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Royal Prussian Academy, BerUn, Royal Flemish Academy, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philos. Soc, Netherlands Soc. of Arts, Science, and Lit., and Nederl. Maatschappij, Leiden. Publications : ' History and Language of Border Counties ' ( Transactions of H.A.S.) ; various papers in Transactions of Philo- logical Soc. ; The Dialect of the Southern Counties of England, with Historical Introduction and Linguistical Map of Scotland, 1873 ; The Complaynt of Scotland, 1874 ; The Romance and Pro- phecies of Thomas of Erceldoune, 1875, and other works edited for E.E.T.S., with historical intro- ductions ; article ' English Lan- guage ' in Encyclopaedia Brit- tanica ; New English Dictionary, vols, i, ii, A to C, 1888-93 ; vol. iii, D (with E by Henry Bradley), 1897 ; vol. V, H to K, 1901 ; vol. vii, O and P ; vol. x, T to Z, in progress. Recreations : Gar- dening, cycling, mountaineering, philately. Address : 78 Banbury Road, Oxford. Murray, Wilfrid George Ruthven : b. Oct. 20, 1871 ; s. of Sir J. A. H. Murray, Kt. ; m. 1899, Phoebe, d. of Sir John Woodhead, Mayor of Capetown. Issue : four chil- dren. Educ. Mill Hill ; Boys* High School, Oxford (Montefiore Ex.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Williams Ex. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1897 ; Assoc. XI ; Tennis VI. Assist. Master, Mill Hill School, 1895-7 ; Cape of Good Hope Civil Service 1897 ; Private Sec. to Colonial Sec. 1 901-2 ; Census Sec. 1904-5 ; Chief Clerk in Colonial See's. Department 1902— 8 ; Acting Assist. Under Colonial Sec. 1908 ; Assist. Registrar of Cape of Good Hope Univ. 1908- ; Sec. to Univ. Commission, 1914 ; J. P. Recreation : Tennis. Ad- dresses : University Buildings, and Denholm, Sea Point, Capetown, S. Africa. *Myers, Rev. Charles : b. Dec. 17, 1856 ; s. of Charles Myers, J. P., of Swanmore House, Bishop's Wal- tham. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1875-9 (F. de P., W.H.F.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877; 3rdTheol., andB.A., 1879; M.A. 1882. Union and Braken- bury (First Pres.) Socs. Cuddes- donTheol. Coll. 1880-1 ; ordained d. 1881, p. 1882 ; Curate of Wan- tage 1 88 1-5 ; Principal of St. Stephen's Flouse, Oxford, 1885-8 ; Vicar of Lyme Regis 1888-94 ; Rector of St. Martin's, Salisbury, 1894- ; Chapl. to Bishop of Salisbury (Dr. Wordsworth) 1886- 191 1 ; Hon. ditto (Dr. Ridgeway) 191 1- ; Prebendary of Durnford in Salisbury Cathedral 1905-. Address : St. Martin's Rectory, Salisbury. ♦Myers, Ernest James : b. Oct. 13, 1844 ; s. of Rev. Frederic Myers, of Keswick ; m. Feb. r, 1883, Nora Margaret, d. of Rev. Canon 245 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Lodge, Rector of Scrivelsby. Issue : two sons, three daughters. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1863-7 (B.J., E.P., W.L.N.) ; Ex. ; I St CI. Mods. 1864 ; Gais- ford Verse Prize 1865 ; 2nd for Hertford Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1866; B.A. 1867; M.A. 1871 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Coll. Racquet Prize. Union Soc. Fellow and Lecturer, Wadham, and Occa- sional Lecturer, Balliol, 1868-71 ; Barrister, LT., 1874 ; formerly Lecturer, Hon. Sec, and member of Council, London Univ. Exten- sion Soc. ; member of Council of Hellenic Soc. from its foundation 1880, Liberal Unionist Assoc, from 1886, Administrative Committee of Charity Organization Soc. 1887-90, Council of Soc. for Protection of Women and Chil- dren, from 1890, National Service, and Navy Leagues. Publications : prose version of Pindar, 1874 ; Poems, 1877 ; prose version of The Iliad (with A. Lang and W. Leaf), 1882 ; The Judgement of Prometheus, and other Poems, 1886 ; Lord Althorp : a Bio- graphy, 1890 ; Gathered Poems, 1904. Recreations : Swimming, rowing, riding, walking, racquets, lawn tennis, golf. Clubs : Athe- naeum. New University, Mary- lebone. Address : Brackenside, Chislehurst, Kent. Myers, Kenneth : b. July 21, 1887 ; s. of E. Myers, of Chislehurst. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1906-9 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909 ; M.A. 1913 ; Torpid (2). France 1909 ; Railway Survey in Sas- katchewan 1 910 ; Reporter and Financial Editor of Daily Pro- vince, Vancouver ; editor, West- minster Daily News, New West- minster, 1912 ; Sec. of New West- minster Progressive Assoc. 191 3 ; I'ellow of Royal Colonial Institute ; automobile business, Vancouver, 1914. Clubs: Public Schools; Westminster (New Westminster, B.C.). Address : Brackenside, Chislehurst, Kent. Myers, Rollo Hugh : b. Jan. 23, 1892 ; s. of E. Myers, of Chisle- hurst. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1910-13 (C.B., N.S.T., R.G.) ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1913 ; B.A. 1914. Sec. of Balliol Mus. Soc. 1912 ; Royal Coll. of Music, London, 1913-14. Address: 37 Great Or- mond St., London, W.C. *Myers, William Henry : b. Nov. 30, 1854 ; s. of Charles Myers, J. P., of Swanmore House, Bishop's Wal- tham ; m. July 31, 1888, Frances Mary, d. of E. A. Prideaux Brune, of Bideford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1873-7; ist CI. Mods. 1875; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1877 ; M.A. 1880. Barrister, LT., 1881 ; W. Circuit ; M.P. (C.) Winchester 1892-1906 ; J.P. and D.L., Hants. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Wellington. Address : Swanmore House, Bishop's Waltham, Hants. Mylne, Thomas Herbert : b. 1869 ; s. of Graham Mylne, of Longwood, Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. S^'dney Gr. School ; Balliol 1887-91 (W.R.H., A.L.S.). Address : c/o Mrs. Mylne, 52 Macleay St., Pott's Point, Sydney, New South Vv'^ales. N Namier, Lewis Bernstein : formerly Ludwik Bernstein ; b. June 27, 1888; s. of Joseph Bernstein. Educ. Private ; Univ. of Lausanne ; London School of Economics ; Balliol 1908-12 (E.H., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1911 ; joint holder Beit Prize 191 3. Address : Balliol College, Oxford. ♦Nance, John Trengove : b. July 21, 1877 ; s. of John Nance, Dis- trict Bank, Newcastle, Staffs. ; m. Aug. 2, 1905, Mary Eleanor, d. of Edward Whitley, M.P, Issue : four children. Educ. High School, Newcastle, Staffs. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1895-9 (J.C.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 246 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1898 ; Diploma in Education 1900 ; M.A. 1903. Union and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. Science Master, Bromsgrove School, 1900-7 ; Royal Naval Coll., Dartmouth, 1907-. Addresses : Royal Naval College, and Ford Hill, Dartmouth, Neave, Everard Reginald : b. July 31, 1877 ; s. of Lieut.-Col. E. S. Neave, i8th Bengal Cavalry ; m. Oct. 25, 1910, Amy Charlotte Paterson Balfour Hay, d. of P. H. Paterson. Educ. Blundell's; Bal- liol 1896-1900 (W.H.F., E.A.); Blundell Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1898 ; B. A. 1900. Union and Arnold Socs. I.C.S., United Prov. 1900 ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and Assist. Commissioner ; Assist. Judge 1910 ; joint Magistrate 191 2 ; Additional Judge 1914-. Club : East India United Services, Address : Carpow, Newburgh, Fife, Scotland. Neave, Sheffield Henry Morier : b. Oct. 13, 1853 ; s. of Sheffield Neave, Governor of the Bank of England ; m. Gertrude C, d. of J. T. Airey. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1872-6 ; 2nd Nat, Sci. 1876; B.A. 1877. M.R.CP,, M.R.C.S. ; late Physician, Queen's Hospital for Children ; retired ; ex-Master of Essex Stag Hounds ; Director of Companies. Publica- tions : Katanga Medical Commis- sion (report on expedition to Congo Free State to investigate Sleeping Sickness). Recreations : Hunting, shooting, fishing, polo, big-game in Africa. Chtbs : New University, City. Address : Mill Green Park, Ingatestone, Essex. Nelson, Charles Gilbert : b. Sept. 19, 1880 ; s. of Robert Nelson, of Girvan, Ayr ; m. Oct. 4, 1909, Agnes, d. of Daniel Whyte, of Jordanhill, Glasgow. Educ. Gir- van Burgh School ; Established Church Training Coll., and Univ., Glasgow; Balliol 1903-7 (A.W,P,C., F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods, 1905 ; ist Lit, Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A, 1910, Arnold Soc. Assist. Director of Exams, in Civil Service Commis- sion 1907-, Address : Civil Service Commission, Burlington Gardens, London, W. Nelson, William Henry : b. June 15, 1880 ; s. of David Nelson, of Rose- well, Midlothian. Educ. George Watson's Coll., and Univ., Edin- burgh ; Balliol 1903-4 (W,M.). M.A. Edin. ; I.C.S,, Bengal, 1905 ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and Assist. Settlement Officer ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector 191 1. Club : United Services (Calcutta), Address : School House, Rosewell, Mid- lothian, Scotland. Neumann, Cecil John Gustavus : b. June 9, 1891 ; s. of Sigmimd Neumann, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1910-12 (H.W.C.D., N.S.T,, F.F.U.). Address : 146 Piccadilly, London, W. Neumann, Edgar David Maurice : b. April 15, 1875 ; s. of Ernest Neumann, of London, Educ. University Coll., London ; Balliol 1894-7 (J.C, W.H.F.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1897 ; M.A. 1901. Address : 7 and 8 Idol Lane, London, E.C. Newbolt, Francis George : b. Nov. 21, 1863 ; s. of Rev. H. F. Newbolt, Vicar of St. Mary's, Bilston ; m. Nov. 21, 1888, Alice Clara Franck, d. of Rev. Dr. J. F. Bright, Master of University Coll., Oxford. Issue : four daughters. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1883-7 (F- de P., H.B.D,, J.C, R.L.N., J.W.R.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1887 ; M.A. 1900 ; Pres. of Univ. Junior Scientific and Chess Clubs ; Cricket XI (Capt.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1890 ; Gray's Inn and N.E. Circuit ; member of General Council of the Bar, Royal Soc. of Painter-Etchers, and Art Workers' Guild ; contested (L.) Chertsey Div. 1910 ; delivered 1,100 experi- mental lectures on Natural Science to girls under the London School Board ; exhibited etchings at Royal Academy, Stockholm, Dresden, Hamburg, &c, ; F.C.S. 1885 ; A.R.E. 1897; J.P., Devon. Publi- 247 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER cations : Sale of Goods Act, 1903; Clifton College Twenty-five Years Ago ; Biography of F. W. Galpin, of Balliol College ;, The Etchings of William Strang, A.R.A. ; The Etchings of Van Dyck ; Catalogue of Frank Brangwyn's Etchings ; Fish Tails and Some True Ones ; Rough Mischance ; Norwegian and other Fish Tales ; Summary Pro- cedure in the High Court. Recrea- tions : Etching, fishing, golf, chess. Clubs : Athenaeum, New Univer- sity, Eighty, Norwegian. Ad- dresses : 40 Kensington Park Gardens, London, W. ; 3 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. ; Mattocks, Aylesbeare, Exeter. Newhall, Daniel Allerton : h. Dec. 3, 1884 ; s. of D. S. Newhall, of Strafiford, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. ; m. May 8, 191 1, Ellen B., d. of Lincoln Godfrey. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Haverford School, Pa., U.S.A. ; Balliol 1906 (A.L.S.); Four. Dervorguilla Soc. A.B., Harvard, 1906. Travelled in Canada and U.S.A. 1906-7 ; en- gaged in financial business (bonds) in Philadelphia 1907-8 ; entered employ of Berwind-White Coal Mining Co. in Pennsylvania and W. Virginia 1908 ; Supt. of the New River and Pocahontas Con- soUdated Coal Co., Charleston, W. Virginia. Address : c/o New River and Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Co., Charleston, West Virginia, U.S.A. Newill, Arthur Cotton : b. Sept. 4, 1858 ; s. of Henry Newill, British Resident at Travancore and Cochin , India ; m. Ella May, d. of John Wiseman. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Repton ; Blun- dell's School ; Balliol 1877-81 (R.L.N.) ; Blundell Sch. Union Soc. Private Tutor 1882-4; Princi- pal of High School 1884-7, Supt. of Public Schools 1887-8, Proprietor and Head Master Nemll Academy 1892-1900, Institute Instructor to Public School Teachers, Edi- tor of State Educational Paper, ^nd of Montana Churchman, received life diploma to teach in the public schools, Butte, Montana ; Principal of School of Good Shep- herd 1888-90, Head Master Mili- tary Academy 1890-2, Ogden, Utah ; Head Master Bishop Scott Academy, Portland, Oregon, 1900- 4 ; ditto and Proprietor Newill Riverview Academy 1904-6 ; Pri- vate Tutor 1910- ; licensed Lay Reader in the Episcopal Church ; member of National, and Pres. of Local Assembly of Brotherhood of St. Andrew in State of Oregon. Address : 774 Hoyt St., Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Newlands, Rt. Hon. Lord, 2nd Baron, James Henry Cecil Hozler: b. April 4, 185 1 ; s. of ist Lord Newlands ; m. 1880, Lady Mary Cecil, d. of 3rd Marquess of Exeter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1870-3 (B.J , T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; Univ. Shooting team (long range) i;. Cambridge 1 8 71-3. Union Soc. Hon. Fellow, Balliol, 1907; Stu- dent, I.T., 1871 ; Clerk (after com- petitive examination) in Foreign Office 1874-8 ; Diplomatic Sec. to Marquess of Salisbury's Special Embassy to conference at Con- stantinople 1876-7 ; Private Sec. to Marquess of Salisbury when Sec, of State for Foreign Affairs, 1878- 80, and when Prime Minister, 1885-6 ; M.P. (U.) S. Lanarkshire 1 886-1 906 ; member of Territorial Force Advisory Council 1907-, Vice- Lieutenant 1906-, Pres. Terri- torial Force Assoc. 1907-, J. P., D.L., Lanarkshire ; Grand Master Mason of Scotland 1 899-1 903 ; Public Works Loan Commissioner 1900- ; Founder of the Jowett Fellowships 1907, and of the Newlands Scholarships (for the purpose of improving the connexion between Glasgow University and Balliol College, Oxford) 1908 ; Brigadier of the King's Bodyguard for Scotland 1910- ; LL.D., Glas- gow, 1908 ; Hon. Fellow Edu- cational Institute of Scotland 1909. Clubs : Athenaeum, Carlton, Bachelors', St. James's, Garrick, White's, Pratt's, Royal Automo- 248 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER bile. Addresses : Mauldslie Castle, Carluke, Lanarkshire ; 36 Grosve- nor Square, London, W. ; Bar- rowfield Lodge, Brighton. ♦Newman, Arthur Philip Stilling- fleet : Nov. 16, 1868 ; s. of Philip Newman, Barrister-at-Law. Educ. Leamington Coll. ; Balliol 1888- 92 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1890 ; 3rd Lit, Hum., and B.A., 1892 ; M.A. 1909 ; Cricket XL Brakenbury Soc. Tutor at Kensington House, Woodstock, 1892-5 ; Private Coach in Oxford 1896; Assist. Master 1896-, and holding Captain's commission in O.T.C. (junior div.), Cheltenham Coll, Addresses : The Cottage, Exton, Topsham, Devon ; 2 Dove- dale Villas, Cheltenham, ♦Newman, William Lambert : b. Aug. 21, 1834 ; s. of E, L. New- man, Solicitor, Cheltenham. Educ. Berkeley Villa School, and the College (CI. Sch.), Cheltenham ; Balliol 1851-5 (B.J., W.C.L., E.C.W., J.R., E.P., H.J.S.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1853 ; Ireland Sch. 1854 ; ist Lit, Hum. 1855 ; B.A. 1857 ; M.A, 1858 ; Hon. D.Litt. 1904, Union Soc. Fellow 1854-, Lec- turer in Modem and in Greek History 1858-9 and 1861-70, Bal- liol ; CI. Moderator 1862-3 ; CI. Exam. 1866-7, Reader in Ancient History 1868-70, Oxford Univ. Barrister, L.I., 1867 ; member of Council of Cheltenham Coll. 1862- 71 ; Hon. D.Litt., Cambridge, 1900. Publications : Essay in Questions for a Reformed Parlia- ment, 1867 ; Aristotle's Politics, vols, i and ii, 1887, vols, iii and iv, 1902, &c. Recreation : Walking. Address : i Pittville Lawn, Chel- tenham. Newmarch, Francis Welles : b. Dec. 29, 1853 ; s. of Rev, C. F. Newmarch, Rector of Leverton, Educ. Private ; Balliol 1873 (R.L.N., J. P., F, de P.) ; Corpus (Sch.) 1873-8 ; ist CI. Mods. 1874 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1876 ; B.A. 1877. Union Soc. India Office ; Jun. Clerk Military Department 1877- 1902 ; Assist. Financial Sec. 1902- II ; Sec. Public Works Dept. 1911; Financial Sec. 1911-; C.S.I. 1914. Recreations: Mountaineer- ing, walking, whist, bridge. Clubs : Alpine, Constitutional. Address : India Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. ♦Newsholme, Henry Pratt : b. Aug. 27, 1885 ; 5. of Rev, B, P. Newsholme,- of Secunderabad, India, Educ. Brighton Gr. School ; Balliol 1903-7 (H.B.H.) ; Hon. Ex. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Physiol.), and B.A., 1907 ; M.B. and B.Ch. 1910 ; M.A. 191 1. Univ, Entrance Sch., and Resident House Physician, St. Thomas's Hospital, 1907-10 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Honours) 1907, and M.R.C.P., 1910, London ; Assist. School Medical Officer, London County Council, 191 1 ; Deputy Medical Officer of Health, and Resident Medical Officer, Borough Fever Hospital, Brighton, 1911-12 ; Assist. Medical Officer of Health, Southend-on-Sea, 1912-. Address : 23 Finchley Road, West- cliff, Essex. ♦Newton, Cecil Elsdale : b. May 26, 1871 ; s, of Rev. J. Knight New- ton, Chapl. of H.M. Prison, Oxford ; m. Nov. 15, 1909, Hanna Carmen Reiter, D.Med., Berlin. Educ. St. Edward's School, Oxford ; Balliol 1889-93 (J.C.) ; Abbot Sch. 1889 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1903. Lecturer and Teacher, Northampton County Modem and Technical School 1896 -8; Senior Tutor, St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea, 1898-1903 ; employed by Argentine Government to organize special types of Normal Schools 1903 ; Director de la Escuela Regional de San Luis 1903- 9 ; Presidente del Consejo de Edu- caci6n de la Provincia de San Luis, y de la Comisi6n Local (San Luis) de la Asociaci6n Nacional del Profesorado, 1909 ; Director del Colegio Carlos Pellegrini (the first school on English public school lines (organization, not syllabus) to be established in S. America) 1909-. Clubs : Royal 249 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Institution of Great Britain; Club del Progreso (Buenos Aires). Ad- dress : Colegio Carlos Pellegrini, Pilar, F.C.P., Argentina. ♦Newton, Rev. Charles Farley : b. 1861 ; s. of Charles Newton, of Croydon. Educ. Christ Church 1882 ; New-Inn-Hall 1884 ; Bal- liol 1887 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Ely Theol. Coll. 1889 ; ordained d. 1890, p. 1892 ; Curate 1890-4, Vicar 1906-, Brentwood ; Curate of St. Michael and All Angels, Croydon, 1 894-1 906 ; Warden and Chapl. of St. Michael's Sisterhood, Hammersmith, 1900. Address : Brentwood Vicarage, Essex. Nichol, John Fringle : b. Jan. 6, 1863 ; s. of John Nichol, Prof, of English Literature, Glasgow Univ. Educ. Clifton ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balhol 1883-6 (A.L.S.) ; Snell Ex.; Brakenbury Sch. ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1886 ; B.A. 1888. Address : 5 Redcliffe Road, London, S.W. Nicholl, George Frederick : b. Nov. 6, 1832 ; s. of J. A. Nicholl, of Tipton, Stafford ; w. 1855, Maria, d. of George Skeeles. Educ. Private ; Royal Gr, School, Dud- ley ; Ex. of St. John's Coll., Cam- bridge. Balliol, and M.A. . by Decree, 1878 ; Hon. Fellow, Bal- liol, 1888 ; Lord Almoner's Pro- fessor and Reader in Arabic 1878, and Lecturer in Oriental Lan- guages, Oxford, 1880 ; Prof, of Sanskrit and Persian, King's Coll., London, 1879. Publications : A Grammar of the Samaritan Lan- guage, 1859 ; A Bengali Grammar, and An Assamese Grammar, 1855. Address: 74 Quilter Road, Felix- stowe. [Died July 24, 191 3.] Nichols, John Bowyer Buchanan : b. Nov. 13, 1859; s. of F, M. Nichols, of London ; tn. 1892, Catharine Louisa, d. of Capt. E. B. Pusey, R.N. Issue : four children. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1879- 83 (R.G.T., R.L.N., A.C.B., J.L.S.D., E.A.) ; 2nd. CI. Mods. i88i; Newdigate Prize 1883; B.A. 1884. Union Soc. Formerly art critic to Westminster Gazette ; engaged in painting and literary work. Publicalions : Words and Days ; Little Book of Sonnets ; joint author (with J. W. Mackail and H. C. Beeching) of two vols, of poems. Clubs : Athenaeum, Ox- ford and Cambridge, Burlington Fine Arts. Addresses : 7 Bryans- ton St., Portman Square, London, W. ; Lawford Hall, Manningtree, Essex. Nichols, Paul Randolph Shalders : b. Nov. 23, 1891 ; s. of John Nichols, of Torquay. Educ. Sher- borne ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W., R.G.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1911 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1913. Union Soc. (Sec. and Treas. 191 3), Private Sec. to Bishop of Bombay 191 3-1 4. Address : Cleave Court, Torquay. ♦Nichols, Percy : b. July 21, 1876; s. of Joseph Nichols, of Kenilworth ; w. June 28, 1905, Alice Kathleen, d. of Rev. J. G. Lane, Rector of Over Whitacre. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Rivington Gr. School; Non-Coil. 1894; Balliol 1895-8 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1898 ; M.A. 1902 ; Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Arnold Soc. Solicitor (3rd CI. Honours) 1902 ; practising in Birmingham. Address : Oak- hurst, Dorridge, Warwickshire. Nichols, Philip Bouverie Bowyer : b. Sept. 7, 1894 ; s. of J. B. B. Nichols, of Manningtree, Essex. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 191 3- (F.F.U., E.H.). Address : Law- ford Hall, Manningtree, Essex. Nicholson, Edward Henry : 6. 1848; s. of W. N. Nicholson, M.P., of Newark ; m. 1876, Sarah, d. of Joseph Prior, of Shipton Manor, Oxon. Issue : two sons. Educ. IMagnus School, Newark (Magnus Sch.) ; Balliol 1864-8 (J.R., E.P., B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1866 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1868 ; B.A. 1869 ; M.A. 1873 ; stroke of winning Univ. Eight and Four v. Harvard Univ. ; Univ. Fours ; Torpid ; Eight ; won Morrison Fours ; Pairs ; Sculls (dead heat with S. D. Darbishire). Union Soc. Manag- ing Director of Nicholson & Sons, 250 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Ltd., Engineers ; Member (Mili- tary) of County Territorial Force Assoc, County Council (N. Div. of Newark), Chairman County Council Committee for Training of Teachers 1903-, and Southwell Diocesan ditto, and J. P., Notts. ; representative of Southwell Dio- cese on Consultative Committee of National Soc. ; Chairman Magnus School Governors, and Girls' High School, and Pres. of School of Science and Art, Newark ; commanded N.Midland Cyclist Bri- gade 1891-6 ; 4th Notts County Batt. 1897-1901 ; Col. 8th Batt. Notts and Derby Regt.,T.F.; V.D. Address : London Road, Newark. Nicholson, George Gibb : ft. Sept. 20, 1875 ; s. of Donald Nicholson, Manager of National Bank of Tas- mania ; m. Aug. 1905, Marguerite Marie, d. of Jacques Danuser. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Private ; Launceston Train- ing Coll., Tasmania ; Sydney Univ. ; Balliol 1900-2 (A.L.S., E.J.) ; 2nd B.C.L., and B.C.L., 1902. Union and Arnold Socs. Lithgow Sch. in Mod. Languages, various Prizes and medals for Philosophy and English, ist CI. Honours in English, French, German, Logic, and Mental Philo- sophy, B.A. 1899, Evening Lec- turer, 1903, Assist. Lecturer 1904- 12, Assist. Prof. 1 91 3- Acting Prof. 1914, French and German, Exam, for Public (Sen. and Jun.) Exams., Sydney Univ. ; Exam, in Mod. Languages, Univ. of Tas- mania, 1904- ; acted as exam, to N.S.W. Civil Service, and for Teachers in Queensland ; Tutor and Lecturer in Philosophy, St. Andrew's Coll., 1904-5 ; travelled in India, Switzerland, France, England, Scotland, and Germany, 1908 ; Pres. of Mod. Lang. Assoc, N.S.W., 191 3-. Publications : A Practical Introduction to French Phonetics, 1908 ; joint author of Passages for Translation into French and German, 1914. Ad- dress : The University, Sydney, New South Wales. Nicholson, Walter Frederic : b. July 22, 1876 ; s. of P. E. Nichol- son, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1895-9 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CL Mods., and Gaisford Verse Prize, 1897 ; Craven Sch. 1898 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B. A., 1899. ArnoldSoc (Sec. and Pres.). Clerk in Secre- tary's Department, Admiralty, 1899 ; Private Sec. to Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher, 1902-3 and 1904-10 ; ditto. Sir A. K, Wilson, 1910 ; Principal Clerk 191 1-. Address : 4 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Nicolson, Edward Badenach : b. Dec. 4, 1867 ; s. of J. B. Nicolson, of Glenbervin, Kincardineshire, Educ. Fettes Coll. ; Balliol 1886- 90 (A.L.S., F. de P., A.V.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1888 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1890; Rugby XV (Capt.). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Advocate ; J. P., Kincardineshire, 1897. Clubs : Conservative ; New (Edin.). Address : 12 Atholl Cres- cent, Edinburgh. [Died May 24, 1912.] Nicolson, Harold George : b. Nov. 21, 1886 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir A. Nicolson, nth Bart. Educ. Wel- lington Coll. ; Balliol 1904-7 (C.B., A.L.S.) ; srdCl. Mods. 1906. Diplomatic Service 1909 ; Attache, Madrid, 1910 ; 3rd Sec, Constan- tinople, 1912. Club : St. James's, Addresses : 53 Cadogan Gardens, and Foreign Office, London, S.W, Niemeyer, Otto Ernst : b. Nov. 23, 1883 ; s. of E. A. W. Niemeyer, Merchant, of Hanover and London ; m. Sept. 1, 1910, Sophie Charlotte Benedicte, d. of Landgerichtsrath Dr. Theodor Niemeyer, of Hil- desheim. Educ. St. Paul's School (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-6 (C.B., H.W.C.D.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1904 ; Prox. Acces., Hertford 1904, Ireland and Craven 1905, Schs. ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1906 ; Rugby XV ; Union and Arnold Socs. Clerk in H.M. Treasury 1906 ; Private Sec. to Financial Sec. to Treasury (Rt. Hons. C. E. H. Hobhouse and 251 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER H. M. Wood, 191 1, and C. F. G. Masterman, 1912-13). Addresses : Treasury Chambers, Whitehall, and 30 The Terrace, Barnes, London, S.W. Nind, William Walker : b. Sept. 26, 1882 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. Nind, R.G.A. £(iMC. Blundell's (Founda- tion Sch.) ; Balliol 1901-5 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; Rugby XV (Capt. and Sec). Union, Brakenbury (Pres.), and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. Indian Imperial Customs Service 1906- ; served in Rangoon, Chittagong, and Calcutta. Address : Custom House, Calcutta, India. *Nisbet, Henry Kingscote : b. Sept. 21, 1875 ; s. of Rev. Canon J. M. Nisbet, of London, Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1894-8 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1898 ; B.A. 1899 ; M.A. 1910 ; Boat Club (Capt.). Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. Formerly engaged in general offices of G.W. Railway Co. ; Barrister, I.T., 1904 ; Assist. Private Sec. to Chief Sec. for Ireland (Rt. Hon. G. Wyndham) 1903-4 ; Assist. Gen. Inspector, Local Government Board, 1908-. Address : 13 Eaton Terrace, London, S.W. Nixdorff, Charles. Edward : &. Jan. 30, 1879 ; s. of C.E. Nixdorff, of St. Louis, U.S.A. Educ. Harvard Coll. ; Balliol 1900 (J.A.S.). A.B. 1900, LL.B. 1904, Harvard ; Lawyer. Club : Harvard. Address: Harvard Club, New York City, U.S.A. Nixon, Paul : b. May 23, 1882 ; s. of W. G. Nixon, of Boston, Mass., U.S.A. ; m. July 30, 1907, Dorothea Margaret, d. of William Thompson. Educ. Thayer Acad- emy, Braintree, Mass., and Wes- leyan Univ., Middleton, U.S.A. ; Balliol 1904-7 (A.W.P.C.) ; Rhodes Sch. Instructor in Classics, Prince- ton Univ., 1907-8 ; ditto, Latin and Greek, Dartmouth Coll., 1908- 9 ; Assist. Prof, of Latin 1909-11, Prof. 191 1- Bowdoin Coll. ; Prof, of Latin, Univ. of Chicago, (Summer Quarter) 191 2. Publica- tions : A Roman Wit ; contribu- tions to classical magazines, &c. Address : Bowdoin College, Bruns- wick, Maine, U.S.A. ♦Noble, John Henry Brunei : b. May 18, 1865 ; s. of Sir A. Noble, Bart., K.C.B., of Ardmore, Co. Dum- barton ; m. July 15, 1902, Amie, d. of S. A. W. Waters, Inspector- General of Irish Constabulary, and widow of H. Grogan. Issue: three sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1884-8 (W.H.F., A.L.S., R. Lodge, A.H.J.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1888 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1891 ; Univ. Racquets 1885, 7, 8. Barris- ter, I.T., 1895 ; with Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., 1895-. Recrea- tions : Shooting, fishing, tennis. Clubs : Athenaeum, Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Sandhoe, Hexham, Northumberland. North, Roland Arthur Charles : b. Jan. 28, 1889 ; s. of J. W. North, A.R.A., of Washford, Taunton. Educ. Blundell's (Sch.) ; Balliol 1907-11 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; Blundell Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1909 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 191 1 ; Cadet, Hong Kong Civil Service. Address : Washford, Taunton. Northampton, 6th Marquess of, William Bingham Compton : b. Aug. 6, 1885 ; s. of 5th Marquess of Northampton. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1903-6 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906. Union, Annandale, and Dervor- guilla Socs. Royal Horse Guards 1907 ; Lieut. 1908. Addresses : 51 Lennox Gardens, London, S.W.; Compton Wynyates, Kineton ; Castle Ashby, Northampton. ♦Northcote, Geoffry Alexander Staf- ford : b. Feb. 9, 1881 ; s. of Hon. and Rev. A. F. Northcote, Vicar of St. Gregory's, Canterbury ; w. 1 9 10, Edith Juliet Mary, d. of Rev. J. W. Adams. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1 899-1 903 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; Huish and Newte Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. 1910. Arnold Soc. Colonial Service ;Assist. Collector, E. Africa, 1904 ; General African Service 252 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Medal, Kisii Patrol, 1905 ; Political Ofl&cer, Kisii Expeditionary Force 1908, and Sleeping Sickness Com- mission, S. Kavirondo, 1908-9 ; District Commissioner 1909. Pub- lication : ' The Nilotic Kavirondo ' {Anthropological Journal, 1906). Club : Windham. Address : The Club, Mombasa, British East Africa. Northcote, Hugh Hamilton Stafford : b. Dec. 10, 1887 ; s. of Hon. H. O. Northcote, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1905-9 (H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909. Address : Fritham House, Frit- ham, Hants. Northcote, Walter Stafford : see Iddesleigh, Earl of. Norton, James Eliot : b. Oct. 20, 1894 ; s. of W. Norton, of East- bourne. Educ. Wellington ; BalUol 1912- (C.B.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1914. Address : Engedi, Eastbourne. Nott, Gilbert Harw'ood : b. Oct. 10, 1867; s. of William Nott, of Redland, Bristol. Educ. Probus School, Cornwall ; Balliol 1887-9 (J.W.R., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Math., and B.A., 1889. B.Sc, London, 1903; Master, Preparatory School, 1889-92 ; (Math, and Sci.) Salis- bury School 1 892-1 903; (Sci.) Lancaster Gr. School 1904 ; Joint Principal of Modem School, Salis- bury. Address : The Modern School, Salisbury. Noyes, John Haighton : b. 1832 ; s. of H. C. Noyes, of Hythe, South- ampton. Educ. Blundell's ; Bal- liol 1849-51 ; Blundell Sch. Nugee, Rev. Canon Francis Edward : b. June 9, 1855 ; s. of Rev. Andrew Nugee, Rector of Wymering and Widley, Hants. ; m. Oct. 13, 1887, Edith Isabel, d. of Rev. G. Alston, Rector of Studland, Dorset. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1874-8 (E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1878 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Union Soc. Cuddesdon Theol. Coll. 1878-9 ; ordained d. 1879, p. 1880 ; Curate of Roath 1879-87 ; Vicar of Sneinton 1888- 95, Rector of Shelton 1895-98, Vicar of Croxton-Kerrial 1898- 1903 ; Rector of Muston 1903-13 ; Rural Dean of Framland I., Dio. Peterborough, 1906-13 ; Vicar of St. Martin's, Leicester, and Hon. Canon of Peterborough, 191 3-. Address : St. Martin's Vicarage, I Leicester. o Obbard, Robert : b. 1852 ; s. of H. S. Obbard, of Lucknow. Educ. Cheltenham Coll. ; Balliol 1871-3 ; Ex. ; B.A. 1886. I.C.S. ; Assist. Commissioner, Central Provinces, 1873 ; Famine Duty, Madras, 1877-8; Special Assist, Commis- sioner, Berar, 1877 ; Deputy ditto 1890 ; Civil and Sessions Judge 1891 ; Judicial Commissioner 1895 ; retired 1900. Barrister, I.T., 1901. Address : Foswell, Simla, E., India. O'Beirne, Hugh James : b. Sept. 7, 1866 ; 5. of Hugh O'Beirne, of Dublin. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1884-7 (W.M.) ; 2nd Or. Stud. 1887. Attache at St. Petersburg, 1892; 2nd Sec, Wash- ington, 1895-8 ; Sec. British Embassy, Paris, 1900-6 ; C.B. 1905 ; Councillor, St. Petersburg Embassy, 1906 ; C.V.O. 1908 ; Minister Plenipotentiary 191 3-; J. P. ; D.L. Club ; St. James's. Addresses : British Embassy, St. Petersburg ; Drumsna, Co. Lei- trim. O'Brien, Peter Henry : b. Oct. 28, 1862 ; 5. of Patrick O'Brien, Indian Public Works Dept. ; m. 1895, Mabel Ethelreda, d. of Rev. George Bigge. Issue : two chil- dren. Educ. Malvern (Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-2 (A.T.). Carlyle Soc. I.C.S. , Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1882 ; Joint Magis- trate and Deputy Collector 1891 ; Deputy Commissioner, Assam, 1892 ; Magistrate and Collector 253 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1898 ; retired 1907. Clubs : East India United Service; Hanger Hill Golf. Address : 50 Eaton Rise, Ealing, London, W, •Odgers, Walter Blake : b. Dec 14, 1880 ; 5. of W. Blake Odgers, K.C., LL.D. Educ. Sedbergh; Bal- liol 1900-3 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 1907 ; Univ., 1901-3, and Coll. Rugby XV's ; won Coll. Mile 1902 ; Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Barrister (2nd Class Honours in Final Exam.), M.T., 1906 ; Western Circuit ; Hants, Ports- mouth, Southampton, Bourne- mouth, Poole, Bristol, and Bath Sessions ; Central Criminal Court and N. London Sessions ; mem- ber of Richmond (formerly Treas.), and Middlesex (Capt. 1907-9) Rugby Football Clubs.1 Pub- lications : joint author of Odgers on The Common Law ; joint editor of Odgers on Libel and Slander, 5th ed. Recreations : hsivm tennis, golf. Clubs : Public Schools, Woodside (Finchley). Addresses : The Garth, North Finchley, London, N. ; 3 Elm Court, Temple, London, E.C. O'Dwyer, Sir Michael Francis : b. April 28, 1864 ; s. of John O'Dwyer, of Barronstoun, Tipper- ary ; m. 1896, Una, d. of Augarde Bord. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. St. Stanislaus Coll., Tullamore ; BaUiol 1882-5 (A.T., W.H.F.) ; ist Jur., and B.A. 1885 ; Torpid. I.C.S., Pun- jab ; Assist, and Deputy Com- missioner, and Settlement Officer 1885-95 ; travelled in Russia, and lectured on ' The Russian System of administration in C. Asia ' before Royal Soc. of Arts, for which a silver medal was con- ferred, 1895-6 ; Settlement Com- missioner, Rajputana, 1 897-1 901 ; Revenue ditto, N.W. Frontier Prov., 1901-8 ; C.S.I. 1908 ; Resi- dent .Hyderabad, 1908-9 ; Agent to Governor-General in Central India 1910-11 ; Lieut. -Governor, Punjab ^and K.C.S.I., 1913. Pub- lications : Various Settlement Re- ports. Clubs : East India United Service; United Services (Simla). Address : Government House, Lahore, Punjab, India. Ogilvie, Edward Douglas : b. Feb. 6, 1891 ; s. of W. l'\ Ogilvie, of Glen Innes, N.S.W. Educ. The Armidale School, N.S.W. ; Balliol 1910- (A.L.S., N.S.T.) ; Eight ; Shooting Eight (Victoria Cup). Union, Arnold, and Brakenbury Socs. Address : Ilparran, Glen Innes, New South Wales. Ogilvie, Frederick Wolff : b. Feb, 7, 1893 ; 5. of W. M. Ogilvie, of Harrow Weald. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1913 ; Brakenbury Soc. Address : The Glade, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. Ogilvie, Maxwell : b. Sept. 2, 1891 ; 5. of George Ogilvie, of Westlands, Broughty Ferry. Educ. Repton ; Balliol 1909-12 (A. W.P.C, A. L.S.); 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912. Address : Scots College, Rome. Italy. Ogilvie, William Frederick : b. Feb. 6, 1862 ; s. of E. D. Ogilvie, of Yulgilbar, Clarence River, N.S.W. ; m. 1888, Ethel Maude, d. of Lieut. Graham Mylne. Issue : two sons, four daughters. Educ. St. Co- lumba's Coll., Rathfarnham ; Bal- hol 1885-8 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1888 ; Univ. Trial Eights 1887 ; won pairs and sculls twice. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Recreation : Polo. Address : Ilparran, Glen Innes, New South Wales. Okell, George : b. July 27, 1874 ; s. of George Okell, of Barrow, Cheshire. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1893-6 (T.R.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1896. Arnold Soc. Solicitor 1899 ; practising at Ross. Address : Ross, Herefordshire. Oldaker, Francis AUcock : b. June 2, 1871 ; s. of F. A. Oldaker, of Epsom ; m. Aug. 9, 1898, Annie Marguerite Ardington. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Ep- som Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (W.R.H., R.L.N., G.R.B., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1892 ; 4th Lit. Hum., 254 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1897 ; Cricket XI. Assist. Master Park House, Southborough, 1894-8 ; started private school at Dorking, 1898 ; transferred to Haslemere, 1905-; Fellow of Entomological Soc. of London 19 10. Publica- tions : Articles on Entomology in Entomologist, Boy's Own Paper, The Captain, etc. Address : The Red House, Haslemere, Surrey. Oldham, Charles Evelyn Arbuthnot William : 6. Sept. 15, 1869 ; s. of C. JE. Oldham, Supt., Geological Survey of India. Educ. Galway Gr. School ; Private ; Balliol 1888-90 (W.M.). I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and Officiating Magistrate and Col- lector, 1890-5 ; Under-Sec. to Government in Judicial, Political, and Appointment Depts., ditto, and afterwards Acting Sec, Financial and Municipal Depts., 1895-8 ; Magistrate and Collector 1 898-1 905; Kaisar-i-Hind Medal, I St Class, 1902 ; selected to organ- ize a separate Dept. of Agricul- ture for Bengal 1905 ; Director of Agric. 1906-7 ; Sec. to Govern- ment in Financial and Municipal Depts. 1907-9 ; member of Legis- lative Council of Lieutenant- Governor of Bengal 1907-12, and of Bihar and Orissa 1912- ; Com- missioner of Excise and Salt 1910- 12; Divisional Commissioner 191 2. Publication : Manual of Arboricul- ture for Bengal, 1907. Recreations : Cricket, tennis, racquets, golf. Club : United Service (Bengal). Address : Bankipore, Bihar, India. Olivier, Rev. Henry Arnold : b. Feb. 18, 1826 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. H. S. Olivier, of Devonport ; m. 1850, Anne Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Arnold, M.D. Educ. Sherborne; Rugby; Balliol 1845-8 (E.C.W., B.J., W.C.L.) ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1854. Ordained d. 1849, p. 1851 ; Curate of Worton 1849-50 ; St. Stephen's, Brighton, 1854-7 ; Ryde 1857-8 ; All Saints, Col- chester, 1858-61 ; Ham 1866-7 > (in charge) Frensham 1867-70 ; Rector of Crowhurst 1 861-4 ; Havant, and Rural Dean, 1870-4 ; Poulshot 1874-83 ; Chapl. Holy Trinity, Nice, 1884-6; Alassio, Italy, 1888-91. Publication: Jesus Made Known through the Church (Verse). Address : Shapley Hill, Winchfield. [Died Dec. 14, 1912.] *011ivant, Joseph Earle : b. June II, 1839 ; s. of Rt. Rev. Alfred Ollivant, Bishop of Llandaff ; nt. Dec. 7, 1905, Helena Bridget, d. of T. B. Bosvile, of Ravenfield Park, Yorks. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1858-62 (J.R., E.C.W., H. Wall, E.P., H.J.S.S., W.L.N.) ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1862 ; M.A. 1865. Union Soc. Studied abroad 1862-4 ', Fellow of Radley Coll. 1864-5 ; Master, Marlborough Coll. 1866-7 ; tra- velled round world 1868 and 74 ; engaged in tuition and in writing, 1867-79; Barrister, I.T. 1873; Chancellor, Diocese of Llandaff 1877-1908, ditto, St. Davids, 1 891-1908 ; S, Wales Circuit 1878 ; original member of House of Laymen, Province of Canter- bury, 1886-1900; incorporated member of St. David's Coll., Lampeter, 1892 ; member of Committee of Incorporated Church Building Soc. 1893-. Publications: The Court of Mexico, 1868 ; A Breeze from the Great Salt Lake, 1871 ; Hine Moa, 1879. Clubs : Athenaeum, Oxford and Cam- bridge. Address : Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. *Omond, Thomas Stewart : b. April 27, 1846 ; s. of Robert Omond, M.D., Edinburgh ; m. July 25, 1878, Christian Katharine, d. of Rev. Lewis Irving, of Falkirk. Educ. Edinburgh Academy and Univ. ; Balliol 1868-72 (B.J., E.C.W.) ; Warner Ex. ; Stanhope Prize 1870 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., Eng- hsh Essay, and B.A., 1872 ; M.A. 1874 ; Morrison Fours ; won Coll. 100 yards, and Quarter Mile; Union Soc. Fellow 1872, Bursar 1877-89, St. John's Coll. ; Barris- ter, I.T., 1874 ; engaged in literary work. Publications : Periods of European Literature (i vol.) ; and 255 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER several treatises about English metre. Club : National Liberal. Address : 14 Calverley Park, Tun- bridge Wells. O'Neill, Stanley Leslie : b. April i, 1893 ; 5. of James O'Neill, of Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1912- (A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; repre- sented Univ. V. Cambridge (half- mile) 1914 ; Torpid ; Eight (2). Union Soc. Address : Lockwood Place, Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield. Oppenheim, Ernest Ferdinand : b. July 3, 1875 ; s. of S. Oppenheim, J. P., of Didsbury, Lanes. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1894-9 (A.L.S.); WilUamsEx.; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1897 ; Rugby XV. Barrister, I.T., 1899 ; I.C.S., United Provinces, 1899 ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector ; Joint Magistrate 1908. Recreations : Shooting, polo, pig-sticking. Ad- dress : East India United Service Club, 16 St. James's Square, Lon- don, S.W. Oppenheim, Rudolph : b. Feb. 22, 1 871 ; s. of Benoit Oppenheim, of Berlin ; m. March 17, 1896, Marguerite, d. of S. T. Everett, of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Wilhelm's Gymnasium, Berlin ; BalUol 1890 (A.L.S., J.L.S.D.). Studied law at Univs. of Heidelberg and Berlin ; Referendar in Law Courts, Berlin and Nauen ; passed final Law Exam. 1899 ; Lieut, of Reserves, 6th Uhlan Regt. in Hanau ; As- sessor in Law Courts, Coepenick, Charlottenburg, and Berlin ; left Civil Service and became legal ad- viser of the Actien-Gesellschaft fiir Anilin-Fabrikation in Berlin, 1906, and Director 1914. Recrea- tions : Rowing, shooting, riding. Address : Beudler-Str. 20, Berlin, W. 10, Germany. ♦Oppenheimer, Sir Francis : 6. Dec. 17, 1870 ; s. of Sir Charles Oppen- heimer, Kt., of Frankfort. Educ. Lycee, Frankfort ; Balliol 1890-4 (T.R.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1898. Barrister, M.T., 1895 ; studied painting in Paiis for four years ; Consul-General for Frank- fort, Hesse, and Hesse-Nassau, 1900-12 ; attended White Slave Traffic Congress 1902, and British Delegate to Internat. Life-Saving Congress 1908, Frankfort ; Knight Bachelor 1907 ; appointed Com- mercial Attache to Embassy at Berlin, and Legations at The Hague, Copenhagen, Christiania, and Stockholm, with personal rank of Acting Councillor of Em- bassy in the Diplomatic Service, 1912. Recreations : Painting, de- signing, art collecting. Club : St. James's. Addresses : 8 Bocken- heimer Landstrasse, Frankfort- on-M., Germany ; Foreign Office, London, S.W.. *Ord, Richard : b. Oct. 16, 1849 ; s. of Mark Ord, of Sedgefield, Co. Durham ; m. 1882, May, d. of James Hornsby, J. P., D.L., of Laxton Park, Stamford. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1868-72 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1870 ; 2nd Law and Hist. 1872 ; B.A. and M.A. 1876 ; Won Univ. three-mile walk 1872 ; various prizes in Coll. sports. Barrister, I.T., 1874 ; Master of S. Durham Hounds 1882-5 ; Alder- man of County Council, and J. P., Durham ; Handicapper of Race- horses, appointed by Jockey Club and National Hunt. Publications : The Foxhunters' Vade Mecum (published annually) ; Reminis- cences of a First Whipper-in ; Sedgefield Country in the 70's and 8o's ; The Lay of the South Dur- ham Hunt ; etc. Recreations : Hunt- ing, shooting, racing, &c. Clubs : Isthmian ; Scottish Conservative (Edin.). Address : Sands Hall, Sedgefield, Durham. Orde, Thorleif Launcelot Maximi- lian : b. 1865 ; s. of Capt. H. P. S. Orde, of Chathill, Northumber- land. Educ. Richmond Sch. (Yorks.) ; Balliol 1884-8 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 4th Mod. Hist., andB.A., 1888. Address : Louis d'or Estate, Tobago, British West Indies. *0*Regan, John Rowan Hamilton: b. May 29, 1870 ; s. of Ven. John 256 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER O' Regan, Archdeacon of Kildare ; m. 1912, Phoebe Alice, d. of Rev. J. T. H, Abbott, of Creenahoe, Co. Fermanagh. Issue : one son. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1889- 93 (F. de P., J.L.S.D., A.L.S.) ; CI. Sch.; ist CI. Mods. 1891 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1893 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1894 ; Univ. and Coll. Hockey XI's. Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Assist. Master 1894- House ditto 1907-12, Marl- borough. Club : Cavendish. Ad- dress : The College, Marlborough. Ormerod, Rev. George Thomas Bailey : b. April i, 1846 ; s. of Ven. T. J. Ormerod, Archdeacon of Suffolk ; m. Aug. 5, 1875, Kate, d. of J. D. Hill, of Stroud. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1864-7 (J.R., W.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1865 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1867; M.A. 1870. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1872, p. 1873 ; Curate of Stroud 1872-8 ; Vicar of Oakridge 1878-9 ; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Gloucester, 1879. Address : Stroud, GIos. *OlT, John : b. June 4, 1885 ; s. of Peter Orr, of Launceston, Tasmania ; m. March 5, 1910, Augusta Berthe, d. of Victor Brisac, of St. Petersburg. Educ. Launceston High School (Sch.) ; Univ. of Tasmania (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (F. de P., E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 3rd Jur. 1909 ; B.A. 1910 ; M.A., and B.Litt., 1913 ; Eight ; Tor- pid ; won Morrison Fours 1905-6. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Engaged in tuition 1909-10 ; studied at the Sorbonne, Paris, 19 10-12. Ad- dress : 8 Petite Rue des E curies, St. Petersburg, Russia. Orwin, Charles Stewart : b. Sept. 26, 1876 ; s. of F. J. Orwin, of Wamham, Sussex ; m. Oct. 18, 1902, 6lise Cecile, d. of E. M. Renault, of Cognac, France. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; S.E. Agric. Coll. (Sch.). Balliol 1913. Pupil and Assist, on various estates 1898- 1901 ; Sec. of Adamant Stone and Paving Co. 1901-3 ; Fellow of Surveyors' Institution 1902 ; Lec- turer at S.E. Agric. Coll., Wye, 1903-6 ; Agent for Tumor Settled Estates (22,000 acres), Lines., 1906-13 ; Silver Medallist of the Royal English Arboricultural Soc. 1906 ; Bardney Drainage Com- missioner 1907- ; Exam, in Agric. Law, London Univ., and in various subjects at most of the English Agric. Colls. ; editor of Journal of Royal Agric. Soc. of England 1912-; Director of the Institute for Research in Agric. Economics, Oxford, 191 3-. Publications : A History of Wye Church and Wye College ; contributions, dealing mainly with questions of forestry and agricultural economics, in various journals. Club : Farmers'. Address : 7 Marston Ferry Road, Oxford. Osborne, Lord Albert Edwin Godol- phin : b. 1866 ; s. of 9th Duke of Leeds. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1885-8 (W.H.F., R.L.N., A.L.S.). Address : 11 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W. Ottley, Richard Bruce Hamilton : b. Aug. 19, 1890 ; s. of Rev. Canon E. B. Ottley, of Rochester. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-12 (N.S.T., J.A.S., H.M.W., A.D.L.). Address : 44 Upper Grosvenor St., London, W. Overend, Andrew Kingsbury : b. July 30, 1877 ; s. of T. G. Overend, K.C., County Court Judge and Recorder of Londonderry ; m. 1907, Olive, d. of F. A. Whitton. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Leeson School, Dublin ; Corrig School, Kingstown ; Balliol 1895- 9 (T.R., E.J.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1899 ; M.A. 1905. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Irish Bar 1902 ; N.E. Circuit. Club : University (Dublin). Address : I Wilton Terrace, Dublin. Overend, Walker : 6. Jan. 18, 1858 ; s. of Thomas Overend, of Keighley, Yorks. ; m. Nov. 8, 1893, Robina Marion, d.ot]. K. Orr, of Glasgow. Issue : one son. Educ. Keighley Gr. School ; Royal School of Mines; Balliol 1883-6 (E.A., 257 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER W.H. Freraantle, R.G.T., R.L.N., H.B.D.) ; Brakenbury Nat. Sci. Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B. A., 1886; Radcliffe Travelling Fellow 1887; B.M. 1893; M.A. and M.D. 1895 ; B.Sc. (Honours in Zool.), London, 1879 ; formerly Sen. Physician Tottenham Hos- pital, Clinical Assist. Evelina Hos- pital for Children, and Chelsea Hospital for Women ; Hon. Med. Ref. Royal National Hospital for Consumption, and British Home for Incurables ; member British Med. Assoc. Publications : Ele- ments of Human Physiology ; various articles in scientific journals ; joint author Wintering for Invalids in West Indies, 1910. Address : 28 Wilton Road, Bex- hill-on-Sea. Overstreet, Harry Allen : h. Oct. 25> 1875 ; 5. of W. F. Overstreet, of San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. ; m. May 18, 1907, Elsie L., d. of E. C. Burr. Educ. Univ. of California ; Balliol 1899-1901 (E.C., J.A.S.) ; B.Sc. 1 901. Arnold and Jowett Socs. Instructor, and Assist, and Assoc. Prof., Univ. of California, 1901-10 ; Prof., and Head of Department of Philosophy, Coll. of the City of New York, 1911-. Publications : various articles and reviews in philosophical journals. Address : College of the City of New York, New York, U.S.A. ♦Owen, Rev. Edward Charles Everard : b. May 27, i860 ; s. of Rev. E. H. Owen, Rector of Borton-on-Dunsmore ; m. 1887, Rose Dora, d. of Rev. H. Ashing- ton. Vicar of Anwick and Rec- tor of Brauncewell. Issue : six sons, two daughters. Educ. Leam- ington Coll. (Leaving Sch.) ; Balliol 1879-84 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.):; CI. Sch. and Prosser Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1880 ; Hon. Mention Hertford Sch. 1880, i ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; Prox. Acces. Craven Fellowship 1884 ; M.A. 1886. Union, Brakenbury, and Dervorguilla Socs. Fellow of New Coll. 1884-91 ; ordained d. 1887, p. 1888 ; Lecturer at Corpus and Keble 1884-6 ; Assist. Master 1886- ; Tutor i888-. Small House Master 1891, Large ditto 1901-8, Harrow. Publications : Latin Syntax for Upper Forms, 1888 ; Synopsis of Ancient History, 1898 ; ' English Literature ' (in The Public Schools from Within) ; Brief History of Greece and Rome, 191 3 ; editor of Childe Harold, 1897; Early Poems of Tennyson, 1899 ; Homer's Odyssey, book i, 1901. Recreations : Football, golf, skating, walking. Address : Hill- bury, Harrow-on-the-Hill. ♦Owen, Joseph : b. June 7, 1871 ; s. of Edwin Owen, of Oldham ; m. (i) Emma (d. 1899), d. of James Jagger, of Oldham ; (2) 1904, Louisa Ethel, d. of James Child, of Leeds. Issue : one son, one daughter. £iwc. Public Elementary School, Oldham ; Balliol 1895-9 (A.L.S.,W.H.F.,F.F.U.); Braken- bury Hist. Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1899 ; M.A. 1902. Union (Lib. Committee) and Arnold Socs. Fellow of Pembroke Coll. 1900; Lecturer Oxford Univ. Extension Soc. 1 900-1 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools 1 907-. Address: Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. ♦Owen, Sidney George : b. Nov. 2, 1858 ; s. of S. J. Owen, Student of Christ Church, and Reader in Indian Hist, in Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1877-81 (R.L.N.) ; CI. Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1879 ; Chancellor's Latin Verse 1880 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1881 ; Chancellor's Latin Essay, and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1886. Assist. Lecturer in Classics, Owens Coll., and Lecturer in ditto, Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1882- 90 ; Student and Tutor 1882-, Censor 1 896-1901, Christ Church. Publications : Ovid Tristia, book i, 1885, book ii, with English notes, and P. Ovidi Nasonis Tristium Libri V, with apparatus criticus, 1889; Virgil Aeneid X, with notes for schools, 1890 ; Catullus : with the Pervigilium Veneris, 1893 ; Persius and Juvenal, Scriptorum 258 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Classicorutn Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, 1902, 2nd ed., revised, 1907 ; Ovid, Tristia, Ibis, Epistulae ex Ponto, Halieutica, Fragmenta in Serif torum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, 1914 ; articles ' Ovid,' in Encyclopaedia Britannica, and * Ovid and Romance ' in English Literature and the Classics, 1912 ; joint author, Musa Clauda : trans- lations into Latin Elegiac Verse. Recreation : Golf. Club : Rye Golf. Address : Christ Church, Oxford. Oxford, Bishop of : see Gore, Rt. Rev. C. Oxley, A. J, R. : see Rice-Oxley, A.J. Paddison, George Mitford : b. Nov. 30, 1893 ; s. of Richard Paddison, of Tiverton. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1912- (A.W.P.C, C.B.) ; Newte Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1914. Address : Springfield, Tiverton, Devon. Paddison, Richard : b. Sept. 17, 1863 ; 5. of Howard Paddison, of Hampton-on-Thames ; m. Aug. 2, 1890, Jane Milner, d. of D. R. Ratcliff, J. P., of Great Alne, Warwickshire. Issue : ten chil- dren. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1882-6 (F. de P., R.G.T.) ; Blun- dell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; B.A. 1887 ; M.A. 1890 ; Eight ; Torpid ; Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, L.I., 1890 ; Schoolmaster 1889 ; Head Master of Woodcote House, Windlesham, 1 892-1901 ; Assist. Master, Blun- dell's School, Tiverton. Club : Junior Constitutional. Address : Springfield, Tiverton, N. Devon. *Page, Very Rev. Arnold Henry : b. March i, 1851 ; 5. of W. B. Page, F.R.C.S., J.P., Cumber- land ; m. 1889, Blanche Cecilia, d. of Col. C. G. Grantham, 9th and 89th Regts. Educ. Repton ; Bal- liol 1870-5 (R.L.N., T.H.G., J.P.) ; 2ndCl. Mods. 1872 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1877. Barrister, I.T., 1878 ; ordained d. 1882, p. 1883 ; Curate of St. Mary, Bryanston Square, 1882-3; St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, 1883-6 ; Rector of Tendring 1 886-1 908 ; Dean of Peterborough 1908- ; formerly member of Essex Coimty Council, and Chairman of District Coimcil and Board of Guardians, Tendring ; Governor of Upping- ham, Oakham, and Peterborough King's Schools ; J.P. Essex 1894, and Liberty of Peterborough 1 91 2. Club : Reform. Address : The Deanery, Peterborough. Page, Richard : b. Oct. 14, 1876 ; s. of Richard Page, of Knutsford, Cheshire. Educ. Heidelberg ; Bal- liol 1896-9 (T.R., W.H.F., E.J.); B.A. 1902. Barrister, M.T., 1902. Address : 78 King Street, Man- chester. Painter, Harold Liscombe : b. Nov. 21, 1872 ; s. of Richard Painter, of Ryde, Isle of Wight ; m. Aug. 23, 1905, Edith Reid, d. of J. W. Norman. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892- 5 (W.H.F.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1893 ; B.A. 1895. I.e. S. Bombay; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1895 ; 2nd Assist. 1904 ; ditto and Assist. Pol. Agent 1905-7 ; ist Assist. 1909 ; Jim. Collector 1 91 2-. Address : c/o King, King 6 Co., Bombay, India. Pallis, Alexander Anastasius : b. Oct. 20, 1883 ; s. of Alexander Pallis, of Liverpool. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-6 (C.B., J.A.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Williams Ex.; ist CI. Mods. 1904 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1906. Union and Bra- kenbury (Pres.) Socs. Egyptian Civil Service 1906 ; ist in Arabic Exam. ; held various appoint- ments in Ministry of Finance, in- cluding Private Sec. to Sir Paul Harvey and to Lord Edward Cecil, 1907-13 ; resigned 191 3 ; Finan- cial Inspector of Macedonia, imder Greek Govt., 191 3-. Addresses : 259 s 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Tatoi, Aigburth Drive, Liverpool ; Ministry of Finance, Athens, Greece. *Palmer, Rt. Rev. Edwin James : b. Jan. ID, 1869 ; s. of Ven. Edwin Palmer, Archdeacon of Oxford ; m. Oct, 7, 1912, Hazel, d. of Col. E. H. Hanning-Lee, and Life Guards. Educ. Winchester (Sch.); Balliol 1887-91 (F. de P., J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1889 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1891 ; M.A. 1894 ; D.D. 1908 ; Torpid (2). Brakenbury Soc. (Sec. and Pres.). Fellow (Prize) 1891 ; Jun. Bursar 1893, Theol. Fellow and Chapl. 1 896-1908, Balliol ; Sen. Proctor 1904-5 ; Ordained d. 1896, p. 1898 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishops of Southwell 1 899-1 904, Rochester 1904-5, Southwark 1905 -8 ; Chairman Jun. Clergy Mis- sionary Assoc. (S.P.G.) 1904-8 ; Bishop of Bombay, 1908-. Pub- lications : Reunion in Western India, 19 10, &c. Clubs : Western India (Poona), Byculla (Bombay), Address : Bishop's Lodge, Malabar Hill, Bombay, India. Palmer, Sir George Hudson, 5th Bart. : b. Aug. 9, 1841 ; s. of Sir G, J. Palmer, 3rd Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1859-64 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1861 ; B.A, 1864. Barrister, L,I,, 1871. Club : St, James's. Address : Wanlip Hall, Leicester. Palmer, John Leslie : b. Sept. 4, 1885 ; 5. of W. C. Palmer, of London. Educ. King Edward's School, Birmingham (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1904-8 (A.L.S.) ; Braken- bury Hist. Sch. ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1908. Jun. Editor 1909, Dramatic Critic 1910-, Saturday Review. Publications : The Censor and the Theatres, and Over the Hills (pro- duced at His Majesty's Theatre), 1912 ; The Comedy of Manners, and The Future of the Theatre, 1913. Address : c/o The Saturday Review, 10 King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. Palmer, Ralph Charlton : b. Oct. 3, 1839 ; s. of George Palmer, of Nazeing, Essex. Eiwc. Winchester; Balliol i857-6i(E.C.W., J. R.,B.J.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1859 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1861 ; B.A. 1862 ; Cricket XI (Sec). Barrister, L.I., 1864 ; Sec. to Public Schools Commission 1868 ; Principal Sec. to Lord Chancellor Selbome 1880 ; Clerk of the Crown in Chancery 1880-5 ; member of Gresham Univ. (Lon- don) Commission 1892 ; Lord Chan- cellor's Legal Visitor in Lunacy 1885-1910 ; Governor of St. Paul's School ; Deputy-Chairman Exec. Committee of City and Guilds Institute for Advancement of Technical Education ; member of Senate, Univ. of London ; J. P., Essex. Club : United University. Addresses : Hubbards, Nazeing, Waltham Cross ; 9 Little Stanhope Street, Mayfair, London, W, Palmer, Ronald William Poulton; formerlv Poulton, R. W. : b. Sept. 12, 1889 ; 5. of E. B. Poulton, F,R.S., Hope Prof, of Zoology in Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1908-11 (H.B.H.) ; Wil- liams Ex. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Engin.), and B.A., 1911. England 1909-14 (Capt. 1914), Univ. 1909-11 (Capt. and Sec), and Coll. Rugby XV's ; Univ. 1909-11, and Coll. Hockey XI's. Address: 16 Portland Pl3ice, Reading, Panting, Laurence Christopher : 6. 1869 ; s. of Laurence Panting, of Chebsey, Eccleshall. Educ. Shrewsbury ; Balliol 1888-93 (J,C., W.H.F.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Nat, Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1891 ; M.B. 1895 ; M.A. and M.D, 1900. Address : Gwendroc, Truro. ♦Papillon, Rev. Canon Thomas Leslie : b. April 12, 1841 ; s, of Rev, John Papillon, Rector of Lexden.; m. (i) 1871, Edith Mary (d, 1908), d. of Rev. Prebendary Dalton. Issue : three children ; (2) 1909, Laura Mary, d. of Samuel Dickson, of Writtle, Essex. Educ. Marlborough (Sch,) ; Balliol 1860- 5 (J.R., E.P.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1862 ; Chancellor's Latin Verse 1863 ; 1st Lit. Hum. 1864 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1867; Torpid; Eight. 260 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Union Soc. Fellow and Tutor, Merton 1865-8, New. Coll. 1870- 84 ; Assist. Master, Rugby, 1868- 9 ; Whitehall Preacher 1877-g ; CI. Moderator 1879, 85, 6, 7 ; Vicar of Writtle 1884-1909 ; for- merly Examiner for Hertford, Ireland, and Craven Schs., Oxford, various public schools, and Vic- toria (Manchester) and Leeds Univs. ; member of Moseley Edu- cational Commission to U.S.A. 1903 ; Hon. Canon of St. Albans 1907. Publications : Commentary on Virgil ; A Manual of Compara- tive Philology ; frequent contribu- tor to TheTimes and The]Guardian. Recreation : Campanology. Club : Athenaeum. Address : Acrise, Hall Place Gardens, St. Albans. **aravicmi, F. de ; see de Paravi- cini, F. Parker, Charles Pomeroy : 6. 1852 ; s. of H. M. Parker, of Boston, U.S.A. Educ. St. Paul's School, Concord, U.S.A. ; Balliol 1872-6 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1876. Prof, of Greek and Latin, Harvard Univ. Address : Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. •Parmiter, Rev. Spurrier Clavell : b. March i, 1867; 5. of J. S. Parmiter, of Winchester ; w. May I, 1894, Eva Anne Umfre- ville, d. of Henry Gowdge. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. King's School, Ely (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; Oriel (Ex.) 1886 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1887 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Union Soc. (Pres. 1888). Assist. Master, Uppingham 1890- ; Ordained d. 1897, p. 1898 ; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Peter- borough, 1897. Address : West Bank, Uppingham. Parr, Robert: b. Jan. 14, 1853; s. of Robert Parr, of Market Deeping; m. March 25, 1884, Betsy, d. of William Tasker, of Partney. Issue : one son, seven daughters. Educ. Oakham Gr. School ; Leamington Coll. ; Bal- liol 1873-6 (W.H.F.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1874: 3rd Lit. Hum. 1876; B.A. 1878. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1883 ; practised till 1899 ; Private Tutor for Bar, Army, and Univs. 1899- ; Assist. Exam, in English Composition to Civil Ser- vice Commission 1900-. Address: 23 Tremadoc Road, Clapham, London, S.W. Parry, Frederick Sydney : b. June 5, 1 861 ; 5. of Rt. Rev. Edward Parry, Bishop Suffragan of Dover ; w. 1 89 1, Anna Mary, d. of Very Rev. W. H. Fremantle, Dean of Ripon. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Winchester ; Bal- liol 1880-4 (R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1884; B.A. 1885 ; Torpid. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Clerk in Board of Trade 1885-6 ; ditto, H.M. Trea- sury 1886-1904 ; C.B. 1902 ; Deputy Chairman of H.M. Cus- toms (now Customs and Excise) 1904-. Club : Athenaeum. Ad- dresses : 63 Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W. ; Custom House, London, E.C. Parry, John : b. Dec. 9, 1894 ; s. of R. G. Parry, of St. Anne's-on-Sea. Educ. King Edward VII School, Lytham ; Balliol 1913- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 15 Park Road, St. Anne's-on-Sea, Lanes. ♦Parsons, Hon. Geoffiy Lawrence : b. May 24, 1874 ; 5. of 4th Earl of Rosse. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1892-6 (J.W.R., W.H.F., J.C.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1894 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.) 1896; B.A. 1897; M.A. 1900. Address : Northern Counties Club, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Parsons, Henry Humphrey : b. May 15, 1890 ; s. of Charles Parsons, of New York. Educ. Yale Univ. ; Balliol 1913- (A.L.S.). Address : 99 Park Avenue, New York City, New York, U.S.A. Parsons, Herbert; : b. Jan. 5, 1822 ; 5. of John Parsons, of the Old Bank, Oxford; m. 1851, Louisa, d. of Guy Thomson. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Slatter's School, Rose Hill, Oxford ; Bristol ; Balliol 1838-42 ; B.A. 1842 ; M.A. 1845. Banker. Address : The 26z BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Manor House, Elsfield. [Died Feb. 20, 1911.] Partridge, Arthur Aubrey Hunger- ford ; b. i860 ; s. of J. A. Par- tridge, Barrister-at-law, after- wards merchant ; m. E. M., d. of Arthur Jackson, Barrister-at-law. Educ. King Edward's School, Bir- mingham; Balliol i88o-4 (W.H.F., F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1884 ; M.A. 1892 ; M.B. and B.Ch. 1895 ; M.D. 1901. Engaged in scholastic work till 1 89 1, then in study of medicine ; formerly House Physician at Guy's Hospital, «&c. ; in practice at Sutton. Address : St. Germans, Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey. Paterson, Ernest Riddell : b. Sept. i, 1881 ; s. of J. A. Paterson, of Toronto. Educ. Harbord Colle- giate Institute (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-7 (J.L.S.D., J.A.S., A.D.L., H.W.C.D., E.C.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; Univ. (1905-7, Capt. 1906) and Coll. Lawn Tennis teams ; Rugby XV. Assist. Sec. to the Title & Trust Co., Toronto, 1907. Recrea- tions : Lawn tennis, swimming. Address : 35 Crescent Road, Toronto, Canada. [Died July 1912.] Paton, Herbert James : b. March 30, 1887 ; s. of Rev. W. M. Paton, of Glasgow. Educ. High School, and Univ., Glasgow ; Balliol 1908-11 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; Snell Ex. and Newlands Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1909 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1911 ; B.A. 1912 ; Fellow and Lecturer in Philosophy, Queen's Coll., 191 1- ; M.A. Glasgow. Address : Queen's College, Oxford. Paton, Mortron Brown : b. June 24, 1871 ; s. of Rev. J. B. Paton, D.D., of Nottingham, Educ. Notting- ham High School (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1894. Union and Arnold Socs. Partner in A. V. Paton & Co., Cotton Merchants, Liverpool, 1907-. Address : 22 School Lane, Bidston, Birkenhead. Patton, Frederic Clyde : b. April 8, 1882 ; s. of F. C. Patton, of St. Leonards. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1901-5 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.); 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1905, Patton, Frederick Joseph : 6. 1851 ; s. of Joseph Patton, of Bombay. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1870-4 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1 871 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1874 ; B.A. 1875. Barrister, I.T., 1875. Address : The Links, Ascot, Berks. Payne, Charles Ernest : b. May 3, 1888 ; s. of Joseph Payne, of Rockbeare, Devon. Educ. Exeter School; Balliol 1907-11 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1909 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1911; Torpid (2); Morrison Fours. Math. Master, Edinburgh Academy, 1911— ; 2nd Lieut, (un- attached) Territorials. Addresses : 2 Grosvenor Place, Exeter ; Mackenzie House, Kinnear Road, Edinburgh. Peacock, Rev. Walter Gilbert : b. Dec. 31, 1852 ; s. of Rev. W. A. Peacock, Rector of Ulceby with Fordington. Educ. Queen Eliza- beth's Gr. School, Homcastle ; King Edward VI ditto, Louth ; Balliol 1 8 71-5 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1873 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1875. Union Soc. Assist. Master Eastbourne Coll. 1876-7 ; or- dained d. and p. 1887 ; Curate of Skendleby 1877 ; Rector of Ulceby with Fordington 1877- ; Assist. Dio. Inspector of Schools 1879- ; Perpetual Curate of Haugh 1894- ; Governor of Queen Elizabeth's School, Alford. Recreation : Golf. Address : Ulceby Rectory, Alford, Lines. Pearce, Charles Frederick Byrde : b. June 13, 1892 ; s. of C. W. Pearce, Mus. Doc, of London. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 191 1- (H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. Address : 7 Avenue Road, Highgate, Lon- don, N. *Pearsall Smith, Lloyd Logan : b. Oct. 18, 1865 ; s. of Robert Pear- sail Smith, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. Educ. William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Haverford Coll., and Harvard Univ., U.S.A. ; Balliol 1888-92 (W.R.H.. J.L.S.D.); 262 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and Lit, Hum. 1891 ; B,A. 1893 ; M.A. 1906. Publications : The Youth of Parnassus, i8g5 ; Trivia, 1902 ; Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton, 1907 ; Songs and Sonnets, 1909 ; The English Language, igi2. Address : Ford Place, Arundel, Sussex. Pearson, Alexander : b. Jan. 21, 1856 ; s. of A. A. Pearson, of Luce, Dumfriesshire ; m. March 16, 1887, Eliza, d. of D. S. Moncrieff, W.S., of Edinburgh. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Loretto ; Rugby ; Balliol 1875-9 (R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; Univ., 1876-7, and Coll. (Capt.) Cricket XI's ; Univ. Golf team v. Cam- bridge 1878. Practising advocate at Scotch Bar till 1890 ; occupied with local estate. Church, and school matters ; member of Royal Company of Archers, H.M.'s Bodyguard for Scotland ; J. P. Dumfriesshire. Club : University (Edin.), Address : 49 Mardale Crescent, Edinburgh. Pearson, Rev. Arthur Cyril : b. Jan. 9, 1838 ; s. of Rev. Arthm: Pearson, Rector of Springfield, Essex ; m. 1864, Philippa Massingberd, d. of H. Maxwell- Lyte. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. : Cheam ; Winchester ; Balliol 1856-60 (E.C.W., B.J.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1859 ; Hon. 4th Math., and B.A., i860 ; M.A , 1872 ; Champion Gymnast, Maclaren's Gymn., 1859. Union Soc. Wells Theol. Coll. 1861 ; or- dained d. 1862, p. 1863 ; Curate of Longsight 1862-3 ; Cranbrook 1864-5 ; Wookey 1865-8 ; Morden 1869-77 ; Rector of Drayton Parslow 1877-86 ; Springfield, Essex, 1886-97 ; Capt. Winchester Cricket XI 1856 ; second in All England Croquet Tournament ; 1872 ; winner of double first prize in Chess Problem Tournament, open to all the world, 1882 ; Puzzle Editor, Evening Standard, 1905-12. Publications : One Hundred Chess Problems, 1879 ; Twentieth Cen- tury Standard Puzzle Book, 1908 ; Pictured Puzzles and Word Play, 1909 ; Anagram Doublets, 1913. Address : Northlands, Hollington, Hastings. Pearson, Rev. Cyril Greenwood : b. Nov. 3, x88i ; 5. of G. G. Pear- son, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1900-4 (E.J.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 1907 ; Eight. Cuddesdon Theol. Coll. 1906-7 ; ordained d. 1907, p. 1909 ; Curate of Woolwich 1907-9 ; St. John's, East Dulwich, 1909 ; Vice- Prin. of Cuddesdon Theol. Coll. 1909-12 ; Oxford Mission to Cal- cutta, 1912-. Address : The Ox- ford Mission, Comwallis Street, Calcutta. Pearson, Frederick James Norman : b. April 9, 185 1 ; s. of F. B. Pear- son, of 4th Light Dragoons ; m. Aug. 17, 1893, Agnes Charlotte, d. of W. R. Innes Hopkins. Issue : one soa. Educ. Bradfield ; Bal- liol 1869-74 (B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; Eight ; Four ; Torpid. Barrister, L.I., 1877 ; Examiner in High Coiurt of Justice 1884-. Pub- lications : Some Problems of Exis- tence ; Society Sketches of the Eighteenth Century ; joint editor of Moore'' s A bstracts of Title. Recrea- tions : Fishing, shooting, rowing. C/m& : New University. Addresses: 3 Egerton Gardens, London, S.W. ; II New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. *Pease, Howard : b. July 12, 1863 ; s. of J. W. Pease, D.C.L., of Pen- dower, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Nether Grange, Northumberland ; m. 1887, Margaret, d. of Rev. Canon Kynaston, Head Master of Cheltenham Coll. Issue : four children. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1886; B.A. 1887; M.A. 1905; Univ. Golf 1885-6, and Lawn Tennis teams ; won Univ. Lawn Tennis Singles 1886 ; and Inter- Coll. Doubles ; Rugby XV. Der- vorguilla Soc. Private Banker 1 8 87-1 902 ; afterwards Local Director of Lloyd's Bank for two years ; edited Northern Counties 263 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Magazine 1 900-1 ; Pres. New- castle Fencing Club ; Capt. Otter- burn Hockey Club ; won Border Point-to-Point Race 1910 ; big game shooting in E. Africa 191 1 ; represented county at Lawn Tennis, High Sheriff 191 3-14, Lord of the Manor of Otterburn, and J. P., Northumberland ; F.S.A. Publications : Borderland Studies ; Tales of Northumbria, &c. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Bachelors', Sword. Address : Otterburn Tower, Northumberland. Pease^ John William Kynaston : b. Nov. 9, 1891 ; 5. of Howard Pease, of Otterburn Tower, Northumber- land. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T., H.M.W., A.D.L.); 2nd Lit. Hum. 191 3 ; Coll. and Morrison Fours. Address : Otter- bum Tower, Northumberland. Peckham, Arthur Nyton : b. March 16, 1881 ; s. of Rev. H. J. Peck- ham, Vicar of Nutley. Educ. Abbey School, Beckenham ; Marl- borough (Foimdation Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1899-1903 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; Torpid. Union Soc. Architect. Peckham, Rev. Harry John ; b. Aprl 5, 1841 ; s. of C. P. Peckham, of Nyton ; m. Jan. 18, 1876, Edith, d. of Rev. Prebendary D. Robert- son, Vicar of Henfield. Issue : two sons. £iMC. Private; Balliol 1 861- 4 (B.J., W.L.N.) ; and CI. Mods. 1862 ; 3rd Law and Hist. 1864 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1872 ; Torpid ; Eight. Ordained d. 1870, p. 18 71 ; Curate of St. Michael's, Coventry, 1870-3 ; Henfield 1873-5 ; Comp- ton 1876-9 ; Biddenden 1880-2 ; Vicar of Nutley 1882-1913. Peebles, John Haughton : b. Nov. 29, 1881 ; 5. of J. H. Peebles, of Glasgow and Madras. Educ. Glas- gow Academy ; Clifton ; Balliol 1900-3, 5 (W.H.F., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; Univ. Swimming team v. Cambridge 1901-3; Univ. and Coll. Golf teams. Brakenbury and Arnold Socs. Engaged on Madras Railway 1907-8 ; Assist. Traf&c Supt. Madras and S, Mahratta Ry. 1908- ; won S. In- dia Golf Championship 1910. Recreation : Golf. Clubs : Various (Madras^. Address : c/o General Traf&c Manager, Madras and S. Mahratta Railway, Madras, India. Peebles, William Fleming : 6. Dec. 9, 1885 ; s. of J. H. Peebles, of Glasgow and Madras. Educ. Clif- ton ; Balliol 1904-5 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., E.J. P.). Address : c/o Arbuthnot & Co., Madras, India. Peel, Rt. Hon. Viscount, 1st Vis- count, Arthur Wellesley Peel : b. Aug. 3, 1829 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Bart., Prime Minister ; w. 1862, Adelaide, d. of W. S. Dugdale, of Merevale. Issue : [four sons, three daughters. Educ. Hatfield ; Eton ; Balliol 1848-52 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B.J., J.R.);j 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1852 ; M.A. 1865 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1887; Eight. M. P. (L.) Warwick and Leamington 1865-95 ; Parlia- mentary Sec. to Poor Law Board 1868-71 ; to Board of Trade 1 871-3 ; Patronage Sec. to Treasury^ 1873-4; Under -Sec. to Home Ofl&ce 1880 ; Speaker of House of Commons 1884-95 ; Visitor of Balliol 1894-1912 ; Trustee of British Museum 1898- 1907 ; formerly Chairman of National Portrait Gallery ; Vis- count 1895 ; P.C. ; D.L. ; J. P. Clubs : Athenaeum, United Uni- versity. Address : The Lodge, Sandy, Beds. [Died Oct. 24, 1912. ] Peel, Rt. Hon. Viscoimt, 2nd Vis- count, William Robert Wellesley Peel : b. 1867 ; 5. of ist Vis- count Peel, Visitor of Balliol, 1894-1912 ; m. 1899, Hon. Ella Williamson, d. of ist Baron Ash- ton. Issue : one son, one daugh- ter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1885-9 (W.H.F., E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1887; 2nd Lit. Hum., an I B.A., 1889. Union Soc. (Sec. 1886, Treas. 1887). Barrister, I.T., 1893 ; member of Royal Commission for Port of London ; London County Council, Woolwich 1900-4, Westminster 264 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1907-10 (Leader of Municipal Re- form Party 1908-10), Kennington, 1913-; M.P. (U.) S. Manches- ter 1900-6, Taunton 1909-12 ; contested Harrow Div. 1906 ; Governor of Victoria Univ., Man- chester ; Daily Telegraph Corre- spondent in Graeco-Turkish War ; Lieut. -Col. commanding Yeo- manry, D.L. and J. P., Bedford- shire. Addresses : 52 Grosvenor St., London, W. ; Latimer, Ches- ham, Bucks. Peel, Charles Lawrence Kinloch : b. Jan. 24, 1883 ; s. of E. L. Peel, of Bedford. Educ. Bedford Gr. School (Ex.) ; Balliol 1902-6 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; CI. Sch. ; dist. in Craven Sch. 1903 ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1904 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1906 ; Cricket XL Passed 14th in Home and Indian Civil Service Exam. 1906 ; Assist. Surveyor 1906, 2nd Class Clerk 1907,1st Class ditto 1913-, See's Office, G.P.O. Ad- dress : Secretary's Office, G.P.O., London, E.C. ♦Peel, Denis Heywood : h. Feb. i, 1886 ; s. of E. L. Peel, of Bedford. Educ. Bedford Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (F. de P., A.D.L.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1907 ; and Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909 ; M.A. 1912 ; Univ. (occasionsJly), and Coll. Cricket XI's. Arnold Soc. Master of Lower VI Form, Rossall, 1910-. Address : 15 St. Andrew's Road, Bedford. Peel, Sir Robert ; 4th Bart. : h. April 12, 1867 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, 3rd Bart., M.P., P.C, G.C.B. ; m. June 1897, Mercedes, d. of Baron de Graffen- ried, of Thun, Switzerland. Issue : one son. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1887-90 (J.L.S.D., A.L.S., B.J.). Union Soc. Formerly Lieut, in Staffs. Yeomanry. Publications : An Engagement, 1894 ; A Bit of a Fool, 1896. Recreations : Hunt- ing, shooting, cricket, lawn tennis. Address : Drayton Manor, Tam- worth. *Pelham, Edward Henry : 6. Dec. 20, 1876 ; s. of H. F. Pelham, President of Trinity Coll., and Camden Prof, of Ancient Hist, in Univ. of Oxford ; m. 1905, Hon. Irene Lubbock, d. of ist Lord Avebury. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1895-9 (J.W.R.,A.L.S.); Williams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1896 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1898 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1899 ; M.A. 1902 ; Cricket XI ; Torpid. Brakenbury Soc. (Sec. and Pres.). Jun. Exam. 1900, Private Sec. to Parliamentary Sec. (Sir W. R. Anson) 1903-5, ditto to Pres. (Rt. Hon. A. Birrell) 1905-7, Sen. Exam. 1907-, Board of Education ; Trustee of Bal- liol College (1904) Endowment Fund. Recreation : Golf. Clubs : Brooks's, Union. Address : 3 Ash- burn Place, London, S.W. ♦Pember, Francis William : b. Aug. 16, 1862 ; 5. of E. H. Pember, K.C., Student of Christ Church ; m. C)ct. I, 1895, Hon. Margaret Bowen, d. of Lord Davey, of Fernhurst, a Lord of Appeal. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow (Entrance Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-4 (J.L.S.D., R.L.N., E.A., W.H.F., F. de P.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., Ireland Sch., and B.A., 1884 ; Craven Sch. 1885 ; Eldon Law Sch., and M.A., 1887; Cricket (Capt.) and Assoc. XI's. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1889 ; Equity and Parliamentary Draughtsman ; Fellow 1884-, Es- tates Bursar 1910-, All Souls Coll. ; member of Univ. Board of Finance. Recreations : Tennis, fishing. Clubs : Athenaeum, Brooks's, Address : 60 Queen's Gardens, London, W. ♦Pember, George Ross : 6. April 9, 1876 ; s. of G. H. Pember, of Fair Oak Park, Eastleigh, Hants. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 18^4-8 (F. de P., W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; M.A. 1902. Address : 2 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. Pemberton, Richard Oliver Walpole : b. Aug. 18, 1885 ; s. of Col. A. R. 265 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Pemberton, Rifle Brigade. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd ^Iod. Hist. 1908 ; B.A. 1910. I-'our. Dervorguilla Soc. (Pres.). Clerk in House of Lords 1910-. Address : Travellers' Club, Pall Mall, London, S.VV. Penrhyn, Arthur Leycester Leyces- ter : see Leycester-Penrhyn, A. L. Penrhyn, Edward Hugh Leycester: sfe Leycester-Penrhyn, E. H. ♦Penrhyn, Rev. Canon Oswald Henry Leycester : b. May 6, 1828 ; s. of Edward Penrhyn, D.L., J. P., of East Sheen ; m. Charlotte, d. of E. G. Hornby, of Lancaster. Issug : one son, three daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1846-50 (B.J., E.C.W., J.R., F.T., E.P.) ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1849 '> M.A. 1852 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Ordained d. 1852, p. 1853 ; Curate of Upton St. Leonards 1852-6 ; Win wick 1856-8; Perpetual Curate, Bickerstaff, 1858-69 ; Vicar of Huyton 1869-90 ; Rector of Winwick 1890- ; Hon. Canon of Liverpool 1880 ; Proctor in Con- vocation, York, 1887-1910 ; Chap- lain to Bishop of Liverpool 1901 ; Rural Dean of Winwick 1892- 1910. Clubs: Church House; Athenaeum (Liverpool). Address : Winwick Rectory, Warrington. Perceval, Francis Westby : b. Jan. 21, 1882 ; s. of Sir W. B. Perceval, K.C.M.G. ; m. 1912, Dorothy, d. of George Thornton, of Fairiawn, Wimbledon. Educ. Wimbledon Coll. ; Stonyhurst ; Balliol 1901-6 (H.B.H., F.L.A., E.J. P.) ; B.A. 1907 ; Tennis VI (Capt.). Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1907. Clubs : Wimbledon, Golf, All England Lawn Tennis. Address: Southdown, The Downs, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Percival, PhDip Edward : b. Nov. 1 1 1872 ; s. of E. H. Percival, I.C.S. ; tn. Dec. 7, 1 901, Sylvia, d. of Sir J. A. Baines, C.S.I. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Charter- house (Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (J.W.R., W.R.H.) ; 2nd CI. and Math. Mods. 1893 ; B.A. 1895. Arnold Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1895; I.C.S., Bombay; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1895 ; 2nd Assist., and Joint Sessions Judge, 1903 ; Under-Sec. to Government, Political, Judicial, and LegislativeDepartments, 1903- 5 ; Registrar of High Court 1909 ; Judge and Sessions Judge 1910 ; Remembrancer of Legal Affairs, and Sec. to Government, Legal Department, 191 1. Club : East India United Services. Address : c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India. Perryman, Percy Otto St. Clair Wilbraham : b. June 22, 1885 ; s. of C. W. Perryman, of Farnbor- ough, Hants ; m. d. of E. G. Hardy, Fellow of Jesus Coll. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1904-8 (C.B., A.D.L., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1908. Assist. District Commissioner, Uganda Protecto- rate, 1908-. Recreation : Big game shooting. Address: c/o Secretary to the Administration, Uganda Protectorate, E. Africa. Peto, James Michael : b. May 8, 1894 ; s. of B. E. Peto, of Worton Littlecourt, Devizes. Educ. Har- row ; Balliol I9i3-(A.L.S.,N.S.T.). Union and Arnold Socs, A ddr esses : Worton Littlecourt, Devizes ; 243 St. James's Court, London, S.W, Petrie, Robert : b. May 19, 1886 ; s. of R. H. Petrie, of Coleford, Glos. Educ. Monmouth Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-9 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; Skynner Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1905; ist CI. Mods. 1906; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908; John Locke Sch. in Mental Philo- sophy 1909 ; Rugby XV. Jun. Assist. Lecturer in Philosophy, Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1909- 10 ; Fellow and Lecturer, Queen's Coll., 1910-11. Address : Queen's College, Oxford. [Died Aug. 9, 1911.] ♦Phelps, WUliam : b. Oct. 5, 1882 ; s. of T. J. Phelps, Solicitor. Educ. Dulwich Coll. (Jun. and Sen. Sch.) ; Balliol 1901-5 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D.) ; Sch. ; dist. in Craven Sch. 1901 ; Craven Sch. 266 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1902 ; Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch. 1902, 3 ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland Sch., 1903 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1908. Brakenbury Soc. Fellow, Assist. Tutor, and CI. Lecturer, Corpus Christi Coll., 1906-. Recreations : Golf, lawn tennis, cricket, sailing. Addresses: Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; Chelston Dene, Torquay. Philipson-Stow, Robert Frederic ; b. March 8, 1878 ; s. of Sk F. Philipson-Stow, ist Bart., of Fernhurst, Sussex ; m. July 28, 1906, Fernande, d. of Marc Dieuset, of Paris. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1895-6, 9 (A.L.S., W.H.F.). Union Soc. Trooper in ist Wilts. Imperial Yeomanry 1900, Lieut, Dorset Imperial Yeomanry 1901-2, King's and Queen's Medals, with five clasps, S. African War ; Bar- rister, I.T., 1905 ; Leyden Univ. 1906 ; Advocate in Supreme Court of Cape of Good Hope 1907 ; editor of South African News, Capetown, 1908-10 ; delegate to Imperial Press Conference, Lon- don, 1909. Club : Union. Ad- dress : Fernhvurst, Sussex. Phillips, Edmund Ragland : b. Sept. 16, 1876 ; s. of J. S. R. Phillips, of Manchester, editor of Yorkshire Post; m. July 12, 1899, Elaine, d. of J. Atkinson Grimshaw, Artist. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. George Watson's Coll., Edinburgh ; Leeds Gr. School ; Balliol 1 897-1 900 (H. Williamson, J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1900. Union and Arnold Socs. Journalist ; Assist. Editor Eastern Morning Gazette, Norwich ; ditto Yorkshire Post, 1903- ; occasional contributor to The Times ; member of City Council (Chairman of Higher Education Sub-Committee) 1 907-11, and of Court of Univ., Governor of Girls' High School, Chairman of Phil May Memorial, and Treas. of Territorial Recruiting Committees, Leeds. Recreations : Lecturing, microscopy, painting in water colours, wood- work. Address : II Oakfield Terrace, Headingley, Leeds. Phillips, Francis Angelo Theodore : 6. Aug. 3, 1857 ; s. of Major-Gen. G. R. Phillips, Indian Army ; m. Dec. 16, 1890, Catharine, d. of Rev. W. Robbins, Vicar of Shropham. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1878-80 (A.T.); Univ. Assoc. XI 1879-80. Union, Brakenbury, and Dervorguilla Socs . I.C.S., Central Provinces ; Assist. Commissioner 1880 ; Personal Assist, to Chief ditto 1883 ; Deputy 1884, Commissioner 1898 ; Officiated as Chief ditto 1907, 9 ; Additional Member of Governor- General's Council 1910 ; retired 191 3. Recreations : Lawn tennis, golf, riding, shooting. Club : East India United Service. Ad- dress : Avondale, Moat Croft Road, Eastbourne. ♦Phillips, Francis Barclay Willmer : b. Sept. 12, 1853 ; s. of Barclay Phillips, of Hove. Educ. Wick School, Brighton ; Balliol 1871-5 (F. de P.,T.H.G., H.J.S.S,, J.W.R.); Ex. ; 2nd CI., and ist Math. Mods. 1873 ; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1875 ; M.A. and M.B. 1885 ; M.D. 1899. Formerly House Physician and Resident Obstetric Assist., Guy's Hospital ; Medical Of&cer of Health for Borough, and Physician to County Hospital, Bedford. Address : 7 Harpur Place, Bedford. Phillips, Francis Rudolf : b. April II, 1888 ; s. of Sir Lionel Phillips, ist Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-11 (F.F.U., H.W.C.D., A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 191 1 ; won Coll. 100 yards ; Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Barrister-at-law, I.T., 1912 ; member of Cavendish and of Workers' Educ. Assocs., and of Borough Advisory Committee of Juvenile Labour Exchange. Clubs : St. James's, Cavendish, Royal Automobile. Addresses : Tylney Hall, Winchfield, Hants ; II Park Lane, London, W. Phillpotts, Ralegh Buller : b. Oct. 22, 1871 ; s. of W. F. Phillpotts, 267 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Eiiglefield Green, Surrey ; m. 1898, Jean, d. of Alan Stewart, of Innerhadden, Perthshire. Issue : one son. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-3 (T.R.) ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1893 ; Rugby XV ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla and Annandale (Pres.) Socs. Barrister, L.L, 1894 ; practised at Chancery Bar until 1901 ; Sec. and Legal Adviser of British Westinghouse Co. 1 901-4 ; Legal Adviser to Speyer Bros., Bankers, 1904-7 ; became Solicitor, and joined firm of Surtees, Phillpotts, & Co., 1907 ; Director of Manila Railway Co. ; Chairman of Manaos Improve- ments, Ltd. Publication : Assist. Editor of White and Tudor Leading Cases in Equity. Clubs : Brooks's, New University, City of London. Addresses : 4 Chester St., London, S.W. ; 6 St. Helen's Place, Lon- don, E.C. Phipps, Paul : b. March 3, 1880 ; s. of W. VV. Phipps, of London ; m. 1909, Nora, d. of C. D. Lang- horne, of Greenwood, Virginia, U.S.A. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1898-1901 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1900 ; B.A. 1902. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. Architect (articled to E. L. Lutyens, F.R.I. B.A.) ; practised in West- minster 1 904-1 1 ; went into partnership with Hoult Horton, Victoria, B.C., 1911 ; Licentiate R.I. B.A. Club: Brooks's. Ad- dress : 714 Pacific Building, Van- couver, British Columbia, Canada. ■^Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wal- lace : b. Jan. 20, 1873 ; s. of Rev. Octavius Pickard-Cambridge, F.R.S., Rector of Bloxworth and Winterboume Tomson, Dorset ; m. Jan. 3, 1901, Hilda Margaret, d. of J. M. Hunt, of Holmwood. Educ. Weymouth Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (F. de P., W.R.H., E.A., J.L.S.D., J.A.S.) ; Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1893 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1898. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Fellow 1895-7, Tutor 1895-8, Oriel Coll. ; Tutorial Fellow 1898-, Dean of Exams. 1899- 1913 J Jowett Lecturer in the Greek Language and Literature 1901- ; Jun. Bursar 1903-12, Lib. 191 3-, Balliol ; served as Master of the Schools, CI. Modera- tor, and Exam, for Hertford, Ireland, and Craven Schs., and for the Gaisford Prizes ; member of Delegacy for Exam, and Inspec. of Schools 1907-, Boards of Faculty of Arts (Lit. Hum.) 1909-13, and Studies for Responsions 1910-, Curator of the Botanic Garden 191 1- ; member of Ashmolean, Hellenic, and Horticultural Socs., Soc. for Roman Studies, and of Dorset Field and Oxford Alpine Clubs. Publications : Selected Fragments of Greek Comedy (edited) 1901 ; translation of DemostJienes' Public Speeches, 1912 ; Demos- thenes (in Heroes of the Nations Series), 191 3 ; many articles in Guardian, Independent Review, &.C., mainly 1 899-1 904. Recrea- tions : Entomology, botany, travel- ling, gardening, music. Addresses: Balliol College, and St. Catherine's, Headington Hill, Oxford. Pickard-Cambridge, Rev. Charles Owen : b. (Nov. 9, 1874 ; 5. of Rev. Octavius Pickard-Cambridge, F.R.S., Rector of Bloxworth and Winterboume Tomson, Dorset. Educ. Weymouth Coll. ; Balliol 1892-7 (J.L.S.D., W.R.H., E.J.P., A.L.S. ). Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1896 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1897 ; M.A. 1899. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Lecturer, University Coll., Sheffield, 1897-8 ; Assist. Master Cheltenham Coll., 1899-1900 ; ordained d. 1900, p. 1901 ; Curate of St. John's and St. Paul's Churches, Wal- worth, 1901-6 ; S.P.G. Missioner in Dio. of S. Tokyo 1906-12; Missioner in Dio. of Kiushiu 1914-. Address : 2 To no o cho, Saseho, Kiushiu, Japan. ♦Pickard-Cambridge, William Adair: b. Dec. 14, 1879 ; s. of Rev. Octa- vius Pickard-Cambridge, F.R.S., 268 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Rector of Bloxworth and Winter- bourne Tomson, Dorset. Educ. Weymouth Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1898-1902 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and Hon. Mention, Hertford Sch., 1900; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A. 1905, Brakenbury Soc. Assist. Master, Winchester, 1 902-5 ; Fellow of Magdalen 1904-12 ; Assist. Lecturer in Classics, Hert- ford, 1906-12 ; ditto Tutor, Jesus 1906-, Pembroke 1911-12, Colls. ; CI. Moderator 1 914-16. Address : 42 Nevv-Inn-Hall St., Oxford. Pickering, Percival Spencer Umfre- Ville : b. March 6, 1858 ; s. of P. A. Pickering, Q.C. ; m. 1898, Ethel Laiura, d. of Frederick Willmott. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1877-80 (W.W.F.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. 1879 ; B.A. 1880 ; M.A. 1883. Dervorguilla Soc. Formerly Modem Master, Highgate School, and Chemical Prof, at Bedford Coll. ; Founder and Director of Wobum Experi- mental Fruit Farm 1893- ; F.R.S. 1890. Publications : about two hundred papers on Chemistry, Physics, and Horticulture. Club : Athenaeum. Addresses : Harpen- den, Herts. ; Woolacombe, N. Devon. *PilIdngton, Arthur Hamilton : b. Dec. 27, 1858 ; s. of William Pilkington, of Carrick, Ireland ; m. 1895, Wilhelmina, d. of J. F. Hirsch. Issue : two daughters. Educ. King William's Coll., I. of M. (Cambridge Ex.) ; St. Peter's Coll. (CI. Sch.) 1879-82, ist Div., 2nd Class, CI. Tripos, and B.A. 1882, M.A. 1898, Cambridge; in- corporated, andM.A., Balliol, 1898. Master, King William's Coll., I. of M., 1882-5 ; St. Edward's School 1886-8; ditto, and Bursar, Oxford Preparatory School, 1 890-1 904 ; Private Tutor 1904-. Address : 21 Bardwell Road, Oxford. Pinkerton, Robert Hamilton : h. Feb. 22, 1855 ; 5. of John Pinker- ton, of Rutherglen, Co. Lanark ; m. July 5, 1888, Isabella, d. of John McLean, of Glasgow. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. High School, and Univ. (Metcalfe Bursar), Glasgow ; Balliol 1877- 80 (J.W.R., W.H.F., W.W.F.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1878 ; ist Math. 1880 ; B.A. i88i. Clark Sch. 1879, Assist, to Prof, of Math. 1884-6, Exam, in Math, to Local Exam. Board 1886-90, Prelim, ditto in Math, and Dy- namics 1892-6, member of Joint Board of Prelim. Exams, of the four Scottish Univs. 1894-6, Glasgow Univ. ; Chief. Exam, in Math, to Central Welsh Board Assist. Lecturer in Math. 1887 Prof, of Applied Math. 1896- University Coll., Cardiff. Publica tions '. various educational works and papers in the Proc. of Edin burgh Math. Soc. Recreations Walking, skating, fruit-growing Club : University and City (Car diff). Address: University College Cardiff. Pinsent, Richard Parker : b. March 21, 1894 ; s. of H. C. Pinsent, of Foxcombe, Oxford. Educ. Marl- borough ; Balliol 1913- (H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. Address: Glenfield, Foxcombe, Oxford. Pirie, Francis Logic : see Logie- Pirie, F. Pittar, Charles William Erskine : b. Nov. 2, 1863 ; s. of C. F. Pittar, Solicitor, of Calcutta ; m. Mabel Frances, d. of W. P. Austin, Madras C. S. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Bedford Gr. School ; Balliol 1882-4 (A.T., W.M.) ; I.C.S. Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1884 ; Assist, and Deputy Commissioner, Assam, 1889-95 ; Joint Magis- trate and Deputy Collector 1895 ; District Sessions Judge 1896 ; transferred to Bihar 191 2 ; retired 1913. Addresses : Tudor House, 300 Woodstock Road, Oxford ; c/o Thomas Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C. Platel, John Joseph : 6. 1870 ; s. of J. L. Platell, of Calcutta. Educ. St. Xavier's Coll., Calcutta ; Bal- liol 1890-3 (W.M., A.L.S.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1893. 269 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Platts, William Arthur Frank : b. Dec. 8, 1881 ; 5. of J. T. Platts, Reader in Persian in the Univ. of Oxford ; m. March 1910, Made- leine Elizabeth Lavie, niece of Rev. R. H. Charles, D.D., Fellow of Merton Coll. Educ. St Edward's School, Oxford ; Balliol 1899- 1902 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. and M.A. 1906 ; Eight ; Four (Henley). Union Soc. Studied at Wren's 1903-5 ; Private Tutor, Worcester, 1905-6 ; Assist. Dis- trict Commissioner, British E. Africa Protectorate, 1907; Dis- trict Commissioner 191 3. Re- creations : Cricket, football, golf, shooting, &c. Address : c/o The Treasury, Nairobi, British East Africa. Plimsoll, Samuel Richard Cobden : b. Dec. 15, 1887; s. of Samuel Plim- soll, of Harrogate. Educ. Welling- ton Coll. ; Balliol 1906-10 (A.L.S., E.J.P., A.W.P.C.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1910. Address : 15 Reynolds Close, Colder' s Green, London, N.W. Plowden, Philip Peter Mercdyth Chichele : b. Oct. 28, 1888 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. Walter Plowden. Educ. Eltham Coll. (Royal Naval School) ; Balliol 1907-9 (A.L.S., H.M.W.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. and B.A., 1910 ; Eight (Cox). Union, Arnold, and Jowett Socs. LC.S. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament Street, London, S.W. Poeklington, Geo£frey Richard : b. Oct. 30, 1879 ; s. of Col. Frederic Pocklington, 5 th North- umberland Fusiliers. Educ. Ros- sall (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1898-1902 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1900 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902. Union and Arnold Socs, Engaged in edu- cational work 1902-6 ; joined literary staff of W. H. Smith & Son 1906. Addresses : 55 Fetter Lane, E.C. ; Chelsworth Cottage, Warley, Essex. Pollexfen, Guy Barclay : b. Sept. 14, 1883 ; s. of F. H. Pollexfen, Ship- broker, of Liverpool. Educ. Bir- kenhead Institute ; Balliol 1902- 6 (J.W.R., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Math. Mods., 1904 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1906. Forest Assistant, Bombay-Burma Trading Corporation 1906-. Ad- dresses : c/o Bombay-Burma Trading Corporation, Ltd., Ran- goon, Burma ; 3 Chetwynd Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Pomeroy, Hon. Ralph Legge : b. Dec. 31, 1869 ; s. of 6th Viscount Harberton; m. June 25, 1907, Mary Catherine, d. of Arthur Leatham, of Miserden Park, Ciren- cester. Issue : two sons. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1888-91 (A.L.S., J.L.S.D., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist, and B.A., 1891. Dervorguilla Soc. (Pres.). Joined 1893, Capt. 1901, retired 1904, 5th Dragoon Guards ; served in de- fence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, and E. Transvaal, severely wounded 1902, Queen's (three clasps) and King's (two clasps) medals, S.A. War. Recreation : Hunting. C/m& : Cavalry. Address: Greens Norton Court, Northants. Ponsonby, Arthur Augustus William Harry : b. Feb. 16, 1871 ; s. of Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Ponsonby ; m. April 1898, Dorothea, d. of Sir Hubert Parry, 1st Bart. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.H.F., A.L.S.). Dervor- guilla Soc. Page of Honour to Queen Victoria 1882-7 ; passed Exams, for Diplomatic Service 1894, and in Public Law and Turkish ; served at Constanti- nople, Copenhagen, and in Foreign Office 1894-1903; on staff of Liberal Central Association 1903-5 ; Principal Private Sec. to Prime Minister (Sir H. Campbell- Bannerman) 1905-8 ; contested (L.) Taunton 1906 ; M.P. Stirling Burghs 1908-. Publications : The Camel and the Needle's Eye, 1909 ; The Decline of Aristocracy, 1912. Club : National Liberal. A ddress : Shulbrede Priory, Lynchmere, Sussex. Ponsonby, Charles Edward : b. Sept. 2, 1879; s. of Hon. E. C. W. 270 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Ponsonby, of Woodleys, Wood- stock. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1898- 1901 (A.W.P.C. E.J.); 3rd CI. Mods. 1899 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1901 ; Cricket and Assoc. XI's ; Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Articled to Bompas, BischofE & Co. 1901 ; Solicitor 1904-8 ; Director of Canadian Agency, Ltd., &c., 1909-. Club : Brooks's. Ad- dresses : 6 Princes Street, London, E.C., ; Woodleys, Woodstock. Poole, Edward Humphry Lane : b. Nov. 25, 1888 ; s. of R. L. Poole, Keeper of the Archives, and Lecturer in Diplomatic in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ, Rugby ; Magdalen Coll. School ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.W.P.C, A.L.S.) ; 3rci CI. Mods. 1910 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912. In the Adminis- tration of Northern Nigeria. Ad- dress : The Museum House, Ox- ford. ♦Poole, Reginald Lane : 6. March 29, 1857 ; s. of E. S. Poole, of the Science and Art Dept. ; m. 1881, Rachel Emily, d. of F. R. Malleson. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1874-9, except from Hilary T. 1876 to Trinity T. 1877, when a member of Wadham, (F. de P., T.K.C., J.F.B.) ; Busby Theol. Prizeman 1874 ; Hody Hebrew Ex. (Wad- ham) 1876-7 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 2nd Theol., and B.A. 1878 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and Lothian Prize, 1879 ; M.A, 1881. Assist, in Dept. of MSS., British Museimi, 1880-1 ; lived in Germany and Switzerland 1881-3 ; Lecturer in Mod. Hist., Jesus Coll., 1886-1910 ; External Examiner in Victoria Univ., Manchester, 1889-91, 1906- 7 ; Univ. Lecturer in Diplomatic 1896- ; Examiner in Mod. Hist. 1896-7 ; Delegate of Privileges 1897, 8, 1900, 02, 04, 08, and Bodleian Library Tercentenary 1902 ; Fellow 1898, re-elected 1905 and 1912, Magdalen ; Keeper of the Archives 1909- ; Ford's Lecturer in English Hist. 1911-12 ; Birkbeck Lecturer in Eccles. Hist., Cambridge 1912-14 ; Assistant Editor 1885, joint ditto 1895, Editor 1901, English Historical Review ; elected member of Board of Faculty of Mod. History 1888- 1913, co-opted 1913 ; Curator of Bodleian Library 1914- ; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1882 ; F.B.A. 1904 ; LL.D., Edinburgh, 1908 ; Hon. Fellow of Royal Historical Soc. ; Litt.D., Cambridge, 1913. Pub- lications : A History of the Hugue- nots of the Dispersion, 1880; Sebastian Bach, 1882 ; Illustra- tions of the History of Medieval Thought, 1884 ; Wy cliff e and Movements for Reform, 1889 ; The Exchequer in the Twelfth Cen- tury, 1912 ; reports for the Royal Commission on Historical MSS. on the Muniments of Worcester, Lichfield, Chichester, Canterbury, Salisbury, and Exeter Cathedrals and Bishops' Registries, 1895- 1907 ; Editor of Wy cliff e de Civili Dominio Liber I, 1885, De Dominio Divino, 1890 ; and Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, 1 897-1 902 ; Joint ditto John Bale's Index Britanniae Scriptorum, 1902, and Political History of England, 12 vols., 1905-10 ; Contributor to Dictionaries of National Biography and Music and Musicians ; trans- lator of Land's Principles of Hebrew Grammar, Part I, 1876. Address : The Museum House, Oxford. *Poole- Hughes, Rev. William Worthington : b. Nov. 26, 1865 ; 5. of William Poole-Hughes, of Llandovery. Educ. Llandovery Coll. ; Balliol 1884-8 (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1886 ; 2nd Math. 1888 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1895 ; Univ. (occasionally) and Coll. Rugby XV's. Union Soc. Master, Lower School, Up- pingham, 1888-91 ; Army Classes, Sherborne, 1892-1900 ; ordained d. 1890, p. 1892 ; Warden and Head Master of Llandovery Coll. 1900-. Address: Llandovery Col- lege, Carmarthenshire. Porter, Wilfred King : b. Dec. 29, 1864; s. of R.T. Porter, H.E.I.C.S. m. Aug. 28, 1897, Edith Crawfurd, 271 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER d. of G. A. Thomson, Punjab Com- mission. Issue : one son. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; BalHol 1883-7 (W.M.) ; 2nd Jur. 1887 ; 2nd B.C.L., and B.A., i888. Union Soc. Barrister, G.L, and enrolled in Allahabad High Court, 1888 ; Sec. to United Provinces Legis- lative Council ; Law Reporter to the Allahabad Series of Indian Law Reports. Address : AWahahdid, United Provinces, India. Portman, Hon. Edwin Berkeley : b. Aug. 3, 1830 ; s. of ist Viscount Portman ; m. May, 1887, Caroline Ella, d. of D. W. Chapman. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1847-9 (W.C.L., E.C.W., F.T., B.J.) ; B.A. 1850; B.C.L. 1854. Fellow of All Souls 1850-7 ; Barrister, I.T., 1852 ; M.P. (L.) N. Dorset 1885-1892. Address : 46 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. *Portsmouth, Rt. Hon. the Earl of, 6th Earl Viscount Lymington, Newton Wallop : b. Jan. 19, 1856, s. of 5th Earl ; m. Beatrice, d. of Edwin Pease, of Greencroft, Dar- lington. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1875-8 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1878 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1881. Union Soc. (Pres. 1877). Hereditary Bailiff of Burley, New Forest ; M.P., Barn- staple 1880-5, N. Devon 1885-91 ; Parliamentary Under-Sec. for War 1905-8 ; Ecclesiastical Commis- sioner 1909 ; F.S.A. ; J. P. and D.L., Hants ; D.L. Wexford ; J. P. Devon. Clubs : Brooks's, Garrick, Travellers', Marylebone, Burlington Fine Arts. Addresses : 16 Mansfield Street, London, W. ; Eggesford House, Wembworthy, N. Devon ; Hurstboume Park, Hants; Guisachan, Beauly, Scotland. Potocki, Count Joseph Alfred : b. April 8, 1895 ; s. of Count Joseph Potocki, of Antoniny par Schepe- towka, Volhynia, Russia. Educ. Downside ; Balliol 191 3- (H.W.C.D.). Annandale Soc. Ad- dress : Antoniny par Schepetowka, Volh>Tiia, Russia. Potter, Arthur Bayley : b. Dec. 7, 1852 ; s. of T. B. Potter, M.P. for Rochdale. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1871-2 (R.L.N.). Assist. Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Man- chester, 1883-1900, when ill-health caused retirement ; travelled in many parts of the world ; actively interested in Charity Org. Soc. (London) and in management of Industrial Schools and Boys' Clubs. Recreations : Travel, Greek and Roman Archaeology, Egypto- logy. Address : Reform Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Potter, Kenneth Reginald : b. Jan. 20, 1893 ; s. of Samuel Potter, of London. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; Balliol 1912- (A.W.P.C.) ; CI. Sch.; Dist. in Craven Sch. 1913; ist CI. Mods. 1914. Address : Mal- colm Lodge, Christchurch Road, Streatham Hill, London, S.W. Potts, Leonard Francis : b. 1859 ; s. of C. W. Potts, of Chester. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1879-82 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1885. Barrister, L.I., 1885. Ad- dress : 13 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ♦Poulton, Edward Palmer : b. Oct. 1, 1883 ; s. of E. B. Poulton, F.R.S., Hope Prof, of Zoology in Univ. of Oxford; m. Oct. 3, 1911, Elfrida Mary Hamilton, d. of Charles Maclean, of Gleneam. Issue : one son. Educ. Rugby (Ex.) ; Balliol 1902-7 (H.B.H.) ; Brakenbury Nat. Sci. Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. and B.M. 1910 ; M.D. 1913 ; Radcliffe Travelling Fellow, 191 1 ; Univ. 1904-6, and Coll. Hockey teams. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Sometime Demon- strator in Zoology, and Assist. ditto in Physiol., Oxford Univ. ; Student 1908, Treasurer's Gold Medallist in Medicine 191 1, Assist. House-Surgeon, Out- Patient Offi- cer, House- Physician, and Medi- cal Registrar, Guy's Hospital ; played Hockey for South v. North of England 1909 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. ; L.R.C.P. 1910, M.R.C.P. 1911, London. Publications : papers on medical and physiological sub- 272 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER jects in Quarterly Journal of Medicine, Proc, of Royal Soc, Journal of Physiology, Lancet, &c. Recreations : LaAvn tennis, golf. Address : 24 St. Thomas's St., London Bridge, London, S.E. Poulton, Ronald William : see Palmer, R. W. P. ♦Powell, Rev. Evan Worthington : b. Nov. 13, 1871 ; 5. of Evan Powell, J. P., of Penrallt, Llanid- loes, Montgomeryshire ; m. Aug. 7, 1900, Elizabeth Jane, d. of John Ravenshaw, of Whitchurch, Salop. Issue : one son, two daughters. £i«c. Winchester ; Balliol 1890-4 (R.L.N., F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1892; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1897 ; Univ. 1892-4 (Capt.), and Coll. Hockey XI's. Union and Arnold Socs. Wells Theol, Coll. 1895-6 ; ordained d. 1896, p. 1897; Curate of Wrexham 1 896-1901 ; Vicar of St. Asaph, and Vicar Choral in St. Asaph Cath., 1 901-7 ; Brymbo 1907-12 ; Chirk 19 1 2-. Address : Chirk Vicarage, N. Wales. ♦Powell, John Undershell : b. Oct. 4, 1865 ; 5. of Rev. John Powell, Vicar of Hill Deverell, Wilts. ; m. 1903, Mabel Howard, d. of Isaac Leather. Issue : one child. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1884-8 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; Gais- ford Verse Prize 1885 ; ist CI. Mods. 1886 ; Craven Sch. 1887 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888 ; Latin Essay 1889 ; M.A. 1891. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Visiting Lecturer at St. Edward's School, Oxford, and Cheltenham Coll., 1889-90 ; Fellow and CI. Lecturer 1890-, and Tutor, St. John's Coll. ; CI. Moderator 1908- 9 ; Deputy Public Orator 1910 ; Delegate for Training of Secondary Teachers ; Joint Sec. Oxford Charity Org. Soc. Publications : Papers in Classical Review, Wilts. Archaeological Magazine, &c. ; edi- tor of Euripides' Phoenissae, 191 1. Address : 1 Wellington Place, Oxford. *PoweIl, Rev. Morgan Jones : b. Jime 27, 1863 ; s. of Thomas Powell, of Swansea; tn. May 11, 1897, Enid Annie, d, of Robert Margrave. Educ. Bishop Gore's Gr. School, Swansea ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886; M.A. 1889 ; B.D. and D.D. 1907. Union Soc. Or- dained d. 1887, p. i888 ; Curate of Tredegar 1887-9 ; Brecon 1889- 94 ; Llanelly 1 894-1 901 ; Rector of Llanfrynach 1901-8 ; Proctor in Convocation 1907 ; Vicar of Aberystwyth 1908- ; Rural Dean of Llanbadarn Fawr, and Surrogate, 1909. Address : The Vicarage, Aberystwyth. *Powicke, Frederick Maurice : b. June 16, 1879 ; s. of Rev. F. J. Powicke, Ph.D., of Hatherlow, Cheshire ; m. Sept. 8, 1909, Susan Irvine Martin, d. of Rev. Principal T. M. Lindsay, D.D. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Stockport Gr. School ; Owens Coll., Manchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1899-1903 (J.L.S.D., J.A.S., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1902 ; Men- tioned for Stanhope Hist. Essay ; ist Mod. Hist. 1903 ; B.A. 1904 ; M.A. 1908. Arnold Soc. Langton Fellow 1902-5, Assist. Lect. in Hist. 1906, Univ. of Manchester ; Assist. Lect. in Hist., Univ. of Liver- pool, 1905 ; Fellow of Merton Coll. 1908- ; Prof, of Mod. Hist, in Univ. of Belfast 1909-. Pub- lications : The Loss of Normandy ^ 191 3 ; avticles in English Historical Review, &c. Recreations : Cycling, walking. Club : University (Liver- pool). Addresses: Merton College, Oxford ; 42 Mai one Park, Belfast. Poynting, John Whitfield Elford : b. Oct. 10, 1873 ; s. of Rev. C. T. Poynting, of Manchester. Educ. Sedbergh (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892-7 (F. de P., E.A., J.L.S.D., J.A.S.) ; CI. Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1896; Certificate, with distinction, after Taylorian Sch. Exam. (French). 1897. Union and Arnold Socs. I.C.S., Central Provinces, 1897; Assist, and Deputy Commissioner ; 273 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Div. and Sessions Judge ; retired 1911. Addresses : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. ; 15 Ladybarn Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. •Poynton, Arthur Blackbume : 6. June 2S, 1867 ; s. of Rev. F. J. Poynton, Rector of Kelston ; tn. Dec. 30, 1896, Mary, d. of J. Y. Sargent, Fellow of Magdalen and Hertford Colls. Issue : five chil- dren. Educ. Marlborough (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-9 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; Hertford Sch. 1885 ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1887; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Union and Brakenbury (Sec. and Pres.) Socs. Fellow and Lecturer, Hertford Coll., 1890-4 ; Fellow and Praelector 1894-, Bursar 1900-, Sen. Tutor 1907-, University Coll. ; CI. Moderator 1900,1,5,6; Sen. Proctor 1902-3 ; Delegate of Univ. Police and of Privileges ; Curator of Bodleian Library. Publications : editor of Cicero, pro Milone, 1892, revised 1902, and author of two articles on the Rhetorica of Dionysius of Halicarnassus in Journal of Philo- logy ; joint editor of key to Sar- gent's Greek Iambic Verse. Re- creation : Walking. Addresses : University College, and 3 Fyfield Road, Oxford. Pratt, Rev. Arthur Bertram : b. Aug. 18, 1882 ; s. of James Pratt, Judge of the High Court, Cal- cutta. Educ. Charterhouse (Jun. aid Sen. Sch.) ; Balliol 1 901-5 (J.L.S.D., F.F.U., C.B.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1903 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1905 ; B.A. 1906 ; M.A. 1908 ; Assoc, and Hockey (Capt.) teams. Bra- kenbury Soc. Ridley Hall, Cam- bridge, 1905-7; ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curate of St. Saviour's, Battersea Park, 1 907-11 ; All Saints', Eastbourne, 1911-13; St. Michael's, Chester Square, London, S.W., 191 3- Address : 2 Elizabeth St., Westminster, London, S.W. Prestage, Edgar : b. July 20, 1869 ; s. of J. E. Prestage, of Bowdon, Cheshire; m. Jan. 14, 1907, D. Christina Vaz de Carvalho, d. of Gon^alves Crespo. Educ. Radley; Balliol 18 1< 8- 91 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1891. Arnold Soc. Solicitor 1896-1908, Manchester ; Special Lecturer in Portuguese Literature, Univ. of Manchester ; Exam, in Portuguese to Univs. of London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, and SheflSeld ; Commendador Portu- guese Order of S. Thiago 1896; Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences, Geographical Soc, &c., Lisbon, Publications : Cin- coenta Documentos relativos a D. Francisco Manuel de Mello, Cartas de D. Francisco Manuel de Mello escritas a Antonio Luiz de Azevedo ; D. Francisco Manuel de Mello, Ebosgo biographico ; Registro da freguesia de Stu Cruz do Castello (with colleague) ; translator of various Portuguese works, in- cluding Letters of a Portuguese Nun, Sonnets of Anther de Quental, Azurara's Chronicle of Guinea (with colleague). Brother Luiz de Sousa of Visconde de Almeida- Garrett, and several short stories of E9a de Queiroz. Address : 11 Travessa Santa Catharina, Lisbon, Portugal. Price, John Arthur : b. Nov. 20, 1 861 ; s. of John Price, Solicitor, of Shrewsbury ; m. Emily, d. of Major Foster, of Egryn Abbey, Barmouth. Educ. Shrewsbury ; Balliol 1881-6 (R.L.N., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1885 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1886. Brakenbury Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1890. Publica- tions : contributor to Encyc. of Laws of England, Manchester Guardian, Saturday Review, Church Times, &c. Clubs : Devonshire, New Reform. Addresses- 8 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ; Meirion, Leaside Avenue, M us well Hill, London, N. Primrose, Archibald Hemy Regi- nald : b. Dec. 14, 1889 ; s. of Sir H. W. Primrose, K.C.B. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1907-9 (A.L.S., E.J.P.). Ad- 274 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER dress : 44 Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W. Primrose, Sir Henry William : b. Aug. 22, 1846 ; s. of Hon. B. F. Primrose, 2nd s. of 4th Earl of Rosebery ; nt. 1888, Helen Mary, d. of Gilbert McMicking, of MU- tonise, Wigtonshire. Issue : one son. Educ. Trinity Coll., Glenal- mond ; Balliol 1865-9 (E.C.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1869 ; Eight ; Four. Entered Treasury 1869 ; Private Sec. to Viceroy of India (Marquis of Ripon) 1880-4, and to Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone 1885-6 ; C.S.I. 1885 ; Sec. to H.M. Office of Works 1886-95 ; Chairman of Boards of Customs 1895-9, Inland Revenue 1899, Pacific Cable 1907- ; K.C.B. 1899 ; I.S.O. 1904 ; P.C. 1912 ; member of Royal Commissions on the Civil Service, 19 12, and on Railways, 191 3. Address : 44 En- nismore Gardens, London, S.W. Prince, Albert Edward : b. July 14, 1889 ; s. of G. E. Prince, of Leigh, Lanes. Educ. Leigh Gr. School ; Manchester Univ. ; Balliol 1912- (H.W.C.D.) ; Cox. of Torpid and 2nd Eight. Arnold Soc. Address : Glenfield, Leigh, Lanes. Pritchard, Artliur : b. Feb. 18, 1863 ; 5. of W. T. Pritchard, Proctor and Solicitor, of Doctors' Commons, Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F.,J.L.S.D.,R.L.N.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1886 ; B.A. and M.A. 1890. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1890 ; N.E. Circuit, West and East Ridings of Yorks., Hull, Leeds, and Sheffield Sessions, and Admiralty Court. Address : 2 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, E.C. Pritchett, John Suckling : b. Jan. 8, 1855 ; s. of J. S. Pritchett, of King's Norton ; m. 1887, Alice Lilly, d. of Edward Pritchett, of Prior's Court, Ledbury. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. King Edward's School, Birming- ham ; Balliol 1873-8 (T.H.G., H.J.S.S., R.L.N., J.F.B.) ; Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1874 ; ist Math. 1876; B.A. 1877; M.A. 1879; B.C.L. 1887. Union Soc. Barris- ter, I.T., 1881 ; Midland Circuit; Alderman of the City of Birming- ham 191 1-. Address : Hill Top, King's Norton, Birmingham. ♦Prothero, Francis Thomas Egerton: b. Nov. 5, 1837 ; s. of Rev. Thomas Prothero, of Malpas Court, New- port, Mon. ; tn. Aug. 11, 1864, Mary Frances, d. of Rev. Francis Lewis. Issue: two sons, three daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balhol 1856-60 (B.J., E.P., J.R., H.J.S.S., H.W., E.C.W., W.L.N.) ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1858 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., i860 ; M.A. 1888 ; Torpid. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1863 ; Oxford Cir- cuit; J.P., Mon., 1870. Publication: joint author of An Oarsman's Guide to the Rivers and Canals of Great Britain. Clubs : Athenaeum, Royal Toxophilite. Recreations : Rowing, archery, cycling. Ad' dress : Malpas Court, Newport, Mon. ♦Prothero, Rowland Edmund : b. Sept. 6, 1852 ; s. of Rev. G. Prothero, Rector of Whippingham, and Canon of Westminster ; m. (i) 1891, Mary Beatrice (d. 1899), d. of John Bailward, of Horsington Manor, Som. Issue : one son ; (2) 1902, Barbara, d. of Lieut. - Col. Charles Hamley. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1 871-5 (J.P., F. de P., J.F.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1873 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1875 ; B.A. 1876 ; M.A. 1878 ; Torpid ; Cricket XI (Capt.). Fellow of All Souls 1875-91 ; Barrister, M.T., 1878 ; Proctor 1883-4 ') Editor oi Quarterly Review 1893-9 > Agent-in-Chief to the Duke of Bedford 1899- ; Alder- man of County Council 1905-, Chairman of Secondary Educa- tion Committee 1903-, and of Chamber of Agric. 191 2-, contested (U.) N. Div. 1910, Bedfordshii-e ; Chairman of Governors, Modern School, Luton, 1905- ; Governor of Harpur Trust Schools, Bedford, 1911-; Jubilee Medal 1897; J. P., London, 1900; M.V.O. 1901 ; member of Royal Commission on 275 T 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Railways 191 3. Publications : Pioneers and Progress of English Fanning, 1887 ; Life and Corre- spondence of Dean Stanley, 1893 ; Letters and Verses of Dean Stanley, 1895 ; Letters of Edward Gibbon, 1896; Life of H.R.H. Prince Henry of Battenberg (for private circulation), and revised, on be- half of Queen Victoria, Sir R. Holmes's Life of Queen Victoria, 1897 ; Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, 1 898-1901 ; The Psalms in Human Life, 1903 ; Letters of Richard Ford, 1905 ; The Pleasant Land of France, 1908 ; English Farming, Past and Present, 1912 ; articles in the Quarterly, Edinburgh, and Church Quarterly Reviews, and other periodicals. Clubs : New Univer- sity, Athenaeum, United Empire, Ranelagh, Marylebone, I Zingari. Addresses: 3 Che>Tie Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W. ; Oakley House, Oakley, Bedfordshire. Proudfoot, Robert Letalle : b. Oct. 10, 18 71 ; 5. of Peter Proudfoot, of Leuchars. Educ. Madras Coll., St. Andrews ; Balliol 1892-4 (F. de P., W.H.F., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1894. Address : 16 Nelson St., Edinburgh. Prowse, Richard Orton ; b. July 22, 1862 ; 5. of Rev. R. H. Prowse, Rector of Framingham-Pigot. Educ. Cheltenham; Balliol 1881-4 (E.A., W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1883 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1888. Union Soc. Novelist. Publi- cations : novels — The Poison of Asps, 1892, Voysey, 1901, James Hurd, 1 91 3, &c. ; Ina, a play in four acts, produced by Stage Soc, 1904. Address : 47 St. Quintin's Avenue, London, W. Pryce, Edward Stisted Mostyn : b. April 8, 1851 ; 5. of Lieut. -Col. J. E. H. Pryce, of Trelydan Hall, Montgomery ; in. 1877, Henrietta, d. of C. W. Beauclerk, J. P., D.L., of Winchfield House, Hants. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. Cheltenham; BalUol 1 871-4 (H.J.S.S., T.H.G.) ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1872 ; 3rd Math., and B.A., 1874 ; M.A. 1877. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Student, LT., 1874 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools 1 876-1908 ; High Sheriff 1893 ; J. P., Montgomery and Salop. Club : Conservative. Ad- dress : Gunley Hall, Chirbury, Salop. Pugh, Rev. Henry Bruce : b. Jan. 21, 1842 ; s. of Rev. Giles Pugh, Chapl. to British Embassy, Naples ; m. May 1883, Helen, d. of Sir Robert Affleck, Bart., of Dalham Hall. Issue : one son. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1861- 5 (J.R., E.C.W., W.L.N., H.J.S.S., R.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1863 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1865 ; M.A. 1868; Eight. Union Soc. Private Tutor to Lord Randolph S. Churchill at* Blenheim Palace 1865-6 ; Travelling Tutor 1866-8 ; ordained d. 1868, p. 1869 ; Curate of Withy ham 1868-70 ; Brome with Oakley 1870-3 ; Mortlake with East Sheen 1873-5 ; Rector of Dalham 1875- ; Rural Dean of Thurlow 1 886-1 904. Recreations : Riding, lawn tennis, croquet, golf. Address : Dalham Rectory, Newmarket. Pullinger, William : b. April 25, 1869 ; s. of William Pullinger, of Oldham ; m. 1903, Ethel, d. of Henry Broadbent, of Stalybridge. Issue : two sons. Educ. Manches- ter Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1887-90 (J.C.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1890 ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1894. Arnold Soc. Engaged in Research Work, Tiibingen, 1 890-1 ; Demonstrator in Balliol Lab. 1 891-2 ; Univ. Extension Lecturer 1893 ; Minis- try of Public Instruction, Cairo, 1893-5 ; Teacher in Oldham Gr. School 1895-1900 ; Jun. Inspec- tor, Board of Education, 1900-3 ; Director of Education, Wilts., 1903-. Address : The Halve, Trowbridge. Punchard) Rev. Canon Elgood George : b. April 18, 1844 ; s. of J. E. Punchard, of Cransford ; m. Feb. 5, 1879, Catharine Mary, d. of Joseph Johnson, of Windsor. 276 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Private ; New-Inn-Hall 1868-72 ; Prox. Acces. to Newdi- gate Prize 1871 ; Sacred Poem Prize 1875 ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1872 ; M.A. 1874 ; B.D. 1880 ; D.D. 1884 ; Balliol 1887. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1872, p. 1873 ; Curate of Wen- dover 1872-7 ; Oriental Fellow, St. Augustine's Coll., Canterbury, 1878 ; Curate of Shalbourne 1879 ; Vicar of Linslade 1880-3 ; Christ Church, Luton, 1883-1902 ; R.D. of Luton 1897-1902 ; elected Bishop of Antigua 1896, but declined the honour ; Chapl. to Bishop of Truro 1906-12 ; Surro- gate, 1883, Hon. Canon 1895, Ely ; editor of Ely Diocesan Remembrancer, 1906-9 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Ely, 1902-. Publica- tions : King Saul and other Poems, 1877 ; Commentary on St. James, 1879 ; Christ of Conten- tion, 1885 ; The Organization and Work of a Parish, 1889 ; Records of an Unfortunate Family, 1894 ; reviews and articles in the Church Quarterly Revieiv, Asiatic Quarterly, Indian Church Quarterly, &c. Recreations : Heraldry, genealo- gies. Address : St. Mary's Vicar- age, Ely. Purcell, Charles Francis : 6. April 23, 1891 ; s. of M. J. Purcell, of Burton Park, Buttevant, Co. Cork. Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Balliol 1910-13 (A.L.S., F.F.U., N.S.T.) ; Aegrotat Mod. Hist., and B.A., 191 3. Address : Burton Park, Buttevant, Co. Cork. *Radcllfle, John Douglas Hender- son ; b. Aug. 9, 1885 ; s. of A. N. Radcliffe, of London ; m. 191 3, Garlidna, d. of Capt. E. A. Bolitho, R.N, Educ. Eton (Sch,, but did not take up election) ; Balliol 1904-8 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1906 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. and B.C.L. 191 1 ; Eight, Fellow of All Souls 1911- ; Solicitor; Trustee of Balliol Coll. (1904) Endowment Fund. Club : Union. Addresses : All Souls College, Oxford ; 20 Craven Street, Charing Cross, Lon- don, W.C, ; 27 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London, S,W. Radcliffe, William : b. Aug, 12, 1856; s, of Rev. John Radcliffe, of Kingston, Jamaica ; m. 1906, Catherine Seymour, d. of F. H, Perry. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1875-9 (F, de P., W.R.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877 ; 2nd Jur. 1879 ; B.A. 1880 ; Cricket XI ; won Coll. Racquets Cup. Union Soc. Bar- rister, I.T., 1882. Club : Windham. Address: Beech Court, Deal, Kent. Radstock, Rt. Hon. Lord, 3rd Baron, GranvUle Augustus Wil- liam Waldegrave : b. April 10, 1833 ; s. of 2nd Baron, who served under Lord Nelson in H.M.S. Vic- tory ; m. 1858, Susan (d. 1892), d. of J. H. Calcraft, M.P, Issue : three sons, five daughters. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1851-5 (W.C.L., B.J.) ; 2nd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1854 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. 1855 ; M.A. 1857 ; Eight ; won Coll. Sculls. Raised and commanded West Middlesex Rifles 185&-66; commanded Brigades in Volunteer Reviews 1863-6; member of first Council of National Rifle Assoc, and took part in organization of first camp at Wimbledon ; inter- ested and engaged in lay evangel istic work, and visited many con- tinental countries in furtherance of its object. Address : Mayfield, Woolston, Southampton. [Died Dec. 8, 1913.] *Rae, Charles Edward Leathart : b. July I, 1883 ; s. of Edward Rae, of Courthill, Birkenhead. £i^Mc. Shrewsbury; Balliol 1902-6 (H.W.C.D., E.J., R.W.L., E,H.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1905 ; 2nd B.C.L. 1906 ; M.A, and B.C.L. 1909 ; Assoc. XI (Capt.). Union and Derv'orguilla Socs. Barrister, 277 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER LT., 1909 ; The Junior of the Northern Circuit ; Naval Volun- teers. Recreations : Golf, yachting. Address : Courthill, Devonshire Place, Birkenhead. ♦Rae, Thomas Keith Hedley : b. May 24, 1889 ; s. of Edward Rae, of Courthill, Birkenhead. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1907-12 (E.H., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A.,1911 ; M.A. 1914. Union, Bra- kenbury, and Arnold Socs. Assist. Master, Marlborough, 191 2-. Re- creations: Football, tennis, golf, riding, yachting, music. Club : Royal Liverpool Golf. Addresses : Courthill, Devonshire Place, Bir- kenhead ; The College, Marl- borough; Rhoscolyn, Anglesey. Raikes, Humphrey Rivaz : 6. July 14, 1 891 ; s. of Rev. W. A. Raikes, Vicar of Goudhurst. Educ. Dulwich Coll. ; Balliol 1910- (H.B.H.) ; Williams Ex. ; Abbott Sch. 191 1. Commission in Special Reserve of Officers, The Buffs, 1912-. Address : Goudhurst Vi- carage, Kent. *Raleigh, Sir Thomas : b. Dec. 2, 1850; s. of Samuel Raleigh, Manager of Scottish Widows' Fund. Educ. Edinburgh ; Tiibin- gen ; Balliol 1871-5 (J-P-, R.L.N., F. de P., T.H.G., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; and CI. Mods. 1872 ; Lothian Prize 1873 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875; M.A. 1878; B.C.L. 1890; D.C.L. 1897. Union Soc. (Treas. 1874-5, Pres. 1875). Fellow of All Souls 1876 ; Barrister, L.L, 1877 ; Reader in English Law 1884-96 ; formerly Curator of Chest and Delegate of Press, Deputy Steward of the Univ., Exam, in Jur. 1885, 6, 7, Delegate of Privileges 1914, Oxford ; contested S. Edinburgh 1885, W. ditto 1888 ; Regis- trar of the Privy Council 1896- 9 ; Legal Member of Viceroy's Council in India 1899-1904 ; Vice- Chancellor, Calcutta Univ., 1900-4; C.S.I. 1902 ; K.C.S.I. 1904 ; K.C. 1908 ; Member of Council of India 1909—13 ; Hon. LL.D., Edin- burgh. Publications : Elementary Politics, 1886 ; Outline of the Law of Property, i88g. Clubs: Athe- naeum, Savile. Addresses : 10 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ; All Souls College, Oxford. Ralli, Pandia Stephen : b. March 14, 1881 ; s. of A. P. Ralli, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1900-2 (A.W.P.C). Address: Le Lohier, Lanvallay, Dinan, C6tes-du-Nord, France. Ramsay, Hon. Charles Fox Maule : b. March 5, 1885 ; s. of 14th Earl of Dalhousie. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1903-6 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Schools abandoned through illness. Dervorguilla Soc. Engaged in in- dustrial and mining enterprises in Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Club : Bachelors*. Address : Brechin Castle, Brechin, Scotland. *Ramsbotham, Rev. Edward Francis Shepley : b. Feb. 8, 1882 ; s. of Rev. F. S. Ramsbotham, Vicar of Hawkley, formerly Assist. Master at Charterhouse. Educ. Charter- house (Jun. Sch.) ; Balliol 1901-5 (A.W.P.C, E.J. P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1903; 3rd Theol., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909. Bishop's Hostel, Fam- ham, 1906 ; ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curate of Liss 1907-. Ad- dress : Liss, Hants. ♦Ramsbotham, Harold John : b. July 4, 1883 ; s. of Rev. F. S. Ramsbotham, Vicar of Hawkley, formerly Assist. Master at Charter- house. £^«c. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1902-5 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.); 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1909. Union Soc. Solicitor, articled 1905, admitted 1908 ; member of Law Soc. ; practising in Lyme Regis ; Town Clerk, Clerk to Urban Dist. Council and Har- bour Authority, and to School Attendance Committee, hyrae Regis, 191 2-. Address : Lyme Regis, Dorset. ♦Randolph, Rev. Canon Berkeley William : b. March 10, 1858 ; s. of Rev. C)n:il Randolph, Rector of Chartham. Educ. Haileybury ; Balliol 1877-80 (W.H.F.) ; He- brew (Minor) Ex. ; 2nd Theol., and B.A., 1879 ; Denyer and Johnson Sch. 1880; M.A. 1884; B.D. and 278 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER D.D. 1901; Eight (Cox.). Dervor- guilla Soc. Ordained d. 1881, p. 1882 ; Fellow 1880-3, Hon. ditto, 1884, St. Augustine's Coll., Can- terbvury ; Principal of St. Stephen's House, Oxford, 1884-5 I Domestic Chapl. 1885-90, Exam, ditto 1890- 1910, to Bishop of Lincoln ; Vice- Principal 1890-1, Principal 1891- 191 1, ElyTheol. Coll. ; Hon. Canon 1891-1910, Canon 1910-, Ely ; Commissary to Bishop of Likoma 1902-9 ; Select Preacher, Cam- bridge, 1908. Publications : The Law of Sinai, 1896 ; The Threshold of the Sanctuary, 1897 ; Medita- tions on the Old Testament for Every Day in the Year, 1899 and 1903 ; ditto on New Testament, 1903 ; The Prayer Book Psalter, with Notes, 1900 ; The Example of the Passion, 1901 ; The Virgin Birth of Our Lord, and Ember Thoughts, 1903 ; The Empty Tomb, 1906 ; Christ in the Old Testa- ment, 1907 ; The Precious Blood of Christ, 1909 ; Confession in the Church of England, 191 1 ; Memoir of Arthur Douglas, 1912 ; editor of Keble's Letters of Spiritual Counsel, 1904 ; Laud's Private Devotions, 1905 ; FSnelon's Letters and Coun- sels, 1906 ; Savonarola's Letters, and Ken's Practice of Divine Love, 1907 ; Fhvelon's Maxims of the Mystics, 1909 ; Bishop King's Spiritual Letters, and Sermons, 1911 ; A Revised Liturgy, 19 14. Address : The Almonry, Ely. Randolph, George Algernon : b. April 2, 1890 ; s. of G. W. Ran- dolph, of Ingleton, Kirkby Lons- dal ; , Yorks. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1910 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1912 ; B.A. 1913. Address : The Vicarage, Frome, Som. Ranken, Thomas : b. May 18, 1875 ; s. of R. B. Ranken, W.S., Edin- burgh. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1894-8 (E.A., F.F.U.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1898 ; B.A. 1899 ; Pres. of Univ. R.V. Shooting Committee, and of Small Bore Club, 1896-8. Union, Dervor- ^illa, and Annandale Socs. Writer to the Signet ; Major, 8th Batt. Royal Scots ; member of Council of National, and Vice-Chairman of Scottish Rifle Assocs. ; Capt. of Scottish XX Club. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Constitutional ; University, and Caledonian United Service (Edin.). Address: 7Albyn Place, Edinburgh. Rankin, Daniel : b. Nov. 3, 1857 ; s. of Daniel Rankin, inventor of patents and improvements to the steam-engin3. Educ. Greenock Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Bal- liol 1882-6 (F. de P., D.G.R.); SnellEx. ; mentioned for Hertford Sch., and Chancellor's Latin Verse Prize 1883 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886. Private Tutor 1886 ; Assist, to Prof, of Latin 1890, Lecturer in Latin 1903-, ditto in Anglo-Saxon 1895-9, Assist. to Prof, of English Literature 1898-9, par- ticipated in teaching of the Greek Summer Classes 1894-8, and in Women's Classes at Queen Mar- garet Coll., Examiner for Prelim. Exam., Glasgow Univ. ; formerly Exam, for Scottish Educ. Dept. Leaving Certificate. Publication : • Some Emendations of Aeschylus ' {CI. Review). Recreations: Rowing, gymnastics. Address: 21 Octavia Terrace, Greenock. Rankine, Adam : b. Nov. 13, 1846 ; s. of John Rankine, Merchant, of Liverpool ; w. (i) Caroline, d. of G. Haager ; (2) 1880, Louisa, d. of John Lawson, Artist. Issue : two sons. Educ. Dumfries Academy ; Balliol 1866-70 {E.P., T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1868 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; Medallist at Univ. Gymnasium ; won Putting the Stone in Coll. sports. Examiner 1871, Inspec- torial Staff 1885, Divisional Inspec- tor, and Inspector of Training Colls., Board of Education ; re- tired 1906. Address: Rough Hills, Colvend, Dalbeattie, Scotland. ^Ranking, George Speirs Alexander : b. Jan. 7, 1852 ; s. of Robert Ranking, of Hastings ; m. Eliza- beth Maunsell, d. of John Duncan^ 27s BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Assist. Inspector of Royal Irish Constabulary, Dublin. Educ. Al- denham School (Piatt Ex.) ; St. Catherine's Coll. (CI. Sch.) 1869, B.A. (Nat. Sci. Tripos) 1874, M.B. 1875, M.D. 1879, Cambridge ; Bal- liol, and M.A. (by decree), 1905. R.V. Hospital, Netley (Herbert Medal), 1875 ; Indian Medical Ser- vice 1875 ; Prof, of Chemistry, Medical Coll., 1893-9, Sec. to Board of Examiners 1894, Supt. of Presidency General Hospital 1897, Principal of Madrasa Coll. 1899, Fellow of the Univ., Calcutta ; King Edward VII Coronation Medal, Delhi Durbar, 1903, and King George V ditto 1912 ; Lieut. - Col., I. M.S., retired 1905 ; Lieut. - Col., R.A.M.C, and Administrator of 3rd S.G. Hospital, Oxford, Terri- torial Force ; Lecturer in Persian, Univ. of Oxford, 1905-. Publica- tions : Hiddyatu-l-Hukamd, 1877 ; Arabic and Persian Prosody, 1885 ; Guide to Hindustani, 1889, 6th ed. 1906 ; Colloquial Urdu, 1895 ; Urdu Prose Composition, 1896 ; trans, of Muntakhabu-t-Tawdrikh (Bib. Ind.), 1898 ; English-Urdu Primer for Colonial Artillery (War Office publication), 1899 ; Anno- tated Glossary to the Bagh-o-Bahdr, 1901 ; Preservation of Health in India, 1903 ; English-Hindustani Dictionary, 1905 ; Persian Primer, 1907 ; Minor Dynasties of Persia, 1910 ; Persian Syntax, and revised ed. of Piatt's Persian Grammar, 191 1 ; 'History of the College of Fort William in Bengal ' (in Bengal, Past and Present), 19 12. Address : Beech Lawn, Park Town, Oxford. ♦Raper, Robert William : b. March 9, 1842 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. Raper, 19th Regt, Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1861 (B.J., E.P., J.R.);Trinity;(Sch.)i86i-5; istCl. Mods. , and Latin and Gaisf ord Verse Prizes, 1862 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1865 ; B.C.L. 1868 ; M.A. 1871. Union Soc. Fellow, Queen's, 1865 ; Fellow 1871-, Tutor 1869, Dean 1875, Bursar 188 7-, Vice- Pres. 1894, Trinity ; Exam, for Hertford Sch. 1872 ; CI. Moderator 1873 ; Curator of Parks 1885-, Botanic Garden 1887 ; Founder and Chairman of first Univ. Ap- pointments Committee 1892 ; Visi- tor of New Ashmolean Museum and Univ. Galleries 1895-1908 ; Univ. representative on the Na- tional Trust for the Preservation of Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty ; member of Coimcil of Cheltenham Coll. ; Con- servator of Malvern Hills 1884-. Publications : Cricket (a poem) ; various articles. Recreations : Walking, reading, curiosity shops. Clubs : Brooks's, Marylebone. Addresses : Trinity College, Ox- ford ; Hoe Court, Colwall, Malvern. Rashid, Mohammad Abdur Khan : b. Sept. 29, 1886 ; s. of Col. M. Abdul Majid Khan, of Patiala. Educ. Mohammadan Anglo-Orien- tal Coll., Aligarh, India ; Balliol 1907-10 (E.H.) ; B.A. 1910. Bar- rister, M.T., 1911. Address: c/o Col. M. Abdul Majid Khan, Patiala State, Punjab, India. Rattigan, Allan Mansell : b. 1871 ; s. of W. H. Rattigan, of London. Educ. Private ; Balliol 189 1-2 (A.L.S., W.H.F.). Address : 3 Cornwall Mansions, Cornwall Gar- dens, London, S.W. Rattigan, Henry Adolphus Byden, Hon. Mr. Justice : b. Oct. n, 1864; s. of Sir W. H. Rattigan, M.P., K.C., LL.D. ; m. March 2, 1891, Edith Nellie Maud, d. of Capt. C. A. Thome, R.N. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1884-8 (W.H.F., A.V.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1885 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1888 ; Brakenbury Soc. Sch. in Constitutional, Inter- national, and Common Law, and Barrister, 1888, L.I. ; Advocate of Chief Court 1889, Legal Remem- brancer to Government 1900, Officiating Judge 1900, Permanent ditto 1909- of High Court, and Fellow of the Univ., Punjab. Publications : Commentary on the Indian Divorce Act, 1869 ; joint author of Tribal Law in the Punjab ; editor of Rattigan's The Digest of Customary Law of the 280 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Punjab, &c. Club : East India United Service. Address : Law- rence Road, Lahore, Punjab, India. ♦Rawnsley, Rev. Canon Hardwicke Drummond : b. Sept. 28, 1851 ; s. of Rev. Canon R. D. B. Rawns- ley, of Shiplake ; m. 1878, Edith, d. of John Fletcher, of Croft, Ambleside. Issue : one son. Educ. Uppingham ; Balliol 1870- 4(J.P.,T.H.G.,R.L.N.); 3rd Nat. Sci. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1883 ; 2nd in Univ. High Jump ; Morrison Fours ; won. Coll. Mile and High Jump. Union Soc. (Com.). Ordained d. 1875, p. 1877; Curate of Clifton Coll. Mission 1875-8 ; Vicar of Wray 1878-83 ; Crosthwaite, Surrogate, and Rural Dean, 1883- ; Hon. Canon 1893- 1909, Residentiary ditto 1909-, Carlisle ; Proctor in Convocation 1905- ; Hon. Chapl. to H.M. the King 191 2- ; Founder and Hon. Sec. of National Trust for Preser- vation of Places of Historic Interest and Natural Beauty, and of Secondary Schools Assoc. ; Vice-President of Holiday Assoc. National Home Reading Union ; Hon. Sec. of Pernicious Literature Committee ; member of County Council Education Committee, Chairman of Secondary Schools Committee, and Pres. of the English Assoc, of the County, Cum- berland ; Chairman of Governors of St. George's, Harpenden, and of Keswick Schools ; Governor of Rylands Library, Manchester ; Fellow of Royal Soc. for Protec- tion of Birds ; Chapl., with rank of Col., Border Regt., Territorial Force. Publications : Sonnets round the Coast ; Sonnets at the English Lakes ; Edward Thring, Teacher and Poet ; St. Kentigern of Crosthwaite ; Ballads, Lyrics, and Bucolics ; Valete,, and other Poems ; Notes for the Nile ; Idylls and Lyrics of the Nile ; A Coach Drive at the Lakes ; Literary Associations of English Lakes ; Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Car- lisle; The Darkened West ; Ballads of Brave Deeds ; The Revival of the Decorative Arts, Lucerne ; The Sayings of Jesus ; Six Village Sermons on a Papyrus Fragment ; Henry Whitehead ; Life and Nature at English Lakes ; Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy, 1899 ; Ballads of the War, and Memories of the Tennysons, 1900 ; Ruskin and the English Lakes, 1901 ; A Rambler's Note Book at the Lakes, 1902 ; Sketches at the English Lakes 1903 ; Flower-Time in the Ober- land, and The Sacrum Commercium of St. Francis, 1904 ; Sermons on the Sayings of Jesus, from the Oxy- rhyncus Papyri, 1905 ; Months at the Lakes, 1906 ; A Sonnet Chronicle, 1900-5 ; Round the Lake Country ; Poems at Home and A broad ; By Fell and Dale at the English Lakes, 191 1 ; Memories of the Tennysons, 1912 ; Chapters at the English Lakes, 191 3. Recrea- tions : Chiefly literary, travel, natural and local history. Clubs : Royal Societies, Sesame. Address : Crosthwaite Vicarage, Keswick ; The Abbey, Carlisle. Rawsthorn, Aldred Eric ; b. March 31, 1892 ; s. of J. J. Rawsthorn, of Ashton-on-Ribble. Educ. Wil- laston School ; Balliol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1913 ; Eight (Cox.). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Yew Trees, Egerton Road, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston. Rawstome, Edward Buckley : b. July 13, 1870; s. of Rev. W. E. Rawstorne, Hon. Canon of Man- chester and Vicar of Penwortham. Educ. Rugby (Sch.); Balliol 1889- 93 (W.R.H., T.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1891 ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1893 ; Univ. Trial 1892, and Coll. Eights ; won Ladies' Plate, Henley, 1890-1 ; Rugby XV. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. Formerly Assist. Master in private schools at Mar- gate and Brighton ; Army Tutor 1 896-. Address : Henley House, Frant, Tunbridge Wells. Rayner, Charles Sydney William : b. Nov. 14, 1890 ; s. of Charles Rayner, of Hobart. Educ. Univ. 281 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Tasmania ; Balliol 1913- (H.W.C.D.) . Rhodes Sch. ; Tor- pid (2). Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 60 Upper Goulburn St., Hobart, Tasmania. Read, Conyers : b. April 25, 1881, 5. of W. F. Read, of Philadelphia, U.S.A. ; m. Edith C, d. of Dr. E. C. Kirk. Educ. Philadelphia ; Har- vard ; Balliol 1903-5 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; B.Litt. 1910. Bra- kenbury Soc. A.B. 1903, A.M. 1904, Ph.D. 1908, Teaching Fellow in Hist., 1905-8, Harvard Univ. ; engaged in research work in Hist. 1908-9 ; Instructor in Hist., Princeton Univ., 1909-10 ; ditto 1910-12, Assist. Prof. 1912-, Univ. of Chicago. Publication : Editor of The Bardon Papers (Royal Hist. Soc), 1910; contribu- tor to English Historical Review, Address : University of Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A. Reade, Hubert Granville Revell ; b. March 28, 1857 ; 5. of J. P. Reade, J. P., D.L., of Crowe Hall, Stutton, Suffolk. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1876 (F. de P.). Formerly engaged in journalistic work, more especially in connexion with S. Africa, foreign politics, and education ; translated much from Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese (including Vasco da Gama's Roteiro and some plays by Calderon), and pursued historical research with reference to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Italian, German, Dutch, and Belgian Archives ; formerly Fellow of Royal Geographical and Statistical Socs. ; interested in emigration work. Recreations : Travelling, research in archives. Clubs : Travellers', Oxford and Cam- bridge. Address : Walterstone, Abergavenny. Reade, William Henry Vincent : b. Jan. 13, 1872 ; s. of Rev. H. St. John Reade, of Ipsden. Edxic. Marlborough (Sch.) ; Oundle ; Balliol 1891-5 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D.); CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1893 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1898 : Cricket XL Union and Brakenbury Socs. Master at Malvern Coll. 1897 ; Tutor 1897-, and Dean, Keble Coll. ; Senior Proctor 1913; Exam, in Lit. Hum. 1914-16. Publication: The Moral System of Dante's Inferno, 1909. Club : Union. Address : Keble College, Oxford. Reece, Henry : b. April 6, i860; s. of Robert Reece, of Barbados, fiwc. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1879- 80 (A.L.S.) ; University (Sch.) 1880-3. Address : Court Lodge, Sevenoaks. Reed, Harold Martin : b. i860 ; s. of Martin Reed, of Dover. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1878. ♦Reichel, Sir Harry Rudolf : b. Oct. 11, 1856 ; s. of Rt. Rev. C. P. Reichel, Prof, of Latin, Queen's Coll., Belfast, afterwards Bishop of Meath ; m. Feb. 1, 1894, Charity Mary (d. 1911), (i. of H. M. Pilking- ton, Q.C. Educ. Christ's Hos- pital; Balliol 1875-9 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1876 ; ist Math. Mods. 1877 ; 1st Lit. Hum. 1879 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1880 ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 1882 ; Shot for Univ. in Chancellor's Plate and Humphry Cup 1878. Fellow of All Souls, 1880-94, and Jesus Colls. ; First Principal of University Coll. of N. Wales 1884-; Vice- Chancellor, Univ. of Wales, 1896-7, 1900-1, 5, 7, 11-13, and Chairman of Board of Exams, for Educational Handwork from its establishment in 1898 ; worked during Summer Session at Internat. Training School for Teachers in Sloyd Woodwork, Naas, Sweden, 1896, 7, and 1903 ; Hon. LL.D., Glasgow, 1901 ; member of Moseley Educational Commission to U.S.A. 1903 ; Knight Bachelor 1907 ; member of Consultative Committee of Board of Education 1907—. Publications : Memorial Volume containing Ser- mons of Bishop Reichel, 1899 ; Report on American Education (in vol. of Moseley reports), 1904 ; pamphlets on The American Uni- versity, 1905 ; Education of Clergy, 1908 ; Use of Folksongs in Schools ; 282 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Handivork in Schools ; Thomas Love Peacock, &c. Recreations : Golf, cycling. Club : Savile. Ad- dress : Gartherwen, Bangor, N. Wales. Reid, Robert Threshie : see Lore- burn, Lord. Reiss, Rev. Frederick Augustus : b. Nov. 4, 1843 ; s. of Leopold Reiss, of Highfield, Manchester ; m. 1870, Edith Susan, d. of R. O. Blythman. Issue : seven children. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1863-6 (J.R.) ; 3rd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1866; M.A. 1869. Or- dained d. 1868, p. 1869 ; Curate of St. Michael's, Coventry, 1868-9, Rector of Rock with Heightington, 1 870-1 904 ; Donnington 1904—. Publication : History of Akha or Rock, Worcestershire. Address : Donnington Rectory, Nr. Ledbury. Reiss, Richard Leopold : b. May 20, 1883 ; s. of C. A. Reiss, of London ; m. 1910, Celia, d. of Henry Butts, J. P., I.C.S. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1902-6 (J.W.R., E.H.); Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1903 ; Jun. Math. Ex. 1904 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1905 ; ist Jur. 1906 ; Torpid. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Barrister, L.L, 1907 ; Lecturer in Law, Magdalen, 1907- 8 ; contested (L.) Chichester Div. of Sussex 1910 ; Treas. of Oxford and Bermondsey Medical Mission ; Sec. to Land Inquiry Committee 1914-. Club : National Liberal. Addresses : 84 Coleheme Court, London, S.W. ; 170 Palace Cham- bers, Westminster, London, S.W. *Reiss, Stephen Lacy : b. April 27, 1889 ; s. of C. A. Reiss, of London. Educ. Marlborough; Balliol 1907- II (A.L.S.,E.J.P.); 4thMod.Hist. 1911; B. A. 191 2; Diploma in Edu- cation 191 3; M.A. 1914. Tutor, Borough Road Coll., Isleworth, 1913-. Addresses : Hill House, Streatley, Reading ; Borough Road Training College, Isleworth. Rendel, James Meadows : b. Jan. 31, 1854 ; s. of Sir A. M. Rendel, K.C.I.E. ; m. Dec. 16, 1882, Elinor, d. of Sir Richard Strachey, G.C.S.I. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Marlborough (Sen. Sch.) ; Balliol 1873-6 (T.H.G., R.G.T.) ; Open and Jen- kyns Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1876; B.A. 1878. Barrister, L.L, 1880 ; Director of Assam-Bengal (Managing) and Southern Punjab Railways, and of Denison House, Ltd. ; Poor Law Guardian, Kensington ; Manager of Kensington and Chelsea Poor Law Schools. Club : Reform. Address : 7 Courtfield Road, Ken- sington, London, S.W. *Rendell, Rev. Leigh Thomas : b. Feb. 23, 1843 ; s. of T. L. T. Rendell, Solicitor, Tiverton ; m. Sophia Elizabeth (d. 1911), d. of Hon. and Rev. John Fortescue, Canon of Worcester, and Rector of Poltimore. Issue : one son two daughters. Educ. Blundell's Balliol 1861-6 (E.C.W.) ; Blun dell Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1863 3rd Lit. Hum. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 M.A. 1872. Assist. Master, Col legiate School, Sheffield, 1866 ditto. Preparatory School, Ewell 1866-70 ; ordained d. 1870, p 1871 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Kidder minster, 1870-7 ; Vicar of Bishop's Tachbrook 1877-83 ; Rector of Timsbury 1 883-1 903 ; Licensed Preacher, Oxford and Sarum 1903-9, Exeter 1910 ; member of Board of Examiners, under the National Soc, for Archbishops' Exam, in Religious Knowledge of Training Colls, in England and Wales, 1906-12. Address : Cleve- don, Torquay. Repton, Guy George : b. Aug. 16, 1861 ; s. of G. W. J. Repton, M.P., of London ; m. 1897, Marion Emily, d. of J. J. Knight. Issue : two sons. Educ. Mr. Chittenden's School, Hoddesdon ; Eton ; Balliol 1880-2 ; B.A. 1884. Clubs : Carlton, Bachelors'. Ad- dresses : 29 Curzon St., Mayfair, London, W. ; Winchfield House, Winchfield, Hants. Reuter, Baron de, August Julius Clemens Herbert : b. March 10, 1852 ; s. of ist Baron de Reuter ; w. 1876, Edith, d. of Robert 283 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Campbell, of Buscot Park, Berks. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1 871-2. Address : 15 Palace Gate, Lon- don, W. Reynell, Walter Rupert : b. July 4, 1885 ; s. of Walter Reynell, of Reynella, S. Australia. Educ. Queen's School, and St. Peter's Coll., Adelaide; Balliol 1906-10 (H.B.H.) ; RhodesSch. ; andNat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1908 ; M.A., M.B., and B.Ch., 1913 ; won Univ. Boxing (Heavy Weights) v. Cambridge 1908 ; Univ. 1907-10 (Pres.), and Coll. Lawn Tennis teams ; Torpid ; Eight ; Four ; Cricket XL Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Student of Guy's Hospital. Address : Rey- nella, South Australia. Reynolds, Louis George Stanley: b. Dec. 23, 1883 :s. of Col. E. S. Reynolds, Indian Staff Corps. Educ. Bradfield (Foundation Sch.); Balliol 1901-6 (A.W.P.C, C.B., H.W.C.D., J.A.S.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1903 ; Goldsmiths' Ex. (CI.) ; ist Lit. Hum. 1905 ; Passmore Edwards Ex. 1906 ; Torpid ; Hockey XI ; Golf team. Brakenbury and Arnold Socs. loth in Open Competition, Home and Indian C.S., 1906 ; Clerk in Secretary's Office, G.P.O., 1906 ; transferred to War Office 1909 ; Private Sec. to Parliamen- tary Under-Sec. of State for War (Col. the Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely), Jan. 1912; ditto to Quartermaster- General of the Forces (Maj.-Gen. Sir J. S. Cowans), June 1912 ; Lieut., 8th (City of London) Batt. London Regiment (P.O. Rifles), 1909. Addresses : War Office, London, S.W. ; 32 Wellington Square, Chelsea, London, S.W. ^Reynolds, Richard Williams : b. Feb. 4, 1867 ; s. of D. H. Reynolds, of U.S.A. ; m. Dec. 21, 1910, Mary Dorothea, d. of John Deakin, of Boothstown. Educ. King Ed- ward's School, Birmingham ; Bal- liol 1886-90 (W.R.H., F. de P., J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; Domus Ex.; 2nd CI. Mods. 1888 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.At, 1890 ; M.A. 1900 ; Torpid (2). Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.), Barrister, LT., 1893 ; wrote for Pall Mall Gazette, National Observer, &c,, 1890-1901 ; Assist. Master, King Edward's School, Birmingham, 1901-. Addresses : 2 Hare Court, Temple, London, E.C. ; 10 Paken- ham Road, Birmingham. Rhys-Jones, Thomas : b. Sept. 8, 1856 ; s. of Rev. Henry Jones, Rector of Manordeivy, Pembroke- shire. Educ. Cardigan Gr. School ; Balliol 1880-3 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1881 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1886 ; won 150 Yards Handicap, Univ. Sports, Hurdles and Long Jump, Balliol, and Strangers' 120 Yards Handicap, Hertford. Browning Soc. Sen. CI. Master, Wixenford Prep. School, Wokingham, 1 885-1 900 ; Edgbaston Prep. School 190 1-2 ; Private Tutor to Lord Wimborne's sons 1883-5, The MacKintosh's son 1902-3, the Earl of Craven's son 1904-7, and Holiday ditto to Vicomtesse Foy's son 1907-11. Recreations : Cricket, lawn tennis, football, golf, cycling, skating, swimming, fives, racquets, music, dancing. Address : 10 St. John's Road, Brecon, S. Wales. Rice, Walter Francis : b. April 12, 1872 ; s. of Lieut. -Col. Cecil Rice, 72nd Highlanders. Educ. Morri- son's Academv, Crieff ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.M.)'. I.C.S., Burma; Assist. Commissioner 1892 ; Offi- ciating Sec. to Government 1900 ; Sec. to ditto 1905 ; Chief ditto 1907 ; member of Lieut. - Governor's Council 1909 ; C.S.I. 1 910. Address : c/o Grindlay & Co., 54 Parliament St., London, S.W. Rice-Oxley, Alfred James : for- merly Oxley, A. J. R. ; b. Jan. 25, 1856 ; s. of George Oxley, of Conisborough, Yorks. ; m. Aug. 23, 1883, Eva Augusta, d. of C. E. Amos, C.E. Issue : four sons. Educ. Doncaster Gr. School ; Non-Coil. 1877-8 ; Balliol 1879- 80 (R.L.N.) ; B.A. 1881 ; M.A. 284 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1884. Sch. in Human Anatomy and Medicine, Honour Certifs. (2nd in Sch.) in Anatomy, Phys., and Chem., Gold Medallist in Medicine, and House Physician, London Hospital ; House Physi- cian, Radcliffe Infirmary ; Vice- Pres. of West London Medico- Chirurgical Soc. ; member of Central Council of British Med. Assoc. ; Hon. Physician to Coal Owners' Benevolent Fimd, and to Mary Yolland Home for In- curables ; formerly Chairman of Norwood and Streatham Lit., Sci., and Art Soc, and member of Kensington Borough Council and School Board ; Governor of West NorvN'Ood Technical Institute ; Physician in Ordinary to H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg ; member of the Order of Isabella the Catholic (Spain) ; M.R.C.S. 1877 ; L.R.C.P., London, 1882 ; M.D., Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1901. Publications : editor and transla- tor of Gautier's Alimentation ; contributor to various medical journals. Address : 5 Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensington Palace, London, W. ^Richards, Rev. George Chatterton: b. Aug. 24, 1867 ; s. of John Richards, of St. Keveme, Corn- wall ; m. 1 891, Annie Elizabeth, d. of W. D. Hughes, of St. Leon- ards. Issue : two sons, five daughters. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-9 (W.R.H., R.L.N. ); Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland and Craven Schs., 1887 ; ist Lit. Hum., Craven Fellow, and B.A., 1889; Derby Sch. 1890; M.A., 1892. Union (Sub-Librarian) and Brakenbury Socs. Fellow of Hertford 1889-91 ; Prof, of Greek, University Coll., Cardiff, 1891-8 ; ordained d. 1895, p. 1897 ; Curate of St. John the Baptist, Cardiff, 1895-8 ; Assist. Director of British School at Athens 1899 ; Fellow, Chapl., and Tutor, Oriel, 1899- ; Sen. Proctor 1907; CI. Moderator 1902-3, 9-10 ; Dele- gate of Local Exams, and of Univ. Extension ; member of Craven Committee. Address : 13 Canter- bury Road, Oxford. ♦Richards, Herbert Paul : b. Oct. 15, 1848 ; s. of Thomas Richards, Printer, of Kensington. Educ. Kensington Gr. School (Leaving Ex.) ; Balliol 1866-70 (B.J., E.P., T.H.G.) ; Ex. and Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1868 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1870 ; M.A. 1873. Union Soc. (Lib.). Fellow 18 70-, Sub-Warden, Lecturer (formerly Tutor) and Librarian, Wadham Coll. ; CI. Moderator 1877, 8, 86 ; CI. Exam. 1880, i, 90, i, 2, 9 ; Sen. Proctor 1886, Publica- tions : Notes on Xenophon and Others ; Aristophanes and Others ; Platonica. Address : Wadham College, Oxford. ♦Richards, Rev. John Francis : b. June I, 1853 ; s. of Thomas Richards, of Kensington ; m. Jan. 1879, Laura Georgina, d. of Daniel Bishop. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Kensington Proprietary School ; Balliol 1874-7 (F. de P., T.C., A.C.B.) ; Ex, ; ist CI. Mods. 1875 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1877 ; M.A. 1880. Union Soc. Sixth Form Master, Reading School, 1879-82 ; ordained d. 1880, p. 1881 ; Curate of Christ Church, Reading, 1880- 2 ; Head Master, Huddersfield Coll., 1882-7 ; Second Master, Lancing Coll., 1887-91 ; Ciurate of Bishopstone 1892-4 ; Denton 1897-1902 ; took private pupils at Bishopstone Manor 1892-1907; Rector of South Luflfenham 190 7-. Publication : Ministering Spirits, 1893. Recreations : Cycling, walk- ing. Address : South Luffenham Rectory, Stamford. Richards, Thomas John : b. i860 ; s. of A. S. Richards, of Oak Village, near London. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1879-80 ; Ex. ; Postmaster of Merton 1880-4; ist Math. Mods. 1880 ; ist Math. 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; ist Nat. Sci. 1884 ; M.A. 1887, Richardson, John Walter : b. 1867 ; s. of J. W. Richardson, of Widford, Herts. Educ. Cheltenham ; Bal- 285 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER liol 1887-8 (F. de P., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1888. Richardson, Reginald Charles : b. Jan. 21,1887; 5. of T.P.Richardson, of Wordsley. Educ. King Edward VI Gr, School, Stourbridge ; Balhol 1905-11 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1906 ; ist Math. 1908 ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1909. Arnold Soc. I.C.S. ; Assist. Commissioner, Central Prov., 191 1; transferred to Berar, 1914. Addresses : 3 Rectory Street, Wordsley, Stour- bridge ; Amraoti, Berar, India. Richardson, William King : b. June 27, 1859 ; s. of H. L. Richard- son, of Boston, U.S.A. Educ. Boston, and Harvard Coll. (A.B. 1880), U.S.A. ; Balliol 1880-4 (R.L.N.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1884. Dervorguilla Soc. A.M., Harvard Law School, 1886 ; practising at Boston Bar 1886- ; member of firm of Fish, Richardson, Herrick, and Neave. Club : Somerset (Boston). Addresses: 84 State St., and 306 Beacon St., Boston ; Nahant, Mass., U.S.A. Richey, James Alexander : b. March 8, 1874 ; s. of Sir J. B. Richey, C.S.I., K.C.I. E. ; m. Jan. 1909, Jessie M., d. of H. H. Philip, of Johannesburg. Educ. Elstree ; Rugby ; Balliol 1893-7 (F. de P., J.A.S., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1895 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1897; M.A. 1901. Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Assist. Master, Car- gilfield, 1897-1900; Lecturer, Dio- cesan Coll., Rondebosch, Cape Colony, 1 901-2 ; Inspector of Schools, Transvaal Educ. Dept., 1902-7 ; entered Indian Educ. Service ; Assist, Director of Public Instruction, E. Bengal and Assam, 1908-11 ; Director ditto, N.W. Frontier Province and Baluchistan, 191 1-. Club : Union. Address : Director of Public In- struction, Peshawar, India. Richmond, Harold Christopher : b. March 24, 1880 ; s. of L. S. Richmond, of Great Crosby, Lanes. ; m. Dec. 31, 1909, Mabel Marie, d. of Alan Cadell, I.C.S. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1 899-1900 (A.L.S.). Commission in ist Batt. Gloucestershire Regiment ; served in S. African War (Queen's Medal) ; Adjutant 1908 ; Capt. 1909 ; Staff Coll. 1913. Club : Bath. Address : c/o Cox & Co., 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. ♦Richmond, Harry Inglis : b. Feb. 4, 1849 ; s. of George Richmond, R.A., D.C.L., LL.D. Educ. Charterhouse (Talbot Sch. and Gold Medallist) ; Balliol 1868-71 (E.C.W., T.H.G., B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1869 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; M.A. 1875. Barrister, L.I., 1876 ; practised as Equity Draughtsman and Conveyancer, for a time in Palatine Court, &c., 1876-96 ; travelled exten- sively on Continent ; present in Rheims, Chartres, and Strasbourg during German occupation in 1871 ; student and collector of art and classical literature. Publica- tions : contributed, amongst other verses and translations, many poetical descriptions of great men to Westminster Gazette. Club : Ox- ford and Cambridge. Address : 82 Church St., Kensington, London,W. Richter, Alexander Jean Paul : b, June 28, 1879 ; s. of Dr. J. P. Richter, of London. Educ. Grimma ; Balliol 1900-4 (F. de P., H.W.C.D.) ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1904. Fought in last Zulu Rebellion in Imperial Light Horse ; engaged in mining, Witwatersrand. Address : Box 1056, Johannes- burg, S. Africa. Richter, Reinhold Liegfied Ernst : b. Feb. I, 1874 ; s. of Gustav Richter, of Berlin. Educ. Wil- helms-Gymnasium, Berlin ; Bal- liol 1893 (A.L.S.). Address: Vnter den Linden 78, Berlin, Germany. Ridger, Charles Michael : b. March 21, 1846; s. of Joseph Ridger, Wool<=;tapler ; m. Aug. 5, 1880, d. oi j. R. Dealey, of Blackheath. Issue : four sons. Educ. Walter St. John's School, Battersea ; Non-Coil. 1874-5; Balliol 1876; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1876 ; 286 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER M.A. 1880. B.A., London, 1872 ; Head Master of Roan School for Boys, Greenwich, 1877-1910. Ad- dress : 63 Vanbrugh Park, Black- heath, London, S.E. Ridley, Rt. Hon. Viscount, 2nd Viscount, Matthew White Ridley: b. Dec. 6, 1874 ; s. of ist Viscount ; m. 1899, Hon. Rosamond C. G., d. of ist Lord Wimbome. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1893-7 (F. de P.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1895 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1897; B.A. 1898. Union, Dervor- guilla, and Annandale Socs. M.P. (C.) Stalybridge 1900-4 ; Chairman of Tariff Reform League 1905- ; Lieut. -Col., Northumber- land Yeomanry ; D.L. ; J.P. Clubs : Turf, Carlton. Addresses : 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W. ; Blagdon, Cramlington, Northumberland. Ridley, Hon. Jasper Nicholas : b. Jan. 6, 1887 ; s. of ist Viscount Ridley ; m. April 28, 191 1, Coun- tess Nathalie BenckendorS, d. of Russian Ambassador in England. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1905-9 (J.L.S.D., A.L.S.); 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. ; O.U.D.S. (Pluto, in The Frogs). Barrister, I.T., 1912 ; contested (U.) Mor- peth (Jan.) and Newcastle-on- Tyne (Dec.) 1910 ; Lieut. North- umberland Yeomanry. Recrea- tions : Shooting, &c. Clubs : Garrick, Carlton ; Northern Counties (Newcastle). Addresses : 31 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, W. ; Blagdon, Cramlington, Northumberland. Ridley, Maurice Roy : b. Jan. 25, 1890; s. of Rev. W. D. Ridley, Rector of Orcheston St. Mary, Wilts. Educ. CUfton; Balliol 1909-13 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Ex. and Hon. Sch. ; Powell Prize 1910 ; ist CI. Mods., Hon. Mention Charles Oldham Prize, and Prox. Acces. to Gaisford Prose Prize, 191 1 ; Kington Oliphant, Charles Oldham, and Jenkyns Prizes, and Craven Sch., 1912 ; Passmore Ed- wards Sch., Newdigate Prize, Prox. Acces. to Jenkyns Ex., Dist. in Gaisford Prose Prize, and B.A., 1 91 3. Address : Clifton College, Bristol. Rieu, Emile Victor : b. Feb. 10, 1887; s. of Dr. C. P. H. Rieu, Keeper of Oriental MSS. at the British Museum, and Prof, of Arabic at Cambridge Univ. Educ. St. Paul's School (Foimdation Sch.); Balliol 1906-8 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1908 ; Univ. ' A ' and Coll. Rugby XV's ; represented Univ. (J mile) v. Lon- don A.C. Entered Univ. Press 191 o ; Manager of Bombay Branch 191 2-. Addresses : 28 Wobum Square, London, W.C. ; Oxford University Press, Hornby Road, Bombay, India. Rieu, Jean Louis : b. Nov. 23, 1872 ; s. of. Dr. C. P. H. Rieu, Keeper of Oriental MSS. at the British Museum, and Prof, of Arabic at Cambridge Univ. ; m. Dec. 14, 1899, Ida Augusta, d. of John Edwards, J. P., of Co. Wicklow. Issue: one daughter. Educ. University Coll. School, London ; Balliol 1891-3 (W.M.). I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Sind, 1893 ; 2nd Assist. 1900 ; ditto, and Manager of Encumbered Estates, 1903-6 ; ist Assist. 1904 ; ditto, Bombay, 1905 ; Jun. Collector 1909 ; Sec. to Government, General and Edu- cational Depts., 1911-. Club : East India United Services. Ad- dress : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, S.W. Rinaker, Samuel Mayo : b. Sept. 25, 1887 ; s. of Samuel Rinaker. Educ. Balliol 1907-10 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1910. Arnold and Dervorgiiilla Socs. LL.B. 191 3, Harvard Univ. ; Illinois Bar, 191 3. Address : University Club, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Ritson, Rev. John Holland : b. Feb. 21, 1868 ; s. of C. Ritson, of Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes. ; m. Aug., 1898, Jane Sykes, d. of Williamson Lamplough, of Blackheath. Issue : four children. Educ. Manchester 287 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Gr. School ; Balliol 1886-90 (H.B.D., J.C.) ; Brakenbury Sci. Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1888; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1893. Studied at Wesleyan Theol. Coll., Headingley, 1890-1 ; Assist. Tutor, Wesleyan Theol. Coll., Didsbury, 1891-4 ; ordained to Wesleyan 'Methodist Ministry 1895 ; Minister at Eccles 1894-7 ; Blackheath 1897-1900 ; Gen. Sec. of British and Foreign Bible So- ciety 1900- ; member of * Legal Hundred ', Wesleyan Methodist Conference, and of ' Continuation Committee ', World Missionary Conference, 1910 ; has travelled over Europe, Siberia, the Far East, N. and S. Africa, and N. America on behalf of the Bible Soc. Publica- tion : Abroad for the Bible Society. Address: Shirland, Mycenae Road, Blackheath, S,E. Riviere, Evelyn : b. Feb. 22, 1876 ; s. of Briton Riviere, R.A. ; m. 1906, Joan, d. of H. J. Verrall, of Brighton. Issue : one daughter. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1895-9 (H. WilUamson, E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1889 ; B.A. 1900 ; Morrison Fours ; Lawn Tennis VL Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Barrister, L.L, 1901 ; Chan- cery Bar. Publications : The Law relating to Receivers and Managers ; joint author of Sale of Land {Encyc. of Forms and Precedents). Ad- dresses : II Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ; 10 Notting- ham Terrace, York Gate, London, N.W. Roberts, Arthur Carson : b. Nov. 15, 1863 ; s. of T. H. K. Roberts, of the Local Government Board ; m. 1897, Dora, d. of B. Davidson, of Sidmouth. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. King Edward VI School, Norwich ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., J.W.R., H.B.D.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1884 ; 4th Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1886. Barris- ter, I.T., 1889; Local Government Board 1890 ; District Auditor, London, 1901-. Publications : Textbook on a Branch of Local Government Law ; A Comparison of National Pension Schemes ; arti- cles in The Times, Nineteenth Cen- tury, &c. Clubs : New University, Baldwin, Alpine. Recreations : Mountaineering, yacht-racing, ski- ing. Address : 60 North Gate, Regent's Park, London, N.W. ♦Roberts, Charles Henry : b. Aug. 22, 1865 ; s. of Rev. A. J. Roberts, Vicar of Tidebrook ; m. 1891, Lady Cecilia Maude Howard, d. of 9th Earl of Carlisle. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Marl- borough (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1884-9 (W.H.F., E.A., J.L.S.D., R.L.N., A.L.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1886 ; 1st Lit. Hum. 1888 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1889 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1893 ; Torpid ; Eight. Ar- nold Soc. (Pres.). Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Exeter, Tutor at Balliol, and Univ. Extension Lec- turer ; contested (L.) Wednesbury 1895, Osgoldcross 1898, Lincoln 1900 ; M.P. Lincoln 1906- ; mem- ber (unpaid) of Lunacy Commis- sion ; Under-Sec. of State for India 1914-; J-P-) Cumberland and N. Riding of Yorks. Clubs : National Liberal, Brooks's. Address: Brack- land, Hindhead, Surrey. Roberts, Robert Thomas Francis Davies : b. March 29, 1894; s. of T. F. Roberts, of Aberystwyth. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1913- (H.B.H.) ; Brakenbury Sch. Ar- nold Soc. Address: Treathro, Vic- toria Terrace, Aberystwyth. Robertson, Sir Benjamin : b. Oct. 16, 1864 ; s. of B. Robertson, of Dunphail ; m. July 5, 1893, Char- lotte, d. of W. Yoimg, of London- derry. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Private ; Aberdeen Univ. ; Bal- liol 1883-5 (W.M.). I.C.S. ; As- sist. Collector and Magistrate, Bombay, 1885 ; Provisional Supt. of Census Operations, Central Prov., 1890; Assist. Commissioner 1892 ; Deputy ditto, and Commis- sioner of Excise, 1894 ; CLE. 1898 ; Chief Sec. to Chief Commis- sioner 1902-6 ; Commissioner, Berar, 1907 ; Sec. to Government of India, Commerce and Industry Depts., 1907-12 ; C.S.I. , and 288 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER member of Governor-General's Council, 1910 ; K.C.S.L 1911 ; Chief Commissioner, Central Prov., 191 2-. Club : East India United Service; Bengal (Calcutta). Ad- dress : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Robertson, Charles Gray : b. 1855 ; s. of Col. A. C. Robertson, and Batt. the King's Regt. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1873-6 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1874. Lieut., 8th Foot, 1878 ; Student, I.T., 1881. Robertson, Douglas Galton : b. July 12, 1879 ; 5. of W. W. Robert- son, of Edinburgh. Educ. George Watson's Coll., and the Univ., Edinburgh; Balliol 1902-3 (W.M.). I.C.S. 1903 ; Deputy Commis- sioner, Myingyan, Upper Burma. Address: c/o A. Scott & Co., Rangoon, Burma, India. ♦Robertson, George : b. Jan. 4, 1883 ; s. of George Robertson, of Edinburgh ; tn. June 28, 1909, Lilian Sutherland, d. of John Ross, Rector of Arbroath High School. Issue : one child. Educ. George Watson's Coll., and the Univ., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1903 - 7 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D.) ; Ex. and Hon. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1905 ; Ireland and Craven Schs. 1906 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1913. Prof, of Classics, Grey University Coll., Bloemfontein. Address : Grey University College, Bloemfontein,Orange RiverColony. Robertson, Hugh Alexander : b. Jan. 13, 1892 ; s. of Rt. Rev. Archibald Robertson, Bishop of Exeter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1911- (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Wil- liams Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. ; Torpid ; Eight. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : The Palace, Exeter. Robertson, John Herbert : b. Jan. 5, 1868 ; s. of J. G. Robertson, Ben- gal C.S. ; m. 1894, Helen Rowena, d. of Rev. Canon Simpson, of St. Mark's, Bexhill. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. High- gate (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1887-9 (W.M.) ; Union and An- nandale Socs. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1889 ; Special Assist. 1896 ; Sub- Collector and joint Magistrate 1901 ; Collector and Magistrate 1905 ; Collector, District Magis- trate, and Political Agent, Kur- nool, 1909-. Recreations : Big game shooting, yachting, garden- ing. Clubs : Caledonian ; Madras. A ddress : The Shieling, Ringwood, Hants. Robertson, Laurence : b. March 7, 1871 ; s. of W. A. Robertson, Merchant, of Glasgow ; m. 1903, Marjorie Frances, d. of David Greig, Merchant, of Glasgow. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Glasgow Academy and Univ. ; Balliol 1892-3 (J.L.S.D.) ; Univ. Golf team v. Cambridge 1893. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1893 ; compiled General Administration Report 1896-7; 2nd Assist. 1900 ; Colonization Officer, Jamrao Canal, 1 898-1 902 ; Under-Sec. to Govern- ment of India, Revenue and Agri- cultural Depts., 1903; ist Assistant 1907 ; lectured before Royal Soc. of Arts on ' Canal Colonies in India ' (awarded Silver Medal of Soc.) 1907; Private Sec. to Gover- nor 1908; Jun. Collector 1909; Sec. to Government, Educational, General, and Ecclesiastical Depts., 1 910 ; Administrator of Junagadh State 1911-13 ; Sec. to Govt., Political, Judicial, and Special Depts., 1913. Recreations : Golf, shooting, hunting. Clubs : East India United Service ; Byculla (Bombay), United Service (Calcutta and Simla), Sind (Karachi). Ad- dress : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Robeson, Ven. Hemming : &. June2, 1833 ; s. of W. H. Robeson, of Bromsgrove ; m. June, 1862, Charlotte, d. of Rev. E. Pearce- Serocold, of Cherry Hinton. Issue : three sons. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1850-5 (E.C.W., B.J.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1853 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1854 ; B.A. 1855 ; Latin Essay 1856 ; M.A. 1858. Union Soc. Ordained d. 1857, p. 289 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1858 ; Curate of Bray 1857-62 ; Vicar of Forthampton 1863-74 ; Mildenhall 1874-7 ; Tewkesbury, with Walton Cardiff, 1877-92 ; Rural Dean of N. Winchcombe 187S-92 ; Canon Residentiary of Bristol 1885 ; Archdeacon of Bristol 1 892-1 904, North Wilts 1904-9 ; Examining Chapl. to Bishop of Bristol 1897. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : 25 Great George Street, Bristol. [Died June 16, 1912.] Robinson, Ellis Ashton : b. June 13, 1845 ; 5. of Rev. Francis Robin- son, Rector of Stonesfield ; m. 1884, Mary Harriet, d. of Rev. Edward Rowden, Registrar of the Univ. of Oxford. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Win- chester (Sch., last Consangmneus Fundatoris admitted, and Leaving Ex.) ; Balliol 1864-7 (E.C.W., B.J., E.P., J.R.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. 1867 ; B.A. 1868 ; M. A. 1873. Union Soc. Formerly Private Tutor to sons of 2nd Lord Carew, Head Master of St. Marylebone Gr. School, and proprietor of Prep. School, Dul- wich ; Chairman of Covmcil of County Chess Assoc, Oxon. Re- creations : Violin, sculpture, wood- carving, chess. Address : Repose, Kidlington, Oxon. Robinson, Harold Wood : 6. Jan. 7, 1895 ; s, of Rev. T, W. Robinson, of Dovercourt, Essex. Educ. Llandovery ; Balliol 1913- (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. Union Soc. Address : Kirton, Fronks Road, Dovercourt, Essex. Robinson, Rev. Thomas Wood : b. Nov. 21, 1864 ; s. of Thomas Robinson, of Swindon. Educ. Llandovery Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-7 (J.W.R.) ; Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1885 ; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1887. Assist. Master, Radlev Coll.; Crediton Gr. School, 1888 -94 ; ordained d. 1890, p. 1892 ; Chaplain and Naval Instructor, Royal Navy 1894 ; served in H.M.S. Cambrian, Mediterranean, 1895-8 ; Blake, Devonport, 1898- 9 ; Renown, 1 899-1902 ; Excel- lent 1902-5; Russell 1905-7; Cornwall 1907-9 ; R. N, Coll., Greenwich, 1909-10 ; Ganges II, Harwich, 19 10-. Address: Kirton, Fronks Road, Dovercourt, Essex. Robinson, William Peart : b. Oct. 22, 1861 ; s. of William Robinson, J. P., of Burnley ; m. Jan 12, 1887, Edith, d. of E. Radley. Educ. Rug- by ; Balliol 1881-5 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1884; B.A. 1886. Dervorguilla Soc. Formerly Director and Vice- Chairman of Craven Bank, Ltd. ; Director of the Bank of Liverpool and of Burnley Ironworks ; J. P. Lanes. Clubs : Oxford and Cam- bridge ; Lytham and St. Anne's Golf. Address : Dallam Tower, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. Robson, AUred James : b. May 8, 1 891 ; s. of J. Robson, of Sydney, N.S.W. Educ. Sydney Univ. ; BaUiol 1912- (H.B.H.) ; Rhodes Sch.; Torpid; Eight; Four. Ad' dress : Middleton Street, Stan- more, Sydney, New South Wales. Rochdale, 1st Baron, George Kemp : b. June 9, 1866 ; s. of G. T. Kemp, of Rochdale ; m. 1896, Lady Beatrice Egerton, d. of 3rd Earl of Ellesmere. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Shrewsbury (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883 ; Trinity Coll., Cambridge 1883 (2nd in CI. Tripos, and B.A.). Camb. Univ. Cricket XI 1885, 6, 8, and Tennis 1886. Lancashire Cricket XI 1885-93, and represented Gentlemen of England ; Managing Director and Chairman of Kelsall and Kemp, Ltd., Rochdale ; M.P. (U.) Heywood 1895-1905, N.W. Manchester (L.I.) 1910-12 ; Par- liamentary Private Sec. to W. G. Macartney, M.P. (Admiralty) 1895 ; commanded Squadron of Duke of Lancaster's Yeomanry, S. Africa (mentioned in dispatches) 1900-1 ; returned to England with Squadron 1901, and at request of Lord Roberts raised, trained, and commanded 32nd Batt. I.Y. ; went back to Africa with Batt., 1902, and remained to end of war; command of 6th Batt. Lanes. Fusiliers; Lieut. -Col. 1902; 250 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Knight 1909 ; Baron 1913 ; D.L., Lancashire. Recreations : Cricket, golf, hunting, shooting, skat- ing, racquets. Clubs : Arthur's, White's. Addresses : Beech wood, Rochdale ; Lingholm, Keswick. Rodd, Francis James Rennell : b. Oct. 28, 1895 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir James Rennell Rodd, H.B.M. Ambassador, Rome. Ednc. Eton ; Ballioli9i3-(A.L.S.,N.S.T.). Ad- dress : 17 Stratford Place, Lon- don, W. Rodd, Rt. Hon. Sir James Rennell : b. Nov. 9, 1858 ; s. of Major J. R. Rodd, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; m. 1894, Lilias, d. of J. A. Guthrie, of Craigie, Forfar. Issue : three sons, two daughters. Educ. Private ; Hailey- bury ; Balliol 1877-80 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1878 ; Newdigate Prize, and 2nd Lit. Hum., 1880 ; B.A. 1881 ; Torpid; Eight (Cox.). Passed Competitive Exam., and Nomin- ated Attach^, Foreign Office, 1883 ; appointed to Berlin 1884 ; 3rd Sec, and passed Exam, in Public Law, 1885 ; Private Sec. to Sir E. Malet, Berlin ; transferred to Athens, and 2nd Sec, 1888 ; Acting Charge d' Affaires 1890 ; trans- ferred to Rome 1891, Paris 1892 ; Acting Agent and Consul-General, Zanzibar, received E. Africa and Sultan of Zanzibar's (2nd Witu Expedition) medals, 1893 ; C.M.G. 1894 ; Acting Agent and Consul- General, Cairo, 1894, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; 1900, I ; granted allowance for knowledge of Arabic 1895 ; H.M. Special Envoy to King Menelik of Abyssinia, and C.B., 1897 ; Sec. of Legation, Cairo, 1898 ; K.C.M.G. 1899 ; Sec. of Embassy, Rome, 1 901 ; Coronation Medal 1902 ; Charge d' Affaires, Rome, 1902-3, 4 ; C.V.O. 1903 ; Coun- cillor of Embassy 1904 ; Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary, Stockholm, 1904 ; G.C.V.O. 1905 ; P.C. 1908 ; Am- bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary, Rome, 1908- ; Royal Commissioner for Internat. Ex- hibitions, Brussels 1910, Rome and Turin 191 1 ; 2nd Class (with plaque) of Order of the Star of Ethiopia ; Grand Cross of Swedish Order of North Star ; Grand Cross of Italian Order St. Maurice and St. Lazarus ; 2nd Class of Order of Crown of Italy ; 3rd Class of the Osmanieh. Publications : prose — The Princes of A chaia and the Chronicles of Morea ; Customs and Lore, of Modern Greece ; Sir Walter Raleigh (Men of Action series) ; Frederick, Emperor and Crown Prince ; verse — Poems in Many Lands ; Feda, and other Poems ; The Unknown Madonna ; The Violet Crown ; Ballads of the Fleet. Clubs : Athenaeum, Tra- vellers', St. James's, Beefsteak, Authors', Burlington Fine Arts. Address : 17 Stratford Place, Lon- don, W. Roe, Arthur Stanley : b. April 16, 1885 ; s. of R. H. Roe, of Brisbane. Educ. Brisbane Gr. School ; Bal- liol 1904-8 (H.B.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Phys.), and B.A., 1908 ; M.B., B.Ch., 1911 ; Univ. 1908, and Coll. Lawn Tennis teams ; Univ. Swimming team (3 years) ; Coll. Football team. Studied medicine at Guy's Hos- pital; M.R.C.S.Eng.,andL.R.C.P. Lond., 1910 ; F.R.C.S., Edin., 1 91 3. Address : Queensland Club, Brisbane, Queensland. Roe, Reginald Claude : b. Oct. 13, 1 881 ; s. of R. H. Roe, of Brisbane. Educ. Brisbane Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-5 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Ex., 1902; ist Math., and B.A., 1904 ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Phys.) 1905 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Rugby and Lawn Tennis teams. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Engaged with Kelsall and Kemp, flannel manufacturers, Rochdale, 1905 ; Director of ditto 1910-. Address : Meadow House, Rochdale. Roe, Reginald Heber : b. Aug. 3, 1850 ; s. of J. B. Roe, of Bland- ford, Dorset ; m. 1879, Annie Maud, d. of Capt. C. B. Whish, of Brisbane. Issue : six children. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 391 U 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1869-74 (B.J., T.H.G., J.L.S.D., H.J.S.S.) ; Math. Sch. (the first elected by the Coll.) ; ist Math. Mods., and 3rd CI. Mods., 1871 ; ist Math, 1872 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1876 ; won Univ. Long Dive 1873 ; Eight ; Four. Private Tutor in Oxford, &c., until 1876 ; Head Master, Brisbane Gr. School, 1 876-1909 ; Inspector General of Schools, and Chief Education Adviser to Queens- land Government 1909 ; first Vice- Chancellor of Queensland Univ. 1910-14; Pres. of Lit. and' Art sec- tion of Australian Assoc, for the Advancement of Science, New Zea- land Meeting of 1886. Address : Queensland Club, Brisbane, Queensland. *Rofe, Henry John : b. 1871 ; s. of Henry Rofe, of Sherwood, Notting- ham. Educ. Shrewsbury ; Balliol 1890-4 (J.C, W.H.F.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chern.), and B.A., 1894 ; M.A. 1897. Engineer. Address : 89 Warwick Road, Kensington, London, S.W. ♦Rogers, Arthur George Liddon : b. Dec. 18, 1864 ; s. of J. E. Thorold Rogers, Drummond Prof, of Poli- tical Economy in the Univ. of Oxford ; m. Jan. 6, 1909, Emily Norah, d. of Alexander Miller- Hallett, of Chelsfield, Kent. Educ. Westminster (Sch.); Balliol 1884-7 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1885 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1887 ; M.A. 1892 ; Assoc. XL Union and Braken- bury Socs. Engaged for a short period in a City of&ce ; Sec. to Publication Dept. of National Liberal Federation until 1894 ; Board of Agriculture. Assistant Inspector (Animals Div.) 1894 ; closely associated with work of Board in extermination of Rabies, and in charge of papers relating to importation of dogs, 1897- 1902 ; Private Sec. to Perma- nent Sec. of Board 1902 ; Head of Intelligence Branch 1904-12 ; ditto, Horticulture Branch 1912-; specially interested in the economics of agriculture, chiefly with refer- ence to plant diseases. Publi- cations : The Business Side of Agriculture, 1904 ; edited, with numerous additions, last vol. of Prof. Rogers's The History of Agriculture and Prices in England. Club : National Liberal. Ad- dresses : 8 Whitehall Place, Lon- don, S.W. ; Myles Down, Mill Hill, Middlesex. Rogers, Francis Edward Newman : b. Dec. 26, 1868 ; s. of W. L. Rogers, J. P., of Rainscombe, Pew- sey, Wilts. ; m. Aug. 11, 1893, Louise Annie, d. of Edward Jen- nings, Rifle Brigade. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1887-91 (J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1889; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1891 ; Capt. of Boat Club 1 890-1 ; won Ladies' Plate (Henley) 1 890-1. Dervor- guilla Soc. Travelled 189 1-2 ; member (Vice-Chairman 1906-n) of County Council 1894-1911, and J. P., Wilts. ; Chairman of Govern- ing Body of Dauntsey Agric. School Foundation ; contested (L.) E. Wilts. 1900; M.P. ditto 1906-10 ; defeated in ditto, Jan., 1910 ; contested S. Wilts., Dec, 1910 ; Moved the Address, and Parliamentary Sec. to Sec. to Treasury (Rt. Hon. C.E. Hobhouse) 1909 ; member of Departmental Committees for Enquiring into Rate of Remuneration of Ordnance Survey Staff, on Educational En- dowments, 1910, and on relations of Imperial and Local Taxation, 1911 ; interested in Small Hold- ings, Housing, Education, Agricul- ture, and Rural subjects generally ; farms 350 acres ; Small Holdings Commissioner, Board of Agric, 191 1-. Recreations : Nature Study, ornithology, botany, &c. Clubs : Brooks's, Eighty. Address : Rains- combe, Pewsey, Wilts. Rogers, John Davenport : b. Feb. 6, 1857 ; s. of Rev. John Rogers, of Stanage Park, Radnorshire. Educ. St. Michael's, Tenbury ; Hartfield House, Winchfield ; Marl- borough (Jun. and Sen. Schs.); Balliol 1875-9 (F. de P., A.C.B.) ; 292 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER CI. Sch. ; I St CI. Mods. 1876 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; 2nd B.C.L. 1881 ; M.A., and B.C.L., 1882. Dervorguilla Soc. Stowell Fellow of University Coll. 1880-8 ; Barrister, LT., 1883. Publica- tions : Appendix II to Bosanquet's History of Aesthetic, 1892 ; articles on Laissez Faire in England, Law Merchant, Sir T. More, Robert Owen, H. Robinson, Silver Dis- coveries, Social Science, State Notes, T. Violet, Yeomen, &c., in Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy, 1896-9 ; Australasia 1907, Canada (vol. iii), and New- foundland, 191 1, in Lucas's His- torical Geography of the British Colonies ; Chapters 27 (vol. xi), and 25 (vol. xii) in Cambridge Modern History, 1909-10 ; Outlines of Modern History, 1913 ; various contributions to Cornhill Maga- zine, Musical Quarterly Review, &c. ; edited and re-wrote Brett's Leading Cases in Modern Equity, 1896, 1901. Address : 85 St. George's Square, London, S.W. ♦Rogers, Leonard James : b. March 30, 1862 ; s. of J. E. Thorold Rogers, Drummond Prof, of Poli- tical Economy in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1880-3 (E.A., J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Sch., 1881 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; ist Math., B.A., and Mus. Bac, 1884 ; Sen. Math. Sch. 1885 ; M.A. 1887. Math. Moderator 1888, 9, 90 ; Exam, for Final Hon. Math, and Sen. Math. Sch. ; Prof, of Math., Yorkshire Coll. (now Leeds Univ.) 1888-. Address : The University, Leeds. Rogers, Tracy Percival : b. July n, 1870 ; 5. of W. J. Rogers, of Clifton, Bristol ; m. (i) Sept. 9, 1896, Alice Ernestine (d. 1903), d. of Col. Aylmer Maclver-Campbell, C.B., D.L., J. P. Issue : one son ; (2) Aug. II, 1908, Lucy Katrine, d. of Albert Fry, J. P., of Clifton. Issue : two sons. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1889-92 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; Univ. Trial 1892, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights. Dervorguilla and Annan- dale Socs. Director of W. J. Rogers, Lim,, Brewers, Bristol. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Henleaze Park, West- bury-on-Trym, Bristol. Romilly, Frederic Carnegie : b, Sept. 10, 1886 ; s. of S. H. Romilly, J. P., D.L., of Huntington Park, Kington, Herefordshire. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1904-8 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1906 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1908 ; B.A. 1910. Union, Brakenbury, and Annan- dale Socs. Barrister, I.T., 191 1. Club : Bachelors'. Addresses : 56 Eccleston Square, London, S.W. ; Huntington Park, Kington, Here- ford. Rooker, John Kingsley : b. Feb. 10, 1887 ; s. of Rev. John Rooker, Rector of Sevenoaks. Educ. Trent College ; Balliol 1906-9 (H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 4th Mod. Hist,, and B.A., 1909. Union and Arnold Socs. Lecturer 1911-12, D. es Lett. 1912, Univ. of Paris ; Prof, of French Lang, and Lit., Queen's Coll., London, 1913-. Publication : Francis Thompson, 1912. Address : 28 Bedford Place, London, W.C. Roos, Gustaf Oscar : b. Aug. 21, 1868 ; s. of G. E. Roos, of London. Educ. Westminster (Queen's Sch.); Balliol 1887-91 (W.R.H., J.W.R., T.R.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1889; ist Jur., and B.A., 1891 ; 2nd B.C.L. 1893; M.A., and B.C.L., 1895. Annandale Soc. Solicitor, London, 1895 ; practising in Johannes- burg since 1903 ; Thorney croft's Mounted Infantry 1899-1902 ; S. African (six clasps), and Queen's (two clasps), Medals. Address : Box 4,800, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Roscoe, Frank Johnson : b. Sept. II, 1870 ; s. of Alfred Roscoe, Iron Manufacturer of Bolton ; m. Dec. 1900, Margaret Elizabeth, d. of R. Davies. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Borough Road Coll., Isleworth ; Non-Coil. 1896 ; Balliol 1897-1900 (E.J.) Union (Standing Committee), and Arnold (Pres. and Sec), Socs. 293 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER M.A., Birmingham, 1910 ; for- merly Head of Training Coll. for Men, and Lecturer on Educa- tion, Birmingham Univ., member of Birmingham City, Oldbury, Smethwick, and King's Norton Education Committees, Pres. of West Bromwich Literary and Debating Club, Pres. of Birming- ham and Edgbaston Debating Soc, Pres. of Literary Club, and of Teachers' Assoc, Birmingham ; Lecturer for Birmingham Univ. Extension Committee ; Sec. of Teachers' Registration Council. Publications : Articles on educa- tional and general subjects in Morning Post, Pall Mall Gazette, Manchester Guardian, Punch, &c. Recreations : Political speaking, lawn tennis, golf, gardening. Club : National Liberal. Address : 2 Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C. Rose, Daniel : b. Feb. 24, 1843 ; s. of James Rose, of Cupar, Fife. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1864-8 ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1865 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1868. ♦Rose, Herbert Jennings : 6. May 5, 1883 ; s. of Rev. S. P. Rose, of Montreal ; m. June 1911, Elsie, d. of Samuel Phmsoll, M.P. Educ. Ottawa Collegiate Institute ; McGill Univ. ; Balliol 1904-7 (C.B., J.A.S.) ; Rhodes and Hon. Schs. ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland and Craven Schs., 1905 ; ist Lit. Hum., Chancellor's Latin Essay, and B.A., 1907 ; Passmore- Edwards Sch. 1908 ; M.A. 1910. Union Soc. Fellow and Tutor of Exeter 1 907-11 ; Associate- Prof, of Classics, McGill Univ., Mon- treal, 191 1-. Publications : arti- cles in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Nilsson and Wiinch's Lexikon der gr. u. torn. Religion, and in various periodi- cals. Address : Faculty of Arts, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. ♦Rose, John William : b. Aug. 23, 1862 ; s. of Henry Rose, of Lon- don ; m. Oct. 4, 1888, Edith Elizabeth, d. of A. H. Wansey. Issue : two children. Educ. Clifton; Balliol 1880-4 (E.A, A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1884 ; M.A. 1887 ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Solicitor. Address : 9 Suffolk St., Pall Mall, London, S.W. Ross, Alexander Gordon : b. 1864 ; s. of H. J. Ross. Educ. Private ; Non-Coil. 1883; Balliol 1885-7 (A.L.S., R.L.); B.A., and M.A., 1894. Address: 14 a Berkeley St., London, S.W. Ross, Benjamin Atkinson : b. April 18, i86i ; s. of T. A. C. B. Ross, of Armagh ; m. Dec. 17, 1898, Ef&e, d. of David Buchanan, of N. Queensland. Issue : one son. Educ. Brisbane Gr. School (Sch.) ; Queensland Sch. to any Univ. (granted for 3 years by Queens- land Government) ; Non-Coil. 1880 ; Balliol 1881-3 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1883 ; 2nd Jur. 1884 ; ist B.C.L. 1885 ; M.A., and B.C.L. 1887 ; Eight. Union, Carlyle (one of the founders), and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, LT., 1886 ; practised in Brisbane and Townsville ; Crown Prosecutor of District Courts 1897, ditto Northern Supreme Court 1910, Queensland; Capt. in Aus- tralian Light Horse. Publications : contributions on legal subjects to Commonwealth Law Review, &c. Clubs : Johnsonian (Brisbane), North Queensland (Townsville). Address : Townsville, N. Queens- land, Australia. Ross, James Stirling : b. Aug. 3, 1877 ; s. of John Ross, Head Master of Benhar Public School : m. April 19, 1904, Christina Mac- donald (Sch. of Newnham Coll.,) d. of John Ross, Rector of Ar- broath High School. Issue : two sons, one daughter, Educ. Royal High School, and Univ. (Dux), Edinburgh ; Balliol 1 899-1 900 (A.W.P.C, J. A.S., A.L.S.); Warner Ex.; ist CI. Mods. 1900. Arnold Soc. Baxter Sch. in Classics, CI. and Math. Medallist, First Gray Essay, and George Watson Pol. Econ., Prizes, and M.A. 1898, Edinburgh Univ. War Office 1900 ; Confiden- 294 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tial Clerk to Accountant-General 1903-4 ; Private Sec. to Chief of General Staff 1904-5 ; Local Auditor of Army Accounts, Nor- thern Command, 191 0-12 ; Chief Accountant, Army Accounts Dept., 191 2-. Recreations : Golf, fishing. Addresses : War Office, London, S.W.; Chumleigh, Nether St., Finchley, London, N. Ross, William Alexander : b. Dec. 27, 1877 ; 5. of William Ross, of Buckie, Banffshire. Educ. Aber- deen tlniv. (Keith and Buckie Schs.) ; Balliol 1897-1900 (H. Williamson, E.A.) ; Ex. ; 2nd j CI. Mods. 1899 ; 4th in Hertford | Sch. Croom Robertson Fellow- | ship, ist Class Honours in CI., and M.A., Aberdeen Univ. ; ist Div. Clerk, Local Government Board ; member of Ethical, and Assoc, of Fabian Socs. Publications : con- tributions to Hibbert Journal, In- ternal. Journal of Ethics, &c. Recreations : Golf, walking. Ad- dress : Local Government Board, Whitehall, London, S.W. *Ross, William David : b. April 15, 1877 ; s. of John Ross, Principal of the Maharajah's Coll., Travan- core ; m. 1906, Edith Helen, d. of John Ogden, of Manchester. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Royal High School (Bursar), and Univ. (Bursar and Sch.), Edin- burgh ; Balliol 1896-1900 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Domus and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1898 ; ist Lit. Hum,, and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1903. Union and Arnold (Vice- Pres.) Socs. M.A. Edinburgh 1896 ; Fellow of Merton 1900-2 ; Lecturer 1900-2, Fellow, Tutor, and Lib. 1902-, Oriel ; Exam, in Lit. Hum. 1911-13,14-15; joint editor (with Prof. J. A. Smith) 1908-13, and sole editor since 191 3 of the works of Aristotle translated into English. Publication : transla- tion of Aristotle's Metaphysics. Addresses : Oriel College, and 6 Charlbury Road, Oxford. *Round, Francis Richard : b. Jan. 22, 1845 ; s. of Rev. J. T. Round, B.D., of Colchester, Sch., Fellow, and Tutor of Balliol 1816-36 ; m. April i88r, Emily Frances, d. of J. J. Tufnell, of Langleys, Essex. Issue : six sons, one daughter. Educ. Marlborough (Sen. Ex.); Balliol 1864-8 (E.C.W., E.P., J.R., H.J.S.S., B.J., R.L.N., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods., and 2nd Math. Mods., 1866 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1868 ; M.A. 1879; Eight; Torpid; Cricket XI (Sec. 1867, Capt. 1868). Union Soc. Clerk in Colonial Office 1869 ; accom- panied Sir P. Julyan to Mauritius 1873 ; Private Sec. to Sir M. H. Hicks-Beach 1880, and to Sir R. Herbert 1881 ; ist Class Clerk 1881 ; on special service in British Bechuanaland and Mauritius 1886 ; Acting Colonial Sec, Mauritius, 1886-7 ; C.M.G. 1887 ; Principal Clerk 1896 ; retired on pension 1905 ; member of Council, and Executive and Finance Commit- tees of Church of England Men's Soc, and of Committees of Essex County Hospital, Colchester, and Diocese of St. Albans Police Court Mission ; J. P., Essex, 1906. Clubs: United University, Marylebone. Address : Avenue House, Witham, Essex. Round, John Horace : b. Feb. 22, 1854 ; s. of John Roimd, of Brighton. Educ. Private; Balliol 1874-8; 2nd CI. Mods. 1876; ist Mod. Hist. 1878 ; B.A. 1879 ; xM.A. 1 88 1. Hon. Historical Adviser to the Crown in Peerage Cases, 1914- ; Hon. LL.D,, Edinburgh ; D.L., Essex ; engaged in original research in history, archaeology, genealogy, and in the study of original charters and other mediaeval records ; member of Council of Pipe Roll Soc. ; Vice- Pres. of Coimcil of Essex Archaeo- logical Soc. ; hon. member of Sussex Archaeological, and Record Socs. Publications : Geoffrey de Mandeville, 1892 ; Feudal Eng- land, 1895 ; The Commune of London and other Studies, and Calendar of Documents preserved . in France, 1899 ; Studies in Peer- 295 13ALLI0L COLLEGE REGISTER nge and Family History, 1901 ; Peerage and Pedigree, 2 vols., 1910 ; The King's Serjeants and Officers of State, 1911 ; Studies on the Red Book of the Exchequer ; edited Ancient Charters for Pipe Roll Soc., 1888, and wrote intro- ductions to Pipe Rolls of 22-31 Hen. II, and Rotuli de Dominabus (1914); contributor to Domesday Studies, Victoria County History, Athenaeum, Academy, Antiquary, Ancestor, Archaeologia, Archaeo- logical Journal, Archaeological Re- view, Genealogist, Essex Archaeo- logical Trans., Sussex Archaeol. Collect., English Historical and Quarterly Reviews, Nineteenth Cen- tury, &c. Club: Carlton. Address : 15 Brunswick Terrace, Brighton. Roundell, Christopher Foulis : b. July n, 1876 ; s. of C. S. Roundell ; m. Sept. 15, 1 9 10, Lady Maude, d. of Earl of Leitrim, and widow of H. W. Vivian. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1894-8 (J.C.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1898 ; Univ. 2nd Shooting VIII, and Coll. Rifle teams (Inns of Court Bowl) 1896. Union and Arnold Socs. ; Sec. and Pres. of Palmer- ston Club. Coldstream Guards ; served in S. African War (medal and clasp) 1 899-1 900 ; resigned commission 1901 ; now Lieut., Reserve of Officers (Coldstream Guards) ; Barrister, I.T., 1904 ; candidate (L.) Uxbridge Div. ; Assist. Private Sec. to Lord President of Council 1906 ; In- spector, Board of Agric, 1906-7 ; General ditto, Local Government Board, Clubs : Brooks's, Windham, Garrick. Address : 54 Rutland Gate, London, S.W. Rowbotham, Rev. John Frederick : b. April 18, 1859 ; s. of Rev. F. Rowbotham, Rector of St. James's, Edinburgh. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Rossall ; Balliol 1869- 71, 2 ; 92, 4 ; Greaves Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1871 ; Taylorian Sch. in Italian 1872 ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1873 ; B.A., and M.A., 1894. Ordained d. 1890, p. 1891 ; Curate of Brompton 1890 ; Vicar of Ratlcy 1891-3, Abbotsley 1897- 1900; Rector of Huntly 1893-4 ; Brit. Chapl. at Buda Pesth 1894- 7 ; editor and proprietor of The Bard 1910. Publications : History of Music, 1887 ; Death of Roland, 1888 ; Poetical Works, 1889-90 ; Short History of Music, 1891 ; The Private Life of the Great Com- posers, 1892 ; History of Rossall School, 1894 ; History of the Trou- badours and the Courts of Love, 1895 ; The God Horus, 1898 ; The Human Epic, 1902 ; The Epic of London, 1908 ; The Epic of God and the Devil, 191 1. Club : English (Berlin). Address : 131c Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, Ger- many. Rowden, Aldred William : b. 1849 ; s. of Rev. G. C. Rowden, D.C.L., of Mortlake. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1868-9. Barrister 1874, Bencher 1906, L.I. ; Q.C. 1899. Club : New University. Address : 34 Courtfield Gardens, London, S.W. Rowland, Rev. Alfred Norman : b. May 28, 1869 ; s. of Rev. A. Rowland, D.D., LL.B., of London. £(iMc.Oakfield,Hornsey; Sea House School, Eastbourne ; Mill Hill ; Balliol 1890-3 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1893 ; B.A. 1894 ; M.A. 1896. Union and Arnold Socs. B.A. London (Honours) 1889 ; Theol. Student at Mans- field Coll. 1893-6 ; Congrega- tional Minister at Putney 1896- 1908 ; Broughton Park, Manches- ter, 1908- ; editor of Manchester Congregational Monthly. Publi- cations : articles on ' Character ' 'Personality' 'Religion' 'Nation- ality ', &c., in Hastings's Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels ; essay on ' Personality in Theology ' in Mansfield College Essays (memorial volume to Dr. Fairbaim) ; Life of John Wiclif (R.T.S. Heroes and Pioneers) .Recreations : Golf, tennis. Address : Moss Bank, Kersal, Manchester. Rowland, Francis George : b. Aug. 14, 1883 ; s. of W. R. Rowland, of Creslow, Aylesbury ; m. Aug. 296 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 19 1 2. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1901-6 (W.H.F., F. de P., C.B., J.L.S.D., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; Univ. Swimming team 1903 ; Eight. Union and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1906 ; trans- ferred to Bihar 1912 ; Acting Deputy Commissioner, and Dis- trict and Sessions Judge, 191 3 ; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Col- lector, 191 3-. ClK-bs : East India United Service ; Bengal United Services (Calcutta). Address: c/o Grindlay & Co., Calcutta, India. ♦Rowlands, Rev. John Bo wen : b. 1839 ; s. of Thomas Rowlands, of Haverfordwest. Educ. Trinity Coll. 1857; New-Inn-Hall 1858; B.A. 1864; M.A. 1878; Balliol 1887. Ordained d. 1864, p. 1865 ; Curate of St. Margaret's, Rochdale, 1864-7 ; Chapl. to Forces, Alder- shot, 1867-9 ; Rector of Hubber- ston 1869-. Address : Hubber- ston Rectory, Milford Haven. Rowntree, Maurice Lotherington : b. Jan, 14, 1882; s. of Joshua Rowntree, M.P., of Scarborough; tn. July 20, 1910, Maud A. E., d. of L. G. Binns, of Con- stantinople. Educ. Sedbergh ; Balliol 1902-5 (E.J. P.) ; 2nd Theol. 1905 ; B.A. 1906 ; Torpid. Arnold Soc. Studied at Marburg 1905, Heidelberg 1906 ; clerk in Rowntree's Cocoa Works, York, 1907 ; visited Constan- tinople and Palestine 1908-9, U.S.A. 191 3 ; Lecturer to Friends' Settlement for Religious and Social Study 1909-. Address : Swarth- more, Clarendon Road, Leeds. ♦Roxburgh, William Henry : b. April 4, 1859 ; s. of William Rox- burgh, M.D., Edin., F.R.C.P., Lond., of London ; nt. Dec. 21, 1889, Sibella, d. of James Rox- burgh, of Melrose. Educ. Bedford Gr. School ; Balliol 1878-81 (W.H.F., A.L.S., R.G.T.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1891. Solicitor 1885. Address : 23 John St., Bedford Row, London, W.C. ♦Ruble, Rev. Alfred Edward : b. Dec. 5, 1863 ; s. of J. P. Ruble, of Cowes ; w. 1895, Katherine, d. of W. J. Hodgson, M.D. Educ. Bradfield (Ex.) ; Balliol 1883 (J.W.M.) ; Brasenose (Ex.) 1883- 6 ; ist CI. Mods. 1884 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886; M.A. 1889 ; B.D., and D.D., 1904 ; B.N.C. Torpid. Union Soc. Assist. Master, Bradfield Coll., 1888-90 ; ordained d. 1889, p. 1890 ; Head Master of Richmond School, Yorks., 1890-5 ; Eltham Coll., Kent, 1 896-1909 ; Vicar of Goodshaw 1909-12 ; Holy Trinity, Burnley, 191 2-. Publica- tions : Gospel According to St. Mark, 1902 ; Acts of the Apostles, 1904 ; / Kings, 1906. Recrea- tions : Fives, lawn tennis, cycling, mountaineering. Club : Old Rec- tory (Manchester). Address : Holy Trinity Vicarage, Burnley. Rudkin, George Drury : b. Jan. 22, 1879 ; s. of G. M. A. Rudkin, of Teignmouth. Educ. Blundell's (Sch.) ; Balliol 1897-1900, 2, 3 (A.W.P.C, J.W.R.) ; 3rd CL Mods., and 3rd Math. Mods. 1899 ; B.A. 1903 ; Univ. and Coll. Lawn Tennis teams ; Rugby XV. Ar- nold and Brakenbury Socs. LC.S. ; Assist. Commissioner, Punjab, 1903 ; Settlement and Assist. Colonization Officer, Jhelum Canal Colony, 1907 ; Under-Sec. to Government 1912 ; Revenue Com- missioner, Bikaner State, 191 2. Club : East India United Service. Address: c/o Chief Secretary, Punjab Government, Lahore, India. Ruggles-Brise, Sir Evelyn John : b. Dec. 6, 1857 ; s. of Col. Sir S. B. Ruggles-Brise, K.C.B., M.P. Edtic. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1876-80 (W.H.F., R.G T., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1877 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1880 ; Capt. of Eton football. Clerk in Home Office 1880 ; Private Sec. to Sees, of State (Sir W. Harcourt, Sir R. Cross, Mr. Childers, Lord Llan- dafl") 1883-91 ; Commissioner and 297 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Director of Prisons 1891 ; Ch^r- raan of Prison Commission 1895 ; British representative at Inter- national Prison Commission 1896 ; Delegate at Prison Congresses, Paris 1895, Brussels 1900, Buda Pesth 1905, Washington 1910 ; Pres. of International Prison Com- mission 191 o ; Founder of Borstal System and Borstal Assoc. ; C.B. 1900 ; K.C.B. 1902. Clubs : Travellers', Turf, Arthur's, Ad- . dress : 41 Hill St., Berkeley Square, I-ondon, W. Russell, 2nd Earl, John Francis Stanley Russell : b. Aug. 12, 1865 ; s. of Viscount Amberley ; w. (i) 1890, Mabel (d. 1898), d. of Sir Claude Scott, 4th Bart. ; (2) 1900, IMollie, d. of George Cooke, of Cumbernauld. Educ. Cheam ; Win- chester ; Balliol 1883-5 (E.A.). Barrister, G.I., 1905 ; member for W. Newington for three years, and Alderman for six years, London County Council ; member of Parish and Rural District Councils, Cookham, and of Institute of Electrical Engineers ; holds nu- merous posts in motor world. Publications : Lay Sermons ; Di- vorce. Clubs : Reform, Royal Automobile. Address : Telegraph House, Chichester. Russell, Arthur John Godfrey : b. March 11, 1886 ; s. of Hon. F. A. R. Russell, of Haslemere. Educ. Bedale's School ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1908. Union Soc. Articled Clerk to Withers, Bensons, Birkett, and Davies, Solicitors, 1910 ; passed Final Exam, of Law Soc. 1 91 3. Club : National Liberal. Address : 199 Albany St., London, N.W. ♦Russell, Claud Frederick William: b. Dec. 9, 1 871 ; s. of Lord Arthur Russell. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1891-4 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1894 ; B.A. and M.A. 1897 ; Torpid (2). Union, and Pres. of Dervorguilla and Annan- dale Socs. Attache, Foreign Ofi&ce, 1896 ; Constantinople 1898 ; 3rd Sec, and temporarily employed at Cairo, 1899 ; passed Examination in Public Law 1899, and in Turkish; transferred to Peking 1901 ; 2nd Sec. 1902 ; Paris 1904 ; Charge d' Affaires, ditto, 1905 ; St. Peters- burg 1906 ; Tangier 1907 ; passed Exam, in Arabic ; Judge of the Court, and British Commissioner under the Algeciras Act, Morocco, 1908; Acting Vice-Consul, Tangier, and Commission as Consul in Morocco, 1908 ; transferred to Buenos Aires 1908 ; Charge d* Af- faires, ditto, 1 908-9 ; ist Sec. 1909 ; transferred to Madrid 1910 ; at- tended International Conference at Madrid for Suppression of White Slave Traffic 1910, and in London 1913 ; transferred to Buenos Aires 1911 ; Charge d' Affaires, ditto, March-July 191 1 ; re-trans- ferred to Madrid, 1911 ; trans- ferred to Foreign Of&ce, Eastern Dept., 191 3 ; Lieut. Bedfordshire Yeomanry; F.R.G.S. Clubs: Brooks's, Athenaeum, White's, St. James's. Addresses : 2 Audley Square, London, W. ; The Ridge- way, Shere, Guildford ; and Wappingthorne Fairm, Steyning. Russell, Conrad George Edward : b. April 3, 1878 ; s. of Lord Arthur Russell. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1897-1900 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1900. Union, Dervorguilla, and Annandale (Pres.) Socs. As- sist. Private Sec. to Sec. of State for Colonies (Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Lyttelton 1903, Lord Elgin 1905) I resigned Colonial Office appointment 1907, and entered firm of Medwin & Lowy, Stock Ex- change, 191 1 ; Lieut., T.F. Reserve. Clubs : Union, Brooks's, City University. Addresses : 2 Audley Square, London, W. ; The Ridge- way, Shere, Guildford ; Whiteslea Lodge, Hickling, Norfolk. Russell, Drostan Arthur Cumine : b. Aug. 29, 1 891 ; s. of Major-Gen. F. S. RusseU, C.M.G., of Aden, Aberdeenshire. Educ. Radley ; Balliol 1909-11 (A.D.L., N.S.T.); Eight. Address : Aden, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire. BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Russell, Francis Shirley : b. Dec. 13, 1840 ; s. of J. Russell, of Aden, Aberdeenshire ; m. 1888, Philippa, d. of Rt. Hon. Henry Baillie, M.P., of Ridcastle. Issue : five children. Educ. Radley ; Balliol 1860-2 (J.R., E.P.) ; 2nd Math. Mods., 4th Math., and B.A., 1862 ; Cham- pion Boxer in Univ. 186 1-2 ; Coll. Sculls. 14th Hussars 1863 ; A.D.C. to Commander-in-Chief in Ireland 1869 ; Staff Coll. 1872 ; Ashantee War (medal with clasp, and Brevet Major) 1874 ; Instruc- tor in Tactics, Royal Military Coll., 1876 ; Intelligence Dept. 1878 ; Zulu War (medal, with clasp) 1879 ; Boer War 1881 ; commanded Royal Dragoons 1885 ; Military Attache, Berlin, 1889 ; C.M.G. 1 891 ; Brig.-Gen. commanding Aberdeen Defence Brigade 1892 ; M.P. (C.) Cheltenham 1895-1900 ; Major-Gen. i8g8 ; Hon. Col. ist Royal Dragoons 1900 ; ist Class Prussian Order of Crown 1902 ; D.L. ; J. P. Publications : Russian Wars with Turkey ; Memoir of Earl of Peterborough, &c. Clubs : Carlton, Arthvur's; New (Edin.). Address : Aden, Aberdeenshire. [Died March 21, 1912.] Russell, Gilbert Byng Alwyne : 6. June I, 1875 ; s. of Lord Arthur Russell. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1893-6 (A.L.S.). ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1896. Dervorguilla and Annandale (Pres.) Socs. Grenadier Guards 1897. Soudan Campaign (Khe- dive's, with clasp, and Queen's medals) 1898 ; S. African War (Queen's, with five clasps, and King's, with two clasps, medals) 1899-1902 ; retired, with rank of Capt., 1906 ; Major in Bedford- shire Yeomanry 1906, retired 1911; partner in Salomon & Co., Foreign Bankers. Addresses : 2 Austin Friars, London, E.C. ; 2 Audley Square, London, W. Russell, Harold John Hastings : b. Jan. 23, 1868 ; s. of Lord Arthur Russell ; m. 1896, Lady Victoria Alberta Leveson-Gower, d. of 2nd Earl Granville. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1887-90 (A.L.S., R.L.N., W.H.F.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1890 ; Morrison Fours. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Student of Univ. of Berlin ; Barrister, I.T., 1894 ; practised Midland Circuit, Aylesbury, Bed- ford, and Northampton Sessions, Court of Railway and Canal Com- mission, and before Parliamentary Committees ; Recorder of Bed- ford 1912-; F.Z.S. ; M.B.O.U. ; F.R.S.P.B. Publications : The Law of Railway Rates and Charges Orders ; Chalkstream and Moor- land ; The Flea ; articles mainly on subjects connected with orni- thology and parasitology, to Edin- burgh Review, Spectator, National Review, &c. Recreations : Fishing, hunting, walking, biology, Clubs Athenaeum, Brooks's. Addresses 16 Beaufort Gardens, London S.W. ; 2 Temple Gardens, London E.C. ; Palace Chambers, West minster, London, S.W. ^Russell, John : b. June 28, 1850 s. of John Russell, of Nottingham m. April 13, 1886, Edith, d. of G. B. Bell, of Kenilworth. Issue three sons, two daughters. Educ Nottingham Free Gr. School Balliol 1868-73 (B.J., T.H.G. J. P.) ; Local Ex. ; ist CI. Mods 1870 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1872 B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875. Union Soc. Private Tutor 1873-5 Assist. Master, Dulwich, Jan.— July 1876 ; Clifton Coll. 1876-83 Nottingham High School 1883-5 Proprietor of Preparatory School at Nottingham 1886-93 ; member of Assoc, of Prep. School Head Mas- ters, of Soc. of Schoolmasters, and of Council of Thoroton Archaeo- logical Soc. ; Oxford Local Exam. Sec, Nottingham Centre, 1895— ; Hon. Sec. Local Subscription Library for twelve years. Publica- tions : Contributions on education- al subjects to Preparatory Schools Review and Trans, of Thoroton Soc. ; a paper on Notts. Pods {Memorials of Old Notts.); joint editor and compiler of A History of Arnold, Nottinghamshire, 191 3. 299 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Recreation :1 Walking. Address : 328 Mansfield Road, Carrington, Nottingham. ■^Russell, John : h. March 26, 1876 ; s. of Thomas Russell, of Kirkdalc, Liverpool. Educ. Stanley Road School, Liverpool ; St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea ; Non-Coil. 1904 ; Balliol 1905-8 (H.B.H., F.L.A., E.J. P.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 1914. Sci. Master, Central Secondary School, Sheffield, 1908- ; Chem. Tutor to Diploma Correspondence Coll. Publications : Short stories in Pearson's Magazine, The Teacher, and the Weekly Telegraph. Club : Hallamshire Golf (Sheffield). Ad- dress : 4 Kenbourne Grove, Shef- field. ♦Russell, John Wellesley : h. D3c. 15, 185 1 ; s. of Edward Russell, of Kidderminster ; m. Aug. 19, 1889, Isabel H. Lency. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Kingswood School ; Balliol 1869-73 ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Sch., 1871 ; ist Math. 1872 ; Sen. Math. Sch., and B.A., 1873 ; M.A. 1875. Fellow of Merton 1873 ; Lecturer in Math. 1881-, Tutor 1 882-, Balliol ; Math. Lecturer at Trinity and St. John's ; Math. Moderator 1877, 8 ; 86, 7, 8 ; 97, 8, 9, 1912 ; Nat. Sci. Exam. i88i ; Slath. ditto, 1882, 3 ; 91, 2, 3 ; 1902, 4, 5, 6; Sen. Proctor 1889. Publica- tions : Elementary Treatise on Pure Geometry ; Sequel to Elementary Geo- metry ; various papers published by the London Math. Soc. Address: 28 Staverton Road, Oxford. *Rye, James Bacon : b. July 22, 1 871 ; s. of Walter Rye, of Win- chester House, Putnev. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1889-92 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1892 ; Arnold Prize Essay 1897; M.A. 1902; Half-Blue (run- ning) O.U.A.C. Formerly Solici- tor ; afterwards Private Tutor ; editor of Liberty, organ of the Anti-Socialist Union. Publications : joint author of Napoleon : Did he not anticipate National Risings in Spain and Portugal?, 1905; &c. Addresses : 4 Turl Street, Oxford ; 58 and 60 Victoria Street, West- minster, London, S.W. Sadler, Michael Thomas Harvey : b. Dec. 25, 1888 ; s. of M. E. Sadler, C.B., Vice-Chancellor of Leeds Univ. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1908-12 (A.L.S., E.H., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and Stanhope Hist. Essay Prize, 1912 ; Morrison Fours. Joined Constable & Co., Ltd., Publishers, 1912. Address : 10 Orange St., Leicester Square, London, W.C. Sage, Walter Noble : b. Aug. 9, 1888 ; 5. of Rev. G. B. Sage, Rector of St. George's, London, Ont. Educ. Toronto Univ. ; Balliol 1910-13 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912. Address : St. George's Rectory, London, Ont., Canada. St. Audries, 1st Baron, Rt. Hon. Sir Alexander Fuller Acland-Hood, 4th Bart. : b. Sept. 26, 1853 ; s. of Sir A. Acland-Hood, 3rd Bart. ; m. 1888, Hon. Mildred Rose Eveleigh-de-Moleyas, d. of 4th Baron Ventry. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1872-5 (R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1874 ; Eight (Capt. 1875). Union Soc. Grenadier Guards (passed first in Army Exam.) 1875 ; Adjutant 1881-6 ; served in Egyptian Campaign (medal and clasp) 1882 ; 5th Class Medjidieh and Bronze Star ; A.D.C. to Governor of Victoria 1889-91 ; retired as Capt. 1892 ; M.P. (C.) West Somerset 1892- 191 1 ; Vice-Chamberlain to Queen Victoria 1 900-1, King Edward VII 1 901-2 ; Patronage Sec. to Trea- sury 1902-5 ; Chief Conservative Whip 1902-11 ; P.C. 1904. Clubs : Guards', Carlton. Address: St. Audries, Bridg\vater. 300 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Salmond, James Laing : h. June 5, 1867 ; s. of Rev. Principal S. D. F. Salmond, D.D., of Aberdeen ; m. Nov. 19, 1907, Irene Hichbome, d. of Capt. J. W. Foster, Canada. Educ. Aberdeen Gr. School and Univ. ; Balliol 1888-90 (E.A., W.R.H.). 3rd CI. Mods. 1890; Morrison Fours. Student 1890, M.A. (ist Class Honours), M.B., CM. 1894, Aberdeen Univ. ; Resident Physician and Surgeon, Children's Hospital, Aberdeen, 1894 ; studied medicine in Leipzig and Vienna 1896 ; in practice at Aberdeen 1895 and 1 896-1 902; in London 1905- ; acted as Supt. in various Sanatoria for Tuberculosis in England and the Canary Islands 1902-5. Address : 29 Pembridge Crescent, Bayswater, London, W. Salt, Alexander Edward Wrottesley : b. June 9, 1874 ; s. of Rev. E. Salt, Rector of Standon. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1892-6 (W.R.H., E.J.P., J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. 1897 ; M.A., McGill Univ., 1908. Formerly in Orders in the Church of Eng- land ; Prof, of History, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, in the Univ. of Hong Kong. Address : The University, Hong Kong, China. ^Sampson, Charles Henry : h. Oct. 8, 1859 ; s. of C. S. Sampson, of Bristol ; m. July i, 1897, Mar- garet C. S., d. of C. F. H. Bolckow, of Marton Hall, Yorks. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Balliol 1878- 82 (F. de P., J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; 1st Math. Mods. 1879 ; 1st CI. Mods., and Jun. Math. Sch., 1880 ; ist Math. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1885. Fellow 1882-, Lecturer 1883, Tutor 1884, Sen. ditto 1894, Brasenose ; Math. Moderator 1890 I, 1901, 2, 3 ; Math. Exam. 1894, 5, 6, 1907, 8 ; Delegate of Local Exams. ; Member of the General Board of the Faculties. Address : II Rawlinson Road, Oxford. "^Samuel, Rt. Hon. Herbert Louis : b. Nov. 6, 1870 ; s. of E. L. Samuel, of London ; m. Nov. 17, 1897, Beatrice M., d. of Ellis A. Franklin. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. University Coll. School ; Balliol 1889-93 (A.L.S.) ; Prox. Acces. Stanhope Essay, ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1893 ; M.A. 1897. Arnold Soc. Pres. of Russell Club. Contested (L.) S. Oxon 1895, 1900 ; M.P. Cleveland Div. of N. Riding, Yorks., 1902- ; Under Sec. for Home Dept. 1905 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (with a seat in the Cabinet) 1909 ; Post- master-General 1910-14 ; Pres. of Local Govt. Board 1914- ; British Delegate at Internat. Conference on Labour Regula- tion, Berne, 1906 ; Chairman of Departmental Committees on Com- pensation for Industrial Diseases 1907-8, and Probation of Offenders 1909, and of Joint Select Committee on the Censorship of Plays 1909 ; introduced and carried through. Parliament the Children' sAct, 1908, and a number of minor Bills ; P.C. 1908. Publications : Liberalism, Its Principles and Proposals, with introduction by Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, 1902 ; various political pamphlets and articles. Address : 31 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Samuel, Wilfrid Gilbert : b. Sept. 3, 1890 ; s. of G. E. Samuel, of London. Educ. Ipswich ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.L.S, N.S.T., F.F.U.). Address : 32 Sloane Gardens, London, S.W. Samuelson, Francis Arthur Edward : b. Feb. 26, 1861 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Bernhard Samuelson, ist Bart., M.P., P.C, F.R.S. ; w. 1888, Fanny Isabel (d. 1897), d. of W. Merritt Wright, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. Issue : one son, three daughters. Educ. H. M. Draper's, Boxmoor; Rugby; Balliol 1880-3 (F. de P., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882 ; B.A. 1885. Union Soc. Iron- master ; Chairman of Sir B. Samuelson & Co., Ltd., Iron- masters, Middlesbrough, and of Samuelson & Co., Ltd., Agric. and General Engineers and Manu- facturers of Roller-Flour-Milling Machinery, Banbury ; Director of 301 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., Steel- makers, Middlesbrough ; member of Council of Iron and Steel Institute ; Heir- Presumptive to Samuelson Baronetcy. Recrea- tion : Hunting. Clubs : Reform ; Yorkshire (York). Address : Brcckenbrough Hall, Thirsk. Samuelson, Godfrey Blundell : b. June 3, 1863 ; s. of Rt. Hon. Sir Bemhard Samuelson, ist Bart., M.P., P.C, F.R.S. ; m. 1887, Anne Jane, d. of Rev. W. Brockles- by Davis, Vicar of Ramsbury. Issue : three sons. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1882-5 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883. Contested (L.) Tewkesbury Div. of Glos. 1885 and 1892, Frome Div. of Som. 1886 ; M.P. Forest of Dean Div. of Glos. 1887-92 ; Private Sec. to Pres. of Board of Trade (Rt. Hon. A. J. Mundella) 1886 ; Vice-Chairman of Board of Law Union and Rock Insurance Soc. ; Lord of the Manor of Petham ; J. P., E. Kent. Club : Reform. Address : Ken- field Hall, Petham, Canterbury. *Sanday, Rev. William : b. Aug. i, 1843 ; 5. of William Sanday, of Holme Pierrepont ; m. 1877, Marian C. A., d. of Warren Hastings Woodman-Hastings, of Twyning, Tewkesbury. Educ. Repton ; Bal- liol 1862-3 (E.C.W., J.R., E.P.), Corpus (Sch.) 1863-6; ist CI. Mods. 1863 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1865 ; M.A. 1868 ; D.D. 1896. Union Soc. (Sec. 1864, Pres. 1867). Fellow 1866-73, Lecturer 1866-9, Trinity ; ordained d. 1867, p. 1869 ; in charge of Navestock 1869-71 ; Lecturer at St. Nicho- las', Abingdon, 1871-2; Vicar of Great Waltham i872-'3 ; Rector of Barton-on-the-Heath 1873-6 ; Theol. Exam., Oxford, 1876-7 ; Principal of Bishop Hatfield's Hall, Durham, 1876-83 ; M.A. Durham, 1876 ; Hon. D.D., Edinburgh, 1877, Durham 1882, Gottingen 1910, Christiania 191 1 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Durham 1879- 81 ; Select Preacher, Cambridge, 1880, 1892, 1903, 1911 ; Dean Ireland's Prof, of Exegesis of Holy Scripture 1882-95 ; Tutorial Fellow 1883-95, Hon. ditto 1898, Exeter ; Hon. LL.D., Dublin, 1887 ; Lady Margaret Prof, of Divinity, and Canon of Christ Church, 1895- ; Whitehall Prea- cher 1889-90 ; Bampton Lecturer 1893 ; Hon. Litt.D., Cambridge, 1902 ; Chaplain - in - Ordinary to H.M. since 1903; F.B.A. 1903; Perpetual Delegate of the Press ; Delegate of the Common University Fund to 1913. Publications: Au- thorship and Historical Character of the Fourth Gospel, 1872 ; The Gospels in the Second Century, 1875 ; Romans and Galatians (Bishop Eli- cott's Commentary) 1878 ; Appen- dices ad Novum Testamentum Ste- phanicum, 1889 ; The Oracles of God, 1891 ; Two Present Day Questions, 1892 ; Inspiration (Bampton Lec- tures), 1893 ; The Conception of Priesthood in the Early Church and in the Church of England, 1898 ; The Catholic MovemefU and the Archbishops' Decision, and The Obedience of the Clergy, 1899 ; An Examination of Harnack's ' What is Christianity ? ' 1901 ; Divisions in the Church, 1902 ; Sacred Sites of the Gospels, 1903 ; Justice in Education, 1904 ; Outlines of the Life of Christ, and The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel (Morse Lec- tures), 1905 ; The Life of Christ in Recent Research, 1907 ; Address to Christian Section of Congress for History of Religions, 1908; Christo- logies, Ancient and Modern, 19 10; Personality in Christ and in Our- selves, 191 1 ; The Primitive Church and Reunion, 1913 ; Bishop Gore's Challengeto Criticisr,: ,igi^ ; articles in Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, 2nd ed. ; Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible ; Encyclopaedia Biblica ; Hastings's Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels ; Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics ; joint author, Christianity and Other Religions, 1908 ; editor Translation of Select Works of Hilary of Poicticrs (Libr. of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers), 1898 ; Report on Con- ference on Different Conceptions 302 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Priesthood and Sacrifice, 1900 ; Studies in the Synoptic Problem, 191 1 ; joint editor Variorum Bible, 1880, '89 ; Old Latin Biblical Texts, part ii, 1886 ; Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica,'iSgi ; Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans^ 1895 ; The Oxford Hymnbook, 1908. Club : Athenaeum. Address : Christ Church, Oxford. Sanders, John Heme : h. May 28, 1888 ; s. of C. F. Sanders, of Cardiff. Educ. High School (Sch.); and University Coll. (Sch.), Cardiff ; Balliol 1907-12 (F. de P., A.W.P.C, J.A.S., A.D.L.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1909 ; dist. in Examination for Kington Oliphant Prize ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911. Union and Arnold Socs. LC.S. 191 1. Address : 14 Conway Road, Cardiff. Sanders, Robert Arthur : 6. June 20, 1867 ; s. of Arthur Sanders, of Fernhill, Isle of Wight ; w. 1893, Lucy, d. of W. H. Halliday, of Glenthorne, N. Devon. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1886-90 (E.A., E.G.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1888 ; ist Jur., and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1896. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1892 ; Master of Devon and Somerset Staghounds 1895-1907 ; contested (C.) Bristol East 1900, Bridgwater Div. of Som. 1906 ; M.P. Bridg- water 1910- ; one of the Unionist Whips ; Alderman of County Council, J. P., D.L., Som. ; J. P. Devon ; Lieut. -Col. R. N. Devon Yeomanry. Clubs : Carlton, Gar- rick, Arthur's. Addresses : Bar- wick House, Yeovil ; 150 St. James's Court, London, S.W. Sandys, Melvill Keveme Trelawny: b. Sept. 28, 1890 ; s. of M. C. Sandys, of Dinham House, S. Min- ver. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1909-13 (C.B., R.G.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. T911 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1913. Ad- dress : Dinham House, S, Minver, Cornwall. Satow, Harold Eustace : b. July 10, 1876 ; s. of S. A. M. Satow, of Northcote, Berkhamsted ; m. 1907, Ethel, d. of J. R. Hatherly, P.W.D., Bombay Presidency. Issue : one son. Educ. Berk- hamsted ; Balliol 1897-9 (W.M.). Union and Brakenbury Socs, Passed Competitive Exam., and appointed Student Interpreter in the Levant, 1897 ; promoted to Assist. 1899 ; Acting Vice-Consul, Adana, 1900 ; Van 1900-2 ; pro- moted to be H.M. Vice-Consul at Scutari, but did not proceed, 1903 ; transferred to Uskub 1904 ; Act- ing Consul - General, Salonica, 1906, 1909 ; Consul, Palestine, 1909 ; transferred to Trebizond 1912 ; Acting Consul-General at Tripoli in 1912. Address : c/o Foreign Office, London, S.W. Saiunarez, Hon. Arthur : 6. July 21, 1852 ; s. of 3rd Lord de Saumarez ; m. Aug. 3, 1881, Hon. Edith McGarel-Hogg, d. of ist Lord Magheramome. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ, Eton ; Balliol 1 871 ( R.L.N.) . Private Sec. to Sir Stafford Northcote (ist Earl of Iddesleigh) 1881-6. Club : Almack's. Address : 74 Eccleston Square, London, S.W. Saunders, Arthur Leslie : b. March 7, 1862 ; s. of A. W. Saunders, of Ballinturagh, Co. Kerry ; m. Ethel LUian, d. of Col. H. Hughes- Hallett. Educ. Oratory School, Edgbaston ; Balliol 1880-2 (A.T.). Union and Carlyle Socs. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, N.W. Prov. and Oudh, 1882 ; transferred to Central Prov. 1885 ; Assist. Commissioner 1885 ; Judge of Small Cause Court, and Com- missioner of Excise, 1892 ; Deputy Commissioner 1893 ; 2nd Sec. to Chief Commissioner 1894 ; Acting Chief Sec. 1894, 5; ditto Commis- sioner 1899 ; transferred to N.W. Prov. and Oudh ; Magistrate and Collector 1901 ; Commissioner, Lucknow, 1907 ; ditto, Meerut, 1913-; additional member of Lieut. -Governor's Council 1909- 12 ; ditto, Viceroy's Council, 1913 ; C.S.I. 1913. Club : East India United Service. Address : Lucknow, India. 303 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Saunders, George : b. Oct. 7, 1859 ; s. of D. H. Saunders, of Dundee ; w. June 22, 1893, Gertrude, d. of Oscar Hainauer, of Berlin. Issue : four sons, two daughters. Educ. Dundee High School ; Glasgow (Perthshire Bursar) and Bonn Univs. ; Balliol 1 881-4 (F. de P., T.W.M., A.L.S.) ; Snell Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1885 ; B.A. 1886. Union and Brakenbury (Preg.) Socs. Bu- chanan prizes for English Lit. and Moral Philos., Rectorial prize for essay on ' Constantine the Great ', Montcith Bursary for German, and Hon. LL.D. 1913, Glasgow Univ. ; Life Student, LT. ; contributed foreign correspondence to Scotsman 1880, and to Pall Mall Gazette, 1888 ; Berlin Correspondent of Morning Post, 1888-97 ; Resident ditto, The Times, 1 897-1 908 ; Paris ditto, The Times, 1908-14. Recreation : Golf. Clubs : St. James's ; Golf de Paris. Address : Craigmill, BlairgowTie, Scotland. Saunders, Montague Brandreth : b. Dec. II, 1881 ; s. of Leslie Saun- ders, The Manor House, Little Tew. Educ. Sedbergh ; Balliol 1900- 1 (A.W.P.C). Address: II 36 Twelfth Avenue, Fairview, British Columbia, Canada. Sayers, Ernest Alma : b. Nov. 26, 1855 ; s. of Ernest Sayers, Royal Horse Guards ; vt. March, 1906, Ida, d. of J. B. Soldi. Issue : one son, Educ. Universitv Coll., London; Balliol 1875-8 '(R.G.T., A.G., R.L.N., W.R.A.). ist Jur., and B.A., 1878. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1879. Address : 10 King's Gardens, West End Lane, Hampstead, London, N.W. Scanlan, Joseph Francis : b. April 2, 1892 ; s. of Dr. J. E. Scanlan, of Dennistoun, Glasgow. Educ. Private and abroad ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 191 2- (A.D.L.) ; Snell Ex. and Newlands Sch. ; Union Soc. Associate of British School at Rome 1910. Address : Inchcape, Dennistoun, Glasgow. Scargill, Lionel Walter Kennedy : b. Oct. 4, 1871 ; s. of F. C. Scar- gill, Solicitor, of Luton. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1892-5 (J.C) ; 4th Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1895 ; B.A. 1897 ; M.A. 1905. Teacher of Chem. under Somerset County Council 1895-7 ; Science Master, Birkenhead School, 1 897-1 905 ; Medical Student, Trinity Hall, 1906-7, M.A. 1906, M.B., B.C., 191 3, Cambridge ; Student at St. George's Hospital 1 908-11 ; Thompson Medallist ; M.R.C.S. ; L.R.C.P. ; Ophthalmic House Sur- geon and House Surgeon and Physician, St. George's Hospital, 1912-13 ; practising in Luton. Address : 27 Biscot Road, Luton. Schenck, Frederic : b. Oct. 10, 1887 ; s. of J. F. Schenck, of Lenox, Mass., U.S.A. Educ. Groton ; Harvard Univ. ; Balliol 1909-1911 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; B.Litt. 1912. Assist, in English, Harvard Univ. Address : Lenox, Massachusetts, U.S.A. ♦Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott : b. Aug. 16, 1864 ; s. of Ferdinand Schiller, of Calcutta. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1882-6 (J.L.S.D., W.H.F., E.A., D.G.R.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1883 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886 ; Tay- lorian Sch. (German) 1887; M.A. 1891 ; D.Sc. 1906. Union Soc. Instructor in Philosophy, Cornell Univ., 1893-7 ; Assist. Tutor 1897, Tutor 1903, Senior ditto, and Fellow, Corpus Coll. Publica- tions : Riddles of the Sphinx, 1891, 2nd ed. 1894, revised ditto 1910 ; ' Axioms as Postulates ' (in Per- sonal Idealism), 1902 ; Humanism, 1903, German ed. 191 1, enlarged 2nd ed. 1912 ; Studies in Human- ism, 1907, French ed. 1909, 2nd ed. 1912 ; Plato or Protagoras ?, 1908 ; Formal Logic, a Scientific and Social Problem, 1912 ; transla- tion of Erdmann's History of Philosophy, part i, 1890; and a large number of articles in philosophical and other reviews. Club : Royal Societies. Address : Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Schloss, Hubert David : b. Oct. 8, 1892 ; s. of D. F. Schloss, of 304 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER London, Ediic. Rugby ; Balliol 1911-12 (A.D.L., N.S.T.). Ad- dress : 18 Homton Court, Ken- sington, London, W. Schloss, Sigismund David : b. March 19, 1887; s. of D. F. Schloss, of London. Educ. Lockers Park, Hemel Hemp- stead ; Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1906-10 (F. de P., A.W.P.C, J.A.S., A.D.L.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1908 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1910 ; B.A. 1913. Union and Arnold Socs. First place in Civil Service Exam., and 2nd Class Clerk in the Treasury, 1910 ; Private Sec. to Permanent Sec. (Sir J. S. Bradbury) to the Trea- sury 191 3-. Address: i8Hornton Court, Kensington, London, W. Scholfield, Wilfrid Stanley : 6. July 10, 1890 ; 5. of R. S. Scholfield, of Sandhall, Howden, Yorks. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-11 (H.B.H.). Address : Fosthall, Nakusp, British Columbia, Canada. ^Schwann, Charles Duncan : see Swann, C. D. Sclater-Booth, Hon. Charles Lutley: b. May 6, 1861 ; s. of ist Lord Basing ; m. April 18, 1900, Ellen Geraldine, d. of George Jones, of Milton Manor, Staffs., and widow of Tudor Frere. Educ. Twyford School, Hants ; Winchester ; Bal- liol 1879-82 (F. de P., W.R.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1881 ; 2nd Jur. 1883; B.A. 1884; Torpid; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Barris- ter, I.T., 1885 ; Director of Sun Insurance and Sun Life Assurance Cos., and of United States and S. American Investment Trust. Ad- dress : The Priory, Odiham, Winchfield, Hants. Sclater-Booth, Hon. George Lim- brey : see Basing, Lord. Scott, Alexander Noel Hepbume : b. Oct. 14, 1892 ; s. of the Hon. Master of Polwarth. Educ. Rep- ton ; BalUol 1911- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T.). Brakenbury Soc. Ad- dress : Humbie House, Humbie, Scotland, ♦Scott, Rev. Alfred : b. 1850 ; s. of John Scott, of East Dulwich, Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1869-72 3rd CI. Mods. 1870; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1873 ; M,A. 1875. Ordained d. 1874, p. 1875 ; Curate of Hammersmith 1874-6 ; St. George's, Campden Hill, 1877-80; St. Giles-in-the- Fields 188 1-4 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Paddington, 1884-1900; L.Pr., Dio. of Car- lisle, 1900. Address : Oakbank, Wetheral, Carlisle. Scott, Sir Basil : b. June 12, 1859 ; s. of Henry Scott, of Bombay. Educ. Haileybury ; Balliol 1878- 82 (E.A., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1882 ; B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1885 ; Eight ; Torpid ; Cricket XL Dervor- guilla Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1884 ; Advocate of Bombay High Court 1885 ; Advocate- General of Bom- bay 1899, and 1900-8 ; Chief Justice of Bombay 1908- ; Knight 1909. Club : New University. Address : High Court, Bombay, India. Scott, Edwin : b. 1866 ; s. of J. S. Scott, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School ; University Coll,, London ; Balliol 1884-5 (W.M.). I.C.S., Madras; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1887 ; Head ditto 1893 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1898 ; Col- lector and Magistrate 1904 ; retired 1912. Address : Frenches, Redhill, Surrey. Scott, Rev. Ernest Findlay : b. March 18, 1868 ; s. of Rev. E. F. Scott, of Glasgow ; m. April 29. 1902, Annie Roxburgh, d. of George Dunlop, of Kilmarnock. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Paisley Gr. School ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1888-92 (F, de P., E.A.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; 2nd Lit. Hum, 1892 ; B.A. 1894. Arnold Soc. M.A. (ist Class Honours in Classics and Mental Philos.), Glasgow, 1888 ; D.D,, St. Andrews, 1909 ; studied Theol. at Edinburgh 1892-5 ; Minister of United Free Church, Prestwick, Ayr, 1 895-1 908 ; Prof, of Church History 1908-10, and of New Testament Literature, 305 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1910-, Queen's Univ., Kingston. Publications : The Fourth Gospel, its Purpose and Theology, 1906 ; The Apologetic of the New Testa- ment, 1908 ; The Kingdom and the Messiah, 191 1 ; and various other theological writings. Address : Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. ♦Scott, Hon. Henry Robert Hep- burne : b. 1847 ; s. of 7th Baron Pohvarth ; m. 1880, Lady Ada Home, d. of nth Earl of Home. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1866-9 ; 2nd Law and Hist. 1870 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1877. Barrister, I.T., 1873; formerly Capt., East Lothian Yeomanry. Address : Knipton Lodge, Grantham. Scott, Joseph : b. July 9, 1846 ; s. of Rev. R. D. Scott, of Roberton ; 7)1. 1891, Elizabeth, d. of Caleb Lainson, of Clapham. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Glas- gow Univ. ; Christ Church (Ex.) 1 870-1 ; Balliol 1 871-4 ; Snell Ex. ; 3rd CI. Mods., and 3rd Math. Mods., 1872 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1874. Student, LT., 1871 ; M.A., Glas- gow, 1872. Publications : Arthur Jessieson, 1878 ; The Swinions of Wandale, 1879 ; contributions to various journals. Scott, Russell : b. March 30, 1873 ; s. of Russell Scott, of London ; m. 1897, Letty, d. of Thomas Worthington, F.R.LB.A. Issue : four sons. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol )i-5 (R.L.N., J.A.S.); 3rd_Lit. Assoc. Address : Darent Hulmc, Shoreham, Kent. Scott, Thomas : b. Nov. 3, 1868 ; s. of John Scott, of Plumstead. Educ. Roan School, Greenwich (Sch.) ; Non-Coil. 1887-8 ; Bal- liol 1889-90 (J.C.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1890; M.A. 1894. Assist. Master, Central Foundation School, Cowper St., London, E.C., 1890-. Address : 17 St. Margaret's Road, Plum- stead, London, S.E. ♦Scott, Walter : b. Sept. 10, 1855 ; s. of G. E. Scott, of Newton Tracey, Devon. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1874-8 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Ex. ; 1st CI. Mods. 1875 ; Ireland ist Lit. Hum., and Chancellor's Latin Craven and Derby M.A. 1881 ; Fellow 579-86 ; Lecturer at -2 ; Prof, of Classics Greek 1890-9, Univ. of Prof, of Classics, McGill Hum. 1895 ; B.A. 1896 ; M.A 1899 ; Univ. Shooting Eight 1891-4, and Hockey XI 1894, 5 ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. ; Pres. of Russell Club ; one of the organizers of the Oxford Fabian Soc. Master, Wilton Street Elem. School, Denton, 1895-6 ; Jenkyn Street Board School, Birmingham, 1896 ; Oxford Prep. School 1 899-1 900 ; Bedale's School 1900-4 ; Head Master Bedale's Prep. School 1904-12 ; State Normal School, Hyannis, Mass., U.S.A., 1912-14 ; member of Fabian Soc, Independent Labour Party, and Modern Language 306 Sch. 1876; B.A., 1878 ; Essay, and Schs. 1880 ; of Merton if Queen's i88c 1884-90, Sydney ; Univ., 1905-8. Publications : Frag- menta Herculanensia, 1885 ; various articles. Address : i Keble Road, Oxford. Scranton, John Walworth : h. July 27, 1885 ; s. of A. Scranton, of London, and Buffalo, N.Y. Educ. Dresden ; Balliol 1903-7, 12 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; B.A. 1912. Address : 32 Portland Place, Lon- don, W. ♦Scriven, John Temple : b. Jan. 12, 1874 ; s. of Major H. W. Scriven. Educ. Eton (Capt. of Oppidans 1892-3) ; Balliol 1893-6 (J.W.R.); 2nd Math. Mods. 1895 ; 4th Math., and B.A., 1896; M.A. 1902. Union Soc. Lieut. 1897, Capt. 1903, 3rd Batt. King's Own Scot- tish Borderers ; served in S. African War (Queen's and King's medals, with five clasps) 1900-2 ; Lay Canon of Southwark Cathe- dral 1904-8. Address : Moor House, Staines, Middlesex. Sealy, Edgar Melnotte Leopold : b. Dec. 26, 1882 ; 5. of J. E. Sealy, of Barbados. Educ. Harrison Coll., Barbados (Sch.) ; Non-CoU. 1902 ; Balliol 1903-6 (J.W.R.) ; Math BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1904 ; 2nd Math. 1906 ; B.A. 1907 ; Cricket 2nd XL Arnold Soc. Assist. Master, Skinner's School, Tun- bridge Wells, 1907 ; Sen. Math, ditto, Haverfordwest Gr. School, 1907-10 ; ditto, Gr. School, Ashby-de-la-Zouch ; Student, M.T. Addresses : 25 Elgin Cres- cent, Notting Hill, London, W. ; Grammar School, Ashby-de-la- Zouch. ♦Sebag-MontcSore, Robert Monte- fiore : b. Oct. 4, 1882 ; 5. of Arthur Sebag - Montefiore, of London. Educ. Private ; Clifton (Founda- tion Sch.) ; Balliol 1901-5 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1903 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1905 ; B.A. 1906 ; M.A. 1909. Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, LT., 1907 ; in practice 1907-10 ; contested (U.) E. Hull, Jan, and Dec. 1910 ; member of London County Coun- cil for Clapham 1910- ; Capt., Royal E. Kent Mounted Rifles ; mainly engaged in social, munici- pal, political, and educational, (administrative) work. Recrea- Hotis : Mountaineering, hunting, shooting. Clubs : Carlton, St. Stephen's, United Empire, United, Compatriots, 1900. Address : 5 Balfour Place, Mount Street, London, W. Seccombe, Thomas : b. 1866 : s. of J. T. Seccombe, M.D., of King's Lynn. Educ. Felsted ; Balliol 1885-9 (A.L.S., F. de P., A.H.J.) ; Stanhope Prize 1887 ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1894. (Assist. Editor Dictionary of Na- tional Biography 1891-1901 ; Lec- turer, Owens Coll., 1901 ; East London Coll., 1907-12 ; Prof, of English, Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst, 191 2-. Publications : Twelve Bad Men, 1894 ; The ^S^ of Johnson, 1900 ; Book- man History of English Litera- ture, 1905-6 ; joint author of The Age of Shakespeare, 1903 ; editor of Smollett's Miscellanies and Travels ; Constable's English Garner, and Religions Ancient and Modern ; Sorrow's Lavengro ; Isopel Berners; George Gissing, an Introductory Survey ; Parkman and Prescott ; Mrs. Gaskell's Novels ; Florio's Montaigne ; BosweWs Letters ; Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale ; Goldsmith's Plays and Poems ; Adlington's Golden Ass ; In Praise of Oxford. C/m6s: Consti- tutional, Savage. Address : Glen- cairn, Camberley. Secretan, Hubert Arthur : b. Aug. 8, 1891 ; s. of W. B. Secretan, of South Croydon. Educ. Wellington ; Balliol 191 1- (H.M.W., N.S.T., A.J.T.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. Address : Coignafearn, South Croydon, Surrey. Seddon, Charles Norman : b. Dec 18, 1870 ; s. of C. J. Seddon, of Liverpool ; m. July 8, 1908, Lucy Helena, d. of J. Braga, of Liver- pool. Issue : one son, one daugh- ter. Educ. Liverpool Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1889-91 (W.M.). LC.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate, Bombay, 1891 ; Administrator of Sachin State 1896-7 ; 2nd Assist. 1897 ; Administrator of Navana- gar State 1901 ; ist Assist. 1903 ; Assist. Resident 1903-4, Settle- ment Commissioner 1904, Amataya 1908-10, Diwan 1 910-12, Baroda ; Jim. (Jan.) and Sen. (April) Collector 1912 ; Pres. of Civil and Military Examination Com- mittee for Oriental Languages ; Honours Cert, in Persian ; Settle ment Commissioner, and Inspector- General of Registration, Bombay Presidency, 191 3. Address : East India United Service Club, 16 St. James's Square, London, S.W. Selby, Viscount, 2nd Viscount, James William Herschell Gully : b. Oct. 4, 1867 ; s. of ist Viscount Selby ; m. (i) 1893, Ada Isabel, d. of A. G. Pirie. Issue : one daugh- ter ; (2) 1909, Dorothy Evelyn, d. of Sir William Grey, K. C.S.I. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Winchester ; BalUol 1886-9 (F. de P., A.V.D., T.R.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1888 ; B.A. 1890. Barrister, I.T., 1892; practised at Parlia- mentary Bar. Clubs : Brooks's, 307 X z BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Oxford and Cambridge, Garrick. Address : 3 Buckingham Gate, London, S.VV. ♦Senior, Rev. Walter Stanley: b. May 10, 1876 ; s. of Rev. Walter Senior, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Mar- gate ; m. 1907, Ethel May, d. of Rt. Rev. A. W. Poole, first Bishop in Japan. Issue : two sons. Educ. Marlborough (Cambridge Locals Sch.) ; Balliol 1895-9 (F. de P., E.A., J.A.S.) ; CI. Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1897 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1899 ; 2nd Theol. 1900 ; Prox. Acces. Jun. Hall Houghton Greek Test. Prize; M.A. 1902; Sacred Poem Prize 191 4. Assist. Master, St. Peter's School, York, 1900-3 ; Gresham's School, Holt, and student at Bishop's Hostel, Liverpool, 1903 ; ordained d. 1903, p. 1904 ; Curate of Christ Church, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, 1903-4 ; Chapl. and Tutor, St. Aidan's Coll., Birkenhead, 1904- 6 ; Vice-Prin. of Trinity Coll., Kandy, Ceylon, 1906-. Recrea- tions : Fives, music, chess. Ad- dress : c/o Church Missionary Society, Salisbury Square, London, E.C. Serjeantson, Rev. William : b. 1836 ; s. of Capt. W. Serjeantson, who served at Quatre Bras and Water- loo ; m. i860, Mary Emily, d. of Rev. R. Meyricke. Issue : five children. Educ. Ludlow School (Ex.); Balliol 1854-8 (E.C.W.) ; Greaves Ex. ; B.A., 1858 ; M.A. 1861. Ordained d. 1859, p. i860 ; Curate of Staunton-on- Arrow 1859 -60 ; Titley 1860-2 ; Rector of Acton Burnell 1862-. Address : Acton Burnell Rectory, Shrews- burr. Serle, Philip : 6. 1827 ; s. of Philip Serle, of Oddington. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1845. Sewart, Gerald Evelyn Shuldham : b. Aug. 23, 1893 ; s. of Rev. A. W. Sewart, Rector of Brignal. Educ. Giggleswick ; Balliol 191 2- (J.W.R.) ; Williams Ex. ; Torpid (2) ; Eight ; Four. Arnold Soc. Address : Brignal Rectory, Bar- nard Castle, Durham. Seymour, Rev. Henry : b. 1826 ; s. of H. J. H. Seymour, of Glouces- ter. Educ. Bruton ; Balliol 1844- 7 ; B.A. 1848. Ordained d. 1851, p. 1852 ; Curate of Cossall 1851 ; Perpetual Curate of Westcote, Dorking, 1852-64 ; Rector of Holme Pierrepont 1864- 1905' Address : 5 Brunswick Square, Brighton. [Died Aug. 12, 1911.] Seymour, Henry Sydney : b. Sept. 15, 1855 ; s. of Rev. Henry Sey- mour, of Holme Pierrepont, Notts. ; in. April 16, 1896, Hon. Helen, d. of Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith, M.P., and Viscountess Hambleden. Issice : one son. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1874-8 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., --.878. Union Soc. En- terei Duchy of Lancaster Office 1879 ; appointed to Patent Of&ce of Auditor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, 1903. Clubs : Athenaeum ; New University, Alpine; Devon and Exeter. Address : Hayne, Moretonhampstead, Devon. Shadi Lai, Hon. : b. May 12, 1874 ; s. of Lala Ram Parshad, of Rewari District, Gvurgaon, India. Educ. Government Coll., Lahore ; Punjab Univ. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1896-9 (J.C, D.H.N., J.W.R., E.J.) ; Boden Sch. 1896 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1898 ; 2nd B.C.L. 1899 ; B.C.L. 1 901. Union -Soc. Passed Honours Exam, (special prize for Constitu- tional Law and History and Legal History) of Council of Legal Edu- cation, Arden Law Sch., and Bar- rister, G.I., 1899 ; Bar of Punjab Chief Court 1899 ; Law Lecturer 1900, and sometime Officiating Principal, Law Coll., Lahore ; B.A. 1894, M.A. 1895, Fellow, member of Oriental, Arts, Law, and Science Faculties, Syndic, and Examiner for LL.B., Punjab Univ.; received title of Rai Bahadier, 1909 ; member of Punjab Legisla- tive Council for Punjab Univ. 1910, re-elected 1913, and of Rules Com- mittee of the Civil Procedure Code ; 2nd Additional Judge, Chief Court, Punjab. Publications : Lectures on Private International Law, 1900 ; 308 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER The Punjab A lienaiion of Land A d, 1905, 2nd ed. 1907 ; The Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1905, 2nd ed., 1907. Address : Lytton Road, Lahore, India. Shadwell, Rev. Felix : b. Feb. 21, 1856 ; s. of Rev. A. T. W. Shad- well, Rector of Langton, Yorks. ; f». Sept. 16, 1890, AdaAnnWorsley Neale. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Richmond Gr. School, Yorks. (Jun. and Sen. Schs., and Hastings's Leaving Ex.) ; Non- Coil. 1875 ; Balliol 1877-8 (J.L.S.D., A.C.B., J.M.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1878 ; B.A. 1879 ; M.A. 1881. Assist. Master, Glenalmond, 1884-5 ; Sun- derland Boys' High School, 1889- 95 ; ordained d. 1890, p. 1895 ; Curate of St. Mark's (Millfield), Sunderland; Holy Trinity, Dover ; Orpington ; Finningham 1896- 1905 ; Rectorof Bromeswell 1905-. Address : Bromeswell Rectory, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Shand, William Alfred Byam: b. Oct. 13, 1858 ; s. of Francis Shand, of Liverpool. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1877-81 (E.A., A.L.S., J.F.B.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1878 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1881 ; B.A. 1882 ; M.A. 1886. Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1884 ; Brisbane Bar 1887 ; Judge of Supreme Court of Queens- land 1908-. Clubs : Savile ; Queensland (Brisbane). Address : Koyama, Townsville, Queensland. Sharland, Rev. Stanley Cruwys : b. 1865 ; s. of A. C. Sharland, of Tiverton, Educ. Blundell's ; Bal- liol 1883-7 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; Blundell and Open Schs. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1887 ; B.A. 1888 ; M.A. 1890. Ordained d. 1896, p. 1897 ; Assist. Master, King's School, Ely, 1888-90 ; Head ditto, Ayshford School, Uffculme, 1890-5 ; Vice-Prin., St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea, 1895 ; Cur- ate of Bringhurst, 1896-8. Assist. Master 1898-, Chaplain 1902, Sed- bergh. Address : Rose Bank, Sed- bergh. ♦Sharp, Rev. John Herbert : b. May II, 1887 ; s, of John Sharp, of Balmuir, Forfarshire. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1906-10 (H.W.C.D., F.F.U.); 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1909 ; M.A. 1913. Bishop's Hostel, Famham ; or- dained d. 1912, p. 1913. Curate of St. Mark's, South Famborough, 19 1 2-. Address : South Fam- borough, Hants. Sharpe, Reginald Lawford : b. July 5, 1886; s. of W. A. Sharpe, Solicitor, London. Educ. Highgate (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; 1st CI. Mods. 1907 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909 ; Assoc. XI (Capt. 1908-9). Union and Arnold Socs. Solicitor. Cadet, Highgate School, 1899-1902 ; ist V.B. Middlesex Regiment 1902-5 ; Volunteers 1905-8, O.T.C. 1908-9, Oxford Univ. ; Inns of Court O.T.C. 1913. Recreations : Foot- ball, golf, lawn tennis, moun- taineering. Addresses : 12 New Court, Carey St., London, W.C. ; 4 Broadlands Road, Highgate, London, N. ♦Sharpe, William Seaford : b. Aug. 28, 1879; s. of W. A. Sharpe, Solicitor, London. Educ. High- gate School ; Balliol 1897-1900 (W.H.F., E.J.) ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1913 ; Torpid ; Clinker Four. Union and Arnold Socs. Passed Law Soc. Final Exam. 1903 ; admitted Solicitor 1904 ; member of Sharpe, Prit- chard & Co., Solicitors, London, 1905. Recreation : Golf. Ad- dresses : 12 New Court, Carey Street, London, W.C. ; 4 Broad- lands Road, Highgate, London, N. Shaw, Arthur Trevor Ambrose : b. Aug. 13, 1862 ; s. of Lieut. -Gen. C. R. Shaw, Bengal Staff Corps. ; m. Jan. 24, 1891, Mary Rosa Twomey. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1881-3 (A.T., W.M.). I.C.S., Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1883 ; Assistant Commissioner, Burma, 1886 ; Deputy ditto 1890 ; retired 1909. Address: c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. ♦Shaw, Donald Patrick : b. March 309 nALLTOI. COLLEGE REGISTER 29, 1888 ; s. of Rev. A. E. Shaw, D.Litt. Lond., Head Master of Lord Williams' Gr. School, Thame. Educ. Lord Williams' Gr. School, Thame ; Balliol 1907-10 (E.J. P., A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., iqio ; M.A. 1914 ; Torpid; Eight (Hen- ley) ; Lance-Corporal Oxford Univ. 0!T.C. Form Master, Weymouth Coll., 1910-12 ; Assist, ditto, West- minster School, 191 2-. Addresses: Westminster School, London, S.W.; Lord Williams' Grammar School, Thame, Oxon. Shaw, Geoffrey Arnold : b. Dec. 11, 1884 ; 5. of Rev. W. Hudson Shaw, Rector of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Educ. Oakham; Balliol 1904 (C.B.). Address : St. Botolph's Clergy House, Spital Square, London, E.C. Shaw, Sir Theodore Frederick Charles Edward, 1st Bart. : b. Sept. II, 1859 ; s. of E. D. Shaw, of Oaklands, Wolverhampton ; tn. 1900, Emily White, d. of Henry Bursill, of Hampstead ; Issue : two daughters. Educ. Tettenhall Coll.; Balliol 1886-7 (A.L.S.). Managing Director and Chairman of John Shaw & Sons, Ltd., Wolverhampton; M.P. (L.) Staf- ford 1 892-1910 ; member of Wolverhampton Town Council ; formerly Captain 3rd Vol. Batt. S. Staffs. Regt. ; Baronet 1908, Clubs : Reform, Eighty, Bath, Ranelagh, Royal Automobile. Ad- dress : Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. ""Shaw, Rev. William Hudson : b. 1859 ; s. of E. W. Shaw, of Ilkley. Educ. Bradford Gr. School ; Non- Coil. 1879 ; Balliol 1880-3 ; Ex. ; Stanhope Prize 1882 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1887. Union Soc. (Sec. 1882, Pres. 1883). Ordained d. 1884 ; p. 1886 ; Curate of Horsham 1884-6 ; Ilkley 1887-9 ; Vicar of Thom- thwaite 1889-92 ; Fellow of Balliol 1890-9 ; Rector of S. Luffenham 1 898-1907 ; Alderley 1907-12 ; St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, 191 2-; formerly Staff Lecturer, Oxford Univ. Extension Soc. Address : St. Botolph's Clergy House, Spital Square, London, E.C. Shaw-Stewart, Patrick Houston : b. Aug. 17, 1888; s. of Maj.-Gen. J. H. M. Shaw-Stewart, R.E. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1907- 10 (C.B., J.A.S., H.W.C.D.); CI. Sch. ; Ireland Sch. 1907 ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1908 ; dist. in Exam, for Jenkyns Ex. ; ist Lit. Hum., B.A., and Eldon Law Sch., 1910 ; Torpid (2). Union (Standing Committee 1908), Annandale (Pres.), Dervorguilla (Sec), and Arnold (Sec.) Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1910- ; Stu- dent, I.T. Club : Union. Ad- dresses : Camock, Larbert, Stir- lingshire ; 25 Curzon Street, Lon- don, W. ♦Shearman, Montague : b. July 17, 1885 ; s. of Mr. Justice Shear- man. Educ. Westminster (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1903-7 (A.L.S., F.F.U., H.W.C.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1910 ; Morrison Fours. Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1908 ; Oxford Circuit and Central Criminal Court ; Resident at Oxford Medical Mission, Ber- mondsey, 1907-10 ; member of London County Council (Ber- mondsey) 1913- ; actively en- gaged in social, philanthropic, and political work ; member of Fabian Soc. Publications : Occasional articles dealing with social ques- tions. Clubs : Garrick, National Liberal. Address: 5 Paper Build- ings, Temple, London, E.C. '^Sheffield, 4th Baron, Lord Stan- ley of Alderley, Edward Lyulph Stanley : b. May 16, 1839 ; s. of Edward John, Lord Stanley of Alderley, 2nd Baron ; m. Feb. 6, 1873, Mary Katharine, d. of Sir Lowthian Bell, ist Bart., of Washington Hall, Northumber- land. Issue : two sons, four daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1857-61 (B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1859 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1861 ; B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1863. Fellow of Balliol 1862-9 ; Barrister, I.T., 1865 ; Assistant Commissioner, 310 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Friendly Socs. Commission, 1872 ; M. P., Oldham, 1880-5 ; member of Royal Commissions, Housing of the Poor 1884, Elementary Educa- tion 1886 ; member of London School Board 1876-84 and 1889- 1904 ; Commissioner to Investi- gate Royal Liver Friendly Soc, Cardiff Savings Bank, and to frame rules for Audit, &c., of Savings Banks ; member of De- partmental Committees on Poor Law Schools and Boarding Out, and on Partial Exemption from School Attendance ; Chairman of Anglesey Educ. Committee 1904- 14 ; P.C. 1910, Publication : Our National Education, 1899. Clubs : Reform, National Liberal ; Reform (Manchester). Address : 18 Mansfield Street, London, W. Shekell, Rev. Edleston Bonner : b. Oct. 30, 1864 ; s. of T. S. Shekell, of Edinburgh. Educ. Uppingham ; Queen's Coll. 1884; New-Inn-Hall 1886; Balliol 1887; B.A. 1890; M.A. 1896. Ordained d. 1891, p. 1894 ; Curate of Longhope 1891- 4 ; J. P. Glos. and Worcs. Clubs : Junior Constitutional ; Tennis Court (Leamington). Addresses : Pebworth Manor, Stratford-on- Avon ; Whitnash, Leamington. Shepardson, Whitney Hart : b. Oct. 30, 1890 ; s. of F. L. Shepard- son, of Hamilton, New York. Educ. Colgate Univ., U.S.A. ; Balliol 1910-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist., Gladstone Prize, and B.A., 191 3 ; Univ. Seniors, and Coll. Rugby XV's. Address : Hamilton, New York, U.S.A. Shephard, Sir Horatio Hale : b. Sept. 20, 1842 ; s. of John Shephard, of Doctors' Commons and Englefield Green ; m. 1876 Agnes, d. of Maj.-Gen. J. W Rideout. Issue : three sons Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1861-4 (B.J.) 2nd CI. Mods. 1862 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. and B.A., 1865 ; M.A. 1878 Barrister, I.T., 1867 ; Home Cir cuit ; practised in India from 1872 ; Prof, of Law, Presidency Coll., Madras, 1873 ; Fellow of Madras Univ., and appointed Government Pleader, 1881 ; mem- ber of Legislative Council 1885- ; Advocate-General 1888, and Judge of High Court 1889-1901, Madras ; Legal adviser of Sec. of State for India 1902-7 ; Knight 1909 ; Hon, LL.D,, Glasgow, 1901. Pub- lications : Commentaries on the law of India — The Contract Act, The Transfer of Property A ct, and Limitation. Club : Athenaeum. Address : 58 Montagu Square, London, W. ■^Shephard, Rev. Canon John : b. Dec. 8, 1837 ; s. of John Shephard, of Doctors' Commons and Engle- field Green ; m. 1867, Caroline Emily, d. of Capt. B. E. Layard ; Issue : two sons, eight daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1856-60 (B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1858 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., i860 ; M.A. 1863. Union Soc. Private Tutor- ship at Eton i860 ; ordained d. 1862, p. 1863 ; Curate of Clewer 1862-3 ; Staines 1863 ; Conduct of Eton Coll. 1863-75 ; Vicar of Eton 1875-1905 ; member of Council of Whitelands Coll., Chelsea ; Hon. Canon of Christ Church 1902. Publication : Old Days of Eton Parish from Edward the Confessor to Accession of Edward VII. Club : New Oxford and Cambridge. Address : 33 Craven Hill Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W. Sherborne, Lord, 4th Baron, Ed- ward Lenox Button : b. April 23, 1831 ; s. of 3rd Baron ; m. July 1894, Emily (d. 1905), d, of Baron de Stem. Educ. Private; Harrow; Balliol 1S49- 52 (B.J.) ; B.A. 1852. Attache at Frankfort 1852-5. Clubs : Travel- lers', Athenaeum, Boodle's, Port- land, Bachelors'; Union (Brighton), County (Bath). Addresses: Sher- borne House, Northleach • 9 St. James's Square, London, S.W. ; Bibury Court, Fairford ; Standish House, Stonehouse, Glos. Sherwood, Frederic William : b. 1864 ; s. of William Sherwood, Solicitor, of Reading ; vt. 1907, 311 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Hilda Clare, d. of Dr. J. K. Spender, of Bath. Ednc. Reading School ; Balliol 1883-8 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1885 ; Busby Theol. Prize ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1887. Some- time a teacher at Working-men's Coll., Great Ormond St., London ; Barrister, M.T., 1890 ; Oxford Circuit and Birmingham Assizes ; Pres. of Hardwicke Soc. 1896-7 ; Recorder of Worcester ; Judge of the Worcester City Court of Pleas ; Revising Barrister for Hereford, Herefordshire, and Forest of Dean ; Chairman of Court of Referees for N. Kent for appeals under Part II of Nat. Insurance Act, 191 1 ; member Home Office Central Assoc, for aid of Discharged Convicts. Publications : contributions to Encyclopaedia of English Law. Ad- dresses : 3 Temple Gardens, Tem- ?le, London, E.C. ; i e Morpeth errace, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Shipley, Reginald Heber : b. Aug. i, 1861 ; s. of R. Y. Shipley, C.B. ; m. 1896, Alice Margaret, d. of Rev. Canon J. H. Simpson. Issue: two sons. EducWinchester (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1880-3 (A.T., W.M.) ; Rugby XV; Assoc. XI. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1883 ; Special Assist. 1890 ; Sub- Collector and Joint Magistrate 1895 ; Collector and Magistrate 1898 ; acting member of Board of Revenue 1907 ; retired 1910. Club : Sports. Address : Castle- maine, Hewlett Road, Cheltenham. Shirres, Logan : 6. 1853 ; s. of David Shirres, of Aberdeen. Educ. Aberdeen Univ. ; Balliol 1871 ; Christ Church (Jun. Student) 1 871-6 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875 ; 3rd B.C.L. 1876. Barrister, L.I., 1879. *Shoobridge, Leonard Knollys Hay- wood : b. Oct. 20, 1858 ; 5. of W. S. Shoobridge, of Albury Hall, Herts. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1876- 80 (R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1878 ; SrdLit. Hum. 1880; B.A. andM.A. 1891. Union Soc. Pupil of Sir Arthur Blomfield 1882-5 ; con- tested (L.) N.W. Staffs. 1892 and 1895. Publications : Poems, 1910 ; joint author of Herculaneum, 1907. Clubs : Brooks's, Athenaeum, St. James's. Addresses : The Lea, Eccleshall, Staffs. ; Castel St. Francois Gairaut, Nice, Alpes Maritimes. Shorthose, William Hartshome : b. 1862 ; s. of W. T. Shorthose, of Maison Lafifitte, France. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1 881-3 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1882. Barrister, I.T., 1887. Address : Stickworth Hall, Arre- ton. Isle of Wight. Shorting, Charles George Horatio : b. 1841 ; s. of Rev. Charles Shorting, of Stonham Aspal, Suffolk. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1859-60 ; Corpus (Sch.) 1860-2 ; ist CI. Mods. 1861 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., New-Inn-Hall, 1863. Siam, Prince Svasti Sobhana of : see Svasti Sobhana, Prince. *Sichel, Walter Sydney : b. 1855 ; s. of Michael Sichel, of London ; m. 1887, Constance Elizabeth, d. of John Holms, M.P. for Hackney. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1873-7; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1875 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B. A., 1877; M.A. 1880; Prox. Acces. Lothian Essay ; Bal- liol Shakespeare Prize ; Morrison Fours. Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, L.I. and I.T., 1879 ; formerly editor of Time ; member of Dr. Johnson Soc. Publications : The Squires (by ' Aston Ryot '), 1885 ; Bolingbroke and His Times, 1 901 ; Bolingbroke : the Sequel, 1902 ; Disraeli : a Study in Per- sonality and Ideas, and Beacons- field : a Biography (Little Bio- graphies Series), 1904 ; Emma, Lady Hamilton, 1905, cheap ed., revised, 1906 ; Sheridan (2 vols.), 1910 ; Sterne : a Study, 1910 ; joint author of two lawbooks, Witnesses, and Interrogatories ; edited The Glenbervie Journals (with introductory essay), 191 1 ; contributed largely to the Quarterly (including a review of The Life of Benjamin Jowett), Edinburgh, and 319 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Fortnightly Reviews, The Nine- teenth Century, Punch, &c. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Garrick. Address : 50 Egerton Gardens, London, S.W. Sidebotham, Herbert : b. Dec. 21, 1872 ; s, of E. Sidebotham, of Hyde and Manchester ; m. Aug. 1899, Florence, d. of Thomas Stephens, of Bowdon. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 189 1-5 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D., E.A., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch. 1892 ; ist CI. Mods., and Gaisford Greek Verse Prize, 1893 ; Gaisford Prose Prize, and Prox. Acces. Ireland Sch., 1894 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895. Arnold Soc. (Pres.). Barrister, I.T., 1912 ; joined editorial staff of Manchester Guardian, 1895 ; occasional con- tributor to The Nation ; interested in foreign affairs, naval and military policy, home politics, &c. Recreations : Music, gar- dening. Club : Reform (Man- chester). Addresses : The Cliff, Broughton, and Guardian Of&ce, Manchester, ♦Sidgwick, Arthur Hugh : b. Oct. 2, 1882 ; s. of Arthur Sidgwick, Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford. Educ. Oxford Prep. School ; Winchester (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1901-5 (J.W.R., A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1902 ; Prox. Acces. to Craven Sch. 1902, 1904 ; ist CI. Mods. 1903 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; Chancellor's English Essay 1906 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Hockey XI. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Fellow of University Coll., Oxford, 1905 ; Jun. Exam., Board of Education, 1906-. Pub- lications : editor of Selections from Dickens, 1909 ; Walking Essays, 1 912. Recreations : Walking, hockey, lawn tennis. Club : Re- form. Address : 9 North Terrace, Brompton, London, S.W. Sime, John : b. June 26, 1876 ; s. of Thomas Sime, of West Clipington, Dundee. Educ. St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol 1897- 1901 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1899 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1901. Address : University Col- lege, Dundee. Simey, George Iliff : b. Feb. 25, 1866 ; 5. of Ralph Simey, J.P., D.L., Clerk of the Peace for Durham ; m. May 21, 1896, Alice Robson, d. of Rev. William Spensley. Issue : three sons. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-9 (W.R.H., E.A., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1887 ; Prox. Acces. Gais- ford Greek Verse Prize ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889. Braken- bury Soc. Solicitor 1892 ; mem- ber of firm of Simey, Son, & Iliff, Sunderland, 1893-1905 ; Deputy Clerk of the Peace for Durham 1893 ; Clerk of the Peace and of the County Council, Somerset, 1905- ; acted as Governor of Cricket and Football Club, Sec. of Chamber Music Soc, and on Com- mittee of Philharmonic Soc. while in Sunderland. Sec. of Instrumen- tal Soc, Weston-super-Mare. Pub- lication : A Manual for Justices at Quarter Sessions. Address : Ash- brooke, Ellenborough Park North, Weston-super-Mare. *Siminonds, Rev. Mark John : b. April 17, 1862 ; s. of J. W. Sim- monds, J. P., of London. Educ. Merchant Taylors' School ; Bal- liol 1880-5 (E.A., F. de P.) ; Ex. ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1882 ; Prox. Acces. Houghton Syriac Prize 1883 ; 3rd Theol., and B.A., 1884 ; Kennicott Hebrew Sch. 1885 ; M.A. 1887. Ordained d. 1886, p. 1887 ; Fellow 1886- 97, Dean 1895-7, Oriental Lec- turer 1896-7, Hon. Fellow 1897, St. Augustine's Coll., Canterbury ; Chapl., St. Chad's Coll., Denstone, 1897-1902 ; Curate of St. Mary- the-Virgin, Tothill Fields, West- minster, 1902-14 ; Chapl., St. Mar- garet's School, Bushey, 1905-6. Publication : compiler of The Register of the Clergy Orphan School, 1896. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Church House, Godalming, Surrey. 313 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Simmons, Charles : b. July 30, 1849 ; 5. of Samuel Simmons, of Coventry ; m. Aug. 24, 1875, Grace, d. of W. J, Goodwin, of the Ecclesiastical Commission Office. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. King Henry VIII School, Coventry ; Balliol 1868-72 (E.P., T.H.G.j ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1870; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1872 ; M.A. 1875, Union Soc. Private Tutor in family of Sir E. Strachey, Bart., 1873-4 ; Assist. Master, Manchester Gr. School, 1874-7 ; Head ditto, Kingsbridge Gr. School, S. Devon, 1877-9 ; Assist, ditto. University Coll. School, London, 1880-91 ; Head of Preparatory Branch of ditto, 1891-. Publications : editor of Livy, book v ; Ovid Metamm. xiii-xiv. Address : Holly Hill House, Hampstead, London, N.W. Simon, Leon : b. July 11, 1881 ; s. of Rev. I. Simon, of Manchester. Educ. Manchester Gr, School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-4 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland and Craven Schs., 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A. 1905. Arnold Soc. ist Class Clerk, Secretary's Office, G.P.O. Address : General Post Office, London, E.C. Simon, Oswald John : b. Sept. 3, 1855 ; s. of Sir John Simon, Serjeant-at-Law, Q.C., M.P., H.M. Commissioner of Assize. Educ. Private; Balliol 1876-8 (B.J., W.H.F.) ; Torpid. Union and Brakenbury (a founder) Socs. Member of Council, West London Synagogue of British Jews ; Vice- Pres. Anglo- Jewish Assoc. Pub- lications : The World and the Cloister, 1890; Faith and Experi- ence, 1894; What Think Ye of Christ? — a Jewish View of Chris- tianity ; contributions to Fort- nightly and Jewish Quarterly Reviews, Nineteefith Century, The Times, Spectator, Pall Mall Gazette, &c. Address : 29 Arun- del Gardens, London, W. Simonson, George Adhemar : b. June 18, 1865 ; s. of Nathaniel Simonson, of London. Educ. The Gymnasium, Stuttgart ; Bal- liol 1883-7 (F. de P., R.G.T.) 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1887 ; B.A. 1888. Author and Art Critic ; Hon. Member of Academy of Fine Arts, Venice, 1908. Publications : Francesco Guardi, 1904 ; contributor to Nineteenth Century and After, Gazette des Beaux- Arts, Burlington Magazine, L'Arte, Monatshefte fiir Kunstwissenschaft, &c. Recrea- tion : Collecting old masters. Club : Burlington Fine Arts. Address : 129 Queen's Gate, London, S.W. Simonson, Paul Frederick : b. March 29, 1864; s. of Nathaniel Simonson, of London. Educ. The Gymnasium, Stuttgart ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886 ; M.A. 1894. Barris- ter, I.T., 1889. Publications : The Law Relating to Debentures and Debenture Stock of Companies and Local Authorities, ist ed. 1898, 2nd 1899, 3rd 1902, 4th 1913 ; The Law Relating to the Reconstruc- tion and Amalgamation of Joint Stock Companies, ist ed. 1902, 2nd 1910 ; The Companies Acts igoo and 1907, 1908 ; The Law Relating to the Reduction of the Share Capital of Joint Stock Com- panies, 191 1. Club : Conserva- tive. Addresses : 129 Queen's Gate, London, S.W. ; 4 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. ♦Simpson, Francis Hood Hope: b. May 5, 1877; s. of J. H. Simp- son, General Manager of the Bank of Liverpool ; m. April 30, 1908, Grace, d. of Frederick Berridge, of Hampstead. Educ. Liverpool Coll. (Lawrence Ex.) ; Balliol 1896-1900 (F. de P., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1904. Union and Arnold Socs. Bank of Liverpool, Ltd., 1900-3 ; Union Discount Co., Ltd., London, 1904; Brown, Shipley & Co., London, 1905-. Addresses : c/o Brown, 314 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Shipley & Co., Founder's Court, London, E.C. ; 21 Willoughby Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Simpson, Francis Peacock : b. 1851 ; s. of David Simpson, of Rochdale. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 1 871-5 ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods, 1873 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1875 ; Craven Sch. 1877 ; B.A. 1879. Simpson, Sir James Walter Mackay, 3rd Bart. : b. Sept. 6, 1882 ; s. of Sir W. G. Simpson, 2nd Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1902-5 (A.L.S.,H.W.C.D.) ; Eight. Mem- ber C.O.S. Finsbury Industrial Improvement Committee, City Council, &c. Publication : Train- ing for Games. Recreations : Walk- ing, gardening, deep-sea fishing. Club : Sports. Addresses : Balla- braes of Ayton, and Strathavon, Linlithgowshire, Scotland. Simpson, Jolm Hope : b. July 23, 1868 ; s. of J. H. Simpson, General Manager of the Bank of Liverpool ; m. Sept. 29, 1900, Mary Jane, d. of Robert Barclay, of New Hall, Prestwich. Issue : five children. Educ. Liverpool Coll. ; Bonn Gymnasium ; Balliol 1887-9 and 1907-8 (W.M., E.H.) ; B.A. 1908 ; Rugby XV ; Assoc. XL Union Soc. I.C.S., N.W. Provinces and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1889 ; Joint Magistrate 1895 ; Assist. Commissioner 1898 ; Deputy ditto 1901 ; Joint Sec. to Board of Revenue 1902-4 ; Registrar of Co-operative Credit Socs. 1904-7 ; Pres. of Municipal Taxation Committee 1908-9 ; Collector of Gorakhpur 1909-13 ; C.I.E. 1913 ; Acting Chief Com- missioner, Andamans and Nico- bars, 1914-. Recreations : Shoot- ing, pig-sticking. Club : East India United Service. Address : Wood End, Pyrford, Surrey. Sinclair, Ven. William Macdonald: b. June 3, 1850 ; s. of Rev. Wil- liam Sinclair, Prebendary of Chichester. Educ. Repton ; Bal- liol 1868-73 (B.J., E.P.) ; Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1879 ; Prox. Acces. Hertford Sch. ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875 ; B.D. 1888 ; D.D. 1892. Union Soc. (Sec. 1869, Treas. 1871, Pres. 1873). Ordained d. and p. 1874 ; Curate of Tortworth 1874 ; Assist. Minister at Quebec Chapel, and Lecturer in Logic at King's Coll., London, 1875 ; Resident Chapl. to Bishop Jackson, of London, 1877-80 ; Vicar of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 1880-9 ', member of London School Board 1885-8 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishops Jackson, Temple, Creighton, and Winning- ton-Ingram, of London ; Hon. Chapl. 1889-95, Chapl. -in-Ordin- ary 1 895-1 901, to Queen Victoria ; Archdeacon of London, and Canon of St. Paul's, 1889-1911 ; Grand Chapl. of England 1894 ; Select Preacher at Oxford 1897, and Cambridge ; Chapl. to Order of St. John of Jerusalem 1900 ; Hon. Chapl. to King Edward VII 1901-10 ; ditto to King George V 1910- ; Fellow of Royal Soc. of Literature 1910, and Royal Geographical Soc. 1911 ; Chapl. to Royal Scottish Corporation, Caledonian Asylum, and High- land Soc. of London ; Pres. of London Caithness Assoc. ; Director of Clerical, Medical, and General Life Insurance Co. ; Chairman of London Housing Soc. ; Rector of Shermanbury 191 1- ; Hon. D.D. Glasgow. Publications : The Psalms in the Original Rhythm, 1878 ; Lessons on the Gospel of St. John, 1885 ; The Epistles of St. John (Bishop EUicott's Commentary) ; The Ser- vant of Christ, and The Christian's Influence, 1892 ; Christ and Our Times, 1893 ; Words to the Laity, 1894 ; Leaders of Thought in the English Church, 1895 ; Simplicity in Christ, 1896 ; The New Law, and Chapters in the Christian Life, 1897 ; Unto You, Young Men, 1900 ; Unto You, Young Women, 1901 ; V/ords from St. PauVs, 1902 ; John MacWhirter, R.A., 1903 ; Difficulties of our Day, 1905 ; Memorials of St. PauVs Cathedral, 1909, and short edi- 315 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tion 1913 ; The Chapels Royal, and Joseph Farquharson, A.R.A., 1912 ; and a series of Charges to the Clergy. Clubs : Athenaeum, Authors', Press. Address : Sher- manbury Rectory, Henfield, Sus- sex. Singh, Kanwar Jusbir : h. June 16, 1889 ; s. of Raja Sir Hamam Singh, K.C.I.E,, of Kapurthala. Ediic. Private ; Balliol 1908-9 (E.H.) ; Hockey and Assoc. XI's ; Tennis Six. Barrister, L.I., 1912. Addresses : Ferriby Lodge, Holli- condane Road, Ramsgate ; The Manor, Simla, Punjab, India. Singh, Kanwar Maharaj : b. May 17, 1878 ; s. of Raja Sir Harnam Singh, K.C.I.E., of Kapurthala. Educ. Harrow (Monitor 1896) ; Balliol 1896-1900 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. 1901; M.A. 1910; Univ. Boxing Club v. Cambridge (Feather Weights) 1899 ; Univ. Seniors 1900, and Coll. (Capt.) Assoc. XI's ; Tennis Six (winners Inter-Coll. Cup 1900). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, M.T., 1902; I.C.S., United Provinces; Deputy Collector 1904 ; Assist. Registrar 1908, Officiating Regis- trar, 1909-11, of Co-operative Credit Socs.; Assist. Sec. to Govern- ment of India, Education Depart- ment, 191 1-. Publications : Annual Report on Co-operative Credit Societies in the United Provinces, India, 1908-9. Club : Chhatar Manzil (Lucknow). Recreations : Football, hockey, tennis. Ad- dress : The Manor, Simla, Punjab, India. Sinha, Sushil Kumar : b. June 9, 1895 ; s. of S. P. Sinha, of Cal- cutta. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 191 3- (C.B.) ; Rugby XV ; Athletic and Relay teams. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 17 Elvsium Row, Calcutta, India. Siofdet, Gerald Caldwell : b. June 13, 1885 ; s. of G. C. Siordet, of Clifton. Educ. Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-6 and 1908-9 (A.W.P.C, R.J.E.T.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1906. Union and Braken- bury Socs. Draper igog-io ; with the Medici Soc, 7 Grafton Street, London, W., 191CV-. Address : 5 Portsea Place, Connaught Square, London, W. Sircar, Jogendra Nath : 6. 1855 ; s. of p. C. Sircar, of Calcutta. Educ. Presidency Coll., Calcutta ; Balliol 1875. Barrister, M.T., 1897. Address : 32/7 Beadon St., Cal- cutta. Skinner, Edward John : b. Sept. n, 1876 ; s. of E. F. Skinner, of Cachar, India. Educ. Bedford Gr. School ; Balliol 1895-9 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B. A., 1899 ; Univ. (occasionally) and Coll. (Capt.) Rugby XV's ; Assoc. XI ; Torpid ; Eight. Union, Brakenbury, and Arnold Socs. Royal Artillery 1899 ; served in S. African War 1901-2 ; Captain. Address : 20 Linden Road, Bed- ford. Skrine, Henry Langton : b. Nov. 12, 1880 ; s. of H. M. Skrine, of War- leigh Manor, Bath. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1899-1901 and 1907-8 (F. de P., A.W.P.C.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; B.A. 1908. Farmer ; Lieut, in Reserve of Officers (late Somerset Light Infantry). Club : Wellington. Address : Warleigh Manor, Bath. ♦Skrine, Henry Mills : b. May 20, 1844 ; s. of H. D. Skrine, J. P., D.L., of Warleigh Manor, Bath ; m. Oct. 1892, Mary Jane, d. of W. S. Gore Langton, M.P. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Bradfield ; Eton ; Balliol 1863-7 (E.C.W.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1865 ; B.A. 1867 ; M.A. 1870 ; won Coll. Pairs, and 2nd in Morrison Fours, 1864 ; shot twice in winning team Univ. R.V. for Company Challenge Cup. Barrister, I.T., 1870 ; West- ern Circuit until 1872 ; formerly held commissions in Univ. R.V., and N. Somerset Yeomanry Caval- ry ; ditto in ist Vol. Batt. Somer- set Light Infantry from i860 ; in command for nine years ; Hon. Col. 1901-9 ; Volunteer Decora- tion 1893 ; County Councillor 1901, J. P. 1874, D.L., Somerset. Clubs : Athenaeum, Constitutional ; 316 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER County (Bath). Address : War- leigh Manor, Bath. *Slack, Samuel Benjamin : b. Dec. 26, 1859 ; s. of Benjamin Slack, of Portsmouth. Educ. Liverpool Coll. ; Balliol 1878-82 (F. de P., A.C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; CI. Sch. and Prosser Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1879 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1882 ; hon. mention Craven Sch. 1884 ; M.A. 1885. Assist. Master, Wake- field Gr. School., 1882-3 ; 2nd ditto, Shefl&eld Gr. School, 1884- 90 ; Assist, ditto, Cowley Military Coll., 1893-5 ; Lecturer in Classics 1896-1904, Assist. Prof. 1904-9, Assoc. Prof. 1909-, McGill Univ., Montreal. Publication: Early Chris- tianity. Addresses: 5 Barton Cres- cent, Dawhsh, S. Devon ; McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Slade, Herbert Frederick : b. March i7» 1893 ; s. of W. A. Slade, of Bristol. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Balliol 191 1- (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods, and dist. in Jun. Math. Sch., 1912 ; Jun. Math. Sch., 1913. Address : 26 Archfield Road, Cotham, Bristol. *Slade, Wyndham Neave : b. Sept. 17, 1867 ; s. of Wyndham Slade, of Montys Court, Taunton ; m. Nov., 1898, Evelyn Mary, d. of W. C. Watson, of Colworth, Beds. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1886-90 {E.A., W.R.H., A.V.D., T.R.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1888 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1890; M.A. 1893. Dervor- guilla Soc. Barrister, LT., 1891 ; Western Circuit ; Recorder of Bridgwater 1898- ; J. P. Som. Clubs : Arthur's, Wellington ; Somerset County. Addresses : 4 Essex Court, Temple, London, E.C. ; Montys Court, Taunton. Sladen, Francis Farquhar : b. July 10, 1875 ; s. of Joseph Sladen, I.C.S., of Hartsbourne Manor, Watford ; m. Oct. 25, 1906, Mary, d. of Major-Gen. Bainbridge, LS.C. Issue : one son. Educ. Charter- house ; Balliol 1894-9 (E.A., E.J.P., W.M.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A. 1897 ; Assoc. (Sec.) and Cricket XI's. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. LC.S., N.W. Provinces and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector and Assist. Commissioner 1899 ; Joint Magistrate 1908 \ Manager of Nanpara Citats under the Court of Wards 1905-12 ; officiating Collector and Magis- trate, Bareilly, 1914. Recreations : Chiefly shooting. Address : Bar- eilly, U.P., India. Sladen, Joseph : b. April 9, 1866 ; s. of Joseph Sladen, I.C.S., of Hartsbourne Manor, Watford, m. Sept. 12, 1893, Mary Diana, d. of James Farquhar, of Sunnyside, Reigate. Issue : five children. Educ. Charterhouse (Sch. and Leaving Ex.) ; Balliol 1885-8 (W.M.) ; 3rd Or. Stud., and B.A., 1888; Assoc. XI. I.C.S., Bombay 1888 ; Assist. Collector and Magis- trate, and in Sind as Assist. Com- missioner and Sindhi translator, Acting Collector and Magistrate 1898 ; ist Assist. 1900 ; Jun. Collector, and Sec. to Government, General, &c.. Departments, 1903 ; Sen. Collector 1907 ; Commis- sioner and Agent to Governor in Kathiawar 191 2. Club. East India United Service. Address : Wellbank, Sandbach, Cheshire. Slight, Andrew Mure : b. 1868 ; s. of Alexander Slight, of Edinburgh. Educ. Royal Coll., Mauritius ; Bal- liol 1887-9 (W.M.). I.C.S. ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1889 ; District Magistrate 1896 ; Head Assist. 1899 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1901 ; District and Sessions Judge 1904 ; retired 1908. Address : c/o India Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. *SIoman, Harold Newnham Penrose : b. April 22, 1885 ; s. of Rev. A. Sloman, Rector of Sandy, and Hon. Canon of Ely. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-8 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1906 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1908 ; M.A. 1912 ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV (Sec. 1906, Capt. 1907) ; Lawn Tennis Six. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Vth Form Master 1908-10, Vlth ditto, 1910- 13, Radley Coll. ; Head Master, 317 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Sydney Gr. School, 191 3-. Club : Australian. Address : The Gram- mar School, Sydney, Australia. Sly, Frank George : b. 1866 ; s. of Thomas Sly, of Salisbury. Ediic. Private; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.). LC.S. Central Prov. ; Assist. Com- missioner and Settlement 0£&cer 1887 ; Under-Sec. to Government of India, Dept. of Revenue and Agriculture, 1895 ; Deputy Com- missioner 1898; Political Agent, Chhatisgarh Feudatories, 1899 ; Commissioner of Settlements and Agriculture 1901 ; Officiating In- spector-General of Agriculture 1904 ; Officiating Commissioner, Berar, 1908 ; C.S.I. 1911 ; mem- ber of Royal Commission on Public Services in India, 191 2. Address: Nagpur, Central Provinces, India. Smalley, Phillips : b. 1866 ; s. of G. W. Smallev, of Brooklyn, U.S.A. Educ. 'Private ; Balliol 1886-7 (A.L.S., E.A., R.L.). Ad- dress : 44 Park Lane, London, VV. ♦Smith, Arthur Lionel : b. Dec. 4, 1850 ; s. of W. H. Smith, Civil Engineer, of London ; m. Mary Florence, d. of J. Forster Baird, of Bowmont Hill, Northumberland. Issue : two sons, seven daughters. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1869-74 (R.L.N., T.H.G.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1871 ; ist Lit. Hum., and divided Jenkyns Ex., 1873; 2nd Mod. Hist., Lothian Prize, and B.A., 1874 ; M.A. 1877 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Sculls ; Tutor in Lit. Hum. 1874- 6, Fellow 1874-9, Trinity Coll. ; Student, L.I., 1876-8 ; Lecturer and Tutor in Mod. Hist. 1879-, Fellow 1882-, Jowett Fellow 1906-, Sen. Dean 1907-, Balliol ; Jun. Proctor 1882 ; Examiner in Mod. Hist., Oxford, 1884, 5, 6, 7, 1895, 1901, 2, 3 ; ditto in Cambridge Hist. Tripos 1894-5, &c., and in the Univs. of Manchester, Liver- pool, Birmingham, Bristol, Glas- gow, and Wales ; Ford's Lecturer in English Hist. 1905 ; Curator of the Bodleian Library ; Trustee of Oxford Univ. Endowment Fund ; member of Univ. Joint Committee for Workers' Education ; Delegate for Univ. Extension ; Almoner of Christ's Hospital. Publications : Notes on Stubbs's Charters, 1905 ; Life and Bibliography of F. W. Maitland, 1908 ; Church and State in the Middle Ages (Ford Lectures, 1906), 1913 ; 'English Political Philosophy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries' (Cambridge Mod. Hist., vol. vi), 1909 ; joint author of * The Teaching of Modern History ' {Essays on Secondary Education), 1898 ; contributor to the Dictionary of English History, the Dictionary of Political Economy, and Social England (ed. Traill) vols. i-vi. Addresses : The King's Mound, and Balliol College, Oxford. ♦Smith, Arthur Lionel Forster : b. Aug. 19, 1880 ; s. of A. L. Smith, Jowett Fellow of Balliol. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1899-1904 {E.A., J.L.S.D., A.L.S.) ; Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1904 ; M.A. 1906 ; Capt. of Boat Club 1 901-2 ; won Univ. Fours 1900 ; Visitors' Cup, Henley, 1901 ; Cricket XI ; won Lawn Tennis Singles twice ; England 1903, 4, 13, Univ. 1901-3 (Capt. 1902), and Coll. Hockey XI's. Union, Dervor- guilla, and Annandale Socs. Fellow of All Souls 1904 ; Lecturer 1906, Fellow and Tutor in Mod. Hist. 1908- ; Sen. Dean of Arts 1910- 13, Jun. ditto 1909 and 1914-, Magdalen Coll. Address : Magda- len College, Oxford. Smith, Frederick John : b. Aug. 17, 1857 ; s. of John Smith, Medical Practitioner, of Castle Donington, Leics. ; m. 1889, Janet Nicholls, fiee Macnamara. Educ. Christ's Hospital; Balliol 1876-80 (W.H.F., J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1877 ; 3rd Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1880 ; Radcliffe Travel- ling Fellow, and B.M., 1885 ; M.D. 1891 ; M.A. 1899 ; Torpid. Schoolmaster 1 880-1 ; Student 1881, Med. Registrar 1887, Assist. Physician 1892, Physician 1902, Lecturer on Forensic Medicine 1 895-, London Hospital ; Referee 318 baLliol college register under Workmen's Compensation Act ; Exam, in Medical Jurispru- dence in Univs. of Oxford, Bir- mingham, and Leeds, in Medicine to Royal Colls, of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Soc. of Apoth. ; Orator 1901, Pres. 1904, Hunterian Soc. ; F.R.C.P. London ; F.R.C.S. England ; Consulting Physician. Publications : Differential Diag- nosis of Diseases ; Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence ; editor of Taylor's Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence, eds. 5 and 6. Recreations : Botany, bridge, golf, billiards. Address : 138 Harley St., London, W. *Smith, George Gregory : h. June 20, 1865 ; s. of H. G. Smith, of Edinburgh ; m. 1896, Mary (d. 1909), d. of Col. R. Cadell, Bengal Stafi Corps. Issue : one son. Educ. Edinburgh Univ. (Vans Dunlop Sch. in English Lit.) ; Balliol 1885-S (A.L.S., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1888 ; M. A. 1894. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Assist, in English Lit. 1888, Lecturer in English 1892, M.A. 1884, Hon. LL.D. 1914, Edin- burgh Univ. ; Prof, of English Lit., Queen's Coll., Belfast, 1905-9 ; ditto, Belfast Univ., 1969- ; Public Lecturer on Scottish Lit., Glasgow Univ., 191 2-1 3, Hamburg (Kolo- nialinstitut) 1914 ; General Edi- tor, Scottish Text Soc, 1899- 1906. Publications : The Days of James IV, 1890 ; The Book of Islay, 1895 ; The Spectator (8 vols.), 1897-8; 2nd ed. {4 vols.), 1907; The Transition Period, 1900 ; Specimens of Middle Scots, 1902 ; Elizabethan CriticalEssays (2 vols.), 1904 ; Diary of Samuel Pepys (Globe ed.), 1905 ; Poems of Robert Henryson (3 vols.), 1906- ; contributor to vols, x and xi of Register of Privy Council of Scotland, Oxford Historical Atlas (Parts iii, vi, xv), Dictionary of National Biography, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Cambridge History of English Literature, Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English Literature, English Historical and Modern Language Reviews, Athenaeum, Blackwood's Magazine, &c. Ad- dresses : 26 Windsor Park, and The University, Belfast. Smith, George Malcolm : b. Nov. 25, 1888 ; s. of R. B. Smith, of Calgary, Canada. Educ. Univ. of Toronto ; Balliol 1909-12 (A.L.S.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1 91 1. Address : 338 14th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Smith, Hemy Percival : b. Aug. 14, 1894 ; s. of H. G. Smith, of Ashley Down, Bristol. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Balliol 1913- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T.) ; Williams Ex. ; Union Soc. Address : 33 York Avenue, Ashley Down, Bristol. Smith, Rev. Isaac Gregory : b. Nov. 21, 1826 ; s. of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Smith, High Master of Manchester Gr. School ; m. 1859, Agnes Augusta, d. of Rev. Canon G. W. Murray. Issue : seven children. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1845 ; Trinity (Sch.) 1845-50 ; Hertford Sch. 1846 ; Ireland Sch. 1847 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1848 ; B.A. 1849 ; M.A. 1854 ; Fellow of Brasenose 1850-5 ; ordained d. 1853. P- 1854 ; Rector of Ted- stone, Delamere, 1854-72 ; Vicar of Great Malvern 1872-96; Bamp- ton Lecturer 1873 ; Prebendary of Pratum Minus in Hereford Cathe- dral 1870-87 ; Rural Dean of Powick 1882-96 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of St. David's 1882-97; Hon. LL.D., Edin., 1886 ; Hon. Canon of Worcester 1887-96 ; Rector of Great Shefiord 1896- 1906. Publications: Fra Angelico and Other Poems (2nd ed. 1890) ; The Characteristics of Christian Morality (Bampton Lectures), 2nd ed. 1873 ; Christian Monasticism, 1891 ; Boniface, 1896 ; The Holy Days, 1900; joint author History of the Diocese of Worcester (S.P.C.K.), 1882 ; Aristotelianism and Modern Thought, 2nded. 1887; TheAthana- sian Creed, 1903; What is Truth?, 1905 ; Thoughts on Education, 1909 ; Practical Psychology, 1912 ; Riullera, 1913. Address : The Howdah, Horsell, Woking. 319 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Smith, James (Walter) : b. Aug. ::5, 1830 ; s. of James Smith, of Chipstone, Northamptonshire ; m. Helen, d. of John Smith. Edtic. Shrewsbury; Balhol 1848-51 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B.J.) ; B.A. (from Brasenose) 1852. LL.B. 1853, LL.D. (with Gold Medal) 1856, London Univ. ; Barrister, LT., 1853; practised inEngland till 1 875 ; Advocate, Natal, 1875 ; edited leading Natal paper ; Barrister and Solicitor, S. Australia, 1878 ; engaged in practice and in press work ; Parliamentary Draftsman to the Government of S. Australia 1883 ; Barrister and Solicitor, Victoria, 1889 ; Parliamentary Draftsman to Government 1895, Commissioner of Land Titles 1901, Law Examiner to Barristers' Board 1 901, K.C. 1907, Western Austra- lia. Publications : Some twelve volumes. Address : South British Chambers, Barrack Street, Perth, Western Australia. •Smith, John Alexander : ft. 1864 ; s. of Andrew Smith, of Dingwall, Scotland. Educ. Edinburgh Univ. (Ferguson Sch.) ; Balliol 1884-7 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Warner Ex. and Hon. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1885 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1887 ; B.A. 1 891 ; M.A. 1894. Assisted Prof. Butcher at Edinburgh ; Fellow 1891-1910, Jowett Lecturer in Philosophy 1896-19 10, Balliol ; joint editor (with W. D. Ross), 1908-13, of the works of Aristotle (trans, into English). Waynflete Prof, of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy 1910-; Fellow 1910-, and Vice- Pres., Magdalen Coll. ; for- merly Delegate of Common Univ. Fund ; CI. Exam. 1904, 5, 6. Address : Magdalen College, Ox- ford. ♦Smith, John George : b. March 16, 1829 ; s. of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Smith, High Master of Manchester Gr. School ; m. 1869, Amy S., d. of C. F. Darwall, of Walsall ; Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1848-52 (E.C.W., W.C.L., B.J., J.R.) ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1852 ; M.A. 1854 ; Eight (Head of River 1851). Barrister, L.L, 1856; Assist. Registrar, and afterwards Registrar, Admiralty Div. of High Court of Justice, 1890-1904. Ad- dress : 8 Grosvenor St., London, W. Smith, John Henderson : b. 1875 ; s. of Archibald Smith, of Edin- burgh ; m. 1905, Alice, d. of Marcus Robinson, of Glasgow. Educ. Edinburgh Collegiate School; Balliol 1894-8 (E.A., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898 ; Torpid ; Rugby XV ; Lawn Tennis Six. Brak en- bury Soc. Student 1898-1903, M.B. and Ch.B. 1903, Edinburgh Univ. ; held Hospital appoint- ments 1903-4 ; Philip Walker Student in Pathology, Oxford Univ., 1904-7; Assist. Bacteriolo- gist, Lister Institute of Preven- tive Medicine, London, 1907- ; engaged in scientific research work, chiefly bacteriology and immunity, in relation to medicine ; worked in Serum Institute, Copen- hagen, 1904-5, and in Friedrich- stadter Krankenhaus, Dresden, 1907 ; Fellow of Royal Soc. of Medicine ; member of Medical Research Club, and of Patholo- gical Soc. of Great Britain and Ireland. Publications : Various scientific papers in Journal of Hygiene, Proceedings of Royal Soc^ British Medical Journal, &c. Re- creations : Book-plate collecting, golf. Addresses : Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea, London, S.W. ; 43 Prince of Wales Mansions, Battersea Park, London, S.W. *Smith, Leonard Eaton : 6, Sept. 17, 1874 ; 5. of Elisha Smith, merchant, of Liverpool. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1893-7 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1897 ; M.A. 1901 ; Torpid (2) ; Braken- bury Soc. (Pres.). Barrister, M.T., 1899 ; Private Sec. (unpaid) to Chief, Sec. for Ireland (Rt. Hon. G. Wyndham) 1904-5 ; contested (U.) South Manchester 1906 ; in business in London. Recreation : 320 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Travel. Clubs : Union, Bath ; University (New York). Address : 20 Chester Square, London, S.W. Smith, Lindsay Eric : b. Jan. 10, 1852 ; s. of E. C. Smith, of London ; m. 1887, Helen Mary, d. of C. J. CoUyer ; Issue : two sons, two daughters. Edttc. Eton ; Balliol 1871-3 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1874; B.A. 1875. Formerly partner in Smith, Payne & Smith, bankers ; Director of Union of London and Smith's Bank, Ltd. Clubs : Travellers', St. James's, United University. Address : Ashfold, Handcross, Sussex. ♦Smith, Rt. Rev. Lucius Frederick Moses Bottomley : b. Jan. 6, i860 ; s. of Rev. F. Smith, Vicar of Shelf, Yorks. ; tn. 1884, Lucy, d. of M. Bottomley, J. P., of Rawdon, Leeds. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1879-82 (R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1880; B.A. 1882; M.A. 1885 ; Hon. D.D. 1905. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Leeds Clergy School 1882 ; ordained d. and p. 1883 ; Curate of St.Thomas's, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, 1883-6 ; St. Margaret's, Ilkley, 1886-90 ; Richmond, Yorks., 1 890-1 ; Vicar of Easby with Brompton-on- Swale, 1891-2 ; Calverley 1892- 1901 ; Macclesfield 1901-5 ; Bishop Suffragan of Knaresborough, Canon Residentiary of Ripon Cath., and Archdeacon of Ripon, 1905-. Address : The Old Resi- dence, Ripon. Smith. Norman Fairbanks : b. April 15, 1890 ; s. of Rev. L. A. Smith, Vicar of Bay ford, Herts. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1909- (A.W.P.C, R.G., H.B.H.) ; Nettle- ship Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 191 1 ; B.A. 1913 ; Organist, Balliol, 1913-. Addresses : BalUol College, Oxford ; Bayford Vicarage, Hert- ford. ♦Smith, William Eriam : 6. July 16, 1 881 ; s. of John Smith, of Silver- dale, Staffs. Educ. High School, Newcastle, Staffs. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-4 (H.B.H., D.H.N.) ; Braken- bury Sch. ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908. Assist. Master, King Edward VI School, Louth, Lines., 1905-6 ; Prof, of Nat. Sci., Government Coll., Rangoon, 1906 ; Inspector of Schools, E. Circle (Tenasserim and S. Shan States, Burma), 1907; Prof, of Chemistry, Presidency Col- lege, Madras, 1907-. Recreations : Mountaineering, sculling. Address : Madras Club, Madras, India. Smith, William Stephen Montgomery : b. Oct. 21, 1862 ; 5. of William Smith, of Sutton, Surrey ; w. 1 891, Margaret Ellen, d. of John Dixon. Educ. Winchester ; Bal- liol 1881-5 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1885 ; B.A. 1886. Studied Medicine at Guy's Hospital; M.R.C.S.E., and L.R.C.P., 1890; practised at Pincher Creek, Alberta, N.W.T., Canada, 1 891-6 ; retired from practice 1901. Recreation : Fly-fishing. Club : United Empire. Address : 138 Sloane St., London, S.W. Smith-Marriott, Sir William Henry, 5th Bart. : b. Aug. 7, 1835 ; s. of 4th Bart. ; m. 1868, Eliza Dorothea (d. 1904), d. of Hon. Richard Cavendish, of Thornton Hall, Bucks. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1855-7 (B.J.). au6: Windham. Address: The Down House, Blandford, Dorset. Smyth, William John : b. May 2, 1869 ; s. of General Henry Smyth, C.B., of Fortfield, Weston-super- Mare ; in. 1892, Lily M. Clifford. Issue : three children. Educ. Bath College (Sch.); Balliol 1888-92 (W.R.H., E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; 3rd Lit. Himi. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; Cricket XI. Dervorguilla Soc. I.C.S., Burma ; Assistant Commissioner 1894 ; Deputy ditto 1906. Ad- dress : Tharrawaddy, Lower Bur- ma, India. Smythies, Evelyn Arthur : b. March 19, 1885 ; 5. of A. Smythies, Indian Forest Service. Educ. Cheltenham (Leaving Sch.) ; Christ's Coll., Cambridge (Ex.), 1904-5 ; Balliol 321 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1905-7 (H.B.H.) ; ist Nat. Sci. (Geol.), and B.A., 1907 ; Diploma ill Forestry ; Rugby XV ; Cricket XL Indian Forest Service, Naini Tal, 1908. Address : Hilliers, Dolton, R.S.O., N. Devon. Snell, Frederick John ; b. Oct. 15, 1862 ; s. of Frederick Snell, J. P., of Tiverton ; vi. Nov. 16, 19 10, Rosa, d. of William Roberts, of Puddington, Devon. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Blundell's; Bal- liol 1882-5 (F. de P., D.G.R.); Blundell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 2nd Lit, Hum., and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1890. Engaged prin- cipally in literature, and occasion- ally in private tuition ; member of Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Soc. 1900- ; studied theory of music and com- posed many songs, hymn-tunes, chants, carols, etc. ; set the carols of the Bcdliol MS., as printed in Pollard's Fifteenth-Century Prose and Verse, to music ; Hon. Organ- ist at Calverleigh Church 1907-. Publications : History of Tiverton (i. Chrotiiclcs of Twyford, ii. Palmer- ston's Borough) ; A Book of Ex- moor ; The Blackmore Country, 2nd ed., 191 1 ; Devonshire, Historical, Descriptive, Biographical ; North Devon; ' The Fourteenth Century ' (Periods of European Literature) ; The Age of Alfred ; The Age of Chaucer, 3rd ed., 1912 ; The Age of Transition ; Handbook to the Works of Dante; A Primer of Italian Litera- ture ; ' Wesley and Methodism ' {The World's Epoch-Makers) ; Auto- biography of a Poacher ; The Devil of Dulverton : a Romance ; The Customs of Old England ; Early Associations of Archbishop Temple ; Dulverton, and Cheddar (Homeland Handbooks) ; Boys who became Famous ; The Girlhood of Famous W'omen ; Garibaldi {Heroes of All Time); editor of Lysias' Epitaphios ; Memorials of Old Devonshire ; Memorials of Old So7nerset ; translator of Pizzami- gho's Co-operative Societies (Social Science Series) ; contributor to English Illustrated, Ludgate, and United Service Magazines ; The Antiquary; 2' he Times; Monthly Packet ; Encyclopaedia Britannica, nth ed. ; The Speaker (reviews). Recreation : Music. Address : North Devon Cottage, Tiverton, Devon. ♦Sneyd-Kynnersley, Edmund Mo- Kenzie : b. Dec. i, 1841 ; s. of T. C. Sneyd-Kynnersley, Barrister- at-law. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1860-4 (J.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 18&2 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1864 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1871. Fereday Fellow of St. John's 1865-79 ; Barrister, I.T., 1869 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools 1874 ; Divisional ditto 1903-6. Publications : H.M.I.f &.C. Club : New University. Ad- dress : Boughton Lodge, Chester. Soames, Reginald : b. 1859 ; 5. of Arthur Soames, of Imham Park, Bourne, Lines. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1877-80. Address : Oxford and Cambridge Club, 71 Pall Mall, London, S.W. ♦Solomon, Joseph : b. Feb. 7, 1853 ; s. of Lewis Solomon, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Corpus Christi 1871 ; Balliol 1872- 6 ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1872 ; Jun. Math. Sch., and 2nd CI. Mods., 1873 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1875 ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1883. Student of I.T. 1879 ; Private Tutor ; Classical and Philosophical Lecturer at University Colls, of Nottingham, N. Wales (Bangor), and Leeds, and Royal Holloway Coll. Publications : Bergson (Con- stable's Philosophy Series) ; articles in Classical Review and Mini. Ad- dress : 75 Holland Road, Kensing- ton, London, W. Somerset, Henry Charies Someis Augustus : b. May 18, 1874 ; s. of Rt, Hon. Lord Henry Somerset ; m. 1896, Lady Katherine Beauclerk, d. of loth Duke of St. Albans. Issue : three sons. £~i3(>7, 1914; contribu- tions to Dictionary of National Biography, Victoria County His- tories, English Historical Review, Oxford Historical Atlas, &c. ; joint editor of Owens College Historical Essays. Addresses : The Univer- sity, and 9 Beaconsfield, Withing- ton, Manchester. Tait, Rev. Walter James : 6. May 31, 1839 ; s. of Rev. W. Tait, In- cumbent of St. Matthew's, Rugby, afterwards Chapl. at Pau ; tn. Jan. 6, 1870, Ellen Catherine, d. of Sir R. D. Kelly, K.C.B. Educ. Rugby (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1858-63 (B.J., E.P., J.R.) ; ist CI. Mods. i860 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1862 ; B.A. 1863 ; M.A. 1865. Ordained d. 1865, p. 1867 ; Fellow, Tutor, and Dean, Worcester Coll., 1865-71 ; Vicar of Long Benton 1 871-2 ; Tavistock 1873-83, and Rural Dean 1880-3 ; Rector of St. Ed- mimd's, Salisbury, 1883-90 ; Vicar of Strood 1 898-1 903. Club : Na- tional Liberal. Address : LismuUen, Wimbledon Park, London, S.W. [Died May 24, 191 3.] Talbot, Joim Arthur William : b. June 26, 1876 ; s. of G. C. Talbot, of Prescott House, Gloucs. ; m. April 1906, Barbara Grace, d. of R.Ticehurst. /ss«^ : one daughter. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1897-9 (A.L.S.). Dervorguilla Soc. Late Major, Royal Gloucestershire Hus- sars (Yeomanry) ; Major, Reserve of Officers, T.F. ; Big-game shoot- ing in Portuguese E. Africa 1903-4 and 5-6 ; resident in Vancouver, B.C., 1906-7. Club : Junior CmI- ton. Address : St. Arvan's Lodge, near Chepstow, Mon. *Talbot, Rev. Neville Stuart : b. Aug. 21, 1879 ; s. of Rt. Rev. E. S. Talbot, Lord Bishop of Winchester. Educ. Haileybury ; Christ Church 1903-7 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1907 ; M.A. 1910 ; Ch.Ch. and Harlequins' Cricket XI's. Union Soc. (Sec. and Lib. 1906, Pres. 1907) ; Pres. of Ch.Ch. Twenty Club, 1906. Lieut., Rifle Brigade, 1 899-1 903 ; served in S. African War (Queen's, five clasps, King's, two clasps, medals) ; A.D.C. to Gen. Sir Neville Lyttelton, Com- mander-in-Chief in S. Africa, 1902- 3; Cuddesdon Theol. Coll. 1907; ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curate of St. Bartholomew's, Armley, Leeds, 1908-9 ; Exam. Chapl. to Archbishop of York 1909-10 ; Fellow, Tutor, Chapl., Jun. Dean, Balliol, 1909-14. Publication: con- tributor to Foundations, 1912. Address : The Castle, Farnham, Surrey. Tallents, George William : b. Sept. 26, 1856 ; s. of Godfrey Tallents, of Newark-on-Trent ; m. Oct. 4, 1883, Hon. Mildred Sophia, d. of ist Baron Ashcombe. Issue: three 334 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER sons, two daughters. Educ. Har- row (Entrance and Lyon Schs.) ; Balliol 1875-9 (E.A., R.G.T.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1876 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1879 ; B.A. i88o. DervorguillaSoc. Barrister, L.I., 1882 ; Mayor of the City of Westminster 1906-7 ; Knight of the Order of Dannebrog (Denmark) 1907. Clubs : Athe- naeum, Carlton. Address : 49 Warwick Square, London, S.W. Tallents, Stephen George : b. Oct. 20, 1884 ; s. of G. W. Tallents, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1903-7 (C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1905 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1907 ; B.A. 1908. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Clerk in the Board of Trade 1909-11 ; Sec. to Departmental Committee on Sight Tests 1910 ; Principal Of&cer in the Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance Dept. of the Board of Trade 1913- ; Lieut., Surrey Yeo- manry, 1903-12. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : 49 Warwick Square, London, S.W. Tanaya, Mom Chow : 6. Nov. 24, 1880 ; s. of Chow fa Chakravarta, of Bangkok. Educ. Bath Coll. ; Bal- liol 1899-1900 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.). Address : H.M. Private Secretary, Bangkok, Siam. [Died 1913.] *Tathain, Meabura : b. Aug. 14, 1886 ; s. of M. T. Tatham, of Northcourt House, Abingdon ; m. July II, 19 12, Bessie Eileen, d. of R. B. Roden, Chief Justice of St. Vincent, W. Indies. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1905-9 (C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1909; B.A. 1910; M.A. 1912; Torpid (2) ; Assoc. XI ; Lawn Tennis team. Dervorguilla Soc. (Pres.). Assist. Master, Beech- mont, Sevenoaks, 1910 ; Private Sec. to the Hon. C. G. Murray, Administrator of St. Vincent, W. Indies, and Acting Clerk to Execu- tive and Legislative Coimcils, 1910-11 ; Assist. Editor, The Arena 191 2-1 3 ; ditto, Pall Mall Magazine 191 3-. Publication : Re- port on the Administration of the Roads and Land Settlement Fund, St. Vincent, 191 1 ; articles on pub- lic school and university subjects in The Arena. Club : Cavendish. Recreations : Mountaineering, lawn tennis. Address : 20 Regent's Park Terrace, London, N.W. *Tatham, Meabum Talbot : b. Feb. 9, 1858 ; s. of C. M. Tatham, Bar- rister-at-law ; m. Dec. 22, 1883, Clara Susan, d. of F. C. Miers, of Beckenham. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1877-83 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.); Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1878 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1881 ; M.A. 1884 ; won Univ. Foils 1882. Union and Dervorguilla (Pres.) Socs. Private Tutor, temporary Assist. Master at Rugby during Summer Term, and took French Class at Westminster School, Mich. Term, 1883 ; Assist. Master, West- minster School, 1884-6 ; Private Tutor 1887-1909 ; J. P., Abingdon and Berks., 1906. Publications : Translation of the Philoctetes of Sophocles, 1883 ; Livy, xxi-xxiii, 1886, 2nd ed. 1889 ; Livy, xxii, 1888 ; Livy, xxi, 1889 ; The Laches of Plato, 1888, reprinted 1891, 1896, 1908 ; Caesar's Gallic War, iii-v, 1896 ; vi and vii, 1898 ; Vir- gil's Aenetd, i, 1901 ; ii and iii, 1902. Address : Northcourt House, Abingdon. *Tatton, Robert Grey : b. Dec. 7, 1848 ; 5. of T. W. Tatton, of Wythenshawe, Cheshire ; Educ, Harrow; Balliol 1867-71 (E.P., T.H.G.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1868 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1871 ; M.A., 1873; Torpid. Union Soc. Fellow, Lecturer, and Tutor 1872-87, Jun. Dean 1874, Jun. Bursar 1879-82, Balliol ; Student, I.T., 1882 ; after leaving Oxford resided in London, taking part in educational work ; member of Council of London Soc. for Extension of University Teach- ing till 1902, and Org. Sec. of Chelsea Centre ; member of Coun- cils of Toynbee Hall, Passmore Edwards Settlement, and Girls* Public Day School Trust ; first Warden of Passmore Edwards Settlement 1 897-1 903. Publica- 335 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER tioHS : joint translator of Lotze's System der Philosophic, 1884 ; edited Select Writings of T. Godolphin Reaper, with Memoir, 1907. Clubs : Oxford and Cam- bridge, Albemarle, Burlington Fine Arts, Alpine. Address : 2 Somers Place, Hyde Park, London, W. ♦latum, Henry Francis : h. May 24, 1853 ; s. of Rev. W. W. Tatum, Rector of St. Martin's, Salisbury. Educ. Christ's Hospital ; Balliol 1872-7 (E.A., F. de P.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland Sch., 1874 ; 4th Math. 1875 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1877 ; M.A. 1879. Assist, Master, Berkhamsted, 1878 ; Blimdell's School, Tiverton, i%%2-. Address'. Blundell's School, Tiverton, Devon. Tavistock, Marquess of, Hastings William SackviUe Russell : b. Dec. 21, 1889 ; 5. of nth Duke of Bed- ford. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1906-10 (E.J.P., H.W.C.D.,A.L.S., F.F.U.); 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1910. Union and Dei^vorguilla Socs. A d- dress : 15 Belgrave Square, Lon- don, S.W. Tawney, Richard Henry : 6. Nov. 30, 1880 ; s. of C. H. Tawney, of Weybridge ; w. Jeannette Bever- idge. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1899-1903 (J.A.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Prox. Acces. to Craven Sch., 1901 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; Sec. of Hockey and Tennis teams. Brakenbury Soc. Sec. of Children's Country Holiday Fund, and Resi- dent at Toynbee Hall, 1903-6 ; Assist, in Economics Department of Glasgow Univ. 1906-8 ; leader writer, and editor of Educational Colunm, Morning Post, 1908-9 ; Teacher imder Oxford Tutorial Classes Committee 1909-14. Publi- cations : The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century ; articles on educational subjects in Economic Journal, Journal of the Sociological Soc, Economic Review, &c. Ad- dress : 17 Mecklenburgh Square, London, W.C. Taylor, Hugh : b. Dec. 24, 1880 ; s. of Thomas Taylor, of Chipchase Castle, Wark-on-Tyne. ; m. 1907, Mary, d. of H. Villiers Stuart, D.L., M.P. Issue '. one son. Educ. Wixenford ; Harrow ; Balliol 1899-1903 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; Univ. Chess team v. Cambridge 1902-3 ; Torpid (2). Union Soc. Scots Guards 1904, Lieut. 1905. Clubs : Guards', Boodle's, Royal Auto- mobile. Address : Chipchase Castle, Wark-on-Tyne. Taylor, William Arthur : b. 1858 ; s. of Rev. R. Taylor, Vicar of Monk Hesleden, Castle Eden. Educ. Appleby ; Balliol 1877-80 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1878 ; B.A. 1882. Taylor, William Duncan : b. Jan. 22, 1886; s. of Peter Taylor, of Falkirk. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1910-12 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; ist Eng. Lit. 1912 ; B.A. 1913. Address : 9 Alma St., Falkirk, Scotland. Temple, Frederick Charles : b. June 25, 1879 ; s. of Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Frederick Temple, Arch- bishop of Canterbury ; m. Jan. 1907, Frances Mary Copleston, d. of Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Calcutta. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1 898-1 900 (F. de P.). Brakenbury Soc. Civil Engineer ; formerly worked imder Mansergh ; served in South Afri- can War ; in Military Works Ser- vice in Calcutta and Public Works Department in Punjab Canals ; District Engineer at Muzaffarpur, Behar. Address : Muzaffarpur, Behar, India. ♦Temple, Rev. William : 6. Oct. 15, 1881 ; s. of Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Frederick Temple, Arch- bishop of Canterbury. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-4 (F. de P., H.W.C.D., J.A.S.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1902 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 1907; Rugby XV (Capt.). Union (Sec. and Lib. 1903, Pres, 1904), Brakenbury, and Fodringeye Socs. Fellow and Lecturer in Philosophy, Queen's Coll., Oxford, 1904-10 ; ordained d. 1908, p. 1909 ; Hon. 336 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Chapl, to Archbishop of Canter- bury 1910 ; Head Master of Repton 1910-14 ; Rector of St. James's, Piccadilly, London, W., 1914- ; Pres. of Workers' Edu- cational Association ; Select Preacher, Oxford, 191 2-14. Publi- cations : The Faith and Modern Thought, 1910 ; The Nature of Personality, 191 1 ; The Kingdom of God ; contributed two essays to Foundations, 1912 ; Repton School Sermons, 191 3 ; articles in Mind, Economic and Oxford and Cambridge Reviews, Student World, Student Movement, &c. Club : Cavendish, Address : St, James's Rectory, Piccadilly, London, W. Tennant, Charles Coombe : b. July, 1852 ; s. of Charles Tennant, M,P., of the Vale of Neath ; m. Dec, 12, 1895, Winifred Margaret, d. of G. P. Serocold, of Cherryhinton, Cambs, Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1872-6 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1876. Barrister, LT., 1882 ; J.P.,Glam. Club : Brooks's. Addresses : 5 Sloane Court, London, S.W.; Cadoxton Lodge, Vale of Neath, South Wales. Terry, Cecil Henry : 6. March 14, 1892 ; s. of H. G. Terry, of Bath. Educ. Oundle ; Balliol 1911- (H.B.H.) ; Cricket and Hockey XI's ; Torpid (2). Address : 2 Gay St., Bath. ♦Theobald, Henry Studdy : b. June 7, 1847 ; s. of William Theobald, of the Calcutta Bar. ; m. Dec. 19, 1885, Anne, d. of Edward Rogers, of Wolverhampton. Educ. Rugby ; BalUol 1866-70 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; ist CI. Mods., 2nd Math. Mods., and Taylorian Sch. (German with French), 1868 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1870 ; M.A. 1877. Fellow 1 871, Lecturer and Senior Bursar 1881, Hon. Fellow, Wadham Coll. ; Examiner in Jur. 1884 ; Barrister, I.T., 1873 ; Q.C. 1899 ; Master in Lunacy 1907. Publica- tions : Concise Treatise on the Law of Wills ; The Law of Land ; Catalogue of Crome's Etchings ; joint author of TheLaw of Railways. Club : Burlington Fine Arts. Ad- dresses : 7 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. : 46 Hyde Park Square. London, W. Thlel, Carl Walther : 6, Feb. 21, 1867 ; s. of Carl Thiel, of Hambiurg ; m. May 20, 1896, Margaret, d. of C. A. B. Pfeilschmidt, of Sheffield. Educ. Chemnitz, Saxony ; Balliol 1895-6. Ph.D. Leipzig 1892 ; Demonstrator in Balliol Labora- tory 1893-6 ; formerly Chemist and Manager in various rubber-works in England and Germany, and Manager of works of F, Roddaway & Co., Pendleton. Thomas, Albert Edward : b. July 15, 1871 ; s. of E. J. Thomas, of Ham- mersmith. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-2 (W.M.) ; Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 10 Biurnaby Crescent, Chiswick. Thomas, Algernon Philips Withiel : b. 1857; s. of J. W. Thomas, of Medlock Hall, Ashton-under-Lyne. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 1874-7, 79-80 ; Sch. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1876 ; ist Nat. Sci. 1877 ; B.A. 1878 ; Burdett-Coutts Sch. 1879 ; M.A. 1881. Prof, of Biology, University Coll., Auckland, N.Z., 1883-1914; retired. Ad- dress : Trewithiel, Epsom, Auck- land, New Zealand. Thomas, George Gilbert Treheme : see Treherne, G. G. T. Thomas, Herbert Henry : b. March 13, 1876 ; s. of Frederick Thomas ; m. 1904, Anna M., d. of Rev. O. H. Mosley. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Exeter School ; Sidney Coll., Cambridge (Harkness Sch., and B.A., 1897, SedgAvick Prizeman, and M.A., 1904, Sc.D. 1914) ; member of Balliol 1898- 1906 ; B.A. 1898, B.Sc. 1906, Oxford. Union Soc, Assist, to Prof, of Geology in Oxford 1898- 1901 ; Geologist 1901-11, Petro- grapher 191 1-, H.M. Geological Survey, Board of Education ; Sec. of Council of Geological Soc. of London. Club : United Uni- versity. Addresses : 28 Jermyn St., London, S.W. ; 22 Gayton Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill. 337 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER ♦Thomas, Rev. Joseph Llewelyn : b. 1853 ; s. of Thomas Thomas, of Garnant, Carm. Educ. Llandilo Gr. School (Dux) ; St. David's Coll., Lampeter (Sen. Sch.) ; Jesus Coll. 1874 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1876 ; Balliol 1877 (B.J., J.L.S.D., A.C.B., A.L.S., R.L.N.) ; B.A. and M.A. 1886 ; Union Soc. Ordained d. 1886, p. 1888 ; Curate of Briton Ferry 1886- 94 ; Vicar of Aberpergwm 1894- ; Lecturer in Wales for Palestine Exploration Fund ; Hon. Sec. of National Soc., and of Jerusalem and the East Mission ; Fellow of Royal Geographical Soc. ; member of japan Soc, Cambrian Archaeo- logical Assoc, and of Hon. Soc. of Cynmurodorion. Publications : Ox- ford to Palestine, 1890 ; Journeys Amongst the Gentle Japs, 1897 ; Views Alofig the Volga, With Notes, 1907 ; articles on The Anglican Church in A merica, Kaiser William'' s Pilgrimage to the Holy City, Visits to Count Tolstoy, &c Recreations : Cycling, fishing, foreign travel. Club : Welsh. Address : Pont- Neath-Vaughan, Neath, S. Wales. Thomas, Richard Macaulay : b. Oct. 6, 1857 ; s. of J. D. Thomas, High Bailiff of County Courts in Glamorganshire ; m. 1884, Ger- trude, d. of W. de G. Warren. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Cheltenham ; Balliol 1876-8 (A.G.); and CI. Mods. 1877 ; 3rd Jur., and B.A., 1878 ; Cricket and Assoc. XI's ; Dervorguilla Soc. Town Clerk of Carmarthen 1 888-1908 ; Sec. of Royal Commission on Welsh Church 1906-9 ; Chief Agent to Sir Watkin Williams Wyim, Bart., 190&- ; M.V.O. 1911. Publica- tions : Trewern, a Tale of the Thirties, 1901 ; The Alpujarra, 1902. Recreations : Fishing, shoot- ing. Club : Reform. Address : Min-yr-Afon, Overton Bridge, Ruabon. Thomas, Richard Moody : b. 1854 ; s. of Rev. John Thomas, of Chapel House, Bridport. Educ. Balliol 1 871-4 ; Ex. Thompson, Downing Charles : b. Dec. 1, 1892 ; 5. of C. W. Thompson, of West Norwood. Educ. Dulwich ; Balliol 191 1- (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Williams Ex. ; Goldsmiths' Co. Ex. in CI. and Divinity 1912 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 191 3. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Conway, 94 St. Julian's Farm Road, West Nor- wood, London, S.E. Thompson, George Ernest : b. Sept. 2, 1871 ; s. of Frederick Thompson, of Oxford, Educ Royal High School, Edinburgh ; Balliol 1890-4 (F. de P., R.L.N., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1892 ; B.A. 1895 ; Arnold Soc Engaged in private tuition on the Continent 1894-9 ; Assist. Master, St. Mary's School, Melrose, 1900 ; Aravon School, Bray, Co. Wicklow, 1902 ; Sen. Mod. Lang. Master, Hymers Coll., Hull, 1906-. Club : Junior Conservative. Ad- dress : 25 Louis Street, Hull. ♦Thomson, Arthur Dyott : b. 1822 ; s. of Thomas Thomson, M.D., of London. Educ. Balliol 1839-44 ; B.A. 1844 ; M.A. 1849. Barrister, LT., 1852. Thomson, Harry : 6. Feb. 27, 1888 ; s. of George Thomson, of Adelaide. Educ. St Peter's Coll., Adelaide Univ. ; Balliol 1910-13 (E.H., H.W.C.D.); Rhodes Sch.; ist Jur., and B.A., 1912 ; Diploma (Honours) in Economics ; Univ. Lacrosse team v. Cambridge. Ad- dress : c/o Varley and Evan, SoUcitors, Adelaide, S. Australia. ♦Thomson, Henry Thomas : b. March 21, 1874 ; s. of Andrew Thomson, LL.D., Barrister-at-law, formerly Reader on Equity to Incorporated Law Soc, and after- wards Prof, of Equity to the Inns of Coiu"t. Educ. Private ; Univer- sity Coll., London ; Balliol 1894- 1900 (J.W.R., E.J.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1896 ; 3rd Math. 1898 ; B.A. 1899 ; B.C.L., and M.A., 1901 ; Lawn Tennis (one of first pair) ; Union and Arnold Socs. Barrister, L.I., 1902 ; Chancery Bar ; Re- vising Barrister for Middlesex Cir- cuit 1912, 13. Recreations : Lawn tennis, skating. Clubs : Eighty, Queen's. A ddress : 3 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. BALLIOL COLLEGE REGLSTER Thomson, Ninian Hill : b. July 17, 1830; 5. of William Thomson, M.D., Prof, of the Practice of Medicine in Univ. of Glasgow ; m. Dec. 19, 1863, Margaret, d. of John Couper, M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica in Univ. of Glasgow, Educ. Glasgow Univ, ; Balliol 1849-53 (E.C.W., B.J., J,R.) ; Snell Ex. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1853 ; M.A. 1856 ; Torpid. Union Soc. Bar- rister, Scotch Bar 1855, Calcutta Bar 1859, M.T. 1877 ; Chief Judge of Court of Small Causes, Kishna- ghur District of Bengal Presidency, 1862 ; Judge of ditto, Calcutta, 1863 ; returned to England 1873 ; reported Indian appeal cases heard by Judicial Committee of Privy Coimcil 1875-8 ; Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews, 1909. Publications : Commentary on Act XIV of iSjg, Regulating the Limitation of Civil Suits in India, 1865, 2nd ed. 1871 ; translations of Machiavelli's The Prince, 1882, 2nd ed. 1897, 3rd ed. 1913, Discourses on the First Decade of Livy, 1883, and The Floren- tine History, 1906; Guicciardini's Counsels and Reflections, 1895. A ddress : Villa L. Cancelli, Careggi, Florence, Italy. Thomson, William : 6. May 25, 1863 ; s. of W. C. Thomson, of Dilston Haugh, Corbridge. Educ. Dollar Academy ; St. Andrews Univ. (Byers and Guthrie Schs.) ; Balliol 1882 ; Hertford (Sch.) 1882-6 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1886 ; M.A. 1889. M.A., St. Andrews ; en- gaged in Preparatory School work for 2 J years; Assist. Master, Rep- ton, imtil 1910. Address : Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Thome, John Anderson : b. Oct. 17, 1888 ; s. of J. C. Thome, of Madagascar. Educ. Blundell's (Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1907- II (A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1909 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1911. I.C.S. ; gained 23rd place in Exam. 1911. Address : 30 St. Peter's St., Tiverton, Devon. Thornton, Roland Hobhouse : b. June 19, 1892 ; s. of A. V. Thornton , of Cambridge. Educ. Marlborough ; BalUol 1911- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.J.T.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1913 ; Torpid ; Eight ; Brakenbury (Pres.) and Arnold Socs.; O.U.D.S. Address : Lynton, Huntingdon Rd., Cambridge. Thornton, William George Squire : b. June 23, 1874; s. of W.S.Thornton, of Mercote, Hampton-in-Arden ; m. 1907, Alma Augusta, d. of G. H. Sharpe. Issue : two sons. Educ. Rivington Gr. School (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1893-7 (RC, F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1895 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1897 ; B.A. 1898 ; Teaching Di- ploma (with distinction) ; Cricket and Assoc. XI's. Arnold Soc. Assist. Master, Merchant Taylors' School, 1899-1903 ; Whitgift Gr. School, 1903-5 ; King Edward VII School, Shefi&eld, 1905-6 ; Head Master, Tadcaster Gr. School, 1906-. Recreations : Cricket, golf, tennis, cycling. Address : Riving- ton, Tadcaster, Yorks. Thorold, Harry Octavius : 6. 1829 ; s. of A. W. Thorold, of Santa Maura, Corfu. Educ. BalUol 1847. Brigade Surgeon, Bombay Army (retired), 1881. Address : Russell House, Ilfracombe. Thynne, Lord Alexander George Boteville : b. 1873 ; s. of 5th Mar- quess of Bath. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1891-5 (A.L.S., W.H.F.). Con- tested (U.) Frome Div. of Somerset 1896 ; City of Bath 1905 ; mem- ber of London County Council, City of London 1 899-1900, Green- wich 1907- ; served in S. African War with ist Batt. I.Y., and on Staff, 1900-2 ; Queen's (three clasps). King's (two clasps), medals ; Sec. to Governor of Orange River Colony 1902-5 ; Renter's Corre- spondent with Somaliland Field Force (medal and clasp) 1903-4 ; Major, Royal Wilts. Yeomanry ; M.P. (U.) Bath 1910-. Clubs : White's, Turf, Carlton. Address : Norton Hall, Daventry. ♦Tillotson, Frederick Lever : b. Jan. II, 1879 ; s. of F. W. Tillotson, of 339 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Bolton. Educ. Shrewsbury ; Bal- liol 1897-1900 (A.L.S.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1904. Arnold Soc. Newspaper proprie- tor, printer, box manufacturer, &c. ; member of firm of Tillotson & Son, Ltd., Bolton and Liverpool. Address : Westcombe, Heaton, Bolton. Tillyard, Frank : 6. Jan. 23, 1865 ; 5. of Isaac Tillyard, Shoe Manu- facturer, Norwich ; m. 1891, Emily Katherine, d. of Edwin Ridley, Ship-broker. Issue : two daughters. Educ. City of London School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1883-8 (J.W.R.,A.V.D.) ; Ex.; istMath. Mods. 1884 ; ist Math. 1886 ; B.A. 1887 ; ist Jur., and Vinerian Sch., 1888 ; M.A. 1902 ; Univ. Chess Club v. Cambridge. Union Soc. Barrister, M.T., 1890 ; prac- tised in London until 1896 ; started Poor Man's Lawyer Move- ment at Mansfield House Settle- ment ; first Pres. of Poor Man's Lawyer Assoc. ; engaged in social work in Sheffield 1 896-1 904 ; Lectiu"er in Commercial Law, 1904-13, Prof. 1913-, Birmingham Univ. ; Org. Sec. of Birmingham C.O.S. 1904-14 ; Fellow of Royal Economic Soc. 1 910 ; an appointed member of Trade Boards 1911-; Chairman of Coiurts of Referees under Part II of Nat. Insurance Act for the Birmingham and Coventry Districts 191 3-. Publi- cations : Banking and Negotiable Instruments, 1891, 2nded. 1906, 3rd ditto 1907, 4th ditto 1914 ; Intro- duction to Commercial Law, 1907 ; joint author Goodwill and Trade- marks ; contributor to Economic Journal and Journal of the Institute of Bankers. Recreations : Chess, golf, cycling. Addresses : The University, and 27 Foimtain Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Timmis, William Udal : 6. Nov. i, 1874 ; s. of I. A. Timmis, of London. Educ. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1894-8 (F.F.U., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1898 ; Univ., 1896-8, and Coll. Assoc. XI's ; Cricket XI. Clerk in Lord Chan- cellor's Office 1 898-1 908 ; Princi- pal Clerk in Chancery Registrar's Office, Royal Courts of Justice, 1908-. Recreations : Football, cricket, golf. Club : Public Schools. Addresses : Mountfield, Chislehurst ; Chancery Registrar's Office, Royal Courts of Justice, London, W.C. Todd, George : b. 1844 ; s. of John Todd, of Greenock ; w. 1888, Emily M., d. of J. H. Ellerman, Hanoverian Consul at Hull. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ . Greenock Academy ; Balliol 1865- 8 (E.C.W., T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1867 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1869; B.A. 1870; M.A. 1877. Union Soc. Principal of Colombo Academy, Ceylon, 1870 ; Acting Director of Public Instruction, Ceylon, 1875 ; Examiner in Scotch Education Department 1878 ; First Assist. Sec, ditto, 1898 ; I.S.O. 1902 ; retired 1909. Clubs : Savile, National Liberal. Address: St. Sebastian, Putney, London, S.W. [Died Dec. 25, 1912.] *Todd, James Eadie : b. Sept. 2, 1885 ; s. of Rev. James Todd, Minister of United Free Church of Scotland. Educ. George Watson's Coll. ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1908-10 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Hon. Ex. ; Prox. Acces. Stanhope Essay and Gladstone Memorial Prize ; ist Mod. Hist. 1910 ; B.A. and M.A. 1914. Union and Arnold Socs. Lecturer in Economic Hist., Univ. of Edinburgh, 1910-13 ; George Mimro Prof, of Hist, and Economics, Dalhousie Univ., Hali- fax, Nova Scotia, 191 3-; Fellow of Royal Economic Soc. ; member Scottish Soc. of Economists. Club : University (Montreal). Address : The University, Dalhousie, Hali- fax, Nova Scotia. Toke, Leslie Alexander St. Law- rence : b. Aug. 10, 1871 ; s. of Col. J. L. Toke, of Bucksford, Great Chart, Kent ; m. 1902, Rosalie Mary, d. of Capt. Fairfax- Cholmeley, of Brandsby Hall, Yorks. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 340 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1891-5 (W.H.R, J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. 1895. Union and Arnold Socs. In London 1896-8 ; New York 1898-9 ; Yorks. 1900-1 ; Italy 1901-2. Publications : various articles on social and historical subjects. Address : Stratton-on- the- Fosse, Somerset. ♦Tollemache, Hon. Lionel Arthur : b. May 28, 1838 ; s. of ist Baron Tollemache ; m. Jan. 25, 1870, Beatrice Lucia Catherine Egerton, d. of ist Baron Egerton of Tatton. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1856-60 (B.J.) ; Sch. ; ist Lit. Hum., 4th Math., and B.A., i860 ; M.A. 1863. Union Soc. Publications : Safe Studies and Stones of Stum- bling, 1891 ; Recollections of Mark Pattison ; Benjamin Jowett, a Per- sonal Memoir, 1895 ; Talks with Mr. Gladstone, 1898 ; Old and Odd Memories, 1908. Club : Athe- naeum. Address : Dunrozel, Fam- ham Lane, Haslemere. Tollinton, Henry Phillips : &. 1870 ; s. of R. B. Tollinton, Merchant, of York. Educ. Leamington Coll. ; Balliol 1889-94 (W.R.H., J.L.S.D.); Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1891 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1893. I.C.S., Punjab ; Assist. Commissioner 1894; Under-Sec. to Government Revenue Dept. 1899 ; Deputy Commissioner 1904 and 1909 ; District Judge 1906 ; Divisional ditto 1908 ; Deputy Sec. to Government, Legislative Dept., 1908 ; Chief Sec. to Government, July 1910 ; Sec. ditto. Revenue Dept., Oct. 1910. Address: I.C.S., Lahore, Punjab, India. ^Tollinton, Rev. Richard Bartram : b. Sept. 22, 1866 ; s. of R. B. Tol- linton, Merchant, of York ; m. Minnie, d. of Rt. Rev. W. Boyd Carpenter, Lord Bishop of Ripon. Issue : one son. Educ. Shrews- bury ; Leamington Coll. ; Balliol 1885-9 (F. de P., R.L.N.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1887 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1893 ; B.D. 1905 ; Torpid (2). Brakenburv Soc. CI. Master in Upper School, Liverpool Coll., 1890 ; ordained d. and p. 1892 ; Resident Chapl. to Bishop of Ripon 1892-4 ; Chapl. Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Insti- tution 1 895-1 901 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Ripon 1895-1911 ; Rector of St. George's, Bloomsbury, 1 90 1-9 ; Tendring 1909-. Publi- cations : Clement of Alexandria, a Study in Christian Liberalism, 1914 ; contributions to Church Quarterly Review. Address : Ten- dring Rectory, Weeley, Essex. Tomkinson, Charles William : b. June 13, 1877 ; s. of Rt. Hon. James Tomkinson, of Willington Hall, Tarporley. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1896-1900 (F. de P., D.H.N.), 3rd CI. Mods. 1898; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Zool.), and B.A., 1900 ; Univ. 1899, 1900, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights. Dervorguilla Soc. Merchant ; contested (L.) Hom- sey Div. 1906. Club : Brooks's. Address : Willington Hall, Tar- porley. Tomkinson, James Edward : b. Dec. 2, 1879 ; s. of Rt. Hon. James Tomkinson, P.C, of Willington Hall, Tarporley; m. 191 1, Marion Lindsay, d. of L. E. Smith, of Ash- fold, Handcross, Sussex. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1898-1902 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1900 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1902 ; Univ. Seniors 1 901-2 and Coll. Cricket XI's. Dervorguilla Soc. Member of Stock Exchange ; partner in Tomkinson, Brunton & Co., 2 Threadneedle St., E.C. Clubs : Brooks's, Union, Bath, Maryle- bone. Address : 102 Eaton Place, London, S.W. ♦Tout, Thomas Frederick : b. Sept. 28, 1855 ; s. of T. E. Tout, of London ; m. 1875, Mary, d. of H. A. Johnstone, J. P., of Stock- port. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. St. Olave's School, Southwark (Sch.) ; Balliol 1875-81 (J.F B., J.L.S.D., R.L.N., T.H.G., R.G.T., A.C.B., E.A.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1877; B.A. 1878; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1879 ; M.A. 1881. Union and Brakenbury Socs. Engaged in tuition 1879-81 ; Prof, of Mod. Hist., St. David's Coll., Lampeter, 341 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 1881-90 ; Fellow of Pembroke Coll., Oxford, 1883-90 ; Exam, in Mod. Hist., Oxford, 1889-91 ; Prof, of Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. 1890-1913, Prof, of Mediaeval and Eccles. Hist., 191 3-, First Dean of Faculty of Arts 1904-5, and Chair- man of Publications Committee, Manchester Univ. ; Governor of John Rylands Library ; ditto, and Chairman, Manchester High School for Girls ; Pres. of His- torical Assoc. 19x0-12 ; F.B.A. 191 1 ; Ford's Lecturer in Eng. Hist., Oxford, 191 2-1 3 ; Pres. of Mediaeval Section of Intemat. Historical Congress, London, and member of Advisory Committee on record publications, 191 3. Publications : Analysis of English History, 1891 ; Edward the First, 1 893 ; The Empire and the Papacy, 1898; History of Great Britain (Longman's School Series), 3 vols., 1Q02, 3, 6 ; Political History of England, f^^t^fj??, 1905 ; His- tory of England for Schools, vols, ii and iii, 1890, 8 ; joint editor and contributor to Owens College His- torical Essays, 1902 ; joint editor Select Trials of the Judges and Ministers, i28$-<)2, 1906 ; The Place of the Reign of Edward II in English History, 1914 ; contributor to Dictionary of National Bio- graphy, English Historical Review, Oxford Historical Atlas, Cambridge Mod. Hist., &c. Recreations : Cy- cling, travel. Club : Brasenose (Manchester). Addresses : i Oak Drive, Fallowfield, Manchester ; Upper Booth, Edale, Sheffield. Tovey, Donald Francis : b. July 17, 1875 ; s. of Rev. D. C. Tovey, Rector of Worplesdon. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1894-8 (W.R.H., W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; Nettleship Sch. ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1898. First series of concerts of chamber music, London, 1900, followed by similar concerts in Berlin and Vienna, with the co- operation of Joachim and other artists ; his concerts have been organized by a committee, under the title of the Chelsea Concerts, since 1906. Publications : Musical — Concerto for Pianoforte in A, op. 15 ; Songs, opp. 2 and 3 ; Rounds, op. 5 ; Chamber Music for various combinations, opp. 1-29 ; Literary — several essays in Musical Analysis, issued in con- nexion with his own concerts and those of the Meiningen Orchestra ; articles on musical biography, technique, and aesthetics in Ency- clopaedia Britannica (nth ed.). A ddress : Englefield Green, Surrey. Toynbee, Arnold Joseph : 6. April 14, 1889 ; s. of H. V. Toynbee, of London; m. Sept. 11, 1913, Rosalind, d. of Dr. G. G. A. Murray, Regius Prof, of Greek in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Win- chester (Sch. and Goddard Ex.) ; Balliol i907-ii(A.W.P.C.,A.D.L.); CI. Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; Dist. 1907, Prox. Acces. to Ireland and Craven Sch. Exams. 1908 ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1909 ; ist Lit. Himi. 191 1 ; B.A. 1 9 1 2 . Student at British School at Athens 1911-12 ; Fellow and CI. Tutor, Balliol, 1912-. Addresses: Balliol College, and 5 Park Cres- cent, Oxford. •Toynbee, Paget Jackson : b. Jan. 20, 1855 ; s. of Joseph Toynbee, F.R.S. ; tn. 1894, Helen (d. 1910), d. of E. G. Wrigley. Educ. Black- heath ; Wimbledon ; Haileybury ; Balliol 1874-8 (R.L.N., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1875 ; B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1880; D.Litt. 1901 ; O.U.R.V.C. (Sergeant). M.A., Cape of Good Hope Univ., 1881 ; private and travelling tutor 1878-92 ; visited Cape Colony 1881, and travelled round world 1886-7 ; Corr. Member of the Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere ; Hon. Member of Cambridge (U.S.A.) Dante Soc. Publications : Specimens of Old French {Cent. IX-XV), 1892 ; Index of Proper Names in the Works of Dante, 1894, 2nd ed. 1897, 3rd ed. 1904 ; Historical French Grammar, 1896 ; Dic- tionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante, 1898 ; Riccrche e Note 342 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Dantesche, 1899, 2nd ser. 1904 ; Critical Text of the ' Divina Corn- media ', 1899 ; Gary's Vision of Dante — Hell, 1899, Purgatory, 1 90 1, Paradise, 1902 ; Life oj Dante, 1900, 2nd ed. 1901, 3rd ed. 1904, cheap ed. 1905, Italian translation 1908, 4th ed. 1910 ; Dante Studies and Researches, 1902; Gary's Dante, popular ed., 1903 ; Chronological List of English Trans- lations from Dante, from Chaucer to the Present Day, 1906 ; In the Footprints of Dante, 1907 ; Dante in English Literature from Chaucer to Cary, 2 vols., 1909 ; The Vatican, Venetian, and S. Pantaleone Texts of Dante's Letters, 1912 ; Index of authors quoted by Boccaccio in his Comento sopra la Divina Com- media, 191 3 ; Concise Dante Dic- tionary, and Supplement to Mrs. Toynbee's ed. of Letters of Horace Walpole, 1914; completed and prepared for press Mrs. Toynbee's ed. of Lettres de la Marquise du Deffatid a Horace Walpole, 3 vols,, 1912 ; contributed articles and notes on Dante and on mediaeval literature to Academy, Athenaeum, Literature, Edinburgh, Quarterly, Church Quarterly, English His- torical, and Modern Language Reviews, Times, Guardian, Tribune, Manchester Guardian, Sphere, New York Nation, Reports of Cambridge {U.S.A.) Dante Soc, Bulletin Italien, Giornale Storico della Letter atur a Italiana, Romania, Bul- lettino della Societd Dantesca Italiana, and contributions to volumes in honour of F. J. Furnivall, Arturo Graf, Michele Scherillo, Rodolfo Renier, Fran- cesco Torraca, and Emile Picot. Recreations : Book-collecting, gar- dening, carpentry. A ddress : Five- ways, Bumham, Bucks. ♦Treneme, George Gilbert Treheme ; formerly Thomas, G. G. T. : b. Dec. 30, 1837 ; s. of R. G. Thomas, J. P., D.L., of Llannon, Carmar- then ; m. Sept. 12, 1866, Elizabeth Jane, d. of George Gape, of St. Michael's Manor, St. Alban's. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1857-61 (B.J.) ; 4th Law and Hist., and B.A., i86i ; M.A. 1878 ; Univ., 1859, and Coll. (Head of River twice) Eights. Solicitor ; sen. partner in Treheme, Higgins & Co. ; Director of Royal Academy of Music, and of Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. ; member of Council of Cymmrodorion Soc. ; first Pres. of Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Soc. Publications : articles in Journal of the Archaeological Cambrensis, Trans, of Carmarthenshire Anti- quarian Soc, &c. ; joint author of The Record of the University Boat Race, 1884. Club : New Uni- versity. Addresses : 7 Blooms- bury Square, London, W.C. ; 26 Brunswick Gardens, Kensington, London, W. ; Merton Cottage, Ringmer, Sussex. Trench, George Harry : b. Oct. 14, 1852 ; 5. of F. A. Trench, of New- lands, Co. Dublin ; m. 1906, Caro- line Beatrice, d. of Col. E. H. Cameron, R.A. Educ. Twyford ; Harrow ; New Coll. 1871 ; Balliol 1872-4 (T.L.P., R.L.N., T.K.C.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1873. Joined Church of Rome 1874. Publications: Cruci- fixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1908 ; Birth and Boyhood of Jesus Christ, 191 1. Address : Tyes Place, Staplefield, Sussex. Trevilian, Edwin Brooke Cely : b. 1833 ; s. of M. C. Trevilian, of Freefolk, Hants. Educ. Winches- ter ; Balliol 1851 ; B.A. i860. Barrister, I.T., 1863 ; J. P. Som. Address : Midelney Place, Curry Rivel, Somerset. Trevor, Stephen Lloyd : b. Aug. 3, 1886 ; s. of William Trevor, of Lathbury Park, Newport Pagnell. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1905-9 (C.B., H.W.G.D.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1907 ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1909 ; B.A. 1910 ; M.A. 1912 ; Cricket XI (Sec. and Capt.). Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.). Studied at Sorbonne Univ., Paris (Certificat k l&tudes Fran^aises) 1909-10 ; Master at Horris Hill Private School, 1910-11. Ad- dress : Lathbury Park, Newport Pagnell. 343 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Trevor, William : b. Feb. lo, 1856 ; 5. of E. S. R. Trevor, J. P., D.L., of Trowscoed, Welshpool ; m. July 29, 1885, Emily, d. of William Millar, of South Heath, Hamp- stead. Issue : one son, one daugh- ter. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1875-9 (A.C.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1877; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1879; B.A. 1880; M.A. 1887; Univ. Rugby XV; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. Army and Univ. Tutor; J. P. Bucks. Ad- dress : Lathbury Park, Newport Pagnell. Tristram, Lancelot Barrington Crofts : b. March 17, 1882 ; s. of S. B. Tristram, of Sompting Ab- botts, Sussex. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-2 (E.A., W.H.F.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902. Union and Arnold Socs. Capt., 17th Leicestershire Regt., 1903. Club : Junior Naval and Military. Address : Sompting Abbotts, Worthing. ♦Trotter, Victor Murray Coutts : b. May 12, 1874 ; s. of Alexander Trotter, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; tn. Aug. 9, 1905, Dorothy Evelyn Mary, d. of G. W. Godfrey. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1893-7 (W.R.H., E.A., J.A.S.); Sch. ; Hertford Sch. 1893 ; ist CI. Mods. 1895 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1897 ; Eldon Sch. 1898 ; M.A. 1910. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Deputy Prof, of Greek, Liverpool Univ., 1898 ; Barrister, LT., 1901 ; N.E. Cir- cuit ; Lecturer in Criminal Law and the Law of Evidence, Oxford Univ., 1910-. Recreations : Golf, sailing, music. Clubs : Eighty ; Leeds, Sheffield. A ddr esses : Little Hillfield, Swanage ; 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. ; 10 Leonard Place, Kensington, London, W. Troup, Sir (Charles) Edward ; b. March 27, 1857 ; s. of Rev. Robert Troup, of Huntly, N.B. ; m. Jan. 2, 1897, Winifred Louisa, d. of George MacDonald, LL.D., of Bordighera, Italy. Educ. Aberdeen Univ. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-3 (E.A.) Domus Ex. ; Cobden Prize, and B.A., 1883. Union Soc. Home Office ; Jun. Clerk 1881 ; Private Sec. 1885 ; Sen. Clerk i886 ; Principal ditto 1895 ; Assist. Under Sec. of State 1903 ; Per- manent ditto 1908- ; Barrister, M.T., 1888 ; C.B. 1897 ; Editor of Judicial Statistics 1 893-1903 ; Chairman of Committees on Iden- tification of Criminals 1893, and Cremation 1902 ; K.C.B. 1909 ; member of Royal Commission on Justices of the Peace 19 10, and of Coronation Exec. Committee 1910 -II ; M.A., Hon. LL.D., Aberdeen Univ. Publications : Future of Free Trade (Cobden Essay), 1884 ; various official reports published as blue books ; edited (for New Spalding Club) Place Names of West Aberdeenshire, 1900. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Addresses: Home Office, Whitehall, and 44 Grosvenor Road, Westminster, London, S.W. ♦Troup, Rev. George Elmslie : 6. March 13, 1882 ; s. of Rev. G. E. Troup, of West Manse, Broughty Ferry. Educ. St. Andrews Univ. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1904-6 (J.A.S.) ; Aegrotat Lit. Hum. 1906 ; B.A. 1907 ; M.A. 1910. Arnold (Pres.) and Brakenbury Socs. M.A. (CI. Honours) St. Andrews ; New Coll., Edin. (Theol.), 1906-9 ; Sub- Warden, New Coll. Settlement, Edinburgh, 1908-9 ; Assist. Minis- ter of St. George's United Free Church, Edinburgh, 1909-11; Minister of Well Road Church, Moffat, 191 1-. Address : Well Road Manse, Moffat, Scotland. Trower, Harold Edward : b. Oct. 24, 1853 ; s. of C. F. Trower, Barrister- at-Law ; m. June 1890, Bertha Elizabeth, d. of Prof. W. H. Peck. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1873-7 (R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; B.A. 1877. Barrister, I.T., 1879 ; Western Circuit ; engaged in orange cul- ture in Florida, U.S.A., 1884-95 ; British Consular Agent, Capri, 1900-. Publication : The Book of Capri, 1906. Address : British Consular Agent, Capri, Italy. 344 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Tucker, Albert Edward : formerly Ducker, Sidney Herbert : b. 1851 ; 5. of John Ducker, of Lydney. Educ. Monmouth ; Balliol 1868-9 ; Ex. Address : Ebberley House, St. James's Square, Monmouth. Tucker, Alexander Lauzun Pendock: 6. Nov. 2, 1861 ; s. of H. P. St. G. Tucker, Judge of the High Court of Bombay ; »n. Nov. 25, 1908, Eva Beatrice, d. of T, E. Tatton, of Wythenshawe, Northenden, Cheshire. Educ. Winchester (Sch.); Balliol 1880-2 (A.T.) ; Assoc. XL LC.S., Bombay ; Assist. .Collector and Magistrate 1882-8 ; entered Foreign Department, Govt, of India, 1888 ; served in Hydera- bad, Rajputana, and Central India ; Commissioner of Ajmer 1899-1903 ; CLE. 1901 ; served through Rajputana famine, 1899- 1900, and on Panna Commission ; completed restoration of marble pavilions and the embankment on the lake at Ajmer ; Agent to Governor-General, and Chief Com- missioner, in Baluchistan 1905-7 ; Resident, Persian Gulf, 1907-10, but did not take up appointment ; Revenue Commissioner, Peshawar, 1909 ; Judicial Commissioner 1910 ; Agent to Governor-General in Central India 1912-13 ; retired 1913. Club: St. James's, Address: St, James's Club, Piccadilly, Lon- don, W. *Tucker, Rev. John Savile : b. March i, 1868 ; s. of J. H. Tucker, of the Bank of England, Bristol ; tn. 1896, H. Grace, d. of G. J. Darley. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Bristol Gr. School ; Balliol 1886-90 (J.W.R,, J.C.) ; Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Math. Ex., 1887 ; Jun. 1888, Sen. 1890, Math, Schs. ; ist Math. 1889; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1893. Assist. Master, Rugby, 1889 ; Wellington Coll., 1890-5 ; ordained d. 1893, p. 1894 ; Head Master, Trent Coll., 1895- ; Elected on Head Masters* Conference, 1899 ; Examining Chapl. to Bishop of Liverpool 1900-. Publications : Trent Col- lege Hymn Book ; Supplementary Prayer Book ; Officers' Training Corps Service Book. Recreations : Tramping, camping. Clubs : Na- tional ; County (Derby). Address '. Trent College, Derbyshire. Turner, Bernard Edgar Rogers : b. Nov. 10, 1882 ; 5. of Rev. George Turner, of Tottenham. Educ. Dul- wich Coll. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1901-5 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch. 1902 ; ist CI, Mods, and 3rd place in Ireland Sch., 1903; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1905 ; B.A. 1906 ; M.A, 1913. Union and Arnold Socs. Clerk in Estate Duty Office 1907-9 ; Lecturer in Greek, King's Coll., London, 1909— ; Teacher of English at Working Men's Coll,, London, N,W,, 1906-. Recrea- tions: Sculling, walking. Address: King's College, London, W.C. Turner, Rev. William Browning : b. Feb. 4, 1832 ; s. of George Turner, of Barton, Exeter. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1848-53 (B.J.) ; Ex.; 2nd Lit, Hum. 1852; B.A. 1853. Ordained d. 1859, p. i860 ; Curate of Stoke-Climsland 1859- 6i ; Bray, Berks., 1861-7. Vicar of Bray wood 1867-. Address : Braywood Vicarage, Windsor. Turton, Edmund Spencer : b. May 14, 1889 ; 5. of E. R. Turton, of Upsall Castle, Thirsk, Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1908-n (C,B,, E.H.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1910; 2nd Jur. 1911 ; B.A, 1912, Bar- rister, I.T., 1912. Address : Upsall Castle, Thirsk. *Turton, Robert Bell : 6. Dec, 9, 1859 ; s, of Capt, E. H. Turton, 3rd Dragoon Guards ; m. 1897, Marion Edith, d. of Lieut.-Col. G. W. Beaumont, Scots Fusilier Guards. Issue : three sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1879-82 (W.H.F., J.W,R.) ; ist Math, Mods, 1880; 1st Math., and B,A., 1882 ; M.A. 1884 ; Eight ; Four. Barrister, I.T., 1883 ; prac- tised as Equity Draughtsman and Conveyancer until 1898 ; ist V.B. Yorks, Regt. 1898 ; transferred to 4th Yorks. Regt. (Militia) 1900 ; Major, and served in S. Africa, 1902 ; transferred to 3rd Yorks. 345 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Regt. (Special Reserve) 1908 ; Chairman of Rowland & Mar- wood SS, Co. 1904- ; Director of York Board of London Joint Stock Bank. Publications : History of North York Militia ; editor of North Riding Records, new series, 4 vols. Address : Kildale Hall, Grosmont, R.S.O., Yorks. Twigg, Sir John : b. Sept. 30, 1856 ; s. of J. H. Twigg, of Repton ; m. 1894, Isabel Marie, d. of Henry Pasteur, of Geneva and Much Hadham, Herts. Issue : one son. Educ. Repton ; Balliol 1877-9 and 82 (J.L.S.D.) ; Eight (Head of River, 1879) ; Cricket XI. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1879 ; Head Assist. 1887; Sub-Collector and Joint ^Magistrate 1891 ; Collector and Magistrate 1895 ; Collector of Customs, Protector of Emigrants, Supt. of Stamps and Stationery, Chairman of Harbour Trust Board, 1 901 ; additional member of Legislative Council, 1903 ; mem- ber of Board of Revenue 1909 ; K. CLE., and retired, 1912. Club: East India United Service. Ad- dress : The Red House, Metting- ham, Bungay. Tyabji, Hatim Budrudin : b. Dec. 9, J1891 ; 5. of Budrudin Tyabji, of [Bombay. Educ. St. Xavier's Coll., Bombay ; Balliol 1910- (H.B.H., E.H., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Lit. Mod. (German) 191 3 ; Union and Arnold Socs. Address : Chowpati 44, Bombay, India. Tyabji, Mohsin Badruddin : b. May 15, 1866 ; s. of Badruddin Tyabji, of Bombay. Educ. St. Xavier's iColl., Bombay ; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1887 ; 2nd Assist. 1895 ; ist Assist 1897 ; Judge and Sessions Judge 1900. Address : c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India. Tylee, Edward Sydney : 6. Oct. 17, 1864 ; s. of J. E. Tylee, of Bath. Educ. Grosvenor School ; Non- CoU. 1893 ; Balliol 1895-7 (A.L.S.) 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1897; M. A. 1900. Address: 20 Henrietta St., Bath. [Died Feb. 15, 1914.] ♦Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett : b. Oct. 2, 1832 ; m. 1858, Anna Rebecca, d. of Sylvanus Fox. Educ. Grove House School, Tottenham ; Pes- talozzian School, London. Hon. D.C.L. 1875, M.A. (by decree) 1883, Keeper of Univ. Museum 1883, Prof, and Reader in An- thropology 1886-1909, and Prof. Emeritus, Oxford Univ. ; Hon. Fel- low of Balliol 1903 ; Correspond- ing member of Imperial Academy of Sciences, Vienna, &c. ; F.R.S. ; LL.D. ; J. P. ; Knight 1912. Pub- lications : Anahuac, Mexico, and the Mexicans, 1859 ; Researches into the Early History of Mankind, 1865 ; Primitive Culture, 1871 ; Anthropology, 1881. Club: Athe- naeum. Address : Linden, Wel- lington, Somerset. Tyrrell, Francis Chichester : 6. Nov. 21, 1892 ; s. of Sir W. G. Tyrrell, K.C.M.G. Educ. Downside ; Bal- liol 1911- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Ad- dress : Kithurst Warren, Cootham, Pulborough. Tyrrell, Sir William George : b. Aug. 17, 1866 ; s. of William Tyr- rell, Judge of the High Court, N.W. Prov., India ; m. April 22, 1890, Margaret Ann, d. of David Urquhart, M.P. Issue : two sons, two daughters. Educ. Private ; Univ. of Bonn; Balliol 1885-8 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1887. Dervorguilla Soc. Clerk in Foreign Office 1889 ; Private Sec. to Sir Thomas (afterwards Lord) Sanderson, Permanent Under-Sec. for Foreign Affairs, 1896 ; Assist. Clerk 1903 ; Sec. to Imperial De- fence Committee 1903-4 ; 2nd Sec, British Embassy, Rome, 1904 ; Sen. Clerk, and Private Sec, to Rt. Hon. Sir E. Grey, Bart., Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs, 1907- ; Coronation Medals 1902, 11 ; C.B. 1909 ; K.C.M.G. 1913. Clubs. : St. James's, Travellers'. Addresses ; Kithurst Warren, Cootham, Pul- borough, Sussex ; 24 Eaton Man- sions, Sloane Square, London, S. W. 346 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER u Underdown, Harry Charles Baillie: b. May 29, 1877 ; s. of E. M. Underdown, K.C., of London ; tn. July 1906, Rachel, d. of Capt. J. E. H. Orr. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1896-1900 (W.H.F., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1900 ; Univ. Tennis v. Cambridge ; repre- sented Coll. in One Mile race V. Christ's Coll., Cambridge. Union and Annandale Socs. Barrister, I.T., 1901 ; founded Commercial Cars, Ltd., Manu- facturers (Chairman) ; Direc- tor of Direct United States Cable Co., Trinidad Oilfields, Carthagena and Herrerias Tram- ways Co., &c. ; J. P. Norfolk. Recreations : Golf, racquets, fish- ing, shooting, music. Clubs : Marlborough, St. James's, Beef- steak, City, I Zingari. Addresses : Buckenham Hall, Mundford, Nor- folk ; 98 Eaton Place, London, S.W. Underhill, Charles Kenneth James : b. May 15, 1894; s. of S. F. Under- bill, Mayor of Oxford, 1910-11. Educ. Winchester; Balliol 1913- (A.D.L., N.S.T.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 203 Woodstock Road, Oxford. Underhill, Frank Hawkins : b. Nov. 26, 1889 ; s. of Richard Underbill, of Toronto. Educ. Univ. of Toronto ; Balliol 1 911- 13 (A.D.L., H.W.C.D.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist Lit. Hum., B.A., and dist. in Exam, for Jenkyns Ex., 1913 ; divided Coll. Hist. Prize 1914 ; ist Class Honours in Clas- sics, English, and History, Univ. of Toronto. Address : 479 Palmer- ston Avenue, Toronto, Canada. Unwin, Robert : b. 1821 ; s. of John Unwin, of London. Educ. Balliol 1839. ♦Upcott, Ernest Alfred : b. March 26, 1858 ; s. of J. S. Upcott, of Manor House, Cullompton, Devon. Educ. Sherborne (Sch.) ; Ballio 1876-80 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1877 ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1878 ; ist Lit. Hum., Gaisford Verse Prize, and B.A., 1880 ; M.A. 1883 ; Torpid ; Eight (head of river) . Union and Dervor- guilla (Vice-Pres. 1878, Pres. 1880) Socs. Assist. Master, Mal- vern, 1880-1 ; ditto 1881-, Tutor 1 896-, and commanded Rifle Corps 1889-1903, Wellington Coll. Address : Wellington College, Berks. ^Urquhart, Rev. Edward William : b. Jan. 18, 1839 ; s. of Adam Urquhart, Advocate and Sheriff of Wigtown ; m. April 30, 1872, Caroline Mary, d. of William Harris, of Plumbey, Bovey Tracey, Devon. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Trinity Coll., Glenalmond ; Bal- liol 1857-61 (J.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1859 ; ist Law and Hist., and B.A., 1861 ; M.A. 1864. Union Soc. M.A., ad eund., Durham 1872 ; ordained d. 1862, p. 1863 ; Curate of St. John Baptist's, Bedminster, 1862-4 ; SS. Philip and James', Oxford, 1864-6 ; Bovey Tracey 1866-73 Vicar of King's Sutton 1873-86 ; Chapl. of St. Mary's, Brondesbury, 1887-9 ; Licensed Preacher, Dio. of Exeter, 1 890-1 908 ; formerly private tutor for Honours School of Law and Mod. Hist. Publica- tions : The Oxford University Election of iS6s, and other pam phlets ; articles in various Re views, &c. Recreation : Travel Address : 82 Elm Park Gardens London, S.W. ♦Urquhart, Francis Fortescue : b Sept. I, 1868 ; s. of David Urqu hart, formerly M.P. for Stafford Educ. Beaumont Coll. ; Stony hurst Coll. ; Balliol 1890-4, (A.L.S.) ; WUliams Ex. ; ist Mod. Hist., Stanhope Essay, and B.A., 1894; M.A. 1897; Hockey XI. Union and Brakenburv 347 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (Pres.) Socs. B.A., London, 1889 ; Studied in Paris 1894-5 ; Lecturer 1895-, Fellow 1896-, Jun. Dean 1896-1906, Domestic Bursar, and Steward of Sen. Com- mon Room, 1907-, Balliol ; Exam, in Mod. Hist., Oxford, 1914-16. Publications : contributions to The Catholic Encyclopaedia, and to various Reviews. Recreations : Hockey, travel, walking in the Alps. Clubs : Athenaeum, Union. Addresses : Balliol College, Oxford; Chalet des M616zes, St. Gervais-les- Bains, Haute Savoie, France. Ursell, Victor George : b. July 5, 1893 ; s. of A. W. Ursell, of Ross, Herefordshire. Educ. Mon- mouth Gr. School ; Balliol 1912- (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch.; ist Math. Mods. 1913 ; Hon. Mention for Math. Ex. 1914 ; Torpid ; Eight (2). Union and Arnold Socs. Ad- dress : 10 Cantilupe Road, Ros^ Herefordshire. Usbome, Charles Frederick ; b. Feb. 18, 1874 ; s. of T. Usborne, of Bradfield, Berks. ; m. Dec. 18, 1906, J. M., d. of C. G. Lefroy, of Cambray, Leamington. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Charterhouse (Sch.) ; Balliol 1892- 5(W.R.H., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1894 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1896. Brakenbury Soc. LC.S., Punjab ; Assist. Commissioner 1898. Publication : Panjabi Lyrics and Proverbs. Club : New Univer- sity. Address : Lahore, Punjab, India. V Vade-Walpole, Henry Spencer : formerly Walpole, H. S. ; b. March 10, 1837 ; s. of Rev. Canon Thomas Walpole, of Swafiham, Norfolk ; m. July 19, 1877, Francis Selina, d. of Thomas Bourke, of Uray. Issue : two sons. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1856- 60 (J.R., W.C.L.) ; Univ. (Cox.) 1858, and Coll. (Stroke, head of river) Eights. Barrister, L.I., 1869. Clubs : St. James's ; Royal Albert Yacht (Southsea). Ad- dress : loi Lexham Gardens, Lon- don, W. Vallance, Gerald Alexander : b. July 4, 1892 ; s. of G. H. Val- lance, of Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire. Educ. Fettes ; Balliol 1911- (A.W.P.C, R.G.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1913. Address : Den of Gryffe, Kilmacolm, Ren- frewshire, Scotland. Van den Bergh, Seymour Jacob Henry : b. July 28, 1890 ; s. of Henry Van den Bergh, of London. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1909-13 (C.B,, H.M.W., R.G.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1911 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1913. Address : 8 Ken- sington Palace Gardens, London, W. Vane-Tempest, Francis Adolphus : b. Jan. 4, 1863 ; s. of Lord Adol- phus Vane-Tempest ; m. 1901, Gertrude, d. of F. A. Elliot. Educ, Harrow ; Balliol 1881-3 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1882. Contested (C.) Mid Durham 1885 and 1890 ; began career in dramatic profession 1891 ; has acted at St. James's, Court, Avenue, and Criterion Theatres. Club: Bachelors'. Ad- dress : Londonderry House, Park Lane, London, W. Vanneck, Arthur Percy : b. Oct. 4, 1870 ; s. of J. G. Vanneck, of London ; m. 1892, Annie, d. of Richard Armstrong. Issue : two sons. Educ. Univer- sity Coll. School, London (Sch.); Balliol 1888-92 (F. de P., T.R.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1890 ; ist Jur. 1892 ; B.A. 1894 ; M.A. 1895 ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1893. Addresses : 43 Westboume Gardens, London, W. ; 9 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. *Varley, Richard Stanley : b. June 29, 1879 ; s. of John Varley, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1898-1902 (F. de P., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 348 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and Craven Sch., 1900 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1902 ; M.A., 1906. Address : 11 Stanley Gar- dens, Kensington Park Road, London, W. Vassall-Phillips. Rev. Oliver Rodie : b. 1857 ; s. of R. L. G. Vassall, of Clifton, Bristol. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1876-9 ; B.A. 1879. Union Soc. (Sec. 1877). Vaughan, Arthur Powys : h. Nov. i, 1847 ; s. of Rev. James Vaughan, Prebendary of Chichester ; m. 1875, Clelia de Candia. Issue : two daughters, Educ. Cheam ; Harrow ; Balliol 1866-70 (B.J., J.R.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1867; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1870; Cricket XL Served in 60th Rifles for eight years ; Inspector of Factories 1880, now Superintending In- spector, Home Of&ce. Club : Army and Navy. Address : Home Office, Whitehall, London, S.W. Vaughan, Charles Edwyn : b. Feb. 10, 1854 ; 5. of Rev. E. T. Vaughan, Rector of Harpenden, Herts. Educ. Marlborough (Jun. Sch.) ; Balliol 1873-7 (T.H.G., R.L.N.) ; Sch. and Jenkjms Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1874 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1877 ; B.A. 1878 ; M.A. 1883. Union Soc. Assist. Master, Clifton Coll., 1878-88 ; Prof, of English Lit., Univ. Coll. of S. Wales, 1889-98 ; ditto, Armstrong Coll., Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1 899-1 904 ; ditto, Univ. of Leeds, 1904-12. Pub- lications : The Romantic Revolt, 1907 ; Types of Tragic Drama, 1908 ; edited Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution, 1892, and American Speeches, 1893 ; Webster's Duchess of Malfi, and English Literary Criticism, 1896 ; Milton's Areopagitica and other Tracts, 1900. Address : 1 Ridge Moimt, Leeds. *Vaughan, Edward Littleton : b. Jan. 9, 185 1 ; s. of Rev. James Vaughan, Prebendary of Chi- chester. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1870-5 (T.H.G., J.L.S.D.); ist CI. Mods. 1872 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1880. Union and Dervorguilla (original member) Socs, Studied at Leipzig Univ. 1876-7 ; Assist. Master, Eton Coll., 1876-1913 ; Capt. O.T.C. Clubs : Junior Army and Navy ; Royal Cruising. Address : The Marches, Willowbrook, Eton, Windsor. Veitch, Harold Massyn : b. July 3, 1883 ; s. of P. C. M. Veitch, of Exeter; m. Nov. 1909, Gladys, d. of E. J. Jerome, of Camelford. Issue : two sons. Educ. Blundell's; Bal- liol 1902-6 (A.W.P.C, H.W.C.D.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1904 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1906 ; B.A. 1908. I.C.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, E, Bengal and Assam, 1907 ; Under-Sec. to Government, Judicial and Ap- pointment Departments, 191 1 ; transferred to Bengal, Under- Sec, to Government, Political and Appointment Departments, 1912 ; Joint Magistrate, Parganas, 1913 ; Officiating Registrar, High Court, Calcutta, 191 4. Addresses : II Elm Grove Road, Exeter ; c/o King, Hamilton & Co., Calcutta, India. ♦Venis, Arthur : formerly Lazarus, A. V. ; b. Oct. 4, 1857 ; s. of E. J. Lazarus, M.D., M.R.C.S. ; m. 1883, Emma Catharine, d. of C. T. F. de Hoxar, of Berne, and United Provinces, India. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Edinburgh Univ. ; Non - Coll. 1874 ; Balliol 1875-7 (A.G., R.L.N.) ; Boden Sanskrit Sch. 1877 ; 4th Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1878 ; M.A. 1885. Subaltern in 38th (ist S. Staffs. Regiment) 1 880-1 ; Prof, in Indian Educa- tional Service, United Prov., 1883 ; Prof, of Philosophy, and Principal of the Government Sanskrit Coll., Benares, 1888- ; Hon. D. Letters, and Fellow, Univ. of Allahabad ; Fellow of Asiatic Soc. of Bengal ; CLE. 191 1. Publications : text and English translations_ (with notes) of V eddntaparibhdsha ; Pan- chadast ; Veddntasiddhdntamukia- vale; Siddhdntalesa, part i; con- tributions to Indian Epigraphy in 349 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER the Epigraph ia Indien, and to Jourfxals of the Royal Asiatic Sac. and the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. Address : Government College, Benares, India. ♦Verney,Sir Harry Calvert Williams, 4th Bart. : b. June 7, 1881 ; s. of Sir Edmund Verney, 3rd Bart.; tn. 191 1, Lady Rachel Bruce, d. of 9th Earl of Elgin. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Bal- liol 1900-4 (E.A., F.F.U.) ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1908 ; Univ., and Coll. (Capt.), Assoc. XI's ; Univ. Water Polo team ; Pres. of Dervorguilla Soc, and of Palmer- ston Club. Contested (L.) Basing- stoke Div. of Hants 1906, and by-election 1906, and Wilton Div. of Wilts. 1910; M.P. N. Bucks. 1910- ; Assist. Private Sec. to Sec. of State for the Colonies (Lord Elgin 1907-8, Lord Crewe 1908-10) ; Parliamentary Private Sec. to Chief Sec. for Ireland (Rt. Hon. A. Birrell) ; member of County Council, and J. P., Bucks. Clubs : Brooks's, Travellers'. Ad- dress : Claydon House, Steeple Claydon, Bucks. Vernon, Roland Venables : b. June i, 1877 ; s. of G. V. Vernon, of Osborne Place, Old Trafford, Man- chester ; m. April 191 3, Marjorie, d. of A. L. Leon, of Stoatley Rough, Haslemere. Educ. Clifton (Sch., and Head of School) ; Bal- liol 1895-9 (H. Williamson, J.A.S.) ; CI. Sch. and Jenkyns Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., Craven Sch., and Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch., 1897; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1899; Arnold Soc. (Pres.) Home Civil Service (3rd place in Exam.) 1899 ; Clerk in Inland Revenue Department ; transferred to Colo- nial Office 1900 ; Sec. to Trinidad Riot Commission 1903, and to Committee on West Indian Cable Communication 1906 ; member of Managing Committee of Emi- grants' Information Ofi&ce ; Assist. Private Sec. to Lord Elgin 1908 ; Private Sec. to Col. Seely 1908-11 ; ist Class Clerk, Dominions Divi- sion, 1911 ; Private Sec. to Gov.- General of Australia (Lord Den- man) 1911-12 ; Special Mission to British Solomon Islands 191 2 ; returned to Colonial Office 191 3 ; member of Council of Hakluyt Soc. Clubs : Alpine, Royal So- cieties. Addresses: Colonial Office, London, S.W. ; Manor Lodge, Vale of Health, Hampstead Heath, London, N.W. Vesey-FitzGerald, John Vesey : b. Feb. 25, 1848 ; s. of W. L. F. Vesey-FitzGerald, of London ; tn. (i) Annie (d. 1896), d. of John Ross, of Quebec. Issue : one daughter ; (2) 1899, Mabel, d. of R. C. Leslie, of Ballibay, Co. Monaghan. Issue : one son. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1867-71 (B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1869 ; ist Law and Hist. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; ist B.C.L. 1873. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1873 ; Midland Circuit ; Q.C. 1895 ; J. P. Pub- lications : edited Public Health Act, fS7S ; Local Government Acts^ jSSS^ iSg4\ Bunyan's Life Assut' ance ; The Law Relating to the Pollution of Rivers, &c. Clubs : Athenaeum, Union. Addresses : 64 Temple, London, E.C. ; 9 Campden Hill Road, London, W. ; Moyvane, Co. Kerry, Ire- land. Vian, Alsager Richard : b. Feb. 17, 1863 ; s. of W. J. Vian, of London and Beckenham ; tn. Oct. i, 1890, Ada, d. of E. M. Renault. Issue : two sons, two daughters. £i«c. Charterhouse ; Balliol 1881- 5 (E.A., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1885. Dervorguilla Soc. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, City University. Address : Truggers, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge. *Vicars, Edward Foster : b. July 17, 1851 ; s. of Major-Gen. E. Vicars, R.E. ; tn. Nov. 24, 1891, Maud Ethel, d. of Col. G. E. Han- cock, LA., and widow of Capt. M. B. Salmon, 3rd Q.O.B. Cavalry. Issue : four daughters. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1870-4 (T.H.G., J.L.S.D., J.P.); 3rd CI. Mods. 1872 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 350 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER and B.A., 1874 ; M.A. 1877. Address : United University Club, I Suffolk St., London, S.W. Vickers, Rev. Muschamp : b. 1868 ; s. of Col. C. B. Vickers, of Bees- thorpe Hall, Caunton, Notts. Educ. Private ; Non-Coil. 1887 ; Balliol 1889-90 (A.L.S., W.H.F.) ; 4th Mod. Hist. 1890; B.A. 1891. Ordained d. 1893, p. 1895 ; Curate of EUacombe, 1893-6 ; Mitcham, 1896-8 ; St. Michael Archangel, Bristol, 1 899-1 909 ; Downend with St. Stephen, Soimdwell, 1909-. Address : Station Road, Staple Hill, Bristol. Vickers, Randall Hugh Wentworth : 6. 1 871 ; s. of Rev. R. W. Vickers, Vicar of Naburn, Yorks. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1890-2 (T.R., W.H.F.). Vlieland, Charles Archibald : b. Aug. 13, 1890; s. of C. J. Vlie- land, of Exeter. Educ. Exeter School ; Balliol 1908-11 (H.B.H.); Brakenbury Sch. ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1911. Ad- dress : 20 Southemhay West, Exeter. von Bethmann Hollweg, Friedrich : b. June 4, 1890 ; s. of Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg of Berlin, Chancellor of the German Empire, Prussian Pres. of the Council, and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. Educ. Brandenbm"g Ritterakade- mie ; Balliol 1908-10 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Dip. in Political Economy. Served in German Army 1910 ; studied in Univs. of Strassburg 1911-12, Berlin 1912-13, Wiirzburg 1914. Address : yy Wilhelmstr,, Berlin, W., Germany. von Cramm, Baron Burghard Karl Adolf Adalbert Thedel : b. Feb. 16, 1874 ; s. of Baron Edgar von Cramm, of Oelber, Brunswick ; m. Jutta von Steinberg. Issue : five sons. Educ. Oelber ; Balliol 1893-4 (B.J., J.L.S.D.). Union and Armandale Socs. Studied at Univs. of Bonn and Berlin ; Doctor Juris, Erlangen. Ad- dress : Bodenburg, Brunswick, Germany. von Ernsthausen, Baron Adolf Chris- tian : b. Oct. 17, 1880 ; s. of Baron O. von Ernsthausen. Educ. Up- pingham (Sch.) ; BaUiol 1900-4 (J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd Lit. Himi. 1904 ; Univ. and Coll. Cricket XI's ; Tennis VL Brakenbury Soc. (Pres.) ; Univ. Chess team (Pres. 1904). East India merchant ; partner in Ernst- hausen, Ltd., London and Calcutta. Clubs : Bath ; Turf (Calcutta). Addresses : c/o Messrs. Ernst- hausen, Ltd., 9 Clive Row, Cal- cutta, India, and 61 Mark Lane, London, E.C. von Hindenbu^, Herbert Alexander Otto Wladimir von Beneckendoril und : b. April I, 1872 ; s. of General von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg ; m. 1903, Hon. Marie Hay. Educ. College Frangais, Berlin; Balliol 1892-3 (A.L.S., J.L.S.D.). Of&cer in ist Royal Prussian Dragoon Guards until 1897 ; German Imperial Diplo- matic Service 1897 ; Councillor of German Legation at The Hague. Address : Sigismundstr. 6, Berlin W. 10, Germany. von Holtzbrinck, Karl : b. Oct. 18, 1887 ; s. of Heinrich von Holtz- brinck, of Westfalen, Germany. Edtic. Schulpforta ; Balhol 1906-8 (E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Diploma in Economics (with distinction). Arnold Soc. Studied at Univs. of Marburg and Berlin ; passed Re- ferendar Exam. 1910 ; Prussian Civil Service, 1911. Address : Oedenthal bei Liidenscheid, West- falen, Germany. von Uberg, Konrad : b. Aug. 13, 1894 ; s. of Generalarzt von Ilberg, of Berlin. Educ. Freiburg-i.-B. ; Balliol 1912 (H.W.C.D.) ; Rhodes Sch. Address : Alt-Moabit 89, Berlin, Germany. von Krause, Wilhelm Hugo Ernst : b. Feb. 10, 1874 ; s. of Hugo von Krause, Councillor of the German Embassy in London. Educ. Vitzthumsches Gymnasium, Dresden ; B!alliol 1894-5 (J.L.S.D.). Union Soc. Served in 2nd Lancer- Guard Regt. 1896 ; Officer of 351 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Reserve in ditto ; studied at Berlin Univ. ; passed Referenda! Exam. 1899 ; Diplomatic Service ; At- tach6, Foreign Ofl&ce, Berlin ; Prus- sian Legation at the Vatican, Rome ; passed Diplomatic Exam. 1903 ; Sec. of Legation, Guatemala, 1904- 6 ; 2nd Sec. at The Hague 1907- 8 ; Councillor of Legation, Athens, 1909-11; retired 1911. Address: Schloss Bendeleben, Bendeleben (Bezirk Erfurt), Germany. von Kusserow, Ferdinand : b. Jan. 3, 1876 ; s, of Heinrich von Kusserow, of Bassenheim bei Coblenz. Educ. Hamburg Gym- nasium, Berlin ; Balliol 1894-5 (T.R.). von Schweinitz, Hans Eberhard : b. Jan. 3, 1886 ; s. of General von Schweinitz, German Ambassador to Vienna and St. Petersburg. Educ. Gymnasium, Cassel ; Lau- sanne and Berlin Univs. ; Balliol 1903-5 (R.W.L., H.W.C.D., E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. Arnold and Braken- bury Socs. Passed Legal State Exam., Berlin, 1907 ; served in cavalry regt. for one year; Prussian Civil Service. Address : Cassel, Germany. von Schwerin, Count Felix : b. March 24, 1892 ; s. of Coimt W. von Schwerin, of Bohran, Kreis Oels, Germany. Educ. Kgl. Gymnasium, Oels; Balliol 1910-13 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Rhodes Sch. Diploma in Economics and Pol. Science; Morrison Fours. Address : Bohran, Kreis Oels, Schlesien, Germany. von Stumm, Ferdinand Carl : b. June 29, 1880 ; s. of Baron F. von Stumm, of Holzhausen, Kr. Kirch- hain, Germany ; m. March 30, 1910, Constance, d. of H. M. Hoyt, Councillor to State Department, Washington, D.C. Educ. Fried- richs-Gymnasium, Cassel ; Balliol 1898-9 (E.J.). Union and Arnold Socs. Studied at Univs. of Geneva, Strassburg, and Bonn, and at School of Commerce, Cologne ; served in army 1902-3 ; Attache, Rome, 1905 ; St. Petersburg, 1906 ; passed Diplomatic Exam. 1907 ; 3rd Sec, Washington 1908-9 ; in charge of Legation, Belgrade, 1909 ; 2nd Sec, Washington, 1910 ; Sec. of Prussian Legation, Stuttgart, 1910-11 ; 2nd Sec, Rome, 1911-. Clubs : Grosses Casino and Kaiser- licher Automobil (Berlin) ; Kaiser- licher Yachtklub (Kiel) ; Metro- politan (Washiagton). Addresses : German Embassy, Rome ; Schloss Holzhausen, Kr. Kirchhain, Prov. Hessen, Germany. von Stumm, Friedrich Wilhelm : b. May 14, 1888 ; s. of Baron F. von Stumm, of Holzhausen, Kr. Kirch- hain, Germany. Educ. Friedrichs- Gymnasium, Cassel ; Balliol 1907- 8 (H.B.H.). Served in Army 1908- 9 ; studied electricity, Munich. Address : Schloss Holzhausen, Kr. Kirchhain, Prov. Hessen, Germany. von Stumm, Herbert Wilhelm : b. June 16, 1885 ; s. of Baron F. von Stumm, of Holzhausen, Kr, Kirch- hain, Germany. Educ. Friedrichs- Gymnasium, Cassel ; Balliol 1903-4 (E.J.). Union Soc Studied in Univs. of Heidelberg and Bonn, School of Commerce, Cologne, and (Agric) in Holstein, Bonn, and Munich ; passed Referendar Exam. 1906 ; served in army 1907-8. Address : Rohlstorf, Kr. Sege- berg, Prov. Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, von Wedel-Croedens, Count Georg Erhard : b. Jan. 2, 1 861 ; s. of Count C. G. G. von Wedel-Goedens, of Evenburg, Hanover ; m. May 30, 1888, Julia, d. of Count G. von dem Bussche-Ippenburg, of Ippen- burg. Issue : five sons, one daughter. Educ. Vitzthumsches Gymnasium, Dresden ; Bonn and Gottingen Univs. ; Balliol 1884 (A.L.S.). Landrat, Leer, 1894-9 J member of Prussian House of Lords. Address : Evenburg bei Loga, Ostfriesland, Germany. 352 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER w Waddell, Peter Hately : b. Dec. 15, 1881; s. of James Waddell, of Glas- gow. Educ. Kelvinside Academy ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1 901-5 (W.H.F., A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D., H.W.C.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1903 ; B.A. 1905 ; Torpid. Union and Arnold (Pres.) Socs. I.C.S., Bengal, 1905 ; Sub- Divisional Of&cer in Bihar ; trans- ferred to E. Bengal and Assam 1908 ; Assist. Settlement Officer, Jalpaiguri ; Sub-Divisional Offi- cer, Karinganj, Assam, 1909 ; additional District Magistrate, Mymensingh, 1912 ; Collector of Khulna 191 3. Recreations : Tennis, polo, bridge. Address : Ramna P.O., Dacca, Bengal, India. ♦Waddy, Rev. Percival Stacy : h. Jan. 8, 1875 ; s. of Col. R. A. Waddy, of Morpeth, N.S.W. ; m. Oct. 28, 1901, Etheldred, d. of Rev. J. Spittal, Vicar of Haven- street, Isle of Wight. Issue : four children. Educ. The King's School, Parramatta, N.S.W. (Broughton Sch., and Broughton and Forrest Ex.) ; Balliol 1893-7 (W.R.H., F. de P., E.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1895 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1897 ; M.A. 1899 ; Univ. 1896-7, and Coll. (Capt.) Cricket XI's ; Torpid. Arnold Soc. (Sec. and Pres.). Ox- ford House, Bethnal Green, 1897- 9; ordained d. 1898, p. 1899; Curate of Newcastle Cathedral, N.S.W., 1900; Rector of Stockton, N.S.W., 1900-5 ; Chapl. to Bishop of Newcastle, N.S.W., 1901-5 ; Rector of Singleton, N.S.W., 1905-6 ; Head Master of The King's School, Parramatta, 1907- ; Chapl. to Commonwealth Forces 1909—. Publications : Faith and Life (a series of papers), 1901-6 ; Come for Strength : a Manual for Confirmation, 1902 ; Holy Bap- tism, 1904; At the Delhi Durbar, 191 2 ; The Great Moghul, 191 3. Recreations : Cricket, Rugby foot- ball, golf, motoring. Club : Australian (Sydney). Address : The King's School, Parramatta, New South Wales. Waddy, Richard Granville : b. Feb. 10, 1885 ; s. of Col. R. A. Waddy, of Morpeth, N.S.W. Educ. The King's School, Parramatta, N.S.W. ; St. Paul's Coll., Sydney Univ. ; Balliol 1909-12 (H.B.H.); Di- ploma in Ophthalmology 1910 ; B.Sc. 1912 ; Torpid ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Arnold and Braken- bury Socs. M.B. and Ch.M., Univ. of Sydney, 1908 ; Lieut., King Edward's Horse (Oversea Do- minions Regt.). Club : University (Sydney). Address : Morpeth, New South Wales. Wade, Carl Wilton : b. Oct. 26, 1887 ; s. of W. H. Wade, of Ken- ton, Tennessee, U.S.A. Educ. Harvard Coll. ; Balliol 1910-11 (A.L.S.). Address : Kenton, Ten- nessee, U.S.A. Wade, George Herbert : b. Oct. 18, i860 ; s. of Rev. G. F. Wade, Vicar of St. Lawrence, York. Educ. St. Peter's School, York (Sch.) ; Balliol 1880-5 (W.H.F., J.W.R., E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; CI. Ex. ; 2nd Math. Mods. 1881 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1882 ; 3rd Theol. 1883 ; B.A. 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1885 ; M.A. 1890 ; Torpid (2). Union, Arnold, and Brakenbury Socs. Private Tutor 1885-6 ; Assist. Master in Prep. School, Lambrook, Bracknell, 1886-91 ; studied at Marburg Univ. 1891 ; Chief Master of Modern Side, Dulwich Coll., 1891-1903 ; Head Master, Wal- lingfordGr. School, 1904-8 ; ditto, Berkshire County School, Windsor, 1908- ; member of Incorporated Assoc, of Head Masters, Modern Language Assoc, Norske Turist- forening, and of Public Schools Alpine Sports Club. Publications : French Writer (3 vols.) ; La Chasse au Chastre (Oxford Jun. French Series). Recreations : Cycling, ski- ing, and the study of Norwegian and Danish literature. Address: County Secondary School,Windsor. 353 A a BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Wadsworth, Samuel : b. i860 ; s. of Elymas Wadsworth, of Cleck- hcaton, Vorks. Educ. Bradford Gr. School ; Balliol 1879-82 ; 2nd |C1. Mods. 1881 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. Barrister, I.T. and L.L, 1887. Publication : joint editor David- son's Concise Precedents in Con- veyancing. Address : 10 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. *Wahl, Bruno Wolfgang : b. Jan. 2, 1880 ; s. of C. F. Wahl, of London. Educ. Malvern ; Friedrich-Wil- helms-Gymnasium, Cologne ; Bal- liol 1897-1903 (D.H.N., J.A.S., J.L.S.D.) ; Taylorian Sch. (Ger- man) 1899 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1901 ; M.A. 1907. Union, Arnold, and O.U.D. Socs. I.C.S., United Prov., 1903 ; Assist. Com- missioner, and Assist. Magistrate ' and Collector. Recreations : Music, shooting, polo. Club : East India United Service. Addresses : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. ; c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India. Waidyakorn, Mom Chow Wan : b. Aug. 25, 1891 ; s. of H.R.H. Prince Naradhip of Siam. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1910- (F.F.U., N.S.T., H.W.C.D.). Ad- dress : Bangkok, Siam. Waldegrave, Hon. Granville Augus- tus William : see Radstock, Lord. ■^Waley, John Felix : b. Dec. 30, 1862 ; s. of Jacob Waley, Barris- ter-at-lavv ; m. (i) 1888, Justina (d. 1889), d. of N. Cohen; (2) 1893, Ethel, d. of Daniel Schloss. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1881-5 (R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1883 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1885; M.A. 1889. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Barrister, L.L, 1892 Assist. Sec, afterwards Sec. t; Royal Commission on the Metro- politan Police 1906-8 ; Sec. of Royal Commission on the Land Transfer Acts, 1 908-11 ; a tem- porary Barrister at Nat. Insurance Commission 191 2-1 3. Publica- tions : contributor to Mews's Digest of Case Law, Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, &c. Club : New University. Addresses : 40 Norfolk Square, Hyde Park, London, W. ; i New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Waley-Cohen, Charles : b. Sept. 26, 1879 ; s. of N. L. Cohen, of Lon- don ; m. Ethel, d. of H. J. Kisch, C.S.I. ErfMC. Clifton; Balliol 1897- 1901 (F. de P., E.A.) ; 3rd;Cl. Mods. 1899 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1901 ; B.A. 1902 ; M.A. 1904. Barrister, I.T., 1903 ; Sec. to Parliamentary Com- mittee on Post Of&ce Servants' Grievances ; practising at Bombay Bar. Address : c/o Cox & Co., Bombay, India. Walford, Garth Neville : 6. May 27, 1882 ; s. of Col. N. L. Walford, R.A. ; m. Oct. 10, 1907, Elizabeth Katharine Mary, d. of Col. the Hon. J. S. Trefusis, C.M.G. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow (Entrance and Sayer Schs.) ; Bal- liol 1900-2 (F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Royal Field Artillery 1902-10 ; Royal Horse Artillery 1910-13 ; Staff Coll. 1913-14. Club : Conservative. Address : c/o Cox & Co., 16 Charing Cross, London, S.W. Walker, Edgar Wilmer : b. Aug. 3, 1875 ; s. of Admiral C. F. Walker, of The Hall, Beverley ; m. April 17, 1906, Charlotte, d. of Robert Maule, of Edinburgh. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1894-8 (E.A.) ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1898 ; B.A. 1899. Barrister, I.T. , 1901. Clubs: Conservative ; Yorkshire (York). Address : Ramsdale Bank, Bel- mont Road, Scarborough. ♦Walker, Eraest : b. July 15, 1870 ; s. of Edward Walker, of London. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1887-91 (W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1889 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1891 ; Mus. Bac. 1893 ; M.A. 1894 ; Mus. Doc. 1898. Braken- bury and Arnold Socs. Assist. Organist 1 891-1900, Organist and Director of Music 1900-13, Direc- tor of Music 191 3-, Balliol ; Asso- ciate of Royal Coll. of Music ; 354 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER member of Music Advisory Board to the Girls' Public Day School Trust. Publications : Monograph on Beethoven, History of Music in England, and other writings and compositions. Address : 28 St. Margaret's Road, Oxford. Walker, Hugh : b. Jan. 7, 1855 ; s. of James Walker, of Kilburnie, Ayrshire ; m. Dec. 21, 1885, Janie, d. of Alex. Roxburgh. Issue : three daughters. Educ. High School, and Univ., Glasgow; Bal- liol 1880-3 (F. de P., A.C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1881 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1886. M.A. 1878, Hon. LL.D. 1901, Glasgow ; Lec- turer in English 1884-90, Prof, ditto, 1890-, St. David's Coll., Lampeter ; Mayor of Lampeter 1900, 1, 2, 3. Publications : Three Centuries of Scottish Literature, 1893 ; The Greater Victorian Poets, 1895 ; The Age of Tennyson, 1897 ; Biographical Sketch of Lord de Tubley, 1903 ; The Literature of the Victorian Era, 1910 ; edited Merry Devil of Edmonton for Temple Dramatists, 1897 ; joint author (with his wife) Outlines of Victorian Literature, and Cambridge Antho- logy upon Victorian Literature, 1 91 3. Recreations : Shooting, fishing, golf. Addresses : St. David's College, Lampeter ; 13 York Road, Edgbaston, Birming- ham. Walker, James : b. April 20, 1864 ; s. of Alexander Walker, LL.D., of Aberdeen ; m. 1892, Georgina Mary Carr, d. of George Dunn. Issue : one son. Educ. Aberdeen Univ. (Bursar) ; Balliol 1883-6 (W.M.)] Torpid (2), Union Soc. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1886 ; transferred to Central Prov. as Assist. Com- missioner 1890 ; Deputy Commis- sioner 1894 ; Officiating Com- missioner, and Inspector-General of Police ; CLE. 1904 ; Commis- sioner 1908; additional member of Governor-General's Legislative Council 191 3. Recreations: Shoot- ing, fishing, golf. Chib : East India United Service. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Walker, Norman Macdonald Lock- hart : 6. May 24, 1889 ; s. of Norman Walker, M.D., of Edin- burgh. Educ. Edinburgh Academy; St. Andrews Univ. ; Balliol 1908- 12 (C.B., H.M.W.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1910 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1912 ; Hockey XL Reading Law, Glasgow Univ., 1912-. Address : 7 Manor Place, Edinburgh. ♦Walker, Richard Johnson : b. May II, 1868 ; s. of F. W. Walker, High Master of Manchester Gram- mar and St. Paul's Schools. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1887- 91 (W.R.H., R.L.N., T.R.) ; Sch. ; Hertford Sch. 1887 ; Craven Sch. 1888 ; I St CI. Mods. 1889 ; Ireland Sch, 1890 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1891 ; M.A. 1895 ; Brakenbury and Arnold Socs. Assist. Master, St. Paul's School, 1900-5 ; Or- dained in the Church of England 1902 ; Licensed Preacher in Dio- cese of London 1902-12 ; joined Roman Catholic Church 1912 ; Mayor 1908-9, Alderman 1909-, Hammersmith ; Editor of Oxford and Cambridge Review, 1911-12 ; ditto, British Review. Publications : Septem Psalmi Poenitentiales, 1905; The My stick Pair, 1906 ; Anti Mias, 1910 ; various contributions to reviews, &c. Clubs : Carlton, Athenaeum, Oxford and Cam- bridge, Savile. Address : Little Holland House, Kensington, Lon- don, W. Walker, Wilfrid James : b. March 30, 1880 ; s. of Samuel Walker, of Stourbridge ; m. 1906, Jane Eliza- beth, d. of Rev. W. H. Alcock, of Oldham. Educ. King Edward's Gr. School, Stourbridge (Ex.) ; Bal- liol 1899-1904 (J.W.R., H.B.H.) ; Skynner Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Sch., 1900 ; ist Math. 1903 ; B.A. 1904 ; passed Exam, in the History, Theory, and Practice of Education, and Nat. Sci. (Mechanics and Physics) Pre- liminary Exam., 1904 ; M.A. 1908. Arnold Soc. Math. Master, 355 A a 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER VVbitgift School, Croydon, 1904-5 ; Bedford Gr. School 1905-8 ; Sen. ditto. County School, Wrexham, 1908-14 ; Head Master, Wood- house Grove School, Apperley Bridge, near Leeds, 191 4- Publi- cation : Examples and Test Papers in Algebra. Address : Wood- house Grove School, Apperley Bridge, near Leeds. Walkley, Arthur Bingham : b. Dec. 17, 1855 ; s. of A. H. Walkley, of Bristol ; m. Frances Eldridge. Issue : one daughter. Educ. War- minster ; Balliol 1873 ; Ex. ; Corpus Christi (Sch.) 1874-9 ; ist Math. Mods. 1875 ; ist Math. 1877 ; B.A. 1879. Secretary's Ofi&ce, G.P.O., 1877 ; Assist. Sec. 1911- ; Sec. to British Delegation, Wash- ington Congress, 1897, and to Imperial Penny Postage Confer- ence, 1898 ; British Delegate, Rome Congress, 1906 ; Dramatic Critic of The Times. Publications : Playhouse Impressions, 1892 ; Frames of Mind, 1899 ; Dra- matic Criticism, 1903 ; Drama and Life, igoy. Recreation: GaTdening. Club : Garrick. Addresses : 36 Tavistock Square, London, W.C. ; Pound Hill, Sussex. Wallace, Alan : b. April i, 1891 ; s. of George Wallace, of Devon- port, Auckland, N.Z. Educ. Auckland Univ. Coll. ; Balliol 1912- (J.W.R.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; Univ. Freshmen's Cricket XI, 191 3. Address : Lake Road, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand. Wallace, Edward Hamilton : b. May 13, 1873 ; s. of Rev. Dr. G. Wallace, of Hamilton, Scotland ; m. Sept. 5, 1 901, Anna R. M., d. of John Loudon, of Ayr. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Hamilton Academy ; High School, and Univ. , Glasgow ; Balliol 1893-6 (F. de P., W.R.H., J.W.R.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods., and 2nd Math. Mods., 1895 ; B.A. 1896. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1896 ; Head Assist. 1906 ; Sub- Collector and Joint Magistrate 1910; Puisne Judge, Chief Court, Mysore, 191 2. Recreations : Golf, sketch- ing, music. Addresses : Whinny Knowl, Moffat, Scotland ; Madras Club, Madras, India. ^Wallace, William James Lindsay : b. May 6, 1877 ; s. of Wilham Wallace, Whyte's Prof, of Moral Philos(jphy in the Univ. of Oxford ; 7n. Api'il 27, 1908, Marguerite Leonie Bentall, d. of L. J. Sergent, of St. Raphael, France. Issue : one son. Educ. Winchester (Sch.) ; Balliol 1896-1900 (F. de P., E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1898 ; 3rd Lit. Hvun., and B.A., 1900 ; M.A. 1907 ; Univ. and Coll. Assoc. XI's. Assist. Master, Oxford Prep. School, 1900-. Address : 6 Park Terrace, Oxford. Wallace, William Stewart : b. June 23, 1884 ; s. of Rev. W. G. Wallace, D.D., of Toronto, Canada. Educ. Univ. Coll., Toronto (Goldwin Smith Sch.) ; Balliol 1907-9 (A.L.S. H.W.C.D.) ; ist Mod. Hist. 1909 ; B.A. and M.A. 1913. Arnold Soc. Lectmrer in Hist., McMaster Univ., Toronto, 1909— ; Flavelle Fellow, and Lecturer in Canadian Hist., Univ. of Toronto, 1910- ; editor of The Review of Historical Publi- cations relating to Canada, 191 1—. Publications : Historical introduc- tion to Grenf ell's Labrador, 1909 ; ' The History of Ontario since Con- federation ' (in Canada and its Provinces), 191 3 ; The United Empire Loyalists, 1914 ; various articles in Canadian journals and magazines. Recreations : Golf, tennis, skating. Clubs : Toronto Golf, University (Toronto). Ad- dress : 94 Admiral Road, Toronto, Canada. Wallis, Harry Bernard : 6. Aug. 25, 1882 ; s. of Charles WaUis, of Edgbaston. Educ. King Edward's School, Birmingham (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1902-6 (A.L.S., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; ist Lit. Hum. 1905 ; B.A. 1906 ; Rugby XV. Brakenbury Soc. Lecturer in Philosophy, Univ. of Manchester, 1907-9 ; Examiner, Board of Education, 1909-. Re- creations : Golf, lawn tennis, cricket. Club : Savile. Address : 20 Ivema Court, Kensington, Lon- don, W. 356 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Wallop, Hon. Oliver Henry : 6. i86i ; s. of 6th Earl of Portsmouth. Educ. Eton ; Non-Coil. 1879 ; Balliol 1880-3 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1881. Address : Canon Ranche, Big Horn, Sheridan Cd., Wyoming, U.S.A. Walpole, Henry Spencer : see Vade- Walpole, H. S. Walrond, Main Swete Osmond : h. Feb. 22, 1870 ; s. of Rev. M. S. A. Walrond, of the Charterhouse. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1889-90 (W.R.H.). Tutor to Prince Kemal el Dine, Egypt, 1892-4 ; Mmistry of Finance, Egypt, 1894-7 ; Pri- vate Sec. to High Commissioner of S, Africa (Lord Milner) .1897- 1905; C.M.G. 1901. Address: St. James's Club, 106 Piccadilly, London, W. Walrond, Seymour Henry : h. Oct. 13, 1861 ; 5. of Theodore Walrond, Fellow and Tutor of BaUiol. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1880-5 (E.A.) ; Cricket XL Dervorguilla Soc. Merchant in London 1881-1901 ; Sec. to John Broadwood & Sons, Ltd., 1901— . Address : 7 Park Place, St. James's, London, S.W. ♦Walrond, Theodore Hunter Hast- ings : b. Dec. 5, 1872 ; s. of F. C. Walrond, of Rugby. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1891-5 (E.A., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1893 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., andB.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1898. Union Soc. Music Master, Stratford-on- Avon Or. School, 1895-6 ; St. John's School, Leatherhead, 1897 ; St. Edmund's School, Canterbiury, 1898-9 ; Giggleswick School 1899- 1905 ; Trinity Coll., Glenalmond, 191 1 ; Organist of St. Cuthbert's Church, Carlisle, 1906-8 ; Acting ditto, Carlisle Cathedral, 1908- 10 ; Inspector of Schools, Board of Education, 191 2-. Address : c/o Board of Education, White- hall, London, S.W. Walrond, Theodore Riversdale : h. Aug. 14, i860 ; s. of Theodore Walrond, C.B., of Taplow, Bucks. Educ. Temple Grove, East Sheen ; Eton ; Balliol 1879-83 (R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1880 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1883. Union and Bra- kenbury Socs. Barrister, L.I., 1886 ; Private Sec. to Earl of Onslow, Governor of New Zealand, 1889— 92 ; Board of Education 1892- ; Private Sec. to Vice-Pres. of Council (Sir John Gorst) 1895-8 ; ditto to Lord Pres. of Council (Duke of Devonshire) 1 898-1 902 ; Assist, Sec. Recreations : Shooting, fish- ing, golf, travel. Clubs : Traveller's, Beefsteak. Address : 13 Gerald Road, Chester Square, London, S.W. Walsh, Rev. Arthur George Digby : b. 1856 ; s. of Rev. and Hon. Digby Walsh, of Chichester. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1875-8 ; 3rd CI. Mods., and B.A., 1876. Ordained d. 1880, p. 1881 ; Curate of St. Bridget with St. Martin, Chester, 1880-2 ; Newent 1902-5 ; Vicar of Carrington, Cheshire, 1882-. Club : Oxford and Cambridge. Address : Carrington Vicarage, Cheshire. Walsh, Correa Moylan : b. Sept. 23, 1862 ; s. of J. C. Walsh, of New York. Educ. Harvard Univ. ; Bal- liol 1888-9 (W. H. Fremantle). A.B. Harvard, 1884 ; Author. Pub- lications : The Measurement of General Exchange Value, 1901 ; The Fundamental Problem in Monetary Science, 1903 ; SJtakespeare's Com- plete Sonnets, with introduction and notes, 1908 ; The Doctrine of Crea- tion, 1910. Address : Bellport, Long Island, New York, U.S.A. Walters, Robert : b. 1832 ; s. of Robert Walters, of London. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1850; B.A. (St. Mary Hall) 1855 ; M.A. 1857. Barrister, I.T., 1857. Address : Ware Priory, Herts. [Died Aug. 9, 1912.] Walton, Rev. James William : b. April 5, 1866 ; s. of James Walton, of Mellor, Blackburn ; m. April 24, 1906, Isabella, d. of W. B. Wilkinson, J. P., of Newcastle and Whitley Bay. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Queen Elizabeth's Gr. School, Blackburn; Non-CoU. 1888; Balliol 1889-91 (W.H.F., T.R., E.G.) ; B.A. 1892 ; M.A. 1895. Ordained d. 1893, p. 1894 ; Curate of Rye 1893-5 ; Christ Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1895-6 ; St. 357 BALLIOL COLLLEE REGISTER Cyprian, Durban, S, Africa, i8g6- 9 ; BcnwcU 1 899-1 903 ; St. Peter, Newcastle - upon - Tyne, 1903-5 ; Hucknall Torkard 1905-6 ; Rector of Tixall 1906-10 ; Gosforth 1910-. Address: The Rectory, Gosforth, S.O., Cumberland. Warburton, Harris Grant : b. Nov. 1,1867; s. of Capt. A. F. Warburton, 15th Foot. Educ. Dover Coll. ; Balliol 1885-7 (W.M.). Annandale Soc. I.C.S., N.W. Prov. and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1887 ; District Magistrate and Collector 1899 ; District and Sessions Judge, Lucknow, 1907- ; Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col., Luck- now Volunteer Rifles ; Hon. A.D.C. to the Viceroy. Club : East India United Service. Address : Kunkur Kothi, Lucknow, India. Warburton, Rev. William Parsons : b. Jan. 17, 1826 ; s. of George Warburton, Inspector-General of Irish Constabulary ; m. June i , 1853, Isabel Mary, d. of 2nd Lord Ribblesdale. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1845-9 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B. A., 1849; M.A. 1853; Fellow of All Souls 1849-53. Ordained d. 1851, p. 1853 ; H.M. Inspector of Schools 1 85 1-8 1 ; ditto of Train- ing Colls., 1881-5 ; Hon. Canon 1878-81, Proctor in Convocation 1880-1901, Canon 1884-1901, Dio. of Winchester ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishops of Winchester 1881-1901. Publications : ' Edward III ' (Epochs of History) ; * Bishop Bull ' (Classical Preacher Lecturers). Address : The Chestnuts, St. Cross, Winchester. [Died July 31, 1913.] ♦Ward, Arnold Sandwth : b. Nov. 8, 1876 ; s. of T. H. Ward, of Stocks, Tring, Educ. Eton (New- castle Sch.) ; Balliol 1895-9 (E.A.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Chan- cellor's Latin Verse Prize, 1897 ; Craven Sch. 1898 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1899; M.A. 1903; Cricket XI (Capt.). Union and DervorguilJaSocs. ; O.U.D.S. Eton Cricket XI 1895 ; Special Corre- spondent of The Times in Egypt, the Sudan, and India, 1 899-1 902 ; Barrister, I.T., 1903 ; contested (U.) Cricklade Div. of Wilts. 1906 ; M.P. Watford Div. of Herts. 1910- ; Lieut, in Herts. Yeomanry. Clubs : Carlton, St. James's, Athenaeum. Address : Stocks, Tring. Ward, Rev. Arthur Easton Stanley : b. Sept. 21, 1878 ; s. of T. J. Ward, of Malabar Hill, Bombay ; m. Oct. 19, 1909, Marianne, d. of Rt. Rev. J. J. PuUeine, Bishop of Richmond. Educ. Carlisle Gr. School (Charles Howard Ex., and Hon. Foundation Sch.) ; Balliol 1896-9 (F. de P., J.A.S., E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1898 ; B.A. and M.A. 1903 ; Cricket XI ; Rugby XV. Arnold Soc. ; Shaftes- bury Club. Ordained d. 1902, p. 1903 ; Curate of Stanhope 1902-9 ; Vicar of St. Wilfrid's, Bradford, 1909- ; S.P.G. Sec. for Rural Deanery of Bradford ; Surrogate for Dio. of Ripon. Recreations : Cricket, football, mountaineering, chess. Address : St. Wilfrid's Vicarage, Bradford, Yorks. Ward, Rev. Arthur Evelyn : b. Sept. 13, 1877 ; s. of Lt.-Col. Arthur Ward, R.E. ; m. Nov. 1909, Eileen, d. of T. M. C. Vigors, of Burgage, Co. Carlow. Educ. Fonthill, East Grinstead ; Sherborne ; Balliol 1896-1900 (A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Wil- liams Ex. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1900 ; B.A. 1902 ; Private Tutor at Hat- field, Herts., 1900-2 ; Bishop's Hostel, Farnham, 1902-3 ; ordained d. 1903, p. 1904 ; Curate of Hatfield 1903-5 ; Vicar of Lemsford 1905-. Address : Lemsford Vicarage, Hat- field, Herts. Ward, Bernard Rowland : 6. Jan. 16, 1863 ; s. of Lt.-Col. B.E.Ward, 60th Rifles; m. Dec. 5, 1891, Jeanie, d. of J. M, Duffield, Civil Service, Gibraltar. Issue : one son. Educ. Winchester ; R. M. Academy, Woolwich ; BalUol 1887 (J.L.S.D., R.L.N.). Royal Engineers, Lieut. 1882, Capt. 1891, Major 1899, Lieut. -Col. 1906 ; Brevet Col. 1909 ; Officer in charge of R.E. Records, Chatham. Publications : Manual of Military Ballooning, 1896 ; Notes on Fortification, 1902 ; History of the School 358 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER of Military Engineering, 1S13- igog ; The Training of a Recruit for the Royal Engineers, 1910 ; Colonel Coote Manningham (a song of the Rifle Brigade), and other regimental songs ; editor of Lady De Lancey's narrative A Week at Waterloo in iSi^, and of Pasley's Military Policy of the British Empire. Club : Junior Army and Navy. Address : Brompton Barracks, Chatham, Ward, Francis Welsford : b. April 2, 1887 ; s. of W. W. Ward, of Bosloe, near Falmouth. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1905-9 (F, de P., J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1909. Brakenbury Soc. Solicitor 191 2 ; Managing Clerk to Osborne, Ward, Vassall & Co., Solicitors, Bristol. Addresses : Bosloe, near Fal- mouth ; 41 Broad St., Bristol. Ward, Herbert Joseph : b. July 12, 1894 ; 5. of Wilfrid Ward, of Dorking. Educ. Oratory School, Edgbaston ; Balliol 1912- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Address : Lotus, Dork- ing. Ward, Henry Seymer : b. 1831 ; s of James Ward, of Whippingham, Isle of Wight. Educ. Balliol 1848. Ward, Thomas : b. Oct. 5, 1859. s. of J. C. Ward, of Heckmond- wike ; m. (i) 1882, Sarah (d. 1885), d. of John Barker, of Thorn- hill, Yorks. Issue : one son, one daughter ; (2) 1891, Ann, d. of R. F. Machell, J. P., of Mir- field, Yorks. Issue : three sons, three daughters. Educ. Bradford Gr. School (Sen. Governor's Ex.) ; Non-Coil. 1879 ; Balliol 1880-2 (J.W.R.) ; 4th Math., and B.A., 1882 ; M.A. 1886. Union Soc. Solicitor 1885 ; Dewsbury 1885- 97 ; Manchester 1897-1906 ; Hud- dersfield 1906- ; member of Local Board 1890-4, Urban District Council 1894-6, Thomhill, of Yorkshire Dialect and the Law Socs., and of Law Committees of Leeds and Sheffield Univs. ; Joint Hon. Sec. of Yorkshire Board of Legal Studies ; Notary Public 1903; Vice-Pres., Hudders- field Law Soc. 191 3-14. Club : Huddersfield Liberal. Addresses : Lanes, and Yorks. Bank Cham- bers, Market-place, and 27 West Hill, Huddersfield. Warde-Aldam, John Ralph Patien- tius : b. Aug. 15, 1892 ; 5. of W. W. Warde-Aldam, of Frickley Hall, Doncaster. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1911- (F.F.U., H.W.C.D.). Union and Brakenbury Socs. Address : Frickley Hall, Don- caster. Wardrop, John Oliver : b. Oct. 10, 1864 ; s. of Thomas Wardrop. Educ. Coopers' Company's Gr. School, London ; France and Ger- many ; Balliol 1888-91 (A.L.S.) ; Taylorian Ex. (Spanish 1888, French 1889, Italian 1890) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1891 ; M.A. 1895. Union and Brakenbury (Pres.) Socs. Commission in 19th Middle- sex R.V. Corps 1890-4 ; Army Interpreter for Russian ; Private Sec. to H.M.'s Ambassador, St. Petersburg (Sir R. Morier) 1892-3 ; Vice-Consul, Kertch, 1 895-1902 ; Sebastopol 1899 ; Acting Consul- General, Poland, 1900 ; Rumania, and Tunis, 1901 ; Haiti 1902-3 ; Consul, St. Petersburg, 1903-6 ; Rumania 1906-10 ; retired 1910 ; Educational Adviser to City of London Coll. 191 4-; member of Georgian Soc. of Hist, and Ethnography ; life member of General Assoc, of Students in Paris. Publications : The King- dom of Georgia, 1888 ; The Book of Wisdom and Lies ; contribu- tions to English Historical Review, Journal of Royal Asiatic Soc, &c. Address : The Home Farm House, Chipstead, Sevenoaks. Waring, Michael Louis : b. July 15, 1870 ; s. of E. B. Waring, of London. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1893-4 (W.M.). I.C.S., Punjab; Assist. Commissioner 1894 ; Re- gistrar of Chief Court 1 899-1902 ; District Judge 1904 ; Deputy Commissioner 1906 ; Divisional Judge 1908. Address : c/o H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. 359 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Warman, Rev. John Seager : b. Sept. 28, 1 84 1 ; 5. of J. H. Warman, of Ebley House, Stroud ; m. (i) 1869, Lucy Hutchinson (d. 1873), d. of Rev. James Tate. Issue : three children ; (2) 1875, Frances Ellen (d. 1877), d. of Rev. F. B. Tate. Issue : one daughter ; (3) 1882, Clara (d. 1882), d. of Rev. W. Howard. Issue : one son. Educ. Highgate ; Balliol 1860-4 (E.C.W., E.P., B.J.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1862 ; 4th Lit. Hum. 1864 ; B.A. 1865 ; M.A. 1867 ; represented Univ. in Mile Race v. Cambridge 1864 ; Univ. Trial 1861, 2, 3, and Coll. (Capt. 1864) Eights. Union Soc. Temporary Master, Haileybury and Wellington, 1864-5 ; Fellow of Radley Coll. 1866-7 ; ordained d. 1866, p. 1870 ; Master, Rich- mond Gr. School, Yorks., 1867-79 ; Curate of Great Witchingham 1879-80 ; Vicar of Blackmoor 1880-4 ; Rector of Boxford 1884- ; Rural Dean of Hadleigh 1904-12. Recreations : Cricket, lawn tennis, golf. Club : Royal Societies. Ad- dress : Boxford Rectory, Colchester. Warner, George Redston : b. July 18, 1879 ; s. of Sir Joseph Warner ; m. 1 9 10, Margery, d. of W. E. Nicol, of Ballogie, Aberdeenshire. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1898-9 (H. Williamson, F. de P.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1899. Dervorguilla Soc. Clerk in Foreign Office. Address : I Sumner Place, Onslow Square, London, S.W. ♦Wamer, Rev. William : b. Aug. 3, 185 1 ; s. of William Warner, of Tettenhall, Wolverhampton ; m. July 6, 1892, Rosamund Edith, d. of Edward Bur^', Barrister- at-Law. Educ. Wolverhampton Grammar School ; Rugby; Balliol 1870-4 (R.L.N., R.G.T., J.L.S.D., T.H.G.) ; Domus Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1872 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1874 ; M.A. 1877. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Student 1874, Lecturer in Classics 1875, Tutor 1 877-1910, Censor 1887-92, retired on pension 19 10, Christ Church ; ordained d. 1877, p. 1879 ; preached Latin Sermon to Balliol Vice-Chancellor (Dr. Jowett) and Balliol Proctors (H. S. Holland and A. L. Smith) 1882 ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishop of Ely 1905- ; Controller of Lodging Houses 1906- ; Delegate of Local Examinations, of Non-Collegiate Students, for the Training of Ele- mentary Teachers, and for the Supervision of Women Students ; Governor of Lady Margaret Hall ; sometime Sec. of Oxford C.O.S. ; Pres. of Oxford Coll. Servants' Soc.; Trustee of Oxford Municipal Charities ; Delegate of Lodging Houses ; and member of Oxford Board of Guardians. Recreations : Music, cycling. Address : 6 Crick Road, Oxford. ♦Wane, Rev. Prebendary Edmond : b. Feb. 12, 1837 ; s. of Henry Warre, of Bindon, Som. ; m. 1861, Florence Dora, d. of Lieut. - Col. C. Malet, of Fontmell Parva, Dorset. Issue : five sons, two daughters. Educ. Eton (New- castle Sch.) ; Balliol 1855-9 J Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1856 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1859 ; M.A. 1861 ; B.D. and D.D. 1884 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1907 ; Univ. (Treas. 1858, Pres. 1859, rowed v. Cam- bridge 1857, 8, 9) and Coll. (Cap- tain) Eights ; Univ. Sculls and Pairs. Union Soc. Fellow of All Souls 1859-62 ; Assist. Master 1860-84, Head ditto 1884-1905, Provost 1909-, Eton Coll. ; or- dained d. and p. 1867; Hon. Chapl. to Queen Victoria 1885- 1901, King Edward VII 1901-10, King George V 1910- ; Hon. Fellow of BaUiol 1896 ; Preben- dary of Wells 1899 ; M.V.O. 1901 ; Major Commanding Eton Coll. R.V. Corps 1878-84; Hon. Col., and V.D., 1885 ; C.B. 1905 ; C.V.O. 1910 ; Trustee of Jowett Memorial Fund. Publications : Letters from the Peninsula, 1909 ; Grammar of Rowing, 1910 ; trans- lation of Selwyn's Diary of Boating Years at Eton, iSzg-jo (original in Greek). Club : Athe- naeum. Address : The Lodge, Eton College, Windsor. 360 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Warre, Edmond Lancelot : b. Nov. 12, 1877 ; s. of Rev. Edmond Warre, D.D., Provost of Eton Coll., and Prebendary of Wells. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1896-9 (J.C, W.H.F.) ; Eight. Dervorguilla Soc. Archi- tect. Clubs : Leander, Union. Addresses : 15 Dean's Yard, West- minster, London, S. W. ; The Lodge, Eton College, Windsor. Warre, Eraald Roger : b. Dec. 31, 1872 ; s. of Rev. Edmond Warre, D.D., Provost of Eton Coll., and Prebendary of Wells. Edicc. Eton; Balliol 1892-6 (A.L.S.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1896 ; B.A. 1897 ; Univ. Trial 1893, and Coll. (Capt.) Eights. Dervorguilla Soc. Barris- ter, I.T., 1899 ; Clerk in Charity Commission 1902-7 ; Clerk to Trustees of the London Parochial Charities 1907-. Clubs : Athe- naeum, United University. Ad- dresses : 3 Temple Gardens, Lon- don, E.C. ; 231 A St. James's Court, Buckingham Gate, Lon- don, S.W. Warre, Felix Walter : b. May 5, 1879 ; s. of Rev. Edmond Warre, D.D., Provost of Eton Coll., and Prebendary of Wells. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1897-1901 (J.C, D.H.N.) ; Univ. 1898, 9, 1901 (Pres. 1900-1), and Coll. (Capt.) Eights ; Coll. Four. Dervorguilla Soc. With Baring's Bank 1901-2 ; Gilman & Co., Merchants, Hong Kong and Foochow, China, 1903- 9 ; partner in Sotheby, Wilkin- son, and Hodge, Auctioneers, London, 1909-. Club : Union. Addresses : 13 Wellington St., Strand, London, W.C. ; 231 a St. James's Court, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. Warre, Rev. Prebendary Francis : b. June 29, 1834 ; s. of Henry Warre, of Bindon, Som. ; m. i860, Ellin Jane, d. of Rev. J. J. Peach, of Tockington House, Glos. Issue : four daughters. Educ. Eagle House, Brook Green, Hammersmith ; Eton ; Balliol 1852-6 (E.C.W., B.J., W.C.L., J.R., E.P.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1854 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1856 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. i860. Ordained d. 1858, p. 1859 ; Curate of Olveston 1859-63 ; Vicar of Bere Regis with Winterboume Kingston 1864-76 ; Vicar of Melksham 1876-90 ; Rural Dean of Brad- ford-on- Avon 1888-90 ; Preben- dary of Minor pars Altaris in Salisbury Cathedral 1875 ; Rector of Fugglestone with Bemerton 1890-. Club : United University. Address : Bemerton Rectory, Salisbury. •= Warren, Thomas Herbert : b. Oct. 21, 1853 ; s. of A. W. Warren, J. P., of Bristol ; m. Mary Isabel, d. of Sir Benjamin Brodie, 2nd Bart., of Balliol. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1872-7 (F. de P., J.P., E.A., J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Hertford Sch., 1873 ; Gaisford Verse Prize 1875 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1876; Craven Sch. 1878; M.A.1879; Hon. D.C.L. 1907 ; Univ. (occa- sionally) and Coll. Rugby XV's ; won Univ. Open Hand Fives, Single and Double, Prizes ; Coll. Hundred Yards and Quarter- Mile ; Morrison Fours. Union Soc. (Lib. 1875-6). Fellow 1877, Classical Tutor 1878-85, Jun. and Sen. Dean of Arts, President 1 885-, Magdalen Coll. ; Master of the Schools 1880 ; CI. Modera- tor 1882-3, 98, 9 ; Pro- Proctor 1883 ; Exam, in Lit. Himi. 1884-5 ; Vice-Chancellor 1906- 10, Pro ditto, and Prof, of Poetry, 191 1-, Oxford Univ. ; member of Hebdomadal Covmcil ; Curator of the Botanic Garden, and of the Taylor Institution ; Perpetual Dele- gate of the Univ. Museum ; Delegate for Military Instruction, for the Examination of Schools, of Non-Collegiate Students, for Forestry, and for Rural Economy ; Departmental Commissioner for the Treasury to inspect University Colls, of Great Britain 1896 ; formerly Governor of St. Paul's School, and member of Consulta- tive Committee of Board of Educa- tion till 1906 ; member of Councils of Clifton Coll.. and of Univ. of 361 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Bristol ; Hon. LL.D., Birming- ham, 1909; D.Litt., Bristol. Pub- licafions : Plato, Republic i-v, with Introduction and Notes, 1888, reprinted 1892, 7, 1901, 6, 13 ; Educatwn and Equality (an address on education), 1895 ; By Severn Sea, and other Poems, 1897, 2nd ed. 1898 ; Life of Prince Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein, 1903 ; Magdalen College : An Historical Sketch, and Death of Virgil : a Poem, 1907 ; Essays of Poetry and the Poets, and Centenary of Tenny- son, 1909 ; Tennyson's Poems, 1910; Oxford and Poetry in 19" \ Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate (a lecture delivered Nov. 8, 1913) ; Lorna Doone, 1914; edited Poems of G. J, Romanes, with introduc- tion, 1896 ; contributions to Quarterly and Edinburgh Reviews, Spectator, Country Life, &c. Re- creations : Cycling, golf. Clubs : Savile, Athenaeum. Address : Magdalen College, Oxford. ♦Waterhouse, Amyas Theodore : b. Nov. 19, 1872 ; s. of Alfred Water- house, R.A., LL.D., of Yattendon ; m. Jan. i, 1907, Ruth, d. of W. B. Gamlen, Sec. to the Curators of the Univ. Chest, Oxford. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton ; BalUol 1891-5 (J.C.) ; 2nd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1895 ; Welsh Memorial Prize 1897 ; M.A., M.B., and B.Ch., 1902 ; M.D. 191 3. Brakenbury Soc. Studied at St. Thomas's Hospital 1898-1902 ; L.R.C.P. (London), and M.R.C.S. (England) 1902 ; House Physician and Surgeon, Radcliffe Infirmary, 1902-4 ; practising medicine in Oxford 1904-. Recreations : Shooting, riding, birds' nesting, motoring. Club : Union. Address : 35 Beau- mont St., Oxford. Waterhouse, Michael Theodore : b. Aug. 31, 1888 ; s. of Paul Waterhouse, of Green End, Box- moor. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1907-11 (A.L.S., E.J. P., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1911; Eight (Cox.) ; 2nd Torpid (Stroke). Dervorguilla Soc. Pupil in Archi- tecture with his father. Address : Green End, Boxmoor, Herts. ♦Waterhouse, Paul : b. Oct. 29, 1861 ; s. of Alfred Waterhouse, R.A., LL.D., of Yattendon ; m. 1887, Lucy Grace, d. of Sir Reginald Palgrave, K.C.B. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ. Eton; Balliol 1880-4 (W.H.F., R.L.N., J.L.S.D., F. de P.) ; and CI. Mods. 1882 ; 2nd Lit. Hum, 1884 ; B.A. 1885 ; M.A. 1887 ; Eight (Cox.) ; Sec. and Pres. of Coll. Boat Club. Dervorguilla and Brakenbury Socs. ; Palmerston and Oxford Arts Clubs. Pupil in Architecture, and subsequently partner, with his father, and since 1904 practising alone ; winner of Silver Medal for Essays 1886, Fellow, and for many years a member of the Council, Royal Institute of British Architects ; besides works erected in partner- ship with his father has designed independently collegiate buildings for Univs. of Manchester and Leeds ; offices for the Prudential and Refuge Assurance Cos. ; the University Coll. Hospital Medical School ; the premises of the London Salvage Corps and the Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses ; the panelling and the organ case (presented by Robert Younger, K.C.) in Balliol College Hall ; the Laboratories for the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine ; the new Chemical Laboratory, Oxford ; and various domestic buildings and hospital work. Publications : frequent papers on architectural subjects ; contributor to Dictionary of Na- tional Biography. Clubs : Savile, Burlington Fine Arts. Addresses : Staple Inn Buildings, London, W.C. ; Green End, Boxmoor, Herts. Watherston, Charles Fell : b. Jan. 6, 1875 ; s. of Rev. A. L. Wather- ston, Head Master of Hinckley Gr. School ; m. Oct. 24, 1903, Constance Eva, d. of T, W, Clarke. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Westminster 362 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER (Queen's Sch.) ; Balliol 1893-8 (J.W.R., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods., and Jun. Math. Sch., 1895 ; ist Math., and B.A., 1897 ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1898. Union and Arnold Socs. Clerk, Class I, 1899, Assist. Actuary 1902, Assist. Principal Clerk 1905-, War Of&ce ; Assoc, of the Institute of Actuaries. Address : 20 Northwich Park Road, Harrow. ♦Watkins, Yen. Henry William : b. Jan. 19, 1844 ; s. of William Watkins, of Wem-y-Cwm ; in. 1883, Kate Mary Margaret, d. of Sir Henry Thompson, ist Bart. Issue : three daughters. Educ. Monmouth ; King's Coll., London ; Balliol 1872-5 (T.K.C., T.H.G., R.L.N.) ; Sch. ; B.A. 1877 ; M.A. 1878. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. B.A. 1868, M.A. 1873, London; ordained d. 1870, p. 1871 ; Curate of Pluckley 1870-2 ; Vicar of Much Wenlock 1873-5 ; Associate 1869, Censor, Tutor, and Chapl. 1875-8, Prof, of Logic and Moral Philosophy 1877-9, ditto Logic and Metaphysics 1879-80, Hon. Fellow 1872, King's Coll., London ; Warden 1879-80, Hon. Fellow 1883, St. Augustine's Coll., Canterbury ; Vicar of St. Gregory the Great, Canterbury, 1879-80 ; Prof, of Hebrew, and M.A., 1880, Hon. D.D. 1882, Univ. of Durham ; Exam. Chapl. to Bishops of Dur- ham, Lightfoot 1879-90, Westcott 1890-1901, Moule 1901-14 ; Canon of Durham, and Archdeacon of Northumberland, 1880-2 ; Curate of All Saints', Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1 88 1-2 ; Archdeacon 1882-, Sub-Dean 1906-, Durham ; Com- missary to Bishop of Sydney 1884 ; Bampton Lecturer, Oxford, 1890 ; member of German Oriental Soc. Publications : Commentary on St. John, 1879; The Church in North- umberland, 1881 ; Our Churches and our Schools, 1884 ; Modern Criticism considered in its Relation to the Fourth Gospel, Bampton Lectures, 1890 ; contributor to Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, Smith and Wace's Dictionary of Christian Biography, Quarterly Review, &c. Club : Athenaeum. Address : The Archdeaconry, Dur- ham. Watson, Archibald Watson : &. Nov. 13, 1864 ; 5. of Archibald Watson, Civil Engineer. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1883-7 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1885 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1887. Writer to the Signet. Club : University (Edinburgh). Address : c/o Messrs. Davidson & Syme, W.S., 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. ♦Watson, Arthur George : b. Nov. 30, 1829 ; s. of Henry Watson, of Barnes ; m. Dec. 15, 1864, Caro- line Jane, d. of Hon. and Rev. K. H. Digby. Issue : two sons, four daughters. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1848-53 (B.J.) ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1852 ; Johnson Theol. Sch. 1853 ; B.C.L. 1856 ; D.C.L. 1 86 1. Union Soc. Fellow of All Souls 1853-64 ; Assist. Master, Harrow, 1854-91 ; J. P., Sussex, 1894. Clubs : New University, National Liberal. Address : Up- lands, Wadhurst, Sussex. * Watson, Arthur Kenelm : b. March 23, 1867 ; s. of A. G. Wat- son, D.C.L., of Wadhurst ; m. 1897, Caroline Margaret, d. of C. Warrack, Sheriff Clerk of Aber- deen. Issue : one son, four daughters. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1885-9 (W.H.F., E.A., R.L.N.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., 1887 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1895 ; Univ. and Coll. Cricket XI's ; Assoc. XI. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Resided abroad 1889-91 ; Assist. Master, Rugby, 1891-1906 ; Head Master, Ipswich School, 1906- ; played for Middlesex, Norfolk, and Suffolk County Cricket XI's. Recreations : Cricket, football, golf, boating. Addresses: The School House, Ipswich ; Dyke End, Upton, Norfolk. Watson, David Milne : b. March 10, 1869 ; s. of David Watson, of Edinburgh ; m. 1899, Olga Cecily, d. of Rev. George Herbert. Issue : 363 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER three children. Educ. Merchiston Castle ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Bal- liol 1894-6 (T.R.) ; Rugby XV. Dervorguilla and Annandale Socs. M.A., and LL.B., Edinburgh ; Barrister, M.T., 1896 ; Assist., afterwards General Manager of the Gas, Light and Coke Co.; con- tested (L.) S.E, Essex 1895 ; mem- ber of Territorial Force Assoc, County of London. Clubs : United University, Union, Devon- shire. Address : 39 Eccleston Square, London, S.W. ♦Watson, Hubert Digby : b. Dec. 31, 1869 ; s. of A. G. Watson, D.C.L., of Wadhurst. Educ. Harrow (Sch.) ; Balliol 1888^3 (E.A., R.L.N., J.L.S.D.) ; Williams Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1890 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1892 ; B.A. 1893 ; M.A. 1898 ; Univ. 1891, and Coll. Cricket XI's ; Assoc. XL Union and Der\'or- guilla Socs. LC.S. ; Political Officer, Southern Waziristan, 1899- 1900 ; Settlement Officer, Hazara District, N.W^F. Prov., 1900-7 ; Deputy Commissioner, Hissar, Punjab, 1909 ; editor of Hazara Gazetteer. Club : East India United Service. Addresses : Uplands, Wadhurst, Sussex ; Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. Watson, William Henry Lowe : b. Aug. 3, 1891 ; s. of Rev. P. Watson. Educ. Harrow; Gottin- gen ; Balliol 1910- (E.H., H.M.W., A.D.L., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Ex. Arnold (Pres.) and Brakenbury Socs. Member of Russell, Pal- raerston, and Eighty Clubs, and of Inaugural Committee of Oxford Univ. Liberal Club ; editor of The Blue Book. Addresses : Leafland, Harrow-on-the-Hill ; Cavendish Club, 119 Piccadilly, London, W. Watt, James : b. Dec. 25, 1870 ; s. of James Watt, of Dmnfries. Educ. Dumfries Academy ; Edin- burgh Univ. (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (E. A., J.L.S.D.) ; CI. Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1892 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1894 ; B.A. 1895. Braken- bury Soc. Engaged in teaching 1894-9 ; Colonial Civil Service ; District Commissioner 1899, Sen. I ditto 1909-, Southern Nigeria. Club : New Oxford and Cam- bridge. Addresses : Crawford Villas, Dumfries, Scotland ; Lagos, West Africa. Watt, James Crabb : b. June 25, 1879 ; 5. of J. C. Watt, of Edin- burgh ; m. 191 3, Katharine, d. of C. J. Upcott, of Cullompton. Educ. George Watson's Coll., Edinburgh ; Balliol 1899-1902 (E.J.) ; 3rd Jur. 1902 ; B.A. 1903. Barrister, I.T., 1903. Address : Penang, Straits Settlements. Watt, William Pettie : b. Sept. 28. 1886 ; s. of A. P. Watt, of London. Educ. Rugby ; Balliol 1905-9 (F. de P., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1907 ; O.U.D.S. (' A Corpse ' in Aristophanes' Frogs). Literary Agent. Address: 29 Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, London, N.W. ♦Watts, John : b. 1843 ; s. of John Watts, of Maidstone. Educ. Non- Coll. 1873-6 ; Balliol 1876 ; ist Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1876 ; M.A. 1879. D.Sc, London, 1870 ; Lecturer on Organic Chemistry, Chemical Department, Oxford Univ., 1 872-191 3 ; Science Lec- turer, Merton Coll., 1880-. Ad- dress : Merton College, Oxford. Watts, Thomas Henry John : b. 1865 ; s. of T. M. Watts, of Haverfordwest. Educ. Llandovery ; Balliol 1885 (H.B.D., F. de P.). Address : 12 Fair La^vn Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. ♦Waylen, Robert Francis : b. 1839 ; s. of Robert Wa^-len, of Devizes. Educ. Private ; Non-Coil. 1881 ; Balliol 1882-5 (R.L.N.) ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1885 ; M.A. 1888. Webb, Vanderbilt : b. April 23, 1891 ; s. of W. S. Webb, of Shel- bume, Vermont, U.S.A. Educ. Yale Univ. ; Balliol 191 2-1 3 (A.L.S.) ; Univ. Ice Hockey team V. Cambridge, 1913. Brakenbury Soc. Address : Shelburne, Ver- mont, U.S.A. Wedderbura, Alexander Dmidas Ogilvy : b. Aug. 7, 1854 ; 5. of J. A. Wedderbum, Madras Civil Service, of Auchterhouse, Co. 364 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Forfar; m. 1887, Mathilde (d. (1898), d. of H. W. Segelcke. Issue : one son, one daughter. Ediic. Haileybury ; Balliol 1873-7 (R.L.N., T.H.G., J.L.S.D., F. de P., T.C., A.G.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1875 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1877. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. One of Ruskin's Hincksey ' road- makers '. Barrister 1880, Bencher 1907, I.T. ; Q.C. 1897 ; Recorder of Gravesend 1898- ; one of the leaders of the ParHamentary Bar. Publications : Edited, during the author's Ufe, Ruskin's Arrows of the Chace, On the Old Road, &c. ; afterwards one of his literary executors and joint editor of the Library Edition of his works. Clubs : Travellers', St. Stephen's. Addresses : 47 Cadogan Place, London, S.W. ; Farrar's Build- ings, 10 Temple, London, E.C. ; Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. ; The Hoo, Willing- don, Sussex. Wedderbum, Alexander Henry Mel- Vill ; b. July 1, 1892 ; s. of A. D. O. Wedderbium, K.C. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1911- (H.W.C.D., N.S.T., F.F.U.) ; Univ. 1912, 13, and Coll. Eights ; Four. Union (Treas. and Sec. 1913, Lib. and Pres. 1914), Brakenbvury, and Arnold Socs. Address : The Hoo, Willingdon, Sussex. Wedderbum, Harry George : b. Nov. 18, 1850 ; s. of Andrew Wedderbum, I.C.S., Madras ; m. 1 881, Jane Trevelian, d. of D. F. Carmichael, M.C.S. Issue : two sons, three daughters. Educ. Trinity Coll., Glenalraond ; Bal- liol 1869-73 (E.P., R.L.N. , J.P., T.H.G.,T.C.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1 871; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1873 ; B.A. 1874 ; 3rd B.C.L. 1875 ; M.A. 1879 ; Torpid ; Eight (Head of river, and competed in Grand Challenge Cup and Ladies' Plate, Henley) ; Four ; Univ. Seniors, for next XVI V. XI, and Coll. (Capt.) Cricket teams ; won Two Mile race in Coll, Sports 1869. Barrister, I.T., 1875 ; Advocate of High Court, Madras, 1875-97 ; Reporter for Indian Law Reports (Madras Series) 188 1-8 ; Official Trustee 1878, Administrator-General 1889, acting Advocate-General 189 1-2, and member {ex officio) Legislative Council ; Fellow of the Univ., Ma- dras, 1893-7; retired owing to ill health 1897 ; J. P., Fife. Clubs : East India United Service ; New (Edinburgh), Royal and Ancient Golf (St. Andrews). Address : Dhucraig, St. Andrews, Fife. Wegg-Prosser, Francis Richard : formerly Haggitt, F. R. ; b. 1825 ; s. of Rev. Francis Haggitt, D.D., of Nuneham, Oxon. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1842-5 ; 1st Math., and B.A., 1845. M.P. 1847-52, High Sheriff 1855, Herefordshire. Ad- dress : Merry Hill House, Here- ford. [Died Aug. 16, 1911.] Weir, Charles James : b. Oct. 12, 1856 ; s. of Thomas Weir, of Lisna- breeny House, Co. Down ; m. Sept. 27, 1883, Annie, d. of J. Wilson. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Royal Academical Institution, and Queen's Coll., Belfast ; Balliol 1878-9 (R.L.N.) ; I.C.S., Madras, 1879 ; Assist. Collector and Magis- trate ; Assist. Sessions Judge ; Officiating First Assist. Commis- sioner and District Magistrate, Coorg ; acting Under-Sec. to Government of Madras, Revenue Department, 1886 ; Officiating ditto to Government of India, Fi- nance Department, 1887 ; Officiat- ing Deputy Accountant-General, Bengal, 1888 ; Head Assist, to Collector and Magistrate, S. Arcot, 1888 ; Sub-Collector and Joint Magistrate 1891 ; Collector and Magistrate 1894 ; Officiating Sec. to Government, Local, &c., Departments, 1899-1901 ; Addi- tional Sessions Judge 1901 ; Dis- trict and Sessions Judge 1902 ; Additional Member of Legislative Coimcil, Madras, 1903 and 1905 ; member of Board of Revenue, Commissioner of Land Revenue, and Inam Commissioner, 1904 ; Chief Sec, Govt, of Madras, 1 908-9 ; retired 191 1. Club : East India, United Service. Address : c/o 365 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER H. S. King & Co., 9 Pall Mall, London, S.W. Wemher, Sir Derrick Julius, 2nd Bart. : b. June 7, 1889 ; s. of Sir Julius VVernher, ist Bart. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1907-10 (F. de P., A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; formerly Lieut, in Herts. Yeomanrv. ♦Wertheimer, Conway : b. Sept. 22, 1881; s. of Asher Wertheimer, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1900-4 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1904 ; B.A, 1906 ; M.A. 1908. Barrister, LT., 1906. Address : 2 Garden Court, Temple, London, E.C. Wertheimer, Ferdinand : b. Jan. 19, 1888 ; s. of Asher Wertheimer, of London. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1907-11 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1911. Address : 53 Hanover Gate Mansions, Regent's Park, London, N.W. West, Arthur Graeme : b. Sept. 23, 1 891 ; s. of A. B. West, of London. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1910- {C.B., A.W.P.C, H.M.W.,A.D.L.) ; Blundell Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1912. Union Soc. Address : 4 Holly Terrace, West Hill, Highgate, London, N. West, Charles Ernest : b. March 23, 1873 ; s. of C. P. West, of EUer- bank, Ambleside ; m. Oct. 6, 1908, Esther, d. of James McCrossan, of Liverpool. Educ. Merchant Tay- lors' School, Crosby (Harrison Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-7 (E.A., J.C.) ; Brakenbury Nat. Sci. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1893 ; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1895. Arnold Soc. (Sec. and Pres.). Entrance Sch., Brakenbury Sch. in Surgery, Lawrence Sch. and Medal, House Surgeon, Sen. Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Aural Surgeon, St. Bartholomew's Hospital; F.R.C.S. 1902. Address : 60 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, Lon- don, W. West, Henry Cave : b. June 5, 1881 ; s. of S. H. West, of Leaming- ton. Educ. Wellington ; Balliol 1900-2 (A.W.P.C.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902. Royal Horse Artillery. Ad' dress: c/o Cox & Co., Charing Cross, London, S.W. Weymar, Wilhelm Rudolf : b. Dec. 27, 1889 ; s. of G. W. Weymar, of Miilhausen,Thur., Germany. Educ. Weimar ; Balliol 1910 (E.H.). Entered German army 1910. Ad- dress : 30 Steinweg, MUlhausen, Thur., Germany. Weymouth Viscount ; see Bath, Marquess of. Whateley, Henry Laurence : b. Oct.23, 1836; s. of J. W. Whateley, of Edgbaston ; m. d. of Lord de Ramsey. Educ. Birmingham ; Balliol 1855-9 (B.J., W.C.S.) ; B.A. 1859 ; M.A. 1863. Exam., Board of Education, 1868-96. Clubs : St. James's, Arthur's. Address : 44 Eaton Square, Lon- don, S.W. [Died July 18, 1913.] Wheeler, Alexander Royal : b. July 10, 1889 ; s. of N. P. Wheeler, of Endeavour, Pa., U.S.A. Educ. Yale Univ. ; Berlin ; Balliol 1912- (R.G.). Brakenbury Soc. Address : Bonniebrae, En- deavour, Pa., U.S.A. ♦Wheeler, George William : b. March 13, 1863 ; s. of William Wheeler, of Oxford. Educ. Boys' Central School, Oxford ; Balliol 1883-7 (E.A., J.L.S.D.); 2nd CI. Mods. 1884 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1887 ; B.A. 1889 ; M.A. 1890. Assist, in Bodleian Library 1889-, and Superintendent at the Radcliffe Camera. Address: 4 Kingston Road, Oxford. Wheelwright, Edwin Whitfield : b. Sept. II, 1868 ; s. of T. W. Wheel- wright, of Shipley, Yorks. ; tn. Sept. 6, 1899, L., d. of W. P. Harrison. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Salt Schools, Shipley, Yorks. ; Yorkshire Coll., Leeds (Sch.) ; Balliol 1888-91 (J.C.) ; Brakenbury Nat. Sci. Sch.; ist Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1891 ; B.A. 1S93. Ph.D., Munich 1893 ; Re- search Chemist to Albright & Wil- son, Ltd., of Oldbury. Address : 14 Carisbrooke Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. White, Harold Holden : b. Aug. 20, 1858 ; s. of Henry White, J. P., 366 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER D.L., of London ; m. 1883, Helen Maud, d. of Archdale Palmer, of Nazeing Park, Essex. Educ. Ipswich (Pember ton Sch.) ; Balliol 1877-81 (F. de P., R.G.T.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1881 ; B.A. 1882. Union Soc. Barrister, I.T., 1884 ; partner in Henry White & Co., West India Merchants, 14 Mincing Lane, London, E.G. Club : Windham. Address : 3 Queen's Gate Terrace, London, W. White, John : b. July 21, 1839 ; s. of J. R. White, of Whitehall, Co. Antrim. Educ. Cheltenham (Sch.) ; Balliol 1858-62 (B.J.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and Sacred Poem Prize, i860 ; Newdigate Prize 1861 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1862 ; M.A. 1864. Fellow, Tutor, and CI. Lec- turer, Queen's Coll., 1863-4 ; Barrister, L.I., 1866 ; H.M. Inspec- tor (temporary) of Schools 1865 and 1869-70; Exam. 1870, after- wards Assist, and Principal Sec, Education Department ; retired 1903 ; C.B. Address : 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. [Died Jan. 11, 1912.] White, Maurice Richard Lyndon : b. July 30, 1875 ; s. of Rev. R. A. White, Rector of Wing, Rutland ; m. Aug. 27, 1900, Kitty, d. of J. D' Arcy, of Kew. /ssm^ : one son, one daughter. Educ. Harrow; Balliol 1894-8 (W.R.H., F. de P., F.F.U., W.H.F.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1896 ; 4th Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1898 ; Univ. Swinmiing 1895-7 (Pres. 1898), Lawn Tennis 1896-7 (Pres. 1898), and Hockey (Sec. 1894) teams ; Coll. Assoc, and Lawn Tennis teams. Dervorguilla Soc. News- paper and Magazine proprietor ; holder of English record for day's trout fly-fishing (23 fish, weight 108 lb.), Blagdon, Som. Recrea- tions : Sailing, lawn tennis, swim- ming, fishing. Club: Bath. Ad- dress : Hillside, Merstham, Surrey. ■^Whitehead, Ralph Radclifle : b. Nov. 4, 1854; s. of F. F. Whitehead, of Saddleworth, Yorks ; m. 1892, Jane Byrd, d. of Peter McCall, of Philadelphia. Issue : two sons. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1873-7 (F. de P., T.H.G., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874 ; B.A., 1878 ; M.A. 1880. Union Soc. Farmed in Cali- fornia, and Ulster Co., N.Y. Pub- lications : Vita Nuova ; Grass of the Desert ; various articles on educational and social matters. Club : New University. Address : Woodstock, Ulster Co., New York, U.S.A. Whitlaw, Charles Francis : b. May 25, 1879 ; s. of Charles Whitlaw, of Taplow. Educ. Beaumont Coll.; Balliol 1897-1902 (J.W.R., W.H.F.) ; 3rd Math. Mods. 1899. A ddress : Amerden, Taplow, Bucks. Whitley, Charles : b. Oct. 9, 1888; s. of Edward Whitley, of Liver- pool. Educ. Bromsgrove School ; Balliol 1906-9 (H.B.H.) ; Braken- bury Nat. Sci. Sch. ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.), and B.A., 1909 ; Rugby XV (Capt.). Address : Warren Hall, Broughton, near Chester. Whitridge, Arnold : b. Jvme 29, 1 891 ; s. of F. W. Whitridge, of New York. Educ. Yale Univ. ; Balliol 1913- (A.L.S.). Union, Brakenbury, and Annandale Socs. Address : 16 East nth Street, New York, U.S.A. Whittle, Frank : b. May 5, 1891 ; s. of J. H. Whittle, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School ; Balliol 1910- (C.B., A.W.P.C, A.D.L.) ; CI. Sch. ; ist CI. Mods., and dist. in Hertford Sch. Exam., 1912 ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. Address : 59 Castlebar Rd., Ealing, London, W. Whyte, Robert Barbour : b. Aug. 8, 1892 ; s. of Rev. Principal Alex- ander Whyte, D.D., of Edinburgh. Educ. Merchiston Castle ; Clayes- more; Balliol 1911-13 (A.D.L.) ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1913. Reading for C. A., Edinburgh, 1913. Address : 7 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. Wicker, Cyrus French : b. Oct. 7, 1882 ; s. of C. M. Wicker, of New York. Educ. St. Paul's School, Concord, and Yale and Columbia Univs., U.S.A. ; Balliol 1907-10 (E.H.) ; Rhodes Sch. ; 3rd 367 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER B.C.L. 1910. Arnold Soc. Fellow and B.A. 1905, M.A. 1910, Yale Univ. ; Sec. 1910 (Charge d'Af- faires July and Dec.) of Ameri- can Legation, Tangier, Morocco ; member of Sanitary Council, and of Board of Public Works, Tan- gier, 191 1 ; Sec. of Legation, Panama, 191 2-. Publication : Neu- tralization ,1911. A ddr esses : Ameri- can Legation, Panama ; Depart- ment of State, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Wickham, William Henry : h. 1836 ; s. of Rev. Edward Wick- ham, of Hammersmith. Educ. Win- chester ; Balliol 1854-9; 3rd CI. Mods. 1856 ; B.A. 1858 ; M.A. i860. Solicitor 1862. Address : 14 Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C. ♦Wigan, Arthur Lawford : b. April 27, 1868 ; 5. of Sir Frede- rick Wigan, I St Bart. ; m. 1896, Beatrice, d. of Col. C. H, Bagot, C.B., of East Grinstead. Issue : One daughter. Educ. Sangun, Bournemouth ; Eton ; Balliol 1886-90 (J.L.S.D., R.L.N., G.R.B.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1888 ; 3rd Lit, Hum., and B.A., 1890 ; M.A. 1893; Torpid. Dervorguilla Soc. Chairman of Cobham United Breweries, Ltd., and of Hoare & Co., Brewers, London. Chibs : St. Stephen's, Leander, Marylebone; Royal Ascot Golf. Address : Forest Park, Windsor. Wigsell, Atwood Dalton : b. 1821 ; s. of Rev. Atwood Wigsell, of Sanderstead, Surrey. Educ. Bal- liol 1839. 7th Dragoon Guards. Wilberforce, Robert : b. Dec. 8, 1887 ; s. of Henry Wilberforce, of Little Malvern, Malvern Wells. Educ. Beaumont College, Bal- liol 1908-12 (A.L.S., H.W.C.D., F.F.U.) ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1912. Address: The Wings, Kemerton, Glos. Wilbraham, Sir P. W. Baker : see Baker Wilbraham, Sir P. W. Wild, Charles Edmund : b. March 12, 1869 ; s. of Robert Wild, Schoolmaster, of Snaresbrook, London ; m. Nov. 27, 1901, Helen, | d. of J. D. Elliot, of Enfield. Educ. City of London School ; Balliol 1887-9 (W.M.) ; Torpid (2) ; Rugby XV ; Cricket 2nd XL LC.S., N.W. Provinces and Oudh ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and Assist. Commis- sioner, 1889 ; Joint Magistrate 1898 ; Deputy Commissioner 1900 ; Magistrate and Collector 1903 ; Commissioner of Excise 1909. Club : East India United Service. Address : Allahabad, United Provinces, India. Wilenski, Reginald Howard Arthur: b. March 7, 1887; s. of Arthur Wilenski, of London. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-6 (C.B., A.W.P.C). Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Studied Art in Munich (under Prof. Carl Marr), and in Paris ; London 1909- ; Artist. Address: i Pem- broke Studios, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Wilkins, Roland Field : b. Jan. 3, 1872 ; 5. of A. S. Wilkins, Prof, of Latin in Victoria Univ., Man- chester ; m. May 30, 1907, Louisa, d. of A. T. Jebb, of The Lyth, EUesmere. Educ. Sed- bergh (Sch.) ; Balliol 1890-4 (W.R.H., R.L.N., E.A., J.A.S.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and hon. mention for Craven and Ireland Schs., 1892 ; Craven Sch, 1893 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1894 ; B.A. 1898 ; Torpid (2) ; Stroke of Jun. Four, Coll. Regatta, 1892 ; won Coll. Mile three years. Ar- nold and Brakenbury Socs. First place in Civil Service Exam. 1895 ; Treasury; Principal Clerk 1908- ; C.B. 1912. Recreations : Ski-ing, skating, dry-fly fishing. Clubs : Ski of Great Britain, Oxford and Cambridge, Savile, Prince's. Ad- dress : 14 Aubrey Walk, Campden Hill, London, W. Wilkinson, Rev. Arthur Henry : b. Sept, 8, 1885 ; s. of John Wilkin- son, Farmer, of Whitworth, Dur- ham. Educ. Private ; Elementary School ; Balliol 1905-8 (E.J. P., A.L.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Williams Ex. ; 2nd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1908 ; 368 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Hockey XL Arnold and Dervor- guilla Socs. Sch. of Egerton Hall 1908-10, B.D. 1 910, Manchester ; Sec. of Manchester Univ. Christian Union 1910-11 ; Pres. of Manches- ter Univ. Union, and Chairman of Students' Repres. Council, 1912- 13; ordained d. 1911, p. 1912 ; Curate of Christ Church, Bradford, 1911-12; Holy Trinity, Rusholme, 1 91 2-. Address : Rusholme Rec- tory, Manchester. ^Wilkinson, Reginald Warren Hale : b. Aug. 9, 1882 ; s. of Rev. E. Wilkinson, Ph.D. Heidelberg, Rector of Snargate and Snave, Kent. Educ. College Communal, Boulogne ; Realschule, Marburg ; Leamington Coll. ; Balliol 1900-5 (E.A., F. de P., J.L.S.D., A.L.S., F.F.U.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1902 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A., 191 1 ; Rugby XV. Union and Arnold Socs. Studied Law in Oxford and London 1905- 6 ; Barrister, I.T., 1907 ; travelled in Australasia, the Far East, and America, 1908-9 ; Assist. District Commissioner, Sierra Leone, 1909 ; admitted to Sierra Leone Bar 1909 ; frequently acted as Crown Prosecutor in the Supreme Court and the Circuit Court of the Colony and Protectorate ; Acting Police Magistrate and Coroner, Freetown, and Acting Registrar- General, Sierra Leone, 1911-13 ; Assist. Colonial Sec. 1912 ; Act- ing Solicitor-General 1913 ; Sen. Crown Counsel, Gold Coast, 1914- ; Acting Solicitor-General, ditto, 1914 ; Fellow of Royail Colonial Institute; J. P. Sierra Leone 191 1. Recreations : Reading and travel. Club : Royal Societies. Addresses : Christ Church Lodge, Lillington Road, Leamington Spa ; Accra, Gold Coast, British West Africa. Wilkinson, Sir William Henry : 6. May 10, 1858 ; 5. of C. W. Wilkin- son, of Belper ; w. (x) July 12, 1883, Frances Emily (d. 1892), d. of Thomas Allen, of Thurmaston Manor, Leicester. Issue : two sons, two daughters; (2) Oct. 4, 1899, Alice Maud Mary (d. 1902), d. of Rev. Frank Dickson, Rector of Ribchester. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Wolver- hampton Gr. School (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1876-80 (R.L.N.) ; Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1878 ; Davis Chinese Sch. 1879 ; B.A. 1880. Braken- bury Soc. (one of seven original members). Student Interpreter, China, 1880 ; Acting Consul, Swa- tow, 1887-8 and 1893 ; Tamsui 1889 ; 2nd Class Assist. 1890 ; Acting Consul, Wenchow, 1892 ; Acting Consul-General in Corea 1893-4 ; ditto Vice-Consul, Che- mulpo, 1894-7 ; ist Class Assist. 1894 ; Acting Consul, Pakhoi, 1897-9 ; Consul, Ningpo, 1899 ; Consul - General, Provinces of Yunnan and Kweichow, 1902 ; Chengtu 1909 ; Mukden 1911-12 ; Hankow 1912- ; Knight 191 3. Pub- lications : Where Chinese Drive ; The Corean Government ; Manual of Chinese Chess. Address : Brit- ish Consulate, Hankow, China. Willert, Arthur : b. May 19, 1882 ; 5. of P. F. Willert, Fellow of Exeter Coll. ; m. Jan. 1908, Florence, d. of Sir Walter Simp- son, Bart. Issue : one son. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1 901-5 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1905 ; Cricket XL Joined staff of The Times 1905 ; worked in Paris and Berlin 1905-6 ; Assist. Correspon- dent, Washington, 1907-9 ; edi- torial staff, London, 1909 ; Corre- spondent, Washington, 1910-. Ad- dresses : Headington Hill, Oxford ; The London Times, 802 Munsey Buildmg, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Willert, Paul Ferdinand : b. May 29, 1844 ; s. of P. F. Willert, of Broughton, Manchester; m. Hen- rietta, d. of John Crofts, of Adel, Leeds. Issue : one son, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1862-4 ; Corpus Christi (Sch.) 1864-7 ; Taylorian Sch. (German and French) 1863 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1864 ; ist Lit. Hum., 1866 ; B.A. 1867; M.A. 1869. Barrister, I.T., 1870 ; Assist. Master, Eton, 1870-4 ; Fellow 1867-94, Hon. Fellow 1903, 369 Bb BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Exeter Coll. Address : Heading- ton Hill, Oxford. [Died March 5, 1Q12.] Williams, Arthur de Coetlogon : b. Sept. 27, 1890 ; s. of E. de C. Williams, of Sutton, Surrey. Educ. Marlborough ; Balliol 1909- (C.B., A.D.L.) ; Domus Ex.; 1st CI. Mods., and dist. in Craven Sch. Exam., 1911 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., and dist. in Hertford and Craven Schs., 1913. LC.S. Address : Waveney, Camborne Road, Sutton, Surrey. Williams, Arthur John : 6. 1850 ; s. of Rev. John Williams, of Llowes, Co, Radnor. Educ. Bre- con ; Balliol 1869-72. Williams, Eric Tregean : b. Feb. 18, 1890 ; s. of Edward Williams, of Redruth. Educ. Blundell's ; Bal- liol 1908-13 (A.W.P.C, H.M.W.) ; Newte Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1910 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1912. Eastern Cadetship 1913. Ad- dress : Claremont, Redruth, Corn- wall. Williams, Leonard : b. 1871 ; s. of L. D. Williams, of Bridgend, S. Wales. Educ. Clifton ; Private ; Balliol 1890-1 (F. de P.). Williams, Orlando Cyprian : b. May 4, 1883 ; s. of T. C. Williams, Barrister-at-law ; m. 1912, Alice, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Pol- lock, Bart. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Eton (King's Sch.) ; Balliol 1902-6 (C.B., J.L.S.D.) ; Domus Ex, ; ist CI. Mods. 1904 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1906 ; Univ. Sabres v. Cam- bridge 1904. Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. Clerk in House of Com- mons 1907-. Publications : Life and Letters of John Rickman, 191 1 ; Vie de Boheme, 191 3 ; translated Delaunay's UOr du Monde, 1908 ; contributor to The Times, Black- wood's Magazine, Fortnightly Re- view, &c. Cluhs : Savile,' London Fencing ; Eton Ramblers. A d- dress : 4 Campden Hill Gardens, London, W, Williams, Pownoll Toker : b. 1850 ; s. of Joshua WUliams, of Finchley. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1867-71 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1868 ; B.A. 1871 ; M.A. 1875. Landscape Painter. [Died Sept. 15, 1911.] Williamson, Alec : b. Nov. 7, 1886 ; 5. of Thomas Williamson, of Manse- field, Kirkcudbright. Educ. Kirkcud- bright Academy ; Balliol 1909-10 (W.M.). I.C.S., Burma; Assist. Com- missioner 1 910. Address: Manse- field, Kirkcudbright, Scotland, Williamson, Frederic Herbert : b. Dec. 16, 1876 ; s. of George William- son, of Ringley, Manchester ; vi. i9oi,« Florence, d. of William Dawson, of Huddersfield. Issue : one son. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1895-9 (E.A., H. Williamson) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch., and Hon. Ment. Hertford Sch., 1896 ; ist CI. Mods., and Ireland Sch., 1897 ; 1st Lit. Hum., and Gaisford Prose Prize 1899. Civil Service Exam., Class I, 1899 ; General Post Office ; Assist. Private Sec. to Postmaster-General (Mr, Sydney Buxton) 1906-7 ; Principal Clerk, Secretary's Office. Addresses: Secretary's Office, G.P.O., London, E.C. ; Wolverton, Egmont Road, Sutton, Surrey, Williamson, Harold : b. Nov. 17, 1872 ; s. of Samuel Williamson, of Pendleton ; m. Jan. 8, 1903, Buddug, d. of Rev. W. R. Jones, of Conwa)', Issue : one daughter. Educ. Manchester Gr. School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1891-5 (W.R.H., J.A.S.) ; Domus Ex. ; ist CI. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1893 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1895 ; M.A. 1904 ; Hockey XI. Arnold Soc. (Treas.). CI. Lecturer and Tutor, Balliol, 1895- 8 ; CI. Vlth Form Master, Man- chester Gr. School ; Assist. Lecturer in Latin, Manchester Univ. ; Treas. 1905-8, Vice-Pres. 1908-, Man- chester Branch of CI. Assoc. ; member of Council of CI. Assoc, of England and Wales 1907-10 ; Chi^f Examiner in Latin to Central Welsh Board 1908-11 ; Matric. ditto in Greek to Univ. of London 1909-12. Publications : Edited Plato's Apology and Phaedo (Mac- millan's CI. Series) ; Euripides' Medea (Blackie). Recreations : Cricket, hockey, golf. Clubs : 370 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Western (Manchester) ; Carnarvon- shire Golf. Address : 46 Park Road, Pendleton, Manchester. Williamson, John Bruce : b. Jan. 28, 1859 ; s. of John Williamson, of Glasgow. Educ. Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1881-5 (W.H.F., R.L.N., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; Stanhope Essay 1883 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1884 ; B.A. 1885 ; won 100 Yards race, Univ. Freshmen's Sports 1881, and Univ. Sports 1882, 3 ; 120 Yards race, Univ. Sports 1883 ; represented Univ. in 100 Yards v. Cambridge 1883, 4. Union (Standing Committee), Der- vorguilla, Brakenbury, and Carlyle Socs. Pres. of Palmerston Club 1884. Barrister, M.T., 1887 ; N.E. Circuit 1888 ; Revising Barrister, N.E. Circuit, 1901- ; Sec. to Com- missioners appointed to make new statutes for the Univ. of Durham 1908 ; member of General Council of Bar, 191 1. Publications : The Palatine Court of Durham Act, i88g ; The Law of Licensing, 1898, 4th ed. 191 1 ; joint author Law of Letters Patent for Inventions, 1900. Club : New University. Address : 3 Elm Court, Temple, London, E.C. Williamson, Thomas : b. June 8, 1854 ; s. of Robert WiUiamson, J.P., West Riding of Yorks. ; m. 1893, Alice, d. of W. D. Stevenson, of Pinewood, Fleet, Hants. Educ. Rugby; BaUiol 1872-6 (T.H.G., J.P., F. de P., J.F.B.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1874 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1876 ; Morrison Fours. En- gaged in ranching, journalism. Government Transport Service, &c. in various parts of United States 1877-93 ; Mayor of Ripon 1896 ; J.P., West Riding of Yorks. Ad- dress : Borrage House, Ripon. ♦Willmer, Rev. George Newman : b. 1851 ; s. of George Willmer, of Portsmouth. Educ. Christ's Coll., Christchurch, N.Z. ; St. Edmund Hall 1872 ; Hertford (Sch.) 1874 ; Balliol 1875 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1873 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1875 ', M.A. 1884. Ordained d. 1876, p. 1878 ; Curate of Crewkeme 1876-7 ; St. Andrew's, Watford, 1878-9; Christ Church, Wobum Square, 1879-82 ; St. Anne's, Soho, 1882-3 \ Stockport, 1883-85 ; Vicar of Norbury, 1885-. Address : Nor- bury Vicarage, Hazel Grove, Stock- port. Wills, Cecil Upton : b. April 21, 1877 ; s. of C. S. Wills, of Lancaster. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1895- 1901 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; Newte Ex.; 2nd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1899 ; B.A. 1900. LC.S., Central Prov. ; Assist. Commissioner and Registrar, Judicial Commissioner's Court, 1901 ; Settlement Ofl&cer, 1906 ; Registrar, Co-operative Credit Socs., 191 o ; Under-Sec. to Chief Commissioner 191 1- 12. Address : Laurel Bank, Lancaster. Wills, John Tayler : b. 1858 ; s. of Alfred Wills, Q.C. Educ. Fettes ; Balliol 1877-1881 ; Sch. ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1879 ; 2nd Mod. Hist. 1881 ; B.A. 1882. Barrister, LT., 1885. Wilson, Andrew Brockett : b. 1861 ; s. of J. M. Wilson, of Dublin. Educ. Birkenhead School ; Balliol 1881- 4; 2nd Jur. 1884; B.A. 1886. Barrister, I.T., 1887. Address : 20 Birch Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Wilson, Sir Charles Rivers : b. Feb. 19, 1831 ; s. of Melvil Wilson, of London ; m. (i) i860, Caroline (d. 1888), d. of R. Cook ; (2) 1895, Hon. Beatrice Violet Mary Most>Ti, sister of 7th Lord Vaux. Educ. Eton; BaUiol 1850-3 (W.C.L., E.C.W., B.J.) ; 3rd Law and Hist., and B.A., 1853. Entered Treasury 1856 ; Comptroller of National Debt Office 1874-94 ; C.B. 1876 ; member of Council of Suez Canal Co. 1876-96 ; Minister of Finance to the Khedive of Egypt 1877-8 ; Pres. of Commission of Liquidation in Egypt, 1880 ; represented British Government at International Mone- tary Conference, Brussels, 1892 ; G.C.M.G. 1895 ; Pres. of Grand Trunk Railway of Canada 1895- ; Medjidie, ist class. Clubs : St. James's, Arthur's, Marlborough, Garrick. Address : 9 Berkeley Square, London, W. 371 B b 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER *Wilson, Darcy Bruce : b. June 17, 1831 ; s. of John Wilson, J. P., D.L., of Seacroft Hall, near Leeds. Educ. Temple Grove, East Sheen ; Rugby (Sch. and Ex.) ; Balliol 1870-5 (T.H.G., J.L.S.D.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1872 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1874 ; B.A. 1875 ; M.A. 1877 ; Univ. and Coll. Rugby XV's ; Eight ; Cricket XL Union and Dervorguilla Socs. Barrister, LT., 1877; Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry 1881, retired Capt. and Hon. Major 1903 ; mem- ber of West Riding County Council 1 894-1 903, and of other local bodies ; Director Yorkshire Con- servative Newspaper Co. ; J. P. 1882. Publication : The Bills of Sale Acts, 1879. Clubs : New University, Carlton, Cavalry, Royal Automobile, Marylebone ; York- shire (York) ; Leeds. Address : Seacroft Hall, near Leeds. Wilson, Sir James : b. Feb. 27, 1853 ; s. of Rev. John Wilson, D.D., of Dunning, Scotland ; m. 1888, Anne Campbell, d. of Very Rev. Norman MacLeod, D.D., Dean of the Thistle. Issue : one son. Educ. Perth Academy ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Bal- liol 1874-5 (R.G.T.) ; Boden San- skrit Sch. 1875. M.A. Edinburgh 1874 ; I.C.S., Punjab ; Assist. Commissioner 1875 ; Settlement Officer 1879 ; OfficiatingUnder-Sec. to Govt. 1881 and 1884 ; ditto Sen. Sec. to Financial Commissioner 1885- 6 ; Deputy Commissioner 1890 ; Settlement ditto 1899 ; member of Legislative Council, Punjab, 1900 ; C.S.I. 1901 ; Sec. to Govt, of India, Revenue and Agric. De- partments 1903 ; Conmiissioner 1907 ; Financial ditto, Punjab, 1908 ; K.C.S.1. 1909 ; retired 1910 ; Superintending Inspector under the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, London, 1911-; Delegate for Great Britain and Ireland on Per- manent Committee of Internat. Institute of Agriculture at Rome ; a Governor of the Agricultural Organization Soc. Publications : Gazetteer of Shahpur District ; Settlement Report of Sirsa District ; Code of Tribal Custom in Shahpur and in Sirsa ; Grammar of Western Punjabi. Club : Caledonian. Ad- dresses : 59 Cadogan Square, Lon- don, S.W. ; Ochilview, Crieff, Scotland. Wilson, James Robertson : b. May 5, 1883 ; s. of Sir John Wilson, ist Bart., of Airdrie ; m. Jan. 15, 1908, Helen Rae Fyfe, d. of A. B. Graham, of Glasgow. Issue : one son. Educ. Uppingham ; Balliol 1902-6 (C.B., F.F.U.) ; 4th CI. Mods. 1904 ; 3rd Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1906 ; Rugby XV ; Hockey XL Student of LT. ; contested (C.) N.E. Lanark 1910 ; Lieut. Lanarkshire Yeomanry ; en- gaged in coal-mining ; adopted (1914) prospective candidate (U.) for Falkirk Burghs. Recreations : Hunting, shooting, fishing, &c. Clubs : Conservative, Scottish Automobile (Glasgow) ; County (Perth) ; County (Stirling). Ad- dresses : Colquhalzie, Machany, Perthshire ; Airdrie House, Airdrie, Scotland. ♦Wilson, John Cook : b. June 6, 1849 ; 5. of Rev. James Wilson, Methodist New Connexion Minister ; m. 1876, Charlotte (d. 1914), d. of Amtmann a. d. Schneider, formerly Amtmann, of Gifhom, Hannover. Issue: one son. E^mc. Derby; Balliol 1868-73 (B.J., T.H.G., H.J.S.S.) ; Ex. 1868 ; Math. Sch. 1869 ; ist Math. Mods. 1869 ; ist CI. Mods. 1870 ; ist Math. 1871 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1872 ; Latin Essay Prize, and B.A., 1873 ; Conington Prize, and M.A., 1882. Union Soc. Univ. R. Volunteers 1884 ; Marksman ; Lieut. 1869 ; Capt. 1891 ; founded Cyclist Corps 1889 ; commanded ditto 1889-1904; P.S. (Head of Aldershot list) 1890 ; T. 1891 ; retired, with rank of Hon. Major, 1 904 ; Volmiteer Long Service Medal 1905 ; Studied at jUniv. of Gottingen 1873-4 ; Fellow 1873, Hon. ditto 1909, Oriel Coll. ; Fellow of New Coll. ; Wykeham Prof, of Logic in the Univ. of Oxford 1889- ; Pres. of Oxford Philological Society 1901 ; F.B.A. 1907 ; Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews. Publications : The Seventh Book of the Nicomachean 372 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Ethics of Aristotle, 1879 1 -^ Manual of Cyclist Drill, i88g, re- issued, with postscript, 1912 ; Evolutionist Theory of Axioms, and The Interpretation of Plato's Timaeus, 1889 ; Suggestions for Cyclist Road Practice in Skirmish- ing and Patrolling, 1900 ; Memoir of Rev. T. W. Fowle, 1903 ; The Traversing of Geometrical Figures, 1905 ; David Binning Monro : A Memoir ; contributions to Adams's ed. of The Republic of Plato, 1902, Trans, of Oxford Philological Soc, The Academy, Classical Quarterly, Classical Review, Nature, Mathe- matical Gazette, Journal of Philology, Gottingische GelehrteAnzeigen, Philo- logische Rundschau, Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophic, Daily News, Army and Navy Gazette, Oxford Univ. Magazine, &c. Ad- dress : 12 Fyfield Road, Oxford. Wilson, John Norman : h. Dec. 11, 1891 ; s. of Sir James Wilson, K. C.S.I. Educ. Winchester ; Bal- liol 1910- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Ad- dress : 59 Cadogan Square, London, S.W. Wilson, Philip : h. Aug. 13, 1876 ; s. of E. D. J. Wilson, of London. Educ. Dulwich ; Balliol 1895-9 (E.A.) ; Domus Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1897 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1899 ; M.A. 1902. ist Class Assist., Department of Printed Books, British Museum. Address : British Museum, London, W.C. Wilson, Ralph Woempener : b. Sept. 6, 1880 ; s. of J. Cook Wilson, Wykeham Prof, of Logic in the Univ. of Oxford. Educ. Rugby ; Bal- liol 1898-1902 (A.W.P.C, J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1900 ; 4th Lit. Hum., andB.A., igo2. Addresses : Treasury, Cape Town, S. Africa ; 12 Fyfield Road, Oxford. ♦Wilson, Robert Dobie : b. Feb. 26, 1836 ; s. of W. D. Wilson, Advo- cate, of Glenarbach, Co. Lanark. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1854-8 (B.J.) ; Warner Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1856; Gaisford Prose Prize 1857; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1858 ; M.A. 1 861. Union Soc. Barrister, L.I., 1862. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge, Alpine. Address : 38 Upper Brook Street, London, W. Wilson, WUliam : b. 1858 ; s. of Gilbert Wilson, of Bushey, Herts. Educ. Christ's Coll., Finchley ; Balliol 1878-9. Wilson-Johnston, Joseph : b. June 12, 1876 ; s. of Col. J. Wilson-John- ston, I. M.S., of Oxton, Birkenhead. Educ. Rugby; Balliol 1894-9 (A.L.S., W.H.F., W.M.) ; 3rd Mod. Hist. 1897 ; B.A. 1898. Barrister, I.T., 1899. I.C.S., Punjab Com- mission ; Assist. Commissioner 1899 ; Kaisar-i-Hind Medal, ist Class, 191 1. Address : c/o Civil Secretariat, Lahore, Punjab, India. Winchllsea, 13th Earl of ; 8th Earl of Nottingham ; Henry Stormont JPinch-Hatton : b. Nov. 3, 1852 ; s. of loth Earl of Winchilsea ; m. Aug. 12, 1882, Anne, d. of Admiral of the Fleet Sir H. J. Codrington, K.C.B. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1874. Cattle-farming and gold- mining in Queensland 1875-87. Clubs : White's, Carlton. Address : Haverholme Priory, Sleaford. Wingate, John Bruce : b. Aug. 8, 1869 ; s. of Rev. T. D. Wingate, Minister of the Church of Scotland ; m. 1896, Isabel, d. of Rev. J. Abel, Minister of the Church of Scotland. Issue : one son, two daughters. Educ, Private ; Aber- deen Univ. ; BaUiol 1888-90 (W.M.). I.C.S., Burma; Assist. Commissioner 1890 ; Under-Sec, to Chief Commissioner 1895 ; ditto to Government of Burma 1897 ; Sec. to Government 1900- 5 ; Deputy Commissioner 1905 ; Collector, Rangoon ; retired on medical certificate 1913. Clubs: Caledonian ; United Service (Edinburgh). Address : Colinton, Midlothian. Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie : b. Sept. 30, 1889 ; s. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir F. R. Wingate, G.C.V.O. Educ. Bradfield ; Balliol 1908-13 (J.W.R.) ; WUliams Ex. ; ist Math. Mods. 1909 ; 2nd Math. 1911 ; B.A. 1912. I.C.S. Address: Dunbar, Scotland. 373 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER WingHeld, Henry Mills : b. 1823 ; s. of William Wiiiglicld, of West- minster. Balliol 1842. Winkworth, Stephen Dickenson : b. June 3, 1864 ; s. of Stephen W'inkworth, of London ; m. Dorothy, d. of R. G. Wilberforce, of Lavington House, Petworth. Issue : Two sons, two daughters. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1882-6 (W.H.F., R.G.T.) ; 3rd Jur. 1886 ; B.A. and M.A. 1889. Union and Arnold Socs. Recreations : Lawn tennis, tennis, racquets, golf. Club: Windham. Addresses: 13 Craven Hill Gardens, London, W. ; Lovelands, W^alton-on-the-Hill, Surrey. ♦Winslow, Rev. John Copley : b. Aug. 18, 1882 ; s. of Rev. J. L. Winslow, Rector of Hanworth, Middlesex. Educ. Eton (Sch.) ; Bal- liol 1901-5 (A.W.P.C, J.L.S.D.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1903 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1 911. Union and Arnold Socs. Wells Theol. Coll. 1906 ; ordained d. 1907, p. 1908 ; Curate of Wun- bledon 1907-11 ; Lecturer 1911-12, Fellow 1912-13, St. Augustine's Coll., Canterbury ; S.P.G. Mission- ary in Dio. of Bombay, 1914-. Address : Betgeri, S.M.C., India. Wishart, Frederick : b. July 25, 1888; s. of F. W. F. Wishart, of ^ Hill of Fiddes, Foveran, Aberdeen- shire. Educ. Gr. School and Univ., Aberdeen; Balliol 1912- (E.H.). A ddress : Hill of Fiddes, Foveran, Aberdeenshire. ♦Withers, Rev. George Montagu : b. Nov. 20, 1882 ; 5. of George Withers, of Melbourne, Australia. Educ. Haileybury Coll. (Australia); Melbourne Univ. ; Balliol 1 901-5 (W.H.F., A.W.P.C, E.J.P.) ; 2nd Theol., and B.A., 1905 ; M.A. 1914 ; Tennis Six. Union Soc. Cuddesdon Coll. 1905 ; ordained d. 1906, p. 1907 ; Curate of St. Alban, Upton Park, 1906-10 ; St. Saviour, Walthamstow, 1910-. Address : ' The Lions,' 195 Mark- house Road, Walthamstow, Lon- don, N.E. Withington, Edward Theodore : b. March 7, i860 ; s. of T. E. Withing- ton, of Calcheth Hall, Warrington ; VI. 1897, Elizabeth, (/. of A. Rhodes, Prof, of Music. Issue : one daughter. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol i87c>-83 (W.H.F.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1881 ; 3rd Nat. Sci., and B.A., 1883 ; Burdett Coutts Sch. 1886 ; M.A., M.B., and B.Ch. 1891. Sub- editor of The Medical Magazine, 1894— 1907. Publications: Medical History from the Earliest Times, 1894; 'History of Greek Thera- peutics and the Malaria Theory* (Jones's Malaria and Greek His- tory) ; contributor to Janus (Am- sterdam) 1 896-. Address : Bald- win's Moor, Manorbier, R.S.O., Pembrokeshire. ♦Wodehouse, Rt. Hon. Edmond Robert : b. June 3, 1835 ; s. of Sir Philip Wodehouse, G.C.S.I., K.C.B. m. June i, 1876, Adela, d. of Rev. C. W. Bagot, Rector of Castle Rising, and Chancellor of Bath and Wells. Educ. Eton ; Bal- liol 1855-8 (B.J., W.C.L., J.R., E.P., E.C.W.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1856 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1858 ; B.A. and M.A., 1865 ; Cricket XL Union Soc. Barrister, L.I. 1861 ; Private Sec. to Lord Kimberley (Lord Lieut, of Ireland) 1864-6, ditto (Lord Privy Seal) 1868-70, ditto (Sec. of State for the Colonies) 1870-4 ; ditto to Sir Philip Wode- house, Governor of Bombay, 1874- 6 ; M.P. (L.U.) Bath 1880-1906 ; Sec. to Royal Commission on Penal Servitude Acts 1878-9 ; member of Commission on Prisons in Ireland 1882-4 ; offered, but declined, of&ce under Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone 1886 ; Chairman of Selection and Public Accounts Committees, House of Commons'; P.C. 1898. Recreations : Literatiure, politics. Club : Oxford and Cam- bridge, Travellers', Brooks's. Ad- dresses : 56 Chester Square, Lon- don, S.W. ; Minley Grange, Farn- borough, Hants. Wodehouse, Rev. Roger : b. Sept. 24, 1890; s. of Hon. A. Wodehouse. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1909-13 (A.L.S., N.S.T., H.W.C.D.) ; 4th 374 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Mod. Hist., and B.A., 1913. Or- dained d. 1914. Address : Barley End, Tring. Womack, Arthur Shaw : &. July 5, 1 861 ; s. of James Womack, of London ; m. Nov. 15, 1893, Ada, d. of Commander T. W. Chapman, R.N, Educ. Philological School of London ; Balliol 1880-2. LC.S. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, Bengal, 1882 ; transferred to Central Prov. 1885 ; Assist, Com- missioner and Registrar of Judicial Commissioner's Court ; Judge, Small Cause Court, 1892 ; Com- missioner of Excise, Feb., 1893 ; Deputy Commissioner, April 1893 ; Political Agent for Chhattisgarh Feudatories, May 1893, and from 1901; retired 1907. Address : Hill Rise, Finchampstead, Wokingham. Wood, Alexander Lewis Sandison : 6. July 9, 1887 ; s. of Rt. Hon. T. McKinnon Wood, H.M. Sec, for Scotland. Educ. Sir Roger Cholmeley's School, Highgate ; Balliol 1906-10 (C.B., A.D.L.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1908 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1910 ; B.A. 1911. Recrea- tions : Golf, tennis, Badminton. Addresses : 16 Portland Place, W. ; Starfield, Crowborough, Sussex. Wood, Arthur Syms : b. 1862 ; s. of James Wood, of Alderley Edge. Educ. Lindon Grove School ; Bal- liol 1882-5 (W.H.F., J.L.S.D.) ; 3rd CI. Mods, 1884 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1886 ; B.A. 1887. Student, LT., 1884. Address : 5 Evansfield Road, Llandaff North. ♦Wood, Rev. Edwin George Meyrick: b. May 6, 1854 ; s. of L, J. Wood, of London ; tn. July 12, 1900, Gladys Ethel, d. of Rev. Frederick Meyrick, sometime Fellow of Trinity Coll., Rector of Blickling, Norfolk. Educ. King's Coll., Lon- don ; Balliol 1875-9 (F- de P., R.L.N.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1877 ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1879 ; M.A. 1882. Ordained d. 1880, p. 1881 ; Curate of St. James's, Nor- lands, Notting Hill, 1880-2 ; St, Mary Abbott's, Kensington, 1883- 90 ; All Saints, Margaret Street, London, W., 1890-2 ; Vicar of St. Stephen, Hammersmith, 189 3-. Address : St. Stephen's Vicarage, Shepherd's Bush, London, W, ♦Wood, George Arnold : b. June 7, 1865 ; s. of G. S. Wood, Cotton Spinner, of Manchester; m. 1898, Eleanor Madeline, d. of Edwin Whitfeld, Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Bowdon Coll. ; Owens Coll. (History Sch.) ; Bal- Hol 1885-9 (A.L.S., W. H. Fre- mantle) ; Brakenbury Hist. Sch. ; ist Mod. Hist. 1888 ; Stanhope Prize 1889 ; B.A. 1890 ; M.A. 1892 ; Brakenbury Soc. Prof, of Hist., Univ. of Sydney, 1891-. Address : The University, Sydney, ♦Wood, Hugh McKinnon : b. Oct. 23, 1884 ; 5. of Rt. Hon. T, McKinnon Wood, H.M. Sec. for Scotland. Educ. Sir Roger Cholmeley's School, Highgate (Sch.) ; Balliol 1903-7 (F, de P., J.L.S.D.) ; Sch. ; Craven Sch. and Prox. Acces. to Hertford Sch., 1904 ; 1st CI. Mods., and Prox. Acces. to Ireland Sch., 1905 ; Gais- ford Prose Prize 1906 ; Jenkyns Ex., and ist Lit. Hum., 1907; B.A. 1908 ; M.A. 1910. Fellow and Tutor, Balliol, 1908-12 ; Barrister- at-law, I.T., 1914. Recreations: Lawn tennis. Badminton. Ad- dresses : 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C. ; 16 Portland Place, London, W, Wood, John Barry : b. April 27, 1870 ; s. of Rev. J. Wood, D.D., M.V.O., Head Master of Harrow, and Canon of Rochester ; m. Nov. 12, 1896, Ada, d. of G. A. Stack, Indian Educational Service. Educ. Marlborough (Jim. and Foundation Schs.) ; Balliol 1889-94 (E.A., J.L.S.D., R.L.N., J.A.S.) ; Minor Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1891 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1893 ; Univ. and Coll. Cricket XI's. I.C.S., Bengal ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector 1894 ; Under-Sec. to Government of India, Foreign Dept., 1899- 1903 ; Sec. to Chief Commissioner, Baluchistan, 1903-5 ; Deputy Sec. to Government of India, Foreign 375 6ALLI0L COLLEGE REGISTER t)epartment, 1906-10 ; Officiating Foreign Sec. 1910-11 ; CLE. 1911; Resident, Indole, 191 2 ; Political Sec. to the Govt, of India 1914. Address : Ava Lodge, Simla, India. ♦Wood, Rev. Canon Joseph : b. Nov. 23, 1842 ; s. of John Wood, of Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire ; m. June 25, 1868, Caroline Sarah, d. of W. Pryce Hughes, of Northwich Hall, Worcs. Issue : six children. Educ. Manchester Gr. School ; Balliol 1861-5 (E.C.W., E.P.) ; Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1862 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B. A., 1865; M.A. 1868; B.D. and D.D. 1879. Ordained d. 1865, p. 1873 ; Fereday Fellow of St, John's Coll. 1866 ; Assist. Master, Cheltenham Coll., 1867-70; Head Master, Leamington Coll., 1870-90 ; CI. Moderator, Oxford, 1875-6 ; Head Master, Tonbridge School, 1890-8 ; Harrow School 1898-1910; M.V.O. 1905; Pre- bendary of St. Paul's Cath., 1907- 11; Canon Residentiary 1910-, Vice-Dean 1914-, Rochester. Club : Church Imperial. Address : The Precincts, Rochester. *Wood, Philip Francis : b. May 15, 1858 ; s. of R. P. Wood, J. P., of Bank House, Maghull, Liverpool ; m. 1889, Caroline, d. of John Macandrew, Solicitor in the Su- preme Courts, Edinburgh. Issue : two daughters. Educ. Private ; Edinburgh Univ. ; Balliol 1878-81 (W.H.F., W.R.A.) ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1881 ; B.C.L. (2nd Class) 1884 ; M.A. 1885 ; Univ. Shoot- ing Eight V. Cambridge 1881. Union Soc. M.A. 1876, LL.B. 1884, Edinburgh ; Barrister, I.T., and Scottish Bar, 1884 ; K.C. 1912 ; Jun. Counsel 1900, Sen. ditto 1908, to Sec. for Scotland under the Private Legislation Pro- cedure (Scotland) Act ; Lecturer on Administrative Law, Univ. of Edinburgh, 1904- ; member 1884, Brigadier 191 3, of King's Body- guard for Scotland (Royal Com- pany of Archers). Publication : The Scottish Trusts Acts, with notes, 1886. Recreations: Shooting, fish- ing. Clubs : Isthmian ; New and University (Edinburgh). Address : 13 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh. Woodd, George Napoleon : b. Dec. 5, 1879 ; s. of Holyoake Woodd, of Rockhampton, Queensland. Educ. Rockhampton Gr. School, Queens- land ; Sydney Univ. ; Balliol 1899 (E.A.) ; Pembroke Coll. (Sch.) 1900-3 ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1901 ; 3rd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1903 ; M.A. 1906. Union Soc. Master, Rockhampton Gr. School, Queensland, 1903-5 ; Pocklington, E. Yorks, 1906 ; Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1 906-1 1 ; Epsom 191 1 ; Blundell's, St. Paul's, 191 2 ; Shrewsbury, Canterbury, Rugby, Tonbridge, Wellington, Upping- ham, 191 3 ; Llandovery 1914. Ad- dress : 31 St. John's Street, Wood- bridge, Suffolk. Woodward, George Deward : b. 1866 ; s. of F. E. Woodward, of Ipswich, Edtic. University Coll. Sch., London ; Non-Coil. 1891 ; Balliol 1892-4 (T,R,, W.H.F.) ; 2nd Jur. 1894. LL.D., London. ^Woodward, Rev. William Edward : b. Aug, 26, 1867 ; s. of Rev. William Woodward, Rector of Kessingland, Suffolk ; m. April 26, 1894, Florence Emily, d. of Rev. J, Richardson, Rector of Sandy, Beds. Issue : two children. Educ. Trent Coll. (Ex.) ; Balliol 1887-91 (F. de P., W.R.H., R.L.N.) ; 2nd CI, Mods, 1889 ; 2nd Theol., and B.A,, 1891 ; M,A. 1895 ; Cricket and Assoc, XI's. Ordained d. 1891, p. 1892 ; Curate of St. Swithin's, Sandy, 1892-8 ; St, Clement's, Bournemouth, 1898- 1904 ; St. Stephen's, Lewisham, London, S.E., 1904-. Address : 94 Embleton Road, Lewisham, London, S.E, Wordsworth, William : b. Dec 27, 1835 ; s, pf Rev. John Words- worth, of»^reghan; m. (i) 1862, Mary Emma (d. T898), d. of Morris Reynolds, of Ambleside ; (2) 1900, Maria Schonnard (d, 1903), d. of General Hayes, U,S, Army, and widow of Lieut, -Col. Bille, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Educ. Sedbergh ; Balliol 1855-9 (W,C.L., •^ 376 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER E.P.) ; ist Law and Hist., and B.A., 1859. Union Soc. Fellow of Radley Coll. 1 860-1 ; Indian Educational Service ; Principal of Deccan Coll., Bombay, 1862-73 ; Elphinstone Coll. 1878-90 ; Sheriff of Bombay 1886; Hon. D.C.L. 1887, Vice-Chancellor 1889-90, Univ. of Bombay ; CLE. 1887 ; retired 1890. Publication : Glean- ings of Verse, 1890. Address : Villa Wordsworth, Capri, Italy. Worsley,Geaffrey: h. Feb. 17, 1881 ; s. of Major-Gen. R. E. Worsley, Indian Army ; m. Nov. 6, 1907, Elsie Margaret, d. of Col. Mac- pherson, Indian Army. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Wellington (Ex.) ; Balliol 1899- 1905 (F. de P., A.L.S.) ; 2nd CI, Mods. 1901 ; 3rd Lit. Hum. 1903 ; B.A. 1904 ; Univ. Fresh- men's and Seniors', and Coll. Rugby XV's ; Hockey XL I.C.S., Pun- jab ; Assist. Commissioner 1905 ; Under-Sec. to Government 191 2. Address : Lahore, Punjab, India. Worsley, Ralph Marcus Meabum : b. June II, 1887 ; s. of Major-Gen. R. E. Worsley, Indian Army. Educ. Malvern (Sch.) ; Balliol 1905-9 (F. de P., J.A.S.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1907 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1909 ; B.A, 1910 ; Rugby XV ; Assoc, and Hockey (Capt.) XI's. Braken- burySoc. Ceylon Civil Service 19 10; Land Settlement Office, Colombo. Address : Land Settlement Office, Colombo, Ceylon. Wright, Edwin George Englesby : b. Jime 4, 1893 ; s. of H. E. Wright, of London. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1912- (F.F.U., N.S.T.). Address : 57 Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London, W. Wright, Emanuel : b. June 18, 1880; s. of W. T. Wright. Educ. Harrow ; Balliol 1 897-1 902 (J.L.S.D., A.L.S.) ; Brakenbury Sch. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1899 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1901 ; ist Mod. Hist. 1902; B.A. 1906. Annandale Soc. Bar- rister, I.T., 1907. Address : Bath Club, 34 Dover St., London, W. Wright, Walter Southey : b. 1862 ; s, of J. F. Wright, of Worthing. Educ. Epsom Coll. ; Balliol 1882-5 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; B.A. 1887. Address: The Cedars, Wool, Dorset. *Wrlght-Henderson, Rev. Patrick Arkley : formerly Henderson, P. A. ; b. June 18, 1841 ; s, of Rev. Robert Henderson, Incum- bent of the Episcopal Church in Stirling ; m. June 1870, Ann Wood, d. of Major Gray,H.E.I.C.S., of Carse-Gray, Forfarshire. Issue : two sons, two daughters, Educ. Trinity Coll., Glenalmond ; Balliol 1861-5 and 66-7 {E.C.W., B.J., E.P., J.R., W.L.N.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI, Mods. 1863 ; ist Lit. Hum. 1865 ; B.A. 1866 ; M.A. 1869 ; D.D. 1903; Cricket 2nd XI (Capt,). Ordained d. 1869, p. 1870 ; Fellow 1867, Tutor 1867-1903, Chapl. 1869-1903, Sub-Warden 1881- 1903, Warden 1903-13, Hon. Fellow 1914, Wadham Coll. ; Jun. Proctor 1876-7 ; Select Preacher 1906-7 ; formerly Curator of the Sheldonian Theatre. Publi- cations : Letters from Members of Sir Walter Scott's Family ; Life and Times of John Wilkins, War- den of Wadham ; ' Glasgow and Balliol from 1858 to 1865 ' {Black- wood's Magazine), &c. Recrea- tions : Fishing, golf. Address : Torbrex, Headington Hill, Oxford. Wright-Henderson, Robert William: b. April 26, 1874 ; 5. of Rev. P. A. Wright-Henderson, D.D., Warden of Wadham Coll., Oxford. Educ. Winchester ; Balliol 1894-7 (T.R,, E.J.) ; 2nd Jm:., and B.A., 1897 ; Univ. Golf team v. Cambridge 1895-6, Barrister, L.I., 1899 ; retired from practice owing to ill health ; Novelist. Publications : John Goodchild ; The Recluse of Rill; Annabel and Others. Ad- dress : Abbey Terrace, Malvern. Wrong, Edward Murray : b. April 14, 1889 ; s. of G. M. Wrong, of Toronto. Educ. Univ. of Toronto ; Balliol 1911-13 (A.L.S.) ; ist Mod. Hist., and B.A., 191 3. Address : 467 Jarvis St., Toronto, Canada. Wyatt, John : b. Jan, 2, 1870 ; 5. of F. J. Wyatt, of St. John's, Newfoundland. Educ. Blundell's ; Balliol 1889-92 (E.A.) ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1 89 1. Union Soc, Became 377 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER an actor 1897 ; professional name ' Cecil Brookiiig ' ; travelled in S. Africa, Canada, the United States, Holland, and Germany in pursuit of his profession. Publica- tions : Contributions to Windsor Magazine, Westminster Gazette, Daily Chronicle, and The Umpire (Manchester). Recreations : Golf, walking, swimming, sculling, skat- ing. Address : 32 Regent St., London, W. Wyer, Thomas Rowland : b. Oct. 24, 1850 ; 5. of Rev. T. R. Wyer, of St. Peter's, Peebles ; w. (i) Katherine Anne, d. of Robert Romanes. Issue : two daughters ; (2) Margaret EUinor, d. of John Romanes. Educ. Univ. of Glas- gow ; Balliol 1869-73 (T.H.G.) ; Snell Ex. ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1871 ; B.A. 1872 ; Univ. Rifle Team (Eight) V. Cambridge 1873 ; Eight. I.C.S., N.W. Prov. ; Assist. Magistrate and Collector, and Assist. Settlement Officer, 1873; Assist. Commissioner 1884 ; Joint Magistrate 1888 ; Deputy Com- missioner 1890 ; District and Sessions Judge 1891 ; Magistrate and Collector 1894 ; Officiating Commissioner, Rohilkand, 1897 ; retired 1900. Address : The Old Farm House, Bushey, Herts. Wykes, Percy Harold ; b. Feb. 20, 1880 ; s. of C. H. Wykes, of Rhosddu, Wrexham ; m. Aug. 1906, Winifred, d. of Walter Tiurrill, of Oxford. Issue : two sons. Educ. Wrexham County School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1 899-1 903 (J.W.R.) ; Math. Sch. ; ist Math. Mods. 1900 ; 2nd Math., and B.A., 1903 J passed Exam, in Theory, History, and Practice of Educa- tion 1904 ; M.A. 1907 ; Assoc. XL Arnold Soc. Math. Master, Lough- borough Gr. School, 1904-8 ; BradfordGr. School 1908- ; Exam, in Math, to Delegacy of Oxford Local Exams., the Central Welsh Board, and the Union of Educa- tional Institutes. Publication : Joint author of A School Arith- metic, igi^. Address: 8 Sherwood Grove, Nab Wood, Shipley, Brad- ford, Yorks. Wyley, William Reginald Fitz- thomas : b. Jan. 23, 1892 ; s. of W. F. Wyley, of Coventry. Educ. Rugby; ..Balliol 1910- (H.B.H.) ; Cox. of Torpid (Head of River 1 911). Arnold and Brakenbury Socs. ; O.U.D.S. Address: The Charterhouse, Coventry. *Wylie, Francis James : b. Oct. 18, 1865 ; s. of R. N. Wylie, of St. Petersburg ; m. Aug. 18, 1904, Kathleen, d. of Edmond Kelly, of Paris and New York. Issue : five children. Educ. St. Ed- ward's School, Oxford ; Glasgow Univ. ; Balliol 1884-8 (F. de P., W.R.H., J.L.S.D., E.A., R.L.N.) ; Snell Ex. ; ist CI. Mods. 1886 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1888 ; M.A. 1892 ; Eight. Dervorguilla and Brakenbury Socs. Master at St. Edward's School, Oxford, Sept.-Dec. 1888 ; Private Tutor 1889-91 ; Lecturer 1891, Fellow, Tutor, and Lecturer, 1 892-1 903, Brasenose Coll. ; Jun. Proctor 1903-4 ; Oxford Sec. to Rhodes Trustees 1 903-. Address: 9 South Parks Road, Oxford. Wynch, Lionel Maling : b. July 21, 1864 ; s. of W. M. Wynch, of Lyme Regis. Educ. Bedford Gr. School ; Balliol 1882-5 (W.M.) ; 4th Jur., and B.A., 1885 ; Torpid ; Eight. Dervorguilla Soc. I.C.S., Madras ; Assist. Collector and Magistrate 1885-91 ; Deputy Director of Land Records 1891-4 ; Sec. to Board of Revenue 1894-6; Collector and District Magistrate 1 897-1 900 ; Private Sec. to Governor 190 1-6 ; Sec. to ditto 1907-8 ; CLE. 1906 ; member of Legislative Council 1909 ; Sec. to Government, Local, Municipal, Educational, and Legislative De- partments, 1910 ; member of Board of Revenue 1912. Clubs : Junior Carlton, East India United Service ; Madras. A ddress : Rose Hill, Lyme Regis, Dorset. Wynne, Charles Wyndham : 6. May 2, 1896 ; 5. of A. A, Wynne, of Tigro- ney, Avoca, Co. Wicklow. Educ, Lancing ; Balliol 1913- (J.W.R.) ; Williams Ex. Union Soc. Address : Tigroney, Avoca, Co. Wicklow. 378 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER Yeomans, Robert : h. Nov. 12, 1870 ; s. of John Yeomans, of Stapenhill, Burton-on-Trent. Educ. King's Coll. School, London ; Balliol 1891-3 (W.R.H., E.A.) ; 2nd CI. Mods. 1893. Union Soc. Partner in Richards, Cherry, and Yeomans, Maltsters, Burton-on-Trent, 1897- 1900. Chairman of Yeomans, Cherry, and Curtis, Ltd., 1900- 2 ; member of Advisory Com- mittee of AUsopp & Sons, Ltd., 1905-6 ; member of Executive Committee of S. Derbyshire Conser- vative and Unionist Assoc. Publi- cations : Articles in Financial and Commercial Supplements of The Times. Recreations : Rowing, swimming, 'riding, cycling, garden- ing. A ddress : Marchington House, Stapenhill, Burton-on-Trent. York, Archbishop of : see Lang, Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. C. G. Yorke, John Reginald : 6. Jan. 25, 1836 ; s. of Joseph Yorke, of Forthampton Court, Glos. ; m. (i) 1862, Augusta Emmeline, d. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir T. M. Douglas, of Stonebyres ; (2) 1868, Sophia Matilda, d. of Baron V. de Tuyll de Serooskerken. Issue : two sons, one daughter. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1855-8 (W.C.L., B.J., J.R., E.P.) ; ist CI. Mods. 1856 ; 2nd Lit. Hum. 1858. Union Soc. M.P. (C.) Tewkesbury 1864-8 ; East Glos. 1868-85 ; Tewkesbury Div. 1885-6 ; High Sheriff 1892, J.P., and D.L., Glos. ; Chairman of Tewkesbury County Bench ; Pres. of Tewkes- bury Rural Hospital, and of Eng- lishmen's Friendly Soc. ; formerly Chairman of Board of Guardians and Rural Council. Address : Forthampton Court, Tewkesbury. [Died March 27, 1912.] "I* Young, Dalhousie James : h. Nov. 23, 1866 ; s. of Major-Gen. Young, R.E. ; m. March 15, 1894, Edith Lockyer, d. of F. G. A. Williams, Barrister-at-law. Educ. Clifton ; Balliol 1885-9 (W.H.F., R.L.N.) ; 4th Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1889 ; M.A. 1892. Studied music with MM. Paderewski and Le- schetizky in Vienna ; First Yeo- man and Instructor in Signalling to Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Publications : Apologia pro Oscar Wilde -,1 many musical composi- tions. " Club : Oxford and Cam- bridge Musical. Address : Rock Hall, Uckfield, Sussex. ♦Young, George Malcolm : h. April 29, 1882 ; s. of G. F. Young, of Greenhithe. Educ. St. Paul's School (Sch.) ; Balliol 1900-5 (E.A., J.A.S., H.W.C.D.) ; Sch. ; ist CI. Mods. 1902 ; 2nd Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1904 ; M.A. 1907 ; specially commended for Arnold Historical Essay 1910. Fellow of All Souls 1905 ; Tutor, St. John's Coll., 1906-8 ; Jun. Examiner, Universities Branch, Board of Education, 1908-. Club : Savile. Addresses : Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. ; Beachbrow, Greenhithe, Kent. *Young, Harold Spencer : b. March 2, 1880 ; s. of G. W. Young, of Queen's Coll., Oxford. Educ. Private ; Balliol 1901-4 (H.B.H.) ; 3rd Nat. Sci. (Chem.) 1904 ; B.A. 1905 ; M.A. 1907. Private Tutor 1904-6 ; Assist. Master, Walling- ford Gr. School, 1906-8 ; ditto (Science) 1908-11, Sen. ditto 1 9 II-, Merchiston Castle School, Edinbvugh. Recreations : Golf, motor-cycling, foreign travel. Ad- dresses : 30 Holywell St., Oxford ; Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh. Young, Rev. John : b. Sept. 2, 1842 ; s. of James Young, of Wooler, Northumberland ; m. April 13, 1873, Emma, d. of John Walford. Educ. Kepier School, Co. Durham ; Durham Univ. ; Non-Coil. 1868 ; Balliol 1869-72 (E.P., T.H.G.) ; 2nd CI. and Math. Mods. 1870 ; 2nd Math. 1872 ; B.A. 1873 ; M.A. 1875. Ordained d. 1866, p. 1868 ; Fellow, Univ. of Durham, 1863-6 ; Curate of St. Peter, Wolverhampton, 1866- 379 BALLIOL COLLEGE REGISTER 8 ; Head Master, Lymm Gr. School, Cheshiic, 1864-6 ; ditto, Kiikham Gr. School, 1874-7 ; ditto, Swansea Gr. School, 1877- 95 ; Rector of South Hykeham 1895-1913. ^^(/r«5: South Hyke- ham Rectory, Lincoln. [Died, Oct. 23, 1913.] Younger, James Paton : b. June 19, 1 891 ; s. of James Younger, of St. Andrews. Educ. Eton ; Balliol 1910- (A.L.S., N.S.T., F.F.U.). Address : Mount Mel- ville, St. Andrews, Scotland. ♦Younger, Robert : b. Sept. 12, 1 861 ; s. of James Younger, of Alloa, Co. Clackmannan. Educ. Edinburgh Academy ; Balliol 1880-3 ; 3rd CI. Mods. 1 881 ; 2nd Jur., and B.A., 1883 ; M.A. 1909. Barrister 1884, Bencher 1907, L.I. ; Q.C. 1900; Trustee of Balliol Coll. (1904) Endowment Fund ; presented new panelling 1910, and a new organ-case 1913, to Balliol Coll. Hall. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, New University, Bachelors' ; Univer- sity (Edinburgh). Addresses : 16 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, Lon- don, W.C. ; 73 South Audley St., London, W. Younger, Robert Edward Nelson : b. May 20, 1871 ; 5. of R. E. Younger, of Ipswich ; m. Sept. i, 1896, Elinor, d. of C. R. Baker King, A.R.I.B.A. Educ. Queen Elizabeth's School, Ipswich ; Bal- liol 1890-4 (F. de P., R.L.N., J.A.S.) ; Sch. ; istCl. Mods., and Craven Sch., 1892 ; ist Lit. Hum., and B.A., 1894. Arnold Soc. Journalist ; formerly on editorial staff of Pall Mall Gazette ; chief leader writer of The Tribune 1907-8 ; Chairman, N. St. Pancras Liberal and Radical Assoc. Clubs : Yorick, National Liberal. Address : 48 Brookfield, West Hill, High- gate, London, N. Younghusband, Arthur Delaval : b. Nov. 30, 1854 ; s. of Gen. R. R. Younghusband, C.B. ; m. 1892, Maud Helen, d. of Lewis Gordon, Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1875-7 (J.L.S.D.). Union and Dervor- guilla Socs. I.C.S. ; Commissioner Chhattisgarh Div., Central Pro v., 1897 ; ditto. Central Div., Bom- bay, 1902 ; Additional Member of Governor-General's Council 1904 ; Commissioner, Sind, 1905 ; Kaisar-i-Hind Medal, ist Class, 1901 ; C.S.I. 1907 ; retired 1912. Club : East India United Service. Address : The Priory, Long Ben- nington, near Grantham. Younghusband, Romer Edward : b. June 13, 1858 ; s. of Gen. R. R. Younghusband, C.B. ; m. Oct. 26, 1892, Alys Maud Lavinia, d. of James Barratt. Educ. Rugby (Sch.) ; Clifton (Sch.) ; Balliol 1876-9 (J.L.S.D., R.L.N.) ; Minor Ex. ; B.A. 1879. Union and Dervorguilla Socs. I.C.S. , Pun- jab ; Assist. Commissioner 1879 ; Jun. Sec. to Financial Commis- sioners 1886-9; Under-Secretary to Government 1889-90 ; Offi- ciating Jun. Sec. 1893 ; Deputy Commissioner 1894 ; Chief Politi- cal Officer, Tochi Field Force, 1897 ; Judicial and General Sec. to Government, Punjab, 1899- 1900 ; Commissioner 1905 ; C.S.I. 1908 ; retired 1909. Address : The Old Rectory, Wolverton, near Bath. Ziman, Solomon Netheim : b. Nov. 20, 1886 ; s. of Jacob Ziman, of Auckland, N.Z. Educ. Univer- sity Coll., Auckland, N.Z. ; Bal- liol 190&-11 (J.W.R., J.L.S.D.) ; Rhodes and Hon. Schs. ; ist Math., and B.A., 1910. I.C.S., Bombay ; Assist. Collector 191 1. Addresses : Auckland, New Zealand ; I.C.S., Bombay, India. 380 ROLL OF BALLIOL COLLEGE OCTOBER 1, 1832 FROM THE COLLEGE ENTRY BOOK KEPT BY DR. JENKYNS, DR. SCOTT, AND PROFESSOR JOWETT REVISED TO APRIL 1914 P = Fellow S = Scholar B = Blundell Foundation N ■= Nettleship Scholar e = Exhibitioner s = Snell Exhibitioner d= Deceased member of College n = Nevvte Exhibitioner jf = Greaves Exhibitioner w = Warner Exhibitioner Trite MASTER AND FELLOWS IN 1832 d 54 The Master. Rev. Richard Jenkyns, D.D, Fellows. d 76 Greswell, Rev. William d 61 Carr, Rev. John d 60 Round, Rev. J. T. d74 d75 d 82 d97 d 89 d6o dge d63 d 88 d d d d 56 66 77 d48 d 6r d48 d83 95 84 45 d d d d d d ' d d 50 d93 d73 d 09 d 82 d79 d 92 d 81 d47 d65 1832 {continued) Sawbridge, E. H. Adams, W. C. Jones, W. Litton, E. A. Capes, J. M. Cooke, F. Dolignon, J. W. Faber, F. W. Hulme, G. Lewis, W. F. Penrose, J. Broderip, J. S. Morrell, T. B. Twining, W. Mordamit, C. Sweet, C. Eastwith, E. B. Crawley, H. Hawtayne, W. G. Tayler, W. Carew, G. P. Muirhead, J. P. s Plumer, J.^J. Conway, R. G. M. Dunlop, W. s Tickell, G. S Wickens, J. (Sir) S Holden, H. (Canon) S Campbell, J. J. s 1833 Connell, J. s Lonsdale, J. G. S & P Stanley, A. P. (Dean) S Bell, G. J. s Erskine, H. T, d 78 Chapman, Rev. J. M. d 73 Kitson, Rev. E. B d 85 Moberly, Rev. George d 80 Oakeley, Rev. F. d 74 Merivale, Herman d 74 Twisleton, E. T. B. (Hon.) d 41 Payne, Rev. P. S. H. d 73 Walker, Rev. S. H. B d58 d d84 d78 d55 d89 do6 d86 d86 d8o d05 d76 d d69 d d82 d82 d97 d97 dSs d d88 d 70 d 90 98 88 66 d d d d d 42 d86 d 58 d93 d 04 d87 Whipham, T. W. Apletree, F. R. Sladen, E. H. M. Robinson, George s Pennefather, J. Capel, A. Mills, H. Foulkes, H. P. Iremonger, T. L. Sulivan, H. W. Scott, J. P. Gordon, C. Bentley, R. H. Lott, F. E. Cunningham, G. 1834 Tait, A. C, elected P (Archbishop of Canterbury.) Ward, W. G., elected P Lake, W. C. (Dean) S & P Goulbum, E. M. (Dean) S Hill, R. B & P Kinderley, L. G. Dale, J. A. Seymour, F. P. Hodson, J. S. Elton, Edward Edmonstone, George Loftus, A. R. C. (Lord) Tancred, H. J. (Hon.) Hall, W. R. Talbot, G. (Hon.) Turner, J. Sweet, G. Blisset, G. Round, J. 383 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d 82 d d 80 d97 d 04 d96 d d55 dgS d 87 d86 d93 d 91 d69 d II d 01 d86 d84 d8i d93 d96 d 91 d89 d 92 d 90 d d d d d d d d d d 76 03 86 82 10 67 99 90 d95 do7 d dqS d84 d 87 d59 d 50 d64 Pearson, Hugh d84 Round, F. P. Kent, T. F. d52 Lane-Fox, W. E. Brodie, B. C. (Sir) d85 Vaux, W. S. W. Moncrieff, G. R. d 74 Gamett, F. W. Hobhouse, E. (Bishop) d97 Powys-Lybbe, P. L. West, Hon. R. W. Sackville d 91 Barlow, C. G. T. (Earl de la Warr.) d76 Farrer, O. W. Robinson, A. d 05 Wodehouse, T, Goodridge, J. C. d Jones, H. Whitworth Mills, A. d36 Sargent, H. M. d78 Arnold, C. T. 1835 d 99 Farrer, T. H. (Lord Farrer.) Scott, R., (Dean) elected P d 92 Swayne, H. J. F. (Master 1854-70.) d89 Wells, William Cardwell, E. (Lord), elected P d6i Clough, A. H. S Jowett, B. (Prof.) S & P d76 Watts, J. G. (Master 1870-93.) d75 Tylden, W. Trower, C. F, S d68 Allen, J. H. Waldegrave, Hon. S. (Bishop of Carlisle.) Hoskyns, Sir John Leigh 1837 (Canon) d85 Davy, C. R. Holbech, C. W. d96 Rogers, W. Sumner, J. M. d93 Moberly, C. E. S Welby, A. E. d 04 Edgell, E. B. Bence, H. A. S. d Cooke, J. Lloyd, H. W. d 04 Hobhouse, A. Glencross, J. (Lord Hobhouse.) Turner, C. B. d86 Pocock, L J. I. Knight, W. d85 Sumner, C. Hadow, G. d 00 Fort, H. Hulme, W. d 01 Rendall, J. Schreiber, J. E. L. d39 Fownes, J. Y. Fenwick, W. d97 Fyler, J. (Rev.) Hammond, W. 0. do6 Knight-Bruce, L. Long, W. d Pack, L. Dunne, T. d Hewitt, J. J. (Hon.) Sweet, J. B. e d99 Archer, C. H. Escott, H, S. (Rev.) e d Nethercote, H. 0. Tate, F. d 04 Valpy, R. H. Adams, H. C. d97 Jenkins, W. J. B & P Anderdon, W. H. d69 Prichard, C. E. S & P Hobhouse, R. (Archdeacon) d97 Tickell, E. A. S Hamilton, J. A. (Rev.) d 04 Webster, M. Buck, W. d Levien, E. Hardinge, H. d49 Clarke, S. H. (Sir) d93 Beck, C. C. d Fox, W. 1836 Owen, L. W. B & P 1838 Northcote, Stafford H. S d8o Woollcombe, E. C. (Rev.) (Earl of Iddesleigh.) elected P Anson, A. H. d 79 Fanshawe, F. S Pretyman, G. d 94 Hill, Lord E. A. Estcourt, E, D. Bucknell (Lord Trevor.) 384 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d 58 Sumner, R. d 91 Round, E. d 99 Williams, Monier (Sir) P d 05 Pretyman, F. d 75 Battersby, J. H. d 80 Leslie, T. d 71 Marriott, J. P. (Goulton-Constable, J. P.) d 93 Guise, F. E. d 40 Currer, J. R. d 73 Bignold, S. F. d 87 Stanhope, H. E. C. S. (Earl of Chesterfield.) d 02 Temple, F. B, P & Hon. P (Archbishop of Canterbury.) d 82 Ivory, T. s d 94 Coleridge, J. D. (Baron) S d 84 Turner, G. H. e d II Parsons, H. d 08 Bevan, W. L. (Archdeacon) d 02 Grant, L. A. (Hon.) d 55 Proctor, G. H. d 08 Hawker, J. (Rev.) d73 d 84 d d d d 87 63 80 00 1839 Wall, Henry, elected P Hawker, J. M. Gray, J. D. Dawson, H. Cave, S. (Sir) Johnson, C.W. (Canon Furze.) Thomson, A. D. d 05 Rashleigh, J. d 92 White, H. M. d 78 Scott, J. A. d 77 Stuart, E. d 93 Cooke, G. T. d 88 Cole, J. H. d Willock-Dawes, C. W. Boyle, J. s 82 Doxat, H. 59 Sydenham, J. W. 04 Hoskins, H. W. 10 Sumner, J. H. R. (Rev.) 94 Lott, W. B. 06 Mallett, H. F. 63 Giles, J. Unwin, R. d 84 Seaham, Viscount (Marquis of Londonderry.) d 93 Meade, W. Wigsell, A. D. d 42 Seymour, J. B. S d II Farrer, W. J. (Sir) 1840 d 89 Shadwell, J. d 61 Byron, F. (Hon. ) d 85 Shairp, J. C. (Prof.) s d Dawson, F. A. d 72 Lambert, H. (Sir) d 91 Newcome, E. W. d 98 Hodgson, H. W. Hulme, J. C. Lock, C. S. B d 66 Riddell, J. S & P d 88 Arnold, M. (Prof.) S d 81 Stopford, A. F. d 58 Proby, J. J. d 97 Walford, E. S d 08 Pott, A. (Archdeacon of Berks.) d 94 Keate, J. C. d 09 Butterworth, G. (Rev.) 1841 d 13 Kaye, W. F. J. (Archdeacon of Lincoln 1863-1913.) d 95 Osbom, M. F. F. Hibbert, W. C. d 85 Vansittart, G. H. d 83 Battersby, T. D. H. d 47 Addington, H. E. d 08 Evelyn, W. J. d 93 Campbell, W. F. (Lord Stratheden.) d 05 Lawley, S. W. (Hon.) d 79 Howman, G. A. K. d 79 Blomfield, F. G. d 06 Mynors, E. B. (Rev.) d 59 Collins, J. d 00 Fitzroy, F. H. (Hon.) d 94 Des Vceux, H. D. d 67 Buller, Hon. J. B. Y. (Lord Churston.) d 95 Palmer, Edwin S, P & Hon. P (Archdeacon of Oxford.) d 75 Douglas, H. A. s (Bishop of Bombay.) d 67 Tufnell, C. d 90 Cumin, P. (Sir) d 10 White, A. L. (Rev.) d 93 Shadwell, A. T. W. d 05 Lingen, R. R. W., elected P (Lord Lingen.) d 92 Karslake, E. Kent (Q.C.), elected P 385 CO BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL 1842 d II Haggitt, F. R. (Wegg-Prosser, F. R.) d 94 Sandford, F, R. n (Lord Sandford.) d 87 Waldrond, Theodore S & P d 05 Mount, W. G. d 87 Bere, M. d 03 Thring, G. Stanhope, B. L. S. (Hon. & Ven.) (Archdeacon of Hereford 1887-1910.) d 76 Porcher, G. D. d 46 Knight-Bruce, W. G. d 61 Guise, V. G. Wingfield, H. M. d 78 Home, J. d 85 Willes, W. d 83 Spottiswoode, W. d 09 Sumner, G. H. (Bishop of Guildford.) d 89 Salter, W. C. B & P d 51 Harding, R. H. n d 97 Palgrave, F. T. S (Professor of Poetry.) d 90 Sellar, W. Y. (Prof.) S & s d 96 Cass, F. C. d 95 Pigott, E. F. S. d 92 Nisbet, J. M. d 48 Bright, W. R. d 01 Harvey, T. s d 89 Adams, G. D. 1843 d 56 Bastard, E. R. d 93 Gibbons, J. (Sir) Birley, H. H. (Rev.) d 85 Sumner, R, G. M. d 44 Chester, R. B. d 63 Peel, R. K. d 83 Eade, E. d 05 Cracroft, R. W. d 55 Hulme, E. d 97 Birley, R. Foster, E. B. d 99 Bel grave, Lord (Duke of Westminster.) d 86 Sanders, A. d 93 Jenkinson, H. T. d 87 Greene, T. H. (Rev.) d 86 Keene, C. R. d 94 Malan, S. C. d 94 Sandars, T. C. S d 86 Green, J. W. e d 97 d 82 d 10 d 98 d 92 '-do6 Lightfoot, R. P. (Arch- deacon) d II Jones, E. T. D. (Foxcroft, E. T. D.) d 04 Walrond, F. C. — - Austen-Leigh, A. H. (Rev.) d 82 Green, T. H. P d 70 Herbert, E. H. C. S d 07 Hills, H. A. (Hon.) di3 d62 d03 d87 d66 d 01 d97 d 13 d 09 d62 d 12 d 12 d 09 d 04 d 01 d99 d 02 d74 d 04 d 05 do6 do9 d 92 do6 d 13 d d 91 d73 do9 d 01 Whateley, H. L. Blunt, Joseph More, R. Jasper Grenfell, A. S. FoUett, G. Steel, J. Howell, C. G. Lane, Emald (Dean of Rochester 1904-13.) Ogilvy, H. T. Luke, G. R. s Wodehouse, E. R. (Rt. Hon.) Yorke, J. R. Broughton, R. (Rev.) S Smith-Marriott, W. H. (Sir) 1856 Allen, E. H. (Greenly, E. H.) . Swinburne, A. C. Bullock-Hall, W. H. Cockerell, L. A. (Rev.) Prothero, F. T. E. Jackson, W. W. (Rev.) (Rector of Exeter 1887-1913.) Crawford, D. (K.C.) ToUemache, Lionel A. (Hon.) s Dawson, C. A. Jenkins, H. (Sir) Brunei, I. Walpole, H. S. (Vade-Walpole, H. S.) Smith, D. Hale, W. M. Stanford, W. B. (Rev.) Wright, R. S. (Sir) S Kennaway, J. H. (Sir) Shephard, J. (Canon) Price, C. J. C. (Rev.) B Pearson, A. C. (Rev.) Dymock, F. D. Wither, E. J. B. (Major) 1857 Chute, C. W. Merivale, H. C. Howard, J. T. (Rev.) Treherne, G. G. T. Fox, E. C. Reece, R. Law, D. E. S Orton, O. (Rev.) Rawdon, G. W. 389 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Stanley, Hon. E. L. T (Lord SIiefTield.) Grant-Duff, Ainslie (Ainslie, Ainslie Douglas.) Urquhart, E. W. (Rev.) d 08 Monro, R. W. d 78 Moseley, E. S. Harriott, G. R. Brander, G. (Rev.) d 02 Elton, C. L Estcourt, G. T. J. Sotheron (Lord Estcourt.) d 09 Salting, G. S. Spyers, H. A. (Rev.) Palmer, R. C. d 94 Newman, H. Dobbs, A. E. d 81 Toogood, F. B. Ford, E. S. 1858 d 12 White, John S d 02 Puller, C. C. S d Jefferson, D'O. R. d 84 Morrison, G. d 75 Tiuner, J. d 71 Andrews, P. d 95 Hodge, C. F. D. d Neaves, C. d 69 Coxe, W. H. Grove, Coleridge (Major-Gen. Sir) d 07 Harcourt, L. F. Vernon Chavasse, A. S. S d 93 Symonds, J. Addington e d 85 Furneaux, A. d 06 Batten, J. e d 02 Stephens, W. R. W. (Dean) Campion, C. W. Jamieson, R. d 03 Walker, A. J. Malcolm, W. R. d 09 Brodrick, Hon. A. (Canon) Lawless, Hon. V. F. (Lord Cloncurry.) d 12 MacQueen, J. R. Jackson, T. W. e d 13 Tait, W. J. (Rev.) Davenport, J. D. Castellain, A. Castellain, C. Ollivant, J. E. d 06 Currie, Arthur D. (Col.) Hammick, St. V. A. (Col. Sir) d 02 d94 d d d 78 70 10 89 92 13 12 83 do8 d98 d 12 d64 d 00 d 09 d96 d68 d98 d 02 do8 d 07 d 89 do8 d 62 d83 1859 Ranken, R. B. s Brodie, Robert Entwisle, R. Lloyd, J. H. e Kekewich, G. W. (Sir) Grant, A. D. 8 Burnett, J. D. Eyre, G. E. B. Cartwright, J. S. e Grenfell, E. F. Tomkinson, J. Mylne, G. F. Johnstone, C. F. Legh, H. E. (Rev.) Rogers, H. M. Bosanquet, R. H. M. Boyle, R. F. Duncan, Viscount (Earl of Camperdown.) Collins, R. H. (Sir) Gamier, T. P. Palmer, G. H. (Sir) Shorting, C. G. H. 1860 Bright, G. C. Russell, F. S. (Major-Gen.) Hincks, T. Dendy, A. Sladen. E. (Rev.) Eardley-Wilmot, W. A. (Sir) Christian, G. (Rev.) Ilbert, C. P. (Sir) S & P Papillon, T. L. (Canon) S Temple, C. E. Graham, H. J. L. (Sir) Gumey, F. Jebb, A. T. Warman, J. S. (Rev.) Sneyd-Kynnersley, E. M<=K. Langford, J. F. (Canon) Pirie, F. L. (Logie-Pirie, F.) Wyatt, W. (Rev.) Bethell, W. J. (Hon.) Purves, J. s & P Caird, E. s & Hon. P (Master 1893-1907). Tavemer, H. L. 1861 Argles, G. M. (Canon) Clive, C. M. B. 390 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d II Spencer-Smith, Spencer C. (Rev.) Peckham, H. J. (Rev.) d 10 Awdry, W. (Bishop of Tokyo.) d 72 Smith, C. M. Shephard, H. H. (Sir) Blythman, A. (Rev.) d 91 Bathe, S. B. d 77 Clive, A. A. e Wood, Joseph (Canon) e Raper, R. W. d 69 Follett, E. C. d 80 Morrison, A. Hull, R. A. (Hull-Brown, Rev. R. A.) d 89 Simcox, W. H. S d 04 Ridley, Matthew W. S (Viscount Ridley.) Rendell, L. T. (Rev.) B Sotheby, W. E. H. (Rev.) Addis, W. E. (Rev.) S d 05 Morley, Earl of d Mayne, R. D. d 64 Lingen, C. J. Pugh, H. B. (Rev.) Finch, H. R. Henderson, P. A. Wright 8 (Wright-Henderson, Rev. P. A.) (Warden of Wadham 1903-13.) d 66 MacNeill, D. A. s Harvey, P. C. Homer, J. F. F. (Sir) d 05 Mitchell, R. A. H. d 05 Jeune, F. H. (Sir) S 1862 d 85 Hulton, W. Sanday, W. (Canon) d 96 Butter, J. d 00 Wedgwood, A. Hoare, H. W. (Hamilton-Hoare. H. W.) Anson, W. R. (Sir) (Warden of All Souls 1881-.) d 01 Millington, W. de Paravicini, F. (Baron) S &F d 92 Seeker, A. W. B Strachan-Davidson, J. L. w, P & Jowett P (Master IQ07-.) d 01 Abbot, Evelyn e & P Baillie, A. W. M. e d 04 Vertue, C. E. s d 81 Barratt, Alfred S d 98 d 12 d 13 d85 do8 d95 d d d d d d d d »i 85 89 78 85 80 98 74 d 07 d 02 d d 92 d 70 Le Marchant, F. C, Jenkyns, J. (Rev.) Willis, E. F. Willert, P. F. Bailward, T. H. M. Kitson, R. Hannah, J. J. (Dean of Chichester 1902-.) 1863 Myers, E. J. e Cress well, O. E. Gathome-Hardy, A. E.(Hon). Comyn-Macfarlane, W. A. (Macfarlane-Grieve, W. A.) Reiss, F. A. (Rev.) Entwisle, A. Cracroft-Amcotts, V. A. Geldart, E. M. S Hopkins, G. Manley e _— Brown, W. A. Nash, T. gr Harris, W. A. B Carlile, J. W. s Fremantle, Stephen (Hon.) S Lyall, C. J. (Sir) Kerry, Lord (Marquess of Lansdowne.) Doyle, J. A. Gwynn- Jeffreys, H. Lovell, G. F. (Rev.). Skrine, H. M. (Col.) Garrett, A. W. Anderson, A. Northcote, W. S. (Earl of Iddesleigh.) Case, T. (President of Corpus 1904-.) 1864 Muirhead, L. B. C. L. Newman, W. M. Fyffe, C. A. e Browne, C. G. (Rev.) Charteris, Hon. F. Ormerod, G. T. B. (Rev.) Jersey, Earl of Robinson, E. A. Loch, W. W. Butterworth, F. W. FitzGerald, M. O. Muir-Mackenzie, K. A. (Sir) Legard, A. G. Round, F. R. 391 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d 06 Grose, T. H. 3 Bell, A. J. M. Coles, V. S. S. (Canon) e Rose, D. 8 Spooner, H. M. e (Archdeacon of Maidstone 1900-.) d 08 Longman, F. W. d 85 Wickens, W. H. Deane, H. B. F. (Sir) Lewis, C. W. M. Bagnold, A. B. d 09 Phipson, W. Nicholson, E. H. (Col.) d Robertson, T. S. d 70 Taylor, A. C. A. d 10 Grant, E. d 13 Crawley-Boevey, A. W. 1865 Reid, R. T. S & Hon P (Lord Lorebum.) (Lord Chan- cellor 1905-12. Visitor of Bal- liol 1912-.') Cope, H. F. Fanvell, G. (Sir) Hon. P (Lord Justice.) Scott, J. A. Michell, R. B, Buchanan, T. R. Nettleship, R. L. S & P Hervey, Lord F. B Hill, H. S. McC. B Lindsell, H. M. d Lee, P. E. Liddell, A. G. C. Grant, C. F. (Canon) Primrose, H. W. (Sir) d 95 Rogers, W. F. d 92 Darbishire, S. D. Craik, H. (Sir) s & S d 12 Lang, Andrew s d 97 Wallace, W. (Prof.) e d 12 Todd, G. s Brown, Archibald d 70 Burns, W. d 72 d94 dii d 92 1866 d Smith, R. d Howard, A. W. H. Holland, H. Scott (Canon) Vaughan, A. P. d ID Elliott, F. A. H. d88 d 70 do8 d d 72 do3 d d 00 d II d 91 do6 d93 d 07 do6 d 09 d 01 d 04 d78 d99 Bennett, S. A. Evans, H. A. Clarke, R. L. S Goodlake, T. S. S Richards, H. P. S Godley, J. A. e Hon. P (Lord Kilbracken.) Rankine, A. s Greg, F. J. s Ewing, R. (Canon) e Fletcher, M. A. A. D. W. H. Coleridge, E. H. Theobald, H. S. (Q.C.) Buckland, C. E. Hardy, R. (Sir) Acworth, F. W. B. Hughes, J. P. (Bishop of Llandaflf IQOS-.) Kay, E. C. (Lister-Kay, E. C. L.) Rooper, T. G. Waite, F. U. Grosvenor, R. C. (Hon.) Scott, H. R. H. (Hon.) Earl of Donoughmore 1867 Hodge, E. V. (Rev.) Tatton, R. G. P Arnold, E. P. Farrer, J. Anson Williams, P. T. Vesey-FitzGerald, J. V. (Q.C.) Rawlinson, G. E. FitzGerald, G. B. Johnston, H. H. Devas, C. S. Povah, A. Armytage, F. R. Prothero, H. A. Anson, F. H. Pearse, H. G. Mammatt, A. S. Robinson, J. Davy, J. S. (Sir) Benson, W. D. (Judge) Bosanquet, B. S Dawe, M. W. B. (Rev.) B Miuray, A. R. s Ducat, W. M. G. s (Archdeacon of Berks. 1903-.) Harrison, E. e Figgins, R. L. e (Leighton, R. L.) 392 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL 1868 Cheyne, T. K. (Prof.), elected P Homer, G. W. (Rev.) d 04 Sturgis, Julian R. d 84 Wallace, E. e d 09 Fisher, A. B. n d 00 Peters, F. H. S d 92 Goodwin, A. S & P Edgeworth, F. Y. (Prof.) Richmond, H. I. d 72 Graham, R. J. d 05 Yule, C. J. F. S Davenport, A. Wilson, J. C. (Prof.) S Hilbery, T. N. e Ducker, S. H. e (Tucker, A. E.) Britton, H. B Sinclair, W. M. S (Archdeacon of London 1889— 1911.) Bryce, J. A. S Cross, J. Ashton s d 89 McClymont, C. R. s Johnstone, P. de L. H. e Gibson, W. S. e Heberden, C. B. e (Principal of Brasenose 1889-.) Omond, T. S. w d 08 Collins, J. Churton (Prof.) Simmons, C. Rowden, A. W. (Q.C.) Mowbray, R. G. C. (Sir) Russell, J. Buckley, J. W. Gordon, J. S. M. (Rev.) Fawkes, A. (Rev.) Hay, J. Y. Ord, R. d 92 Gillespie, G. R. 1869 d 09 Lee, A. M. Roe, R. H. S d 14 Forbes, W. H. S & P Higgs, A. S Knowling, R. J. (Canon) B Goodwin, T. A. e Russell, J. W. S d Skinner, J. H. e Wyer, T. R. 3 Brown, J. M. a Rowbotham, J. F. (Rev.) g Bradley, A. C. e, P & Hon. P Marshall, J. e Smith, A. L. e, P & JowettP d 99 Grigsby, W. E. e Garstang, T. W. H. o Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of Stiffe, C. E. (Everitt, Rev. C.) d 05 Blackwood, A. R. Farrer, William (Rev.) d 71 Walker, F. J. C. Scott, A. (Rev.) Loch, C. Stewart d Entwisle, B. Firmstone, E. R. (Rev.) d 13 Young, J. (Rev.) d 14 Moberly, W. O. Benson, R. H. d 85 Plumb, T. S. Estcourt, E. W. (Rev.) Pearson, F. J. N. Fortescue, J. B. d 20 Parkins, W. T. Elliot, F. E. H. (Sir) Edwards-Moss, J. E. (Sir) Williams, A. J. d 12 Sweet, H. (Prof.) Kidd, P. M. Wedderbum, H. G. d 07 Hinton, C. H. e 1870 d 91 Browning, R. (Elected Hon. P) d 95 Moor, E. N. P. S Hozier, J. H. C. Hon. P (Lord Newlands.) d 08 Whitmore, C. A. Patton, F. J. d 73 Macaulay, C. A. d 02 Dunn-Gardner, A. A. C. d 99 Peterson, P. d 02 Cull, J. B. d 07 Reiss, C. A. d 07 Anderson, J. R. d Rhys, C. C. Mallock, W. H. Asquith, H. H. (Rt. Hon.) S, F & Hon. F (Prime Minister 1908-.) Fagan, G. H. (Rev.) B Coates, G. S Warner, W. (Rev.) e MacEwen, A. R. (Rev. Prof.) s 393 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d 03 d93 d 00 d93 d 12 d88 d 01 d88 d 01 II 91 13 83 Waddell, W. 8 Lucas, A. H, S. e Stuart-Wortley, C. B. (Rt. Hon.) Vaughan, E. L. Page, A. H. (Dean of Peterborough 1908-.) Kent, C. S. FitzRoy, Almeric W. (Sir) Bruce, R. P. (Hon.) Wilson, D. B. Allison, W. Vicars, E, F. Finch-Hatton, Hon, M. E. G. (Earl of Winchilsea.) Tavistock, Marquess of (Duke of Bedford.) Rawnsley, H. D. (Canon) 1871 Needham, E. L. S Raleigh, T (Sir) (K.C.) e Asquith, W. W. e Shirres, L. Macleay, O. S. Hamilton, C. W. (Rev.) Saumarez, Arthur (Hon.) Shirley, W. S. Henderson, H. G. Smith, L. E. Gardiner, T. G. Chapman, C. M. Pryce, E. S. M. Obbard, R. e De Winton, F. H. e (Archdeacon of Colombo 1902-.) Potter, A. B. Hind, W. (Rev.) S Gore, C. S (Bishop of Oxford 191 1-.) Carew, F. H. B Simpson, F. P. e Scott, Joseph s Bathgate, W. s Thomas, R. M. e Phillips, F. B. W. e Lacey, T. A. (Rev.) e Baden-Powell, F. S. Bailward, W. A. King, H. S. (Sir) Campbell, C. G. Dodsworth, Sir C. E. Adam, C. F. F. Argles, M, F. Prothero, R. E. d77 d 90 d98 d 04 d85 d d 76 d99 d d II MulhoUand, A. W. Quayle, W. Flanagan, J. W. Router, Herbert (Baron de Reuter.) Baden-Powell, G. S. (Sir) Hoskyns, H. W. P. Davidson, W. E. (Sir) Crosse, T. W, Peacock, W. G. Rev. Bhanuwongsee, Sootchai 1872 Solomon, Joseph S Coghlan, F. R. Watkins, H. W. S (Archdeacon of Durham 1882-.) Gresswell, D. A. Wingfield, E. J. Gell, P. Lyttelton S Daniell, G. W. (Archdeacon of Kingston-upon- Tharaes 1904-.) Lacaita, C. C. e Hobhouse, H. (Rt. Hon.) Moncrieff, F. D. Smith, S. H. A. Tennant, C. C. Tatum, H. F. S Warren, T. H. (Prof.) S (President of Magdalen 1885 -.) Fletcher, Lazarus S Glazebrook, M. G. (Canon) S Cluer, A. R. e Lucas, C. P. (Sir) e Forrest, James s MacCimn, John s Acland-Hood, A. F. (Rt. Hon. Sir) (Lord St. Audries.) Cartwright, Chauncy (Sir) Haddock, C. Greenwell, F. J. (Judge) Dundas, D. (Hon. Lord) Hornby, P. J. (Archdeacon of Lancaster 1909-.) Edwards, T. H. Neave, S. H. M. Darbishire, G. Armitstead, G. H. Parker, C. P. (Prof.) Trench, G. H. Hoare, H. E, Williamson, T. Spottiswoode, W. H. 394 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d87 d d og d79 do7 d 78 do6 (3>7 \d 12 au 1873 Milner, A. (Sir) S (Viscount Milner.) Don, R. B. S Corbett, E. K. e Newmarch, F. W. Smith, P. S. Rendel, J. M. e Hardinge, W. M. Parr, R. Simpson, H. R. Bright, J. B. Trower, H. E. Montefiore, L. A. -Cababe, M. Dunckley, W. (Rev.) Rutherford, W. G. (Rev.) w Pritchett, J. S. e Bodley, J. E. C. Vaughan, C. E. S Hoare, A. F. (Lieut.-Col.) S Sichel, W. S. e Massingham, J. J. o King, W. Y. s Bradley, W. R. e Bonar, James s Ferguson, Duncan s Bruce, F. J. (Hon.) Whitehead, R. R. Allen, J. S. (Rev.) Myers, W. H. Dunlop, L. G. Wedderbum, A. D. O. (Q.C.) Fanshawe, E. L. Humphrey, H. M^N. Campbell, H. O. Walkley, A. B. e Hayes, E. H. Robertson, C. G. Moore, H. K. (Canon) Childs, T. H. Ellis, G. Franks, G. F. L, d 90 d 03 d99 d 00 do3 do5 d 4 03 08 04 a V. 1874 Macdonell, W. R. S Simpkinson, C. H (De Wesselow, Rev. C. H. S.) Toynbee, P. J. Lang, T. W. Falle, S. (Dean of Jersey IQ06-.) Richards, J. F. (Rev.) e Findlay, R. E. d.02 do8 dc83 tloi 93 '^^ d87 Finch-Hatton, Hon. H. S. (Earl of Winchilsea.) Iwakura, T Hachisuka, M. A. (Marquis) Ritchie, D. G. s Costelloe, B. F. C. s Homer, J. S. Kay, Laurence s Kerr, John s Scott, W. e Grenfell, W. H. (Lord Desborough.) Seymour, H. S. Peel, E. L. Round, J. H. Duff, H. Ker, W. P. (Prof.) s Childers, R. J. E. e Hollway-Calthrop, H. C. Nugee, F. E. (Canon) Kent, A. T. Lawrence, E. Cartwright, T. B. Baumann, A. A. Dyer, L. Finch-Hatton, H. H. (Hon. Godley, A. D. S Hamilton, S. G. S Poole, R. Lane Thomas, A. P. W. S Wilson, James (Sir) Ashton, A. J. (K.C.) S Lodge, R. (Prof.) S Lockhart, A. F. Adey, A. L. B Stuart, J. L. Arnold, R. P. 1875 Hamlyn, V. W. C. S Tout, T. F. (Prof.) S Willmer, G. N. (Rev.) Sweet-Escott, E. H. (Rev.) Toynbee, Arnold Wills, H. Vines, J. M. O'C. Edwards, D. C. (Rev.) Lymington, Viscount (Earl of Portsmouth.) Sircar, J. N. Sayers, E. A. Ramsay, Lord (Earl of Dalhousie.) Walsh, A. G. D. (Rev.) Fawcett, J. F. M. (Major) 395 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL '13 (y* t4. Qj' Horslcy, W. H. Portal, M. R. Hewett, J. P. (Sir) Younghusband, A. D. Oliphant, C. F. Mellish, H. Brodrick, Hon. W. St. J. F. (Viscount Midleton.) Goodwin, Alfred S Rogers, J. D. S Reichel, H. R. (Sir) S Bartrum, J. R. P. B Griffiths, E. T. (Rev.) e Tallents, G. W. e Muir, W. s Gregory, Thomas (Rev.) 8 - Chancellor, J. B. e Musgrave, W. A. B. Mulholland, A. J. (Hon.) RadclifEe, W. Pearson, A. — CunlifEe, J. W. Myers, C. (Prebendary) - Muirhead, J. H. (Prof.) b-- Farrer, R. R. S Sheil, J. R. Acton, E. R. Clark, Andrew (Rev.) *""" Fletcher, J, (Prof.) MacmiUan, M. K. Venis, A. (Prof.) Wood, E. G. M. (Rev.) Irving, E. H. Baynes, A. H. (Bishop of Natal 1893-1901.) Clayton, G. S. Trevor, W. - Branfoot, E. P. Bilderbeck, A. A. S. Vines, F. A. e Chetti, P. R. S Douie, J. M. (Sir) 1876 Edwards, G. S. e Stubbs, W., elected Hon. P (Bishop of Oxford.) Gay, J. Beaumont, E. A. H. A. Firth, C. H. (Prof.) S Hammick, M. (Sir) Eraser, F. J. Lewis, D. R. (Rev.) Jones, J. V. (Prof.) S Standish, C. R. M. 6./12 d 04 d8o d.82 fdoo dS; 'doS d d94 Watts, John Thomas, R. M. Herington, Sydney S. (Rev.) Clark, T. R. Vassall- Phillips, O. R. (Rev.) Wickens, A. A. Burns, L F. (Rev.) s Upcott, E. A. S Barnes, C. L. S Smith, F. J. S Wade, Stephen B Montague, F. C. (Prof.) e Younghusband, R. E. e Wilkinson, W. H. (Sir) e Rowe, W. H. P. e Macleod, H. C. C. (Rev.) e Reade, H. G. R. Bird, E. S, Ruggles-Brise, E. J. (Sir) Bruce, W. N. (Hon.) Grenfell, C. G. Allen, R. T. Anson, A. Hirst, E. T. Collins, A. H. Simon, O. J. Leveson-Gower, G. G. Bolton, A. J, Shoobridge, L. K. H. Crossley, S. B. (Sir) Kennedy, T. J. Lupton, W. A. Ridger, C. M. 1877 Pickering, P. S. U. S Bright, J. F. (Elected Hon. P.) (Master of University 1880-1904.) Low, S. J. S Randolph, B. W. (Canon) e Stephens, H. Morse (Prof.) Elcho, Lord Sweet-Escott, E. B. (Sir) Bedford, Duke of Rodd, J. Rennell {SiT)\y^.y^'^'^^'\ Scott, W. D. a Copas, E. C. Squire, G. (Rev.) Pinkerton, R. H. (Prof.) S Fletcher, J. D. Gell, H. Willingham Springman, P. Taylor, W. A. Shadwell, Felix (Rev.) 396 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL \d 0o ^ d9o d^gS (479 V d85 d 09 fd,i87 (d i; Id 99 I d II Unwin, W. Stuart, John s Ashley, G. R. Hardinge, A. H. (Sir) Shaen, A. O'F. Shand, W. A. B. Soames, R. James, C. A. S Fausset,W.Y.{ Prebendary) S Matheson, P. E. S Wills, J. T. S Fowler, H. W. S Adams, A. J. F. S Newill, A. C. B Tatham, M. T. e Owen, S. G. e Lilley, H. T. e Peil, J. A. e Cunningham, J. T. S Johnston, E. E. Lindsay, W. M. (Prof.) s Martin, T. A. Lawrence, W. R. (Sir) Twigg, John (Sir) Lowther, H. C. (Sir) Harris, C. H. Grahame, A. J. Farrer, W. F, Flanagan, T. W. White, H. H. Bourne, H. C. Mackintosh, J. (Prof.) Le Sueur, A. Mason, C. A. (Rev.) Broun, J. A. Thomas, J, L. (Rev.) Mulholland, Hon. H. L. (Lord Dunleath.) de Monbrison, E. C. Marie, Rev. W. Ahmad, S. A. Elles, H. L. P. 1878 Nicholl, G. F. (Prof.) Hon. P Farrer, Hon. T. C. (Lord Farrer.) Eales, H. L. Edgerley, S. W. (Sir) Boulton, H. E. Logan, R. H. Wilson, W. Roxburgh, W. H. Mackay, J. M. e Weir C. J. Little, G. C. (Rev.) e d.79 do8 d 07 dpo -ros d|i k«i dog do8 d93 d 02 Alexander, S. (Prof.) S Hamilton, J. A. (K.C.) S (Lord Sumner of Ibstone.) Spurrell, G. J. S Spring- Rice, C. A. (Sir) e Clark, A. C. (Prof.) e Allen, G. B. e Hamnett, F. H. Montefiore, C. J. G. Kingscote, N. R. F. Slack, S. B. (Prof.) S Sampson, C. H. S Mackail, J. W. Hon. S, w & P Beeching, H. C. e (Dean of Norwich 191 1-.) Row, A. B. B Curzon, Hon. G. N. Eon. P (Viscount Curzon of Kedleston, Chancellor of the University, 1907-.) CoUier, C. S. Chetwynd, R. W. (Hon.) Inglis, T. Moriarty, A. S. Bright, W. R. PhilUps, F. A. T. Melitus, P. G. Davis, J. S. C. Carlyle, R. W. (Sir) Moscardi, W. Denman, J. Innes, J. E. Atkins, J. de C. Rawson, E. C. Reed, H. M. Mallet, B. Heale, W. H. Chitty, A. J. Sclater-Booth, Hon. G. L. (Lord Basing.) Wood, P. F. (K.C.) Wedderburn, F. E. K. Hewetson, J. Brown, Kenworthy Evan-Thomas, L. Lee, S. (Sir) (Prof.) e Miller, C. S. (Rev.) Scott, B. (Sir) Coen, J. C. (Rev.) Fox-Strangways, A. H, Wood, S. G. Lubbock, J. B. (Rt. Hon. Lord Avebury.) Edgar, J. (Prof.) s Lewis, N. E. (Hon. Sir) Strachey, J. St. L. Ashley, W. J. (Prof.) S 397 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL 92 d95 d88 d 80 - Stroud, W. S f d 04 Platts, J. T. •w^ Fremantle, T. F. (Hon.) Bromley-Davenport, W. (Lieut.-Col.) Gordon, G. C. E. P. Robinson, W. P. Corfield, G. (Rev.) Jose, A. W. S Couchman, E. H. (Rev.) S Hall, A. D. S d 89 Bowdin, R. H. S •-- Boas, F. S. e Hawkins, A. H. S .Ap5 Nash, S. H. e Kalisch, A. e do8 d^S Id 01 d>3 097 doi ^■^ dos d 05 Grant, L, J. (Sir) e Hart, J. J. e Saunders, G. 8 Cave, H. W. Fremantle, R. S. (Hon.) Farrer, Walter (Prebendary) Cohen, B. A. Bruce, G. L. Rotherham, A. Prowse, R. O. Hallard, J. H. Waley, J. F. Shorthose, W. H. Haldinstein, H. H. (K.C.) Smith, W. S. M. Linsley, W. H. Mallet, C. E. Price, J. A. Deakin, R. Vane-Tempest, F. A. Vian, A. R. Lewis, G. (Rev.) Evans, P. W. Lushington, F. G. Forbes, G. F. G. Eraser- Luckie, E. G. Holms, J. M. Campbell, J. S. Camduff, H. W. C. (Sir) Shaw, A. T. A. Herald, J. L. Maude, W. Hughes, H. A. Cadell, A. W. R. Rand, W. C. Gamble, R. A. Dodgson, C. G. Elwin, E. A. Cubitt, B. B. Chohneley, N. G. Binns, F. A. Mosditchian, H. N. Ahmed, Ibraham Moriarty, G. P. Thomas, P. C. Spender, J. A. e Macmillan, A. (Hon. M.A.) St. John, Robert (Hon. M.A.) 1882 Snell, F. J. B Burd, L. A. e Adkins, W. R. D. (Sir) e 399 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Waylen, R. F. d 84 Jesson, W. A. Griffith, T. H. Bowen, W. E. (Hon. & Rev.) Martley, W. G. lonides, C. A. d 90 Lubbock, C. W. Borel, M. A. H. d Bnighera, F. V. E. Fairfax, G. E. Fairfax, J. O. d 84 Milne, W. H. S Merk, F. H. S Allen, B. M. S M*: Arthur, J. F. S Heather, H. J. S. (Prof.) S Paddison, R. B Schiller, F. C. S. e Rankin, D. s Jones, A. W. (Rev.) e Brassey, Hon. T. A. Hon. P (Viscount Hythe.) d 04 Egerton-Green, C. Millar, J. H. (Prof.) Powell, M. J. (Rev.) Bradby, G. F. Edgar, W. H. Hulse, H. J. d Ruggles-Brise, H. G. Winkworth, S. D. Chitty, H. Kelsall, J. E. (Rev.) Maxwell, F. M. (Sir) Wood, A. S. Little, A. G. Samuelson, G. B. d Tulloch, H. St. J. Simonson, P. F. Lang, C. G. S (Archbishop of York 1909-.) d 91 Warwick, C. e Pritchard, A. Pease, H. Stafiord, G. F. Thomson, W. Hedley, B. Fortey, H. C. Acland-Hood, H. F. Spottiswoode, W. H. Hirst, H. T. Wright, W. S. Robert, A. C. House, H. F. d Ashworth, E. T. Stokes, A. H. Lovett, H. V. Harrison, F. C. Bower, G. Crump, H. A. Hirst, P. L. CDwyer, M. F. (Sir) d 07 Bernard, J. H. d Brind, C. B. Khareghat, M. P. Pittar, C. W. E. Wynch, L. M. Clegg, R. B. Head, H. F. Manoukian, A. S. S. Harris, Charles (Sir) S d 95 Clarke, R. A. d Long, R. S. e 1883 Markby, W. (Sir) (Elected P) Biswas, S. C. Beamnont, H. G. (Hon.) Bassano, A. H. Bassano, C. W. (Rev.) d 99 Hassall, A. E. Eraser, C. J. R. Eraser, S. M. Habib UUah, S. Rubie, A. E. (Rev.) Wheeler, G. W. Simonson, G. A. Burnet, J. (Prof.) S Davies, M. LI. S d 02 Withers, H. L. S Overend, W. S Robinson, T. W. (Rev.) S Shariand, S. C. (Rev.) S Crawfiurd, L. P. (Rev.) e Bowlby, H. T. (Rev.) e Ashbumer, W. e Nichol, J. P. s & S Sherwood, F. W. e Tillyard, F. (Prof.) e d 89 Biles, R. M^B. S Hole, H. Marshall, n Mitchell-Innes, E. A. (K.C. )e Arkwright, G. E. P. Jessel, A. H, (K.C.) d 92 Lockhart-Mure, J. E. Benson, G. R. e (Lord Charnwood.) Watson, A. W. Mallet, L. Du P. (Sir) d 95 Clarke, R. A. Monahan, F. J. 400 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL d 87 M^Pherson, R. A. d 92 Westlake, S. St. J. Chevis, W. Brown, W. B. Hope, C. W. W. Meston, J. S. (Six) d 91 Cossins, W. H. Robertson, B. (Sir) d 90 Thomson, A. d 88 Mead, C. C. d 10 Allen, C. G. H. (Sir) Hamilton, F. S. Harward, A. E. Walker, J. Cowie, D. W. G. Porter, W. K. Butterworth, A. d 01 Bullivant, T. P. d Bow en, H. C. Newbolt, F. G. Jepson, E. A. d 09 Harvey, J. Russell, Earl Gloag, W. M. (Prof.) d 91 Tomlin, H. M, Emmons, H. Tylor, E. B. (Sir) Hon. r Kemp, George (Lord Rochdale.) 1884 Marshall, Alfred (Elected F) Hon. P Smith, J. A. (Prof.) w & P Baring, C. (Hon.) e Arkwright, W. G. e Lambton, C. (Hon.) Jackson, F. Huth (Rt. Hon.) Rogers, A. G. L. Macdonald, G. Sullivan, P. D. Wedel-GoedenSjCountG.E.G. d 92 Edwards, R. J. A. Svasti Sobhana, Prince Roberts, C. H. S Powell, J. U. S Berry, G. G. S Baker, R. P. S Allen, J. W. e Tait, J. (Prof.) e Poole-Hughes, W. W. (Rev.) S d 91 Pember, H. E. e WyUe, F. J. s d 01 Macgregor, P. B. Noble, J. H. B. d 94 Fremantle, W. A. C. (Rev.) Hart, H. D'A. d 00 Galpin, F. W, Dent, C. H. Rattigan, H. A. B. Laurie, H, M. Bonus, A. R. O'Beime, H. J. Clark, J. d 87 Harden, J. N. Le Mesurier, H. Hervey, H. L. Carmichael, G. Scott, E. Harding, H. O. D. Bowden-Smith, G. Edward, O. M. S Jones, J. P. (Rev.) d 06 Greenidge, A. H. J. e Findlay, J. R. Boulton, O. E. d 12 Clarke, R. C. (Rev.) d 91 Baber, F. V. d 10 Hatch, A. H. Crum, W. E. Alden, P. Orde, T. L. M. Gaikwad, G. S. Moung Kyaw 1885 Brown, G. G. (Rev.) Watts, T. H. J. Marett, R. R. e - Curzon, F. N. (Hon.) . Leveson-Gower, G. C. G. ' Lopes, H. L. (Lord Ludlow.) Bhadbhade, L. G. Eland, E. H. (Rev.) - Osborne, Lord A. E. G. Richards, G. C. (Rev.) S Morrell, W. J. S Poynton, A. B. S Goodrich, W. J. S "^ d-99 — 5worn, S. A. S Hallifax, C. J. B Hinton, R. W. B — Simey, G. I. e Montague, C. E. e d 95 George, J. M. T. e Tollinton, R. B. (Rev.) e - d 12 Chambers, F. H. e 491 Gray, W. A. s Watson, A. K. e 401 D d BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL OgUvie, W. F. Hills, J. W. Seccombe, T. (Prof.) Johnston, J. A. Leycester-Penrhyn, A. L. Peel, W. R. W. (Hon.) (Viscount Peel.) Ross, A. G. Young, D. J. Parniiter, S. C, (Rev.) Mortimer, G. F. L. J. Hunt, C. W. Grahame, A. H. E. Granet, W. G. (Sir) Smith, G. Gregory (Prof.) Allan, H. d 91 Thomson, W. E. Farmer, G. W. S. e Montgomery, W. H. Wood, G. A. (Prof.) S Milner, T. (Rev.) Goschen, G. J. (Hon.) (Viscount Goschen.) Tyrrell, W. G. (Sir) Cleveland, C. R. (Sir) Henniker, F. C. Tyabji, M. B. Warburton, H. G. Brown, CD. Sladen, J. Levinge, E. V. Cumming, J. A. Michael, W. H. Sly, F. G. Dawbarn, A. Y. Murray, J. A. H. (Sir) 1886 Dixon, H. B. (Prof.) (Elected P) d 08 Pope, G. U. (Rev.) Dews, A. e Stone, W. G. d 12 Morpeth, Viscount S (Earl of Carlisle.) Malcolm, J. A. Smalley, P. Fletcher, F. e d 92 Morier, V. A. L. Joachim, H. H. S d 87 Gibson, W. G. S Jones, H. S. S Tucker, J. S. (Rev.) S Ritson, J. H. (Rev.) S Beazley, C. R. (Prof.) S * From Reynolds, R. W. e Cookson, G. M. e Carter, R. e MacGilchrist, J. (Rev.) s d 89 O'Brien, R. M. Christian, F. W. Sanders, R. A. Cook, H. F. d 90 W^aterhouse, A. M. Slade, W^. N. Dawkins, H. C. d 12 Nicolson, E. B. Dawkins, T, F. Holden, H. (Rev.) Gully, J. W. H. (Hon.) (Viscount Selby.) Bellairs, R. H. Beaumont, H. H. D. Wigan, A. L. Knox, H. Le Patourel, W. M. (Rev.) Shaw, T. F. C. E. (Sir) d 90 Williamson, W. C. Stone, P. N. Bonham-Carter, N. Davidson, L. Bell, N. D. B. Symns, R. C. M. d II Lea, J. H. 1887 Peel, R. (Sir) * House, W. i" *Shekell, E. B. (Rev.) ♦Clarke, R. T. H. (Sir) ♦Hudson, A. ♦East, A. E. ♦Bevan, John (Rev.) Murray, H. J. R. e d Dolan, W. J. J. d04 Stoehr, E. M. ♦Addison, J. J. ♦Creak, E. H. (Rev.) Russell, H. J. H. Das Gupta, J. N. Ward, B. R. (Lieut.-Col.) Nott, G. H. Harrison, H. Richardson, J. W. Walker, R. J. S Lee, R. W. (Prof.) S Palmer, E. J. S & P (Bishop of Bombay 1908-.) Hallifax, A. G. B New Inn Hall. 402 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Hockley, G. W. (Rev.) B Hepburn, A. e Gordon, C. J. M. s Lewis, G. J. G. (Sir) Hills, E. G. Darbishire, F. V. Latham, A. C. M^'Bamet, A. C. M^Alester, C. G. S. Mylne, T. H. Rogers, F. E. N. Walker, E. Mortimer, M. W. Woodward, W. E. (Rev.) Boyd, A. Charteris, E. (Hon.) Frazer, E. R. Roos, G. O. Simpson, J. H. Agnew, P. D. d O'Brien, P. W. Wild, C. E. d Patterson, W. C. Morshead, L. F. Slight, A. M. d 95 Medlicott, A. L. Robertson, J. H. Bedford, J. P. Gumming, J. G. Du Boulay, J. H. (Sir) Farmer, H. T. S. Pullinger, W. S Dibblee, G. B. S & e d 12 *Flory, W. (Canon) *Draffen, G. A. (Lieut.-Col.) *Geoghegan, R. H. ♦Harrington, W. (Rev.) ♦Harris, P. C. (Rev.) ♦Keeling, J. H. ♦Lloyd, E. O. V. *Newton, C. F. (Rev.) ♦Rowlands, J. B. (Rev.) ♦Punchard, E. G. (Canon) Grueber, B. E. (Prof.) 1888 Prestage, E. Acland, A. H. D. (Rt. Hon.) (Elected Hon. P) Feilding, P. H. Pomeroy, Hon, R. L. (Capt.) Pearsall Smith, L. L. Anderson, F. G. H. S Geldart, W. M. (Prof.) B Abrahams, B. L. S d oo Steevens, G. W. S Eagleston, A. J. S JoUiffe, A. E. S Dewhurst, R. P. S d 05 Robarts, H. O. W. B Smyth, W. J. e Eraser, J. N. (Prof.) e d 95 Benecke, E. F. M. e Watson, H. D. e Brewin, L. e Panting, L. C. S Wheelwright, E. W. S Scott, E. F. (Rev. Prof.) s McDougall, D. G. (Prof.) e Gooch, C. E. d 95 Cohen, H, A. Meyer, C. J. Newman, A. P. S. Hunter, W. C. (Capt.) HilUard, R. O. Morris, F. J. A. Craigie, W. A. Darbishire, O. V. Vanneck, A. P. Holmes, F. W. R. (Rev.) Haynes, E. J. (Rev.) Jardine, M. R. (Prof.) Salmond, J. L. Wardrop, J. O. Walsh, C. M. Mayes, H. F. Cox, J. H. (Sir) Butler, S. H. (Sir) Crump, L. C. Elwin, E. B. Wingate, J. B. d 04 Johnston, A. G. W. Oldham, C. E. A. W Howard, F. T. Dingwall, J. Kotval, P. S. Blurns-Lindow, S. L. d 92 Boyd, H. A. Davies, E. R. 1889 Scott, T. Arundell, G. Harris- (Rev.) n Hinds, A. B. d 12 Monypenny, W. F. e Hunebelle, J. C. A. Goldner, A. L. Macran, H. S. (Prof.) * From New Inn Hall. 403 D d 2 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Fletcher, F. S (Head Master of Charterhouse iQii-.) O' Regan, J. R. H. S Rye, J. B. S d 00 Howse, G. F. S d 13 Byles, T. R. D. (Rev.) S Browne, A. H. B Tollinton, H. P. e Duncan, P. S & w Graves, H. e Wood, J. B. e Bax, A. N. (Rev.) e M^Pherson, H, s Rawstome, E. B. Harrison, B. O. Macleay, J. W. R. Jardine, H. R. d Oldham, W. F. e d Anderson, F. M. Menzies, G. K. Hunt, W. M. Morrell, P. E. Laing, S. (Rev.) Adler, B. Walrond, M. S. O. Balfour, P. (Lord Kinross.) Craig-Sellar, G. H. Mitchell, A. d 13 Fairfax, H. W. Alliott, R. Davies, E. L. Jeffrey, P. Rogers, T. P. M^Curdy, E. A. C. Samuel, H. L. (Rt. Hon.) Wyatt, J. Newton, C. E. Marshall, L. d 99 Pauw, E. K. d 95 Prescott, T. L. Stuart, L. Atkins, C. H. Cadell, P. R. Kincaid, C. A. Seddon, C. N. Grimley, R. F. d 00 Hunter, Sir W. W. Vickers, M. (Rev.) Walton, J. W. (Rev.) 1890 d 00 Conroy, Sir John (Elected P) Davies, W. R. S Bailey, C. S & P Watt, J. S Younger, R. E. N. S Mc Mullen, A. S Dale, F. H. B. S Finch, F. R. S M^Fadyen, J. E. (Prof.) a Hanson, P. H. e . d 99 Cunliffe, A. T. e Wilkins, R. F. e Moore, H. C. e Murray, W. G. R. e * — Urquhart, F. F. e & P '^ Oppenheim, R. Hemans, H. N. d^7 Norrie, J. A. King, C. M. d 98 Howard, H. G. L. (Hon.) Matthews, E. L. Kitiyakara Varalaksna (Prince of Chandaburi.) Rowland, A. N. (Rev.) Grant, A. H. Rofe, H. J. Mountmorres, Viscount (Rev.) e d-94 Cohen, H. A. Badcock, H. D. ■ Kerry, Earl of Phillpotts, R. B. Oppenheimer, F. (Sir) Milner, H. W. (Rev.) Brown, R. C. Blennerhassett, A. C. F. M. H. B. (Sir) Critchley, J. W. Oldaker, F. A. Powell, E. W. (Rev.) Ffrench, Le Bel H. E. (Rev.) Jamieson, J. C. Collins, V. H. G. -'-"' Ponsonby, A. A. W. H. Thompson, G. E. Paton, M. B. Lopes, G. de A. Montford, J. A. M. (Rev.) e - Hughes, R. B. (Hughes-Buller, R. B.) Rice, W. F. Gumming, A. R. Brendon, B. A. Thomas, A. E. WilUams, L. Ghose, M. Kirby, W. H. Vickers, R. H. W. 404 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Jackson, T. H. Hallifax, H. F. B Jeffrey, R. Pickard-Cambridge, A. W. Faunthorpe, J. C. S&P d Vemon-Harcourt, L. W. Williamson, H. e Sorabji, R. K. (Prof.) d Brown, G. D. s dao- Browne, B. D. Platel, J. J. Hignett, E. A. Bngrami, S. H. Burt, E. W. (Rev.) Cole, R. W. 1891 Reade, W. H. V. e Sykes, E. F. e Hill, G. R. e Yeomans, R. 1892 Farrer, R. J. Jennison, G. d 09 Jex-Blake, T. B. Russell, C. F. W. Fremantle, F. E. Blackwood, Lord L B. G. T. Hunter, J. L. Scargill, L. W. K. Painter, H. L. von Hindenburg, H; A. 0. W. Salt, A. E. W. (ProQ Dugdale, W. F. S. Goetz, C. E. Usborne, C. F. Stanley, H. J. Dyson, R. J. Kenrick, W. B. d 04 Hichens, J. L. Grahame, W. d 13 Henle, F. T. H. Walrond, T. H. H. Boyd-Carpenter, A. B. Percival, P. E. Milroy, E. A. W. Goldschmidt, C. A. Kershaw, J. F. Lawrence, J. F. N. Grayson, E. N. Flemmich, A. H. FitzGerald, R. P. Toke, L. A. St. L. Gouldsmith, H. S. Brinton, P. R. (Rev.) Harrison, C. W. Matheson, A. Chalmers, K. E. Scott, R. d Casson, J. W. G. Mayo, J. P. Lange, F. L. C. Thynne, Lord A. G. B. d 05 Borthwick, 0. A. Marten, C. H. K. Warre, E. R. Henley, A. M. (Hon.) Guedalla, F. M. Maughan, D. Dredge, J. A. Emanuel, M. R, Fleming, M. Rattigan, A. M. Proudfoot, R. L. Britton, A. E. Cotton, A. L. d 02 Simpson, E. H. Waterhouse, A. T. Burkitt, W. J. D. Cole, S. J. Madgavkar, G. D. Daniels, S. R. Parsons, G. L. (Hon.) Woodward, G. D. Hendy, E. W. n French, W. T. (Rev.) Gupta, I. N. Robertson, L, Abbott, E. R. dgS Pope, P. J. M^Nair, A. W. Alcock, W. 0. e Hatch, G. W. Hallifax, E. R. B Rieu, J. L. Davis, C. T. S Lyall, F. F. Greentree, R. S Sidebotham, H. S Evans, A. B. S Hicks, F. C. N. (Rev.) S Pickard-Cambridge, C. 0, d02 Underbill, C. B. S Davis, H. W. C. S & P West, C. E. S (Rev.) S Morris, E. F. S Maxwell, T. D. B 405 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Poynting, J. W. E. e Menzies, W. e Moscardi, A. F. G. S Cruso, H. A. A. S Amery, L. C. M. S. e Godwin, G. H. (Rev.) e ♦Moulder, T. J. (Rev.) 1893 Caine, W. Strachey, O. Richter, R. L. E. Kirby, E. A. (Rev.) Belloc, J. H. P. S d Fisher, H. G. S. S Morgan, G. V. Minami-Iwakura, Baron T. Aston, A. H. S. Ellis, H. G. B. von Cramm, Baron B. K. A. A. T. Barker, E. S Trotter, V. M. C. S Watherston, C. F. S Latter, A. M. S d 94 Grant, H. N. S. S Wallace, E. H. s d 12 Cross, G. H. S Beckit, H. O. e Thornton, W. G. S. Ridley, M. W. e (Viscount Ridley.) Scriven, J. T. d 09 Brown, A. D, Richey, J. A. Smith, L. Eaton Fairbrother, P. T. Henderson, J. H. d 97 Paton, A. J. R. Okell, G. Goring-Lloyd, L. H. (Lloyd-Goring, L. H.) Mitchell, R. H. Stebbing, H. M. Hunt, E. H. Waddy, P. S. (Rev.) Acland, F. D. Cobb, K. R. Lushington, P. A. (Rev.) Hide, P. Morgan, P. V, Aston, E. J. S. Russell, G. B. A. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, P. R. E. von Waring, M. L. McKerron, R. G. d Fraser, W. Keatinge, G. F. d 06 Vaughan, J. P. Macmichael, N. Matsugata, K. Friedlander, C. 1894 Fry, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Hon. F Bellairs, C. S. Muir, J. R. B. (Prof.) S Crum, J. L. Wright-Henderson, R. W. Somerset, H. C. S. A. Bonnerjee, K. W. Macaulay, T. C. von Kusserow, F. Heathcote, W. J. d 02 Winter, C. T. F. Mathews, L. H. S. S Dale, H. E. S Cotterell, C. B. S Jackson, V. H. (Prof.) S Lamboume, G. E. S Bray, D. de S. B Irving, M. B Tovey, D. F. N Baker, P. W. e (Baker Wilbraham, Sir P. W.) d 12 Danson, A. L. e Cole, E. L. D. e Bentinck, A. H. W. e Cunningham, H. J. e Gow, W. s Oppenheim, E. F. e Henderson, G. C. (Prof.) S Stanley, Hon. A. L. (Sir) Pember, G. R. Ranken, T. d II Aitchison, C. U. de Saram, F. J. Sladen, F. F. Walker, E. W. Timmis, W. U. White, M. R. L. Thomson, H. T. Sturrock, J. C. R. Dunlop, C. R. * From New Inn Hall. 406 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Roundell, C. F. d 94 Esson, J. Nisbet, H. K. Grant, W. L. (Prof.) d 01 Muir-Mackenzie, W. M. Smith, J. H. Cleland, J. W. Neumann, E. D. M. Campbell-Johnston, D. G. Hallifax, H. W. Hankey, C. T. A. Wilson- Johnston, J. d 00 Bhownaggree, M. M. von Krause, W. H. E. Watson, D. M. d 13 Mano, C. T. Hecht, H. (Prof.) Corbin, J. Banerji, A. R. MacKenna, J. 1895 Farrer, E. H. Kitto, J. V. Nichols, P. d 14 Tylee, E. S. Genner, E. E. S Nicholson, W. F. S Ward, A. S. S Steel-Maitland, A. H. D. R. S Williamson, F. H. S McNeile, R. F. (Rev.) 3 d 98 Hall, J. N. H. S Nance, J. T. S d 99 Murray, E. W. B Herman, L. E. e Senior, W. S. (Rev.) e Wilson, P. e Pelham, E. H. e Gillies, W. K. s Vernon, R. V. S Wills, C. U. n Annandale, T. N. Clayton, R. Riviere, E. d 09 Bury, W. S. Moorhead, G. H. d Lewis, F. B. Dugdale, E. T. S. Cohn, A. M. Kershaw, P. S. Lewis, N. S. Coolidge, J. L. Hardy, H. J. Jervis-Smith, E. J. Owen, J. S Hope- Wallace, C. N. Backhouse, E. d 02 Hopkins, D. P. Hodgkin, R. H. Adams, J. D. Jager, G. H. Herbert, A. T. (Lord Lucas.) Overend, A. K. Philipson-Stow, R. F, Skinner, E. J. Thiel, C. W. 1896 James, J. e Page, R. Denman, R. D. (Hon.) Shadi Lai (Hon.) Abbott, W. C. (Prof.) von Knyphausen, Baron D. E. von Knyphausen, Prince D. C. T. A. E. Ensor, R. C. K. S Moore, B. P. S Goldsmith, E. T. S Neave, E. R. B Ross, W. D. e d 02 Medd, A. C. e Hill, C. P. e Ward, A. E. (Rev.) e Adams, W. G. S. (Prof.) s Haynes, E. S. P. S Godley, H. J. (Hon.) Mitchell-Thomson, W. Cohen, H. M. Kenney-Herbert, A. E. Underdown, H. C. B. Wallace, W. J. L. Tomkinson, C. W. Singh, K. M. Lyall, C. E. Cameron, E. C. Henley, F. R. (Hon.) Stewart, R. M. Baillie, G. E. Griffith, J. S. (Rev.) Swan, K. R. Jameson, J. G. Levis, H. E. Simpson, F. H. H. Ward, A. E. S. (Rev.) Emanuel, V. R. Maughan, J. M. 407 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Fanvell, C. J. W. Hobson, J. D. d 07 Fox, C. V. Boyle, Edward (Sir) Warre, E. L. Jenks, E. 1897 Morgan, J. H. (Prof.) S Dwight, W. E. Bremer, J. L. Collins, L. C. Edgar, J. (Prof.) Phillips, E. R. d 06 du Vallon, G. C. H. de J. Satow, H. E. Keith, A. B. S Asquith, R. S Moore, C. S Costley- White, H. (Rev.) S Hartley, H. B. S & P Ross, W. A. e Garrod, H. W. e Campbell, P. G. C. (Prof.) e Monie, P. W. s d 02 Carr6, A. C. e Beveridge, W. H. e Hindmarsh, L. K. e Wright, E. S d 09 Mavrogordato, A. Lembcke, R. E. Leiper, R. J. Dyer, C. N. Whitlaw, C. F. Clarke, E. S. King, C. M. Marriott, R. D. Herbert, R. Y. Kennaway, J. Darbishire, A. D. Wahl, B. W. Tillotson, F. L. Balfour, J. M. (Hon.) Hunt, O. A. (Rev.) Higgins, G. H. Sharpe, W. S. Mitchell, F. H. Sime, J. d 09 Pringsheim, E. Rudkin, G. D. Waley-Cohen, C. Schwann, C. D. (Swann, CD.) Russell, C. G. E. Black, F. W. d99 d05 d03 Gore-Booth, M. Johnston, C. E. L. Warre, F. W. Roscoe, F. J. Morton, W. C. Talbot, J. A. W. Hunt, A. P. Merriman, R. B. 1898 Collier, G. (Hon.) Warner, G. R. Ponsonby, C. E. Pilkington, A. H. von Stumm, F. C. Mahmoud, M. Pickard-Cambridge, W. A. S Kelly, J. S Varley, R. S. S Beaven, H. C. S Griffith, I. O. S Lord, A. R. (Prof.) B Kelland, G. T. B Morris, C. A. (Hon.) e Pocklington, G. R. e Tritton, J. C. e Mackay, S. F. H. s Stokes, F. R. B. e Falk, O. T. e Headlam, G. W. S Littlehailes, R. (Prof.) e McLaren, H. D. (Hon.) Fox, A. D. Batty, F. de W. (Rev.) Craster, H. H. E. Spalding, K. J. (Prof.) Temple, F. C. Kelly, F. M. Molyneux, J. H. Farrer, R. J. Gathome-Hardy, A. C. Jenk5nis, H. H. lonides, S. A. Jackson, R. O. de Trafford, H. J. Phipps, P. Holmes, A. Kingan, T. D. Everett, A. F. Argles, H. D. Tomkinson, J. E. Wilson, R. W. Noble, E. R. Cross, A. Clark, E. G. U. 408 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Herbert, A. N. H. M. (Hon.) Hale, H. J. Thomas, H. H. 1899 Cahill, J. R. d 10 Walker, E. G. de Wiart, A. C. Richmond, H. C. Ross, J. S. w Crerar, J. e Bell, J. Y. e Flemmich, M. D. Baker, G. P. Tawney, R. H. S Graham, L. S d 00 Maurice, W. E. S Smith, A. L. F. S Walker, W. J. S Wykes, P. H. S Grundy, S. P. S Davis, H. D. S Francis, H. W. S. B Main, A. (Rev.) s d 07 Low, J. R. e Lee W. H. e Powicke, F. M. (Prof.) S Northcote, G. A. S. n Clay, L. P. Skrine, H. L. Hunt, C. B. Peckham, A. N. Worsley, G. Watt, J. C. Gere, R. H. Huckin, V. H. St. J. Daman, G. W. Goodwin, F. S. Taylor, H. Bonham-Carter, M. Morrison, G. N. Sturgis, J. B. Goschen, C. G. Platts, W. A. F. Green, C. J. S. Meade, C. F. Cockayne, E. A. d Garden, R. M. Duncan, J. d 13 Tanaya, M. C. Falk, J. H. T. Dettmann, H. S. (Prof.) e Overstreet, H. A. (Prof.) Haddo, Lord Woodd, G. N. Knox, G. D. Hoeml6, R. F. A. (Prof.) Calvert, W. Cadogan, E. C. G. (Hon.) Morison, C. G. T. Connolly, V. 1900 Macdonell, A. A. (Prof.) (Elected P) Kelly, F. S. N MacGregor, J. M. e Connolly, M. Simon, L. S Burroughs, E. A. (Rev.) S Young, G. M. S Smith, W. E. (Prof.) S Chute, J. C. (Rev.) S Elliott, L D. O. S Hodges, T. O. e Barry, J. T. e Temple, W. (Rev.) e' (Head Master of Repton 1910-14.) Boissier, A. P. e Bomford, H. e Stevenson, G. H. s Buch, C. J. Ralli, P. S. Balfour, J. R. B. (Hon.) Barnes, E. L. Hobhouse, S. H. Arthur, J. S. W. Beresford, S. de la P. von Ernsthausen, Baron A. C. Roe, R. C. S West, H. C. Dickinson, H. N. Pearson, C. G. (Rev.) de Vere, G. L. D. e Wilkinson, R. W. H. Asquith, H. Walford, G. N. Fulford, H. E. Tristram, L. B. C. Saunders, M. B. Bliss, H. J. W. Howe Browne, A. H. (Rev.) Odgers, W. B. Lee, A. E. J. Vemey, H.C.W. (Sir) Monro, H. R. Peebles, J. H. Buchanan, T. T. 409 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Nicholson, G. G. Albery, B. J. d 09 Trench, S. R. C. Mirrilees, F. D. Nixdorff, C. E. Du Bos, C. Wertheimer, C. Richter, A. J. P. Knox, K. N. Grant, C. F. 1901 Bell, J. J. S Bruce, Lord E. J. Dyer, S. B. B. (Capt.) Young, H. S. Chrystal, G. W. e Turner, B. E. R. S Sidgwick, A. H. S Phelps, W. S Hey, N. H. S Jones, B. M. (Prof.) S Nind, W. W. B Spring-Rice, T. A. (Hon.) N" Rowland, F. G. S Jekyll, F. W. e Reynolds, L. G. S. e Waddell, P. H. s Evelyn, F. A. (Rev.) Willert, A. Pratt, A. B. (Rev.) Ramsbotham, E. F. S. (Rev.) Hogg, M. N. Starkey, V. G. Balfour, H. R. C. (Hon.) Perceval, F. W. Chrestien, F. E. d 08 Gaekwar, Prince S. Y. F. S. Farrer, H. M. Sebag-Montefiore, R. M. Beal, H. E. Howard, W. N. Arundel, A. D. S. Montagu, R. H. Herbert, M. R, H. M. (Hon.) Jenkyns, S. S. Mackenzie, K. Gordon- Walker, A. L. Patton, F. C. Graham, A. K. Abbott, R. S. Kennedy, G. L. Jareja, B. B. Dawkins, C. G. E. Withers, G. M. (Rev.) dii Winslow, J. C. (Rev.) Lusk, D. C. (Rev.) Andrewes-Uthwatt, A. Hallward, B. M. KyUe, E. J. Hon. e Butterfield, F. W. L. 1902 Simpson, Sir J. W. M. Davis, R. K. S Geary, F. J. G. S Peel, C. L. K. S Wallis, H. B. S Butler, H. B. S Poulton, E. P. S Bartindale, G. C. S Veitch, H. M. B Drake, J. C. B. B Niemeyer, O, E. e Field, H. St. J. e Dehn, T. G. R. e Stewart, M. (Rev.) s Pallis, A. A. e Clutterbuck, B. V. e Mowat, R. B. e Reiss, R. L. S Birchenough, C. Compton-Bracebridge, C. Williams, O. C. e Bourdillon, F. B. Bonnerjee, R. C. Dakyns, A. L. Bruce, A. (Hon.) Hutchinson, W. D. Low, J. A. Rae, C. E. L. Fliigel, J. C. Down, A. T. (Rev.) Camoys, Lord Ramsbotham, H. J. Wilson, J. R. Aitken, S. R. Hill, A. C. P. Downes, O. C. Forrest, E. B. Holden, A. e de Liedekerke, Count R. E. F. M. J. Chalmers, T. M. Gough, G. W. Hon. e Rowntree, M. L. Pollexfen, G. B. Bemstorff, Count E. A. E. Miles, B. Robertson, D. G. 410 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Montgomerie, A. Dyer, J. F. Gibbon, H. H. (Rev.) T (Appointed Chaplain.) 1903 d II Buxton, C. S. e Sealy, E. M. L. S GUbert, T. W. (Rev.) von Stumm, H. W. Beazley, J. D. S Wood, H. McK. S & P Swithinbank, B. W. S Garrod-Thomas, R. N. S Bell, K. N. S Marsden, G, e Robertson, G. (Prof.) e & Hon. S Nelson, C. G. a Montgomery, H. e Gamlen, J. C. B. e Barnes, R. G. (Hon.) d 09 Gordon, I. A. (Hon.) Tallents, S. G. Edye, E. H. H. Bail ward, G. Cadogan, A. M. G. (Hon.) Compton, Earl (Marquess of Northampton.) Balfour, Hon. N. F. W. (Rev.) Newsholme, H. P. Kon. e Hunt, J. W. B. Ramsay, C. F. M. (Hon.) Davidson, D. du B. Forbes, N. Heard, W. T. Felling, K. G. Hon. e Marks, H. C. d 09 MacCarthy, C. W. Duncan, J. M. (Rev.) Garrett, A. F. Andorsen, H. F. Campbell, J. McLeod (Rev.) Harvey, W. F. Anis, H. M. Mead, L. Maude, J. W. A. Scranton, J. W. d 12 Backhouse, K. J. Dowson, S. H. Hodge, R. C. V. (Rev.) Read, C. Brown, A. G. Shearman, M. d 12 d 09 dii d 13 d 12 d 12 Handyside, J. e Latham, A. C. H, Labistour, P. C. de R. Brander, W. B. Nelson, W. H. Greer, W. von Schweinitz, H. E. 1904 HilUard, E. (Appointed Lecturer ; P 1905.) Moyse, C. S. Sandilands, J. A. D. (Hon.) Lewis, P. T. Peebles, W. F. Luxburg, Count G. Macmillan, D. de M. S Sloman, H. N. P. S Stevenson- Reece, G. M. S Palmer, J. L. S Campbell, N. P. S Jones, L. E. e Clay, C. T. S Petrie, R. S Cowie, A. W. S. B Giles, A. F. e Goodchild, W. A. C. e Auld, W. J. s Clear, T. e Hillelson, S. e Brooks, H. C. n Nicolson, H. G. Hunter, J. M. Perryman, P. O. St. C. W. Balgonie, Lord (Earl of Leven and Melville.) Lidderdale, A. W. Radcliffe, J. D. H. Holmes, M. G. KnatchbuU-Hugessen, H. M. Romilly, F. C. Hutchinson, G. A. Johnson, W. A. Siordet, G. C. Anderson, A. J. G. Bertie, A. M. C. (Hon.) Inkster, G. L. M. Pemberton, R. O. W. Monteith, J. H. I. Troup, G. E. (Rev.) Russell, A. J. G. Duncan, H. H. Martin, C. B. (Prof.) Paterson, E. R. Fobes, F. H. 411 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Nixon, P. (Prof.) Rose, H. J. (Prof.) Hon. S Roe, A. S. Jolly, N. W. Ballantyne, J. Shaw, G. A. Le Breton, J. G. B. Dodson, J. E. Bate, F. (Rev.) 1905 Russell, J. de Gramont, Count L. R. Dewar, R. (Prof.) Leith-Ross, F. W. W. & Hon. S Peel, D. H. S Clarke, F. (Prof.) S Field, G. C. S d 07 Hucklebridge, J. P. S Richardson, R. C. S Crosthwaite, G. B. (Rev.) B Speyer, F. C. O. V Stone, C. G. e Brown, J. R. s Bucknill, E. G. (Rev.) e Hely-Hutchinson, M. R. e Wilkinson, A. H. (Rev.) e Barrett, W. H. e Ridley, J. N. (Hon.) Hamilton, G. M. Macnabb, A. C. Darbishire, R. S. May, C. H. Ward, F. W. Worsley, R. M. M. Stapledon, W. O. Dixon, G. C. MacLehose, H. A. Crossley, C. Ameer Ali, W. Northcote, H. H. S. Kermack, W. R. Watt, W. P. Sharpe, R. L. Blandy, E. N. Stuart, A. N. Tatham, M. Lyon, W. S. S. Adam, F. E. F. McLaren, F. W. S. (Hon.) Lefroy, L. M. Findlay, R. S. Wilenski, R. H. A. Jackson, B. H. Trevor, S. L. Matsudaira, Viscount K. Orr, J. Macdonnell, J. M. Stevens, A. M. Leslie, N. d 13 Steger, H. P. Bamardo, C. G. Muir, F. R. e Hutchings, De W. V. Smythies, E. A. Davey, A. F. C. Jones, E. H. d 08 White, T. Jameson, A. K. d 08 Bonham, C. M. Ranking, G. S. A. (Lieut. -Col.) 1906 Lindsay, A. D. (elected P) Knox, R. A. (Rev.) S Schloss, S. D. S Stein, L. J. S Rieu, E. V. S Murray, D. L. S Blight, E. C. S Huxley, J. S. S Whitley, C. S Chaundy, T. W. S Brandt, D. R. e Clifton, E. W. V. e Cuimingham, J. C. e Maxwell, J. H. s Laffan, R. G. D. (Rev.) S Lister, C. A. e (Hon.) Grenfell, J. H. F. (Hon.) Homer, E. W. Myers, K. Plimsoll, S. R. C. Hatton, R. G. Wood, A. L. S. Crosse, E. C. (Rev.) Sharp, J. H. (Rev.) MacCallum, M. L. Davies, R. L. Gardiner, E. H. Rooker, J. K. (Prof.) Merton, T. R. d 07 Strachey, T. C. Guinness, H. S. H. Kay-Shuttleworth, U. L. (Hon.) Danckwerts, H. O. Baker, H. L. P. Cheatle, W. J. N. 412 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Tavistock, Marquess of MacLeod, A. R. Reynell, W. R. Cameron, A. G. von Holtzbrinck, K. Lutterell, G. F. Newhall, D. A. Carew- Robinson, C. D. Meredith, L. A. de L. Barrington-Kennett, V. A. Higgins, M. B. Armitage, V. L, Furse, R. D. 1907 Fletcher, W. G. Shaw-Stewart, P. H. S Lacaita, F. C. Farrer, S. J. Mitchell, P. L. von Stumm, F. W. Toynbee, A. J. S & P Lobel, E. S Lindsay, T. S Plowden, P. P. M. C. S Joynt, H. R. S Thome, J. A. B North, R. A. C. B Duff, C. P. B Dixon, C, W. e Sanders, J. H. e Gibson, R. s & P Fisher, E. A. e Payne, C. E. e Gorton, N. V. e Higginson, T. A. gf Ashton-Gwatkin, F. T. A. Brodrick, G. St. J. (Hon.) Primrose, A. H. R. Lyell, D. Hunter-Blair, J. Harvey, J. W. o Isaacs, G. R. (Hon.) Buist, A. A. Macmillan, A. T. Martin, H. Monson, G. L. E. J. Reiss, S. L. Wernher, D. J. (Sir) Hornby, H. L. (Rev.) Rae, T. K. H. Lunn, A. H. M. Baker, F. C. Waterhouse, M. T. Jenkins, C. (Rev.) Deakin, A. W. (Rev.) Benson, G. H. Menzies, W. B. Wertheimer, F. Hulse, Sir E. H. W. Griffiths, F. P. Macdonnell, N. S. Chaney, N. K. Wicker, C. F. Rinaker, S. M. Lowther, A. J. B. Knatchbull-Hugessen, M. A. Clements, H. (Rev.) Wallace, W. S. Mann, F. O. AUsopp, H. Rashid, K. M. A. MuUoy, L. W. R. Shaw, D. P. Morison, R. W. Coventry, B. O. 1908 Bloxam, R. N. Phillips, F. R. Todd, J. E. (Prof.) Hon. e Finlay, E. N. A. S Keen, W. A. S Clark, G. N. S Collier, L. S Hancox, S. E. S Huxley, N. T. Hon. S Vlieland, C. A. S Paton, H. J. s Guedalla, P. e Cole, G. D. H. e Williams, E. T. n Griffith, F. K. e Poulton, R. W. e (Palmer, R. W. Poulton.) Wingate, R. E. L. e Turton, E. S. Black, J. B. Collier, W. T. Heinemann, J. W. Champneys, J. D. Sadler, M. T. H. Montefiore, L. N. G. Herbert, S. Bourdillon, R. B. Poole, E. H. L. Field, R. E. MacLehose, N. C. Cardew, A. E. Cooper, G. J. R. Hannay, A. H. Walker, N. M. L. 413 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Chavasse, F. B. Hon. e Bryce, R. L'E. Benson, R. L. Ashton, A. D. Randolph, G. A. Kay-Shuttleworth, E. J. (Hon.) Leveson-Gower, Lord A. St. C S Singh, K. J. de Grunne, Count W. C. H. Castlehow, S. Carpenter, R. von Bethmann Hollweg, F. Ziman, S. N. Hon. S Fraser, W. K. Macalpine, B. I. Jenness, D. Wilberforce, R. Liddell, J. A. Leeper, A. W. A. Bernstein, L. (Namier, L. B.) 1909 Waddy, R. G. Hibbert, J. G. Kenwood, J. D. (Rev.) Braun von Stumm, G. T. R. Holmes, H. C. Asquith, C. S Fyson, C. S Smith, N. F. N Sandys, M. K. T. B Bell, J. S Barrington-Ward, R. McG. S Grenfell, G. W. (Hon.) S Stanton, R. S Ker, E. S Dodgson, R. C. F. S Heywood, F. L. S Gimson, F. C. S Holmes, H. W. S Williams, A. de C. e Ridley, M. R. e & Hon. S Martin, H. F. s Smith, G. H. Fry, H. K. Brown, L. G. Dyer, C. V. Hall, D. P. H. Brown, I. J. Carnegie Hon. S & w Lawson, E. F. Davy, M. B. Monins, J. E. Bowlby, H. E. Irby, G. N. Ogilvie, M. Scholfield, W. S. Bertie, A. W. Cluer, R. M. Wodehouse, R. (Rev.) Stuart-Wortley, N. R. M. Abul Karim Khan Blucher von Wahlstatt, Coimt L. W. G. Van den Bergh, S. J. H. Russell, D. A. C. Morison, B. H. Nichols, P. R. S. Fenton, A. W. E. Ottley, R. B. H. Bulkeley- Johnson, V. Pease, J. W. K. Samuel, W. G. Macdonnell, H. W. May, R. T. Schenck, F. Barron, W. D. Kirby, A. C. Govare, J. P. M. Hohenlohe-Oehringen, Prince H. F. A. Williamson, A. Bokhari, H. S. A. A. Gubbins, J. H. Talbot, Rev. N. S., elected P 1910 Jessel, G. Purcell, C. F. Weymar, W. R. Hartog, D. H. S Whittle, F. S Besly, E. F. W. S Borley, G. C. H. S Galbraith, V. H. S Mayne, A. B. S Joad, C. E. M. B West, A. G. B Dodd, C. E. S. e & Hon. S Hutton, J. B. s Watson, W. H. L. e Hopkins, G. W. S. e Grove, E. T. N. e Lodge, W. J. e Raikes, H. R. e Stein, H. K. e Dixon, L. Thomson, H. Stuart, W. A. 414 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL Shepardson, W. H. von Schwerin, F. G. Martin, W. Brown, J. Knight, G. N. Monckton, W. T. Waidyakom, M. C. W. Mackail, D. G. Fletcher, R. W. Cash, W. Blair, P. J. Moodie, A. Manners, J. N. (Hon.) Lawrence, H. W. N. Myers, R. H. de Salis, Count J. E. Wyley, W. R. F. WUson, J. N. Hackney, W. D. Neumann, C. J. G. Crosse, F. W. Hill, P. M. Younger, J. P. Ogilvie, E. D. Lowden, J. H. Tyabji, H. B. Sage, W. N. Taylor, W. D. Mahmoud, All Clark, R. T. Wade, C. W. Strathie, D. N. Hcissanein, A. M. *Le Geyt, Rev. C. A. 1911 Glover, C. H. Whyte, R. B. Terry, C. H. Hewett, S. H. P. S Jenkins, A. L. S Vallance, G. A. S Brabant, F. H. S Rawsthom, A. E. S Burrows, J. H. S Slade, H. F. S Clark, F. L. G. B Thornton, R. H. e Chaplin, H. M. e Batchelor, F. e Elton, G. e Balmforth, A. e Robertson, H, A. e Thompson, D. C. e Pearce, C. F. B. e Ingham, J. Y. e MacAlpine, A. N. s Sproule, G. M, Marshall, A. G. Greene, W. C, Haessler, C. H. Denham, H. K. Haldane, R. P. Schloss, H. D. Mallet, V. A. L. Leigh-Smith, P. Lowy, W. A. Stuart, J. M. Gilmour, A. K. Jones, E. L. Davidson, L. H. Deneke, A. A. H. Secretan, H. A. Tyrrell, F. C. Compton, Lord S. D. Coleridge, L. F. R. Wedderburn, A. H. M. Bowlby, H. S. Wrong, E. M. Massey, C. V. Beddington, J. L. Warde-Aldam, J. R. P. Biddle, A. A. Layng, T. M. Brooke, J. R. L Hall, R. H. Bowman, E. F. Elgood, C. L. Scott, A. N. H. Herbert, M. G. Ker, W. Carr6, M. H. Baines, F. J. T. Ogilvie, F. W. Armour, J. S. Underbill, F. H. e Angus, H. F. Hughes, J. D. I. Badenocb, A. C. 1912 Coote, C. K. Wishart, F. Adam, A. I. Hon. S & w Potter, K. R. S Mann, J. S. S Browning, A. S Sumner, B. H. S I Jeppe, C. W. B. S I Ursell, V. G. S From New Inn Hall. 415 BALLIOL COLLEGE ROLL MacKenzic, 1. e Dendy, K. e Hewart, G. M, e Macmillan, M, H. e Harwood, H. C. e Sewart, G. E. S. e Lane, K. W. e Scanlan, J. F. s Paddison, G. M. n Robson, A. J. Wallace, A. Mellor, R. W. H. von Ilberg, K. McCormick, C. Egerton, A. E. King, W. A. H. Anderson, G. B. Ward, H. J. Herbertson, A. H. Leslie Melville, I. (Hon.) Coats, J. D. O. Macdonell, A. S. Allen, G. W. Brown, D. W. Hoyle, B. W. E. Lubbock, E. F. P. (Hon.) Wright, E. G. E. Edinger, W. M. V. Hay hurst- France, A. H. Hornby, W. Malik, H. S. Munster, J. F. Macfarlane, A. H. Chitty, C. Stokes, H. B. Falcon, G. W. L. Mahmoud, H. Denham, H. J. Jacks, M, L. Crossley, J. de B. O'Neill, S. L. Norton, J. E. John, I. G, Bruce, J, F, Wheeler, A. R. Webb, V. Prince, A. E. 1913 Leather, J. F. e HoUway, C. R. S James, B. A. S Madan, G. S. S Hitchcock, H. W. S Underhill, C. K. J. S Fellowes, R. C. B. S Roberts, R. T. F. D. S Robinson, H. W. S Stevens, L. B. B Latham, P. M. S. N Crabtree, H. H. e Pinsent, R. P. e Alexander, P. J. e Smith, H. P. e Wynne, C. W. e Gover, W. e Macmurray, J. s Hofmejnr, J. H. Gififord, G. H. Merrill, R. V. Doe, A. B. Rayner, C. S. W. MUes, F. E. Rodd, F. J. R. Bussweiler, R. H. Berrill, B. F. G. Huxley, G. Cross, A. R. Dodd, R. J. S. Hon. e Sinha, S. K. Miles, J. E. Henderson, A. W. Lacey, W. G. Burrows, M, B. Hamilton Fletcher, G. Huxley, A. L. Fullerton- Carnegie, G. D. H. Benson, C. E. Bruce, R. F. D. Nichols, P. B. B. Jackson, G. L. Joseph, C. J. G. Grey-Edwards, H. B. R. Gupta, S. N. Peto, J. M. Hydari, M. S. A. Carus-Wilson, M, M. Bacon, R. S. Bruce-Gardyne, I. M. Whitridge, A. Johnstone, H. Mortimer, C. R. B. Parry, J. Legros, R. P. Byth, G. L. Galpin, P. C. Parsons, H. H. Potocki, Count J. A. Bicknell, A. Emery, A. Hope, T. Gough, H. S. Orwin, C. S. 416 APPENDIX I VISITORS Barrington, Rev. Shute ; D.C.L. (Bishop of Durham) Howley, Rev. William ; D.D. (Arch- bishop of Canterbury) . Kaye, Rev. John ; D.D. (Bishop of Lincoln) ..... Jackson, Rev. John ; D.D. (Bishop of London) ..... Bowen, Lord ..... Peel, Viscount ..... Loreburn, Earl ..... Elected. 1805 1826 1853 1885 1894 1912 Died, Mar. 25, 1826 Feb. II, 1848 Feb. 19, 1853 Jan. 6, 1885 Apr. 10, 1894 Oct. 24, 1912 MASTERS Parsons, Rev. John (D.D.) . Jenkyns, Rev. Richard (D.D.) Scott, Rev. Robert (D.D.) . Jowett, Rev. Benjamin Caird, Edward . Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh 1798-1819 1819-54 1854-1870 1870-93 1893-1907 1907- Mar. 12, 1819 Mar. 6, 1854 Dec. 2, 1887 Oct. I, 1893 Nov. I, 1908 FELLOWS ElUson, Rev. N. T. Longlands, Rev. W. D. CoUins-Trelawny, Rev. C. T. Ogilvie, Rev. C. A. Tucker, Rev. W. M. Parry, Rev. T. Greswell, Rev. W. Girdlestone, Rev. C. Carr, Rev. J. 1816-24 1816-22 18x6-26 1816-34 1817-27 1818-25 1818-38 1818-26 1819-38 4 Round, Rev. J. T. 1820-35 Besly, Rev. J. 1823-29 Langley, Rev. A. J. 1823-27 Chapman, Rev. J. M. 1825-38 Kitson, Rev. E. 1826-37 Moberly, Rev. G. 1826-34 Newman, F. W. 1826-30 Oakeley, Rev. F. 1827-45 Merivale, H. 1828-34 Twisleton, E. T. B. 1830-38 17 FELLOWS Payne, Rev. P. S. H. 1831-41 Tatton, R. G. 1872-87 Walker, Rev. S. H. 1831-36 Goodwin, A. 1872-82 Tait, Rev. A. C. 1834-43 Forbes, W. H. 1873-96 Ward, Rev. W. G. 1834-45 Abbott, E. 1874-1901 Scott, Rev. R. 1835-40 Bradley, A. C. 1874-84 Cardwell, E. 1835-38 Asquith, H. H. 1874-82 Owen, Rev. L. W. 1836-39 de Paravicini, F. 1878-1908 Hill, Rev. R. 1837-41 Williams, M. 1882-88 Woollcombe, Rev. E. C. 1838-80 Smith, A. L. 1882- Lonsdale, Rev. J. G. 1838-64 Mackail, J. W. 1882-91 Lake, Rev. W. C. 1838-59 Fremantle, Rev. W. H. 1882-94 Jowett, Rev. B. 1838-70 Markby, W. 1883- Wall, Rev. H. 1839-71 Marshall, A. 1883-84 Jenkins, Rev. W. J. 1840-53 Hardie, W. R. 1884-95 Lingen, R. R. W. 1841-50 Dicey, A. V. 1886-89 Karslake, E. K. 1841-50 Dixon, H. B. 1886-87 Prichard, Rev. C. E. 1842-54 Conroy, J. 1890-1900 Temple, Rev. F. 1842-48 Shaw, Rev. W. H. 1890-1899 Riddell, Rev. J. 1845-66 Palmer, Rev. E. J. 1891-1908 Palmer, Rev. E. 1845-67 Smith, J. A. 1891-1910 Salter, Rev. W. C. 1848-61 Urquhart, F. F. 1896- Walrond, T. 1850-57 Pickard- Cam bridge, A. W. 1898- Smith, H.J. S. 1850-74 Macdonell, A. A. 1900- Owen, Rev. D. M. 1852-66 Hartley, H. B. 1901- Newman, W. L. 1854- Bailey, C. 1902- Bowen, C. S. C. 1858-62 Davis, H. W. C. 1902- Green, T. H. 1861-82 HilUard, E. 1905- Stanley, E. L. 1862-69 Lindsay, A. D. 1906- Ilbert, C. P. 1864-74 Wood, H. McKinnon 1908-12 Strachan-Davidson, J.L. ] [866-1907 Talbot, Rev. N. S. 1909-14 Purves, J. 1866-69 Gibson, R. 1911- Cheyne, Rev. T. K. 1868-82 Toynbee, A. J. 1912- Nettleship, R. L. 1869-92 Gibbon, Rev. H. H. 1913- 418 APPENDIX II LIST OF TUTORS WHOSE INITIALS ARE GIVEN IN THE RETURNS FOR THE REGISTER Abbott, E. Aason, Sir W. R. Armitage, F. Armitage, F. L. Bailey, C. Bell, A. J. M. Bellairs, H. S. K. Benson, G. R. Bradley, A. C. Bright, J. F. Buchanan, T. R. Buck, G. Caird, E. Carter, R. Case, T. Cheyne, T. K. Conroy, Sir J. Davis, H. W. C. Dendy, A. de Paravicini, F. Dicey, A. V. Dixon, H. B. Fisher, W. W. Forbes, W. H. Fremantle, Hon. W. H. Gibbon, H. H. Gibson, R. Goodwin, A. Green, T. H. Grueber, E. Hardie, W. R. Hartley, H. B. Haselfoot, C. E. Hilliard, E. Jenks, E. Jevons, M. M. Joachim, H. Johnson, A. H. Jowett, B. Laing, R. Lake, W. C. Lee, R. W. Lindsay, A. D. Lodge, R. Lonsdale, J, G. Macdonell, A. A. Mackail, J. W. Markby, Sir W. Marshall, J. Myers, E. J. Nagel, D. H. Nettleship, R. L. Newman, W. L. Nicholl, G. F. Palmer, Edwin Palmer, E. J. Papillon, T. L. Pickard-Cambridge, A. W. Pope, G. U. Powell, F. Y. Price, B. Prichard, C. E. Purves, J. Raleigh, Sir T. Rashdall, H. Riddell, J. Ritchie, D. G. Russell, J. W. Salter, W. C. Scott, R. Slessor, A. E. Smith, A. L. Smith, G. W. Smith, H. J. S. Smith, J. A. Stock, St. G. Strachan - Davidson, J. L. Tait, A. C. Talbot, N. S. Tatton, R. G. Temple, F. Tiddy, R. J. E. Toynbee, A. Toynbee, A. J. Urquhart, F. F. Wall, H. Walrond, T. Ward, W. Warrack, C. Williams, Monier. Williamson, H. Wood, H. M. WooUcombe, E. C. 419 APPENDIX III COLLEGE SOCIETIES Founded. Why so named. Dervorguilla 1871 After Dervorguilla of Galloway, wife of John de Balliol. Brakenbury 1877 After Hannah Bra- kenbury. Annandale 1886 Under the mistaken belief that John de Balliol was the Lord of Annan- dale. Arnold 1889 After Matthew Ar- nold. Fodringeye 1897 After Walter de Fod- ringeye. Jowett 1900 After Benjamin Jowett. Connexion of eponynt with the College. The Founders of the College, 1263 and 1284. Rebuilt large part of the College, 1866-8, and founded Law and History, and Natural Science; Scholarships, 1866. Scholar of "the College 1840-4 ; poet and critic. First Head of the Col- lege, 1282. Master of the College 1870-93. 420 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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