0^. t> UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNI/^ AT LOS ANGELES Is Cheap Sugar the Trmmph of Free Trade ? SECOND LETTER RT. HON. LORD JOHN RUSSELL, ^c. ^c. ^c. BY JACOB OMNIUM.(y:^- < y . HicjoiNSf MsftliE^ J~fifM'S^J '' A species of diplomacy which was the only specimen of the kind in English history ; the only case in which an English minister negotiated in the spirit of a pettifogging attorney, refusing to fulfil the obligations of a solemn contract on pleas really so shallow and fallacious, that in private life they would not have a very high opinion of a gentleman who endeavoured by such pleas to avoid engagements between man and man." Earl Grey in answer to Lord Aberdeen. Hansard, Feb. 22, 1848. LONDON: JAMES RIDGWAY, PICCADILLY. 1848. ^SJV HP ao a second letter, My Lord, It is now nearly six months since I had the honour of addressing to your Lordship a letter, pointing out the disastrous results which must o accrue to our sugar colonies, from the admission into this country of slave grown produce on equal terms with British plantation free grown sugar. I had then recently returned from a visit to the West Indies, and I described to your Lordship as faithfully as I could, the actual state of affairs, both in our own colonies and in Cuba. I took the liberty of telling you that I believed you were unconscious of the extent of the ruin which your measures, if persisted in, would inevi- tably inflict upon the British planters, that what you probably meant but as a reasonable stimulus to the wasteful and sluggish, would utterly destroy the thrifty and enterprising ; that competition U-, with the foreign slave driver, under the circum- o stances in which you had placed your own colo- Q nists, was simply impossible ; that if you meant to relieve them, you must do so speedily, or relief would come too late,* and that procrastination would only render the task of ultimate assistance more difficult and costly. I then detailed to you the prosperity which your Sugar Bill of 1846 had brought to the Cuban slave owner, the increase of misery it had entailed on his negroes, hurried, without regard to infir- mity, sex, or age, from the lighter work of the cafetal, and hired out, like cattle, to the deadly toil of the Ingenio ; and I pointed out to you the certainty of a resumption, at no distant day, of the slave trade by Cuba, and of its actual known in- crease in Brazil. My statements, which at the time met with the usual fate of statements made by an interested party, and were considered, to say the least, highly coloured, have since been confirmed, on every point, by the most impartial and unimpeachable testimony. Governor Light of Guiana, Governor Higginson of Antigua, Lord Harris of Trinidad, and Sir C. Grey of Jamaica, have all concurred as to the '" The self-same week that I wrote my first letter to Lord John Russell, a despatch arrived from Lord Harris, expressing his opinion as to the inevitable fate which awaited the richest colony in the West Indies, if the present ministerial course was con- tinned, in almost the self-same words 1 had myself used. Sinei the fublicotion nf that letter eightee?i West IndiaJi Jirms have been declared insolvent, — See Appendix, p. 27. results, predicted as inevitable by Governor Reid of Barbadoes* (a gentleman promoted to that com- mand from Bermuda, by Lord Grey himself), who, after a tour through the neighbouring islands of Grenada and St. Lucia, wrote to his Lordship as follows, on the 28th of February, 1848, in answer to certain queries propounded to him by the Colonial Office :t — "My opinion is, that sugar cultivation by free labour cannot yet withstand competition on equal terms with slave labour, and that freedom should be nursed by protection for a considerable time to come. How long that time should be, you will under- stand I cannot say. "If there be no protection, the cultivation of sugar will dwindle in all the windward islands excepting Barbadoes. " Whilst travelling in these islands, and amongst estates falling off in production, I felt a conviction, that without protection the most serious loss for humanity would not be loss of sugar, but that the consummation of the greatest act of human legisla- tion, the abolition of slavery, will be retarded, and perhaps endangered."! * Compare the value of this mass of evidence with that relied upon in preference by Lord Grey in his Speech of February 7th. — See Appendix, p. 25 to 30. t 7th Report. Committee on Sugar Planting, p. 282. X Sir C. Grey has since declared, in reply to a deputation from the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, on the 15th of April, / 1848, that " the present distress which has/alien upon the West Indie-i, arises in a great measure from the ivithdrarval of capital from onr colonies, and its investment in more lucrative employ- ment in the foreif/n colonies, xchcre slavery exists in full force and unmitigated atrocity." ^ On the other hand, Lord Palmerston,* Mr. Ban- dinel,t and Captain Birch, R.N.:[; (the latter of whom has recently returned from a command in the slave squadron), hore witness to the enormously increased activity of the slave trade, subsequent to the passing of the Bill of 1846. Our Consul General, and our Slave Commis- sioners in Cuba and Jamaica,^ wrote, first, that upwards of 100,000 slaves— old people, women, and children — had been removed from the culture of coffee to that of the cane ; and, secondly, that vessels had been despatched from the Havana, and from Spain, to seek fresh supplies of new negroes on the coast of Africa. They further stated, that the culture of sugar in that colony had become incredibly remunerative, and that the slaves on the ingenios were habitually worked during crop time eighteen hours out of the twenty- four. Their accounts were corroborated by Captain Matson, R.N.,|| who, having been for the last two years cruising oft' the coast of Cuba, declared that when the news of your measures reached the Havaiia, the prices of slaves and of sugar instantly rose from fifteen to twenty per cent., and that * 1st Report. C. S. P. p. 5. t 1st Report. Slave Trade Committee. Ques. 3230 to 3459. :J: 1st Report. S. T. C. Ques. 2229 to 2241. § 7tli Report. C. S. P. p. 364 to 3/3. 11 1st Report. S. T. C. Ques. 1491 to 7—1691 to 3. slavers were at once prepared to resume the slave trade.* I believe, my Lord, I could adduce no more dis- interested or worthier evidence to prove that the information I tendered you, in my letter of October last, was in every respect accurate, and that the inferences I drew from it have since been fully borne out by even more distressing results than I at that time anticipated. f * " The rumours which reach us of the revival of the slave trade practices in these seas, are of too vague a nature to enable us to report on them so specifically as we could wish ; but they are nevertheless sufficiently definite to have induced Commodore Lambert to detach two ships of the squadron under his orders from the routine duties of the station, for the first time since the establishment of the Court of which we are members, for the special purpose of cruising against the slave trade. " Jamaica, Jan. 1, 1848. (Signed) ^- Jurnbull, ^ ° "^ A. B. Hamilton, " H. M. Slave Commissioners ." 1st Report. S. T. C. Appendix. " H.M.S. Alarm and Daring, and steamer Vixen, were to sail from Kingston, Jamaica, on the 7th April, 1848, with orders to cruise off the ports of Cuba and Porto Rico, for the interception of slaves. It was said, information had been received of ten slavers having some time since left Havana for the coast of Africa, and it was considered probable some of them might be fallen in with."— Tu/ie.?, Maij 6, 1848. f The following Circular, sent round by Messrs. Burnley, Eccles, and Co — to the entire truth of which every merchant ac- quainted with their affairs, and every creditor of the firm will bear testimony — stands out in sad contrast to the prosperity of the Cuban and Brazilian speculators in slaves. In this case, absenteeism and high mercantile charges cannot be alleged as ■•\ I believe, moreover, that I am speaking within bounds when I say that almost every prediction having conduced to their ruin, for Messrs. Burnley's estates were superintended by relatives in the Colonies, and they discharged the duties of merchants themselves on this side of the Atlantic: — "Glasgow, 3rd May, 1848. "Sir, — It is with deep regret we inform you that we are under the necessity of suspending payments. A sequestration has been sent for with our concurrence ; and in a few days you will be requested to attend a meeting of our creditors. For up- wards of half a century we have steadily followed our business of "West India merchants, never engaging in speculations of any kind. Our assets chiefly consist of sugar estates in Trinidad and Demerara. These estates are in excellent condition, capable of making large crops ; but they have been rendered worse than unprofitable, and of no value, by Acts of Parliament — the worst of which being the Sugar Duty Act of 1846 — whereby slave- made sugar was admitted to consumption in this country on terms which the British Colonies are altogether unprepared to compete with. — We are. Sir, " Your most obedient servants, " EccLEs, Burnley, and Co. "Wm. and Jas. Eccles and Co. "Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 9th, 1848. " My Lord, — I have the honour to inform your Lordship, that, according to the best estimation I have been able to make, 60,000 Africans have been imported as slaves into Brazil during the year 1847. " There is no doubt that this frightful number has been greatly occasioned by the concentration of the English naval force in the waters of the Plate ; at the same time I learn that never have the slave dealers so perfected all the appurtenances and appliances of their vile trade as at present ; never have they or- ganized the whole range of shore signals from St. Katherine's to Bahia, nor established such facilities for landing their cargoes as made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Lord Grey in February last has been already disap- now, and I am afraid I may now add with perfect truth, that never was the toleration, not to say co-operation of this Govern- ment, more open than at the present moment. '' It is a well-known fact, that a vessel belonging to this port made five voyages to the coast during the last year, and landed in safety all her cargoes ; at a moderate computation this single ship must have brought from 2000 to 3000 slaves. " I have, &c. (Signed) "Howden. "To Viscount Palmerston, &c." Mr. Acting Consul Westwood to Lord Palmerston. "Rio de Janeiro, Dec. 20th, 1847. " In conformity to instructions from Her Majesty's Minister at this Court, I have the honour to inform your Lordship that there are now two steam vessels regularly employed in the slave trade between this port and the African coast, namely, the ' Providencia,' and the ' Theresa,' both under the Brazilian flag." Mr. Consul Porter to the same. "Bahia, Dec. Slst, 1847. " It appears from the slave returns which I have had the honour to transmit to your Lordship that 3,500 slaves have been landed in the vicinity of this city during the quarter ending this day, being the largest importation that has taken place during a like period for the last eight years. * * * It appears that the slave trade is increasing in a great degree, which may be accounted for by the great temptation now held out to individuals to embark in this traffic, as small shares can be obtained in the companies established here for that purpose. "The American brig ' George,' which sailed hence for Africa, on the 29th of August last, returned hither on the 16th inst., under Brazilian colours, landing a cargo of 726 slaves in a miser- JJ •/ 10 pointed, and that the foundations on which they condescended to base their arguments and assertions have been shewn to be of the sandiest and most unworthy description. I think you will not be able to avoid admitting, when the subject next comes before Parliament, although you have hitherto shrunk from doing so, that the question really at issue is, whether the cul- tivation of the sugar-cane shall pass from the hand» of the free-labour farmers of the British Colonies into those of the slave-drivers of Cuba and Brazil — whether the vast capital which you have so strenuously urged our commercial adventurers to invest in our colonies since 1833, shall be utterly annihilated ; and whether England shall in future depend for her saccharine supplies on the labour of the free man or the slave. able state of starvation, 1 1 1 poor creatures having perished on the passage from deficiency of water and provisions." — 1st Re- port, S. T. A. Appendix. "Falmouth, May 9th, 1848* " H.M. Packet Swift, Lieut. Lory, R.N., arrived this morning about ten o'clock, with mails from the Brazils. "The Firebrand steamer, was expected at Rio within a week. By her. Lord liowden returns to this countiy, having failed in effecting a treaty with Brazil. The slave trade is carried on to an enormous extent, about 5000 slaves having been landed in Bahia in two months, from thirteen vessels, and about 7000 more in the neighbourhood of Campos, Rio Grande, and Rio Janeiro. There are several steamers employed in that inhuman and de^ moralizing tva,ffi.c." —Times, May 23, 1848. 11 There can be no doubt but that you are now alive to the cruel errors of which you have been guilt}-, and that you would not be unwilling to assist us in any way which would not infringe upon the integrity of the Sugar Bill of 1846, and declare the ignorant rashness of your legislation with regard to the Sugar Colonies since your assumption of office. If your measures had been passed deliberately, after due information had been collected respecting the social condition of our various sugar growing colonies,* — after a system of prompt and regular immigration had been matured, and full preparation made for immediately conceding to the colonies the advantages as well as the disadvantages of Free- trade — it would have been easier to account for the morbid affection with which you so obstinately cling to that premature and abortive measure. But, subsequent events have shewn that none of these precautions had been taken. When you decided that the country should pay a diminished price for our produce, you proposed, by repealing the Navigation Laws,t by equalizing the * Two years afterwards. Sir C. Wood declared that labour in Jamaica was to be obtained at a much less cost than during slavery ; and Lord Grey refuted statements respecting the high wages required by the labourers in that island in 1848, by shew- ing, "from an official authority," that a year before, wages had been low in Tobago, which is exactly as distant and as differently circumstanced from Jamaica, as Corsica is from the Isle of Dogs. t The late Vice-President of the Board of Trade informed a witness before Lord George Bentinck's Committee, that the ope- 12 spirit duties,* and above all, by giving us an imme- diate command of" labour, to enable us, nevertheless, to realize a fair and reasonable profitfrom ourestates. The assurances which you at the same time held out to English capitalists, that our West Indian colonies still offered a most favourable field for investment, and the indignant manner in which you disclaimed the possibility of a revival of the slave trade being caused by any act of yours, clearly prove that you did not anticipate the disastrous results which have since ensued from your hasty legislation. Your bill passed. The price of British colonial sugar fell one-half, that of slave gj'own produce fully maintained the standard at which it had ranged prior to 1846. It then transpired that no arrangements whatever had been matured by the Colonial Office for obtaining immigration from Africa — no conclusive information had been collected as to the points from whence it was to be procured; it was then, and is, 1 believe, still, a moot point, whether the Kroo Coast or Cape Castle, could supply us with many or with any labourers. ration of the Navigation Laws mulcted our West Indian colonies jn the annual sum of 36500,000. If Mr. Milner Gibson's statis- tics are to be relied upon, it was surely unjust to expose us to this tax, in addition to the high duties already levied on our produce for two years, before any attempt was made to revise those Laws ; but I beg to add, that I hold myself in no way responsible for the accuracy of the above calculation of that able Whig Minister. * The duties on British and colonial spirits remain still uiie- qualised. 13 The Navigation Laws remained intact, the spirit duties unequalized, whilst the slave trade instantly doubled in amount. Not even a quarter of the slaves captured by our cruisers since 184-6 have been conveyed to the West Indian colonies.* And when, after the lapse of nearly a year and a half. Lord Grey had at length collected materials for his famous immigration manifesto of November 2, that statesman -like but tardy conception fell to the "ground still-born. Not only the colonists of Guiana and Trinidad and Jamaica had been ruined in the interval, and the mercantile houses connected with them in this country driven into the Gazette, by the fatal delay which had occurred, but no other adventurers appeared anxious to take their places, in spite of the tempting solicitations of Lord Grey, and the * According to Sir C. Wood, 40,000 free immigrants have been imported into Guiana, and 20,000 into Trinidad during the last fifteen years, entirely at the expense of the colonists. According to Lord Palmerston, 64,000 slaves were imported into Brazil during 1846, and a like number in 1847, whilst from 1840 to 184.5 the number annually exported from Africa had averaged but ;:{2,600. The moment a slave lauds in Brazil his energies are concen- trated in the cultivation and manufacture of sugar, until death releases him. The immigrants into Guiana and Trinidad work where, when, and as little as they please, their labour has thus been of little value, and they have in many cases found the meddling humanity of the Colonial Office as fatal to them as the lash of the Mayoral has proved to the negro.— Memouiai. totlie Right Honourable the Earl Grey, Iler Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for tlie Colonies, &c. &c. &c. My Lord, We pray your earnest attention to the following facts. We, the undersigned, are the owners of 1 9, and the lessees of 13 sugar estates in the west end of the island of Jamaica, on ; which properties we employ daily an average of 2,898 labourers, } who represent families numbering 14,490 people, lately redeemed from slavery. Our sugar estates, 32 in number, are expected to make this year 2,796 hogsheads of sugar and 1,354 pun- cheons of rum, which will cost us, by accurate computation, 60,315/. 13s. 5c?. We have no hope of realizing more than 15/. per hogshead and 14/. per puncheon (the maximum price of the market at present), at which rate our produce will bring 60,896/. leaving a balance over our expenditure of 580/. Gs. 7d. to go against six per cent., the common I'ate of interest which money bears in the colony, and which on 60,3)5/. I3s. 5d. would be 3,618/. 18s. 9d. Our capital invested on these 32 sugar estates in live stock and implements of husbandry, amounts in live stock to 32,094/.; in implements, to 14,630/. upon which wear-and-tear capital we receive no interest whatever. The 19 sugar estates that we own cost us 95,784/. and we pay a rental for the 13 other estates of 3,110/. per annum, which sunk capital is likewise wholly profitless. We are not so absurd as to expect that the British nation should abandon the principles of free trade, now upheld by the majority of the people, in order to afford us protection, but we submit it cannot be consonant with the spirit of free trade to give to the slave colonies a monopoly of the sugar market by allowing them to cultivate sugar with means (slaves) denied to us ; and we submit they must have that monopoly if the British West Indies cease to supply the market with sugar, as your lord- ship must have ascertained that a supply from the East Indies cannot be obtained at the rates of slave grown produce. 35 / , Now we are resident proprietors, and all of us, with one ex- / ception, have purchased aud leased our properties since the 1 Emancipation Act. It will be evident from the facts stated that y^^ we cannct cultivate for another year ; indeed, we have not the means, unaided, of taking off the present crop, and the British West India merchants are now unable to assist us, and of course disinclined, where there is no hope of profit or even of recover- ing their advances. If we, being proprietors and lessees, living on and managing our own properties, brought up to tropical agricul- I ture, and availing ourselves of every practical improvement, have i only such a result to exhibit as is set forth in the statement of these facts, the inference is conclusive that the position of the ab- sentee proprietor or mortgagee, represented by paid agencies, is still more deplorable. It is evident that unless some mode of suppressing slavery and the slave trade more effectual than that hitherto pursued be adopted, and without immediate aid, in the shape of money loans, sugar cultivation, upon which 300,000 of the emancipated negroes are wholly dependent, must cease in Jamaica. But our object in submitting these facts to your Lordship is to enable you to draw your own inferences, and suggest your own remedies, and we beg you will consider our desperate position as an excuse for troubling you with the statement. We have, &c. (Signed) H. A. WHITELOCK, (and 15 others.) -3 C ^ C3 S cj Ci. . . . « Q; lO Signatui Proprieto Lessee .t: ® «tc Ol lO — .-Ir-.™ (NTj OCC;OiOiO-*C^ ■^ >. e3 — CO OOOOC^iO'OiO— OiOr~CO— H a-2 a.« m >- c o OOOOOCO— .OCOOCOiO-^ CO -S OD M C^ .-^•^OiOCCOO.— ocot-coo CT) '«3 ;-• -5 3 Tf ,i. 1—^— M-^— i(N(N — '-<— i-i l> t2^ = 03 cf ^•o . c o c coco o «; o o o o o o o c c Arinu Amouri Rental each Le; • o • O -OO '0000 o «JO O CO o o o >o o ^o »0 <0 1< ^C^C__c-_^<0^ c_^c_o^o_ c- r~'~co'"'i<"cT'c<5"^'"-^'' . cc'"oj'c'"o'" o* 1 — • _ rt • • 05 lount iture for axes, s, &c. OOCC-»I>COCCCOOOCO OCOO(»^(NCOCOOOO CO Total Am ofExpend in 1847 Wages, T Salarie Lumber, »— « i-H 1— 1 ^H . ■* o OCOOOOlCCWOOOOO'— lO CCfMOO-^OJIMOOOcOCOO C^J_ !>_ O-^ TT^ CJ_ -- CJ, OO^ OD 0_ CO_^ 0)_ Ol 0_^ CO COCvT c-f !n" — ' I—*" co" oi' (n" ■<3>'~ ■* ~ co" n •*" c" CO ^oo coocoooocoooco o of ^c o cocococooooooc o o, 2 c o 3 3 1 - o o ooooccoooocooo o ■^ a , • c c occoooococcoooio CO ■h^O^iO OCOiO-^050lO'0o o^ S ^ o s ol o o — oococcoo>oocor~05 00 "^ ^o o lO'TOOt^ — cocococoxioco-^co 1^ 3 to ^ CO-^ — COO^CN'- C<> » 5 S .a . u of Esta rented Sub- scribe o O O O flj m oj O CO & & S 3 C C ^ H .HH .OOOH 1 ^%^ . u • . Numb of Esta owned Sub- scribe «> f II OJ '^ E-O Or-OOHHO OOHO P-. 'S An attempt having been made by the planters of British Guiana to reduce the wages of their labour- ers twenty-five per cent, in December last, a general cessation of work ensued throughout the colony, just at the time when the latter part of the crop was fit to be taken off. The packet which arrived on the 3rd of February brought to every merchant and proprietor letters descriptive of the loss which they were sustaining, and of the danger to which the colonists were exposed by the idleness, violence, and acts of incendiarism of the Creole negroes. Mr. Wilson, however, much to the surprise of every one acquainted with the actual condition of the colony by the latest accounts, declared to the House of Commons that he had received by the very same packet intelligence " that the negroes had " met this reduction of wages without any strike, "or sulkiness, or manifestation of ill-feeling ; that •' this had taken the colonists by surprise ; and that *' thouo^h in wages the free labourers had been re- " duced twentyper cent. yetincharacterthey had been " raised in the opinion of the planters fifty per cent. "Such," said the Hon. Member, "was the " account received by the last packet with regard " to the colony which had been represented to be in " the very worst possible condition."* Earl Grey, in the House of Lords, on his part, in alluding to the alleged strike, averred, that " he had seen a local newspaper which stated that " a reduction of twenty-five per cent, had since * Times, Feb. 5th, 1848. 38 " taken place, and had been met most cheerfully, " and with good humour, by the negroes, who " knew that the planters could not help it. Thus " had been obtained, all at once, without any " expensive immigration scheme, the great advan- " tage of one-fourth to the supply of the labour of " the colony, (hear, hear.) *' Could there be a more direct proof of the " truth of the argument he had brought forward ? " This behig the case, then, would any man tell him " that the system of protection had been of advan- " tage to the planters ? He held, on the contrary, *' that even if protection were admissible on the " ground of the general interests of the country, '■ the interests of the planter himself demanded that " Parliament should adhere to the determination " it came to in 1846 — to put an end to it."* But unfortunately, this was not the case ; and had Lord Grey not chosen to place more confidence in the editor of a local newspaper than in Governor Light's despatches, he would not have been be- trayed into such a cruel misstatement. The despatch which arrived by the same packet as the local newspaper quoted from (dated 31st December, 1847, J^^nd received Feb. 3, 1848), con- tained the following passage : — " As affairs y.oiv stand, one half the sugar estates will he unable to carry on the cultivation, unless the price of labour is reduced, and the labourers will learn the truth of my doctrines." Governor Light had previously (on the 3rd June 1847), written thus to Lord Grey. * Times, Feb. 8th, 1848. 39 " I have h.id the honour to express my sentiments on thorough drain«age in this country, and I would gladly see the introduc- tion of the improved mode of agriculture which would be the result of the drainage sought. " Without help from some