tic -r- 396* 88B19 A — A 1 7 5 SI SOUTHERN REGI ONAL LIBRARY F/ S ^^ IT 5 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PORT BRUNSWICK CANAL AND RAILROAD. CLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA. WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING THE CHARTER AND COxAIMISSIONERS' REPORT. BY i.oam:th bald^vin, esq. CIVIL ENGINEER. BOSTON: JOHN H. EASTBURN, PRINTER, No. 18 State Street. 1837. REPORT. Charlestowit, Mass., June 6, 1836. Sir : — Having been requested by the Brunswick Canal and Rail-road Company to examine and survey a route for a canal from the Altamaha River to Brunswick Harbour, in Georgia, which was incorporated by an act of the Legislature, passed December 20, 1834, I have executed that trust, and present the following Report, with a Plan, showing the route I recommend for their adoption. The Altamaha river is navigable from Darien 200 miles, to the forks of the Ocmulgee and Oconee, and up the Ocmulgee, the west branch, 300 miles, to Macon, and on the east branch, Oconee, 200 miles to Milledgeville, the capital of the state. Steamboats are used with wheels at the sides, and take, on each side, a boat loaded with five or six hundred bales of cotton down to Darien from Macon and Milledgeville and the intermediate points of the river. The ascending freight by the same means is considered more than that descending. The amount of cot- ton is increasing, and during the past year there were about 130,000 bales brought to Darien. From Darien, the Altamaha is also navigable 12 miles to Doby Island for ships and schooners drawing 11 feet, at com- mon high water in ordinary tides. At Doby Islands, ships may come drawing 14 feet at common high water. Over the bar at Doby Inlet is 16 or 17 feet at high water, but an intermediate bar or spit of sand prevents vessels drawing more than 14 feet at high water, passing to the island. The country bordering on the Altamaha, Ocmulgee, and Oconeej and their tributaries, for an extent at least of SO miles 550S18 4 wide, and 150 miles in length, in the direction of the rivers, abounds with pine, cypress, and white oak, which is now almost useless for want of a good harbor at Darien. The tributaries, the great Ohcopee, and the little Ocniulgee, have some saw mills, from which sawed lumber of various kinds, and logs, are rafted to Darien for country use, but none, or very little for foreign markets. The Little Satilla, the Great Satilla, the St. Mary's, and the St. John's rivers, are accessible from the har- bor of Brunswick, by the inland navigation. The St. John's is the outlet of a large portion of East and Middle Florida, and the St. Mary's is navigable to Coleraine for steamboats drawing 10 feet of water. The Great Satilla is navigable to the head of tide, above one hundred miles from St. Andrews' sound, for vessels drawing 10 or 12 feet, at all seasons of the year. This is one of the best streams in the state for the lumber trade, hav- ing an almost inexhaustible quantity of pine timber in the coun- try through which it flows. The Little Satilla is an arm of the sea, and navigable to its head, a distance of about 35 miles from St. Andrews' sound. These rivers will send to Brunswick market cotton, rice, and lumber in great quantities. From Darien to Charleston and Savannah, cotton, &c., is sent by steamboats, schooners and sloops inland, and return goods for the interior, to Darien, by the same conveyance. This inland navigation is afforded by the passages betw-een the islands and the main land, though sloops and schooners occasionally pass outside the islands, but the common route for all navigation is inland. The river Chattahoochee is navigable for steamboats to Col- umbus in Georgia, from Appalachicola Bay, but not for vessels over 11 feet, at the mouth. This river passes through Florida and in that province called Appalachicola, and is the boundary between Alabama and Georgia, for the distance of 30 miles above Columbus and for 120 down to the bounds of Florida. A steam- boat navigation is also afforded on its principal tributary, the Fhnt river, to Pinderton, in Georgia, at the end of Spaulding's Rail- road communication with the big bend of the Ocmulgee. The town of Appalachicola has been found unhealthy, and a Rail-road has been opened from Wimico Lake to St. Joseph's Bay, where there is 20 feet of water, and much more healthy. Altaniaha river is the medium of communication for an im- mense tract of the interior of Georgia with Darien, which is sit- uated on the left bank about 12 or 13 miles from the sea, but, unfortunately, has no harbor for foreign shipping. All the pro- duce of the country has now to be sent to Savannah or Charles- ton, and return goods received from tiie same places by steam- boats and small coasting vessels. No foreign trade, from this cir- cumstance, can be carried on. It is a great state, with abundant and increasing productions, without a good port. It is to con- nect the immense traffic of the Altamaha with a convenient and capacious harbor for the most extensive foreign shipping, that the Brunswick Canal in Georgia has been contemplated. Brunswick Harbor, Georgia. St. Simons Light is on St. Simons Island, at the south end, behind which, at a little distance, the island is one or one and a half mile wide. From the east side, a wide shoal or sand-bar ex- tends about five miles in an east south-east direction, gradually diminishing in width to a point, forming what is called the north breaker. A similar bar extends from Jekyl Island, opposite to St. Simons, wide at the island, but gradually lessening in width as far as the north breaker, and terminating at a point called the south breaker. Between these two shoals and the two islands is the channel, and between the two breakers is the bar about a mile long and half a mile across it. On Saturday, the loth of February, I went with Edmund M. Blunt, an experienced pilot, Capt. John Anderson, of Brunswick, a good navigator, &c., in Capt. Morgan's sloop, to examine the bar, and found at low wa- ter three fathoms over tlie bar. All on board agreed that there was that depth at low water, and that the tide was six feet at or- dinary tides, so that at common high water there was 24 feet over the bar. If ships, coming in when six or seven miles from the light house, make the hght bear W. N. W. they can enter. Imme- diately on passing the bar, the channel gradually widens and deepens to the light, so that the largest vessels and frigates may pass into St. Simons sound above the Light, and on taking a southerly direction they may pass up Turtle river, into the outer harbor of Brunswick, or continue up Turtle river ten or fifteen miles where it is a mile or a mile and a half wide, having from 4 10 6 or 8 fathoms at low water. This extensive sheet of salt water is rather an arm of the sea than a river, the tide flows up to the mouth of a small river, which soon diminishes to a creek, has no navigation and furnishes no produce. It is therefore an extensive harbor where there is ample room for the whole navy, with very eligible situations for a naval establishment, but has no river opening into the interior, and hence no ships are ever seen in these waters. Brunswick is situated on the east bank of an arm or branch of Turtle river, separated from the main river by a marsh island about a mile long and a mile wide. This branch is about a quar- ter or half a mile wide, with a depth of water sufficient for the largest merchant vessels at all times, except a shallow place or bar between the lower end of the island, and Dennis' Folly, at the lower end of the town. This bar is one mile long and forms the separation between the inner and outer harbor. The town was laid out with streets at right angles, by direction of the Brit- ish parliament, about a century ago. Capt. Stockton and Mr. Sherburne were appointed by the Navy Department in 1826, to survey and examine the bar at St. Simons and the harbor of Brunswick. Their soundings over the bar and up the river for a distance of 10 or 12 miles are accurate and numerous, giving over the bar from 16 to IS feet depth at low water. The report and plans are in the office of the Navy Department. His report and extensive soundings are very con- clusive as to the depth of water above St. Simons bar and in the arm of Turtle river, (on which the town of Brunswick is situat- ed,) and on the bar. But the most definite information, and I believe, from personal experience, perfectly correct, is contain- ed in the Report of Messrs. Polhill, Lawson and Fort, made on the 17th of July, 1833, to the Senate and House of Represen- tatives of Georgia, pursuant to their appointment ; by a resolve of the Legislature, Dec. 17, 1832, "to go and examine the commercial advantages of the port of Brunswick, and the rail- road avenue to the x\ltamaha, and report thereon, upon oath, ■whether or not it would be advisable for the state to render any aid in opening Brunswick to the interior." The valuable report of the commissioners is carefully made and most satisfactory on all points relative to the object of their mission, and especially in regard to the harbor of Brunswick. The following extract shows their opinion upon this point. *' When you approach within half a mile of the town, there is a small salt marsh island which divides the river into the northern and eastern branches, the main channel running southward of this island. Between Brandy-point on this island, and Dennis' Fol- ly, on the Brunswick shore, there is an inner bar, upon which there is about 12 feet at low water, and as the tide rises ten feet, it gives the same depth of water that we find on the outer bar, with this advantage, that the bottom being soft mud creates no damage to ships, and may be very easily deepened if it were ne- cessary. But no such necessity exists, as any ship that crosses the outer bar can run over this at high water, and find the best anchorage near the bluff along the whole extent of the town, in from 20 to 40 feet water at the lowest time of tide. This we as- certained from careful soundings at low water, and after having finished the soundings for ourselves, ascertained that Stockton's report and diagram confirmed on our survey." Brunswick is healthy, surrounded as it is on the west, south and east by the ocean. It is situated on a plain, generally eight or ten feet above high water, and very convenient for wharves. On the south part of the town, this point terminates in an exten- sive salt marsh, which extends to St. Simons sound. St. Simons light is eight miles from town, and the bar thirteen miles. Be- hind the town, and within the distance of half a mile, are several small holes or ponds, which contain shallow water, which may be drained at very small expense. There is no other stream or resting place for fresh water within many miles. These swamps, as they are called, are low places in the sandy plains, where water in rains collect, and in time have given rise to the growth of trees, shrubs and plants of an aquatic kind, thick and malted together, so that it is very difficult to pass between them ; but the water is often dried up in the summer, and as they are not boggy, the foundation is sand, clay or hard earth, so that they are passable in any direction when the water is dried up and the bushes are cleared. Upon the healthiness of the place, the State Commissioners are also decided. " In regard to health, we consider Brunswick superior to any sea-port on the southern coast. It is a high and dry bluff, wnth the total absence of lagoones, swamps of stagnant fresh water, and rice fields, and with a broad sheet of clear ocean water, almost as salt as the sea, and its pure sea breeze setting in 8 regularly from ihe ocean, make it not only a delightful situation in summer, as wo experienced it to he, hut give the strongest assurance of the health and comfort of seamen and navigators, and of ihe inhabitants of the town. We found tiic wells of water as good as could i)e exj)ected in so low a latitude. Though not very cool, we believe it to be pure, and that which we found in town was belter than the wells in the immediate vicinity. The extensive marshes are overflowed at every tide with pure salt water, and are not considered at all injmious to health. The sea breeze sweeps delightfully over them, and we found some of the most healthy families in the vicinity living immediately upon their edge." From my examination and experience in February, 1836, I fully believe in the truth of the Commissioners' Report, and from the absence of all natural causes of unhealthiness, and the cheap and easy removal, by draining, of the collection of fresh water within several miles of the town, Brunswick may become one of the most healthy and pleasant residences, in summer and winter, within the southern sea board of our country. If once the build- ings become convenient, I believe it will become a resort for people from the northern states, in winter especially, for health or for pleasure. The above account of the great extent and width of the Turtle river, after passing St. Simons sound, affords a complete land- locked anchorage ground for the largest merchant ships and any class of ships of war, as well as eligible and healthy sites for na- val establishments. There appears to me no doubt, that Bruns- wick harbor will attract the attention of the navy, if the passage of the bar does not forbid. Upon this point the Georgia Com- missioners hold the following language in their report : " The object of Congress in ordering the survey having been the establishment of a naval depot on Turtle river, it is to be pre- sumed that the officer made his report with a view to the strict safety of our ships of war, and therefore preferred being rather under than over the depth of water. We draw this conclusion from the fact, that we found the soundings on the bar to be gen- erally about eighteen feet, at as near low water as we could judge; our shallowest sounding was seventeen feet, but we found more water on the same tack. As we found Stockton's report, very accurate in every respect, and as he had spent some time in the survey, we conclude that the water on the bar may be set down at from sixteen to seventeen feet at low water, and twenty-two or twenty-three at high water, striking a medium between his survey and our soundings. The pilots and coasting captains on board the vessel we employed in this service, seemed to be of opinion that there was still deeper water, as they stated that they would risk their nautical skill and reputation in undertaking to bring the largest class of merchant ships, trading to the south, across this bar, at any time of tide. An experienced pilot, whose services we had engaged, assured us that he had been intimately acquaint- ed with this bar for about twenty-three years, and its breadth and depth had not varied the least in that time. We judge the ex- tent of the bar across it to be about a quarter of a mile, and from half to three quarters in width, between the north and south breakers, to be navigable for large vessels. One of the great excellencies of the bar is, that ships can pass over it in a direct line with a favorable wind, and if the wind should be ahead, she has a ])lenty of room for beating up. Mr. King, the intelligent and enlightened Senator of Glynn (county,) who lives immedi- ately on St. Simons sound, assured us that it was by no means a rare occurrence for coasting vessels of heavy burden, entirely unacquainted with the bar, and without a pilot, to put into the sound in stress of weather for safety, and that this is done at night as well as in day. This we consider as the most conclusive evi- dence of the superior excellence and perfect safety of this bar, and the protection aiforded to ships that run into the sound in bad weather. Of the entire safety and excellence of this bar, for the navigation of ships drawing from twenty to twenty-one feet of water, we can therefore speak in terms of the highest approba- tion." For the purpose of connecting the immense and growing trade of the Altamaha river, which opens an interior navigation within the State of five hundred miles on the Ocmulgee as far as Macon, and four hundred miles to Milledgeville on the Oconee, with the capacious and beautiful harbor of Brunswick on the Turtle river, the Legislature of Georgia has incorporated a company, with very liberal privileges. The State has also been so well con- vinced of the utility of the plan to unite the Altamaha, which has no good harbor, with the harbor of Brunswick, which has no navigable river, that it has authorized ^50,000 of the stock to be 10 taken in its behalf. The act of incorporation of December 20, 1834, authorizes the company to niako a canal or rail-road, or both, between the water of the Altamaha and Turtle river, and secures them in the perpetual enjoyment of their privileges, and against the erection of a rail-road or canal within twenty miles of either. It gives the company also a right to establish any toll it may think expedient, provided that the amount received shall not exceed, for any successive twelve months, twenty -five per cent., net profit, upon the amount expended in establishing the canal and rail-road, and keeping them in good repair. The capital stock provided by the act is $200,000, which may be increased one-third, in one hundred dollar shares. The act of the com- pany provides, also, that in the subscription to the stock, $5 a share shall be paid down at the time of subscribing, and in its own subscription the $5 per share shall not be paid until the com- pany have paid their portion of the first instalment. This first payment both by the individual subscribers and on the part of the State, have been already made, and $10,000 are now ready, in the hands of the treasurer, to meet the expense of surveys and other preliminary measures for commencing the work. Instead of a canal with locks at both ends, it has been sug- gested that a thorough cut would accomplish the object without locks. But this would be injurious to the country, ruinous to every kind of navigation, and probably lead to a total stoppage of the canal. It would also carry into Brunswick harbor, a vast d n.l of sand and mud, during freshes, from the Altaai; ha, and fi ally fill the harbor so as to destroy navigation. For which reasons, I think it would be policy for the State to forbid the executio.i of such a plan, from the Altamaha, or from any other river discharg- ing into Brunswick harbor, without a lock navigation in common form. Proposed Route of the Canal. Several lines were surveyed for the canal. The first was be- gun at Powell's landing on Gibson's creek, and carried through the pine woods over the sandy plain nine miles from the south branch of the Altamaha river, as marked on the plan x\ B C. This line, as seen on the profile No. 1, is very unfavorable, being about twenty-five feet average depth of cutting to high 11 water mark in Brunswick harbor, besides having a circuitous route by the creek and Turtle river, of about eight miles to Brunswick. Any line west of this will be more unfavorable, while a better route may be found on the east, along the swamps forming the head of Gibson's creek, which enters into Turtle river, and those which form the head of Six-mile creek, dis- charging into the Altamaha, between the plantations of Mr. Charles Grant and Mr. Hugh Grant, as shown on the plan. It was impossible to carry the survey through those swamps, and it was conducted most of the way along the sides, on hard and dry land, and extending offsets into the swamp, from different points along the main line of the survey. The crooked line O N M L K F was thus surveyed, as that also marked L P Q R, and the profile of each is marked with the same letters, Nos. 2 and 5. From these lines of survey the offsets were occasionally made into the swamp, at places where the level of the water standing in them indicated a general level of the ground. From these offsets, or cross levels, have the two lines through the swamp been drawn, either of which may be adopted for the canal. The first, beginning at F, on the left bank of Gibson's creek, below the bridge ; thence the line F straight to G, thence straight to H, thence straight to I, where it opens into the Six-mile creek, and follows the creek to the Altamaha river. The second direct line is the same to G. Here is an angle at the creek, from which point to the Altamaha river at J the course is straight. It will be seen that both these lines, on the profiles Nos. 3 and 4, through the swamp, are much alike as to expense of excava- tion for about four and half miles to S, and having a mean depth of about twelve feet to the level of high water in Turtle river or Brunswick harbor. The north end of the first line crosses the Six-mile creek, twice between the Messrs. Grants farms, then passes over Mr. Hugh Grant's rice field, and enters the creek about half a mile above its junction with the river. On exam- ining the profiles, Nos. 3 and 4, from S to I on the first line, and from S to J on the second, some advantages are obvious in the excavation of the first over the corresponding part of the second line. But the claim for damages by Messrs. Grants, for injury to their plantations, disturbing their use of the creek, cross- ing the rice fields, and the inconvenient mode of entering the Altamaha, render it doubtful whether it is not expedient for the 12 company to encounter tlie greater expense of excavation on this part of (lie second line, ratlier than to incur the risk of claims for damages on the first. It will be seen, also, that the place of en- tering into the Altamaha on the second line is much more advan- tageous than into the Six-mile creek. The length of these two lines, from G to J on the Altamaha, and on the first from G to the mouth of the creek, are much alike, and making a circuitous navigation of the river more than a mile and a half from the mouth of the creek to the termination of the second line at J. If the second line be adopted the navigation by the canal to Brunswick will be one and a half miles shorter than by the first route. The second line passes straight from G to the river, and over the west side of Mr. Hugh Grant's rice field, to avoid which, and keep the canal still straight, the line may be turned on the point G, so that it may be laid along the edge of the swamp on the western side of the rice field, and thus lessen the damage he may claim, enter the river in a better position, and the cost of the work be no greater. From S on both lines, the one through the deep cutting will cost about $40,000 more than for the other along the creek, and the part through the rice field or both w^ill be nearly the same. From I on the first to J on the second is two miles of crooked navigation by the creek and river, which is lengthening the canal nearly for that distance more than the straight line. The course may be turned along the foot of the high land towards T, and then fall into the river, unless it goes in a direct line to J. I propose also to drain the swamp by the Six-mile creek, as the waters of Gibson's creek, where I propose to let it into the canal, is now almost fresh during many seasons of the year. All the w^ater may therefore easily be sent the other way to the Alta- maha, and leave the little that is allowed to collect at the other end to run into the canal, and Gibson's creek will then be salt. As no fresh water ever ought to be admitted into the canal in great quantities, some inconvenience for the drain by the creek will arise from making the canal on that route. I present these views to the consideration of the company, be- cause Messrs. Grants are the only persons on the whole route, who can have any claim for damages, and in no case have I es- timated the value of land taken, as I believe all the adjoining 13 owners, even Messrs. Grants will be greatly benefitted by the canal. The line I shall therefore recommend for the canal, on account of the much better and shorter route, is as follows : — beginning about a mile from Brunswick, on the Academy creek at D, thence the surveyed line to E near Ellis' bluff is 3.2358 miles. The first part of the line across the marsh from D to V to be a canal and the remaining part to follow the creek, deviating but little from the line surveyed, as laid along the edge of the marsh at the foot of the sandy bluff. From E to F through open fields and woods to the left bank of Gibson's creek below the bridge, the distance is 1.1941 miles, having a depth of cutting about 8 feet to high water mark in Brunswick harbor. From F to G, a distance of 2.0312 miles, the line is along the creek and crossing it several times, with a depth of about 6 feet to high water. From G to J on the Altamaha, the distance is 6.3733 miles with a mean depth of 12 feet to high water through the swamp, and through the deep cutting at the north end, the depth, for about 1.14113 miles is 22 feet. From the deep cut through the rice fields to the Altamaha, is 0.5445 miles, and one foot above high water in Brunswick harbor. Form, depth, and dimensions of Canal. Before any calculation can be made as to the cost, the kind of navigation and the general uses of the canal must first be deter- mined. The object of the canal is to open the trade of the Altamaha with the harbor of Brunswick, where no trade or boat at present is ever seen, and seldom any kind of vessels but the smallest coasting craft. The boats in use on the river are 21 feet wide, and 80 or 90 long, and some, I am told, are 115 in length. These boats carry down the river to Darien from various parts of the Altamaha and its branches, from 500 to 700 bales of cot- ton in bags of about 300 pounds each. Two kinds of steam- boats are also employed ; one 35 feet wide between the outside of the wheels which are used for towing two boats loaded with cotton, one on each side, but seldom take other loading up or down the river except passengers. They often proceed below 14 Darien wiih ihcir cotton to ships which load at Doby Island 12 miles below, and sometimes even proceed to Savannah. The other kind of steamboats have a wheel in the stern, and are about 20 feet wide. These carry cotton on board and sometimes take a boat in tow. Cotton is the descending freight principally, but gram, rice, and other produce is occasionlly added. Tiie as- cending freight is equal or superior to that which descends, con- sisting of iron, West India and European goods, manufactures and other articles, carried up for distribution in various directions through an extensive country. There are about 130,000 bales of cotton brouglit down the river annually, and it is increasing. Besides these agricultural products there is a quantity of tim- ber, plank and scantling, brought down the river on rafts from the interior of Georgia, which will greatly increase when it can be carried by the canal to foreign ships in Brunswick harbor, where it may be immediately shipped. I propose, therefore, to make the canal six feet deep below ordinary high water in Brunswick harbor, and depend upon the tide for a constant supply, and admit none from the Altamaha, which is always fresh. During floods it is very turbid, will have a tendency to render the inmiediate country unhealthy, and will, in process of time, fill the canal with silt. In winter, when the water in the swamp will naturally be most abundant, it may all be turned into the canal, and even in the dryest season the canal may thus effectually become a drain for a small part, instead of Gib- son's creek, and the health of this part of the country be secured from the sickness and fevers which prevail near these fresh water swamps. The level of the canal may be raised one or two feet in the spring tides, above common high w'ater, which will facili- tate the navigation. Giving a depth of 6 feet, making the bottom 35 feet wide, and the slopes 1.5 feet base to 1 foot rise, leaves the breadth at the surface of the water 53 feet, which is sufficient for the boats now in use on the river to pass each other. A boat 80 feet long and 21 feet wide, drawing 2i feet, displaces 113 tons of salt water at (53 lbs. the cubic foot, and with a load of 600 bales of cotton at 300 lbs. each, it will weigh a little over SO tons, thus leaving 33 tons for the weight of the boat and other loading. At the depth of 2^ feet, two such boats with perpendicular sides will pass each other with a space of 3.5 feet to spare. This kind of boat 15 has not upright sides, but they are rounded inwards, and perhaps draw a httle more than 2| feet of water, but may pass easily. The tow path to be 12 feet wide, which in common inland navigation is generally made a foot above the water of the canal and sometimes more, but here I would wish it sufficiently below the surface of the ground to make a clear and smooth path, leav- ing it three or even five feet above the surface of the canal. The tow path should be on the east side, that it may be extended on the bank of Academy creek quite to the town of Brunswick. Locks. A lock will be necessary at each end. They should be 23 feet wide and 100 long in the clear, with counter guard gates to prevent the river at one end, and the tide at the other, ever en- tering the canal, whenever either rises above its level. When I was there in February, 1836, there was but a few inches differ- ence between the level of the Altamaha and high water in Bruns- wick harbor. But sometimes in freshes the river rises three or four feet above the tide in the harbor, and if not prevented by guard gates, the water will have admission into the canal, which it is important to prevent. A similar lock will be necessary at the south end. This should have counter guard gates also, but for reasons a little dif- ferent from those which require them at the Altamaha. They are, that during the spring tides, when they flow over the marsh- es, the tide rushing in through the locks will produce such a cur- rent as to injure the banks and impede very much the navigation to the south ; but there is no objection to this water entering the canal as it is salt. When the current prevails from the river, the same takes place, and boats going to the north are obstruct- ed, besides the fresh water of the river will always tend to ren- der that of the canal more brackish. For which reasons I would prevent a current from the river, at all times, especially in the last months of summer, and any strong current from the Bruns- wick end. I would recommend a sluice for supplying the canal, to be constructed at the head of Gibson's creek, near the road, which will be about 4 miles from the south end, and 8 from the north, and lead the drain of the swamp nearly all through the 16 Six-mile creek. At Gibson's creek is a favorable point for form- ing it with gates tliat shall open when the tide rises above the sin-faco of the canal, and shut when the tides fall below. The ciUTcnt may be here regulated at will, and it will distribute itself in either direction much better than if adniitied at the end. The depth of the lock must depend upon the height of the tides. The ordinary neap tides in Brunswick harbor are about 8 feet. During spring tides it rises probably 3 feet higher, and falls feet 3 lower, making 14 feet, and adding 1 foot to the height and 1 to the depth, makes 16 feet for the depth of the lock. At the Altamaha the freshes rise 2 or 3 feet above the tide at Brunswick, and the river falls in dry seasons about 6 feet below, which gives a depth of 14 feet for the lock. The depth of the lock at the river will be therefore 14 and at Brunswick 16 feet. Estimate of Cost. The 1st section is 1.1524 miles from D to V of 7 feet deep below the surface of the marsh, which, on the dimensions and slopes before given, produces a cross section of 318.5 square feet; . r •^ • 318.5X5230 -_^._ , . , ,. and for a mue IS = — ^ — = 626o5 cubic yards, at 15 cents per yard, makes ^9,398 25, and per 1.1524 miles is = $10.- 830 00. The 2d section is from V to E 2.0833 miles. This section may be carried along the creek, cutting oft' the angles and straight- ening the bends, and making a towing path next the bluff", and forming a dike on the sea side, as well as on the first section, to defend the canal at all times against the tide. It will cost proba- bly $4000 a mile, and will be preferable on account of economy, to the forming a canal along the line as surveyed — 2.0833 miles at $4000 a mile, is $8333,20. The 3d section is 1.1941 miles from E to F with an excava- tion 14 feet deep, and a tow path 12 wide, and 4 feet deep at 15 cents the cubic yard, = $24,405 50, and for 1.1941 miles is, . . - . $29,142 36 a bridge at $500, 500 00 $29,642 36 This survey was carried along the ground which appeared 17 the lowest, but before it is adopted, I would recommend a trial on the dotted line, as represented on the plan, which will be shorter and make the navigation more direct and convenient. The4lh section from F to G is 2.0312 miles, at an average depth of 12 feet, and with a path 12 wide and two deep = " G^"" = 129066 yds. at 15 cts., is $19359 90, and for 2'.0312 miles, $39,323 82 a bridge at $800 800 00 $40,123 82 The 5th section from G to S through the swamps has the mean depth of 18 feet for 4.4165 miles, which = ""'y^"= 218,240 cubic yards, at 15 cents, is $32,736 a mile, and 4.4165 miles, $144,578 54 a tow path to be 6 feet below the surface of the swamp, and 12 wide, is 1?><^^ = 1408O yards, at 15 cents, is $2,112 a mile, and for 4.4165 miles, 9,327 64 two accomodation bridges on this section at $300, 600 00 $154,506 18 The 6th section is through the deep excavation from S to T, 1.4110 miles, and the average depth is 28 feet = ''"'^'''^' =421- 618 yards, at 15 cents a yard, = $63,242 per mile, and 1.4110 miles, $89,234 46 a tow path 12 wide and 8 feet deep = ~^ = 18,773 cubic yards, at 15 cents a yard, is $2,815, and for 1.4110 miles, 3,971 96 two accommodation bridges at the roads at $1000, 2,000 00 $95,206 42 The 7th section is from the deep cut at T, across the swamp and rice field to the river Altamaha at J, 0.5445 miles, and with an average depth of 7 feet = '^^^^^~^ = 33,914 cubic yards, at 15 cents a yard, $5,087 14 The locks to be of brick or stone, but in that climate, good, hard burned bricks are very well, and will make better work than stone, as it is commonly laid. The best way of laying brick for 18 this purpose is, in the chamber of the lock, to build up from the bottom a pier of stone work every 10 or 12 feet, rounded and projecting a little in front of the bricks, to protect them from injury, and in the wing walls at both ends, to lay a horizontal course about 2 or 3 feet above each other, to secure the bricks from violence when the boats ajjproach in either direction. This process is often adopted in England and Holland where stones are difficult to procure. The gate quoins and coping should also be stone. The four walls of the locks will be about 640 feet long, on a mean height of 14 feet, and about 6 feet average thickness. A thousand of bricks will lay 40 cubic feet, and ^— j^j '= 1343 thousand, which, at $15 a thousand, laid in cement, is $20,145 for both locks. The mitre sills, coping and gate quoins to be of stone, and the gates may be of iron, nearly or quite as cheap as of wood. The floor to be of timber and plank, under the whole lock with sheet piling, and with a reversed arch of two two courses of brick in the chamber of each. These may all make $10,000, or 15,000 for each. Recapitulation. 1st Section 1.1524 mil es, from D to V, $10,830 00 2d " 2.0833 V toE, 8,333 20 3d 1.1941 E to F, 29,642 36 4th " 2.0312 F toG, 40,123 82 5th " 4.4165 G to S, 154,506 18 6th " 1.4110 S to T, 95,206 42 7th " 0.5445 T to J, 5,087 14 Two locks, $15,000, $30,000 00 $373,729 12 Contingencies, 20 per cent., 74,745 82 12.8330 miles, $448,474 94 In the above estimate I have added 20 per cent, for contin- gencies, which is much more than is usually allowed in such cases, but I have included nothing for Engineer's services. I have supposed the whole canal to have slopes of one foot and a half base, to one rise, upon the condition that the excavation was 19 sand, and that it would not stand upon a less slope. But in many parts the soil is compact clay, or hard earth, that most of it will stand on a much less slope, and in others, the banks may be laid with timber cut in the line of canal and hewed on two sides, so as to make firm work with sufficient ties laying back into the bank. A defence may thus be made 6 or 8 feet high, and even higher on the side opposite the path, which will save a great deal in excavation alone. Various expedients may thus be used to lessen the cost. Some indications of quick sand appear at the edge of the up- land by Messrs. Grants, and even in the margin of their fields adjoining. It appears about level with the river, but how deep is not yet ascertained. There is no difficulty in founding the locks, and piling seems unnecessary. With great respect, Your ob't servant, L. BALDWIN. To Thomas Butler King, Esq., Treasurer of the Brunswick Canal and Rail-Road Company^ Georgia, RESOLVES Aulhorizing the Governor to appoint tJiree Commissioners from the middle counties of the State, to examine the Port and Rail- road of Brunswick, ^-c. Whereas it is of the first importance to ilie people, that all the commercial advantages of the State should be developed and brought into action with agriculture ; — And whereas, it has long been represented that the port of Brunswick is calculated, by nature, to promote the best interest of one-third of the pop- ulation of Georgia ; — And whereas, for the purpose of procur- ing more official data and information upon a subject of such (vital) importance, for the use of the Legislature : Be it resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized and required to appoint three fit and proj^er persons for the middle counties of this State, whose duty shall be to go and examine the commercial advantages of the port of Brunswick, and the Rail-road avenue to the Altamaha, and re- port thereon, upon oath, whether or not it would be advisable for the State to render any aid in opening Brunswick to the in- terior ; and that the Governor do communicate the said report to the next Legislature, together with his views upon the subject. Resolved further, That the aforesaid Commissioners be allowed a reasonable compensation for their time and expenses, for a trip to Brunswick and back, and that the Governor pay the same out of the contingent fund. Agreed to December ]7ih, 1832. ASBURY HULL, Speaker. In Senate, concurred in, Dec. 20th, 1S32. THOMAS STOCKS, President. Attest, L L. HARRIS, Secretary. Approved, Dec. 21st, 1832. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. REPORT. Of John G. Polhill, Hugh Lawson, and Moses Fort, Commissioners appointed to examine the Port and Rail-road of Brunswick, &c. MiLLEDGEVILE, 17TH JuLY, 1833, To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia. Gentlemen : — The Commissioners appointed by his Excel- lency the Governor, in conformity with a Resolution of your body of the 17th of December, " To go and examine the com- mercial advantages of the Port of Brunswick and the Rail-road avenue to the Altamaha, and report thereon upon oath, whether or not it would be advisable for the State to render any aid in opening Brunswick to the interior," proceeded early in the month of June last to execute the duties of their commission, and beg leave to submit the following Report. The town of Brunswick is situated on the north branch or arm of Turtle river, near the centre of our sea coast, about eight miles from St. Simons light house, just above the 31st degree of north latitude, in the county of Glynn, about 13 miles from St. Simons bar. The site of the town is a beautiful bluff of close sand, the soil is perfectly dry and very eligible for a large city, being elevated from S to 12 feet above high water, and extending itself up and down the river for upwards of two miles, affording a delightful situation for a town of the largest extent. The beau- ty of its location — its splendid river, and circumjacent islands, make it altogether the handsomest site we have seen on our coast for the erection of a commercial emporium and naval depot. Though this splendid sheet of water is called Turtle river, yet, from its width, its great depth and its length, it may more prop- erly be called an inlet or arm of the sea, which extends about 20 22 or 25 miles into the interior. The entrance from the ocean is between St. Simons Island on the north, and Jekyl Island on the south. This inlet between the islands is about a mile in width. The bar over which ships enter it from the ocean, is about five miles from the light-house on the south of St. Simons, and is, from all that we can learn, the best and the safest on the southern coast, with the exception perhaps of Norfolk in Vir- ginia. Besides having had access to the report of a survey made by Lieut, Stockton, under the authority of the United States, we took soundings ourselves under the pilotage of experienced men who had been many years well acquainted with the coast, and especially with St. Simons bar. The experienced officer who made the survey alluded to, has set down the average depth of the bar at IG feet at dead low water, and ascertained the rise of the tide to be, on an average, about 6 feet, giving 22 feet at high water ; stating at the same time that he was not satisfied that he had found the best water. The object of Congress in ordering this survey having been the establishment of a naval depot on Turtle river, it is to be pre- sumed that the officer made this report with a view to the strict safety of our ships of war, and therefore preferred being rather under than over the depth of water. We draw this conclusion from the fact, that we found the sounding on the bar to be gener- ally about IS feet at as near low water as we could judge ; our shallowest sounding was 17 feet, but we found more water on the same track. As we found Stockton's report very accurate in every respect, and as he had spent some time in the survey, we conclude that the water on the bar may be set down at from 16 to 17 feet at low water, and 22 to 23 at high water — striking at a medium between his survey and our soundings. The pilots and coasting captains on board the vessel we employed in this service seemed to be of opinion that there was still deeper water, as they stated that they would risk their nautical skill and reputa- tion, in undertaking to bring the largest class of merchant ships, trading to the south, across this bar at any time of tide. An ex- perienced pilot, whose services we had engaged, assured us that he had been intimately acquainted with this bar for about twenty- three years, and that its breadth and depth had not varied the least in that time. We judge the extent of the bar, across it, to be about a quarter of a mile, and from half to three quarters in 23 width, between the north and the south breakers, to be navigable for large vessels. One of the great excellencies of the bar is, that ships can pass over it in a direct course with a favorable wind, and if the wind should be ahead, she has a plenty of room for beating up. Mr. King, the intelligent and enlightened Sen- ator of Glynn, who lives immediately on St. Simons sound, as- sured us, that it was by no means a rare occurrence for ships of heavy burden, entirely unacquainted with the bar, and without a pilot, to put into the sound in stress of weather for safety, and that this is done at night as well as in the day. This we con- sider as the most conclusive evidence of the superior excellence and perfect safety of this bar, and the protection afforded to ships that run into the sound in bad weather. Of the entire safe- ty and excellence of this bar for the navigation of ships, drawing from 20 to 21 feet of water, we can therefore speak in terms of the highest approbation. We account for the unvarying depth of this bar, from the great weight and depth of water which at every ebb tide sets out of Turtle river to the ocean. In coming in from sea, immediately after crossing the bar, the soundings gave us from five to ten fathoms, and this depth was retained with but little variation, till we reached within half or three quarters of a mile of Bruns- wick. We are informed by navigators, that the river continues unusually deep, almost to its very source. From these facts, we conclude that the bar will always retain its present depth, for there is no cause visible to us, or to be drawn by inference from the character of the river, to produce any variations in the tide or changes in the bar. In the most of our other rivers which penetrate into the mountainous country of the interior, the great inundations frequently happening carry dovi^n immense quantities of sand and alluvial soil, which are continually shifting the chan- nel, and affecting the depth and location of the navigable waters, where they empty into the ocean. Hence it is, that there is so much danger, delay and expense attending the ascent to our oth- er sea ports. We think we may confidently say, that the boun- tiful hand of nature has entirely exempted the port of Bruns- wick and its noble stream, and will continue in all future lime to exempt them, from these difficulties and obstructions to their navigation. When you approach within half a mile of the town, there is a 24 small salt marsh island which divides (he river into the northern and eastern hranchcs, the main chamicl rnnning sonthward of this island, liotvveen IJrandy Point on this island, and Dennis's Folly on the Biiinswick shore, there is an inner bar, upon which there is about twelve feet at low water, and, as the tide rises ten feet, it gives the same depth of water that we find on the outer bar, with this advantage, that the bottom being soft mud creates no damage to ships and may be very easily deepened if it were necessary. But no such necessity exists, as any ship that cross- es the outer bar can run over this at high water, and find the best anchorage near the bluff along the whole extent of the town, in from twenty to forty feet water at the lowest time of tide. This we ascertained from careful soundings at low water, and after having finished the soundings for ourselves, ascertained that Stockton's report and diagrams confirmed our own survey. From the fact that we crossed the outer bar thirteen miles from town, and beat up against a very light breeze to Brunswick in about three hours, we can state safely, that a vessel may pass in or out, from the bar to the town, with the wind from any direc- tion, and with a fair good breeze, can reach the vi^harves, and get to sea from them, in less .than two hours. The width of the river and the channel affords an opportunity for making long tacks, which are very desirable in beating up or down a river or strait. The vessel once in port, we consider her entirely sheltered from any gale or storm, short of the most violent hur- ricane or tornado, such as would be dangerous on land as well as on the water. The harbor is completely land-locked by a beau- tiful crescent or semicircle of islands stretching along the south- ern branch of the river, and preventing the heavy swell of the ocean from affecting the water in the harbor. In addition to this, an extensive salt marsh stretches along to the east of Brunswick, which also acts as a protection from heavy swells in the sound and the ocean. The course of the river itself turning nearly south immediately around the north point of Jekyl, with that island on the south and the Brunswick promontory on the north, acts as a protection to the port ; the river making a sudden turn towards Brunswick at a point of high ground known as Dennis's Folly. All this will be more apparent to your honorable body by a reference to a map of Brunswick, its port, its environs, and the position and course of the rail-road, which we have ordered 25 to be carefully drafted, after a very correct model, (with a (ew alterations indicated by us) by the county surveyor, to be sub- mitted as a part of this report. In the southern and principal branch of the river is the outer harbor. In this harbor, the whole navy of our country might ride, with perfect safety, in seven fathoms water, and moor within a mile of the town. In regard to health, we consider Brunswick superior to any sea port on the southern coast. Its high and dry bluff, the total absence of lagunes, swamps of stagnant fresh water and rice fields — its broad sheet of clear ocean water, almost as salt as the sea, and its pure sea breeze setting in regularly from the ocean, make it not only a delightful situation in summer, (as we experienced it to be,) but give the strongest assurance of the health and com- fort of seamen and navigators, and of the inhabitants of the town. We found wells of water as good as could be expected in so low a latitude. Though not very cool, we believe it to be pure, and that which we found in town was better than the wells in the im- mediate vicinity. The extensive salt marshes are overflowed at every tide with pure salt water, and are not considered at all in- jurious to health. The sea breeze sweeps delightfully over them, and we found some of the most healthy families in the vicinity living immediately upon their edge. Brunswick may be so protected by fortifications as to become entirely inaccessible to any naval force that might attempt to ap- proach it. The inlet between St. Simons and Jekyl Island be- ing but a mile wide, might be defended by forts on both sides, so as to cut off any naval armament that might attempt to enter it. Should an enemy's ship succed in passing this strait, there are other points for defence, on Cedar hammock, the firm marsh on the opposite side, on Dennis's Folly, and on Brandy Point — all well calculated for the strongest and most effectual fortifications. Whether, therefore, we regard the " commercial advantages of the port of Brunswick," in reference to the water on the bar and in the river, — in reference to the short time in which a ship of large draft may sail in or out of port, against or with the wind, — in reference to the excellence of the anchorage in port, and her entire safety from storms while there, — whether we view them in reference to the health, convenience and beauty of locality ; or in reference to their capability of being made impregnable to 26 an enemy — your Commissioners regard tlicm as of a very supe- rior order ; and with tliis opinion, formed from accurate inspec- tion and personal examination, we feel constrained to say, that it is liighly " advisable for the stale to render aid in opt7iing Bruns- wick to the interior ; " and tiiis aid ought, for the benefit of the state and its inhabitants, to be rendered efficiently and promptly. Of the "rail-road avenue to the Altamaha," we can speak in terms equally unequivocal and equally favorable. The distance of this avenue is but eleven miles and a few chains from river to river. From the Altamaha swamp to the bluff' at Brunswick, its location is as fine and beautiful for such an improvement as can be found in any part of the Union. Its course is over a cam- paign country, so level that its inequalities are scarcely percepti- ble to the naked eye. It lies over a pine barren flat, of close, compact, sandy foundation from river to river, and when once completed and settled, the Commissioners are of opinion that it will be as firm and hard, and as well adapted to rail-road opera- tions, and as little liable to injury from any causes as could be selected in the state. There is but one curve in the whole route, and that very gradual, to avoid the point of a bay swamp, which would have increased the labor and expense to have run through it. From this curve, a shade tree of ordinaiy height, on the bluff' at Brunswick, is distinctly visible to the naked eye, along the avenue, at the distance of eight miles or upwards ; and it will require but little additional labor and skill to render the foun- dation, now almost completed, a dead level the entire distance from the Altamaha to Brunswick. This foundation has been thrown up by the superintendent, with a becoming regard to the public service, and in a style which does credit to his skill and industry. As far as completed, it is a road of the first order for horses and carriages, and is daily becoming firmer and better from use. About the middle of June, when we examined it, the foundation was thrown up about two thirds of the way, the aven- ue cut the whole distance, and the superintendent expected to complete it in two or three months. Nothing will then remain to be done, but to prepare it for the reception of the rails. In the immediate vicinity of the entire route, there is an abundance of the best cypress and live oak for the wood work. The heav- iest job in its completion will be the junction of the rail-road with the Altamaha, though this is by no means a serious one. It 27 may be united either with Rail-road creek, or with the river itself, or with Six-mile creek ; the latter we think the most elig- ible, as this creek is wide and deep enough for up country boats, and enters the river in a deep bight, which renders it very con- venient for boats to enter. In either route, the distance will be rather over half a mile, and w.v.^.u^C^4UF01^1^ .^■3^3 f'^-. 9 3 9" oa-^,J ' :'*d H'^ * i9 -' ^^ '.^ 9 ' . 4 id ^ »9 '' 3 ■i a." ^^attis