The,, .. 
 A National Program of 
 Health Instruction in Schools 
 Manual for Teachers, 
 Superintendents and Health Workers 
 Fifth Edition. Copyright 1922 
 Published by the 
 370 Seventh Avenue, New York 
 Montgomery, Ala. 
 New York City 
 New York City 
 New York City 
 Des Moines, Iowa 
 Bismarck. N. D. 
 Baltimore, Md. 
 Cleveland, O. 
 Indianapolis, Ind. 
 New York City 
 Denver, Colo. 
 Olympia, Wash. 
 Topeka, Kansas 
 Washington, D. C. 
 Raleigh, N. C 
 Boise, Idaho 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Philadelphia, Pa. 
 Harrisburg, Pa. 
 Washington, D. C. 
 New York City 
 Chicago, 111. 
 New York City 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Augusta, Maine 
 New Haven, Conn. 
 Chicago, 111. 
 New York City 
 Boston, Mass. 
 MR. C. M. DeFOREST, Secretary 
 New York City 
(latJle of Contetitsi 
 Brief Explanation 
 (Requirements. Performance of 
 Chores. Recording Performance. 
 Award of Titles. Roll of Health 
 Knighthood. Insignia. School 
 Credits. Time Required. Sources 
 of Supplies. Crusade Material. 
 How to Start. Weight and Nu- 
 trition. Tournaments. Aids to 
 Health Training.) 
 Principles and Pedagogy 
 Adopted as a Curriculum Course 
 Aid to Hygiene — Coordination — 
 General Crusade Course 
 7. How to Become Crusaders 
 8. Membership 
 9. The Chores 
 Nutrition Course 
 10. Nutrition Chores 
 11. Weighing and Physical Examination 
 12. Nutrition Chore Record. A Weight 
 Crusade Supplies 
 13. Costs and Financing 
 14. List of Supplies 
 Keep Well Guide for Every Day 
 Introductory Course 
 15. Crusaders' Code 
 16. Kindergarten 
 17. First and Second Grades 
 18. Supplementary Devices 
 19. Stories and Songs 
 20. Games and Drills 
 Aids to General, Nutrition and Intro- 
 ductory Courses 
 21. School Aid in Practice of Hygiene 
 22. Prompting and Inspecting 
 23. Symptoms of Illness 
 24. List of Symptoms 
 25. Window, Thermometer and Sani- 
 tary Inspectors 
 26. Setting-L^p Exercises : Two-minute 
 27. Toothbrush Drill 
 28. Handkerchief Drill 
 29. Tournaments 
 30. Inter-State and Inter-City Contests 
 31. Roll of Health Knighthood 
 32. Community Contests 
 Z2>. Knighting Crusaders 
 34. Accolade 
 35. Costumes 
 36. Health Books 
 Advanced Course 
 Z1. The Round Table of the Modern 
 Health Crusade 
 38. Qualifications for Seats 
 39. Tests 
 40. Reports 
 41. Hygiene Course 
 42. Athletic Tests 
 43. Correct Weight 
 44. Correct Posture 
 45. Physical Examination 
 46. Knowledge of First Aid 
 47. Swimming and Life-Saving Skill 
 48. Scout and Camp Fire Activities 
 49. Community Sanitation Work 
 50. Accolade of the Round Table 
 Aids to All Crusade Courses 
 51. Entertainments 
 52. Schedule of Meetings 
 53. Playlets and Pageants 
 54. Miniature Theatre 
 55. Motion Picture Films 
 56. Exhibits 
 57. Songs 
 58. Poster Contests 
 Health Clubs 
 59. Health Crusade Clubs 
 60. Club Activities 
 61. Community Work 
 62. Handbook for Teaching Hygiene 
 63. Moral Effect of the Crusade 
 64. Bibliography 
 Back Cover 
 The Crusader's Creed 
 State Distributors for the Crusade 
 518b . > fj 
VLiit ilotrern ilealtf) Crusiabe Course in ?|psiene 
 1. Brief Explanation 
 This first section of the manual, pages 4 to 7, is a condensed statement 
 of the Crusade system. It is also published separately as a "Brief Explana- 
 tion for Teachers." The subsequent sections of the manual explain further 
 the subjects in Section 1 and set forth additional activities and information. 
 All activities beyond the requirements defined in Section 1 are optional. They 
 are recommended as a means of increasing interest and benefit. 
 The Modern Health Crusade is a system of training in good health 
 habits. Its basis is practice and not mere precept. Under it children do the 
 duties explained in hygiene and physiology but too often left undone. 
 Millions of American school children have done the health chores of the 
 Crusade vv^ithin the last five years. The play and romance of the Crusade, 
 its health chivalry, give children the incentive to work systematically and 
 The results of Crusade w^ork are physical and moral* improvement and 
 better attendance and deportment at school. The Crusade links the school 
 and the home in health work. 
 The requirements of the Crusade are simply (a) the performance of the 
 health chores, (b) the recording of performance as directed and (c) the award 
 of chivalric titles. 
 (The teacher should now read the chore record or the explanations in 
 § 7 to § 9 of the manual). 
 There are four sets of Crusade chores, eleven chores in each set. The 
 sets are graded progressively and are recommended for use in grades 3, 4, 5 
 and 6 successively. The sets of chores are printed on different editions of 
 the chore record, Form A for the third grade, Form B for the fourth, Form 
 C for the fifth, and Form D for the sixth. If, however, one edition is to be 
 used for several grades, Form B is recommended. 
 It is advisable to have the chores performed for at least 24 weeks during 
 the school year. Many schools conduct the course for 30 weeks. In the case 
 of short term rural schools a course of not less than 12 weeks is permissible. 
 Pupils in grades higher than the 6th and pupils who can write in grades 
 lower than the 3rd may qualify as Crusaders by the chores on Forms A, B, 
 C or D. It is much better, however, for pupils in the 7th and higher grades, 
 having completed the series, to carry out the Round Table activities including 
 community sanitation work, in the optional program of the Crusade. (See 
 § 37 to § 50.) Children in the kindergarten and first two grades may more 
 profitably be drilled in health chores through posters and record sheets made 
 bv themselves as a project, preparatorv to becoming Crusaders in grade 3. 
 (See § 15 to § 20.) 
 Besides the chores on Forms A, B, C and D, which are adapted to chil- 
 dren in general, a set of Crusade chores for undernourished or delicate chil- 
 dren is published. (See "Weight and Nutrition," page 7 and § 10 to § 12.) 
 * See § 63. 
 The chore records are kept at home for recording performance. The 
 child and one of his parents are required to sign each record and the teacher 
 must approve before the claim of performance is allowed to count towards a 
 title. By placing the child on his honor and supervising the recording of 
 chores the parent makes Crusade work a drill in truthfulness. In the school 
 it is advisable to set aside a few minutes each day for prompting the pupils 
 on their chores and conducting hygienic inspection. (See § 22.) 
 On completion of tne course for the first year every pupil who has done 
 54 chores each week has a right to the title of Squire; and on the completion 
 of the course for two, three, and four years the pupil becomes successively 
 Knight, Knight Banneret, and Knight Banneret Constant. The last title 
 can never be earned in less than four years. Pupils who have failed in one 
 or more weeks may be allowed additional weeks in the school term in which 
 to complete their records. 
 The award of titles is best indicated by paper stars placed on the wall 
 chart, ''Roll of Health Knighthood," and by badges or other insignia given to 
 the children. The use of insignia, however, is not obligatory. Schools may 
 make the awards in any manner they see fit. Knighting ceremonies are 
 helpful in impressing Crusade teachings. (See § 33.) 
 At the beginning of the course, the names of all pupils are written on the 
 Roll of Health Knighthood as "pages," candidates to become Crusaders. 
 Their progress throughout the year is then shown by stars or other marks. 
 (The Roll has columns also for recording pupils' weights from month to 
 month. Tables of average weights for boys and girls are printed on it.) 
 The insignia provided are: 
 L Certificate of Title of Squire. This certificate states that the boy or 
 girl named '*has a satisfactory record of doing at least 75% of the Crusaders* 
 health chores for the number of weeks required for first honors in health 
 knighthood; has agreed to try (1) to do nothing that may hurt the health of 
 any other person, (2) to help keep home and town clean and (3) to obey the 
 Crusaders' Code until the end of December following this school year; and 
 therefore is enrolled until then as a Modern Health Crusader and is granted 
 the title of Squire." 
 The certificate, printed in two colors and illustrated, carries also the Crusaders' 
 Code (general health rules), average weight tables and a ruled chart on which the 
 pupil may enter his "health scores" including his weights from month to month, 
 for display at home. 
 For schools desiring to give the code, tables and scoring chart to pupils before 
 they have earned the title of squire, the portion of the certificate conveying the 
 title may readily be cut off for later use. 
 2. Buttons and metal pins are provided as badges for Knights, Knights 
 Banneret and Knights Banneret Constant. 
 The Crusade system has been made a curriculum activity in thousands 
 of schools. The regular school credits given for Crusade work are an im- 
 portant incentive to pupils. Credits should never, however, take the place of 
 the chivalric titles. Both should be employed. 
With the following table the teacher may easily compute a pupil's credits 
 for performance of chores. It is based on the allowance of full credits for a 
 Crusade course. If Crusade work is included in a course in physiology or 
 hygiene and one-half or one-third credits are allowed for the chores, the per- 
 centages earned will be one-half or one-third of those in the tables. To 
 determine a pupil's credit for a school month the teacher adds his credits for 
 each week and divides the sum by the number of weeks in the month. 
 12 chores 
 62 chores 
 52 chores 
 71 " 
 61 '* • 
 51 " 
 70 " 
 60 " 
 50 " 
 69 " 
 59 " 
 49 " 
 68 " 
 58 " 
 48 " 
 67 " 
 57 " 
 47 " 
 66 " 
 56 " 
 46 " 
 65 " 
 55 " 
 45 " 
 64 " 
 54 " 
 44 " 
 63 " 
 53 " 
 43 " 
 The Crusade is adaptable to every elementary school, graded or ungraded. 
 The school that devotes from ten to fifteen minutes to it daily, finds the entire 
 work of the day improved. If, however, a school allows no time for practical 
 health training the teacher may give pupils the benefit of the Crusade in large 
 part by distributing the chore records to be taken home after one short talk 
 of explanation. When performance has been checked at home for the time 
 required the pupil brings the record for the teacher to inspect. If she issue a 
 second record at once she may inspect the first at her leisure, instead of re- 
 turning it on that day. 
 Crusade supplies are obtained by schools through the local department 
 of education or the state association affiliated with the National Tuberculosis 
 Association (New York City). The National Association publishes Crusade 
 material at the lowest possible cost. The expense per pupil ranges from 1^ 
 to 53^2 cents for a 24-week course. In many localities school authorities pay 
 for Crusade material in like manner as for text-books. 
 A. (1) Chore records. (Sufficient number to supply scoring spaces for 
 the weeks of the course ; 10 to 20% additional for losses.) 
 B. (2) "Brief Explanation" or the Manual, one for each teacher. (3) 
 Roll of Health Knighthood, one per class of not more than 40 pupils. 
 (Gummed paper stars, about three per pupil, are desirable.) (4) Certificate 
 of squire, one per pupil. (5) Buttons or pins for Knights, Knights Banneret 
 and Knights Banneret Constant, one each for approximately 80% of the 
 pupils. Schools provided with the Roll (3) may dispense with the insignia 
 (4 and 5) but the use of all is recommended. 
 C. Tournament guide, tournament report form. Round Table report form, 
 wall chart "Keep Well Guide," prompter and hygienic inspection blank, 
 knighthood stories, health stories, Crusade songs, health playlets, Crusade 
 Every school must be provided with (A) the chore records, if its pupils 
 are to qualify as Crusaders. Supplies listed under B and C are highly recom- 
 mended. B supplies are essential for most schools, and the C supplies are 
 very helpful. 
 For prices of material address your state association. 
 Give a talk to your pupils comparing the Crusade with the crusades of 
 old and the quests of brave knights. Arouse the children's interest by a story 
 of chivalry from such books as "The Perfect Gentle Knight," World Book 
 Co., Yonkers, N. Y. ; "King Arthur and His Knights," Rand McNally & Co., 
 Chicago; "Page, Esquire and Knight," Ginn & Co., Boston. Set forth the 
 privilege of being health knights, their service and happiness. Explain their 
 titles and rewards. The Roll of Health Knighthood and samples of any 
 insignia to be used should be displayed. 
 Distribute chore records to the class and have each chore record read 
 and discussed. Have each child who is new to the work place his finger on 
 the space where he is to make an X for a chore done on a certain day. Explain 
 the requirement of certification "on honor" and of signatures. Direct the 
 pupils to pin the records up at home where they and their parents will see the 
 records constantly and will "check up" performance every evening. Tell the 
 children when they are to return their records to you. Remind them of their 
 chores every day. Base several lessons in reading, language and arithmetic 
 on the chores and calculation of credits. 
 Enlist the support of the community. Explain the Crusade to the parent- 
 teacher association, women's club and pastors of churches. Supply your 
 newspaper with a short article on the Crusade and give it news from time to 
 time on the pupils' progress in health knighthood. 
 Keep interest high by such of the following optional Crusade activities cts 
 you can take up. 
 It is recommended that pupils be weighed once a month. Performance 
 of the chores tends to give pupils right weight and the weight entries on the 
 Roll of Knighthood make a useful record of progress. For children as much 
 as 10% under weight and for those who are sickly, the Crusade nutrition 
 chores are recommended. Apply for "Chore Record-Nutrition Edition" and 
 for the "Instructions to Teachers and Nutrition Workers." 
 Crusade tournaments are competitions between schools or classes for the 
 best average record in chores. The National Tournament in Health Knight- 
 hood is conducted twice during the school year. Every class or school with 
 an enrollment as large as seven is privileged to become a jouster, if the teacher 
 so desires. It is merely necessary to keep the records of the pupils' per- 
 formance of chores over 15 consecutive weeks, and to submit a report occom- 
 panied by the chore records. Any period of 15 weeks may be selected by the 
 teacher between the first Sunday in September and the last Saturday in 
 February and between the first Sunday in January and the second Saturday 
 in June. Apply for the tournament guide circular and report form. Hundreds 
 of schools have won national pennants. 
 The Order of the Round Table is an optional 
 feature of the Crusade recommended as a means of 
 health training additional to the chores. Crusaders 
 become Knights of the Round Table by earning points 
 in some of the following ways : physical examinations, 
 tests in nutrition, posture and athletics, high standing 
 in hygiene or physiology, first aid, swimming, scouting 
 and community sanitation. (See § 37 to § 50.) 
 Other recommended activities explained in the manual are tooth brush 
 drills, setting up exercises, story telling and games, project chore records and 
 health books, playlets, pageants and health clubs. 
2. Principles and Pedagogy 
 When boys and girls, in all states of the Union and in foreign countries in three 
 continents, take up the systematic performance of "health chores," a phenomenon i^ 
 presented that invites explanation. The health chores have of themselves no attraction 
 for the average child; they are to him odious duties, performed only under social or 
 parental pressure. 
 Good reasons for doing hygienic duties are set forth attractively in the modern 
 type of school text-book. No set of facts to be learned in school has greater value, but 
 usually the pupil fails to translate this knowledge into his ov^n conduct except under 
 outside influences. "Education among us consists too much in telling and not enough 
 in training." The Modern Health Crusade brings into the schools a distinct influence 
 serving to reinforce established courses in hygiene, physiology, physical training and 
 sanitation. It does not conflict with such courses but adds vitality. 
 Personal and community health is the object of these courses. Health is not so 
 much a matter of extensive knowledge of facts as of will to comply with a few simple 
 laws from day to day until compliance becomes habitual. The Crusade system supplies 
 the will by interesting the child. Interest is sustained so that will may continue to 
 function and the repetition of action required by the law of habit formation may be 
 secured. The Crusade applies to the pupil the pedogogical principle of learning by 
 doing. Habits are formed while reasons are being learned. As in Alice in Wonder- 
 land, "the best way to explain it is to do it." The value of health, the direct motive, 
 is not sufficient to arouse the child's will. An adult seldom values health sufficiently 
 to follow its laws closely until sickness makes health sorely missed. An indirect motive 
 is important for the adult and indispensable for the child. The Crusade supplies the 
 child with a powerful indirect motive for patient work in acquiring good health habits. 
 In providing the motive the Crusade utilizes various principles of child psychology. 
 Every child wants to play: every child likes to play that he is grown up and is doing 
 great deeds. The Crusade introduces a play element into the practice of hygiene. It 
 transfers the romance of the medieval Crusades to a vital present-day quest. It holds 
 up to children the chivalry of health, a field for great deeds. It dramatizes the pursuit 
 of health. The Crusade allows the child to follow his imitative instinct. It makes him 
 feel — and rightly — that he is of some importance and that he is taking an active part 
 in a great movement. The Crusade makes an instant appeal to the child, through its 
 titles, won by his own achievement. It interests him in its group contests. It provides 
 Dr. Burnham's "stimulus of success" for children in large numbers, not for a single 
 prize winner who succeeds while all his mates must fail. The Crusade appeals to the 
 child in the spirit of emulation rather than competition, of reaching a high standard 
 rather than surpassing another child. 
 Opportunity to belong to the national Crusade appeals strongly to the child. He 
 finds an outlet for patriotic aspirations. He has incentive to do his part to assure 
 the country that in another draft for war one person out of three shall not be rejected 
 for physical defects due to bad health habits. 
 3. Adopted as a Curriculum Course 
 The departments of education of more than one-third of the states have adopted 
 the Modern Health Crusade as a curriculum activity. The manuals of physical educa- 
 tion issued by a number of states incorporate instructions for conducting Crusade 
 work. Local school systems in every section of the United States employ the Crusade 
 to make teaching of hygiene practical. . xt • 
 Resolutions endorsing the Crusade system have been adopted by the National 
 Education Association and the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher 
 4. Results 
 The Crusade promotes good health and the prevention of disease not only for chil- 
 dren but for their families and neighbors. On the moral side, the Crusade contributes 
to the child a needed drill in truthfulness, regularity in duty, and education of the will. 
 The method of recording performance of the chores, under which the child is put on 
 his honor to choose between right and wrong statements, affords an ethical discipline 
 comparable in value to the physical discipline. (See §63.) The Crusade awakens re- 
 sponsibility for community welfare and makes the teacher's work lighter by keeping 
 the children's minds alert and by promoting both attention and attendance. 
 The following quotations are from letters written by school superintendents, state, 
 city and rural: 
 "The whole work of the Crusade is practical and wholesome and no child partici- 
 pating can help being benefited." 
 "The movement rapidly gained the support of the teaching force and the grade 
 officials, all of whom endorsed it in very positive terms as productive of marked good." 
 "The teachers in charge are all delighted with the work and do not hesitate to say 
 that colds and usual epidemics are lacking where the health chores have been kept up." 
 "After a few weeks of the Crusade, I regard the results as superior to a year of 
 physiology as ordinarily taught. 
 (From a superintendent who was skeptical) *T presented the matter at the teachers* 
 meeting in a half-hearted way. It was presented to the pupils the next day. Imagine 
 my surprise when I reached home to find my own children as enthusiastic as they had 
 ever been over Christmas! * * * Mothers stopped me on the street to thank me for 
 making it so easy for them to keep their children clean and for leading them to form 
 good habits that had seemed impossible before." 
 5. Scope 
 The Modern Health Crusade is directed broadly to the upbuilding of health. Its 
 campaign is not limited to tuberculosis or any particular disease. While the Crusade 
 is essentially a system of instruction, to the Crusaders it has the appeal of an organ- 
 ization. Schools taking up Crusade work do not, however, assume membership obli- 
 gation in any organization. Such organization as is suggested in this manual is optional 
 with school authorities and is designed to appeal to children, giving them mass stimulus 
 to health activities. 
 6. Aid to Hygiene — Coordination — Credits 
 Teachers conducting textbook courses in hygiene, physiology and sanitation will 
 find that taking time to direct their pupils in the performance of the Crusade chores 
 will vitalize these courses. The chores and rules of the Crusade are the essence of 
 hygiene. The application which successive portions of progressive textbooks like the 
 following have to the several chores is apparent and should be cited by the teacher in 
 each instance for the purpose of clinching knowledge derived from the books: 
 Overton. "Personal Hygiene," "General Hygiene." Davison, "Health Lessons." 
 American Book Co. 
 Emerson and Betts, "Hygiene and Health," "Physiology and Hygiene." Bobbs- 
 Haviland, "The Playhouse." "The Most Wonderful House in the World." J. B. 
 Gulick, "Hygiene Series." Ginn & Co. 
 Winslow, "Healthy Living," I-II. C. E. Merrill Co. 
 O'Shea and Kellogg, "Health Series." Macmillan. 
 Ritchie and Caldwell, "Primer of Hygiene." Ritchie, "Primer of Sanitation," 
 "Primer of Physiology." World Book Co. 
 Hallock and Winslow, "Land of Health."^ C. E. Merrill Co. 
 Schools are coordinating Crusade work with various studies, such as reading, com- 
 position and arithmetic, as well as the health studies. The National Association will 
 refer principals to outlines or syllabi for use of teachers in coordinating the work. It 
 will also refer normal schools and teachers' associations to speakers experienced in 
 Crusade work, prepared to lecture or conduct institutes. 
 The practice of giving school credits to pupils for doing Crusade work and to 
 teachers for conducting it has become common. In some states teachers are authorized 
 to grant credits as high as 50 per cent, in physiology and hygiene for doing and record- 
 ing Crusade chores. In some schools Crusade work is credited to pupils as a course 
 separate from any other. In one state where Crusade work is not obligatory the 
 majority of county superintendents have allowed teachers from 10 to 50 professional 
 credits out of a required 200, for conducting a Crusade course. 
 Recommended especially for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. For work for other grades see 
 §15 to §20 and % 37 to §50. 
 7. How to Become Crusaders 
 All children who can write may become Modern Health Crusaders. The require- 
merit for each child is the performance of not less than 54 Crusade chores each week 
 for the number of weeks prescribed by his teacher or other adult Crusade leader. This 
 must not be less than 12 weeks in a school year; at least 24 weeks is recommended. 
 (See pp. 4 and 5, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c). 
 The performance of 72 chores in one week, consisting of the first 10 chores every 
 day and the eleventh chore twice during the week is considered a perfect score, 100%. 
 Fifty-four chores is the passing percentage, 75%. If the candidate does even less than 
 54 chores one week, he may make that week up by doing 54 in an additional week. The 
 weeks need not be consecutive for the child to become a Crusader and earn successive 
 titles, although they must be consecutive to be credited in a tournament. Chore 11 must be 
 performed at least one day each week. 
 On the chore record scoring tables are printed covering each day for several weeks. 
 For each chore done completely, the child or his parent marks a cross (X) in the 
 space for that day. 
 The chore record should be pinned up conspicuously at home. Parents are asked 
 to prompt their children and superintend the checking of chores at bedtime. 
 8. Membership 
 Squires, Knights and Knights Banneret have only temporary membership in the 
 Modern Health Crusade movement, except as they re-qualify by performance of chores. 
 Membership ends the last day of Decernber next following the school year in which 
 the title is earned. Crusaders with the title of achievement, Knight Banneret Constant, 
 retain membership through all the years of their lives, except for such times as they 
 may not be faithful to the Crusaders' chores. 
 9. The Chores 
 The four sets of graded chores recommended for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 are as follows: 
 CHORES. FORM A (GRADE 3) First Week 
 1. I washed my hands before each 
 meal today. 
 2. I brushed my teeth thoroughly. 
 3. I tried hard to keep fingers and 
 pencils out of my mouth and nose. 
 4. I carried a clean handkerchief. 
 5. I drank three glasses of water, but 
 no tea nor coffee. 
 6. I tried to eat only wholesome 
 food including vegetables and 
 7. I drank slowly two glasses of 
 8. I went to toilet at regular time. 
 9. I played outdoors or with win- 
 dows open a half hour. 
 10. I was in bed eleven or more 
 hours last night, windows open. 
 11. I had a complete bath on each 
 day of the week that is checked 
 Total number of chores done each 
 First Week 
 Second Week 
 Third Week 
Notes on Chores "A" as Numbered 
 1. Use soap. Wash hands always be- 
 fore handling food prepared for eat- 
 ing. Clean fingernails every day. 
 2. Brush the teeth up and down. Brush 
 the front, back and biting surfaces. 
 Work all food out from between the 
 teeth. Rinse the mouth. 
 3. Keep from your mouth anything 
 touched by the mouth of another 
 person. Wash all raw unpeeled 
 fruits before eating. 
 4. Use your handkerchief to cover your 
 mouth and nose when you cough or 
 5. A whole glass of water need not be 
 drunk at one time. A glass of milk 
 may take the place of a glass of water. 
 6. Food should include oatmeal or 
 wholegrain cereals, coarse breads, and 
 vegetables like onions, turnips and 
 7. Milk should be drunk slowly so as to 
 be mixed with saliva before each 
 8. Bowels should move freely every day 
 at a regular time, preferably after 
 9. Play should give vigorous general 
 exercise. Setting up exercises may 
 be counted. If you are much under- 
 weight you should rest quietly for at 
 least 30 minutes in the daytime and 
 should not play hard. 
 10. The best place to sleep is a sleeping 
 porch. Have enough bed clothes to 
 keep your body warm and comfort- 
 able. Breathe through your nose. If 
 you can't breathe with your mouth 
 closed, see a physician. 
 11. Several all-over warm baths each 
 week, followed by cool dash are ad- 
 1. I washed my hands before each meal. 
 I cleaned my finger-nails today. 
 2. I brushed my teeth after breakfast 7. 
 and the evening meal. 
 3. I carried a handkerchief and used it 
 to protect others if I coughed or 
 sneezed. 8. 
 4. I tried to avoid accidents to others 9. 
 and myself. I looked both ways io_ 
 when crossing the street (road). 
 5. I drank four glasses of water but no n^ 
 tea, cofifee nor any harmful drink. 
 6. I had three wholesome meals includ- 
 ing a nourishing breakfast. I drank 
 I ate some cereal or bread, green 
 (watery) vegetable and fruit, but ate 
 no candy nor "sweets" unless at the 
 end of a meal. 
 I went to toilet at my regular time. 
 I tried to sit and to stand straight. 
 I was in bed eleven hours last night, 
 windows open. 
 I had a complete bath and rubbed 
 myself dry on each day of the week 
 checked (x). 
 Notes on Chores "B" as Numbered 
 1. You should wash your hands before 
 handling any food prepared for eat- 
 ing. Soap should be used. Wash 
 face, ears and neck every day. 
 2. Brush teeth up and down. Brush the 
 front, back and biting surfaces. Brush 
 after every meal, if possible, and 
 rinse. It is wise to use dental floss 
 with care daily. Go to the dentist at 
 least twice a year, without waiting 
 for toothache. 
 3. If you cough or sneeze, turn aside 
 and cover mouth and nose with hand- 
 kerchief. Put spit only where no per- 
 son nor fly can touch it. 
 4. Do not "catch on" or "swing off" 
 moving vehicles. Do not throw or 
 place anything in a way that may in- 
 jure anyone. 
 5. Drink a glass of water on getting up. 
 Drink some before each meal. 
 6. You should drink — s1ow1y~two to 
 four glasses of milk (preferably un- 
 skimmed) each day. Milk may be 
 counted as water for chore 5. 
 7. Eat oatmeal or whole grain cereals, 
 coarse breads, and watery vegetables, 
 like onions, turnips, carrots, cabbage 
 and spinach. Chew food thoroughly. 
 8. Your bowels should move freely 
 every day and without use of drugs. 
 Observe a fixed time right after 
 9. Stand "tall"; lie "long." Walk with 
 head up. Exercise your muscles in 
 the open air. Breathe through your 
 10. Boys and girls eleven years of age 
 may change this chore to "ten hours 
 in bed" but eleven hours is better. 
 Those fourteen to sixteen years of 
 age may change this chore to "nine 
 hours in bed," but ten is better. 
 11. Bathe with warm water, washcloth 
 and soap. Finish with cool water 
 dash. Boys should wash their hair 
 once a week; girls, at least once a 
 month. Underwear should be changed 
 after the bath at least once a week. 
 1. Besides my hands, I washed my face, 6. 
 ears, and neck, 1 combed or brushed my 
 hair today. 7. 
 2. I cleaned my teeth after breakfast and 
 the evening meal, brushing front, back, 
 and chewing surfaces of all teeth. 8- 
 3. I did not use a "common" cup or towel. g 
 I coughed or spit only when necessary 
 and was careful to protect others. 
 4. I was careful to keep myself and my \q 
 desk neat, and helped keep the whole 
 school and grounds in order. 
 5. I drank four glasses of water and no 11. 
 tea, coflFee, nor any harmful drinks. I 
 did not wash my food down. 
 (GRADE 5) 
 I chewed my food thoroughly, ate slowly 
 and did not run soon after meals. 
 I ate either some beans, eggs, cheese, 
 fish or meat at one meal. 1 ate watery 
 vegetables or fruit. 
 I attended to toilet at my regular time, 
 and washed my hands afterwards. 
 I tried to keep good posture and to 
 breathe fresh air always, through my 
 I was in bed ten or more hours last 
 night, windows open. I stretched out 
 "long" when waiting for sleep. 
 I took a full bath on each day of the 
 week that is checked (x). 1 put on clean 
 underwear at least once this week. 
 Notes on Chores "C" as Numbered 
 1. Put nothing in your ears except the 
 washcloth. Clean your fingernails at 
 least once a day. 
 2. Brush teeth up and down. Brush 
 after every meal if possible and rinse. 
 It is wise to use dental floss with care 
 every day. Use a dentifrice that is 
 not gritty. 
 3. If you cough or sneeze, turn aside and 
 cover mouth and nose with handker- 
 chief. Have your own towel, wash 
 cloth, glass, etc., used by no one else. 
 4. This chore requires cleaning of fin- 
 gernails. Shoes should be brushed. 
 Soil and grease spots should be re- 
 moved from clothes. Hair should be 
 "tidy" at school. Don't litter yard or 
 building with papers. 
 5. Have four or more regular times for 
 drinking water. Milk at meals may 
 be counted as water for chore 5. 
 6. Take plenty of time for meals. Show 
 good manners. Sit straight. Make 
 meal time pleasant for all. Avoid hard 
 exercise immediately before or after 
 7. Eat meat or fish not more than once 
 a day. 
 9. Stand "tall." Walk "head up." When 
 sitting do not bend forward at the 
 waist but only at the hips. 
 10. Boys and girls 14 to 16 years of age 
 may perform this chore by nine hours 
 in bed, but ten hours is better. Those 
 under 10 years should sleep eleven 
 hours at least. 
 11. Bathe with warm water and soap. 
 Use a clean wash cloth. Finish with 
 cool water dash. 
 1. I gave careful attention to personal 
 cleanliness and neatness of appearance 
 today. I tried to keep my surroundings 
 sightly and sanitary. 
 2. I sought to keep the ventilation good 
 and the temperature under seventy de- 
 grees in every room I occupied. 
 3. I tried to be cheerful, straightforward 
 and clean minded; to do one thing at a 
 time and the most important thing first. 
 4. I was careful to do nothing to hurt the 
 health of anyone else. I played fair. I 
 did willingly at least one kind act for 
 another person. 
 5. I used no tea, coffee, nor any harmful 
 drink ; no tobacco in any form, nor any 
 injurious drug. 
 6. I tried to have a "balanced" diet, includ- 
 ing energy-making, tissue-building and 
 regulating foods. I was careful not to 
 overeat but tried to keep my weight 
 7. I held reading matter not less than 
 twelve inches from my eyes. I did not 
 read lying down or with straining light 
 or facing the light. 
 8. I gave proper attention to elimination. 
 9. I played or exercised for at least an 
 hour in fresh air, avoiding overfatigue. 
 I breathed deeply and was careful to 
 keep good posture. 
 10. I was in bed ten hours last night, win- 
 dows open. I did not allow a pillow to 
 make me "round-shouldered." 
 11. Besides bathing this week, I washed or 
 otherwise thoroughly cleaned my hair 
 and scalp on each day checked. 
 Notes on Chores "D" as Numbered 
 1. This chore requires daily washing of 
 face, ears, neck and all parts of the 
 body that because of dirt or perspiration 
 need washing; also, cleaning the finger- 
 nails is required. 
 For ventilation windows should 
 opened both at top and bottom. 
 Cultivation of will through concentra- 
 tion, promptness and regularity and the 
 development of character promote health. 
4. Be unselfish. Keep your temper. Self the need is felt or when your regular 
 control is needed for health and success. time comes. 
 5. Avoid "soda fountain"' drinks containing 9. Play should give general muscular ex- 
 caffeine or other harmful drugs. ercise. If you are much underweight 
 6. In your diet of the day include fruit. ^^°P P^^^/"^ ^f°^^, ^^^ ^'^ ,^''^^ ^"^ 
 coarse breads, whole grain cereals and da time ^^ ^ '"^ 
 vegetables like spinach, onions, carrots, iad^^ "j -i ^a . i^r <• 
 turnips in addition to Starchy food like ^^- ^°>^^ ^"^ ^''If. ^^^^ ^^ years of age 
 the potato and protein food like meat. ^71?'/°'"?,' l\^^ "'"^ ^'''''' '" 
 ^ ... ^ ,^ _ , , , bed but ten hours is better. 
 7. If your eyes hurt or if you have head- n. Hair and scalp should be thoroughly 
 aches after reading, you should consult cleansed at least once a week with newly 
 an oculist Keep fingers dirty handker- cleaned brush and comb. Boys should 
 chiefs and towels away from your eyes. shampoo their hair once a week. Girls 
 8. Never postpone attention to toilet when at least once a month. 
 10. Nutrition Chores 
 The chores listed above may be known as "normal chores." They are for average 
 children, those who need drill in practices important for health in an all around sense. 
 A blank is provided on all chore records on which the child's weight from month to 
 month may be entered, in comparison with standard weight for height and age, and 
 reported to his parents. The normal chores, however, have no particular reference to 
 malnourished children. The following special "nutrition chores" are provided for them. 
 1. I was weighed this week on the day checked (X). 
 2. Besides a nourishing breakfast and the noon and evening meals, I ate morning 
 and afternoon lunches, as directed. 
 3. I ate only wholesome food to-day, including at least a pint of milk, vegetables 
 and fruit, as directed; and tried always to eat and drink slowly. 
 4. I drank four glasses of water, some before each meal, and drank no tea, coffee 
 nor any injurious drink. 
 5. I went to toilet at my regular time. 
 6. I was in bed last night ten or more hours, as directed, windows open. 
 7. I rested, lying down more than twenty minutes, both this morning and this 
 afternoon, as directed. 
 8. I played in the fresh air to-day, exercising for the time and in the way directed, 
 9. I washed my hands before each meal to-day. 
 10. I brushed my teeth thoroughly after breakfast and after the evening meal. 
 11. I took a full bath on each day of the week that is checked (X). 
 The nutrition chores are not varied for different school grades. They may be used 
 for underweight children of any grade and may take the place of either Form A, B. 
 C or D of the normal chores in determining the child's chivalric titles. The performance 
 of 54 nutrition chores each week qualifies the child as a Crusader. 
 For an understanding of the Crusade nutrition course, the teacher should apply 
 for the "Chore Record — Nutrition Edition," and the circular "Instructions to Teachers 
 and Nutrition Workers." 
 11. Weighing and Physical Examination 
 The nutrition chores are recommended for children as much as 10 per cent, below 
 standard weight. While it cannot be shown that every child 10% under weight is mal- 
 nourished, 10% or even 7% may be taken as an indication that the nutrition chores may 
 be advantageously prescribed. 
 Although many authorities pronounce overweight of 20% or more a condition indi- 
 cating the need of special study and treatment, yet for purposes of simplicity the 
 system here outlined is designed for use in relation to underweight children only. 
 See also § 43. 
 A complete physical examination by a physician is highly desirable for every child 
 at least once each year. It is a first step required of children who are to become Cru- 
 saders through the nutrition chores and should be repeated when time for correction 
 of defects has elapsed. A physical examination is far superior to mere weighing and 
 measuring in determining whether a child is undernourished and is indispensable for 
 determining certain ailments that may not be accompanied by loss of weight. Never- 
 theless, if a school cannot secure the services of a physician it is recommended that all 
 pupils be weighed and that those 10% or more under weight be advised to be scrupu- 
 lously faithful to their health chores and be examined by a physician as soon as pos- 
 sible. Undernourished children who on account of serious physical defects or ailments 
 require the constant supervision of a physician should be treated in nutrition clinics 
 or classes or by other intensive methods. 
 The child should be weighed in his ordinary indoor clothing without coat or 
 sweater. Shoes should be removed. Height should be measured at least every six 
 months. The child should stand with feet together and close against the measuring 
 rod. For lack of a rod, two yard-sticks may be tacked, or a tape measure may be 
 pasted, on a wall. A book placed edgewise on the head and against the tape at right 
 angles indicates the height. Apply the weight, height and age to the standard weight 
 tables. They are printed on the nutrition chore record, the Roll of Health Knighthood 
 and Squire's Certificate. See also § 43. Consider the child's age to be that at his 
 birthday less than six months from date, either past or future. Find the difference 
 between his actual weight and the standard (average) weight shown on the tables. 
 Determine what percentage of the standard weight this difference represents. This is 
 done by adding a decimal point and two ciphers to the difference and dividing the 
 standard weight into it. The percentage is the number of hundredths in the quotient. 
 A table giving percentages fully computed is available. See list of supplies, § 14. 
 12. Nutrition-Chore Record. A Weight Chart 
 In the nutrition chore record the table of spaces for checking chores serves also 
 as a chart for "plotting weight curves." Lines are drawn on it to indicate the child's 
 change in weight over 10 weeks and the change in weight that the average child of 
 the same height and age makes. This is illustrated in the chore record printed on pages 
 24 and 25. The teacher or school nurse writes consecutive numbers in columns R and 
 W ranging from three pounds below the child's weight on the start of the nutrition 
 course to ten pounds above it. In the case illustrated, Robert's weight on or before 
 February 12th was 63 lbs. This is shown by the dot made in column R at the scale 
 division line for 63. He was weighed each Friday. The dots made in the Friday 
 columns are so placed as to indicate Robert's successive weights on the scale in column 
 R and in column W. The lines connecting these dots make his "actual weight line." 
 "Standard weight" for a boy of Robert's age, 9, and height, 54 inches, is 70 lbs. and 
 the average boy of 9 gains about 1% lbs. in 10 weeks, reaching 71^ lbs. (The approx- 
 imate gain to be expected is shown in a table on the nutrition chore record.) The 
 straight line drawn from the 70 point in column R to the 71^4 point in column W 
 accordingly is the "Standard Weight Line." Every underweight child finds the interest 
 of a game in striving to make his actual weight line cross the average weight line, as 
 in Robert's case. 
 The nutrition chore record is ordinarily kept at home for checking the chores each 
 day and is brought to the school or the nutrition class on the weighing day each week 
 for the teacher to draw the weight lines. The nutrition chore records like the normal 
 chore records, are brought to the teacher for determining school gradings or credits at 
 the close of each school month or other period such as 5 or 6 weeks as determined 
 by the school. 
 For list of stories on nutrition, suitable for the younger grades, see § 64. 
 13. Costs and Financing 
 The cost of Crusade material is so low and the results of a Crusade course are so 
 beneficial that all schools are justified in including Crusade supplies among the material 
 provided for pupils. For schools that use the least amount of Crusade supplies with 
 which the chore course may be conducted, the cost of supplies is approximately 1 cent 
 per pupil for 24 weeks. For schools that use all the material recommended, including 
 insignia of the most expensive type, the cost is approximately 55^ cents per pupil. (This 
 is increased somewhat, by the award of badges to Knights Banneret Constant.) 
 The number of schools meeting the expense of Crusade courses has multiplied 
 rapidly. The national and state tuberculosis associations and the Junior Red Cross, 
 the organizations that meet the expense almost entirely in the yearly development of the 
 Crusade, cannot, from limited funds contributed for various lines of philanthropy, per- 
 manently meet the expense of a movement best conducted by the schools. If Crusade 
 supplies are not furnished free by the schools or pupils are not required to purchase 
 them like textbooks, expenses are met frequently by local organizations, such as charn- 
 bers of commerce, parent-teacher associations, patriotic organizations and women's 
 clubs. A Junior Red Cross group earned more than twice the cost of Crusade work 
 in its community by charging 15 cents admission to its presentation of the Crusade 
 playlet "King Good Health Wins." (See "Playlets," §53.) "Community Suppers" have 
 proved successful in financing Crusade work. Money has been raised by inviting cer- 
 tain adults to join a local Crusade club or league as honorary members with dues of 
 from one to ten dollars. 
14. List of Supplies 
 The general distributor of Modern Health Crusade supplies throughout each state 
 is the tuberculosis or health association for that state listed on the last page of this 
 manual. Price quotations may be obtained by inquiry of the state association or national 
 association. Sample copies of printed matter are sent free to applicants within the 
 state. The National Association will mail a complete set of sample copies, including 
 this manual, on receipt of 4c. postage. 
 ♦Chore Records (Normal) 
 Chore records are printed in two editions and each edition in Forms A, B, C and 
 D for the four graded sets of chores. The first edition is in ten pages, two colors, 
 carrying scoring spaces for 24 weeks. The second edition is a single sheet, two pages 
 (6^x10 in.), one color, with a score card for six weeks. The cost of one of the 10- 
 page records is approximately twice the cost of four of the two-page records. 
 * Nutrition chore record (ungraded) 
 * Brief Explanation for Teachers 
 * Manual (this pamphlet) 
 * (Course of Study in Hygiene. A handbook now in preparation, outlining for teachers 
 a complete course for each elementary grade throughout the school year.) 
 * Instructions to Teachers and Nutrition Workers 
 * Table of percentages under or over standard weight 
 * Squire's Certificate of Enrolment 
 * Knight's button 
 Knight Banneret's button or pin 
 Knight Banneret Constant's pin 
 * Roll of Health Knighthood (wall chart) 
 Dennison gummed stars. No. 1, purchased of stationers: green (squire), blue (knight), 
 red (knight banneret), silver (knight banneret constant), gold (knights of Round 
 * Guide to Tournaments and Cup Contests 
 * Report Form for Tournaments and Cup Contests 
 * Prompter and Hygienic Inspection Blank 
 * Round Table Report Form 
 Round Table Certificate of Membership 
 Round Table Badge 
 * Keep Well Guide for Every Day and Food for Growing Children (Reversible wall 
 chart illustrated in colors on both sides) 
 Commission for Health Club 
 Banners for 100% enrolment Knights Banneret 
 Pennants "Modern Health Crusaders" 
 Paper Pennants "Modern Health Crusaders" 
 Panels (posters) on chores, 12 to a set (National Child Welfare Assn.) 
 * Crusade Minstrel (song book) 
 * Ellis Parker Butler's Crusade Story 
 Health Plays listed in circular "Plays and Pageantry" 
 * Health Stories 
 In ordering supplies those marked with the star (*) should be secured before the 
 opening of the Crusade course. Those not so marked may be secured later, if expedient. 
 Quantities needed are suggested on page 6. Insignia should be ordered at least 
 3 or 4 weeks before they are earned to make sure that the expectant Crusaders be not 
 kept waiting. 
 The chart, "Keep-Well Guide for Every Day," listed above, has unusual educative 
 It is made of durable paper, tinned at top and bottom, and is printed in colors on 
 both sides, A time schedule of hygienic duties, covering the Crusade chores, is featured 
 on one side under the headings, Morning, Forenoon, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, All 
 Day, while a pleasing cartoon presents a dietary incidentally. The other side features 
 a dietary under the headings, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper or Lunch, The Best Foods 
 and Foods to Avoid, while in the border eleven drawings of a high type of art illustrate 
 the chores. The teacher is instructed, in a fine-print notice, to expose the sides alter- 
 nately a month at a time. 
 For the kindergarten and the first and second grades. 
 15. Crusaders' Code 
 The Crusaders' Code furnishes a condensed statement of most of the health chores 
 in the form of rules. The Code groups these rules under the nine principles of the 
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 I wished my (ace, tin and neck, ind I 
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 b'ejkfiM and jlicr ihc oemnj nitiL 
 Food for Growing 
 Fruit, cereal, glass of milk, bread 
 (whole wheat) and butter, egg. 
 Starchy vegetable (potato or rice), other 
 vegetables (like string beans, spinach, 
 carrots or beets), a little protein (eggs, 
 peas, beans, fish or meat), bread and 
 butter, dessert (plain pudding or fruit). 
 Portion of "Keep Well Guide" wall chart. 
 Crusade and these principles are symbolized by the Crusaders' cross of nine circles. 
 The rules, the principles and the cross may advantageously be used in health teaching 
 for all elementary grades. They are the base for the Crusade course for the beginning 
 1. Air — Be outdoors much of your time. When indoors, be sure that ventilation 
 is good. Breathe through your nose. Breathe deeply when exercising. 
 2. Exercise — Play and exercise daily. If you are undernourished, have a rest 
 period in the daytime; exercise thoroughly, but stop before you are tired. 
 3. Food — Eat wholesome food, including fruit, coarse breads, wholegrain cereals, 
 and vegetables such as carrots onions and greens Avoid fried foods, soggy breads, 
 pickles, spices; avoid much meat, pie crust, cake and sweets, and all impure candy. 
 Eat a nourishing breakfast Have three regula* meals Drink, slowly, at least two 
 glasses of unskimmed milk, pasteurized or pure. Drink plenty of pure water. 
 4. Cleanliness — Wash your hands always before eating or handling food. Wash 
 ears, neck, face and clean your fingernails every day. Bathe your whole body twice a 
 week at least and shampoo often. Attend to toilet at a regular time every day. Through 
 right food and exercise, see that you eliminate freely. Brush your teeth thoroughly 
after breakfast and supper. Remove food from between teeth. Have all cavities in 
 your teeth filled. Consult a dentist twice a year. Have a complete physical examin- 
 ation each year. 
 5. Sleep — Get a long sleep every night. Sleep on a porch or have windows open 
 top and bottom. 
 6. Exclusion — Keep fingers, pencils and everything likely to be unclean out of your 
 mouth and nose. Drink no tea, coffee nor drinks containing injurious drugs. Do not 
 smoke or use tobacco in any form. 
 7. Right Thinking — Keep your mind clean. Be kind, cheerful and courageous. Be 
 sincere and fair. 
 8. Posture — Sit and stand straight. Lying down, be long. Hold reading matter 
 not less than 12 inches from your eyes. Do not read lying down or facing the light. 
 Have your eyesight tested. 
 9. Helpfulness — Be helpful to others. Guard against accidents to others and to 
 yourself. Whenever you cough or sneeze, turn your head aside and cover your mouth 
 with your handkerchief. Spit only in a place safe for the health of all. Keep your 
 clothes, shoes and books neat. 
 16. Kindergarten 
 For the kindergarten children the use of pictures illustrating the various health 
 chores, with no reference to recording personal performance of the chores, is recom- 
 mended. All children enjoy cutting out and mounting pictures. In the Story Hour 
 the teacher may tell a story illustrating one or part of one of the health principles of 
 the Crusaders' Code, and ask the children to look for pictures in the advertising sec- 
 tions of the magazines, or elsewhere, to illustrate the particular "health chore" about 
 which she has been telling them. The pictures may be brought to school and in the 
 "seat work" periods they can be pasted and mounted in the cover paper books which 
 the children themselves can make. These are the "health books," and each child should 
 be encouraged to make his book as attractive as possible. See § 36. 
 There is a wide variety of health chores contained in the Crusaders' Code. For 
 example, under principle 1, four separate "chores" can be developed: 
 1 — Be outdoors much of your time. 
 2 — Have good fresh-air ventilation when you are indoors. 
 3 — Breathe through your nose. 
 A — Breathe deeply when playing. 
 Similarly, under principle 4, the following cleanliness chores can be developed. 
 1 — Wash your hands before eating. 
 2 — Wash your hands before handling food. 
 3 — Wash ears, neck and face. 
 4 — Clean fingernails. 
 5 — Take two baths a week. 
 6 — Wash hair often. 
 7 — Attend to toilet at a regular time each day. 
 8 — Clean teeth in the morning and evening. 
 In like manner a set of health chores can be developed from each of the nine 
 health principles of the Crusaders' Code. 
 The teacher knows best which health chores are most necessary for her particular 
 group. For the kindergarten children it would seem best to have in mind some such 
 simple set of "health chores" as these: 
 The "Do" Chores 
 1 — Clean hands. 
 2 — Clean face, ears and neck. 
 3 — Clean teeth. 
 A — Drink milk. 
 5 — Drink water between meals and before breakfast. 
 6 — Sleep with windows open. 
 7 — A bath at least once a week; twice, if possible. 
 8 — Attention to toilet at a regular time each day. 
 The "Don't" Chores 
 1 — Don't put fingers, pencils or anything likely to be unclean into mouth or nose. 
 2 — Don't drink tea or coffee. 
 Advertisements of soap manufacturers offer excellent material for pictures illus- 
 trating cleanliness. Advertisements of bathroom fixtures are also good for this subject. 
 Where it is difficult to find good illustrations for some of the chores, simple drawings 
 can be made by the children, in some instances. For the chore regarding regular 
attention to toilet, the picture of a clock, suggesting the value of regularity, may be 
 used. Similar adaptations will occur to every teacher. 
 Clean HANhS 
 tA N t^/\r 
 TV E 5 LAY 
 Vec>n£ s d a y 
 THifP< s i>A r 
 FR I b '^ y 
 Uifivfv /y^tiitu 
 17. First and Second Grades 
 For the first and second grades a combination of the pictured chores of the kinder- 
 garten and the printed chore records of the third and following grades can be made 
 by the child under the teacher's direction. The method is indicated in the picture 
 The name of the child should be written on his chore card. The checking of the 
 chore cards can be done each day at a regular time. Under the direction of the teacher 
 each child who has performed the chore puts an X on his chore card on the line for 
 that day. If it is desirable to use the same chore card for two weeks, a vertical line 
 can be drawn through the middle of the horizontal lines for the days of the week. 
 § 22 on Prompting and Inspection will be found helpful for suggestions on checking up 
 the performance of the chores. 
 After one chore has been thus recorded for two weeks (or other period set by the 
 teacher), another chore should be added. After the faithful performance of two chores 
 for a similar period, a third chore may be added. Additional chores in considerable 
 variety may be added from time to time as the teacher may see fit, and those first taken 
 up may be omitted in class work for awhile, to be reviewed later. 
 18. Supplementary Devices 
 A teacher in Ohio, to induce her children to drink milk and give up coffee and tea, 
 drew a coffee-pot in one corner of the blackboard and in the opposite corner pasted 
 a picture of a fine Jersey cow. Under the cow was printed, "We Drink Milk," and the 
 names of the children who drank milk were written beneath. Each week the list of the 
 children who drank milk increased until finally every child In the room had his or her 
 name under the cow. Then with great ceremony the coffee pot was erased from the 
 To teach cleanliness, another teacher told her children the story of the "Little Pig 
 Brother" who had to go out and live with the pigs because he wouldn't keep clean. 
 Then she had small kodak pictures taken of each child and pasted these on a large 
 sheet. Little pigs were cut out of paper and when the pupil inspector (or teacher) 
 found a child with dirty hands or some other mark of uncleanliness, that child had to 
 go up and pin a little pig over his own picture. The children loved this game and soon 
 cleanliness abounded in that room. 
 (Above stories from the article of the Child Health Organization, "Playing 
 the Health Game," in the May, 1922, issue of Visual Education.) 
 In a Denver school the teacher drew an enlarged chore card on the blackboard 
 with a space for each child's name. Each morning tiny sticks were placed on each 
 child's desk, each stick representing a health chore. The children held the sticks in their 
 hands while the teacher read the chores. For every chore a child had omitted, he laid 
 a stick down on his desk. At the end of the prompting, each pupil had to tell how many 
sticks he had left in his hand and how many he had laid on his desk, thus combining a 
 lesson in arithmetic with a lesson in health. 
 19. Stories and Songs 
 For the story hour there are a number of delightful health fairy stories (See 
 Bibliography, § 64). "Billy Boy" is given below. 
 Billy Boy had been playing in the field all morning. He was hungry and ran to 
 the house for some sugar cookies. 
 "Please, mother, I should like two of them to take with me to the pasture." 
 "Take them, little son, but be sure to wash your hands before you touch them." 
 Now Billy Boy usually minded his mother because he loved her dearly, but today 
 he was in such a hurry that he forgot. 
 He hurriedly took the two sugar cookies and ran back to the pasture, where he 
 had piled high a fortress of leaves. He sat on the cushiony walls and contentedly 
 ate the cookies. The warm sun shone on him and he nestled closer down in the leaves. 
 His pet pussy came slowly down the path. 
 "Come and sit with me, Gray Pussy, sing to me and purr a story for me." 
 "Indeed, I shall not," said Gray Pussy. "Your face is dirty and you didn't wash 
 your hands before you ate. Oh, no, no, I like to stay with little boys who wash their 
 hands and faces." 
 She walked away, jumped up on the fence and began to wash her face with her 
 Gallop and trot, gallop and trot, came a little black pony down the path, 
 "Why, little black pony, where have you been? Do stop and play with me." 
 "Not today," said little black pony. 'It is dinner time and I am hungry, but I do 
 want a drink before I eat. I always drink water before I eat if I can get it. Good 
 And he galloped merrily along down the path. 
 Just then a Scotch collie came marching along, 
 "Stop and play with me. Collie Dog," said Billy Boy. 
 "Not today," said Collie Dog. 
 "There are so many things I must do to help others. Drive the cattle home, look 
 after the sheep, keep the pigs away from the apple barrel your father had to leave in 
 the orchard. No, Billy Boy, it is more fun to help others today. Some other time I 
 will play with you." 
 Bang! Billy Boy tumbled over backward and laughed. He had been asleep on 
 his leaf fortress and the animals hadn't really talked to him at all. 
 But as he went to the house he said: "Gray Pussy, I will wash my hands before 
 I eat; Black Pony, I will remember to drink a glass of water before my meals, and 
 Collin Dog, I want you to know I am going in right now and ask mother to let me 
 help her." 
 And he did. 
 (Theresa Dansdill, Courtesy Iowa Tuberculosis Ass'n.) 
 Songs. "The Yankee Doodle Song" and "Round and Round the Mulberry Bush" 
 are two motion songs which lend themselves very satisfactorily to health chore drills. 
 See Section 57. 
 20. Games and Drills 
 Drop the Handkerchief 
 The players form a circle, the first choosing a good food and the next a bad food, 
 and so on. A child outside the circle drops a handkerchief behind a good food, whose 
 name is called out by the others, and runs for the vacant place. If caught, he must 
 gc in the center of the circle. If he forgets and drops the handkerchief behind a bad 
 food he must go inside at once. This game is a memory test. See also Games for 
 Elementary Schools in Games for Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium, by 
 Jessie H. Bancroft. MacMillan Co. 
 Toothbrush drill (see Section 27). 
 Handkerchief drill (see Section 28). 
 Setting-up exercises (see Section 26). 
 21. School Aid in Practice of Hygiene 
 As required by law in some states, elementary schools are coming more and 
 more to set aside time in which the teachers shall remind pupils of daily health chores 
 and inspect them to test observance of duties. In one state the following activities 
 are required: (1) daily hygienic inspection (taking about ten minutes), (2) a two- 
'minute drill in physical exercises at the begiiining ol a class, at least four times a day, 
 (3) directed recreation (140 to 240 minutes per week), (4) formal gymnastics (60 
 minutes per week, in more than one period), and (5) instruction in hygiene (at least 
 two periods of 10 or 15 minutes each per week). 
 The Crusade promotes a realization of the wisdom of allotting time thus definitely 
 in school hours for practical health instruction and physical training. The Crusade 
 chores supply a basis for hygienic inspection and are in harmony with all of the above 
 hve requirements. The Crusade makes such requirements interesting both to teacher 
 and pupil. 
 22. Prompting and Inspecting 
 Beginning with the first grade and continuing through the last grade in which 
 health chores are taught, teachers should prompt pupils by questioning them on per- 
 formance. The methods for both prompting and inspection are given on the Prompter 
 and Hygienic Inspection Blank. This blank, a handy sheet 6 by 9^ inches, furnishes 
 a ready record for a class or row of ten pupils over four weeks. (Checking spaces are 
 provided for the five school days of each week. It serves in connection with any of 
 the sets of chores, A, B, C, D or nutrition, and special lists used in the first two grades. 
 The following paragraphs are printed on the blank: 
 1. Prompting 
 A. Question the pupils each day about their performance of the health chores, 
 asking about each chore in turn, thus: — Question 1-10. How many of you yesterday 
 and so far today have done chore 1? Chore 2? (Read each chore from 1 to 10 after 
 this question). 
 Question 11. (Read chore 11). How many of you have done chore 11 once this 
 week? Twice? 
 Question 12. How many of you checked the chores done yesterday (and Friday 
 and Saturday*) on your chore records? 
 B. Have the pupils who have done the chore in question hold up their hands. 
 After the name of each pupil who does not hold up his hand, mark the serial number 
 of the chore in the space for that day. In the same way mark "12" for failures on 
 question 12. 
 *To be included in question 12 on Monday. 
 2. Inspection 
 NOTE: Any of the following three methods of inspection are recommended: 1. The teacher stands by a 
 window and has the pupils march by her in single file ; 2. The pupils stand in line, and the inspector passes in 
 review; 3. The pupils sit and the inspector passes up and down the aisle. 
 A. Conduct the hygienic inspection after the questioning. 
 B. Enter the number of any chore which the inspection shows the pupil has 
 failed to perform to the teacher's satisfaction, in the space for that day (unless already 
 C. Procedure 
 1. Call the class to attention. 
 2. Have the pupils thrust up their sleeves and place their hands upon the 
 desk, palms down. 
 Daily Inspection of Chore Perform.ance 
3. Inspect hands for (a) cleanliness, (b) rash, (c) nails (note dirt and biting). 
 4. Inspect leeth. Have the children draw their lips well apart to display the teeth. 
 5. Observe the face, ears, neck and scalp. Have the child draw his collar slightly 
 away from his neck, turn his head to one side, then to the other. 
 6. Inspect shoes for (a) neatness, (b) correct shape, (c) right ske. 
 7. Speak privately to the child if there arises anything which might cause em- 
 8. Refer the child to school nurse or physician if there are disease symptoms. 
 For the more advanced classes daily hygienic inspection may not be required, but 
 prompting on the chores, through questioning, should be maintained. 
 For a small class the teacher alone asks the question, makes inspection and enters 
 the record on this blank. For a large class she may appoint a pupil to inspect each 
 one or two rows and to record chore omissions. In classes organized as Health 
 Crusade Clubs, the officers do the inspecting and recording. Competitions between 
 rows or teams for the performance of the most chores are useful. 
 23. Symptoms of Illness 
 Cases of contagion discovered by inspection should be referred for exclusion to 
 the principal, school physician or nurse. Beside rash and pediculosis, watch should 
 be maintained for eye discharge and the early signs of general illness. When un- 
 hygienic conditions are discovered the pupil may be spoken to privately after class 
 and embarrassment avoided. Children who show evidences of extreme neglect should 
 be referred to the school nurse or a public health nurse for home visits. In schools 
 that have the service of a physician and nurse, their arrival at school should be 
 announced to each teacher and all contagious or suspicious cases should be sent to 
 the doctor's office, taking a reference slip from the teacher. Any deviation from the 
 normal in a previously healthy child should be a warning to the teacher. 
 24. List of Symptoms 
 The beginning of most children's diseases shows one or more of the following 
 symptoms. Depending upon the severity of the symptoms, the pupil should be sepa- 
 rated from others and watched, sent to the doctor or nurse, or sent home to the 
 parents with a written explanation and recommendation that the family physician be 
 Cough. (Children who sneeze or cough should be taken from their regular seats 
 and isolated. This is most important, for many diseases are spread by sneezing and 
 Sore throat or hoarseness. Running nose. Cheeks flushed. Fever. Chills. Pallor. 
 Vomiting. Headache. Backache. Pain, especially in the abdomen or chest. Erup- 
 tions, rash, itching, irritation of the skin. 
 Red eyes, with or without discharge, especially if accompanied by any of the 
 following symptoms of defective vision: scowling, squinting, headache, holding reading 
 matter at an unusual distance from the eyes. 
 Running ears and deafness. Swelling in the neck, particularly if in the region of 
 the ear. Shortness of breath. Chronic drowsiness (usually indicates poor ventilation 
 or high temperature in the school room). Chronic restlessness. Frequent requests 
 to leave the room. 
 Malnutrition, loss of weight, mouth breathing, decayed teeth, irritability and dis- 
 inclination to study or play are genera) symptoms indicating a condition favorable 
 to disease. 
 25. Window, Thermometer and Sanitary Inspectors 
 The appointment of window and thermometer inspectors promotes class hygiene. 
 Window inspectors open the windows freely before the two-minute drills or at the 
 end of each class session on days when the windows are largely closed on account of 
 cold, and close the windows immediately before studies are resumed, to the position 
 at which a temperature of 68 dc^-rees may be maintained. The duty of the thermometer 
 inspector, when artificial heat is used or the windows are not fully open, is to record 
 the tem.perature periodically morning and afternoon. When more than 68 degrees is 
 registered he is to notify the teacher promptly and his record should be handed to 
 her once a week. 
 The sanitary inspector reports to the teacher any unhealthful conditions found 
 about the school during the week, such as unsanitary outhouses or lavatories, bad air, 
 untidy halls, etc. The teacher may ask him to report to the class and have remedial 
 measures discussed. Pupils can be made to feel it an honor to serve as inspectors of 
 either kind. New ones should be appointed once a fortnight or at regular intervals. 
 26. Setting-Up Exercises: Two-Minute Drill 
 For grades 3 to 8. 
At the sound of the bell, inspectors should open windows without command. 
 Coats and sweaters should be removed. 
 Class: Stand! (Face windows at once without command.) 
 1. Breathing. Four times. 
 In! Six counts for inhalation. 
 Out! Four counts for exhalation. 
 Right (left): Face! 
 2. Stretching. Four times. (This exercise must be done to response commands, 
 using the cues indicated.) 
 Bend! Bend the trunk forward, touching hands to toes. 
 Shoulders! Stand erect, touching hands at sides of shoulders in passing to 
 next position. 
 Stretch! Stretch the arms upward, palms toward each other. Do not bend 
 Higher! Make an effort to stretch higher. 
 Down! Turn hands and bring arms sideways downward quickly, without 
 noise. If the room is too crowded for the sideways downward movement, 
 the arms may be brought down, close to the body. 
 3. Knee bending. Eight times. (Thumbs locked behind without command. This 
 exercise should be taught, using the cues indicated. When it is thoroughly 
 learned, it may be done to rhythmic commands.) 
 Down! Bend the knees deeply. 
 Up! Stretch the knees quickly. 
 Right (left): Face! 
 4. Breathing. Four times. 
 In! Six counts for inhalation. 
 Out! Four counts for exhalation. 
 Class: Sit. —From Physical Training Syllabus, New York. 
 Teachers will find directions for other forms of physical exercise for a class in 
 some of the textbooks. The National Association will refer inquiries to publications 
 on gymnastic exercises, athletic drills, supervised play and games, in addition to the 
 books named in this manual. (See Bibliography §64.) 
 27. Toothbrush Drill 
 On account of lack of home instruction in the care of teeth, a toothbrush drill 
 should be conducted in elementary classes at least once a month or as often as is 
 necessary, until all the pupils are taught thoroughly. For the drill each child is requested 
 to bring his brush wrapped in plain paper and remaining wrapped until the drill. If 
 there are not cups for all the children, two or three provided with cups, water, denti- 
 frice and a basin should demonstrate. The class should follow them or the teacher 
 in pantomime. The cup, real or imaginary, is held in the left hand and the brush in 
 the right. If a brush is lacking the child should go through the motions with his 
 index finger outside his mouth. The brush should not be given very hard pressure. 
 No effort should be spared to secure brushes or cups for all pupils. 
 Attention! (All in line, elbows close to side.) 
 1. Ready — Water. 
 2. Outside surfaces (Brush inserted under cheek. Gums, as well as teeth, to be 
 brushed not too hard.) 
 a. "Upstairs" 
 Left side. Down strokes. 1 to 10. 
 Right side. Down strokes. 1 to 10. 
 Front. Down strokes. 1 to 10. Water. 
 b. "Downstairs" 
 Left side. Up strokes. 1 to 10. 
 Right side. Up strokes. 1 to 10. 
 Front. Up strokes. 1 to 10. Water. 
 The brushing of the upstairs and downstairs outside surface may be combined in 
 a circular motion. 
 3. Inside surfaces. First (a) "upstairs" and then (b) "downstairs." 
 Left side. In and out motion. 1 to 10. 
 Right side. In and out motion. 1 to 10. 
 Front. In and out motion. 1 to 10. Water. 
 4. Chewing surfaces. 
 a. "Upstairs" 
 Left. Scrubbing motion. 1 to 10. 
 Right. Scrubbing motion. 1 to 10. Water. 
 b. "Downstairs" 
 Left. Scrubbing motion. 1 to 10. 
 Right. Scrubbing motion, 1 to 10. Water. 
5. Empty cups and refill them. 
 6. Rinse the mouth. 
 7. Rinse the brush, shake off water, wrap it to take home. 
 Teeth should be brushed fully two minutes. It is important to work the bristles 
 in between the teeth as far as possible. Dental floss used once a day, with care not to 
 pull the gums back, will clean between teeth where bristles will not reach. A mouth 
 wash can be made by adding to a pint of boiled water one teaspoonful of common 
 salt and one tablespoonful of limewater. Pupils should be taught to consult a dentist 
 every six months or oftener, to prevent trouble with teeth and resultant poor health. 
 28. Handkerchief Drill 
 The use of the handkerchief plays so important a part in the prevention of disease 
 that a drill should be conducted from time to time in the beginning grades. Many 
 physicians hold that blowing the nose wrongly is the chief cause of deafness. 
 The important points to remember are: 
 1. Must have a clean handkerchief each day. 
 2. Keep it in pocket when not in use. 
 3. Cover nose and mouth with handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. 
 4. Use handkerchief in blowing the nose. 
 Procedure to be followed in giving the drill: 
 1. Each pupil displays a clean handkerchief. 
 2. Folds it loosely in hand. 
 3. Blows one nostril gently with mouth slightly open, closing the opposite 
 nostril — is never to blow both nostrils at the same time. 
 4. Returns handkerchief to pocket after folding the soiled side in. 
 This drill is best conducted in the game spirit and may be made a matter of 
 routine given twice daily in the first term, at the opening of the morning and afternoon 
 sessions. The teacher or pupil inspectors should inspect the handkerchiefs at the 
 beginning of the drill. 
 — Adapted from the Cleveland School of Education. 
 29. Tournaments 
 The Modern Health Crusade is planned to interest children in health. Group 
 contests are one of the best means — contests in the performance of the most chores 
 on the average for the group are effective between rows, classes, individual schools 
 and the collective school of counties and states. Crusade tournaments are such 
 A Rural School Winner ix National Tournament 
J^\3€^t Hevrlya „ 
 OR G"^* 
 Record of Health Chores- 
 1. 1 was weig 
 2. Besides 
 and eve 
 lunches, a 
 3. I ate only 
 at least a 
 4. 1 drank 
 each mea 
 5. I went t 
 6. I was in be 
 7. I rested, 
 utes, both 
 as directed. 
 8. 1 played 
 for the tim 
 9. I washed m 
 10, I brushed 
 and after 
 n. I took a fu 
 that is chec 
 Total number 
 I certify on my honor that I did every chore marked 
 on the day indicated, and the total number written on 
 this record for each week. 
 I believe that the boy or girl whose name is vvritten 
 • oove did the number of health chores indicated'. 
 if boy or girl) • ^ 
 ^^\Sigiuture of boy or girl) • O ■ 
 (Signature of parent or guardian) 
 I approve the above record of chores done. This pupil was examined by a physician before the first week of 
 the record, and the report was considered in instructions given. The pupil also submitted in advance a statement 
 of his diet for two consecutive days, and of the manner in which he spent the hours of the day. 
 ^c**..4w^. A-*f4-ik^ (kM^...^4:^..4.'^ 
 (Signature by tefafch^nurj* pr phyiician) (School) 
 (Post OfRce Address) 
 fid Chart for Weight Lines 
 VcVorV^rvj iCL^ ro .A^^*A>^ 
 W )f 
 Statements To Be Filled in By Your Teacher and Shown To Your Parents ^^ 
 (a) The average weight for your height and age isrjftlbs. (b) Your weight was. G^lbs. on. r^. f?.-. ^.. 
 192 ir showing that you were.!], .lbs. or.l^.% under average weight, (c) The increase in weight expected of 
 a person of your age and height who is underweight is more than S.'.Tlf'lhs. for ten weeks. — (See Table C.) 
 Bring this record from home on the day when you are to be weighed each week, in order to have your weight- 
 line drawn. 
 •In this column the teacher or nurse is to write consecutive numbers in the spaces from the bottom to the top, ranging: from 3 
 pounds below the child's weight to 10 pounds above it. The weight should be taken within- two weeks before he begins the chore*. 
 Each number is written immediately above the base (bottom) line of its space. This base line indicates whole pounds: the firit 
 spur, above- the base line in each space indicates one-quarter pound idditional; the second -spur, one-half pound additionaJ; and the third 
 spur, three-quarters of a pound additional. 
Qodern )5:ealth Qrusade 
 Holl of 
 Date Contest Began iSi^-'^t&^^lj^ 
 contests between individual schools or classes over a fixed number of consecutive 
 There are two National Tournaments in a school year, each lasting over fifteen 
 consecutive weeks. Every elementary school class with an enrolment of not less 
 than seven pupils is eligible to compete. Contestants are grouped in eleven divisions 
 so that the younger pupils need not compete with the older nor the larger classes 
 with the smaller. Divisions 1 and 2 are ungraded schools, containing less than nine- 
 teen pupils and those containing nineteen or more pupils. Divisions 3 to 11 are classes 
 grouped in grades and containing less than 26 or more than 25. Beautiful banners 
 and pennants are awarded as prizes and extensive publicity is accorded. The first 
 tournament occurs between the first Sunday in September and the last Saturday in 
 February: the second tournament, between the first Sunday in January and the second 
 Saturday in June. Within these dates the teacher submits the record of her pupils' 
 performance of chores over whatever period of fifteen weeks she chooses. 
 The winners in the tournament are determined by Crusade credits. The individual 
 pupil earns a credit of 1 for each week in which he has a record of performing 54 or 
 more chores, including a bath. The highest number of credits a pupil can have is 15, 
 1 for each of the 15 weeks. The credits of the class are the average credits of the 
 A winner in any division of either tournament is the class or ungraded school 
 earning the largest number of credits in the 15 weeks. All contestants earning class 
 credits of 15 are awarded pennants. A banner is awarded to the winning contestant 
 in each division whose record shows the greatest number of chores performed during 
 the 15 weeks. 
 The rules for the tournaments are given in the "Guide to Tournaments and Silver 
 Cup Contests." The circular and the required report form will be sent free to any 
 teacher applying. The teacher should keep all the pupils' chore records for use in 
 rendering the report for the tournament. The reports must be sent in before March 
 14 for the first tournament and before June 30 for the second tournament and cup 
 30. Inter-State and Inter-City Contests 
 In contesting in the National Tournament each school contributes to the success 
 of its state in the Inter-State Cup Contest. The silver cup, a beautiful and costly 
 trophy, donated to the National Tuberculosis Association, is awarded to the schools 
 of the state in which the required number of health chores are performed for 15 weeks 
 by the most children, in ratio to school enrolment. The performance of 54 or more 
 health chores in each week is required of each child. The 15 weeks need not be con- 
 secutive, but must be included within the school year from September to June. This 
 contest is conducted annually. The cup is awarded for one year, but becomes the 
 permanent property of the state in which it is won three times. The cup is held in 
 custody for the schools in the winning state by the state health association or by the 
 state department of education. The cup has been won by Iowa and Idaho. 
 A similar contest is held between cities having a population of 100,000 or more, 
 and the trophy, another beautiful cup, is awarded under like conditions. It has been 
 won by Washington, D. C. 
 31. Roll of Health Knighthood 
 The Roll is an attractive wall chart. It is of great value in stimulating pupils to 
 fidelity in contests. The Crusade credits earned by each pupil towardu the class 
credits are entered in columns for each school month and are posted before the class. 
 For other features see p. 5. 
 32. Community Contests 
 As the chores are hygienic duties that should be observed by every adult, great 
 interest may be aroused and great good accomplished by a competition to enlist the 
 most Crusaders both of school and other ages within a community. The pupils of 
 a class or school are divided for the contest into two groups substantially equal in 
 number, range of age, and influence. A reward is offered to the side that shall enlist 
 most persons who perform 54 or more chores each week and check them on the chore 
 records for fixed periods such as 5, 10, or 15 weeks. Pupils may be given chore 
 records of the most advanced form, D, to distribute to adults. The number of hours 
 required to spend in bed may be reduced to eight for adults. 
 33. Knighting Crusaders 
 The award of titles and presentation of badges should be carried out with cere- 
 mony. Crusade health teachings are probably imprinted for life on the minds of boys 
 and girls who are formally dubbed knights and knights banneret. The event should 
 be made an educational entertainment to which the public is invited. The newspapers 
 should be given the story and the names of the knights. The ceremony (accolade) 
 given below is a piece of pageantry readily made impressive to participants and 
 spectators alike. 
 For the accolade the candidates are assembled in one room or in an open space 
 out of doors. If they represent more than one class they should be grouped by classes. 
 The schoolmates of the candidates should be assembled to witness the ceremony, but 
 should be kept in a separate group. 
 Inter-City Cup, Won by Washington, D. C, Schools, and Presented 
 BY President Harding 
The ceremony is conducted by the principal (Crusade grand master) and teacher^ 
 (Crusade masters). If the number of candidates is small, the sword blows should 
 be given to each one. But one, two or three children from each class may be chosen 
 to represent all the candidates. If a sword is lacking, a national flag, furled on its 
 staff, may be used for the blows. 
 If there is but one class or ungraded school, the teacher, in the absence of the 
 principal, may take his part, while chosen pupils give the response for the Crusade 
 34. Accolade 
 1. Singing of a Modern Health Crusade song. 
 2. The grand master occupies the center of the stage, carrying a sword. Between 
 the grand master and the candidate stand the Crusade masters, each facing partly 
 toward the grand master and partly toward her group. 
 GRAND MASTER: Hail! Whom bring you here? 
 FIRST CRUSADE MASTER: True and loyal workers, sir; candidates for 
 GRAND MASTER: And you, my sister, who are these who follow you with 
 such good will? 
 SECOND CRUSADE MASTER: True and loyal workers, sir; candidates for 
 (The grand master makes similar inquiries of any other Crusade masters, who 
 reply in turn.) 
 GRAND MASTER (addressing the candidates): What is the quest which you 
 will seek if created knights? 
 CRUSADE MASTER OR CANDIDATES (in unison): Our quest is happiness, 
 both for others and ourselves. 
 GRAND MASTER: In truth you are ambitious. Have you brought silver and 
 gold to exchange for your precious boon? 
 FIRST CRUSADE MASTER: Nay, nay, sir. Silver and gold have we not. 
 We know that happiness is not purchased with silver and gold. 
 GRAND MASTER: You have well said. What, then, have you with which you 
 hope to obtain happiness? 
 FIRST CRUSADE MASTER: Three things we bring: clean bodies, clean 
 minds and kind hearts. 
 GRAND MASTER (to other Crusade masters): And you? 
 the same, sir: clean bodies, clean minds and kind hearts. 
 GRAND MASTER: Now indeed I do perceive that you bring offerings more 
 worthy than silver, gold or precious stones. A kind heart cannot live in the same 
 body with a foul mind, nor can kind hearts and clean minds comfortably dwell in any 
 but clean bodies. Squires, you are already on the way to happiness. Follow the 
 straight and narrow path of Modern Health Crusaders. Be on your guard against 
 that demon of unhappiness — disease. If you observe the Crusaders' rules of health 
 you will rob this demon of many of his terrors. 
 Tell me now, my sisters, are you satisfied that these candidates have each faith- 
 fully performed their health chores and kept their records for the time required for 
 CRUSADE MASTERS (in turn): We are. 
 GRAND MASTER: Give heed, my true and loyal workers, and receive the investi- 
 ture of the order. 
 (The representatives of each group in turn come forward on signal by the grand 
 master and kneel on one knee or stand with bowed head before him. The grand 
 master then lightly taps each representative with the flat of his sword once'on ithe 
 right shoulder.) 
 GRAND MASTER: Squire of the Modern Health Crusade, by the authority of 
 the (name of state) Legion of Modern Health Crusaders, I do now create each pne 
 of you a Knight Crusader and invest you with the honors of the order. May you gi^ow 
 in the knowledge of health and be always found fighting our common enemy, Disease. 
 (The Crusade masters now come forward one at a time and receive from jthe 
 grand master the knights' badges. The representatives return with them to their 
 3. When the degree has been conferred upon the last group, all again sing a 
 modern Health Crusade song. The Crusade masters afterward distribute the badges. 
 - The ceremony for knights banneret and for knights banneret constant is the 
 same as for knights, with the following changes. The grand master addresses the 
 candidates as "sir knights" instead of "squires." The sword blows are two, one on 
 each shoulder. 
KxiGHTixr; Crusaders, 24th Street School, Denver 
 To add to the occasion, a Modern Health Crusade flag may be unfurled after the 
 title has been conferred on the knights banneret. The grand master summons them 
 to come forward, saying, "Arise, chevaliers of health, to receive your standard." 
 35. Costumes 
 The knighting ceremony will be heightened by the use of white capes and paper 
 helmets. They are serviceable in "King Good Health Wins" and other playlets. The 
 capes are circular-shaped, of muslin, 
 painted with health crosses. Scarlet bloom- 
 ers and white hose go well with the capes. 
 The pattern for a Crusader's helmet, to 
 be_ used on all occasions when the health 
 drive is featured, is very simple and can 
 easily be made in a seat-work period. The 
 material is stiff paper, preferably gray, put 
 together with McGill fasteners (spreading 
 strips of brass). No paste is needed. The 
 following dimensions make a helmet of 
 correct size for the average intermediate 
 grade child: helmet, 22 by 11 inches; visor, 
 16 by 5^; chin strap, WA by 2^^. After the 
 helmet is cut and put together, insignia 
 may be painted on in red. 
 36. Health Books 
 During several of the early years of the child's schooling, "health books" will prove 
 valuable aids to Crusade courses. They are loose-leaf books made by the child. They 
 are commonly made of sheets approximately 9 by 12 inches bound together at one end 
 by two McGill fasteners or by cord. The paper should be thick and tough, preferably 
 of a bright color. 
 The child's name and "Health Book" should be printed with pen and ink on the 
 cover, some idealistic pictures like a knight, cut out from a magazine, may be pasted 
 on the cover. Some of the inside pages should be of the pictorial scrap-book type. 
 Magazine pictures illustrating chores or the "project" picture chore records used in 
 the first and second grades (see § 17) are pasted on the pages. Pictures illustrating 
 wholesome food may be clipped from magazines or seed catalogues or the labels of 
 cans and a balanced dietary may be shown in a way to make the child remember it. 
 The squire's certificate is a valuable insert for the health book. One of the printed 
 chore records on which the child has recorded his performance may be pasted in the 
 health book as a souvenir. When the chore record is badly worn or is to be retained 
 by the teacher for her tournament report the child copies his original checkings on a 
 second chore-record blank. Health posters and drawings made by the child should 
 be kept in his health book: so also compositions that meet with the teacher's com- 
A competition to produce the best health book is efifective. Both appearance and 
 soundness of health teachings should be considered. 
 For Poster Contests, Playlets, Clubs and other aids, see § 51 to § 61. 
 37. The Round Table of the Modern Health Crusade 
 The activities recommended for an advanced course under the Crusade system are 
 grouped in the program of the Round Table. The work and tests required to become 
 a Knight of the Round Table are especially fitted to children of the higher grammar 
 grades and high school. A child must have become a Crusader of the rank of Knight 
 Banneret through the chores of the general course, before he can become a Knight of 
 the Round Table. 
 Through the re-creation of the Round Table, a subject that has captured the in- 
 terest of children for centuries past, the unique interest of the Crusade is extended for 
 children from the practice of the health chores to the study of hygiene, the acquisition 
 of physical and athletic fitness in various ways, and participation in community sani- 
 tation work. The Round Table gives the pupil a motive to work in these lines, thus 
 lightening the task of the teacher. It entails no organization obligations. The work 
 and examinations of the Round Table are already employed in physical education work 
 in thousands of schools to sufficient extent to "earn seats at the Round Table." Mem- 
 bership in the order of the Round Table affords the highest distinction in health chiv- 
 alry. A Knight Banneret qualifying for the Round Table has a membership for three 
 years, approximately. It terminates December 31st in the third school year following 
 the school year in which the pupil earned his or her seat. The membership of a Knight 
 Banneret Constant in the Round Table is, however, permanent. He has the supreme 
 title of health chivalry. Knight Constant of the Round Table. Crusaders who have the 
 three-year membership in the Round Table become Knights Constant of the Round 
 Table on completion of the health chores for four years as required to become Knights 
 Banneret Constant. 
 A certificate of membership in the Order is awarded by the National Tuberculosis 
 Association. It is issued to each qualifying Crusader by the association for his state 
 or the state superintendent of schools. Every Knight of the Round Table is likewise 
 entitled to wear the beautiful badge of the Order. Under manufacturing arrangements 
 made by the National Tuberculosis Asociation, the badge may be purchased at low 
 cost (30c.) by the knight or by the local organization promoting Crusade work. An 
 accolade for the investiture is given in § 50. 
 38. Qualifications for Seats 
 All Modern Health Crusaders with rank as high as Knight Banneret are eligible to 
 the Round Table. The pupil secures a "seat" by earning 100 or more points through 
 some of the following qualifications. They represent a possible 300 points. 
 1. Obtaining a school mark of 85% or more in a course in hygiene of the standard 
 described below. 20 to 30 points. 
 2. Passing the athletic tests described. 20 to 30 points. 
 3. Having a weight approximating or reaching the standard for height and age. 
 10 to 30 points. 
 4. Passing the tests described for correct posture. 20 to 30 points. 
 5. Passing physical examinations as described. 5 to 50 points. 
 6. Passing the examination required for the Certificate of First Aid issued by the 
 American Red Cross. 30 points. 
 7. Passing the tests in swimming required by the American Red Cross for Junior 
 Life-saving Crews. 10 to 30 points. 
 8. Scouting and Camp Fire Girls. 10 to 30 points. 
 9. Work in a community sanitation program, in accordance with §49. 5 to 40 
 39. Tests 
 The work, tests or examinations through which the 100 points are earned must 
 all be carried out within one and the same year (school or calendar). Tests should 
 be made as early as possible in the school year so that in case of failure the pupil may 
 have as long as possible after learning his defects to remove them and make a second 
 The candidate for the Round Table who has not already become Knight Banneret 
 may do the chores necessary to become Knight Banneret during the year in which he 
 meets the other Round Table requirements. 
 The smallest number of points specified above for each test is the minimum num- 
 ber that may be credited. No points are credited for partial success in tests insufficient 
 for the minimum number of points. 
In schools having a physician, nurse or physical training teacher, some or all of the 
 tests should be made by them. In their absence, the tests for enough qualifications for 
 the Round Table may be conducted by the teacher alone, in a school with a hygiene 
 40. Reports 
 When a candidate is entitled to a seat and certificate, a report on the points earned, 
 including dates of the tests, is to be sent by his teacher or principal to the association 
 for his state listed on the back page of this manual or to the state superintendent. The 
 report should be sent in as soon as the candidate has earned the required points, so 
 that he may be promptly admitted to the Round Table without waiting until other 
 candidates may qualify. 
 The report blank is published by the National Tuberculosis Association. 
 4L Hygiene Course 
 The course in hygiene must require at least 20 minutes of class instruction per week 
 for 30 weeks in one school year, or proportionately more minutes for a less number of 
 weeks. The course must be based on up-to-date textbooks in hygiene or in hygiene and 
 physiology in combination, with the emphasis placed on hygienic practice and habit 
 and not on physiological information. The number of points earned by a candidate 
 for the Round Table is determined by his marks, thus: 
 For a mark of 95 or more (basis 100) 30 
 For a mark of 90 but not 95 25 
 For a mark of 85 but not 90 20 
 For a mark of less than 85 
 42. Athletic Tests 
 These tests are the Athletic Badge Tests standardized by the Playground and 
 Recreation Association of America (1 Madison Ave., New York City). 
 For Boys. 
 First test: Pull up (chinning) 4 times _ 20 points 
 Standing broad jump 5 ft. 9 in. 
 60-yard dash 8-3/5 seconds 
 Second test: Pull up (chinning) 6 times 25 points 
 Standing broad jump 6 ft. 6 in. 
 60-yard dash 8 seconds 
 Or 100-yard dash 14 seconds 
 Third test: Pull up (chinning) 9 times _ 30 points 
 Running high jump 4 ft. 4 in. 
 220-yard run 28 seconds 
 First test: 
 Second test: 
 Third test: 
 For Girls. 
 All-up Indian club race 30 seconds 20 points 
 Or potato race 42 seconds 
 Basket-ball goal throwing 2 goals, 6 trials 
 Balancing 24 ft.. 2 trials 
 All-up Indian club race 28 seconds 25 pomts 
 Or potato race 39 seconds 
 Basket-ball goal throwing 3 goals, 6 trials 
 Balancing (bean bag or book on head) 24 t 2 t aj^ 3^ ^^^,^ 
 Running and catching j" seconas 
 Throwing for distance, basket-ball 42 ft. 
 Or volley-ball *!-•=.•, 
 Volley-ball serving 3 in 5 trials 
There are no weight nor age limits in these tests. They are suitable for normal 
 children from 11 years upward. It is necessary to qualify at one time in all three events 
 in any one test in order to win the points for the Round Table or the badges of the 
 Playground and Recreation Association. The points won in only one of the three 
 tests can be counted for the Round Table: 30 is the maximum number. For rules and 
 instructions secure the booklets, "Athletic Badge Test," for boys and for girls, respec- 
 tively, sent postpaid for 5 cents each by the Playground Association. The' badges, 
 in bronze, make beautiful prizes. They are made in three classes, corresponding to 
 the three tests, as illustrated on the preceding page. 
 43. Correct Weight 
 One of the qualifications desired in a candidate for the Round Table is a weight 
 consistent with physical fitness. Malnutrition, exceedingly common among school 
 children, constitutes a serious menace to health. Excessive overweight is likewise 
 conducive to disease. The following tables, A and B, give standard weights for height 
 and age in school children. Children weighing as much as 10 per cent, below standard, 
 and in many instances 7 per cent., may be considered probably malnourished. Table C 
 gives the standard weights for older persons, as determined by the experience of a 
 great life insurance company. 
 Both age and height should be considered in determining whether a person's weight 
 is correct. For growing children, height measured at six-month intervals, preferably 
 in September and March, should be considered. See § 11, Weighing and Physical Ex- 
 In determining points for the Round Table standard weight or a weight within the- 
 "normal zone," namely: from less than 10% below to less than 20% above standard, 
 is credited with 30 points, except during the first two months of the school year. 
 Weights showing greater variation from normal are credited in accordance with Table 
 D below. 
 Here is an example. Jane Smith weighs 53 pounds in April and is 52 inches tall. 
 On her last birthday in September she was nine years old. April is seven months after 
 September and five months before September. Hence her age next September, her 
 nearest birthday, is considered ten years. Looking down the column for ten years 
 until the figure in line with the height, 52 inches, in the first column is reached, her 
 normal weight is found to be 65. Finding the difference between 65 and 53, we have 12 
 pounds underweight. By dividing 65 into 12.00 we find that 12 is 18.4 per cent, of 65. 
 This means that Jane comes in Class C in Table D and can be credited with only 
 5 points. 
 Table A 
 Prepared by 
 Dr. Thomas 
 D. Wood. 
 — [ ' 
 • -• isa 
 — - 
 - 138 
 Age Ounces 
 About what a 
 to 8 6 14 to 16 16 
 boy should gain 
 to 12 8 16 to 18 8 
 1 mon 
Table B 
 Prepared by 
 Dr. Thomas 
 D. Wood. 
 , .. 138 
 Feet. In. 
 About what a 
 girl should gain 
 each month 
 Age Ounces 
 5 to 8 6 
 8 to 11 8 
 11 to 14 12 
 Table C 
 Age Ounces 
 14 to 16 8 
 16 to 18 4 
 Weights According to Age Periods 
 Table D 
 Class. Points 
 A Less than 10% 25 
 B 10% but less than 15% 15 
 C 15% but less than 20% 5 
 D 20% or more 
 Class. Points. 
 E Less than 20% 25 
 F 20% but less than 25% 15 
 G 25% or more 
 Children who weigh 15% or more below standard weight and bring their weight up 
 thereafter during the same school or calendar year to less than 10% below standard 
 may be credited with 30 points. 
 The best weight (i. e., nearest to standard) shown at any weighing during the 
 school year through which the Crusader is enrolled, except during the first two months, 
 may be considered for the Round Table. The practice of weighing should begin the 
 first of the school year so that the child and his parents, informed of a wide departure 
 from standard weight, may have as much time as possible during the period for which 
 the child is enrolled as a Crusader to acquire proper weight through correction of 
 physical defects, proper diet and fidelity to the health chores. It is recommended that 
school children be weighed monthly, on the same day of each month. The national 
 slogan, "A scale in every school," should be made effective. Where weighing must be 
 done out of school the teacher may secure the assistance of the most responsible pupils 
 in weighing the others on a merchant's scales. 
 Inasmuch as some underweight children are so circumstanced or constituted that 
 they cannot reach standard weight v/ithin a school year, the following supplementary 
 method of earning credits for the Order of the Round Table has been adopted. The 
 underweight boy or girl who makes an average monthly gain equal to the amount 
 shown for his age in Table E below for a period of six consecutive months, in each of 
 which he is weighed, may be credited with 25 points, although his best weight may give 
 him many less points under Table D. The pupil may be given credits under either of 
 the two methods, according to Table D or Table E, but not under both methods. 
 Table E— Prepared by Dr. L. Emmett Holt 
 Approximate Monthly Gain in Weight. 
 Age. Gain. 
 5 to 8 years 6 ounces 
 8 to 12 years 8 ounces 
 13 to 16 years 16 ounces 
 16 to 18 years 8 ounces 
 S to 8 
 years 6 ounces 
 8 to 11 years 8 ounces 
 11 to 14 years 12 ounces 
 14 to 16 years 8 ounces 
 16 to 18 years 4 ounces 
 The monthly weights of the pupils may be conveniently recorded on the Roll of 
 Health Knighthood and the report form for the Round Table. 
 The child's weight as an index of his health should be reported to his parents peri- 
 odically. The blanks on each Crusade chore record serve the teacher for making such 
 A series of publications on health, with emphasis on nutrition work in schools, 
 may be secured from the Child Health Organization, 370 Seventh Ave., New York, 
 as follows: 
 "Cho-Cho and the Health Fairy," 15c. each. "Rhymes of Cho-Cho's Grandma," 20c. each. 
 "Child Health Alphabet," 10c. each. "Standards of Nutrition and Growth (Holt), $11.00 
 "Rosy Cheeks and Strong Heart" (Andress), 20c. per 100. 
 each. "The Nutrition Class," 15c. each. 
The seriously malnourished child should not take as much exercise as the normal. 
 Athletics should not be attempted until weight is built up. Lunches of milk or other 
 plain nourishing food should be given, both mid-morning and mid-afternoon. They 
 should be followed by rest for more than 20 minutes in the morning and in the after- 
 noon. See § 10 and the circular "Instruction to Teachers and Nutrition Workers." 
 Instructions will be furnished to teachers applying to the Elizabeth McCormick 
 Memorial Fund, 848 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 
 44. Correct Posture 
 The tests required for the fourth qualification are those standardized by the Amer- 
 ican Posture League and required for the award of its badges. Posture is judged ac- 
 cording to a vertical line test, as illustrated on the League's wall charts, which posture 
 is to be held during the triple test for endurance in posture. 
 The triple test consists of judging the posture in (1) standing, (2) marching for at 
 least three minutes, (3) corrective exercises, including stretching the arms forward and 
 upward. A candidate must hold good posture throughout all three parts of this test 
 taken in rapid succession, to be considered as passing the triple test. 
 A candidate who passes the triple test once a month for three consecutive months 
 earns 20 points for admission to the Round Table and is eligible for the gilt pin of the 
 American Posture League. A candidate who (1) passes the triple test once a month 
 for five consecutive months and has a rating of "A" or "Excellent" for habitual good 
 posture, or (2) having previously earned the 20 points, passes the triple test for four 
 additional consecutive months and has a rating of "A" for habitual good posture earns 
 30 points and is eligible for the silver pin. 
 The A. P. L. pins make badges for the holder to be proud of. To secure the pins 
 a list of the candidates who have passed the test must be sent to the American Posture 
 League, 1 Madison Ave., New York, with the following certification, accompanied by 
 remittance. Gilt pins are 20 cents and silver pins 25 cents each. 
 "The above-named candidates have successfully passed the test pre- 
 scribed for the gilt/silver Good Posture Pin of the American Posture 
 League. I hereby apply for pins for them and will be responsible for these 
 pins being given only to the individuals named herein." 
 (Signed) Instructor 
 The wall charts of the American Posture League are desirable for every school- 
 room. They are published with pictures either of a boy, like the illustration given 
 here, or of a girl. They may be purchased of the American Posture League. Apply 
 to the League for particulars on their sitting posture charts and other publications. 
 45. Physical Examination 
 Points are credited to the candidate for traits of physical fitness, disclosed by ex- 
 amination, as enumerated below. Regardless of the Round Table, every pupil should be 
 thoroughly examined by a school physician once and preferably twice during the 
 school year. A dentist also should examine him once a year and preferably every six 
 months. If a school does not have the services of a physician, a schooj nurse or any 
 trained nurse can, for the purpose of the Round Table, give the pupil the examination 
 specified below, except as to his heart, lungs and teeth. Following the instructions in 
 some textbooks on hygiene and physiology and by the use of the Snellen test card 
 and directions for testing eyesight, the teacher, unassisted, can test the pupil's hearing, 
 sight and shoeing. Unless the candidate fully earns the number of points specified for 
 one of the following tests, in compliance with all conditions, he is credited with no 
 points on that test. 
 Teeth, 10 points. If the candidate's teeth are sound, not requiring a dentist's ser- 
 vices, he is credited 10 points. He must present a written statement from a dentist, or 
 the dentist must report directly to the teacher, that his teeth have been examined dur- 
 ing the current calendar or school year, and either that they did not need filling, ex- 
 traction or operation, or that such treatment has been completely administered and 
 that the gums are healthy. 
 Nose and throat, 10 points. If the candidate habitually breathes through his nose 
 with his mouth shut and his nose and throat do not need a physician's services, he is 
credited 10 points. The teacher must receive a written or oral report from a licensed 
 physician or registered nurse, stating that he has examined the pupil's throat within 
 the current year and either that there is no condition of adenoids or tonsils or obstruc- 
 tion making operation or treatment by physician or surgeon advisable, or that such 
 condition has been corrected. If a physician is not available, the opinion of a registered 
 nurse who has made an examination may be accepted. 
 Eyes, 5 points. Every school child's eyes should be tested for nearsightedness, far- 
 sightedness and astigmatism, and examined for infectious diseases. When examination 
 shows that a candidate's eyes are free from disease and chronic inflammation, and 
 from defects making the wearing of glasses advisable, or that the faults in vision are 
 corrected by glasses or other remedy prescribed by an oculist, he may be credited 5 
 points. If the teacher gives examination she must comply with full instructions fur- 
 nished by her state board of education or health or by the National Committee on the 
 Prevention of Blindness, 130 East 22nd St., New York. The latter organization will 
 send instructions free to any teacher applying. 
 Ears, 5 points. When a competent examiner finds that a pupil's hearing in each 
 ear is normal or within 10% of normal and there is no evidence of disease or inflam- 
 mation, the candidate may be credited 5 points. The examination must be conducted 
 by a physician or in compliance with full instructions issued by a state board of health 
 or education. Such instructions are contained in Health Bulletin No. 2, "The Eyes and 
 Ears of School Children," published by the New York State Department of Education, 
 Heart, 5 points. When a physician reports after a stethoscopic examination that a 
 candidate's heart is in sound condition and that the candidate need exercise no more 
 care in participating in athletics than the average pupil of his age, he is credited 5 
 Lungs, 5 points. When a physician reports after a stethoscopic examination on the 
 bare chest that a candidate's lungs are in perfectly sound condition, and he has a chest 
 expansion of at least 2 inches, he is credited 5 points. 
 Skin, 5 points. When competent examination shows that the skin is healthy, with- 
 out eruption, and that the scalp is free from scales and pediculosis, the candidate is 
 credited 5 points. 
 Feet, 5 points. If a candidate wears shoes fully 
 permitting correct position and shape for his feet, he 
 may be credited 5 points. Shoes which bend the big 
 toe toward the others or the others toward the big 
 toe force incorrect shape. The shoe, like the foot, 
 should have a "straight inner edge" (except for the 
 instep curve). Only shoes with low heels permit 
 correct position, and no shoes with heels more than 
 one and one-half inches high can be passed in exam- 
 ination for the Round Table. The teacher should 
 urge the use of much lower heels. Children candi- 
 dates that come to school barefoot part of the time 
 must wear their shoes for this examination. If the 
 teacher observes that a pupil who passes this test 
 subsequently purchases shoes that are incorrect in 
 the respects indicated in this paragraph, during the 
 period of his candidacy for the Round Table, his 
 credit should not be allowed. 
 46. Knowledge of First Aid 
 The candidate for the Round Table who presents this qualification must have pur- 
 sued a course of study in first aid under a teacher and have passed the examination 
 entitling the pupil to the Certificate of First Aid issued for schools by the American Red 
 Cross. When he has passed the examination he is credited 30 points. The course on 
 which the examination is based is especially suited to high schools. The plan of the 
 course, in entire harmony with the Modern Health Crusade, is to teach the pupil to do 
 by doing. Schools which are not conducting such a course may readily secure the 
 Red Cross circular, "First Aid Instruction in Schools," and the textbook for the 
 teacher. Application should be made to the local Red Cross Chapter, or directly to 
 the American Red Cross, First Aid Division, Washington, D. C. 
 47. Swimming and Life-Saving Skill 
 The points enumerated below are allowed to Round Table candidates meeting the 
 following tests, set by the American Red Cross for Junior Life Saving Crews. 
 The tests apply to both boys and girls. 
1. For Beginners. Ability to swim 50 feet, using any stroke they know. 10 points. 
 2. For Swimmers. Ability to swim 100 yards, using two or more strokes; to dive 
 properly from a take-off; to swim on back 50 feet; and to retrieve objects at 
 reasonable depth from the surface. 15 points. 
 3. For Life-Savers, Ability to tow persons of one's own \veight for 10 yards by 
 the following methods: 
 (a) Head carry. 
 (b) Cross chest carry. 
 (c) Two point carry. 
 (d) Tired swimmer's carry. 
 Life-savers must be able to illustrate in the water the methods of releasing them- 
 selves from people in peril of drowning, if grasped by — 
 Front neck-hold, 
 Back neck-hold. 
 They must be able to make the surface dive and recovery, and are required to dem- 
 onstrate both the Schaefer and Sylvester methods of performing artificial respiration, 
 although the Schaefer method is the one preferred. 30 points. 
 Explanations of unknown terms and methods are given in the Red Cross Textbook 
 on First Aid published by P. Blakeston's Son & Company, Philadelphia. 
 Round Table candidates must meet these tests to the satisfaction of at least one 
 adult known by the teacher tO' be competent to judge. 
 The Red Cross provides badges of three grades — for "beginners," "swimmers" and 
 "life-savers." Information regarding the required board of examiners, emblems, prizes 
 and national trophy is given in pamphlet 1004, free on application to the American 
 Red Cross, Washington, D. C. 
 48. Scout and Camp Fire Activities 
 The training given by the Scout and Camp Fire organizations is included among 
 the qualifications for Knights of the Round Table as a valuable aid to physical fitness. 
 For becoming a Boy Scout or Girl Scout Tenderfoot, 10 points; Second-Class Scout, 
 20 points; First-Class Scout, 30 points. For becoming a Camp Fire Wood Gatherer, 
 15 points; Fire Maker, 30 points. In communities where local groups are lacking, ap- 
 plication for information should be addressed to Boy Scouts of America, 200 Fifth 
 Ave., New York; Girl Scouts, 189 Lexington Ave., New York; Camp Fire Girls, 31 E. 
 17th St., New York. 
 49. Community Sanitation Work 
 In some states sanitation has been given a large place in Modern Health Crusade 
 work. Sanitation work furnishes demonstrations especially valuable to high schools 
 and junior high schools in connection with civics and courses bearing directly or in- 
 directly on health. This branch of Crusade work brings the street cleaning depart- 
 ment, health officer and other municipal authorities into touch with the school, brings 
 to light ordinances that are inadequate or unenforced, and benefits the whole com- 
 As various methods may be followed in sanitation work, and as local conditions 
 determine the best, the form of work is not described in this manual. The experience 
 of Crusaders in one county is recited to suggest a plan of campaign for other com- 
 munities. The high schools of the county, one representing a city and the others rural 
 districts, divided the territory into sanitary districts, the whole county being covered. 
 The high school or schools located in each district elected a sanitary officer for the 
 district, choosing a pupil qualified as worker and leader. Under this captain a lieu- 
 tenant was elected by his fellow pupils for each subdistrict, and a corporal for each 
 city block, while each pupil was drafted as a private. 
 Five objectives were set: that each house be screened against flies; that a covered 
 garbage can be used; that all outdoor vaults be darkened so that flies would not enter; 
 that manure or other fly-breeding matter be disinfected once a week and removed; and 
 that the streets, alleys and premises be made clean and sightly. 
 The first work was a survey. The districts were marked on a county map posted 
 in the office of the county superintendent of schools. Flat maps outlining all farm or 
 town residences were made for each district. Under proper supervision each house- 
 holder was visited and apprised of the community plan. Printed slips were used by 
 the visitors for checking the conditions found, and the findings were noted by pins on 
 the district maps. 
 The campaign for improving conditions was announced to cover two weeks after 
 the survey. Changes effected were recorded on the second visit and "spotted" on the 
 district map. Corresponding pin markings on the large map at the county superinten- 
 dent's office recorded the progress of all the district? and stimulated competition be- 
tween districts. So effective was the campaign that only eight householders in a city 
 of 35,000 failed to comply with requirements. This work was done entirely by the 
 high school and seventh and eighth grade pupils, who conferred as need arose with 
 the local Crusade council composed of five adults. 
 In the country districts tests were made of the water from every well, the work 
 being done at the high school laboratories. Much infection was found; and when the 
 users of the water failed to be affected by the data shown, permission was secured to 
 put a quart of kerosene in the nearby outdoor toilet. When the strata of the earth ran 
 toward the water supply from the vault where the kerosene was placed, the kerosene 
 was detected by odor and taste, and the people who boasted of their well water were 
 suddenly forced to realize its true condition. The result was that 63 new wells were 
 dug in that county, and a material decrease in the recorded number of typhoid cases 
 Campaigns against flies and mosquitoes readily enlist school children, when organ- 
 ized at all systematically. Competition should be brought into play. Prizes not only 
 of material value, but also newspaper commendation, are effective. A first step is to 
 teach the children practical points about the insects, such as likely breeding places, 
 disinfection to prevent hatching, and the making and placing of traps. 
 Playlet "King Good Health Win 
 Publications giving all needed information can readily be secured. The National 
 Association will give references in addition to those cited in the Bibliography, §64, and 
 invites correspondence with Crusade leagues and other groups planning sanitation 
 Points towards admission to the Round Table are earned by community sanitation 
 work. Two and one-half points are allowed for each hour of actual work up to 16 
 hours, under the following conditions. 
 1. The work must be in an organized community sanitation campaign under a 
 school teacher or other adult posted on sanitation, such as the town health officer, a 
 physician or civil engineer. 
 2. The pupil workers, numbering at least five, must work as a committee or club 
 under a common plan approved in detail by the adult leader. 
 3. Each pupil must give the leader a report on his findings and accomplishments, 
 and a memorandum giving the dates on which he worked and the number of hours or 
 fractions thereof spent in actual sanitation work on each date. 
 4. The teacher must approve the report and results of each pupil's work before 
 points are allowed him. 
 5. The points credited shall be at the rate of 2J/^ per hour. The minimum number 
 of points allowed is 5 and the maximum number of points allowed is 40. 
50. Accolade of the Round Table 
 It is recommended that pupils qualifying as Knights of the Round Table be for- 
 mally invested with title. The following ceremony is suggested. 
 (The ceremony is conducted by the principal [Crusade grand master] or other 
 school authority, who addresses first the audience and then the candidates, who are 
 grouped on one side of the stage.) 
 (To audience.) We are happily met together to witness the entrance of valiant 
 Knights to the Order of the Round Table. These Modern Health Crusaders, all 
 Knights Banneret, have each been proven in ordeals set to test their fitness for this 
 highest order. 
 When King Arthur formed his Round Table, he drew to it the flower of chivalry, 
 "the goodliest company of famous knights whereof the world holds record." Lancelot, 
 Galahad, Percival and many other peerless warriors were of this chosen band whose 
 victories were blazoned on twelve great windows in Arthur's hall. 
 Full many years ago departed Arthur and his company, and his Round Table be- 
 came a memory, celebrated in song and story. Now the Round Table is formed again, 
 of knights arrayed not in heavy coats of mail, but in the golden armor of health. 
 (To candidates.) For the National Legion of Modern Health Crusaders and the 
 (name of state) Legion, I now create each prowest Knight assembled here a member 
 of the Round Table. That all may know of your deeds, I present each one of you with 
 a parchment and a badge. These are the outward tokens. The order itself lives in the 
 spirit and intent of every loyal Knight. 
 Now, just as truly as in the days of Arthur, you will find that every morning brings 
 a noble chance whereby you prove yourself a noble Knight. Yours is the glorious 
 privilege to champion the cause of health, and thus to redress human wrongs. So live 
 that others, seeing your good deeds, will rally to the standard. 
 (Each candidate is called by name and presented with the certificate and badge of the 
 Order. Exeunt to martial music.) 
 #0^ ^ f% 
 5L Entertainments 
 A Crusade entertainment is a profitable means of promoting health education. A 
 series of subjects recommended for an entertainment each month is given below. 
 As a profitable means of promoting health, a Crusade entertainment-meeting should 
 be held each month. It may be given by a single class or club or single school, or by 
 several jointly, so far as children and their adult supporters can be gathered into one 
 meeting. The entertainment for all may be furnished by different schools in turn. The 
 hour may be in or after school or in an evening following which children do not have 
 to rise early for school. 
 Crusade entertainments properly conducted are not "lectures." but meetings made 
 interesting to children and adults by presentation of facts with pleasing association or 
 with appeal to wonderment, and through action, display, games, playlets, pageants, 
 clownery, music, etc. Crusaders should take an active part in the program themselves, 
 especially as actors in health playlets. Meetings made occasions to appeal to Cru- 
saders' pride should be announced in newspapers. For means of making meetings 
 entertainments, see "Playlets," "Motion Pictures," "Exhibits," and "Songs" below. 
 Adult speakers should be given ample notice to prepare talks made graphic with 
 models, pictures and lantern slides, and couched in simple language. Most communi- 
 ties have a doctor, dentist, nurse or physical director who can with words and apparatus 
 make health facts interesting. The school nurse is a logical leader for the meeting. 
 If a special talk has not been prepared, a story may be told. For books of stories, see 
 §64. Skilled women story-tellers are frequently available, both among and outside the 
 teachers. Stories of crusaders and knights and of Arthur's Round Table, applied to 
 the quest of health, will inspire children. Calisthenics, exercise, games or folk dances 
 may be conducted at every meeting. 
 52. Schedule of Meetings* 
 September — Stories of the old crusades and of the Modern Health Crusade. First aid 
 to the injured. Posture, (The monthly weighing of Crusaders with entry of 
 weights on Roll of Health Knighthood, if not done at another time in school, 
 should be attended to at the meetings.) 
 October — Care of teeth. Toothbrush drill. Care of nose and throat. Organization of 
 November — Care of eyes, skin and scalp. Baths. 
 December — Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. How to prevent colds. Christmas 
 health seals. 
 January — Home and school gymnastics. Folk dances. Organized play in winter. 
 February — Fake cures and real medicine. Fresh air, wholesome food, exercise, rest. 
 Methods of outdoor sleeping. 
 March — Fly, mosquito — and vermin campaigns. Clean-up work. 
 April — Nervous system. Influence of mind on health. Cheerfulness, anger, courage, 
 May — What and how to eat and drink. Regularity. Weight. Food protection. Clean 
 hands. Typhoid fever. 
 June — Temperature. Alcohol, tobacco, injurious soft drinks. 
 July — Patriotism of health. Marching or military drills. Care of feet. 
 August — Outing or picnic. Field athletics and organized play, 
 •Presentation of squires' certificates and badges for Knights and Knights Banneret can be included in 
 the program for the month in which these titles are attained. 
 53. Playlets and Pageants 
 Many interesting health playlets and pageants suitable for children are available. 
 The National Tuberculosis Association publishes thirteen. These and twelve published 
 by other organizations are listed in a descriptive circular, "Plays and Pageantry," sent 
 on application. 
 "King Good Health Wins" may be presented both as a play and a pageant. "A 
 Pageant in the Interest of Good Health," "The Health Champions," "Mr, I. N. 
 Different Is Double Crossed" and other playlets provide entertainment of intense in- 
 terest to parents and friends of children. A performance combined with the accolade 
 is especially effective and justifies atimission charges. 
 54. Miniature Theatre 
 "Tiny Tim's House," a theatre of cardboard, decorated in brilliant colors and easily 
 shipped by parcel post, can be purchased from the National Association for only $2,00, 
 delivered. Tiny Tim's House is made in two parts, proscenium and backdrop. The 
 complete outfit consists of directions for costuming the actors and setting up the 
 theatre, and two copies of the food playlet, "The Champions." Additional drops may 
 be purchased for 75c. extra. The actors for this theatre are potatoes and other vege- 
 tables, whose odd shapes have unusual possibilities for character expression and whose 
 presence conveys lessons in nutrition. Ready-made costumes for the four characters 
 of "The Champions" may be purchased for $3.00, postpaid. 
 55. Motion Picture Films 
 When a motion-picture machine can be procured, the display of one of the health 
 films will contribute greatly to the success of a meeting. The National Associaton will 
 give inquirers information about films. Several films may be rented at 75c. per day 
 each or purchased for $75 and $100. Among them are "The Modern Health Crusade,^^ 
 "The Tournament of Youth," "The Kid Comes Through," "Jinks." "Out of the Shadow 
 and "The Public Health Twins at Work." "Good Teeth Good Health" is loaned free 
 of any charge except transportation. 
56. Exhibits 
 A special Modern Health Crusade exhibit, price $9.50, delivered, may be purchased 
 of the National Child Welfare Association, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York. It consists of 
 twelve panels, about 17 by 28 inches, for wall display, lithographed and colored by 
 hand, the illustrations and text being original and effective. This exhibit is also printed 
 as an edition for negro children and sold for $9.50. Other series of panels bearing on 
 child health are published by the National Child Welfare Association, under the titles, 
 "Aids for Nutrition Clinics," "Health Children" (First and Second Series), "Hygiene for 
 School Children," "The A-1 American Girl," "The A-1 American Boy" and "The Amer- 
 ican Citizen." Teachers will find it helpful to secure (free) the National Welfare Asso- 
 ciation Bulletin 33, "Teaching Health Through the Use of Graphic Material." The 
 "Child Welfare Handbook." a beautiful 47-page brochure, giving miniature prints of 
 many exhibits, may be obtained for 50c. It has chapters on "What Every Community 
 Should Know About Its Children" and "How to Arouse Community Interest in Child 
 A comprehensive series of posters on school hygiene is furnished by the Com- 
 mittee on Health Problems of the National Council of Education,' 525 West 120th 
 Street, New York. Fifty-eight charts may be had for $7.00. 
 57. Songs 
 A number of songs inspired by the Modern Health Crusade are in use. A collec- 
 tion of these songs is offered in "The Minstrel," 5c. per copy postpaid. The Crusaders' 
 Song, printed herewith, is sung to music composed for it by Claude Warford and also 
 to Denza's "Funiculi, Funicula." 
 By Emily Nichols Hatch 
 Hail! all ye gentle knights and squires and 
 Crusaders' band, for health we stand. 
 While all around life's battle fiercely rages 
 We'll do our part — clean hands and 
 Our soldiers bravely there in France were 
 Like knights of old, chivalrous, bold. 
 Like them we must some wrong each day 
 be righting 
 With smiles of cheer, and know no fear. 
 We'll battle, we'll conquer; disease and 
 dirt we'll slay! 
 We'll scout them and rout them and drive 
 them off each day! 
 With hands and bodies clean and hearts 
 all brave and bold. 
 Prepared our country's flag and honor to 
 With souls and bodies growing strong 
 and stronger. 
 Brave knights we'll be, our land to free 
 From curse of dread disease which shall 
 no longer 
 O'er it prevail. We shall not fail. 
 The holy war which we must still be 
 Is for good health. 'Tis more than 
 The health of mind and body is engaging 
 Our efforts true, in all we do. 
 By Esther Watson 
 (Tune: "Yankee Doodle") 
 I washed my hands before each meal. 
 To have them clean and nice, 
 (Wash hands.) 
 I washed my face and neck and ears, 
 (Scrub face, neck and ears.) 
 My finger-nails cleaned twice. 
 (Clean finger-nails.) 
 So I am a Health Crusader, 
 I'm going fast all day long, sir — 
 (Bend both arms up, expanding chest.) 
 For I'm going to help my Uncle Sam 
 (Point to flag.) 
 To make my country strong, sir. 
 I put no unclean things in my mouth. 
 Pencils, books nor fingers — 
 (Lift pencil toward mouth, then put 
 down quickly.) 
 I wash my teeth at early morn 
 And while the evening lingers. 
 (Brush teeth.) 
 I took ten slow, deep breaths of air 
 (Expand chest.) 
 I covered any sneezes — 
 (Cover mouth with handkerchief.) 
 I played outdoors a whole half hour, 
 Amid the pleasant breezes, 
 (Toss imaginary ball into the air.) 
 I was in bed ten hours last night, 
 (Close eyes with head on left arm.) 
 With windows open wide, 
 (Open imaginarj-^ window.) 
 Drank four glasses of water today, 
 (Drink from imaginary tumbler.) 
 No tea nor coffee beside. 
 (Put out right hand in refusal.) 
 I ate fruits, cereals — not much meat — 
 I chewed them slowly and long, 
 (Slow chewing motion.) 
 Had milk and eggs and such good things. 
 As make all children strong. 
 (Show biceps of right arm".)' 
I try to sit and stand up straight, 
 (Stand very straight.) 
 Be helpful, neat and kind, 
 I take a full bath twice a week, 
 (Splash with imaginary water and rub 
 down with imaginary towel.) 
 And keep a cheerful mind. 
 (Tune: "Round and Round the Mulberry 
 This is the way we clean our teeth, 
 Clean our teeth, clean our teeth. 
 This is the way we clean our teeth, 
 Every night and morning. 
 Take your brush, go up and down, 
 Up and down, up and down, 
 58. Poster Contests 
 Poster contests are adapted to classes of all grades and have great educational 
 value. The younger groups can make picture posters by cutting out pictures illustrat- 
 ing the different health principles enumerated in the Crusaders' Code, and mounting 
 them on colored cardboard. Advertisements of soaps, toothbrushes, equipment for out- 
 door sports, etc., can readily be adapted for health-poster use. 
 For the more advanced pupils who are having instruction in drawing, original 
 posters can be made under the supervision of the drawing instructor. So far as possible 
 it is wise to allow each child to choose his own subject. The Crusaders' Code offers 
 many suggestions for the posters. 
 Take your brush, go up and down, 
 Every night and morning. 
 Don't forget both back and front. 
 Back and front, back and front, 
 Don't forget both back and front, 
 Every night and morning. 
 If you brush them faithfully. 
 Faithfully, faithfully, 
 You a knight will surely be. 
 Every night and morning. 
 This is the way we catch our cough 
 Catch our cough, catch our cough 
 This is the way we catch our cough 
 So early in the morning. 
 Diagram for drawing 
 Crusaders' cross 
 In a county poster contest, prizes may be awarded for the best poster in each town- 
 ship or district, and a grand prize for the best poster in the entire county. An ex- 
 hibition of the best posters submitted in the contest at the county fair is an incentive to 
 all contestants and stimulates interest in the health work being done in the schools. 
 59. Health Crusade Clubs 
 Children like to belong. Beside general membership in the Modern Health Crusade 
 definite membership in a health club gives boys and girls increased zeal and steadfast- 
 ness in health work. The formation of a club does not come under the necessary part 
 of the Crusade program, but is recommended to the school 
 The teacher or principal explains to all the pupils that all who do the Crusade 
 chores for a probationary period of five or more weeks will be members of the 
 Grade Health Crusade Club or School Health Crusade Club. The plan of or- 
 ganization is distinctly democratic, only those pupils who fail to do the health chores 
 being excluded from the club. Beside the qualifying pupils and the teacher, the club 
 may include "honorary members" elected for" service or for contributions to the trea- 
sury. A fixed minimum, e. g., $5, should be set for contributions or dues from honorary 
 members. They may be entitled Honorary Crusaders. 
 At a meeting set at the end of the probationary weeks, coming preferably at the 
 class session in hygiene or prompting and inspection, the pupils who qualify adopt the 
 constitution and elect officers. The chief officers^ are captain (president, mayor, or 
 health officer), one or two lieutenants (vice-president), herald (secretary), Crusade 
 master (the teacher) and grand master (the principal). Inspectors — health, window 
 and thermometer — are also officers, but usually serve for short terms (see § 25). A consti^ 
 tution and by-laws, standard for a Health Club, are given on page 47. 
 The Crusade master, who may be another adult if the teacher cannot serve, con- 
 ducts the organizing meeting and selects nominees for officers and provides a copy of 
 the constitution beforehand. 
 Each club should proclaim a slogan, like "War Against Disease," "Good Health 
 for You and Me," "Strong and Clean, Body and Mind," "Every Health Chore a Good 
 Health Habit," "Keep Vigorous to Withstand the Rigorous." 
 60. Club Activities 
 The first activity of a club is to seek the membership of 100 per cent, of the pupils 
 and to promote the members' progress in earning chivalric titles. Group competition 
 is an effective principle to follow. The club members should be divided into two 
 numerically equal teams. They are determined preferably by classroom rows (entire 
 or divided). Another method is for two leaders to choose the teams, making alternate 
 choices of members, as is done for impromptu baseball teams. The leaders of the two 
 teams should be the lieutenant and herald of the club. The class may, however, be 
 divided into teams on beginning to do health chores, before officers have been elected 
 or the club organized. Health inspectors appointed by the teacher serve then as leaders 
 until the club is organized. 
 The teams compete to earn the most Crusade credits in a given period of time 
 (see explanation of credits under "Tournaments," § 29). Simultaneously, a competition 
 may be carried on between two or more clubs, representing as many classes or schools. 
 For an idea of the interest to be aroused, read Ellis Parker Butler's story, "A Knight 
 Without Reproach." (Mailed by the National Association on receipt of 3c. postage.) 
 The best procedure is to conduct daily prompting and hygienic inspection, as de- 
 scribed above, with officers or team leaders assisting the teacher. When summoned 
 by the teacher the captain comes forward and asks the twelve questions. The herald 
 and lieutenant have prompter and inspection blanks on which the names of the pupils 
 of their respective teams are written, and make note of those who do not claim by 
 uplifted hand to have done and recorded the chores. Inspection is then made, prefer- 
 ably by the teacher. It may be made by the herald and lieutenant. To avoid risk of 
 partiality toward members of their own teams, they may each be assigned as inspector 
 of the other's team, while the teacher is arbiter. An informal competition from week 
 to week may be based on the records on the inspection blanks. On Monday of each 
 week the captain should announce both the number of credits earned (one for each 
 pupil in the team who did 54 or more chores for the preceding week) and the total 
 number of chores done. 
 Other activities for a club are the entertainments and dramatic productions (see 
 §§ 51-58), and participation in athletics and in training for the Round Table (see 
 §§ 37-50). Clubs may challenge others to qualify the most members for seats at the 
 Round Table. 
 61. Community Work 
 A club may make itself useful to the town in many ways. It may work for a sani- 
 tary drinking fountain in the school, a playground, fresh-air schoolrooms, ventilation 
 for every room, clean streets, clean lavatories, etc. It may draw up a petition and 
 agitate for physical examinations in schools, backed with nursing service. It may enter 
 upon anti-fly and vermin campaigns, and aid in a town clean-up. (See "Community 
 Sanitation Work," § 49.) It may appeal for the enforcement of laws against spitting 
 and the sale of tobacco and impure candy to children. Committees may be appointed 
 to report or to take action on exposed breeding places for flies and mosquitoes, on 
 improvement of school premises, on sick children or on any of the various lines of 
 work suggested in this manual. 
 62. Handbook for Teaching Hygiene 
 A guide for teaching hygiene in all elementary grades is now being prepared by 
 the National Tuberculosis Association with the assistance of educators, school admin- 
 istrators and hygienists. It is a comprehensive and graded course in hygiene based 
 on the Crusade system. Its keynote is the practice of hygiene. 
The guide presents an elastic outline for lessons from month to month during the 
 school year. The lessons are planned to be given at different times in the regular sub- 
 jects of the school curriculum. It furnishes suggestive material, carefully selected, on 
 which the teacher may base her talks to pupils and v^ith which instruction from what- 
 ever text-book is used may be enriched. It gives, in complete form as well as by ref- 
 erences, stories, quotations, games and projects. Both a direct and a cross index is 
 provided. The guide is also designed to serve state boards of education and may be 
 published in state editions. 
 63. Moral Effect of the Crusade 
 The Crusade system was devised in compliance with ethical, mental and physical 
 laws. The teacher who conducts the general course of Crusade chores, with the re- 
 quired recording, will find that the pupils receive a distinct moral benefit. 
 The chores give teachers an exceptionally good opportunity to inculcate truthful- 
 ness. The daily performance, recording and certifying of chores afford the needed 
 drill. The rewards of the Crusade furnish the temptation to falsify that is necessary 
 to cultivate truthfulness. Character in all of its positive virtues is acquired by facing 
 temptation, not by keeping aloof from temptation. The character of the always shel- 
 tered child is blank and he is prone to go to the bad rapidly when the shelter is 
 The wise teacher or parent first cultivates the child's sense of honor; second, lets 
 him meet temptation; and, third, makes a follow-up. The Crusade system applies 
 these three influences. The child is placed on his honor — he certifies his chore record 
 "on his honor." He has a systematic drill every day in choosing between right and 
 wrong statements. Each decision for right builds truthfulness; each decision for 
 wrong builds falsity. The follow-up here is multiple. The parent must pass on the 
 child's truthfulness and sign the certification. The teacher must be satisfied that the 
 child's cleanliness and deportment correspond with his statement of chores. Finally, 
 his schoolmates are quick to point out false claims. 
 Additional influences for deciding for truth are found in the chores themselves, 
 their admonitions and their effect. The call to helpfulness makes for social responsi- 
 bility and against lying. Regularity in performance of duty discourages irregularity in 
 statement. Improved health makes for straightforwardness. Cleanliness promotes 
 Episode in Crusade Pageant by Atlantic City School. Children 
 self-respect. "Clean thoughts and words accompany clean habits." In the words of 
 a prominent educator, "There has developed in the minds of a number of active health 
 workers a conviction that health education, viewed broadly, is not only an essential 
 part of, but probably the most valuable vehicle for normal training." 
 While the wise want their children to face temptation, they are careful that the 
 temptation be not too strong. The Crusade guards against this. If a 100 per cent, 
 chore performance were required, and the reward a $10 gold piece or a prize for only 
 one pupil the temptation might well be too strong. But with only 75 per cent, per- 
 formance required, rewards very inexpensive, and success democratically within reach 
of every boy and girl, the temptation for the majority of children is less strong thail 
 the influence for truthfulness. 
 In a group of many children it will, however, be surprising to find none who falsify 
 their chore records. For those who do, the chores are an occasion for lying. This 
 is different from teaching to lie. School examinations are the occasion of much cheat- 
 ing but do not teach dishonesty. Lying and cheating are more correctly attributed to 
 lack of teaching truthfulness at home than to the Crusade and to school examinations. 
 A famous clergyman recently said that he never knew a boy or girl who would 
 not lie at some age in childhood. "The child's instinctive brute sense of self-preserva- 
 tion manifests itself in a tendency to grab, to insist on the biggest piece, to steal and 
 to lie. The fact is that the baby starts near brutehood, and we must expect him to go 
 a long way in moral growth, as well as in physical and mental, before he becomes our 
 A-1 citizen. It is first nature for the child to lie. Society must teach him to be truth- 
 For the younger children the mixture of imagination and memory seems normal. 
 Their falsifying should usually not be condemned as lying, with its connotation of 
 intent to deceive. In recognition of their unreliability in statement, the Crusade course 
 recommended for children in the first two grades does not hold out the chivalric re- 
 wards. When the use of printed chore records and chivalric titles is begun parents and 
 teachers will find the Crusade one of the best means conceivable for imparting honesty 
 to their children. 
 64. Bibliography 
 A — Stories Recommended for Kindergarten and First Two Primary Grades 
 Book Author 
 All through the day, the Mother Goose 
 Way Broadhurst 
 Child Health Alphabet 
 Cho-Cho and the Health Fairy (good 
 for nutrition work) 
 Every Child's Book 
 Hiawatha Primer Holbrook 
 Jack O'Health and Peg O'Joy Herben 
 Keep Well Stories for Little Folk Jones 
 Metropolitan Mother Goose 
 Pig Brother Richards 
 Rhymes of Cho-Cho's Grandma 
 Story of Rosy Cheeks and Strong 
 Heart (good for nutrition work) 
 The Most Wonderful House in the 
 World Haviland 
 The Playhouse Haviland 
 J. B. Lippincott Co. 
 Child Health Organization 
 Child Health Organization 
 Child Health Organization 
 Houghton, Mifflin Co. 
 Chas. Scribner's Sons 
 J. B. Lippincott Co. 
 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 
 Little, Brown & Co. 
 Child Health Organization 
 Child Health Organization 
 J. B. Lippincott Co. 
 J. B. Lippincott Co. 
 B— Stories of King Arthur and His Knights Recommended for Third Through 
 Eighth Grades 
 Gentle, Perfect Knight 
 King Arthur and His Knights 
 Page, Esquire and Knight 
 Seven Champions of Christendom 
 Stories from the Crusades 
 Story of King Arthur and His Knights 
 Storv of the Champions of the Round 
 Stories of the King 
 Story of the Middle Ages 
 When Knights Were Bold 
 World Book Co. 
 Rand-McNally Co. 
 Ginn & Co. 
 Wells Gardner 
 E. P. Button & Co. 
 Chas. Scribner's Sons 
 Chas. Scribner's Sons 
 American Book Co. 
 Scott Foresman 
 Houghton Mifflin Co. 
 C — Plays and Songs 
 For list of 25 plays and pageants, apply to the National Tuberculosis Association, 
 370 Seventh Avenue New York, for circular, "Plays and Pageantry." 
 The Minstrel 
 The Song Leaflet 
 The Songster 
 5c. each 
 55c. per 100 
 3c. each 
 N. J. Tuberculosis League 
 Iowa Tuberculosis Association 
 Ohio Public Health Ass'n 
D — Physical Exercises 
 Games for Playground, Home, School 
 and Gymnasium Bancroft 
 Play and Recreation for the Open 
 Country Curtis 
 Rhythmic Action, Plays and Dances Moses 
 School Room Games Boyd 
 Social Plays, Games, Marches, Old 
 Folk Dances and Rhythmic Move- 
 E — Health Primers 
 MacMillan Co. 
 Amer. Physical Educa. Ass'n 
 Thos. Charles Company 
 Chicago School of Civics, 
 Recreation Dept. 
 Government Printing Office, 
 Washington, D. C. 
 A Child's Book of the Teeth 
 Teeth, Tonsils, and Adenoids 
 (See also books listed in § 6) 
 World Book Co. 
 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 
 F — Books and Pamphlets on Nutrition 
 Diet for the School Child 
 Health Education and the Nutrition Hunt, Johnson & 
 Health Index 
 Instructions to Teachers and Nutrition 
 Lunch Hour at School 
 Methods and Standards in the Weigh- 
 ing and Measuring of Children 
 Nutrition and Growth of Children 
 Nutrition Clinics, Classes, Their Organ- 
 ization and Conduct 
 Nutrition Clinics for Delicate Children 
 The Nutrition Class 
 G — Other Books and Pamphlets 
 Care of the Teeth 
 Children's Teeth — A Community Re- 
 Every Day Mouth Hygiene 
 Forty Notifiable Diseases 
 Health Education 
 Health Education in Rural Schools 
 Health Essentials for Rural School 
 Health Work in the Schools 
 Hygiene of the School Child 
 School Hygiene 
 Suggestions for Program for Health 
 Teaching in Elementary Grades 
 Teaching of Hygiene in the Grades 
 Eyesight of School Children 
 Foot and Shoe Charts 
 Physiology, Hygiene and Sanitation 
 Boys and Girls of Garden City 
 Civics and Health 
 First Aid 
 Pamphlets on Fly Campaigns 
 Town and City 
 Transmission of Disease by Flies 
 Water Supply, Plumbing and Sewage 
 Disposal for Country Homes, Bull. 
 No. 57 
 U. S. Bureau of Education, 
 Washington, D. C. 
 E. P. Dutton Co. 
 Layton, Dr. Edwin A., Director 
 of Health, Tacoma, Wash. 
 National Tuberculosis Ass'n 
 U. S. Bureau of Education, 
 Washington, D. C. 
 Elizabeth McCormick Memorial 
 Fund, 848 N. Dearborn St., 
 Chicago, 111. 
 Appleton and Co. 
 44 Dwight St., Boston 
 44 Dwight St., Boston 
 Child Health Organization 
 on Hygiene, Physiology and Sanitation 
 Hoag & Ter- 
 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 
 U. S. Public Health Service 
 W. B. Saunders Co. 
 World Book Co. 
 Lyons & Carnahan 
 Houghton Mifflin Co. 
 American Medical Ass'n 
 Houghton Mifflin Co. 
 Houghton Mifflin Co. 
 F. A. Stokes Co. 
 U. S. Bureau of Education 
 Houghton Mifflin Co. 
 U. S. Bureau of Education 
 Woman's Press, N. Y. City 
 Ginn & Co. 
 Dawson Ginn & Co. 
 Allen Ginn & Co. 
 Am. Red Cross P. Blakiston's Son & Co. 
 International Harvester Co. 
 Jewett Ginn & Co. 
 U. S. Public Health Service 
 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
 (See also books listed in §6) 
Constitution and By-Laws for a Health Crusade Club 
 The following constitution and by-laws are standard for a Health Club: 
 Article I — Name 
 The name of this club of Modern Health Crusaders shall be 
 Article H — Objects 
 The objects of the club shall be the formation of good health habits by the mem- 
 bers; the spread of knowledge concerning the prevention of disease; participation in 
 athletics; cooperation with teachers, principal, school nurse and janitor in the interest 
 of health; and the improvement of sanitary conditions in school, homes, yards and 
 streets. It shall be the aim of each member to stand for clean thought, clean speech, 
 clean sports, and for loyalty to the club, school and community. 
 Article HI — Government 
 The general plans and program of the club shall be determined by its members and 
 under the advice of the Crusade master. The Crusade master is the teacher or adult 
 appointed. The execution of the program shall be under the direction of the Execu- 
 tive Committee, with whom shall rest the executive management of the club. Should 
 there be more than one club in this city (town), the executive committees of all clubs 
 shall be a central committee of directors with power to coordinate the activities of the 
 several clubs. The members of this central committee shall elect a chairman from 
 their number. 
 The constitution and by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the club upon 
 two-thirds vote, provided that notice of such proposed amendment shall have been 
 given to each member at least ten days before the meeting. 
 Number 1 — Membership 
 The members of the club shall be pupils of this school (class) who have met the re- 
 quirements for enrollment as Modern Health Crusaders, Membership in this club is 
 for the term covered by the member's certificate of enrollment as a Modern Health 
 All Modern Health Crusaders, members of this club, shall have equal votes in meet- 
 ings of the club, regardless of their rank. The quorum required for transaction of 
 business at a meeting of the club is five members. The total membership must be at 
 least seven. 
 The club may elect such adult honorary members as it chooses, for services or on 
 payment of dues of not less than $ Honorary members may participate in the 
 discussions of the club, but shall have no vote. 
 Number 2 — Officers 
 The officers of the club elected from the members shall be Captain (president), 
 Lieutenant (vice-president) and Herald (secretary). To retain office each of these 
 officers must do 75 per cent, of the health chores per week during at least three-fourths 
 of the weeks of his term. 
 The term of office for Captain, Lieutenant and Herald shall be three months (or a 
 school term). 
 Health inspectors and similar officers may be appointed by the Crusade master or 
 elected from the members for specified periods of time. 
 Number 3 — Executive Committee 
 The elected officers of the club and the Crusade master shall be the Executive 
 Number 4 — Meetings 
 The club shall hold meetings monthly between the first and tenth days. Additional 
 meetings may be held. Members failing to attend at least meetings within each 
 four months of their membership shall be subject to expulsion and forfeiture of titles 
 and badges. 
 The election of officers shall occur at meetings at intervals of three months. In 
 event of a vacancy the Executive Committee may call a special meeting to elect a suc- 
 cessor for the unfilled term of office. 
 Procedure for Meetings 
 The following form of parliamentary procedure may be used: call to order; roll 
 call; signing of constitution by new members; reading minutes of last meeting; reports 
 of committees; new business; adjournment. Crusaders should be called on to vote 
 frequently and take an active part. Reports of committees should be acted on in a 
 businesslike way. 
^B BC^^? 
 I believe in my country, and in the good citizenship of its people. 
 I believe that to support my country I must have Health, Strength and Hoi 
 I love my country's Flag. To me its bright red stands for bright red blood, 
 means energy and power, cheerfulness and hope, human kindness and the joy of 
 Its pure white stands for clean bodies which house clean minds. Its blue stan^ 
 the clear sky, the sunshine, fresh air, play and exercise. 
 As an American I will be a faithful soldier in the children's army of peac| 
 Modern Health Crusade. 
 State Distributors for the Modern Health Crusade 
 Alabama Tuberculosis Ass'n, 308 N. 21st St., Birmingham, Ala. 
 Arizona Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, 300 E. Adams St., Phoenix, Ariz. 
 Arkansas Public Health Ass'n, Donaghey Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. 
 California Tuberculosis Ass'n, Griffith-McKenzie Bldg., Fresno, Cal. 
 Colorado Tuberculosis Ass'n, Barth Bldg., Denver, Colo. 
 Conn. State Tuberculosis Commission, State Capitol, Hartford, Conn. 
 Delaware Anti-Tuberculosis Society, 1305 W. 13th St., Wilmington, Del. 
 District of Columbia Tuberculosis Ass'n, 923 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 
 Florida Public Health Ass'n, Dyal-Upchurch Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. 
 Georgia Tuberculosis Ass'n, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 
 Idaho Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, National Bank Bldg., Boise, Idaho. 
 Illinois Tuberculosis Ass'n, 516 E. Monroe St., Springfield, 111. 
 (Cook County) Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, 8 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 
 Indiana Tuberculosis Ass'n, 1134 Pythian Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 
 Iowa Tuberculosis Ass'n, Century Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. 
 Kansas State Tuberculosis Ass'n, 106 W. 9th St., Topeka, Kansas. 
 Kentucky Tuberculosis Ass'n, 532 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. 
 Louisiana Anti-Tuberculosis League, 730 Common St., New Orleans, La. 
 Maine Public Health Ass'n, 318 Water St., Augusta, Maine. 
 Maryland Tuberculosis Ass'n, 704 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. 
 Massachusetts Tuberculosis League, Little Bldg., Boston, Mass. 
 Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, 209 Shiawassee St., Lansing, Mich. 
 Minnesota Public Health Ass'n, 300 Shubert Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 
 Mississippi Tuberculosis Ass'n, Merchants Bank Bldg., Jackson, Miss. 
 Missouri Tuberculosis Ass'n, Pontiac Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 
 Montana Tuberculosis Ass'n, State Capitol, Helena, Mont. 
 Nebraska Tuberculosis Ass'n, Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 
 Nevada Public Health Ass'n, Reno, Nev. 
 New Hampshire Tuberculosis Ass'n, City Mission Bldg., Manchester, N. H. 
 New Jersey Tuberculosis League, 45 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. 
 New Mexico Public Health Ass'n, Albuquerque, N. M. 
 (N. Y.) State Charities Aid Ass'n, 105 E. 22nd St., New York City. 
 (New York City) New York Tuberculosis Ass'n, 10 E. 39th St., New York 
 Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, 69 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 
 North Carolina Tuberculosis Ass'n, Sanatorium, N. C. 
 North Dakota Tuberculosis Ass'n, Tribune Bldg., Bismarck, N. D. 
 Ohio Public Health Ass'n, 83 S. 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. 
 Oklahoma Public Health Ass'n, Oklahoman Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 
 Oregon Tuberculosis Ass'n, Selling Bldg., Portland, Ore. 
 Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society, 10 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
 (Pittsburgh) Tuberculosis League, 2851 Bedford Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 
 Philippine Islands Anti-Tuberculosis Society, P. O. Box 281, Manila, P. I. 
 Rhode Island Tuberculosis Ass'n, 109 Washington St., Providence, R. I. 
 South Carolina Tuberculosis Ass'n, Liberty Bank Bldg., Columbia, S. C. 
 South Dakota Public Health Ass'n, Huron, S. D. 
 Tennessee Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, 506 Cedar St., Nashville, Tenn. 
 Texas Public Health Ass'n, Littlefield Bldg., Austin, Texas. 
 Utah Public Health Ass'n, State Capitol Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 
 Vermont Tuberculosis Ass'n, 139 Church St., Burlington, Vt. 
 Virginia Tuberculosis Ass'n, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Richmond, Va. 
 Washington Tuberculosis Ass'n, Thompson Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 
 West Virginia Tuberculosis Ass'n, Davidson Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. 
 Wisconsin Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n. 558 Jefferson St., Milwaukee, Wis. 
 Wyoming Public Health Ass'n, Citizens National Bank Bldg., Cheyenne, Wyo. 