C>''^^-:i'^ z^^^- -^i^2--^^^i5*!^_j3-^ / A LIST OK RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN, (1726-1892,) WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THEIR WORK, Prepared at the request of the Rhode Island Women Commis- sioners OF the World's Columbian Exposition by FANNY, PURDY PALMER. PROVIDENCE, R. I. K. L. rSEBMAN A BOX, STATE PRIMTBBS. 1893. Tzs- UBRAF SCKOO NOTE. In this list the following order is observed : 1. Author's name followed by any pseudonyms, dates of birth and death, and whether native or resident. 3. Titles of books followed by date of publication. 3. Titles of newspapers and periodicals to which articles have been contributed. 4. Summary of author's work. The abbreviations used are : b. born. nat. native. collab. collaboration. ps. pseudonym, d. died. res. resident. mag. magazine. tr. translator. This list includes as the literary work of Rhode Island women : poetry, fiction, original contributions to any branch of literature, pro- fessional journalism, travels, translations, and in a few notable instances, matter produced as lectures. Ml8^636 A LIST OF RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 1726-1892. Adams, (Mrs.) Mary H. Wilbor. Nat Violet ; a story. Akerman, (Mrs.) Lucy Evelyn Metcalf. Nat. Poems. Almy, (Mrs.) Annie Whittier. Nat Early Poems affectionately dedicated to Her Dear Son in the Far West. 1866. Allen, Candace. Nat. The hyperbolic curve, and the law of progi-ession of ro- tating bodies. Anderson, (Mrs.) Eliza (Vial). Nat The Merchant's Wife. 1876. Angell, Anne Sibley. Nat Witch Hazel, A Poem. 1892. Anthony, Susanna. Nat 1726-1791. 1. An account of her religious experience and life which was edited by Samuel Hopkins, D. D. The book is entitled, The Nature, certainty and evidences of true Christianity: in a letter from a gentlewoman of R. I. to another, her dear friend, in great darkness, doubt and concern of a religious nature. 2. Familiar letters (in collab, with Mrs. Osborn). Austin, Katharine Hanson, ps. Katharine Hanson. Nat Contributor of editorial articles, book reviews, stories and poems to Providence Journal, KnickerhocTcer Monilihj Mag., Woman's Advocate, Woman^s Jour- nal, St Nicholas, Wide Aivake, Harper^s Bazar, Liberal Christian, Christian Register, New Cen- tury for Women. 6 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Babcock, (Mrs.) Mary A. Contributor to The Outlook and to other papers, also to the book entitled, For God, Home and Native Land. Bailey, Frances Stoughton. Nat Bailey, (Mrs.) Urania Locke. 1820-1882. Bes. 1. Star flowers. N. Y., 1882. 2. The school at Elm Oak and the school of life. N. Y., 1861. 3. The crooked tree. K Y, 1865. 4. Dr. Plassid's patients. B., 1872. 5. Holiday Tales and High Days and Holidaj^s in Old England and New England (in collab.). Mrs. Bailey's poetry has a graceful charm and a deeply religious spirit. An imaginative touch of much deli- cacy is found in such poems as The Praise Meeting of the Flowers, The False Secret, etc. She was the author of the well-known hymn beginning — The mistakes of my life are many, The sins of my heart are more, And I scarce can see for weeping. But I come to the open door. Bainbridge, (Mrs.) Lucy S. Res. Round-the-world letters. Baker, Virginia. Nat. Prince Garrotte, and other chronicles. 1881. Barney, (Mrs.) J. K. Res. Gontributor to Providence Journal, Evening Press and organs of the W. C. T. U., of short stories, sketches, studies of social conditions, etc. Mrs. Barney's articles on philanthropic and charitable work have been widely copied in this eovmtry and in England and translated into several languages. She was chosen to write up " Woman in Philan- thropy " for " Woman's Work in America," edited by Mrs. Nathan Myers, published by Holt & Go. N. Y. 1891. RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 7 Bates, (Mrs.) Louise Snow Prosser, A. B. Res. Contributes to papers and magazines largely on topics connected with health, habits, household economies, etc. Candidate for A. M. degree, Brown University. 1892-3. Beckwith, Abby G. Nat — tr. Princess Use ; a story of the Hartz Mountains. Botta, (Mrs.) Anne C. Lynch. Ees. The Rhode Island Book. Brewster, (Mrs.) M. M. Bes. Journalist. Brooks, (Mrs.) Sarah Warner Ees. 1. Blanche ; or, The legend of the angel tower. 1861. 2. Even songs. 3. A legend of St. Christopher and other poems. 1859. Brown, (Mrs.) Ellen H., ps. Shirley. Nat Journalist, Contributor to Parleifs Magazine, YoutJi's Companion, Washington War Correspondent of the Providence Journal. 1863-4. Brownell, (Mrs.) Henrietta M. K. Nat God's way, Man's way. A story of Bristol. 1885. Contributes poetry, fiction, travel correspondence and editorial matter to 2%e Catholic World, Tlie Rosary, The (Providence) Evening TelegraTn. Bucklin, Loraine P. Nat Studies of Needlework (as lectures). Studies of Queens (as lectures). Studies of Gems, in Jeiuelefs Magazine. Studies of Humane Education (as lectures). Burge, Julia P. Nat 1. Life at Greene farm. 1870. 2. Old Grimes' wife. Burges, (Mrs.) Eleanor B. Nat Poem; Dress, in The Rhode Island Book. Butts, (Mrs.) Mary F. 1. Dodo's adventures. 1886. 2. Frolic left out, or country children. N. Y., 1886. 3. The princess, the pig, and the etsettery. Buf., 1888. 8 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Cady, (Mrs.) H. N. Nat 1. History of New England, in words of one syllable. 1888. 2. History of Ohio, in words of one syllable. 1888. Cahoone, Sarah. Nat. Sketch of Newport and vicinity. 1862. [With notices respecting the history, settlement and geography of Rhode Island.] Campbell, Annie E. Nat. Journalist. Musical and Dramatic correspondent and reporter, has written books and pamphlets on cathe- dral architecture. Carpenter, Esther Bernon. Nat. 1. South-county neighbors. 1887. 2. Huguenots in France. 3. Studies in local history and genealogy. Journalist. Chace, Mrs. Elizabeth Buffum, b. 1807. Nat. 1. Factory women and girls of New England. 2. Anti-slavery reminiscences. 1891. Contributor to The Envoy from Free Hearts to the Free, (published in Pawtucket, 1840,) to The Woman'' s Journal, The Providence Journal, and other period- icals on topics connected with the abolition of slav- ery, the enfranchisement of women, the claims of the children of the State, the rights of the North American Indian, the value of arbitration. "Never rode to the wrong's redressing A worthier paladin." Channing, Grace Ellery. Nat. Contributes poems and stories to Over-land Monthly, Bel- ford Magazine, Youth''s C&mjjanion, etc. Cheney, (Mrs.) Emeline Burlinghame, ps. Aunt Stanley, Aunt Emeline. Nat. Editor of The Missionary Helper, associate editor of The Myrtle (Dover, N. H.), contributor to The Morn- ing Star, The Little Star, lecturer and organizer in the work of the W. C. T. U. RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 9 Child, (Mrs.) Anna (Page). Nat 1. Whatcheer ; a story of olden times. One of sister Rhody's collections of historical facts, for the amuse- ment and instruction of young people. Prov., 1857. 2. The World ; a poem. 3. The Banner of Freedom ; a collection of songs. Childs, (Mrs.) Hannah. Nat. The life of, who long in darkness lay, will now be brought to light. Prov., 1859. Churchill, (Mrs.) Elizabeth Kittredge, d. 1881. Res. Overcoming. Bost., 1870. Professional journalist and lecturer. Her style was clear, vivacious and direct, her descrip- tions often picturesque and her criticisms intelli- gent. She was a hard student, painstaking and ambitious. Her letters to the Providence Journal from the Centennial Exposition, from May until November, 1876, indicate her extensive information, her literary instincts and her moral earnestness. Clark, Martha, b. 1796. Nat. Victims of Amusements. 1849. Duty of Benevolence. 1835. Coe, Rebecca, ps. Leila Lee. Nat. 1. Wee, wee songs. 1859. 2. The twins, or the Dales in Newport. N. Y., 1854. Cole, Anna E. Nat. A History of Warren. (Unpublished.) Journalist. Colt, (Mrs.) Theodora DeWolf. Nat. Stray fancies. 1872. Convent of Mercy. Sisters Mary, Margaret, Clarissa and Juliana. 1. Christopher Columbus ; a Centenary drama. 1891. 2. Poems. The following is a selection from the poems : 2 10 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN, "OTHER SHEEP I HAVE." Bring home Thy sheep, kind Shepherd, to the fold, » The way is long, And lonely is the mountain, steep and cold. The light is gone. Sharp thorns replace the roses, fair and bright, Joy's morning robe is Sorrow's shroud to night. The wolf is hidden in the midnight gloom, While far away Unconscious of the bitter hast'ning doom Thy sheep astray Is wounded, — weary, waiting for Thy voice; Lord, seek thine own ; bid Heaven's hosts rejoice. Soon, safe upon Thy shoulders, may we see The lost and found: Returning to Thy guarded fold, with Thee, And gladly bound By love's sweet chain, unto Thy Sacred Heart, Never again, Good Shepherd, to depart. Converse, Emma M. Nat Studies in astronomy. Contributed to Providence Jour- nal. Cowing, Fanny. Nat. Journalist. Curtis, (Mrs.) Julia Bridgham. Essay on Novel writing, Rhode Island Book. Curtiss, (Mrs.) Abby Allin, ps. Nilla. Res. Home Ballads, Dailey, Charlotte Field. Nat. Studies in ancient and modern art, (as lectures,) Davis, (Mrs.) L. A. The gospel life of Jesus Christ, 1875, Davis, (Mrs.) Paulina Wright. Res. A Providence Lady Abroad, History of the Woman Suffrage Movement, Editor of The Una, published in Providence, R, I, 1867-69, RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 11 Douglas, (Mrs.) Sarah, ps. Philomath. Nat Expository paraphrase of the Song of Solomon. Pro v., 1884. A Bu'd's-eye view of the progress of Science, Religion and PhUosophy. 1883. Eames, (Mrs.) Jane (Anthony), b. 1816. Nat. 1. Budget of letters. 1847. 2. The budget closed. 1860. 3. Another budget. 1854. 4. Letters from Bermuda. 1875. 5. Sketch of Grace Church, Prov. 1857. 6. Memorials of Rev. Dr. Eames. 1876. 7. Memorials of Hezekiah Anthony. 1885. Contributor to 2'/ie Christian Witness, The Church Jour- nal, The Churchman, The Providence Journal, Tlie New Hampshire Patriot, The Concord Monitor, The People, The American Tract Society, and author of the following Sunday School books : My Mother's Jewel, 1850. Agnes and Eliza, 1852. Sarah Barry, 1853. Christmas Gift, 1851. "Favorably known as the authoress of religious works for the young." — Allibone. Earle, Miriam. Author of Stories for children, contributor to The Union Signal. Franklin, (Mrs.) Ann. Nat. In 1732 the first newspaper published in the colony of Rhode Island was started, at Newport, by James Franklin (brother of Benjamin). It was called/ T/ie Rhode Island Gazette. Ann Franklin (wife of the publisher), is said to have " carried on the printing office" after the death of her husband. In 1758 James (son of James and Ann Franklin) established the Newport Mercury. This James Franklin " left Newport suddenly and never returned," and his mother, " a woman of industry, energy and experi- ence," placed her imprint upon the paper, issued it 12 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. regularly until her daughter's marriage provided her with a son-in-law who look charge of the business. Copies of the Neivport 3£ercury, dated August 24th and November 6th, 1762, published by A. Franklin and S. Hale, are to be seen at the Redwood Library, New- port, R. I. Gardner, Ida M. Outlines of Renaissance and Reformation. Notes for lectures by the late Prof. Diman. 1889. Gaskill, (Mrs.) Josephine L. (Abbott). Res. Outlines for the study of art. 1890. Gibbs, Emily Olive. Gleanings. Gladding, (Mrs.) Elizabeth N. Nat. 1. Leaves from an invalid's journal. 2. Leaves and poems ? 1858. Mrs. Gladding died of malarial fever while teaching the freedmen at St. Helena Island, S. C, July, 1867. Mrs. Whitman has addressed a poem to her, " Our Haunted Room," in which occur these lines : ***** The hands that twined with flexile grace Their garlands round my flower-lipped vase, Shrouding the corbel's sculptured face, Fair folded in a southern clime, Absolved from all the toils of time. Await the eternal morning's prime: — Fair folded by the Atlantic wave 'Mid the dark race she died to save, Where homeless sea winds haunt her grave. Goddard, (Mrs.) Sarah Updike. Nat. In 1762 appeared llie Providence Gazette aiid Cou7itry Journal, the first newspaper established in Provi- dence, by William Goddard. This paper was for three years (1766-69) under the care of William Goddard's mother, Mrs. Sarah IJpdike Goddard. The New England Almanac and Ladies^ and Gen- tlemen's Diary, 1767-69, by Sarah Goddard and Co., are in the possession of the R. I. Historical Society. RHODB ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 13 Greene, Mary Anne, LL. B., Counsellor at Law. Nat 1. Privileged Communications in suits between Husband and Wife. 24 American Law Review (St. Louis, Mo.), 779, September-October number, 1890. 2. The Present Right of American Women to Vote and Hold Office. Two articles. I. Her Right to Vote, Boston Daily Traveller, Saturday, February 21, 1891. II. Her Right to Hold Office. Ibid., Saturday, Feb- ruary 28, 1891. 3. A Woman Lawyer. The Chautauquan (Meadville, Pa.), Vol. XIV., p. 218 (November, 1891). 4. Biographical Sketch of Lelia Robinson Sawtelle, LL. B. 'The Chautauquan, Vol. XIV., p. 335, Dec, 1891. 5. The Legal Relation of Parent and Child. T'he Chau- tauquan, Vol. XIV., p. 463, January, 1892. 6. Legal Domestic Relations. The Chautauquan, Vol. XIV., p. 592, February, 1892. 7. The Law of Promissory Notes and Bank Checks. The Chautauquan, Vol. XV., p. 81, April, 1892. 8. Legal Business Transactions. T'he Chautauquan, Vol. XV., p. 347, June, 1892. 9. Woman's Position in Law. The ChautauquAxn, Vol. XV., p. 634, August, 1892. 10. Necessaries for Wives. The Woman's Journal, (Bos- ton,) September 14, 1889, and various other articles of less than a column's length in The Woman's Journal, from 1888 to the present time. TRANSLATIONS. Poetry. 1. "Ad Perenius Vitse Fontem." Latin hymn of the fifth century. Sunday School Times, (Philadelphia, Pa.,) March, 1881. 2. Ascension Hymn. Latin hymn of the sixth century. The Watchman, (Boston,) March 13, 1881. Prose. The Woman Lawyer. A Historical and Critical Essay. From the French of DeLouis Frank, (La Femme- Avocat, Paris, 1889.) Translation in the Chicago 14 . . RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Law Times (quarterly), January, April, July and Octx)ber, 1889. (C. V. Waite & Co., Chicago.) Hall, (Mrs.) Emily A. Nat. 1. The history of the fan. 2. The history of the umbrella. Hall, (Mrs.) Louisa J. (Park), b. 1802, d. 1892. Ees. Miriam ; a dramatic poem. Joanna of Naples ; an historical romance. Elizabeth Carter ; a sketch. The silver bell ; a story. Poems. 1892. Hall, Harriet Ware, b. 1841, d. 1889. Nat. A book for friends ; poems (30). Essays ; 1 vol. Hanna, Abigail Stanley. Ees. Withered Leaves from Memory's Garland. 1857. Hatton, (Mrs.) Mary Manchester Waterman, ps. Minnie, Marie, M. M. H., b. 1830. Nat. Contributor to Gleasoii's Pictorial, Waverly Mag., Christ- ian Freeman, and local newspapers. Hazard, Caroline. Nat. Memoirs of the Rev. J. Lewis Diman, compiled from his letters, journals and writings. . . . Bost., 1886. The works of Rowland Gibson Hazard, (4 vols.) 1889. Edited by Miss Hazard, with a biographical preface from her pen. Contributes stories, sketches and poems to The Century Mag., The New Englander, The Andover Review, Far and Near, The New England Mag., The Provi- dence Sunday Journal, The Independent, Overland Monthly. Compositions and translations for music. Hazard, Gertrude Minturn, and Anna Peace. Nat. Poems. 1873. (In coUab.) Hopkins, Sara F. Nat. Contributor to Atlantic Monthly, Putnarri's, Lippineotfs, Galaxy, Catholic World, Wide Awake, All The Year RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 15 Round, Youtli's Companion, Christian Union, Phil- adelphia Press, foreign correspondent of Sacramento Record, and " all round" work for Providence Journal. Hoppin, Louise Clare. Nat. Journalist. Howe, (Mrs.) Julia Ward. Res. Best known as a poet, but also a prolific writer and speaker on literary, philosopliical, aesthetic and social themes. Howland, Avis. Res. Rhode Island tales, and tales of old times. 1839. Miss Howland was a Quaker lady living in Newport. The tales were written for the amusement of a young nephew, and describe incidents known to contemporaries. Jacobs, Ruth Alice. Nat. Contributes short stories to The Advocate, The Yankee Blade, etc. Jacobs, Sarah Sprague, b. 1813. Nat. 1. White Oak and its neighbors. 1869. 2. Nonantum and Natick. 1853. ["A history in a pop- ular style of the New England Indian tribes and . . . John Elliot. It has been commended."] — Allibone. Poems. Jones, Mrs. Eliza G. 1803. Nat. Poetical remains. 1853. Jones, (Mrs.) Elizabeth C. Nat. Fugitive poems. 3 vols. 1819-28. Keene, (Mrs.) Emily F. Res. 1. The Haven children. 2. Teddy and his friends. Kendall, (Mrs.) Helen Elizabeth (Perry.) Nat. Journalist and author of an essay entitled Faust, a Study. 1892. Lawton, (Mrs.) J. F. P., and Grace R. Diary of travels. (In coUab.) 16 EHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Lee, Abby. Nat. 1. Little Ellen. 2. Wrote also, in coUab. with Avis Howland. Le Garde, Ellen. Journalist. Editor of The Fencer. Little, (Mrs.) Abby Wheaton. Nat. Memoir of Napoleon Third (Prince Napoleon Louis Bona- parte). 1848. Memoir of Robert Wheaton. Little, (Mrs.) Sophia. Nat. 1. Last days of Jesus. 1877. 2. Thrice through the furnace. 1852. 3. Poems? 1841. 4. Christ in prison. Lyman, (Mrs.) Eliza. Nat. Recollections of Mrs. Wanton Lyman. Lyon, (Mrs.) Susan Stevens, ps. " Eva." Res. Woman in Japan. (A leaflet.) Contributor to Providence Journal, New York Evening Post, The Independent, New York Examiner, The Watchman, YoutWs Companion, The Nursery, Zion^s Advocate, etc. MacDougall, (Mrs.) Frances Haven, (also Mrs. Green and Mrs. Whipple.) Nat. 1. Shahmah in pursuit of freedom. 1858. 2. Memoirs of EUeanor Eldridge, a colored woman of Providence. (More than 30,000 copies sold.) 3. The mechanic. 1841. 4. Might and right ; an account of the Dorr war. 1844. 5. Nanuntenoo ; a legend of the Narragansetts, in six cantos. 1848. 6. Analytical class book of botany. 1855. (In collab. with Joseph W. Congdon.) 7. Editor of The Wampanoag, 1848, and of The Young People'' s Journal of Science, Literature and Art. 8. Poems contributed to the Univerevelum, Vols. I. and II., under ps. Jenny Lee and Fanny Green. RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 17 Marchant, Sarah. Meyrowitz, (Mrs.) Etta Burroughs, b. 1865. Nat Journalist. Editor-in-chief of The People, 1887. Assis- tant editor of Bhode Island Democrat; press-agent in Boston and Providence. Mitchell, Mary. 1731-1810. Nat. A short account of the early part of [her] life, written by herself. With some selections from some other of her writings, and two testimonials of monthly meetings of Friends at R. I. and Nantucket, con- cerning her. New Bedford. 1812. Nichols, Elizabeth P. Associate editor of The Outlook, contributor to The Union Signal, The Oak and Ivy Leaf. Osborn, (Mrs.) Sarah, d. 1796. Res. Familiar letters. Paine, (Mrs.) Louise Mason Akerman. 1839-83. Nat Poems (privately printed). Paine, Susanna. Nat Died at Providence, 1862, aged 70 years. She was a portrait painter and practiced her profession. She was a frequent contributor of poems to the Morning Courier of Providence during the years 1836-7-8. She was the author of Roses and Thorns ; or, Recollections of an Artist. 1854. Wait and See ; a novel. 1860. Padelford, Sarah Carpenter, ps. Clarice. Nat Contributor of stories and poems to various publications, and of articles on educational topics to The Rhode Island Schoolmaster, etc. Palmer, (Mrs.) Fanny Purdy. Res. A dead level and other episodes. 1892. Contributes stories and poems to The True Flag, Har- per^s, The Galaxy, The Continental, Peterson^s, The Home Journal^ {ps. Florio,) The New York Weekly, The Parthenon, Putnam'' s Mag., etc. Partridge, Mary Eleanor. 18 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Peck, Annie S. Nat. Studies in Greek art and archseology (as lectures). Peckham, (Mrs.) W. G. (Perry.) Res. Spring and Autumn leaves. Peckham, Grace, M. D. Nat. Travel correspondence and contributions to medical lit- erature. Peckham, (Mrs.) Mary Chase. 1839-92. Res. Father Gabrielle's fairy. 1869. Poems, contributed to Neiv York Evening Post, Lippin- cotVs, Providence Journal, Woman^s Journal. Stories to Ladies Repository. Perry, (Mrs.) Elizabeth A. Nat. History of Glocester, R. I. Perry, Nora. Res. 1. After the ball and other poems. 1876. 2. The tragedy of the unexpected and other stories. 1880. 3. Her lover's friend and other poems. 1880. 4. Bessie's trials at boarding school. 1881. Miss Perry did much of her best work during her resi- dence in Providence. She is a graceful and popular writer, now residing in Boston, Mass. Phillips, (Mrs.) Sophia M. Poem in Rhode Island Book. Pitman, (Mrs.) Marie J. (Davis), ps. Marjorie Deane. 1850. Nat. 1. Wonder world, tr. 1878. 2. European breezes. 1882. Wrote books for children. Contributor to Boston Transcript and other journals. Poor, (Mrs.) Ellen Hedge. 1836-66. Nat. Heart songs ; a collection of poems. 1851. Power, Anna Marsh, in collab. with Sarah Helen Whit- man. Nat. The golden ball. The sleeping beauty. Cinderella. [1866-70.] Carriers' New Year's address for Providence Journal. RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 19 Pratt, (Mrs.) Mary Elizabeth. Nat. Rhoda Thornton's girlhood. 1873. Randolph, Sally Engs, b. 1844, d. 1890. Nat. Beethoven ; a biographical romance. [Translation.] Reynolds, (Mrs ) Frances Adelia. Bes. Contributes poetry, fiction, book reviews, etc., to TJie New Peterson, The West Sliore, Chicago Saturday Evening Herald, American Spectator, Home Guar- dian, Ridleifs Quarterly (N. Y.), Chicago Standard, Woman's Tribune, Wotnaji^s Journal, The Pansy, etc. The following is from Mrs. Reynolds' response to a toast to The Pen at a recent banquet of the Montana Press Association : The journalist, with bold, free pen, Upholding right — condemning wrong; The poet who can soothe or charm A carping world with graceful song; The writer who, Dame Nature's moods And brother man depicts with skill ; All those whose pen can guide or please. Hold untold power for good or ill! Richards, (Mrs.) Cornelia H., ps. Mrs. Manners. 1822. Res. 1. Pleasure and profit ; or, Lessons on the Lord's Prayer. K Y., 185-. 2. Hester and I. New York. 1859. 3. Springs of action. 1863. 4. At home and abroad ; or, How to behave. N. Y., 1855. 5. Aspiration ; or, Autobiographj' of girlhood. 1855, 6. Sedgemoor ; or, Home lessons. 1857. Richards, (Mrs.) William T. Res. Dramatic sonnets of inward life. Richards, (Mrs.) Maria T. Nat. Life in Israel ; or, Portraitures of Hebrew character. 1857. Life in Judea ; or. Glimpses of the first Christian age. 1855. 20 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Studies in English literature. ) , Studies in Biblical literature, f Richardson, Harriette P., ps. Fairleigh Cottage. Nat. 1. Easter verses from Fairleigh cottage. 2. Christmas rural poems. Contributed to Provideiice Journal. Robinson, Emma. 1785. Nat. Poems. The following extract is from Pettiquamscott, a poem published in the Rhode Island Book : This fair spot with partial pleasure, Pettiquamscott's arms entwine; Leaves with pain his favorite treasure, Parting feels regret like mine. * * * * Follow still thy sweet employment, Wave ye woods, ye oceans roar ; You shall give sublime enjoyment When your Emma is no more. Russell, (Mrs.) Ellen H. (Brown), b. 1842. Nat. Waiting and other poems, a collection of fugitive verses and sonnets. 1892. Rutenbur, Margaret Lee, b. (about) 1812, d. 1866. Nat. Contributor to Peterson^s and other Philadelphia mags. Shaw, Emma. Res. Contributes poetry and travel correspondence to Boston Transcript, Overland Monthly, Providence Journal. A review of her poetry appeared in Magazine of Poetry, April, 1892. Shedd, (Mrs.) Julia Ann Clarke. 1834. 1. Famous painters and paintings. 1875. 2. The Ghiberti gates. 1879. 3. Famous sculptors and sculpture. 3d ed. 1881. 4. Raphael ; his madonnas and holy families. B., 1883. 5. The leper of the city of Aoste. [Tr. from French.'] Slocum, (Mrs.) Charlotte Leavitt. Poems and Hymns, contributed to The Chaulauquan. RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 21 Smith, (Mrs.) E. J. Nat. Editor of the Home Guard. Smith, (Mrs.) Eleanor W. Talbot. Nat. Wonder eyes and what for. Mother goose's goslings. Jack o'lantern. My lady's casket. Smith, (Mrs.) Emma Lamphear. Nat. Engaged in " all round " journalistic work. Contributes character sketches and local incidents to leading newspapers as the Providence Journal, Daily Neivs, etc. The following topics indicate Mrs. Smith's vein: T/ie Tramp who had read Landor, An Experience of Suicide, The Tragedy of the Mastiff Pup, A Vet- eran Whip, etc., etc. Smith, (Mrs.) H. J. Nat. Editor of The Outlook. Smith, (Mrs.) Sarah Louisa P. (Hickman.) Pes. [b. in Detroit, 1811. d. in New York, 1832.] Poems. Prov., 1829. Spencer, (Mrs.) Anna (Garlin). Pes. Pastor of the Religious Society of BeU Street Chapel. Sermons ; journalistic work, varied in character and voluminous in quantity, contributed to Providence Journal, Woma7i's Journal, Christian Register, Bos- , ton Commonwealth, The Index, The Springfield Pe- puhlican, The Century Mag., The Popular Science Monthly, and other publications. Stanton, Kate Sands, M. D. Nat. Whom to Marry. Contributor to Springfield Republican, and associate editor with Mrs. Paulina Wright Davis, of The New World. Lecturer and practicing physician. Stuart, (Mrs.) Charlotte Allen Knight, b. 1834, d. 1864. Nat. Contributor to Philadelphia papers and magazines and to The Temperance Advocate (Providence) about 1850-52. 22 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Translator of stories from the French. Taggart, Cynthia. 1801-49. Nat. Cynthia Taggart, daughter of William Taggart, born on the Island of Rhode Island 14th December, 1801, and lived there the life of an invalid ; poet. Three edi- tions of her poems were published, to wit : 1834 ; second edition, 1834 ; third edition, 1848. A bio- graphical account, singularly deficient in biographi- cal material, in which were included some of her letters, appeared in 1835 ; it passed through five editions. Cynthia Taggart died at Middletown, R. I., 23d March, 1849. Tallman, (Mrs.) Mariana Bisbee. Ees. Picturesque Rhode Island. 1892. Mrs. Tallman is actively engaged in journalism. Taylor, Kate Kittredge. Biographical sketch of Elizabeth Kittredge Churchill. . Taylor, (Mrs.) Jeannette Hopkins. Nat. Autobiographical romance. N. Y., 1856. Wardwell, Mary E. Nat. Poems and journalistic work. Weaver, Fanny Louise. Nat. Contributes short stories and poems to The Independent, Congregationalist, Woman^s Journal, Yoidli's Com- panion, Boston Commonwealth, Neiv England Mag. Weeden, Anne Tillinghast. Nat. Contributes short stories to periodicals. Weston, (Mrs.) Silas, ps. Maria. Nat. The Weldron family. 1848. Westbrook, (Mrs.) Henrietta Paine, M. D., ps. Paul Henri. Nat. Contributor to newspapers and magazines of serial stories, professional studies and travel correspondence. Wheeler, Esther Grade Lawrence. Ees. 1. Stray leaves from Newport. 1888. 2. Cupid's little game ; a play of Newport societ^^ RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. 23 3, Contributor to Magazine of American History and Demoresfs MonMy. 1884. White, (Mrs.) B. A. Nat. Three holes in a chimney ; or, A scattered family, 1886. Whitman, (Mrs.) Sarah Helen. 1803-1878. Nat. 1. Hours of life, and other poems. Pro v., 1853. 2. Edgar Poe and his critics. Prov., 1885. 3. Poems. Bost., 1879. Sarah Helen (Power) Whitman, descended of an old Rhode Island family, was born in Providence, 1803, and died there, 1878. She was married to John W. Whitman, a lawyer of Boston, in 1828, and left a widow in 1833. In 1848 Mrs. Whitman was be- trothed to Edgar Poe. The engagement was broken on the eve of the time fixed for marriage by the in- terference of friends. It is probably not too soon to say that Sarah Helen Whitman has a place in the first rank of American women poets. Harmony and imagination belong to her poetry, which is suffused by her intense personal experience and her passion- ate delight in nature. Her Edgar Poe and his Critics, written under the peculiar circumstances attaching to the romantic friendship of this gifted pair, is a remarkable analysis of Poe's genius and career. In person Mrs. Whitman was beautiful, and "she looked on life" — wrote George Ripley — " not merely with an artist's eye but with a longing to wrest from it a solution of the eternal mystery." To her, as she has sung. The passive face of Nature showed A sweet responsive sympathy, And dimly through the Human glowed The lineaments of Deity. ***** ^ While patience budding into peace, And knowledge ripening into power, And thought with its pale alchemy Made beautiful the passing hour. — Poems, Evening (p. 131). 24 RHODE ISLAND LITERARY WOMEN. Mrs. Whitman left material for a volume of prose writ- ings, largely autobiographical, to be edited here- after. Whitney, Anna T. Nat. Editor of The Herald of the Centennial. 1876. Williams, (Mrs.) Catherine R. (Arnold). Nat. 1. Religion at home. 2. Aristocracy. 3. Tales, National and Revolutionary. 4. The neutral French. 5. Biography of Revolutionary heroes ; consisting of the life of Brigadier-General William Barton, and also of Captain Stephen Olney. 6. A manuscript, entitled " Bertha, a tale of St. Domingo, with an abridged history of the Island." 7. Original poems. Born in Providence about the year 1790, married at the age of twenty-three and removed to New York, but soon returned to Rhode Island, where she published a volume of original poems. The success of her first book led her to write others which were well received, a second and sometimes a third edition being demanded. Her novels, which were popular at the time, are of a sensational stamp and "not without merit," and her biographies and tales of revolutionary characters have historical interest. Willing, (Mrs.) Charles (Tillinghast). Nat 1. Genevieve of Brabant ; a legend in verse. Phil., 1879. 2. Persephone, and other poems. Phil., 1881. Wyman, (Mrs.) Lillie B. Chace. Nat. Poverty grass. 1886. Contributes stories and studies of factory life to Atlantic Monthly, Christian Union and other periodicals. YE D96T4