UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF DR. MALBONE W. GRAHAM -JL AIPER 414 Br'.'son Bld . Vandi>e t Fitzroy 4205 By Rabbi Simon Glazer Published by the UNITED SYNAGOGUES OF GREATER KANSAS CITY 1922 CLINE PUBLISHING COMPANY. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Copyrighted by SIMON GLAZER, 1922 All Rights of Translation Reserved by the Author. All Rights of Reprint throughout the English-Speaking Countries, in- cluding Palestine, Reserved. ft CO to CO CD JDS I -3 THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING "He Made Good His Promise." [4] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 25, 1922. Uy dear Babbi Glazer: In compliance with your request of July 19th, the President has been glad to autograph a photograph for the purpose mentioned. I have pleasure in sending it to you today, "under other cover. Sincerely yours, Secretary to the President' Rabbi Simon Glazer, 612 Massachusetts Building, Kansas City, Missouri. Facsimile of Letter Authorizing Dedication of This Work to the President. [5] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION July 19, 1922. Honorable George G. Christian Jr. Secretary to the President, Washington, D.C. My dear Mr. Secretary: On November 18, 1921 the President promised to see the Honorable Arthur J. Balfour in reference to Palestine as a national homeland for the Jewish people. The President did so. As a result of his great in- fluence both houses of Congress have passed resolutions favoring such a national homeland for the Jewish people. SenatorsCharles Curtis of Kansas and Seldon P. Spencer were the first men to take up this matter. All records in connection with that are now being published by the United Synagogues of Greater Kansas City. The work will be dedicated to the President and it is desirable that we have an autographed photograph of him to appear on the dedicatory page. I trust that you will find the time to comply with our request, and thanking you most heartily in antici- pation, I am Yours very cordial, Rabbi of the United Synagogues SG:RT of Greater Kansas City. Facsimile Copy of Letter Outlining Reason of Having This Work Dedicated to the President. [6] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION THE WHITE HOUSE WA H I NGTON October 13. 1921. lly dear Rabbi Glazer: The President directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of September 30th, and to call attention to the fact that the Treaty of Peace with liirkey, known as the Treaty of Sevres, has not come into effect and that, therefore, such matters as the ratification of mandates and other readjustments affecting the former Ottoman Empire cannot for the moment be given definitive action. Sincerely yours, Secretary to the President. Rabbi Simon Glazer, 612 Massachusetts Kansas City, Missouri. Facsimile of Letter Which Cleared the Atmosphere and Revealed Exact Situation. [7] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION HON. HENRY J. ALLEN Governor of the State of Kansas "Ennobled by Modesty." [8] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION STATE OF KANSAS KXECTT1VE UEtMiftTMENT r 21, 1921. Habfci Siioon Glazer, Kansas City, Mo. Dear itabli Glazerj Thank you for your klna telegram of the 17th from Washington. 1 found it waiting for me upon my return home today* I was In Washington Saturday ana had lunch with the President and senator Curtis, '..'hey loth spoke of you and of how glad they were to have an opportunity to comply with your request. 1 am sincerely glad that your visit to Washington brought you so. much pleasure and so much opportunity for usefulness to your people. sincerely, Facsimile of Letter Showing the Work of God Through America's Greatest Statesmen. [9] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION STATK OF KANSAS EXECrTIVE DEPARTMENT TOPKKA Octoter ZL, 1921. Rabbi Simon Glazsr, 718 Delaware St. , Kansas City, no. My dear HaVbi Glazen Thank yoa for year kind, letter of the 20th last* I an glad to have 'been of even slight benefit to yoa in reference to the matter of the federal resolution. I shall always te glad to serve you and your people In any way. Tours slnotrely, Facsimile of Governor Allen's Letter After Senator Curtis Took Matters Up With State Department. [10] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION BTATK or KANSAS SXECCTIVE DEPARTMENT TOP.KA September 19, 1921. Habbi Simon United Synagogues of Greater Kaasas City, Kansas City, ilo. Ily oeax Babbi Glazer : I on sending you herewith the letter I received from Senator Curtis. You will note the second paratZ'aph of his letter, In which he states that If you wish him to present the resolution he will be glad to go over it and take the matter up with the state u apartment and to in- troduce it , In case the state department aees no compllca- tlons in it. I am glad that Senator Curtis so thoroughly sympathizes with your attitude In this matter, and 1 feel certain that he will be able to giro you some valuable assistance. I expect to talk with senator Cqppar personally about this. I feel sure that he will co-operate with anything Senator Curtis does. Tours sincere! Facsimile of Governor Allen's Letter Showing the First Step Taken in Bringing About the Palestine Resolution. THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION GOVERNOR ARTHUR HYDE of Missouri. "An Everready Friend." THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION Sept. 23, 1*21. Rabbi Simon Glaeer, Kansas City, Missouri. Ky dear Rabbi Glazer; I acknowledge reoelpt of your favor of the 26th. I had already written to Senator Spenoer, because I felt that I had sufficient facts on hand to Justify the message. I am this morning In reoelpt of a letter from Sen. Selden P. Spenoer In which he says: " You are entirely right in what you state con- cerning my attitude In this natter. Anything I can do for that race, I shall be glad to do. I oan never forget that my Savior was himself a Jew, and the suffering of tiiese people in their of wandering and persecution Is tragic". Facsimile of Governor Hyde's Letter Introducing Sen- ator Spencer as an Element of Intense Activity. [13] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION GOVERNOR SAMUEL R. McKELVIE 'A Quick-Grasping Statesman Advocating a National Homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine." [14] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION ti % of 2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE Ttnruln beptember Twenty-nine 1 9 a 1 Kabbi Simon Glazier. United jynagoguea of Greater Kanai3 City. Kansas City, Missouri. Kevercad Slr;- I am enoloning copy of letter that I have Just written to Senators Hltohoook and Horrla of Nebraska. Very truly your a. SR1I/H Governor. [' (ic.simile of Copy of Governor McKelvie's Letter to the Nebraska Senators, Who Were of Material Help. [15] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION COPY .September Twenty-nine 19 21 I have just had a call from Rabbi Simon Glazier of the United Synagogues of Greater Kansas City, regarding the ambitions of 'the Jewish people for a National Home or Homeland in Palestine. .Recognizing the need of the several million Jewish people for a Homeland of their own, I desire to express my sympathy with their cause, and I hope that the United States Senate may, by resolution, give endorsement to this movement insofar as it is in harmony with the obligations and purposes of the De- partment of State of the United States. I shall appreciate any interest that you may show in this matter. Very truly yours, SRM/M Governor. Facsimile Copy of Governor McKelvie's Letter Mani- festing Sincere Action, [16] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION EXECUTIVE OFFICE OES MOINFS. IOWA November 13, 1908. My dear habbl: I have your letter of the 6th instant, and I beg to assure you that It gave me aa much gratification as any one of the many letters I have received relating to the recent primary election. I have had the generous support of the Jewish people from the beginning, and I am very grateful to them for their confidence. I Intend to do what I can In the direction you suggest. I have no patience with the intolerance that exists in some parts of our country, and the Injustice that prevails in many of the foreign countries. Do not hesitate to communicate with me when I reach Wash- ington, and I will give all the lifluence I have toward the enactment of such a law as you suggest, and more than that, to any other law that will Insure impartial civic treatment in every part of the world toward the Jewish race. With high regard, I am, Yours very truly, Rabbi Simon Glazer, Montreal, Quebec . Facsimile Letter of One of America's Greatest States- men. Senator Cummins Received Mr. Sokolow and the Interview Was of Far-reaching Importance. [17] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION SENATOR SELDEN P. SPENCER 'The people of Israel will get Palestine with or without the con- sent of our State Department." Senator Spencer to Under-Secretary of State Henry P. Fletcher, Tuesday, November 22, 1921. THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION QtCnii COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS. September 13, 1921. Uy dear Governor: I have your letter of recent date and nte what you say in reference to your interview with Rabbi Simon Glazer of the United Synagogues of Greater Kanaae City. If he would aend copy of the resolution dealred by himself and his people, 1 would gladly go over it and take the matter up with the State Department, and if they saw no complications I would be pleased to introduce it. However, I want to be certain that no complications would arise because it would be unfortunate to have anything happen just at this time. Personally, my sympathies are with the Jewish people, and I would like to see them establish a national homeland in Palestine. With kindest regards, I on Very truly youre, Honorable H. J. Allen, Executive Department, Topeka, Kansas. Faes.wUe o> orator Curtis' Letter to Governor Allen the First Direct Mention of the Palestine Resolution. [19] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION SENATOR CHARLES CURTIS "The Champion of Israel." [20] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES TELEGRAM B36CHU 458PU 12 GOVT ST WASHINGTON DC NOV 14 21 RABBI SI UGH GLAZER RABBI UNITED SYNAGOGUES OF GREATER KAtlSASCITY KAIISASCITY HO. PKESIDEIIT HARDING WILL 3EE YOU FRIDAY UOH!II!!G THIS EEK AT TEH THIRTY CHARLES CURTIS Facsimile of Telegram Which Brought About America's Direct Help and Removed All Complications. [21] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION ied Plaice November 17, 1921. My dear Mr. President : This will introduce to you Rabbi Simon Glazer, of Kansas City, Mo., to whom you agreed to give an interview at 10:30, Friday morning, November 18th. I take great pleasure in recommending the Rabbi to you and trust you will give him a full and com- plete hearing. Yours, very truly, To The President, Washington, D.C. Facsimile of Letter Which Moved the Heart and Swl of President Harding. [22] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION -i7>iaK ;, i-'n December 14. 1921. My dear Glazer: Ifoar wire of recent date came duly to hand and I note what you say about H. Sokolow. I assure you It will give si a great pleasure to see Mr. Sokolow if it is possible while he is in Washington. Senator Lodge is buay with the Confer- enea and I an so busy with work in the Senate, where I must be all the time, that it is almost impocsible to make appointments to see any one during the sessions. A Committee called upon me yesterday and told thjm that I would see l!r. Sokolow as soon as possible. With compliments of the season, I am, Very truly yours. Simon Glaser, Rabbi, United Synagogues of Creator Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri. Facsimile of Senator Curtis' Letter Which is Both Historic and Interesting. |23] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION January 17, 1922. Uy dear Glazer: Your letter of recent date came duly to hand and I thank you very much for sending me a copy of your letter to the President. I assure you I have read it with great Interest, and further assure you It was a pleasure to be of assistance to you and to Mr. Nuhum Sokolow. Kith kindest regards, I am Very truly youra, Rabbi Simon Glazer, Rabbi of United Synagogues, Kansas City, Missouri Facsimile of Senator Curtis' Letter Which Uncovers Much of What Was Done to Clear the Way for Final Action. [24] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION April 80, 1922. r.iy dear Rabbi Glazer: I have your wire and note what you .ay in regard to the Lodge resolution. I will gladly present your wire to Senator Lodge and will again urge him to ask for early action upon his resolution. I have already spoken to him In regard to it. You .-nay rest assured it will give mo pleasure to do all I can in scouring early action. With kindest regards. I am. Very truly yours. Babbl Simon Glacer, United Synagogues, Greater Eansas Olty, Mo. Facsimile of Senator Curtis' Letter Which Reveals the Most Noble Character in the United States Senate. [25] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION RECEIVED AT COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK BLD6., HID & 6 SIS., N. W, WASHINGTON, D. C. B186CH 17 1921 HOV 17 PM 5 50 B CHICAGO ILL 432P 17 KABBI SIMON GLAZER WASHINGTON HOTEL WASHINGTON DC LIPSKY COMMUNICATED WITH NEWYOHK TO HAVE SOME ONE MEET YOU REGRET INABILITY TO JOIN YOU GODS SPEED MAX SHULHAN. Facsimile of Telegram Showing Interest of Zionist Or- ganization of America in the Palestine Resolution. [26] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES TELEGRAM 286NYBP18 BY HEKYOKK MOV 18 ?1 RABBI SIUON GLAZEH CO OF HOTEL BASH) WASH!! DC LLAEER HILL JOIN YOU II! UNOFFICIAL UEETIHG WITH OTHER OENTLEHEH ON SATUREAY HORUIllQ STOP SEE JOLDHERiJ GOOD WISHES HENRY J DA1INEJBAUU 2P Facsimile of Telegram Which Relates to the Appearance of Mr. N. Sokolow upon the Scene. [27] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION RECEIVED AT 1922 14AY 4 PU 3 3f> E203A 18 SD NCTYOHK NY 332P 4 HABBI SIMON GLAZEH 813 MASSACHUSETTS BLDG KANSA3CITY UO COi.'LiHATULATIONS TO YuU UK)!! SUCCESS OF SENATE RESOLUTION F.!ICI1 MAKES IIIEVITASLE ADOKTIOIJ BY HOUSE AND SIGNATURE BY PRESIDENT LOUIS LIPSKY. Facsimile of a Telegram Giving Color to the L!psky Efficiency. |28] THE PALESTINE RESOLUTION ZIONIST ORGAN^AXION OF AMERICA 55 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE' V, J I r*. .V V, j".*?;,*''^** ftlwrVlU. /Vl S!?I.OK"!''I.WT .\V-V."f\ Y' J *'^ *'!?'"'"' \r* V'w*. >. V. 1.M.U liouiMG f-.itttm.-T,. 1.. I. \l<*.i. Miw.. ii.. K^r V..f*. \ V H..S..C. rv'*Tj. . < rTUi! ri'/Mk>t."r s.^tT! M'^WIMI ^^Blp^n < ".. s .7's"t M MOMM. T". J"*r HMMt.rat* rfcllM, .KV Bro-.l'^K. .V. V. MlxSlllnl.s f h,. .r'j<>, I December 22, 9P1. Fibbi SUon Olazer, 612-814 Muss. Bldg., Kwii3 City, KO. My dear hc.bbi Ciazer: I tnt to xt.ro83 i thank* to you for the oopit