4 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THEOPHILUS WALDMEIER. THEoIxiKE, LATE KIN(i OF ABYSSIMA. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY BEING AN ACCOUNT OF in ear0 n LONDON : S. W. PARTRIDGE & Co., 9, PATERNOSTER Row, E.G. LEOMINSTER : THE ORPHANS' PRINTING PRESS, 10 & 12, BROAD STREET. PRINTKD AT rllK ORPHAN 8' PRINTING PRK88, LROMI.N8TBR. PREFACE. MANY friends have repeatedly asked me to write down my experiences in Abyssinia and Syria. I have hesitated for many reasons, but finally I have thought it good to comply with their wishes. Some years ago I wrote a book in German about my ten years' residence in Abyssinia which was translated into French, Swedish, and Arabic, but not into English. As I have the privi- lege of knowing so many dear friends in England and America I have therefore written this Auto- biography in the English language. My great aim in doing so is to show forth to the reader how won- derfully our heavenly Father has led me from my early childhood until the present time. Not only in the beautiful highlands of Abyssinia, where the greatest and most wonderful events of my life have taken place, but in Beirut and Mount Lebanon also I have experienced the overshadowing power of the Almighty. I therefore say with the Psalmist, " Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things" (Psalm Ixix. 18). viii. Preface. The description of the different religious sects in the East, especially that of the Druses, as well as much other information connected with my journeys will, I trust be acceptable and useful to many. That this humble and simple book may now go forth in the name of the Lord, and become a blessing to its readers is the earnest desire of the author. TH. WALDMEIER. Brummana, Mount Lebanon, October, 1886. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. EARLY HISTORY, MISSION TO EGYPT, SOUDAN, AND ABYSSINIA. Childhood Running away from home Education Conversion Starts as Missionary to Abyssinia Journey through Egypt and Soudan Arrival in Abyssinia Reception by King Theodore Marriage ... CHAPTER II. ABYSSINIA. Mountains Volcanoes Climate Vegetation Crops Fertility of the Soil Characteristics of the People Abyssinian mode of adminis- tering Justice Honesty rewarded Dress Food Houses Trades Money 13 CHAPTER III. RELIGION OF THE ABYSSINIANS. Queen of Sheba Falashas Introduction of Christianity Manner of Ordaining Priests Abyssinian Churches, Priests, and Preaching Jesuit Mission Mohammedan Aggression Galla Tribes Slave Trade Galla Languages 22 CHAPTER IV. PROTESTANT MISSION TO ABYSSINIA. Missions of Bishop Gobat, Mr. Kugler, Dr. Krapf, and Mr. Isenberg Jesuit Opposition Maricha \Varka Expulsion of the Jesuits Industrial Mission Bishop Gobat's Charge ... ... ... ... 38 CHAPTER V. THE LANGUAGE OF ABYSSINIA. Ethiopic Language Ethiopic Bible Amharic Language Amharic Bible Amharic Alphabet Amharic Lexicon 59 CHAPTER VI. THE MISSION STATION AT GAFFAT. Settlement at Gaffat The Boudah Abyssinian Churches Death of John Bell Mission to the Falashas The Converted Soldier The Convent at Godjam The Liberated Slaves Progress in the Arts Royal Bounty Missionary Work 63 x. Contents. PAOK CHAPTER VII. THE BEGINNING OP TROUBLES. Death of Queen Touabetch King Theodore's Second Marriage Politi- cal Missions of Captain Cameron and M. Bardel, and subse