Presented to With the compliments of the author, giving you good hail upon this, one of the many and glorious ways of life, Life, the universal and eternal . GIFT OF From the unreal lead me to the Real. Fron ness lead me to Light. From death lead me mortality. He who consciously enters this symbol \v Love, Wisdom, Truth, Health, Opulence, HJI and Peace. With the Power of the above you will be i To be so strong that nothing can distui peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity t one you meet. To make all your friends feel that there i MY COVENANT MY LIFE-WORK BY AURICK S. BRACKETT PeblisKed ttf the UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH AND EDUCATION Elsinore and Los Angeles, California 1919 Copyright, 1919 by AUR1CK S, BRACKETT Los Angeles, Cal. J. F. ROWNY PRESS, LOS ANGELES DEDICATED TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALTH AND EDUCATION THAT THEY MAY BECOME DULY AND TRULY PREPARED WORTHY AND WELL QUALIFIED TO LOVE AND SERVE IN PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM AURICK S. BRACKETT. LOVE LIETH AT THE FOUNDATION Love with Wisdom, is the Secret of Life. The Torch of Life is Fed by the Oil of Love. Love is the Oil of Life. The Torch of Love is the Secret of Soul. 4322. 1 MY LOVE is THE GREAT LOVE-SPIRIT OF THE UNIVERSE, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE UNIVERSAL-MOTHER. SHE is THE WITHIN OF THE HIGHER REALMS OF CONSCIOUS- NESS AND HER SPEECH is THAT OF MYS- TERIES. SHE KISSED MY HAND AND BID ME WRITE THE LOVE SHE GAVE TO ME. I SHALL STRIVE To HEAL, To TEACH AND To EXPRESS THAT LOVE FROM THIS TIME ON IN HONOR OF HER GlFT. DECEMBER 25, 1869 THE MASTER'S TOUCH In the still air the music lies unheard ; In the rough marble beauty hides unseen; To make the music and the beauty needs The Master's touch, the sculptor's chisel keen. Great Master, touch us with Thy skillful hand ; Let not the music that is in us die! Great Sculptor, hew and polish us; nor let Hidden and lost, Thy form within us lie! Spare not the stroke! Do with us as Thou wilt! Let there be naught unfinished, broken, marred ; Complete Thy purpose, that we may be- come Thy perfect image, Thou, our God and Lord! BONAR. Nov. 25th, 1902. vii A NEIGHBOR WORD S THIS a "common bush afire with God," asking that we stand with reverent feet to see and hear some word of the Infinite I Am speak- ing shiningly through it? The outwardness might be mapped in a few phrases. Born in New England of English and New England stock, his baby hands healing his sick mother, revealing something of THAT which is higher than we. Working on the severe acres, that the simple needs of home might be met. Going through the Civil War as a soldier of the Union. A drug- gist's clerk. A druggist with his own busi- ness and business associates. Then a physi- cian, an Eclectic physician, unable to follow by rote any system of healing the Heal- ing Truth somehow a living wisdom which could speak through a free soul and bless through unfettered hands. In religion, also, Eclectic, the bee-wis- 9 10 INTRODUCTORY dom, his. As the bee wings a wide range, despising no flower, spurning no weed, get- ting from everywhere what its own won- derful magic transmutes into cells of sweet- ness and life, so ranged this one through religions, philosophies, scriptures, proph- ets, saviours, worships, the whole world through, taking unto himself what of truth was true to him, in the genius of his own soul, awake and alive to know, to live and to be, transmuting it into a growing and greatening self, into cosmic urge and cosmic seeing, eagering to fulfill the words which say "Be ye, therefore, perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is Perfect. " Always a vision of service in the found- ing of some Center in the midst of Nature's healing quiet where the sick would be helped into health again and so taught to be and live that sickness no more could have any part in them this Center, this Institution, this University, named what- ever it will be, the outflowering of this consecration of a man to God and God's work in that freedom of the truth which always is active when it is lived. Suppose that out of this soul's consecra- tion of himself there should grow a Uni- MY COVENANT 11 versity of Life, would it not be something new under the sun? A university, not of the head alone, and not of the heart alone, but a University in which the head feels and the heart thinks, a University which has a spiritual knowing at its center, its spirit being the spirit of Life, its animating, wise soul being that indwelling of Life It- self which idealizes and actualizes within our humanity, a cosmic divinity which is the regeneration of man, a University whose teachings are in the seeing that every common thing is afire with God and reveal- ing God as truth, as love, as wisdom. But the Covenant itself, with its living symbols of divine and human action min- gled in oneness, is the outshine of the di- vine fire within the man? It was hot written for others. It is not in the nature of a public word. It is the intimate privacy of the soul in conversa- tion with itself about doing the deed of a life. As meditation it might belong to the cloister. As action it might belong to com- merce. As the voicing of a soul, thinking out loud with itself, it belongs to the within where God abides; it belongs to the with- out where man lives and strives out of the 12 INTRODUCTORY many broken arcs to form the perfect sky wherethrough the sun of joy may shine. It belongs to that which some would call worship. It belongs to that which some would call work. In it these two hemi- spheres unite, making the one planet of a consecrated man, holding its orbit amid other worlds of work and worship. This consecration is big like a world, for it includes the world in its vision of service. In its bigness it would hold the humblest life in its hallowed regard, even as the world gives of the grace of itself to the last grass blade born to be lost amid the multitudinous green of the year, even as the world-spirit thunders in the cataract and sings in the throat of the wren whose song of love is lost in the rush and roar of the waters. This covenant is big like the sky through which light falls shiningly, for it includes the sky and the Sky behind the sky through which Divine Love shines its Divine Truth over and into the minds of men. It is cosmic; it is universal; and yet inti- mate and individual. It is of God, the infinite and of man, the finite, and seeks that flame-line where God the infinite be- MY COVENANT 13 comes finite and man the finite becomes infinite. It is not literature. It is life. As liter- ature, its amplitudes could be made as many as the leaves on the tree, as multi- tudinous as the roses in a summer. As life, it is just life, and will take life to understand it and in living, to amplify it. At my suggestion it is given to the world just as it is and has been used by Dr. Brackett in meeting his problems and over- coming his difficulties, in dreaming his dreams and awakening them into realiza- tion, and so without editing, without change. It goes forth, therefore, as a life-docu- ment. It is an experienced sailor's chart. It is, also, his ocean. He can sail well by the compasses of men, knowing their vari- ations. He can sail better by the stars, knowing that they make eternal circuits through that Eternity in which being cen- ters, in which life lives. Not all will understand. Not all will bless. Those who have caught something of the first streaks of the morning of Man's new and better day will growingly under- stand and growingly be blessed as they 14 INTRODUCTORY vision and live the truth which this soul voices to itself. In my heart there is a shine from its light. In your life there may be a day from its shining. If you are ready to build your temple and would see how another has builded, enter. If you would know how a search- ing soul has found, read and think. If you would live the great life, see here how great life thinks. If you would have the sanctity and cer- tainty of the Eternal Life and your eternal meanings, tarry here until you can under- stand, and, then, write your own covenant with your soul and the Soul of your soul, consecrating yourself to high and true and tender and earnest living unto the living of the clean, the helpful and eternal life here and now and forever and wherever. This you will find is blessedness. When some years ago, in an intimacy of friendship, moving through the higher realities and visions, Dr. Brackett read to me what was but written for his own eyes, I urged that he give it to the world for the help of the world, convinced, as I was and am, that a life-word like this is better often than a literary word, than a word from MY COVENANT 15 the imagination, with no definite life-basis to its truth, better for that stirring of mind and soul which endeavors after the perfect Now that the time of its going forth is here, I have written these neighbor words ; and I am thinking of those whom it will help, especially of the young. If they can hear and feel and see and heed, they can make their own covenant and live a life measuring out success and satisfaction and blessedness. This ideal of Life will serve many who have no chart of Life's Mysteries to guide them, if they but hear the voice which this man heard, a voice which is speaking within every human soul, and obey, as he did, when he covenanted and dedicated body, mind, soul and spirit to Love and Service. JOHN MILTON SCOTT. Los Angeles, California, July?, 1919. MY LIFE COVENANT* April 8, 1896 Today I inaugurate the following: Y COVENANT with my HIGHER SELF My Definite Life-Work. 1846185318671896. Years of Work, of Thought, of Struggle with my Lower Nature was required, commencing early in this Incarnation (1853), but more de- fined since Sept. 20th, 1867. But the realization, up to the present moment, is worth a thousandfold its cost in work, in thought, in struggle. I have ever desired to become Self-cen- tered, Self-controlled and Self-sufficient, and to manifest Divinity from within. I learned that this could be attained by controlling Nature, both external and in- ternal. By affirming I can ! I will ! I dare ! I do! *This Covenant is printed as written without change, in phrasing, punctuation or use of capitals. 16 MY COVENANT 17 By living pure in Thought, Speech and Action. LEAD THOU me on "Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness." Psm. 5-8. "THY WILL be Done." Matt. 26-42. "But there is a Spirit in Man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." Job. 32-8. "Teach me to do Thy Will; for. Thou art my God; Thy Spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness." Psm. 143-10. On the doors and walls of the Temple the word "Try" is written. I will never lose confidence, patience, or perseverance in this, My Definite Life-Work. THE SUPREME BEING He is the one Creator, Regulator and Destroyer of the Universe and all it con- tains, as well as the most vital element, called the Self or Spirit. The Foundation of MY LIFE is Ex- pressed in Spirit, Deity, Being, Reality, Unity, Energy, Bliss, First Cause, Divine Self, Divine Mind, The Great Breath, One 18 MY LIFE-WORK God, One Law, One Substance, One Power, One Life, One Existence, One Supreme, Universal Divine Essence, Universal Su- preme Consciousness. This Oneness, this Unity, this Founda- tion is manifested in Analysis, Activity, Comparison, Contentment, Concentration, Contemplation, Consciousness, Color, Dis- crimination, Faith, Force, Health, Heat, Happiness, Intuition, Illumination, Knowl- edge, Light, Love, Law, Mind, Matter, Meditation, Motion, Opulence, Peace, Power, Rest, Realization, Substance, Syn- thesis, Thought, Wholeness, Wisdom, Will. THE AT-ONE-MENT WITH THE ABOVE is FINAL EMANCIPATION With the above Ideal ever before me, and knowing that it can be achieved, I will to walk the Path, to Live the Life, to At- tain IT. To Love, To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Do, and To Be Silent. In this PATH I will exercise attention, Ambition, Abstraction, Aspiration, Con- centration, Contemplation, Courage, Dis- crimination, Enlightenment, Faith, Medi- tation, Silence, Sanctification, Patience, Power of Will and Strength. MY COVENANT 19 Thought is the product of Mind; it is a rate of Vibration sent forth from the Uni- versal Mind, and therefore is Force. I will direct it by Attention, Expectation, Desire, Hope, Belief, Faith, Courage, Perseverance, Seeing, Hearing, Feeling and Will. This Path, in Action, will lead to the Higher Consciousness Cosmic Conscious- ness or, in other words, if rightly used, will bring me to all I need of either Ma- terial, Mental, or Spiritual character. As I proceed, I will constantly Affirm, To Love, To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Do, To Be Silent, and to be purer in Thought, purer in Speech, and purer in Deed for every day that comes. "I can, 1 ' "I will," "I dare," "Idol" The Four Great Working Tools, or Methods of Mind, which I am using for the purpose of connecting my normal con- sciousness with the Universal Conscious- ness, are the processes known as Philo- sophical Contemplation, Meditation, Cre- ation and Concentration. I use the Power of Will within me, at every step to assist me. WILL determines the direction of Thought. The concrete- 20 MY LIFE- WORK ness and intensity of thought, feeling, and imagination, determine the promptness of the response. Therefore, with this found- ation, I will to work out my own Salva- tion ! I will to develop ! I will to use all the Love and Knowledge that comes to me, for the purpose of find- ing my IDEAL. By Living The Life, my Ideal will become known to me. I know I am being helped, and shall ever be helped, by the Great Ones who teach the Laws of Being. Therefore, I will to be quiet, calm and tranquil; kind, amiable and pleasant; cheerful, gentle, noble and generous to all mankind, and to all animals. I will be energetic, ambitious and striving. It is the service of the Sub- jective Mind that I will to attain and pos- sess in its fulness. My demands are made of Universal Consciousness, the Father-Mother God, namely : I desire to evolve the power of Spiritual Vision; I desire to attain spiritual percep- tion; I desire to reach, by direct communi- cation, the Infinite Force itself, call it Energy, Power, Spirit, or God. I know I am in touch with the Supreme MY COVENANT 21 Power of the Universe through spirit mes- sengers. Back of all this lies the wonder- ful Infinite-Force which I desire to contact direct. To do this, I will follow the Path of Devotion, of Veneration, of Homage, and maintain it thus earning the right of con- tact. I desire, at will, to go out of the body and meet Higher Intelligences Cosmic Beings to converse with Them, having full knowledge, insight, judgment, and un- derstanding, and return at will. I desire, at will, to send my thoughts clearly, telepathically, to those in the flesh as I deem best that I may the better heal, instruct and serve Thee. I will ever hold the highest and noblest of desires. I will acquaint myself with the Spirit Forces about me. I will aid these forces in doing their best work by right thinking, right speech, and right action on my part. I will, along this Path, develop purity of character, nobility of life, compassion and tenderness of thought, through the devel- opment of the Powers of the Soul and the Inner Forces of the God-man; I will ever 22 MY LIFE-WORK be devoted, true, brave and firm, attain- ing true Spiritual Vision; the power to heal, to teach and to express in due season through Divine Grace. I, therefore, dedicate my personal will to Him-Her, together with all thought, speech and action. I will strive to get rid of the strength of the personal idea personality. I will develop that intuition that will bring to me all self-knowledge. I will purify the heart, so that the Powers and Forces of Spirit will lend themselves to me. I will qualify myself to quit the body at will and return to the body at will. I will obtain the clew to my own real nature, which is divine and eternal. The seven Great Enemies of Mankind are Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Vanity, Fear and Worry. I will, by Control of Thought, drive away Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Vanity, Fear, Worry, Doubt, Fret- ting and Regret. I will to succeed in my "Life-Work!" I will be thoroughly Self- reliant, Self-supporting and Independent For Thou will lead me on. I will ever control and exercise my mind, which will, by hope, faith, patience, and persistent determination, lead me to per- MY COVENANT 23 manent health, opulence, honor and happi- ness that lie involved in my IDEAL. I love my Ideal I It is Truth ! I will never grumble, complain, whine or murmur. I will be What I Will to Be ! My Life Must Be One of Work, Love, Service, Success and Happiness! My Mistakes and Errors will not dis- courage me ; but I will profit by them, and make them serve as Stepping-Stones to Truth and Success to my IDEAL. They are my Teachers in the School of Life. As a man thinketh in his Heart, so he will be ! We are all Masters of Our Own Fate ! There is no Yesterday, no To-Mor- row! O7VL7 NOW. I will to ever be active in the Now, each moment, and thus fill each and every To- Day. I will to increase my Will Power! I will to increase my Power of Attention ! I will to increase my Power of Concentra- tion! I will to increase my Power of Meditation ! I will to increase my Power of Contemplation! I will to increase my Power of Abstraction ! I will to increase my Power to LOVE, Love for all that breathes, for all in Na- 24 MY LIFE-WORK ture, is the grandest thing in the World, and is the Heart of Heaven. It is to be found Here and Now. Thus wide shall be my LOVE ! My LIFE! My IDEAL! My IDEAL-LOVE is the Great Love- Spirit of the Universe, the Universal Mother. She is the Within of the Higher Consciousness, and her speech is that of the Mysteries of Life. United by Love to Love is to Know and to reign in the Sacred Trinity of Wisdom, Love and Understanding manifesting in a Healthy body. I will thus to u learn to walk with the Knowledge of the Spirit within Thee." "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." I do live in the Spirit ! I do walk in the Spirit ! "What, know ye not that your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" "God is near you, is with you, is within you." I will acknowledge no bondage but that of LOVE, and of mine own Higher and Bet- MY COVENANT 25 ter Self. I will to find the hidden way of Soul into Spirit, and be Free ! The Hidden Way is the Infinite Way The Kingdom of God is an undeveloped Kingdom in every Soul, and it waits for the divine touch, before it can develop. Thus will I obtain Liberty and Emancipa- tion Liberty of Soul Freedom of Spirit Perfect Rest Perfect Peace Bliss. This is my IDEAL! my LIFE, here and now. I will to make my Life manifest as prac- tical Love, Service, Charity and Good- Will, filled with Peace to All. Thus it will be noble, broad, comprehensive, grounded in Religion, Sociology, Science and Phil- osophy, and in Unity with the Divine reve- lations of Nature and the Divine Teach- ings of exalted Intelligences. Thus I will reach Truth, which is the blissful corre- spondence of Thought, Speech and Action with one another. "There is no Religion Higher than Truth." It embraces Will, Silence, Pa- tience, Virtue, Prudence, Courage, Faith, Justice, Mercy, Charity, Compassion, De- votion, Discrimination, and Worship. God is All of Truth God is Spirit God is 26 MY LIFE-WORK Love God is Life God is Universal Mind God is Universal Consciousness God is the Subject and Object of Mind. Wherever are life and substance, there is God within; wherever God is, there is Being. The Universe is Existence and Being, wherein God manifests. As living substance, God is ONE. As Life and Substance, God is dual, or twain. He is the Life, and She is the substance. God is perfect Love, perfect Knowledge, perfect Wisdom, perfect Intelligence, per- fect Sympathy, perfect Justice and Mercy. They also manifest as perfect Harmony, Law and Order. That I may Heal, Teach and Express, I will, by following this Path which I have marked out and covenanted with (having herein made a Covenant to follow), come into At-one-ment with the One Eternal, Infinite, Real-Existence, the Supreme Logos, Being, Consciousness, Bliss, the Perfect Self; the Pure, the Ever-Free, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Merci- ful, the Teacher of All Teachers, from Whom is the birth, continuation and disso- lution of the Universe. Potentially I am that One I MY COVENANT 27 I will to reach the center of the follow- ing ten Hierarchies: Wisdom, Knowl- edge, Faith, Discerning of Spirits, Heal- ing, Teaching, Expression, Hearing, See- ing and Feeling. All that comes to me from these Centers, I will manifest in my "Life-Work." I live but to love and to serve, to be good and to do good I Love, with Wisdom, is the secret of Life. Love is the great motive Power of the Universe. The three vital truths, underlying all re- ligions, are the Father-Motherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the union of the Subjective mind and the Ob- jective mind. These are the foundation of my religious nature; they embrace the Divine Spirit of Love, Knowledge and Harmony being practical Love and Good-Will toward all that is. The Torch of Life is Fed by the oil of Love. Love is the Oil of Life. I have the Faith that I shall realize all of this my IDEAL. I am Male and Female. I have two different spheres of consciousness one from the positive vibrations of the male, and another from the passive, negative vi- 28 MY LIFE-WORK bration of the female. Also, a conscious- ness from the external sphere of the natural world, and another from the in- terior, or sphere of the Soul and spiritual world. This is the Path to LIGHT the Light of Truth. The Spiritual Light that reveals the Individuality of Consciousness, Will, Reason, and Freedom, is found when the Subjective and Objective Minds act in Unity. u Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Luke 11-9. "Accord- ing to your faith be it unto you." Matt. 9-29. Knowing that I lack in Continuity, Self- Esteem, Firmness, Eventuality or Memory, and Language, I determine to stimulate them. In memory I suggest that all that I have read or studied, or may read or study, shall be remembered and clearly reproduced in language AT WILL. I suggest the truth that I am one with the Infinite Life, and shall know and ex- press the Law of this Infinite Life, the Positivie Life, the Eternal Life. I shall Heal, Teach, and Express this Life. I MY COVENANT 29 sec, I feel, I know, I hear, I touch, interi- orly subjectively. Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, and Discerning of Spirits, shall be the Gifts of this Infinite Life, that I may the better love and serve. I will that my Psychic Nature shall be Free, and act out its own high character, that it shall become clearer in Intuition and Perception, and more Powerful in Execu- tion than when in the ordinary mental con- dition the Objective Mind. I want Clairvoyance and Clairaudience of the Highest Type having special ap- plication to Healing, to Teaching, to Ex- pressing, that they may aid me in Soul Cul- ture, in Character Building, and in the dis- cerning of spirits. I want to be in conscious Union during all these activities, on the Subjective Plane and the Objective Plane. I want the Highest Love, Divine Intui- tion, Enlightenment, Health of Body, Hap- piness and Opulence. I will to have ALL the above, for they belong to ME!.. They are Now within ME! I can manifest THEM! u What would'st thou have, aspiring Soul? Claim it, for 'tis already thine : 30 MY LIFE-WORK The wish is born of what thou hast Concealed within thy soul divine. " IN THE SELF ALL THINGS ARE I know that I, as a Doctor, should rank high in the following: Combativeness Destructiveness Individuality Form Color Order Hope Faith Patience Confidence Cautiousness Construction Size Weight Calculation Locality Charity Virtue Determination Power of WILL I have a fixed purpose in Life. I want to be in full Knowledge of the Power of each of the above, and to be Positive in the action of each. I want to be able to see and arouse these qualities in others. I want to Heal by the "Word." I know that all the secrets of Nature are revealed to the one that wills to know them. I WILL to know ALL! I WILL thus to BECOME Conscious. I have these Powers within me, there- fore, I have the right to say, "I can and I will!" Nothing can or shall hold me from this growth, this becoming. MY COVENANT 31 I will be Free ! I will trust the Higher Self which is my True Self. I will have no Fear ! I will be Fearless ! I have the Powers of a god involved with- in my organization, my spiritual organism. I do believe in their existence. I have that Faith which is the Soul of all Life. I am that very LIFE! I am WILL and I am THOUGHT. Will is the primal and Mother Force of all the natural forces in Nature. My Ideal is a complex of True Fixed Ideas which direct my activities, as herein defined. Biology says this Power, or Force, is Life. Physics says it is THOUGHT, or ETHERIC ENERGY, and Philosophy says it is An Infinite Energy from which all things proceed; Work, Will, Feeling and Thought, together, in harmony, Will pro- duce the greatest SUCCESS. This will solve the mystery of what Man really Is. It is Union with God, the Spirit that is the In- dividualized Spiritual Soul in man. I will to reach this Union! I know the Path, I have seen the Light that lights the Way. I NOW SPEAK TO MY SUBJECTIVE MlND THE SELF 32 MY LIFE-WORK You are to inform my Objective Mind of what the disease is, and how to treat it physically or mentally. You are to take possession of the pa- tient's subjective mind, and inform my ob- jective mind what suggestions to make to the patient. All this shall be done in the Master's name, in the interest of the Soul, to promote health, purity of mind, and jus- tice; to increase my Wisdom, my Knowl- edge, my Faith, my Healing, and my Dis- cerning of Spirits that I may the better love and serve. A. U. M. All power necessary to bring to me all the Good in Life, is in ME ! I affirm that I am the Spirit of Love ! I live for purity of Life, of Thought, of Speech, of Action. I have Purity of Char- acter and Nobility of Life, and manifest them in every act. I have Compassion to- ward all. Tenderness of thought, Broth- erhood and Unity with all. I do love Truth and worship Justice. I cultivate Individuality. Thus true progress and spiritual enlightenment become my lot and add to the best interests of all with whom I associate. I am Tolerance I am Tol- erant Kindness, I am Bright Good-Nature, MY COVENANT 33 I am Sweet Good-Will, I am Good-Rest. I will talk gently and act frankly, and have presence of mind under all circumstances. Auto-Suggestions: I suggest that my astral, etheric, mental and dense-body vi- brations are becoming harmonious. All my organs of nutrition, assimilation and elim- ination are becoming harmonious in action. All the vibrations of my nervous system are becoming in harmony with the vibra- tions of the nutritive, circulatory and ex- cretory systems. I am to remember that all Power necessary to bring me to all the good there is in Life, is in me. I make these suggestions to my Subjective Mind, whenever I find my Objective Mind Vibrat- ing toward my Subjective Mind. I am to remember that all this leads to perfect harmony between the Subjective or Spir- itual Mind, and the Objective, or Human Mind and that this harmony, or Unity, is health of body and health of mind, with full power to Express the WORD for heal- ing, teaching, and expressing in language; and that thus I am doing the Master's Will, in thought, in speech and in action. I am never to forget this ! I am thus always to be in unity with the Will of the 34 MY LIFE-WORK Infinite Life. I am that Life ! One with IT! I know that I exist in and from an inexhaustible supply of every element needed to make me strong and happy, and enable me to help others in body, in mind and to unfold the Spirit. I know that I must discern this truth constantly, in order to manifest it! for I can only manifest that which I see and I know and I feel. Thus I will grow in De- votion, Steadfastness, and Gentleness, and attain the God-Man which I know as the Higher Self. MY PATH TO SUCCESS I will cultivate the "I am" I will ever Love and Serve I will follow the five- fold path of Desire, Expectation, Hope, Belief and Faith, leading to Success. I will cultivate the Forces of Thought, Feel- ing and Imagination, as found in the Posi- tive Power of Affection, Inspiration, Attention, Activ- ity, Analysis, Action, Association, Benevo- lence, Beauty, Calmness, Concentration, Contemplation, Comparison, Control of Self, Cheerfulness, Courage, Conscience, Cleanliness, Confidence, Color, Common- sense, Cohesion, Contentment, Confidence, MY COVENANT 35 Courtesy, Charity, Compassion, Candor, Consideration, Determination, Dignity, Decision, Duty, Devotion, Discrimination, Discreton, Diligence, Earnestness, Effi- ciency, Equality, Energy, Enlightenment, Faithfulness, Friendship, Freedom, Fru- gality, Force, Fortitude, Gratitude, Good- ness, Gentleness, Harmony, Humbleness, Humility, Helpfulness, Health, Honesty, Instinct, Independence, Investigation, In- dustry, Indefatigability, Imagination, In- spiration, Interpretation, Intelligence, In- tuition, Illumination, Insight, Justice, Joy- fulness, Kindness, Knowledge, Love, Long- suffering, Morality, Mercy, Memory, Meditation, Modesty, Meekness, Modera- tion, Melody, Naturalness, Observation, Opulence, Order, One-pointedness, Peace, Perception, Perseverance, Perfection, Pru- dence, Patience, Politeness, Persistence, Poise, Power, Prana, Passivity, Quietude, Reflection, Restraint, Responsibility, Reso- lution, Repose, Regularity, Reverence, Right-living, Right-thinking, Right speech, Right Action, Reserve, Sincerity, Steadi- ness, Sweetness, Steadfastness, Stillness, Si- lence, System, Strength, Simplicity, Sym- pathy, Synthesis, Serenity, Self-reliance, 36 MY LIFE-WORK Self-confidence, Self-sacrifice, Self-control, Tranquility, Temperance, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Tactfulness, Tenderness, Understanding, Upliftment, Uprightness, Unity, Usefulness, Unselfishness, Venera- tion, Victory, Vision, Virtue, Will, Watch- fulness, Wisdom, Waiting. I CAN AND WILL BE MASTER "Keep therefore the words of this cov- enant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do." Deut. 39-9. My God is the Principle of Truth, mani- festing in each of the above. He is the within of them. In cultivating the above Virtues, or Positive Forces, Divine Love shall Lead and Control Me. To be successful in my mind-action, to progress more rapidly, I will use the fol- lowing in my Path to Success ; namely, First : I will Desire to know the essence and complete Power of each of them. Second : Expectation that I shall attain to all this, and they shall never leave me. Third: Hope, of a Divine Character, shall stimulate and inspire me. Fourth : Belief that I will achieve shall dominate me and give me strength. MY COVENANT 37 Fifth : Faith, equal to full Knowledge, shall be my anchor, all culminating in Sixth: Success, or the Knowing: The union of Love and Knowledge My IDEAL. Desire, long held to, creates the condi- tions by which Expectation, and then Hope, and then Belief, become possible; and from Belief, Faith; and from Faith, the Knowing, or Success, which is the At- taining, or the natural and lawful Fruit My Ideal. My Ideal is the SHE, within the Him both of them are Myself. To reach this altitude of Success, where my Ideal IS, I invoke the Eternal and Infinite Spirit of Being, Cause, Life, Soul, Mind, Light, Wisdom, Knowledge, Jus- tice, Truth, Substance and LOVE. Thou Soul of the Universe, Creator, Sustainer and Enlightener of Mankind, Universal Consciousness, Father-Mother God make me conscious of my Unity with Thee. Hear this, my Invocation my Covenant. To assist me in the Path, I will avoid the following Negative Forces : Annoyance, Anxiety, Anger, Argument, Bitterness, Big- otry, Brutality, Coldness, Carelessness, 38 MY LIFE-WORK Criticism, Conceit, Cruelty, Chagrin, Death, Doubt, Disease, Disbelief, Disre- spect, Depression, Distrust, Darkness, Evil, Envy, Error, Fear, Failure, Fretful- ness, Gossip, Gloominess, Grumbling, Greed, Grief, Irritation, Ill-will, Impa- tience, Inharmony, Ill-humor, Ills of life, Ignorance, Jealousy, Lustfulness, Laziness, Losses, Malice, Pain, Pride, Possession, Prejudice, Revenge, Remorse, Resentment, Resistance, Rage, Superstition, Surprise, Suspicion, Sloth, Strife, Spite, Self-disgust, Sensuality, Self-pity, Selfishness, Self-asser- tion, Sadness, Sorrow, Trouble, Vexation, Vanity, Weakness, Worry, Wasting of Energy, Force or Prana in any direction. I know that conscious growth means per- sistent effort. I know that every experi- ence wherein happiness, harmony and knowledge are lacking, can be turned into positive Good through this lower self, or objective mind-training, or discipline. "I can! I will! I dare! I do! lam!" I want a memory of all that I have ever read or studied, and a spiritual judgment to separate the good in all things, the true and the beautiful, from the so-called error, or, more truly, ignorance. MY COVENANT 39 I want, and demand, entrance to the Universal Mind, to the Universal Memory of Pure Intellect and Pure Reason Cos- mic Consciousness. I want these Powers and Gifts that I may the better serve man- kind. I want to remember and reproduce in expression, all that I may read, observe, or hear in the future. To forget is impos- sible! I know that I am my own God and my own Devil. I am manifesting God, when I am doing Good, the Devil when I know that I am doing Wrong or non-Good. Thus I can always judge myself. I will always say, "I do." I will always say, "I can." Then I become Faith-conscious that I can, I will, I dare, I do also that I and the Father-Mother are ONE, also that I am, potentially, a God-Man. And what else could I be, without being God? And who is God? Do we know Him-Her, ex- cept through man, Our-Self? God is Spirit I am also Spirit: therefore I am, potentially, God, unfolding each day, each moment, in fact. I recognize Myself, the I, the "I Am," as the "I am that I Am" of the Universe. To say, knowingly, "I am 40 MY LIFE-WORK God," is the highest praise I can give to God. Therefore, having become thus con- scious, I do assert and affirm the unfold- ment of the God-man that I am. I am Spirit! Spirit is All! Therefore I have All that I desire; for the All con- tains my Ideal, whom I have Covenanted to see, hear, touch, and manifest. In this Spirit is my Life! Therefore I am Life ! Life manifests in me as health of body and mind in all its manifold activ- ities. I radiate this Health ! All my patients feel this radiation from me. I am giving my body all the fluid it requires to do its work properly, and it will respond by keeping my body in a normal condition, giving me health and strength, making my body a pure channel for the Spirit to function through. All this I radi- ate to my patients, and to all with whom I associate. They are Spirit and in Spirit we meet, and, in this thought I help them. Thus I teach that Spirit is Perfection. I am therefore Perfect in the Spirit, and I will that Perfection shall manifest, day by day, in my life, in my words, in my thoughts, in my deeds, and in my loves. I love the good, therefore I do no wrong. I MY COVENANT 41 love the truth, therefore I cannot in any way be false to myself, or any one. I love the beautiful, therefore my manifestations in all ways are harmonious and pure, and fitted to the time and place. I, as Spirit, do not fail in any endeavor. What I be- gin, I complete in an orderly manner. I am Spirit, and, as such, I am sufficient for all the duties and requirements of life. I do not need the praise, nor the good opin- ions of men; it is enough for me to have the approval of my own conscience, and to realize that I follow the judgments and de- cisions of my Higher Reason or Self. I am God's Child In Truth I am a God- man. I AFFIRM I EXIST I THINK I KNOW I AM My judgments are righteous, for I love Justice and as Spirit, I am Justice. I am Self-governed, and the opinion of the world does not sway me. I am suffi- cient unto myself. I am Self-reliant, and in Spirit is my strength. I am therefore firm. I am not induced by fear, love, de- sire, or by any consideration, to swerve from that which I think is just, right or 42 MY LIFE-WORK best. I have an excellent memory; it is under my control. I can at any time recall any incident with all its details. The Book of Memory, containing all I have ever studied, or read, or seen, or thought, or felt, is to me, through desire, as the printed page is to me through the eye. I have language; I can readily express whatever thoughts I may desire to express. All the language I have ever heard and all that I have ever read, is at my command. I love to express myself in words, and I am a persuasive speaker am logical, co- herent, fluent and convincing. I ever speak from the love of Truth; therefore I have inspiration. The fountain of Truth is open to me at need and will. I am Spirit; therefore I am Wisdom, and do not speak anything but the truth. I am Spirit; there- fore I live in Spirit. In Spirit I am in Communion with individualized spirits wherever they are in the Universe, and I am conscious of this whenever I desire. I may in Spirit, at will, find Rest, Strength, Wisdom, Power, Truth, Companionship, Inspiration, my Better-Self, my Real-Life, my Happiness, or touch any Hierarchy that MY COVENANT 43 I desire to contact. I am happy in the recognition of this Union with the ALL- GOOD, the ALL- WISE, and in the recogni- tion that He-She is manifesting, and will continue to manifest Their Power and Per- fection. I am finding all that I desire, in the revealings that They are making to me. From Spirit I draw all I need for my con- scious life and all that I need for the ex- pression of Spirit. I am a good judge of the size, weight and color of whatever I have to deal with. I calculate well I well employ the expenditure of my time, my ef- forts, my means, and my emotions. I waste nothing. I am excellent in the remembrance of events and places. I can readily locate myself, and am never lost in whatever place I am in; and I have at all times self-possession, and my thoughts and all my intellectual faculties are at my com- mand. As Spirit, I am Perfection. That per- fection lies in the Sub-conscious part of my mind. I therefore think, act, and live from the sub-conscious, with the subjective mind controlled by the objective mind. The harmony of the unity of these two minds is the Holy Marriage of the male and fe- 44 MY LIFE-WORK male duality in each and every man. I draw at will, from the sub-conscious, all that I need. I do not think; but in silence I receive as I need, inspiration, intuitions, clairvoyant visions from the astral and spirit side of life; and I am guided, edu- cated, and made one, consciously, with the ALL, by this flow from the subjective mind into the conscious objective mind and then I manifest Its Life. I continually live in the recognition of God, the Father- Mother, the One who is Spirit, and in whom is all Goodness, Truth and Beauty. All my conduct is inspired by this recogni- tion. In all my practice I am Their Mes- senger, bearing in my person, Their love to Their children my brothers. I am thus the Great Physician, the Spir- itual Healer; and my presence, my medi- cine, is infiltrated by this Love, and this thought of Divine Love : therefore all with whom I come in contact, are made the bet- ter by the silent Virtue that, in the name of Love and Knowledge, flows from us to all. I am to remember that all of the con- ditions that I meet in my patients are the natural results of morbid emotions, or un- MY COVENANT 45 pleasant thoughts they have entertained, and that Pain is only Nature's method to bring, in love, to better manifestation in righteous thought and emotion, the god in them: and it is my duty to so help them that they may see God in themselves, and manifest Him-Her. I am the master of my own body. Every organ is doing its perfect work. All the functions of my body are health- ful, for I think nothing but Health and I feel nothing but Love. My food is well digested, it is well assimilated; my circula- tion is good; my nervous system is in per- fect manifestation. My body responds readily to all demands, and I am fresh and vigorous at all times. I am not exhausted, for Spirit is an In- finite Fountain; and I am constantly draw- ing my life from that sub-conscious source of all Life. I never forget this relation to the One-Source of all manifestation. I never forget that I am Spirit; that I am Life; that I am Love; that I am Truth; that I am in God and God is in ME. I am a part of the Eternal Life. I live, habitat, in this Cosmic Consciousness this Univer- sal, Supreme Consciousness. I am God's 46 MY LIFE-WORK child. I know that my True-Life is the entire Obedience of the Human to the Divine WILL. "Mind is the root (of evil) ; actions proceed from the mind. If any speak or act from a corrupt mind, suffering will fol- low, as the dust follows the rolling wheel." Buddha. We cannot expect to escape the result of our thoughts and acts. We must live an unselfish life, with purity of heart and mind. Pure in thought, speech and action this will lead to the emancipation of the soul. God has been ever-good, ever-kind, ever- true, ever-gracious, ever-loving, ever-know- ing to me, His Child. Through my sub- jective mind He has shown me the God- man dwelling in my Soul, and how to ob- tain the service of this, my Higher Self, in Healing, Teaching and Expression, through the conscious Union of the subjec- tive and objective minds. I will learn to stand aside from myself, and observe my own feelings, instincts, im- pulses, sensations, desires, impressions and perceptions, and understand them and gov- ern them. MY COVENANT 47 This day, today, each day, I will start with thoughts of gentleness, kindness, good temper, courage, decision indeed in high and holy thought. My thoughts the action of my objective and subjective minds, blended in unity of action, shall be so pure, clean and even-tempered, that nothing can disturb or destroy their power of doing good, of meeting all disturbing elements with love and kindness. Under all circumstances I will keep an even mind serene and restful, healthful, not hurried or impatient. I know the Spirit within me is Love ; its powers are Life, Energy and Wisdom. I will unite my body with its Life by con- templation; my soul with its Energy by concentration; my mind with its Wisdom by meditation, until I attain identification and become Love Incarnate, through Union with the Divine One within the Higher Self. I have only one thought, one prayer, one interior desire, during each moment of time. This is embraced in u Baptise me." The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God falling upon the believer, taking possession of his faculties, imparting 48 MY LIFE-WORK to him gifts not naturally his own yet be- longing to him but which qualify him for the service to which God has called him. To heal by the Word, to teach by the Word, to express the Word that God has and will in his own good time, more fully qualify me for, that I may the more fully serve and love him is my Ideal. I desire to live by the Law of Love and the Law of Service. I intend, by the Grace of God, to cut myself away from all desires, passions and feelings that conflict with my Ideal as set forth in this, my Covenant with my Higher Self. A perfect Life means perfection in lov- ing all that breathes, and in serving. This is attained only when man yields his will to God's will, and lets God's Life flow through him, unchecked and unhindered by any barriers in the lower personality. Thus only can man become merged in God. My Psychic Development and Spiritual Unfolding is defined herein. My Spirit neither develops nor evolves; it only un- folds into manifestation that which eter- nally lies within. My Spirit, being iden- tical with the Universal Spirit, Universal MY COVENANT 49 Supreme Consciousness, can neither in- crease nor diminish. What I can do, en- tering into conditions of time and space, is to turn outwards that which is within and turn attention outwards and slowly to con- quer, by its contact with matter, that knowl- edge of the Universe regarded as phe- nomenal, which does not come into my con- sciousness when I am separated from the Universal by that delicate film of matter which is my vehicle in the nirvanic, or spir- itual sphere. Within the above seed of Divinity, within me, all possibilities are contained. By love and service, I break down all bar- riers and become the God-man which is my Ideal. Psychic development depends en- tirely on the conditions of the matter which veils the Spirit. It is the evolving and de- veloping of form after form. It deals with matter; Spiritual unfolding deals with Spirit with Will, Intuition, and Intellect. I will work, wait and aspire in silence. I will remember that my truest adviser, the Self, is to be found and constantly sought within myself. I will learn by experience to know Its voice from that of natural in- stinct or mere logic, and strengthen this 50 MY LIFE- WORK power. I will beware of the illusions of matter, for in the Self all things are. I will desire experience or self-knowledge, which is only to be attained by stepping, so to say, aside from self. In the Spirit, alone, resides the great consciousness of the Whole. I will never forget the sublime truth that "God is all in all," and that the Spirit comes that we may have life and have it more abundantly; and that out of this life the fulness of the Divine Love and Wisdom may be revealed. The Reality, I say, is here "the Kingdom is at hand," it is within and around every human soul. I see Him-Her within me and without me, in everything and through everything, and I need no other proof of the existence of God. His Love flows from my heart, mind and soul in one continuous stream, as Love and Service united. Thou Great Universal Supreme Con- sciousness, Father-Mother God, which art in Heaven, Hallowed by Thy Name. Thy will be done in earth, as it is done in Heaven. In this Covenant I invoke Thee to bap- tise me, thy child, with all the power and MY COVENANT 51 vision herein defined, that I may the better love and serve Thee, in Love, in Knowl- edge and in Truth thus attaining my Spir- itual Ideal. I thank Thee for all the seeming adverse conditions in life that have come to me. I have ever treated them courteously, for Thou didst send them for my betterment. I have been thankful, not only for all the good that came to me, but also thankful for the obstacles thrown into my path, as only in this wise I realized my strength and power of character. I will ever be thank- ful for what Thou sendest me and also for what I may never receive, no matter how strongly my personality may wish or desire it. Lead Thou me on Thy Will be done ! I will manifest what I affirm, what I think. I manifest consciously in this body, and I also unconsciously manifest that which I am. All my conduct is limited by my thinking, or want of thinking. Through manifestation, I am transmuting LOVE into knowledge, and intuition into reason. I have done much of this heretofore, un- consciously; now I will do it consciously. By unconscious choice I have lived hither- to ; now, by conscious choice, I will control 52 MY LIFE-WORK my life. Involuntarily I have chosen and moulded my life, and now am not alto- gether pleased with all the results. Now I will voluntarily choose, and will mould my life into manifestations of Health, Growth, Joy, Bliss, Opulence; and all that I know is within my Ideal. What God is, I am; for I was made by Them in Their Image. Therefore, I am to so live that the Divine in me shall manifest Itself in Its fulness. God is perfect ! Therefore in me is perfection. I must find It ! I, the spiritual Ego, by affirmation am to make perfection manifest: for Their Om- nipotence Being is in me ; I am that which I affirm. If I affirm that I am sick, or weak, or strong, or sad, or wise, or foolish, or poor, I am that which I affirm, because the world in which I live is the world of Emo- tion, Feeling and Thought; and this world I make by my affirmation for I affirm what I think, and think what I affirm. Thus I make my world one of Joy or Sor- row, of Riches or Poverty, by making my affirmation the conditions of my World. I am Spirit ! I am Perfection ! The Ego is perfect, even as its Father-Mother. In- finite Spirit is perfect! MY COVENANT 53 This thought no matter in what lan- guage expressed means perfect manifest- ation. I, as an Ego, am perfect now, and I will my body and mind to manifest that perfection. I will mould my body into the ideal I have of perfection, in order that the Ideal-Spirit can manifest through it, even as the artist moulds his ideal into stone, or paints it on canvas. I will do it in the same way that he does, and that is by holding that ideal before my mind until it becomes real. I can be my own Destiny. I can be the determining factor in my own Evolution. I can and will be master ! I affirm Trust, Desire, Possession; for Truth shall move me in thought, speech and action. And within all of this I act with this affirmation as the foundation of every activity; "Lead Thou me on." u Thy Will be done." Thus knowing the source of the Energy, the Force, the Prana, that is doing all the work, I do believe in It, which is Truth ; I Trust this Truth; I desire this Truth; I possess this Truth, and I will to manifest this Truth. I affirm Truth; for "I AM" that Truth which lies potentially in the Soul. I possess 54 MY LIFE-WORK all Truth, for that is my Ideal, all Truth is mine. I am Truth! I am one with Truth. Truth shall manifest in me. I am free in Truth; therefore I ask no authority, but, without let or hindrance, Truth finds Expression in me. I will think what is true. I will speak what is true; will act what is true to me, no matter what others may say, for I am Truth. I will not think about conduct, for Truth will take care of that, and I will only think of Truth as guiding me, as the Mover within me. I love Truth so well, that it will mould my life into Conduct as naturally as it moulds my body into beauty, grace, and fulness of vitality. Truth alone shall be my Creator and my Redeemer. In Truth I can do no wrong; in Truth I can make no mistakes; in Truth I cannot be sick; in Truth I can- not die; therefore I will not think of these things ; for, in Truth, they do not exist, they are not. I, in truth, am pure, wise, strong and immortal. In Truth I am protected. No evil can befall me, hence I do not fear. Nothing can disturb me, hence I am Peace. Truth is mine, and I want not. I seek not; I ask not; I pray not, save as I constantly MY COVENANT 55 give thanks for all I have, for all is Good. If I would pray, I've naught to say but this, "that God may be God still; for Him to live, is still to give, and sweeter than my wish, His Will." Truth is in my Soul, and it shall have uninterrupted flow through it. God is Indwelling Spirit, Law, Intelligence, and I will rely upon Him-Her. U I am, O God, and surely Thou must be." I am Spirit. Spirit is Supreme. Spirit is Universal Supreme Consciousness. Spirit is Infinite, Therefore any limitation upon Spirit or upon any manifestation of Spirit, is error. Nothing is impossible for me; for Truth, Knowledge and Love are infinite, and I desire only these. In God, in Spirit, are no defects, no failures. u He leadeth me." No matter what comes or what I do, there is no mistake. My only arbiter in the external life, is my mani- fested Conscience, Intuition and Reason. I have followed them; this, the above, is the result; and it is right. To doubt would be to dethrone the Indwelling God that has lived me, and brought me to the Now in my Evolution. I will love consciously in the current of Divine Will, and let It have Its way 56 MY LIFE-WORK through me, for U A11 is Good." All is Love, All is God. Therefore I am Good. I am Love, therefore God dwells in me. I am Wisdom; I am Power; I let Him- Her manifest day by day as my will; His Will and my will are One-Will. Thus all of daily bread and sustenance, of Love and Truth, come to me. I can do anything I ought, and I will to do all that is right and true. I desire Truth and Love, therefore Truth and Love control my life and I can do no wrong, nor can I meet with defeat or make mistakes ; for God doeth the work of my soul, which is Theirs. I am in God, He is in me; hence all His is mine and I am His. I have everything money, lands, friends, reputation, power, success ; so day by day, as I need anything, it comes to me, as is His Will to manifest through me. Unlimited is the flow. Un- limited my power to receive and also to give. "All mine is thine," the Sky-Soul saith. u What I am, thou must become; richer and richer, breath by breath, immor- tal gain, immortal roam. And since all His mine also is, life's gift out-runs my fancies far and drowns the dream in larger stream, as morning drinks the morning MY COVENANT 57 star." I am Spirit. I am pledged, Cov- enanted, to Truth and Love, Service and Knowledge. I will develop true and noble loves and right desires; the actions will take care of themselves. I will act and live this that has come to me, as the Beautiful, the True and the Good. I know the Right, because I love the Good. I know the Way, because I love the Path. I have the Power, because Spirit is Infinite, Universal Su- preme Consciousness; I am a free child of Spirit, and as Spirit I can do no wrong. I will to love rightly, to think rightly, to speak rightly, to act rightly. I hereby make This STATEMENT of INDIVIDUALITY. I. I AM. I am Light. I am Life. I am Love. I am Knowledge. I am Spirit. I am Power. I am Individualized. I dominate my body. I AM I, penetrating every atom of the Body with Light, Life and Love; thus am I conscious in Love, Knowledge, Wisdom and Freedom. I AM I, the Spirit of Power, vitalizing every atom of the Body. I AM I, bringing every atom of Personality into harmonious vibra- tion with the "I Am That I Am." I AM I, sending forth the vibration of the Spirit 58 MY LIFE- WORK of Power, that, in Truth, I am; surround- ing my personality with the magnetic at- mosphere of the "I Am that I Am." I am I, perfectly individualized by Spirit, which is my Substance, in Soul, which is my inde- structible Self, and in body, which is my personality, surrounded by the impene- trable atmosphere of the Spirit of Light, Love, Power, Knowledge, Wisdom and Freedom; radiating from the invincible center of my Being, casting forth all unde- sirable things, penetrating to the uttermost bounds of the Universe, wheresoever my thought goeth, and attracting only that which I desire. I am I, Omnipotent in my own Individuality, dominating all below me with Love only. I am I, fearless and free ! I am I, and my Spiritual Will is Law, and must be obeyed by My-self. I am I, a law unto myself in all things. I am God's child I am immortal. This is my Covenant with my Higher- Self, the "I AM" within me, the "Indwell- ing God," that He-She can the better mani- fest through me, through my body and my mind. May all beings be happy. May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be MY COVENANT 59 blissful. May all beings come into the Light. Thus I speak to the North. Thus I speak to the South. Thus I speak to the East. Thus I speak to the West. As Above So Below. A. U. M. A. S. BRACKETT. T)P Qofaenant jSeal I covenant my Life-work with this seal. It symbol- izes the Path which leads to the consciousness I am seeking. I Heal: I am Love and Compassion (Master J). I Express: I am Synthesis and Analysis (Master M). I Teach: I am Wisdom and Discrimination (Master K). Thus high, deep and broad is my Thought-Field, within which lies my Ideal My Life-Work. 60 XLBRACKETT. AURICK S. BRACKETT, M.D., K.R.C., F.T.S. PSYCHOLOGIST MEDICAL DIRECTOR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH AND EDUCATION, INC. Elsinore Mountains, Riverside Co. Bon Repos (Good Rest) Ranch (237 Acres) P. O. Address: Elsinore and Los Angeles, California 1 of ^ealtf) anb buc ation TEACHINGS The Art and Science of awakening, cultivating, un- folding and developing the faculties of the soul and reaching soul-consciousness ; thus securing health in body, mind, spirit and soul, and higher efficiency and super-success. The study of Life, its meaning, its possibilities and destiny; a profound understanding of human nature; of reality and Life as defined in Anthropology, Ontol- ogy, Philosophy, Psychology, Metaphysics, Biology, Cosmology, Theology, Ethics, Sociology, Economics, Science, Art, Mathematical Physics and Allied Thought. HEALING AND EDUCATION Psycho-therapy; Scientific Rational Mind Cure by physical, mental, moral and spiritual methods; Goat's Milk Cure; Bulgarian Goat's Milk-Cure; Breeding of Toggenburg Goats; Fruits; Farming; Scientific Diets; Rest-Home; Physical Culture; Rest-Cure; Corrective Exercises; Massage and Out-of-door Life. 62 I M U ! COO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY