1beatb*B /iBobern Xan^uaae Series* FROM -THE- LIBRARY- OF- A. W. Ryder -J •'- r- Heatlx's French Dictionary. Retail price, J51.50. '5^gTF0RD.&.G^ . Deatb*s /lI^o^ern Xan^ua^e Series* ELEMENTARY FRENCH TEXTS. Easy Selections for Sight Translation (Mansion). 15 cts. Segur's Les Malheurs de Sophie (White). Vocabulary. 45 cts. French Fairy Tales (Joynes). Vocabulary and exercises. 35 cts. Saintine's Picciola. With notes and vocabulary by Prof. O. B. Super. 45 cts. Mair^t's La Tache du Petit Pierre (Super). Vocabulary. 35 cts. Bruno's Les Enf ants Patriotes (Lyon). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Bruno's Tour de la France par deux Enf ants (Fontaine). Vocabulary. 45 cts. Verne's L'Expedition de la Jeune Hardie (Lyon). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Gervais Un Cas de Conscience (Horsley). Vocabulary. 25 cts. G^nin's Le Petit Tailleur Bouton (Lyon). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Assolant's Aventure du Celebre -Pierrot (Pain). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Assolant's Recits de la Vieille France. Notes by E. B. Wauton. 25 cts. Mailer's Grandes Decouvertes Modemes. 25 cts. Recits de Guerre et de Revolution (Minssen). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Bedollidre's La Mere Michel et son Chat (Lyon). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Legouve and Labiche's Cigale chez les Founnis (Witherby). 20 cts. Labiche's La Grammaire (Levi). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Labiche's Le Voyage de M. Perrichon (Wells). Vocabulary. 30 cts. Labiche's La Poudre aux Yeux (Wells). Vocabulary. 30 cts. Lemaitre, Contes (Rensch). Vocabulary. 30 cts. Dumas's Due de Beaufort (Kitchen). Vocabulary. 30 cts. Dumas's Monte-Cristo (Spiers). Vocabulary. 40 cts. Berthet's Le Facte de Famine. With notes by B. B. Dickinson. 25 cts. Erckmann-Chatrian's Le Consent de 18x3 (Super). Vocabulary. 45 cts. Erckmann-Chatrian's L'Histoire d'un Paysan (Lyon). 25 cts. France's Abeille (Lebon). 25 cts. Moinaux's Les deux Sourds (Spiers). Vocabulary. 25 cts. La Main Malheureuse (Guerber). Vocabulary. 25 cts. Enault's Le Chien du Capitaine (Fontaine). Vocabulary. 35 cts. Trois Contes Choisis par Daudet (Sanderson). Vocabulary. 20 cts. Desnoyer's Jean-Paul Choppart (Fontaine). Vocabulary. 40 cts. Selections for Sight Translation (Bruce). 15 cts. Laboulaye's Contes Bleus (Fontaine). Vocabulary. 35 cts. Malot's Sans Famille (Spiers). Vocabulary. 40 cts. Meilhac and Halevy's L'Et6 de la St.-Martin (Franjois). Vocab. 25 cts. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with fundingfrom IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/frenchgrammarforOOfrasrich IHeatb's flDo&ern Xanauaflc Series A FRENCH GRAMMAR FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES TOGETHER WITH A BRIEF READER AND ENGLISH EXERCISES BT W. II. FRASER AND J. SQUAIR PROFESSORS OF THE ROMANCE DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BOSTON, U. S. A. D. C. HEATH & COMPANY 1911 o Copyright, 1901, By D. C. Heath & Co. ■ ■■,■■;•■.■•• (5^ c((l*l PREFACE This book aims to provide a practical and thorough course in French grammar and elementary composition for schools and colleges. In the preparation of the work an effort has been made to bring the presentation of the sub- ject into accord with recent advances in the methods of modern language teaching. Having regard to the importance of securing accurate pronunciation from the very outset, care has been taken to facilitate the work of the teacher in this respect by giving a phonetic transcription of all vocabularies and paradigms, under the conviction that in no other way can distinctions in sounds be intelligibly explained. In order, however, not to confuse the beginner with too minute distinctions, " half long " vowels have not been indicated, and the same rule has been observed, for the most part, with regard to such stressed vowels as are optionally long or short. The elementary exercises are based almost exclusively upon connected pieces of French, dealing with a variety of topics relating to every-day life, and make provision for both oral and written practice. They have been provided in abundance so as to admit of selection and variety, and to afford ample material for review. In both the elemen- tary and advanced exercises, regard has been had to the requirements of such teachers as feel the necessity for a large amount of work of this kind in order to ensure ade- quate and practical knowledge on the part of the pupil. mS§396 IV PREFACE. Part I. consists of a series of lessons on the elements of grammar as an essential preparation for easy reading, while Part II. furnishes a systematic grammar of modern French for later study and general reference. To this part a se- ries of exercises has been added dealing with the various topics treated in the text. It was thought best to group these exercises together at the end, in order not to impair the usefulness of the Grammar as a book of reference by inserting the exercises immediately after the paragraphs to which they refer. Each exercise, however, is furnished with section references which will enable the pupil to turn readily to the theory upon which the exercises are based. The Eeader, which may be used with advantage after the completion of Part I. of the Grammar, has been made up of interesting selections, for the most part complete in themselves, and affording considerable range as to topic, vocabulary and idiom. The exercises inserted at the end of the Keader are based on the idiom and vocabulary of the text, and are intended to give practice in the reproduction in French of the substance of the selections. The authors take this opportunity of expressing indebted- ness to a number of teachers, whose advice and criticism have been of much assistance in the preparation of the present volume. March 26, 1901. This edition has profited greatly by criticisms kindly suggested by several instructors, in particular by Madame Hel^ne J. Raiche, of Wellesley College. January f 1903. CONTENTS. PAOI Phonetic Introduction 1 Exercise in Phonetic Transcription 12 PART I. Elementary Lessons, I-LI 13 PART II. TheVerb 129 The Noun 220 The Article 233 The Adjective . . . .' 247 The Pronoun 262 The Adverb * .... 302 The Numeral 314 The Preposition 321 The Conjunction 331 The Interjection 334 Abbreviations 336 Exercises on Grammar, I, a-LXXV, a 337 FRENCH READER, Prose Selections 395 Poetical Selections 431 Composition Exercises on Reader . 439 Vocabularies : French-English 461 English-French 512 Index 543 NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. By a decree of the French Minister of Public Instruction, dated February 26th, 1901, certain deviations fronv com- monly accepted rules of grammar are permitted at all examinations held under his control. In the Appendix (see last page of this volume) will be found a reference list explaining the bearing of these deviations upon the various sections of the Grammar affected thereby. vi FEENCH GRAMMAK. PHONETIC INTRODUCTION. I. Genera;! Distinctions. The pronunciation will be explained, as far as possible, by comparison with English sounds, but it must never be forgotten that the sounds of two languages rarely correspond. Important general distinc- tions between English and French are the following : — 1. English has strong stress (§ 7) and comparatively weak action of the organs in articulation. 2. French has weak stress, while the action of the organs in articula- tion is very energetic. 3. Hence, French sounds, both vowels and consonants, are almost all * narrow,' i.e., uttered with tenseness of the organs concerned in their articulation. (To understand 'narrow' and 'wide,' compare the narrow sound of ea in * seat ' with the wide sound of i in ' sit. ') 4. Tongue and lip positions for French vowels are more definite, and more promptly taken, than in English. Lip-rounding (as in 'who,* •no,' 'la'w') and lip-retraction (as in 'let,' 'hat') are much more definite and energetic in forming French vowels. 5. The tongue, both for vowels and consonants, is, in general, either further advanced or further retracted than in forming English sound* requiring tongue action. 6. English long vowels (like a in ' fate') are diphthongal (especially as pronounced in the South of England), while French vowels, whether long or short, are uniform throughout their utterance. 7. The nasal vowels of French are entirely foreign to English. They are formed by allowing the soft palate to hang freely, as in ordinary breathing, thus causing the air to escape through both nose- and mouth at once. If, for example, the a of ' father' be uttered with the soft palate hanging freely, the resulting sound will be approxi- mately that of the nasal [a] in ' tante' [tdit]. The position of the aoft 2 I^fTRODUCTION. [§§2-3 ^alatd in f cynniag ihis sbund ra&y be readily observed with a mirror. It must be eareruily noted that thore is absolutely no sound of.n, m, or ng, in French nasal vowels, and hence that great care must be taken neither to raise the tongue nor close the lips until the sound is complete. 2. Sounds. The French language has thirty-seven sounds, exclusive of minor distinctions. The orthography, like that of English, is irregular and inconsistent. Hence, to avoid con- fusion in indicating the pronunciation, we shall employ a phonetic alphabet (that of the 'Association Phon^tique In- ternationale'), in which each sound is represented by but one symbol, and each symbol has but one sound. 3. Table of Symbols. In the following table, the examples are in ordinary orthography, the heavy type indi- cates the sounds which correspond to the symbols, and the phonetic transcription is given within brackets : — VBOU 1. Examples. StMBOIiB. Examples. i ni, vive [ni, viiv]. b beau, robe [bo, rob]. y pu, muse [py, mysz]. d dame, fade [dam, fad]. e 6t6 [ete]. f fort, neuf [foir, ncef]. creux, creuse[kr0, kr0:z]. g gant, dogue [ga, dog]. e le [b]. h aha ! [a(h)a]. e prfes, pfere [pre, pe:r]. k car, roc, [kar, rok]. 2 fin, prince [fe, pre is]. 1 long, seul [15, soel]. oe neuf, neuve [noef, noeiv]. m mot, dame [mo, dam]. <56 un, humble [ce, ce:bl]. n ni, ^ne [ni, a:n]. a patte, part [pat, pair]. Ji ag^eau, dig^e [ajio, diji]. a pas, passe [pa, pais]. P pas, tape [pa, tap]. a tant, tante [to, ta:t]. r drap, par [dra, par]. note, tort [not, to:r]. s si, pense [si, pais]. 5 rond, ronde [ro, roid]. J chou, lache [Ju, la i J], sot, chose [so, Joiz]. t tas, patte [to, pat]. u tout, tour [tu, tuir]. v vin, cave [v?, kaiv]. J viande [vjaid]. z zone, rose [zoin, roiz]. q lui [Iqi]. 3 je, rouge [38, ruis]. w Gui [wi]. I sign of length. §§4-6] SYLLABICATION. 3 4. The Alphabet. The letters of the alphabet, with their French names, are as follows : — a a [a]. j ji[5i]. s esse [es]. b be [be]. - k ka[ka]. t te[te]. c ce [se]. 1 elle [el]. u u[y]. d de[de]. m emme [em]. V ve [ve]. e 6[e]. n • enne [en]. ■w double ve [dubl ve]. f eflfe[ef].. [0]. X iks [iks]. g g^ [36]. P P^[pe]. y i grec [i grek]. h ache[aj]. q ku[ky]. z z6de [zed]. i i[i]. r erre [er]. NOTB.— Word8 are commonly spelled by namiog their letters, as above, together with the other orthographic signs, if any. 5. Other Orthogpraphic Sig^ns. In addition to the letters of the alphabet, the following signs are used : — 1. The acute accent ^ , Fr. 'accent aigu' [aksat egy], e.g., V6t6t I'Ecosse. 2. The grave accent "^, Fr. * accent grave ' [aksa gra:v], e.g., voiU^ p^re, ou. 3. The circumflex accent ^, Fr. 'accent circonflexe' [aksa sirkofleks], e.g., kne, tete, ile, bote, flute. Observe: None of the above accent marks serve to denote stress (§ 7). 4. The cedilla, Fr. 'cedille' [sediij], used under c to give it the sound of [s], before a, o, u (§ 17, 13), e.g., facade, legon, commen^it, comraen^ons, reqdmes, re^u. 5. The diaeresis " , Fr. * tr^ma ' [trema], shows that the vowel bearing it is divided in pronunciation from the preceding vowel, e.g., N06I, naif. 6. The apostrophe, Fr. 'apostrophe' [apostrof], shows omission of final vowel before initial vowel sound, e.g., I'amie ( = la amie), I'ami ( = le ami), I'homme (=le homme), s'il ( = si il), § 19. 7. The hyphen, Fr. * trait d'union ' [tre d ynjoj, used as in English. 6. Syllabication. 1. A single consonant sound between vowel sounds always belongs to the following syllable. Ex.: Ma-rie, in-di-vi-si-bi-li-t6, a-che-ter. '2. Two consonants, of which the second is 1 or r (but not the com- binations rl or Ir), similarly both belong to the following syllable. Ex.: ta-bleau, 6-cri-vain. 4 INTRODUCTION. [§§7-8 3. Other combinations of consonants representing two or more sounds are divided. Ex. : par-ler, per-dre, es-ca-lier. N.B. — Great care should be taken to avoid the consonantal ending of syllables, so frequent in English. Compare French * ci-te,' * ta-bleau,' with English 'cit-y,' *tab-leau.' 7. Stress. 'Stress' is the force with which a syllable is uttered as compared with other syllables in the same group. In French, the syllables are uttered with almost equal force, a very slight stress falling on the last syllable of a word of two or more syllables, or, on the last but one, if the last vowel of the word is [a]. Ex.: Che-val, par-ler, par-lai, per-dre, cr^-di-bi-li-t6 (compare the strong stress of English cred-i-bil-it-y). Note.— In connected discourse the rule above stated varies considerably, but a full treatment of the subject would exceed the limits of an elementary work. The safest practice for the be^nner is to pronounce all syllables with almost equal force. It should be remembered that accent-marks have nothing to do with stress, and that all vowels, except [a], see § 19, whether stressed or unstressed, have their full value, never being slurred over as in English. 8. Vowel Quantity. The most important general rules are: — 1. Final vowel sounds (including nasals) are regularly short, c.gr., fini [fini], vie [vi], loue [lu], parl6 [parle], rideau [rido], mais [me], donner [done], enfant [afa], parlerons [parlaro]. 2. Stressed vowels are long before the sounds [v], [z], [3], [j], [r final], e.g.y rive [riiv], ruse [ry:z], rouge [ruij], feuille [foe:j], faire [fe:r]. 3. Of stressed vowels standing before other consonant sounds, nasals are long, e.g., prince [pre:s]; [o], [0], long, e.g., faute [foit], meule [m0il]; [a], long (almost always), e.g., passe [pais]; [e], long or short, e.g., reine [rem], renne [ren] ; other vowels regularly short, e.g., cap [kap], poche [poj], koupe [kup], pipe [pip], seul [soel], lune [lynj. NOTB.— It is possible to distinguish also between 'long' and ' half long' vowels, but It has been thought best to omit, in an elementary work, the rules relating to this distinotion, and to indicate ' long' vowels only in the transcriptions. §§9-11] VOWELS. 5 YOWELS. 9, Tongue Position. The relative position of the tongue for the various vowels may be seen from the following diagram, adapted from Vietor. Rounded vowels are enclosed in parentheses : — 'greatest > < least i(y) (u) e (0) (o) (a) e f (oe &) (o 0) ad Jeaat > < greatest, N.B. — In the following descriptions of sounds, the word 'like' means, of course, only 'resembling,' or 'approximately like'(§l). The examples given after the word 'also' show the less common orthographical equivalents. 10. i, y. 1. i — Like ea in * seat ' ; the comers of the mouth retracted as in smiling (§1, 4); avoid the sound of i in 'sit'; avoid diphthongization (§1,6); narrow (§1,3). Ex.: ni [ni], vive [viiv] ; also, ile [ill], lyre [liir]. 2. y — Has no counterpart in English. The tongue position is practi- cally the same as for [i] above ; very tense lip-rounding (§1, 4) ; avoid diphthongization (§1, 6) ; narrow (§ 1, 3). The sound may be best acquired either by prolonging [i], and at the same time effecting the rounding, or by holding the lips rounded and taking the tongue position of [i], Ex.: pu [py], muse [my:z]; also ffit [fy], il cut [il y], nous eiimes [nuz ym]. 11. e, 0, o. 1. e — Like the first part of the sound of a in ' day,' but with the lips more retracted (§1,4); avoid diphthongization (§ 1,6); narrow (§ 1, 3). Ex. : ^t6 [etel ; also, parler [parle], donnai [done]. 6 INTRODUCTION. [§§12-13 2. — Has no counterpart in English. The tongue position is prac- tically the same as for [ej, with tense rounding of the lips (§ 1, 4) ; avoid diphthongization (§1, 6) ; narrow (§1, 3); best acquired by combining, as explained for [y] above, the lip-rounding with the [e] position. Ex.: creux [kr0], creuse [kr0:z] ; also, boeufs [bjzJ]. 3. 9 — Like English e in * the man,' or a in * Louisa,' but slightly rounded ; best acquired by relaxing the tension of the organs required for the production of the [0] sound. Ex.: le [la] ; also, monsieur [masj^j, faisant [fdza]. 12. e e, ce, cfe. 1. E — Like the sound of e in ' let,' with the mouth more definitely open and the lips more retracted (§ 1, 4) ; avoid diphthongization (§ 1, 6) ; narrow (§ 1, 3). Ex.: pres [pre], p^re [peir] ; also, fete [feit], terre [te:r], secret [sakre], parlais [park], paix [pe], reine [rem]. Note. — The e of a stressed syllable followed by a syllable containing e mute has almost always this sound (orthographically denoted by h, e, or e + double consonant), e.g., je mhne [men], tete [teit], chere [Jeir], j'appelle [apel], ancienne [asjen]. This principle accounts for the apparent irregularities of certain verbs and adjectives. 2. e — The [e] sound nasalized (§1, 7), but slightly more open. Ex.: fin [fe], prince [prfis]; also, faim [f?], sainte [ss:t], Reims [re is], plein [pie], simple [se:pl], symbole [sebol], syntaxe [setaks], viendrai [vjedre], soin [swe]. 3. oe — Has no counterpart in English. It has practically the tongue position of [e], combined with definite rounding of the lips ; avoid diph- thongization (§ 1, 6) 1 narrow (§1,3); best acquired by combining, with the [e] position, the rounding described. Ex.: neuf [noef], neuve [noesv]; also, coeur [koeir], ceil [oej], orgueil [orgoeij]. 4. (5&— The [oe] sound nasalized (§ 1, 7), but slightly more open. Ex. : un [<£], humble [<3&ibl] ; also, k jeun [a 3<5e]. 13. a, a, a. 1. a — Only very slightly resembles the sound of a in * pat,' which is nearer that of [e]. The [a] sound .requires much wider mouth opening than a of ' pat,' accompanied by retraction of the lips and lowering of §§14-16] CONSONANTS. 7 the tongue, though with the point still touching the lower teeth ; avoid diphthongization (§1,4); narrow (§ 1, 3). Ex.: patte [pat], part [pair] ; also, \k [la], femme [fam], moi [mwa], boite [bwa:t], parldmes [parlam], parlat [parla]. 2. a — Like a in * father ' ; the mouth well open, the tongue Ijdng flat, and so far retracted that it no longer touches the lower teeth ; lips absolutely neutral, i.e., neither rounded nor retracted ; avoid especially rounding, as of a in ' fall.' Ex.: pas [pa], passe [pais]; also, p4te [pa it], roi [rwa], po61e [pwoil]. 3. a — The [a] sound nasalized (§ 1, 7). Ex.: tant [ta], tante [tait] ; also, lampe [laip], entre [aitr], membra [maibr]. 14. 0, 5, o. 1. — Like o in * not,' but with definite bell-like rounding (§ 1, 4) ; avoid diphthongization (§1, 6) ; narrow (§ 1, 3). Ex.: note [not], tort [to:r] ; also Paul [pol], album [albom]. 2. — The [0] sound nasalized (§1, 7), but slightly more close. Ex.: rond [ro], ronde [r5:d] ; also tomber [tobe], comte [ko:t]. 3. o — Like o in * omen,' but with more protrusion and much tenser rounding of the lips (§ 1, 4) ; avoid diphthongization (§ 1, 6) ; narrow (§1,3). Ex.: sot [so], chose [Joiz], fosse [fois]; also, cot^ [kote], cote [koitj, faute [fort], beaut6 [bote]. 15. u. I. u — Like u in * rumour,' but with more protrusion and much tenser rounding of the lips (§ 1, 4) ; avoid diphthongization (§ 1, 6) ; narrow (§1,3). Ex.: tout [tu], tour [tuir] ; also, goiit [gu], aoiit [u]. Consonants. 16. j, ^, w. When the sounds [i], [y], [u], § 10 and § 15, come before a vowel of stronger stress, they are pronounced with the tongue slightly closer to the palate, and hence assume a consonantal value, indicated by [j], [q], [w], respectively. They are sometimes called semi- vowels. 8 INTRODUCTION. [§17 1. j — Like very brief and narrow y in 'yes.' Ex.: viande [vjaid] ; also, yeux [j0], ai'eul [ajoel], fille [fiij], travailler [travaje], travail [travaj]. 2. q — Has no counterpart in English ; avoid very carefully the sound of -w in ' wall ' ; may be best acquired by at first substituting [y] for it, and afterward increasing the speed of the utterance and the elevation of the tongue until it can be formed exactly along with what follows. Ex.: lui [Iqi]; also, nuage [nqais], ^cuelle [ekqel]. 3. w — Like very brief and narrow w^ in '-we,' '■west.' It is best, however, to proceed from the sound of [u] in the manner described for [q] above. Ex.: oui [wi] ; also, poids [pwo], tramway [tramwe]. 17. The remaining consonantal sounds can be sufficiently described by noting the differences between their mode of for- mation and that of the nearest English sounds (see § 1). L b— Like bin 'barb.' Ex. : beau [bo], robe [rob], abb^ [abe]. 2. d — Like d in 'did,' but with the tongue so far advanced that its point, or upper surface, forms a closure with the inner surface of the upper teeth and gums ; or the point of the tongue may be thrust against the lower teeth, the upper surface forming a closure with the upper teeth and gums. It must be remembered that in forming English d (also 1, n, r, s, t, z) the tongue touches at some little distance above the teeth (§ 1, 5). Ex. : dame [dam], fade [fad], addition [adisjo]. 3. f— Like fin 'fat.' Ex.: fort [fo:r], neuf [noef], difficile [difisil]. 4. g — Like g in ' go.' Ex.: gant [go], dog^e [dog], gfuerre [geir] ; also, second [sogo]. 5. h — In orthography the letter h is known as 'h mute' (Fr. 'h tnuette'), or 'h aspirate' (Fr. *h aspir^e'), according as it does, or does not, cause elision (§19). The learner may regard it, in either case, as absolutely silent. Ex. : I'homme [1 om], le h^ros [I9 ero]. $17] CONSONANTS. 9 In hiatus, however, a sotmd resembling, hut much weaker than h in *hat,' is permissible, and is actually used by many Frenchmen. Ex.: aha ! [aha], le heros [la hero], fl^au [fleho]. 6. k — Like k in 'take'; avoid the slight aspiration which generally follows the English sound. Ex. : car [kar], roc [rok], accorder [akorde] ; also, chr^tien [kretjf], cinq [sgik], bouquet [buke], acqu6rir [akeriir], kilo [kilo], maxime [maksim]. 7. 1 — Like 1 in * law,' but with the tongue advanced as for [d] above. Ex. : long [15], seul [soel], aller [ale]. 8. m — Like m in * man,' ' dumb.' Ex. : mot [mo], dame [dam], homme [om]. 9. n — Like n in 'not,' 'man,' but with the tongue advanced as for [d] above. Ex.: ni [ni], ane [am], donner [done]. 10. p — Somewhat like ny in ' ban-yan,' except that [ji] is a single, not a double, sound, and is formed by pressing the middle of the tongue against the hard palate, the tip being usually thrust against the lower teeth. Ex. : ag^eau [ajio], digne [diji]. 11. p — Like p in 'pan,' 'top'; avoid the slight aspiration which generally follows the English sound. Ex. pas [pa], tape [tap], appliquer [aplike]. 12. r — Has no English counterpart. It is formed by trilling the tip of the tongue against the upper gums, or even against the upper teeth. This r is called in French 'r linguale,' The tongue must, of course, be well advanced towards the teeth, and not retracted and turned upward, as in our r sound (§ 1, 5), The spund may be advantageously practised at first in combination with d, e.g., dry, drip, drop, drum (as in Scotch or Irish dialect), and afterwards in combinations in which it is less easily pronounced. Ex. : drap [dra], par [par], torrent [tora], rond [ro]. NoTK.— Another r sound (called in French ' r uvulaire '), used especially in Paris and in the large cities and towns, is formed by withdrawing and elevating the root of the tongue so as to cause a trilling of the uvula. This r is usually more difficult for English-speaking people to acquire. 13. 8 — Like s in ' sea,' ' cease,' but with the tongue advanced as for [d] above. 10 INTRODUCTION. [§§18-19 Ex. : si [si], pense [pais], casser [kase] ; also sc^ne [sein], place [plas], fa^de [fasad], legon [laso], regu [rosy], commen^ait [komase], commen- 50ns [komaso], resumes [rasym], portion [porsjS], soixante [swasait]. 14. J — Like sh in shoe, but with the tongue more advanced (§ 1, 5). Ex. : chou [Ju], lache [la i j], also, schisme [Jism]. 15. t — Like t in 'tall,' but with the tongue advanced as for [d] above ; avoid the slight aspiration which generally follows the English sound. Ex.: tas [ta], patte [pat]. 16. V — Like v in * vine,' * cave.* Ex. : vin [ve], cave [ka:v]; also, "v^ragon [vago], neuf heures [ncev ceir], 17. z — Like z in * zone,' or s in ' rose,' but with the tongue advanced as for [d] above. Ex.: zone [zoin], rose [roiz]; also, deux heures, [d0z oeir], exact [egzakt]. 18. 3 — Like z in * azure ' or s in * pleasure,' but with the tongue mere advanced {§ 1, 5). Ex. : je [39], rouge [ruis] ; also mangeant [ma3a], Jean [3a]. 18. Liaison. Final consonants are usually silent, but in oral speech, within a group of words closely connected logically, a final consonant (whether usually sounded or not) is regularly- sounded, and forms a syllable with the initial vowel sound of the next word. This is called in French ' liaison ' = ' linking,* 'joining.' Ex. : C'est^un petit^homme [s^e-t(5&-po-ti-tom]. 1. A few of the consonants change their sound in liaison^ thus, final S or x = z, d = t, g = k, f=v, e.g., nos^amis [no-za-mi], quand^on parle [ka-to-parl] ; the t of et is silent, for examples see p. 12. 2. The n of a nasal is carried on, and the nasal vowel loses its nasality in part, or even wholly, e.g., un bon^ami [de-bo-na-mi, or de-bo-na-mi]. NOTK. — The sounds carried over really belong in pronunciation to the initial syllable of the following word, but to avoid confusion they will be indicated in the transcription with the preceding word, e.g. , les,_,homme3 [lez om, more properly le zom]. 19. Hlision. The letters a, e, i, are entirely silent in certain cases : — 1. The a and e are silent and replaced by apostrophe in le, la, je, me, tCj se, de, ne, que (and some of its compounds) before initial vowel or §§20-21] CAPITALS. 11 h mute (not, however, je, ce, le, la after a verb) ; so also i of si before U(s). Ex.: L'arbre {=le arbre), I'encre (=la encre), j'ai (=je ai), qu'a-t-il (=que a-t-il), jusqu'^ (=jusque k), s'il ( = si il). 2. In prose the letter e is silent at the end of all words (except when e is itself the only vowel in the word), silent in the verbal endings -es, -ent, silent within words after a vowel sound, and in the combination ge or je [3]. In verbs which have stem g [3], g becomes ge [3] before a or o of an ending, to preserve the [3] sound. Ex.: rue [ry], donn^e [done], rare [ra:r], place [plas], ai-je [ei3], table [tabl], sabre [saibr], prendre [prdidr], tu paries [ty pari], ils parlent [il pari], gaiet^ [gete], mangeons [ma 30], Jean [3a]. NOTK.— In ordinary discourse, this sound is usually slighted or wholly omitted in most cases in which consonantal combinations produced by its weakening or elision can be readily pronounced, but beginners will do well to sound it fully, except in the cases above specified. The treatment of the [a] in poetry is beyond the scope of this work. 20. Punctuation. The same punctuation marks are used in French as in English. 1. Their French names are : . point. - trait d'union. [ ] crochets. , virgule. - tiret, or tiret de | ^^^^^^^ ; point et virgule. separation. I : deux points. . . . points suspensifs. * ast^risque. ? point d'interrogation. " " guillemets. t croix de renvoi. 1 point d'exclamation. ( ) parenth6se. 2. They are used as in English, but the * tiret ' commonly serves to denote a change of interlocutor. Ex.: "Qui est li? dis-je. — Personne. — Quoi ! personnel — Personne, dit-il." 21. Capitals. The principal differences between French and English in the use of capital letters (Fr. * lettres majuscules/ * capitales ') may be seen from the following examples : Un livre canadien ^crit en franijais par un Canadien. Toronto, lundi, le 3 jauvier. Je lui ai dit ce que je pensais. EXERCISE IN PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION. [The sign (:) in unstressed syllables indicates 'half long.'] Tu aimeras le Seigneur ton Dieu de tout ton ccBur, de toute ty eimra 1 sejioeir to dj0 d tu to koeir, da tut ton ame, de toute ta force, et de toute ta pens^e; et ton ton aim, da tut ta fors, e d tut ta paise; e to prochain comme toi-meme ... projs kom twameim... Un homme descendait de Jerusalem h Jericho; et il est c&n om desaide d seryzalem a 3eriko ; e il e tombd parmi des brigands, qui I'ont d^pouill^, lis Tont charg^ to I be parmi de briga, ki 1 o depuje, i 1 5 |ar3e de coups, et lis sont partis, en le laissant k moiti^ mort. Et d ku, e i so parti, a 1 leisa a rawatje moir. e par hasard un pr^tre descendait par ce chemin-la, et en le par azasr & preitra desaide par sa Jme la, e a 1 voyant, il a pass^ outre. De meme aussi un Invite, arrive vwaja^ il a parse utr. da me:m o!si o6 levit, ariive dans cet endroit, il est venu, et en le voyant, il a pass^ outre, da st aidrwa, il e vny, e a 1 vwaja, il a paise utr. Mais un Samaritain, qui voyageait, est venu la, et en le voyant, me (56 samarite, ki vwajase, e vny la, e a 1 vwaja, il a 4t6 t^mu de piti^; et 11 s'est approche pour bander ses il a ete emy d pitje; e il s et aproje pur baide se blessures, en y versant de I'huile et du vin ; puis il Fa mis sur blesysr, an i versa da 1 qil e dy ve; pi{i i 1 a mi syr sa propre bete pour le conduire k une auberge, et il a pris soin sa propra be it pur la koidqiir a yn obers, e il a pri sw? de lui. Et le lendemain il a tir^ deux deniers, et il les a d Iqi. e 1 laidme il a tiire dj^ danje, e i lez a donnas k I'aubergiste, en disant, ' prends soin de lui, et ce que done a 1 obersist, a diiza, pro sw? d Iqi, e s ka tu d^penseras de plus, moi je te le rendrai k mon retour.' ty depasra d plys, mwa 3 ta 1 raidre a mo rtuir. — Reprinted by kind permission of M. Paul Passy, from his "Version populaire de I'lfevangile de Luc en transcription phon^tique." 12 PART I. LESSON I. 22. Definite Article. 1. The definite article has the following forms in the singular: {Je [la], before a masculine beginning with a consonant, la [la], before a feminine beginning with a consonant. r [1], before any noun beginning with a vowel or h mute. Le p6re, la m6re. The father, the mother. L'enfant (m. or f . ), I'homme. The child, the man. 2. The definite article must be repeated before each noun to which it refers : L'oncle at la tante. The uncle and (the) aunt. 23. Gender. 1. All French nouns are either masculine or feminine : Le papier (m.), la plume (f.). The paper, the pen. 2. Names of male beings are masculine, and names of female beings feminine, as in English. 24. Case. French nouns have no case endings. The direct object (acpusative) is expressed by verb + noun ; the indirect object (dative) by the preposition k + noun ; . the possessive (genitive) by de + noun, and these prepositions must be repeated before each noun to which they refer : La m6re aime Tenfant. The mother loves the child. J'ai la plume de Robert. I have Robert's pen (the pen of Robert). Je donne I'argent k Marie et k I give the money to Mary and (to) Jean. John. 14 LESSON I. [§25 25. Agreements. Prench has the following agreements, and they are usually expressed by change of form : (1) Verb and subject, in number and person ,* (2) adjective and noun, in gender and number ; (3) pronoun and antecedent, in gender and number. YOCABULAKY. avec [avek], with. crayon [krejo], m., pencil. encre [aikr], f., ink. est [e], is. et [e], and. livre [li : vr], m. , book. montrez-moi [matre mwa], show oil ? [u], where ? papier [papje], m., paper. plume [plym], f., pen. sur [syr], on, upon. table [tabl], f., table. voici [vwasi], here is, here are. voilk [vwalaj, there is, there are. EXERCISE I. A. 1. Ou est le livre? 2. Voici le livre. 3. Ou est la table 1 4. Voila la table. 5. Ou est le papier 1 6. Voici le papier. 7. Ou est la plume 1 8. Voici la plume. 9. Ou est I'encre? 10. Voil^ I'encre sur la table. 11. Ou est le crayon? 12. Voilk le crayon avec la plume. 13. Voici le livre et la plume sur la table. 14. Voila le papier avec I'encre sur la table. 15. Montrez-moi le papier, la plume et I'encre. 16. Ou est le crayon? 17. Voici le crayon et la plume. 18. Voil^ le papier et I'encre. B. (Oral Exercise — questions to be answered in French by the pupil.) 1. Montrez-moi la table. 2. Montrez-moi le papier. 3. Montrez-moi la plume. 4. Montrez-moi I'encre. 5. Ou est la table? 6. Ou est le papier? 7. Ou est la plume? 8. Ou est I'encre? 9. Montrez-moi le papier, la plume et I'encre. Etc., etc. C. 1. Here is the pen. 2. There is the ink. 3. "Where is the paper ? 4. There is the paper with the pen. 5. Here is the book. 6. Show me the paper. 7. Here is the paper on the table. 8. Where is the pen? 9. The pen is with the ink. 10. Show me the paper and ink. 11. The paper is on the table. 12. The ink is with the paper. §26] LESSON II. 15 LESSON II. 26. Indefinite Article. It has the following forms, which must be repeated before each noun to which they refer : ^ Jun [oe], before any masculine noun. A or an — "j^^j^g |-^jj-j^ before any feminine noun. Un livre et une plume. A book and (a) pen Un homme, une ^cole. A man, a school. Vocabulary. Marie [mari], Mary, non [no], no. porta [port], f., door, qui ? [ki], who ?, whom ? tableau [tablo], m. , picture. aussi [osi], too, also, chaise [Je:z], f., chair. derriere [derje:r], behind. deyant [dava], before, in front of. fenetre [fane:tr], f., window. Jean [3a], John. j'ai [3 e], I have ; il a [il a], he has ; elle a [el a], she has ; vous avez [vuz ave], you have. EXERCISE II. A. 1. Yoici une porte et aussi une fenetre. 2. Montrez-moi la porte. 3. Montrez-moi la fenetre. 4. Montrez-moi une chaise et une table. 5. Voilk une chaise devant la table. 6. Voici une plume sur la table. 7. Voil^ un tableau derriere la porte. 8. Qui a un crayon et une plume? 9. Jean a un crayon et Marie a une plume. 10. Non, elle a un crayon et il a une plume. 11. J'ai un crayon et vous avez un livre. 12. Ou est Jean? 13. Jean est derriere la table. 14. Marie est devant la fenetre. 15. Marie a I'encre et elle a la plume aussi. IG. Elle a le papier et vous avez I'encre. 17. Montrez- moi I'encre et aussi la plume. 18. Voici I'encre avec la plume sur la table. B. (Oral.) 1. Montrez-moi une porte. 2. Montrez-moi une fenetre. 3. Montrez-moi une table aussi. 4. Oil est la chaise? 5. Ou est la table ? 6. Qui a la plume et I'encre ? 7. Ou est le crayon? 8. Montrez-moi une plume 9. Montrez-moi un tableau. 10. Ou est le tableau? 11. Ou est Marie? 12. Oil est Jean ? Etc., etc. 16 LESSON III. [§§27-29 ^ C. 1. There is a door and here is a window. 2. Show me a chair and a picture. 3. Here is a chair behind the door. 4. There is a picture. 5. "Who has a pen and a pencil ? 6. John has a pen and Mary has a pencil. 7. You have a pencil. 8. No, I have a pen. 9. Who has the ink ? 10. Mary has the ink. 11. She has the ink. 12. You have the pen and a pencil. 13. There is a chair in front of the window. 14. There is a book on the table. 15. The pen is with the book. 16. The chair is behind the door. 17. Where is the picture? 18. The picture is behind the door also. ^ LESSON III. 27. Some Possessives. Observe the following, and remember that possessive adjectives must be repeated before each noun to which they refer (for pronunciation, see §32) • Mon (m. ) livre et ma (f. ) plume. My book and (my) pen. Ton (m. ) livre et ta (f. ) plume. Thy book and (thy) pen. Son (ra. ) livre et sa (f. ) plume. His or her book and pen. Voire (m. ) livre et voire (f. ) plume. Your book and (your) pen. 28. Negation. With verbs, *not' or 'no' = ne . . . pas, with the verb placed between them, ne becoming n' before a vowel (§19, 1): Je n'ai pas, vous n'avez pas. I have not, you have not. 29. Interrogation. In questions, the personal pronoun subject comes after the verb, as in English, and is joined to it by a hyphen, or by -t- if the verb ends in a vowel : Avez-voua .V ; a-t-il ? ; est-elle ici ? Hav^ you ? ; has he ? ; ia ghe her e ? Vocabulary. autre [otr], other, boiie [bwa:t], f., box. cour [kuir], f., yard, dans [da], in, into. fr^re [freir], m., brother. ici [isi], here. I'encre de voire frfere, your brother's ink. mais [me], but. ne. . .pas [na. . .pa], not, no. oui [wi], yes. salle [sal], f., room (large). scBur [scEir], f., sister. §30] LESSON III. 17 EXERCISE III. A. 1. Avez-vous voire crayon 1 2. Oui, j'ai mon crayon, et Jean a son crayon. 3. Ou est votre crayon? 4. Voici mon crayon dans ma boite. 5. Ou est votre f rere 1 6. II est dans la cour avec ma sceur. 7. Ou est Marie? 8. Elle n'est pas ici. 9. Elle est dans I'autre salle. 10. A-t-elle la boite et le papier? 11. Elle n'a pas le papier, mais elle a la boite. 12. Ou est Jean? 13. A-t-iMe papier et la plume? 14. II a le papier mais il n'a pas la plume. 15. Montrez-moi votre frere et votre soeur. 16. Voici mon frere, mais ma soeur n'est pas ici. 17. Qui est dans la salle? 18. Votre frere est dans la salle. 19. Qui a I'encre de mon fr^re? 20. Jean a I'encre de votre frere. 21. Avez-vous un crayon? 22. J'ai iin crayon. B. (Oral.) 1. Ou est Jean? 2. Est-il ici? 3. Ou est Marie? 4. Est-elle ici? 5. A-t-il son livre et sa plume? 6. A-t-elle son papier et son crayon? 7. Avez-vous votre livre? 8. Avez-vous le livre de Marie? 9. Avez-vous un crayon e tune plume? 10. Ou est ma plume? 11. Ou est mon papier? 12. Ou est votre boite? 13. Ou est-elle? 14. Mon- trez-moi une autre boite. 15. Montrez-moi votre frere et votre soeur, 16. Est-il ici? 17. Est-elle ici? Etc., etc. \^C. 1. Has he the paper? 2. He has not the paper. 3. Where is my pencil ? 4. Where is your pencil ? 5. There is my pencil in the box on the table. 6. Where is your sister ? 7. Is she in the other room ? 8. No, she is in the yard. 9. Where is your brother ? 10. Is he here? ^ 11. He is not here. 12. He is in the yard with your brother. 13. Your sister has her pen. 14. I have her pencil. 15. Show me the picture. 16. There is the picture behind the door. 17. Where is the table? > 18. Where is it? 19. The table is in the room in front of the window, v^' LESSON IV. 30. Some Pronoun Objects. *Him' or 'it' = le (m ), and 'her' or *it' = la (f), both becoming 1' before a vowel or h mute (§19, 1). They come next before the verb, or before voici and voilk : 2 18 LESSON IV. [§30 Oil est la plume ? Je I'ai. Ou est le livre ? Le voici. Ou est Marie ? La voila. Where is the pen ? I have it. Where is the book ? Here it is. Where is Mary ? There she is. NOTB.— Voici and Voil^ are derived from vois = 'see' + ici = 'here' and vois = 'see' + 1^ = 'there' (literally, 'see here,' 'see there'), and, owing to their verbal force, govern words directly like transitive verbs. Vocabulary. cahier [kaje], m., exercise-book. 6cole [ekol], f., school. 6glise [egli:z], f., church. 616ve [ele:v], in., f., pupil. la [la], f., her, it. le [la], m., him, it. madame [madam], f., madam, Mrs. (Miss. mademoiselle [madmwazel] , f . , maison [mez5], f., house. monsieur [masj^], m., sir, Mr. pardon [pardo] , I beg your pardon. EXERCISE IV. A. 1. IMontrez-moi la fenetre. 2. La voilk 3. Ou est mon cahier 1 4. Le voil^ sur la table. 5. Avez-vous votre plume, mademoiselle ? 6. Non, monsieur, je ne I'ai pas. 7. Marie a I'encre. 8. Non, monsieur, elle ne I'a pas. 9. • A-t-il mon crayon? 10. II ne I'a pas. 11. Ou est ma sceuf ? 12. La voila dans la cour derriere I'ecole. 1 3. J'ai mon crayon ; JVIarie ne I'a pas. 1 4. La cour est derriere I'ecole ; la voil^. 15. Yous avez Fencre. 16. Pardon, madame, je ne Tai pas. 17. IMontrez-moi votre maison, 18. La voila derriere I'eglise. 19. A-t-elle sa plume? 20. Non, monsieur, elle ne I'a pas. 21. La voila sur la chaise. 22. N'avez-vous pas mon cahier? 23. Non, monsieur, je ne I'ai pas. £. (Oral.) 1. IVTontrez-moi la fenetre. 2. Ou est votre cahier? 3. Qui a ma plume? 4. Qui a mon crayon? 5. Avez- vous I'encre? 6. Qui a votre cahier? 7. JMontrez-moi I'eglise? 8. Ou est le papier de Jean ? 9. A-t-il son papier ? 10. Avez- vous votre encre? 11. N'avez-vous pas le papier aussi? 1 2. A-t-elle sa boite ? 13. A-t-elle son papier dans sa boite ? 14. A-t-elle sa plume aussi? 15. Ou est votre frere Jean? 16. Ou est votre sceur IVEarie ? 17. Montrez-moi votre fr^re. 18. IMontrez-moi votre soeur. Etc., etc. C. 1. Who has my pen ? 2. John has your pen, sir. 3. John, have you my exercise-book ? 4. No, sir, I haven't §§31-32] LESSON V. 19 it ; here it is on the table. 5. Who has your exercise-book ? 6. Here it is, sir. 7. John, where is your pen ? 8. Another pupil has my pen. 9. The yard is behind the school ; there it is. 10. Mary, your pencil is on the chair. 11. I beg your pardon ; I have it here. 12. Have you your ink, too ? 13. Yes, sir, I have it. 14. Mary has her book, pen and exercise-book. 15. Where is Mr. B. ? 16. Here he is. 17. He is here. 18. Where is Miss B. ? 19. She is here, too. 20. There she is with her brother. LESSON V. 31. Plural Forms. 1. The plural of a noun or an adjec- tive is regularly formed by adding -s to the singular : Le grand roi, la grande reine. The great king, the great queen. Les grands rois, les grandes relnes. The great kings, the great queengu. 2. The plural of the definite article le, la, 1* is les : Les [le] livres, les [lez] enfants. The books, the children. 3. The plural of the personal pronoun le, la, 1' is also les I Je les ai. I have them (books, pens, etc. ). 32. The Possessive Adjective. 1. The following are its forms in full (for agreement and repetition, see § 27) : Masculine. Feminine. Plural. men [m5] ma [ma] » mes [me],ja^ ton [to] ta [ta] ' ' tes [te], tliy, your. son [so] sa [sa] ' ses [se], his^Jier, its. notre [notr] notre [notr] nos [no], ouTj. votre [votr] votre [votr] vos [vo], youn leur [loeir] leur [loeir] leurs [Iceir], thgir^ 2. The forms mon, ton, SOn, are used instead of ma, ta, sa before feminines beginning with a vowel or h mute : Mon [mon] amie (f. ). My friend. Son [son] histoire (f.). His story. Son [son] autre plume (f.). His other pen. 3. Since son (sa, ses) means *his,' 'her,' or *its,* it can only be known from the context which is meant* 20 LESSON V. [§32 Vocabulary. affaires [afsir], f. pi., things, aujourd'hui [o3urdiii], to-day. bon [bo], good, canif [kanif], m., penknife, ^l^ve [eleiv], m. or f., pupil. ils ont [ilz o], they have, ils sont [11 so], they are. porte-plume [portplym], m., pen- holder. regie [re:gl], f., ruler, sous [su], under. EXERCISE V. A. 1. Mes livres ne sont pas sur la table ; qui les a ? 2. Les voila sur une chaise. 3. Qui a nos bons crayons? 4. Les voila dans la boite de Marie. ^ Ou sont vos plumes 1 6. Voici nos plumes. 7. Ou sont nos affaires? 8. Voici vos crayons €t vos plumes sur la table. 9. Leurs plumes et les plumes de leur soeur ne sont pas ici. 10. Pardon, monsieur, les voici sous la table. 11. Les eleves n'ont pas leurs livres aujourd^hui. 12. JMontrez-moi la regie de I'dleve. 13. La voici dans sa boite. 14. Leurs canif s sont bons. 15. ISTos canifs sont bons aussi. 16. Vos porte-plumes ne sont pas bons. 17. Ou est mon encre? 18. La voila avec I'encre de ma soeur. 19. Ou est mon autre plume ? 20. Elle est dans ma boite. B. (Oral.) 1. Ou sont les affaires de mon frere? 2. Quia le canif de ma soeur ? 3. IVIontrez-moi votre regie. 4. Ou est la plume de Marie? 6. Ou sont nos livres aujourd'hui? 6. Avez-vous ma boite ? 7. Qui est dans la salle ? 8. Qui est avec Jean dans la cour ? 9. Ou est la cour? 10. Ou est Marie? 11. N'est-eile pas ici? 12. Montrez-moi vos bons crayons. 13. Avez-vous mon encre? 14. Qui a mon autre plume? Etc., etc. C. 1. Where are your books to-day ? 2. They are here. 3. There they are on the table. 4. Where are your brother's things? 5. There is his pen-holder and his ruler. 6. Have you my ink and my other pen? 7. Where is your sister's ruler? 8. Her ruler is not here to-day. 9. There is her pen- knife on the table. 10. Where is Mary's book? 11. Her brother has her book. 12. And she has her brother's book. 13. John's ink is on the table. 14. Their books are not here. 15. Have you not my pens? 16. No, your pens are in the §§33-36] LESSON VI. 21 box. 17. Where are John's and Mary's books'? 18. Here they are on the table. 19. Where is my sister's ruler? 20. I haven't it ; there it is on the table. LESSON VI. ^ 33. Present Indicative of auoir, * to have.* 1. Affirmative. 2. Negative. I have, etc. I have not, etc. j' ai [3 e]. "^^ je n*ai pas [ja n e pa]. ^ tuas [ty a]. ' tu n'as pas [ty n a pa]. II a _ [il a]. -^ -■' il n'a pas [il n a pa], nous avons [nuz avo]. ■ ,i, nous n'avons pas [nu n avo pa], vous avez [vuz ave]. .^ '\\^^^^ n'avez pas [vu n ave pa]. lis ont [ilz 5]. ^; " A^^tu^. ils n'ont pas [il n pa]. 34. Pronouns in Address. ' You ' is regularly vous ; the form tu = ' thou ' or * you ' is used in familiar address : Avez- vous ma plume, monsieur ? Have you my pen, sir ? As-tu ta plume, mon enfant ? Have you your pen, my child ? N.B. — Translate 'you' by vous in the exercises, unless the use of tu is required by the context. 35. Contractions. De + le and de + les are always contracted into du and des ; the remaining forms are not contracted, thus, de la, de 1' in full : La plume du [dy] fr^re. The brother's pen. Les plumes des [de] sceurs. The sisters' pens. But : La plume de I'^l^ve, etc. 36. The Partitive *Noun and Pronoun. 1. *Some' or * any,' whether expressed or implied before a noun in English, is regularly expressed in French by de + the definite article : J'ai de I'encre. I have (some) ink (lit., *of the ink'). A-t-il des fr^res ? Has he (any) brothers ? 2. In a general negation the partitive is expressed by de alone: 22 LESSON VI. [§36 H n'a pas de pain. He has no bread. II n'a pas d'amis. He has no friends. 3. * Some ' or * any * as a pronoun = en, which must be ex- pressed in French, even when omitted in English (cf. § 80) : A-t-il de I'encre ? — II en a. Has he (any) ink ? — He has (some). A-t-il une plume ? — II en a une. Has he a pen ? — He has one. Vocabulary. ami [ami], m. , friend, deux [d0], two. encrier [akrie], m., inkstand, enfant [afa], m. or f., child, boy, girl. il n'en a pas, he has not, he has not any, he has none. fils [fis], m., son. Ik [la], there. un, une [ce, yn], one. EXERCISE VI. r A. Continue the following throughout the singular and plural : 1. J'ai des plumes, tu as des plumes, etc. 2. Je n'ai pas de plumes, etc. 3. J'ai des amis, etc. 4. Je n'ai, pas d'amis, etc. 5. J'ai de I'encre, etc. 6. Je n'ai pas d'enere, etc. 7. J'en ai, etc. 8. Je n'en ai pas, etc. B. 1. Avez-vous des plumes et des crayons ? 2. Je n'ai pas de plumes, mais j'ai des crayons. 3. Mon frere a un canif et ma soeur en a deux. 4. Ou est I'encre ? 5. La voila dans I'encrier sur la table. 6. Avez-vous (ijt papier? 7. Je n'en ai pas. 8. Jean est la dans la salle. .9. A-t-il de I'encre? 10. Non, monsieur, ii n'a pas d'enere. 11. A-t-il des livres? 12. Non, monsieur, il n'en a pas. 13. As-tu du papier, mon fils? 14. Je n'en ai pas. 15. Tu as de I'encre et des plumes, mon enfant. 16. Pardon, monsieur, je n'en ai pas. 17. Ou sont les livres des eleves ? 18. Les voila sur la table. 19. Mes soeurs n'ont pas de papier, mais elles ont de I'encre et des plumes. 20. Ou est la regie du frere de Jean? 21. Je I'ai. 22. Nous avons des livres et des plumes. 23. En avez-vous? 24. Nous n'en avons pas. C. (Oral.) 1. Avez-vous un cahier ? 2. Ou est votre cahier ? 3. Ou est le cahier de IVIarie ? 4. A-t-elle des crayons aussi ? 6. Qui a de I'encre ? 6. Ou est son encre ? 7. Ou sont vos frferes et vos soeurs? 8. Avez-vous des crayons? 9. Avons- 37-38] LESSON viL 23 nous du papier et des plumes ? 10. Avez-voua des amis ? 11. Ou sont-ils? 12. Qui n'a pas d'amis? 13. As-tu du papier, mon enfant? 14. Qui a ton cahier, Marie? 15. As-tu la regie de ta soeur 1 Etc., etc. J). 1. Where is your brother's book 1 2. Here it is with our books. 3. Have you any ink ? 4. I have some. 5. Show me your ruler. \ 6. 'I haven't any, but my sister has one. 7. Have you a pen-holder? 8. Yes, sir, I have one, and my brother has two. ^ Show me your pencils. 10. I haven't any, but my friend has some. 11. We, have pens. 12. You have ink. 13. They have no pens. \ 14. He has no ink. 15. His brother's friend has no books. 16. Where are their books? 17. There are some books on the table. 1^ Here are our books on the chair. 19. She has brothers and sisters. 20. Where are they? 21. They are in the yard, i 22. Where are the pupils' things? 23. ^ They are in the other j^pom. 24. -Where is your ruler, my boy ? 25. Here it is.-^ 26. Have you any ink, my son ? 27. I haven't any. ^ C <> ^ .^ LESSON VII. 37. Present Indicative of avoir (continued). 1. Interrogative. 2. Negative Interrogative. Have I ? etc. Have I not ? etc. ai-je? [eiil n'ai-je pas ? [n e: 3 pa]. as-tu ? [a ty]. n'as-tu pas ? [n a ty pa]. a-t-il ? [a t il]. n'a-t-il pas ? [n a t il pa]. avons-nous ? [av5 nu]. n'avons-nous pas ? [n avo nu pa]. avez-vous ? [ave vuj. n'avez-vous pas ? [n ave vu pa]. ont-ils ? [5t il]. n'ont-ils pas ? [n ot il pa]. 38. Interrogation. 1 . When the subject of an inter- rogative sentence is a noun, the word order is noun- verb- pronoun : L'homme est-il Ik ? Is the man there ? 2. This form of question may be combined with an inter- rogative word : Male Jean oh est-il ? But where is John ? Combien de plumes Jean a-t-il ? How many pens has John ? 24 LESSON VII. [§38 3. 'What?* (as direct object or predicate of a verb) = qtie? See also §19, 1 : Qu'avez-vous Ik ? What have you there ? Vocabulary. chez moi [je mwa], at home, classe [kla !s], f., class, class-room. combien de ? [kobje da], how many ? ensemble [asaibl], together, maintenant [metna], now. maitre[me: tr], m., master, teacher. ou [u], or. poche [pDJ], f. , pocket. quatre [katr], four. sac [sak], m., bag, satchel. salle de classe [sal da kla is], f., class-room. trois [trwa], three. EXERCISE VII. A. Continue the following: 1. Ai-je un canif?, as-tu un canif?, etc. 2. Ai-je des crayons dans une boite?, as-tu des crayons dans une boite ?, etc. 3. N'ai-je pas un bon ami ?, etc. '^ B. 1 . Avez-vous votre crayon dans votre boite ? 2. Non, monsieur, je I'ai dans mon sac. 3. Combien de livres avez< vous? 4. J'en ai trois ou quatre dans mon sac. 5. N'avez- vous pas un canif dans votre poche? 6. Non, monsieur, je n'en ai pas dans ma poche, mais j'en ai un chez moi. 7. Ou est votre frere maintenant? 8. II est dans la cour avec les autres enfants. 9. Ou sont Marie et sa soeur? 10. Les voil^ ensemble dans la salle de classe. 11. Jean n'a-t-il pas mon porte-plume et mes plumes dans son sac ? 12. Non, monsieur, il les a dans sa poche. 13. Ou sont le maitre et les Aleves maintenant? 14. lis sont dans la salle de classe. 15. Qu'as- tu dans ton sac, mon enfant? 16. J'ai deux livres et quatre plumes dans mon sac. 17. Ou sont les porte-plumes ? 18. En voila un sur la table. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou est le sac de Jean?' 2. Montrez-moi votre papier. 3. Jean, ou est ton canif? 4. N'as-tu pas un canif et un porte-plume ? 5. Ou sont les enfants ? 6. Qu'avez-vous dans votre poche ? 7. Combien de f reres avez-vous ? 8. Votre frere combien de plumes a-t-il? 9. Qu'a-t-il dans son sac? 10. Ou sont mes affaires? 11. Qui est dans la salle de classe maintenant? 12. Le maitre ou est-il? 13. Et les Aleves ou sont-ils? 14. Combien de plumes as-tu, mon enfant? §39] LESSON VIII. 25 15. Et Marie, combien de plumes a-t-elle ? 16. Les ^l^ves sont- ils dans la salle ? 17. Les dl^ves ont-ils leurs affaires dans leurs sacs ? 18. Avez-vous mes bons crayons ? 19. Qui a mes bons crayons ? Etc., etc. D. 1. Where are our bags ? 2. There they are behind the door. 3. Wiiat have you in your pocket ? 4. I liave a knife and a pencil in my pocket, h^ Have you pens and pencils ? 6^ Yes, sir, I have two pens and three pencils. %. Where are John and his brother ? 8. They are with .the other boys in the class-room. "^ 9. Sliow me your books and pens. 10. I haven't any. ( 11. Jolm is in the other room with his brother. 1,2^ How many pojicils have they.'' 13. They have four.. 1^. vVliere are your things? 15. Here they are in my bag. 16. Have we any pens ? 17. Yes, sir, here t> are some in tITe box. 18. Where are John and Robert ? 19. There they are together in the class-room. 20. How many knives have you ?i 21. I have one and my brother has two. 22. Have you any paper ? 23. We haven't any, but the master has some. 24. Here is his paper. 39. Present 1. AflSrmative. I am, etc. je suis [sa snij. tu 68 [ty e]. il est [il e]. nous somraes [nu som]. vous etes [vuz e:t]. lis sont [il so]. 3. Interrogative. Am I ? etc. suis-je? [sqii 3]. es-tu ? [e ty]. est-il ? [et il], sommes-nous ? [som nu]. ^tes-vous ? [e : t vu]. 8ont-ils ! [sot il]. LESSON VIII. Indicative of 4tre, * to be.' 2. Negative. I am je ne suis pas tu n'es pas il n'est pas nous ne sommes vous n'etes pas lis ne sont pas 4. Negative Ami ne suis-je pas ? n'es-tu pas ? n'est-il pas ? ne sommes-nous n'etes- vous pas ? ne 8ont-ils pas ? not, etc. [39 n9 siji pa]. [tyn epa]. [il n e pa], pas [nu na som pa]. [vu n e:t pa]. [il na s5 pa]. Interrogative, not? etc. [no sqi: 3 pa]. [n e ty pa]. [n et il pa], pas ? [na som nu pa} [n e:t vu pa]. [n9 sot il pa]. 26 LESSON VIII. [§40 40. Observe that il and elle mean not only * he ' and * she,' but also 'it/ since there are but two genders of nouns in French : Ou est la plume ? Elle est ici. Where is the x)en ? It is here. Oh sont les plumes ? Elles sont ici. Where are the pens ? They are here. malade [malad], ill, sick. nous [nu], us. tableau noir [tablo nwair], m., black-board. k present [a preza], at present. Vocabulary. k [a], to, at, in. commence [komais], begins, difficile [difisil], difficult. facile [fasil], easy. ie^on [laso], f., lesson. EXERCISE VIII. A. Continue the following: 1. Je suis k I'dcole, tu es, etc. 2. Je suis malade aujourd'hui, tu es, etc. 3. Je ne suis pas malade aujourd'hui, etc. 4. Suis-je malade?, etc. 5. Ne suis-je pas malade 1, etc. r-=-J5. 1. Nous sommes k I'ecole aujourd'hui, et nos freres sont avec nous. 2. Nous sommes a present avec les autres Aleves dans la salle de classe, et le maitre est ici aussi. 3. Nous avons nos affaires. 4. Nos canifs sont dans nos poches. 5. Nos plumes et nos porte-plumes sont dans nos boites. 6. Nos livres sont dans nos sacs. 7. L'encre est dans les encriers. 8. La le9on est sur le tableau noir. 9. Nous avons des cahiers, et les autres Aleves en ont aussi. 10. La legon commence. 11. La le9on n'est pas difficile. 12. Elle est facile. (Js::^ C (Oral.) 1. Ou etes-vous k present? 2. Ou suis-je k prdsenf? 3. Ou sommes-nous? 4. Qui est avec nous? 5. Ou sont les affaires des Aleves ? 6. Le maitre n'est-il pas avec les Aleves? 7. Ou sont les chaises et les tables? 8. N'avez-vous pas vos livres ? 9. Montrez-moi les regies et les porte-plumes. 10. Qui est devant le tableau noir? 11. Ou est la legon ? 12. Avez-vous des cahiers? 13. La le9on commence-t-elle ? 14. Qui commence la le9on? 15. Ta le^on est-elle facile? 16. Tes le90ns sont-elles difficiles, mon enfant? Etc., etc, <;;D. 1. Our brothers are not in the class-room. 2. They are in the yard with the other pupils. 3. The lesson is not on the black-board. 4. Are you not in our class ? 5. Yes, I am \/ §§41-42] LESSON IX. 27 in your class. 6. Have you your things in your bags 1 7. No, our things are on the table. 8. Have you exercise-books'? 9. Yes, and our brothers have some too. 10. Have you no paper? 11. No, sir, I have none. 12. Are the pencils herel 13. Yes, here they are on the table. 14. What have you in your bags? 15. We have paper, exercise- books and pen- holders. 16._Have you no ink? 17. Yes, I have some. 18. How many~books have you? 19. I have four in my bag, and three at home. 20. The lessonls easy to-day ; it is easy. 21. John's lessons are diificult. 22. Are your lessons difficult, John ? 23. Yes, sir, they are difficult. LESSON IX. 41. The Regular Conjugations. French verbs are conveniently divided, according to the infinitive endings -er, -ir, -re, into three conjugations : I. II. III. Donner [done], to give. Finir [fini :r], to finish. Vendre [va :dr], to sell. Like these are conjugated all regular verbs with corres- ponding infinitive endings. 42. Present Indicative of donner, *to give.' 1. Affirmative. 2. Negative. I give, am giving, etc. I do not give, am not giving, etc. je donn e [ja don]. ^ <^LyiyV^ je ne donn e pas [3a no don pa], tu donn es [ty don]. i/^^uLO tu ne donn es pas [ty no don pa]. ' il donn e [il don]. l^JL ■ -^^ il ne donn e pas [il no don pa], nous donn ens [nil donS]. t^^ ^ nous ne donn ons pas [nu no dono pa], vous donn ez [vu done]. Jiu/- vous ne donn ez pas [vu no done pa], ils donn ent [il don]. *■ '^ v; lis ne donn ent pas [il no don pa]. 3. Interrogative. 4. Negative Interrogative. Am I giving ?, do I give ?, etc. Am I not giving ?, do I not give ?, etc. donne-je? [doners]. ne donn^-je pas ? [no done: 3 pa], donnes-tu? [don ty]. ne donnes-tu pas ? [no don ty pa], doime-t-il? [don t il]. ne donne-t-il pas ? [no don t il pa], donnons-nous ? [dono nu]. ne donnons-nouspas? [no dono nu pa], donnez-vous ? [done vu]. ne donnez-vous pas ? [no done vu pa], donnent-ils ? [dont il]. ne donnent-ils pas ? [no dont il pa]. 28 LESSON IX. [§§43-44 43. Interrogation. By prefixing the words est-ce que ?, literally, 'is it that?', any statement may be turned into a question : Vous avez mon canif. You have my penknife. Est-ce que vous avez mon canif ? Have you my penknife ? Note.— The first singular interrogative form (e.g., donne-je? suis-je? etc.) la avoided in most verbs, and rmmt be avoided in some, by using 'est-ce que?' In the exercises, use 'est-ce que?' everywhere in interrogations with the first singular. 44. The Demonstrative Adjective. 1. The following are its forms, and they must be repeated before each noun to which they refer : {ce [so], before a masculine beginning with a consonant. cet [set], before a m. beginning with a vowel or h mute. cette [set], before any feminine. 'These,' * those ' = ces [se], before any plural. 2. To distinguish ' this ' from * that,' or for emphasis, add -Ci ( = ici) and -la respectively to the noun : Ce livre, cet homme, cette amie. This (or that) book, man, friend. Ce crayon-ci et ces plumes-la. This pencil and those pens. Vocabulary. aller [ale], to go. arriver [arive], to arrive, chemin [jams], m., road, way. commencer [komase], to begin. continue^ [kotinqe], to continue. 6couter [ekute], to listen to, hear. en [a], in, on. entrfcr [atre]dans, to enter, go into, histoire [istwair], f., story. marcher [marje], to march, walk, pour [pur], for, in order to. racontsr [rakote], to relate, tell, ramasser [ramase], to pick up, ^ collect. rencontrer [rakotre], to meet. Robert [robeir], Robert, route [rut], f., way. me [ry], f., street. nous void [nu vwasi], here we are. en route [a rut], on the way. EXERCISE IX. A. Je ramasse mes affaires pour aller a I'ecole. Yoici mes livres, mon cahier, mes plumes, ma regie, mon crayon. Les voil^ maintenant dans mon sac. Main tenant je suis en route §44] LESSON IX. 29 pour I'dcole. Dans la rue je rencontre mon ami Robert. Nous marchons ensemble. Nous continuons notre chemin. II raconte une histoire. Nous arrivons a la porte de I'^cole. Nous entrons dans I'^cole. Nous voici dans la classe. Les autres eleves arrivent aussi, et le maitre commence les le9ons. Ce maitre doiine des le9ons faciles. Cette leQon n'est pas difficile. Ces dleves-ci ecoutent. Ces ^l^ves-la n'ecoutent pas. B. Continue the following : 1. Je donne du papier k Thieve, etc. 2. Est-ce que j 'arrive k Tecole?, etc. 3. Je ne ramasse pas mes affaires, tu ne ramasses pas tes affaires, etc. 4. Est-ce que je ne donne pas un canif k Robert?, etc. X C. (Oral.) 1. Oil allons-nous ? 2. Qui ramasse nos affaires ? 3. Ou sont nos cahiers 1 4. Avez-vous vos livres 1 5. Est-ce que vous avez votre crayon aussi 1 6. Ou sorames-nous mainte- nant ? 7. Qui est en route pour I'ecole % 8. Qui rencontrons- nous? 9. Ou est-ce que nous le rencontrons? 10. Qui est Robert? 11. Est-ce que Robert est en route pour I'^cole aussi? 12. Qui raconte une histoire 1 13. Qui arrive a la porte de T^cole? 14. Ou entrons-nous ? 15. Ou sommes- nous maintenant? 16. Qui est dans la classe? 17. Est-ce que les autres ^l^ves sont dans la classe aussi? 18. Qui commence les lemons? 19. Ce maitre donne-t-il des le9ons faciles? 20. Ces le9ons sont-elles faciles? 21. Cet ^l^ve-la ^coute-t-il? Etc., etc. D. 1. Where are you going? 2. Are you going to school? 3. We are going to school. 4. I am collecting my things to go to school. ^5. My things are in my bag now. \ 6. We meet our friends in the street. 7. We continue our way.— 8. We arrive at the door of the school. / 9. The other pupils arrive also. VI 0. They enter the school. -11. We enter the school too. H^ The master and the pupils are in the class-room. 13. He begins the lesson. 14. Is he beginning the lesson now? 15. He continues the lesson. 16. This lesson is not easy. 17. It is difficult. 18. i These lessons are difficult. 19. The master tells a story. 20. The pupils listen. 21. Are you listening ? 22. Yes, sir, I am listening now. 23. Robert, are you listening? 24. Yes, sir. 25. Are those pupils listening ? 80 LESSON X. [§§45-47 LESSON X. 45. Plural Forms. Note the following exceptions to the rule (§31) that the plural of nouns and adjectives is formed by adding -s to the singular : 1. Nouns in -s, -x, -z, and adjectives in -s, -x, remain unchanged in the plural, e.g , bras, bras, arm(s) ; voix, voix, voice(s) ; nez, nez, nose(s) ; bas, bas, low ; vieux, vieux, old. 2. Nouns and adjectives in -au, nouns in -eu, and a few nouns in -ou, add -X instead of -s, e.g., couteau, couteaux, knife, knives; beau, beaux, fine ; jeu, jeux, game(s) ; bijou, bijoux, jewel(s) ; caillou, cailloux, pebble(s), and a few rarer nouns in -ou. 3. Nouns, and the commoner adjectives, in -al change -al to -au and add -X (as above), e.g., general, g^n^raux, general(s) ; rival, rivaux, rival(s), except bal, bals, ball(s), and a few rarer nouns. 4. Oeil, yeux, eye(s) ; del, cieux, sky, skies, heaven(s). 46. Contractions. The forms k + \e and a + les are always contracted into au and aux respectively ; the remain- ing forms are not contracted, thus, a la, a 1* in full : Je parle au [o] fr^re. I speak to the brother. Aux [o] soeurs, aux [oz] hommes. To the sisters, to the men. But : Je parle a la sceur, k I'homme. 47. Use of II y a. 1. 'There is' and 'there are' are not only translated by voila, but also by il y a : Voilk des plumes sur la table. There are some pens on the table. II y a [il j a] des plumes sur la table. There are some pens on the table. 2. Observe, however, that voila answers the question * where is *? ', ' where are 1 ', and makes a specific statement about an object to which attention is directed by pointing or the like, while il y a does not answer the question 'where is ? ', ' where are 1 ', and makes a general statement. 3. II y a governs nouns just like other transitive verbs : Je donne des plumes a Marie. I give (some) pens to Mary. II y a des plumes sur la table. There are (some) pens on the tablet §47] LESSON" X. 81 Vocabulary. aimer [eme], to love, like. beau [bo], fine, handsome. beaucoup [boku], much, very much. blanc [bla], white. bleu [bl0], blue. bord [bo:r], m. , edge, shore, border. caillou [kaju], m., pebble, stone. cheval [javal], m., horse. courag^eux [kura30], brave. creuser [kr0ze], to dig. eau [o], f., "water. foug^ueux [fug0], spirited, fiery. general [seneral], m. , general. grand [gra], great, large, tall. jouer [swe], to play. k cheval, on horseback, chez lac [lak], m., lake. Tun [1 cfe], the one, one. naturel [natyrel], natural, noir [nwair], black. oeil, yeux [oej, j0], m., eye, eyes. parce que [pars ka], because, parler [parle], to speak, talk. pourquoi? [purkwa], why? qui [ki], indecl., who, whom, which. repr6senter [raprezate], to rspre- sent. sable [sa:bl], m., sand, si [si], so. vieux [vj^], old. nous, at home, at our house. EXERCISE X. ^. n y a deux tableaux chez* nous. Nous les aimons beau- coup, parce qu'ils sont si naturels. L'un reprdsente quatre enfants qui jouent au bord du lac. L'eau du lac est bleue (f.), et les yeux des enfants sont bleus aussi. II y en a deux qui ramassent des cailloux, et les deux autres creusent dans le sable. L'autre tableau repr^sente deux grands generaux a cheval. lis sont sur deux beaux chevaux. L'un des chevaux est blanc et l'autre est noir. IjCS g^ndraux sont courageux et leurs chevaux sont beaux et fougueux. B. Continue the following: 1. Je parle aux g^n^raux, etc. 2. Je parle a I'enfant, etc. 3. Est-ce que je ramasse des cailloux?, etc. 4. II y a des plumes dans ma boite, dans ta boite, etc. 5. II n'y en a pas dans ma boite, ta boite, etc. 6. Mes yeux sont bleus, tes yeux, etc. 7. J'ai deux beaux chevaux, etc. 8. J'aime ces vieux tableaux, etc. 0. (Oral.) 1. Ou sont les tableaux? 2. Est-ce que vous les aimez? 3. Pourquoi est-ce que vous les aimez? 4. Y a-t-il des tableaux dans cette salle ? 5. Montrez-moi ces tableaux. 6. Qui joue? 7. Ou est-ce qu'ils jouent? 8. Les yeux des enfants sont-ils bleus ou noirs? 9. Vos yeux sont-ils noirs? 32 LESSON XL [§§48-49 10 Qui raraasse des cailloux? 11. Que ramassez-vous ? 12. Qui creuse dans le sable? 13. Ou sont les deUx grands generaux? 14. Les chevaux des generaux sont-ils blancs ou noirs? 15. Vos fr^res sont-ils courageux? 16. A qui est-ce ' que je parle ? 17. A qui est-ce que vous parlez? 18. Y a-t-il des plumes dans votre boite 1 19. Combien de tableaux y a-t-il chez nous? 20. Aimez-vous ces vieux tableaux? Etc., etc. ^^^'^i). 1. There are two fine pictures in our class-room. 2. The pupils like them. 3. These pictures are natural and beautiful. 4. In this picture there are four children. 5. They are play- ing. 6. The children's eyes are blue. 7. Three of the children are picking up pebbles on the shore of the lake. 8. The other child is digging in the sand. ^9. He is talking to the other children. 10. There is the other picture. 11. In that picture there are two generals. 12. Their horses are fine and spirited. 13. The generals are brave. 14. I like these pictures very much. 15. The master is relating the story of the generals to the pupils. 16. There is a pupil who is not listening. 17. Show me the pupil who is not listening. 18. I am listening, because I like this story. 19. Now, show /■:n me the fine pictures. 20. There they are. LESSON XL 48. An Indefinite Pronoun. 1. 'One,* 'some one,' *we/ *you,' 'they,' 'people,' used indefinitely, are represented in French by on, with the verb always in the singular: On [5] parle de Jean. We (you, they, etc. ) speak of John. 2. When following a verb with a final vowel, on is joined to it by -t- (cf. §29): Par oil commence-t-on ? Where do we (etc. ) begin ? 3. An on construction often corresponds to an English passive, especially when the agent is not mentioned : Ensuite on apporte le potage. Next the soup is brought. 49. Interrogation. Observe the frequently used inter- rogative phrase * qu'est-ce que ? ' = ' what 1 ' which is made up of que ? (§ 38, 3) + est-ce que ? (§ 43) : Qu'a-t-il ? or Qu'est-ce qu'il a ? What has he ? §50] LESSON XI. 33 50. Present Indicative off aire, ' to do,' ' make ' (irreg.). I do, am doing, etc. We do, are doing, etc. je fais [39 fe]. nous faisons [nu fazo]. tu fais [ty fe], vous faites [vu fet]. a fait [U fe]. lis font [il fo]. Vocabulary. d'abord [d abo:r], first (of all). apporter [aporte], to bring. assiette [as jet], f., plate. bientot [bj?to], soon. biblioth^ue [bibliotek], f., li- brary. bonne [bon], f., maid, servant. caf6 [kafe], m., coffee. chapeau [Japo], m., hat. couteau [kuto], m., knife, cuiller [kyje:r], f., spoon. dessert [dese:r], m., dessert, ensuite [asiiit], then, next, escalier [cskalje], m., stairs. fourchette [fur Jet], f., fork, fruit [frx^i], m., fruit. journal [sumal], m., newspaper. 16g^me [legym], m., vegetable, lire [li:r], to read, manger [mase], to eat. en haut [a o], up stairs. moment [moma], m., moment. monter [mote], to go up. nappe [nap], f., table-cloth. oter [ote], to take oflf. place [plas], f., place. potag^e [potais], m., soup. prend [pro], 3 sg. pres. ind. pren- dre, to take. puis [pi{i], then, afterwards. remporter [raporte], to take away. repas [rope], m., meal, repast. retoumer [roturne], to return, go back ; de retour, back. salle k manger [sal a mase], f., dining-room. sonner [sone], to ring. vestibule [vestibyl], m., hall, en- trance. viande [vjQid], f., meat. en bas [a ba], down stairs. EXERCISE XI. A. Nous voici de retour de I'^cole. Nous entrons dans la maison Dans le vestibule nous 6tons nos chapeaux. Ensuite nous montons Tescalier. ' Nous somraes en haut maintenant, et nous entrons dans la biblioth^ue un moment pour lire les journaux. Bientot on sonne, et nous aliens en bas. Nous voici dans la salle k manger. La nappe est sur la table. Les assiettes, les cuillers, les couteaux et les fourchettes sont a leur place. On commence le repas. La bonne apporte le potage. Puis, elle apporte la viande et les legumes. On mange, on 34 ■ LESSON XI. [§50 raconte des histoires. La bonne remporte les assiettes. Au dessert on mange du fruit et on prend du cafe. B. Continue the following: 1. J'6te mon chapeau, tu 6tes ton chapeau, etc. 2. Je ne suis pas en haut, etc. 3. Qu'est-ce que je fais % etc. 4. Est-ce que je ne sonne pas % etc. 5. Je ne monte pas I'escalier, etc. 6. On apporte mon repas, ton repas, etc. 7. Est-ce qu'on n'apporte pas mon repas 1, ton repas?, etc. 8. II n'y a pas de viande sur mon assiette, ton assiette, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou est-ce que nous allons maintenant ? 2. Que faisons-nous dans le vestibule? 3. Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans le vestibule 1 4. Ensuite que faites- vous \ 5. Pourquoi est-ce que j'entre dans la bibliotheque ? 6. La bibliotheque est-elle en haut ou en bas? 7. Ou est la salle a manger? 8. Qui Sonne ? 9. Est-ce que la bonne sonne pour le repas ? 10. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur la table dans la salle a manger 1 IL Ou sont les couteaux et les fourchettes? 12. Les cuillers sont-elles sur la table ? 13. Qu'est-ce qu'on apporte d'abord ? 14. Ensuite, qu'est-ce qu'on apporte? 15. Qu'est-ce qu'on fait au repas? 16. Kaconte-t-on des histoires aussi? 17. Qui apporte le dessert? 18. Qu'est-ce qu'on mange au dessert? Etc., etc. D. 1. T am returning home now. 2. I enter the house. 3. First, I take off my hat in the hall. 4. You take off your hat. 5. I meet my brother in the hall. "^6. We go into the library for a moment to read the newspapers. ( 7. Somebody rings. 8. We listen. 9. We are up stairs. 10. The dining- room is down stairs. 11. There is a cloth on the table in the dining-room, v 12. There are plates, spoons, knives and forks on the table also. 13. First, the soup is brought. 14. The soup is eaten, and the maid brings the meat. 15. There is no fruit on the table now. 16. The maid brings it at (the) dessert. !|l 17. People take coffee at dessert. \\%. Then they go up stairs. 19. Then they go into the library. 20. What am I doing now? 21. What are you doing? 22. We are going into the library. §§51-63] LESSON XII. 35 LESSON XII. 51. Feminine of Adjectives. It is regularly formed by adding -e to the masculine singular, but adjectives ending in -e remain unchanged. -^^ Grand, m., grande, f., tall ; facile, ra. or f., easy. 52. Irregularities. Change of stem takes place in cer- tain adjectives on adding -e. The following list shows the f commoner types : M. F. M. F. actif, active, active. cruel, cruelle, cruel. heui-eux, heureuse, happy. gentil, gentille, nice. flatteur, flatteuse, flatter- ancien, ancienne, ancient. ing. gros, grosse, big. blanc, blanche, white. muet, muette, dumb. long, long^e, long. cher. chfere, dear. faux, fausse, false. sec, s^che, dry. Observe also : m. beau (yr bel, f. belle, fine ; m. nouveau or nouvel^ f. nouvelle, new ; m. vieux or vieil, f. vieille, old, with two forms for the masculine, one of which gives the feminine. The masculine forms in -1 are used before a vowel or h mute : Le bel arbre, le bel homme. The fine tree, the handsome man. But : L'arbre est beau ; le beau livre ; les beaux arbres ; les arbres sent beaux. 53. Position. 1. An attributive adjective more usually follows its noun : Un homme riche, une pomme mfire. A rich man, a ripe apple. 2. Adjectives from proper nouns, adjectives of physical quality, participles as adjectives, almost always follow ; La langue anglaise. The English language. Du caf6 chaud, une lampe cass^e. Hot coffee, a broken lamp. 3. The following of very common occurrence nearly always precede : Bon, good, mauvais, bad ; beau, fine, handsome, joli, pretty, vilain, ugly ; jeune, young, vieux, old ; grand, tall, great, gros, big, petit^ small ; long, long, court, short. 36 LESSON XII. [§§54-55 54. Interrogative Adjective. 'Which?', *whatf, 'what ,(a)!' = m. quel?, f. quelle?, m. pi. quels?, f. pi. quelles? -Quel [kel] livre ? Which (what) book ? Quelle [kel] plume ? Which (what) pen ? Quelle belle vue ! Quels h^ros ! What a fine view ! What heroes I 55. 'There,' 'in that place ' = y. It stands for a place already referred to, is put before the verb like a pronoun object, and is less emphatic than la = ' there ' : Est-il ^ r^oole ? Ily[i]est. Is he at school ? He is (there) J agfneau [ajio], m., lamb. animal [animal], m., animal, beast. arbre [arbr], m., tree. beau, belle [bo, bel], fine, hand- some. blanc, blanche [bla, blaij], white. bois [bwa], m., wood(s). campa^e [kapap], f., country. •champ [Ja], m., field. chemin de fer [Jame da feir], m., railway. comme [kom], how ! comment [koma], how? cousin(e) [kuze, kuzin], cousin. fer [feir], m., iron. fleur [floe I r], £., flower. gare [ga:r], £., station. beureux -se [cerjzJ, oerjzJiz], happy (to, de). it la campag^e, in the country. Vocabulary. joli [soli], pretty. oncle [o:kl], m., uncle. par [par], by. parents [para], m. pi., relatives. passer [pose], to pass. petit [pati], small. regarder [ragarde], to look at. semaine [same:n], f., week. tante [ta:t], f., aunt. tout [tu], all, everything. travailler [travaje], to work. trouver [truve], to find. vache [vaf], f., cow. visiter [vizite], to visit. vite [vit], quickly. voir [vwair], to see. voiture [vwatyir], f., carriage. y [i], there, in that place. de nous voir, to see us. to go to see, go and visit. ^ A^^^^' ^^ A^^^^' dooming. EXERCISE XII. / A. Nous allons visiter nos parents a la campagne. ' Nous y allons par le chemin de fer. Nous arrivons a la petite gare. Nous y trouvons ma tante et une de mes cousines avec leur Toiture. Comme nous sommes heureux de les voir! IVIon oncle et mes cousins n'y sent pas, parce qu'ils travaillent dans §§54-65] LESSON XII. 37 les champs. Nous montons dans la voiture, et nous voila en route. Comme la c ampagne est belle ! Tout est en fleurs, les arbres et les champs. Nous passons devant les beaux champs et les jolies maisons blanches. Les chevaux marchent vite, et nous arrivons bientdt chez nos parents. Nous y passons deux ou trois semaines. Nous allons dans les bois et les champs. 'Nous y trouvons des fleurs et des fruits.) Nous allons regarder les animaux, les belles vaches et les jolis agneaux. ^^ B. Continue the following: 1. Quelle plume est-ce que je donne k I'enfant % etc. 2. Est-ce que j'ai des fleurs blanches % etc. 3. Mes fleurs sont belles et blanches, tes fleurs, etc. 4. Je ne suis pas heureuse, etc. 5. Je suis k la campagne ; j'y suis, etc. 6. J'ai un bel arbre devant ma maison, tu as un bel arbre devant ta maison, .etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou sont vos parents ? 2. Comment allons-nous k la campagne ? 3. Comment y allons-nous ? 4. La gare est- elle grande ou petite ? 5. Qui trouve-t-on a la gare ? 6. Notre tante est-elle heureuse de nous voir V 7. Que fait votre oncle? 8. Pourquoi vos cousins ne sont-ils pas a la gare /? 9. Aimez- vous la campagne? 10. Pourquoi? 11. Les chevaux de votre oncle sont-ils beaux? 12. Et sa maison est-elle belle.? 13. Combien de semaines passez-vous chez vos parents? 14. Aimez-vous les fleurs blanches? 15. Quelles fleurs aimez-vous? 16. 6tes-vous heureuse dialler voir votre tante, mademoiselle ? 17. Oil trouve-t-on ces belles fleurs > 18. Oil sqnt les belles vaches et les jolis agneaux ? 19. Quels animaux y a-t-il dans les champs ? Etc., etc. i>. 1. I have an uncle and aunt in the country. 2. They have a fine house and a carriage. 3. There is my uncle's house. 4. We are going to visit them. 5. We are going {y) by (the) railway. 6. We find my uncle and cousins at the station. 7. My aunt is not there. 8. How beautiful the country is ! ^ The flowers in (de) the fields are so pretty ! 10. We go to see the animals in the fields. 11. There are some cows and some white lambs in the fields. 12. We are going to pass two or three weeks with (chez) our relatives. 13. They are happy to see us. 14. We arer happy to see them too. 15. I like my aunt and uncle. 16. Which uncle are you going to visit now ? 17. What are you going to do in the country ? 38 LESSON XIII. [§§56-58 LESSON XIII. 56. Present Indicative of donner, finir, uendre. I give, am giving, I finish, am finishing, I sell, am selling, etc. etc. etc. donn e [don]. fini s - [fini]. vend s — [va]. donn es [don]. fini s- [fini]. vend s "^ [va]. donn e [don]. fini t, [fini], vend^ [va]. donn ons [dono]. finiss ons [finiso]. vend ons [vado]. donn ez [done]. finiss ez [finise]. vend ez [vade]. donn ent [don]. finiss ent [finis]. vend ant [void]. *Vendre is irregular in this one form. The regular verb rompre has rompt, but vendre is here given as being more useful for practice. ' NOTB.— The pronouns Je, tu, il, etc., have been omitted in this paradigm and in some others to economize space in printing. They should be supplied in learning or reciting the paradigms. 57^ The General Noun. A noun used in a general sense takes the definite article in French, though not commonly in English : L'homme est mortel. Man is mortal. Les hommes sont mortels. Men are mortal. Le miel est tr6s doux. Honey is very sweet. Le cheval est un animal utile. The horse is a useful animal. 58. Tout. 'AH,' *the whole,' * every,' = tout, with the following forms, which precede the article, when it i^ present : m. s,, tout [tu], f. s,, toute [tut], m, pi., tous [tu], f, pi,, toutes [tut]. Tout homme, toute femme. Every man, every woman. Tous les hommes. All the men. Toute la joiurnee. The whole day. Vocabulary. aoiit [uj, m., August. bUtir [batiir], to build. bon, bonne [bo, bon], good. cerise [sarijz], f., cherry. cerisier [serizje], m., cherry-tree. esp^ce [espes], f., ^ps^^, kinsL. fruitier [frqitje], fruit (adj,), g^out [gu], m. , taste. grimper [grepe], to climb, majority [masorite], f., majority. §58] LESSON xin. 39 quand [ka], when. rouge [ruis], red. septembre [septa :br], m., Septem- ber, souvent [suva], often, vendre [vajdr], to sell. verger [verse], m., orchard, vert [ve:r], green. ville [vilj, f., town, city. marchand [marja], m., merchant, mois [rawo], m., month, mur [my:r], ripe, miirir [myri:r], to ripen. poire [pwa:r], f., pear, poirier [pwarje], m., pear- tree, pomme [pom], f., apple. pommier [poraje], m. , apple-tree. prune [pryn], f., plum, prunier [prynje], m., plum-tree. k la maison, at home, pour en avoir, to g-et some, en (dans) quel mois ?, in what month ? au mois d'aout, in the month of August. EXERCISE XIII. A. Chez notre oncle k la campagne il y a un verger. Dans ce verger 11 y a des arbres fruitiers. La majorite des arbres sont des pommiers, et ils donnent des pommes de toute espece. II y en a qui murissent au mois d'aout, et 11 y en a qui murlssent au mois de septembre. On ne mange pas toutes les pommes a la maison. On en vend beaucoup aux marchands des villes. ('II y a aussi dans le verger des cerisiers, des pruniers et des polrlers."! Les cerl«?s sont rouges et ont un bon gout quand elles sont mures. V Les prunes et les poires sont bonnes aussl. Nous les aimons beaucoup, et souvent nous grimpons dans les arbres pour en avoir. B. Continue the following: 1. Je vends des pommes aux marchands, etc. 2. Est-ce que je vends des pommes aux marchands % etc. 3. Je ne vends pas de pommes, etc. 4. Je finis mes le9ons, tu finis tes le9ons, etc. 5. Est-ce que je b^tls une maison?, etc. 6. Je ne b^tis pas une maison, etc. 7. J'alme les pommes, etc. C. (Oral.) L Ou est le verger de votre oncle 1 2. Quels arbres y a-t-U dans son verger ? 3. Quel fruit les pommiers donnent-Us? 4. Quel fruit est-ce que le prunier donne? 5. Ces pommes sont-elles mures ou vertes? 6. Les pommes ont-elles un bon gout quand elles sont vertes'? 7. En quel mois les prunes murissent-elles ? 8. A qui est-ce qu'on vend les cerises *? 9. En quel mois est-ce que votre oncle vend ses pommes? 10. Ne vendez-vous pas toutes vos poires? IL 40 LESSON XIV. [§59 Aimez-vous les poires? 12. Mange-t-on les poires quand elles sont vertes? 13. Mange-t-on toutes les poires a la maison] 14. En quel mois la pomme murit-elle? 16. Pourquoi grimpez- vous dans le pommier de votre oncle ? 16. Allons-nous visiter le verger de votre oncle aujourd'hui ? 17. Est-ce que vous finissez vos leQons main tenant ? 18. Qui b^tit cette maison derriere le verger ? Etc., etc. D. 1. There is a pear-tree in our orchard. 2. There are also apple-trees, plum-trees and cherry-trees. 3. What fruit does the apple-tree bear (donner) ? 4. What fruit do plum- trees bear? 5. The cherry-tree bears cherries. 6. Are the plums ripe now ? 7. In what month do plums ripen 1 8. They ripen in the month of September. 9. The apple also ripens in the month of September. 10. The pears on (de) these trees are green. 11. There are ripe cherries on that tree. 12. When the apples ripen they are sold. 13. We sell them to the merchants. 14. We do not eat apples when they are green. 15. They have not a good taste. 16. When we finish our lessons we go into the orchard. 17. All the apples are ripening now. 18. I climb into the pear-tree to get pears. 19. We sell the good pears. 20. We give the others to the animals. LESSON XIV. 59. Partitives. In partitive constructions (§ 36), de alone is used : — 1. In a general negation (§ 36, 2) : II n'a pas de plumes. He has no pens. 2. When an adjective precedes th e nouni Marie a de jolies fleurs. Mary has (some) pretty flowers. J'ai de votre argent. I have some of your money. But : J'ai des pommes mures. I have (some) ripe apples. 3. Similarly when a noun after An adjective is understood ; De bons rois et de mauvais. Good kings and bad (kings). 4. After words of quantity in such expressions as these : Beaucoup de th6. A great deal of tea (much tea). Une livre de viande. A pound of meat. AsBez de viande. Enough (of) meat. Trop de pain. Too much bread. §§60-61] LESSON XIV. 41 60. The preposition de + a noun forms adjectival phrases : Une robe de sole. A silk dress. La feuille d'^rable. The maple leaf. 61. Observe the following expressions of frequent use, formed from avoir + an undetermined noun : avoir besoin [bazwe] de, be in need of, need, avoir chaud [Jo], be warm, avoir froid [frwo], be cold. avoir faim [f?], be hungry. avoir soif [swaf], be thirsty, avoir sommeil [someij], be sleepy, avoir raison [rezo], be (in the) right. avoir tort [tojr], be (in the) wrong. Vocabulary. abriter [abrite], to shelter, alors [aloir], then. brise [briiz], f., breeze, canadien [kanadje], Canadian, chaud [jo], m., heat. chose [Joiz], f., thing, ^cureuil [ekyroeij], m., squirrel, embl^me [cibleim], m., emblem. Arable [erabl], m., maple, feuille [foeij], f., leaf, feuillage [fcejais], m., foliage, foumir [fumiir], to furnish, hetre [ertr, h asp., §17, 5], m., beech. insecte [esekt], m., insect, int^ressant [Steresa], interesting, mauvais [move], bad. moins [mw?], less. national [nasjonal], national, nombreux [nobr0], numerous, nourriture [nurityir], f., food. " oiseau [wazo], ra., bird. ombre [oibr], f., shade, orme [orm], m., elm. parmi [parmi], among. trhs [tre], very. utile [ytil], usefuL il fait chaud, it is warm, hot (of weather or temperature). EXERCISE XIV. A. Quand nous sommes k la campagne nous aliens sou vent aux bois. On y trouve beaucoup de choses interessantes. II y a la de grands arbres et de petites fleurs. Les arbres abri- tent beaucoup de petits animaux. Les ^cureuils et les petits oiseaux trouvent leur nourriture dans les arbres. Les fleurs fournissent de la nourriture aux insectes nombreux. Les Canadiens aiment beaucoup I'erable. L'erable est un bel arbre et il est tres utile. La feuille d'erable est Pembleme national canadien. II y a d'autres arbres, comme le hetre et Porme, qui sont beaux et utiles aussi. Leur feuillage est vert et donne 42 LESSON XIV. [§61 de Tombre. Quand il fait chaud nous trouvons sou vent k I'ombre une bonne brise, et alors nous avons moins chaud. B. Continue the following : 1. J'ai de jolies fleurs, etc. 2. Est-ce que j'ai des pommes mures?, etc. 3. J'ai de bonnes pommes et de mauvaises, etc. 4. J'aime le hetre et I'erable, etc. 5. Est-ce que je vends beaucoup de pommes?, etc. 6. J'ai raison, etc. 7. Je n'ai pas tort, etc. 8. Est-ce que j'ai chaud?, etc. C. (Oral) 1. Qu'est-ce qu'on trouve dans les bois? 2. Oil trouve-t-on de grands arbres ? 3. Y a-t-il de petites fleurs dans les bois aussi ? 4. Quels animaux les arbres abritent-ils ? 5. Les oiseaux ont-ils besoin de nourriture 1 6. Ou est-ce que les oiseauxtroiivent leur nourriture ? 7. Ou trouvons-nous notre nourriture? 8. A quels petits animaux les fleurs fournis- sent-elles de la nourriture 1 9. Quels arbres trouve-t-on dans les bois? 10. Quels arbres aimez-vous? 11. L'erable est-il un bel arbre ? 12. Aimez-vous le hetre et I'orme? 1 3. Trouve-t-on des arbres fruitiers dans les bois? 14. Ou est-ce qu'on les trouve? 15. Les arbres des bois sont-ils beaux ? 16. Y a-t-il de beaux arbres chez votre oncle ? 17. Qu'est-ce que le f euil- lage des arbres donne ? 18. Est-ce qu'il fait chaud aujourd'hui? 19. Avez-vous chaud ? 20. Ou allons-nous quand il fait chaud? 21. Est-ce qu'on a soif quand il fait chaud ? 22. Avez-vous soif? Etc., etc. B. 1. To-day it is hot, and we are going to the woods. 2. There are many interesting things in the woods. 3. One finds there great trees and beautiful flowers. 4. Among the trees there are pretty little animals. 5. The leaves of the trees and the flowers shelter many little insects. 6. These trees are very beautiful and very useful also. _7. The maple is a very fine tree. 8. We like the elm and the beech because they are fine trees. 9. The beech and the elm are very useful. 10. The foliage of trees gives shade. 11. In the woods behind our house there are large trees and small ones. 12. People like the shade of trees when it is hot. 13. We go into the woods to find shade. 14. The animals in the woods have need of food. 15. The fruits of the trees furnish food to the animals. JL^ Many little insects find food in the flowers. 17. When it is hot the animals are thirsty. 18. Then they need water (see C. 5). 19. They find it in the woods. 20. We need \vater when we are thirsty. '21. I^ople need food when they are hungry.'{|^ §§62-66] LESSON XV. 43 LESSON XV. 62, Past Participles. Given. Finished. Sold. Had. Been. donn6 [done], fini [fini]. vendu [vady]. ^u [y]. 6t6 [ete]. .63. Compound Tenses. They are formed from the past participle along with an auxiliary (usually avoir, sometimes etre, see §155), as in the following section. 64. The Past Indefinite. I have given, or I have finished, or I have sold, or I gave, etc. I finished, etc. I sold, etc. j'ai donn^ [5 e done] j'ai fini [3 e fini] j'ai vendu [3 e vady] tu as donn6 [ty a done], tu as fini [ty a fini], tu as vendu [ty a vady], etc. fi etc. etc. >^ I have liad, or I had, etc. I have been, or I was, etc. j'ai eu [3 e y]. j'ai et6 [3 e ete]. tu as eu [ty az y]. tu as 4t4 [ty az ete]. il a eu [il a y]. il a ^t^ [il a ete]. etc. etc. 65. Word Order. The auxiliary is the verb in a com- pound tense, and all rules of word order apply to it : Nous ne I'avons pas fini. We have not finished it. N'a-t-elle pas 4t6 ici ? Has she not been here ? 66. Use of Past Indefinite. It denotes not only what has happened or has been happening, as in English, but also what happened (.= English past tense): J'ai fini mon ouvrage. I have finished my work. Elle a chants toute la matinee. She has been singing all the morning. II a et^ longtemps ici. He was here for a long time. J'ai quitt^ Paris I'hiver pass^. I left Paris last winter. -- N.B. — The past indefinite is the ordinary past tense of French. For the past tense of narrative in the literary style, see § 148. 44 LESSON XV. [§67 67. Idiomatic Present Indicative. Besides its use in general, as in English, the present indicative is used idioma- tically, in ce!^4ain phrases, to denote what has been and still continues to be ; Depuis quand etes-vous ici ? How long have you been here ? Je Buis ici depuis trois jours. I have been here for three days {or for three days past, or for the last three days). Vocabulary. acheter [ajte], to buy. battre [batr], to beat, thresh. bl6 [ble], m., wheat. boulanger [bulaze], m., baker, contra [kotr], against, from, couper [kupe], to cut. depuis [dapqi], shice. fait [fc], p. p. faire, to do. farina [farm], f., flour, froid [frwa], m., cold. germer [serme], to sprout, grandir [groFdi:r], to grow large. grange [groFrs], f., bam. hiar [jeir], yesterday. meunier [m^nje], m., miller. morceau [morso], m., piece. neige [neis], 1, snow. paysan [ pe izo ], m ., peasant, farmer. plante [pla:t], f., plant. prot6gar [protese], to protect. saison [scz5], f., season. sec [s€k], dry. semer [same], to sow. (bring. transporter [trasporte], to carry. en quelle saison ?, in what season ?, when ?; au printemps [o preta], in spring ; en et6 [an ete], in summer ; en automne [an oton], in autumn; en hiver [an iveir], in winter. EXERCISE XV. A. Voici I'histoire d'un morceau de pain. En automne* le paysan a sem^ le bid, et puis le h\6 a germd En hiver la neige a protegd les jeunes plantes contre le froid. Au prin- temps elles ont grandi. En 4t6 le ble a muri. L/es paysans I'ont coupe. lis Font transporte dans la grange, et ils I'ont battu. Le meunier a achete le h\4 pour faire de la farine. II a fourni la farine au boulanger. Le boulanger a fait le pain, et ensuite il I'a vendu. Voila un morceau de pain sur la table. II est la depuis hier, et il est tres sec. B. (Oral.) 1. Quelle his toire est-ce que vous racontez? 2. Qui a travailld pour faire le pain? 3, Qui a semd le ble? 4. En quelle saison I'a-t-il semd 1 5. Quand le hU a-t-il germd 1 6. Qu'est-ce §§68-69] LESSON XVI. 45 que la neige a fait en hiver ? 7. En quelle saison est-ce que les plantes ont grandi ? 8. Quand le bid a-t-il muri ? 9. Avez-vous coupd le h\6 ? 10. Est-ce que j'ai coupd le hU ? 11. Qui a coupd le bid ? 12. Ou I'ont-ils transports ? 13. Et ensuite qu'est-ce qu'ils ont fait ? 14. A qui I'ont-ils vendu .'' 15. Qu'est-ce que le ineunier a fait ? 16. Le boulanger qu'a-t-il achetd pour faire le pain ? 17. Qui a fourni la farine au bou- langer ? 18. Avons-nous vendu le pain ? 19. Qui I'a vendu ? 20. Depuis quand ce morceau de pain est-il sur la table ? 21. Pourquoi est-il sec ? 22. Depuis quand etes-vous ici ? Etc., etc. C. 1. This bread is dry. 2. It has been ou the table since yesterday. 3. Here is the story of a piece of bread. 4. The farmer sowed the wheat. 5. He sowed it in the autumn. 6. The wheat sprouted. 7. In the winter the snow protected the young plants from the cold. 8. When did they grow large ? 9. In spring. J_0. When did the wheat ripen ? 11. It ripened in summer. 12. Who cut the wheat ? 13. Did ^we bring it into the barn ? 14. Did you thresh it ? 15. Who bought the wheat? 16. The miller bought it, and made the flour. 17. We are the bakers ; we made the bread. 18. Then we sold it to the farmers. 19. Here are two pieces of dry bread. 20. Did you make this bread ? 21. Who made it ? 22. Our baker made it. LESSON XVL p^ 68. Comparatives. Place plus = * more,' moins = * less,' or aussi = ' as,' before the adjective, and que = ' than ' or * as ' after it, to form comparatives : II est plus grand que Jean. He is taller than John. II est moins grand que Jean. He is less tall than (not so t. as) John. II est aussi grand que Jean. He is as tall as John. / \Ay\jL.^lf^ 69. Superlatives. 1. Place the definite article or a pos- sessive adjective before plus or moins to form superlatives : Marie est la plus jeune de toutes. Mary is the youngest of all. Obs.: La plus jeune des deux. The younger of the two. 2. Do not omit the definite article when the superlative follows the noun : La le9on la plus difficile. The most difficult lesson. Mes livres les plus utiles. My most useful books. 46 LESSON XVI. .[§§70-73 70. Irregfular Comparison. Observe the irregular forms: bon [bo], good. meilleur [mejoeir], better. le meilleur [lo mejoeir], the best. 71. Comparison of Adverbs. 1. They are compared by plus and moins like adjectives, but le in the superlative is invariable. 2. Observe the irregular forms : bien [bjs], well, mieux [mj0], better, le mieux [la mj0], (the) best, peu [p0], little. moins [mwe], less. le moins [la mwe], (the) least. 72. Present Indicative of alter, * to go ' (irreg.). I go, am going, etc. We go, are going, etc. je vais [3 a ve]. nous allons [nuz alo]. tu vas [ty va]. vous allez [vuz ale]. 11 va [il va], ils vont [11 vo]. 73. Imperative of a//er, * to go.' va [va], go. allons [alo], let us go. allez [ale], ga Vocabulary. oignon [ojio], m. ann^e [ane], f . , year, avril [avril], m., April, carotte [karot], f, , carrot, charmant [Jarma], charming, chou [Ju], m. , cabbage. y chenille [jani:j], f., caterpillar. c6t6 [kote], m. , side, couleur [kulcEir], f., colour, dejk [desa], already. dernier, -iere [dernje, -jeir], last, encore [akoir], yet. entre [aitr], among, graine [gre:n], f., seed, gros, -se [gro, gro:s], big. jardin [jarde], m., garden, modeste [modest], modest. muguet [myge], m., lily of the valley. onion. partie [parti], f. , part. peu [p0], m., little. peut-etre [p0t eitr], perhaps. planter [plate], to plant. pomme de terre [pom da teir], i, potato. pousser [puse], to grow. probablement [probablama], prob- ably. reine [rem], f., queen. r6serv6 [rezerve], reserved. rose [roiz], f., rose. semaine [samein], f., week. terre [te:r], f., earth. toujours [tu3u:r], still. tout h. fait [tut a fe], quite. tulipe [tylip], f., tulip. aimer mieux, to like better, prefer ; d'un cbtk, de I'autre c6t6, on the one side, on the other side ; I'ann^e derniere, last year. §73] LESSON XVL 47 EXERCISE XVI. A. Nous sommes toujours a la campagne. Allons voir main- tenant le jardin. D'un cote 11 y a des legumes, de I'autre c6t^ il y a des fleurs. II y a des pommes de terre, des choux, des oignons et des carottes. On a plants les pommes de terre au mois d'avril, et elles sont maintenant en fleurs. On a plants les choux la semaine derniere. lis ont deja pouss^ un peu. lis vont etre probablement meilleurs cette annee que I'ann^e derniere. L'annee derniere les chenilles en ont mange beau- coup. On a seme la gtaine de deux especes de carottes : des carottes rouges et des carottes blanches. Nous aimons mieux les rouges pour le potage que les blanches. Les oignons sont d'une espece plus grosse que les oignons de I'annde derniere. Dans la partie du jardin rdservee aux fleurs nous .trouvons, entre autres, des roses, des tulipes et des muguets. La rose est la reine des fleurs. Elle est peut-etre la plus belle de toutes les fleurs. Les tulipes sont tres jolies. Elles sont de toutes les couleurs. Le muguet est une petite fleur blanche, tres modeste mais tout k fait charmante. r^ B. Continue the following: \. Je suis plus grand que" Robert, etc. 2. Est-ce que je suis aussi grande que Marie ?, etc. 3. Je suis le meilleur dleve de la classe, etc. 4. N'ai-je pas la IcQon la plus diflScile?, etc. 6. J'ai vendu mes meilleurs livres, tu as vendu tes, etc. 6. Est-ce que j'aime mieux les fleurs rouges ?, etc. 7. Est-ce que je vais voir mes parents ?, est-ce que tu vas voir tes parents ?, etc. 8. Je n'ai pas encore ete a la campagne, etc. C. (Oral.) \. Qu'est-ce que vous allez voir aujourd'hui? 2. Qu'y a-t-il de ce c6te? 3. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de I'autre c6te ? 4. Dans quel mois plantez-vous vos choux 1 5. Les choux poussent-ils aussi vite que les pommes de terre? 6. Vos pommes de terre sont-elles bonnes cette ann^e ] 7. Sonjb-elles meilleures que Tannic derniere? 8. Sont-elles plus grosses? 9. Est-ce qu'elles ont un meilleur gout? 10. Combien d'espfeces de carottes y a-t-il dans ce jardin? 11. Aimez-vous mieux les carottes blanches que les carottes rouges? 12. Pourquoi? 13. Quelle est la reine des fleurs? 14. De quelle couleur les tulipes sont-elles? 15. De quelle couleur le muguet est-il? 16. Est-il aussi blanc que la neige? 48 LESSON XVII. [§§74-75 17. Quelle est la fleur la plus channante de votre jardini 18. Quels sont vee meilleurs legumes? Etc., etc. D. 1. I am going to see your garden. 2. Your garden is large and fi^e^^ 3. What have you planted on this side? 4. Where are the flowers "? 5. I planted my potatoes in the month of April. 6. I am going to plant my cabbage this week. 7. The potato is a very useful plant. 8. It is perhaps the most useful of all the vegetables. 9. It*is good for men and for animals. 10. Carrots are not so useful. 11. I like the red carrots better than the white. 12. They are better for soup. 13. The white ones are larger, but they are not so good. 14. Now let us go and see the flowers. 15. How beautiful those tulips are ! 16. They are finer this year than last year. 17. The lily of the valley and the rose are bot yet in flower. 18. Do you like roses better than tulips 1 19. Yes, but I like the lily of the valley better than all the other flowers. 20. It is smaller than the others, but more charming. 21. I like your garden very much. 22. I am going to visit it often this summer. LESSON XTII. 74. Agreement of Past Participle. 1. In a compound tense with avoir the past participle agrees in gender and number with a direct object which precedes it : J'ai fini mes lemons. I have finished my lessons. Je les ai finies. I have finished them. Quels livres a-t-il achates ? What books has he bought ? N.B.— Remember that the participle does not agree with en, e.g., 'Avez-vous des plumes? Oui, j'en ai aohet6 hier.' 'Have you any .pens? Yes, I bought some yesterday.' 2. When used as an adjective, the past participle agrees like an adjective : La plume achet^e hier. The pen bought yesterday. 75. Some Relatives. 1. The relative pronouns of most common use are qui as subject, and que as direct object of a verb : La dame qui chante. The lady who sings. Les livres qui sont icL The books which are here. Les pommes que j'ai achet^es. The apples that I have bought. \ §75] LESSON XVII. 49 2. The relative pronoun, often omitted in English, is never omitted in French : »» Le pain que j'ai achet^ hier. The bread I bought yesterday. Vocabulary. banane [banan], f., banana, car [kar], for. Cher, -hre [Je:r, Je:r], dear, cuisinifere [ki{izinje:r], f., cook, diner [dine], m., dinner, douzaine [duzen], f . , dozen, franc [fra], m., franc, laitue [lety], f., lettuce. march6 [marje], m., market, matin [mate], m., morning, oeillet [oeje], m., pink. oie [wa], f., goose. omer [orne], to decorate, adorn, payer [peje], to pay, pay for. plusieurs [plyzjoeir], several. >^ poulet [pule], m., chicken, fowl, preparer [prepare], to prepare, quant k [kot a], as for, as to. salade [salad], f., salad. soir [swair], m., evening, sou [su], m., sou, cent. train [tre], m. , train, act of, etc. ving^t [vs], twenty. volaille [vola:j], f., poultry. ^tre en train de, to be in the act of, be busy (doing a thing). je les ai pay^s vingt [v?] sous la douzaine, I paid twenty cents a dozen for them. EXERCISE XVII. A. Nous avons ^t^ au march^ ce matin. Nous avons achet^ plusieurs choses pour ce soir : des legumes, des fleurs, des fruits et de la volaille. Nous allons avoir des amis k diner. Voici les legumes que nous avons achet^s. II y a des porames de terre, des carottes et de la laitue. Les carottes sont pour le potage, et la laitue est pour la salade. Voil^, sur la table, les fleurs que nous avons achetees. Nous les avons achetees pour orner la table. II y a des roses et des oeillets. -^^u^rLa la volaille, nous avons achet^ un poulet et une oie. La volaille n'est pas trfes ch^re, car il y en a beaucoup en cette saison. Nous avons payd le poulet vingt sous et I'oie trois francs. La cuisiniere est en train de les preparer. Pour le dessert nous avons achet^ des pommes et des bananes. Les bananes sont cheres. Nous les avons payees vingt sous la douzaine. B. Continue the following: 1. Voil^ les pommes que j'ai achet^s, etc. 2. Quelles fleurs ai-je achetees au march^ ?, etc. 4 -/- 50 LESSON XVII. [§75 3. J'ai vendu les pommes qu'on a achetdes hier, etc. 4. Est-ce que j'ai^te au march^ ce matin'?, etc. 5. J'ai achet^ les livres qui sont sur la table, etc. Relate the story of Part Aj using the first singular instea^ of the first plural. C. (Oral.) 1. Avez-vous ^t^ au marchd ce matin? 2. Qu'avez-vous achete? 3. Pourquoi avez-vous achet^ toutes ces choses ? 4. Combien d'amis allez-vous avoir a diner 1 5. Montrez-moi les legumes que vous avez achetds. 6. Sont-ila tres chers en cette saison? 7. Combien avez-vous paye les pommes de terre que vous avez achetees? 8. Quels autres legumes avez-vous achetes ? 9. Ousont-ils? 10. Quelle belle oie ! combien I'avez-vous payee? 11. Qu'est-ce que la cui- siniere fait maintenant? 12. Ou sont les fleurs que vous avez achetees? 13. Quelles especes de fleurs y a-t-il la? 14. Qu'allons-nous faire de ces fleurs? 15. Les fleurs qu'on a achet^es hier les avez-vous encore ? 16. Quels fruits allez-vous avoir pour le dessert ? 17. Les bananes sont-elles plus cheres que les pommes cette ann^e? 18. Combien avez-vous payd ces pommes? Etc., etc. D. 1. We are going to have some friends to dinner this evening. 2. I have bought some flowers to decorate the table. 3. The cook has been at the market to buy meat and vege- tables. 4. Here are the things she brought. 5. What poultry did she buy? 6. Is poultry dear at this season? 7. Here is a goose which she paid three francs for. 8. There are two chickens which she bought. 9. Chickens are not so dear as geese ; they are not so large. 10. What pretty flowers ! 11. Where did you buy them? 12. I bought them at the market this morning. 13. I bought some yesterday, but they are not so pretty. 14. My flowers are dearer. 15. I paid three francs a dozen for the roses. 16. Last year I bought roses for twenty cents a dozen. 17. Fruit (pi.) is dear this year. 18. How much did you pay for the bananas? 19. I paid twenty cents a dozen for them. 20. We are going to have a good dinner. 21. The cook is busy preparing it now. §76] LESSON XVIII. 51 LESSON XYIII. 76. Tenses with St re. 1. The verb ^tre + the past parti- ciple forms the compound tenses of all reflexive verbs (§82) and of a few intransitive verbs, of which aller, * to go,' amver, * to arrive,' and venir, * to come,' are of very frequent use. 2. The past participle of a verb (not reflexive) conjugated with ^tre agrees with the subject, thus : I have arrived, etc. je suis arriv6(e) [arive]. nous sommes arriv6(e)s [arive]. tu es arriv6(e) [arive]. vous etes arriv6(e)s [arive]. il (elle) est arriv6(e) [arive]. ils (elles) sont arriv6{e)s [arive]. admirablement [admirablama], admirably, admirer [admire], to admire, amuser [amyze], to amuse. c^l^bre [seleibr], celebrated. chanter [Jate], to sing. concert [koseir], m., concert, depuis que [dapqi ko], conj., since. dimanche [dimaij], m., Sunday. Edifice [edifis], m. , edifice, building, emplette [aplet], f., purchase. entendre [ataidr], to hear. hotel de ville [otel da vil], m., town-halL hier soir [jeir swair], yesterday evening, intention [?tasjo], f., intention. jour [3ujr], m., day. Vocabulary. lundi [l(3&di], m., Monday. magasin [magaz?], m., shop. mener [mane], to lead, take. nuit [nqi], f., night. partout [partu], everywhere. pr^dicateur [predikatceir], m., preacher. principal [prfsipal], principaL prochain [proje], next. public [pyblik], public. rencontre [rakoitr], £., meeting. sermon [sermo], m., sermon. songe [so: 3], m., dream. th^Mre [teoitr], m., theatre. tour [tu : r], m. , circuit. tramway [tram we], m., street- cars. venu [vany], p.p. venir, to come. aller k la rencontre de, to go to meet. faire le tour de, to go around. EXERCISE XVIII. A. Nos parents de la campagne sont chez nous depuis qua- tre jours. lis sont arrives lundi dernier par le chemin de fer. Nous sommes all^s k la gare a leur rencontre. Depuis qu'ils 52 LESSON XVIII. [§76 sont ici nous les menons partout pour les amuser. Nous mon- tons en tramway et nous faisons le tour de la ville. Nous entrons dans les grands magasins pour faire des emplettes. Nous avons visits les princlpaux Edifices publics. Nous avons admir^ les dglises et I'hotel de ville. Hier soir nous avons 6t6 au theatre. On y a jou^ le " Songe d'une nuit d'dtd " de Shakespeare. Nous I'avons beaucoup admir^. Nous avons ^te aussi k un concert. On y a chants admirablement. Dimanche prochain nous avons Tintention d'aller k I'eglise pour entendre un sermon par un des plus celebres pr^dicateurs de la ville. B. Continue the following : 1. Je suis arriv^ hier, etc. 2. Je (f.) suis venue ce matin, etc. 3. Est-ce que je ne suis pas all^ a la gare % etc. 4. Est-ce que je ne suis pas all^e a ia rencontre de mes amies % est-ce que tu n'es pas allee k la rencontre de tes amies % etc. 5. Je fais le tour de la ville, etc, 6. Je suis entr^ dans les magasins, etc. 7. Je n'ai pas 6t4i au theatre, etc. 8. J'ai I'intention d'aller k I'eglise, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Qui est chez vous? 2. Vos parents sont-ils toujours chez vous? 3. Depuis quand sont-ils chez vous? 4. Quand est-ce qu'ils sont arrives? 5. Votre tante est-elle venue ce matin 1 6. Qui est all^ a sa rencontre ? 7. L'avez- vous trouv^e k la gare ? 8. Que faites-vous pour amuser vos amis ? 9. Comment faites-vous le tour de la ville ] 10. Sont-ils entr^s dans les magasins? 11. Dans quels magasins sont-ils entrds? 12. Quels sont les plus grands Edifices de votre ville ? 13. Yotre tante a-t-elle admire les dglises? 14. Oil est-elle all^e hier soir? 15. Qu'est-ce qu'on va jouer au the&tre ce soir? 16. Aime-t-elle mieux aller au concert qu'au theatre? 17. A-t-elle Tintention de retourner bientdt a la campagne? 18. Yos parents ou sont-ils alles dimanche dernier? 19. Ou avez-vous I'intention d'aller I'ete prochain ? Etc., etc. D. 1. My uncle and aunt are at our house. 2. They arrived this morning. 3. They came by the railway. 4. My sister went to meet them at the station. 5. They came from the station in a carriage. 6. They soon arrived at our house. 7. To-day we took them into the city to amuse them. 8. First we went around the city in the street-cars. 9. Then my aunt ■went to one of the large shops to make purchases. 10. To- morrow we are going to visit the largest churches. 11. They §§77-7S] LESSON XIX. 53 admire very much the public buildings of the city. 12. We are going to the concert this evening, perhaps. 13. We went to the theatre yesterday evening. 14. My aunt did not go iy) ; she does not like the theatre. 15. I always go {y) when they play Shakespeare's '' Midsummer Night's Dream." 16. I admire it very much. 17. The churches of this city are very fine. 18. My aunt intends to go to church next Sunday to hear a sermon. 19. Next Monday my uncle and aunt return to the country. 20. They admire the city, but they like the country better. , I r, I " , .J^'' LESSON XIX. h ^^^ Jn, X 77. Pronoun Objects. 1. The personal pronoun has, for the indirect object of the third person, the following forms : lui Qui], (to, for) him, (to, for) her. leur [loeir], (to, for) them. 2. Lui and leur precede the verb (§ 30), but follow le, la, les: Nous lui parlous. We speak to him (to her). Je donn^ une rose h. Marie. I am giving Mary a rose. Je la lui donne. I give her it (it to her). Je donne mes livres aux enfants. I give the children my books. Je les leur donne. I give them (to) them. 78. Observe the following orthographical peculiarities : i. commencer, nous commen^ons — stem c [s] becomes 5 [s] before o of endingfcf. § 5, 4). 2. manger, nous mangeons — stem g [3] becomes ge [3] before o of ■» ending (cf. § 19, 2). 3. mener, je mfene [men], tu mfenes, il m^ne, ils mfenent — stem e [a] becomes fe [e] in most verbs when ending is e mute (cf. § 12, 1, n.). Vocabulary. accompagner [akopajie], to acc9m- pany. article fartikl], m., article, avoir [avwair], to have, get. bonbon [bobo], m. , bonbon, candy. chapelier [japalje], m., hatter. chaussures [/osyrr], f. pi., boots, shoes. confiseur [kofizoeir], m., confec- tioner. couru [kury], p.p. courir, to run (about). 54 LESSON XIX. ' [§78 demander [damatfej, to ask (for), dentelle [datsl], f., lace. dollar [dolair], m., dollar, examiner [egzamine], to examine, fatigue [fatige], tired. faux-col [fo kol], m., collar. k la fin [a la fe], at last, finally, manchette [ma Jet], f., cuff, meme [meim], same. k bon marche, cheap, magasin de nouveaut^s, dry-goods store, aller faire des emplettes, to go shopping. montrer [motre], to show. * mouchoir[muJwa!r], m., handker- chief. nouveaut6 [nuvote], f., novelty, paille [paij], f., straw, paire [peir], f., pair, prix [pri], m., price. Soulier [sulje], m., shoe, toilette [twalet], f., toilet. EXERCISE XIX. A. Que nous sommes fatigues ! Nous avons couru beaucoup aujourd'hui. J'ai accompagn^ mon cousin ghez plusieurs mar- chands pour avoir des articles de toilette. D'abord nous sommes entres chez le chapelier. Mon cousin a demande un chapeau de paille. Le chapelier lui a montr^ un tres joli chapeau h un dollar, et mon cousin Pa achete. J'en ai achet^ un aussi au meme prix. Ensuite nous sommes alles chez le marchand de chaussures ou nous avons examine plusieurs paires de souliers. Mais nous n'en avons pas achetd. Puis nous sommes entres dans un grand magasin de nouveaut^s. 9 Mon cousin y a dehiand^ des faux-cols et des manchettes. On lui en a montre a tres bon marche, et il en a achet^. Nous y avons achete aussi des mouchoirs pour mon oncle et de la dentelle pour ma tante. A la fin nous sommes entre's chez un tlj^onfiseur ou nous avons achete pour mes cousines des bonbons* que nous leur avons donnes. B. Continue the following : 1. Qu'est-cequejelui donne?, etc. 2. Je parle a mes amis, je leur parle ; tu paries a tes amis, tu leur paries, etc. 3. Voici une plume; je la lui donne, etc. 4. Voici des bonbons; je ne les leur donne pas, etc. 5. Est-ce que je ne mange pas beaucoup de bonbons?, etc. 6. Je com- mence mes legons, etc. 7. Est-ce que je mene mon cousin chez le confiseur % est-ce que tu menes ton cousin, etc. Relate part A, using ' ma tante ' and ' elle ' as subject, and changing 'cousin' to 'cousine.' C. (Oral.) 1. Votre oncle est-il fatigud? 2. Pourquoil 3. Est-ce que votre frere Ta accompagn^ partout? 4. Ou §79] LESSON XX. 55 8ont-ils entr^s d'abord ? 5. Qu'est-ce qu'on trouve chez le chapelier ? 6. Votre f rere qu'a-t-il demande chez le chapelier 1 7. Quels chapeaux le chapelier lui a-t-il montrds 1 8. Qui les leur a montres? 9. Combien votre frere a-t-il paye le chapeau"? 10. Ou sont-ils all(^s ensuite ? 11. Qu'est-ce que le marchand de chaussures leur a montr^? 12. Les souliers de ce marchand sont-ils chers ou bon march^? 13. Votre oncle a-t-il achate les souliers que le marchand lui a montres ? 14. Qu'est-ce que votre tante et votre soeur out achete dans le magasin de nouveautes? 15. Pour qui est la dentelle que votre tante a achetee ? 16. Est-ce qu'elle la lui a donnee ] 17. Et pour qui sont les bonbons? 18. Quand est-ce qu'elles vont les leur donner] 1-9. Mangeons-nous des bonbons au dessert? 20. Ou est-ce qu'on achate les bonbons? Etc., etc. D. 1. We are going shopping again to-day. 2. My rela- tives are buying a great many things. 3. They always buy articles of dress when they are here. 4. I take them to all the large dry-goods stores. 5. They bought several articles yesterday. 6. First I went with my uncle to a hatter's. 7. The hatter showed him several straw hats. 8. My uncle bought one at a dollar. \9. Afterwards I went with my cousin to buy shoes. 10. The shop-keeper showed him some. 11. He bought two pairs. 12. Then the shop-keeper gave them to him, and he brought them home. 1 3. My aunt has been to a dry-goods store to buy handkerchiefs. 14. The shop-keeper showed her handkercniefs at a dollar a dozen. ^15. She bought some of them for my uncle. iB. Finally my aunt and my cousin (f.) went to a confectioner's. 17. The confectioner showed them several kinds of bonbons. 18. Who paid for the bonbons'? 19. My cousin paid for them. 20. They are for her little sister, and she is going to give them to her after dinner. LESSON XX. 79. Personal Pronoun Objects. The remaining forms serve both as direct and indirect object of verbs (for elision, see §19): me [m9], me, to (for) me. nous [nu], us, to (for) us. te [ta], thee, to (for) thee. vous [wl], you, to (for) you. se [so], himself, herself, itself, one's se [s9], themselves, to (for) them- self, to (for) himself, etc. selves. 56 LESSON XX. [§§80-83 80. Pronominal Adverbs. They are used with verbs, and are equivalent to a preposition + a pronoun, standing usually for things : y = k (dans, sur, etc. ) + a pronoun, means ' to (at, on, in, into, etc. ) it or them,' 'there.' en = de + a pronoun, means * of (from, etc.) it or them,' ' some of it,' *some of them,' 'some,' 'any,' 'thence,' 'from there.' 81. Position. Personal pronoun objects and pronominal adverbs, coming before the verb, are arranged thus : me ^ before rle te • la se lies nous vous before J lui \leur before y before en. H me donne les plumes. II me les donne. II les leur donne. II nous en donne. II y en a. He gives me the pens. He gives them to me. He gives them to them. He gives us some of it. There is (are) some. 82. Reflexive Verb. The compound tenses of reflexive verbs, e.g., se flatter, to 'flatter one's self,' are formed with 4tre: Present Indicative. I flatter myself, etc. je me flatte [sa ma flat], tu te flattes [ty ta flat], il (elle) se flatte [il s9 flat], nous nous flattens [nu nu flato] vous vous flattez [vu vu flate]. Us (elles) se flattent [il so flat]. 83. Agreement. The past participle agrees with a pre- ceding reflexive object, unless the object be indirect : Elles se sont flatties. They have flattered themselves. But : Us se sont lav^ les mains. They have washed their hands. Past Indefinite. I (have) flattered myself, etc. je me suis^ „ ^.t.,, x tu t'es l^^**^(^) il(elle)s'estif^^*"^- nous nous sommes^i^^^^^ vous vous etes v „ ils (elles) se sont J §84] LESSON XX. 67 84. Observe the possessive force of the article, or of the article with an indirect object, when there is no ambiguity as to the possessor : Je vous donne la main. I give you my hand. La bonne leur lave les mains. 'The maid is washing their hands. lis se lavent les mains. They are washing their hands. Vocabulary. apr^s [apre], after. armoire [armwair], f., cupboard, clothes-press. bonjour [bosuir], m., good morn- ing. brosse [bros], f., brush. brosser [brose], to brush. chercher [Jerje], to seek, look for. cheveux [J8v0], m. pi., hair. dejeuner [de30ne], m., breakfast. dent [da], f., tooth. descendre [desaidr], to descend, go down (stairs). dire [di:r], to say, tell. dormir [dormiir], to sleep. figure [figyir], f., face. ♦ g^et [sile], m. , vest, waistcoat. tout de suite [tu da sqit], at once. k I'instant [a 1 esta], at once, in- stantly. habiller [abije], to dress. habit [abi], m. , coat. instant [esta], m., instant. laver [lave], to wash. main [me], f., hand. mhre [me:r], f., mother. mettre [metr], to put (on), place. peig^ne [pe:ji], m., comb. phre [peir], m., father. prdt [pre], ready. se lever [lave], to rise. se promener [promne], to go for a walk, drive, etc. savon [savo], m. , soap, serviette [servjet], f., towel, temps [ta], m., time. donner la main k, to shake hands with. je suis lev6, I am up. EXERCISE XX. A. Comme nous avons bien dormi ! II est temps de se lever maintenant. Nous nous levons tout de suite, et nous faisons notre toilette. Je vais me laver les mains et la figure, mais ou sont I'eau et le savon ? — Les voici ; je vais vous les donner. — IVIaintenant, ou est la serviette 1 — La voici. — Je cherche main- tenant mes brosses et mon peigne. — Les voila sur la table de toilette. — Je me brosse les cheveux et les dents. Je vais mettre mon gilet et mon habit, mais ou sont-ils 1 — Les voici dans Tarmoire, je vous les donne a I'instant. — Me voila pr^t. Etes-vous pret aussi 1 — Oui, me voilk habill^. — Nous descendons 58 LESSON XX. [§84 k la salle h. manger. Mon pere et ma mere y sont d^ja. Nous allons leur dire bonjour. Apres le dejeuner nous allons nous promener. B. Continue the following: 1. Je me leve, etc. 2. Je me suis lav^ les mains, etc. 3. Yoila du savon ; je lui en donne, etc. 4. Je leur en ai donn^, etc. 5. Me voila pret, te voil^ pret, etc. 6. Me voila pr^te, te voila prete, etc. 7. Je des- cends k la salle a manger, etc. 8. Je me suis promend hier, tu t'es, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Avez-vous bien dormi ? 2. Est-il temps de se lever maintenant 1 3. Ailez-vous vous lever tout de suite ? 4. Qui se lave les mains ? 5. Est-ce que Jean et Robert se sont lave les mains? 6. Allez-vous leur donner de I'eau et du savon 1 7. Qui en donne aux autres enfants ? 8. En donne- t-elle aussi ^ Marie ? 9. Qu'est-ce que vous cherchez ? 10. Qui est-ce qui va me donner la serviette et les brosses? 11. Ou est mongilet? 12. Qui vous a donne ce beau gilet? 13. Est-ce que les enfants sont habill^s ? 14. Que font-ils ensuite'? 15. Qui est dans la salle a manger 1 16. Les enfants donnent-ils la main a leur pere ? 17. Est-ce que je lui donne la main aussi? 18. Que vent faire les enfants apres le dejeuner? 19. Ne sont-ils pas encore pre ts *? 20. Ou est-ce que vous vous fetes promenes hier? Etc., etc. D. 1. Have you slept well? 2. Yes, and it is time to rise now. 3. I rise, you rise, we rise, we are up. 4. Now I make my toilet. 5. I am washing my hands and my face. 6. You have already washed your hands and your face. 7. I give you your comb and brushes. 8. I give you them. 9. You are brushing your hair. "lO. I brush my teeth.- 11. Have you brushed your teeth yet ? 1 2. You need your vest and coat now. 13. Why do yoa not give me them? 14. There they are in the clothes-press. 15. I am going to give you them at once. 16. We are ready now, and we are going down stairs. 17. We shake hands with our father and mother. 18. They shake hands with us. 19. We shake hands with each other. 20. They are going for a walk in the garden after breakfast. 21. We are going for a walk there too. §§85-89] LESSON XXI. 5& LESSON XXL 85. Imperfect Indicative of donner, flnir, uendre. I was giving, etc. I was finishing, etc. I was selling, etc. donn ais [done]. finiss ais [finise]. vend ais [vade]. donn ais [done]. finiss ais [finise]. vend ais [vade]. donn ait [done]. finiss ait [finise]. vend ait [vade]. donn ions [donjo]. finiss ions [finisjo]. vend ions [vadjo]. donn iez [donje]. finiss iez [finisje]. vend iez [vadje]. donn aient [done]. finiss aient [finise]. vend aient [vade]. 86. Imperfect Indicative of auoi'r, etre. I had, used to have, etc. I was, used to be, etc. av ais [ave]. av ions [avjo]. ^t ais [ete]. ^t ions [etjo]. av ais [ave]. av iez [avje]. ^t ais [ete]. ^t iez [etje]. av ait [ave]. av aient [ave]. ^t ait [ete]. 6t aient [ete]. To form the Pluperfect tense, add a past participle, see § 63. 87. Use of Imperfect. 1. It denotes what used to hap- pen or continued to happen : Nous parlions souvent de cela. We often used to speak of that. Mon oncle 6tait tr^s vieux. My uncle was very old. H allait souvent k pied k la ville. He would often walk to town. 2. It denotes what was happening when something else happened or was happening : On chantait quand je suis arriv^. They were singing when I arrived. II parlait pendant que nous chan- He was speaking while we sang tions. (were singing). 88. Imperfect of f aire (irreg.). I was doing, etc. je fais ais [sa faze]. nous fais ions [nu fazjo]. tu fais ais [ty faze]. vous fais iez [vu fozje], il fais ait [il faze]. ils fais aient [il faze]. 89. For imperfect of commencer, manger, cf. §§ 78, 156: je commen^is [3a komase], etc. je mangeais [mass], etc. 60 LESSON XXI. [§89 EXERCISE XXI. [The vocabularies for this and the remaining exercises will be found at the end of the volume.] A. Nous avons ete a I'eglise ce matin. Quand nous sommes arrives on chantait deja le premier cantique. II y avait beaucoup de monde, et nous avons trouvd un banc avec diffi- cult6. Le pasteur a lu (read) un chapitre des proverbes. Tout le monde ecoutait attentivement pendant la lecture du chapitre. Ensuite le pasteur a prie Dieu, et on a chants des versets d'un autre cantique. Apres cela le pasteur a choisi comme texte un verset du " Sermon sur la montagne." Voici le texte qu'il a choisi : " Tout arbre qui est bon porte de bons fruits ; mais un mauvais arbre porte dfe mauvais fruits." Le pasteur I'a explique, et en a tire de bonnes le9ons. II a compart les hommes avec les arbres. Le me'rite des hommes consiste dans leurs bonnes actions, comme le merite des arbres dans leurs bons fruits. Ce sermon a ete un encouragement k faire le bien. Le sermon fini, on a fait la quete, on a chante encore et le pasteur a donne la benediction. B. Continue the following : 1 . Je chantais le premier cantique, etc. 2. J'avais deja chants le premier ccyitique, etc. 3. Le pasteur priait Dieu quand je suis arrive, le pasteur, etc., quand tu, etc. 4. Je comparais les hommes avec les arbres, etc. 5. Est-ce que je faisais la quete?, etc. 6. Est-ce que je ne finissais pas mes le9ons 1, est-ce que tu . . . tes legons % etc. 7. A qui est-ce que je vendais mes pommes ?, h qui est-ce que tu . . . tes pommes 1, etc. 8. Y avait-il beaucoup de plumes dans ma boite ?, dans ta boite, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou avez-vous 4t4 ce matin? 2. Y avait-il beaucoup de monde ? 3. Que faisait-on quand vous dtes entr^s? 4. Qu'est-ce que le pasteur a fait apr^s cela? 5. Est-ce que nous ^coutions pendant la lecture du chapitre? 6. Votre tante ^coutait-elle attentivement aussi? 7. Tout le monde ^coutait-il attentivement ? 8. Qu'est-ce qu'on faisait pendant que le pasteur priait Dieu ? 9. Et aprds cela qu'est-ce que le pasteur a fait? 10. Quel ^tait le texte qu'il a choisi? 11. Le sermon ^tait-il int^ressant? 12. Qui a expliqu^ le texte? 13. Quels fruits les bons arbres portent-ils? 14. Et les mauvais arbres quels fruits portent-ils? 15. Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait apr^s le sermon? 16. Est-ce qu'on chantait pendant qu'on §90-91] LESSON XXII. 61 faisait la quSte ? 17. Qui a donne la benediction? 18. Que faisait-on quand vous etes arrive chez vous? 19. Alliez-vous souvent h I'eglise quand vous etiez h la campagne ] 20. Votre vieil oncle allait-il h I'eglise tous les dimanches ? Etc., etc. J). 1. 1 often used to go to church when I was in the coi^try. 2. My relatives used to go (y) every Sunday. 3. My old uncle used to go (y) in his carriage. 4. I went to church last Sunday. 5. While I was at church my brother was taking a walk on the mountain. 6. There were a great many people in the little church. 7. There were people everywhere, in the seats and at the door. 8. I met one of my cousins at the door. 9. When we went in the pastor was finishing the reading of the chapter. 10. They (on) had already sung and prayed. 1 1 . Then they sang two verses of another hymn, and the pastor began the sermon. 12. What was the text? 13. The text was a verse from the "Sermon on the mount." 14. I While the pastor was speaking, everybody listened attentively. 15. He finished the sermon, and then the collection was taken up. 16. While they were taking up the collection, the pastor read some verses. 17. We sang again, and after the last hymn the pastor pronounced the benediction. 18. As I was going home I met my brother. 1 9. We were hungry when we arrived at the house. 20. My uncle had already arrived, and we had {avons fait) a good dinner. ,^ LESSON XXII. 90. Future Indicative of donner, flnir, uendre. I shall give, etc. I shall finish, etc. I shall sell, etc. donner ai [donare]. finir ai [finire]. vendr ai [vadre]. donner as [donora]. finir as [finira]. vendr as [vadra]. donner a [donara]. finir a [finira]. vendr a [vadra]. donner ons [donaro]. finir ons [finiro]. vendr ons [vadro]. donner ez [donore]. finir ez [finire]. vendr ez [vadre]. donner ont [donaro]. finir ont [finiro]. vendr ont [vadro]. 91. Future Indicative of auolr, Stre. 1 shall have, etc. . I shall be, etc. aur ai [ore], aur ons [oro]. ser ai [sore], ser ons [saro]. aur as [ora]. aur ez [ore]. ser as [sara]. ser ez [sare]. aura [ora]. aur ont [oro], sera [sara]. ser ont [saro]. 62 LESSON XXII. [§§92-94 92. Future Indicative oialler (irreg.), and f aire (irreg.). I shall go, etc. I shall do, etc. ir ai [ire], ir ons [iro]. fer ai [fare], fer ons [foro]. ir as [ira]. ir ez [ire]. fer as [fara]. fer ez [fare]. ir a [ira]. ir ont [iro]. fer a [fara]. fer ont [faro]. 93. For the future of lever and acheter, cf. § 78, 3 : je leverai [levare], etc. j'ach^terai [ajetare], etc. 94. Use of Future. It is used in general as in English, but observe its use in a subordinate sentence, when futurity is implied (but for ' if ' clause see § 116, 3) : Je lui parlerai quand il arrivera. I shall speak to him when he come& EXERCISE XXII. ^^ A. II est d^j^ tard. IVEaintenant nous allons nous coucher. Nous avons fait nos plans pour demain. Nous nous leve- rons de bonne heure. Le dejeuner sera pret quand nous nous l^verons, et nous sortirons bient6t apre§. S'il fait beau temps, nous irons k pied, mais s'il fait mauvais temps, nous prendrons' le tramway. Nous passerons d'abord chez la modiste. Si nos chapeaux ne sont pas prets, nous attend rons un peu. Mais ils seront prets, parce que je les ai vus hier, et ils etaient bien avanc^s. Avant midi nous serons chez la couturier^ pour essayer nos robes. Nous y resterons probablement une heure. Alors nous irons prendre une glace au cafe. Ensuite nous entrerons dans un magasin de nouveaut^s pour acheter de la dentelle et des rubans. Puis nous monterons encore dans le tramway^et nous serons de re tour de bonne heure dans I'apres- midi, parce que nous attendons des amies. Si nous ne sommes pas trop fatiguees, nous irons le soir au theatre ou au concert. Si nous nous ^.musons bien, nous ne serons pas chez nous avant minuit. M B. Continue the following : 1. Je vais me coucher, etc. 2. Je me leverai de bonne heure demain, etc. 3. Est-ce que je sortirai apres le dejeuner?, etc. 4. Est-ce que j'acheterai des rubans % etc. 5. J'attendrai au caf^, etc. 6. Est-ce que je ne serai pas de re tour de bonne heure % etc. 7. Si je suis §95] LESSON XXIII. 63 fatigude, je ne sortirai pas, si tu, etc. 8. S'il fait beau temps demain, j'irai en ville, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Pour quand faites-vous vos plans? 2. Sor- tirez-vous demain s'il fait beau temps ? 3. Que ferez-vous s'il fait mauvais temps ? 4. Vous leverez-vous de bonne heure ? 5. Le dejeuner sera-t-il pret? 6! Qu'est-ce que vous ferez aprfes le dejeuner ? 7. Irez-vous k pied ou dans le tramway ? 8. Qui va vous accompagner ? 9. Ou irez-vous d'abord 1 10. Votre soeur ira-t-elle aussi chez la modiste? 11. Qu'est- ce que vous ferez si votre chapeau n'est pas pret? 12. Nous attend rez-vous chez la modiste ou au caf^l 13. Pourquoi allez- vous chez la couturifere? 14. Quand y serez-vous ? 15. Irez- vous au cafd ensuite? 16. Qu'est-ce que vous acheterez au magasin de nouveautes? 17. Quand derez-vous de retourl 18. Vos amies seront-elles chez vous? 19. Ou irez-vous le soir % 20. Quand serez-vous de retour ? Etc., etc. D. 1. After (the) dinner I shall make my plans for to- morrow. 2. Then I shall go to bed. 3. To-morrow I shall rise early. 4. After (the) breakfast I shall go out if it is fine. 5. My sister will go out too.^ 6. We shall take the street-cars if it is not fine. 7. First I shall go to the milliner's. 8. I shall wait for my sister there. 9. Our hats will probably be ) ready. 10. They were well advanced yesterday. 11. After that we shall go to the dressmaker's. 12. We shall remain an hour there to try on our dresses. 13. If we have (the) time we shall probably go to the caf^. 14. What will you do next] 15. I shall go to the dry-goods store to buy some ribbons. 16^ My sister will return home. 17. Some friends will be waiting for her there. 18. I shalTgo to the concert in the evening with my brother if I am not too tired. 19. My sister will stay at home with my mother. 20. They will expect us before midnight. LESSON XXIII. 95. Disjunctive Personal Pronouns. The personal pronouns already given are used as subject or object with the verb, and are hence called * conjunctive.' The following forms, not being immediately connected with a verb, are called * disjunctive ' : 64 LESSON XXIII. [§§96-97 moi [niTva], I, me. nous [nu], we, us. toi [twa], thou, thee, you. vous [vu], you. lui [Iqi], he, him. eux [0], they (m.), them (m.). elle [el], she, her. elles [el], they (f.), them (f.). 96. The following are some of their uses : — 1. Absolutely, a verb being implied, but not expressed: Qui est Ik ?— Moi (eux, elles). Who is there ?— I (they). 2. After a preposition : Pour elles ; avec moi ; sans eux. For them ; with me ; without them. 3. As logical subject after ce + ^tre : C'est moi, c'est toi. It is I, it is thou (you). C'est lui, c'est elle. ' It is he, it is she. C'est nous, c'est vous. It is we, it is you. Ce sont eux, ce sont elles. It is they (m. ), it is they (f. ). 97. Hitherto in the exercises il(s), elle(s), standing before a verb as subject, have been used for 'he,' 'she,* *it,' 'they' (§ 40). When the logical subject follows the verb 6tre, ' he,' *she,' 'it,' *they' = ce, as" representative subject, in cases like the following : C'est Marie et sa m6re. It is Mary and her mother. C'est nous, ce sont eux. It is we, it is they. C'est un homme celebre. He is a celebrated man. C'est une jolie dame. She is a pretty lady. Ce sont des amis de Jean. They are friends of John. Ce sont mes meilleures amies. They are my best friends. C'est aujourd'hui lundi. It is Monday to-day (to-day is, etc. ). C'est k nous qu'il parle. It is to us that he is speaking. C'est ici qu'il demeure. It is here that he lives (he lives here). EXERCISE XXIII. [Before doing this exercise learn the present indicative of voir, ' to see,' p. 82, and its past participle vu, 'seen.'] A. Nous irons en ville a pied ce matin, n'est-ce pas ? — Oh oui, il fait beau, et nous causerons en route. Qui est ce monsieur qui est la-bas de Tautre c6t^ de la rue 1 — C'est un de nos anciens voisins. II demeure k present dans une autre §97] LESSON XXIIL 65 rue. — Voili un autre monsieur qui attend le tramway ; c'est votre professeur de f ran9ais, n'est-ce pas 1 — Oui, c'est lui. II va donner pfobablement une legon. — Voila maintenant le tramway qui passe. Avez-vous vu ces deux messieurs qui nous ont salu^s 1 — Oui, je les ai vus. Ce sont les messieurs que nous avons rencontres I'autre soir. — Voyez-vous cette dame qui monte en voiture? C'est I'amie de votre mere, n'est-ce pas'? — Non, ce n'est pas elle. L'amie de ma mere est plus grande. — Qui est ce monsieur qui approche ? II va nous parler, n'est-ce pas 1 — Non, ce n'est pas a nous qu'il va parler, mais k ce monsieur qui est derriere nous. — Voila encore un autre monsieur qui vous salue. — Ce n'est pas moi qu'il salue, c'est vous. — Mais non, c'est bien vous. II m'est inconnu. C'est la premiere fois que je le vois. — Nous voici arrives maintenant. C'est ici que vous alliez entrer pour acheter vos gants. ^ B. Continue the following: 1. Je vais donner une le^on, n*est-ce pas ?, etc. 2. C'est ici que je demeure, etc. 3. C'est moi qui vais en ville, c'est toi qui vas en ville, etc. 4. J'irai k pied, etc. 5. Je vois un monsieur qui monte en voiture, tu vois, etc. 6. Ce n'est pas moi qu'il a salu^, ce n'est pas toi, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou est-ce que vous allez ce matin ? 2. Allez- vous k pied ou en voiture ? 3. Qu'est-ce que nous ferons en route pour nous amuser? 4. Qui est ce vieux monsieur la-bas? 5. Ou est-ce qu'il demeure k present? 6. Voi]4 un monsieur qui attend le tramway ; qui est-ce 1 7. Voyez-vous ces messieurs qui nous saluent ? 8. Ce sont des amis de votre pere, n'est-ce pas ? 9. Qui est cette dame qui se promene en voiture? 10. Quand est-ce que je I'ai vue? 11. Est-ce bien elle? 12. Ce monsieur qui approche est votre voisin, n'est-ce pas? 13. Est-ce moi qu'il a salu^? 14. Qui est-ce que vous avez salu^ devant I'hdtel de ville? 15. Est-ce un de vos anciens amis ? 16. Est-ce ici que vous allez acheter vos gants ? 17. N'est-ce pas dans cet autre magasin 1^-bas? 18. Est-ce la premiere fois que vous allez dans ce magasin ? Etc., etc. D. 1. "We are going down town on foot. 2. We are chatting on the way. 3. We see a gentleman on the other side of the street. 4. He is one of my old neighbours. 6. He lived on the other side of the street. 6. He is your old French teacher, is he not? 7. No, he is an old merchant. 5 66 LESSON XXIV. [§98 8. A carriage passes next. 9. Who are those two gentlemen in the carriage who bowed to us ? 10. They are the gentlemen we met yesterday evening. 11. Was it I that they bowed tol 12. Who bowed to them, you or I ? 13. I see a lady (who is) waiting for the street-cars. 14. She is a friend of your family, is she not 1 15. She is a friend of my mother. XI 6. Do you see that gentleman who is approaching? 17. Yes, who is if? 18. He is a celebrated general who lives in this city. 19. Is it here that you buy your gloves? 20. No, it is in that large shop over yonder. LESSON XXIY. >\^ 98. Impersonal Verbs. They are conjugated in the third person singular only, with the subject il = 'it,' used indefinitely and absolutely. Among such are verbs describing natural phenomena, as in English : Quel temps fait-il ? What kind of weather is it ? H fait beau temps. It is fine (weather). II pleut, il pleuvait. It is raining, it was raining. II a plu, il pleuvra. It has rained, it will rain. H neige, il a neig^. It is snowing, it has snowed. n fait chaud, 11 fait du vent. It is hot, it is windy. EXERCISE XXIV. A. C'est mardi dernier que nous avons fait notre pique-nique. Nous nous sommes lev^s presque au lever du soleil. La pre- miere question a ^t^ : quel temps fera-t-il 1 Le temps dtait 'convert, et il faisait tr^s lourd. II y avait de gros nuages k Touest, et le tonnerre grondait d4jk. II a fait des Eclairs, et apres un grand coup de tonnerre la pluie a commence. II a plu pendant une heure. Ensuite le soleil s'est montr^, et un bon vent a chass^ les nuages. Bientdt il a fait tres beau, et nous sommes partis. Le pique-nique a^ eu lieu dans les bois au bord du lac. Nous avions I'intention de nous promener en bateau, mais il faisait du vent, et il y avait des vagues. C'est pourquoi nous ne sommes pas all^s sur I'eau. II a fait chaud, mais nous ^tions k I'ombre, et un vent frais nous arrivait du lac Vers midi nous avons mang^ notre gouter. Dana I'aprfes- §98] LESSON XXIV. 67 midi nous avons jou^ et chants. Avant le coucher du soleil nous sommes arrives chez nous. ^^ B, Commit to memory : ^^^ La semaine au lundi commence, Et mari^i I'ouvrage avanqe, Ensuite vient le mercredi, Le jeudi, puis le vendredi ; Le sanfliedi comble nos vcbux, Et le dimanche nous prions Dieu. 4. » C, (Oral.) 1. Aimez-votis les pique-niques ? 2. Quand avez- vous fait*votre pique-nique cette ann6e? 3. Qu'est-ce qu'on demande quand on va partir ? 4. Quel temps faisait-il quand vous vous etes lev^s? 5. Est-ce qu'il a fait des Eclairs*? 6. Est-ce qu'il a plu? 7. Quand la pluie a-t-elle commence? 8. Pendant combien de temps est-ce qu'il a plu ? 9. Quel temps faisait-il quand vous etes partis'? 10. Ou votre pique-nique a-t-il eu lieu? 11. 6tes-vous all^s sur I'eau? 12. Pourquoi pas? 13. Y avait-il de grosses vagues ? 14. Quand avez- vous mang^ votre gouter? 15. Vous dtes-vous bien amuses? 16. Etes-vous arrives tr^s tard chez vous? 17. Quand etes-voua arrives? 18. Quel jour est-ce aujourd'hui? 19. Etdemaini 20. Et aprfes-demain 1 21. Quels sont les autres jours de la semaine? Etc., etc. D, 1. I like picnics. 2. I always enjoy myself at picnics. 3. If the weather is fine, we shall have a picnic to-morrow. 4. What kind of weather is it now? 5. It is raining. 6. There will be no rain to-morrow. 7. The sun is showing itself already. 8. This afternoon it rained for (pendant) two hours. 9. Where will your picnic take place? 10. It will take place, in the woods, at the lake shore. 11. We had a picnic there last summer too. 12. If it is not windy, we shall go for a row. 13. Last summer we did not go upon the water. 14. The waves were too large. 15. Will you eat your lunch before noon? 16. What will you do in the afternoon? 17. We shall sing and play. 18. When will you reach home ? 19. We shall set out before sunset, and we shall reach home early. 20. The days of the week are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 68 LESSON XXV. [§99 LESSON XXV. 99. The Infinitive. Some of the commoner uses of the infinitive are : — 1. Without any preposition, after such verbs as vouloir, •will/ pou voir, *can, may,' d^sirer, 'wish, desire,' savoir, *know how to,' devoir, ' ought,' falloir, 'be necessary,' aller, *go'; after verbs of perceiving, such as voir, 'see,' ^COUter, 'listen (to)/ regarder, *look at'; also after faire, 'make, cause to/ laisser, ' let ' : ^ D^sire-t-il aller en ville ? Does he wish to go down town? H lui faut travailler. He must work. Je vais chercher des plumes. I am going to get some pens. Je vois venir des soldats. I see some soldiers coming. Je fais sonner la cloche. I make the bell ring. 2. Preceded by de, after 6tre impersonally + an adjective; after many verbs like cesser, 'cease,' regretter, 'regret/ prier, ' beg'; after nouns to form adjective phrases; and after most adjectives : H est facile de parler. It is easy to talk. H a cess^ de chanter. He has ceased singing. Le crime de voler. The crime of stealing. Yous etes libre de partir. You are free to go. 3. Preceded by k, after verbs like r^ussir, 'succeed,' aimer, 'like,' enseigner, 'teach/ etc.; and after some adjectives: fPaime k patiner. I like to skate (like skating). • Je m'amuse k patiner. I amuse myself (by) skating. Cela est facile k faire. That is easy to do. 4. Observe that the same adjective may take k or de, according to the construction in which it is used : H est facile k contenter. He is easy to satisfy, n est facile de le contenter. It is easy to satisfy him. Cest facile k faire. That {or it) is easy to do. 5. A verb governed by a preposition must be in the infini- tive, except after en (cf. § 101) : Je I'ai fait sans penser. I did it without thinking. §§100-103] LESSON XXV. 69 100. Present Participle of donner, flnir, uendre, etc. Giving. Finishing. Selling. donn ant [dona]. finiss ant [finisa]. vend ant [vada]. Having. Being. ay ant [eja]. ^t ant [eta]. 101. Agreement. Used as an adjective, the present parti- ciple agrees like an adjective ; otherwise it is invariable : Une 8c6ne charraante. A charming scene. Elle tombait souvent en marchant She often fell while walking. 102. Present Indicative of pouuoir, 'be able,' 'can/ *m&j' (irreg.). I can, am able, etc. je puis or peux [30 pHi, p0]. nous pouvons [nu puvo], tu peux [ty p0]. vous pouvez [vu puve]. 11 peut [il p0]. ils peuvent [il pce:v]. 103. Observe the use of the impersonal il faut + infinitive: n lui faut partir. He must (it is necessary for him to) ga II me faudra travailler. I shall have to work. D ne faut pas voler. We (one) must not steal. EXERCISE XXV. A. Bonjour men ami ; je suis charm^ de vous voir. Com- ment vous portez-vous 1 — Je me porte tr^s bien, merci. — Comme j'aime a me promener le matin ! II a geld cette nuit, mais maintenant le soleil brille et il fait presque chaud. Malgrd le froid tout est gai. — II n'y a pas de fleurs, mais il y a de petits oiseaux qui n'ont pas encore cessd de chanter. En passant j'ai regarde le petit lac, et j'ai vu qu'il y avait de la glace. , Nous pouvons bient6t patiner. — Aimez-vous a patiner?— Oui, j'aime beaucoup k patiner. Nous avons beaucoup d'amusements en hiver, n'est-ce pas 1 — Oh oui, il est tres facile de s'amuser en hiver quand on se porte bien. — Aimez-vous a vous promener en traineau '? C'est tr^s amusant, n'est-ce pas 1 — C'est surtout le soir que j'aime une promenade en traineau. C'est si joli quand il fait clair de lune. La neige est blanche, tout le monde est gai, et lea chevaux font sonner leurs grelots. — Et si on ne 70 LESSON XXV. [§103 desire pas sortir, on peut s'amuser k la maison. Vous aimez la lecture, n'est-ce pas ? — J'aime beaucoup a lire. Hier j'ai com- mence un roman de Daudet. Quelquefois nous invitons nos amis k passer la soiree chez nous. Nous aimons a chanter et a danser. II est facile de passer le temps quand on a des amis. B. Continue the following : 1. Je ne peux pas partir ce matin, etc. 2. II me faut partir ce soir, il te faut, etc. 3. Est-ce que je ne me porte pas bien % etc. 4. Est-ce que j'aime k patiner?, etc. 5. Je ne cesse pas de chanter, etc. 6. Je vois une scene charmante, etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Comment vous portez-vous ce matin? 2. Avez-vous bien dormi] 3. Est-ce qu'il a gele cette nuif^ 4. En quelle saison les oiseaux cessent-ils de chanter? 5. Quand est-ce qu'ils commencent k chanter? 6. Est-ce qu'il y a d^ja de bonne glace sur le lac 1 7. Peut-on y patiner ce soir ? 8. Aimez-vous a patiner ? 9. Qu'est-ce que vous faites en hiver pour vous amuser? 10. Est-il facile de s'amuser en hiver? 11. Pouvez-vous vous promener en traineau ce soir? 12. Ne ddsirez-vous pas sortir ce soir? 13. Qu'avez-vous I'intention de faire? 14. Allez-vous passer toute la soiree chez vous ? 15. Faut-il avoir des amis pour 8'amuser ? 16. Aimez-vous a passer la soiree k lire 1 1 7. Quand avez-vous commence a lire ces romans? 18. Ce sont des remans charmants, n'est-ce pas? 19. Vous faut-il rester k la maison ce soir ? Etc., etc. v. 1. Good morning; I am charmed to see you. 2. The weather is very fine for the season, is it not ? 3. Did you look at the ice on the lake in passing ? 4. Yes, the ice is good, and we shall soon skate. 5. Do you like to skate ? 6. Yes, but I cannot go skating this evening. 7. I must stay at home. 8. You can amuse yourself reading. 9. I like to pass the evening at home sometimes. 10. It is easy to find amusements. 11. We often invite friends to pass the evening with us. 12. We have begun to read a novel together. 13. It is charming to go for a sleigh-ride sometimes. 14. The white snow and the moonlight make a charming scene. 15. It is so charming to hear the sleigh-bells ring. 16. We must go for a sleigh-ride to-morrow. 17. I shall go if I can. 18. We shall go too. 19. We must have some friends with u& 20. To enjoy one's self one must have friends. §§104-106] LESSON XXVI. 71 J^^ ^ , LESSON XXYI. 4 . 104. Present Subjunctive of donmr, fnir, vendre, I (may) give, etc. I (may) finish, etc. I (may) sell, etc. donn e [don]. finiss e [finis]. vend e [va id], donn es [don]. finiss es [finis]. vend es [void], donn e [don]. finiss e [finis]. vend e [vaid]. donn ions [donjo]. finiss ions [finisjo} vend ions [vadjo], donn iez [donje]. finiss iez [finisje]. vend iez [vadje]. donnent [don]. finiss ent [finis]. vend ent [void], N.B. — ^The paradigm meanings *I may give,' etc., are only approxi- mate, as will be seen from the examples below. 105. ^ Present Subjunctive of avoir, Stre. I (may) have, etc. I (may) be, etc. aie [e]. ayons [ejo]. sois [swa]. soyons [swajo]. aies [e]. ayez [eje]. sois [swa]. soyez [swaje]. ait [e]. aient [e]. soit [swa]. soient [swa], 106. Use of the Subjunctive. Some of the commoner uses of the subjunctive are : — 1. In a subordinate noun clause introduced by que, *that,' after expressions of willing or desiring : Je d^ire que vous restiez. I desire you to remain (=that you may or should remain). 2. Similarly, after expressions oijcyg or sorrow : Je suis content qu'il soit ici. I am glad he is here. 3. So also after expressions of necessity^ like il faut I H faut que vous restiez. You must remain. II est n^cessairo que vous restiez. It is necessary for you to remain. 4. It is used in adverbial clauses after certain conjunctions, e.g., afin que, *in order that,' pour que, 'in order that,' avant que, * before,' bien que, * although,' quoique, * although,' etc. Bien qu'il soit pauvre il est heureux. Although he is poor he is happy. 5. Que is never omitted, as * that ' often is in English ; Je suis content qu'il soit ici. I am glad (that) he is here. 72 LESSON XXVI. [§§107-109 107. Tense Sequence. Present or Future is regularly followed by Present Subjunctive : Pres. II faut ) ^ „^ „^„„ ,.o^i;o» J You must speak. > que vous pariiez. { ^^ .,, , , FuT. II faudra ) ( You will have to speak. 108. Present Indicative of uou/oir, 'will,' 'wish,' etc. (irreg.). I will, wish, etc. je veux [3e v0]. nous voulons [nu vulo]. tu veux [ty v0]. vous voulez [vu vule]. il veut [il v0]. ils veulent [il voel]. 109. Present Subjunctive oifaire (irreg.). I (may) do, etc. fasse [fas]. fassions [fasjo]. fasses [fas]. fassiez [fasje]. fasse [fas]. fassent [fas]. EXERCISE XXVI. A. On frappe k la porte. Je vais voir qui c'est. C'est une de mes amies. EUe entre. Nous causons ensemble. — Qu'allez- vous faire aujourd'hui ? — Ma robe n'est pas encore prete. H faut que je sois chez la couturiere avant midi. Apres cela je "^vais porter des fleurs a une amie qui est un peu souffrante, et je desire que vous m'accompagniez, si vous pouvez. C'est as9ez loin, mais nous n'irons pas a pied. Je serai si contente que vous soyez avec moi. II faut que vous fassiez connaissance avec mon amie ; elle est si charmante. — Je regrette de ne pouvoir pas vous accompagner ce matin ; j'ai mal aux dents depuis hier. II y en a deux qui me font souffrir. — Que je regrette que voiis ayez tant d'ennui ! C'est tres facheux. Et qu'allez-vous faire? — II me faut aller voir le dentiste. II arrachera une de mes dents probablement, car elle est entiere- ment g^tee. Mais je desire qu'il tache de me conserver I'autre. B. Continue the following : 1. Je suis content qu'il soit arriv^ tu es, etc. 2. Je veux qu'elle attende, tu veux, etc. 3. II faut que je sois la avant midi, il faut que tu, etc. 4. II d^ire que je le finisse, que tu, etc. 5. II faut que je vende ma maison, que tu, etc. 6. Bien que j'aie des amis, bien que tu, etc. 7. Je suis fach^ qu'elle soit souffrante, tu es, etc. §110] LESSON XXVII. 73 G. (Oral.) 1. Qui frappe h. la porte? 2. Qu'est-ce qu'elle demande? 3. Votre robe est-elle prete? 4. Faut-il que je 8ois en \ille avant midi ? 5. Me faut-il partir tout de suite 1 6. Desirez-vous que je vous accompagne 1 7. Regrettez-vous que votre amie soit souffrante 1 8. Etes-vous contente qu'elle se porte mieux a present? 9. Qu'est-ce que vous avez ce matin ? 10. Desirez-vous que le dentiste arrache votre dent malade? 11. Voulez-vous qu'il vous arrache les deux dents malades? 12. Que desirez-vous 1 13. Ne voulez-vous pas que je vous attende au caf^ ? 14. Desirez-vous que je sois avec vous chez le dentiste"? 15. Faut-il que nous soyon? de retour avant midi? 16. Etes-vous ikch6e> que votre pere ait vendu sa maison? 17. Desirez-vous qu'il en achete une dans cette rue ? 18. Cette maison est jolie bien qu'elle soit petite, n'est-ce pas? Etc., etc. D. 1. There is a knock at the door. 2. I do not wish you to knock at my door. 3. I wish you to ring. 4. Must you be at the dressmaker's at noon? 5. Yes, I must have my dress for this evening. 6. I am going afterwards to see my friend who is indisposed. 7. I am very sorry that she is indisposed. 8. I must take her some flowers. 9. Do you wish me to accompany you ? 10. No, I desire you to remain at home. 11. I am very sorry you have toothache. 12. Is it necessary that the dentist should extract your two teeth? 13. I must go and see him first. 14. I wish him to try and save one of the two. 15. Although this tooth is a little decayed, it is better than the other. 16. Do you wish me to be with you at the dentist's? 17. No, I wish you to buy some fruit for our dinner. 18. Although fruit is dear, I shall buy a great deal. 19. One must eat to live. 20. Everybody must eat enough. LESSON XXYII. V no. Imperat ive of donner, flni'r, uendre. Give, etc. Finish, , etc. Sell, < 3tC. donn e ' [don]. finis [fini]. vend s [va]. qu'il donne ^ [don]. qu I'il finiss e [finis]. qu'il vend e [vaid]. donn ons [dono]. finiss ons ; [finiso]. vend ons ! [vado]. donn ez [done]. finiss ez [finise]. vend ez [vade]. qu'ila donn ent [don]. qu'i ils finiss ent [finis]. > qu'ils vend ent [vaid]. Ob$.: The 3rd Bing. and 3rd plur. ajre subjunctive forms used as imperatiTes. 74 LESSON XXVII. [§§111-113 111. Imperative of auoir, itre. Have, etc. Be, etc. aie [e]. sois [swa]. qu'il ait [k il e]. qu'il soii, [swa]. ay ons [ejo]. soy ons [swaj3]. ay ez [eje]. soy ez [swaje]. qu'ils aient [k ilz e]. qu'ils soient [k il swa]. 112. Imperative Negative. ne donne pas. qu'il ne donne pas. ne donnons pas, etc. 113. Position of Objects. 1. Personal pronoun objects follow the positive imperative (but not the subjunctive as im- perative), and are joined to it and to one another by hyphens : Donnez-lui la plume. Give him the pen. Donnez-la-lui. Give it to him. Donnons-leur-en. Let us give them some. Qu'il me la donne. Let him give it to me. 2. If the imperative be negative, the general rule of position (§81) holds good: Ne la lui donnez pas. Do not give it to him. 3. IVIoi and toi are used after an imperative instead of me and te (unless before y and en, in which case apostrophe replaces hyphen) : Donnez-moi des pommes. Give me some apples. Donnez-m'en. Give me some (of them). 4. When a verb has two objects, they are arranged thus after it (for slight exceptions, see Part II) : le (la, les) before moi (toi, lui, nous, vous, leur). me (te, lui, nous, vous, leur) before y (en). y before en. EXERCISE XXyil. A. Nous allons ^tudier nos le9ons. Le professeur nous a laissds ici dans cette salle afin qu'on ne nous derange pas. Travaillons f erme. Quel est le livre que vous avez k la main 1 — C'est ma grammaire fran^aise. — Donnez-la-moi un moment §113] LESSON XXVII. 75 s'il vous plait. Je desire chercher quelque chose. — Ou est done mon cahier? Le voyez-vous? — Oui, le voici. — Donnez- le-moi, s'il vous plait. — Maintenant c'est ma regie que je cherche. — Je ne Tai pas vue. — Si vous la trouvez, ne la cassez pas. — Avez-vous de I'encre ?-LOui, j'en ai. — Soyez assez bon pour m'en donner. Mon petit ami n'en a pas, non plus. Donnez-lui-en un peu aussi. — En voila. Est-ce assez? — Oui,' je vous remercie infiniment. — Allons, d^pechons-nous I'-Il est d^ja tard, et nous n'avons pas encore fait grand'chose. — Soyez tranquille, nous fiiiirons bientdt. — " Ayez de la patience "' est une bonne niaxime, mais n'en abusons pas. — Avez-vous parl^ de cette affaire au professeur? — Pas encore. — Eh bien, parlez- lui-en cette apr^s-midi. — Pour vous contenter, je lui en parlerai. . B. Complete the following by adding a noun object, and then repeating the phrase with the proper pronoun : 1. Cher- chez ... 2. Ne cherchez pas ... 3. Finissez ... 4. Ne finissez pas ... 5. Vendez ... 6. Ne vendez pas ... 7. Qu'il ^coute. . . 8. Chante. . . 9. Ne chante pas. . . 10. Choisis- sez... 11. Ne choisissez pas... 12. Vends... 13. Ne vends pas... 14. Finissons... 15. Ne finissons pas... 16. Vendons. . . 17. Ne vendons pas. . . ^ (7. 1. Go and study your lessons. 2. Study them for an hour. 3. Remain in this class-room. 4. Remain in it for an hour. 5. Do not disturb me; I wish to study. 6. Now let us work hard. 7. Show me the lesson. 8. Show me it. 9. Find me my exercise-book, if you please. 10. Find it for me. 11. I have your ruler. 12. Do not break it, please. ^13. If you have any ink, give me some of it, please. 14. Give some to Robert, too; he hasn't any, either. 15. Now Robert, thank him. 16. Come, hurry up. 17. Have patience, but don't have too much*of it. 18. Let us finish our lessons. 19. Let us finish them before noon. 20. Have you spoken to the master of that affair? 21. Do not speak of it to him to-day, 22. Speak to him of it to-morrow. 23. We have finished our lessons. 24. The lessons are finished now. 25. Have the kindness to bring me my hat. 26. Look for it, please. 27. Let us go for a walk. 28. Let us not take advantage of the patience of our masters. 29. Let us not take advantage of it. 76 LESSON XXVIIL [§§114-116 LESSON XXVIII. 114. Conditional of donner, flni'r, uendre. I should give, etc. I should finish, etc. I should sell, etc. donner ais [donare]. finir ais [finire]. vendr ais [vadre]. donner ais [donore]. finir ais [finire]. vendr ais [vadre]. donner ait [donare]. finir ait [finire], vendr ait [vadre]. donner ions [donarjo]. finir ions [finirjo]. vendr ions [vadrio]. donner iez [donarje]. finir iez [finirje]. vendr iez [vadrie], donner aient [donare]. finir aient [finire]. vendr aient [vadre]. 115. Conditional of auoir, St re. I should have, etc. I should be, etc. aur ais [ore]. aur ions [orjo]. ser ais [sare]. ser ions [sarjo]. aur ais [ore]. aur iez [orje]. ser ais [sare]. ser iez [sarje]. aur ait [ore]. aur aient [ore]. ser ait [sare]. ser aient [sare]. Obs. : In all verbs the stem of the conditional is the same as that of the future. 116. Conditional Sentences. 1. The conditional is used to express what would happen (result) in case something else were to happen (condition) : S'il avait le temps (condition). If he had time (had he time, etc. ), il finirait sa le. 1. I have left all my books at school. 2. If I had them, I should prepare my lessons for to-morrow. 3. If I do not prepare them, the master will not be pleased. 4. If you wish to study, I will lend you my books. 5. If you were to lend me them, I should be very glad. 6. I should study the whole evening. 7.\I do not wish to lose my time. 8. I am never happy, if I am not working. 9. Should you make use of my pens and paper, if I lent you them? 10. I should accept them with pleasure, if you were kind enough to lend me them. 11. If we work the whole evening, we shall be tired. 12. By the way, what are you going to do in the holidays 1 13. I shall go to the country, if it is hot. 14. I should go too, if I had not been there so often. 15. If I had a great deal of money, I should go a long way off. 16. If one has no fhoney, one cannot go far. 17. If it is possible, I shall spend some days with my relatives. 18. It (ce) will be for me a great pleasure, if my cousins are at home. LESSON XXIX. Il8. Use of Article. 1- Names of continents, countries, provinces, large islands, regularly take the definite article : La France est un beau pays. France is a beautiful country. Nous partons pour le Canada. We are leaving' for Canada. II demeure aux ^fitats-Unis. He lives in the United States. 2. The article is omitted after the preposition en = ' in,' ' to ;' it is also omitted after de in certain constructions : Mon p6re est en Angleterre. • My father is in England. Nous allons en France. We are going to France. II vient d'ltalie. He comes from Italy. ♦ Les vins d'Espagne. Spanish wines. §§119-120] LESSON XXIX. 79 119. 1. Place 'where/ •whereto,' is usually denoted by en before names of continents, European countries singular and feminine countries singular outside of Europe; other countries usually take the preposition a + the definite article : II est en (va en) Europe. He is in (goes to) Europe. II est au (va au) Canada. He is in (goes to) Canada. 2. Cities, towns, etc., usually take a, without any article ; II est k (va k) Paris. He is in or at (goes to) Paris. But : A la Nouvelle-Orleans. At New Orleans. 12a Present Indicative of sauoir, *to know* (irreg.). I know, etc je aais [se]. nous savons [savo], tu sais [se]. vous savez [save]. il salt [se]. ils savent [sa:v]. EXERCISE XXIX. A. Savez-vous que votre ami est parti hier potir la France ? •^Oui, je le sais. II dtait si content ! II sait ddjk bien le fran- ^ais ; dans quelques mois il le parlera comme un Frangais. — Avez-vous jamais 6t4 en France ? — Non, je n'y ai jamais ^t^, mais j'ai I'intention d'y aller I'ann^e prochaine. Vous y avez 6t4, n'est-ce pas? — Oui, j'y ai pass^ d^x ann^es. C'est un beau pays. J'aime beaucoup la France, j^ime les Fran9ais et le frangais. C'est une belle langue. — Oh*ui, vous, vous etes bien avancd. Yous parlez fran^ais coujamAent, mais moi, je trouve cela difficile. — En commen9ant, c est difficile, mais avec le temps vous I'apprendrez, surtout si vous passez une ann^e en France. — Quelle partie de la France avez-vous habitue ? — J'ai habits Paris, mais j'ai visits d'autres grandes villes. J'ai et^ k Rouen et k Lyon. — Avez-vous jamais ^t^ au Bas-Canada? — Oui, j'y ai ^t^. J'ai ^t^ k JNIontrdal et k Quebec. Ce sont deux belles villes. J'ai 4t6 aussi k la jSj)uv^^ftB-Orl^ans, ou il y a beaucoup de FranQais. On y ^Wrle encore aujourd'hui fran^ais. Mais en g^nJral aux Etats-XJnis les Frangais n'ont pas conserve leur langue si ISd^lement que les Fran9ais du Canada. / V 80 LESSON XXIX. [§120 B. Continue the following: 1. Je parle anglais, tu, etc. 2. Est-ce que je parle frangais?, est-ce que tu?, etc. 3. Je sais bieii le frangais, tu, etc. 4. Ai-je ete en France?, as-tu 4)\A% etc. 5. Demaiii je partirai pour le Canada, tu, etc. 6. Je vais aux Etats-Unis, tu, etc. 7. J'habite les Etats-Unis, tu, etc. 8. J'irai a Paris I'annee prochaine, tu, etc. 9. J'ai demeur^ une ann^e a Paris, tu as, etc. C. (Oral.) 1, Ou est la France? 2. Quelle langue les Fran- gais parlent-ils? 3. Savez-vous le fran9ais? 4. Parlez-vous fran9ais ? 5. Le parlez-vous couramment ? 6. Avez-vous jamais ^t^ en France ? 7. Combien de temps avez-vous passe k Paris ? 8. Avez-vous ^t^ aussi a Rouen et a Lyon? 9. Aimez-vous la France? 10. Aimez-vous les Frangais? 11. Est-ce que le frangais est une belle langue? 12. Quelle langue parlez- vous? 13. Est-ce que nous sommes Anglais ou Frangais? 14. Les habitants de la France parlent frangais, n'est-ce pas? 16. Y a-t'il beaucoup de Fran9ais aux Etats-Unis ? 16. Quelle langue parle-t-on au Bas-Canada ? 17. Parle-t-on aussi la langue fran^aise a la Nouvelle-Orl^ans ? 18. Quelle langue parle-t-on i Montreal et k Quebec? 19. Les Frangais des Etats-Unis ont-ils conserve fidelement leur langue? 20. Depuis quand ^tudiez-vous le f rangais ? 21. Avez-vous I'intention d'aller en France Fannie prochaine ? 22. Dans quels pays avez-vous passd les vacances I'ann^ derni^re ? Etc., etc. D. 1. France is in Europe. 2. France is a beautiful country. 3. Its inhabitants speak French. 4. French is spoken also in Canada and in the United States. » ^. It is spoken at Mont- real, Quebec and New Orleans. 6. French is a fine language. 7. We like the French and the French language. 8. We have been studying French for three months. \9. I have not been in France yet. 10. I intend to go there next year. 11. I shall set out for France in the summer. 12. I shall spend a month in Paris, and some time also at Lyons and Rouen. 13. On my return, I shall remain some days at Montreal and Quebec. 14. French is a difficult language for the English. 16. We speak English. 16. You live in Canada. 17. Our relatives live in the United States. 18. They live in New Orleans. 1 9. They have never been in France, but they speak French like Frenchmen. 20. If you were to spend a year in France, you would speak it fluently also. §§121-123] LESSON XXX. 81 LESSON XXX. 121. The Possessive Pronouns. Singular. Plural. le mien [mje], m. les miens [mj?], m.^ . la mienne [mjen], f. les miennes [mjen], f. J le tien [tje], m. les tiens [tjf], m. V, . 1 A.- rx- -, r 1 X. r • \ r j-thme, yours. la tienne [tjen], f. les tiennes [tjen], f . J '' le sien [sj£], m. les siens [sje], m. "^ his, hers, la sienne [sjen], f. les siennes [sjen], f. J its, one's own. le notre [no:tr], m.) i .^ r i. -i I 'i^ r X 1 x r 1^ notres [noitr], ours. la notre [no:tr], f . J l j» le votre [vo:tr], m. ) , ., r xi lavotre [vo:tr], f. | '** ""^*' [vo.tr], yours. le leur [loe:r], m. ^ , , n n ..u • , , n T f r les leurs [loeir], theirs. la leur [loe:r], f. j l j> 122. Agreement. Possessive pronouns agree in gender and number with the object possessed, and in person with thd possessor : J'ai mes livres ; elle a les siens. I have my books ; she has hers. 123. Use of Possessive Pronouns. 1. After ^tre, mere ownership is regularly expressed by a + a personal pronoun disjunctive, while the use of a possessive pronoun implies distinction of ownership ; Cette montre est k moi. This watch is mine. Oette montre est la mienne. This watch is min'U 2. De and a + le mien, etc., contract as usual (of. §§ 35, 46): Je parle de son ami et du mien. I speak of his friend and of mine. 3. Since le sien, la sienne, etc., mean 'his,' 'hers,' 'its,' * one's,' the context determines which sense is intended : II a ses livres ; elle a les siens. He has his books ; she has hers. 4. Observe the idioms : Un de mes amis. A friend of mine. Un Parisien de mes amis. A Parisian, a friend of mine. 6 82 LESSON XXX. [§124 124. Present Indicative of dire, *to say/ *teir (irreg.), and of voir, Ho see' (irreg.). I say, etc. I see, etc. je dis [di]. nous disons [dizo]. je vols [vwa]. nous voyons [vwajo]. tu dis [di], vous dites [dit]. tu vols [vwa]. vous voyez [vwaje]. il dit [di]. ils disent [diiz]. il-v9it [vwa]. lis voient [vwa]. EXERCISE XXX. A. Tin de mes amis, qui voyage actuellement en Europe, m'a envoy ^ une lettre I'autre jour. Dans cette lettre 11 fait les comparaisons les plus int^ressantes entre les habitudes des Europ^ens et les ndtres. Par exemple, les chemins de fer europeens sont diffdrents des ndtres. Nos voitures sont plus grandes que les leurs, et elles ont un seul compartiment, tandis que les leurs sont divis^es en plusieurs. Les petits compartiments sont souvent tres commodes; on pent y ^tre seul ou avec une petite compagnie agrdable. Mais il y a un inconvenient: on risque de se trouver face k face avec un compagnon de voyage tr^s desagr^able, ou meme dangereux. Un jour, par exemple, mon ami se trouvait dans un comparti- ment avec un individu qui ne respectait pas trop la difference entre le mien et le tien. Mon ami avait une jolie montre d'or. Son compagnon la remarque. Ije train approche d'une petite ville, et ralentit sa marche. L'individu tire un revolver de sa poche et dit k mon ami : " Vous avez \k une belle montre, donnez-la-moi et je vous donnerai la mienne." Mon ami a peur, il donne sa montre, et le voleur saute du train. B. Complete the following by supplying a suitable posses- sive pronoun form: 1. Ma montre est en or;. ..est en argent. 2. Mes parents sont k Paris; . . . sont aux Etats-Unis. 3. Marie va chercher mes plumes et. . . 4. Nous avons fini nos legons ; ils ont fini ... 5. J'ai fini mes le9ons, et Jean a fini ... 6. Vos le9ons sont faciles, mais . . sont difficiles. 7. J'ai mon crayon, et Marie a . . . 8. Marie a ses crayons et . . . aussi. 9. Les Frangais aiment leur pays, et nous aimons . .^, 10. Nous aimons notre langue; les Fran9ais aiment. . . 11. Je parle de mes amis, et vous parlez. . . 12. Jean donne des fleurs k ses sceurs, et Robert en donne. . . §124] LESSON XXX. 88 C. (Oral.) 1. Qui vous a envoye unelettre? 2. Les habi- tudes des Europeens sont-elles les memes que les ndtres ? 3. Nos chemins de fer sont-ils meilleurs que les leurs ? 4. Leurs voitures sont-elles plus grandes que les n6tres ? * 5. Les ndtres sont-elles plus commodes que les leurs ] 6. Avec qui votre ami se trouvait-il dans un compartiment ? 7. La montre du voleur ^tait-elle meilleure que la sienne ? 8. En quoi est votre montre 1 9. Voulez-vous me donner la v6tre en ^change de lamienne? 10. A qui ^tait la belle montre d'or ? 11. Qu'est- ce que le voleur veut donner en ^change de la montre de votre ami? 12. Qui a tir^ un revolver de sa poche? 13. Votre ami a-t-il tir^ le sien aussi de sa poche? 14. Auriez-vous donn4 au voleur votre belle montre en ^change de la sienne? 15. L'auriez-vous donnee si la sienne avait ete meilleure que la v6tre ? 16. Qui ne respeete pas la difii^rence entre le mien et le tien? Etc., etc. >-/>. 1. A friend of mine is travelling in France. 2. There is much difference between the customs of the French and ^^>-ours. 3. For example, our railways and theirs are different. 4. Their railways are not so long as ours. 5. The carriages of our trains are larger than theirs. 6. But their carriages are often more comfortable than ours. 7. Ours are not divided into compartments. 8. One day I find myself in one of these compartments. 9. I draw my watch from my pocket to look at it. 10. My travelling companion is an individual who does not respect the difference between mine and thine. 11. He draws out his also from his pocket, and looks at it. 12. He looks at mine too. 13, He says to me: " Here are two watches ; yours is of (en) gold and mine is of silver. 14. Give me yours, and I will give you mine." 15. At these words, I draw a revolver which I have in another pocket. 16. The thief does not draw his from his pocket, because he has no revolver. 17. At this moment the train arrives at a little town. 18. The thief is afraid, and jumps from the carriage, leaving me his watch. 19. I have now two watches, mine and his. 20. If he had had his revolver, and if I had not had mine, the affair would have been very different. I v>- «4 LESSON XXXI. [§§125-129 LESSON XXXI. 125. The Demonstrative Pronouns. , 'Si -ce [sa], this, these, that, those, he, she, it, they. V\i^ ceci [sasi], this. W-cela [sala], that. ■celui [salqi], m. ) that (one), the (one), ceux [s0], m."^^ those (ones), the celle [sel]. J he, she. celles [sel], f. J ones, they. celui-ci [salqi si], m. )^this (one), ceux-ci [80 si], m. ) these (ones), celle-ci [sel si], f. /the latter. celles-ci [sel si], f. /the latter. celui-lk [salx{i la], m. \that (one), the ceux-lk [s0 la], m.) those (ones), •celle-lk [sel la], f. /former. celles-lk [sel la], f. /the former. 126. For the use of ce as distinguished from the personal pronoun il (elle, etc.), see § 97. 127. Ceci = ' this,' and cela = * that,' are used to denote something pointed out or indicated, but not named. Cela is often contracted into ga in familiar language : Cela est joli ; je pr^f^re ceci. That is pretty ; I prefer this. Pouvez-vous faire cela ? Can you do that ? J'aime ^a. I like that. 128. Celui, ' that (one),' * the (one),' ' he,' is used of persons or things, and is regularly followed by a relative clause or a de clause : Celui que j'attendais est arriv^. He whom I expected has arrived. Ceux qui cherchent trouvent. Those who seek find. Mes fleurs et celles de Marie. My flowers and Mar3r's. Celles que vous aimez. The ones (flowers) you like. 129. 1. Celui-ci, Hhis,' 'this one,' *he,' and celui-lel, * that,' * that one,' are used of persons or things already men- tioned, to contrast the nearer and the more remote : Voici les deux chalnes; gardez Here are the two chains; keep celle-ci et donnez-moi celle-lk. this ^one) and give me that (one). 2. ' The latter ' is_celui-ci, and ' the former ' is celui-1^ the order of ideas being inverted as compared with English : Cic^ron et Virgile dtaient tons Cicero and Virgil were both cele- deux cel^hres ; cemi^ci^tait brated ; the former was an po6te et celui-Uk orateur. orator and the latter a poet §129] LESSON XXXL 8& EXERCISE XXXI. A. ^Un certain homme possedait un &ne et un petit chien. A ceMi^i il donnait des caresses et h. celui-14 des fardeaux k. porter. Le chien s'amusait toute la journ^e. II courait par-ci par-la. A table il mangeait avec son maitre. II donnait la patte a tout le monde, et tout le monde lui donnait dea baisers. Le pauvre 4ne voyait tout cela, et il en ^tait tres m^content. tin jour il se demande : " Pourquoi ne me donne- t-on pas autant de bonnes choses qu'k ce miserable petit chien? ^ Pourquoi donne-t-on toutes les caresses h. celui qui ne travaille pas, et tons les coups de baton k celui qui travaille tou jours % Je cesserai de travailler. J'entrerai dans la salle k manger de mon maitre, je donnerai la patte k tous ceux qui y sont, e1> ils me donneront des caresses." Le pauvre ane t^che de faire cela. II entre dans la salle k manger, il salue la compagnie. II chante de sa belle voix. II veut donner la patte k son maitre. Mais en levant la patte il fait tomber la vaisselle. On a peur, on crie. Les valets entrent, et donnent k la pauvr© b^te, non des caresses, mais des coups de biton. ^^ B. Complete the following by supplying suitable demonstra- tive pronoun forms : 1. Ceci est bon, . . .est mauvais. 2. Cela est grand, ... est petit. 3. Voilk deux montres d'or ; . . . est plus jolie que ... 4. . . . de mon pfere est plus jolie encore. 5. Voici des livres pour nous ; donnez-moi . . . , et je voua donnerai... 6. Donnez-moi d'autres plumes, j'ai perdu... que vous m'avez pretdes. 7. Je parle de Cic^ron et de Virgile;. . .^tait po^te et. . .^tait orateur. 8. . . qui volent sont des voleurs. 9. Cet homme a vol^ mon argent et . . . d© mon ami. CI. Give me that. 2. I do not need this. 3. There are two pens ; give me this one and keep that one. 4. My watch is finer than John's. 6. My father's is still finer. 6. He who steals is a thief. 7. Those who steal are thieves. 8. I have two brothers, John and Robert : the former is taller than I, the latter smaller. D. (Oral.) \. Quels ^taient les deux animaux que possedait cet homme ? 2. Qu'est-ce qu'il donnait a celui-ci ? 3. Qu'est-ce qu'il donnait k celui-la? 4. L'ane ^tait-il content de celal 6. Qu'est-ce que Vkne se demande 1 6. Oh est-ce qu'il veut \fc Se LESSON XXXII. [§§130-132 entrer? 7. Est-ce qu'il a fait cela? 8. La voix de I'ane est-elle plus belle que celle du chien'? 9. A qui veut-il donner la patte? 10. Ceux qui sont dans la salle sont-ils contents'? 11. Qu'est-ce que font les valets'? 12. Est-ce qu'on donne toujours des coups de b^ton k ceux qui les m^ritent? Etc., etc. B. 1. The ass and the dog are useful animals. 2. The former carries burdens, and the latter is the faithful friend of man. 3. The ass in this story is dissatisfied. 4. He asks himself why people give good things to those who do not work. 5. His master gives caresses to the dog and blows to him who works. 6. The unhappy animal is dissatisfied with that. 7. He ceases to work, and enters the dining-room. 8. He salutes those who are there. 9. He sings with his beautiful voice. 10. That is not very agreeable to the company. 11. You know that the voice of the ass is not so pleasant as that of the dog. 12. The master is afraid. 13. All those who are present scream. 14. The servants hear this, and enter the room. 15. They give the poor ass blows with a stick. 16. People do not always give {des) blows to those who deserve them. LESSON XXXII. 130. The Relative Pronouns. qui [ki], who, which, that, whom (after a preposition). que [ka], whom, which, that. dont [do], whose, of whom, of which. ou [u], in which, into which, at which, to which, etc. lequel [lakel], m. s., lesquels [lekel], m. pi. ) , , 1 . 1. ^, ^ 1 11 n I n i! . fi n i n / i }-who, whoffi, which, that, laquelle [lakel], f. s. , lesquelles [leksl], f. pi. J quoi [kwa], what, which. 131. Agreement. A relative pronoun, whether variable or invariable in form, is of the gender, number and person of its antecedent : Moi qui dtais (vous qui ^tiez) \k. I who was (you who were) there, Les lettres que j'ai apport^es. The letters which I have brought. 132. Use of the Relative. 1. The relative of most common use is qui, as subject, and que, as direct object, of a verb (cf. §75). §133] LESSON XXXII. 87 2. Qui = *whom' (of persons only) is also used after a preposition : L'oncle chez qui je demeurais. The uncle with whom I lived. 3. The force of de + a relative is generally expressed by dont: Les amis dont nous parlions. The friends of whom we spoke. L'^glise dont je vois la tour. The church whose tower I see. 4. Oil = dans (or some other preposition of position) + a relative : La ville ou {or dans laquelle) je The city in which I live, demeure. 6. Lequel is often used instead of qui (que, etc.), to avoid ambiguity, and must be used of things after a preposition : Les sceurs de nos amis, lesquelles The sisters of our friends, who (i.e., sent chez nous k present. the sisters) are with us now. 6. Quoi stands after a preposition, rarely otherwise : Voilk de quoi je parlais. That is what I was speaking of. 7. The absolute * what,' ' which,' * that which ' as subject is Ce qui, and, as object or predicate, ce que ; ' of what/ * that of which,' is ce dotit : Je vois ce qui vous amuse. I see what amuses you. Je sais ce que je sais. I know what I know. Vous savez ce que je suis. You know what I am. Ce dont j'ai besoin. That which I need. • 8. * He who,' * the one who,' etc. = celui qui : J'aime ceuz qui m'aiment. I love those who love me. Ma montre est plus jolie que My watch is prettier than the one celle que vous avez. you have. 9. The relative pronoun, often omitted in English, is never omitted in French : Le tableau que j'ai vu hier. The picture I saw yesterday. 133. Present Indicative of connaitre, * to know,' * be acquainted with,' etc. (irreg.). 88 LESSON XXXII. [§133 I know, etc. je connais [39 kone]. nous connaissons [nu koncso]. tu connais [ty kone]. vous connaissez [vu konese], il connait [il kone]. ils connaissent [il koneis]. EXERCISE XXXII. A. C'est ma premiere promenade a Paris. Tin Parisien de mes amis m'accompagne. Nous voila a la place de la Con- corde. — Quelle est cette eglise dont on voit la fagade au bout de cette rue ? — C'est I'eglise de la Madeleine dont je vous ai d^jh, parld ce matin. C'est une tres belle Eglise. Je vous y m^nerai un de ces jours pour assister k la messe. — Quel est cet autre Edifice de I'autre cot^ du fleuve 1 — C'est. le palais de la Chambre des deputes. C'est Ik que se font les lois du pays. Je connais un d^put^ qui m'a donn^ des billets d'entree pour demain. Voulez-vous m'y accompagner? — Avec plaisir. Et quel est ce grand monument tout pres de nous? — C'est un ob^lisque ^gy:ptien qu'on a apportd en France sous Louis- Philippe. Yoyez-vous aussi ces huit statues situ^es k differents points autour de la Place? Ce sont des statues qui repr^- sentent les villes les plus importantes de la France. Regardez surtout celle de Strasbourg qui est couverte de couroim^s. C'est une societe patriotique qui a fait cela pour marquer la douleur q^e lui ^ causee la perte de cette ville. Kegardons encore ce qui se trouve atrtouf de nous. A droite il y a les fameux Champs-Elysdes avec leurs belles promenades. Cette avenue splendide qui les traverse mene au bois de Boulogne, en passant par I'Arc de Triomphe qu'on voit la-bas k I'horizon. A gauche nd\is voyons les jardins des Tuileries, et plus loin le Louvre, ancien palais des rois de France. C'est la que nous irons visiter les grandes galeries de peintures. Tout ce qu'on voit d'ici est interessant. B. Complete the following by supplying suitable relative pronoun forms: L La ville ... nous habi tons. 2. La ville . . . nous demeurons. 3. L'oncle chez. . .je demeurais. 4. Les amis . . . m'accompagnent. 5. L'eglise ... on voit la fa9ade Ik-bas. 6. Les sceurs de nos amis . . . sont chez nous k present. 7. Les dames... j'ai donne les fleurs. 8. Les chiens. . .j'ai donn^ la viande. 9. Vous savez ce. . .il a perdu. 10. Je vois ce...vous amuse. IL Nous aimons ceux...nous aiment, 12. Ce. . .j'ai besoin. §133] LESSON XXXII. 89 C. (Oral.) 1. Est-ce la premiere promenade que vous faites h, Paris ? 2. Quel est I'ami qui vous accompagne ? 3. L'ami que vous accompagnez connait-il la ville ? 4. Quel est I'endroit otf vous commencez votre promenade ? 5. Quelle est I'eglise dont on voit la faQade ? 6. Est-ce Peglise dont vous m'avez parl^ ce matin ? 7. Et quel est cet autre edifice dont on voit la fa9ade de I'autre cote du fleuve ? 8. Vous dites que vous avez des billets d'entree ; qui vous les a donnes ? 9. Est-ce le depute chez qui vous etiez hier soir ? 10. Ou est cet obelisque egyptien dont vous m'avez parle ? 11. Est-ce le grand monument prfes duquel on voit tant de monde? 12. Que representent ces statues-Ik? 13. Connaissez-vous celle sur laquelle on voit tant de couronnes ? 14. Voulez-vous me dire ce qu'elle repr^- sente ? 15. Cet espace qui se trouve k droite, est-ce un jardin public? 16. Oil niene cette avenue par laquelle on voit passer les voitures ? 17. Quels sont les jardins qui sont k gauche ? 18. Quel est cet edifice dont on voit d'ici les fenetres ? 19. M'avez- vous montrd tout ce qui est int^ressant? Etc., etc. D. 1. Paris is a city of which we have often spoken. 2. To-day I take my first walk in Paris. 3. The gentleman who accompanies me knows the city well. 4. He shows me every- thing that is interesting. 6. The point at which we begin our walk is the "place de la Concorde." 6» From this square we see the church of the Madeleine, whose fa9ade we admire. 7. We see also the " Chambre des deputes," where the laws of the country are made. 8. A member of parliament {depute), at whose house we were yesterday, has given us tickets of admission. 9. Near the middle of the square there is an obelisk whicTT was brought to France in the time of (sous) Louis-Philippe. 10. Statues which represent the most im- portant cities of France are situated around the square. 11. What is that statue on which I see so many wreaths 1 12. It is a statue which represents a city the loss of which caused much sorrow to France. 13. Let us look again at what is around us, 1 4. Where does that avenue lead, through which we see the carriages passing? 15. And what public gardens are those on our left, to which we are going (se rendre)'i 16. They (ce) are the gardens of the Tuileries. 1 7. Farther off you see the Louvre, in which lived (vivre) the kings of France. 18. All that you have shown me is very interesting. 19. I thank you very much. 90 LESSON XXXIII. [§§134-135 J LESSON XXXIII. 134, The Interrogative Pronouns. qui ? [ki], who ?, whom ? que ? [ko], what ? quoi ? [kwa], what ? lequel? [lakel], m. s., lesquels? [lekel], m. pi. Which?, which one(s)?, laquelle? [lakel], f. s., lesquelles? [lekel], f. pi. J what one(s)? I35« Use of Interrogatives. 1. Qui? = *whoV *whomV is used of persons: Qui Sonne ? Qui sont-elles ? Who is ringing ? Who are they ? Dites-moi qui sonne. Tell me who is ringing. Qui a-t-il f rapp^ ? Whom has he struck ? De qui parlez-vous ? Of whom are you speaking ? 2. ' Whose V denoting ownership simply = a qui ?, otherwise generally de qui ?, but never dont I A qui est ce livre ? Whose book is this ? De qui etes-vous (le) fils ? Whose son are you ? 3. Que ? = * what 1, ' stands always as the object or the predicate of a verb : Que vous a-t-il dit ? Qu'est-ce ? What did he tell you? What is it ? 4. 'What?' as subject is usually qu'est-ce qui?, and 'what' in indirect question is usually ce qui (ce que, etc.) : Qu'est-ce qui vous a int^ress^ ? What has interested you ? Je ne sais pas ce qui m'a f rapp^. I do not know what struck me. Dites-moi ce que vous d^sirez. Tell me what you desire. 5. Quoi ? = * what V stands regularly after a preposition, or absolutely, the verb being understood : A quoi pensez-vous ? What are you thinking of ? Je cherche quelque chose. — Quoi ? I am looking for something. — What ? 6. Lequel? (laquelle?, etc.) = * which V 'which or what one V agrees in gender with the noun referred to. Both parts of lequel (le and quel) are inflected, and the usual contrac- tions with de and a (cf. §§ 35, 46) take place : Laquelle des dames est Ik ? Which of the ladies is there ? Auquel des hommes parle-t-il ? To which of the men does he speak? §135] LESSON XXXIII. 9] EXERCISE XXXIII. A. Mon ami et moi continuons aujourd'hui notre promenade. Nous allons voir d'autres choses int^^ressantes. Je demande k mou ami : ''Qu'est-ce que c'est que I'ile de la Cit^ dont vous me parlez ? " — L'ile de la Cit^ est une ile de la Seine oil on trouve plusieurs des grands Edifices publics de Paris. Mais vous allez voir tout de suite. Nous voici au Pont-Neuf par lequel on entre dans la Cit^.— ^uel est ce grand edifice dont nous approchons 1 — C'est le Palais de Justice.— Qu'est-ce que c'est que le Palais de Justice ?^-C'est I'endroit ou les juges r^glent les diffS^rends qui existent entre les particuliers. — Quelle est cette partie de I'^ifice qui ressemble a une dglise? — C'est, en effet, une eglise qui s'appelle la Sainte-Chapelle. — Par qui a-t-elle ^t^ b^tie ? — Elle a ^t^ b&tie par un roi de France qui s'appelait sainf^ Louis, fils de la cel^bre Blanche de Castille. Mais continuons notre chemin. En a5'an9ant nous voyons rH6tel-Dieu, — Qu'est-ce que c'est que I'Hdtel-Dieu ? — C'est un h6pital. — Et en face de nous quelle est cette grande dglise 1 — C'est r^glise de Notre-Dame dont nous avons d6jk tantparl^. — Oh oui, je me rappelle. Je ne sais pas k quoi je pensais. Que je su^s bete S Laquelle est la plus ancienne, I'^glise de Notre- Dame^ ou la .Madeleine? — Notre-Dame est beaucoup plus ancienne ; elle est parmi les plus anciennes ^glises de 1' Europe. C'est une belle fa9ade ; admirons-la un peu. Regardez les trois portails qui sont ornds de statues. — Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette rang^e de statues au-dessus des portails ? — C'est ce qu'on appelle la galerie des rois, — Qu'est-ce que cela signifie? — On dit que les vingt-huit statues repr^sentent des rois de France. Au-dessus de la galerie il y a une belle rosace, plus haut, une deuxiferae galerie ou il n'y a pas de statues, et encore plus haut, les deux grandes tours ou se trouvent les cloches. // ' B. Write in French one example of the correct use of each of the following interrogative forms and locutions: 1. Que? 2. Est-ce que? 3. Qu'est-ce que? 4. Quel? 5. Quelle? 6. Quels ? 7. Quelles ? 8. Qui ? 9. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ? 10. Quoi? 11. Lequel? 12. Laquelle? 13. Lesquels ? 14. Lesquelles. 15. A qui? 16. Dequi? C. (Oral.) 1. Avec qui vous promenez-vous aujourd'hui? 2. Qu'est-ce que vous allez voir? 3. Qu'est-ce que c'est que 92 LESSON XXXIV. [§136 Tile de la Cite? 4. Ou est-ce qu'elle est situ^e? 5. Quels Edifices s'y trouvent? 6. Comment s'appelle ce pont-la? 7. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce grand palais ? 8. J'en vols deux, lequel voulez-vous dire ? 9. Youlez-vous me dire par qui la Sainte-Chapelle a ete batie? 10. Savez-vous de qui il ^tait le fils ? 11. Savez-vous ce que c'est que I'Hotel-Dieu ? 12. Laquelle est la plus ancienne de ces deux ^glises, Notre-Dame ou la Madeleine? 13. Quel est I'autre edifice que vous voulez visiter maintenant? 14. Auquel voulez-vous aller ? 15. Ou sont ces fameux portails dont vous parliez? 16. Qu'y a-t-il au-dessus des portails? 17. Qu'est-ce que c'est que la galerie des rois? 18. Voulez-vous me dire ce qu'il y a dans cette tour-1^? 19. Qu'est-ce qui vous a int^ress^ le plus dans cet edifice? Etc., etc. D. 1. What interesting things are you going to see to-day? 2. What is the ile de la Cit^ ? 3. What is the name of the bridge by which one enters it {y) ? 4. Which of those build- ings is the Palais de Justice? 5. What is the Palais de Justice? 6. What is a judge? 7. A judge is a man who settles disputes. 8. There is a part of the building which resembles a church ; what is it ? 9. Will you tell me by whom the Sainte-Chapelle was built? 10. Which of those buildings is the H6tel-Dieu? 11. Do you know what the H6tel-Dieu is ? 12. What is the name of that largg, church in front of us ? 13. Which is the more ancient of those two churches, Notre- Dame or la Madeleine? 14. Which of these two churches do you admire the more? 15. In which do you attend mass? 16. What is it that people call "la galerie des rois"? 17. What is there in the two high towers on the right hand and on the left? 18. What has interested you most in Notre-Dame ? LESSON XXXIV. 136. Indefinite Pronouns. The indefinite pronouns of most frequent occurrence are : — 1. On [5], *one,' 'someone,' *we,' *you,' 'they,' 'people,' etc. (cf. §48). 2. Quelqu'un [kelk dfe], m. , quelqu'une [kelk yn], f. , 'somebody,' 'some one,' 'any one,' plural quelques-uns [kelkoz d&], m., quelques-unes [kfilkaz ynl, f., 'some,' 'some people,' 'any,' 'a few' : §137] LESSON XXXIV. 93 II y a quelqu'un k la porte. There is somebody at the door. J'ai vu quelques-unes de vos amies. I have seen some of your friends. Avez-vous des cerises, madame? Have you any cherries, madam? J'en ai quelques-unes. I have a few. 3. Quelquechose [kelka J013], m., 'something,' 'anything'? Quelque chose est tomb^. Something has fallen. J'ai quelque chose de bon. I have something good. 4. Along with ne + a verb, or when alone, a verb being understood, personne [person], m., means 'nobody, 'not anybody,' 'no one,' and rien [rje], m., 'nothing,' ' not anything ' : Je n'ai parle k personne. I did not speak to anybody. Vous n'avez rien apporte. You have brought nothing. II n'a rien dit de mauvais. He said nothing bad. Qu'a-t-il dit ?— Rien. What did he say ?— Nothing. Personne ici ! Nobody here ! I37« Certain forms serve both as adjectives and as pronouns. Those of most frequent occurrence are : — 1. Autre [otr], 'other' (adjective); un autre, 'another,' Tautre, * the other ' (pronoun) : Une autre fois ; d'autres causes. Another time ; other causes. Les autres iront aussi. The others will go too. 2. Distinguish un autre from encore un : Une autre plume. Another (a different) pen. Encore une plume. Another (an additional) pen. 3. From autre are formed various locutions : L'une et I'autre occasion. Both occasions. Les uns et les autres partent. All are going away. Donnez-le k I'un ou k I'autre. Give it to either. Ce n'est ni pour les uns ni pour It is for none of them. les autres. EUes se flattent les unes les autres. They flatter each other. Hs ont peur les uns des autres. They are afraid of one another. 4. When used with ne + a verb, or when alone, the verb being under- stood, aucun [okce], nul [nyl], pas un [paz c6], as adjectives = ' no,' ' not one,' ' not any,' and as pronouns = ' none,' * no one,' ' not one' : Aucun auteur ne dit cela. No author says that. A-t-on de I'espoir ? — Aucun. Have they any hope? — None, 94 LESSON XXXIV. [§137 6. Tel [tel] = * such,' un tel = 'such a.' *Such' as an adverb is si [si] or tenement [telma] : Telles sont mes doTaleurs. Such are my griefs. Qui raconte une telle histoire ? Who tells such a story ? Une si belle maison. Such a beautiful house. Un homme tellement crueL Such a cruel man. 6. Tout [tu], m., toute [tut], f., tous [tu (as adj.), tus (as pron.)], m. pi., toutes [tut], f. pl., = 'all,' 'every,' 'any,' 'whole,' etc.: Tous les hommes. All (the) men. Toute ma vie. All my (my whole) life. Tous (toutes) sont arriv6(e)s. All have come. 7. Meme [me:m], before a noun or as a pronoiin = ' same ' ; m^me, following the noun or pronoun qualified='self,' 'very,' 'even,' and agrees, but has no article ; as adverb meme= ' even ' : La meme chose. The same thing. Ce sont les memes. They are the same. Dieu est la bont^ meme. God is goodness itself. Les enfants memes le savent. The very children know it. Nous-memes ; elles-memes. We ourselves ; they tnemselves. lis nous ont meme battus. They even beat us. EXERCISE XXXIV. A. A Paris on peut s'amuser facilement. On y trouve des amusements pour tout le monde. On y trouve des th^^tres, des cirques, des spectacles de toute espece. Hier nous avons ^t^ k un spectacle qui nous a beaucoup amuses. Un monsieur en dtait le directeur, mais tous les acteurs etaient des chats et des chiens. C'^tait quelque chose de magnifique. On n'a jamais rien vu de plus amusant ! Personne n'avait jamais vu des animaux si intelligents ! II y avait des chiens noirs et des chiens blancs. II y en avait des grands et des petits. II y en avait de toutes les races : des chiens danois, des chiens de berger, des terre-neuve, des levriers et des caniches. Les grands chiens portaient les petits sur le dos. Quelques-uns etaient habilles en homme et d'autres en femme ; ils f aisaient beaucoup de tours comiques. II y en avait qui fumaient la pipe. II y en avait d'autres qui causaient ensemble comme des personnes. D'autres promenaient des voitures d'enfant comme des bonnes. Quelques-uns se promenaient a bicy- §137] LESSON XXXIV. 95 clette, quelques-uns marchaient sur les pattes de derri^re, et un, plus fort que les autres, raarchait sur les pattes de devant. II y en avait d'autres qui se battaient a coups de poing. II y en avait mgme qui tiraient des coups de pistolet. lis couraient, ils sautaient, et pas un ne semblait s'ennuyer. Les personnes qui assistaient au spectacle ne s'ennuyaient pas non plus. On riait, on applaudissait, on battait des mains, et personne n'a quitte la salle en mauvaise humeur. B. Write in French one example for the use of each of the following in a sentence : 1. On. 2. Quelque chose. 3. Quel que chose de. 4. Quelqu'un. 5. Quelques-unes. 6. Ne . . personne. 7. Ne . . . rien. 8. Autre (adj.^. 9. L'une I'autre 10. Les uns aux autres. IL Pas une (adj.). 12. Un tel 13. Toutes (adj.). 14. Tous (pron.). 15. Meme ( = self), 16. Meme ( = even). C. (Oral.) 1. Est-ce qu'on s'amuse facilement h. Paris? 2. Y a-t-il des amusements pour tous ? 3. Quelques-uns des theatres sont-ils trfes c^lebres ? 4. Avez-vous dt^ k quelque spectacle hierl 5. Etait-ce quelque chose d'amusant? 6. N'avez- vous jamais rien vu de plus amusant ? 7. Avez-vous jamais vu un tel spectacle ? 8. A-t-on vu des animaux si intelligents ? 9. Quelles especes de chiens y avait-il? 10. Qu'est-ce que les uns faisaient pendant que les autres fumaient la pipe ? 11. Avez-vous dit que les tJns parlaient aux autres ? 12. Com- ment se battaient-ils 1 13. Jouaient-ils tous en m§me temps ? 14. Estnce que tous les chiens semblaient contents? 15. Est- ce que les personnes qui y assistaient s'amusaient bien? 16. Et personne n'a quitte la salle avant la fin, n'est-ce pas ? 17. Ces chiens sont-ils les memes que nous avons vus I'ann^e pass^e? 18. Est-ce que les enfants iront les voir encore une fois? 19. Irez-vous vous-meme? 20. Irez-vous meme s'il fait mauvais temps ? Etc., etc. D. 1. There are amusements in Paris for all sorts of people. 2. There is something new every day. 3. One can find amusement in the promenades and public gardens for nothing. 4. You can also visit the picture galleries for nothing. 5. Some of the theatres of Paris are among the best in the world. 6. Some of its promenades are very celebrated, for example, the Champs-^lys^es. 7. Yesterday evening I was at a very amusing show. 8. Two of my cousins (f.), who are at our 96 LESSON XXXV. [§138 house, were with me. 9. Both enjoyed themselves very much. 1 0. I have never seen anything more amusing myself. 1 1 . It was a kind of theatre, in which the actors were dogs and cats. 12. There were dogs of all races: shepherd's dogs, poodles, and many other kinds. 13. Several of the dogs were dressed like men and women. 14. Some were walking on their hind feet. 15. Others were smoking pipes. 16. And there were even a few that were chatting together like people in the street. 17. Nobody left the hall before the end of the show. 18. We were all very much pleased. 19. We saw the same dogs last year, but they seemed all cleverer this year. 20. I should go to see them again to-morrow if somebody accompanied me. 21. I shall go with you myself. LESSON XXXY. 138. Cardinal Numerals. 1. un, une 2. deux 3. trois 4. quatre 5. cinq 6. six 7. sept 8. huit 9. neuf 10. dix 11. onze 12. douze 13. treize 14. quatorze 15. quinze 16. seize 17. dix-sept 18. dix-huit 19. dix -neuf 20. vingt [. 1. Here is the story of a little robin. 2. The snow was falling, the north wind was blowing, and the robin was hungry. 3. He often knocked at our window. 4, At last I had pity on the poor bird, and I opened the window. 5. The pretty little robin flew into the room. 6. There were some crumbs of bread on the table, and he picked them up. 7. My sister used to hold out crumbs to him in her hand. 8. At last he pecked at them. 9. In spring the snow melted, and the hedges were covered with leaves and flowers. 10. The little robin was sad, and did not sing. 11. I opened the window, and he flew away. 1 2. He built his nest in a neighbouring wood. 13. We heard his joyful song again. 14. The robin returned (revint) with the winter. 15. Another robin ac- companied him this time. 16. We rejoiced very much at this. 17. We opened our windows, and the two birds flew into the room. 18. They passed a second winter with us, and flew away again in spring. LESSON XXXIX. 150. Imperfect Subjunctive of donner, finir, vendre, (That) I gave, might (That) I finished, might (That) I sold, might give, etc. finish, etc. sell, etc. donn asse [donasl. fin isse [finis]. vend isse [vadis]. donn asses [donas]. fin isses [finis]. vend isses [vadis]. donn4t [dona]. fin it [fini]. vend it [vadi]. donn assions [donasjo]. fin issions [finisjo]. vend issions [vadisjo], donn assiez [donasje]. fin issiez [finisje]. vend issiez [vadisje]. donn assent [donas], fin issent [finis]. vend issent t^^ddisj. 108 LESSON XXXIX. [§§161-162 151. Imperfect Subjunctive of avoir, etre. (That) I had, might have. (That) I was, were, might be, etc. eusse [ys]. eussions [ysj3]. fusse [fys]. fussions [fysj3]. eusses [ys]. eussiez [ysje]. fusses [fys]. fussiez [fysje]. e^t^ [y]. eussent [ys]. " fut [fy]. fussent [fys]. 152. Tense Sequence. Any other tense than the present or future (§ 107) in the governing clause regularly requires the imperfect subjunctive in the governed clause ; so also for com- pound subjunctive tenses, the auxiliary being considered as the verb : Impf. Je d^sirais ^ fl was desiring him to remain. P. Def. Je d^sirai I ,., tit i ^ desired him to remain. CoNDL. Je d^sirerais [^ ' 1 1 should desire him to remain. pLUPF. J'avais ddsir^J ll had desired him to remain. EXERCISE XXXIX. A. L'dducation d'Henri IV, roi de France, fut dirigde par son grand-pfere Henri d'Albret, roi de Navarre, qui ne voulut pas qu'on ^levat le jeune prince avec la d^licatesse qu'on a d' ordinaire pour les gens de cette quality, sachant bien que dans un corps mou et tendre n'habite ordinairement qu'une anie molle et faible. II ddfendit aussi qu'on I'habillat riche- ment, qu'on lui donnat des babioles, et qu'on le flattat, parce que toutes ces choses dlfevent le coeur des enfants plut6t dans I'orgueil que dans les sentiments de la g^n^rositd. Mais 11 ordonna qu'on habillat et qu'on nourrit son petit-fils comme les autres enfants du pays, et meme qu'il fut accoutumd k courir et h grimper sur les rochers, pour I'habituer k la fatigue. Note, — The imperfect subjunctive is of very limited use in the language of every- day life, being rarely employed except in the literary or elevated style. A knowledge of its forms and their use is, however, necessary for reading purposes. B. Continue the following: 1. Mon pfere ne voulait pas que je partisse hier, que tu partisses, etc. 2. Le mattre d^fendit que je parlasse k Henri, que tu, etc. 3. Kotre voisin ddsirait que je lui vendisse des pommes, que tu, etc. 4. Un bon roi d^sirerait que je fusse heureux, que tu, etc. 5. Un tel roi regretterait que j 'eusse besoin de rien, que tu, etc. §152] LESSON XXXIX. 109 Turn the governing verbs in the extract into the 'present indicative, and make the necessary changes in the subjunctive forms. C. (Oral.) 1. Qui ^tait le grand-pfere d'Henri IV? 2. Par qui Teducation d'Henri IV fut-elle dirigee? 3. Le jeune prince fut-il eleve avec d^licatesse ou avec s^verit^ 1 4. Est-ce qu'on a ordinairement beaucoup de deHcatesse pour les jeunes princes 1 5. Le vieux roi voulait-il qu'on ^levat le prince avec d^licatesse 1 6. Quelle ame trouve-t-on souvent dans un corps mou et tendre 1 7. Henri d'Albret desirait-il que son petit- fils eut une telle ame? 8. Les gens de la cour airaent-ils h, flatter les jeunes princes'? 9. Le grand-p^re aimait-il qu'on flattat ce jeune prince ] 10. Permettait-il que les gens de la cour flattassent son petit-filsl 11. Votre pere permettait-il que vous vous habillassiez richement quand vous ^tiez jeune 1 12. Henri d'Albret ordonna-t-il que son petit-fils eut une nourriture riche? 13. Comment voulut-il qu'on le nourrit? 14. Pourquoi ordonna-t-il que le jeune prince fut accoutum^ k courir et k grimper? 15. D^sireriez-vous que je fusse ac- coutum^ k courir et a grimper? 16. Pourquoi le d^sireriez- vous? 17. D^sireriez-vous que j'eusse des sentiments de gdndrosit^? Etc., etc. D. 1. Henry d'Albret was the grandfather of Henry IV. of France. 2. His grandfather directed his education. 3. Here is what the old king said to the people of the court. 4. "I desire my grandson to have a strong mind (dme). 5. Knowing that a weak mind usually dwells in a weak body, I desire his body to be strong. 6. I desire that nobody should flatter him." 7. So you see that the king did not wish the prince to be brought up with delicacy. 8. He did not wish his grandson to have a soft and weak mind. 9. He wished his body to be strong in order that his mind might not be weak. 10. He did not like the people of the court to flatter him. 11. He forbade them to flatter him. 12. He did not permit them even to give him trinkets. 13. He ordered the prince to be dressed like the other children of the country. 14. He allowed him to play with the other children and to climb the rocks. 15. He wished him to be fed like the other children too. 16. All this he did because he wished his grand- son to be a good king. 17. Our parents wish us to be strong and good. 18. They would not wish us to be weak and bad. no EXERCISE XL. EXERCISE XL. A. TJn matelot, k bord d'un vaisseau, ayant^ eu la maladresse de laisser tomber par-dessus le bord une th^iere d'argent, alia 2 trouver le capitaine et lui dit^ : *^Peut-on^ dire^ d'une chose, qu'elle est^ perdue^, lorsqu'on salt'' oti elle est^l — Non, mon ami. — En ce cas, vous n'avez^ rien a craindre^ pour votre th^iere ; car je sais"^ qu'elle est^ au fond de la mer." A»§154. »§193. »§154. \»§222. ^»§19a «§160. *§221. «§210. (The sections indicated give the forms of the irregular verbs.) B. Complete the following by conjugating the tense in full, repeating also the remainder of the expression along with the verb : 1. II ajla trouver le capitaine. 2. II lui dit. 3. Peut- il dire? 4. II sait ou il est. 5. Elle est perdue. 6. Vous n'avez rien a craindre. C. (Oral.) 1. De quelles personnes parle-t-on dans cette histoire? 2. Ou ^taient ces personnes? 3. Qu'avait fait le matelot] 4. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'une th^iere ? 5. En qiioi ^tait cette th^i^re? 6. A qui ^tait-elle? 7. Ou ^tait-elle tombee ? 8. Savait-on ou elle ^tait 1 9. ^tait-elle alors vrai- ment perdue? 10. Mais quel ^tait I'argument du matelot? Etc., etc. D. 1. The sailor was so clumsy as to let the tea-pot fall. 2. If you let a silver tea-pot fall into the sea, it is lost. 3. Go to the captain. 4. I went to the captain. 5. Tell him that the tea-pot is not lost. 6. The captain will say : " My good fellow, did you drop my silver tea-pot into the sea ? " 7. When we are on board of a ship we do not let tea-pots fall into the sea. 8. Where is the tea-pot ? 9. I do not know where it is. 10. No one finds tea-pots at the bottom of the sea. E. A sailor dropped the captain's silver tea-pot into the sea. The captain went to the sailor and said to him : " You let my tea-pot fall into the sea, did you not? It is lost." "No, no," said the sailor, **I know where it is. It is at the bottom of the sea." EXERCISE XLL 111 EXERCISE XLI. A. Un Arabe, 4gB.r6 dans le desert, n'avaiti pas mang^^ depuis deux jours, et se voyait^ menace* de mourir^ de faim. En passant pres d'un de ces puits ou les caravanes viennent^ abreuver leurs chameaux, il voit^ sur le sable un petit sac de cuir. II le ramasse et le tate. " Allah soit^ b^ni^ ! dit-il^; ce sont/ je crois,^*^ des da^s ou des noisettes." Plein de cette douce esperance, il se hate d'ouvrir^^ le sac ; mais, k la vue de ce qu'il contient^^ : " H^las ! s'ecrie-t-il douloureusement, ce ne sont "^ que des perles !" 1 §154. M156. M154. •§193. " §176. a §156. » § 174. «§163. »«§191. »2§177. 3 §224. •§178. B. Complete the following, as in the preceding exercise: 1. II n'avait pas mangd 2. II se voyait menacd. 3. lis viennent. 4. II voit son sac. 5. II le tS,te. 6. Qu'il soit b^ni I 7. Je le crois. 8. II se hate d'ouvrir le sac. 9. II s'ecria. Relate the story in the first person singular, thus : " Egar^ dans le desert, je n'avais pas, etc." C. (Oral.) 1. Ou demeurent les Arabes? 2. Ou est I'Arabie? 3. Ou s'^tait dgard I'Arabe? 4. Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de deserts dans ce pays t 5. Dans quel dtat se trouvait I'Arabe 1 6. Par ou passait-il 1 7. Qu'est-ce qu'il a vu ? 8. Qu'est-ce qu'il y avait dans le sac 1 9. ]fetait-il content de trouver les perles 1 10. Est-ce que les perles ne sont pas des choses precieuses ? 11. Qu'est-ce qu'il esp^rait trouver dans lesac'? 12. Pourquoi pr^f^rait-il des noisettes a des perles? 13. Lesquelles pr^f^reriez-vous maintenant ? Etc., etc. D. 1. The Arab has lost his way. 2. If we had not eaten for two days, we should be hungry. 3. We saw ourselves threatened with starvation. 4. The caravans will come to water their camels at the well. 5. We shall water our camels. 6. If I saw pearls on the sand, I should pick them- up. 7. He^ felt the dates in the bag. - 8. If there had been hazel-nuts in the leathern bag, he would have hastened to open it. 9. But 112 EXERCISE XLII. the bag did not contain nuts, it contained only pearls. 10. At the sight of that he exclaimed : " I shall die of hunger." E. An Arab had lost his way in the desert. Not having eatea for two days he saw that he would soon starve. As he was passing near a well where the caravans came to water their camels, he saw there on the sand a leathern bag which he hoped to find full of dates or hazel-nuts. He picked it up, felt it, and opened it. Alas, it contained only pearls ! EXERCISE XLII. A. Tin paysan accompagne de son fils, le petit Auguste alla^ un jour visiter ses champs pour voir^ dans quel ^tat etait* son ble. lis arriverent a un champ ou certains epis se te- naient* droits tandis que d'autres ^taient^ lourdement inclines vers la terre. Auguste s'ecria : " Quel dommage que ces ^pis soient^ si courbes ! Combien je prefere^ ceux-la qui sont* vigoureux et droits." Le p^re prit^ deux des ^pis, les roula entre ses doigts pour faire"^ sortir^ le grain, et repondit^ : "Regarde un peu mon enfant; ces dpis courbes sont^ pleins du meilleur bl^, car c'est^ le poids qui fait^ pencher leur tete, tandis que ceux qui la reinvent i<^ si fierement sont^ vides et ne valentii rien." >§160. «§177. •§202. •§166. >«'§15a a §224. ■§158. »8196, •§210. "§223. » § 154. B. Complete the following, as above : L II alia visiter ses champs. 2. lis arriverent a un champ. 3. lis se tenaient droits. 4. II s'ecria. 5. Quel dommage qu'ils soient si courbes ! 6. Je pr^fere ceux-la. 7. II en prit deux. 8. H fait pencher leur tete. 9. lis ne valent rien. Give the present indicative in full of: L Alia. 2. Se tenaient. 3. Prit. 4. Fait. 5. Yalent. Relate the story, substituting the past indefinite for the past definite, thus : *' Un paysan. . .est all^ visiter," etc. C. (Oral.) L Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un paysan? 2. Ou ce paysan est-il all^ ? 3. Est-ce qu'il ^tait seul 1 4. Qui est alld avec lull 5. Pourquoi sont-ils all^s aux champs? 6. Com- ment se tenaient certains epis dans les champs qu'ils ont §206. «§193. 7 §210. w§221. "§176. «§215. »§178. 8 §225. "§188. 13 §190. •§195. 6 §224. 9 §186. B. Complete the following, as above : 1. J'etais venu. 2. Tu veux voir le roi. 3. Tu le verras a ton aise. 4. II pourra reconnaitre le roi. 5. II sera convert. 6. II rejoint les courtisans. 7. lis se decouvrent. 8. II n'y a que nous qui ayons. C. (Oral.) 1. Qui etait Henri IV? 2. A quelle ^poque vivait-il ? 3. Quelle etait sa coutume quand il etait k la chasse ? 4. Qui a-t-il rencontre un jour ? 5. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un paysan ? 6. Que faisait le paysan ? 7. Depuis combien de temps y etait-il ? 8. Pourquoi y etait-il venu ? 9. S'il n'^tait pas venu oil aurait-il ete ? 10. Qu'est-ce que le roi a propose au paysan ? 11. Le paysan a-t-il accepte ? 12. Qu'eat-ce que le paysan a demande au roi en chemin ? 13. Quel etait le signe par lequel on reconnaitrait le roi ? 14. Le roi et le paysan ou arrivent-ils bientdt ? 15. Qu'est-ce que les courtisans ont fait k leur approche ? , 16. Combien de personnes restaient couvertes ? 17. Et combien de rois y avait-il dans la compagnie ? Etc., etc. D. 1. We have wandered from the court. 2. If the king had not wandered from the court, he would not have met the peasant. 3. We came here at the very peep of day. 4. I have not seen the king go by. 5. The peasants are busy ploughing the field. 6. If you get up beside me, you will see the king. 7. As they went along, the peasant said to the king : " Take me where the king is." 8. Everybody had his hat on, and we could not recognize the king. 9. If the courtiers had taken oflf their hats, we could have recognized the king. 124 EXERCISE L. E. One day Henry IV. had wandered from his courtiers. Meeting a peasant who was sitting under a tree, he asked the latter what he was doing there. The peasant replied that he had been there since daybreak, and that he wished to see the king, and that if he had not come, he would be busy ploughing his field. The king said to him : " Get up behind me, and I will take you where you can see the king." The peasant was delighted, and got up beside the king. As they went along, he asked how he should recognize the king, and the king told him to look at the one who should have his hat on, whilst the others should be bareheaded. When they arrived where the courtiers were, the latter took off their hats. Then the king asked the peasant which was the king. He replied : " We two have our hats on, the others are bare- headed : it is you or I." EXERCISE L. A, Un paysan traversait la campagne avec son fils Thomas. " Regarde ! lui dit-iP en chemin, voil4 par terre un fer k cheval perdu^, ramasse-le ! " " Bah ! r^pondit^ Thomas ; il ne vaut' pas la peine de se baisser pour si peu de chose ! " Le pere ne dit^ rien, ramassa le fer et le mit* dans sa poche. Arriv^ au village voisin, il le vendit^ pour quelques centimes au mardchal f errant, et acheta^ des cerises avec cet argent. Cela fait*, ils se remirent* en route. Le soleil ^tait brfilant. Thomas mourait^ de soif, et avait de la peine h. poursuivre^ son chemin. Le pere, qui marchait le premier, laissa, comme par hasard, tomber une cerise. Thomas la ramassa avec empresse- ment, et la mangea*^. Quelques pas plus loin, une seconde cerise s'echappa des mains du pere, et Thomas la saisit avec le meme empressement. Le pere fit^ de meme avec toutes les cerises. Lorsque I'enfant eut port^ a la bouche la derniere cerise, le pere se retournaet lui dit^ : "Yois^^, mon ami, tu n'as pas voulu^i te baisser une fois pour ramasser le fer a cheval, et tu as ^t^ oblig^i2 (Je ^e baisser plus de vingt fois pour ramasser les cerises." »§193. *§198. ^ § 174. •§156. "§226. «§210. • § 158. • §206. >o§224. "§156. 88223. •§195. 9 EXERCISE L. 125 B. Complete the following, as above : 1. II ne dit rien. 2. II le mit dans sa poche. 3. II vendit le fer. 4. II acheta des cerises. 5. II mourait de soif. 6. II mangea une cerise. 7. II la saisit. 8. II fit de meme. 9. lis se remirent en route. 10. II s'dchappa de ses mains. 11. II se retourna. 12. Tu t'es baiss^. C. (Oral.) 1. De quelles personnes parle-t-on dans cette his- toire 1 2. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un paysan ? 3. Etait-il seul^ 4. Qu'est-ce qu'ils ont vu en chemin 1 5. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un fer k cheval 1 6. Qu'est-ce que le pere a dit au fils 1 7. Qu'est-ce que le fils. a r^pondu *? 8. Lequel des deux ^tait le plus prudent 1 9. Par quelle action a-t-il montr^ sa prudence ? 10. A qui a-t-on vendu le fer k chevaU 11. Pourquoi I'a-t-on vendu k un mardchal f errant"^ 12. Qu'est-ce qu'on a acheta avec I'argent ? 13. Quel temps faisait-iH 14. Quel ^tait I'effefc de la chaleur sur le petit Thomas? 15. Est-ce que le p^re n'avait rien pour la soif^ 16. Est-ce que les cerises sent bonnes pour la soif? 17. Qu'est-ce que le p^re a fait des cerises? 18. Et qu'est-ce que son fils en a fait? 19. Com- bien en a-t-il mangles ? 20. Pourquoi aurait-il mieux fait de se baisser pour le fer k cheval 1 Etc., etc. £>. 1. It was not worth the trouble. 2. It will not be worth the trouble. 3. If it is worth the trouble, we shall pick up the horse-shoe. 4. Put the horse-shoe into your pocket and buy cherries. 5. We shall set out again on our journey. 6. If the sun is hot, they will not set out again. 7. I am very thirsty (dying with thirst) ; give me some cherries. 8. We have diffici^lty in picking up the cherries. 9. If you are dying with thirst, I shall drop a cherry. 10. The cherries are on the ground; pick them up. 11. If you walk ahead, will you pick up the cherries? 12. A few steps farther on, I stooped to pick up the horse-shoe. 13. Why did you seize the horse-shoe so eagerly ? 14. We did not seize it eagerly. 15. If you had been willing to turn round, we should have given you the cherries. 16. Stoop, if you wish to pick up. 17. He who is not willing to stoop once, will perhaps stoop more than twenty times. .^. As a peasant and his son were crossing the country, they saw a horse-shoe on the ground. The father told his son 126 EXERCISE LL to pick it Tip and put it into his pocket. The son replied that it was iiot worth while to stoop for a horse-shoe. Then the father stooped and picked it up. They sold it to the black- smith of the neighboring village, and bought some cherries, which the father put into his pocket. They pursued their way, the father walking ahead. The sun was hot and Thomas was very thirsty, and, as if by chance, a cherry fell from his father's pocket. The son seizing it, ate it, and also a second one, which slipped from his father's pocket. Soon the last cherry was carried to his mouth, and his father, turning round, told him that if he had been willing to stoop once for the horse-shoe, he would not have been obliged to stoop twenty times for the cherries. EXERCISE LI. A. Un jour Fr^ddric le Grand, roi de Prusse, ayant sonnd sans que personne r^pondit^ k cet appel, ouvrit^ la porte de son antichambre et trouva son page endormi^ sur une chaise. Au moment ou il allait* le r^veiller, il apergut^ un papier ^crit^ sortant^ de la poche du page. La curiosity du roi fut excit^e, il prit® le papier et le lut^. C'^tait une lettre de la mere da jeune homme, dans laquelle elle remerciait son fils de ce qu'il lui envoyait^^ une partie de ses gages pour la soulager^^ dans sa. mis^re. Le roi, ayant lu^ la lettre, prit^ un rouleau de ducats et le glissa avec la lettre dans la poche du page. Un instant apres il sonna si fort que le page se reveilla et accourut^^ aupres de lui. " Vous avez dormi^," lui dit^^ le roi. Le jeune homme, ayant honte, t&cha de s'excuser. Dans son embarras il mit^* la main dans sa poche, et y trouva le rouleau de ducats. II le prit^, palit, trembla, et ne put^^ articuler un seul mot. " Qu'avez-vous ] dit^^ \q yqI — H^las ! sire, dit^^ le page, quel- qu'un veut^^ me perdre^; je ne sais^'^ pas d'ou m'est venu^^ cet or. — La fortune ne vient-elle^^ pas sou vent en dormant 3? reprit^ Fr^d^ric. Envoie^^ cette somme a ta mere, en lui fai- sant^^ mes compliments et assure-la bien que j'aurai soin d'elle et de toi." »§210. •§213. •§197. "§193. "§222. «§176. «§194. »o§157. "§198. "§178. »§166. » §166. "§156. "§221. "§196. *§160. •§202. "§164. "§226b EXERCISE LI. 127 B. Complete the following, as above : 1 . Sans qu'il r^pondtt. 2. II ouvrit la porte. 3. II lut le billet. 4. II allait le r^veiller. 5. II aper9ut un papier. 6. II remerciait le roi. 7. II *envoyait I'argent. 8. II prit le rouleau. 9. II se r^veilla. 10. II accourut aupres du roi. 11. II ne put dire un mot. 12. II veut me perdre. 13. Je sais d'ou c'est venu. 14. Envoie cette somme. Re-write the anecdote, substituting the past indefinite for the past definite. C. (Oral.) 1. Quel est le sujet de cette anecdote ? 2. A quelle ^j)oque vivait Frederic le Grand 1 3. Ou est la Prusse 1 4. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un page ? 5. Ou ^tait le page dont parle I'histoire 1 6. Qu'est-ce qu'il y faisait 1 7. Qu'est-ce que les pages devraient faire dans les antichambres des roisi 8. Est-ce que le roi s'est mis en colere contre le page? 9. Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait % 10. En lisant la lettre qu'est-ce que le roi a d^couvert? 11. Est-ce que la m^re dupage ^tait riche? 12. Qu'est-ce que le page faisait pour elle? 13. Le roi en ^tait-il content] 14. De quelle fagon a-t-il montr^ son con- tentementl 15. Comment le jeune homme a-t-il d^couvert ce que le roi avait fait? 16. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un ducat? 17. Que pensait-il en sentant les ducats dans sa poche? 18. De quelle fagon le roi a-t-il calm^ le jeune homme? 19. Est-ce que le proverbe est toujours vrai : "La fortune nous vient en dormant ? " 20. Qu'est-ce que cette histoire nous apprend ? Etc., etc. D. 1. He rings without anyone answering him. 2. If we open the door, we shall find the page. 3. I am going to wake him. 4. He will waken. 5. The paper was sticking out of his pocket. 6. She thanked her son for sending her a part of his wages. 7. She sent a letter in which she thanked her son. 8. We have been asleep. 9. We had been asleep. 10. The king asked : " What is the matter with him ?" 1 1. Somebody will ruin me. 12. He took care of him and her. E. One day Frederick the Great rang, and nobody answered him. Opening the door of the antechamber, he finds his page asleep. A letter, which was sticking out of the page's pocket, aroused the king's curiosity. The young man used to send his mother a part of his wages, and in this letter she was thanking 128 EXERCISE LI. him for it. The king read the letter, and, taking a roll of ducats, slipped it, with the letter, into the young man's pocket. Then ringing very loud, he waked the page, who hastened into his presence. He asked the young man if he had been* asleep. The young man was ashamed, and tried to excuse himself. Putting his hand into his pocket he finds the ducats. He trembles, and cannot utter a word. The king asked him what was the matter with him, and he replied that somebody wished to ruin him, for he did not know where the ducats came from. The king replies that good luck comes to us often while we Bleep. He tells the page that he will take care of his mother and him. §163] REGULAK VERBS. 129 PART II. THE VERB. REGULAR VERBS. 153. RegfUlar Conjugations. Kegular verbs are con- veniently divided into three classes or conjugations, according as the present infinitive ends in -er, -ir, -re, and are inflected in their simple tenses as follows : — I. Present. doirn er, to give. Present. donn ant, giving. Past. donn €t given. Present. IgivCf am giving, etc, je donn e. tu donn es. 11 donn e. nous donn ons. yons donn ez. ils donn ent. 9 II. Infinitive Mood. Present. fin ir, to finish. Participles. Present. fin iss ant, finishing. Past. fin i, finished. Indicative Mood. Present. I finish, am finishing, etc. ]e fin i s. tu fin i s. il fin i L nous fin iss ons. vous fin iss ez. ils fin iss ent IIL Present. romp re, to break. Present. romp ant, breaking. Past. romp u, broken. Present. / break, am breaking, etc. je romp s. tu romp s. il romp t. nous romp ons. vous romp ez. ils romp ent. 130 THE VERB. [§163 Imperfect. / was giving, used to give, etc. je donn ais. tu donn ais. il donn ait nous donn ions, vous donn iez. lis donn aient. Past Definitjl / gave, etc. je donn ai. tu donn as. 11 donn a. nous donn dmes. vous donn ktes. lis donn ^rent Future. / shall give, etc. je donner ai. tu donner as. 11 donner a. nous donner ons. vous donner ez. Us donner ont. Conditional. I should give, etc. je donner ais. tu donner ais. il donner ait. nous donner ions, vous donner iez. ils donner aient. Imperfect. / was finishing, used to finishf etc. je fin iss ais, tu fin iss ais. 11 fin iss ait. nous fin iss ions. vous fin iss iez. ils fin iss aient. Past Definite. I finished, etc. je fin is. tu fin is. il fin it. nous fin imes. vous fin ites. Us fin irent. Future. / shall finish, etc. je finir ai. tu finir as. 11 finir a. nous finir ons. vous finir ez. ils finir ont Conditional. I should finish, etc. je finir ais. tu finir ais. il finir ait nous finir ions. vous finir iez. ils finir aient Imperfect. Twas breaking, used to break, etc. je romp ais. tu romp ais. 11 romp ait nous romp ions. vous romp iez. ils romp aient Past Definite. / broke, etc. ^ je romp is. tu romp is. 11 romp it nous romp imes. vous romp ites. ils romp irent Future. / shall break, etc* je rompr ai. tu rompr as. 11 rompr a. nous rompr ons. vous rompr ez. ils rompr ont Conditional. / should break, etc. je rompr ais. tu rompr ais. 11 rompr ait nous rompr ions. vous rompr iez. ils rompr aient §154] AUXILIARY VERBS. 131 Present. Oive, etc. donn e.* (qu'il donn e. ) donn ons. donn ez. (qu'ils donn ent ) Imperative Mood. PRESBNT. Finish, etc. finis. (qu'il fin isse.) fin iss ons. fin iss ez. (qu'ils fin iss ent.) Present. Break, etc. romp s. (qu'il romp e.) romp ons. romp ez. (qu'ils romp ent.) *Thi8 form becomes 'donn es' when followed by -y or -en (cf. §370, 3, obs. 3, 4). PBES13fT. (That) I (may) give, etc. (que) je donn e, (que) tu donn es. (qu') ildonn e. (que) nous donn Ions, (que) vous donn iez. (qu') ils donn ent. Imperfect. (That) I {might) give, etc. (que) je donni (que) tu donn i (qu') il donn4t. Subjunctive Mood. Present. {That) I {may) finish, etc. (que) je fin iss e. (que) tu fin iss es. (qu' il fin iss e. (que) nous fin iss ions. (que) vous fin iss iez. (qu') ils fin iss ent Imperfect. {Tlmt) I {might) finish, etc. (que) je fin isse. (que) tu fin isses. (qu') il fin it. Present. {That) I {may) break, etc. (que) je romp e. (que) tu romp es. (qu') il romp e. (que) nous romp ions* (que) vous romp iez. (qu') ils romp ent. Imperfect. (que) nous donn assions. (que) nous fin issions. (que) vous donn assiez. (que) vous fin issiez. (qu') ils donn assent (qu') ils fin issent AUXILIARY VERBS. {That) I {might) breaJs, etc. (que) je romp isse. (que) tu romp isseS. (qu') il romp it. (que) nous romp issions. (que) vous romp issiez. (qu') ils romp issent 154. The auxiliary verbs avoir, * to have/ and ^tre, * to be^' are conjugated in their simple tenses as follows : — Infinitive. Pres. avoir, to have, Pbes. Stre, to be» 132 THE VERB. [§154 Participles. Pbes. ayant, having. Pres. ^tant, being. Past, et^, been. Past, eu, had. Indicative. Present. Present. I have, am having, etc. / am, am being, etc. j'ai. nous avons. je suis. nous sommes. tu as. vous avez. tu es. vous etes. il a. . ils ont. il est. ils sont. Imperfect. Imperfect. / had, was having, etc. / was, was being, etc. J'avais. nous avions. j'etais. nous ^tions. tu avais. vous aviez. tu ^tais. vous etiez. il avait. ils avaient. il etait. ils etaient. Past Definite. Past Definite. / had, etc. / was, etc. j'eus. nous eftmes. je fus. nous Mmes. tu eus. vous efttes. tu fus. vous fiites. il eut. ils eurent. ilfutx ilsfurent. Future. Future. / shall have, etc. / shall be, etc. j'aurai. nous aurons. je serai, nous serons. tu auras^ vous aurez. tu seras. vous serez. 11 aura. ils auront. il gera. ils seront. y^il .Conditional. / ■ / should have, etc. Conditional. / should be, etc. j'aurais^ nous aurions. je serais, nous serions. tu aurais. vous auriez. ' tu serais, vous seriez. il aurait. ils auraient. il serait. ils seraient Imperative. Present. Present. Have, etc. Be, etc. ayons. soyons. aie. ayez. sois. soyez. (qu'ilait.) (qu'ila aient. ) (qu'il soit. ) (qu'ils soient. ) §155J COMPOUND TENSES. 133 Subjunctive Present. ( That) I {may) have, etc. (que) j'aie. (que) nous ayons. (que) tu aies. (que) vous ayez. (qu') il ait. (qu') ils aient. Present. ( That) I (may) be, etc. (que) je sois. (que) nous soyons. (que) tu sois. (que) vous soyez. (qu') il soit. (qu') ils soient. Imperfect. ( That) I {might) have, etc. (que) j'eusse. (que) nous eussions. (que)tueusses. (que) vous eussiez. (qu' lil etit. (qu' ) ils eussent. Imperfect. ( That) I {might) be, etc. (que)jefusse. (que) nous fussions. (que) tu fusses, (que) vous fussiez. (qu' ) il f iit. (qu' ) ils fussent. COMPOUND TENSES. 155. Formation. Compound tenses are formed from the past participle of the principal verb along with an auxiliary verb (usually avoir, sometimes 6tre), see §§ 227-229. Avoir. Perfect. To have given. avoir donn4. Perfect. Having given. ayantdonn^ Past iNOEriNrrE. J have given, etc. j'ai donu^ tu as donn^ etc. Pluperfect. / Jiad given, etc, j'avais donn^ etc Infinitive. Participle. Indicative. l&tre. Perfect. To have arrived. etre arriv6(e)(s). Perfect. Having arrived. ^tant arriv^(e)(8). Past Indefinite. / have arrived, etc je suis arriv^(e), tu es arriv^(e). etc. Pluperfect. / had arrived, etc j'^tais arriv^(e). etc. \ 134 THE VERB. [§156 Past Anterior. / had given, etc, j'eus donn6. etc. Future Anterior. / shall have given, etc. j'aurai donn^. etc. Conditional Anterior. / should have given, etc. ' j'aurais donn6. etc. Past Anterior. / had arrived, etc. je fus arriv6(e), etc. Future Anterior. 7 shall have arrived , etc, je serai arrive(e). etc. Conditional Anterior. 1 should have arrived, etc je serais arriv6(e). etc. Subjunctive. Perfect. Perfect. {That) J {may) have given, etc. {That) I {may) have arrived, etc (que) j'aie donn6. que je sois arrive(e). etc. etc. Pluperfect. (That) I {might) have given, etc. (que) j'eusse donn^ etc. Pluperfect. ( That) I {might) have arrived, etc (que) je fusse arriv6(e). eta 156. ORTHOGRAPHICAL PECULIARITIES. Verbs in -cer and -ger. X I. Verbs in -cer, e.g., avancer [avase], 'to advance,' require the [s] sound of c throughout their conjugation, and hence c becomes g before a or o of an ending (§ 5, 4), but not elsewhere : Pres. Part. Pres. Indie Imp/. Indie. avan^ant. avance. avan^is. avances. avan^ais. avance. avangait. avangons. avancions. avancez. avanciez. avancent. avan^aient. Past Def. Impf. Sulj. avan^asse. avan^au avangas. avan^a. avan^S,t. avangllmes. avan^assions. avangates. avangassiez, avanc^rent. avan^ssent. §§157-158] ORTHOGRAPHICAL PECULIARITIES. 135 mangeasses. mangeat. mangeassions. mangeassiez. mangeassent. 2. Verbs in -ger, c.gr., manger [mase], 'to eat,' require the [3] sound of g throughout their conjugation, and hence g becomes ge before a or o (§ 19, 2), but not elsewhere : Pres. Part. Pres. Indie. Impf. Indie. Past Def. Impf. Subj. mangeant. mange. mangeais. mangeai. manges. mangeais. mangeas. mange. mangeait. mangea. mangeons mangions. mange^mes. mangez. mangiez. mange^tes. mangent. mangeaient. mang6rent. 157. Verbs in -yen Verbs in -oyer and -uyer change y to i whenever it comes before [a] in conjugation, but not elsewhere ; verbs in -ayer and -eyer may either retain y throughout, or change it to i before [aj : Pres. Indie. Fut. Condi. Pres. Subj. nettoie, etc. nettoierai, etc. nettoierais, etc. nettoie, etc. P^r'letc. ' P^r^^'jetc. P^r'^^^'letc. P^rAetc paie, j paierai, j paierais, j paie, j 158. Verbs with Stem-vowel e or ^. Verbs with stem-vowel e require the [e] sound of e (§ 12, 1) whenever, in conjugation, the next syllable contains [a] ; so also verbs with the stem-vowel 6, shown orthographically as follows : — 1. By changing e or ^ to fe (§ 12, 1), e.g., mener, * to lead,' c^der, * to yield': res. Indie. Pres. Subj. Fut. Condi. m^ne. m^ne. mfeneraL minerals. m^nes. mfenes. m^neras. mfenerais. m^e. m^ne. m^nera. m^nerait. menons. menions. mfenerons. mfenerions. menez. meniez. mfenerez. m^neriez. m^nent. m^nent. meneront. m^neraient. But c^der with the stem- vowel 6 : chde, etc. c^e, etc. c6derai [sedare], etc. c^derais [sedare], etc. Obs.: In men^-je? [mane 13], e of the ending is not mute, and hence the stem-vowel e is imchanged. Like mener : Verbs with stem- vowel e (for exceptions in -eler and -eter, see below). 136 THE VERB. [§159 Like ceder: Verbs with stem- vowel ^ + consonant, e.g., r^g^er, * reign,' etc. NoTK.— Verbs like cr^er, create, with stem- vowel followed by a vowel, are regular: Je cr^e, etc. 2. Most verbs in -eler, -eter, however, indicate the [e] sound by doubling 1 or t (§ 12, 1), e.g., appder, 'to call,' jeter, * to throw' : Pres. Indie. Pres. Subj. Put. Condr. appelle. appelle. appellerai. appellerais. appelles. appelles. appelleras. appellerais. appelle. appelle. appellera. appellerait. appelons. appelions. appellerons. appellerions. appelez. appeliez. appellerez. appelleriez. appellent. appellent. appelleront. appelleraient. So also, jeter : jette, etc. jette, etc. jetterai, etc. jetterais, etc. A few verbs in -eler, -eter take the grave accent precisely like mener, e.g., acheter, ' to buy ' : achate, etc. achate, etc. ach^terai, etc. ach^terais, etc Exceptions like acheter : *6pou8seter, dust. 6tiqueter, kibel. geler, freeze. agneler, lamb. becqueter, peck. bourreler, goad. d6manteler, dismantle. ^carteler, quarter. *Fut. ^poUBSeterai according to the ' Dictionnaire de TAcad^mie. Exceptions like appeler or acheter : harceler, harass. marteler, hammer. modeler, model. peler, peel. rapi^ceter, piece. trompeter, trumpeL botteler, bale (hay, etc.). canneler, groove. caqueter, cackle. ciseler, chisel. crocheter, pick(& lock). FORMATION OF TENSES. X 159. Principal Parts. By the following rules, the various tenses of all regular verbs and of most irregular verbs may be known from five forms of the verb, called principal parts or primary tenses : — 1. The Infinitive gives the Puture by adding -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, •ont, and the Conditional by adding -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez. §§160-161] IRREGULAR 'verbs IN -ER. 13t -aient — dropping the final infinitive -e of the third conjugation for both tenses. 2. The Present Participle gives the Imperfect Indicative by changing -ant into -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient, and the Present Subjunctive by changing -ant into -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent 3. The Past Participle gives the Compound Tenses, with the auxiliary avoir (§227) or etre (§228), and the Passive, with the auxiliary etre (§239). 4. The Present Indicative gives the Imperative by dropping the pronoun subject of the second singular and first and second plural, the -s of the first conjugation second singular being also dropped, except before y and en (cf. § 370, 3, obs. 3, 4). 5. The Past Definite gives the Imperfect Subjunctive by changing the final letter of the first singular (-i or -s) into -sse, -sses, -t, -ssions, -ssiez, -ssent, and putting a circumflex accent over the last vowel of the third singular. Obs.: The tenses, except the future and conditional, are not really derived from the pnncipal pcurts, as is sometimes said in grammars ; the method is merely an aid to memory. IRREGULAR VERBS IN -Cr. i6o. AUer, 'togo.* 1. Infinitive, aller ; fut. *irai, iras, ira, etc. ; condl. irais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, allant ; imp/, indie, allais, etc. ; pres. subj. aille [ai j], ailles, aille, alliens, alliez, aillent. 3. Past Part. all6 ; past indef. je suis^all^, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, vais [ve], vas, va, allons, allez, vont; impve. va (vas-y), allons, allez. 6. Past Def. allai, alias, alia, allames, alUtes, all6rent ; impf. subj. allasse, allasses, all3,t, allassions, allassiez, allassent. * The stem of the future is from the Latin infinitive ire. \X Like aller : s'en aller, go away. i6i. Envoyer, * to send.* 1. Infinitive, envoyer ; fut. enverrai, etc. ; condl. enverrais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, envoyant; impf. indie, envoyais, envoyais, envoyait, envoyjons [avwaijo], envoyiez, envoyaient ; pres. subj. envoie, envoies, envoie, envoyiona [avwaijo], envoyiez, envoient. 138 THE VERB. [§§162-164 3. Past Part, envoy^ ; past indef. j'ai envoy^, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, envoie, envoies, envoie, envoyons, envoyez, envoient; impve. envoie, envoyons, envoyez. 5. Past Def. envoyai, envoyas, envoya, envoyames, envoyates, envoy^rent ; vmpf. subj. envoyasse, envoyasses, envoy§,t, envoyassions, envoyassiez, envoyassent. * Like envoyer : renvoyer, send away, dismiss. ^ IRREGULAR VERBS IN -if. 162. Acqudrir, ' to acquire.' 1. Infinitive, acqu^rir ; fut. acquerrai, acquerras, etc. ; condl. acquer- rais, etc. 2. Pres. Pari, acqu^rant ; imp/, indie, acqu^rais, etc. ; pres. subj. acqui^re, acqui^res, acqui^re, acqu^rions, acqu^riez, acqui^rent. 3. Pa^t Part, acquis ; past indef. j'ai acquis, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, acquiers, acquiers, acquiert, acqu^rons, acqU^rez, acqui^rent ; impve. acquiers, acqu^rons, acqu^rez. 5. Past Def. acquis, acquis, acquit, acquimes, acquites, acquirent; imp/, subj. acquisse, acquisses, acquit, acquissions, acquissiez, acquissent. Like acquerir : conqu6rir, conquer. *querir or qu^rir, seek. requ6rir, require, claim. B'enqu^rir, inquire. reconqu6rir, reconquer. * Has only the infinitive. %y 163. Bdnir, * to bless.' Is regular, but has also an irregular past participle b^nit, used only as adjective : De I'eau b^nite ; du pain b^nit Holy water ; consecrated bread. 164. Courir, * to run.' 1. Infinitive, courir ; fut. courrai, courras, etc. ; condl courrais, etc 2. Pres. Part, courant ; imp/, indie, courais, etc. ; pres, subj. coure, coures, coure, courions, couriez, courent. 3. Past Part, couru ; past indef. j'ai couru, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, cours, cours, court, courons, coorez, courent ; impve, oours, courons, courez. §§165-166] IRREGULAR VERBS IN -IR. 139 6. Past Def. counis, counis, courut, courumes, couriites, couru- rent; impf. subj, courusse, courusses, courut, courussions, courussiez, courussent. Like courir are its compounds : accourir, run up, hasten. discourir, discourse. recourir, run again, apply. concourir, co-operate, con- encourir, incur. seoourir, succor, help. eur, compete. parcourir, run over. Note. — Couire, chase (a hunting term), sometimes replaces courlr in the infinitive* l6S Cueillir, 'to gather,' 'pick.' 1. Infinitive, cueillir ; fut. cueillerai, etc. ; condl. cueillerais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, cueillant ; impf. indie, cueillais, etc. ; prea. subj. cueille, cueilles, cueille, cueillions, cueilliez, cueillent. 3. Past Part, cueilli ; past indef. j'ai cueilli, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, cueille, cueilles, cueille, cueillons, cueillez, cueillent ; impve. cueille, cueillons, cueillez. 5. Past Def. cueillis, cueillis, cueillit, cueilUmes, cueillltes, cueilli- rent ; impf. subj. cueillisse, cueillisses, cueillit, cueillissions, cueillissiez, cueillissent. Obi. : The present indicative, future, and conditional are like those of doxmor. Like cueillir : aooueillir, welcome. ^assaillir, assail. tressaillir, start. recueillir, gather, collect. f saillir, jut out. * Regular in future and conditional : assailllrai, etc. t Saillir, gush out, rush forth, is regular, like flnir. i66. Dormir, *to sleep.' 1. Infinitive, dormir; fut. dormirai, etc. ; condl. dormirais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, dormant ; impf. indie, dormais, etc. ; pres. sabij. dorme, dormes, dorme, dormions, dormiez, dorment. 3. Past Part, dormi ; past indef. j'ai dormi, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, dors, dors, dort, dormons, dormez, dorment ; impve. dors, dormons, dormez. 5. Past Def. dormis, dormis, dormit, dormimes, dormltes, dormirent ; impf. subj. dormisse, dormisses, dormit, dormissions, dormissiez, dormissent. Like dormir : endonnir, put to sleep. se rendormir, go to sleep mentir, lie. aTendormir, fall asleep. again. d^mentir, contradict, belie, redormir, sleep again. bouillir, boil. partir, set owt." rendormir, put to sleep ^bouillir, boil away. d^partir, distribute. rebouillir, boil again. se d^partir, desist. 140 THE VERB. [§§167-169 repartir, set out again, consentir, consent. se servir, make use. reply. preasentir, forebode. desservir, clear the table. Be repentir, repent. ressentir, resent. sortir, go out. sentir, feel. servir, serve. ressortir, go out again. NoTB.— Asservir, enslave, assortir, sort, match, ressortir, depend (on, k), repartir, distribute, are like fiiiir. Observe the Present Indicative of the following types, which are represented in the above list : bouillir : bous, bous, bout, bouillons, bouillez, bouillent. mentir : mens, mens, ment, mentons, mentez, mentent. partir : pars, pars, part, partons, partez, partent. se repentir : repens, repens, repent, repentons, repentez, repentent. sentir : sens, sens, sent, sentons, sentez, sentent. servir : sers, sers, sert, servons, servez, servent. sortir : sors, sors, sort, sortons, sortez, sortent. 167. Faillir, 'to fail.' 1. Infinitive, faillir ; fut. faudrai, faudras, etc. ; condl. faudrais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, faillant ; impf. indie, faillais, etc. ; pres. subj. faille, failles, faille, faillions, failliez, faillent. 3. Past Part, failli ; past indef. j'ai failli, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, faux, faux, faut, faillons, faillez, faillent ; impve. y > • 5. Past Def. faillis, faillis, faillit, faillimes, faillites, faillirent ; imp/, subj. faillisse, faillisses, faillit, faillissions, faillissiez, faillissent. Like faillir : *d6faillir, faint, fail. * Pres. indie, usually d6faus, d^faus, d^faut. Note.— Faillir, fail in business, is usually like flnlr. 168. F^rir, 'to strike.' Used only in *Sans coup ferir,' ' Without striking a blow,' and in the past part, feru, wounded (a veterinary term). 169. Fleurir, ' to flourish,' etc. Pres. Part, florissant ; impf. indie, florissais, etc. , when used of per- sons or a collection of persons, or fleurissais, etc. , when used of things ; otherwise like finir. NOTX.— Fleurir, blossom, bloom (in a literal sense) is like flnir. §§170-174] IRREGULAR VERBS IN -IR. 141 170. Fuir, Hoflee,' 'fly/ 1. Infinitive, fuir ; fut. fuirai, etc. ; concU. fuirais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, fuyant ; impf. indie, f uyais, etc. ; pres. subj. f uie, fuieSy fuie, fuyions, fuyiez, fuient. 3. Past Part, fui ; past indef. j'ai fui, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, fuis, fuis, fuit, fuyons, fuyez, fuient ; impve. f uis, fuyons, fuyez. 5. Past Dtf. fuis, fuis, fuit, fuimes, fuites, fuirent ; impf. subj. fuisse, fuisses, fuit, fuissions, fuissiez, fuissent. Lake fuir : s'enfuir, flee, escape. 171. G^sir, * to lie,' ' lie buried.' 1. Infinitive, g^^sir ; fut. ; condl. . 2. Pres. Part, gisant ; imp/, indie, gisais, etc. ; pres. subj. , 3. Past Part. , 4. Pres. Indie. , , g^t, gisons, gisez, gisent ; impve. , * • 5. Past Def. ; impf. subj. . Note.— Its most frequent use is in epitaphs: 'Ci-glt,' 'Here lies,' 'Ci-glBOnV * Here lie.' 172. Hair, 'to nate.' 1. Infinitive, hair ; fut. ha'irai, etc. ; eondl. hairais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, hsussant ; impf. indie, haissais, etc. ; pres. subj, haiisse, haisses, haisse, haissions, haiissiez, haissent. 3. Past Part, hai"; past indef. j'ai hai, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, hais, hais, hait, ha'issons, ha'issez, haissent; impve. hais, haissons, haissez. 5. Pa^t Def. hais, hais, hait, haimes, haites, hairent; impf. subj. haisse, haisses, hait, haissions, haissiez, haissent. Obs. : Hair loses its diaeresis in the present indicative and imperative singular, and tekes no circumflex accent ; otherwise like finlr. 173. Issir, ' to spring (from, de),' etc. Used only in the past part, issu ; past indef. je suis issu, etc. 174. Mourir, 'to die.' 1. Infinitive, mourir; fvi. mourrai, mourras, etc.; condl. mourraiSf etc. 142 THE VERB. [§§175-177 2. Pres. Part, mourant ; impf. indie, mourais, etc. ; prea. suij. meure, meures, meure, mourions, mouriez, meurent. 3. Past Part, mort ; past indef. je suis mort, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, meurs, meurs, meurt, mourons, mourez, meurent; impve. meurs, mourons, mourez. 5. Past Def. mourus, mourus, mourut, mourtimes, mourlites, mou- rurent ; impf. subj. mourusse, mourusses, mourdt, mourussions, mounissiez, mourussent. Obs. : The stem-vowel becomes eu wherever it bears the stress. Like mourir : ee mourir, be dying (used only in infin., pre& indie, impf. indio.), 175. Ouir, 'to hear.' , Is hardly used beyond the infinitive and past participle : * J'ai Oltf dire.' * I have heard said,' etc. 176. Ouvrir, * to open.* 1. Infinitive, ouvrir ; fut. ouvrirai, etc. ; eondl. ouvrirais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, ouvrant ; impf. indie, ouvrais, etc. ; pres. subj. ouvre, ouvres, ouvre, ouvrions, ouvriez, ouvrent. 3. Pa^t Part, ouvert ; past indef. j'ai ouvert, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, ouvre, ouvres, ouvre, ouvrons, ouvrez, ouvrent; impve. ouvre, ouvrons, ouvrez. 5. Past Def. ouvris, ouvris, ouvrit, ouvrimes, ouvrites, ouvrirent; impf. subj. ouvrisse, ouvrisses, ouvrit, ouvrissions, ouvrissiez, ouvrissent. Oh8.: The present indicative is like that of doxmer. Like ouvrir : entr'ouvrir, open slightly. d^couvrir, discover. offrir, offer. rouvrir, open again. recouvrir, cover again. souffrir, suffer, couvrir, cover. 177. Tenir, Ho hold/ 1. Infinitive, tenir ; fut. tiendrai, tiendras, etc. ; eondl. tiendrais, etc. 2. Pres. Part, tenant ; impf. indie, tenais, etc. ; pres. subj. tienne, tiennes, tienne, tenions, teniez, tiennent. 3. Past Part, tenu ; past indef. j'ai tenu, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, tiens, tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, tiennent; impve. tiens, tenons, tenez. §§178-179] IRREGULAR VERBS IN -IR. 143 5. Past Def. tins, tins, tint, tinmes [teim], tintes [t?:t], tinrent [tSir] ; imp/, aubj, tinsse, [teis], tinsses, tint, tinssions, tinssiez, tinssent. Obs.: The stem-vowel becomes ie wherever it bears the stress. Like tenir are its compounds : s'abstenir, abstain. ddtenir, detain. obtenir, obtain. appartenir, belong, entretenir, entertain. retenir, retain. coDtenir, contain. mamtenir, maintain. soutenir, sustain. 178. Venir, * to come.* 1. Infinitive, venir ; fut. viendrai, viendras, etc. ; condl. viendraia, etc. 2. Pres. Part, venant ; impf. indie, venais, etc. ; pres. subj. vienne, viennes, vienne, venions, veniez, viennent. 3. Pa^t Part, venu; past indef. je §uis venu, etc. 4. Pres. Indie, viens, viens, vient, venons, venez, viennent; impve. viens, venons, venez. 5. Past Def. vins, vins, vint, vinmes [v?:ni], vtntea [veit], vinrent [vSir]; impf. subj. vinsse [vSis], vinsses, vint, vinssions, vinssiez, vinssent. Obs.: 1. The stem*vowel becomes ie wherever it bears the stress. 2. Venir is precisely like tenir in its irregularities, but owing to its difficulty it is given in full. Like venir are its compounds : avenir, happen (Sag. only), disconvenir, be discordant. redevenir, become a^gain. advenir, happen (3 sg. only), intervenir, intervene. se souvenir, recollect. oonvenir, cattle, is often ^ven as the plural ot "tiitaM, cattle ; it if from an obsolete form bestiail, parallel to b^talL THE NOUN. [§§309-311 5. Gent = 'race,' 'tribe,' has the plural gens = 'people,' etc. Note. — A similar omission oft in the plural of nouna in -ant, -ent, now archaic, is maintained in the Meviie des deux Mondes, e. g., ^ enfans ' for ' en/ants.' 309. Double Plurals. The following have two plural forms, mostly with varying meaning; aieul (aieux), ancestor. ceil (yetix), eye. " (aieuls), grandfather. " (ceils-) in compounds, e. g. ail (aulx), garlic. ceils-de-bceuf, oval windows. " (ails), " pal (paux), pale, stake. ciel (cieux), sky, heaven, climate. " (pals), " " " (ciels), bed-tester, (sky in paint- travail (travaux), work, ing), {roof {of a quarry.) " (travails), report {of a minis- ter, etc.), brake {for horse-shoeing). Obs.: The -x plural regularly has the literal meaning of the word. 310. Foreign Nouns. Nouns of foreign origin take -s usually only when fully naturalized, but usage varies greatly (see dictionary) : a. Partial list of variable foreign nouns : acoe8sit(8), honourable men- bill(s), bill toa8t(s), tocut. tion. duo(s), duo. tramway(8), street-railtoay. album(s), album. jury(8), jury. vivat(B), hurrah. alibi(s), alibi. op^ra(s), opera. eta bifteck(s), beefsteak. pen8um(s), task. b. Partial list of invariable foreign nouns : amen. item. interim. post-scriptum. Tademeoum. deficit. in-folio. magnificat. requiem. veto, facsimile. in-octaro. nota bene. Te Deum. eta c. A few Italian nouns retain their plural in i : dilettante (-i), dilettante. 8oprano(-i), soprano. quintetto(-i), quintette. libretto(-i), libretto. lazzarone(-i), beggar. eta 311. Compound Nouns. The only components which take a plural sign are nouns and adjectives. The following are special rules : — 1. Compounds without hyphen are treated as one word, and follow the general rules : Portemanteau(x) ; grand 'mere(8). Valise(s); grandmother(8). a. Exceptions are : bon(s)homme(8), goodman, etc. madame (mesdames), madam, Mrs. gentil(8)homme(8), nobleman. mademoiselle (mesdemoiselles), Miss. monsieur (messieurs), Mr., sir, etc. monseigneur (messeigneurs), my lord. §311] NUMBER OF NOUNS. 231 2. When placed in juxtaposition and connected by a hyphen, nouns and adjectives are variable : Chef(s)-lieu(x) ; chou{x)-fleur(s) ; County-town(s) ; cauliflower(8) ; grand{s)-p6re(s). grandfather(s). a. Demi- is invariable in compounds. Des demi-heures. Half-hours. &. Further exceptions are : blaDC-8eing(B), signature in blank. terre-plein(B), platform. chevBU-l^ger(8), light-horseman. etc. 3. Of two nouns joined by preposition and hyphens, the first only is variable : Arc(s)-en-ciel ; chef(s)-d'cEuvre. Rainbow ; masterpiece. a. The preposition de is sometimes understood : bain(8)-marie, water-bath. timbre(8)-po8te, postage-stamp. hdtel(8)-dieu, hospital. etc. b. The following are invariable, since the idea conveyed by their plm-al does not properly belong to the first component simply : coq-i,-r4ne, eoek-and-bull story. pot-au-feu, beef and soup. pied-^-terre, temporary lodging. t6te-k-t6te, private interview. 4. A noun with preceding invariable component is usually variable : Anglo-Saxon(s) ; avant-garde(s) ; Anglo-Saxon ; vanguard ; tire-bouchon{s) ; vice-roi(s) ; corkscrew ; viceroy ; bouche-trou(s) ; stop-gap. a. But the final noun remains invariable when the plural idea does not properly belong to it : abat-jour, lamp-shade. gagne-pain, m^aru of living, r^veille-matin, alarm- coupe-gorge, cut-throat place. perce-neige, snow-drop. clock. crfeve-coBur, heart-break. prie-dieu, praying-stool. 8erre-t6te, head-band. oontre-poison, antidote. houte-en-tTsAn, jolly fellow. etc b. On the other hand, a final noun of clearly plural sense retains -s in the singular: un (des) casse-noisettes, nut-cracker. un (des) porte-clefs, turnkey. un (des) cure-dents, tooth-pick. etc. 5. Invariable words, such as verb, adverb, preposition, etc., are invariable in compounds : Des on dit ; des passe-partout. Rumours ; master-keys. THE NOUN. [§§312-313 a. Garde- is usually variable in compounds denoting persons, and Invariable in those denoting things : Des gardes-malades. Sick-nurses. But : Des garde-robes. Wardrobes. 312. Plural of Proper Nouns. 1. Names of persons or families are usually invariable in the plural : Lcs deux Racine. The two Racines. Les Comeille et les Racine de la The Corneilles and Racines of the sc^ne. stage (i.e., Corneille, Racine, and others like them). Les Duval sont arrives. (The) Duvals have come. a. A few Latin names, originally plural in form, and certain well- known historical names of families and dynasties, take -s : Lea Bourbons. Les Gracques. Les Pharaons. Les Tudors. Les C^sars. Les Guises. Les Scipions. etc. Les Cond^s. Les Horaces. Les Stuarts. b. Names of persons used as common nouns to denote * persons like ' or * works by* those named are often variable, but usage is not fixed: Les Corneilles sont rares. Corneilles are rare. J'ai vu deux Raphaels. I saw two Raphaels. But : Les Hamlet ; les La Fontaine ; les Goethe ; les Washington, eta 2. Names of places take -s when the idea is plural : Les Indes ; les Vosges. The Indies ; the Vosges. Les deux Romes. The two Romes (i.e., the old and new). CASE RELATION AND AGREEMENT OF NOUNS. 313. Case Relations. The noun in French does not vary in form to denote case ; it is used as follows : — 1. With verbs, as subject, object, predicate : Le p6re aime son fils. The father loves his son. Jean est devenu soldat John has become a soldier. §§314-316] CASE RELATION AND AGREEMENT. 233 2. In appositions, and with adjectival force : Henri FV, roi de France. Henry IV. , King of Franoe. Un roi enfant. A child king. 3. After prepositions : J'ai parl^ h. son p6re. I have spoken to his father. 4. Absolutely, generally with adverbial force : Le diner fini, il partit. The dinner ended, he set out. II etait \ky le chapeau k la main. He was there, (with) his hat in his hand. Je suis venu samedi. I came on Saturday. H est rest^ trois heures. He stayed three hours, J'ai march^ dix milles. I walked ten miles. Nous I'avons achet6 dix francs. We bought it for ten francs. 5. Vocatively : Bonjour, mes amis. Good morning, my friends. 314. Agreement. A predicate noun, or a noun used adjectivally, usually agrees like an adjective with the word referred to, see agreement of the Adjective : lis (elles) sont Allemand(e)s. They are Germans. La reine m^re. The queen mother. THE ARTICLE. 31S The Indefinite Article. Masc. Fem. un, a (an). une, a (an). 316. The Definite Article. Sing. Plur. Masc. le (l')\the. Masc. or Fem. les, the. Fem la (V)j Ob».: For the forms in parenthesis, see §19, L 234 THE ARTICLE. [§§317-318 317. Contractions. The prepositions de and a + le and les, are always contracted as follows : de + le = du. i+le = au. de + les=des. i + le8=aux. Notes.— 1. No contraction takes place with la, 1'. 2. Formerly en+les was con- tracted to hs, a form still used in academical titles, e.g., 'Bachelier ^s lettres,* 'Bachelor of Arts.' 318. Agreement and Repetition. The article agrees in gender and number with its noun, and is regularly repeated (as also de, a) before each noun or adjective denoting a distinctive object : Une maison et un jardin. A house and garden. Le flux et le reflux. High and low tide. Au bon et au mauvais c6t^. On the good and bad side. Les bons et les mauvais. The good and the bad. Des hommes ou des femmes. Men or women. But : Le bon et pieux pretre. The kind and pious priest. Le delta ou basse Egypte. The Delta or Lower Egypt. a. The definite article is not repeated when a single adjective precedes nouns joined by et : Les principales villes et provinces The principal towns and provinces de la France. of France. b. Singular adjectives in apposition to a plural noun omit the article: Les langues frangaise et anglaise. The French and EngUsh languages. Or : La langue f ran9ai8e et la langue anglaise. La langue fran9ai8e et I'anglaise. c. A few expressions of collective force, lik« the following, are per- missible, but are either not obligatory or are confined to set expressions : Les p6re et m6re. The parents. Les lundi et mardi. (On) Mondays and Tuesdays. Les trois et quatre avriL The third and fourth of ApriL Les ofl&ciers et soldats. The officers and soldiers, ^cole des ponts et chauss^es. School of bridges and roads. d. For the repetition of le, la, les with the superlative, see Comparison of Adjectives. §§319-321] USE OF ARTICLE WITH NOUNS. 235 USE OF THE ARTICLE WITH NOUNS. 319. Use in General. French and English agree to a considerable extent in the use of the article ; differences are noted below. 320. The Indefinite Article. 1. Its use corresponds in general with that of English *a,' *an'; its plural is the partitive des (§323) : Un homme ; une f emme ; des gens. A man ; a woman ; people. 2. Contrary to English usage, the indefinite article also commonly stands before an abstract noun used partitively with an adjective or an adjectival adjunct : II montra un soin extreme. He showed extreme care, n a une patience k toute ^preuve. He has patience equal to anything. Elle jouit d'une bonne sant^ She enjoys good health. Cest une triste nouvelle. It is sad news. a. The adjective or complementary clause depending on such a noun may be understood : Voilk une patience ! There is patience for you ! J'^tais d'une humeur. . . I was in a temper. . . Un gar9on d'une raison. . . A young fellow of (splendid) intellect I NoTB.— For several cases in which the English indefinite article is replaced by the French definite article, or vice versd, or is omitted, see below. 321. The General Noun. A noun used in a general sense, i.e., 'in general,' *all,' 'every,' etc., being implied with it, regularly has the definite article in French, though not usually in English: La vie est courte. Life is short. Le fer et le cuivre sont utiles. Iron and copper are useful J'^tudie la musique. I am studying music. Les Fran9ais aiment la gloire. The French love glory. Le cheval est I'ami de I'homme. The horse is the friend of man. Le noir vous sied bien. Black becomes you. J'aime les pommes et les poires. I like apples and pears. Le beau et I'utile. The beautiful and the useful. Le boire et le manger. Eating and drinking. 236 THE ARTICLE. [§§322-324 a. So also, names of languages, except after en ; but not, however, after parler : Sait-il le fran9ais ? Does he know French ? II parle bien (le) frangais. He speaks French well. But : Dites cela en frangais. Say that in French. Parlez-vous fran§ais ? Do you speak French ? 322. The Partitive Noun. A noun implying * an unde^ termined quantity or number of ' is said to be used partitively or in a partitive sense. 323. Partitive with Article. The partitive sense, ex- pressed in English by the noun simply, or else the noun preceded by 'some ' or *any,' is regularly expressed in French, by the noun preceded by de + the definite article : Du pain tremp^ dans du vin. (Some) bread dipped in wine. A-t-il des amis ? Has he (any) friends ? Des enfants poussaient des oris Some children were uttering ter- desesperes. rible cries. n est des gens qui le croient. There are people who believe it. C'est du Carlyle pur. That is pure Carlyleism. NoTB. —Thia use of de+the definite article, or even of de alone (see next section), is often called the ' partitive article ' ; it is entirely identical in form with de+the article in other senses, e.g., 'Je vends dU bl6,' ' I sell wheat ' ; 'Quel est le prixdubl^?/ * What is the price of the wheat V 324. Omission of Article. The partitive sense is ex- pressed by de alone + the noun as follows : — 1. When an adjective precedes the noun; so also, when a noun is understood after an adjective : Avez-vous de bon papier ? Have you any good paper ? Donnez-moi de ces plumes-Ik. Give me some of those pens. J'ai de vos livres. I have some of your books. De bon vin et de mauvais («c. vin). Good wine and bad. De gros livres et de i)etits («c. livres). Big books and little ones. But : Des soldats fran9ais. French soldiers. J'ai du pain blanc. I have white bread. «. The article is not omitted when the noun has a distinctive adjunct: Du bon papier qu'il a achet^. Some of the good paper he bought. §325] USE OF ARTICLE WITH NOUNS. 237 b. The article is not omitted when adjective and noun are indivisible in sense, i.e., when forming a real or a virtual compound : Dee grands-p^res ; des petits-fils. Grandfathers ; grandchiMren. Des petits pois ; du bon sens. Green peas ; common sense. Des jeunes gens ; de la bonne foi. Young men ; honesty. c. Familiarly, the article is often used contrary to the rule : Du bon vin ; du vrai bonheur. Good wine ; true happiness. 2. After a general negation, implying non-existence of the object in question : U n'a pas de montre. He has no (not any) watch. Je n'ai point de livres. I have no (not any) books. Sans avoir d'argent. Without having (any) money. II ne fit pas de remarques. He made no remarks. Pas d'argent et pas d'amis. No money and no friends. 3. But the article is not omitted, the negation being no longer general : « a. When the noun has a distinctive adjunct : Je n'ai plus du vin de cette annee. I have no more of this year's wine. Jo n'ai pas de I'argent pour le gas- I have no money to waste ( = I have piller. money, but not to waste). b. In contrasts : Pas du lait, mais du th^. Not milk, but tea. c. In negative interrogation implying affirmative answer : N'avez-vous pas des amis, de la Have you not friends, health, in- sant^, de I'influence ? fluence ? 325. Omission of the Partitive Sign. The partitive sense is expressed by the noun simply, when the preposition de forms an essential part of the governing expression, thus : — 1. In expressions of quantity or number : Une livre de th4 (noix). A pound of tea (nuts). Un morceau de papier. A piece of paper. Une foule de gens. A crowd of people. Peu de temps ; beaucoup d'amis. Little time ; many friends. 238 THE ARTICLE. [§326 Assez de livres. Enough books {or books enough). Des milliers d'etoiles. Thousands of stars. Que de gens assembles ! What a number of people assembled I a. Analogous to the above are expressions like the following : Trois jours de marche. Three days' march. Cent soldats de tu6s. A hundred soldiers killed. Quelque chose (rien) de bon. Something (nothing) good. b. Bien= * beaucoup' regularly has de + the definite article : Bien de Targent ; bien du monde. Much money ; many people. Bien des gens le croient. Many people think so. But : Bien d'autres. Many others. NoTB.— Bien in other senses does not take de : ' J'ai bien faim,' • I am rery hungry.* c. Laplupart=*mo8t,' 'the greater part,' etc., has de + the definite article : La plupart des hommes. Most men. La plupart du temps. Most of the time. d. Expressions of qusRitity or number with a distinctive adjunct have de + the definite article ; so also, beaucoup, peu, etc., absolutely: Une livre du th^ de ce marchand. A pound of this tradesman's tea. Beaucoup des Juifs de ce pays. Many of the Jews of that country. 2. After a verb requiring de before its complement, and in phrases, adjectival or adverbial, formed from de + a noun : II vit de pain (not ' de du pain '). He lives on bread. II manquait d'argent. He lacked money. II ^tait convert de plaies. He was covered with wounds. Une robe de soie. A silk dress. Un homme de g^nie. A man of genius. Une bourse pleine d'or. A purse full of gold. NOTBS.— 1. In both cases (§325, 1, 2) the disappearance of the partitive de is caused by its coincidence with a governing: de. 2. The negative construction (§ 324, 2) is really parallel, the particles pas, point, etc., being etymologically nouns. 326. General and Partitive Sense. The general sense of a noun (§321) is to be carefully distinguished from the partitive sense (§322) : Les oiseaux ont des ailes. Birds have wings. Les hommes sont des animaux. Men are animals. §§327-328] USE of article with nouns. 239 327. Article with Titles. A title of dignity or pro- fession, preceding a proper name, regularly takes the definite article, except in direct address : La reine Victoria est aim^e. Queen Victoria is beloved. Le docteur Ribot est arriv^. Doctor Ribot has come. Qu'est-ce que le p6re Daru dit What does Father Daru say ? But : Bonjour, docteur Ribot. Good morning, Doctor Ribot. a. So also, when such title is preceded by a title of courtesy (mon- sieur, madame, etc.), whether in speaking to or in speaking of the person : Bonjour, monsieur le docteur. Good morning, doctor. Monsieur le president I'a dit. The president said so. b. A preceding attributive adjective may have the force of a title : La petite Claire ; le gros Robert. Little Clara ; big Robert. 328. Article for Possessive. The definite article is commonly used with the force of a possessive adjective, when no ambiguity arises from its use : Donnez-moi la main. Give me your hand. n a perdu la vie. He has lost his life. D avait le chapeau sur la tSte. He had his hat on his head. a. The use of an indirect pronoun object + the definite article often avoids ambiguity : Le courage lui manqua. His courage failed (him). EUe lui a arrach^ les yeux. She tore out his eyes. II s'est fait mal k la tSte. He hurt his head. 6. Possessive force appears also in avoir mal (froid, chaud, etc.) k + the definite article followed by a noun denoting part of the person ; similarly, in phrases of personal description made up of avoir + the definite article + a noun + an adjective : J'ai mal k la tete. I have a headache (my head aches). II a mal aux yeux. He has sore eyes (his eyes, etc. ). H a froid aux pieds. He has cold feet (his feet, etc. ). II a la tSte grosse {or une grosse He has a large head. tete). n a les bras longs {or de longs bras). He has long arms. Le ch^ne a T^corce rude. The oak has (a) rough bark. 240 THE ARTICLE. [§§329-330 329. Article Distributively. 1. The definite article with distributive force replaces English *a' of weight, measure, number, when indicating price : Deux francs la livre (le m6tre). Two francs a pound (a metre). Des oeufs (4) dix sous la douzaine. Egg"S at ten cents a dozen. Des po^es (h) un sou la pi^ce. Pears at a cent apiece. a. Otherwise par is generally used with price : Cinq francs par jour. Five francs a (per) day. Cent francs par tete. A hundred francs a (per) head. Trois francs par le9on. Three francs a (per) lesson. 2. The definite article is also used distributively with names of days : II vient le dimanche. He comes (on) Sundays. Le bateau part tous les lundis. The boat goes every Monday. 330. Omission of the Article. The article, whether definite, indefinite, or partitive, is frequently omitted. This takes place : — 1. In a large number of expressions made up of a verb + a noun: J'ai sommeil ; il a honte. I am sleepy ; he is ashamed. Je vous demande pardon. I beg your pardon. Further examples are : avoir besoio, need. donner avis, notify. faire place, make room. avoir faim, be hungry. donner ordre, give orders. prendre cong6, take leave. avoir bonne mine, Zooj; tre22. faire attention, ^ay atten- prendre garde, taj:« care, avoir peur, be afraid. tion. rendre visite, pay a visit. avoir tort, be (in the) torong. faire cadeau, make a present, trouver moy en, find courir risque, run the risk. faire faillite, fail (in bim- m^ans. demander oonseil, a«i(; adtm;e. ness). etc., etc 2. In many adjectival and adverbial phrases made up of a preposition + a noun : D'apr^s nature ; devant t^moins. After nature ; before witnesses. Sans cause ; k travers champs. Without cause ; across the fields. §330] USE OF ARTICLE WITH NOUNS. 241 Further examples are : k bord, on board. ohien de herger,ghepJiercC8 par chemin de fer, by rail' k cheval, on horseback. dog. way. k dessein, intentionally. homme de coeur, man of par exemple, for example. k genoux, on one's knees. feeling. par exp6rience,6y experience. k pied, on foot. homme de g^nie, man of par terre, by land. pot k Heurs, flower-pot. genius. a&na craAnte, vnthout fear. moulin k vent, vnnd-mill en bateau, in a boat. Bans raison, vrithout reason. apr^s diner, after dinner. en 6t6, in summer. sous condition, on condition. aveo int6r6t, with interest, en voiture, in a carriage, soub presse, in the press. »vec plaiair, wUh pleasure, par an, by the year. sur papier, on paper. •ortir de table, leave the table. etc. , etc. 3. Before a predicate noun which qualifies in a general way the personal subject, or object, of certain verbs (cf. §,295): Us sont Russes. They are Russians. Elle est modiste. She is a milliner. Nous sommes m^ecins. We are doctors. II parait honnete homme. He seems an honest man. Son fr^re se fit soldat. His brother became a soldier. On I'a ordonn^ prStre. He was ordained a priest. Soyons amis. Let us be friends. NoTi.— Nouns BO used are commonly those of nationality, profession, title, eta, and their function is adjectival. Whenever a predicate noun denotes an individual or a species, it must have the article : ' La rose est una fleur,' ' The rose is a flower ' ; * Les rois Bont dea hommes,' ' Kings are men.' a. The article is not omitted when the predicate noun has a distinctive adjunct : Son fr^re est un artiste de m^rite. His brother is an artist of merit, lis sont devenus des g^n^raux They became distinguished generals. distingu^s. h. observe the predicative force of a noun after traiter + de, qualifier + de: H m'a traits de sot. He called me a fool. Je qualifie cela de fraude. I call that fraud. c. After c'est, ce sont, the noun is logical subject, not predicate, and hence the article or some other determinating word must be used with it: Cest une AUemande. She is (a) German. Ce sont les (mes) gants. Those are the (my) gloves. 16 242 THE ARTICLE. [§330 4. Before such an appositive noun as serves merely the purpose of a parenthetical explanation : L'Avare, com^die de Moli^re. L'Avare, a comedy by Moli^re. Paris, fils de Priam, ravit Hel^ne, Paris, the (a) son of Priam, carried femme de M^n^las. off Helena, (the) wife of Menelaus. a. Thus is explained the omission of the article in numerical titles : Jacques premier (deux). James the First (the Second). b. An apposition which distinguishes, contrasts, compares, regularly has the article, as in English : Peter the Great. Racine the son and not Racine the father. Montreal the largest city in Canada. Mr. Cook, a friend of my father. Pierre le Grand. Racine le fils et non Racine le p6re. Montr^l la plus grande ville du Canada. M. Cook, un ami de mon p^re. c. Colloquially, the article is often omitted in contrasts : Dumas pfere et Dumas fils. Dumas the elder and Dumas the younger. Note.— Pseudo-apposition (really ellipsis of de or of a de clause) is found in many oases like ' L'6glise («c. de) Saint-Pierre,' ' St. Peter's Church ' ; ' des meubles (»c. du temps de) Louis XY,' 'Louis XV. furniture'; 'La rue(«e. de)Mirabeau,' Mirabeau Street.' 5. In condensed sentences, such as titles of books, enumera- tions, addresses, advertisements, proverbs, antithetical expres- sions, etc., and usually after ni . • . ni, sans . . . ni, soit . . . soity tant . . . que, jamais : Causes de la perte de Rome. Portrait de Napoleon III. Soldats, officiers, citoyens, tous accoururent. Beauts, talent, esprit, tout s'use k la longue. II loge rue Richelieu. Maison k vendre. Chapeaux pour hommes. Corps et ame ; nuit et jour. Soit peur, soit prudence, il 6vita le combat. Causes of the fall of Rome. (A) portrait of Napoleon HI. Soldiers, officers, citizens, all has- tened up. Beauty, talent, wit, everything wears out in the long run. He lives in Richelieu street. (A) house for sale. Men's hats. Body and soul ; night and day. Whether from fear or prudence, he avoided the combat. §331] USE OF ARTICLE WITH NOUNS. 243 B n'a ni p6re ni ra6re. Sans amis ni argent. Tant hommes que femmes. Jamais pere n'a tant aimd He has neither father nor mother. Without friends or money. As well men as women. Never did a father love so much. 331. Unclassified Examples. The following examples show idiomatic distinctions in the use of the article which cannot conveniently be brought under general rules : Vous etes le bienvenu. Demander (faire) TaumOne. Avoir le temps. Aller k I'^cole (I'^gUse). Commander le respect. Le feu s'est d^clar^. Faire la guerre. Jeter (lever) Tancre. Garder le silence. Mettre le feu k. Sur (vers) les trois heurea. Au revoir ! L*ann6e demi^re (prochaine). La semaine (I'ann^) pass^. Le vendredi saint. Le mercredi des cendres. Le printemps, I'^td, etc. Au printemps, en 6t^, etc. La («c. f^te de) Saint-MicheL La {sc. fete de) mi-juin. La moiti^ de Tannic. Les deux tiers du temps. Tous (les) deux ; tous (les) trois. Tous les mois. Le ministre de la guerre. Le meilleur des amis. II cria k I'assassin. Je I'ai dit au hasard. Prendre le deuil de quelqu'un. Sentir la fum^. Je vous souhaite la bonne aun^. n n'a pas le sou. You are welcome. Ask (give) alms. To have time. To go to school (church). Command respect. Fire broke out. Make war. Cast (weigh) anchor. Keep silence. To set fire to. Towards three o'clock. Good-bye I Last (next) year. Last week (year). Good Friday. Ash Wednesday. Spring, summer, etc. In spring, in summer, eta Michaelmas. Mid-June. (The) half (of) the year. Two-thirds of the time. Both ; all three. Every month. The minister of war. The best of friends. He cried murder. I said it at random. Go into mourning for somebody. Smell of smoke. I wish you a happy new year. He is wretchedly poor. 244 THE ARTICLE. [§332 II est plus grand que vous de la He is taller than you by a head. t^te. Un homme k la barbe noire. A man with a black beard. La belle question ! What a (fine) question ! A la {sc. mode) fran9aise. In the French style. S'en aller a I'anglaise. To take French leave. A la {sc. mode de) Henri IV. In the style of Henry IV. Cent (mille) ans. A hundred (a thousand) years. Les amis, oti allez-vous? (My) friends, where are you going? THE ARTICLE WITH PROPER NOUNS. 332. Names of Persons. 1. Names of persons usually take no article, as in English : Comeille ; George Fox. Comeille ; George Fox. a. The definite article is a constituent part of some surnames : Les romans de Lesage. The novels of Lesage. Les fables de La Fontaine. The fables of La Fontaine. 2. The definite article is used according to Italian analogy in the French form of a few famous Italian surnames; so also, in a very few names which are not Italian : Le Corr^ge ; le pofeme du Tasse. Correggio ; the poem of Tasso. Le Poussin ; le Camoens. Poussin ; Camoens. 3. The article is used when the name has a distinctive adjunct, when it is plural, or when used as a common noun : Le Christ. Christ ( = the * Anointed '). Le Satan de Milton ; le grand Milton's Satan ; the Great Cond^. Cond^. Les Comeille et les Racine. A Comeille, a Racine ( = Comeille, Racine and others like them). Cest un Alexandre. He is an Alexander. C'est du Ciceron tout pur. It is pure Ciceronian. J'ai lu le Tel6maque. I have read Tel^maque. 4. Familiarly, often in a depreciatory sense, the definite article is not uncommon, especially with names of females : Sans attendre la Barbette. Without waiting for Barbara. Le Duval me I'a dit. Duval told me so. §333] THE ARTICLE WITH PROPER NOUNS. 245 333. Names of Countries. 1. Names of continents, countries, provinces, large islands, regularly take the definite article, always so when standing as subject or object of a verb: L'Asie est un grand contineut. Asia is a large continent. Nous aimons le Canada. We love Canada. La Normandie ; I'Angleterre. Normandy ; England. a. A few countries named after cities have no article : Naples; Panne; Bade. Naples; Parma; Baden. Note. — ConBiderable variety prevails regarding the uec of the article with names of IfllandB : some require the article, whilst it is omitted with others, e.g., ' La Corse,' Corsica; ' La Sicile,' Sicily; 'Cuba,' Cuba; ' Terre-Neuve,' Newfoundland. L'Tle de, preceding the name, and I'Jle in apposition, are common forms; e.g., • Llle de Cuba,' ♦ lille Saint Domingue,' St. Domingo; • Las Sles Bahama,' the Bahama Islands. 2. Before names of continents, European countries singular, and feminine countries singular outside of Europe, en denotes * where,' * where to,' and the article is omitted ; so also, after de denoting * point of departure from ' and after de in most adjectival phrases : n est en (va en) Europe. He is in (is going to) Europe. II voyage en France (Portugal). He travels in France (Portugal). II vient d'Espagne (Daneraark). He comes from Spain (Denmark). Le roi de Portugal (Espagne). The King of Portugal (Spain). Le fer de Su^e ; les vins de France. Swedish iron ; French wines. a. Exceptions are very rare, e.g., *au Maine,' *Le due du Maine,' etc. NOTB.— In an adjectival phrase, de denoting titular distinction, origin, description, or mere apposition usually omits the article, e.g., 'le pays de France,' ' Le Royaume Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande.' 3. But the definite article is not omitted, in answer to * where V * where to V, or after de as above, when the name is plural, or has a distinctive adjunct, or denotes a masculine country outside of Europe : H est aux Indes. He is in India. H va aux :^tats-Unis. He goes to the United Statea. Aux Pays-Bas. In (to) the Netherlands. L'imp^ratrice des Indes. The Empress of India. Venir des Indes (de I'lnde). To come from India. Dans la France m^ridionale. In Southern France. 246 THE ARTICLE. [§§334-335 Dans TAm^rique du Nord. In North America. La reine de la Grande-Bretagne. The Queen of Great Britain. II revient de I'Afrique australe. He returns from South Africa. Au Canada (Japon). In (to) Canada (Japan). Le Dominion du Canada. "I rm -r.. . . t. r>, ■, T T> . J r. J f The Dominion of Canada. La Puissance du Canada. J ^ Chass6 de la Chine. Expelled from China. Le consul du P^rou. The consul of Peru. Le fer du Canada. Canadian iron. Obs.: When the definite article is used, 'where,' 'where to,' = ^ (general) or dSJlB (speoific). a. In a few names like * Asie Mineure,' * basse Bretagne,' the adjec- tiv3 is no longer felt to be distinctive : En Asie mineure. In Asia Minor. 4. Omission of the article in the predicate, in enumerations, titles, etc., sometimes occurs (of. §330, 5) : La Gaule est devenue France. Gaul became France. Espagne, Italic, Belgique, tout Spain, Italy, Belgium, all would eAt pris feu. have caught -fire. 334. Names of Cities. Names of cities and towns usu- ally have no article, unless used with a distinctive adjunct : Londres, Paris, Quebec. London, Paris, Quebec. A Toronto (Montreal). To or in Toronto (Montreal). But : La Rome de ce si^cle. (The) Rome of this century. La Nouvelle- Orleans. New Orleans. a. The definite article is an essential part of several names of cities : Le Caire ; le Havre ; la Ha vane. Cairo ; Havre ; Havana. 335. Names of Mountains and Rivers. Names of mountains always, and names of rivers regularly, have the definite article : Les Alpes ; le Nil ; le mont Blanc. The Alps ; the Nile ; Mt. Blanc. a. For rivers, the usage after en, de, is parallel with that described in § 333, 2 : De I'eau de Seine. Seine water. Un abordage a eu lieu en Seine. A collision occurred on the Seine, §§336-337] THE FEMININE OF ADJECTIVES. 247 THE ADJECTIVE. THE FEMININE OF ADJECTIVES. 336. General Rule. The feminine of an adjective is regularly formed by adding -e to the masculine singular, but adjectives ending in -e remain unchanged : M. F. M. F. grand, joli, ruse, bless^, mort. grande, tall. jolie, pi-etty. rus^, cunning. bless^e, wounded. morte, dead. facile, jeune, sincere, c^l6bre, etc. facile, easy. jeune, young. sincere, sincere. c^l6bre, celebrated, etc. a. Similarly, nouus of like termination (but see §306,2): M. F. M. F. marquis, marquis, marquise, ami, friend, amie. . cousin, eotuin, cousin©, lapin, rabbit, lapine. artiste, artist, artiste, camarade, comrade, camarade. concierge, porter, concierge, malade, patient, malade. b. Adjectives in -gu are regular, but require the diaeresis to indicate that u is sounded, e.g., aig^, sharp, aigufi. c. The circumflex in du (f. due) distinguishes it from du = * of the,* and disappears in the fem. (§ 214) ; observe also mu (f. mue, § 219). d. Besides adjectives in -e, a very few others are invariable for the feminine, e.g., capot, in fitre capot=*have come to grief,' grognon, grumbling, rococo, rococo, sterling, sterling, and rarer ones. NOTB.— Here also properly belongs grand in grand'm^re, etc. In O. F. grand was masculine or feminine, but grammarians at a later date gave it the apostrophe to denote the supposed elision of e. 337. Special Rules. 1. Irregularities consist chiefly of changes in the stem on adding the feminine sign -e; thus, when -e is added : — (1) Final f=V, X = S, C = ch in some, and qu in others, g:=g:u: M. F. M. F. actif, active, active. *blanc, white, blanche, href, brie/, br6ve. t public, public, publique. heureux, happy, heureuse. long, long, long^e. •So also: Franc, /roni, franche ; sec, dry, s^che. tSoaJso: Ammoniac (-que), ammoniac; cadno (-que), decrepit; franc (-QUe) Frankith; taro (-que), Turkisk. M. F. cruel, cruel, cruelle. pareil, like, pareille. ancien, old, ancienne. bon, good, bonne. bas, low, basse. gros, big. grosse. 24(8 THE ADJECTIVE. [§337 a. Similarly, nouns of like termination : M. F. M. F. M. F. veuf, widower, veuve. ^poux, spouse, Spouse. turc, Turk, turque. Note.— Here alao belongs baiUi, bailiff (0. F. baillif), baUliv©. b. The adjectives doux, douce, sweet, faux, fausse,/a&«, roux, rousse, red (of hair, etc.), retain the [s] sound in the feminine, denoted by c and ss respectively ; grec, Greek, has feminine grecque ; prefix 'prefixed, is regular. (2) Final -el, -eil, -ien, -on, and usually -s, -t, double the final consonant : M. F. ^pais, thick, ^paisse. expres, express, expresse. prof^s, professed, professe. muet, dumb, muette. sot, foolish, sotte. etc. etc. But : ras, rase, flcU ; gris, grise, grey ; mat, mate, dead, duU ; pr^t, prete, ready ; d^vot, devote, devout ; bigot, bigote, bigoted ; cagct, cagote, hypocritical ; idiot, idiote, idiotic, and a few rarer ones. a. Similarly, nouns of like termination, but see § 306 : M. F. M. F. M. F. mortel, mortal, mortelle. lion, lior^, lionne. poulet, ehieken, poulette. ohien, dog, chienne. chat, cat, chatte. liDot, linnet, linotte. 6. A very few adjectives and nouns of other endings follow this analogy: M. F. M. F. paysan, peasant, paysanne. gentil, nice, genbiUe. rouan, roan, rouanne. nul, nuU, nulle. Note. — The doubling of the final consonant in -el, -ien, -et serves to denote the required [e] sound (§12, 1); a few adjectives in -et denote this [e] sound by the grave accent without doubling, cf. (4) below. (3) The following have two masculine forms (in sing., not in pL), one of which doubles 1 for the feminine, like the above : M. F. M. F. beau or bel, fine, belle. mou or mol, soft, molle. fou or fol, mad, folle. nouveau or nouvel, new, nouvelle. jumeau or* (O.F. vieux or vieil, old, vieille. jumel) twin, jumelle. Obs.: The -1 form is regularly used only before a vowel or h mute; vieuz before a vowel is permissible, e.g., ' un vieuz ami ' (better : ' uu vieil ami '). §337] THE FEMININE OF ADJECTIVES. 249 a. Analogous are a few nouns : M. F. M. F. ohamean, camel, chamelle. jouvenceau, young feUow, jouvencelle, etc. (4) Before final -r and -et of a few adjectives e becomes ^ (cf. §12, 1) ; so also in bref, br^ve, sec, s^che : M. F. M. F. •cher, dear, chhre. complet, complete, complete. Idger, light, l^g^re. etc. etc. a. Similarly, nouns in -er : M. F. M. F. l)erger, shepherd, berg^re. stranger, stranger, ^trangere, eto. b. The complete list of adjectives in -et with fem. in -^te is : a. 264. THE PRONOUN. [§362 rf. II and le are used as invariable neutral forms, when the antecedent is one to which gender cannot be ascribed : Y en a-t-il ? — Je le crois. Is there any (of it) ? I think so. 362. Case Relations of Conjunctives. 1. The nomi- native forms stand as subject and the accusative forms as direct object to a verb ; their use is obvious : II nous a TU«. He saw us. a. The conjunctive is optional when there are two accusatives : Je (les) bl^me lui et elle. I blame him and her. 2. The dative forms denote the person or thing for whose * advantage ' or * disadvantage ' the action is done, denoted by ^ = * to,* * for,' * from,' with nouns : Je leur preterai les livres. I shall lend them the books. On lui a \o\i son argent. His money has been stolen from him. But k + a disjunctive form is used in the following cases : (1) When two datives are joined by a conjunction, or when in emphasis a second dative is implied : J'en ai parld k lui et h elle. I spoke of it to him and to her. Je donne le livre k elle (pas h. lui). I give the book to her (not to him). (2) When the conjunctive direct object is any other pronoun than le, la, les : Je vous pr^ente k elle. I introduce you to her. II se pr^senta k moi. He introduced himself to me. But : Je le (la, les) leur pr^sente, etc. (3) After verbs of motion and some others, to denote the 'object towards which the action tends,' the relation, though expressed by a, not being really dative : Je courus k lui. I ran to him. Cette maison est k moL That house belongs to me. n pense (songe, rdve) k eux. He thinks (muses, dreams) of them. §§363-365] THE PERSONAL PRONOUN. 265 Such verbs are : accoutumer, aeeuatonu comparer, compare. prendre inWrfit, take interesL aller, go. courir, run. pr6tendre, aspire. appeler, call. 6tre (i), belong (to). recourir, have reeourte, en appeler, appeal. faireattention,pa?/a«t«nfton. renoncer, renounce. aspirer, aspire. habituer, accustom. revenir, com* back. attirer, attract. marcher, march. rfiver, dream. avoir affaire, have to do. penser, think. songer, muse. avoir recours, have recourse, prendre garde, pay heed. venir, come. a. Certain verbs of this class, when not literal, take the conjunctive dative : II lui vint une id6e. There occurred to him an idea. * Vous nous reviendrez. You will come to see us again. NOTK.— The ethical dative, denoting the person ' interested in ' or ' affected by an action, rare in English, is common in French : ' Goutdz-mol ce vin-14,' ' Just tasta that wine ' ; ' Ne me faites plus cela,' ' Don't do that again (I tell you).' 363. Impersonal //. For invariable il as the subject of an impersonal verb, see §§248-253. 364. Predicative /e, la, les. As predicate the accusative third person is either variable or invariable : — 1. Le agrees when referring to a determinate noun or to an adjective used as such : fites-vous sa mere ? — Je la suis. Are you his mother ? — I am. fites-vous la mariee ? — Je la suis. Are you the bride ? — I am. Sont-ce 14 vos livres? — Ce les sont. Are those your books ?— They are. 2. Le, invariable, is used when referring to an adjective, or to a noun as adjective : fites-vous fatigu^e ? — Je le suis. Are you tired ? — I am. ' fltes-vous m^re ? — Je le suis. Are you a mother ?— I am. Sont-ils Anglais ?— lis le sont. Are they English ? — They are. 36s Pleonastic /e. The neutral form le (§361, d) is often pleonastic, as compared with English usage : fites-vous m^re ? — Je le suis. Are you a mother ? — I am. Qu'ils soient venus, je le sais. That they have come, I know. Fais du bien, quand tu le peux. Do good, when you can. Ce q[u'il voulait, il le veut encore. What he wished, he still wishes. 266 THE PRONOUN. [§§366-367 Je suis prSte, s'il le faut. I am ready, if need be. J'irai si vous le desirez. I shall go, if you wish (it), lis sont comme je (le) d^sirerais. They are as I should like. II est plus age que je ne (le) suis. He is older than I am. Obs.: This le is .optional in comparative clauses. a. Le is also used in a number of fixed expressions : H ne le c6de k personne. He yields to nobody. Nous I'avons emport6. We have carried the day. II I'a ^chapp^ belle. He had a narrow escape. b. Le may sometimes be translated by * one ' or * so ' : II est soldat ; je le suis aussi. He is a soldier ; I am one too. Sois brave, et je le serai aussL Be brave, and I shall be so too. 366. Reflexives. 1. A special conjunctive reflexive form, Se for dative or accusative of either gender or number, is required in the third person only; for the first and second person the ordinary forms are used (cf. §242) : II (elle) se loue. He (she) praises him (her) -self, lis (elles) se le sont dit. They said so to each other. But : Je me loue ; tu te loues ; nous nous louons ; vous vous louez. 2. The disjunctive soi is hardly used beyond the third singular in an indefinite or general sense : Chacun travaille pour soi. Every one works for himself. On doit parler rarement de soi. One should rarely speak of one's self. De soi le vice est odieux. In itself vice is hateful. But : Elle est contente d'elle-meme ; ils ne songent qu'4 eux-memes, etc. o. The use of soi is rarer for the feminine than for the masculine : Un bienfait porte sa recompense A good deed brings its reward with avec soi (lui). it. La guerre entratne apr^s elle (soi) War brings after it countless evils. des maux sans nombre. Note.— Soi is no longer used of persons denoted by a general noun, e.g., 'L'avare ne vit que pour lui-m6me ' (not ' pour soi '), nor is it used, as formerly, of persons to avoid ambiguity, e.g., 'Quoique son frfere soit dans la misfere, il ne pense qu'4 lui- nidme (not * k soi ')• 367. Uses of en. 1. En is in function an equivalent of de + a pronoun of the third person of either gender or number ; it is used of things, and less commonly of persons : §367] THE PEESONAL PRONOUN. 267 Je parle des plumes ; j'en parle. Donnez-les-moi ; j'en ai besoin. II est mon ami ; j'en reponds. II aime ses fils, et il en est aim^. Vous voiU ; j'en suis content. I speak of the pens ; I speak of them. Give me them ; I need them. He is my friend ; I answer for him. He loves his sons, and is loved by them. There you are ; I am glad of it. Vient-il de Toronto? — II en vient. Does he come from T.? He does. a. The antecedent is often understood or indefinite : Let me see, where were we ? They came to blows. He has a grudge against me. Far from it. It is all up with him. If one is to believe you. However it may be. I am done out. There are some who think so. Voyons ! oti en 6tions-nous ? Us en sont veuus aux mains. 11 m'en veut. Tant s'en faut. C'en est fait de luL A vous en croire. Quoi qu'il en soit. Je n'en peux plus. II y en a qui le croient. 2. Through a somewhat special application of the general principle, it is further used : — (1) In a partitive sense : Voici du papier ; en voulez-vous ? Here is some paper ; do you wish any — Merci, j'en ai. of it ? — Thank you, I have some. Avez-vous une plume? — J'en ai Have you a pen? — I have one (I une (j'en ai plusieurs). have several). II me faut en acheter d'autres. I must buy others. (2) En = * thereof ' + the definite article replaces a possessive adjective referring to a possessor in the preceding sentence, but only when the thing possessed is a direct object, a subject of ^tre, or a predicate noun : I like this country ; I admire its institutions. Blame the sins of those people, but do not blame their misfortunes. J'aime ce pays ; j'en admire les institutions. Blamez les p^ch^s de ces gens, mais n'en bUmez pas les malheurs. Cette aflFaire est delicate j le succ^s en est douteux. Ceci est la gloire du pays ; cela en est la honte. But : ' Cette maison a ses d^fauts That aflfair is delicate ; its success is doubtfuL This is the country's glory ; that is its disgrace, (the possessor not being in the pre- 268 THE PRONOUN. [§§368-369 vious sentence) ; * J'aime ces vers ; leur harmonic me ravit ' (the thing possessed being subject of another verb than etre) ; ' J'admire ce pays ; 11 est fameux pour ses bonnes lots ' (the thing possessed being governed by a preposition). 368. Use of y. Y is in function equivalent to a (en, dans, etc.) + a pronoun of the third person of either gender or number ; it is used of things, and rarely of persons : Je pense k mes p6ches ; j'y pense. I think of my sins ; I think of them. II est en Europe ; il y est, et moi He is in Europe ; he is there, and I j'y vais aussi. am going there too. n se connait en ces choses, mais He is an expert in those things, but moi je ne m'y connais pas. I am not. 11 aspire k cela ; il y aspire. He aspires to that ; he aspires to it. Vous fiez-vous k lui ? — Je m'y fie. Do you trust him ? — I trust him. o. The antecedent is often understood or indefinite : H y va de votre vie. Your life is at stake. J'y suia ! Qu'ya-t-il? I have it ! What is the matter? II s'y prend adroitement. He goes about it cleverly. Est-ce que Monsieur B. y est ? Is Mr. B. at home ? Y pensez-vous ? You don't mean it ? 369. Position of Conjunctive Objects. 1. They stand immediately before their governing verb, except the imperative affirmative : Je leur en parleraL I shall speak to them of it. Je I'y ai envoys pour le leur dire. I sent him there to tell them it. II lui faut parler; il faut lui parler. He must speak ; one must speak to him. 01)8. : Remember that the auziliaiy is the verb in compound tenses. a. With negative infinitive, the object may stand between ne and pas (point, rien, etc. ) ; similarly adverb + infinitive : Je suis 4tonn^ de ne point le voir I am astonished not to see him. {or ne le point voir). Pour les bien consid^rer. To consider them welL b. The objects of an infinitive governed by faire, laisser (cf. §230, 6, 7)oP a verb of perceiving (entendre, voir, etc. ), accompany the finite verb : Je le lui ferai dire. I shall make him say it. II se le voit refuser. He sees himself refused it. Faites-vous-la raconter. Have it related to you, §370] THE PERSONAL PRONOUN. 269 I shall send for him. c. A similar arrangement is permissible with aller, venir, envoyer, etc. + an infinitive : J'enverrai le chercher or\ Je I'enverrai chercher. J Envoyez-le chercher. Send for it. NOTB.— In the older langfuage, objects of an infinitive often stood before the BO-oalled modal auxiliaries, e.g., * Je VOUS dois dire,' but usage hardly permits this now, except for en, y, e.g-, 'Ce qu'on en doit attendre/ 2. Conjunctive objects stand immediately after an imperative affirmative : Regardez-les ; ^coutez-nous. Donnez-le-lui ; allons-nous-en. But : Ne les regardez pas. Ne nous ^coutez point. Ne le lui donnez pas. Look at them ; listen to us. Give it to him ; let us go away. Do not look at them. Do not listen to us. Do not give it to him. a. The rule does not apply to the subjunctive as impve. (§272, 1, a) : Qu'il les 6coute. Let him listen to them. NoTBS.— 1. Formerly, but rarely now, an imperative affirmative when Joined to another by et (OU, mals) might have -an object before it: 'Achetez-les et les payez,' etc. 2. Void and voll^, which are imperatives by derivation, are always preceded by their conjunctive object : 'Les voici ; en voiU, etc.' 370. Relative Position of Objects. Personal pronoun objects and pronominal adverbs are arranged with reference to each other, as follows : — L When coming before the verb : before (\e \ before Jlui '^ before y' lleur me te se nous VOUS n me les donne. n les lui donne. n nous en donne. Je leur en parleraL Ne leur en parlez pas. la Ue< les before en. He gives them to me. He gives them to him. He gives us some of it. I shall speak to them of it. Do not speak of it to them. Je I'y ai envoys pour le leur dire. I sent him there to tell them it. 270 THE PRONOUN. [§370 a. When there are two direct or two indirect objects, they become disjunctive and follow the verb : J'ai vu lui et elle. I have seen him and her. J'en ai parl^ k lui et h. elle. I spoke of it to him and to her. 2. When coming after the verb : le (la les) before moi (toi, lui, nous, vous, leur). me (te, lui, nous, vous, leur) before y (en). y before en. Donnez-les-moL Give them to me. Donnez-lem'-en. Give them some of it. Donnez-m'en ; va-t'en. Give me some ; begone. Conduisez-nous-y. Take us there. Allez-vous-en. Go away. a. After an imperative, the indirect objects nous, vous, may precede the direct le, la, les in familiar language : Conservez-vous-le. Keep it for yourselves. Tenez-vous-le pour dit. Consider it as final 3. Reference table showing possible combinations o£ two pronouns : (Before the Verb. ) (After the Verb. ) me le tele sele le lui -le -moi -le -toi -le -lui me la tela sela la lui -la -moi -la -toi -la -lui me les teles se les les lui -les-moi -les-toi -les- lui nous le vous le sele le leur -le -nous -le -vous -le -leur nous la vous la sela la leur -la -nous -la -vous -la -leur nous les vous les se les les leur -les-nous -les-vous -les-leur m'en t'en s'en lui en -m'en -t'en -lui-en m'en t'en s'en Ten -m'en -t'en -I'en nous en vous en s'en leur en -nous-en -vous-en -leur-en nous en vous en s'en les en -nous-en -vous-en -les-en m'y t'y s'y [lui y] [-m'y] [-t'y] [-lui-y] m'y t7 s'y I'y [-m'y] [-t'y] -I'y nous y vousy s'y leury -nous-y -vous-y -leur-y nous y vous y yen s'y les y -nous-y -vous-y y-en -les -y §§371-372] THE PERSONAL PRONOUN. 271 Ohs. : 1. The disjunctive forms mol, toi are used instead of me, te after the verb^ except before en. 2. After the verb, the forms are joined to it and to each other by hyphens, apostrophe instead of hyphen being used according to §19. 3. Combinations of three forms are rare, e.g., 'II nous yenadonn^'; they are usually avoided, e.g., ' Donnes-y-en k moi' for • Donne-m'y-en.' 4. The forms in [ ] are almost always avoided, either by transposition or by some other form of expression, e.g., ' M^nes*-y-moi ' or ' M^ne-moi lit ' for ' M^ne-m'y,' eto. «See§159, 4 371. Omission of Object. The object of the second of two verbs in a compound tense joined by et or ou may be omitted along with the auxiliary and the subject : II I'a pris et tue. He caught and killed it. Or : II i'a pris et I'a tu6. He caught it and killed it. II I'a pris et il I'a tu^. He has caught it and he has killed it. But : II I'a pris, I'a tu6. He has caught it, has killed it. II le prend, et le tue. He catches it, and kills it. Note.— The verbs must be alike in government, miist have the same auxiliary, must both be affirmative or negative, otherwise no omission is allowed. 372. Disjunctives. When, for any reason, the pronoun is stressed (§7), the disjunctive form is usually employed (see §359, note) ; thus, the disjunctives are used : — 1. Absolutely, a verb being implied, but not expressed : Qui est U ?— Moi (eux, elle). Who is there ?— I (they, she). Qui as-tu vn ? — Lui (eux). Whom did you see ? — Him (them). Toi absent, que ferai-je ? You flbsent, what shall I do ? a. So also, in comparisons, and analogously, after ne . . . que : Je suis plus grand que toi. I am taller than you. Faites comme eux. Do as they do. Je n'ai vu que lui I have seen him only. 2. In appositions, often emphatic : Moi, je I'ai vu (moi-m^me). (Why) I saw it myself. Toi qui I'as vu, tu me crois. You who saw it (you) believe me. Lui aussi (il) le sait. He too knows it. Cela vous est facile k vous. That is easy for you. 272 THE PRONOUN. §373 a. With lui so used, and sometimes also with eux, the conjunctive subject may be omitted : Lui seul (il) ne le voulait pas. He alone did not wish it. Lui travaillait ; eux jouaient. He worked ; they played. KOTS.— Je SOUSSign^= ' I the undersigned ' is a relic of the earlier langtiage. 3. As logical subject after ce + ^tre : Cest moi (toi, vous) ; ce sont eux, etc. It is I (thou, you) ; it is they. 4. With an infinitive : Moi t'oublier ! jamais. I forget thee ! Never. Et eux de s'enfuir. And they made oft 5. When the subject or object is composite, see also §362, 1, a and 2, (1) : Son fr^re et lui sont venus. His brother and he have come. a. A composite subject or object is usually summed up by a pleonastic appositive conjunctive, especially when the components are unlike in person : Vous et lui (vous) I'avez vu. You and he saw it. Je vous envoie, toi et ton fr^re. I send you and your brother. 6. After a preposition : Je parle de toi et d'eux. I speak of you and of them, lis sont chez eux. They are at home. II se moque de nous. He makes sport of us. a. Observe the peculiar use of a preposition + a disjunctive pronoun as a sort of emphatic appositive of possession. J'ai une maison k moi. I have a house of my own. Mon idee k moi, c'est, etc. My (own) idea is, etc. Note.— A disjunctive for things after a preposition is usually avoided, either by means of en, 7, or else by an adverb, such as dedans, dehors, dessus, devant, derri^re, etc. : ' Je ne vois rien la dedans (iti it) ' ; ' Yoyez sur la table, cherchez dessus (on it) et dessous (under it).' 7. For moi and toi after imperative, see §370, 3, obs. 1. 373. Pronouns in Address. In addressing one person TOUS is, in general, the pronoun of formality and respect^ §374] THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. 273 whilst tu denotes familiarity, aflfection, solemnity, etc., as follows : — 1. Tu — *you,' of one person, is generally used between members of the same family (husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters), between very intimate friends, between children, by grown persons to children and sometimes to servants, by everybody to animals and inanimate objects : Oil es-tu, mon cher pere ? Where are you, my dear father ? Est-ce toi, mon enfant ? Is that you, my child ? Pauvre chien, tu as faim. Poor dog, you are hungry. 2. Tu = * thou * is used in poetry and elevated prose, and by Protestants in addressing God, Roman Catholics using vous: Nous te (vous) louons, Dieu ! We praise thee, God ! 3. Vous, with the above limitations, is used, both in the singular and plural, as in English. THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. 374. Possessives. 1. Adjectival Forms : 2. Pronominal Forms : Sing. Plub. Sing. Plur. m. mon ) m. le mien les miens 1 . , , Vmes, my. r 1 • 1 • mme. f. ma (mon) J ' '' f. la mienne les miennes j m. ton 1 . ^1 m. le tien les tiens V,. m. son ) "I his, her, m. le sien les siens ) his, hers, its, f. sa(son)J ' /its,one's. f. la sienne les siennes/one's own. m. "I , m. le notrel , .. . Vnotre nos, our. . , ^^ v les notres, ours. t ) f. la notrej r} , m. le v6trel , votre vos, your. , [■ les votres, yours. m i 18 j-leur leurs, theirs. ™* ^ ^"^ j- les leurs, theirs. 274 THE PRONOUN. [§§375-376 Obs. : 1. The fonns in parenthesis, Obs. : 1. The feminine, except for letUf, mon, ton, son, are used instead of ma, is formed as for adjectives of like ending. ta. sa, before a vowel or h mute : ' Mon 2. De, 4+le, les, contract as usual ; thus, amie,' 'my friend (f.)'; 'ton llistoire du mien ( = de+le mien), aUX miennes (f .),'* your story ' ; 'son aimable tante,' (=k+les miennes), etc, 3. 'Note the ac- • his amiable aunt.' 2. Since son (sa cent mark in ndtre, v6tre, absent in notre, Bea)='hi8,' 'her,' 'its,' ' one's,' the con- votre. 4. Since le sien (la Sienne, etc.) text determines which sense is intended. = * his,' ' hers,' ' its,' ' one's,' the context determines which sense is intended. NoTB.— The regular feminine forms, ma, ta, sa, were at one time used before a vowel sound : a trace of this usage survives in ma mie (for m'amie), m'amour 375. Agreement. The possessives agree in gender and number with the noun denoting the object possessed, and in person with the possessor : Elle a son crayon et les miens. She has her pencil and mine. II a sa plume et les v6tres. He has his pen and yours. a. The possessive adjective must bfc repeated precisely like the definite article (cf. §318) : Mes parents et mes amis. My relatives and friends. b. When the possessor is indefinite, son (sa, etc.) and le sien (la sienne, etc. ), are used : On doit tenir sa parole. One must keep one's word. Se charger des affaires d'autrui et To undertake the business of others n^gliger les siennes. and neglect one's own. 376. Use of Adjectival Forms. They are used, in general, like the corresponding English forms; idiomatic distinctions and special rules are : — 1. The possessive adjective is commonly replaced by the definite article (cf. §328) when no ambiguity arises from its use: Donnez-moi la main. Give me your hand. II m'a dechir6 le visage. He has scratched my face. But : II a d^chir^ son habit. He has torn his coat. a. If the sense is specific, emphatic, or distinctive, the possessive ia used: Mon bras me fait mal. My arm pains me. Voilk encore ma migraine I There is my sick-headache again ! §376] THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. 276 Je I'ai vu de mes propres yeux. I saw it with my own eyes. EUle lui a donne sa main. She has given him her hand {sc. in marriage). 2. En 4- the definite article serves in certain cases as a substitute for son, leur, see §367, 2, (2) : a. This construction is more usual for things than for persons ; for things personified, for names of places, or to avoid ambiguity, son, leur are not uncommon : La necessite parle ; il faut suivre Necessity speaks ; we must follow sa loi. her law. Vous rappelez-vous cette ville ? Do you remember that city? Its Ses promenades sont tr^s belles. promenades are very fine. La source de toutes les passions Sensation is the source of all the est la sensibility, I'imagiuation passions, imagination determines determine leur pente. their tendency. 3. The emphatic *own* is denoted by propre or by an apposition witb k I Je I'ai ^crit de ma propre main. I wrote it with my own hand. C'est mon opinion k moL That is my own opinion. Cf. also : J'ai un cheval k moi. I have a horse of my own. Cest k moi k jouer. It is my turn to play. a. Along with son the k construction often avoids ambiguity : Son p6re h. lui. His (i.e., not * her ') father. 4. Men (ma) is commonly used, in direct address, before the name of a relative (not before papa, maman) or the title of a superior oflBfcer : Bonjour mon p^re (mon colonel). Good morning father (colonel). But : Est-ce toi papa (maman) ? Is that you papa (mamma) ? Note.— This us^e explains the origin of monsieur (=mon+8ieur), madame (=ma+dame), etc. 5. In speaking to a person of his or her relatives, votrC (VOS) is often preceded by monsieur, etc., for politeness : Madame votre m^re y est-elle ? Is your mother in ? 276 THE PRONOUN. [§377 6. When there is plurality of possessor, the object possessed usually remains singular, if it is singular as regards the individual possessor : Les hommes songent moins k leur Men think less of their souls than ame qu'^ leur corps. of their bodies, lis ont perdu la vie. They lost their lives. a. Sometimes the sense demands a plural : Leurs tetes se ressemblent. Their heads are alike. 377. Use of Pronominal Forms. They are used, in general, like the corresponding English forms; idiomatic distinctions and special rules are the following : — 1. * Mine,' etc., after ^tre is regularly expressed by a + moi, etc., when denoting ownership simply, while le mien, etc., denotes a distinction of ownership : Cette montre est k moi. J -^ , , , . I That watch is mine. Cette montre est la mienne 2. The pronominal form sometimes stands without article in the predicate after certain verbs : Ces opinions sont vOtres. Those opinions are yours. Elle deviendra mienne. She shall become mine. Je les ai fait miens. I made them mine. Such verbs are : fitre. devenir. dire. faire. regarder comme, etc. 3. The idiom *a friend of mine,* etc., is not literally translated : tJn de mes amis. A friend of mine. --. , 1 . , . f One of my friends, (who is) a doct ceci, this, vowel or h mute : Get arbre ; cet !§, cela, that. homme ; cet autre di ; but : ce obs. : The e of ce is "elided before a vowel Ch6ne; 06 hfitre. o, j^ ^^^^ (gjg). q. becomes 9' before a (§5,4): 'c'a^t^.' 379. Agreement. The adjectival form agrees in gender and number with the noun before which it stands ; the pro- nominal form agrees in gender and number with the noun instead of which it stands: Cette plume et celle de Jean. This pen and that of John. J'aime ces hvres-ci, mais je n'aime I like these books, but I do not like pas ceux-liL those. 278 THE PRONOTJif. [§§380-382 a. The demonstrative adjective must be repeated like the definite article (cf. § 318). 380. Use of Adjectival ce. Ce (cette, etc.) = * this' or 'that'j to distinguish 'this' from Hhat' -ci and -lei are respectively added to the noun : Lis ce livre-ci ; lis ce livre-lk. Read this book ; read that book. J'aime ces tableaux-Ik. I like those pictures. a. Ce (cette, etc.), referring to what has already been mentioned, sometimes has the force of * that ' : Le t^legraphe, cette grande d^- The telegraph, that great discovery couverte de notre si^cle. of our century. h. The definite article replaces the demonstrative adjective in a few idioms : Ne parlez pas de la sorte. Do not speak in that way. J'irai k I'instant. I shall go this (very) moment. 381. Celui. The pronoun celui (celle, etc.) = * that,' 'that one,' *the one/ *he,' is regularly used only along with a relative clause or a de clause : Ceux qui rient pleureront. Those who laugh will weep. Celle dont je parle est venue. She of whom I speak has come. Le devoir d'aimer Bieu et celui The duty of loving God and that of d'aimer son prochain. loving one's neighbour. Cette robe et celle que j'ai vue. This dress and the one I saw. Mes plumes et celles de mon f r^re. My pens and my brother's. Obs. : Note the use of celUl=Enfj:Iish possessive noun substantively. a. The relative sentence is sometimes elliptically expressed by the past participle : Les decouvertes ^num^r^es sont The discoveries enumerated are celles faites par Edison. those made by Edison. b. Celui-lk replaces celui when the predicate comes before the relative : Celui-lk est riche qui est toujours He (that man) is rich who is always content. happy. 382. Celui-ci, celui-la. The pronouns celui-ci (celle-ci, etc.) = ' this,' ' this one,' ' he/ * the latter ' and celui-1^ (cellc- §383] THE DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. 279 1^, etc.) = 'that/ 'that one/ *the former/ are used to contrast the nearer with the more remote : Voici les deux chatnes ; gardez eel- Here are the two chains ; keep this le-ci, et renvoyez celle-1^ (one), and send back that (one). Veut-il ceux-ci ou ceux-U ? Does he wish these or those ? CiceronetVirgile ^talent Remains; Cicero and Virgil were Romans; celui-ci ^tait poete, et celui- the former was an orator, and \k orateur. the latter a poet. Obs.: The idiom in the last example is literally * the latter. . ., the former.' a. * This ' or * that ' for emphasis, not contrast, is celui-Ut. : Cest une bonne loi (que) celle-la. This (that) is a good law. 383. Ce as Representative Subject. Ce = 'this/ *that/ * these/ ' those/ ' he,' * she,' * it,' * they,' according to the con- text, is used with 6tre, or with devoir, pouvoir, savoir+ ^tre, as representative subject, when the logical subject is :^ 1. A proper noun, or a determinate noun, including adjectives as such : Cest Marie et sa m^re. It is Mary and her mother. Ce sera un beau spectacle. That (it) will be a fine sight. Ce sont nos plumes. These (those) are our pens. ]6tait-ce le meilleur ? Was it the best ? Ce sont des Allemands. They (those) are Germans.. Cest mon ami(e). He (she) is my friend. Ce pent Itre Jean. That may be John. a. Before ^tre + an indeterminate noun il (ils, elles) is the regular construction : II est temps de s'en aller. It is time to go. Ils sont amis (Allemands). They are friends (Germans). Elle est couturi^re. She is a seamstress. NOTB.— For a few expressions like c'est dommage. etc., in which c'est stands with an indeterminate noun, see 384, 1, note 3. b. II est is always used to indicate hours of the day : II est midi (trois heures). It is noon (three o'clock). But : Quelle heure est-ce qui What hour has just struck ? — It is vient de sonner ? — C'est cinq five. heures. 280 THE PRONOUN. [§384 ft Observe the use of ce in the following date idioms : C'est aujourd'hui lundi. To-day is Monday. Ce sera demain le quatre. To-morrow will be the fourth. 2. A pronoun : Qui est-ce ?— Ce sont eux. Who is it ? — It is they. Ce sont les leurs. Those are theirs. C'est ceci ; c'est cela. It is this ; it is that. C'6taient les memes. They (those) were the same. Ce doivent 6tre les miens. Those must be mine. 3. An infinitive, or an infinitive with de : Ce serait tout perdre. That would be losing everything. Voir c'est croire. Seeing is believing. Ce que je crains c'est de I'oflfenser. What I fear is to offend him. 4. A noun sentence : Est-ce que vous ne le f erez pas ? Will you not do it ? Oil est-ce qu'il est? Where is it that he is ? Ce n'est pas qu'il ait peur. It is not that he is afraid. o. The noun sentence may be understood : Vous partirez, n'est-ce pas ? ( = You will go, will you not ? n'est-ce pas que vous partirez ?) 5. An adverb of quantity : Combien est-ce t (^'a. 6t^ trop. How much is it ? It was too much. NOTB.— For agreemtat of the verb, see §232, 3. 384. Ce as Real Subject. Ce stands as real subject of ^tre, or of devoir, pOUVOir, savoir + ^tre, when the com- plement of ^tre is : — 1. An adjective, an adjective -f ^ -f an infinitive, an infinitive preceded by a, an adverb (in all cases without further syntac- tical connection, see a, below) : C'est facile (vrai, bien). That (it) is easy (true, well). Ce doit etre (ne saurait ^tre) vrai. That must be (cannot be) true. II est parti, c'est clair. He is gone, that is clear. C'est clair, il est partL It is clear, he is gone. C'est 4 d^sirer. That (it) is to be desired. §385] THE DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. 281 Od sera-ce ? Where will it (that) be ? C'^tait bien mal k vous. That was very wrong of you. o. When followed by de + an infinitive or by a que clause, the regular construction for the above is impersonal il (not *ce'); so also the parenthetical il est vraiand n'est-il pas vrai? (=n'est-ce pas?), though without syntactical connection : II est facile de dire cela. It is easy to say that. II est triste de vous voir ainsi. It is sad to see you thus. II est clair que j'ai raison. It is clear that I am right. II est k desirer que la guerre finisse It is to be desired that the war wiU bientOt. soon end. On rit, il est vrai, mais attendez. They laugh, to be sure, but wait. II est bien mal k vous de parler It is very wrong of you to speak so. ainsi. NOTB.— 1. Colloquially, c'est is pretty freely used instead of il est before de+infini* tive or a que clause : ' C'est facile de faire cela ' ; ' C'est clair que j'ai raison,' etc. 2. This use of ce is permissible in the literary style only in expressions of emotion, e.g., C'est heureuz (malheureux, beau, triste, ^tonnant, etc.), c'est k pr^ sumer (craindre, regretter, etc.): 'C'est triste de vous voir'; ' C'est k craindra qu'il ne soit noy6.' 3. The ce construction is obli(;ratory after a few noun phrases of like value, e.g.^ C'est dommage (piti6, plalsir, Justice^ etc., * C'est piti^ de I'entendre.' 2. A prepositional clause, or a conjunction : C'est pour vous. It (that) is for you. C'est pourquoi je suis venu. That is why I came. C'est comme vous (le) dites. It is as you say. 385. Ce + Si Relative. As antecedent ce + a relative de- notes * that which,' * what,* * which,' etc. : Ce qui m'amuse. What (that which) amuses me. Ce que je dis est vrai. What I say is true. Ce dont nous parlions. What we were speaking of. Ce k quoi je pense. What I am thinking of. II est kg^, ce qui est dommage. He is old, which is a pity. a. Ce, so used, either immediately precedes the rielative, or is, for emphasis, divided from it by 6tre + a predicate substantive : Ce qu'il veut est la gloire. What he desires is glory. Cest la gloire qu'il veut. It is glory that he desires. NoTB.— This type of construction is widely used to render a predicate substantive emphatic, e.^., 'C'est ton frfere qui ledit': ' C'est k vous que (='^ qui') je parle'; ' C'est mourir que de vivre ainsi ' ; ' C'est une belle ville que Paris ' (cf . 397, 2, n. 1). 282 THE PRONOUN. [§§386-388 386. Other uses of ce. Apart from its use with ^tre or with a relative, ce is found in a few phrases only, mostly archaic, familiar or jocular : Ce devint un usage. This (that) became a custom. Tu. Grains, ce lui dit-il. You fear, said he to him. Sur ce, je vous quitte. And now, I leave you. De ce non content. Not satisfied with this. a. The parenthetical ce semble may be used only when unconnected (cf. §384, 1, a), otherwise il semble : C'est lui, ce me semble, au moins. It's he, it seems to me, at least. But : II me semble que c'est lui. 387. Pleonastic ce. As compared with English, ce is often pleonastic; thus, it is used with 6tre + a logical sub- ject : — 1. Regularly, after celui qui and ce qui : Celle qui I'a dit c'est vous. The one who said so is you. Ce que je crains ce sent mes pr6- What I fear is my would-be friends. tendus amis. Ce k quoi je i)ense c'est sa sant^. What I think of is his health. 2. Regularly, between infinitives when not negative : Penser, c'est vivre. To think is to live. But : V^g^ter (ce) n'est pas vivre. To vegetate is not to live. 3. Regularly, in inversion with que : ^, , , ,, .„ -n. . f Paris is a beautiful city. C est une belle viUe que Pans. < /. • ^ t» • ^ lit IS a fine city, ( is ) Pans. 4. Optionally, in other inversions for emphasis : La guerre (ce) serait la ruine. War would be ruin. NoTK.— When the complement of 6tre is an adjective or participle, pleonastic ce may not be used : ' Ce qui est utile n'est pas toujours juste.' 388. Cecl and Cela. Ceci = 'this,' the nearer, and cela = * that,' the more remote, are used to denote something indicated, but not yet named : Gardez ceci et donnez-moi cela. Keep this and give me that. Obs. : If the object has been already named, or if the name is fully implied by the context, celui-Ci (-1^) must be used. §389] THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN. 283 a. Ceci also refers to what is about to be said, and cela to what has been said : R^fl^chissez bien h. ceci. Think well on this. Je ne dis pas davantage, oela suffit. I say no more, that is enough. h. Ceci {not * cela ') may have a predicate noun : Ceci est un secret. ) m, • • rk_ ^> i. • • i. / \ t This IS a secret. Or : C est ici un secret (rarer). ) But: Cest a un secret That i8 a secret. Cela c est un secret. ) NoTS.— Cela is not so divided before mdme, seul, and its division in negratlons If optional : ' Cela seul (mdme) en est la cause ' ; ' Cela n'est pas (or ce n'est pas 14) un« faute.' c. Cela {not * ceci *) = • this ' before a de clause : Paris a cela d'avantageux. Paris has this advantage. d. Cela may be replaced by Ik after de and par : De \k vient que, etc. From that it comes that, etc. II faut commencer par llL We must begin with that. e. Cela is often contracted to 9a colloquially : Ca ne fait rien. That doesn't matter. /. ^a is sometimes used familiarly or contemptuously of personf instead of a personal pronoun : Regardez comme ^a mange. Look how they (etc. ) eat. ^a veut faire h. sa tete. You (etc. ) wish to do as you please. NOTS.— Distinguish 9a from 9^ (adverb) and <^ ! (interjection). THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN. 389, Interrogatives. 1. Adjectival forms : 2. Pronominal forms : Sing. Plur. Siwo. Plur. m- quel? quels? 1 which?, m. lequel? leaquela? "k which?, which t quelle? quelles?/ what? etc f. laquelle? leBquelleB7/orwhatone(8)7 ^ qui?, who?, whom? * que?, what? C. quoi?. what? Oh». : 1. For the feminine and plural of quel, cf. §§337, 1, (2), and 338. 2. Leqnel^le+quel, both parts being inflected (§§316, 389, 1) ; de, k oontraot with le, 168 (duquel, auquel, etc., cf. §317). 8. Qne=qu' before a vowel or li mute (§19). 284 THE PRONOUN. [§§390-392 390. Agreement. The adjectival forms agree like ordi- nary adjectives; the variable pronominal forms agree in gender, not necessarily in number, with the nouns for which they stand; qui? assumes the number of the noun or pronoun referred to : Quels livres avez-vous ? Which (what) books have you ? Quelles sont vos raisons ? What are your reasons ? Laquelle des dames est venue ? Which of the ladies has come ? Qui Sonne ? Qui sont-elles ? Who rings ? Who are they ? 391. Quel ?, Lequel ?. The adjective quel ? = ' which V, *what?', and the pronoun lequel ?=' which (one)?', 'what (one)?', refer either to persons or things, and stand both in direct and indirect questions : Quels livres avez-vous ? Which (what) books have you ? Dites-moi quel livre il a. Tell me which (what) book he has. Desquels avez-vous besoin ? Which (ones) do you need ? Dites-moi lesquels vous avez. Tell me which (ones) you have. Quelle dame est arriv^e? Which (what) lady has come? Je ne sais pas laquelle. I do not know which (one). Quelles sont vos raisons ? What are your reasons ? Quel homme est-ce 1^? What (what kind of) man is that? Auquel des hommes parle-t-il ? To which of the men does he speak ? a. Quel 1 in exclamations sometimes = ' what a ! ', * what ! ' : Quel hdros ! Quels h^ros ! What a hero ! What heroes ! Quelle belle sc^ne ! What a beautiful scene ! b. Quel ? as predicative adjective often replaces qui ?= ' who?' : Quels sont cesgens-U? Who are those people? {or what kind of people are those ?) Sais-tu quelle est cette dame ? Do you know who that lady is ? Note.— A pleonastic de is commonly used before alternatives after quel ?, lequel? and other interrogatives, probably caused by case attraction with des deuz, often present in such expressions : ' Quel (des deux) est le plus habile, de cet homme-ci ou de celui-Ii?' ; * Laquelle est la plus illustre, -d' Athfenes ou de Rome?' 392. Qui ?. 1. The pronoun qui ? = ' who ? ', ' whom 1 ', is regularly used of persons only, and stands in both direct and indirect questions : §393] THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN. 285 Qui frappe ? Qui est U. ? Who is knocking ? Who is there ? De qui {k qui) parle-t-il? Of whom (to whom) is he speaking? Qui avez-vous vu ? Whom did you see ? Qui etes-vous ? Who are you ? Dites-moi qui est venu. Tell me who has come ? a. Qui? is sometimes used, though rarely and not necessarily, as subject to a transitive verb in the sense of * what ? ' : Qui vous am^ne de si bonne heure? What brings you so early ? b. Qui ?, predicatively, is often replaced, especially when feminine or plural, by quel ? : Quelle est cette dame ? Who is that lady? (What L is that?). Quels sont-ils ? Who are they ? 2. * Whose V, denoting ownership simply = a qui ? ; other- wise generally de qui ?, sometimes quel ?, but never * dont ' ; A qui est cette maison-lk ? Whose house is that ? De qui Ites-vous fils ? Whose son are you ? Quelle maison a 6t^ briil^e ? Whose (what) house was burnt ? NOTK.— Compare with this the idiom c'est k qui: 'C'^tait k qui finirait le premier,' * It was a strife as to who would finish first.' 393. Que?, Quoi?. The form que ? = * what ? ' is con- junctive, while quoi ? = * what ? ' is disjunctive ; their uses in detail are : — 1. Que ? stands regularly as direct object or as predicate, and in direct question only : Que vous a-t-il dit ? What did he say to you ? Que cherchez-vous ? What are you looking for ? Que sont-ils devenus ? What has become of them ? a. Que ?, alternatively with quoi ?, may stand with an infinitive in indirect question ; Je ne sais que (quoi) dire. I know not what to say. 6< Que? and que 1 sometimes have adverbial force : Que ne m'avez-vous dit cela ? Why did you not tell me that ? Que vous ^tes heureux 1 How happy you are ! Que d'argent perdu 1 What a quantity of money lost ! 286 THE PRONOUN. [§394 2. *Whatr as subject of a verb is regularly qu'est-ce qui ? : Qu'est-ce qui fait ce bruit ? What is making that noise ? a. The form que? may stand as subject to a few intransitive verbs, mostly such as may also be impersonal, but never as subject to a transitive verb : Que sert de pleurer ? What is the use of crying ? Que vous en semble ? What do you think of it ? Qu'est-ce? What is it? 3. Quoi ? is used absolutely, i.e., with ellipsis of the verb, and after a preposition : II y a du nouveau. — Quoi ? There is news. — What ? Quoi de plus beau que cela ? What finer than that ? Quoi ! vous I'admirez ! What ! You admire him ! A quoi pensez-vous ? What are you thinking of? En quoi puis-je vous servir ? In what can I help you? a. In cases of special emphasis quoi ? may be direct object : Je re5ois quoi ? — Des lettres. I receive what ? — Letters. h. With an infinitive, que ?, or more emphatically, quoi ? is used : Que (quoi) faire ? What is one to do ? Je ne sais que (quoi) r^pondre. I know not what to answer. 394. Interrogative Locutions. The use of interrogative phrases formed with est-ce, etc., instead of the simple forms is very frequent (cf. §§392-3) : Qui est-ce qui chante ? for Qui chante ? Qui est-ce que vous demandez ? » Qui demandez-vous ? A qui est-ce que vous parliez ? » k qui parliez-vous ? Qu'est-ce que cela prouve ? m Que prouve cela ? Qu'est-ce que c'est ? n Qu'est-ce ? Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ? » Qu'est-ce que cela ? De quoi est-ce qu'il parle ? h De quoi parle-t-il ? Qu'est-ce qui fait ce bruit'? What is making that noise ? §§395-397] THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. 287 THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. 395. Relative Pronouns. qui, who, which, that ; whom (after a preposition). que, whom, which, that. dont, whose, of whom, of which, etc. ou, in which, into which, at which, to which, etc. lequel, m. s. lesquels, m. pi. \ u- u ^u * , ,, <. , It i! 1 J- who, whom, which, that, laquelle, f. s. lesquelles, f. pi. J ' quoi, what, which. Obt.: For qu', see §19. 396. Agreement. A relative pronoun, whether variable or invariable in form, is of the gender, number and person of its antecedent : Moi qui ^tais (vous qui ^tiez) Ik. I who was (you who were) there. Les lettres que j'ai apportees. The letters which I have brought. Moi qui suis son ami(e). I who am his friend (m. or f.). Dieux (vous) qui m'exaucez ! (Ye) gods who hear me ! C'est nous qui I'avons dit. It is we who have said it. Je suis celui qui I'ai dit. I am the one who has said it. a. When the antecedent is a predicate noun, or an adjective as such, the relative may agree in person either with this noun or with the subject of the sentence : Nous sommes deux moines qui We are two monks who are trav- voyageons (voyagent). elling. Je suis le seul qui I'aie (ait) dit. I am the only one who has said it. b. The relative after un+a plural is either singular or plural, usually according to the sense : C'est un de mes (des) proems qui It is one of my (of the) law-suits m'a (m'ont) ruin4. which has (have) ruined me. 397. Qui, Que. Both qui and que refer to antecedents, of either gender or number, denoting persons or things ; their uses in detail are : — 288 THE PRONOUN. [§397 1. Qui = * who,' * which/ 'that,' serves as subject; qui = *whom,' of persons only, or things personified, may also be used after a preposition : La dame qui a chants. The lady who (that) has sung. Les amis qui sont arrives. The friends who (that) have coma La vache qui beugle. The cow which (that) lows. Les livres qui ont 6t6 perdus. The books which have been lost Les oiseaux qui volent. The birds which (that) fly. Ce qui m'amuse. What (that which) amuses me. Rien qui soit beau. Nothing that is beautiful La tante chez qui je demeure. 'flie aunt with whom I live. Les amis k (de) qui je parlais. The friends to (of) whom I spoke. Rochers k qui je me plains. Rocks to whom I complain. a. Qui, without antecedent, sometimes =celui qui (ceux qui, etc), or, when repeated, = les uns. . .les autres : Aimez qui vous aime. Love him (the one) who loTes you. Jouera qui voudra. Let those who will play. Pour qui connait. For any one who knows. Qui d'un c6t6, qui de I'autre. Some on one side, some on the other. 6. Similarly, in a few phrases, mostly exclamatory or parenthetical, qui=ce qui: Voilk qui est strange ! That is strange ! Qui pis est (or ce qui est pis). What is worse. 2. Que = * whom,' * which,' * that,' serves regularly as direct object : Les ami(e)a que j'aime. The friends whom (that) I love. Le livre (cheval) que j'ai. The book (horse) which I have. Les plumes que j'ai achet^es. The pens which I have bought. Ce que vous dites. That which you say. Rien de ce que vous dites. Nothing that you say. a. Que stands also as predicate nominative (cf. §295, 1), and as logical subject of an impersonal veib : Malheureuse que je suis ! Unhappy woman that I am I Qu'est-ce qu'elle est devenue ? What has become of her ? A I'heure qu'il est. At the present hour. L'homme qu'il vous faut. The man that you need. Prenez ce qu'il vous faut. Take what you need §§398-399] THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. 289 Notes.— 1. The que of emphatic inversions (§385, a, n.) is best explained as predicative que : 'C'est une belle ville que Paris ' = * C'est une belle ville que Paris (est)' or 'C'est une belle ville (ce) que (c'est) Paris ' ; ' Erreur que tout cela ' = ' (C'est) erreur que tout cela (est)' or '(C'est) erreur (ce) que (c'est) tout cela.' 2. The form que is often a relative adverb, not to be confounded in function with the relative proper : ' Dans le temps que cela arrivait ' ; ' C'est k vous que Je parle ' (or ' C'est vous k qui je parle '). 398. Dent The form dont = ' whose/ * of whom,' ' of which,' etc., has the value of de + a relative; it refers to antecedents, of either gender or number, denoting persons or things : L'homrae dont le fils est mort. The man whose son is dead. Les gens dont je parle. The people of whom I speak. Les plumes dont je me scrs. The pens which I make use of. La gloire dont il est avide. The fame for which he is eager. Ce dont je me plains. That of which I complain. a. A noun after dont- • wliom * does not omit the article as in English, and must follow its governing verb (of. §4 0, 2) : Le monsieur dont j'ai trouv6 la The gentleman whose purse I found, bourse. b. As compared with d'ou (cf. §399, a), dont has figurative force in expressions referring to extraction, lineage, etc. : La maison dont il sort. The family from which he comes. c. Dont was originally an adverb (L. de + unde), and is often beat construed as such : Le pays dont il est venu. The country whence he came. 399. Oil. The adverb oil = * where ' is also used as a relative with the value of dans (k, Sur, vers, etc.) + a relative ; if preceded by a preposition, oil = * which,' * where ' : La maison oti je loge. The house in which I lodge. Le si^cle ou nous vivons. The age in which we live. Le but oil il tend. The end towards which he tends. Les villes par ou je suis venu. The cities through which I came. L'endroit d'oti il vient. The place from which he comes. D'od venez-vous ? Where do you come from ? a. D*o\i= * from which,' * whence,' is usually Uteral in force : La maison d'oti il sort. The house out of which he comeBL 19 290 THE PRONOUN. [§§400-401 400. Lequel. The form lequel = * who,' *whom,' 'which,' * that.' refers to persons or things, and varies in form to agree with its antecedent ; it is chiefly used where qui, que, etc., may not be employed : — 1. Lequel, being inflected, stands where qui, que, from want of inflection, would be ambiguous, or it serves, owing to its stress, to denote the more remote of two possible ante- cedents : La soeur de mon ami laquelle vient The sister of my friend who has just d'arriver. come. Le fils du r^dacteur lequel je viens The son of the editor whom (i.e., de voir. * the son ') I have just seen. a. Lequel may not be used of persons after en, and it must be used of persons after parmi, entre : Un homme en qui je crois. A man in whom I believe. Les amis parmi (entre) lesquels. The friends among whom. 2. When depending on a noun governed by a preposition, * whose ' must be turned by duquel, etc., which must follow the noun (cf. §398, a) : La dame au fils de laquelle [or de The lady to whose son I give les- qui) je donne des le9ons. sons. NoTB.— Lequel is used exceptionally as an adjective : ' J'espfere partir demain, auquel cas, etc' ; ' Je viens de toucher mille francs, de laquelle somme je payerai mes dettes.' 401. Quoi. 1. The form quoi=*what,' 'which,' is used without definite antecedent, and stands after a preposition, rarely otherwise : Voil^ de quoi je parlais. " That is what I was speaking of. Sur quoi il est parti. Whereupon he went away. C'est k quoi je pensais. That is what I was thinking of. D m'a pay^, ce k quoi je ne m'at- He paid me, which I hardly ex- teudais gu^re. pected. §402] THE RELATIVE PRONOUN. 291 a. De quoi + an infinitive, expressed or implied, denotes the means or cause of the action of the infinitive : II a de quoi vivre. He has enough to live on. II a de quoi (sc. vivre, etc. ). He has means (is well off). Donnez-moi de quoi 6crire. Give me something to write with. II n'y a pas de quoi. There is no occasion (don't mention it, etc.). 5. Quoi stands without a preposition in a few expressions : Quoi faisant. (By) doing which. Un je ne sais quoi de cruel. A certain indefinable cruelty. 2. ' What ' = * that which ' is expressed by ce + a relative (cf. §385) : Je vois ce qui se passe. I see what is going on. Je sais ce que je sais. I know what I know. Ce dont je me plains. That of which I complain. Ce k quoi je me fiais. What I was trusting to. n est sourd, ce qui est bien dom- He is deaf, which is a great pity, mage. 402. Remarks. 1. The relative pronoun, often omitted in English, is never onutted in French : Le tableau que j'ai vu U. The picture (which) I saw there. Le livre dont je parle est k moi. The book (which) I speak of is mine. 2. Relative and antecedent should stand as near together as possible : II y a de ce livre une ^tion qui There is an edition of that book se vend, etc. which is sold, etc. Not : Une ^tion de ce livre qui, etc 3. A preposition never ends the relative sentence, as some- times in English : Ce k quoi je me fiais. What I was trusting to. 4. For English forms in -ing = relative clause, see §287, 3. 292 THE PRONOUN. [§§403-404 THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 403. Indefinites. 1. Adjectival forms : 1. certain, a certain ; pi. certain. 4. divers, m. pL 1 • . _ , ' , ^ . , , J-various, etc. 2. ,chaque, each, every. diverses, f. pi. J 3. di£f6reiit(e)s, pi. , various, etc. 5. maint, many a. 6. quelque, some ; pi. , some (few). Obs. : Except for divers, the feminine and plural are formed like those of ordinary adjectives. 2. Pronominal forms : 1. autnii, others, other people, etc. 5. quelqu'un, m. s.l i^ j ^ 2. chacun, m.)each (one), every quelqu'une, f. s. J chacune, f. /(one). quelques-uns, m. pl.'k some (peo- 3. on (I'on), one, people, etc. quelques-unes, f. pi. J pie), etc. 4. personne. . .ne, nobody, etc. 6. quelque chose, something. 7. rien. . .ne, nothing. 06s. : 1. On often becomes Ton after a vowel sound to avoid hiatus, especially after et, ou, oil, que, lorsque, etc., qui, quol, pourquoi, si, ainsi, aussi, but not usually when a closely following word has initial 1 ; qu'on almost always becomes que Ton when a closely following word has initial [k] sound. 2. For quelqu'unCe), see §19. a Note the hyphen of the plural of quelqu'un. 3. Forms serving either as adjective or as pronoun : 1. aucun...ne, no; nobody, etc. 6. plusieurs, m. ori. pL, severaL 2. autre, other. 7. tel, m. j^^^j^^ ^^^ 3. m^me, same, etc. telle, f. J 4. nul. . .ne, m. \no ; nobody, 8. tout, m. tous, m. pi. ^ all, every, nuUe . . . ne, f. J etc. toute, f. toutes, f. pi. J etc. 6. pas un . . . ne, no ; nobody, etc. 9. un, a ; one, etc. Oba.: The feminine and plural are like those of adjectives of like ending, except the feminine of nul and the plural of tOUt. 404. Use of Adjectival Forms. 1. Certain = * (a) cer- tain,' pi. 'certain,' *some,' precedes its noun; the use of un in the singular, and of partitive de in the plural, is optional : (Un) certain roi de France. A certain French king. (De) certaines gens. (certain (some) people. §404] THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 293 a. Certains is exceptionally used as a pronoun : Certains pretendent, etc. Some assert, etc. NOTB.— Certain, placed after the noun, is an ordinary adjective =• sure,' 'trust- worthy, • positive,' etc. (cf. §362, 4). 2. Chaque = ' each,' * every,' is distributive and singular only: Chaque homme (femme). Each or every man (woman). o. Distinguish chaque=* every,* 'each,' which individualizes from tout= ' every,' * all,' which generalizes : Chaque homme a des passions. Every (each) man has passions. Tout homme a une passion do- Every man has (all men have) a minante. ruling passion. Chaque ann6e ; tous les ans. Each year ; every year. 3. DiffdrentS, Divers =' various,' * several,' « sundry,' * divers,' are indefinite adjectives only when plural and stand- ing before nouns : DiflF^rentes choses m'ont retenu. Various things detained me. On a essay^ divers moyens. Several methods have been tried. Nora.— With the sense of ' different,' ' diverse,' they are used as ordinary adjectives. 4. Maint, whether singular or plural, = ' many » ' ; it ia often repeated : Maint(8) danger(8). Many a danger. Mainte(8) foia. Many a time. En mainte et mainte occasion. On many an occasion. 5. Quelque = * some ' ; when used of quantity or number, quelque = * some, but not much or many,* * a little,' * a few,* and is of more limited force than the partitive some (§322) : Quelques amis sont pires que des Some friends are worse than ene- ennemis. mies. J'ai eu quelque difficult^ I have had some (a little) difficulty. n a quelques amis ici. He has some (a few) friends here. Voici les quelques francs qui nous Here are the few francs we have restent. left. 294 THE PRONOUN. [§405 a. Quelque has adverbial force, and is invariable, before numerals (not nouns of number) = ' about,' ' some ' : A quelque dix milles d'ici. About (some) ten miles from here. But : Quelques centaines de pas. A few hundred paces. A cent et quelques pas. At a little more than 100 paces. h. Similarly before adjectives or adverbs =* however' (cf. §271, 4, h); Quelque riches qu'ils soient. However rich they may be. Quelque bien que vous parliez. However well you may speak. * Note.— 'However '+adjective is also expressed by tout- ■■ que (usually with the indicative), si. . .(que) (with the subjunctive), pour. . . que (with the subjunctive), e.g., ' Toutes bonnes qu'elles sont,' ' However, good they are ' ; • Si bonnes qu'elles soient,' * However good they are ' ; 'SI bonnes vos raisons soient-elles,' ' However good your reasons are ' ; ' Pour bonnes qu'elles soient.' ' However good they are.' c. For the use of quelque(s). . .que= * whatever,' see §407. 405. Use of Pronominal Forms. 1. Autrui= 'others' * other people,' 'our neighbour (in general),' is rarely used except after a preposition : II ne faut pas convoiter les biens We must not covet the goods of d'autrui. others. La rigueur envers autrui. Severity towards others. Note.—' Others ' is more usually les autres, d'autres (§ 406, 2, b) ; regularly so, as subject or direct object. 2. Chacun = * each,' ' each one,' * every one ' is the pronoun corresponding to the adjective chaque (§4:04, 2) : Chacun d'eux a refuse. Each (every) one of them refused. Donnez k chacun(e) sa part. Give to each his (her) share. Des poires k deux sous chacune. Pears at two cents each. a. The possessive form to chacun is regularly son : Mettez-les chacun(e) k sa place. Put them each in his (her, its) place. 6. Chacun in apposition to nous, vous, takes, as its possessive, notre, votre: Parlez chacun(e) k votre tour. Speak each in your turn. c. Chacun, in apposition to ils, elles, takes the possessive leur before the direct object ; otherwise son or leur : Elles r^citent chacune leur verset They each recite their verse (each (chacune k son or leur tour). in turn). §405] THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 295 d. The reflexive to chacun = * every one ' is se (soi) : Chaoun pour soi. Every one for himself. 3. On = *one,' *some one,' * we,' *you,' 'they,* * people,' etc., is used as subject of a verb in the third singular, without specifying any person in particular : On dit que la reine est malade. They (people) say the queen is ilL A-t-on allum^ mon feu ? Has anyone lighted my fire ? On ne peut pas meler I'huile aveo One (we, you) cannot mix oil with I'eau. water. a. The on construction often corresponds to an English passive, especially when the agent is not specified : On a attrap^ le larron. The thief has been caught. On croit que la guerre est finie. It is thought the war is over. On vous demande. You are wanted. 6. On may not be replaced by a personal pronoun subject : On est triste quand on est sans A man is sad when he is without argent. money. c. Since on is subject only, the corresponding direct and indirect object, when required, are borrowed from vous : Lorsqu'on presse trop un poisson When you squeeze a fish too much il vous ^happe. it escapes you. d. The reflexive to on is se (soi), and the corresponding possessive is son, whatever be the English equivalent : On 86 demande. People ask themselves. On perdrait son temps. You would lose your time. e. Although on is invariable, a feminine or plural noun or adjective may relate to it, when the sense is clearly feminine .or plural : On est plus jolie k present. She is prettier now. On est si proches voisins. We are such near neighbours. /. On may replace a personal pronoun, often with depreciatory force : On y pensera. I (we) shall see about it. On se croit bien fin. You (he, etc. ) think yourself very cunning. 296 THE PRONOUN. [§405 4. Personne and rien along with ne + a verb, or when alone, a verb being understood, = * nobody,' * no one,' ' not any- body,' etc., and * nothing,' * not anything,' respectively : Personne n'est venu. Nobody (no one) has come. Je n'ai parl6 k personne. I have spoken to nobody (not spoken to anybody). Ne dites rien. Say nothing (do not say anything). Personne ici ! — Personne. No one here ! — No one. Qu'a-t-ildit?— Rien. What did he say ?— Nothing. a. If the context contains or implies negation, personne, rien, assume affirmative force ( = quelqu'un, quelque chose) : II n'a rien dit k personne. He said nothing to any one. Personne n'a jamais rien dit. Nobody has ever said anything. Je vous defends de rien dire. I forbid you to say anything. Je crains de parler k personne. I fear to speak to anybody. Impossible de rien faire ! Impossible to do anything ! • II cessa de rien donner. He ceased giving anything. Oil trouverai-je rien de pareil ? Where shall I find anything like it? Sans parler k personne. Without speaking to anybody. b. The above rule does not apply to pleonastic ne, nor to double negations : Je crains qu'il ne fasse mal k quel- I fear he will hurt somebody. qu'un. Ne revenez pas sans voir quel- Do not come back without seeing qu'un. somebody. NoTB.— The pronoun personne is masculine (sometimes sylleptically feminine like On> 3, e, above) ; the noun personne is always feminine (cf. §303, 1, c). 5. Quelqu'un (e) = * somebody,' ' some one,' ' any one,' etc., with its plural quelques-un(e)s = 'some,' 'some people,' 'any,* *a few,' etc., is the pronoun corresponding to the adjective quelque (§404, 5) : II y a quelqu'un 1^. There is somebody there. Y a-t-il quelqu'un 1^ ? Is there any one there ? A-t-il quelques-unes des fleurs ? Has he some (any) of the flowers? II en reste quelques-unes. A few of them remain. Quelqu'une des dames viendra. Some one of the ladies will come. Qaelques-uns le croient. Some (people) believe it. §406] THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 297 6. Quelque chose = * something,' * anything,' and is mascu- line, though formed from the feminine noun chose : Quelque chose est promis. Something is promised. A-t-il dit quelque chose ? Did he say anything ? A-t-il quelque chose de bon ? Has he anything good ? 406. Adjectival or Pronominal Forms. 1. Aucun, nul, pas un, along with ne + a verb, or when alone, a verb being understood, = * no,' *not any,' 'not one,' as adjective, and 'none,' 'nobody,' ' no one,' 'not one,' as pronoun : Aucun 'I Nul Ucrivain ne le dit. No writer says sa Pas un j Aucun ne le croit. No one believes it. Je n'en ai vu aucun(e). I saw none of them. Pas un de ses amis ne reste. Not one of his friends remains. A-t-il de I'espoir ? — Aucun. Has he any hope ? — None. a. Aucun, but not 'nul' or 'pas un,' becomes afl&rmative (=quelque or quelqu'un) when the context is negative (cf. §405, 4, a) : Sans aucune cause. Without any cause. Rien pour aucun de nous. Nothing for any of us. Gkirdez-vous de faire aucune faute. Take care not to make any mistake. 6. The plural adjective aucun(e)s may be used, especially before nouns with no singular, or before such as are preferably plural ; (d')aucuns = quelques-uns is sometimes found in naif or jocular style : H ne me rend aucuns soins. He gives me no care. (D')aucuns le croiraient. Some would believe it. 2. Autre = * other,' is usually preceded in the singular by un or r : Une autre fois ; d'autres livres. Another time ; other books. En avez-vous un{e) autre ? Have you another ? Un autre dit le contraire. Another says the contrary. Les autres m'aideront. The others will help me. Entre autres choses. Among other things. a. Distinguish un autre = * another (a diflferent)' from encore un=3 'another (an additional)' : Donnez-moi une autre plumel ^ . ^, ^ y Give me another pen. II II encore une m J '^ 298 THE PRONOUN. [§406 b. 'Others,' * other people,' = les autres or d'autres, sometimes au- trui (cf. §405, 1) : H se m^fie tou jours des autre?. He always suspects others. D'autres pensent autrement. Others think otherwise. Bien d'autres. Many others. Obs. : The d' of d'autres is a partitive sign (cf. § 325, 1, b). c. Autres is often added familiarly to nous, vous : Nous autres peintres. We painters. Vous autres rran9ais parlez tres You Frenchmen speak very fast, vite. d. Observe the following expressions with autre : Autre part ; de part et d'autre. Elsewhere ; reciprocally. C'est un (tout) autre homme. He is a very different man. Parler de choses et d'autres. To speak of this and that. L'autre jour. The other day. Autre est promettre, autre est It is one thing to promise, and donner. another to give. Tout autre que lui. Any one but him. De temps k autre. From time to time. A d'autres (familiar'). Tell that to the marines (familiar). c For Tun. . .l'autre, les uns. . .les autres, see §406, 7, (2). 3. M^me varies in meaning and form according to its position and function : — (1) Preceding its noun or as a pronoun, m^me = ' same,' and nearly always has the article : La (les) m§me(s) chose(s). The same thing(s). Les miens sont les memes. Mine are the same. Donnez-moi des memes. Give me some of the same. Une meme affaire. One and the same business. Des plantes de la meme esp^ce. Plants of the same species. (2) Following the noun or pronoun qualified, m^me= 'self,' * very,' * even,' and agrees, but has no article : Dieu est la bont^ meme. God is goodness itself. Moi-mSme; elles-memes. I myself; they themselves. Cela meme ; celui-U meme. That itself ; that man himself. Les enfants memes. The very (even the) children. §406] THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 299 a. Mdme is also used as an adverb (invariable) : n nous a meme insulins. He even insulted us. Quand meme il le dirait. Even if he should say so. b. M^me forms a number of highly idiomatic locutions : Cela revient au meme. That amounts to the same thing, fites-vous k meme de faire cela ? Are you in a position to do that ? J'irai tout de meme. I shall go nevertheless. 4. Plusieurs = ' several ' ; it is sometimes used in the sense of beaucoup = ' many ' : Plusieurs hommes (femmes). Several men (women). Apporte plusieurs des plumes. Bring several of the pens. J'en ai plusieurs. I have several of them. Plusieurs I'ont cru. Many (people) believed it. 5. Tel, as adjective, = * such/ 'like'; un tel = ' such a * ; tel, as pronoun, = * many a one,' ' he,' * some,' etc. : Ne crois pas une telle histoire. Do not believe such a story. Tels sent mes malheurs. Such are my misfortunes. U n'y a pas de tels aniraanx. There are no such animals. A telles et telles conditions. On such and such conditions. Telle qu'une tigresse. Like (as) a tigress. Tel qui rit vendredi dimanche Some (many a one, he) who langh(8) pleurera (proverb). on Friday will weep on Sunday. a. Examples of more idiomatic uses are : Tel p^, tel fils. Like father, like son. Tel rit, tel pleure. One laughs, another weeps. Monsieur un tel (Mrae une telle). Mr. So-and-so (Mrs. So-and-so). De la mnsique telle quelle. Music such as it is. Votre argent tel quel. Your money intact. Note.—' Such,' as adverb, is si or tellement (not ' tel ') : * Uno 8i belle dtoile ' : ' Un homme tellement cruel.' 6. Tout (singular) = *all/ * every,' *any,' * whole,' etc.; tous (plural) = * all ' : Tonte ma vie ; tous les hommes. All my (my whole) life ; all (the) men. Tout homme ; toute creature. Every (any) man ; every creature. Tous (toutes) sont venu(e)s. All have come. 300 THE PRONOUN. [§406 C'est tout ; de tous c6t6s. That is all ; on all sides. Tout m'efiraie. Everything frightens me. a. Tout is often adverb=* quite,' 'wholly,' * very,' 'very much,' etc., and agrees like an adjective, when immediately preceding a feminine adjective with initial consonant or h aspirate, but is elsewhere invariable : EUes 6taient toutes pS-les et tout They were quite pale and very much agitees. excited. But : lis ^taient tout p^les et tout agit^s, etc. NOTR.— So also, in the comjfeund tOUt-puissant, e.g., 'Elle est tOUte-puissante.* h. Observe the following idiomatic expressions : Tout le monde (cf. le monde entier). Everybody (cf. the whole world). Tous les mois ; pas du tout. Every month ; not at all. Tous les deux jours. Every other (alternate) day. Tous (les*) deux or les deux. Both. Tout k I'heure. Presently [or a little ago). Tout beau ; tout doux. Gently (slowly) ; softly. (Pour) tout de bon. Seriously. *T0US deux (troiS, etc.)— without 'les'— usually denotes • simultaneousnew' (=s ' both together,' etc.) ; les is obligatory above ten, and usual from five to ten. c. For the distinction between tout and chaque see §404, 2, a ; for tont . . . que = ' however,' see §404, 5, 6, note. 7. Un is used either alone or as correlative to autre : — (1) Un, as adjective, = 'a,' 'an/ (cf. §320), 'one,' *a certain ' ; un, as pronoun, = ' one ' : La maison est d'un cotd. The house is on one side. Un monsieur A. I'a dit. A (certain) Mv. A. said so. Une des dames I'a dit. One of the ladies said so. Voici un crayon. — J'en ai un. Here is a pencil. — I have one. Les uns sont de cet avis, les autres Some are of this opinion, (the) others n'en sont pas. are not. a. Un as a pronoun is often preceded by 1', especially with a de clause : L'un des consuls est arrivd. One of the consuls has come. (2) L'un r autre, so also the feminine and plural, are combined into various correlative phrases, as follows : §407] THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 301 I'un l'autre= * each other,' ' one another ' ; pi. ditto. I'un et I'autre = * both ' ; pi. , ' both,' * aU.' I'un ou I'autre =• either' ; pL, ditto. ni I'un ni I'autre (. . . ne) = * neither ' ; pi., 'neither,' 'none.' They flatter each other. They speak of one another. For one another. Elles se flattent I'une I'autre. Us parlent les uns des autres. Les uns pour les autres. L'une et I'autre occasion. Les uns et les autres parlent. Dites ceci aux uns et aux autres. Je prends run(e) ou I'autre. Parle k l'une ou k I'autre. Ni les un(e)s ni les autres ne sont pour vous. Ni pour run(e) ni pour I'autre. Both occasions. Both (all of them) speak. Say this to both (all). I take either. Speak to either. Neither (none of them) you. For neither. for 407. Indefinite Relatives. 1. Adjectival : 2. Pronominal : Quelconque, any (whatever, at all). Quiconque, whoever. Quel que ( + subj. of etre), whatever. Qui que . . . ( +subj. of etre), who- Quelque . . . que ( + subj.), what- ever. ever. Quoi que . . . ( + subj.), whatever. a. Quelconque takes -s for the plural, and always follows its noun ; quiconque is invariable ; the other forms are made up from quel, quel- que, qui, quoi, + que ; Un (deux) point(s) quelconque(8). Des raisons quelconques. Quiconque parle sera puni(e). Quels que soient (puissent Stre) vos desseins. Quelle que fiit la loi. Quelques efforts qu'il fasse. Qui que tu sois (puisses Stre). Quoi que vous fassiez. Obs. : For the use of the subjunctive, see § 270, 4 : h. Qui que and quoi que are also used with ce before soit Qui que ce soit qui le dise. Whosoever says it. Quoi que ce soit qu'il dise. Whatsoever he says. Any (two) point(s) whatever. Any reasons whatever (at all). Whoever speaks will be punished. Whatever be (may be) your designs. Whatever the law was. Whatever efforts he makes. Whoever you be (may be). Whatever you do. 4». 302 THE ADVERB. [§§408-409 THE ADVERB. 408. Simple Adverbs, commoner simple adverbs ; The following list contains tho ailleurs, elsewhere. ainsi, ihus^ so. alors, tlien. apres, afterwards. assez, enough, rather. aujourd'hui, to-day. auparavant, be/ore. aussi, also, too, as. aussitdt, directly. autant, as much. autrefois, formerly. beaucoup, micch. bien, well, very, much. bientOt, soon. cependant, however. certes, indeed. comhicn{^), how mnch{?). comme, as, like. comment (?), how{?). davantage, more, dedans, inside. dehors, outside, diiik, already. demain, to-morrow. derri^re, behind. d^sormais, henceforth. dessous, under. dessus, above. devant, before. dor^navant, henceforth, pas, not. encore, still. peu, little. eufin, at last. ensemble, together. ensuite, then, environ, about. expres, on purpose. fort, very. hier, yesterday. ici, here. jadis, formerly. jamais, ever, never. \k, there. pis, worse. plus, more. plutOt, rather point, not. pourquoi (?), why {?). pourtant, however, pres, near (by). presque, almost. proche, near (by). puis, then, thereupon, quand (?), when{?). \om,far{off), along way. que!, how{!) longtemps, (a) long quelquefois, sometimes. (while), lors, then. maintenant, now. mal, badly. meme, even. mieux, better. moins, less. ne . . . , not. 81, so ; yes. souvent, often. surtout, especially. tant, so much. tantdt, soon, recently. tard, late. tot, soon. toujours, always, still. n^anmoins, nevertheless, tout, quite, entirely. non, no. ofi (?), wliere [?). oui, yes. parfois, sometimes. partout, everywhere. toutefois, hoioever. tr^s, very. trop, too (mv/ch). vite, quickly. volontiers, vnllingly. 409. Adverbs from Adjectives. Most adjectives become adverbs by the addition of -ment to the feminine singular : Adj. Adv. doux. doucement, sweetly. fou, follement, madly. facile, facilement, easily. autre, autrement, otherwise. §409] ADVEEBS FROM ADJECTIVES. 308 Adj. Adv. pur, purement, purely. strict, strictement, strictly. actif, activement, actively. sec, s^chement, dryly. a. Adjectives ending in a vowel, other than -e, drop the -e of the feminine on adding -ment : Adj. Adv. Adj. Adv. poli(e), poliment, politely. dteid6(e), d^cid^ment, decidedly. ab8olu(o) absolument, absolutely. etc. etc. Note.— The omitted e is denoted by a circumflex accent in aasidtlment, COntintl- ment, crtlment, (iiL)dtlment, galment (better 'gaiement'), ntiment. 6. The following adjectives in -e change e to ^ on adding -ment : Adj. Adv. Adj. Adv. aveugle, aveugl^ment. immense, immens^ment. commode, commod^ment. incommode, incommod^ment. conforme. conform^ment. opiniatre, opini&tr6ment. toorme, ^norm^ment. uniforme, uniform^ment. c. The following adjectives change the added -e of the feminine to 6 : Adj. Adv. Adj. Adv. commnn(e), conunun^ment. obscurCe), obacur^ment. confu8(e). confus^ment. opportun(e), opportuD^ment. diflfu9(e), diflfus^ment. pr6ci8(e), pr6ci86ment. expres8e(e), express^ment. profond(e), profond^ment. importun(e), importun^ment profu8(e), profus^ment. d. Adjectives in -ant, -ent (except lent, present, v6h6ment) as- similate -nt to m and add -ment to the masculine form : Adj. Adv. Adj. Adv. eonstant, constamment, constantly. prudent. prudemment, prudently. ' ^l^gant, 61^amment, elegantly. etc. etc. But: Lentement, sZow^y; pr6aentement, presently ; vihimentement, vehemently. e. Gentil gives gentiment, nicely ; the adverb to bref is brifevement (from a parallel form), briefly; the adverb to impuni is impun6ment (probably from L. impuTie, cf. 6, above), loith impunity. f. The adverbs corresponding to bon, qood^ and mauvais, had^ are bien, v3eUy and mal, badly. From bon comes regularly bonnement= * simply.' 304 THE ADVERB. [§§410-411 410. Adjectives as Adverbs. Adjectival forms are not uncommonly used as adverbs, and, as such, are regularly invariable : — 1 . A number of adjectives serve as adverbs in certain fixed expressions : Cette sottise lui coute cher. That folly is costing him dear. Elles parlent bas (haut). They speak low (loud). Such expressions are : coCiter bon, cost dear. arrfiter court, stop short. coClter gros, cost dear. Bentir n smell good. filer doux, ' sing small.' viser haut, aim high. tenir u stand firm. aller droit, go straight. chanter juste, sing in tune. acheter oher, buy dear. viser ir aim u f rapper n strike straight. cotlter II cost 1* chanter faux, sing out of sentir mauvais, smell bad. vendre u sell » tune. . 6crire serr^, urrite small voir clair, see clearly. frapper ferme, strike hard, (a) vrai dire, speak truly. ^Touyer clsMC, prove clearly, parler n speak firmly. etc. etc. 2. An adjective sometimes modifies another adjective : Des dames haut plac^es. Ladies of high rank. Un veritable grand homme. * A truly great man. 3. Besides the above, a few adjectival forms serve also as adverbs : Je I'ai dit expr^s. I said it purposely. Soudain nous vlmes I'ennemi. Suddenly we saw the enemy. Such forms are : bref , in short. mfime, even. tout beau, not so fast. exprfes, purposely. proche, near (by). tout doux, gently. fort, very, hard, loud, etc. soudain, suddenly. tvite, quickly. Juste, exactly, etc. *tout, quite, very, etc. * For the inflection of tOUt as adverb, see §406, 6, a. tThe adverb viteinent= ' quickly,' is familiar. 411. Adverbial Locutions. Phrases with adverbial function are numerous : Je viendrai tout k I'heure. I shall come presently. Venez de bonne heure. Come early. §412] COMPARISON OF ADVERBS. 805 Further examples are : k bon march6, cheap. d'ailleurs, betides. 4 c6t6, near, near by. k droite, to the right, k jamais, forever, k la fois, at once, k I'avenir, in future. k peine, hardly, k peu pr68, nearly. au juste, exactly. au moins, at least. 9^ et \k, here and there. d'abord, at first. d^s lors, since. d'ordinaire, usually. d'oii, whence. d'5ii ?, whence ? du moins, at least. en avant, forward. en has, below, down stairs. en effet, in fact. en haut, above, up stairs. Ik-baa, yonder. lit-dessus, thereupon. plus tdt, sooner. sans doute, doubtless. tant mieux, so much thi better. t6t ou tard, sooner or later. tour k tour, in turn. tout k coup, suddenly. tout de suite, at once. tout d'un coup, all at onee. etc., etc. 412. Comparison of Adverbs. 1. Adverbs are regu- larly compared like adjectives (cf. § 345) by the use of plus, moins, aussi ; que = * than/ * as * : Plus, moins facilement que Jean. More, less easily than John. Aussi facilement que Jean. As easily as John. a. Further examples, illustrating §345, a, b, c, d, as applied to ad- verbs • II ne marche pas aussi (si) vite. Vite corame un eclair. II marche plus viteque je nepensais. De plus en plus vite. Plus je le connais (et) moins je I'estime. He does not walk as (so) fast. As quick as lightning. He walks faster than I thought. Faster and faster The more I know him the less I esteem him. b. *More than,' *less than,' as adverbs of quantity = plus de, moins de, respectively ; they must be carefully distinguished from plus (moins) que= ' more (less) than' in an elliptical sentence : J'ai plus (moins) de dix francs. I have more (less) than ten francs. En moins d'une demi-heure. In less than half an hour. But : Un ^l^phant mange plus que An elephant eats more than six six chevaux (ne mangent). horses (eat). 2. The following are irregularly compared : bien, well mieux, better. beaucoup, much. plus, more. . , ,, ... fpis, worse. peu, little. moins, leea. mal, badly, ilL i i , * ^* \plus mal, worse. ao THE ADVERB. [§413 a. Beaucoup='much (many)' or 'very much (many),' and is never modified by another adverb, except pas. 3. The superlative is formed by placing le, which is invari- able, before the comparative of inequality : Le plus sou vent (moins souvent). (The) mostT frequently (least f.). Elle parle le plus (mieux, moins). She speaks (the) most (best, least). 413. Position. 1. An adverb regularly stands immediately after its verb, rarely between the subject and the verb : Charles porte souvent ma canne. Charles often carries my cane. On devrait lire lentement. One should read slowly. Se levant tard, se couchant tdt. Rising late, going to bed early. Xls I'ont bien regu. They have received him well. Obs.: Hence the adverb reg^arly comes between the auxiliary and the participle in compound tenses. a. The adverbs aujourd'hui, hier, demain, autrefois, tot, tard, ici, 1^ ailleurs, partout, never come between the auxiliary and the participle : II est parti hier. He went away yesterday. Je I'ai cherch^ partout. I looked for it everjrwhere. b. Long adverbs in -ment not uncommonly stand after the past participle : II a parl^ ^loquemment. He has spoken eloquently. c. Most adverbs of quantity, such as peu, beaucoup, trop, etc. , and a few short adverbs like bien, mal, mieux, etc., as also adverbs of nega- tion, regularly precede the infinitive : Tu ne devrais pas trop lire. You should not read too much. II ne saurait mieux faire. He cannot do better. II parle de ne pas y aller. He speaks of not going. d. Interrogative adverbs head the phrase, as in English ; other adverbs are not uncommonly placed first for emphasis (cf. § 237, 3) : Quand allez-vous revenir ? When are you going to come back ? Aujourd'hui je vais me reposer. To-day I am going to rest. Malheureusement tout est perdu. Unfortunately all is lost. 2. Adverbs usually precede the nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and phrases modified by them : Assez de livres, et assez chers. Books enough, and dear enoagh. Bien mal k propos. Very unseasonably. §§414-415] NEGATION. 307 a. For combieni, commel, quel, tant!, and plus. . .plus, moins... moins with adjectives or adverbs, of. §350, a. 3. Adverbial phrases follow the same rules as adverbs, except that only the shorter ones may usually come between the auxiliary and the verb : Nous 6tion8 k peine partis. Hardly had we gone. NEGATION. 414. Negation without Verb. Non = 'no,' 'not,' apar^ from a verb ; it is often emphasized by pas, point : L*avez-vous dit ? — Non. Did yt)u say it ? — No. Vous viendrez ? — Non pas (point). You will come ? — Certainly not. Non, non, je n'irai pas. • No, no, I shall not go. Non content de dire cela. Not satisfied with saying that. Riche ou non, il ne I'aura pas. Rich or not, he shall not have it. A-t-il, oui ou non, du talent ? Has he talent, yes or no ? Des idees non moins vastes. Ideas not less vast. Une maison non meubl^e. A house not furnished. Non seulement . . . mais encore. Not only . . . but also. a. For the use of que non, see §420, 1, a. 415. Negation with Verb. 1. Along with a verb, a negation consists regularly of two parts, ne (n', see § 19) to- gether with some other word or words ; the principal correla- tive expressions of this kind are : ne. . .x)as, not. ne. . . aucunement \no< at ne. . .rien, nothing. ne. . .point, not. ne. . .nuUement } alL ne. . .ni(. . .ni) neither. . . ne . . . gu^re, hardly . ne . . . aucun "| nor. ne. . .jamais, never. ne . .nul \no, none, ne . . . plus, no more . ne . . . pas un J ne . . . que, only . ne . . . personne, nobody. Notes. —1. Point is usually more emphatic than pas, and is less common in ordinary je. 2. Negation is often denoted by pas, without ne, in familiar language : 'Ai-]e pas dit cela ? (^ITai-je pas dit cela ?).' 2. Other forms of less frequent use are : 308 THE ADVERB. [§416 a. Ne. . .quelconque = * no. . .whatsoever (at all),' ne...qui que ce soit=' nobody whatsoever (at all),' ne...quoi que ce soit=* nothing whatsoever (at all).' Je n'ai dit quoi que ce soit. I said nothing at all. 6. Ne...brin (lit. * blade'), or mie (lit. * crumb'), or goutte (lit *drop'), or mot (lit. * word ')=ne. . .rien, in certain phrases : II n'y en a brin. There is none of it. Je n'y entends goutte. I understand nothing of it. c. Ne. . .4me vivante, or homme qui vive, or kme qui vive, etc. = ne.. .personne: H n'y avait §,me vivante dans la There was not a living soul in the maison. house. d. Ne . . . de + an expression of time, e. g. , la (ma) vie, de huit jours, etc. : Je ne I'oublierai de ma vie. I shall not forget it while I live. 416. Position. Ne always precedes the verb, and its conjunctive objects, if any; pas, point and other adverbs immediately follow the verb, and its conjunctive pronouns, if any ; indefinites have their usual place. Je ne le leur ai pas (point) dit. I did not tell them it. Je n'en ai gu6re. I have hardly any of it. Ne les a-t-il jamais vus ? Did he never see them ? Je n'y resterai plus. I shall stay there no longer. H ne le veut nuUement. He does not wish it at all. 1\ ne prend aucun soin. He takes no care. Personne ne peut le dire. Nobody can say (it). H n'a mal quelconque. He has no pain at all. Je ne I'ai dit k qui que ce soit. I have told it to nobody at all. a. Pas, point, usually, and plus, often, precede the simple infinitive, and its conjunctive objects ; they may precede or follow avoir, etre, either when alone or in a compound infinitive : H parle de ne pas vous voir. He speaks of not seeing you. £tre ou ne pas 6tre. To be or not to be. J'^tais f^che de ne vous avoir pas I was sorry not to have seen you. vu {or de ne pas vous avoir vu, or de ne vous pas avoir vu). §§417-418] NEGATION. 309 6. Rien as object is treated as an adverb ; it may also precede an infinitive like an adverb : n promet de ne rien dire. He promises to say nothing. c. The que of ne. . .que must immediately precede the word which it modifies : Je n'en ai vu que trois. I saw only three of them. d. To denote 'neither. . .nor,' ni is placed before each co-ordinate, if not a finite verb, and ne stands before the finite verb ; when finite verbs are co-ordinated, ne stands before each of them, while ni also must stand with the last, but may not stand with the first, and is optional with, others : Qui le sait? — Ni lui ni moi. Who knows it ? — Neither he nor L n n'a ni parents ni amis. He has neither relatives nor friends. Je ne Fai ni vu ni entendu. I neither saw nor heard it. H ne sait ni lire ni ^crire. He can neither read nor write. Je ne veux ni qu'il Use ni qu'il I neither wish him to read nor to derive. write. II ne le bldme ni ne le loue. He neither blames nor praises it. Je ne pouvais, (ni) ne devais, ni I neither could, nor should, nor ne voulais c6der. would yield. 417. Ellipsis of the Verb. If the verb be omitted, but understood, ne is also omitted, and the correlative itself denotes negation ; Est-il venu?— Pas encore (=11 Has he come?— Not yet(=He has n'est pas encore venu). not yet come). Qui est li ? — Personne. Who is there ? — Nobody. Plus de larmes ; plus de soucis. No more tears ; no more cares. a. Pas, when so used, may not stand alone : Non (pas) ; pas encore ; pas lui ; No ; not yet ; not he (him) ; pas du tout ; pas ce soir, etc. not at all ; not this evening, etc. 418. Ne alone as Negative. Negation with verbs is expressed by ne alone in certain cases, as follows ; — 1. After que = pourquoi ?, and usually after que, qui in rhetorical question or exclamation : 310 THE ADVERB. [§418 Que ne le disiez-vous plus t6t ? Why did you not say so sooner ? Que ne ferais-je pour lui ? What would I not do for him ? Qui ne voit cela ? Who does not see that ? 2. After condition expressed by inversion : N'eiit 4ti la pluie. Had it not been for the rain. a. Sometimes also in conditions regularly expressed with si : Si je ne me trompe. If I am not mistaken. Qui, si ce n'est vous ? Who, if not you ? 3. In dependent sentences after negation, either fully expressed or implied : Je n'ai pas (j'ai peu) d'amis qui ne I have no (I have few) friends who soient les vdtres. are not yours. H n'y a rien qu'il ne sache. There is nothing he does not know. Non que je ne le craigne. Not that I do not fear him. Impossible qu'il ne vienne ! Impossible that he -will not come ! Ai-je un ami qui ne soit fiddle ? — Have I one friend who is not faith- Non. ful?— No. a. More obscure cases of implied negation are prendre gfarde que = * take care that not,' etc., and such expressions as il tient= * it depends on,' used interrogatively : Prenez garde qu'il ne tombe. Take care he does not fall. Gardez qu'il ne sorte. Take care he does not go out. A quoi tient-il qu'on ne fasse What is the cause of that not being cela ? done ? 4. Sometimes with savoir, bouger, and with pouvoir, OSer, cesser + an infinitive, expressed or implied: Je ne sais (pas). I do not know. Ne bougez (pas) de Ih. Do not stir from there. Je ne puis (pas) r^pondre. I cannot answ^. II n'oserait (pas) le dire. He would not dare to say so. EUe ne cesse (pas) de pleurer. She does not cease weeping. a. Always ne alone in je ne saurais and je ne sais quoi : Je ne saurais vous le dire. I cannot tell you. Ne sauriez-vous m'aider? Can you not help me? Un je ne sais quoi de terrible. Something indefinably terrible. §419] NEGATION. 311 5. In a few set expressions, such as : N'importe ; n'avoir garde. It does not matter ; not to care. Ne vous en d^plaise. By your leave. N'avoir que faire de. To have no use (whatever) for. n n'est pire eau que I'eau qui Still waters run deep, dort (proverb). 419. Pleonastic ne. In a que clause ne is often pleo- nastic, as compared with English ; thus, ne stands : — 1. After emp^cher = ' prevent,' dviter = ' avoid,' a moins que = 'unless,' or que so used : Empechez qu'il ne sorte. Prevent him from going out. J'6vite qu'on ne me voie. I avoid being seen. A moins que je ne sois retenu. Unless I be detained. o. This ne is often omitted after emp^cher and 6viter, after emp^cher mostly when negative or interrogative. h. Ne may also stand after avant que : Avant qu'il (ne) parte. Before he goes away. 2. After expressions of fearing, such as craindre, redoutcr, etc., avoir peur, etc., de peur que, etc., when not negative, or when negation is not implied by interrogation expecting negative answer, or by condition : Je crains qu'il ne vienne. I fear he will come. Craignez-vous qu'il ne vienne ? Do you fear he will come ? But : Je ne crains pas qu'il vienne. Sans craindre qu'il vienne. Craignez-vous qu'il vienne ? — Non. Si je craignais qu'il vlnt. a. What it is, or is not, feared will not happen has the full negation ne. . .pas in the que clause : Je crains qu'il ne vienne pas. I fear he will not come. Je ne crains pas qu'il ne vienne pas. I do not fear he will not come. 6. Interrogation or condition and negation neutralize each other, and ne stands : Necraignez-vous pas qu'il ne vienne? Do you not fear he will come? Si je ne craignais qu'il ne vint. If I did not fear he would come. Quand mSme je ne craindrais pas Even though I did not fear he would qu'il ne vlnt. come. 312 THE ADVERR [§419 3. "With a finite verb in the second member of a comparison of inequality, when the first member is not negative, or does not imply negation as above : H est plus riche qu'il ne I'^tait. He is richer than he was. Est-il plus riche qu'il ne I'^tait ? Is he richer than he was ? H gagne moins qu'il n'esp^rait. He earns less than he hoped. But : II n'est pas plus riche qu'il I'^tait j est-il plus riche qu'il I'etait?— Non. a. A negative interrogation implies affirmation, and ne stands : N'est-il pas plus riche qu'il Is he not richer than he was? ne r^tait ? Note.— Autre, autrement, plUtdt, plus tdt, similarly take ne: 'II est tout autre que je ne pensais.' 4. Usually after expressions of doubt, denial, such as douter, nier, disconvenir, etc., often d^sesp^rer, when negative, or when negation is implied as above : Je ne doute pas qu'il ne vienne. I do not doubt that he will come. Doutez-vous qu'il ne vienne? — Do you doubt whether he will Non. come ? — No. But : Je doute qu'il vienne ; doutez-vous qu'il vienne ? ( — question for information). 5. After il s*en faut negatively, interrogatively, or with peu, gu^re, etc. : II ne s'en fallut pas (de) beaucoup He came very near being killed. qu'il ne fut tue. Combien s'en faut-il que la somme How much is lacking of the sum n'y soit ? total ? Peu s'en est fallu que je ne vinsse. I came very near coming. 6. With compound tenses after il y a, voila, depuis : H y a (voilk) trois jours que je ne It is three days since I saw him (1 I'ai vu. have not seen him for, etc. ). H avait grandi depuis que je ne He had grown since I saw him. I'avais vu. Depuie que je ne vous ai vu. Since I saw you. o. In a simple tense (§§257, 2, 258, 4) negatively, ne...pas, etc., must be used : Voilit un an qu'il ne buvait plus. He had drunk no more for a year. §420] USE OF CERTAIN ADVERBS. 818 USE OF CERTAIN ADVERBS. 420. Distinctions. The following are especially liable to be confounded in use : — 1. Oui, SL * Yes * in afl5rmation or assent is oui ; * yes ' is usually si in contradiction, in correction, in dissent : L'avez-vous dit ? — Oui, monsieur. Did you say it ? — Yes, sir. Venez. — Oui, oui, j'irai. Come. — Yes, yes, I shall go. n ne s'en va pas.— Si, monsieur, il He is not going.— Yes, (sir), he is s'en va. (going). H ne s'en va pas ? — ^Mais sL He is not going ? — Yes, certainly. Je n'irai pas. — Si, si venez. I shall not go. — Yes, yes, come. NoTB.— The use of si, as also of the intensive Bi fait, etc., thou^ifh very common, is classed as familiar by the Aeadimie; it is often avoided by pardon, etc., or other expressions : ' II ne va pas. — FardOU, monsieur (il va).' o. Oui, si, and non, are often preceded by que, really with ellipsis of a whole que clause, and are then variously translated by *yes,' *80,* *no,' *not,' etc., or by a clause : Je dis que oui (non). I say yes (no). Je crois que oui (non). I think so (not). Vous ne I'avez pas ? — Oh ! que si. You haven't it ? — Oh yes ! Le fera-t-il ? — Je crois que oui. Will he do it ? — I think he wilL Je dis que non. I say it is not so. Peut-etre que non. Perhaps not. 2. Autant, Tant 'As much (many)'=autaiit ; ' so much (many)'= tant: Je gagne autant que vous. I earn as much as you. n but tant qu'il en mourut. He drank so much that he died from it. J'ai tant d'amis ; j'en ai autant I have so many friends ; I have as que vous. many as you. 3. Plus, Davantage. Plus is used in all senses of 'more,* 'most' (see below) ; davantage (strengthened sometimes by bien = * much,' encore = * still' )= ' more,' is regularly used only absolutely, and usually stands at the end of its clause : irenparlepasdavantage.! Say no more about it. Xren pane plus. J Ne restez pas davantage. | j^ ^^^ ^^^^^ 1 • Ne restez plus. J 314 THE NUMERAL. [§421 Cela me plait encore da vantage That pleases me still more. (plus). Je suis riche ; il Test bien da van- I am rich ; he is much more so. tage (plus). But only : J'en ai plus que lui ; il est plus habile ; plus de dix francs ; c'est ce qui le flatte le plus, etc. Note.— Davantage is occasionally followed by que in archaic style. 4. Ne . . . que, Seulement. Seulement must be used, (1) when no verb is present, (2) when ' only ' refers to the subject, (3) or to the verb, (4) or to a que clause, and (5) it may be used to strengthen a ne . . . que ; otherwise * only ' = ne . . . que or seulement : Seulement les braves. Only the brave. Seulement mon frere le sait. Only my brother knows it. £!coutez seulement. Only listen. II dit seulement qu'il irait. He only said he would go. II n'a seulement qu'k venir. He has only to come. But : Nous ne serous que trois {or trois seulement); je ne veux que voir son pfere (or je veux seulement voir son pere), etc. a. * Only,' referring to the subject, may be turned also by il n*y a que, ce n'est que ; * only,' referring to the verb, may be turned by the help of faire : H n'y a que les morts qui ne re- The dead only do not come back. viennent pas. EUe ne fait que pleurer. She does nothing but weep. THE NUMERAL. 421. Cardinal Numerals. 1. un, une [&, yn]. 2. deux [d0]. 3. trois ftrwa]. 4. quatre [katr]. 5. cinq [8?lk]. 6. six [sis]. 7. sept' [set]. 8. huit [qit]. 9. neuf [n^, for fear that. depuis que, since. tde (telle) sorte que^, so that. d6s que, as soon as, when, since. done, now, then, therefore. *en attendant que^, untU. *en cas que', in case (thai), encore, yet, still. *encore que*, though, although. fen sorte que 2, so that. *en supposant que', supposing that, et, and. et. . .et, both. . .and. except^ que, except thai. tjusqu'^ ce qUe^, until. •loin.que*^, far from. lorsque, when, mais, but. *malgr^ que*, tlwugh, although, n^nmoins, nevert^ieless. ni, nor. ni. . .ni. . .(. . .ne), neither. . .nor, •nouobstant que*, notwithstanding that. *non (pas) que*, not that. non seulement . . . mais encore, not only . . .but also. or, now. ou, or. ou. . .ou, either. . .or. outre que, besides that. parce que, because. partant, therefore, hence. pendant que, while, whilst. *pour peu que*, if ever so little. *pour que'^, in order that. pourtant, yet, however. *pourvu que', provided thai. puisque, since. quand, when. tquand meme*, though, even if, tque^, that, than, as. *quoique*, though, although 332 THE CONJUNCTION. [§§456-457 le* , without *soit que . . . ou que*, whether .. .or, selon que, according as. suivant que, according as. tsi^ if (%27 1, 3, a). *suppos6 que^ suppose that. fsi bien que 2, so that. tandis que, whilst, whereas. tsi peu que*, however little. tant. . .que, both. . .and. sinon, if not, or else. tant que, as long as. Bit6t que, as soon as. ttellement . . . que^, so . . that. soit. . .soit, whetlier. . .or. toutefois, yet, nevertheless. soit. . .ou, wJtether. . .or. une fois que, as soon as. *soit que. . .soit que*, whether. . .or. vu que, seeing that. * Followed by the subjunctive. t Followed by the indicative or subjunctive. N.B. — Conjunctions without * or t»in the table are followed by the indicative. 1 See §271, 1 (time before which or up to which). 2 See §271, 2 (purpose or result). 5 See §271, 3 (condition). 4 See §271, 4 (concession). 6 See §271, 6 (negation). 6 See §269, §271, 6, and §458 USE OF CERTAIN CONJUNCTIONS. 456. Kt. 1. When repeated, et usually denotes 'both. . . and ' ; otherwise it stands with the last only of two or more clauses : Je connais et le p^re et le fils. I know both the father and son. Les femmes pleuraient, criaient et The women wept (and) screamed gesticulaient. and gesticulated. 2. * And * after a verb of motion is usually untranslated : Allez leur parler. Go and speak to them. 457. Ni. 1. A finite verb with ni or ni. . .ni must be preceded by ne : H n'a ni or ni argent. He has neither gold nor silver. H ne mange ni ne boit. He neither eats nor drinks. a. For the position of ni. . .ni. . .ne, see §416, d. §§458-459] USE of certain conjunctions. 333 2. In sentences of negative force, * and,' * or,' are rendered by ni: Honneurs ni richesses ne font le Honours and wealth do not consti- bonheur. tute happiness. 3. Observe the following equivalents of * neither,' *not either,' *nor either,' 'nor,' when not correlative : Je ne le feral pas. — Ni moi non I shall not do it. — Nor I either plus. {or Neither shall I). II ne le fera pas non plus. He will not do it either. H ne I'a pas fait, et il ne le fera He has not done it, nor will he pas. (do it). 458. Que. 1. Que =* that' is followed bj the indicative or subjunctive according to the context : Je dis que vous avez raison. I say that you are right. Je suis f§,ch6 que vous ayez raison. I am sorry that you are right* 2. Que often replaces another conjunction ; when so used, it takes the same construction as the conjunction for which it stands, except that que instead of si = ' if ' always requires the subjunctive : Quand vous aurez fini, et que vous When you have finished, and (when aurez le temps. you) have time. Venez que ( = ' afin que,' * pour Come that I may see you. que') je vous voie. ^ vous venez demain, et que vous If you come to-morrow, and (if you) ayez le temps. have time. 3. Que may not be omitted before a finite verb, as * that * often is in English : Je crois qu'il viendra et qu'il res- I think (that) he will come and tera. (that he will) stay. 459. Distinctions. The following conjunctions are espe- cially liable to be confounded in use : 1. Quand, Lorsque. They are equivalents in the sense of * when,* but quand (jjot 'lorsque') serves also as an interrogative adverb in direct or indirect questions : 334 THE INTERJECTION. [§460 Quand est-il arriv^ ? Dis-moi quand il est airiv^. Quand {or lorsque) je I'ai vu. Nous partirons lorsque {or quand) la lettre arrivera. When did he come ? Tell me when he came. When I saw him. We shall leave when the letter 2. Pendant que, Tandis que. Pendant que = • while,' 'whilst,' * during the time that'; tandis que=' while,' 'whilst,' 'during the time that,' and also, 'whilst,' * on the contrary,' ' whereas ' : Lisez le journal pendant que j'^cris Read the newspaper while I write this note. Whilst you are here. The father works, while the son does nothing. 3. Depuis que, Puisque. Depuis que denotes time ; puisque denotes cause assigned : Je suis bien seul depuis que mon I am very lonely since my brother frfere est parti. went away. H me faut rester, puisqu'il n'y a I must remain, since there is no pas de train ce soir. train this evening. ce billet. Tandis que vous Stes ici. Le p6re travaille, tandis que le fils ne fait rien. THE INTERJECTION. 460. Interjections. The commoner interjections and ex- pressions used as such are : — 1. Joy, admiration, approval : shl, ah/ k la bonne heure ! , toell done /, that*8 ha, ha ! or hi, hi ! {to denote right ! laughter). bis ! , encore ! bon ! , good ! bravo ! or bravissimo ! , well dome !, bien ! , good ! ' bravo ! k merveille ! , capital ! hourra ! or vivat ! , hurrah ! 2. Disgust, disapproval, indifference : %.\^fie! f oin de ! , a plague upon ! fi done ! , for shame ! pouah ! , disgusting .', faugh t fie de!,^ on.' oh!,o^/ §460] INTERJECTIONS. 335 par exemple ! , dear me / zest ! , pshaw ! bah ! or ah ! bah ! , nonsense /, pooh-pooh ! baste ! , enough /, pooh /, nonaense / 3. Grief, fear, pain : ah ! , aA / oh!, oh! h^las ! , alas ! aie !, oA/, oh dear! 4. Surprise: ah !, ah ! oh!, o/t/ eh!, a^/ ha !, Ao / comment !, what ! 5. Encouragement: allons !, come ! courage !, cheer up ! voyons I, come now ! qk !, or or 9^ !, or sus !, or or sua !, now then ! 6. Warning : gare !, look out /, talce care ! 7. Calling: h^ !, or oM !, or hoU 1, ho /, hoy ! halloo ! hem !, ahem! 8. Calling for aid : k moi !, or au secours !, help I au voleur ?, stop thief! k I'assassin or au meurtre !, murder! au feu 1, fire 1 9. Silencing, stopping: chut ! or st !, hush! ' tout doux or tout beau !, gently! silence !, silence! not so fast! motus !, not a word ! halte-U !, stop there ! NoT>.— Akin to interjections are imitations of sounds : Cric crac !, breaking ; drelin, drelin ! or drelin, din, din!, ringing; pan pan !, bang ; pit paf !, gunshots; boum I, cannonading ; rataplan !, drum ; dare dare !, quick movement ; cahin-caha, jogging along; clopin-clopant, fiobbling; tio tao, ticking, eta mis^ricorde ! , mercy ! ouf ! {to express suffocation, or relief and exhaustion). quoi !, what ! vraiment !, indeed! tiens !, indeed ! par exemple !, you donH say so! misericorde !, m,ercy ! en avant !, forward ! ferme !, steady ! preste !, quick! hoik I, stop!, stop! st !, hi there ! qui vive !, who goes there! 836 ABBREVIATIONS. [§461 ABBREVIATIONS. 461. French Abbreviations. The following are commoner abbreviations used in French ; the c.-k.-d. =c'est-^-dire, that is. Qie Qj. O=compagnie, company. etc. =et caetera. fr. or f. = francs, francs. h. = heure, hour. in-fo = in-folio, folio. J.-C. = Jesus-Christ, Jesus Christ. M. = Monsieur, Air. MM. = Messieurs, Messrs. M.R. or M.R. . . = Monsieur R. or Monsieur R Trois-Etoiles, Mr. H. or Mr. B—. M* = marchand, merchant. M® (pi. M"") = maitre, is used with names of lavoyers instead of mon- sieur. Mgr. (pi. NNSS.) = monseigneur, my lord. Mn« (pi. Mi»-) = Mademoiselle, Miss. M"'^ (pi. M««)= Madame, Mrs. M'» = maison, house, firm. ms. (pi. mss.) = manuscrit, manu- script. N.-D. =Notre-Dame, Our Lady. N.S. =Notre-Seigneur, Our Lord, n'*=num^ro, number. R.S.V.P. =Repondez s'il vous platt, an answer is requested. S. A. R. = Son Altesse Royale, His Royal Highness. s.-ent. =sous-entendu, understood. S. Exc. =Son Excellence, His Ex- cellency. S. M. (pi. LL. MM.) = Sa Majesty, His (Her) Majesty. S. S. = Sa Saintet^, His Holiness. s. V. p. = s'il vous plait, if you, please. V*= veuve, widow. 1^ (in titles) = premier, the First. V (fem. 1") = premier, first. II (in titles) = deux, the Second. 2*=deuxi^me, second. Le XV« si^le, etc. =le quinzi^me l«=primo, firstly. ai^lGp the 15th century. 7*^=septembre, /S'c/J^wider. Etc. EZEBCiSES i-ii, a. 337 EXERCISES. [The references at the head of the exercises are to the sections in the Grammar on which they are based.] EXERCISE I, a. (§§156-161.) 1. What are you eating? 2. We are eating apples. 3. It was necessary that they should eat. 4. Who is calling? 5. We are calling. 6. The general leads his army. 7. We shall lead the horses. 8. Who is throwing stones? 9. It will freeze. 10. He is buying a coat, 11. We never yield. 12. They will never yield. 13. The servant is peeling apples. 14. When will he pay? 15. They never pay. 16. The servant is cleaning the kitchen. 17. We shall clean our gun. 18. The little girl wipes the dishes. 19. The farmer sows the seed. 20. It is freezing. 21. We are going to school. 22. We went home. 23. They used to go to market on Saturdays. 24. He will send it. 25. The servant is bringing the horses. 26. I send him there. 27. I shall go to school. 28. Let them go to the city. 29. It was necessary that you should go there. 30. They will buy a box. 31. Let us bring the children. 32. Bring the childreni 33. Let him not throw stones. 34. We have led the horses to the stable. 35. Let us trace a line. 30. We are advancing. 37. They were eating. 38. We ate. 39. They will eat. 40. Let us advance. 41. Let us never yield. 42. Let us call the children. 43. Let us not go there. 44. The queen has been reigning a long time. 45. The children were throwing stones. 46. He led the horse to the stable. 47. He paid the money. 48. The servant wiped the dishes. 49. The child traced a line. EXERCISE II, a. (§§162-166.) 1. He is running. 2. Shall we run? 3. Run fast, my little boy. 4. He is a,cquiring a fortune. 6. It was necessary that we should run. 6. They will conquer that city. 7. The 22 338 EXERCISE III, a. general has acquired glory. 8. He gives him consecrated bread. 9. They acquire knowledge. 10. We shall acquire property. 11. There is holy water. 12. Let us not run. 13. Let them acquire it. 14. We are gathering apples. 15. It was necessary that they should gather flowers. 16. He welcomed me. 17. We shall gather them. 18. Let us not start with (de) fear. 19. He assails his enemy. 20. He will assail his enemy. 21. He is sleeping. 22. Let us not sleep. 23. He must sleep. 24. We shall soon sleep. 25. They fall asleep. 26. He is leaving for France. 27. He left yesterday. 28. If he were asleep, I should call him. 29. He will go out. 30. Let him not go out. 31. The water boils. 32. The water was boiling. 33. When he speaks, he lies. 34. He makes use of it. 35. He will feel it. 36. If he were here, we should not sleep. 37. The water will soon boil. 38. He has run. 39. It was necessary that we should sleep. 40. I have not slept. 41. He never lies. 42. The horses would run, if they were not tired. 43. They ran. 44. We acquired it. 45. The horses run over the field. 46. He does not consent to it. 47. He will never consent to it. 48. Let him not make use of it. 49. We were running. 50. We fell asleep. EXERCISE III, a. (§§167-179.) 1. He failed on (en) that occasion. 2. It is a prosperous country. 3. He flees. 4. Let us not flee. 5. They fled. 6. He will not flee. 7. It was necessary that I should flee. 8. Here lies a hero. 9. Here lie the remains of the great Napoleon. 10. I hate evil. 11. Men hate their enemies. 12. Let us not hate our enemies. 13. He hates his father. 14. Let him not hate his father. 15. Was it necessary that he should hate his father? 16. She dies. 17. They will die. 18. Let us not die. 19. It was necessary that he should die. 20. He died. 21. She will die. 22. Let him not die. 23. If they died, we should be sorry for it. 24. That tree is dying away. 25. Open the door. 26. We have opened the box. 27. He oflTers me his book. 28. She used to suffer a great deal. 29. If we had any, we should ofier you some. 30. Columbus discovered America. 31. We held it. 32. Let him not hold it. 33. I hold it. 34. Let us hold it. 35. We EXERCISE IV, a. 339 are coming. 36. We shall come. 37. We should come, if you would come. 38. If I should come, I should find it. 39. They are coming back. 40. It is necessary that he come. 41. It was necessary that he should come. 42. Hold it. 43. He has held it. 44. The purse contains money. 45. If he comes, we shall be glad (of it). 46. They will come back. 47. He is ill clad. 48. He clothes himself well. 49. He will clothe his child. 50. It is necessary that he clothe his child. EXERCISE IV, a. (§§180-188.) 1. We beat the horse. 2. He fells the tree. 3. It is necessary that he fight the enemy. 4. We drink water. 5. They drink milk. 6. They were drinking wine. 7. We shall drink water. 8. Let him drink milk. 9. He has drunk the wine. 10. It was necessary that we should drink wine. 11. We shall not drink wine. 12. The wind rustles in the trees. 13. He encloses his garden. 14. He will close the bargain. 15. Those flowers will soon open. 16. He is concluding his argument. 17. Let us conclude the bargain. 18. The bread is baking well. 19. If he were there, he would conclude the afiair. 20. It was necessary that he should conclude the bargain. 21. He drives the cows to the field. 22. They destroyed their books. 23. They will construct houses. 24. Let us translate this phrase. 25. It was necessary that we should translate that book. 26. He led his horse to the stable. 27. We were translating our exercise. 28. We con- structed a house. 29. Let him translate his lesson. 30. I have translated a book. 31. I translated a book. 32. She was preserving plums. 33. We are preserving cherries. 34. That suffices. 35. That will be sufficient. 36. Let that suffice. 37. Five francs a day are sufficient for him. 38. I know that gentleman. 39. It is necessary that we should know him. 40. Let him appear. 41. The cows eat the grass. 42. It was necessary that we should know him. 43. It was necessary that he should appear. 44. He will not disappear. 45. We used to know him. 46. When he appears, we shall conclude the affair. 47. Let him recognize him. 48. You know him, do you not? 49. You will know him. 50. He reappeared. 340 EXERCISES v-vi, a. EXERCISE V, a. (§§189-193.) 1. The little girl is sewing. 2. We were sewing. 3. They will sew. 4. She sewed. 5. They had sewed. 6. Let us sew. 7. Let her not sew. 8. Let us not fear. 9. They fear. 10. Let him not be afraid. 11. We shall not fear. 12. Men fear death. 13. They pity us. 14. He was painting a pic- ture. 15. Put out the fire. 16. Let him put out the lamp. 17. It was necessary that we should rejoin our friends. 18. The general girds on his sword. 19. I feared the rain. 20. I believe you. 21. We shall not believe it. 22. Let us believe it. 23. I used to believe it. 24. It is necessary that he should believe it. 25. He did not believe it. 26. It was necessary that he should believe it. 27. We did not believe it. 28. Do not believe it. 29. The flowers are growing. 30. The tree grows. 31. That tree will grow fast. 32. We grew. 33. It was necessary that we should grow. 34. The trees were growing fast. 35. Let it grow. 36. He has believed. 37. The tree has grown. 38. Do not say so {le). 39. We say so. 40. We should not say so, if we did not believe it. 41. Is it necessary that he should say so? 42. They used to say so. 43. Let him not say so. 44. Was it necessary that we should say so ? 45. Do not say so again. 46. Do not slander. 47. They do not say so. 48. Cain was cursed by {de) Grod. 49. We do not curse our enemies. 50. If I should say so, would you believe me ? EXERCISE VI, a. (§§194-200.) 1. I was writing when he came. 2. Let us write our ex- ercise. 3. We wrote a letter. 4. Write your lesson. 5. Let him write. 6. We shall write our letter. 7. It was neces- sary that you should write. 8. He has described his travels. 9. They are writing. 10. Would you write, if I should write*? 11. Do what I say. 12. He did not do it. 13. He has not done his work. 14. Let us do our work. 15. Let him do what I said. 16. It was necessary that you should do so. 17. I shall do so when you come. 18. If you do so, we shall do so. 1 9. If you should say so, we should do it. 20. I was doing my work when he came. 21. It is necessary that we do that. 22. If I do this, will you do thati 23. I waa EXERCISE vn, a. 341 reading, when he came. 24. He will never read that book. 25. Read that letter. 26. They are reading their book. 27. Did you not read the newspaper? 28. If I should read this book, would you read that one? 29. Is he reading the newspaper? 30. It was necessary that I should read the letter. 31. Let him not read that book. 32. Did they not read this book ? 33. I placed the book on the table. 34. Do not commit that crime. 35. It is necessary that he put on his coat. 36. We shall put on our clothes. 37. They have placed their books on the table. 38. We shall not permit it. 39. Does he permit it ? 40. It was necessary that he should not permit it. 41. What would you say, if we should permit it. 42. The miller grinds the wheat. 43. We are grinding wheat. 44. We ground the wheat. 45. Let him grind the wheat. 46. The prophet said that a child would be born. 47. We are born weak. 48. We were born [on] the same day. 49. Let a young nation arise ! 50. Was it necessary that hatred should arise between them 1 EXERCISE VII, a. (§§201-211.) 1. That does not please him (lui). 2. You please me. 3. Come when it pleases you. 4. Do so if you please. 5. May it please you. 6. Take your places. 7. He takes his hat from (sur) the table. 8. If I should take it, what would you do? 9. Let him take his book. 10. It was necessary that he should take the medicine. 11. We took our places. 12. Have you learnt your lesson? 13. He will not undertake that. 14. Fire resolves wood into (en) smoke. 15. We have resolved to (de) do it. 16. He solved the diffi- culty. 17. He will solve the difficulty. 18. Let us not laugh at (de) him. 1 9. Why is he laughing ? 20. If I should laugh, what would you say? 21. Was it necessary that he should laugh? 22. We laugh at them. 23. Water springs from the earth. 24. Follow me. 25. The dog follows his master. 26. Let him follow us. 27. It is necessary that we should follow you. 28. We followed him. 29. If I should follow him, it would please him. 30. We shall never follow him. 31. Is he not milking the cow? 32. If I should do that, he would not milk the cows. 33. When we were in the country, we used to milk the cows. 34. Let him milk the cow. 342 EXERCISE VIII, a. 35. That distracts him from his work. 36. The general con- quers his enemies. 37. We conquer our passions. 38. If you were to conquer your passions, you would be happy. 39. Our army will conquer. 40. We have conquered our enemies. 41. Let him conquer his passions. 42. He is not selling his house. 43. He will never sell it. 44. Horses live on (de) hay. 45. He lives only for himself. 46. Let us live in {en) peace. 47. He will live yet [a] long time. 48. Louis XIV. lived in the 17 th century. 49. Long live the King. 50. Hurrah for liberty ! EXERCISE VIII, a. (§§212-222.) \. We receive our friends. 2. He has received the letter. 3. Let us not receive the money. 4. If they should receive us, we should be glad. 5. We owe him {lui) money. 6. We shall owe him something. 7. If they receive it, we shall tell (it to) you. 8. Let him not receive it. 9. We received the money. 10. Sit down. 11. He sits down. 12. They will sit down. 13. Let us sit down. 14. It was necessary that we should sit down. 15. If we should sit down, would you tell (raconier) us a story? 16. Let them not sit down. 17. That does not become him (lui). 18. That will not become us. 19. We sit down. 20. The payment falls due. 21. His influence has declined. 22. It will be necessary to do it. 23. It is necessary to be there. 24. Passion moves men. 25. Steam and water drive {mouvoir) machines. 26. His story moved {dmouvoir) the audience. 27. Such a story must move men. 28. We shall go out, if it does not rain. 29. It was rain- ing when we came. 30. It will rain. 31. I did not think it would rain. 32. It has rained. 33. I shall come, if I can. 34. I shall come when I can. 35. They cannot go away. 36. I would do so, if I could. 37. I wish that he may not be able to do so. 38. I could do that, if I were rich. 39. You may do so, if you desire. 40. Could (condl.) you not give me some? 41. We know our lesson. 42. Do you know how to do that 1 43. That child cannot write ; he is too young. 44. I cannot write ; I have a sore finger. 45. Do you know that gentleman? 46. I used to know how to swim. 47. Your father must not know that. 48. We knew it. 49. We shall know it to-morrow. EXERCISES ix-x, a. 343 EXERCISE IX, a. (§§223-225.) 1. That horse is worth one hundred dollars. 2. Virtue is worth more (mieux) than riches. 3. Those houses are worth more (plus) than these. 4. That was worth more last year. 6. That will be worth more next year. 6. If that were worth more, I should take it. 7. He has nothing (which is) of value (subj.). 8. We shall not see him again. 9. Do you see him? 10. I saw him. 11. We saw him. 12. If we should see him, we should tell (it to) him. 13. When we see him, we shall speak to him about it. 14. We must see our parents. 15. It was necessary that we should see our children. 16. I have seen him. 17. If we wished to do it, we could do it. 18. You may come when you wish. 19. He will wish to do that when he can. 20. Be so good as to sit down. 21. If you will sell your house, I shall buy it. 22. Will you be so kind as to give me some*? 23. We do not wish to do that. 24. Should you like to see him ? 25. I should like to see him, if I could. 26. I could do this, if I wished. 27. If it rains, we cannot go out. 28. If they were willing, they could do it. 29. If they are not willing to tell (it to) you, you will not know how to do it. EXERCISE X, a. (§§227-229.) Qu'est devenu son fr^re ? What has become of his brother? Je sais ce qu'il est devenu. I know what has become of him. EUe est n^. She was bom. Elle est morte. She died. EUe est mont^e. She has gone up {or up stairs). NoTK.— In this exercise, verbs having the asterisk in the list §229, 2, are to be COH- Jugated with 6tre when intransitive. 1. Your mother has come, has she not? 2. No, she has not yet come ; she will come to-morrow. 3. Our friends have gone to church ; let us go (there) too. 4. The old gentleman who lived in that house died last night. 5. (The) Queen Victoria was born on the twenty-fourth of May. 6. My little sister was born on the tenth of March. 7. How old is your father 1 8. He is seventy ; he was born before the death of Napoleon. 9. What has become of your brother? 10. He 344 EXERCISE XI, £U has gone to (partir pour) France. 11. When did he go? 12. He went yesterday morning. 13. Is your father out? 14. No, sir, he is in. 15. When did your father return? 16. He has not yet returned ; he will return next week. 17. The servant has brought down the trunk. 18. Where is your sister? 19. She has gone down for breakfast. 20. Where are the children ? 21. They have gone up stairs. 22. Why did they not come down when I was there 1 23. What is the matter, my child? 24. It was slippery, and I fell. 25. My father has gone into the house. 26. Although he was born rich, he is now poor. 27. He died poor, although he was once rich. 28. I have not seen him to-day ; what has become of him ? 29. I don't know what has become of him. 30. Have you taken up the gentleman's trunks? 31. Not yet, but I shall take them up immediately. 32. At what o'clock did your sister go out this morning? 33. She went out at half- past nine. 34. Where is my sister? 35. She has gone up stairs ; she has gone to get her books. EXERCISE XI, a. (§230.) Si vous vouliez bien me le dire. If you would kindly tell me. Faites-les entrer. Show them in. 1. We do not wish to leave this country ; we should like to remain here, but if we cannot, we shall go away. 2. You ougjit to go home (niy) children ; it is late. 3. We cannot go home ; it is dark, and our father told us to (de) wait for him. 4. We cannot go away before six o'clock ; we are to wait here till our friends come. 5. We could have written the letter, if we had known that you desired it. 6. That beggar could have had work, if he had wanted it, but he was too lazy ; he would not work, and now he must beg. 7. Those children cannot read yet; they are too young. 8. If they had been able to read, they would not have believed all that was said to them. 9. You ought to let them go away, for their father told them that they were to leave before (the) night. 10. You might have seen them, if you had been willing to come with me. 11. Our teacher told us that we were to write this exercise. 12. We are to have a house built next year. 13. Their teacher made them write their exercise. 14. We should have EXERCISES xii-xiii, a. 345 a house built, if we were rich enough. 15. "We said to the innkeeper, will you be so kind as to have our horses saddled 1 "We are going to start. 16. Opium makes [us] sleep. 17. It is very warm ; if this great heat continues, it will kill the crops. EXERCISE XII, a. (§230.) 1. Those children make a great deal of noise ; they talk too much ; make them be silent. 2. That girl could write, if she wished (it). 3. If you would kindly tell me where the doctor lives, I should send for him. 4. Do you know Daudet's La Belle-Nivernaiae ? 5. Oh, yes, it is a charming book ; I liked it so well that I had my pupils read it. 6. That is a beautiful picture. 7. Yes, I have just been showing it to your mother and sister. 8. When did you see my father ? 9.1 had just been speaking with him, when you came. 10. What are you going to do to-morrow? 11. To-morrow we are going to see the Invalides and the Arc de Triomphe, and the day after to-morrow we are to see Notre-Dame and the Louvre (m.). 12. We ought to have visited the Louvre when you were with us; you could have shown us the fine pictures. 13. May I go with you when you visit the Louvre next time % I should like to have explained to me some of the beauties of the finest pictures. 14. That gentleman must have been in Paris, for he speaks French like a Parisian. 15. Why did you not make those ladies sit down when they were here? 16. They said they would not stay, because you were out. 17. There are ladies at the door. 18. Very well, show them in. 19. Your son ought to write his exercises. 20. Very well, make him write them. 21. If I had made him study his lessons when he was at school, he would have become a better man. EXERCISE XIII, a. (§§231-234.) 1. The French people are brave and gay ; they (tZ) have their {ses) defects, but also their good qualities. 2. Few people believe that the earth is not round. 3. Most people believe that the earth will be destroyed. 4. The greater part of his friends abandoned him. 5. Many think that our friends will not succeed. 6. A great number of men were killed. 346 EXERCISE XIV, a. 7. The Swiss people are brave, they (il) will always be free. 8. More than one house was burnt. 9. Is it your friends who live in the house on the hilH 10. Yes, it is they; they have lived there for two years. 11. You and he were there, were you not? 12. Yes, he and I were there, and your brother too. 13. Will you and your brother come and see us, when you are in London? 14. We shall be very happy to (de) visit you. 15. Do you see those two children? Both were born [on] the same day. 16. You or I shall speak. 17. There happen many misfortunes here below. 18. There arose a great quarrel between them. 19. Who went for the doctor? 20. It was (pres.) I who went for him. 21. Do you see those two gentle- men? Both have had houses built this year. 22. Religion, truth, honour, all was abandoned. 23. Many think that you will never be able to build your house. 24. The majority are not always right. 25. If there happened such misfortunes to me, I should leave the country. 26. Were it only a few lines, I should like you to write to me. 27. If you and I were young, fine things would be done (reflex, impers.). 28. Who can have done that, if not our friends ? 29. Neither he nor his brother can go away ; both must stay. EXERCISE XIV, a. (§§235-238.) 1. Is that book yours or your brother's? 2. How much did these books cost ? 3. I do not know how much they cost. 4. Does that merchant provide you cheap with what you need ? 5. What is the matter with that boy this morning ? 6. I do not know what is the matter with him. 7. Do I say, or can I say, the half of what he has done ? 8. Whatever men may do, they cannot escape death. 9. What books did your father buy when he was in the city? 10. Your father told me what your brother had done. 11. Your brother told me what he had done. 12. Will you tell me where those men were when you saw them 1 1 3. I cannot tell you where they were. 14. We have more books than that gentleman has. 15. We have more books than you have. 16. Virtue is a beautiful thing, hence we love it. 17. My father is here^ perhaps he will come to see you. 18. However good men may be, they are sometimes poor. 19. Such are my reasons EXERCISE XV, a. 347 for doing so. 20. You have told me that my friend has gone; I did not know (impf.) it, but perhaps you are right. 21. I wish you were here, were it only to encourage us. 22. That man does not respect himself, hence he cannot be good. 23. Come and see us, said he, as soon as you can (fut.). 24. If I do this, thought he, I shall be punished, hence I shall not do it. 25. When was your little brother born ? 26. I do not know where that man died. 27. To whom did your friend give his gold watch 1 28. I do not know ; perhaps he gave it to his sister. 29. I cannot do (de) such things ; am I not [an] Englishman 1 30. Do I not tell you that I shall be there, and that I shall see you ? EXERCISE XV, a. (§§239-241.) On lui ob^it. "i tt • i. j T, J. 1 ,- r He IS obeyed. H est ob^i. J *^ On me I'a pardonnd. ^ I have been pardoned (for) it. 1. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. 2. The first steamboat was built by Fulton. 3. We have been deceived by that scoundrel. 4. We have been deceived. 5. That gentleman has been mistaken in that aflfair. 6. Where is that said? 7. Oh, that is said everywhere. 8. Who com- mitted that crime? 9. It was our neighbour's brother. 10. Will he not be punished? 11. No, he has been pardoned for it. 12. I have often seen it done. 13. I have been told that you had it done. 14. Is that not done every where ? 15. Oh, no, that is never done amongst respectable people. 16. How unfortunate he is ! He is a good fellow, but he is deceived and suspected everywhere. 17. How little it is ! It can hardly be seen. 1 8. That man is not a good teacher ; he is not obeyed by his pupils. 19. There is a house to be sold. 20. There is an exercise to be done. 21. That beggar was given bread and milk. 22. We were made to read our lesson. 23. That is a man to be feared. 24. They were told that you were not here. 25. Why were we not told that our friends had gone away 1 348 EXERCISE XVI, a. EXERCISE XVI, a. (§§242-247.) *Elle s'est rappel6 ce que j'ai dit. "^ i, j i. ^ t -j «T^n , J. J -5 • J.. hShe remembered what I said. *Elle s'est souvenue de ce que j ai dit. J Je me le rappelle. "| t t. -i^ ^ , . r I remember it. Je m en souviens. J Je me le rappelle. "» t t. ^ • -. • J 1 • f I remember nim. Je me souviens de lui. J lis se souviennent de moi. They remember me. Je m'en sers. I use it (I make use of it). II s'en passe. He does without it. EUe s'est fait mal k la main. She (has) hurt her hand. EUe s'est cass6 le bras. She has broken her arm. EUe s'est tue. She became silent. ♦In se rappeler, se is indirect, in se souvenir, se is direct. 1. They have not yet gone away; they will remain here till to-morrow. 2. When you are in front of Mr. Jackson's, be good enough to stop. 3. How have you been this long time ] 4. I have been very well. 6. How has your mother been, since she has been living in Toronto? 6. How unfortunate I am, she exclaimed, my friends remember me no longer. 7. When the door opens, we can go in. 8. Where is my book? I cannot do without it. 9. Why do you not make use of that pen? 10. It is not a good pen; I cannot use it. 11. There are some ladies in the parlour; very well, have them sit down, and ask them to wait a little. 1 2. Why are you crying, my little girl ? 1 3. I have fallen and hurt myself. 14. Where did you hurt yourself? 15. I hurt my hand. 16. Why did those ladies not sit down? 17. They would not sit down, because they could not stay. 18. If you wish to use this ink and paper, I shall give you some. 19. It was very slippery this morning, and my mother in going down the street, fell and broke her arm. 20. If you cannot do without this book, I shall lend it to you. 21. I can do without it now, but I shall need it next week. 22. Do you remember what was told you last evening ? 23. No, I do not remember it. 24. Did that little girl hurt herself badly, when she fell ? 25. Yes, she hurt herself very badly; she broke her arm. 26. Have those young ladies written letters to each other? 27. They have written many ; they ha^ve been writing to eaeh EXERCISE XVII, a. 349 other for two years. 28. I am not well this morning ; I hurt my head. 29. Are you using your pen now 1 30. No, I am not using it; you may have it, if you need it. 31. Do you remember the gentleman who lived in that large house on the hill ? 32. Yes, I remember him very well. 33. One cannot do without money ; it is useful everywhere. 34. I remem- bered what he had said, as soon as I saw him. 35. Be silent, (my) children, you are speaking too loud. 36. As soon as I came, he became silent. EXERCISE XVII, a. (§§242-247, continued.) ^ . . r What are you called? Comment vous appelez-vous? \ ,,^, , . "^ , *^*^ L What IS your name ? Je m'appelle Jean. I am called John (my name is John). Se promener k pied (i cheval). To take a walk (a ride). Se promener en voiture (en bateau). To take a drive (a row or sail). Elle s'est couch^e k dix heureg. She went to bed at ten. , Elle s'est lev6e k six heures. She rose at six. Attendez-moi. Wait for me. Elle ne s'y est pas attendue. She did not expect it. Le pr^tre les a mari^s. The priest (has) married them. Elle s'est mari^ k {or avec) mon She (has) married my cousin. cousin. Elle s'est marine hier. She was married yesterday. II est all6 se promener en bateau. He has gone for a row {or sail). AUons nous promener. Let us go for a walk. Elle s'est endormie. She fell asleep. Se connalt-il en tableaux ? Is he a good judge of pictures ? II s'y connait assez bien. He is a pretty good judge of them. Vous ennuyez-vous ici ? Are you tired of being here ? 1. What is that little boy's name ? 2. His name is Henry. 3. What are you going to do to-day? 4. We are going to go for a drive. 5. We are not going for a drive ; we prefer to go for a walk. 6. Let us go to bed now, and then we shall get up early. 7. Is your brother out ? 8. Yes, he has gone for a drive. 9. While we were out for a drive, we met your brother on horseback. 10. While they were out for a ride, they met us on foot. 11. Let us go for a walk in that beau- tiful forest. 12. Has he gone for a ride or a walk? 13. He 850 EXERCISE XVIII, a. has gone for a sail. 14. The children went to bed at eight o'clock, and they will get up at six. 15. We shall wait for him here; he has gone for a walk. 16. That does not sur- prise me; I was expecting it. 17. I was not expecting to see him there. 18. Mr. Jackson has married his eldest daughter to a very rich man. 1 9. Who married them ? 20. It was the priest who lives in the little village. 21. My cousin was married yesterday. 22. To whom was she married 1 23. She was married to the gentleman who lived here last year. 24. When are you going to get married? 25. I shall never get married. 26. What is the name of the gentleman who married your cousin ? 27. If the children had not gone early to bed last night, they would not be able to rise early this morning. 28. That surprises my mother; she was not expect- ing it. 29. We went to bed, and (we) fell asleep immediately. 30. Are you not a pretty good judge of books? 31. Yes, I am a pretty good judge of them. 32. Is your mother not tired of being here 1 33. I think so ; I shall ask her to go for a walk with us. 34. Do you ever get tired of being in the country? 35. No, I never tire of being there; I love the fields and trees. EXERCISE XVIII, a. (§§248-253. It is dark. II fait obscur. ■) II fait noir. J n se fait tard. It is getting late. II fait jour. It is day (daylight). II fait du soleil. The sun is shining. II fait du brouillard. It is foggy. II fait bon. It is comfortable (pleasant). II tombe de la neige. It is snowing. II fait doux. It is mild. 1. If the weather is fine, we shall go for a row this after- noon.' 2. It was raining this morning, but now the sun is shining. 3. It is not comfortable here ; let us go out for a walk. 4. It is getting late ; let us go home. 5. It was rain- ing last evening, then it froze, and now it is slippery. 6. It is not comfortable in those countries where it is very {/aire heaucoup de) foggy. 7. It is too windy ; we shall not go for a EXERCISE XIX, a. 351 row. 8. It is getting late ; the children will have to go to bed. 9. What time is it? 10. I do not know, but it is already daylight. 11. Ts it? Well then, we shall have to get up immediately. 12. It had been snowing for two days, and we couldn't go for a drive. 13. It has been raining since yesterday morning, and it will be better to remain here. 14. My sister is very ill ; her life is at stake. 15. We cannot go away; it is raining. 16. No matter; I do not fear the rain. 17. How did you enjoy yourself yesterday? 18. We did not enjoy ourselves at all; it was raining all day. 19. If it is very dark this evening, we shall not go to see our friends. 20. Yes, it will be better to stay at home; we can easily amuse ourselves. 21. How long have you been in this city ? 22. I came here three years ago. 23. What sort of weather will it be to-morrow ? 24. I do not know ; I am not a good judge of such things. 25. It has been raining for two days ; we are tired of being here. 26. In winter it is generally mild in Italy, but it is often cold in Canada. 27. Those two men are disputing ; what is the matter 1 28. It is about (s'agir de) the price of a horse which one sold to the other. 29. It was very warm yesterday, but it rained in the night, and now it is very comfortable. 30. I think (that) it will rain, but it may be that I am mistaken. 31. We need another house; this one is too small. 32. Their number is far from being com- plete. 33. Letters have come which tell us that there has been a great storm in the United States. 34. How far is it from Toronto to Montreal 1 35. By the railroad it is three hundred and thirty-three miles. EXERCISE XIX, a. (§§254-267.) Cest k peine s'il sort h. present. He hardly ever goes out now. A peine le soleil fut-il (^tait-il) Hardly was the sun up, when the lev^, qu'on aper9ut Tennemi. enemy was seen. II fait bon marcher. {^^^ ^^^^j^^ ^^ g°°^- tit IS good walking. 1. When that man is working, he will often stop to (pour) speak with his companions. 2. How long have you been reading? 3. I have been reading for an hour. 4. It was at your house that we met those gentlemen. 5. We shall be glad, if you are there. 6. We shall be glad when you are 352 EXERCISE XX, a. there. 7. We often used to go for a walk when we lived at your house, but here it is not good walking, so we hardly ever go out now. 8. When we were young, our mother would often tell us fairy stories which interested us very much. 9. We remember them yet, and we hope (that) we shall never forget them. 10. I had been there ten days when he came. 11. He had been reading an hour before his sister rose. 12. He asked me where I came from, and where I was going, 13. I answered him that I came from Montreal, and (that I) was going to Boston. 14. He wrote me a letter saying that he wished to see me. 15. He said in his letter that he had been ill, but that he was better now. 16. When he lived with us, we would often go out for a walk before breakfast. 17. The eldest of the miller's sons received the mill, but the youngest received only the cat. 18. As soon as he learned that I was to go out for a walk, he wished to go also. 19. If he had seen it, he would have told me (it). 20. When I had finished my lessons, I would always go out for a walk. 21. When he had finished his dinner to-day, he went out. 22. Hardly had he finished his work when his friend came. 23. We do not know whether our friends will come. 24. Our father did not know whether he would come. 25. Why is that work not done? 26. I told my brother to {de) do it, but he will not do it. 27. Will you buy my horse ? 28. No, I shall not buy him ; I do not need him. 29. Good morning, gentlemen, will you walk in? 30. No thank you, we shall not go in. 31. As long as we live, we shall not forget your kindness. 32. As soon as he comes, I shall tell him. 33. We shall do as we please. 34. You may start when you will. 35. He may come when he likes. EXERCISE XX, a. (§§ 254-267, cowj!mMtfd ) 1. We shall soon have finished our work. 2. When you have finished your lesson, you may go out for a walk. 3. Everybody should learn the ten commandments. 4. They tell us: Thou shalt not (point) have any other gods. 5. Thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vain. 6. Thou shalt not steal (derober). 7. That poor child is very weak ; it can hardly walk ; it must have been ill. 8. My brother told me that you were not well. 9. You must have made a mistake, for I am very well ; I never was better in (de) my life. 10. EXERCISE XXI, a. 353 We should be sorry, if you should do so. 11. You should be virtuous, if you wish to be happy. 12. I told him (that) he ought to obey his teacher, 'but he would not listen to me. 13. Men should love their enemies, but generally they do not. 14. The little boy must have broken that stick; I saw him there. 15. I often used to go to see him when he lived in our city. 16. He says (that) it will rain. 17. He said (that) it would rain. 18. Can it be possible that my father's watch is stolen (use: on)'i 19. I could do that, if I wished. 20. I could do that when I was young. 21. Could you tell me where le Boulevard des Itcdiens is? 22. I could not tell you (it); I have not been long in Paris. 23. Can it be true that he has done that ? 24. One would say that you are [a] Parisian, you speak French so well. 25. Even if that were true, I should not go. 26. Even if it should not rain, I shall not go for a drive. 27. According to the newspapers, a great quantity of money was stolen (use : on). 28. By what he says, his neighbours are poor. 29. When I was in Europe, I saw a horse as big as an elephant. 30. Nonsense ! You are joking. 31. Come ! Come ! (my) children, you are making too much noise. 32. Let us go away." 33. Go away. 34. I did not think he would know it. 35. If you will not do it, we shall not do it. EXERCISE XXI, a. (§§254-267, conI am gome; for a walk. I un tour de promenade. J e> e Je voudrais le faire. I should like to do it. T , . VI 1 r /r*i.x fl should like him to do it. Je voudrais qu'.l le fa^ (fit). |j ^.^^ ^.^ ^ ^^ .^ II fait beau marcher (se promener). <-r,. , ,, . ^ ' Lit IS good walkmg. -, , J- / 1 X fit is vain (useless) for you to speak. Vous avez beau dire (parler). < „ i . ,., I. You may say what you like. J*ai cm voir passer quelqu'un. I thought I saw some one go by. Je les ai ^cout^s chanter. I listened to them sing(ing). II a pens^ mourir. He was near dying. Je pense (songe) k le faire. I am thinking about doing it. II ne fait que de venir (arriver). He has just come. II veut faire k sa t^te. He will have his own way. J'aimerais autant m'en aller. I would as soon go. Faites-le monter. Send (show) him up (stairs). 1. Let us go for a walk this morning ; the walking is good, and it is cool. 2. Living is always dear in Paris. 3. Are the children coming ? 4. Yes, I saw them coming when I EXERCISE XXIX, a. 361 was on the hill. 5. I should like to speak to the doctor when he comes. 6. I should like you to speak to my father when you see him. 7. When do you expect to be there? 8. I expect to be there in a fortnight. 9. He might say what he liked, nobody would believe him. 10. It was use- less for us to speak, nobody would listen to us. 11. I like better to live in the country than in the city. 12. My friends have left me, and I know not what to do. 13. I think it is going to be warm to-day. 1 4. My father thought he heard some one go by, but I think he was mistaken. 15. My father was very ill last year; he was near dying. 16. His little boy fell into the water, and was near being drowned. 17. I was thinking about going to see you. 18. I hope I shall see you when you come. 19. I hope he will come to see me when he is here. 20. Did you see my sister at the ball? 21. I thought I saw her, but I am not sure (of it). 22. I am thinking about writing him a letter, but I do not like writing letters, and so I delay (it) from week to week. 23. I should like better to go than to stay. 24. It would be better to go than to stay. 25. Come and see us whenever you wish. 26. My master has just come ; after he has dined I shall tell him that you are here. 27. I hope I shall be able to go for a walk with you to-morrow. 28. I hope you will not go away before I have seen you. 29. We ought to go and see your father before he leaves. 30. It is useless for you to say anything ; he will have his own way. 31. You may say what you like; young people will have their own way. 32. I would as soon go as stay. 33. I am not very well this morning ; I am going to send for the doctor. 34. The doctor has just come; shall I send him up? 35. We thought we heard some one go by, but we must have been mistaken. EXERCISE XXIX, a. (§§276-285, con^inMed.) n est ^ travailler. He is busy working. J'y suis accoutum^. I am used to it. II finira maL He will come to a bad end. Se plaire k mal faire. To delight in evil- (wrong-) doing. II tarde k venir. He is long in coming. Tenez-vous (beaucoup) k y aller ? Are you (very) anxious to go there? Je n'y tiens pas. I am not anxious (for it). 362 EXERCISE XXX, a. 1. Continue reading until you are called. 2. We are busy •writing our exercises. 3. I have my work to do. 4. Our teacher taught us to do that. 5. Will you help me to do my work ? 6. I should like to help you, but I have work to do also. 7. I have difficulty in believing that he has done that. 8. How old is that child? 9. He is two years old; he is beginning to talk. 10. The servant is busy washing dishes in the kitchen. 11. We are occupied to-day in writing to our friends. 12. He spends his time in reading novels. 13. He is not lazy; he sets about writing his lesson as soon as his teacher tells (it to) him. 14. Do you not get tired (in) reading those difficult works? 15. A little, but I am rather used to it. 16. He lost a great deal in selling his house. 17. That boy persists in reading bad books ; he will come to a bad end. 18. The wicked delight in evil-doing. 19. Our friends invited us to stay with them. 20. I should like to know where my mother is ; she is long in coming. 21. I wish she would come; I long to see her. 22. Are you anxious to have it to-day^ 23. Oh no, I am not anxious for that ; but I must have it to- morrow. 24. Are those apples good to eat ? 25. We are looking for a maid of all work. 26. That young lady sings and dances charmingly. 27. There are five bed-rooms in that house. 28. That poor little girl has hurt her hand ; she is crying pitifully. 29. Our neighbour has died; his family is to be pitied. 30. That young man seems to delight in wrong- doing. 31. Are you not very anxious to see your friends? 32. Yes, I should like to see them ; I have not seen them for a long time. 33. That is very difficult to do ; I should like you to help me. 34. I am always ready to help you. 35. I am glad to know that you are not the only one to say so. 36. That scoundrel did not succeed in deceiving us. EXERCISE XXX, a. (§§276-285, continued.) n fait semblant de dormir. He pretends to be asleep. Bien faire, mal faire. To do well, to do evil (wrong). 1. Our teacher tells us that it is easy to read that book. 2. I am ashamed to say that we are mistaken. 3. He pretends to be asleep. 4. She pretends to be reading. 5. It is difficult to say whether we are right or wrong. 6. He is wron^ to EXERCISE XXXI, a. 363 believe that we are his enemies. 7. "Will you permit me to go to bed 1 8. Promise us not to go away without telling us (it). 9. I am very glad to say that I shall be able to come and see you at once. 10. We are sorry to tell you that we cannot come. 11. Cease to do evil; learn to do well. 12. Hasten to finish your work before leaving. 13. Let us hasten to leave, or we shall be late. 14. I am afraid to speak, al- though I know it is my place to tell them that they have done wrong. 15. He commenced by telling me that he was a rich man's son, and he finished by asking me to lend him five dollars. 16. Take care not to fall. 17. If you happen to see him, tell him that I shall not go away before seeing him. 18. I have just seen him, and he told me to tell you that he would come to-morrow. 19. We (on) should not live to eat. 20. It is too cold to go for a walk. 21. It is not cool enough to go for a walk. 22. I rose early this morning in order to be able to do my work before going down town. 23. We leam French in order to be able to read French books. 24. After writing our exercises we went for a walk, 25. That little boy was punished for having lied. 26. That young girl is much to be pitied ; her father and mother are dead. 27. Before going we should like to see you. 28. We should like to see you before you go. 29. We saw these houses being built. 30. He did that without telling us (it). 31. We went away without his seeing us. 32. It was very windy, and we would not go out for a sail for fear of being drowned. 33. Although he made me many compliments at first, he finally insulted me. 34. Your father has just come ; shall I tell him to wait here, or should you like to see him at once 1 35. I have not time to see him now ; I shall try to see him to- morrow. 36. We cannot hinder him from doing so. EXERCISE XXXI, a. (§§286-287.) Cette femme me fait piti^. I am sorry for that woman. II s'est fach6 contre moi. He got angry with me. 1. Knowing so many things, those gentlemen must be very learned. 2. The field of battle was covered with the dead and dying. 3. I am sorry for that poor woman ; she is always ill. 4. In neglecting her duties, she shows herself careless. 6. 364 EXERCISE XXXII, a. Their misfortunes went on increasing from day to day. 6. Don't you see them coming? 7. Yes; there they come! 8. Man is the only speaking creature. 9. Frenchmen will say (pres.) that, generally speaking, Frenchmen are better than Englishmen. 10. How happy those peasants are ! They are always singing their beautiful songs, as they work. 11. One's appetite comes while eating; but, said the Gascon, I have been eating two hours, and it has not come yet. 12. I like reading, but I prefer hunting and fishing. 13. Where are the children? 14. There they are, playing under the trees. 15. Our neigh- bour's son has made astonishing progress at (the) college. 16. The sewing-machine is an American invention, but there are many of them in Europe now. 17. Our friends were very much astonished at our coming; they thought we were in Europe. 18. As we were taking a walk this morning, we met the old gentleman who used to live next door. 19. Our neighbours are speaking of going away, but I do not think tjhey will. 20. That young man went away without saying good-bye ; he must have got angry with me. 21. That prince has powerful enemies. 22. That lady, being ill, has not come to-day. 23. Those children, having finished their work, have gone out. 24. Those so-called learned men, who really know nothing, are very tiresome. 25. Who is that man going past] 26. That is the would-be nobleman. 27. England has the most powerful fleet in the world. 28. That little girl, having been ill, cannot go to school. 29. Our friends, being tired, have gone to bed. 30. Seriously speaking, that young man is not worthy of being respected. 31. Those children appear to be well. 32. If the population of the towns goes on increasing, and that of the country diminishing, we shall probably have great misfortunes. 33. I saw him coming down the street before I met you. 34. While travelling, I saw many astonish- ing things. 35. Did you not see my brothers going out 'i EXERCISE XXXII, a. (§§288-292.) Elle s'y est plu. She liked it there. Vous etes-vous bien amus^ ? Did you have a good time ? Elles se sont donn^ la main. They have shaken hands. EUes se sont brouill^es. They have fallen out. Les grandes chaleurs qu'il a fait. The great heat that there has been. EXERCISE XXXII, a. 365 1. That IS the old lady whom I saw fall in the street yester- day. 2. She fell in front of Mr. Simon's, and I helped her to get up. 3. Our friends have gone away, but they will come back to-morrow. 4. Your mother has been in the country ; did she like it there? 5. She enjoyed herself (there) very much; she intends to go back again soon. 6. Your sister and mother have come. 7. You will find enclosed [a] copy of the contract which we have signed. 8. The ten hours that he has slept have not been enough to rest him. 9. The children had a good time to-day at the picnic. 10. Where is the servant? 11. I have let her go to see her friends. 12. Those are the three miles that I ran to {pour) fetch the doctor. 13. Those are the dangers we have incurred to save our country. 14. She remembered the dangers I had incur- red. 15. Did those two ladies shake hands? 16. No; they did not even look at each other. 17. Those ladies have written each other many letters. 18. There are the letters I wrote, 19. Those young ladies have fallen out, and have burnt the letters they wrote to each other. 20. They have said good-bye to each other. 21. They have lost what they have given each other. 22. The great heat that there has been has killed the crops. 23. The person I asked (prier) to sing will not sing. 24. What difficulty we have had to remember what you told us ! 25. The crops are poor this year ; the great heat has killed them. 26. That is the house which we had built. 27. How many houses they have built 1 28. How many beautiful houses they have had built ! 29. That is the lady we heard sing at the concert last evening. 30. Those are the children we saw playing this morning. 31. Those are the beautiful songs we heard sung at the concert. 32. Do you remember the houses we saw being built last year ^ 33. There is a letter which I forgot to put in the post. 34. He has read all the books he could. 35. There are the books we sent for. 36. We have told them to go out. 37. Those are the books which I thought he would read. EXERCISE XXXIII, a. EXERCISE XXXIII, a. (§§293-299.) II se croit honnete homme. He thinks he is an honest man. II ne s'en est pas aper^u. He did not notice it. Ce chapeau ne lui va pas. That hat does not fit him. II ne (nous) est pas permis de . . , We are not permitted to . . . Je le lui ai pay^. I paid him for it. Je Ten ai remercie. I thanked him for it. Je pense h vous. I am thinking of you. Que pensez-vous de cela ? What do you think of that ? 1. We shall make them do their work. 2. They (on) have made her suffer great ills. 3. Show them up stairs when they come. 4. I have seen the children play. 5. We have seen become [a] soldier. 8. What will become of us ! 9. I believe him play that part. 6. He was born [a] poet. 7. He has fa] he is an honest man. 10. He thinks he is [a] scholar. 11. I know he is [a] scholar. 12. We should not slander our neigh- bours. 13. I perceived their dejection, as soon as I came in; did you? (see § 256). U. No, I did not notice it. 15. We cannot do without our books; we are going to use them to- morrow. 16. I remember the sorrows you made me undergo. 17. These gloves do not fit me. 18. That young lady's gloves do not fit her. 19. I shall look for a house which suits me better (see § 270, 1). 20. That house does not suit our friends. 21. I cannot trust him ; he often lies. 22. The son resembles his father. 23. We are not permitted to leave the city. 24. The law does not permit children to marry. 25. The king pardons him his crime. 26. Did you pay the tailor for your coat 1 27. I have not paid him for it yet. 28. What are you looking at 1 29. I am looking at those men working in the field. 30. Wait for me, till I come. 31. I think of my friends who have gone away. 32. Do you think of the money you have lost 1 33. I do not. 34. Shall you be at the ball this evening 1 35. I do not know ; that depends on you. 36. Did you thank him for having lent you his book 1 37. 1 did. 38. He stole that watch from his father ; what do you think of that? 39. He is laughing at us. 40. Those men were playing cards. 41. Those young ladies play on the violin. 42. You believe me; do you not? 43. Yes, I believe you. 44. That old lady believes in ghosts. 45. He loves EXEECISES xxxiv-xxxv, a. 367 and obeys his parents. 46. He missed the train ; did he not? 47. I am short of money this morning; I cannot pay you. 48. He fails in his duty when he does not pay his debts. 49. Have you asked your father for money] 50. I have not asked him for any. EXERCISE XXXIV, a. (§§300-306.) 1. Tell ibhe servant to put the frying-pan on the stove. 2. That man is a regular dupe. 3. He is not a friend ; he is a mere acquaintance. 4. He was received with all the honours. 5. That poet is always singing of his first love. 6. The errors of men are numerous. 7. The old man has {faire) a nap after dinner. 8. He paid me a large sum of money. 9. My memory is not good ; give me a memorandum of that affair. 10. Steam makes the steamer go. 11. That man and his wife are a happy couple. 42. I have Hugo's works at home. 13. The works of the sculptor Barye were exhibited in Paris in 1889. 14. Old people are generally less thoughtless than young people. 15. Those people are not all good. 16. All those people were present. 17. All good people are worthy of respect. 18. All the clever people in {de) the town were present at the ball. 19. Happy [are] the people who do not love vice. 20. All the young men of the village were present at the celebration. EXERCISE XXXV, a. (§§307-314.) Tomber k genoux. To fall on one's knees. Le petit bonhomme. The brave little fellow. 1. That man has broken his two arms. 2. The *ifs* and the * buts ' are often convenient words. 3. The criminal fell on his knees before the king. 4. That little boy likes to pick up pebbles. 5. The generals have good horses. 6. We read the newspapers before going down town [in] the morning. 7. Frenchmen like carnivals and balls. 8. Our neighbour has some beautiful corals at home. 9. The Minister of Public Works has ordered a railway to be constructed. 10. His grandfathers are dead. 11. Our ancestors were great men who left [behind them] many noble works. 12. The poor boy had tears in his {aijiac) eyes when he was told that his bird was 368 EXERCISE XXXVI, a. dead. 13. That painter makes beautiful skies. 14. Several Te Deums were sung this year in that church. 15. Give me two postage-stamps, if you please. 16. We had some delight- ful private interviews. 17. Those corkscrews are useless. 18. Those lamp-shades are very pretty. 19. Give me a tooth- pick, if you please. 20. Do not condemn me on rumours. 21. The two Corneilles were dramatic authors. 22. All the Ribots were present. 23. I have two Molieres at home. 24. The Bourbons have been very unfortunate ; I pity them. 25. I saw the school-boys marching yesterday; the brave little fellows were really fine-looking. 26. The noblemen of France have suffered much during this century. 27. There are two gentlemen and two ladies waiting for you. 28.. Good morn- ing, ladies ; how do you do 1 29. I have visited all the county-towns of that part of France. 30. Many of Moliere's works are masterpieces. EXERCISE XXXVI, a. (§§315-335.) 1. He showed remarkable courage in struggling with his difficulties. 2. We used to- enjoy good health when we lived in France. 3. Do you not like music ? 4. I do, when it is good. 5. Gold and silver are abundant in that country. 6. The rich have much gold and silver. 7. Does that young lady know Greek 1 8. She does not, but she knows French and German well. 9. Does your mother speak French ? 10. Yes, she speaks French and German well. 11. We have French and German books in our library. 12. Have you any good sugar for sale, sir? 13. Have you any of my books in your library? 14. Have you any of the good wine you bought last year ? 15. We have no pens and no paper. 1 6. They have no more money, and so they must stay at home. 17. That is not wine ; it is water. 18. It is not money I ask you for, but friendship. 19. Why do you complain; have you not friends'? 20. I should like to buy a pound of tea ; have you any of the good tea which you ordered from China? 21. I shall give you something good, if you come to see me. 22. He promised me something very beautiful, but he never gave it to me. 23. Many people believe that he will come to a bad end. 24. Many others believe that he will succeed well. 25. Most people are ignorant of their true interests. 26. We were EXERCISE XXXVII, a. 369 absent most of the time. 27. Silk dresses and gold watches are not always necessary. 28. Horses are animals which are useful to men. 29. Queen Victoria has been reigning a long time. 30. The President of the French Republic has signed the treaty. 31. King Louis XIV. is often called the Great. 32. That old man has a long beard. 33. Give me your hand, and I shall help you to rise. 34. We shook hands before we parted. 35. She has not taken off her hat and gloves ; she says she cannot stay. 36. I have tooth-ache and ear-ache, and so I cannot go out. 37. That little girl has blue eyes, and blond hair. 38. I had my hair cut before starting. 39. What is the matter with you, my little boy 1 40. My hands and feet are cold. EXERCISE XXXVII, a. (§§315-335, continued.) Combien les avez-vous payes ? How much did you pay for them ? Je les ai pay^s dix francs la douzaine. I paid ten francs a dozen for them. II part pour la France. He is starting for France. An nord de la France. In the north of France. 1. You have some very fine pears ; how much did you pay for them ? 2. I paid two cents apiece for them. 3. That is not dear; I thought that pears would not sell so cheap this year. 4. Carpenters are earning ten francs a day at present. 6. We do not go to school on Saturday. 6. He will come on Saturday. 7. You were wrong to come on Wednesday ; you should always come on Thursday. 8. Did I step on your toel I ask your pardon. 9. Are you going on horseback or on foot"? 10. How we love spring! 11. In spring nature awakes from its long repose. 1 2. In winter there is sometimes much snow in France. 13. Those gentlemen are Frenchmen. 14. Our neighbour is a carpenter. 15. His son has become a distinguished physician. 16. Charles the First, King of England, was beheaded. 17. She was born at Marseilles, a city of Southern France. 18. We were without friends and money. 19. Those children have neither father nor mother. 20. He will come home at Michaelmas. 21. Those ladies dress in French style. 22. Have you ever read Tasso's great poem ? 23. Yes, and Ariosto's also. 24. We are to start for Europe to-morrow. 25. Normandy is a province of France. 84 370 EXERCISE XXXVIII, a. 26. Did you ever live in Paris ? 27. Yes, I lived a long time in France, and in England too. 28. My brother has lived in China, but he is living now in Japan. 29. The United States is the most important country in North America. 30. Havre is an important seaport of the north of France. 31. New Orleans is a large city of the United States. 32. French wines are celebrated in all parts of the world. 33. That traveller comes from Africa, and is going to South America. 34. Ladies, you are welcome; we are always glad to receive you. 35. Our neighbour goes to the city every other day. EXERCISE XXXVIII, a. (§§336-358.) 1. That little boy's grandmother has given him a knife. 2. That little girl is very foolish. 3. I know those old ladies well ; they are our old neighbours. 4. What a fine-looking man ! Do you know him 1 5. There are some beautiful trees ! 6. The prince addressed him most flattering words. 7. That statesman is celebrated for his liberal principles. 8. There are, according to Catholic doctrine, seven capital sins. 9. The man and his wife were both old. 10. The French and Italian nations are often called Latin nations. 11. Those flowers smell sweet, do they not? 12. That large building is the school for (de) deaf-mutes. 13. He left the door wide open when he went out this morning. 14. The newly married couple had just left the church. 15. My mother had blue eyes and light auburn hair. 16. When I was young, I used to go barefoot to school. 17. That lady looks kind. 18. A pound sterling is worth twenty-five francs. 19. He is getting richer and richer. 20. He is richer than people (on) believe. 21. The older one is, the wiser one should be. 22. My brother is older than I by four years. 23. The richer one part of the population becomes, the poorer the rest often become. 24. Your house is small, but ours is smaller still. 25. That man is bad, but his brother is still worse. 26. The dearer those articles are, the less of them we shall be able to buy. 27. Our house is good, but yours is better. 28. His most intimate friends knew nothing of his good fortune. 29. Men are often the most unhappy when they ought to be the most happy. 30. Is that not a splendid EXERCISES XXXIX-XL, a. 371 sight? 31. Yes, it is most beautiful! 32. The richest men in the world are not always the happiest. 33. She is shorter than I by three inches. EXERCISE XXXIX, a. (§§336-358, continued.) 1. You are all welcome, ladies ; how kind you are to come to see me ! 2. What a pretty little girl ! What is her name ? 3. There were black horses and white ones in the proces- sion. 4. Will you give me some cold water to (pour) drink ? 5. Whose is that broken cane 1 6. Our neighbour is not an educated man. 7. Our friends live in a beautiful white house behind the town. 8. The English language is spoken in all parts of the world. 9. I have just seen that pretended noble- man go by. 10. We have just been at a political meeting, where we listened to a very long speech. 11. My dear child, you are too young to wear dear dresses! 12. I love that gentleman; he is so kind to children. 13. Are you not ready to start? You are very slow in dressing. 14. I am very glad to see you; when are you coming to visit me? 15. I am very sorry to say that I have no time to visit you before I go away. 16. We are charmed with the beautiful present you gave (/aire) us. 17. You are not angry with me, are you? 18. I do not like that man; he is too severe with his children. 19. That is a nice little ginl ; she is so polite to everybody, 20. That little boy is very clever at history and arithmetic. 21. That army is weak in numbers. 22. We must be charitable to everybody. 23. Living languages are more useful than dead languages. 24. We must not confound the verbal adjectives with the present participles. 25. That young man is the living image of his father. 26. The more learned that man becomes, the less generous he becomes. EXERCISE XL, a. (§§359-373.) 1. Are there any good pens in the box? 2. There are none. 3. Do you know that old man? 4. I know him and his brother. 5. Do you know that man and his wife? 6. We know both him and her. 7. We know him only. 8. Did you see my father and mother? 9. We saw her only. 10. Are you going to give them some money? 11. I have already 372 EXERCISE XLI, a. given them some. 12. Will you give me some apples ? 13. I shall give you and him some. 14. Have you spoken to my cousin of your plan? 15. I have spoken of it to her and her mother. 16. Will you have the goodness to introduce us to your mother? 17. I shall have great pleasure in introducing you to her. 18. I was thinking of you when you came in. 19. Do you think of me, when I am far away? 20. Yes, I always think of you. 21. Whose is that house? 22. It is mine. 23. As soon as the child saw his mother, he ran to her. 24 Are you that young man's sister? 25. I am. 26. Are you satisfied, madam? 27. lam. 28. Are you an American, sir ? 29. I am. 30. Are you the gentlemen we met yester- day ? 31. We are. 32. I shall go for the doctor, if you wish. 33. I shall do the work, if it is necessary. 34. That man is richer than we are. 35. Why do you tell me to be brave 1 I am so already. 36. He carried the day over all his rivals. 37. Tell me where he lives, if you know. 38. He is a Canadian, and I am one too. 39. Do you know the Robin- sons ? 40. Yes, they are very fastidious people, and I do not like to have [anything] to do with them. 41. There is the box ; put the pens into it. 42. Go there, my child ; do not stay here. 43. Do not go there, my daughter ; you will hurt yourself. 44. Give them some, my little boy. 45. He is a bad man; I cannot trust him. 46. The earth about those flowers is dry; throw some water there, my daughter. 47. Let us not go away ; let them laugh at us, if they will. 48. The children wish to go to the celebration; let us take them there. 49. That boy has apples and pears ; let us ask him for some. 50. That boy has your knife; take it away from him. EXERCISE XLI, a. {%%Z59-313y continued.) 1. My father did not hurt himself, but he had a narrow escape. 2. Every one for himself is too often the maxim of men. 3. One should not always be thinking of one's self. 4. The selfish live only for themselves. 5. Do you need money? 6. I do. 7. Do you come from London? 8. We do. 9. I cannot understand why he has a grudge against me. 10. However that may be, it is all over with him. 11. Have you any money ? 12. I have, but I should like to have more. EXERCISE XLII, a. 373 13. How many apples have you? 14. I have six. 15. Here are some fine pears; do you wish any? 16. Yes, I should like some, for I have none. 17. Switzerland is my country; I love its blue sky and free institutions. 18. I planted this apple-tree; I hope I shall eat its fruit. 19. Do you ever think of your country when you are in foreign countries? 20. When I am far away, I always think of it. 21. My brother has gone home, and I am going too. 22. I see a crowd of people in the street ; what is the matter? 23. Were you ever in Europe ? 24. I never was. 25. We shall make him do it when we come. 26. The doctor is at home ; shall I send for him? 27. There they are; go and get them. 28. There is some water; give us some, for we are thirsty. 29. Do not give them any; they do not need any. 30. Where are the children ? 31. They are coming up the street. 32. Do not listen to them ; they are making sport of you. 33. There is my hat ; give it to me, if you please. 34. That is my hat ; do not give it to him. 35. Let us go away ; it is getting late. 36. If you have any money, give me some. 37. He gives himself some, but he will not give us any. 38. Take us there. 39. Give it to us ; do not give it to them. 40. What are you doing, naughty dog? Go away. 41. I saw him, and gave him the money. 42. They are worthy people; I love and admire them. 43. Our duty to our parents is to love and obey them. 44. It is I who was there. 45. My father and I were not there. 46. What were you and he doing ? 47. He was writing, and I was reading. 48. He has a house of his own. 49. You and he were there, were you not ? 50. There is the box ; I should like to know whether there is anything in it. EXERCISE XLII, a. (§§374-377.) EUe lui a ferm^ la porte au nez. She shut the door in his face. Cela lui a fait venir I'eau k la bouche. That made his mouth water. Cette nuit ; de toute la nuit. Last night ; all night. 1. My father and yours will soon be here. 2. I have your books and my own. 3. Our friends are coming by the rail- way ; yours are coming by the steamer. 4. My brother and sister have gone away ; they will not be back till Wednesday next. 5. One should not fail to pay one's debts, 6. I had 374 EXERCISE XLIII, a. my hair cut this morning; I am afraid I shall catch a cold. 7. The duke was presented to the queen, and he kissed her hand. 8. She has cut her finger. 9. I shall love him, as long as my heart beats. 10. It was so warm that I could not close my eyes all night. 11. Close your eyes, and open your mouth. 12. He shuts his eyes to the light. 13. He was walking [with] his eyes closed; he fell and broke his arm. 14. I have my hands full ; I cannot help you. 15. I went to see him, but he shut the door in my face. 16. It is a very cold morning; will you not warm your hands'? 17. Thank you ; my hands are not cold. 18. That clumsy fellow stepped on my toe, and he hurt me very much. 19. My head aches this morning ; I did not close my eyes last night. 20. The sight of those beautiful apples made my mouth water. 21. He stood there, [with] his arms folded, awaiting his fate like a brave soldier. 22. As long as my heart beats, I shall never forget you. 23. If they come here, we shall shut the door in their face. 24. Do you see those poor children ; those beau- tiful pears made their mouths water. 25. Let us hope that the law has not lost its force in this country. 26. He has a watch of his own. 27. Whom do you mean ; his father or her father? 28. I mean her father. 29. This house is his, not yours. 30. They lost their lives fighting for their (la) country. 31. Negroes have dark skins and large mouths. 32. One of my friends who is a doctor told me the following story. 33. I am going to take away these books of yours. 34. The difference between mine and thine is not always easy to determine. 35. I love very much these books of mine. EXERCISE XLIII, a. (§§ 378-388.) 1. I have never read that book, but I have read this one, and I like it very much. 2. These houses are not so line as those. 3. You should not eat in that way. 4. Have patience, I shall be (pres.) there this moment. 5. Those who do wrong will be punished. 6. He of whom you were speak- ing yesterday has arrived. 7. Which of those horses do you like best? 8. I like the one you bought better than your brother's, but I like my own best. 9. This house and the one in which our neighbours live will be sold to-morrow. 10. Our house and our neighbour's are both (en) brick [houses]. IL EXERCISE XLIV, a. 375 These facts, and those discovered since that time, prove that, although he was a great scholar, he was wrong. 12. I saw the man (celui) last evening who wanted to buy my horse. 13. Who are those two gentlemen? 14. This is Mr. Robinson, and that is Mr. Jones. 15. You are looking for apples; very well, will you take these or those? 16. I will take these; those are too small. 17. How is butter selling to-day ? 18. That sells at two francs a pound, and this, which is finer, at two francs fifty centimes. 19. Gambetta and Hugo were distinguished men; the former was an orator, the latter a. poet. 20. That is a fine horse ! How much is he worth ? 21. Why do these people not reply when we speak to them? 22. They are Russians ; they do not understand you. 23. Who did that? 24. It was John who did it. 25. What o'clock is it? 26. It is half-past ten. 27. What day of the month is it? 28. To-day is the tenth. 29. Is that the house of which you spoke to me ? 30. No, it is the next one. 31. Who is that lady ? 32. She is the lady who lives next door. 33. What I fear is that he will never come back. 34. It is not that he is losing his money, but he is destroying his health also. 35. It is time to go home. EXERCISE XLIV, a. (§§ 378-388, continued.) CTest tine belle chose que de pro- It is a fine thing to protect the t^ger les faibles. weak. Ce sont des qualit^s n^cessaires Mildness and firmness are necessary pour r^gner que la douceur et qualities for ruling. la fermet^. H a cela de bon. He has this good thing about him. 1. It is they who have done it. 2. It was kind of you to help those poor people. 3. You can do it ; it is easy. 4. That was not kind of you ; you should have allowed me to do it. 5. You are rich ; it is easy for you to say so. 6. It is a pity that we did not know it sooner. 7. It is unfortunate that he did nOfc come yesterday. 8. My father told me you were here ; that is. why I came. 9. It is to be feared that the traveller has died of hunger. 10. It is to be desired that those misfortunes will never happen. 11. What we were speaking of has happened. 12. What I am thinking of is the way of preventing that misfortune. 13 What he says is true. 14. It's a fine thing, 376 EXERCISE XLV, a. (*is ') money ! 15. It is not to you that I speak. 16. He has lost all his money, which is sad. 1 7. What a beautiful thing is virtue ! 18. It is money that he wishes. 19. He is a fine young man, ( * is ' ) John ! 20. It would be a good thing to go awa3^ 21. It is a fine thing to love virtue. 22. Health and good sense are qualities necessary for succeeding in the world. 23. You are the one who did that. 24. Love is the strongest of all passions. 25. This does not belong to me, but that does. 26. Give me this ; keep that for yourself. 27. He has this good thing about him, that he always tells the truth. 28. What a lazy beast ; and yet he thinks that he works ! 29. Did he give you back your pencil ? 30. No, but that does not matter; I have another here. 31. It is difficult to trans- late the word 'that' into French. 32. I am sure that that * that ' that that man uses is superfluous. EXERCISE XLV, a. (§§389-402.) 1. Whom did you see yesterday 1 2. I saw him who was ^ith you the day before yesterday. 3. I told you already what my reasons are. 4. What sort of weather is it this morning? 5. I think it will be fine. 6. I do not know to which of those men we were speaking. 7. What fine weather ! I hope it will continue until we leave. 8. Who is that? 9. It is the man I sold my house to. 10. What was the matter this morning; I heard a great noise in the street? 11. What "vere you speaking of to that man you met? 12. I was speaking to him of what we were discussing yesterday. 13. Scoundrel that you are, if I catch you, I'll give you what you deserve. 14. What I complain of is that you make no progress in your studies. 15. I do not understand you ; will you explain to me clearly what you mean ? 16. What has become of that young gentleman with whom I saw you? 17. I don't know what has become of him ; I have not seen h'im lately. 18. Which of those ladies did you see? 19. I saw the one that was here yesterday. 20. What are you thinking of? 21. I am thinking of what we are going to do to-morrow. 22. What did your father ask you to do ? 23. I have done what he asked me to do. 24. The gentleman, whose son was visiting us last year, will come himself next year. 25. The lady, whose daughter has just been married, will EXERCISE XLVI, a. 377 spend some weeks with us next summer. 26. The people, of whom I speak, would never do such a thing. 27. I, who am your friend, tell you so, and you ought to believe it. 28. It was we who gave them their liberty, and yet to-day they are our enemies. 29. He has gone away, and what is worse, he has not paid his debts. 30. That is very strange ! I sent him a letter, and yet he says he never received it. 31. To whom are you speaking, sir ? 32. It is to you I am speaking, and I want you to pay attention to what I say. 33. The house they are coming out of belongs to my father. 34. The people of the village from which he came were very glad to be rid of him. 35. The gentleman, for whose house I offered such a high price, has bought another. 36. The cause, for which those soldiers fought, was the deliverance of their country. 37. The man, in whom I trust, will not deceive me. 38. That child is deaf and dumb, which is a great pity, for he seems very intel- ligent. 39. I thank you very much. 40. Don't mention it. 41. What I was expecting was that he would pay me. 42. That is not a poor man ; he is well off. 43. Where is the pen I made use of yesterday? 44. Take what you need ; there will be enough for all. 45. Which way did you come this morning? 46. I came the way you came yesterday. 47. There is, in that affair, something strange and mysterious. EXERCISE XLVI, a. (§§403-407.) 1. Certain people say the criminal has escaped. 2. Each day brings its labour. 3. We rise every morning at six o'clock. 4. I have seen him many a time. 5. I have no apples, but I have some pears and peaches. 6. However great and rich we may be, we must die. 7. Whatever your intentions were, your actions were not good. 8. However good your intentions were, you did not succeed in doing us good. 9. We should respect the rights of others. 10. Every one for himself is, happily, not a maxim which everybody practises. 11. If we do not love others, others will not love us. 12. Those children will receive, each one at his majority, their portion of their father's estate. 13. Mother, will you come down ? You are wanted. 1 4. It is said that the robber has been caught. 15. It is not known whether the ship was wrecked or not. 16. When one is pretty, one is rarely 378 EXERCISE XLVII, a. ignorant of it. 17. People wonder why that young man associates with those scoundrels. 18. When one sees a noble action, it always gives one pleasure. 19. I have never seen any one who had so many noble qualities. 20. I am afraid to say anything about it to any one. 21. No one has ever done anything like that. 22. What a beautiful view ! Did you ever see anything like it? 23. He went away without visit- ing anyone. 24. Did you find anything where you were looking yesterday? 25. I do not know any one of his friends. 26. I doubt whether any one of you will do so. 27. If I can do it without any expense, I shall do it willingly. 28. I do not like this book ; give me another. 29. That little boy has had one apple, and now he wants another. 30. Frenchmen often laugh at us Englishmen, because we are less gay than they. 31. This man I have seen elsewhere, but that one I never saw anywhere. 32. These are the same people that were here yesterday morning. 33. That lady is goodness itself. 34. Even if you were to say so, I should not believe it. 35. That is a young man in whom I have confidence ; I shall put him in a position to make his fortune. 36. Were there any children at the meeting? 37. Yes, there were several. 38. I shall never accept such conditions. 39. I never saw such a foolish man. 40. If he were to say such a thing to me, I should put him out of doors. 41. He spent his whole life in doing good. 42. Our neighbour's daughters have become quite tall. 43. He comes to town every other week. 44. Where are the children? Both were here a little ago. 45. I found two apples in the basket, but neither is good. 46. Any line being given, draw a straight line which shall be equal to it. 47. There is no reason whatever which can persuade me. 48. Whoever has stolen that poor woman's money ought to be punished. 49. Whoever he is who told you that, he is mistaken, 50. Whatever that man may do, he will never succeed. 51. Whatever the reason may be, he will never come to see us. EXERCISE XLVII, a. (408-420.) 1. I will not sell it, cheap or dear. 2. You did it on pur- pose, did you not? 3. Not at all, it was quite accidental. 4. A Christian ought to love not only his friends, but even his EXERCISE XLVII, a. 379 enemies. 5. Those poor people had scarcely any bread to eat when we found them. 6. We have said nothing at all about it. 7. That is a very complicated affair; I can understand nothing of it. 8. We did not see a living soul in the street when we rose that morning. 9. Whom did you see ? I saw nobody at all. 10. I shall be silent, so as not to hinder you from working. 11. He told me to do nothing until he returned. 12. I went away so as not to be punished. 13. What is the matter with that little boy? 14. I do not know, sir; I neither did nor said anything to him. 15. Would you not be glad to see our old friend? 16. No, I neither wish to see him nor speak to him. 17. I have a headache this evening; I can neither sing nor play. 18. Neither he nor his father were there. 19. I saw neither him nor his brother. 20. I have neither friend nor money, but I have strong arms and courage. 21. No more regrets; take courage, and forget the past. 22. Why did he not tell me so before leading me into this peril? 23. There is nobody here he does not know. 24. Take care that you are not deceived. 25. There is nothing which does not please me better than that. 26. Not one of those we invited has come. 27. Do you know where Dr. B. lives? 28. I cannot tell you. 29. If you have no use for this book, lend it to me. 30. Unless you do what you said, I shall not pay you. 31. Do you not fear he will go away? 32. I do not fear he will go away. 33. I am afraid our friends will not be there. 34. If I were afraid he would do it, I should do something to hinder him (from it). 35. If I were not afraid he would hurt himself with it, I should let him have it. 36. That man writes better than he speaks. 37. We do not wish more money thdn we have now. 38. I do not doubt that that is true. 39. Not much is lacking for the number to be com- plete. 40. We have not seen each other for three years. 41. It is more than three years since we were there. 42. I cannot go with you ; I have no time. 43. Yes, you have, you are not so^busy. 44. You have stolen my apples. 45. I tell you I have not. 46. But I say yes, for I saw you. 47. He has as much money as you have, but he has not as much as I have. 48. Let us say no more about it. 49. We are in a hurry ; let us not stay any longer. 50. I have more than fifty francs, but he has more than I, and his brother has still more. 380 EXERCISE XLVin, a. EXERCISE XLVIII. (§§ 421-430.) H a une yingtaine d'ann^es. He is about twenty (years old). II a une trentaine de mille francs. He has about thirty thousand francs, 1. Columbus discovered America in the year 1492. 2. The French national Jete is on the fourteenth of July, because [on] that day the Bastille was taken. 3. My father left England on the first of May, 1824. 4. Napoleon the First was a greater man than Napoleon the Third. 5. Charles the First of England and Louis the Sixteenth of France were both beheaded. 6. The first train leaves at a quarter to five in the morning, and the second at twenty minutes past two in the afternoon. 7. We went to bed last night at half-past twelve. 8. The first two houses in the street belong to us. 9. We have only the last two chapters in the book to read. 10. The carriage arrived at half-past one in the morning. 11. The father gave his son a fifth of his property when the son was twenty-one. 12. How old would you say that man is ? 13. I should say he is about forty. 14. It is twenty years since I saw him. 15. That man is well off ; he has an income of about twenty thousand francs a year. 16. The first volume of his works contains poetry, and the fourth novels. 17. This house cost three times as much as that one. 18. Ten times ten make a hun- dred. 19. We paid a hundred and twenty dollars for that horse. 20. That carriage cost one thousand one hundred dollars. 21. That old man is eighty-five years old. 22. [On] what day of the month did that happen ? 23. It happened on the twelfth. 24. That table is two metres long by one metre wide. 25. We are going to have a house built sixty feet long by twenty-four wide. 26. What o'clock is it? 27. It is just noon. 28. A boy ten years old was killed last evening by a carriage in the Boulevard des Italiens. 29. That girl is older than her brother by two years. 30. I am taller than my brother by two inches. 31. Will you come at two o'clock or at three ? 32. I shall be there precisely at three. 33. Is that boy ten years old or eleven ? 34. He is eleven. EXERCISE XLIX, a. 381 EXERCISE XLIX, a. (§§431-454.) 1. I was thinking of what you were talking about this morning. 2. He paid about twenty francs for that hat. 3. He will be here about six o'clock in the evening. 4. The day after our arrival we went to see the museum. 5. That child has black eyes ; he takes after his father. 6. The money was divided amongst the children. 7. Amongst all those people there is not one sensible person. 8. Art arrived at great per- fection among the Greeks. 9. He was at my house when I was at his. 10. They all laughed at my expense. 11. We all laughed at him. 12. The thief will have to appear before the court. 13. He will be here before a quarter past three. 14. That is greater by half than what we expected. 15. That box is six feet long by two wide. 16. It is a quarter to four by my watch. 17. I know that man by sight only. 18. He will leave for France in a week. 19. We lived in that city for twenty years. 20. I have been here for two years. 21. I traded my black horse for this white one. 22. I thanked him for his kindness. 23. From the fifteenth of May I shall live in that house. 24. They drank their wine from golden cups. 25. That picture is painted from nature. 26. In spring the weather is warm and the flowers open. 27. There is not so much misery in Canada as in Russia. 28. Let us live in peace with everybody. 29. There are several nations in North America. 30. Not one in a hundred was good. 31. Is your house (in) brick or stone 1 32. It was kind of you to aid me in my misfortune. 33. In rainy weather we stay at home. 34. We shall go away on Saturday. 35. He is now on the road for England. 36. Our house is on this side of the street, and his is on that side. 37. When you come to the next street, turn to the right. 38. Instead of studying he is always looking out of the window. 39. His gun was hanging above the chimney. 40. The dog jumped over the fence. 41. He watched over my interests. 42. In passing through the forest we saw many rare plants. 43. We work from morning till night. 44. We are going to our friends' house. 45. The train for Paris will be here immediately. 46. They sold those goods under their value. 47. Wicked men tread Qod's laws under foot. 48. If you will live with us, we shall 382 EXERCISES L-LI, a. treat you well. 49. Do you remember the man with the big nose whom we saw yesterday? 50. She told us her story with tears in her eyes. EXERCISE L, a. (§§455-459.) 1. For fear it should rain we shall not go away to-day. 2. He did his work so that all were pleased with him. 3. Unless you come to-morrow, we shall not wait for you. 4. Both he and his brother were there. 5. Go and get us some bread. 6. She neither laughs nor cries. 7. Those poor people are without bread or meat. 8. He does not believe what you say ; nor I either. 9. We shall not be there ; nor he either. 10. We have not gone away, nor shall we. 11. As soon as you are there and have the time, will you go and visit my brother ? 1 2. If he is there and we see him, we shall tell him what you say. 13. When bread is dear and the weather is cold, the poor suffer. 14. I think we shall go away the day after to-morrow. 16. If your friend comes to the meeting and I am there, I shall speak to him. 16. Since you went away I have been writing letters. 17. Since you cannot do it, you must let me try. 18. Since you went away yester- day he has done nothing but play. 19. Since every action brings its recompense with it, we must pay attention to what we do. 20. While I was doing my exercise, she was writing her letters. 21. The good shall be rewarded, whilst the bad shall be punished. 22. When I saw him, he was busy working in his field. 23. As long as the world lasts, justice shall pre- vail over injustice. 24. He did his work, so that he was praised by all. 25. He was kind to the poor, so that he might be praised by all. EXERCISE LI, a. The largest clock in the world will be the one^ which soon^ will adorn the city hall of Philadelphia. The dial of this colossal clock will be^ ten metres in diameter, and will be placed and illuminated so as to be visible night and day (de) everywhere in the city. The hands will be, one* four metres and the other three metres long ; the bell of the striking part will weigh forty-six thousand pounds, and in order to wind the EXERCISES LII-IV, a. 383 clock a steam-engine placed in the tower will be used daily ( = one will use daily a steam-engine, etc.). »5381. 3§413. »§428,o6«. 3. * 8 406, 7, Wi «• EXERCISE LII, a. Horses^, birds^ and animals^ of all (the) sorts speak a language as well as men^ We cannot understand all ( = all that which) they say, but we understand enough of it to^ know that they have thoughts^ and feelings^. They are sad when they lose a companion, or when they are driven away* from home. They are pleased when they are well treated*, and angry when they are ill treated*. They have, so to speak, a conscience ; they feel ashamed when they do what displeases us, and are very glad when they merit our approbation. Kindness^ on our part towards them is as reasonable as love^ and kindness^ between brothers^. *fi321. <8 282, 2. '8 322. «8 241.2.a. EXERCISE LIII, a. A rich! man, it is said^, once^ asked* a learned man what was^ the reason that scientific men were^ so often^ seen at the doors of the rich, while the rich were^ very rarely seen^ at the doors of the learned. "It is," replied* the scholar, "because the man of science knows the value of riches^, but the rich man does not always know the value of science^." »8351. '8413. »8258, 5. •8258,1. »|821. «8 241, 2, o. ♦8 459,2. EXERCISE LIV, a. Molifere, the great French^ author, was born^ in Paris in the year one thousand six hundred and twenty-two^. His father was the king's upholsterer, and was probably a rather rich* man. The son received^ a good education, but not much is known^ of his youth. When he was about twenty years old^, he organized^ a company of actors, which was^ called Vllhistre ThMtre. But in this enterprise he did not succeed^ very well. He soon^ lost^ all his money, and with his troupe was^ forced to® leave Paris and (to) make a tour in [the] province[s]. This 384 EXERCISES LV-LVI, a. tour lasted^ from sixteen hundred and forty-six to sixteen hundred and fifty-eight. During these years he travelled^ over nearly the whole of France, and played^ in many of the large cities. After his return to Paris he became^ the king's favourite, and produced^ the masterpieces which have rendered him so- celebrated. At last, after fifteen years of great suc- cess, he died^ in sixteen hundred and seventy-three at the age of fifty-one. i§352, 1, (2). »§421, c. 6 §260. »§430. »§280,6. sPastDef. *§361. «§241, 2, a. «§413. EXERCISE LV, a. Speaking of the small world in which even the greatest live^, Lord Beaconsfield used to tell^ that Napoleon I., a year after his accession to the throne, determined to^ find out if there was* anybody in the world who had never heard of him. "Within a fortnight the police of Paris had^ discovered a wood-chopper at Montmartre, in Paris itself, who had never heard of the Revolution, nor of the death of Louis XVI., nor of the Emperor Napoleon. §1237,6. «§258,2. a§280,6. *§2£8,6. »§232,1. EXERCISE LVI, a. Napoleon, the greatest general of modem times^, was born^ at Ajaccio on the 15th of August, 1769. At the age of ten^ he was sent to the military* school at Brienne, where he remained more than^ five years. Then entering the French* army, he was, in 1796, appointed general of the army of Italy^, and soon succeeded in conquering"^ that country. He used so well the opportunities, which were oflFered him by the weakness of the Republic that in less than ten years he was elected Emperor. The ten years' struggle, in which he engaged with the purpose of subduing^ Europe^, ended with the battle of Waterloo in 1815. Banished to (a) St. Helena he died^® there on the 5th of May, 1821. Twenty years after his death his remains were brought back to (en) France, and interred in the Hdtel des Invalides. » § 321. 3 § 430, obs. 2. " « § 412, 1, 6. » § 279, 2. » § 333, 1. iPastDef. *§ 352, 1,(2). «§ 333, 2, note. «§280, 2. »<>§ mouruf or M«m§258, L »§ 230, 6, a, and 7. 6§279, 6. » § 268, 5. 8§236,2. >i26a «§413. •§280,6. 388 EXERCISES LXIII-LXV, a. EXERCISE LXIII, a. Two men were travelling^ together, when they saw^ a bear coming out* of the forest. The one climbed into a tree, and tried to^ conceal himself in the branches. The other, when he saw that the bear would ( = was going to) attack him, threw himself upon the ground, and, when the bear came up, he ceased to^ breathe, for it is said^ that a bear will not touch^ a dead''' body. When the bear had^ gone, his companion came down, and asked : " What was it that the bear was saying to you?" His friend replied: "He advised me not^ to travel with a friend who runs away at the approach of danger ^o." » § 258, 1. « § 287, 3. » § 241, 2, a. ^ § 352, 1, (3). » § 416, a. s§260. *§280, 6. «§296, 5. 8§262, 3. ^§321. EXERCISE LXIV, a. A well-known^ English^ actor, travelling to Birmingham by the Great Western^ railway the other day, on approaching* Banbury, began to feel hungry, and determined to have one of the buns for which the town is famous. The train having stopped, he called a boy, gave him six- pence, and asked him to get " two Banbury s," promising him one of the two for his trouble. Just as the train was about to start, the boy rushed up to the carriage in which the impatient actor was seated, and oflfering him three pence, exclaimed : " Here's your change, sir." " Bother the change ; where's the bun," roared the hungry actor. "There was only one left," replied the boy, "and I'm eating that ! " »§352, 1, (3). *§352, 1, (2). » § 330, 4, c, note. ♦§296,1. EXERCISE LXV, a. Under a magnificent walnut-tree near the village, two little boys found a walnut. "It belongs to me," said the one, "for it was^ I^ who was the first to see it ( = who have seen it the first)." "No, it belongs to me," exclaimed the other, "for it was^ P who picked it up." Thereupon there^ arose between EXERCISES LXVI-LXVII, a. * 389 them a violent quarrel. " I am going to make peace* between you," said to them a third boy, who was passing at that moment. The latter placed himself between the two claim- ants, opened the walnut, and pronounced this sentence: "One of the shells belongs to him^ who was the first to see the walnut ; the other to him^ who picked it up ; as to the kernel, I keep it for the costs of the court. That's how lawsuits* generally end," added he, laughing. >8 267,3,6 •§372, a >§262,2 *8 321. »§381. EXERCISE LXVI, a. Many years ago^ there^ lived in the city of Paris a cele- brated^ physician who was very fond of animals. One day a friend of his* brought to his house a favourite^ dog, whose leg had been broken, and asked him if he could do anything for the poor creature. The kind doctor examined, the wounded^ animal, and, prescribing a treatment for him, soon^ cured him, and received the warm thanks of his friend, who set a very high value upon his dog. Not very long afterwards, the doctor was in his room busy studying''. He though t^ he heard a noise at the door, as if some animal was scratching in order to be let^ in. For some time he paid no attention to the noise, but continued studying^*^. At last, however, he rose up and opened the door. To his great astonishment he saw enter the dog which he had cured, and with him another dog. The latter also had a broken^ leg, and was able to move only with much difficulty. The dog which the surgeon had cured had brought his friend to his benefactor, in order that he, too, might be^^ healed ; and, as well as he could, he made the doctor^^ under- stand that this was what he wanted. »§250, 4. ♦ § 377, 3. » § 279, 2. •§241, 2. a. "§271,2. « 1 252, 2. •§352.1,(3X 8 §458, 3. "§279,6. 12 8230,6,6. «8861. «8413. EXERCISE LXVII, a. There was once a cat who was a^ great enemy of the rats. He had eaten a great many^, and they were much afraid of him. So the chiefs of the rats called a meeting to^ discuss what they should do to^ rid themselves of him. A great 390 • EXERCISE LXVIII, a. many plans were proposed, but after a little discussion they were all abandoned. At last a young rat, who thought him- self very clever, rose and said : " Do not despair my friends, I have not yet proposed a plan. A splendid idea occurs to me; I know what. we can do. We can, if we are economical, soon save enough money to^ buy a little bell. This we can attach to the neck of our old enemy, and, if he approaches, we can^ flee to (dans) a place of safety." The young rats all applauded the idea, but one of the old [ones], who up to this time had said nothing, gravely^ asked the one who had made the speech if he would promise to put the bell on the cat. The young rat blushed, and said he would think of it^. The meeting broke up shortly after, and the rats dispersed without doing anything'^. 1 § 330, 3. 3 § 282, 2. " § 413. • § 368. » § 405, 4, a. 2 § 367, 2, (1), * § 263, 2. / EXERCISE LXVIII, a. Long ago^ the frogs, tired of having^ a republic, resolved to^ flisk Jupiter to send them a king. Jupiter did not receive their petition with much favour, but as they seemed really to* desire one, he thought (that) it would be better to please^ them. So, one fine day, when they were all expecting^ their king, a great log fell from the sky into the pond, where they were^. They were very much afraid of the noise^ it made, and they took refuge in holes and in the mud at the bottom of the pond. Little by little, however, they approached^ their king to^ get a good look at him, and seeing that he was so quiet, they became more bold, and finally leaped on him, and treated him with great familiarity ( = very familiarly). Then they complained again to Jupiter saying that the king he had sent was not worthy of their respect, and that they desired another, who would show^^^ more vigour. In order to please them Jupiter sent them this time a stork, who immediately began to devour them with much avidity. They complained again, but Jupiter told them that, since^^ they had desired a king, they would be forced to quietly submit to the one^^ he had sent. J § 250, 4. ♦ § 278, 6. ^ § 402, 1. » § 282, 2, »> § 459, 3. « § 280, 2. 6 § 296, 2. » § 296, 1. " § 270, 1. " § 381 ; 402, L * § 280, 6. « § 258, 1. EXERCISES LXIX-LXX, a. 391 EXERCISE LXIX, a. The two youngest of my children were already in bed and asleep, the third had^ gone out, but at my return I found him sitting beside my gate, weeping^ very sore. I asked him the reason. "Fathef^," said he, "I took this morning from* my mother, without her knowing^ it, one of those three apples you brought her, and I kept^ it a long while ; but, as I was playing some time ago'' with my little brother in the street, a slave that went^ by snatched it out of my hands, and carried it off ; I ran after him asking for it, and, besides, told him that it belonged to my mother, who was ill, and that you had taken a fortnight's journey to fetch it ; but all in vain, he would^ not give it back. And because I still followed him, crying out, he stopped and beat me, and then ran away as fast as he could, from one street to another, till at length I lost sight of him. I have since that been walking outside the town, expecting your return, to pray you, dear father, not to tell my mother [of] it, lest it should make her worse." And when he had^^ said these words, he began weeping again more bitterly than ever. » § 229. 3 § 376, 4. » § 271, 6. » § 250, 4. » § 265, 1, 6. ^ » § 286, 2. * § 296, 4. « § 269, 2. « § 268, 1. " § 262, 3- W EXERCISE LXX, a. A celebrated Italian^ painter had told his pupils to^ ask the name of any (tout) person who might come^ to his house during his absence in the city. One day three gentlemen came to* see the painter, and the latter was not at home. One of the pupils, whose name was John, opened the door for them^, said that his master was not in, and let them depart without asking their names. When the master returned and* heard of the three gentlemen, he asked ^ John who they were. John could say nothing but, "I do not know, sir." The painter got angry, but John, with a few strokes of his pen- cil, drew (/aire) the portrait of the three, and gave it to his master, who immediately^ recognized them. The artist admired the skill of the young man so much that he took th^rawing, and kept it afterwards among his most precious possessions. It is needless to^ add that he pardoned the pupil. » § 352, 1, (2> ■•» § 270, 1. » § 362, 2. ' § 296, 2. » § 384, 1, O. a§280, 6. *§278, 6. •8 458,2. 8§413. 392 EXERCISES LXXI-LXXII, a. EXERCISE LXXI, a. A man (celui) who would i have friends must show himself friendly. A man was passing the night at an inn. He had just left a town where he had spent several years. The land- lord asked^ him why he had left the place. He replied, " because my neighbours were so disagreeable and disobliging that one could not live with them." The landlord replied, "you will find exactly the same sort of neighbours where you are going." The following day another traveller came from the same place. He told the landlord that he was obliged to leave the place where he had been living, and that it caused him great pain to part with his neighbours, who had been so kind and obliging. The landlord encouraged him by telling^ him that he would find exactly the same sort of neighbours where he was going. 1 §230,1. 2§296, 2. »§286,3. EXERCISE LXXII, a. When I was^ at school, I was^ often very idle. Even in [the] class I used to play^ with boys as idle as myself. We used to tryi to hide this from^ our master, but one day he caught^ us cleverly. "You must not be idle," said he. "You must not raise your* eyes from your books. You do not know what you lose by idleness^. Study while you are young; you will not be able to study when you are^ old. If any one sees another boy, who is not studying, let him tell me"." " Now," said I to myself, " there is Fred Smith, I do not like him. If I see that he is not studying, I shall telF." Soon after, I saw Fred Smith looking^ out of the window, and I told the master what I had seen. " Indeed ! " said he, " how do you know he was idle 1 " " If you please, sir," said I, "I saw^ him." "O you saw^ him, and where were your eyes when you saw^ him 1 " I saw the other boys laugh^, and I was^^ ashamed, for the master smiled, and said it was a good lesson for me. >§258. 3 §260. 6 §321. t § 365. <>§ 259,11 »8 296,4. *§328. «§263, 2. » § 287, 3. »<>§ 268,1. EXERCISES LXXIII-LXXV, a. 393 EXERCISE LXXIII, a. The princes of Europe^ have found out a manner of reward- ing2 their subjects who have behaved well, by presenting^ them with about two yards of blue^ ribbon, which is worn^ on the shoulder. Those who are honoured with this mark of distinction are called knights, and the king himself is always at the head of the order. This is a cheap method of recom- pensing2 ^i^q most important services ; and it is very fortunate for kings^ that their subjects are^ satisfied with such^ trifling rewards. Should^ a nobleman lose his leg in a battle, the king presents him with two yards of ribbon, and he is recompensed for the loss of his leg. Should^ an ambassador spend all his fortune in^^ supporting the honour of his country abroad, the king presents him with two yards of ribbon, which is con- sidered^ the equivalent of his estate. In short, as long as an European king has a yard or two of blue or green ribbon, he will not want statesmen, generals and soldiers. » 8 333, 2. » § 286, 3. » § 241, 2. » § 269, 4. » § 275. « 8 280, 2. * § 352, 1, (1). « § 321. « § 406, 5, a, note. " § 279, 2. EXERCISE LXXIV, a. At a time when ancient art was attracting so much atten- tion in Italy that modern art^ was being neglected^, Michael Angelo had resort to a stratagem in order to teach the critics the folly of judging such things according to fashion^ or reputation^. He made a statue which represented^ a beautiful girl asleep'^, and, breaking off" an arm, buried the statue in a place where excavations were being made^. It was soon found, and was lauded by critics^ and by the public as a valuable relic of antiquity^. When Michael Angelo thought the time opportune, he produced the broken arm, and, to the great mortification of the critics, revealed himself as the sculptor. » 8 321. « 8 241, 2. » 8 268, 3. * 8 352. 1, (3X EXERCISE LXXV, a. Had you seen us, Mr. Harley, when we were turned out of South-hill, I am sure you would have wept at that sight. You 394 EXERCISE LXXV, a. remember old Trusty, my dog ; I shall never forget it while I live (fut.) ; the poor creature was old and almost blind, and could scarce crawl after us to the door ; he went, however, as far as the gooseberry-bush, which, as you may remember, stood on the left side of the yard ; he was wont to bask in the sun there ; when he had re£U3hed that spot, he stopped ; we went on ; I called him ; he wagged his tail, but did not stir ; I called again ; he lay down ; I whistled, and cried " Trusty " ; he gave a howl, and died ! I could have lain down and died ( = should have liked to lie down and die) too ; but God gave me strength to live for my children. FKEI^CH EEADER. 1. PAROLES D'UN CROYANT, CHAP. VII. Lamennais (1782-1854). Lorsqu'un arbre est seul, il est battu des vents et d^pouill^ de ses feuilles ; et ses branches, au lieu de s'^lever, s'abaissent comme si elles cherchaient la terre. Lorsqu'une plante est seule, ne trouvant point d'abri centre Vardeur du soleil, elle languit et se desseche, et meurt. 6 Lorsque Thomme est seul, le vent de la puissance le courbe vers la terre, et I'ardeur de la convoitise des grands de ce monde absorbe la seve qui le nourrit. Ne soyez done point comme la plante et comme I'arbre qui sont seuls : mais unissez-vous les uns aux autres, et appuyez- lo vous, et abritez-vous, mutuellement. Tandis que vous serez desunis, et que chacun ne songera qu'i soi, vous n'avez rien k esp^rer, que souffrance, et malheur, et oppression. Qu'y a-t-il de plus faible que le passereau, et de plus d^sarm^ 16 que I'hirondelle? Cependant quand parait I'oiseau de proie, les hirondelles et les passereaux parviennent k le chasser, en se rassemblant autour de lui, et le poursuivant tous ensemble. Prenez exemple sur le passereau et sur I'hirondelle. Celui qui se s^pare de ses f reres, la crainte le suit quand il 20 marche, s'assied pr^s de lui quand il repose, et ne le quitte pas meme durant son sommeil. Done, si Ton vous demande : " Combien ^tes-vous ? " r^pon- dez: "Nous sommes un, car nos freres, c'est nous, et nous, c'est nos frferes." 26 Dieu n'a fait ni petits ni grands, ni m ait res ni esclaves, ni rois ni sujets : il a fait tous les hommes ^gaux. Mais, entre les hommes, quelques-uns ont plus de force ou de corps, ou d'esprit, ou de volenti, et ce sont ceux-1^ qui cherchent k s'assujettir les autres, lorsque I'orgueil ou la convoitise dtouf-80 fent en eux Tamour de leurs freres. 396 FRENCH READER. Et Dieu savait qu'il en serait ainsi, et c'est pourquoi il a command^ aux hommes de s'aimer, afin qu'ils fussent unis, et que les faibles ne tombassent point sous I'oppression des forts. Car celui qui est plus fort qu'un seul sera moins fort que 6 deux, et celui qui est plus fort que deux sera moins fort que quatre; et ainsi les faibles ne craindront rien lorsque, s'aimant les uns les autres, ils seront unis veritablement. Un homme voyageait dans la montagne, et il arriva en un lieu ou un gros rocher, ayant roule sur le chemin, le remplissait 10 tout entier, et hors du chemin il n'y avait point d'autre issue, ni k gauche, ni a droite. Or, cet homme voyant qu'il ne pouvait continuer son voyage a cause du rocher, essaya de le mouvoir pour se faire un pas- sage, et il se fatigua beaucoup a ce travail, et tous ses efforts 16 f urent vains. Ce que voyant, il s'assit plein de tristesse et dit: "Que sera-ce de moi lorsque la nuit viendra et me surprendra dans cette solitude, sans nourriture, sans abri, sans aucune defense, k I'heure ou les betes feroces sortent pour chercher leur proie?" 20 Et comme il etait absorb^ dans cette pensde, un autre voya- geur survint, et celui-ci, ayant fait ce qu'avait fait le premier et s'etant trouv^ aussi impuissant a remuer le rocher, s'assit en silence et baissa la tete. Et apres celui-ci, il en vint plusieurs autres, et aucun ne put 25 mouvoir le rocher, et leur crainte k tous etait grande. Enfin I'un d'eux dit aux autres : " Mes f re res, prions notre P^re qui est dans les cieux : peut-etre qu'il aura piti^ de nous dans cette ddtresse." Et cette parole fut dcout^e, et ils pri^rent de coeur le Pfere 80 qui est dans les cieux. Et quand ils eurent pri^, celui qui avait dit : " Prions," dit encore : "Mes freres, ce qu'aucun de nous n'a pu faire seul, qui sait si nous ne le ferons pas tous ensemble 1 " Et ils se leverent, et tous ensemble ils pouss^rent le rocher et 86 le rocher cdda, et ils poursuivirent leur route en paix. Le voyageur c'est I'homme, le voyage c'est la vie, le rocher ce sont les misferes qu'il rencontre a chaque pas sur sa route. Aucun homme ne saurait soulever seul ce rocher, mais Dieu en a mesur^ le poids de mani^re qu'il n'arrete jamais ceux qui 40 voyagent ensemble. FRENCH READER. 397 2. PAROLES D'UN CROYANT, CHAP. XVII. Lamennais (1782-1854). Deux hommes ^taient voisins, et chacun d'eux avait une femme et plusieurs petits enfants, et son seul travail pour les faire vivre. Et Tun de ces deux hommes s'inquietait en lui-meme, disant : "Si je meurs ou que je tombe malade, que deviendront ma 6 femme et mes enfants 1 " Et cette pensee ne le quittait point, et elle rongeait son coeur comme un ver ronge le fruit ou il est cache. Or, bien que la meme pensee fut venue ^galement k I'autre p^re, il ne s'y etait point arrets ; " car, disait-il, Dieu, qui con- lo nalt toutes ses creatures et qui veille sur elles, veillera aussi sur moi, et sur ma femme, et sur mes enfants." Et celui-ci vivait tranquille, tandis que le premier ne goutaifc pas un instant de repos ni de joie intdrieurement. Un jour qu'il travaillait aux champs, triste et abattu h cause 15 de sa crainte, il vit quelques oiseaux entrer dans un buisson, en sortir, et puis bient6t y revenir encore. Et, s'^tant approch^, il vit deux nids posds c6te k c6te, et dans chacun plusieurs petits nouvellement dclos et encore sans plumes. 20 Et quand il fut retoumd k son travail, de temps en temps il levait les yeux, et regardait ces oiseaux qui allaient et venaient portant la nourriture k leurs petits. Or, voila qu'au moment ou I'une des m^res rentrait avec sa because, un vautour la saisit, I'enlfeve, et la pauvre mere se25 d^battant vainement sous sa serre, jetait des cris pergants. A cette vue, I'homme qui travaillait sentit son ame plus troubl^e qu'auparavant ; " car, pensait-il, la mort de la mfere, c'est la mort des enfants. Les miens n'ont que moi non plus. Que deviendront-ils si je leur manque ? " 30 Et tout le jour il fut sombre et triste, et la nuit il ne dormit point. Le lendemain, de retour aux champs, il se dit : " Je veux voir les petits de cette pauvre mhre : plusieurs sans doute ont d6jk p^ri." Et il s'achemina vers le buisson. 35 Et, regardant, il vit les petits bien portants ; pas un ne sem- blait avoir patL 398 FRENCH READER. Et, ceci Tayant ^tonn^, il se cach^ pour observer ce qui se passerait. Et, apres un peu de temps, il entendit un \6ger cri, et il apergut la seconde mere rapportant en hate la nourriture 6qu'elle avait recueillie, et elle la distribua a tous les petits indistinctement, et il y en eut pour tous, et les orphelins ne furent point delaiss^s dans leur misere. Et le pere qui s'etait d^fie de la Providence raconta le soir k I'autre pere ce qu'i] avait vu. 10 Et celui-ci lui dit: "Pourquoi s'inqui^ter? Jamais Dieu n'abandonne les siens. Son amour a des secrets que nous ne connaissons point. Croyons, esp^rons, aimons, et poursuivons notre route en paix. " Si je meurs avant vous, vous serez ie pere de mes enfants ; 16 si vous mourez avant moi, je serai le pere des vdtres. " Et si Tun et Tautre, nous mourons avant qu'ils soient en S-ge de pourvoir eux-m^mes a leurs n^cessites, ils auront pour pfere le Pere qui est dans les cieux." 3. LE MAtTRE CHAT OU LE CHAT BOTTfe. Perrault (1628-1703). Un meunier ne laissa pour tous biens k trois enfants qu'il 80 avait, que son moulin, son ^ne et son chat. Les partages furent bient6t faits ; ni le notaire, ni le procureur n'y furent appeles. lis auraient eu bientot mange tout le pauvre patri- moine. L'aine eut le moulin, le second eut I'ane, et le plus jeune n'eut que le chat. Ce dernier ne pouvait se consoler 26 d'avoir un si pauvre lot. " Mes freres, disait-il, pourront gagner leur vie honnetement en se mettant ensemble; pour moi, lorsque j'aurai mange mon chat, et que je me serai fait un manchon de sa peau, il faudra que je meure de faim." Le Chat, qui entendait ce discours, mais qui n'en fit pas semblant, 80 lui dit d'un air pose et serieux : " Ne vous affligez point, mon maitre, vous n'avez qu'a me donner un sac et me faire fairs une paire de bottes pour aller dans les broussailles, et vous verrez que vous n'§tes pas si mal partage que vous croyez." FRENCH READER. 399 Quoique le maitre du Chat ne fit pas grand fond Ik-dessus, il lui avait vu faire tant de tours de souplesse pour prendre des rats et des souris, comme quand il se pendait par les pieds, ou qu'il se cachait dans la farine pour faire le mort, qu'il ne d^sespera pas d'en etre secouru dans sa mis^re. Lorsque le 5 Chat eut ce qu'il avait demande, il se botta bravement, et, mettant son sac a son cou, il en prit les cordons avec ses pattes de devant, et s'en alia dans une garenne ou il y avait grand nombre de lapins. II mit du son et des lacerons dans son sac, et, s'dtendant comme s'il exit ^t6 mort, il attendit que lo quelque jeune lapin, peu instruit encore des ruses de ce monde, vint se fourrer dans son sac pour manger ce qu'il y avait mis. A. peine fut-il couch^, qu'il eut contentement ; un jeune dtourdi de lapin entra dans son sac, et le maitre Chat, tirant aussitdt ses cordons, le prit et le tua sans mis^ricorde. Tout glorieux 16 de sa proie, il s'en alia chez le roi et demanda k lui parler. On le fit monter k I'appartement de Sa Majesty, ou ^tant entrd, il fit une grande rt^v^rence au roi, et lui dit : " Voil^, sire, un lapin de garenne que M. le marquis de Carabas (c'^tait le nom qu'il prit en gr^ de donner k son maitre) m'a charg^ de ao vous presenter de sa part. — Dis k ton maitre, r^pondit le roi, que je le remercie, et qu'il me fait plaisir." Une autre fois, il alia se cacher dans un bl^ tenant tou jours son sac ouvert, et lorsque deux perdrix y furent entries, il tira les cordons et les prit toutes deux. II alia ensuite les presenter au roi, comme 26 il avait fait du lapin de garenne. Le roi re9ut encore avec plaisir les deux perdrix, et lui fit donner pour boire. Le Chat continua ainsi, pendant deux ou trois mois, de porter de temps en temps au roi du gibier de la chasse de son maitre. Un jour qu'il sut que le roi devait aller k la promenade sur le bord de so la riviere, avec sa fille, la plus belle princesse du monde, il dit k son maitre : "Si vous voulez suivre mon conseil, votre for- tune est faite ; vous n'avez qu'^ vous baigner dans la riviere, k I'endroit que je vous monl^erai, et ensuite me laisser faire." Le marquis de Carabas fit ce que son chat lui conseillait, sans 85 savoir k quoi cela serait bon. Dans le temps qu'il se baignait, le roi vint k passer, et le Chat se mit k crier de toute sa force : " Au secoursj au secours ! voil^ M. le marquis de Carabas qui se noie ! " A ce cri, le roi mit la tete k la portiere, et recon- naissant le Chat qui lui avait apport^ tant de fois du gibier, 40 il ordonna k ses gardes qu'on all&t vite au secours de M. le 400 FRENCH READER. marquis de Carabas. Pendant qu'on retirait le pauvre mar- quis de la riviere, le Chat, s'approchant du carrosse, dit au roi que, dans le temps que son maitre se baignait, il etait venu des voleurs qui avaient emportd ses habits, quoiqu'il eut crid 6 au voleur ! de toute sa force : le drole les avait caches sous une grosse pierre. Le roi ordonna aussitdt aux officiers de sa garde-robe d'aller querir un de ses plus beaux habits pour M. le marquis de Carabas. Le roi lui fit mille caresses ; et, comme les beaux habits qu'on venait de lui donner relevaient 10 sa bonne mine (car il ^tait beau et bien fait de sa personne), la fille du roi le trouva fort k son grd, et le marquis de Carabas ne lui eut pas plus t6t jet^ deux ou trois regards fort respec- tueux et un peu tendres, qu'elle en devint amoureuse k la folic. Le roi voulut qu'il montat dans son carrosse et qu'il fut de la 16 promenade. Le Chat, ravi de voir que son dessein commen- 9ait k r^ussir, prit les devants, et, ayant rencontr^ des paysans qui fauchaient un pr^, il leur dit : ^^ Bonnes gens qui faucheZj si vous ne dites pas au roi que le pr4 que vous /auchez appar- tient d, M. le marquis de Carabas vous serez tous hack^s menu 2ocom,me chair a pdtd." Le roi ne manqua pas de demander aux faucheurs k qui ^tait ce pr^ qu'ils fauchaient. " C'est a M. le marquis de Carabas," dirent-ils tous ensemble ; car la menace du Chat leur avait fait peur. " Vous avez \k un bel heritage, dit le roi au marquis de Carabas. — Vous voyez, sire, r^pondit 25 le marquis, c'est un pr^ qui ne manque point de rapporter abondamment toutes les anndes." Le maitre Chat, qui allait toujours devant, rencontra des moissonneurs, et leur dit : ^'Bonnes gens qui m^oissonnez, si vous ne dites pas que tous ces hies appartiennent d M. le marquis de Carabas, vous serez tous Zohach^s menu comme chair a pdt^." Le roi, qui passa un moment apr^s, voulut savoir a qui appartenaient tous les bids qu'il voyait. "C'est a M. le marquis de Carabas," rdpondirent les moissonneurs, et le roi s'en r^jouit encore avec le marquis. Le Chat, qui allait devant le carrdfese, disait toujours la meme 85 chose a tous ceux qu'il rencon trait ; et le roi dtait 6tonn4 des grands biens de M. le marquis de Carabas. Le maitre Chat arriva enfin dans un beau chateau, dont le maitre dtait un ogre, le plus riche qu'on ait jamais vu : car toutes les terres par ou le roi avait passd dtaient de la ddpendance de ce cha- 40 teau. Le Chat eut soin de s'informer qui dtait cet ogre, et ce qu'il savait faire, et demanda k lui parler, disant qu'il n'avait FRENCH READER. 401 pas voulu passer si pr^s de son chateau sans avoir I'honneur de lui faire la r^v^rence. L'ogre le re9ut aussi civilement que le pent un ogre, et le fit reposer. " On m'a assur^, dit le Chat, que vous aviez le don de vous changer en toutes sortes d'ani- maux, et que vous pouviez, par exemple, vous transformer en 5 lion, en Elephant. — Cela est vrai, repondit brusquement l'ogre, et. pour vous le montrer, vous allez me voir devenir lion." Le Chat fut si effray^ de voir un lion devant lui, qu'il gagna aussi- tot les gouttieres, non sans peine et sans peril, k cause de ses bottes, qui ne valaient rien pour marcher sur les tuiles. Quel- ic que temps apres, le Chat ayant vu que l'ogre avait quitt^ sa premiere forme, descendit et avoua qu'il avait eu bien peur. • "On m'a as^ur^ encore, dit le Chat, mais je ne saurais le croire, que vous aviez aussi le pouvoir de prendre la forme des plus petits animaux, par exemple de vous changer en un i6 rat, en une souris : je vous avoue que je tiens cela tout k fait impossible. — Impossible ! reprit l'ogre, vous allez le voir ;" et en meme temps il se changea en une souris, qui se mit k courir sur le plancher. Le Chat ne I'eut pas plus t6t aper9ue, qu'il se jeta dessus et la mangea. Cependant le roi, qui vit en 20 passant le beau chateau de l'ogre, voulut entrer dedans. Le Chat qui entendit le bruit du carrosse qui passait sur le pont- levis, courut au-devant, et dit au roi : " Votre majesty soit la bienvenue dans ce chateau de M. le marquis de Carabas! — Comment, monsieur le marquis, s'^cria le roi, ce chS,teau est 26 encore k vous ! II ne se pent rien de plus beau que cette cour et tous ces b&timents qui I'environnent; voyons les dedans, s'il vous plait." Le marquis donna la main k la jeune princesse, et, suivant le roi qui montait le premier, ils entrferent dans une grande salle, ou ils trouvferent une magnifique collation 80 que l'ogre avait fait preparer pour ses amis, qui devaient venir le voir ce meme jour-la, mais qui n'avaient pas os^ y entrer, sachant que le roi y ^tait. Le roi, charm^ des bonnes qualitt^s de M. le marquis de Carabas, de meme que sa fille, qui en ^tait folle, et voyant les grands biens qu'il poss^dait, lui dit, 35 aprfes avoir bu cinq ou six coups : "II ne tiendra qu'^ vous, monsieur le marquis, que vous ne soyez mon gendre." Le marquis, faisant de grandes r^vdrences, accepta I'honneur que lui faisait le roi ; et, d^s le m^me jour, il ^pousa la princesse. Le chat devint grand seigneur, et ne courut plus apr^s les 40 Aooris que pour se divertir, 36 402 FRENCH READER. 4. UN NEZ GELi. N Dumas (1803-1870). Tin jour, k Saint-P^tersbourg, je me d^cidai de faire mes courses en me promenant. Je m'armai de pied en cap con t re les hostilities du froid ; je m'enveloppai d'une grande redingote d'astracan, je m'enfon9ai un bonnet fourr^ sur les oreilles, je 5roulai autour de men cou une cravate de cachemire, et je m'aventurai dans la rue, n'ayant de toute ma personne que le bout du nez k I'air. D'abord tout alia k merveille ; je m'^tonnai meme du peu d'impression que me causait le froid, et je rials tout bas de lotous les contes que j'en avals entendu faire; j'^tais, au reste, enchants que le hasard m'eut donn^ cette occasion pour m'accli- mater. Ndanmoins, comme les deux premiers ^coliers chez lesquels je me rendais n'^taient point chez eux, je commen9ais a trouver que le hasard faisait trop bien les choses, lorsque je 15 crus remarquer que ceux que je croisais me regardaient avec une certaine inquietude, mais cependant sans me rien dire. Bientdt un monsieur, plus causeur, k ce qu'il parait, que les autres, me dit en passant : ^oss ! Comme je ne savais pas un mot de russe, je crus que ce n'^tait pas la peine de m'arreter 20 pour un monosyllabe, et je continual mon chemin. Au coin de la rue des Pois, je rencontrai un cocher qui passait ventre k terre en conduisant son traineau ; mais, si rapide que fut sa course, il se crut oblig^ de me parler a son tour et me cria : Noss ! noss ! Enfin, en arrivant sur la place de I'Amiraute, je 25 me trouvai en face d'un moujik qui ne me cria rien du tout, mais qui, ramassant une poignde de neige, se jeta sur moi, et avant que j'eusse pu me debarrasser de tout mon attirail, se mit k me debarbouiller la figure et k me frotter particuli^re- ment le nez de toute sa force. Je trouvai la plaisanterie assez 80 mediocre, surtout par le temps qu'il faisait, et tirant un de mes bras d'une de mes poches, je lui allongeai un coup de poing qui I'envoya rouler a dix pas. Malheureusement ou heureuse- ment pour moi, deux paysans passaient en ce moment qui, aprfes m'avoir regards un instant, se jetferent sur moi, et mal- S5gre ma defense, me maintinrent les bras, tandis que mon enrage moujik ramassait une autre poign^e de neige, et, comme s'il ne voulait pas en avoir le dementi, se pr^cipitait de nouveau sur moi. Cette fois, profitant de Timpossibilite oA FRENCH READER. 403 j'^tais de me d^fendre, il se mit k recommencer sea frictions. Mais, si j'avais les bras pris, j'avais la langue libre : croyant que j'^tais la victime de quelque m^prise ou de quelque guefc- apens, j'appelai de toute ma force au secours. Un officier accourut et me demanda en fran9ais a qui j'en avals. 6 " Comment, monsieur ! " m'^criai-je en faisant un dernier effort et en me d^barrassant de mes trois hommes, qui, de I'air le plus tranquille du monde, se remirent k continuer leur chemin, I'un vers la Perspective, et les deux autres du c6t^ du quai Anglais, " vous ne voyez done pas ce que ces drdles me lo faisaienf? — Que vous faisaient-ils done? — Mais ils me frot- taient la figure avec de la neige. Est-ce que vous trouveriez cela une plaisanterie de bon gout par hasard, avec le temps qu'il fait? — Mais, monsieur, ils vous rendaient un ^norme service, me r^pondit mon interlocuteur en me regardant comme 15 nous disons, nous autres Frangais, dans le blanc des yeux. — Comment cela ? — Sans doute, vous aviez le nez gel^. — Mis^ri- corde ! m'dcriai-je en portant la main k la partie menac^e. — Monsieur, dit un passant en s'adressant k Tinterlocuteur, mon- sieur I'officier, je vous prdviens que votre. nez g^le. — Merci, 20 monsieur," dit I'ojSBcier, comme si on I'eiit pr^venu de la chose la plus naturelle du monde. Et se baissant, il ramassa une poign^e de neige et se rendit k lui-meme le service que m'avait rendu le pauvre moujik que j'avais si brutalement r^ompens^ de son obligeance. 25 ** C'est-i-dire alors, monsieur, que, sans cet homme . . . — Vous n'auriez plus de nez, continua I'officier en se frottant le sien. ** Alors, monsieur, permettez. . ." Et je me mis k courir apr^s mon moujik, qui, croyant que je voulais achever de I'assommer, se rait k courir de son c6t^, so de sorte que, comme la crainte est naturellement plus agile que la reconnaissance, je ne I'eusse probablement jamais rat- trap^ si quelques personnes, en le voyant fuir et en me voyant le poursuivre, ne Teussent pris pour un voleur, et ne lui eussent barr^ le chemin. Lorsque j 'arrival, je le trouvai parlant avec 35 une grande volubility, afin de faire comprendre qu'il n'^tait coupable que de trop de philanthropie ; dix roubles que je lui donnai expliquferent la chose. Le moujik me baisa les mains, et un des assistants, qui parlait fran9ais, m'invita k faire d^sor- mais plus d'attention k mon nez. L'invitation dtait inutile ; 40 pendant tout le reste de ma course, je ne le perdis pas de vue. 404 FRENCH READER. S LA PIPE DE JEAN BART. Dumas (1803-1870). Jean Bart ^tait de Dunkerque, pays humide et froid, oh. la pipe est non seulement une compagne, mais un po^le. II 4tait petit-fils et neveu de corsaires, et fut corsaire lui-m^me jusqu'^ I'^poque ou Louis XIV I'appela dans la marine militaire. 5 A cette ^poque, Jean Bart avait deja quarante et un ans ; il ^tait done trop tard pour qu'il changeat ses habitudes de jeunesse. Cependant, ceux qui voudront y reflechir, demeure- ront parfaitement convaincus que, lorsque Jean Bart alluma sa pipe dans I'antichambre du roi, ce n'etait pas par ignorance lode I'dtiquette de Versailles, mais parce qu'il voulait attirer Vattention sur lui, de fa9on a ce qu'on fut forc^ de le mettre a la porte du palais. Or, comme, apres tout, il ^tait chef d'escadre et qu'il s'appelait Jean Bart, ce n'etait pas chose facile de le mettre a la porte, ou d'aller dire a Louis XIV qu'il 16 y avait, porte k porte avec lui, un homme qui f umait. On savait que Jean Bart venait demander au roi une grace, — une grace que le roi avait d^ja refusee deux fois. On ne faisait pas parvenir au roi les demandes d'audience de Jean Bart ; il fallait que Jean Bart prit le cabinet du roi 20 par surprise. Jean Bart mit de c6t^ ses fameux habits de drap d'or double d'argent, qui faisaient tant de bruit dans les salons de Paris, revetit son simple costume d'officier sup^rieur de la marine, passa seulement k son cou la chaine d'or que le roi lui 25 avait donn^e autrefois en recompense de ses exploits, et se pr^senta k I'antichambre de Sa Majesty, comme s'il avait sa lettre d'admission. " Monsieur le capitaine de frigate, demanda I'officier charg^ d'introduire les solliciteurs pr^s du roi ; monsieur le capitaine 30 de frigate, avez-vous votre lettre d'audience 1 — Ma lettre d'audience? dit Jean Bart; pourquoi faire) Je suis, certes, assez bon ami du roi pour qu'il n'y ait pas besoin de toutes ces niaiseries-la entre nous. Dites-lui que c'est Jean Bart qui demande k lui parler, et cela suffira. 86 — Du moment ou vous n'avez pas de lettre d'audience, reprit I'officier, personne ne se permettra de vous annoncer. — Mais j'ai besoin qu'on m'annonce, fit Jean Bart, et je ne m'annoncerai pas bien moi-mdme ! FRENCH READER. 405 Et il s'avanga vers la porte de communication. — On ne passe pas, mon officier, dit le mousquetaire de faction. — Est-ce la consigne ? demanda Jean Bart. — C'est la consigne, repondit le mousquetaire. b — Respect a la consigne," dit Jean Bart. Puis, s'adossant a la boiserie, il tira une pipe du fond de son chapeau, la bourra de tabac, battit le briquet, et I'alluma. Les courtisans le regardaient avec stupefaction. " Je vous ferai observer, Monsieur le capitaine de frigate, lO dit I'officier, qu'on ne fume pas dans I'antichambre du roi. • — Alors, qu'on ne m'y fasse pas attendre; moi, je fume tou jours quand j 'attends. — Monsieur le capitaine de frigate, je vais §tre oblig^ de vous faire sortir. 16 — Avant que j'aie parl^ au roi ! fit Jean Bart en riant. Ah ! je vous en d^fie bien." Et, en effet, ce n'^tait pas, commo nous Tavons dit, chose facile que de mettre Jean Bart a la porte; de deux maux choisissant le moindre, et surtout le moins dangereux, I'officier 20 alia dire au roi : " Sire, il y a dans votre antichambre un officier de marine qui fume, qui nous d^fie de le faire sortir, et qui nous declare qu'il entrera malgr^ nous." Louis XIV ne se donna pas m§me la peine de chercher. 26 " Je parie que c'est Jean Bart ! " dit-il. L'officier s'inclina. " Laissez-le finir sa pipe, dit Louis XIV, et faites-le entrer." Jean Bart ne finit pas sa pipe ; il la jeta dans la chemin^e et s'^langa vers le cabinet du roi. Mais k peine en eut-ila> franchi le seuil, qu'il s'arreta, saluant respectueusement Louis XIV. Jean Bart ^tait arriv^ k son but. II se trouvait en face du roi avec la m^me adresse qu'il manoeuvrait devant les escadres ennemies. II conduisit la conversation k travers les ^cueils, 35 les passes, les rochers, ou il voulait I'amener; c'est-i.-dire qu'ayant commence par se faire faire force compliments sur sa sortie du port de Dunkerque ou il ^tait ^troitement bloqu^ par les Anglais ; sur I'incendie de plus de quatre-vingts batiments ennemis qu'il brula en mer ; et enfin sur sa descente k New- 40 castle, — il mit un genou en terre devant le roi, et finit par lui 406 FRENCH READER. demander la grkce de Keyser, son matelot, condamn^ k mort pour avoir tue son adversaire en duel. Le roi hesitait. Jean Bart, que I'amiti^ fraternelle qu'il portait k Keyser srendait eloquent, pria, adjura, conjura ! "Jean Bart, dit Louis XIV, je vous accorde ce que j'ai refuse k Tourville. — Sire, rdpondit Jean Bart, mon p^re, deux de mes f reres, vingt autres membres de ma famille, sont morts au service de 10 Votre Majeste. Vous me donnez aujourd'hui la vie de mon maljelot, je vous donne quittance pour celles des autres." Et Jean Bart sortit, pleurant comme un enfant, et criant : ** Vive le roi ! " a tue-tete. Ce fut alors qu'envelopp^ par tous les courtisans d^sireux de 16 faire la cour a un homme qui ^tait demeur^ plus d'une demi- heure en audience priv^e avec Louis XIV, et ne sachant com- ment sortir de ce cercle vivant qui commengait k TetoulBfer, il profita de ce qu'un des courtisans lui demandait : " Monsieur Jean Bart, comment done etes-vous sorti du 20 port de Dunkerque, bloque comme vous I'^tiez par la flotte anglaise 1 — Vous voulez le savoir 1 rdpondit-il. — Oui, oui, s'^criferent-ils tous en choeur ; cela nous ferait grand plaisir. 26 — Eh bien! vous allez voir. Je suis Jean Bart, n'est-ce pas ? Vous etes la flotte anglaise ; vous me bloquez dans I'antichambre du roi; vous m'empechez de sortir. . .Eh bien, vli! vlan ! piff ! pafF! voila comment je suis sorti !" Et a chaque exclamation, allongeant un coup de pied ou un 80 coup de poing k celui qui ^tait en face de lui et I'envoyant tomber sur son voisin, il s'ouvrit un passage jusqu'^ la porte. Arriv^ 1^ : *' Messieurs, dit-il, voil^ comment je suis sorti du port de Dunkerque." 85 Et il sortit de I'antichambre du roi. FRENCH READER. 407 6. LA DERNlfeRE CLASSE. Daudet (1840-1897). Ce matin-li, j'^tais tres en retard pour aller k T^ole, et j'avais grand'peur d'etre grond^ d'autant plus que M. Hamel nous avait dit qu'il nous interrogerait sur les participes, et je n'en savais pas le premier mot. Un moment I'idee me vint de manquer la classe et de prendre ma course k travers champs. 6 Le temps ^tait si chaud, si clair ! On entendait les merles siffler a la lisifere du bois, et dans le pr^ Rippert, derriere la scierie, les Prussiens qui faisaient Texercice. Tout cela me tentait bien plus que la r^gle des participes; mais j'eus la force de resister, et je courus bienio vite vers I'ecole. En passant devant la mairie, je vis qu'il y avait du monde arrets pres du petit grillage aux affiches. Depuis deux ans, c'est de 1^ que nous sont venues toutes les mauvaises nouvelles, les batailles perdues, les requisitions, les ordres de la comman- u dature ; et je pensai sans m'arreter ; "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a encore 1" Alors, comme je traversais la place en courant, le forgeron Wachter, qui ^tait la avec son apprenti en train de lire I'affiche, me cria : 20 "Ne te d^p^che pas tant, petit; tu y arriveras toujours assez t6t, a ton ^cole ! " Je crus qu'il se moquait de moi, et j'entrai tout essouffl^ dans la petite cour de M. Hamel. D'ordinaire, au commencement de la classe, il se faisait un 26 grand tapage qu'on entendait jusque dans la rue, les pupitres ouverts, ferm^s, les le9ons qu'on r^p^tait tres haut ensemble en se bouchant les oreilles pour mieux apprendre, et la grosse regie du maitre qui tapait sur les tables : " Un peu de silence ! " 80 Je comptais sur tout ce train pour gagner mon banc sans ^tre vu ; mais justement ce jour-1^ tout ^tait tranquille, comme un matin de dimanche. Par la fen^tre ouverte je voyais mes camarades d^ja ranges k leur place, et M. Hamel, qui passait et repassait avec la terrible r^gle en fer sous le bras. II fallut 85 ouvrir la porte et entrer au milieu de ce grand calme. Vous pensez si j'^tais rouge, et si j'avais peur 1 408 FRENCH READER. Eh bien, non. M. Hamel me regarda sans colore et me dit tres doucement : \ " Va vite a ta place, mon petit Frantz ; nous allions com- mencer sans toi." 6 J'enjambai le banc et je m'assis tout de suite a mon pupitre- Alors seulement, un peu remis de frayeur, je remarquai que notre maitre avait sa belle redingote verte, son jabot pliss^ fin et la calotte de soie noire brodee qu'il ne mettait que les jours d'inspection ou de distribution de prix. Du reste, toute la loclasse avait quelque chose d'extraordinaire et de solennel. Mais ce qui me surprit le plus, ce fut de voir au fond de la salle, sur les bancs qui restaient vides d'habitude, les gens du village assis et silencieux comme nous, le vieux Hauser aveo son tricorne, I'ancien maire, I'ancien facteur, et puis d'autres 15 personnes encore. Tout ce monde-1^ paraissait triste ; et Hauser avait apportd un vieil ab^cedaire mang^ aux bords qu'il tenait grand ouvert sur ses genoux, avec ses grosses lunettes poshes en travers des pages. Pendant que je m'etonnais de tout cela, M. Hamel ^tait 20 monte dans sa chaire, et, de la meme voix douce et grave dont il m'avait regu, il nous dit : "Mes enfants, c'est la derniere fois que je vous fais la classe. L'ordre est venu de Berlin de ne plus enseigner que I'allemand dans les ^coles de I'Alsace et de la Lorraine. ... Le nouveau 25 maitre arrive demain. Aujourd'hui c'est votre derniere le9on de frangais. Je vous prie d'etre bien attentifs." Ces quelques paroles me bouleverserent. Ah! les misdrac bles, voilk ce qu'ils avaient aflfich^ k la mairie : Ma derniere \eqou. de frangais ! 80 Et moi qui savais k peine ecrire ! Je n'apprendrais done jamais ! II faudrait done en rester 1^ ! Comme je m'en vou- lais maintenant du temps perdu, des classes manquees a courir les nids ou a faire des glissades sur la Saar ! Mes livres que tout k I'heure encore je trouvais si ennuyeux, si lourds a por- 86ter, ma grammaire, mon histoire sainte, me semblaient de vieux amis qui me feraient beaucoup de peine a quitter. C'est comme M. Hamel. L'idee qu'il allait partir, que je ne le verrais plus, me faisait oublier les punitions, les coups de regie. Pauvre homme ! 40 C'est en I'honneur de cette derniere classe qu'il avait mis ses beaux habits du dimanche, et maintenant je comprenais pour- FRENCH READER. 409 qnoi ces vieux du village ^taient venus s'asseoir au bout de la salle. Cela semblait dire qu'ils regrettaient de ne pas y etre venus plus souvent, k cette ^eole. C'e'tait aussi comma une fa9on de remercier notre maitre de ses quarante ans de bons services, et de rendre leurs devoirs k la patrie qui s'en allait. ft J'en ^tais la de mes reflexions, quand j'entendis appeler mon nom. C'etait mon tour de reciter. Que n'aurais-je pas donn^ pour pouvoir dire tout au long cette fameuse regie des parti- cipes, bien haut, bien clair, sans une faute ; mais je m'embrou- illai aux premiers mots, et je restai debout k me balancer dans 10 mon banc, le coeur gros, sans oser lever la t^te. J'entendais M. Hamel qui me parlait : " Je ne te gronderai pas mon petit Frantz, tu dois etre assez puni. Voila ce que c'est. Tous les jours on se dit : Bah ! j'ai bien le temps. J'apprendrai demain. Et puis tu vois ce qui 16 arrive. . . . Ah ! 9'a ^te le grand malheur de notre Alsace de toujours remettre son instruction a demain. Maintenant ces gens-I^ sont en droit de nous dire : Comment ! Vous pr^ten- diez ^tre Fran9ais, et vous ne savez ni parler ni ^crire votre langue ! . . . Dans tout 9a, mon pauvre Frantz, ce n'est pas 20 encore toi le plus coupable. Nous avons tous notre bonne part de reproches k nous faire. "Vos parents n'ont pas assez tenu k vous voir instniits. lis aimaient mieux vous envoyer travailler k la terre ou aux filatures pour avoir quelques sous de plus. Moimeme, n'ai-je26 rien k me reprocher 1 Est-ce que je ne vous ai pas souvent fait arroser mon jardin au lieu de travailler ? Et quand je voulais aller pecher des truites, est-ce que je me g^nais pour vous donner cong^ V . . . Alors, d'une chose k Tautre, M. Hamel se mit k nous parler w de la langue fran9aise, disant que c'dtait la plus belle langue du monde, la plus claire, la plus solide, qu'il fallait la garder entre nous et ne jamais I'oublier, parce que quand un peuple tombe esclave, tant qu'il tient bien sa langue, c'est comme s'il tenait la clef de sa prison. Puis il prit une grammaire et nous 86 lut notre le9on. J'^tais ^tonn^ de voir comme je comprenais. Tout ce qu'il me disait me semblait facile, facile. Je crois aussi que je n'avais jamais si bien 4co\it6 et que lui non plus n'avait jamais mis autant de patience a ses explications. On aurait dit qu'avant de s'en aller le pauvre homme voulait nous 40 410 FRENCH READER. donner tout son savoir, nous le faire entrer dans la t^te d'un seul coup. La legon finie, on passa a I'dcriture. Pour ce jour-la M. Hamei nous avait prepare des exemples tout neufs, sur lesquels ^tait 6 ^crit en belle ronde : France^ Alsace^ France, Alsace. Cela faisait comme des petits drapeaux qui flottaient tout autour de la classe pendus a la tringle de nos pupitres. II fallait voir comme chacun s'appliquait, et quel silence ! On n'entendait que le grincement des plumes sur le papier. Un moment des lohannetons entrerent; mais personne n'y fit attention, pas m§me les tout petits, qui s'appliquaient k tracer leurs bdtons avec un coeur, une conscience, comme si cela encore ^tait du franqais. . . Sur la toiture de T^cole, des pigeons roucoulaienfc tout bas, et je me disais en les ^coutant : 16 " Est-ce qu'on ne va pas les obliger a chanter en allemand, eux aussi 1 " De temps en temps quand je levais les yeux de dessus ma page, je voyais M. Hamel immobile dans sa chaire et fixant les objets autour de lui, comme s'il avait voulu emporter dans 20 son regard toute sa petite maison d'ecole. . . Pensez ! depuis quarante ans, il dtait \k h, la meme place, avec sa cour en face de lui et sa classe toute pareille. Seulement les bancs, les pupitres s'etaient polls, frott^s par I'usage; les noyers de la cour avaient grandi, et le houblon qu'il avait plant^ lui-meme 26 enguirlandait maintenant les fen^tres jusqu'au toit. Quel crfeve-cceur 9a devait ^tre pour ce pauvre homme de quitter toutes ces choses, et d'entendre sa soeur qui allait, venait, dans la chambre au-dessus, en train de fermer leurs malles ! car ils devaient partir le lendemain, s'en aller du pays pour toiijours. 80 Tout de meme il eut le courage de nous faire la classe jusqu'au bout. Aprfes F^criture, nous eumes la le9on d'his- toire ; ensuite les petits chant^rent le ba be bi bo bu. La-bas au fond de la salle, le vieux Hauser avait mis ses lunettes, et, tenant son ab^cedaire k deux mains, il dpelait les lettres avec 65 eux. On voyait qu'il s'appliquait, lui aussi ; sa voix tremblait d'^motion, et c'^tait si drdle de Ten tend re, que nous avions tous envie de rire et de pleurer. Ah ! je m'en souviendrai de cette derni^re classe. . . Tout a coup I'horloge de I'^glise sonna midi, puis I'Angelus. 10 Au meme moment, les trompettes des Prussiens qui revenaient de I'exercice ^clat^rent sous nos fenetres. ... M. Hamel se FRENCH READER. 411 leva, tout pSIe, dans sa chaire. Jamais il ne m'avait paru si grand. " Mes amis, dit-il, mes amis, je . . . je. . . ." Mais quelque chose I'etouffait. II ne pouvait pas achever sa phrase. 5 Alors il se tourna vers le tableau, prit un morceau de craie, et, en appuyant de toutes ses forces, il ^crivit aussi gros qu'il put: " Vive la France ! " Puis il resta la, la t^te appuy^ au mur, et, sans parler, avec 10 sa main il nous faisait signe : " C'est fini allez-vous-en." 7. LA CHiVRE DE M. SEGUIN. Daudet (1840-1897). M. Seguin n'avait jamais eu de bonheur avec ses ch^vres. II les perdait toutes de la meme fa9on : un beau matin, elles cassaient leur corde, s'en allaient dans la montagne, et la-haut » le loup les mangeait. Ni les caresses de leur maitre, ni la peur du loup, rien ne les retenait. C'^tait, parait-il, des chevres ind^- pendantes, voulant a tout prix le grand air et la liberty. Le brave M. Seguin, qui ne comprenait rien au caractfere de ses betes, ^tait constern^. II disait : 20 "C'est fini ; les chfevres s'ennuient chez moi, je n'en garderai pas une." Cependant il ne se d^couragea pas, et, apr^s avoir perdu six chevres de la m^me maniere, il en acheta une septi^me ; seule- ment, cette fois, il eut soin de la prendre toute jeune, pourss qu'elle s'habitu4t mieux k demeurer chez lui. Ah ! qu'elle dtait jolie la petite ch^vre de M. Seguin ! qu'elle ^tait jolie avec ses yeux doux, sa barbiche de sous-officier, ses sabots noirs et luisants, ses cornes z^brdes et ses longs poils blancs qui lui faisaient une houppelande ! et puis, docile, cares- W sante, se laissant traire sans bouger, sans mettre son pied dans r^cuelle. Un amour de petite ch^vre. , . 412 FRENCH READER. M. Seguin avait derrifere sa maison un clos entour^ d'au'W- pines. C'est 1^ qu'il mit sa nouvelle pensionnaire. II I'attacha k un pieu au plus bel endroit du pre, en ayant soin de lui laisser beaucoup de corde, et de temps en temps il venait voir si elle 6^tait bien. La ch^vre se trouvait tres heureuse et broutait I'herbe de si bon coeur que M. Seguin ^tait ravi. " Enfin, pensait le pauvre homme, en voila une qui ne s'en- nuiera pas chez moi ! " M, Seguin se trompait, sa chevre s'ennuya. 10 Un jour, elle se dit en regardant la montagne : " Comme on doit etre bien Ik-haut ! Quel plaisir de gam bader dans la bruy^re, sans cette maudite longe qui vous ^corche le cou ! . . . C'est bon pour I'ane ou pour le boeuf de brouter dans un clos ! . . . Les cbevres, il leur faut du large." IB A partir de ce moment, I'herbe du clos lui parut fade, L'ennui lui vint. Elle maigrit, son lait se fit rare. C'^tait piti^ de la voir tirer tout le jour sur sa longe, la t^te tourn^e du c6t^ de la montagne, la narine ouverte, en faisant Me / . . . tristement. 20 M. Seguin s'apercevait bien que sa chevre avait quelque chose, mais il ne savait pas ce que c'^tait . . . Un matin, comme il achevait de la traire, la chevre se retourna et lui dit dans^ son patois ; "Ecoutez, monsieur Seguin, je me languis chez vous, laissez- S5 moi aller dans la montagne. — Ah ! mon Dieu ! . . . Elle aussi ! cria M. Seguin stup^f ait, et du coup il laissa tomber son ^cuelle ; puis, s'asseyant dans I'herbe k c6te de sa chevre : — Comment Blanquette, tu veux me quitter 1 " 80 Et Blanquette repondit ; *' Oui, monsieur Seguin : — Est-ce que I'herbe te manque ici 'i — Oh ! non ! monsieur Seguin. — Tu es peut-etre attachde de trop court ; veux-tu que 86 j 'allonge la corde ! — Ce n'est pas la peine, monsieur Seguin. — Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il te faut ! qu'est-ce que tu veux t — Je veux aller dans la montagne, monsieur Seguin. — Mais, malheureuse, tu ne sais pas qu'il y a le loup dans la 40 montagne. . . Que feras-tu quand il viendra?. , . FRENCH READER. 413 — Je lui donnerai des coups de come, monsieur Seguin. — Le loup se moque bien de tes comes. II m'a mang^ des biques autrement encorn^es que toi . . . Tu sais bien, la pauvre vieille Renaude qui ^tait ici Tan dernier'? une maitresse chevre, forte et mechante comme un bouc. Elle s'est battue avec le fi loup toute la nuit . . . puis, le matin, le loup Fa mangle. — P^caire ! Pauvre Renaude ! . . . Qa ne fait rien, monsieur Seguin, laissez-moi aller dans la montagne. — Bont^ divine ! . . . dit M. Seguin ; mais qu'est-ce qu'on leur fait done k mes chevres 1 Encore une que le loup va me lo manger . . . Eh bien, non ... j(^ te sauverai malgr^ toi, coquine ! et de peur que tu ne rompes ta corde, je vais t'en- fermer dans ratable, et tu y resteras toujours. lA-dessus, M. Seguin emporta la chevre dans une Stable toute noire, dont il ferma la porte a double tour. Malheu-16 feusement, il avait oubli^ la fenetre, et k peine eut-il le dos tournd, que la petite s'en alia. . . . Quand la chevre blanche arriva dans la montagne, ce fut un ravissement g^ndral. Jamais les vieux sapins n'avaient rien vu d'aussi joli. On la re9ut comme une petite reine. Les 20 ch&taigniers se baissaient jusqu'a terre pour la caresser du bout de leurs branches. Les genets d'or s'ouvraient sur son passage, et sentaient bon tant qu'ils pouvaient. Toute la montagne lui fit f^te. On pense bien si notre chevre ^tait heureuse ! Plus de 25 corde, plus de pieu . . . rien qui I'emp^chat de gambader, de brouter a sa guise . . . C'est \k qu'il y en avait de I'herbe ! jusque par-dessus les comes ! . . . Et quelle herbe ! savoureuse, fine, dentel^e, faite de mille plan tes . . . C'^tait bien autre chose que le gazon du clos. Et les fleurs done ! . . . De 30 grandes campanules bleues, des digitales de pourpre k longs calices, toute une foret de fleurs sauvages d^bordant de sues capiteux ! . . . La chevre blanche, k moiti^ soule, se vautrait 1^ dedans les jambes en Tair et roulait le long des talus, pele-mele avec les S5 feuilles tomb^es et les chataignes . . . Puis, tout k coup elle se redressait d'un bond sur ses pattes. Hop ! la voila partie, la tete en avant, k travers les maquis et les buissiferes, tantdt sur un pic, tantdt au fond d'un ravin, la-haut, en bas, par- tout ... On aurait dit qu'il y avait dix chevres de M. Seguin 40 dans la montagne. 414 FRENCH READER. " C'est qu'elle n'avait peur de rien la Blanquette. Elle franchissait d'un saut de grands torrents qui I'^claboua- saient au passage de poussiere humide et d'ecume. Alors, toute ruisselante, elle allait s'etendre sur quelque roche plate 6 et se faisait secher par le soleil . . . Une fois, s'avangant au bord d'un plateau, une fleur de cytise aux dents, elle aper9ut en has, tout en bas dans la plaine, la maison de M. Seguin avec le clos derriere. Cela la fit rire aux larmes. " Que c'est petit, dit-elle ; comment ai-je pu tenir Ik 10 dedans?" Pauvrette ! de se voir si haut perchde, elle se croyait au moins aussi grande que le monde . . . Tout k coup le vent fraichit. . . La montagne devint violette ; c'^tait le soir . . . 16 "D^j^!" dit la petite chevre; et elle s'arreta fort ^tonn^e. En bas, les champs ^taient noyes de brume. Le clos de M. Seguin disparaissait dans le brouillard, et de la maisonnette on ne voyait plus que le toit avec un peu de fum^e. Elle ^couta les clochettes d'un troupeau qu'on ramenait, et se sentit 50 1'ame toute triste . . . Un gerf aut, qui ren trait, la f r6la de ses ailes en passant. Elle tressaillit. . .puis ce fut un hurle- ment dans la montagne: "Hou! hou!" Elle pensa au loup ; de tout le jour la foUe n^ avait pas 26pens^. . . Au m^me moment une trompe sonna bien loin dans la valine. C'^tait ce bon M. Seguin qui tentait un dernier effort. " Hou ! hou ! . . . faisait le loup. — Reviens 1 reviens ! . . . " criait la trompe. 30 Blanquette eut envie de revenir ; mais en se rappelant le pieu, la corde, la haie du clos, elle pensa que maintenant elle ne pouvait plus se faire a cette vie, et qu'il valait mieux rester. La trompe ne sonnait plus . . . La chevre entendit derriere elle un bruit de feuilles. Elle 85 se retour^a et vit dans Tombre deux oreilles courtes, toutes droites, avec deux yeux qui reluisaient . . . C'dtait le loup. FRENCH READER. 415 Enorme, immobile, assis sur son train de derrifere, il ^tait 1^ regardant la petite chevre blanche et la degustant par avance. Comme il savait bien qu'il la mangerait, le loup ne se pressait pas; seulement, quand elle se retourna, il se mit a rire m^chamment. S "Ha ! ha ! la petite chevre de M. Seguin !" et il passa sa grosse langue rouge sur ses babines d 'amadou. Blanquette se sentit perdue . . . Un moment en se rappelant rhistoire de la vieille Renaude, qui s'etait battue toute la nuit pour etre mangle le matin elle se dit qu'il vaudrait peut- lo ^tre mieux se laisser manger tout de suite; puis, s'^tant ravis^e, elle tomba en garde, la tete basse et la corne en avant, comme une brave chevre de M. Seguin qu'elle dtait . . . Non pas qu'elle eut I'espoir de tuer le loup, — les chevres ne tuent pas le loup, — mais seulement pour voir si elle pourrait teniriB aussi longtemps que la Renaude . . . Alors le monstre s'avan9a, et les petites cornes entr^rent en danse. Ah ! la brave chevrette, comme elle y allait de bon coeur 1 Plus de dix fois, je ne mens pas, elle iorqa. le loup k reculerM pour reprendre haleine. Pendant ces troves d'une minute, la gourmande cueillait en hate encore un brin de sa ch^re herbe; puis elle retournait au combat, la bouche pleine. . . Cela dura toute la nuit. De temps en temps la chevre de M. Seguin regardait les ^toiles danser dans le ciel clair, et elle se 26 disait : " Oh ! pourvu que je tienne jusqu'i I'aube . . . *' L'une apres Tautre, les ^toiles s'^teignirent. Blanquette redoubla de coups de cornes, le loup de coups de dents . . . Une lueur p^le parut dans I'horizon ... Le chant d'un coq 80 enrou^ monta d'une m^tairie. "Enfin!" dit la pauvre bete, qui n'attendait plus que le jour pour mourir ; et elle s'allongea par terre dans sa belle fourrure blanche toute tach^e de sang . . . Alors le loup se jeta sur la petite chfevre et la mangea. 85 416 FRENCH READER. 8. LA PATTE DE DINDON. Legotjve (b. 1807). Ce matin, k propos d'un plaisir manque, je dis en riant h mon fils : " Je vois que tu as besoin que je te fasse une petite le9on. — Eh 1 sur quoi, pere 1 6 — Sur une disposition que tu tiens de moi, li^las 1 et dont je voudrais bien te gu^rir. — Quelle est-ellel — Le recit d'une petite aventure de ma vie d'^colier te Tapprendra. 10 J'avais dix ans ; j'dtais au college ; je rapportais chaque lundi, de chez mes parents, la grosse somme de quinze sous, destin^e a payer mes dejeuners du matin, car le college ne nous fournissait pour ce repas qu'un morceau de pain tout sec. Un lundi, en rentrant, je trouve un de nos camarades (je 15 me rappelle encore son nom, il se nommait Couture) arm^ d'une superbe patte de dindon. Je dis patte et non cuisse, car Tobjet tout entier se composait de ce que, dans mon ignor- ance, j'appellerai un tibia^ et de la patte avec ses quatre doigts, le tout recouvert de cette peau noire, luisante et 20 rugueuse qui fait que le dindon a I'air de marcher sur des brodequins de chagrin. Des que mon camarade m'aper9ut : " Yiens voir ! " me dit-il, " viens voir ! " J'accours ; il serrait le haut de la patte dans ses deux 26 mains, et, sur un mouvement de sa main droite, les quatre doigts s'ouvraient et se refermaient comme les doigts d'une main humaine. Je restai stupefait et emerveill^. Comment cette patte morte pouvait-elle remuer? Comment pouvait-il la faire agir ? Un garQon de dix-huit ans qui va au spectacle 30 et qui suit le d^veloppement du drame le plus merveilleux, n'a pas les yeux plus ^carquilles, les regards plus ardents, la tete plus fixement penchde en avant que moi, en face de cette patte de dindon. Chaque fois que ces quatre doigts s'ouvraient et se refermaient, il me passait devant les yeux comme un 85 ^blouissement. Je croyais assister a un prodige. Lorsque mon camarade, qui ^tait plus kge et plus raalin que moi, vit mon enthousiasme arriv^ a son paroxysme, il remit sa FRENCH READER. 417 merveille dans sa poche et s'^loigna. Je m'en allai de mon c6t^, mais reveur et voyant toujours cette patte flotter devant mes yeux comme une vision . . . — Si je Tavais, me disais-je, j'apprendrais bien vite le inoyen de la faire agir. Couture n'est pas sorcier. Et alors, comme 6 je m'amuserais ! Je n'y tins plus, je courus k mon camarade. . . — Donne-moi ta patte! . . .lui dis-je avec un irresistible accent de supplication. Je t'en prie ! . . . — Ma patte ! . . . Te donner ma patte ! . . . veux-tu t'en aller ! lo Son refus irrita encore mon desir. — Tu ne veux pas me la donner ? . . . -Non! — Eh bien ! . . . vends-la moi. — Te la vendre ? combien ? 16 Je me mis k compter, dans le fond de ma poche, I'argent de ma semaine . . . — Je t'en donne cinq sous. — Cinq sous, une patte comme celle-1^ ! . . . Est-ce que tu te moques de moi 1 20 Et prenant le pr^cieux objet, il recommen9a devant moi cet eblouissant jeu d'eventail, et chaque fois ma passion grandissait d'un degr^. — Eh bien, je t'en offre dix sous. — Dix sous ! . . . dix sous ! . . . reprit-il avec mdpris. Mais 26 regarde done . . . Et les quatre doigts s'ouvraient et se refermaient toujours ! — Mais enfin, lui dis-je en tremblant, combien done en veux-tu 1 — Quarante sous ou rien. 80 — Quarante sous ! m'^criai-je, quarante sous 1 prfes de trois somaines de dejeuners ! Par exemple ! — Soit ! k ton aise ! La patte disparut dans sa poche, et il s'^loigna. Je courue de nouveau apr^s lui. sa — Quinze sous ! — Quarante. — Vingt sous ! — Quarante. — Vingt-cinq sous I *> —Quarante. 27 418 FRENCH READER. Oh ! ce Couture ! comme il aura fait son chemin dans le monde ! comme il connaissait d^j^ le coeur humain ! Chaque fois que ce terrible mot quarante touchait mon oreille, 11 emportait un peu de raa resistance. Au bout de deux 6 minutes, je ne me connaissais plus ! — Eh bien done, quarante ! . . . m'ecriai-je. Donne-la-moi ! — Donne-moi d'abord Fargent, reprit-il. Je lui mis dans la main les quinze sous de ma semaine, et il me fit ^crire un billet de vingt-cinq sous pour le surplus . . . 10 Oh ! le sc^lerat ! il dtait d^ja homme d'affaires a treize ans ! . . . Puis, tirant enfin le cher objet de sa poche : — Tiens, me dit-il, la voila ! . . . Je me prdcipitai sur elle. Au bout de quelques secondes, ainsi que je I'avais prdvu, je connaissais le secret et je tirais le 16 tendon qui servait de cordon de sonnette, aussi bien que Couture. Pendant deux minutes cela m'amusa follement ; apr^s deux minutes, cela m'amusa moins ; apres trois, cela ne m'amusa presque plus ; apres quatre, cela ne m'amusa plus du tout. Je 20 tirais toujours, parce que je voulais avoir les int^r^ts de mon argent ; . . . mais le desenchantement me gagnait ; . . . puis vint la tristesse, puis le regret, puis la perspective de trois semaines de pain sec, puis le sentiment de ma betise ! . . . Et tout cela se changeant peu k peu en amertume, la colere s'en mela ; et au 26 bout de dix minutes, saisissant avec une veritable haine I'objet de mon amour, je le lan9ai par-dessus la muraille, afin d'etre bien sur de ne plus le revoir. Ce souvenir m'est revenu bien souvent, depuis que je n'ai plus dix ans, et bien souvent aussi j'ai retrouv^ en moi I'enfant Boi, la patte de dindon. Cette imp^tuosite de d^sir, cette im- patience de tous les obstacles qui me s^paraient de la posses- sion desir^e, cette f olle impr^voyance, cette puissance d'illusion, ^gale seulement h^las ! h. ma puissance de disillusion, tous ces traits de caractere se sont mille fois reveilles. . .que dis-je? se 86 r^veillent encore en moi, des qu'une passion m'envahit. Oh ! on n'^tudie pas assez les enfants ! On traite leurs sentiments de pudrilit^s ! Rien n'est pu^ril dans I'ame humaine. L'enfant ne meurt jamais tout en tier dans I'homme, et ce qui est pu^ril aujourd'hui peut ^tre terrible ou coupable demain. Les pas- 40 sions sont differentes, mais le coeur ou elles poussent est le meme, et le meilleur moyen de biendiriger un jeune homme est d'avoir FRENCH READER. 419 bien observ^ le gar9on de dix ans. Ainsi cette patte de dindon m'a fort servi. Vingt fois dans ma vie, au beau milieu d'une sottise, ce souvenir m'est revenu ..." Tu seras done toujours le meme ? " me disais-je, et je me mettais k rire, ce qui m'arretait court. II n'y a rien de plus utile que de se rire 6 au nez de temps en temps. Je me retournai alors vers mon fils, et je lui dis : " Cette fable montre. . .que les fils ressemblent quelquefois h, leurs p^res." 9. HORTIBUS. POUVILLON (b. 1840). Le petit college est en fete. Portes ouvertes, volets bat- 10 tants, des drapeaux aux fenetres, du monde partout, des bousculades dans les escaliers, des galopades dans les corridors, et, dominant le tapage, les coups de marteau du tapissier en train de clouer les tentures sur I'estrade dress^e dans la cour pour la distribution des prix. 16 Les prix ! les vacances ! des mots qui rient, des mots qui chantent, des mots qui ^clatent comme des soleils et qui embaument comme un bouquet de fleurs des. champs ! Trfes triste, la-haut, dans I'infirmerie toute blanche, le petit malade se soulfeve pour ^couter. Des pas montent, se hatent, 20 passent devant la porte ; aucun ne s'arr^te. Personne. Le docteur — hem! hem! — est venu tout k I'heure, trfes press6 k cause de la fete; bonjour, bonsoir, adieu mon m^decin. L'infirmi^re, qui aide k faire les malles a la lingerie, parait une fois tous les quarts d'heure, fait voir le bout du nez, 26' referme la porte et s'en va. Qu'elle s'en aille ! Ce n'est pas elle qu'attend le petit malade, le docteur pas da vantage. Ceux qu'il attend, tenez, les voil^ qui arrivent. Trois campagnards : un homme en veste ronde, une petite 80 femme courte en bonnet blanc, une fillette en robe longue, 420 FRENCH READER. trop longue, les manches jusqu'au bout des doigts ; le pfere, la mere, la petite soeur. lis entrent : rhomme, discretement, tres circonspect, un peu timide ; la mere, tout de go, les bras tendus en avant jusqu'k 6ce qu'elle tienne embrass^e, dtouff^e sur sa poitrine, la chere petite tete de I'enfant. Le pere serre la main du malade, la fillette se hausse sur la pointe des pieds jusqu'aux joues pench^es vers ses levres. Et les questions pleuvent. 10 — Qu'as-tu, Tiennet] — Qu'est-ce qui te fait mal, pitchou ? — Rien, presque rien. La, au front, quelque chose qui me p6se. — Depuis quand ? 15 — Depuis la composition en thfeme latin. Oh ! ce sera bient6t passe. — Bientdt 1 Non ; tout de suite, reprend la mere. Demain, jour de lessive, je fais des fouaces. C'est bon, les fouaces, eh ] Tiennet 1 20 lis bavardent, et d'en bas, de I'estrade dressde en plain air, una rumeur monte; des pas se precipitent; des crosses de fusil sonnent sur le pave de la cour. Les pompiers sont arrives. — Pere, allons-y, sollicite la petite soeur. Tantdt, nous 25 n'aurons plus de place. Et, caline, elle tire I'homme vers la porte. — Tu peux bien, dit la mere. A trois, que ferions-nous de plus 1 Descendez ; moi, je reste, s'il me veut, lui, ajoute-t-elle en couvant de I'oeil son Tiennet. IL 30 La petite soeur, le p^re, sont partis. La mhre a fermd les volets, k cause du grand jour, et, dans la demi-obscurit^ de I'infirmerie close, ils demeurent tous les deux sommeillant. — Dors un peu, mien, 9a te guerira. — Oui, mere. S5 Et Tiennet ferme les yeux. Mais le moyen de s'endormir, avec le remue-m^nage de la distribution des prix sous la fen^tre ? — ^M^re, va voir, s'il te plait. Que f ait-on 1 FRENCH READER. 421 — Rien encore. Les messieurs sont arrives ; une pleine estrade. Oh ! je vois au milieu un ojBicier avec un chapeau garni d'un enorme plumet ! — Le colonel ! — Et un autre au premier rang, en face, tout brod^ d'argent. 6 — Le sous-prefet. Bon ; que vois-tu encore 1 — J^sus ! tant de prix ! lis en ont fait trois piles au bord de I'estrade ; et des couronnes ! une montagne ! Brusquement, une fanfare delate a pleins cuivres, k pleins poumons. C'est beau, la musique ! El^ves, parents, jusqu'au 10 petit malade, tout le monde applaudit. Attention, maintenant ! Le frac brodd d'argent se l^ve, un chiffon de papier rould sur le doigt. . .le discours. On n'entend pas un mot, rien qu'un chantonnement aigu, ber^ant, monotone. 16 C'est curieux comme, k distance, un sous-prdfet qui parle pent faire I'effet d'un moucheron qui siffle. Le frac brodd d'argent s'assied ; une robe noire se l^ve : un long, chauve, avec un fort cahier k la main. II ne siffle pas, celui-ci, il bourdonne. Telle une grosse mouche. Des phrases 20 d'une lieue, des pdriodes d'une heure ; un sermon. Du coup, la mere s'est endormie. Tiennet, lui, s'impatiente. Aura-t-il, n'aura-t-il pas le prix de thfeme latin 1 Le prix, il est 1^, dans la pile, un beau livre dord sur tranche, I'attesta- 26 tion collde en dedans avec les palmes acaddmiques en vignette et le parafe du principal. S'il pouvait lire le nom du vainqueur ! Et pendant qu'il calcule ses chances, le sommeil le prend k son tour. 80 IIL n r§ve. Quel cauchemar! L'attestation est dans ses mains, sous Bes yeux. Hdlas ! un autre a vaincu ; Luc Onzies a obtenu le premier prix. — Erreur ! injustice I objecte Tiennet, ma copie dtait sans 36 faute. — Sans faute, ricane le professeur, sans faute I Et ceci, petit malheureux, qu'en f aite^-vous ] 422 FRENCH READER. Suivant alors le doigt accusateur de M. Kdgulus Bee sur la copie cribl^e d'annotations, Tiennet d^couvre, soulignd trois fois k I'encre rouge, cet affreux barbarisme : HORTIBUS. Hortibus ! Adieu le prix, adieu la gloire ! 5 Hortibus ! Le mot fatal Tobsede ; il danse multipli^ devant lui, ^crit en ronde, en coulee, en anglaise, imprim^ en lettrea rouges, en lettres bleues, affich^ sur le mur en capitales, char- bonn^ en lettres comiques qui s'animent, tirant la langue, envoyant des pieds de nez au vaincu. 10 Hortibus I rv. Le malade s'agite, ses Ifevres remuent. — II appelle quelqu'un, dit la mfere. Tiennet, Tiennet ! Embrasse, second de caresses, Tiennet ouvre les yeux. Plus de hortibus ! Evanoui dans le pays des songes avec la 16 figure irritee du professeur R^gulus Bee. Bon voyage k tous deux ! Mais le prix ? la couronne 1 Le prix, la couronne? lis viennent, lis montent, pieuse- ment, religieusement apport^s par le pfere et la petite soeur. 20 Une marche triomphale ! lis entrent, et voila le volume ^tal^ sur le lit du petit malade, la couronne pos^e sur son front. Le pere rit, la m^re pleure ; tous s'embrassent. Oh ! le bonheur des braves gens, le vrai bonheur ! 26 Et tandis qu'on fait fete au vainqueur, hem ! hem ! quel- qu'un se pr^sente, Invite noire, figure rose : le docteur. — Hem ! hem ! . . . I'enfant va mieux ; ee laurier sur le front a fait des miracles. Allons, le grand air ach^vera de le gu^rir. Des marches k pied, de I'exerciee, et surtout pas de th^me 80 latin ! Hem ! hem ! Le docteur fait deux pas vers la porte, et, saluant la famille, le doigt levd dans un geste de menace amieale : — Pas de th^me latin, entendez-vous ! FRENCH READER. 423 la CHAGRIN D'UN VIEUX FOR9AT. Pierre Loti (b. 1850). C*est une bien petite histoire, qui m'a ^t^ cont^e par Yves, —Tin soir ou il ^tait all^ en rade conduire, avec sa canonni^re, une cargaison de condamnes au grand transport en partance pour la Nouvelle-Cal^donie. Dans le nombre se trouvait un for9at tr^s kg6 (soixante-dix 5 ans pour le moins), qui emmenait avec lui, tendrement, un pauvre moineau dans une petite cage. Yves, pour passer le temps, 4tait entr4 en conversation avec •ce vieux, qui n'avait pas mauvaise figure, parait-il, — mais qui ^tait accoupl^ par une chaine k un jeune monsieur ignoble, 10 gouailleur, portant lunettes de myope sur un mince nez bldme. Vieux coureur de grands chemins, arrets, en cinquifeme ou sixi^me r^cidive, pour vagabondage et vol, il disait : " Com- ment faire pour ne pas voler, quand on a commence une fois, — et qu'on n'a pas de metier, rien, — et que les gens ne veuknt 15 plus de vous nulle part ? II faut bien manger, n'est-ce pas ] — Pour ma derni^re condamnation, c'^tait un sac de pommes de terre que j'avais pris dans un champ, avec un fouet de roulier et un giraumont. Est-ce qu'on n'aurait pas pu me laisser mourir en France, je vous demande, au lieu de m'envoyer \k- so bas, si vieux comme je suis 1 . . ." Et, tout heureux de voir que quelqu'un consentait k I'^cou- ter avec compassion, il avait ensuite montr^ k Yves ce qu'il poss^dait de prdcieux au monde : la petite cage et le moineau. Le moineau apprivois^, connaissant sa voix, et qui pendant 2S prfes d'une annde, en prison, avait v^cu perch^ sur son ^paule. . . — Ah ! ce n'est pas sans peine qu'il avait obtenu la permission de I'emmener avec lui en Cal^donie ! — Et puis aprSs, il avait fallu lui faire une cage convenable pour le voyage ; se procurer du bois, un peu de vieux fil de fer, et un peu de peinture verte 30 pour peindre le tout et que ce fut joli. Ici, 'je me rappelle textuellement ces mots d'Yves : '* Pauvre moineau ! II avait pour manger dans sa cage un morceau de ce pain gris qu'on donne dans les prisons. Et il avait I'air de se trouver content tout de mdme ; il sautillait comme n'importe 35 quel autre oiseau." 424) * FRENCH READER. Quelques heures apr^s, comme on accostait le transport et que les forgats allaient s'y embarquer pour le grand voyage, Yves, qui avait oublie ce vieux, repassa par hasard pres de lui. — Tenez, prenez-la, vous, lui dit-il d'une voix toute chang^e, 5 en lui tendant sa petite cage. Je vous la donne ; 9a pourra peut-etre vous servir a quel que chose, vous faire plaisir. . . — Non, certes ! remercia Yves. II faut I'emporter au con- traire, vous savez bien. Ce sera votre petit compagnon la-bas. . . — Oh! reprit le vieux, il n'est plus dedans... Vous ne losaviez done pas 1 il n'y est plus. . . Et deux larmes d'indicible misere lui coulaient sur les joues. Pendant une bousculade de la travers^e, la porte s'^tait ouverte, le moineau avait eu peur, s'etait en vole, — et tout de, suite etait tomb^ a la mer a cause de son aile coupee. Oh I le 16 moment d'horrible douleur ! Le voir se debattre et mourir, entraine dans le sillage rapide, et ne pouvoir rien pour lui I D'abord, dans un premier mouvement bien naturel, il avait voulu crier, demander du secours, s'adresser k Yves lui-meme, le supplier. . . Elan arrets aussitdt par la reflexion, par la 20 conscience immediate de sa degradation personnelle : un vieux miserable comme lui, qui est-ce qui aurait piti^ de son moineau, qui est-ce qui voudrait seulement ^couter sa priere? Est-ce qu'il pouvait lui venir k I'esprit qu'on retarderait le navire pour repecher un moineau qui se noie — et un pauvre oiseau 26 de forgat, quel r^ve absurde ! . . . Alors il s'etait tenu silen- cieux k sa place, regardant s'^loigner sur I'ecume de la mer le petit corps gris qui se d^battait toujours ; il s'etait senti effroy- ablement seul maintenant, pour jamais, et de grosses larmes, des larmes de d^sesp^rance solitaire et supreme lui brouillaient so la vue, — tandis que le jeune monsieur k lunettes, son collogue de chaine, riait de voir un vieux pleurer. Maintenant que I'oiseau n'y itait plus, il ne voulait pas garder cette cage, construite avec tant de sollicitude pour le petit mort ; il la tendait toujours a ce brave marin qui avait 86consenti k ecouter son histoire, d<5sirant lui laisser ce legs avant de partir pour son long et dernier voyage Et Yves, tristement, avait accepts le cadeau, la maisonnette vide, — pour ne pas faire plus de peine a ce vieil abandonnd en ayant Fair de d^daigner cette chose qui lui avait cout^ tant de 40 travail. FRENCH READER. 426 II. L'AVARE, Acte III, Sc. V. MoLiEKE (1622-1673). Harpagon — Yal^re, aide-moi a ceci. Or q^, maitre Jacques, approchez-vous ; je vous ai garde pour le dernier. Maitre Jacques — Est-ce a votre cocher, monsieur, ou bien k votre cuisinier, que vous voulez parler ? car je suis Tun et I'autre. 5 Harpagon — C'est a tous les deux, Maitre Jacques — Mais a qui des deux le premier 1 Harpagon — Au cuisinier. Maitre Jacques — Attendez done, s'il vous plait. [II 6te sa easaque de cocher, et parait vetu en cuisinier.] 10 Harpagon — Quelle diantre de cer^monie est-ce la ? Maitre Jacques — Vous n'avez qu'a parler. Harpagon — Je me suis engagd, maitre Jacques, h, donner oe soir k souper. Maitre Jacques — Grande merveille ! 15 Harpagon — Dis-moi un peu, nous feras-tu bonne chfere ? Maitre Jacques — Oui, si vous me donnez bien de 1 'argent. Harpagon — Que diable ! toujours de I'argent ! II semble qu'ils n'aient autre chose k dire, de I'argent, de I'argent, de I'argent ! Ah ! ils n'ont que ce mot a la bouche, de I'argent ! 20 Toujours parler d'argent ! Voila leur ^p^e de chevet, de I'argent ! Val^ire — Je n'ai jamais vu de r^ponse plus impertinente que celle-la. Voila une belle merveille que de faire bonne chere avec bien de I'argent ! C'est une chose la plus aisde du 25 monde, et il n'y a si pauvre esprit qui n'en fit bien autant j mais, pour agir en habile homme, il faut parler de faire bonne chere avec peu d'argent. Maitre Jacques — Bonne chfere avec peu d'argent? VALfcRE— Oui. 80 Maitre Jacques — Par ma foi, monsieur Tintendant, vous nous obligerez de nous faire voir ce secret, et de prendre mon office de cuisinier ; aussi bien vous melez-vous c^ans d'etre le factoton. Harpagon — Taisez-vous. Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudra ? ss Maitre Jacques — Voila monsieur votre intendant, qui vous fera bonne chfere pour peu d'argent. 426 FRENCH READER. Harpagon — Haye ! je veux que tu me r^pondes. Maitre Jacques — Combien serez-vous de gens k table? Harpagon — Nous serons huit ou dix ; mais il ne faut pren- dre que huit. Quand il y a a manger pour huit, il y en a sbien pour dix. Yal^jre — Cela s'entend. MaItre Jacques— He bien, il faudra quatre grands potages et cinq assiettes d'entr^es. Harpagon — Que diable ! Voila pour traiter toute une villa 10 entiere ! Maitre Jacques — R6t . . . Harpagon — [Lui mettant la main sur la bouche.^ Ah, traitre, tu manges tout mon bien. Maitre Jacques — Entremets . . 16 Harpagon — Encore? [Lui mettant encore la main sur la bouche.'\ Val^re — Est-ce que vous avez envie de faire crever tout le monde 1 et monsieur a-t-il invito des gens pour les assassiner h force de mangeaille ? Allez-vous-en lire un peu les pr^ceptes 20 de la sante, et demander aux m^decins s'il y a rien de plus pr^judiciable a I'homme que de manger avec exc^s. Harpagon — II a raison. Val^jre — Apprenez, maitre Jacques, vous et vos pareils, que c'est un coupe-gorge qu'une table remplie de trop de 26 viandes ; que pour se bien montrer ami de ceux que Ton invite, il faut que la frugality regne dans les repas qu'on donne et que, suivant le dire d'un ancien, il faut manger pour vivre^ et non pas vivre pour manger. Harpagon — Ah, que cela est bien dit! approche, que je so t'embrasse pour ce mot. Voila la plus belle sentence que j'aie entendue de ma vie : il faut vivre pour manger, et non pas manger pour viv . . . Non, ce n'est pas cela. Comment est-ce que tu dis? Val^ire — QuHl faut monger pour vivre j et non pas vivre Sdpour manger. Harpagon — [ob Maitre Jacques.] Oui. Entends-tu? [A Va- Ihre.] Qui est le grand homme qui a dit cela ? VALiiRE — Je ne me souviens pas maintenant de son nom. Harpagon — Souviens-toi de m'ecrire ces mots. Je les veux 40 faire graver en lettres d'or sur la chemin^e de ma salle. FRENCH READER. 427 YALiRE — Je n'y manquerai pas. Et pour votre souper, vous n'avez qu'a me laisser faire. Je r^glerai tout cela comme il faut. Harpagon — Fais done. Maitre Jacques — Tant mieux, j'en aurai moins de peine. Harpagon — II faudra de ces choses dont on ne mange gu^re, 6 et qui rassasient d'abord ; quelque bon haricot bien gras, avec quelque pate en pot bien garni de marrons. VALijRE— Reposez-vous sur moi. Harpagon — Maintenant, maitre Jacques, il faut nettoyer mon carrosse. lo Maitre Jacques — Attendez. Ceci s'adresse au cocher. [II remet sa cosaque.^ Vous dites . . . Harpagon — Qu'il faut nettoyer mon carrosse, et tenir mes chevaux tout prets pour conduire h, la foire . . . Maitre Jacques — Vos chevaux, monsieur ? Ma f oi, ils ne 15 Bont point du tout en ^tat de marcher. Je ne vous dirai point qu'ils sont sur la litiere, les pauvres b^tes n'en ont point, et ce serait mal parler ; mais vous leur faites observer des jeunes si aust^res, que ce ne sont plus rien que des idees ou des fantdmes, des fa9ons de chevaux. 20 Harpagon — Les voila bien malades ; ils ne font rien. Maitre Jacques — Et pour ne rien faire, monsieur, est-ce qu'il ne faut rien manger ? II leur vaudrait bien mieux, les pauvres animaux, de travailler beaucoup, et de manger* de m§me. Cela me fend le coeur de les voir ainsi extenu^s ; car, 26 enfin, j'ai une tendresse pour mes chevaux, qu'il me semble que c'est moi-mdme, quand je les vois pS,tir ; je m'6te tous les jours pour eux les choses de la bouche; et c'est etre, mon- sieur, d'un naturel trop dur, que de n'avoir nulle piti^ de son prochain. 80 Harpagon — Le travail ne sera pas grand, d'aller jusqu'i, la foire. Maitre Jacques — Non, monsieur, je n'ai pasle courage de les mener; et je ferais conscience de leur donner des coups de fouet, en r^tat ou ils sont. Comment voudriez-vous qu'ils trainassent 36 un carrosse ? Ils ne peuvent pas se trainer eux-m§mes. Val^rb — Monsieur, j'obligerai le voisin Picard h se charger de les conduire: aussi bien nous fera-t-il ici besoin pour appr^ter le souper. Maitre Jacques — Soit. J'aime mieux encore qu'ils meurent 40 sous la main d'un autre que sous la mienne. 428 FRENCH READER. 12. WATERLOO, CHAP. IX. Victor Hugo (1802-1885). lis ^taient trois mille cinq cents. lis faisaient un front d'un quart de iieue. C'etaient des hommes geants sur des chevaux colosses. lis etaient vingt-six escadrons ; et ils avaient derriere eux, pour les appuyer, la division de Lefebvre-Desnouettes, les 6 cent six gendarmes d'elite, les chasseurs de la garde, onze cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept hommes, et les lanciers de la garde, huit cent quatre-vingts lances. lis portaient le casque sans crins et la cuirasse de fer battu, avec les pistolets d'arQon dans les fontes et le long sabre-epee. Le matin toute I'armde les avait 10 admires, quand, a neuf heures, les clairons sonnant, toutes les musiques chantant : Veillons au salut de Vempire, ils Etaient venus, colonne epaisse, une de leurs batteries a leur flanc, I'autre k leur centre, se deployer sur deux rangs entre la chaussee de Genappe et Frischemont, et prendre leur place de bataille dans iscette puissante deuxieme ligne, si savamment composee par Napoleon, laquelle, ayant k son extr^mit^ de gauche les cuiras- siers de Kellermann et k son extremity de droite les cuirassiers de Milhaud, avait, pour ainsi dire, deux ailes de fer. L'aide de camp Bernard leur porta I'ordre de I'empereur. aoNey tira son ^p^e et prit la tete. Les escadrons ^normes s'dbranlerent. Alors on vit un spectacle formidable. Toute cette cavalerie, sabres lev^s, dtendards et trompettes au vent, form^e en colonne par division, descendit d'un merae 25 mouvement et comme un seul homme, avec la precision d'un b^lier de bronze qui ouvre une br^che, la colline de la Belle- Alliance, s'enfonga dans le fond redoutable ou tant d'hommes d^ja Etaient tombes, y disparut dans la fum^e, puis, sortant de cette ombre, reparut de I'autre c6t^ du vallon, toujours com- 80 pacte et serree, montant au grand trot, k travers un nuage de mitraille crevant sur elle, I'epouvantable pente -de boue du plateau de Mont-Saint-Jean. lis montaient, graves, mena- 9ants, imperturbables ; dans les intervalles de la mousqueterie et de I'artillerie, on entendait ce pidtinement colossal. Etant 35 deux divisions, ils dtaient deux colonnes ; la division Wathier avait la droite, la division Delord avait la gauche. On croyait Yoir de loin s'allonger vers la crete du plateau deux immenses FRENCH READER. 429 couleuvres d'acier, Cela traversa la bataille comme un prodige. Bien de semblable ne s'etait vu depuis la prise de la grande redoute de la Moskowa par la grosse cavalerie ; Murat y man- quait, mais Ney s'y retrouvait. II semblait que cette masse 6 ^tait devenue monstre et n'eut qu'une ame. Chaque escadron ondulait et se gonflait comme un anneau du polype. On les apercevait k travers une vaste fum^e dechiree 9a et 1^. Pele- mele de casques, de cris, de sabres, bondissement orageux des croupes des chevaux dans le canon et la fanfare, tumulte disci- 10 plin^ et terrible ; Ik-dessus les cuirasses, comme les ecailles sur I'hydre. Ces r^cits semblent d'un autre kge. Quelque chose de pareil k cette vision apparaissait sans doute dans les vieilles ^pop^es orphiques racontant les hommes-chevaux, les antiques hippan-16 thropes, ces titans k face humaine et k poi trail ^questre dont le galop escaJada I'Olympe, horribles, invuln^rables, sublimes ; dieux et betes. Bizarre coincidence num^rique, vingt-six bataillons allaient recevoir ces vingt-six escadrons. Derri^re la crete du plateau, 20 k I'ombre de la batterie masqu^e, I'infanterie anglaise, form^e en treize carr^s, deux bataillons par carr^, et sur deux lignes, sept sur la premiere, six sur la seconde, la crosse k I'^paule, couchant en joue ce qui allait venir, calme, muette, immobile, attendait. Elle ne voyait pas les cuirassiers et les cuirassiers 25 ne la voyaient pas. Elle ^coutait monter cette mar^e d'hom- mes. Elle entendait le grossissement du bruit des trois mille chevaux, le frappement alternatif et sym^trique des sabots au grand trot, le froissement des cuirasses, le cliquetis des sabres, et une sorte de grand souffle farouche. II y eut un silence 80 redoutable, puis, subitement, une longue file de bras lev^s brandissant des sabres apparut au-dessus de la crete, et les casques, et les trompettes, et les ^tendards, et trois mille tetes k moustaches grises criant : vive I'empereur ! Toute cette cavalerie d^boucha sur le plateau, et ce fut comme Tentrdess d'un tremblement de terre. Tout k coup, chose tragique, k la gauche des Anglais, k notre droite, la t^te de colonne des cuirassiers se cabra avec une cla- meur effroyable. Parvenus au point culminant de la crete, efiFrdnds, tout k leur f urie et k leur course d'extermination sur 40 lea carr^s et les canons, les cuirassiers venaient d'apercevoir 430 FRENCH READER. entre eux et les Anglais un foss^, une fosse. C'^tait le chemin creux d'Ohain. L'instant fut ^pouvantable. Le ravin ^tait la, inattendu, beant, a pic sous les pieds des chevaux, profond de deux toises 6 entre son double talus ; le second rang y poussa le premier, et le troisi^me y poussa le second ; les chevaux se dressaient, se rejetaient en arrifere, tombaient sur la croupe, glissaient les quatre pieds en I'air, pilant et bouleversant les cavaliers, aucun moyen de reculer, toute la colonne n'etait plus qu'un projectile, 10 la force acquise pour ecraser les anglais ^crasa les f ranqais, le ravin inexorable ne pouvait se rendre que comble ; cavaliers et chevaux y roulerent pele-mele se broyant les uns les autres, ne faisant qu'une chair dans ce gouffre, et quand cette fosse fut pleine d'hommes vivants, on marcha dessus et le reste passa. 15 Presque un tiers de la brigade Dubois croula dans cet abime. Ceci commen9a la perte de la bataille. Une tradition locale, qui exagere ^videmment, dit que deux mille chevaux et quinze cents hommes furent ensevelis dans le chemin creux d'Ohain. Ce chifFre vraisemblablement 2ocomprend tous les autres cadavres qu'on jeta dans ce ravin le lendemain du combat. Napoleon, avant d'ordonner cette charge des cuirassiers de Milhaud, avait scrut^ le terrain, mais n'avait pu voir ce che- min creux qui ne faisait pas meme une ride k la surface du 25 plateau. Averti pourtant et mis en eveil par la petite chapelle blanche qui en marque Tangle sur la chauss^e de Nivelles, il avait fait, probablement sur I'eventualit^ d'un obstacle, une question au guide Lacoste. Le guide avait r^pondu non. On pourrait presque dire que de ce signe de tete d'un paysan est 80 sortie la catastrophe de Napoleon. D'autres fatalit^s encore devaient surgir 6tait-il possible que Napoleon gagnat cette bataille ? nous r^pondrons non. Pourquoi ? k cause de Wellington ? k cause de Bliicher 1 non. A cause de Dieu. 86 Bonaparte vainqueur a Waterloo, ceci n'etait plus dans la loi du dix-neuvieme siecle. Une autre s^rie de faits se prdparait, oil Napoleon n'avait plus de place. La mauvaise volont^ des ^v^nements s'^tait annonc^e de longue date. II ^tait temps que cet homme vaste tomb^t. 40 L'excessive pesanteur de cet homme dans la destin^e humaine troublait I'^quilibre. Cet individu comptait k lui seul plus que FRENCH READER. 431 le groupe universel. Ces pl^thores de toute la vitality humaine concentree dans une seule tete, le monde montant au cerveau d'un homme, cela serait mortel a la civilisation, si cela durait. Le moment ^tait venu pour I'incorruptible ^quit^ supreme d'aviser. Probablement les principes et les ^l^ments, d'oi!l 5 dependent les gravitations r^gulieres dans I'ordre moral comme dans I'ordre materiel, se plaignaient. Le sang qui fume, le trop-plein des cimeti^res, les m^res en larmes, ce sont des plai- doyers redoutables. II y a, quand la terre souffre d'une sur- charge, de myst^rieux gdmissements de I'ombre, que I'abime lo entend. Napol^n avait 6t6 d^nonc^ dans I'infini, et sa chute dtait ddcidJe. II genait Dieu. Waterloo n'est point une bataille ; c'est le changement dels front de Tunivers. 13. LA MARSEILLAISE. ROUGET DE L'ISLE (1760- Allons, enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arriv^ ! Contre nous de la tyrannie L'dtendard sanglant est lev^. 20 Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces f^roces soldats 1 lis viennent j usque dans nos bras, Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes ! Aux armes, citoyens ! formez vos bataillons I 26 Marchons, marchons ! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons ! Marchons, marchons ! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons I M. 432 FKENCH READER. Amour sacre de la patrie, Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs ; Liberty, Liberte cherie, Combats avec tes defenseurs ! 6 Sous nos drapeaux que la Victoire Accoure h. tes m^les accents ! Que tes ennemis expirants Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire ! Aux armes, citoyens ! formez vos bataillons ' !• Marchons, marchons ! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons ! Marchons, marchons ! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons ! 14. LA FEUILLE. Abnault (1766-1834). " De ta tige d^tachde, 16 Pauvre feuille dess^chde, Oil vas-tu 1 — Je n'en sais rien, L'ora.ge a brise le chene Qui seul etait mon soutien ; De son inconstante haleine, 20 Le zephyr ou Taquilon Depuis ce jour me promene De la foret k la plaine, De la montagne au vallon. j Je vais ou le vent me m^ne, i<* • Sans me plaindre ou m'effrayer, , Je vais ou va toute chose, { Ou va la feuille de rose I Et la feuille de laurier." FRENCH READER. 433 15. L'EXIL± Chateaubriand (1768-1848). Combien j'ai douce souvenance Du joli lieu de ma naissance ! Ma soeur, qu'ils etaient beaux, les jours De France 1 O mon pays ! sois mes amours, e Tou jours ! Te souvient-il que notre mfere, Au foyer de notre chaumiere, Nous prSSsait sur son coeur joyeux Ma chere ? 10 Et nous baisions ses blancs cheveux, Tous deux. Te souvient-il du lac tranquille Qu'effleurait I'hirondelle agile, Du vent qui courbait le roseau 1« Mobile, Et du soleil couchant sur I'eau, Si beau ? Ma soeur, te souvient-il encore Du chateau que baignait la Dore, 20 Et de cette tant vieille tour Du Maure, Ou I'airain sonnait le retour Du jour 1 Oh ! qui me rendra mon H^l^ne, 2B Et la montagne, et le grand ch^ne 1 Leur souvenir fait tous les jours Ma peine. Mon pays sera mes amours Toujours 1 30 434 FRENCH READER. i6. LA CHIM^RE. TnioPHiLE Gautier (1811-1872). Une jeune chimere, aux levres de ma coupe, Dans I'orgie, a donn^ le baiser le plus doux ; Elle avait les yeux verts, et j usque sur sa croupe Ondoyait en torrent Tor de ses cheveux roux. 6 Des ailes d'dpervier tremblaient k son ^paule ; La voyant s'envoler, je sautai sur ses reins ; Et, faisant jusqu'a moi ployer son cou de saule, J'enfonQai comme un peigne une main dans ses crins. Elle se d^menait, hurlante et furieuse, 10 Mais en vain. Je broyais ses flancs dans mes genoux Alors elle me dit d'une voix gracieuse. Plus claire que Fargent : Maitre, ou done allons-nous ? Par dela le soleil et par dela I'espace, Ou Dieu n'arriverait qu'apres I'dternit^ ; 1* Mais avant d'etre au but ton aile sera lasse : Car je veux voir mon reve en sa r^alite. 17. EXTASE. Victor Hugo (1802-1885). J'^tais seul pr^s des flots. par une nuit d'^toiles. Pas un nuage aux cieux, sur les mers pas de voiles. Mes yeux plongeaient plus loin que le monde r^eL Et les bois, et les monts, et toute la nature, Semblaient interroger dans un confus murmure Les flots des mers, les feux du ciel. FRENCH KEADER. 435 Et les ^toiles d'or, Idgions infinies, X voix haute, a voix basse, avec mille harmonies, Disaient, en inclinant leurs couronnes de feu ; Et les flots bleus, que rien ne gouverne et n'arrete, Disaient, en recourbant Tecume de leur crete : — C'est le Seigneur, le Seigneur Dieu ! i8. L'AUTOMNE. Lamartine (1791- Salut ! bois couronnds d'un reste de verdure ! Feuillages jaunissants sur les gazons ^pars ! Salut, derniers beaux jours ! Le deuil de la nature Convient k ma douleur, et plait k mes regards. jo Je suis d'un pas reveur le sentier solitaire, J'aime k revoir encor, pour la demiere fois, Ce soleil palissant, dont la faible lumiere Perce k peine a mes pieds I'obscurit^ des bois. Oui, dans ces jours d'automne ou la nature expire, 15 A ses regards voild^ je trouve plus d'attraits : C'est I'adieu d'un ami, c'est le dernier sourire Des Ifevres que la mort va fermer pour jamais ! Ainsi, pret k quitter I'horizon de la vie, Pleurant de mes longs jours I'espoir evanoui, 20 Je me retourne encore, et d'un regard d'envie Je contemple ces biens dont je n'ai pas joui. Terre, soleil, vallons, belle et douce nature, Je vous dois une larme au bord de mon tombeau. L'air est si parfum^ ! la lumiere est si pure ! " 26 Aux regards d'un mourant le soleil est si beau. 436 FBENCH READER. Je voudrais maintenant vider jusqu'a la lie Ce calice meld de nectar et de fiel ; Au fond de cette coupe ou je buvais la vie, Peut-etre restait-il une goutte de miel. Peut-etre I'avenir me gardait-il encore TJn retour de bonheur dont I'espoir est perdu ; Peut-§tre dans la foule, une ame que j 'ignore Aurait compris mon ame et m'aurait rdpondu. La fleur tombe en livrant ses parfums au zdphire, A la vie, au soleil, ce sont la ses adieux ; Moi, je meurs, et mon ^me, au moment qu'elle expire, S'exhale comme un son triste et mdlodieux. 19. TRISTESSE. De Musset (1810-1857). J'ai perdu ma force et ma vie, Et mes amis et ma gaiety : J'ai perdu jusqu'a la fiertd Qui faisait croire k mon genie. Quand j'ai connu la vdritd, J'ai cru que c'dtait une amie : Quand je I'ai comprise et sen tie J'en dtais d6jk ddgoutd. Et pourtant elle est dternelle, Et ceux qui se sont passes d'elle, Ici-bas ont tout ignord Dieu parle, il faut qu'on lui rdponde. Le seul bien qui me reste au monde Est d'avoir quelquefois pleurd. FRENCH READER. 487 20. LE VASE BRISt. Sully-Prudhomme (b. 1839). Le vase ou meurt cette verveine D'un coup d'eventail fut fele ; Le coup dut effleurer a peine. Aucun bruit ne I'a reveld Mais la legere meurtrissure, fi Mordant le cristal chaque jour, D'une marche invisible et sure En a fait lentement le tour. Son eau f raiche a fui goutte k goutte, Le sue des fleurs s'est dpuisd ; 10 Personne encore ne s'en doute, Wj touchez pas, il est bris^. Souvent aussi la main qu'on aime, EflBeurant le coeur, le meurtrit ; Puis le coeur se fend de lui-meme, 16 La fleur de son amour pdrit ; Toujours intact aux yeux du monde, II sent croitre et pleurer tout bas Sa blessure fine et profonde, II est bris^, n'y touchez pas. 20 438 FRENCH READER. 21. LE CHfeNE ET LE ROSEAU. La Fontaine (1621-1695). Le chene un jour dit au roseau : Vous avez bien sujet d'accuser la nature ; Un roitelet pour vous est un pesant f ardeau ; Le moindre vent qui d'aventure 5 Fait rider la face de I'eau Vous oblige k baisser la tete ; Cependant que mon front, au Caucase pareil, Non content d'arreter les rayons du soleil, Brave Teffort de la tempete. 10 Tout vous est aquilon, tout me semble zephyr. Encor si vous naissiez a I'abri du feuillage Dont je couvre le voisinage, Yous n'auriez pas tant a souffrir, Je vous d^fendrais de I'orage : 16 Mais vous naissez le plus souvent Sur les humides bords des royaumes du vent. La nature envers vous me semble bien injuste, Votre compassion, lui r^pondit I'arbuste, Part d'un bon naturel ; mais quittez ce souci : SQ Les vents me sont moins qu'^ vous redoutables, Je plie, et ne romps pas. Vous avez jusqu'ici Contre leurs coups ^pouvantables R^sist^ sans courber le dos ; Mais attendons la fin. Comme il disait ces mots, IB Du bout de Thorizon accourt avec furie Le plus terrible des enfants Que le nord eut port^s j usque-la dans ses flancs. L'arbre tient bon ; le roseau plie. Le vent redouble ses efforts, 90 Et fait si bien qu'il d^racine Celui de qui la tete au ciel ^tait voisine, Et dont les pieds touchaient a Tempire des morts. COMPOSITION EXERCISES BASED ON THE FRENCH READER. [It is recommended that the extracts from the Reader should be used as a basis for oral practice, dictation, etc. The exercises here given have not been divided into lessons : such portions may be assigned for this purpose as the teacher deems advisable. The vocabulary required for translating any given exercise is to be found in the extract from the Reader on which it is based.] EXERCISE I. (Paroles d'un croyant, pp. 395-6.) A. 1. Instead of bending we rise. 2. This plant will dry up and die, if it finds no shelter from the fierce heat of the sun. 3. The wind bends the trees to the ground. 4. If we unite with one another, we shall shelter one another. 5. Let us not think of ourselves alone. 6. What is there that is stronger than covetousness ? 7. The swallows gathered round the bird of prey. 8. Fear sat down beside him, and did not leave him. 9. We asked them : " How many were there of you?" 10. They answered : "There were four of us." 11. It is thus, and therefore God commands us not to fall under thfe oppression of the strong. 12. The weak do not fear, when they love one another. 13. A rock had rolled upon the road. 14. There is no way out, except the road. 15. The man tried to make a way for himself. 16. He saw that his efforts were vain. 1 7. If we sit down full of sadness, what will become of us? 18. The second traveller did what the first one did. 19. Several others come up, sit down, and bow their heads. 20. If we pray to our Father, He will have pity on us. 439 440 COMPOSITION EXERCISE II. 21. When we had prayed, we pushed the rock, and it gave way. 22. Life is a journey, and man is a traveller. 23. He meets many troubles on his way. B. The wind strips of its leaves the tree which is alone, and it finds no shelter from the fierce heat of the sun, and the fierce heat of the covetousness of the great dries up the sap which nourishes the man who is alone. Then, let us be united. So long as we think only of ourselves, we have nothing to hope for but oppression. The sparrows succeed in driving off birds of prey, by pursuing them all together. Let us take example from the sparrows. Fear follows him who separates himself from his brethren. All men are equal. God makes neither great nor small. But when covetousness stifles the love of others in those who are stronger in body or mind, they try to subdue their brothers to themselves. God knows that these things are so, and that is why He commands us to love one another, so that we may be united, and may not fall under the oppression of the strong. A man who was travelling in the mountains came to a place where a great rock filled the road completely. The man saw that he could not continue his journey, and he tried to move the rock, but he found himself powerless to move it. He grew weary and said, " What will become of me in this solitude, when the wild beasts come out to seek their prey ? " Another traveller came up, and then several others, and none of them being able to move the rock, they prayed to their Father in Heaven that He might have (subj.) pity on them. The Father in Heaven listened to them, and rising up all together, they took away (enlever) the rock and went on their way. God measures the troubles which we meet on our path, and if we travel together, the weight of no rock will ever stop us. EXERCISE II. (Paroles d'un croyant, pp. 397-8.) A. 1. If we should die or fall ill, what would become of you ? 2. If this thought never leaves you it will gnaw your heart like a worm. 3. Although the same thought comes to COMPOSITION EXERCISE II. 441 me, I do not dwell on it. 4. Let us live without anxiety. 6. Those who do not live without anxiety, do not enjoy a moment of repose. 6. Soon the mother came back again to her nest. 7. The man was sad and downcast, on account of the orphans in their nest. 8. The poor bird struggled, but the vulture carried it off. 9. What will become of my children, if. they lose me? 10. The little birds have only their mother. 11. My children, too, have only me. 12. When he returned to the fields, he wished to see the young ones again. 13. All the little birds were well. 14. If he hides himself, he will see what will happen. 15. He observed what had happened. 16. The food, which was brought back by the mother, was given to all without distinction. 17. If we do not distrust Providence, God will not abandon us. 18. Let us not be anxious. 19. Those who pursue their journey in peace will know the secrets of God's love. 20. If our children are not of an age to provide for their own needs, they will have the Father in Heaven. B. Two men had only their labour to support their wives and their little children. And one of them was troubled, and asked himself {se demander) what would become of his wife and children if he should die. But the other man lived with- out anxiety, for he said that God knew His creatures, and that He would watch over him and his children. One day when the first man was working in the fields, he saw some birds which were going into and coming out of a clump of trees. He drew near, and saw two nests in which were several young birds without feathers. He returns to his work, but watches the birds as they come and go with food for their young. Now, as the man was working, one of the mother [birds] uttered a piercing cry, for a vulture had seized her as she was returning home with her mouthful of food. At the sight of this, the man felt his soul deeply (hien) disturbed, and said, "What will become now of the little birds?" But the next day, directing his steps towards the clump of trees, he saw that none of the young had suffered. This astonished him. But he soon saw the second mother distributing to all the young ones the food which she had gathered. She had not abandoned the orphans in their distress. Let us not dis- 442 COMPOSITION EXERCISE III. trust Providence. God will not forsake His own. We shall never know the secrets of His love. If one father dies before the other, the latter will be a father to all the children. If both die, the children will have their Father in Heaven, and He will provide for all their needs. EXERCISE III. (Le chat bott^, pp. 398-401.) A. 1. "We did not call the notary. 2. The miller received the mill. 3. Shall we be able to console ourselves for having such a poor shared 4. When he has his bag, and when he has put bran into it, he will go into the brushwood. 5. I have got a pair of boots made for myself. 6. He hung him- self up by the feet, and pretended to be dead. 7. He waited for some young rabbit to eat the bran. 8. "We were shown up to his apartments. 9. Did you bow to the king? 10. We thank you. 11. Let us go and hide ourselves in the wheat. 12. One day, when we learned that you were to go to the river's banks, we went for a walk. 13. We said, "Follow our advice, and leave it to us." 14. They advised him to bathe in the river. 15. As they were bathing, we happened to pass. 16, She put her head out of the carriage door, and screamed. 17. Order your guards that some one go to his help. 18. The marquis was pulled out of the water. 19. Although the cat cried, "Stop thief," the thieves carried off his master's clothes. 20. Go and get those fine clothes. 21. We had just given him a carriage. 22. They wished us to get into the carriage. 23. We shall not fail to ask them whose meadow it is. 24. That meadow yields well every year. 25. Do you wish to know whose castle this is? 26. We shall say the same thing to those we meet. 27. That is the castle whose master is an ogre. 28. He is the richest man I have ever seen. 29. Tell us what that cat can do. 30. Can the cat change itself into a lion? 31. The ogre became a lion. 32. Boots are no good for walking on tiles. 33. Would you be frightened to see a lion before you? 34. We have been assured that he was afraid, but we cannot beKeve it. 35. Can the cat assume the form of a rat ? 36. COMPOSITION EXERCISE III. 443 The mice began to run over the floor. 37. If we hear the noise of the carriage, we shall not enter the castle. 38. Run to meet the marquis and the princess. 39. You are welcome ! 40. Let us see these buildings, if you please. 41. We went up first, the cat followed us. 42. Our friends were to come and see us. 43. They did not dare to come in. 44. We saw the great wealth he possessed. 45. It will be my fault alone, if I am not the king's son-in-law. 46. Cats do not become great lords. 47. They run after mice to amuse themselves. B. All the property a miller had was a mill, an ass and a cat. He left the mill to his eldest son and the cat to the youngest. The latter said that he would have to die of hunger, while his eldest brother would be able to earn his living decently. The cat pretended not to hear this speech. He told his master not to be troubled, but to give him a bag, and to get a pair of boots made for him. His master no longer despaired of being helped in his misery, for he had seen the cat play many clever tricks. He had seen him catch many rats and mice. Then the cat put on his boots, and seizing his bag with his fore-paws, he went off where there were many rabbits. Having put some bran into his bag, he stretched himself out, as if he were dead. A giddy young rabbit poked himself into the bag, the cat drew the strings, and caught him. Then he went to the king's palace, carry- ing his prey with him. He went up to the king's apartments, and making a bow, he told the king that the Marquis de Carabas had commissioned him to present a rabbit to his majesty. Another time, he hid himself in some wheat, and caught two partridges which had gone into his bag. He presented these to the king also, and the king received them with pleasure. He carried thus, from time to time, game to the king. One day, the king went for a drive with his daughter, on the banks of the river. The cat advised his master to bathe in the river, where the king would pass by. The marquis did not know what use it would be, but he followed the cat's advice. As the king was passing, the cat screamed, ** Help ! help ! a man is drowning ! " The king recognized the cat, and ordered his guards to go to the man's belp. Now (pr), the cat had hid his master's clothes under a 444 COMPOSITION EXERCISE III. stone, although he told the king that robbers had carried them off. Then the officers of the king's wardrobe went for some very fine clothing for the marquis. The king's daugh- ter fell in love with the marquis, for he was very fine-looking, and the fine clothes heightened his good looks. Then he.got into the king's carriage and took part in the drive. The cat was delighted to see that his plan was succeeding, and going ahead he came upon some peasants who were mowing in a meadow. He ordered them to say to the king, if the king asked them whose meadow it was, that it belonged to the marquis. They did not fail to say so {le) to the king. Then the cat came upon some harvesters, and told them that, if they did not say that the field of wheat which they were cutting belonged to the marquis, they would be cut up as fine as mince-meat. The king asked whose field it was, and they replied that it belonged to the marquis. The king rejoiced at this, but was astonished at the great possessions of the marquis. Now, all these lands belonged to a rich ogre, who lived in a great castle. The cat made enquiries as to who this ogre was, and what he could do, and asked to speak to him, saying that he wished to have the honour of paying him his respects. He was civilly received by the ogre. Then the ogre, to show the cat what he could do, changed himself into a lion. The cat was frightened, and fled to the eave-troughs. After a little time the cat came down, and told the ogre that he had been assured that the ogre could also change himself into a rat or a mouse, but that he considered that impossible. The ogre replied that he would soon see, and changing him- self into a mouse began to run over the floor. The cat pounced on the mouse and ate it. The king, seeing the beautiful castle, crossed the drawbridge and entered the court. The cat ran to meet him and said, "Your majesty is welcome to the castle of the Marquis de Carabas." The king went in first, the marquis and princess followed him. In a great hall they found a wonderful repast which had been prepared by the ogre for his friends. The king and the princess were charmed by the good qualities and the great wealth of the marquis, and the king said to him, *'You shall b^ my son-in-law." That very day he married the princess. COMPOSITION EXERCISE IV. 445 EXERCISE IV. (Un nez gel^, pp. 402-3.) A. 1. We have decided to make our rounds on foot. 2. They were armed from head to foot. 3. I was delighted that we had the opportunity. 4. We were going to a gentleman's house who was not at home. 6. He was more of a talker, as it seems, than the others. 6. The coachman drove his sleigh at full speed. 7. However fast you may run, I shall catch (rattraper) you. 8. Before I could take off my cashmere scarf, he was washing my face. 9. In such weather as it is, I do not venture into the street. 10. They looked at us a moment. 11. We rushed again at them. 12. I profited by the fact that he could not defend himself. 13. He thought he was the victim of an ambuscade. 14. I got rid of the three men. 15. He did not think the joke in good taste. 16. We French look at people (gens) straight in the eye. 17. I rendered the same service to myself as the peasant had rendered me. 18. Gratitude is less nimble than fear. 19. We were guilty only of too much philanthropy. 20. Those present spoke Russian, and did not understand French. B. Dumas, being at St. Petersburg, ventured into the street one day, having only the tip of his nose to the air. He had armed himself against the cold, by (en) wrapping himself in a great Astrachan coat, and by pulling over his ears a fur-lined cap. At first, he was surprised at the little impression the cold made upon him. He laughed to himself at the stories he had heard told about it. Still he noticed that those whom he met looked at him with anxiety, but without saying anything to him. Soon, a gentleman, who was passing, shouted (crier) to him in Russian, but he did not know a word of Russian, and continued on his way. He soon met another man, who was driving his sleigh. The latter also shouted to him in Russian. Finally he met a labourer, who picked up a hand- ful of snow, and rushing at Dumas, rubbed his face and nose vigorously. In such weather, Dumas thought this a rather poor joke, and he gave the labourer a blow with his fist. Then two peasants looked at him a moment, and rushing at him, held his arms. The labourer, after having picked up 446 COMPOSITION EXERCISE V. another handful of snow, rushed at him again, and began again his rubbing. Dumas thought he was the victim of some mistake, and he called for help. An officer, who had run up, asked him in French with whom he was angry. *'What," exclaimed Dumas, "don't you see what those scamps were doing 1 " The officer replied that they were rendering him a great service by (en) rubbing his face with snow, for Dumas had his nose frozen. A passer-by, addressing the officer, told him that his nose was freezing too. The officer stooped, picked up some snow, and rubbed his nose. Then Dumas put off after the labourer, whom he would not have overtaken if some people had not stopped the way. When Dumas arrived where the labourer was, he gave him ten roubles, and explained the affair to him. Those present re- commended Dumas to pay more attention in future to his nose. During the rest of his rounds he never lost sight of it. EXERCISE V. (La pipe de Jean Bart, pp. 404-6.) A. 1. It is not too late for us to change our habits. 2. Reflect on it and you will be convinced. 3. We did not wish to attract attention. 4. They did not turn Jean Bart out of the palace. 5. For he was a rear-admiral. 6. They did not go and tell the king that a man whose name was Jean Bart was smoking in his ante-chamber. 7. We come to ask a favour of the king. 8. The rear-admiral has to take the king's cabinet by surprise. 9. We shall lay aside our famous garments. 10. The king put upon Jean Bart's neck a chain of gold. 11. Captains receive gold chains as a reward for great deeds. 12. He showed the petitioners into the king's presence. 13. Are you a good enough friend of the captain, for there to be no need of that 1 1 4. It will be enough if you tell him that I ask to speak to him. 15. Let us advance towards the door. 1 6. The orders are that no one can enter. 17. He looked at us with astonishment. 18. The officer observed to us that no smoking was allowed. 19. Do not keep us waiting. 20. If you keep me waiting, I shall smoke. 21. We shall be obliged to smoke, if we wait here. 22. We shall put them out, if they smoke. 23. I defy you to put me COMPOSITION EXERCISE V. 447 out. 24. "We shall not go out, before we speak to the king. 25. You must choose the less of two evils. 26. Let us go and tell him that Jean Bart is here. 27. Let us not take the trouble to look. 28. We shall show him in. 29. Do not let him finish his pipe. 30. We had hardly crossed the threshold, when we stopped. 31. If we salute the king, we shall arrive at our goal. 32. We began by paying compliments. 33. We finished by asking for the pardon of our friend. 34. We shall get many compliments paid us. 35. Many ships were burned at sea. 36. Many members of his family died in the king's service. 37. They were shouting, "Long live the king!" as loud as they could. 38. We profited by the fact that we had remained more than half an hour with the king. 39. It would afford them great pleasure if you told them how you got out of the port. 40. Do not prevent me from getting out. 41. I shall make a way for myself to the door. B. When Jean Bart was called into the navy by Louis XIV., he was forty-one years old. The descendant of pirates, he had been a pirate himself, and he loved his pipe, for he was of Dunkirk, which is a damp and cold locality. But it was not from ignorance of the etiquette of Versailles that he lit his pipe in the king's ante-chamber. He had come to ask of the king a favour which had been twice refused him. And he wished to attract attention to himself. Having put off his famous garments of cloth of gold, and having put on a plain officer's costume, he presents himself at the ante-chamber of the king, but without his letter of admission. The officer who was charged with introducing petitioners into the king's presence, asked him where his letter was. He replied that he was a good enough friend of the king not to have need of a letter. But the officer would (voulait) not take the liberty of announcing Jean Bart. The latter leaned against the wain- scot, and drawing a pipe from the crown of his hat, he lit it. The courtiers observed to him that people did not smoke in the king's ante-chamber. But Jean Bart replied that he always smoked when he was waiting. The officer said he would be obliged to put him out. But it was not easy to put Jean Bart out of doors, so the officer chose the less of two evils, and told the king that there was an officer in the ante- chamber who was smoking and who dared the courtiers to put 448 COMPOSITION EXERCISE VI. him out. The king told the officer to let Jean Bart finish his pipe and then to show him in. But Jean Bart did not wait. Throwing his pipe away, he rushed into the king's cabinet. He conducted the conversation with much skill. He got many compliments paid to him regarding his exit from the port of Dunkirk and his burning of the enemy's ships. Then kneeling on one knee he asked pardon for one of his sailors who had killed his opponent in a duel. The king hesitated, but finally granted him what he asked for. When Jean Bart came out, he was surrounded by the courtiers. One of the latter asked him how he got out of the port of Dunkirk, when he was blockaded by the English fleet. They all said it would be a great pleasure to them to know (it). ''Well," said he, "you shall see. You are the English fleet which is blockading me." And he gave kicks and blows to those who were in front of him, and opened a passage for himself. When he arrived at the door, he told them that that was how he got out of the port of Dunkirk. EXERCISE VI. (La demi^re classe, pp. 407-11.) A. 1. I was afraid, the more so as the master would ques^ tion me. 2. We did not run away from school. 3. Were the Prussians drilling in the meadow *? 4. Did you see people standing near the bulletin-board ? 5. The blacksmith ran across the square. 6. We were busy reading the notice. 7. If you hasten, you will get to school in time. 8. Are you making fun of me ? 9. They entered the school out of breath. 10. They stopped their ears when they were repeating their lessons. 11. Relying on this noise we gained our seats with- out being seen. 1 2. Everything was quiet, as on a Sunday morning. 13. You may well imagine he was afraid. 14, Were they going to begin without us ? 15. They sat down at their desks. 1 6. The teacher puts on his frock coat only on inspection days. 17. What surprises us most is to see the postman sitting on a bench at the back of the room. 18. Did you bring your ABC book? 19. We shall teach nothing but German. 20. He asked us to be attentive. 21. That is what we had posted up at the school. 22. They hardly knew how to read. 23. Are books tiresome "i 24. It pains me to leave COMPOSITION EXERCISE VI. 449 old friends. 25. Did you come and sit down on the bench ? 26. Will they regret not having come oftener? 27. Will the fatherland pass away 1 28. When we were at that point in our reflections, we heard our names called. 29. We got con- fused at the first word. 30. That's how things go when you do not know how to speak your language. 31. We shall see what will happen. 32. Let us not put it off till to-morrow. 33. Are you anxious to see your children educated ? — We are. 34. Would you prefer to send them to work on the land? 35. The master made us water his garden. 36. As long as a people retains its language, it will not become a slave. 37. You would have said that the poor man wished to go away. 38. You should have seen how we worked ! 39. No one pays attention to them. 40. He did not raise his eyes from the page. 41. The desks were worn by use. 42. Let us pack our trunks, for we must leave to-morrow. 43. It was so funny that they all wanted to laugh. 44. Shall you forget it? 45. He seems tall to me. 46. Can you finish the phrase? 47. We motion to them to go away. 48. Do not go away. 49. If we do not go away, we shall not see our friend. B. Little Frantz was late that morning, and he was afraid of being scolded, and he did not know the first word about the participles. The weather was so warm that the thought came to him to play truant. But he had the strength to resist, although {bien que with subj.) the blackbirds were whistling in the woods, and he ran to school. As he was passing the mayor's oflfice, he saw people who were reading the notices. And he thought without stopping, "What is the matter? Is there bad news again ?" The blacksmith and his apprentice shouted to him, as he was running across the square, not to {de ne pas) be in such a hurry, that he would get to school soon enough. But Frantz thought the black- smith was making fun of him, and he entered the school yard. Generally you could hear (impf. ind.) out into the street the noise that was made, but that day everything was still. They (on) were not repeating their lessons out loud, and the master was not striking the table with his ruler. The little boy's comrades were already in their places, and the master was going up and down with his ruler under his arm, and Frantz had to enter in the midst of that calm. Then he noticed the 29 450 COMPOSITION EXERCISE VI. master's beautiful green frock coat, and his silk skull-cap^ He noticed also, at the back of the room, sitting on benches, the old mayor and postman, who were holding open on their knees old ABC books. Then M. Hamel told the children that it was the last time he would have {/aire) the class, that it was their last lesson in French. These words upset little Frantz. Then he was angry with himself for the time that was lost. His books, which seemed a little ago so heavy to carry, were now old friends whom he could not leave. The little boy understood now why poor M. Hamel had put on his Sunday clothes, and why the old men had come to school. They were thanking the master for his forty years' services. Then he heard his name called. What would he not have given to be able to recite the rule of the participles ! But the master did not scold him, for he was sufficiently punished. He had said to himself that he had plenty of time, that he would put off his education. He had claimed to be French and he could neither speak nor write his own language. The people of Alsatia were not anxious enough to see their children educated. They sent them to work in the spinning- factories or on the land. And the teacher himself had something to reproach himself with. "When he wanted to go fishing for trout, he did not hesitate to give them a holiday. Then M. Hamel spoke of the French language. And the little boy was astonished to see how he understood. "The French language," said he, "is the finest language in the world. It must never be forgotten." Whatever the master said seemed so easy to the boy. The poor man wanted to make all his knowledge go into the heads of his class before departing. Then they began to write. The copy-lines were, — France^ Alsatia, and everybody was diligent. Even the little fellows, who were tracing their " strokes," paid no attention to the may-bugs which came in. And M. Hamel was motion- less in his desk. For forty years he had been there, and now he wished to carry away in his eye all the objects in his school. The walnut trees which he had planted had grown large, and the hop-vine encircled the windows. And now he and his sister were to go away from the country for ever. Then he gave the children their history lesson. The little fellows sang ha, be, bi, and old Hauser having put on his COMPOSITION EXERCISE VII. 451 spectacles spelled the letters with them. When the church clock rang noon, M. Hamel rose in his desk, and turning towards the black-board, he wrote with a piece of chalk, " Hurrah for France." EXERCISE VII. (La ch^vre de M. Seguin, pp. 411-15.) A. 1. They all went off in the same way. 2. I could not make out their nature at all. 3. Do you weary being at home 1 4. Do not get discouraged. 5. We are getting used to it. 6. How pretty the goat is! 7. Her beard was as pretty as that of a non-commissioned officer. 8. Will she let herself be milked 1 9. Yes, she will never move, nor put her foot into the dish. 10. I shall go now and then to see whether you are comfortable. 11. That's one that does not grow weary. 12. The tether rubs her neck. 13. From that day she cropped no more grass. 14. She turned her head in the direction of the mountain. 15. Does that seem insipid to you? 16. Is anything the matter with you? 17. Did you notice that the goat was pulling on its tether? 18. Do not let her go to the mountain. 19. Did you drop your dish? 20. Do not sit down in the grass. 21. She was not tied too short. 22. Shall I lengthen the rope? 23. What will you do when the wolf comes? 24. The wolf will not make fun of her horns. 25. Let us not fight with him. 26. That makes no difference, I shall not stay with you. 27. He will tie her to a stake for fear she should go away. 28. Hardly had he closed the door, when she ran off. 29. They bowed to the earth. 30. Those flowers smell sweet, do they not? 31. You may well imagine that she was happy ! 32. She had grass up over her horns ! 33. The white goat jumps up on her feet again. 34. There, she is off ! 35. I should have said there were ten goats. 36. Let us jump across this stream. 37. Go and stretch yourself out on a flat rock. 38. We did not notice M. Seguin's field. 39. We laughed till we cried. 40. How little that house is, we can never find room in it. 41. Listen to the bells. 42. They are bringing home the flocks. 42. Do you think of the goat ? — I do. 44. I have a mind to return. 452 COMPOSITION EXERCISE VII. 45. But I can never get used to that life again. 46. We see two ears and two shining eyes. 47. Let us be in no hurry. 48. Do not turn round. 49. Do you remember that story? 50. It will be better to eat it at once. 51. She changed her mind. 52. Can we hold out as long as the others? 53. If we go about it heartily, we may kill the wolf. 54. Let us take breath again. 55. We did not gather a blade of grass. 56. Let us not look at the stars dancing in the sky. 57. The stars will die out, when a pale light appears (fut.). B. M. Seguin had had six goats, and he had lost them all in the same way. They were independent animals which wished for liberty at any price. Good M. Seguin could not understand them. Nothing could hold them back. They all went away into the mountain, and the wolves ate them. Then he bought a seventh one, a pretty little goat, and quite young, for he wished it to get accustomed to living with him. It was a dear little goat with long, white hair, soft eyes and black hoofs ! M. Seguin tied his goat to a stake in a meadow surrounded with hawthorn, where she was very comfortable. She ate the grass so heartily that M. Seguin thought she would never grow weary with him, but she did grow weary. One day she looked at the mountain, and from that moment the grass of the field seemed tasteless to her. She said to herself that one must be very happy on the mountain, that an ox might crop grass in a field but that goats needed room. When M. Seguin noticed that his goat was getting lean, he knew that something was the matter with her, but he did not know what it was. She said to him that she was pining away, and that she wished to go into the mountain. It was not the grass that was lacking ; it was not the rope that was too short. M. Seguin told her that the wolf would eat her, but she said she would butt him, she would fight with him all night. But M. Seguin said he would save her in spite of herself, and he shut his goat into a stable and locked the door securely. But he forgot the window, and the goat ran away. The old fir trees welcomed her. The chestnut trees caressed her, the golden broom smelled sweet. The whole mountain received her like a queen. It was there that there was grass, fine and sweet! And the wild flowers overflowed with juices! She COMPOSITION EXERCISE VIU. 453 wallowed in the fallen leaves; she ran (courir) through the bushes ; she was afraid of nothing. If the torrents splashed her with foam, she stretched herself out on a rock and dried herself in the sun. Suddenly it was evening. The fields disappeared in the mist. You could see no longer any- thing but the smoke of M. Seguin's cottage. There was a howl, and she thought of the wolf. Then M. Seguin blew his horn in the valley. She heard it and had a mind to return, but she remembered the stake and the rope, and thought it would be better to stay. There was a noise in the leaves, and turning round she saw the wolf. There he was on his haunches. He knew he would eat her, and was in no hurry. She remem- bered the story of another goat of M. Seguin, and being a brave goat, she said to herself that she would not let herself be eaten at once. She had no hope of killing the wolf, but she assumed a defensive attitude. The fight lasted all night. She forced the wolf to retreat more than ten times. The stars danced in the sky, and she said to herself, " If I only hold out till daylight!" The stars died out on the horizon; a hoarse cock crowed in the valley ; the wolf ate the poor little goat. EXERCISE VIII. (La patte de dindon, pp. 416-19.) A» 1. Do you need a lesson from me 1 2. He would like to cure us of it. 3. They were ten years old. 4. We had a large sum, which was intended to pay for our breakfast. 5. Bo you still remember his name 1 6. Their name is Cou- ture. 7. The object is composed of what is called a tibia. 8. He looked as if he were walking. 9. Will the fingers open and shut? 10. How can you make it move"? 11. If you go to the theatre, will you follow the development of the drama ? 12. A dazzling brightness passed before our eyes. 13. Did you think you were present at a miracle? 14. You are older and sharper than we. 15. We withdrew. 16. Did you go away tool 17. We shall soon learn the way to do it. 18. What fun we shall have! 19. Give it to us, we beg of you. 20. Won't you give it to us? 21. We'll give you ten cents for it. 22. He is making game of us. 23. How much 454 COMPOSITION EXERCISE VIII. did they want for iti 24. He ran after us again. 25. How they must have got on in the world ! 26. How they know the human heart ! 27. He knows himself no longer. 28. Put a cent into my hand. 29. He is a business man. 30. Do not rush after it. 31. That does not amuse me now at all. 32. Disenchantment seizes me. 33. The prospect of three weeks of dry bread did not amuse me. 34. These traits of character will not awaken again in you. 35. People have often called the feelings of children puerilities. 36. The hearts where passions grow are the same. 37. The best way of guiding a boy is to observe him. 38. It is useful to laugh at one's self now and then. 39. Sons are not always like their fathers. B. Ernest was at school on a Monday. He had fifteen cents which he had brought back from home to pay for his breakfast. On his return he found one of his comrades who had a fine turkey's foot. When his comrade said to him to come and see, he ran up. His comrade, by a movement of his hand, was opening and closing the fingers like the fingers of a human hand. He stood amazed every time the four fingers opened and closed. How could the dead foot move? The comrade was shrewder than he, and when he saw Ernest's great enthu- siasm he put the turkey's foot back into his pocket. Ernest could stand it no longer. He begged his comrade to give him the dead foot. His comrade told him to be gone. " If you will not give it to me, will you sell it to me 1 " He offered his comrade five cents for it, then ten cents, and then twenty cents. But the comrade demanded forty cents. After a few seconds he put fifteen cents into his comrade's hand, and wrote out a note for twenty-five cents for the remainder. After a couple of minutes he knew the secret as well as his comrade. Eor a couple of minutes it amused him highly. But soon it amused him no longer. Sadness and regret came, and then bitterness and anger. After a few minutes he seized the tur- key's foot and threw it over the wall, so as never to see it any more. The recollection of this often comes back to him. He finds in himself again the child with the turkey's foot. And that turkey's foot has often been of great service to him. In the midst of a foolish action, he stops and says to himself^ " Will you always be the same ? " COMPOSITION EXERCISE IX. 455 EXERCISE IX. (Hortibus, pp. 419-22.) A. 1. It was a holiday at the school. 2. The hammers were making a greater noise than all the rest. 3. They rose up to listen. 4. No one stopped at his door. 5. Are you packing your trunk 1 6. They will appear every fifteen minutes. 7. If he were to show the tip of his nose, I should close the door. 8. Are you going away"? 9. Let them go away too. 10. We are not waiting for the doctor, or the nurse. 11. The father came in circumspectly, the mother came in briskly, the little girl came in on tiptoe. 12. How long has it pained you? 13. On washing days the mother used to make hearth-cakes. 14. Is the platform in the college or in the open air? 15. I hear hurried steps. 16. Let us not go there. 1 7. There was no more room on the platform. 18. They gazed affectionately on their child. 19. Please go and see who are there. 20. The colonel had a hat with a plume. 21 The speech of the sous-pr^fet was on a bit of paper rolled round his finger. 22. We could not hear a word of it. 23. It was only a monotonous hum. 24. The certifi- cate was pasted inside. 25. The principal's signature was there. 26. We saw the academic palm-wreath in the form of a head-piece. 27. Did you make a mistake in your Latin prose? 28. No, my paper was perfect. 29. Your paper was bristling with corrections. 30. Your paper contained {con- tenir) this frightful error — "hortibus." 31. The master underlined it three times with red'ink. 32. The awful word was posted on the wall. 33. His lips moved, he called his mother. 34. Hortibus had vanished (s^^vanouir). 35. It was in the land of dreams. 36. Good-bye to Hortibus. 37. Both have come. 38. The winner received his book. 39. They put the wreath on his brow. 40. Are you better ? 41. Yes, I am much better. 42. The open air, walks, and exercise will cure you, but above all no Latin prose. B. Vacation is a word that smells as sweet as a bouquet of flowers ! The decorators are busy putting up the drapery. There are people everywhere, jostling one another {se bouscu- ler) in the halls and stairways. A platform has been erected for the distribution of the prizes. But there is one little sick 456 COMPOSITION EXERCISE X. boy in the sick-ward who is awaiting some one. The doctor comes in great haste and goes away, and the nurse also. But they are not the ones the little patient is waiting for. He is awaiting some country-people — a man, a woman, and a young girl. There they come ! They enter the sick-ward. They clasp his hands and embrace him. They ask what is the matter with him. He had had a heavy feeling in his head since the Latin prose paper. But it would soon be gone. As they chatted, a murmur rose from the platform in the court. The father and little sister went down to it. The mother and little Tiennet (Stevey) stayed. She said to him that if he slept a little it would cure him. But how could he fall asleep, with the hubbub under the window ! The platform was full. The colonel was there, and the sous-prSfet in his dress-coat, all embroidered with silver. There were so many prizes, — three piles of books and a mountain of wreaths ! The brass-band blared forth and everybody applauded. The sous-prefet rose, but not a word was heard of his speech. Then a black gown arose with his sermon in his hand. He hummed away, and the mother fell asleep. Tiennet became impatient. Would he have the Latin prose prize? The beautiful, gilt-edged book was in the pile. But he could not see the winner's name. And he fell asleep too. He dreamed that he had made a frightful barbarism in his Latin prose, and that another had won the first prize. The awful word "hortibus" haunted him. It danced before him in a thousand forms (multiplie or en mille formes). It stuck out its tongue and made grimaces at him. But when Tiennet opened his eyes, there was no more ''horti- bus." The father and little sister brought up the prize and laid it on the little sick boy's bed. The doctor came too, and said the boy was better, the wreath on the brow had worked wonders, the open air would complete the cure, but, said he, " no Latin prose ! " EXERCISE X. (Chagrin d'un vieux forgat, pp. 423-4.) A. 1. Did Yves not go to conduct the convicts? 2. The convict was seventy at least. 3. Whom did you take away with you? 4. Why did you enter into conversation with him ? 5. It was to pass the time. 6. They did not have bad COMPOSITION EXERCISE X. 457 faces. 7. Does he wear spectacles ? 8. People did not want anything to do with me. 9. He had stolen a carter's whip. 10. He would not consent to listen to Yves. 11. The cage and the sparrow were his most precious possessions. 12. He had tamed the sparrow and it knew his voice. 13. If he has to build a cage fit for the journey, he will procure wood. 14. He will paint it, so that it may be pretty. 15. Do you remember the very words of Yvesi 16. He will eat coarse bread like any other bird. 17. They embarked for the journey. 18. Will that be of any use to him? 19. You must take it with you. 20. Big tears run down his cheeks. 21. The cage door opened. 22. Was the bird frightened? 23. The poor bird struggled and died. 24. It was carried away in the wake of the ship. 25. He applied to me. 26. That would never occur to him. 27. We staid silent in our place. 28. Did you not feel dreadfully alone? 29. Tears dimmed their eight. 30. Did they laugh to see the old man weep? 31. Will you not keep the cage? 32. This cage was made for the little bird. 33. He wished to leave me this legacy. 34. We did not wish to pain the old man. 35. He seemed to despise the thing. B. The transport-ship was about to sail for New Caledonia, and Yves was taking some convicts to it with his gunboat. Amongst the convicts was an old man who had a sparrow in a cage. He had been arrested for the fifth or sixth time. He had to eat and he had no trade, and so {par consequent) he had stolen a bag of potatoes. He said they might have let him die in France instead of sending him away off there. He had obtained permission to take away his sparrow. And then he had got wood and old wire and green paint, and he had made a cage for the sparrow. The sparrow had only the dark-coloured bread of the prisons to eat, but he seemed happy, and hopped about like any other bird. But during the passage to the transport-ship the bird flew away and fell into the sea. It was a moment of sorrow for the convict. He saw his bird struggle and die, and could do nothing for it. The first impulse was to ask for help, but the impulse was arrested by the consciousness of his personal degradation. Nobody wovdd have pity on his sparrow ; nobody would listen to his request. Who would stop the ship to pick up again a 458 COMPOSITION EXERCISE XI-XII. convict's drowning bird ! Then he watched the poor little body grow more distant on the sea foam, and he felt himself very much alone. The bird was no longer in the cage, and so he handed it to Yves, who had listened to his story. And Yves, not wishing to seem to despise the thing which had cost the old convict so much work, accepted the gift. EXERCISE XI. (L'Avare, pp. 425-7.) Harpagon is a miser. Valere is his steward, and Maitre Jacques is his cook and coachman. The miser is going to give a supper, and has invited eight or ten people. He wishes good cheer, but does not wish to give much money. He thinks that a clever man can make good cheer with little money. Yalere, the steward, says the same thing. Ten people have been invited, but the miser says that if there is enough to eat for eight, there will be plenty for ten. There is nothing more hurt- ful to men than to eat to excess. Frugality must rule in the repasts we give, and one must remember the maxim, "We should eat to live, and not live to eat." Harpagon will have these words cut in letters of gold on his mantel-piece. Maitre Jacques will not fill the table with soups, entrees and roasts, but with those things of which people eat sparingly. Then the miser addresses the coachman, tells him to clean the carriage, and have the horses ready to drive to the fair. But Harpagon makes the poor brutes observe such strict fasting that they cannot walk. Poor Maitre Jacques has pity on his neighbour. It breaks his heart to see his horses suffer. They cannot drag themselves along, and he has not the heart to whip them. EXERCISE XII. (Waterloo, pp. 428-31). A. 1. There were three thousand five hundred of us. 2. The light cavalry was supporting them. 3. We did not wear helmets. 4. The cavalry descended like a battering- ram of bronze, so to speak. 5. A cloud of grape-shot burst at their right. 6. Do you hear that mighty stamping? 7. COMPOSITION EXERCISE XIi. 459 Nothing like it will ever be seen. 8. Murat had been at the taking of the redoubt of the Moskowa, but he was lacking at Waterloo. 9. Something like these stories appears in the epics of another age. 1 0. The infantry was taking aim at the cavalry. 11. The English listened to that tide rising. 12. Three thousand shouted, ** Long live the Emperor." 13. There was an awful noise like that of an earthquake. 14. We have just noticed a ditch. 15. The second rank forced the first into the gulf. 16. The horses overturned and crushed the riders. 17. There was no way of retreat. 18. Fifteen hun- dred men were buried there. 19. It was a grave into which many other dead bodies were thrown on the day after the battle. 20. Did he examine the ground? 21. He asked a question of the peasant. 22. He was not warned by the peasant. 23. Napoleon's end came from a peasant's shake of the head. 24. It is time for Napoleon to fall. 25. Napoleon by himself counts for more than all others. 26. The moral order, like the material order, depends on principles. B. There were eleven hundred and ninety -seven of them, and they had behind them one hundred and eighty lancers. At nine o'clock the bugles sounded and all the bands played. They came and took their place in the second line, where they had two iron wings, Kellermann on the left and Milhaud on the right. Then was seen a great sight. All that cavalry began to move. Like one man it came down the hill of la Belle-Alliance, disappeared in the valley and, reappearing on the other side, ascended the dreadful slope of Mont-Saint- Jean. There were two columns of them. Like two great serpents of steel they stretched out towards the plateau. Nothing like it was ever seen. The mass had become a monster. Through a great smoke you could see a pell-mell of helmets, swords, and of the rumps of horses, and above them the cuirasses, like the scales on the hydra. It was like a vision of Titans climbing Olympus. Twenty-six battalions of infantry were waiting for the twenty-six squadrons of cavalry. The infantry could not see the cavalry, but it could hear the noise of the horses, the rattle of the armour and the clanking of the swords. Then suddenly the helmets, the trumpeters, the standards and the horses appeared on the crest of the plateau. The cuirassiers arrived at the crest, and suddenly 460 COMPOSITION EXERCISE XII. they saw between themselves and the English the hollow road of Ohain. It was a frightful ravine, two fathoms deep. Hdrses and riders fell into that grave and crushed one another. When the abyss was full of men and horses, the others marched on them and passed over. Napoleon did not see this ravine when he ordered the charge, and the peasant of whom he asked the question replied that there was no hollow road. Why was it not possible that Napoleon should win the battle ? Because a new series of facts was preparing. The moment had come for that man to fall. His weight was disturbing the equilibrium of human destiny. Reeking blood, cemeteries, mothers' tears were complaining. Napoleon's fall was settled. VOCABULARY. FRENCH-ENGLISH. a [a], 3 sg. pres. indie, avoir. k [a], to, towards, at, for, in, into, around, by, with, from ; — voire montre, by your watch. abaisser [abese], to lower ; s' — , to lower one's self, fall, sink, be lowered. abandonner [aba done], to aban- don, forsake. abattre [abatr], to throw down, knock down, cast down, dis- hearten ; abattu, p.p., disheart- ened, discouraged, depressed. ab^c^daire [abesede : r], m. , primer, spelling-book. abime [abi:m], m., abyss. abondamment [abodama], abun- dantly. abondant [aboda], abundant. abord (d') [d aboir], at first, first (of all), at the outset. abreuver [abroeve], to water, fill, soak. abri [abri], m., shelter, cover; d r — de, in the shelter of. abriter [abrite], to shelter, shield. absorber [apsorbe], to absorb, en- gross. ab^urde [apsyrd], absurd. abuser [abyze], to make a bad use (of, de), abuse. acad^mique [akademik], academic. accent [aksa], m., accent, tone. accepter [aksepte], to accept. accident [aksida], m., accident, incident. acclimater [aklimate], to acclima- tize ; a' — , to become acclima- tized. accompag^ner [akopape], to ac- company. accorder [akorde], to grant, con- cede. accoster [akoste], to come along- side (nav. ). accoupler [akuple], to couple, fasten. accourir [akuriir], § 164, to run or hasten up ; run or hasten to one's aid. accourut [akury], 3 sg. p. def. accourir. accoutumer [akutyme], to accus- tom, habituate. accusateur [akyzatoeir], accusing. accuser [akyze], to accuse, blame, reproach. achat [aja], m., purchase. acheter [ajte], § 158, to buy, pur- chase. acheminer (s*) [s ajmine], to take one's way, set out. achever [ajve], § 158, to finish, complete ; — de + infin., to finish. acier [asje], m. , steel. acqu^rir [akeriir], § 162, to ac- quire. acquis [aki], p.p. acqudrir. acteur [aktoeir], m., actor. action [aksjo], f. , action. actuellement [aktqelma], now, at this very time. addition [adisjo], f. , bill, reckoning. adieu [adj0], m., good-bye, fare- well. adjurer [adsyre], to adjure, be- seech. admettre [admetr], § 198, to admit. 461 462 VOCABULARY. admirablement [admirablema], ad- mirably. admirer [admire], to admire. admission [admisjo], L, admit- tance. adosser (s') [s adose], to lean one's back (against, d, contre). adresse [adres], f., address, skill, dexterity. adresser [adrese], to address; s' — , to. address one's self, be addressed or directed, apply, have recourse. adversaire [ adverse :r], m., ad- versary, opponent. a£faire [afeir], f., affair, business, matter ; pi. , things, business. affectueux [afekti{0], affectionate. affiche [afij], f . , placard, poster. afficher [ afije ], to post up. affliger [aflise], § 156 ; to afflict, vex, grieve ; s' — , to grieve, be troubled, be sorrowful, fret. affreux [afr0], frightful, horrible. aj&n de [af £ da] + infin. , in order to. afin que [afs ko], in order that, that (takes subjunctive). kge [a 1 3], m., age, century, time; en — de, of an age to ; quel — a-t-il ?, how old is he ? kgi [ase], aged, old. agile [asil], nimble, swift. agir [asiir], to act, operate, work, move, manage. agiter (s') [s asite], to stir, move, be or grow restless. agneau [ajio], m., lamb. agreable [ agreabl ], agreeable, pleasant. ah ! [a or a :], ah !, hah !, oh ! ai [e], 1 sg. pres. ind. avoir. aide [eid], m., helper; — de camp, aide-de-camp. aider [ede], to aid, help, assist. aie [e], 1 sg. pres. subj. and 2 sg. impve. avoir. aigu [egy], acute ; shrill, pene- trating. aile [el], f., wing. aimable [cmabl], kind, amiable. aimer [erne], to love, like ; — wiewa;, to prefer. ain^ [ene], eldest. ainsi [esi], thus, so ; — que, as, just as ; pour — dire, so to say. air [eir], m., air, atmosphere ; air, look, appearance ',dV — , en V — , in the air; le grand — , the open air ; en plein — , in the open air ; avoir V — de, to seem to. airain [ers], m. , brass, bronze. aise [e:z], f., gladness ; ease, con- venience ; d ton — , comfortably, at your ease, just as you like, suit yourself. aise [eze], easy. aisement [ezema], easily. ait [e], 3 sg. pres. subj. avoir. ajouter [asute], to add. '^ Albret (d') [d albre]; Henri — , father of Henry IV. of France. Allah[alla],m., Allah. allemand [alma], adj., German; V — , m., German (the language). aller[ale], § 160, to go ; —-t- infin., to go to, go and ', y — de bon coeur, to go at (a thing) with spirit ; s'en — , to go away, depart, set out ; allez-vous-en, go away ; qu'elle s'en aille!, let her go (away) ! ; allons !, come !, cour- age !, up !, arise ! ; — a la ren- contre de, to go to meet ; — cher- cher, go for, go and get ; — trouver, go and find, go to; — (of garments) , fit. allonger [alose], § 156, to lengthen^ stretch out ; — un coup, to deal' or administer a blow; s' — , to stretch out, extend. allumer [alyme], to. light. alors [aloir], then. Alsace [alzas], n. pr, f., Alsatia. alternatif [alternatif], alternate, alternating. amadou [amadu], m. , tinder, punk ; habines d" — , red lips (of animals). ambition [a bis jo], f., ambition. ame [a: m], f., soul, heart. amener [amne] ,§158, to bring, lead. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 463 am^ricain [amerikf], American. amertume [amertym], f., bitter- ness. ami [ami], m. , friend ; m(m — , my good fellow. amie [ami], f., friend, loved one. amicaJ [amikal], friendly. amiraute [amirote], f., admiralty. amitie [amitje], f., friendship, affection. amour [amuir], m. in sing, and f . in pi. , love, aflfection ; un — de petite chivref a dear little goat. amoureux [amur0], enamoured, in love ; — d la folie, madly in love. amusant [amyza], amusing. amusement [amy zma], m., amuse- ment. amuser [amyze], to amuse ; «' — , to amuse or enjoy one's self, play. an [d], m., year; avoir quarante — «, to be forty years old, forty years of age ; le jour de VAn^ New Year's day. ancien [asje], ancient, old; former, un — , m. , an ancient. Ane [am], m., ass, donkey. anecdote [anegdot], f., anecdote. Angelas [ajelys], m., Angelus (a prayer in honour of the Incarna- tion), ringing bell for ditto. anglais [ogle], adj. , English ; n. m. , Englishman ; V — , m. , English. anglaise [agleiz], f., running- hand (of writing). angle [a:gl], m., angle, corner. animal [animal], m., animal, beast. animer (s') [s anime], to become animated, become lively. anneau [ano], m., ring. annee [ane], f. , year, twelvemonth ; /' — dernUre, last year. annoncer [anose], § 156, to an- nounce, usher in ; s' — , to an- nounce one's self, be indicated, be evident. annotation [anotasjo], £., annota- tion, note. antichambre [atijaibr], f., ante- chamber. antique [atik], ancient. aout [u], m. , August. apercevoir [apersavwair], § 213, to perceive, see, observe, notice ; s — , ditto. aper^oit [apcrswa], 3 sg. pres. in- die, apercevoir. apergu [apersy], p.p. apercevoir. aper^ut [apersy], 3 sg. p. def. apercevoir. apotre [apoitr], m., apostle. apparaitre [apareitr], § 188, to appear. appartement[apart8ma],m. , apart- ments, suite of rooms. appartenir [apart9ni:r], § 177, to belong (to, d). appel [apel], m. , call. appeler [aple], § 158, to call ; call in, summon ; name ; «' — , to be called, named ; comment s'ap- pelle-t-il?, what is his name?; il s'appelle Jean Bart, his name is Jean Bart. applaudir [aplodiir], to applaud, clap (the hands). appliquer [aplike], to apply ; a'—, to apply one's self, work, set to work, take pains. apporter [aporte], to bring (to. A). apprendre [aprd:dr], § 202, to learn ; teach. apprenti [aprati], m., apprentice. apprdter [aprete], to prepare, get ready. apprivoiser [aprivwaze], to tame (animals). approche [aproj], f., approach. approcher [aproje], intr., to ap- proach, draw near; — de, ditto; «' — , to approach, draw near (to. de). appuyer [apt^ije], § 157, to prop, support, lean, rest, press on ; appuyd, p.p., leaning or sup- ported (on, d) ; «' — , to support one's self, lean. apr^s [apre], after, next (to) ; adv., afterwards, after. 464 VOCABULARY. apr^s-demain [apre dme], the day after to-morrow. apres-midi [apre midi], m. f. , after- noon. aquilon [akilo], m., north-wind. arabe [arab], Arabian ; Arabe, m., (an) Arabian. Arable [arabi], f., Arabia. arbre [arbr], m., tree. arbuste [arbyst], m., shrub. Arc de Triomphe [ark da trio if], name of an arch in Paris. ar^on [arso], m., saddle-bow. ardent [arda], fiery, eager, intense. ardeur [ardceir], f., heat, burning heat. argent [arsa], m., silver, money. argument [argyma], m. , argument. arithmetique [aritraetik], f., arith- metic. arme [arm], f. , arm, weapon ; aux — s ! to arms ! armee [arme], f., army. armer [arme], to arm, equip, fit out, provide ; s' — , to arm, fort- ify, secure one's self. armoire [armwair], f., cupboard, clothes-press. Arnault [arno], French author, b. 1766, d. 1834. arracher [araje], to pull out, snatch (from), extract (a tooth). arranger [arose], § 156, to arrange. arreter [arete], to stop, delay, stay, check, arrest ; «' — , to stop, pause, give heed (to, a); du monde arrStS, people standing. arri^re [arjeir], m., back part; en — , back(wards). arriver [arive], to arrive (at, d, dansy sur) ; come, come to, come up ; happen, occur ; les voila qui arrivent, see themcoming(there). arroser [aroze], to sprinkle, water (a garden, etc. ). article [artikl], m. , article. articuler [artikylej, to articulate, utter. artillerie [artijri], f., artillery. as [a], 2 3g. pres. indie, avoir. ascension [asasjo], f., ascension) la fite de V Ascension, Ascension day. assassiner [asasine], to assassin- ate, murder. asseoir(s') [s aswair], § 215, to sit down, seat one's self, be seated. asseyant(s') [s aseja], pres. part. s'asseoir. assez [ase], enough, sufficiently; pretty, rather, quite, very? — ban, good enough. assied(s') [s asje], 3 sg. pres. indie. s'asseoir. assiette [asjet], f., plate. assis [asi], p.p. s'asseoir, seated, sitting. assistant [asista], m., person pres- ent, bystander. assister [asiste], to be present (at, d), look upon. assit(s') [s asi], 3 sg. past def. s'asseoir. associe [asosje], m. , partner. assommer [asome], to knock down, beat to death. assomption [asopsjo], f., assump- tion ; lafSte de l' Assomption, As- sumption day. assujettir [asysetiir], to subdue, enthral, subject. assurer [asyre], to assure. astracan [astraka], astrakhan (a kind of fur). attacher [ataje], to fasten, tie, make fast. attendre [ataidr], §210, to wait; wait for, expect. attentif [atatif], attentive. attention [atasjo], 1, attention; /aire — , to pay attention. attentivement [atativma], atten- tively. attestation [atestasjo], f., certifi- cate. attirail [atiraij], m., apparatus, gear, paraphernalia. attirer [atire], to attract, draw. attrait [atre], m., attraction, charm. au [o], contr. oid-\-le. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 465 aube [oib], f,, dawn. aubepine [obepin], f., hawthorn. auberge [obers], f., inn. aubergiste [obersist], m., inn- keeper. aucun [okce], any, no ; ne . . . — , no, none, no one. au-dessus [odsy], above; — de, above. audience [odja:s], f., audience, interview. Aug^ste [ogyst], m., Augustus. aujourd'hui [ojurdqi], to-day, now ; — en huit, a week from to-day, auparavant [oparava], adv., be- fore. aupr^s de [oprs da], into the pres- ence of, to. auquel [okel], contr. of d + lequel. aura [ora], 3 sg. fut. avoir. aurai [ore], 1 sg. fut. avoir. auraient [ore], 3 pi. condl. avoir ; — eu (obs. form), would have, aurais [ore], 1 sg. condl. avoir. aurait [ore], 3 sg. condl. avoir. auras [ora], 2 sg. fut. indie, avoir. aurez [ore], 2 pi. fut. avoir. auriez [orje], 2 pi. condl. avoir. auront [oro], 3 pi. fut. avoir. ausculter [oskylte], to auscultate, sound (lungs, etc.). aussi [osi], too, also, likewise ; as (in comparison) ; — bien, besides ; — Men que, as well as. aussitot [osito], immediately,forth- with, at once. austbre [oste:r], austere, severe, rigorous. autant [ota], as or so much, as or so many ; — de, ditto ; d' — pltLS, the more so ; bien — , quite as much. automne [oton], m. , autumn ; en — , in autumn. autour de [otu i r da], prep. , around, round. autre [otr], other ; les — «, others, the others, other people ; d' — «, others ; Vun et V — , both ; lea uns les — «, one another, both, all ; noua — « Franfaist we 80 Frenchmen ; bien — cJiose, some- thing very different. autrefois [otrofwa], formerly, once. autrement [otroma], otherwise ; — encornees que toi, with horns very different from yours. aux [o], contr. of d + les. avaient [ave], 3 pi. impf. indie. avoir. avait [ave], 3 sg. impf. indie avoir. avance [avQ : s], f . , advance ; par — , beforehand. avancer [a vase], § 156, to advance, forward ; «' — , to advance, move forward ; avanc^y advanced ; proficient. avant [ava], before ; en — , for- ward ; la tite en — , head first, head foremost ; — de, before. avant que [ava ka], conj. •\- subj., before. avare [avair], m., miser; VAvart^ a comedy by Moli^re. avec [avek], with; — le temps quit fait, in such weather as this. avenir [avniir], m., future. aventure [avatyzr], f., adventure; d' — , by chance. aventurer (s') [s ava tyre], to ven- ture. avenue [avny], f . , avenue. avertir [avertiir], to warn, in- form ; averti, warned, put on one's guard. avez [ave], 2 sg. pres. indie. , avoir. aviser [avize], to consider, take counsel. avoir [avwair], § 154, to have; ob- tain, receive, get; y — , impers., il y a, there is, there are ; it p avait, there was, etc. ; ily a huit jours, a week ago ; il y eut, there was, etc. ; il eut le moulin, he obtained, received, the mill; cet enfant a quelque chose, there is something the matter with that child ; qu'est-ce que voua avez ?, what is the matter with you?; il a dix ans, he is ten 466 VOCABULARY. years old, ten years of age; vous n'avez qu'd purler, you have only to speak ; — raison, to be (in the) right ; en — d, be angry with. avons [avo], 1 pi. pres. indie. avoir. avouer [avwe], to confess, declare, avow, acknowledge. avril [avril], m. , April. ayant [eja], pres. part, avoir. ayez [eje], 2 pi. impve. avoir. ayons [ejo], 1 pi. pres. subj. avoir. B. babine [babin], f . , lip (of animals) ; — s d'arnadou, red lips. babiole [babjol], f., toy, trinket. bah I [ba], pooh ! pshaw ! baigner [bejie], tr. to bathe, lave; se — , to bathe (intr.). baiser [beze], to kiss. baiser [beze], m., kiss. baisser [bese], to lower, let down, hang (down) ; — la tSte, bow down, hang one's head ; se — , to stoop down, stoop. balancer [balase],§ 156, to balance, swing, wave ; se — , intr. , to swing, rock, sway. banane [banan], f., banana. banc [ba], m., bench, seat. bander [bade], to bind up. banque [baik], f., bank. banquier [bakje], m., banker. barbarisme [barbarism], m., bar- barism. barbiche [barbij], f. , tuft of beard, tufted beard. barrer [bare], to bar, obstruct, block. Bart (Jean) [so bair], famous French seaman, b. at Dunkirk 1651, d. 1702. bas [ba], low; Id — , over there, yonder ; tout — , in an under- tone, to one's self, softly, silently ; en — , below, at the bottom, down (below), down Btairs ; d'en — , from down be- low. Bas-Canada [ba kanada], m.. Lower Canada. Bastille [bastiij], f., Bastile. bataille [bataij], 1, battle. bataillon [batajo], m., battalion, squadron. bateau [bato], m., boat; se pro- mener en — , to go for a boat- ride, row, sail (in a boat). bdtiment [batima], m., building, edifice ; ship, vessel. batir [batiir], to build. baton [bato], m., stick; stroke (in learning to write) ; coup de — , blow with a stick. batterie [batri], f. , battery (milit. ). battre [batr], § 180, to beat, strike; thresh ; — des mains, clap the hands ; — le briquet, to strike a light with flint and steel ; battu, beaten, wrought ; se — , to fight ; hattant, swinging, swinging open, flapping. bavarder [bavarde], to babble, prattle, gossip. b^ant [bea], gaping. beau, bel, belle, pi. beaux, belles [bo, bel, bel, bo, bel], beautiful, handsome, fine ; au — milieu, in the very midst; il/ait — (temps), it is fine. beaucoup [boku], much, a great deal, very much, many, very many, a great many ; — de, ditto. Bee [bek], proper name. becher [beje], to dig, delve. becqueter [bekte], § 158, to peck. becqu^e [beke], f., billful. bel [bel], see beau. belier [belje], m., ram; battering- ram. belle [bel], see beau. benediction [benediksjo], f. , bene- diction. benir [beniir], § 163, to bless. ber^ant [bersa], soothing, som- niferous. bercer [berse], § 156, to rock, lull to sleep. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 467 berger [berse], m. , shepherd ; chien de — , shepherd's dog. Berlin [berls], m., Berlin. besoin [bazwe], m., need, neces- sity ; avoir — de, to need, be in need of ; vous avez — qtie je vous aide, you need my help ; aussi bien noiLS fera-t-il — , then be- sides we shall need him. bete [belt], f. , beast, brute, animal. bete [be:t], stupid. betise [betiiz], f., stupidity, folly. bibliotheque [bibliote : k],f. , library. bicyclette [bisiklet], f., bicycle. bien [bje], well, very, indeed, real- ly, I am sure, surely, of course, quite ; — plus, much more ; fai — le temps, I have plenty of time ; itre — , to be well, be well off, be comfortable, be happy ; — que ( -f subj. ), though, although ; ou — , or indeed, or on the contrary ; — de, much, a great deal of. bien [bj?], m., good. biens [bje], m. pi., estate, prop- erty, goods, wealth, possessions ; blessings. bientot [bje to], soon, shortly, pre- sently. bienvenu [bj?vny], adj., welcome; itre — , to be welcome. billet [bije], m., note, letter ; pro- missory note; ticket; — d'erUr^e, ticket (of admission). bique [bik], f., she-goat. bise [bi:z], f., north wind. bizarre [biza:r], odd, singular, strange. blanc [bla], white; le — , n. m., the white. Blanche [bla: J], pr. n. f., Blanche. Blanquette [blaket], f., 'Whitey.' ble [ble], m. , wheat, wheat-field. bleme [bleim], pale, pallid. blesser [blese], to wound. blessure [blesyir], f., wound. bleu [bl0], blue. bloquer [bloke], to blockade. Bliichcr [ blykeir or bly|e:r ], Prussian general, ally of Wel- lington at Waterloo. boeuf [beef], m. , ox. boire [bwair], § 181, to drink ; don- ner pour — , to give a gratuity, a tip (colloq. ). bois [bwa], m., wood(s), forest. bois de Boulogne [bwo da buloji], m., name of a park in the suburbs of Paris. boiserie [bwazri], f., wainscoting. boite [bwa It], f., box. bon [bo], good ; kind ; sentir — , to smell sweet. Bonaparte [bonapart], (Napoleon) Bonaparte. bonbon [b5b5], m. , bonbon, candy. bond [bo], m., bound, skip. bondissement [bodisma], m., bounding, leaping. bonheur [bonce :r], m., happiness; good fortune, (good) luck. bonjour [bo3u:r], m., good nam- ing, good day. bonne [bon], f., maid, servant, nursery-maid. bonnet [bone], m. , cap. bonsoir [boswair], m., good even- ing. bont^ [bote], f . , goodness ; — divine !, goodness gracious ! bord [bo:r], m., shore, bank, margin, edge ; board (nav. ) ; d — de, on board of. bomer [borne], to limit ; se — , to be limited. botte [bot], f. , boot. better [bote], to furnish with boots; hottd,hootedi, with boots on ; "Le ChatBottS," "Puss in Boots;" se — , to put on one's boots. bouc [buk], m. , he-goat. bouche [bu j], f. , mouth ; d la — , in one's mouth. boucher [buje], to stop, stop up. boue [bu], f., mud, mire. bouger [buse], § 156, intr., to stir, budge. boulanger [bula.^e], m., baker. bouleverser [bulverse], to over- throw, overturn, upset, agitate. bouquet [buke], m., nosegay, bouquet. 468 VOCABULARY. bourdonner [burdone], to buzz, hum. bourrer [bure], to stuff, fill. bousculade [buskylad],f., jostling, hustling, confusion. bout [bu], m., end, tip; edge, extremity ; au — de, at the end of. boutique [butik], 1, shop. branche [brdij], f., branch. brandir [brddiir], to brandish. bras [bra], m., arm. brave [bra i v], brave, gallant ; good, kind, honest, worthy. bravement [bravma], bravely, courageously. braver [brave], to defy, brave. breche [brej], f. , breach. brigade [brigad], f., brigade. brigand [briga], m., brigand, thief. briller [brije], to shine, sparkle. brin [bri], m. , blade, sprig. briquet [brike], m. , steel (for strik- ing a light) ; hattre le — , to strike a light. brise [bri:z], f., breeze. briser [brize], to break, break or dash to pieces, shatter. broder [brode], to embroider; brodS, p. part., embroidered. brodequin [brodke], m., (laced-) boot. bronze [broiz], m., bronze. brosse [bros], f., brush. brosser [brose], to brush. brouillard [brujair], m., fog, mist, haze. brouiller [bruje], to confuse; be- dim (the sight). broussailles [brusa i j], f. pi. , brush- wood, bushes. brouter [brute], to browse. broyer [brwoje], § 157, to grind, crush to pieces. bruit [brt{i], m. , noise, sound ; fame, reputation ;faire tantde — , to attract so much attention. br&lant [bryla], burning hot. briller [bryle], to burn. brume [brym], f., fog, mist, haze. brusque [brysk], blunt, brusquement [bryskma], bluntly, roughly, abruptly ; suddenly, brutalement [brytalma], brutally, rudely. bruyere[bryje:r],f.,heath,heather. bu [by], p. part, boire. buissiere [bqisjeir], f., thicket, bush. buisson [bqiso], m., bush, thicket, bureau [byro], m., office, but [byt or by], object, end, goal ; arriver a son — , attain his ob- ject. buvais [b3rvre], 1 sg. impf. indie boire. qsL [sa], (for cela) that. 9'a 6t6 [s a ete], for ga or ce a 4U. K^k [sa], here ; — et Id, here and there, up and down, hither and thither. cabinet [kabine], m., cabinet ; office, private office. cabrer (se) [s9 kabre], intr. to rear. cachemire [kajmiir], m., cash- mere. cacher [kaje], to hide, conceal ; se — , to hide one's self. cadavre [kada:vr], m., corpse, dead body. cadeau [kado], m., present, gift. cafe [kafe], m. , coffee ; coffee-house, restaurant, caf6. cage [ka:?], f., cage. cahier [kaje], m., note-book, ex- ercise-book. caille [ka:j], f., quail. caillou [kaju], m., pebble, stone. caissier [kesje], m., cashier. calculer [kalkyle], to calculate, reckon. calice [kalis], m. , chalice, cup ; calyx. calin [kale], adj., wheedling, coax- ing. calme [kalm], m., stillness, calm. calme [kalm], calm, still. calmer [kalme], to calm. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 469 calotte [kalot], f., cap, skull-cap. camarade [kamarad], m., f., com- rade, playmate. camp [ka], m., camp. campagnard [kapajia:r], m., coun- tryman. campagne p^apaji], f., country, fields ; d la — , in the country. campanule [kapanyl], f., campa- nula, bell-flower. Canadla [kanada], m., Canada. canadien [kanadjf], Canadian. canard [kanair], m., duck. caniche [kanij], m., poodle. canif [kanif], m., penknife. canon [kano], m., cannon. canonni^re [kanonjerr], f., gun- boat. cantique [katik], m., hymn. cap [kap], head, obs. , except in de pied en — , from head to foot. capitaine [kapiten], m., captain. capitale [kapital], f. , capital letter. capiteux [kapit0], heaidy, intoxi- cating. car [kar], for. caract^re [karakteir], m., charac- ter, disposition, temper. caravane [karavan], f., caravan. caressant [karcsa], kindly, gentle. caresse [kares], f. , caress ; /aire mille — 8 d, qq., to overwhelm anyone with kindness. caresser [karese], to caress, stroke. cargaison [kargezo], f., cargo. carotte [karot], f., carrot. carr6 [kore], m., square. carrosse [karos], m., carriage, coach. cas [kc], m., case. casaque [kazak], f., jacket. casque [kask], m., helmet. casser [kn : se], to break. Castille [kastiij], f., Castile. catastrophe [katastrof], f., catas- trophe. Caucase[koka!z], m., Caucasus. cauchemar [kojmair], m., night- mare. cause [ko:z], f., cause; d — de, because o£ causer [koze], to cause ; chat, talk ; — une impression, to make an impression. causeur [kozoeir], talkative, cavalerie [kavalri], f., cavalry; grosse — , heavy cavalry, cavalier [kavalje], m., horseman, rider, trooper. ce [sa], pron. , it, this, that ; c'est pourquoi, that is why ; c^est noua^ it is we ; ce sont eiix, it is they ; ce qui, ce que, that which, which, what. ce, cet, cette, ces [ss, set, set, se], adj., this, that; ce . . . -Id, that (emphatic). c^ans [sed], here within, in this house. ceci [sasi], pron. , this. c^der [sedej, § 158, to yield, give way. cela [sla], pron., that ; — a'entendy that is evident ; of course. c^l^brer [selebre], § 158, to cele- brate. c61^bre [selebr], celebrated, celle [sel], see celui. celui, celle, ceux, celles [salqi, sel, 80, selj, this or that, this or that one ; the one, he, him ; — qui, the one who, he or him who. celui-ci [salqi si], celle-ci, ceux- ci, celles-ci, pron., this, this man, this one, the latter, he (too). celui-lk, etc. [salqi la], pron. , that, that man, that one, the former, he. cent [so], (a) hundred. centieme [satjem], hundredth. centime [satim], m., the hundredth part of a franc. centre [saitr], m., centre. cependant [sapada], yet, never- theless ; still, however, in the meantime, meanwhile ; — que^ while, whilst. cercle [serkl], m., circle. c^r6monie[seremoni], f . , ceremony. cerise [sariiz], f., cherry. 470 VOCABULARY. cerisier [sarizje], m., cherry-tree. certain [serte], certain. certes [sert], certainly, surely. cerveau [servo], m., Drain, mind. cervelle [servel], f . , brains. cesser [sese], to cease, leave off; — de, ditto. ces [se], see ce. cet [set], see ce. cette [set], f. of ce. ceux [s0], m. pi. celui. chacun [Jakcfe], pron., each, each one, every one. chagrin [Jagre], m., sorrow, grief; shagreen. chaine [Jem], f., chain. chair [je:r], 1, flesh, meat; — d. pdUi mince-meat ; ne faisant qu'une — , becoming only an in- distinguishable mass of flesh. chaire [Je:r], f., pulpit, desk (of a teacher). chaise [|e:z], f., chair. chaleur [Jaloeir], 1, heat. chambre [Ja:br], f., room ; Cham- bre cles dAprdds, House of Parlia- ment. chameau [Jamo], m., camel. champ [faj, m., field. Champs-Elysees [Jaiz elize], m. pi. , name of certain public gar- dens in Paris. chance [Jais], f., chance. changement[Ja3ma], m., change ; — de fronts change of front, transformation. changer [Jase], § 156, to change, alter, transform ; s« — , to change or transform one's self, change (intr. ). chanson [Jaso], f., song, chant [ja], m., singing; crowing (of a cock). chanter [fate], to sing ; chant, in- tone, play, chantonnement [ |atonma ], m., humming, singing. chapeau [|apo], m. , hat. chapelier [Japalje], m. , hatter ; chez le — , to or at the hatter's. chapelle [Japel], f. , chapeL chapitre [japitr], m., chapter, chaque [|ak], each, every. charbonner [Jarbone], to write with charcoal, sketch, scrawl. charge [Jars], f., charge, load. charger [Jarse], § 156, to charge, commission, order, entrust; ae — , to undertake, charmant [farma], charming, charmer [Jarme], to charm, de- light ; charm4 de, charmed with, delighted with, chasse [Jas], f . , chase, hunt, hunt- ing, hunting-party. chasser [Jasej, to chase, drive away. chasseur [Jasoeir], m., light infan- try soldier, chasseur. chat [Ja], m. , cat ; ' 'Le Chat BotU^" " Puss in Boots." ch4taigne [Jatep], f., chestnut, chataignier [Jotejie], m. , chestnut- tree. chkteaM [Ja to], m., castle, palace. Chateaubriand [Jatobria], French writer, b. 1768, d. 1848. chaud [Jo], warm, hot. chaud [Jo], m. , heat, warmth ; U fait — , it is warm, hot (of weather, etc. ) ; avoir — , to be warm, hot (of living beings). chaumiere [Jomjeir], f., thatched house, cottage, cot. chauss^e [Jose], f . , highway, main road. chaussures [[osyir], f. pi., shoes, boots. chauve [ Joiv], bald ; un — , a bald man. chef [Jef], m. , chief, commander ; — d'escadr.e, rear-admiral, chemin [Jams], m. , way, road ; grand — , main road, highway ; — de fer, railway ; — faisanty on the way ; en — , on the way. chemin^e [Jamine], f., fire-place; mantel- shelf. chene [Jem], m., oak. chenille [Janiij], f., caterpillar. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 471 cher [Jeir], dear ; beloved ; payer — , pay dear(ly) for, pay too much for. chercher [Jerje], to seek, search, look for ; ailer — , go for, go and get ; — d, seek to, try to. chere [feir], f., cheer, entertain- ment ; faire bonne — , to pro- vide good cheer, provide a good spread. ch^rir [Jeriir], to cherish; cMriy beloved, cherished, dear. cheval [javal], m., horse; A — , on horseback. chevet [jave], m., pillow, bolster, the head of a bed; ip^e de — , see ^p^e. cheveu [fav^], m.,hair; cheveux, pL, hair. chevre [Je:vr], f., goat. chevreau [Javro], m., kid. chevrette [Javret], f., little goat. chez [Je], to, at, in, into (the house, shop, office, etc. , of) ; with ; aller — le roi, to go to the king's (palace, court, etc. ) ; ils dtaient — eux^ they were at home ; — moi^ at my house, at home ; — vouSy at your house, at home. chien [fj?], m., dog ; — de berger, shepherd's dog ; — danois, Danish dog, great Dane. chiffon [fifo], m. , rag ; strip, piece. chiffre [Jifr], m., figure, number. chim^re [Jimctr], f., chimaera (a fabulous beast of antiquity). choBur [kceir], m., chorus. choisir [Jwazi:r], to choose. chose [Joiz], f., thing, aflfair, mat- ter; quelque — , m. pron., something ; quelque — d* extra- ordinaire, something extraordi- nary, unusual ; la cMvre a quelque — , there is something the matter with the goat ; bien atUre — , something very dif- ferent. chou [|u], m., cabbage. chute [Jyt], f., fall, downfall • -ci [si], see c«. Cic^ron [sisero], Cicero. * Cid[8id], leCid, drama byComeille. ciel, pi. cieux [sjel, sj0], m., heaven, heavens, sky. cimetiere [simtjeir], cemetery, m. cinq [se:k], five. cinquante [sekfiit], fifty. cinquieme [sekjem], fifth. circonspect [8irkospe(kt)], circum- spect, cautious. cirque [sirk], m., circus. cite [site], f., city. citoyen [sitwaje], m., citizen. civilement [sivilmo], civilly, cour- teously, politely. civilisation [sivilizosjo], f., civil- isation. clair [kleir], clear, bright, plain. clair [kleir], m., light, cleamese; — de lune, moonlight. clair [kleir], clearly, plain(ly). clairon [klero], m., clarion. clameur [klamoeir], f., clamour, outcry. classe [klois], f., class, recitation, lesson, class-room ; ma7iquer la . — , stay away from school, play truant ; faire la — , give a lesson (to a class), teach (a class). clef [kle], f., key. cliquetis [klikti], m., rattle, click- n, f., bell. klofetl, f., ing, jingle. cloche clochette [klojet], f., (small) bell. clos [klo], p. part, clore, to close, shut. clos [klo], m., enclosure, field. clouer [klue], to nail. cocher [koje], m., coachman. cceur [koeir], m., heart, heartiness, courage, energy ; de {bon) — , heartily, fervently ; le — groa, with a heavy heart. coin [kwe], m., corner. coincidence [koesidains], f., coin- cidence. colore [koleir], f., anger; se met- ire en — , to get angry, be angry. collation [kolosjo]^ f., collation, repast. 472 VOCABULARY. college [kolei 3], ra. , college, school. collogue [koleg], m., colleague, mate. coller [kole], to glue, paste. colline [kolin], 1, hill. colonel [kolonel], m., colonel. colonne [kolon], f., column ; — Spaisse, close column, in close marching order. colossal [kolosal], colossal, mighty. colosse [kolos], m. , colossus, giant ; chevaux — s, colossal or gigantic horses. combat [koba], m., combat, fight. combattre [kobatr], § 180, to fight, do battle. combien [kSbje], how much?, how many ? ; at what price ? ; how much, how many; — ites-vous?, how many are there of you ? ; — serez-vous de gens A table?, how many (people) will there be of you at table? ; — avez-vouspayd?, how much or what did you pay (for) ? combler [koblel, to heap up ; fill, crown, complete ; comble, full to overflowing. comique [komik], comical. commandature [komadatyir], f., headquarters (milit.). commander [komade], to com- mand, order, bid. comme [kom], as, like ; as it were, as if ; as well as ; how ; how ! ; — void, as follows ; — il faut, in fine style, exactly right, as it should be. commencement [komasma], m., beginning, commencement. commencer [komase], § 156, to begin, commence (to, d, de). comment [koma], how; how?; how !, what ! — cela ?, how is that ? ; — faire pour ne pas voler?, how is one to avoid stealing ? commode [komod], comfortable. communication [komynikosjo], f., communication. compact [kdpakt], compact, dense. compagne [kopap], f., companion; wife. compagnie [kopapi], f., company. compagnon [kopapo], m., com- panion; — t/e yo^/^gfe, travelling, companion. comparaison [koparezo], 1, com- parison. comparer [kopare], to compare. compartiment [kopartimo], m., compartment. compassion [koposjo], f., compas- sion, pity. complet [kople], m., suit (of clothes) ; complement ; itre au — , to be full. compliment [koplimr), m., com- pliment. composer [kopoze], to compose, form, arrange ; se — , to be com- posed, consist (of, de). composition [kopozisjo], f., com- position. comprendre [kopraidr], § 202, to understand, comprehend ; in- clude ; faire — , to explain. compter [kote], to count, reckon ; intend, think ; be of import- ance ; il comptait pluSy he was of more account. concentrer [kosatre], to concen- trate. concert [koseir], m., concert. Concorde [kokord], f . , concord ; place de la Concorde, name of a square in Paris. condamnation [kodanasjo], f., con- demnation, sentence. condamner [kodane], to condemn, sentence. condamn^ [kodane], m., convict. conduire [kodqiir], § 185, to con- duct, lead, guide, drive, take, convej\ confiance [kofjais], f., confidence,- trust. confiseur [kofizoeir], m., confec- tioner. confus [kofy], confused, indistinct. cong^ [kose], m., holiday; donner ' — d, to give a holiday to. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 473 conjurer [kosyre], to implore. connais [kone], 1 sg. pres. indie. coimaitre. connaissance [konesais], f., ac- quaintance ; /aire — avec, be- come acquainted with. connaissez [konese], 2 pi. pres. indie, connaitre. connaissons [koneso], 1 pi. pres. indie, connaitre. connait [kone], 3 sg. pres. indie. connaitre. connaitre [koneitr], § 188, to know, be acquainted with, un- derstand. conscience [kosja : s], f . , conscience; consciousness; conscientiousness ; je ferais — de, I should scruple to, I should think it a sin to. conseil [kSseij], m., counsel, ad- vice. conseiller [koseje], to advise, counsel. consentir [kosatiir], § 166, to con- sent. conserver [koserve], to preserve, save. consigfne [kosiji], f . , orders (milit. ), instructions. consister [kosiste], to consist. consoler [kosole], toeonsole, solace, comfort ; 86 — , to console one's self (with, de). constemer [kosteme], to astound, dismay, amaze, terrify. construire [kostrqi : r], § 185, to con- struct. conte [koit], m., story, tale ; /aire un — , tell a story. contempler [kotaple], to contem- plate, gaze on, survey. contenir [kotaniir], § 177, to con- tain. content [koto], adj., content, satis- fied, pleased, gratified, happy. contentement [kotatma], m., con- tentment, satisfaction. contenter [kotate], to satisfy. center [kote], to relate, tell. continuer [kotinqe], to continue (to, de), keep on, pursue. contraire [kotrcir], m., contrary; au — , on the contrary. centre [kotr], against, from. convaincu [k5v§ky], convinced, satisfied. convenable [kovanabl], suitable. convenir [kovaniir], § 178, to suit, become, be fitting or appro- priate. conversation [koversasj5], f., con- versation. convoitise [kovwatiiz], f., covet- ousness, envy. copie [kopi], f., copy; exercise. coq [kok], m., cock. coquin-e [kok^, kokin], rogue, wretch, scamp. corde [kord], f., cord, rope. cordon [kordS], m., cord, string; — de aounette, bell-pull, bell- rope. come [kom], f. , horn. Comeille [korneij], m., French dramatist, b. 1606, d. 1684. corps [ko:r], m., body, form. corridor [koridoir], m., corridor, passage. corsaire [korse-.r], m., privateer. costume [kostym], m., costume, dress. cote [kot], f. , coast, rib, side ; — d — , side by side. cot^ [kote], m. , side, way ; d*un — , on one side ; de V autre — , on the other side ; de ce — , on this side ; de — , to one side, aside ; du — de^ in the direction of, towards ; de son — , on his part, he too ; a — de, beside. cou [ku], m. , neck. coucher [kuje], intr., to lie, lie doAvn ; set (of the sun) ; tr. , to put to bed, lay down ; — en joucy take aim (at) ; se — , to go to bed, retire (to rest) ; Stre couchS, to be lying down. coucher [kuJe], m., setting ; — du soleil, sunset. coulee [kule], f. , running-hand. couler [kule], to flow, run, trickle. couleur [kulce:r], f., colour. 474 VOCABULARY. couleuvre [kuloejvr], 1, snake. coup [ku], m. , blow, stroke ; drink ; boire cinq ou six — 5, to take five or six drinks or draughts ; — de poing, a blow with the fist ; — de pied, a kick ; d'un seul — , at a single stroke ; tout d, — , all at once ; du — , at once, thereupon ; donner des — s de come, to hook, butt ; — de dent, bite ; donner des — s de fouet, to whip ; — de tonnerre, thunder-clap ; — de bdton, blow with a stick ; — de pistolet, pistol-shot ; de plusieurs — s, in several places. coupable [kupabl], guilty, at fault, blameworthy. coupe [kup], f. , cup, wine-cup. coupe-gorge [kup gors], m., a cut-throat place, a nest of swindlers. couper [kupe], to cut. cour[ku:r], f., court ; yard, court- yard ; /aire la — , pay court ; gens de la — , courtiers. courage [kurais], m., courage. courageux [kura30], brave. couramment [kurama], fluently. courber [kurbe], to bend, bow. coureur [kuroeir], m., runner; — de grands chemins, tramp, va- grant. courir [kuri: r], § 164, to run (about); hasten ; hunt after ; — les nids, to hunt after birds' nests, go birds' nesting. couronne [kuron], f. , crown ; wreath. couronner [kurone], to crown, wreathe. course [kurs], f., course, tour, walk, round ; faire une — , take a walk, make a round ; prendre sa — , to take one's way. court [kuir], short (adj.); short (adv. ) ; de trap — , too short, too tightly. court [kuir], 3 sg. pres. indie. courir. courtisan [kurtiza], m., courtier. couru [kury], p.p. courir. courus [ kury ], 1 sg. past det courir. courut [kury], 3 sg. past def. courir. cousin-e [kuze, kuzin], cousin, couteau [kuto], m., knife, couter [kute], to cost. coutume [kutym], f., custom, habit, couturifere [kutyrje:r], f., dress- maker. couver [kuve], to brood, hatch ; couvant de I'osil, wistfully eying, gazing at. couvert [kuve:r], p. p. couvriTf covered ; cloudy, overcast j with one's hat on. couvrir [kuvriir], § 176, to cover; se — , cover one's self, be covered. craindre [kreidr], § 190, to fear, be afraid of. craie [kre], f., chalk, crainte [kre it], f., fear. cravate [kravat], f., neckcloth, crayon [krejo], m., pencil, creature [kreatyir], f., creature. Crete [kre:t], f., crest, summit, creuser [kr0ze], to dig. creux [kr0], hollow ; cJiemin — , deep-cut road. crfeve-coeur [krev koe : r], m. , heart- break, grief, crever [krave], § 158, to burst; die, perish. en [kri], m., cry, shout, outcry, cribler [krible], to sift ; riddle, crier [krie], to cry (out), shout, call (out), exclaim, crin [krs], m., hair (of the mane and tail of the horse, etc, ) ; crins, pi. , hair, mane ; plume (of a helmet). crista! [kristal], m., crystal. croire [krwair], § 191, to believe ; think ; se — , to believe or think one's self ; /aire — d, to make (one) believe in. croiser [krwaze], to oross, come across, meet. croitre [krwa:tr], § 192, to grow, increase. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 475 crosse [kros], f . ; — de fusily butt (-end) of a gun or musket. crouler [krule], to crumble, go to ruin, sink to ruin. croupe [krup], f., croup, rump, croyant [ krwajd ], pres. part. croire ; — , m. , believer. croyez [krwaje], 2 pi. pres. indie. croire. croyons [krwajo], 1 pi. indie, or impve. croire. cms [kry], 1 sg. past def. croire. cmt [kry], 3 sg. past def. croire. cueillir [koejiir], § 165, to pick, pluck, gather. cuiller [kyjeir], f,, spoon, cuir [kqiir], m,, leather. cuirasse [ kqiras ], f., cuirass, breast -plate, cuirassier [kqirasje], m. , cuirassier, cuisinier [kqizinje], m., cook, cuisinifere [kqizinjeir], f., cook, cuisse [ kqis ], f., thigh; leg, "drum-stick." cuivre [kqiivr], m., copper, brass ; d pleins — «, as loud as the band could play, culminant [kylmina], culminating, curieux [kyrj0], curious, odd. curiosite [kyrjozite], f., curiosity, cytise [siti:z], m., cytisus, bean- trefoil, laburnum. dame [dam], f. , lady. dangereux [da3r0], dangerous, danois [danwa], Danish. dans [da], in, within, to, into, at, on, among, between; — le temps, at the time. danse [dais], f., dance ; erUrer en — , to begin to play. danser [dose], to dance. date [dat], f., date ; de longue — , long before. Daudet [dode], Alphonse Daudet, French novelist, b. at Niraes, 1840, d. 1897. dayantage [davatais], more; le docteur pas — , nor the doctor either. de [da], of, from, out of, for, with, in, on, by, at, to; h infin., to, at, for, in, etc. d6barbouiller [debarbuje],toclean, wash (the face). debarrasser [debarase], to dis- encumber, rid ; se — , to free one's self, get rid (of, de). d^battre (se) [ss debatr], § 180, to struggle. deborder [deborde], to overflow, run over. d^boucher [debuje], to come out (on, sur), debouch. debout [dobu], adv., upright, standing. decapiter [dekapite], to behead. decembre [desaibr], m., Decem- ber. dechirer [dejire], to tear (asunder), rend." decide [deside], decided. decider [deside], to decide, deter- mine ; fie — , to decide, resolve, make up one's mind. declarer [deklare], to declare. decourager [dekuraje], § 156, to discourage ; se — , to be discour- aged, give up (intr. ). d^couvnr [dekuvriir], § 176, to discover ; take ofl the hat. dedaigner [dedejie], to disdain. dedans [dado], adv., within, in- side ; in it, into it ; le — , les — , n. m., the inside, interior; en — , inside. d^fendre [defaidr], § 210, to de- fend, protect (from, de) ; forbid ; se — , to defend one's self. defense [defa:s], f., defense, pro- tection. d^fenseur [def a s* : r], m. , defender, guardian. d^fier [defje], to defy, challenge ; je vous en ddjie, I dare, defy, you to do it ; se — de, to mis- trust, distrust. d^gouter [degute], to disgust. degradation [degradosjo], f., de- gradation. degr^ [dagre], m., step; degree. 476 VOCABULARY. degfuster [degyste], to taste, enjoy the taste of. d6jk [desa], already; ddjdb /, so soon ! dejeuner [de 3 0ne], ra., breakfast; lunch ; — du matin or premier — , breakfast (i.e., the first meal of the day) ; — d lafourchette or second — , luncheon, lunch. dejeuner [de30ne], to breakfast, lunch. delk [dala], beyond ; par — , further (than), beyond. delaisser [delese], to abandon, de- sert, forsake. d^licatesse [delikates], f . , delicacy, consideration. demain [dams], m. , to-morrow, demande [damaid], f., demand, request. demander [damade], to ask, ask for ; — d, to ask of, from (indir. obj. ), ask ; — d + infin. , to ask to ; 86 — , to ask one's self, wonder, demener (se) [sa demne], § 158, to struggle. dementi [demati], m., contradic- tion ; il ne voulait pas en avoir le — , he was determined not to be beaten. demeurer [damoere], to live, dwell, reside ; remain, be. demi [dami], half ; A — , half, demi-heure [dami oeir], f., half an hour, demi-obscurit^ [dami opskyrite], f., half darkness, faint light, feeble light, d^montrer [demotre], to show, prove, denier [danje], m., denarius (obs.), penny. d6noncer [denose], § 156, to de- nounce. dent [da], f., tooth; coup de — , bite. dentel6 [datle], denticulated, notched (said of leaves). dentelle [datel], f., lace, dentiste [datist], m., dentist, depart [depair], m., departure. d^pecher (se) [sa depeje], to make haste, hurry ; ne te d^pSche pas tant, do not be in such a hurry. d^pendance [depadais], f., de- pendence, territory. dependre [depaidr], § 210, to de- pend (upon, de), depenser [depose], to spend, ex- pend. deployer (se) [sa deplwaje], § 157, to deploy (milit.). depouiller [depuje], to strip, de- spoil, deprive. depuis [dapqi], since ; from ; — deux ans, for two years back, for the last two years ; — ^we, since ; — quand .?, since when ?, how long ? d^put^ [depyte], m. , deputy, mem- ber of parliament. deraciner [derasine], to uproot. deranger [derase], § 156, to de- range ; se — , to trouble one's self. dernier [demje], latter, last, finaL derriere [derjeir], behind (prep.) : behind, at the back (adv. ) ; de — , hind (adj.). des [de], contr. of de + les. d^s [de], from (dating from), not later than ; — demain^ beginning to-morrow ; — que, as soon as, from the very moment that ; — le mime jour, on the (very same) day ; — le point du jour, at daybreak. d^sagreable [ dezagreabl ], dis- agreeable, unpleasant. desarmer [dezarme], to disarm ; desarm^, unprotected, helpless. descendre[de8aidr], §210, to de- scend, come or go down ; go down (stairs). descente [desait], f., descent. desenchantement [ deza \q tma ], m. , disenchantment, disappoint- ment. desert [dezeir], m., desert. desesperance [ dezesperd : s ], f. , despair. d^sesp^rer [dezespere], § 158, to despair. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 477 atist, b. 1622, d. 1673. molle [mol], f. of mou. moment [moma], m., moment; du — oil, since ; au — oil, when, at the moment when. mon, ma, mes [m5, ma, me], my. monde [mojd], m., world, people ; tout le — , everybody. monnaie [mone], f. , coin, money. monosyllabe [monosilab], m., mo- nosyllable. monotone [monoton], monotonous. monsieur [masj0], m., sir, gentle- man, the gentleman, my lord, Mr. monstre [moistr], m,, monster. mont [mo], m., mountain. montagne [motap], f., mountain. monter [mote], to mount, go up, ascend, rise, get into (of vehicles). montre [mo:tr], f., watch. Montreal [moreal], m., Montreal. montrer [motre], to show ; se — , to show one's self. monture [motyir], f., beast (for riding). monument [monyma], m., monu- ment. 494 VOCABULARY. moquer (se) [sa moke], to laugh at, make sport of, despise. moral [moral], moral. morale [moral], f. , moral. morceau [morso], m., bit, piece. mordre [mordr], § 210, to bite, eat away. mort [mo:r], f., death. mort [moir], p. part, mourir, dead ; le — , the dead one. mortel [mortel], deadly. Moskowa, Moskwa [moskova, moskva], f. , river on which JVIos- cow is built. mot [mo], m., word. mou [mu], soft. mouche [muj], f., fly. moucheron [raujro], m., gnat. mouchoir [mujwair], m., hand- kerchief. moujik [musik], m., Russian peas- ant, labourer. moulin [mule], m., mill. mourant [mura], m. , dying person. mourir [muriir], § 174, to die, perish ; il est mort, he died ; — defaim, to die with hunger, starve (to death). mousquetaire [ muskoteir ], m., musketeer, guardsman. mousqueterie [musketri], f., mus- ketry. moustache [mustaj], f . , moustache. moUvement [muvma], m., move- ment ; premier — , first impulse. mouvoir [muvwair], §219, to move. moyen [mwaje], m., means, way ; le — de le /aire ?, how shall we doit? muet [mqe], mute, dumb. mugir [my si I r], to bellow. mugiiet [myge], m., lily of the valley. multiplier [myltiplie], to multiply. mur [myir], m., wall. mur [myir], ripe. muraille [myra:j], f., wall. Murat [ myra ], famous general under Napoleon, born 1771, ex- ecuted Oct. 13th, 1815. mtirir [myriir], to ripen. murmure [myrmyir], m., murmur. musique [myzik], r., music, band (military). Musset (de) [da myse], French poet, b. 1810, d. 1857. mutuellement [mytqelma], mutu- ally. myope [mjop], short-sighted. myst^rieux [misterj0], mysterious. N. naissance [nesais], f., birth. naitre [neitr], § 200, to be bom; il est nd, he was born. Napoleon [ napoleo ], Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), born in Corsica, became Emperor of the French, 1804, died in St. Helena. nappe [nap], f., table-cloth. narme [narin], 1, nostril. national [nasjonal], national. nature [natyir], f., nature. naturel [natyrel], natural. naturel [natyrel], m. , nature, tem- per. naturellement [natjnrelma], natur- ally. Navarre [navair], f., ancient king- dom in the south of France. navet [nave], m. , turnip. navire [navi:r], m., ship. ne [na], no, not ; ne , . . pas, no, not ; ne . . . ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor ; ne . . . rien, nothing ; ne ... que, only ; untranslated after comparatives. n€ [ne], p. part, naitre. n^anmoins [nea m w£ ] , nevertheless. n^cessaire [neseseir], necessary. necessity [nesesite], i, necessity. nectar [nekta:r], m., nectar. neige [neis], f., snow. nettoyer [netwaje], § 157, to clean. neuf [noef ], nine. neuf fnoef], new. neuvieme [noevjem], ninth. neveu [nav0], m. , nephew, descend- ant. Ney [ne], a very distinguished gen- eral under Napoleon, born 1769, executed December 7th, 1816. FRENCH-ENGLISH. nez [ne], m. , nose ; se rire au — , to laugh at one's self ; /aire (envoyer) un pied de — d, to put one's fingers to one's nose at, to make grimaces at, to laugh at. ni [ni], neither, nor ; ne . . . ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor. niaiscrie [njezri], f., nonsense. nid [ni], m., nest. Noel [noel], m. or f. , Christmas ; le jour de — , Christmas day. noir [nwa:r], black, dark. noisette [nwazet], f., hazel-nut. nom [n5m], m., name. nombre [no:br], m., number. nombreux [n5br0], numerous. nommer [nome], to name, call, appoint ; ae — , to be named, called. Don [no], no, not ; ni moi — plus, nor I either ; les miens n'ont que moi — plu^, mine also have no one but me ; — pas que, not that. nord [noir], m., north. nos [no], pi. of notre. noss [nos], Russian for • nose.' notaire [note:r], m., notary. notre, nos [notr, no], our. notre (le) [la no:tr], ours. Notre- Dame [notr dam], f. , church in Paris. nourrir [nuriir], to nourish, feed, bring up. Qourriture [nurity:r], f., food, nurture. nous [nu], we, us, to us. nouveau [nuvol, new ; de — , again. nouveaut^ [nuvote], f. , novelty ; magasin de nouveauUs, dry-goods store. Nouvelle-Cal^donie [nuvel kale- doni], f.,^ New Caledonia, a French penal settlement. Nouvelle-Orl^ans [nuvel orlea], f . , New Orleans. nouvelles [nuvel], f. plu., news. nouvellement [nuvelma], newly. novembre[nova : br],m. , November. noyer [nwaje], m. , walnut-tree. noyer [nwaje], § 157, to drown; noyd de brume, hidden in mist ; se — , to drown, nu [ny], naked, bare, nuage [nijais], m., cloud, nuit [nqi], f . , night ; cette — , last night. nul [nj^l], no, no one. num^rique [nymerikj, numericaL ob^lisque [obelisk], m. , obelisk. objecter [obsekte], to object. objet [obse], m., object. obligeance [oblisais], f., kindness. obliger [oblige], § 156, to force; voics nous obligerez de, you will oblige us by. obscurity [opskyrite], f., dark- ness. obs^der [opsede], § 158, to beset. observe! [opserve], to observe; faire — d, to observe to. obstacle [opstakl], m. , obstacle. obtenir [optoniir], § 177, to obtain. occasion [okazjo], f., opportunity. occuper [okypej, to occupy. ceil, pi. yeux [ceij, j0], m., eye. ceillet [oeje], m., pink, carnation. office [ofis], m., ofl&ce, duty. officier [ofisje], m. , officer. ofifrir [ofriir], § 176, to offer. og:re[ogr], m., ogre. oh I [o], oh ! oie [wa], f., goose. oignon [ojio], m., onion. oisean [wazo], m., bird. Olympe [olf:p], m., Olympus. ombre [o:br], f., shade, shadow, obscurity ; d V — {de), under or in the shadow (of). on [o], one, they, we, you, people, some one. oncle [o:kl], m., uncle. ondoyer [odwaje], § 157, to undu- late, float. onduler [odyle], to undulate. ont [o], 3 pi. pres. indie, avoir. onze [o:z], eleven. opinion [opinjo], f., opinion. oppression [opresjo], f . , oppressioa or [o:r], m., gold; d' — , gold(en). 496 VOCABULARY. or [oir], now, but ; — fd, come now. orage [orais], m., storm. orageux [oras^l, stormy, agitated. orateur [oratoeir], m., orator. ordinaire [ ordine : r ], ordinary ; d' — , usually. ordinairement [ordinerma], or- dinarily. ordinal [ordinal], ordinal. ordonnance [ordona i s], f . ,prescrip- tion. ordonner [ordone], to order, pre- scribe. ordre [ordr], ra., order. Oreille [ore:j], f., ear. orgie[or3i], f., orgy. orgueil [orgoeij], m., pride. origine [oris in], f., origin. orme [orm], m., elm. orner [ome], to adorn, decorate. orphelin [orfalf], m. , orphan. orphique [orfik], Orphic. ortolan [ortola], m., ortolan. oser [oze], to dare. oter [ote], to take oflf, take out, remove. OU [u], or ; ou. . .ou, either. . .or ; — bieii, or. Oii [u], where, when, in which, on which ; d' — , whence, from which, on which. oublier [ublie], to forget. ouest [west], m., west. oui [wi], yes. outre [utr], beyond ; en — , in ad- dition ; passer — , to pass by without noticing. ouvert [uveir], p. part, ouvrir, oi)en. ouvrage [uvrais], m., work. ouvre [ u:vr ], 3 sg. pres. indie. ouvrir. ouvrir [uvri:r], § 176, to open; «' — , to open. P. page[pa:3], m., page, page [pais], f., page. paille [paij], f., straw; cmpeau de — , straw liat. pain [pej m., bread. paire [peir], f., pair. paix [pe], f. , peace. palais [pale], m., palace, building} — de justice, court-house. p41e [pa:l], pale. pMir [poliir], to grow pale. puissant [palisaj, turning pale, waning. palme [palm], f., palm; — s aca- ddmiques (p. 421), wreath of palm leaves used as an orna- mental design on the certifi- cates granted to prize-winners at school. papier [papje], m., paper. Fdques [pa :k], m. , Easter ; lundi de — , Easter Monday. par [par], by, through ; — oil, by what place, by which, through which ; — exemple, for example, (interj. ) dear me ! ; — ma foi, upon my word ; — deld, beyond j — une nuit, on a night ; — Zd, by that place. parafe [paraf], m., paraph, flourish (added to one's signature). paraitre [pareitr], § 188, to appear. d ce qu'il paratt, paraU-il, as it appears, parce que [pars ka], because, par-ci par-Ik [par si par la], here and there. par-dessus- [par dasy], above, higher than, over ; — (le) bord^ overboard, pardon [pardo], m. , pardon ; excuse me, I beg your pardon, pareil [parei j], like, similar, equal. parent [para], m., parent, relative, parfaitement [ parfetma ], com- pletely, parfum [parfde], m., perfume. parfum6 [ parfyme '\^ perfumed, sweet. parier [parje], to wager, bet. Paris [pari], m., Paris, parisien [parizje], Parisian, parier [parle], to speak, talk; — ' fran^ais, to speak French, parmi [parmi], amongst. parole [parol], f., word. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 497 paroxysme[paroksism],m. , climax, part [pair], f., part, share; de sa — , from him ; nulle — , no- where. partage [partais], m., share, partager [partake], § 156, to share ; give a share to ; etre 7»alpartag^, to have a bad share. parlance [partais], f., setting sail; en — , on the point of sailing. parterre [parte ir], m., parterre, pit (theatre). participe [partisip], m. , participle, particulier [partikyljej, m., private individual, particulierement [partikyljerma], especially. partie [parti], f., part. partir [parti :r], § 166, to leave, depart, go away, be off, start ; d — de, from, beginning with. partout [partu], everywhere, parut [pary], 3 sg. p. det. paraitre. parvenir [parvaniir], § 178, to arrive, succeed. pas [pa], m., step, pace, footstep. pas [pa], no, not ; ne . . . — , no, not ; — un (we), not one ; ■ — de, no, not, none ; non — , not ; rCest ce — ?, shall we not ? ; etc. , etc. passage [pasais], m., passage, crossing. passant [pasa], m. , passer-by. passe [pais], f., pass, channel. pass^ [pase], past, gone, over, last, passer [pose], to pass, pass on, go by, put on ; spend (time) ; il passa sa langue sur, he ran his tongue over ; — devant, to pass, go past ; — chez, to call on ; se — , to take place, happen ; ae — de, to do without. passereau [pasro], m., sparrow, passion [pasjo], f., passion, pasteur [pastceir], m., pastor. p&t6 [pate], m., pastry, pie; chair d, — , mince-meat, patience [pasjais], f., patience, patiner [patine], to skate. p4tir [potiir], to suffer. patois [patwa], m., dialect. patrie [patri], f., native land. patrimoine [patrimwan], m., in- heritance. patriotique [patriotik], patriotic. patte [pat], f., paw, foot; — s de dei-riere, hind-feet ; — s de devant, fore -feet ; — de dindon, turkey's foot. pauvre [poivr], poor, paltry. pauvrette [povret], f., poor crea- ture. pav^ [pave], m., pavement. payer [peje], § 157, to pay, pay for. pays [pei], m., country, locality. paysan [peiza], m., peasant. peau [po], f. , skin. p^cai're 1 [pekaiir], dear, dear I pecher [peJe], to fish ; alter — , to go fishing. peigne [peji], m., comb. peindre [peidr], § 190, to paint. peine [pe:n], f., pain, difficulty, trouble, sorrow ; d — , hardly ; ce n'eat pas la — , it is not worth while ; /aire de la — d, to pain. peinture[pe ty I r], f . ,paint, pai nting. pele-mele [pel mel], pell-mell; m., confusion. pencher [pa[e], to incline, bend. pendant [pa da], during ; — que, whilst. pendre [paidr], § 210, to hang. pens^e [pase], f., thought. penser [pase], to think ; vous pensez si, imagine whether ; — d, to think of. pensionnaire [pasjoneir], m. and f., boarder. ?ente [pa:t], f., slope. 'entecote [patkoit], f., Whitsun- tide ; lundi de la — , Whit- Monday, Whitsun Monday. percer [perse], § 156, to pierce. percher [perje], to perch. perdre [perdr], § 210, to lose, ruin. perdreau [perdro], m., young par- tridge. perdrix [perdri], f., partridge. pere [pe:r], m., father. p^ril [peril], m. , peril. 498 VOCABULARY. p^riode [perjod], f., period, sen- tence. p^rir [periir], to perish. perle [perl], f., pearl. permettre [permetr], § 198, to per- mit ; se — , to take the liberty ; permis, permitted. permission [permisjo], f., permis- sion. Perrault [pero], French writer, b. 1628, d. 1703. personnage [personals], m., per- sonage, character. personne [person], f . , person ; pi. people. personne [person], m., anybody, nobody ; ne. . . — , not any one, no one, nobody. personnel [personel], personal. perspective [perspektiiv], f., pros- pect. perte [pert], f. , loss. pesant [paza], hea-vy. pesanteur [pazotoeir], f., weight. peser [paze], § 158, to weigh, be heavy, oppress. petit [pati], small, little ; m., little one, voung one. petit-fils [pati fis], m. , grandson. peu [p0], m. , little ; also as ad- verb, little ; — d, — , little by little ; dis-moi un — , tell me now ; si — de chose, so little.- peuple [poepl], m., people, nation. peur [poeir], 1, fear ; lui faire — , to frighten him ; avoir — , to be afraid ; avoir grand! — , to be in great fear; de — gttc.wc, for fear lest. peut [p0], 3 sg. pres. indie, povir voir. peut-etre (que) [p0t eitr ka], pei- philanthropie [filatropi], f., phil- anthropy. phrase [fro iz], f. , phrase, sentence. pic [pik], m., peak ; d — , perpen- dicular. pied [pje], m., foot ; A — , on foot ; de — en cap, from head to foot. pierre [pjeir], f., stone. pietinement [pjetinma], m. , stamp- ing. pieu [pj0], m., stake. pieusement [pj0zma], piously. pigeon [piso], m., pigeon. pigeonneau [pisono], m., young pigeon. pile [pil], f., pile. piler [pil e] , to pound (as in a mortar). pipe [pip], f., pipe. pique-nique [pik nik], m., picnic. pistolet [pistole], m. , pistol ; — d'arqon, holster-pistol ; tirer un coup de — , to fire a pistol. pitchou [pitju], dialectal for petit. pitie [pitje], f., pity. place [plas], f . , place, post, square, seat, room, position. plaidoyer[pleawaje], m., pleading. plaie [pie], f., wound. piaindre [pleidr], § 190, to pity; se — , to complain. plaine [ple:n], f., plain. plaire [ple:r], § 201, to please ; s'il vous plaity s'U te plait, if you please. plaisanterie [plezatri], f., pleas- antry, joke. plaisir [pleziir], m. , pleasure ; /aire — , to give pleasure. plan [pla], m., plan. plancher [pla [e], m. , floor. plante [plait], f., plant. planter [plate], to plant. plat [pla], flat. plateau [plato], m. , plateau, upland. plein [pie], full ; en — aiit, in the open air. pl^thore [pletoir], f., plethora. pleurer [ploere], to weep. pleuvoir [ploevwair], § 220, to rain, come thick. plier [plie], to bend. plisser [plise], to plait. plonger [plose], § 156, to plunge, dive, dip. ployer [plwaje], § 157, to bend. plu [ply], p. part, pleuvoir. pluie [plt|i], f . , rain. plume [plym], f., feather, pen. plumet [plyme], m., plume. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 499 plus [ply], more ; — de, more, no more,' le — , the more, the most ; — de (with numerals), more than ; we . . , — , no more, no longer ; d'autant — que, the more so as ; de — , additional ; fCStre — que, to be no longer anything but; ne. . .pas non — , not . . . either. plusieurs [plyzjcE : r], several, many. plutot [pl3i;o], rather. poche [poj], f., pocket. poele [pwa:l], m., stove. po^te [poest], m., poet. poids [pwa], m., weight. poig^le [pwajie], f., handful. poll [pwal], m. , hair. poing [pwe], m. , fist ; «« hattre d coups de — , to box with one another. point [pwf], m, , point ; itre sur le . — a«, to be at the point of; — du jour, daybreak. point [pw?], no, not; ne... — de, not any, no. pointe [pwe It], f., point; mr la — des pieds, on tiptoe. poire [pwair], f., pear. poirier [pwarje], m., pear-tree. pois [pwa], m., pea. poitrail [pwatra:j], m., breast (of horse). poitrine [pwatrin], f., breast, lungs. polir [poli:r], to polish. polype [polip], m., polyp. pomme [pom], f. , apple ; — de terre, potato. pommier [pomje], m., apple-tree. pompier [popje], m., fireman. pont [po], m., bridge. pont-levis [po Ivi], m., draw- bridge. Pont-Neuf [p5 noef], m., bridge over the Seine in Paris. populaire [popyleir], popular. port[poir], m., port. portail [porta :j], m., portal. porte [port], f. , door, gate ; — d — , next door. porte-plume [port plym], m. , pen- holder. porter [porte], to bear, carry, take, wear, put ; se — {bien), to be (well) ; bien portant, in good health, well ; comment vous portez'vous ?, how are you ? portifere [portjeir], f., coach-door. pose [poze], staid, sober. poser [poze], to place, lay, set. posseder [posede], § 158, to possess, own. possession [posesjo], f. , possession. possible [posibl], possible. pot [po], m. , pot. potage [potais], m., soup; grands — s, first-rate soups. poularde [pulard], f., fat pullet. poulet [pule], m., chicken. poumon [pumo], m., lung. pour [pur], for, in order to, to; — que, in order that ; — ainai dire, so to speak. pourboire [purbwa : r], m. , gratuity, •tip.' pourpre [purpr], m. , purple. pourquoi [purkwa], why ; c^est — , therefore, so, hence, that is why. pourrai [pure], 1 sg. int., pouvoir. poursuivre [pursqiivr], §206, to pursue, continue. pourtant [purta] however, still. pourvoir [purvwa:r], § 224, to provide. pourvu que [purvy ko], provided that, I hope that. pousser [puse], to push, grow. poussi^re [pusjeir], f., dust. Pouvillon (Emile) [emil puvij3], French writer, b. 1840. pouvoir [puvwair], § 221, to be able, can, may ; il se pent, it may be ; il ne se peut rien, no- thing can be ; on pourrait dire, one might say. pouvoir [puvwair], m., power. pr^ [pre], m., meadow. pr^cepte [presept], m., precept. pr^cieux [presjji^], precious, valu- able. 600 VOCABULARY. precipiter (se) [sa preaipite], to rush, dart, hasten, precis [presi], precise, exact. precision [presizjo], f., precision, predicateur [ predikatce : r j, m. , preacher. preferer [prefere], § 158, to prefer, prejudiciable [presydisjabl], pre- judicial. premier [promje], first, former; marcher le —, to walk ahead. prendre [praidr], §202, to take, catch, assume, seize, suppose, reckon ; — exemple sur quelqu'un, to take example by any one. preparer [prepare], to prepare ; se — , to be prepared. pres [pre], near by ; — de, near, nearly ; d peu — , almost, nearly, present [preza], m., present; d, — , now. presenter [preza te], to present ; se — , to present one's self. presque [presk], nearly, hardly, almost. presse [prese], in haste. presser [prese], to press ; se — , to be in haste. pret [pre], ready, pretendre [pretaidr], § 210, to claim, assert. preter [prete], to lend, pretre [pre:tr], m., priest, preuve [proeiv], f., proof, prevenir [ prevniir ], § 178, to warn. pr^voir [prevwair], § 224, to fore- see. prier [prie], to pray, pray to, beg, ask ; je t'en prie, I beg of you. pri^re [prieir], f., prayer, request. prince [preis], m., prince, princesse [prsses], f., princess. principal [presipal], adj. and n. m., principal, prmcipe [presip], m. , principle, printemps [preta], m., spring; au — , in spring. pris [pri], 1 sg. p. def. and p. part. prendre, prit [pri], 3 sg. p. def. prendre. prise [pri:z], f., taking, capture. prison [prizo], 1, prison. prive [prive], private. prix [pri], m. , price, prize. probablement [probablama], prob- ably. prochain [proje], next. prochain [projej, m., neighbour, fellow-creature. procurer (se) [sa prokyre], to pro- cure. procureur [prokyroeir], m., soli- citor. prodige [prodiis], m., miracle, prodigy. produire [prodqiir], § 185, to pro- duce. professeur [profesoeir], m., pro- fessor, teacher. profession [profesjo], f. , profession, calling. profiler [profite], to profit, avail one's self. profond [prof 5], profound, deep ; — de deux toises, two fathoms deep. proie [prwo], f., prey. projectile[pro3ektil],m. .projectile. promenade [promnad], f., walk, walking, drive ; alter d la — , to go for a walk. promener [promne], § 158, to carry about, drive about ; se — d pied {en voiture, en bateau, etc.), to take a walk (go for a drive, go for a sail, etc. ) ; se — en bicy- clette, to ride a bicycle. propos [propo], m., discourse, pur- pose ; d — , seasonable, fit ; by the way ; d — de, with respect to. proposer [propoze], to propose. proteg"er[prote3e], §156, to protect. proverbe [proverb], m., proverb. providence [provida is], f.. Provi- dence. prudence [prydais], f., prudence. prudent [pryda], prudent. prune [pryn], f. , plum. prunier[prynje], m,, plum-tree. Prusse [prys], f., Prussia. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 501 pnissien [prysje], m., Prussian. pu [py], p. part, pouvoir. public [pyblik], public. pueril [pqeril], puerile, childish. puerilite [pnerilite], f., childish- ness. puis [pqi], 1 sg. pres. indie, pou- voir. puis [pqi], then. puissance [pqisais], f., power, force. puissant [pqisa], powertuL puits [pqi], m., well. punir [pyniir], to punish. punition [pynisjo], f., punishment. pupitre [pypitr], m., desk. pur [pyir], pure. put [py], 3 sg. p. def. pouvoir. Q. quai [ke], m. , quay. quality [kalite], f. , quality, rank. quand [ka], when ; depuis — .'', how long ? quant k [kat a], as to, as for. quarante [karait], forty. quart [ka:r], m., quarter. quatre [katr], four. quatre-ving^ts [katr vf], eighty ; quatre-vingt-dix-aeptt ninety- seven. que [ka], pron., whom, which, that, what ; qu'est-ce qui ?, what ? ; qu^est-ce — c^est — .'', what is ? ; ce — , that which, what, which ; qu'est-ce qu'il ya?y what is there ? ; qvHas-tu ?, what is the matter with you ? ; <^tst Id — , it is there that, that is where. que [kd], conj., that, used as a substitute for other conjunc- tions like tandis — , lorsque, quand, hi, etc. ; when, than, as, till, let (with subjunctive). que [ka], adv., how, how many, how much, what (a) ; ne. . .—, only, but; ne...rien — , no- thing but ; qu'elle est jolie !, how pretty she is ! ; — cda est bien aU I, how well said that is ! Quebec [kebsk], m., Quebec, quel [kel], what, which : who. quelconque [kelkoik], whatever, quelque [kelka], " some, few ; — chose, something, quelquefois [kelkafwa], sometimes. quelqu'un, quelques-uns [kelk dfe, kelkaz ce], some one, some. querir [kari:r], § 162, to fetch ; aller — , to go and bring, question [kestjo], f., question, quete [ke:t], f., collection. qui [ki], who, which, that, whom; A — , whose ; ce — , what, quinze [kfiz], fifteen, quittance [kitais], f., receipt, quitter [kite], to quit, leave, lay aside. quoi [kwa], what ; d — hon, what use ; en — ?, of what (material) ? quoique [kwaka], although. R. race [ras], f. , race, breed, raconter [rakote], to relate, telL rade [rad], f. , roadstead. raison [rezo], f., reason, sense; avoir — , to be (in the) right. ralentir [ralotiir], to slacken. ramasser [rama !se], to pick up. ramener [ramne], § 158, to bring back, bring home again. rang* [ra], m., row, rank. rang6e [rase], 1, row. ranger [rose], § 156, to range, put in place, rapide [rapid], swift. rappeler (se) [sa raple], § 158, to remember. rapporter [raporte], to bring back ; produce, yield, rare [ra:r], rare, scanty. rassasier [rasazjo], to satiate, sat- isfy. rassembler [rasoble], to assemble, rat [ra], m., rat. rattraper [ratrape], to overtake, ravi [ravi], charmed, delighted, ravin [rav?], m., ravine, raviser (se) [sa ravize], to change one's mini 602 VOCABULARY. ravissement [ravisma],m. ,rapture, delight. rayon [rejo], m., ray. r^alite [realite], f. , reality. recevoir [rasavwair], § 213, to receive. r^cidive [residiiv], f., repetition of an offence. r^cit [resi], m., story. reciter [resite], to recite. recommencer [rakomase], § 156, to begin again. recompense [rekopais], f., recom- pense. r^compenser [rekopase], to recom- pense, reward, reconnaissance [rakonesais], f., gratitude. reconnaitre [rakoneitr], § 188, to recognize. reconnu [rakony], recognized. recourber [rakurbe], to bend round. reconvert [rakuveir], p. part. recouvrir. recouvrir [rakuvriir], § 176, to cover, cover again. recueillir [rakoejiir], § 165, to gather. reculer [rakyle], to fall back, re^ut [rasy], 3 sg. p. def. recevoir. redingote [radegot], f., frock-coat, overcoat. redoubler [raduble], to redouble, increase. redoutable [radutabl], formidable, terrible. redoute [rodut], f., redoubt. redresser (se) [sa radrese], to stand erect again. r^el [reel], real, refermer (se) [sa raferme], to close again. r^flechir [refleji:r], to reflect. reflexion [refleksjo], f., reflection, refus [rafy], m. , refusal. refuser [rafyze], to refuse. regard [ragair], m., look, glance, eye. regarderfrogarde], to look at, look. r^gle [reigl], f., rule, ruler. regler [regie], § 158, to regulate, arrange. regne [reji], m., reign. regner [repe], § 158, to reign, rule. regret [ragre], m. , regret. regretter [ragrete], to regret. rep^ulier [regylje], regular. Regulus [regylys], m., Regulus. reine[re:n], f., queen. reins [rs], m. pi. , loins, back. rejeter [rajte], § 158, to throw- back ; se — , to be thrown back. rejoindre [rasweidr], § 190, to re- join. rejouir(se) [sa reswiir], to rejoice, be glad. relever [ralve], § 158, to heighten, raise, lift up. religieusement [ralisj^zma], reli- giously. religieux [rali3J0], religious. reluire [ralqiir], § 185, to shine, glitter. remarquer [ramarke], to remark, notice. remercier [ramersje], to thank. remettre [rametr], § 198, to re- store, put off", put back, put on again ; se — , to recover, begin again ; remis, recovered ; se — €71 route, to set out again. remplir [rapliir], to fill. remporter [ra parte], to take away. remue-m^nage [ramy mena 1 3 ], m. , hubbub. remuer [ramt^e], to move, stir. Renaude [ranod], f . , proper name. rencontre [rako I tr], f,, meeting; aller d leur — , to go to meet them. rencontrer [rakotre], to meet. rendre [raidr], § 210, to render, give back, make ; se — . to go, proceed ; surrender. rentrer [ratre], to retimi, return home. reparaitre [rapareitr], § 188, to reappear. repas [rapa], m., meal, repasser [rapcse], to repass, pass FRENCH-ENGLISH. 503 repfecher [ropefe], to fish up again. r^peter [repete], § 158, to repeat. repliquer [replike], to reply. repondre [repoidr], § 210, to answer. r^ponse [repois], f., reply. repos [rapo], m., repose, peace. reposer [rapoze], to repose, rest ; 86 — , to rest ; 86 — svr, to depend on. reprendre [raprfiidr], § 202, to take again, reply ; — haleim, to recover one's breath. representer [raprezatej, to repre- sent. reprit [rapri], 3 sg. p. def. repren- dre. reproche [raproj], m., reproach. reprocher [raproje], to reproach. requisition [rekizisjo], f., requisi- tion, levying. r^server [rezerve], to reserve. resistance [rezista:s], f., resist- ance. r^sister [reziste], to resist. respect [respe], m., respect. respecter [respekte], to respect. respectueusement [ respektq^z- ma], respectfully. respectueux [resp£ktq0], respect- ful. ressembler [ rasoble ] ; — d, to resemble. restaurant [restora], m., res- taurant. reste [rest], m., rest, remainder; du — , au reste^ besides, more- over. Tester [reste], to remain, stay ; en — Id, to stop there, get no further. retard [ratasr], m., delay ; Stre en — , to be late. retarder [ratarde], to delay. retenir [ratniir], § 177, to keep back, restrain. retirer [ratire], to pull out ; se — , to retire. retour [ratuir], m., return ; Stre de — , to have returned, be back. retoumer [ratume], to go back, return, turn up, turn over j se — , to turn round. retraite [ratret], f. , retreat. retrouver [ratruve], to find again ; se — , to be met with again. reussir [reysiir], to succeed. reve [re:v], m., dream. reveiller [reveje], to wak«n ; se — , to waken. reveler [revele], § 158, to reveal. revenir [ravni:r], § 178, to come back ; revenu, (having) returned. rever [reve], to dream. r^v^rence [reverais], f., bow, courtesy ; luifaire la — , to pay him one's respects. revetir [ravetiir], § 179, to put on. reveur [revoeir], thoughtful, pen- sive. revoir [ravwair], § 224, to see again. revolution [revolysjo], f., revolu- tion. revolver [revolve :r], m., revolver, ricaner [rikane], to sneer. riche [rij], rich. richement [rijma], richly. ride [rid], f., wrinkle. rider [ride], to wrinkle. ridicule [ridikyl], m., ridiculous- ness ; tourner en — , to ridicule. rien [rj?], anything, nothing ; ne ... — , not anything, nothing ; je rHen sais — , I do not know. rire [riir], § 204, to laugh, smile. rire [ri:r], m., laughter. ris de veau [ri da vo], m., sweet- bread. risquer [riske], to run the risk of. riviere [rivjeir], f., river. Rivoli [rivoli], street in Paris. robe [rob], f., robe, dress, frock, goM'n. roche[roj], f., rock. rocher [roje], m. , rock. roi [rwa], m., king ; le jour des Rois, Twelfth-day, Epiphany. roitelet [rwa tie], m., wren. roman [romci], m., novel. rompre [ro: pr] , to break. rend [ro], round. 504 VOCABULARY. ronde [r3:d], f., round hand, ronger [rose], § 156, to gnaw. rosace [lozas], f. , rose- window. rose [ro:z], f., rose. rose [ro:z], rosy. roseau [rozo], m. , reed. rot [ro], m., roast. rouble [rubl], m., rouble. roucouler [rukule], to coo. Rouen [rwa], m., Rouen, rouge [ru! 3], red. rouge-gorge [rus gors], m. , robin. Rouget de I'lsle [ru3e d9 1 il], French writer, b. 1760, d. 1836. rouleau [rulo], m., roll, rouler [rule], to roll, roulier [rulje], m., carter, route [rut], f. , route, way, course ; en — , on the way ; Stre en — , to be on the way, be off. roux [ru], reddish brown, royaume [rwojojm], m., kingdom, realm. ruban [ryba], m., ribbon, rue [ry], f., street. rug^eux [ryg0], wrinkled, rough. ruisselant [rqisla], streaming. rumeur [rymoeir], f., noise, ruse [ryiz], f., wile, trick. ilisse [rys], Russian. S. Saar [sair], f., Saar (a river of Alsatia). sable [sGibl], m., sand, sabot [sabo], m., sabot, shoe, hoof, sabre [sa:br], m., sabre. sac [sak], m., sack, bag, satchel, sachant [saja], pres. part, savoir. sacr6 [sakre], sacred, holy. sage [sais], wise. saint [sg], sacred, holy ; m. , saint. Sainte-Chapelle [seta Japel], f. , a church in Paris. Saint- Esprit [set espri], m. , Holy Ghost. Saint-Louis [s? Iwi], Louis IX. King of France from 1226 to 1270. Saint-P^tersbourg[sspetersbu:r], St. Petersburg. sais [se], 1 sg. pres. indie, savoir, saisir [seziir], to seize. saison [sezo], f., season. sait [se], 3 sg. pres. indie, savoir, salade [salad], f, , salad. salle [sal], f., hall, room; — de classe, class-room ; — a, mangeVt dining-room. salon [salo], m., drawing-room. saluer [salqe], to salute, bow to, bow. salut [saly], m. , safety ; hail ! Samaritain [samarite], m., Sama- ritan. samedi [samdi], m., Saturday. sang [so], m., blood. sanglant [sagla], bloody. sans [so], without, were it not for; — que, without. sante [sate], f., health. sapin [sape], m., fir. saule [so:l], m., willow. saut [so], m., leap. sauter [sote], to leap, jump. sautiller [sotije], to hop. sauvage [sovais], wild. sauver [sove], to save. savamment [savama], skilfully. savoir [savwair], § 222, to know, know how ; — le ft-angais, to know French ; aucun homme ne saurait, no man can ; un jour quHl sut, one day when he learned. savoir [savwajr], m., knowledge. savon [savo], m. , soap. savoureux [ savur0 ], savoury, sweet. scelerat [sclera], m., scoundrel scene [sem], f., scene. scierie [siri], f. , saw-mill. scruter [skryte], to scrutinize. se [sa], one's self, to one's self, himself, herself, etc. sec [sek], dry. secher (se) [so seje], § 158, to dry one's self. second [sago], second. seconde [sago id], f., second. secouer[sakwe], to shake, disturb. secourir [sakuri : r], § 164, to succour. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 505 secours [sokuir], m., help; au — / help ! secret [sakre], m. , secret. Seguin [sags], a pr. name. seigneur [sejioeirj, m., lord. Seine [se:n], f., Seine (river). semaine [some in], f., week. semblable [sablabl], similar, like. semblant [sabla], m., appearance; faire — rfe, to pretend. sembler [sable], to seem. semer [same], § 158, to sow. sens[sa :s],m. ,sense,direction,way. sentence [sata:s], f., maxim. sentier [satje], m., path. sentiment [satima], m., sentiment, feeling, sense. sentir [sdti:r], § 166, to feel, smell; — bon, to smell sweet ; se — , to feel one's self, feel. S^parer [separe], to separate. sept [set], seven. septembre [septdibr], m., Sep- tember. septieme [setjem], seventh. serai [sare], 1 sg. fut. itre. ser^^e [sers], f., serge. S^ne [seri], f., series. s^rieux [8erj0], serious, grave. sermon [sermo], m. , sermon. serre [seir], f., talon. serrer [sere], to press, grasp, clasp, hold tight, crowd together. service [servis], m. , service. serviette [servjet], f., towel, nap- kin. servir [serviir], § 166, to serve,, be of service, be of use ; — d quelqve chose, to be of some use. seuil [soeij], m., threshold. seul [soel], alone, single. seulement [scelma], only, but, even, merely. seve [seiv], f., sap. s^verit^ [severite], f., severity. si [si], if, whether. si [si], so, however ; — rapide que, however swift. si^cle [sjckl], m. , century. sien (le) [la sjf], his, hers, its; lea — 8. his own. siffler [sifle], to whistle, hiss, sing. sifflet [sifle], m., whistle. signe [siji], m., sign ; faire — , to beckon, signifier [sipifje], to mean, silence [silais], m., silence. silencieux [silasj0], silent. sillage [sijais], m., wake (of ship), sillon [sijo], m., furrow, simple [se:pl], simple, plain, mere, sire [si:r], m., sire. situ6 [sitqe], situated, placed, six [sis], six. sixieme [sizjem], sixth. societe [sosjete], f., society. sceur [sceir], f., sister, soi [swa], one's self, himself. soie [swa], f., silk. soif [swaf], f. , thirst ; avoir — , to be thirsty. soigner [swape], to care for. soin [swe], m. , care ; avoir — , to take care. soir [swair], m. , evening ; le — , in theevening; hier — ,lastevening. soiree [sware], f., evening. sois [swa], 1 sg. pres. subj. and 2 sg. impve. etre. soit [swa], 3 sg. pres. subj. &tre; 8oit /, be it so ! ^ soixante [swasa it], sixty ; dia, seventy. soldat [solda], m., soldier. soleil [soleij], m., sun; (p. 419) Catherine-wheel. solennel [solancl], solemn. solide [solid], solid, strong, perfect, solitaire [soliteir], solitary, lonely. solitude [solityd], f. , solitude. solliciter [solisite], to entreat, solliciteur [solisitoeir], m., peti- tioner. sollicitude[solisitydl, f. , solicitude. sombre [soibr], gloomy, somme [som], f., sum. sommeil [someij], m., sleep, sommeiller [someje], to doze, sommes [som], 1 pi. pres. ind. Stre, son [so], m., sound. son [so], m. , bran. son, sa, ses [so, sa, se], his, her, its. 506 VOCABULARY. songfe [so 1 3], m., dream. songer [sose], § 156, to think. sonner[sone], to sound, ring, strike. sonnette [sonet], 1, little bell. sont [so], 3 pi. pres. ind. Stre. sorcier [sorsje], m., magician. sorte [sort], f., sort ; de — que^ so that. sortie [sorti], f., going out, getting out. sortir [sorti :r], § 166, to come out, go out, stick out, arise ; /aire — , to put out, force out. sot [so], foolish, stupid. sottise [sotiiz], f., foolish action. sou [su], m. , sou, halfpenny, cent. souci [susi], m., care, anxiety. souffle [sufl], m. , breathing. souffler [sufle], to blow. souffrance [sufrais], f., suffering. soufFrant [sufra], poorly, unwell. souffrir [sufriir], § 176, to suffer; faire — , to cause pain, pain. soul [su], drunk, intoxicated. soulager [sulase], § 156, to relieve. soulever [sulve], § 158, to raise, lift up ; 86 — , to raise one's self. Soulier [sulje], m., shoe. souligner [sulipe], to underline. souper [supe], m. supper. souper [supe], to sup. souplesse [suples], f., suppleness. sourire [suriir], m., smile. souris [suri], f., mouse. sous [su], under, in the reign of, in. sous-officier [suz ofisje], m., non- commissioned officer. S0us-pr6fet [su prefe], m., sous- prdfet, important official in municipal administration. soutenir [sutniir], § 177, to sus- tain. soutien [sutje], m., support. souvenance [suvnais], f., recol- lection. souvenir [suvniir], m., recollec- tion. souvenir (se) [sa suvniir], § 178, to remember ; je me souviens {de), il me souvient {de), I re- member. souvent [suva], often. soyez [swaje], 2 pi. pres. subj. and impve. Stre. soyons [swajo], 1 pi. pres. subj. and impve. Stre. spectacle [spektakl], m. , spectacle, play, theatre. splendide [spladid], splendid. statue [staty], f. , statue. Strasbourg [strazbuir], m., Stras- burg. stupefaction [stypefaksjo], f., as- tonishment. stup^fait [stypefe], astonished. subitement [subitma], suddenly. sublime [syblim], sublime. sue [syk], m., juice, sap. succ6der [syksede], § 158 ; — d, to succeed. suffire [syfiir], § 187, to suffice. suis [sqi], 1 sg. pres. indie. Stre, and suivre. suite [sqit], f., continuation; toiU de — , immediately ; par la — , subsequently. suivant [sqiva], prep., according to, following ; adj. , following. suivre [sqiivr], §206, to follow; — des yeux, to look after, watch. sujet [sy3e], m. , subject, cause. SuUy-Prudhomme [syli prydom], French writer, b. 1839. superbe [syperb], splendid". sup^rieur [syperjceir], superior. supplication [syplikasjo], f., en- treaty. supplier [syplie], to entreat. supreme [sypreim], supreme, crowning. sur [syr], on, upon, over, about. sur [syir], sure. surcharge [syr Jar 3], f., excess of burden. surface [syrfas], f., surface. surgir [sjnrsiir], to arise, spring up. surplus [syrply], m., surplus. surprendre [syrpraidr], § 202, to surprise, overtake. surprise [s3nT)riiz], f., surprise. surtout [sjrtu], above aU, espe- cially, particularly. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 507 Survenir [syrvani:r], § 178, to come up. sus [sy], 1 sg. p. def. savoir. sym^trique [simetrik], syrametri- caL T. tabac [taba], m., tobacco. table [tabl], f., table. tableau [tablo], m. , picture, black- board ; — noir, blackboard. tacher [taje], to stain. tocher [taJe], to try, endeavour. tailleur [tajceir], m., tailor. taire(se)[s8 te:r], §201, to be silent, become silent. talus [taly], m., slope. tandis que [tadis ko], whilst. taut [to], so, so many, so much ; — lie fois, so often ;_ — gue, as much as, as long as ; — mietix, so much the better. tante [ta:t], f., aunt. tantot [tato], presently, soon, just now, sometimes, now. . .at an- other time. tapagfe [tapais], m., noise, racket. taper [tape], to strike. tapissier [tapisje], m., uphols- terer. tard [ta:r], late ; plus — , later. t^ter [tote], to feel. te [ta], thee, to thee, you, to you. tel [tel], such, like, so ; un — , such a one. tenement [telma], so, so much. tempete [tapeit], f., tempest. temps [tb], m., time, weather; avec le — , in time ; de — en — , from time to time ; dans le — que, whilst ; en meme — , at the same time ; par le — qiCil fait, in such weather as it is ; faire beau — , to be fine weather ; mauvais — , bad weather ; quel — fait-il ?, what sort of weather is it? tendon [tado], m., sinew. tendre [taidr], tender, loving. tendre [taidr], § 210, to hold out, stretch. tendrement [tadroma], affection- ately. tendresse [tadres], f. , affection. tenir [taniir], § 177, to hold, have, hold on, hold out, keep, resist; be anxious, insist on ; be con- tained in, find room in ; il ne tiendra qu'd vous que, it will be your own fault if ; — boji, to stand fast ; liens !, tenez !, now then !, here !, look ! ; se — , to hold one's self, stay, stand. tenter [tate], to attempt, tempt. tenture [tatyir], f., hangings. terrain [tere], m., ground. terre[te:r], f., earth, ground, land; par — , d — , on the ground ; la — sainte, the Holy iJind. terre-neuve [ter nceiv], m., New- foundland dog. terrible [teribl], terrible. tete[te!t], f., head. texte [tekst], m., text. textuellement [tekstqelma], word for word. th^&tre [tea:tr], m., theatre ; Thd- dtre-Fran(^ais, the most famous theatre of Paris. th^i^re [tejeir], f., teapot. th^me [te I m],m., exercise in trans- lating from French into another language ; — latin, Latin prose. Thomas [toma], m., Thomas. tibia [tibja], m., tibia. tien (le) [la tje], thine, yours. Tiennet [tjene], dim. of Mienne^ Stephen. tiens [tje], 1 sg. pres. indie, and 2 sg. impve. of tenir. tiers [tjeir], m., third part. tige [ti:.'^], f., stem. timide [timid], timid. tins [te], 1 sg. p. def. tenir. tirer [tire], to draw, pull, deduce, shoot ; — la langue, to put out the tongue. Titan [tita], m.. Titan. toi [twa], thee, thou, you. toilette [twalet], f., toilet, dress; faire sa — , to dress ; table de — , dressing-table. 508 VOCABULARY. toise [twaiz], f., fathom. toit [twa], m., roof. toiture [twatyir], f., roofing, roof. tombeau [tobo], m., tomb, grave. toraber [tobe], to fall. ton, ta, tes [to, ta, te], thy, your. ton [to], m. , tone, voice. tonnerre [toneir], m., thunder; coup de — , peal of thunder. torrent [tora], m., torrent. tort [to:r], m., wrong; avoir — , to be (in the) wrong. tot [to], soon ; plus — , sooner. toucher [tuje], to touch ; — d., to be near, approach ; n^y touchez pas, do not touch it, hands off. toujours [tu3U!r], always, still, at all events ; disait — , kept say- ing ; pour — , for ever. tour [tu:r], f., tower. tour [tuir], m., turn, trick, feat; fermer d double — , to lock fast ; d son — , in his (her, its) turn ; /aire le — de, to go round. tourner [turne], to turn. tourte [turt], f. , pie. Tourville [turvil], a celebrated French naval officer, born 1642, died 1701. Toussaint [tuse], f.. All-saints' Day. tout, tous [tu, tu(8)], all, any, every, everything ; quite ; — le monde, everybody ; — le jour, toute la journ^e, the whole day ; — s les jours, every day ; toutes {les) deux, both ; — es les ann4es, every year; — d fait, alto- gether; — d Vheure, a little ago ; — ce que, all that, what- ever; — de mime, all the same ; — d coup, suddenly ; rien du — , nothing at all ; le — , the whole ; — d leur furie, intent on their fury. tracer [trase], § 156, to trace. tradition [tradisjo], f., tradition. tragique [trajik], tragical. train [tre], m. , train, noise ; en — de, busy at ; — de derrUre, hind- quarters. traineau [treno], m. , sleigh ; se promener en — , to take a sleigh- ride. trainer [trene], to drag, draw. traire [treir], §208, to milk. trait [tre], m. , trait, feature, action. traiter [trete], to treat, entertain ; — de, to call. traitre [treitr], m., traitor, scoun- drel. tramway [tramwe], m. , tramway, street-car. tranche [traij], f., slice, edge (of book). tranquille [trakil], quiet, calm, easy in mind ; soyez — , don't be uneasy, don't worry. tranquillement[trakilma], calmly. transformer [trasforme], to trans- form. transport [traspo:r], m., trans- port-ship. transporter [trasporte], to con- vey, bring. travail [travaij], m., work, labour. travailler [travaje], to work. travers [trave:r], m., breadth; d — , through, across ; en — de, across. travers^e [traverse], f., voyage. traverser [traverse], to traverse, cross, go through; — en courant, to run across. treize [tre:z], thirteen. tremblement [trabloma], m. , trem- bling ; — de terre, earthquake. trembler [trSble], to tremble. trente [trait], thirty. tr^s [tre], very, very much. tresor [trezoir], m., treasure. tressaillir [tresaji i r], to give a start. treve [treiv], f., truce. tricome [trikom], m., three-cor- nered hat. tringle [treigl], f., rod. triomphal [triofal], triumphal triomphe [triof], m., triumph. triste [trist], sad. tristement [tristma], sadly. tristesse [tristes], f., sadness. trois [trwa], three. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 509 troisi^me [trwazjcm], third, trompe [tro:p], f., horn, tromper [trope J, to deceive ; se — , to oe mistaken. trompette [tropet], f., trumpet, trop [tro], too, too much, too many. trop-plein [tro pie], m., overflow. trot [tro], m. , trot ; grand — , fast trot, troubler [truble], to disturb, troupeau [trupo], m., flock. trouver [truve], to find ; oiler — , to go to ; se — , to find one's self, be, feel, truite [trqit], f. , trout, tu [ty], thou, you. tuer [tqe], to kill, tue-tete [ty te:t]; d—, as loud as possible. tmIe[tHil], f., tile. tuileries [tqilri], f. pL, Tuileries (once a royal palace). tulipe [tylip], f., tulip, tumulte [tymylt], m., tumult. tyrannie [tirani], f., tyranny. U. un [<5&], one, a, an ; V — , one ; f — {et)r autre, both; lesunslesautres, one another. unir [yniir], to unite, join; unissez- vous lea una aux autres, join your- selves together. univers [yniveir], m., universe. universel [yniversel], universal. usage [yza:3], m., use. utile [ytil], useful, utility [ytilite], f., utility, use. V. va [va], 3 sg. pres. indie, and 2 sg. impve. alter. vacances [vaka is], f. pi. , holidays. vache [vaj], f., cow, vagabondage [vagaboda:3], m,, vagrancy. vag^e [vag], f,, wave, vam [vs], vain ; en — , in vain. vaincre [vf :kr], § 209, to conquer, vaincu [v?ky], vanquished (one), vainement [venma], vainly. vainqueur [v?koeir], m., victor, winner. vais [ve], 1 sg. pres. indie, aller. vaisseau [veso], m., ship. vaisselle [vesel], f. , dishes. Valere [valeir], the name of a suitor for the hand of Harpagon's daughter, who enters his service as steward, and is anxious to in- gratiate himself into the favour of Harpagon, valet [vale], m., servant. valeur [valceir], f., value. vailee [vale], f,, valley. vallon [valo], m. , dale, valley. valoir [valwa: r], § 223, to be worth ; — mieux, to be better ; — la peingf to be worth the trouble (while). vas [vaJ, 2 sg. pres. indie, aller, vase [va:z], m,, vase, vessel vaste [vast], vast, mighty. vaudrai [vodre], 1 sg. fut. valoir. vaut [vo], 3 sg. pres. indie, valoir. vautour [votuir], m., vulture, vautrer (se) [sa votre], to wallow. veau [vo], m., calf, veal. v6cu [veky], p. part, vivre. veiller [veje], to watch (over, d or sur). vendre [vaidr], § 210, to sell. vendredi [vadradi], m., Friday; — saivt, Good Friday. vengeur [vasoeir], avenging. venir [vaniir], § 178^ to come ; vint d passer, happened to go by ; — de, to have just ; on venait de lui donner, they had just given him ; il venait voir, he came to see ; lui — d Vesprit, to occur to him, vent [va], m., wind; il fait du — , it is windy. ventre [valtr], m,, belly; — d tfrre, at full speed. ver [veir], m,, worm. verdure [verdyir], f., verdure, green, greenness. verger [verse], m. , orchard. veritable [veritabl], true, real. v^ritablement [veritablamd ], truly, really. 510 VOCABULARY. v^rit6 [verite], f., truth. verrai [vere], 1 sg. fut. voir. vers [veir], towards, about. Versailles [versa :j], m., a city of about 50,000 inhabitants, situ- ated about twelve miles south- west of Paris. It contains the great chdteau which was the chief residence of Louis XIV. verser [verse], to pour out. verset [verse], m., verse (Bible, etc. ). vert [veir], green. verveine [verve in], f., verbena. veste [vest], f., jacket. vestibule [vestibyl], m., vestibule, hall. vetement[vetma], m. , clothes, suit. vetir [vetiir], § 179, to clothe. veulent [voe:l], 3 pi. pres. ind. vouloir. veut [v0], 3 sg. pres. ind. vouloir. veux [v0], 1 sg. pres. ind. vouloir. viande [vjaid], £, meat. victime [viktim], f., victim. victoire [viktwair], f., victory. vide [vid], empty. vider [vide], to empty. vie [vi], f., life, living. vieil [vjeij], see vieux. vieillard [vjejair], m., old man. viendrai [vjedre], 1 sg. fut. ve?iir. viens [vje], 1 sg. pres. ind. and 2 sg. impve. venir. vierge [vjers], f. , virgin ; la sainte Vierge, the Virgin Mary. vieux, vieil, vieiUe [vj0, vjeij, vjeij], old, aged ; un vieux, an old man, an old fellow. vignette [vipet], f., vignette, or- namental design. vigoureux [vigur0], vigorous. village [vilais], m., village. ville [vil], f., town, city; en — , down town. vin [vs], m., wine. vingt [ ve ], twenty ; — -huit, twenty-eight. vint [vs], 3 sg. p. def. venir. vint [ve], 3 sg. impf. subj. venir. violet [vjole], violet. Virgile [virsil], m. , Virgil (Vergil). vis [vi], 1 sg. p. def. voir. vision [vizjo], f,, vision. visite [vizit], f., visit. visiter [vizite], to visit. vit [vi], 3 sg. p. def. voir. vitalite [vitalite], f., vitality. vite [vit], quick, quickly. vivant [viva], living. vivre [viivr], § 211, to live ; faire — , to maintain ; vively long live !, hurrah for ! VOBU [v0], m., vow, wish. voici [vwasi], see here, here is, here are ; nous — , here we are. voilk [vwala], behold, there is, there are, that is ; — que, be- hold, lo ; — ce que c'est, that's how things go ; en — U7i, that's one ; la — , here (there) it is J 7I0US — , here we are ! voile [vwal], f., sail. voiler [vwale], to veil. voir [vwair], § 224, to see ; lui — faire des tours, to see him play tricks ; faire — , to show ; ae — , to be seen. voisin [vwazs], neighbouring; m., neighbour. voisinage [vwazinaij], m., neigh- bourhood, vicinity. voiture [vwatyir], f., carriage, car; en — , in a carriage ; sepromener en — , to take a drive. voix [vwa], f. , voice. vol [vol], m., theft, robbery. volaille [volaij], f., poultry. voler [vole], to fly. voler [vole], to steal, rob. volet [vole], m., shutter. voleur [voice I r], m., thief, robber j an — /, stop thief ! volifere [voljeir], f. , pigeon-house. volont^ [volote], f. , will. volubility [voly bilite], f . , volubility. volume [volym], m., volume. vont [v5], 3 pi. pres. indie, alUr. votre, vos [votr, vo], your. votre (le) [lo voitr], yours. voudrai [vudre], 1 sg. fut. vouloir, vouloir [vulwair], § 225, to will. FRENCH-ENGLISH. 511 wish, want; en — d, to be angry with ; je voudrais {bien), I should like ; — dire, to mean ; aurait voulu, would have liked. vous [vu], you, to you, yourself, yourselves. voyage [vwajais], m., journey, voyage ; bon — /, a pleasant jour- ney ! ; compagnon de — , fellow- traveller. voyager [vwajase], § 156, to travel. voyageur [vwajasoeir], m., tra- veller. vrai [vre], true, real. vraiment [vrema], really. vraisemblablement [vresablabla- ma], probably. vu [vy], p. part. voir. vue [vy], f . , sight, view. W. Waterloo [vaterlo or waterlo], Waterloo. Wathier [vatje], name of a French officer. Wellington [velegton], the Duke of Wellington. Y. y [i], there, in it, to it, at it, on it, of it; il — a, there is, there are ; il — en a, there is (are) some. yeux [j0], plur. of ml, eyes. Yves [i:v], name of a sailor friend of Loti, mentioned in several of his works, such as Mon/rire Yves, Z. z^br^ [zebre], striped. z6phire, z6phyr [zefijr], zephyr. ENGLISH-FRENCH. [h aspirate ia indicated thus : 'h.] a, an, un, m., une, f. ; — franc — dozen, un franc la douzaine ; —franc — day, un franc par jour ; not another, ne . . . pas (point) d'autre. abandon, abandonner. abbess, abbesse, f. ability, capacite, f., talent, m. able ; be — , pouvoir. about, de, autour de, environ, sur ; — three o'clock, vers (les) trois heures ; — it, en ; be — , s'agir de,, etre sur le point de ; he has this good thing — hivi, il a cela de bon ; set — , se mettre k. above, au-dessus de. abroad, k I'etranger. absence, absence, f. absent, absent. abundant, abondant. accept, accepter. accession, accession, f. accident, accident, m. accidental, accidentel. accompany, accompagner. according to, selon. account ; on — of, k cause de. ache ; have head — , avoir mal k la tete ; my head — s, j'ai mal k la tete. acquaintance, connaissance, f. acquire, acquerir. act, agir. action, action, f., trait, m. actor, acteur, m,, comedian, m. add, aj outer. address, adresser. adjective, adjectif, m. admire, admirer, admission, entree, f. admit, admettre. adorn, faire I'ornement de. advance, avancer. advanced, avanc6. advantage ; take — of, abuser de. advice, avis, m., conseil, m. advise, conseiller. affair, affaire, f. afraid; to be — {of), avoir peur (de), craindre ; — of, effray^ de ; be much — , avoir grand'peur, avoir bien peur. after, prep, and adv. , apr^s ; ten 7ninutes — five, cinq heures dix (minutes). after, conj. , apres que. afternoon, apres-midi, m. and f. afterwards, ensuite, puis, apres. again, encore, encore une fois, de nouveau. against, centre, age,' age, m. ; to he twenty years of — , avoir vingt ans. ago, il y a. agreeable, agr^^able. ahead ; walk — , marcher le pre- mier. Ajaccio, Ajaccio. alas !, helas ! Albert, Albert, all, tout ; — that {which), tout ce qui; not at — , pas du tout; — passions, toutes les passions, allow, laisser, permettre. almost, presque. alone, seul. along, par ; as they went — , chemin faisant. already, deja. Alsatia, Alsace, f. also, aussi. although, bien que, quoique. always; toujours. ambassador, anfbassadeur, m. ambition, ambition, f. America, Amerique, f. American, am^ricain, amiable, aimable. 612 ENaLISH-FRENCH. 513 amongf, parmi, entre, chez. amongst, parmi, entre, chez. amuse, amuser ; — one's selfy s'amuser. amusement, amusement, m. amusing, amusant. ancestors, ancetres, m. pi. ; aiieux, ra. pi. ancient, ancien, antique, and, et ; to go — visit, aller visiter. angry*; — aty — withy f^ch^ de (centre) ; he. — , get — , se facher. animal, animal, m. another, un autre, encore un. answer, n., r^ponse, f. answer, v., r^pondre. ant, fourmi, f. antechamber, antichambre, f. antiquity, antiquity, f. anxious ; he — , tenir k. any; de + def. art. ; de ; en ; au- cun, quelconque, tout ; / haven't — , je n'en ai pas ; have you — .'', en avez-vous ? ; don't give him — , ne lui '^n donnez pas ; — thing (with neg. ), rien ; — one (with neg.), personne. anylK>dy, anyone, quelqu'un ; not . . . — , ne . . . personne. any one, see anybody, anything, quelque chose, m. ; not . . . — , ne . . . rien ; — goody quelque chose de bon ; not . . . — good, ne . . . rien de bon. anywhere -ynot. . . — , ne . . . nuUe part. apiece, chacun, la pi^ce. appear, paraitre, sembler, com- paraitre. appetite, app^tit, m. applaud, applaudir. apple, porame, f. apple-tree, pommier, m. appoint, nommer. approach, n. , approche, f. approach, v., approcher, s'appro- cher de. approbation, approbation, f. approve, trouver bon. April, avril, m. Arab, Arabe, m. are ; see be ; here is (or are)y void; there is (or are), voila. argument, argument, m. Ariosto, Arioste, m. arise, s'elever, naitre. arithmetic, arithm^tique, i arm, bras, m. army, arm^e, f. around, autour de ; she looks — her, elle regarde autour d'elle ; go — the cityy faire le tour de la ville. arouse, exciter. arrange, arranger. arrivdf, arrivee, f. arrive, arriver. art, art, ra. article, article, m.; — of dresSy article de toilette. artist, artiste, m. as, comme ; aussi, si ; pendant que, en ; — ... — , aussi . . . que ; not — ... — , pas aussi . . . que, pas si . . . que ; not so . . . — ,pas«,u88i . . . que, pas si . . . que, moins . . . que ; — much money — , autant d'argent que ; — long — , tant que ; — soon — , aussitOt que ; — if, comme si ; — well — , ausfid bien que ; — to, quant k. ascend, monter (sur). ashamed ; he — , avoir honte ; feel — , avoir honte. ask, demander, prier ; — /or, demander ; — him for it, le lui demander ; — one's self, se de- mander. asleep, endormi ; be — , 6tre en- dormi, dormir ; we have been — , nous avons dormi ; fall — , s'en- dormir. ass, ^ne, m. assail, assaillir. assist, aider. associate, s'associer. assure, assurer. astonish, ^tonner. astonishment, 6tonnement, m. at, k, chez, de.; — (the house, shop, office, etc., of), chez ; — th£ hatter's, chez le chapelier ; — 614 VOCABULAEY. my father' 8, chez mon p^re ; — home, chez moi, chez toi, etc. ; — my house, chez moi ; — our house, chez nous ; — daybreak, des le point du jour, attack, attaquer. attend, assister k. attention, attention, f. ; pay — , give — , faire attention. attentively, attentivement. attract, attirer. auburn, chatain. audience, assistance, f., assistants, m. pi. Au^st, aoUt, m. Augustus, Auguste, m. aunt, tante, f. author, auteur, m. autumn, automne, m. ; in — , en automne. avenue, avenue, f. avidity, avidity, f. avoid, 6viter. await, attendre. awake, intr. , se r^veiller. away; go — , partir, s'en aller; take — , Cter ; far — , loin, loin d'ici ; run — , se sauver. axe, 'hache, f. B. 1)ack, dos, m. ; he — , dtre de re- tour ; give — , rendre ; come — , revenir ; go — , retourner ; bring — , ramener. bad, mauvais, mdchant. badly, mal ; hurt {very) — , faire (beaucoup de) mal k. Bseda, Bede. bag, sac, m. bake, cuire. baker, boulanger, m, ball, bal, m. banana, banane, f. banish, bannir. bank, bord, m. ; on the — , au bord. banker, banquier, m. banking-house, maison (f.) de banque. barefoot, nu-pieds, les pieds nus. bareheaded, d^couvert. bargain, march^, m. barn, grange, f. bask, se chauffer. basket, panier, m. Bastille, Bastille, f. battle, bataille, f. be, etre ; y avoir ; — {of health), se porter, aller ; — about to, aller, etre sur le point de, devoir; — born, naltre ; — (of weather), faire ; — {of age), avoir ; — {of time), y avoir ; — afraid, avoir peur ; here is {are), voici ; there is (are), voila, il y a ; is he finish- ing?, finit-il?; is he not?, etc., n'est-ce pas ? ; how are you ?, comment vous portez-vous?, comment allez-vous?, comment 9a va-t-il ?, comment 9a va ? ; / am well, je me porte bien, 9a va bien, etc. ; / am to do it, je dois le faire ; / am going to do it, je vais le faire ; it is fve, il fait beau ; is it ?, vraiment ? ; he is ten years old, il a dix ans ; a house to — sold, une maison k vendre. bear, n., ours, m. bear, v, {of frtiit trees), donner. beard, barbe, f. beast, animal, m. ; (p. 118) mon- ture, f. beat, battre. beautiful, beau. beauty, beaute, f. because, parce que. become, devenir, se faire ; — {suit), seoir ; what has — of her ?, qu'est- elle devenue ? bed ; go to — , se coucher ; he in — , etre au lit, ^tre couch6. bedroom, chambre (f. ) k coucher. beech, 'hetre, m. before, prep. , devant {of place) ; avant {of time) ; avant de + in- fin. ; — the judge, par devant le juge. before, conj., avant que. before, adv., auparavant. beg ; / — your pardon, pardon. beg, prier, mendier. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 515 beg:gfar, mendiant, m. begin, commencer, se mettre k, beginning, commencement, m. behave, se comporter. behead, d^capiter. behind, derri^re. believe, croire; it is believed, on croit. bell, cloche, f. ; little — {.spherical), erelot ; sleigh- — , grelot, m. belong ; — to, etre k, appartenir k. below ; here — , ici-bas. bend, courber. benefactor, bienfaiteur, m. benediction, benediction, f. beside, k c6t6 de. besides, d'ailleurs. best, adj., le meilleur. best, adv., le mieux. better, adj., meilleur. better, adv. , mieux ; be — ,be worth more, valoir mieux ; be — {of health), se porter mieux, aller mieux ; like — , prefer, aimer mieux. between, entre. bid ; — good-bye to, dire adieu k. big, grand, gros. bind up, bander. bird, oiseau, m. birthday, fete, f. , anniversaire (m. ) de ma (sa) naissance. bite, mordre. bitterly, amdrement. black, noir. black-board, tableau noir, m. blacksmith, mar^chal f errant, m. blade, brin, m. blind, aveugle. blond, blond. blow, n. , coup, m. ; — with a stick, coup de bS.ton. blow, v., souffler. blue, bleu, blunt, brusque, blush, rougir. board, bord, m. ; on — of, k bord de. body, corps, m. boil, bouillir. bold, *hardi. bonbon, bonbon, m. book, livre, m. born ; to be — , naltre ; he was — , il est n6. both, tous (les) deux, I'un et I'autre ; — ... and, et . . . et. bother !, peste de ! bottom, fond, m. ; at the — of, au fond de. Boston, Boston, m. bow ; — to, saluer. box, boite, f. boy, enfant, gargon, m. ; my — , mon enfant, m. branch, branche, f. brave, courageux, brave. bread, pain, m. break, casser, rompre ; — out, edater ; — one's arm, se casser le bras ; — off, casser, dter ; — up, se dissoudre. breakfast, dejeuner, m. breathe, respirer. brick, brique, f. ; — house, maison (f. ) en briques. bridge, pont, m. bring, apporter ; {carry) trans- porter ; {lead) amener ; — back, ramener ; — dovm, descendre ; — up {rear) Clever ; — up, ramener k la surface. Britain, see Great Britain. brother, fr^re, m. brush, n., brosse, f. brush, v., brosser. build, batir. building, edifice, m. bun, brioche, f. burden, fardeau, m. burn, brftler. burst, eclat, m. bury, enterrer. busmess, commerce, m., affairos, f. pi. ; on — , pour affaires ; go into — , se mettre dans les af- faires, se mettre en commerce. busy, occupe (de) ; be — doing any- thing, be — at anything, ^tre en train de faire quelque chose, etre k faire quelque chose. but, mais ; nothing — , ne . . . rien . . . que. 516 VOCABULARY. butter, beurre, m. buy, acheter. by, par, de, sur, k, en ; — rubbing, en frottant ; — the way, k propos ; go — , passer ; — sight, de vue ; taller — an inch, plus grand d'un pouce ; six feet — seven, six pieds sur sept ; — my watch, k ma montre ; — what he says, k ce qu'il dit ; loved — , aim^ de. C. cabbage, chou, m. Caedmon, Cedmon. cai^, cafe, m, cage, cage, f. Cain, Cain. call, appeler ; faire venir ; — a meeting, convoquer une assem- blee ; be called, s' appeler. camel, chameau, m. can, pouvoir, savoir ; he — not, il ne pent pas, il ne sait pas ; / could, je pourrais, je pouvais ; / could have, j'aurais pu. Canada, Canada, m.; in or to — , au Canada. Canadian, canadien. cane, canne, f. cannon-shot, coup(m. )decanon, m. capital, n., capitale, f. capital, adj., capital, captain, capitaine, m. caravan, caravane, f. card, carte, f. care ; — for, soigner ; take — of, avoir soin de, soigner ; take — , prendre garde. carefully, soigneusement. careless, negligent. caress, caresse, f. carnival, carnaval, m. caT>enter, charpentier, m. carriage, voiture, f. carrot, carotte, f. CeUrry, porter ; — off, emporter ; — the day, I'emporter. case,cas,m. ; in — (iAa<),au casque. cat, chat, m. catch, attraper ; — (a) cold, a'en- rhumer. catholic, catholique. cattle, b^tail, m. s. , bestiaux, m. pL cause, n., cause, f. cause, v., causer; exciter; — to, faire. cavalry, cavalerie, f. cease, cesser. celebrate, ceUbrer. celebrated, c^l^bre. celebration, fete, f. cent, sou, m. centime, centime, m. century, siecle, m. certain, certain. chair, chaise, f. chance, 'hasard, ra. change, monnaie, f. chapter, chapitre, m. charge, charge, f. charitable, charitable, charm, charmer. charming, charmant. charmingly, k ravir. chase, chasser, poursuivro, chat, causer. cheap, (k) bon march^, peu cou- teux ; cheaper, k meilleur march^, moins cher. cherry, cerise, f. cherry-tree, cerisier, m. chicken, poulet, m. chief, n., chef, m. chief, adj., principal, child, enfant, m. and f. chimney, cheminee, f. China, Chine, f. chopper, bucheron, m. Christian, chr^tien. Christopher, Christophe. church, eglise, f. ; at {to) — , k I'eglise. city, ville, f. ; in the — , k la ville, en ville. city-hall, hdtel (m.) de ville. clad, see clothe, claimant, pretendant, m. class, classe, f. class-room, classe, f. clean, nettoyer. clearly, clairement. clever, habile, fort. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 517 cleverly, habilement. climb, grimper. clock, horloge, f. close, fermer, clore. cloth ; table- — , nappe, f. clothe, vetir. clothes, vetements, m. pi. , habits, m. pi. clothes-press, armoire, f. clumsy ; be so — as to, avoir la maladresse de ; — fellow, mala- droit, m, coat, habit, m. cock, coq, m. coffee, cafe, m. cold, adj., froid; n., froid, ra. ; be — {of living beings), avoir froid ; be — {of weather), faire froid ; / have — hands, my hands are — , j'ai froid aux mains ; catch (a) — , s'enrhumer. collect, ramasser. collection, quete, f. ; take up the — , faire la quete. college, college, ra. colossal, colossal. Columbus, Colomb. f^ comb, peigne, m. come, venir, arriver; — again, revenir; — back, — home, re- venir ; — to see, — and see, venir voir ; — dovm, descendre ; — up, monter, arriver ; — in, en- trer ; — out, sortir ; come I, voyons !, allons ! comfortable, commode ; be — , faire bon. command, commander. commandment, conimandement, m. ; the ten — s, les dix com- mandements, le decalogue. commence, commencer. commit, commettre. companion, compagnon, m., cora- pagne, f. ; travelling — , com- pagnon de voyage. company, compagnie, f. compartment, compartiment, m. compassion, compassion, f. complain, se plaindre. complete, complet. complicated, compliqu6. compliment, compliment, m. comprise, comprendre. comrade, camarade, m. conceal, cacher. concert, concert, m. conclude, conclure. condemn, condamner. condition, condition, f. confectioner, confiseur, m. confess, avouer. confidence, confiance, f. confound, confondre. conquer, conqu^rir, vaincre. conscience, conscience, f. consecrate, benir. consent, consentir. consider, consid^rer. construct, construira contain, contenir. continually, sans cesse. continue, continuer. contract, contrat, m. contrary ; on the — , au contraire. convenient, commode. cook, cuisinier, m., -6re, f. cool, frais ; it is — (of toeaiher), il fait frais. coolly, tranquillement. copper, sou, m. copy, exemplaire, m., copie, f. coral, corail, m. corkscrew, tire-bouchon, m. costs, frais, m. pi. cost, coilter. country, pays, m. ; — {native land), patrie, f. ; — {as opposed to toum), campagne, f. ; in the — , k la campagne. county-town, chef-lieu, m. couple, couple, m. and f. courage, courage, m. ; take — , prendre courage. court, cour, f. courtier, courtisan, m. cousin, cousin, m. ; cousine, f. cover, couvrir ; covered with, couvert de. cow, vache, f. Cracow, Cracovie, f. crawl, se trainer. 518 VOCABULARY. create, cr^er, creature, creature, f. crime, crime, m. criminal, criminel, m. critic, critique, m. Croesus, Cresus. crops, recolte, f. cross, adj., mechant. cross, v., traverser. crowd, foule, f. crown, couronne, f. crumb, raiette, f. cry, pleurer, crier ; — out, crier, cup, tasse, f,, coupe, f. ; cupboard, cure, ^uerir. [armoire, f. curiosity, curiosity, f. curse, maudire. custom, coutume, f, cut, couper ; have one^s hair — , se faire couper les cheveux. daily, tous les jours. dance, danser. danger, danger, m. dangerous, aangereux. dark, noir; he — , faire noir, faire obscur. date {time), date, f. date { fruit), datte, f. daughter, fille, f. day, jour, m., joum^e, f. ; every — , tous les jours, chaque jour ; in those — s, k cette epoque ; what — of the month is it to-day ?, quel jour du mois sommes-nous aujourd'hui ?, etc. ; the — after to-morrow, apr^s-demain ; the — before yesterday, avant-hier ; all — (long), toute la journ^e, tout ie jour ; from — to — , de jour en jour ; he — {daylight), faire jour. daybreak, point (m. ) du jour ; at {since) — , d^s le point du jour. dead, mort. deaf-mute, sourd-muet. deal ; a great — , a good — , beau- coup. dear, cher ; not so — , pas si cher, moins cher. death, mort, f. ; be at the point of — , etre sur le point de mourir ; put to — , mettre a mort. debt, dette, f. decapitate, decapiter. decayed, gate. deceive, tromper. declare, declarer. decline, dechoir. decorate, orner. defect, defaut, m. |A dejection, abattement, in. delay, diff^rer. delicacy, delicatesse, f. delight ; — i», se plaire k, delighted, enchante. delightful, charmant. deliverance, delivrance, f. delve, becher. dentist, dentiste, m. deny, nier. depart, s'en aller, partir. depend ; — on, d^pendre de. describe, d^crire. desert, desert, m. deserve, meriter. desire, d^sirer, vouloir. despair, desesp^rer. dessert, dessert, m. destroy, d^truire. determine, determiners r^soudre. devour, d^vorer. dial, cadran, m. diameter, diam^tre, m. die, mourir ; — away, se mourir. difference, difference, f. ; that makes no — , cela ne fait rien. different, different. difficult, difficile. difficulty, difficulte, f. dig. creuser, becher. diminish, diminuer. dine, diner. dining-room, salle (f. ) k manger. dinner, diner, m. direct, adj., droit. direct, v., diriger. disagreeable, d^sagr^able. disappear, disparaitre. discover, decouvrir. discuss, discuter. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 519 discussion, discussion, f. dishes, vaisselle, f. disobliging, desobligeant. disperse, se disperser, se s^parer. displease, deplaire. dispute, 11., diflferend, m. dispute, V. , se disputer. dissatisfied, mecontent. distinction, distinction, f. distinguished, distingu^. distract, distraire. disturb, deranger. dive, plonger. divide, diviser ; partager. do, faire ; — {of health), se porter, etc.; — without, se passer de; — you like?, aimez-vous?, did he speak ?, a-t-il parl6 ? ; he does not speak, il ne parle pas ; he works, does he not ?, il travaille, n'est- ce pas ? ; — not {don't) speaky ne parlez pas. doctor, medecin, m,, docteur, m. doctrine, doctrine, f. dog, chien, m. dollar, dollar, m., piastre, f. ; a — a dozen, un dollar la douzaine. door, porte, f. ; next — , k ctlL doubt, n. , doute, m . ; no — , sans doute doubt, V. , douter. " down ; — stairs, en has ; come — , go — {stairs), descendre, aller en bas ; bring — , descendre ; — tov)Vf en ville ; bent — , courb^ ; sit — , s'asseoir ; lie — , se coucher. dozen, douzaine, f. Dr., docteur, m. dramatic, dramatique. draw, tirer ; tracer ; — neavt s'approcher (de). drawing, dessin, m. dream, songe, m., reve, m. dress, n., robe, f. ; toilette, f. dress, v. , habiller ; se mettre ; s'habiller ; be — ed, etre mis. dress-maker, couturi^re, f. drink, boire. drive ; go for a — , be out for a — , se promener en voiture. drive, v., conduire, mener, mou- voir, chasser ; — away, chasser. drop, laisser tomber. drown, se noyer. dry, sec. dry-goods store, magasin (m. ) de nouveautes. ducat, ducat, m. duke, due, m. dupe, dupe, f. during, pendant, duty, devoir, m. dwell, demeurer. E. each, chaque, tout. each one, chacun. each other, reflex, pron. pi. , nous, vous, se ; indef. , I'un I'autre. eagerly, avec empressement. ear, oreille, f. ; — -ache, mal aux oreilles ; — {of corn), ^pi, m. early, de bonne heure. earn, gagner. earth, terre, f. easily, facilement easy, facile. eat, manger. economical, ^conome. educated, instruit. education, education, f. ; receive a good — , faire de bonnes etudes. eight, 'huit. eighty, quatre-vingt(8). either, ou ; nor ... — , ni . . . non plus ; he hasn't any — , il n'en a pas non plus, eldest, ain6. elect, ^lire. elephant, ^Idphant, m. eleven, onze. elm, orme, m. else, autre ; not . . . anything — , nothing — , ne . . . rien autre. elsewhere, autre part, ailleurs. emblem, embl^me, m. embrasure, embrasure, f. emperor, empereur, m. employ ; admit into his — , admetr tre chez lui. empty, vide. enclose, clore, enclore. enclosed, ci-inclua. 620 VOCABULARY. encourage, encourager. end, n. , fin, f. ; come to a bad — , finir mal. end, v., finir, se terminer, enemy, ennemi, m. engage, s'engager. England, Angleterre, f. English, anglais ; — man, Anglais, m. ; — (the langvage), I'anglais, m., anglais, m. enjoy, jouir de ; — one's self, s'amu- ser. enough, assez (de) ; not — , pas assez ; kind — , assez bon. enter, entrer (dans). enterprise, entreprise, f. equal ; be — {to), egaler. equivalent, Equivalent, error, erreur, f. escape, Eviter, Echapper ; have a narrow — , I'Echapper belle, estate, propri^te, f., biens, m. pi. Europe, Europe, f. European, europEen. even,meme ; — if, — though, quand meme. evening, soir, m., soiree, f. ; in the — , le soir ; last — , yesterday — , hier (au) soir. ever, jamais. every, tout, chaque ; — Sunday, tous les dimanches ; — thing which, tout ce qui ; — other day, tous les deux jours. everybody, tout le monde, m. everyone, chacun. everywhere, partout. evil, mal ; doing, mal faire, m. exactly, exactement, pr^cis^ment. examine, examiner. example, exemple, m. ; for — , par exemple. excavation, excavation, f. exclaim, s' Eerier. excuse, excuser. [theme, m. exercise, devoir, m., exercice, m. exercise-book, cahier, m. exhibit, exposer. expect, attendre, s'attendre, comp- ter, espErer. expense, dEpense, f., dEpens, m. pi. explain, expliquer. extract, arracher. eye, ceil, m., plur., yeux. facade, facade, f. face, figure, f., visage, m. ; shut the door in one's — , fermer la porte au nez k quelqu'un. fact, fait, m. fail, faillir ; to — in, manquer k. fairy, fee, f. ; — story, coute de faithful', fiddle. fall, tomber ; — due, Echoir ; — out, se brouiller ; — asleep, s'endormir. familiarity, familiarity, f. familiarly, familierement. family, famille, f. famous, fameux. far, adv. , loin ; — from, loin que, loin de ; — away, loin, loin d'ici ; farther off, plus loin ; farther on, plus loin ; as — as, jusqu'A, ; how — is it ?, combien y a-t-il ? farmer, paysan, m., fermier, m., cultivateur, m. farmhouse, ferme, f. farm-servant, valet (m. ) de ferme. fashion, mode, f. fast, vite. fastidious, difficile, fate, destin, ra. father, pere, m. favour, faveur, f. favourite, favori, m. fear, n., crainte, f,, peur, f. ; for — that, de crainte que ; for — of, de crainte de. fear, v. , craindre, avoir peur. feast, festin, m., banquet, m. feed, nourrir. feel, tater ; sentir ; — hungry, sentir la faim, avoir faim. feeling, sentiment, m. fell, abattre. fellow, gar9on, m. ; my good — , mon ami ; the brave little — s, les petits bonshommes ; the clumsy -^f le maladroit. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 621 fence, cldture, f. fetch, aller cherchfer. few, peu, peu de, quelques ; a — , quelques-uns ; hut — , ne . . . gu^re, ne. . .que pen. field, champ, m. fifteen, quinze. fifteenth, quinzi^me, quinze. fifth, cinquieme, cinq. fiftY, cinquante. fignt, combattre. fill, remplir. finally, enfin, ^ la fin ; — do, finir par faire. find, trouver ; he found, se trou- ver ; — out, d^couvrir. fine, beau ; it is — {weather), il fait beau (temps). fine-looking, beau, ^l^gant. finger, doigt, m. finish, finir. fire, feu, m. first, adj., premier, first, adv. , d'abord ; at — , d'abord ; for the — time, pour la premiere fois. fish, n., poisson, m. fish, v., pecher. fit, aller k ; my suit — s me well, mon complet me va bien. fitting", convenable. five, cinq. flatter, flatter. flattering, flatteur. flee, fuir, s'entuir. fleet, flotte, f. Florida, Floride, f. flour, farine, f. flower, fleur, f. ; in — , en fleurs. fluently, couramment. fly, voler ; — away, s'envoler. foggfy ; he — , faire du brouillard. folded, crois^. foliage, feuillage, m. follow, suivre. following, suivant. folly, folie, f, fond ; he — of, aimer food, nourriture, f. foolish, fou. foot, pied, m. ; on — ^ k pied ; tread under — , fouler aux pieds. for, prep. , pour,pendant, de,contre, par ; — a momeyit, un moment ; — (during), pendant ; set out — , partir pour ; — {since), depuis ; — a long time, — a week, depuis longtemps, depuis une semaine ; — w€, pour moi ; — it, en ; trade — , ^changer pour (contre) ; / am, sorry — it, j'en suis fach6. for, conj., car. forbid, defendre. force, n. , force, f. force, v., forcer. foreign, Stranger; in — countries, k I'dtranger. forest, foret, f. forget, oublier. fork, fourchette, f. form, former. former ; the — , celui-U. fortnight, quinzaine, f., quinze jours, m. pi. fortunate, heureux. fortune, fortune, f. ; good — , bon- heur, ni. ; make 07ie's — , faire fortune. forty, quarante. four, quatre. fourteenth, quatorzifeme, quatorze. fourth, quatri^me, quatre. fox, renard, m. franc," franc, m. France, France, f. ; in — , to — , en France. Francis, Frangois, ra, , Francis, m. Frederick the Great, Fr^d^ric le Grand. free, libre. freeze, geler. French, adj., fran9ai8; — {the lan- guage), le fran9ai8, frangais ; — Tnaw, Fran9ai8, m. ; — t'^acheTf professeur (m. ) de fran9ais. Friday, vendredi, m. friend, ami, m. ; amie, f. friendly, aimable. friendship, amiti^, f. frog, grenouille, f. 522 VOCABULARY. from, de, ^, k partir de, dans, d'apres, depuis ; — day to day, de jour en jour ; — it, en; — nature, d'apres nature ; drink — a glass, boire dans un verre ; take — the table, prendre sur la table. front ; in — of, devant. fruit, fruit, m. frying-pan, poele, f. fulfil, accomplir. full, plein. furnish, foumir. G. gallery, galerie, f. garden, jardin, m. Gascon, Gascon, m. gate, porte, f. gather, cueillir. gay, gai. general, general, m. generally, en g^n^ral, gen^rale- ment, ordinairement. generous, genereux. gentleman, monsieur, m. George, Georges. German, allemand. get, prendre ; avoir ; obtenir ; go and — , aller chercher, aller trouver ; — up, rise, se lever ; — up on, monter sur ; — (be- come), devenir ; — made, have made, faire faire ; — married, se marier ; — angry, se f^cher ; — on, avancer. ghost, revenant, m. gird on, ceindre. girl, fille, f., enfant, f. give, donner ; — away, donner ; — back, rendre. glad ; — at, of, content de, charm^ de. glory, gloire, f. glove, gant, m. go, aller ; se rendre ; — away, s'en aller, partir; — in, into, entrer dans ; — oict, sortir ; — with, accompagner, aller avec ; — by, — past, passer (devant) ; — up {stairs), aller en haut, monter ; — down (stairs), aller en baa, descendre ; — 'and see, aller voir ; — around the city, faire le tour de la ville ; — to bed, se coucher ; — for a row, sail, etc., se pro- mener en bateau ; — (out) for a walk, aller se promener (a pied), aller faire une promenade (k pied) ; — for a drive, se pro- mener en voiture ; — for a ride, se promener k cheval; — for, — after, — aiid get, aller cherchei* ; — back (again), retourner ; — down town, aller en ville ; — home, aller chez-soi, rentrer ; — on, continuer (k), aller en ; — to sleep, s'endormir ; — to France, aller en France, partir pour la France. God, Dieu ; gods, dieux, m, pi. gold, or, m. ; adj. (of gold), d'or, en or. golden, d'or. good, bon, brave ; my — fellow, mon ami, m. ; be so — as to, he — enough to, voulez-vous bien, ayez la bontd de, veuillez. good, bien, m. ; do — , faire du bien. good-bye, adieu, au revoir. goodness, bont^, f. goods, marchandises, f. pi. goose, oie, f. gooseberry-bush, groseillier, m. government, gouvernement, m. grace, grace, f. grain, grain, m. grammar, grammaire^ f. grandfather, grand-pere, m. , aieul, m. grandmamma, grand'mere, f. grandmother, grand'mere, f. grandson, petit-fils, m. grass, herbe, f. gravely, gravement. great, grand, gros ; — deal, beau- coup. Great Britain, Grande-Bretagne, £. Greek, grec. green, vert. g^rind, moudre. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 523 ground, terre, f. ; {up)on the — , k terre, par terre. grro"wr, croitre ; — larger, grandir. grudge (have a), en vouloir. guard, garde, m. gun, fusil, m. H. hair, cheveux, m. pi. half, demi, inoiti6, f . ; — an hour, une demi-heure, f. ; half-past eight, huit heures et demie. half, adv. , k demi. hall, vestibule, m. ; salle, f. hand, main, f. ; shake hamls with, donner la main k; on the right — , k droite ; on the left — , k gauche ; — {of a clock), aiguille, f. handkerchief, mouchoir, m. hang, pendre. happen, arriver ; venir k, happily, heureuaement. happy, heureux, content. hard ; work — , travailler ferme. hardly, k peine. harm, faire mal k. harp, 'harpe, f. harvest, moisson, f. hasten, se hater, se ddp^cher ; — into presence of, accourir aupr^s de. hat, chapeau, m. hate, 'hair. hatred, 'haine, f. hatter, chapelier, m. have, avoir; obtenir ; — (as auxiliary), avoir, §tre; / — to be there, il faut que j'y sois ; — him go, faites-le partir; — (cause to 6c), faire ; / am having a house built, je fais bitir une maison ; — done, faire faire ; — one's hair cut, se faire couper les cheveux ; — just, venir de ; — to do vnth, avoir aflFaire k\ he has spoken, has he not ?, il a parl^, n'est-ce pas ? ; — to, ^tre oblig^ de. Havre, le Havre. hay, foin, m. hazel-nut, noisette, f. he, il, lui ; ce ; — who, celui qui ; — himself, lui-meme. head, t^te, f. j maltre, m. headache; have — , avoir mal h la tete. heal, gu6rir. health, sant^, f. hear, entendre ; — from, recevoir des nouvelles de ; / — from him, je re9oi8 de ses nouvelles ; — of, entendre parler de. heart, coeur, m. heat, chaleur, f. heavy, lourd. hedge, 'haie, f. Helena ; St. — , Sainte-H616ne. help, aider, hen, poule, f. hence, aussi, done. Henry, Henri, m. her, adj. , son, sa, ses ; lui ... le {k elle). her, pers.' pron. , la, elle ; to — , lui, k elle ; — ovm, le sien, k elle. here, ici, y ; — below, ici-bas ; — is, — are, voici. hero, 'heros, m. hers, le sien, k elle. herself, se, elle-m^me. hide, cacher. high, 'haut ; — price, grand prix, m., tant. hill, colline, f. him, le, lui ; to, for — , lui ; — who, celui qui. himself, se, soi, lui, lui-meme ; to — , en lui-meme ; he — , lui- meme. hind, adj., de derri^re. hinder, empecher. his, adj. , son, sa, ses ; lui ... le {k lui). his, pron., le sien, 4 lui; — own, le sien. history, histoire, f. hither ; — and thither, (?A et IIL hold, tenir ; — out, tendre. hole, trou, m. holiday, jour (m. ) de fete ; — 8, vacances, f. pi. holy, benit. home ; {at) — , chez moi, chez toi, 524 VOCABULARY. etc., k la maison ; go — , aller chez moi, chez toi, etc., aller k la maison. honest, honnete, loyal, probe. honesty, loyaute, f., probite, f. honour, n., honneur, m. honour, v., honorer. hope, n., esperance, f. hope, v., esperer. horse, cheval, m. horseback ; 07i — , k cheval. horseshoe, fer (m.) k cheval. hot ; chaud, brulant ; it is — , il fait chaud. hour, heure, f. house, maison, f. ; at {to) our — , chez nous ; at whose — ?, chez qui ? ; at Mr. B^s ( — ), chez Monsieur B ; in the — , k la maison, dans la maison. hew, comment, comme, combien ; — !, comme!, que!; — much, — many, combien ; — much/, — many !, combien (de) !, que de ! ; — long have you been here ?, de- puis quand etes-vous ici ? ; — happy she is /, qu'elle est heu- reuse ! ; — old is he ?, quel ^ge a-t-il ? ; — is he ?, comment se porte-t-il ?, comment va-t-il ? however, cependant ; — good, quelque bon que ; — that may he, quoi qu'il en soit ; — little, pour peu que. howl, n. , cri, m. ; give a — , pousser un cri. howl, v., pousser un cri. humble, humble. hundred ; a {one) — , cent. hunger, faim, f. hungry ; he {feel) — , avoir faim. hunt, chasser. hunting, chasse, f. hurrah for !, vive(nt) ! hurry ; — up, se depecher ; he in a — , etre press^. hurt, faire mal 4; — one's self, se faire mal. husband, mari, m. husbandman, laboureur, m. hymn, cantique, m. I, je, moi. ice, glace, f. idea, idee, f. idle, paresseux. idleness, paresse, f. if, si. ignorant, ignorant; he — of, ig- norer. ill, n., mal, m. ill, adj., malade. ill, adv., mal. ill-fortune, malheur, m. ill-treat, maltraiter. illuminate, illuminer. image, image, f. imagine, s'imaginer. immediately, tout de suite. impatient, impatient. important, important. impossible, impossible. in, dans, k, en, de, sur ; — it, y; — {after superlative), de ; — the reign of, sous ; he — , y etre, etre chez soi ; — the evening, le soir ; one — ten, un sur dix ; — the west, k I'ouest. inch, pouce, m. income, revenu, m. increase, augmenter. incur, courir. indeed !, vraiment ! indisposed, soufFrant. individual, individu, m. influence, n. , influence, f. influence, v., influencer. inhabitant, habitant, m. injustice, injustice, f. ink, encre, f. inkstand, encrier, m. inn, auberge, f. innkeeper, aubergiste, m. insect, insecte, m. instead of, au lieu de. institution, institution, f. instrument, instrument, m. insult, dire des injures k, insulter. inteUigent, intelligent. intend, avoir (r)intention. intention, intention, f. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 625 inter, enterrer. interest, int^ret, m. ; take — tn, prendre interet a, s'occuper de. interest, interesser. interesting, interessant. interview; {private) — , tete-i-tete, m. intimate, intime. into, dans, en ; — it, y, U dedans ; fall — the sea, tomber k la mer ; — his presence, aupres de lui. introduce, presenter. invention, invention, f. invite, inviter. iron, fer, m. ; — (adj.) de fer. is, see be ; here — , here are, voici ; here he — , ie voici. island, lie, f. it, il, elle, ce ; le, la ; cela ; in — , y, dedans ; of — ,for — , en ; to — , y ; — is you, c'est vous ; — is they, ce sont eux, c'est eux ; thiTik of—-, y penser; is — ?, vraiment? Italian, italien. Italy, Italic, f. its, son, sa, ses ; en, .^.le. itself, se, sol ; lui-merae ; meme. J. January, Janvier, m. apan, Japon, m. ericho, Jericho, erusalem, Jerusalem, ohn, Jean. joke, plaisanter. journey, voyage, m. ; set out again on a — , se remettre en route, joyful, joyeux. judge, juge, m. ; be a good — of, se connaitre k (en). judge, juger. July, juillet, m. jump, sauter ; — over, sauter par- dessus. Jupiter, Jupiter. " ^ust, adj., juste, precis. just, adv.,justementfdonc; — look, regardez done ; to have — , venir de, ne faire que de ; — then, k ce moment ; — as, au moment ou. justice, justice, f. keep, garder, tenir; — on, aller en. kernel, amande, f. key, clef, f. kick out, mettre k la porta, kill, tuer, faire mourir. kind, n., espece, f., sorte, f. ; whcU —of weather is it?, quel temps fait-il ? kind, adj., bon ; — to, bon pour ; be so — as, be — enough to, vouloir bien ; it is — of him to, c'est bon k lui de. kindly, bien. kindness, bont^, f. ; have the — to, vouloir bien, avoir la bont^ de. king, roi, m. kingdom, royaume, m. j United — , Royaume-Uni, m. kiss, embrasser, baiser. kitchen, cuisine, f. knee, genou, ra. ; fall on one's — «, tomber k genoux. knife, couteau, m., canif, m. knight, chevalier, ra. knock, frapper ; tliere is a — , on frappe. know, savoir, connaitre ; — how, savoir. knowledge, science, f., connais« sances, f. pi. labour, travail, m., labeur, m. lady, dame, f. ; young — , demoi. selle, f., jeune dame, f. lake, lac, m. lamb, agneau, m. lamp, lampe, f. lamp-shade, abat-jour, m. lana, terre, f. landlord, aubergiste, m. language, langue, f. ; — {of ani- mals, etc. ), langage, m. large, grand, gros ; grow — , grandir. last, adj., dernier, pass^; — yeat^ I'ann^e demi^re, Tannic pase^ j 526 VOCABULARY. — evening, hier (au) soir; — night, cette nuit ; at — , enfin, a la fin. last, v., durer. late, tard, en retard ; he is — , il est en retard ; be — for, man- quer ; it is — , il est tard ; it is getting — , il se fait tard ; later on, plus tard. lately, dernierement. Latin, latin, latter ; the — , celui-ci. laud, louer. laugh, rire ; — at, rire de, se moquer de. laughter, rire, m. law, loi, f. law-suit, proems, m. lazy, paresseux. lead, mener, conduire. leaf, feuille, f. leap, sauter. learn, apprendre, savoir. learned ; — man, savant, m. leathern, de cuir. leave, tr., quitter, laisser. leave, intr., partir. left, gauche ; on the — {hand), k (la) gauche ; / have none — , je n'en ai plus. leg, jambe, f. lend, preter. less, moins ; — than two, moins de deux. lesson, le9on, f. lest, que . . . ne, de peur que . . . ne. let, laisser, perraettre; — us go, allons ; — him finish, qu'il finisse ; — him he glad, qu'il soit content ; — in, laisser entrer. letter, lettre, f. Levite, levite, m. liberal, liberal. liberty, liberty, f. library, biblioth^que, f. lie {speak falsely), mentir ; — (buried), g^sir ; — down, se coucher. life, vie, f. light, n. , lumi^re, f . light ; — auburn hair, cheveux chlktain clair. like, V. , aim^r ; vouloir, desirer ; — better, aimer mieux ; — to, aimer k; I should — {very much), j'aimerais (bien), je voudrais (bien) ; / should — you to do it, je voudrais que vous le fassiez (fissiez) ; — it in, se plaire k ; J should — to have done it, j'aurais voulu le faire. like, prep. , comme ; anything — that, quelque chose de pareil, ne . . . rien de pareil. lily of the valley, muguet, m. line, ligne, f. listen (to), ecouter. little, adj., petit; — , adv., peu; a — , un peu (de) ; however — , pour peu que ; a — ago, il y a quelques moments ; — by — , peu k peu. live, demeurer, vivre ; — in, de- meurer k, dans, etc. , habiter ; — on, vivre de; long — !, vive(nt)! living, vivant ; — is dear, il fait cher vivre ; not a — soul, ne. . . kme vivante. log, btiche, *f. London, Londres. long, v., tarder; / — to, il me tarde de ; be — in, tarder k. long, adj. or adv. , long, longtemps ; fiave you been here — ?, y a-t-il longtemps que vous dtes ici?; a — time, a — lohile, longtemps ; how — .'', depuis quand ? ; as — as, tant que ; I have not seen them for a — time, il y a long- temps que je ne les ai vus ; a — way off, loin. longer ; no — , ne . . . plus. look, regarder; — at, regarder; — around, regarder autour ; — out of the window, regarder par la fen^tre ; — for, chercher ; — , intr., avoir I'air, sembler, par- aitre ; get a good — at, bien voir. look out, prendre garde; — of the window, regarder par la fenStre. lose, perdre ; — sight of, perdre de vue. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 527 loss, pe'rte, f. loud, adv., fort, haut. Louis, Louis, m, love, n., amour, m. f., aflfection, f., tendresse, f. ; my first — , mes premieres amours. love, v., aimer, luck ; good — , fortune, f. lunch, v., dejeuner. lunch, n., godter, m., dejeuner, m. M. machine, machine, f. madam, madame, f. pi. mesdames. magnificent, magnifique. maid, bonne, f. ; — of all work, bonne k tout faire. majority, majority, f. make, faire, rendre ; be made, se faire ; — use, se servir. man, homme, m. ; old — , vieillard, m., — (soldier), soldat, m. ; the — who, a — who, celui qui ; young men, jeunes gens. manner, mani^re, f. many ; very — , a great — , beau- coup (de); so — , tant (de) ; — a, maint ; as — , autant (de) ; ^010 — ?, combien (de) ?, many, beaucoup de personnes. maple, n. , Arable, m. ; adj. , d'^rable. March, mars, ra. march, marcher, mark, marque, f. market, march^, m. ; to, at {the) — , au march^. marry ; (give in marriage, unite in marriage), marier ; — (take in marriage), ^pouser, se marier 4 (avec) ; — (be married, get married), se marier. Marseilles, Marseille, f. Mary, Marie, mass, messe, f. master, maitre, m. masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre, m. matter ; what is the — with you ?, qu'avez-vous ? ; what is the — ?, qu'y a-t-il ?, de quoi s'agit-il ? ; no — , thoA does not — , n'im- porte. maxim, maxime, f. May, mai, m. may, pouvoir ; that — be, cela se pent ; it — be, il se peut ; / might have, j'aurais pu j — it please, qu'il plaise. me, me, moi ; to, for — , me, moi ; for -^, pour moi ; with — , avec moi. mean, vouloir dire. meat, viande, f, medicine, medecine, f. meet, rencontrer ; se r^unir. meeting, asserabl^e, f. ; call a — , convoquer une assemblee. melt, fondre. member ; — of Parliament, d^pu- t^, m. memorandum, m^moire, m. memory, memoire, f. mention ; don't — it^ 11 n'y a pas de quoi. merchant, marchand, m. Mercury, Mercure. mere, simple. merely, seulement, rien que. merit, merite, m. method, m^thode, f. metre, m^tre, m. Michaelmas, la Saint-Michel, middle, milieu, m. midnight, minuit, m. midst, milieu, m. ; into the — , au milieu, midsummer night's dream, songe (m.) d'une nuit d'ete. mild ; be — , faire doux. mile, mille, m. military, militaire. milk, n., lait, m. milk, v., traire. mill, moulin, m. miller, meunier, m. milliner, modiste, f. mind, ^me, f. mine, le mien ; k moi ; a friend of — , un de mes amis ; — and thine, le mien et le tien. minister, ministre, m. minute, minute, f. ; five — s tofive^ cinq heures moina cinq (minutes), quatre heures cinquante-cinq. 528 VOCABULARY. miser, avare, m. misery, misere, f. misfortune, malheur, m. Miss, mademoiselle, f. miss, manquer. mistake ; make a — , se tromper. mistaken ; he — , se tromper. modern, moderne. modest, modeste. moment, moment, m. ; this — , k I'inatant. monarch, monarque, m. monastery, monastere, m. Monday, lundi, m. money, argent, m. monk, moine, m. month, mois, m. ; what day of the — is it '( (see §427, 2) ; in the — of May, au mois de mai. Montreal, Montr^l, m. moon, lune, f. moonlight, clair (m.) de lune. more, plus (de), encore, davan- tage ; have you any — money ?, avez-vous encore de I'argent ?, / have no — , / have not any — , je n'en ai plus ; — money than, plus d' argent que ; I have some — , j'en ai encore ; no — , ne . . . plus ; — than twenty times, plus de vingt fois ; it is worth — , il vaut mieux ; — than one, plus d'un. morning, matin, m. ; good — , bon- jour ; in the — , le matin. morrow, lendemain, m. mortification, mortification, f. most, tr^s, bien, fort ; the — , le plus ; — people, la plupart des gens. mother, m^re, f. mount, montagne, f. mountain, montagne, f. mouth, bouche, f. move, mouvoir, emouvoir, remuer ; se remuer. Mr., monsieur, m. much, beaucoup (de), bien, tr^s, grand'chose ; very — , beaucoup ; as — as, autant que ; so — , tant, tellement ; how — ?, combien (de) ? ; too — , trop ; as — , au- tant (de) ; pay twice as — , payer deux fois plus cher ; give too — , payer trop cher. mud, vase, f., boue, f. museum, musee, m. music, musique, f. must, falloir, devoir ; I — go, il me faut partir, il faut que je parte ; he — have done it, il a du le faire. my, mon, ma, mes ; me (dat. ) . . . le ; / wash — face, je me lave la figure ; — own, le mien, a moL myself, me, moi, moi-meme. mysterious, mysterieux. N. nail, clou, m. naked, nu. name, n., nom, m. name, v. appeler; benam^d, s'appe- ler ; what is the — of ?, comment s'appelle ? nap, somme, m. Napoleon, Napoleon, narrow, etroit ; have a — escape, I'echapper belle. nation, nation, f. national, national, native, natif. natural, naturel. nature, nature, f. naughty, m^chant. near, pres de ; — by, tout pr^s ; he — falling, penser tomber. nearly, pr^s de, presque. necessary, n^cessaire ; be — , etre necessaire, falloir. neck, cou, m. need, n., besoin, m. need, v. , avoir besoin de. falloir ; what does he — ?, que lui faut-il ?, de quoi a-t-il besoin ? needless, inutile. neglect, n^gliger. negro, negre, m. neighbour, voisin, m., voisine, f. neighbouring, voisin. neither, ni I'un ni I'autre ... ne ; — ... nor, (ne . . . ) ni . . . ni. nest, nid, m. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 529 never, ne . . . jamais ; — can any one, on (personne) ne pent ja- mais. nevertheless, cependant. new, nouveau, neuf. New Orleans, la Nouvelle - Or- leans, f. neTVS, nouvelle(s), f. ; what is the — ?y qu'y a-t-il de nouveau ? newly-married couple, nouveaux maries. new^spaper, journal, m. New- Year's Day, le jour de I'An. next, adj., prochain, premier ; — year J I'annee prochaine ; the — day, le lendemain ; — time, la prochaine fois ; — door, k c6t^ ; the — one, celui k c6t^ ; — morning, le lendemain matin. next, adv. , apr^s, ensuite ; the very — day^ d6s demain, d6s le lendemain. nice, joli, gentil. nieht, nuit, f. ; all —, (de) toute Ta nuit ; last — , hier soir, cette nuit. nine, neuf. nineteen, dix-neuf. ninety, quatre-vingt-dix. ninety-two, quatre-vingt-douze. no, non, ne . . . pas, aucun ; — maji, — one, personne, aucun ; — longer, — more, ne . . . plus, noble, noble. nobleman, noble, m. , gentilhomme, m. nobody, ne . . . personne ; — at all, ne . . . qui que ce soit (fClt). noise, bruit, m. none, pas, nul ; / have — , je n'en ai pas ; there are — , il n'y en a pas ; liave — left, n'en avoir plus, nonsense !, allons done ! noon, midi, m. nor, ni, et ne. . . pas ; — / either, ni moi non plus. Normandy, Normandie, f. north, nord, m. , du nord ; — wind, bise, f., vent (m. ) du nord. North America, rAm^rique (f. ) du Nord. nose, nez, m. not, ne . . . pas (point), non ; is he — .'', n'est-ce pas ? ; — for vie, (non) pas pour moi ; — that, non (pas) que ; — one, (ne . . . ) pas un ; — at all, pas du tout ; — very long afterwards, pas long- temps apres. note, billet, m. nothing, (ne . . . ) rien ; that is — to him, cela ne lui fait rien ; — good, (ne . . . ) rien de bon ; — at all, rien du tout, ne . . . quoi que ce soit (fdt) ; do — but, ne faire que. notice, apercevoir, s'apercevoir. novel, roman, m. November, novembre, m. now, maintenant, 4 present, d^jk; tiens ! ; not to have — , n'avoir plus ; — and then, de temps en temps. number, nombre, m., num^ro, m., compte, m. numerous, nombreux, nut, noisette, i. oak, chdne, m. obelisk, ob^lisque, m. obey, obeir {k). oblige, obliger, forcer. obliging, obligeant. observe, observer, remarquer. occasion, occasion, f. occasionally, de temps en temps. occupied, occupe. occur {of ideas), venir k qqn. k I'esprit. o'clock, heure(s), f. ; at four — , k quatre heures. October, octobre, m. of, de ; — it, — them, etl, y. offend, ofFenser, deplaire L office, bureau, m. often, souvent ; how — , combien de fois. oh I, oh ! , oil, huile, f. old {in years), vieux, ag^ ; (former), ancien; how — are you?, quel 530 VOCABULARY. Age avez-vous?; be Jive years — , avoir cinq ans, etre ag4 de cinq ans ; — 7nan^ vieillard, m. on, sur, k, de, en ; — the right, k (la) droite ; — business, pour affaires ; — this side, de ce c6te; often omitted with time expres- sions, e.g., — the sixth, le six. once, une fois, autrefois; at — , tout de suite. one, num., un, une. one, indef. pron., on, vous (obj.) ; — must eat, il faut manger ; no — , personne {with ne) ; the white — s, les blancs ; an iron — , un en fer ; a small — , un petit ; the — who, celui qui ; that — , celui-la ; / am — too, je le suis aussi ; — of my friends, a doctor, un docteur de mes amis. one's, son ; le. one's self, se, soi. only, ne . . . que, seulement ; not — , non seulement ; — {one), seul. open, adj., ouvert; vnde — , grand(e) ouvert(e). open, V. , ouvrir ; s'ouvrir, ^clore. opium, opium, m. opportune, opportun. opportunily, occasion, f. or, ou ; ni {after sans) ; no ... — , ne . , . ni . . . ni. orator, orateur, m. orchard, verger, m. order, n., ordre, m. ; m — to, pour, afin de ; in — that, poui; que, afin que. order, give orders, ordonner ; — {send for), faire venir. organize, organiser. other, autre ; — s, d'autres ; many — «, bien d'autres ; people give each — , on se donne ; write to each — , s'^crire; every — day, tous les deux jours. ought, devoir ; he — to do it, il devrait le faire ; Jte — to have done it, il aurait dH le faire. our, notre, nos ; at — house, chez nous. ours, le n6tre. ourselves, nous, nous-m^mes. out ; come — , go — , sortir ; be — , etre sorti ; — of the window, par la fenetre. outburst, 6clat, m. outside, hors de. over, sur, par, par-dessus ; be all — with, en etre fait de. 0"we, devoir. OT«m, adj. , propre ; my — , le mien ; of his — , a lui. own, v., posseder. page, page, m. pain, peine, f., douleur, f. paint, peindre. painter, peintre, m, painting, peinture, f., tableau, m. pair, paire, f. palace, palais, m., chateau, m. paper, papier, m. pardon, n., pardon, m. ; / beg your — , pardon. pardon, v., pardonner qqch. k qqn. parent, parent, m. Paris, Paris, m. ; in —, k Paris ; in — itself, dans Paris (meme). Parisian, parisien. parliament, parlement, m. ; Cham- bre (f. ) des deputes; member of — , d^put^, m. parlour, salon, m. parrot, perroquet, m. part, n., partie, f., part, f., region, f. ; play a — , jouer un rOle ; on our — , de notre part, part, V. ; — with (from), se s^pa- rer de. participle, participe, m. partner, associ^, m. pass, go past, passer (devant, pres de) ; — through, traverser ; — by on the other side, passer outre, passion, passion, f. past, n,, passe, m. past, adj., passe; et ; at half — one, k une heure et demie. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 531 pastor, pasteur, m. paternal, paternel. patience, patience, f. patient, malade, ra. f. pay, pay for, payer ; — too much for it, le payer trop cher ; — attention, faire attention, payment, paiement, m. peace, paix, f. peach, peche, f. pear, poire, f. pearl, perle, f. pear-tree, poirier, m. peasant, paysan, m. pebble, caillou, m. peck at, becqueter. peel, peler. peep of day, point (m.) du jour, pen, plume, f. pencil, crayon, m. pen-holder, porte-plume, m. penknife, canif,^m. penny, deux sous, m. people, peuple, m., on, gens, m. f., monde, m., personnes, f . ; few — , pen de gens (raonde. personnes) ; most — , la plupart des gens. perceive, apercevoir, s'apercevoir de. perhaps, peut-etre. peril, peril, m. permission, permission, f. permit, permettre {k) ; we are per- mitted to, il nous est permis de. persist, persister. person, personne, f. persuade, persuader. petition, petition, f. ^Philadelphia, Philadelphia, f. phrase, phrase, f. physician, m^decin, m. pick up, ramasser. picnic, pique-iiique, m. picture, tableau, m. , peinture, f. ; — gallery, galerie (f. ) de peintures. piece, morceau, m. pin, 6pingle, f. pipe, pipe, f. pitifully, k faire piti^. pity, piti6, f . ; iCs a — , c'est dom- mage ; wJiat a — , quel dommage ; which is a great — , (ce) qui est bien dommage. place, n., endroit, m., lieu, ra., place, f. ; take — , avoir lieu ; it is my — to, c'est k moi de. place, v., mettre, placer, plain, plaine, f. plainly, franchement. plan, plan, ra. plant, n., plante, f. plant, v., planter, plate, assiette, f. play, jouer ; — at {gam£s), jouer a ; — on (instruments), jouer de. pleasant, agreable, airaable. please, plaire k ; if you — , s'il vous plait ; as we — , comme il nous plaira. pleased, content. pleasure, plaisir, m. ; give — , faire plaisir. plough, labourer, plum, prune, f. plum-tree, prunier, m. pocket, poche, f. poem, poeme, m., vers, m. pi. poet, po^te, ra. poetry, po^sie, f., vers, m. pi. point, point, ra. ; at the — off sup le point de. Poland, Pologne, f. Pole, Polonais, m. police, police, f. polite, poli. political, politique. pond, 6tang, m. poodle, caniche, m. poor, pauvre, raauvais. population, population, f. portion, part, f. portrait, portrait, ra. position, place, f. ; put in a — to, raettre k raerae de. possession, possession, f. possible, possible. post, post-office, poste, f. ; ptU in the — , raettre k la poste. postage-stamp, tirabre-poste, m. potato, porame de terre, f. poultry, volaille, f . ; — yardy cour, f. 632 VOCABULARY. pound, livre, f. pour, verser. powerful, puissant, fort. practise, mettre en pratique. praise, louer. pray, prier, prier Dieu. precious, precieux. precise, precis. precisely, precisement ; at two o'clock — , a deux heures pre- prefer, pr^ferer, aimer mieux. prepare, preparer. prescribe, prescrire, ordonner. presence, presence, f. ; into his — , aupr^s de lui. present, n., cadeau, ra. present, adj., present; at — , k present ; he — at, etre present k, assister k. present (with), v. , presenter. preserve, conserver, confire. president, monsieur le president. pretend, faire semblant de. pretended, pr^tendu. pretty, adj., joli. pretty, adv., assez. prevail over, I'emporter sur. prevent, empecher. price, prix, m. ; at what — , k quel prix, {k) combien. priest, pretre, m. prince, prince, m. principle, principe, m. private interview, tete k t^te, m. probable, probable, probably, probablement. procession, cortege, m. produce, produire. product, produit, m. progress, progr^s, m. promenade, promenade, f. promise, n., promesse, f. promise, v., promettre. pronounce, prononcer, donner. proof, preuve, f. property, propri^t^, f., biens, m. pi. prophet, proph^te, m. propose, proposer. prosperous, florissant. protect, proteger. proud, fier, orgueilleux. proudly, fierement. prove, prouver, d^montrer. provide with, fournir a. province, province, f. prudence, prudence, f. prudent, prudent. public, public ; — works, les tra- vaux (m.) publics; the — , le public. punish, punir. pupil, 616ve, m. f. purchase, emplette, f . , achat, m. purpose, but, m., intention, f. ; on — , expres ; with the — , dans le but. • purse, poHe-monnaie, m. pursue, poursuivre. put, mettre, attacher ; — on {cloth- ing), mettre ; — out (fire, etc. ), ^teindre ; — out {of doors), met- tre k la porte ; — to deathj mettre k mort. quality, quality, f. quantity, quantity, f. quarrel, dispute, f. quarter, quart, m. ; in a — of an hour, dans un quart d'heure ; a — past one, une heure et quart ; a — to one, une heure moins (un) quart. Quebec, Quebec, m. queen, reine, f. question, question, f. quickly, vite. quiet, tranquille. , quietly, tranquillement. quite, tout, tout a fait. R. race, race, f. railway, railroad, chemin (m.) de fer. rain, n., pluie, f. rain, v., pleuvoir. rainy, pluvieux ; in — weather, quand il pleut, quand le temps est k la pluie. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 533 raise, lever, Clever, relever. rare, rare. rarely, larement; il est rare que. r^'c, rat, m. rather, assez ; plut6t. reach, arriver k (chez), atteindre. read, lire. reading, lecture, f. ; amtise your- self — , vous amuser k lire. ready, pret. really, r^ellement, vraiment. reappear, reparaitre. rear-admiral, chef (m. ) d'escadre. reason, raison, f. reasonable, raisonnable. receive, recevoir ; received, re9ut, eut ; received a good ediication, fit de bonnes etudes. recite, reciter. recog^nize, reconnaltre. recompense, n., recompense, f. recompense, v. , r^compenser. red, rouge. refuge, refuge, m. ; take — , se r^- fugier. regret, n., regret, m. regret, v., reeretter. regular, r^gulier, vrai. reign, n., r^gne, m. reig^, v., r^gner. rej^oice at, se r^jouir de. rejoin, rejoindre. relate, raconter. relative, parent, m. relic, reste, m. religion, religion, f. remain, rester. remains, restes, ra. pi. remarkable, remarquable. remember, se souvenir de, se rap- peler, retenir ; — me to them, rappelez-moi k leur bon souvenir. render, rendre. repeat, r^p^ter. reply, n. , r^ponse, f. ; make a — , r^pondre. reply, v., r^pondre. repose, repos, m. represent, representor. republic, r^publique, f. reputation, renomm^e, f. resemble, ressembler k. resolve, r^soudre, decider, resort ; have — , avoir recours, m. respect, n., respect, m. respect, v., respecter. respectable, respectable, hono- rable, respectfully, respectueusement. rest (the), les autres. rest, v. , se reposer. restaurant, restaurant, m. retain, garder. retire, se retirer. return, n., retour, m. ; on my — , k mon retour. return, v., revenir, retoumer {go back); — Ao7ne,rentrer(chez8oi). reveal, reveler. revolution, revolution, f. revolver, revolver, m. reward, n. , recompense, f. reward, v., recompenser. ribbon, ruban, m. rich, riche. riches, richesse, f. rid ; be — of, get — of, se debar- rasser de. ride ; go for a — , be out for a — , se promener k cheval. right, n. , droit, m. ; be {in the) —, avoir raison; all — !, k la bonne heure ! right, adj., droit ; on the — hand, to the — , k (la) droite. ring, sonner. ripe, mtlr. ripen, murir. rise (up), se lever, rival, rival. river, fleuve, m., riviere, f. road, route, f., chemin, m. ; on the — , en route. roar, rugir, crier. robber, voleur. Robert, Robert. robin, rouge-gorge, m. rock, rocher, m. roll, n., rouleau, m. roll, v., rouler. room, salle, f. ; chambre, f. ; in his — , dans sa chambre, chez lui 534 VOCABULAEY. rose, rose, f. Rouen, Rouen, m. round, rond; to go — , faire le tour de. row ; go for a — , se promener en bateau. rub, frotter, se frotter ; — out, faire sortir. ruin, perdre. ruler, r^gle, f. rumour, on dit, m. run, courir ; — away, se sauver ; — over, pareourir. rush, se pr^cipiter, s'^lancer, accourir. Russia, Russie, f. Russian, russe. rustle, bruire. S. sad, triste. saddle, v., seller. safety, surety, f. sail, faire voile ; go for a — , se promener en bateau. sailor, marin, m. , matelot, m. saint, saint, m. ; All Saints' Day, la Toussaint. sale, vente, f. ; for — , k vendre. salute, saluer. Samaritan, Samaritain).m. same, meme. sand, sable, m. satisfied, satisfait, content. Saturday, samedi, m. save, sauver, conserver, {money) ^pargner. Saxon, saxon. say, dire ; it is said, on dit ; — no, dire que non ; — yes, dire que oui (si) ; — to each other, — to one's self, se dire ; let us — no more about it, n'en parlous plus ; how old would you — that man is?, quel S,ge donneriez-voue k cet homme ? ; — again, redire. scarce, scarcely, k peine ; — aiiy, tr^s peu de. scene, vue, f. scholar, savant, m. school, ^cole, f. ; at {to) — , k I'^cole. school-boy, ^colier, m. , colUgien , m. school-fellow, camarade (m. ) d'ecole. science, science, f. ; man of — , savant, m. scientific man, savant, m. Scotland, Ecosse, f. scoundrel, coquin, m. , sc^l^rat, m. scratch, gratter. scream, crier, sculptor, sculpteur, m. sea, mer, f. seaport, port (m. ) de mer. search, make a search, chercher. season, saison, f. seat, banc, m. seated, assis. second, second, deuxi^me. see, voir ; — again, revoir. seed, graine, f. seek, chercher. seem, sembler. seize, saisir. self, meme, se ; enjoy one's — , s'amuser. selfish, ^goiste. sell, V. tr., vendre; v. intr., se vendre. send, envoyer ; — for, envoyer chercher, faire appeler, faire venir ; — up stairs, faire monter. sense, sens, m. sensible, sens6, raisonnable. sentence, sentence, f., (gram.) phrase, f., locution, f. September, septembre, m. serge, serge, f. seriously, s^rieusement. sermon, sermon, m. servant, valet, m. , domestique, m. f., servante, f., bonne, f. service, service, m. set, mettre ; — a high value upon, attacher une grande valeur k; — about, se mettre k. set out, partir. settle, r^gler. seven, sept. seventeen, dix-sept. seventy, eoixante-dix. sevenly-five, soixante-quinze. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 535 several, plusieurs. severe, s6v6re. se^v, coudre. sewing-machine, machine (f.) k coudre. shade, ombre, f. shake, secouer ; — hands, se don- ner la main, se serrer la main. shall, devoir ; — J go ?, dois-je aller?, irai-je?; we — go, nous irons; what — /sm/7?,quevoulez- VOU8 que je chante ? shame, honte, f . ; it is a — , c'est honteux. she, elle, ce. shell, coquille, f. shelter, abriter. shepherd, berger, m. ship, vaisseau, m., navire, m. shoe, Soulier, m. shoemaker, cordonnier, m., mar- chand (m. ) de chaussures. shop, magasin, m., boutique, f. ; to go sfiopping, aller faire des emplettes. shop-keeper, marchand, m. shore, bord, m. ; on the lake — , au bord du lac. short, court, petit ; in — , bref j be — of, manquer de. shortly, bientOt. shot, coup, m. should ; you — do it, vous devriez le faire ; if we — be there, si nous y ^tions ; / — be glad if he were here, je serais content s'il 6tait ici ; / — like you to do it, je voudrais que vous le fassiez. shoulder, ^paule, f. shout, crier. show, n., spectacle, m. show, v., montrer, faire voir; — itself, se montrer ; — in, faire entrer ; — up stairs, faire monter. shut, fermer. side, cOt^, m. ; on this — , de ce ^ cdt^. sight, spectacle, m., vue, f. ; at — of that, k cette vue ; lose — o/, perdre de vue ; by — , de sign, signer. silent, muet, silencieux ; be {he- come) — , se taire. silk, soie, f. silver, n., argent, m. silver, adj., d'argent, en argent. sin, p^ch6, m. since, prep. , depuis. since, conj., depuis que, puisque, que ; it is two months — / saw him, il y a deux mois que je ne I'ai vu. sing, chanter. single, seuL sir, monsieur, m. sire, sire, m. sister, sceur, f. sit, s'asseoir, etre assis ; — down to dinner, se mettre k table. sitting, assis. situated, situ^. six, six. sixteen, seize. sixty, soixante. skate, patiner ; go — ing, (aller) patiner. skill, habilet^, f., adresse, f. skin, peau, f. sky, ciel, m. slander, m^dire (de). slave, esclave, m. f. sleep, dormir ; go to — , s'endor- mir. sleigh, traineau, m. ; go for a — -ride, (aller) se promener en traineau, faire une promenade en traineau. sleigh-bell, grelot, m. slip, glisser, s'^chapper. slippery ; be — , faire glissant. slow, lent. small, petit. smell, sentir. smile, sourire. smoke, n. , fum^e, f. smoke, v., fumer. snatch, arracher. snow, n. , neige, f. snow^, v., neiger. so, si, ainsi, par consequent, aussi, c'est pourquoi ; — wanyt — much, 536 VOCABULARY. tant(de),telleinent; not — . . .as, ne. . .pas si, . .que; I think — , je le crois ; / am — , je le suis ; — as to, afin de, de maniere k; — that, afin que, de sorte que ; — well, si bien, tant ; will you be — kind as to, veuillez, voulez-vous bien. so-called, soi-disant, pretendu. soft, mou. soldier, soldat, m., militaire, m. solve, resoudre. some, adj., du, de la, des ; quel- que(8) ; for — time, pendant quelque temps. some, pron., en, quelqu'un, quel- ques-uns ; — of it, en ; / have — , j'en ai. somebody, some one, quelqu'un, on. something, quelque chose, m. ; — good, quelque chose de bon ; — strange and mysterious, je ne sais quoi de myst^rieux. sometimes, quelquefois. son, fils, m. song, chanson, f., chant, m. soon, bientdt ; as — as, aussitdt que. sooner, plus t6t. sore ; have a — hand, avoir mal k la main. sore, adv., fort. sorrow, douleur, f., chagrin, m. sorry,' fach^, d^sol^ ; be — for, regretter. sort, sorte, f . , esp^ce, f. ; what — of weather?, quel temps? soul, kme, f. sound, son, m. soup, potage, m. South America, Am^rique (f.) du Sud. southern, meridional. sow, semer. speak, parler ; French is spoken, on parle fran9ais ; so to — , pour ainsi dire. speech, discours, m. spend, {time) passer, (moTiey) d^- penser. spirited, fougueux. splendid, magnifique. spoil, intr., segater. spoon, cuiller, f. sport, jeu, m. ; make — of, se moquer de. spot, endroit, m. spring, n., printemps, m. ; in — , au printemps. spring, V. , sourdre. sprout, germer. square, place, f. stable, {for horses) ecurie, f., (for cattle) etable, f. stair(s), escalier, m. ; up — s, en haut ; down — s, en bas ; go down — s, descendre. stake, pieu, m. ; be at — , y aller de. stand, etre debout, se tenir, se trouver. start, {with fear, etc. ) tressaillir ; {set out) partir ; — off, partir. starvation, faim, f. starve, mourir de faim. statesman, homme d'Etat. station {railway), gare, f. statue, statue, f. stay. Tester, s'arreter ; . — in, Tes- ter k la maison. Tester chez soi. steal, voler, d^rober. steam, vapeur, f. steam-boat, steamer, bateau (m.) k vapeur, vapeur, m. steam-engine, machine (f.) ^ vapeur. step, n. , pas, m. step, v., marcher, sterling, sterling (invar.). St. Helena, Sainte-H616ne, f. stick, baton, m. stick out, sortir. still, encore, toujours. stir, remuer, bouger. stone, pierre, f. stoop, se baisser. stop, s'arreter. store, magasin, m. stork, cigogne, f. storm, orage, m. story, histoire, f., conte, m. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 537 stove, po^le, m. straight, droit. strange, Strange, stratagem, stratag^me, m. straw, paille, i. ; a — hat, un chapeau de paille. street, rue, f. ; from one — to an- otiier, de rue en rue. street-cars, tramway, m. streng^th, force, f. striking part, sonnerie, f. strip, depouiller. stroke, coup, m. strong, fort. struggle, n., lutte, t struggle, v., lutter. study, n., 6tude, f. study, v., ^tudier, apprendre. stupid, sot. style, style, m., mani^re, f. ; in (the) French — , i la fran9aise. subdue, subjuguer. subject, sujet, m. submit, se soumettre. succeed, succ^der k ; r^ussir. success, succ^s, m. such, tel ; — a, un tel ; — a fool- ish man, un hoinme si bete. suffer, souffrir, subir. suffice, suflBre. sufficient, suffisant ; he — , suffire. sugar, Sucre, m. suit, n., vetement (m.) complet. suit, v., convenir. sum, somme, f. summer, 6t6, m. ; in — , en ^t^. sun, soleil, m.', the — is shining, il fait du soleil. Sunday, dimanche, m. sunset, coucher (m. ) du soleil. superfluous, superflu, de trop. support, soutenir. sure, sur, surgeon, m^ecin, m., chirurgien, m. surprise, surprendre. surprised, surpris, ^tonn^. suspect, soup9onner, se douter. swallow, hirondelle, f. swear, jurer. Swedish, su^dois. sweet, doux ; smell — , sentir bon. swim, nager. Swiss, Suisse. Switzerland, Suisse, f. sword, ^pee, i T. teble, table, f. tail, queue, f. tailor, tailleur, m. take, prendre, porter, emporter, niener, conduire; — after, tenir de; — a walk, (aller) se pro- mener, faire une promenade ; — up the collection, faire la quSte ; — place, avoir lieu ; — advantage of abuser de ; — care of, avoir soin de ; — interest %% s'intdresser k, s'occuper de ; — away, oter, emporter ; — care not to, prendre garde de ; — a journey, faire un voyage ; — offj oter ; — up, monter. talk, parler. tall, grand, haut. Tasso, Tasse. taste, goAt, m. tea, th^, m. teach, enseigner, apprendre. teacher, professeur, m., mattre, m. tea-pot, th^i^re, f. tear, n., larme, f. tear, v., dechirer. Te Deum, Te Deum, m. tell, raconter, dire, annoncer; — (understand) comprendre, savoir. tempt, tenter. ten, dix. terrify, ^pouvanter. text, texte, ra. than, que, de (before numerals). thank, remercier ; (no) I — you, je vous remercie. thanks, remerciments, m. ; (no) — , merci. that, dem. adj., ce, cet, cette; ce . . . -\k. that, dem. pron. ce, cela, celui ; all — , tout cela ; — is, voilk, voilk qui, c'est, celui-14 est ; is — the I house ?, est-ce li la maison? 538 VOCABULARY. that, rel. pron. qui, que, lequel; all — , tout ce qui (que). that, conj., que. the, le, la, les ; — richer one t«, plus on est riche ; — less one has of them, moins on en a. theatre, theatre, m. their, adj., leur, leurs. theirs, pron. , le leur. them, les, leur, eux, elles ; of — , d'eux, en ; to — , k eux, leur, y. themselves, se, eux, eux-memes. then, alors, ensuite, puis, there, 1^, y ; — is {are), voil4, il y a ; — it is, le (la) voil^ ; — will be rain, il pleuvra ; — is a knock, on frappe ; — happens, il arrive ; if — ever was, s'il en fut jamais ; — he comes /, le voil^ qui vient ! thereupon, 1^-dessus. these, adj., ces ; ces. . . -ci. these, pron., ceux, ceux-ci ; — are, ce sont ; — hooks of yours, vos livres que voici. they, ils, elles, on, ce ; there — are, les voil^ ; it is — , ce sont eux. thief, voleur, m. thine, le tien. thing-, chose, f., affaire, f. ; this good — , cela de bon. think, penser, croire, songer ; what are you — ing of (about)?, k quoi pensez-vous ? ; one would — , on croirait ; what I — of him, son fait. third, troisi^rae, trois. thirsty; be — , avoir soif, f. ; be very — , avoir bien soif, mourir de soif. thirteen, treize. thirty, trente. this, adj., ce, cet, cette; ce . . . -ci. this, pron., ce, ceci, celui(-ci) ; — one, celui-ci ; — book of mine, mon livre que voicL thither, \k. those, adj., ces, ces . . . -U. those, pron., ceux(-lk); all — , tons ceux ; — who, ceux qui ; — a/re, voil^. thou, tu, toi. though, bien que, quoique, thought, pensee, f. thoughtless, ^tourdi. thousand, mille, mil. threaten, menacer. three, trois. thresh, battre. throne, tr6ne, m. through, par, k travers, au travv ers de. throw, jeter. Thursday, jeudi, m. thus, ainsi. thy, ton, ta, tes. ticket, billet, m. till, prep., jusqu'^, avant. till, conj., jusqu'4 ce que, que. time, temps, m., fois, f., epoque, f., moment, m. ; some — , quel- que temps ; in the — of, sous ; at that — , dans ce temps-1^, k cette Epoque, k ce moment ; a long — , longtemps ; next — , la prochaine fois ; what — is it ?, quelle heure est-il ? ; many a — , bien des fois ; have — to, avoir le temps de ; / have riot — , je n'ai pas le temps ; be — to, etre temps de (que) ; most of the — , la plupart du temps -, at a — when, k une Epoque ou ; cost three — s as much, codter trois fois plus cher ; have a good — , s'amuser bien ; every — thaty toutes les fois que, chaque fois que ; this long — , depuis si long- temps. tire, fatiguer, ennuyer; be (get) tired (of being), s'ennuyer. tired, fatigu^, ennuy^. tiresome, ennuyeux. to, k, chez, de, pour, en, jusqu'^, en vers ; at five minutes — threes k trois heures moins cinq. to-day, aujourd'hui. toe, orteil, m., doigt, m. ; step on one's — 8, vous marcher sur le pied. ENGLISH-FRENCH. 539 togfether, ensemble. toilet, toilette, f. to-morrow, demain ; day after — , apres demain. too, aussi ; trop ; — much, — many, trop. tooth, dent, f. toothache, mal (m. ) aux dents, tooth-pick, cure-dent, m. top, haut, m. touch, toucher (k). tour, tour, m. towards, vers, envers. tower, tour, f. town, ville, f. ; in — , down — , en ville ; to — , k la ville. toy, jouet, m. trace, tracer. trade, changer, train, train, m. translate, traduire. travel, n., voyage, ra. travel, v. , voyager ; — ovevy par- courir ; travelling companion, compagnon (m.) de voyage, traveller^ voyageur, m. tread under foot, fouler aux pieds. treasure, tr^sor, m. treat, traiter. treatment, traitement, m. treaty, traits, m. tree, arbre, m. tremble, trembler, trifling^, insignifiant. trinket, babiole, f. troops, troupes, f. pL trouble, peine, f. troupe, troupe, f. true, vrai, fiddle, tnmk, malle, f. trust, n., confiance, f. trust, V. ,avoir confiance en, ae fier k. truth, v^rit^, f. try, tocher ; — and «aw«, tocher de conserver. try on, essayer. Tuesday, mardi, m. tulip, tulipe, f. turn, n., tour, m. ; in — , tour h. tour, turn, v., toumer: — round, se retoumer ; — out of, chasser de ; — out of doors, mettre k la- porte. twelve, douze ; — {o'clock), midi, m., minuit, m. twenty, vingt. twenty-five, vingt-cinq. twice, deux fois. two, deux. U. uncle, oncle, m. under, sous, au-dessous de. undergo, subir. understaiid, comprendre ; / can — nothing of it, je n'y comprends rien. undertake, entreprendre. unfortunate, malheureux. unhappy, malheureux. United Kingdom, Royaume-Uni, m. , United States, Etats-Unis, m. ; in the — , aux ]fctats-Unis. unknown, inconnu. unless, k moins que . . . ne. until, jusqu'k ce que, que. up, en haut; to be — , ^tre lev^; get — , se lever, come — , monter; — to, jusqu'k. upholsterer, tapissier, m. upon, sur. upright, droit. up stairs, en haut. us, nous. use, n. , usage, m. ; make — of, se servir de, employer ; he of some — , Stre de quelque utility ; have — for, avoir besoin de. use, V. , se servir de, employer. used, accoutum^ ; be — to, avoir coutume de ; — to is often ex- pressed by the imperfect indica- tive. useful, utile. useless, inutile ; he — , ne valoir rien ; it is — Jfor you to say so, vous avez beau dire. usual, usuel, accoutum^, ordinaire. usually, ordinairement. utter, prof^rer, articular. 640 VOCABULARY. V. vain, vain ; in — , en vain. valuable, pr^cieux. value, valeur, f. , ; he of — , valoir. vast, vaste. vegetable, legume, m. verbal, verbal. verse, vers, m., verset, m. very, tres, bien, fort, beaucoup ; — much, beaucoup, bien, tr^s ; that — evening, le soir meme. vest, gilet, m. vice, vice, m. Victoria, Victoria. victory, victoire, f. vie-w, vue, f. vigour, vigueur, f. village, village, m. violent, violent. violin, violon, m. virtue, vertu, f. virtuous, vertueux. visible, visible. visit, visiter, faire (una) visite k, rendre visite a. voice, voix, f. volley, vol^e, f. volume, volume, m., tome, m. W. wag, remuer. wages, gages, m. pi. wait, wait tor, attendre. wake, "waken, ^veiller, r^veiller, se r^veiller. "Wales, le pays de Galles. walk, n. , promenade, f . ; go for a — , take a — , (aller) se promener ; faire une promenade, walk, V. , marcher, se promener ; — in, entrer. walking, marcher, m. ; he good — , faire beau (bon) marcher, walnut, noix, f. walnut-tree, noyer, m. Wander, s'egarer, s'ecarter. want, avoir besoin, vouloir, d^- sirer, demander, manquer (de) ; you are wanted^ on vous de- mande. warm, adj., chaud, chaleureux ; be — {of living heings), avoir chaud ; he — {of weather), faire chaud. warm, v., chauflfer. wash, laver. watch, n., montre, f. watch, V. , suivre des yeux, veiller. water, n., eau, f. water, v., abreuver ; make his mouth — , lui faire venir I'eau k la bouche. wave, vague, f. way, route, f., chemin, m. ; ma- ni^re, f., moyen, m. ; on the — , en route, chemin faisant ; hy the — , 4 propos ; a long — off, bien loin ; lose one's — , s'egarer ; in that — , de cette mani^re-1^ ; in su^h a — , de telle sorte ; have one's — , faire k sa tete ; which — , the — , par oti. we, nous, on. weak, faible. weakness, faiblesse, f. wear, porter. weather, temps, m. ; wh^t kind of — is it ?, quel temps fait-il ? ; it is fine — , il fait beau (temps) ; the — 15 warm, il fait chaud. Wednesday, mercredi, m. week, semaine, f., huit jours, m., pi. ; a — from to-day, d'aujour- d'huienhuit; two — sfromto-day, d'aujourd'hui en quinze; from — to — , de semaine en semaine. weep, pleurer. weigh, peser. welcome, accueillir ; he — , Stre le bienvenu. well, n., puits, m. well, adv., bien, eh bien, tr^s ; so — , si bien ; very — , tres bien, eh bien ; be — q^, avoir de quoi vivre, etre k son aise ; be — , se porter bien ; do — , faire le bien ; as — as, aussi bien que. well-bred, bien ^lev^. well-knoTvn, bien connu. ^ were, past tense of be ; if you — to go tJiere, si vous y alliez ; if ENGLISH-FRENCH. 541 Jie — to say, s'il disait ; — it only, ne fy pliisievrs, §406, 4 ; comparison, §412, 2 ; not modified, §412, 2, a. •before,' §440. bel, §337, 1, (3). bestiaux, §308, 4, n. h^tail, plur., §308,4, n. Hen, with partitive, §325, 1, 6; irreg. comparison, §412, 2. bien que,+sabj., §455, §271, 4. bon, comparison, §346 ; +<^ or pour, §355, §356, a, §358, a. tourer, with ne alone,§418,4. bout ; au — de, §437, 2. brin, with n«, §415, 2, 6. •by,' §441 ; of •dimension,' S428, a. O. f, §5, 4. f", §378, 2, obs. fa, for cela, §388, «, /; dis- tinguished from fd and pd/, §388,/. n. fd, ^ /, distinguished from pd, §388,/. n. capitals, use, §21. ' cardinals, §421, §427 ; in dates, etc., §427 ; for or- dinals, §427. etu; au — oA, -t-indic. or ■ubj.,§455,§27l,3; au- gM«, -|-subj.,§455,§27l,3; -dans le — oii, -findio. or Bubj., §455, §271, 3 ; en - que, +8ubj., §455, §271, 3. case relations, of nouns, §313 ; of conjunctive pers. prons., §362. ee (adj.), §378, 1 ; use, §380. ee (pron.), §378, 2; agree- ment of verb with, §232, 8 ; use, §§383-387 ; +itre, 1383, §384 ; c'est and il est, 1384 ; -fa relat., §385 ; in phrases, §386 ; ce semble, 1886, a; pleonastic, §387; ce n'est pas que + subj., §455. ceci, §378, 2 ; use, §388. cedilla, §5, 4. cela, §378, 2 ; use, §388 ; re- placed by la, §388, d. celui, §378, 2 ; use, 381. celui-ci, §378, 2 ; use, §382. celui-la, §378, 2 ; use, §3b2 ; replacing celui, §381, b. cent{s), §421, 6, c, d, e. •cer, verbs in, §156. certain, §403, 1 ;u8e, §404,1. certijU, §289, o. cesser, with ne alone, §418, 4. cet, for ce, §378, 1, obs. chacun, §403, 2 ; use, §405, 2. chaque, §403, 1 ; use, §404, 2. cAez, §439, 2, §451, 2, §454, 2. -ct, §380. del, plur., §309. ci-inclvs, §289, 6. ci-joint, §289, 6. circumflex accent, §5, 3. cit^iZ, +d regard de, §358, a. collationnd, §289, a. collectives, §423. combien, agreement, §2^, 2, 6. comme, for jtte in compari- son, §345, 6. comparison, of adjs., §§345- 349 ; of ad vs., §412 ; irreg. (adj.), §346 ; irreg. (adv.), §412, 2; remarks, §349; followed by ne, §419, 3. comparative, see compari- son. complement, predicative, §295 ; prepositional, §276 ; composite, §298. compound adjs. plur., §343, 2. compound nouns, plur., §311. compound tenses, forma- tion, §§227-229 ; sequence of subj., §273, 3 ; in condl. sent., §275, a. compris (y), non—, §289, a. •concerning,' §436, 2. condition ; a la — que, +bx- dic.orsubj.,§455,§271,3,e. conditional sentences, §274, §275 ; use of mood and tense in, §275. conditional, tense, §266, in condl. sent., §275. conditional anterior, tense, §266 ; replaced by plupf. subj., §272, 3; replaced byimpf. indie, in 'result' clause, §274, c. conjunction, §§455-459 ; list, §455 ; with indie, sub]., indie, or subj., see list, §455 ; use of certain, §§456« 459 ; distinctions, §459. conjunctive pron., §359 and n.; use, §§362-371. consonants, prncn., §§16-17; final, prncn., §18. couple, gender, §304, 8, «. craindre, with ne, §419, 2. orainte ; de — que . . . ne, -f- subj.,§455, §271, 2. d'abord, §426, a. dans, §444, 1, 3 ; witlTnames of countries, §333, 3, obs. dates, §427. dative, of pers. pron., §362, 2 ; ethical, §362, n. davantage, §420, 3. , de, as partitive sigfn, §§323- 325 ; agent after passive, §240, §366, §441, 1 ; verb-H de = Eng. transitive, §296, 1 ; idiomatic with verbs, §296, 4 ; with names of countries, §333, 2 ; cfe= • in,' after superl., §347, 2 ; denoting ' by how much,' after superl., §349, 2; pleo- nastic after interrog. ,§391 , n. ; of ' dimension,' §428, obs. 1, §430, obs. 8; in prepositional phrases, §432 ; repetition, §434 ; d» INDEX. 545 =* by * (measure), §441, S ; . mien, etc., for le mien, §377, 2. mieux, §412, 2. mi7, in dates, §421, c. 7/iiZZe, §421, e. •mine,' etc., translated, §377, 1. moi, for m«, §370, 3, obs. 1. m^indre, §346. motTM, §412, 2 ; in compari- son (adj.), §346, (adv.), §412 ; moins de, 412, 1, b; d moins que...ne, + subj., §455, §271, 3, — -f de deux, agreement of, §232, 2, c. mol, §337, 1, (3). mon, for ma, §374, 1, obs. 1 ; in address, §376, 4. mood, see the various moods ; of subordinate clause, §254, n. 2. 'more'; 'more and more,' §345, d; • the more,' §345, d ; • more than,' (adv. of quantity), §412, 6. mot, with ne, §415, 2, 6. multiplicatives, §425. N. narrow, of sounds, §1, 3. n'avoir garde, §418, 5. ne(n'), §§415-419 ; with pas, point, etc., §415 ; posi- tion, §416 ; omisssion, §417 ; alone as negative, §418; pleonastic, §419; ne...que, position, §^6, e; ne...ni, position, §416, d; ne...que and seulem^nt, §420, 4. negation, §§414-419 ; see also ne, non, pas, etc. ' neither . . . nor,' translated §416, d, §457, 3. ni, use, §233, 6, §457, 1; with ne, §415 ; ni...ne, position, §416, d. n'importe, §418, 5. nombre, -f de, agreement with verb, §232, 2, a. non {pas point), §414 ; que non, §420, 1, a. nonante, §421, n. nonobstant qu>e, -f subj., §455, §271, 4. non(pa«)gu«, ■i-8ubj.,§456, §271, 5. • nor ' ; — ' either,' §457, 3. • not' ; — ' either,' §457, 3. noun, §§300-314; gender, §§300-306, §§336-337; num- ber, §§307-312 ; case rela- tion, §313 ; agreement, §314; as adj., §343, 3, §344, §352, 2, (3). nous, tor je, §361, o; pleo- nastic, §372, 6, a; no%u autres, §406, 2, c. nouvel, §337, 1, (3). nu, agreement, §348, 4, a. nul, §403, 3, §337, 1,(2), 6; use, §406, 1 ; with ne, §415. nullement, with ne, §415. number, of nouns, §§307- 312 ; general rule, §307 ; exceptions, §308 ; double plurs.,§309; foreignnouns, §310 ; comp. nouns, §311 ; plur. of proper nouns, §312 ; of adjs., §§338-339. numerals, §§421-430; car- dinals, §421 ; ordinals, §422; collectives, §423; fractions, §424; multipli- catives, §425 ; adverb, §426; remarks on use, §§427-430 ; in dates, titles, 548 INDEX. etc., §427 ; for dimension, §428; for time of day, §429; for age, §430. O. obeir, in passive, §241, 1. object, dir. and indir., §293 ; position, §297. obliger, +d, +de, §281, 15. occuperis^), +d, +de, §281, 16. octante, §421, n. oeil, plur. of, §309. oeuvre, gender, §304, 3, i. * of,' §445 ; • a friend of mine,' etc., §377, 3. on (Von), §403, 2 ; use, §405, 3 ; replacing passive, §241, 2, a. •on,' §446. 'once' ('twice,' etc.), §425, 2. •one,'=Z«, §365, &. • only,' translated, §420, 4. •or,'=m, §457,2. ordinals, §422. orge, gender, §304, 3, g. os4, agreement, §292, 4, b. o«er+ infin., §230, 5 ; vv^ith ne alone, §418, 4. *other8,'§§405-406, 2, 6. oil (rel. pron.), §395 ; use, §399, §398, b. oui, §420, 1 ; que oui, §420, l,a. out, §289, a. ouir, +infin., oonstr. of obj., §293, b. 'out of,' §447. •over,' §448. 'own,' translated, §376, 3, §377, 4. P. poi, plur., §309. pdque,(8), gender, §804, 3,/. par, §441, 1, 2, §443, 2, §448, 2, §449, 1, 2 ; agent after passive, §240; +infin., S282, 1 ; of price, §329, a. par-dessus, §448, 2. paraitre, il parait, constr. after, §269, 5, b. pardonner, in passive, §241, 1. parlerfrangais,etc.,%321, a. parmi, §438, 1. participles, §§286-292 ; pres., §286 ; Eng. forms in -ing, §287 ; past, §§288-292 ; as adjs., position, §352, 1, (3). partir ; a partir de, §443, 3. partitive noun, §§322-326 ; partitive and general noun, §326. pas, with ne, §415 ; position, §416 ; without verb, §417, a ; without ne (fam.), §415, n, 2. pass^, §289, a. passive voice, formation, §239 ; agreement of past part., §239 and obs. ; agent after, §240 ; limitations and substitutes, §241 ; re- placed by on,etc.,§405,3,a. past anterior, §262. past definite, §260; in nar- rative, examples, §261 ; replaced by impf., §258, 8 ; in • if ' clauses, §275, /. past indefinite, §259; in narrative, examples, §261 ; subjunctive sequence af- ter, §273, 4, a. past participle, agreement in passive, §239 and obs. ; without aux., §289 ; as prep., §289, a; with itre, §290, §244, 2 ; with avoir, §291 ; invar, after impers. itre, §290, a; remarks, §292. pas un, §403, 3 ; use, §406, 1 ; with Tie, §415. paye, §289, a. pendant que, distinguished from tandis que, §459, 2. penser,+d., +dir.infiii. ,§281, 17. perfect subj., §273, 3 ; for plupf., §273, 4, c; replaced by impf, subj., §273, 4, 6. periphrastic forms, in con- jugation, §255, §287, 1. personal pronouns, §§359- 373 ; forms, §359 ; agree- ment, §361 ; case relations and use of conjunctives, §362 ; reflexives, §366 ; position of subject, §§235- 238 ; position of objects, §369; omission of obj., §371 ; disjunctives, use of, §372 ; in address, §373. personne, §103, 2 ; use of, §405, 4 ; with ne, §415 ; gender, §405, 4, n. petit, irreg. comparison, §346. peu, irreg. comparison, §412, 2. peu, +de, §232, 2, a, b; with partitive, §325, 1, d. peur ; de — que ...ne, + subj., §455, §271, 2. peut-itre que, constr., §269, 5, n. ; no inversion, §237, 3. phonetic transcription, ex- ample of, p. 12. pire, §346. pis, §412, 2. plein, when invar. , §343, 4, a. plupart, agreement of verb, §232, 2, a, b ; with parti- tive, §325, 1, c. pluperfect (indie), §262 ; re- placed by plupf. subj., §272, 3 ; replaced by impf. indie, §275, c. ; (subj.), §273, §272; replaced by perf. subj., §273, 4, c; replacing plupf. indie, or oondl. ant., §272, 3; se- quence, §273, 3, 4, a; replacing plupf. indie, in 'if clause or 'result' clause, 275, b. plural, see number. plus, §412, 2 ; in compari- INDEX. 549 ■on (adj.), §345, (adv.). §412 ; -de, §412, 1,6; with ne, §415 ; pltu and davan- tage, §420, 3; — d'un, agreement, §232, 2, c. plusieurs, §403, 3 ; me, §406, 4. plus tdt, with ne, §419, 3, n. plutdt, with ne, §419, 3, n. point, with ne, §415, and n. 1 ; position, §416. possessive adj., forms, §374, 1 ; agreement, §376 ; re- petition, §375, a; use, §378 ; def. art. for, §328, §376,1; «n,-i-def.art. for, §367, ?, (2), §376, 2. possessive pron. , forms, §374, 2 -, agreement, §375 ; use, §377. possessives, see po88. adj. and poss. pron. pour, §442, 1, 2, 3; +infln., §882, 2 ;— ^tte+8ubj.,§455, §271, 2 ;—peu que+a\ihi., §465, §271, 4 ; — . . . que, constr,, §404, 5, n. pourvu que, -fsubj., §455, §271, 3. pouvoir, +infln., §230, 3; impers., §252, 1, obs. ; with ne alone, §418, 4. predicate noun, omission of art., §330, 3. predicative complement, §296, §330, 3. premier, in dates, etc., §427; §330,4, a; +8ubJ., §270, 3;+d+infin., §279,3, a. prendre £%rde, +d, -t-d«, §261, 18. preposition, §§431-454; list of simple, §431 ; position, §433 ; locutions, §432 ; re- petition, §434 ; idiomatic distinctions, §§435-454. prepositional complement, §296. prifi ; -de, §436, 4 ; dpeu— , §486. present, indie, §257 ; as historical past, examples, §261 ; replaced by impf., §258, 5 ; in condl. sen- tences, §275. present participle, §286. present sub j., §273. pritendre, -f d, -f dir. infin., §281, 19. prier, +d, ■\-de, §281, 20. primary tenses, see princi- pal parts. prinw(secu7ido,6ic.),%i2Q,a. principal parts, formation of tenses from, §159. pronominal ad vs., §360. pronoun, §§359-407, see also personal, possessive, etc. pronunciation, §§1-19 ; of vowels, §§9-15 ; of conso- nants, §§16-17. proper nouns, plur., §312 ; use of art. with, §§332- 335. propre, §376, 3. pu, agreement, §292, 4, 6. puig, §426, a. puisque, distinguished from depuig que, §459, 3. punctuation, §20. qualifier de, §330, 3. 6. quand, distinguished from lorsque, §459, 1. quand (m&me), condl. after, §265, 6, §275, e ; some- times takes subj., §271, 4, c; -f indie, or aubj., §455, §271, 4, c. quantity, +de, agreement of verb, §232, 2, a. quantity, of vowels, §8. quart, §422, n, 1. quatrevinfft(8), §421, b. que f, §389, 2 ; use, §393. que I, §393, 1, b. gM«(relat.), §395 ; use, §397 ; in inversions (emphatic), §897. 2, n., §385, a, n. ; past part, invar, after, §292, 5. que (conj.), condl. after, §265, 6; replacing other conjs., §271, 6, §458, 2; = 'than,' 'as,' in com- parison, §345, §412 ; with ne, §415 ; for d moins que, §419, 1 ; +indic. or subj., §455, §269, §271, 6, §458 ; not omitted, §458, 3. quel?, §389, 1; use, §391, §392, 2. qv^l .', §391, a. quelconque, §407 ; with ne, §415, 2, a. quel que, -J-subj. of (tre, §407. quelque, §403, 1 ; use, §404, 5; as adv., §404, 6, a. quelque chose, §403, 2 ; use, §405, 6. quelque que, + subj., §407. quelqu'un, §403, 2; use, §405, 5. qu'est-ce qui ?, §393, 2. question, direct, §236; in- direct, §23£. quif, §389, 2; use, §392; replaced lay qiiel, §391, b, 392, 6. qui, §305; use, §397, re- placing celui qui, les unt ...lea autres, ee qui, §397, 1, a, b; qui que, + subj. of itre, §407 ; qui que ee aoit, §407 ; qui que ce aoU +ne, §415, 2, a. quiconque, §407. quint, §422, n, 2. quinze-vin{jt(8), §421, n. ^uoi.«, §389, 2;use, §393. quoi, §395 ; use, §401 ; — que... + subj., §407 ; — que ce aoit, §407 ; with ne<, §415, 2, a. quoique, -fsubj., §455, §271, 4. 650 INDEX. B. reciprocal verbs, §243. reflexive pers. prons., §366. reflexive verb, formation of oomp. tenses, §242 ; with reciprocal force,§243; agreement of past part., §244 ; omission of reflex, obj., §245 ; comparison witli Eng., §246; replac- ing passive, §241, 2, b. re/user, +d, +de, §281, 21. relative pron., forms, §395 ; agreement, §396 ; use, §§397-402 ; remarks, §402 ; not omitted, §402, 1 ; re- lative clause for Eng. -ing, §287,3;indef.relat.,§407. rSsoudre, -f d, +de, §281, 22. rien, §403, 2 ; use, 405, 4 ; with ne, §415. rompre, conjugation, §153. rounding (lip-), §i, 4. S. sache, irreg. use, §272, 2. sans, 4-infin., §282, 3; — doitte que, constr., §269, 5, n, ; — que, -f subj., §455, §271, 6. savoir +in&n., §230, 4 ; with ne alone §418, 4. se, reflex, pron., §366, 1. sembler; il gemble, constr. after, §269, 5, b, 6, c. semi-vowel sounds, §16, 1, 2,3. i'en aller, conjugation, §247. s'en/alloir, §251, 5. septante, §421, n. sequence, of subj. tenses, §273. seul, -fsubj., §270, 3 ; +d -f infin., §279, 3, a. seulement, §420, 4. sivlre,+dV4gardde, §358, a. •should,* distinctions, §265, 1,6. «i, elision of i, §19 ; subjunc- tive after, §275, b; re- placed by ^we + subj., §271,6 ; in conditional sen- tence, §274 ; omission, §275, d; si ( = ' whether') 4-fut. or condl., §275, g ; for amsi, §345, a, §412, a; -t-indic. or subj., §455, §271, Z, a; — bien que, -t- indie, or subj., §455, §271, 4 ; — pen que, -fin- die, or subj., §455, §271, 4 ; si ... {que), constr., §404, 5, n. »i (= ' yes '). si fait, §420, 1 ; que si, §420, 1, a. isix-vingt{s), §421, n. 'so,'^le, §365, b. soi, reflex, pron., §366, 2. soi-disant, §286, 2, n. 2. soil que. . .soil que {ou que), +subj., §455, §271, 4. son, for sa, §374, 1, obs. 1 ; forindef., §375,6. sorte; de (telle)— que, -fin- die, or subj., §455, §271, 2, a; en — qu^, -f indie, or subj., §455, §271, 2, a. sounds of French, descrip- tion of, §§9-17. S(ms, §453, 1. stress, §7. subjunctive, §§268-278; in subordinate clause, §§268- 271 ; in noun clause, §269 ; in adjectival clause, §270 ; in adverbial clause, §271 "; in principal clause, §272 ; as imperative, §272, la; tense sequence, §273. ' such,' §406, 5 and n. sujffire, +pour+in&n., §279, 6, a. superlative (adjs.), §§347- 349, (advs.), §412, 3 ; rela- tive, §347 ; absolute, §348 ; remarks, §349. supposant ; en — que, + «ubj., §465, §271, 3. suppose, §289, a; — que, + subj., §455, §271, 8. sur, = ' with,' • about (the person),' §436, 3; ='by (relative dimension), §441, 3; ='on,' 'upon,' §446; of 'motion above,' §448, 2. syllabication, §6. T. ■t; inserted in interrog., §236, 1, a. tandis que, distinguished from pendant que, §459,2. tant, §420, 2. tel, §403, 3 ; use, §406, 5. tellement . . . que, -f indie or subj., §455, §271, 2, a. timoin, §344, a. tenses, formation of comp., §155, §§227-229 ; formation from principal parts, §159; of indie, §§255-266 ; peri- phrastic Eng. , §255 ; ellip- tical Eng., §256; in nar- ration, §§258-261; tense sequence of subj., §273. ■teur, fem. of, §337, 2, (3). ' through,' §449. tiers, §422, n. 1. 'till,' §450. time, how expressed, §248, 1. §429. 'to,' §451. toi, for te, §370, 3, obs. 1. ton, for ta, §374, 1, obs. 1. tous (les) deux, §406, 6, 6. tout, §403, 3 ; use, §406, 6 ; as adv. (variable), §406, 6, a; with gens, §304, 3, j. tout . . . que, constr., §404, 6, 6, n. tout-puissant, §406, 6, a, n. •towards,' §452. traiter de, §330, 3, 6. transitive verbs, §293, §294, n. ; in Fr. = Eng. verb-H prep., §296, 3. travail, plur., §309. > INDEX. 551 travers; d— , au — de, 5449, 1. trembler, +d, +de, §281, 23. tu = 'you,' 'thou,' in ad- dress, §373, 1, 2. U. un, see indef. art. wn (adj pron.), §403, 3; use of, §406, 7. un (num.), §421, o. ' under,' §453. •underneath,' §453, unique, +8ubj., §270, 3. 'until,' §450. •upon,' §446. V. va, special force, §267, b. valoir, impers., §262, 1, obs. venir d« + infin., §230, 9 ; + d, +d«, +dir. infin. , §281, 24. verb, §§153 299 ; regular conjugations, §153 ; aux- iliaries, §154 ; useof auxa., §§227-229 ; irreg. verbs, §§156-226 ; formation of comp. tenses, §155, §§227- 229 ; phrases, §230 ; agree- ment with subject, §§231- 234 ; position of subject, §§235-238; passive voice, §§239 - 241 ; reflexives, §§242-247 ; irapersonals, §§248 • 253 ; moods and tenses, §§254-292 ; indic- ative, §§254-266 ; impera- tive, §267 ; subjunctive, §§268 - 273 ; infinitive, §§276 - 285 ; participles, §§286 - 292 ; government. vers, §436, 4, §451, 3. vieU, §337, 1, (3). void, position of pers. pron. obj., §369, 2, n. 2, §433, a. voild, distinguished from il y a, §250, 3 ; position of pers. pron. obj. §369, 2, n. 2, §433, a ; with ne, §419, 6. voir, -finfin.,con8tr. ofobj., §293, 2, b. voire (vos), for politeness, §376, 5. votUoir, +infin., §230, 1. voulu, agreement, §292, 4, 6. vovs, agreement, §361, 6, §239, obs., 2, §244, 2, n. 2, §340, b; replacing on, §405, 3, c; — autres, §406, 2, c; pleonastic, §372, 6, a; in address, §373. vowels, pmcn., §§9-15. semi-vowels, §16, voyons, special force, §207, 6. vu, §289, a, §292, 4, a. W. ' what?,' as subject, §393, 2. 'what' (='that which'), §401, 2. ' whatever,' §407. • whose ?,' §392, 2. wide, definition of, §1, 3. • will,' distinctions, §263,l,a. •with,' §454. ' would,' distinctions, §265, 1.6. y, pron. adv., §360. y, + avoir, §250. y (pron. adv.), §360 ; use, §368, §372, 6, n. : position, §369, 3, (2). •yer, verbs in, llSl RETURN TO the circulation desl< of any p University of California Library J or to the ■j- NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station _ University of California ., , . 4 Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS r • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling | 6 (510)642-6753 io • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing ^ books to NRLF _ • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 j" _ days prior to due date. _ DUE AS STAMPED BELOW - APR 1 Q 1999 ■J IT ^^ 12,000(11/95) P^ .1, ^ .hi UiJd4 Ibeatb's /iDobcrn^^Ldiioua^c :JcciC0* INTERMEDIATE FRENCH TEXTS. (Partial. 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