J \ 
 ON MARCH 10, 1887. 
 March 17, 1886. 
 1. The Library shall be open for the use of the Fellows of the Society 
 daily, with the exception of Sundays and the holidays mentioned in 
 Rule 2, from Eleven in the morning until Six in the afternoon, 
 except that on Saturdays it shall be closed at One. 
 2. The holidays on or during which the Library shall be closed shall 
 be Good Friday, Easter Eve, Easter week, Monday and Tuesday in 
 Whitsun week, Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve inclusive, and 
 the month of September. On Ash Wednesday and Ascension Day, 
 the Library will be open from Two to Six only. 
 3. Every Fellow of the Society whose annual subscription shall not be 
 more than three months in arrear may borrow out of the Library any 
 number of printed volumes not exceeding four, and may exchange 
 any of the borrowed volumes for others as often as he may please, 
 but so that he shall not have more than four in his possession at any 
 one time. 
 4. Every application by any Fellow who shall not attend in person 
 for the loan of any book or books shall be in writing and be pre- 
 sented at the Society's apartments by an authorised agent therein 
 5. So much of the title of every book borrowed as will suffice to dis- 
 tinguish it, the name of the borrower, and the time of borrowing it 
 shall be entered in a book to be called the Library Delivery Book, 
 and such entry shall be signed by the borrower or his agent ; and 
 the return of books borrowed shall be duly entered in the same book. 
 6. After the Library Delivery Book shall have been signed as required 
 by Rule 5, the book or books borrowed may either be taken away 
 by the borrower or his agent, or be sent to the borrower in any 
 reasonable and recognized mode which the borrower or his agent 
 shall request ; but all costs of the packing and of the transmission 
 and return of the book or books borrowed shall in every case be de- 
 frayed by the Fellow who shall have borrowed the same. 
 7. No book borrowed out of the Library shall be retained for a longer 
 period than one month if the same be applied for in the mean- 
 while by any other Fellow ; nor in any case shall any book be re- 
 tained for a longer period than six months. 
8. Every Fellow who shall borrow any book out of the Library shall 
 be responsible to the Society for its safety and good condition from the 
 time of its leaving the apartments of the Society till it shall be re- 
 turned by him ; and, in case of loss or damage, he shall replace the 
 same or make it good, or, if required by the Council, shall furnish 
 another copy of the entire work of which it may be part. 
 9. No manuscript, nor any drawing, nor any part of the Society's 
 collections of prints or rubbings shall be lent out of the Library 
 without the authority of the Council, or, during the summer vaca- 
 tion, without the authority of the Library Committee. 
 10. The Library Committee shall prepare, and may from time to time 
 add to or alter, a List of such works as shall not be lent out of the 
 Library on account of their rarity, value, or peculiar liability to 
 damage, or on account of their being works of reference often needed 
 by Fellows personally using the Library ; and a copy of such List 
 for the time being shall be kept in the Library. 
 11. No book shall be lent out until one month after the acquisition of 
 it for the Library ; and books acquired during the summer vacation, 
 if lent out, shall be returned one week at least before the meetings 
 of the Society shall be resumed, in order to be laid before the 
 12. Persons not being Fellows of the Society may be admitted for a 
 period not exceeding one week to consult printed books and manu- 
 scripts not of a private nature in the Society's Library for any 
 special purpose, on being introduced by a Fellow either personally 
 or by letter. 
 13. No book shall be lent to any person not being a Fellow of the 
 Society without a special order of the Council. 
 W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, M.A., 
 A ssistant- Secretary . 
 A. J. W. Beaumaris and its Environs, 8vo. 
 ABJELARD. Petri Abaelardi Abbatis Ruyensis et Heloissse Abba- 
 tiss83 Paracletensis Epistolae. Edited by R. Rawlinson. 
 8vo Lond. 1718 
 ABBEVILLE. Societe d' Emulation. 
 Memoires, lOvols. 8vo. .... Abbeville, 1833-65. 
 3e serie, torn. 2 1873-76. 
 Bulletin des Proces-Yerbaux. Avec une table analytique 
 des Stances. Annees 1877-80, and 1881-84, 8vo. ib. 1881-84 
 ABBOTSBURT and its Monastic Remains, fol. . . Lond. 1842 
 Account of the Monastic Treasures confiscated at the dis- 
 solution of the various houses in England. By Sir John 
 Williams. Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 183(5 
 The Romances of R/ouland and Yernagu and Otuel, from 
 the Auchinlech MS., 4to ib. 1836 
 Le Roman des Aventures de Fregus, par Guillaume le Clerc. 
 Par F. Michel, 4to ib. 1841 
 A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers, by Alexander 
 Gardyne. The Theatre of Scotish Kiners, by Alexander 
 Garden, together with Miscellaneous Poems, by John 
 Lundie. Edited by W. B. D. Turnbull, 4to. . . . 1845 
 The Buke of the Order of Knighthood, translated by Sir 
 G. Hay. Edited by D. Lang, 4to ib. 1847 
 Second copy. 
 Sire Degarre : A Metrical Romance of the end of the 
 thirteenth century, 4to. ...... ib. 1849 
 List of Members, Rules, and Catalogue oJt Books printed 
 for the Club, 4to ib. 1866 
 ABBOTT, Henry. 
 Miscellanea ^Egyptiaca, vol. i. part 1, 4to. (Tracts, 27.) 
 Alexandria, 1842 
 Catalogue of his Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. . Cairo, 1846 
 ABDALLA. The adventures of Abdalla, son of Hanif, &c. Trans- 
 lated into French by Mr. de Sandisson, and now done into 
 English by Win. Hatchett. Plates. 8vo. . Land. 1729 
 ABEL, John. Memorials of Queen Eleanor, illustrated by Pho- 
 tography, fol . ib. 1864 
 ABINGDON, Thomas. 
 Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, 8vo. 
 [Prattinton ColL] ib. 1717 
 Another edition. [Prattinton Ooll.~\ . . ib. 1723 
 ABREGE CHRONOLOGIQUE de Fhistoire d'Espagne et de Portugal. 
 2 vols. sin. 8vo. ....... Paris, 1777 
 ABSALON, ARCHBISHOP. Beretning om undersoegelsen af Erke- 
 biskop Absalons Grav i Toroa kirke. 4to. Copenhagen, 1829 
 Another copy. (Tracts 12.) 
 ACADEMY, THE. A Record of Literature, &c., 4to. In pro- 
 gress. ........ Lond. 1869, etc. 
 ACCOUNT. An Account of the Pretended Prince of Wales, and 
 other Grievances, that occasioned the Prince of Orange's 
 Coming into England. To which is added, a short 
 Account of the/ Murthers of the Earl of Essex, &c. 
 n.p. 1688 
 ACTA SANCTORUM. Fol.. In progress . . . Paris, 
 ADAM, B. Miscellaneous Engravings. Proofs. MS. Note by 
 A.. Ashpitel. 
 ADAM, Robert and James. Works in Architecture. Vol. I. 
 Plates. Atlas fol ib. 1778 
 ADAM, W. Matlock, Buxton, and Chatsworth, 8vo. 
 Derby, n..d. 
 ADAM DE LA HALLE. Oeuvres Completes (Poesies et Musique) 
 publiees par E. de Coussemaker, 8vo. . . Paris, 1872 
 ADAMS, H. G. An Historical Account of Rochester Bridge, 8vo. 
 Rochester, 1856 
 ADAMS> John. Index Yillaris, fol. .... Lond. 1700 
 ADAM SON, John. 
 The Marriage of the Coquet and the Alwine, 8vo. Newcastle, 1817 
 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens.. 
 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1820 
 Lusitania Illustrata. Notices of the History, &c., of 
 Portugal, 8vo Newcastle, 1842 
 ADDINGTON, Henry. Account of the Abbey Church of Dor- 
 chester, Oxfordshire, &c., 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1845 
 ADDIS, W. E., and T. Arnold. A Catholic Dictionary, con- 
 taining some account of the Doctrine, Discipline, and 
 Religious Orders of the Catholic Church. 2nd edition. 
 8vo Lond. 1884 
 ADDISON, C. G. The Temple Church, 8vo. . .. . ib. 1843 
 ADDISON, Joseph. Dialogues upon the usefulness of Ancient 
 Medals, anon. 12mo. ....... ib. 1746 
 ADDRESS. An Address to the Hopeful Young Gentry of 
 England in some strictures on the vices incident to 
 their age. By a perfect Honourer of their Worth, sm. 
 8vo. , . . ft. 1669 
 ADLARD, George. The Sutton-Dudleys of England and the 
 Dudleys of Massachusetts, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1862 
 ABLER, J. G. C. 
 Judseorum codicis sacri rite scribendi leges in Latinum con- 
 versas . . . tradit J. G. C. Adler, 4to. . . Hamburg, 1779 
 Descriptio Codicum Cuficorum paries Corani exhibentium, 
 in Bibliotheca Regia Hafiiiensi, &c., 4to. . Altona, 1780 
 Another copy. 
 Museum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris, 4to . . Rome, 1782 
 ADMIRALTY LIBRARY. Catalogue of Books, 8vo. . Lond. 1858 
 Society of Advocates, &c., respecting the Contents of the 
 Black Book of the Admiralty. Privately printed. 4to. 
 ib. 1874 
 Histoiy of England, 1760-1783, 3 vols. 8vo. , Lond. 1802 
 Another edition, 1 760-1 S20, 7 vols. 8vo. ib. 1840-45 
 ADVOCATES (The) for Murther and Rebellion, the Pest of Go- 
 vernment. Being an Answer to two Libels : One In 
 Defence of the Murther of King Charles I. And the 
 other, Reasons for the Abrogating the Fast of that Day. 
 12mo. . . . ib. 1714 
 PEMBROCHI&. Account of the Statues, &e., in Wilton 
 House, 8vo Salisbury, 1788 
 , Matthaeus. De Bacchanalibus, fol. . . Naples, 1729 
 LFRIC SOCIETY. The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 
 Pt. 1. Homilies of ^Blfric. Edited by B. Thorpe. 
 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1844-46 
 De natura aniinalium, etc. ; PORPHYRIUS. De absti- 
 nentia, etc. ; PHILO BYZANTIUS. De septem orbis 
 spectaculis, etc. Gr. et Lat. Edited by R. Hercher. 
 8vo ' Paris, Didot, 1858 
 . Tragcediae VII. Opera G. Canteri, 12mo. Antwerp, 1580 
 et SOPHOCLES, 8vo. .... Paris, Didot, 1856 
 Fabulae. Gr. and Lat. Accedit Ranarum et Murium 
 Pugna. Woodcuts. 12mo. . . . Amsterdam, 1669 
 Fabulae. Gabriae fabellae XLIIL Edrpa^ofivojua^ia 
 Homeri. TaXewfiufiaw'a* Accesserunt Avieni fabulae. 
 Woodcuts, 12mo. .... Colonice Allobrogum. 1605 
 AFRICA, WEST. To Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of Great Britain 
 and Ireland. (Petition. King Glass's Town, Gaboon 
 River, West Africa, April 4th, 1844) 8vo. . Bristol. 
 AGAS, R. Civitas Londinum. Ralph Agas. A survey of the 
 cities of London and Westminster, the borough of South- 
 wark, etc., in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Published 
 in facsimile by W. H. Overall, 4to. . . . Lond. 1874 
 AGATHIAS. Edited by B. G. Niebuhr, 8vo. . . fio?m, 1828 
 AGBRIGG, THE WAPENTAKE OF. Dodsworth's Yorkshire Notes. 
 Transcribed by Mr. Tillotson, and Edited by A. S. Ellis 
 and G. W. Tomlinson, 8vo Lond. 1884 
 B 2 
 AGNESI, MARIA GAETANA. Elogio Storico, 8vo. . Milan, 1799 
 AGNEW, D. C. A. Protestant Exiles from France in the reign of 
 Louis XIV. ; or the Huguenot Refugees and their descend- 
 ants in Great Britain and Ireland. Second edition, 
 3 vols. 4to Lond. and Edinb. 1871-74 
 AGNEW, H. C. Letter on the Quadrature of the Circle in 
 the Configuration of the Pyramids of Gizeh, 4to. 
 Lond. 1838 
 AGOSTINI, Leonardo. Gemmae et Sculpture Antiquse depictae 
 ab L. Augustino, addita earum narratione, in Latinum 
 versa, ab G. Gronovio. Third edition. Plates. 2 vols. 
 4to. ....... Franequerce, 1699 
 AGEAM Archaeological Society. (Croatia.) Viestnik Hrvatskoga 
 Arkeologiekoga Druztva. In progress. 8vo. 
 Zagreb (Agram) 1879, etc. 
 Museum (Croatia) Viestnik Narodnoga 
 Zemaljskoga Muzejau Zagrebu, 8vo. . . ib. 1870 
 AGRICULTURE, Societe d', du Puy. Annales, vols. xxi.-xxiv. 
 - 1857-60, 8vo Le Puy, 1859-82 
 Table des Annales, &c. 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 AGRIPPA, Henricus Cornelius. 
 De Occulta Philosophia Libri Tres. For bibliographical 
 details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. Fol. . . n.p. 1533 
 Second copy. Sound with Catalogus 
 annorum, etc., of V. A. Ryd. 
 Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Translated by J. F. 
 Portrait. 4to. ...... .Lond. 1651 
 The Vanitie and uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences : Eng- 
 lished by Ja[mes] Sa[ndford]. B.L. 4to. . . ib. 1575 
 The Vanity of Arts and Sciences. Sin. 8vo. . . ib. 1684 
 Female Pre-eminence : Or the Dignity of that Sex above 
 the Males. Done into English by H[enry] C[are]. 
 12mo ib. 1670 
 AUUCHEKIKOS. Professor Aguchekikos on Totemism, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Ai CHER, Otto. Theatrum Funebre ... exhibens epitaphia, etc. 
 (with MS. additions), 4to. .... Saltzburg, 1675 
 ALNSLIE, Gr. R. Illustrations of the Anglo-French Coinage, 4to. 
 Lond. 1830 
 AINSLIE, Sir Robert. Bart. Lettere e Dissertazioni Numismatiche 
 della Collezione Ainslieana, 4 vols. 4to. .... 1789 
 AINSWORTH, Robert. 
 De Clypeo Camilli, 4to ib. 1734 
 Latin Dictionary. New edition, by T. Morell, 4to. . ib. 1773 
 AIROLDI, Archb. Alf. Codex Diplomaticus Siciliae, t. 1, fol. 
 Palermo, 1788 
 AIRY, G. B. Essays on the Invasions of Britain and the mili- 
 tary policy of the Romans in Britain, 4to. . . Lond. 1865 
 Lettre sur 1'Inscription Egyptienne de Rosette, 8vo. Paris, 1802 
 Inscriptionis Phoenicia Oxoniensis nova Interpretatio 
 (Alphabetum Phcenicium e tribus inscriptionibus eru- 
 tum), 8vo. (Bound with the preceding) . . . ib. 1802 

 AKERBLAD, J. D. continued. 
 Sopra Laminette di Bronzo trovate in Atene, 4to. Rome, 1811 
 Iscrizione Greca sopra una Lamina di Piombo, trovata in 
 un sepolcro nelle vicinanze di Atene, 4to. . . ib. 1813 
 Lettre sur une Inscription Phenicienne trouvee a Athenes, 
 8vo. (Bound with Lettre sur 1'Inscription, &c.) . ib. 1817 
 Numismatic Manual, 12mo. ..... Lond. 1832 
 Numismatic Manual ; Greek, Roman, and English Coins, 
 8vo . ib. 1840 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Unedited Roman 
 Coins, 2 vols. 8vo. ........ ib. 1834 
 Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, 12mo. . ib. 1836 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 Observations on the Coinage of the Ancient Britons. (Fur- 
 ther observations, &c.) 4to. .... ib. 1837-39 
 The Stone Worship of the Ancients, 4to. . . ib. 1838 
 On Coins of Ephesus, 8vo. (Tracts 102) . . . ib. 1841 
 A Glossary of Provincial Words and Phrases in use in 
 Wiltshire, 12mo ib. 1842 
 Forgeries of Public Money, 8vo. (Tracts 102) . ib. 1843 
 Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes. Hispania Gallia 
 Britannia, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1846 
 Numismatic Illustrations of the narrative portions of the 
 New Testament, 8vo ib. 1846 
 List of Tokens of Wilts Tradesmen, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) ib. 1846 
 An Archaeological Index to remains of the Celtic, Romano- 
 British, and Anglo-Saxon periods, 8vo. . . . ib. 1847 
 Introduction to the Study of Coins, 12mo.. . . ib. 1848 
 Tradesmen's Tokens current in London and its vicinity, 
 between 1648 and 1672, 8vo ib. 1849 
 Directions for the Preservation of English Antiquities, 
 sm. 4to. (Tracts 154) ib. 1851 
 Remains of Pagan Saxondom, 4to. .... ib. 1855 
 - Second copy. 
 ALABASTER, William. Roxana Tragoedia, a plagiarii unguibus 
 vindicata, &c., sm. 8vo. ...... ib. 1632 
 ALALEONA, Giuseppe. 
 Vagliatura tra Bajone, e Ciancione Mugnai della Lettera 
 toccante le considerazioni sopra la Maniera di ben pensare. 
 4to Padua, 1741 
 Dissertazioni, 4to. Bound with the preceding . . ib. 1741 
 ALBANI, Annibali. Menologium Graecorum, 3 vols. fol. Urbini, 1727 
 ALBERDINGK THIJM, J. A. Gertrude d'Est, Le"gende. Traduite 
 du hollandais par 1'Abbe D. Camel, 12mo. Paris andI^7Ze, 1859 
 ALBERICI COLLECTION. Catalogue de la riche collection d'Anti- 
 quites Classiques et d'Objets d'Art des XIV 6 ., XV 6 ., et 
 XVI*. siecles, fol -Borne, 1886 
 ALBERONI, Istoria del Cardinal. Fino alia meta dell' anno 1720. 
 Seconda edizione, 8vo Amsterdam, 1720 
 ALBERTI, Leon Batista. Architecture, in ten books ; painting 
 in three books ; and Statuary in one book. Translated 
 into Italian by Cosimo Bartoli, and into English by James 
 Leoni. Plates. Fol. ... . Lond. 1755 
 ALBERTOLLI, Giocondo. Corso Elementare di Ornamenti Archi- 
 tettorici. Plates. Fol Milan, 1805 
 Super officio Missae. Fol. Black Letter. For biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. Fol. n.d. n.p. 
 Speculum AstrOnomise. Preemittuntur ejusdem libelli De 
 Virtutibus Herbarum, &c. ' Item De Mirabilibus Mundi. 
 24mo. ........ Lugduni, 1615 
 De Secretis Mulierum Libellus. Ejusdem de Virtutibus 
 Herbarum, etc. Item de mirabilibus mundi, 24 mo. 
 Argentorati, 1615 
 ALBERTUS PARVUS. Secrets Merveilleux de la Magie naturelle 
 et cabalistique du Petit Albert, traduit exactemeiit, &c. 
 Plates. 24mo. Lyons, 1758 
 ALBRECHT, Joseph. Die Hohenlohischen Siegel des Mittelalters, 
 fol Ohringen, 1857 
 ALCHTMY, A True Sight of, 12mo Lond. 1709 
 ALDIS, Elijah. Carvings and Sculptures of Worcester Cathedral, 
 4to ib. 1873 
 De Animalibus Insectis, fol. .... Bologna, 1602 
 De Beliquis Animalibus Exanguibus, fol. . . . ib. 1606 
 OrnithologiaD, hoc est, de Avibus, libri XII. 3 vols. (in one), 
 fol. Frankfort, 1610-38 
 De Piscibus, fol. ib. 1623 
 De Quadrupedibus Solidipedibus, fol. . . . . ib. 1623 
 De Quadrupedibus Digitatis viviparis et oviparis,f ol. Bologna, 1637 
 Serpentum et Draconum Historiae libri duo, fol.. . ib. 1640 
 Monstrorum Historia, fol. ...... ib. 1642 
 Paralipomena Historiee Animalium, fol. . . . ib. 1642 
 Quadrupedum omnium Bisulcorum Historia, fol. 
 Frankfort, 1647 
 Musseum Metallicum, fol. ...... ib. 1648 
 Dendrologiae naturalis liori duo, fol. .... ib. 1668 
 ALDUS, Manutius. Orthographies Ratio, 8vo. . . Venice, 1591 
 ALEMAN L. Grammaire Elementaire de la Langue Quictree. 
 Publiee par A. Blomme, 8vo. . . . Copenhagen, 1884 
 " ALEPH." London Scenes and London People. Plates. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1863 
 ALEXANDER VII. II Sindicato di Alexandro VII. Con il suo 
 Viaggio nell' altro Hondo. .... n.p. 1668 
 ALEXANDER ab Alexandro. Genialium Dierum, libri sex, 8vo. 
 Leyden, 1616 
 ALEXANDER. William. 
 Costume of China, illustrated in 48 coloured engravings, 4to. 
 Lond. 1805 
 Sarcophagus of Alexander the Great, fol. . . ib. 1805-7 
 ALFIERI, Vittorio. Tragedie Scelte, 12mo. . . Paris, 1841 
 ALFORD, Lady M. Needlework as Art, 8vo. . Lond. 1886 
 Whole works, with preliminary essays, illustrative of the 
 Ninth Century. [Published for the ALFRED COMMITTEE. 
 Jubilee edition.^ 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1852 
 A Description of Europe, and the Voyages of Ohthere and 
 Wulfstan. Containing a facsimile copy of the whole 
 Anglo-Saxon text, a printed Anglo-Saxon text, and. a 
 literal English translation and notes. By the Rev. 
 J. Bosworth, 4to ib. 1855 
 Anglo-Saxon Version of the Compendious History of the 
 World by Orosius. By the Rev. J. Bosworth, 8vo. ib. 1859 
 ALLAN, George. 
 Collections relating to Sherbum Hospital, 4to. Darlington, 1771 
 Historical View of Durham, 12 mo. . . . Durham^ 1824 
 ALLASON, Thomas. Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of 
 Pola in Istria. (Bound with Stanhope's " Olympia.") 
 Atlas, fol ib. 1819 
 ALLEN, E. An argument addressed to His Majesty's Royal 
 Commissioners in the Island of Jersey. Comprising an 
 Epitome of the History of that Island, 8vo, . Lond. 1812 
 ALLUN, E. A., and TEIXEIRA, H. N. Monnaies d'or Sue'vo-Lusi- 
 tanionnes, 8vo. ..... Paris, 1865 
 ALLEN, E. H. Opuscula Fidicularum. No. I. The Ancestry of 
 the Violin, 8vo Lond. 1882 
 ALLEN, j . R. 
 Notes on Wooden Tumbler Locks, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1880 
 Notes on Fire-producing Machines, 4to. . . . ib. 1880 
 Note on a Standing Stone near Ford, Argyllshire, 4to. ib. 1880 
 Notice of three Cup-marked Stones and the discovery cf an 
 Urn, in Perthshire, 4to ib. 1881 
 Notice of Sculptured Stones at Kilbride, Kilmartin, and 
 Dunblane, 4to ib. 1881 
 Notes on some undescribed Stones with Cup-markings in 
 Scotland, 4to ib. 1882 
 Discovery of a Sculptured Stone at St. Madoes, with notes 
 on Interlaced Ornament, 4to. . . . . ib. 1883 
 Notes on Early Christian Symbolism, 4to. . . ib. 1884 
 Second copy. 
 Notes on Celtic Ornament. The Key and Spiral Patterns, 
 4to ib. 1885 
 ALLEN, John. 
 Translation of the Charter of Hereford, of June 14, 1697, 4to. 
 Hereford, 1820 
 Bibliotheca Herefordiensis, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1821 
 ALLEN, John. The Stranger's Guide to Ferriby, Welton, 
 Elloughton, and South- Cave, Yorkshire, 12mo. Hull, 1841 
 ALLEN, John, M.D. Inquiry into the rise and growth of the 
 Royal Prerogative in England. New edition, 8vo Lond. 1849 
 ALLEN, T. The Panorama of London, or Visitor's Guide, 12 mo. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 ALLEN, Thomas. 
 History and Antiquities of Lambeth, parts 1, 2, 4to. 
 Lond. 1824, 1827 
 History of the County of York, 6 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1828-31 
 History of Surrey and Sussex, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1829 
 History of the County of Lincoln, 2 vols. 4ito.Lond. fy Lincoln, 1834 
 ALLIBONE, S. A. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature 
 and British and American Authors to the latter half of 
 the Nineteenth Century, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 8f Phila. 1872-75 
 ALLIES, Jabez. 
 Observations on Curious Indentations in the Old Red Sand- 
 stone of Worcestershire and Herefordshire ; considered as 
 the Tracks of Antediluvian Animals. [Woolfe Coll.'] 8vo. 
 Lond. 8f Worcester, 1835 
 Second copy. 
 Roman Antiquities discovered in Worcestershire. [Prat- 
 tinton Coll.'] 8vo Worcester, 1836 
 On the Causes of Planetary Motion, 8vo. (Tracts 123.) 
 Lond. 1838 
 On British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities of Worcester- 
 shire, 8vo. [Woolfe Coll.'] . . ib. 1840 
 Another copy. 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 - Supplement, 8vo. (Tracts 123.) . ib. 1853 
 On the Jovial Hunter of Bromsgrove, Herne the Hunter, 
 and Robin Hood, 8vo. (Tracts 123.) . . . ib. 1845 
 On the Ignis Fatuus and Fairies, 8vo. (Tracts 123.) . ib. 1846 
 ALLISON, J. Northern Tourist's Guide to the Lakes, 12 mo. 
 Penrith, 1837 
 ALLOU, C. N. 
 Description des Monumens de la Haute Vienne, avec un 
 precis des annales de ce pays, 4to. . . . Limoges, 1821 
 Essai sur 1'universalite de la langue Francaise, 8vo. . Paris, 1828 
 Armes et Armures du Moyen Age. Casques, 8vo. (Tracts 
 107.) 1834-35 
 Boucliers, 8vo. (Tracts 107.) . . . 1837 
 - Hauberts, Ac. 8vo. (Tracts 107.) . 1838 
 Eglise du Prieure de Solesme, 8vo. 
 ALLPOET, Douglas. Collections illustrative of the Geology, 
 History, Antiquities, &c., of Camberwell, 8vo. Camberwell, 1841 
 Statutes, 8vo. ........ n.p. n.d. 
 , Translated by G. R. M. Ward, 8vo. . . Lond. 1841 
 ALLUT, P. Recherches sur la Vie et sur les CEuvres du 
 P. C. F. Menestrier, suivies d'un Recueil de Lettres 
 inedites, 8vo. ....... Lyons, 1856 
 The London Calendar, or Court and City Register for the 
 years 1791-3 and 1807, 8vo. . . ' . . Lond. 1791, &c. 
 The British Imperial Calendar, 1836-1848, 8vo. ib. 1836-48 
 ALMANACS continued. 
 British Almanack and Companion for 1862, etc., 8vo. In 
 progress ........ Lond. ]862, etc. 
 ALNWICK. The History of. Alnwick, 12mo. . . Alnwick, 1813 
 ALNWICK CASTLE. A Descriptive Catalogue of Antiquities, 
 chiefly British, at. Edited by J. Collingvvood Bruce. 
 Privately printed. 4to. . . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1880 
 Ibericum, sive Georgianum, cum oratione dominicali, &c. 
 12mo . Rome, 1629 
 ^Ethiopicum, sive Abyssinum, cum oratione dominicali, &c. 
 12mo ib. 1631 
 Armenum, 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1673 
 Cophtum, sive .^Egyptiacum. (Title lost.) .... n.d. 
 ALPINUS, Prosper. Medicina ^Egyptiorum et J. Bontii Medicina 
 Tndorum, 4to. . . . . . Ley den, 1719 
 ALSTORPHTTJS, Joh. De Hastis Veterum, 4to. 
 Amsterdam fy Leipsic, 1757 
 ALTENSTAIG, Johann. Vocabularium Yocum in Operibus 
 Grammaticorum, 4to. (Sound with BRASSICANUS.) 
 Hagenau, 1516 
 ALTON TOWERS, Catalogue of the Contents of, 8vo. . Lond. 1857 
 ALVINO, Francesco. La Collina di Posilippo. Plates. 8vo. 
 Naples, 1845 
 AMADOR DE Los Rios, Jose. El Arte Latino-Bizantiiio en 
 Espaiia, 4to. ....... Madrid, 1861 
 AMADUZZI, J. C. Alphabetum Veterum Etruscorum, 8vo. Rome, 1771 
 AMATO, Domenico. Delia Yita Privata de Romani. 2 vols. 
 8vo. , Naples, 1764 
 Annual Report. Commissioner General, Land Office Doc. 
 No. 38, 8vo. (Tracts 52.) 
 House of Representatives Report on Land Fund Doc. 
 No. 30, 8vo. (Tracts 100.) 
 Report of the Secretary of War, 1865, 8vo. Washington, 1865 
 : , 1866, 8vo. .'.... ib. 1866 
 Documents of the United States' Sanitary Commission, 
 vols. i. and ii. 8vo. ...... New York, 1866 
 United States' Sanitary Commission Bulletin. Vols. i-iii. 
 8vo ib. 1866 
 Twenty-first Report of the Trustees of the Public Schools, 
 Washington, 8vo. ..... Washington, 1866 
 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1871, 8vo. 
 ib. 1872 
 Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1872, 8vo. 
 ib. 1873 
 Thirty-sixth and thirty- seventh Annual Reports of the 
 Board of Education, 8vo Boston, 1873-74 
 Department of the Interior. U.S. Geographical and 
 Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. 
 Contributions to North American Ethnology. Vols. i. 
 and iii. etc. 4to. In progress . . Washington, 1877, &c. 
 AMERICA continued. 
 Animal Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency, for 
 1878, 1879, 8vo Washington, 1878-79 
 Memoirs. Yols. i. to iv, (part 2 of vol ii. wanting), 4to. 
 Boston, &c., 1785-1818 
 New Series. Vols. v., etc. In progress 
 Cambridge and Boston, 1853, &c. 
 Proceedings. Yols. iii, (pp. 185-248) iv., v. ; vol. vi., pp. 
 97-364 ; vol. vii., pp. 97-184 ; vol. viii., pp. 137-296, 8vo. 
 ib. 1852, etc. 
 Plan exhibiting the Ravages of the Tornado of August 22nd, 
 1851. By H. L. Eustis, 4to ib. 1853 
 Archeeologia Americana. (Transactions.) Yols. i., iii., 
 iv. 8vo. (Yol. 3, part 1, bound with Proceedings, 
 1849-55.) . . . Worcester and Cambridge, 1820-60 
 Proceedings at Annual Meetings, 1849-1871. 4 vols. 8vo. 
 ib, 1849-72 
 New Series, 8vo. In progress. Worcester, 1886, etc. 
 A Partial Index to the Proceedings, 1812-1880. By S. 
 Salisbury, Junr. With a Table of Contents of all the 
 Publications of the Society to April, 1883. By N. Paine, 
 8vo Worcester, Mass., 1883 
 Catalogue of the Books in the Library, 8vo. . . ib. 1837 
 ceedings at New Haven, 1850, 8vo. . Washington, 1851 
 Transactions, vols. i. and ii. 8vo. . . New York, 1845-48 
 Bulletin, vol. i. 8vo ib. 1860-61 
 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHEOLOGY. (The Organ of the Archceo- 
 logical Institute of America.} Yol. i., etc. In progress. 
 8vo Baltimore, 1885, etc. 
 8vo New York, 1870 
 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Articles of Incorporation, &c. 
 8vo ib. 1865 
 Proceedings, 1882 ; with Lists of Founders, &c., 8vo. 
 ib. 1882 
 Transactions, 1st series, vols. i. to vi. 4to. Philadelphia, 1789-1809 
 New Series. In progress. 4to. . ib. 181 8, etc. 
 Proceedings. In progress. . . . . ib. 1843, etc. 
 Transactions of Historical and Literary Committee, vol. iii. 
 part 1, 8vo ib. 1843 
 Laws, with List of Members, 8vo. . . . ib. 1860 
 Catalogue of the Library, parts 1-3, 8vo. . . .ib. 3863-78 
 List of Surviving Members. 1865, 1878, and 1886, 8vo. 
 ib. 1865, etc. 
 List of the Members. 1865 and 1880, 8vo. . ib. 1865, &c. 
 Early Proceedings, 1744-1838, 8vo ib. 1884 
 Register of papers published in Transactions and Proceed- 
 ings, 8vo Philadelphia, 1884 
 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Centennial Orations commemorative of 
 the opening events of the. 1874-75. 8vo. . Boston, 1875 
 Session, 1875, 1883, etc. 8vo. In progress. 
 Nancy and Paris, etc., 1875, etc. 
 AMES, Joseph. 
 Proposals for Printing Typographical Antiquities, 8vo., 
 single leaf. (Tracts 140.*) 
 Catalogue of English Heads ; or, An Account of about 
 2,000 Prints, 8vo. (Tracts 140.*) . . Lond. 1748 
 Catalogue of English Printers, 1471 to 1600, 4to. (Tracts 19.*) 
 Typographical Antiquities : Being an Historical Account of 
 Printing in England, 1471-1600. With Appendix for 
 Scotland and Ireland, 4to ib. 1749 
 augmented by William Herbert, 3 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1785-90 
 enlarged by T. F. Dibdin, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1810-19 
 AMICO, Vito Maria De. Lexicon Topographicum Siculum, 3 vols. 4to. 
 Palermo, 1757-60 
 Nouveau Guide de 1'^tranger dans Amiens, 12mo, Bound 
 with Guide de la Ville de Gand and Guide dans Liege. 
 Amiens, n.d. 
 AMIENS, Louis, EVEQUE D'. Lettre Circulaire sur le retablisse- 
 ment dans le Diocese de la Fete de la Reception de la 
 Face de Saint Jean-Baptiste, 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 AMOS, Andrew. The Great Oyerof Poisoning, 8vo. Lond. 1846 
 AMSINCK, Paul. Tunbridge Wells and its Neighbourhood, 
 illustrated by a series of etchings and historical 
 descriptions. Plates. 4to. . . . . . ib. 1810 
 The Deputies of the Republick of, to the States of Holland 
 Convicted of High Treason, written and proved by the 
 Minister of State. (Bound with Greenshield's Case, 
 1710.) 4to ib. 1684 
 Societe Arti et Amicitiae. Exposition Retrospective 
 d'Objets d'Art en Or et en Argent, 1880. 50 Planches 
 Phototypes d'apres les cliches de E. F. Georges par J. B. 
 Obernetter, fol. ..... Amsterdam, 1881 
 ANACREON, Odaria, cura E. Forster, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1802 
 ANCHORANUS, Johannes. 
 Porta Linguarum Trilinguis reserata et aperta, 18mo. 
 ib. 1633 
 ANCIENT AND MODERN. (Papers Relating to the Mar Peer- 
 age claim.) For Private circulation. 8vo. . . ib. 1875 
 ANCONITANUS, Kyriacus. Itinerarium, editionem recensuit 
 Laurentius Mehus, 8vo, . . .- Florence, 1742 
 ANDERSON. George. Plans of the Abbey of St. Denys, 4to. 
 Loud. 1812 
 Antiquities of Croydon Church, 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 The Roman City of Uriconum, at Wroxeter, Salop, 8vo. ib. 1867 
 Shropshire, its early history and antiquities, Boy. 8vo. 
 ib. 1867 
 ANDERSON, J. E. A History of the Parish of Mortlake. Privately 
 printed. 8vo. . . . ib. 1886 
 ANDERSON, J. P. The Book of British Topography. A cata- 
 logue of the topographical works in the British Museum 
 relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 ANDERSON, James, D.D. 
 Proposal for Printing Hubner's Genealogical Tables, ob. 
 fol. 1719 
 Royal Genealogies, 2 vols. fol. . . . . ib. 1736 
 Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1742 
 ANDERSON, James (of Edinburgh). 
 Collections relating to Mary Queen of Scots, 4 vols. 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1727-28 
 Diplomata et Numismata Scotiee, fol. .... n.d. 
 Prize Essay on the State of Society and Knowledge in the 
 Highlands of Scotland... in 1745, 8vo. . . . ib. 1827 
 ANDERSON, John, M.D. 
 A Report on the Expedition to Western Yunan via Bhamo, 
 4to. Calcutta, 1871 
 ANDERSON, Joseph. 
 The Oliphants in Scotland, 4to. For private circulation. 
 Edinburgh, 1879 
 Scotland in Early Christian Times. The Rhind Lectures 
 in Archeology, 1879, 8vo ib. 1881 
 (Second Series.) 1880, 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 Scotland in Pagan Times. The Iron Age. The Rhind 
 Lectures in Archaeology, 1881, 8vo. . . ib. 1883 
 Scotland in Pagan Times. The Bronze and Stone Ages. 
 The Rhind Lectures in Archeology for 1882, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 ANDERSON, Richard. Lightning Conductors ; their History, 
 Nature, and Mode of Application. Third edition, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1885 
 ANDERSON, Robert. Rudiments of Tamul Grammar, 4to. 
 ib. 1821 
 ANDREINI DA PISTOIA, Francesco. Le Bravure del Capitano 
 Spavento ; divise in molti ragionamenti in forma di 
 dialogo. Second edition, 4to. . . . Venice, 1609 
 ANDREW, J. A. Address delivered before the New England 
 Historical Genealogical Society, January 2, 1867, 8vo. 
 Boston, 1867 
 ANDREW, W. History of Winterton and the adjoining Villages, 
 12mo. . . . .. . . . . Hull, 1836 
 Anecdotes, Ancient and Modern, 8vo. . . Lond. 1789 
 History of Great Britain, from Caesar's invasion to the 
 accession of Edward VI., vol. i., parts 1 and 2, 4to. ib. 1794-95 
 History of Great Britain, from death of Henry VIII. to 
 the accession of James VI., in continuation of Dr. Henry, 
 vol. i., 4to ib. 1796 
 ANDREWS, John. The Anatomie of Baseness (1615). Edited 
 by A. B. Grosart. (Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' 
 Library. Vol. ii.) 8vo. ..... n.p. 1871 
 ANDREWS, Joseph. Letter to the Calcutta Railway Company, 
 8vo. (Tracts 60.*) . . . Lond. 1837 
 ANECDOTA LITERARIA. Short. Poems Illustrative of the Literature 
 and History of England in the 13th Century . Edited by 
 T. Wright, 8vo. . ...'.. ib. 1844 
 ANECDOTA OXONIENSIA. Texts, Documents, and Extracts chiefly 
 from MSS. in the Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries. 
 Mediaeval and Modern Series, vol. i., part 1. Sinonoma Bar- 
 tholomei. Edited by J. L. G. Mowat, 4to. . Oxford, 1882 
 ANGELL, C. F. Some Account of the Parish Church of St. 
 Mary's, at Town Sutton, or Sutton Valence, in the county 
 of Kent, 8vo Lond. 1874 
 ANGELL, S. On the Open Spaces of our Metropolis, 4to. 
 (Papers, R.I.B.A.) . . . ib. 1854 
 Etude sur la Chanson de Roland. Conference faite a Bou- 
 logne, 8vo. ....... Paris, 1878 
 Etude sur Henri Regnault. Avec une eau-forte de Paul 
 Langlois, 8vo ib. 1879 
 ANGELOTTI, Pompeo. 
 Descrittione della Citta di Rieti, 4to. . . . Rome, 1635 
 1 . Giraldus Cambrensis de Instructione Principum. Libri 
 iii., 8vo Lond. 1846 
 2. Chronicon Monasterii de Bello, 8vo. . . . ib. 1846 
 3. Liber Eliensis, vol. i. 8vo ib. 1848 
 ANGLICANO, Lettere di un, ad un Gallicano (Tracts 147) Imola, 1828 
 ANGLO-BIBLICAL INSTITUTE. Transactions, part 2, No. 1, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 114) Lond. 1859 
 Chronicon Saxonicum. Edited by E. Gibson, 4to. Oxford, 1692 
 - Edited by B. Thorpe, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861 
 Facsimiles photozincographed by Lieut.- Gen. J. Cameron, 
 with Translations by W. Basevi Sanders. Parts 1-3, fol. 
 Southampton, 1878-84 
 ANIMADVERSIONS upon the French King's Declaration against the 
 Protestants, given at Versailles the 17th of June, 1681. 
 Translated out of French (bound with A MEMENTO for 
 English Protestants), 4to Lond. 1681 
 ANNA COMNENA. Edited by L. Schoppen, vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. 
 Bonn, 1839-78 
 ANNALES ARCHE"OLOGIQUES, dirigees par Didron aine, torn. i. to 
 xxvii., 4to Paris, 1844-70 
 ANNALES MONASTICI. Vols. i.-v. (Rolls series). Edited by H. R. 
 Luard, Roy. 8vo Lond. 1864-1869 
 ANNONI, P. Carlo. Epigrafe antica di Milano, 4to. . Milan, 1854 
 ANQUETIL DU PEERON, A. H. Catalogue de ses, Livres, 8vo. Paris, 1805 
 ANSELME, Antoine. Oraison Funebre sur Jacques II., 4to. 
 (Bound with ROQUETTE) . . . . Paris, 1702 
 ANSPACH. Requete des Bourgeois de la ville d'Anspacli a sa 
 Majeste le Roi de Prusse, avec les observations d'un 
 Magistrat d'Anspacli. Traduit de I'Allemand. (Bound 
 with D'ANTRAIGUES : Traduction d'un Fragment de Poly be) 
 8vo Lond. 1806 
 ANSTED, D. T. The Natural History of Leicestershire. Part 1, 
 4to Westminster, 1866 
 ANSTEY, Christopher. Poetical Works. Portrait and Plates. 4to. 
 Lond. 1808 
 ANSTIS, John. Register of the Order of the Garter, 2 vols. fol. ib. 1724 
 Observations introductory to an historical essay upon the 
 Knighthood of the Bath, 4to ib. 1725 
 Florilegium diversorum epigrammatum Greece, 8vo. 
 Venetiis, Aldus, 1503 
 Florilegium diversorum epigrammatum Grsece. (Wants 
 title.) 8vo. . . Florentine, per hceredes P. Juntce, 1519 
 Veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum et Poematum, Cura 
 P. Burmanni Secundi, 2 vols. 4to. . . Amsterdam, 1759 
 Anthologia Grseca, ad fidem Codicis olim Palatini, Curavit 
 F. Jacobs, 8vo. 3 vols Leipzig, 1817 
 E. Jacob's Animadversiones in Epigrammata Anthologise 
 Graecee secundum ordinem Analectorum Brunckii, 12 
 torn, (in 4) 8vo ib. 1798-1803 
 Anthologia Epigrammatum Graecorum. Edited by F. 
 Diibner, vols. 1, 2, 8vo Paris, Didot, 1864-72 
 Anthropological Review and Journal and Popular Maga- 
 zine, vols. i., etc. 8vo. In progress * . Lond. 1863, &c. 
 Memoirs, vols. i. ii. iii., 8vo. .... ib. 186370 
 Lectures on Man, by Carl Vogt. Edited by J. Hunt, 8vo. 
 ib. 1864 
 On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the genus Homo, by 
 Dr. Paul Broca. Edited by C. C. Blake, 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 Pouchet's Plurality of the Human Race. Translated by 
 H. J. C. Beavan, 8vo ib. 1864 
 Anthropological Treatises of Blumenbach and Hunter. 
 Edited by T. Bendyshe, 8vo ib. 1865 
 Lake Habitations and Prehistoric Remains in Italy, by R. 
 Gastaldi. Translated by C. H. Chambers, 8vo. . ib. 1865 
 Lists of Fellows to Feb. 20, 1866, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 Catalogue of Books in the Library to July 1, 1867 . ib 1867 
 Anniversary Addresses. See Hunt, James. 
 Journal, vol. 1, etc. In progress, 8vo. . Lond. 1871, &c. 
 Regulations, 1871, 8vo ^.1871 
 List of the Members, 1872, 1875, 1881, 1883, 8vo. 
 ANTI-JACOBIN, Poetry of the. Edited by C. Edmonds. Second 
 edition, 12mo. . .... ib. 1854 
 ANTIPHARMACUM SALUBERRIMUM ; or, a Caveat to all the Saints in 
 this hour of Temptation . . . . n.p. 1664 
 Edward Walford. Vols. 1 and 2 (Nos. 1-8). 8vo. Lond. 1882 
 ANTIQUARIAN REPERTORY, 4 vols. 4to. . . . . ib. 1775-84 
 Chiefly compiled by Francis Grose, Thomas Astle, 
 etc. Adorned with views, etc., new edition, with addi- 
 tions, 4 vols. 4to. . ^ ib. 1807-9 
 Chronological List of Fellows, 1717 to 1796, 4to. . ib. 1798 
 1804, etc. In progress. 
 Aggas's Map of London, circ* 1560. By Yertue, obi. foL 
 (2 copies) ib. 1737 
 Vetusta Monumenta, 6 vols. foL . . ib. 1747, etc. 
 . Continuation of vol. vi. 
 Two Memoirs on Saint Peter's Chair preserved at Rome. 
 By A. Ashpitel and A. Nesbitt, fol. . . ib. 1870 
 Two Memoirs on the " Evangelia Quatuor," once belonging 
 to the Abbey of Lindau, and now to the Earl of Ashburn- 
 ham. I. The Golden Jewelled Covers. By A. Nesbitt. 
 II. The Manuscript Text. By E. M. Thompson. Fol. 
 Westminster, 1885 
 Second copy of vol. i. 
 Index to first three vols. fol. . Lond. 1810 
 Charter and Statutes, 4to. and 8vo. . . . ib. 1752-1877 
 Second copy of 1752 edition. 
 Queries proposed to Gentlemen in the several parts of 
 Great Britain, 8vo. ib. 1754 
 Considerations relating to Publication of Papers, 4to. 
 (Tracts 50.*) . . . . . 1755 
 Second copy. 
 Dissertations on Domesday and Danegeld : by P. C. Webb. 
 On the Heraclean Table : by P. C. Webb and Dr. Pettingal ; 
 and on the Tascia. By Dr. Pettingal, 4to. ib. 1756-63 
 Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins. By Martin 
 Folkes, 4to . ib. 1763 
 Archseologia. Vol. i. First edition, with MS. Corrections 
 and Additions. 4 to . ib. 1770 
 Archseologia, 4to. In progress . . . ib. 1779, etc. 
 Second copy. 
 Index to vols. i. to xxx. 2 vols 1809-44 
 Speech of Dr. Millee, President, Jan. llth, 1781, 4to. . ib. 1781 
 Edward Kinff, Esq., President, April 23rd, 1784, 
 4to. , ib. 1784 
 ANTIQUARIES OP LONDON, Society of continued. 
 Three Chronological Tables of. By John Fenn, Esq., 4to. 
 Lond. 1784 
 Liber Quotidiamis Contrarotulatoris Garderobae, 28, Edw. I. 
 4to . ib. 1787 
 A Collection of Ordinances for the Government of the 
 Royal Households, Ed. III. to Wm. and Mary, 4to. ib. 1790 
 Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain. By Wm. 
 Roy, fol. .... . ib. 1793 
 Account of the Chapel of St. Stephen's, Westminster. By 
 John Topham, fol. . . ib. 1795 
 Account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter. By Charles 
 Lyttleton, Bishop of Carlisle, fol ib. 1797 
 Account of the Abbey Church of Bath, fol. . . ib. 1798 
 - Cathedral Church of Durham, fol. . ib. 1801 
 Cathedral Church of Gloucester, fol. . ib. 1807 
 Account of the Rosetta Stone, 4to. . . . ib. 1811 
 Description of Additional Plates of St. Stephen's Chapel. 
 By Sir H. C. Englefield, fol ib. 1811 
 Account of the Abbey Church of St. Albans. By Richard 
 Gough, fol ib. 1813 
 Catalogue of Printed Books, 4to ib. 1816 
 - MSS., 4to ib. 1816 
 Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. By J. J. Conybeare, 
 8vo ib. 1826 
 Metrical Anglo-Saxon Paraphase of Caedmon. Edited by 
 Benj. Thorpe, 8vo ib. 1832 
 Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae. Edited by Thos. 
 Stapleton, 2 vols. 8vo ~ib. 1840-44 
 Codex Exoniensis, a collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. 
 Edited by Benj. Thorpe, 4to ib. 1842 
 Additional Books in the Library. 2 vols. folio . . ib. 1846 
 Antiquities in the Society's Museum. By Albert Way, 8vo. 
 ib. 1847 
 Layamon's Brut ; or, Chronicle of Britain. Edited by Sir 
 Frederic Madden. 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1847 
 Proceedings, 1st Series, vols. 1 to 4, 8vo. . . ib. 1849-1859 
 2nd Series. In progress. . . ib. 1859, etc. 
 Catalogue of the Kerrich Collection of Coins, 8vo. . ib. 1852 
 Catalogue of a Collection of Works on Pageantry, be- 
 queathed by F. W. Fairholt, 8vo ib. 1861 
 Addresses of Earl Stanhope, President, 1864-72, 8vo. ib. 1864-72 
 Catalogue of Printed Broadsides. Compiled by R. Lemon, 
 F.S.A., with a Preface by John Bruce, F.S.A., Roy. 8vo. ib. 1866 
 Descriptive Remarks on Illuminations in certain Ancient 
 Irish Manuscripts. By the Rev. J. H. Todd, fol. ib. 1869 
 Report of Sepulchral Monuments Committee . . ib. 1872 

 ANT APO 17 
 ANTIQUARIES OP LONDON, The Society of continued. 
 Reception by the President. Three catalogues. 1. Exhibi- 
 tions by John Evans, President, and the Society. 2. Early 
 Bindings, &c., by the Earl of Crawford. 3. Paintings, 
 Drawings, and MSS., by B. Quaritch. (Two copies.) 
 8vo. Land. 1886 
 Description of First Set of Vertue's Historical Prints . n.d. 
 ANTIQUARY, The. A Magazine devoted to the Study of the Past, 
 4to. In progress . . . . . ib. 1880, etc. 
 ANTIQUARY, A London. Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and 
 Vulgar Words. Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1860 
 (Tracts 139) . ib. 1862 
 Yeterum Romanorum Itineraria, sive Antonini August! 
 Itinerarium, cum integris variorum notis. Itinera- 
 rium Hierosolymitanum, et Hieroclis Grammatici 
 Synecdemus, curante P. Wesselingio, 4to. Amsterdam, 1735 
 Iter Britanniarnm commentariis illustration, Thomre Gale. 
 Edidit R. G[ale], 4to Lond. 1709 
 with comment by T. Reynolds, 4to. 
 Cambridge, 1799 
 Itinerarium Antonini et Hierosolymitanum ex libris 
 manu scriptis ediderunt G. Parthey et M. Pinder. 
 Accedunt duae tabulae, 8vo. .... Berlin, 1848 
 ANTONINUS LIBERALIS. Antonini Liberalis Transformationum 
 Congeries, interprete G. Xylandro. T. Manckerus 
 recensuit, 12mo. ..... Amsterdam, 1676 
 The Prison and the School : the Chief Causes of Crime 
 considered, 8vo. 2nd Edition Lond. 1853 
 Second number. An Appeal for the Girls. 
 8vo ib. 1871 
 Rise and Progress of Painting, 8vo ib. 1862 
 Training Schools and Training Ships ; for the Training of 
 Boys for the Navy, Army, and Mercantile Marine, 8vo. 
 ib. 1875 
 No. 2 ib. 1877 
 No. 3 ib. 1877 
 Dipsomania. With suggestions for the prevention and 
 repression of Intemperance, etc., 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 Guide dans la Ville d'Anvers. 12mo. Bound with 
 Catalogue du Musee d'Anvers .... Antwerp, n.d. 
 APICIUS CJELIVS. De Opsoniis et Condimentis, sive arte 
 coquinaria, cum annotationibus Martini Lister. Editio 
 secunda, 8vo. ..... Amsterdam, 1709 
 APOLLONIUS OF TYRE. Anglo- Saxon Version of the story of. 
 With a translation by B. Thorpe, 8vo. . . London, 18o4 
 APOLLONIUS SOPHISTER. Lexicum Graecum Iliadis et Odysseae. 
 Recensuit H. Tollius, 8vo Leyden, 1878 
 APPACH, F. H. Caesar's British Expeditions, 8vo. . . ib. 1868 
 APPIANUS, Alexandrinus, 8vo Paris, Didot, 1840 
 APPLETON, E. Archaeological Notes of Tavistock and Neighbour- 
 hood, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) . . [1866] 
 North of England Tractates. No.l. Cleveland. A Poem. Lond. 1868 
 Second copy, L.P. (Tracts 150*) 
 (Tracts 61**) 
 The Arms of Appleton. 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . n.p. n.d. 
 APPLETON, J. R. and EVANS, M. C. J., General Account 
 of the Family of, 4to. . . . Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1865 
 APPLETON, W. [Memoir from the " Boston Traveller," Feb. 25, 
 1862.] 4to >p. n.d. 
 Ancestry of Mary Oliver, 4to. . . Cambridge \_U.S.A.~\ 1867 
 Memorials of the Cranes of Chilton, 4to. . . ib. 1868 
 Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, who lived 1675-1731, and was 
 wife of Isaac Appleton, of Ipswich, 4to. . . ib. 1870 
 APULEIUS MADAURENSIS PLATONICUS serio castigatus, pp. 366, 
 32mo. ...... Amsterdam, Ccesius, 1624 
 Another edition, ex Musaeo P. Scriveri, pp. 
 384, 32mo ib. 1624 
 Opera. Edited by Valpy, 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 
 AQTJILONIPOLENSIS, Henricus. Historia Comitum Schombur- 
 gensium, &c. 4to. (Bound with DE LERBEKE) . . 1720 
 ARANA, Diego de Barros. Vida e Yiagens de Fernao Magalhaes. 
 8vo. . . . . . . . . .. Lisbon, 1881 
 ARBER, Edward. English Reprints, edited by. L.P., small 4to. 
 Lond. 1869, etc. 
 1. John Milton. Areopagitica. [24 November] 1644. 
 Preceded by illustrative documents. 
 2. Master Hugh Latimer, ex-Bishop of Worcester. Ser- 
 mon on The Ploughers, 18 January, 1549. 
 3. Stephen Gosson, Stud. Oxon. The Schoole of Abuse. 
 [August ?] 1579. And a Short Apologie of the Schoole 
 of Abuse. [November ?] 1579. 
 4. Sir Philip Sidney. An Apologie for Poetrie, 1595. 
 5. Edward Webbe, chief master-gunner. His Trauailes, 
 6. John Selden. Table-Talk, 1689. 
 7. Roger Ascham. Toxophilus, 1545. 
 8. Joseph Addison. Criticism on Milton's Paradise Lost. 
 From " The Spectator," 31 December, 17113 May, 1712. 
 9. John Lyly, M.A. Euphues. The Anatomy of Wit. 
 Editio princeps. 1579. Euphues and his England. 
 Editio princeps, 1580. 
 10. George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham. The 
 Rehearsal. First Acted, 7 December, 1671. Published 16 72. 
 ARBER, Edward continued. 
 11. George Gascoigne, Esquire. 1. Certayne Notes of In- 
 struction in English Verse, 1575. 2. The Steele Glas, 
 April, 1576. 3. The Complaynt of Philomene, April, 1576. 
 Preceded by George Whetstone's, a Remembrance of the 
 well employed Life of George Gascoigne. 
 12. John Earle, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. 
 Micro- Cosmographie. Editio princeps. 1628. With 
 additional Characters from the fifth edition of 1629, .etc. 
 13. Master Hugh Latimer, ex- Bishop of Worcester. Seven 
 Sermons before Edward VI., on each Friday in Lent, 1549 
 14. Sir Thomas More. Utopia. Translated into English 
 by Ralph Robinson. 
 15. George Puttenham. The Arte of English Poesie, 1589. 
 16. James Howell. Instructions for Forreine Travell, 1642. 
 17. Nicholas Udall. Roister Doister. Written before 
 18. The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham. 1196. Edited 
 from the unique copy, now in the British Museum, of 
 the edition printed by William De Machlinia, about, 
 19. James VI. of Scotland, I. of England. The Essayes of 
 a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie. Edinburgh, 1585. 
 A Counterblaste to Tobacco. London, 1604. 
 20. Sir Robert Naunton, Master of the Court of Wards. 
 Fragmenta Regalia, 1653. 
 21. Thomas Watson. Poems, 1582-1593. 
 22. William Habington. Castara. The Third Edition of , 1640 
 23. Roger As ch am. The Scholemaster. First edition, 1570. 
 24. Tottel's Miscellany. Songes and Sonettes by Henry 
 Howard, Earl of Surrey ; Sir Thomas Wyatt, the Elder ;. 
 Nicholas Grimald, and uncertain authors, 1557. 
 Facsimile Texts. The First Printed English New Testa- 
 ment. Translated by William Tyndale. Photo-Litho- 
 graphed from the unique fragment, now in the Grenville 
 Collection, British Museum, 4to. . . . Lond. 1871 
 A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers 
 of London; 1554-1640 A.D. Vol. I.-IV. Privately printed. 
 4to ib. 1875-77 
 The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern 
 Works. Small 4to ib. 1878-80 
 1. The History of Reynard the Fox. Translated by 
 Caxton. June, 1481. 
 2. John Knox. The First Blast of the Trumpet against 
 the monstrous regiment of Women. 1558. 
 3. Clement Robinson and divers others. A Handful of 
 Pleasant Delights, containing sundry New Sonnets, &c. 
 4. Simon Fish. A Supplication for the Beggars, 1529. 
 5. Rev. John Udall. The State of the Church of England 
 C 2 
 ARBER, Edward continued. 
 laid open in a conference between Diotrephes a Bishop, 
 Tertullius a Papist, etc. April, 1588. 
 6. The Return from Parnassus ; or the Scourge of Simony. 
 Publicly acted by the Students of St. John's College in 
 Cambridge, 1606. 
 7. Thomas Decker. The Seven Deadly Sins of London, 
 drawn in seven several coaches, through the seven 
 several gates of the City ; bringing the plague with 
 them. [October], 1606. 
 8. An Introductory Sketch to the Martin Marprelate 
 Controversy, 1588-1590. 
 9. Rev. John Udall. A Demonstration of Discipline. 
 [July-November], 1588. 
 10. Richard Stany hurst. Translation of Virgil's ^Eneid 
 I. IV., with other poetical Devices. [June], 1582. 
 11. Martin Marprelate. The Epistle. [Sept. -Nov.], 1588. 
 12. Robert Greene. Menaphon, 1589. 
 ARBUTHNOT, John. Miscellaneous Works. Second edition. 2 
 vols. 12mo. ....... Glasgow, 1751 
 Journal. In progress. 8vo. . . . London, 1846, etc. 
 General Index to Vol. I.-XXX. By W. De Gray Birch. 
 8vo. . . ib. 1875 
 Reports of Meeting, March 5, 1845, by T. J. Pettigrew. 
 :, by A. J. Dunkin. 
 Proceedings at Canterbury, Edited by A. J. Dunkin. 4to. 
 ib. 1845 
 Transactions at Winchester, 1845, 8vo. . . . ib. 1846 
 Transactions of the Congress held at Gloucester, 8vo. ib. 1848 
 Catalogue of Museum, Chester Meeting, 8vo. . . . 1849 
 Report of 5th General Meeting, Worcester, 1848. Edited 
 by A. J. Dunkin, 8vo ib. 1851 
 Collectanea Archseologica. Vols. I. II. (parts 1 and 2), 4to. 
 ib. 1862, 64 
 The Archaeological Journal. In progress. 8vo. . ib. 1845, etc. 
 Another copy, 
 Index to vols. i. to xxv. 8vo. . . ib. 1878 
 Another copy. 
 Proceedings at Annual Meetings. 
 Winchester, 1845, 8vo. . . . ib. 1846 
 York, 1846, 8vo ib. 1847 
 Norwich, 1847, 8vo ib. 1851 
 Lincoln, 1848, 8vo. .... ib. 1850 
 - Salisbury, 1849, 8vo. . . . ib. 1851 
 Oxford, 1850, 8vo ib. 1854 
 Bristol, 1851, 8vo ib. 1853 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 4to. . Newcastle, 1852 
 Proceedings at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1852, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1858 
 Chichester, 1853, 8vo. . . . ib. 1856 
 Colchester, 8vo. . . Colchester, 1876 
 Catalogue of Museum. Edinburgh meeting, 1856, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1859 
 Carlisle meeting, 1859, 8vo. . Carlisle, n.d. 
 Gloucester meeting, 1860, 8vo. Gloucester, n.d. 
 Worcester meeting, 1862, 4to. [ Wool/e 
 Coll.] ... ... .Worcester, 18fi2 
 Map of British and Roman Yorkshire. By C. Newton . 1846 
 Memoir of the Watling Street. By H. MacLauchlan, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1852 
 Table of the Annual Assay Office Letters. By Octavius 
 Morgan ib. 1853 
 Survey of the Roman Wall. By H. MacLauchlan, fol. . 1857 
 Memoir of the Roman Wall. By H. Maclauchlan, 8vo. ib. 1858 
 Architectural History of Chichester Cathedral. By Prof. 
 Willis ; Boxgrove Priory. By Rev. J. L. Petit ; and 
 Shoreham Church. By Edmund Sharpe, 4to. Chichester, 1861 
 Map of the Watling Street. Surveyed and drawn by H. 
 MacLauchlan, fol. ........ 1864 
 Old London. Papers read at the London meeting, 1866, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1867 
 President's Opening Address. Carlisle meeting, 1882, 8vo. 
 Carlisle, 1882 
 Edited by T. H. Sealy. Nos. 1, 2, 3, all published. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 124*) . . ib. 1843-44 
 Lists of the Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of 
 Madras. Compiled by R. Sewell. Vol. I. etc. fol. In 
 progress ....... Madras, 1882, etc. 
 No. 9. Notes on the Bauddha Rock-Temples of Ajanta, 
 their Paintings and Sculptures, and on the Paintings of 
 the Bagh Caves, Modern Bauddha Mythology, &c. By J. 
 Burgess, 4to. ...... Bombay, 1879 
 No. 10. Inscriptions from the Cave-Temples of Western 
 India, with Descriptive Notes, &c. By J. Burgess, 
 LL.D., and Bhagwantal Indraji Pandit, Vol. I. etc. 4to. 
 ' In progress. ....... ib. 1874 etc. 
 ARCHAEOLOGIST, The. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. i., 8vo. ib. 1842 
 ARCHDALL, Mervyn. Monasticon Hibernicum ; or, an History of 
 the Abbies, Priories, &c., in Ireland, 4to. . Dublin, 1786 
 ARCHE'OGE'OLOGIE, 8vo. (Tracts 62) .... Abbeville 1859 
 ARCHER, J. H. L. Monumental Inscriptions of Barbadoes and 
 Jamaica, No. 1, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) . . Barbadoes 
 ARCHIAS Philopatrides, Zevs ni>eXX/to9, torn. i. 8vo. (Tracts 64.) 
 Paris, 1834 
 ARCHIMEDIS quse supersunt omnia, cum Eutocii Ascalonitae com- 
 mentariis. Ex recensione J. Torelli, cum nova versione 
 Latina. Portrait, fol Oxford, 1792 
 Address and Regulations, 12mo. (Tracts 153*) . Lond. 1835 
 Questions on Various Subjects (Tracts 56 and 127.) 8vo. ib. 1835 
 Transactions. 1836-42. 1853, &c. 4to. In progress. 
 ib. 1836, etc. 
 Memoir of the Commendatore Canina, and History of Aln- 
 wick Castle. By T. L. Donaldson and A. Salvin, 4to. 
 (Tracts 13.) .... . . . ib. 1856 
 Lists of Members and Reports, 4to. In progress. ib. 1862, etc. 
 Report of the Council to the Annual Meeting, 1863-5, 
 1867, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 4to. . . ib. 1863, etc. 
 Catalogue of Printed Books, 4to. . . . ib. 1865 
 Report on Paris Exhibition, 4to. ... . ib. 1868 
 List of Books still deficient in the Library, 4to. . ib. 1869 
 Catalogues of the Drawings, Prints, and Photographs in 
 the Library, 4to ib. 1871 
 General Conference of Architects, 1871-72. Report of 
 Proceedings, 4to. ...... ib. 187172 
 Catalogue of the Medals, Busts, Casts, Marbles, and 
 Stones in the Collection, 4to. .... ib. 1874 
 List of Fellows. First and Second Issues, broadsheet fol. ib. 1877 
 Report of the Committee for the Improvement of the Insti- 
 tute, 4to ib. 1877 
 Second Supplementary Catalogue of the Printed Books, 
 Manuscripts, &c., 4to. ...... ib. 1877 
 Proceedings, 4to. In progress. .... ib. 1878, etc. 
 The Tenth Architectural Examination, 1879, 4to. . ib. 1879 
 President's Address, 1879-80, 4to ib. 1879 
 Charter and By-Laws. (March, 1880-81.) 8vo. ib. 1880-81 
 Professional Practice and Charges of Architects. (Re- 
 issue.) Fol ib. 1882 
 Suggestions for the Conduct of Architectural Competitions, 
 fol ib. 1883 
 The Kalendar, 1885-86, 8vo ib. 1885 
 A Guide. By Sir G. G. Scott. (List of Members, &c.), 
 8vo ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of Collection, 1877. With a Guide to the 
 Museum. By Sir G. G. Scott, 8vo. . ib. 1877 
 York, Lincoln, Bedford, &c. 
 Reports and Papers, &c. 8vo. In progress . . ib. 1852, etc. 
 Index to vol. i.-viii. of Reports and Papers, 8vo. Lincoln, 1867 
 Index to vols. ix.-xiv. (the years 1867-1878) of Reports 
 and Papers. By the Rev. G. T. Harvey. 8vo. . ib. 1880 
 Essays, 2 parts, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1808-10 
 Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture. By E. Aikiii, 
 fol. ib. 1814 
 ARCHITECTURAL TRACTS. A volume containing : 
 1. Architectural Nomenclature of the Middle Ages. By 
 R. Willis. With three plates, 4to. . Cambridge, 1840 
 2. Baths and Wash-Houses for. the Labouring Classes. 
 Report by P. Prichard Baly .... Lond. 1842 
 3. Royal Institute of British Architects. Report, 1853. 
 [Two copies.'] . .... ib. 1853 
 1. Bristol and West of England Archaeological Magazine. 
 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8vo. . .... Bristol, 1843 
 2. Observations on the Domestic Architecture of the 
 Middle Ages. (From the Glossary of Architecture.) 8vo. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 3. Tables relating to the Architecture of the Middle Ages 
 in Italy. By R. Willis. 8vo. . . Cambridge, 1835 
 4. The Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in 
 England. (From the Dublin Review.) . 8vo. . n.p. n.d. 
 5. Open Roofs. (From the British Critic.) 8vo. n.p. n.d. 
 6. On the Proportions of Gothic Churches. (From the 
 Gentleman's Magazine.) 8vo. .... n.p. n.d. 
 ARCHITECTURE, New Forms in, for Iron, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 56) 
 Lond. 1849 
 Remarks on a National Style of Architecture, 8vo. . ib. 1860 
 ARCHITECTURE, DICTIONARY OF. Issued by the Architectural 
 Publication Society. Text 5 vols. A M. Illustrations 
 3 vols. fol. ........ ib. n.d. 
 Vol. I. From Conquest to end of 13th century. By T. H. 
 Turner, 8vo Oxford, 1851 
 Vol. II. From Edward I. to Richard II. By J. H. 
 Parker, 8vo ib. 1853 
 Vol. III. (in 2 parts.) From Richard II. to Hemy VI II. 
 By J. H. Parker, 8vo ib. 1859 
 ARCHITECTURE, GLOSSARY OF. Edited by J. H. Parker, 3 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1850 
 Essays. By Thomas Warton, John Bentham, Francis 
 Grose, and John Milner, 8vo. .... Lond. 1800 
 Second Edition, with a List of the Cathe- 
 drals of England, 8vo. (Bound with preceding.) . ib. 1802 
 ARCHITECTURE, Quarterly Papers on. Edited by John Weale. 
 4 vols. 4to ib. 1844-45 
 (Monumenti delle Arti Cristiane Primitive nella Metropoli 
 del Cristianesimo, disegnati per cura di G. M.) 4to. 
 Rome, 1844 
 ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM, Lamentable and True Tragedy of. Edited 
 from the edition of 1592, by E. Jacob, 8vo. . . Lond. 1770 
 ARENA, Antonins. 
 Meygna Entreprisa Catoliqui Imperatoris quando de anno 
 Domini MDXXXVI. Veniebat per Provensam bene car- 
 rossatus in postam prendere Fransam cum Yillis de 
 Provensa, 8vo. ...... Lyons, 1760 
 Ad Snos Compagnones studiantes, qui sunt de persona 
 friantes, bassas Dansas et Branlos practicantes, nouvellos 
 quamplurimos mandat. His posterioribus diebus grassis 
 augmentatus, et a mandatis Conardoram abbatis Yo de 
 Rothomago, in lncem enuoyatus. Stampatus in Stam- 
 patura Stampatorum, 1670. [p. 107] Novissima sive 
 Poemata Stylo Macaronico conscripta, &c. 12mo. . . n.p. 
 ARETINO, Pietro. Capricciosi and Piaceuoli Ragionamenti, II 
 Veritiere e'l diuino, cognominato il flagello de' Principi. 
 Nuoua editione. Con certe postille, sm. 8vo. 
 Amsterdam, Elzevier, 1660 
 La Puttana errante overo Dialogo, di Madalena e Giulia, 
 &c. For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Cata- 
 logue, sm. 8vo. .... Amsterdam, Elzevier, 1660 
 Another edition, 6mo. . . Venice, n.d. 
 AREVALI, Faustino. Hymnodia Hispanica. Praemittitur disser- 
 tatio de hymnis ecclesiasticis, 4to. . . . Rome, 1786 
 ARGAYZ, G. De. Corona Real de Espana, fol. . . Madrid, 1668 
 ARIGONI, Onorio. Numismata ex ejus Museo, 3 vols, fol. 
 Treviso, 1741-45 
 ARINGHI, Paolo. Roma subterranea novissima in qua...antiqna 
 Christianorum Coemeteria illustranturj fol. . Paris, 1659 
 ARIOSTO, Lodovico. 
 Orlando Furioso, con nuova giunta di cinque canti del 
 medesimo autore, 4to. ..... Venice, 1549 
 Orlando Furioso, revisto sopra le correttioni di Gr. Rnscelli, 
 sm. 12mo. . . . . In Lyone, G. Bovillio, 1570 
 ARISTJ:NETUS. Aristaeneti Epistolae Grascoe, cum versione Latina 
 et notis J. Merceri, curante J. C. de Pauw, 12mo. 
 Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1736 
 Aristophanis comoediee, undecim Gr. et Lat, onm emenda- 
 tionibus Scaligeri. Accesserunt ejusdem Comoediarum 
 fragmenta, 12mo. . . . Lugd. Batavor, Maire, 1625 
 Aristophanis Comoedias, Recensuit Immanuel Bekkerus, 5 
 vols, 8vo ib. 1829 
 Comcediae et Fragmenta, 8vo. . . . Didot, Paris, 1854 
 Comedies. Translated by T. Mitchell, 8vo. . Lond. 1820-22 
 C. A. Wheelwright, 2 vols. . Oxford, 1837 
 The Acharnians and the Knights. Translated by J. H. 
 Frere. Privately printed, 4to. , , . Malta, 1839 
 Scholia Grseca in Aristophanem, 8vo. . Paris, Didot, 1842 
 ARISTOTLE. Opera Omnia. Gr. and Lat. 5 vols, 8vo. ib. 1848-1874 
 ARMENIAN RITUAL. Part I. The Armenian Liturgy translated 
 into English by F. James Dr. Issaverdenz. Second 
 edition, 12mo, <,,,,, Venice, 1873 

 AEM ART 25 
 ARMENTANO, G. Ancora della Tavola di Bronzo rinvenuta in 
 Pesto, 8vo. (Tracts 121) .... Naples, 1837 
 ARMES ANCIENNES, Catalogue illustre d', 4to. (Tracts 39) 
 Brussels, 1854 
 ARMIES. A Short History of Standing Armies in England. 
 4to Lond. 1698 
 ARMOUR, ANTIENT. Catalogue of Collection at the Oplotheca, 
 8vo. (Tracts 139**) ...... ib. 1816 
 ARMOURERS AND BRASIERS. Some Account of the Worshipful 
 Company of . For private circulation. 4to. . . ib. 1878 
 ARMS, Office of. Regulations proposed in the reign of Henry 
 VIII. 8vo, (Tracts 55**) 
 ARMSTRONG, B. J. Account of Little Stanmore ( Tracts 117**) 8 vo. 
 Edgeware, 1861 
 Second edition, 8vo ib. 1861 
 Ancient Rolls of Arms. 
 1. Glover's Roll of the reign of King Henry III. 
 4to Lond. 1868 
 2. Charles' Roll of the reigns of Henry III. and 
 Edward I., 4to ib. 1869 
 Index to the Visitation of the county of York, 1665-6. 
 By W. Dugdale, Norroy King of Armes. Privately printed, 
 8vo. ib. 1872 
 ARNETH, Joseph. Archaologische Analecten (Tafeln), ob. fol. 
 Vienna, 1851 
 Zwei Abhandlungen, 2 vols. 8vo. .... Linz, 1853 
 Der Fund Von Gold und Silber Gegenstanden auf der 
 Puszta Bakod unweit Kolocza in Ungarn, 4to. (Tracts 7.) 
 Vienna, 1860 
 ARNOLD, S. G. History of the State of Rhode Island, vol. i. 1636- 
 1700, 8vo New York, 1859 
 ARNOT, Hugo. History of Edinburgh, 4to. . . Edinburgh, 1779 
 ARNULFUS Lexoviensis Episcopus. Epistola ad Henricum II. 
 Regem Angliae, Sanctum Thomani Arch. Cant, et alios. 
 Edited by J. A. Giles. [PATRES ECCLESLE ANGLICANS. ] 
 8vo. ... .... Oxford, 1844 
 AROUX, E. L'Heresie de Dante demontree par F. de Rimini, 8vo, 
 (Tracts 80) Paris, 1857 
 ARRI, G. A. Lapide Fenicia di Nora, 4to . . Turin, 1834 
 ARRIANOS. 8vo. . .... Paris, Didot, 1856 
 ARROWSMITH, Aaron. On his Map of Scotland, 4to. . . Lond. 1809 
 ARROWSMITH, W. R. Shakespeare's Editors and Commentators, 
 8vo ib. 1865 
 ART JOURNAL, 4to. In progress .... ib. 1847, &c. 
 Catalogue of Exhibition of 1851, 4to. . . . ib. 1851 
 ART LIBRARY, THE NATIONAL. The First Proofs of the Uni- 
 versal Catalogue of Books on Art. Compiled for the use 
 of the National Art Library, &c. 3 vols. Sm. 4to. . ib. 1870 
 Annual Reports. In progress .... ib. 1842, etc. 
 Correspondence with Board of Trade, 8vo. . . ib. 1848 
 ARTS, a LOVER of the. An English Expositour, or compleat 
 Dictionary : teaching the Interpretation of the terms of 
 Art. By J. B., Dr. of Physick, and now the fourth time 
 revised, 12mo. . . . Cambridge and Lond. 1671 
 ARTS and SCIENCES, Central Hall of. Prospectus, &c., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 67**) London, 1866 
 MENT OF. Transactions. Yols. i. to xxvii. ; xxix. to xxxv. 
 8vo ib. 1783, etc. 
 Journal, 8vo. In progress. .... ib. 1853, etc. 
 Index to Yols. I. to X. 8vo Lond. 1863 
 . XI. to XX. 8vo ib. 1873 
 XXI. to XXX. (1872 to 1882), 8vo. . ib. 1884 
 List of Council, Officers, and Members, 1856-7, 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 The Society of Arts and Endowments, 12mo. . . ib. 1872 
 Report on Mode of Preventing Forgery of Bank Notes, 
 8vo ib. 1819 
 Catalogue of the Medieval Exhibition, 4to. . . ib. 1850 
 Two Catalogues of the Exhibitions of Inventions (7th and 
 8th), 8vo ib. 1855-56 
 Description d'une Mosa'ique de Jeux du Cirque, fol. Lyons, 1806 
 Antiquites et Tableaux du Musee de Lyon, 8vo . . ib. 1808 
 Medailles d'Auguste et de Tibere, 4to. . . ib. 1820 
 ARTEMIDORUS. Daldiani et Achmetis Sereimi F. Oneirocritica. 
 Astrampsychi and Nicephori versus etiam oneirocritici. 
 IN". Rigaltii notse, 4to. ..... Paris, 1603 
 Second copy. 
 ARTHUR, The History of the Renowned Prince Arthur, &c. 
 2 vols. 24mo Lond. 1816 
 The History of King Arthur. Compiled by Sir Thomas 
 Malory. Edited by T. Wright, 3 vols. Second edition, 
 fcp. 8vo ib. 1866 
 ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. The History of the valiant Knight 
 Arthur of Little Britain. Originally translated by John 
 Bourchier, Lord Berners. A new edition, edited by E. Y. 
 Utterson, 4to ib. 1814 
 ARTIS, E. T. 
 Antediluvian Phytology, 4to. . . . . ib. 1825 
 The Durobrivae of Antoninus, fol. .... ib. 1828 
 ARUNDALE, F. and BONOMI, J. Egyptian Antiquities in the 
 British Museum. Edited by S. Birch, Part 1, 4to. 
 (Tracts 27) ib. 
 C. G. Young, 8vo 1829 
 ARUNDEL SOCIETY, Literary Works. 
 1. Giotto and his works in Padua. By John Ruskin. 
 2. Ottavino Nelli, and his Fresco at Gubbio. By A. H. 
 3. Domenico Ghirlandaio, and his Fresco of S. Francis. 
 By A. H. Layard. 
 ARUNDEL SOCIETY, Literary Works continued. 
 4. Giovanni Sanzio, and his Fresco at Cagli. By A. H. 
 5. Pietro Perugino, and his Fresco at Panicale. By A. H. 
 6. Pinturicchio, and his Frescoes at Spello. By A. H. 
 Layard, imp. 8vo 1853-58 
 7. Descriptive Notice of Drawings, &c., exhibited in the 
 Crystal Palace, 8vo. (Tracts 114) . Lond. 1855 
 8. The Brancacci Chapel and Masolino, Masaccio, and 
 Filippino Lippi. By A. H. Layard, imp. 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 9. List of Photographs. Metal-work and Carved Ivory 
 and Wood, 8vo. 
 10. Pottery and Porcelain, Glass, Em- 
 broidery, and Bookbinding, 8vo. 
 Suenska Fornsanger, Svols. 8vo. . . . Stockholm, 1834-42 
 Forteckning ofver Kongl. Bibliothekets i Stockholm Island- 
 ska Handskrifter, 8vo. (Tracts 97). . . . ib. 1848 
 ASBJORNSEN, P. C. Norske Huldre-Eventyr, second edition, 
 12mo Christiania, 1859 
 ASCHAM, Roger. Familiarium Epistolarum libri tres, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1581 
 ASH, John. English Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1775 
 Dramatic Fac-similes. The Interlude of " Thersytes," 
 printed by John Tisdale. From the unique original in 
 the collection of the Duke of Devonshire. For private 
 circulation. 4to. ....... ib. n.d. 
 Fac-simile Reproduction. Tarlton's Jests : London, 1638. 
 From the original in the collection of Henry Huth. 
 For private circulation. 4to. ..... ib. n.d. 
 Fac-simile Reproduction. " Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder : " 
 London, 1600. For private circulation. 4to. . . ib. n.d. 
 The Romance of " Kynge Apollyn of Thyre." Facsimile 
 from the unique original printed by Wynkyn De Worde, 
 1510, in the Library of the Duke of Devonshire. For 
 private circulation, 4to. ...... ib. 1870 
 Occasional Facsimile Reprints executed under the superin- 
 tendence of, 4to. . ..... ib. 186872 
 1. Bartholomew Faire, 1641. 
 2. Archy's Dream, 1641. 
 3. The Stage-Players' Complaint, 1641. 
 4. The Actors' Remonstrance, 1643. 
 5. "The Wyse Chylde of thre yere old." From the 
 original printed by Wynkin de Worde, 4to. 
 6. " The Prophesie of Mother Shipton," 1641. 4to. 
 7. The Assyse of Breade, circa. 1540, 4to. 
 8. " Wandering to See the Wonders of the West." By 
 John Taylor (the Water Poet), 1649. 
 9. An Ordinance for the Suppression of Stage-Playes, 1647. 
 10. Edw. Webbe's Travels, 1590, sm. 4to. 
 ASHBEE, E. W., Reprints continued. 
 11. "The Carrier's Cosmographie." B y John Taylor (the 
 Water Poet), 1637. 
 12. " The debate arid strjfe betwene Somer and Wynter." 
 From the original printed by Laurence Andre we. 
 13. " The Humors of Bottom the Weaver," 1661. 
 14. " A Treaytse of this Galaunt with the maryage of the 
 Bosse of Byllyngesgate." From the original printed by 
 Wynkyn de Worde. 
 15. " A new Play, called Canterburie, his Change of Diot," 
 16. " A certain Relation of the Hog-faced Gentlewoman 
 called Mistris Tannakin Skinker," 1640. 
 17. "Drmke and Welcome." By John Taylor (the Water 
 Poet), 1637. 
 18. Lady Eleanor Audeley's " Strange and Wonderfull 
 Prophesies," 1649. 
 19. " The Generous Usurer," 1641. 
 20. "The Primrose of London," 1585. 
 21. " Mad Fashions, od Fashions." By John Taylor (the 
 Water Poet), 1642. 
 22. " The Poet's Blind man's Bough," 1641. 
 23. " A Three-fold Discourse," 1642. 
 24. "Heads of all Fashions." By John Taylor (the Water 
 Poet), 1642. 
 25. " The English Mountebank," 1652. 
 26. " To day a man, To morrow none," 1644. 
 27. " The Sea Man's Triumph," 1592. 
 28. " The Last Will and Testament of Charing Crosse," 
 29. " Crete Wonders Foretold," 1647. 
 30. " Historia Histrionica," ]699. 
 ASHBURNER, CO. LANCASTER, Pedigree of the Family of. Privately 
 printed. 4to. Lond. 1872 
 ASHBURNHAM PLACE, Catalogue of the Manuscripts at. 
 Part 1. Collection formed by Professor 
 Libri. (Two copies.) 
 Part 2. Mons. J. Barrois. 
 Appendix, comprising a collection formed 
 by Bertram, 4th Earl of Ashburnham. 3 vols. 4to. 
 ib. [1853-61] 
 ASHMOLE, Elias. 
 Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, containing poeticall 
 pieces of our English Philosophers. With annotations. 
 4to ib. 1652 
 Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Order of the 
 Garter, fol ib. 1672 
 Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1723 
 ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM, Catalogue of the. 8vo. . . Oxford, 1836 
 ASHPITEL, Arthur. 
 Yases of the Ancients, found at Pompeii, part 1, fol. 
 (Tracts 1.) 
 ASHPITEL, Arthur continued. 
 Key to a View of Ancient Rome, exhibited at the Royal 
 Academy, 8vo. (Tracts 64) .... Lond. 1858 
 Description of the Views of Rome as it was and as it is, 
 8vo. (Tracts 67**) ib. 1866 
 Treatise on Architecture, 4to. . . . Edinburgh, 1867 
 ASHPITEL, Arthur, and WHICHCORD, John. Observations on 
 Baths and Washhouses, with an account of their history, 
 4to. Lond. 1853 
 ASHTON, W. T. Old Roads and Inhabitants of Darwen, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 50*) Blackburn, 1868 
 Asiatic Researches, vols. i. to. xv. ; xvii. to xix. ; xx. Parts 
 1, 2, 4to Calcutta, 1785-1836 
 Index i,-xviii. 4to. .... ib. 1835 
 Journal, vol iv. 8vo ib. 1835 
 New series, vol. xxxvii., parts 1 and 2 ; xxxviii., 
 parts 1 and 2; xxxix., part 1, Nos. 1-3; xxxix., part 2, 
 8vo ib. 1868-70 
 Proceedings, Nos. 6-12 (June-Dec. 1868), Nos. 1-11 
 (1869), Nos. 1-10 (1870). 8vo. ib. 1868-70 
 Catalogue of Reptiles in the Museum. By W. Theobald, 
 Junr., 8vo ib. 1868 
 1. Transactions, vols. i. ii. iii., 4to. . . Lond. 1827, 1835 
 2. Journal, vols. i. to xx., 8vo ib. 1834-63 
 New series. In progress. . . . ib. 1864, etc. 
 3. Proceedings of Committee of Agriculture and Com- 
 merce, 8vo ib. 1837-39 
 4. Proceedings of Annual Meetings, with the Reports of 
 Council for 1833, 36, 37, 8vo ib. 1833-37 
 5. Twenty-ninth Annual Report, 1852, 8vo. . .. ib. 1852 
 5A. Fifty-second Annual Report, 1875. 8vo. . Hertford, 1875 
 6. List of Fellows for 1827, 4to ib. 1827 
 7. Catalogue of Printed Books (and Report of 3rd Meeting 
 of Translation Fund). 4to ib. 1830 
 8. Chinese Library, by Sam Kidd, 8vo. ib. 1838 
 9. Historical Manuscripts in the Library, 
 by W. H. Morley. 8vo . . Lond. 1854 
 10. Journal of the Ceylon Branch. Nos. I., IV. Colombo, 1845-8 
 11. Report, &c., of the Oriental Translation Committee, 
 8vo., 1828, 1832, 1861 (Tracts 66) . , . Lond. 1861 
 12. Journal of the Bombay Branch, 1861-66 (3 Nos.), 8vo. 
 Bombay, 1865-6 
 13. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, by Ram Raz. 
 4to Lond. 1834 
 ASKEW, Antony. Sale Catalogue (priced) of his Library. 8vo. 
 ib. 1775 
 ASPEDEN CHURCH, Herts, Survey of. 4to. [Prattinton Coll.] 
 ib. 1796 
 Archaologische Sammlungen. I. Aus siidliclieni Oester- 
 bossen. (Aus d. Zeitschrift Suomi. Toinen jakso IX.) 
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 Suomalais-ugrilaisen Muinaistutkinnon Alkeita. Akademi- 
 allinen Vaitoskirja, jonka Filosofiallisen Tiedekunnan 
 luvalla julkisesti tarkasteltavaksi. 8vo. Helsinyissli, 1875 
 Sur 1'Age de la Pierre des regions Finno-Ougriennes. Sur 
 1'Age du Bronze Altaico-Ouralien, 8vo. . Stockholm, 1875 
 Antiquites du Nord Finno-Ougrien. Dessins, &c. Traduc- 
 tion Franaise par G. Biaudet. I. Ages de la Pierre et 
 du. Bronze. II. L'Age du Fer. Antiquites Permiennes. 
 III. L'Age du Fer. Antiquites Morduines, Meriennes et 
 Tschoudes. 4to. Helsingfors, St. Petersburg, and Paris, 1877-8 
 V. L'Age du Fer. Antiquites des Pro- 
 vinces Baltiques. Folio. .... Helsingfors, 1884 
 La Rosomonorum Gens et le Ruotsi, fitude d' histoire et d' 
 archeologie. Traduit par G. Biaudet. 8vo. . . ib. 1884 
 ASPLAND, A. and J. Brazenose Club, Manchester. Memoranda 
 of a loan collection of Mezzotint Proofs, after Sir Joshua 
 Reynolds, P.R.A. 4to. .... Manchester, 1874 
 ASSASSINATION OF THE KING. The Conspirators exposed ; or, an 
 account of the apprehension and examinations of John 
 Smith and George Higgins. Second edition, 8vo. Lond. 1795 
 ASSER Menevensis. Annales rerum gestarum .^Elfridi magni, 
 recensuit F. Wise. 8vo Oxford, 1722 
 ASSHETON, William. 
 Toleration disapprov'd and condemn'd by the Authority 
 of I. The Wise and Learned King James, and his Privy 
 Council. Anno Reg., 2 do . II. The Honourable Com- 
 mons assembled in this present Parliament in their 
 Votes, &c., Feb. 25, 1662. III. The Presbyterian Minis- 
 ters in the City of London met at Sion Colledge Dec. 18, 
 1645. IV. Twenty Eminent Divines in their Sermons 
 before the two Houses of Parliament. Second edition. 
 4to. ib. 1670 
 ASTLE, Thomas. Origin and Progress of Writing, 4to. Lond. 1784 
 ASTON, Joseph. A Picture of Manchester, 18mo. Manchester, 1816 
 ASTOE LIBRARY, New York. Annual Reports, 1874, etc. 8vo. 
 In progress. . . . Albany, and New York, 1874, etc. 
 Catalogue, 4 vols., 8vo ib. 1857-61 
 ASTROLOGER. The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century. 
 Seventh edition, corrected by Merlinus Anglicus. Plates. 
 8vo . . . Ulm. 1825 
 ASTROLOGIA APHORISTICA Ptolomaei, Hermetis, Ludovici de 
 Rigiis, Almansoris, &c., 12mo. .... Ulm, 1641 
 ATCHESON, Nathaniel. 
 Report of a Case affecting Navigation Laws, 8vo. (Tract 60*) 
 Lond. 1800 
 On the Carrying part of the Coal Trade, 8vo. (Tract 60*). 
 ib. 1802 
 Rules and Regulations. List of Members, 1865. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1865-66 
 List of Members, August, 1879. 8vo. . . . ib. 
 Catalogue of the Library, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1845 
 Supplement to Ditto, 8vo ib. 1851-59 
 ATHENJIUM, Journal of Literature, &c. In progress. 4to. ib. 1831, etc. 
 Deipnosophistarum libri quindecim, cum Dalechampii 
 Salina interpretatione et notis Casauboni. Folio. 
 Lyons, 1612 
 Isaaci Casauboni Animadversionum in Athensei Deipnoso- 
 phistas libri xv. Secunda editio. Folio . . ib. 1621 
 A0HNAION. 2t"Y7/>a/*/ia Trepio&iKov Kcna Sifiyviav ^K^ICO^VOV 
 ffvjnrpagei 7ro\\wi> \o<yitov. Vol. 6, part ry'. September and 
 October. 8vo. . . . . . Athens, 1877 
 ATKINS, S. E., and W. H. Overall. Some account of the Wor- 
 shipful Company of Clockmakers of the City of London. 
 Privately printed. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1881 
 ATKINSON, D. H. Ralph Thoresby, the Topographer; his town 
 and times, vol. i, 8vo. ..... Leeds, 1885 
 ATKYNS, Sir Robert. The Ancient and Present State of Glou- 
 cestershire, fol. Lond. 1712 
 ATLANTIS, The. A Register of Literature and Science, vols. 
 i-iv, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1858-63 
 ATLAS, The Complete. Society for the Diffusion of Useful 
 Knowledge, fol. . . . . . . ib. 1864 
 ATTEMPT. An attempt to show the cause of the Present 
 Risings in the North and South, in which the state of the 
 Nation is briefly considered, 8vo. . . . Dublin, 1772 
 ATTIO, Tomaso. Discorsi nuovi delle prerogative de' Curiali 
 antichi et moderni Cortigiani, et de' Titoli, &c. (Bound 
 with LESINA.) 4to. .... Venice, 1600 
 ATUAGAGDLIUTIT. Nalinginarnik tus-aruminas-assunik univkat. 
 (No. 25, Aug. 26, 1864, to No. 68, Feb. 26, 1866). 2 vols. 
 4to Nungme, 1864-66 
 ADBANUS, J. Boemus. Omnium Gentium Mores, Leges, et 
 Ritus. Folio Augsburg, 1520 
 AOBER, 1'Abbe. Instructions sur la Restauration des Eglises, 
 8vo. (Tracts 80.) Paris, 1851 
 AUBERT, L. C. M. Zur Lateinischen Grammatik, 8vo. (Tracts 98.) 
 Christiania, 1856 
 AUBREY, John. 
 Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1719 
 Natural History of Wiltshire. Edited by J. Britton. 
 4to . ib. 1847 
 Miscellanies. 8vo ib. 1784 
 Miscellanies upon Various Subjects, 8vo. . . . ib. 1857 
 AUCTORES MYTHOGRAPHI LATINI. (Hyginus, Fulgentius, Lactan- 
 tius Placidus, Albricus.) Curante Augusto van Haveren. 
 4to. ..... Ley den and Amsterdam, ] 742 
 AUCTORES REI VENATIC.ZE Aatiqui, cum commentariis Jani Ylitii, 
 12mo. .... Lugd. Bat. apud Elsevirios, 1653 
 Jani Vlitii Venatio Novantiqua, 12mo. 
 Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1645 
 AUDSLET, G. A. Descriptive Catalogue of Art Works in 
 Japanese Lacquer, forming the Third Division of the 
 Japanese Collection in the Possession of J. L. Bowes, Esq., 
 Liverpool. For private circulation. 4to. . Lond. 1875 
 AUDSLEY, G. A., and BOWES, J. L. Keramic Art of Japan. 
 Parts First, etc. Fol. . . . Liverpool and Lond. 1875 
 AUEE, Alois. Die Schriftzeichen des gesammten Erdskreises, fol. 
 Vienna, 1851 
 Paris, 1620 
 AUGUSTINUS, SANCTUS. Opuscula adversus Pelagianos, 2 vols. 
 4to. Lovaine, 1647-48 
 AULUS GELLIUS. Opera. Edited by Valpy, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 
 AUMER, Joseph. 
 Die Arabischen Handschriften der Hof-und-Staatsbiblio- 
 thek in Munchen, 8vo. ..... Munich, 1866 
 Die Persischen Handschriften der K. Hof-und-Staatsbiblio- 
 thek in Munchen, 8vo. . . ... . ib. 1866 
 AUNGIER, G. J. History and Antiquities of Syon Monastery, 
 the Parish of Isleworth, and the Chapelry of Hounslow, 
 8vo Lond. 1840 
 AURELIUS VICTOR. Opera. Edited by Valpy. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1829 
 AURES, Auguste. Tableaux indicatifs des Mesures de Capacite 
 Romaines et Attiques, avec des Notes, etc. 8vo. Nimes, 1875 
 Opera. Tollius ex vett. Codd. restituit. 12mo. 
 Amsterdam, 1669 
 Opera. Edited by Valpy. 3 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1823 
 AUSTEN, J. H. A Guide to the Geology of the Isle of Purbeck, 
 and the South- West Coast of Hampshire, 8vo. (Tracts 
 95*) Blandford, 1852 
 AUSTRALIA, Aborigines of. Report of Legislative Council of 
 Victoria, fol. (Tracts 158.) . . . Melbourne, 1859 
 AUSTRIA, Anne of. Memoirs for the History of. 5 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1725-26 
 (Inner). Schriften des Historischen Vereins fur 
 Innerosterreich, Erstes Heft, 8vo. . . . Gratz, 1848 
 AVENDANO, F. A. de. Commentaria in Evangelic D. Matthiae, 
 2 vols. fol. . .... Madrid, 1592-93 
 AVESBURT, Robert of. Historia de Mirabilibus Gestis Edwardi 
 III. Edited by T. Hearne. 8vo Oxford, 1720 
 AVESNE, Baldwin. Chronicon sive H istoria comitum Hannoniee, 
 fol. (Bound with Brabant, Seigneuries du.) . Antwerp, 1693 
 AVIANUS. Fabulse, cum commentariis Albini, notisque I. N". 
 Nevelati et C. Barthii quibus animadversiones suas 
 adjecit Henricus Caunegister. 8vo. . Amsterdam, 1731 
 AVRIL, J. T. Dictionnaire Provencal-Francis, suive d'un Yocabu- 
 laire Fran9ais-Proven9al. 8vo. .... Apt, 1839 
 AYLOFFE, Sir Joseph. 
 Calendars of Ancient Charters and Welsh and Scottish 
 Rolls in the Tower, 4to Lond. 1772 
 On an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, 4to. (Tracts 13.) 
 ib. 1773 
 Eglise de la Youta Chilhac, Haute-Loire, 8vo. (Tracts 107.) 
 Pity, 1820 
 Tombeau Antique a Solignac sur Loire, 8vo. (Tracts 107.) 
 ib. 1833 
 Monument de Bertrand Duguesclin au Puy, 8vo. (Tracts 
 67**.) . ib. 1835 
 Crypte et Eglise de Bauzac, 8vo. (Tracts 107.) . . ib. 1848 
 Recherches sur les Inscriptions inedites, 8vo. (Tracts 107.) 
 ib. 1848 
 Sur un Mammifere fossile nomine Entelodon, 8vo. (Tracts 
 107.) . Puy, 1848 
 Peintures murales a Puy Sepulture Celtique, &c., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 107.) . ib. 1849 
 Rapport sur des Antiquites Gallo-Romaines, 8vo. (Tracts 
 107.) ib. 1860 
 Le Geant du Rocher de Corneille, 8vo. (Tracts 107.) ib. 1861 
 fitude sur le Lac du Bouchet, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . ib. 1862 
 Fouilles au Puy, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) . . . ib. 1863 
 Archaeological and Historical Collections relating to the 
 Counties of Ayr and Wigton. In progress. 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1878, etc. 
 Munimenta Fratrum Predicatorum de Are. Charters of 
 the Friars Preachers of Ayr. 4to. . . ib. 1881 
 Charters of the Royal Burghs of Ayr. 4to. . . ib. 1883 
 Charters of the Abbey of Crosraguel, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1886 
 AYSCOUGH, Samuel. An Index to the remarkable passages and 
 words made use of by Shakespeare, 8vo. Second edition. 
 Lond. 1827 
 B*** ET D***. Choix de Chansons et Poesies Wallonnes 
 (Pays de Liege). Recueillies par M.M. B*** [Bailleux] 
 et D*** [Dejardin], 8vo. . . . Liege, 1844 
 B. P. Seven Prophetical Periods, 4to Lond. 1790 
 BABBAGE, Charles. Mathematical and Scientific Library, 8vo. ib. 1872 
 History of the Infirmary and Chapel of the Hospital and 
 College of St. John the Evangelist, at Cambridge, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1874 
 Address delivered at the meeting of the Cambrian Archaeo- 
 logical Association, Church Stretton, 1881, 8vo. Lond. 1882 
 BABINGTON, C. 0. continued. 
 Ancient Cambridgeshire ; or an attempt to trace Roman 
 and other ancient roads that passed through the county 
 of Cambridge. Second edition. [Cambridge Antiquarian 
 Society.'] 8vo. ...... Cambridge, 1883 
 BABINGTON, Churchill. Maeaulay's Character of the Clergy in 
 the latter part of the 17th century considered, 8vo. ib. 1849 
 c Y7T6/>/ou AO'<YOS 'E7rn-a0to9. The funeral oration of Hype- 
 rides over Leosthenes and his comrades in the Lamian 
 War. Now first edited from a papyrus in the British 
 Museum, 4to ib. 1858 
 BABRIUS. Fabulse lambicse cxxiii. nunc primum editse. J. F. Bois- 
 sonade Latine convertit, 8vo. .... Paris, 1844 
 BACHAUMONT, Memoires Secrets de. Avec des notes et une 
 preface, par P. L. Jacob. 8vo. .... ib. 1859 
 BACKHOUSE, James. Life and Correspondence of William and 
 Alice Ellis of Airton, 8vo Lond. 1849 
 BACON, Francis, Lord Verulam. 
 Seven volumes, bound uniform, comprising the following works: 
 1. Sermones fideles. Accedunt Faber Fortunse, Colores 
 Boni et Mali, &c., 12mo. Lugd. Bat. apud F. Hackium, 1644 
 2. De Augmentis Scientiarum, 12mo. 
 ib. apud F. Moiardum et A. Wijngaerde, 1645 
 3. Sylva Sylvarum, &c., 12mo. 
 Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevirium, 1648 
 4. Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis de Ventis, 12mo. 
 Lugd. Sat. apud F. Hackium, 1648 
 5. Novum Organum, &c., 12mo. 
 Lugd. Bat. Ex. officina A. Wyngaerden, 1650 
 6. Script* in Naturali et Universali Philosophia, 12mo. 
 Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevirium, 1653 
 7. Historia Regni Henrici Septimi, &c., 12mo. 
 Amstelodami, Ex qfficina Elzeviriana, 1662 
 New Atlantis. A worke unfinished. (Edited by W. Rawley.) 
 [Bound at the end of Sylva Sylvarum.] Folio. Lond. 1628 
 Sylva Sylvarum : or a ISTaturall Historic. In Ten Cen- 
 turies. Published by W. Rawley, JD.D. Second Edition. 
 Folio ' . . ib. 1628 
 Letters, 4to ib. 1702 
 Letters and Remains, collected by Robert Stephens, 4to. ib. 1734 
 History of Henry VII. \_Logographic Press.] 8vo. . ib. 1786 
 Essays. [Logographic Press.] 2 vols. 8vo. " ib. 1787 
 Life and Correspondence, 8vo. ...... ib. 1861 
 Poems for the first time collected and edited by the Rev. 
 A. B. Grosart. [Fuller Worthies' Library.] 8vo. n.p. 1870 
 A Collection of the Proceedings in the House of Commons 
 against the Lord Yerulam for Corruption and Bribery, 
 8vo. ......... Lond. n.d. 
 BACON, John. Liber Regis vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesias- 
 ticarum ........ ib. 1786 
 BACON, Theodore. A Record of "The Old Dominion." From 
 the "New Englander" for July, 1876, 8vo. Rochester, N.Y. 1878 

 BAG BAI 35 
 BACON, Thomas. 
 First Impressions in Hindostan, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1837 
 Oriental Annual for 1839 and 1840, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1839-iO 
 BADHAM, Rev. Charles. The History and Antiquities of All 
 Saints' Church, Sudbury, and of the parish generally, 8vo. 
 ib. 1852 
 BADIUS Ascensius, Jodocus. Navis Stultifera, Collectanea ab 
 Jodoeo Badio Ascensio vario carminum genere nou sine 
 eorundem familiari explanatione conflata. [108 fF.] 
 Paris, 1507 
 BAER, Herman. Diplomatische Geschichte der Abtei Eberbach 
 im Rheingau, edited by F. G. Habel. (Bd. 2, edited by 
 Karl Rossel.) 2 Bd Wiesbaden, 1851-58 
 BAGG, S. C. 
 Coins and Medals as Aids, &c. 8vo. (Tracts 153*) Montreal, 1863 
 Archaeologia Americana, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) . . ib. 1864 
 Canadian Archaeology, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) . . ib. 1864 
 The Antiquities and Legends of Durham, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) 
 ib. 1866 
 Continental Notes for Private Circulation, 8vo.. (Tracts 
 126**) ib. 1870 
 BAGSHAWE, W. H. G. The Bagshawes of Ford : a Biographical 
 Pedigree. For private circulation. 4to. . . Lond. 1886 
 On the Prelates of the Courtenay Family, 4to. 
 History and Antiquities of the Church of Wyke, near 
 Winchester, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . . Winchester, 1865 
 BAILEY, Benson. 
 Ilkley, Bolton Abbey, and the pearls of Craven:- or sketches 
 of the prettiest spots in that district. (6th Edition.) 8vo. 
 Second copy. 
 BAILEY, James. 
 Hieroglyphicorum Origo et Natura, 8vo. . Cambridge, 1816 
 Diatribe de voce Aie\ovpos, Part II., No. 1, 8vo. (Tracts 98) ib. 1851 
 BAILEY, John E. 
 On the Cipher of Pepys's " Diary," 8vo. 
 Manchester, 1876 
 John Whitaker, the Historian of Manchester, 8vo. 
 ib. 1877 
 Old Stretford : a Lecture, 8vo. Manchester and Stretford, 1878 
 The Grammar School of Leigh, co. Lancaster, and its 
 Library : a Lecture, 8vo. .... Leigh, 1879 
 An Universal Etymological English Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1726 
 Third edition, with Additions, 8vo. t'6. 1726 
 New edition, folio . . . ib. 1772 
 Twenty-first edition of vol. i., 8vo. . ib. 1775 
 - Second edition of vol. ii., 8vo. . . ib. 1731 
 D 2 
 BAILEY, T. J. Ordinum sacrorum in Ecclesia Anglicana 
 Def ensio. Tina cum Registro Consecrationis Archiepiscopi 
 Parkeri, 'fol Lond. 1870 
 BAILEY, Thomas. 
 Handbook to Nottingham Castle, 8vo. . . . ib. 1854 
 Handbook to New stead Abbey, 8vo. . . . ib. 1855 
 BAILEY, W. H. Anniversary Address before the Medical 
 Society of the State of New York. 8vo. Syracuse, N. Y. 1881 
 BAILLIE, James Kennedy. Fasciculus Inscriptionum Grsecarum. 
 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1842-46 
 BAILY, Charles. 
 Archives of Winchester, 8vo. . . . Winchester, 1856 
 Remarks on Timber Houses. Privately printed. 4to. Lond. 1869 
 History illustrated by Stained Glass, 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 BAINES, Edward. 
 Companion to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland 
 and Lancashire, 16mo. . . . . . ib. 1829 
 History of Lancashire, 4 vols. 4to. .... ib. 1836 
 BAIRD'S Guide through the City of Glasgow, and to Lochlomond, 
 the Falls of Clyde, &c., 12mo. . . . Glasgow, n. d. 
 BAKER MSS., Index to the, by four members of the Cambridge 
 Antiquarian Society, 8vo. .... Lond. 1848 
 BAKER, Anne Elizabeth, Glossary of Northamptonshire Words 
 and Phrases. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1854 
 BAKER, Charles, and FRANCIS, G. G. Surveys of Gower and 
 Kilvey. Edited for the Camb. Archceol. Assoc. L.P. 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 BAKER, E. E. A True Report of certain wonderful Overflow- 
 ings of Waters in Somerset, Norfolk, &c. A.D. 1607. 
 [Eeprint.~\ 4to. .... Weston-super-Mare, 1884 
 A True and most Dreadfull Discourse of a Woman possessed 
 with the Devill, at Dichet, in Sornmersetshire. A.D. 1584. 
 8vo.' ib. 1886 
 BAKER, George. 
 History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton, 
 2 vols. fol Lond. 1822-41 
 Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1842 
 BAKER, J. An easy Method of procuring the true Impression or 
 Figure of Medals, Coins, &c., 4to. MS. (Tracts 19*) ib. 1744 
 BAKER, J. R. Old and New Style, Fixed Dates, Calendars, and 
 the principles and results of Emendations. 8vo. 
 Philadelphia, 1881 
 BAKER, Sir Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England from 
 the time of the Romans' Government unto the Raigne of 
 Our Soveraigne Lord King Charles. Second edition, fol. 
 Lond. 1653 
 BAKER, R. S. Roman Discoveries at Irchester. 8vo. . .1876 
 BAKER, W. H. The Panoramic Guide to Welsh Mountain 
 Scenery, 8vo. ...... Carnarvon, n. d. 
 BALBO, Cesare. The Life and Times of Dante Alighieri. Trans- 
 lated from the Italian by F. J. Bunbury. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1852 
 BALDUS, Jacobus. Poemata de Vanitate Mundi, 12mo. 
 Wurzburg, 1694 
 BALDWINUS, B. De Calceo Antique et Jul. Nigronus de Caliga 
 Veterum. Accesserunt ex Q. Sept. Fl. Tertulliani, Cl. 
 Salmasi, and Alb. Rubeni scriptis plurima ejusdem argu- 
 ment!, 12mo. ...... Amsterdam, 1667 
 BALE, John. 
 The fyrst part of the Actes of English votaries, compre- 
 hendjnge their unchaste practices and examples by all 
 ages, from the worides begynnynge to the yeare of our 
 Lorde a.M., collected oute of their owne legendes. For 
 bibliographical details, see MS. Asphitel Catalogue. 
 Lon'd. (A. Vele), loo I 
 The Image of both Churches after the mooste wonderfull 
 and heavenly Revelation of saint Johan the Euagelist, 
 contayning a verie fruteful exposicion upon the same. 
 Wherein it [sic] is conferred with ye other Scriptures. 
 B.L. For bibliographical details, see MS. Asphitel Cata- 
 logue. Sm. 8vo. . . . . . . . . n. d. 
 Scriptorum Illustrium maioris Brytannie, quam nunc 
 Aiigliam et Scotiam vocant, Catalogus, fol. . Basel, 1559 
 " The Temptacyon of our Lorde." Now first re-printed, 
 and edited by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. [Fuller Worthies' 
 Library. ] 8vo. . . . . . . . n. p. 1870 
 1. Case on behalf of Robert Bruce of Kennet in the County 
 of Clackmannan, Esquire, claiming the Dignities of Lord 
 Balfour of Burley and Lord Kil winning in the Peerage 
 of Scotland, fol Lond. 1861 
 2. Evidence in the above case, fol. . . . ib. 1861 
 BALL, H. "W. Social History and Antiquities of Barton-upon- 
 Huraber. 8vo. ...... Barton, 1856 
 A Collection of Old Ballads, corrected from the best copies 
 extant. Plates. 3 vols. 12mo. . . . Lond. 1723 
 Old Ballads, historical and narrative, with some of modern 
 date, collected by Thomas Evans. A new edition by his 
 son, R. H. Evans, 4 vols. sm. 8vo ib. 1810 
 Danish Ballads, translated from Grimm's Collection, 8vo. ib. 1856 
 Catalogue of a Collection of Broadside Ballads, by J. 0. 
 Halliwell, 8vo ib. 1856 
 Le Livre des Cent Ballades, contenant des Conseils a un 
 Chevalier pour aimer loialement et les responses aux 
 ballades. Par le Marquis de Queux de Saint-Hilaire. 
 8vo Paris, 1868 
 BALLAD SOCIETY. Roxburghe Ballads. Edited by W. Chappell 
 and J. W. Ebs worth, 8vo. In progress. 
 Lond. and Hertford, 1809, etc. 
 BALLANTINE, James. Chronicle of the Hundredth Birthday of 
 Robert Burns. (January 25th, 1859.) Roy. 8vo. 
 JSdinb. and Lond. 1859 
 BALLANTYNE, J. R. Hindi and Braj Bahkha Grammar, 4to. Lond. 1839 
 BALLANTYNE, Messrs. Reply to Mr. Lockhart's pamphlet, 
 entitled " The Ballantyne-Humbug Handled," 8vo. ib. 1839 
 BALLARD, George. Memoirs of Learned Ladies, 4to. Oxford, 1752 
 BALLARD, Robert. The solution of the Pyramid Problem, or 
 Pyramid Discoveries, 8vo. . . . New York, 1882 
 BALTIMORE, Francis, Lord. Tour to the East, 1763-64, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1767 
 BALTUNG, Song of the Little (A.D. 395). Choral Ballad. Words 
 "by Charles Kingsley. Music by A. M. Smith (Mrs. 
 Meadows White). 4to ib. 
 BALUZIUS, Stephanus. Capitularia Regum Francorum. Nova 
 Editio, 2 fols. fol Paris, 1780 
 Obelisco di Cesare Augusto, fol Rome, 1750 
 Catalogus codicum Manu script orum Bibliothecee Medicese 
 Laurentianae, varia continens opera Groecorum Patrum. 
 Fol ! . . Florence, 1764 
 BANFIELD'S Guide Book to North Devon. Edited by Rev. G. 
 Tugwell, Second edition, 8vo. . . . Ilfracombe 
 BANK OF ENGLAND LIBRARY. Catalogue, 8vo. . . Lond. 1851 
 BANKES, George. Corfe Castle, 8vo ib. 1853 
 BANKS, Sir T. C. 
 Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England, 3 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1807-9 
 Stemmata Anglicana, 4to. ...... ib. 1825 
 Baronia Anglica Concentrata, vol. i., ii., 4to. . Mipon, 1844 
 BANKS, W. S. 
 A List of Provincial Words in use at Waken eld in 
 Yorkshire ; with explanations, etc., 8vo. 
 Lond. and Wakefield, 1865 
 Walks in Yorkshire: 1, In the North West. 2, In the 
 North East, 8vo ib. 1866 
 Walks in Yorkshire : Wakefield and its Neighbourhood, 
 etc., 8vo ib. 1871 
 Woolley Church. To the Editor of the " Wakefield Free 
 Press," 8vo 1871 
 The Accounts of the Great Chamberlain of Scotland, 1326- 
 1453. 3 vols. 4to Edinburgh, 1817 
 Historic and Life of King James the Sixt. 4to. . ib. 1825 
 Chronicon Ccenobii [S.] Crucis. Edited by Robert 
 Pitcairn, 4to ib. 1828 
 A Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents in the Country of 
 Scotland. 4to ib. 1833 
 Instrumenta Publica sive processus super Fidelitatibus et 
 Homagiis Scotorum. 4to. . . . . ib. 1834 
 Excerpta e Libris Domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti Regis 
 Scotorum, 1525-1533, 4to ib. 1836 
 Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis. 4to. . . ib. 1837 
 Roman de La Manekine, par Phillipe de Reimes. Public 
 par F. Michel. 4to ib. 1840 
 Leven and Melville Papers, 1689-91. 4to. . . ib. 1843 
 BANNATYNE CLUB continued. 
 Horn et Rimenhild, par F. Michel. 4to. . . Paris, 1845 
 Catalogue of Publications, with List of Members since 
 the institution of the Club, 8vo. . . Edinburgh, 1846 
 Carte monialium de Northberwic. Edited by Cosmo 
 Innes, 4to ib. 1847 
 Register of the Abbey of InchafFery. Liber insule 
 missarum Abbacie de Inchaffery, 4to. . . . ib. 1847 
 Registrum S. Mar^'e de Neubotle, 1140-1528. Edited by 
 Cosmo Innes. 4to. ...... ib. 1849 
 Original Letters relating to the Ecclesiastical Affairs of 
 Scotland, chiefly written by or addressed to James VI., 
 1603-25. 2 vols. 4to ib. 1851 
 Memoir of Thomas Thomson, Advocate. By Cosmo Innes. 
 8vo ib. 1854 
 Bannatyne Miscellany. Yol. iii., 4to. . . . ib. 1855 
 Letters from Roundhead Officers, written from Scotland, 
 and chiefly addressed to Captain Adam Baynes, 1650- 
 1660. Edited by J. Y. Akerman, 4to. . . . ib. 1856 
 Catalogue of Graduates of the University of Edinburgh. 
 Edited by D. Laing, 8vo ib. 1858 
 Registrum Cartarum Ecclesie S. Egidii de Edinburgh, 
 1344-1567. Edited by D. Laing, 4to. . . . ib. 1859 
 Charters of the Hospital of Soltre of Trinity College, 
 Edinburgh. 4to ib. 1861 
 Inventaires de la Royne Descosse Douairiere de France. 
 Edited by J. Robertson, 4to ib. 1863 
 Concilia Scotise. Ecclesiae Scoticanae Statuta, 1225-1559. 
 Edited by J. Robertson, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1866 
 Lists of Members, Rules, with Catalogue of Books. 
 Edited by D. Laing, 8vo.. ib. 1867 
 Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts relating to Nova 
 Scotia, 1621-38. Edited by D. Laing. 4to. . . ib. 1867 
 Adversaria : Notices of the earlier Works printed for the 
 Club. Edited by D. Laing. 4to ib. 1867 
 BANNISTER, John (Rev.) A Glossary of Cornish Names, with 
 derivations and significations. 8vo. . . Lond. 1871 
 BANNISTER, Saxe. Some Revelations in Irish History ; or, old 
 elements of creed and class conciliation in Ireland, 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 BAPTISTA DE SALIS. Summa Baptistiana. Fol. (In eights.) 
 Spire, 1488 
 BAPTISTA, Johannes. Johannes baptista gener Domini Bartoli 
 De arbitriis. 8vo. ...... Ley den, 1512 
 BARA, Hierome de. Blason des Armoiries, fol. (Bound with 
 Martin's "Genealogies.") 1581 
 BARBARO, Daniel. Relazione dopo la sua Legazione d'lnghil- 
 terra, 1551, 4to Lond. 1796 
 BARBAULD, Anna Loetitia. Poems (Bound with " Life of Richard 
 Morris"), sin. 8vo ib. 1792 
 Pueblo Pottery, 8vo. . . . 1881 
 Catalogue of the Collection of Tobacco Pipes deposited in 
 the Pennsylvania Museum, 8vo. . Fairmount Park, 1882 
 Second copy. 
 Mound Pipes. (From the "American Naturalist") 8vo. 
 Catlinite, its antiquity as a Material for Tobacco Pipes, 8vo. 1883 
 Antiquity of the Tobacco Pipe in Europe. Part II. 
 Switzerland, 8vo. 
 BAEBEE, Pairless. 
 An Essay in explanation of Fountains Abbey, 8vo. Leeds, 1874 
 On a few Examples of Mediaeval Deeds, 8vo. . Lond. 1879 
 1. Suggestions on the Ancient Britons, parts 2 and 3, 
 8vo ib. 1854 
 2. Specimens of Welsh Archaeology, 8vo. (Tracts 68*) il. 1854 
 3. Ancient Oral Records of the Cimri, 8vo. . ib. 1855 
 BAEBEE, Henry. A Tourist's Guide to Furness Abbey and 
 its vicinity, with Illustrations, 12mo. . . Ulverston, 1865 
 BAEBEE, Mary. Some Drawings of Ancient Embroidery. Thirty 
 Specimens. [Notice by W. Butterfield.] Fol. 
 Lond. and Manchester, 1880 
 BAEBEEINI, Cardinal, and PALMEE, Sir James. Sale Catalogue 
 of their Pictures, 4to Lond. 1691 
 BAEBETTI. Catalogue of a Collection of Antiquities found in 
 the Necropolis of Tharras. 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . ib. 1857 
 BAECLAY, John. 
 Icon Animorum. Sin. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1614 
 Argenis. Editio novissima, cum clave, etc. pp. 705, 12mo. 
 Lugd. Bat. ex officina Elzeviriana, 1630 
 Another edition, pp. 690 ..... 1630 
 Second copy. 
 The Mirrour of Mindes ; or, Barclay's Icon Animorum. 
 Englished by T. M. 12mo ; ft. 1631 
 Euphormionis Lusinini, sive Joannis Barclaii Satyricon, 
 partes quinque cum clavi. Accessit Conspiratio Angli- 
 cana, 12mo. . . . Lugd. Bat. apud Elzevirios, 1637 
 Not the Editio Princeps, pp. 207, 209 being correctly numbered. 
 BAECLAY, Sidney. Personal Recollections of the American 
 Revolution, 12mo New York, 1859 
 BARD, Joseph. 
 1. Monographies des Basiliques de St. Vincent a Chalon- 
 sur-Saone, &c. 8vo. (Tracts 134) . . Chalon-s S. 1845 
 2. Revue Basilicale et Liturgique de Rome, 8vo. (Tracts 
 134) .... Rome, Paris, fy Lyons, 1848 
 3. Des Influences et Stations Grecques dans les Gaules, 
 18mo. (Tracts 156) Lyons, 1851 
 BARDIN, Le Generale. 
 Questions touchant les Bataillons de Grenadiers, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1833 
 BARDIN, Le GeneVale continued. 
 Recherches Historiques sur les Drapeaux Fran9ais, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1835 
 Compte rendu sur 1'Histoire de Charles 
 VIII. par le Comte de Segur ib. 1835 
 Notice Historique, sur le Comte de Guibert, 8vo. . ib. 1836 
 Extrait d'un ouvrage inedit intitule, " Dictionnaire de 
 1'armee de Terre," 8vo. . . . . . ib. n. d. 
 Recherches Historiques, sur les Armes a feu se chargeant 
 par la culasse, 8vo. . . . . . ib. n. d. 
 sur les Bibliotheques Militaires . ib. n. d. 
 sur le Duel, 8vo. . . . ib. n. d. 
 sur les Anciennes Machines de Guerre, 
 8vo. . . . . . . . . ib. n. d. 
 sur les Instrumens de Musique Militaire, 
 8vo. , . . . ib. n. d. 
 sur les Musiques Militaires, 8vo. 
 BARET, John. An Alvearie, or Quadruple Dictionarie, Eng., Lat., 
 Gr., and Fr., fol. . ... Lond. 1580 
 BARFOD, Immanuel. Den falsterske Gejstligheds Personal- 
 historic, 2 vols., 8vo Copenhagen, 1851-4 
 Clavis Diplomatica, tradens Specimina veterum Scriptu- 
 rarum, &c., 4to. ...... Hanover, 1737 
 Another edition, 4to. .... ib. 1754 
 BARKER, Charles. Sermon at Consecration of Dr. Moss, Bishop 
 of Oxford, 4to. (Tracts 33.) .... Lond. 1807 
 BARKER, W. B. Lares and Penates, or Cilicia and its Governors. 
 Edited by W. F. Ainsworth, 8vo ib. 1853 
 BARKER, W. G. Pedigree of the Family of Barker of Salop. 
 Privately printed, 4to. ...... ib. 1877 
 BARKER, W. Jones. The Three Days of Wensleydale, 8vo. ib. 1854 
 BARKSTED, William. Poems I. Mirrha, the Mother of Adonis : 
 or, Lustes Prodegies, 1607. II. Hiren : or, The Faire 
 Greeke, 1611. Edited by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. [Fifty 
 copies only.~\ 4to. ..... Manchester, 1876 
 BARLJIUS, Gaspar. Medicea Hospes, sive descriptio gratulationis 
 qua reginam Mariam de Medicis excepit Senatus Ams- 
 telodamensis Amsterdam, 1638 
 BARLEY WINE. A dissertation concerning the Origin and 
 Antiquity of Barley Wine. [By Samuel Rolleston.] 
 (Bound with A Philosophical Dialogue concerning 
 Decency, &c.), 4to. Oxford, 1750 
 Critical, Historical, and Philosophical Contributions to the 
 Study of the Divina Commedia, 8vo. Lond. fy Edinburgh, 1864 
 Studies from Dante, 8vo. . . . . Lond. 1857-62 
 The Sixth Centenary Festivals of Dante in Florence and afc 
 Ravenna. By a Representative, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 On the Yernon Dante, with other Dissertations, 8vo . ib. 1870 
 BARLOW, H. C. continued. 
 Testi di tre canti della Divina Commedia tratti da Codici 
 conservati nella Biblioteca del Museo Britannico, 4to.Lond. 1870 
 Sei cento Lezioni della Divina Commedia tratte dall' 
 edizione di Napoli, 1477, confrontate colle corrispondenti 
 Lezioni delle prime quattro edizioni, 4to. . . ib. 1875 
 BARLOW, Dr. Thomas. The Case concerning setting up Images 
 or Painting of them in Churches, 12mo. . . ib. 1714 
 BARNEFIELD, Richard. Cynthia and the Legend of Cassandra, 
 1595, Reprint, 4to ib. 1841 
 BARNES, Joshua. History of Edward III., together with that of 
 his son, Edward the Black Prince, fol. . Cambridge, 1688 
 BARNES, William. 
 Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, with a Disser- 
 tation and a Glossary ....... 
 12mo Loud. 1844 
 Hwomely Rhymes ; a second Collection of Poems in the 
 Dorset Dialect, 12 mo ib. 1859 
 BARON, Rev. John. 
 Scudamore Organs ; or Practical Hints respecting Organs 
 for Villaare Churches. With designs by G. E. Street, 8vo. 
 ib. 1858 
 Report on the Anglo-Saxon Documents in Wilkins's Con- 
 cilia. Privately printed. 8vo. . . Oxford, 1859 
 A Plea for an old Wilts Charity, or Reasons against 
 Alienation of the real property in Upton Scudamore, 
 belonging to Stockton Almshouse, 8vo. . Warminster, 1877 
 The Greek Origin of the Apostles' Creed illustrated by 
 Ancient Documents and recent research, 8vo. . Lond. 1885 
 Traffic in. 8vo. . n. p., n. d. 
 BARONETS of this Kingdom of England ; from the first erection 
 of that Dignity until this time, 8vo. 
 E. Cotes for A. Seile, Lond. 1667 
 BARR, James. Anglican Church Architecture, 12mo. . ib. 1843 
 BARRETT, Francis. The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer : being 
 a complete system of occult philosophy, &c. 4to. . ib. 1801 
 BARRETT, J. Description of Malvern. Second edition, 8vo. [Prat- 
 tinton Coll.'] Worcester, 1803 
 BARRETT, J. T. Memorials of St. Mary, Attleborough, Norfolk, 
 8vo Lond. 1848 
 BARRETT, William, History of Bristol, 4to. . . Bristol, 1789 
 BARRINGTON, Archibald. Plain Hints for Understanding the 
 Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of the Sovereigns of 
 England, with a description of the different styles of 
 British Architecture, 8vo Lond. 1843 
 BARRINGTON, Hon. Daines. 
 Probability of reaching the North Pole. With Supplement, 
 4to. ib. 1775 
 Second Supplement, 4to. (Tracts 59.) ib. 1776 
 Observations on the more Ancient Statutes, 4to. . ib. 1775 
 Miscellanies, 4to ib. 1781 
 BARROW DIGGERS (The). A Dialogue, with numerous explanatory 
 notes, 4to. . . Lond. 1839 
 Second copy. Bound with Miles' " Deverel 
 BARROW, J. C. Picturesque Views of Churches. Several numbers, 
 fol. ib. 1792 
 BARROW, William. Sermon preached March 7, 1798, 4to. 
 (Tracts 33.) ib. 1798 
 BARRUEL, Abbe. Memoirs illustrating the History of Jacobinism; 
 translated by R. Clifford, 4 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1798 
 BARRY, Alfred. The Architect of the New Palace at Westminster. 
 Second Edition. 8vo ib. 1868 
 BARRY, OPIE and FUSELI. Lectures on Painting. Edited by 
 R. N. Wornum, 12mo ib. 1848 
 BARSTOW, D. A. Secular diary, 16mo. . . . . n. p., n. d. 
 BARTHE"LEMY, Abbe. Lettre sur quelques Monuments Pheniciens. 
 4to Paris, 1766 
 BARTHELEMY, M. History of Boulogne-sur-Mer, from Julius 
 Csesar to the year 1825, 12mo. . . . Boulogne, 1825 
 BARTHOLINUS, Gaspar. De Inauribus veterum, 12mo. 
 Amsterdam, 1676 
 1. De Armillis Veterum et Olai Wormii de Aureo Cornu 
 Danico responsio, 12mo. ...... ib. 1676 
 2. Antiquitatum veteris Puerperii Synopsis, 12mo. . ib. 1676 
 3. De Annulis Narium (cap. 19), 12mo. . ib. 1676 
 4. Antiquitatum Danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis 
 adhuc gentibus mortis Libri, 4to. . . Copenhagen, 1689 
 Hints on Fireproof Buildings, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1839 
 Specifications for Practical Architecture, 8vo. . . ib. 1840 
 BARTHOLOMEW THE LESS, LONDON, Hospital of St. Orders and 
 Ordinances of, 4to. ....... ib. 1652 
 Reprinted, with Prefatory note, by W. M. 
 Baker, F.R.C.S. 4to . ib. 1885 
 BARTLETT, Benjamin. Coins of Durham and Reading, edited by 
 J. T. Brockett, 12mo. (Tracts 143) . . . Newcastle, 1817 
 BARTLETT, W. A. The History and Antiquities of Wimbledon, 
 Surrey, 8vo Lond. 1865 
 BARTOLI, Daniel. The Learned Man defended and reformed. 
 Englished by T. Salusbury . . . . . . n. d. 
 BARTOLI, Giuseppe. Sopra il Marmo effigiato ed iscritto nel 
 regio Museo, 4to Torino, 1762 
 BARTOLI, Pietro Santi. 
 Gli Antichi Sepolcri, owero Mausolei Romaiii ed 
 Etruschi, trovati in Roma, etc., fol. . . Rome, 1704 
 Colonna Traiana, fol. n.p., n.d. 
 BARTON, B. S. On Origin of American Tribes, 8vo. 
 Philadelphia, 1798 
 BARTON, J. A. Tour in the South of France, 8vo. (Tracts 75) 
 Lond. 1659 
 BARTON-UPON.HUMBER, History and Antiquities of, 8vo. Barton, 1856 
 BARTSCH, Adam. Le Peintre Graveur. Vols. I. to XXI. 8vo. 
 Vienne, 1803-21 
 BASIL, Saint. Anglo-Saxon Version of the Hexameron of St. 
 Basil, and of Admonitio ad filium spiritualem. Edited 
 by H. W. Norman, Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 89) Lond. 1849 
 Second copy. 
 BASILE, G. B. F. II Capitello Soluntino Forcella, 4to. (Tracts 
 159) Palermo, 1855 
 BASILE, Giovanni Battista. II Pentamerone del Cavalier G. B. 
 Basile. Ouero Lo Cunto de li Cunte, Trattenimento de li 
 Peccerille di Gian Alesio Abbattutis. Nouamente restam- 
 pato, 8vo. .... Napoli, Antonio Bulifon, 1674 
 Another edition, 12mo. . . Napoli, 1717 
 The Pentamerone, or the Story of Stories. Translated 
 from the Neapolitan by J. E. Taylor, with illustrations 
 by G. Cruikshank, obi. 8vo Lond. 1848 
 BASLER MUNSTER. Yerzeichniss der Mittelalterlichen Samm- 
 lung in der S. Nicolaus Capelle, dem Conciliumssaale 
 und dessen Yorraume, sowie den Archivs-salen des 
 Easier Miinsters. Yierte Ausgabe. Edited by Albert 
 Miiller, 8vo Basle, 1871 
 BASTARD, Thomas. Chrestoleros ; Seven Bookes of Epigrames, 
 4to. London, 1598, reprint, 1842 
 Yerhandelingen. In progress, 4to. . . Batavia, 1853, etc. 
 Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal Land en Yolkenkunde. 
 In progress ....... ib. 1855, etc. 
 Notulen. In progress. 8vo. .... ib. 1864, etc. 
 Catalogus der Bibliotheek door J. A. Yan der Chijs, 8vo. 
 ib. 1864 
 Eerste vervolg Catalogus der Bibliotheek en Catalogus der 
 Maleische, Javaansche en Kawi Handschriften, 8vo. 
 ib. 1872 
 Tweede Yervolg- Catalog us der Bibliotheek, 8vo. . ib. 1877 
 Katalogus der Ethnologische Afdeeling van het Museum, 
 8vo ib. 1868 
 Tweede Druk, 8vo ib. 1877 
 Catalogus der Numismatische Afdeeling van het Museum 
 8vo. \ .. ib. 1869 
 Alphabetische Lijst van Land-, Zee-, Rivier-, Wind-, 
 Storm-, en andere Kaarten, 8vo. .... ib. 1873 
 Codicum Arabicorum Catalogus. Ediderunt B. Friederich 
 et L. W. C. Yan Den Berg, 8vo ib. 1873 
 Het Maleisch der Molukken. Lijst door F, S. A. De Clercq, 
 4to . . - ib. 1876 
 Yerslag van eene Yerzameling Maleische, Arabische, 
 Javaansche en andere Handschriften. Door Mr. L. W. 
 C. Yan Den Berg, 8vo. . . Batavia and The Hague, 1877 
 Het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetens- 
 chappen gedurende de Eerste Eeuw van zijn Bestaan, 
 1778-1878. Gedenkboek zamengesteld door T. H. der 
 Kinderen. Deel i., folio .... Batavia, 1878 

 BAT BAT 45 
 BATCHELLER, W. A New History of Dover, and of Dover 
 Castle, during the Roman, Saxon, and Norman Govern- 
 ments, with a short Account of the Cinque Ports, con- 
 tinued to the present time, 8vo. . . . Dover, 1828 
 BATCHILER, John. The Virgin's Pattern, in the life of Mrs. 
 Susanna Perwich, 1661, 8vo. . . . reprint, Lond. 1842 
 BATEMAN, Thomas. 
 Catalogue of his Museum, 8vo Bakewell, 1855 
 Ten Years' Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills, in 
 the counties of Derby, Stafford and York, from 1848 to 
 1858, 8vo . Lond. 1861 
 BATES, George. Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia ; or a 
 Short Historical Account of the Late Troubles in Eng- 
 land. 2 parts. Written in Latin by Dr. G. Bates. 
 Motus Compositi ; or the History of the composing the 
 Affairs of England. Written in Latin by T. Skinner, 
 M.D. (being part 3). Made English, 8vo. . . ib. 1685 
 BATH, The Pretended Discovery of a Roman Bath at. With 
 Remarks 011 " The Bathes of Bathe's Ayde in the reign 
 of Charles II." 8vo Lond. 1884 
 BATH. The Roman Baths. [R. E. Peach] to the Mayor and 
 Council of the City of Bath. Fol. . Bath, 1886 
 BATH GUIDE, The New ; or, Memoirs of the B-n-r-d Family. In 
 a series of poetical epistles. [By C. Anstey.] Thirteenth 
 edition, 8vo. . Lond. 1788 
 BATH GULDE, The New: or, useful pocket companion. New 
 edition, small 8vo. ...... Bath, n. d. 
 BATH GUIDE, The Original, 8vo ib. 1843 
 Impressions of their Stall Plates and of those of their 
 Esquires, 4to. . . . . 1725 
 BATH, ORDER OF THE, An Historical Account of the Honourable, 
 8vo Lond. 1725 
 Proceedings. In progress, 8vo. . . . Bath, 1870, etc. 
 Address. By the Rev. L. Jenyns, President, 8vo. . ib. 
 BATHS AND WASHHOUSES, Act to encourage Public, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1836 
 BATHURST, W. H. Roman Antiquities at Lydney Park, 
 Gloucestershire. With notes by C. W. King. 8vo. 
 ib. 1879 
 BATLEY ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Batley Antiquary. Part I. 
 etc. In Progress. 8vo Batley, 1887, etc. 
 BATTE, Leon. Le Raphael de M. Morris Moore, 8vo. (Tracts 
 101) Paris and Lond: 1859 
 BATTELL, Philip. Descendants of Benjamin Hammond. From 
 the " Hist, and Geneal. Reg." 8vo. . JVew York, 1876 
 BATTELY, John. Antiquitates Rutupinos et S. Edmundi Burgi, 
 4to . Oxford, 1745 
 BATTEN, John. Trent. (From the Somersetsh. Archceol. and 
 Nat. Hist. Soc. Proceedings.) 8vo. . . . Taunton, 1875 
 The Handbook to. Fourth edition, 12mo. . . Battle, n. d. 
 Catalogue of Original Charters relating to, by Thomas 
 Thorpe, 8vo Lond. 1835 
 BATTLES,. &c., from 1640 to 1660, a List of, 4to. MS. (Tracts 
 Description des Bas-Relief s anciens trouvez depuis peu dans 
 1'Eglise Cathedrale de Paris, 4to. . . . Paris, 1711 
 Feste d'Athenes sur une Cornaline du Cabinet du Roy ib. 1712 
 BAUDOT, Henri. Memoire sur les Sepultures des Barbares, 4to. 
 Dijon and Paris, 1860 
 BAUDRY, Ferdinand. 
 Sur les Fouilles du Bernard (Vendee), 8vo. (Tracts 62) 
 Napoleon-Vendee, 1859 
 Fouilles du Bernard (Vendee), 8vo. (Tracts 62) 
 ib. 1860 
 BAUER, Frantz. Tapisseries du XVIIe siecle executees d'apres 
 les Cartons de Raphael par Jean Raes, de Bruxelles. 
 Description et Notes. Precedees d'une notice par 
 Edmond About. 8vo Paris, 1875 
 BAUHINUS, Caspar. De Hermaphroditorum monstrosorumque 
 partuum natura libri duo. 8vo. . . Oppenheim, 1614 
 Recherches sur les Monuments Celtiques da Departement 
 du Gard, 8vo. ...... Lyons, 1863 
 Notice sur le Temple des Druides d'Uzes, 8vo. . . ib. 1861 
 Oberbayerisches Archiv fiir Vaterland. Gesch, herausgege- 
 ben von dem Historisch-Verein von Oberbayern, vols. 1-9 
 Munich, 1829-1848 
 Jahresberichte des Historischen Vereins, 1838-1847, 2 
 vols.Svo ib. 1839-1848 
 BAVERSTOCK, J. H. Some Account of Maidstone, with genealogy 
 of the Bosville Family, 8vo. (Tracts 34) . Lond. 1832 
 BAXTER, Richard. 
 What we must do to be Saved ? Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Annotated list of ten writings of Baxter.) Privately 
 printed. 8vo. . . . . . . . . n. p. 1868 
 A Breviate of the Life of Margaret, wife of Richard 
 Baxter, 4to . Lond. 1681 
 BAXTER, William. 
 Opera Posthuma. Edited by M. Williams and W. Mores, 
 8vo ib. 1726 
 Glossarium Antiquitatum Romanarum . . . ib. 1731 
 BAYARD, Chevalier. The Right, Joyous, and Pleasant History 
 of the Chevalier Bayard. [Translated from the French 
 by Miss Coleridge.] 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1825 
 Prodromo delle Antichita d'Ercolano, 2 vols. 4to. Naples, 1752 
 Le Antichita di Ercolano Esposte. Tom. i. to vi. fol. 
 ib. 1757-71 
BAY BE A 47 
 BAYARDI, 0. A. continued. 
 Antichi Monument! di Ercolano, fol. . . . Naples, 1754 
 BAYER, F. P. 
 Del Alfabeto y Lengua de los Fenices, fol. (Tracts 157) 
 Madrid, 1772 
 De Numis Hebreeo-Samaritanis, 4to. Valentice Edetanorum, 1781 
 BAYER, T. S. 
 Museum Sinicum, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . St. Petersburg, 1730 
 Historia Osrhoena et Edessena ex nummis illus^trata, 4to. ib. 1734 
 De Horis Sinicis, 4to. ...... ib. 1735 
 Historia Regni Graecorum Bactriani, 4to. . . ib. ,1738 
 BAYFIUS, Lazarus. Annotationes in Legem n. de captivis, et post- 
 liminio reversis, in quibus tractatur de re navali : 
 ejusdem annot. in tract, de auro et argento leg. quibus 
 vestimentorum et vasculorum genera explicantur: 
 Antonii Thylesii de coloribus libellus. 4to. . Basle, 1541 
 BAYLEY, Francis. The Bailleuls of Flanders, 8vo. . Lond. 1881 
 BAYLEY, John. 
 History of the Tower of London, 2 parts, 4to. . ib. 1821-25 
 Second Edition ib. 1830 
 BAYLEY, W. D'Oyly. Account of the House of D'Oyly, parts 1 
 and 2, 8vo. . . ib. 1845 
 BAYLISS, J. C. Views in Shropshire, fol. . . . ib. 1842-44 
 BAYLISS, Wyke. The Witness of Art, or the Legend of Beauty, 
 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 BAYLY, Anselm. Introduction to Languages, 8vo. . . ib. 1758 
 BAZERQUE, Le Capitaine. La Caravane Universelle, Voyages 
 autour du Monde en vue de 1'Exploration Scientifique de 
 toutes les parties accessibles de l'Univers. 8vo. Paris, 1873 
 BEAMONT, William, and J. P. Rylands. An Attempt to identify 
 the Arms formerly existing in the windows of the Parish 
 Church and Austin Friary at Warrington, 4to. 
 Warrington, 1878 
 BEARCROFT, Philip. Account of Thomas Sutton and the Charter 
 House, 8vo Lond. 1737 
 BEATSON, A. J. Genealogical Account of the Family of Beatson, 
 4to Edinburgh, 1860 
 BEATSON, Robert. 
 A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and 
 Ireland : or, a complete Register of the Hereditary 
 Honours, Public Offices, and Persons in Office. 3rd 
 edition. 3 vols. 8ro Lond. 1806 
 A Chronological Register of both Houses of the British 
 Parliament, from 1708 to 1807. 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1807 
 BEAUFORT, Duke of. His Progress through Wales, 1684, and 
 Notitia Cambro-Britannica, by T. Dineley. Edited by 
 C. Baker, 4to. Printed for private circulation . . ib. 1864 
 BEAULIEU, Guichard de. Sermon. (See JUBINAL.) 8vo. Paris, ]834 
 1. Recherches Archeologiques sur le Comte de Dachsbourg, 
 8vo ib. 1836 
 2. Archeologie de la Lorraine, tome 1, 8vo. . . ib. 1840 
 BEAUMONT, Albanis. Travels from France to Italy, fol. Lond. 1806 
 BEAUMONT, George. 
 Selection of Projected Lines of Railways, 8vo. (Tracts 
 126) ib. 
 Origin of Copyhold Tenure, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) . . ib. 1835 
 BEAUMONT, George, and DISNEY, Henry. Tour through Eng- 
 land, 8vo. [Prattinton Goll.~\ . " . . . . ib. 1673 
 BEAUMONT, Sir John, Bart. Poems. Collected and edited by 
 A. B. Grosart. [Fuller Worthies' Library. ~\ Privately 
 printed. 8vo. ...... Blackburn, 1869 
 An historical, physiological, and theological treatise of 
 Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other magical 
 practises, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1705 
 Gleanings of Antiquities, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1724 
 BEAUEEPAIRE, Charles de Robillard de. Notes et Documents 
 concernant 1'Etat des Campagnes de la Haute Normandie 
 dans les derniers temps du Moyen Age, Svo. . lUvreux, 1865 
 BEAUREPAIRE, E. D. Robillard de. M. De Caumont, sa Yie et ses 
 CEuvres, Svo Caen, 1874 
 BEAUVALLET, P. N". Fragments d'Architecture, Sculpture et 
 Peinture, dans le style antique. Plates, fol. . Paris, 1804 
 BEAUVOIR, Hiver De. La Librairie de Jean Due de Berry au 
 Chateau de Mehun-sur-Yevre. 1416. Publiee en entier 
 d'apres les inventaires, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1860 
 BEBINGTON. " A Free Village Library." Reprinted from the 
 " Standard," with Additions. 8vo. . . Liverpool, 1878 
 BECHARD, F. Consultation pour la Fabrique de Saint- Gilles 
 (Gard.) 8vo. (Tracts 67**) . Nimes, 1866 
 BECHSTRIN, Reinhold. Gottfried's Yon Strassburg Tristan. 
 pter T keii 5 8vo. ... . Leipzig, 1869 
 BECK'S Leamington Guide. Eleventh edition. 12mo. 
 Leamington, 1860 
 BECK, S. W. 
 Gloves, their Annals and Associations, 8vo. . Lond. 1883 
 The Draper's Dictionary. A Manual of Textile Fabrics, 
 Svo. . . . . . . . . ib. n. d. 
 BECK, T. A. Annales Furnesienses. History and Antiquities 
 of the Abbey of Furness, 4to. .... ib. 1844 
 BECKER, C. and HEFNER, J. von. Kunstwerke und Gerath- 
 schaften des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, 3 vols. 4to. 
 Frankfort, 1852-63 
 BECKER, Ferdinand. 
 Die Inschriften der Romischen Coemeterien. Erklarung 
 30 facsimilirter Altchristlicher Grabschriften. Mit 
 Beriicksichtigung der Forschungen De Rossi's, 8vo. Gera, 1878 
 Die heidnische Weiheformel D.M (Diis Manibus sc. sacrum) 
 auf altchristlichen Grabsteinen, 8vo. . . . ib. 1881 
 BECKER, P. J. Die romischen Inschriften und Steinschriften 
 des Museums der Stadt Mainz, 8vo. . . Mayence, 1875 
 BECKETT-DENISON COLLECTION. First portion. Catalogue of 
 Pictures, Works of Art, &c. Sold by Messrs. Christie, 
 8vo. . ....'.. Lond. 1885 
 BECKMANN, Johann. Beytrage zur Geschichte der Erfindungen, 
 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzic, 1786-1800 
 BEDE, The Venerable. 
 Histories Ecclesiastics Liber. Edited by J. Smith, fol. 
 Cambridge, 1722 
 The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England. 
 Also, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited by J. A. Giles, 
 sm. 8vo Lond., Bohn, 1847 
 The Explanation of the Apocalypse. Translated by E. 
 Marshall, sm. 8vo. .... Oxford and Lond. 1878 
 BEDFORD, W. K. R. The Blazon of Episcopacy, 8vo. . Lond. 1858 
 BEDFORD CHARITY. Act for Governing, 8vo. . . Bedford, 1794 
 BEDFORDSHIRE. Almanack and County Handbook for 1879, 
 8vo. ' Bedford, 1879 
 Report, &c. 8vo. (Tracts 82) .... ib. 1848 
 BEDLOE, William. Narrative of the Popish Plot, fol. Lond. 1679 
 BEEBY, W. T. Bromley Church, its History and Associations, 
 8vo Bromley, 1872 
 BEEK, J. Triumph Royal ; Account of Achievements of the 
 House of Nassau, 8vo. . . . ... Lond. 1692 
 BEESLEY, Alfred. History of Banbury, 8vo. . . . ib. 1848 
 BEESTON, William, The interpretation attempted of the Phoeni- 
 cian verses found in the Pcenulus of Plautus, 8vo. ib. 1850 
 BEGA, ST., The Life and Miracles of. Written by a Monkish 
 Historian. With a List of the Saint Bees Priors, and 
 notes. By G. C. Tomlinson, 8vo. . . . Carlisle, 1842 
 BEGGAR'S COMPLAINT, The, against Rack-Rent Landlords, Corn- 
 Factors, &c. Second edition, 12mo. . . Sheffield, 1812 
 BEILBY, J. W. Reasons suggestive of Mining on Physical Prin- 
 ciples for Gold and Coal, 8vo. . ' . . Melbourne, 1875 
 BEKE, C. T. 
 Origines Biblicse ; or, Researches in primeval history, vol. i., 
 8vo Lond. 1834 
 Vertheidigung gegen Herm Dr. Paulus im betreff seiner 
 Recension iiber meine Origines Biblicse, 8vo. (Tracts 
 125*) Leip. 1836 
 On the Localities of Horeb, Mount Sinai, and Midian in 
 connection with the Distinction between Mitzraim and 
 Egypt, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) ... . ib. 1835 
 On the Advance of Land in the Persian Gulf (Historical), 
 8vo. (Tracts 125*) ib. 1835 
 - (Geological). (Tracts 125*) . . ib. 1835 
 Views in Ethnography, the Classification of Languages, &c. 
 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . 1835 
 On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf, 8vo. (Tract* 
 125*) ib. 1836 
 Additional Remarks on ditto, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . ib. 1837 
 BEKE, C. T. continued. 
 On the Complexion of the Ancient Egyptians, 8vo. (Tracts 
 125*) Lond. 1836 
 On the Pedigree of the Family of Beke, of Eresby, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 40) ib. 1837 
 On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldjea, 8vo. (Tracts 
 125*) Two copies . . ib. 1839 
 On Languages and Dialects of Abyssinia, 8vo. . ib. 
 Abyssinia ; a Statement of Facts, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) ib. 
 2nd Edition, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . ib. 
 Christianity among the Gallas, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . ib. 
 An Essay on the Nile and its Tributaries, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) 
 ib. 1847 
 Memoire Justificatif des peres P. Paez et J. Lobo, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125*) Paris, 1848 
 Remarks on the Mats'hafa Tomar ; or, the Book of the 
 Letter, an Ethiopic MS., 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . Lond. 1848 
 On the Origin of the Gallas, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . ib. 1848 
 On the Sources of the Nile, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) Edinburgh, 1848 
 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . . . Lond. 1849 
 On the Geographical Distribution of the Languages of 
 Abessinia, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . . . Edinburgh, 1849 
 Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Sprachen von 
 Abissinien, 4to. (Tracts 57) .... Gotha, 1849 
 Letter to M. Daussy (against the criticisms of M. d'Abbadie), 
 8vo. (Tracts 125*) Two copies .... Lond. 1850 
 Sur la Communication supposee entre le Niger et le Nil, 
 8vo. (Tracts 125*) . . . . . ib. 1850 
 Enquiry into M. d'Abbadie's Journey to Kaffa, 8vo. (Tracts 
 125*) ib. 1850 
 Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) ib. 1851 
 Reasons for returning Gold Medal of Geog. Soc. of France, 
 &c., 8vo. (Tracts 125*) ib. 1851 
 Summary of Recent Nilotic Discovery, 8vo. (Tracts 125*) 
 ib. 1851 
 Some Particulars relative to Col. Richard Beke, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 40) ib. 1852 
 Sources of the Nile, and History of Nilotic Discovery, 8vo. 
 ib. 1860 
 On the Mountains on Eastern side of Basin of the Nile, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 59) Edinburgh, 1861 
 A Few Words with Bishop Colenso, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) 
 Lond. 1862 
 Who Discovered the Sources of the Nile ? 8vo. (Tracts 
 59**) ib. 
 - Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 59**) . ib. 
 Views in Ethnography, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . . ib. 
 Lecture on the Sources of the Nile, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) ib. 
 The British Captives in Abyssinia, 8vo. (Tracts 59**) ib. 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 
 Confutation of Mr. Layard's Calumnies in the House of 
 Commons, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) . . . ib. 
 BEKE, Mrs. Jacob's Flight; or a Pilgrimage to Harran, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1865 
 BEKKER, Balthasar. Le Monde Enchante. Traduit du Hollan- 
 dois, 4 vols. 12mo. ..... Amsterdam, 1694 
 BELBEUF, M. de. Histoire des Grands Panetiers de Normandie 
 et du Franc-Fief de la Grande Paneterie, 8vo. . Paris, 1856 
 BELCHER, T. W. Memoir of John Stearne, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) 
 Dublin, 1865 
 BELDAM, Joseph. The origin and use of the Royston Cave, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 70) Royston, 1858 
 BELFAST NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Catalogue of a Collection of 
 Irish Antiquities exhibited at the 44th Meeting of the 
 British Association for the Advancement of Science, 8vo. 
 Belfast, 1874 
 Les Delices des Pays Bas ou description geographique et 
 historique des 17 Provinces Belgiques. 4 vols. 12mo. 
 Antwerp, 1786 
 7me Edition. 4 vols. 12mo. . Paris, 1786 
 Messager des Sciences et des Arts de la Belgique. Annees 
 18331848, 1849, livr. i. ii., and 1851. 17 vols. 8vo. 
 Ghent, 1833-51 
 Bulletin des Commissions Royales d'Art et d'Archeologie 
 de Belgique. Annees 1-6., 6 vols. 8vo. . Brussels, 1862-67 
 Academic d'Archeologie de Belgique. Bulletin et Annales, 
 tome 1, 8vo. (Tracts 94) . . . . Antwerp, 1843 
 Annales, deuxieme serie, 8vo. In pro- 
 gress ........ ib. 1865, &c. 
 Rapport sur les Cavernes de Furfooz 
 (Namur) ib. 1665 
 Academic Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- 
 Arts de Belgique. Tables des Memoires, 1816-1857, 12mo. 
 Brussels, 1858 
 - 1858-1878, 12mo ib. 1879 
 Inventaires des Archives de la Belgique. Publics sous la 
 Direction de M. Gachard ; Inventaire des Archives des 
 Chambres des Comptes, tome 5me. (Par Alexandre Pin- 
 chart), fol ib. 1879 
 BKLL, D. C. Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the 
 Chapel of St. Peter Vincula, in the Tower of London. 
 With an Account of the Discovery of the supposed 
 Remains of Queen Anne Boleyn, 8vo. . . Lond. 1877 
 BELL, H. N. The Huntingdon Peerage ; comprising evidence 
 and proceedings connected with the Restoration of the 
 Earldom. Second edition, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1821 
 BELL, James. Historical Tables, fol ib. 1820 
 BELL, Robert. The Roman Wall : an Attempt to substantiate 
 the Claims of Severus, 4to. . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1852 
 BELL, Thomas. Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. . . ib. 1860 
 BKLL, William. 
 Shakespeare's Puck and his Folkslore, 3 vols., 12mo. 
 Loud. 1852-60 
 Second copy. 
 BELLAMY, T. S. Lyric Poetry of Glees, Madrigals, etc.,8vo. ib. 1840 
 BKLLASIS, A. F. On Old Tombs in the Cemeteries of Surat, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 57*) Bombay, 1861 
 BELLASIS, Edward. 
 Anglican Orders. By an Anglican [since become a 
 Catholic], 8vo Lond. 1872 
 On the Laws of Arms. Chiefly in connection with changes 
 of Name. A Lecture, fol. . . . . . ib. 1880 
 A Review of a Review of Foster's " Peerage of the British 
 Empire : " by Mr. S. Tucker, appearing in the "Genealo- 
 gist," 8 vo. Privately printed . . . . . ib. 1880 
 The Latin Play at a Catholic School (Edgbaston, 1883.) 
 By an "Ancient Actor," 8vo. . St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, 1883 
 The Money Jar of Plautus at the Oratory School : an 
 Account of the Representation, sin. 4to. . . Lond. 1884 
 The Machells of Crackenthorpe, 8vo. . . Kendal, 1886 
 BELLEFONDS, Linant de. Memoire sur le Lac Moeris, 4to. 
 Alexandria, 1843 
 Ueber eine seltene Erzmiinze mit dem Monogramm des 
 achaischen Bundesgeldes, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . Bonn, 1859 
 Ueber die Gemmen der alten mit dem Abraxas-Bilde, Num. 
 1, 2, u. 3, 8vo Berlin, 1817-19 
 Ueber die Scarabaen- Gemmen, Num. lu. 2, 8vo. Berlin, 1820-21 
 Das graue Kloster in Berlin, mit seinen alten Denkmalern, 
 8vo ib. 1823 
 Bemerkungen uber die phonizischen und punischen Miinzen, 
 4 tcs - stuck, 8vo " . . . ib. 1816 
 BELLETT, G. The Antiquities of Bridgnorth, 12mo. Bridgnorth, 1856 
 BELLEVAL, Rene De. 
 Azincourt, 8vo. . . . . . . Paris, 1865 
 Jean de Bailleul Roi d'Ecosse et Sire de Bailleul-en- 
 Yimer, 8vo ib. 1866 
 BELLEW, J. C. M. Shakespeare's Home, 8vo. . . Lond. 1863 
 BELLICARD, Mr. The Antiquities of Herculaneum, 8vo. . ib. 1753 
 BELLINI, Lorenzo. La Bucchereide, 8vo. . . . Florence, 1729 
 Admirahda Romanarum Antiquitatum ac Yeteris Sculptures 
 Yestigia a P. S. Bartolo delineata, notis J. P. Bellorii 
 illustrata, fol. Rome, 1693 
 Le Pitture Antiche delle Grotte di Roma e del Sepolcro 
 de' Nasoni, disegnate da P. S. Bartoli et F. Bartoli, 
 descritte da G. P. Bellori et M. A. Causei, fol. . ib. 1706 
 PictursB Antiquse Cryptarum Romanarum et Sepulchri 
 Nasonum delineate a P. S. Bartholi et Francisco ejus 
 filio ; descriptor a G. P. Bellorio et M. A. Caussio. Opus 
 Latine redditum, &c., fol ib. 1738 

 BELLORI, G. P. continued. 
 Le Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali figurate, Disegnate da P. S. 
 Bartoli, &c., fol. ... . . Rome, 1729 
 Descrizione delle immagini dipinte da Raffaelle d'Urbino 
 nel Palazzo Vaticano e nella Farnesina alia Lungara. 
 Portrait. 12mo ib. 1751 
 Imagines veterum illustrium Philosophorum, Poetarum, 
 Rhetorum, et Oratornin, fol. . . . . il. 1685 
 BELLS, a volume containing the following Tracts on 
 1. Notice sur les Cloches, par M. 1'Abbe Jules Corblet, 
 8vo. " Paris, 1857 
 2. parM. 1'Abbe Barraud, 8vo. Caen, 1844 
 3. de Bordeaux, par M. 1'Abbe J. D. 
 Pardiac, 8vo. Paris, 1858 
 4. Practical remarks on Belfries and Ringers by T. H. 
 Ellacombe, 8vo Lond. 1850 
 5. The History and Antiquities of Bells, by Abner H. 
 Brown, 8vo. . . . . . . Northampton, 1856 
 6. De la Liturgie des Cloches, par 1'Abbe Jules Corblet, 
 12mo. ........ Amiens, 1854 
 7. Law of Church Bells, by Abner H. Brown, 12mo. Lond. n.d. 
 Catalogue of Peals of Bells from the Whitechapel Foundry 
 of Messrs. Hears and Stainbank, 8vo. . . ib. 1885 
 BELOT, Jean. CBuvres, contenant la Chiromence, Physionomie, 
 1'Art de Memoire de Raymond Lulle, &c. Woodcuts, 
 12mo. . . . . . . . ." Rouen, 1688 
 BELSHEIM, Joannes. Codex Aurens sive quattuor Evangelia 
 ante Hieronymum Latine translata. E Codice Mem- 
 branaceo qui in Regia Bibliotheca Holmiensi asservatur. 
 8vo. ....... Christiania, 1878 
 BELT, W. J. 
 Reminiscences, 1854. Rome, Latium, Etruria, 8vo. York, 1883 
 The Story of Bossall Hall and Manor; with Supplement 
 from early Chronicles, 4to. ib. 1885 
 BELTZ, G. F. 
 A review of the Chandos Peerage Case, 8vo. . Lond. 18^4 
 Memorials of the Order of the Garter, 8vo. . . ib. 184 L 
 BENEDICT of Peterborough, De Vita et gestis Henrici II. et 
 Ricardi I. ' Edited by T. Heame, vol. i. 8vo. . Oxford, 1735 
 BENHAM, D. Notes on a Brass Plate in Bromley Church, Kent, 
 4to Bromley, 1861 
 BENNDORF, Otto. Antike Gesichtshelme und Sepulcralmasken, 
 4to. Vienna, 1878 
 BENNDORF, 0., and G. NIEMANN. Reisen in Lykien und Karien. 
 (Reisen im Siidwestlichen Kleinasien. Bd. i.) Fol. 
 ib. 1884 
 BENNETT, G. J. Tourists' Guide through North Wales, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1853 
 BENNETT, Hugh. Passages from the History of Elmley Castle, 
 a Lecture. [Woolfe Coll.'] 8vo. . . . Worcester, 1865 
 BENNETT, J. Account of Kentish Town, 8vo. . Kentish Town, 1821 
 BENNOCH, Francis. 
 The Refugees' Benevolent Fund. First and Final Reports, 
 8vo Lond. 1871 
 Sir Ralph De Rayne and Lilian Grey ; a Legend of the 
 Abbey Church, St. Albans, 8vo ib. 1872 
 BENSON, H. W. Ichnography of Whitby Abbey, 4to. Whitby, 1828 
 BENSON, S. A Guide to St. Saviour's Church, Southwark, 
 12mo, (Tracts 150*) Lond. 1862 
 BENT, J. T. The Cyclades, or Life among the insular Greeks, 
 8vo ib. 1885 
 BENTHAM, James. 
 History of Ely Cathedral, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. Cambridge, 1771 
 Supplement to ditto, by W. Stevenson, 4to. . Norwich, 1817 
 BENTLEY, Richard. A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, 
 with an answer to the objections of the Hon. C. Boyle. 
 8vo Lond. 1699 
 BENZONI, Girolamo. History of the New World, 1541-56. Edited 
 by \V. H. Smyth, 8vo. (Hakluyt Society) . Lond. 1857 
 BERARD, A. S. L. Essai bibliographique sur les editions des 
 Elzevirs les plus recherchees, &c. 8vo. . . Paris, 1822 
 BERAULT, Josiah. La Coustume reformee de Normandie, fol. 
 Rouen, 1620 
 BEREBLOCK, John. De rebus gestis Oxoniee commorante Eliza- 
 betha. Edidit T. Hearnius [with Hist. Rich. II.], 
 8va Oxford, 1729 
 BERGANO, F. D. Bocabulario de Pampango en Romance, fol. 
 Manilla, 1732 
 BERGERON, Pierre. Voyages faits principal ement en Asie dans 
 les xii., xiii., xiv. et xv. siecles par Benjamin de Tudele, 
 Jean du Plan Carpin, N. Ascelin, Guillaume de Rubru- 
 quis, Marc Paul Venitien, Haiton, J. de Mandeville, et 
 Contarini : accompagne de 1'histoire des Sarrasins et des 
 Tartares, &c. 2 vols. 4to. . . . The Hague, 1735 
 BERGIER, Nicolas. Histoire des Grands Chemins de 1'Empire 
 Remain, 2 vols. 4to. Brussels, 1728 
 De Nummis Gothlandicis, 8vo. (Tracts 45) . Vpsala, 1837 
 Gotland och Wisbyi Taflor, obi. 4to. . . Stockholm, 1858 
 Alterthiimer von Wisby. Fur " Die Hansische Wisbyfahrt 
 1881," ins deutsche iibersetzt, 8vo. . . . Wisby, 1881 
 Note on the Legend on the George Noble of Henry VIII. 
 (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts,") 8vo. 
 On a Hoard of Coins discovered at Hounslow. (Vol. 
 " Numismatic Tracts "), 8vo. 
 On the Half-crowns of Charles I., of uncertain Mints ; and 
 of the Exeter Mint. (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts "), 8vo. 
 Lond. 1848-49 
 On the three Northern Mints, Durham, Newcastle, and Car- 
 lisle. (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts "), 8vo. 
 BERGNE, J. B. continued. 
 Unpublished Coins of Cuthred, Baldred, and William the 
 Conqueror ; and of Carausius. (Vol. " Numismatic 
 Tracts.") 8vo Lond. 1851 
 Another Type of Baldred. (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts.") 
 8vo ib. 1852 
 Coin Pedigrees. No. 1, Petition Crown, 8vo. . . ib. 1853 
 - 2, Oxford Crown, 8vo. (Vol. " Numis- 
 matic Tracts.") ib. 1854 
 On some Foreign or Counterfeit Sterlings. (Vol. " Numis- 
 matic Tracts.") 8vo ib. 1855 
 Unpublished Coins. 1. Edward VI. 2. Vespasian. (Vol. 
 " Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo ib. 1855 
 BERGSTEDT, S. N. Itinera et Labores J. G. Sparfvenfeldii, 4to. 
 (Tracts 4,5) Upsala, 1830 
 The Book- Worm, an Illustrated Literary and Biblio- 
 graphical Review, vols. i.-v. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1866-71 
 Early Dutch, German, and English Printers' Marks, parts 
 1-3, 8vo. ib. 1866-67 
 1. Evidence on the Berkeley Claim of Peerage by Tenure, 
 fol ib. 1829 
 2. Authorities and Precedents in support of the Claim, fol. 
 ib. 1862 
 BERKS, Bucks and Oxfordshire. A Handbook for Travellers 
 in, 8vo. (Murray) ib. 1860 
 BERKSHIRE. Historical Collections relating to Berkshire made 
 by John Warburton, '' Somerset Herald." [Partly MS.~\ 
 BERKSHIRE ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY. The Unton Inventories, relat- 
 ing to Wadley and Faringdon, co. Berks, in 1596 and 
 1620, with a Memoir of the Family of Unton, by J. G. 
 Nichols, 4to Lond. 1841 
 BERLANGA, Manuel R. de. 
 Estndios sobre los Bronces encontrados en Malaga, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 30) Malaga, 1853 
 Hispaniae Anteromanae Syntagma, 4to. . . ib. 1881-84 
 Abhandlungen, 1847, 1848, 2 vols. 4to. . . Berlin, 1849-50 
 Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten' Verhand- 
 lungen, 8vo. . .... Berlin, 1849 
 BERLIN MUSEUM. Das Model eines Athenischen Fiinfreihen- 
 schiffs, fol ib. 1866 
 BERLINER BLATTER fur Miinz, Siegel, und Wappenkunde. Band 
 i.-vi., 8vo ib. 1863-73 
 BERLINER GESELLSCHAFT fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und 
 Urgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Redigirt von R.Virchow. 
 Jahrgang 1877, 8vo. ib. 1877 
 BERLIN, C. E. Legenda Suecana vetusta S. Magni. 4to 
 (Tracts 4&) Upsala, 1839 
 BERNAL, Ralph. Catalogue of his Collection of Works of Art, 
 8vo. ' . Lond. 1855 
 BERNAN, Walter. Warming and Ventilating, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1845 
 BERNARD, Edward. De Mensuris et Ponderibus Antiquis, 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1688 
 BERNAYS, Jacob. Tiber die Chronik des Sulpicius Severus, 4to. 
 Berlin, 1861 
 BERNE. Verzeichniss der auf dem Museum der Stadt Bern, 
 aufbewahrten antiken Vasen und Rb'misch-Keltischen 
 Alterthiimer, 8vo Bern, 1846 
 BERNE, Institut Geographique International. Bulletins. Nou- 
 velle Serie, 1881, 4to. . . .. . . Berne, 1881 
 BERNERS, Juliana. 
 The Book of Saint Albans, fol. The collation agrees with 
 that of Lord Spencer s copy, for which see Dibdin, vol. iv. 
 p. 373 . . . . . . . Seynt Albons, 1486 
 The Book containing the Treatises of Hawking, Hunting ; 
 Coat- Armour, Fishing and Biasing of Arms. As printed 
 at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde, 1486. [A reprint. 
 Edited by J. Haslewood.] 4to. . . . Lond. 1810 
 The Treatise of Fysshynge with an Angle. Reprinted 
 from the Book of St. Albans, 12mo. . . . ib. 1827 
 BEROALDE DE YERVILLE. Le Moyen de Parvenir, publie par 
 Paul L. Jacob, 12mo. . . . . . Paris, 1841 
 BEROSUS. Berosi Sacerdoti Antiquitatum Italiae ac totius Orbis 
 libri quinque. Commentariis J. Annii, illustrati, 8vo. 
 (Bound with DIYCEUS : De Gallise Belgicae Antiquitatibus, 
 &c.) . . . Antverpice, In cedibus J. Steelfti, 1552 
 BERRY, William. 
 History of Guernsey, &c. 4to. .... Lond. 1815 
 County Genealogies. Pedigrees of the Families in the 
 county of Kent, fol ib. 1830 
 Sussex, fol ib. 1830 
 Hants, fol ib. 1833 
 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Surrey, 
 fol ' . . . ib. 1837 
 Essex, fol. . . . . ib. n.d. 
 Hertfordshire. Printed in Lithography, 
 fol. . ib. 
 Encyclopaedia Heraldica. A complete Dictionary of 
 Heraldry, 4 vols, 4to. .... Edinburgh, n.d. 
 BERTHOLOMEUS, De Proprietatibus Rerum, 4to. . . Lond. 1535 
 BERTIE, Lady G' Five Generations of a Loyal House, pt. i. 4to. 
 ib. 1845 
 BERTOLOTTI, Davide. Amori e i Sepolcri. Second edition. 
 2 vols. in one, 12mo. ..... Milan, 1824 
 BERTRAM, Charles. Britannicarum Gentium Historise Antiques, 
 Scriptores tres, 8vo. .... Copenhagen, 1757 
 BERTRAND, Raymond De. Histoire du convent des Pauvres 
 Clarisses Anglaises de Gravelines, 8vo. . . Dunkirk, 1857 
 BERTY, Adolphe. 
 Yocabulaire,Arch,eologique,,8vo. (Tracts 56) . Lond. 1853 
BER Bll 57 
 BERTY, Adolphe continued. 
 Les Grands Architectes Franais de la Renaissance, 8vo. 
 Paris, I860 
 La Renaissance Monumentale en France. Tome premier. 
 Plates, 4to ib. 1864 
 BERWICKSHIRE NATURALISTS' CLUB. Proceedings, 1837, 1846, 
 1847, 1849, 1851-54, 1856, 1857-1871, 1873-76. 
 BESCHIUS, C. J. A Grammar of the high dialect of the Tamil 
 Language. Translated by B. G. Babington . Madras, 1822 
 BESLT, John. Notices of the Church and Vicarage of Long 
 Benton, Co. Northumberland, 8vo. (Tracts 63) Neivcastle, 1843 
 BESSI, Jules. Nouveau Guide des Etrangers a Nice, 8vo. Nice, 1873 
 BESSY, Lady. Song of. Edited by Thos. Heywood, 8vo. Lond. 1829 
 BETHAM, Rev. William. Baronetage of England, or the History of 
 the English Baronets, etc. 5 vols. 4to. Ipswich 8f Lond. 1801-5 
 BETHAM, Sir William. Memoir of the Family of Talbot of 
 Malahide, fol Dublin, 1823 
 Irish Antiquarian Researches, 8vo. . . . ib. 1826 
 Historical and Genealogical Memoir of the Family of 
 Fleming, of Slane, and of Talbot, fol. . . . ib. 1829 
 Dignities Feudal and Parliamentary, &c., vol. i., 8vo. Lond. 1830 
 The Gael and Cymbri, 8vo Dublin, 1834 
 Papers read before the Royal Irish Academy, 4to. . ib. 1836 
 Letter to Sir W. R. Hamilton, 8vo. (Tracts 100.) . ib. 1840 
 BETHNAL GREEN, BLIND BEGGAR OF. [A ballad.] Reprint, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1843 
 BETHUNE, John. Alan of Olway, a Tale, 8vo. . . . ib. 1815 
 BEVAN, W. L., and PHILLOTT, H. W. Medieval Geography ; an 
 Essay in illustration of the Hereford MappaMundi, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Hereford, 1873 
 BEVERLEY, Alfred of. Annales, edidit T. Hearnius, 8vo. Oxford, 1716 
 BEVERLEY, R. History of Virginia, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1722 
 BEVES (Sir) of Hamtoun : a metrical Romance. Edited from 
 the Auchinleck MS. by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, 4to. 
 Edinb. (Maitland Club), 1838 
 BEYNON, Rev. F. W. The Monumental Brasses of Warwick- 
 shire. 8vo 1880 
 BEZA, Theodore. 
 Tractatio de Polygamia, 12mo Devenier, 1651 
 Tractatio de Repudiis et Divortiis. Ex T. Bezee Vezelii 
 prcelectionibus in priorem ad Corinthios epistolam, 12mo. 
 ib. 1651 
 Poemata, 12mo Lond. 1713 
 BIANCONI, Carlo. Riflessioni sopra un Cameo antico rappresen- 
 tante Giove. (Edited by G. Bianconi), 4to. . Bologna, 1818 
 BIARDOT, E. Prosper. 
 Explication du Symbolisme des Terres cuites Grecques de 
 destination funeraire, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . Paris, 1864 
 Les Terres. Cuites Grecques Funebres dans leur rapport 
 avec les Mysteres de Bacchus, 8vo. . . . ib. 1872 
 Atlas, fol. 
 BIAIIKOA R-ATTEN. Edited .by J. Hadorphius, fol. Stockholm, 1687 
 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Textus Archetypes Versionesque 
 praecipuas ab Ecclesia antiquitus receptas complectentia. 
 4to Lond., Bagster, 1817-28 
 Arabic, fol. 
 Bohemian, 8vo ....... Berlin, 1813 
 Dutch. Biblia, &c. De CL. Psalmen des Propheten Davids. 
 (With Musical Notes.) 12mo. . . Gorinchem, 1666 
 8vo. Lond. 1817 
 English, fol. . . . Cambridge (John Baskerville), 1763 
 New Version, 8vo. .... ib. 1817 
 French, 8vo ib. 1817 
 Gaelic, 2 vols. 8vo Edinb. 1807-13 
 German, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1813 
 Irish, 8vo ib. 1817 
 Laponese, 4to. ...... Hernosand, 1811 
 Latin. (Woodcuts.) 8vo. .... Lyons, 1563 
 by T Abbe Devay, 8vo Lond. 1813 
 Polish, 8vo Berlin, 1810 
 Swedish, 8vo Stockholm, 1812 
 Welsh, 8vo Lond. 1804 
 Old Testament, Hebrew, 8vo Halle, 1767 
 Greek. Juxta exemplar Vaticanum, 12mo. 
 Septuagint version ..... Amsterdam, 1683 
 Old Testament, Greek. Yetus Testamentum, Greece, juxta 
 Septuaginta interpretes, ex antiquissimo Codice MS. 
 Alexandrine descriptum. Edidit J. E. Grabe, 4 vols. 
 (in 2). fol. . . ... . . Oxford, 1707-20 
 Second copy. 
 Ad fidem Cod. MS. Alex. Edidit J. J. 
 Breilingerus. 4 vols. 4to. .... Tiguri, 1730 
 Cod. Alexandrine, Edited by H. H. 
 Baber, 3 torn. fol. . .... Lond. 1816-21 
 Greek and Latin. Ed. J. N. Jager. 2 vols. 
 8vo Paris (Didot), 1839 
 The Pentateuch, newly translated by Delgado, 4to. Lond. 1789 
 in Orissa, 8vo. 
 in Mahratta, 8vo. 
 -inHindee, 8vo 1812 
 The Historical Books in Orissa. 
 : in Hindee. 
 Psalterium Davidis ^Ethiopice, 8vo. .... ib. 1815 
 Grsecum ex Cod. Alexandrine. Edited by H. H. 
 Baber, fol ib. 1812 
 New Testament, Greek. 2 vols. 12mo. . . Lutetice, 1546 
 ib. 1569 
 32mo. .... Raphelencfii, 1612 
 12mo. . . Lugd. Bat. (Elzevir), 1641 
 Editio nova, studio S. Curcellaei. 
 Amstelcpdami (Elzevir), 1658 
 e Cod. Alexandrine, edidit C G. Woide, 
 fol. . ib. 1786 
 BIBLE continued. 
 New Testament. Greek and Latin. Ed. V. S. Venerabili 
 Jager, 8vo Paris, Didot, 1861 
 Armenian, 8vo. ..... 1814 
 Chinese, 8vo. 
 Danish, 8vo Lond. 1814 
 - Esthonian, of Dorpat . . Mitau, 1815 
 Esthonian, of Reval, 8vo. 
 Tallinas [Eeval], 1816 
 Finnish, 8vo. . . Turusa [Abo], 1815 
 - French, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1817 
 French and English, 8vo. . Lond. 1817 
 - Georgian, 4to. 
 - Greek (Modern) 8vo. . . Athens, 1815 
 Hebrew, 8vo Lond. 1817 
 - Hindee, 8vo 1812 
 Irish, 8vo Lond. 1818 
 Italian, 8vo ib. 1816 
 Lettish, 8vo. . . Jelgawa [Mitau], 1816 
 - Malay, 8vo Lond. 1818 
 Manks, 8vo ib. 1815 
 Portuguese, 8vo. ..... 1817 
 Sikh, 8vo 1819 
 Slavonian, 8vo. 
 Spanish, 8vo 1817 
 Syriac, 8vo. 
 Tartar, 8vo. 
 Codex Bezae Cantab. Evangelia et Apostolorum Acta 
 Complectens. Edited by T. Kipling, 2 vols. fol. 
 Cambridge, 1793 
 Four Gospels, Esquimaux, 12mo. Lond. 1813 
 - Gothic, 4to Oxford, 1750 
 Evangelium secundum Matthasum ex Codice Coll. S. Trin. 
 Dubl. Edited by J. Barrett, 4to Dub. 1801 
 St. Matthew's Gospel, Bullom, 18mo. 
 Lond. 1816 
 Calmuck, 4to. . . . St. Petersburg, 1815 
 St. John's Gospel, Mohawk, 18mo. Lond. 
 Apocrypha. Apocryphal New Testament. 
 Fourth edition. 8vo. ib. 1821 
 List of Various Editions of the Bible, in English, by Jos. 
 Ames, 8vo. ........ ib. 1778 
 Catalogue of Bibles and Testaments collected by Lea 
 Wilson, 8vo ib. 1845 
 BIBLE SOCIETY, The British and Foreign. Reports 1805 to 1818, 
 6 vols. 8vo ib. 1805-18 
 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Facsimile by J. P. Berjeau, fol. . . ib. 1859 
 Transactions. In progress. 8vo. . . . ib. 1872, etc. 
 Proceedings. In progress. 8vo. . . . ib. 1879, etc. 
 BIBLICAL ARCHJ;LOGY, The Society of continued. 
 The Bronze Ornaments of the Palace Gates of Balawat 
 [Shalmaneser II. B.C. 825-859.] Edited by S. Birch, 
 LL.D., with translations by T. G. Pinches. Part 1, fol. 
 Lond. 1880 
 BIBLIOGRAPHER, The. A Journal of Book-Lore. In Progress. 
 4to ib. 1882, etc. 
 BIBLIOPHILES FRANCOIS, La Societe des. Registre Criminel du 
 Chatelet de' Paris du 6 Sept. 1389 au 18 Mai 1392, 
 2 vols., 8vo Paris, 1861-4 
 BlBLIOTHECA LlTERARIA, No. 7 Lond. 1724 
 (Bound up with some Nos. of Philosophical Trans.) 
 BIBLIOTHECA PARisiNA. [Sale Catalogue of the Library of 
 M. P***]. 8vo Lond. 8f Paris, 1790 
 BIBLIOTHECA SCATOLOGICA, ou Catalogue raisonne des livres 
 traitant des Vertus de Messire Luc (a Rebours) 
 seigneur de la Chaise. Ouvrages tres utiles pour bien 
 s'entretenir es jours gras de Careme-prenant, traduit du 
 prussien par Trois Savants en us [i.e., P. Jannet, J. P. 
 Pay en et Aug. Yeinant]. Scatopolis 1'annee Scatogene, 
 5850, 8vo Paris, 1850 
 BIBLIOTHEQUE PROTYPOGRAPHIQUE, ou Librairies des fils du Roi 
 Jean, Charles V., Jean de Berri, Philippe de Bourgogne 
 et les siens, 4to. ...... Paris, 1830 
 BICKHAM, George. Deliciae Britannicae ; or, the Curiosities of 
 Hampton Court and Windsor Castle, delineated, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1742 
 BICKNELL, J. L. The Modern Church, 8vo. (Tracts 118) ib. 1820 
 BIDDLE, Nicholas. Eulogium on T. Jefferson, 8vo. (Tracts 84) 
 Philadelphia, 1827 
 BIGSBY, Robert. Memoir in regard to the Order of St. John of 
 Jerusalem, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . . . Lond. 1861 
 Another copy. (Tracts 55**) 
 BIKER, J. F. Judice. 
 Supplemento a Collec9ao dos Tratados, e Actos Publicos 
 celebrados entre a Coroa de Portugal e as mais potencias 
 desde 1640, co-ordenada pelo Visconde de Borges de 
 Castro. Vols. 115, 1722 (parts 1, 2). 8vo. 
 Lisbon, 1872-79 
 Memoria sobre o Estabelecimento de Macau escripta pelo 
 Visconde De Santarem. 8vo. .... ib. 1879 
 Collec9ao de Tratados e concertos de pazes que o Estado da 
 India Portugueza fez com os Reis e Senhores com quern 
 teve rela96es nas partes da Asia e Africa Oriental desde 
 o principio da conquista ate ao fim do seculo xviii. Tom. 
 Ill, etc. 8vo. In progress .... ib. 1883, etc. 
 BILLING, Archibald. The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and 
 Medals, ancient and modern, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1867 
 The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. 
 Plates. 4 yols. 4to. . . . . Edinburgh, 1832 
 BILLINGS, B. W. Architectural Illustrations and Account of 
 the Temple Church, London, fol. . . . Lond. 1838 
 An Attempt to Define the Geometric Proportions of Gothic 
 Architecture as illustrated by the Cathedrals of Carlisle 
 and Worcester, 4to. . . . . Edinburgh, 1840 
 Architectural Illustrations, History of Carlisle Cathedral, 
 4to. ... . Lond. 1840 
 Illustrations of Geometric Tracery from the Panelling 
 belonging to Carlisle Cathedral, 4to. . . . ib. 1842 
 Architectural Illustrations of the Cathedral Church at 
 Durham, 4to ib. 1843 
 Architectural Illustrations of Kettering Church, North- 
 amptonshire, 4to. ....... ib. 1843 
 The Geometric Tracery of Brancepeth Church, in the 
 County of Durham, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1845 
 Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the County 
 of Durham, 4to. . .... Durham, 1846 
 The Infinity of Geometric Design Exemplified, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1849 
 The Power of Form applied to Geometric Tracery. (Plates.) 
 8vo Lond. 1851 
 Memoirs of, 8vo. . ib. 1792 
 An Answer to the Memoirs of Mrs. Billington, with the 
 Life of B.Daly. (Bound with preceding .) 8vo. . ib. 1792 
 BILLS OF MORTALITY. Collection from 1657 to 1758, 4to. . ib. 1759 
 BINCKES, William. The Christian Synagogue ; or, the benefit 
 of Parochial Churches, &c., 8vo. Lond. and Lichfield, 1710 
 BINGHAM, C. B. Our Founder. Some account of Archdeacon 
 Johnson, compiled for the Uppingham School Tercen- 
 tenary, 1884. With the Statutes of 1625. 8vo. 
 Uppingham [1884] 
 BIXGHAM, Joseph. Works, 2 vols., fol. . . . Lond. 1726 
 BINNELL, B. Description of the Thames, 8vo. . . . ib. 1758 
 BINNS, B. W. 
 A Century of Potting in the City of Worcester, being the 
 History of the Boyal Porcelain Works, from 1751 to 
 1851. With a short account of the Celtic, Boman, and 
 Mediaeval Pottery of Worcestershire. [Woolfe CollJ] 
 8vo Lond. and Worcester, 1865 
 Second copy. 
 Second edition, 4to. . . Lond. 1877 
 Catalogue of a Collection of Worcester Porcelain in the 
 Museum at the Boyal Porcelain Works, 4to. . Worcester, 1882 
 BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA, 6 vols., in 7, fol. . . . Lond. 1747-66 
 Edited by Dr. Kippis, 5 vols., fol. ib. 177&-93 
 Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie 
 Stephen. 8vo. In progress .... ib. 1885, etc. 
 The Begister and Magazine of Biography, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1869 
 BIONDELLI, B. Sull'Antica lingua Azteca o Nahuatl, 4to. Milan, 1860 
 BIORN. Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum, 2 vols., 4to. Havnicc, 1814 
 BIORN, Stephanus. Hervararsaga. Edited by P. F. Suhm. 4to. 
 Copenhagen, 1785 
 BJORNER, B. J. Nordisk Hjalta Prydnad, sm. 4to. Stockholm, 1739 
 BIRCH, Busby. City Latin, or Remarks on the Inscription 
 for Blackfriars Bridge, 8vo. (Tracts 149*.) Lond. 1760 
 BIRCH, G. A. Mediaeval Paris, sm. fol ib. 1879 
 BIRCH, Samuel. 
 On the Papyrus of Nas-Khem, 8vo n.d. 
 Notes upon a Mummy of xxvith Egyptian Dynasty, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 59**) ....... 
 Sketch of a Hieroglyphical Dictionary, part 1, 4to. (Tracts 
 27) . . Lond. 
 On the Statistical Tablet of Karnak, 8vo. (Tracts 67) ib. 
 History of Ancient Pottery, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 
 Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities at Alnwick Castle. 
 Privately Printed. 4to. ...... ib. 
 BIRCH, W. De G. 
 A Fasciculus of the Charters of Mathildis, Empress of the 
 Romans, and an Account of her Great Seal, 8vo. . ib. 
 Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici ; or, an Alphabetical List of 
 the Heads of Religious Houses in England previous to 
 the Norman Conquest, with a Catalogue of Contempo- 
 rary Foundations, 8vo. ...... ib. 
 The Great Seals of King Henry I., 8vo. . . ib. 
 On the Great Seals of King Stephen, 8vo. . . ib. 
 On the Classification of Manuscripts, chiefly in relation to 
 the Classed Catalogue in the British Museum, 8vo. ib. 1875 
 On the Great Seals of King Henry the Second, and of his 
 son the so-called Henry the Third, 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 On Two Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in the British Museum, 
 8vo ib. 1876 
 On an unpublished Charter of Uhtred of the Hwiccas, in 
 the possession of the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 Memorials of Saint Guthlac of Crowland, 8vo. Wisbech, 1881 
 Cartularium Saxonicum : a collection of Charters relating 
 to Anglo-Saxon history. In progress. 4to. Lond. 1885, etc. 
 and JENNER, H. Early Drawings and Illu- 
 minations. An Introduction to the study of Illustrated 
 Manuscripts, with a Dictionary of Subjects in the 
 British Museum. 8vo. ... . ib. 1879 
 BIRCH, W. J. Philosophy and Religion of Shakespere, 8vo. ib. 1848 
 1. Two Inscriptions in Ancient Roman Lapidary Style, one 
 to Frederick II. of Prussia, 4to. (Tracts 30) ; the other 
 to Alexander Leopold of Austria, fol. (Tracts 159) 
 Vienna, 1795 
 2. Ad Hungaros Hnngarus, 4to. (Tracts 30) . . 1796 
 BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF ROME. (In Foreign Topography Volume.) 
 BIRMINGHAM, a brief History of. Intended as a Guide to the 
 inhabitant and stranger. Third edition. 12mo. 
 Birmingham and Lond. 1805 
 BIRMINGHAM continued. 
 Birmingham, the Picture of, being a concise Account of that 
 place. Second edition. 12mo. . . Birmingham, 1831 
 Pictorial Guide to, 12mo. .... ib. 1849 
 Another copy ...... ib. 1849 
 in Miniature. A complete Manual for the 
 Stranger, 24mo ib. 1851 
 Catalogue of the Reference Department of the Bir- 
 mingham Free Libraries. By J. D. Mullins, Chief 
 Librarian, 8vo Birmingham, 1869 
 The Sixth and Eighth Annual Reports of the Free 
 Libraries Committee, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) ib. 1867 and 1869 
 Transactions, Excursions, and Reports, 1870-75, 4to. 
 ib. 1871-78 
 progress. 8vo. ...... ib. 1881, etc. 
 BIRNIE, William. The Blame of Kirk Buriall, 1606, ed. W. B. 
 Turnbull, reprint, 4to Lond. 1833 
 BISCARI, Principe di. Sopra un Antica Iscrizione trovata nel 
 Teatro di Catania, 4to. ..... Catania, 1 771 
 BISHOP, Robert. Brief Account of some Famous Medicines, 4to. 
 Oxford, 1676 
 BLAAUW, W. H. The Barons' War, including the Battles of 
 Lewes and Evesham. Second edition, 8vo. Lond. and Lewes, 1871 
 BLACK, C. C. Choice Treasures of Art of the South Kensing- 
 ton Museum. Eight Illustrations, 8vo. . Lond. 1869 
 BLACK, James. On the Roman Garrison at Mancunium, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 96) Manchester, 1849 
 BLACK, W. H. 
 Comparative Account of Works produced and moneys 
 received by Record Commissioners, 8vo. . Lond. 1837 
 Letters to Eminent Antiquaries, 8vo. (Tracts 150*) ib. 1863 
 Ancient Biblical Chronograms. A Paper read before the 
 Chronological Institute of London, 4th Oct. 1864, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55**) ib. 1864 
 The Calendar of Palestine, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) . ib. 1865 
 Restoration of the dates of the Birth, Baptism, Crucifixion 
 and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) ib. 1867 
 Proposal for Publication. The Keys of Stonehenge, 
 Carnac, and the Cromlechs, fol. (Tracts 157*) . ib. 1867 
 The Lawless Court : a Paper on the Court at cockcrow- 
 ing, holden at Rochford, in Essex, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) 
 ib. 1869 
 London Stone, 8vo ib. 1869 
 On the Personal Names and Surnames used in England 
 in the 13th century, as illustrated by the Hartwell 
 Evidences, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) . . . ib. 1870 
 History and Antiquities of the Company of Leather-sellers ; 
 with Fac-similes, &c. fol ib. 1871 
 BLACK, W. H. continued. 
 [Latin Letter to Lord Stanhope, P.S.A., on his paper on 
 an expedition of Augustus, beginning:] Inclyto Domino 
 Philippo Henrico Comiti Stanhopio, Societatis Antiqua- 
 riorum Londiniensis Praesidi, Melas Miliarensis, S. D., 
 8vo. (Tracts 126**) Lond. 1871 
 Observations on the recently discovered Roman Sepulchre 
 at Westminster Abbey, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) . . n.p. n.d. 
 BLACK'S Shilling Guide to the English Lakes, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1853 
 . General Atlas of the World. New edition, fol. . *fe. 1857 
 Guide through Edinburgh, eighth edition, 8vo. . ib. 1855 
 - Guide to the Trossachs, Stirling, Callander, Loch Kat- 
 rine, Loch Lomond, &c., &c , 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
 Warwickshire Guide, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1866 
 BLACK BOOK, THE EXTRAORDINARY, or Church, State, Law, and 
 Representation, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1831 
 BLACK Box, A full Relation of the contents of the, &c. (Tracts on 
 Politics and Church A/airs, 1670-1711,) 4to . . n.p. 1680 
 BLACK HOLE OF CALCUTTA. From the Calcutta " Englishman." 
 Signed, ^Eacus, 8vo Calcutta, 1880 
 BLACKBURNE, E. L. History of Crosby Place, 8vo. . Lond. 1834 
 Brief Sketches of the Parishes of Booterstown and 
 Donnybrook, 8vo. ...... Dublin, 1860 
 Another edition, 12mo. . . . ib. 1874 
 Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of Chelten- 
 ham, Gloucestershire, 4to. Privately printed . Lond. 1877 
 BLACKIE, John Stuart. On the Living Language of the Greeks, 
 8vo Edinburgh, 1853 
 BLACKMAN, John. Yita Henrici VI., edited by T. Heariie [with 
 Chronicle of Otterbourne] , 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1732 
 BLACKSTONE, J., Fasciculus Plantarum circa Harefield, 8vo. Lond. 1837 
 BLACKSTONE, Sir William. On the Great Charter, fol. Oxford, 1759 
 BLADES, William. 
 The Life and Typography of William Caxton, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Lond. 1861-63 
 A List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, &c., in connection with 
 Printers and the Art of Printing, sq. 8vo. . . ib. 1869 
 BLAIR, John. Chronology, fol. .... Oxford, 1768 
 BLAKE, J. H. Notes on a Collection from the Ancient Cemetery 
 at the Bay of Chacota, Peru, 8vo. Cambridge, Mass. 1878 
 BLAKESLET, G. H. The London Companies Commission. A 
 Comment on the Majority Report, 8vo. . . Lond. 1885 
 BLANCARD, Louis. Iconographie des Sceaux et Bulles des 
 Bouches-du-Rhone. (Texte et Atlas.) 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1860 
 Adams's Pocket Descriptive Guide of the Environs of the 
 Metropolis, 8vo. ...... Lond. n.d. 
 Adams's Guide to the Watering- Places of England, pts. 1 
 and 2. By E. L. Blanchard, Svo ib. 1848 
 Marseilles & Paris, 1860 
 BLAND, Robert (the Younger). Greek Anthology, edited by 
 J. H. Merivale, 8vo Oxford, 1833 
 BLANE, Sir Gilbert. On the Indian Cholera, 8vo. (Tracts 91) 
 ib. 1831 
 BLARAMBERG, Mr. de. De la Position des trois Forteresses 
 Tauro-Scythes-dontparle Strabon, avec carte, plans, &c., 
 8vo Odessa, 1831 
 Description Monumentale de la Cathedrale de Geneve, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 59*) Geneva, 1845 
 Architecture des eveches de Geneve. Lausanne et Sion 
 (with Atlas, ob. fol.), 8vo Leipzig, 1853 
 BLENCOWE, R. W. Diary of the Times of Charles II. By Hon. 
 H. Sidney. Letters of Times of James II. and William 
 III., 2 vols., 8vo Lond. 1843 
 BLENCOWE, W. M. Sermon at Gresham Commemoration, with 
 Appendix on Gresham College, 8vo. (Tracts 140) ib. 1833 
 BLENHEIM, A New Guide to. With an account of the Borough 
 of Woodstock, ninth edition, 8vo. . Woodstock, 1864 
 BLESER, LE CHANOINE DE. Rome et ses Monuments, Guide 
 du Voyageur Catholique dans le capitale du Monde 
 Chretien. 2me edition, 8vo. .... Louvain, 1870 
 Ancient Crosses in the West of Cornwall, 4to. . Lond. 1856 
 : in the East of Cornwall, 4to. . . ib. 1858 
 Account of Subterranean Chambers at Treveneague, Corn- 
 wall, 8vo. (Tracts 62***) ib. 1867 
 Notes on Stone Circles, 8vo^ (Tracts 67**) . . ib. 1868 
 BLINKINSOP, Yicesimus. Tentamen : or an essay towards the 
 History of Whittington, 12mo ib. 1820 
 BLISS, Edward. Gold Regions of Colorado Territory, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***} New Yor k, 1864 
 BLISS, Thomas, and FRANCIS, G. G. Some Account of Sir Hugh 
 Johnys, Knight, 8vo. (Tracts 40) . . . Swansea, 1845 
 BLOME, Richard.. Britannia ; or a geographical description of 
 the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, etc., fol. 
 London, 1673 
 BLOMEFIELD, Francis. Collectanea Cantabrigiensia, 4to. Norwich, 1751 
 BLOMEFIELD, Francis, and PARKIN, Charles. 
 History of Thetford, 4to Fersfield, 1739 
 History of Norfolk, 5 vols. fol ib. 1739-1775 
 Essay towards a History of the County of Norfolk, 11 vols. 
 8vo. . . . Lond. 1805-10 
 BLOMFIELD, J. C. History of the Present Deanery of Bicester, 
 Oxon. (Part I. Early History) 4to. Oxford and Lond. 1882 
 BLOOM, J. H. Notice of the Castle and Priory of Castleacre. 
 8vo Lond. 1843 
 BLORE, Edward. 
 The Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons. 
 With Historical and Biographical Illustrations, 4to. ib. 1826 
 BLORE, Thomas. 
 Mr. Blore's Statement of a Correspondence with Richard 
 Phillips, respecting the "Antiquary's Magazine," 8vo. 
 Stamford, 1807 
 History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland, vol. i. 
 part 2, fol. All published ib. 1811 
 BLOUNT, Thomas. 
 Glossographia. Fourth edition, 8vo. , . Lond. 1674 
 Second copy, 
 Fragmenta Aiitiquitatis (Ancient Tenures), 8vo. . ib. 1679 
 Edited by Josiah Beckwith, 8vo. York, 1784 
 Edited by H. M. Beckwith, 4to. Lond. 1815 
 New edition, entirely re-arranged. By 
 W. Carew Hazlitt, 8vo ib. 1874 
 A Law Dictionary and Glossary. Third edition, 8vo. ib. 1717 
 Monumental Architecture and Sculpture of Great Britain, 
 to the Eighteenth Century, 8vo ib. 1834 
 Die mittelalterliche Kirchen-Baukunst in England. Mit 
 215 Figuren. (Translated by Dr. Emrich Henzlmann.) 
 12mo. ........ Leipsig, 1845 
 The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. 
 Eighth edition, 12mo Lond. 1846 
 Eleventh edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 On Roman Sepulchral Remains near St. Albans, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 71) ib. 1849 
 On Offertory Boxes, 8vo . . 1849 
 On Sepulchral Effigies in South Yorkshire, 8vo. York, 1850 
 Sepulchral Monuments in Oxford Cathedral, 8vo. Lond. 1852 
 On the Domus Inclusi, 8vo. ...... 1853 
 On the Charnel Yault at Rothwell, co. Northampton, 8vo. 1855 
 On a Greek Helmet found in the Tigris, 8vo. . . . 1856 
 A Brief Historical Account of the Parish of D unchurch, 
 8vo Rugby, 1861 
 On Effigies in Peterborough Cathedral, 8vo. . . . 1861 
 On Monuments in Worcester Cathedral, 8vo. , . . 1862 
 On an Effigy in Elstow Church, 8vo 1863 
 On the Sepulchral Monuments in Rochester Cathedral, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1863 
 Merivale Abbey, 8vo 1864 
 On Sepulchral Monuments in Warwickshire of 13th and 
 14th centuries, 8vo. . . . . . . 1864 
 On Church Plate, 8vo 1865 
 On Sepulchral Monuments and Effigies in Leicestershire, 
 8vo 1866 
 On some Discoveries made in the Progress of the Restor- 
 ation of Lutterworth Church, 8vo. . . . Lincoln, 1868 
 On the Sepulchral Effigies in Bottesford Church, Leicester- 
 shire, 8vo . . . ib. 1869 
 On the Sepulchral Effigy of Archbishop Sandys in the Min- 
 ster Church, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, 8vo. . ib. 1869 
 BLOXAM, M. H. continued. 
 On Three Drawings of Sepulchral Effigies : one from West 
 Leake Church, co. Nottingham, the other two from Hill- 
 morton Church, co. Warwick, 8vo. .. , , Land. 1870 
 Monument in Stanford Church, Worcestershire-, 8vo. . 1870 
 Easter Sepulchres, 8vo. ........ 1871 
 Discoveries at Warwick Castle, 8vo. .... 1872 
 Some Account of the Parish of Hill'morton, 8vo. Rugby, 1872 
 On Rood Screens, Rood Lofts, and Rood' Altars, 8vo. 
 Lincoln, 1874 
 On Sepulchral Cross-legged Effigies of Civilians, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1876 
 On the Site of the last Battle of Caractacus, the Chief of 
 the Silures, 8vo Rugby, 1880 
 Second copy. 
 The Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Warwickshire, 8vo. 
 Rugby, 1877 
 On Sepulchral Effigies in Hereford Cathedral, 8vo. Lond. 1877 
 On the Medieval Sepulchral Antiquities of Northampton- 
 shire, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Lutterworth Church and its famous Rector, John Wycliffe, 
 8vo Rugby, 1880 
 On Chaucer's Monument in Westminster Abbey, 8vo. . 1881 
 On the Civil Costume of Gentlemen in Shakespeare's Age, 
 as illustrated by Monumental Effigies in Warwickshire, 
 8vo Warwick, 1882 
 Personal Reminiscences of Rugby School seventy years 
 ago, 8vo. Rugby, 1883 
 Biographical Notice. (From the Archaeol. Camb.) 8vo. 
 Lond. 1883 
 Ruinated Churches and Chapels in Warwickshire, 8vo. 
 Warwick, 1884 
 Antiquities found in the neighbourhood of Rugby, Svo. 1884 
 Antiquarian Discoveries in Warwickshire, 8vo. . . . 1885 
 Fragmenta Sepulchralia, a Glimpse of the Sepulchral and 
 early Monumental Remains of Great Britain, Svo. (un- 
 published) ......... 
 On the Monumental Effigies in Croydon Church, 8vo. 
 BLUNDELL, Bezer. The two Battles of Newbury,4to. (Tracts 104) . 
 Newbury, 1859 
 BLUNDELL, Henry. On Statues at Ince, fol. max., 2 vols. . 1809 
 Mr. Blundevil, his Exercises, containing eight treatises. 
 Plates, 4to Lond. 1636 
 BLUNT, J. H. 
 Tewkesbury Abbey and its Associations, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Tewkesbury, 1875 
 Second copy. (Woolfe Coll.) 
 Chapters of Parochial History. Dursley, Beverston, Cam, 
 and Uley, 8vo. .... Lond. and Dursley, 1877 
 P 2 
 BLUNT, J. J. Yestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs dis- 
 coverable in Modern Italy and Sicily, 8vo. . Lond. 1823 
 BOARDMAN, Rev. C. Catalogue of Books at Stonyhurst College, 
 8vo ib. 1862 
 BOASE, C. W. 
 Register of the Rectors and Fellows, Scholars, Exhibitioners, 
 and Bible Clerks of Exeter College, Oxford, 4to. Oxford, 1879 
 BOATE, Gerard. Ireland's Naturall History, published by Samuel 
 Hartlib, 12mo. ... . Lond. 1652 
 BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. 
 II Decamerone, nuovamente corretto, etc. 
 Firenze per li Jieredi di Philippe di Giunta. 1527 
 nuovamente alia sua vera lettione ridotto 
 da M. Lod. Dolce. In Yinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito, 
 12mo. . . . . . . . . . . 1552 
 alia sua vera lezione ridotto dal Cavalier 
 Lionardi Salviati. Seconda editione, 8vo. , Florence, 1582 
 4to. Lond. 1762 
 Laberinto d'Amore, 8vo. ..... Venice, 1536 
 II Decameron sicome lo diedero allestampe gliSS". Giunti 
 1'anno, 1527, 12mo. .... Amsterdam, 1665 
 ( Genealogie Joannisboccatii cumdemonstrationibus informis 
 arborum designatis. Ejusdem de montibus et silvis, de 
 fontibus lacubus et fluminibus, ac etiam de stagnis et 
 paludibus : necnon et de maribus, seu diversis maris 
 nominibus. For Bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel 
 Catalogue. Impressum Venetiis per me manfredum de 
 Streno De Monteserrato, 1497 
 A volume of Illustrations to the Decameron of Boccaccio, and 
 the Fables of La Fontaine. 
 BOCK, Franz. 
 Tresors sacres de Cologne. Traduit par W. et E. De 
 Suckau, 4to Paris, 1862 
 GescMchte der liturgischen Gewander des Mittelalters, 2 
 vols. 8vo Bonn, 1859-66 
 Notitia Dignitatum et Administrationum omnium tarn 
 Civilium quam Militarium in Partibus Orientis et Occi- 
 dentis, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1839 
 BOCKLER, Georg Andreas. 
 Architectura Curiosa nova, fol. . . . Nuremberg, 1664 
 Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Browne and Haw- 
 kins Families, 4to. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 Portions of Yincent and Boddington Pedigrees. Private 
 Impression, 4to. ...... Lond. 1876 
 Family of Wyat, 8vo. ib. 1877 
 Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Sparks and Tickell 
 Families. Privately Printed. 4to. . . . ib. 1877 
 Pedigree of the Family of Collier, 4to. Privately printed 
 ib, 1878 
 BODDTNGTON, R. S. continued. 
 Extracts from Parish Registers, etc.,4to. Privately printed 
 Lond. 1879 
 Pedigree of the Family of Gould, 4to. Privately printed 
 ib. 1880 
 Townsend, etc. [Pedigree of Onslow, 
 appended.']. 4to. Privately printed . . . .. . . ib. 1881 
 BODEMANN, Eduard. Leibnizens Entwiirke zu seinen Annalen 
 von 1691 und 1692. 8vo Banover, 1885 
 BODIN, J. F. 
 Recherches Historiques sur laYille de Saumur, 2 vols: 8vo. 
 Saumur, 1812-14 
 Recherches Historiques sur 1'Anjou, tome i., 8vo. . ib. 1821 
 BODIN, Jean. 
 Methodus ad facilem Historiaruni cognitionem, 4to. Paris, 1566 
 De Magorum Dsemonomania libri iv. e Gallico in Latinum 
 translati per Lotarium Philoponum, 4to. . Basle, 1581 
 Catalogus impressorum Librorum. By R. Fysher, 2 vols. 
 8vo. Oxford, 1738 
 Catalogue of Books relating to British Topography, be- 
 queathed by R. Gough, 4to. ...... ib. 1814 
 Catalogue of Printed Books and MSS., bequeathed by 
 F. Douce, fol ib. 1840 
 Catalogus Librorum Impressorum, 3 vols. fol. . . ib. 1843 
 Supplement, fol. . . . ib. 1847 
 Catalogue of the Manuscipts bequeathed unto the University 
 of Oxford by Elias Ashmole and others. By W. H. Black. 
 4to ib. 1845 
 Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum, 4to. In progress. 
 ib. 1853, etc. 
 Catalogo dei Manoscritti Italian i. By Count Alexander 
 Mortara, 4to ib. 1864 
 Donations, 1&66, etc. 8vo. In progress . . ib. 1866, etc. 
 Calendar of Charters and Rolls in the Bodleian Library. 
 Edited by W. H. Turner, under the direction of the Rev. 
 H. 0. Coxe, 8vo . Oxford, 1878 
 Map of England and Scotland (circa 1300), preserved in 
 the Bodleian Library, fol. . . . . . n. p., n. d. 
 BODLEY, G. F. On some Principles of Ancient Architecture 
 and their application to Modern Practice, 8vo. Lond. 1885 
 BODLEY, Sir Thomas. Genuine Remains, 8vo. . . ib. 1703 
 BODMIN, Parish of, Register, Nos. 1-3, 8vo. . . Bodmin, 1827 
 BODONI, G. B. Le piu insigni Pitture Parmensi, et. Plates. 
 4to. . . Panna, 1809 
 BOECK. Bemaerkninger angaaende Graptolitherne, 4to. (Tracts 
 12) Christiania, 1851 
 BOECKH, Aug. 
 Corpus Inscriptionum Greecarum, Yols. I. IV. fol. 
 Berlin, 1828-77 
 Erklarun*? einer Papvrus in Griechischer Cursivschrift, 4to. 
 ib. 1821 
 Opera, Edited by Valpy, 8vo Lond. 1823 
 Consolationis Philosophise libri v. Anglo- Saxonice redditi 
 ab Alfredo inr.lyto Anglo- Saxonum Rege, Edidit Raw- 
 linson. Portrait. 4to Oxford, 1698 
 BOBTIU8 ET SADELKB. Symbola varia diversorum Principum, 
 fol Prague, 1603 
 BOETTICHER, Carl. Der Omphalos des Zeus zu Delphi, 4to. 
 Berlin, 1859 
 BOETTIGER, 0. A. Les Furies d'apres les Poetes; traduction 
 par T. F. Winckler, 8vo Paris, 1802 
 BOGNOR and its Vicinity, The Visitor's Guide to, 8vo. Bognor, 1852 
 BOHEMIAN MUSEUM, Society of the Royal. Geschafts-Bericht. 
 tieiionil-VorHiimmluntf, 1HHO. Svo. . . Prog. 1886 
 HOIIN, II. (i. 
 Catalogue of Books, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1841 
 - Vol. I. 8vo ib. 1847 
 BOHUN, W. Privilegia Londini, Svo ib. 1723 
 BOILEAU, Sir J. P. 
 Notice of a Sceatta found at Burgh Castle, 8vo. (Tracts 81) 
 On a Chest in East Harling Church, Svo. 
 On a Saxon Coin from Burgh Castle (Tracts 25), 4to. 
 Returns of (Miuivli (ioods in ( 'hmrlies of Norwich, Svo. 
 (Tracts 37*) 
 On McM-ino Uivrd of Sheep (Travis 117), Svo. . Lond. 1860 
 On Paintings in Eaton Church, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) Norwich, 1862 
 Tlieatrum Vitre humanoe a J. J. Boissardo conscriptum et a 
 T. Bryio illustratum. Plates. 
 Typis Abrahami Fabri, Civitatis Mediomatricorum, 1596 
 in-his to|><>oT;i[>hi;i, d, ;uiti<|iiit,;it(>s, (> vols. fol. 
 Frankfort, 1597-1602 
 BotTEAU D'AMBLY, P. Les Cartes a jouer et la Cartomancie. 
 Woodcuts. Svo Paris, 1854 
 BojNicid, Ivan. Izojesce Hrvatskoga Arkeologi6koga Druitva 
 za Godinu, 1879, Svo Zagrebu, 1879 
 BOLINGBROKE, Lord. Letters on the study and use of History, 
 Svo. Lond. 1752 
 BOLLAERT, William. Antiquarian Researches in New Granada, 
 &c., Svo. . ib. I860 
 Le Pitture di Bologna. Terza Edizione. [Da G. P. Zanotti.] 
 12mo. . Bologna, 1732 
 Tre Giorni in Bologna, 12mo ib. 1850 
 La Pinacoteca Bolognese. (Bound with the preceding.) 
 12mo ib. 1853 
 BOLTON, Edward. The Elements of Armories, 4to. . Lond. 1610 
 BOLTON, W. J. King's College Chapel Windows, Cambridge, 
 (ii <H;I;\I'|IICAI, SOCIETY. Transactions, vol. 17 and vol. 
 19, part 2, 8vo. . . Bombay, 1865, etc. 
 MoMI'.AY iMVERSITY CALENDAR, 8vb ..... Bombay, I 
 RONA (Cardinal). Opcni Omnia, fol. . . . Antwerp, 1723 
 BONAI;I;I,U, (Jtiidubaldo De'. Filli di Sciro, favolata pastorale, 
 32mo. ..... Amsterdam I). Elzevivr, 1678 
 BONATUS, Guido. Anima Astrologia, or a Guide for Astrologers, 
 IHM'II^ rcndcfcd inio Kn^-lisli. As also UK; choicest 
 Aphorisms of Cardan's Seavcn Se^menls. Tnuislatcd by 
 W. Lilly. Portrait. 12mo ..... Lond. 1676 
 BOND, Henry. Genealogies of Karly Settlers of Wafer! .\\ M, 
 Miiss.-ichuseUs, Hvo. . ... Hoston, 1860 
 BOND, J. J. 
 Handy-Book of Rules and Tables for verifying Dates, 8vo. 
 A perpetual Calendar, upon a card, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 BONE, Carl. Das Plateau von Ferschweiler bei Echternacli, 
 seine befestigung und seine alterthumsreste. HerauHgo- 
 ^cbcii von dcr (uisullsclisil't i'iir M iit,/lichc I <1 orsc,liiiii'jcii, 
 4to ......... Trier, 1876 
 BONETA, Joseph. Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios p:n;i ncal- 
 larlos, 8vo. ...... Hnrcelona, 1761 
 BONN, UNIVERSITY OF. Katalog des Koniglichen Rheinischen 
 Mns(!iiiriH Va<<!i-l;indis(-h(M' A Hci'Miiirnci- h(;i dji- Dnivcr- 
 sitat Bonn, 8vo ....... Bonn, 1876 
 BONNECHOHK, H. M. G. de. Discours prononc^ a -Caen, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 80) ....... Rouen, I860 
 BONNES, G. W. Pocket Companion to Margate, Ramsgate, 
 I > roadstairs, etc., 8vo. ..... Lond. 1831 
 The Holy Pl.'Lccs at J(!Ciis;i,lcin ; or, For^'usson's Tlnioi-it-s 
 und Pierotti's Discoveries, 8vo. .... ib. 1864 
 - Second copy. 
 A Chapter in the Life History of an Old University : 
 Introductory Lecture to the Students of University 
 College, London, 8vo. . . . . Cambridge, 1882 
 UONOMI, Joseph. 
 The Proportions of the Human Figure, 8vo. (Tracts 101) 
 Lond. 1856 
 Catalogue of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities 
 l)(jloii#ing to UK; laic Robcrl, Hay, Ksq., of Liii|>linn, 
 8vo .......... ib. 1869 
 BONOMI, Joseph, and Samuel SIIAKI-K. The A hilcish-i- S.-u-co- 
 phagus of Oimenepthah, in Sir .Jolm Soane's Museum, 
 Ito. ......... ib. 1864 
 U.ri-ucil d'Antiquites Suisses, fol. . . . Leipzig, 1855 
 i HUT Ics Dolmens, 4to. .... (TdtttDO, ' 
 Carte Arch^ologique du Canton de Fribourg. fipoque 
 Romaine et Ante-Romaine, 4to. . Geneva, Bale, Lyons, 1878 
 BONTEMPS, Gr. Examen des Yerres, Vitraux, Cristaux, compo- 
 sant la Classe XXIY. de 1'Exposition Universelle de 
 1851, 8vo . . Paris, 1851 
 BONWICK, James. Our Nationalities. I. Who are tlie Irish ? 
 8vo Lond. 1880 
 BOOK-LOEE : a Magazine devoted to Old Time Literature. In 
 progress, 4to. ....... ib. 1885, &c. 
 BOOKEE, Rev. John. 
 History of Blackley Chapel, 4to. . . Manchester, 1854 
 History of Chapel of Denton, 4to. .... ib. 1855 
 History of Chapel of Birch, 4to ib. 1859 
 BOOKEE, Luke. Account of Dudley Castle, 8vo. [Prattinton 
 Coll.'] . Dudley, 1825 
 BOONE, J. B. De Prosecutione Operis Bollandiani quod Acta 
 Sanctorum inscribitur, 8vo. .... Namur, 1838 
 BOONE, T. and "W. Two Catalogues of Rare Books, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1862-63 
 BOOTH, J. C., and MOEFIT, C. Report to the Smithsonian In- 
 stitution on Recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts, 
 8vo. ....... Washington, 1851 
 BOOTHEOYD, B. History of Pontefract, 8vo. , Pontefract, 1807 
 Academic des Sciences, &c. Seances, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Bordeaux, 1827-28 
 Archives Municipales. Livre des Bouillons, 4to. . ib. 1867 
 BOEDEAUX, Raymond. Les Brocs a Cidre en faience de Rouen ; 
 etude de Ceramique Normande, fol. . . Caen, 1868 
 BOEDIEE, Henri, and CHAETON, Edouard. Histoire de France. 
 Plates, 2 vols. 8vo. ...... Paris, 1859 
 BOEEL, Pierre, Recherches des Antiquitez de la Langue Fran- 
 caise ou Dictionnairfe Gaulois, 4to. . . . . ib. 1667 
 BOEGHESI, Bartolomeo. 
 CEuvres Completes. Tomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 (part 1, 2), 4to. 
 ib. 1862-84 
 Publication de ses CEuvres completes, 8vo. (Tracts 104) ib. 1860 
 Troisieme Rapport du Secretaire de la Commission de Pub- 
 lication de ses CEuvres completes, 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
 BOEGIA, Cardinal. Letters from Cardinal Borgia and Cardinal 
 York to Sir J. C. Hippisley, 4to 1799-1800 
 BOELASE, Edward. The Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of 
 England, 8vo Lond. 1675 
 BOELASE, William. 
 Antiquities of Cornwall, 2 vols. fol. . . . Oxon. 1754 
 State of the Islands of Scilly, 4to. .... ib. 1756 
 Natural History of Cornwall, fol. .... ib. 1758 
 Antiquities of the County of Cornwall, with a Vocabulary 
 of the Cornu-British Language. Second edition, fol. 
 Lond. 1769 
 BOELASE, W. C. - 
 Nsenia Cornubiae, a descriptive Essay, illustrative of the 
 sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants 
 of Cornwall, 8vo. . Lond. and Truro, 1872 
 BORLASE, W. C. continued. 
 Historical Sketch of the Tin Trade in Cornwall, 8vo. 
 Plymouth, 1874 
 Niphon and its Antiquities. An Essay on the Ethnology, 
 Mythology, and Religions of the Japanese, 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 BORMANS, J. H. Der Naturen Bloeme van Jacob van Maerlant, 
 Deel 1,. 8vo. Brussels, 1857 
 BORMANS, Stanislas. Les Fiefs du Comte de Namur. Introduc- 
 tion, 8vo Namur, 1882 
 BORN, Bertrand de. Bertrand de Born. Edited by J. B. M. 
 Lafon, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo Paris, 1839 
 BOROUGHS, Samuel. Legal Judicature in Chancery, 8vo. Lond. 1727 
 BORRING, L. E. Notices on the Life and Writings of C. C. 
 Rafn, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) . . . Copenhagen, 1864 
 BORROMEO, Charles,. Saint. St. Charles Borromeo's Instructions 
 on Ecclesiastical Building, translated by G. J. Wigley, 
 8vo Lond. 1857 
 BOSCOBEL, or History of His Majesty's Preservation, 8vo. 
 [Prattinton Coll.'] . n. d. 
 BOSCOBEL. A Narrative of the Adventures of Charles the Second 
 after the Battle of Worcester, 8vo. . Wolverhampton, 1858 
 Bosffius, G. L. Tafvel Galleri fran stugor i Dalom, ob. 8vo. 
 Stockholm, 1870 
 BOSQUET, Amelie. La Normandie Romanesque et Merveilleuse, 
 8vo. ...... Paris and Rouen, 1845 
 BOSSANGE, Barthes et Lowell. Catalogue des Livres Francais, 
 &c., 8vo Lond. 1843 
 BOSSANGE, Victor. Bibliotheque Fra^aise, 12mo. . Paris, 1855 
 BOSSUIT, Francis Van. Cabinet de 1' Art de Sculpture, execute 
 en yvoire ou ebauche en terre, grave d'apres les desseins 
 de Barent Graat par Mattys Pool, 4to. Amsterdam, 1727 
 Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin, 4to. . Boston, 1857 
 Small edition, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1858 
 Address of Dr. Winslow Lewis, Jan. 5, 1865, sm. 4to. 
 New York, 1866 
 Constitution and Bye-Laws, sm. 4to. . . . Boston, 1867 
 American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of 
 American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. 
 Vol. XVI., No. 1., 4to ib. 1881 
 Proceedings at the laying of the Corner Stone, 8vo. ib. 1855 
 : Dedication of, 8vo. .... ib. 1858 
 Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Bates' Hall. First 
 Supplement, 4to ib. 1866 
 BOSTONIAN .SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Jan. 8, 
 1884, etc.., 8vo. In progress ib. 1884 
 BOSWELL, Edward. The Civil Division of the County of Dorset, 
 8vo Dorchester, 1833 
 BOSWELL, J. K. The " Diluvian Connemara Antiquities." (A 
 lith. sheet) 
 BOSWELL, James. 
 Letters of, addressed to the Rev. "W. J. Temple, 8vo. Lond. 1857 
 The Life of Samuel Johnson, 8vo. .... ib. 1829 
 BOSWORTH, Joseph. 
 Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 8vo. .... ib. 1823 
 A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language, 8vo. . ib. 1838 
 BOTANY. Fasciculus Plantarum, sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1737 
 BOTFIELD, Beriah. 
 Journal of Tour in the Highlands, 1829, 8vo. Norton Hall, 1830 
 Memorials of Family of Botfield, 8vo. . . . ib. 1843 
 Catalogue of his Pictures at Norton Hall, 8vo. . Lond. 1848 
 Bibliotheca Hearniana, 8vo. ..... ib. 1848 
 Cathedral Libraries of England, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849 
 Historical Account of the Family of Thynne, otherwise 
 Botfield, 8vo. (Tracts 133) .... Westminster, 1855 
 Stemmata Bottevilliana, 4to. ..... Lond. 1860 
 Shropshire, its History and Antiquities : an Address, 4to. ib. 1860 
 Prefaces to the first editions of the Greek and Roman 
 Classics, and of the Sacred Scriptures, 4to. . ib. 1861 
 Account of the first English Bible, 4to. (Tracts 133) 
 Bibliotheca Membranacea Britannica; Notices of early 
 English Books printed upon vellum, 4to. (Tracts 133) 
 Catalogue of the Library in Tong Church, Shropshire, with 
 Notices of the Church, 4to. (Tracts 133) 
 Notes on Libraries, 4to. (Tracts 133) 
 Notices of Libraries, sm. 4to. (Philobiblon Society.) 
 (Tracts 133) 
 BOTTA, Carlo. Storia d' Italia dal 1789 al 1814. (Supplements 
 contenente la corrispondenza del Governo Francese col 
 Generale Bonaparte), 5 vols. l'2mo. . . Italia, 182425 
 BOTTA, M. Letters on Discoveries at Nineveh. Translated by 
 C. T. First series, 8vo Lond. 1850 
 BOUCHER, Jonathan. A Glossary of Obsolete and Provincial 
 Words, 4to ib. 1832 ? 
 Romances, Ballades, et Legendes, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1830 
 Chants Armoricains, 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1831 
 Opinion de M. Cristophe, 4 parts, 8vo. . . . ib. 1831 
 Nouvelles, 12mo ib. 1832 
 Satires, Contes, et Chansonnettes, 12mo. . . . ib. 1833 
 Petit Glossaire, 2 vols. 12mo ib. 1835 
 De la Creation, 5 vols. 12mo. . . . . . ib. 1841 
 Antiquites Celtiques et Antediluviennes, 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1847-64 
 Hommes et Choses, Yol. iv. 12mo. .... ib. 1851 
 Voyage a Constantinople en 1855, 8vo. . . . ib. 1855 
 Voyage en Espagne et en Algerie en 1855, 8vo. . . ib. 185 ( .) 
 De'la Generation Spontanee, 12mo. (Tracts 155) . ib. 1861 
 Negre et Blanc, 12mo. (Tracts 155) .... ib. 1861 
 Antiquites Celtiques et Antediluviennes, tome 3, 8vo. 
 ib. 1864 
 BOULNOIS, W. A. On the Drainage of the Metropolis (2 papers), 
 4to. (Papers E. I. B. A.) . . . . Lond. 1854 
 BOULOGNE. Annales Boulonnaises, Nos. 1 to 5, 8vo. Boulogne, 1851 
 BOULT, Joseph. 
 On Submarine Forests of Liverpool Bay and the Mersey, 
 8vo. (Tracts 117*) . . . ' . . Liverpool, 1865 
 Speculations on the former Topography of Liverpool, 2 pts., 
 8vo. (Tracts 107**) ib. 1867 
 Pt. 3, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) . . ib. 1870 
 The Danish Intrusionin to South Britain, 8vo. (Tracts 163) ib. 1874 
 Some of the Ancient Jurisdictions of South Britain, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 163) ib. 1875 
 Notes on Early Social Grades in England, 8vo. (Tracts 163) 
 ib. 1876 
 BOUQUET, Dom. Martin, et les PERES BE'NE'DICTINS. Recueil des 
 Histoires des Gaules et de la France, 13 vols. fol. . 1738-86 
 BOURASSE, J. J. Archeologie Chretienne, 8vo. . . Tours, 1841 
 BOURDET, Desire. 
 Notice Historique sur Bouteilles, pres Dieppe, 8vo. (Tracts 
 165) Havre, 1875 
 Notice sur une Decouverte de deux Bustes Remains en 
 marbre blanc trouves a Lillebonne en 1873, precedee 
 d' un apercu historique sur les Antiquites trouvees dans 
 1' enceinte de 1' antique Juliobona, 8vo. (Tracts 165) ib. 1875 
 Note sur un Vase Remain trouve Rue de la Cavee, pres de 
 1' ancien Cimetiere Sainte-Helene, 8vo. (Tracts 165) ib. 1875 
 Decouvertes Archeologiques faites au Havre en 1875 et 
 1876, dans les fouilles executees pour 1' etablissement du 
 nouvel avant-port, 8vo. ..... Paris, 1877 
 BOUKGEREL, G. Fragments d' Architecture et de Sculpture. 
 Plates, fol . ib. 1863 
 BOURGET, Dom. John. History of the Abbey of Bee, 12mo. Lond. 1779 
 BOURGOGNE. Essai chronologique sur les mceurs ; coutumes et 
 usages anciens dans la Bourgogne, 12mo. . JJijon, 1827 
 BOURGUEVILLE, Charles de. Les Recherches et Antiquitez de la 
 Ville et Universite de Caen, 12mo. . . . Caen, 1588 
 The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People, 8vo. 
 Toronto, 1881 
 Local Government in Canada : an historical study. 4to. 
 Montreal, 1886 
 BOURNE, Henry. Antiquitates Yulgares, 8vo. . . Newcastle, 1725 
 BOURNE, Vincent. Poemata. Latine partim reddita, partirn 
 scripta. Quarto edita, 12mo. .... Lond. 1750 
 BOUTELL, Rev. Charles. 
 Monumental Brasses and Slabs, 8vo. . . . ib. 1847 
 The Monumental Brasses of England : a series of Engrav- 
 ings, with Descriptive Notices, fol. . . . ib. 1849 
 Christian Monuments in England and Wales. Parts I. and 
 II. 8vo . . ib. 1849 
 Manual of Heraldry, 8vo. . . . " . . ib. 1863 
 Heraldry, historical and popular. Third edition, enlarged, 
 8vo. ....... . ib. 1864 
 English Heraldry, 8vo. . . . Lond. and New York, 1867 
 BOUTHORS, A. Continues locales du Bailliage d' Amiens, 2 vols. 
 4to Amiens, 1845-53 
 Another copy of Vol. i. 
 BOUTON, Victor. Nouveau Traite du Blason. Plates. 8vo. 
 Paris, 1863 
 BOUVENNE, Aglaiis. Les Historiques d' apres les 
 monuments originaux, sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 BOWEN, Captain. A Statement of Facts in answer to Mrs. 
 Gunning's Letter. (Bound with Memoirs of Mrs. Billing- 
 ton), 8vo Lond. 1791 
 BOWEN, Thomas. Account of Bethlem Hospital, 4to. . ib. 1783 
 BOWLES, W. L. Hermes Britannicus ; a Dissertation on the 
 Celtic Deity Teutates, 8vo ib. 1828 
 BOWLES, W. L., and NICHOLS, J. G. History of Lacock Abbey, 
 8vo. . . . . " . . . ib. 1835 
 BOWMAN, Henry. Specimens of Ecclesiastical Architecture, 4to. 
 ib. 1846 
 BOWMAN, William. Reliquiae Antiquse Eboracenses, Pt. 1, 4to. 
 (Tracts 13) ....... Leeds, 1851 
 BOWYER, Sir George. 
 A Dissertation on the Statutes of the Cities of Italy, &c., 
 8vo Lond. 1838 
 On the Constitutional Law of England, 8vo. . . ib. 1846 
 BOWYER, William. 
 Remarks on a Dissertation on Greek and Roman Money, 
 printed 1772 (Postscript. Tracts 25), 4to. 
 BOXHORNIUS, M. Z. Monumenta Illustrium Virorum, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1638 
 BOYD, H. S. Tributes to the Dead. Translated from the Greek, 
 8vo. [Prattinton Coll'] Lond. 1826 
 BOYDE, Henry. Several Voyages to Barbary, with a Description 
 of Mequinez, Oran, and Alcazar, Second edition, 8vo. ib. 1736 
 BOYE, Wilhelm. Veiledning til Udgravning af Oldsager og 
 deres forelobige Behandling, 8vo. . . . AarJius, 1874 
 BOYLE, E. M. Sixty-four " Quartiers " of Major Gerald Boyle, 
 and his Brothers and Sister, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1882 
 BOYNE, William. 
 Tokens issued in the 17th century in England, Wales, and 
 Ireland, 8vo. . ib. 1858 
 Tokens issued in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries in York- 
 shire, and- seals of the Corporations in that county, 4to. 
 Headingly, 1858 
 The Silver Tokens of Great Britain and Ireland, 4to. Lond. 1866 
 The Yorkshire Library. A Bibliographical Account of 
 Books, &c. relating to the County of York, 4to. . ib. 1869 
 BOYS, William. History of Sandwich, 4to. . Canterbury, 1792 
 Grand Theatre sacre du Duche de Brabant, 2 vols. fol. 
 La Haye, 1729 
 Seigneuries du Brabant, fol.- . . . Amsterdam, I7u6 
 BRABAZON, E. J. Russia and her- Czars, 8vo> . . Lond. 1855 
 Will of Sir Gerard de Bray broke,l 429. With Notes. 4to. Land. 1874 
 Original Do.cuments. Will of Nicholas Braybroke, Canon 
 of Exeter. A.D. 13991400. 4to. . . . ib. 1874 
 The Honourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn, 4to. . . ib. 1874 
 Les Associations de Prevoyance del'Angleterre, 8vo. Paris, 1875 
 The Serjeants and their Inns, 4to. . . . Lond. 1877 
 The Law of Friendly Societies, and Industrial and Provi- 
 dent Societies. Formerly (18501867) edited by W. Tidd 
 Pratt. 10th edition. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1881 
 Life of Lord- Chancellor Braybroke, Bishop of London, 
 13811404. Sm. 4to n. p., n. d. 
 BRACHT, Eugen. Die Ausgrabung des Buchenlochs bei Gerol- 
 stein in der Eifel und die quaternaren Bewohnungsspuren 
 in demselben, 4to. ...... Treves, 1883 
 BRACKENBURY, Henry. ' Ancient Cannon in Europe, parts 1, 2 
 (13501400), 8vo. .... Woolwich, 1865-66 
 BRACTON, Henricus de. De Legibus Angliae, fol. . Lond. 1569 
 BRADBURY, Henry. On the Security and Manufacture of Bank 
 Notes, 4to. (Tracts 14.) ib. 1856 
 BRADFORD, W. History of Plymouth Plantation. Edited by 
 C. Deane, 8vo. ' Boston, U.S. 1856 
 BRADGATB PARK, A description of, 8vo. . . . Leicester, n. d. 
 BRADY, John H. The Visitor's Guide to Knole, in the County 
 of Kent, 12mo. Lond. 1839 
 BRADY, Robert. 
 Introduction to Old English History, fol. . . . ib. 1684 
 Complete History of England, fol ib. 1685 
 Continuation of ditto, fol. . . . . ib. 1700 
 BRADY, W. M. Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, 
 and Ross, 3 vols., 8vo ib. 1864 
 BRAGGE, William. 
 Bibliotheca Nicotjana ', a first Catalogue of Books about 
 Tobacco. Privately printed. [No. 12 of 50 copies.] 4to. 
 Birmingham, 1874 
 Bibliotheca Nicotiana, a second catalogue, &c. Privately 
 printed. 4to. ... . ib. 1880 
 Liverpool Art Club. Catalogue of Specimens of Art 
 Work in Chinese Snuff Bottles, and other articles con- 
 nected with the use of Tobacco. 4to. . . Liverpool, 1878 
 The Pipes of All Peoples, 8vo. . . . Birmingham, 1880 
 Whimzies, or a New Cast of Characters, 1631, edited by 
 J. 0. Halliwell, 4to Lond. 1859 
 A Strappado for the Divell. Edited by J. W. Ebsworth, 
 8vo Boston, Line. 1878 
 BRANCA, Giovanni. Manuale di Architettura, 12mo. Rome, 1718 
 BRANCADORO, Cesare. Lettera al Sig. F. Cancellieri su la Disser- 
 tazione del P. G. Pouyard, sopra 1'anteriorita del bacio 
 de' piedi de' sommi Pontefici. Con una Lettera del sud- 
 detto P. Pouyard al Medesimo Porporato sopra lo stesso 
 argomento. (Bound up with Pouyard.) 4to. . . ib. 1807 
 BRANCATIO, Celio. Delia vera Disciplina militare, fol. Venice, 1582 
 BRAND, John. 
 Observations on Popular Antiquities, 8vo. . . Lond. 1777 
 Another edition, edited by Sir H. Ellis, 
 2 vols. 4to. ... t . . ib. 1813 
 Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. With large addi- 
 tions, edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1870 
 History of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1789 
 Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo ib. 1807-8 
 Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Maison de Brande- 
 burg. Nouvelle edition, 12mo. Berlin and The Hague, 1751 
 Memoirs of the House of, 8vo. , , Lond. 1751 
 BRANDON, Raphael, and ARTHUR, J. 
 Analysis of Gothick Architecture, 4to. . , . ib. 1847 
 Parish Churches, 8vo ib. 1848 
 The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages. Plates. 4to. 
 ib. 1849 
 BRANDRETH, Henry. On Anglo-Saxon Stycas, 12mo. (Tracts 
 143.) . ib. 1840 
 BRANDT, Gerard. 
 An Abridgment of [his] History of the Reformation in the 
 Low Countries. [By Michael de la Roche.] 2 vols. in 
 one, 8vo ib. 1725 
 Historic van de Stadt Enkhuisen, 4to. . . Hoorn, 1747 
 BRANNON, George. 
 The Pleasure-Visitor's Companion to the Isle of Wight. 
 7th Edition, 12mo Wootton, I.W., 1839 
 The Tour of the Isle of Wight. 17th Edition, 8vo. . . 1849 
 BRANNON, Philip. 
 The Illustrated Historical and Picturesque Guide to 
 Bournemouth, 8vo. ..... Poole, 1855 
 - 9th Edition, 8vo ib. 1867 
 BRANTOME, Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de. CEuvres com- 
 pletes. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de fragments 
 inedits, 8 vols. 8vo Paris, 1822 
 BRASH, R. R. Account of the Ogham Chamber at Drumloghan, 
 co. Waterford, 8vo. (Tracts 59***) . . Dublin, 1868 
 BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG, E. C. Cartas para servir de Intro- 
 duccion a la Historia Primitiva de la America 
 Setentreonal, 4to. (Tracts 15.) . . . Mexico, 1851 
 BRASSICANUS, Johannes. Institutiones Grammaticse, 4to. 
 Hagenau, 1518 
 BRAUN, Emil. 
 Erklarung eines antiken Sarkophags zu Trier, 4to. Bonn, 1850 
 Der Wiistenroder Leopard, ein romisches Cohortenzeichen, 
 4to. . . ib. 1857 
 Die Externsteine, 4to. . . .ib. 1858 
 Achilles auf Skyros, oder die Bronzestatue von Liittingen, 
 8vo. (Tracts 64) ib. 1858 
 BRAVENDER, T. B. Lists of Tokens found at Cirencester. With 
 notes by Sir J. Maclean, 8vo. 
 BRAY, Anne Eliza, Life of Thomas Stothard, R. A. Plates. Lond. 1851 
 BRAY, William. Tour into Dez-byshire and Yorkshire, second 
 edition, 8vo ib. 1783 
 BRAYBROOKE, Richard, Lord. History of Audley End, 4to. ib. 1836 
 BRAYE, Baroness. 
 1. In the House of Lords. Case of Sarah Otway Cave, of 
 Stanford Hall, Leicester, widow, on her claim to the title. 
 2. Additional case, fol ib. 1836 
 Ancient Castles of England and Wales, engraved by 
 William Woolnoth, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1825 
 Graphic Illustrator, 4to. ib. 1834 
 Topographical History of Surrey, 5 vols. 4to. Dorking, 1841 
 BRAYLEY, E. W., and BRITTON, John. History of the Ancient 
 Palace at Westminster, 8vo Lond. 1836 
 BRAYLEY, E. W., and HERBERT, William. Account of Lambeth 
 Palace, fol ib. 1806 
 Estatutos, 8vo. (Tracts 73.) . . Rio de Janeiro, 1839 
 Memorias, tomo 1, 8vo. (Tracts 73) .... ib. 1839 
 Revista Trimensal, Nos. 1 to 5, 8vo (Tracts 73) . ib. 1839-40 
 BREADALBANE AND HOLLAND, Sixth Earl of. Peerage claim. 
 Appellant's and Respondent's cases, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1867 
 BRE'AUTE', Nell de. Notice Biographique, par 1'Abbe Cochet, 8vo. 
 (Tracts^) ... . . Dieppe, 1855 
 BREDSDORFF, J. H. Om Runeskriftens Oprindelse, 4to. 
 Copenhagen, 1822 
 BREEKS, J. W. An Account of the Primitive Tribes and Monu- 
 ments of the Nilagiris. Edited by the author's Widow. 
 (India Museum.) 4to. ..... Lond. 1873 
 BREEN, H. H. 
 St. Lucia ; Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive, 8vo. ib. 1844 
 The Diamond Rock, and other Poems, 12mo. . . ib. 1849 
 Modern English Literature ; its Blemishes and Defects, 8vo. 
 ' ib. 1857 
 Warrawarra,the Carib Chief. ATale of 1770, 2 vols.8vo.^. 1876 
 BREESE, Edward. Kalendars of Gwynedd ; or, chronological 
 lists of Lords-Lieutenant, Custodes Rotulorum, Sheriffs, 
 and Knights of the Shire, for the counties of Anglesey, 
 Caernarvon, and Merioneth, and of the members for the 
 Boroughs of Caernarvon and Beaumaris. With Notes 
 by W. W. E. Wynne, 4to ib. 1873 
 BRENCHLEY, J. L. Jottings during the cruise of H.M.S. 
 " Curacoa" among the South Sea Islands in 1865, 8vo. 
 ib. 1873 
 BRENT, John. 
 Canterbury in the Olden Time, and Felix Summerly's 
 Handbook for Canterbury, 8vo. Canterbury and Lond. 1860-61 
 Second Edition, enlarged, with Illustra- 
 tions, 8vo. .. .. . . ib. 1879 
 BRETAGNE, Esquisses sur la, 4to.. . . . Rennes, 1830 
 BRETFELD, F. J. von. 
 Historische Darstellung der Bohmischen Landtage, 1 Band. 
 8vo Prague, 1810 
 Gallerie der merkwiirdigsten Erfinder alterer und neurer 
 Zeiten. 12mo. . . Vienna, 1810 
 Geschichte des Leutmeritzer Bisthums in Bdhmen und der 
 Familie Chlumczanski, &c., 12mo. .... ib. 1811 
 BRETON, Nicholas. The Passionate Shepheard. Edited by 
 F. Ouvry. Privately printed. 4to. . . Lond. 1877 
 BRETONS, Recherches sur la Langue des, 8vo. . . Bayonne, 1792 
 BRETTELL, Thomas. Topographical and Historical Guide to the 
 Isle of Wight, 8vo Lond. 1840 
 BREYIARIUM ad usum Ecclesiae Trajectensis. In eights. 
 Alost (Thierry Martens'), 1492 
 BREWER, Anthony. Lingua; or the Combat of the Tongue 
 and the Five Sences for Superiority. A pleasant 
 comoedy, 4to. . ... . . . . Lond. 1622 
 London and Middlesex, 8vo. [bound in 4to, and illustrated] 
 2 vols. 
 The Picture of England, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1820 
 ib. 1816 
 BREWER, J. S. English Studies, or Essays in English History 
 and Literature. Edited by Henry Wace, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 BREWER, Thomas. 
 Memoir of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London, 8vo. ib. 1836 
 Another edition . . . . . ib. 1856 
 City of London School List of Pupils who have proceeded 
 to the Universities, 8vo. ...... ib. 1856 
 BREWSTER, Sir David. Letters on Natural Magic. (Family 
 Library.) 12mo. . . . . . " . " . ib. 1832 
 BREWSTER, John. History of Stockton-on-Tees, 4to. Stockton, 1796 
 BREWSTER, Samuel. Collectanea Ecclesiastica. Treatises in MS. 
 relating to the Bights of the Clergy of the Church of 
 England, 4to Lond. 1752 
 BRICE, Germain. Nouvelle description de la Ville de Paris, 
 vol. 1. 8vo Paris, 1725 
 BRIDGEMAN, Sarah. General Plan of Stowe, with several Per- 
 spective Views, fol. ...... Lond. 1746 
 BRIDGER, Charles. Index to Printed Pedigrees, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 BRIDGES, Public. Report of Committee respecting, 4to. . ib. 1826 
 BRIDGES, John. 
 The History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton. 
 2 vols. in 1, fol Oxford, 1762-91 
 History of Northampton (specimen number), fol. 
 BRIDGES, Robert. Carmen Elegiacum de Nosocomio Sti. 
 Bartolomaei Londinensi, 8vo. .... Lond. 1877 
 BRIDGEWATER HOUSE. Catalogue of Library, by J. P. Collier, 
 8vo ib. 1837 
 BRIDGNORTH, History of the ancient Borough of, 12mo. (Tracts 
 149*) Bridgnorth, 1821 
 BRIGGS, John Joseph. The History of Melbourne in the County 
 of Derby. Second edition, plates, 8vo. . . Lond. n.d. 
 BRIGGS, Samuel. A Partial Record of the Descendants of 
 Walter Briggs, of Westchester, N.5T. For private circu- 
 lation, 4to Cleveland, 0. 1878 
 BRIGHT, J. B. The Brights of Suffolk, England, 8vo. 
 Boston, U.S. 1858 
 BRIGHTON, Glances of ; Past and Present, 8vo. . . Lond. 1856 
 BRINCKMEIER, Edward. Glossarium Diplomaticum zur Erlaute- 
 rung lateinischer, hoch-und niederdeutscher Worter 
 und Formeln, 2 vols. fol. .... Gotha, 1856-63 
 BRINKLOW, co. Warwick. 
 Map of the Parish of Brinklow 1838 
 Terrier of Brinklow, 1837, 12mo. . , . Coventry, 1838 
 BRISCOE, J. P. Old Nottinghamshire, 8vo. . . Lond. 1881 
 City Charters, 4to Bristol, 1736 
 A Guide to St. Mary Redcliffe Church, 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 Restoration of St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 149) . ib. 1858 
 Transactions, 1876, etc. In progress. 8vo. Gloucester, 1876, etc. 
 List of Members, April 12th, 1882, 8vo. 
 Notes on the Wills in the Great Orphan Book and Book of 
 Wills in the Council House at Bristol. By the Rev. T. 
 P. Wadley. Nos. 1, etc. In progress. 8vo. Bristol, 1882, etc. 
 BRISTOL GUIDE ; being a complete History of the City of Bristol, 
 the Hotwells and Clifton. Fourth edition, enlarged by 
 Bristoliensis, 12mo. ...... ib. 1815 
 BRITAIN, History of. Rerum Britannicarnm Scriptores, fol. 
 Heidelberg, 1587 
 BRITANNIA Antiqua et Nova ; or, a Survey of the State of Great 
 Britain, 6 vols. 4to Lond. 1738 
 BRITISH ALMANAC and Companion, 1862, etc. In progress. 8vo. 
 ib. 1862, etc, 
 No. 1, etc. In progress. 8vo. . . . Rome, 1886, etc. 
 List of Members, &c. 8vo. (Tracts 110.) . . Lond. 1838 
 BRITISH HISTORY. Fountains of, explored, 12mo. . . ib. 1852 
 The General Contents of the. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1762 
 Synopsis of the Contents of the. Sixth edition, 8vo. ib. 1813 
 Fifteenth edition, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 139**.) ib. 1819 
 Annual List of Donations and Bequests, 1828, 4to. . ib* 1830 
 1829, 4to ib. 1831 
 1830, 4to ib. 1831 
 Catalogue of Additions made to the Collections, MSS., 
 Printed Books, Natural History, Antiquities, 1831-35, 
 5 vols. 8vo. ib. 1833-39 
 BRITISH MUSEUM continued. 
 Additions to the Collections of Natural History, Antiqui- 
 ties, and Prints, 1836 to 1839, 8vo. . . Lond. 1843 
 Report of the Commissioners on the British Museum, 
 with Minutes of Evidence, fol. . . . . ib. 1850 
 Regulations for the Security of the British Museum, 8vo. 
 ib. 1855 
 A Guide to the Exhibition Rooms of the Departments of 
 Natural History and Antiquities, 8vo. . . . ib. 1871 
 Another edition. 8vo. , . . ib. 1877 
 Another edition. 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 Catalogue of a Series of Photographs from the Collections 
 of the British Museum. Taken by S. Thompson. First 
 Series. The Catalogues by A. W. Franks, S, Birch, G. 
 Smith, Walter de Gray Birch. Introduction by Charles 
 Harrison. 8vo. ,''' ib. 1872 
 Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 
 Description of Terra Cottas, by Taylor Combe, fol. . ib. 1810 
 Description of Ancient Marbles, 11 parts in 7 vols. fol. 
 ib. 1812-61 
 Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan Yases, 8vo. 2 vols. ib, 1851-70 
 A Guide to the First Yase Room. Fourth edition, 12mo. 
 ib. 1871 
 Seventh edition, 12mo. . . . ib. 1879 
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 Another edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 A Guide to the Bronze Room in the Department of Greek 
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 The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions. Edited by 
 C. T. Newton. Part I. Attika. Edited by Rev. E. L. 
 Hicks, fol Oxford, 1874 
 Department of British and Medieval Antiquities. 
 Guide to the Christy Collection of Pre-historic Antiquities 
 and Ethnography. By A. W. Franks, 12mo. . Lond. 1868 
 Department of Coins and Medals. 
 Yeterum Populorum et Regum Nummi. By Taylor Combe, 
 4to ib. 1814 
 Description of Anglo-Gallic Coins, 4to. . . ib. 1826 
 A Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Yol. I. Italy. By R. S. 
 Poole, 8vo ib. 1873 
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 Syracuse, by B. Y. Head. The other Cities of Sicily, by 
 Percy Gardner. Siculo-Punic Class and Lipara, by the 
 Editor, 8vo ib. 1876 
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 matia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, &c. By B. Y. Head 
 and P. Gardner, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 BRITISH MUSEUM continued. 
 A Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Vol. IV. The Seleucid 
 Kings of Syria. By Percy Gardner, M.A. Edited by 
 R. S. Poole, 8vo Land. 1878 
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 Edited by R. S. Poole, 8vo ib. 1879 
 Vol. VI. Thessaly to Aetolia. By Percy 
 Gardner, edited by R. S. Poole, 8vo. . . . ib. 1883 
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 By R. S. Poole, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1883 
 Vol. VIII. Central Greece. (Locris, 
 Phocis, Boeotia and Euboea.) By Barclay V. Head. 
 Edited by R. S. Poole, 8vo ib. 1884 
 Catalogue of the Oriental Coins in the British Museum. 
 By S. Lane-Poole. Edited by R. S. Poole. Vol. I. 
 Eastern Khaleefehs, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1875 
 Vol. II. Muhammadan Dynasties . ib. 1876 
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 Africa and Spain ; and the Kings and Imams of the 
 Yemen ; Classes XIVB, XXVII. 8vo. . . . iX 1880 
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 Vol. VII. Coinage of Bukhara, from 
 Timur to the present, 8vo ib. 1882 
 Vol. VIII. Coins of the Turks. Class 
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 Roman Medallions in the British Museum. By H. A. 
 Grueber. Edited by R. S. Poole, 4to. . . . ib. 1874 
 Synopsis of the Contents. Department of Coins and 
 Medals. Select Greek Coins exhibited in electrotype, 
 12mo .......... ib. 1872 
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 Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Crete and the 
 Islands. By W. Wroth. Edited by R. S. Poole, 8vo. ib. 1886 
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 Inscriptions in Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monu- 
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 linson, Norris, and G. Smith, vols. i. iv. fol. . ib. 1861-75 
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 Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic Character, from 
 the Collections of the British Museum, fol. . . ib. 1868 
 Department of Manuscripts. 
 Catalogue of Harleian MSS., 2 vols. fol. . . Oxford 1759 
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 G 2 
84 BR1 BRI 
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 Catalogue of MSS. in the Cottonian Library, fol. Lond. 1802 
 Second copy. 
 Harleian MSS. With Indexes of Persons, 
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 Lansdowne MSS. fol. ib. 1812-19 
 Second copy. 
 Third copy. 
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 Heralds' Visitations ; with references to many 
 other valuable Genealogical and Topographical MSS. in 
 the British Museum. Second edition. L.P. 8vo. (Two 
 copies) ......... ib. 1825 
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 ib. 1841-4 
 part 2. (Abbott and d'Orbiney Papyri.) 
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 Catalogue of the MSS. Music in the British Museum, 8vo. 
 ib. 1842 
 List of Additions made to MSS. 18361840, 8vo. (With 
 Nat. Hist, and Prints, 183639) .... ib. 1843 
 Catalogue of Additions made to MSS. 18411845, 8vo. 
 ib. 1850 
 Catalogue of MSS. Maps and Topographical Drawings. 
 Edited by Sir F. Madden, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 Index to the Additional MSS. with those of the Egerton 
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 Third copy. 
 Fourth copy, one of 100 copies printed, 
 and not for sale. 
 Fragments of Iliad of Homer, from a Syriac Palimpsest. 
 Edited by W. Cureton, fol ib. 1851 
 Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British 
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 185460, 8vo ib. 1875 
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 18761881, 8vo ib. 1882 
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 8vo . ib, 1880 
 BRITISH MUSEUM continued. 
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 and Royal, Baronial, and Ecclesiastical Seals, exhibited 
 to the public in the Department of Manuscripts, 12mo. 
 Land. 1870 
 Catalogue of Syriac MSS. in the British Museum, acquired 
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 ii., 2 vols. 4to ib. 1870-72 
 Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientalium qui in 
 museo Britannico asservantur. Pars secunda, codices 
 arabicos amplectens, fol. ..... t&. 1871 
 Facsimiles of Ancient Charters, parts 1 3, fol. ib. 1873-78 
 Catalogue of the Ethiopic MSS. in the British Museum 
 acquired since the year 1847. By W. Wright, 4to. ib. 1877 
 A Guide to the Autograph Letters, MSS. Original Charters, 
 and Royal, Baronial, and Ecclesiastical Seals, exhibited 
 to the public in the Department of Manuscripts, 12mo. 
 ib. 1878 
 Catalogue of the Persian MSS. in the British Museum. 
 By C. Rieu, vol. i. 4to ib. 1879 
 Ancient MSS. in the British Museum, 
 parti. Greek, fol ib. 1881 
 part ii. Latin, fol ib. 1884 
 Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts. 
 By H. L. D. Ward, vol. i. 8vo ib. 1883 
 Department of Printed Books. 
 Catalogue of Printed Books, 2 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1787 
 - 7 vols. 8vo ib. 1813-19 
 - vol. i. fol ib. 1841 
 in the King's Library, 5 vols. fol, 
 ib. 1820-29 
 List of Books of Reference in the Reading Room, 8vo. ib. 1859 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1871 
 A Catalogue of Books placed in the Galleries in the Reading 
 Room. 8vo ib. 1886 
 A Guide to the Printed Books Exhibited to the Public, 12mo. 
 ib. 1870 
 Catalogue of the Hebrew Books, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Books in the British 
 Museum. By Dr. Ernst Haas. 4to. . . . ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, Manuscripts, and 
 Drawings. By R. K. Douglas. 4to. . . . ib. 1877 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of Playing and other Cards in 
 the British Museum. By W. H. Willshire. 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c., in the Library 
 of King George the Third, fol ib. 1829 
 Second copy. 
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 Department of Prints and Drawings. 
 A Guide to that portion of the Collection of Prints 
 bequeathed to the Nation by Felix Slade, now on exhibi- 
 tion in the King's Library, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1869 
 Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. 
 Division I. Political and Personal Satires (No. 1 to 
 1235). Yol. I. 1320 to April 11, 1689. 8vo. . ib. 1870 
 (No. 1236 to No. 2015.) Yol. 2. June, 
 1689, to 1773. 8vo ib. 1873 
 (No. 2016 to No. 3116) and (No. 3117 
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 land 2. 8vo ib. 1877 
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 Prepared by F. G. Stephens, and containing many 
 descriptions by E. Hawkins. (No. 3805 to No. 4836.) 8vo. ib. 1883 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of Early Prints in the British 
 Museum. Yol. I. II. German and Flemish Schools. 
 By W- H. Willshire. 8vo ib. 1879-83 
 BRITO, William. Synonima Britonis, 8vo. . . Paris, 1510 
 BRITTON. The French text revised, with a Translation, by F. 
 M. Nichols. 2 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1865 
 BRITTON, John. 
 Beauties of Wiltshire, vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. . . Lond. 1801 
 An Historical Account of Corsham House, 8vo. . ib. 1806 
 Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vols. imp. 4to. 
 ib. 1807-1820 
 The Rights of Literature, 8vo. (Tracts 144) . . ib. 1814 
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 Norwich Cathedral Church, with Lists of Bishops, &c., 
 12mo ib. 1817 
 Union of Architecture, &c. in the House and Galleries of 
 Sir John Soane, 4to ib. 1827 
 Memorable Events in Paris, 1814, 8vo. . . . ib. 1828 
 On the Roadways of England, 8vo. (Tracts 125) Bristol, 1833 
 History and Antiquities of AVorcester Cathedral, 4to. 
 [Prattinton Coll'] Lond. 1835 
 Cathedral Antiquities : Historical accounts, with 311 illus- 
 trations of the following English Cathedrals, viz., 
 Canterbury, York, Salisbury, Norwich, Oxford, Win- 
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 Peterborough, Gloucester, and Bristol. 5 vols. 4to. ib. 1836 
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 Restoration of Redcliffe Church, Bristol, 4to. . Bristol, 1842 
 Memoir of John Aubrey, 4to. .... Lond. 1845 
 Prospectus of His Autobiography, 8vo. (Tracts 40) ib. 1847 
 Memoirs of Henry Hatcher, 8vo. (Tracts 40) . . ib. 1847 
 History and Antiquities of Wells Cathedral, 12mo. . ib. 1847 
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 On the Authorship of the Letters of Junius, 8vo. . ib. 1848 
 Autobiography. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1849-50 
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 Specimen of the Autobiography of J. Britton, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 84) Loud. 1850 
 Brief Memoir of E. J. Willson, 12mo. (Tracts 141) . ib. 1855 
 Brief Memoir of E. W. Brayley, 12mo. (Tracts 141) ib. 1855 
 Brief Memoir of W. H. Bartlett, 12mo. (Tracts 141) ib. 1855 
 BRITTON, John, and E. W. BRAYLEY. 
 Beauties of England and Wales, 18 vols. in 25, with the 
 Introduction by J. Norris Brewer, 1 vol.; in all 26 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1801-18 
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 Church). 4to. . ib. 1824 
 Memoirs of the Tower of London, 8vo. . . ib. 1830 
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 (Tracts 56) ib. 1835 
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 of Normandy, 4to. . . . . ib. 1828 
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 umberland, 8vo. (Tracts 128.) . . Newcastle, 1818 
 A Glossary of North Country Words. Third edition. En- 
 larged by W. E. Brockett. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. . ib. 1846 
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 written b^ King Charles I. and II., King James II., and 
 the King and Queen of Bohemia, Prince Rupert, Charles 
 Louis Count Palatine, the Duchess of Hanover, &c., 
 1619-1665. 8vo Lond. 1787 
 BROMLEY, Henry. Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, 4to. 
 ib. 1793 
 Bronzes of Siris, now in the British Museum, fol. 
 Lond. (Dilettanti Soc.) 1836 
 Den Ficoroniske Cista, folio . . . Copenhagen, 1847 
 BROOKE, Christopher. Complete Poems. Edited by A. B. 
 Grosart. (Fuller Worthies' Library, IV.) Privately 
 printed. 8vo. ...... n.p. 1872 
 BROOKE, Fulke Greville, Lord. Works complete. Edited with 
 Notes and Facsimilies, by A. B. Grosart. Privately 
 printed. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 4 vols. 8vo. n.p. 1870 
 BROOKE, Richard. 
 Observations illustrative of the Accounts of the Battle of 
 Stoke Field, 8vo Liverpool, 1825 
 A Treatise on the Office and Practice of a Notary of 
 England, 8vo Lond. 1848 
 Account of Handford Hall, 8vo. (Tracts 96.) . Liverpool, 1850 
 Liverpool during 1 the last quarter of the Eighteenth Century, 
 8vo ...... . ib. 1853 
 Visits to Fields of Battle in England of the Fifteenth 
 Century, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 Life of Margaret of Anjou, 8vo. (Tracts 84.) . . ib. 1859 
 BROOKE, Richard continued. 
 On Common or Fallow Deer of Great Britain, 8vo. (Tracts 
 117.) Liverpool, 1860 
 Life of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, 8vo. (Tracts 84) ib. 
 BROOKE, Sir Robert. La Graunde Abridgement, fol. (For 
 'bibliographical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 Lond. E. Tottell, 1576 
 BROSSES, Charles de. 
 Du Culte des Dieux Fetiches, on Parallele de 1'Ancienne 
 Religion de 1'Egypte avec la Religion Actuelle de 
 Nigritie, 12mo [Paris'], 1760 
 Traite de la Formation Mecaniqne des Langues et des 
 Principes Physiques de 1' Etymologic, 2 vols. 12mo. 
 ib. 1765 
 BROUGHAM, Henry. Defence of the Qneen [Caroline], 8vo. 
 ( Tracts 56***) Lond. 1820 
 BROWERUS et Masenins. Antiquitates et Annales Trevirenses, 2 
 vols. fol. ..,.. Liege, 1671 
 BROWN, Alexander. New Views of Early Virginia History, 
 1606-19. 8vo * Liberty, Va. 1886 
 BROWN, C. P. 
 Ephemeris of corresponding dates in English, Hindu, and 
 Mussulman Calendars, 1751-1850, 8vo. . . Madras, 1850 
 The Wars of the Rajahs, 8vo ib. 1853 
 , in the original Telugu. 
 BROWN, Charles Armitage. Shakespeare's Autobiographical 
 Poems, 12mo Lond. 1838 
 BROWN, Cornelius. Notes about Notts : a Collection of singular 
 sayings, curious customs, &c., 8vo. . . Nottingham, 1874 
 BROWN, Edward. Fasciculus rerum expetendarum et fugien- 
 darum, 2 vols. fol Lond. 1690 
 BROWN, Rev. Frederick. 
 Pedigree of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. Privately printed. 
 8vo. Boston, 1875 
 Genealogical Notes respecting the Choke or Chokke 
 Family, of Avington, Berks, 8vo. . . . Newbury, 1882 
 BROWN, Rev Frederick, and GREEN, Mrs. M. A. E. Extracts 
 from the Pedigrees of the Sydeuham Family, 8vo. Lond. 1884 
 BROWN, Henry. The Sonnets of Shakespeare Solved, and the 
 Mystery of his Friendship, Love, and Rivalry revealed, 
 8vo ib. 1870 
 BROWN, J. B. Memoirs of John Howard, 4to. . . ib. 1818 
 BROWN, J. R. Love's Garland : or Posies for Rings, Hand- 
 kerchers, and Gloves ; and Ye Garland of ye Sette of 
 Odd Volumes. (Privately printed Opuscula issued to the 
 Members of the Sette of Odd Volumes. No. IV.) 12mo. ib. 1883 
 BROWN, James. Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions in 
 Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh, 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1867 
 BROWN, Robert. 
 Poseidon : a link between Semite, Karaite, and Aryan. 
 Being an attempt to trace the cultus of the God to its 
 sources, with illustrations of the history of the Kyklopes, 
 Hyksos, Phoenicians, Aithiopes or Cushites, and Philis- 
 tines, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1872 
 The Great Dionysiak Myth, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1877-78 
 The Religion of Zoroaster, in connection with Archaic 
 Monotheism, 8vo ib. 1879 
 The Religion and Mythology of the Aryans of Northern 
 Europe, 8vo ib. 1880 
 Language, and Theories of its Origin, 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 The Unicorn. A Mythological Investigation, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 The Law of Cosmic Order. An Investigation of the Phy- 
 sical Aspect of Time, 8vo ib. 1882 
 Eridanus : River and Constellation. A Study of the 
 Archaic Southern Asterisms, 4to. . . . ib. 1883 
 The Phainomena or " Heavenly Display " of Aratos. Done 
 into English Verse, 4to ib. 1885 
 BROWN'S COLLEGE, U. S. Catalogus Senatus Academici, &c., 8vo. 
 Another copy. (Tracts 110.) Boston (U.S.) 1836 
 BROWNE, H. An Illustration of Stonehenge and Abury. Third 
 edition. 8vo. ....... Lond. 1849 
 BROWNE, John. 
 On Porch of Organ Screen in York Minster, 8vo. (Tracts 56.) 
 York, 1831 
 The History of the Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York ; 
 illustrated, &c., 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1847 
 BROWNE, Lyde. Catalogus Veteris JEvi Yarii Generis Monu- 
 mentorum, 8vo. ....... ib. 1768 
 BROWNE, Sir Thomas. 
 PseudodoxiaEpidemica; or, Enquiries into received Tenets. 
 Second edition, fol. ...... ib. 1650 
 Hydriotaphia, Urne Burial, 8vo. .... ib. 1658 
 Religio Medici. (Translated into Latin by J. Merry weather.) 
 12mo Lugd. Bat. 1644 
 Religio Medici, 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1659 
 Works. With Alphabetical Tables. Portrait, fol. Lond. 1686 
 - Ninth edition. Plates, 4 vols. 12mo. ib. 1760 
 Posthumous Works, 8vo ib. 1712 
 BROWNLOW, John. Memoranda of the Foundling Hospital, 4to. 
 ib. 1847 
 BRUCE, Alan C. The late Right Hon. Sir J. L. Knight Bruce ; 
 an Essay, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) ib. 1867 
 BRUCE, J. Collingwood. 
 The Roman Wall, 8vo ib. 1851 
 - Third edition, 4to ib. 1867 
 Hadrian the Builder of the Roman Wall, 4to. . . ib. 1853 
 Bayeux Tapestry elucidated, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1856 
 A Hand-Book to Newcastle-on-Tyne, 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
 BRUCE, J. E. Brudenell. Remarks on Scottish Peerages, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 58**) ib. 1868 
 BRUCE, James. Travels to discover the Source of the Nile. 
 5 vols. 4to Edinburgh, 1790 
 BRUCE, Jane. Poems on various Subjects, 12mo. (Tracts 150) 
 ib. 1857 
 BRUCE, John, F.S.A. 
 Observations upon certain Inaccuracies in the published 
 Letters of Sir Thomas More, 4to. . . . Lond. 1843 
 Letter to Yiscount Mahon, Pres. Soc. Antiq., on the pro- 
 priety of reconsidering the payments from the Fellows, 
 8vo ib. 1852 
 Letter to the Fellows Soc. Antiq. on the objections to the 
 proposal to reduce the Payments, 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 Observations upon William Penn's Imprisonment in the 
 Tower of London, A.D. 1668. With some Documents 
 communicated by R. Lemon, 4to. .... ib. 1853 
 Observations on a MS. Relation of the Proceedings in the 
 last Session of the Parliament holden 1628, 4to. . ib. 1860 
 Observations on a MS. Account of the Treaty of Newport, 
 A.D. 1648, 4to . ib. 1863 
 Description of a Pocket-Dial made for Robert Devereux, 
 Earl of Essex, in 1593, 4to. ..... ib. 1867 
 Papers relating to William first Earl of Gowrie and Patrick 
 Ruthven. Private impression, 8vo. .... ib. 1867 
 Catalogue of the Library, Prints, and Pictures of John 
 Bruce. Sale Catalogue, priced. 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 BRUCE, John, of the State Paper Office. 
 Report on Arrangements adopted in former periods when 
 France threatened Invasions of Great Britain or Ireland, 
 8vo 1798 
 Report on Arrangements for internal defence of Great 
 Britain when Spain projected its Invasion, 8vo. . 1798 
 Report on the Events which produced the Union of Eng- 
 land and Scotland, 8vo 1799 
 Appendix, 8vo. .... 1799 
 BRUCE, W. D. 
 Historical Sketch of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 
 12mo Lond. 1839 
 List of Members of the Order, 12mo ib. 1839 
 Sepulchri infra Ecclesiam S. Wilfridi descriptio, 8vo. ib. 1841 
 Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 12mo. (Tracts 
 81) ib. 1846 
 Chronological Tables, 24mo. ib. 1847 
 A letter to R. M. Milnes on the Condition of Ancient 
 Parochial Registers, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) . . . ib. 1850 
 State of the Ecclesiastical Courts of Record, 8vo. (Tracts 
 60*) ib. 1854 
 Act to Facilitate Conveyancing, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1862 
 Judgment in re Dolphy, delivered in the Spanish Town 
 Bankruptcy Court, 8vo 1874 
 Inventaire des objets d'Art et d'Antiquite des Eglises 
 paroissiales de Bruges, 8vo. .... Bruges, 1846 
 BRUGES continued. 
 Bruges et ses Environs. Description des Monuments, &c., 
 precedee d' une notice historique par W. H. J. Weale. 
 Seconde edition, sq. 8vo. ..... Bruges, 1864 
 Inventaire des Archives. Section Premiere. Inventaires 
 des Chartes, par L. Gilliodts Van Severen. . l e Serie, 
 13 e au 16 e Siecle. 6 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1871-6 
 Introduction, 4to. . . ib. 1878 
 Table des Noms de Families, 
 Table des Noras de Lieux, et Glossaire Flamand, par 
 Edw. Gailliard, 4to ib. 1879-82 
 Table Analytique par Edw. Gailliard, 
 4to ib. 1883-5 
 Map of Bruges, reproduced from that by Mark Gerards, 
 1562, fol. 
 BRUGIERE DE BARANTE, A. G. P. Histoire des Dues de Bour- 
 gogne, 1364-1477. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Brussels, 1838-40 
 BRUGSCH, Heinrich. Geographische Inschriften Altagyptischer 
 Denkmaler. I. Das alte Aegypten. II. Das Ausland. 
 III. Die Geographic nach den Denkmalern, 3 vols. 4to. 
 Leipsic, 1857-60 
 BRULLIOT, Francois. Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques 
 figurees, Lettres initiales, Noms abreges, &c. Trois 
 Parties, 3 vols. 4to Munich, 1832-4 
 BRUMMITT, H. H. Illustrated Guide through Lincoln, with an 
 account of the Cathedral, Castle, and Antiquities. First 
 edition, 8vo. ....... Lincoln 
 BRUNATIUS, Johannes. De Re nummaria Patavinorum, 8vo. 
 Venice, 1744 
 Manuel du Libraire, 6 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1860-65 
 Supplement. Par MM. P. Deschamps 
 et G. Brunet, 2 vols. bound in 1, 8vo. . . ib. 1878-80 
 Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de J. C. 
 Brunet, Premiere partie, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1868 
 BRUNIUS, C. G. Poemata, 8vo Lund, 1857 
 Gotlands Konsthistoria. 3 vols. 8vo . . . ib. 1864-6 
 BRUNO, Giordano. Opere, publicate da A. Wagner. Portrait. 
 2 vols. (in one) 8vo. ..... Leipzig, 1830 
 BRUSCAMBILLE, Les Fantaisies de, contenant plusieurs paradoxes, 
 &c. Faicts par le Sieur des Lauriers, 12mo. . Rouen, 1630 
 BRUSSELS. Catalogue du Musee Royal d' Antiquites. Precede 
 d' une notice par T. Juste, 8vo. . . . Brussels, 1864 
 Memoires, vols. 1-5, 20, &c. In progress. 4to. 
 Brussels, 1777, etc. 
 Memoires qui ont remportes les prix, vols. 1, 2, 4to. ib. 177980 
 Nouveaux Memoires, vols. 10 41, 4to. . . ib. 1837-75 
 Memoires Couronnes, vols. 12, &c. In progress. 4to. ib. 1837, etc. 
 In progress. 8vo. . . ib. 1853, etc. 
 Bulletins, vols. 1123, 8vo ib. 1844-56 
 2 e Serie. Vols. 150, 8vo. . . . ib. 1857-80 
 Bulletins, 3 e Serie. In progress. . . Brussels, 1881, etc. 
 Annexe aux Bulletins, 8vo. ..... ^6. 1854 
 Tables Generales des Bulletins de la l re Serie, Tome 1 23 
 [1832-56], 8vo ib. 1858 
 Tables Generales du Recueil des Bulletins, 2 me Serie. 2 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1867-83 
 Annuaire, 1844 49, &c. In progress. 12mo. ib. 1844, etc. 
 Rapport sur 1'Etat et les travaux de 1'Observatoire Royal 
 pendant 1'annee 1856. Par A. Quetelet, 8vo. . . ib. n. d. 
 Des Moyens de.Soustraire 1'Exploitation des Mines de nouille 
 aux chances d'Explosion, 8vo. . . . ib. 1840 
 Catalogue de Livres, 8vo. ...... ib. 1850 
 Bibliographie Academique, 12mo. . . . ib. 1855 
 Rymbibel van Jacob van Maerlant, uitgegeven door J. 
 David, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1858-59 
 Alexander's Geesten van J. van Maerlant, uitgegeven door 
 F. A. Snellaert, vols. 1, 2, 8vo. . ib. 1860-61 
 Bibliotheque de M. Le Baron de Strassart, leguee a 
 1'Academie, 8vo. ....... ib. 1863 
 Der Naturen Bloeme van Jacob van Maerlant, uitgegeven 
 door J. H. Bormans, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1857 
 Nederlandsche Gedichten uit de veertiende eeuw van Jan 
 Boendale, Hein van Aken, en anderen, naar het Ox- 
 fordsch handschrift. Uitgegeven door F. A. Snellaert, 
 8vo ib. 1869 
 Oaddietsche Fragmenten van den Parthonopeus van Bloys, 
 bijeenverzameld door F. Deycks. Door J. H. Bormans. 
 8vo ib. 1871 
 Table Chronologique des Chartes et Diplomes Tmprimes 
 concernant 1'nistorie de la Belgique, par A. Wauters. 
 Tome III. (1191 1225), 4to ib. 1871 
 Another copy, 4to. .... ib. 1871 
 Tome IY. (12261250), 4to. . . ib. 1874 
 Tome V. (12511279), 4to. . . ib. 1877 
 - Tome VI. (12801300), 4to. . . ib. 1881 
 Academic Royale de Belgique. Centieme anniversaire de 
 fondation (17721872). Tomes 1 et 2, 8vo. . . ib. 1872 
 Speghel der Wijsheit of Leeringhe der Zalicnede, van Jan 
 Praet (XIII e Eeuw). Door J. H. Bormans, 8vo. . ib. 1872 
 Chronique de Jean des Preis dit d'Outremeuse, publiee par 
 A. Borgnet. Tomes III., IV., VI., 4to. . . ib. 1873-80 
 Chroniques relatives a 1'Histoire de la Belgique sous la 
 domination des Dues de Bourgogne. Publiees par M. le 
 baron Kervyn de Lettennove. Tomes II., III., 4to. 
 ib. 1873-76 
 Collection des Voyages des Souverains des Pays-Bas. 
 Publiee par MM. Gacnard et Piot. Tomes I. IV., 4to. 
 ib. 1874-82 
 Cartulaire de 1'Abbaye de Saint-Trond, public par C. Piot, 
 4to. Tome II. ib. 1874 

 BRU BUG 93 
 Monuments pour servir a 1'Histoire des Provinces de 
 Namur, de Hainaut et de Luxembourg. Edite par L. 
 Devillers, 4to. Brussels, 1874 
 Notices concernant les Membres et les Correspondants, 
 ainsi que les Associes residents. 1874. 8vo. . ib. 1875 
 La Bibliotheque Rationale, a Paris. Notices des Manu- 
 scrits qui concernent 1'Histoire de Belgique. Par M. 
 Gachard, 4to. Tomes II., III. . . . ib. 1875-77 
 Biographic Rationale. Tome V me l rc partie, 8vo. . ib. 1875 
 Codex Dunensis sive Diplomatum et Chartarum medii aevi 
 amplissima Collectio. Edidit J. B. M. C. Baron Kervyn 
 De Lettenhove, 4to. ...... ib. 1875 
 Les Bibliotheques de Madrid et de 1'Escurial. Notices des 
 Manuscrits qui concernent 1'Histoire de Belgique. Par 
 M. Gachard, 4to ib. 1875 
 Correspondance du Cardinal De Granvelle, 1565 1586, 
 publiee par E. Poullet. Faisant suite aux Papiers d'Etat 
 du Cardinal De Granvelle (Documents Inedits sur 1'His- 
 toire de France). Tomes I. IV., 4to. . . ib. 1877-84 
 Cartulaire de 1'Abbaye d'Orval depuis 1'origine de ce 
 Monastere, par H. Goffinet, 4to. .... ib. 1879 
 Chronique de Brabant et de Flandre par C. Piot, 4to. ib. 1879 
 Istoire et Chronique de Flandres, par Le Baron Kervyn de 
 Lettenhove. 2 vols. 4to ib. 1879 
 Cartulaire des Comtes de Hainaut, de 1'avenement de Guil- 
 laume II. a la mort de Jacqueline de Baviere ; public par 
 L. Devillers. Tomes I., II., 4to. . . . ib. 1881-3 
 Relations Politiques des Pays-Bas et de 1'Angleterre, sous 
 le regne de Philippe II., publiees par M. le Baron Kervyn 
 de Lettenhove. Tomes I. IV., 4to. . . . ib. 1882-5 
 Lettre de P. Vandermaelen, 12mo ib. 1836 
 Ouvrages publics, 8vo. ...... ib. 1840 
 BRUT Y TYWYSOGION. Edited by J. Williams, 8vo. (Rolls Series) 
 Lond. 1860 
 BRYAN, Michael. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of 
 Painters and Engravers. Edited by George Stanley, 8vo. 
 ib. 1858 
 BRYDGES, Sir S. E. The Anglo- Genevan Critical Journal, 8vo. 
 Geneva, 1831 
 BUBB, Robert. The Bells of Minster Tower. A Series of 
 Letters and Articles, reprinted from " Keble's Gazette." 
 8vo Margate, 1886 
 BUCANIERS OF AMERICA : or, a True Account of the Assaults 
 committed upon the Coasts of the West Indies, wherein 
 are contained the exploits of Sir Henry Morgan. Written 
 in Dutch by J. Esquemeling, and translated into Spanish 
 by Alonzo de Bonne-Maison. Second edition. With 
 Relations, 1. Capt. Cook; 2. Capt. Sharp. Now ren- 
 dered into English. 4to. . . . . Lond. 1684 
 History of the Bucaniers of America. 1. Exploits of Le 
 Grand, &c., by J. Esquemeling ; 2. Voyage of Capt. 
 Barth, &c., by B. Ringrose ; 3. Journal, by the Sieur 
 Raveneau de Lussan ; 4. Voyage of the Sieur de Mon- 
 taubon. Third edition, 8vo Lond. 1704 
 BUCELINUS, Gabrielus. Germania Topo-Chrono-Stemmato- 
 Graphica sacra et prophana. 2 vols. fol. . Him, 1655-72 
 BUCHAN, Alexander. Description of St. Kilda, 12mo. Imperfect. 
 BUCHANAN, George. 
 Rerum Scoticarum Historia, fol. . . Edinburgh, 1582 
 Poemata quae extant, 16mo. . . . Amsterdam, 1687 
 A Detection of the action of Mary Queen of Scots. A 
 modernized reprint of a translation made by the author, 8vo. 
 n.p. 1721 
 De Jure Regni apud Scotos : or, a discourse concerning the 
 due Privilege of Government in the Kingdom of Scot- 
 land. 8vo. (Bound up and paged with "Detection of 
 Mary Queen of Scots ") . .... n.p. 1721 
 BUCHON, J. A. C. 
 Chroniques sur 1'Histoire de France, 8vo. . . Paris, 1839 
 Principaux faits de nos Annales Rationales, 13 e -17 e Siecle, 
 8vo ib. 1840 
 BUCK, George. The History of the Life and Reigne of Richard 
 the Third, fol Lond. 1646 
 BUCK, Samuel and Nathaniel. The Castles, Abbeys, and 
 Priories of Cumberland. Nineteen Impressions from the 
 copper-plates executed in 1739, with letterpress from 
 the edition of 1837, obi. 4to. . . . . Carlisle, 1877 
 Old Castles, Priories, and Monasteries, Northumberland and 
 Durham, fol. ....... Newcastle, 1883 
 BUCKE, Charles. A Letter intended as a Supplement to Lock- 
 hart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, 8vo. (Tracts 139). Lond. 1838 
 BUCKINGHAM, George Villiers, 1st Duke of. Historical and 
 Biographical Memoirs, 4to. . . . ib. 1819 
 BUCKINGHAM, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of. 
 The Rehearsal. Seventh edition, with Notes, 4to. . ib. 1701 
 Catalogue of his Pictures, and other collections, 4to. . ib. 1758 
 Inaugural Address by the Bishop of Oxford, July 27th, 
 1848, 8vo. (Tracts 114.) ib. 1848 
 Records of Buckinghamshire. In progress. 8vo. 
 Aylesbury, 1858, etc. 
 Bibliotheca Buckinghamiensis. Parts 1 and 2, 8vo. ib. 1885-6 
 BUCKLAND, William. Quartz Rook of the Lickey Hill, Wor- 
 cestershire. \_Prattinton Coll."] . . . Lond. 1821 
 BUCKLER, E. H. The Abbey of Waltham Holy Cross : historical 
 and architectural notes, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1883 
 BUCKLER, G-eorge. 
 Twenty-two of the Churches of Essex, 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 BUCKLER, George continued. 
 Colchester Castle, a Roman Building, and the oldest 
 Monument of the Romans in Britain, 8vo. Privately 
 printed Colchester, 1876 
 Second section, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 Third section: being a Synopsis of the 
 Pamphlets of 1876 and 1877, 8vo ib. 1879 
 Fourth section : being a few Remarks on 
 the Pamphlet entitled the History and Antiquities of 
 Colchester Castle, 8vo. Not published . . Lond. 1882 
 Views of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, 
 4to ib. 1822 
 Elevations of Wilcott Church, co. Oxford, fol. (Tracts 160) 
 Oxford, 1844 
 An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Palace 
 at Eltham, 8vo Lond. 1828 
 BUCKLER, J. C. and C. A. 
 Remarks upon Wayside Chapels, 8vo. (Tractel24*). Oxford, 1843 
 History of the Architecture of the Abbey Church of St. 
 Alban, 8vo Lond. 1847 
 BUCKLER, John and J. C. 
 Views of Eaton Hall, fol ib. 1826 
 BUCKMAN, James, and NEWMARCH, C. H. Illustrations of the 
 Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, 4to. . . ib. 1850 
 BUGGE, Sophus. 
 Gamle Norske folkeviser, 8vo. . . . Christiania, 1858 
 To nyfundne norske Rune-Indskrifter fra den eeldre 
 Jeernalder, 8vo 1872 
 Rune- Indskrif ten paa Ringen i Forsa Kirke i Nordre 
 Helsingland, 4to. ..... Christiania, 1877 
 BUILDER, The, fol. In progress .... Lond. 1843, etc. 
 BULENGER, J. C. De Theatro Ludisque scenicis, 8vo. Troyes, 1703 
 BULKELEY, James. 
 La Hougue Bie de Hambie : a Tradition of Jersey, with 
 Notes, vol. ii., 8vo Lond. 1837 
 A Right Faithfull Chronique of the Grand Tourney at 
 Eglinttoun, 8vo ib. 1840 
 BULLAR, John. Companion in a Visit to Netley Abbey, ninth 
 edition, 8vo ib. 1840 
 BULLIANA. A selection of the Jeux d'Esprits, Facetiae, and 
 Anecdotes of Mr. John Bull, sm. 12mo. . . . ib. n.d. 
 BULLINGER, Heinrich. Geschichte des Klosters Kappel, 4to. 
 BULLOKAR, John. An English Expositor, 18mo. . . ib. 1641 
 BULWER, John. Anthropo-metarnorphosis : Man Transform'd ; 
 or, the Artificial Changeling, 12mo. . . . ib. 1650 
 BUMSTEAD, George. Occult Works. A Catalogue of 600 Works 
 on Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, &c., 8vo. . . . ib. 1853 
 BUNBURY, E. H. A History of Ancient Geography among the 
 Greeks and Romans. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 1850 and 1857, 8vo Boston, 1850 
 BUNNING, J. B. Proposed Improvements in Smithfield, oblong 
 fol. . Land. 1851 
 BUNSEN, Chev. Sur 1'fitat actuel de 1'Institut Archeologique, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1834 
 BUNYAN, John. 
 The Jerusalem- Sinner Saved, &c. Sixth edition. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1706 
 The Holy War, &c., 12mo Glasgow, 1720 
 The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate clearly 
 explained, &c., 12mo. ..... Lond. 1725 
 The Pilgrim's Progress, 28th edition. (Part 2, 27th edition, 
 1775. Part 3, 23rd edition, 1778.) The Life and Death 
 of Mr. J. Bunyan. 12mo ib. 1752-78 
 On his Release from Prison, 8vo. (Tracts 84.) . . . 1839 
 BURCKHARDT, J. L. Travels in Nubia, 4to. . . . ib. 1819 
 BURDEN of Auchingarrich and Feddal, co. Perth, 8vo. 
 BURDON, Rowland. Copies of Addresses to, relative to his 
 Election as M.P. for co. Durham, 8vo. (Tracts 128) Lond. 1802 
 BURGE, William. The Temple Church, an account of its 
 restoration, &c., 8vo. ...... ib, 1843 
 BURGE s, William. 
 Report to the Courts of Justice Commission, fol. . ib. 1867 
 Architectural Drawings, fol. . . . . ib. 1870 
 A Description of Mr. Burges' Models for the Adornment of 
 St. Paul's, 8vo. ib. 1874 
 BURGESS, J. Tom. 
 Early Earthworks in Warwickshire, 4to. . Birmingham, 1872 
 The Last Battle of the Roses. A Paper on the Battle of 
 Bosworth Field ; to which is added Saville's Chronicle 
 and Drayton's Description of the Battle. 4to. 
 Leamington,, 1872 
 The Bloody Hunting Match at Dunchurch, 8vo. (Tracts, 
 Box 3) n.p. 1873 
 A few Notes on the Fortifications of Warwick, 8vo. 
 Leamington, 1875 
 Historic Warwickshire : Its Legendary Lore, &c., 8vo. 
 Lond. and Warwick, 1876 
 The Saxons in Warwickshire, 8vo. . . . Warwick 
 Saxon Remains at OfBchurch, &vo. 
 BURGESS, James. 
 Archaeological Survey of Western India. Report of the 
 First Season's Operations in the Belgam and Kaladgi 
 Districts. Jan. to May, 1874. 4to. . . Lond. 1874 
 Report on the Antiquities of Kathiawad 
 and Kachh, being the Result of the Second Season's 
 Operations, &c. 1874-75. 4to ib. 1876 
 Vol. III. Report on the Antiquities in the 
 Bidar and Aurangabad Districts, being the Result of the 
 Third Season's Operations, &c., 4to. . . . ib. 1878 

 BUR BUR 97 
 BURGESS, Richard. Description of the Circus on the Via 
 Appia, Rome, 8vo Land. 1828 
 BURGESS, Robert. On the Topography and Antiquities of 
 Constantinople, 4to. ...... ib. 1854 
 BURGESS, Thomas. Essay on the Study of Antiquities. 
 Second edition. 8vo Oxford, 1782 
 BURGH, James. On the Dignity of Human Nature, 4to. Land. 1754 
 BURGHLEY, William Cecil, Lord. 
 State Papers. Edited by Samuel Haynes, fol. . . ib. 1740 
 - 1571-1596. Edited by Win. Murdin, fol. ib. 1759 
 BURGON, J. W. The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham, 
 2 vols., 8vo ib. 1839 
 BURKE, Sir Bernard. 
 Romance of the Aristocracy, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1855 
 Genealogical History of the Dormant and Extinct Peer- 
 ages of the British Empire, 8vo ib. 1866 
 Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 34th 
 edition. 8vo ib. 1872 
 The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and 
 Wales, 8vo ib. 1878 
 BURKE, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France, 8vo. 
 ib. 17SO 
 BURKE, John, and J. B. 
 Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies, 8vo. . . . ib. 1838 
 Encyclopedia of Heraldry, or General Armory, 8vo. . ib. 1844 
 BURKE, S. H. Historical Portraits of the Tudor Dynasty and 
 the Reformation Period. Vol. 1. 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB, 1884. Exhibition of Drawings 
 of Architectural Subjects by deceased British Artists, 4to. 
 ib. 1884 
 BURLINGTONIA. Historical Notes about Burlington House, 
 Piccadilly, and Neighbourhood, 8vo. . . ib. 1878 
 BURMAN, Charles. 
 Lives of Elias Ashmole and Wm. Lilly, 8vo. . . ib. 1774 
 Memoirs of Elias Ashmole, 8vo. .... ib. 1774 
 BURN, J. H. 
 Catalogue of the London Traders', Tavern, and Coffee- 
 House Tokens current in the 17th Century. Presented 
 to the Corporation Library by H. B. H. Beaufoy. 8vo. 
 ib. 1853 
 - 2nd edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1855 
 BURN, J. S. 
 History of Parish Registers, 8vo ib. 1829 
 Livre des Anglais a Geneve, 8vo. (Tracts 141) . . ib. 1831 
 The Fleet Registers. 1st edition. 8vo. . . . ib. 1833 
 - 2nd edition. 8vo ib. 1834 
 A Plea for Parish Registers, 4to (two leaves). 
 BURN, Robert. Rome and the Campagna : An Historical 
 Description of Ancient Rome, 4to. Cambridge and Land. 1871 
 BURNE, C. S. Shropshire Folk Lore : A Sheaf of Gleanings. 
 Edited from the Collections of Georgina F. Jackson. 
 Parts I. and II. 8vo. , Loud. 1883-85 
 BUENET, George. Mr. Joseph Foster and the Lyon Office. (From 
 the Genealogist.) 8vo. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 BUKNET, Gilbert. 
 The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 
 Parts i. and ii., 2 vols. fol Land. 1679-81 
 History of His own Time, 2 vols. fol. . . ib. 1724-34 
 The Citation of, 4to ib. 1687 
 BURNHAM, Gordon W. Proceedings at the Inauguration of the 
 Statue of Daniel Webster, erected in the Central Park, 
 4to New York, 1876 
 BURNOUF, Emile. Memoires sur 1'Antiquite. L'Age de Bronze, 
 Troie, Santorin, Delos, Mycenes, Le Parthenon, Les 
 Courbes, Les Propylees, Un Faubourg d'Atheiies. 8vo. 
 Paris, 1879 
 BURNS, Robert. Letter to Gavin Hamilton, 7 Dec. 1786. [Fac- . 
 simile] fol. (Tracts I**) Liverpool, 1859 
 BURROW, Sir James. 
 Anecdotes relating to Oliver Cromwell, 4to. (Tracts 53) 
 Lond. 1763 
 Thoughts upon Pointing, 4to. (Tracts 21) . . . 1768 
 Essay on Pointing, 4to. (Tracts 21) ... ib. 1771 
 Essay on Punctuation. 2nd Edition. 4to. (Tracts 21) ib. 1772 
 Question Concerning Literary Property, 4to. . . ib. 1773 
 BURROW, Reuben. English, Hindoo, and - Mahomedan Almanac 
 for 1784, 8vo. (Tracts 90) . ... Calcutta, 1783 
 BURT, T. S. 
 Papers on Scientific Subjects, vol. iii. part 1, 8vo. (Tracts 
 150) ... .... Lond. 1861 
 Miscellaneous Papers, chiefly on Scientific Subjects, vol. iii. 
 part 3, 8vo ib. 1868 
 BURTON, George. Chronology of Stamford, 12mo. . Stamford, 1846 
 BURTON, Gilbert. The Life of Sir Philip Musgrave, Bart. 
 [Edited by Samuel Jefferson], 8vo. . . . Carlisle, 1840 
 BURTON, Henry. A Vindication of Churches, commonly called 
 Independent : in Answer to W. Prinne, 4to. . Lond. 1644 
 BURTON, J. R. A History of Bewdley ; with accounts of some 
 neighbouring parishes, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1883 
 BURTON, James. Excerpta Hieroglyphica, parts i.-iv., obi. 4to. 
 BURTON, John. Monasticon Eboracense, fol. . . . York, 1758 
 BURTON, John Hill. 
 The Book Hunter, 12mo. . . . Edinburgh, 1862 
 The History of Scotland from Agricola's Invasion to the 
 Revolution of 1688, vols. i.-vii., 8vo. 
 Edinburgh and. Lond. 1867-70 
 BURTON, Sir R. F. 
 Notes on the Castellieri, or Prehistoric Ruins of the Istrian 
 Peninsula, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1874 
 The Book of the Sword. With Illustrations, 8vo. . ib. 1884 
 BURTON, Richard, pseud, [i.e., Nathaniel Crouch.] 
 The Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1625 to 
 1660. Plates, 12mo. ib. 1681 

 BUR BUT 93 
 BURTON, Richard continued. 
 Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders in England, 
 Scotland, and Ireland. Sixth edition, 12mo. . Lond. 1702 
 Memorable Accidents and Unheard-of Transactions. Trans- 
 lated from the French [of T. Leonard], &c. 12mo. . ib. 1733 
 History of the Kingdom of Scotland, 4to. . Westminster, 1813 
 BURTON, Robert. 
 The Anatomy of Melancholy. Portrait, fol. . Lond. 16(50 
 New View and Observations on the State of London and 
 Westminster, 8vo ib. 1730 
 BURTON, William. 
 Description of Leicestershire, fol. .... ib. 1622 
 Commentary on Itinerary of Antoninus, fol. . . ib. 1658 
 ' 8vo. In progress . . . Bury St. Edmunds, 1853, etc. 
 Quarterly Journal, Jan. and June, 1869. 
 Report, 1870. 
 BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Origin, History, &c. of. Third edition, 8vo. 
 Bury, 1845 
 BURY, Capt. J. True Narrative of the Late Design of the 
 Papists, fol Lond. 1679 
 BUSBY, T. L. Fishing Costume and Local Scenery of Hartle- 
 pool, 4to ib. 1819 
 BUSHELL, S. W. Chinese Porcelain before the present Dynasty. 
 (Ex. from Jour, of Peking Oriental Society}. 8vo. Peking, 1886 
 BUSHNELL, Edmund. The Compleat Ship- Wright, 4to. Lond. 1708 
 BUSSCHE, STE"YAERT VANDEN. Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens, 
 8vo Bruges, 1856 
 BUSSCHER, Edmond De. Description du Cortege Historique des 
 Comtes de Flandre, 8vo Gand. 1849 
 BUSSY-RABUTIN, Roger. Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules, 6 vols. 
 12mo Lond. 1780 
 BUTCHER, Richard. Survey of Stamford, co. of Lincoln, and 
 Tottenham High Cross, in Middlesex, 8vo. . . ib. 1717 
 BUTE, John, Marquess of. 
 The Roman Breviary ; together with the Offices since 
 granted. Translated into English, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Edinburgh and Lond. 1879 
 The Coptic Morning Service for the Lord's Day, 8vo. Lond. 1882 
 BUTLER, Alban. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other prin- 
 cipal Saints, 12 volumes, 8vo. .... ib. 1854 
 BUTLER, Charles. 
 An Essay on the Legality of Impressing Seamen, 8vo. ib. 1778 
 Oration on Laying the First Stone of the London Institution, 
 8vo. (Tracts 137) . " fc 1816 
 BUTLER, G. S. Topographica Sussexiana, 8vo. (Reprinted from 
 Sussex Archaeological Collections) . . . Lewes, 1866 
 BUTLER, George, D.D. Selection of Lists of Harrow School, 
 from 1770 to 1826, 12mo. . . . Peterborough, 1849 
 BUTLER, Samuel. 
 Hudibras. The first part, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1663 
 The first part, 8vo. . - . . . . ib. 1663 
 H 2 
100 BUT BYZ 
 BUTLER, Samuel continued. 
 Hudibras. The second part, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1664 
 - The third part, 8vo. For 'bibliographical 
 details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue . ib. 1679 
 Corrected. With annotations, by Z. Grey, 
 2 vols, 8vo. Dublin, 1744 
 Posthumous Works. With a Key to Hudibras, by Sir R. 
 L'Estrange. Portrait by Van der Gucht. [Wanting 
 Vol. ii.] Vol. i., 12mo. . . . Lond. 1715 
 BUTTERFIELD, William. Elevations, &c. of St. John Baptist 
 Church, Shottesbroke, Berks, fol. (Tracts 160) Oxford, 1844 
 BUTTERWORTH, Henry. Memoir of, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . Lond. 1861 
 BUYS, Egbert. A Compleat Dictionary, English and Dutch, 4to. 
 Amsterdam, 1766 
 BUXTON, Guide to, 8vo. .... Manchester and Lond. n.d. 
 BUXTORFIUS, Johannes. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. 
 Sixth edition, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1646 
 BYAM, E. S. 
 1. Retrospect of Literary Avocations and Performances, 
 8vo. (Tracts 84) Bath, 1851 
 2. Memoir of Members of the Byam Family, 8vo. Hyde, 1854 
 3. Memoir of H. J. and E. Byam, 8vo. . . Tenby, 1862 
 BYRD, William. Mass for Five Voices. Edited by E. F. Rim- 
 bault (with Dowland's Songs), 4to. . . Lond. 1841 
 BYRON, Lord. 
 Home and Grave of Byron : an Account of Newstead 
 Abbey, &c. 8vo. (Tracts 152.*) . . . . ib. 
 Remarks on the exclusion of his Monument from West- 
 minter Abbey. Not published, 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 BYZANTINE HISTORIANS. Corpus Scriptorum Histories Byzan- 
 tinee. Editio emendatior, consilio B. G. Niebuhrii alio- 
 rumque instituta, auctoritate Academise Litterarum 
 Regiae Borussicse continuata. Gr. and Lat. 47 vols. 
 bound in 45. 8vo Bonn, 1828-1855 
 1. Agathiae Myrinaei Historiarum libri v. B. G. Niebuhrius 
 Graeca recensuit : accedunt Agathiae Epigrammata . 1828 
 2. Joannis Cantacuzeni Historiarum libri iv. Cura L. 
 Schopeni, 3 vols 1828-32 
 3. Leonis Diaconi Historiarnm libri x. et liber de velita- 
 tione bellica Nicephori Aug., e recensione C. B. Hasii. 
 Accedunt Theodosii Acroases de Creta capta, et Luit- 
 prandi legatio, cum aliis libellis qui JSTicephori et 
 Tzimiscis historian! illustrant ..... 1828 
 4. Nicephori Gregorae Historiae Byzantines libri xxiv. ; cura 
 L. Schopeni, 2 vols. Ejusdem libri postremi ab I. 
 Bekkero nunc primum editi. 1 vol. In all 3 vols. 1829-55 
 5. Constantini Porphyrogeniti de ceremoniis Aulee Byzan- 
 tinae libri duo ; cum comm. J. J. Reiskii, 2 vols. 
 Ejusdern de thematibus et de administrando imperio : 
 accedit Hieroclis Synecdemus cum Bandurii et Wesse- 
 lingii commentariis. Recognovit I. Bekkerus, 1 vol. 
 In all 3 vols. . 1829 
BYZ BYZ 101 
 6. Georgiiis Syncellus et Nicephorus C.P. ; ex recensione 
 G-. Dindorfii, 2 vols 1829 
 7. Dexippi, Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi, Me- 
 nandri Historiarum quse supersunt e recensione I. 
 Bekkeri et B. G. Niebuhrii 1829 
 8. Joannis Malalae Chronographia ; ex recensione L. Din- 
 dorfii: accedunt Chilmeadi Hodiique annotationes et R. 
 Bentleii epistola ad J. Millium ..... 1831 
 9. Chronicon Paschale, ad exemplar Vaticannm recensuit 
 L. Dindorfius, 2 vols 1832 
 10. Procopius; ex recensione G. Dindorfii, 3 vols. . 1833-38 
 11. Ducae, Michaelis nepotis, Historia Byzantina. Recog- 
 novit I. Bekkenis 1834 
 12. Theophylacti Simocattae Historiarum libri viii. Recog- 
 novit I. Bekkerus : Genesius ex recognitione C. Lach- 
 manni .......... 1834 
 13. Nicets3 Choniatas Historia ; ex recensione I. Bekkeri . 1835 
 14. Georgii Pachymeris de Michaele et Andronico Palaeo- 
 logis libri xiii. Recognovit I. Bekkerus, 2 vols. . . 1835 
 15. Joannis Cinnami Epitome rerum ab Joanne et Alexio 
 Comnenis gestarum, ad fidem Cod. Vat. recensuit A. 
 Meineke. Mcephori Bryennii Commentarii . . . 1836 
 16. Michaelis Glycae Annales. Recognovit I. Bekkerus . 1836 
 17. Merobaudes et Corippus. Recognovit I. Bekkerus . 1836 
 18. Constantini Manassis Breviarium Historiae metricum: 
 Joelis Chronographia compendiaria : Georgii Acropo- 
 litse Annales. Recognovit 1. Bekkerus .... 1837 
 19. Zosimus ; ex recognitione I. Bekkeri .... 1837 
 20. Joannes Lydus ; ex recognitione I. Bekkeri . . . 1837 
 21. Pauli Silentiarii Descriptio S. Sophiae et Ambonis ; ex 
 recognitione I. Bekkeri : Georgii Pisidae Expeditio Per- 
 sica, Bellum Avaricum, Heraclias : Sancti Nicephori, 
 Pat. Constant., Breviarium rerum post Mauricium ges- 
 tarum . ......... 1837 
 22. Theophanes continuatus, Joannes Cameniata, Symeon 
 Magister, Georgius Monachus ; ex recognitione I. 
 Bekkeri 1828 
 23. Georgius Cedrenus, Joannis Scylitzse ope ab I. Bekkero 
 suppletus et emendatus, 2 vols. .... 1838-39 
 24. Georgius Phrantzes, Joannes Cananus, Joan. Anag- 
 nostes ; ex recensione I. Bekkeri ..... 1838 
 25. Georgii Codini Curopalatae de officialibus Palatii Con- 
 stantinopolitani, et de officiis magnee ecclesise liber; ex 
 recognitione I. Bekkeri ....... 1839 
 26. Annse Comnenae Alexiadis libri xv. ed. L. Schopenus, 
 vols. i. and ii. . . . . . . . . 1839-78 
 27. Theophanis Chronographia ; ex recensione J. Classeni, 
 vols. i.ii . 1839-41 
 28. Ephraemius ; ex recognitione I. Bekkeri . . . 1840 
 29. Joannis Zoiiarae Annales, ex recensione M. Pinderi, 
 2 vols. in one . . 1841-44 
102 BYZ 
 30. Leonis Grammatici Chronographia, ex recognitione I. 
 Bekkeri. Accedit Eustathii de capta Thessalonica liber. 1842 
 31. Leonici ChalcocondylaD Historiarum libri x. ex recog- 
 nitione I. Bekkeri 1843 
 32. Historia Politica et Patriarchica Constantinopoleos. 
 Epirotica. Michaelis Attaliotse Historia. Codini Ex- 
 cerpta de antiquitatibus Constantinopolitanis. Recog- 
 novit I. Bekkeras 1843-53 
 CABALA. The Prince's Cabala ; or, Mysteries of State. Written 
 by King James the First and some noblemen in his 
 reign, and in Queen Elizabeth's. With Socrates's Dis- 
 course to a Prince on Kingly Government, translated, 
 12mo Lond. 1715 
 (Collection d'Estampes connue sous le nom de Cabinet du 
 1. Description de la Grotte de Versailles, 20 plates, fol. 
 Paris, 1679 
 2. Festiva ad capita annulumque Decursio a Rege Ludo- 
 vico XIV. Edita anno 1662. Scripsit Gallice Perrault, 
 Latine reddidit S. Flechier, fol ib. 1670 
 Description of Indian Idols, 4to. (Tracts 28) Edinburgh, 1822 
 Description of Hindoo Bellows, 8vo. (Tracts 65) . ib. 1827 
 Paraphrasis Poetica Geneseos ac prsecipuarum Sacrae 
 Paginae historiarum, edita a Fr. Junio, 4to. Amsterdam, 1655 
 Figurae quaedam antiquae ex Paraphraseos in Genesin exem- 
 plari delineatae, edidit Rowe More, 4to. .... 1754 
 Account of Metrical Paraphrase by Sir Henry Ellis, 4to. 
 Lond. 1833 
 CJ^LIUS, Ludovicus Rhodiginus. Lectionum Antiquarum Libri 
 xxx., folio ..... Francf. and Leipz. 1666 
 tecture and History of Caldicot Castle, Monmouthshire, 
 by 0. Morgan and T. Wakeman, 8vo. . . Newport, 1854 
 CAERNARVON, Sketch of the History of the County of, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1792 
 CAERNARVONSHIRE and part of ANGLESEY, Stranger's Guide 
 through, 8vo. ...... Bang or, 1851 
 C^RIMONIALE EPISCOPORUM Benedict! Papae xiv. jussu editum. 
 Editio secunda Romana, 12mo. .... Home, 1824; 
 CJISAR, C. Julius. 
 Opera, Valpy's edition, 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1819 
 Quae extant ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri. 12mo. For 
 bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. 
 Lugd. Bat. (Elzevir) 1635 
CAF CAM 103 
 CAFFI, Michele. 
 Delia Chiesa di Sant' Eustorgio in Milano, 8vo. Milan, 181-1 
 Dell' Abbazia di Chiaravalle in Lombardia Illustrazione 
 Storico-Monumentale-Epigrafica, 8vo. (Tracts 60**) ib. 1842 
 CAHIER, Cn. Caracteristiques des Saints dans 1'Art Populaire, 
 expliquees. Tome 1. A F. Tome II. G. etc. (2 vols.), 
 4to Paris, 1867 
 CAIUS, Thomas. Vindicipe antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniensis. 
 Edited by T. Hearne, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1730 
 CAIX DE SAINT- AYMOUR, AM. DE. Le Musee Archeologique. 
 Recueil Illustre de Monuments, etc. Volumes 1 2. 
 (Liv. 14.), 4to Paris, 1876-78 
 CAJANUS. The History of Cajanus, the Swedish Giant. (In a 
 case with The Gigantick History.) 64mo. . . 1742 
 CALABRUS, Q. Preetermissorum ab Homero Libri XIY., 8vo. 
 Leyden, 1734 
 The Non- Conformist's Memorial. With additions by S. 
 Palmer, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1777-78 
 with several new lives added, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1802-03 
 CALCAGNI, M. De' Be di Siracusa, Finzia e Liparo, 2 vols in 1, 
 8vo. . Palermo, 1808-09 
 CALDWALL, Thomas. A Select Collection of Epitaphs and In- 
 scriptions, portrait. 12mo. .... Lond. 1 796 
 CALDWELL, R. A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian 
 Languages, 8vo. ....... ib. 18.56 
 Almindelig Norsk Huus-Kalender med Primstav og Mer- 
 kedage, 12mo. ..... Christiania, 1859 
 Anglo-Saxon Calendar of the early part of the Eleventh 
 Century, from a Missal preserved at Rouen, edited by 
 Benj. Williams, 8vo Lond. 1848 
 Hymni, etc., ex recensione J. G. F. Graevii. Accedunt 
 annotationes E. Spanhemii, etc., 2 vols. 8vo. Ultrajecti. 1697 
 Hymns, &c. Translated into English verse by W. Dodd, 
 4to Lond. 1755 
 (Bound with Fosbrooke's " Economy.") 
 CALLIOPE ; or, the Musical Miscellany. A Collection of English, 
 Scots, and Irish Songs, set to music, 8 vo. . . ib. 1788 
 Contributions towards the ancient Geography of the Troad. 
 On the site of Gergis, 8vo. (Tracts 59**) 
 Alte Kochofen vom Hanai Tepe (Thymbra), 8vo. Berlin, 1884 
 CALVERT, John. On the Gold Rocks of Great Britain and Ire- 
 land, 8vo Lond. 1853 
 CALVISIUS, Sethus. Opus Chronologicum, fol. . . Francf. 1685 
 CAMRRAY. Catalogue des MSS. de la Bibliotheque, par M. Le 
 Glay, 8vo Cantbrai, 1831 
 Archeeologia Cambrensis. In progress, 8vo. Lond. 1846, etc. 
104 CAM CAM 
 Baronia de Kemeys. From the original documents at 
 Bronwydd, 8vo. ...... Loud. 1861 
 Brut y Tywysogion ; the Gwentiaii Chronicle of Caradoc 
 of Llancarvan. With a translation by Owen, 8vo. ib. 1863 
 Catalogue of Temporary Museum. Wrexham Meeting, 
 8vo. 1874 
 List of Members, 8vo 1876 
 The Land of Morgan ; being a Contribution towards the 
 History of the Lordship of Glamorgan. By G. T. 
 Clark, 8vo Lond. 1888 
 " The Cambrian Journal," vols. i. to iv., 8vo. . ib. 1854-57 
 Second Series, vols. i. to iv., 8vo. ib. 1858-63 
 CAMBRIAN REGISTER, 1795, 1796, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1796-9 
 Cantabrigia Depicta. A Description of the University and 
 Town of Cambridge and its Environs. New edition, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1781 
 The Guide to Cambridge. New edition, 8vo. . . ifc. 1837 
 An humble Representation of the present State of Trinity 
 College in. In a Letter to a noble Lord, 8vo. Lond. n.d. 
 Transactions, Quarto Series, 2 vols. 4to. . Cambridge, 1846-62 
 Octavo Series, 8vo. In progress . ib. J851, &c. 
 Antiquarian Communications. In progress, 8vo. ib. 1859, &c. 
 Reports. In progress, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1841, &c. 
 List of the Members. May 30, 1881. 
 May 7, 1883 and 1886, 8. 
 Catalogue of Coins, 12mo. ...... ib. 1847 
 Remarks upon the Cover of the Granite Sarcophagus of 
 Rameses III. in the Fitzwilliam Museum. By S. Birch, 
 4to. ....... Cambridge, 1876 
 On the Measurements and Valuations of the Domesday of 
 Cambridgeshire. By Walker, fol ib. 1884 
 Transactions, 4to. ....... ib. 1841 
 The Ecclesiologist, First Series, published by the Cambridge 
 Camden Society, vols. i. to iii. 8vo ib. 1842-3 
 New Series, vols. i. to v. 8vo. . Lond. 
 An Argument for the Greek Origin of the Monogram I.H.S. 
 [By B. Webb.] 8vo. (Tracts 135*) . . . ib. 1841 
 A Few Words to Church-builders, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) ib. 1842 
 A Few Hints on the Practical Study of Ecclesiastical 
 Architecture, 8vo. Second edition. (Tracts 135*) ib. 1843 
 A Few Words to Churchwardens on Churches and Church 
 Ornaments, 2 parts, 8vo. (Tracts 135.*) Camb. and Lond. 1843-46 
 History of Pews, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) . Cambridge, 1843 
 Church Enlargement and Arrangement, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) 
 ib. 1843 
CAM CAM 105 
 A Few Words to the Parish Clerks and Sextons of Country 
 Parishes, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) . . . Cambridge, 1843 
 CAMBRIDGE PRIZE POEMS. By Andrews, Robt. ; Balston, E. ; 
 Bickersteth, E. H. ; Birch, H. M. ; Birks, T. R. ; Boulton, 
 M. P. W. ; Clark, W. G. ; Conybeare, J. C. ; Cope, E. M. ; 
 Day, H. ; Druce, G. ; Fitzherbert, E. H. ; Fitzherbert, 
 Wm. ; Fussell, J. G. C. ; Gill, G. J. ; Goulburn, F. A. ; 
 Hankinson, T. E. ; Hildyard, J. ; Ireneo, Silvio ; Johnson, 
 W. ; Kennedy, C. R. ; Kinglake, W. C. ; Lushington, 
 H. ; Maine, H. J. S. ; Newport, H. ; Nicholson, W. ; 
 Phillips, T. J. ; Prentis, S. ; Sangster, C. ; Thring, E. ; 
 Vansittart, A. A. ; Vaughan, D. J. ; Walpole, R. R. ; 
 Westcott, B. F. ; Wood, W. S. ; Wright, J. C. ; Yonge, 
 J. A., 8vo ib. 1830-47 
 Querela Cantabrigiensis, or a remonstrance for the Banished 
 Members of the late nourishing University, 8vo. (Bound 
 with Anglias Ruina). , Land. 1647 
 State of, temp. Elizabeth, 4to. . . . Cambridge, 1769 
 Graduati Cantabrigienses, 1659-1787, 4to. . . ib. 1787 
 1760-1856, 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 Testimonies of Different Authors respecting the Colossal 
 Statue of Ceres, placed in the vestibule of the Public 
 Library at Cambridge, &c., 8vo. .... ib, 1803 
 Memorials of Cambridge. Account of Trinity Coll. pp. 1-64, 
 4to. (Tracts 6) . 1838 
 The Pictorial Guide to Cambridge, 8vo. . . . ib. n.d. 
 Catalogue of MS. Rarities in the University, edited by J. 0. 
 Halliwell, 8vo Lond. 1841 
 Catalogue of Paintings, &c., bequeathed by D. Messman, 
 12mo. (Tracts 153) . . . Cambridge, 1846 
 Poll for Election of Chancellor, 1847, edited by H. Gunning, 
 8vo. (Tracts 110) ib. 1847 
 Poll for Election of M.P., 1856, 8vo. (Tracts 16) . ib. 1856 
 Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Library, 
 4 vols. 8vo ib. 1856-61 
 Poll for a Registrary, 8vo. (Tracts 110) . . . ib. 1862 
 A Catalogue of Adversaria and printed Books containing 
 MS. Notes, preserved in the Library, 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 A Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Library, 
 vol. v. 8vo. ........ ib. 1867 
 Index, by H. R. Luard, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 Museum of General and Local Archaeology. First Annual 
 Report of the Antiquarian Committee to the Senate, 
 Nov. 20, 1885, 4to ib. 1886 
 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, 1865, etc., 8vo. . ib. 1865, &c. 
 CAMBRIDGESHIRE (Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk), Handbook for, 
 8vo Lond. (Murray), 1870 
 CAMBRIDGESHIRE CHURCHES, Notes on the, 8vo. . . . ib. 1827 
 CAMDEN, William. 
 Britannia, First edition, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1586 
 CAMDEN, William continued. 
 Britannia, Second edition, 12mo. . Cambridge, 1587 
 Third edition, 4to. ib. 1590 
 . ib. 1594 
 . ib. 1600 
 . ib. 1607 
 Portrait and plates, 
 . ib. 1695 
 - Fifth edition, 4to. 
 . ib. 1722 
 . ib. 1772 
 s. fol. . . ib. 1789 
 Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a Veteribus 
 scripta, fol Francf. 1603 
 Reges, Reginae, Mobiles et alii in Ecclesia Collegiata B. 
 Petri Westmonasterii Sepulti, 4to. . , . Lond. 1606 
 Bemaines concerning Britaine, 4to. . . . ib. 1614 
 - Another edition. Edited by John Philpot, 4to. ib. 1637 
 Seventh impression, much amended, by the care 
 of J. Philpot and W. D M Gent. Portrait, 8vo. . ib. 
 Another edition. 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 Grascse Grammatices Institutio inusum Scolae Westmonaste- 
 riensis, 16mo. ........ ib. 1692 
 Aimales, regnante Elizabetha. Edited by T. Hearne, 3 vols. 
 8vo. ib. 1717 
 List of Members, 4to. In progress . . . . 1883, etc. 
 First Series. 
 1. Historic of the Arri vail of King Edward IV. in England. 
 Edited by J. Bruce, 4to , 1838 
 2. Kynge Johan, A Plav. By Bishop Bale, edited by J. P. 
 Collier . 1838 
 3. Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II., 
 edited by T. Wright . ... . 1838 
 4. Plumpton Correspondence, Edward IV. to Henry VIII., 
 edited by T. Stapleton 1839 
 5. Anecdotes and Traditions, edited by W. J. Thorns . . 1839 
 6. The Political Songs of England, from John to Edward 
 II., edited by T. Wright . ... 1839 
 7. Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth, edited by J. Bruce . 1840 
 8. Ecclesiastical Documents, being a history of the 
 Bishopric of Somerset and Charters from the Library of 
 Dr. Cox Mairs, edited by J. Hunter .... 1840 
 9. ISTorden's Description of Essex, edited by Sir H. Ellis . 1840 
 10. Warkworth's Chronicle of the first thirteen years of 
 Edward IV., edited by J. O. Halliwell .... 1839 
 11. Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder, edited by Rev. A. Dyce . 1840 
 12. Egerton Papers, edited by J. P. Collier . . . 1840 
CAM CAM 107 
 CAMDEN SOCIETY continued. 
 13. Chronicon Jocelini de Brakelonda, edited by J. G. 
 Rokewode . 1840 
 14. Irish Narratives, 1641 and 1690, edited by T. C. Croker 1841 
 15. Rishanger's Chronicle of the Baron's War, edited by 
 J. O. Halliwell 1841 
 16. Poems of Walter Mapes, edited by T. Wright . . 1840 
 17. Travels of Meander Nucius, edited by Rev. J. A. Cramer 1841 
 18. Three Metrical Romances, edited by J. Robson . . 1842 
 19. Diary of Dr. John Dee, edited by J. O. Halliwell . 1842 
 20. Apology for the Lollard Doctrines, attributed to J. 
 Wicliffe, edited by J. H. Todd 1842 
 21. Rutland Papers, edited by W. Jerdan . . . .1842 
 22. Diary of Bishop Cartwright, edited by J. Hunter . 1843 
 23. Letters of Eminent Literary Men, edited by Sir H. Ellis 1843 
 24. Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler, edited by T. 
 Wright 1843. 
 25. Promptorium Parvulorum, torn, i., edited by A. Way . 1843 
 26. Suppression of the Monasteries, edited by T. Wright . 1843 
 27. Leycester Correspondence, edited by J. Bruce . . 1844 
 28. Chroniques de London depuis 1'an 44 Hen. III. jusqu'a 
 1'an 17 Edw. III., edited by G. J. Aungier . . . 1844 
 29. Three books of Polydore Yergil's English History, 
 edited by Sir H. Ellis 1844 
 30. Thornton Romances, edited by J. 0. Halliwell . . 1844 
 31 . Notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament, by Sir R. 
 Yerney, edited by J. Bruce . . . . . 1844 
 32. Autobiography of Sir J. Bramston, edited by T. W. 
 >Bramston ......... 1845 
 33. Correspondence of Earl of Perth, edited by W. Jerdan 1845 
 34. Liber de Antiquis Legibus, edited by T. Stapleton 
 35. Chronicle of Calais, edited by J. G. Nichols . . 1846 
 36. Polydore Yergil's History, vol.i., edited by Sir H. Ellis 1846 
 37. A Relation of the Island of England, translated from 
 the Italian by C. A. Sneyd. [With the original text,] . 1847 
 38. Church of Middleham, edited by Rev. W. Athill . . 1847 
 39. Camden Miscellany, vol. i 1847 
 40. Life of Lord Grey of Wilton, edited by Sir P. de M. G. 
 Egerton . 1847 
 41. Diary of Walter Yonge, Esq., edited by G. Roberts . 1848 
 42. Diary of Henry Machyn, edited by J. G. Nichols . 1848 
 43. Visitation of Huntingdonshire in 1593, by N. Charles, 
 edited by Sir H. Ellis 1849 
 44. Obituary of Richard Smyth, edited by Sir H. Ellis . 1849 
 45. Certaine Considerations on the Government of England, 
 by Sir R. Twysden, edited by J. M. Kemble . . 1849 
 46. "Letters of Elizabeth and James VI., edited by J. Bruce 1849 
 47. Chronicon Petroburgense, edited by T. Stapleton 
 48. Queen Jane and Queen Mary, edited by J. G. Nichols . 1850 
 49. Wills and Inventories from the Registers of Bury St. 
 Edmunds and Sudbury, edited by S. Tymms . . 1850 
 50. Mapes, de Nugis Curialium, edited by T. Wright . 1850 
108 CAM CAM 
 CAMDEN SOCIETY continued. 
 51. Pilgrimage of Sir R. Guylforde, edited by Sir H. Ellis. 1851 
 52. Secret Services of Charles II. and James II., edited by 
 J. Y. Akerman . 1851 
 53. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, edited by J. G. 
 Nichols .'..-.. 1852 
 54. Promptorium Parvulorum, torn ii., edited by A. Way . 1851 
 55. Camden Miscellany, vol. ii. . ..... 1853 
 56. Verney Papers. Edited by J. Bruce .... 1853 
 57. Regulse inclusarum ; the Ancren Rewle. Edited by J. 
 Marton . 1853 
 58. Correspondence of Lady Brilliana Harley. Edited by 
 T. T. Lewis .-:.. 1854 
 59. Household Roll of Bishop Swinfield. Vol. i. Edited 
 by Rev. J. Webb 1854 
 60. Grants, &c., from the Crown, temp. Edward V. Edited 
 by J. G. Nichols 1854 
 61. Camden Miscellany, vol. iii. ..... 1855 
 62. Household Roll of Bishop Swinfield, vol. ii. Edited by 
 Rev. J. Webb 1855 
 63. Charles I. in 1646. Edited by J. Bruce . . .1856 
 64. English Chronicle, from 1377 to 1461. Edited by Rev. 
 J. S. Davies 1856 
 65. The Knights Hospitallers in England. Edited by L. B. 
 Larking 1857 
 66. Diary of John Rous, from 1625 to 1642. Edited by M. 
 A. E. Green L856 
 67. Trevelyan Papers. Edited by J. P. Collier . . 1857 
 68. Journal of Rowland Davis, 1688-90. Edited by R. 
 Caulfield 1857 
 69. Domesday of St. Paul's, 1222. Edited by W. Hale .1858 
 70. Liber Famelicus of Sir J. Whitelocke. Edited by J. 
 Bruce 1858 
 71. Savile Letters, Charles II. and James II. Edited by 
 W. D. Cooper 1858 
 72. The Romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dam- 
 martin, by Philippe de Reimes. Edited byLe Roux de 
 Livey 1858 
 73. Camden Miscellany, vol. iv. ..... 1859 
 74. Richard Symonds' Diary during the Civil War. Edited 
 by C. E. Long 1859 
 75. Milton Papers. Edited by W. D. Hamilton 
 76. Letters of George Lord Carew. Edited by J. Maclean. 1860 
 77. Narratives of the Reformation. Edited by J. G. 
 Nichols 1859 
 78. Correspondence of King James VI. Edited by J. Bruce 1861 
 79. Chamberlain's Letters. Edited by Sarah Williams . 18bl 
 80. Proceedings in Kent. Edited byL. B. Larking and J. 
 Bruce 1862 
 81. Parliamentary Debates. Edited by S. R. Gardiner . 1862 
 82. Foreigners resident in England. Edited by W. D. 
 Cooper . 1862 
CAM CAM 109 
 CAMDEN SOCIETY continued. 
 83. Wills from Doctors' Commons. Edited by J. G. Nichols 
 and J. Bruce 1863 
 84. Trevelyan Papers, part 2. Edited by J. P. Collier . 1863 
 85. Life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York. Edited by 
 Robert Davies 1863 
 86. Letters of Margaret of Anjou, Bishop Beckington, &c. 
 Edited by Cecil Monro . 1863 
 87. The Ca'mden Miscellany, vol. v 1864 
 88. Letters from Sir R. Cecil to Sir G. Carew, Edited by 
 J. Maclean 1864 
 89. Promptorium Parvulorum, torn. iii. Edited by A. Way 1865 
 90. Relations between England and Germany, 1618-19. 
 Edited by S. R. Gardiner 1865 
 91. Regis trum Prioratus S, M. Wigorniensis, Edited by 
 W. H. Hale 1865 
 92. Alexander VII. and College of Cardinals, 1662-80. 
 Edited by J. C. Robertson 1867 
 93. Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Edited by A. 
 J. Crosby and J. Bruce , . 1867 
 94. History from Marble, By Thomas Dingley. 'Part i. 
 Edited by J. G. Nichols . . . . ' . . . 1867 
 5. Manipulus Vocabulorum. Edited by H. B. Wheatley . 1867 
 96. Journal of Sir Kenelm Digby's Voyage, 1628. Edited 
 by J. Bruce ... . ... 1868 
 97. History from Marble, By Thomas Dingley. Part ii. 
 Edited by J. G. Nichols 1868 
 98. Letters and Documents illustrating the Relations be- 
 tween England and Germany at the Commencement of 
 the Thirty Years' War. 1619-20. Second Series. Edited 
 by S. R. Gardiner 1868 
 99. Diary of John Manningham, 1602-1603. Edited by J. 
 Bruca ... . .... 1868 
 100. Notes of the Treaty at Ripon, 1640. Edited by J. Bruce 1869 
 101. The Spanish Marriage Treaty. Edited by S.R.Gardiner 1869 
 102. Ludlow Churchwardens' Accounts. Edited by T.Wright 1869 
 103. Notes of the Debates in the House of Lords, officially 
 taken by H. Elsing, A.D, 1621, Edited by S. R, Gardiner 1870 
 104. The Camden Miscellany, vol. vi 1871 
 105. Trevelyan Papers, Part iii. With introduction to Parts 
 i-iii. Edited by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., and Sir 
 E. Trevelyan, 4to. 1872 
 Catalogue of the First Series of Works, and General 
 Index, A Baudouin, 4to. . Loud. 1881 
 New Series. 
 I. The Fortescue Papers, collected by John Packer, secretary 
 to the Duke of Buckingham. Edited by S. R. Gardiner . 1871 
 II. Letters and Papers of John Shillingford, Mayor of 
 Exeter, 144750. Edited by S. A. Moore . . . 1871 
110 CAM CAM 
 CAMDEN SOCIETY continued. 
 III. The Old Cheque-Book, or Book of Remembrance, of the 
 Chapel Royal, from 15611744. Edited by E. F. Rim- 
 bault 1872 
 IV. A True Relation of the Life and Death of William 
 Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore. Edited by T. W. Jones . 1872 
 Y. The Maire of Bristowe is Kalendar. By Robert Ricart, 
 Town Clerk of Bristol, 18 Edward IY. Edited by Lucy 
 Toulmin Smith, 4to 1872 
 YI. Debates in the House of Commons in 1625. From a 
 MS. in the Library of Sir R. Knightley, Bart. Edited 
 by S. R. Gardiner . . ... 1873 
 VII. Military Memoir of Colonel John Birch, sometime 
 Governor of Hereford, in the Civil War. Written by 
 Roe, his secretary ; with commentary by John Webb. 
 Edited by T. W. Webb . . . ' . . . . 1873 
 VIII. & IX. Letters addressed from London to Sir Joseph 
 Williamson, while plenipotentiary at the Congress of 
 Cologne in the years 1673 and 1674. Edited by W. D. 
 Christie, C. B. 2 vols. 1874 
 X. Account of the Executors of Richard, Bishop of 
 London, 1303, and of the Executors of Thomas, Bishop 
 of Exeter, 1310. Edited by W. H. Hale and H. T. 
 Ellacombe . ^ . . ^ 1874 
 XI. A Chronicle of England during the reigns of the 
 Tudors, A.D. 1485 to 1559. By C. Wriothesley, Windsor 
 Herald. Edited by W. D. Hamilton .... 1875 
 XII. The Quarrel between the Earl of Manchester and 
 Oliver Cromwell : an episode of the English Civil War. 
 Collections, with fragments of a preface by Mr. Bruce, 
 completed by D. Masson 1875 
 XIII. The Autobiography of Anne Lady Halkett. 
 Edited by J. G. Nichols . .... 1875 
 XIV. The Camden Miscellany, vol. vii 1875 
 XV. Letters of Humphrey Prideaux, Dean of Norwich, 
 to John Ellis, Under- Secretary of State, 1674-1722. 
 Edited by E. M. Thompson 1875 
 XVI. A Common-place Book of John Milton, and a Latin 
 Essay and Latin Verses. Edited by A. J. Horwood . 1876 
 XVI*. Revised Edition 1877 
 XVII. The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London 
 in the Fifteenth Century. Containing : 1. John Page's 
 Poem on the Siege of Rouen. 2. Lydgate's Verses on 
 the Kings of England. 3. William Gregory's Chronicle 
 of London. Edited by J. Gairdner .... 1876 
 XVIII. Documents relating to the Proceedings against 
 William Prynne, in 1634 and 1637. With a Biographical 
 Fragment by J. Bruce. Edited by S. R. Gardiner . 1877 
 XIX. Christ Church Letters. A volume of Mediaeval 
 Letters relating to the Priory of Christ Church, Canter- 
 bury. Edited by J. B. Sheppard 1877 
CAM CAM 111 
 CAMDEN SOCIETY continued. 
 XX. A Chronicle of England during the reigns of the 
 Tudors, 1485 to 1559. By C. Wriothesley, Windsor 
 Herald, vol. ii. Edited by'W. D. Hamilton . . . 1877 
 XXI. A Treatise on the Pretended Divorce between 
 Henry VIII. and Catherine of Aragon. By N. Harpsfield. 
 Edited by N. Pocock, 4to 1878 
 XXII. Correspondence of the Family of Hatton, A.D. 1601- 
 1704. Edited by E. M. Thompson, vol. i. 1878 
 XXIII. - - vol. ii 1878 
 XXIV. Notes of the Debates in the House of Lords, officially 
 taken by H. Elsing, 1624 and 1626. Edited by S. R. 
 Gardiner 1879 
 XXV. The (Economy of the Fleete : or an Apologetical 
 Answeare of Alexander Harris (late Warden there) unto 
 xix. articles sett forth against him by the Prisoners. 
 Edited by A. Jessopp, D.D 1879 
 XXVI. Documents illustrating the History of S. Paul's 
 Cathedral. Edited by W. Sparrow Simpson, D.D. . 1880 
 XXVII. The Hamilton Papers relating to the years 1638- 
 1650. Edited by S. R. Gardiner 1880 
 XXVIII. Three Fifteenth Century Chronicles, with memo- 
 randa by John Stowe, the Antiquary, &c. Edited by J. 
 Gairdner 1880 
 XXIX. The Register of the Visitors of the University of 
 Oxford, 1647 to 1658. Edited by M. Burrows . . 1881 
 XXX. Catholicon Anglicum, an English- Latin Word- 
 book, dated 1483. Edited by S. J. H. Herrtage. With a 
 preface by H. B. Wheatley 1882 
 XXXI. The Camden Miscellany, vol. viii. . . . 1883 
 XXXII. The Voyage to Cadiz in 1625. By John Glanville. 
 From Sir John Eliot's MS. Edited by A. B. Grosart, 
 4to 1883 
 XXXIII. Letter-Book of Gabriel Harvey, A.D. 1573-1580. 
 Edited from the original MS. by E. J. L. Scott . . 1884 
 XXXIV. The Lauderdale Papers. Edited by Osmund Airy, 
 vol. i. 1639-1667, 4to ".1884 
 XXXV. The Political Memoranda of Francis, fifth Duke of 
 Leeds. From the originals in the British Museum. 
 Edited by Oscar Browning, 4to 1884 
 XXXVI. The Lauderdale Papers. Edited by Osmund Airy, 
 vol. 2, 1667-1673, 4to 1885 
 XXXVII. Troubles connected with the Prayer Book of 1549. 
 Edited by N. Pocock 1884 
 XXXVIII. The Lauderdale Papers. Vol. iii., 1673-1679 . 1885 
 XXXIX. Cases in the Courts of Star Chamber and High 
 Commission. Edited by S. R. Gardiner . . . 1886 
 XL. The Nicholas Papers. Correspondence of Sir Edward 
 Nicholas. Edited by G. F. Warner. Vol. i., 1641-1652 1886 
 XLI. Customals of Battle Abbey. Edw. I. and Edw. II. 
 (1283-1312.) Edited by S. R. Scargill-Bird . . 1887 
112 CAM CAM 
 CAMERARIUS, J. R. Horarum Natalium Centuria Una, 4to. 
 Frankfort, 1607 
 CAMOENS, Luiz De. 
 Os Lusiadas. Edicao Popular gratuita, &c. Reproduc^ao 
 critica sob a direccao de F. Adolpho Coelho, da segunda 
 edi9ao de 1572, obi. 4to Lisbon, 1880 
 Programma da Celebracao em Lisboa do Terceiro Centen- 
 ario de Camoens. Fol ib. 1880 
 Antiche Opere in Plastica, 2 vols. fol. . . Rome, 1852 
 Cataloghi del suo Museo, 4to. 
 CAMPANA COLLECTION, Report on the. Privately printed, Svo.Lond. 1856 
 CAMPANARI, Secondiano. 
 Intorno i Vasi fittili dipiiiti, 4to. . . . Rome, 1836 
 Antiehi vasi dipinti, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1837 
 Etruscan and Greek Antiquities on view at 121, Pall Mall, 
 8vo Lond. 1837 
 Etrusca Epigrafe della Statua Tudertina, 8vo. . Rome, 1838 
 Discorso intorno un antico Specchio, 8vo. .... 1840 
 Dei primi popoli d'ltalia, 8vo. .... Bologna, 1841 
 CAMPANARI, Yincenzo. 
 Dell' Urna con Basso-Relievo ed epigrafe di Arunte, 8vo. 
 Rome, 1825 
 Riposta al Signor V., 8vo 1825 
 Sopra la lapide Etrusca di Perugia, 3 parts, 8vo. . 1826-7 
 Sopra uno Specchio Metallico, 4to. (Tracts 7) . . ib. 1837 
 CAMPBELL, A. D. Teloogoo Dictionary, 8vo. . . Madras, 1848 
 CAMPBELL, Archibald. 
 Lexiphanes, a Dialogue imitated from Lucian, and suited 
 to the present times. Second edition. 12mo. . ib. 1767 
 The Sale of Authors, a Dialogue in imitation of Lucian's 
 Sale of Philosophers, 12mo Lond. 1767 
 CAMPBELL, Colin; Woolfe,John; and Gandon, James. Vitruvius 
 Britannicus, or the British Architect, containing the 
 plans, &c., of the regular buildings in Great Britain, &c. 
 5 vols. fol. . Lond. 1717-71 
 Plate 24 in Vol. Hi. (Colonnade of Burlington Souse) is missing. 
 CAMPBELL, Hugh. Ossiano ; an attempt to ascertain the Battle- 
 fields of Fingal, in Ulster, 8vo. (Tracts 100) . . ib. 1818 
 Lives of the British Admirals, 8 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1812-17 
 CAMPBELL, John, Lord. 
 The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the 
 Great Seal of England, to the Reign of George IV., 8 
 vols. 8vo ib. 1845-69 
 Life of Lord Bacon, 12mo. ib. 1853 
 The Lives of the Chief Justices of England. From the 
 Norman Conquest till the Death of Lord Tenterden. 3 
 vols. Second edition. 8vo. ib. 1858 
CAM CAN 113 
 CAMPIAN, EDMUND. Description of a copy of " Rationes Decem 
 Campiani," printed at the private printing press, at 
 Stonor, 158.1. By T. E. Stonor. (Philobiblon Society.) 
 Sm. 4to. ......... n.p. n.d. 
 CAMUS, Jean Pierre. Le Yoyageur Inconnu. Histoire curieuse 
 et apologetique pour les Religieux, sm. 8vo. . Rouen, 1639 
 CAMUZAT, Nicholas. Promptuarium Sacrarum Antiquitatum 
 Tricassinee, 8vo. .... Augustce Trecarum, 1610 
 Proceedings and Transactions, 4to. In progress. 
 Montreal, 1883, etc. 
 Inaugural Meeting, held in the City of Ottawa, 4to. . . 1882 
 " The Canadian Journal." New Series. Yols. 1-5, 7-15, 8vo. 
 Toronto, 1856-78 
 Proceedings, being a continuation of the " Canadian 
 Journal," 8vo. In progress. . . . ib. 1883, &c. 
 CANADIAN LOAN. Extracts from " Times " and " Telegraph," 
 8vo. (Tracts 95***) Lond. 1872 
 CANAT, Marcel. Marguerite de Flandre Duchesse de Bourgogne, 
 Sa Yie intime, &c., 8vo Paris, 1860 
 CANAT, Paul. Notice sur les Paves Mosaiques trouves a Sans et 
 a Noiry, 4to. (Tracts 1**) ..... n.p. n.d. 
 CANCELLIERI, Francesco. 
 II Mercato, il Lago dell' Acqua Yergine ed il Palazzo 
 Pamfiliano nel Circo Agonale detto volgarmente Piazza 
 Navona. 4 to. ...... Rome, 1811 
 Le sette cose fatali di Roma, 8vo. (Tracts 142) . . ib. 1812 
 CANETO, Abbe F. 
 Les dix-huit Bas-Relief s de la Yilla-Theas interpretes, 12mo. 
 (Tracts 155*) .... Bagneres de Bigorre, 1849 
 Une Charte Auscitaine en langue Romane, 8vo. (Tracts 
 37*) . . .... Auch, 1857 
 Sainte-Marie d'Auch ; Atlas Monographique de cette 
 Cathedral, fol. Paris, 1857 
 Le Reliquaire de Sarrant, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) . Auch, 1864 
 Sainte Marie d'Auch, et ses modifications recentes, 8vo. ib. 1864 
 Essai Iconographique sur Sainte Marthe et sur le monstre 
 qui 1'accompagne ordinairement dans les ceuvres d'art 
 chretien ; a propos d'une sculpture des boiseries du 
 choeur de Sainte-Marie d'Auch. 4to. . . . ib. 1864 
 Monuments de 1'Age de Pierre, 8vo. (Tracts 43*). . ib. 1865 
 Etude Biographique sur M. 1'Abbe Cassiet, 8vo. (Tracts 
 Questions d'Archeologie pratique, on Etude comparee de 
 quelques Monuments Religieux du Diocese d'Auch, 8vo. 
 (Tracts S3*) ib. 
 Sainte-Marie d'Auch, 8vo. (Tracts 59*) 
 Tombeau Romain de Saint Leothade, Eveque d'Auch, 8vo. 
 CANINA, Luigi. 
 L' Architettura Antica descritta e dimostrata coi monu- 
 menti. 9 vols. 8vo. and 3 vols., of plates, fol. Rome, 1834-44 
 Descrizione dell' Antico Tusculo, fol. . . . ib. 184] 
 Ricerche sul Genere di Architettura propio degli antichi 
 Giudei ed in particolare sul Tempio di Gerusalemme. 
 Fol . ib. 1845 
 Ricerche sull' Architettnra piu propria dei Tempi! Cristiani. 
 Second edition. Plates. Fol ib. 1846 
 I/ Antica Etruria Maritima compresa nella dizione Pontifica. 
 2 vols. Atlas, fol ib. 1846-49 
 L'Antica Citta di Yeij descritta, fol. .... ib. 1847 
 Gli Edifizii di Roma Antica cogniti per alcune reliquie e 
 dimostrati nell' intera loro architettura. Plates. 4 vols. 
 fol ib. 1848-51 
 Indicazione Topografica di Roma Antica in corrispondenza 
 dell' epoca Imperiale. Fourth edition. 8vo. . . ib. 1850 
 Particolare genere di Architettura Domestica. Plates. Fol. 
 ib. 1852 
 Via Appia dalla Porta Capena a Boville descritta coi 
 monumenti superstiti, 1 vol. text, 1 vol. plates. 4to. ib. 1853 
 CANINO, Principe di. Catalogo di scelte Antichita Etrusche, 
 4to Viterbo, 1829 
 CANOVA, Antonio, Catalogo delle Sculture di, 4to. . Home, 1817 
 CANRON, Augustin. Le Christ en Buis de Jean Guillermin, 8vo. 
 Avignon, 1884 
 A Collection of Epitaphs in the Ancient Church and 
 Burial Grounds of Saint Pancras, Middlesex, 2 vols., 
 sm. 8vo Lond. 1869, 72 
 Hornsey, Tottenham, Edmonton, Enfield, 
 Friern Barnet, and Hadley, Middlesex. Vol. iii., 8vo. ib. 1875 
 CANTERBURY. The Guide Book to, 8vo. . . Canterbury. 
 Catalogue of [Christ Church] Library, 8vo. . . . 1802 
 Extracts from Ancient Documents relating to the Cathedral 
 and Precincts of Canterbury, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1881 
 CANTRILL, William. Etchings from Pictures in the Cleveland 
 Gallery, fol ib. 1812 
 CAPES, J. M. The Life of St. Frances of Rome, by Lady 
 Georgiana Fullerton; of Blessed Lucy of Narni, of 
 Dominica of Paradiso, and of Anne de Montmorency, 
 with an essay on the miraculous life of the Saints, 8vo. 
 ib. 1855 
 Dodone et ses Ruines. Extrait de la Revue Archeologique, 
 Juin, 1877. 8vo Paris, 1877 
 Texte, et Planches, 2 vols. fol. and 4to. 
 ib. 1878 
 CARD, Henry. 
 Literary Recreations, 8vo. [Prattinton Coll.~] . Lond. 1809 
 Another copy. [Prattinton Coll.] . ib. 1822 
CAR CAR 115 
 CARD, Henry continued. 
 On the Herefordshire Beacon, 12mo. \_Prattinton Coll.~\ 
 Lond. 1822 
 Dissertation on the Priory of Great Malvern, 4to. 
 [Prattinton Coll.] . ib. 1834 
 CARDON, Abbe, et Abbe A. MATHIEU. Histoire de 1'Abbaye de 
 Saint Vincent de Laon, par Rob. Wyard, 8vo. 
 St. Quentin, 1858 
 CARDONNE, D. D., Melanges de Litterature Orientale, traduits de 
 differens manuscrits Turcs, Arabes, et Persans, de la 
 Bibliotheque du Roi. 2 vols. 12mo. . . Paris, 1770 
 CARDONNEL, Adam de. 
 Numismata Scotiae, 4to. .... Edinburgh, 1786 
 Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, etched by Cardonnel. 
 2 parts, 8vo . Lond. 1788 
 CARDUCCI, Giambattista. Sul Grande Musaico scoperto in 
 Pesaro, fol Pesaro, 1866 
 CARDUCCI, Giosue. Commemorazione di G. A. Noel Des 
 Vergers, Anon., 8vo. (Tracts 62***) . .[Bologna, 1867] 
 CAREW, Bampfylde-Moore, an Apology for the Life of. Eighth 
 edition, sin. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1768 
 CAREW> Richard. Survey of Cornwall, 4to. . . . ib. 1602 
 CAREY, W. A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, abridged 
 (by J. C Marshman) from Dr. Carey's, 2 vols.,. 8vo. 
 Serampore, 1827-28 
 CARICATURES. [A volume containing a miscellaneous collection 
 of Caricatures by Rowlandson and others, chiefly of the 
 close of the eighteenth century.] 
 An account of Carlisle, during the Rebellion of 1745. 
 With a Speech by Thomas Cappoch, "the Rebel Bishop," 
 on his Execution, 1746. Edited by S. Jefferson, 8vo. 
 Carlisle, 1844 
 Handbook to Carlisle, 12mo ib. 1844 
 CARLISLE, Lord Bishop of. Charge delivered in June, 1816, 4to. 
 (Tracts S3) ....... Lond. 1816 
 CARLISLE, Nicholas. 
 Topographical Dictionary of England, 2 vols., 4to. . t'>. 1808 
 of Ireland, 4to ib. 1810 
 Wales, 4to. ib. 1811 
 of Scotland, <fec., 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1813 
 A concise Description of Endowed Grammar Schools in 
 England and Wales, 2 vols. 8vo 16. 1818 
 An Historical Account of the Origin of the Charity 
 Commission, 8vo. ....... ib. 1828 
 An Inquiry into the Place and Quality of the Gentlemen 
 of the Privy Chamber, 8vo ib. 1829 
 Memoir of the Life and Works of W. Wyon, 8vo. . ib. 1837 
 Notice of the Family of Croft, 8vo t'6. 1841 
 CARLTON CLUB. Catalogue of Library, 4to. . . . ib. 1849 
 CARMEN OF LONDON, Regulations for the, 8vo. . . . ib. 1 7 ( J9 
 i 2 
116 CAR CAR 
 CARMEN LATINUM de Bello Actiaco sive Alexandrine fragmenta 
 recognovit T. Kreyssig, 4to. , Leipzig, 1814 
 CARMOLY, Eliacin. 
 Sur une Medaille de Louis le Debonnaire, 8vo. 
 (Tracts IQI*) 1834 
 Relation d'Eldad le Danite, Voyageur du IX e Siecle, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 101*) . ^ . . _ Paris, 1838 
 CARNARVON, The Earl of. The Archaeology of Berkshire : an 
 Address, &c. Second edition, sin. 8vo. . . Lond. 1859 
 CAROLINE, Queen of George IV. Eighteenth day's proceedings 
 on the Trial of the. Disagreement between Mr. Brougham 
 and the Attorney-General. Cross-examination of Giuseppe 
 Saqui, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) ib. 1820 
 Ceremonial at Interment of, fol. 
 CAROLS, Christmas. 
 Some Ancient Christmas Carols, with Tunes. Collected by 
 D. Gilbert, 8vo. ....... ib. 1822 
 Ancient and Modern. Edited by W. Sandys, 8vo. . ib. 1833 
 CARONNO, Felice. Manuale Doctrinee numorum veterum, 8vo. 
 Rome, 1808 
 CARPENTER, Dr. Edmund. Memoir of, by M. S., 8vo. . Lond. 1843 
 CARPIO, Marchese del. Disegni d'Idoli, Statue, medaglie, &c. ; 
 quali cempro in Roma Don Gasparo d'Haro e Guzman, 
 Marehese del Carpio e Helicce, fol. . . . Rome, 1682 
 CARR, Ralph. Symbolism of the Sculptured Stones of Eastern 
 Scotland, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) . . Edinburgh, 1867 
 The Plymouth and Devonport Guide, 8vo. . . ib. 1828 
 Fourth edition, 8vo. . Devonport, n.d. 
 CARRO, A. Voyage chez les Celtes, 8vo. . . Paris, 1857 
 CARTAILHAC, Emile. Les Ages Prehistoriques de 1'Espagne et du 
 Portugal, 8vo ib. 1886 
 CARTARI, Vincenzo. Imagini delli Dei degli antichi, 4to. Padua, 1626 
 CARTE, Thomas. 
 Catalogue des Rolles Gascons, Normans, &c., 2 vols., fol. 
 Lond. 1743 
 General History of England, 4 vols. fol, . . ib. 1747-55 
 CARTER, Francis. Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1780 
 CARTER, John. 
 Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting, 2 vols. fol. 
 ib. 1780-87 
 Ancient Architecture of England, parts 1 and 2, fol. 
 ib. 1795-1802 
 New edition, with Notes, by J. Britton, fol. 
 ib. 1837 
 OARTER, T. J. P. King's College Chapel : Notes on its History 
 and present condition, 8vo. . Lond. and Cambridge, 1867 
 CARTHEW, G. A. History of East Dereham : a Lecture, 8vo. Lond. 1857 
 The Hundred of Launditch and Deanery of Brisley, in the 
 county of Norfolk. Evidences and Topographical Notes. 
 4to. ' , Norwich, 1877-79 
CAB CAS 117 
 CARTHEW, G. A. continued. 
 A History of West and East Bradenham, with Necton and 
 Holme Hale, in Norfolk. Edited by A. Jessopp, D.D. 4to. 
 Norwich, 1883 
 Notice of a Roll of Arms belonging- to I C'. Browne, Esq., 
 4to. (Tracts 6). 
 Extracts from the Will of Martin Hastings (1574), 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55*). 
 Cellarer's Roll of Creak Abbey, 5 and 6 Edward III. 
 (Tracts 62*). 
 CARTOMANCIE. La Cartomancie Complete. Woodcuts. 12mo. 
 Paris, n.d. 
 CARTWRIGHT, Edmund, A Memoir of the Life, Writings, and 
 Mechanical Inventions of. (Preface signed M. S.) 8vo. 
 Lond. 1843 
 CARTWRIGHT, Henry. Social Progress, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) 
 Gloucester, 1863 
 Recent Discoveries at Notabile. A Memoir, fol. . Malta, 1881 
 Report on the Phoenician and Roman Antiquities in the 
 Group of the Islands of Malta, fol. . . . . il. 1882 
 Discovery of a Tomb Cave at Ghain Sielem, Gozo, in June, 
 1884, fol Valetta, 1884 
 Et Gherien tal-Liebru, Malta, a Hypogeum discovered in 
 July, 1884, fol.' ' '. '. '..... ib. 1884 
 Recent Further Excavations of the Megalithic Antiquities 
 of " Hagiar-Kim," Malta, executed in the year 1885, obi. 
 fol. Malta, 1886 
 CARVE, Thomas. Lyra sive Anacephalseosis Hibernica, 4to. 
 Sahbaci, 1666 
 CART, John. New Map of England and Wales, with part of Scot- 
 land, 4to Lond. 1794 
 CARYOPHILUS, Opuscula de Marmoribus antiquis et Paschalis 
 Caryophili dissertationes de Thermis Herculanis et Ther- 
 marum usu, 4to. ...... Utrecht, 1743 
 CASA, Joannes. A. M. Gratiani de Vita J. F. Commendoni libri 
 iv. accessere Vitse P. Bembi et G. Contareni, 12mo. 
 Padua, 1685 
 Lararium Tritico o teatro storico, esibente Dramma Gnostico 
 del Cristianesimo Primitive giudaizzante orientale. Dimo- 
 strazione Ecclettica, 4to. .... Bologna, 1873 
 Descriptive Notice on the Theatrico-historical Religious 
 Lararium. The Casanova Monumental Triptic. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1873 
 CASES BEFORE PARLIAMENT, chiefly relating to Trade (18th century) 
 fol ib. 
 CASLON, William. Specimen of Printing Types, 12mo. (Tracts 
 155) ib. 1770 
 Ueber den Syrisch Ephraimitischen Kriegr, 8vo. Christiania, 1849 
 Ueber Micha den Morasthiteh, parts 1 and 2, 8vo. ib. 1851-52 
118 CAS CAT 
 CASS, F. C. 
 South Mimms. l [Lond. and Middlesex Archceol. Soc.~\ 4to. 
 Westminster, 1877 
 Monken Hadley. [Lond. and Middlesex Archceol. SocJ] 4to. 
 ib. 1880 
 East Barnet. Part I. \_Lond. and Middlesex Archceological 
 Society.] ; 4to. . ib. 1885 
 CASSEL, Geschichts-und-Alterthumsverein zu Kassel, Wiesbaden, 
 und Darmstadt, Periodische Blatter, Nos. 9-12, 8vo. 
 Wiesbaden, 1859-60 
 CASSINA, Giovanni. Morte di Tristano e della Reina Isota 
 descritta per Ventura De Cerutis, 8vo. . . Paris, 1854 
 CASTELLANI, C. Le Biblioteche nell' Antichita dai tempi piu 
 remoti alia fine dell' Impero Romano d'Occidente, 8vo. 
 Bologna, 1884 
 CASTELLO, G. L. Le Antiche Iscrizioni di Palermo, fol. Palermo, 1762 
 Siciliae et objacentium Iiisularum veterum inscriptionum 
 nova collectio, fol. ..... Panormi, 1769 
 SiciliaB Populorum et Urbium, Regum, &c., veteres nummi, 
 fol. ib. 1781 
 CASTERMANS, Auguste. Parallele des Maisons de Bruxelles et 
 des Principales Villes de la Belgique, fol. . Paris, n.d. 
 CASTIGLIONE, Baldassare. The Courtier. Done into English by 
 T. Hobby. 4to . Lond. 1588 
 Etudes Historico-Geographiques. Premiere Etude sur les 
 Monuments commemoratifs des decouvertes Portugaises 
 -en Afrique, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) . . . Lisbon, 1869 
 CASTILLO, John. Poems in the North Yorkshire Dialect. Edited, 
 with a Memoir and Glossary, by G. M. Tweddell, 12mo. 
 Stokesley, 1878 
 CISTILLO SOVOECANO, Don Alonso de. The Spanish Pole-Cat; 
 or, the Adventures of Seniora Rufina. Translated by Sir 
 Roger 1'Estrange and Mr. Ozell, 12mo. . . Lond. 1717 
 CASTLE, Egerton. Schools and Masters of Fence, from the 
 Middle Ages to the 18th Century, 4to. . . . ib. 1885 
 CASTLES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, the Ancient, Engraved by 
 William Woolnoth, with historical descriptions by E. W. 
 Bray ley, junr., 2 vols in one, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1825 
 unum Collecti, cum Indice, fol. . . . Oxonice, 1697 
 CATALOGUE d'uiie Collection de 728 Medailles Consulates et de 
 3616 Medailles Imperiales, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1811 
 CATALOGUE of Pictures, &c., exhibited at the School of Art, York, 
 8vo. (Tracts 37*) . . . . . . York, 1856 
 CATALOGUE. A Catalogue of the Drawings, &c., illustrative of 
 the Bonaparte Family, now in the collection of John 
 Mather. (Sound with Manchester Exhibition Catalogues, 
 &c.) 8vo, (Tracts 115) .... Liverpool, 1855 
 Bibliotheca Splendidissima (Priced), 8vo. . . Lond. 1816 
CAT CAT 119 
 CATALOGUE (Sale) continued. 
 Bibliotheca Geographica et Historica, or a Catalogue of a 
 nine days' sale of Books, Maps, MSS., &c., illustrative of 
 Geography. By H. Stevens. Part 1. 8vo. . Lond. 1872 
 of the White Knights' Library; (Priced.) 8vo. 
 ib. 1819 
 of the important Collection of Manuscripts 
 from Stowe. L.P. 4to. ...... ib. 1849 
 of the Select and Valuable Collection of Coins 
 and Medals of Mr. Long, 8vo. .... ib. 1842 
 of the Library of Horace Walpole, at Straw- 
 berry Hill, 4to f&. 1842 
 of the Libraries of Holland, Lancelot, and 
 Henry, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1860 
 of the Books and Manuscripts of a Noble- 
 man, 8vo. . ... . ib. 1865 
 of the Wellesley Library, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 of the George Smith Library, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 of the Bohn Stock. 1st and 2nd Portions, 2 
 vols. 8vo. ib. 1868-72 
 of the Eight Portions of the Library of the 
 Rev. T. Corser, 8vo. . . . . ' ib. 1868-73 
 of the Perkins Library, 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 of the Books, Manuscripts, and Engravings 
 of Sir W. Tite, 8vo ib. 1874 
 of a Portion of the Library of the late James 
 Crossley, 8vo. ...... Manchester, 1884 
 CATALOGUES (Sale) of Books, Coins, &c. 
 Vols. 1 to 27, 8vo Lond. 1841-56 
 28 to 38, 8vo ib. 1860-65 
 39 to 56, 8vo . ib. 1864-69 
 57 to 60, 8vo ib. 1868-69 
 61 to 75, 8vo ib. 1861-1871 
 - of Books, Autographs, and Manuscripts 
 (Hamber, Hurd, Broadley, Bedford, Burke, &c.) (Priced.) 
 8vo. ib- n.d. 
 of Books, MSS., and Engravings. (Amateur Col 
 lector, Dillon, Manners, Slade, G. Smith, Ronpell). 8vo. ib. 1869-70 
 of Coins, Books, Engravings, and Manuscripts, 
 10 vols 
 of Engravings. (Hippisley, Macready, Maro 
 chetti, Palmer). 8vo ib. 1868 
 of Libraries. Matthews [Dramatic] Freeling 
 Burton [Arabic MSS.] Clark [European and Asiatic 
 MSS.] Higgs (Priced), 1 vol. 8vo. . ib. 1830-36 
 of Pottery, Drawings, and Works of Art 
 (Bailer, Collectors, Edkins, Howard, Kirkup, Molyneux, 
 Neck, Purnell, Taylor, Walton), 8vo. . . ib. 1871-74 
 CATHARINE DEI MEDICI. Discours Merveilleux de la Vie, de la 
 Reyne Catherine de Medicis, 12mo. . . . n. p. 1663 
120 CAT CAU 
 CATHEDRALS OF ENGLAND, Handbooks to the. 
 Southern Division, Part 1. Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, 
 Wells, 8vo Lond. 1861 
 Part 2. Chichester, Canterbury, Roches- 
 ter, 8vo ib. 1861 
 Eastern Division, Oxford, Peterborough, Norwich, Ely, 
 Lincoln, 8vo. ........ ib. 1862 
 Western Division, Bristol, Gloucester, Hereford, Worces- 
 ter, Lichfield, 8vo. . ib. 1867 
 Northern Division, Part 1. York, Ripon, Carlisle, 8vo. ib. 1869 
 Part 2. Durham, Chester, Manchester, 
 8vo . ib. 1869 
 St. Albans, 8vo. ib. 1877 
 CATHEDRALS OF WALES, Handbook to the. Llandaff, St. David's, 
 St. Asaph, Bangor, 8vo ib. 1873 
 CATHOLICON ABBREVIATUM. Exaratu per Michaelem le noir co- 
 morantem supra pontem sancti Michaelis ad intersigiiiu 
 sancti Johanis euageliste. ...... 1497 
 CATTANEO, Gaetano. Equejade, Monumento Antico di Bronzo, 
 del Museo Nazionale ..... Milan, 1819 
 Opera, Valpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1822 
 Carmina, annotatione illustravit F. G. Doering, 8vo. Altona, 1834 
 Poems, translated by the Hon. G. Lamb, 2 vols. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1821 
 CAULFIELD, Richard. 
 Sigilla Ecclesiae Hibernicae illustrata, parts 1-4, 8vo. Cork, 1853 
 Rotulus Pipae Clonensis, 4tO. ..... ib. 1859 
 Autobiography of Sir Richard Coxe, 8vo. (Tracts 55*) Lond. 1860 
 Lif e of St. Fin Barre, 4to ib. 1864 
 Annals of St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, 8vo. Cork, 1871 
 The Council Book of the Corporation of Cork, 1609 to 
 1643, and 1690 to 1800, 4to Guildford, 1876 
 The Register of the Parish of the Holy Trinity (Christ 
 Church), Cork, from July 1643 to February 1668, with 
 extracts from the Parish Books, 8vo. . . . Cork, 1877 
 The Council Book of the Corporation of Youghal, 1610 to 
 1659, 1666 to 1687, and 1690 to 1800, 4to. . Guildford, 1878 
 Kinsale, 1652 to 1800, 4to. . . ib. 1879 
 Hand-Book of the Cathedral Church of St. Fin Barre, 
 Cork, with engravings, &c., 8vo. .... Cork, 1881 
 CAUMONT, A. de. 
 Cours d'Antiquites Monumentales, parts iii.-v., and Atlas, 
 8vo Paris, 1831-1838 
 Voyage Archeologique fait en Normandie, 8vo. (Tracts 60) 
 Caen, 1838 
 Synchronisme d' Architecture dans la France, 8vo. Mans. 1840 
 Promenade Archeologique en Bretagne, 1849, 8vo. Paris, 1850 
 Excursion Archeologique en Lorraine, &c., 1850, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 60) ib. 1851 
 dans le Midi de la France, 8vo. (Tracts 60) ib. 1853 

 CAU CAX 121 
 CAUMONT, A. de continued. 
 Abecedaire ou rudiments d'Archeologie, 8vo. 
 Paris and Caen, 1854 
 De la Reforme Academique en France, 8vo. . . Caen 
 CAUSSINUS, P. N. Symbolica ./Egyptiorum Sapientia, 4to. 
 Paris, 1647 
 CAUSTON, H. K. S. The Howard Papers, with a Biographical 
 Pedigree, 8vo Lond. [1862] 
 CAVALLIUS, G. 0. H. Vocabulariuna Vcerendicum, specimen 
 primum. 8vo. (Tracts 45.) . . . . Upsal, 1837 
 CAVE, William. 
 The Lives of the Primitive Fathers, vol. 1, Apostolici, fol. 
 Lond. 1677 
 vol. 2, Ecclesiastici, fol. . . . ib. 1683 
 Chartophylax Ecclesiasticus : quo prope M.D. Scriptores 
 Ecclesiastici, eorumq, patria, ordo editiones operum, 
 quin et ipsa Fragmenta indicantur. A Chr. Nato ad 
 . annum usq. MDXVII. Accedunt Scriptores Gentiles, 
 Christianas Religionis oppugnatores, &c. 8vo. . ib. 1685 
 CAVELER, William. 
 Specimens of Gothic Architecture, 4 j>arts, 4to. Lond. 1 835-6 
 Second edition. Plates. 4to. . ib. 1839 
 Illustrations of Warming-ton Church, co. Northampton, fol. 
 ib. 1850 
 CAVICEO, Jacomo. Dialogue treselegant intitule le Peregrin 
 traictant de 1'honneste et pudicq amour concilie par pure 
 et sincere vertu, traduict de vulgaire italien en langue 
 fracoyse par Maistre Francoys dassy. Reueu au long, et 
 corrige, par Jehan Martin. 4to. (For bibliographical 
 details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) . . . Paris, 1529 
 CAXTON, William. The Game of the Chesse. Reproduced in fac- 
 simile from a copy in the British Museum. With remarks 
 on Caxton's typographical productions by Y. Figgins, 4to. 
 Lond. 1860 
 CAXTON CELEBRATION, 1877. Catalogue of the Loan Collection 
 of Antiquities, and appliances connected with the Art of 
 Printing:, South Kensington. Preliminary issue. 8vo. 
 ib. 1877 
 CAXTON SOCIETY, Publications of the. 16 vols. 8vo. ib. 1844-54 
 1. Galfredi Monumetensis Historia Britonum. Edited by 
 J. A. Giles . 1844 
 2. Chronicon Angliro Petriburgense. Iterum post 
 Sparkium cum cod. MS. contulit A. Giles . . . 1845 
 3. Scriptores Rerum Gestarum Willelmi Conquestrris, in 
 unum collecti, ab J. A. Giles ...... 1845 
 4. Alani Prioris Cantuariensis postea Abbatis Tewkes- 
 beriensis Scripta quee extant. Edited by J. A. Giles . 1846 
 5. Epistolse Herberti de Losinga,primi Episcopi Norwicensis 
 et Osberti de Clara, et Elmeri Prioris Cantuariensis. 
 Edited by Robert Anstruther .... . 1846 
 6. Galfridi le Baker de Swinbroke, Chronicon An^liae tem- 
 poribus Edwardi IL et III. Edited by J. A. Giles . 1847 
122 CAX GEL 
 CAXTON SOCIETY continued. 
 7. Chronicon Henrici de Silegrave. Edited by C. Hook. , 1849 
 8. La Revolte du Comte de Warwick contre le Roi 
 Edouard IV. Edited by J. A. Giles .... 1849 
 9. Geoffrey Gaimar. Anglo-Norman Metrical Chronicle 
 of the Anglo-Saxon Kings. With an Appendix, con- 
 taining the Lay of Havelok the Dane, the Legend of 
 Ernulph, 'and Life of Herewardthe Saxon. Edited by T. 
 Wright .......... 1850 
 10. Walteri Abbatis Dervensis Epistolse. Edited by C. 
 Messiter .......... 1850 
 11. Benedicti Abbatis Petriburgensis de Vita et Miraculis 
 St. Thomas Cantuar. Edited by J. A. Giles . . . 1850 
 12. Anecdota Bedae, Lanfranci, et aliorum. Edited by J. 
 A. Giles .......... 1851 
 13. Radulphi Nigri Chronica Duo. Edited by Robert 
 Anstruther ......... 1851 
 14. Memorial of Bishop Waynflete, Founder of St. Mary 
 Magdalen College, Oxford, by P. Heylyn. Edited by 
 J. R. Bloxam ......... 1851 
 15. Robert Grossetete (Bishop of Lincoln). Chasteau 
 d' Amour, to which is added, La Yie de Sainte Marie 
 Egyptienne, and an English Version (13th Century) of 
 the Chasteau d' Amour. Edited by M. Cooke . . 1852 
 16. Vitae quorundam Anglo- Saxonum. Edited by J. A. 
 Giles .......... 1854 
 CAYLUS, le Comte de. Recueil d'Antiquites, 7 torn. 4to. Paris, 1752 
 CEBRIAN, F. Ponzoa, and Di Rossello, J. M. R. Diccionario 
 Manual para el estudio de Antiquedades, 8vo. Palma, 1846 
 CECI, Carlo. Piccoli Bronzi del Real Museo Borbonico, distinti 
 in dieci tavole, obi. fol. ..... Naples, 1854 
 CELESTINA. Pornobascodidascalus latinus, de lenonum, lena- 
 rum, conciliatricum, servitorum dolis veneficiis, &c., 
 lingua hispanica ab incerto auctore ludi instar conscrip- 
 tus CelestinaB titulo. C. Barthius trans crib eb at, 8vo. 
 Francofurti, 1624 
 CELLARIUS, Christopher. Nbtitia Orbis Antiqui, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Cambridge, 1703 
 CELLINI, Benvenuto. 
 Yita di, scritta da lui medesimo, 2 vols. 12mo. 
 Florence, 1846 
 Life of, written by himself. Translated by T. Nugent, 2 vols. 
 12mo. . ...... Lond. 1828 
 CELSIUS, Olof. Histoire d'Eric XIV. Roi de Suede, Traduite par 
 Genet Fils. 2 vols. 12mo ..... Paris, 1777 
 CELSUS, Aurelius Cornelius. In hoc volumine haec continentur. 
 Aurelii Cornelii Celsi Medicines libri VIII. Quinti 
 . Sereni Liber de Medecina, 8vo. , . Venice (Aldus), 1528 

 GEL CEN 123 
 CELTIC SOCIETY, Publications of the, 6 vols. Boy. 8vo. 
 Dublin, 1847-55 
 1. The Book of Rights ; a Treatise on the Rights and Pri- 
 vilege of the ancient Kings of Ireland. Edited by John 
 O'Donovan. Prefixed to this volume are the following 
 historical and critical dissertations by the Editor : i. On 
 the various Manuscripts of the Book of Rights, ii. On 
 the Saltair Chaisil, or Psalter of Cashel. iii. On the 
 will of Cathaeir Mor and other pieces introduced into 
 Leabhar na g-Ceart. iv. On the references to Tomar as 
 King or Prince of the Danes of Dublin. v. On the 
 Tract prefixed to the Book of Rights entitled " The 
 Restrictions and Prerogatives of the Kings of Eire." 
 vi. On the division of the year among the ancient Irish, 
 vii. On the Chariots and Roads of the ancient Irish, 
 vii. On Chess among the ancient Irish, with engravings. 
 ix. On the Irish Text and Translation .... 1847 
 2. Cambrensis Eversus ; or, Refutation of the Authority of 
 Giraldus Cambrensis on the History of Ireland, by Dr. 
 John Lynch (1662), with some account of the Affairs of 
 that Kingdom. Edited by M. Kelly. 3 vols. . 1848-52 
 3. Miscellany of the Celtic Society. Edited by John 
 O'Donovan . 1849 
 4. The Battle of Magh Leana. An ancient historic Tale. 
 Edited by Eugene Curry 1853 
 Voyage Archeologique dans 1'ancien Comte de Bigorre, 
 8vo. (Tracts 134) 1856 
 Voyage dans le Comte de Comminges et des Quatre-Vallees, 
 8vo Tarles and Paris, 1856 
 CENSORINUS. Liber de Die Natali, cum commentario H. Lin- 
 denbrogii, ut et C. Lucilii Satyrarum Reliquiae, 8vo. 
 Ley den, 1743 
 CENSURA TEMPORUM. The good or ill Tendencies of Books, 
 Sermons, etc., consider'd, in a Dialogue between Eubulus 
 and Sophronius. July to Oct. 1708, Dec. 1708, and Jan. 
 to May 1709, 4to. .".-.(] . . . Lend. 1708-9 
 1. Population Tables. Numbers of Inhabitants. Vols. 
 i. ii. fol *&. 1852 
 2. Ages, Civil Condition, &c. of the People. Vols. i. and ii. 
 fol . ib. 1854 
 CENT NOUVELLES. Suivent les Cent Nouvelles contenant les 
 Cent Histoires Nouveaux qui sont moult plaisans a 
 raconter. Avec figures gravees sur les desseins de Mr. 
 Remain de Hooge, 2 vols. 12mo. . . . Cologne, 1701 
 CENT CINQ RONDEAULX DAMOUR, Publics d'apres un manuscrit 
 du commencement du XVI e . siecle par E. Tross, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1863 
 CENTURY QUESTION, An Examination of the, 8vo. . Lond. 1850 
124 CER CHA 
 CEREMONIES. The Ceremonies, of the Vacant See, or a true 
 relation of what passes at Rome upon the Pope's death. 
 Out of the French, by J. Davies,of Kidwelly, 12mo. Loud, 1671 
 CERUTI, Antonius. Statuta Communitatis Novariee anno 
 MCCLXXVII. lata, collegit A. Ceruti, 4to. . . Novara, 1879 
 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. Don Quixote, Translated by 
 C. Jarvis, 2 vols. 4to. > Lond. 1742 
 CESELLI, Luigi. Sopra 1'Arte Ceramica Primitiva nel Lazio, 4to. 
 Rome, 1868 
 CESNOLA, A. P. Di. Salaminia (Cyprus). The History, Trea- 
 sures, and Antiquities of Salamis. With an Introduction 
 by S. Birch, 4to Lond. 1882 
 CESNOLA, L. P. Di. Cyprus, its ancient Cities, Tombs, and 
 Temples. A Narrative of Researches, &c., 8vo. . ib. 1877 
 CHABAS, F. Voyage d'un ^gyptien en Syrie, en Phenicie, en 
 Palestine, &c. Avec ]a collaboration de C. W. Goodwin, 
 4to. ...... Chalon-sur-Saone, 1866 
 Sur deux Medaillons de Commode, 8vo. (Tracts 42) . . 1841 
 Another copy. 
 Sur un Jetton de Dessana frappe en Piemont, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 42) . . . 1843 
 Another copy. 
 Notice sur Marion Du Mersan, 8vo. (Tracts 4*2). 
 Sur les Monnaies de Cugnon, 8vo. (Tracts 42). 
 CHADWICK, J. N. Index Nominum ; being an Index of Christian 
 and Surnames (with Arms), mentioned in Blomefield's 
 History of Norfolk, 4to. . . . King's Lynn, 1862 
 CHADWICK, J. O. Reports on the Estate of Sir Andrew Chad- 
 wick and the recent Proceedings of the Chadwick Asso- 
 ciation. With the Life of Sir Andrew Chadwick, 4to. 
 Lond. 1881 
 CHAFFERS, William. 
 Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain, 8vo. ib. 1863 
 Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, 8vo. . . ib. 1863 
 CHALLE, M. Inauguration du Monument de Guillaume-le-Con- 
 querant, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) .... Auxerre, 1862 
 CHALMERS, Alexander. 
 History of the University of Oxford, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1810 
 General Biographical Dictionary, 32 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812-17 
 Memoir of John Nichols, F.S.A., 4to. [Prattinton OoZZ.] ib. 1826 
 CHALMERS, George. 
 Life of Thos. Ruddiman, 8vo ib. 1794 
 Apology for Believers in the Shakespeare Papers, 8vo. ib. 1797 
 Supplemental Apology, &c., 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1799 
 Appendix to ditto, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1800 
 Caledonia ; or, an Account Historical and Topographic of 
 North Britain. Vols. i. ii., 4to. . . ib. 1807-10 
 CHALMERS, Patrick. 
 Ancient Sculptured Monuments of Angus, &c., fol. max. 
 Edinburgh, 1848 
CHA CHA 125 
 CHALMERS, Patrick continued. 
 Origines Hibernicse. By the Hon. and Rev. A. P. Perceval. 
 (Tracts 68*) 8vo. Dublin, 1849 
 CHALMERS, Peter. Account of Dunfermline, 2nd vol., 8vo. 
 Edinburgh and Lond. 1859 
 Recherches sur les Monnaies de Wallincourt en Cambresis, 
 8vo. (Tracts 42) Brussels, 1847 
 Quelques Jetons Inedits, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) . . ib. 1859 
 CHALONER, J., Treatise on the Isle of Man, 8vo. . . Douglas, 1864 
 CHAMBERLAIN, N. H. A Paper on New England Architecture, 
 8vo Boston, 1858 
 CHAMBERLAYNE, John. Imitations of Drawings by Holbein, fol. 
 Lond. 1792 
 The Military Memorial of Prince Frederic Charles of 
 Prussia. Edited from the German. Second edition, 8vo. 
 ib. 1872 
 Phases of Party. Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1872 
 CHAMBERS, Ephraim. Cyclopaedia. Edited by A. Rees, 4 vols., 
 fol . . ib. 1786 
 The Psalter, or Seven ordinary Hours of Prayer according 
 to the use of Sarum, etc. Also, the Litany and Vigils of 
 the Dead. Translated. 4to Lond. 1852 
 Divine Worship in England in the Thirteenth and Four- 
 teenth Centuries contrasted with, and adapted to, that in 
 the Nineteenth. New edition, 4to. .... ib. 1877 
 History of Malvern. [Prattinton Coll.] 8vo. . Worcester, 1817 
 General History of Worcester, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1819 
 Illustrations of Worcestershire, 8vo. [Prattinton Coll.] ib. 1820 
 Another copy. [Prattinton Coll.} 
 General History of Malvern, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1820 
 Biographical illustrations of Worcestershire, including 
 Lives of Persons eminent either for Piety or Talent, with 
 a List of Living Authors of the County, 8vo. [Woolfe 
 Coll] ib. 1820 
 CHAMBERS, Robert. The Book of Days, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1863-64 
 CHAMBERS, W. & R. Chambers's Handy Guide to London, with 
 Information relating to the International Exhibition of 
 1862, 8vo Lond. and Edinburgh, 1862 
 CHAMBERS, Sir William. 
 Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, &c., fol. 
 Lond. 1757 
 Another copy. 
 CHAMPFLEURY. Histoire de la Caricature Antique et Moderne. 
 2 vols. 12mo Paris, 1865 
 CHAMPIONSHIP. Fights for the Championship. By the Editor of 
 " Bell's Life in London," 8vo Lond. 1855 
 CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC, J. J. Nouvelles Recherches sur les Patois 
 ou Idiomes Vulgaires de la France, 12ruo. , Paris, 1809 
126 CHA CHA 
 CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC, J. J., and PFNOE, Rodolphe. Monographic 
 du Palais de Fontaineblean. 2 vols. Atlas fol. Paris, 1863 
 CHANCELLOE, E. B. The Life of Charles I., 1600-1625, 8vo. Lond. 1886 
 CHANDLEE, H. W. Five Court Rolls of Great Cressingham, in 
 the Comity of Norfolk, 8vo ib. 1885 
 CHANDLEE, Richard. 
 Marmora Oxoniensia, fol. max. .... Oxford, 1763 
 History of Ilium or Troy, 4to. .... Lond. 1802 
 Life of William Waynflete, 8vo ib 1811 
 CHANDLEE, Richard, REVETT, N., and PAES, W. Ionian Anti- 
 quities, fol. max. (2 copies of Part i. ; 1 copy of Part ii.) 
 ib. 1769-97 
 CHANSONS (Les) des Pelerins de S. Jacques. Sur 1'imprime a 
 Compostel, 32mo. ...... Troyes, 1718 
 CHANTEE, Ernest. 
 Observations sur la Decouverte du 2 me age du Bronze a la 
 fosse aux Pretres pres du Theil, commune de Billy 
 (Loire-et-cher),parM. 1'Abbe Bourgeois, 8vo. (Tracts 163) 
 Toulouse, 1875 
 Rapport sur la Legende Internationale des cartes prehis- 
 toriques. Part I., 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . . ib. 1875 
 Etudes Paleoethnologiques dans le Bassin du Rhone. Age 
 du Bronze. Recherches sur 1'origine de la Metallurgie 
 en France. 5 vols., 4to. and fol. . . .Paris, 1875-76 
 Premier Age du Fer. Necropoles et 
 Tumulus, 4to. , Paris and Lyons, 1880 
 Album, fol ib. 1880 
 Legende Internationale des Cartes Paleoethnologiques, pro- 
 posee au Congres d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie de 
 Stockholm en 1874. Broad-sheet 1876 
 L'Exposition Hongroise d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie 
 Prehistoriques a Buda-Pesth, en 1876, 8vo. . Toulouse, 1877 
 Notes Anthropologiques. Les Necropoles du Premier Age 
 du Fer des Alpes Francaises, 8vo. . . . Lyons, 1878 
 CHAP BOOKS. [A small volume containing the following Collec- 
 tions of Songs.~\ 12mo. 
 1. Haughs of Crumdel; Broom of cowdenknowes ; High- 
 land Plaid Stirling, n.d. 
 2. Blackamoor of the Wood. (Two copies) . . . ib. n.d. 
 3. Woodman; Galley Slave; I'm well sair'd ; Jock of 
 Hazeldean ; William's Farewell ; Jenny the Maid ; 
 Oh ! Lady Fair ib. n.d. 
 4. Hills o' Gallowa; Last May a braw Wooer; Green 
 grow the Rashes, ; Sweet the Rose Blaws . . ib. 1826 
 5. Soldier's Dream ; Hap me wi' my Petticoat ; At the 
 dead of the Night; Bonny Molly Stewart; Lochaber 
 no more ; Down the Burn Davie . . . . ib. n.d. 
 6. Bundle and Go ; Donald and Mary ; The bonders ; 
 Sweet Kitty o' the Clyde . . . ' . . . ib. n.d. 
 7. Sair, sair was my heart ; The Hero's Orphant Girls ; 
 The Lass o' Ballochmyle ; Allister McAllister ; The 
 Highland Plaid ib. 1826 
CHA CHA 127 
 CHAP BOOKS continued. 
 8. The Bonny Lass of Banaphie ; The Banks of Clyde 
 Stirling, 1826 
 9. The Duke of Gordon's Daughter ; The Challenge . ib. n.d. 
 10. Allan Tine o' Harrow ; Highland Laddie ; Bonnie 
 Wood of Craigie Lea ib. n.d. 
 11. Welcome, Charlie; The Day Returns; Hills of 
 Gallowa; Oh, Nancy; The Sailor Boy; The Sailor's 
 Return . ... . ib. 1826 
 12. Captain Wedderburn's Courtship ; The Wandering 
 Boy ib. n.d. 
 13. A Garland of New Songs. Daft Watty's Ramble ; I 
 was the Boy ; Mary once had Lovers Two ; The Little 
 Farthing Rushlight ; Paddy O'Leary 
 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n.d. 
 14. A Garland of New Songs ; The World's a Stage ; The 
 Yorkshireman in London ; Britannia . . . ib. n.d. 
 15. A Garland of New Songs. Oh ! Lady Fair ; Steady 
 she goes ; Poor Frantic Mary ; Thomas Clutterbuck ; 
 Plato's Advice ; Dulce Domum .... ib. n.d. 
 16. A Garland of New Songs. Will Watch; Jockey to the 
 Fair; Come, haste to the Wedding; The Maid of 
 Bedlam ; Jenny Nettles , . . . . . ib. n.d. 
 17. A Garland of New Songs. Muirland Willie ; Maggie 
 Lauder ; As I walked by Myself ; Sandy o'er the Lee ib. n.d. 
 18. A Garland of New Songs. Barbary Bell; Sally Gray; 
 On the Peace . . . . . . . . ib. n.d. 
 19. A Garland of New Songs. The Blackbird; Fore- 
 stalling done over; Mrs. Flinn and the Bold Dragoon; 
 A Bull in a China Shop ; The Wauking of the Fauld ib. n.d. 
 20. A Garland of New Songs. Battle of Waterloo : Death 
 of Nelson; Death of Abercrombie; Wounded Hussar; 
 Battle of Trafalgar ib. n.d. 
 21. Excellent New Songs, viz.: Answer to Jessie; Lash'd to 
 the Helm ; My only Jo ; Three Weeks after Marriage ; 
 For Lack of Gold ..... Alnwick, n.d. 
 22. Excellent New Songs, viz. : The Soldier's Return ; 
 The Heaving of the Lead ; Hal the Woodman ; The 
 Banks o' Doon ib. n.d. 
 The Famous History of Chevy Chase. /. Pits, Seven Dials, n.d. 
 Valentine and Orson. 4to Lond. n.d. 
 - 12mo ib. 1746 
 The Pleasant History of Jack and the Giants, 12mo. 
 Nottingham, n.d. 
 The Famous History of Sir Bevis, of Southampton. (Pp. 
 17-24 are wanting.) 4to Lond. 1689 
 The Exploits of Robinson Crusoe, Mariner of York, &c. 12mo. 
 n.p, n.d. 
 The History of the Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. Wood- 
 cuts. 4to, . . . Lond. Norris, n.d. 
128 CHA CHA 
 Volksmahrchen. [A 12mo. vol. containing the following books.] 
 1. Genovefa. .... Munich fy Augsburg, 1813 
 2. Der wieder erstandene Eulenspiegel . Reutlingen, n.d. 
 3. Die liber die Bosheit triumphirende Unschuld ; das ist 
 Hirlanda . . ib. n.d. 
 4. Kaiser Octavianus ....... ib. n.d. 
 Histoire de Valentine et Orson. 4to. . . . Troyes, n.d. 
 Libri Populari. [A vol. containing the following pieces.'] 
 1. Orazione ritrovato nel S. So. di N.S. G. C. . Roma, n.d. 
 2. Triduo in onore di Maria Santissima . . ib. 1853 
 3. Ristretto della vita del S. Giovanni Grande, &c. ib. 1853 
 4. Caso tremendo accaduto ad un Giovane, &c. . . n.p. n.d. 
 5. Istoria d'un Cavalier Tiranno . . . Lucca, n.d. 
 6. Crudelta non piu udita tra Pescia e Pistoja, &c. . ib. n.d. 
 7. Istoria Bellissima di Stellante Costantina . . Todi, nd. 
 8. II celebre Astronomo Barba-Nera, Almanacca per 
 1'anno, 1854 . . . . . . . Fuligno, n.d. 
 9. Novella di Carcasenno, &c. .... Todi, n.d. 
 10. II Filosofo errante per 1'anno, 1854 . . Fuligno, n.d. 
 11. Ristretto, &c., [Another edition of No. 3] . Rome, 1853 
 Histoire de Huon de Bordeaux, 4to. . . . Troyes, n.d. 
 Con quetesdu Grand Charlemagne. 4to. . Montbellard, n.d. 
 Histoire des nobles prouesses et vaillances de Galien 
 Restaure, &c. 4to. (Bound with the preceding.) . ib. n.d. 
 Les Quatre Fils Aymon. 4to. .... fipinal, n.d. 
 CHAPMAN, J. H. The Persecution under Elizabeth. (Royal 
 Historical Society.) Privately printed. 4to. . Lond. 1881 
 CHAPPELL, William. 
 National English Airs, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1839-40 
 Popular Music of Olden Time, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1855-59 
 The History of Music. (Art and Science.) Vol. i., from 
 the earliest Records to the Fall of the Roman Empire. 4to. 
 ib. 1874 
 On the Influence and Use of Numbers in Practical Music, 
 For Private Circulation. 8vo. ..... ib. 1878 
 CHARDIN, Jean. 
 Voyage de Paris a Ispahan, fol. . . . . . ' ib. 1686 
 Travels into Persia and the East Indies, with the Corona- 
 tion of Solyman III., fol. . . . . . . ib. 1691 
 CHARENCEY, Hyacinthe de. Des Affinites des Langues Transgan- 
 getiques- avec les Langues Caucases, 8vo. (Tracts 98.) 
 Caen, 1862 
 CHARITIES. Abstract of Returns of Charitable Donations, &c., 
 1787-88, relating to Worcester, fol. [Prattinton Coll.'} 
 Lond. 1816 
 Reports, vols. i. to xxviii., fol. .... ib. 1819-34 
 General Index to vols. i. to xiv., fol. . . . . ib. 1827 
 Analytical Digest, fol ib. 1832 
 List of Counties Reported and not Reported on, fol. . ib. 1828 
CHA CHA 129 
 CHARLEMONT, Francis, Earl of. 
 1. Sale Catalogue (prices and names) of his Books and 
 Manuscripts, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1865 
 2. Three Sale Catalogues of his Collection, 10 July, 11 Aug., 
 and 27 September, 8vo ib. 1865 
 CHARLES I. A short view of the life and reign of King Charles. 
 12mo ib. 1658 
 His Majesty's Declaration concerning Ecclesiastical Affairs, 
 fol ib. 1660 
 The History of His Sacred Majesty Charles II., 1649-60. 
 12mo . . . ib. 1660 
 CHARLES II. DE NAVARRE. Recueil des Pieces Servant de preuves 
 aux Memoires de, 4to. . .... Paris, 1755 
 CHARLETON, Walter. Chorea Gigantum, called Stone-heng, 4to. 
 Lond. 1663 
 CHARLTON, Lionel. History of Whitby Abbey, 4to. . York, 1779 
 CHARMA, Antoine. 
 Sur la Liberte de 1'Enseignement, 8vo. (Tracts 95) Paris, 1840 
 Essai sur le Language, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1846 
 Biographic de Fontenelle, 8vo. (Tracts 95) . . . ib. 1846 
 Discours d'Ouverture de 1'Academie des Sciences a Caen, 
 8vo. (Tracts 95) Caen, 1849 
 Lanfranc, notice bibliographique, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 95) Paris, 1849 
 Sur un Billet d'indulgcnces de 1'Abbaye d'Ardennes, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95) ib. 1850 
 Promenade Archeologique en Bretagne, 8vo. (Tracts 95) ib. 1850 
 Sur un MS. de la Bibliotheque de Falaise, 8vo. (Tracts 95) 
 ib. 1851 
 Objets Antiques decouverts a N. Dame de Livoye, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95) ib. 1852 
 "Rapport sur les Fouilles au Catillon en 1851, 8vo. (Tracts 
 95) ib. 1852 
 Sur les Palinods, 8vo. (Tracts 95) ib. 1852 
 Sur les Fouilles de Vieux, 8vo. (Tracts 95) . . . ib. 1853 
 Saint Anselme, notice biographique, 8vo. Tracts 95) . ib. 1853 
 . Another copy. 
 Sur les Fouilles de Jort, 8vo. (Tracts 95) . . . ib. 1854 
 Sur les Fouilles de Vieux pres Caen, 8vo. (Tracts 95) . ib. 1855 
 Sur 1'Etablissement d'une Langue Universelle, 8vo. (Tracts 
 P5) ib. 1855 
 Le Pere Andre et Charles de Quens, 8vo. (Tracts 95) . ib. 1857 
 Resume du Cours d'Esthetique, 8vo. (Tracts 96) . Caen, 1858 
 Nouvelle Classification- des Sciences, 8vo. ( Tracts 95) Paris, 1859 
 Fouilles pratiquees a Evrecy en 1867, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) 
 Caen, 1867 
 Local Etymology, 8vo Lond. 1859 
 Verba Nominalia, 8vo ib. 1866 
 Patronymica Cornu-Britannica ; or, the Etymology of 
 Cornish Surnames, 8vo: ...... t&. 1870 
 CHARNOCK, R. S. continued. 
 On Manorial Customs, Tenures, Grants, Fines, &c., in the 
 County of Essex, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) . . Land. 1870 
 The Peoples of Transylvania, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) ib. 1870 
 CHARPENTIER, Jean Le. Histoire Genealogique de la Noblesse 
 des Pais-Bas, ou Histoire de Cambray, et du Cam- 
 bresis. 2 vols., sm. 4to Leyden, 1668 
 CHARTERHOUSE BILL, The. In Parliament. Session 1886. 
 Statement against the Bill, fol. . . Westminster, 1886 
 CHARVET, Jules. Description des Collections de Sceaux-Matrices 
 de M. E. Donge, 8vo. '. . . . Paris, 1872 
 Paleographie des Chartes et des Manuscrits du xi e au xvii e 
 siecle, 8vo. ....... ItJvreuz, 1839 
 Cinquieme edition, 8vo. . . Paris, 1862 
 Petit Yocabulaire Latin-Francais du 13 e siecle, 12mo. 
 Another copy. 
 ib. 1857 
 Dictionnaire de Sigillographie Pratique, 8vo. . . ib. 1860 
 des Abbreviations, Deuxieme edition, 8vo. ib. 1862 
 CHASSEAUD, George Washington. The Druses of the Lebanon, 
 8vo Lond. 1855 
 CHASTELLAIN, George. Histoire du chevalier Jacques de Lalain 
 Compagnon de 1'Ordre de la Toison d'Or. Edited by J. 
 Chifflet. 4to. . Brussels, 1634 
 CHATEL, Eug. Notice sur la Mosa'ique de Lillebonne, 4to. Caen, 1873 
 CHATEL, Victor. Lettre sur les Silex tailles de main d'homme, 
 8vo. (Tracts 67**) ...... ib. 1866 
 CHATFIELD, C. Teutonic Antiquities, 8vo. . . Lond. 1828 
 CHATSWORTH, Modern. 8vo Sheffield, 1837 
 CHAUCER, Geoffrey. 
 Works ; with the Story of the Siege of Thebes, by John 
 Lydgate. (Portrait cut out.) Fol. . . . Lond. 1687 
 Canterbury Tales. Edited by T. Morell, 8vo. . . ib. 1740 
 Translated into German by E. Fielder, 
 8vo. . . Dessau, 
 Autotypes of Chaucer Manuscripts. Part I., fol. . ib. 
 Chaucer's Troilus. Book I., Proem, and Book II. End ; 
 Book III. Proem; Chaucer's A. B. C. [Three fac- 
 First Series of Publications. 
 1. Six-Text Print of Canterbury Tales. Parti. Prologue 
 and Knight's Tale. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Obi. 
 fol. ........... 
 2. Prologue and Knight's Tale from the Ellesmere MS. 
 cjuiteu uy x 1 . o . _c uriiivaii, ovo. 
 ::'L : : : 
 I. - . . 
 "PpfTvorfh TVTff 
 Tjfl.nsrlnwnp! TVTS 
CHA CHA 131 
 CHAUCER SOCIETY. First Series continued. 
 8. The Miller's, Reeve's, and Cook's Tales from the Elles- 
 mere MS. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo. . . . 1869 
 9. - - Hengwrt MS. Part II. ... 1869 
 10. - Cambridge MS. IT. . . . 1869 
 11. Corpus MS. II. . . .1869 
 12. - Petworth MS. II. ... 1869 
 13. -LansdowneMS. II. . . .1869 
 14. Six-Text Print of Canterbury Tales. Part II. The 
 Miller's, Reeve's, and Cook's Tales. Edited by F. J. 
 Furnivall. Obi. fol 1870 
 15. Part III. The Man of Law's, Ship- 
 man's, and Prioress's Tale, and the Tale of Sir Thopaa. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Obi. fol 1871 
 16. The Man of Law's Tale, from the Ellesmere MS. , . 1871 
 17. - Cambridge MS. Part III. . .1871 
 18. - Corpus MS. III. . 1871 
 19. The Shipman's, Prioress's, and Man of Law's Tales 
 from the Petworth MS 1871 
 20. The Man of Law's Tale from the Lansdowne MS, . Part 
 III 1871 
 21. Parallel Text Edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems. 
 Part I. The Dethe of Blaunche the Duchesse ; the 
 Compleynte to Pite : the Parliament of Foules ; the 
 compleynte of Mars. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Obi. 
 fol. . ' . 1871 
 22. Supplementary Parallel Texts of Chaucer's Minor 
 Poems. Part I. The Parliament of Foules, from three 
 MSS. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Obi. fol. . . . 1871 
 23. Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems. Part I. 1. Two 
 bits of the Parliament of Foules. 2. Two differing ver- 
 sions of the Prologue to the Legende of Good Women. 
 3. Appendix of Poems attributed to Chaucer: (1) the 
 Balade of Pytee ; (2) the Cronycle of Chaucier. Edited 
 by F. J. Fnrnivall, 8vo. 1871 
 24. A One-Text Print of Chaucer's Minor Poems, being 
 the best Text of each Poem in the Parallel Text 
 Edition (No. 21). Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo. . . 1871 
 25. Six-Text Print of Canterbury Tales. Part IV. 
 Chaucer's Tale of Melibe; the Monk's, Nuns' Priest's, 
 Doctor's, Pardoner's, Wife of Bath's, Friar's, and Sum- 
 moner's Tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Obi. fol. . 1872 
 26. The Wife's, Friar's, and Summoner's Tales, from the 
 Ellesmere MS. Part IV. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo. 1872 
 27. The Wife's, Friar's, Summoner's, Monk's, and Nuns' 
 Priest's Tales from the Hengwrt MS. Part III. Edited 
 by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo 1872 
 28. The Wife's, Friar's, and Summoner's Tales from the 
 Cambridge MS. Part IV. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 
 8vo. . .... . 1872 
 E 2 
132 CHA CHA 
 CHAUCER SOCIETY First Series continued. 
 29. A Treatise on the Astrolabe, addressed to his son 
 -Lowys, in 1391 A.D., by Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by 
 W. W. Skeat, 8vo 1872 
 30. Six-Text Print of Canterbury Tales. Part V. The 
 Clerk's Tale and the Merchant's Tale. Edited by F. J. 
 -FurnivalL Obi. fol .1873 
 31. Part VI. The Squire's and Frank- 
 lin's Tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Obi. fol. . . 1874 
 32. The Clerk's, Merchant's, Squire's, Franklin's, Doctor's, 
 Pardoner's, Shipman's, Prioress's Tales ; Sir Thopas, 
 Melibeus, The Monk's, Nuns' Priest's, and Second Nun's 
 Tales, from the Ellesmere MS. Part V. Edited by F. J. 
 Furnivall, 8vo 1874 
 33. The same from the Cambridge MS. Part V. 8vo. . 1874 
 34. The Squire's, Wife's, Friar's, Summoner's, Clerk's, Mer- 
 chant's, Franklin's Tales, from the Corpus MS. Part IV. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo 1874 
 35. The same, from the Petworth MS. Part IV. 8vo. . 1874 
 36. The same, from the Lansdowne MS. Part IV. 8vo. . 1874 
 37. Six-Text Print of Canterbury Tales. Part VII. The 
 Second Nun's, the Canon's Yeoman's, the Manciple's 
 Tales, the Blank Parson Link. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 
 Obi. fol 1875 
 38. The Second Nun's, Canon's Yeoman's, and Manciple's 
 Tales, from the Ellesmere MS. Part VI. Edited by 
 F. J. Furnivall, 8vo 1875 
 -39. The Manciple's, Man of Law's, Squire's, Merchant's, 
 .Franklin's, Second Nun's, Clerk's, Doctor's, Pardoner's, 
 Shipman's, Prioress's Tales ; Thopas ; Melibeus ; from 
 the Hengwrt MS. Part IV. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 
 8vo 1875 
 -40. The Second Nun's, Canon's Yeoman's, and Manciple's 
 Tales, from the Cambridge MS. Part VI. Edited by 
 F. J, Furnivall, 8vo 1875 
 41. The Second Nun's, Canon's Yeoman's, Doctor's, Par- 
 doner's, Shipman's, Prioress's Tales ; Thopas ; Melibeus ; 
 Monk's, Nuns' Priest's, and Manciple's Tales, from the 
 Corpus MS. Part V. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo. . 1875 
 42. The Second Nun's, Canon's Yeoman's, Doctor's, Par- 
 doner's Tales; Thopas; Melibeus; Monk's, Nuns' Priests, 
 and Manciple's Tales, from the Petworth MS. Part V. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo 1875 
 43. The same, with the addition of the Shipman's Tale, 
 from the Lansdowne MS. Part V. Edited by F. J. 
 Furnivall, 8vo 1875 
 44. Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde compared with Boc- 
 caccio's Filostrato. Translated by W. M. Rossetti. Parti. 
 Obi. fol 1875 
 45. Rhyme Index to the Ellesmere MS. of Chaucer's Can- 
 terbury Tales, .by Henry Cromie, 8vo. . . .1875 
CHA CHA 133 
 CHAUCER SOCIETY First Series continued. 
 46. The same. Obi. fol . 1875 
 47. Notes and Corrections for the Byrne-Index (No. 46, 
 -First Series). With a List of the Rymes in it. By 
 Henry Cromie, 8vo. .... . . 1875 
 49. A Six-Text Print of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, from 
 the following MSS. : 1. The Ellesmere: 2. The Hengrwl, 
 154.. 3. The Cambridge .Univ. Libr. Gg., 4, 27. 4. The' 
 . Corpus Christ! College, Oxford. 5. The Petworth. 6. The 
 Lansdowne, 851 ; British Museum. Edited by F. J. Fur- 
 nivall. Part VIII. The Parson's Tale, with a Table of its 
 Contents, and Mr. Hy. Cromie's " Notes and Corrections 
 .to the Ryme-Index," No. 45. Obi. fol. . . . 1877 
 50. The Ellesmere MS. of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Part VII. The Parson's 
 Tale, 8vo 1877 
 51. The Hengwrt MS. (No. 154) of Chaucer's Canterbury 
 Tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Part V. The Par- 
 son's Tale, 8vo. " 1877 
 52. The Cambridge MS. (Cambridge Univ. Libr., Gg. 4, 
 27) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Edited by F. J. 
 Furnivall. Part VII. The Parson's Tale, 8vo. . . 1877 
 53. The Corpus MS. (Corpus Christ! Coll., Oxford) of 
 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 
 Part VI. The Parson's Tale, 8vo 1877 
 54. The Petworth MS. of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall. Part VI. The Parson's 
 Tale, 8vo 1877 
 55. The Lansdowne MS. (No. 851) of Chaucer's Canterbury 
 Tales. Part VI. The Parson's Tale, 8vo. . . . 1877 
 56. Autotype Specimens of the chief Chaucer MSS. Part II. 
 Fol 1878 
 57. A Parallel-Text Edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems, 
 Part II. Obi. fol 1878 
 58. - - Part III . 1879 
 59. Supplementary Parallel-Texts of Chaucer's Minor 
 Poems. Part II. Obi. fol 1880 
 60. Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems. Part II., 8vo. 1880" 
 61. A One-Text Print of Chaucer's Minor Poems, being 
 the best text of each Poem in the Parallel-Text Edition* 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall, 8vo. . . 1880 
 62. Autotype Specimens of the chief Chaucer MSS. Part 
 III. Two from Henry V.'s MS. of the Troilus ; one 
 from Shirley's MS. of the A. B. C. at Sion Coll. . 
 63. A Parallel-Text Print of Chaucer's Troilus and Oi- 
 seyde, from the Campsall MS. of Mr. B. Frank, copied 
 for Henry V., Harl. MS. 2280, and the Cambridge MS., 
 Gg. 4, 27. Put forth by F, J. Furnivall. Part 1. 
 Books I. and II. Obi. fol 1881 
 64. Part ii. Books III., IV., and V, 
 .Obi. fol. , , ... 1882 
134 CHA CHA 
 CHAUCER, SOCIETY, First Series continued. 
 65. Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde (from the Harl. MS. 
 3943), compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato englisht by 
 W. M. Rossetti. Part II. Obi. fol 1883 
 CHAUCER SOCIETY. Second Series. 
 1. On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference 
 to Shakespeare and Chaucer, by A. J. Ellis. Part I., 
 8vo 1869 
 2. Essays on Chaucer, his Words and Works, 8vo. . . 1868 
 3. A Temporary Preface to the Six-Text Edition of 
 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I., by F. J. Furnivall. 
 8vo 1868 
 4. Ellis's Early English Pronunciation. Part II., 8vo. . 1869 
 5. Part III., 8vo 1870 
 <6. Trial Forewords to my Parallel-Text Edition of Chau- 
 cer's Minor Poems for the Chaucer Society, by F. J. 
 Furnivall, 8vo 1871 
 . 7. Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canter- 
 bury Tales. Part I. 1. Nicholas Trivet's French Life 
 of Constance. 2. The Tale of the Wife of Merelaus the 
 Emperor. 3. King Oifa's Intercepted Letters and banisht 
 Queen. 4. Two French Fabliaux like Chaucer's Reeve's 
 Tale. 5. Two Latin Stories like Chaucer's Friar's Tale, 
 8vo 1872 
 -.8. Albertani Brixiensis Liber Consolationis et Consilii, ex 
 quo hausta est Fabula Gallica de Melibeo et Prudentia 
 quam Anglice redditam et The Tale of Melibe inscriptam 
 Galfridus Chaucer inter Canterbury Tales recepit. Edidit 
 Thor Sundby, 8vo 1873 
 '9. Essavs on Chaucer, his Words and Works. Part II. 
 8vo 1874 
 10. Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canter- 
 bury Tales. Part II. 6. Alphonsus of Lincoln. 7. How 
 Reynard caught Chanticleer : from the French of Marie 
 de France. 8. Two Italian Stories and a Latin one. 
 9. The Tale of the Priest's Bladder. 10. Petrarch's 
 Latin Tale of Grriseldis. 11. Five Versions of a Pear- 
 Tree Story. 12. The Legend of St. Cecilia. 
 11. Ellis's Early English Pronunciation. Part IV. 8vo. 1875 
 12. Life Records of Chaucer. 1. The Robberies of 
 Chaucer, by Richard Brerelay and others at West- 
 minster. Edited by W. D. Selby. 8vo. . . . 1875 
 13. Animaduersions uppon the Annotacions and Corrections 
 of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's 
 Workes (sett downe before tyme a,nd nowe) reprinted 
 in the yere of oure lorde 1598, sette downe by Francis 
 Thynne. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 8vo. . . . 1876 
 14. Life-Records of Chaucer. II. Chaucer as Yalet and 
 Squire to Edward III. King Edward II.'s Household 
 and Wardrobe Ordinances. A.D. 1323. By F. J. Furnivall. 
 8vo. . 1876 
CHA CHE 135 
 CHAUCER SOCIETY Second Series continued. 
 15. Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canter- 
 bury Tales. Part III. 13. The story of Constance. 
 (For the Man of Law's Tale.) 14. The Boy killed by a Jew 
 for singing " Gaude Maria ! ' An Analogue of the Pri- 
 oress's Tale. 15. The Paris Beggar-boy murderd by a Jew 
 for singing " Alma redemptoris mater ! " An Analogue 
 of the Prioress's Tale ; with a Poem by Lydgate, 8vo. . 1876 
 16. Essays on Chaucer, his Words and Works. Part III. 
 7. Chaucer's Prioress, her chaplain and three Priests. 
 By F. J. Furnivall. 8. The Alliteration in Chaucer's 
 Canterbury Tales. By Felix Lindner. 9. Chaucer a 
 Wicliffite. An essay on Chaucer's Parson and Parson's 
 Tale. By H. Simon. lOa. The Sources of the Wife 
 of Bath's Prologue : 10&. Chaucer not a Borrower from 
 John of Salisbury. By Rev. W. W. Woollcombe. 8vo. 1876 
 17. Supplementary Canterbury Tales. 1. The Tale of 
 Beryn, with a Prologue of the merry Adventure of the 
 Pardoner with a Tapster at Canterbury. Edited by 
 'F. J. Furnivall and W. G. Stone. Part I. 8vo. . .1876 
 18. Essays on Chaucer, His Words and Works. Part IV. 
 8vo 1878 
 19. Part Y. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1884 
 CHAUDEUC DE CRAZANNES, J. C. M. A. Les neuf Peuples et les 
 douze Cites de 1'Aquitaine, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) . Auch. 1861 
 CHAULNES, le Due de. 
 Sur un Monument Egyptien, 4to. . . . Paris, 1777 
 4to. (Tracts 27) .... ib. 1783 
 CHAUNCY, Sir Henry. 
 Antiquities of Hertfordshire (with MS. Notes by Peter le 
 Neve), fol Lond. 1700 
 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1826 
 CHAUTARD, J. and LEJEUNE, Th re . Description du Tombeau de 
 FEmpereur [Napoleon l er ]. Notice sur 1'Hotel des In- 
 valides. 2 me Edition. 12mo. . . . Paris, 1853 
 CHE AM. Monmumental Memoranda from Cheam Church, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 67**) . Lond. n.d. 
 CHELSEA HOSPITAL, History of, 8vo. (Tracts 151) . . ib. 1805 
 CHELTENHAM, New Guide to, and its Environs, 8vo. Cheltenham, 1833 
 Register of Fellows and Associates, 1878, etc. In pro- 
 gress. 8vo . Lond. 1878, etc. 
 Cherbourg and Caen, 1875 
 CHESHIRE, Shropshire, and Lancashire, Handbook for. 8vo. 
 (Murray) Lond. 1870 
 CHESHIRE, Edward. 
 The results of the Census of Great Britain in 1851, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 126) ib. 1853 
 Abstract of the above-, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . . . ib. 1853 
136 HE CHE 
 CHESNEY, F. R. Expedition and Survey of the Rivers 
 Euphrates and Tigris, 1835-37. Plates and maps. 2 vols. 
 and Atlas . 8vo Lond. 1850 
 vols. 1 and 2, and pts. 10 and 11. (Wanting pts. 8 and 9.) 
 Chester, 1850-76 
 CHESTER, History of the City of, 8vo ib. 1815 
 CHESTER GUIDE, 8vo. ....... ib. n.d. 
 CHESTER, J. L. An official Inaccuracy respecting the Death 
 and Burial of the Princess Mary, daughter of King 
 James I., 8vo. (Tracts 95***) . . . . n. p. 1871 
 Account of the European MSS. in, 12mo. (Tracts 92) 
 Manchester, 1842 
 Catalogue of Proclamations, &c. presented by J. 0. Halli- 
 well, 4to. ... . Lond. 1851 
 Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts, 
 i QQI ,'^^~u,,3-: j-~u~ n~n ,j~: ~.c T ~D, 
 added 1863-1881, including the Collection of J. Byrom, 
 and all the MSS. Yol. VI. 8vo. . . Manchester, 1883 
 CHETHAM SOCIETY. Publications of the, 72 vols. 4to. ib. 1844-67 
 1. Brereton. Travels in Holland, &c. 1634-35. Edited by 
 E. Hawkins ......... 1844 
 2. Tracts on Military Proceedings in Lancashire during the 
 Great Civil War. Edited by G. Ormerod . . . 1844 
 3. Chester's Triumph in honor of her Prince, 1610. 
 Edited by T. Corser 1844 
 4. Adam Martindale's Life. Edited by R. Parkinson . 1845 
 5. Lancashire Memorials of Rebellion, 1715. Edited by 
 Samuel Hibbeft-Ware ....... 1845 
 6. Potts' s Discovery of Witches in Lancashire. Edited by 
 J. Crossley 1845 
 7. Iter Lancastrense, by Richard James. Edited by T. 
 Corser . - 1845 
 8. Notitia Cestriensis, by Bishop Gastrell. Edited by 
 F. R. Raines 1846 
 9. The Norris Papers. Edited by T. Heywood . . . 1846 
 10. Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Edited by W. A. 
 Hulton ....' 1847 
 11. ; vol. ii 1847 
 12. The Moore Rental. Edited by T. Heywood . . . 1847 
 13. Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. 
 Edited by J. Crossley 1847 
 14. Journal of Nicholas Assheton. Edited by F. R. 
 Raines . '.. \ . *. . .... 1847 
 15. Holy Lyfe of Saynt Werburge. Edited by E. Hawkins 1848 
 16. Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, vol. iii. Edited by W. 
 A. Hulton . . . 1849 
 17. Warrington in 1465. Edited by W. Beamont . .1849 
 18. Diary of Henry Newcome, 1661-1663. Edited by T. 
 Heywood . ' . . . . . . . . 1849 
 19. Notitia Cestriensis, vol. ii. part 1. Lancashire, part 1. 
 Edited by^'F. R! Raines . .,,.>. . . .1849 
HE CHE 137 
 CHETHAM SOCIETY continued. 
 20. Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, vol. iv. Edited by 
 . W. A. Hulton . . 1849 
 21. Notitia Cestriensis, vol. ii. part 2. Lancashire, part 2. 
 Edited by F. R. Raines 1849 
 22. - , vol. ii. part 3. Lancashire, part 3, 
 Edited by F. R. Raines 1849 
 23. Robinson, R. Golden Mirrour. Edited by T. Corser . 1850 
 24. Chetham Miscellanies, vol i. Edited by W. Langton . 1851 
 25. Cardinal Allen's Defence of Sir W. Stanley. Edited 
 by T. Heywood 1851 
 26. Autobiography of Henry Newcome. Edited by R. 
 Parkinson, vol. i. . . . . . . . . 1851 
 27. - vol. ii 1851 
 28. Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694. Edited by W. 
 Beamont 1852 
 29. The Stanley Papers, part 1. Edited by T. Heywood . 1853 
 30. Documents relating to the Priory of Penwortham. 
 Edited by W. A. Hulton 1853 
 31. The Stanley Papers, part 2. Edited by F. R. Raines . 1853 
 32. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John 
 Byrom, vol. i. .part 1. Edited by R. Parkinson . .1853 
 33. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories. First 
 portion. Edited by G. J. Piccppe . . . . . 1854 
 34. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John 
 Byrom, vol. i. .part . 2. Edited by R. Parkinson . . 1854 
 35. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths 
 of Gawthorpe Hall, part 1. Edited by J. Harland . . 1854 
 36. Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington, 
 vol. ii. part 1. Edited by J. Crossley 1855 
 37. Chetham Miscellanies, vol. ii. Edited by W. Langton . 1855 
 38. Bibliographical Notices of the Church Libraries of 
 Tux-ton and Gorton, bequeathed by Humphrey Chetham. 
 Edited by G. J. French . . . - . . . . 1855 
 39. The Farington Papers. Edited by Miss Farington .1856 
 40. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John 
 Byrom, vol. ii. part 1. Edited by R. Parkinson . . 1856 
 41. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths 
 of Gawthorpe Hall, part 2. Edited by J. Harland .1856 
 42. Ancient Chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton. Edited by 
 J. Booker 1857 
 43. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths 
 of Gawthorpe Hall, part 3. Edited by J. Harland. . 1857 
 44. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John 
 Byrom, vol. ii. part 2. Edited by R. Parkinson . . 1857 
 45. Miscellanies ; being a Selection from the Poems and 
 Correspondence of the Rev. Thos. Wilson. Edited by 
 F. R. Raines . . 1857 
 46. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths 
 of Gawthorpe Hall, part 4. Edited by J. Harland . 1858 
138 CHE CHE 
 CHETHAM SOCIETY continued. 
 47. A History of the Ancient Chapel of Birch. Edited by 
 J. Booker 1858 
 48. Catalogue of Tracts for or against Popery, published in or 
 about the reign of James II. Edited by T. Jones, part 1 1859 
 49 and 50. The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors 
 and Stuarts, parts 1 and 2. Edited by J. Harland . . 1859 
 51. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories. Second 
 portion. Edited by G. J. Piccope 1860 
 52. C ollectanea- Anglo Poetica. Edited by T. Corser, part 1. 1860 
 53. Mamcestre : chapters from the early history of Man- 
 chester, vol. i. Edited by J. Harland . . . .1860 
 54. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories. Third 
 portion. Edited by G. J. Piccope 1861 
 55. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, part 2. E dited by T. Corser 1861 
 56. Mamcestre, vol. ii. Edited by J. Harland . . . 1861 
 57. Chetham Miscellanies, vol. iii. Edited by W. Langton 1861 
 58. Mamcestre, vol. iii. Edited by J. Harland . . . 1862 
 59 and 60. A History of the Chantries within the County 
 Palatine of Lancaster, &c. vols. i. and ii. Edited by 
 F. R. Raines 1862 
 61. I. Abbott's Journal. II. The Trials at Manchester in 
 1694. Edited by A. Goss . . . . . . 1864 
 62. Discourse of the Wars in Lancashire. Edited by 
 William Beamont 1864 
 63. Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester. Edited 
 by John Harland 1864 
 64. Catalogue of Tracts for- and against Popery, part ii. 
 Edited by T. Jones . . 1865 
 65. Continuation of Court Leet Records. Edited by John 
 Harland 1865 
 66. The Stanley Papers, part iii., vol. i. Edited by F. R. 
 Raines . 1867 
 67. part iii., vol. ii. Edited by F. R. 
 Raines 1867 
 68. Collectanea relating to Manchester, vol. i. Edited by 
 J. Harland 1866 
 69. Register of Manchester School, vol. i. Edited by J. F. 
 Smith 1866 
 70. The Stanley Papers, part iii., vol. iii. Edited by F. R. 
 Raines . 1867 
 71. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, part iii. Edited by T. Corser 1867 
 72. Collectanea relating to Manchester, vol. ii. Edited by 
 J. Harland 1867 
 73. Register of Manchester School, vol. ii. Edited by J. F. 
 Smith 1868 
 74. Three Lancashire Documents of the Fourteenth and 
 Fifteenth Centuries. Edited by John Harland . . 1868 
 75. Lancashire Funeral Certificates. Edited by T. W. 
 King and F. R. Raines 1869 
 76. Observations and Instructions, divine and moral, in 
 . verse. By Robert Heywood. Edited by J. Crossley . 1869 
CHE CHE 139 
 CHETHAM SOCIETY continued. 
 77. Collectanea Anglo- Poetica, part iv. 1869 
 78. Tracts written in the Controversy respecting the Legi- 
 timacy of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of 
 Chester, A.D. 1673-1679. By Sir P. Leycester and Sir 
 T. Mainwaring. Edited by W. Beamont. Part I. . 1869 
 79. Part II 1869 
 80. - Part III 1869 
 81. The Visitation of the County of Lancaster, made in 
 1567, by W. Flower. Edited by F. B. Raines . . 1870 
 82. 1613, by B. St. George. Edited by 
 F. B. Baines 1871 
 83. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. IY 1872 
 84. The Visitation of the County of Lancaster, made in 
 1664-5. By Sir W. Dugdale. Part I. Edited by F. 
 B. Baines 1872 
 85. Part II 1872 
 86. Annals of the Lords of Warrington for the first five 
 centuries after the Conquest. By W. Beamont. Part I. 1872 
 87. Part II 1872 
 88. The Visitation of the County of Lancaster, made in 
 1664-5, by Sir W. Dugdale. Part III. Edited by F. B. 
 Baines 1873 
 89. The Dr. Farmer Chetham MS. Being a Commonplace 
 Book in the Chetham Library, Manchester. Temp. 
 Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. Edited by Bev. 
 A. B. Grosart. Part 1 1873 
 90. The Dr. Farmer Chetham MS. Part II. . . . 1873 
 91. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part V 1873 
 92. The History of the Parish of Kirkham, Lancaster. By 
 H. Fishwick 1874 
 93. The Admission Begister of the Manchester School. 
 Vol. III. Part 1 1874 
 94. - Vol. III. Part II. . . . . 1874 
 95. Abstracts of Inquisitions post mortem, made by Chris- 
 topher Towneley and Boger Dodsworth. Edited by W. 
 Langton 1875 
 96. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. V. Edited by Bev. F. B. 
 Baines ..........' 1875 
 97. Contributions towards a History of Prestbury, in 
 Cheshire. By F. Benaud 1876 
 98. The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, 
 made in 1533, by T. Benalt, Clarencieux. Edited by 
 W. Langton. Part 1 1876 
 99. Abstracts of Inquisitions post mortem. Vol. II. . . 1876 
 100. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part VI 1877 
 101. Part VII 1877 
 102. - Part VIII 1878 
 103. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. VI. Edited by F. B. 
 Baines .......... 1878 
 104. The History of the Parish of Garstang, Lancaster. By 
 H. Fishwick. Part I. . 1878 
140 CHE CHI 
 CHETHAM SOCIETY continued. 
 105. The History .of the Parish of Garstang, Lancaster. By 
 H. Fishwick. Part II 1879 
 106. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part IX 1879 
 107. Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels of 
 Lancashire, taken in 1552. Edited by J. E. Bailey. 
 Part I. Salford Hundred 1879 
 108. Collectanea Anglo- Poetica ; or, a Catalogue of a portion 
 of a collection of Early English Poetry. By T. Corser. 
 PartX 1880 
 109. The Correspondence of Nathan Walworth and Peter 
 Seddon of Outwood, &c., relating to the building of 
 Ringley Chapel. Edited by J. S. Fletcher . . . 1880 
 110. The Visitation of Lancashire, 1533. Part II. . . 1882 
 111. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Edited by T. Corser. Part 
 XI. (Completion) 1883 
 New Series. 
 1. The Yicars of Rochdale. By Canon Raines. Edited by 
 H. H. Howorth. Parti 1883 
 2. - - Part II. 1883 
 3. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills .and Inventories at 
 Chester, with Abstracts of Wills now lost ; transcribed 
 by G. J. Piccope. Edited by J. P. Earwaker . . . 1884 
 Report, 1847, and List of Members, 4to 1847 
 CHETWIND, Charles. Narrative of R. Jenison, respecting the 
 Testimony of W. Ireland, fol 1679 
 CHETWYND-STAPYLTON, H. E. Chronicles of the Yorkshire 
 Family of Stapelton, 8vo Lond. 1884 
 CHEVALIER, THE. YOUNG; or, a Genuine Narrative of all that 
 befell that unfortunate Adventurer. By a Gentleman. 
 8vo. ......... ib. n.d. 
 CHEVALIER, Nicolas. Histoire de Guillaume III. Roy d'Angle- 
 terre par Medailles et monumens Publics, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1692 
 (Bound with Menestrier's " Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand.") 
 CHEVALIER, Ulysse. Repertoire des Sources Historiques du 
 Moyen-Age. Bio-Bibliographie, 4to. . . Paris, 1877-83 
 CHBVENING, Catalogue of the Library at, 8vo. . . Lond. L865 
 CHEVIOT, a Poetical Fragment, by R. W[harton]. Edited by John 
 Adamson, 8vo. . . . Newcastle, 1817 
 CHEVREMONT, Eugene. Crypte de la Basilique Abbatiale de 
 Saint Gilles (Gard), 8vo. (Tracts 67**). . Nimes, 1866 
 CHEVREUIL, E. The Laws of Contrast of Colour. Translated 
 by J. Spanton.' New edition, 12mo. . . Lond. 1860 
 CHIAPPONI, Justinianus. Acta Canonizationis Sanctorum Pii V., 
 A. Avellini, Felicis a Cantalicio et Catharinee de Bono- 
 nia, Ibabitee a Clemente XL, fol. . . . Rome, 1720 
 CHIARJNI, Luigi. Letteratura Orientale, prospetto d'un opera 
 col tjtolo "Carro d'Ezechiele," Svo.. (Tracts 57.) Florence, 1822 
 CHICHELE, Thomas. Stemmata Chicheleana and Supplement, 
 .4to. . , , , , , . . . Oxford,. 1765-75 
CHI CHR 141 
 Insignia Gentilitia equitum ordinis Velleris aurei, latine et 
 gallice producta, 4to Antwerp, 1632 
 Anastasis Childerici I., Francorum Regis, 4to. . . ib. 1655 
 CHIFFLETIUS, Julius.. Breviaiium Historicum Inclyti Ordinis 
 Velleris Aurei. (Bound with Chifflet's " Insignia equitum 
 Velleris aurei "), 4to ib. 1652 
 History of Bristol, sixth, edition, 8vo. . . Bristol, 1844 
 New Guide to Clifton and the Hotwells, Third edition, 8vo. 
 CHINA. Maps and Views of, fol. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 Po-koo-too-luh, a Chinese work on ancient Vases, parts 
 11-30, in 4 vols. fol. 
 Kaou-koo-too, a continuation of same, 10 parts, in 2 cases, fol. 
 Kaou-koo-too, a work in Chinese, on ancient Vases, &c., 12 
 parts, in 2 cases. 
 Extract from Silliman's Journal respecting it, 8vo. (Tracts 
 65) Newhaven, 1839 
 Descriptive Catalogue, 8vo. . . . Philadelphia, 1841 
 CHINESE LANGUAGE. Lettre sur le Genie de la Langue Chinoise, 
 4to. . Bruxelles, 1773 
 CHISHULL, Edmund. Inscriptio Sigea boustrophedon exarata, 
 fol . Lond. 1721 
 CHMEL, Joseph. Die Handschriften der K. K. Hofbibliothek 
 in Wien, im Interesse der Geschichte verzeichnet und 
 excerpirt, 8vo Wien, 1841 
 CHOICE DROLLERY. Songs and Sonnets. With the extra songs 
 of " Merry Drollery," 1661, and an " Antidote Against 
 Melancholy," 1661. Edited by J. W. Ebsworth. 8vo. 
 Boston (Lincolnshire), 1876 
 CHRISTIAN ANNOTATOR, The. Vols. i. to iv., fol. . ib. 1855-57 
 Lond. 1798 
 Aarsberetning for 1850-64, 8vo. . . Christiania, 1851-64 
 Universitatis Regiae Fredericianae Novas sedes descripsit 
 Chr. Hoist, secret, univ., 8vo ib. 1852 
 Index Scholarum in Universitate, 1855, 1861, 4to. (Tracts 41) 
 ib. 1855-61 
 1864-66, 1884 . .- . ib. 1864, &c. 
 Kong Christian den Fjerdes Norske Lovbog af 1604. 
 Udgiven af Fr. Hallager og Fr. Brandt. 8vo. . ib. 1855 
 The Cathedral of Throndheim, fol ib. 1859 
 Chronica Regum Manniee et insularum. Edidit P. A. 
 Munch, 8vo. ..... ib. 1860 
 Karlamagfnus Sasra ok Kappa Haus. Edited by C. R. 
 linger .......' . I860 
 Cantate, 2nd Sept. 1861. Text by Welhaven, Music by 
 Arnold. -(Tracts 41) . 
142 CHE, CHR 
 Solennia Academica, 2nd Sept. 1861, 4to. (Tracts 41) 
 Christiania, 1861 
 Det Universitets Stiftelse. Af. M. J. Monrad, 8vo. ib. 1861 
 Halvhundredaars Fest, Sept. 1861, 8vo. . . . ib. 1862 
 Gaver, 8vo. ... ib. 1862-63 
 Norske Bigninger fra fortiden. Parts 3, 4, and 5, fol. 
 (Tracts 160) . ib. 1864 
 Morkinskinna. Udgiven af C. R. linger, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 Skilling-Magazin, No. 46, fol. . . . . ib. 1867 
 Selje Klosterlevninger. I. Selje Kirke-og klosterruiner. 
 Af 0. Krefting. 4to. ib. 1868 
 Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. Fort^Hing om Thomas Becket 
 Erkebiskop af Canterbury. Edited by C. R. linger. 8vo. 
 ib. 1869 
 Cantate ved det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets 
 Mindefest for hans Majestaet Kong Carl den 19de Nov. 
 1872, 4to . . ib. n.d. 
 Postola Sogur. Legendariske Fortaellinger om Apostlernes 
 Liv. Udgivne af C. R. Unger. 8vo. . . . ib. 1874 
 Foreningen til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. 
 Register til Selskabets Skrifter, 1875. Af N. Nicolay- 
 sen. 8vo ib. 1876 
 Kunst og Haandverk fra Norges Fortid udgivet ved N. 
 Nieolaysen. Hefte 1, 2. (PL i.-xi.) Fol. . ib. 1881-82 
 Det Kongl. Norske Frederiks Universitet i Christiania. 
 (Tracts 41) 
 Jus Nauticum quod inter Norvegos valuit, latine, P. A. 
 Munch, 4to. (Tracts 41) ib. 
 CHRISTIE, James. 
 Inquiry into a Greek Game resembling Chess, 4to. . Lond 1801 
 Disquisition upon the Painted Greek Yases. Plates. 4to. 
 ib. 1825 
 CHRISTIE'S Handy Guide to the places between Newcastle and 
 Carlisle Railway, with a visit to the Roman Wall, 8vo. 
 Newcastle, 1863 
 CHRISTMAS, Henry. The Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science 
 and History, 2 vols. 8vo. .... Lond. ] 849 
 CHRISTY, Henry. Catalogue of Stone Implements, 8vo. ib. 1862 
 CHRONICLES. Six Old English Chronicles, viz., Ethelwerd's 
 Chronicle ; Asser's Alfred ; Geoffrey of Monmouth ; 
 Gildas ; Nennius ; Richard of Cirencester. Edited by 
 J. A. Giles, 8vo. Lond., Bohn, 1848 
 CHRONICLES and MEMORIALS of Great Britain and Ireland during 
 the Middle Ages, Roy. 8vo ib. 1858, &c. 
 1. The Chronicle of England, by John Capgrave. Edited 
 by F. C. Hingeston 1858 
 2. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon, vols. i. and ii. 
 Edited by Joseph Stevenson ...... 1858 

 CHR CHR 143 
 3. Lives of Edward the Confessor. I. La Estoire de Seint 
 Aedward le Rei. II. Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Con- 
 fessoris. III. Vita ^Eduuardi Regis qui apud West- 
 monasterium requiescit. Edited by Henry Richards Luard 1858 
 4. Monumenta Franciscana; vol. i. Thomas de Eccle- 
 ston de adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam ; Adae 
 de Marisco Epistolae; Registrum Fratram Minorum 
 Londoniee. Edited by J. S. Brewer .... 1858 
 - Vol. ii. Edited by R. Hewlett . . . 1882 
 5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum 
 Tritico. Ascribed to Thomas Netter, of Walden, Pro- 
 vincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor 
 to King Henry the Fifth. Edited by W. W. Shirley . 1858 
 6. The Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland; or, A Metrical 
 Version of the History of Hector Boece ; by William 
 Stewart, vols. i. ii. and iii. Edited by W. B. Turnbull 1858 
 7. Johannis Capgrave Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited 
 by F. C. Hingeston 1858 
 8. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis, by 
 Thomas of Elmham, formerly Monk and Treasurer of 
 that Foundation. Edited by Charles Hardwick . . 1858 
 9. Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis) : Chronicon ab 
 orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366 ; a Monacho 
 quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum, vols. i., ii., and iii. 
 Edited by F, S. Haydon 1858-63 
 10. Memorials of Henry the Seventh: BernardiAndreeeTho- 
 losatis Vita Regis Henrici Septimi ; necnon alia quaedam 
 ad eundem Regem spectantia. Edited by James Gairdner 1858 
 11. Memorials of Henry the Fifth. I. Vita Henrici 
 Quinti, Roberto Redmanno auctore. II. Versus Rhyth- 
 mici in laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. III. Elmhami 
 Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited by Charles A. Cole 1858 
 12. Munimenta GildhallsB Londoniensis : Liber Albus, 
 Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Gildhallse 
 asservati. Vol. i. Liber Albus ; vol. ii. (in 2 parts) Liber 
 Custumarum ; vol. iii. Translation of the Anglo-Norman 
 Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendices, and 
 Index. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley . . . 1859-62 
 13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir Henry 
 Ellis ... 1859 
 14. A Collection of Political Poems and Songs relating to 
 English History, from the Accession of Edward III. to 
 the Reign of Henry VIII., vols. i. and ii. Edited by 
 Thomas Wright .... . 1859-61 
 15. Rogeri Bacon opera quscdam inedita, Vol. I. i. Opus 
 Tertium. ii. Opus Minus, iii. Compendium Philoso- 
 phise. Edited by J. S. Brewer . 1859 
 16. Bartholomeei de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia 
 Anglicana, 449-1298. Edited by Henry Richards Luard 1859 
 17. Brut y Tywysogion ; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of 
 Wales. Edited by. J. Williams Ab Ithel . . . 1860 
144 CHR CHR 
 18. A Collection of Royal and Historical Letters during the 
 reign of Henry IV. Edited by F. C. Hingeston . . I860 
 19. The Represser of over-much, blaming of the Clergy. By 
 Reginald Pecock, sometime Bishop of Chiehester, vols. i. 
 and ii. Edited by Churchill Babington .... 1860 
 20. Annales Cambrise. Edited by J. Williams Ab Ithel . 1860 
 21. The Works of Giraldus Cambrensis, vols. i., ii., iii. and 
 iv. Edited by J. S. Brewer. Vols. v., vi. and vii. Edited 
 by J. F. Dimock 1861-77 
 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the 
 English in France during the reign of Henry the Sixth, 
 King of England, vol. i. and vol. ii. (in 2 parts). Edited 
 by Joseph Stevenson ...... 1861-64 
 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several 
 original authorities ; vol. i. original texts, vol. ii. trans- 
 lation. Edited and translated by Benjamin Thorpe . 1861 
 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard 
 III. and Henry VII., vols. i. and ii. Edited by James 
 Gairdner 1861-63 
 25. Letters of Bishop Grosseteste, illustrative of the Social 
 Condition of his Time. Edited by Henry Richards Luard 1861 
 26. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to the 
 History of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. i. (in 2 parts) 
 anterior to the Norman Invasion ; vol. ii., 1066-1200. Vol. 
 iii., 1200-1327. By Thomas Duffus Hardy . . 1862-71 
 27. Royal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the 
 reign of Henry III. From the originals in the Public 
 Record Office. Vol. i., 1216-1235 ; vol. ii., 1286-1272. 
 Selected and edited by W. W. Shirley , . . 1862-66 
 28. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. 1. Thomse Walsingham 
 HistoriaAnglicana; vol. i., 1272-1381; vol. ii., 1381-1422. 
 2. Willelmi Rishanger Chronica et Annales, 1259-1307. 
 3. Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blaneforde Chro- 
 nica et Annales, 1259-1296 ; 1307-1324 ; 1392-1406. 
 4. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Wal- 
 singham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem Ecclesise 
 Precentore, compilata ; vol. i., 793-1290; vol. ii., 1290- 
 1349; vol. iii., 1349-1411. 5. Johannis Amundesham, 
 Monachi Monasterii S. Albani, ut videtur, Annales ; vols. 
 i. and ii. 6. Registra quoruadam Abbatum Monasterii 
 5. Albani, qui saeculo xv mo floruere ; vol. i., Registrum 
 Abbatiae Johannis Whethamstede, Abbatis Monasterii 
 Sancti Albani, iterum snsceptae ; Roberto Blakeney, 
 Capellano, quondam adscriptum ; vol. ii., Registra Johan- 
 nis Whethamstede, Willelmi Albon, et Willelmi Waling- 
 forde, Abbatum Monasterii Sancti AlbarnijCum Appendice, 
 continente quasdam Epistolas, a Johanne Whethamstede 
 conscriptas. 7. Ypodigma Neustriee a Thoma Walsing- 
 ham, quondam Monacho Monasterii S. Albani, conscrip- 
 -tum.- Edited by H. T. Riley . . , . . 1863-76 
CHR CHR 145 
 29. Chronicon Abbatiaa Eveshamensis, anctoribus Dominico 
 Priore Eveshamiaa et Thoma de Marleberge Abbate, a 
 fundatione ad annum 1213, una cum continuatione ad 
 annum 1418. Edited by W. D. Macray 1863 
 30. Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum Historiale de Gestis 
 Regum Anglise, vol. i. 447-871 ; vol. ii. 872-1066.. Edited 
 by John E. B. Mayor . . . . . . 1863-69 
 31. Year Books of the Reign of Edward the First. Years, 
 20-21, 21-22, 30-31, 32-33, and 33-35 ; and 11-12 
 Edward III. Edited and translated by Alfred John Hor- 
 wood. Years 12-14, Edward ill. Edited and translated 
 byL. 0. Pike 1863-86 
 32. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Nor- 
 mandy, 1449-1450. Robertus Blondelli de Reductione 
 Normanniae ; Le Recouvrement de Normendie, par Berry, 
 Herault du Roy : Conferences between the ambassadors 
 of France and Enlgand. Edited by Joseph Stevenson . 1863 
 33. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii S. Petri Glouces- 
 triae, vols. i., ii., and iii. Edited by W. H. Hart . 1863-67 
 34. Alexandri Neckam de Naturis Rerum libri duo ; with 
 Neckam's Poem, De Laudibus Divinae Sapientiaa. Edited 
 by Thomas Wright . . . . 1863 
 35. Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early Eng- 
 land ; being a Collection of Documents illustrating the 
 History of Science in this country before the Norman 
 Conquest, vols. i., ii., and iii. Collected and edited by T. 
 Oswald Cockayne 1864-66 
 36. Annales Monastici. Vol. i. : Annales de Margan, 1066- 
 1232; Annales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263; Annales de 
 Burton, 1004-1263. Vol. ii. : Annales Monasterii de Win- 
 tonia, 519-1277; Annales Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. 
 Vol. iii. : Annales Prioratus de Dunstaplia, 1-1297 ; An- 
 nales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042-1432. Vol. iv. : 
 Annales Monasterii de Oseneia, 1016-1347 ; Chronicon 
 vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomas Wykes, 1066-1289; 
 Annales Prioratus de Wigornia, 1-1377. Vol. v. : Index 
 and Glossary. Edited by Henry Richards Luard . 1864-69 
 37. Magna Vita S. Hugonis Episcopi Lincolniensis. From 
 manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Im- 
 perial Library, Paris. Edited by James F. Dimock . 1864 
 38. Chronicles and Memorials of the reign of Richard the 
 First. Vol. i. : Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis 
 Ricardi. Vol. ii. : Epistolas Cantuarienses ; the Letters 
 of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, 
 1187 to 1199. Edited by William Stubbs . . 1864-65 
 39. Recueil des Croniques et Anchiennes Istories de la 
 Grant Bretaigne a present nomme Engleterre, par Jehan 
 deWaurin. Vol. i. : From Alb ina to 688. Vol. ii.: 1399- 
 1422. Vol. iii.: 1422-1431 Vol. iv.: 1431-1443. Edited 
 by William Hardy . 1864-84 
146 CHR CHR 
 40. A Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of 
 Great Britain, now called England, by John de Waurin. 
 From Albina to 688. (Translation of the preceding, vol. i.) 
 Edited by William Hardy . 1864 
 41. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, with Trevisa's trans- 
 lation, vols. i. and ii. Edited by Churchill Babington. 
 Yols. iii.-ix. Edited by J. R, Lumby . . , . 1865-86 
 42. Le Livere de Reis de Britanie e le Livere de Reis de 
 Engleterre. Edited by John Glover .... 1865 
 43. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, ab anno 1150 usque ad 
 annum 1406, vols. i., ii., and iii. Edited by Edward 
 Augustus Bond 1866-68 
 44. Matthsei Parisiensis Historia Ang-lorum, sive, ut vulgo 
 dicitur, Historia Minor, vols.' i.-iii., 1067-1253. Edited 
 by Sir Frederic Madden 1866-69 
 45. Liber Monasterii de Hyda : A Chronicle and Chartulary 
 of Hyde Abbey, Winchester, 455-1023. Edited by Edward 
 Edwards 1866 
 46. Chronicon Scotorum: A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, 
 from the earliest times to 1135 : with a Supplement, con- 
 taining the events from 1141 to 1150. Edited by William 
 Maunsell Hennessy ........ 1866 
 47. The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse, 
 from the earliest period to the death of Edward I., vols. i. 
 andii. Edited by, Thomas Wright ... . ' . 1866-68 
 48. The War of the Gaedhil with the Graill ; or, the Inva- 
 sions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen. Edited 
 by James Henthorn Todd 1867 
 49. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedict! Abbatis. The 
 Chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., 
 1191-1192, known under the name of Benedict of Peter- 
 borough, vols. i. and ii. Edited by William Stubbs . 1867 
 50. Munimenta Academica ; or, Documents illustrative of 
 Academical Life and Studies at Oxford, in 2 parts. Edited 
 by Henry Anstey . . . . .. .. . . 1868 
 51. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene, vols. i.-iv. 
 Edited by William Stubbs 1868-71 
 52. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de gestis Ponti- 
 ficum Anglorum libri quinque. Edited by N". E. S. A. 
 Hamilton, 8vo Lond. 1870 
 53. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172- 
 1320. From the archives of the city of Dublin, etc. 
 Edited by J. T. Gilbert 1870 
 54. The Annals of Loch Ce. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs 
 from A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590. Vols. i. and ii. Edited by 
 W. M. Hennessy 1871 
 55. Monumenta Juridica. The Black Book of the Ad- 
 miralty, with Appendices, vols. i.-iv. Edited by Sir 
 Travers Twiss . 1871-76 
CHR CHR 147 
 56. Memorials of the Reigii of King Henry VI. Official 
 Correspondence of T. Bekynton, secretary to the King. 
 2 vols. Edited by G. Williams .....' 1872 
 57. Matthaei Parisiensis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica 
 Majora, vols. i.-vii. Edited by H. R. Luard . . 1872-84 
 58. Memoriale Fratris Walteri de Coventria. The Histori- 
 cal Collections of Walter of Coventry. Edited by W. 
 Stubbs, vols. i. and ii., 8vo. ..... 1872-73 
 59. The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists 
 of the twelfth century. Edited by T. Wright. Vols. i. 
 and ii. . - 1873 
 60. Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII. 
 From Documents in the Public Record Office. Vols. i. 
 and ii. Edited by W. Campbell .... 1873-77 
 61. Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern 
 Registers. Edited by J. Raine 1873 
 62. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. The Register of 
 Richard De Kellawe, Lord Palatine of Durham, 1311- 
 1316. Edited by Sir T. D. Hardy, vols. i.-iv. . 1873-78 
 63. Memorials of Saint Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury. 
 Edited by W. Stubbs ... ... 1874 
 64. Chronicon Angliee, ab anno Domini 1328 usque ad 
 annum 1388. Auctore Monacho quodam Sancti Albani. 
 Edited by E. M. Thompson 1874 
 65. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop 
 Thomas Becket, in Icelandic, with Eng. trans, and 
 glossary. Edited by E. Magnusson, vols. i. and ii. 1875-84 
 66. Radulphi de Coggeshall. Chronicon Anglicanum. 
 Edited by J. Stevenson 1875 
 67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Arch- 
 bishop of Canterbury, vols. i.-vi. Edited by J. C. 
 Robertson 1875-83 
 - Vol. vii. Edited by J. B. Sheppard . 1885 
 68. Radulfi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica. 
 Edited by W. Stubbs, 2 vols 1876 
 69. A Roll of the Proceedings of the King's Council in 
 Ireland, for 1392-93. Edited by J. Graves . . . 1877 
 70. Henrici de Bracton de Legibus et Consuetudinibus 
 Angliae. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, 6 vols. . 1878-83 
 71. The Historians of the Church of York and its Arch- 
 bishops. Edited by J. Raine, vol. i 1879 
 72. Registrum Malmesburiense. Edited by J. S. Brewer 
 and C. T. Martin, vols. i. and ii 1879-80 
 73. The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, vols. i. 
 and ii. Edited by W. Stubbs .... 1879-80 
 74. Henrici Archidiaconi Huntendunensis Historia An- 
 glorum, A.C. 55 to A.D. 1154. Edited by T. Arnold . . 1879 
 75. Symeonis Monachi Opera Omnia. Historia Ecclesire 
 Dunhelmensis, vols. i. and ii. Edited by T. Arnold. 1882-85 
 76. Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I. and Edward II., 
 vols. i. and ii. Edited by W. Stubbs . . . 1882-83 
 L 2 
148 CHR CHU 
 77. Registrum Epistolarmn Fratris Johannis Peckham, 
 Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. Edited by C. T. Martin, 
 Yols. i.-iii 1882-86 
 78. Vetus Registrum Sarisberiense alias dictum Registmm 
 S. Osmundi Episcopi. Edited by W. H. Rich Jones, 
 vols. i. and ii. ....... 1883-84 
 79. Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia. Edited by W. 
 H. Hart and Rev. P. A. Lyons, vols. i. and ii. 8vo. . 1884-86 
 80. Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin : with the 
 Register of its House at Dunbrody, and Annals of Ire- 
 land. Edited by J. T. Gilbert, vols. i. and ii. . 1884-85 
 81. Eadmeri Historia Novorum in Anglia, et Opuscula duo 
 de Vita Sancti Anselmi. Edited by Martin Rule . . 1884 
 82. Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and 
 Richard I., vols. i. and ii. Edited by Richard Hewlett, 1884-85 
 83. Chronicle of the Ancient Abbey of Ramsey. Edited 
 by the Rev. W. D. Macray 1886 
 CHRONICLES OF THE CRUSADES. Being contemporary narratives 
 of the Crusade of Richard Cceur de Lion, by Richard 
 of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf ; and of the Crusade 
 of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville, 8vo. 
 Land. Bohn, 1848 
 CHRONICON GOTWICENSE, 1 vol. in 2, fol. . . . Tegernsee, 1732 
 CHRONOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Transactions, vol. ii. pt. 3, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1863 
 CHRTSAL ; or, the Adventures of a Guinea. [By Charles John- 
 son.] A new edition, 4 vols. 12mo. . . ib. 1783 
 In Pauli Epistolas (Greece), 2 tomes of vol. ii. fol. Verona, 1529 
 Opera Selecta. Edited by F. Diibner, vol. i. 8vo. 
 Paris, Didot, 1861 
 CHURCH AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND. A quarto volume containing : 
 1. The Burnt Child dreads the Fire ; or, an Examination 
 of the Merits of the Papists. By W. Denton . . .1675 
 2. Reflections upon the Answer to the Papist Mis-repre- 
 sented, &c. ......... n.d. 
 3. A Discourse explaining the Nature of Edification. By 
 J. Kettlewell 1684 
 4. The Church of England truly represented, in justifica- 
 tion of the late Duchess of York's Paper . . . 1686 
 5. Solomon and Abiathar ; or, the Case of the Deprived 
 Bishops and Clergy Discussed ..... 1692 
 6. An Answer to a Letter to Dr. Sherlock, written in 
 Vindication of that part of Josephus's History which 
 gives the account of Jaddus's submission to Alexander, 
 against the answer to the piece, entituled, Obedience 
 and Submission to the Present Government . . . 1692 
 7. The Interest of England Consider'd, in Respect to Pro- 
 testants dissenting from the Established Church . . 1703 
CHU CHU 149 
 1. A Short and Plain Answer to two Questions. 1. Where 
 was your Religion before Luther ? 2. How know you 
 the Scriptures to be the Word of God ? By a Protestant 1682 
 2. A Discourse against Purgatory ..... 1685 
 3. Three Letters tending to demonstrate how the security 
 of this nation lies in the Abolishment of the Penal Laws 
 and Tests 1688 
 4. A Seasonable Discourse, showing the necessity of main- 
 taining the Established Religion ..... n.d. 
 1. Two little works defensive of our Redemption. By 
 Hugh Broughton 1604 
 2. The Sermon preached at the Crosse, Feb. 14, 1607. By 
 W. Crashawe 1608 
 3. Heaven and Earth reconcil'd. A Sermon. By Tho. 
 Adams . r 1613 
 4. An Examination of a Pamphlet, intituled, a Briefe 
 Answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath Day. By Dr. 
 Fr. White, Bishop of Ely 1637 
 5. True Gain ; opened in a Sermon. By E. Reynolds . 1657 
 6. The Substance of Two Sermons, preached Jan. 27, 1657, 
 and Feb. 4, 1658. By E. Reynolds .... 1659 
 7. The Bishop of Worcester's Letter to a Friend for Vin- 
 dication of Himself from Mr. Baxter's Calumny . . 1662 
 8. A Vindication of my Lord Bishop of Worcester's 
 Letter touching Mr. Baxter from the Animadversions 
 of D. E 1662 
 9. Ichabod ; or, Five Groans of the Church Cambridge, 1663 
 10. The Plot Discover'd : or, a New Discourse between the 
 Devil and the Pope 1678 
 11. The Spirit of Enthusiasm Exorcised. A Sermon. By 
 G. Hickes, D.D 1681 
 12. The Humble Address of the Presbyterians, presented 
 to the King . . . 1687 
 13. The Life of St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, a Carmelite 
 Nunn . 1687 
 14. A Testimonie of Antiquity, showing the auncient faith 
 in the Church of England. From the Saxon . . . 1687 
 15. A Vindication of the Proceedings of His Majesty's 
 Ecclesiastical Commissioners, against the Bishop of 
 London, and the Fellows of Magdalen College . . 1688 
 16. Dr. Sherlock's Two Kings of Brainford brought upon 
 the Stage 1691 
 17. The Best Choice for Religion and Government . . 1697 
 CHURCH ARRANGEMENT, On the Principles of, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) 
 1862-79, 8vo ib. 1862-79 
 New Issue, January, 1880, etc. In progress . ib. 1880, etc. 
 Answer to a Pamphlet, concerning dispensing with the 
 Penal Laws, 4to, ib. 1687 
150 CHU CIA 
 CHURCH OF ENGLAND continued. 
 A Plain Answer to a Popish Priest questioning the Orders 
 of the Church of England, 4to. . . . Lond. 1688 
 The Memorial of the Church of England, 4to. . . ib. 1705 
 The Church of England's Complaints to the Parliament 
 and Clergy against : 1. Careless Non-Residents. 2. 
 Encroaching Pluralists, &c. 8vo. .... ib. 1737 
 Liber Ecclesiasticus. An authentic statement of the 
 Revenues of the Established Church, 8vo. . . ib. 1835 
 On Conformity with the Church of England, 8vo. (Tracts 
 76) ib. 1831 
 Calendar of the Anglican Church illustrated, f 8vo. Oxford, 1851 
 A Presbyter of the Church of England. An apologetical 
 Vindication of the present Bishops, 4to. . . ib. 1711 
 A Layman of the Church of England. The Review and 
 Observator reviewed, 4to. .... Lond. 1706 
 CHURCH OF ROME. Rituum Ecclesiasticorum sive Sacrarum 
 Cerimoniarum Romanae Ecclesiae libri tres. [Composed 
 by A. Patrizi, Bishop of Pienza], fol. . . Venice, 1516 
 CHURCH PLATE. Specimens of Ancient Church Plate, Sepul- 
 chral Crosses, &c., 4to. ..... Lond. 1845 
 CHURCH SERVICES. On the Necessity of, 8vo. (Tracts 118) ib. 1825 
 The Twelve Churches : or Tracings along the Watling 
 Street, 8vo 1860 
 CHURCHES. List of Churches in which Lights are to be found on 
 the Holy Table, the Eucharistic Vestments are used, and 
 Incense is burnt. (Compiled by the Rev. F. G. Lee. A 
 Broadside) n.p. 1868 
 CHURCH, A. H. Corinium Museum. A Guide to the Museum 
 of Roman Remains at Cirencester. Fourth edition, en- 
 larged, 8vo Cirencester, 1876 
 CHURCHILL, A. and J. Collection of Voyages and Travels, 
 4 vols. fol Lond. 1704 
 CHURCHMAN, John. Magnetic Atlas, 4to ib. 1794 
 CHURTON, Edward. 
 Memoir of Joshua Watson. In 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1861 
 Poetical Remains, 8vo. ...... ib. 1876 
 CIACONIUS, Alphonsus. Vitee et Res Gestaa Pontificum Romano- 
 rum et S. R. E. Cardinalium, 4 vols. fol. . Rome, 1677 
 CIAMPI, Sebastian. 
 Memorie di Scipione Carteromaco, 8vo. (Tracts 131*) Pisa, 1811 
 Ob Funus Alexandri I. Riiss. Imp., Inscriptiones et Elegi, 
 8vo. (Tracts 131*.) 
 Interpretazione d'Alcune Inscrizione Pisane, 8vo. Florence, 1812 
 Feriae Varsavienses, 4to. (Tracts 57) . . . Warsaw, 1818 
 4to. (Tracts 57) ... Milan, 1820 
 Sur une Pierre Gravee Antique, 8vo. (Tracts 131*) Warsaw, 1820 
 De vita Caroli Magni et Rolandi, 8vo. . . Florence, 1822 
 Letteratura Orientale, 8vo. (Tracts 57) . . ib. 1822 
 Iside e Osiride tradotto dal Plutarco, 8vo. . . ib. 1823 
 Osservazioni sulle Antichita Etrusche, 8vo. (Tracts 131*) 
 Fiesole, 1824 
CIA GIN 151 
 CIAMPI, Sebastian continued. 
 Al Sig. Pietro Vieusseux, 8vo. (Tracts 131*) . Florence, 1825 
 Esame della Storia di Demetrio di Iwan Wasiliewich, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 131*) . . ib. 1827 
 Narratio rerum quee post obitum Alex. Mickalowicz gest 
 sunt, 8vo. (Tracts 131*) ib 1829 
 Degli Ornament! del Giardini Italian!, 24mo. (Tracts 131*) 
 Catalogo di Document! Manoscritti e Stampati, relativi 
 alia storia di Pollonia, 8vo. (Tracts 131*.) 
 CIAMPINI, Joannes. 
 Vetera Monimenta, in quibus praecipne^ nmsiva opera 
 illustrantur. Parts I. II. Plates, 2 vols. fol. Rome, 1690-99 
 De Sacris Edificiis a Constantino Magno constructis synop- 
 sis historica, fol. . ib. 1693 
 GIBBER, Theophilns.. The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain 
 and Ireland, to the time of Dean Swift. Compiled 
 especially from the MS. notes of Mr. Coxeter, &c., 5 vols. 
 12mo. . , Lond. 1753 
 CIBRARIO, Luigi. Recherches sur 1'Histoire et sur Fancienne 
 Constitution de la Monarchic de Savoie. Traduit par 
 A. Boullee, 8vo. Paris, 1833 
 CIBRARIO, Luigi, and PROMIS, D. C. 
 Document!, Sigilli e Monete appartenenti alia Storia della 
 Monarchia di Savoia, 8vo. . . . Turin, 1833 
 Sigilli de Principi de Savoia, 4to ib. 1834 
 CICERO, M. Tullius. 
 Opera. 10 vols. 12mo. . . . Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1642 
 Opera. Yalpy's edition, 16 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1819 
 De Oratore, cum Commento ; et alia opera, fol. For Biblio- 
 graphical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. 
 Nuremberg, Koburger, 1497 
 Rhetoricor. ad C. Herennium Libri iv. Ejusdem de Inven- 
 tione Libri duo. [Bound with J. B. Aubanus], fol. 
 Augsburg, 1534 
 Epistolse ad M. Brutum, ad Quintum fratrem, ad Octavium 
 et ad Atticum, fol. For Bibliographical details, see MS. 
 Ashpitel Catalogue n.p. n.d. 
 The Three Bookes of Tullye's Offyces, bothe in Latyne 
 Tonge and in Englysshe. Translated by R. Whytinton, 
 8vo. .... London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1534 
 Catalogo ragionato dei Libri d'Arte e d'Antichita, 2 vols* 
 8vo Pisa, 1821 
 Storia della Scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia fino al 
 secolo di Canova. Per servire di continuazione all' opere 
 di Winckelmann e di d'Agincourt. Second edition, 1 vol. 
 fol., and 7 vols. 8vo. . . . . . Prato, 1823-25 
 Fabbriche e Monument! cospicue di Venezia. Seconda 
 edizione, 2 vols. 8vo. ; Plates. 2 vols. Atlas, fol. Venice, 1840 
 CINNAMUS, Joannes. Epitome rerum al Joanne et Alexio Com- 
 nenis gestarum. Edited by A. Meineke, 8vo. . Bonn, 1836 
152 CIR CIV 
 CIRENCESTER, Richard of. 
 The Description of Britain, translated from Richard of 
 Cirencester, with the original treatise De Situ Britannice. 
 (By Hatcher.) 8vo Bonn, 1809 
 Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Angliae. Edited by 
 J. E. B. Major, vol. 1, 8vo Lond. 1863 
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 Morik ib. 1852 
 CITIZEN OF LONDON. A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London, 
 on occasion of His Lordship's late Letter to the Clergy 
 and people of the Cities of London and Westminster, 
 8vo ib. 1750 
 CITT AND BUMPKIN ; or, a Learned Discourse upon Swearing and 
 Lying. - (Historical Tracts, 1672-93), 4to. . . ib. 1680 
 In a Dialogue over a pot of ale, concerning 
 matters of Religion and Government. (Historical Tracts, 
 1672-1693), 4to ib. 1680 
 CITY OF LONDON SCHOOL. List of Pupils 1844-56, 8vo. (Tracts 110) 
 CIVIL ENGINEERS. The Institution of. 
 President's Address, Jan. 20, 1846, 4to. (Tracts 5) . ib. 1846 
 List of Members, 1876-78, 1881, 1883-85, 8vo. . ib. 1876, &c. 
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 1. Laws and Ordinances of Warre, established for the 
 better conduct of the Army. By His Excellency the 
 EarL of Essex, 4to. ...'... ib. 1646 
 2. Orders established January 14, 1646, by His Excellency 
 the Lord Fairfax, for regulating the Army, 4to. . ib. 1648 
 3. An Ordinance for the raising of moneys, July 7, 1647, 4to. 
 ib. 1647 
 4. 20 March, 1647, 4to ib. 1647 
 5. - 16 February, 1647, 4to. . . . ib. 1647 
 6. An Ordinance for seizing the Royal Domains, September 
 21, 1643, 4to . ib. 1643 
 7. An Ordinance for the Constituting and Settling of the 
 Committee of the Militia of the City of London, May 18, 
 1648, 4to ib. 1648 
 8. A Declaration of the Earle of Warwick, Lord High 
 Admirall of England, in answer of a Scandalous Pam- 
 phlet, 4to ' ib. 1648 
 9. A Remonstrance of Thomas Lord Fairfax, 4to. . ib. 1(548 
 10. The Declaration of His Excellencie the Lord Generall 
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 11. A Declaration of the Three Deputy- Governors of the 
 Isle of Wight, 4to ib. 1648 
 12. The Demands and Desires of His Excellency the Lord 
 Generall Fairfax, 4to ib. 1648 
 13. The Declaration and Proposals of the Citizens of 
 London, 4to ib. 1648 
 14. Several Petitions presented to His Excellency the Lord 
 Fairfax, 4to ib. 1648 
CIV CIV 153 
 CIVIL WAR TRACTS continued. 
 15. A Declaration of the Parliament of England, expressing 
 the grounds of their late Proceedings, and of Setling the 
 present Government in the way of a Free State, 4to. Lond. 1648 
 16. Lieut. -General Jones's Letter to the Council of State, 
 of a Great Victory on the second of this instant August, 
 against the Earl of Onnond's and the Lord Inchiquin's 
 Forces before the City of Dublin, 4to. . . . 1649 
 17. The Petition of the General Councel of Officers under 
 the Command of His Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax to 
 the Commons of England, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1649 
 18. A Letter from Lysbone, directed to Captain Thomas 
 Harrison, on the Transactions between the Parliament's 
 Fleet and Prince Rupert's, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1650 
 19. The Humble Representation and Petition of the Justices 
 of Peace at the General Sessions for the County Palatine of 
 Chester, in the name of the said County, Presented to the 
 Parliament of England, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1651 
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 English and Dutch Fleets on Friday and Saturday last 
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 sent in a Letter to His Excellency the Lord General 
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 23. A Healing Question propounded, 4to. . . . ib. 1656 
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 25. Animadversions upon a Letter and Paper first sent to 
 His Highness by certain Gentlemen and others in Wales, 
 4to. ......... n.p. 1656 
 Another Volume, containing 33 Tracts. 
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 4to. . ib. 1641 
 2. The Petition and Articles exhibited in Parliament 
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 3. Articles of Impeachment of the Commons against Mat- 
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 5. The Weekly Account. No. 18, January 3., 4to. . ib. 1643 
 6. The Kingdomes Weekly Intelligencer. No. 8, Feb. 
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 9. The Parliament Scout. No. 37, March 1 to March 8, 
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154 CIY CLA 
 CIVIL WAR TRACTS continued. 
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 n.p. 1643 
 11. A Continuation of certain Speciall and Remarkable 
 passages informed to both Houses of Parliament. No. 
 39. March 30 to April 6, 1643, 4to. . . . Lond. 1643 
 12. No. 53, June- 15 to June 23, 1643, 4to. . ib. 1643 
 13. The Parliament Scout. No. 5, July 20 to July 27, 
 1643, 4to. ib. 1643 
 14. No. 8, Aug. 10 to Aug. 17, 1643, 4to. n.p. 1643 
 15. - No. 12, Sept. 7 to Sept. 15, 4to. , . n.p. 1643 
 16. The True Informer. No. 1, Sept. 23, 4to. . Lond. 1643 
 17. The Weekly Account. No. 7, Oct. 18, 4to. . . ib. 1643 
 18. - No. 9, Nov. 1, 4to. . . . ib. 1643 
 19. The Parliament Scout. No. 33, Feb. 2 to Feb. 9, 1644, 
 4to n.p. 1644 
 20. No. 34, Feb. 9 to Febi 16, 1644, 
 4to. . . , n.p. 1644 
 21. The Military Scribe. No. 1, Feb. 20 to Feb. 27, 1644,. 
 4to. ........... n.p. 1644 
 22. Certain Informations from severall parts of the King- 
 dome. No. 57, Feb. 15 to Feb. 28, 1644, 4to. , n.p. 1644 
 23. Mercurius Yeridicus. No. 7, Mar. 5 to Mar. 12, 
 1644, 4to. . ....... . Lond. 1644 
 24. The Parliament Scout. No. 38, Mar. 8 to Mar. 15, 4to. 
 n.p. 1644 
 25. Mercurius Brittanicus. No. 27, Mar. 11 to Mar. 18, 
 1644, 4to n.p. 1644 
 26. Mercurius Civicus. No. 44, Mar. 21 to Mar. 28, 1644, 
 4to n.p. 1644 
 27. The Parliament Scout. No. 41, Mar. 28 to Apr. 4, 
 1644, 4to n.p. 1644 
 28. The Phoenix of Europe. Published by W. Pendred. 
 No. 1. Jan. 16, 1645, 4to. ..... n.p. 1645 
 29. The Comings forth of Christ in the Power of his 
 Death. Opened in a Sermon by P. Sterry, 4to. Lond. 1650 
 30. A Diurnall of some Passages and Affairs, April 28 to 
 May 5, 1652, 4to . ib. 1652 
 31. (Newspaper, no title) July 12 to July 18, 1654, 4to. 
 n.p. 1654 
 32. Mercurius Publicus. No. 22, May 30 to June 6, 1661, 
 4to. . n.p. 1661 
 33. A Miraculous Victory obtained by Lord Fairfax against 
 the Army under the Earl of Newcastle, at Wakefield in 
 Yorkshire (1643). Sent in two letters to W. Lenthall. 
 Printed for Edw. Husbands, 1643. [A Reprint by 
 William Boyne.] 8vo Leeds, 1853 
 CLACKMANNAN, Lothian's Annual Register for the County of, 
 1861, 8vo. (Tracts 155) Alloa 
 CLANNY, W. R. A Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Grilsland, 
 4to . Sunderland, 1816 
CLA CLA 155 
 CLARAC, F. de, Count. 
 Musee de Sculpture, Antique et Moderne, continue par M. 
 Alfred Maury, 6 vols. of text in 7, 8vo., and 6 of plates, 
 fol Paris, 1826-53 
 - liv. 1, 7-14, and Atlas, 8vo. and 4to. 
 ib. 1828-49 
 Melanges d'Antiquites Grecques et Romaines, 8vo. . ib. 1830 
 Catalogue des Artistes de 1'Antiquite, jusqu'a la fin du VI e . 
 siecle, 12mo . . . ib. 1844 
 Manuel de 1'Histoire et de L'Art, 3 parts, 8vo. . ib. 1847-49 
 CLARENDON, Edward, Earl of. The History of the Rebellion and 
 Civil Wars in England, 7 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1849 
 CLARENDON STATE PAPERS, Calendar of the. (Bodleian 
 Library.) Vols. i.-iii. Edited by 0. Ogle, W. H. Bliss, 
 and W. D. Macray, under the direction of H. 0. Coxe. 
 8vo ib. 1872-76 
 CLARISSE, W. C. L. Specimen inaugurate (Thucydides), 4to. 
 (Tracts 24) . Leyden, 1838 
 CLARK, Benjamin. Handbook to the Kensal Green Cemetery, 
 8vo Lond. 1843 
 CLARK, Charles. John Noakes and Mary Styles, or an Essex 
 Calf's Visit to Tiptree Races, 12mo. . . . ib. 1839 
 CLARK, G. T. 
 Thirteen Views of the Castle of St. Donat's, Glamorgan- 
 shire, with a Notice of the Stradling Family, 4to. 
 Shrewsbury and Cardiff, 1871 
 Rockingham. [From the Archceol. JournalJ] 8vo. Lond. 1878 
 The Land of Morgan, being a Contribution towards the 
 History of the Lordship of Glamorgan, 8vo. . . ib. 1883 
 Mediaeval Military Architecture in England, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1884 
 Limbus Patrum Morganiee et Glamorganiae. The Genea- 
 logies of Morgan and Glamorgan, 8vo. . . . ib. 1886 
 CLARK, H. J. A Claim for Scientific Property, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) 
 Cambridge, Mass. 1863 
 CLARK, Hugh. A Short Introduction to Heraldry. 10th 
 edition. 8vo Lond. 1825 
 CLARK, Samuel. 
 England's Remembrancer, containing a narrative of (1) the 
 Spanish Invasion in '88 ; (2) the Powder Plot, 1605. 
 12mo ib. 1657 
 The Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake, 4to. . . ib. 1671 
 Lives of Eminent Persons, fol. . . . . . ib. 1683 
 The Saint's Nosegay. Reprinted with a Memoir by 
 G. T. C. Privately printed. 16mo. . . . ib. 1881 
 The Duty of Everyone that Intends to be Saved. Privately 
 printed. 12mo . ib. 1882 
 CLARKE, Benjamin. On a Roman Sarcophagus of White 
 Marble discovered at Lower Clapton, Middlesex. 8vo. 
 n.p. n.d. 
156 CLA OLE 
 CLARKE, Charles. 
 On an Ancient Piece of Money found at Eltham, 4to. Lond. 1751 
 On the Tunnel under the Thames, 4to. . Gravesend, 1799 
 Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini, fol. . . Lond. 1820 
 CLARKE, Cowden, Mrs. The Complete Concordance to Shakes- 
 peare. New and revised edition. 8vo. . . Lond. 1878 
 CLARKE, H. J. The Book of Job. A Metrical Translation, 8vo. 
 ib. 1880 
 CLARKE, Henry. The School Candidates : A Prosaic Burlesque. 
 Occasioned by the Election of a Schoolmaster at Stret- 
 ford, 1788. Edited by J. E. Bailey. 8vo. Manchester, 1877 
 CLARKE, Hyde. 
 The Warings, or Waringhians, 8vo. (Tracts 81) Lond. 1861 
 Serpent and Siva Worship and Mythology in Central 
 America, Africa, and Asia, 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 The Early History of the Mediterranean Populations. 
 Illustrated from Autonomous Coins, Gems, &c. 8vo. ib. 1882 
 CLARKE, J. The Suffolk Antiquary. (Tracts 150) 
 Woodbridge, 1849 
 CLARKE, James. Survey of the Lakes, fol. . . Lond. 1789 
 CLARKE, John. 
 The Architectural History of Gloucester, 8vo. Gloucester, 1850 
 Account of the Priory of Llanthony, 8vo. Gloucester and 
 Lond. 1850 
 CLARKE, Joseph. The Church of St. Nicholas at Wade. 
 8vo Lond. 1878 
 CLARKE, William. Connexion of Roman, Saxon, and English 
 Coins, 4to ib. 1767 
 CLARKSON, Christopher. History and Antiquities of Richmond, 
 County of York, 4to. . . . Richmond, 1821 
 CLASSICAL MUSEUM. The Classical Museum. A Journal of 
 Philology, &c. 7 vols. 8vo Lond. 1844-50 
 Quas exstant, ex emendatione virorum doctorum, 16mo. 
 Amstelodami, Elzev, 1650 
 Quse exstant. Me. Heinsius recensuit, 12mo. 
 Lugd. Bat., Elzev, 1650 
 Opera. Yalpy's edition, 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1821 
 CLAYTON, John. The Works of Sir Christopher Wren. The 
 dimensions, elevations, and sections of the parochial 
 churches of Sir Christopher Wren erected in London and 
 Westminster. Plates. Atlas fol. ib. 1848-49 
 CLAYTON, Robert. 
 Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai, 4to. . . . ib. 1753 
 - 2nd edition, 8vo ib. 1753 
 Vindication of Histories of Old and New Testament, part 
 2, 8vo Dublin, 1754 
 CLEIDOPHORUS MYSTAGOGUS. Trifertes Sagani, or Immortal 
 Dissolvent, 12mo Lond. 1705 
CLE CLO 157 
 CLELAND, John. 
 The Way to Things by Words, and to Words by Things : 
 An attempt at the Retrieval of the Ancient Celtic, 8vo. 
 Land. 1766 
 Specimen of an Etymological Vocabulary, 8vo. . . ib. 1768 
 - Additional Articles to ditto, 8vo. . ib. 1769 
 CLEMENT, David. Bibliotheque Curieuse Historique et Critique, 
 ou Catalogue raisonne de Livres difficiles a trouver. 9 
 vols. 4to. .... Gottingen and Leipsic, 1750-60 
 CLEEE. Doubtful Norfolk Pedigrees. No. iv., 8vo. 
 CLERGY LIST for 1875. etc., 8vo. In progress . .Lond. 1875, etc. 
 CLE"RISSEAU, P. [A volume containing 14 views of classical 
 remains by P. Clerisseau, engraved at Rome by Cunego.] 
 Atlas fol. ....... Rome, n.d. 
 CLERK, Sir John. Dd Monumentis Quibusdam Romanis, 4to. 
 (Tracts 36*) . . Edinburgh, 1750 
 CLERMONT, Thomas Fortescue, Lord. 
 An Account of Sir Arthur Chichester, Lord Deputy of 
 Ireland, by Sir Faithful Fortescue. For private circula- 
 tion. 8vo Lond. 1858 
 Sir John Fortescue, Knight, his Life, Works, and Family 
 History, 2 vols. For private distribution. 4to. . ib. 1869 
 Additional Pages to the Life and Works of Sir John 
 Fortescue, 4to. . . ib. 1877 
 A History of the Family of Fortescue. Second edition. 4to. 
 ib. 1880 
 Supplement to Chapter I, 4to. . . ib. 1885 
 CLERUS ANGLICANUS. Letter to Editor of " Edinburgh Review," 
 8vo. (Tracts 77) . . ... ib. 1832 
 CLIBBORN, Edward. Essay on the Probability of Saul, Beniah, 
 &c., having been the Hycsos rulers, Salatis, Beon, &c., 
 8vo. (Tracts 67). 
 CLIFTON ANTIQUARIAN CLUB. Proceedings. Yol. i., etc. In 
 progress, 4to. ...... Bristol, 1886, etc. 
 CLINCH, George. Some Account of Ancient Excavations in 
 Well Wood and "Chalk-pit Field, West Wickham, Kent. 
 Privately printed. 8vo. . . . West Wickham, 1884 
 An Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chronology of 
 Greece, 8vo Oxford, 1851 
 An Epitome of f he Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome 
 and Constantinople from the death of Augustus to the 
 death of Heraclius. Edited by the Rev. C. J. Fynes 
 Clinton, 8vo ib. 1853 
 Memoirs of the Clinton Family. Privately printed. One 
 of twelve copies. 4to. ...... n.p. 1872 
 CLIVE, R. H. History of Ludlow, 8vo. . . Lond 1841 
 CLOCKMAKERS, Company of. A Catalogue of Books, MSS., 
 Specimens of Clocks, Watches, and Watchwork in 
 the Library and Museum of the Company of Clock- 
 makers, 8vo ib. 1875 
158 CLO COG 
 CLODE, C. M. The Military Forces of the Crown ; their admi- 
 nistration, etc. In 2 vols., 8vo. . . . Lond. 1869 
 The Administration of Justice tinder Military and Martial 
 Law. 2nd Edition, 8vo. . . . ' . . ib. 1874 
 CLOGIE, Alexander. Vox Corvi, or the Voice of a Raven that 
 thrice spoke these words distinctly : " Look into 
 Colossians the 3rd and 15th," 12mo. . . . ib. 1694 
 CLOSE, Thomas. 
 Wake Pedigrees, fol. . . . . 1864 
 St. Mary's Church, Nottingham, 8vo. . . Nottingham, 1866 
 CLOTHWORKERS, Company of. Grant of Arms : by Thomas 
 Benolt, Clarenceux, 1530 ; and Grant of Crest and 
 Supporters : by Thomas Cooke, Clarenceux, 1587. Pri- 
 vately printed. 4to. ..... Lond. 1869 
 CLUBS. A Complete and Humorous Account of all the Remark- 
 able Clubs and Societies in the Cities of London and 
 Westminster, from the R 1 S y down to the 
 Lumber- troop, &c. Seventh edition, 12mo. . . ib. 1756 
 CLUMBER COLLECTION. Catalogue of Pictures, being part of the. 
 The property of the Duke of Newcastle, 4to. . . n.p. 1872 
 CLUNY, Hotel de. 
 Catalogue du Musee, 8vo. ..... Paris, 1858 
 Musee des Thermes et de 1'Hotel de Cluny. Catalogue des 
 Objets d'Art, par E. du Sommerard, 8vo. . . ib. 1864 
 CLUTTERBUCK, Robert. History of Hertfordshire, 3 vols., fol. 
 Lond. 1815-27 
 GLUTTON, Henry. Remarks on the Domestic Architecture of 
 France Charles VI. to Louis XII. Plates, fol. . ib. 1853 
 CLUVERIUS, Philip. Iiitroductio in Universam Geographiam, 4to. 
 Guelpherbyti, 1667 
 CLYDE, Lord, Memorial to. Extract from " The Times," 2nd 
 April, 1864. (Tracts 55**). 
 CNATTING, A. J. Ad Runographiam Scandinaviee Accessiones 
 Novee, 4to. (Tracts 45.) .... Upsdl, 1833 
 GOAD, John. A Memorandum of the Wonderful Providences of 
 God to a poor unworthy Creature, during the time of the 
 Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion and to the Revolution in 
 1688, sm. 4to. . .... Lond. 1849 
 COAL TRADE of Northumberland and Durham, a Glossary of 
 Terms used in the, 8vo. . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1849 
 COATES, Charles. History of Reading, and Supplement, 4to. 
 Reading, 1802-10 
 COBB, J. W. History of Berkhamsted, 8vo. . . Lond. 1855 
 COBLER OF CANTERBURIE, The. Edited by Frederic Ouvry, 4to. 1862 
 COCCHI, Antonio. Sopra un Manoscritto in Cera. 4to. Firenze, 1746 
 COCHERIS, Hip'polyte. Entrees de Marie d'Angleterre, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 72). . Paris, 1859 
 COCHET, L'Abbe. 
 L'fitretat Souterrain, l re et 2 e Serie. (Tracts 43). 1842-1844 
 Le Manoir des Archeveques de Rouen, 8vo. (Tracts 43.) 1849 
 Sur un Cimetiere Remain, 8vo. (Tracts 43) . Rouen, 1849 
 Fouilles d'Envermeu en 1850, 8vo. (Tracts 43). . . 1850 
COG COG 159 
 COCHET, L'Abbe continued. 
 L'figlise de Veullettes, 8vo. (Tracts 43.) .... 1850 
 L'%lise de St. Hildevert a Gournay, 8vo. (Tracts 43). 
 Rouen, 1851 
 Sur Cinq Monnaies d'or, 8vo. (Tracts 43). . . . 1852 
 Les figlises d'Yvetot, 2 Tomes, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1852 
 La Normandie souterraine, 8vo. ..... Rouen, 1854 
 Notice Biographique sur M. Nell de Breaute, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 43) Dieppe, 1855 
 Epigraphie de la Seine-Inferieure, 8vo. (Tracts 43). Paris, 1855 
 Etretat, son Passe, son Present, son Avenir, 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 De la Continue d'inhumer dans des Tonneaux en terre 
 cuite, 8vo. (Tracts 43) ib. 1857 
 Sepulture d'un Jeune Guerrier Franc, 8vo. (Tracts 43). 
 Rouen, 1857 
 Le Tombeau de Childeric I. er , 8vo. . . . Paris, 1859 
 Archeologie. Hachettes diluviennes du Bassin de la 
 Somme, 8vo. (Tracts 43) ib. I860 
 La Seine- Inferieure, historique et archealogique, 4to. ib. 1864 
 Memoire sur une Sepulture Romaine de Lillebonne, 8vo. 
 (ZVocfo'62***) .... . Rouen, 1866 
 Sepulture Gauloise trouvee dans la Basse Foret d'Eu, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 33*) . ib. 1866 
 Note sur des Fouilles Archeologiques faites a Hericourt-en- 
 Caux (Seine-Inferieure), 8vo. (Tracts AO*) . . ib. 1868 
 Notice sur des Antiquites Merovingiennes, decouvertes en 
 1866 a Avesnes, pres Gournay-en-Bray, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) 
 fivreux, 1868 
 COCHEAN-PATRICK, R. W. Records of the Coinage of Scotland, 
 from the Earliest Period to 'The Union. 2 vols. 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1876 
 Cockayne Memoranda: Collections towards a Historical 
 Record of the family of Cockayne. For private circu- 
 lation, 8vo ' . Congleton, 1869 
 Another edition. 'For private circulation, 
 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 COCKAYNE, Oswald. The Shrine. A Collection of Occasional 
 Papers on Dry Subjects, Nos. 1-13, 8vo. . Lond. 1864-70 
 COCKED HAT CLUB, The Magna Charta of the, sm. 4to. n.p. n.d. 
 COCKEEAM, Henry. 
 The English Dictionary ; or, an Interpreter of hard English 
 words. Third edition, 18mo ib. 1631 
 - Tenth edition, 18mo. . . . ib. 1655 
 COCKEEELL, Charles Robert. A descriptive account of the 
 Sculptures of the West Front of Wells Cathedral, photo- 
 graphed, 1862, 4to. n.p. n.d. 
 COCKEEM'S Tourist's Guide to Torquay, 8vo. . . Torquay 
 B. Le Compendion et brief enseignement de Physiog- 
 nomic et chiromacie. Woodcuts, 12mo. . . Paris, 1548 
160 COD COL 
 De Officialibus Palatii. Edited by J. Bekker, 8vo. Bonn, 1839 
 De Antiquitatibus Constantinopolitanis. Edited by J. 
 Bekker, 8vo ib. 1843 
 COGHAN, Thomas. The Haven of Health. (Bound with Swan's 
 " Speculum Mundi.") 4to Lond. 1636 
 COHEN, Henri. Description des Medailles, Ivoires, Bronzes, 
 &c. composant le Cabinet de M. Badeigts de Laborde. 
 Sale Catalogue, 8vo. Paris, 1869 
 Kawi Oorkonden in Facsimile, met inleiding en trans- 
 scrip tie, 8vo. ....... Ley den, 1875 
 Plates, fol ib. 1875 
 COINAGE. Reasons which have moved the Queene to Reform 
 her Base Mony, 4to ib. 1560 
 COIN Collectors of the United States, Illustrated Guide. Vol. ii. 
 No. 4. April, 1886, 8vo. . . Philadelphia, [1886] 
 Illustrations of Coins. (36 sheets of Engravings of Coins 
 from William I. to Henry VIII.) (Tracts 22) . 
 Sale Catalogues of Coins. Abbott. Abdy. Ainslie. Amateur. 
 Aspull. Bainbridge. Baker. Barclay. Barker. Baro- 
 net. Barthelemy. Bayly. Benson. Bentham. Bird. 
 Bolland. Boocke. Borrell. Boyne. Brander. British 
 Museum. Broad. Brockett. Browne k Brumell. Cam- 
 pana-Chauncy. Clarke. Collector. Cotton. Cuff. 
 Cureton. Edmonds. Fair. Ferguson. Gentleman. 
 Goll. Goodall. Gordon. Gosling. Greene. Hall. 
 Harwood. Heber. Henderson. Higgs. Hoare. 
 Holmsdale. Horta. Jackson. Jamieson. Jeremie. 
 Keate. Lane. Loscombe. Leigh. Leybourne. Lort. 
 Malta. Marshall. Miles. Milles. Miller. Mole. 
 Morton. Moule. Newman. Nott. Pegge. Pettal. 
 Pettingal. Pickard. Picking. Poller. Rawle. 
 Reynolds. Rich. Robertson. Robson. Sabatier. 
 St. Croix. St. Petersburgh. Sharpe. Shepherd. 
 Spurrier. Steuart. Stewart. Stokes. Strangford. 
 Surtees. Swinburne. Switzerland. Thomas. Till. 
 Tobin. Tovey. Trattle. Tunis. Turner. Twisden. 
 Tyssen. Ventouillac. Vidal. Welling. White. Wilson. 
 Young. In all, 23 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1795-1856 
 COKE, Sir Edward. 
 A Booke of Entries : containing Presidents of Counts, 
 Declarations, &c., fol. ...... ib. 1614 
 Abridgment of Coke's Works. By Sir T. Ireland, 8vo. ib. 1651 
 First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, 
 Seventeenth edition. By C. Butler, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1817 
 COKEE, Rev. J. A Survey of Dorsetshire, fol. . . . ib. 1732 
 COLBURN, Jeremiah. American Independence. Did the 
 Colonists desire it ? Letters of John Jay and John 
 Adams, &c., 8vo Boston, 1876 
 COLBY, F. T. 
 Memoir of the late Thomas Colby, Capt. R.N. Compiled 
 from his own memoranda. Privately printed, 12mo. 
 Oxford, 1872 
 The Heraldry of Exeter, 8vo. (Tracts 63) . Lond. 1873 
 The History of Great Torrington. 8vo. (Tracts 63) . 1875 
 The Visitation of the County of Devon, 1564, with addi- 
 tions from the Visitation of 1531, 4to. . . Exeter, 1881 
 COLBY, Thomas, and F. T. Colby. Verses. For private circula- 
 tion, 8vo. 1872 
 COLCHESTER, Among the Tombs of, 8vo. . . . Colchester, 1880 
 COLCHESTER CASTLE. An 8vo. volume containing : 
 Colchester Castle, a Roman building. By G. Buckler. 
 Not published ib. 1876 
 Second section . . . , ib. 1877 
 Colchester Castle shown to have once been the Templed 
 Citadel which the Roman Colonists raised to their 
 Emperor Claudius, at Colonia Camulodunum. By H. 
 Jenkins. Revised edition .... Lond. 1861 
 - Appendix, 8vo. (Tracts 70) . . ib. 1835 
 COLCHESTER Church Trusts. Gifts and Grants from David 
 Sears, 8vo ib. 1863 
 COLDWELL, W. G. On the Spire of All Saints' Church, Chester- 
 field, co. Derby, 4to ib. 1855 
 COLE, H. W. Saint Augustine, a Poem in eight books, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1877 
 COLE, Henry. Letters on the Conduct of C. P. Cooper, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1836 
 COLE, J. E. The Genealogy of the Family of Cole, 8vo. . ib. 1867 
 COLE, John. 
 History of Weston Favell, 8vo. . . . Scarborough, 1827 
 Filey,8vo ib. 1828 
 COLE, Robert. Catalogue of his MSS., part 1, 8vo. . Lond. 1861 
 COLEMAN, Charles. Satirical Peerage of England, including a 
 satire on mottos, 4to. ...... . n.d. 
 COLEMAN, Edward. His Tryal, fol ib. 1678 
 COLEMAN, James. 
 Names of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials in the Chapel 
 of Somerset House, 1714-76 (Tracts 117*) . . ib. 1862 
 General Index to Printed Pedigrees, 4to. . . . ib. 1866 
 COLES, Elisha. 
 A Dictionary English-Latin and Latin-English, 4to. ib. 1679 
 - Sixth edition, 4to ib. 1707 
 An English Dictionary, 12mo ib. 1685 
 12mo ib. 1696 
 8vo. .... ib. 1717 
 - 4to ib. 1724 
 COLLECTANEA Topographica et Genealogica. Edited by J. G. 
 Nichols, 8 vols. 8vo ib. 1834-43 
 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS, Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners 
 on, 4 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1864 
162 COL COL 
 COLLESCHI, Francesco. Dissertazione sulle poste degli Antichi, 
 4to . Florence, 1746 
 COLLET, P. J. M. Notice historique du Calaisis, de 1'Ardresis, 
 et des pays de Bredenarde et de Langle, 12mo. Calais, 1833 
 COLLETTE, C. H. The Novelties of Romanism, 8vo. . Lond. 1860 
 COLLIBEE, Samuel. Columna Rostrata ; or, a Critical History 
 of the English Sea Affairs, 8vo ib. 1727 
 New Facts regarding Shakespeare, 8vo. . . . ib. 1835 
 Reasons for a New Edition of Shakespeare's works, 8vo. ib. 1841 
 Notes and Emendations to Shakespeare's Plays, 8vo. ib. 1853 
 Fac-similes from Mr. Collier's Folio Shakespeare, 1632, 
 with MS. Emendations, 8vo ib. 1853 
 Seven Lectnres on Shakespeare and Milton (by the late 
 S. T. Coleridge), and List of MS. Emendations in Mr. 
 Collier's Folio, 1632, 8vo ib. 1856 
 Reply to Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton's " Inquiry " into the 
 imputed Shakespeare Forgeries, 8vo. . . . ib. 1860 
 Illustrations of Early English Popular Literature. Vol. II. 
 Privately printed, 4to. ...... ib. 1864 
 Contents : 
 1. Report, &c., on Printers and Stationers. 
 2. Parry's Travels of Sir A. Sherley, 1601, 
 3. Becke against the Anabaptists, 1550. 
 4. The Comedy of " Tyde taryeth no Man," 1576. 
 5. Voyage of R. Ferris to Bristol, 1590. 
 6. Broadsides and Speeches to Monck, 1660. 
 7. R. Johnson's Look on Me, 1613 
 8. W. Bas's Sword and Buckler, 1602. 
 9. A Good Speech to Virginia, 1609. 
 10. Copies of Early Love-Letters, &c. 
 11. R. Johnson's Walks of Moorfields, 1607. 
 12. Verses by Walton, Arnold, and Clinton. 
 Bibliographical Account of Early English Literature, 2 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1865 
 Twenty-five Old Ballads and Songs, from MSS. in the 
 possession of J. P. Collier. Printed for presents only, 4to. 
 ib. 1869 
 A Few Odds and Ends, for Cheerful Friends. A Christ- 
 mas Gift. For private circulation, 4to. . . . ib. 1870 
 An Old Man's Diary, forty years ago, 1832-33. For pri- 
 vate circulation, 4to. . * . . . . ib. 1871-72 
 Trilogy. Conversations between three friends on the 
 Emendations of Shakespeare's Text contained in Mr. 
 Collier's corrected folio, 1632. For private circulation, 
 4to ib. 1874 
 Miscellaneous Tracts. Temp. Elizabeth and Jac. I. (Con- 
 tains : The Pastorals and other Workes of William 
 Basse, 1653), 4to ib. n.d. 
 COLLIER, John. The Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq., 
 plates, 12mo. ...... Manchester, 1793 
COL COM 163 
 COLLINS, Arthur. 
 The Baronetage of England, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1720 
 Proceedings, Precedents, &c., concerning Baronies by 
 Writ, fol ib. 1734 
 Historical Collections of Noble Families, fol. . . ib. 1752 
 Peerage of England, 8 vols. and Supplement . ib. 1779-1784 
 Continued to the present time, by Sir E. 
 Brydges, 9 vols. 8vo ib. 1812 
 COLLINSON, John. History of Somerset, 3 vols. and one of plates, 
 4to Bath, 1791 
 COLLINSON, Peter, Memoir of, 4to. (Tracts 23) . Lond. 1770 
 COLLINSON, S. Richard's Tower; an Idyll of Nottingham 
 Castle, and other Poems, 8vo. Lond. and Nottingham, 1876 
 COLLISON, George. Cemetery Interment, 12mo. . Lond. 1840 
 COLMAN, George. Broad Grins, 18mo ib. 1807 
 COLOGNE. Catalog iiber die im erzbischoflichen Museum befindli- 
 chen mittelalterlichen Kunstgegenstande, 12mo. Cologne, 1855 
 Donnington Castle ; a Royalist story. In fourteen 
 staves. With notes, 8vo. .... Lond. 1871 
 The Miller of Wandsworth ; or, the tragical story of the 
 Surrey Petition, 16th May, 1648. Supposed to be writ 
 by Richard Lovelace. Second edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 COLONIES, Notes on the Defence of the, 8vo. . . Jamaica, 1826 
 COLTELLINI, Lodovico. Due Ragionamenti sopra quattro superbi 
 Bronzi Antichi, 8vo. ..... Venice, 1750 
 COLVILE, F. L. The Worthies of Warwickshire, who lived 
 between 1500 and 1800, 4to Warwick, 1869 
 COMARMOND, A. Notice du Musee Lapidaire de la Ville de 
 Lyon, 8vo. ....... Lyons, 1855 
 COMBE, Charles. 
 Index Nummorum omnium Imperatorum a Julio Caesare 
 usque ad Postumum qui ex aere magni moduli signaban- 
 tur ib. 1773 
 Nummorum Veterum in Museo G. Hunter, descriptio, 4to. 
 ib. 1782 
 COMENIUS, Johannes Amos. Janua Linguarum Trilinguis, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1662 
 COMMINES, Philippe de. Memoires, 12mo. A Leide, Elzevir, 1648 
 Book of, 4to Lond. 1753 
 12mo . 1801 
 - Manks, 4to ib. 1765 
 Mohawk, 8vo . 1780 
 Return to an Address of the House of Commons, 
 14th Mar., 1854; for, "Copy of the Alterations 
 in the Book of Common Prayer, prepared by the 
 Royal Commissioners for the Revision of the Liturgy, in 
 1689." 8vo ib. 1854 
 M 2 
164 COM COX 
 COMMONS, HOUSE OF, Reports, 4 vols. fol. and. 15 vols. various, 
 with Index 1715-1802 
 General Index to the Journals of the House of Commons. 
 Yols. i.-lv. 6 vols. fol. . . . Lond. 1780-1803 
 COMO. Guida di Lago di Como (Bound with " Tre Giorni in 
 Bologna"), 12mo. . . . . . . Como, 1847 
 COMPTON, Henry, Bishop of London, Account of the whole 
 Proceedings against, 4to. (Bound with Tracts on Church 
 Affairs) . ...... Lond. 1688 
 COMTE, Jules. La Tapisserie de Bayeux. Reproduction en 79 
 Planches Phototypographiques ; etc., obi. 4to. . Paris, 1878 
 CONCANEN, M., and MORGANA A. History of St. Saviour's South- 
 wark, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1795 
 CONCIONES ET OfiATiONES ex Historicis Latinis excerptas. 12mo. 
 Amstelodami, 1662 
 CONDEE, C. R. Syrian Stone- Lore; or, the Monumental History 
 of Palestine. (Palestine Exploration Fund}, 8vo. Lond. 1886 
 CONESTABILE, Le Comte G. Sur 1'Inscription d'une Statuette 
 Etrusque, 8vo. (Tracts 59**) . . . Paris, 1863 
 CONEY, John. A Series of Fifty-six Etchings, consisting of 
 Architectural Sketches. Published by B. B. King. 8vo. 
 Lond. n.d. 
 CONGREGATION OP RITES. Nova Collectio Decretorum Sacra? 
 Rituum Congregationis notis illustrata, etc., 12mo. 
 Louvain, 1 788 
 CONGREVE, William. Works, 2 vols. 12mo. . . Lond. 1719 
 CONJUROR'S MAGAZINE. From August, 1791, to June, 1793, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1791-93 
 CONNAK, Richard. On creating the Eldest Sons of our Kings, 
 Princes of Wales, 8vo. (Tracts 140*) . . . ib. 1747 
 CONNOCK PAPERS, The. Edited by H. B. Ray, small 4to. 
 (Tracts 133) "... 1854 
 Annuaire, Annees 1854-61, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1853-61 
 Album du Musee, 2 me cahier, obi. 8vo. . . . ib. 1863 
 Recueil des Notices etMemoires, 1863-66, 4 vols. 8vo. ib. 1863-66 
 2 e vol. de la 2 e serie, 1868, etc., 8vo. In 
 progress Constantine, 1868, etc. 
 CONSTANTINE, Manasses. Edited by J. Bekker, 8vo. . Bonn, 1837 
 CONSTANTINE PORPHYROGENITUS. Edited by J. J. Reiske, 2 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1829-30 
 CONSTANTINI, Angelo. La Vie de Scaramouche, 12mo. Paris, 1695 
 CONSTANTINOPLE. Prospectus of "Voyage Pittoresque de," 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95*) . . . . ' . . . . ib. 1807 
 Historia Politica. Edited by J. Bekker, 8vo. . . *6. 1849 
 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the rest of 
 the Bishops and Clergie ; and agreed upon, &c. 4to. Lond. 1640 
 CONTES. Recueil des meillenrs Contes en vers (par La Fontaine, 
 Voltaire, Vergier, Senece, Perrault, Moncrif, Greco urt, 
 Autreau, St. Lambert, Chamfort, Piron, Dorat, La Mon- 
 noye, and Francois de Neufchateau). Vignettes, 4 vols. 
 18mo Lond. 1778 
 CONVICTS. Lives of the most remarkable Convicts, from the 
 year 1700 to the present time., 3 vols. 12mo. . . ib. 1745 
 CONYBEARE, J. J. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 8vo. ib. 1826 
 und 0. RASCHDORFF. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 
 zu Pergamon. Vorlaufiger Bericht, Mit sieben Tafeln, 
 fol ... Berlin, 1880 
 CONZE, A., C. HUMANE, R. BOHN. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgra- 
 bungen zu Pergamon 1880-1881. Vorlaufiger Bericht, foL 
 ib. 1882 
 COOK, Capt. James. Plates to his Travels, fol. (78 plates). 
 COOK, James, and KING, James. A Voyage to the Pacific for 
 making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. Second 
 edition, 3 vols. 4to. . . . . Lond. 1785 
 Plates, fol. ..... ib. 1785 
 COOK, John. 
 A Few Local Topographical Notes suggested by some old 
 Deeds. (Hull Literary Club.) 12mo. . Hull, 1880 
 Historical Notes on Beverley. (Hull Literary Club.) 12mo. 
 ib. 1880 
 The History of God's House of Hull, commonly called the 
 Charterhouse, 4to ib. 1882 
 COOKE OF KINGSTHORPE, Genealogical Memoranda relating to 
 the Family of. Privately printed. 4to. , Lond. 1873 
 COOKE, G. A. 
 Topographical and Statistical Description of the County of 
 Derby, 8vo . ib. 1830 
 Description of the County of Worcester, 8vo. [Prattinton 
 Coll.] ib. n.d. 
 New edition, 8vo. [Prattinton Coll] ib. 1830 
 Topographical Description of the County of Hertford, 
 12mo. ...... ib. 
 COOKE, J. H. 
 A Sketch of the History of Berkeley. (Cotteswold Club), 
 8vo. (Track 165) 1871 
 - Second edition, 12mo. . . Berkeley, 1878 
 On the Ancient Inscriptions in the chapel at Berkeley 
 Castle, with some account of John Trevisa, 8vo. 
 Gloucester, 1876 
 The Tyndales in Gloucestershire, 8vo. . . Bristol, [1877] 
 The Last Hours of Count Solms. Transcribed from the 
 MS. of 1695, 4to. . . . Lond. and Gloucester, 1879 
 The Great Berkeley Law-Suit of the 15th and 16th centu- 
 ries, 8vo. . [1879] 
 The Shipwreck of Sir Cloudesley Shovell on the Scilly 
 Islands in 1707, 4to Gloucester, 1883 
166 COO COO 
 COOKE, J. H. continued. 
 The Timber- Stealing Riots in the Forests of Whittlebnry 
 and Saleey, in 1727-28, 8vo. . . . Northampton, 1885 
 The Berkeley Manuscripts, and their author John 
 Smyth, 8vo. ........ n.p. n.d. 
 Historical Notes on Wans well Court and its Occupants for 
 seven centuries, 8vo. 
 COOKE, John, and MAULE, J. Historical Account of the Royal 
 Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, 4to. . . Land. 1 789 
 COOKE, W. B. The Seize Quartiers of the Family of Bryan 
 Cooke, 4to it. 1857 
 COOKE, William. Materials for a History of Hessett, 8vo. 
 Bury St. Edmunds, 1877 
 COOMBE, William, The Devil upon Crutches in England ; or, 
 Night Scenes in London, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1756 
 Annals of Cambridge, 4 vols. and part 34, 8vo. Cambridge, 184252 
 Memoir of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 
 8vo. ..... Cambridge and Lond. 1874 
 COOPER, C. H., and T. Athenae Cantabrigienses, vols. i., ii., 
 1500-1585, 8vo Cambridge, 1858-60 
 Account of Proceedings in Parliament relative to defect in 
 the Administration of Justice, 8vo. . . Lond. 1828 
 Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie, 8vo. . . . ib. 1828 
 8vo Bruxelles, 1830 
 8vo Paris, 1830 
 Notes respecting Registration, &c., part 1, 8vo. . Lond. 1831 
 Proposal for erection of a General Record Office . ib. 1832 
 An Account of the most important Public Records of Great 
 Britain, and the Publications of the Record Commissioners, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1833 
 Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. .... ib. 1852 
 COOPER, Daniel. Flora Metropolitana, 8vo. . . . ib. 1836 
 COOPER, T. H. Guide to Lynton, &c., 8vo. . . . ib. 1853 
 COOPER, Thomas. 
 Thesaurus Lingua} Romans et Britannicae, fol. . . ib. 1573 
 The Mystery of Witchcraft, sm. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1617 
 COOPER, William. 
 A Philosophicall Epitaph in Hierogliphicall Figures, with 
 explanation. A Briefe of the Golden Calfe (the World's 
 Idoll). Glaubers golden ass well managed. Jehior, the 
 three Principles or Originall of all things. Published 
 by W. C., Esq. With a Catalogue of Chymicall Bookes. 
 12mo ib. 1673 
 COOPER, William Durrant. 
 Sussex Provincialisms, 8vo. .... Brighton, 1836 
 2nd Edition, 12mo. .... ib. 1853 
 History of Winchelsea, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1850 
 A Glossary of the Provincialisms in use in the County of 
 Sussex, 12mo. 2nd Edition. (Two copies') . . ib. 1853 
 COOPER, William Durrant continued. 
 Contributions to the Eighth volume of Sussex Collections, 
 8vo. (Tracts 55**) Lond. 1856 
 Notices of Anthony Babington, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . ib. 1862 
 Court of Shepway, 1866. Statement of the Right of Pre- 
 cedence of Hastings, 4to. .... Hasting s, 
 Former Inhabitants of Chichester, 8vo. (Tracts 162) 
 St. Dionis Backchurch, 8vo. (Tracts 163) 
 Further Notices of Winchelsea, 8vo. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 COOPER, William Ricketts. An Archaic Dictionary : biogra- 
 phical, historical, and mythological ; from the Egyptian, 
 Assyrian, and Etruscan monuments and papyri. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1876 
 COOTE, H. C. 
 The Introduction to " The Practice of the Ecclesiastical 
 Courts" ... ib. 1847 
 The Civilians of Doctors' Commons (Law Magazine No. 18, 
 August), 8vo. (Tracts 62***) .... ib. 1860 
 A Neglected Fact in English History, 8vo. . . ib. 1864 
 The Romans of Britain, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1878 
 Papers from the " Law Magazine," 8vo. . . . ib. n.d. 
 Supplementary Remarks on Buried Cruciform Platforms 
 in Yorkshire. (Bound with Monkman's Cruciform Plat- 
 forms), 8vo. (Tracts 53***) n.p. n.d. 
 COPENHAGEN. Om Nordiske Oldsager og deres Opbevaring, 8vo. 
 Copenhagen, 1831 
 Bind 1-3, 8vo 1812-14 
 Jan., 1817, 1820, 1821, and 182.', fol. . Copenhagen, 1817-22 
 Aperu sur 1' Organisation de 1'Universite 
 de Copenhague, 8vo. ...... ib. 1878 
 i.-xiii. and xvi.-xxii., 8vo ib. 1803-1827 
 COPINGER, W. A. History of the Copingers or Coppingers of 
 the co. of Cork, Ireland, and the counties of Suffolk and 
 Kent, England. A new edition. 8vo. . Manchester, 1884 
 COPPI, Francesco. 
 Monografia ed Iconografia della terracimiteriale o terra- 
 mara di Gorzano. Con Atlante di Tavole 34, designate 
 dal I. G. Coppi. 4to. ... . Modena, 1871 
 Volume Terzo, 4to. . Modena e Bologna, 1876 
 Nuova Scoperta Archeologica nella terramara di Gorzano, 
 8vo Turin, 1879 
 COPYHOLD ENFRANCHISEMENT. A Bill to amend the Copyhold 
 Acts, fol Lond. 1884 
 CORBAUX, Fanny. The Rephaim, and their connection with 
 Egyptian History, 8vo. (Tracts 68) . . ib. 1853 
 CORBET, Richard. Poems, fourth edition, with additions. 
 Edited by Gilchrist. 8vo. . . ib. 1807 
 CORBINELLI, M. De. Histoire Genealogique de la maison de 
 Gondi, 2 vols Paris, 1705 
168 COR COR 
 Notice sur les Cloches. (Tracts 44) . . . Paris, 1857 
 Essai Historique et Liturgique sur les Ciboires et la reserve 
 de 1'Eucharistie, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1858 
 Essai sur les Ciboires, 8vo. (Tracts 44) . . . ib. 1858 
 Revue de L'Art Chretien, 8vo. (Tracts 44) . . n.p. 1858 
 L' Architecture du Moyen-Age jugee par les ^crivains des 
 deux derniers siecles, 8vo. (Tracts 44) . . Paris, 1859 
 Etude Iconographique sur 1'Arbre de Jesse, 8vo. (Tracts 
 f 44.) ib. 1860 
 Etude Historique sur les Loteries, 8vo. (Tracts 44) ib. 1861 
 CORDEN, Mr. The Lamentable and true Tragedie of Mr. Corden, 
 of Faversham, in Kent. (Sound with Jacob, E. " Hist. 
 of Faversham.") 8vo. 
 Lond. 1592, reprinted, Faversliam, 1770 
 CORDINER, Charles. Ruins and Prospects of N". Britain, 2 vols. 
 4to Lond. 1788 
 COREY, D. P. The Waite Family of Maiden. For private dis- 
 tribution. 8vo. ..... Maiden, Mass. 1878 
 Beamish, 8vo. (Tracts 114) . . . Cheltenham, 1842 
 CORNELIUS NEPOS. Opera, Valpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 
 Rental of St. Olave and St. John, Southwark, 4to. . ib. 1838 
 2nd Edition, 4to ib. 1851 
 History of Horselydown. 8vo. (Tracts 117*) . . ib. 1855 
 CORNEY, Bolton. 
 Researches, &c., on Bayeux Tapestry. 8vo. Greenwich, 1836 
 2nd Edition. 8vo ib. 1838 
 Recherches sur la Tapisserie de Bayeux. Traduites par 
 V. E. Pillet. 8vo Bayeux, 1841 
 On the new General Biographical Dictionary, 8vo. 
 Greenwich, 1839 
 CORNICE, Joseph. 
 Las Casiterides, 8vo. Madrid, 1790 
 Sobre la Torre Llamada de Hercules a la Coruna, 4to. ib. 1792 
 CORNISH'S Stranger's Guide through Birmingham, twelfth 
 edition, 8vo Birmingham, 1867 
 Thirteenth edition . il. 1867 
 Manchester and Salford, 8vo. Manchester, 1857 
 CORNWALL. Specimens of Cornish Provincial Dialect, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1846 
 Historical Collections relating to Cornwall. By John 
 Warburton, Somerset Herald. [Partly MS."] Folio. 
 Annual Reports, 20th to 45th, 1838-1862, 8vo. [Bound in 
 4 vols. Subsequent Reports are bound up with the Journal .] 
 Truro, 1839-63 
 Journal, Nos. i-viii. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . ib. 1864-67 
 CORNWALLIS, Sir William. Essayes. Newly enlarged, sm. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1610 
COR COR 169 
 CORONATION SERVICE. The form and order of the Service that 
 is to be performed in the Coronation of his Majesty King 
 George IV., fol Lond. 1821 
 CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. List of -Members, 4to. . 1749 
 CORPUS INSCRIPTIONUM LATIN ARUM, Consilio et Auctoritate Aca- 
 demise Litterarum Regiae Borussicse editum. 
 Vol. I. Edidit T. Mommsen. Vol. IT. Edidit M. Hiibner. 
 2 vols, 4to Berlin, 1863-69 
 Vol. III., pars 1, 2. Fol ib. 1873 
 Vol. IV. Edidit C. Langemeister. 4to. . . . ib. 1871 
 Vol. V., pars 1. Fol ib. 1872 
 Vol. V., pars 2. 4to ib. 1877 
 Vol. VI., p. 1. 4to ib. 1876 
 Vol. VI., p. 2. 4to ib. 1882 
 Vol. VI., p. 5. 4to ib. 1885 
 Vol. VII. Fol. ib. 1873 
 Vol. VIII., 1 et 2. Edidit G. Wilmanns. 4to. . ib. 1881 
 Vol. IX. Fol ib. 1883 
 Vol. X., p. 1. 4to. . . ib. 1883 
 Vol. X., p. 2. 4to ib. 1883 
 et Litterarum Humanioram conditum. In progress. 
 Paris, 1881, etc. 
 Tabulae. In progress . . . 1881, etc. 
 CORPUS JURIS CANONICI, Post Justi Henningii Boehmeri curas 
 denuo edidit .^E. L. Richter. One vol. in two parts. 
 Leipsic, 1839 
 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS, cum D. Gothofredi et aliornm Notis. 
 Postrema Editio auctior et emendatior. 2 vols. in one. 
 Fol. ..... Amsterdam, Elzevier, 1663 
 CORPUS POETARUM LATiNORUM. Edidit Gulielmus S. Walker. 
 1 vol. in 2. 8vo Lond. 1835 
 LOGIQUE. Bulletin. Tome 8 me . 4 me Livraison. 8vo. Brive, 1886 
 CORSER, the late Rev. Thomas. Reprinted from the " Manchester 
 Courier" of Aug. 28th, 1876. 8vo. 
 CORSINUS, Edwardus. Series Preefectorum Urbis a. u. c. ad 
 annum 1353, 4to . Pisa, 1763 
 CORS T GEDOL ESTATE. Merionethshire, North Wales. Par- 
 ticulars of sale. Fol Lond. 1858 
 CORTENOVIS, Angelo M. Sopra una Iscrizione Greca d'Aquileja, 
 con i Disegni di alcune altre Antichita. 8vo. Bassano, 1792 
 CORTONA. Gemmee ex Daciyliotheca Academies Etruscas Corto- 
 nensis. Pars prima, 8vo. ...... n.d. 
 CORY, J. A. Notices of Fortified Churches in Cumberland, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62*) 
 CORY, J. P. Ancient Fragments, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1828 
 CORY, R., Jun. Grand Festival at Yarmouth, 1814, 4to. 
170 COS COT 
 COSIN, James. The Names of the Roman Catholics, Nonjurors, 
 and others, who refus'd to take the Oaths to his late 
 Majesty King George. London : Printed 1745. (Re- 
 print.) 8vo Lond. 1862 
 COSMO III., Grand Duke of Tuscany. Travels through England 
 during the Reign of Charles II. (1669.) Translated 
 from the Italian. Portrait and Plates. 4to. . . ib. 1821 
 COSTA, Francesco. 2 Catalogo di Libri di Autori Siciliani o di 
 Argomento Siciliano. 12mo. .... Palermo, 1878 
 COSTUME SOCIETY. Publications. Part i. (Two copies.) 4to. 
 Lond. 1883 
 COTGRAVE, Randle. A French and English Dictionary, with 
 another in English and French, fol. . . ib. 1660 
 Architectural Antiquities of Norfolk, various Nos., fol. 
 Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses, Nos. 9 to 16, with ten 
 plates from Hollis's Monumental Effigies, fol. ib. 1815-16 
 Engravings of the most remarkable of the 
 Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk. 48 plates. Fol. ib. 1819 
 COTTINGHAM, L. N. Catalogue of his Museum of Mediaeval 
 Art, 4to. (Tracts 39) Lond. 1850 
 COTTLE, James. Church of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton, 8vo. 
 ib. 1845 
 COTTLE, Joseph. Malvern Hills, and other Poems, third edition, 
 8vo. \_Prattinton Coll.'] ib. 1802 
 COTTON, Bartholomew. De Historia Aiiglicana. Edited by H.R. 
 Luard, Boy. 8vo ib. 1859 
 COTTON, Charles. Genuine Poetical Works. Sixth edition. 
 Woodcuts. 12mo ib. 1771 
 COTTON, Henry. Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicse, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 Dublin, 1848-51 
 COTTON, Sir Robert. 
 How Kings of England have repaired their Estates, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1651 
 Concerning the Liberfcie of every Freeman, 8vo. . ib. 1651 
 Speech delivered in the Parliament assembled at Oxford, 
 8vo ib. 1651 
 COTTON, William. 
 On Stone Circles, Cromlechs, &c., 4to. . , . ib. 1827 
 Catalogue of Pictures and Books in his possession at the 
 Priory, Leatherhead, in 2 parts, 8vo. . . , ib. 1836 
 Historical Sketch of Bodyam Castle, 3 copies, different 
 editions, 8vo. ........ ib. 1838 
 Antiquities of Totness, 4to. . . . . ib. 1850 
 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum, a T. Smith, fol. 
 Oxford, 1696 
 Report on, fol Lond. 1732 
COU COW 171 
 COUCH, J. The History of Polperro, a fishing town on the 
 south coast of Cornwall. With additions by T. Q. 
 Couch. 8vo Truro and Lond. 1871 
 COUNTERMINE, The : or, a short Discovery of the principles of the 
 Dissenting Party, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1677 
 COUNTY COURT JUDGES, List of. 8vo. .... ib. 1865 
 COURNAULT, Charles. Sepultures du cimetiere Merovingien de 
 Liverdun(Meurthe). 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . . n.p. n.d. 
 COURT AND CITY REGISTER. 1758-1760, 1762-1765, and 1767. 
 Royal Calendar or Complete and Correct Annual Regis- 
 ter, 1775-1781, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1804, 1806, and 1808- 
 1810. "The British Imperial Calendar," 1811-1835. 
 Forty-eight volumes. 12mo. . . . Lond. 1758-1835 
 COURTENAY, T. P. Memoirs of Sir William Temple, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1806 
 COURTENAY, Sir William. The Life of Sir W. Courtenay, 
 Knight of Malta, alias John Nichols Tour, formerly of 
 Truro. By Canterburiensis. Plates. 8vo. Canterbury, 1838 
 COURTET, Jules. Notice Historique et Archeologique sur 
 Avignon, 8vo. (Tracts SO) . . Paris, 1855 
 COURTHOPE, William. Historic Peerage of England, 8vo. Lond. 1857 
 Histoire de I'Hannonie du Moyen Age, 4to. . Paris, 1852 
 Notice sur un Manuscrit Musical, 8vo. (Tracts 79) . ib. 1859 
 Dialecte Flamand de France, 8vo. (Tracts 79) . Dunkerke, 1859 
 Drames Liturgiques du Moyen Age, 4to. . . Rennes, 1860 
 Vitraux peints et incolores, 8vo. (Tracts 79) . Lille, 1860 
 Documents relatifs a la Flandre maritime, 8vo. (Tracts 79) 
 ib. I860 
 Quelques fipitaphes, 8vo. (Tracts 79) . . . . ib. I860 
 Messe du xiii. Siecle, 4to Tournai, 1861 
 Orfevrerie du xiii. Siecle, 4to Paris, 1861 
 Essai Historique sur le Hoop, 8vo. (Tracts 79) . Lille, 1861 
 Discours sur 1'Archeologieau xix e , Siecle, 8vo. (Tracts 79) ib. 1861 
 Soc. Imp. de Lille, Seance, 22nd Dec. 1861, 8vo. (Tracts 79) 
 ib. 1861 
 Notice sur 1'Abbaye de Ravensberg, 8vo. (Tracts 79) . ib. 1862 
 Statisque Archeologique du Dep. da Nord, 8vo. (Tracts 79) 
 Les Harmonistes des xii e et xiii e Siecles, 4to. . . ib. 1864 
 Traites Inedits sur la Musique du Moyen Age, 4to. . . 1865 
 L'Art Harmonique aux xii e et xiii e Siecles, 4to. . Paris, 1865 
 Les Harmonistes du xiv e . Siecle, 4to. . . Lille, 1869 
 COUSSEMAKER, Ignace de. Documents Tnedits relatifs a la Ville 
 de Bailleul en Flandre, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1877-8 
 COVENTRY, The History and Antiquities of the City of. 12mo. 
 Coventry, 1810 
 COVENTRY PAGEANT. Edited by T. Sharp, 4to. . . ib. 1817 
 COVENTRY, Sir William. The Character of a Trimmer. Second 
 Edition. 4to . Lond. 1689 
 COWAN, Frank. Australia : a Charcoal Sketch, 8vo. 
 Greensburg, Pa. 1886 
172 COW CRA 
 COWEL, Dr. John. Law Dictionary, fol. . . . Lond. 1727 
 COWIE, Morgan. Sermon on Education at Putney College, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 126) #>. (circa 1849) 
 COWLEY, Abraham. Works. Eleventh edition. Plates. 2 vol. 
 8vo. ib. 1710 
 COWLEY, J. L. The Theory of Perspective demonstrated in a 
 method entirely new. 2 vol. 4to. .... ib. 1765 
 COWPER, B. H. History of Millwall, 8vo ib. 1853 
 COWPER, William. Life of St. Werburgh, 4to. (Tracts 36*) 
 Chester, 1749 
 COWPER, William. Poetical Works, with Notes and a Memoir 
 by John Bruce, 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1865 
 Cox, J. C. Notes on- the Churches of Derbyshire. I. Scarsdale 
 Hundred. II. High Peak and Wirksworth Hundreds. 
 III. Appletree and Repton and Gresley Hundreds. 
 IV. Morleston and Litchurch Hundreds. 4 vols. 8vo. 
 Chesterfield and Lond. 1875-9 
 Cox, J. C., and W. H. St. JOHN HOPE. The Chronicles of the 
 Collegiate Church or Free Chapel of All Saints, Derby, 
 4to. Lond. 1881 
 Cox, J. E. The Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London, 
 8vo. ' . . . . ib. 1876 
 COXE, H. 0. Catalogus Codicum MSS. qui in Collegiis 
 Aulisque Oxoniensibus hodie adservantur, 2 parts, 4to. 
 Oxford, 18'2 
 COXE, William. Tour in Monmouthshire, 4to. . . Lond. 1801 
 CRAB, Roger. Life of (1655), reprint, 8vo. . . . ib. 1843 
 CRABBE, W. R. An Account of the Monumental Brasses in the 
 churches of Devon, 4to. .... Exeter, 1859 
 CRADOCK, Joseph. Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs, 4 vols. 
 8vo. . . Lond. 1828 
 CRAFT. The Crafte to Lyve Well and to dye well. Translated 
 out of Frensshe into Englysshe. Woodcuts. Imperfect, 
 wanting title and all before fol. vii. For bibliographical 
 details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. . Wynkyn De Worde, 1505 
 CRAGGS, John. A new Guide to Hull, 8vo. . , Hull, 1834 
 A description of Ancient Italy, 2 vols. and Map, 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1826 
 Greece, 3 vols. and Map, 8vo. . . ib. 1828 
 CRAMER, J. N". 
 Runographia Gothlandiae, 4to. (Tracts 45.) . Upsal, 1835 
 Inscriptiones Gothlandenses Medii ^vi, 4to. (Tracts 45.) 
 ib. 1836 
 CRANLEY, Thomas. Amanda : or the Reformed Whore, London, 
 1635. Edited by F. Ouvry. (Privately printed.) 4to. 
 Lond. 1869 
 CRANMER, Thomas (Archbishop). 
 Defence of the Doctrine of the Sacrament. Edited by H. J. 
 Todd, 8vo ib. 1825 
CRA ORE 17:} 
 CRAXMEB, Thomas (Archbishop) continued. 
 Letter to the Editor of the " Edinburgh Review," on a re- 
 view of Todd's Life of Cranmer, 8vo. . . Lond. 1832 
 CRANSTOUN, James. Elevations, Sections, and Details of the 
 Chapel of St. Bartholomew, near Oxford, fol. (Tracts 
 160.) . . . . > . . Oxford, 1844 
 CRAPELET, G. A. Onyragea inedits de la Litterature Francoise 
 du Moyen Age, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 94.) .... 1834 
 C BASHAW, Richard. Complete Works. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 [Fuller Worthies' Library.'] Privately printed. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 n. p. 1872 
 CRASHAW, "William. Loyola's Disloyalty ; or the Jesuites open 
 Rebellion against God and His Church, 4to. . Lond. 1643 
 Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Collations and Notes. No. 1. San- 
 deri Brabantia, 16561695. Fol ib. 1883 
 No. 2. Fowler's Mosaic Pavements, &c., 
 fol ib. 1883 
 No. 3. Grands et Petits Voyages of De 
 Bry, fol. . ib. 1884 
 Hand List to the early editions of the 
 Greek and Latin Writers, 8vo. .... ib. 1885 
 Hand List of a collection of broadside 
 Proclamations, 8vo. . . .- . . . ib. 1886 
 (1) Case of the Claimant, James Earl of Balcarras, fol. 
 ib. 1845 
 (2) Speeches of Counsel, and Judgment, fol. . . ib. 1845 
 CRAWFORD, Alexander, Earl of. The Earldom of Mar in sun- 
 shine and in shade during Five Hundred Years. 2 vols. 
 8vo Edinb. 1882 
 The Earldom of Mar in Sunshine and Shade. By Lord 
 Crawford, 2 vols., 1882. [A Review.] 8vo. . 
 CRAWFURD, David. Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, con- 
 taining a full account of the Revolution in 1567, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1706 
 CRAWFURD, George. Genealogical History of the Stuarts, fol. 
 ib. 1710 
 CRAWFURD, John. On the Classification of the Races of Man 
 according to the Form of the Skull, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) 
 ib. 1867 
 CREENY, W. F. A Book of Facsimiles of Monumental Brasses 
 on the Continent of Europe, fol. . Lond. and Norwich, 1884 
 CREGEEN, Archibald. A Dictionary of the Manks Language, 8vo. 
 Douglas, 1835 
 CRESSWELL, S. F. Collections towards the History of Printing 
 in Nottinghamshire, 4to. ..... Lond. 1863 
 CRESTADORO, A. Catalogue of the Manchester Free Library 
 Reference Department, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1864 
 CRESY, Edward. 
 A Practical Treatise on Bridge Building, fol. . . ib. 1839 
 Illustrations of Stone Church, Kent, fol. . . . ib. 1840 
174 CUB CRO 
 CREST, Edward, and TAYLOR, G. L. Architecture of the Middle 
 Ages (Pisa), No. 1, fol. (Tracts 160.) 
 CREUZE" DE LESSER. Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde. Second 
 edition. [With Autograph of R. Southey.] 12mo. 
 Paris, 1812 
 CRICKLADE. Register of Voters at Elections for Members of 
 Parliament, 4to. ..... Cirencester, [1861] 
 CRIPPLEGATE, ST. GILES'S, Charities belonging to the Parish of, 
 8vo . Lond. 1830 
 Old English Plate ; its makers and marks. With Tables of 
 Date-letters. Founded upon the Papers of C. 0. S. 
 Morgan. 8vo. ib. 1878 
 2nd edition ib. 1881 
 - 3rd edition ib. 1886 
 Old French Plate ; with Tables of Date-letters and Fac- 
 similes of other marks, 8vo. ..... ib. 1880 
 CROCE, Giulio Cesare. Le piacevoli simplicita di Bertoldino, 
 figliuolo delP astuto Bertoldo. 16mo. . . Milan, n.d. 
 Clerical Directory for 1860, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1860 
 1877, 8vo. ... . . . ib. 1877 
 CROFT, John. 
 Excerpta Antiqua, 8vo. (Tracts 132.) . . York, 1797 
 Annotations on Plays of Shakespeare, 8vo. (Tracts 132.) 
 ib. 1810 
 CROKE, Sir Alexander. 
 Genealogical History of Croke Family, 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1823 
 Essay on Rhyming Latin Verse, 8vo. . . . ib. 1828 
 Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum, 8vo. . . . ib. 1830 
 Lays of an Irish Harp, 12mo. .... Lond. 1835 
 Catalogue of Collection of Rings, formed for Lady Londes- 
 borough, 4to 1853 
 Notes on Gold Plates discovered in the South of Ireland, 
 8vo. (Tracts 68*.) .... . ib. 1854 
 CROMEK, Thomas H. Etchings of various Subjects, fol. . 1838-44 
 CROMER and its neighbourhood, a Guide to. By a Visitor. Fifth 
 edition, 12mo. .... Norwich and Lond. n.d. 
 CROMWELL, Oliver. 
 Collection of Ordinances, 1653 to 1656, fol. 
 Literse Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani, Cromwellii, Reliquo- 
 rumque Perduellium nomine conscriptse a J.Miltono,12mo. 
 n.p. 1676 
 Letters between Oliver Cromwell and Sir P. Stapleton. 
 Edited by Dawson Turner, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . . n.p. 1848 
 Story of the Embarkation of Oliver Cromwell for New 
 England, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) .... Boston, 1866 
CRO CUL 175 
 CROMWELL, Thomas. 
 History of Colchester, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1825 
 History of Clerkenwell, 8vo ib. 1828 
 Walks through Islington, 8vo ib. 1835 
 CRONNELLY, R. F. Irish Family History, parts 1, 2, 8vo. 
 Dublin, 1864 
 CROPHIUS, J. B. Antiquitates Macedonicoe, sm. 4to. . Jena, 1682 
 CROSFIELD, George. Memoirs of Samuel Fothergill, 8vo. 
 Liverpool, 1843 
 CROSSE, John. York Musical Festival, 1823, 4to. . . York, 1825 
 CROSTHWAITE, History of the Church of. By Henry Manders, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1853 
 CROSTON, James. A History of the Ancient Hall of Samles- 
 bury, in Lancashire; with an Account of its earlier 
 possessors, &c. (Privately printed.) Fol. . . ib. 1871 
 CROWN, John. Sir Courtly Nice ; or, It cannot Be. A comedy, 
 4to. . ib. 1685 
 CROWN LANDS. Account of Manors, &c. held on Lease from the 
 Crown, 1646-1787, fol. . . . . . . ib. 1787 
 CEOXALL, S. The Antiquity, Dignity, and Advantages of 
 Music. A Sermon, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1741 
 CRUDEN, Alexander. 
 The Corrector's Earnest Address to the Inhabitants of Great 
 Britain, 8vo ib. 1756 
 A Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. 
 Second edition. Portrait, 4to. . . . . &. 1761 
 CRUDEN, R. P. History of Gravesend, 8vo. . . . ib. 1843 
 CRUEL WOMAN, THE ; or, Unfortunate Love Adventure, 4to. ib. 1690 
 CRUIKSHANK, George. The Comic Almanack, for 1842. By 
 Rigdum Funnidos, Gent., 8vo ib. 1842 
 1843, 8vo ib. 1843 
 CRYPT, The, an Antiquarian Journal. Edited by Peter Hall, 3 
 vols. in 1, 8vo Mngwood, 1827-8 
 Description of, 8vo. . ...... Lond. n.d. 
 The Palace and Park, &c., sq. 8vo ib. 1854 
 Fine Arts Courts. First series. North-west Side, sq. 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 Second series. North-East Side, sq. 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 CSOMA DE KOROS, Alexander. 
 Grammar of the Tibetan Language, 4to. . . Calcutta, 1834 
 Essay towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English, 4to. ib. 1834 
 CUCINIERE. II Cuciniere Moderno. Thirteenth edition, 12mo. 
 Leghorn, 1851 
 CULL, Richard. 
 Observations on Impediments of Speech, 8vo. (Tracts 91) 
 Lond. 1833 
 Stammering considered, 8vo. (Tracts 91) . . . ib. 1835 
 Remarks on Ethnological Science, 8vo. (Tracts 114) . ib. 1851 
 CULLIMORE, A. Oriental Cylinders [or Rolling Seals], No. 1, 
 fol. ib. 1842 
176 CUL CUM 
 CULLIMORE, Isaac. On the Original Hebrew Computation of 
 Time, 8vo. Lond. 1830 
 CULLUM, Sir John. History and Antiquities of Hawsted. 
 Second edition, 4to. ...... ib. 1813 
 CULPEPER, Nicholas. Catastrophe Magnatum ; or, the Fall of 
 Monarchic, sm. 4to. ...... ib. 1.652 
 CULTELLINIUS, Ludovicus. Viro insigni P. Venutio Laudatio 
 Funebris, 4to. (Tracts 26) 1768 
 CUMBERLAND AND CARLISLE. Memorials of Local Elections, with 
 woodcuts. The Speech of Ferdinaiido Huddleston. The 
 Ghost of Sir Wilfred Lawson. The Mushroom Garland. 
 The Abbey Street Feast, &c. Two copies, 4to. 
 Transactions. In progress. 8vo. . . Kendal, 1874, etc. 
 Index to Transactions. Vols. i.-vii., inclusive. Compiled 
 by W. B. Arnison, 8vo ib. 1885 
 Miscellany Accounts of the Diocese of Carlisle. By W. 
 Mcolson, late Bishop of Carlisle. Edited by R. S. 
 Ferguson, 8vo. .... Lond. and Carlisle, 1877 
 Memoirs of Dr. Richard Gilpin, of Scaleby Castle, in 
 Cumberland ; and of his Posterity in the two succeeding 
 Generations; written in 1791. By Wm. Gilpin, Vicar of 
 Boldre. Edited by W. Jackson, 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 Description of the County of Westmorland. By Sir Daniel 
 Fleming of Rydal, A.D. 1671. Edited by G. F. Duckett, 
 8vo Lond. 1882 
 Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle : with the 
 Makers and Marks. With an Account of the Municipal 
 Insignia, &c. Edited by R. S. Ferguson, 8vo. Carlisle, 1882 
 Some Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle. Edited 
 by R. S. Ferguson and W. Nanson, 8vo. . . Carlisle, 1887 
 Bromley-Hill, the Seat of Charles Long, M.P. A Sketch, 
 4to Lond. 1816 
 Outlines from the Antients. Eighty-one plates, fol. . ib. 1829 
 CUMING, H. Syer. Archaeological Gleanings. [Tracts chiefly 
 from the Journal of the British Archceological Association.^ 
 '2 vols., 8vo ib. 1858-74 
 Contents. Anelace. Anemoscopes. Archers' Badges. Arrow- 
 heads. Black-Jacks. Bone Implements. Borachio. 
 Box. Bracteates. Branks. Candlesticks. Canettes. 
 Cetacean remains. Chas. II. Memorials. Christmas 
 School-pieces, Back-Painting and Valentines. Church 
 Chests. Clicket Clogs and Pattens. Collecting-boxes-. 
 Copy-book. Cuming (Richard). Douglas Heart. Dover 
 Antiquities. Easter Eggs. Effigies. Falstaffe Statuette. 
 Fermail. Fibulae. Finger-nail lore. Forgeries. Frauds. 
 Funeral Garlands. Gladiatorial Relics. Good Friday 
 Buns. Hair-curlers. Hand-Amulet. Hen. VI. Portrait. 
CUM CUR 177 
 CUMING, H. Syer. Archaeological Gleanings contents continued. 
 Hour-glasses. Jack o' the Clock. James I. Belies. 
 Joseph of Arimathea. Jugs (Medieval). Kings (E. 
 Anglia). Lancashire, British Antiquities. Lincolnshire 
 and Dorsetshire, Celtic Antiquities. Maiden Castle 
 remains. Martel. Mermaids. Mirrors. Mistletoe. 
 Money-bags. Morse in Lond. Needles. Newington 
 Butts Church. Nielli. Ornaments. Picture-board 
 Dummies. Purses. Reliquaries. Richard III. Roman 
 Antiquities (Amphorae. Battersea. Shad well. Tesserae. 
 West Coker. Wilderspool). Royal Oak. Runic Epi- 
 graph (Thames). Sabre. Saints (Agnes, Christopher. 
 Felix. Katherine. Milburga. Staffordshire Saints. 
 Worcestershire Saints). Samphire. Scratch Back. 
 Seals. Sheaths. Shrine (Ely). Siegburg Stoneware. 
 Sieves and Colanders. Signacula. Slings. Snow Knife. 
 Snuffers. Spindles. Sun-dials. Tantalus Cup. Tan. 
 TetinsB. Thimbles. Top. Traders' Signs (London). 
 Weapons of Yorkshire Tribes. Work-bags. 
 GUMMING, J. G. Rusken Castle and Abbey (Isle of Man), 8vo. 
 Lond. 1857 
 CUMMYNGS, James. Sale Catalogue of his Coins, 4to. . circa 1794 
 CUNNINGHAM, Alexander. 
 Ladak, Physical, Statistical, and Historical, 8vo. Lond. 1854 
 Report of the Operations of the Archaeological Surveyor 
 to the Government of India, 5 Reports, fol. Calcutta, 1861-66 
 Archaeological Survey of India. Four Reports made 
 during 1862-65. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Simla, 1871 
 Report for 1871-72. Vol. III. 8vo. . . . Calcutta, 1873 
 Report for 1871-72. Vol. IV. 8vo ib. 1874 
 Report for 1872-73. Vol. V. 8vo ib. 1875 
 CUNNINGHAM, Allan. The Lives of the most eminent British 
 Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. (Family Library.) 
 12mo Lond. 1829-33 
 CUNNINGHAM, Peter. Handbook of London, Past and Present, 
 8vo ib. 1850 
 CUNNINGHAM, Timothy. Magna Charta Libertatum Civitatis 
 Waterford, 8vo Dublin, 1752 
 CUPER, Gisbert. 
 Harpocrates. Ejusdem Monumenta Antiqua inedita. 
 Accedit Stephani Le MoineEpistola de Melanophoris, 4to. 
 Utrecht, 1687 
 Lettres de Critique, d'Histoire, de Litterature, &c., ecrites 
 a divers savans de 1'Europe, 4to. . . Amsterdam, 1741 
 CURRENCY. Its Laws, Evils, and Remedies, 8vo. (Tracts 125) 
 Lond. 1840 
 CURTAIN LECTURES ; or, Matrimonial Misery displayed, 12mo. 
 ib. n.d. 
 CURTIS, J. Topographical History of the County of 
 Leicester, 8vo. .... Ashby-De-La-Zouch, 1831 
178 CUR D. R. 
 Historiarum libri accuratissime editi., 12mo. Not the 
 original Edition. For bibliographical details see MS. 
 Ashpitel Catalogue Lugd. Bat. 1633 
 Opera, Yalpy's Edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1825 
 CURZON, Hon. R. 
 Visits to Monasteries in the Levant, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849 
 Armenia and Erzeroum, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1854 
 Second Copy, 8vo. .... ib. 1854 
 CURZON, W. I). The Manufacturing Industries of Worcester- 
 shire, 8vo. 
 CUSACK, M. F. A History of the Kingdom of Kerry, 8vo. ib. 1871 
 GUSHING, Caleb. The Treaty of Washington : its negotiation, 
 execution, &c., 8vo New York, 1873 
 CUSSANS, J. E. The Handbook of Heraldry, 8vo. . Lond. 1869 
 History of Hertfordshire, 3 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1870-81 
 CUSSE", L. D. de. Signes sculptes sur les Monuments Megalith- 
 iques du Morbihan, 8vo (Tracts 37*) . . Vannes, 1865 
 CUSSE", L. D. de ; GALLES, et G. d' AULT-DUMESNIL. Description 
 des Objets de 1'Age de la Pierre Polie dans le Musee de 
 Yannes, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) ib. 1867 
 CUTLER, Richard. Notes of Dorchester. (Tracts 148**) 
 Dorchester, 1865 
 CUTTER, C. A. The New Catalogue of Harvard College Library, 
 8vo. (Tracts 95**) . n.p. 1869 
 CUTTS, Edward L. A Manual for the Study of the Sepulchral 
 Slabs and Crosses of the Middle Ages, 8vo. . Lond. 1849 
 Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, 4to. . . ib. 1872 
 CUVILLERS, le Baron d'Henin de. Reflexions sur la Cause des 
 Grecs, 8vo. (Tracts 128) . . . Paris, 1822 
 CUZNER, S. Handbook to Froome-Selwood. With Illustrations. 
 8vo. ...... Froome-Selwood. 
 CYMMRODORION, The ; or, Transactions of the Metropolitan Cam- 
 brian Institution, vols. i. and ii., 8vo. . . Lond. 182243 
 CYNTHIA. Cynthia ; with the Tragical Account of Alinerin and 
 Desdemona. Done by an English hand. The eleventh 
 edition, corrected. 12mo ib. n.d. 
 CZANAKIUS, Matthgeus M. Scabiei Encomium. Ad nobilissimos 
 Scabianee Reipublicse Scabinos, &c. (Bound with " Dis- 
 sertationum," &c.) 12mo. ...... 1626 
 D.A. Le Musee du Palais des Thermes et de 1'Hotel de Cluny. 
 (Bound with DEVILLE.) 8vo. ..... n.p. n.d. 
 D. F. S. Elizabeth ; a dramatic poem in five acts, 8vo. Lond. 1862 
 D. M. Histoire d' Ildegerte Reine de Danemark et de Norwege 
 ou L' Amour Magnanime. Par M. D ***, sm. 12mo. 
 Amsterdam, 1695 
 D. R. The Strange Religions, Customs, and Manners of Sundry 
 Nations. Second edition. Woodcuts. 12mo. Lond. 1688 
DAB DAL 179 
 D'ABLAING VAN GIESSENBURG, W. J., Baron. Nederlandsche 
 Gemeentewapens of Wapenboek der Gemeenten, Heerlijk- 
 heden, Waterschappen en Corporatien, 1815-62, 4to. 
 The Hague, 1862 
 DA COSTA, F. A. Pereira. Notions sur 1'fitat Prehistorique de 
 la Terre et de 1'Homme, Suivies de la description de quel- 
 qnes Dolmens ou Anfcas du Portugal, 4to. . Lisbon, 1868 
 DA COSTA DE MACEDO, J. J. Additamentos a primeira parte da 
 Memoria sobre as verdadeiras epocas em que principiarao 
 as nossas Navegacoes e Descobrimentos no Oceano 
 Atlantico, 4to. ....... ib. 1835 
 D'AGINCOURT, J. B. L. G. Seroux. Histoire de 1'Art par les 
 Monumens. IY e -XVP, siecle, 4 vols. fol. . Paris, 1823 
 Storia dell' Arte, col mezzo del Monument! dal iv. secolo 
 fino al xvi. Plates. 6 vols. fol. . . . Mhntua, 1841 
 Denkmaeler der Architektur, Sculptur 
 nnd Malerei, vorzugsweise in Italien, vom. iv. bis. xvi., 
 jahrhundert. Revidirt von A. F. von Quast. Plates. [The 
 quarto vol. of text wantingJ] Folio . . Frankfort, n.d. 
 DAGOBERT, Notice sur le Fauteuil de, 4to. (Tracts 4) . Paris, n.d. 
 DALE, John. Analysis of the Epistle's of the New Testament, 
 16mo Oxford, 1652 
 DALE, Samuel. History of Harwich and Dovercourt, co. Essex, 
 4to Lond. 1732 
 D'ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond. Blason ou Art Heraldique. PL 
 i-xxxiii. fol Paris, 1751-72 
 DALES, Samuel. 
 On the Study of the History of England, 8vo. . Lond. 1809 
 Quakers and Cockrobins, 8vo. (Tracts 124). . . ib. 1828 
 The Gentle Sponge, 8vo. (Tracts 124). . . . ib. 1829 
 DALL^US, Joannes. Adversus Latinorum de Cultus Religiosi 
 Objecto traditionem disputatio, 4to. . . Geneva, 1664 
 DALLAWAY, James. 
 Origin of Heraldry in England, 4to. . . Gloucester, 1793 
 Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, 4to. . . Lond. 1797 
 Anecdotes of the Arts in England, 8vo. . . . ib. 1800 
 English Architecture, 8vo ib. 1806 
 William Wyrcestre Redivivus. Notices of Ancient Church 
 Architecture in the fifteenth century, particularly in 
 Bristol, 4to Bristol, 1823 
 DALLAWAY, James, and CARTWRIGHT, E. History of Sussex, 3 
 vols. imp. 4to. ...... Lond. 1815-30 
 DALRYMPLE, John. Essay towards a General History of Feudal 
 Property in Great Britain, Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1758 
 D ALTON, E. T. Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal. Illustrated. 
 Fol Calcutta, 1872 
 D' ALTON, John. 
 Essay on History, Religion, &c. of Ireland, 4to. Dublin, 1830 
 Memoir of the Family of French, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . ib. 1847 
 Catalogue of his MSS. (Tracts 68*). 
 Essay on the Native Annals of Ireland, 8vo. (Tracts 68*) . 
 N 2 
180 DAL DAN 
 DALTON, Sir Marmaduke. [From the Genealogist.] Additions 
 to Le Neve's Knights, 8vo. 
 D ALTON, Richard. Views and Antiquities in Greece and Egypt, 
 fol Lond. 1751 
 DALY, Cesar. Des Concours pour les Monuments publics dans 
 le passe, le present, et Favenir, 8vo. (Tracts 10) Paris, 1861. 
 DALYELL, John Graham. The Darker Superstitions of Scotland, 
 8vo Glasgow, 1835 
 DAMHOUDERIUS, Jodocus. Praxis Rerum Civilium, Prsetoribus, 
 Consulibus, &c. apprime utilis, sq. 8vo. . . Antwerp, 1567 
 DANBY, Thomas, Earl of. Memoirs relating to the Impeachment 
 of the Earl of Danby in the year 1678, 8vo. . Lond. 1710 
 D'ANCARVILLE. Recherche sur L'Origine des Arts de la Grece, 
 2 vols. 4to ib. 1785 
 D'ANCORA, Gaetano. Lezioni Pratiche nelle Arti del disegno, 
 8vo Naples, 1804 
 D'ANDILLY, Arnauld. Journal Inedit (1614-1620). Public par 
 A. Halphen, 8vo Paris, 1857 
 D'ANDRADE, F. Memoire sur les Connaissances Scientifiques de 
 Jean de Castro, 8vo. (Tracts 147*) . . ib. 
 DANGERFIELD, Thomas. Narrative of the Popish Design, fol. 
 Lond. 1679 
 DANIEL, G. Histoire de la Milice Fra^oise, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Amsterdam, 1 724 
 DANIEL, George. Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. Lond. 1864 
 DANIELL, Thomas and William. Antiquities of India, fol. 
 ib. 1800-9 
 D'ANISY, Lechaude. Archives du Calvados, 2 vols. and atlas of 
 plates, 8vo. . . Caen, 1834-35 
 D'ANISY, Lechaude, et DE ST. MARIE. Recherches sur le Domes- 
 day, &c. Tom. l re , 4to ib. 1842 
 DANSE MACABRE. La Grande Danse Macabre des Hommes et 
 des Femmes precedee du Diet des Trois Mors et des Trois 
 Yifz, du Debat du Corps et de 1'Ame, et de la Complaincte 
 de 1'Ame Dampnee. Woodcuts. Reprinted, 4to. 
 Paris, Bailleu, n.d. 
 La Danse des Morts, edited by Hippolyte Fortoul, small 4to. 
 de la Yille de Bale, small 4to. . Basle, 1843 
 Todten Tanz, wie derselbe in der Stadt Basel kiinstlich 
 gemahlet und, zu sehen war, 4to, .... ib. n.d. 
 Die Baseler Todtentanze, by H. F. Massmann, 8vo., with 
 atlas, 4to.. , . Stuttgard, 1847 
 DANSEY, William. 
 On the Office of Dean Rural, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . Lond. 1832 
 Horas Decanicse Rurales, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1835 
 Divina Commedia, col commento di Landino. For biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. 
 Per Petro Cremonense : Venice, 1491 
 La Divina Commedia, 64mo. .... Florence, 1840 
DAN DAY 181 
 DANTE ALIGHIERI continued. 
 L'Inferno disposto in Ordine Grammatical e corredato di 
 brevi dichiarazioni da G. G. Warren, Lord Vernon, 3 
 vols. fol. Lond. 1858-65 
 The Inferno, translated, 4 to. . . . . . ib. 1782 
 D'ANTRAIGUES, Le Comte. Traduction d'un Fragment du 
 xviii. Livre de Polybe, trouve dans le Monastere de 
 Sainte-Laure an Mont Athos. Nouvelle- edition. 8vo. 
 ib. 1806 
 Notice de 1'Ancienne Gaule, 4to. . .. .. Paris, 1760 
 Second copy. 
 DARDEL, Rene. Monographic du Palais de Commerce eleve a 
 Lyon sous Padrninistration de M. Yaisse, fol. . . ib. 1868 
 DARELL, William. History of Dover Castle, 4to. . Lond. 1786 
 D'ARNis, W. H. MAIGNE. Lexicon Manuale ad Scriptores 
 Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1866 
 DART, J. 
 History of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. in 1, fol. Lond. 1725 
 History of Canterbury Cathedral, fol. . .. , ib. 1726 
 D'ARVILLE, Nicholas. Navigation of James Y. round Scotland, 
 12mo. (Tracts 141) Perth, 1785 
 Sigilla Antiqua, fol. ..... Stow Bardolph, 1847 
 Second series, fol ib. 1862 
 Yicecomites Norfolciae, or Sheriffs of Norfolk, 1154-1841. 
 With their armorial bearings . . . . ib. 1843 
 DASSOUCY. Aventures Burlesques de Dassoucy. Nouvelle 
 edition, avec preface par E. Colombey. 18mo. Paris, 1858 
 D'AUBIGNE", Theodore Agrippa. Les Aventures du Baron de 
 Faeneste. Nouvelle edition, revue par Prosper Merimee. 
 16mo ib. 1855 
 Yol. III., Parts 1 and 2, 8vo. . . Davenport, Iowa, 1879-82 
 Oxfordshire Annals, 8vo. ...... n.p. 1869 
 Oxfordshire Militia. Sketch of the History of the Regi- 
 ment. 8vo. (Tracts 95*) .... Oxford, 1869 
 County of Oxford. Notes upon the Jurisdiction of the 
 County Justices within the City of Oxford, &c. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 165) n.p. 1872 
 Memorandum as to Oaths and Statutory Declarations, <fec. 
 8vo. (Tracts 165) . . . . ' . . Oxford, 1873 
 County of Oxford. Report as to the Toll Bridge, Wolver- 
 cot. Fol ib. 1873 
 The Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland, 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 Oxford, in Reference to Laws and Lawyers, 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 Notes as to Oxford Castle, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 Notes on Bridges and Roads, 8vo. .... [1879] 
 Lords-Lieutenant and High Sheriffs of Oxfordshire, 1086- 
 1868 n.d. n.p. 
182 DAV DAY 
 La Mappemonde du VIII 6 . siecle de Saint Beat de Liebana, 
 8vo. (Tracts 61***) Paris, 1870 
 Atlas Hydrographique de 1511 du Genois Vesconte de 
 Maggiolo, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) .... ib. 1871 
 DAVIDSON, J. B. Hoker's Journal of the House of Commons in 1571, 
 8vo [1879] 
 DAVIDSON, James. 
 British and Roman Remains at Axminster, 8vo. Lond. 1833 
 History of Axminster Church, 8vo. . . . Exeter, 1835 
 Bibliotheca Devoniensis : a. Catalogue of the Printed Books 
 relating to the County of Devon, 4to. . . . ib. 1852 
 Supplement, 4to. .... ib. 1861 
 DAVIDSON, John, of Edinburgh. Account of the Chamberlains 
 of Scotland (1329-31), 4to. . . . Edinburgh, 1771 
 DAVIDSON, John, of Inverurie. Inverurie and the Earldom of 
 Garioch, from the earliest times to the Revolution settle- 
 ment, 4to. .... Edinburgh and Aberdeen, 1878 
 DAVIDSON, John, of London. 
 On Embalming, 8vo Lond. 1833 
 Travels in Africa, 4to ib. 1839 
 DAVIES, Edward. 
 Mythology of the British Druids, 8vo. . . . ib. 1809 
 On the Claims of Ossian, 8vo. . ... . Swansea, 1825 
 DAVIES, J. S. A History of Southampton. Partly from the 
 MS. of Dr. Speed. 8vo. . . . Southampton, 1883 
 DAVIES, Sir John. Works. Edited, with Facsimiles, &c., by A. 
 Grosart. Yols. i.-iii. 8vo. For private circulation. . 1869-76 
 DAVIES, Robert. 
 Historical Notices of Mints at York, 8vo. (Tracts 102.) York, 1854 
 A Memoir of the York Press, with Notices of Authors, 
 Printers, and Stationers in the 16th, 17th, and 18th 
 Centuries, 8vo. ..... Westminster, 1868 
 DAVIES, T. L. 0. A Supplementary English Glossary, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1881 
 On Antique Sun Dials, 4to. (Tracts 8) . Edinburgh, 1831 
 On Origin of Numeral Hieroglyphics, 8vo. . Bath, 1833 
 On Origin of Alphabetic Writing, 8vo. . . Lond. 1834 
 Analytical Discussion of Stewart's General Theorem, 4to. 
 (Tracts 8) Edinburgh, 1844 
 DAVIS, C. E. 
 The Mineral Baths of Bath. The Bathes of Bathe's Ayde, 
 as illustrated by a Drawing of the King's and Queen's 
 Bath (signed), 1675. With a visit to Bath in the year 
 1675 by a " Person of Quality." 4to. . . Bath, 1883 
 Guide to the Roman Baths of Bath. 16th Edition. 8vo. ib. [1884] 
 The Excavations of Roman Baths at Bath, 8vo. . . ib. 1885 
 DAVIS, J. B. 
 On the Crania of the Ancient Britons, 8vo. (Tracts 48) 
 Philadelphia, 1857 
DAV DAY 183 
 DAVIS, J. B. continued 
 On ancient Human Skulls, from the Kirkhill, St. Andrews, 
 8vo. (Tracts 117) Edinburgh, 1861 
 On Distortions in Crania, 8vo. (Tracts 62**). . Land. 1862 
 Italian Anthropology, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . . . ib. 1864 
 Ancient British Coins, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . . 1864 
 The Neanderthal Skull, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . ib. 1864 
 Crania Britannica, 2 vols. Plates. 4to. . . . ib. 1865 
 Remarks upon a Clogg Almanack, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) 
 Lond. and Derby, 1865 
 Notice of the Calais Wold Barrow, East Riding of York- 
 shire 8vo. (Tracts 62***) 1866 
 Sur les Deformations plastiques du crane, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) 
 Contributions towards determining the Weight of the Brain 
 in different Races of Man (Tracts 8*), 4to. . . 1868 
 DAVIS, J. B., and JOHN THUEMAN. Crania Britannica, 
 2 vols. fol Lond. 1856-65 
 DAVIS, John. Historical Records of the Second Royal 
 Surrey, or Eleventh. Regiment of Militia, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Belfast, 1877 
 DAVIS, Joseph, The Last Legacy of, with Documents, &c. 
 Edited by W. H. Black. 12mo. . . . Lond. 1869 
 DAVIS, William. An Olio of Bibliographical and Literary 
 Anecdotes ; including Mr. Cole's unpublished Notes on 
 James Bentham's History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral 1814 
 DAWKINS, W. B. Early Man in Britain, and his place in the 
 Tertiary Period, 8vo ib. 1880 
 DAWSON, George. Opening of Free Library at Birmingham. 
 Inaugural Address, 8vo. (Tracts 43*) . Birmingham, 1866 
 DAX. SOCIT DE BORDA. Bulletin. Troisieme Annee (1878). 
 Deuxieme Serie. l er , 2 me , et 4 mc Trimestres, 8vo. Dax, 1878 
 DAT, Robert. On some ancient Personal Ornaments of Glass, 
 found in Ireland, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) . . . n.p. 1869 
 Something about Poseys, 8vo. (Tracts 163) 
 Description of a Bronze Figure, said to have been found at 
 Clonmacnoise, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 Seal of the Town of Mullingar, &c., 8vo. . . Dublin, 1880 
 Tankard in the possession of O'Donovan, Lissard. Cork 
 Trade Tokens and Siege Pieces, and Stones carved with 
 representations of the Human Face, 8vo. . . . 1882 
 Account of a recent find of Gold Torques in County Donegal, 
 8vo 1883 
 Note on the Antiquities at the Cork Industrial Exhibition 
 of 1883, 8vo 1883 
 Ex Libris. [From Jour, of the Birmingham Central Lit. 
 Assoc.] 8vo. ...... Birmingham, 1885 
 Notice of Book-plates engraved by Cork Artists, 8vo. [Dublin, 1885] 
 DAY, St. J. Vincent. 
 On some Evidences as to the very early use of Iron, 
 2 parts, 8vo Edinburgh, 1871-73 
 On the high antiquity of Iron and Steel, 8vo. . Lond. 1875 
184 DAY DEA 
 DATE, John. The Parliament of Bees, with their proper Cha- 
 racter. Imperfect. 4to. ..... Lond. 1641 
 DATES, Edward. 
 Works. Edited by E. W. Brayley, 4to. . . . ib. 1805 
 A Picturesque Tour through Yorkshire and Derbyshire : 
 with Notes by E. W. Brayley. Second edition, 8vo. ib. 1825 
 DATMAN, E. A., and W. H. RICH JONES. Statuta et Consuetu- 
 dines Ecclesiee Cathedralis Sarisberiensis. Privately 
 printed. 4to Bath, 1883 
 DEAN, J. W. 
 Life of Rev. M. Wigglesworth, 8vo. (Tracts 55**). Albany, 1863 
 Brief Memoir of Rev. Giles Firmin, 8vo. (Tracts 43*) 
 Boston, 1866 
 Sketch of the Life of John H. Sheppard, A.M., Author of 
 " The Life of Commodore Tucker," &c., 8vo. . . *6. 1873 
 Sketch of the Life of John Merrill Bradbury. For private 
 distribution. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1877 
 Sketch of the Life of W. Blanchard Towne, A.M., 8vo. ib. 1878 
 Memoir of Col. Joseph L. Chester, 8vo. . . . ib. 1884 
 Biographical Sketch of Francis Merrill Bartlett, 8vo. [ib.. 1886] 
 . George Mountfort, Esq., 8vo. . [ib. 1886] 
 DEAN, William. Account of Croome d'Abitot, 8vo. [Prattinton 
 Coll.'] . . Worcester, 1824 
 DEANE, Charles. 
 A True Relation of Virginia. By Captain John Smith. 
 With Notes, 4to Boston, 1866 
 Remarks on Sebastian Cabot's Mappe-Monde, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, U.S.A., 1867 
 A Brief Memoir of Robert Waterston, a Boston Merchant, 
 8vo Boston, U.S.A., 1869 
 Memoir of George Livermore, 8vo. Cambridge, U.S.A., 1869 
 The Life of Mr. Thomas Dudley, Governor of Massa- 
 chusetts. Written, as is supposed, by Cotton Mather. 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 Lieutenant -General John Burgoyne and the Convention of 
 Saratoga One Hundred Years ago, 8vo. Worcester, U.S. A., 1878 
 An Account of the White Kennett Library of the Society 
 for the Propagation of the Gospel, 8vo. Cambridge, U.S.A., 1883 
 DEANE, J. B. 
 Worship of the Serpent, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1833 
 The Life of Richard Deane, Major-General in the service of 
 the Commonwealth, and one of the Commissioners 
 appointed for the Trial of King Charles the First, 8vo. ib. 1870 
 DEANE, J. M. Campaign in Flanders, A.D. 1708, 8vo. . . 1846 
 DEANE, Nicholas: and CARSON, T. W. Some Descents of 
 Carson of Shanroe, County Monaghan. Anon. Privately 
 printed. 4to. . . ' . . . . Dublin, 1879 
 DEANE, T. N. 
 New Courts of Justice Design, fol. . . . . Lond. 1867 
 On Quin Abbey, 8vo Dublin, 1883 
 Second copy. 
DEA DEP 185 
 DEARN, T. D. W. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the 
 Weald of Kent. 8vo Cranbrook, 1814 
 DE BATE, Baron J. Grottes de Baye. Pointes de Fleches en 
 silex a tranchant transversal, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1874 
 Memoire sur la Necropole Franque d'Oyes, 8vo. Tours, 1876 
 Les Instruments en Pierre a 1'epoque des Metaux, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1881 
 L'Importance des Temps Neolithiques, 8vo. Arcis-sur-Aube, 1885 
 Rapport Archeologique entre 1'ancien et le nouveau Con- 
 tinent, 8vo. ... . ib. 1886 
 Le Torques, etait porte par les hommes chez les Gaulois, 
 8vo. ... .... Caen, 1886 
 DE BERNARDT'S Next of Kin Gazette, unclaimed money and 
 Parish Clerks' Register, Nos. 1-9, and 11-15, 18, 19, fol. 
 Lond. 1874-81 
 DE BEVY, C. J. Sur la Noblesse Hereditaire des Gaulois, etc. 
 4to Liege, 1791 
 DE BLANCOURT, Haudicquer. De 1'Art de la Verrerie, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1697 
 DEBRETT'S Peerage and Baronetage, 8vo. (See Mair) . Lond. 1877 
 DE BURE, G. F. Bibliographic instructive, 7 vols. 8vo. ib. 1763-1768 
 DE CASTRO E SOUSA. Descripcao do Real Mosteiro de Belem, 
 8vo Lisbon, 1837 
 First Report. 8vo. (Tracts 89) . . . . Lond. 1857 
 What is the best Unit of Length ? 8vo. (Tracts 89) ib. 1858 
 DECLARATIO PARLIAMENTI, ubi Johannes, Primogenitus Roberti 
 habet succedere in Regnum, 1371, fol. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 DECLARATION. A Declaration of the Lords and Commons 
 assembled in Parliament, with their resolution that 
 Captaine Catesby, Captaine Lilborne, Captaine Vivers, 
 &c., &c., shall be put to death, 4to. . . . Lond. 1641 
 DEERING, Charles. History of Nottingham, 4to. Nottingham, 1751 
 DE FOE, Daniel. 
 A Hymn to the Pillory, 4to ib. 1703 
 The Storm : or a collection of the most remarkable 
 disasters which happen'd in the late dreadful tempest, 
 8vo Lond. 1704 
 The Life and strange surprising Adventures of Robinson 
 Crusoe, of York, Mariner. Written by himself. The 
 Third edition, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1719-20 
 Dictionarium Sacrum, seu Religiosum. A dictionary of 
 all religions, ancient and modern. Second edition, 8vo. 
 ib. 1723 
 Secret Memoir of the late Mr. Duncan Campbel, the famous 
 Deaf and Dumb Gentleman. Written by himself. 
 8vo ib. 1723 
 The History of the Devil, 12mo ib. 1837 
 DE Foix, F. Le Pimandre de Mercure, fol. . Bordeaux, 1579 
 DE FONBLANQUE, E. B. Lives of the Lords Strangford, with 
 their Ancestors and Contemporaries through ten Genera- 
 tions, 8vo. Lond. 1877 
186 DEF DEL 
 Les Portraits du Due de la Rochefoucauld. Notice et 
 Catalogue, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1882 
 Traductions en langues etrangeres des Ei/eflexions ou 
 Maximes de la Rochefoucauld. Essai Bibliographique, 
 8vo ib. 1883 
 DE GRUCHY, W. L. L'Ancienne Coutume de Normandie. Reixn- 
 pression editee avec de legeres annotations, 8vo. Jersey, 1881 
 DEHAISNES, Abbe C. De 1'Art Chretien en Flandre. Peinture, 
 8vo Douai, 1860 
 DEIDIER, L'Abbe. Le Parfait Ingenieur Francais, 4to. Paris, 1742 
 DEISSMANN, Adolf. Geschichte des Benedictine rklosters Wals- 
 dorf, 8vo Wiesbaden, 1863 
 DE LA CHATI and LE BLOND. Pierres gravees du Dae D'Orleans. 
 2 vols. fol Paris, 1780 
 DE LA CHAUSSE, M.A. Le Grande Cabinet Remain, ou Recueil 
 d'Antiquitez Romaines que Ton trouve a Rome, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1706 
 DELACOURT, Peigne. 
 Analyse du Roman du Hem, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . Arras, 1854 
 Chatelain de Coucy, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . . . Amiens, 1854 
 Sur Noviodunum Suessionum, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . ib. 1856 
 - Supplement, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . ib. 1859 
 La Chasse a La Haie, fol Paris, 1858 
 Theatre de Champlieu, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . . Noyon, 1858 
 Supplement, 8vo. (Tracts 78J) . ib. 1859 
 - Dernier Mot, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . ib. 1860 
 Castrum-Barrum, 8vo. (Tracts 78) . . . Amiens, 1859 
 Sur la Bataille d'Attila en 451, 4to. . . . Paris, 1860 
 Agnes Sorel, etait elle Tournagelle ou Picarde ? 8vo. 
 (Tracts 78) Noyon, 1861 
 Campagne contre les Bellovaques, 8vp. (Tracts 78) Beauvais, 1862 
 Notice sur divers Monuments de 1'fipoque Celtique dans le 
 Departement de 1'Aisne, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) Paris, 1864 
 Recherches sur divers Lieux du Pays des Silvanectes, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 59*) Amiens, 1864 
 Topographie Archeologique des Cantons de la France. De- 
 partement de 1'Oise, Arrondissement de Compiegne. Can- 
 ton de Ribecourt, 8vo ..... Noyon, 1873 
 J. Cesar. Ses Itineraires en Belgique d'apres les Chemins 
 Anciens et les Monuments, 8vo. . . . Peronne, 1876 
 Les Miracles de Saint Eloi, 8vo. . . . Beauvais 
 La Ville de St. Helier, episode Historique d'une Histoire 
 inedite de Jersey, 8vo Jersey, 1845 
 Les Etats, episode historique d'une Histoire inedite de 
 Jersey, 8vo. Bound with " La Ville de St. Helier ". ib. 1847 
 Jersey : ses Antiquites, ses Institutions, son Histoire, 3 
 vols. 8vo Jersey, 1859-61 
 DE LA FONS, Quentin. 
 Histoire de la Ville de St. Quentin, tome 2 e , l re partie, 
 tome 3 e , 2 de partie, 8vo. . . St. Quentin et Paris, 1856 
DEL DEL 187 
 DE LA FONS, Quentin continued. 
 Extraits d'tine Histoire de 1'egliee de St. Quentin, publics 
 par Ch. Gomart, 3 vols. 8vo. . . 8t. Quentin, 1854-56 
 DELAMBRE, M. le Chev. Sur les Memoires par M. De Paravey 
 relatifs a Forigine des Spheres, 8vo. . . Paris, 1821 
 DELAMOTTE, W. A. Sketch of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 4to. 
 Lond. 1844 
 Sur les Antiquites de Bresse et de Lyon, 8vo. . Lyon, 1780 
 L'Enfer des peuples anciens, 2 vols. 12mo. . Paris, 1784 
 DE LA QUADRA, Sebastian. Dialogos de Medallas, Inscriciones, y 
 otras Antiquedades, 4to. ..... Madrid, 1744 
 DE LA ROCHE, Erneste. Recueil de plusieurs Placarts fort 
 utiles au Pays de Haynau, etc., 4to. . . Mons, 1701 
 Essais sur les Bardes, les Jongleurs, et les Trouveres, 
 3 vols. 8vo Caen, 1834 
 Recherches sur la Tapisserie de Bayeux, 8vo. . . ib. 1841 
 Histoire du Chateau de Blois. 2 e edition, 4to. 
 Blois et Paris, 1840 
 Numismatique de la Gaule Narbonnaise, 4to. . . ib. 1842 
 DE LA TORRE, J. G. Description des Monnaies Espagnoles, 8vo. 
 Madrid, 1852 
 DELAUNAY, H. F. Origine de la Tapisserie De Bayeux, 4to. 
 (Bound with Ducarel's Antiquitates Anglo-Norm.) Caen, 1824 
 DELAUNAY, FAbbe Jean Francquet. Heures de M. E. Chevalier. 
 (Prospectus.) 8vo. (Tracts**?*) . . . Paris, 1865 
 Chronique de Maximilien I.. 8vo. . . . Brussels, 1834 
 De 1'origine du Flamand, 8vo. .... Tournay, 1840 
 Galerie d' Artistes Brugeois, 8vo. . . . Bruges, 1840 
 Precis des documents des archives de la Flandre Occidentale, 
 3 vols. (in 1) ib. 1840-42 
 Another copy. 
 - 2 me Serie, tome l re , 8vo ib. 1843 
 9 vols. in 3, 8vo. . . . 1843-58 
 La Chasse de Sainte Ursule, 4to. . . . Brussels, 1841 
 Old Flanders, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo Lond. 1845 
 Anglo-Saxoniana, 8vo. (Tracts 94.) 
 DE L'ESPINOY, Philippe. Recherche des Antiquitez et Noblesse 
 de Flandres, fol Douay, 1632 
 DELFIUS, Pontus Henterus. Rerum Burgundicarum Libri sex, 
 fol Antwerp, 1584 
 DE LINAS, Charles. Bibliographic. [Critique of " Antichitati 
 Scythice." By A. J. Odobesco, 4to. 1879.] . Arras, 1880 
 DE LISLE, A. L. M. P. 
 Two Sermons preached on his Death ; preceded by a Sketch 
 of his Life, 8vo 1878 
 Second copy. 
 DE LISLE, Edwin. The Majesty of London, 8vo. . Lond. 1885 
188 DEL DEL 
 DELISLE, Leopold. 
 Memoire sur les Baillis da Cotentiu, 4to. (Tracts 26) Caen, 1851 
 Sur la Classe Agricole en Normandie an moyen age, 8vo. 
 Evreux, 1851 
 Snr la vie et les ouvrages de M. de Gerville, 8vo. (Tracts 47) 
 Valognes, 1853 
 Snr la Recneil des Historiens des Ganles et de la France, 
 tome 21 e , 8vo. (Tracts 47) . . . Paris, 1855 
 De I'lnstruction de la Noblesse Francaise an moyen age, 
 8vo. (Tracts 4,7) ib. 1855 
 Snr la Bibliotheqne de la Sainte-Chapelle de Bonrges, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 47) ib. 1856 
 Snr une Lettre adressee a la Reine Blanche, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 4,7) ib. 1856 
 Actes et Itineraire d'Innocent III., 8vo. (Tracts 47) ib. 1857 
 Fragments de 1'Histoire de Gonesse, 8vo. (Tracts 47) ib. 1859 
 Lettre de 1'Abbe Haimon, 8vo. (Tracts 47) . . ib. 1860 
 Histoire dn Chatean et des Sires de Saint- Sauvenr-le- 
 Yicomte, 8vo. ...... Valognes, 1867 
 Notice snr le Psantier d'Ingebnrge, 8vo. (Tracts 33) 
 Paris, 1867 
 Fragment dn dernier Registre d'Alexandre IV., 8vo. 
 Nogent-le-Rotrou, 1877 
 Another edition, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1878 
 Notice sur vingt mannscrits dn Vatican, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 Les Onvrages de Bernard Gni, 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 Notes snr qnelqnes Mannscrits dn Musee Britannique, 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 Notice snr nn Mannscrit Merovingien de la Bibliotheqne 
 d'Epinal, fol ib. 1878 
 Les Bibles de Theodnlfe, 8vo ib. 1879 
 Notice sur nn Manuscrit de Lyon renfermant nne ancienne 
 Version Latine inedite de trois Livres dn Pentatenque, 
 fol ib. 1879 
 Notice snr deux Livres ayant appartenn an Hoi Charles V., 
 4to [t6. 1881] 
 Notice snr nn Mannscrit Merovingien de la Bibliotheqne 
 Royale de Belgiqne, No. 9850-9852, 4to. . [ib. 1881] 
 L'Anteur dn Grand Contnmier de France, 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 Le Livre de Marco Polo. Facsimile d'nn mannscrit du 
 XIV e . siecle conserve a la Bibliotheque Royale de Stock- 
 holm, 8vo [Nogent-le-Rotrou, 1882] 
 Notice snr les anciens Catalogues des Livres Imprimes de 
 la Bibliotheque du Roi, 8vo Paris, 1882 
 Les Mannscrits dn Comte d'Ashburnham. Rapport, 8vo. 
 &c ib. 1883 
 Notice snr les Mannscrits disparus de la Bibliotheqne de 
 Tours pendant la premiere moitie du XIX e . siecle, 4to. ib. 1883 
 Authentiques de Reliques de 1'Epoqne Merovingienne de- 
 couvertes a Vergy, 8vo. ..... Rome, 1884 
 Le Sacramentaire d'Autun, 4to. .... Paris, 1884 
DEL DEN 189 
 DELISLE, Leopold continued. 
 Les Collections de Bastard d'Estang a la Bibliotheque 
 Nationale. Catalogue Analytique, 8vo. Nogent-le-Rotrou, 1885 
 Liste des Compagnons de Guillaume-le-Conquerant en 1066 
 8vo. (Tracts 55**) Caen, n.d. 
 DE LOLME, J. L. On the Constitution of England. Edited by 
 W. H. Hughes, 8vo Lond. 1834 
 DE LORME, Philibert. Nouvelles Inventions pour bien bastir et 
 a petits fraiz, trouvees n'agueres par P. de L'Orme, 
 fol. . . Paris, 1578 
 DELOYE, A. Inscriptions Grecques et Latines decouvertes & 
 Vaison, 8vo. ........ ib. 
 DEL PIT, Martial et Jules. Notice d'un MS. dit Recognitiones 
 Feodorum, 4to ih. 1841 
 DEL Rio, M.A. 
 Disquisitionum Magicarum libri sex. Third edition. 3 vols. 
 8vo. Mayence, 1606 
 Another edition, 3 vols. in 1, 4to. Venice, 1746 
 DE LUYNES, Le Due de, et DEBACQ, F. J. Metaponte, fol. Paris, 1833 
 Inventaire des Sceaux de la Flandre recueillis dans les 
 Depots d' Archives, Musees et Collections particulieres, 
 du Departement du Nord, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1873 
 Inventaire des Sceaux de 1'Artois et de la Picardie 
 recueillis dans les Dep6ts d' Archives, Musees, et 
 Collections particulieres des Departements du Pas-de- 
 Calais, de 1'Oise, de la Somme et de 1'Aisne, avec un 
 Catalogue de Pierres Gravees ayant servi a sceller, 4to. 
 ib. 1877 
 Le Costume au Moyen Age d'apres les Sceaux, 4to. . ib. 1880 
 Inventaire des Sceaux de la Normandie recueillis dans les 
 Depots d'Archives, Musees, et Collections particulieres 
 des Departements de la Seine-Inferieure, du Calvados, de 
 1'Eure, de la Manche, et de 1'Orne, avec une introduction 
 sur la Paleographie des Sceaux, 4to. . . . ib. 1881 
 La Paleographie des Sceaux, 8vo. .... ib. 1881 
 DEMMIN, Auguste. An Illustrated History of Arms and 
 Armour. Translated by C. C. Black, 8vo. . Lond. 1877 
 DE MORGAN, Augustus. 
 Book of Almanacs, ob. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1851 
 Contents of the Correspondence of Scientific Men of the 
 17th century, 8vo. (Tracts 104) . . . Oxford, 1862 
 DEMOSTHENES. Opera, 8vo. . . . Paris, Didot, 1849 
 DEMOTIER, Charles. Annales de Calais, depuis les temps les 
 plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, 8vo. . . Calais, 1856 
 DEMPSTER, Thomas. De Etruria Regali. Edited by T. Coke, 
 2 vols. fol Florence, 1723-4 
 DEN DUYTS, F. Notice des Anciennes Monnaies des Comtes de 
 Flandres, Dues de Brabant, and Comtes de Hainaut 
 faisant partie de la Collection des Medailles, <fec., de 
 1'Universite de Gand, 1839, 8vo. . . . [Ghent, 1839] 
190 DEN DEN 
 DENHAM, M. A. Slogans of the North of England, 4to. 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1851 
 DENHAM TRACTS. Antiquarian Tomes, Tracts, and Trifles. 
 Edited, &c., by M. Aislabie Denham, 8vo. 
 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8fc., 1846-59 
 i. A Collection of Proverbs and Popular Sayings. (Percy 
 Society Publication No. 66, vol. xx.) .... 1846 
 ii. A Myth of Midridge. Broadside. . 1849 
 iii. The Noble Nevilles. Monuments in Staindrop Church, 
 co. Durham. Broadside. ...... 1849 
 iv. Slogans ; and War and Gathering Cries. (1st, 2nd, 
 and 3rd editions) 1850-51 
 . Another copy of the 3rd edition, 4to. 
 Newcastle, 1851 
 v. A Collection of English Border Rhymes, Proverbs, 
 and Sayings. (Feudal period.) .... 1850 
 vi. Co. Pal. Durham. Five Parts. 
 1. (Wanting). 2. A Collection of Rhymes, &c., 
 relating to the City of Durham. 3. Rare and 
 Popular Rhymes, &c., relating to the Inhabi- 
 tants of certain Towns and Villages. 4. 
 Rhymes, Sayings, &c. relating to Towns and 
 Villages. 5. Supplement to the Local 
 Rhymes, &c. . .... 1850-59 
 vii. Cumberland. Four Parts. 
 1. (Wanting). 2. Rare and Popular Rhymes, &c., 
 relating to Mountains and Rivers. 3. Rhymes, 
 &c., relating to the Inhabitants of certain 
 Towns and Villages. 4. Rhymes, &c., relating 
 to Towns and Villages 1850-53 
 viii. Popular Rhymes, &c., peculiar to the Isle of Man, and 
 the Manks people ....... 1851 
 ix. Westmoreland. Two Parts. 
 1. (Wanting). 2. Rare and Popular Rhymes, &c., 
 relating to Towns and Villages . . . 1850 
 x. Folk Lore. Four Parts. 
 1. Manners and Customs of the North of England. 
 2, 3, 4. Manners, Customs, Weather Proverbs, 
 Popular Charms, Juvenile Rhymes, Ballads, 
 &c. (N. of E.) 1850-58 
 xi. Sundry Minor Tracts, &c. 1-20 .... 1849-59 
 xii. Folk Lore of Northumberland. Six separate Im- 
 1. Percy Rhymes. 2. Family of Fenwick. 3. 
 Hexham and its Inhabitants. 4. Berwick-on- 
 Tweed. 5. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 6. Rivers 
 and Mountains ..... 1854-56 
 xiii. Recent Antiquarian Discoveries at Piersebridge and 
 Carlebury. Four Notices. (2 editions of the 1st) 
 xiv. Folk Lore. A Collection relating to Northumberland, 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Berwick-on-Tweed . . 1858 
DEN DES 191 
 DENHAM TRACTS continued. 
 A Classified Catalogue. By M. A. Denham, 8vo. 
 Richmond, Tories. 1859 
 DENIS, J. B. A Plot discovered : carried on against the New 
 Converts, in a book entitled, " The Spirit of the French 
 Refugees manifested," 8vo. .... Lond. 1722 
 DENISON, E. B. Gothic Architecture in relation to St. George's 
 Church, Doncaster, 8vo Lancaster, 1855 
 Danske Adels Historic, Bd. i., 4to. . . Copenhagen, 1785 
 Historisk Tidskrift [Edited by C. Molbech], 4 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1839-43 
 DENMARK, H. M. FREDERICK, King of. On the Construction of 
 Cromlechs, 8vo ib. 1860 
 historiske Samlinger. Forste og andet Bind, 8vo. ib. 1849-56 
 DENNIS, George. 
 The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 
 Revised edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1878 
 A Handbook for Travellers in Sicily (Murray), 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 DENON, Vivant. Voyage en figypte, 2 vols. fol. . Paris, 1802 
 DENT, Emma. Annals of Winchcombe and Sudeley, 4to. Lond. 1877 
 DENTON, William. Moorfields, 8vo. (Tracts 90*) . . ib. 1863 
 Catalogue of Specimens of Cabinet Work. (Tracts 115) 
 ib. 1853 
 Catalogue of Porcelain, the property of Her Majesty, 
 exhibited there, 8vo. (Tracts 115) . . . . ib. 1853 
 DERBYSHIRE, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Staffordshire, 
 Handbook for Travellers in, 8vo. (Murray) . . ib. 1868 
 Journal, 1879, etc. 8vo. In progress. 
 Lond. and Derby, 1879, etc. 
 DE REIMES, Philippe. Roman de la Manekine. Public par 
 F. Michel, 4to. (Bannatyne Club) . . . Paris, 1840 
 DERHAM, William. Christo-Theology, 8vo. (Tracts 118). Lond. 1730 
 D BRING, Sir Edward. A Collection of Speeches made in 
 matter of Religion, 4to ib. 1642 
 DE RIVIERE, R. P. P. Le Chantre du Lilja, ou le Skalde de la 
 Sainte Vierge au quatorzieme siecle en Islande, avec 
 traduction, 8vo. ...... Rome, 1883 
 DERMOTT, Laurence. Ahiman Rezon ; or, a help to all that are, 
 or would be, free and accepted Masons. Second edition, 
 8vo Lond. 1764 
 DERRICK, Charles. Memoirs of the Royal Navy, 4to. . ib. 1806 
 DERWENTWATER, Earl of. History of his Life and Trial, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 153*) .... . Newcastle, 
 Another edition. (Tracts 153*) . . ib. 
 DE SCALES PEERAGE. Case on behalf of Sir Charles Robert 
 Tempest, &c. claiming to be a Coheir to the Barony of 
 De Scales, fol Lond. n.d. 
192 DES DEV 
 DESCARTES, Rene. Renati Des-Cartes Meditationes de Prima 
 Philosophia, 2 vols. in one, 12mo. Amstelodami, Elzevir, 1642 
 DESCHAMPS, Eustache. Poesies Morales et Historiques. 
 Publiees par G. A. Crapelefc, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1832 
 DESCHAMPS, P. Dictionnaire de Geographic ancienne et moderne 
 a 1'nsage du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Par un 
 Bibliophile, 8vo ib. 1870 
 Sceaux des Comtes d'Artois, 4to. . . . ib. 1867 
 Note sur un MS. relatif a la Hanse de Saint-Omer, 8vo. 
 (Tracts SO). 
 DESJARDINS, Tony. Monographic de 1'Hotel-de-Ville de Lyon, 
 Pol ib. 1868 
 DESNOYERS, M. J. Topographic Ecclesiastique de la France, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1854-61 
 DESORMEAUX, M. Histoire de la Maison de Bourbon, 5 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1772-88 
 DE SOUSA, P. L. Church of Batacha, fol. . . Lond. 1795 
 DESPINE, C. Sanctuaire et Abymes de Myans, 8vo. . Annecy, 1862 
 D'EsTAiNTOT, Le Vicomte. La Tombe de Jehan de Bailleul a 
 Bailleul-sur-Eaulne, 8vo. .... Rouen, 1878 
 DESTIGNY, M. Sur la dilatation de la Pierre, 8vo. (Tracts 117) 
 ib. 1828 
 Essai sur Marc-Aurele d'apres les Monuments Epigra- 
 phiques, 8vo. . . . . . . Paris, 1860 
 L'Etrurie et les Btrusques, ou dix ans de fouilles dans les 
 Marennes Toscanes, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1862-64 
 , tome iii. (Appendice Epigraphique, Ex- 
 plication des Monuments, Carte et Planches), fol. ib. 1862-64 
 DE TIVOLI, V. The Drainage of Lake Fucino accomplished 
 by Prince Alexander Torlonia. An abridged account, 
 by A. Brisse and L. de Rotrou. English Translation. 
 4to. Rome, 1876 
 Etudes historiques et archeologiques sur Tarn-et-Garonne, 
 8vo. Caen, 1866 
 Habitation Troglodytique des Proats-Hauts, 4to. Toulouse, 1866 
 Des Habitations Troglodytiques. Lettre a J. B. Noulet, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 40*). . n.p. 1870 
 Second copy. 
 Coup-D'CEil sur 1'Age Antehistorique dans le Departement 
 de Tarn-et-Garonne, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 Le Feu dit de Saint-Jean, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) . . n.p. n.d. 
 DE VAYNES, Julia H. L. The Kentish Garland. Edited by 
 J. W. Ebsworth. 2 vols. 8vo. , . Hertford, 1881-2 
 DE VERTOT, 1'Abbe. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de 
 S. Jean de Jerusalem, appelles depuis Chevaliers de 
 Rhodes ; et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Mai the. Nouvelle 
 edition augment ee. 7 vols. 12mo. . . Paris, 1772 
DEV DHO 193 
 DEVILLE, Achille. 
 Essai sur 1'figlise et 1'Abbaye de St. Georges de Bocher- 
 ville, 4to Rouen, 1827 
 Dissertation snr les Sceaux de Richard Coeur-de-Lion, 4to. 
 (Tracts 7) ib. 1828 
 editio altera, 4to. (Tracts 7) . . ib. 1830 
 Histoire du Chateau- Gaillard, 4to. . . ' . . ib. 1829 
 Sur la Fleche de Robert Becquet, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . ib. 1831 
 Recherches sur 1'ancien Pont de Rouen, 8vo. (Tracts 85) 
 ib. 1831 
 Liste des Peintres Verriers de la Cathedrale de Rouen, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 85) ib. 1831 
 Tombeaux de la Cathedrale de Rouen, 8vo. . . ib. 1833 
 Histoire du Chateau de Tancarville, 8vo. . . . ib. 1834 
 Decouverte de la Statue de Richard Coeur-de-Lion a Rouen, 
 8vo ib. 1838 
 Histoire du Chateau d'Arques, 8vo. * ib. 1839 
 Notices sur quelques Dolium Antiques, 8vo. . . ib. 1842 
 Decouverte de Sepultures Antiques a Quatremares, 8vo. 
 ib. 1843 
 Lettre sur le Cceur de St. Louis, 8vo ib. 1845 
 Second copy. 
 Dissertation sur une medaille Romaine f rappee sous Tibere, 
 (Tracts 42) Alencon, 1855 
 Observations sur I'Achevement de 1'Eglise de Saint-Ouen 
 de Rouen, 8vo. ..... . n.p. n.d. 
 DE VILLE, Antoine. Les Fortifications, avec 1' Ataque et la 
 Defense des Places. Plates. Fol. . . . Lyons, 1628 
 DEVIZES, History of, 8vo Lond. and Devizes, 1859 
 DE VOGUE", Melchior. Le Temple de Jerusalem, fol. . Paris, 1864 
 DEVON, Route Book of. Second edition, 12mo. . . Exeter, 1847 
 DEVON (and Cornwall), A Handbook for Travellers in. Sixth 
 edition, 8vo. (Murray) Lond. 1865 
 (North), Handbook of, 8vo Exeter 
 Report and Transactions, 8vo. In progress. Plymouth, 1862, etc. 
 The Devonshire Domesday, 8vo. In progress. . ib. 1884, etc. 
 - Second copy. L.P. 4to. . 
 Classified Index to the Reports and Transactions, 1862-85. 
 By G. W. Ormerod, 8vo. . . ib. 1886 
 DEVONSHIRE, Duke of. Catalogue of Collection of Coins and 
 Medals, 8vo Lond. 1844 
 DE WAL, J. Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis en Oudheden van 
 Drenthe, 8vo. ...... Oroningen, 1842 
 D EWE'S Pictorial Plan and Walk through Oxford, 8vo. Oxford 
 DE WITTE, J. Notice sur Adrien de Longperier, 8vo. 
 Bruxelles, 1884 
 D'HANCARVILLE. Recherches sur 1'origine, 1'esprit, et les pro- 
 gres des Arts de la Grece, 2 vols. 4to. . Lond. 1785 
 DHONT-DE-WAEPENAERT, E. Quartiers Genealogiques des Families 
 Flamandes. Fol Bruges, 1871 
 D'HoziER, L. P., and D'Hozier de Serigny. Armorial General 
 de la France, Begistres i.-vi., vols. i.-x., 4to. . Paris, 1865-67 
 2. Series A. Bibliographical. 
 A Bibliographical List of Works, illustrative of the 
 various Dialects of English. Edited by the Bev. Walter 
 W. Skeat. Part I., 8vo Land. 1873 
 8. Part II., 8vo ib. 1875 
 18. Part III. Edited by J. H. Nodal. 8vo. ib. 1877 
 1. Series B. Beprinted Glossaries. 
 Part I. 
 (1) North of England Words, from "A Tour to the 
 Caves," by J. H. ; 1781. 
 (2) Provincialisms of East Yorkshire, by Mr. Mar- 
 shall ; 1788. 
 (3) Provincialisms of East Norfolk, by Mr. Marshall ; 
 , 1787. 
 (4) Provincialisms of the Yale of Gloucester, by Mr. 
 Marshall; 1789. 
 (5) Provincialisms of the Midland Counties, by Mr. 
 Marshall; 1790. 
 (6) Provincialisms of West Devonshire, by Mr. Mar- 
 shall ; 1796. 
 (7) A Glossary of Words used in the West Biding of 
 " Yorkshire, by Dr. Willan ; 1811. Edited by 
 W. W. Skeat. 8vo ib. 1873 
 Part II. 
 (8) Derbyshire Lead-Mining Terms ; with a Beprint 
 of Manlove's " Bhymed Chronicle," by T. Tapping, 
 (9) Derbyshire Lead-Mining Terms, by T. Houghton; 
 (10) Derbyshire Mining Terms, by J. Mawe ; 1802. 
 (11) Words used in the Isle of Thanet, by the Bev. J. 
 Lewis; 1736. 
 (12) Words used in Herefordshire, by J. Duncumb ; 
 Part III. 
 (15) Bay's Collection of North-Country Words. 
 (16) Bay's Collection of South and East Country Words. 
 (17) Thoresby's Letter to Bay, April, 1703. Edited by 
 W. W. Skeat. 8vo ib. 
 Series C. Part I. Original Glossaries, &c. 
 8. (I.) A Glossary of Words used in Swaledale, Yorkshire. 
 By Captain J. Harland, 8vo ib. 1873 
 A Glossary of the Lancashire Dialect. By 
 J. H. Nodal and G. Milner. Part I. Words from A. to 
 E. inclusive, 8vo Manchester, 1875 
 Part II. 
 (2) A Glossary of Words used in the neighbourhood of 
 Whitby. By F. K. Bobinson. Part I. 8vo. Land. 1875 
DIA DIA 195 
 12. Series C. Part III. 
 II. Cleveland Words (Supplementary). By the Rev. L 
 C. Atkinson. 
 III. An Alphabet of Kenticisms. By the Rev. S. Pegge-; 
 A.D. 1736. 
 IV. Surrey Provincialisms. By G. Leveson-Gower, Esq. 
 V. Oxfordshire Words. By Mrs. Parker. 
 VI. South Warwickshire Words. By Mrs. Francis. Edited 
 by W. W. Skeat, M.A., 8vo. . . . Lond. 1876 
 13. - Part IV. 
 A Glossary of Words used in the neighbourhood of 
 Whitby. By F. K. Robinson, of Whitby, 8vo, . ib. 1876 
 14. Part V. 
 A Glossary of Words of Mid- Yorkshire ; with others 
 peculiar to Lower Midderdale. With a Grammar of 
 the Mid- Yorkshire Dialect. By C. C. Robinson, 8vo. ib. 1876 
 15. Series C. Part VI. 
 A Glossary of Words used in the Wapentakes of Manley 
 and Corringham, Lincolnshire. By Edward Peacock, 
 8vo . ib. 1877 
 16. Part VII. 
 A Glossary of Words used in Holder-ness in the East- 
 Riding of Yorkshire. By F. Ross, R. Stead, and T. 
 Holderness, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1877 
 4. Series D. Miscellaneous. 
 A History of English Sounds from th earliest period. 
 By Henry Sweet, 8vo ib. 1874 
 7. The Dialect of West Somerset. By F. T. 
 Elworthy, 8vo ib. 1875 
 11. Miscellanies. I. On the Survival of Early 
 English Words in our present Dialects. By Richard 
 Morris, 8vo. . . .... . ib. 1876 
 17. Miscellanies. II. On the Dialects of eleven 
 Southern and South- Western Counties, with a new 
 classification of the English Dialects. By Prince Louis 
 Lucien Bonaparte, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1877 
 19. An outline of the Grammar of the Dialect 
 of West Somerset. By F. T. Elworthy, 8vo. . ib. 1877 
 (13) Early Scottish Glossary ,- from Duncan's Appendix 
 Etymologise, 1595. 
 (14) Various Provincialisms ; from Hearne's Glossaries, 
 1724-5. Edited by W. W. Skeat, 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 6*. A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect and 
 Collection of Provincialisms in use in the County of 
 Sussex. By W. D. Parish, 8vo. . . . Lewes, 1875 
 Fifth Report. For the year 1877, 8vo. 
 English Dialects and the Society's Work, 8vo. . . . 1878 
 DIALOGUS creaturarum op time moralizatus, omni materie 
 morali jucundo modo applicabilis, &c. B.L. For Biblio- 
 graphical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. 
 Paris , Pigowhetus, 1510 
196 DIA DIG 
 DIAPEB, Mr. An Imitation of the Seventeenth Epistle of the 
 First Book of Horace. Address'd to Dr. S ft. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1714 
 Introduction to the Knowledge of Editions of the Classics, 
 8vo ib. 1804 
 Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of 
 the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, in the 
 Library of George John, Earl Spencer, 4 vols. 8vo. ib. 1814 
 JBdes Althorpianoe ; or, an Account of the Mansion, Books, 
 and Pictures at Althorp, the residence of George John, 
 Earl Spencer. With a Supplement to the Bibliotheca 
 Spenceriana, 2 vols. 8vo. ..... ib. 1822 
 Althorpianae. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books 
 printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of 
 the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the 
 property of George John, Earl Spencer. With a 
 general index to the present volume, the Bibliotheca 
 Spenceriana and ^Edes Althorpianee, 8vo. . . ib. 1823 
 The Library Companion ; or, the Young Man's Guide and 
 the Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a Library, 8vo. ib. 1825 
 DICK, .Sir Page. Statement of Claims on Government, 4to. 
 DICK, W. R. 
 Inscriptions in the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London, 
 4to . Lond. 1853 
 A Short Sketch of the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of Lon- 
 don, 8vo. ......... ib. n.d. 
 DICKESON, M. W. American Numisinatical Manual, 4to. 
 Philadelphia, 1859 
 DICKINSON, F. H. Missale ad usum insignis et pra3claree Eccle- 
 sice Sarum, 8vo Burntisland, 1861-1883 
 DICKINSON, William. Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, part I. 
 vol. 1, 4to. . Newark, 1801 
 DICKSON, Samuel. The Destructive Art of Healing, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 52) Lond. 1856 
 DICKSON, William. 
 Chronica Monasterii de Alnwick, 4to. . . Newcastle, 1840 
 Alnmouth Address to Q. Victoria, 4to. . . . ib. 1850 
 Four Chapters from the History of Alnmouth, 4to. (Tracts 
 13) ib. 1852 
 Notices of a Chantry in the Chapelry of Alnwick, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 74) Lond. 1852 
 The Pipe Rolls lst-12th Edward I. A.D. 1273-1284, for the 
 County of Northumberland, 4to. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1854-60 
 lst-3rcl years. 4to ib. 1854 
 Burgh-on-the-Sands, Cumberland. Death of King Edward 
 the First, 7th July, 1307, 4to. . . . Alnwick, 1868 
 Dictionarium Grsecum, cum interpretatione Latina. 
 Venetiis, in JEdibus Aldi, 1524 
 Dictionarium Trilingue, Sclavonic, Greek and Latin, 4to. 
DIG DIG 197 
 DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. A New Dictionary of Quotations 
 from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Languages, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1866 
 DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Edited by Dr. William Smith, 3 vole. 
 8vo ib. 1863 
 Tome l er A. G. Tome 2 me (l er Fascicule), 4to. Paris, 1875-78 
 DICTIONNAIRE DBS ANTIQUITIES Grecques et Romaines d'apres les 
 Textes et les Monuments. Redige sous la direction de 
 MM. Ch. Daremberg et Edm. Saglio. Fas. I. etc., 4to. 
 In progress ib. 1875, &c. 
 DICTIONNAIRE des Origines, Decouvertes, &c., 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1777 
 DICTIONNAIRE du Citoyen, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Amsterdam, 1762 
 DICTIONNAIRE Genealogique, Heraldique, Chronologique et His- 
 torique. Par M. D. L. C. D. B. En sept volumes, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1757-65 
 DICTIONNAIRE Historique des Saints Personnages, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1772 
 DICTYS CRETENSIS. Opera, Valpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. lb'25 
 DICUILUS. De Mensura orbis terrse. Edited by C. A. Walekenaer, 
 8vo Paris, 1807 
 DIDOT. Scriptorum Greecorum Bibliotheca, Gr. et Lat. Frag-- 
 menta Philosophorum Groecorum. Edidit F. G. A. Mulla- 
 chius. Yol. III. Platonicos et Peripateticos continens, 
 8vo ib. 1881 
 DIDRON, fidouard. 
 Iconographie Chretienne. Histoire de Dieu, 4to. . ib. 1843 
 Annales Archeologiques fondees par Didron aine. Tome 
 xxviii. Table Analytique par X. Barbier De Montault, 
 4to . ib. 1881 
 DIEFENBACH, Lorenz. Mittellateinisch-hochdeutsch-bohmisches 
 Worterbuch nach einer Handschrift vom Jahre 1470, 
 12mo Frankfort, 1846 
 Inventaire des Chartes et Documents appartenant aux 
 Archives de la Ville d'Ypres, 7 vols. (in three), 8vo. 
 Bruges, 1853-68 
 Archives d'Ypres. Documents du xvi e . siecle faisant suite 
 a 1'Inventaire des Chartes, 4 vols. (in two), 8vo. . ib. 1874-7 
 Inventaire des Chartes et Documents appartenant aux 
 Archives de 1'Abbaye de Messines, 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 DIEPPE, Annuaire de 1'Arrondissement de, 18C6, 8vo. Dieppe. 1866 
 DIETERICH, U. W. Runen Sprach-Schatz, 8vo. . Stockholm, 1844 
 Den Norske Traeskjaererkunst, dens Oprindelse og Udvik- 
 ling, 8vo. ...... Christianiaj 1878 
 Second copy. 
 DIGBY, Sir Kenelm. 
 Two Treatises : in the one of which the Nature of Bodies, 
 in the other the Nature of Man's Soule is looked into, 
 4to. .... Lond. 1645 
198 DIG DIB 
 DIGBY, Sir Kenelm continued. 
 A late Discourse in a solemn assembly of nobles and 
 learned men at Montpellier, touching the Cure of Wounds 
 by the Powder of Sympathy. Translated by R. White. 
 Fourth edition. 12mo Lond. 1664 
 DIGGES, Jn. Dudley, The Compleat Ambassador, fol. . ib. 1655 
 DILETTAWI, Society of. 
 loaian Antiquities. (Part 1.) Plates. Fol. Two copies 
 {(imperfect) ib. 1769 
 Another copy (Part 1). Plates. Fol. ib. 1769 
 (Part 1.) Second edition . . ib. 1821 
 (Part 2.) Two copies . . . ib. 1797 
 The Unedited Antiquities of Attica, comprising the archi- 
 tectural remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium, and 
 Thoricus. Plates. Atlas fol ib. 1817 
 Historical Notices. For private circulation. 4to. . ib. 1855 
 Report of Committee, respecting exploration of Temple 
 of Diana at Ephesus, fol ib. 1872 
 DILLON, Arthur. A Winter in Iceland and Lapland, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1840 
 DILLON, H, A., Viscount. 
 The Tactics of JElian, comprising the military system of 
 the Grecians; illustrated with notes, &c., 4to. . ib. 1814 
 Eccelino Da Romano, surnamed the Tyrant of Padua. A 
 poem. 8vo ib. 1828 
 Travels through Spain, 4to ib. 1780 
 History of the Revolution in France, 4to. . . . ib. 1790 
 DILLON, R. C. Lord Mayor's Visit to Oxford in July, 1826 ib. 1826 
 DlLLWYN, L. W. 
 Contributions to the History of Swansea, 8vo. . Swansea, 1840 
 Hortus Collinsonianus, 8vo. (Tracts 48) . . . ib. 1843 
 DIMOCK, J. F. Metrical Life of St. Hugh, 8vo. . Lincoln, 1860 
 Dio Cassius. Cassii Dionis Histories Romance quee supersunt. 
 Latinam versionem Xylandro-Leunclavianam limavit 
 H. S. Reimarus. 2 vols. fol. . . Hamburgh, 1750-52 
 DIODORUS, Siculus. Opera, 2 vols. 8vo. . Paris, Didot, 1842-44 
 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Opera, 8vo ib., Didot, 1850 
 DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Antiquitatum Romanarum quae 
 supersunt. Greec. et Lat. ediderunt A. Kiessling et 
 V. Prou, 8vo ib., Didot, 1886 
 DIPLOCK, William. New Guide to Hastings and St. Leonard's, 
 8vo Hastings, 1849 
 DIPLOMATIQUE, Nouveau Traite de, 6 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1750-65 
 DIRECTORY for the Public Worship of God, 4to. . Lond. 1644 
 DIRKS, Jacob. 
 Les Anglo-Saxons et leurs Petits Deniers dits Sceattas, 8vo. 
 Brussels, 1870 
 De Noord-Nederlandsche Gilde penningen, 2 vols. and 
 Plates, 8vo. Haarlem, 1878-9 
DIS DOC 199 
 DISNEY, John. 
 View of Laws against Immorality and Profaneness, fol. 
 Cambridge, 1729 
 Memoirs of A. A. Sykes, D.D., 8vo ib. 1785 
 - Dr. Jortin, 8vo ib. 1792 
 Book of Common Prayer, Keformed, 4to. . . Lond. 1802 
 Memoir of T. Brand Hollis, 4to ib. 1808 
 Museum Disneianum. Being a description of ancient 
 marbles, specimens of ancient bronze, &c. Plates. 4to. 
 ib. 1849 
 DISRAELI, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. A new edition, 
 with notes by B. Disraeli. 3 vols., 8vo. . . ib. 1866 
 DISSERTATIONUM Ludicrarum et Amcenitatum Scriptores Yarii, 
 12mo Ley den, 1638 
 D'lvERNOis, Sir Francis. Effects of the Continental Blockade, 
 4to. (Tracts 128) Lond. 1810 
 Divffius. (See BEBOSUS.) 
 DIXON, B. H. 
 Surnames, 8vo Boston, 1855 
 - Supplement, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . Toronto, 1858 
 DIXON, James. A Brief Account of Improvements within the 
 Scarisbrick Chapel, at Ormskirk Church, Lancashire, 4to. 
 Liverpool, 1878 
 DIXON, W. H., and RAINE, James. Fasti Eboracenses. Lives of 
 the Archbishops of York. Vol. I. 8vo. . . Lond. 1863 
 DIXON, W. H. Spiritual Wives, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1868 
 DOBIE, Rowland. History of St. Giles in the Fields, and St. 
 George, Bloomsbury, 8vo. (Second Edition) . . ib. 1834 
 DOBSON, William. 
 Rambles by the Ribble, first series, 8vo. (Tracts 148**) 
 Preston, 1864 
 Second series, 8vo. .... Preston and Lond. 1877 
 DOBSON, William, and HARLAND, John. History of Preston Guild, 
 8vo ib. 1862 
 1. Paris sous Phillippe le Bel. Edited by Ge'raud, 4to. 
 Paris, 1837 
 2. Reglements sur les Arts et Metiers de Paris. Edited by 
 Depping, 4to ib. 1837 
 3. Relations des Ambassadeurs Venitiens, publiees par N. 
 Tommaseo, 2 vols. 4to. ... . ib. 1838 
 4. Natalis de Wailly, Elements de PaleogTaphie. 2 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1838 
 5. Benoit's Chronique des Dues de Nonnandie. Edited by 
 Francisque Michel, vols 2, 3, 4to. . . ib. 1838-44 
 6. Lettres de Rois, Reines et autres personnages. Edited by 
 Champollion-Figeac, vol. i., 4to. .... ib. 1839 
 7. Rapports au Ministre, by Thierry, Michel, Beugnot, Genin, 
 Varin, Thenard, Gaspard, and Dunton, 4to. . . ib. 1839 
 8. Correspondance de Sourdis. Edited by Eugene Sue, 3 
 vols. 4to. . ib. 1839 
200 DOC DOC 
 9. Chronique de Bertrand Duguesclin. Edited by Chariere, 
 2 vols. 4to Paris, 1839 
 10. Chroniques du Religieux de St. Denis, 1380-1422. 
 Edited, with a translation, by L. Bellaguet, 6 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1839-52 ? 
 11. Les Olim, ou Arrets rendus par la cour. Edited by 
 Beugnot, 4 vols. 4to ib. 1839-48 
 12. Archives de la Ville de Rheims. Edited by Yarin, 5 vols. 
 4to., in 10 parts ib. 1839-53 
 13. Collection des Cartulaires de France. Edited by 
 Guerard (Saint Pere de Chartres, 2 vols., Saint Bertin, 1 
 vol., Notre Dame de Paris, 4 vols., Savigny, 2 vols.), 9 
 vols. 4to ib. 1840-53 
 14. Negociations relatives an regne de Francois II. Edited 
 by L. Paris, 4to ib. 1841 
 15. Les Quatre livres des Rois. Edited by Leroux de 
 Lincy, 4to ib. 1841 
 16. Documents His toriques. EditedbyChampollion-Figeac, 
 4 vols. 4to. f ib. 1841-48 
 17. Papiers d'etat du Cardinal de Granvelle. Edited by 
 Ch. Weiss, 9 vols. 4to ib. 1841-52 
 18. Memoires Militaires relatives a la Succession d'Espagne. 
 Par Vault et Pelet, vols. 4-10, of the text in 4to., and 
 fourteen sheets of Maps, Plans, and Military Move- 
 ments in folio. . . . . . . ib. 1841-55 
 19. Proces-Verbaux des fitats-Generaux de 1593. Edited 
 by A. Bernard, 4to ib. 1842 
 20. Negociations relatives a la Succession d'Espagne, sous 
 Louis XIV. Publiees par M. Mignet, vols. 3, 4, 4to. . ib. 1842 
 21. Iconographie Chretienne. By Didron . . . ib. 1843 
 22. Architecture Militaire. By Merimee and Lenoir, 4to. ib. 1843 
 23. Lettres de Henri IV. Edited by Berger de Xivrey, 
 vols. 1-5, 7-9, 4to ib. 1843-76 
 24. Negociations entre la France et 1'Autriche. Edited by 
 Le Glay, 2 vols. 4to ib. 1845 
 25. Captivite du Roi Francois I. By Champollion-Figeac, 
 4to . . . ib. 1847 
 26. Negociations de la France dans le Levant, vols. 1, 2, and 
 4, 4to ib. 1848-50 
 27. Livres de Justice et de Plet. Edited by Rapetti, 4to. ib. 1850 
 28. Correspondance Administrative sous Louis XIV., 4 vols. 
 4to. . ib. 1850-55 
 29. Histoire du Tiers-Etat en France. By Augustin 
 Thierry, vols. 1, 3, and 4, 4to 1850-70 
 30. Proces des Templiers. Par Michelet, vol. 2, 4to. . ib. 1851 
 31. Architecture Monastique. By Lenoir, vols. 1, 2, 4to. 
 ib. 1852-62 
 32. Palsgrave's ficlaircissement de la langue Francaise. 
 Edited by Genin, 4to ib. 1852 
 33. Lettres, &c., du Cardinal de Richelieu. Edited by 
 Avenel, vols. 1-8, 4to ib. 1853-77 
DOC DON 201 
 34. Privileges accordes a la couronne de France, par le 
 Saint-Siege, 4to 1855 
 DOD, R. P. 
 Birth and Worth, 12mo Lond. 1849 
 The Peerage, Knightage, and Baronetage of Great Britain 
 and Ireland, 1865 and 1875, 8vo. . . . ib. 1H65, &c. 
 DODD, Charles. Church History of England, 1500-1688, 3 vols. 
 fol Brussels, 1737-42 
 DODD, R. Report on the intended North London Canal Naviga- 
 tion, 4to. (Tracts 15) Lond. 1802 
 DODD, William. An Index to The History of Newcastle-upon- 
 Tyne, by John Brand. [Inserted at the end of vol. ii. 
 of Brand's History.] 4to. . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1881 
 DODOENS,D. R. Niewe Herball. Translated by H.Lyte,fol..L<md. 1578 
 DODSLET, Richard. A Muse in Livery ; or, the Footman's Mis- 
 cellany, 8vo ib. 1732 
 DODSWORTH, William. An Historical Account of the Episcopal 
 See and Cathedral Church of Salisbury, 4to. 
 Salisbury and Lond. 1814 
 DODWELL, Henry. De Parma, Woodwardiana dissertatio. 
 Edited by T. Hearne, 8vo Oxford, 1713 
 DOLCE, F. M. Descrizione del Museo di C. Dehn, 3 vols. in 1, 
 4to . Rome, 1772 
 DOLCI, Sebastiano. 
 De Illyricse linguae vetustate, 4to. . . . Venice, 1754 
 Epistola H. F. Zanettii in Dissertationem de Lingu 
 Illyricse vetustate confutata, 4to. . . . Ferrara, 1754 
 Examples of Antient Pulpits existing in England. Plates. 
 4to Lond. 1849 
 The Priory of St. Mary Overie, Southwark, fol. . . ib. 1881 
 DOMERHAM, Adamus de. Historia de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus. 
 Edited by T. Hearne, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1727 
 For Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Glou- 
 cester. Translated by W. Bawdwen. 4to. . Doncaster, 1812 
 Facsimiles. Edited by Col. Sir H. James, 33 vols. fol. 
 Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Bucks, Cambridge, Cheshire, 
 Cornwall, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, 
 Hants, Hereford, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent, Lancashire, 
 Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk. Northampton, 
 Notts, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford. Suf- 
 folk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, York. 
 Southampton, 1861-63 
 Pompeii, illustrated with views engraved by W. B. Cooke, 
 from the drawings of Lieut.-Col. Cockburn, R.A., and 
 with plans, &c., Atlas fol. . . . Lond. 1827 
 On the Present condition of the Royal Tombs in West- 
 minster Abbey, fol. (Tracts 160) 1852 
202 DON DOU 
 DONALDSON, T. L. continued. 
 On the Buildings of Lille, in France, and on the Collection 
 of Drawings bequeathed to that Town by M. Wicar, 4to. 
 Lond. 1853 
 Account of the Louvre and Tuileries, 4to. . . ib. 1854 
 Brief Memoir of Canina, 4to. (Tracts 13) . . . ib. 1856 
 Description of Alnwick Castle, 4to. (Tracts 13) . ib. 1856 
 Architectura Numismatica, 8vo. . . . ib. 1859 
 DONATI, Sebastiano. De' Dittici degli antichi, 4to. . Lucca, 1753 
 DONATUS, .^Elius. Ars Grammaticae, 4to. 
 DONATUS, Alexander. E/oma vetus ac recens, 4to. . Rome, 1665 
 DONI, A. F. I Marmi. 4to Venice, 1552-53 
 Dissertatio de utraque Pcenula, 4to. [Bound up with 
 RUBENUS, Albertus] Antwerp, 1665 
 Inscriptiones Antiquae. Edited by A. F. Gorius, fol. 
 Florence, 1731 
 DONNE, John. 
 Paradoxes, Problemes, Essayes, Characters. To which is 
 added a book of epigrams. Translated by J. Maine. As 
 also Ignatius, his Conclave, a satyr, 12mo. . Lond. 1652 
 Complete Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosarfc, 2 vols. (Fuller 
 Worthies' Library. For private circulation), 8vo. ib. 1872-3 
 DONOP, Le Baron de. Lea Medailles Gallo-Gaeliques, 4to. 
 (Tracts 22) .... . Hanover, 1838 
 DORANGE, A. Catalogue des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de 
 Tours, 4to Tours, 1875 
 DORKING, A Handbook of (abridged), 8vo. Dorking and Lond. 1856 
 DORSET, COUNTY of. Report of the County-Records' Committee, 
 8vo Dorchester, 1878 
 DOUCE, Francis. Illustrations of Shakespeare, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807 
 Recherches historiques sur Beaumont-sur-0ise,4to. Amiens, 1855 
 Collection de Sceaux, 3 vols Paris, 1863-8 
 DOUGLAS, of Tilquhilly or Tilwhilly, co. Kincardine, Pedigree 
 of, 8vo. 
 DOUGLAS, J. P. A Run through South Wales, via the London 
 and North Western Railway, 12mo. . Shrewsbury, 1868 
 DOUGLAS, Rev. James. 
 On the Antiquity of the Earth, 4to. . . . Lond. 1785 
 Nenia Britannica : or, A Sepulchral History of Great 
 Britain ; from the earliest period to its general conver- 
 sion to Christianity, fol. ...... ib. 1793 
 DOUGLAS, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Select Works of John 
 Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury; with a Memoir by W. 
 Macdonald, 4to Salisbury, 1820 
 DOUGLAS, Sir Robert, Bart. 
 The Baronage of Scotland, fol. . . . Edinburgh, 1798 
 The Peerage of Scotland, Second edition, 2 vols. fol. . ib. 1813 
 DOUTHWAITE, W. R. Gray's Inn : Notes illustrative of its His- 
 tory and Antiquities, 8vo. .... Lond. 1876 
DOV DRU 203 
 DOVE, J. E. 
 On Geometrical and other Symbols. (From " The Bnilder," 
 4th April, 1863), fol. (Tracts 1**) . . Land. 1863 
 (From " The Builder," 18th April, 1863), 
 fol. (Tracts 1**) ib. 1863 
 On Circular Rock-Marks and other Symbols,fol. (Tractsl**) 
 ib. 1864 
 The Incised Rock Symbols of Northumberland, fol. 
 (Tractsl**) .... . ib. 1864 
 DOVEDALE, Ham, Alton Towers, &c., The Guide to. Second 
 edition, 8vo. ....... Ashbourn, 1850 
 DOVER CASTLE, The Visitor's Guide to, 8vo. . . Dover 
 DOWLAND, John. First Booke of Songs and Ayres. Edited by 
 W. Chappell, fol . Land. 1844 
 DOWSING, William. Journal 1643, 1644. New Edition. Edited 
 by C. H. E. White, 4to Ipswich, 1885 
 DOYLE, J. E. The Official Baronage of England, 1066 to 1885, 
 3 vols. 4to Lond. 1886 
 DRAKE, C. F. Tyrwhitt. Literary Remains. Edited by W. 
 Besant, 8vo ib. 1877 
 DRAKE, Francis. Eboracum, or the History and Antiquities 
 of York, fol ib. 1736 
 DRAKE, Sir Francis, the Arms of, 8vo. 
 DRAKE, S. G. 
 The Book of the Indians, 8vo Boston, 1845 
 Memoir of Ralegh, 4to ib. 1862 
 History of King Philip's War. Edited by Rev. J. Mather ; 
 also History of the same War by Rev. C. Mather, 4to. ib. 1862 
 DRAKE, W. R. 
 Fasciculus Mervinensis ; being Notes of the Family of 
 Mervyn. Privately printed, 4to. . . . Lond. 1873 
 Notes on the Armorial Bearings of Boteler, of Brantfield, 
 co. Herts, and Drake of Ashe, co. Devon. Privately 
 printed, fol ib. 1874 
 A Notelet about Richard Drake, of Esher, in Surrey. 
 Privately printed, fol ib. 1878 
 DRAYTON, Michael. Poems newly corrected and amended, sm. 
 8vo. ......... ib. n.d. 
 DREUILLETTES, Gabriel. Epistola ad Joannem Wintrop, sm. 4to. 
 New York, 1869 
 DREYER, J. C. H. Specimen Juris Publici Lubecensis, circa 
 inhumanum jus Naufragii, 4to. . Buezav. et Wismar 
 DROGONTES, Selinunte. Storia di Alesa in Sicilia, 4to. Palermo, 1753 
 DROVETTI, Le Chev. and CAILLIAUD, Frederic. Voyage a 1'Oasis 
 de Syouah, redige par M. Jomard, fol. . . Paris, 1823 
 DRUCE, of Goreing co. Oxon. A Genealogical Account of this 
 Family (reprint), 4to. . . . Lond. 1735 
 DRUERY, J. H. Notices of Great Yarmouth . . . ib. 1826 
 DRUGULIN, William. Sale Catalogue of Engravings, 8vo. ib. 1866 
204 DRU DUG 
 DRUMMOND, Henry. Histories of Noble British Families, 2 vols. 
 [1. Ashburnham, Arden, Compton, Cecil, Harley, Bruce. 
 2. Perceval, Dunbar, Hume, Dundas, Drummond, Neville] , 
 fol Lond. 1846 
 DRUMMOND, William (of Hawthornden) . Poetical Works. 
 Edited by W. B. Turnbull, fcp. 8vo. . . . ib. 1856 
 DRUMMOND, Sir William. Origines ; or, Remarks on the Origin 
 of Several Empires, States, and Cities, 4 vols. 8vo. ib. 1824-29 
 DRTDEN, Sir Henry E. L. Description of the Church dedicated 
 to Saint Magnus and the Bishop's Palace at Kirkwall, 
 8vo Kirkwall, 1878 
 DRTDEN' John. Poems and Translations, fol. . . Lond. 1701 
 DUBERLEY, James. Trial between James Duberley, Plaintiff, 
 and Major- General Gunning, Defendant, for criminal con- 
 versation with the wife of the Plaintiff. (Bound with 
 Memoirs of Mrs. Billington). 8vo. . . . ib. 1792 
 DUBLIN, UNIVERSITY OF. A Catalogue of Graduates who have 
 proceeded to Degrees, from the earliest recorded com- 
 mencements to December, 16, 1868, 8vo. Dublin and Lond. 1869 
 DUBLIN, Trinity College. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum, 
 Tomus Primus ; cum Supplement continens litteras A et 
 B, fol Dublin, 1864 
 DUBLIN Penny Journal, 4 vols. in 2, fol. . . . ib. 1832-36 
 DUBOIS, Edward. My Pocket Book ; or, Hints for " A Ryghte 
 Merrie and Conceitede " Tour ; to be called " The 
 Stranger in Ireland " in 1805, with humorous plates. 
 By a Knight Errant. Third edition. To which is added, 
 A correct report of the trial of Carr (Knight) v. Hood 
 and Sharpe (booksellers). Plates, 12mo. . Lond. 1808 
 Du BOUCHET, Mons. Histoire Genealogique de la Maison Royale 
 de Courtenay, fol. ...... Paris, 1661 
 Du BOURG'S Exhibition of large Cork Models (Catalogue), 8vo. 
 (Tracts 139**) . . .... Lond. 1814 
 Du BOYS, Albert. La Grande -Chartreuse, ou tableau historique 
 de ce Monastere, precede d'une vie de Saint Bruno, 8vo. 
 Grenoble, 1845 
 Du BUISSON. La Yie du Yicomte de Turenne, 12mo. Cologne, 1685 
 DUBY, Tobiesen. Recueil General des Pieces obsidionales et de 
 necessite, fol Paris, 1786 
 Du CANGE, C. Dufresne Dom. 
 Glossarium ad Scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis, 
 3 vols. fol ib. 1678 
 Another edition, 3 vols. fol. Frankfort, 1681 
 New edition, 6 vols. fol. . Paris, 1733-36 
 Supplementum, auctore P. Carpentier, 4 vols. fol. . ib. 1766 
 Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis ; cum Supplementis 
 D. P. Carpenterii, 7 vols. 4to ib. 1840-50 
 Glossarium Latino- Germ anicum mediae et infimae aetatis. 
 Edited by L. Diefenbach, 4to Frankfort, 1857 
 DUCANGE ANGLICUS. The Vulgar Tongue ; two Glossaries of 
 Slang, &c., 12mo. . . . . ... Lond. 1857 
DUG DUG 205 
 Tour through Normandy, 4to. (Tracts 50*) . Lond. 17-54 
 Anglo-Gallic Coins, 4to. ...... ib. 1757 
 A Repertory of the Endowments of Vicarages in the 
 Dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester, sm. 8vo. . ib. 1782 
 Anglo-Norman Antiquities, translated into French by A. L. 
 Lechaude" d'Anisy, 4to Caen, 1823 
 DUCAS, Historia Byzantina. Edited by J. Bekker, 8vo. Bonn, 1834 
 DUCHALATS, Adolphe. Memoires sur les Monnaies antiques de 
 Numidie et de Mauritanie, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1849 
 Du CHESNE, Andre. 
 Histoire des Roys, Dues, et Comtes de Bourgongne et 
 d' Aries, 4to. . ' ".. ib. 1619 
 Historiae Normannorum Scriptores, fol. . . . ib. 1619 
 Histoire de la Maison de Chastillon sur Marne, fol. . ib. 1621 
 Histoire Genealogique des Dues de Bourgongne de la 
 Maison de France, Montagu, &c., 4to. . . . ib. 1628 
 Preuvesde 1'Histoire de la Maison des Chasteigniers. (Sound 
 with the following) Fol ib. 1633 
 Histoire Genealogique de la Maison des Chasteigniers, 
 fol ib. 1634 
 Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Bethune, fol. . ib. 1639 
 Du GHOUL, William. Castrametation des Remains, fol. . . 1555 
 DUCKETT, Sir George, Bart. 
 Duchetiana ; or Memoirs of the Family of Duket, from the 
 Norman Conquest to the present time, in Lincoln, West- 
 moreland, Wilts, Cambridge, and Buckingham, compris- 
 ing the Houses of Grayrigg, Hartham, Steeple-Morden, 
 Aylesbury, and Wy combe, &c., 4to. . . Lond. 1874 
 The Parrs, of Kendal Castle, 8vo. . . . n.p. [1875] 
 Extracts from the Cottonian MSS. relating to the Border 
 Service, 8vo Kendal, 1878 
 Observations on the Parentage of Gundreda, the Daughter 
 of William, Duke of Normandy, and Wife of William de 
 Warenne, 8vo. . . ib. 1878 
 Remarks on a Battle- Abbey Roll of the fifteenth century, 
 from the Collections of William of Worcester, 8vo. Lewes, 1878 
 Observations on the " Water-Supply " of some of our 
 Ancient British Encampments, more particularly in 
 Wiltshire and Sussex, 8vo. .... Devizes, 1879 
 Original Letters of the Duke of Monmouth, in the Bodleian 
 Library, 4to Lond. 1879 
 Second copy. 
 Penal Laws and Test Act in 1688, 8vo. . . Kendal, 1879 
 Proposed Repeal of the Test and Penal Statutes by King 
 James the Second in 1688, 8vo. . . . Devizes, 1879 
 The Sheriffs of Westmorland, and the early Sheriffs of 
 Cumberland, 8vo Kendal, 1879 
 Congratulatory Correspondence between the Courts of 
 England, France, and Denmark, in 1683, on the occasion 
 of the Marriage of the Princess Anne, 8vo. . . . 1880 
206 DUG DUE 
 DUCKETT, Sir George, Bart. continued. 
 Test and Penal Statutes in 1688 in respect of the Deputy 
 Lieutenants and Magistrates of Sussex. From the State 
 Papers in the Bodleian Library. 8vo. . . Lewes, 1880 
 Evidences of Battle Abbey, 8vo ]881 
 The Marches of Wales, 8vo Lond. 1881 
 Penal Laws and Test Act. Questions propounded in 1687-8 
 by James II., to the Deputy Lieutenants and Magis- 
 trates of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, 
 Bristol, and the Principality of Wales, 8vo. . Kendal, 1881 
 Penal Laws and Test Act. Questions touching their Repeal 
 propounded in 1687-8 by James II., to the Deputy Lieu- 
 tenants and Magistrates of Cumberland, Westmorland, 
 Durham, Northumberland, Lincoln, Derby, Worcester, 
 Wilts, Hereford, Monmouth, Gloucester, Bristol, Sussex, 
 Norfolk, Cambridge, Oxon, Devon, Cornwall, Kent, 
 Essex, and Hants ; the twelve Counties of the Principality 
 of Wales, and the three Ridings of Yorkshire ; from the 
 original Returns in the Bodleian Library, 8vo. Lond. 1882 
 (Appendix). 8vo. . . ib. 1883 
 Stray Notes in connection with the churches of St. John 
 and St. Mary, at Beverley, 8vo. . . . [Lond. 1882] 
 Second copy 
 Observations on the parentage of Gundreda, Countess of 
 Warenne 8vo. .-'.... [ib. 1886] 
 Arms of Aldeburgh, 8vo. 
 Charters of the Priory of Swine in Holderness. [Rawlin- 
 sonMSS. in the Bodleian.] 8vo. 
 Harwood Evidences. Redman of Harwood and Levens. 
 8vo ib. 
 King James the Second's proposed Repeal of the Penal 
 Laws and Test Act in 1688, 8vo. 
 Letters of the Yorkshire Commissioners of Sequestrations, 
 &c., to Cromwell, in 1655-6. [From the Original State 
 Papers in the Bodleian.] 8vo. 
 Manorbeer Castle : Evidences of its early owners. 8vo. 
 Second copy. 
 Supplement. 8vo. 
 Original Letters from the Wiltshire Commissioners to 
 Cromwell in 1655. 8vo. 
 Ducoux, Dr., of Blois. The Mineral Waters of Cransac, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 108) . Lond. 1847 
 DUDLAY, Edmonde. The Tree of Common Wealth. Edited by 
 John Harland, 4to Manch. 1859 
 DUDLEY, Dean. No. 1. Genealogical Tables. Dudley Ancestry. 
 Boston, U.S., 1861 
 DUELLIUS, Raymundus. Excerptorum Genealogico-Historicorum 
 Libri duo. Fol Leipsic, 1725 
 DUEMICHEN, J. Monuments Geographiques. 2 me Partie. 
 (Recueil de Monuments figyptiens publics, parH.Brugsch 
 et J. Duemichen. Part iv.) 4to. . . . ib. 1866 
DUE DUN 207 
 DuEMiCHEtf, J. continued. 
 The Fleet of an Egyptian Queen, and ancient Egyptian 
 Military on Parade. Translated by Anna Duemichen. 
 Obi. folio Leipnic, 1868 
 DUGDALE, Sir William. 
 Monasticon Anglicanum. Completed by R. Dodsworth. 
 3 vols. fol Lond. 1655-73 
 with additions, fol. . . . ib. 1718 
 abridged in English, with additions, by 
 Capt. J. Stevens, 3 vols. fol ib. 1718-23 
 New edition. Edited by J. Caley, Sir H. 
 Ellis, and B. Bandinel. 6 vols. in 8, fol. . ib. 1817-30 
 Second copy. 
 Antiquities of Warwickshire, fol. .... ib. 1656 
 2nd edition. Edited and continued by W. 
 Thomas, 2 vols. fol ib. 1730 
 Origines Juridiciales, fol. ...... ib. 1671 
 Baronage of England, 3 vols. in 2, fol. . . ib. 1675-76 
 A Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the 
 Great Councils and Parliaments, fol. . . . ib. 1685 
 History of St. Paul's Cathedral, fol ib. 1716 
 Edited by Sir Henry Ellis, fol. . ib. 1818 
 History of Imbanking and Draining Fens and Marshes. 
 Edited by C. N. Cole, fol. . . ib. 1772 
 Three Letters containing Remarks on some of the number- 
 less Errors and Defects in Dugdale's Baronage. [By 
 Charles Hornby.] 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1738 
 DUKE, Edward. Prolusiones Historicse; the Halle of John 
 Halle, 8vo. Vol. i Salisbury, 1837 
 The Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts, 8vo. Lond. 1846 
 DUKES, T. F. Antiquities of Shropshire, 4to. . Shrewsbury, 1844 
 DULAU and Co. Catalogue of Foreign Books, 8vo. . Lond. 1828 
 DULPHUS, Florianus. Tractatus de Sepulturis, Capellis, Statuis, 
 Epitaphiis, 4to. ...... Bononiae, 1641 
 Du MERSAN, Marion. 
 Silene Precepteur des Amours, Camee antique inedit. 
 (Tracts 126*), 8vo. 
 Second copy (Tracts 126*) . Paris, 1824 
 His toiredu Cabinet des Medailles antiques, et Pierres gravees, 
 8vo. (Tracts 126*) ib. 1838 
 Second copy. 
 Le Mythe d'Heemus et de Rhodope sur les medailles, 8vo. 
 Two copies. (Tracts 126*) 1843 
 Medailles Grecques ; Larissa, D'^Eolie, 8vo. (Tracts 126*) . 1844 
 Medailles Cistophores du Cabinet de France, 8vo. (Tracts 
 126*) ib. 1845 
 Sur Diverses Rectifications Numismatiques, 12mo. (Tracts, 
 126*) ib. 
 Notice sur M. Du Mersan, 8vo. (Tracts 126*) . . . n.d. 
 Social Life in Former Days, chiefly in the Province of 
 Moray, 8vo. ...... Edinburgh, 1865 
208 DUN DUN 
 D UNBAR, E. D. continued. 
 Social Life in Former Days, Second series, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1866 
 DUNBOYNE PEERAGE. Case on behalf of the Right Hon. Theo- 
 bald Fitzwalter Butler on his Claim to the Barony of 
 Dunboyne, fol. ...... Lond. 1858 
 DUNCAN, Henry. On a Monument at Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire, 
 4to. (Tracts $) Edinburgh, 1833 
 DUNCAN, P. M. On the Walls of Colchester, 8vo. Colchester, 1856 
 DUNCOMBE PARK and Rivalx Abbey, &c., a Description of, 
 8vo. ....... Kirbymoorside, 1812 
 DUNCUMB, John. 
 History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford, 2 vols. 
 4to Hereford, 1804-12 
 Continuation. By W. H. Cooke. Completion of 
 Vol. II., 4to. (Bound with Vol. II. of Preceding.) 
 Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the 
 County of Hereford. In continuation of Duncumb's His- 
 tory. Vol.111. ByW. H. Cooke. 4to. . Lond. 1882 
 DUNDONALD PEERAGE. Case on behalf of Thomas Barnes, 
 claiming to be Earl of Dundonald and Lord Cochrane of 
 Paseley and Ochiltree in the Peerage of Scotland, fol. ib. 
 DUNGLISON, Robley. Discourse in Commemoration of Peter 
 S. du Ponceau, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . . Philadelphia, 1844 
 Memoranda of Springhead and its Neighbourhood, 8vo. . 1848 
 The Archaeological Mine, part 7, 8vo. .... 1853 
 DUNKIN, E. H. W. 
 On the Megalithic Remains in Mid- Kent. (Tracts 61***). 
 8vo Lond. 1871 
 Some Account of the Megalithic Remains in South Dorset, 
 8vo. (Tracts 95***) ib. 1871 
 The Monumental Brasses of Cornwall. 62 plates, &c., 4to. 
 ib. 1882 
 DUNKIN, John. 
 Outlines of the History and Antiquities of Bromley in 
 Kent, 8vo Bromley, 1815 
 Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley, 4to. (2 vols. in 1) 
 Lond. 1823 
 The History and Antiquities of Dartford, 8vo. . . ib. 1844 
 DUNLOP, John. The History of Fiction, 3 vols. . . ib. 1814 
 DUNNO'S ORIGINALS, containing a History of the Antiquities of 
 Dunstable. From the original edition, by W. Nicholls, 
 12mo. ....... Dunstable, 1855 
 DUNRAVEN, the Earl of. 
 Memorials of Adare Manor. Privately printed, 4to. Oxford, 1865 
 On an Ancient Chalice and Brooches lately found at Ardagh, 
 Limerick, 4to. Dublin, 1874 
 Notes on Irish Architecture. Edited by Margaret Stokes. 
 Vols. i. and ii., 4to Lond. 1875-7 
 DUNSTABLE, Chronicon prioratus de, edited by T. Hearne, 2 vols. 
 8vo. . . . - . - . - . . . Oxford, 1733 
DUP DUR 209 
 Eulogium of Dr. Tilghman, 8vo. (Tracts 84) Philadelphia, 1827 
 On the Chinese System of Writing, 8vo. . . . ib. 1838 
 Du PONT, Alexandre. Roman de Mahomet en vers du xiii e . siecle 
 par Alexandre Du Pont et Livre de la Loi an Sarrazin en 
 prose du xiv e . siecle par Raymond Lulle. Publics par 
 MM. Reinaud et Michel, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1831 
 La Legende de St. Julienle Pauvre, 8vo. (Tracts 54*). 
 Poitiers, 1839 
 Essai sur les Monnaies frappees en Poitou, 8vo. . . ib. 1840 
 Second copy. 
 Sur I'Origine du Mot Maille, 8vo ib. 1840 
 Sur 1'Histoire Monetaire de la Normandie et du Perche, 8vo. 
 (Tracts M*) Paris, 1846 
 Essai sur Dom Rivet, 8vo. (Tracts 54*) . . Poitiers 
 Rapport sur la fa$ade de 1'Eglise Notre Dame de Poitiers, 
 8vo. (Tracts 54*) ib. 
 Sur les Billets de Confiance emis en Poitou pendant 1791-2, 
 8vo. (Tracts 54) ib. 
 Sur un denier de 1'Empereur Lothaire, 8vo. (Tracts 54*) Blois 
 Du POUGET, Ramond. Sur les Anciennes enceintes^ de Paris, 
 8vo Paris, 1818 
 DUPPA, Richard. 
 On Claims of Authors to Copyright (Tracts 144) London, 1813 
 Illustrations of the Lotus of Antiquity, 4to. . . ib. 1813 
 Travels on the Continent, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1829 
 Du PUT, Pierre. 
 Histoire des plus illustres favoris anciens et modernes. 
 Avec un journal de ce qui s'est passe a la mort du Mares- 
 chal d'Ancre, 4to. .... .Ley den, Elzevir, 1659 
 Traitez concernant 1'Histoire de France : S9avoir La Con- 
 damnation des Templiers ; 1'Histoire de Schisme ; Les 
 Papes tenant le Siege en Avignon; etc. Portrait, I2mo. 
 Paris, 1685 
 DURA, Raffaele. 
 Catalogi. 1. Collection Mylius de Genes. 2. Collezione 
 Tafuri di Castellaneta. 3. Catalogo di Monete de' Cava- 
 lieri di Malta. 4. 2 Catalogo del Museo Bartolomeo 
 Borghesi, 8vo Rome, 1879-80 
 Catalogo delle Monete Italiane medioevali e moderne, com- 
 ponenti la Collezione del Cav. Giancarlo Rossi di Roma, 
 8vo ib. 1880 
 Catalogue de la Collection Vertunni, 8vo. . . . ib. 18S1 
 4 Catalogo del Museo Bartolomeo Borghesi. Monete Greche 
 e Bizantine, 8vo. ... . Milan, 1881 
 DURAN, A. Arqueologia. Descripcion de un cuadro antiguo de 
 medio relieve, y en mosaico que posee D. Benito Malstre, 
 vecino de Madrid. (With drawing and MS. notes.) Fol. 
 Madrid, 1842-3 
210 DUR DWA 
 DURAND, Le Chevalier E. Description des Antiquites de son 
 Cabinet, 8vo. . . " . Paris, 1836 
 DURAND, J. N. L. Recueil et Parallele des Edifices en tout 
 genre, anciens et modernes. Plates, fol. . . Brussels, n.d. 
 DURANDUS, Gulielmus. 
 Rationale Divinorum Omciorum. B. L., fol. For bibliogra- 
 phical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue . n.p. [1486 ?] 
 Another edition. B.L., fol. For 'bibliographical details, see 
 MS. Ashpitel Catalogue .... Venice, 1487 
 Another edition, 4to. ...... Lyons, 1551 
 The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments ; a 
 Translation of the first book of the Rationale Divinorum 
 Officiorum. With Essay by J. M. Neale, and Benjamin 
 Webb, 8vo. . . . ' . . . . Leeds, 1843 
 Album Archeologique et Description des Monuments His- 
 toriques du Gard. (Bound ivith Aries Le Musee, iv., v., 
 Mmes.) 4to. ...... Nimes, 1853 
 Second copy. 
 DURFEY, Thomas. 
 A Pill to Purge State Melancholy ; or a collection of Excel- 
 lent New Ballads, sm. 8vo. .... Lond. 1715 
 The Comical History of Don Quixote, 12mo. . . ib. 1729 
 A View of the City of Durham, and its environs, 12mo. 
 Durham, 1813 
 A Brief Sketch of, Fourth edition, 8vo. . , . ib. 1865 
 DURHAM (and Northumberland). Handbook for Travellers in, 
 8vo. (Murray) Lond. 1864 
 DURHAM, Simeon of. De exordio Dunelmensis Ecclesie. Edidit 
 T. Bedford, 8vo ib. 1732 
 Du RIEU, W. N. De Portretten en het Testament van J. J. 
 Scaliger, 8vo. ...... Leyden, 1881 
 DURRICH, Hauptmann Yon, und Dr. Menzel. Die Heidengraber 
 am Lupfen (bei Overflacht), 4to. . . , Stuttgart, 1847 
 DUTENS, Louis. 
 Explication de quelques Medailles Grecques et Pheniciennes, 
 4to Lond. 1773 
 Explication de quelques Medailles Pheniciennes du Cabinet 
 de M. Duane, 4to. ib. 1774 
 DUTRIPON, F. P. Vulgatee Editionis Bibliorum Sacrorum Coii- 
 cordantiae ad recognitionem jussu Sixti Y. Pontif . Max. 
 Bibliis adhibitam recensita?, etc. Editio sexta, 4to. 
 Bar-le-Duc, 1875 
 DuVAL, P. La Geographic Francoise, contenant les descriptions, 
 les cartes, et le blason des Provinces de France. Plates, 
 12mo Paris, 1667 
 DWARRIS, Sir Fortunatus. 
 A General Treatise on Statutes, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1848 
 Some New Facts as to the Authorship of the Letters of 
 Junius, 4to. (Tracts 53) ib. 1850 
DWA EAR 211 
 DWARRIS, Sir Fortunatus continued. 
 Letter on the Condition and Prospects of the Society of 
 Antiquaries, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1852 
 A Letter to the Lord Chancellor on his Scheme for the 
 Consolidation of the Statute Law, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) ib. 1853 
 DWNN, Lewys. Heraldic Visitations of Wales 1586 and 1613, 
 edited by Sir S. B. Meyrick, 2 vols. 4to. . Llandovery, 1846 
 DYCE, Alexander. Strictures on Mr. Collier's new Edition of 
 Shakespeare, 1858, 8vo. .... Lond. 1859 
 DYCHE, Thomas. A new general English Dictionary. Ninth 
 edition, 8vo. . ib. 1758 
 DYDE, W. The History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury. Third 
 edition. With a sketch of Gloucestershire, 12mo. 
 Tewkesbury and Lond. 1803 
 DYER, Sir Edward. The Prayse of Nothing, 1585, reprint by 
 J. P. Collier, 4to. . . . . . Lond. 
 DYER, Thomas H. A History of the City of Rome, its struc- 
 tures and monuments, from its foundation to the end of 
 the Middle Ages, 8vo ib. 1865 
 DYKES, Oswald. English Proverbs, with moral reflexions, 8vo. ib. 1709 
 DYMOCK, T. F. On the Half-Crowns of Charles I. with the 
 " W " under the horse on the field of the obverse, 8vo. 
 (Numismatic Tracts.) 
 DYMOND, C. W., and the Rev. H. G. TOMKINS. Worlebury : an 
 Ancient Stronghold in the County of Somerset, 4to. 
 Bristol, 1886 
 DYMOND, Robert. 
 Early Records of the Society of Friends in Devonshire, 
 12mo Lond. 1873 
 "Things New and Old," concerning the Parish of Wide- 
 combe-in- the- Moor and its neighbourhood, 8vo. Torquay, 1876 
 Ancient Documents relating to the Civil History of Totnes, 
 8vo 1880 
 The Old Inns and Taverns of Exeter, 8vo 1880 
 The Manor of Cockington, 4to Exeter, 1882 
 DYSON, R. R. History of Tottenham High Cross, 8vo. Lond. 1792 
 E. J. Fumifugium, 4to ib. 1661 
 EADMER. Histories Novorum libri vi. Edited by J. Selden, fol. 
 ib. 1623 
 Second copy. 
 EARLE, John. 
 Microcosmography ; or, a Piece of the World discover'd in 
 Essays and Characters, 12mo ib. 1732 
 Gloucester Fragments, I. and II. Leaves in Saxon Hand- 
 writing on Saint Swithun, and Leaves from a Life in 
 Anglo-Saxon of S. Maria ^Egyptiaca. With photozinco- 
 ui-aphic facirniles. 4to. . . . . ib. 1861. 
 A Guide to the Knowledge of Bath, Ancient and Modern, 8vo. 
 ib. 1864 
212 EAR ECC 
 EARTHQUAKES. Modest Remarks upon the Bishop of London's 
 [Dr. Sherlock's] Letter concerning Earthquakes. By 
 one of the people called Quakers, 8vo. . . Lond. 1750 
 Second copy. 
 On certain swords inscribed " Edwardus, Prins Anglie," 8vo. 
 (Tracts 163) ib. 1873 
 Local Gleanings relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. 
 Parts i. to iii. 4to. .... Manchester, 18756 
 East Cheshire : Past and Present ; or, a History of the 
 Hundred of Macclesfield, 2 vols. 4to. ' . Lond. 1877, 80 
 Notes on the Life of Dr. John Hewytt ; beheaded on Tower 
 Hill, 1658, 8vo Manchester, 1877 
 The Will of Warden Huntingdon, 1458, 8vo. . . ib. 1886 
 A Lancashire Pedigree Case : or History of the Trials for 
 the Harrison Estates, 8vo. . . . Warrington, 1887 
 EASTBOURNE, The Guide to. New edition, 8vo. (Tracts 155*) 
 Eastbourne, 1860 
 EAST INDIA ASSOCIATION. Journal. Volume III., etc. Inprogress. 
 8vo Lund. 1869, etc. 
 EAST INDIA COMPANY, Catalogue of Library of the, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1845-51 
 EASTLAKE, Sir C. L. History of Oil Painting, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1847-69 
 EASTWOOD, Rev. J. History of Ecclesfield, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 EASTWOOD, T. S. B. Ivanhoe Land (Rotherham, County of York), 
 8vo. . . . . . * . Rutherham, 1865 
 EBEN, Caliduno. Sull' Arte di Scrivere appresso gli Arabi, 8vo. 
 .Rome, 1820 
 EBERS, Georg. Papyros Ebers: das Hermetische Buch liber die 
 Arzeneimittel, 2 vols. fol. .... Leipsic, 1875 
 Karl's Legacy, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Edinburgh, 1868 
 Merry Drollery Compleat, being Jovial Poems. Collected 
 by W. K, C. B., R. S., and J. G., Lovers of Wit, both 
 Parts, 1661, 1670, 1691, 8vo. . Boston (Lincolnshire), 1875 
 Westminster Drolleries, both Parts, of 1671, 1672, 8vo. 
 ib. 1875 
 Another copy. 
 Choyce Drollery. Songs and Sonnets of several Authors. 8vo. 
 ib. 1876 
 EBULO (Petrus D'). Carmen de Motibus Siculis, edidit S. 
 Engel, 4to Basle, 1746 
 EcCARD, Johann Georg. Veterum Monumentorum Quaternio, 
 fol Leipzig, 1720 
 ECCLES, J. H. Yorkshire Songs, 8vo. . . . Leeds, n.d. 
 the Commissioners appointed to enquire into their Practice 
 and Jurisdiction, fol. ..... Lond. 1832 
 stitution and Working of the Ecclesiastical Courts, 2 
 vols. fol. ib. 1883 
 Anthony a Wood. Vol I. (Life of Wood). [_No more 
 published.'] 8vo ....... Oxford, 1848 
 ECCLESIASTICS. A Vindication of the King's Sovereign Rights 
 over Ecclesiastical Persons, 8vo. . . Lond., about 1682 
 ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Report, 1847-8-9, 8vo. (Tracts 82) 
 29 vols. 8vo. Cambridge and Lond. 1842-G8 
 ECHARD, Laurence. 
 The History of England. From Julius Caesar to James IF., 
 1688. Third Edition, 2 vols. fol. . . . Lond. 
 The Gazetteer's, or Newsman's Interpreter. Being a Geo- 
 graphical Index. 15th Edition of the 1st Part. 8th 
 Edition of the 2nd Part. 12mo ..... ib. 
 ECKHEL, Joseph. 
 Doctrina Numorum Veterum, 8 vols. 4to. . Vienna, 1792-98 
 Addendo ad Eckhelii Doctrinam Numorum Veterum ex 
 ejusdem autographo postumo, 4to. .... ib. 
 ECTON, John. 
 Liber Valorum et Decimarum. Being an Account of the 
 Valuations of Yearly Tenths in England and Wales, &c., 
 8vo ........ 
 Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, 8vo. 
 EDEN, Sir F. M. State of the Poor, 3 vols. 4to. 
 EDEE, J. M. The Chemical Effect of the Spectrum. 
 by W. De W. Abney. 8vo. . 
 EDINBURGH. Charters of the Hospital of Soltre, 4to. 
 Club.} ....... 
 Extracts from the Astronomical Observations. By C. P. 
 Smyth, 4to. (Tracts 8) ...... ib. 
 . ib. 
 . ib. 
 Edinburgh, 1861 
 Report to the Visitors. By Prof. Piazzi Smyth, 4to. (T roots S.) 
 ib. 1852 
 Contributions to Lunar Physics. Report on the " Mare 
 Crisium and its Shores." (Tracts 8) ... ib. n.d. 
 Transactions. Vol. xxix., etc., 4to. In progress . ib. 1880, etc. 
 Proceedings. Vol. x., etc. 8vo. In progress . ib. 1880, etc. 
 List of Members, Council, Alphabetical List of Ordinary Fel- 
 lows, List of Honorary Fellows. November, 1883. 4to. 
 EDMONDS, Richard. Land's End District, 8vo. . . Lond. 1862 
 EDMONDSON, Joseph. 
 Baronagium Genealogicum, 6 vols. fol. . . ib. ] 764-s I- 
 Account of the family of Greville, 8vo. . . . ib. 17<'> 
 Complete body of Heraldry, 2 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1780 
 The Life and Death of the Merry Devil of Edmonton. 
 Edited by T. Brewer. (Bound with "Wonderful Dis- 
 coverie.'') Reprinted. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1819 
 - Second copy. 
 A curious and merry Story respecting Edmonton in Middle- 
 sex : A Ghost and the Quaker, 8vo. Reprint. Tottenham, 1843 
214 EDM EGY 
 EDMONTON INCLOSURE ACT, passed 9th July, 1800, fol. 
 EDON, Georges. Etudes Paleographiques. Restitution du Chant 
 dit des Freres Arvales. 8vo Paris, 1882 
 On Plan of Central University Examining Board, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) Loud. 1836 
 On Recent Measures for the Promotion of Education, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) . ib. 1839 
 EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. 1. La Estoirede Seint Aedward leRoi. 
 2. Vita B. Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. 3. Vita 
 ^Eduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasteriiim requiescit. 
 Edited by H. R. Luard, roy. 8vo ib. 1858 
 EDWARD I., Year Books of the Reign of. Edited by A. J. Hor- 
 wood, 2 vols. roy 8vo. . . . . . ib. 186364 
 EDWARDS, Edward, A.R.A. A practical Treatise of Perspec- 
 tive, 4to ib. 1803 
 EDWARDS, Edward, of Manchester. 
 A letter to B. Hawes, being strictures on the " Minutes of 
 Evidence " respecting the British Museum, 8vo. (Tracts 
 100) .... . . . . ib. 1836 
 The Napoleon Medals : a complete series of the Medals 
 struck in France, 1789-1830, 8vo ib. 1837 
 The Napoleon Medals, 1814-15, fol ib. 1837 
 EDWARDS, Edward, of Shrewsbury. Notes on the Castellated 
 Structures of Shropshire, 4to. . . Shrewsbury, 1858 
 EDWARDS, Henri Milne. Sur les resultats fournis par la 
 decouverte d'une machoire humaine, 4to. . Paris, 1863 
 EDWARDS, Morton. A Guide to Modelling in Clay and Wax, and 
 for Terra Cotta, 8vo Lond. 1879 
 EENENS, A. Sur la Fertilisation des Landes de la Campine, et 
 des Dunes. 8vo. ...... Brussels, 1849 
 EGERTON, F. H., 8th Earl of Bridgwater. 
 Evidences tending to illustrate the Life of Thomas Egerton, 
 Lord Ellesmere, fol Lund. 1801 
 Life of Lord Chancellor Egerton, 4to. (No title) Paris, 1812 
 Lettre de la Seigneurie de Florence au Pape Sixte II. 21 
 Juillet, 1478, 4to ib. 1814 
 Fragment of an Ode of Sappho, 8vo ib. 1815 
 First part of a Letter to the Parisians on Inland Navi- 
 gation, 8vo ib. 1818 
 Second part of the same Letter, 8vo. .... ib. 1820 
 EGERTON, Hon. Wilbraham. An Illustrated Handbook of Indian 
 Arms, 8vo. ... . Lond. 1880 
 EGGLESTONE,W.M. Stanhope Memorials of Bishop Butler, 8vo. ib. 1878 
 EGYPT. L'Institut Egyptien. Bulletin. Deuxieme Serie. No. 
 4. Annee 1883. 8vo Cairo, 1884 
 I. The Store- City of Pithom and the Route of the 
 Exodus. By Edouard Naville. Second edition, 4to. 
 Loud. 1885 
 II. Tanis. Part I., 1883-4. By W. M. Flinders Petrie, 
 4to. '. ib. 1885 
EGY ELL 215 
 Illustrations of Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. (TractfsQS) Bath, 1822 
 Two Sale Catalogues of Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. Lond. 1833 
 Sale Catalogues of Egyptian Antiquities, Salt, Burton 
 (priced) Athanasi, 8vo. ... ib. 1835-37 
 EGYPTIAN PRIESTS, Decree of, in honour of Ptolemy V. sur- 
 named Epiphanes (Tracts 69) .... . 1802 
 EGYPTIAN RELICS, from the Tomb of Queen Aah Hotep. (Fac- 
 similes.) Drawn by E. Kiddle. Described by S. Birch. 
 Obi. folio . ib. 1863 
 EICHENFELD, J. et ENDLICHER, S. Analecta Grammatica, Part 1, 
 4to. Vienna, 1836 
 EIKON BASILIKE RIKUV /3a<T<Xt/ny. The Pourtraicture of his 
 Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1648 
 EIKWV Ba<rc\fici/. Vel Imago Regis Carol! in illis suis 
 eerumnis et solitudine, 12mo. . . . The Hague, 1649 
 EISENLOHR, August. Ein mathematisches Handbuch der alten 
 Aegypter. (Papyrus Ehind des British Museum.) 4to. 
 and fol. ........ Leipsic, 1877 
 ELIAS DE TRICKINGHAM. Annales Eliae de Trickingham. Sub- 
 nectitur Compendium Compertorum, per Tho. Legh et 
 Ric. Lay ton.' Edidit S. Pegge. 4to. . . Lond. 1789 
 ELICH, Phil. Ludw. Daemonomagia. 12mo. . . Frankfort, 1607 
 ELIOT, John. 
 Bibliotheca Eliotse. Eliotis Librarie. Fol. . Lond. 1542 
 Bibliotheca Eliotee Eliotes Dictionarie the second tyme 
 enlarged, by T. Cooper, fol. (Berthelet) . . ib. 1552 
 .Hi die Conincginne. Een Verantwoordinghe, tegen een 
 Boecxken, het welck aldaer Secretelijckis Gedruckt, ende 
 haer Hoocheyt daer mede Belogen hedden, etc., sm. 4to. 
 Antwerp, 1580 
 Ordonnancie by de Coninghinne van Enghel-landt, om haer 
 ondersaeten in vrede te houden, teghen de Malcontenten, 
 sm. 4to 1580 
 Practical Remarks on Belfries and Ringers, 8vo. Lond. 1859 
 History and Antiquities of Clyst St. George, 4to. Exeter, 1865 
 Bells of the Church : a supplement to the " Church Bells of 
 Devon," 4to ib. 1872 
 The Church Bells of Somerset, to which is added an Olla 
 Podrida of Bell matters, 4to ib. 1875 
 The Church Bells of Gloucestershire, to which is added a 
 Budget of Bell matters, 4to ib. 1881 
 The History of the Parish of Bitton, in the county of Glou- 
 cester. Privately printed, 2 pts., 4to. . . ib. 1881-83 
 ELLEMEET, W. C. M. De JongeVan. 
 Museum Catsianum, 1839-1870, 4to. . . . Utrecht, 1870 
 Uittreksel uit het Museum Catsianum of de verzameling 
 der verschillende uitgaven van Jacob Cats's Werken, 4to. 
 Antwerp, 1873 
216 ELL ELL 
 ELLERY, Harrison. Pedigree of Ellery, of the United States of 
 America, 8vo. ....... Boston, 1881 
 ELLESMERE, Francis, Earl of. 
 Guide to Northern Archaeology, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1848 
 Address to the Geographical Society, 28th May, 1855, 8vo. 
 ib. 1855 
 ELLIOT, H. M. Bibliographical Index of Historians of India, 
 vol. i., 8vo Calcutta, 1849 
 ELLIOTT, Thomas. Remarks on the probable site of the British 
 City and Roman Station of Anderida ; and on the ancient 
 course of the River Rother, 12mo. .... Rye, 1877 
 ELLIS, A. J. 
 The only English Proclamation of Henry III. 1258, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1868 
 The English, Dionysian, and Hellenic Pronunciations of 
 Greek, considered in reference to School and College use, 
 8vo. ib. 1876 
 Extract from the Preface to W. W. Skeat's Chaucer in the 
 Clarendon Press Series, containing an Abstract of the 
 Results of the Investigations of A. J. Ellis into the Pro- 
 nunciation of Chaucer, sm. 8vo. For private circulation, ib. 1877 
 The History of Musical Pitch. For private circulation, 8vo. 
 ib. 1880 
 ELLIS, A. S., and G. W. TOMLINSON. Dodsworth's Yorkshire 
 Notes. The Wapentake of Agbrigg, transcribed by Mr. 
 Tillotson. 8vo ib. 1884 
 ELLIS, F. S. Horae Pembrochianse. Some Account of an Illu- 
 minated Manuscript of the Hours of the Blessed Virgin 
 Mary. Written for William Herbert, First Earl of Pem- 
 broke, about A.D. 1440, and enriched with 267 miniatures. 
 (50 copies privately printed}, fol. .... ib. 1880 
 ELLIS, G. E. Memoir of Jared Sparks, LL.D., 4to. 
 Cambridge (U.S.A.), 1869 
 ELLIS, George. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. 
 A new edition, revised by J. 0. Halliwell, 8vo. 
 Lond. (Bohn) 1848 
 ELLIS, Sir Henry. 
 History of St. Leonard Shoreditch, 4to. . . Lond. 1798 
 Original Letters illustrative of English History, first, 
 second, and third series, 11 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1825-46 
 General Introduction to Domesday Book, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1833 
 Account of Ceedmon's Metrical Paraphrase, 4to. . ib. 1833 
 ELLIS, Ph. 
 The first Sermon preached before their Majesties, in 
 English, at Windsor, 4to ib. 1686 
 Second Sermon preached before the King and Queen, and 
 Queen Dowager, in their Majesties' Chapel, at St. James's, 
 4to. . . ' . . ib. 1686 
 ELLIS, Robert. On Hannibal's passage of the Alps, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1853 
 ELLIS, W. S. A Plea for the Antiquity of Heraldry, 8vo. 
 (Tracts SI) . . . . Lond. 1853 
ELL EML 217 
 ELLISSEN, Adolf. Hans Holbein's Initial-Buchstaben, mit dem 
 Todtentanz, sm. 4to. .... Gottingen, 1849 
 ELMES, James. 
 Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christoper Wren. 
 (Portrait), 4to Lond. 1823 
 Metropolitan Improvements, 4to. . . . ib. 1827 
 ELMHAM, Thomas of. Vita Henrici V. Edited by T. Hearne, 
 8vo Oxford, 1727 
 ELOFFE et C ie . Natural History Catalogue, 8vo. . Paris, ISL-S 
 ELOGE de 1'Enfer. Ouvrage critique, historique, et morale. By 
 - Benard. 2 vols. 12mo La Haye, 1759 
 ELOGII. Collezione d'Elogii coi ritratti, fol. . . Palermo, 1766 
 ELSTOB, E. Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory, 8vo. Lond. 1709 
 ELTON, C. J. 
 The Tenures of Kent, 8vo ib. 1867 
 A Treatise on Commons and Waste Lands, 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 A Treatise on the Law of Copyholds and Customary Tenures 
 of Land, 8vo ib. 1874 
 Observations on the Bill for the Improvement of Commons, 
 1876, 8vo . . . ib. 1876 
 Custom and Tenant-right, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1882 
 Origins of English History, 8vo. .... ib. 1882 
 ELUCIDARIUS carminu et Historiaru, Vel Vocabularius poeticus, 
 cotines fabulas : historias : provincias : urbes, &c. Item 
 Vocabula et interpretations grecoru et hebraicoru : una 
 cu vocabulis comunibus Saracenor' in latinum translatis. 
 (Bound with "Vocabularius" and " Piniciani.") Haguenau, 1510 
 Statutes of the Collegiate Church, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1817 
 A Guide to the Cathedral, 8vo. . . . Cambridge, 1824 
 Archaeological Guide to the Cathedral, 8vo. (Tracts 74) 
 Bury St. Edmunds, 1851 
 ELWELL, W. 0. Dictionary. Pt. 1. English and German. Pt. 2. 
 German and English, 8vo. . . . Brunswick, 1853 
 ELWES, D. G. C. 
 Notes on Calverton Manor, county Buckingham, 8vo. . 1880 
 Bedford and its neighbourhood: notes on objects of inte- 
 rest, &c., 8vo Bedford, 1881 
 ELWES, D. G. C., and C. J. ROBINSON. A History of the Castles, 
 Mansions, and Manors of Western Sussex. Part I., 4to. 
 Lond. and Lewes, 1876 
 EMANUEL HOSPITAL, Westminster, Report of, fol. . Loud. 1.844 
 EMERSON, G. R. Guide to the South Eastern Railway, 8vo. ib. 
 EMIGRATION SOCIETY, National Colonial. 
 Emigration to N. America, Australia, &c. Edited by John 
 Bate, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) ib. 1862 
 Importance of Emigration, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . . ib. 1863 
 Report of Public Meeting, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . . ib. 1863 
 EMILIANI-GIUDICI, PAOLO. The Writings of Dante Alighieri, 8vo. 
 For private circulation. ...... ib. 1874 
 EMLYN, Henry. Propositions for a New Order of Architecture, 
 fol. Lond. 1797 
218 EMM ENG 
 EMMETT, Henry. Sale Catalogue of his Library, &c., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 129) Loud. 1757 
 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Eighth edition, 4to. Edinburgh, 1860 
 Antiquites, Mythologie, Diplomatique des Chartres, et Chro- 
 nologic, 5 vols. 4to. 1793 
 Dictionnaire de toutes les especes de Chasses, 4to. 
 Paris j I'an III. 1795 
 ENFIELD INCLOSURE ACT, 41 Geo. III., fol 1801 
 ENFIELD, William. An Essay towards the History of Leverpool. 
 From Papers by G. Perry, fol. . . Warring ton, 1773 
 ENGELHARDT, C. Denmark in the early Iron Age, 4to. Lond. 1866 
 Kragehul Mosefund. 1751-1865. Et Overgangsfund 
 mellem den JEldre Jernalder og Mellem-Jernalderen, 4to. 
 Copenhagen, 1867 
 Guide Illustre du Musee des Antiquites du Nord a Copen- 
 hague, 8vo ib. 1868 
 L'Ancien Age de Fer en Selande et dans la partie orientale 
 du Danemark : les Sepultures a Squelettes. Traduit par 
 E. Beauvois, 8vo. ib. 1880 
 ENGELMANN, Wilhelm. 
 Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum, 8vo. 
 Cambridge and Leipzig, 1847-53 
 Seventh edition, 8vo. . . Leipzig, 1858 
 Articuli Pacis inter Carolum II. Magnse Britanniee Regem 
 et Ordines Generales Foederatarum Belgii Provinciarum 
 conclusee, 4to. ...... The Hague, 1667 
 Reflections upon our late and present Proceedings, 4to. 
 Lond. 1689 
 British Curiosities in Art and Nature of each County, 
 8vo ib. 1721 
 Critical History, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1726 
 History of the late important period from His Majesty's ill- 
 ness to the appointment of a Regent, 8vo. . . ib. 1789 
 Tour through South of England, Wales, and Ireland, 8vo. 
 ib. 1793 
 A History of England, in which it is intended to consider 
 Men and Events on Christian principles. By a Clergv- 
 man of the Church of England, 7 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1828-39 
 Annals of England, 3 vols. 12mo. . . . ib. 1855-57 
 ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Map of England and Scotland, in the 
 Bodleian Library ; about, A.D. 1300 (PJiotozincographed. 
 With account by W. B. Sanders), fol. . Southampton, 1875 
 ENGLAND, Scotland, and Ireland, Act for the settlement of the 
 Government of. (Facsimile reprint.) For private circula- 
 tion, fol. . Lond. 1867 
 ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND, the Wars in ; or, an Account 
 of all the Battles, Sieges, &c., from 1625 to 1660. 
 (Plates.) 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1681 
ENG EPH 219 
 Tables of Comet of 1661, at return 1789, 4to. (Tracts 8) 
 Lond. 1788 
 On the Orbits of Comets, 4to ib. 1793 
 Walk through Southampton, 4to. . . Southampton, 1801 
 , 8vo. ib. 1805 
 Life of Joseph Windham, 8vo. (Tracts 58) . <, ib. 1810 
 Showing the Etymological derivation of the English Tongue, 
 12mo Lond. 1691 
 - On Historical Principles ; founded mainly 
 on the Materials collected by the Philological Society. 
 Edited by James A. H. Murray, 4to. In progress. 
 Oxford, 1884, etc. 
 ENGLISH- SAXON HOMILY on the Birthday of St. Gregory. Giving 
 an account of the Conversion of the English from 
 Paganism to Christianity. Translated by Eliz. Elstob, 
 8vo ib. 1709 
 ENGLISH, H. S. A Light on the Historians and on the History 
 of Crowland Abbey. With an Account of Burgh (now 
 Peterborough) in the time of the History which is called 
 the Ingulfus, 3 vols. 8vo Lond. 1868-71 
 ENGEAVEES, SOCIETY OF. Rules, Orders, and Regulations, 8vo. 
 ib. 1804 
 ENNIUS, Quintus. Fragmenta quas supersunt, ad editionem 
 Neopolitanam MDXC. recusa, accurante Hesselio, 4 to. 
 Amsterdam, 1707 
 ENTRIES de Marie d'Angleterre femme de Louis XII. a Abbeville 
 et a Paris, publiees par Hipp. Cocheris, 8vo. (Tracts 59.) 
 Paris, 1859 
 Ephemerides Persarum per totum annum juxta Epochas 
 celebriores Orientis, Alexandream, Christi, &c. Nunc 
 Latine versae et Y. Commentariorum libris illustrates 
 a M. F. Beckio, fol Augsburg, 1696 
 Ephemeris Joannis Schoneri Carolopolitani Franci pro anno 
 domini MDXXXIL, 4to. .... Nuremberg, n.d. 
 Wing's Ephemerides, from 1652 to 1658, 4to. . Lond. 1652-58 
 Wing's Ephemeris for 30 years together, with his Compn- 
 tatio Catholica, 1 2mo ib. 1669 
 Gadbury's Ephemerides, from 1672 to 1701, 4to. . ib. 1672-1701 
 Parker, Partridge, Wing, White, Ac., 1722-1834, 15 vols. 
 12mo ib. 1722-1834 
 White's Ephemerides, from 1776 to 1845, 6 vols. 12mo. 
 ib. 1776-1845 
 The Prophetic Messenger. By Raphael. From 1829-47, 3 
 vols. 12mo ib. 1829-47 
 Zadkiel's Astronomical Ephemeris, 1847-64, 8vo. . i b. 1847-64 
 EPHEM KRIS EPIGEAPHICA, Corporis Inscriptionum Latinarum. Sup- 
 plementum, edita jussu Instituti Archeeologici Romani. 
 Vols. 1-6, 8vo. . . . Rome and Berlin, 1872, etc. 
 EPHEAEMIUS. Edited by J. Bekker, 8vo. . . . Bonn, 1840 
220 EPI ESS 
 EPIGRAMMATA ET POEMATIA VETERA, quorum pleraque ex antiquis . 
 codicibus et lapidibus, emendatiora eduntur 
 Lugduni apud J. Chouet, 1596 
 EPISCOPUS PUERORUM in Die Innocentium, or, a Discovery of an 
 Ancient Custom in the Church of Sarurn, making an 
 Anniversary Bishop among the Choristers. By the Rev. 
 John Gregory, sm. 4to. ..... Lond. 1683 
 EPISTOL^: Obscurorum Yirorum, tertio volumine auctae. (Por- 
 traits) ........ Londini, n.d. 
 EPISTOLOGRAPHI GR^CI recensuit Hercher, 8vo. . Paris (Didot), 1873 
 Ascertained without Astronomical Tables, 8vo. (Tracts 90) 
 Lond. 1770 
 Compendious Way of Finding, 8vo. (Tracts 90) 
 ERASMUS, Desiderius. 
 Adagiorum Chiliades quatuor et sesquicenturia. Ad haec H. 
 Stephani animadversiones, fol. .... Lyons, 1559 
 Encomium Moriae. E d it io quarto. (Bound with " Disserta- 
 tionum . . . Scriptores.") 12mo. . . . Leyden, 1622 
 Moriae Encomium ; or, a Panegyrick upon Folly. Done 
 into English, and Illustrated by Hans Holbeine, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1709 
 Colloquia nunc emendatiora, 12mo. Amstelodami (Elzevir) 1662 
 Proverbs from Erasmus, with Explanations, &c. By R. 
 Bland. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo Oxford, 1814 
 Pilgrimages to Saint Mary of Walsingham and Saint 
 Thomas of Canterbury, with the colloquy on rash vows, 
 and the characters of Archbishop Warham and Dean 
 Colet. Newly translated, with Notes, by J. G. Nichols. 
 Second edition. 8vo Lond. 1875 
 ERDESWICKE, Sampson. Survey of Staffordshire, 8vo. . ib. 1717 
 ERDMAN, J. F. Chemische Untersuchung des Salzwassers im 
 Elton und Bogda See, 8vo. (Tracts 108) St. Petersburg, 1819 
 ERICUS, Johannes. Antiquitates Septentrionales, 12mo. Hafnice, 1769 
 ERIKSEN, Wilhelm. Les ^changes Internationaux, litteraires et 
 scientifiques, 1832-1880, 8vo. . , . . Paris, 3880 
 ERNULPHUS, Bishop of Rochester. Textus Roffensis. Edited by 
 T. Hearne, 8vo Oxford, 1720 
 EROTICT SCRIPTORES. Parthenius ; Achilles Tatius ; Longns ; 
 Xenophon Ephesins; Heliodorus ; Chariton ; Antonius 
 Diogenes; Jamblichus ; Eumathius ; Apollonius Tyrius; 
 Nicetas Eugenianus, 8vo. . . . Paris, Didot, 1856 
 ESHOLT in Airedale, The Cistercian Priory of St. Leonard at, 
 sm. 4to Lond. 1866 
 ESPOLTN, John. Nogle Bemaerkninger ved Dr. P. E. Miiller's 
 Saga-Bibliothek. 8vo. .... Copenhagen, 1829 
 ESQUIMAUX. Kaladlit Assilialiait, or Woodcuts, drawn and en- 
 graved by Greenlanders, 4to. 
 Ess, Leander Van, Sammlung und Verzeichniss Handschrift- 
 licher Biicher welche besitzt, 8vo. . . Darmstadt, 1823 

 ESS ETH 221 
 Excursions in the County, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1818-19 
 Particulars of the Estate of St. Osyth's Priory, fol. ib. 1858 
 ESSEX ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. In progress. 
 Colchester, 1858, etc. 
 KSSKX, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire, Handbook for, 
 8vo. Lond. (Murray), 1870 
 Historical Collections. Vols. i.-viii., 4to . Salem, 1859-65 
 Second series. 8vo. Vols. ix. etc. In 
 progress . . . . . . . . ib. 1869, etc. 
 Proceedings. Vol. v. Nos. v., vi., vii., viii. 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 Bulletin. Vol. i., etc. In progress, 1869. 8vo. ib. 1870, &c. 
 Proceedings and Communications. Vol. v., Nos. 5-8, and 
 Vol. vi., No. 1. 8vo ib. 1867-70 
 The Weal-Real Essex Institute Fair, 4to. . . ib. 1860 
 New England Congregationalism. By D. A. White. 8vo. 
 ib. 1861 
 Historical Notice of the Essex Institute, 8vo. . . ib. 1865 
 Visitors' Guide to Salem, 12mo. .... ib. 1880 
 ESSEX, Alfred. On Painting in Enamel, 8vo. (Tracts 81) 
 Lond. 1837 
 ESSEX, Robert, Earl of. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library. Misc. iv.) 8vo. Blackburn, 1872 
 ESSEX, Walter, Earl of. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library. Misc. iv.) 8vo. . . ib. 1872 
 Antiguidades de Mafra on Relacao Archeologica dos carac- 
 teristicos relatives aos povos que senhorearam aquelle 
 territorio antes da Institui9ao da Monarchia Portu- 
 gueza, 4to. ....... Lisbon, 1879 
 A Tabula de Bronze de Aljustrel. Memoria, 4to. . ib. 1880 
 ESTANCELIN, L. Recherches sur les Navigateurs Normands, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1832 
 The Dogmatic Teaching of the Book of Common Prayer 
 on the subject of the Holy Eucharist, 8vo. . Lond. 1868 
 The Question of Anglican Ordinations discussed, 8vo. ib. 1873 
 ESTCOURT, E. E., and J. O. Payne. The English Catholic Non- 
 jurors of 1715, 8vo. . . . Lond. [1885] 
 ESTIENNE, H. L' Introduction au Traite de la Conformite des 
 merueilles anciennes auec les modernes, ou Traite Pre- 
 paritif a 1' Apologie pour Herodote, 8vo. . . n.p. 1582 
 ESTORFF, Karl Von. 
 Brief an Herrn Professor E. Desor, 8vo. . . Zurich, 1869 
 - Second copy. 
 ESTRANGIN, Jean-Julien. fitudes Archeologiques. Historiques, 
 et Statistiques sur Aries, 8vo. .... Aix, 1838 
 ETCHING CLUB, THE ANTIQUARIAN. Publications. Vols. i., ii. 4to. 
 Lond, 1849-51 
 ETHEREDGE. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of. 
 Privately printed. 8vo. ...... ib. 1873 
222 ETH EUR 
 Journal, Papers from. Vols. i. and ii. (all that remains of 
 these volumes). 8vo. ..... Lond. 1844-50 
 Journal. Yols. iii. and iv. 8vo. . . . ib. 1854-56 
 Transactions. Yols. i.-vii., New Series. 8vo. . ib. 1861-69 
 Journal. (Misc. series.) Yols. i. and ii. 8vo. ib. 1869-70 
 List, 1855, 8vo. (Tracts 114) . . . ib. 1855 
 Regulations, 1855, 8vo. (Tracts 114) . . . ib. 1855 
 Address, 25th May, 1855, by Dr. John Conolly, with a 
 Sketch of the Progress of Ethnology by Richard Cull, 
 8vo. (Tracts 114) . . . . ' . . . ib. 1855 
 ETON. Registrum Regale. Edited by J. Pote. 4to. Eton, 1774 
 ETONIAN, The. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1822 
 ETTINGSHAUSEN, A. R. Yon. Die Principien der Heutigen Physik, 
 4to. (Tracts 31) Vienna, 
 ETYMOLOGICUM MAGNUM GRJECUM. Editio princeps, fol. For biblio- 
 graphical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue . Venice, 1499 
 EYXOAOriON TO MEFA Uepi^ov ra? TWJ/ eTrra 'M.vff-rrjpitw 
 'A/coXou0<a9, K.T.X. Woodcuts. 8vo. . . . ib. 1839 
 Ei'/cXet^of 2Totxetwj>/3t/3A,. <e eic TUOV 0etuj/ov avvovancv. Adjecta 
 prsefatiuncula, &c. Fol. ..... Basle, 1533 
 Euclidis Elementorum Geometricorum libri xiii. Ex tradi- 
 tione Nasidirini Tusini nunc primum Arabice impressi. 
 (Title page wanting.) Fol. .... Rome, 1594 
 Euclidis quse supersunt omnia. Ex recensione D. Gregorii. 
 Fol Oxford, 1703 
 EUING, W. C. Notices of Norwich Merchant Marks, 8vo. 
 Norwich, 1851 
 Haydon. 3 vols. roy. 8vo Lond. 1858-63 
 EUONYMOUS. The Treasure of Euonymous, conteyninge the 
 wonderfull hid secretes of nature, &c. Translated out of 
 Latin by Peter Morwyng, 4to. . ib. (John Dail) n.d. 
 Hippolytus Stephanephorus, Gr. et Lat. Edited by F. H. 
 Egerton, 4to Oxford, 1796 
 Nos. 9 to 13, of Addenda, 4to. (With "Lettres au Pope 
 Sixte") ib. 1821 
 Tragoediae. Ex nova recognitione Matthiae. (Text.) 2 vols. 
 Oxon, 1821 
 Notse in Euripidis Tragcedias, textui Matthiaeano accommo- 
 dates, 2 vols Lond. 1828 
 Fragmenta, 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1846 
 Fabulas, 8vo ib. Didot, 1857 
 EUROPAE seu Chartae itinerariae quo pacto intelligi debeat. 
 Sammaria instructio unacum indice. Sm. 4to. 
 Strasburg (per Joannem, Grieninger), 1527 
 EUROP^US, D. E. D. Die finnisch-ungarischen Sprachen und die 
 Urheimath des Menschengeschlechtes, 8vo. Helslngfors, n.d. 
 EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, 1782-1825, vols. 1 to 87, 8vo. . Lond. 
EUS EVA 223 
 EUSEBIUS. Historia ecclesiastica libri novem ex Rufini inter- 
 pretatione. Accedunt decimus et undecimus ab ipso 
 Rufino conscript!. For bibliographical details, see MS. 
 Ashpitel Catalogue. Fol. . . Mantua (Schallus), 1479 
 EUSEBIUS, SOCRATES, and EVAGRIUS. The Ancient Ecclesiastical 
 Histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, 
 Translated out of Greek by Meredith Hanmer. Fourth 
 edition. Hereunto is added Eusebius, his Life of Con- 
 stantine, in foure bookes, with Constantino's Oration to 
 the Cleargie. Fol Lond. 1636 
 EUTROPIUS. Opera. Yalpy's edition. 8vo. . . ib. 1821 
 EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. Vols. ii. to xxx. and i. to xvi. new 
 series, 8vo ib. 1794-1838 
 fivANGiLES. Les Evangiles des Quenouilles. Nouvelle edition. 
 Avec preface, glossaire, &c. 16mo. . . Pam, 1855 
 EVANS, A. B. Leicestershire Words, Phrases, and Proverbs, 
 12mo Lond. 1848 
 EVANS, A. J. Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on foot 
 during the Insurrection, 1875, 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 EVANS, Edward. Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib, it. d. 
 EVANS, G. W. D. The Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily, 
 with an Appendix containing an Abridged Translation of 
 Lanzi's Storia Pittorica, 3 vols. 8vo. . . , ib. 1835 
 EVANS, John, F.S.A. 
 An Essay on the Date and Origin of British Coins. 
 (" Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo ib. 1849 
 On some Coins of the Empress Matilda, Queen of England. 
 (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. . . . ib. 1851 
 Remarks on the British Coins attributed to Dubnovellaunus. 
 (" Numismatic Tracts") 8vo ib. 1851 
 Excavations of Roman Villas at Box Moor, Herts, folio. 
 ib. 1853 
 On the Coins of Cunobeline with the Legend " Tasciovani 
 F." (" Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. . . . ib. 1855 
 Errors respecting the Coinage of the Ancient Celtic Kings 
 of Britain. (" Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 On the Attribution of certain Ancient British Coins to 
 Addedomaros, a supposed Prince of the Iceni. (" Numit- 
 matic Tracts.") 8vo ib. 1856 
 Notes on the Jewish Coinage as Exemplified in the "Re- 
 cherches sur la Numismatique Judaique " of M. F. De 
 Saulcy. (" Numismatic Tracts") 8vo. . . . ib. 1858 
 Account of Coins found at Verulam. (Tracts 102.) 8vo. 
 ib. 1859 
 Account of British Coins found at Frome,8vo. (Tr acts 102) ib. 1861 
 The Coins of the Ancient Britons, 8vo. . . ib. 1864 
 On the Forgery of Antiquities, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) . ib. 1865 
 Coins of Archbishops Jaenberht and ^Ethilheard, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61***) ib. 1865 
224 EVA EVA 
 EVANS, John, F.S.A. continued. 
 On a Hoard of Roman Coins found in the Mendip Hills in 
 1865. ("Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. 
 British Association for the Advancement of Science, Liver- 
 pool, 1870. An Address delivered in the Department of 
 Ethnology and Anthropology. 8vo. (Tracts 95***) Lond. 1870 
 The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments 
 of Great Britain, 8vo ib. 1872 
 On the Alphabet and its Origin, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) ib. 1872 
 Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological 
 Society, 8vo ib. 1875 
 The Coinage of the Ancient Britons and Natural Selection, 
 8vo ib. 1875 
 Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological 
 Society, 1876, 8vo. ... . ib. 1876 
 Note on a Proposed International Code of Symbols for use 
 on Archaeological Maps, 8vo. . ... ib. 1876 
 Petit Album de 1'Age du Bronze de la Grande Bretagne, 
 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 The Ancient Bronze Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments 
 of Great Britain and Ireland, 8vo. .... ib. 1881 
 A Few Words on Tertiary Man, 8vo. . . . n.p. [1881] 
 On Portions of a Cranium and a Jaw in the Slab containing 
 the Fossil Remains of the Archseopteryx, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 s. d.. or the Origin of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, 8vo. 
 ib. 1882 
 Unwritten History, and how to read it. A Lecture to the 
 Working Classes. 8vo ib. [1882] 
 Address at the Meeting of the Royal Society, 8vo. . ib. 1884 
 A Gold Solidus of Louis le Debonnaire, 8vo. . . ib. 1884 
 Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Hertfordshire 
 Natural History Society, 8vo Hertford, 1885 
 Anniversary Address to the Numismatic Society of London, 
 June 18, 1885, 8vo Lond. 1885 
 Discovery of Anglo-Saxon Coins at White Horse, near 
 Croydon. (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. 
 Note upon two unpublished Saxon Pennies. (Vol. 
 " Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. 
 On a Barbarous Coin or Amulet of Helena, the Mother of 
 Constantine. (Vol. "Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. 
 Remarks on the Coins of Cunobeline and of the Ancient 
 Britons. (Vol. " Numismatic Tracts.") 8vo. 
 The Short-Cross Question. (Vol. "Numismatic Tracts.") 
 EVANS, John, LL.D. Richmond and its Vicinity, 12mo. 
 Richmond, 1824 
 EVANS, John, M.A. 
 Picture of Worthing, 12mo. .... Lond. 1805 
 The Picture of Bristol, or a Guide to the Objects of Interest 
 in Bristol, Clifton, &c., including biographical notices of 
 eminent natives. Second edition. 8vo. . . Bristol, 1818 
EVA EXH 225 
 EVANS, W. Sloane. Grammar of British Heraldry, 8vo.. Lond. 1847 
 EVELYN, John. 
 Sculptura, or History of Chalcography, 8vo. . . ib. 1062 
 8vo. . . ib. 1755 
 Mundus Muliebris ; with the Fop Dictionary, 4to. . ib. 1690 
 Numismata, a Discourse on Medals, fol. . . . ib. 1697 
 Memoirs of, comprising his Diary. Edited by W. Bray, 2 
 vols. 4to. ib. 1818 
 Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Edited by the Bishop of. Oxford, 8vo. 
 ib. 1847 
 Diary and Correspondence. With his Private Correspon- 
 dence between King Charles I. and Sir Edward Nicolas, 
 and between Sir Edward Hyde and Sir Richard Browne. 
 Edited by W. Bray. (A new edition, enlarged.) 4 vols. 
 ib. 1850-52 
 EVERARD, Edmund. Depositions concerning the Popish Plot, 
 fol . . ib. 1679 
 EVERETT, Edward. 
 Orations and Speeches, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Boston, Mass. 1850 
 Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1859 
 A Memorial of Edward Everett, from the city of Boston, 4to. 
 ib. 1865 
 EWALD, A. C. Our Public Records. A Brief Handbook to the 
 National Archives, 8vo Lond. 1873 
 EWALD, P. Die Papstbriefe der Brittischen Sammlung, XI. u. XV. 
 8vo. ......... n.p. n.d. 
 EXCERPTA HISTORICA, 8vo Lond. 1831 
 A Collection of Acts, Ordinances, and Orders relating 
 to the Excise, fol . . ib. 1655 
 An Additional Act for the Better Improvement of the 
 Receipts of the Excise, fol. . . . . . ib. 1657 
 Book of Values of Merchandise according to which Excise 
 is to be paid, fol ib. 1657 
 EXCURSION. An Excursion from Jericho to the Ruins of the 
 Ancient Cities of Geraza and Amman, in the Country 
 east of the River Jordan, 8vo. .... ib. 1851 
 Transactions, vols. i. to vi. 4to. . . . Exeter, 1843-61 
 Transactions, second series, 4to. In progress . ib. 1867, etc. 
 Index to Transactions, vols. i. to vi., 4to. 
 Annual Report, 1845, 4to . ib. 1845 
 Sheet No. 4. Rough Notes of Churches in the Deanery of 
 Dunkeswell and part of Tiverton. (Broadsheet table folded 
 in fours.) 4to. ....... ib. 1846 
 Official Catalogue, 4to Lond. 1851 
 Reports by the Juries, with a separate Copy of that of 
 Class X., 8vo. (Tracts 31) ib. 1851 
 Reports of the Juries, 8vo ib. 1852 
 Second Report of the Commissioners, 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 Third Report of the Commissioners, 8vo. . . . ib. 1856 
226 EXH FAB 
 EXHIBITION OF 1851 continued. 
 Reprint from the " Globe," 8vo. (Tracts 101) , Lond. 1859 
 EXPLANATION. An explanation of the First, Second, and Third 
 Heats of the European Races, and .of the Hieroglyphicall 
 Frontispiece thereto prefixed. To which is added, Fee, 
 Fan, Fum. By the Political Club. 8vo. . . ib. 1740 
 EYSTON, of East Hendred, co. Berks. (For private circulation.} 
 4to ib. 1875 
 EYTON, Charlotte. Notes on the Geology of North Shropshire, 
 Anon., small 8vo. ....... ib. 1869 
 EYTON, J. W. K. Catalogue of his Library, 4to. . ib. 1848 
 EYTON, R. W. 
 An Account of Wenlock Priory, 8vo. (Tracts 74) Tenby, 1853 
 Antiquities of Shropshire, vols. i. to xii. 8vo. * ib.. 1854-60 
 Review of, from Archaeological Journal, 
 8vo. (Tracts 70) . . . . . . , ib. 1855 
 The Houses of Fitz-Alan and Stuart : .their Origin and 
 Early History, 8vo. (Tracts 70) . . .. ib. 1856 
 On Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire, 8vo. (Tracts 70) Lond. 1858 
 The Castles of Shropshire, 4to , ib. 1860 
 Court, Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II., 4to. 
 Lond. and Dorchester, 1878 
 A Key to Domesday. Showing the Method of its Mensu- 
 ration, <fcc. Exemplified by an Analysis of the Dorset 
 Survey. 4to. . . . ., . * . , . ib. 1878 
 Domesday Studies. An Analysis of the Somerset Survey, 
 and of the Somerset Gheld Inquest of A.D. 1084, as col- 
 lated with Domesday, 2 vols., 8vo. . Lond. and Bristol, 1880 
 Domesday Studies. An Analysis of the Staffordshire 
 Survey, 4to. ,. ,. . . ,. . ,. Lond. 1881 
 FABBRONI, Adamo. 
 Del Bombice e del Bisso degli Antichi, 8vo. .. Perugia, 1782 
 Delia Farfalla, .Simbolo Egiziano, 4to. . . Florence, 1783 
 Dell' Ariete Gutturato, 8vo ib. 1792 
 Simulacro di Venere illustrate, 8vo. (Tracts 142) . ib. 1796 
 Sopra una dubbia Statua del Museo capitolino, 8vo. . ib. 1799 
 Delia Gemma Ossidiana, 8vo. . .. . . ib. n.d. 
 FABRETTI, Raphael. Inscriptionum Antiquarum Explicatio, fol. 
 Rome, 1702 
 FABEICIUS, Everhardus. Gloria FuldaD. Vitse et res gestse 
 Abbatum Fuldensium, 8vo. (Bound with " Kipping.") 
 Giessen, 1655 
 Bibliotheca Greeca, 4 vol. 4to. . . Hamburg, 1705-11 
 Salutaris Lux Evangelii toti orbi per Divinam Gratiam 
 exoriens ; sive Notitia Historico-Chronologica Propagato- 
 rum per orbem totum Christianorum Sacrorum. 4to. ib. 1731 
 Bibliographia Antiquaria. Edited by P. Schaffhausen, 
 4to. . ib. 1760 
FAB FAL 227 
 FABRONI, Angelo. 
 Laurentii Medicis Magnifici Yita, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. Pisa, 1784 
 Antichi Yasi fittili Aretini, 8vo. .... Arezzo, 1841 
 FABYAN, Robert. Cronycle, 2 vols. in 1, fol. . . Lond. 1533 
 FACCIOLATI, Jacobus. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Edidit 
 s Forcellinus, 4 vols. fol. . . . Padua, 1771 
 FACETIARUM, hoc est Joco-Seriornm fasciculus novus, 
 12mo. . . Pathopoli (apud Gelastinum Severum), 1645 
 FAGEL, Mijn Heer. A Letter giving an account of the Prince 
 and Princess of Orange's thoughts of the Test and Penal 
 Laws, 4to. ...... Amsterdam, 1688 
 FAIL, Noel du. Propos Rustiques, Balivernes, Contes, et Dis- 
 cours d' Eutrapel. Edition annotee par Marie Guichard. 
 18mo Paris, 1856 
 FAIR, GEORGE. Tables of Ancient Money, &c., obi. 4to. Lond. 1797 
 FAIR, Peter. A Description of Bishop Auckland ; with a brief 
 Account of the Bishops of Durham since the restoration. 
 12mo Bishop Auckland, 1820 
 FAIRBAIRN, James. Crests of the Families of Great Britain and 
 Ireland. Revised by L. Butters. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. and New York, n.d. 
 FAIRBANK, F. R. Roche Abbey, and the Cistercian Order, 8vo. 
 [Lincoln, 1886] 
 FAIRFAXES, Genealogy of the. Edited by C. R. Markham. 8vo. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 FAIRFORD CHURCH, The History of . Twenty-second edition, 12mo. 
 Cirencester, 1841 
 Miscellanea Graphica; works of Art in LordLondesborough's 
 collection, fol. . . . . . . . Lond. 1857 
 Tobacco, its History and Associations, 12mo. . ib. 1859 
 Gog and Magog, 12mo ib. 1859 
 Illustrated Catalogue of Plate collected by Lord Londes- 
 borough, 4to ib. 1860 
 Costume in England. From the earliest period to the close 
 of the Eighteenth Century. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1860 
 Third Edition. Enlarged and thoroughly 
 revised by the Hon. H. A. Dillon, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1885 
 Homes, Haunts, and Works of Rubens, Yandyke, Rem- 
 brandt, and Cuyp; the Dutch genre-painters; Michael 
 Angelo, and Raffaelle. Being a series of Art- Rambles in 
 Belgium, Holland, and Italy. Sm. 4to. . . . ib. 1871 
 Rambles of an Archaeologist among old books and in old 
 places : being Papers on Art, &c. (Illustrated.) 4to. ib. 1871 
 FAIRY TALES. Le Grand Cabinet des Fees. Par Perrault, M me8 - 
 Le Prince de Beaumont et d' Aulnoy, &c. (Woodcuts.) 
 12mo. ........ Paris , n.d. 
 FALCONER, Thomas. 
 An Answer to Mr. Falconer on the Assumption of Surnames 
 without Royal Licence, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1863 
228 FAL FAS 
 FALCONER, Thomas continued. 
 The Families of Dalmahoy of Dalmahoy and of Falconer. 
 Privately printed. Roy. Svo. ..... n.p. n.d. 
 List of County Court Judges, and Note on the Abolition of 
 certain Franchise Goals. Roy. 8vo. . . Lond. 1865 
 On the Validity of Certain Marriages, Svo. . .n.p. n.d. 
 (These three tracts are bound in one.) 
 The Family of Dalmahoy of Dalmahoy, Ratho, county of 
 Edinburgh. Privately printed. Svo. . . Lond. n.d. 
 FALCONER, William. Dissertation on St. Paul's Voyage from 
 Csesarea to Puteoli ; and on his Shipwreck on the Island 
 Melite. Third edition, with Notes by T. Falconer, Svo. 
 ib. 1872 
 FALKENER, Edward. 
 The Museum of Classical Antiquities, complete in 1 vol., 
 8vo ib. 1855 
 Daedalus ; or the causes and principles of the excellence of 
 Greek Sculpture, 8vo ib. 1860 
 On the Hypsethron of Greek Temples, Svo. . . ib. 1861 
 Ephesus and the Temple of Diana . . . ib. 1862 
 FALKLAND, Lucius Carey, Viscount. Poems. Edited by A. B. 
 Grosart. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) For private circu- 
 lation. Svo. ........ n.p. 1871 
 FALLE, Philip. Ca3sarea ; or an Account of Jersey, 4to. . . 1797 
 FANATICISM, The Rise and Growth of. With particulars of 
 Richard Baxter, John Knox, and Buchanan, together 
 with King James the First's character of the Presbyte- 
 rians. Second edition. Svo. . . . Lond. 1715 
 FANELLI, Francesco. Atene, Attica, descritta da suoi principii 
 fino all' acquisto fatto dall' Armi Venete nel 1687. 4to. 
 Venice, 1707 
 FANSHAWE, J. G. Notes Genealogical and Historical of the Fan- 
 shawe Family. Nos. 1. to 5, 4to. . . . Lond. 1868-72 
 FARIS EL SHIDIAC. A Practical Grammar of the Arabic Lan- 
 guage. 12mo. ....... ib. 1856 
 FARLEY, Henry . St. Paul's Church, her bill for the Parliament, 
 4to 1621 
 FARMER, John. 
 Twelve Sonnets on Colyton Church, with notes, &c., 12mo. 
 ib. 1842 
 Twelve Sonnets on the Church Services, with notes, 12mo. 
 ib. 1842 
 FARQUHAR, Maria. Biographical Catalogue of the Principal 
 Italian Painters, Svo. ...... ib. 1855 
 FA BRER, James. Notice of Runic Inscriptions in the Orkneys, 
 4to 1862 
 FARRINGTON, E. Charter and Constitutions granted to the Town 
 of St. Alban's, Herts, Svo. Translated . St. Albans, 1813 
 FASSIN, $mile, et P. BERTET. Aries Historique et Litteraire. Le 
 Musee. Vols. i.-v., in 2 vols. 4to. . . . Aries, 1873-85 

 FAU FEN 229 
 FAULKNER, Thomas. 
 History of Chelsea, 8vo Lond. 1810 
 2 vola. 8vo Chelsea, 1829 
 History of Fulham, 4to Lond. 1813 
 History of Kensington, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1820 
 History of Hammersmith, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1839 
 History of Brentford, 8vo ib. 1845 
 FAULMANN, Carl. Das Buch der Schrift enthaltend die Schrift- 
 zeichen und Alphabete aller Zeiten und aller Volker des 
 Erdkreises, 4to. ...... Vienna, 1880 
 FAUSSETT, Bryan. Inventorium Sepulchrale. Edited by C. R. 
 Smith, 4to. ....... Lond. 1856 
 FAVYN, Andre. Le Theatre d'Honneur (et de Chevalerie), 2 
 vols. 4to Paris, 1620 
 FAZY, H. 
 Antiquites Romaines decouvertes sur les Tranchees, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 80) Geneva, 1857 
 Notes sur les Antiquites Bomaines des Tranchees, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 69*) ib. 1859 
 FEGR^US, Ludv. Plankarta ofver Visby, 8vo. . . Visby, [1879] 
 FEJE"RVARY COLLECTION, Catalogue of the. Edited by E. Henszl- 
 mann, 4to. (Tracts 39) .... Lond. 1853 
 FELLOWS, Sir Charles. 
 Ionic Trophy Monument at Xanthus, 8vo. (Tracts 35) ib. 1848 
 Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in 
 Lycia. (Map and Woodcuts.) 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 Coins of Ancient Lycia before the reign of Alexander, with 
 an Essay on the relative dates of the Lycian Monuments 
 in the British Museum, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1855 
 FELLTHAM, Owen. Resolves. Edited by J. Gumming, 4to. ib. 1806 
 On Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, 8vo. (Tracts 
 84) ib. 1828 
 Gleanings on Gardens, 8vo. (Tracts 117) . . . ib. 1829 
 FENN, Sir John. 
 Original Letters written during the reigns of Henry VI., 
 Edward IV., Edward V., Richard III., and Henry VII. 
 5 vols. 4to Lond. 1787-1823 
 Catalogue of Autograph Letters and MSS., 8vo. . ib. 1866 
 FENNER DE FENNEBERG, H. Schwalbach et ses environs, 12mo. 
 Darmstadt, n.d. 
 FENTON, Richard. Historical Tour through Pembrokeshire, 4to. 
 ib. 1811 
 FENWICK, John. 
 Observations on the Trial of James Coigly, for High 
 Treason, 8vo. ... . ib. 1798 
 Memorial to the Senate of Hamburgh, and Letter to the 
 King of Denmark, 4to. .... Newcastle, 1843 
 A Genealogy of the Family of Radclyffe. Compiled by the 
 late James Ellis, Esq ib. 1850 
 Treasure Trove in Northumberland, 4to. . . . ib. 1851 
230 FEN FEE 
 FENWICK, John continued. 
 Protest against the Bill of Attainder of Sir John Fenwick, 
 Bart., 4to Newcastle, 1854 
 FENWICK, T. Fitz-Roy, and W. 0. Metcalfe. The Visitation of 
 the County of Gloucester, 1682-83. (Privately printed.) 
 4to. Exeter, 1884 
 Bibliographia Paracelsica. An Examination of Dr. 
 Friedrich Mook's " Theophrastus Paracelsus." Anon. 
 (Privately printed.) 8vo. .... Glasgow, 1877 
 Three Presidential Addresses to the Chemical Section of 
 the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 Bibliographical Notes on Histories of Inventions and Books 
 of Secrets, 8vo ib. 1883 
 On the First Editions of the Chemical Writings of Demo- 
 critus and Synesius. (Postscript.) 8vo. . . ib. [1884] 
 The Article " Paracelsus," from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 
 vol. xvii., 4to. ..... Edinburgh, 1885 
 Account of the " Speculum Majus " of Vincent de Beau- 
 vais, 1473, sm. 4to Glasgow, 1885 
 Bibliographical Notes on Histories of Inventions and Books 
 of Secrets. Part III. Sm. 4to ib. 1885 
 Bibliographia Paracelsica. An Examination of Dr. Fried- 
 rich Mook's " Theophrastus Parcelsus. Eiiie Kritische 
 Studie." Part II. 8vo. ..... ib. 1885 
 The First History of Chemistry, 8vo. . . . [ib.] 1886 
 On a copy of Albertus Magnus' De Secretis Mulierum, 
 printed by Machlinia, 4to. .... Lond. 1886 
 FEKGUSON, fils, M. Notice sur les objets d' art trouves dans le 
 Diluvium, 8vo. (Tracts 62) . . . . Amiens, 1860 
 FERGUSON, Richard Saul. 
 Cumberland and Westmorland M.P.s (1660-1867). (L.P. : 
 one of 20 copies only.) 4to. . . Lond. and Carlisle, 1871 
 Second copy, 8vo. 
 Carlisle Castle, historical and descriptive. The 34th (Cum- 
 berland) and 55th (Westmorland) Regiments. By Capt. 
 Gage and Colour- Serjeant Noakes, 8vo. . . Kendal, 1875 
 Carlisle Registers, 8vo ib. 1876 
 The East Window, Carlisle Cathedral, 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 Fifteen Reprints from Transactions, &c. : 
 1. On certain Plumbago Moulds found at Netherwasdale, 
 Cumberland 1876 
 2. Two Border Fortresses. Tryermain and Askerton Castles 1877 
 3. Wills relating to the Dean and Chapter Library at 
 Carlisle. Wills of Rev. J. Machell, Bishops Smith and 
 Nicolson, and Joseph Nicolson ..... 1878 
 4. On the remains of a Mediaeval Stockade recently 
 found in Carlisle 1878 
 5. Windermere (Bowness) Parish Church, and its Old 
 Glass 1878 
 6. On the Remains of a Stockade recently found in Carlisle. 
 Part I. . 1877 
FEE FER 231 
 FERGUSON, Richard Saul continued. 
 7. Part II. 1878 
 8. A remarkable Sepulchral Slab at Carlatton, Cumber- 
 land 1878 
 9. The Formation of Cumberland 1879 
 10. The Barony of Gilsland and its owners to the end of 
 the Sixteenth Century 1879 
 11. Naworth Castle . 1879 
 12. The Heraldry of Naworth and Lanercost . . .1879 
 13. Notes taken at Naworth 1879 
 14. Letters from Colonel Charles Howard, of Naworth, to 
 the Lord Protector Cromwell, in 1655 ; and his Secre- 
 tary of State, Thurloe, in 1655-8 ; from the original 
 State Papers among the Rawlinson MSS. By Sir Geo. 
 Duckett, Bart 1879 
 15. Observations on the supposed sword of Sir Hugh De 
 Morville 1880 
 A Hand-Book to the principal places to be visited by the 
 Roval Archaeological Institute, in the vicinity of Carlisle, 
 8vo Carlisle, 1882 
 An attempt to Trace the Missing Episcopal Registers of the 
 See of Carlisle, 8vo. . . . . . Kendal, [1883] 
 Bellbridge and Captain Thomas Morris, 8vo. . . [1883] 
 A Labyrinth on Rockcliffe Marsh, 8vo. . . , [1883] 
 The Lectureship and Lecturers at St. Cuthbert's Church, 
 Carlisle. Communicated at Caldbeck, August 22nd, 1883. 
 8vo , .Kendal, [1883] 
 On a Supposed Touch or Assay of Silver at Carlisle, 8vo. [1883] 
 The Relph and Denton Monuments in Sebergham Church,, 
 8vo. J ;.,.,., [1883] 
 The Secular Bells of Carlisle, 8vo [1883] 
 The Formation of the English Palate, 8vo. 
 Notes on the Initial Letter of a Charter of Edward II. to 
 the City of Carlisle, 8vo. 
 FERGUSON, R. S., and FERGUSON, C. J. A Short Account of 
 Lanercost, an Abbey of Black Canons., 8 miles from 
 Carlisle, 4to Lond. and Carlisle, 1870 
 FERGUSON, Robert. 
 The Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland, 8vo* 
 Lond. 1856 
 The River-Names of Europe, 8vo. . . . ib. 1862 
 The Teutonic Name- System of France, England, and 
 Germany, 8vo. ....... ib. 1864 
 The Dialect of Cumberland, with a Chapter on its Place- 
 Names, 8vo. ..... Lond. and Carlisle, 1873 
 Surnames as a Science, 8vo. .... Lond. 1883 
 FERGUSON, Sir Samuel. Oghamica, in a Letter to J. G. A. Prim, 
 Esq., 8vo. (Tracts 163) .... Dublin, 1872 
 An Essay on the Ancient Topography of Jerusalem, imp. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1847 
232 FEE FER 
 FERGUSSON, James continued. 
 An Historical Enquiry into the True Principles of Beauty 
 in Art, more especially with reference to Architecture. 
 Plates. 8vo. ....... Lond. 1849 
 On the Architectural Splendour of the City of Beejapore, 4to. 
 ib. 1854 
 Handbook of Architecture. Second edition. 8vo. . ib. 1859 
 Notes on the Site of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, 8vo. 
 (also in Tracts 57* -and 63**) . ... ib. 1861 
 History of Modern Architecture, 8vo. . . . ib. 1862 
 A History of Architecture in all Countries. Three vols. 
 (The History of Modern Architecture forms vol. iii.) 8vo. 
 ib. 1862-67 
 Tree and Serpent Worship, or Illustrations of Mythology 
 and Art in India in the First and Fourth Centuries after 
 Christ. From the Sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at 
 Sanchi and Amravati. 4to. . ib. (India Museum), 1868 
 Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries their age and 
 uses, 8vo. *...... Lond. 1872 
 A Short Essay on the age and uses of the Brochs and the 
 Rude Stone Monuments of the Orkney Islands and the 
 North of Scotland, 8vo. . . . Lond. and Belfast, 1877 
 The Temples of the Jews and the other Buildings in the 
 Haram area at Jerusalem, 4to. . . . Lond. 1878 
 The Parthenon : An Essay on the mode by which light was 
 introduced into Greek and Roman Temples, 4to. . ib. 1883 
 FERGUSSON, James, and James BURGESS. The Cave Temples of 
 India, 4to . ib. 1880 
 FERGUSSON, Samuel. 
 On Stones at Locmariaker, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . . . 1863 
 Further Explorations at Locmariaker, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . 1863 
 FERNE, John. The Blazon of Gen trie, divided into two parts. 
 the first named the Glorie of Generositie ; the second, 
 Lacye's Nobilitie. (Peter le Neve's copy.) Sq. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1586 
 FERRARA. II Servitore di Piazza. Guida per Ferrara, sm. 8vo. 
 Ferrara, 1838 
 FERRARIO, Luigi. Memoria intorno ai Palinsesti, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) , Milan, 1853 
 FERRARIUS, Octavius. 
 De re Yestiaria libri septem, 4to. . . . Padua, 1654 
 Analecta de re Vestiaria. Accessit dissertatio de Veterum 
 Lucernis Sepulchralibus. ...... ib. 1670 
 FERRET, Benjamin. Recollections of A. N. Welby Pugin and 
 his father, Augustus Pugin, with notices of their works, 
 8vo Lond. 1861 
 FERRET, E. B. South Winfield Manor. Illustrated by plans, 
 Ac. Fol ib. 1870 
 FKRRIER, Ogier. A Learned Astronomicall Discourse of the 
 Judgement of Nativities. Translated by Thomas 
 Kelway. 4to. ib. 1642 

 FER FIN 233 
 FERRIE"RE-PERCY, Le Comte H. de La. Marguerite d'Angouleme, 
 son livre de depenses (1540-1549), 8vo. . . Paris, 1862 
 FESCH, Cardinal. Catalogue de ses Tableaux, 4to. (Tracts 3) 
 .Rome, 1841 
 FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS. Sex. Pompeii Festi et Mar. Verrii 
 Flacci de Verborum Significatione, lib. xx. notis. Illus- 
 travit Andreas Dacier. 4to. . . . Amsterdam, 1700 
 FETHERSTON, John. Selected List of Charters and other 
 Evidences belonging to the Corporation of Coventry. 
 For private distribution. 8vo. . . . Coventry, 1871 
 FE"TIS, Edouard. Catalogue descriptif et historique du Musee 
 Royal de Belgique (Bruxelles), 12mo. . . Brussels, 1864 
 FEUCHTWANGER, Dr. L. Popular Treatise on Gems, 8vo. 
 New York, 1859 
 FEUQUIERE, Marquis de, Memoirs of the, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1736 
 FFOULKES, W. Wynne. 
 Castra Clwydiana, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) . . . ib. 1850 
 A Collation of the First Volume of Sir Nicholas Harris 
 Nicolas' edition of " The Scrope " and " Grosvenor 
 Roll," with certain " Cancelled sheets," &c. Fol. 
 Chester, 1879 
 Jephtas Datter et Sorgespil med klagesange i det Gamle 
 Testamentes stil, 8vo. .... Copenhagen, 1849 
 Jeremja, et historisk Sorgespil, 8vo. . . ib. 1850 
 FICORONI, Francisco. 
 La Bolla d'oro de' Fanciulli, 4to. . . . Home, 1732 
 I Piombi Antichi, fol. ib. 1740 
 La Vestigia e Rarita di Roma Antica, e le Singolarita di 
 Roma Moderna. 2 parts. Plates. 4to. . . . ib. 1744 
 FIDDES, Richard. Life of Cardinal Wolsey, fol. . Lond. 1726 
 FIELD, Frederick. Otium Norvicense, seu tentamen de Reliquiis 
 Aquilae, Symmachi, Theodotionis e lingua Syriaca in 
 Grascam convertendis, 4to. .... Oxford, 1864 
 FIELD, Henry. Memoirs of the Botanic Garden at Chelsea, 
 8vo. ' ib. 1820 
 FIELD, John. Ancient " Coyning Yrons." (" Numismatic 
 Tracts.") 8vo Lond. 1844 
 FIFE, James, Earl of. 
 Catalogue of Coins and Medals, 4to. ..... 1796 
 Catalogue of his Portraits and Pictures, 4to. . . . 1798 
 FIGRELIUS, Edmundus. De Statuis Illustrium Romanorum, 8vo. 
 Holmice, 1656 
 FIGUEROA, R. P. De. Critica del Regimieto de nauegacio, 
 1563, 4to Cadiz, 1867 
 FILICAJA, Vincenzo da. Poesie Toscane. Edizione formata 
 sopra quella di Matini del 1707. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. 
 Venice, 1812 
 FINAUER, P. P. Bajerische Munzbelustigung darinnen Schaus- 
 tiicke, Ducaten, &c., 8vo. .... Munich, 1768 
 FINE ARTS QUARTERLY REVIEW, vols. i. ii. and iii., and New Series, 
 vols. i. ii., roy. 8vo. ... . . Lond. 1863-67 
234 FIN FIT 
 FINGAL'S CAVE and the British Geologists. From " The Critic 
 and Good Literature," s. sh. 4 to. . . New York, 1884 
 FINLASON, W. F. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 
 History, Constitution, and Character, &c., 8vo. Lond. 1878 
 FINLAY, George. 
 Remarks on the Topography of Oropia and Diacria, 8vo. 
 Athens, 1838 
 Greece under the Romans, 8vo . Edinburgh and Lond. 1844 
 History of Greece and of the Empire of Trebizond, 1204- 
 1461, 8vo. ,,.,... Lond. 1851 
 History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires, 716-1453, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1853-54 
 On the Blindness of Belisarius ; Roman and Byzantine Money ; 
 and the site of the Holy Sepulchre. 8vo. (Tracts 64) . n.d. 
 FIORELLI, Giuseppe. 
 Notizia dei Vasi Dipinti rinvenuti a Cuma nel 1856, posse- 
 duti dal Conte di Siracusa, fol. . . . Naples, 1857 
 FIRE OF LONDON. Trap ad Crucem, or the Papists' Watchword ; 
 with relation of several recent Fires in the City of London, 
 4to. ...,,.... Lond. 1670 
 FIRE SHIPS, The Female, a satire, 4to ib. 1691 
 FIRMICUS, Julius Maternus. De Nativitatibus. (For biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) Fol. Venice, 1427 
 FIRTH, J. F. 
 Memoranda relating to the Royal Hospitals of London, 
 8vo . Lond. 1836 
 The Coopers' Company, 4to. . . . . ib. 1848 
 FISCHBACH, Frederick. Ornament of Textile Fabrics, fol. ib. [1883] 
 FISH AND THE RING, Story of the, 8vo. .... ib. 1843 
 FISHER, Richard. Catalogue of a Collection of Engravings, 
 Etchings, and Woodcuts, fol Lond. 1879 
 FISHER, Thomas. 
 Paintings in the Chapel of the Trinity, Stratford-upon- 
 Avon, 3 parts, fol . . ib. 1807 
 Collections, Historical, Genealogical, and Topographical, for 
 Bedfordshire. (Plates.) Fol ib. 1812-36 
 FISHMONGERS' COMPANY. Address of W. F. Yowler, on laying 
 the First Stone of St. Peter's Hospital, Wandsworth. ib. 1849 
 FISHMONGERS PAGEANT, fol n.p. n.d. 
 FISHWICK, Henry. 
 The History of the Parochial Chapelry of Goosnargh in the 
 county of Lancaster, 4to. . Manchester and Lond. 1871 
 The Lancashire Library, a Bibliographical Account of 
 Books relating to the county Palatine, including an 
 Account of Lancashire Tracts, Pamphlets, and Sermons 
 printed before the year 1720, 8vo. Lond. and Warrington, 1875 
 The Bibliography of Rochdale, as illustrated by the Books 
 in the Local Free Public Library, 8vo. . Manchester, 1880 
 FITCH, Robert. 
 Antiquities found at Caistor, 8vo. (Tracts 34) . Norwich, 1858 
 Brewers' Marks, and Trade Regulations in Norwich, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 11) ib. 1859 
FIT FLE 235 
 FITCH, W. S. Catalogue of Suffolk Manorial Registers, part I., 
 8vo. 1843 
 FITZGERALD, J. E. On a coin of Guy de Lusignan, King of 
 Cyprus. (Bound with " DEVILLE.") 8vo. . Lond. 1846 
 FITZHERBERT, Sir Anthony. 
 Surveyinge, 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1546 
 The Boke of Husbandry, 12mo. ib. 1548 
 Le Novel Natura Brevium : corrigee per Laucteur, avec une 
 Table Compose par G. Rastall, 8vo ib. 1598 
 FiTZ-S'fEPHEN, William. Description of London. Edited by 
 S. Pegge, 4to ib. 1772 
 FITZ-WARINE, Fu.lke. History of. Edited by Thos. Wright. 
 8vo. . ib. 1855 
 FLANDERS. La Cour des Comtes de Flandre, leurs Omciers 
 Hereditaires. I. Le Chambellan de Flandre et les Sires 
 de Ghistelles, 8vc>. ...... Ghent, 1868 
 Inscriptions Funeraires et Monumentales de la Province de 
 la Flandre Orientale. 
 Premiere Serie Sglises Paroissiales. Gand. tome i., 
 fol Ghent, 1865 
 Deuxieme Serie Eglises Conventuelles. Gand. tome i., 
 fol. ......... ib. 1866 
 Inscriptions Funeraires de la Flandre Occidentale avec des 
 Donnees historiques et genealogiques par J. Gailliard. 
 Arrondissement de Bruges. Tome premier. 2 vols. fol. 
 Bruges, 1861-6 
 Precis Analytique des Documents que renferme le Depot 
 des Archives de la Flandre-Occidentale a Bruges, par 
 Octave Delepierre. 3 vols. (in one), 8vo. . ib. 1840-2 
 - Deuxieme Serie. Par Octave Delepierre 
 et F. Priem. 9 vols. (in three) 8vo. . . . ib. 1843-58 
 FLAXMAN, John. 
 Atlante Dantesco : ossia 1' Inferno, II Purgatorio e II Para- 
 diso, composti dal Sig. Giovanni Flaxman, gia incisi dal 
 Sig. T. Piroli, ed ora rintagliati dal Sig. F. Pistrucci, &c., 
 obi. fol Milan, 1823 
 Lectures on Sculpture. As delivered before the Royal 
 Academy. With a memoir, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1829 
 FLESHIER, Esprit. Oraison f unebre de Marie Terese d'Austriche, 
 Infante d'Espagne, Reine de France et de Navarre. 
 [24 Nov. 1683], 12mo The Hague, 1684 
 FLEMING, Abraham. 
 A Panoplie of Epistles: or, a looking glasse for the un- 
 learned. Translated out of Latin, 4to. Lond. (Newberie) 1576 
 Some Account of William Lambe, citizen and clothworker, 
 1568 ; Master 1569. Born 1495, died 1580, 8vo. Lond. 1875 
 FLEMING, Daniel. Description of the county of Westmoreland, 
 A.D. 1671. Edited by G. F. Duckett, 8vo. . ib. 1882 
 FLEMING, J. W. Medals, Clasps, and Crosses, military and 
 naval. For private circulation. 4to. . . . n.p. 1871 
236 FLE FLO 
 FLEMING, Sandford. The Adoption of a Prime Meridian to be 
 common to all nations. The Establishment of Standard 
 Meridians for the Regulation of Time, 8vo. . Lond. 1881 
 FLETCHER, Giles. 
 Poems. Edited, with Notes by A. B. Grosart. For private 
 circulation. {Fuller Worthies' Library?) 8yo. . . n.p. 1868 
 Licia and other Love-Poems, and Rising to the Crowne of 
 Richard the Third. Edited by A. B. Grosart. For private 
 circulation. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo. . n.p. 1871 
 FLETCHER, Joseph. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. For 
 private circulation. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo. 
 Blackburn, 1869 
 FLETCHER, Joseph, and DEES, James. Collection of Masons' 
 Marks from Furness Abbey, Lancashire, 8vo. (Tracts 
 57*) . . 1858 
 FLETCHER, Phineas. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart, 4 vols. 
 8vo. For private circulation. (Fuller Worthies' Library) 
 n.p. 1869 
 Historical Handbook to Loughborongh, 8vo. Loughborough, 1881 
 The Black Friars of Oxford, 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1882 
 Notes on Leicestershire MSS. in the Public Record Office 
 and our National Libraries, 8vo. For private circulation. 
 Leicester, 1882 
 The Rectors of Loughborough, 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1882 
 Chapters in the History of Loughborough, 12mo. 
 Loughborough, 1883 
 The Historic of Darby-shire. By Philipp Kynder. With 
 Pedigree of the Kynder Family, 8vo. . ' . Lond. 1883 
 Notes from Early Leicestershire Wills, 8vo. Privately 
 printed ........ Leicester, 1884 
 Notes on Leicestershire Inquisitions Post-mortem, 8vo. 
 Privately printed ....... ib. 1884 
 Some Early Notices of the Herrick Family, 8vo. . ib. 1885 
 FLEUR. La Fleur des Chansons Amoureuses, ou sont contenus 
 tous les airs de Court, 12mo. 
 Rouen, 1600 ; Brussels, reprinted, 1865 
 FLOIRE ET BLANCEFLOR. Poemes du xiii. e Siecle. Publies avec 
 notes, et un glossaire par M. Edelestand du Meril. 16mo. 
 Paris, 1856 
 FLOQUET, A. Essai Historique sur 1'Echiquier de Normandie, 8vo. 
 Rouen, 1840 
 Catalogus MSS. Bibliothecae Medicese Laurentianse. Edited 
 by A. M. Bandinius, fol. ..... Florence, 1764 
 Raccolta di quadri dipinti dai pifa. famosi Pennelli. e posse- 
 duti dal Granduca di Toscana, Atlas fol. Plates . ib. 1778 
 L'Assedio di Firenze. Capitoli xxx. Seconda edizione. 6 
 vols. 12mo Paris, 1836 
 Nouveau Guide de Florence, 8vo. Plates . . Florence, n.d. 
 FLORILEGIUM. Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum, 8vo. 
 Venetiis (in cedibus Aldi), 1503 
FLO FOL 237 
 FLORID, John. 
 A Worlde of Wordes ; or, Most Copious Dictionarie in 
 Italian and English, 4to Lond. 1598 
 Queen Anna's New World of Words ; or, Dictionarie of the 
 Italian and English tongues, fol. . . . ib. 1611 
 Opera. Cl. Salmasiug addidit Lucium Ampelium e Cod. 
 MS. nunquam antehac editum . Lugd. Bat. (Elzevir), 1638 
 Opera. Valpy's edition. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1822 
 FLOWER, Margaret. The Wonderful Discoverie of the Witch- 
 crafts of Margaret and Philip Flower, etc. 8vo. . ib. 1618 
 Literarische Sympathien, 8vo. (Tracts 98) . Leipsic, 1843 
 Call for Redress, 8vo. (Tracts 98) .... ib. 1847 
 Extra impression of Preface to his Dictionary, 8vo. (Tracts 
 98) Lond. 1848 
 FLY LEAVES, Literary, Bibliographical, and Miscellaneous, 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 FLY, Henry. 
 Sermon preached on Fast-Day, Feb. 28, 1794, 8vo. (Tracts 
 140) ib. 1794 
 Sermon preached before a Military Association, Oct. 7, 
 1798, 8vo. (Tracts UO) ib. 1798 
 Sermon preached on Fast-Day, Oct. 19, 1803, 8vo. (Tracts 
 140) . ib. 1803 
 FOLK-LORE SOCIETY. Publications. 
 Folk-Lore Record, 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1878, etc. 
 The Folk-Lore Journal, 8vo. In progress . . ib. 1883, etc. 
 Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of Eng- 
 land and the Borders. New edition. By W. Henderson. 
 8vo ib. 1879 
 Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme, 8vo. By J. Aubrey, 
 1686-87. Edited by J. Britten .... ib. 1881 
 Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland, 8vo. 
 By W. Gregor .... % . ib. 1881 
 Researches respecting the Book of Sindibad, 8vo. By D. 
 Comparetti. Portuguese Folk-Tales collected by C. 
 Pedroso ib. 1882 
 Folk-Medicine ; a Chapter in the History of Culture, 8vo. 
 By W. G. Black . . . . . . . ib. 1883 
 Religious System of the Amazulu. Izinyanga Zokubula; 
 with a translation into English. By Rev. Canon Calla- 
 way (1870), 8vo. ... . ib. 1885 
 The Folk-Lore and provincial names of British Birds. By 
 Rev. C. Swainson, 8vo. ...... ib. 1886 
 FOLKES, Martin. 
 Tables of English Silver Coins, 4to ib. 1745 
 Another copy, L.P. 
 Another edition, 4to. .... ib. 1763 
 FOLKESTONE, New Illustrated Handbook to, 8vo. Folkestone, 1848 
238 FOL FOR 
 FOLKESTONE RITUAL CASE. The Argument delivered before the 
 Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (Jan. 23 to Feb. 
 1, 1877) in the Case of Ridsdale v. Clifton and others. 
 By Sir J. Stephen and Mr. A. Charles (on behalf of the 
 Appellant), and by A. J. Stephens and Mr. B. Shaw (on 
 behalf of the Respondents). With the Proceedings, 
 Judgment, and Report, 8vo. , Lond. 1878 
 State of Architecture in London, 8vo. (Tracts 56) . ib. 1 842 
 Diary of a Dutiful Son, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1849 
 FONTANINI, Justus. Dissertatio de Corona Ferrea Langobar- 
 dorum, 8vo. ..... Rome and Leipsic, 1719 
 De Antiquitatibus Hortae, Colonise Etruscorum, 4to. Rome, 1723 
 Discus Argenteus votivus veterum Christianorum, 4to. ib. 1727 
 FONTHILL ABBEY, New Guide to, 8vq. . . . Lond. 1822 
 FONTS, Baptismal, Illustrations of, parts 1, 2, 3, 8vo. (Tracts 
 124*) ib. 1843 
 FOOTE, R. Bruce. On the Distribution of Stone Implements 
 in Southern India, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) . . . ib. 1861 
 FORBES, Duncan. Dictionary, Hindustani and English; Eng- 
 lish and Hindustani, 8vo. .... Lond. 1848 
 FORBES, G. H. Missale Drummondiense. The Ancient Irish 
 Missal in the possession of the Baroness Willoughby de 
 Eresby, 8vo Burntisland, 1882 
 FORBES-LEITH, William. Narratives of Scottish Catholics under 
 Mary Stuart and James VI., 8vo. . , Edinburgh, 1885 
 FORBT, Robert. The Vocabulary of East Anglia. (Vol. III. 
 by Rev. W. T. Spurdens), 3 vols. . . . Lond. 1830-58 
 FOR CELL A, Henry. Numismata aliquot Sicula nunc primum 
 edita, 4to Naples, 1825 
 FORCELLA, Vincenzo. Iscrizioni delle chiese e d'altri edificii di 
 Roma dal secolo XI. fino ai giorni nostri (Vol. I., etc.), 
 fol. In progress ..... Rome, 1869, etc. 
 Sur les Scriptures du Temple de Jupiter a Olympie, 8vo. ib. 1832 
 Panathenaische Festrede gehalten den 28sten Juni, 1841, 
 in der Akademischen Aula zu Kiel, 8vo. . . Kiel, 1841 
 FORCHHAMMER, P. W., and MULLER, K. 0. Zur Topographic 
 Athens, 8vo. ...... Gottingen, 1833 
 FORD, Edward. Parismus, the most renowned Prince of 
 Bohemia, 4to. . . . . . . Lond. 1704 
 FORD, Richard. A Handbook for Travellers in Spain. Third 
 edition (Murray), 2 vols. 8vo. .... ib. 1855 
 FORDUN, John de. Scotichronicon. Edited by T. Hearne, 5 
 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1722 
 FOREIGN OFFICE, Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of 
 the, 8vo. ib. 1864 
 FORGES.MAILLARD, M. des. Les Arbres, Idylle a M. de Perard, 
 &c. 4to. . n.p. 1751 
 FORMBT, Henry. Ancient Rome and its Connection with the 
 Christian Religion. (B.C. 753 A.D. 42-47), 4to. Lond. 1880 
FOR FOR 239 
 FORMULARE INSTRUMENTORUM, necnon artis notoriatns. Nouiter 
 impressum, sm. 8vo. Venetiis per Augustinum de zanis, 1526 
 FORNO, Agostino. Prose di Diversi Uomini illustri Sicilian!, 4to. 
 Naples, 1750 
 FORRESTER, Joseph James, F.S.A. 
 On Chemical Changes in Port Wines in England, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 117) . Oporto, 1858 
 On the Progress of the Port Wine Trade, from 1678 to 
 1860, 8vo. (Tracts 117) ....... ib. 1860 
 FORSHALL, F. H. Westminster School, Past and Present, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1884 
 FORSTER, E. J. A Genealogy of the Fo(r)ster Family. Descen- 
 dants of Reginald Foster, who settled in Ipswich, Essex 
 county, Mass. A.D. 1638, 8vo. .... Boston, 1876 
 FORSTER, George. Letter on the Claims of his Father, J. R. 
 Forster, to the Earl of Sandwich., 4to. (Tracts 17) Lond. 1778 
 Introduction to Mineralogy, 8vo. (Tracts 138*) . . ib. 1768 
 Novae Species Insectorum, 8vo. (Tracts 138*) , . ib. 1771 
 Catalogue of the Animals of North America, 8vo. (Tracts 
 138*) , , . . . . . . . ib. 1771 
 De Bysso Antiquorum, 8vo. (Tracts 138*) . ,. . ib. 1776 
 Observations during a Voyage Round the World, 4to. ib. 1778 
 FORSTER, John. 
 Popular Progress in English History, 8vo. (Tracts 141) ib. 1840 
 Catalogue .of the ^Library at Palace Gate House, Kensing- 
 ton. Prepared by H. E. Rawlins. (Portrait and view of 
 Library inserted), 8vo. ....... ib. 1876 
 FORSTER, T. I. M. Philosophia Musarum ; Songs and Romances, 
 8vo. .,...,... Bruges, 1845 
 FORSTER, Thomas. 
 Pan ; a Pastoral of the First Age, 8vo. . . Brussels, 1840 
 Introduction to Supplement of Flora Tonbrigensis, con- 
 taining the life of the author of that work, 12mo. (Tracts 
 150) ........ Tunbridge Wells, 1841 
 FORSYTE, Joseph. Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, 
 during an Excursion to Italy, .in. 1802 and 1803. Fourth 
 edition, 12mo. ...... Lond. 1835 
 FORSYTE, William. On Forest Trees, .8vo. (Tracts 117) . ib. 1791 
 FORTESCUE, Sir John. A Learned Commendation of the Poli- 
 tique Lawes of England. Translated by R. Mulcaster, 
 sm. 8vo. ib. 1599 
 FORTIA D 'Urban, Marquis de. 
 Inscription Phenicienne a Malte, Di scours 7, Janvier 1828, 
 8vo. (Tracts 137) 1828 
 Discours, 4 Fevrier, 1828, 8vo. (Tracts 137) . . . 1828 
 FORT-MONTAGUE at Knaresborough, Account of, 12mo. (Tracts 
 155*) Fort- Mont ague, n.d. 
 FORTOUL, Hippolyte. 
 L'Art en Allemagne, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1842 
 Etudes d'Archeologie et d'Histoire, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1854 
240 FOS FOW 
 British Monachism, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. . . Lond. 1802 
 Third edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1843 
 History of Gloucestershire, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. Gloucester, 1807 
 History of the City of Gloucester, fol. . . Lond. 1819 
 Abstracts and Extracts from Smyth's Lives of the Berke- 
 leys and a History of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley, 
 and Biographical Anecdotes of Dr. Jenner, 4to. . ib. 1821 
 Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1825 
 The Wye Tour, containing an account of Ross. Extracts 
 from the "Tour of a German Prince," and an account of 
 Goodrich Court, forming an Appendix to the author's 
 " Gilpin on the Wye." New edition, 12mo, . Ross, 1842 
 The Economy of Monastic Life (as it existed in England). 
 A poem, 4to. . . . . . Gloucester, n.d. 
 FOSCARINI, Marco. Delia Letteratura Yeneziana, vol. i., fol. 
 Padua, 1752 
 Foss, Edward. 
 Judges of England, vols. 1 to 9, 8vo. . * . ib. 1848-64 
 Tabulae Curiales, 8vo. ....... ib. 1865 
 Biographia Juridica. A Biographical Dictionary of ihe 
 Judges of England. 1066-1870. 8vo, . . Lond. 1870 
 FOSTER, C. W. Burrell, of Lowsby, co. Lincoln, and of Byhall, 
 co. Rutland, 4to Rotherham, 1885 
 FOSTER, Joseph. 
 Pedigrees of the County Families of England. Vol. 1, 
 Lancashire, 4to. Lond. 1873 
 Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire, 3 vols. 
 4to ib. 1874 
 The Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584-5, by Robert Glover ; the 
 Visitation, 1612, by Richard St. George. Privately 
 printed. 8vo ib. 1875 
 The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the British 
 Empire for 1881. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1881 
 Collectanea Genealogica. Part I, 4to. .... ib. 1881 
 The Lyon Office in Retreat, 8vo ib. 1883 
 FOSTER, Samuel, Lemmata Archimedis, a Johanne Gravio 
 traducta, fol ib. 1659 
 FOTHERINGAY, co. Northampton, Some Remarks on the Church 
 of, 8vo. (Tracts 124*) .... Oxford, 1841 
 FOUILLOUX, Jacques du. La Venerie, precedee de quelques 
 biographies et d'une notice bibliographique. Plates. 
 8vo ... Angers, 1844 
 FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, Account of the, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1749 
 FOUNTAINE COLLECTION. Catalogue of Majolica, Henri IT. Ware, 
 Palissy Ware, &c., removed from Narford Hall, Norfolk. 
 Sale catalogue, 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1884 
 FOUNTAINS ABBEY. Cartularium Abbatiae de Fontanis. Edited 
 by W. D. Bruce, fol Eipon, 1841 
 FOWLER, Henry. A Paper on a Living City, said to exist in 
 Central America, fol. . . Belize, British Honduras, 1880 
FOW FRA 241 
 A Chapter on Bell Inscriptions, 12mo. (Tracts 150*) 
 Huddersfield, 1867 
 To the Dean and Chapter of Ripon. A Report on the 
 Cathedral Library (Facsimile Lithograph) , fol. Durham, 1872 
 Durham Castle Chapels, 4to. . - . . . . ib. 1878 
 Excavations on the site of the Chapter House of Durham 
 Abbey, 8vo ib. 1882 
 Campanology, 8vo. (Tracts 58**). 
 FOWLER, James. 
 The Works of S. Dionysius the Areopagite, especially in 
 relation to Christian Art, 4to. .... Lond. 1872 
 On the Sculptured Capitals in Carlisle Cathedral, 8vo. 
 On two Heraldic Bench-ends in Great Sandal Church, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) n.p. n.d. 
 FOWLER, W. C. Conditions of Success in Genealogical Investi- 
 gations ........ Boston, 1866 
 FOWLER, William. 
 Mosaic Pavements of Great Britain ; and Stained Glass in 
 the Cathedrals of York, Lincoln, Ac., fol. . Winterton, 1804 
 Engravings from Stained Glass at Aston Hall, fol. . ib. 1807 
 Notes on W. Fowler and his Works, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) 
 Hull, 1869 
 Fox, of Brislington. &c., Genealogical Memoranda relating to 
 the Family of. Privately printed. 4to. . . Lond. 1872 
 Fox, A. Lane. Excavations in Cissbury Camp, Sussex, 8vo. 
 ib. 1875 
 Fox, C. R. Rare Greek Coins, part i. Europe, 4to. (Tracts 25). 
 ib. 1856 
 Fox, G. T. Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, 8vo. Newcastle, 1827 
 Fox, Robert. History of Godmanchester, 8vo. . . . ib. 1831 
 Curarum Exegetico-criticarum in Nahumum Prophetam 
 specimen, 4to. (Tracts 18) Rostock, 1806 
 Numophylacium Orientale Pototianum, 8vo. (Tracts 18) 
 Casan, 1813 
 De Arabicorum libris Histories Saracenicae, 4to. (Tracts 
 18) ib. 1815 
 Catalogus Prselectionum in Universitate Csesariensi, 4to. 
 (Tracts 18). . ib. 1815 
 De Origine Vocabuli Rossici ^CHini, 4to. (Tracts 18). ib. 1815 
 De Numorum Bulgharicorum antiquissimo libri duo, 4to. 
 ib. 1816 
 De Museo Numario Muslemico Academiee Imperial is Petro- 
 politanee, 4to. (Tracts 18). . St. Petersburg, 1818 
 Novae Symbolee ad Rem Numariam Muhammedanorum, 
 4to ib. 1819 
 Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber eine bedeutende Bereicherung an 
 Arabischen, Persischen und Tiirkischen Handschriften, 
 8vo. (Tracts 100). ... . ib. 1819 
 Antiquitatis Muhainmedanee Monumenta varia, parts 1 and 
 2, 4to. . ib. 1820-22 
242 FRA FRA 
 FRAEHN, C. M. continued. 
 Das Muhammedanische Miinzkabinet des Asiatischen Mu- 
 seums aus St. Petersburg, 8vo. . . St. Petersburg 1821 
 De Chasaris, part 1, 4to ib. 1822 
 Die Chosroen Miinzen, 4to. (Tracts 18) . . Hitau, 1822 
 De Baschkiris, 4to. (Tracts 18.) 
 Zur Mohammedanischen Miinzkunde aus St. Petersburg, 
 4to. ......... Berlin, 
 Paris, Didot, 1841-51 
 FRAMLINGHAM, in Suffolk, described ; \vith an Account of Den- 
 nington, Earlsoham, and Parham. 12mo. . Ipswich, 1820 
 Collection universelle des Memoires relatifs a L'Histoire 
 de, 62 vols. Tab. des Matieres, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. and Paris, 1785-90 
 1, 2, Sire de Joinville ; 1, 2, 3, Auteurs Arabes sur St. Louis; 
 3, 4, 5, Bertrand du Guesclin ; 5, Christine de Pisan ; 
 6, Jean de Boucieaut ; 5, Pierre de Fenin ; 7, Comte de 
 Richemont; 7, Florent d'llliers ; 7, Pucelle d' Orleans ; 
 8, 9, Ollivier de laMarche; 10, 11, 12, Philippe de 
 Comines ; 13, Jean de Troyes ; 14, Guillaume de Ville- 
 neuve ; 14, La Tremoille ; 14, ] 5, Chevalier Bayard ; 
 16, Chevalier de Fleurange ; 16, Louise de Savoye ; 
 17, 18, 20, 21, Martin de Bellay ; 19, 20, Guillaume du 
 Bellay ; 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, Blaise de Montluc ; 26, 27, 28, 
 Gasp'ar S. de Tavannes ; 28, 29, 30, 81, 32, 33, Sire de 
 Vielleville ; 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, Baron Duvillars; 37, 38, 
 39, Fran9ois de Rabutin ; 39, 40, Bern, de Salignac ; 
 40, Gaspard de Coligny; 40, Claudde la Chaste; 40, 
 Guillaume de Rochechouart ; 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 
 Mich, de Castelnau ; 41, Jean de Mergy ; 47, Fr. de la 
 Noue ; 46, Achille Gamon ; 46, Jean Philippi ; 47, 48, 
 Henri, Due de Bouillon ; 49, Guillaume S. de Tavannes ; 
 50, 51, 52, Comte de Cheverny ; 52, Marguerite de 
 Valois ; 53, 54, J. A. de Thou ; 54, Jean de Choisnin; 
 54, Matt. Merle; 55,56, 57, 58, 59, 60, P. Cayet; 61, 
 Seigneur de St. Auban ; 61, 62, Villeroy; 62, Due 
 Ministere d'Etat. Archives de 1'Empire. Collection de 
 Sceaux des Archives de 1'Empire. Par M. Douet d'Arcq, 
 l re partie, tomes 1 et 2, 4to Paris, 1863-67 
 Collection des Inventaires Sommaires des Archives Departe- 
 mentales anterieures a 1790. Departement du Nord. 
 Archives Civiles. Serie B. Par A. et J. Le Glay, M. 
 Desplanque, et M. Dehaisnes. 4 vols. 4to. . Lille, 1865-81 
 Gesta Dei per Francos, fol. . . . Hanoverce, 1611 
 Le Blason de France,, ou Notes Curieuses sur 1'Edit con- 
 cernant la Police des Armoiries. 12mo. . . Paris, 1697 
 Comptes de 1'Hotel des Rois de France aux 14 e et 15 e Siecles. 
 Par M. Douet d'Arcq, 8vo ib- 1865 
FRA FRA 243 
 FRANCE continued. 
 Academic Celtique, Memoires. 5 vols. and vol. vi., No. 16, 
 8vo ... Paris, 1807-12 
 Acad&nie de Bordeaux, Memoires. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Bordeaux, 1827-28 
 Academic des Sciences. Funerailles de M. Augustin Chaucy, 
 4to Paris, 1857 
 Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Memoires, 
 2 nde Serie. Tomes i. to iv., and vii. etc. In progress, 4to. 
 ib. 1837, etc. 
 par des Savants Strangers. Tome 1, 4to. 
 ib. 1841 
 Comite Historique des Arts et Monuments ; Bulletin Archeo- 
 logique. Tomes i., ii., 8vo. ib. 1840-42 
 Congres Historique Europeen reuni a Paris au nom de 
 1'Institut Historique. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1836 
 Congres Scientifique de France, 23 e Session tenue a la 
 Rochelle, 8vo. . . Saintes et St Jean d'Angely, 1856 
 33 me Session, Amiens, 4to. . Amiens, 1866 
 Institut de France. Histoire de 1'Academie des Inscrip- 
 tions etBelles-Lettres depuis 1710, 43 Tomes, 4to.Pam, 1736-86 
 Notices des MSS. de la Bibl. Imperiale et 
 d'autres Bibliotheques, etc. In progress . . ib. 1810, etc. 
 Academic des Inscriptions. Memoires. 2 me 
 serie, 4to. In progress . . . . . . ib. 1815, etc. 
 Memoires Presentes par divers Savants, l ere 
 serie. Sujets divers d'Srudition. Tome ii. etc. 4to. ib. 1852, etc. 
 2 me Serie. Antiquites de la France. In pro- 
 gress, 4to. ....... ib. 1843, etc. 
 Seance publique Annuelle de 1'Academie, 
 25 Sept., 1840, 4to ib. 1840 
 Comptes Rendus des Sceances, 4 me Serie. 
 In progress, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1878, etc. 
 Institut des Provinces et des Congres Scientifiques. 
 Annuaire, 1851, 1860, 1862, 12mo. . . . ib. 1851-62 
 Societe de 1'Histoire de France. Bulletin, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1835 
 Annuaire Historique, 1837-60, 24 vols. 
 12mo ib. 18M6-60 
 - Bulletin, 1863, 8vo ib. 1864 
 Chroniques de J. Froissart par Simeon Luce, 5 
 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1869-74 
 Chronique de Jean Le Fevre, Seigneur de 
 Saint- Remy, transcrite par F. Moraud. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1876-81 
 Societe des Antiquaires. Memoires, Tome i. to xvi. and 
 xxviii. to xlii., 8vo ib. 1817-50 
 - Bulletin ib. 1871-78 
 - Annuaire, 1850, 1851, 1853, 12mo. ib 1850-53 
 Societe de Sphragistique. Seaux des Archeveques de Sens, 
 8vo. . ib. 1852 
244 ERA FRA 
 FRANCE continued. 
 Societe pour la Conservation des Monuments Historiques. 
 Seances Gene"rales, 1836-38, 1840-43, 1845 and 1847, 1850, 
 1851, 1853, 1855, 1862, 1863, 1874, ec. 8vo. In progress 
 Paris, 1837, etc. 
 Extrait du Proces- Verbal des Seances, 8vo. Caen, 1883 
 Bulletin Monumental, vols. vi. and vii., Nos. 2, 
 4, 5, 6, 8vo. ib. 1850 
 FRANCE, J. F. Preces Yeterum, sive orationes devotae ex operibus 
 SS. Hieronymi, Augustini, &c., excerptae. 8vo. Lond. 1872 
 Charters, &c., of Neath and its Abbey, 8vo. (Not published.) 
 Swansea, 1845 
 Charter of Confirmation granted to Swansea by 0. Crom- 
 well, 8vo. (Tracts 96) ib. 1846 
 Contract of Affiance, A.D. 1303, 8vo. (Tracts 96) 
 Manchester, 1848 
 Free Grammar School, Swansea, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849 
 Bye-laws and Regulations of the Free Grammar School, 
 Swansea, 8vo. ......... ib. 1851 
 The Case of Tenby v. Narberth, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) 
 Tenly, 1864 
 Old Svvansey, as shown in a Rent Roll, A.D. 1717-18, fol. 
 (Tracts 159*) . Swansea, 1867 
 The Smelting of Copper in the Swansea District, 8vo. (Not 
 published) ib. 1867 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . Lond. 1881 
 Charters granted to Swansea, the chief Borough of the 
 Seignory of Gower. Translated, &c. (Not published.) 
 No. 5, of 100 copies. Fol ib. 1867 
 Old Glamorgan. A Rent Roll of Sir Geo. Herbert, Knt., 
 of the Place House, Swansea, and The Friars, Cardiff, 
 1545. (Tracts 157*.) Fol 1869 
 The Court of the Marches in Wales, 8vo. (Tracts 63) n.p. 1874 
 Letters to Captain Richard Gwyn (Customer of Swansea) 
 from Elizabeth, his wife, in the year 1677. From MSS. 
 in possession of W, L. Bevan. 8v-o. . , Swansea, 1875 
 Notes on a Gold Chain of Office presented to the Corpora- 
 tion of Swansea in 1875, with a List of Mayors, from 
 1835 to 1875, sm. 4to ib. 1876 
 On the " St. Helen's " and other Sites, for a Public Park at 
 Swansea, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1878 
 FRANCKIUS (J. M.) Catalogus Bibliothecse Bunavianse, 6 vols. 
 4to. ......,.. Leipsic, 1750 
 FRANCKLIN, W. Inquiry concerning the Site of the ancient 
 Palibothra. 4to Lond. 1815 
 FRANKLIN, Alfred. 
 Histoire Generale de Paris. Les Anciennes Biblio- 
 theques de Paris, &c., 3 vols. 4to. . . . Paris, 1867-73 
 Dictionnaire des Noms, Surnoms et Ps^udonymes Latins de 
 1'Histoire Litteraire du Moyen Age (1100 a 1530), 8vo. 1875 
FRA FEE 245 
 A Book of Ornamental Glazing Quarries, 8vo. . Lor>.d. 1849 
 Examples of Ornamental Art in Glass and Enamel, from the 
 Collections of the Duke of Buccleuch, &c. Edited by 
 J. B. Waring, fol. ib. 1858 
 Observations on Glass and Enamel, fol. . . . ib. 1858 
 London Tokens of the Seventeenth Century, 8vo. . ib. 1862 
 List of Drawings from the Amaravati Tope, Southern India. 
 Made for Colonel C. Mackenzie, 1816-19. India Office 
 Library. (Privately printed.) 8vo. . Westminster, 1881 
 83 Examples of Armorial Book Plates. (From various Col- 
 lections.) Privately printed. Sixty copies only. 4to. Lond. 1884 
 FRASER, A. C. Annals of such patriots of the Family of Fraser, 
 Frysell, Sim-son, or Fitz-Simon, as have signalized them- 
 selves in the public Service of Scotland, 8vo. (Tracts 139) 
 Edinburgh, 1795 
 FRASER, James. Guide to the County of Wicklow, 12mo. Dublin, 1842 
 FRASER, William. 
 The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country, 2 vols, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1869 
 The Book of Carlaverock. Memoirs of the Maxwells Earls 
 of Nithsdale, Lords Maxwell and Herries, 2 vols. Privately 
 printed. 4to ib. 1873 
 The Earls of Cromartie : their Kindred, Country, and 
 Correspondence, 2 vols. 4to. . . . . ib. 1876 
 The Red Book of Menteith, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1880 
 The Douglas Book. In 4 vols. I. Douglas Memoirs. II. 
 Angus Memoirs. III. Charters. IV. Correspondence. 
 4to . ib. 1885 
 FRATERNITY OF VAGABONDS. Imprinted at London by J. Awdely, 
 1575. (Bound with " Mynshull's Essays.") 8vo. 
 Reprinted, Westminster, 1813 
 FRATI, Luigi. Di un Calendario Runico della Pontificia Univer- 
 sita di Bologna, 4to. . ..... Bologna, 1841 
 FRE"ART, Roland. 
 A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern. 
 Made English by John Evelyn. (Plates.) Fol. Lond. 1664 
 Fourth edition. With L. B. Alberti's Trea- 
 tise of Statues and Sir H. Wotton's Elements of Archi- 
 tecture, fol. ib. 1733 
 FREE, J., D.D. On the English Tongue, 8vo. . . . ib. 1788 
 FREELING, Arthur. Picturesque Excursions, 8vo. . . ib. 1849 
 FREEMAN, Edward A. 
 A History of Architecture, 8vo ib. 1849 
 An Essay on the Origin and Development of Window 
 Tracery in England, 8vo. . Oxford and London, 1851 
 The History of the Norman Conquest of England, 6 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1867-79 
 Inaugural Address. Delivered at the Annual Meeting of 
 the Somersetshire Archeo. and Nat. Hist. Soc., 1871. 
 (Tracts (51***) 8vo 1871 
246 FRE FEE 
 FREEMAN, Edward A. continued. 
 The Historical Geography of Europe, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881 
 The Reign of William Rufus and the Accession of Henry 
 the First, 2 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1882 
 English Towns and Districts. A Series of Addresses. 
 8vo Lond. 1883 
 How the Study of History is let and hindered. An 
 Address, &c. 12mo. 
 Address to the Historical Section of the Annual Meeting of 
 the Institute held at Cardiff, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) 
 FREEMAN, L. H. The Augustine Memorial, Isle of Thanet, 8vo. 
 Birmingham, 1884 
 FREEMASONS. Prince of Wales's Lodge, No. 259. List of Mem- 
 bers. With Notes of the Proceedings, 12mo. . Lond. 1876 
 FREHERUS, D. Paulus. Theatrum Yirorum Eruditione Clarorum a 
 Sseculis aliquot ad haec usque tempora florentium, 3 
 pt. fol. . . . . . Nuremberg, 1688 
 FREIBERGER ALTERTHUMSVEREIN. Mittheilungen, 1862-64 (Heft, 
 1864), 8vo. Freiberg, 1865 
 FREIDENFELT, C. P. Skirners, Fard fran Islandskan ofversatt 
 utur den aldre Eddan, 8vo. (Tracts 97) . . Upsal, 1845 
 FREMINVILLE, Chevalier de. Antiquites de la Bretagne, Parties 
 1 and 2, 8vo Brest, 1827-28 
 Notes on the Nimbus, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . Bolton, 1854 
 Bibliographical Notices of Church Libraries at Turton and 
 Gorton, 4to. ...... Manchester, 1855 
 Banners of the Bayeux Tapestry, 8vo. (Tracts 81) Lond. 1857 
 Life of Samuel Crompton, 8vo. . . . > ib. 1859 
 The History of Toasting, or Drinking of Healths in England, 
 Svo ib. 1881 
 Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England : a History, 
 8vo ib. 1884 
 FRENCH NATION. Letters on the French Nation. By a Sicilian 
 Gentleman residing at Paris. Translated. 8vo. . ib. 1769 
 FRERE, Edouard. 
 De 1'Imprimerie et de la Librairie a Rouen, Svo. Rouen, 1843 
 Sur les Origines Typographiques, 8vo. (Tracts 14) . ib. 1850 
 Manuel du Bibliographe Normand, Svo. (Tracts 80) . ib. 1860 
 Des Livres de Liturgie des Sglises d'Angleterre (Salisbury, 
 York, Hereford), Svo ib. 1867 
 Une Seance de 1'Academie des Palinods en 1640, 8vo. ib. 1867 
 FRERE, P. H. The Pastoii Letters ; the great Modern Romance 
 of the 15th Century, Svo. .... Lond. 1866 
 FRERE, T. Defense de la Chronologic centre Newton, 4to. Paris, 1758 
 The Eegister Book of the Parish of St. Christopher le 
 Stocks, London, 3 vols. 4to Lond. 1882 

 FRE FBI 247 
 FRESHFIELD, Edwin continued. 
 Accomptes of the Churchwardens of the Paryshe of St. 
 Christofer's in London, 1575 to 1662, privately printed, 4to. 
 Loud. 1885 
 Another copy. 
 Minutes of the Vestry Meetings and other Records of the 
 Parish of St. Christopher le Stocks, in the City of London. 
 Privately printed. 4lo. ...... ib. 1886 
 FRETTON, W. G. " Fortified Coventry," 8vo. . . Coventry, 1870 
 Associations of the Princes of Wales with Coventry, 8vo. 
 ib. [1872] 
 Coventry and its Antiquities, 8vo. .... [1873] 
 Subterranean Coventry, 8vo. . . . . . ib. [1876] 
 Antiquarian Losses in Coventry during a Century and a 
 half, 8vo [1879] 
 The Fullers' Guild, Coventry, 8vo. . . Warwick, [1879] 
 Craven Arms Hotel, High Street, Coventry, 12mo. Coventry, 1880 
 Municipal Regalia, Seals, and Coinage of the City of 
 Coventry, 8vo ib. [1880] 
 Oddfellows' Almanack, 1880-81. Extracted from the List 
 of Lodges. 8vo. ..... Manchester, 1880 
 Ancient Guilds and Modern Friendly Societies, 8vo. 
 The Artizan, his Recreations and Hobbies, 8vo. 
 " Buried Coventry," 8vo Warwick, 
 Collins' County Geographies. Edited by W. Lawson, 
 F.R.G.S. (a) Warwickshire; (6) Leicester and 
 Rutland; (c) Northampton; and (d) Worcestershire. 
 4 vols. 12mo Lond. 
 The Forest of Arden. A sketch of its historical, memorial, 
 and other famous trees. 8vo. 
 Gleanings from God's Acre, 8vo. 
 King's Head Hotel, Coventry, 12mo. . . . Coventry. 
 Local Nomenclature. The origin of the names of the 
 Streets, Lanes, and other localities in Coventry. 8vo. 
 The Monastic Buildings of Coventry, 8vo. 
 Notes on Ancient Chirurgery, 8vo. 
 Notes on the Guild of Corpus Christi or St. Nicholas, 
 Coventry, 8vo. 
 On the Coach from Coventry to Birmingham, 8vo. 
 The Rev. William Hawkins Woodward, 8vo. 
 Sand and Sandstones, with special reference to the English 
 Coast Sands, 8vo. 
 Whitley and its Groves, 8vo. 
 FREY, J. J. De Comissationibus veterum ex Graecis Romanisque 
 Antiquitatibus, 4to. .... Altorf, 1744 
 FRICK, F. Schloss Marienberg in Preussen, fol. . Berlin, 1803 
 FRIEDLAENDER, Julius. Die Italienischen Schaumiinzen des 
 funfzehnten jahrhunderts (1430-1530), fol. . . ib. 1882 
 Rules>of the Doddington Friendly Society, 8vo. Nantwich, 1831 
 Articles of the Walgherton Friendly Dividend Society, 8vo. 
 Middleu'ich, 1833 
248 FRI FRO 
 Rules of the Wybunbury Friendly Dividend Society, 8vo. 
 (3 copies of each) ..... Nantwich, 1836 
 TAALKUNDE. Thet Freske Riim, met aanteekeningen van 
 E. Epkema, met Levensschets van Epkema, door J. van 
 Leeuwen. 4to. ...... Workum, 1835 
 Gesta Fresonum uit de Apographa Juniana, 4to. . ib. 1837 
 Enige Gedenckvveerdige Geschiedenissen, tot narichtinge 
 der nakomelingen, sommarischer wijze beschreven deur 
 J. Fredrich van Yervov, 8vo. . . . Leeuwarden, 1841 
 Oude Friesche Wetten, Deelen 1, 2, 8vo. . . ib. 1846-51 
 Worperi Tyaerda ex Renismageest, Prioris in Thabor, 
 Chronicorum Frisiae libri tres. Worp Tyaerda van 
 Rinsumageest, Fierde Boek. 8vo. . . . ib. 1847-50 
 Jancko Douwama's Geschriften, 4to. .... ib. 1849 
 Oude Friesche Kronijken. (Thet Freske Riim. Gesta 
 Fresonum. Die olde Freesche Cronike. Gesta Frisionum. 
 M. Alviiii Tractatus.) 4to ib. 1853 
 Proeliarius of Strijdboek, bevattende de jongste oorlogen in 
 Friesland, in het jaar 1518, beschreven door breeder 
 Paulus Rodolphi van Rixtel, vroeger geheeten Johannes 
 Gruyter. 8vo ib. 1855 
 Memoires relatifs a la Guerre de Succession de 1706-1709 et 
 1711, de Sicco van Goslinga, publics par MM. U. A. 
 Evertsz et G. H. M. Delprat, 8vo ib. 1857 
 Het Leven van Menno Baron van Coehoorn, beschreven 
 door zijnen zoon Gosewijn Theodoor Baron van Coehoorn, 
 uitgegeven door Jhr. J. W. van Sypesteyn, 8vo. . ib. 1860 
 Catalogus der Bibliotheek van hat Friesch Genootschap 
 van Geschied- Oudheid- en Taalkunde, 8vo. . . ' ib. 1862 
 De Lex Frisionum, uitgegeven en toegelicht door Dr. Karl 
 Freiherr von Richtofen, 8vo ib. 1866 
 FRISIORUM LEGES, 4to. Frankfort, 1617 
 FRITZNER, Johan. Forklaring over nogle Ord og Udtryk i det 
 gamle norske Sprog. 8vo. (Tracts 165) . * . . 1871 
 FRODSHAM, Charles. On the Aneroid Barometer, 8vo. (Tracts 
 109) Lond. 1849 
 FRXEHNER, W. Les Musees de France. Recueil de Monuments 
 Antiques, fol Paris, 1873 
 FRCELICH, Erasmus. 
 Quatuor Tentamina in Re Numaria Yetere, 4to. . Vienna, 1750 
 Annales Regum Syrioe, fol. . . . . ib. 1754 
 Histoire et Chronique. Edited by Denys Sauvage, fol. 
 Paris j 1574 
 Translated by T. Johnes, 4 vols. 4to. 
 Hafod, 1803-5 
 Chroniques : publiees par S. Luce. 5 vols. (in 6). 8vo. 
 Paris, 1869-74 
FRO FUL 249 
 De Strategematis, fol. ...... Paris, 1535 
 - Editio altera. Curante Oudendorpio. 8vo. Ley den, 1779 
 De Aqueductibus Urbis Romse commentarius, opera et 
 studio J. Poleni, 4to Padua, 1722 
 FROST, Charles. 
 Early History of Hull, 4to Lond. 1827 
 Address to the Literary Society of Kingston-upon-Hull, 
 8vo. (Tracts 114) Hull, 1831 
 On the Prospective Advantages of a Visit to the Town of 
 Hull by the British Association for the Advancement of 
 Science, 8vo ib. 1853 
 FROUDE, J. A. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to 
 the death of Elizabeth, vols. i.-xii., 8vo. . . ib. 1862-70 
 FRUCTUS TEMPORUM : The Cronycle of Englonde with the fruyte 
 of tymes. Newely in the yere of oure lorde god 
 MCCCCCII. enprynted in Flete Strete in the sygne of 
 the Sone. By me Wynkyn de Worde. The Descrypcyon 
 of Englonde, Walys, Scotlonde and Irlonde. Fynysshed 
 and enprynted in Flete Strete in the syne of the Sonne 
 by me Wynkyn de Worde, the yere of oure lorde 
 A. MCCCCC. and II. mensis mayus. (Imperfect, two 
 leaves of the ' table ' wanting), fol. . . Westminster, 1502 
 FRY, Edmund. Pantographia, 8vo. 3 copies . . Lond. 1799 
 FRY, Francis. 
 The Souldier's Pocket Bible, printed at London by G. B. 
 and R. W. for G. C. 1643. (Facsimile, with introduc- 
 tion), 8vo ib. 1862 
 The Christian Soldier's Penny Bible. London, printed by 
 R. Smith for Sam. Wade, 1693. (Facsimile, with intro- 
 ductory note), 8 vo. ....... ib. 1862 
 The Prophete Jonas, with an introduction, etc., by William 
 Tyndale. (Facsimile.) To which is added Coverdale's 
 version of Jonah, with an Introduction, 8vo. . . ib. 1863 
 A Proper Dyaloge betwene a Gentillman and a Husband- 
 man eche complaynynge to other their miserable calami- 
 tie through the ambicion of Clergye. With a compen- 
 dious olde treatyse shewynge howe that we ought to have 
 the Scripture in Englysshe. Hans Luft, 1530. (Facsimile, 
 with introduction.) 8vo. ...... ib. 1863 
 FRYER, A. C. 
 Cuthberht of Lindisfarne : his life and times, 8vo. . ib. 1880 
 Aidan, the Apostle of the North, 8vo. . . . ib. [1884] 
 FRYXELL, Ola. Legenda Suecana Yetusta S. Helenee, 8vo. 
 (Tractate) Holmice, 1845 
 FUCHSIUS, Samuel. Metoposcopia et Ophthalmoscopia. (Wood- 
 cuts), 12mo. ...... . Strasburg, 1615 
 FULGENTIUS. Enarrationes allegoricse fabularum. Fulgentii 
 Placiadis, fol Milan, 1488 
 (Bound with " Firmicus de Nativitatibus.") 
 FULLER, E. A. The Parish Church of St. John Baptist, Ciren- 
 cester, 8vo Cirencester, [188*2] 
250 FUL FYF 
 FULLER, Thomas. 
 Worthies of England, fol. ..... Loud. 1662 
 Poems and Translations in verse. Edited by A. B. Grosart, 
 12mo Edinburgh, 1868 
 Miscellanies, 4 vols. 8vo Blackburn, 1871-72 
 Vol. 1. Poems of Bacon. Poems of Jeremy Taylor. The 
 " Temptacyon," by Bp. Bale. Poems of W. Harbert. 
 Poems of H. Clifford. Poems of Dr. W. Loe. 
 Vol. II. Andrew's " Anatomie of Basenesse." Lot's 
 "Sonnets of Christian Passions," &c. Markham's "Teares 
 of the Beloved," and "Marie Magdalen's Teares." 
 Vol. III. Tuke's "Holy Eucharist" (1625). Fraunce's 
 " Countesse of Pembroke's Emanuel " (1591). ISTorris of 
 Bemerton's Poems. Viscount Falkland's Poems. Dr. 
 Giles Fletcher's "Licia" (1593). Lever's " Crucifixe or 
 Holie Passion," and "Queene Elizabeth's Teares" (1607). 
 Vol. IV. Poems of C. Brooke. Poems of Thomas, Lord 
 Vaux, Edward, Earl of Oxford, and Robert and Walter, 
 Earls of Essex ; Sir E. Dyer (verse and prose) ; Two 
 Interludes : Jacke Jugeler and Godly Queene Hester ; 
 Luminalia ; and notes, etc. 
 Marvell, Andrew. Complete Works. Vol. III. Prose. 
 Edited by Rev. A. B. Grosart. For private circulation, 
 8vo Lond. 1873 
 Sidney, Philip. The Complete Poems of. Edited by A. 
 B. Grosart. 2 vols. For private circulation, 8vo. . ib. 1873 
 Sir John Davies' Complete Works. Vol. II. Prose Works, 
 Parts I.-III. Edited by A. B. Grosart. For private 
 circulation, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1874 
 Complete Works of George Herbert. Edited by A. B. 
 Grosart. For private circulation, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 The Complete Poems of Christopher Harvey. Being a 
 supplementary volume of the works of George Herbert. 
 Edited by A. B. Grosart. For private circulation, 8vo. ib. 1874 
 FUNCCIUS, J. N". Dissertationes Academicse conjunctim nunc 
 primum editee, 8vo. ....... 1746 
 FUNDGRUBEN DBS ORIENTS, fol. (Tracts 157) . . Vienna, 1809 
 FUR PRJSDESTINATUS, 8vo. (Tracts 136) . . . Lond. 1813 
 FURIETTI, Josephus Alexander. De Musivis, 4to. . Rome, 1752 
 FURLEY, Robert. A History of the Weald of Kent, with an 
 outline of the early history of the county. Also, a sketch 
 of the physical features of the district by Henry B. 
 Mackeson, F.G.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Ash ford and Lond. 1871, 1874 
 FURNESS ABBEY, a Guide through the ruins of, with a brief 
 account of Dalton and Pile Castle, 8vo. . . Ulverston, 1858 
 FURSMAN, John. Grant of Arms to John Fursman, from 
 original, in possession of Dr. H. H. Drake, 8vo. 
 FYFE, W. W. M'Phun's Scottish Tourist's Steam-Boat Pocket 
 Guide to the Western Highlands and Islands, 12mo. 
 Glasgow, 1852 

 GAD GAL 251 
 GADBURY, John. 
 The Doctrine of Nativities ; together with the Doctrine of 
 Horarie Questions, and the Primum Mobile, &c., fol. Lond. 1658 
 The Nativity of the late King Charls [sic] astrologically 
 performed, 12mo. ....... ib. 1659 
 His Opinion of the Ottoman or Turkish Power : with what 
 he hath wrote concerning the King. (Tracts on Politics 
 and Church A/airs, 1670-1711), 4to. . Charing Cross, 1683 
 GAELIC SOCIETY OP LONDON. Catalogue of their Books and 
 Papers, 12mo. (Traots 153) . . . Lond. 1840 
 GAFFAREL, Jac. Curiositez inouyes sur la Sculpture Talisma- 
 nique des Persans, Horoscope des Patriarches, et Lecture 
 desEtoiles. Plates. 12mo n.p. 1637 
 GAGE, R. J. 
 The History and Antiquities of Hengrave, in Suffolk, 4to. 
 Lond. 1822 
 Remarks on the Alterations proposed in York Minster, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 56) ib. 1831 
 History of Suffolk Hundred of Thingoe, 4to. . . ib. 1838 
 GAIDOZ, H. Notice sur les Inscriptions Latines de 1'Irlande, 
 8vo Paris, 1878 
 GAILHABAUD, Jules. Ancient and Modern Architecture, Parts 1 
 and 2, 4to Lond. 1844-6 
 GAILLARD, Victor. R/echerches sur les Monnaies des Comtes de 
 Flandre, jus-qu'a 1'avenement de la Maison de Bour- 
 gdgne, 4to. ....... Ghent, 1856 
 GAILLIARD, J. Ephemerides Brugeoises on Relation Chronolo- 
 gique des evenements qui se sont passes dans la Ville de 
 Bruges, 8vo Bruges, 1847 
 GAIRDNER, James. 
 History of the Life and Reign of Richard the Third, to 
 which is added the Story of Perkin Warbeck. Second 
 edition, 8vo Lond. 1879 
 Epochs of Modern History. The Houses of Lancaster and 
 York, with the Conquest and loss of France. 4th edition. 
 12mo ib. 1881 
 GAIRDNER, John. A perpetual Almanack and Calendar for the 
 Investigation of Dates. (A card.) Second edition, fol. 
 Edinburgh, 1868 
 GALE, Roger. Registrum Honoris de Richmond, fol. Lond. 1722 
 tGrALE, Samuel. History of the Cathedral of Winchester, 8vo. ib. 1715 
 JALE, Thomas, and FULMAN, William. Rerum Anglicarum 
 Scriptores Veteres, 3 vols. fol. . . Oxford, 1684-91 
 Vol. 1. Ingulphus Croylandensis, Petrus Blesensis. 
 Chronicade Maieros. Annales Burtonenses. Hist. Croy- 
 land. Con tin. 
 Vol. 2. Annales Marganenses. Th. Wikes, Chronicon. 
 Annales Waverleienses. G. Vinesalvi Historia. W. 
 Hemingford, Historia. 
252 GAL GAR 
 GALE, Thomas, and FULMAN, William continued. 
 Vol. 3. Gildas. Eddius. Nennius. Asserius. Ranulph. 
 Higden. Wilh. Malmesbur. Anonymus Malmesbur. 
 Anonymus Ramesensis. AnonymusElyensis. Thomas 
 Elyensis. Js. Wallingford. Radulphus de Diceto. 
 Anonymus de partit. provinc. Js. Fordun. Alcwinus 
 Flaccus. Appendix. 
 GALLES, L. Decouverte de Sepultures del'Epoque du Bronze au 
 Rocher, en Plougoumelen, 8vo. . . . Vannes, 1873 
 GALLIA CHRISTIANA. 4 vols. fol. .... Paris, 1656 
 GALLIENO. An Historical Romance of the Wars between the 
 mighty giant Gallieno and the great Knight Nasonius 
 and his associates, 4to. .... Doublin [sic] 1694 
 GALWAY, Queen's College. Catalogue of the Library. By J. H. 
 Richardson, 8vo ib. 1864 
 GAMS, P. B. Series Episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae, 4to. 
 Eatisbon, 1873 
 GANDY and BAUD. Illustrations of Windsor Castle. 12 Plates; 
 and 13 Plates of Modern Buildings. (JBound with John- 
 son's " Beverley Minster.") 
 GANS, Johan. Arboretum Genealogicum exhibens omnes fere 
 Principes linea recta descendentes a Rudolpho I. fol. 
 Cologne, 1638 
 History of England from the accession of James I. to the 
 disgrace of Chief-Justice Coke, 1603-1616. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1863 
 Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 16171623. 2 
 vols. 8vo ib. 1869 
 A History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and 
 Charles I. 1624-1628. 2 vols., 8vo. . . . ib. 1875 
 The Personal Government of Charles I. A History of 
 England, 1628-1637. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1877 
 The Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I., 1637-1649. Vol. I. 
 (1637-1640); Vol. II. (1640-1642). 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649. Vol. I. (1642- 
 1644), 8vo . ib. 1886 
 GARDTHAUSEN, V. Griechische Palseographie, 8vo. . Leipsic, 1879 
 GARGIULO, Raffaele. 
 Raccolta de' Monumenti del Rl. Museo Borbonico, e di varie 
 collezioni private, 4to. ..... Naples, 1825 
 Sulla Maniera di rinvenire i Vasi fittili Italo-Greci, 4to. ib. 1831 
 GARLING, H. B. New Courts of Justice Design, fol. . Lond. 1867 
 GARMANN, L. C. F. De Miraculis Mortuorum Libri Tres, quibus 
 praemissa Dissertatio de Cadavere et Miraculis in genere, 
 4to Dresden, 1709 
 GARNER, Robert. Natural History of the County of Stafford, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1844 
 GARNETT, Thomas. A Tour through the Highlands, 2 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1800 
GAR GAS 253 
 Deuxieme Rapport (Itineraire-romain), 8vo. (Tracts 111) 
 Amiens, 1840 
 Rapport sur les Travaux de la Societe des Antiquaires de 
 la Picardie 1839-43, 8vo. (Tracts 111) 1 . . ib. 1840-43 
 Notice sur 1'Eglise de Namps-au-Val, 8vo. (Tracts 111) ib. 1842 
 Catalogue des MSS. de la Bibliotheque communale 
 d' Amiens, 8vo. ....... ib. 1843 
 Inventaires du Tresor de la Cathedrale d' Amiens, 8vo. ib. 1850 
 Notice sur quelques Enseignes de Pelerinage en plomb con- 
 cernant la Picardie, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . . ib. 1865 
 Les Insectes dans 1'Antiquite and au Moyen Age. Essai 
 Historique, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . . . ib. 1868 
 Reponse au Discours de Reception de M. Yvert, 8vo. 
 (Tracts III) ... . ib. n.d. 
 Notice sur M. le Docteur Rigollot, 8vo. (Tracts 56*) Brussels, n.d. 
 GARNIER DE PONT S. MAXENCE. Vie de S. Thomas de Canter- 
 bury. Edited by C. Hippeau, 8vo. . . Paris, 1859 
 GARRET, William. Merrie Book of Garlands, 8vo. (Only the 
 title.) (Tracts 55**) .... Newcastle, 1818 
 GARROW, D. W. History of Croydon, 8vo. . . Croydon, 1818 
 GARRUCCI, Raffaele. 
 Graffiti de Pompei. Seconda edizione, 4to. . Paris, 1856 
 Descrizione dei vetri ornati di Figure in Oro, 4to. 
 Edizione seconda, 4to. . . Roma, 1864 
 Tavole, fol. 
 Dissertazioni Archeologiche di vario argomento, vols. i. ii., 
 4to ib. 1864-66 
 Tavole fotografiche delle Pitture Yulcenti, obi. fol. . ib. 1866 
 Dichiarazione delle Pitture Vulcenti, 4to. . . . ib. 1866 
 D'un Epitaffio Cristiano ora esistente nel Museo del Louvre, 
 8vo. . . ib. 1868 
 Inscriptions Chretiennes de la Gaule anterieurs au 8 e Siecle, 
 annotees par E. Le-Blant. 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . ib. 1869 
 Storia della Arte Christiana nei primi otto secoli della 
 chiesa. 6 vols, fol. Prato, 1872-81 
 Scavi della Necropoli Albana, 8vo. .... ib. 1875 
 Archeologia. II Battesimo e la Cresima come espressi 
 dall'arte cristiana nell'epoca classica, 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 Rivista della Stampa Italiana. Della descrizione univer- 
 sale mentovata da san Luca e dell'anno in che venne 
 eseguita nella Giudea. Dissertazione di F. S. Patrizi. 
 8vo. ib. 1876 
 GARSTIN, J. R. The Book of Common Prayer in Ireland : its 
 original and history, &c. 8vo. (Tracts 95***) Dublin, 1871 
 GARZONI, Tomaso. L'Hospidale de' Pazzi incurabili, nuova- 
 mente formato da T. Garzoni. 4to. . . Venice, 1586 
 GASPEY, William. Brackett's Guide to Tunbridge Wells, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 148**) .... Tunbridge Wells, 1863 
254 GAS GEL 
 GASTON III., Conte De Foix, Seigneur de Beam. Le Livre de 
 la Chasce. From a MS. in the collection of Sir Thomas 
 Phillipps, Bart. Edited by Sir H. Dryden, Bart. Sm. 
 4to. ..... ^ ... Daventry, 1844 
 GATAKER, Thomas. Of the nature and use of Lots. Second 
 edition, 4to. ....... Lond. 1627 
 GATTY, A. S. The First Book of the Marriage, Baptismal, and 
 Burial Registers of Ecclesneld Parish Church, Yorkshire, 
 from 1558 to 1619; also the Churchwardens' Accounts 
 from 1520 to 1546. 4to. . . Lond. and Sheffield, 1878 
 GATTY, C. T. 
 The Mayer Collection in the Liverpool Museum, considered 
 as an Educational Possession. For private circulation. 
 8vo. . Liverpool, 1878 
 Catalogue of the Engraved Gems and Rings in the collec- 
 tion of Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. 8vo. . . Lond. 1879 
 Catalogue of the Loan Exhibition of Pre- historic Antiqui- 
 ties and Ethnography, held at the Walker Art Gallery, 
 Liverpool. 8vo ib. 1880 
 Liverpool Free Public Museum. Catalogue of Mediaeval 
 and Later Antiquities, &c. 4to. . . . Liverpool, 1883 
 G-AULFRIDO and BERNARDO LE VAYNE, Pitiful History of, 1570, 
 reprint, Edited by J. P. Collier, 4to. . . [Lond. 1844] 
 GAUTIER D'AUPAIS, Le Chevalier a la Corbeille. Fabliaux du 
 xiii e Siecle publics par F. Michel. 8vo. . Paris, 1835 
 GAUVES, Les Sires de. Se vend chez Vandale a Bruxelles. 
 [Facsimile of a MS. of the XV. Cent., published by E. 
 Gachet in 1845, with 95 Illustrations by Kreins.] 4to. 
 GAVANTUS, B. Thesaurus Sacrorum Rituum, 2 vols. 4to. 
 {Bound in one) ....... 1651-52 
 GAT, Charles. Letter to the Commissioners on Public Records, 
 8vo Lond. 1837 
 GAY, F. L. John Gay of Dedham, Massachusetts, and some of 
 his descendants. 8vo. ..... Boston, 1879 
 GAYER, A. E. Memoirs of the family of Gayer. Privately 
 printed. 4to. ...... Westminster, 1870 
 GEBELIN, Court de. Monde Primitive analyse et compare avec 
 le monde moderne. 9 vols. 4to. . . . Paris, 1787-92 
 GEBER. Works. Englished by R[ichard] R[ussell]. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1678 
 GEBHARDT, Oscar V., and ADOLF, Harnack. Evangeliorum 
 Codex Graecus Purpureus Rossanensis, litteris argenteis 
 sexto ut videtur saeculo scriptus picturisque ornatus. 
 4to. Leipsic, 1880 
 GEINITZ, H. B. Die Urnenfelder von Strehlen und Grossenhain. 
 4to Cassel, 1876 
 GELIOT, Loussan. Indice Armorial ou Sommaire Explication 
 des Mots usitez au Blason des Armoiries. Fol. Paris, 1635 
 GELL, Sir William. 
 The Topography of Troy, fol Lond. 1804 
 Itinerary of the Morea : being a description of the Routes 
 of that Peninsula, 8vo. . , . . . ib. 1817 
GEL GEN 255 
 GELL, Sir William continued. 
 Porapeiana : the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of 
 Pompeii. (Plates.) 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1832 
 - Third edition. By Sir W. Gell and J. P. 
 Gandy. (Plates.) 8vo. . . * . . . . ib. 1852 
 GELLIUS, Aulus. A. Gellii Noctes Atticae. Editio nova, &c. 
 12mo. ..... Amstelodami, Elzevir, 1651 
 GEMBLOUX, P. de. 
 Lettres sur les Antiquites de Grenoble, 8vo. . Grenoble, 1836 
 Sur les Antiquites de Gap, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1837 
 Sur un Monument de Theologie Arithmetique, 8vo. . ib. 1837 
 Lettre sur les Antiquites d'Autun, 8vo. . . Nevers, 1838 
 Londres et Grenoble, &c. ..... Grenoble, 1838 
 Sur 1'Histoire de Nevers, 8vo. .... Nevers, 1839 
 Sur un Musee Catholique du Nivernais, 8vo. . . ib. 1839 
 Histoire de la Chatre, 8vo. .... Bourges, 1840 
 Histoire Monetaire et Philologique du Berry. Tome i., 4to. 
 ib. 1840 
 Lettre sur 1'unite de 1'espece humaine, 8vo. . . ib. 1840 
 Sur le Poisson Dieu, 8vo. ...... ib. 1840 
 Sur une inscription Chretienne, 8vo. .... ib. 1840 
 Les Croiseries de Berry, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . . . ib. 1843 
 Idiomologie des lies Marquises, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . ib. 1843 
 Sur le Sommeil des Plantes, 8vo. .. . Chateauroux, 
 Sur le Tombeau de Deols, 8vo. . . . . ib. 
 Lettre sur le Mont Benvraich, 8vo. . rf . Nevers, 
 Le Bonnet de la Liberte, &c., 8vo. 
 Histoire de la Motte Feuilly, 8vo. 
 Sur les noms de la Riviere Isere, 8vo. 
 Sur 1'Histoire de la Guimbarde, 8vo. 
 Sur une inscription Greque inedite, 8vo. 
 Biographia Siciliana. 1. Filistione di Catania. 2. Matteo 
 Silvaggio. 3. Lorenzo Bolaiio. (Tracts 85.) 12mo. 
 Catania, 1834 
 Sopra di un Crucifisso figurato en ivorio, 12mo. (Tracts 85) 
 ib. 1840 
 Una moneta di Catania, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . . ib. 1845 
 Due parole sugli ornati della volta della grande Biblioteca 
 nella Catanese Universita di Studij, 8vo. (Tracts 85) ib. 1845 
 Cenno Storico su di una Teli di Girolamo la Manna, 8vo. 
 (Track 85) . ib. 1848 
 Antica Moneta inedita di Enna, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . ib. 1851 
 Assario Greco da Proporsi, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . . ib. 1851 
 Sul Fior di Loto delle Antiche Moneti di Sicilia. (Tracts 
 85) ......... n.p. n.d. 
 GENEALOGICA CURIOSA. Vol. iii. The Burning of St. Paul's, 
 1561. Edited by G. B. Morgan. Privately printed. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1885 
 GENEALOGIES des Maisons Souveraines, 4 vols. 4to. . Paris, 1736-38 
256 GEN GBO 
 A Quarterly Magazine. New Series. Edited by W. D. 
 Selby. 8vo. In progress .... Lond. 1884, etc. 
 Reprints principally from the Genealogist. Notes or Pedi- 
 grees relating to the Families of Ames, Ashton, Bowdler, 
 Browne, Burden, Carre, Cooper, Princess of Craon, 
 Dalton, Gamlyn, Howard, Kerr, Leveson, Oldfield, Scott 
 of Thirlestane, Shank, Totter, Udny, and Willesbye, 8vo. 
 ib. 1875-78 
 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Lagercatalog, No. 159. Adelsges- 
 chichte Wappenkunde. Yon J. A. Stargardt, 8vo. 
 Berlin, 1886 
 GENEVA. Le Temple de Saint-Pierre. [Various pamphlets.] 
 (Tracts 59*) 
 GENEVE, Societe d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de. Memoires et 
 Documents. Vols. i. to v. and Vol. ix., 8vo. Geneva, 1841-55 
 GENOA. Nouveau Guide de Genes, 18mo. . . . Genoa, 1846 
 GENTLE-CRAFT. The History of the Gentle-Craft, 4to. (Wood- 
 cuts) ........ Lond. n.d. 
 224 Vols. (including 2 vols. of Index), 8vo. . ib. 1731-1868 
 General Index. I. 1731-86: Essays. II. 1731-86: Names, 
 Books, Poetry, and Plates. III. 1787-1818: Essays, 
 Poetry. IV. 1787-1818: Books, Plates, and Names. 
 V. 1731-1818. Plates. 5 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1818-21 
 1. Manners and Customs, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1883 
 2. Dialect, Proverbs, and World-Lore, 8vo. . . . ib. 1884 
 3. Popular Superstitions, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1884 
 4. English Traditional- Lore : to which is added Customs of 
 Foreign Countries and Peoples, 8vo. . . . ib. 1885 
 5. Archaeology. Parts L, II., 8vo ib. 1886 
 GENTLEMAN'S MISCELLANY, The. (Sound with Pope's "Dunciad.") 
 8vo ib. 1730 
 GENTLEMAN'S RECREATIONS. The Gentleman's Recreations. By 
 R. Blaine. 3 Pts. fol. Second edition. Plates . ib. 1710 
 GEOFFREY OF MONMOTJTH. British History. Translated by A. 
 Thompson. 8vo ib. 1718 
 GEOGRAPHI GRJ;CI MINORES. Vols. i. and ii. (With Atlas.) 8vo. 
 Paris, Didot, 1855-61 
 Journal, 8vo. In progress .... Lond. 1833, etc. 
 Index to second ten volumes, 8vo. . . ib. 1853 
 Index to the fourth ten volumes, 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 Proceedings. Vol. i. No. 11 Vol. iii., Vol. viii. 8vo. 
 ib. 1859-64 
 Proceedings and Monthly Record of Geography. (New 
 Monthly Series.) 8vo. In progress . . ib. 1879, etc. 
GEO GER 257 
 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, The Royal continued. 
 Supplementary Papers. Vol. i., Part i. Contents : 
 Travels and Researches in Western China. By E. Col- 
 borne Baber. 8vo Lond. 1882 
 Nine Addresses at Anniversary Meetings, 8vo. . ib. 1838-56 
 Catalogue of the Library, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1852 
 Classified Catalogue of the Library, to Dec., 1870, 8vo. ib. 1871 
 Accessions to the Library to May, 1853, 8vo. . . ib. 1854 
 African Exploration. Circular by the Special Committee. 
 (With map.) 4to ib. 1877 
 Sir R. I. Murchison's Address, 23rd May, 1853, 8vo. ib. 1853 
 GEORGE THE FOURTH, The Ceremonies to be observed at the 
 Coronation of. The Deputy Earl Marshal's Order con- 
 cerning the Robes, Coronets, &c., fol. . . . ib. 1821 
 GEORGE, William. 
 On an Inscribed Stone, at Orchard Wyndham, Somerset, 
 called " Old Mother Shipton's Tomb," 8vo. . Bristol, 1879 
 Some Account of the Oldest Plans of Bristol. With three 
 Illustrations. 4to ib. 1881 
 New Facts relating to the Chattel-ton Family, 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 Lytes Gary Manor House, Somerset, and its Literary Asso- 
 ciations, &c., 8vo. ....... ib. 
 GEORGICA. Yetustissimorum Authorum Georgica, Bucolica et 
 Gnomica poemata quae supersunt. Accessit I. Hortiboni. 
 Theocriticarum lectionum libellus, etc., 12mo. 
 Apud J. Vignon, 1620 
 GERALDINE DOCUMENTS, Unpublished. Edited by S. Hayman 
 and J. Graves. Yols. i. to iv., 8vo. . . Dublin, 1870-81 
 GERARCHIA CATTOLICA, la Capella e la Famiglia Pontificia per 
 1'anno 1881, con appendice di altre Notizie, &c., sm. 8vo. 
 Rome, 1881 
 GERARD DE ROSSILLON, Chanson de Geste Ancienne. Publiee 
 en proven9al et en Fran9ais, par Michel, 16mo. Paris, 1856 
 GERBET, L'Abbe. Description de la Chaise de Saint-Pierre 
 conservee a Rome, 8vo. ...... ib. 1844 
 GERBIER, R. Table des Annales et autres Publications 
 Periodiques de la Societe d' Agriculture du Puy, 8vo. 
 LePuy, 1876 
 GERHARD, Eduard. 
 Del dio Fauno e de suoi seguaci, 8vo. . . . Naples, 1825 
 Jason des Drachen Beute, 4to. .... Berlin, 1835 
 II Yaso dall' Archemoro, fol. .... Rome, 1837 
 Archaeologische Zeitung, fol. . . . Berlin, 1843-46 
 Das Orakel der Themis, 4to ib. 1846 
 Ueber das Metroon zu Athen, 4to. . . . ib. 1851 
 Ueber eine Cista Mystica des Brittischen Museums, 4to. 
 ib. 1P51 
 Herakles der Satyr und dreifussrauber, 4to. . . ib 1852 
 Ueber den Volksstamm der Acheeer, 4to. . . . ib. 1854 
 Ueber Griechenlands Volksstamme und Stammgottheiten, 
 4to. ib. 1854 
258 GER GHE 
 GERHARD, Eduard continued. 
 Danae, ein Greichisches Yasenbild, 4to. . . Berlin, 1854 
 Sechszehntes Program m. zum Winckelmannsfest der 
 Archaologischen Gesellscliaft zu Berlin, 4to. . . ib. 1856 
 Ueber die Anthesterien, 4to. . . . . ib. 1858 
 Denkmaler, 8vo. ....... n.p. n.d. 
 GERMAIN, Felix. Du Retablissement Legal de la Noblesse. 
 2ncle edition. 16mo. ..... Paris, 1857 
 GERMAN CENTRAL MUSEUM. Anzeiger fur kunde der Peutschen 
 Vorzeit. Part I. 4to. . . . . Leipsic, 1853-54 
 GERMANY, Emperors of. Die Wahl eines Deutschen Kaisers 
 nebst alien dabey vorfallenden Ceremonien. Nebst 
 ein em Anhange von den vorziiglichsten Ritterorden. 
 12mo Vienna, 1790 
 GERMANY, Northern, A Handbook for Travellers in. Four- 
 teenth edition. (Murray.) 8vo. . . . Lond. 1863 
 GERMBERGIUS, Hermannus. Nomenclator Octilinguis omnium 
 rerum propria nomina continens. Ab Adriano Junio 
 antehac collectus. 8vo. .... Frankfort, 1602 
 GERRARD, John. Siglarium Romanum, 4to. . . Lond. 1792 
 GERVILLE, C. de. 
 Sur les Anciens Chateaux du department de la Manche, 8vo. 
 Caen, 1825 
 Sur le Hague-dike, 8vo. (Tracts 105) .... 1831 
 Sur les lies de Cotentin, 8vo. (Tracts 105) . Valognes, 1846 
 Sur la Communication entre les deux Bretagnes, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 105) ib. 1848 
 GESENIUS, Wilhelm. Ueber die Himjaritische Sprache und 
 Schrift, 8vo ' 1841 
 GESNER, Conrad. The Newe Jewell of Health, corrected and 
 published in English by George Baker, 4to. . Lond. 1576 
 GESNER, J. M. Basilii Fabri Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticee, 
 fol. ......... Leipsig, 1726 
 GESTA ROMANORUM. B. L., fol. (For bibliographical details, see 
 MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) ..... n.p. n.d. 
 GESTA ROMANORUM, or Fifty-eight Histories, Originally (as 'tis 
 said) Collected from the Roman Records. By B. P. 
 (For bibliographical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 12mo. .... ... Lond. [1720] 
 GESTA ROMANORUM. Edited by Sir F. Madden. 8vo. . ib. 1838 
 GEUDENS, Martin. The Life of S. Norbert, founder of the Order 
 of Premontre, Archbishop of Magdeburg, 8vo. . ib. 1886 
 A Complete Dictionary of the Terms used by Criminal 
 Tribes in the Punjab, with a History of each Tribe, 
 8vo Lahore, 1879 
 A detailed Analysis of Abdul Ghafur's Dictionary of the 
 Terms used by Criminal Tribes in the Panjab. By G. W. 
 Leitner, fol ib. 1880 
 GHELDOLF, A. E. Histoire Administrative et Constitutionnelle 
 d'Ypres, Cassel, Bailleul, et Warneton jusqu' a 1'an 1305, 
 8vo . Paris, 1864 
 GH1 GIF 259 
 GHIRARDINI, Alessandro. Studj sulla lingua umana, sopra alcune 
 antiche Inscrizioni e sulla ortografia Italiana, 4to. Milan, 1869 
 GIACCHIERI, Pietro. Memorie Storiche sull' antichita dell'Ordine 
 Aureato, ossia dello Speron d'Oro, scritte dal. fu Cav. 
 L. A. Imolese. Terza edizione. 8vo. . . Rome, 1841 
 GIAMBELLI, C. II Diamerone. (Bound with Garzoni's u L'Hospi- 
 dale.") 4to Venice, 1589 
 GIBBON, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the 
 Roman Empire, 8 vols. 8vo. .... Lond. 1848 
 GIBBON, John. Iiitroductio ad Latinam Blasoniam. An 
 Essay to a more correct Blason in Latine. 8vo. . ib. 1682 
 Illustrated Bath Visitant, or new Guide to Bath, 12mo. 
 Bath, n.d. 
 Another edition ...... ib. 1835 
 GIBSON, A. C. The Folk- Speech of Cumberland and some 
 districts adjacent, 8vo. . . . Lond. and Carlisle, 1869 
 GIBSON, Edmund. 
 Julii Ceesaris Portus Iccius illustratus : sive 1. G. Somneri 
 ad Chiffletii librum de Portu Iccio responsio.. 2. Caroli 
 du Fresne dissertatio de Portu Iccio. Tractatum 
 utrumque Latine vertit E. Gibson. (Portrait.) 12mo. 
 Oxford, 1694 
 Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, 2 vols. fol. . Lond. 1713 
 GIBSON, Kennett. A Comment upon part of the Fifth Journey 
 of Antoninus in which the situation of Durobrivae and of 
 Castor in Northamptonshire is discussed. To which is 
 subjoined the Parochial History of Castor and its depen- 
 dencies, with an account of Marham by Richard Gough. 
 The second edition corrected and enlarged, by J. Nichols. 
 4to. . ib. 1819 
 GIBSON, Matthew. History of the Churches of Door, Home 
 Lacy, and Hempsted, co. Gloucester, 4to. . . ib. 1727 
 History and Antiquities of Highgate, 8vo. . . ib. 1842 
 History of the Monastery at Tynemouth, 2 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1846-47 
 Remarks on the Mediaeval Writers of English History, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 83) ib. 1848 
 Notices of Northumbrian Castles, Churches, and Antiqui- 
 ties. Third series. 8vo ib. 18*4 
 Lectures and Essays, 8vo. ...... ib. 1858 
 Memoir on Northumberland, 8vo. (Tracts 117*) . ib. 1860 
 An Historical Memoir on Northumberland, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 Miscellanies, Historical and Biographical, 8vo. . . ib. 1863 
 Lord Lyndhurst. In Memoriam, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) . ib. 1865 
 New edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1869 
 GIESELER, J. C. L. Commendatio Friderici Bergmanni, 4to. 
 (Tracts 35) Gottingen, 1841 
 GIFFARD, James. The French Schoolemaister, 18mo. Lond. 1631 
 GIFFORD, Humfrey. Poems (1580). Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo n.p. 1870 
 s 2 
260 GIG GIO 
 The Gigantick History of the two famous Giants and other 
 Curiosities in Guildhall. Third edition, 64mo. . . 1741 
 Volume the second, which completes the 
 History of Guildhall. Second edition, 64mo. . . 1741 
 (NOTE. In a case with 7 other small volumes of works 
 for children by the same author.) 
 L'figlise de Notre Dame de Rouen, 8vo. . . Rouen, 1816 
 Description Historique de 1'^glise de Saint Ouen de Rouen. 
 Roy. 8vo ib. 1822 
 'GILBERT, Davies. The Parochial History of Cornwall, 4 vols. 
 8vo Lond. 1838 
 History of the Viceroys of Ireland ; with Notices of the 
 Castle of Dublin, &c., 8vo. . , Dublin and Lond. 1865 
 History of the Irish Confederation and the War in Ireland, 
 1641-1643, 2 vols. (1643-44, vol. iii.) 4to. Dublin, 1882-85 
 GILDAS. De excidio Britanniae, 8vo. .... Lond. 1525 
 GILES, Rev. J. A. 
 History of the Parish and Town of Bampton. Second 
 edition, with a supplement, 8vo. (Supplement. Tracts 70). 
 Privately printed ...... Bampton, 1848 
 Vita quorundam Anglo- Saxonum. Original Lives of Anglo- 
 Saxons and others, who lived before the Conquest, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1854 
 GILES-PULLER, Charles. Death of Mr, A. Giles-Puller, March 
 31, 1885, 12mo Hertford, 1885 
 GILL, John. Vallis Eboracensis, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1852 
 GILLETT, Edward. The Song of Solomon in the Norfolk 
 Dialect, 4to. ........ ib. n.d. 
 GILLIES, John. 
 Ancient and Modern Gaelic Poems and Songs, 8vo. Perth, 1786 
 Reign of Frederick II. of Prussia, 8vo. . . Lond. 1789 
 GILLINGWATER, Edmund. History of Lowestoft, 4to. . ib. 1790 
 GILLMAN, Henry. The Ancient Men of the Great Lakes, 8vo. 
 Salem [Mass.'] 1876 
 GILLRAT, James. Works, from the original plates, with addi- 
 tions. (Plates.) Atlas fol Lond. n.d. 
 GILMOUR, D. E. Guide to the City of Winchester. Eleventh 
 edition. 8vo Winchester, 1851 
 GILPIN, William. Observations on the River Wye and South 
 Wales. 8vo Lond. 1782 
 GINANNI, Marc Antonio. L'Arte del Blasone dichiarata per 
 Alfabeto, fol Venice, 1756 
 GINOULTRIAC, Charles. Revue Bibliographique et Critique. 8vo. 
 Paris, 1853 
 GIORDANI, Giuseppe. Indicazione della Raccolta Numismatica 
 del fu G. Giordani di Parma, sm. 4to. . . Parma, 1861 
 GIORXALISTA, Lettera di uu, ad un suo amico, 12mo. (Tracts 142) 
 Modena, 1790 
GIR GLA 261 
 GIRALDI CINTHIO, G. B. Hecatommithi, overo Cento Novelle.. 
 2 parts (in one), sq. 8vo. .... Venice, 1608 
 GIRALDUS, Cambrensis. 
 Itinerarium Cambrice, edited by D. Powell, 4to. . Lond. 1806- 
 The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales,, 
 translated and illustrated by Sir R. C. Hoare, 2 vols. 
 4to. . ^ . . . . . ib. 1806 
 GIRARD, Charles. American Zoological Bibliography for 1851, 
 Analyse de plusieurs produits d'Art d'une haute Antiquite, 
 4to. (Tracts 30) Paris. 1846 
 2 e memoire, 8vo. (Tracts 94) . Rouen, 1852 
 GIRAUD, J. B. B/ecueil des Principaux Objets d'Art ayant figure 
 a 1'Exposition Retrospective de Lyon, 1877, fol. 
 Lyons and Paris, 1878 
 GISLASON, K. Donsk ordabok, fol. . . Kaupmanahofn, 1851 
 GIULIARI, B. C. Capella della famiglia Pellegrini nella Chiesa 
 di San Bernardino di Yerona, fol. . . . Verona, 1816 
 Die aegyptische entstellung des Pythagoras. (Philologus 
 xaxrix. bd. I.), Svo. 
 Die Vorsokratische Philosophic, 8vo. .... [1879] 
 Notice of him in " Correspondance de Berlin, No. 50," fol. 
 folded in 8vo [1879] 
 GLAFEY, A. F. Specimen Decadem Sigillorum complexum, 4to. 
 (Bound with KRAUSIUS) ..... Leipsic, 1749 
 GLANVILE, Joseph. Saducismus Triumphatus : or evidence con- 
 cerning Witches and Apparitions. Third edition. 2 pt., 
 sm. 8vo. . .... Lond. 1689 
 GLANVILLA, Bartholomseus de. De Proprietatibus rerum. Fol. 
 For bibliographical details, see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. 1535 
 GLANVILLE, Ranulph De. Tractatus de Legibus and Consuetu- 
 dinibus Regni Angliae, 16mo. . . . . ib. 1673 
 GLANVILLE-RICHARDS, W. U. S. The Registers of Windlesham, 
 Surrey, from 1677 to 1783 ; with biographical notices, &c. 
 Privately printed. 4to ib. 1881 
 Burgh Records of the City, 1573-81, 4to. . . Glasgow, 1832 
 Liber Collegii [Nostre Domine infra muros Civitatis] Glas- 
 guensis, edited by Jos. Robertson, 4to. . . Lond. 1846 
 GLASGOW ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proposed Statutes and Regula- 
 ations, 8vo. (Tracts 82.) 
 Transactions, Svo. In progress . . . Glasgow, 1859, etc. 
 Annual Report, Session 1858-59, Svo. (Tracts 82) . ib. 1859 
 GLASS-PAINTING, MODERN. Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1867, Art. 
 V. pp. 154-186. Article on Winston's memoirs of Glass- 
 Painting, 1865 ; and Wilson's Catalogue of Painted Glass 
 in Glasgow Cathedral, 1866, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1867 
262 GLA GOD 
 GLASSCOCK, J. L. The Records of St. Michael's Parish Church, 
 Bishops Stortford, 8vo Lond. 1882 
 GLASTONBURY, John of, Chronicon, edited by T. Hearae, 2 vols. 
 8vo. Oxford, 1726 
 GLENNIE, J. D. Views on the Continent, fol. . . Lond. 1849 
 GLIDDON, George. 
 An Appeal to the Antiquaries of Europe on the Destruction 
 of the Monuments of Egypt, 8vo. (Tracts 67) . . ib. 1841 
 The New World, Ancient Egypt, 4to. . . New York, 1843 
 GLOUCESTER GUIDE, 12mo. Lond. 1792 
 GLOUCESTER, Hand-Book for visitors to the City and neighbour- 
 hood of. Second edition, 8vo. . . . Gloucester, 1861 
 GLOUCESTER, Princess of. Sale Catalogue of H.R.H's Furniture, 
 4to. (Tracts 39) 1845 
 GLOUCESTER, Robert of. Chronicle, edited by T. Hearne, 2 vols. 
 8vo Oxford, 1724 
 GLOUCESTER, County of. Etchings of Views in, fol. (41 plates 
 only) . ' Lond. 1791 
 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Notes and Queries, 8vo. In progress. 
 Lond. and Stroud, 1879, etc. 
 GLOUCESTERSHIRE (Worcestershire, and Herefordshire), a Hand- 
 book for Travellers in, 8vo. (Murray) . . . ib. 1867 
 New edition, 8vo ib. 1872 
 GLOVER, Matthew. Illustrated Guide through the Isle of Man, 
 8vo. ........ Douglas, n.d. 
 GLOVER, Moses. Istelworth Hunderd (Istleworth, Heston, and 
 Twickenham). (Facsimile of map, 1635.) Fol. Lond. 1880 
 GLOVER, Stephen. 
 The History of the county of Derby. Edited by Thomas 
 Noble, 2 vols. 8vo Derby, 1829 
 Peak Guide. Edited by T. Noble, 8vo. . . . ib. 1830 
 GLOVERS. Rules to be observed by the United Society of 
 Glovers ; instituted June 24, 1736 [Woolfe Collection'] 8vo. 
 Worcester, 1805 
 GLYJDE, John. Social and Religious Condition of Ipswich, 8vo. 
 Ipswich, 1850 
 GOAR, Jacobus. Ei>xo\dryiov, sive Rituale Grsecorum, fol. Paris, 1647 
 GOCKELIUS, Eberhard. Tractatus Polyhistoricus Magico-Medi- 
 cus Curiosus oder ein kurzer Bericht von dem Beschreyen 
 und v erzaubern, 12mo Frankfort, 1717 
 GODEAU, Antoine. La Vie de Saint Charles Borromee, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1663 
 The Court of the Honour of Peverel, in the counties of 
 Nottingham and Derby, 8vo. . . . Nottingham, 1882 
 The History of the Parish and Priory of Lenton, in the 
 county of Nottingham, 8vo. .... Lond. 1884 
 The Market Crosses of Nottingham, 8vo. . Nottingham, 1884 
 GODIGNUS, P. N. De Abassinorum Rebus, deque ^thiopias 
 Patriarchis Joanne Nonio Barreto, et Andrea Oviedo, 
 Libri tres, 8vo. . . . . . . Leyden, 1615 
GOD GOD 263 
 GODMOND, Christopher. 
 The Campaign of 1346, an Historical Drama, 8vo. Lond. 1836 
 Memoir of Therrouanne, with a Discourse on the Portus 
 Itius, 12mo ib. 1836 
 GODSTOWE NUNNERY, OXON. A Plan of the Ruins. Mills 
 Bobbins fecit. Oct. 1880. Broadsheet. 
 GODWIN, E. W. " Claudian." A Few Notes on the Architec- 
 ture and Costume. A Letter to Wilson Barrett, Esq. 8vo. 
 ib. 1883 
 GODWIN, Francis (Bishop). De Praesulibus Angliae. Edited by 
 W. Richardson. Fol Cambridge, 1743 
 GODWIN, George. 
 On the Obelisk from Luxor, 8vo. (Tracts 127) . Lond. 1836 
 Nature of Concrete, 4to. ..... ib. 1836 
 An Appeal to the Public on the Subject of Railways, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) ... . ib. 1837 
 On the Present State of Art of Glass Painting, 8vo. (Tracts 
 127.) ... ...'.. ib. 1837 
 On the Origin of the Vertical Line, 8vo. (Tracts 127) . 1840 
 Buildings and Monuments, Modern and Mediaeval, fol. ib. 1850 
 The Lord Mayor's Show. (A letter recommending im- 
 provements.) 12mo. (Tracts 154) . . . ib. 1850 
 History in Ruins. (A series of letters to a Lady.) 8vo. ib. 1853 
 London Shadows ; a glance at the homes of the thousands, 
 8vo ib. 1854 
 Restoration of St. Mary Redcliffe Church, 8vo. (Tracts 149) 
 Bristol, 1858 
 On Early Christian Buildings, 8vo. (Tracts 127) . Lond. 1859 
 Town Swamps and Social Bridges, the Sequel of London 
 Shadows, 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1859 
 Memorials of Workers, the Past to encourage the Present, 
 a Lecture, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1860 
 On Geometrical and other Symbols .... 186364 
 Another Blow for Life, sm. 4to. .... ib. 1864 
 Something about Masons' Marks in various countries, 4to. 
 (Tracts 8*). ib. 1869 
 On the Desirability of Obtaining a National Theatre not 
 wholly controlled by the Prevailing Popular Taste, 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 Ancient Architectural Remains, Lower Normandy, 870. 
 (Tracts 127). 
 Ancient Structures in Winchester and Rumsey, 8vo. (Tracts 
 Architectural Note from Paris, 8vo. (Tracts 127.) 
 Architecture as a Fine Art, 8vo. (Tracts 127.) 
 Buildings in Belgium, 12mo. 
 A Chapter on Church Buildings, 12mo. (Tracts 127.) 
 Hints on Construction, Nos. 1 to 7, 8vo. (Tracts 127.) 
 On the State of Architecture in the Provinces, 8vo. (Tracts 
 Pen and Pencil Sketches in Poitiers, &c., 12mo. 
264 GOD GOO 
 GODWIN, George, and BEITTON, John. Churches of London, Nos. 
 1-16, 18-24 8vo Land. 1837 
 GODWIN, G. K The Civil War in Hampshire (1642-45), and 
 the Story of Basing House, 4to. . . . ib. 1882 
 GODWIN, Henry. 
 Worthies and Celebrities of Newbury, Berks, and neighbour- 
 hood. (Two copies) ..... Newbury, 1859 
 The English Archaeologist's Handbook, 8vo. Oxford Sf Lond. 1867 
 GODWIN, William. Lives of the Necromancers, 8vo. . Lond. 1834 
 GOELEE-RAVENSBUEG, F. F. Die Yenus von Milo. Eine Kunstge- 
 schichtliche Monographic, 8vo. . . Heidelberg, 1879 
 GOETHE, J. W. von. 
 Observations on L. da Yinci's Picture of the Last Supper. 
 Translated by Noehden, 4to Lond. 1821 
 Faust : a Dramatic Poem. Translated by Hayward, 8vo. ib. 1834 
 a Tragedy. Translated by Blackie, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834 
 Umrisse zu Goethe's Faust, gezeichnet von Moritz Retzsch, 
 obi. fol Lond. 1837 
 Goethe's " Faust." [Translation of the " Introduction," 
 and the " Prologue in Heaven ; " composed June 25, 
 1841. By Sir G. F. Duckett.] 4to. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 GOFFEEDUS DE TEANO. Summa in Titulos Decretalium, 8vo. 
 Venice, 1586 
 GOLDAST, M. H. Rerum Suevicarum Scriptores, fol. . Ulm, 1727 
 GOLDING, Benjamin. Historical Account of St. Thomas's Hos- 
 pital, 12mo Lond. 1819 
 GOLDING, Charles. 
 The Coinage of Suffolk, 4to ib. 1868 
 On the Medals and Coins of the Pretender James, 4to. 
 Manchester, 1870 
 GOLENISCHEFF, W. Die Metternichstele in der original grosse 
 zum ersten mal herausgegeben, fol. . . Leipsic, 1877 
 GOMEZ, Yicente. Govierno de Principes, y de sns consejos 
 para el bien de la Republica, 4to. . . . Valencia, 1626 
 GOMME, G. L. Primitive Folk-Moots; or, Open-air Assemblies 
 in Britain, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1880 
 GONIDEC, J. F. M. M. A. Le. 
 DictionnaireCelto-BretonouBreton-Francais, Svo.Angonleme 1^21 
 Grammaire Celto-Bre tonne. Nouvelle edition, 8vo Paris, 1838 
 By J. J. Smith, 8vo. .... Cambridge, 1849 
 GOODALL'S Illustrated Royal Handbook to Roundhay Park, 8vo. 
 Leeds, 1872 
 GOODALL, Walter. Examination of Letters said to be written by 
 Mary Queen of Scots, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Edinburgh, 1754 
 GOODE, Alexander. Brief Account of the Mechitaristican Society, 
 8vo. (Tracts 149*) Venice, 1835 
 GOODENOUGH, Samuel (Bishop). A Charge to the Clergy of his 
 Diocese, 4to Lond. 1816 
 GOODWIN, J. 'A7ro\inpu)ffi'<! 'ATrokvTpwffews, or Redemption Redeemed, 
 4to , ib. 1651 
GOO GOB 265 
 GOODWIN, Nathaniel. Genealogical Notes on some of the First 
 Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts, 8vo. Hartford, 1856 
 GOODWIN, Thomas. 
 The History of the Reign of Henry the Fifth, King of Eng- 
 land, &c., fol Lond. 1704 
 GOORKA WAR, Military Sketches of the, in the years 1814-16, 
 8vo Woodbridge, 1822 
 GORANSSON, Johan. Bautil, det ar ; alle Suea ok Gotha Rikens 
 Runstenar, fol. ..... Stockholm, 1750 
 GORDON, Alexander. 
 Itinerarium, Septentrionale, or a Journey through Scotland 
 and the North of England. Plate 1, Monuments of Roman 
 Antiquity. Plate 2, Danish Invasions of Scotland, fol. 
 Lond. 1726 
 On Ancient Mummies, fol. ...... ib. 1737 
 The Origin of the Muggletonians, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) 
 Liverpool, n.d. 
 Ancient and Modern Muggletonians, 8vo. (Tracts 162) ib. 1870 
 A Pythagorean of the Seventeenth Century, 8vo. . [1874] 
 GORDON, John. Specimen animadversionum in Evangeliorum 
 Versionem Gothicam, 8vo. (Tracts 98) . Edinburgh, 1760 
 GORDON, General Patrick. Diary, edited by Beriah Botfield. 
 (Spalding Club.) 4to Aberdeen, 1859 
 GORDON, Samuel. The Watering-places of Cleveland, 12mo. 
 Eedcar, 1869 
 GORE HOUSE, Kensington, Catalogue of Cabinet Work exhibited 
 at, 8vo Lond. ]853 
 History of Eynesbury and St. Neots, 8vo. . . . ib. 1820 
 Gleanings during the period of the Reformation in England, 
 8vo ib. 1857 
 GORI, Fabio. 
 Sugli Edifizi Palatini. Studi topografico-storici, 8vo. Rome, 1867 
 II Carcere Mamertino ed il Robore Tulliano visitati e 
 descritti, 8vo ib. 1868 
 Another copy. 
 Another copy. 
 Sulla Grotta e Fonte di Pico e Fauno, 8vo. . . . ib. 1869 
 Sullo splendido avvenire di Roma e sul modo di migliorare 
 I'mterno della citta, &c. 8vo ib. 1870 
 II Santuario del Persiano dio Mitra scoperto a S. Clemente 
 in Roma, 8vo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1871 
 Sulle ultime scoperte archeologiche avvenute in Roma. Obi. 
 fol. 4to ib. 1871 
 GORI, Fabio, and J. H. PARKER. 
 The ancient Streets of Rome and Roads in the Suburbs, a 
 Lecture, 8vo ib. 1869 
 The Lupercal of Augustus, the Cave of Picus and Faunus, 
 and the Mamertine Prison, 8vo. . . . ib. 1869 
266 GOB, GOU 
 Ins crip tionum Antiquarum, quae exstant in Etrurise urbibus, 
 Part i. fol Florence, 1727 
 Dactyliotheca Smithiana, 2 vols. fol. . . . Venice, 1767 
 GOSLIN, S. B. The Musical Hand-Bell Ringers' Instructor. 
 Partii., 8vo Land. 1879 
 GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PAETS, Society for the Propagation of the. 
 An Account of the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign 
 Parts. (Prepared by the Rev. Mr. Stubs), fol. . ib. 1704 
 GOSSETT, Isaac. Sale Catalogue (priced) of his Library, 8vo. 
 ib. 1813 
 GOSTLING, William. 
 A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury, 8vo. 
 Canterbury, 1777 
 Another edition. . . . . . ib. 1825 
 GOTCH, J. A. Account of the Buildings erected in Northamp- 
 tonshire, by Sir T. Tresham, 1575-1605, with particulars 
 concerning the Tresham Family, &c., fol. . Northampton, 1883 
 GOTHAM. Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham. Edited by 
 J. 0. Halliwell, 12mo. (Tracts 92) . . Lond. 1840 
 1841, 4to. (Tracts 17) .... Gottingen, n.d. 
 Novi Commentarii, 8 vols. 4to. .... ib. 1771-87 
 Commentationes, 15 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1779-1804 
 Commentation es recentiores, Vols. iv. to viii., 4to. ib. 1820-1841 
 GOUBIER, 1'Abbe. Le Doigt de Dieu est ici ! Memoire aux 
 Fideles de Saint-Gilles, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) . Nimes, 1866 
 GOUDA. Explanation of the famous and renowned Glas-Work 
 (sic) in the Church. Sm. 8vo. .... Gouda, 1718 
 GOUGE R, Robert. Letter from Sydney, 8vo. . . Lond. 1829 
 Go UGH, Richard. 
 Anecdotes of British Topography, Anon., 4to. . . ib. 1768 
 A Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, 4to. . . . ib. 1777 
 British Topography, 2 vols. 4to. . . . . . ib. 1780 
 The History and Antiquities of Croyland Abbey, 4to. . ib. 1 783 
 Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, 5 vols. fol. . ib. 1786 
 An Account of the Bedford Missal, 4to. . . . ib. 1794 
 The History and Antiquities of Pleshy, in the County of 
 Essex, 4to ib. 1803 
 GOULART, Simon. Thresor d' Histoires Admirables et Memo- 
 rabies de nostre temps, 8vo. .... Geneva, 1620 
 GOULBURN, E. M. The Ancient Sculptures in the Roof of 
 Norwich Cathedral described and illustrated; with a 
 History of the See and Cathedral of Norwich, part i. fol. 
 London and Norwich, 1876 
 GOULBURN, E. M., and HENRY SYMONDS. The Life, Letters, and 
 Sermons of Bishop Herbert De Losinga (A.D. 1050- 
 1119). 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . Oxford and Lond. 1878 
 GOULD, B. A. 
 Report to the Smithsonian Institution on the Discovery of 
 Neptune, 8vo. . ..... Washington, 1850 
GOU GOZ 267 
 GOULD, B. A. continued. 
 Defence of, by the Dudley Observatory, 8vo. (Tracts 52). 
 Albany, 1858 
 Reply to the " Statement of the Trustees" of the Dudley 
 Observatory, 8vo ib. 1859 
 GOULD, Nathaniel. Historical Notice of the Commercial Docks, 
 fol Lond. 1844 
 GOULDEN'S Canterbury Guide, new edition, 8vo. . Canterbury, 1847 
 GOULDMAN, Francis. A copious Dictionary in three parts : 
 i. Eng.-Lat., ii. Lat.-Eng., iii. Proper names, 4to. Lond. 1664 
 De la Traduction, 12mo Rouen, 1780 
 Dissertation sur Mercure, 8vo. (Tracts 142) . . ib. 1791 
 GOWER, Foote. Materials for the History of Cheshire, 4to. 
 Chester, 1771' 
 GOWER, G. Leveson. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the 
 Family of Gresham. (Not Published.) 4to. . Lond. 1874 
 Genealogy of the Family of Gresham. (Not Published.) 
 4to ' ib. 1883 
 GOWER, John. De Confessione Amantis. For Bibliographical 
 details see M 8. Ashpitel Catalogue . . . . ib. 1554 
 GOZZADINI, Giovanni. 
 Di un Sepolcreto Etrusco scoperto presso Bologna, 4to. 
 Bologna, 1854 
 Intorno ad altre settnntuna tombe del sepolcreto Etrusco 
 scoperto presso a Bologna, 4to. (Tracts 1) . ib. 1856 
 Delle Croci Monumental! Memoria, 4to. (Tracts 1*) . ib. 1863 
 Dell' origine e dell' uso dei Cocchi e di due Veronesi in par- 
 ticolare, 4to. (Tracts 1*) ib. 1864 
 Intorno all' Acquedotto ed alle Terme di Bologna, 4to. 
 (Tracts 1*) 
 Di un'antica Necropoli a Marzabotto nel Bolognese, fol. 
 ib. 1865 
 Di una Targa Bentivolesca, 4to ib. 1866 
 Di alcuni Sepolcri della Necropoli Felsinea, 8vo. (Tracts 
 56***) ib. 1868 
 Studii Archeologico-Topografici sulla Citta di Bologna, 4to. 
 (Tracts 1*) ib. 1868 
 Di ulteriori scoperte nell' antica Necropoli a Marzabotto nel 
 Bolognese, large 4to ib. 1870 
 La Necropole de Villanova decouverte et decrite, 8vo. ib. 1870 
 Congres d'Archeologie et d'Anthropologie Prehistoriques. 
 Discours d'Ouverture. 8vo ib. 1871 
 Renseignements sur une Ancienne Necropole a Marzabotto 
 pres de Bologne, 8vo ib. 1871 
 Intorno ad una Scoperta Archeologica annunziata dal Pro- 
 fessore M. Stefano de Rossi, nota, 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 De quelques Mors de cheval Italiques et de 1'fipee de 
 Ronzano en bronze, 4to. ...... ib. 1875 
 Intorno agli Scavi Archeologici fatti dal Sig. A. Arnoaldi 
 Veli presso Bologna, 4to. ib. 1877 
268 GOZ GRA 
 GOZZADINI, Giovanni continued. 
 Note sur une Cachette de Fondeur ou Fonderie a Bologne, 
 8vo Toulouse, 1877 
 Di un Antico Sepolcro a Ceretolo nel Bolognese, 8vo. 
 Modena, 1879 
 Di due Sepolcri e di un Frammento Ceramico della Necro- 
 poli Felsinea, 8vo ib. 1881 
 Di un Utensile tratto dalla Necropoli Felsinea, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 Nella Inaugurazione del Museo Civico di Bologna. Discorso. 
 8vo . Bologna, 1881 
 Note Archeologiche per una Guida dell' Apennino Bolog- 
 nese, 8vo ib. 1881 
 II Sepolcreto di Crespellano nel Bolognese, 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 Di due Statuette Etrusche e di una Iscrizione Etrusca 
 dissotterrate nell' Apennino Bolognese. Memoria. 4to. 
 Rome, 1883 
 Di due Stele Etrusche, 4to ib. 1885 
 Scavi Governativi in un lembo della Necropoli felsinea, 
 1885-86, 8vo. Bologna, 1886 
 GRABE, J. E. Collatio codicis Cottoniani Geneseos cum editione 
 Romana. Edited by H. Owen. 8vo. . . Lond. 1778 
 GRABERG, G. Annali di Geografia e di Statistica, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Genova, 1802 
 Doutes et Conjectures sur les Huns du Nord, 8vo. 
 Florence, 1810 
 Lettera sopra i piaceri della Villeggiatura d'Albaro. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 145) Genova, 1810 
 Saggio Istorico su gli Scaldi, 8vo. . . . Pisa, 1811 
 Critique sur 1'Essai sur les Scaldes. par Lanjuinais, 8vo. 
 (Track 145) .... . Paris, 1812 
 Critique sur Saggio Istorico su gli Scaldi, 8vo. (Tracts 145) 
 n.p. 1812 
 Doutes et Conjectures sur les Bohemiens, 4to. (Tracts 57). 
 Turin, 1813 
 Due Opuscoli di C. C. Tacito tradotti da G. Murre, 8vo. 
 Genoa, 1814 
 Falsita dell' Origine Scandinava data ai popoli detti 
 Barbari, 8vo. ....... Pisa, 1815 
 Lezioni di Cosmorana, 8vo. .... Genova, 1819 
 Precis de la Litterature Historique du Mogh'rib-el-Aksa, 
 8vo. (Tracts 145) Lyons, 18^0 
 La Scandinavie Vengee, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1822 
 Sur 1'Inscription de Rosette, 8vo. . . . Florence, 1830 
 Notice Biographique sur J. Graberg de Hemso, 18mo. 
 (Tracts 145) ib. IS I 
 GRACE FAMILY. Monumental Inscriptions and other composi- 
 tions relating to the Grace Family, 8vo.. . . n.p. n.d. 
 GRACE, Sheffield. 
 Memoirs of the Family of Grace, 4to. . . Lond. 1823 
 Antique Gems, etched by Worlidge, 4to. . . ib. 1823 
GRA GRA 269 
 GRACE, Sheffield continued. 
 An ancient feudal War Song, entitled " Grasagh Aboe," 
 with translations into metrical versions of the English, 
 French, Italian, German, Spanish, Greek, and Latin 
 languages, composed by S. Grace. Privately printed. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1839 
 GRAESSE, J. G. T. Orbis Latinus, oder Verzeichniss der 
 lateinischen Benennungen der bekanntesten Stadte, 
 Meere, &c. 8vo. ...... Dresden, 1861 
 GR^VIUS, J. G. 
 Oratio in natalem quinquagesimum Academiae Trajectinae 
 habita. (Bound with " Saxo Grammaticus," 1644.) Fol. 
 Treves^ 1686 
 Syntagma variarum Dissertationum rariorum, quas viri 
 doctissimi superiore seculo elucubrarunt, 4to. Utrecht, 1702 
 Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, 12 vols. fol. 
 Venice, 1732-37 
 GRAFTON, Richard. Chronicle, 2 vols. in 1, fol. . . Lond. 1568 
 GRAHAM, Alexander. Remains of the Roman occupation of 
 North Africa, with special reference to Algeria, 4to. 
 ib. 1885-86 
 GRAHAM, H. D. Antiquities of lona, 4to. .... ib. 1850 
 Chicago Harbour and Bar, fol. . . . - Chicago, 1857 
 Report on Mason and Dixon's Line. Second edition. 8vo. ib. 1862 
 GRAHAM, J. M. An Historical View of Literature and Art in 
 Great Britain from the Accession of the House of 
 Hanover to the Reign of Queen Victoria. Second 
 edition. 8vo. Lond. 1872 
 GRAINGE, William. 
 Historical and descriptive Account of Knaresborough, 8vo. 
 Knaresborough, [1865] 
 The History and Topography of Harrogate, and the Forest 
 of Knaresborough, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1871 
 GRAMAYE, J. B. Taxandria et Antiquitates Antwerpiae, Mech- 
 liniae, et Cameracioe, 4to. . . . Brussels, 1607-10 
 Scotland : Social and Domestic. By the Rev. C. Rogers, 
 8vo Lond. 1869 
 The Jacobite Lairds of Gask. By T. L. K. Oliphant, 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland. By 
 Rev. C. Rogers. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1871-72 
 Registrum Monasterii S. Marie de Cambuskenneth, A.D. 
 1147-1535. Edited by W. Fraser. 4to. Edinburgh, 1872 
 Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the Minority of 
 James VI. By Rev. C. Rogers, 8vo. . . Lond. 1873 
 Boswelliana : The Common-place Book of James Boswell. 
 With a Memoir. By Rev. C. Rogers. And introductory 
 remarks by Lord Houghton. 8vo. . . . ib. 1874 
270 GRA GRA 
 GRAMPIAN CLUB continued. 
 Liber Protocollorum M. Cutliberti Simonis, notarii public! 
 Glasguensis, A.D. 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of the 
 Diocese of Glasgow, A.D. 1509-1570. Edited by J. Bain 
 and Rev. C. Rogers. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1875 
 Three Scottish Reformers : Alexander Cunningham, 5th 
 Earl of Glencairn ; Henry Balnaves, of Halhill ; and 
 John Davidson, Minister of Prestonpans. With their 
 poetical remains and Mr. Davidson's " Helps for Young 
 Scholars in Christianity." Edited, with Memoirs, by 
 Rev. C. Rogers. 8vo ib. 1876 
 Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns, and 
 of the Scottish House of Burnes. By Rev. C. Rogers, 
 LL.D. 8vo Edinburgh, 1877 
 Genealogical Memoirs of the family of Sir Walter Scott, 
 with a Reprint of his Memorials of the Haliburtons. 
 By Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1877 
 Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith, and 
 Events from 1635 to 1645. Edited from a Contemporary 
 MS. By Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D. 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail. Edited by 
 Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D. 8vo ib. 1877 
 Charters of the Priory of Beauly ; with Notices of the 
 Priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan, and of the 
 family of John Byset. By E. C. Batten. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877 
 Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream ; with 
 relative Documents. Edited by Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D. 
 8vo. Lond. 1879 
 Genealogical Memoirs of John Knox and of the family of 
 Knox. By Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D. 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar- Angus ; 
 with the breviary of the Register. Edited by Rev. C. 
 Rogers. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1879-80 
 History of the Chapel Royal of Scotland ; with the 
 Register of the Chapel Royal of Stirling, including 
 details in relation to Scottish Music, and Observations 
 respecting the Order of the Thistle. By Rev. C. Rogers. 
 8vo Edinburgh, 1882 
 GRANCOLAS, Jean. La Liturgie Ancienne et Moderne. Troisieme 
 edition, 12mo Paris, 1752 
 GRANDISON PEERAGE. Case on behalf of Sir Henry Paston 
 Bedingfield, &c., claiming to be a Co-heir to the Barony 
 of Grandison, fol. ...... Lond. n.d. 
 GRANDMAISON, Millin de. Dissertations sur le Thos., 4to. 
 GRANGER, James. Biographical History of England, 4 vols. and 
 Supplement, 1 vol. 4to ib. 1769-74 
 GRANGER SOCIETY. Philip II. of Spain and Mary of England. 
 By Sir Antonio More. Fol 1841 
 GRANT, Charles. Introduction to four new Maps of the World, 
 4to. . Lond. 1802 
 GRANT, James. Castle of Edinburgh, 8vo. Edinburgh and Lond. 1850 
GRA GRE 271 
 GRANT, Robert. Citizens' Candidate for Mayor, Samuel A. 
 Green. City Election, Dec. 12, 1882, 8vo. 
 GRATAMA, L. 0. 
 Open Brief aan het Collegie van Gedeputeerde Staten van 
 Drenthe, over de zorg voor en het onderhoud der 
 Hunnebedden. 8vo Assen, 1868 
 De Hunnebedden in Drenthe, 8vo ib. 1886 
 GRATIANUS. Decreti hujus plenissimu argumentum. Consangui- 
 nitatis et affinitatis arbor, &c. B.L. 4to. . Paris, 1519 
 GRATITJS FALISCUS. Cynegeticon ; or a Poem of Hunting. Eng- 
 lished by C. Wase. 12mo Lond. 1654 
 GRATIUS, Orthuinus. Fasciculus rerum expetendarum et fugien- 
 darum . . opera et studio Edwardi Brown. 2 vols. fol. ib. 1690 
 GRAVES, Charles. Eloge on the late George Petrie, LL.D., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 67**) Dublin, 1866 
 GRAY, John Edward. 
 Hand Catalogue of Postage Stamps, 12mo. . Lond. 1862 
 - Second edition ib. 1863 
 Third edition ib. 1865 
 GRAY, Thomas. 
 A Supplement to the Tour through Great Britain, 8vo. ib. 1787 
 Elegeia, Grsece reddita. (Bound with Fosbrooke's 
 "Economy.") 4to Eton, 1793 
 Graii Elegia Sepulchralis cultu Grseco donata cura Caroli 
 Coote. (Bound with Fosbrooke's "Economy.") 4to. Lond. 1794 
 Elegeia, Greece reddita. Curavit B. E. Sparke. (Bound with 
 Fosbrooke's " Economy.") 4to ib. 1794 
 GRAY, William. An historical sketch of the origin of English 
 Prose Literature, and of its progress till the reign of 
 James I. 8vo. . ... Oxford, 1835 
 GRAZE BROOK, George. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the 
 family of Grazebrook. Privately printed. 4to. Lond. 1878 
 GRAZEBROOK, H. S. The Heraldry of Worcestershire. (One 
 vol. in two, interleaved.) [TFooZ/e Collection.'] 4to. ib. 1873 
 GREAT BRITAIN. Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bretagne ; ou, 
 description des Palais de la Reine, et des Maisons les 
 plus considerables, &c. (Plates.) 2 vols Atlas fol. 
 ib. 1708-13 
 GREAVES, John. 
 Pyramidographia ; or, a description of the Pyramids in 
 Aegypt. And Discourse of the Romaine Fort and Dena- 
 rius ib. 1646-47 
 Miscellaneous Works. Edited by T. Birch. 2vols.,8vo. ib. 1737 
 Ephemeris, Nos. 1 to 29, 4to. . . . Athens, 1837-43 
 Resume des Actes, 8vo ib. 1846 
 Actes de la 12 me Reunion generate, 8vo. (Tracts 94) ib. 1848 
 Organisation de la Societe, 8vo. (Tracts 94) . . ib. 1848 
 GREEKS AND ROMANS. A Treatise on the Arts, Manufactures, 
 Manners, and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans. 
 (2 vols. in one.) Sm. 8vo Lond. 1833 
 GREEN, B. R. Numismatic Atlas, fol ib. 1829 
272 GRE GRE 
 GREEN, Emanuel. 
 William Strode: one of the five members. William Strode: 
 colonel in the Parliament army, 8vo. . . Taunton, 1885 
 The Earliest Map of Bath, 8vo Bath, 1886 
 GREEN, Everard. 
 Pedigree of Archdeacon Johnson, founder of the two 
 Grammar Schools of Uppingham and Oakham. Privately 
 printed. 4to. ....... Lond. 1874 
 Fosters of Dowsby and Moulton, co. Lincoln. Reprint. 4to. 
 ib. 1875 
 Johnson of Wytham-on-the-Hill, co. Lincoln. Privately 
 printed. 8vo ib. 1875 
 Lincolnshire Pedigrees, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1879 
 Pedigree of the family of Wing, 4to. . . . ib. 1886 
 GREEN, Henry. On the Emblems of Geffry Whitney, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55**) Chester, 1865 
 GREEN, J. R. 
 The Making of England. (With Maps.) 8vo. . Lond. 1881 
 The Conquest of England, 8vo ib. 1883 
 GREEN, Robert. Tryals of Robert Green, Henry Berry, and 
 Lawrence Hill, for the Murder of Sir Edmondbury God- 
 frey, fol. . . ib. 1679 
 GREEN, S. A. 
 Bibliography of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 8vo. 
 Boston, Mass. 1871 
 The Story of a Famous Book : an account of Dr. Benjamin 
 Franklin's Autobiography, 8vo. .... ib. 1871 
 Paul Lunt's Diary. May-December, 1775. 8vo. . ib. 1872 
 School Histories and some Errors in them, 8vo. . . ib. 1872 
 An Account of Percival and Ellen Green and of some of 
 their descendants. Privately printed. 8vo. 
 Groton (Mass.), 1876 
 An Historical Address, bi-centennial and centennial, de- 
 livered at Groton, Mass. 8vo. .... ib. 1876 
 Second edition. 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 Report of the Council of the American Antiquarian Society, 
 1875, 8vo. . .... Worcester, 1876 
 Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Groton, Massa- 
 chusetts, 8vo. ...... Boston, 1878 
 The Early Records of Groton, Mass., 1662-1707, 8vo. Groton, 1880 
 Second copy. 
 History of Medicine in Massachusetts. A centennial 
 Address, 8vo. (Two copies) .... Boston, 1881 
 Another edition. 8vo. (Two copies.) 
 Groton, 1881 
 Inaugural Address to the City Council, 8vo. . Boston, 1882 
 Two Chapters in the Early History of Groton, Massachu- 
 setts, 8vo . . . ib. 1882 
 Groton during the Indian Wars, 8vo. . Groton (Mass.), 1883 
 Groton in the Witchcraft Times, 8vo. . . . ib. 1883 
GRE GRE 273 
 GREEN, S. A. continued. 
 Inscriptions on the Bronze Tablets recently placed on the 
 Gates of the Older Burial Grounds in Boston, Mass., 8vo. 
 Cambridge (U.S.A.), 1883 
 Notes on a copy of Dr. "Wm. Douglass's Almanack for 1743, 
 touching on the subject of Medicine in Massachusetts 
 before his time, 8vo. ...... ib. 1884 
 Remarks on the early appearance of the Northern Lights 
 in New England, 8vo ib. 1885 
 GREEN, Valentine. 
 Survey of the City of Worcester, 8vo. . . Worcester, 1764 
 Another copy. Prattinton Coll. . ib. 1764 
 Review of the Polite Arts in France, 4to. (Tracts 17) Lond. 1782 
 Acta Historica Reginarum Angliee, Eng. fy Fr., 4to. . ib. 1792 
 The History and Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of 
 Worcester. (2 vols. in 1.) Woolfe Coll. 4to. . ib. 1796 
 Another copy. 
 Another copy. 
 Another copy. (Interleaved with Manuscript 
 notes.) (Prattinton Coll.) 
 An Account of the discovery of the body of King John in 
 Worcester Cathedral, 4to. . Lond. and Worcester, 1797 
 (Bound with A Survey of Ashpeden Church.) 
 GREEN, William. The Art of Living in London, 8vo. . ib. 1813 
 GREENE, Mrs. Everett. Original Documents preserved in the 
 National Library at Paris, 8vo. (Tracts 55**). 
 GREENE, J. B. Fouilles executees a Thebes dans 1'annee 1855. 
 Folio .... ... Paris, 1855 
 GREENE, John. A Brief History of "The Times," from Its Com- 
 mencement in 1785, as the " Daily Universal Register," 
 to the Present Time, with Mr. John Walter's Letters and 
 Addresses to the Public on Logographic Printing. 
 Privately printed (with Logotypes), 8vo. . . Lond. 1873 
 Genealogy of the Family of Tyndale, together with the 
 Pedigrees of several Families with whom they have formed 
 alliances, &c. Privately printed. 8vo. .-",'. ib. 1843 
 Genealogy of the Somersetshire Family of Meriet, from the 
 reign of the Confessor to Henry V., 8vo. Taunton, [1883] 
 On the Daubeney Family, and its connection with Glouces- 
 tershire, 8vo [Bristol], 1886 
 GREENSHIELDS, Mr., The Case of. \_Bound with Deputies of Am- 
 sterdam, 1684.] 4to Edinburgh, 1710 
 GREENSTREET, James, and Charles Russell. Reference List of 
 the Rolls of Arms, and other Early Authorities for 
 Ancient Coat Armour, 8vo. .... Lond. 1881 
 GREENWELL, William. Durham Cathedral, an Address, 1879, 8vo. 
 Durham, 1881 
 GREENWELL, William, and George ROLLESTON, M.D. British 
 Barrows : a Record of the Examination of Sepulchral 
 Mounds in various parts of England, 8vo. . Oxford, 1877 
274 GRE GUI 
 Description of, 8vo. (Tracts 151) . . . Lond. 1809 
 Description of, 8vo. . . Greenwich, 1820 
 GREENWOOD, I. J. The Willoughby Family of New England. 
 Privately printed. 8vo. . . . New York, 1876 
 GREENWOOD, James. The London Vocabulary, English and 
 Latin. Fifteenth edition. 12mo. . . . Lond. 1767 
 GREENWOOD, John. A Picturesque Tour to Thornton Monastery, 
 8vo Hull, 1835 
 GREGORIUS, EPISCOPUS TURONENSIS. Historic Ecclesiastics Fran- 
 corum libri decem. Ediderunt J. Guadet et IS". R. 
 Taranne. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1836-38 
 Histoire Ecclesiastique des Francs ; traduite par MM. J. 
 Guadet et Taranne. 2 vols., 8vo. ib. 1836-38 
 GREGORY IX. Decretalium libri I.-V. 2 vols. 12mo. Louvain, 1707 
 GREGSON, Matthew. Engravings illustrating the History of 
 Lancashire, fol. ........ 1816 
 GRE"HEN, Albert. L'Archeologie devant I'Stat-Major et devant 
 la Justice. Plaidoirie pour M. Peigne-Delacourt contre 
 M. le Ministre de la Guerre, 8vo. . . . Guise, 1877 
 GRELLET-BALGUERIE, Charles. Ouvrage en preparation. [Pro- 
 gramme.] Deux Decouvertes Historiques. Histoire de 
 Clovis III. nouveau Roi de France 672-673 a 677-678. 
 Authenticite et Date precise de la Translation du Corps 
 de Saint Benoit en France, 8vo. . . . Orleans, 1882 
 GRENADA INSCRIPTIONS. Flores dirig. Marin delin. Rivera 
 sculp. (Forgeries.) Folio . . . n.p. n.d. 
 GRENDAL, Benedict. In Obitum celeberrimi Domini C. C. Rafn, 
 8vo. (Tracts 55**). 
 GRENFELL, Francis. Egyptian Discoveries. Copy of Letter from 
 "The Times," Jan. 28th, 1887, 8vo. ; _. Lond. 1887 
 GRENIER, D. Introduction a 1'Histoire Generale de Picardie, 4to. 
 Amiens, 1856 
 GRENVILLE, R. N. A Catalogue of Pictures at Butleigh Court. 
 To which is added the " Index "of original Studies of 
 Portraits, by John Downman, 8vo. . . Taunton, 1865 
 GRESHAM COLLEGE. Catalogue of Books, Pictures, Prints, &c., 
 presented by Mrs. L. Hollier to, and also of Books and 
 Music in, the Library of Gresham College, 8vo. Lond. 1872 
 GRETNA GREEN, or Cupid's Introduction to the Temple of Hymen. 
 (Bound with Wright's "The Unfortunate Lovers.") 12mo. ib. n.d. 
 GREVILLIUS, J. A. Regina3 Margarethse Jus Aulicum, 4to. 
 (Tracts 4*5) Upsal, 1842 
 GREW, Nehemiah. Museum Regalis Societatis. Rarities in 
 Gresham College, fol. ..... Lond. 1681 
 GREY, Henry. The Classics for the Million ; being an Epitome, 
 in English, of the works of the principal Greek and 
 Latin authors. Second edition, 8vo. Lond. and New York, 1881 
 Post-office Savings Banks, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . Lond. 1862 
 Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . . ib. 1862 
 GRIFFITH, W. A History of Wales, 8vo ib. 1867 

 GRI GRO 275 
 Geometrical Proportion of Architecture, 4to. . Lond. 1843 
 Natural System of Architecture, as opposed to the artificial 
 system of the present day, 4to. . . . ib. 1845 
 Ancient Gothic Churches, their proportions and chromatics, 
 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4to. (Tracts 2) ... ib. 1847, 1852 
 Architectural Botany, 4to. (Tracts 2) . . . . -16.1852 
 Suggestions for a more Perfect and Beautiful Period of 
 Gothic Architecture, 8vo. (Tracts 56) . .. . ib. 1855 
 An Architectural Notice of St. John's Priory, Clerkenwell, 
 8vo. (Tracts 61**) ib. n.d. 
 GRIFI, Luigi. Sopra la Iscrizione Antica dell' auriga scirto. 
 Parte prima, 4to. . Rome, 1855 
 Bulletin des Fouilles d'une Ville Romaine en- Champagne, 
 8vo Sarle Due, 1774 
 Second Bulletin, 8vo ib. 1775 
 GRIMALDI, Stacey. 
 Origines Genealogicse, or, the sources whence English 
 Genealogies may be traced, 4to. . . . Lond. 1828 
 Rotuli de Dominabus et pueris et puellis de Donatione Begis, 
 31 Henry II. edited by Grimaldi, 4to. . . . ib. 1830 
 On the Sources from which Pedigrees may be traced, 8vo. 
 (Tracts SI) ib. 1835 
 A Synopsis of English History to the year 1870. Second 
 edition, enlarged, 8vo ib. 1871 
 GRIMM, the Brothers. Gammer Grethel, translated by Edgar 
 Taylor, 8vo ib. 1839 
 GRIMM, Jacob. Teutonic Mythology. Translated, with notes. 
 By J. S. Stallybrass, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1882-83 
 GRIMSTONE, Edward. General History of the Netherlands, fol. 
 ib. 1627 
 Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary, 8vo. . ib. 1845 
 Facsimile of First Volume of MS. Archives, A.D. 1345-1463. 
 Edited by J. A. Kingdon, 2 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1886 
 GROMATICI VETERES, ex recensione C. Lachmanni, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Berlin, 1848-52 
 GRONOVIUS, J. F. Allocutio ad serenissimum Principem Cos- 
 mum, Magnum Etruriae Principem, cum Academiam 
 visitaret. [Boundwith " Saxo Grammaticus," 1644.] Fol. 
 Leyden, 1668 
 GRONOVIUS, Jacobus. Thesaurus Grecarum Antiquitatum, 13 
 vols. fol Venice, 1732-37 
 GROPP, Ignatius. Historia Monasterii Amorbacensis, fol. 
 Frankfort, 1736 
 GROSART, Rev. A. B. 
 Lord Bacon not the Author of the Christian Paradoxes. 
 Privately printed, 8vo. .... Edinburgh, 1864 
 Who wrote " Brittain's Ida " ? (mis-assigned to Edmund 
 Spenser) ; answered in a letter to Sir J. D. Coleridge, 
 &c., 8vo. .... London and Blackburn, 18(59 
276 GRO GRO 
 GROSART, Rev. A. B. continued. 
 The Towneley MSS. English Jacobite Ballads, Songs and 
 Satires, &c. Edited, with notes. For private circulation, 
 4to. Manchester, 1877 
 The Towneley Hall MSS. The Spending of the Money of 
 Robert Nowell, of Reade Hall, Lancashire, 1568-1580. 
 Edited, with notes, etc. For private circulation, 4to. ib. 1877 
 Prospectus of the Huth Library, &c., 4to. . Blackburn, 1881 
 GROSE, Francis. 
 Antiquities of England and Wales, and Supplement, 6 vols. 
 4to Lord. 1773-87 
 Antiquarian Repertory, edited by F. Grose, 4 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1775-1784 
 A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 8vo . ib. 1785 
 Second edition, 8vo. .... ib. 1788 
 Third edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1796 
 Military Antiquities, respecting a history of the English 
 Army, 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1786-88 
 A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, 4to. . ib. 1786 
 The Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1789-91 
 A Provincial Glossary with a Collection of Local Proverbs 
 and Popular Superstitions. Second edition, 8vo. (Two 
 copies) ......... ib. 1790 
 The Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols. 4to. . . . 1791-95 
 The Olio, 8vo ib. 1792 
 GROSIUS, Heningius. Magica de Spectris et Apparitionibus 
 Spiritu, 12mo. . . Lugd. Bat. 1656 
 GROSS, Charles. Gilda Mercatoria. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte 
 der englischen Stadteverfassung, 8vo. . Gottingen, 1883 
 GROSVENOR GALLERY. Catalogue of English Works in the Circu- 
 lating Library (Foreign Works and Music). 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1884 
 Die Stempel der Romischen Augenarzte, 8vo. . Hanover, 1867 
 Eurykleides und Mikion, die Kephisier, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) 
 Gottingen, 1868 
 Chronologische Anordnung der athenischen Silbermunzen, 
 8vo. (Tracts 126**) Hanover, 1872 
 GROTIUS, Hugo. De Jure Belli ac Pacis libri tres. Editio 
 nova. Accesserunt Annotata in epistolam Pauli ad Phile- 
 monem, et Dissertatio de Mari libero, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1670 
 GROTON, Mass. Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration. 
 July 4th, 1876. With an Oration by S. A. Green, 8vo. 
 Groton, 1876 
 The History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey. 
 Plates, 4 vols. 8vo Lond. 1742-44 
 Reply to the Famous Jew Question, 4to. (Tracts 50*) ib. 1 754 
 GROVER, Captain. The Bokhara Victims, 8vo. (Tracts 100) ib. 1845 
 Diagram illustrating the Course of Promotion in the Corps 
 of Royal Engineers, 8vo. (Tracts 47*) . . Woolwich, 1868 
GRO GUB 277 
 GROVE R, G. E. continued. 
 Historical Notes on the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, 8vo. 
 Woolwich, 1869 
 GROVER, H. M. A Voice from Stone Henge. Part i. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 96) Lond. 1847 
 GRUNDY, John. The Stranger's Guide to Hampton Court Palace 
 and Gardens, 12mo. . . . . . . ib, 1845 
 GRUNER, H. Opfersteine Deutschlands. Eine geologisch-ethno- 
 graphische Untersuchung, 8vo. . . . Leipzig, 1881 
 GRUNER, Lewis. 
 Specimens of Ornamental Art (Text), 4to. . Lond. 1850 
 -(Plates). Atlas fol ib. 1850 
 GRUPEN, C. V. Teutsche Alterthiimer zur Erlenterung des 
 Sachsischen auch Schwabischen Land-und-Lehn-Rechts, 
 4to Hannover, 1746 
 GRUTERUS, Janus. Inscriptiones Antiquse Orbis Romani, 2 vols. 
 fol Amsterdam, 1707 
 GRYPHIANDER, Johan. De Weichbildis Saxonicis, sive Colossis 
 Rulandinis urbium quarundam Saxonicarum commen- 
 tarius historico-juridicus, 4to. . . . Argentorati, 1666 
 GUALTERUS, Johannes, pseud, [i.e. JANUS GRUTERUS]. 
 Chronicon Chronicorum Politicum, 2 vols. 8vo. Frankfort, 1614 
 Chronicon Chronicorum Ecclesiastico-Politicum, 2 vols., 
 8vo . ib. 1614 
 GUARINO, Veronese. Vocabularius breviloquus, &c., fol. 
 Nicolas Kesler, Basle, 1486 
 GUARNACCI, Marius. Vitae et Res Gestee Pontificum Romanorum 
 et S. R. E. Cardinalium a Clemente X. usque al Cle- 
 mentine XII. (Two copies) 2 vols. fol. . Rome, 1751 
 GUARRAZAR, Tesoro de. Nuevos Descubrimientos, I. to IV., 4to. 
 Madrid, 1861 
 Monumenti Antichi inediti, 6 vols. in 3, 4to. . Rome, 178489 
 Roma descritta ed illustrata, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. . . ib. 1805 
 Memorie Enciclopediche Romane sulle Belle Arti, &c. (7 
 vols. bound in 3), 4to. . . . . ib. 180619 
 GUE"DE"ONOW, E. Notice sur les objets d'Art de la Galerie 
 Campana a Rome acquis pour le Musee Imperial de 
 1'Ermitage, 8vo Paris, 1861 
 GUELPHIC ORDER, THE ROYAL, Statutes of. Edited by John 
 Frost. (Tracts 154.) 8vo Lond. 1831 
 Dictionnaire Iconographique, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1845 
 Sceau de la Pitancerie de Saint- Germain-des-Pres. 8vo, 
 (Tracts 4*7*) ib. 1860 
 GUEST, Augustus. Propugnacula, or Political Reasons for ex- 
 tending the Discipline of the English Church, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 77) Lond. 1852 
 GUEST, Douglas. New System respecting Floating Bodies. 4to. 
 (Tracts 31) ib. 1846 
 GUEST, Edwin. 
 On the Four Roman Ways, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . ib. 1857 
278 GUE GUI 
 GUEST, Edwin continued. 
 The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar, 8vo. (Tracts 
 55**) Lond. 1864 
 Origines Celticas (a Fragment) and other ContributioDS to 
 the History of Britain, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1883 
 GUEST, John. 
 Thomas de Rotherham, Archbishop of York, and his College 
 of Jesus at Rotherham, 8vo. (Tracts 126***) Rotherham, 1869 
 Rotherham Ancient College and Grammar School, 8vo. ib. 1876 
 Yorkshire. Historic Notices of Rotherham, Ecclesiastical, 
 Collegiate, and Civil, fol Worksop, 1879 
 GUICCIARDINI, Francesco. II sacco di Roma. Edizione seconda. 
 8vo. . Colonia, 1758 
 GUICHAED, Claude. Ftmerailles et diverses manieres d'ensevelir 
 des Rommains, Grecs, et autres nations, tant anciennes 
 que modernes, 8vo. ...... Lyons, 1581 
 GUIOHAED, Ed. Les Tapisseries Decoratives du Garde-Meuble 
 (Mobilier National). Texte par Alfred Darcel, fol. 
 Paris, n.d. 
 GUIDO PAPA. Decisiones per excellentissimum legum doctorem 
 dominum Guidonem papam olim composite nuperque 
 recensite a Antonio Rambaudi, &c., B.L. For biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. . Lugduni, 1506 
 GUIEYSSE, P., et E. LEFEBURE. Le Papyrus Funeraire de Sou- 
 times. (Livre des Morts.) Fol. . . . Paris, 1877 
 GUIGARD, J. Armorial du Bibliophile avec illustrations. 
 Tom. i., ii. (in one) 8vo ib. 1870-73 
 GUIGUE, M. C. De 1'Origine de la Signature et de son emploi au 
 Moyen Age, principalement dans les Pays de Droit ecrit, 
 8vo. . ib. 1863 
 GUILDFORD, the County Town of Surrey, The History and 
 Description of, 8vo. . . ... . Guildford, 1777 
 Catalogue of Antiquities found on the Site of the Exchange, 
 by William Tite, 8vo Lond. 1848 
 Catalogue of the City Library. By Wm. Herbert, 8vo. ib. 1828 
 Alphabetical Index, 8vo. . . . ib. 1846 
 Supplement, 8vo. .... ib. 1842 
 Catalogue, 8vo ib. 1859 
 Supplement for 1860-64, 4 Nos., 8vo. . ib. 
 Eighth Supplement, 8vo. . . . ib. 1868 
 Ninth Supplement, 8vo ib. 1869 
 Report from Library Committee, fol. (Tracts 158) . ib. 1852 
 Catalogue of Sculpture, Paintings, &c., together with Books 
 cot included in the Catalogue of the Guildhall Library. 
 2 Parts 8vo ib. 1867-68 
 GUILHERMY, F. de. Itineraire Archeologique de Paris, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1855 
 GUILLE of the Rohais and St. George, in the Island of Guernsey. 
 Some Account of that Family for Fifteen Generations. 
 [Edited by F. T. Colby.] Privately printed, 4to. Exeter, 1882 
GUI GUS 279 
 GUILLEMIN, Jules, et LANDA, L. Materiaux d'Archeologie and 
 d'Histoire par MM. les Archeologues de Saone-et- Loire 
 et des Departements Limitrophes. Nos. i., ii., iii., iv. 
 8vo Chalon-Sur-Saone, 1869 
 GUILLIM. John. 
 A Display of Heraldry. To which is added a Treatise of 
 Honour, Military and Civil. [By J. Logan.] Plates, fol. 
 Land. 1679 
 Sixth edition. With Sir George Mac- 
 kenzie's Tract of Precedency, fol. . . . ib. 1724 
 GUILLOUARD. M. Recherches sur les Colliberts, 8vo. . Caen, 1878 
 GUINAND, L'ABBE", F. Decouverte d'un Christ en Buis de Jean 
 Guillermin, 8vo ' . Lyon, 1884 
 GUIOTH, M. Histoire Numismatique de la Revolution Beige. 2 
 tomes 4to Hasselt, 1844-45 
 GUISE, Samuel. Catalogue of Oriental MSS. collected in In- 
 dostan, 8vo about 1793 
 GUIZOT. Historia da Civilisa9ao na Europa por Mr. Guizot. 
 Versao Portugueza, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lisbon, 1875 
 GUMBLE, Thomas. La Vie du General Monk, Due D'Albemarle, 
 &c. Traduit de 1'Anglois, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1672 
 GUMPACH, Johannes von. Hiilfsbuch der Rechnenden Chrono- 
 logic, 8vo. Heidelberg, 1853 
 GUNILDA, Sister of Harold II. Notice au sujet d'une inscription 
 sur line plaque trouvee dans le tombeau de Gunilde a 
 Bruges, 12mo. (Tracts 137*) .... Ghent, 1833 
 GUNNER, W. H. On the Great Seals of Edward III., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61*). 
 A Letter from Mrs. Gunning to His Grace the Duke of 
 Argyll. (Bound with "Memoirs of Mrs. Billington.") 
 8vo. Lond. 1791 
 Fourth edition, 8vo ib. 1791 
 GUNNING, Major-General. An Apology for the Life of Major- 
 General G , written by himself, 8vo. . . ib. 1792 
 GUNNING, Henry. The Poll at the Election of a Chancellor of 
 the University of Cambridge, 8vo. (Tracts 110) Camb. 1847 
 GUNNLAUGUS and RAFN. Sagan af Gunnlaugi Ormstungu ok 
 Skalld Rafni sive Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis et Rafnis 
 PoetsB vita. Edited by Luxdorph and others, 4to. 
 Hafnice, 1775 
 GUNPOWDER (THE) TREASON. 12mo Lond. 1850 
 GUNTON, Symon. History of the Church of Peterburgh, fol. ib. 1686 
 GURDEN, Thornhaugh. Antiquities of the Castle of Norwich, 
 8vo Norwich, 1834 
 GURNET, Hudson. 
 Letter on Norwich and the Ventes Icenorum, 8vo. (Tracts 
 70) . Kewrick, 1847 
 Arms in Norwich Cathedral, 8vo. . . . Norwich, 1851 
 GUSTAVUS I. of Sweden. Handlingar Rorande Sverges inre 
 forhiillanden under Gustavus I., 2 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1841-45 
280 GUS HAG 
 GUSTAYUS III. of Sweden. Specimen Idiomatum et Charac- 
 terum Exoticorum quo plauderetur felici adventui, 
 Gustavilll., fol 
 GUTCH, J. M. Robin Hood Garlands and Ballads, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1850 
 GUTCH, John. Collectanea Curiosa, 2 vols. 8vo. . Oxford, 1781 
 GUTENBEEG, John, first Master Printer, his acts and most remark- 
 able discourses. From the German, by C. W. (Only 
 100 copies printed.} 4to. ..... Lond. 1860 
 GUTHEIE, Dr. Extrait d' une lettre du Dr. Guthrie, au Lord 
 Monboddo, 8vo. (Tracts 100). 
 GUT, Thomas. Copy of his Will, 8vo ib. 1732 
 GUY, W. A. On the Claims of Science to Public Recognition ; 
 with Special Reference to the so-called " Social Sciences," 
 8vo. (Tracts 95***) ib. 1870 
 GUZMAN, Diego De. Vita de D. Margarita de Austria, 4to. 
 Madrid, 1617 
 GWILT, C. P. Notices of Thomas Smith, of Campden, and 
 Henry Smith, Alderman of London, 8vo. . Lond. 1836 
 GWILT, Joseph. 
 On the Origin of Caryatides, 8vo. .... ib. 1822 
 Observations on the Communication of Mr. Wilkins relating 
 to the National Gallery. 8vo ib. 1833 
 Project for a National Gallery, 8vo. . . . ib. 1838 
 An Encyclopedia of Architecture. New edition, with 
 additions by Wyatt Pap worth, 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 GWILYM, Dafydd ab. Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym. O 
 grynhoad Owen Jones a William Owen, 8vo. . . ib. 1789 
 GYLLIUS, Petrus. Antiquities of Constantinople. Translated 
 by J. Ball, 8vo ib. 1729 
 H. E. Tractatus varii ad rem cum criticam turn antiquarian! 
 pertinentes, 8vo. ....... ib. 1788 
 H. N. The Ladies' Dictionary, being a general Entertainment 
 for the Fair Sex. By N. H. (Title wanting.) 8vo. ib. 1694 
 H. R. 
 The School of Recreation, 12mo ib. 1710 
 12mo ib. 1736 
 H. S. H. The Writings of Edmund Spenser : with some 
 observations upon allegorical composition. For private 
 circulation, 8vo. ....... ib. 1866 
 HABEL, F. G. Die Cohortenzeichen der xxii. legion, 8vo. 
 Wiesbaden, 1837 
 HABERSHON, Matthew. Ancient Half- Timbered Houses of Eng- 
 land, fol. (Tracts 160) Lond. 1836 
 HACKET, J. T. The Student's Assistant in Astronomy and 
 Astrology, 12mo ib. 1836 
 HACKETT, Miss M. Correspondence, &c., respecting The Ancient 
 School attached to Saint Paul's Cathedral, 4to. . ib. 1816 
HAD HAI 281 
 HADDAN, Arthur West, and STUBBS, William. Councils and 
 Ecclesiastical Documents relating to Great Britain and 
 Ireland. Edited after Spelman and Wilkins, vol. i. 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1869 
 HADDOCK, J. Six Views in Ipswich, obi. 12mo. .... 1851 
 HAFIZ. Persian Lyrics ; Scattered Poems of Hafiz, translated 
 by J. H. Hindley, 4to. ... . Loud. 1800 
 HAGEN, H. Prodromus Novae Inscriptionum Latinarum Hel- 
 veticarum Sylloges Titulos Aventicenses et Vicinos 
 continens, 4to. ....... Bern, 1878 
 HAGER, Joseph. 
 A Dissertation on the newly discovered Babylonian Inscrip- 
 tions, 4to Lond. 1801 
 Sopra una Pietra preziosa della veste pontificale di Aarone, 
 fol . Milan, 1814 
 Observations on the Standard of Value, 8vo. (Tracts 125) 
 Lond. 1840 
 Appendix. 8vo. (Tracts 125) . . ib. 1842 
 Second Edition, 8vo. (Tracts 125) . ib. 1847 
 Miscellaneous Papers, 8vo. (Tracts 125) . . Windsor, 1860 
 On Newland and our present Monetary System. (Tracts 
 90*) 8vo Westminster, 1866 
 HAGLET, Envil, and the Leasowes, a Description of, 8vo. [Prat- 
 tinton CollJ] ...... Birmingham, n.d. 
 HAHN, Fr. Fiinf Elfenbein-Gefasse des friihesten Mittelalters, 
 4to Hanover, 1862 
 HAIGH, D. H. On the Numismatic History of the Ancient 
 Kingdom of the East Angles, 8vo. (Tracts 42) Leeds, 1845 
 Sur le Portus Itius de Jules Cesar, 8vo. . . Paris, 1862 
 Notice Archeologique, sur la Crypte de 1'Eglise Cathe- 
 drale de Boulogne, 8vo. . . . Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1863 
 HAILES, Sir David Dalrymple, Lord. Annals of Scotland, from 
 Malcolm III. to the House of Stewart. New edition, 3 
 vols. 8vo Edinburgh, 1797 
 HAILSTONE, Edward. 
 Catalogue of Works relating to Yorkshire, 8vo. Bradford, 1858 
 Portraits of Yorkshire Worthies, 2 vols. 4to. . Lond. 1869 
 List of Persons returned to serve in the Parliament of 1656 
 (Reprint) sm. 4to 1880 
 HAILSTONE, Mrs. Catalogue of a Collection of Lace and Needle- 
 work, with a List of Books on the same subject. Pri- 
 vately printed, sm. 4to. ....... 1868 
 HAIMON, L'Abbe. Lettre sur la construction de St. Pierre-sur- 
 Dive adressee en 1145 aux religieux de Tutbury (Angle- 
 terre). Publiee par Leopold Delisle, 8 vo. (Tracts 47) Paris, 1860 
 HAIN, L. Repertorium Bibliographicum, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 Stuttgart, 1826-38 
 HAINES, Herbert. 
 Manual for the Study of Monumental Brasses, 8vo. Oxford, 1848 
 : Second edition, 8vo. Oxford and Lond. 1861 
282 HAI HAK 
 HAINES, Herbert continued. 
 A Guide to the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, 8vo. 
 Gloucester, 1867 
 HAINES, R. A Model of Government for the good of the Poor, 
 &c. (Tracts on Politics and Church a/airs, 1670-1711) 4to. 
 Lond. 1678 
 HAKEWEL, "W. Modus tenendi Parliamentum : or the old 
 manner of holding Parliaments in England, 12mo. . ib. 1660 
 HAKEWILL, Arthur William. General Plan, &c, of Thorpe Hall, 
 Peterborough, fol. - . . . . . ib. 1852 
 HAKEWILL, Henry. Roman Villa at Northleigh, fol. (Tracts 
 160) ib. 1826 
 HAKEWILL, James. An attempt to determine the exact character 
 of Elizabethan Architecture (Plates), 8vo. . . ib. 1835 
 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Publications. 
 1. The Observations of Sir R. Hawkins in his voyage into 
 the South Sea in 1593. Edited by D. Bethune, 8vo. ib. 1847 
 2. Select Letters of Columbus. Edited by R. H. Major, 
 8vo. .(.".; . . ib. 1847 
 3. The Discovery of the Empire of Guiana, &c., performed 
 in 1595-96, by Sir W. Ralegh. Edited by Sir R. H. 
 Schomburgk, 8vo. ib. 1848 
 4. Sir Francis Drake's Voyage, 1595, by T. Maynarde, with 
 the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. 
 Edited by W. D. Cooley, 8vo ib. 1849 
 5. Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West, 1496 to 
 1631, &c. Edited by T. Rundall, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849 
 6. The Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, by W. 
 Strachey. Edited by R. H. Major, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849 
 7. Divers Voyages touching the discovery of America. 
 Collected by R. Hakluyt. Edited by J. Winter Jones, 
 8vo ib. 1850 
 8. Memorials of the Empire of Japon in the XVI. and 
 XVII. centuries. Edited by T. Rundall, 8vo. . ib. 1850 
 9. Discovery and Conquest of Florida, by Don Ferdinando de 
 Soto. Translated by R. Hakluyt. Edited by W. B. 
 Rye, 8vo ib. 1851 
 10. Notes upon Russia, being a translation of the Mos- 
 coviticarum Commentarii by S. von Herberstein. Edited 
 by R. H. Major, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1851-52 
 11. Geography of Hudson's Bay, by W. Coats, with 
 extracts from the Log of Capt. Middleton, 1741-42. 
 Edited by J. Barrow, 8vo. ... . . . ib. 1852 
 12. Vol. ii. of No. 10. 
 13. Three Voyages by the North East, towards Cathay and 
 China, in 1594-96, by Gerrit de Veer. Translated by W. 
 Phillip. Edited by C. T. Beke, 8vo. . . ib. 1853 
 14. History of China, by J. Gonzalez de Mendoza, from 
 the translation of R. Parke. Edited by G. T. Staunton, 
 with introduction by R. H. Major, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1853 
 15. Vol. ii. of No. 14. 
HAK HAK 283 
 HAKLUYT SOCIETY continued. 
 16. The World Encompassed, by Sir F. Drake, 1577-80. 
 Written by F. Fletcher. Edited by W. S. W. Vaux, 
 8vo. . Lond. 1854 
 17. History, of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China and 
 Verbiest's Journeys into Tartary. Translated from the 
 French of Petre J. D 'Orleans. To which is added 
 Pereira's Journey into Tartary from the Dutch of 
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 18. A Collection of Documents on Spitzbergen and Green- 
 land, comprising Marten's Yoyage to Spitzbergen, De la 
 Peyrere's History of Greenland, and Pelham's Narrative 
 of the Deliverance of Eight Englishmen, 1630. Edited 
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 Islands. Edited by B. Corney. 8vo. . . . ib. 1855 
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 prising the Treatise, " Of the Russe Commonwealth," by 
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 21. History of the New World, by G. Benzoni. Translated 
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 23. Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico 
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 24. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539-40 
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 25. Early Indications of Australia, or Voyages to Terra 
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 26. Narrative of the Embassy of R. Gonzalez de Clavijo to 
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 27. Henry Hudson, the Navigator. Edited by G. M. 
 Asher. 8vo . . ib. 1860 
 28. Expedition of P. de Ursua and L. de Aguirre. Edited 
 by W. Bollaert. 8vo ib. 1861 
 29. Life of A. E. De Guzman. Edited by C. R. Markham. 
 8vo. . ib. 1862 
 30. Galvano's Discoveries of the World. Edited by 
 I Admiral Bethune. 8vo ib. 1862 
 31. Wonders of the East, by Jordanus. Edited by H. 
 Yule. 8vo. . . . ' ib. 1863 
 32. Travels of L. di Varthema. Edited by G. P. Badger. 
 8vo ib. 1863 
 38. The Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, A.D. 1532-50. 
 Edited by C. R. Markham, 8vo ib. 1864 
 34. Narrative of Pascual De Andagoya. Edited by C. R. 
 Markham. 8vo ib. 1865 
284 HAK HAK 
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 35. Coasts of East Africa and Malabar, by D. Barbosa. 
 Edited by H. Stanley. 8vo Land. 1866 
 36. Cathay, and the way thither. Edited by H. Yule. 2 
 vols. 8vo . ib. 1866 
 37. Vol. ii. of No. 36. 
 38. Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher, A.D, 1576-78. By 
 Rear- Admiral Richard Collinson. 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 39. The Philippine Islands, by A. de Morga. Edited by 
 H. E. J. Stanley. 8vo ib. 1868 
 40. The Fifth Letter of Herman Cortes to Charles V. 
 Edited by P. de Gayangos. 8vo ib. 1868 
 41. First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas 
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 Markham. Vol. i. 8vo ib. 1869 
 42. The Three Voyages of Vasco de Gama. From the 
 Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa. Edited by H. E. J. 
 Stanley. 8vo ib. 1869 
 43. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus. Second 
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 ib. 1871 
 46. The Canariati, or Book of the Conquest of the Canarians 
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 8vo 1872 
 47. Reports on the Discovery of Peru. Edited by C. R. 
 Markham. 8vo. . ib. 1872 
 48. Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas. 
 Translated and edited by C. R. Markham. 8vo. . ib. 1873 
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 Abrogio Contarini. Translated by William Thomas, 
 Clerk of the Council to Edward VI., and by S. [or rather 
 E.] A. Roy. Edited by Lord Stanley of Alderley . ib. 1873 
 50. The Voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeno to the 
 Northern Seas in the Fourteenth Century. Edited by 
 R. H. Major 1873 
 51. The Captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in A.D. 1547- 
 1555, among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. Trans- 
 lated by A. Tootal, and annotated by R. F. Burton. 8vo. 
 ib. 1874 
 52. The First Voyage Round the World, by Magellan. 
 Translated from Pigafetta, &c. With notes by Lord 
 Stanley of Alderley. 8vo ib. 1874 
 53. The Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque, second 
 Viceroy of India. Translated by W. de Gray Birch. 1875 
 54. The Three Voyages of William Barents to the Arctic 
 Regions (1594-96). By Gerrit de Veer. First edition 
 edited by C. T. Beke" 1853. Second edition, with an 
 Introduction by Lieutenant Koolemans Beynen . . 1876 
HAK HAK 285 
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 55. The Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. ii. 
 (of No. 49). 8vo. . . . Lend. 1877 
 56. The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster to the East 
 Indies, &c., and the Voyage of Captain John Knight 
 (1606) to seek the North- West Passage. Edited by 
 C. R. Markham .... ... 1877 
 57. The Hawkin's Voyages during the Reigns of Henry 
 VIII., Queen Elizabeth, and James I. Edited by C. R. 
 Markham. Second edition. 8vo. .... ib. 1878 
 58. The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, 
 1396-1427. Translated by J. B. Telfer, with notes by 
 P. Brunn ... .... 1879 
 59. The Voyages and Works of John Davis, the Navigator. 
 Edited by A. H. Markham. (The Map of the World, 
 A.D. 1600) ... 1880 
 60. The Natural and Moral History of the Indies, by J. de 
 Acosta. From the English of E. Grimston, 1604. 
 Edited by C. R. Markham. Vol. I. The Natural 
 History 1880 
 61. Vol. II. The Moral History. (Books 
 v., vi., and vii.) .... ... 1880 
 Map of Peru : to illustrate the Travels of Cieza de 
 Leon in 1532-50, the Royal Commentaries of G. de la 
 Vega (1609), and the History of the Indies, by J. de 
 Acosta (1608) . 1880 
 62. The Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. iii. 
 (of No. 51) . . . 1880 
 63. The Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-22. Edited by 
 C. R. Markham. 8vo ib. 1881 
 64. Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia, 
 1520-1527. By F. Alvarez. Translated by Lord Stanley 
 of Alderley. 8vo ib. 1881 
 65. The History e of the Bermudas or Summer Islands. 
 Edited by General Sir J. H. Lefroy. 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 66. Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape Merchant in Japan, 
 1615-22. Edited by E. M. Thompson. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1883 
 67. Vol ii. of No. 66. 
 68. The Second Part of the Chronicle of Peru (No. 33). 
 By Pedro de Cieza de Leon. Translated by C. R. 
 Markham, C.B. 8vo. . . ' . ib. 1883 
 69. The Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. iv. 
 (of No. 55) ... ... 1884 
 70. The Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the 
 East Indies. From the Translation of 1598. Book I. 
 In 2 vols. I. Edited by the late A. C. Burnell. II, 
 Edited by P. A. Tiele 1885 
 71. Vol. ii. of No. 70. 
 72. Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia. By 
 Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen. Edited by 
 E. Delmar Morgan, and C. H. Coote, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1886 
 73. Vol. ii. of No. 72. 
286 HAK HAL 
 HAKLUYT, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, and 
 Discoveries of the English Nation, 3 vols. in 2, fol. 
 Land. 1599-1600 
 HALDORSON, B. Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum, 4to., 2 vols. 
 in 1 ........ Hauniae, 1814 
 HALE, T., Social Harmony, 4to Lond. 1763 
 HALE, W. H. An Octavo volume containing the following Tracts 
 ib. 1824-1869 
 1. The Apostle Paul ; a Pattern for Christian Ministers, 
 2. The Pontifical Law of Utensils and Repairs of 
 Churches. Translated and abridged from Fabius 
 Alberti, 1838. 
 3. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry 
 of St. Albans, 1840. 
 4. Proposals for establishing Colleges for examining 
 Schoolmasters, 1843. 
 5. The Government Scheme of Education ; a Charge, 
 6. A Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of 
 London, 1849. 
 7. - 1851. 
 8. Extension of the Ministry, &c. ; a Charge, 1852. 
 9. Intramural Burial in England; a Charge. 2nd edition. 
 10. A Letter to the Lord Primate on Intramural Burial. 
 11. Address on the New Burial Ground at Ilford, 1855. 
 12. The Church Rate Question. 2nd edition. 1859. 
 13. The Constitution of the Society for the Liberation 
 of Religion from State Patronage explained, 1861. 
 14. The Duty of the Archdeacons as respects the repair 
 of Chancels, etc, 1863. 
 15. Clerical Subscriptions considered. Second edition. 18^4. 
 16. The Proceedings relative to the pulling down, of the 
 Church of St. Benet, Gracechurch, 1865. 
 17. Lay agency in the Church, 1866. 
 18. The Queen's Supremacy, the Constitutional Bond of 
 Union between the Church of England and her Branches 
 in the Colonies, 1867. 
 19. A Legal History of the Supremacy of the Crown in 
 Matters of Religion, 1867. 
 20. An Essay on the Union between the Church and the 
 State, 1868. 
 21. The Doctrine and Government of the Anglican Church 
 under Henry VIII., 1869. 
 Early History of the Hospital of King James, founded in 
 . Charterhouse, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1854 
 Some Account of Christ's Hospital. Second edition. 8vo. 1855 
 HALES, Sir Christopher, of Lincoln, Bart. Pedigree. Edited by 
 R. Woof. 4to ib. 1870 
 HALFORD, Sir Henry. Account of the Opening of the Coffin of 
 Charles I. 4to. . ib. 1813 
HAL HAL 287 
 HALFPENNY, Joseph. 
 Gothic Ornaments in York Cathedral, fol 1795 
 Fragmenta Vetusta, or the Remains of Ancient Buildings in 
 York, imp. 4to. York, 1807 
 A Selection of the Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral 
 Church of York. (Plates.) New edition. 4to. . ib. 1831 
 HALHED, N. B. Code of Gentoo Laws, 4to. . . Lond. 1776 
 New Materials for the History of Man. No. 1. The Festival 
 of the Dead, 8vo. . . . Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1863 
 No. 2. Astronomy and Mosaic Cosmogony, 8vo. ib. 1864 
 Intercolonial Trade our only Safeguard against Disunion, 
 8vo. . (Tracts 58**) Ottawa, 1868 
 A Review of British Diplomacy and its Fruits: "The Dream 
 of the United Empire Loyalists of 1776," 8vo. (Tracts 
 95***) Lond. 1872 
 Explorations in the Picton Coal Field, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) 
 New series ....... Halifax, 
 HALL, CENTRAL, of Arts and Sciences . . . Lond. 1866 
 HALL, Edward, the Chronicler. The Union of the two Famelies 
 of Lancastre and Yorke, with all the Actes done in bothe 
 the tymes of the Princes (Chronicle Henry IV. to 
 Henry VIII.) fol 1548 
 HALL, Edward, F.S.A. On Propriety of Style in Modern Gothic 
 Architecture, 8vo. (Tracts 56) .... ib. 1843 
 HALL, Francis. Explication of a Dial set up in the King's 
 Garden in London, 4to. ..... Liege 1673 
 HALL, .Frederick. Historical Account of the Church of St. Peter, 
 Wolverhampton, 8vo. . . . Wolverhampton, 1865 
 HALL, G. R. Memoir on the History and Architecture of Chip- 
 chase Castle, North Tynedale ; 8vo. (Tracts 95***) n.p. 1877 
 HALL, H. Names of Places in Hertfordshire, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) 
 Lond. 1859 
 HALL, Hubert. A History of the Custom-Revenue in England. 
 From the earliest times to the year 1827. 8vo. . ib. 1885 
 HALL, J. 
 New Margate and Ramsgate Guide, sm. 4to. . Margate, 1790 
 Second edition. 12mo. Margate fy Lond. 1792 
 HALL, James. A History of Nantwich, or Wich-Malbank, 
 Chester, 4to . Nantwich, 1883 
 HALL, JOSEPH. Mundus alter et idem, sive Terra Australis 
 nuperrime lustrata. Authore Mercuric Britannico. Ac- 
 cessit T. T. Campanellee Civitas Solis et Nova Atlantis F. 
 Baconis. 12mo Utrecht, 1643 
 (The Civitas Solis is not in this copy. The preface is signed Gulielmus 
 Knight, a pseud, for Jos. Hall, Bp. of Exeter.) 
 HALL, Mrs. Matthew. The Queens before the Conquest, 2 vols. 
 8vo. Lond. 1854 
 HALL, Peter. 
 Guide to Wimborne Minster, 8vo ib. 1830 
 Topographical Remarks on Ring wood, co. Hants, 12mo. 
 Ring wood, 1831 
288 HAL HAL 
 HALL, Peter continued. 
 History of Old and New Sarum, 4to. . . .Salisbury, 1834 
 Picturesque Memorials of Salisbury, 10 parts, fol. . ib. 1834 
 HALL, Richard. De proprietate et vestiario Monachorum. 
 Epitaphium Arnoldi de la Cambe alias Gantois, &c. 8vo. 
 Douai, 1585 
 A Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age. 
 4to Lond. 1871 
 An Old Story a Temperance Tale in verse. 8vo. . ib. 1875 
 Second edition. 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 The Trial of Sir Jasper : a Temperance Tale in verse, sq.8vo. 
 ib. 1877 
 Words of Warning, in verse and prose. 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 A Memory of Thomas Moore. Second edition, sm. 4to. 
 Lond. and Dublin, 1879 
 HALL, S. C. 
 The Baronial Halls and Pictorial Edifices of England. 
 Plates. Second edition, 4to. .... Lond. n.d. 
 Some Words of Farewell. (From the Art Journal.) 
 HALL, Spencer. 
 Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey ; with Notices, Inscrip- 
 tions, &c., respecting the Family of Grace, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Dublin, 1823 
 Echyngham of Echyngham, 8vo. {Tracts 40) . Lond. 1850 
 Royal Gallery of Art. Vols. i. to iv., fol. . ib. 1854-59 
 HALL, T. M. A Topographical Index to the Fellows of the 
 Geological Society, 8vo. (Tracts 95*=**) . . . n.p. 1872 
 HALL, Thomas. Social Harmony, 4to. ..... 1763 
 HALLAM, Henry. 
 State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1818 
 Supplement to ditto, 8vo. ...... ib. 1848 
 HALLER, F. L. Yon. Helvetien unter den Rdmern, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Bern, 1811-12 
 HALLIDAY, Maria. 
 A Description of the Monument and Effigies in Porlock 
 Church, Somerset, of John, fourth Baron Harington of 
 Aldingham and Elizabeth his wife, 8vo. . . Torquay, 1882 
 A Delineation of the Courtenay Mantelpiece in the Epis- 
 copal Palace at Exeter, by Roscoe Gibbs, with a Biogra- 
 phical Notice of the Rt. Rev. Peter Courtenay, died 1 492. 
 Privately printed, fol. ...... ib. 1884 
 Another copy. 
 Life of Sir S. Morland, 8vo. . . . Cambridge, 1838 
 Rara Mathematica, or a collection of treatises on the Mathe- 
 matics from ancient MSS., 8vo. .... ib. 1839 
 Two Essays on Numerical Contractions, &c., 2 Copies. 
 8vo. (Tracts 92) Lond. 1839 
 On the Discovery of the Composition of Water, 8vo. (Tracts 
 92). ib. 1840 
 Early History of Freemasonry in England, 8vo. . . ib. 1840 
 Character of Sir John Falstaff, 12mo. . . . ib. 1841 
HAL HAL 289 
 HA.LLIWELL (afterwards HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS), J. 0. continued. 
 Introduction to Shakspeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, 
 8vo Land. 1841 
 Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Midsummer Night's 
 Dream, 8vo . . . ib. 1845 
 A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2 vols. 
 in one, 8vo. ........ ib. 1847 
 On Provincial Dialects of England. (Tracts 92). . ib. 1847 
 On the Vernon MS., 8vo. (Tracts 92) . . . ib. 1848 
 The Castle of Love. By Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of 
 Lincoln, 4to. Privately printed. . . Brixton Hill, 1849 
 Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap-books, 8vo. Lond. 1849 
 Shakespeare's Will, copied from the Original, and Facsimile 
 of the three Autographs, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1851 
 Curiosities of Shakesperian Criticism, 8vo. (Tracts 92). ib. 1853 
 Reprints ib. 1859 
 A Margarite of America 
 Whimsies: or, A New Cast of Characters. 
 The Tinker of Turvey. 
 The Pleasant History of John Winchcomb. 
 Fortune's Tennis Ball. 
 North Wales, sm. 4to ib. 1860 
 Shakesperian Facsimiles, fol. . . . . ib. 1863 
 Calendar of Manuscripts and Records of the Corporation of 
 Stratford-upon-Avon, fol. ..... ib. 1863 
 Stratford-upon-Avon in the times of the Shakespeares. 
 Illustrated by Extracts from the Council Books of the 
 Corporation, fol. ....... ib. 1864 
 An Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon- 
 Avon, the last Residence of Shakespeare, fol. . . ib. 1864 
 Catalogue of Engravings and Drawings illustrative of the 
 Life of Shakespeare, sq. 8vo. Privately printed. . ib. 1868 
 Selected notes upon Shakespeare's Comedy of the Tempest, 
 4to ib. 1868 
 Selected notes npon Shakespeare's Tragedy of Antony and 
 Cleopatra, 4to ib. 1868 
 A Fragment of Mr. J. O. Halli well's "Illustrations of the 
 Life of Shakespeare." For Presents only. (No. 16 of 
 fifty copies only.) Fol ib. 1874 
 Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare, part i. fol. . ib. 1874 
 A Brief Hand- List of the selected Parcels in the Shakes- 
 pearian and Dramatic Collections of J. 0. Halliwell- 
 Phillipps. Privately printed. 8vo. .... ib. 1876 
 A Catalogue of the Shakespeare-Study Books in the Library 
 of J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps, 8vo ib. 1876 
 A Catalogue of the Warehouse Library of J. 0. Halliwell- 
 Phillipps. Privately printed. 8vo ib. 1876 
 Memoranda on All's Well that Ends Well, The Two Gen- 
 tlemen of Verona, Much Ado about Nothing, and on Titus 
 Andronicus, 8vo. ...... Brighton, 1879 
 Memoranda on Love's Labour's Lost, King John, Othello, 
 and on Romeo and Juliet, 8vo. .... Lond. 1879 
290 HAL HAM 
 HALLIWELL (afterwards HALLIWELL.PHILLIPPS), J. O. continued. 
 Memoranda on the Midsummer Night's Dream, A.D. 1879 
 and A.D. 1855, 8vo Brighton, 1879 
 Memoranda on the Tragedy of Hamlet, 8vo. . Lond. 1879 
 Which Shall it Be? New Lamps or Old? Shaxpere or 
 Shakespeare? 8vo. . . . , . Brighton, 1879 
 New Lamps or Old ? A few additional words, &c., 8vo. ib. 1880 
 : Second edition, 8vo. . . ' . . ib. 1880 
 Copy of Correspondence, fol. . . . ib. 1881 
 The Fool and the Ice. A brief account of a singular ad- 
 venture which occurred at Evesham in the reign of Queen 
 Elizabeth, and which is supposed to be alluded to by 
 Shakespeare in his Drama of Troilus and Cressida. Pri- 
 vately printed. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1883 
 A Hand-List of the Drawings and Engravings illustrative 
 of the Life of Shakespeare, preserved at Hollingbury 
 Copse, near Brighton. For private circulation. 8vo. 
 Brighton, 1884 
 The Stratford Records and the Shakespeare Autotypes. 
 A brief review of singular delusions that are current at 
 Stratford -on -A von. Third edition. 8vo. . ib. 1884-85 
 A List of Shakespeare Rarities, 8vo. .... [ib. 1885] 
 HALLOY, P. T. de. Origo et Genealogia Starhembergica, 4to. 
 Vienna, 1729 
 HALM, C., et G. Laubmann. Catalogu Codicum Latinorum 
 Bibliothecse Regiee Monacensis. Vol. I. parts 1-3, 8vo. 
 Munich, 1868-73 
 HALSTED, Caroline A. Life of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of 
 Richmond and Derby, mother of King Henry the Vllth. 
 8vo Lond. 1839 
 HAMILTON, The Duke of. Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, 
 Works of Art, Ac. (Sold by Christie & Co., 1882) 8vo. ib. 1882 
 HAMILTON, Adam. Buckfast Abbey, 8vo. . Ramsgate, 1884 
 HAMILTON, Antoine, Comte. Le Belier Histoire de Fleur d'Epine. 
 Les Qnatre Facardius. Nouvelle edition, 12mo. 
 The Hague, 1737 
 HAMILTON, Francis. 
 Genealogical Tables of the Deities of the Hindus, fol. 
 Edinburgh, 1819 
 Genealogies of the Hindus, 8vo. .... ib. 1819 
 HAMILTON, N. E. S. A. Inquiry concerning Mr. J. P. Collier's 
 Annotated Shakespeare Folio, 1632, 4to. . Lond. 1860 
 Two Letters to the Earl of Elgin on the New Houses of 
 Parliament, 8vo. (Tracts 56) ... . ib. 1836 
 Three Letters to the Earl of Elgin on the Houses of 
 Parliament, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) . . . ib. 1836-37 
 HAMILTON, William. 
 Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of 
 Antrim, 8vo. ..... . Dublin, 1790 
HAM HAN 291 
 HAMILTON, William continued. 
 Remarks on several parts of Turkey, Part 1, ^Egyptiaca, 
 4to, and plates to ditto, fol Lond. 1809 
 HAMILTON, Sir William. 
 Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities, from 
 the Cabinet of the Hon. W. Hamilton. By D'Hancar- 
 ville (plates), parts I. and II., fol. . . .. Naples, 1766 
 Campi Phlegrsei, 2 vols. and Supplement, fol. . ib. 1776-79 
 Engravings from Ancient Vases, 3 vols. fol. . . 1791-95 
 HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Joseph von, Baron. Alterthums-Kunde, 
 a Review of the Archaeologia, Vols. i. xxvi. 8vo. . n.p. n.d. 
 HAMMON, H. J. Architectural Antiquities of Crosby Place, 4to. 
 Lond. 1844 
 HAMMOND, A. Simple Larceny, &c., Coining, 1 vol., Burglary, 
 &c., 1 vol., Forgery, 1 vol., Game Laws, 1 vol 1 ., fol. ib. 1825-8 
 HAMMOND, C. E. Liturgies, Eastern and Western, being a 
 reprint of the Texts of the most representative Liturgies 
 of the Church. Edited with notes, &c., 8vo. . Oxford, 1878 
 HAMPER, William. 
 Masques performed before Q. Elizabeth, 4to. . CHiswick, 1820 
 Observations on Certain Ancient Pillars of Memorial called 
 Hoar-Stones, 4to. (Tracts 103) . . Birmingham, 1820 
 Two Copies of Verses on the Meeting of Chas. I. and Queen 
 Henrietta Maria in the valley of Kineton, co. Warwick, 
 4to. (Tracts 104) ........ ib. 1822 
 Life of Sir W. Dugdale, 4to Lond. 1827 
 HAMPSHIRE. Historical Matter collected by John Warbuton, 
 Somerset Herald. [Partly MS.'] Folio. 
 HAMPSON, R. T. Medii ^Evi Kalendarium ; or Dates, Charters, 
 and Customs of the Middle Ages, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 
 HAMST, Olphar [i.e. RALPH THOMAS].. Handbook of Fictitious 
 Names, 8vo ib. 1868 
 HANCOCK, John. Observations on British Guiana, 8vo. (Tracts 
 75) ib. 1840 
 Antiquarische Miscellen, 8vo. . . . Kiel, 1873, 1879 
 Die amtlichen Ausgrabungen auf Sylt, 1870-72. (2ter 
 Heft, 1873, 75, 77, 80), 8vo ib. 1873, 1882 
 Vorgeschichtliche Steindenkmaler in Schleswig-Holstein. 
 Drittes Heft, 4to ib. 1874 
 Kleinere Mittheilungen. Antiquarische Miscellen, 8vo. 
 Hamburg, 1875 
 Die prahistorische Archaologie in Schleswig-Holstein, 8vo. 
 Kiel, 1875 
 Archaologische Mittheilungen. Pp. 69-102, 8vo. . . 1877 
 35ter-38ter Bericht zur Alterthumskunde Schleswig-Hol- 
 steins, 4to ib. 1878-85 
 HANDELMANN, H., and J. MESTORF. Antiquarische Miscellen. 
 (Mit Holzsclinitten.) Articles 1-30. 8vo. 
 HANDTKE, F. Special-Karte von Bosnien, Montenegro und 
 Dalmatien, 8vo Glogau, 1882 
292 HAN HAH 
 HANMER, John (Lord). A Memorial of the Parish and Family 
 of Hanmer in Flintshire, 8vo. . . . Loud. 1877 
 The Voyage of Hanno. Translated by T. Falconer, 8vo. ib. 1797 
 The Periplus of Hannon. Translated by C. Simonides, 
 4to ib. 1864 
 HANSTEEN, Christopher. Beschreibung und Lage der Universi- 
 tats-Sternwarte in Christiania, 4to. . Christiania, 1849 
 HANTZELMANNS, E. E. Beweis wie weit der Romer macht in 
 die Ost-Frankische, sonderlich Hohenlohische, Lande 
 eingedrungen, fol. ...... Halle, 1768 
 HANWAY, Mr. Journal of a Journey from Portsmouth to King- 
 ston-upon-Thames, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Land. 1757 
 HAPSBURG, House of. Der Stammbaum des Hauses Habsburg- 
 Oesterreich von Rudolph bis Maximilian I., fol. Vienna, 
 HARBERT, William (Usually called Sir William Herbert). 
 Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. (Fuller Worthies 
 Library), 8vo. n.p. 1870 
 HARCOURT, C. G-. V. Legends of St. Augustine, St. Anthony, 
 and St. Cuthbert, painted on the back of the Stalls in 
 Carlisle Cathedral, 8vo Carlisle, 1868 
 HARCOURT, OK S., Earl. Account of Manor House, Stanton 
 Harcourt, co. Oxford, 12mo. ...... 1808 
 HARDING, G. P. Description of Illustrations to G. P. Harding' s 
 Manuscript History of the Princes of Wales, 8vo. Lond. 1828 
 HARDING, G. P., and MOULE, Thomas. Antiquities of West- 
 minster Abbey, fol. ib. 1825 
 HARDWICK, Customs of, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) . . Loivestoft, 1850 
 HARDWICK, Charles. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew, 
 in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions, 4to. 
 Cambridge, 1858 
 HARDWICKE, Philip, Earl of. Athenian Letters, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Lond, 1798 
 HARDY, J. S. 
 On the supposed Monument of the Countess of Derby at 
 Leicester, 8vo. ........ 1836 
 Literary Remains. Edited by J. G. Nichols, 8vo. 
 Westminster, 1852 
 HARDY, Michel. 
 Explication de 1'Apparence de Taille de certains Silex Ter- 
 tiaires, 8vo. ....... Dieppe, 1881 
 HARDY, Sir T. D. 
 Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London, 
 with an Itinerary of King John, 8vo. . . Lond. 1835 
 Catalogue of Lords Chancellors, Keepers and Masters of the 
 Rolls, 8vo ib. 1843 
 The Athaiiasian Creed in connexion with the Utrecht 
 Psalter, 4to ib. 1872 
 Further Report on the Utrecht Psalter, 4to. . . ib. 1874 
 HARDYNG, John. Chronicle from the first begynnyng of Englande 
 unto ye reigne of Edwarde ye Fourth, with a continuation 
 to this our time. 4to. . ib. 1543 

 HAR EAR 293 
 HARDTNGH, C. F. ab, Diploma granted to, 4to. (Tracts 19*) n.p. n.d. 
 HARE, Sir Thomas. Sigilla An tiqua, Engravings from his Seals, 
 fol Stowe Bardolph, 1847 
 Roman Remains near Weymouth, 8vo. . . Lond. n.d. 
 - Another copy. (Tracts 57*.) 
 HARGROVE, E. History of Knaresbrough, with Harrogate. 6th 
 edition, 8vo. ...... Knaresbrowgh, 1809 
 HARINGTON, Sir John. 
 Nugee Antiquee. Edited by H. Harington r 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1792 
 - Edited by T. Park, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1804 
 BARENESS, Henry. Ancient and Modern Alphabets of India, 4to. 
 ib. 1837 
 Ancient Charters of the Borough of Clithero, 4to. Manchester, 1851 
 Historical Account of Salley Abbey, Yorkshire, Svo. Lond. 1853 
 Ballads and Songs of Lancashire, Svo. . . . ib. 1865 
 HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. 8 vols. 4to. . .. . ib. 1744-46 
 Rules, Report, and List of Members. For the Year 1877, etc. 
 Svo. In progress. 
 I. The Visitation of London in 1568. Taken by Robert 
 Cooke, and since augmented. Edited by J. J. Howard, 
 and G. J. Armytage, 4to ib. ] 869 
 II. The Visitation of the County of Leicester in 1619. 
 Taken by William Camden. Edited by J. Fetherston, 4to. 
 ib. 1870 
 III. The Visitation of the County of Rutland in 1618-19. 
 Taken by William Camden. Edited by G. J. Armytage, 
 4to #...1870 
 IV. The Visitations of the County of Nottingham in 1569 
 and 1614, &c. Edited by G. W. Marshall, 4to. . ib. 1871 
 V. The Visitations of the County of Oxford, taken in 1566, 
 by William Harvey ; 1574, by Richard Lee ; and in 1634 
 by John Philpott and William Ryley. Together with 
 the Gatherings of Oxfordshire, collected by Richard Lee 
 in 1574. Edited and annotated by W. H. Turner, 4to. 
 ib. 1871 
 VI. The Visitation of the County of Devon in 1620. Edited 
 by P. T. Colby, 4to. ...... ib. 1872 
 VII. The Visitation of the County of Cumberland in 1615. 
 Taken by Richard St. George. Edited by J. Fetherston, 
 8vo. . ib. 1872 
 VIII. Jl/e Neve's Pedigrees of the Knights made by King 
 Charles II., King James II., King William III., and Queen 
 Mary, King William alone, and Queen Anne. Edited by 
 G. W. Marshall, Svo ib. 1873 
 IX. The Visitation of the County of Cornwall, in 1620. 
 Edited by J. L. Vivian ai>d #. H. Drake, 8vo. . ib. 1874 
294 HAR HAR 
 X. The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of West- 
 minster Abbey. Edited by J. L. Chester, 8vo. Lond.. 1876 
 XI. The Visitation of the County of Somerset in 1623. 
 Edited by F. T. Colby, 4to ib. 1876 
 XII. The Visitation of the County of Warwick in 1619. 
 Taken by William Camden . Edited by J. Fetherston, 4to. 
 ib. 1877 
 XIII. The Visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552 ; Hervey, 
 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612 ; and Owen and Lilly, 
 1634. With Miscellaneous Essex Pedigrees and Berry's 
 Essex Pedigrees. Edited by W. C. Metcalfe. Pt. I. 4to. 
 ib. 1878 
 XIV. Pt. II., 4to . ib. 1879 
 XV. The Visitation of London, 1633-35. Made by Sir 
 Henry St. George. Edited by J. J. Howard, and J. L. 
 Chester, 4to ib. 1880 
 XVI. The Visitation of Yorkshire in 1563-64, made by W. 
 Flower. Edited by C. B. Norcliffe, 4to. . . ib. 1881 
 XVII. The Visitation of London. Vol. II. (of No. xv.) 4to. 
 ib. 1883 
 XVIII. The Visitation of Cheshire in 1580, with additions. 
 Edited by J. P. Rylands, 4to ib. 1882 
 XIX. The Visitations of Bedfordshire, 1566, 1582, and 1634. 
 With additional Pedigrees. Edited by F. A. Blaydes, 4to. 
 ib. 1884 
 XX. The Visitation of the County of Dorset, 1623. Edited 
 by J. P. Rylands, 4to ib. 1885 
 XXI. The Visitation of the County of Gloucester, 1623. 
 With Pedigrees from the Heralds' Visitations of 1569 and 
 1582-3, Ac. Edited by Sir J. Maclean and W. C. Heane, 
 4to. . . ib. 1885 
 XXII. The Visitations of Hertfordshire, 1572 and 1634, 
 made by R. Cooke and R. St. George ; with Hertfordshire 
 Pedigrees. Edited by W. C. Metcalfe, 8vo. . . ib. 1886 
 XXIII. Marriage Licences issued by the Dean and Chapter 
 of Westminster, 1558 to 1699 ; and by the Vicar-General 
 -of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679. Extracted 
 by Col. Chester, and Edited by G. J. Armytage, 4to. ib. 1886 
 XXIV. Marriage Licences at the Faculty Office of the 
 Archbishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869. 
 Extracted by Col. Chester, and Edited by G. J. Army- 
 tage, 4to. ib. 1886 
 XXV. Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the 
 Bishop of London, 1520 to 1610. Extracted by Col. 
 Chester, and Edited by G. J. Armytage. Vol. L, 4to. ib. 1887 
 XXVI. Vol. II., 1611 to 1828, 4to. . . . ib. 1887 
 Register Section. 
 Vol. I. A Register of all the Christninges, Burialles, and 
 Weddinges within the Parish of Saint Peeters upon 
 Cornhill. Edited by G. W. G. Leveson Gower, 8vo. ib. 1877 
HAR HAR 295 
 II. The Register Booke of Christninges, Marriages, and 
 Burialls within the precinct of the Cathedrall Church of 
 Canterburie. Edited by R. Hovenden, 8vo. . Lond. 1878 
 III. The Reiester Booke of Saynte De'nis Backchurch 
 parishe (London) for Maryages, Christenynges, and Bury- 
 alles begynnynge in 1538. Edited by J. L. Chester. 4to. 
 ib. 1878 
 IV. St. Peter's, Cornhill. Pt. II. (of No. 1.) 4to. . ib. 1879 
 V. The Parish Registers of St. Mary Aldermary, London, 
 1558 to 1754. Edited by J. L. Chester. 4to. . ib. 1880 
 VI. The Parish Registers of St. Thomas the Apostle, Lon- 
 don, 1558 to 1754. Edited by J. L. Chester. 4to. ib. 1881 
 VII. The Parish Registers of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, 
 1546 to 1754. Partly edited by J. L. Chester. 4to. ib. 1882 
 VIII. The Parish Registers of St. Antholin, Budge Row, 
 London, 1538 to 1754 ; and of St. John Baptist on Wai- 
 brook, London, 1682 to 17^4. Edited by J. L. Chester, 
 and by G. J. Armytage. 4to. .... ib. 1883 
 IX. A Register of all the Christeninges, &c.,in the Parishe 
 of St. James, Clerkenwell, from 1551. Edited by R. 
 Hovenden. Vol. I. Christenings, 1551 to 1700. 4to. ib. 1884 
 X. - Vol. II. 1701 to 1754. . . ib. 1885 
 HARRINGTON, James. The Commonwealth of Oceana, fol. . ib. 1656 
 HARRIS, George. 
 The Life of Lord- Chancellor Hardwicke ; with selections 
 from his Correspondence, <fec., 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1847 
 The True Theory of Representation in a State, 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 Civilization considered as a Science, in relation to its 
 essence, its elements, and its end, 8vo. . . ib. 1861 
 The Theory of the Arts, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1869 
 HARRIS, John. History of Kent. Vol. i. fol. . . . ib. 1719 
 HARRIS, Walter. 
 Description of the Palace at Loo, 4to. . . . ib. 1699 
 Hibernica, or Ancient Pieces relating to Ireland, 8vo. 
 Dublin, 1770 
 HARRIS, William. Life and Writings of Charles I., 8vo. Lond. 1758 
 Roman Road in the Parish of Ewhurst, Surrey (Maps), 
 8vo. (Tracts 162) ib. 1872 
 Descriptive Account of the incised Slate Tablet, &c., dis- 
 covered at Towyn. (Plates.) 4to ib. 1881 
 HARRISON, Walter. History of London and Westminster, fol. 
 ib. 1775 
 HARRISON, William. Harrison's Description of England in 
 Shakespere's youth. Edited by F. J. Purnivall. 2 vols. 
 4to ib. 1877-8 
 HARROD, Henry. Gleanings among the Castles and Convents of 
 Norfolk, 8vo Norwich, 1857 
 HARROD, William. Antiquities of Stamford and St. Martin's. 
 2 vols. 8vo Stamford, 1785 
 A Week at Harrogate. A poem. Second edition, 12mo. 
 Knareshorough, 1814 
 The New Harrogate Guide. Third edition, with additions, 
 12mo Harrogate, 1824 
 The Visitor's Handbook. Ninth edition, 8vo. . Eipon, 1849 
 HolHns's Handbook, 8vo. .... Harrogate, 1851 
 HARROW, Sepulchral Brasses at. (Tracts 74) . . Lond. 1860 
 HARROW SCHOOL. Orders, Statutes, and Rules, 4to. . Lond. 1833 
 HART, C. H. 
 Remarks on Tabasco, Mexico, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) 
 Philadelphia, 1867 
 A Historical Sketch of the National Medals, 1776-1815, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 33*) ib. 1867 
 A Tribute to the Memory of Hon. W. Willis, of Portland, 
 Maine, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) ib. 1870 
 HART, John. A Description of the Skeleton of the Fossil Deer 
 of Ireland, 8vo. (Tracts 68*) .... Dublin, 1830 
 HART, Richard. Antiquities of Norfolk, 8vo. . . Norwich, 1844 
 HART, W. H. 
 A Memorial of Nell Gwynne, the Actress, and Thomas 
 Otway, the Dramatist, 4to. (Tracts 8*) . Lond. 1868 
 Lectionarium Sanctae Mariae Virginis, Sancti Thomae Can- 
 tuariensis, Sancti Augustini, Sanctae Kyneburgae Glou- 
 cestriensis, et Sancti Kenani de Hibernia, 8vo. . ib. 1869 
 A Register of the Lands held by Catholics and Non-Jurors 
 in Kent in the Reign of George I., 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 Selections from the Correspondence of Robert Bloomfield, 
 the Suffolk Poet, 8vo ib. 1870 
 Index Expurgatorius Anglicanus, or a Catalogue of Books 
 printed or published in England, which have been Sup- 
 pressed, &c. Parts i. to v. 8vo. . . . ib. 1872-78 
 An Enquiry into the Tenure of the Lands in the Parish of 
 Gravesend, 8vo. ..... Gravesend, 1873 
 Records bf Gravesend, Milton, Denton, Chalk, Northfleet, 
 Southfleet, and Ifield. Edited with Notes. Part i. 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 HARTLAND, F. D. Tapographia ; or, a Collection of Tombs of 
 Distinguished Persons. [lath.]. Fol 1856 
 HARTMANN, A. Zur Hochackerfrage, 4to. . . Munich, 1876 
 HARTMANN, J. Z. DeVicariatu Saxonicoper Frisiam Orientalem 
 Commentatio. (Sound with KRAUSIUS.) . . Leipsic, 1750 
 HARTSHORNE, Albert. The Recumbent Monumental Effigies in 
 Northamptonshire. Photographs with descriptions. Fol. 
 Lond. 1876 
 Salopia Antiqua, 8vo. . . ... , . . ib. 1841 
 English Mediaeval Embroidery, small 4to ib. 1848 
 Rockingham Castle : its antiquity and history. For private 
 distribution. 8vo. ... . ... . Oxford, 1852 
 The Itinerary of King Edward the Second. For private dis- 
 tribution. . Fol, .. .. L.ond. 1861 
HAR HAR 297 
 HARTSHORNE, C. H. continued. 
 Illustrations of Alnwick, Prudhoe, and Warkworth, 4to. n.p. n.d. 
 HARTT, C. F. Amazonian Drift, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) . n.p. 1871 
 Brazilian Rock Inscriptions, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . n.p. 1871 
 The Ancient Indian Pottery of Marajo, Brazil, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) . * . ' . . n.p. 1871 
 HART WELL HOUSE, Catalogue of the Law Library at. By W. H, 
 M' Alpine, 8vo. . ... 1865 
 Catalogus Bibliothecee, 8vo Boston, 1790 
 Statutes and Laws of Harvard College, second edition, 8vo. 
 Cambridge (U.S.), 1854 
 Third edition, 8vo ib. 1860 
 Another edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1866 
 Orders and Regulations of the Faculty of Harvard College, 
 8vo ib. 1860 
 8vo ib. 1863 
 Annual Reports of the President, the 33rd, &c. 8vo. In 
 progress ........ ib. 1859, etc. 
 Reports of the Overseers appointed to visit the Library, 
 1850, &c., 8vo. In progress .... ib. 1851', etc. 
 Annual Report of the- Trustees of the Museum of Compara- 
 tive Zoology, 8vo. In progress . . Boston, 1867, etc. 
 Catalogus Universitatis Harvardianae, 8vo. 
 Cambridge (U.S.), 1860-66 
 Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1861-75, 8vo. 
 ib. 1861-74 
 Addresses at the Inauguration of Jared Sparks, LL.D. 
 (1849), Rev. J. Walker, D.D. (1853), and C. C. Felton, 
 LL.D. (1860), as Presidents, 8vo. . . . . ib. 
 Addresses at the Inauguration of Thomas Hill, D.D. . ib. 1863 
 Address, July 16, 1863. By James Walker, D.D. . ib. 1863 
 Memorial concerning Harvard College, presented to the 
 Legislature 17 Jan. 1851. Third edition, 8vo. . ib. 1851 
 Report on the Rules and Statutes of the Office of Preacher 
 to the University and Plummer Professor of Christian 
 Morals, 8yo. . . . . . . Boston, 1855 
 Report on the Rights and Duties of the President and 
 Fellows of Harvard College in relation to the Board of 
 Overseers, 8vo Cambridge (U.S.), 1856 
 Commencement Programmes from 1857 to 1861 inclusive, 
 -^ = 1863, 8vo. 
 A Claim for Scientific Property. By H. J. Clark, 8vo. ib. 1863 
 Competitors for the Boylston Prizes for Declamation, 1863, 
 Order of Exercises at the Forty-seventh Annual Visitation 
 of the Divinity School, 8vo ib. 1863 
 Order of Performances for Exhibition, 8vo. . . ib. 1803 
 Class Day, June 19, 1863, 8vo. 
 University Lectures. . Seco.nd Term, 1863-64, 8vo. 
298 HAR HAV 
 HARVAED COLLEGE, U.S. continued. 
 Addresses at the Inauguration of C. W. Eliot as President, 
 8vo. . 1869 
 Report on Condition, &c., of the University, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1869 
 A Copy of the Laws, 1655. With an Introduction by S. A. 
 Green, 8vo ib. 1876 
 Bibliographical Contributions. Edited by J. Winsor, 
 Librarian. No. 12. List of the Publications of Harvard 
 University, &c., 1870-1880, 8vo ib. 1881 
 Class of 1843. Memorabilia. 1883. Prepared by W. A. 
 Richardson, 8vo ib. 1883 
 HARVEY, C. M. A Sermon preached at Acton, on the Death of 
 the Rev. J. N. Ouvry-North. [Privately printed.'] Sm. 
 4to Lond. 1876 
 HARVEY, John. A Discoursive Probleme concerning Prophesies, 
 4to ib. 1588 
 HARVEY, W. M. The History and Antiquities of the Hundred 
 of Willey, Bedford, 4to ib. 1872-78 
 HARVEY, W. W. Ecclesiae Anglicanae Yindex Catholicus, sive 
 Articulorum Ecclesiae Anglicanee cum Scrip tis SS. Pa- 
 trum nova collatio, 3 tomi. 8vo. . . Cambridge, 1841 
 The History and Theology of the Three Creeds, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 HARVEY, William. Reintombment of his Remains in the Church 
 of Hempstead in Essex. By Dr. William Munk. For 
 private circulation, sm. 4to. . . . Lond. 1883 
 HARWOOD, Thomas. History of Lichfield, 4to. . Gloucester, 1806 
 HARZ-VEREIN fur Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Zeits- 
 chrift, 8vo Wernigerode, 1868-69 
 HASTED, Edward. 
 History of Kent, 4 vols. fol. . . . Canterbury, 1778-86 
 Enlarged from the MS. Collections of Rev. 
 T. Streatfeild and Rev. L. B. Larking. Edited by H. H. 
 Drake. Part I. The Hundred of Blackheath. Folio. 
 Lond. 1886 
 Third edition, 8vo Hastings, 1804 
 Fifth edition, 8vo ib. 1819 
 HATCHER, Henry. Original Preface to the History of Old and 
 New Sarum, or Salisbury, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1843 
 HATCHETT, Charles. On the Spikenard of the Ancients, 4to. 
 (Tracts 8) ib. 1836 
 Glossary, Bengali and English, 4to. .... ib. 1825 
 Bengali and Sanskrit Dictionary, 4to. . . . ib. 1833 
 HAUSFRIZ, G. L. De Caesare designate successore Imperii 
 Antiqui commentarius, 4to. . . . Nuremberg, 1737 
 Fasti Herefordenses, and other Antiquarian Memorials 
 of Hereford, 4to Edinburgh, 1869 
HAV HAY 299 
 HAVERGAL, F. T. continued. 
 The Visitors' Hand- Guide to the Cathedral Church of 
 Hereford. Third edition, 12mo. . . . Hereford, 1869 
 Mappa Mundi. Delineavit Ricardus de Haldingham, A. 
 S. circa M.C.C.C. Fac-simile in 1869. Engraved on 
 stone. (In a case), 8vo. ..... Lond. 1872 
 Monumental Inscriptions in the Cathedral Church of Here- 
 ford, 4to. ...... Hereford and Lond. 1881 
 Records Historical and Antiquarian of the Parish of Upton 
 Bishop, Herefordshire, 4to. .... Hereford, 1883 
 HAVERGAL, W. H. A History of the Old Hundredth Psalm 
 Tune, with a prefatory note by J. M. Wainwright, 8vo. 
 Lond. and New York, 1857 
 HAVILAND, John De. Le Mexique sous la Maison de Habsbourg, 
 4to 1863 
 HAWK, Michael. 
 The Right of Dominion, and Property of Liberty, sm. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1655 
 Killing is Murder, and No Murder : or an Exercitation 
 concerning a Pamphlet of one William Allen, intituled 
 Killing no Murder, 4to ib. 1657 
 HAWKER, R. S. The Quest of the Sangraal, Chant First, 4to. 
 Exeter, 1864 
 HAWKESWORTH, John. An Account of the Voyages in the 
 Southern Hemisphere performed by Commodore Byron, 
 Captain Wallis, Captain Cartaret, and Captain Cook. 
 (Haps and plates.) 3 vols. 4to. . . . Lond. 1773 
 HAWKINS, Sir Christopher. On the Tin Trade of the Ancients 
 in Cornwall, 8vo ib. 1811 
 HAWKINS, Edward. 
 Silver Coins of England arranged and described, 8vo. ib. 1841 
 Second edition, with additions by R. LI. 
 Kenyon, 8vo ib. 1876 
 HAWKINS, Sir Richard. Observations in a Voyage to the South 
 Sea. Edited by C. R. D. Bethune, 8vo. . . . ib. 1847 
 HAWKSMOOR, Nicholas. Short Historical Account of London 
 Bridge, 4to ib. 1736 
 HAWKSTONE, in the County of Salop, Some account of the 
 Antiquities of, 8vo. ..... Shrewsbury, 
 HAY, D. R. On the Application of the Harmonic Law to Archi- 
 tectural Design, 4to. ..... Lond. 1854 
 HAY, E. W. A. On the Theban Sphinx found at Colchester, 
 8vo Colchester, 1821 
 HAYDN, Joseph. 
 The Book of Dignities, 8vo Lond. 1851 
 A Dictionary of Dates, Tenth edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1861 
 ~ Fifteenth edition. By B. Vincent, 8vo. ib. 1876 
 Comparaison entre la Tete d'un des Chevaux de Venise, et 
 la Tete du Cheval du Parthenon, 8vo. . . . ib. 1818 
 Erreur de Visconti relative a la Statue de missus, 8vo. 
 (ZVocfc64) ib. 1819 
300 HAY HEA 
 HAYE, A. 0. Persecution of the Knights Templars, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1865 
 HAYM, N. F. Del Tesoro Britannico parte prima, Ital. and Eng. 
 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1719-20 
 HAYMAN, J. M. Rugby School. Remarks and Judgment on 
 the Demurrer to the Bill, Dr. Hayman against the 
 Governing Body of Rugby School and the Bishop of 
 Exeter (Dr. Temple). For private circulation, 8vo. (Tracts 
 163) ib. 1874 
 HAYMAN, Samuel, and James GEAVES. Unpublished Geraldine 
 Documents, 8vo. . . . . . Dublin, 1870-78 
 HAYWAED, C. F. Architectural Notes on Layer Marney Hall, 
 8vo. (Tracts 62*) Colchester, 1862 
 HAZELL'S Annual Cyclopedia. Edited by E. D. Price, 8vo. In 
 progress . . '. '. '. . '. ' Lond. 1886, etc. 
 HAZLITT, William. Liber Amoris: or, the New Pygmalion, 
 12mo . . . ib. 1823 
 HAZLITT, W. Carew. 
 Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England, 4 vols. 
 8vo. ib. 1864-66 
 Handbook to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Litera- 
 ture of Great Britain, 8vo ib. 1867 
 English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, 8vo. . . ib. 1869 
 Collections and Notes, 1867-1876, 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on 
 Early English Literature, 1474-1700, 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 HEAD, Richard. Proteus Redivivus ; or, the Art of Wheedling, 
 &c., sin. 8vo. . . . . . ... . . ib. 1675 
 HEADEICH, John. Arcana Philosophise, or Chymical Secrets, 
 12mo ib. 1697 
 HEALES, Alfred. 
 Godalming Church, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) . . , ^.1868 
 Liinpsfield Church, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) . . . ib. 1868 
 8vo. (Tracts 162) .... ib. 1872 
 Chiddingfold Church, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) . . . ib. 1871 
 Cranley Church ; its Monuments and Register Books, 8vo. 
 ib. 1872 
 The History and Law of Church Seats, or Pews, 2 vols. 
 8vo. ......... ib. 1872 
 Newdegate Church; its Rectors and Registers. (With 
 Illustrations.) 8vo. (Tracts 162) .... ib. 1875 
 The Monumental Brasses in Peper Harow Church, 8vo. ib. 1878 
 Another copy. 
 Horley Church. (With Illustrations.) 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 The Chertsey Tiles. (With Illustrations.) 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 Chipstead Church. (With Illustrations.) 8vo. . . ^.1880 
 The Archaeology of the Christian Altar in Western Europe, 
 &c., 8vo ib. 1881 
 The Early History of the Church of Kingston-upon- 
 Thames ; and of the Free Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, 
 Kingston, 8vo. . , ' , .. .. .. . . ib. 1883 
HEA HEA 301 
 HEALES, Alfred continued. 
 Some Account of John Lovekyn, four times Mayor of 
 London, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1884 
 The History of Tanridge Priory, Surrey, 8vo. . . ib. 1885 
 Monumental Memoranda from Cheam Church, 8vo. (Tracts 
 67**) ib. 
 Heston Church, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) .... ib. 
 The Ecclesiology of the Isle of Man, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) ib. 
 Merstham, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) ib. 
 The Church of Stanwell and its Monuments, 8vo. (Tracts 
 67**) . . . ib. 
 Great Greenford Church, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . n.p. n.d. 
 HEALTH, THE PUBLIC, Act for Promoting, 12mo. . Lond. 1848 
 HEAPHY, Thomas. The Likeness of Christ ; an Inquiry into the 
 Verisimilitude of the received likeness of our Blessed 
 Lord. Edited by W. Bayliss, fol ib. 1880 
 HEARNE, Thomas. 
 Ductor Historicus, or short system of Universal History, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1698-1704 
 Collection of Curious Discourses, 8vo. . . Oxford, 1720 
 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1771 
 History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, 8vo. . Oxford, 1 722 
 Vindication of those who take the Oath of Allegiance, 8vo. 
 n.p. 1731 
 Ectypa varia, ad Historian! Britannicam illustrandam sere 
 olim insculpta studio et - cura- Thomae Hearne. Plates, 
 fol. . n.p. 1737 
 Another copy. 
 Bibliotheca Hearneiana. Excerpts from the Catalogue of 
 his Library. Printed from his own MS., 8vo. Lond. 1848 
 Reliquiae Hearnianas ; the Remains of T. Hearne, with 
 notes by Philip Bliss, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1857 
 Second edition, 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. Lond. 1869 
 Letters addressed to T. Hearne. Edited by F. Ouvry. 
 Privately printed, 4to. ...... ib. 1874 
 HEARNE, Thomas, and BYRNE, William. 
 Antiquities of Great Britain. 2 vols. in 1, ob. fol. [The 
 Plates are dated 1778-1806] ..... ib. 1786 
 Another copy. Vol. i., No. 1 ; vol. ii., 
 Nos. 1-7. 
 HEATH, Dr. Sale Catalogue (priced) of his Library, 8vo. ib. 1810 
 HEATH, Charles. Historical and Descriptive Accounts of Tin- 
 tern Abbey. Eleventh edition, 8vo. . Monmouth, 1828 
 HEATH, J. England's Chronicle ; or, the lives and reigns of the 
 Kings and Queens from the time of Julius Caesar to the 
 present reign of K. William and Q. Mary. Sm. 8vo. ib. 1691 
 HEATH, J. B. 
 Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, 8vo. 
 ib. 1829 
 Another edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1854 
 Account of Materials furnished to Queen Anne Boleyn, 4to. 
 (Tracts 57*) n.d. 
302 HEA HEL 
 HEATH, Robert. A Natural and Historical Account of the 
 Islands of Scilly, 8vo. Lond. 1750 
 HEATON, Mrs. Charles. The History of the Life of Albrecht 
 Diirer of Niirnberg. With a Translation of his Letters 
 and Journal, &c. 4to. ...... ib. 1870 
 HEBEET, M. Notice Historique sur M. Moysant, 8vo. Caen, 1814 
 HEDENLUND, Aaron. Johannis Magni Gothi Archiepiscopi, in 
 exilio labores et eerumnse, 4to. (Tracts 45) . Upsal, 1842 
 HEDEEIC, Benjamin. Grsecum Lexicon Manuale. Edited by 
 T. Taylor. 4to Lond. 1803 
 HEDGES, J. K. The History of Wallingford, in the County of 
 Berks. 2 vols. 8vo. ' ib. 1881 
 Costumes du Moyen-Age Chretien d'apres des Monuments 
 Contemporains. 3 vols. 4to. Frankfort and Darmstadt) 1840-54 
 Serrurerie ou les Ouvrages en Fer Forge du Moyen-age et 
 de la renaissance. Edition Franaise publiee par E. 
 Tross. Texte traduit par D. Ramee, fol. . . Paris, 1870 
 HEGG, Robert. Legend of St. Cuthbert, or the histories of his 
 Churches at Lindisfarne, Cunecascestre and Dunholm, 
 4to Darlington, 1777 
 HEIDELOFP, Carl. Die Bauhiitte des Mittelalters in Deutsch- 
 land, 4to. Nuremberg, 1844 
 HEINECCIUS, J. M. De Veteribus [Germanorum aliarumque 
 nationum] Sigillis, fol. . . Francofurti et Lipsice, 1719 
 Rules for ascertaining the sense of Ancient Greek MSS., 
 12mo. (Tracts 104) Lond. 1841 
 On Punctuation of Ancient Greek, 12mo. (Tracts 104) ib. 1841 
 HEINSIUS, D. Laus Asini, tertia parte auctior: cum aliis festivis 
 opusculis, &c Lugd. Bat. (Elzevir), 1629 
 HELE, Nicholas Fenwick. Notes about Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 
 Historical, Antiquarian, Ornithological, and Entomolo- 
 gical. 8vo. Lond. 1870 
 HELGOLAND. Some account of the Island of Helgoland. (Eng- 
 lish and German.) 8vo. ...... ib. 1811 
 HELTODOEUS. Heliodorus, his ^Ethiopian History : done out of 
 Greeke, by W. Barrett. 4to. .... ib. 1622 
 HELL. A Sure Guide to Hell, by Belzebub. Fourth edition. 
 8vo. . ib. 
 HELLENIC STUDIES, The Journal of. (Plates.) In progress. 8vo. 
 ib. 1880, etc. 
 HELLER, Joseph. Das Leben und die Werke Albrecht Diirer's. 
 Vol. ii. 8vo Leipsic, 1831 
 HELLTEE, W. V. Tables of Representation of the Commons in 
 Parliament, 8vo. (Tracts 54) ... Lond. 1828 
 HELMONT, F. M. Van. Some Thoughts upon the four first 
 Chapters of Genesis. 12mo ib. 1701 
 HELMONT, J. B. Van. Oriatrike, or Physick Refined. Faith- 
 fully rendered into English by J[ohn] C [onstable] . 
 Portrait. Fol. ib. 1662 
HEL HEN 303 
 HELVETIUS. De 1'Esprit. 2 vols. 12mo. . . Amsterdam, 1759 
 HELYOT, Pierre. Histoire des Ordres Monastiques, 8 vols. 4to. 
 Paris, 1714-19 
 HEMINGFORD, Walter de. Historia de rebus gestis Edward I., II., 
 et III. Edited by T. Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1731 
 Chartularium Ecclesiee Wigorniensis. Edited by T. Hearne. 
 2 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1723 
 Another copy. [Prattinton Coll.'] 
 HEMINGWAY, J. Panorama of the beauties, curiosities, &c., of 
 North Wales. Second edition, 8vo. . . Lond., Sfc. 1835 
 HENDERSON, E. Extracts from the Kirk- Session Records of Dun- 
 fermline, 8vo. ...... Edinburgh, 1865 
 HENDERSON, John. Works of Art in Pottery, Glass, and Metal, 
 in his Collection. Photographed by Messrs. Cundall 
 and Fleming, fol Lond. 1868 
 HENDERSON, W. G. Missale ad Usum Percelebris Ecclesiae 
 Herfordensis. Anon. 8vo. .... [Leeds], 1874 
 Sarum Processional. Processionale ad usum ecclesiae 
 Sarum, 8vo Leeds, 1882 
 HENNIKER, John, Lord. On Norman Tiles, 12mo. . Lond. 1794 
 HENRARD, Paul. Histoire de 1'Artillerie en Belgique, 8vo. 
 Brussels, 1865 
 HENRICHMAN, Jacobus. Grammaticae Institutiones. 4to. 
 Hagenau, 1517 
 HENRICUS, Julius. Panegyricus, 4to. . . Helmstadt, 1620 
 The Will of Henry VII., 4to Lond. 1775 
 The Statutes of Henry VII. Facsimile, from the original, 
 printed by Caxton in 1489. Edited by J. Rae, 4to. ib. 1869 
 State Papers, published under Royal Commissions, 11 vols. 
 4to ib. 1830-52 
 A Necessary Doctrine and erudition for any chrysten man, 
 set furth by the Kynges maiestye of Englande, &c. (For 
 bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.*) 
 Lond. (T. Berthelet), 1543 
 HENRY, James. Aeneidea, or Critical Remarks on the Aeneis. 
 2 vols. 8vo Dublin and Lond. 1873-78 
 HENRY, Joseph, Memorial of, 4to. . . . Washington, 1880 
 HENRY, Robert. History of Great Britain. 5 vols. 4to. 
 Lond. 1771-85 
 HENRYSON, Robert. Poems and Fables. Edited by D. Laing, 
 8vo Edinburgh, 1865 
 HENSHALL, Samuel. The Saxon and English Languages illus- 
 trative of each other, 4to. .... Lond. 1798 
 HENSLOW, J. S. Roman Antiquities found at Rougham, co. 
 Norfolk, 8vo 1843 
 HENSZLMANN, E. Catalogue of the Fejervary Collection, 4to. 
 (Track 39) . . . . . . . . ib. 1855 
304 HEN" HER 
 Itinerarium Germaniae, Galliae, Angliae, et Italise, 4to. 
 Breslau, 1617 
 Journey into England in 1598. Edited by H. Walpole, 8vo. 
 Strawberry Hill, 1757 
 To which is added Sir Robert Naunton's 
 Fragmenta Regalia, 8vo. .... Loud. 1797 
 - Edited by T. E. Williams (2 copies), 4to. 
 Reading, 1807 
 HENWOOD, W. J. Notice of the Rock-Basins in Upper India, 
 8vo. (Tracts 65) Truro, n.d. 
 HENZEN, Wilhelm. Inscriptiones Greecae in itinere Asiatico ab 
 Edwardo Falkener collectee, 8vo. (Tracts 64) .Borne, 1852 
 HEPTATEUCHUS, Liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi ; Anglo 
 Saxonice. Histories Judith Fragmentum Dano-Saxonice. 
 Edidit E. Thwaites, 8vo Oxford, 1698 
 HERAEUS, C. G. Bildnisse der Regierenden Fiirsten und 
 Beriihniter Manner von Schaurniinzen, fol. . Vienna, 1828 
 HERALD AND GENEALOGIST, The. Edited by John Gough Nichols, 
 vols. i.-viii. . Lond. 1863-74 
 HERALDIC ANOMALIES. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1824 
 HERALDRY, Glossary of Terms used in, 8vo. . . Oxford, 1847 
 Legend of St. Loy, 8vo Lond. 1820 
 Tottenham, a Poem, 8yo. ib. 1820 
 HERBERT, A. Cyclops Christianus, an argument against the 
 antiquity of the Stonehenge and other Megalithic erec- 
 tions in England and Brittany, 8vo. . . ib. 1849 
 HERBERT, Edward, Lord, of Cherbury. The Life and Reign of 
 Henry the Eighth. (Portrait by W. F[aithorne]) , fol. ib. 1672 
 HERBERT, Homely. Eastbourne Guide and Visitors' Directory. 
 Fifth edition, 8vo Eastbourne, 1863 
 HERBERT, Sir Thomas. Travels into Africa and Asia the Great, 
 describing Persia and Industant. Fourth edition. 
 (Plates'), fol Lond. 1677 
 Antiquities of the Inns of Court and of Chancery, 8vo. ib. 1804 
 History of the Parish of St. Michael, Crooked Lane, 
 London, Parts 2, 3, 8vo. ib. 1831 
 History of the twelve great Livery Companies of London, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1836-7 
 HERBINIUS, Johannes. Religiosae Kijovienses Cryptae, sive 
 Kijovia Subterranea, 8vo. . . . . Jena, 1675 
 HERCULANENSIUM Voluminum quaa supersunt. 3 torn, (in one). 
 Naples, 1793-1827 
 HERCULANEUM. Le Pitture Antiche D'Ercolano, 6 vols. 4to. ib. 1757 
 Second copy of Vol. i. 
 HERD, David. Ancient and modern Scottish Songs, Heroic 
 Ballads, &c. 2 vols-. 8vo. . . -. , Glasgow, 1869 
HER HER 305 
 HEEDUS, Johannes. Historia Quatuor Regum Angliae, heroico 
 carmine conclusa. Edidit T. Purnell. \_Roxburghe Club,] 
 4to Land. 1868 
 HEREFORD, History and Antiquities of the City and Cathedral of, 
 8vo ib. 
 HEREFORD GUIDE : containing a concise History of the City, 8vo. 
 Hereford, 1806 
 HERICOURT, D'. Elements de 1'Art Militaire, 2 vols. 8vo. Hague, 1748 
 Annuaire des Societes Savantes, 3 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1863-66 
 8vo ib. 1866 
 HE RIOT, George. Memoirs of, 8vo. . . . Edinburgh, 1822 
 HERIOT'S HOSPITAL, Inventory of original Documents in the 
 Archives of, 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 Sur les Monnaies de Tournai, 8vo. (Tracts 105) Bruxelles, 1847 
 Histoire Sigillaire de Saint- Omer, 4to. . . Paris, 1860 
 Sur Cinq Figurines Antiques a Terrouane, 8vo. (Tracts 
 Sur le Chateau de Rehoult, 8vo. (Tracts 105) Saint Omer 
 Sur les Dalles Sculptees de Notre Dame a St. Omer, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 105). 
 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Le Pimandre, traduit de 1'exemplaire 
 Grec. Par F. de Foix, fol. .... Bordeaux, 1579 
 HERMETICAL BANQUET. A Hermeticall Banquet, drest by a 
 Spagiricall Cook: for the better preservation of the 
 Microcosme, 12mo. ...... Lond. 1652 
 HERMETICAL TRIUMPH. The Hermetical Triumph : or, the Vic- 
 torious Philosophical Stone. Translated from the French. 
 The Ancient War of the Knights. Translated from the 
 German, 12mo ib. 1723 
 HERNE BAY, The Visitor's Guide to, 8vo. '. ib. 1859 
 HERNE, Samuel. Domus Carthusiana ; or, Account of the 
 Charter House, 8vo ib. 1677 
 HERO, of Alexandria. The Pneumatics. Translated for and 
 edited by B. Woodcroft, 4to ib. 1856 
 Historiarum Libri. Gr. 8vo. . . . Paris, Didot, 1849 
 - Latine. Interprete Laurentio Valla, fol. 
 (NOTE. For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Cata- 
 logue.) ........ Rome, 1475 
 An Index to Herodotus. By H. H. Davis, 12mo Lond. 1829 
 HERRGOTT, Marquard. Monumenta Augusts Domus Austriacee, 
 4 vols. in 7, fol. . . . Vienna, 1750-72 
 HERRICK, Robert. Hesperides : the Poems and other Remains. 
 Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1869 
 HERRING, Richard. Paper and Paper Making. Third edition. 
 With preface by G. Croly, 8vo. . . . ib. 1863 
 HERSCHEL, Sir J. F. W. Memoir of Francis Baily, 8vo. (Tracts 
 84). ib. 1845 
 HERTZ, B., Catalogue of Collection of Antiquities formed by, 
 8vo. ... . ib. 1859 
306 HER HEW 
 HERTZBERG, Ebbe. En fremstilling af det norske aristokratis 
 historie indtil kong Sverres tid, 8vo. . Christiania, 1869 
 HERZBERG, E. F. Von. Landbuch des Churfurstenthums und 
 der Mark Brandenburg, 4to. . . Berlin and Leipsic, 1781 
 Opera (Graece), 12mo Venetiis, 1543 
 Ex recensione J. G. Grsevii . . Amstelodami, Elzevir, 1667 
 8vo Paris, Didot, 1840 
 HESSELS, J. H., and H. KERN. Lex Salica : the ten Texts with 
 the Glosses, &c. With Notes on the Frankish words, 4to. 
 London, 1880 
 HESYCHIUS. Lexicon, cum notis. Recensuit J. Alberti, 2 vols. 
 fol Leyden, 1746-66 
 De 1'Enquete Franque et des Origines du Jury, 8vo. Caen, 1873 
 La Maison de Ville de Charles de Boargaeville, Sieur de 
 Bras, 8vo . ib. 1879 
 Relations de la Nbrmandie et de la Bretagne avec les lies 
 de La Manche pendant 1'emigration, 8vo. . Caen, 1885 
 An Account of the House of Moisant De Brieux at Ber- 
 nieres, 12mo. ......... 
 HEURLIN, Samuel. Legenda St. Georgii Cappadociencis (Swe- 
 dish), 8vo. (Tracts 72) Lond. 1844 
 HEUZET, Leon. 
 Les Figurines Antiques de Terre Cuite du Musee du Louvre. 
 Liv. 1, 2, fol Paris, 1878 
 Les Figurines Antiques de Terre Cuite du Musee du 
 Louvre. Gravees par A. Jacquet, 4to. . . ib. 1883 
 HEVER CASTLE, Kent, an historical account of. By a Clergy- 
 man, 12mo. ..... Tunbridge Wells 
 The Arrangement of Parish Churches considered, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 135*) Cambridge, 1848 
 Misereres in Exeter Cathedral, fol. . . Shoreham, 1849 
 A Brief History and Description of Exeter Cathedral, with 
 a Guide to Exeter, &c., 8vo. Second edition . Exeter, n.d. 
 Popular Tracts, Nos. 1 to 3, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) Lond. 
 HEWETT, William. 
 History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Compton, Berks, 
 8vo. ........ Heading, 1844 
 Memoirs of Tobias Rustat, 8vo. .... Lond. 1849 
 History of the Tower of London, 12mo. . . ib. 1841 
 Description of the Figures in the Chart of Ancient Armour, 
 12mo ib. 1847 
 Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, from the Iron 
 Period to the end of the 17th Century, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1855-1860 
 Official Catalogue of the Tower Armories. 8vo. . . ib. 1859 
HEW HIE 307 
 HEWLETT, W. 0. 
 Notes on Dignities in the Peerage of Scotland which are 
 Dormant or which have been Forfeited, 8vo. . Lond. 1882 
 Some Reasons against the Transfer of the Jurisdiction of 
 the House of Lords in regard to Scottish Titles of Honour 
 to the Court of Session of Scotland, 12mo. . ib. 1883 
 HEXAPLA. The English Hexapla, exhibiting the six most im- 
 portant English translations of the New Testament Scrip- 
 ture. Wiclif, 1380; Tyndale, 1534; Cranmer, 1539; 
 Genevan, 1557 ; Anglo-Rhenish, 1582 ; Authorised, 1611. 
 The Greek text after Scholz, &c. 4to. .Lond. (Bagster) 1841 
 HEXHAM, Henry. A Copious English-Nether-Dutch Dictionary, 
 4to. ........ Rotterdam, 1675 
 HETDON, Sir Christopher. A Defence of Judicial Astrology in 
 answer to Mr. John Chamber, 4to. . . Cambridge, 1603 
 HEYLYN, Peter. 
 Mikrokosmos. [MS. Notes by John Gibbon, the Herald."] 
 4to . . . Oxford, 1627 
 A Help to English History, continued by P. Wright,. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1773 
 HEYNE, C. G. Lobschrift auf Winkelmann, 4to. . Cassel, 1778 
 HEYWOOD, B. A. Vacation Tour at the Antipodes in 1861-62, 
 8vo . Lond. 1863 
 HEYWOOD, James, and WRIGHT, Thomas. Cambridge University 
 Transactions during the 16th and 17th Centuries, 2 vols. 
 8vo. . ib. 1854 
 HEYWOOD, Thomas, and SHADWELL, Thomas. The Poetry of 
 Witchcraft illustrated by copies of the Plays on the 
 Lancashire Witches by Heywood and Shadwell. Re- 
 printed under the direction of James 0. Halliwell. (Only 
 80 copies printed, for private circulation.) 4to. Brixton Hill, 1853 
 HIBBERT, Samuel. 
 Description of the Shetland Islands, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1822 
 Illustrations of the Customs of a Manor in the North of 
 England (Assheton-under-Lyne, co. Lancaster), 4to. ib. 1822 
 On the Tings of Orkney and Shetland, 4to. . . ib. 1829 
 On Vitrified Remains in Orkney, 4to. . . . ib. 1831 
 Collections relative to Vitrified Forts, 4to. . . . ib. 1831 
 HICKES, George. 
 Institutiones Grammatics Anglo- Sax onicee et Meeso-Gothicee, 
 4to Oxford, 1689 
 Linguarum veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus, 2 vols. 
 fol ' . ib. 1705 
 Sermons of Dr. Hopkins of Worcester, 8vo. (Prattinton 
 Coll.) ^ Lond. 1708 
 HICKLIN, John. The Hand-Book to Llandudno and its vicinity. 
 Fourth thousand. 8vo. . . London and Chester, 1858 
 HIEROGLYPHICS on the Coffin of Mycerinus, found in the third 
 Pyramid of Gizeh (MS. letter addressed to Col. Howard 
 Vyse), fol 1838 
 HIERONYMDS MERCURiALis. De Arte Gymnastica libri sex, editio 
 secunda, 4to. ....... Paris, 1577 
 x 2 
308 HIE HIL 
 HIERURGIA ANGLICANA ; or documents illustrative of the Ritual 
 of the Church in England after the Reformation. Edited 
 by members of the Ecclesiological Society, 8vo. Lond. 1848 
 HIGDEN. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden. Edited by C. Babing- 
 ton, roy. 8vo., vol. 1 ...... ib. 1865 
 HIGGCNS, B. Observations on Floating Ice. (Bound with Barring- 
 ton's Supplement to Probability of reaching the North 
 Pole.) 4to. (Tracts 59) ib. 1776 
 HIGGINS, Godfrey. The Celtic Druids, the Priests of the Nations 
 who emigrated from India . . . . ib. 1827 
 HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND, One Day's Journey to the, 4to. 
 (Tracts 15) Perth, 1784 
 HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. Dictionarium Scoto-Celticum, 
 a Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1828 
 Numismata Anglo- Sax onica Musei Academic Lundensis, 
 Parts 1-3, 8vo. (Tracts 143) .... Lund, 1829 
 Suenskt Diplomatarium, Vol. 3, Part 1, 4to. . . ib. 1842 
 Anglo- Sachsiska Mynt,Monnaies Anglo- Saxonnes, de Stock- 
 holm, 4to Stockholm, 1846 
 ;Svenska Sigiller fran Medeltiden. Forsta Haftet, fol. ib. 1862 
 Antiqvarisk Tidskrift for Sverige utgiven al Kongl. Yitter- 
 hets Historic och Antiqvitets Akademien. Forsta Delen, 
 8vo ib. 1864 
 HILDEBRAND. F. H. De Probatione per Stemmata Genealogica 
 Dissertatio, editio tertia, 4to. (Bound with Krausius) 
 Altorf, 1750 
 HILL, A. G. 
 Architectural and Historical Notices of the Churches of 
 Cambridgeshire, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1880 
 The Organ-Cases and Organs of the Middle Ages and Re- 
 naissance, fol. ....... ib. 1883 
 HILL, Arthur. 
 Ancient Irish Architecture. Kilmalkedar, Co. Kerry, 4to. 
 n.p. 1870 
 Ancient Irish Architecture. Templenahoe, Ardfert, 4to. 
 Cork, 1870 
 Ardfert Cathedral in ye County of Kerry, fol. . . ib. 1870 
 Monograph of Cormac's Chapel, Cashel, fol. . . ib. 1874 
 HILL, Charles. Railway Loans, a few words to the Chancellor 
 of the Exchequer, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . . Lond. 1854 
 HILL, J. H. 
 The Chronicle of the Christian Ages from the year 1 to the 
 end of the year 1858 ; with Tables of contemporary 
 sovereigns, &c., 2 vols (in 1), 8vo. . Uppingham, 1859 
 The History of the Parish of Langton, -with that portion of 
 the Hundred of Gartree, Leicestershire, containing the 
 Parishes of Great Bowden, Blaston, Carlton, Cranoe, Fox- 
 ton, Glooston, Gumley, Hallaton, listen, Kibworth, Smee- 
 ton, Slawston, Shangton, Staunton, and Welham, fol. 
 Leicester, 1867 
HIL HIS 309 
 HILL, J. H. -continued. 
 The History of Market Harborough, with that portion of the 
 Hundred of Gartree, Leicestershire, containing the 
 Parishes of Baggrave, Billesdon, Bosworth, Bradley 
 Priory, Bringhurst, Burrow, Burton Overy, Evington, 
 Fleckney, Frisby, Galby, Glenn, Goadby, Great Easton 
 Harborough, Horninghold, Holt, Hothorpe, Houghton, 
 Kilby, Knossington, Laughton, Lubbenham, Leesthorpe, 
 Mardefield, Medbourne, Newbold Sancey, Norton, Noseley,. 
 Newton Harcourt, Ouston, Pickwell, Rolleston, Sadding- 
 ton, Scraptoft, Stockerston, Stoughton, Stretton, Thed- 
 dingworth, Thurnby, and Wistow, fol. . . Leicester, 1875 
 HILL, M. D. Is. Allegiance by birth affected in England by 
 Naturalization in France ? 8vo. (Tracts 95*) Bristol, 1869 
 HILL, Nathaniel, The ancient poem of Guillaume de Guileville 
 entitled " Le Pelerinage de 1'Homme " compared with the 
 "Pilgrim's Progress" of Bunyan. (Portrait.) 4to. Lond. 1858 
 HILL, T. F. Ancient Erse Poems collected amongst the Scottish 
 Highlands, 8vo. (Tracts 68*) n.d. 
 HILLIER, George. Excavations on Brightstone and Bowcombe 
 Downs, Isle of Wight, 4to. (Tracts 37) . . ib. 1854 
 HILTON, James 
 Chronograms, 5,000 and more in number, excerpted out of 
 various authors, &c., 4to. ^ . , ib. 1882 
 Supplement- Volume, 4to. . . ib. 1885 
 HINCKLEY, John. Emancipation, a poem, 4to. (Tracts 17) ib. 1812 
 HINDE, J. H. On the Early History of Cumberland, 8vo. (Tracts 
 60***) 1859 
 HINDERWELL, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of Scar- 
 borough, and the Vicinity. Second edition, 8vo. York, 1811 
 HINE, T. C. Nottingham : its Castle a Military Fortress, a 
 Blackened Ruin, a Museum. With notes relating to the 
 Borough of Nottingham, 4to. . Lond. and Nottingham, 1876 
 Le Bestiaire Divin de Guillaume Clerc de Normandie, 8vo. 
 Caen, 1852 
 L'Abbaye de Saint Etienne de Caen, 1066-1790, 4to. ib. 1855 
 Vie de St. Thomas de Canterbury, par Gamier De Pont 
 Sainte Maxence, Poete du XHe siecle, 8vo. Paris, 1859 
 HIPPOCRATES. Opera omnia, Greece et Latine edita, industria 
 J. A. Vander Linden. (Portrait.) 2 vols. 8vo. Leyden, 1665 
 Erotiani, Galieni, et Herodoti Glossaria in Hippocratem ex 
 recensione H. Stephani, Greece et Latine . Leipzig, 1780 
 HIRST, Rev. Joseph. On the Native Levies raised by the 
 Romans in Britain, 8vo. ..... Exeter, 1883 
 HIRTH, F. China and the Roman Orient, 8vo. Leipsic und Munich, 1885 
 HISTOIRE. Histoire abregee du Chevalier de la Plume Noire, 
 12mo. ....... Amsterdam, 1744 
 Histoire de Pierre de Provence et de la belle Maguelonne, 
 8vo. Paris, 1776 
 HISTORIC MUSE, Studies of the, 4to Dublin, 1818 
310 HIS HIS 
 HISTOEICAL MAGAZINE, and Notes and Queries relating to America, 
 vol. i. Nos. 1-12, 4to. . . . Boston (U.S.), 1857-59 
 Reports. In progress. Fol. . . . Lond. 1870, etc. 
 Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Most Hon. the Marquis 
 <of Salisbury, K.G., preserved at Hatfield House, Hert- 
 fordshire. Parti. 8vo ib. 1883 
 MSS. of the Marquis of Ormonde, the Earl of Fingall, the 
 Corporations of Waterford, Gal way, &c., 8vo. . ib. 1885 
 Report on the MSS. of the Family of Gawdy, formerly of 
 Norfolk. Edited by Walter Rye. 8vo, . . . ib. 1885 
 Report on the MSS. of Wells Cathedral. Edited by J. A. 
 Bennett. 8vo. . -. .. ib. 1885 
 Reports on the MSS. of the Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. Stirling 
 Maxwell, Bart., C. S. H. Drummond Moray, C. F. Weston 
 Underwood, and G-. Wingfield Digby, 8vo. . . ib. 1885 
 'HISTORICAL MEMORIALS. Historical Memorials of the English 
 Laws, Antient Parliaments, Courts of Justice, Forms of 
 Trial, before the Norman Conquest ; also of the Four Inns 
 of Court, the Inns of Chancery, &c., Extracted from Sir 
 W. Dugdale's Origines Judiciales, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1790 
 HISTORICAL PAPERS. A Folio Volume, lettered " Collection of 
 Printed Papers -chiefly Historical," containing the follow- 
 ing printed papers : " . . . . ib. &c. 1679-1827 
 1. An Impartial Survey of Candidates for the approaching 
 Parliament. By a hearty Well- Wisher to the Prosperity 
 of Both. Fol. Pp. 4. 
 2. Fiat Justitia et Ruat Ccelum ; or, Somewhat offer'd in 
 Defence of the Imperial Crown of England, and its Suc- 
 cessor. By a true Englishman. Fol. P. 4. 
 3. The Last Speeches of the five Notorious Traytors and 
 Jesuits, viz., White, Harcourt, Turner, Gavan, and Fen- 
 wick. Fol 1670 
 4. The Speech of Richard Langhorn, Esq., at his Execution. 
 Fol ..... 1679 
 5. A true Copy of the Speech of Mr. Francis Johnstons, a 
 Priest of the Church of Rome, fol. . . . .1679 
 6. The Speech of William Howard, late Lord Viscount 
 Stafford ; upon the Scaffold on Tower-Hill, fol. . . 1680 
 7. The Character of a Fanatic in General, fol. . . . 1681 
 8. Lex Talionis, or, a Receipt for the Relief of our Present 
 Distempers, s. sh. fol. 
 9. An Answer to the Earl of Danby's Paper touching the 
 Murther of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, s. sh. fol. 
 10. The Very Copy of a Paper delivered to the Sheriffs, by 
 Algernon Sidney, Esq. ; before his Execution, fol. . . 1683 
 11. A Civil Correction of a sawcy impudent Pamphlet, en- 
 tituled, a Brief Account of the Designs which the Papists 
 have had against the Earl of Shaftsbury, &c., fol. . . 1681 
 12. Notes of the Evidence given against the Lord Howard 
 of Escrick to the Grand Inquest of the Hundred of 
 Edmonton and Gore in the co. of Middlesex, fol. . . 1681 
HIS HIS 311 
 13. A Character of Popery and Arbitrary Government, fol. 
 (Letter signed " Philolaus.") 
 14. An Account of Mr. York's Suite ; in a Dialogue between 
 Mr. York and his Post, fol 1681 
 15. A Character of the True Blue Protestant Poet : or, the 
 Pretended Author of the Character of a Popish Successor, 
 fol 1682 
 16. The Character of Popery, fol. 1 leaf. 
 17. The Confession of Edward Fitz-Harys Esquire delivered 
 the day of his Execution, fol. ..... 1681 
 18. The last Speech of Mr. Oliver Plunket, titular Primate 
 of Ireland, executed at Tyburn, fol 1681 
 19. The Country-mans Complaint, and Advice to the King. 
 (53 lines of verse), fol 1681 
 20. A Supplement to the Last Will and Testament of 
 Anthony, Earl of Shaftsbury. (4 pages of verse.) Fol. . 1683 
 21. To the Duke upon his Return from Scotland. (4 pages 
 of verse.) Fol. 
 22. The Epilogue written by Mr. Otway to his Play call'd 
 Venice Preserv'd, or a Plot Discover'd, fol. . . . 1682 
 23. Innocence Unveil'd : or, a Poem on the Acquittal of the 
 Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, s. sh. fol. 
 24. The Order in which the Lord High- Steward and Lords 
 came from their own House to the Court erected in West- 
 minster-Hall to pass Judgment upon the Impeached 
 Lords, s. sh. fol. 
 25. The Observator. In Question and Answer. Wednes- 
 day, April 13th, 16th, 23rd, and May 7. 1681. (Four 
 numbers.) Fol. 
 26. The London Gazette. Published by Authority. Numb. 
 1519, 1836, 1839, 1842-1847, 1850-1858, 1877, 1880, 1881, 
 and 1902. From Monday, June 7, 1680, to Monday, Feb. 
 11, 1683, fol. 
 27. A Narrative, being a true Relation of what Discourse 
 passed between Dr. Hawkins and Edward Fitz-Harys, 
 Esq., late Prisoner in the Tower ; with the Manner of 
 Taking his Confession, fol 1681 
 28. The Character of a Popish Successour, and what England 
 may expect from Such a One, fol. .... 1681 
 29. An Answer to a late Pamphlet, entituled,a Character of 
 a Popish Successor, fol. ....... 1681 
 30. Presbytery truly display'd : or an Impartial Character 
 of the Presbyterian, fol. 1681 
 31. A Collection of the substance of several Speeches and 
 Debates made in the Honourable House of Commons, 
 relating to the Horrid Popish Plot, fol 1681 
 32. An Account at large of the Earl of Danby's Arguments 
 at the Court of King's-Bench, upon his Lordship's Motion 
 for Bail, fol. ... .... 1682 
 33. The Loyal Speech of George Plaxtone, M.A., upon the 
 Proclamation of K. James II., s. sh. fol. . . . 1684-85 
312 HIS HIS 
 34. The Declaration of the Lord Petre upon his Death, 
 touching the Plot, in a Letter to his Most Sacred Majestie, 
 s. sh. fol. 1684 
 35. The Proceedings against Sir Thomas Armstrong, as also 
 an Account of what passed at his Execution at Tyburn, 
 fol. ...... . . 1684 
 36. Considerations touching the Great Question of the 
 King's Right in Dispensing with the Penal Laws. By 
 Richard Langhorne. Fol. . . . . . .1687 
 37. The Citation of Gilbert Burnet, DD., to answer in Scot- 
 land on the 27 June, old stile, for High Treason, sm. 4to. 1687 
 38. The Solemn League and Covenant. [Against the Solemn 
 League and Covenant.] Sm. 4to. 
 39. Three Queries, and Answers to them. [Touching the 
 late " Declaration " as to Religion.] Pp. 4, sm. 4to. 
 40. An Address presented to the Reverend and Learned 
 Ministers of the Church of England, sm. 4to. . . . 1688 
 41. A Letter from Holland. Signed C. D. W. Amsterdam, 
 April 27. S.K 1688. Sm. 4to. 
 42. An Answer to the City Minister's Letter, from his 
 Country Friend, sm. 4to. 1688 
 43. His Majestie's late Letter in Vindication of Himself. St. 
 Germans en Laye 14th January, 168f , sm. 4to. 
 44. An Enquiry into the Power of Dispensing with Penal 
 Statutes. By Sir Robert Atkyns. Fol 1689 
 45. A Defence of the late Lord Russel's Innocency. By Sir 
 Robert Atkins. Fol 1689 
 46. Two Several Addresses from the House of Peers ; with 
 Their Majesties most gracious Answers. Fol. . . 1690 
 47. A True Copy of the Paper delivered by Sir John Fen- 
 wicke, Baronet, on Tower Hill, the Place of Execution, 
 Thursday, January 28, 169f, s. sh. fol. 
 48. An Account of the National Land Bank. Signed, John 
 Briscoe, s. sh. fol. 
 49. An Account of the Land Bank, s. sh. fol. 
 50. To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in 
 Parliament assembled. Paper on a National Land Bank 
 by John Briscoe. Fol. pp. 4. 
 51. Some Short Proposals humbly offer'd to the Considera- 
 tion of Parliament for Regulating of the Coin, s. sh. fol. 
 52. Some Considerations, most humbly proposed, in rela- 
 tion to the 111 State of our Money, s. sh. fol. 
 53. A Letter to a Member of Parliament from his Friend, 
 at Oxford concerning the Settling Gold and Silver. 
 Signed S. R. 4 pp. fol. 
 54. Dell' Ordinanze e Battaglie di Cesare d'Evoli, Signor 
 Napolitano, 4to , Eome, 1683 
 55. A Declaration of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and 
 the Bishops in and near London, testifying their Abhor- 
 rence of the present Rebellion, 4to. .... 1715 
HIS HIS 313 
 56. Description du Monument qui vient d'etre erige a 
 Rheinsberg. Precedee du Discours qui a ete lu a 1'occa- 
 sion de 1'inauguration de ce Monument. 4to. A Liege, 1791 
 57. El Si de Las Ninas. Comedia en tres actos, en prosa. 
 Su autor Inarco Celenio, P. A. 4to. . . Valencia, 1820 
 58. Nota dei disegni e quadri componenti la Galleria del fu 
 Conte Ulisse Vittorio Aldrovandi in Bologna, fol. 
 Bologna, 1827 
 HISTORICAL REGISTER. Vols. i. to xxi. 8vo. . . Lond. 1716-36 
 1, 2. Venerabilis Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica, et Opera 
 Historica Minora, recensuit J. Stevenson, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1838-41 
 3. Gildas de Excidio Britannise, recensuit J. Stevenson, 
 8vo ib. 1838 
 4. Nennii Historia Britonum, recensuit J. Stevenson, 8vo. 
 ib. 1838 
 5. Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis de Gestis Ricardi I., 
 edited by J. Stevenson, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1838 
 6. Willelmi Malmesburiensis Gesta Regum Anglorum, 
 atque Historia Novella, recensuit T. D. Hardy, 2 vols. 
 8vo ' . ib. 1840 
 7. Codex Diplomaticus JBvi Saxonici, opera J. M. Kemble, 
 6 vols. 8vo . ib. 1839-48 
 8. Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, edidit H. 0. Coxe, 5 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1831-48 
 9. F. Nicholai Triveti Annales sex Regum Angliae, 1136- 
 1307, recensuit Thomas Hog. 8vo. . . . ib. 1845 
 JO. Adami Murimuthensis Chronica (MCCCIII-MCCCXLVI.), cum 
 continuatione (ad MCCCLXXX.) a quodam anony mo, recensuit 
 T. Hog, 8vo. . , . ' . . . ' . . ib. 1846 
 12. Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de Ri chart II. Roy 
 d'Engleterre, avec un glossaire par Benin. Williams, 8vo. 
 ib. 1846 
 13. Florentii Wigorniensis Monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis 
 ab adventu Hengesti et Horsi in Britanniam usque ad 
 annum MCXVII., cui accesserunt continuatione s duae, ad 
 annum MCCXCV Edidit B. Thorpe, 2 torn. 8vo. . ib. 1848-9 
 14. Chronicon M$ alteri de Hemingburgh de Gestis Regum 
 Angliae. Recensuit H. C. Hamilton. 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1848 
 15. Henrici Quinti Angliae Regis Gesta, cum Chronica 
 Neustrise, Gallice, 1414-22, Chronicam traduxit, B. Wil- 
 liams, 8vo ib. 1850 
 A 4to. vol. containing : 
 tl. Instructions under the Great Seal to the Master and 
 Counsaile of the Court of Wards and Liveries . . 1610 
 2. A Manifestation of the motives whereupon Marcus 
 Antonius de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalato, undertooke 
 his departure thence . . . . . . .1616 
 3. Articles of Peace and Alliance between Charles II. of 
 England and Frederick III. of Denmark . . . 1667 
314 HIS HIS 
 HCSTORICAL TRACTS. A. continued. 
 4. Articles touching Navigation and Commerce between 
 Charles II. of England and the States General of the 
 United Netherlands 1667 
 A sm. 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. Anti-Coton, or a Refutation of Cotton's Letter Declara- 
 torie, lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the 
 apologizing of the Jesuites Doctrine, touching the killing 
 of kings 1611 
 2. The French Herald. Summoning all true Christian 
 Princes to a generall Croisade, upon the occasion of 
 the murther of Henry the Great ..... 1611 
 3. A Discourse to the Lords of the Parliament, as touching 
 the murther of Henrie the Great, King of France . . 1611 
 4. A True Declaration of the News that came out of the East 
 Indies, with the Pinace called the Hare, &c. . . . 1624 
 5. A Speech made in the Lower House of Parliament, by 
 Sir Edward Cicell, Colonell 1624 
 6. England's Wants, by a true lover of his Country. 2nd 
 edition 1668 
 7. The Informers' Answer to the late Character . .1675 
 8. A Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey. 
 By W. Lloyd, Dean of Bangor 1678 
 9. A Letter from a Jesuit at Paris to his correspondent in 
 London, shewing the most effectual way to ruine the 
 Government and Protestant Religion . . . .1678 
 10. A Pattern or President for Princes to rule by, and for 
 Subjects to obey. [Character of Q. Elizabeth] . . 1680 
 11. The King's supremacy asserted. 3rd edition. By R. 
 Sheringham ......... 1682 
 12. A Resolution of certain Queries concerning Submission 
 to the present Government ...... 1689 
 13. A Friendly Debate between Dr. Kingsman and Gratianus 
 Trimmer 1689 
 14. An Answer to the Paper delivered by Mr. Ashton at his 
 Execution, to Sir Francis Child 1690 
 15. An Argument proving the abrogation of King James 
 from the Throne and the promotion of the Prince of 
 Orange was according to the Constitution . . . 1692 
 16. An Account of the late Great Victory obtained at Sea 
 against the French, near the Cape of Barfleur . . 1692 
 17. Reasons for the passing of the Bill for the more effectual 
 suppressing Vice and Immorality. 2nd edition . . 1699 
 A sm. 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. The true Manner of the Proceeding to the Funerall of 
 the Earle of Essex 1646 
 2. An Elegie upon the death of Robert Earle of Essex, &c. 
 (signed C. G.) 
 3. A Narrative of the renowned Robert, Earle of Essex . 1646 
HIS HIS 315 
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 4. The Hearse of the Earle of Essex. As it was repre- 
 sented in a Sermon at Westminster, by R. Vines . . 1646 
 A fol. vol. containing ib. 1653-1728 
 1. A Declaration of the Parliament of England . . . 1653 
 2. To the King's most excellent Majesty, an Essay for Re- 
 covery of Trade . . . . . . . . 1661 
 3. His Majesty's Message to the Commons relating to 
 Tangier 1680 
 4. His Majesties Declaration touching the Dissolution of 
 the Parliaments 1681 
 5. An Answer to a late Pamphlet ; entituled, a character of 
 a Popish successor ... ..... 1681 
 6. Vindication of addresses in general, and of the Middle- 
 Temple Address .... . 1681 
 7. His Majesty's gracious Declaration to all his loving sub- 
 jects for a Liberty of Conscience ..... 1688 
 8. His Majesty's Letter to the Lord Bishop of London . 1689 
 9. Elegies on the Queen and Archbishop. By Samuel 
 Wesley ... 1695 
 10. A Consolatory Poem : address'd to his most sacred 
 Majesty. By W. Partridge 1695 
 11. A Relation of the famous Conference held about Reli- 
 gion at Paris ......... 1684 
 12. To the Commons of England. Account of Grievance by 
 James Whiston 1689 
 13. The Translation of the Letter of the States General to His 
 Majesty 1701 
 14. The opinion of a Divine of the Church of England of the 
 Oath of Abjuration 1702 
 15. A Letter to a Friend concerning the Partition Treaty . n.d. 
 16. The Humble Representation of the Lords Spiritual and 
 Temporal presented to Her Majesty, and Her Majesties 
 answer . 1703 
 17. An Epistle from the Elector of Bavaria to the French 
 King: after the Battel of Ramillies .... 1706 
 18. The Law corrupted ; a Satire 1706 
 19. An Ode humbly inscrib'd to the Queen .... 1706 
 20. The Humble Representation of the House of Commons 
 to the King 1728 
 A fol. vol. containing : 
 1. Discourse of the Lords Spiritual in Parliament . .1679 
 2. Argument concerning the Great Case of Monopolies . 1689 
 3. Proceedings in relation to the Lords Impeached or 
 Charged 1701 
 4. Vindication of the Rights of the Commons of England. 
 By Robert Harley 1701 
 5. fryal of George, Earl of Wintoun 1716 
 6. Report of the Lords in the Case of Ashby and White . 1704 
316 HIS HIS 
 HISTORICAL TRACTS. E. continued. 
 7. Peace and Union : or a Defence of Sir H. Macworth's 
 Treatise on the Occasional Bill . . . . .1 705 
 8. The Arguments in the Point of Peerage in the Case of 
 the Earl of Banbury 1716 
 9. Parliamentary Report . " . . . . , . 1719 
 10. Power and Patriotism : a Poetical Epistle . . . 1746 
 11. Three Treatises, viz. (1) Book-keeping, (2) Merchant's 
 Counting-house, (3) Accompts for Landed Men. . 1709-27 
 A fol. vol. containing : 
 1. The Considerations relating to the Duke of York, or, 
 successor of the Crown, considered, &c. .... 1680 
 2. The Information of Edward Turbervill of Skerr, Glamor- 
 gan, delivered at the Bar of the House of Commons . 1680 
 3. On the Old Cause in an Epitaph Prceliminary. (Verse : 
 Latin and English.) . . . . . . . . n.d. 
 4. A Poem on the Coronation of King William and Queen 
 Mary 1689 
 5. The late Lord Russel's Case, with Observations, &c. By 
 Henry Lord de la Mere ....... 1689 
 6. A Reply to a Sheet of Paper, intituled, the Magistracy 
 of England vindicated, by way of answer to the Defence 
 of the late Lord Russel's Innocence, &c. By J. Hawles . 1689 
 7. A Dialogue between Timothy and Titus about the 
 Articles, and some of the Canons of the Church of England 1689 
 8. The Case of Sir Edward Hales, Bart 1689 
 9. An Ode upon the Expedition of His Highness the Prince 
 of Orange 1689 
 10. A State of the Proceedings in the House of Commons, 
 with Relation to the Impeached Lords .... 1701 
 11. The Representation Examined: being Remarks on the 
 state of Religion in England . . . . . .1 711 
 12. The Joint and Separate Account or Narrative of George 
 Collcott and Robert Jones, Mariners, relating to what 
 passed about the affair of Dunkirk ..... 1729 
 A 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. A Defence of the Papers written by the late King of 
 Blessed Memory and Duchess of York .... 1686 
 2. A Memorial from his Most Christian Majesty, containing 
 his Reasons for accepting the late King of Spain's Will 
 in favour of the Duke of Anjou ..... 1700 
 3. The Duke of Anjou's Succession Considered, with re- 
 , flections on the French King's Memorial to the Dutch. 
 Second edition 1701 
 4 The Duke of Anjou's Succession further Consider' d, 
 part 2 . 1701 
 5. Some Consideration of a Preface to an Enquiry, con- 
 cerning the occasional Conformity of Di&senters, &c. By 
 John Howe 1701 
 6. The History of the Kentish Petition . . . .1701 
HIS HOA 317 
 HISTORICAL TRACTS. G. continued. 
 7. Jura Populi Anglican! ; or, the Subjects' Right of 
 Petitioning set forth. Occasioned by the case of the 
 Kentish Petitioners ........ 1701 
 8. A Collection of Several Treaties, &c., since the late 
 Revolution ......... 1701 
 9. The King of France's Memorial delivered to tho States- 
 General upon taking Possession of the Towns in Flanders 1701 
 10. The Dangers of Europe from the growing Power of 
 France . 1702 
 A 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. The Second Part of the Relation of the late Wicked 
 Contrivance against the lives of several Persons, by 
 Forging an Association under their Hands. By the 
 Bishop of Rochester ..... Savoy, 1693 
 2. The Examinations of Sir Thomas Cooke, &c., touching 
 the East-India Company ....... 1695 
 3. An Essay upon the Present Interest of England. Second 
 edition 1701 
 4. Advice to all Parties. By the Author of the Trueborn 
 Englishman 1705 
 5. A Letter from a Gentleman in Scotland to his Friend in 
 England against the Sacramental Test. Second edition 
 corrected 1708 
 6. Reflections on Dr. Sacheverell's Answer to the Articles of 
 Impeachment ......... 1710 
 7. The Good Old Cause ; a Second Defence of the Lord 
 Bishop of Sarum, from a Second Speech .... 1710 
 8. The Arguments for and against Engrafting upon the 
 Bank of England with Tallies, &c. ..... n.d. 
 mensis. Johannes Prior Hagustaldensis. Ricardus Prior 
 Hagustaldensis. Ailredus Abbas Rievallensis. Ra- 
 dulphus de Diceto Londoniensis. Johannes Brompton 
 Jornallensis. Gervasius Monachus Dorobornensis. 
 Thomas Stubbs Dominicanus. Gulielmus Thorn Can- 
 tuariensis. Henricus Knighton Leicestrensis. Editi [a 
 Roger Twysden], fol Land. 1652 
 HISTORIC AUGUSTS, 2 vols. sm. 8vo Florence, 1725 
 An History of the Transactions betwixt the Crown of Eng- 
 land and the States of the Netherlands, &c. 4to. Lond. 1664 
 Connection of Sacred and Profane History, 8vo. (Tracts 
 118) . . ib. 1838 
 HITOPADE"SA. Hitopadesa, ou 1' Instruction Utile. Recueil 
 d'apologues et de contes traduit du Sanscrit, avec des 
 notes par fi. Lancereau, 16mo. .... Pam, 1855 
 HOARE, Sir R. C. 
 Tour in Ireland, 1806, 8vo Lond. 1807 
 Ancient History of South Wiltshire, fol. . . . ib. 1812 
 The Ancient History of North Wiltshire, Part I. fol. . ib. 1819 
318 HOA HOE 
 HOAEE, Sir R. C. continued. 
 Modern History of South Wiltshire, 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1822-44 
 Registrum Wiltiense, 892-1045, fol ib. 1827 
 The Pitney Pavement, 8vo. 1831 
 History of Modern Wiltshire (Salisbury, by R. Benson and 
 H. Hatcher), fol. . . . . . . . ib. 1843 
 HOBBES, Thomas. 
 Opera Philosophica quse Latine scripsit omnia. Portrait by 
 Faithorne. Plates, 4to. .... Amstelodami, 1668 
 Leviathan, sive de materia, forma, et potestate Civitatis 
 Ecclesiastics et Civilis, 4to. . . ' . . . ib. 1670 
 HOBLER, Francis. Records of Roman History on Coins, 2 vols. 
 4to Westminster, 1860 
 HOCHFELDEN, G. H. Krieg Yon. Geschichte der Militar- 
 Architektur in Deutschland, 8vo. . . . Stutgart, 1859 
 HODEGEDRIA, J. M. Particulars of Sale of the Portrait of J. M. 
 Hodegedria, reputed to be painted by St. Luke, the 
 Evangelist, sm. 4to. Lond. 1862 
 HODGES, C. C. The Sepulchral Slabs, Grave Covers, Head- 
 stone Crosses, and Semi-Emgial Monuments of the 
 Middle Ages, now remaining in the County of Durham. 
 Parts I. and II. Privately printed, 8vo. . Durham, 1884 
 HODGES, W. An Historical Account of Ludlow Castle, 8vo. 
 Ludlow, 1794 
 Older England, illustrated by the Anglo-Saxon Antiquities 
 in the British Museum, in a course of Six Lectures, 8vo, 
 Lond. 1884 
 Second Series, 8vo. . . . ib. 1884 
 The English in the Middle Ages ; as illustrated by the 
 Mediaeval Remains in the British Museum, 8vo. . ib. 1885 
 HODGKIN, J. E. London Tokens of the Seventeenth Century. 
 Not published in Boyne's Catalogue, 8vo. . . ib. 1885 
 HODGKIN, Thomas. The Pfahlgraben ; an Essay on the Barrier 
 of the Roman Empire between the Danube and the 
 Rhine, 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1882 
 HODGSON, John. 
 A History of Northumberland, vol. i. parts 1-3 ; vol. ii. 
 parts 2, 3 ; vol. iii. parts 2, 3, 4to. 
 Lond. and Newcastle, 1820-58 
 Account of Capheaton, 4to. ...... ib. 1826 
 Kinver Church, a Sketch of its History, 4to. 
 HODSON, J. S. Guide to Art Illustration, in connection with 
 Books, Periodicals and General Decoration, 8vo. Lond. 1884 
 HODY, Baron de. Godefroid de Bouillon a Boulogne, a Bru- 
 xelles, et a Jerusalem, 8vo. (Tracts 59*) . Brussels, 1863 
 HOECK, C. F. C. Veteris Mediae et Persise Monumenta, 4to. 
 Gdttingen, 1818 
 HOEFER, Ferdinand. Memoire sur les Ruines de Ninive, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 65) .. .... Paris, 1850 
HOF HOG 319 
 HOFFMANNUS, G. D. Commentaiio Juris Public! Eccleaiastici de 
 Die Decretorio Kalendis Januarii Anni MDCXXIIII omnique 
 ex Pace Westphalica Bestitutione. (Sound with KEAUSIUS.) 
 4to. . . . Tubingen, 1750 
 HOFMANN, A. W. The Chemical Laboratories of the Univer- 
 sities of Bonn and Berlin, Report, 4to. . . Lond. 1866 
 HOFSTEDT, G. A. Andreas Johannes, Episc. Strengnensis 1509- 
 1519, ejusque sub schismate occidentali eerumnse, 4to. 
 (Tracts 4,5) . ... Upsal, 1848 
 HOGARTH, George. Musical History, Biography, and Criticism ; 
 being a general survey of music, &c. 12mo. . Lond. 1835 
 HOGG, John. 
 On Classical Plants of Sicily, 8vo ib. 1834 
 Roman Inscriptions on the Conquest of Britain by Claudius 
 (Tracts 6), 4to. . ib. 1837 
 Letters from Abroad, 8vo ib. 1844 
 On Grecian Antiquities observed in Sicily, 8vo. (Tracts 93) 
 ib. 1847 
 On Mount Serbal being the true Sinai, 8vo. (Tracts 93) ib. 1849 
 On a Greek MS. of Hyperides brought from Egypt by Mr. 
 Arden, 8vo. (Tracts 93) ib. 1851 
 On Recent discoveries in Central Africa by Drs. Barth and 
 Overweg, 8vo. (Tracts 93) ib. 1851 
 Supplement to the Memoir on two Roman Inscriptions re- 
 lative to the Conquest of Britain by Claudius Caesar, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) ib. 1851 
 On Acree, a Syracusan Colony in Sicily, 8vo. (Tracts 35) ib. 1852 
 On the Sicilian and Sardinian Languages, 8vo. (Tracts 93) 
 ib. 1853 
 Further notice respecting the Sinaic Inscriptions, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) . " "". . . . . . ib. 1854 
 Greek Inscriptions discovered by Lieut. Leycester, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) ib. 1854 
 On two events which occurred in the Life of King Canute 
 the Dane, 8vo. (Tracts 93) ..... ib. 1855 
 Greek Inscriptions from Syria and the Hauran, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) ib. 1855 
 Additional Inscriptions from the Hauran and Syria, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) ib. 1859 
 Notice of Annals of Granius Licinianus, 8vo. (Tracts 93) ib. 1859 
 On the History and Literature of Iceland, 8vo. (Tracts 93) 
 ib. 1859 
 Supplemental Notes on St. George and on George the Arian 
 Bishop, 8vo. (Tracts 93) ib. 1861 
 On Names of Baalbec, 8vo. (Tracts 59**) . . . ib. 1862 
 On Inscriptions from Cyprus, 8vo. (Tracts 59**). . ib. 1862 
 On some Old Maps of Africa, 8vo. (Tracts 59**) . . ib. 1864 
 On some Coins of Cnossus in Crete, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) ib. 1866 
 On a Profane Stylograph of the Crucifixion at Rome, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 58**) ib. 1866 
 On Assyrian and Egyptian Sculptures in Turkey, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) 
320 HOG HOL 
 HOGG, John continued. 
 Further Account of Assyrian and Egyptian Antiquities in 
 Turkey, 8vo. (Tracts 93) 
 On Roman Antiquities in Northern Africa Discovered by 
 Dr. Barth, 8vo. ...... Lond. 
 On a Greek Inscription and the Temple of Segesta, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) 
 Sketches of Kertch, 870. (Tracts 93) 
 HOLBEIN, Hans. 
 Dance of Death. Engraved by W. Hollar. 4to. 
 L'Alfabeto della Morte di Hans Holbein, accompagnato di 
 sentenze latine, scelte da Anatole de Montaiglon. (India 
 proof copy.} 8vo. ...... Paris, 1856 
 HOLBERG, Lewis. Niels Klims Underjordiske Reise, oversat af 
 Jens Baggesen, 4to. . . . . Kiob, 1789 
 HOLE, Rev. C. A Brief Biographical Dictionary, 12mo. 
 Lond. and Camb. 1865 
 HOLIDAY, Barten. The Marriage of the Arts. A Comedie. 4to. 
 ib. 1630 
 HOLINSHED, Raphael. Chronicles of England, 2 vols. in 3 vols. 
 fol Lond. 1587 
 HOLKHAM, Stranger's Guide to, 12mo. . . . Burnham, 1817 
 HOLLINGS, J. F. Roman Leicester, 4to. (Tracts 13) Leicester, 1851 
 HOLLINGWORTH, R. Mancuniensis ; or, an History of the Town 
 of Manchester, 12mo. .... Manchester, 1839 
 HOLLIS, Thomas. Memoirs, 2 vols. 4to. . . . Lond. 1780 
 HOLLOW AY, M. M. Autographs and Manuscripts. Catalogue of 
 a collection for sale. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1862 
 HOLLOW AY, William. 
 A General Dictionary of Provincialisms, 8vo. . Lewes, 1839 
 Another edition, 8vo. . . Lond. 1840 
 federate Dead interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Rich- 
 mond, Va., 4to. ..... Richmond, 1869 
 HOLMBERG, Axel Em. Skandinaviens Halbristningar, arkeolo- 
 gisk afhandling, fol. .... Stockholm, 1848 
 HOLMBERG, H. J. Forteckning och Afbildningen af Finska 
 Fornlemningar. 1. Stenoldern. 2. Bronsoldern. 8vo. 
 Helsingfors, 1863 
 Descriptio Ornamentorum maximam partem aureorum, sm. 
 4to. Christiania, 1835 
 De Prisca re Monetaria Norvegiae, 4to. . . ib. 1841 
 8vo. (Tracts 55*) . ib. 1854 
 Second copy. 
 Sanskrit og Oldnorsk Afhandling, 4to. (Tracts 36) . ib. 1846 
 Det Oldnorske Verbum, 4to. (Tracts 36) . . ib. 1848 
 Grammatik for Zulu Sproget. (Tracts 55*) 8vo. . ib. 1850 
 Om Pronomen Relativum, 4to. (Tracts 36) . . ib. 1850 
 De Re Monetaria Nor wegise, et de Nummis et ornamentis, 
 in Norwegia repertis, 8vo. (Tracts 55*) . . ib. 1854 
 Norsk og Keltisk, 4to. (Tracts 36) . , . ib. 1854 
 HOLMBOE, C. A. continued. 
 Det Kongelige Vorske Frederiks Universitets Aarsberet- 
 ning for 1852, 8vo. .... Christiania, 1854 
 Om Krodo, en Sachsisk Afgud, 8vo. (Tracts 55*) . ib. 1861 
 Om Hedenske Korsmonumenter, 8vo. (Tracts 55*) . ib. 1861 
 Om Od og Eg, Metal og Steen som Amulet, 8vo. (Tracts 
 55*) ib. 1861 
 Om Oprindelsen af det skandinaviske Vaegtsystem i 
 Middelalderen, 8vo. (Tracts 63*) . . . ' . ib. 1861 
 Mjolnir og Vadjra, 8vo. (Tracts 63*) . . . ib. 1862 
 Om Ortugeller'Tola, 8vo. (Tracts 63*) . . . ib. 1863 
 Om Amuletter og om Stormaends Begravelse, 8vo. (Tracts 
 63*) ib. 1863 
 Om Haugelys, 8vo. (Tracts 63*) .... ib. 1863 
 Norske Vaegtlodder fra fjortende aarhundrede, 4to. . ib. 1863 
 Om Beds-Hinge, 8vo. (Tracts 5if*) .... ib. 1863 
 Om Kong Svegders Reise, 8vo. (Tracts 59*) . . ib. 1863 
 Thorolf Bsegifots Begravelse, 8vo. (Tracts 59*) . ib. 1863 
 Om Civaisme i Europa, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) . . . 1866 
 Om Tallene 108 og 13, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) . . . 1866 
 Tillaeg til Holmboes Foredrag om Tallene 108 og 13. 
 (Tracts 61**) 8vo n.p. 1868 
 Om det aeldre Russiske Vsegtsystem, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) 
 n.p. 1867 
 Om Gravhoie, hvori mere end eet Kammer og mere end een 
 Urne er forefunden, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . n.p. 1867 
 Om Russiske Rubel-Barrer. (Tracts 61**) 8vo. . n.p. 1867 
 Flaghougen paa Karmoen og de buddhistiske Toper i 
 Asien, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) n.p. 1867 
 Broholtfundet Mynter fra lOde og lite Aarhundrede, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61**) . n.p. 1868 
 Second copy. 
 Om nogle Norske Pengetegn, 8vo 1868 
 Et Guldbracteat-Praeg, som ofte forekommer forklaret, 
 8vo. (Tracts 55***) 1869 
 Ibn-Fozlan, om Nordiske Begravelsesskikke, fra det 
 Arabiske Oversat. Ac. 8vo. (Tracts 55***) . . n.p. 1869 
 Norske Vsegtlodder fra fjortende Aarhundrede, 8vo. (Tracts 
 55***) 1869 
 Om Neever i Nordiske Gravhoie, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) n.p. 1869 
 Det Chinesiske Skakspil, med en Lithographeret Tavle, 
 8vo. (Tracts 55***) .... . 1870 
 En Buddhistisk Legende, benyttet i et Christeligt Opbyg- 
 gelsesskrift, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) . . . . . 1870 
 Steenhuset paa Folden-Fjeld. Et Forsog til at forklare 
 dets Bestemmelse, 8vo 1870 
 Et lidet Fund af Mynter fra lite Aarhundrede, 8vo. . 1871 
 Om Vaegten af Nogle Smykker fra Oldtiden af aedelt 
 Metal, samt om de paa saadanne anbragte Betegnelser af 
 Vfiegten,8vo 1871 
 Asaland. II. 8vo 1872 
322 HOL HOM 
 HOLMBOE, C. A. continued. 
 En Maade at Betegne Tal paa, som er i Brag blandt 
 Handelsmsend i Arabien og Persien, 8vo. . . .1873 
 Hexe og Dakine, en comparativ Fremstilling, 8vo. . . 1873 
 Diem Natalem Aug. R. Carol! Joannis, 4to. 
 Om Brugen af de Pincetter, som jaevnligen findes i gamle 
 Nordiske Gravhauge, 8vo. (Tracts 163.) 
 HOLMES, Henry. Sunning- Hill Wells, 12mo. . . Lond. 1851 
 HOLMES, John. 
 Catalogue of his Library, 4 vols. 8vo. . Norwich, 1828-34 
 Supplement, Parts 1 and 2, 8vo. ib. 1837-40 
 Miscellaneous Notes on Deneholes, 1883, 8vo. 
 On some Curious Excavations in the Isle of Portland, 8vo. 
 Notes on the Geological Position of the Human Skeleton, 
 found at the Tilbury Docks, Essex, 8vo. . . . n.p. 1884 
 Notes on the Evidence bearing upon British Ethnology, 
 8vo n.p. 1886 
 HOLT, H. F. 
 Allegorical Engravings of Albert Durer : 
 The Knight, Death, and the Devil, 8vo. . Lond. 1866-67 
 The Death's Head Coat of Arms, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 A Dream of Human Life. By Michael Angelo Buona- 
 rotti, 8vo. ....... ib. 1867 
 A Japanese Virgin and Child, 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 The Marriage at Cana. By Paul Veronese, 8vo. ib. 1867 
 Rubens a Sculptor, 8vo ib. 1867 
 HOLTON, D. P. Two Radial Charts of (1) Descendants of 
 Thomas and Katherine Parsons, of England, through 
 D. Benjamin, of Springfield, Mass., and (2), the Winslow 
 and Lewis Families. (In a case.) 8vo. Washington, 1876-77 
 HOLTROP, J. W. Monuments Typographiques des Pays-Bas au 
 quinzieme siecle. Collection de Fac-simile, &c. Fol. 
 La Haye, 1868 
 HOLWEL, J. Catastrophe Mundi, or Europe's many mutilations, 
 4to. (Bound with Lilly's Collection of Prophesies.) Lond. 1682 
 HOLYBAND, Claudius 
 The French Schoolemaister. . . . Unto the which is annexed 
 a Vocabularie, &c., sm. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1578 
 The Treasurie of the French Tongue, 4to. . . . ib. 1580 
 The French Littelton, 32mo ib. 1625 
 HOME OFFICE. Catalogue of Library, 8vo. . . ib. 1852 
 Ilias, Greece ac Latine. Edidit S. Clarke. Second edition. 
 2 vols. 4to ib. 1754 
 Odyssea, Greece et Latine. Item Batrachomyomachia, &c. 
 Edidit, S. Clarke. 2 vols. 4to. . . ' . . ib. 1740 
 Opera, Greece, 8vo. ..... Paris, Didot, 1856 
HOM HOO 323 
 HOMER continued. 
 The Iliads of Homer. Second edition. The Odysseys of 
 Homer, Homer's Batrachomyomachia, Hymns and Epi- 
 grams, &c. Translated by G. Chapman. Edited by Rev. 
 R. Hooper, 5 vols. fcp. 8vo Lond. 1857-65 
 The Iliad of Homer, with English notes by F. A. Paley. 
 (Bibliotheca Classica.) Vol. i. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1866 
 The Iliad of Homer. Translated by J. G. Cordery. 2 vols. 
 8vo ".'".'.. . ib. 1871 
 Fragments of the Iliad of Homer, from a Syriac Palimpsest. 
 Edited by W. Cureton, fol ib. 1851 
 HOMER A LA MODE. A mock Poem upon Books 1 and 2 of Homer's 
 Iliad, 12mo. . . . " . . . . Oxford, 1664 
 HOMES, H. A. The Correct Arms of the State of New York. 
 A Historical Essay, 8vo. .... Albany, 1880 
 HOMEYER, C. G. Die Hans- und Hofmarken. Mit XLIY. 
 Tafeln, 4to Berlin, 1870 
 HOMMEL, C. F. Jurisprndentia Numismatibus illnstrata, 8vo. 
 Leipsic, 1763 
 HONDIUS, H. Liber Perspective. (A vol. of Plates collected 
 from various works published by Hondius.) 
 HONE, William. 
 Three Trials of W. Hone, 8vo Lond. 1818 
 Ancient Mysteries described, 8vo. .... ib. 1823 
 Every-Day Book, 2 vols.; Table Book; and Year Book; 
 4 vols. 8vo ib. 1826-32 
 HONNECOURT, Villard de. Facsimile of the Sketch-book of. With 
 Commentaries by M. J. B. A. Lassus, and by M. J. 
 Quicherat. Translated by R. Willis. {Two copies.) 4to. 
 ib. 1859 
 HOOD, W. C. 
 Statistics of Insanity, 8vo. ...... ib. 1856 
 1846-60, 8vo ib. 1862 
 HOOGSTRATEN, David Van. Nieuw Woordboek der Nederlantsche 
 en Latynsche tale, 4to. .... Amsterdam, 1756 
 HOOK, W. F. 
 Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Vols. i.-v. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1860-67 
 New Series. Reformation Period. Vols. 
 i.-vi. 8vo. . ib. 1868-75 
 Vol. xii. Index Volume, 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 HOOKER, Richard. Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie. 
 (Portrait by Faithorne.) Fol ib. 1666 
 HOOKER, Sir W. J. A Guide to Kew Gardens. Fifth edition, 
 8vo ib. 1849 
 On the Discovery of Roman Remains at South Shields 
 in 1875-76, Svo. . . Lond. and Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1873 
324 HOO HOR 
 HOOPPELL, R. E. continued. 
 Vinovium : the buried Roman City at Binchester, Durham. 
 A Lecture, &c. 8vo Auckland, 1879 
 HOPE, A. J. B. 
 Essays, 12mo Lond. 1844 
 The English Cathedral of the Nineteenth Century, 8vo. ib. 1861 
 The World's Debt to Art, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . . ib. 1863 
 HOPE, R. C. 
 Reprint of the Popish Kingdome, or reigne of Antichrist ; 
 written in Latin verse by Thomas Naogeorgus, and En- 
 glyshed by Barnabe Googe, 1570. 4to. . . . ib. 1880 
 A Provisional Glossary of Dialectal Place-Nomenclature, 
 12mo Scarborough, [1882] 
 HOPE, Thomas. 
 Costume of the Ancients, 2 vols. 4to. . . . Lond. 1809 
 New edition, enlarged, 2 vols. . . ib. 1812 
 An Historical Essay on Architecture. Third edition. 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1840 
 HOPE, W. H. St. John. Royal Archaeological Institute Notes on 
 Places to be visited during the Meeting at Derby, 8vo. ib. 1885 
 HOPING, Theodor. De Insignium sive Armorum prisco et novo 
 jure Tractatus, fol. ..... Nuremburg, 1642 
 HOPKINS, W. J. Wixford Church, Warwickshire, 8vo. . [1878] 
 HOPPE, P. F. Catalog over Islands Stiftsbibliothek, 8vo. 
 Copenhagen, 1828 
 HOKAPOLLO. Hieroglyphica, a D. Hoeschelio fide Codicis 
 Augustani MS. correcta, &c., 4to. AugustoB Vindelicorum, 1595 
 HIEROGLYPHICA. Translated by C. Leemans. Gr. and Lat., 8vo. 
 Amsterdam, 1835 
 Opera. Accedunt nunc Danielis Heinsii de Satyra Hora- 
 tiana libri duo, &c., 3 vols. 16mo. Lugd. Batav. (Elzevir), 1629 
 Ex recensione. R. Bentleii. Editio tertia. 4to. 
 Amsterdam, 1728 
 Edited by J. Pine, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1733 
 Ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus, 
 &c., 12mo. ....... Glasgow, 1744 
 Edited by Gul. Sandby, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1749 
 Valpy's edition, 4 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1825 
 Cura H. Milman. Plates. 8vo. . . ib. 1853 
 Cum novo commentario ad modum Joannis Bond. 
 12mo Paris, 1855 
 HOEMAYE, J. F. von. Taschenbuch fur die vaterlandische 
 Geschichte, 8vo Munich, 1833 
 HOENI, G. Ulyssea ; sive Studiosus Peregrinans omnia lustrans 
 littora, 12mo. ....... Leyden, 1671 
 EtOEOLOGIUM. 'Q/>oXo7toi> TO /ie^a, Trepie^ov cunaaav ryv avijicovaav 
 av^w aKo\ov0tav, /e.r.A. 8vo. .... Venice, 1841 
 A Weekly Miscellany of Astrology. Edited by Zadkiel 
 (Lieutenant R. J. Morrison), May 3, 1834 Sept. 5, 1834, 
 8vo. ........ Liverpool, 1834 
HOR HOW 325 
 HOROSCOPE, The continued. 
 Nos. 1 to 3, 8vo Lond. 1841 
 HORRACK, P. J. de. Le Livre des Respirations d'apres les 
 Maniiscrits du Musee du Louvre, 4to. . . Paris, 1877 
 History of Lewes, 4to. ..... Lewes, 1824 
 History and Antiquities of the County of Sussex, 2 vols. 
 4to. . . . - ib. 1835 
 HORSLEY, John. Britannia Romana, 2 vols. fol. . Lond. 1732 
 HORTA, Le Chevalier de. Catalogue des Medailles du Chevalier 
 de Horta, par J. Y. Akerman, 8vo. .... ib. 1839 
 HORTOLANUS, Junr. The Golden Age, or the Reign of Saturn 
 Review'd, 12mo ib. 1698 
 HORTON, R. G. Life and Public Services of James Buchanan, 
 12mo New York, 1856 
 HORWOOD, A. J. A. Catalogue of the Ancient Manuscripts belong- 
 ing to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn, 8vo. Lond. 1869' 
 HORWOOD, R. Plan of London, Westminster, and Southwark, 
 fol ib. 1799 
 HOSKING, William. 
 Introductory Lecture to the Class of Civil Engineering 
 and Architecture in King's College, 8vo. . . ib. 1841 
 On the Reading Room of the British Museum, fol. (Tracts 
 158) ib. 1858 
 The Article Architecture from the Encyclopaedia Britan- 
 nica, 4to. 
 HOSKINS, G. A. Travels in Ethiopia, above the second Cataract 
 of the Nile, 4to . ib. 1835 
 HOSPINIANUS, R. De Origine festorum dierum Judaeorum, 
 Graecorum, &c. fol. ...... Zurich, 1592 
 HOSPITALS, THE ROYAL, of London. Memoranda, references, and 
 documents relating to, 8vo. .... Lond. 1836 
 HOTTEN, John Camden. 
 Book of Vagabonds and Beggars, 4to. . . . ib. 1860 
 A Hand-book to the Topography and Family History of 
 England and Wales, 8vo. . . . . ib. n.d. 
 HOUGH, F. B. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, 
 N. Y., 8vo Albany* 1853 
 HOURS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Incipit cursus beate Marie 
 Virginis juxta statutum Urbani pape II. editum in con- 
 cilio apud clarummontem celebrate, sq. 8vo. . . n.p. n.d. 
 HOURS OF THK BREVIARY. Horse Diurnae Brevarii ad usum canon- 
 icorum regularium ordinis Preemonstratensis, 12mo. 
 Brussels, 1770 
 HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES IN ENGLAND. 13th and 15th Centuries. 
 Edited by Hudson T. H. Turner. 4to. . . Lond. 1841 
 HOVENDEN, Robert. 
 The Registers of the Parish of Allhallows, London Wall, 
 1559 to 1675, 4to. Privately printed . . . ib. 1878 
 Extracts from the Registers of the Parish Church of Erith, 
 Kent. For private circulation. Fol. . . . ib. 1879 
 HOWARD. Doubtful Norfolk Pedigrees. No. I., 8vo. 
326 HOW HUB 
 HOWAED, Henry. 
 A Def ensative agains.t the .Poyspn of Supposed Prophecies, 
 fol . . Lond. 1620 
 Memorials of the Howard Family, fol. . 1834 
 Miscellanea Genealogica et Her.aldica. Parts 1-8, roy. 8vo. 
 ib. 1866-68 
 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1868-76 
 New series, 4 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1874-84 
 Second series, 8vo. In progress, ib. 1884, etc. 
 : Monthly series. Parts l-2l', 4to. ib. 1870-72 
 HOWAED, Leonard. A Collection of Letters from the original 
 MSS. of many Princes, Statesmen, &c. 4to. . . ib. 1753 
 Ho WELL, H. S. The Keys of the Bastille of Paris, am. 8vo. 
 Gait, Out., Canada, 1887 
 HOWELL, James. Lexicon Tetraglotton. An English, French, 
 Italian, Spanish Dictionary. With a Volume of Pro- 
 verbs. Fol. . . . . . . Lond. 1659 
 HOWELL, T. B. Observations on Dr. Sturges' Pamphlet 
 respecting Non-residence of the Clergy. Second edition, 
 8vo. (Tracts 118) ib. 1803 
 HOWLEGLAS. Edited by Frederic Ouvry. Privately printed. 4to. 
 ib. 1867 
 HOWLETT, Bartholomew. Selection of Views in the County of 
 Lincoln, 4to ib. 1805 
 On the Archasology of Bronze, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . ib. 1867 
 On the Origines of the Norsemen, 8vo. (Tracts 163) ib. 1867 
 Some Changes of Surface affecting Ancient Ethnography, 
 8vo. (Tracts 163) 1868 
 The Northern Frontagers of China. Part I. The Origines 
 of the Mongols. Part II. The Origines of the Manchus. 
 8vo ib. 1875 
 History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century. 
 Part I. The Mongols proper and the Kalmuks. With 
 two maps by E. G, Ravenstein. 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 Part II. The Tartars of Russia and 
 Central Asia. Div. I., II., 2 vols. 8vo . . . ib. 1880 
 The Spread of the Slaves. Part I. The Crools. Part II. 
 The Southern Serbs, &c. 8vo. (Tracts, box 6) . ib. 1878 
 The Columban Clergy of North Britain, and their harrying 
 by the Norsemen. For private circulation. 8vo. n.p. 1879 
 The Early Intercourse of the Franks and Danes. Part 2. 
 8vo. ......... n.p. n.d. 
 HOYLE, Fretwell W. Pedigree of Rhodes of New Zealand, 4to. 
 Sheffield, 1865 
 HUBBACK, John. A treatise on the Evidence of Succession to 
 Property and Peerages, 8vo. .... Lond. 1844 
 HUBBAED, J. el. Allhallows the Great. Account of the parish, 
 with notices of the ancient Charitable Gifts therein, 8vo. 
 ib. 1843 
HUB HUG 327 
 HUBBARD, William. Pages i. xvii., 3 14, and 669676, for 
 insertion in Hub bard's History of New England, 8vo. n.p. 1878 
 Augustus mannorstatue des Berliner Museums. Programm, 
 &c. 4to Berlin, 1868 
 Noticias Archeologicas de Portugal, traduzidas por A. 
 Soromenho, 4to. ...... Lisbon, 1871 
 Second copy. 
 Bildniss ciner Romerin, marmorbiiste des Brittischen Mu- 
 seums (Die sogenannte Clytia). Programm, &c. 4to. 
 Berlin, 1873 
 Inscriptiones Britanniae Latinae, Fol. Two copies. . ib. 1873 
 Die Heilquelle von Umeri, silberschale aus Castro Urdiales 
 bei Santander, 4to. . . . . ... ib. 1874 
 Quaestiones Onomatologicae Latinae I. 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 Zum " Bildniss einer Romerin," der Sogenannten Clytia- 
 biiste, 4to ib. 1874 
 Additamenta ad Corporis (Inscriptionum Latinarum) 
 Volumen II. 8vo ib. 1876 
 Inscriptiones Britanniae Christianae. Accedit Supplemen- 
 tum Inscriptionum Christianarum Hispanise, 4to. 
 Berlin and Lond. 1876 
 Report of Members' Excursion, 1868, 8vo. . Huddersfield, 1868 
 Report of the Excursion to Wakefield, 8vo. . Wakefield, 1869 
 HUDDERSFORD, William. Lives of J. Leland, T. Hearne, and 
 Anthony a Wood, 2 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1772 
 HUDSON, F. The Brasses of Northamptonshire, fol. . Lond. 1852 
 HUDSON, J. W. The History of Adult Education, 8vo. . ib. 1851 
 HUET, P. D., Bishop of Avranches. Huetiana, ou Pensees diverses 
 12mo Paris, 1722 
 HUGHES, John. The Boscobel Tracts relating to the Escape of 
 Charles the Second after the Battle of Worcester, &c. 
 Second edition. ( Woolfe Coll.) 8vo. Edinburgh and Lond. 1857 
 HUGHES, Joseph. The History of the Township of Meltham, 
 near Huddersfield. Edited by C. H. 8vo. Huddersfield, 1866 
 HUGHES, Thomas. 
 On some Anglo-Saxon Coins discovered in the foundations 
 of St. John's Church, Chester, 8vo; (Vol. " Numismatic 
 Tracts") Chester, 1864 
 Chester in its Early Youth ; or the Colony of Deva, &c. 8vo. 
 ib. 1876 
 Handbook to Chester and its Environs, 8vo. . . ib. 
 HUGHES, Thomas Smart. 
 Mors Nelsoni, Ode Latina, &c. (Bound with Fosbrooke's 
 " Economy ") n.p. n.d. 
 On the Greek Revolution, 8vo. (Tracts 128) . Lond. 1823 
 Speech on the Queen's Marriage, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) . ib. 1840 
 The " Times " Testimonial, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) . . ib. 1841 
328 HUG HUM 
 HUGHSON, David. 
 History of London, 6 vols. 8vo Lond. 1806 
 Walks through London, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1817 
 HUGO, Thomas. 
 Memoir of Gundulph, Bishop of Rochester, 1077-1108, 8vo. 
 ib. 1853 
 Letter to the late Members of the British Archaeological 
 Association, in answer to a Pamphlet of Mr. T. Pettigrew, 
 8vo. (Tracts 86) ib. 1855 
 Charters and other Archives of Cleeve Abbey, Somerset- 
 shire, 8vo ib. 1857 
 Memoir of Crosby Place, Bishopsgate Street, 8vo. . . 1857 
 Primaeval Middlesex, 8vo. ...... ib. 1857 
 Walks in the City. No. 1, Bishopsgate Ward, 8vo. (Tracts 11) 
 ib. 1857 
 Memoir of Muchelney Abbey, Somersetshire, 8vo. Taunton, 1859 
 The Bewick Collector, Descriptive Catalogue of the Works 
 of T. and J. Bewick, imp. 8vo. . . . Lond. 18G6 
 Supplement, imp. 8vo. .... 1868 
 A Calendar of Records relating to West Hackney, Middle- 
 sex, 8vo. ...... Stoke Newington, 1872 
 The History of Eagle, in the county of Lincoln, a Com- 
 mandery of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1876 
 Application of Gothic Architecture to Civil and Domestic 
 Purposes (a Lecture), 8vo. ...... 
 Architectural Restorations (a Lecture), 8vo. 
 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Abstract of Proceedings, No. 1. 
 8vo New York, [1884] 
 HULBERT, C. A. Annals of the Church and Parish of Almond- 
 bury, Yorks, 8vo Lond. 1882 
 HULLMANDEL, C. Improvements in Lithography, 8vo. (Tracts 14) 
 ib. 1829 
 HULME, F. E. The Town, College, and Neighbourhood of Marl- 
 borough, 8vo ib. 1881 
 HULOET, Richard. Dictionaire (English-Latin and French), 
 newly enlarged by J. Higgins, fol. . . . . ib. 1572 
 HUMBERT, J. E. Notice sur quatre Cippes Sepulcraux et deux 
 fragments decouverts, en 1817, sur le Sol de 1'Ancienne 
 Carthage, fol The Hague, 1821 
 HUMBOLDT, Alexander von, Baron. 
 Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des Peuples indigenes 
 de 1'Amerique, fol Paris, 1810 
 Cosmos : sketch of a physical description of the Universe. 
 Translated under the superintendence of Lt. Col. E. 
 Sabine. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1849 
 HUME, Abraham. 
 Antiquities found at Hoylake, in Cheshire, 8vo. (Tracts 70) 
 ib. 1847 
 The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United 
 Kingdom, 8vo. ib. 1847 
HUM HUN 329 
 HUME, Abraham continued. 
 Sir Hugh of Lincoln, or an examination of a tradition 
 respecting the Jews, 8vo. (Tracts 112) . . Lond. 1849 
 Condition of Liverpool, religious and social, 8vo. (Tracts 
 112) Liverpool, 1858 
 Documents connected with the Donation of a Library, by 
 W. Brown, Esq., M.P. to Liverpool, 8vo. (Tracts 112) ib. 1858 
 Remarks on Census of Religious Worship, 8vo. (Tracts 
 112). Lond. and Liverpool, 1860 
 Ceremonies on Opening the Free Library, 8vo. (Tracts 112) 
 Liverpool, 1861 
 Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather, 8vo. ib. 1863 
 Ancient Meols, or some account of Antiquities found near 
 Dove Point, Cheshire, Roy. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1863 
 HUME, David. History of England from Julius Caesar to the 
 Revolution in 1688, 8 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1796-97 
 HUME, J. B. Abstract of Statement by, as Secretary to the 
 Royal Mint Commission, fol. . . . . ib. n.d. 
 HUMPHREYS, David. Account of the Society for the Propagation 
 of the Gospel, 8vo. . . . . . ' . ib. 1730 
 HUMPHREYS, H. Noel. A History of the Art of Printing from its 
 invention to the middle of the 16th century, fol. Plates. 
 ib. 1867 
 HUMPHRY, G. M. Guide to Cambridge : the town, university, 
 and colleges, 8vo. ..... Cambridge [1883] 
 HUNGARIAN BOOKS. [Chiefly the publications of the Hungarian 
 Academy of Sciences, at Budapesth.] 
 Brongthon, Thomas. Lexicon Religionum Historicutn. 
 (Hungarice). 3 vols. 8vo. . . Komdromban, 1792-93 
 P. Gego Elek. A'Moldvai Magyar Telepekrol, 8vo. Suda, 1838 
 Tortenettudomanyi Palyamunkak. Kiadja a' Magyar 
 Tudds Tarsasag, vols. i. and ii., 8vo. . . ib. 1841-42 
 A' Magyar Nyelv' Rendszere. (Kozre Bocsata a' Magyar 
 Tudds Tarsasag. II. Kiadas.) 8vo. . . . ib. 1847 
 Magyar Tortenelmi Tar, vols. 1-8, 15-25, 8vo. . Pesth, 1855-78 
 Erdy Janos. Erdelyben Talalt Viaszos Lapok. (De Tabulis 
 Ceratis in Traiissilvania repertis.) 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 Hunfalvy, Janos. Magyar Laszld Delafrikai Levelei e*s 
 Napldkivonatai, 8vo. ...... ib. 1857 
 Kiss Karoly. Hunyadi Janos Utolsd Hadjarata, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 Monumenta Hungariee Historica. Diplomataria, vols. 1-7, 
 12-17, 19-25, 8vo ib. 1857-75 
 Scriptores, vols. 1-6, 9, 14, 20-22, 25-32, 
 8vo ib. 1857-75 
 Knauz "Nandor. Az Orszagos Tandcs es Orszaggyiilesek 
 Tortenete 1445-1452, 8vo ib. 1859 
 Magyar Laszlo Delafrikai Utazasai 1849-57. Evekben. (A 
 Magy. Tudom. Akad. Megbizasabdl. Ellatta Hunfalvy 
 Janos.) Vol. i., 8vo ib. 1859 
 Archaeologiai Kozlemenyek. (Memoires Archeologiques.) 
 Vol. i., etc. In progress ib. 1859, etc. 
330 HUN HUN 
 HUNGARIAN BOOKS continued. 
 Magyar Akademiai Ertesitd. A Nyelv-es Szeptudomanyi 
 Osztaly Kozlonye, 8vo Pesth, 1860 
 Magyar Akademiai Ertesito. A Philosophiai, Torveny-es 
 Tortenettudomanyi Osztalyok Kozlonye. Vol. i., 8vo. ib. 1860 
 Magyar Akademiai Ertesito. A Mathematikai es Terme- 
 szettudomanyi Osztalyok Kozlonye. Ed. Gyory Sandor. 
 Vol. i., 8vo . . . ib. 1860 
 Magyar Leveies Tar, vol. i., 8vo. . . . ib. 1861 
 Statistikai Kozlemenyek, vol. i., 8vo. . . . ib. 1861 
 Budapesti Szemle. Szerkeszti es kiardja Csengery Antal, 
 vols. 14 and 15., 8vo. . . . ' . . . ib. 1869 
 Knauz Nandor. II. Endre Szabadsaglevelei, 8vo. . ib. 1869 
 Ribary Ferencztol. Babylonia es Assyria, Svo. . . ib. 1869 
 Romer Fldris. Rath Karoly M. Akad. Tag Emlekezete, 
 8vo. . ib. 1869 
 Salamon Ferencz. Rendi Orszaggyiilesemk Jellemzesehez, 
 8vo ib. 1869 
 Sfcatiszfcikai es Nemzetgazdasagi Kozlemenyek. Szerkeszti 
 Keleti Karoly. Vols. 6-8, 8vo. . . . ib. 1869-71 
 Torok-Magyarkori Emlekek. Okmanytar. Vols. 4-7, and 
 9, 8vo. ... . . . . ib. 1869-72 
 Magyarorszag Helyrajzi Tort^nete. Irta Rupp Jakab, 
 Vol.i., 8vo ib. 1870 
 Szilagyi Ferencz. Zilah Tortenelniebol, 8vo. . . ib. 1870 
 Magyar Tudom Akademiai Al-manach, 1870-1872, 1874, 
 etc. In progress. Svo. . . . . . ib. 1870, etc. 
 Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Ertesitqje, vols. 4, 5, 8-16. 
 and 1884 (Nos. 1 and 2), 8vo 1870-84 
 Archivum Rakoczianum. II. Rakoczi Ferencz Leveltara. 
 II. Osztaly : Diplomatia. Vols. 1-9, 8vo. Budapesth, 1871-83 
 Hnnfalvy Janos. Jelentes az Antwerpiaban, 1871, J.K. fivi 
 Augustus, 13-22 ^IG Tartott, Svo. . . . Pesth, 1872 
 Wenzel Gusztav. Nyitra Varmegyenek XV. Szazadbeli 
 Vamhelyei, 8vo ib. 1872 
 Itlustrirter Fiihrer in der Miinz- und Alterthumsabtlieilung 
 des ungarisclien National-Museums, 8vo. . . ib. 1873 
 firtekezesek a Tortenelmi Tudomanyok Korebol. Ed. 
 Fraknoi Vilmos, and Pesty Frigyes (vol. 8). Vols. 3-8, 
 Svo. Budapesth, 1873-80 
 Hazai es Kiilfoldi Folydiratok Magyar Tudomanyos Reper- 
 tdriuma. Tortenelem es Annak Segedtudomanyai. 
 Keszitette Szinnyei Jozsef. Vol. i., 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 Nev-fis Targymutato a Torok-Magyarkori Allamokmanytar 
 I.-VII. Koteteihez. Kiadtak Szilady Aron es Szilagyi 
 Sandor, Svo ib. 1874 
 Monumenta Hungariee Arclaaeologica. Magyarorszagi Reges- 
 zeti Emlekek, vols. 3 and 4, each in 2 parts, 4to. ib. 1874-80 
 Nev-es Targymutato a Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia 
 Ertesitojenek I.-VIII. ^vfolyamahoz (1867-1874), Svo. 
 ib. 1875 
HUN HUN 331 
 HUNGARIAN BOOKS continued. 
 Jegyzeke A. M. Tud. Akademia Altai Kiadott Konyveknek, 
 1875, 8vo Budapest^, n.d. 
 [Catalogue general des ouvrages publics par 1'Academie 
 Hongroise des Sciences.] 
 Hampel, Joseph. Catalogue de 1'Exposition Prehistorique 
 arrangee a 1'occasion de la YIII eme session du Congres 
 International d'Archeologie et d'Anthropologie Pre- 
 historiques a Budapest, 8vo. . . . . . ib 1876 
 Kortnn. Hazai Tortenelmiinkhoz Alkalmazva. Irta Knauz 
 Nandor, 4to ib. 1870 
 Archaeologiai firtesito, vol. 10, etc., 8vo. In progress, ib. 18 % 76, etc. 
 A Szorenyi Bansag es Szoreny Varmegye Tortenete. Irta 
 Pesty Frigyes. (Kiadja a M. Tud. Akad. Tortenelmi 
 Bizottsaga.) Vols. i.-iii., 8vo. . ... ib. 1877-78 
 Literarische Berichte aus Ungarn. Herausgegeben von 
 Paul Hunfalvy, vols. 1-4, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877-80 
 Ertekezesek a Tarsadalmi Tudomanyok Korebol. Ed. 
 Frakndi Yilmos and Pesty Frigyes, vols. 4-6, 8vo. ib. 1878-81 
 Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Magyar Tb'rtenelm 
 Emlekek. Anjoukori Okrnanytar. (1301-39.) Ed. 
 Nagy Imre, 3 vols. 8vo. .... ib. 1878-83 
 Az Eltiint Regi Varmegyek. Ed. Pesty Frigyes. (Kiadja 
 a Mag. Tud. Akad. Tortenelmi Bizottsaga.) Vois. i. and 
 ii., 8vo. . ib. 1880 
 Torma Karoly. Bepertorium ad literaturam Daciae archaeo- 
 logicam et epigraphicam, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1880 
 6 sz. VII. evfolyam. 1880. Erdelyi Muzeum. Ed. Finaly 
 Henrik, 8vo. ......... n.p. 
 Monumenta Hungariae ArchaBologica ^Evi Proehistorici. Az 
 Aggteleki Barlang mint Oskori Temeto. Irta Baro 
 Nyary Jeno. Fol ib. 1881 
 Ungarische Revue, mit Unterstiitzung der Ungariscben 
 Akademie der Wissenschaf ten . Herausgegeben von Paul 
 Hunfalvy und Gustav Heinrich, 8vo. In progress. 
 Leipsic and Budapesfh, 1881, etc. 
 Kb'rosi, Jozsef. Budapest Nemzetisegi Allapota es Magya- 
 rosodasa, 8vo. ...... Budapesth, 1882 
 Magyarorszag Regi Vizrajza a xiii-ik Szazad Yegeig. Irta 
 Dr. Ortvay Tivadar. (Kiadja a M. Tud. Akad. Torten- 
 elmi Bizottsaga.) 2 vols. 8vo 1882 
 A Magyarorszagi Yarispansagok Tortenete Kiilonosen a 
 XIII. Szazadban. Ed. Pesty Frigyes. (Kiadja a Mag. 
 Tud. Akad. Tortenelmi Bizottsaga.) 8vo. ' . . ib. 1882 
 A Magyarok Eredete Ethnologiai Tanulmany. Irta Vam- 
 bery Armin, 8vo. . ib. 1882 
 Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Diplomataria. Magyar 
 Tortenelmi Emlekek. I. Osztaly, 8vo. . . . ib. 1882 
 A szeged-othalmi asatasokrol. [Four Papers, I.-IY.] Irta 
 Lenbossek Jozsef. (A. M. Tud. Akad. III. Osztalyanak 
 Kulon Kiadvanya, 1881, 1.) 4to. . . . ib. 1882 
332 HUN HUN 
 HUNGARIAN BOOKS continued. 
 Wenzel Gusztav. A Fuggerek Jelentbsege Magyarorszag 
 Torteneteben, 8vo. . ' . . . . Budapest, 1882 
 Deak Farkas. A Bujdosok Leveltara, 8vo. . . ib. 1883 
 Ertekezesek a Nemzetgazdasagtan es Statisztika Kbrebb'l, 
 [Vol. i., No. 10.] A Kb'zsegi Penziigy fobb eredmenyei 
 hazankban. Irta Dr. Jekelfalussy Jozsef, 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 A Rezkor Magyarorszagban. Irta Dr. Pulszky Ferencz. 
 (Kiadja a M. Tad. Akademia Archaeologiai Bizottsaga.) 
 4to. ib. 1883 
 Finaly Henrik. Az Okori Sulyokrdl es Mertekekrbl, 8vo. ib. 1883 
 Dr. Foldes Bela. Nemzetgazdasagi es Statiszfcikai Evkonyv, 
 1883, 8vo ib. 1883 
 Kallay Beni. Magyarorszag a Kelet es a Nyugot Hataran, 
 8vo. ib. 1883 
 Dr. Karolyi Arpad. Illeshazj Istvan Hiitlensegi Pore, 
 8vo ib. 1883 
 Levelek es Okiratok I. Rakdczy Gyorgy (1631-48). Ed. 
 Szilagyi Sandor, 8vo ib. 1883 
 Monumonta Hungarige Archgeologica ^Ivi Medii. A Nagy- 
 szebeni es a Szekesfehervari Regi Templom. Irtak 
 Reissenberger Lajos es Henszlmann Imre. (Kiadja a M. 
 Tud. Akad. Archseologiai Bizottsaga.) 4to. . . ib. 1883 
 Bulletins de 1'Academie Rationale Hongroise des Sciences. 
 I., etc. In progress. 8vo. . . . Florence, 1884, etc. 
 Monnmenta Hungariee Archgeologica ^Bvi Praehistorici. A 
 Keszthelyi Sirmezok. Irta Dr. Lipp Yilmos. Folio. 
 Budapest^ 1884 
 Arcnaeologiai Ertesito. Szerkeszti Hampel Jozsef. In 
 progress. 4vo. ...... ib. 1885, etc. 
 HUNGURVAKA, Pals Biskups saga, et Patts af Thorvalldi Yidforla, 
 8vo. ........ Copenhagen, 1778 
 Records of the First Church in Charlestown, Mass., 1632- 
 1789, 4to Boston, 1880 
 The Imperial Island, England's Chronicle in Stone, 8vo. 
 Boston (U.S.A.'), 1886 
 HUNT, George. 
 Specimens of Lithography as applied to Eastern Literature, 
 4to ' Lond. 1819 
 Himyaric Inscriptions, 8vo. (Tracts 65) . . Plymouth, 1848 
 HUNT, Henry. History of the Parish of Christ Church, Surrey, 
 8vo Lond. 1830 
 HUNT, James. 
 On the Study of Anthropology, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . ib. 1863 
 Anniversary Addresses (Anthropological Society) ib. 1864-66 
 HUNT, Robert. Synopsis of the contents of the Great Exhibi- 
 tion of 1851. Fourth edition, 8vo . . . . ib. 1851 
 HUNTER, Joseph. 
 Who wrote. Cavendish's Life of Wolsey ? 8vo. . . .ib. 1814 
HUN HUT 333 
 HUNTER, Joseph. continued. 
 Hallamshire. The History of Sheffield, fol. . Lond. 1819 
 New edition. With Notices of Ecclesfield, 
 Hansworth, Treeton, and Whiston, and of the Chapelry 
 of Bradfield. By Alfred Gatty . Lond. and Sheffield, 1869 
 South Yorkshire. The History of the Deanery of Don- 
 caster, 2 vols. fol Lond. 1828-31 
 On English Monastic Libraries, 4to ib. 1831 
 Letter to P. F. Tytler, on the evidence given by him 
 respecting publication of Records, 8vo. . . . ib. 1837 
 Catalogues of the Red Book of the Exchequer, the Dods- 
 worth MS. and the MS. in Lincoln's Inn, 8vo. . . ib. 1838 
 Two days' Sojourn at Oberwesel, 8vo. (Tracts 75) . . 1847 
 History and topography of Ketteringham, 4to. . Norwich, 1851 
 The Founders of New Plymouth, 8vo. . . Lond. 1854 
 Brief Memoir of Joseph Hunter, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . ib. 1861 
 HUNTER, B. E. A Description of the Isle of Thanet, intended 
 as a Directory for the company resorting to Ramsgate, 
 Margate, and Broadstairs, 12mo. . . Ramsgate, 1806 
 HUNTERIAN CLUB. No. XLI. Fourth year (1874-5). A Theatre 
 of Scottish Worthies ; and the Lyf, Doings, and Deathe 
 of William Elphinston, Bishop of Aberdeen. By A. 
 Garden, 1619-26. [Privately printed.'] 4to. Edinburgh, 1878 
 HUNTINGFORD, G. I. (Bishop). Sermon to Humane Society, 
 April 24th, 1803, 8vo. (Tracts 140) . . . Lond. 1803 
 HUNTLEY, R. W. A Glossary of the Cotswold (Gloucester- 
 shire) Dialect, 12mo ib. 1868 
 Emblems of Saints, by which they are distinguished in 
 works of art, 8vo ib. 1850 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1860 
 Third edition. Edited by A. Jessopp, 8vo. 
 Norwich, 1882 
 HUSSEY, R. C. Excerpta e Compoto ThesaurariaB Monasterii 
 Sancti Augustini extra muros Cantuariae, A.D. 1432. 
 Accedunt Compoti quidam Willielmi Chert, Custodis 
 Collegii Cantuariensis Oxoniae, A.D. 1395-6-7, 8vo. Lond. 1881 
 HUSSEY, Robert. On the Roman Road from Allchester to Dor- 
 chester, 8vo Oxford, 1841 
 HUTCHESSON, M. An Introduction to the Charter of Wisbeach, 
 4to. (Tracts 13) Wisbeach, 1791 
 History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, 2 vols. fol. 
 Lond. 1774 
 Third edition, 4 vols. fol. Westminster, 1861-67 
 HUTCHINSON, Francis. An Historical Essay concerning Witch- 
 craft, 8vo Lond. 1718 
 HUTCHINSON, P. O. Report on Tumuli or Barrows near Sid- 
 mouth, Devon, 8vo Sidmouth, 1880 
 HUTCHINSON, T. J. Two Years in Peru, with Exploration of its 
 Antiquities, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1873 
334 HUT IHE 
 HUTCHINSON, William. 
 Excursion to the Lakes in Westmoreland and Cumberland, 
 8vo Land. 1776 
 View of Northumberland, with an Excursion to Mailross 
 Abbey, 4to Newcastle, 1778 
 The History and Antiquities of Durham, 3 vols. 4to. ib. 1785-94 
 History of Cumberland, and some places adjacent, 2 vols. 
 4to Carlisle, 1794 
 HUTCHISON, M. B. Memorials of the Abbey of Dundrennan, 
 4to . Exeter, 1857 
 History and Restoration of St. Mary, Callington, 4to. Lond. 1861 
 HUTH, A. H. The Huth Library. A Catalogue of the Printed 
 Books, Manuscripts, &c., collected by Henry Huth, 5 vols. 
 4to ib. 1880 
 HUTTEN, Ulrich. Of the Woode called Guaiaeum, that healeth 
 the Frenche Pockes, and also helpeth the Goute in the 
 feete, &c. Translated by T. Paynel. ib. (Berthelet), 1536 
 HUTTON, William. 
 History of Birmingham, 8vo. . . . Birmingham, 1781 
 The History of the Roman Wall. Second edition, 8vo. ib. 1813 
 HUTSHE, Francis. Specimen of intended publication on the dis- 
 puted passage, 1 John, v. 7, 8, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1827 
 HWIID, A. C. [Libellus Criticus] de indole codicis MS. Grseci 
 Novi Test, bibliothecee Csesareo Windobonensis Lambecii 
 xxxiv. 8vo. ....... Havnioe, 1785 
 HYAM, S. J. Charitable Benefactions belonging to the Parish 
 of Christ Church, Spitalfields, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1866 
 HYDE, Thomas. Syntagma Dissertationum. Edited by G. 
 Sharpe, 2 vols. 4to Oxford, 1767 
 HYETT, W. A Description of the Watering Places on the 
 South East Coast of Devon, from the Exe to the Dart, 
 comprehending Dawlish, Teignmouth, Shaldon, and 
 Torquay, 8vo. ....... Exeter, n.d. 
 HYPERIDES. Two Orations. Edited by Joseph Arden, 4to. 
 Cambridge, 1853 
 IBBETSON, James. On the Folclande and Boclande of the 
 Saxons, 4to. (Tracts 13) .... Lond. 1777 
 IBN BATUTA, Travels of. Translated by S. Lee, 4to. . ib. 1829 
 Catalog over Island's Stiftsbibliothek, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1828 
 Skyrsla um Forngripasafn Islands i Reykjavik. 1. 1863-66. 
 8vo ib. 1868 
 ICELANDIC POETRY, or the Edda of Saemund. Translated into 
 English verse by A. S. Cottle, 8vo. . . Bristol, 1797 
 IDMAN, Fils. Recherches sur 1'Ancien Peuple Finois, traduit 
 par Genet fils. 12mo. .... Strasburg, 1778 
 IHRE, Joh. Glossarium Suiogothicum. 2 vols. in 1, fol. Upsal, 1769 
ILL IND 335 
 ILLINGWORTH, Cayley. Account of the Parish of Scampton, co. 
 Lincoln, and of the Roman Antiquities discovered there, 
 4to 1808 
 IMAGINATION. Travels of the, by J. M., 12mo. (Tracts 151) 
 Lond. 1773 
 IMBER, Matthew. Customs of Manor of Merdon, in Hurseley, 
 co. Hants, 12mo ib. 1707 
 IMHOP, J. G. Recherches Historiques et Genealogiques des 
 Grands d'Espagne. 12mo. . . . Amsterdam, 1707 
 Excellentium Familiarum in Gallia Genealogise, fol. 
 Nuremberg, 1687 
 Notitia S. Rom. Germanici Imperii Procerum. Editio 
 quarta, fol. ....... Stuttgart, 1699 
 Historia Italias et Hispaniae Genealogica, exhibens Stemma 
 Desiderianum, fol. ..... Nuremberg, 1701 
 Corpus Historic Genealogicee Italiae et Hispaniae, fol. 
 (Bound with the preceding} ..... ib. 1702 
 INCHIQUIN, Lucius, Baron of. Evidence on his Petition, claiming 
 a right to vote at the Elections of Representative Peers 
 for Ireland, fol ib. 1861 
 INDAGINE, Joannes de. Introductiones Apotelesmaticae Elegantes 
 in Chyromantiam Physiognomiam, &c., 12mo. . . n.p. n.d. 
 INDEX SOCIETY. Publications, 4to. 
 I. What is an Index ? A few Notes on Indexes and 
 Indexers. By H. B. Wheatley 1879 
 II. An Index of the Names of the Royalists whose Estates 
 were confiscated during the Commonwealth. With a 
 Reprint of the Three Confiscation Acts of 1651 and 1652. 
 Compiled by Mabel G. W. Peacock . ... 1879 
 III. Index of Municipal Offices. With an Historical Intro- 
 duction. By G. L. Gomme ...... 1879 
 IV. Report of the First Annual Meeting. To which are 
 added : 1. Marriage between near Kin, by A. H. Huth. 
 2. Titles of Sovereigns of England, by W. De G. Birch. 
 3. Portraits in the " European Magazine," " London 
 Magazine," and " Register of the Times," by E. Solly. 
 4. Index of Obituary Notices for 1878 . . . 1879 
 Index of the Styles of Titles of Sovereigns of England. 
 By W. De G. Birch, 8vo Lond. 1879 
 V. An Index of Hereditary English, Scottish, and Irish 
 Titles of Honour. Compiled by E. Solly . . . 1880 
 Second Annual Report of the Council, 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 VI. Index to Trevelyan's Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. 
 (Cabinet Edition, 1878.) By Percival Clark, 4to. . ib. 1881 
 VII. Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the Society. 
 To which are added : 1. Indexes of Portraits (Brit. Gal- 
 lery, Jerdan, Knight, and Lodge). 2. Index of Abridg- 
 ments of Patents. 3. Index of Obituary Notices for 
 187 . 1880 
336 IND ING 
 INDEX SOCIETY continued. 
 VIII. Guide to the Literature of Botany; being a classified 
 selection of Botanical Works, including nearly 6,000 
 titles not given in Pritzel's " Thesaurus." By B. D. 
 Jackson .......... 1881 
 IX. Index of Obituary Notices for the year 1880 . . 1882 
 X. An Index to Norfolk Topography. By W. Rye . . 1881 
 XI. Vegetable Technology, with a comprehensive Subject- 
 Index. By B. D. Jackson, founded upon the Collections 
 of G. J. Symons 1882 
 XII. Index of Obituary Notices, 1881, 4to. . Lond. 1883 
 XIII. Index to English- Speaking Students who have 
 graduated at Leyden University. By E. Peacock, 8vo. ib. 1883 
 XIV. Index of Obituary Notices, 1882 . . . . 1884 
 Index to the Biographical and Obituary Notices in the 
 Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1780. By R. H. 
 Farrar. Part I. A to Gi. Sm. 4to. . . . ib. 1886 
 Occasional Indexes. 
 I. Index to Engravings in the Proceedings of the Society 
 of Antiquaries. By E. Peacock 1885 
 The Law relating to India and the East India Company, 
 4to. ... .... Lond. 1855 
 Distribution of Stone Implements in Southern India, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95**) ib. 1868 
 Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. II. List of 
 Inscriptions and Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern 
 India. Compiled by R. Sewell. 4to. . . Madras, 1884 
 INDIAN MUSEUM. Catalogue and Hand-Book of the Archaeo- 
 logical Collections. By John Anderson. Part 1, 2, 8vo. 
 Calcutta, 1883 
 tage of Sakya Muni. By Rajendralala Mitra. 4to. ib. 1878 
 INDIAN RECORDS, with a Commercial View of the relations 
 between the British Government and the Nawabs Nazim 
 of Bengal, Behar and Orissa. 8vo. . . Lond. 1870 
 INGHAM, Alfred. A History of Altrincham and Bowdon, with 
 an Account of the Barony and House of Dunham, 4to. 
 Altrincham, 1879 
 INGHIRAMI, Curzio. Etruscarum Antiquitatum Fragmenta, 4to. 
 Frankfort, 1637 
 The Shakspeare Fabrications, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1859 
 A complete view of the Shakspeare Controversy, 8vo. ib. 1861 
 Was Thomas Lodge an Actor ? An Exposition touching 
 the Playwright in the time of Queen Elizabeth, 4to. ib. 1868 
 INGLEDEW, C. J. D. History of North Allerton, co. York, 8vo. 
 ib. 1858 
 INGLIS, Sir R. H. Two Speeches on the Roman Catholic Ques- 
 tion, 8vo. ib. 1828 
ING IRE 337 
 INGRAM, James. 
 An Inaugural Lecture on the Utility of the Anglo-Saxon 
 Literature ; to which is added the Geography of Europe 
 by King Alfred, including his Account of the Discovery 
 of the North Cape, in the Ninth Century, 4to. Oxford, 1807 
 Memorials of Oxford, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1837 
 Memorials of Codford St. Mary, co. Wilts, 8vo. (Tracts 34) 
 ib. 1844 
 INNES, Cosmo. Scotland in the Middle Ages, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1860 
 INNS OP COURT. History and Antiquities of, 8vo. . Lond. 1780 
 INSCRIPTIONES LATINS in terris Nassoviensibus repertee. (Bound 
 with " Lersch's Inscriptions.") 8vo. . Wiesbaden, 1855 
 INTERLUDES, Two. Jacke Jugeler and Godly Queene Hester. 
 Edited by A. B. Grosart. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo. 
 Blackburn, 1872 
 INTRODUCTIO quaedam utilissima sive Vocabularius quattuor 
 linguarum latine Italice Gallice et Alamanice, 4to. 
 Augsburg, 1516 
 INVISIBLE World, A View of the, or General History of 
 Apparitions. Woodcuts. 8vo. . . , Lond. 1752 
 INWARDS, Richard. The Temple of the Andes, 4to. . . ib. 1884 
 INWOOD, Henry William. The Erectheion at Athens. Frag- 
 ments of Athenian Architecture, &c. Plates. Atlas fol. 
 ib. 1827 
 IONA CLUB. Transactions, Yol. i. Parts 1 and 2, 8vo (Tracts 
 82) Edinburgh, 1834-35 
 IPSWICH, Descriptive Handbook of. The River Orwell, 
 Harwich, Dovercourt, and Felixstow. 12mo. Ipswich, 1864 
 IPSWICH and the County of Suffolk, Thirteen Acts relative to, 
 fol ' . . . . Lond. 1802-41 
 IRBT, C. L. and MANGLES, James. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, 
 Syria, and Asia Minor, 1817 and 1818, 8vo. . . ib. 1823 
 A Collection of Horrid Murders committed in Ireland, 
 since 1641, 4to. (Tracts 68*) ib. 1679 
 Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, 8vo. Dublin, 1778 
 The Scientific Tourist through Ireland. By an Irish Gentle- 
 man. (A Sequel to" The Scientific Tourist through Eng- 
 land, Wales, and Scotland," by T. Walford, Esq.) 12mo. 
 Lond. 1818 
 Notes of a Journey in the North of Ireland in 1827. To 
 which is added a brief account of the Siege of London- 
 derry in 1689. 8vo ib. 1828 
 Handbook for Travellers in Ireland. Second edition. 8vo. 
 ib. (Murray), 1866 
 Ireland Ninety Years Ago. New edition of " Ireland Sixty 
 Years Ago." 8vo Dublin, 1876 
 Ancient Laws of. Senchus Mor. Vols. i. and ii. 8vo. 
 Dublin and Lond. 1865-69 
 Brehon Law Tracts. Vol. iv. Dublin, 1879 
338 IRE IRI 
 IRELAND continued. 
 Affairs of. A Declaration of both Houses of Parliament. 
 London, 1641. [Reprint.'] Sm. 4to. . . Dublin, 1879 
 A Declaration of the Lords and Commons con- 
 cerning the present Lamentable Estate and Miserable 
 Condition of Ireland, 16 June, 1643. London, 1643. 
 [Reprint.'] Sm. 4to [ib. 1879] 
 A History or Brief e Chronicle of the Chief e 
 Matters of the Irish Warres. 1 Aug., 1649, to 26 July, 
 1650. London, 1650. [Reprint.] Sm. 4to. . . [ib.'] n.d. 
 The Protestation of the Archbishops and Bishops. 
 [26 Nov., 1626.] London, 1641. [Reprint.] Sm. 4to. [ib. 1879] 
 Inscriptions in the Irish Language. Chiefly collected and 
 drawn by G. Petrie. Edited by M. Stokes. Pts. i., ii., 
 4to ib. 1870, 1871 
 Proof-sheets of the concluding portion, 
 4to ib. 
 IRELAND, John. The Plague of Marseilles in 1720, 4to. Lond. 1834 
 IRELAND, Samuel. Picturesque Views, with an Historical 
 Account of the Inns of Court, in London and West- 
 minster, 4to ib. 1800 
 IRELAND, William, PICKERING, Thomas, and GROVE, John. Trials 
 of, fol. . . . . . . . . ib. 1678 
 IRELAND, W. H. A new and complete history of the County of 
 Kent. (Plates.) 4 vols. 8vo. . " . . . ib. 1828 
 IREN&US. Sancti Irenaei, Episcopi Lugdunensis, Libros quinque 
 adversus Haereses. Edidit W. W. Harvey. 2 Tom. 
 8vo. Cambridge, 1857 
 Transactions, 4to. In progress . . . Dublin, 1787, etc. 
 = ' Index, 4to. .... Lond. 1813 
 Proceedings, vols. i. to x. 8vo. . . . Dublin, 1837-69 
 Series II. In progress . . ib. 1870, etc. 
 Inaugural Address of Dr. J. H. Todd, 14th April, 1856, 8vo. 
 ib. 1856 
 Address, Nov. 30, 1870, by John H. Jellett,B.D., President, 
 8vo ib. 1870 
 Report of the Council, March 16, 1871, 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 Leabhar na H-Uidhri : A Collection of Pieces in Prose 
 and Verse in the Irish Language, compiled and trans- 
 cribed about A.D. 1100 by Moelmuiri Mac Ceileachair, &c. 
 Edited by J. T. Gilbert. Fol ib. 1870 
 Leabhar Breac, the Speckled Book, otherwise styled 
 Leabhar Mdr Diina Doighre, the Great Book of Dun 
 Doighre : A Collection of Pieces in Irish and Latin, fol. 
 ib. 1876 
 List of the Council and Officers and Members, 31st of 
 July, 1876, 8vo ib. 1876 
 Cunningham Memoirs, No. 1, 4to. * . . ib. 1880 
IRI IRI 339 
 Irish Manuscript Series. Vol. I. Part I. On the Calendar 
 of Oengus. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D. 4to. Dublin, 1830 
 Todd Lecture Series. Vol. II. Part I. Irish Lexico- 
 fraphy : an introductory Lecture. By Robert Atkinson, 
 vo. ib. 1885 
 Publications. 14 vols. sm. 4to. .... ib. 1841-5iJ 
 1. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. i. containing : (1) The 
 Circuit of Ireland, by Muircheartach MacNeill, Prince 
 of Aileach. Edited by John O'Donovan. (2) A Brife 
 Description made in the year 1589, by Robert Payne. 
 Edited by Aquilla Smith ' 1841 
 2. The Annals of Ireland. By James Grace, of Kilkenny. 
 Edited by Richard Butler ' 1841 
 3. The Battle of Magh Rath : An Ancient Historical Tale. 
 Edited by John O'Donovan 1842 
 4. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. ii. containing : (1) A 
 Treatise of Ireland, by John Dymmok. Edited by 
 Richard Butler. (2) The Annals of Multifernan. 
 Edited by Aquilla Smith. (3) A Statute passed at a 
 Parliament held at Kilkenny, A.D, 1367. Edited by 
 James Hardiman ........ 1842 
 5. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District 
 of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country, in the 
 Counties of Galway and Roscommon. Edited by John 
 O'Donovan 1843 
 6. The Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral of 
 the Holy Trinity, commonly called Christ Church, 
 Dublin. Edited by John Clarke Crosthwaite . . . 1843 
 7. Registrum Ecclesise Omnium Sanctorum juxta Dublin. 
 Edited by Richard Butler 1843 
 8. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District 
 of Hy-Fiachrach, in the Counties of Sligo and Mayo. 
 Edited by John O'Donovan 1844 
 9. A Description of West or H-Iar Connaught. By 
 Roderic 0' Flaherty, author of the Ogygia, written A.D. 
 1684. Edited by James Hardiman 1845 
 10. The Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society, 
 vol. i 1846 
 11. The Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius. 
 Edited by James Henthorn Todd 1848 
 12. The Annals of Ireland, by Friar John Clyn, of 
 Kilkenny, and Thady Dowling, of Leighlin. Edited by 
 Richard Butler 1849 
 13. Macariee Excidium, the Destruction of Cyprus : being 
 a Secret History of the Civil War in Ireland under 
 James II., by Colonel Charles O'Kelly. Edited by John 
 C. O'Callaghan 1850 
 14. Acts of Archbishop Col ton in his Visitation of the 
 Diocese of Derry, A.D. 1397. Edited by William 
 Reeves i \ \ \ \ \ . . . . 1850 
340 IRI IT A 
 15. The History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly 
 called the Down Survey, by Dr. William Petty, A.D. 
 1655-56. Edited by T. A. Larcom 1851 
 Publications, 4 vols. sm. 4to. . . . Dublin, 1855-60 
 1. Liber Hymnorum : The Book of Hymns of the Ancient 
 Church of Ireland. Edited by James Henthorn Todd . 1855 
 2. Life of St. Columba. By Adamnan, Ninth Abbot of 
 Hy (lona). (The Latin Text from a MS. of the eighth 
 century.) Edited by William Reeves .... 1857 
 3. Irish Glosses ; a Mediaeval Tract of Latin Declension. 
 Edited by Whitley Stokes 1860 
 4. Three Fragments of Ancient Irish Annals. Edited by 
 John O'Donovan ........ 1860 
 7. Liber Hymnorum. Fasc. II. Edited by J. H. Todd. 
 4to. Dublin, 1869 
 8. Cormac's Glossary. Translated by J. O'Donovan. Ed- 
 ited by W. Stokes, 4to Calcutta, 1868 
 Prospectus, 8vo. (Tracts 106) n.p. 1857 
 IRISH SOCIETY, Report presented to the, 8vo. . . Lond. 1836 
 IRONMONGERS' HALL, Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of 
 Art exhibited at, May 1861, Parts i.-iii. 4to. . . ib. 1867 
 IRONSIDE, Edward. History of Twickenham, 4to. . . ib. 1797 
 IRVING, G. Y. On Treasure Trove, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . ib, 1859 
 IRVING, Joseph. The History of Dumbartonshire, second edition, 
 4to Dumbarton, 1860 
 ISAACSON, Henry. Saturni Ephemerides sive Tabula Historico- 
 Chronologica, containing a chronological series of the 
 foure Monarchyes, fol. ..... Lond. 1633 
 IREION sive ex veteris Monumenti Isiaci Descriptione, 4to. 
 (Tracts 19*) n.p. n.d. 
 ISHAM FAMILY Memoranda, 8vo. n.p. n.d. 
 ISHAM REPRINTS. Venus and Adonis ; The Passionate Pilgrime ;, written by Sir John Davies ; and certaine 
 of Ovid's Elegies, translated by Christopher Marlowe. 
 (All from the earliest editions.) Edited by C. Edmonds. 
 No. 13 of 131 copies only, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1870 
 Isis : Sive Isidis delubrum reseratum, 4to. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 ISLEIFI, Biskupi. Kristni Saga sive Historia Religionis Chris- 
 tiange in Islandiam introductse. (Two copies.) 8vo. 
 Hafnice, 1773 
 ISLEWORTH. Istleworth Syons Peace. Case between the Earl 
 of Northumberland and the Copyhold Tenants, 8vo. 
 Lond.. 1657 
 ISRAELITE. Apology of an Israelite, for not becoming a Christian, 
 12mo. (Tracts 152) Sidmouth, 1851 
 ITALIAN PAINTERS, Biographical Catalogue of, by a Lady. Ed- 
 ited by R. N. Wornum, 8vo Lond. 1855 
 A Handbook for travellers in Central Italy and Rome. 
 (Murray), 8vo. . , f , , ' f . ib. 1843 
ITA JAC 341 
 ITALY continued. 
 A Handbook for Travellers in Southern Italy and Naples. 
 By O. Blewitt. (Murray.) 8vo. . . . Lond. 1853 
 The character of Italy, or the Italian anatomized. By an 
 English Chyrurgion, 12mo ^6.1860 
 Correspondence respecting the Suppression of Ecclesiastical 
 Corporations in Italy, fol. (Tracts 157*) . . ib. 1866 
 Map of Italy, by D'Anville. Views and Plans of Venice 
 and Rome, ob. fol. 
 Kingdom of Italy. Ministry of Public Instruction. Sull r 
 Ordinamento del Servizio Archeologico. Seconda Rela- 
 zione del Direttore Generale delle Antichita e Belle Arti, 
 4to Rome, 1885 
 ITARD, E. M. An historic account of the discovery and educa- 
 tion of a Savage Man caught near Aneyron in 1798. 
 (Portrait.) 12mo ib. 1802 
 IVES, John. 
 Select Papers chiefly relating to English Antiquities, 4to 
 ib. 1773 
 On the Garianonum of the Romans, 8vo. . . Yarmouth, 1803 
 IZACKE, Richard. Antiquities of Exeter, 8vo. . . Lond. 1724 
 JABLONSKI, P. E. Pantheon ^gyptiorum, sive de Diis eorum 
 commentarius. Pars. 1-3, 8vo. Frankfort-am- Ode)-, 1750-52 
 JACKSON, G. F. Shropshire Word-Book, a Glossary of Archaic 
 and Provincial Words, &c., used in the county, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1879-81 
 The History of the Parish of Grittleton, Wilts, 4to. ib. 1843 
 Second copy. With appendix by J. Britton. 
 A Guide to Farleigh - Hungerf ord, co. Somerset, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 70) Taunton, 1853 
 Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 117*) . . 1860 
 Third edition, Svo. Lond. and Chippenham, 1879 
 History of the Church of St. Mary Magdalen, Doncaster, 
 fol . . Lancaster, 1853 
 Kingston House, Bradford, 4to. (Tracts 49) . Devizes^ 1854 
 Maud Heath's Causey, 4to. (Tracts 49) ... ib. 1854 
 Murder of Henry Long, Esq., A.D. 1594, 4to. (Tracts 49) ib. 1854 
 Hungerf ord Chapels in Salisbury Cathedral, 4to. (Tracts 49) 
 ib. 1855. 
 History of St. George's Church, Doncaster, fol. Doncatter, 1855 
 On the History of Chippenham, 4to. (Tracts 49) Devizes, 1856- 
 List of Wiltshire Sheriffs, 4to. (Tracts 49) . . ib. 1856 
 History of Longleat, 4to. (Tracts 49) . . . ib. 1857 
 Topographical Collections of Aubrey, 4to. . . ib. 1862 
 Malmesbury, 4to ib. 1863 
 Devizes, 4to ib. 1864 
 Charles Lord Stourton, and the murder of the Hartgills, 
 January 18, 1557, 4to ib. 1864 
342 JAG JAC 
 JACKSON, J. E. continued. 
 Rood Ashton, &c. 4to. . . . . . Devizes, 1872 
 Rowley, alias Wittenham, being that part of Farley Hunger- 
 ford parish which lies in co. Wilts, 4to. . . . ib. 1872 
 The Sheriff's Turn, co. Wilts, A.D. 1439, 4to. . . ib. 1872 
 Wulfhall and The Seymours. With Documents discovered 
 at Longleat, 4to. ....... ib. 1875 
 Amye Robsart. With Documents discovered at Longleat. 
 4to ib. 1877 
 The Vale of Warminster, 8vo ib. 1877 
 Lady Arabella's Progress. Longleat Papers, No. 5, 4to. . 1881 
 Edingdon Monastery, 4to. ...... ib. 1882 
 Leland's Journey through Wiltshire, 4to. (Tracts 49) ib. n.d. 
 JACKSON, J. Gr., and ANDREWS, Gr. T. Illustrations of Bishop 
 West's Chapel in the Church of Putney, co. Surrey, 4to. 
 Lond. 1825 
 JACKSON, John. Journey from India towards England in 1797, 
 8vo ib. 1799 
 JACKSON, John, and CHATTO, W. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, 
 Second edition, roy. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1861 
 JACKSON, T. Gr. Ragusa. II Palazzo Rettorale. II Duomo. 
 II Reliquiario del Teschio di S. Biagio, 4to. . Zara, 1885 
 JACKSON, Thomas. 
 The Visitor's Handbook for Holyhead, 8vo. . Lond. 1853 
 Another copy. (Tracts 149) . . . ib. 1853 
 Five Days' Rambles in the Island of Holyhead, 8vo. 
 Holyhead, 1856 
 Guide to the Suspension Bridge over the Menai Straits, 8vo. 
 JACKSON, Rev. W., and L. E. H. J. Visitor's Handbook to 
 Weston-Super-Mare and its Vicinity, 8vo. 
 Weston- Super -Mare and Lond. 1877 
 JACKSON, William. 
 A vol. of Reprints from the Trans, of the Cumb. and 
 Westm. Archseol. Soc., 8vo. . . . Kendal, 1876-79 
 1. The Laws of Buck Crag in Cartmel, and of Bampton. 
 2. Agricola's Line of March from Chester to the Sol way. 
 3. The Camp at Muncaster and certain Roman Discoveries 
 4. On a Roman Camp on the South-east Slope of Caermot, 
 the probable Arbeia of Camden. 
 5. The Orfeurs of High Close, Plumbland. 
 6. Whitehaven : its streets, its principal houses, and their 
 7. An Account of Cockermouth Castle. Two parts. (Part 2, 
 assisted by Rev. Canon Knowles.) 
 The Curwens of Workington Hall and Kindred Families, 
 8vo.'. ,'. ib. 1880 
 An Account of some Excavations made at Wall's Castle in 
 1881, 8vo. . . .... . . . ib. 1881 
 The Mesne Manor of Thornflat, 8vo. .... ib. 
 A Sketch of the History of Egremont Castle, 8vo. . ib. n.d. 
JAG JAM 343 
 JACKSON, William continued. 
 The Chaloners, Lords'of the Manor of St. Bees, 8vo. n.p. [1881] 
 JACOB, C. Le G. Report on Province of Katteewar, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 66) Bombay, 1845 
 JACOB, Edward. 
 The History of the Town and Port of Faversham in Kent. 
 (Plates), 8vo Lond. 1774 
 Second copy. 
 JACOB, Giles. A New Law Dictionary. Enlarged by 0. Ruff- 
 head and J. Morgan. Ninth edition, fol. . . ib. 1772 
 JACOB, P. L. [Paul Lacroix.] 
 Vaux-de-Vire d'Olivier Basselin et de Jean le Houx suivis 
 d'un Choix d'anciens Vaux-de-Vire et d'anciennes Chan- 
 sons Normandes, &c. Nouvelle edition, 12mo. Paris, 1858 
 Paris Ridicule et Burlesque au Dix-Septieme Siecle ib. 1859 
 JACOB, William. An Historical Inquiry into the Production and 
 Consumption of the Precious Metals, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 
 JACOBSEN, J. C., and TYGE, Rothe. Description des Serres du 
 Jardin Botanique de 1'Universite de Copenhague, fol. 
 Cophenhagen, 1879 
 JACOBUS MAGNUS. Sophologium. Fol. (For bibliographical details 
 see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue) . . . \_Colonice ? 1470] 
 JACQUEMIN, Louis. Amphitheatre d'Arles, 2 vols. 8vo. Aries, 184,5-47 
 JAELE, Curtius. 
 Laus Ululse ad Conscriptos Ululantium Patres et Patrones, 
 32mo. ....... Claucopoli, n.d. 
 Laus Ululaa. The Praise of Owls. Translated by a Canary 
 Bird, 12mo Lond. 1727 
 JAGO, William. Investigation of the Inscribed Stones at Maw- 
 gan Cross, Stairfoot, and Hensbarrow, in Cornwall, 8vo. 
 Truro, 1885 
 JAHN, Alb. Die Keltischen Alterthiimer der Schweiz, zumal des 
 Kantons Bern, &c., 4to Bern, 1860 
 JAHN, Alb., and UHLMANN, Joh. Die Pfahlbau-Alterfchumer von 
 Moosseedorf im Kanton Bern, 8vo. (Tracts 62) . ib. 1857 
 JAHN, Otto. Die Lauersforter Phalerae, 4to. . . Bonn, 1860 
 JAL, A. Archeologie Navale, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1840 
 Works. Published by James Bishop of Winton, &c. 
 (Portrait by Vaughan.) Fol Lond. 1616 
 Speech in the Star Chamber, 20th June 1616, reported 
 by Edward Wakeman, 8vo. (Tracts S3) . . . .1848 
 JAMES I. of Scotland. Life and Death of. Edited by Jos. 
 Stevenson, 4to. ...... Glasgow, 1837 
 JAMES, D. The Patriarchal Religion of Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1836 
 JAMES, E. R. 
 Notes and Speculations on the Guildford Caverns, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 126**) Guildford, 1871 
 Notes on the Pilgrims' Way in West Surrey, 8vo. (Tracts 
 126**) Lond. and GuilJ/ord, 1871 
344 JAM JEF 
 JAMES, G. W. Sark Guide, 12mo. . . Guernsey and Lond. 1845 
 JAMES, Sir Henry. 
 On the Block of Tin found in Falmouth Harbour, 8vo. Lond. 1863 
 Plans and Photographs of" Stonehenge, and of Turnsachan 
 in the Island of Lewis ; with notes relating to the Druids 
 and sketches of Cromlechs in Ireland, 4to. Southampton, 1867 
 JAMES, J. H. 
 An Inquiry into the Necrology, History, Heraldry, &c., of 
 the Parishes of Coity, Laleston, Merthyr Mawr, New- 
 castle, Oldcastle, and St. Bride Minor in the county of 
 Glamorgan, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . . Lond. 1860 
 Some Account of the Parish Churches of Abbey-Dore, Kil- 
 peck, Allensmore, and Holmer : with notes of the 
 Heraldry, c., 8vo. (Tracts 162) .... ib. 
 JAMES, Thomas. 
 Notes on Cottage-building, 8vo. . . Northampton, 1861 
 The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1864 
 JAMIE SON, John. 
 An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Dictionary, 2 
 vols. 4to . . Edinburgh, 1808 
 New edition, revised by J. Longmuir, and 
 D. Donaldson, 4 vols. 4to Paisley, 1879 
 Hermes Scythicus, 8vo. .... Edinburgh, 1814 
 JANNELLI, Cataldo. Alcune questioni sui Geroglifici delli Egizii, 
 8vo. . . . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
 JANSSEN, L. J. Ueber die Echtheit der Romischen Inschriften 
 zn Nennig, 8vO. '. . . '. '. . Trier, 1868 
 JANUA, Johannes de. 
 Catholicon, fol. ....... n.p. n.d. 
 (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 Incipit summa quae vocat Catholicon, fol. . . Venice, 1495 
 JANUS. The Pope and The Council. (From the German.) 2nd 
 edition, 8vo Lond. 1869 
 JANVIER, A. Boves et ses Seigneurs, fitude historique, 8vo. 
 Amiens, 1877 
 JAPAN, Science Department, University of Tokio. Memoirs. Yol. 
 I., part 1. Shell Mounds of Omori. By E. S. Morse. 
 Sm. folio Tokio (Japan), 1879 
 JAEDINE, David. . On the Use of Torture in England, 8vo. Lond. 1837 
 JAKDINE, Henry. 
 Description of the Regalia of Scotland, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819 
 Report respecting the Tomb of Robert Bruce, 4to. . ib. 1821 
 JEAKE, Samuel. Charters of the Cinque Ports, fol. . Lond. 1728 
 Historical Account of Ecclesfield Church, Yorkshire, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 74) ib. 1859 
 Parkin Jeff cock. A Memoir, 8vo ib. 1867 
 JEFFCOTT, J. M. Circle on " The Mule," Isle of Man, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***) . . -. . ... ib. 1866 
JEF JEN 345 
 JEFFERSON, Samuel. 
 History of Leath Ward, Cumberland, 8vo. . . Carlisle, 1840 
 History and Antiquities of Allerdale Ward above Derwent, 
 co. Cumberland, 8vo. ib. 1842 
 JEFFERT'S Illustrated Weymouth Guide, Third edition, 8vo. Lond. 
 JEFFERT, Mr. Catalogue of Books, to be sold 5th-19th April, 
 1810, 8vo . ib. 1810 
 Second copy. 
 Genealogical Chart relative to the Throne of Denmark. 
 Liverpool, n.d. 
 Genealogical Chart of the House of Oldenburg 
 Lond. and Liverpool, 1864 
 Numismatic History of England from 1066 to the present 
 time, 8vo. . . . . . . Liverpool, 1867 
 Genealogical Chart of the Ex-Royal House of Bourbon, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Liverpool, 1869 
 JEFFERYS, Nathl. An Englishman's Descriptive Account of 
 Dublin, and the Road from Bangor Ferry to Holy Head. 
 Also of the Road from Dublin, by Belfast, to Donaghadee, 
 and from Portpatrick to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by way of 
 Dumfries, Carlisle, and Gillsland, 12mo. . Lond. 8fc. 1810 
 JEHAN DE PARIS, Le Roman de, Public, par E. Mabille, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1855 
 JENISON, Robert, Narrative of, fol. . . '. . Lond. 1671 
 JENKINS, Alexander. The History and Description of the City 
 of Exeter, 4to Exeter, 1806 
 JENKINS, David. Works upon divers Statutes concerning the . 
 Liberty of the Subject, 12mo. .... Lond. 1648 
 JENKINS, Rev. Henry. 
 Colchester Castle, built by a colony of Romans as a temple 
 to Claudius Caesar, 8vo. ...... ib. 1853 
 Appendix to Lecture on Colchester Castle, 8vo. (Tracts 
 .70) ib. 1853 
 Revised edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1869 
 The Saxon Dynasty. Pedigree of the Kentish Kings, 8vo. 
 Folkestone, 1867 
 Chronological Summary of the History of the Church or 
 Minster of Lyminge, 12mo ib. 1871 
 The Chartulary of the Monastery of Lyminge, translated, 
 &c., 8vo ib. 1885 
 Documents disclosing a passage in the History of the 
 Twysden Family, 8vo. (Tracts 62) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 JENNINGS, F. M. Brooches and Ornaments from Morocco, 4to. 
 Cork, 1858 
 JENNINGS, James. 
 Description of Barker's Panorama of the Attack on Algiers, 
 8vo. (Tracts 139**) . ..... Lond. 1818 
 Observations on some of the Dialects of the West of Eng- 
 land, particularly Somersetshire, 12mo. . . . ib. 1825 
846 JER JES 
 JERDAN, William. 
 The National Portrait Gallery, various numbers, 4to. Lond. 1830-4 
 On a National Association for the Protection of Authors, 
 8vo. (Tracts 114) . ... . . . Lond. 1838 
 JEREMIAH, John. Notes on Shakespeare, and Memorials of the 
 Urban Club, 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 JERNINGHAM, H. E. H. Representation of Berwick-upon- Tweed 
 in Parliament. A Lecture, 8vo. . . . Berwick, 1885 
 JEROME, St. La vie des Peres tant Degypte que de sirie et de 
 plusieurs autres pays. B. L. fol. . . . Paris, n.d. 
 JERPOINT ABBEY, Lines written at, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1823 
 Inscriptions on The Bells of the Fen and Marshland 
 Churches in Lincoln, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire, 8vo. 
 Holbeach, 1873 
 Another copy. 
 Chroniques de Jersey, dontl'auteur estinconnu ; revues par 
 A. Mourant. Suivies d'un abrege historique des lies de 
 Jersey, Guernsey, Auregny, et Serk, par G. S. Syvret, 
 8vo. Jersey, 1858 
 Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the 
 Laws of Jersey, fol. ..... Lond. 1861 
 Historical Account of Jersey, 4to. (No title-page or preface.) 
 SOCIE'TE' JERSIAISE. Bulletin Annuel, 1, 2, 5-8, 4to. 
 St. Holier, 1875-83 
 Extente de Tile de Jersey. 1331. 
 Edouard III. Publication l re , 4to ib. 1876 
 Extente de Tile de Jersey, 1274. 
 Edouard I. Publication 2 me . 4to. . . 8t. Helier, 1877 
 Documents Historiques relatifs aux lies 
 de la Manche, 1199-1244. Publication 4 me , 4to. Jersey, 1879 
 Extente de File de Jersey, 1528. Henri 
 VIII. Publication 6 me , 4to., 1881. 1668. Charles II. 
 Publication 7 me , 4to., 1882 . . .. .St. Helier, 
 JERUSALEM. The History of the Temple of Jerusalem, trans- 
 lated from the Arabic MS. of the Imam Jalal-Addin al 
 Siuti, with notes. By J. Reynolds, 8vo. . Lond. 1836 
 JERUSALEM Water Relief Society, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) . . ib. 1864 
 JERVISE, Andrew. 
 History and Traditions of the Land of the Lindsays, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1853 
 Memorials of Angus and the Mearns : being an account 
 . . . of the Castles and Towns visited by Edward I., 
 and of the Barons, Clergy, and others who swore fealty 
 to England in 1291-6 ; also of the Abbey of Cupar, and 
 the Priory of Rostinath, 8vo ib. 1861 
 JESSE, G. R. 
 Evidence, given before the Royal Commission on Vivisec- 
 tion, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1875 
 Refutation of the Report of the Royal Commission on 
 Vivisection, 8vo. (Tracts, Box 2) . . . . ib. 1876 
JES JEW 347 
 JESSE, G. R. continded. 
 Extracts from and Notes upon the Report of the Royal 
 Commission on Vivisection, refuting its conclusions. 
 Second edition. 8vo. . . . . . . Lond. 1876 
 Letters of Fa. Henry Walpole, S. J. (Executed at York, 17th 
 April, 1595.) Fifty copies for private circulation, 4to. 
 Norwich, 1873 
 JESSOP, A., and GREEN, Everard. Walpole of Whaplode. Pri- 
 vately printed. 4to. ...... n.p. 1874 
 One Generation of a Norfolk House : a Contribution to 
 Elizabethan History, 4to. .... Norwich, 1878 
 Joe Miller's Jests, or the Wit's Yade-Mecum. A new edi- 
 tion. 12mo. ...... Lond. (W Lane) n.d. 
 Another edition, 12mo. . ib. (Lever) n.d. 
 Shakespeare Jest Books : Reprints of the early Jest Books 
 supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. In 2 vols. 
 Vol. i. : 1. A hundred Mery Talys. 2. Mery Tales and 
 Quicke Answeres. Vol. ii. : Merrie Tales of Skelton. 
 Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of Newes. Tarlton's Jests. 
 Merrie Jests of G. Peele. Jacke of Dover. Edited by 
 W. Carew Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1864 
 The Merry Tales of the Mad Men of Gottan. Gathered 
 together by A. B. of Phisicke Doctor, 1630. Edited by 
 W. C. Hazlitt, sm. 8vo ib. 1866 
 Wit and Mirth chargeably collected out of Taverns, Ordi- 
 naries, &c. By John Taylor, the Water Poet, 1630. 
 Edited by W. C. Hazlitt, sm. ,8vo . . . ib. 1866 
 JESUITS. La Galere Jesuitique, ou Notice d'un Tableau enleve 
 en 1762 de 1'eglise du College des Jesuites a Billom en 
 Auvergne. Seconde edition. 8vo. . . Paris, 1826 
 JETZEE, Tragical History of, fol. . . . , Lond. 1680 
 JEWEL, John, Bishop of Salisbury. The Copie of a Sermon 
 pronounced by the Byshop of Salisburie at Paules Crosse 
 the second Sondaye before Easter, 1560. (Bound with 
 " True Copies, etc.") For bibliographical details see H8. 
 Ashpitel Catalogue .... ib., John Daye [1560] 
 The Registers of the Parish of St. Columb Major, Cornwall, 
 from 1539 to 1780, 4to . ib. 1881 
 Local Heraldry. Part i. 8vo Plymouth, 1883 
 Parish Registers and their Preservation. For private cir- 
 culation. 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1884 
 JEWETT, C. C. Notices of Public Libraries in the United States, 
 (Smithsonian Repots.) .... Washington, 1851 
 JEWETT, J. A. Memorial of Appleton, 8vo. . Boston (U.S.), 1850 
 JEWITT, Llewellyn. 
 Stroll to Lea Hurst, the home of Florence Nightingale, 
 12mo. (Tracts 154) Lond. 1855 
 The Reliquary, vols. i-xxi. 8vo. . . Lond. and Derby, 1860-80 
348 JEW JOI 
 JEWITT, Llewellyn continued. 
 Notices of Celtic Mounds in the High Peak, 8vo. (Tracts 
 62**) Lond. and Derby, 1863 
 The Matlook Companion, 8vo. . . . . Derby, 1868 
 Grave-Mounds and their Contents, 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 JIJIMA, J., and C. SASAKI. Okadaira Shell Mound at Hitachi, 
 being an Appendix to Memoir Vol. I., Part I, of the 
 Science Department, Tokio Daigaku. (University of 
 Tokio.) 4to. . . . . . . Tokio, 1883 
 JOCKEY (The), CLUB; or a Sketch of the Manners of the Age. 
 Eleventh edition, 8vo ib. 1792 
 JOCKEY (The Female)^ CLUB ; or a Sketch of the Manners of the 
 Age. By the author of the former Jockey Club, 8vo. ib. 1794 
 JODI, C. Catalogo di opere artistiche Italiane di antica data, 
 8vo. (Tracts 62**) ...... Reggio, 1860 
 JODRELL, R, P. Illustrations of Euripides, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1781 
 JOHANNEUS, Finnus (Episcopus). Historia Ecclesiastics Islandiae. 
 3 vols. 4to Copenhagen, 1772-75 
 JOHN, Gabriel. An Essay towards the Theory of the Intelli- 
 gible World, part 3. Second edition, 12mo. . Lond. ] 700 
 JOHNS, C. A. A Week at the Lizard, 8vo ib. 1848 
 JOHNSON, Charles. A History of the Lives of Highwaymen, 
 Murderers, &c. (Plates), fol. . . . ib. 1734 
 JOHNSON, Francis. Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary, 
 4to ib. 1852 
 JOHNSON, G. W. History of Parish of Great Totham, co. Essex, 
 8vo Great Totham, 1831 
 JOHNSON, J. A View of the Jurisprudence of the Isle of Man, 
 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1811 
 JOHNSON, John. 
 Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 
 Outline Views of Beverley Minster. {Ten Plates.) Fol. ib. n.d. 
 JOHNSON, Richard. The Ancient Customs of the City of Here- 
 ford. Second edition, 4to ib. 1882 
 JOHNSON, Robert J. Specimens of Early French Architecture. 
 (Plates), atlas fol. . . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1864 
 JOHNSON, Samuel. 
 An Essay concerning Parliaments , at a certainty ; or, the 
 Kalends of May (Historical Tracts), 1672-1693, 4to. Lond. 1693 
 English Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. . . . . ib. 1810 
 Supplements, by George Mason, 4to. .... ib. 1801 
 JOHNSTON, Alexander. A Short Memoir of James Young, Bui- 
 gess of Aberdeen, and Rachel Cruickshank, his spouse, 
 and of their Descendants, 4to. ... . . Aberdeen, 1860 
 JOHNSTON, Alexander P. Genealogical Account of the Family of 
 Johnston, 4to. (Tracts 32) . . . Edinburgh, 1832 
 JOHNSTON, Andrew. . Notitia Anglicana. Shewing : 1. The 
 Atchievements of all the English Nobility complete. 2. 
 Their several Titles of Honour, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1724 
 JOHNSTON, A. K. Dictionary of Geography, 8vo. . . ib. 1860 
 JOINVILLE, Jean de. Histoire de Saint Louis, fol. . Paris, 1761 
JOL JON 349 
 JOLY, Ed. Antiquites trouvees sur le territoire de Renaix, Part 
 1, 8vo Ghent, 1845 
 Observations sur les Arabes de L'Egypte Moyenne, fol. 
 Paris, 1811 
 Description des Hypogees de la Ville de Thebes, fol. . ib. 1814 
 Systeme Metrique des Anciens Egyptiens, fol. and 8vo. ib. 1817 
 Les Signes numeriques des anciens Egyptiens, 8vo. (Tracts 
 130) . . ib. 1819 
 Sur un Etalon Metrique decouvert a Memphis, 4to. (Tracts 
 15) ib. 1822 
 Sur la Zodiaque Circulaire de Dqndere, 8vo, (Tracts 130) . 18*22 
 Voyage a 1'oasis de Syouah, fol. , . , . ib. 1823 
 Description des Antiquites d'Edfou, fol. 
 ficole Egyptienne de Paris, 8vo. (Tracts 130) 
 Explication de 1' Inscription de Rosette, 8vo. (Tracts 130) 
 Memoire sur le Lac de Mceris, fol. 
 JONES, David. The Secret History of Whitehall from the 
 Restoration to the Abdication. Second edition, 2 vols. 
 12mo Lond. 1717 
 JONES, Edward. 
 Relics of the Welsh Bards, fol i7>. 1784 
 Another edition, augmented, fol. . ib. 1794 
 Index to Records called, the Originajia and Memoranda. 
 2 vols. in 1, fol ib. 1793-95 
 Sketches. Ireland (Drawings), 2 vols. fol. . . . 1812-36 
 Outline of the History of Lilleshall Abbey, 8vo, 
 Newport, Salop, 1865 
 Fonts. From A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1640. (Drawings and engrav- 
 ings.) 2 vols. ....... n.p. n.d. 
 JONES, H. Guide to Llangollen, 8vo. , . Llangollen. 
 JONES, Inigo. 
 Fac- simile of his Sketch Book, 8vo. 
 Stone Henge restored, fol Lond. 1725 
 Designs. Published by J. Ware, 8vo. . . . ib. 1743 
 JONES, J. E. Hanes Prydain Fawr (a History of Britain), 8vo. * 
 Carmarthen, 1857 
 JONES, J. W. Inaugural Address at the Conference of 
 Librarians of All Nations, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1877 
 JONES, John. History and Antiquities of Harewood, 4to. . ib. 1859 
 JONES, M. C. 
 Notes respecting the Family of Waldo, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) 
 Liverpool, 1863 
 Oak Panelling now at Gungrog, 8vo. . . Welshpool, 1864 
 Valle Crucis Abbey, its Origin and Foundation Charter, 
 4to. . . Lond. 1866 
 The Feudal Barons of Powys, 8vo ib. 1868 
 The Abbey of Ystrad Marchell (Strata Marcella) or Pola. 
 3 parts, 8vo. (Tracts 61*** and 163) . . ib. 1871-73 
 Cridia Abbey, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . . . ib. 1873 
350 JON JON 
 JONES, M. C., and LLOYD, W. V. Incidents connected with the 
 Rebellion of Owen Glendower in Powys-Land, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61***) Lond. 1871 
 JONES, Owen, and OWEN, William. The Myvyrian Archaeology 
 of Wales, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1801-7 
 JONES, Owen. The Grammar of Ornament. (Plates.) Atlas 
 fol ....'. ib. 1856 
 JONES, Rhys. Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru ; a collection of 
 Welsh Poetry, 4to. . . . " . . Amwythig, 1773 
 JONES, Stephen. Biographia Dramatica, 3 vols. in 4, 8vo. ib. 1812 
 JONES, Tom, the Foundling, History of, in his married state, 
 l'2mo Lond. 1750 
 JONES, T. Ronghty. Mediolanum : being a Reprint of Two 
 Letters to the u Athenaeum," and Observations thereon, 
 8vo. ...... Lond. and Derby, 1881 
 JONES T. Rupert. 
 The Ancient Burial Ground at Kintbury, 8vo. Reading, 1876 
 Lecture on the Antiquity of Man ; illustrated by the Con- 
 tents of Caves, &c., 8vo. ..... Lond. 1877 
 History of the Sarsens, 8vo. ..... n.p. n.d. 
 JONES, T. Wharton. A Letter addressed to Sir J. B. Burke, 
 Ulster, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) .... Lond. 1867 
 JONES, Theophilus. A History of the County of Brecknock. 
 2 vols. in 3, 4to Brecknock, 1805-9 
 JONES, Thomas. 
 Bibliotheca Chethamensis, sive Bibliothecas Publicae Man- 
 cuniensis ab Humfredo Chetham Armigero fundatas 
 Catalogi tomus iv. With this is bound up : Quatuor Cata- 
 logi Voluminum Index sive Notitia brevior unico tomo 
 comprehensa, 8vo. ..... Manchester, 1862-63 
 Supplementary Index, including the 
 Addenda, 8vo ib. 1867 
 Supplement No. 2 and Index Nominum, 
 8vo. .... ib. 1869 
 JONES, W. B. Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd, 8vo. Lond. 1851 
 JONES, W. B., and E. A. Freeman. History and Antiquities of 
 St. David's, 4to ib. 1856 
 JONES, W. H. 
 Account of the Parish of Bradford-on-Avon, 4to. Devizes, 1859 
 Domesday for Wiltshire, 4to Bath, 1865 
 Early Annals of the Episcopate in Wilts and Dorset, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Oxford, 1871 
 An Account of the Saxon Church of St. Lawrence, Brad- 
 ford-on-Avon, 4to. ...... Devizes, 1873 
 The Life and Times of Saint Aldhelm, first Bishop of 
 Sherborne, A.D. 705-709, 8vo Lond. 1875 
 Canon or Prebendary. A Plea for the non-residentiary 
 members of Cathedral Chapters, 8vo. . . Bath, 1877 
 Fasti Ecclesise Sarisberiensis, or a Calendar of the Bishops, 
 Deans, &c:, of Salisbury, 2 parts, 4to. 
 Salisbury and Lond. 1879-81 
JOtf JUB 351 
 JONES, William. 
 Crynoad o holl elfenau, neu gyntefigion y Cymraeg, 8vo. 
 Clwyd-Wasg, 1826 
 Gwyneddion for 1832, 8vo * Lond. 1839 
 JONES, Sir William. Mahomedan Law of Succession to the 
 Property of Intestates, 4to ib. 1782 
 JONCEUS, Jonas. Orkneyinga Saga. Edited by F. Suhm, 4to. 
 Copenhagen, 1780 
 JONSON, Ben. 
 The Alchemist. A Comedy, 4to. . . . Lond. 1702 
 Works.. With a Memoir by W. Gifford. Portrait. 8vo. ib. 1865 
 JORDAN, Francis. The Remains of an Aboriginal Encampment 
 at Rehoboth, Delaware, 8vo. . . . Philadelphia, 1880 
 JORDAN, John. A Parochial History of Enstone in the County 
 of Oxford, sm. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1857 
 JORDAN, William. The Creation of the World, with Noah's 
 flood. In Cornish : with a translation by J. Keigwin. 
 Edited by D. Gilbert, 8vo ib. 1827 
 JOSEPH, Joseph. 
 Sheriffs of Brecknockshire .... Tenby, n.d. 
 Translation of a copy of the Charter of Brecon, 4to. 
 Brecon, 1866 
 JOSEPHUS, Flavins. 
 Opera, 2 vols. 8vo Paris, Didot, 1845-47 
 Works. Translated by Sir R. L'Estrange, fol. . Lond. 1702 
 Works. Translated by W. Whiston, 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1867 
 JOSSELYN, J. H. The Genealogical History of the Ancient 
 Family of Josselyn of Horksley, in co. Essex, sm. 4to. . 1880 
 JOUBIN. Memoire sur les Facteurs Numeriques, 4to. (Tracts 
 19) ... Havre, 1831 
 JOUY, H. Barbet de. Les Mosaiques Chretiennes des Basiliques 
 et des l^glises de Rome, 8vo. .... Paris, 1857 
 JOYCE, J. G. 
 The Fairford Windows, a Monograph, fol. . . Lond. 1872 
 Remarks upon the Fairford Windows, 8vo. . Bristol, 1877 
 JUBAINVILLE, H. D'Arbois De. 
 Essai sur les Sceaux des Comtes et des Comtesses de Cham- 
 pagne, 4to. ....... Paris, 1856 
 fitudes sur 1'etat interieur des Abbayes Cisterciennes, et 
 principalement de Clairvaux, au xii e et au xiii e siecle, 
 8vo. ib. 1858 
 JUBINAL, Achille. 
 Sermon en vers (Treizieme Si&cle), 8vo. . . . ib. 1834 
 Rapport, avec quelqueB pieces inedites tirees de la Biblio- 
 theque de Berne, 8vo ib. 1838 
 Discours a la Faculte des Lettres de Montpellier, 8vo. 
 Montpellier, 1839 
 La Ameria Real, ou Collection des principales Pieces du 
 Musee d'Artillerie de Madrid. Dessins de M. G. Sensi. 
 Royal fol. .-.,.... Paris, 1839 
352 JUB K. J. 
 JUBINAL, Aahille continued. sur 1'Usage des Tapisseries a Personnages dites 
 Historiees depuis 1'Antiquite jusq'au 16 e Siecle, 8vo. 
 (Bound with DEVILLE), 8vo Paris, 1840 
 Une lettre inedite de Montaigne, 8vo. . . . ib. 1850 
 Discours lu Dec. 27, 1850, dans la seance de I'lnstitut His- 
 toriqne, 8vo. ......... 1850 
 JUNIPER, Julius. The Brunonead. An heroic poem, &c. (Bound 
 with Fosbrooke's "Economy "), 4to. . . Lond. 1789 
 JUNIUS ; including Letters by the same Writer under other sig- 
 natures. Edited by John Wade, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1850 
 JUNIUS, Francis. 
 The Painting of the Ancients. Written first in Latine by 
 F. Junius, and now by him Englished, &c. 4to. . ib. 1638 
 Gothicum Grlossarium, 4to. .... Dordrecht, 1665 
 Etymologicum Anglicanum. Edited by E. Lye, fol. 
 Oxford, 1743 
 The Nomenclator, in English by J. Higins, 8vo. Lond. 1585 
 Emblemata. Ejusdem JEnigmatum Libellus, 12mo. 
 Ley den (Planting, 1596 
 Batavise Historia, 8vo. .... Dordrecht, 1652 
 JUPP, E. B. An Account of the Carpenters' Company, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1848 
 JURISPRUDENTS HEROICA, sive de Jure Belgarum circa Nobili- 
 tatem et Insignia. Authore J. B. Christyn, fol. 
 Brussels, 1668 
 Second copy. 
 Justini Historiarum et ex Trogo Pompeio Lib. xliv. cum 
 notis I. Yossii, 12mo. . . Lug d.-Batav. (Elzevir) 1640 
 Justini Historise Philippicae ex recensione Gr. Graevii, 8vo. 
 Amsterdam, 1691 
 Opera, Yalpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1822 
 JUSTINIAN. Institutiones Justiniani SS. Princ. Typis variee ; 
 rubris nucleum exhibentibus, 12mo. 
 Amstelodami (Elzevir), 1676 
 JUVENAL, Decimus Junius. 
 Satyras, edited by Sandby, 8vo. . . . Cambridge, 1763 
 Opera, Yalpy's edition, 3 vols 8vo. . . . Lond. 1820 
 Juvenal's Sixteen Satyrs. By Sir B. Stapylton, sm. 8vo. 
 ib. 1647 
 D. Junius Juvenalis and A. Persius Flaccus. Translated 
 by B. Holyday. (Plates), fol. . . . Oxford, 1673 
 K. J. 
 A New English Dictionary. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1748 
 Seventh edition. 8vo. ib. 1759 
KAI KEK 353 
 KAINS-JACKSON, C. P. Our Ancient Monuments and the land 
 around them. With a Preface by Sir J. Lubbock. 4to. 
 Land. 1830 
 KALE"N, M. W. Ostgotha Dialekten, 8vo. (Tracts 45) 
 Upsala, 1846 
 KALM, Peter. Travels in North America. Translated by J. R. 
 Forster. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Warrington, 1770-71 
 KANITZ, F. R. L. Dissertatio de Cautelis Principum, 4to. 
 (Bound with " Krausius.") .... Jena, 1750 
 KARAJAN, T. G. Yon. Festrede bei der Feierlichen Uebernahme 
 des ehemaligen Universitats gebaudes durch die Kaiser- 
 lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 29 Oct., 1857, 4to. 
 (Tracts 17) Vienna, 
 KARAMAN, D. F. Marco Kraljevi6 1'eroe della Poesia Popolare 
 Slava, 8vo Trieste, 1883 
 KAY, John. De Canibus Britannicis. De Rariorum Animalium 
 et Stirpium historia. De Libris propriis. De Pronun- 
 ciatione Grascae et Latinae Linguae. Edited by S. Jebb. 
 8vo Lond. 1729 
 KEACH, Benjamin. 
 The Travels of True Godliness. Ninth edition. 12mo. ib. 1733 
 Instructions for Children. Thirtieth edition. 12mo. ib. 1763 
 KEANE, William. Beauties of Middlesex Described, 8vo. 
 Chelsea, 1850 
 KEARSLET, C. and G. Kearsley's Sixpenny Tax Tables, im- 
 proved, &c., 12mo. ...... Lond. 1791 
 KEATING, Geoffrey. General History of Ireland. Translated by 
 D. 0. Connor, fol ib. 1723 
 KEEPE, H. Historical Account of Westminster Abbey, 8vo. ib. 1682 
 KEIGHTLET, Thomas. 
 The Fairy Mythology. New edition. 8vo. Lond. (Bohn), 1850 
 The Shakespeare Expositor, &c. 12mo. . . . ib. 1867 
 KEIGWIN, John. Mount Calvary, or the Passion of Jesus 
 Christ, written in Cornish. Interpreted in 1682 by J. 
 Keigwin. Edited by D. Gilbert. 8vo. . . . ib. 1826 
 KEIL, C. H. Compendioses Philosophisches Hand-biichlein, das 
 ist : Philosophische Grundsatze zur Universal Tinctur, &c. 
 12mo. . ib. 1736 
 KEITH, Robert. Catalogue of the Bishops of Scotland, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1755 
 KEKULE", Reinhard. 
 Die Antiken Terracotten im auftrag des Archaologischen 
 Instituts des Deutschen Reichs. Band I. Die Terra- 
 cotten von Pompeji von H. von Rohden, fol. Stuttgart, 1880 
 Band II. Die Terracotten von Sicilien, 
 mit LXI. Tafeln von L. Otto. fol. . . . Berlin, 1884 
354 KEL KEM 
 KELHAM, Robert. 
 Norman or old French Dictionary, 8vo. . . Lond. 1779 
 Domesday Book, illustrated, 8vo ib. 1788 
 Second copy. 
 KELL, Edmund. Memorials of the Rev. E. Kell and Mrs. Kell, 
 of Southampton. By Joanna Dunkin. 8vo. . . ib. 1875 
 KELLER, Ferdinand. 
 Bauriss des Klosters St. Gallen, vom jahr 820, 4to. Zurich, 1844 
 Second copy. 
 Lake Dwellings of Switzerland. Translated by J. E. Lee. 
 8vo Lond. 1866 
 Second edition. Enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 Beilage zur Archasologischen Karte der Ost-Schweiz. 
 Zweite auflage. 8vo Frauenfeld, 1873 
 KELLER, Georg. Das Saalburg Museum. Catalog der in den 
 Jahren, 1870-1875, ausgegrabenen Fundstiicke, 12mo. 
 Homburg, 1876 
 KELLY, James. A complete Collection of Scotish Proverbs, 8vo. 
 Lond. 17X1 
 KELLY, William. 
 Notices illustrative of the Drama, &c., in the 16th and 
 17th Centuries, illustrating Shakespeare and his con- 
 temporaries, 8vo. ....... ib. 1865 
 The Great Mace and other Corporation Insignia of the 
 Borough of Leicester. Privately printed. 8vo. 
 [Leicester, 1875] 
 Visitations of the Plague at Leicester. Privately printed. 
 8vo. ... [ib. 1877] 
 Royal Progresses and Visits to Leicester, 4to. . Leicester, 1884 
 Anacreon Moore in Leicestershire, 8vo. 
 History of the English Language. First, or Anglo-Saxon 
 Period. 8vo Cambridge, 1834 
 Ueber die Stammtafel der Westsachsen, 8vo. . Munich, 1836 
 Saxons in England, 2 vols. 8vo. (Two copies') . Lond. 1849 
 A Few Notes respecting the Bishops of East Anglia, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 58**) ib. 1851 
 The Utility of Antiquarian Collections. An Address. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 106.) Dublin, 1857 
 Horse Ferales, or Studies in the Archaeology of Northern 
 Nations. Edited by R. G. Latham and A. W. Franks, 
 4to Lond. 1863 
 Names, &c., of the Anglo-Saxons, 8vo. (Tracts 106.) 
 Notices of Heathen Interment in the Codex Diplomaticus, 
 8vo. (Tracts 106.) 
 Anglo-Saxon Document on Lands at Send, 8vo. (Tracts 
 Salomon and Saturn, and other Compositions of the same 
 natuie (no title-page; an unfinished work of 292 pages), 
KEM KEN 355 
 KEMM, W. C. Notes on Amesbury Church and Abbey, sm. 8vo. 
 Salisbury, 1876 
 KEMMERICHIUS, D. H. Commentatio de Investitura per Baculum 
 et Annulum. Accedit J. J. Brandtii Disputatio de Pras- 
 scriptione Feudali, 4to. (Bound with " Krausius.") 
 Jena, 1750 
 KEMPE, A. J. 
 Historical Notices of the Collegiate Church of St. Martins- 
 le-Grand, 8vo Land. 1825 
 Tavistock and its Abbey, 4to. (Tracts 13) . . . ib. 1830 
 Description of Ancient Paintings at Baston House, 4to. 
 (Tracts 13) 1830 
 Proceedings at a Meeting respecting the Lady Chapel at 
 St. Saviour's, 8vo. . 1832 
 The Loseley Manuscripts, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1835 
 KEMPIS, Thomas A. De Imitatione Christi. (For biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.") 
 Lugduni (Elzevir), n.d. 
 KENDALL, Amos. Morse's Patent American Electro-Magnetic 
 Telegraph, 8vo. (Tracts 109) . . . Washington, 1852 
 KENDALL, G. A. On Trial by Battle, 8vo. . . . Land. 1818 
 KENDRICK, James. A Guide Book to the Collection of Roman 
 Remains from Wilderspool. Presented by Dr. Kendrick 
 to the Warrington Free Museum, 8vo. . Warrington, 1872 
 Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus, in 
 1838-9, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1840 
 The Sutti as witnessed at Baroda in 1825, 12mo. (Tracts 
 150) ib. 1855 
 KENNET and the Barony of Burleigh, the descent of the lands 
 of, 4to. (Tracts 13) I860 
 KENNETT, White. Parochial Antiquities, 4to. . . Oxford, 1695 
 KENRICK, John. 
 Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions, 8vo. . . . York, 1858 
 A Selection of Papers on subjects of Archaeology and 
 History, communicated to the Yorkshire Philosophical 
 Society, 8vo ib. 1864 
 Historical Notices of the Ninth and Sixth Legions, by 
 whom Roman York was occupied, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) ib. 1867 
 Black's Guide, 12mo. .... Edinburgh, 1862 
 The Visitation of the County of Kent, taken in the year 
 1619 by John Philpott. Edited by J. J. Howard. Parts 
 1, 2, 3. (Reprinted from Archeeologia Cantiana, vol. iv.). 
 Roy. 8vo. . . . . . Southampton, 1863-66 
 KENT and Sussex, Handbook for Travellers in, 8vo. 
 Lond. (Murray) 1R68 
 KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Archseologia Cantiana, 8vo. 
 Vol. 1, etc. In progress. .... Lond. 1858, etc. 
 KENT, Samuel. Dictionary of Arms, 4to. (Tracts 103) . ib. 1717 
 KENTISH TRAVELLER'S COMPANION, 8vo. Rochester and Canterbury, 1776 
 Second edition, 12mo. . Canterbury, 1779 
356 KEN KER 
 KENTUCKY, U.S. Annual Report of Board of Internal Improve- 
 ment, 8vo. . . . . . -Frankfort (Ky.), 1840 
 KENWARD, James. 
 Ab Ithel : an account of the Life and Writings of the Rev. 
 J. W. Ab Ithel, 8vo. . . . Tenby and Lond. 1871 
 Oriel a Study in 1870. With two other poems, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1871 
 Harborne and its surroundings : a Lecture, 8vo. 
 Birmingham, 1872 
 The Place of Archaeology in Science, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 Our Philosophy and Our Life ; an Estimate of the Influence 
 of Scientific Research on Thought and Character in 
 England, 8vo ib. 1879 
 The Keltic Element in England, 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 The Two Ikeneld Streets, with special regard to the Western 
 one, and to its Course through Staffordshire and by Bir- 
 mingham, 8vo. ....... ib. 1883 
 A First Note on the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Wheatley, 
 Oxfordshire, 8vo . ib. 1884 
 Harborne and its surroundings. Second edition, 4to. ib. 1885 
 KEPPEL, George. Personal Narrative of Journey from India, 
 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1827 
 KERR FAMILIES, of Cessford and Fernihirst, Contest for Prece- 
 dency between, 8vo. 
 KERR, of Gateshaw, 8vo. 
 KERR, Robert. Newleafe Discourses on the Fine-Art Archi- 
 tecture, 8vo ib. 1846 
 KERRICH, Thomas. Catalogue of the Prints after Martin Heems- 
 kerck, 8vo. ...... Cambridge, 1829 
 KERRY, Charles. A History of the Municipal Church of St. 
 Lawrence, Reading, 8vo. .... Beading, 1883 
 KERSEY, John. Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum ; or, .a general 
 English Dictionary, 8vo. .... Lond. 1715 
 Lambeth Palace Library, and its Kentish Memoranda, 8vo. 
 Famous Kentish Houses ; their history and architecture, 
 8vo Lond. 1880 
 KERSLAKE, Thomas. 
 Saint Ewen, Bristol, and the Welsh Border. Circiter A.D. 
 577 916. With some Notes on Chester, Shrewsbury, 
 Hereford, Gloucester, Chepstow, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 162) 
 Bristol, 1875 
 A Primaeval British Metropolis : with some notes on the 
 ancient Topography of the South- Western Peninsula of 
 Britain, 8vo. . ... . ib. 1877 
 Traces of the Ancient Kingdom of Damnonia outside Corn- 
 wall in remains of the Celtic Hagiology, 8vo. . . 1878 
 The Welsh in Dorset, 8vo ib. 1880 
 The word " Metropolis." The ancient word " Anglo- 
 Saxon." Anglo- Saxon Bristol and Fossil Taunton. Three 
 essays, 8vo . . . ib. 1880 
KER KIN 357 
 KERSLAKE, Thomas continued,. 
 Caer Pensauelcoit, a long lost un-Romanised British Metro- 
 polis. A Re-assertion, &c., 8vo. . . . Lond. 1882". 
 Branscombe Dedication : St. Winfred and St. Branwal- 
 lader. [Broadsheet folded.] 8vo. . . . [Bristol, 1883] 
 The Celtic Substratum of England, 12mo . . [Lond. 1883] 
 Henbury. A Gloucestershire Parish a Thousand Years ago. 
 8vo ib. [1883] 
 The Liberty of Independent Historical Research, 8vo. ib. 1885 
 Catalogue of Books, 8vo. . Bristol, n.d. 
 KESSEL, P. N. de. 
 Bibliotheque Heraldique. Armorial Luxembourgeois, 8vo. 
 Arlon, 1868 
 KESTELOOT, J. L. Notice sur une peinture ancienne decouverte 
 a Nieuport, 4to. (Tracts 7) . . . . Bruxelles, 1843 
 KEYSER, C. B. The Mural and Decorative Paintings at Canter- 
 bury Cathedral, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1878 
 KEYSER, R. Nordmaendenes Religionsforfatning i Hedendom- 
 men, 8vo. ...... Christiania, 1847 
 KEYSLER, J. G. Antiquitates Septentrionales et Celticse, 8vo. 
 Hanover, 1720 
 KILBURNE, Richard. 
 A Topographic, or Survey of the County of Kent. (Por- 
 trait.) 4to Lond. 1659 
 Second copy. 
 KILDARE, Marquis of. The Earls of Kildare, and their 
 Ancestors, 1057-1773, 8vo Dublin, 1858 
 KILIAN DUFFLJ}US, C. Etymologicum Teutonicae-Linguse, sive 
 Dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum, curante G. Hassetto, 
 4to Traject. (Batav.) 1777 
 and Archaeological Association of Ireland, 1868.) 
 Transactions, Vols. i. to iii. 8vo. . . . Dublin, 1853-56 
 New Series, Yols. i.-vi. 8vo. . ib. 1858-71 
 - Third Series, Vol. i. 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 - Fourth Series, Vol. i., etc. In progress. 
 ib. 1878, etc. 
 KTLMARNOCK DIRECTORY. Edited by J. Dickie, sm. 8vo. 
 KilmarnocJc, 1868 
 KILNER, Joseph. Account of Pythagoras' School at Cambridge, 
 KILVERT, Francis. Remains in Verse and Prose, 8vo. Bath, 1866 
 KING, A. J., and WATTS, B. H. The Municipal Records of Bath. 
 1189 to 1604, 4to Lond. 1885 
 KING, C. W. 
 Antique Gems, 8vo ib. 1860 
 The Gnostics and their Remains, 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
 Precious Stones and Gems, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1864 
 The Handbook of Engraved Gems, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 The Blacas Gems, 8vo. . ... n.p. [1867] 
 On a Ceraunia of Jade converted into a Gnostic Talisman, 
 8vo. ib. 1869 
358 KIN KIR 
 KING, C. W. continued. 
 Catalogue of Colonel Leake's engraved Gems in the Fitz- 
 william Museum. (With engravings.} 4to. Cambridge, 1870 
 The Emerald Vernicle of the Vatican, 8vo. . Lond. 1870 
 The Portraiture of the Ancients, 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 The Corbridge Lanx, 8vo ib. 1872 
 On an Intaglio probably commemorating the Gothic Victory 
 of ^milian, 8vo ib. 1873 
 Mediaaval Gem Engraving. 
 On the use of Antique Gems in the Middle Ages. 
 Signet of Q. Cornelius Lupus. 
 Seal set with an Intaglio of Laocoon, used by Thomas 
 Colyns, Prior of Tywardreth, Cornwall, early in the 16th 
 On an Antique paste Cameo, found at Stanwix, near Car- 
 lisle, 8vo. ....... Lond. 
 On the true nature of the Contorniate medals, 8vo. 
 Talismans and Amulets, 3 papers. 
 KING, Daniel. 
 Vale Royall of England, fol. . ... ib. 1656 
 Abridged and revised by Thomas Hughes, 
 ib. 1852 
 KING, Edward. 
 Utility of the National Debt, 8vo. (Tracts 128) . ib. 1793 
 Vestiges of Oxford Castle, fol ib. 1796 
 Remarks on Stones said to have fallen from the Clouds, 
 4to. (Tracts 31) ib. 1796 
 Munimenta Antiqua, 4 vols. in 2, fol. . . ib. 1799-1806 
 KING, John (Bishop). Sermon on behalf of Paul's Church, 
 March 26, 1620, 4to . 1620 
 KING, Thomas H. Orfevrerie et Ouvrages en Metal du Moyen 
 Age, dessines d'apres les anciens modeles, fol. Bruges, 1852 
 KING'S CLIFFE LIBRARY, Northamptonshire. Catalogue, 8 vo. n.p. [1886] 
 KING'S LIBRARY, Catalogue iof the MSS. of the, by David 
 Casley, 4to. . . , . , . . Lond. 1734 
 KINGSTON-UPONJEUXL. Catalogue <of the Subscription Library, 
 8vo . Hull, 1855 
 KINSMAN, John. Catalogue of the Books in the Penzance Public 
 Library, 8vo. ....... Penzance, 1874 
 KIP, W. I. The Catacombs of Rome, as illustrating the Church 
 of the First Three Centuries. (Woodcuts), 8vo. 
 Eedfield (U.S.), 1854 
 KIPPING, Henry. Antiquitatum Romanaruin libri quatuor, 8vo. 
 Bremce, 1679 
 KIPPIS, Andrew. 
 On the late Contests in the Royal Society, 8vo. . Lond. 1784 
 Life of Captain James Cook, 4to. .... ib. 1788 
 KIRBY, John. The Suffolk Traveller, 8vo. . . Ipswich, 1735 
 KIRBY, T. F. Transcript of the Charter of Foundation (Oct. 
 20, 1382), and other Instruments of Winchester College. 
 For private circulation, 4to. ...... 1882 
KIR K1S T A 359 
 KIRCHMANN, John. De Funeribus Romanorum libri quatuor, 
 8vo Liibeck, 1625 
 KIRCHNER, Anton. Geschichte der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, 
 2 vols. 8vo Frankfort, 1807-10 
 KIRKMAN, Francis. The History of Prince Erastus, Son to the 
 Emperour Dioclesian, and those famous Philosophers 
 called the Seven Wise Masters of Rome, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1674 
 KIRKPATRICK, John. History of the Religious Orders of Nor- 
 wich. Edited by D. Turner, 8vo ib. 1845 
 KIRKSTALL ABBEY, History of, 8vo. .... Leeds, 1837 
 KIRKSTEAD CHURCH, co. Lincoln. Architectural description, fol. 
 Oxford, 1846 
 KIST, N. C. Middeleeuwsche muurschilderijen in de Pieters- 
 Kerke te Leiden, 8vo. (Tracts 94) . " . . Ley den, 1846 
 KISTLER, Romano. Basilica, dass ist, Herrliche Kirchen des 
 Frey-Reichs Klosters St. Ulrich und Afra in Augspurg, 
 fol. ......... Augsburg, 1712 
 KITAB-I.YAMINI (The). Historical Memoirs of the Amir 
 Sabaktagin and the Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna, early 
 conquerors of Hindustan and Founders of the Ghazna- 
 vide Dynasty. Translated from the Persian Version of 
 the Contemporary Arabic Chronicle of Al Utbi, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1858 
 KITCHIN, G. W. Catalogus Codicum MSS. qui in Bibliotheca 
 uJEdis Christi apud Oxonienses adservantur, 4to. Oxford, 1867 
 KITCHIN, John. 
 Le Court Leet et Court Baron. (For bibliographical details 
 see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) . . Lond. (Tottell), 1580 
 Jurisdictions, or the Lawful Authority of Courts Leet, 
 Courts Baron, Court of Marshallseyes, Court of Py- 
 powder, and Ancient Demesne. Second edition. 8vo. ib. 1653 
 KITE, Edward. Monumental Brasses of Wiltshire, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Oxford, 1860 
 KITTERMASTER, F. W. Shropshire Arms and Lineages, 12mp. 
 Lond. and Shrewsbury, 1869 
 KLEIN, J. V. Die Kirche zu Grossen-Linden, bei Giessen, in 
 Oberhessen, 4to. (Tracts 10) . . . Giessen, 1857 
 KLEMM, Gustav. Handbuch der Germanischen Alterthums 
 Kunde, 8vo Dresden, 1836 
 KLEMME, J. Proben aus Gelre's Wappenbuch, 4to. Vienna, 1885 
 KLOSS, Dr. Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. . Lond. 1835 
 KLOTZ, C. A. Historia Numorum obsidionalium, 8vo. 
 Altenburg, 1765 
 KNABL, Richard. Der angebliche Gotter-Dualismus an den 
 Votivsteinen zu Videm und Aquilaja, 8vo. . Gratz, 1855 
 KNAPP, Family of. Pedigree of M. G. S. Knapp, of Little 
 Linford, Bucks, and of A. J. Knapp, of Bristol. 
 Privately printed. 4to Lond. 1879 
 KNARESBOROUGH. The Metrical Life of Saint Robert of. 
 Edited by H. J. T. Drury. (Roxburghe Club.) 4to. ib. 1824 
360 KNE KOO 
 KNEALE'S Guide to the Isle of Man, Historical, Physical, 
 Archaeological, and Topographical. With a collection of 
 Manx Legends. 8vo. ..... Douglas, n.d. 
 KNIGHT, E. Cornelia. A Description of Latium or La Cam- 
 pagna di Roma, with etchings by the Author, 4to. Lond. 1805 
 KNIGHT, H. Gaily. 
 Saracenic and Norman Remains in Sicily, fol. . . ib. 
 Normans in Sicily, 8vo. ...... ib. 1838 
 Architectural Tour in Normandy. Second edition. 8vo. 
 ib. 1841 
 Voyage Archeologique en Normandie 1831. Translated by 
 de Caumont. (Tracts 60.) 8vo. . . . Caen, 1838 
 The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy from the time of 
 Constantine to the Fifteenth Century. (Plates.) 2 vols. 
 Atlas fol Lond. 1843 
 KNIGHT, B. P. Nummi Yeteres Civitatum, Begum, Gentium et 
 Provinciarum Londini in Museo B. P. Knight, 4to. ib. 1830 
 KNIGHT, Samuel. The Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. 
 Paul's, &c. (Portrait and Plates.) 8vo. . . ib. 1724 
 KNIGHT, William. Mementos to the World ; or, an Historical 
 Collection of divers Comets. By W. G., &c., 4to. . ib. 1680 
 KNIPSCHILDT, Philip. De Nobilitate, 2 vols. fol. Campoduni, 1693 
 KNOCKEE, Edward. Grand Court of Shepway, 4to. . Lond. 1862 
 KNOTS, The Book of. Being a complete Treatise of the Art of 
 Cordage. (Plates.) Sm. 4to ib. 1866 
 KNOWLES, E. H., and JACKSON, W. Egremont Castle, 8vo. n.p. [1881] 
 KNOWLES, W. J. Flint Implements from the North-East of 
 Ireland, 8vo Dublin, 1886 
 KNOX, James. The Topography of the Basin of the Tay, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1831 
 KNYVET, Catherine. Title of Katherine Bokenham to the Barony 
 of Berners, fol. 
 KOBIERZIKI, Stanislaus. Historia Vladislai Poloniae Principis, 
 4to. ......... Dantsic, 1655 
 KOCH, C. G. Sanctio Pragmatica Germanorum illustrata, 4to. 
 Strasburg, 1789 
 KOEHNE, Dr. B. 
 Zeitschrift fur Miinz-Siegel-und Wappenkunde, Vols. 
 i. to vi., 8vo. . . Berlin, Posen, and Bromberg, 184146 
 Brief iiber einige unedirte Griechische Miinzen, 8vo. (Tracts 
 42) St. Petersburg, 1850 
 The Chersonesus and Sebastopol, 8vo. (Tracts 52) . . 1855 
 Description du Musee de Feu le Prince Basile Kotschoubey 
 et Becherches sur 1'Histoirie et la Numismatique des 
 Colonies Grecques en Bussie ainsi que des Boyaumes du 
 Pont et du Bosphore Cimmerien. 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1857 
 KOHLGEUBEE, Joseph. Hermeneutica Biblica generalis, 8vo. 
 Vienna, 1850 
 KOLLAEIUS, A. F. Analecta Monumentorum Vindobonensium, 
 2 vols. fol ib. 1761-62 
 KOOLIUS, Johannes. Dissertatio Philologica de templis Anti- 
 quorum, 4to. ........ Leyden, 1695 
KOO LAB 361 
 KOOPS, Matthias. Historical Account of the Substances which 
 have been used to convey ideas, from the earliest date to 
 the invention of Paper. Second edition, 8vo. Lond. 1801 
 KOPITAR, Barthol. Glagolita Clozianus. The Glagolitic MS. of 
 Count P. Cloz. Edited by B. Kopitar, 4to. . Vienna, 1836 
 KORAN, The. 
 The Koran. Translated from the Arabic, the Suras arranged 
 > in Chronological order ; with Notes. By J. M. Rodwell, 
 8vo. . . Lond. 1861 
 The Koran. Commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammmed. 
 Translated from the original Arabic by G. Sale, 8vo. ib. n.d. 
 KORNMANNUS, H. De Miraculis Mortuorum, 8vo. KircTiheim, 1610 
 KORTHOLT, Christian. De Societate Ajitiquaria Londinensi. Ad 
 J. E. Kappium Epistola, 4to. .... Leipsic, 1735 
 KRASINSKI, Henri, Comte. Bataille de Kirholm, oul'Amour 
 d'une Anglaise. Roman historique, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1836 
 KRAUS, F. J. Orbis antiqui Monumentis suis illustrati primae 
 lineae, 4to. ..... Strasburg, circa, 1772 
 KRAUSIUS, L. J. Stemmatographia Augusta Saxonica, 4to. Altorf, 1731 
 KRAUSS, J. L. F. Solemnia Anniversaria in Gymnasio Regio 
 Onoldino, 4to. (Tracts 24) 1857 
 KRAZER, Augustinus. De Apostolicis, nee non antiquis Ecclesise 
 Occidentalis Liturgiis, illarum origine, progressu, &c.,8vo. 
 Augsburg, 1786 
 KREIHING, Johannes. Emblemata Ethico-Politica Carmine 
 explicata. (Plates.) 12mo. .... Antwerp, 1661 
 KRONINGSSVARD, C. G., and LIDEN, J. Diplomatarium Dalekar- 
 lium, 3 vols. in one, 4to. .... Stockholm, 1842 
 KRUSE, Fried. Deutsche Alterthiimer, 3 vols. 8vo. Halle, 1824-28 
 KUGLER, Franz. Handbook of the History of Painting from the 
 age of Constantine the Great to the present time. Pt. 1. 
 The Italian Schools of Painting. Edited by C. L. East- 
 lake. 12mo Lond. 1842 
 KUPER, M. E. Seven Volumes of Dalston Parish Registers. [A 
 paper thereon.] 8vo. ..... Kendal. 
 L , 1'Abbe Eug. Notre-Dame de La Delivrande. Notice 
 historique sur la Chapelle. Esprit et Pratiques du 
 Pelerinage, 8vo Caen, 1840 
 LABANOFF, Prince Alexander. 
 Notice sur sa Collection de Portraits de Marie Stuart, 8vo. 
 St. Petersburg^, 1856 
 Documents relatifs au Comte de Bothwell, 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 Notice sur les Portraits de Marie Stuart, 8vo. . . ib. I860 
 LABARTE, Jules. 
 Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages, English Trans- 
 lation, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1855 
 Histoire des Arts Industriels au Moyen Age et a I'fipoque 
 de la Renaissance. Album, 2 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1864 
 Texte, 4 vols. 8vo. ib. 1864-66 
362 LAB LAG 
 LABORDE, Alexandre. Description d'un Pave Mosaique a Italica 
 pres de Seville, fol. Max. .... Paris, 1802 
 LABORDE, Le Comte de. 
 Les Dues de Bourgogne, fitudes sur les Lettres, les Arts, 
 et 1' Industrie pendant le XV e siecle. Seconde Partie. 
 Preuves, 3 vols. 8vo ' ib. 1849-52 
 De 1' Union des Arts et de 1'Industrie, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1856 
 LABORDE, Leon de. Glossaire Frangais du Moyen Age, 8vo. ib. 1872 
 LABRUZZI, Carlo. Via Appia, illustrata, JSo. 1, fol. 
 Rome and Lond. 1794 
 LACHAUVELATE, J. Guerres des Francais et des Anglais du 
 XI e au XV e siecle. 2 Tomes, 8 vo. . M oulins and Paris, 1875 
 LACKINGTON, James, Bookseller. Memoirs of the first forty-five 
 years of the Life of J. Lackington, written by himself. 
 Thirteenth edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. . . Lond. 1791 
 LACOMBE, M. Dictionnaire du vieux Langage Francois, 2 vols. 
 8vo Paris, 1767 
 LACOMBE, P. Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle 
 Ages. Translated with one additional chapter on arms 
 and armour in England, by C. Boutell, 8vo. 
 Lond. and New York, 1869 
 LACEOIX, P. and SERE", F. Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, his- 
 toire des moeurs et usages, &c., 5 vols. 4to. . Paris, 1848-51 
 LACY, John. A Cry from the Desert: Testimonials of the 
 miraculous things lately come to pass in the Cevennes. 
 Second edition. 8vo Lond. 1707 
 The Ladies' Diary; or, the Woman's Almanack for 1741-49, 
 12mo Lond. 1741-49 
 Parliament of the Ladies. Divers Remarkable Orders of the 
 Ladies at Spring Gardens in Parliament assembled. 
 Imperfect, pp. 43-60. (Somer's Tracts, vol.v.) 8vo. 
 LA FAGE, Adrien de. Cours Complet de Plaint Chant, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1855 
 LAFFETAY, L'Abbe. Notice sur la Tapisserie dite de la Reine 
 Mathilde, exposee a la Bibliotheque de Bayeux, 12mo. 
 Bayeux, 1873 
 LAFON, J. B. M. Les Troubadours ont ils connu 1'Antiquite, 
 8vo Paris, 1839 
 LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Contes et Nouvelles en vers, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Amsterdam, 1764 
 LAGO DI GARDA. Statuti criminal! et Civili della Magnifica 
 Communita della Riviera, fol. . . . Salo, 1674 
 LAGOT, M. Le Marquis De. 
 Essai sur les medailles antiques de Cunobelinus, 4to. . Aix, 1826 
 Description de quelques medailles inedites de Massilia, 4to. 
 ib. 1834 
 Notice sur 1'attribution de quelques medailles des Gaules 
 inedites ou ircertaines, 4to. . . . ib. 1837 
 Description de quelques monnaies Merovingiennes, 4to. ib. 1839 
 Explication de quelques Medailles, 4to. (Tracts 22) . ib. 1843 
LAG LAM 363 
 LAGOY, M. Le Marquis De continued. 
 Sur les Monogrammes de Medailles de 1'epoque merovin- 
 gienne, 4to. (Tracts 61) ...... Aix, 1856 
 LAING, David. Plans of Public Buildings, including the Custom 
 House, fol Lond. 1818 
 LAING, Henry. 
 Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions of Ancient Scottish 
 Seals from A.D. 1094 to the Commonwealth, 4to. (Two 
 copies.) . . . . . . Edinburgh, 1850 
 Supplement, 4to. (Two copies) . ib. 1866 
 LAING, Samuel, and T. H. Huxley. Prehistoric Remains of 
 Caithness, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1866 
 LAIRD, Mr. A Topographical and Historical Description of the 
 County of Worcester. (Woolfe Collection.) 8vo. . ib. 1810 
 LAKE'S (Bishop) late Declaration of his dying in the belief of 
 the Doctrine of Passive Obedience, as the distinguishing 
 character of the Church of England, 4to. . . ib. 1689 
 LAMA, Pietro De. Iscrizioni Antiche collocate ne' Muri della 
 scala Farnese, 4to. . . . . . . Parma, 1818 
 LAMARTINIERE, Bruzen. Fables Hero'iques. (Plates) 2 vols. 
 12mo. . . '. . . . . Amsterdam, 1754 
 LAMB, E. B. Studies of Ancient Domestic Architecture, princi- 
 pally from drawings in the collection of Sir W. Burrell, 
 fol Lond. 1846 
 LAMBARDE, William. 
 Perambulation of Kent, 4to. . . . . ib. 1576 
 Third edition, enlarged, sm. 8vo. . ib. n.d. 
 Dictionarium Angliae Topographicum et Historicum. An 
 Alphabetical description of the chief places in England 
 and Wales. (Portrait.) 4to. (Two copies) . . ib. 1730 
 LAMBE, John. A brief description of the Notorious Life of John 
 Lambe, &c. (Sound with " Wonderful Disco verie.") 4to. 
 Amsterdam, 1628 
 Origenes Hamburgenses, 4to. . . . .Hamburg, 1652 
 De Bibliotheca Vindobonensi, 6 vols. in 3, fol. Vienna, 1776-78 
 LAMBERT, fidouard. 
 Sur un piedestal antique, 8vo. .... Bayeux, 1833 
 Refutation des Objections faites centre 1'Antiquite de la 
 Tapisserie de Bayeux a 1'occasion de 1'ecrit de M. Bolton 
 Corney, 8vo ib. 1841 
 Sur la Numismatique Gauloise, 4to. . . . Paris, 1844 
 LAMBERT, George. 
 Civic and other Maces, 12mo Lond. 1880 
 Smithfield. A paper, &c., 8vo ib. 1880 
 The Barbers' Company. A paper, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 Catalogue of MSS. by H. J. Todd, fol. . . . ib 1812 
 Index of English Books printed before 1600, by S. R.Mait- 
 land, 8vo ib. 1845 
 Account of Prof. Carlyle's Greek MSS. by H. J. Todd, 8vo. ib. 
364 LAM LAN 
 LAMIUS, Joannes. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum qui in 
 Bibliotheca Riccardiana Florentiae adservantur, fol. 
 Liburni, 1756 
 LAMOIGNON, C. F. De. Catalogue des livres de, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1791-2 
 LA MOTHE LE VAYER. The Great Prerogative of a Private Life, 
 24mo Lond. 1678 
 LAMOTTE, Charles. Condition of Physicians among the Ancients, 
 8vo. (Tracts 127*) Paris, 1728 
 LA MOTTE FOUQUE, F. de, Baron. Island. Ein Skaldengmss, 
 4to. ....... Copenhagen, 1821 
 In progress. 8vo. .... Manchester, 1884, etc. 
 On the best means of carrying out the objects of the Society, 
 8vo. ....... Liverpool, 1849 
 Transactions, Vol. I., etc. 8vo. In progress . ib. 1849, etc. 
 Index to Yols. I-XXIY. By A. Hume. 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 Laws of the Society, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1854 
 Report of Council, 8vo. ...... ib. 1854 
 List of Members, 8vo. ...... ib. 1855 
 Catalogue of Library and Museum, 8vo. (Tracts 115) ib. 1857 
 Liverpool Gallery of Inventions and Science. Second 
 Report of the Committee, 8vo. .... ib. 1862 
 Re-printed from the Leigh Chronicle " Scrap Book." 
 Parts I. and II. Vol. 2, pts. vi.-viii. ; vol. 3, pts. ix.-xi. 
 8vo Leigh, 1878-79 
 LANCASHIRE DIARY. Extracts from a Lancashire Diary, 1663-78, 
 in the possession of J. Leyland, 8vo. For private circu- 
 lation . . .... Manchester, 1876 
 LANCASHIRE TALES. Rays fro th' Loominary : a selection of Comic 
 Lancashire Tales. By J. T. Staton. Nos. 1 and 2. The 
 Sporting Party. By M. R. L. 8vo. Lond. and Manchester. 
 LANCASTER, Duchy of, Charters of the. Edited by W. Hardy, 
 8vo. . . .. ... . . . Lond. 1845 
 LANCI, M. A. 
 Sul Monumento Cufico portato d'Egitto in Roma, 8vo. Rome, 1819 
 Dissertazione su i versi di nembrotte e di Pluto nella Divina 
 Commedia di Dante, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1819 
 Su gli Omireni e loro forme di scrivere, 8vo. . . ib. 1820 
 LANCRE, Pierre de. L'Incredulite et Mescreance du Sortilege 
 plainement convaincue, 4to. .... Paris, 1622 
 LANDI, Constanzio. In veterum Numismatum Romanorum mis- 
 cellanea Explicationes. (Bound with Vico, ^Enea.) 4to. 
 Lyons, 1560 
 LANDON, C. P. Annales du Musee et de 1' ficole Moderne des 
 Beaux Arts. Plates. 16 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1801-8 
 LANGDON, W. B. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Col- 
 lection, now exhibiting at St. George's Place, Hyde Park 
 Corner. 22nd English edition. 8vo. . . Lond. 1843 
 LANGE, Walther. Das an tike griechisch-romische Wohnhaus. 
 Ein Handbuch fur Kunstfreunde, &c., 8vo. . Leipsic, 1878 
LAN LAR 365 
 LANGFORD, J. A. A Century of Birmingham Life, from 1741 to 
 1841, 2 vols. 8vo Birmingham, 1868 
 LANGHORN, Richard, Trjall of, fol Lond. 1679 
 LANGLES, M. Catalogue des ouvrages de, 8vo. . . Paris, 1811 
 LANGLEY, Batty. The Builder's Bench-mate, 8vo. . Lond. 1747 
 LANGLEY, Gilbert, Life and Adventures of. Written by him- 
 self, 8vo ib. 1740 
 LANGLEY, J. B. The Illustrated Official Guide to the North- 
 Eastern Railway, 8vo. . . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1862 
 LANGLEY, Thomas. History of the Hundred of Desborough, co. 
 Bucks, 4to Lond. 1797 
 Essai sur 1'Abbaye de Fontenelle ou de Saint- Wandrille, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1827 
 Sur la peinture sur verre, 8vo. .... Rouen, 1832 
 LANGTOFT, Peter. Chronicle, edited by T. Hearne, 8vo. 2 vols. 
 Oxford, 1725 
 LANSDOWNE, Henry, Marquess of. On National Education, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) . Lond. 1839 
 LANZA, Francesco. 
 Antiche Lapidi Salonitane inedite, 8vo. . . Zara, 1850 
 Dell' Antico Palazzo di Diocleziano in Spalato, fol. (Tracts 
 159) Trieste, 1855 
 Monumenti Salonitani inediti, 4to. . . . Vienna, 1856 
 LANZI, Luigi. Saggio di Lingua Etrusca e di altre Antiche 
 d'ltalia, 3 vols. 8vo. Rome, 1789 
 Le Domicile des Esprits, Papyrus du Musee de Turin publie 
 en fac-simile, fol. ...... Paris, 1879 
 Dizionario di Mitologia Egizia. Disp. 1-3, 4to. Turin, 1881-83 
 LAPLANE, Edouard de. 
 Sur une Medaille attribute a Neron, 8vo. (Tracts 42) . 1837 
 Histoire Municipale de Sisteron, 8vo. . . Paris, 1840 
 Histoire de Sisteron, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Digne, 1843^4 
 Geschichte von England, vol. i. 8vo. . . Hamburgh, 1834 
 A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, 
 translated by B. Thorpe, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1845 
 Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, 4to. 
 Hambourg, 1851 
 LARCHER, P. H. Memoire sur (la Deesse) Venus, 12mo. Paris, 1775 
 LARCHEY, Loredan. Les Eccentricites du Langage. Quatrieme 
 edition, 12mo .16. 1862 
 LARKEN, A. S., and GREEN, Everard. Pedigree of Browne, of 
 Horbling, co. Lincoln, 8vo. 
 LARKING, L. B. The Domesday Book of Kent. With Transla- 
 tion, &c. fol. ... ... Lond. 1869 
 LA ROQUE, Mr. De. Traite de la Noblesse, et de toutes ses 
 differentes especes. Nouvelle edition, augmentee des 
 Traites du Blason des Armoiries de France : de 1'Origine 
 des Noms Sur-Noms : et du Ban et Arriare-Ban, 4to. 
 Rouen, 1734 
366 LAB LAU 
 LARTET, fidouard. 
 Lettre relative a une lame d'ivoire fossile, 4to. . Paris, 1865 
 Vie et Travaux de E. Lartet. Notices publics a 1'occasion 
 desa mort, 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1872 
 LARTET, Edouard, and H. CHRISTY. 
 Cavernes du Perigord, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . . . ib. 1864 
 Reliquiae Aquitanicae, 4to. .... Lond. 1865-75 
 LA RUE, Gervais De. 
 Sur les Bardes de la Bretagne Armoricane, 8vo. Caen, 1815 
 2 de edition, 8vo ib. 1817 
 LARWOOD, Jacob, and J. C. HOTTEN. The History of Signboards, 
 8vo. . Lond. 1866 
 LASCELLES, Rowley. Liber Munerum Publicorum Hiberniae, 
 1152-1827, 2 vols. fol Lond. 1852 
 LASTBOM, A. T. Swea och Gotha Hofdinga-minne sedan, 1720, 
 2 vols. 8vo Upsal, 1843 
 L'Electrum des Anciens etait-il de I'fimail ? 8vo. (Tracts 80) 
 Paris, 1857 
 Description du Tresor de Guarrazar, 4to. . . . ib. 1860 
 L'Histoire du Travail a 1'Exposition Universelle, 8vo. ib. 1867 
 Notice sur une ancienne Croix fithiopienne eonservee a 
 Plorence, 4to ib. 1874 
 Bibliotheque des Merveilles. Histoire de 1'Orfevrerie, 8vo. 
 ib. 1875 
 LATIMER, John. Local Records of Northumberland, Durham, 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Berwick-on-Tweed, 1832-1857, 
 8vo. (Continuation of a work by Mr. Sykes) . Newcastle, 1857 
 LATIN. Pronunciation of Living Latin, 12mo. . . Lond. 1847 
 LATIN AND ENGLISH POEMS. By a Gentleman of Trinity College, 
 Oxford, 8vo ib. 1741 
 LATIN TONGUE, A short Introduction to the Grammar of the, 
 sm. 8vo ib. 1712 
 LA TOUCHE, J. D. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting 
 of the Caradoc Field Club, 8vo. . . Birmingham, 1878 
 LAUGH AND BE FAT ; or the Merry Companion. (Bound with 
 Joe Miller's Jests.) 12mo. .... Lond. n.d. 
 LAUGHTON, George. History of Ancient Egypt, 8vo. . ib. 1774 
 LAUNCE, Robert, late of Mettfield, Suffolk. A note wherein is 
 contained the names of [his] Kindred ; collected by T. 
 Fella, of Halesworth. (Facsimile privately printed. 
 Edited by S. B. Turner.) Grant of Arms to John 
 Launce of Halesworth, 1580, inserted at the end. Fol. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 LAURIE, Peter. New Buildings at Bethlehem Hospital, 8vo. ib. 1838 
 LAURUS, J. Antiques urbis splendor, hoc est praecipuorum 
 ejusdem templorum, &c. descriptio. (Plates.) Obi. fol. 
 Rome, 1612 
 LAUSSEDAT, M. Le Col. Memoire sur un Fragment de Cadran 
 Solaire trouve en Phenicie, 4to. . . . Paris, 1872 
 LAUZAC, Henry. Le General John Meredith Read, 8vo. (Tracts 
 165) Paris, 1872 
LAY LEA 367 
 LAVENHAM CHURCH, Suffolk. Gothic Ornaments in, 4to. Land. 1796 
 LAW-FRENCH Dictionary, to which is added the Law-Latin 
 Dictionary, 8vo. . ib. 1718 
 LAW LIST. In progress. 8vo. ... . ib. 1873, etc. 
 Catalogue of Books, 8vo ib. 1851 
 Another edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1869 
 Catalogue of the Mendham Collection, 8vo. . . ib. 1871 
 Supplement, 8vo. .... ib. 1874 
 LAW, Judge. Address delivered before the Vincennes (U.S.) 
 Historical Society, 1839, 8vo. (Tracts 82) 
 Louisville (Ky.), 1839 
 LAW, Ernest. A Historical Catalogue of the Pictures at Hamp- 
 ton Court, sq. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1881 
 LAW, John. Money and Trade consider'd ; with a Proposal for 
 supplying the Nation with Money, 8vo. . . . ib. 1720 
 LAW, William. Notes and Materials for his Biography, 8vo. ib. 1854 
 Benj. Thorpe, fol. . . ib. 1840 
 LAWFORD, Edward. The Antiquities of Leighton Buzzard, 8vo. 
 ib. 1875 
 LAWRENCE ACADEMY, Groton, Mass. Proceedings ; Ninetieth 
 Anniversary, 8vo. ...... Groton, 1883 
 LAWRENCE, Edwin. The Progress of a Century ; or, the Age of 
 Iron and Steam, sm. 4to Lond. 1886 
 LAWRENCE, P. H. Extracts from the Court Rolls of the Manor 
 of Wimbledon, 8vo ib. 1866 
 LAWRENCE, Richard. Interest of Ireland stated, 8vo. . ib. 1682 
 LAWRENCE, W. R. Charities of France in 1866. (Not published.) 
 8vo. . Boston, 1867 
 LAXTON, F. W. The Metropolitan Buildings Act, 12mo. (Tracts 
 148) .... ... Lond. 1855 
 LAYAMON'S Brut., or Chronicle of Britain, edited by Sir F. 
 Madden, 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1847 
 Monuments of Nineveh, two series, 2 vols. fol. . ib. 1849-53 
 Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with 
 travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert. (Plates), 
 8vo ib. 1853 
 LAZARILLO DE TORMES. The life and comical adventures of, 
 written by himself. Translated, &c., 12mo. . Dublin, 1745 
 LAZIUS, Wolfgang. De Gentium aliquot migrationibus, sedibus 
 fixis, reliquiis, ac dialectis libri xii. fol. . Frankfort, 1600 
 Historicarum Commentationum Rerum Greecarum libri 
 duo. (Bound with the preceding.) Fol. . Hannover, 1605 
 LEADBETTER, Charles. Mechanick Dialling ; or the New Art of 
 Shadows. (Plates.) 8vo Lond. 1773 
 Roman Rotherham, 8vo. .... Eotherham, 1877 
 Another edition, fol. . . ib. 1879 
368 LEA LEE 
 LEADER, J. D. continued. 
 Mary Queen of Scots in Captivity : a Narrative of events 
 from 1569 to 1584, 8vo. . . . Sheffield and Lond. 1880 
 LEAKE, S. M. An historical account of English Money, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1745 
 LEAL, A. H. 
 Pantheon Maranhense. Ensaios Biographicos dos Maran- 
 henses Ilhistres ja fallecidos, 4 vols. 8vo. Lisbon, 1873-75 
 Apontamentos para a Historia dos Jesuitas no Brasil, 
 2 vols. 8vo Maranhdo, 1874 
 Sciencias e Lettras. Locubra9oes, 8vo. . . ib. 1874 
 LEBEE, Fr. von. 
 De Bitterburgen Bauheneck, Scharfeneck und Bauhenstein, 
 8vo Vienna, 1844 
 Wien's Kaiserliches Zeughaus. Fur alterthumsfreunde und 
 waffenkenner beschrieben. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. . Leipsic, 1846 
 LEBRUN, Pierre. Superstitions Anciennes et Modernes, 2 vols. 
 fol. Amsterdam, 1733-36 
 LE CLEEC, G. The Life and Character of Mr. John Locke. 
 Done into English by T. F. P., Gent., 4to. . . Lond. 1706 
 LECLERE, J. B. Archeologie de 1'arrondissement de Chatillon sur 
 Seine, 4to Paris, 1843 
 LEDIARD, Thomas. Life of the Duke of Marlborough, 3 vols. 
 8vo Lond. 1736 
 LEDWICH, Edward. 
 Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols. 4to .... ib. 1790 
 Second edition. To which is added a col- 
 lection of Miscellaneous Antiquities, 4to. . Dublin, 1804 
 Statistical Account of Aghabce, Queen's co. 8vo. . ib. 1796 
 LEE, Earls of Litchfield, Pedigree of. (A broadside) . n.p. n.d. 
 LEE, A. T. History of Tetbury, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1857 
 LEE, F. G. 
 Directorium Anglicanum, second edition, 4to. . . ib. 1865 
 Ancient Ecclesiastical Vestments, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) ib. 1865 
 Altar Service Book, according to the use of the United 
 Church of England and Ireland, fol. . . . ib. 1867 
 The Book of the Epistles, 4to ib. 1867 
 The Book of the Gospels, 4to ib. 1867 
 The Church of England and Political Parties : a Letter to 
 the Bight Hon. Gathorne Hardy, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) ib. 1868 
 The Validity of the Holy Orders of the Church of England 
 maintained, 8vo. ....... ib. 1869 
 The Christian Doctrine of Prayer for the Departed, 8vo. 
 ib. 1872 
 A Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms, 8vo. ib. 1877 
 The Bepeal of the Public Worship Begulation Act. A 
 Letter to Lord Cairns. Second edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 The Church under Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1880 
 The History and Antiquities of the Prebendal Church of 
 Thame, Oxford, fol. . . . ib. 1883 
LEE LEE 369 
 LEE, F. G. continued. 
 Genealogy of the Family of Lee, of Chester, Bucks, and 
 Oxon, showing the Descent of General Robert E. Lee, 
 from Sir John Lee, with arms, &c. 4to. . Lond. 1884 
 King Edward the Sixth, Supreme Head: an historical 
 Sketch, 8vo ib. 1886 
 Immodesty in Art : an expostulation and suggestion ; a 
 Letter to Sir F. Leighton, P.R.A. First edition, 8vo. ib. 1887 
 LEE, J. E. 
 Roman Antiquities at Caerleon, co. Monmouth, fol. . ib. 1845 
 Roman Buildings at Caerleon, co. Monmouth, 8vo. (Tracts 
 20) ib. 1850 
 Isca Silurum, 8vo. ....... ib. 1862 
 Supplement to " Isca Silurum," or an illustrated catalogue 
 of the Museum of Antiquities at Caerleon, 8vo. 
 Newport (Monmouth), 1868 
 Roman Imperial Photographs : being a selection of forty 
 enlarged Photographs of Roman Coins, fol. , Lond. 1874 
 Roman Imperial Profiles : being a series of more than 160 
 Lithographic Profiles enlarged from Coins, 8vo. . ib. 1874 
 LEE, J. R. History of Market Drayton, 8vo. . . . ib. 1861 
 LEE, John. 
 Catalogue of Oriental MSS. purchased in Turkey, 4to., 
 ib. 1830 
 Enlarged, 4to ib. 1840 
 Address to Royal Astronomical Society, 1863, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 123*.) 
 LEEDS, The Dialect of, 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1862 
 LEEDS AND VICINITY, including Kirkstall Abbey, Bradford, 
 Halifax, Harrogate, Wakefield, &c. (Black's Guide), 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1868 
 LEEDS, National Exhibition of Works of Art at, in 1868. 
 Report by J. B. Waring, fol. (Tracts 157*) . Lond. 1867 
 Official Catalogue, 8vo Leeds, 1868 
 L. P., 8vo. ib. 1869 
 Annual Reports (various years') .... ib. 1832-64 
 Transactions, Vol. i., part 1 .... Lond. 1837 
 Catalogue of the Contents of Section P. Heraldry, 
 Dictionaries, Directories, &c., 12mo. . . Leeds, 1876 
 Section F. Topography and Antiquities (Yorkshire), 12mo. 
 ib. 1879 
 LEEF, D. A Guide over St. Paul's Cathedral, new edition, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1854 
 LEEMANS, ConracL 
 Monuniens Egyptiens portant des Legendes Royales, 8vo. 
 Leyden, 1838 
 Catalogus Bibliothecse Reuvensianae, 8vo. .... 1838 
370 LEE LEG 
 LEEMANS, Conrad continued. 
 JEgyptische Monumenten van het Museum te Leyden, 
 2 vols. fol Leyden, 1839-42 
 .^Egyptische Monumenten van het Museum van Oudheden 
 te Leyden, 3 vols. and 6 nos. 8vo. . . . ib. 1839-70 
 JEgyptische Papyrus, .yEgyptische Lijk-Papyrus, fol. ib. 1839-42 
 Papyri Grseci Mussei Antiquarii Public! Lugduni-Batavi. 
 Tom. i., ii., 4to. Translated by C. Leemans . ib. 1843-85 
 Description des Monumens Bgyptiens du Musee a Leide, 8vo. 
 ib. 1849 
 LEEMANS, E. Het Bijks Museum van Oudheden en het Rijks 
 Ethnographisch Museum te Leiden, gedurende het jaar 
 1876, 8vo Leyden, 1877 
 LEERS, Arnoud. Voyage de S. M. (William III.) en Hollande, 
 fol. . La Haye, 1692 
 LEES, Edwin. The Botany of Worcestershire. (Naturalists' 
 Club.) (Woolfe Coll.) 8vo. . . . Worcester, 1867 
 LEES, John. The History of the Surrey Lodge, No. 416, 
 formerly No. 603, established at Beigate 1834; to which 
 is prefixed a Sketch of Masonry, 8vo. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 LEES, Thomas. St. Anthony's Chapel, Cartmel Fell, 8vo. 
 Kendal, 1876 
 LEFEBURE, E. (fitudes figyptologiques, 3 me Livraison) Le 
 Mythe Osirien. l re Partie. Les Yeux d'Horas, 4to. 
 Paris, 1874 
 LE FERON, Jehan. 
 Catalogue des Dues et Connestables, Chanceliers, Grands- 
 Maistres, Admiraulx, Mareschaulx, Prevosts de Paris, de 
 France, fol ib. 1555 
 De la Primitive Institution des Boys, Herauldz, et 
 Poursuiuans d'armes, 4to. (Two copies) . . ib. 1555 
 LE FLAGUAIS, Alphonse. Saint Etienne le Vieux, 8vo. (Tracts 
 94) Caen, 1850 
 LEFROY, Antonio. 
 Osservazioni sopra di un Antico Marmo Greco, 4to. (Tracts 
 35) ......... n.p. n.d. 
 Catalogus Numismaticus Musei Lefroyani, 8vo. 
 Leghorn, about 1764 
 Official Catalogue of the Museum of Artillery in the 
 Botunda, Woolwich, 8vo Lond. 1864 
 An Account of the Great Cannon of Muhammad II., with 
 Notices of other great Oriental Cannon, 8vo. Woolwich, 1868 
 Notes and Documents relating to the Family of Loflroy, 
 of Cambray, prior to 1587, of Canterbury 1587-1779, 
 now chiefly represented by the Families of Lefroy, of 
 Carriglass, Co. Longford, Ireland, and of Itchel, Hants ; 
 with branches in Australia and Canada. For private 
 circulation, fol. ....... ib. 1868 
 LEGG, J. W. Notes on the History of the Liturgical Colours, 4to. 
 Lond. 1882 
LEG LEI 371 
 Recherches a faire sur 1'Histoire du departement du nord, 
 8vo. Cambray, 1831 
 Notice, sur J. B. Carpentier, historiographe du Cambresis, 
 8vo. ....... Valenciennes, 1833 
 LEGRAND, Dr. La JSTouvelle Societe Indo-Chinoise fondee par 
 M. le Marquis de Croizier et son ouvrage L'Art Khmer, 
 8vo. ib. 1878 
 LE GRAND, Anthony. Body of Philosophy, according to the 
 principles of Des Cartes. Translated by Richd. 
 Blome, fol Lond. 1694 
 LE GRAND D'AussY, P. J. B. 
 Fabliaux ou Contes du XII e et XIIP Sieele, Fables et 
 Romans du XIIP, traduits, etc. Nouvelle edition, aug- 
 mentee d'une Dissertation sur les Troubadours, 5 vols. 
 12mo Paris, 1781 
 Histoire de la Vie privee des Fran9ais, 3 vols, 8vo< . ib. 1782 
 Congres artistique d'Anvers. Aout 1861. Discours, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 104) Antwerp, 1862 
 Organisation des fitats de Flandres, 8vo. (Tracts 59*) ib. 1863 
 LE HERICHER, Edouard. Avranchin Monumental et Historique, 
 Tome 1, 8vo. ..... Avranches, 1845 
 LEHMANN, J. G. Geschichte und Genealogie der Dynasten von 
 Westerburg, 8vo. .... Wiesbaden, 1866 
 Council, June, 1852, 8vo. (Tracts 82) . . Leicester, 1852 
 Transactions, 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1866, etc. 
 LEIGH'S Guide to the Lakes, Mountains, and Waterfalls of 
 Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire, 4th 
 edition, 12mo. Lond. 1840 
 LEIGH, Charles. History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak 
 in Derbyshire, fol. Oxford, 1700 
 LEIGH, Gerard. The Accedence of Armorie, 8vo. (Two copies) 
 Lond. 1591 
 Sixth edition, 8vo ib. 1597 
 LEIGH, Valentine. 
 The Science of Surveying of Landes, Tenementes and 
 Hereditamentes, 4to. Woodcuts .... ib. 1577 
 4to ib. 1592 
 LEIGHTON, John. The Library, Notes on Books and Binding, 
 4to. (Tracts 14) .' 1859 
 On Japanese Art, fol ib. 1863 
 Proposed Site for Monument to Shakespeare. 
 Book-plates, Ancient and Modern, with examples, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***) ib. 1866 
 To the Royal Academy of Arts upon the Condition and 
 Future of its Library, 4to. (Tracts 8*) . . . ib. 1869 
 LEIGHTON, W. A. Guide, descriptive and historical, through 
 Shrewsbury. Fourth edition, sm. 8vo. . Shrewsbury, 1855 
372 LEI LEM 
 LEIPZIG. Verhandlungen der Koniglichen Siichsischen Gesells- 
 cliaft der Wissenschaften, vols. i. ii. 8vo. . Leipsic, 1845-48 
 Abhandlungen der Philog. Hist. Classe, vol. i. 1849, 
 Parts 1, 2, 1850, 8vo ib. 1849-50 
 A Sketch of the Changars and of their Dialect, fol. Lahore, 1880 
 -Selections from the Records of the Punjab Government. 
 Section I. of Linguistic Fragments relating to the Dialect 
 of the Magadds, the secret Trade Dialects, &c., in Kabul, 
 Kashmir, and the Punjab, followed by an Account of 
 Shawl-weaving, fol. ..... Lahore, 1882 
 Selections from the Records of the Punjab Government. 
 Appendix to " Chaugars " and Linguistic Fragments. 
 Words and Phrases illustrating the Dialects of the Same 
 and Me as also of Dancers, Mirasis and Doms, fol. . ib. 1882 
 LEJEUNE, Theophile. Les Sceaux de la Yille de Binche, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61**) Mons, 1859 
 Memorials of Cambridge : a series of views, with historical 
 accounts. By T. Wright and H. L. Jones. Plates. 2 vol. 
 Lond. 1845 
 Second copy. Parts 1-4. (Tracts 6.) 
 Discours de 1'Origine des Armes et des Termes de la 
 Science Heraldique, 4to. .... Lyons, 1658 
 Epistre Apologetique pour le Discours de 1'Origine des 
 Armes, Centre quelques Lettres de M. C. F. Menestrier. 
 LELAND, John. 
 De Scriptoribus Britannicis Commentarii, ex Autographo 
 editi per Antonium Hall, 2 vols. in one, 8vo. . Oxford, 1709 
 Nsenia in Mortem Henrici Duddelegi, 8vo. . . . ib. 1745 
 Itinerary. Edited by T. Hearne, 9 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1744-46 
 Third edition, 9 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1768-69 
 De Rebus Britannicis collectanea. Edited by T. Hearne, 
 5 vols. 8vo Lond. 1770 
 Editio altera, 6 vols. 8vo ib. 1774 
 LELAND, Thomas. History of Ireland, 3 vols. 8vo. . Dublin, 1774 
 LELEWEL, Joachim. Monnaies des Eveques de Tournai, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 48) Brussels, 1846 
 Geographic du Moyen Age, Tomes 1 to 4, 8vo. (with an 
 ailas ob. fol.) . ' . ib. 1852 
 Second copy of Atlas. 
 Geographic du Moyen Age, Epilogue, 8vo. . . . ib. 1857 
 LELONG, Jaques. Bibliotheque Historique de la France, 5 vols. 
 Paris, 1768-78 
 LE LOTER, Pierre. Discours des Spectres, Visions et Apparitions 
 des Esprits, se monstrans visibles aux hommes, 4to. ib. 1605 
 LE ME"TAYER-MASSELIN, M. Collection de Dalles Tumulaires de 
 la Normandie, 4to. plates . . Paris and Caen, 1861 
 LE MOYNE, P. La Gallerie des Femmes Fortes. Quatrieme 
 edition. Plates, 2 vols. in one, 12mo. , , Paris, 1663 
LEM LEN 373 
 LEMPRIERE. A Collection of Supplements to all editions of 
 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. Edited by E, H.. Barker, 
 8vo Loud. 1837 
 LE NEVE, John. 
 Fasti Ecclesiae Anglican, fol ib. 1716 
 Fasti Ecclesiae AnglicanaB : from the earliest time to 1854. 
 Edited by T. Duifus Hardy, 3 vols. 8vo. . . Oxford, 1854 
 Monumenta Anglicana : being Inscriptions on Monuments, 
 1600-1718, 5 vols. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1717-19 
 LE NEVE, Peter. Sale Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. (Tracts 
 127*) ' . . . . . . . . ib. 1731 
 LENFANT, Jacques. Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne tiree de la 
 Dissertation Latine de M. de Spanheim, 12mo. Cologne, 1694 
 LENGLET DU FRESNOT, N. De 1'Usage des Romans, avec un 
 Bibliotheque des Romans par M. le C. Gordon Percel, 2 
 vols. 12mo. ...... Amsterdam, 1734 
 LE NOBLE DE TENNELIERE, Eustache, Baron. Contes et Fables. 
 Plates. 2 vols. in one, l'2mo. . . . Paris, 1700 
 LENOIR, Alexandre. 
 Museum of French Monuments. Translated by J. Griffiths, 
 vol. i. 8vo ib. 1803 
 Description du Musee des Monuments Franais, 8vo. (volume 
 of text only) ib. 1812 
 Sur deux questions relatifs a^l'Ancienne figypte, 8vo. ib. 1812 
 Explication d'un Manuscrit figyptien, 8vo. . . ib. 1812 
 Examen des Antiquites gyptiennes, Grecques et RomaineSj 
 8vo ib. 1828 
 Sur quelques Statues d'Appllon, 8vo. 
 Sur L'Ancienne peinture sur Verre, 8vo. . 
 Sur le Texte Grec de 1'Inscription de Rosette, 4to. . ib. 1840 
 Anciennes ^toffes, 4to. (Tracts 159) .... ib. 1850 
 Memoire sur Pausanias a propos de 1* Agora d'Athenes, 4to. 
 (Tracts 4) ib. 1856 
 Sur une pierre gravee representant Marcia, 8vo. (Tracts 38) 
 ib. 1857 
 Memoire sur 1'Arc de'Triomphe d'Orange, 4to. (Tracts 38) 
 ib. 1857 
 Les Grecs et les Scythes du Bosphore Cimmerien, 4to. . ib. 1859 
 Commentaire sur le Cratyle de Platon, 8vo. . ' Athens, 1861 
 Memoire sur les Mysteres d'Eleusis, 4to. . . Paris, 1861 
 Sur les Peintures de Polygnote, 4to. . . . Brussels, 1864 
 Puits Artesien en figypte sous la xviii. Dynastie, 4to. 
 (Tracts 38) Paris, 
 Notice sur le Fauteuil de Dagobert, 4to. . . . ib. n.d. 
 Rituel Funeraire des anciens figyptiens, 8vo. (Tracts 59*^) 
 kArcheologie. 8vo. (Bound with Deville) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 LENORMANT, Fra^ois. 
 Note sur un Amulette Chretien, 4to. . . . Paris, 1850 
 Note Relative a 1'execution d'un Puits Artesien en Egypte, 
 8vo. (Tracts 38) ib. 1852 
374 LEN LEP 
 LENORMANT, Francois ^continued. 
 Des Inscriptions tracees sur les maisons de Pompei, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 38) . . -. . . -. -. . Paris, 1854 
 Memoire sur 1'Inscription d'Autun, fol. (Tracts 159) . ib. 1855 
 De 1' Authenticate des Monuments decouverts a la Chapelle 
 Samt-lov8vo. (Tracts 38) -ib. 1855 
 Representations antiques du Chameerops Humilis, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 8) ib. 1856 
 Note STirun Scarabee decouvert en Algerie, 8vo. (Tracts 38) 
 ib. 1856 
 Sur les Inscriptions de la Chapelle-Saint-^loi, 8vo. (Tracts 
 38) " ib. 1858 
 Snr 1'origine Chretienne des Inscriptions Sinaitiques, 8vo. 
 ( Tracts 38) . . . ib. 1859 
 La Minerve du Parthenon, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1860 
 Deniers de Balscha III. 8vo. (Tracts 38) . . . -ib. 1861 
 Recherches a fileusis, 8vo. ...... -ib. 1862 
 Monographic de la Yoie Sacree Eleusinienne, 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 Les Antiques a 1'Exposition Retrospective, 8vo . . -ib. 1866 
 Introduction a un Memoire sur 1' Alphabet Phenicien, 8vo. 
 ib. 1866 
 Les Legendes dans la Numismatique ancienne, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 33*) ib. 1866 
 Description des Aritiquites composant la collection de feu 
 M. A. Raife, 8vo . ib. 1867 
 Inscription de 1'Ile de Paros, 8vo. (Tracts 62***) . ib. 1867 
 LENTHALL, F. K. The Memorial to Lord Romilly. Correspon- 
 dence, &c. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1866 
 LEO, Heinrich. Local Nomenclature of the Anglo-Saxons. 
 Translated by B. Williams, 8vo ib. 1852 
 LEONARDS, St. Misrepresentations in Campbell's Lives of Lynd- 
 hurst and Brougham, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1869 
 LEONE. Dialogi di Amore. (For bibliographical details see MS. 
 .Ashpitel Catalogued) 8vo. . . Venice (Aldus) , 1541 
 LE PAGE, Henri. Nicolas Briot, Graveur de monnaies, 8vo. 
 '(Tracts 4&) Nancy, 1858 
 LE PAYS, Rene. Amitiez, Amours et Amourettes. Fourth edi- 
 tion, 12mo. . . . . . . . Paris, 1667 
 LE 'PREVOST, Auguste. 
 Sur quelques Monuments du departement de 1'Eure, 4to. 
 Caen, 1829 
 Sur la Chasse de Saint Taurin d'fivreux, 4to. (Tracts 19) 
 ib. 1829 
 Happort sur quelques Pieces de M. Rafn, 8vo. (Tracts 134) 
 Rouen, 1830 
 Sur la Collection de vases Antiques trouvee a Berthouville, 
 4to. , Caen, 1832 
 Notice Historique sur le Departement de 1'Eure, 8vo. 
 fivreux, 1833 
 Pouilles du Diocese de Lisieux, 4to. (Tracts 19) Caen, 1844 
 Histoire de Saint Martin du Tilleul, 8vo. . . Paris, 1848 
LEP LES 375 
 De tabulis Eugubinis, Part 1, 8vo. . . . Berlin, 1833 
 Inscriptiones Umbricee et Oscae. Commentationes, 8vo. 
 Leipsic, 1841 
 Tabulae, fol ib. 1841 
 Konigsbuch der Alten gypter, 4to. . . . Berlin, 1858 
 Auswahl der wichtigsten urkunden des .^Egyptischen Alter- 
 thums, fol Leipsic, 1842 
 Das Todtenbuch der Agypter nach dem Hieroglyphischen 
 Papyrus in Turin, 4to. . . . ib. 1842 
 Einleitung zur Chronologic der ^Bgypter, 4to. . Berlin, 1848 
 Die Chronologic der JEgypter. I. Theil. Kritikder Quellen, 
 4to ib. 1849 
 Denkmaler aus JBgypten und ^Ethiopien, Yorlaufige 
 Nachricht iiber die Expedition, 4to. . . . ib. 1849 
 Denkmaler aus ^Egypten und JEthiopien, 12 vols. fol. ib. n.d. 
 Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai, 
 in 1842-45. Edited by K. B,. H. Mackenzie. Second 
 edition, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1853 
 Koenigliche Museen. Abtheilung der Aegyptischen Alter- 
 thiimer, obi. 4to Berlin, 1855 
 Aelteste Texte des Todtenbuchs nach Sarkophagen des 
 Altaegyptischen Reichs im Berliner Museum, 4to. . ib. 1867 
 LERBEKE, Herman De. Chronicon comitum Schawenburgen- 
 sium, 4to. ...... Francfort, 1620 
 LEROI, Antoine. Histoire de Notre-Dame de Boulogne, 8vo. 
 Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1839 
 LEROUX, P. J. Dictionnaire Comique, Satyrique, Critique, 
 Burlesque, Libre et Proverbial, 2 vols. 8vo. Pampeluna, 1786 
 LEROY, David, 
 Les Navires des Anciens, 8vo. .... Paris, 1783 
 Traite de 1'Orthographie Fran9oise,en forme de Dictionnaire, 
 8vo. . Poitiers, 1785 
 Sur le Yaisseau long des Anciens, 8vo. . . Paris, 1786 
 Lettre a M. Franklin sur les Navires des Anciens, 8vo. ib. 1787 
 Nouvelle Voilure proposee, pour les Vaisseaux de toutes 
 grandeurs ........ ib. 1802 
 Precis d'une dissertation sur les Mesures des Anciens ib. 1802 
 Memoire sur le Mceris, 8vo. . . . . ib. L802 
 Recherches sur les Mesures des Anciens, 8vo. 
 LEROY, F. N. 
 Histoire de Monterollier (Seine Inferieure), 8vo. Rouen, 1859 
 Histoire de Jouvenet, 8vo. . . . Paris et Caen, 1860 
 LERSCH, Laurenz. Centralmuseum Rheinlandischer Inschriften. 
 I. Coin. II. Bonn. III. Trier. 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. 
 Bonn, 1839-42 
 LESAULNIER, C. M. Biographie des neuf cents Deputes a 
 1'Assemblee Rationale. Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, 1848 
 LESINA. Delia famosissima compagnia della Lesina, &c., 4to. 
 Venice, 1600 
376 LES LEY 
 LESLIE, Forbes. The Early Races of Scotland and their Monu- 
 ments, 2.vols..8vo. . . . . Edinburgh, 1866 
 LESLT, Charles. The Ballad Book. Sm. 8vo. . . ib. 1827 
 LETAEOUILLT, P. Edifices de Rome Moderne, 4to. . Paris, 1840 
 : ; Plates. Atlas, 2 vols. fol. . ib. 1843-50 
 LE THIEULLIEE,. Smart. Description de la Tapisserie de Bayeux, 
 traduit par A. L. Lechaude-D'Anisy, 4to. . Caen, 1824 
 Sur le livre "De Mensnra Orbis Terrae" de Dicuil, 8vo. Paris, 1814 
 Materiaux pour 1' Histoire du Christianisme en Egypte, 4to. 
 ib. 1832 
 Sur une statue d' Apollon en bronze aai Louvre, 8vo. . ib. 1835 
 LETTEEE. Lettere d'Uomini Illustri, conservate in Parma, nel 
 R. Archive dello Stato. Vol. I. 8vo Parma, 1853 
 LETTEE. A Letter to some Divines concerning" the question, 
 Whether . God since Christ's Ascension doth any more 
 reveal himself to mankind ? Written in High Dutch, 
 and now set forth in English by the editor of the Laws of 
 Paradise. Sm. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1695 
 LETTEES. Four original Letters, viz., Two from a Husband to a 
 Gentleman, and two from a Husband to a wife. Third 
 edition. (Bound with Trials, "The Tryal of a Course of 
 Criminal Conversation.") . . . . ib. 1739 
 LETTEES between Lord Hervey and Dr. Middleton on the Roman 
 Senate. Edited by T. Knowles, 4to. . . . ib. 1778 
 LETTEES illustrative of the Progress of Science in England. 
 Edited by J. O. Halliwell, 8vo. '. . . . ib. 1841 
 Naturalists and Travellers' Companion, 8vo. (Tracts 138*) ib. 1 772 
 History of the Origin of Medicine, 4to. . . . ib. 1778 
 Memoirs of Dr. John Fothergill, 8vo. . . . ib. 1786 
 Grove Hill, an Horticultural Sketch, 4to. (Tracts 2) . ib. 1794 
 LEVEE, Christopher. 1. A Crucifix e, or a Meditation upon Re- 
 pentance. 2. Queene Elizabeth's Tears, or Her resolute 
 bearing the Christian Crosse (1607). Edited by A. B. 
 Grosart. ' (Fuller Worthies' Library.) Privately printed, 
 8vo n .p. 1872 
 LEVESON FAMILY. Register Extracts from Trentham, Stafford- 
 shire, 8vo. 
 LEVEZOW, Konrad. 
 Ueber den Raub des Palladiums, 4to. . . Brunswick, 1801 
 Ueber die Familie des Lykomedes in der Prussischen Anti- 
 kensammlung, fol. ...... Berlin, 1804 
 Ueber den Antinous dargestellt in den Kunstdenkmalern 
 des Alterthums, 4to. ib. 1808 
 Ueber die Mediceische Venus, 4to ib. 1808 
 De Juvenis Adorantis signo ex sere antiquo, 4to. . ib. 1808 
 LEVI, The Tribe of ; a poem, 4to Lond. 1691 
 LEVI, Leone. 
 On Maritime Law, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) . . . ib. 1865 
 History of British Commerce and of the Economic Progress 
 of the British Nation, 8vo ib. 1872 
LEW LEX 377 
 LEWES, Guide to, and its Antiquities, 8vo. . . . Lewes, 1863 
 LEWIN, Stephen. Designs for Churches and Chapels, Part 1, fol. 
 Oxford, 1844 
 LEWIN, Thomas. 
 Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1851 
 Another edition, 2 vols. 4to.. . . ib. 1874 
 Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar, 8vo., second edition ib. 1862 
 Siege of Jerusalem by Titus, 8vo. .... ib. 1863 
 Fasti Sacri, or a Key to the Chronology of the New Testa- 
 ment, 4to. .. . . ... . ib. 1865 
 LEWIS'S LIVERPOOL DIRECTORY for 1790, with a map of Old 
 Liverpool. Re-published. 4to. . . . Liverpool, 1881 
 LEWIS, Bunnell. 
 Remarks on. Roman Coins found- near -Woodbridge, Suffolk, 
 8vo. (Tracts QI***) Lond. 1871 
 An Introductory Lecture on Classical Archaeology, delivered 
 at University College, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . [1873] 
 The Antiquities of Ravenna, 8vo. .... ib. 1875 
 The Antiquities of Brittany, 8vo. .... ib. 1876 
 Antiquities in the South- West of France, 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 The Antiquities of Tarragona, 8vo. . . . ib. 1880 
 The Antiquities of Constantinople, 8vo. . . . ib. 1882 
 LEWIS, George Cornewall. A Glossary of Provincial Words 
 used in Herefordshire, 12mo. . . . . . ib. 1839 
 LEWIS, George R. Illustrations of Kilpeck Church, Hereford- 
 shire, fol ib. 1842 
 The Ancient Church of Shoddon, Herefordshire. (Plates.) 
 Fol ib. 1852 
 LEWIS, John. 
 History of the Abbey of Faversham, 4to 1727 
 History and antiquities of the Isle of Thanet, 4to. . ib. 1736 
 LEWIS, Percival. 
 Historical Enquiries concerning new Forests and Forest 
 Laws, 4to ib. 1811 
 LEWIS, Samuel. 
 A Topographical Dictionary of England. 5th edition. 4 
 vols. 4to. . ib. 1845 
 Atlas, 4to ib. 1831 
 A Topographical Dictionary of Wales. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 
 4to. . ib. 1845 
 A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1849 
 Supplementary Vol. Map. 4to. . ib. 1849 
 A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 
 4to ib. 1849 
 . Atlas, 4to. . . . ib. 1849 
 LEWIS, Samuel, Jun. History of Islington, 4to. . . ib. 1849 
 the Committee for the Exploration of the Subsidences on 
 Blackheath, 8vo Blackheath, 1881 
 LEXICON over Adelige Familier i Danmark, Norge og Hertug- 
 domene, 4to. - Copenhagen, n.d. 
378 LEY LIB 
 LEYCESTER, Sir Peter. Historical Antiquities of Britain, fol. Lond. 1673 
 LEYDEN, Literary Society of. 
 Stukken, over Letter- Greschied- en Oudheidkunde, 8vo. 
 Leyden, 1850 
 Handelingen. 19 June, 1856. 8vo. . ib. 1856 
 LEYS, M., and Du MERSAN, Marion. Lettre et reponse sur une 
 Medaille inedite de la Judee Navale, 12mo. (Tracts 126*) 
 Paris, 1836 
 LEZETA, M. De. Difiniciones de la Orden y Cavalleria di Cala- 
 trava, fol. Madrid, 1748 
 LHUYD, Edward. Archeeologia Britannica, fol. . . Oxford, 1707 
 LIBELL (THE) OF ENGLISHE POLICYE, 1436. Text und Metrische 
 iibersetzung von W. Hertzberg, mit einer Einleitung von 
 R. Panli, 8vo Leipsic, 1878 
 Liber Amoris, or the New Pygmalion, 12mo. . Lond. 1823 
 Liber assisarum et placitorum corone. B. L. (For biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) fol. 
 /. Bastel: Lond. 1516 
 Liber Niger Scaccarii. Wilhelmique etiam Worcestrii 
 Annales. Edited by T. Hearne, 2 vols. 8vo . Oxford, 1728 
 Another edition .... Lond. 1771 
 Liber quadripartiti Ptholomei, Centiloquium eiusdem. 
 Centiloquium Hermetis. Eiusdem de stellis beibenijs. 
 Centiloquium bethem et de novis planetarum. Euisdem 
 de significatione triplicitatum ortus. Centu quinqua- 
 ginta ppones Almansoris. Zahel de interrogationibns. 
 Eiusdem jie tepor. significationibus in indiciis. Messa- 
 ballacn de receptionibus planetarum. Eiusdem de inter- 
 rogajtionibus. , Epistola eiusde cu duodecim capitulis. 
 Eiusdem de revolutionibus annorum mundi. (Sound 
 with "Boccacio Genealogie.") (NOTE. For bibliographical 
 details see MS. Ashpitel catalogue.) 
 Venetiis per Bonetum locatellum, 1493 
 On Public Libraries : their use and national profit. In- 
 cribed to J. Mayer, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) . . Liverpool, 1867 
 LIBRI, Guglielmo. 
 The Case of G. Libri. An 8vo. volume containing : 
 1. The Case of M. Libri Lond. 1852 
 2. A Petition addressed to the Senate in the Case of M. 
 Libri ib. 1861 
 3. Petition addressee au Senat sur 1'affaire de M. Libri. 
 Paris, 1861 
 4. Memoire sur les irregularites de la procedure criminelle 
 suivie contre M. Libri par M. Henry Celliez. (With a 
 Supplement) ........ ib. 1861 
 5. M. Libri n'est pas contumax. Consultation de M. Henry 
 Celliez sur la petition addressee au Senat suivie de 
 1'adhesion de M. E. Laboulaye .... ib. 1861 
 6. Lettre a M. Naudet. Par A. C. Cretaine . . ib. 1849 
 6.*Douze mots aux Magistrats Fran9ais f . Lond. 1862 
LIB LIL 379 
 LIBRI, Guglielmo continued. 
 7. tin nouvel episode de 1'afFaire Libri ou lettre a M. le 
 Directeur du Journal I'Athenaeum par A. Jubinal. Paris, 1850 
 8. Lettre de M. Libri a M. Barthelemy Saint Hilaire. 
 Lond. 1850 
 9. Une Lettre inedite de Montaigne par Achille Jubinal. 
 Paris, 1850 
 10. Encore une Lettre inedite de Montaigne, par Fr. Lepelle 
 de Bois-Gallais Land. 1850 
 11. Lettre a M. Paul Lacroix par Achille Jubinal Paris, 1849 
 12. Memeire sur la Persecution qu'on fait souffrir en France 
 a M. Libri par M. Ranieri Lamporecchi . . Lond. 1850 
 13. Lettre de M. Libri a M. le President de 1'Institut de 
 France ib. 1850 
 14. Reponse de M. Libri au rapport de M. Boucly . ib. 1848 
 Catalogue of his MSS., &c. 8vo., vol. ii.,part i. . ib. 1859-61 
 4to ib. 1864 
 LICETUS, Fortunius. Hieroglyphica, sive Antiqua Schemata 
 Gemmarum anularium, fol. .... Padua, 1653 
 LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL, A short account of. Fifth edition. Sm. 
 8vo Lond. 1843 
 6th edition, 12mo. -. . . Lichfield, n.d. 
 LICQUET, Theodore. Rouen : precis de son histoire, 12mo. Rouen, 1827 
 LIDDELL, H. G. A History of Rome to the establishment of the 
 Empire, 12mo Lond. 1857 
 LIDOELL, H. G., and SCOTT, Robert. A Greek-English Lexicon, 
 second edition, 4to. ...... Oxford, 1845 
 LIEBERMANN, F. Ungedruckte Anglo-Normannische Geschichts- 
 quellen, 8vo. ..... Strasburg and Lond. 1879 
 LIEBLEIN, J. Hieroglyphisches Namen-Worterbuch, 8vo. 
 Christiania, 1871 
 LIE"GE, MUSE'S D'ARMES DE. Bulletin. l re Annee. No. I. Janvier, 
 1886. 8vo Liege, 1886 
 LIGER, L. Amusemens de la Campagne, ou Nouvelles Ruses 
 Innocentes. Plates. 2 vols. 12mo. . . Paris, 1753 
 LTGHTFOOTE, John. Erubhin; or, Miscellanies Christian and 
 Judaicall, and others, sm. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1629 
 LTGON, Richard. History of Barbados, fol. . . . ib. 1657 
 LILBURN, John. 
 The Oppressed Man's Oppressions declared, 4to. . ib. 1646 
 Lieut.-Col. John Lilburn's Plea in Law, against an Act of 
 Parliament of the 30th of January, 1651. Second edition, 
 sm. 4to. ........ n.p. 1653 
 Malice detected, in printing certain Informations concerning 
 Lieut.-Col. John Lilburn, sm. 4to. .... ib. 1653 
 The Lawes Funerall, or, an Epistle written by John 
 Lilburn unto a friend of his, giving him a relation of 
 his defence, the 8th of May, 1648, sm. 4to. . . n.p. n.d. 
 Diploniatarium Suecanum, 2 vols. 4to. . . Stockholm, 1829 
 Run-Lara, 8vo . ib. 1832 
 LILLY, John. 
 Euphues, the Anatomie of Wit. (Euphues and his 
 England.) 2 pts. 4to Lond. 1636 
 Dramatic Works. Edited by F. W. Fairholt, 2 voLs. fcp. 
 8vo " ib. 1858 
 LILLY, Joseph. A Collection of Seventy-nine Black-Letter 
 Ballads and Broadsides, 1559 and 1597. (Formerly in 
 the Library of Mr. George Daniel.) 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 LILLY, William. 
 The Starry Messenger ; or, an Interpretation of that strange 
 Apparition of three Suns, seene in London, 19th Novem- 
 ber 1644, 4to ib. 1645 
 A Collection of Ancient and Moderne Prophesies concerning 
 these present times. Plates. 4to. .... ib. 1645 
 Christian Astrology. Portrait. 4to. . . . ib. 1647 
 An Astrologicall Prediction of the occurrences in England, 
 part of the yeers 1648, 1649, 1650. (Bound with Ferrier's 
 "Astronom. Discourse.") 4to. .... ib. 1648 
 An Introduction to Astrology. Adapted to the improved 
 state of Science. By Zadkiel [i.e. Lieut. R. J. Morrison]. 
 Plates. 8vo. ib. 1835 
 LIMBOURG, J. P. de. Les Amusemens de Spa, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Amsterdam, 1782 
 LIMONADE, Le Comte de. Relation des- glorieux evenemens 
 relatifs au trone d'Hayti, 8vo. ..... 1811 
 LINAS, C. de. Notice sur une Vie manuscrite de St. Omer 
 precedee d'un Essai sur 1'Orfevrerie et la Toreutique 
 appliquees a la reliure des livres, 8vo. . . Amiens, n.d. 
 Chronological Table of High Sheriffs, 4to. . . Lond. 1779 
 An Historical Account of Lincoln. New edition, 12mo. 
 Lincoln, 1805 
 The History of Lincoln. Containing an account, of the 
 Antiquities, &c.. of that City ; an introductory Sketch of 
 the County, and a description of the Cathedral, 8vo. ib. 1816 
 A Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Lincoln, 12mo. 
 ib. 1840-48 
 Inquisition held before the Commissioners of Sewers, 1583, 
 4to. (Tracts 104) Ripon, 1851 
 Historical Account of the Antiquities, 8vo. . Lincoln, 1771 
 Historical and Descriptive Account, 12mo. . . ib. 1849 
 Consuetudinarium Ecclesie Lincolniensis, tempore Richardi 
 de Gravesend Episcopi (A.D. 1258-79) redactum. With 
 Notes by Christopher Wordsworth. Edited by H. E. 
 Reynolds. Fol [Exeter'], 1885 
 LINCOLNSHIRE, in>1836, displayed in a series of Engravings, &c. 
 8vo. .... .... Lincoln, 1836 
 LINCOLNSHIRE SURVEY/ Temp. Henry I. Edited by J. Green- 
 street, fol.< .- .- . .- .- .- '. Lond. 1884 
LIN LIN 381 
 relative to the County of Lincoln, read 1841, 1842, 4to. 
 Lincoln, 1843 
 LINCOLN'S INN LIBRARY. Fifth Supplement to the Catalogue, 
 May, 1877, to May, .1881, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1881 
 LINCOLN, Abraham, Memorial of, 4to. . . . Boston, 1865 
 LIND, John. Present State of Poland, 8vo. . . Lond. 1773 
 LIND, Karl. Blatter fur Altere Sphragistik, 4to. . Vienna, 1878 
 LINDEBERG, Peter. Hypotyposis Arcium, Palatiorum, Librorum, 
 &c., ab Henrico Ranzovio, conditorum, sin. 4to. Frankfort, 1592 
 LINDENBROG, Erpold. Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum Sep- 
 tentrionalium, fol. ... . ib. 1630 
 LINDENBROG, Frederic. Codex Legum Antiquarum, 2 vols. fol. 
 ib. 1613 
 Die Alterthiimer unserer heidnischen Yorzeit, vol. i.-iv. 
 (1, 2), 4to . Mayence, 1858-83 
 Die vaterlandischen Alterthiimer zu Sigmaringen, 4to. ib. 1860 
 Handbuch der Deutschen Alterthumskunde, 8vo. Thl. 1. 
 Braunschweig, 1880 
 LINDLEY, A. F. Adamantia. The Truth about the South 
 African Diamond Fields ; or, a Vindication of the Right 
 of the Orange Free State to that territory, &c., 8vo. Lond. 1873 
 LINDSAY, Lord. 
 Letters on Egypt, Edom, and The Holy Land. Third edi- 
 tion, 2 vols. 8vo . . ib, 1839 
 Lives of the Lindsays, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1849 
 LINDSAY, John. 
 Coinage of Ireland, 4to. .... Cork, 1839 
 Coinage of the Heptarchy, 4to ib. 1842 
 Coinage of Scotland, 4to. . . ib. 1845 
 Supplement, 4to. .... ib. 1859 
 Second Supplement, 4to. . . . ib. 1869 
 Notices of remarkable Medieval Coins, 4to. (Tracts 25) ib. 1848 
 History and Coinage of the Parthians, 4to. . . ib. 1852 
 On a Talisman brought from Syria, 4to. (Tracts 28) . ib. 1855 
 Notices of Greek) Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and other Coins in 
 the Author's Cabinet, 4to. (Tracts 25) . . . ib. 1860 
 LINDSAY, Ralph. 
 Etymology of Southwark. Second edition, 8vo. Loud. 1838 
 Third edition, 8vo ib. 1839 
 LINGARD. Grants of Arms, 8vo. 
 LINGARD, John. 
 On the Nature and Constitution of Timber, 8vo. ib. 1816 
 Vindication of certain passages in the 4th and 5th vols. 
 of the History of England, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . . ib. 1826 
 History of England from the Invasion by the Romans to 
 the Accession of William and Mary in 1688, 10 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1849 
 LINK, H. F. Travels in Portugal. Translated by J. Hinckley. 
 8vo. #.'1801 
382 LIN LIS 
 Charter, 4to Lond. 1802 
 List. November 1st, 1879, 8vo. 
 LIPSCOMB, George. History and Antiquities of the County of 
 Buckingham, 4 vols. 4to. . . . . ib. 1847 
 LIPSIUS, Justus. - 
 De Vesta et Vestalibus, 4to. . Antwerp, 1603 
 Saturnalium sermonum libri duo-, 4to. . , . ib. 1604 
 De amphitheatre libri, 4to. . . . . ib. 1604 
 Poliorceticon, 4to. . . . * . ib. 1605 
 Compte Rendu de la 9 e . Session, 1880, 8vo. . Lisbon, 1884 
 Memorias da Academia, 2a Serie, Yols. i. to iii. fbl. ib. 1843-51 
 Memorias, Classe 1, Nova Serie, 4to. In progress ib. 1854, etc. 
 Memorias, Classe 2, Nova Serie. In progress . ib. 1854, &c. 
 Portugaliae Monumenta Historica. Leges et Consuetudines, 
 Vol. i. Scriptores, Vol. i. 1-3, and index, fol. . ib. 1856-63 
 Diplomata et Chartse,. Vol. i. (1-4) . . . $.1867-73 
 Annaes, Classe 1, vol. i. and vol. ii., parts 1 to 9, 8vo. ib. 1857-58 
 Classe 2, vol. i. and vol. ii., parts 1 to 5, 8vo. ib. 1857-58 
 Memorias, 12 vols. 4to ib. 1797-1839 
 Discursos leidos na Sessaos publicas, sin. 4to^ (Tracts 57), 
 ib. 1838-43 
 Lendas da India por G. Correa, 2 vols. 4to. .. ib. 1858-61 
 Quadro Elementar das Redoes politicas e diplomaticas de 
 Portugal, vols. ixi., xiv.xviii., 8vo. . . ib. 184260 
 Collec9ao de Monumentos Ineditos para a Historia das 
 Conquistas dos Portuguezes em Africa, Asia e America, 
 Tomos i.-vi. la Serie. In progress. Historia da Asia. 
 4to. ib. 1858, etc. 
 Portugalliae Inscriptiones Romanas edidit L. M. Jordao. 
 Vol. i. 4to ib. 1859 
 Corpo Diplomatic Portuguez. Publicado por Jose da 
 Silva Mendes Leal. Tomos i.-v. 4to. . . ib. 1862-74 
 Catalogo das Publi9aoes, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1865 
 Sessao Publica, 12 de Dezembro de 1875, 8vo. . ib. 1875-77 
 15 de Maio de 1877, 8va. . . ib. 1875-77 
 - 9 de Junho de 1880, 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 Conferencias Celebradas na Academia Real das Sciencias de 
 Lisboa acerca dos Descobrimentos dos Portuguezes na 
 Africa. Conferencias la. etc. 8vo. In progress ib. 1877, etc. 
 Historia do Congo. Obra Posthuma do Visconde de Paiva 
 Manso. (Documentos.) 8vo. .... ib. 1877 
 LISCH, G. C. F. 
 Blatter zur Geschichte der Kirchen zu Doberan und Althof, 
 8vo. ........ Schwerin, 1854 
 Pfahlbauten in Meldenberg, 8vo. .... ib. 1865 
 Zweiter Bericht, 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
LIS LIV 383 
 LISMORE PAPERS. First Series. Autobiographical Notes, &c., 
 of Sir Richard Boyle (1st Earl of Cork). Edited by 
 A. B. Grosart. 5 vols. sm. 4to. . . . Lond. 1886 
 LISTER, Joseph. Autobiography. Edited by T. Wright 8vo. ib. 1842 
 Another edition. To which is added " The 
 Rider of the White Horse." 8vo. (Tracts 14Q*) Bradford, 1860 
 LISTRUGH, Nicolaus. Views in Holland, fol. 
 LITERARY TRACTS, A 4to. volume containing: , Lond. 1687-1704 
 1. The Hind and the Panther. A poem. By J. Dry den. 
 Second edition 1687 
 2. The Revolter. A Trage-Comedy acted between the Hind 
 and Panther, and Religio Laici, &c. .... 1687 
 3. The Hind and the Panther trans vers'd to the Story of 
 the Country Mouse and the City Mouse . . .1687 
 4. The Mouse grown a Rat ; or, the Story of the City and 
 Country Mouse newly transpos'd in a Discourse betwixt 
 Bays, Johnson, and Smith ...... 1702 
 5. The Monument. A Poem sacred to the Memory of 
 William the Third. By Mr. Dennis . . . .1702 
 6. An Ode in Praise of Musick. Set by Mr. Philip Hart. 
 Written by J. Hughes 1703 
 7. An Elegy on the Author of the True-Born Englishman. 
 With an Essay on the late Storm. By the Author of the 
 Hymn to the Pillory 1704 
 (Tracts 113) Lond. 1858-59 
 Transactions, vols. i. to iii. 4to ib. 1828, 1839 
 Second series, 8vo. In progress . ib. 1843, etc. 
 Proceedings, vol. i. No. 13, 8vo ib. 1842 
 Annual Report, President's Address, and List, 8vo. In 
 progress. (Tracts 113) . . . . . ib. 1849, etc. 
 LITTA, Conte Pompeo. Famiglie Celebri Italiane. Vols. i.-xi. 
 Fol Milan, 1819-76 
 LITTLETON, Adam. Latin Dictionary, in four parts. I. An 
 English-Latin. II. A Latin-Classical. III. A Latin- 
 Proper. IV. A Latin-Barbarous. Sixth edition. 4to. 
 Lond. 1735 
 Dictionnaire de la Langue Fra^aise, 4 vols. 4to. 
 Paris and Lond. 1873-76 
 Supplement. Suivi d'un Dictionnaire 
 fitymologique de tous les Mots d'Origine Orientale. Par 
 Marcel Devic, 4to ib. 1877 
 LITURGICAL RULES for Organists, Singers, and Composers, 12mo. 
 ib. 1868 
 LIVELIE, Edward. A True Chronologic of the Times of the 
 Persian Monarchic, and after, to the destruction of Jeru- 
 salem by the Romanes, sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1597 
 The Stranger in Liverpool. Eleventh edition, 12mo. 
 Liverpool, 1835 
 LIVERPOOL continued. 
 The Stranger's Complete Guide through Liverpool and its 
 Environs, and a sketch of its History and Antiquities, 
 12mo. ....... Liverpool, 1850 
 City of Liverpool. Municipal Archives and Records, 1700- 
 1835. Edited by J. A Picton. 4to. , I . ib. 1886 
 The Stranger's Pocket- Guide through Liverpool, 12mo. ib. n.d. 
 Vols. i. and ii., 4to ib. 1852-57 
 Ceremonies on opening the Library and Museum. Pre- 
 sented by W. Brown, 8vo ib. 1861 
 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Annual Report for 1875, &c., 8vo. 
 In progress ....... ib. 1876, etc. 
 Catalogue of the Mayer Collection. Part I. The Egyptian 
 Antiquities. By C. T. Gatty, 8vo ib. 1877 
 Catalogue of Books, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1814 
 8vo ib. 1862 
 12-37, 8vo ib. 1858-83 
 NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Journal, No. 1. Edited by J. H. Gibson, 
 8vo. ...... Liverpool and Land. 1873 
 ROYAL INSTITUTION. Resolutions, Reports, &c., 8vo. 
 Liverpool, 1822 
 LIVES. The Lives and Deaths of the Holy Apostles, together 
 with the two Evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke, &c. 
 B. L. ( Woodcuts.) Sm. 8vo Lond. 1685 
 LIVINGSTONE, David. Cambridge Lectures. Edited by W. Monk, 
 8vo. ...... Cambridge, 1858 
 LIVIUS, Titus. 
 Historiarum libri, 12mo. .... Amsterdam, 1633 
 Ex recensi-one J. F. Gronovii, 4 vols. 
 Lugd. Sat. Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1645 
 Ex recensione J. F. Gronovii. 
 Amstel. apud D. Elzevirium, 1678 
 Valpy's edition, 20 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1828 
 LIVIUS, Titus, Foro Juliensis. Vita Henrici Quinti. Edited by 
 T. Hearne, 8vo Oxford, 1716 
 LJUBIC, Sime. Viestnik narodnoga zemaljskoga muzeja u 
 Zagrebu za Godinu, 1870. 8vo. . . . Zagrebu, 1870 
 LLANDRINDOD WELLS and Vicinity, a Guide to. Second edition, 
 enlarged, 8vo. ..... Carnarvon, 1874 
 LLEWELLIN, William. 
 David Morgan, the Welsh Jacobite, 8vo. (Tracts 84) 
 Tenby, 1862 
 Monastery of Pen Rhys ap Tewdwr, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) ib. 1862 
 Sussex Ironmasters in Glamorganshire, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) 
 Lond. 1863 
 Iron and Wireworks of Tintern, 8vo. (Tracts 117*) ib. 1863 
 LLOYD, David. The Statesmen and Favourites of England since 
 the Reformation, Henry VIII. to Charles I., 8vo. . ib. 1665 
LLO LOF 385 
 LLOYD, Edward. Thanet Reproved ; or, Who drove Ceesar from 
 our shores ? (Tracts 150.) 8vo. . . Ramsgate, 1860 
 LLOYD, J. V. Campaign of Owain Gwynedd against Henry II., 
 1157, 8vo. (Tracts 150) Mold, 1852 
 LLOYD, W. W. 
 Xanthian Marbles. The Harpy Monuments, 8vo. (Tracts 
 64) Lond. 1844 
 Artemis Elaphebolos, 8vo. (Tracts 64) . . ib. 1847 
 The Portland Vase, 8vo. (Tracts 64) ... ib. 1848 
 LLOYD- WILLIAMS and UNDERWOOD. The Village Churches of 
 Denbighshire, illustrated by drawings. Obi. 4to. 
 Denbigh, n.d 
 LOBINEAU, G. Histoire de Bretagne, 2 vols. fol. . Paris, 1707 
 LOCH, James. Memoir of George Granville, late Duke of 
 Sutherland. (Not published.) 4to. . . Lond. 1834 
 LOCKER, E. H. Yiews in Spain, 4to. . . . ib. 1824 
 LOCKER-LAMPSON, Frederick. The Rowfant Library. A Cata- 
 logue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph 
 Letters, Drawings, and Pictures. Printed for presenta- 
 tion. 8vo ib. 1886 
 LOCKWOOD, H. F. Report on a Design for the Law Courts, fol. 
 ib. 1867 
 LODER, Robert. 
 Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners 
 from Henry VIII. to James I. 3 vols. 4to. Woodbridge. 1791 
 Statutes for Seckford's Alms Houses, Woodbridge, co. 
 Suffolk, 4to . ib. 1792 
 LODGE, B. Roman Sepulchral Monument found at Colchester, 
 8vo. Colchester, 1876 
 LODGE, Edmund. 
 Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners 
 in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Elizabeth, 
 and James I. 3 vols. 4to Lond. 1791 
 Life of Sir Julius Csesar, with Memoirs of his family, fol. 
 ib. 1810 
 Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. With 
 Memoirs, 4 vols. fol. ib. 1821-34 
 LODGE, John. The Peerage of Ireland. Revised and continued 
 by Mervyn Archdall. 7 vols. 8vo. . . Dublin, 1789 
 LOE, William. The Songs of Sion (1620). Edited by A. B. 
 Grosart.' (Fuller Worthies Library.) 8vo. . . n.p. 1870 
 The Origin of the Egyptian Language, 8vo. . Lond. 1837 
 A Dictionary of the Circassian Language, 8vo. . ib. 1854 
 The supposed Jewish Medal, found in York in 1829, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 102) n.d. 
 kGravstenene i Roskilde Kjobstad. 4to. . Copenhagen, 1885 
 Les Pierres Tumulaires de la Cathedrale de Roskilde et 
 d'autres %lises en cette Ville, fol. , ib. 1885 
386 LOF LOtf 
 LOFTIE, W. J. A Century of Bibles, or the Authorised Version 
 from 1611 to 1711, to which is added William Kilburne's 
 Tract on Dangerous Errors in the late printed Bibles, 
 1659. 8vo Lond. 1872 
 A History of London. 2 vols. Second edition, 8vo. ib. 1884 
 LOFTIE, W. J., and BATE MAN, R. 
 The Latin Year. A Collection of Hymns for the Seasons 
 of the Church. 4 vols. 8vo ib. 1873 
 Second copy. Part 1. 
 LOGAN, James. 
 Description of an Engraving of the Concealment of the 
 Scottish Regalia, 12mo. (Tracts 154) . . . ib. n.d. 
 The Scottish Gael ; or Celtic Manners as preserved among 
 the Highlanders, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1831 
 LOGGAN, David. 
 Oxonia Illustrata, fol. ...... Oxford, 1675 
 Cantabrigia Illustrata, fol. .... Cambridge, 1688 
 LOK, Henry. Poems (1593-97). Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library), 8vo. . . . n.p. 1871 
 LOMBAKDUS, Petrus. Sententiarum Libri iv. fol. 
 Vindellnus de Spira, Venice, 1477 
 Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali, 
 vol. i. parts 1, 2, 8vo. ..... Venice, 1864 
 Classe di Lettere e Scienze Morali e Politiche, 
 vols. i.-iv. 8vo ib. 1864-67 
 Serie ii. vol. i., etc. 8vo. In progress. Milan, 1868, etc. 
 Serie iii. vols. x.-xii., fol. .' . ib. 1867-73 
 Annuario 1864, 1866, 1868, sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1864-68 
 Solenni Adunanze ...... ib. 1866-68 
 Memorie, vol. x. s. iii. Fasc. 1, 3, 4, vol. xi. Fasc. 1, 4to. ib. 
 1866, 1868 
 LOMER, M. A. 
 The Curiosities of Heraldry, with illustrations from Old 
 English Writers. (Woodcuts), 8vo. . . . Lond 1845 
 Patronymica Brittanica. A Dictionary of the Family 
 Names of the United Kingdom. (Portrait.) 8vo. . ib. 1860 
 LOMONOSSOF, M. Abridgment of Russian History. Translated 
 by J. G. A. Forster, 8vo. (Tracts 138*) .... 1767 
 LONDESBOROUGH, Albert, Lord. Catalogue of his Collection of 
 Antique Silver Plate. [Privately printed."] 4to. . ib. 1860 
 A New View of London, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1708 
 New Critical Review of the Public Buildings, &c., in 
 London and Westminster, 8vo. .... ib. 1736 
 A vol. containing : 1. Addresses from the Court of 
 Common Council to the King upon his accession. Reso- 
 lutions granting the Freedom of the City to several noble 
 personages and their answers. Instructions to Represen- 
 tatives of the City in Parliament. Petitions to Parlia- 
 ment. Resolutions for returning thanks to Lord 
 Chatham and his answer, and for erecting a statue to 
LON LON 387 
 LON DON continued. 
 Sir W. Beckford. From the 23rd Oct. 1760 to 12th Oct. 
 1770. 2. A petition of the Freeholders of Middlesex 
 to His Majesty; 24th May, 1769. 3. Addresses, Remon- 
 strances, and Petitions commencing the 24th June, 
 1769, presented to the King and Parliament, with His 
 Majesty's answers, &c. ( Wanting Beckford's Speech to the 
 King) Lond. 1760-70 
 London and its Environs described, 6 vols, 8vo. . . ib. 1761 
 An Historical Account of the Curiosities of London and 
 Westminster. In 3 parts, 12mo ib. 1776 
 The Charters complete ; also Magna Charta, and the Bill 
 of Rights. By John Luffman, 8vo. . . . ib. 1793 
 Modern London. History and Present State of the Metro- 
 polis, 4to ib. 1804 
 Views of London and its Environs, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. ib. 1804-5 
 London and its Environs ; or, the General Ambulator. 
 Twelfth edition, 12mo ib. 1820 
 A Chronicle of London, 1089 to 1483, written in the 15th 
 Century. From MSS. in the British Museum. [Edited 
 by Sir N. H. Nicolas.] 4to ib. 1827 
 Endowed Charities of London. Reprinted from the Charity 
 Reports, 8vo ib. 1829 
 London. (By various authors.) Edited by C. Knight. 6 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1841 
 Recorders of the City of London, 1298-1850, 4to. . ib. 1850 
 Munimenta Gildhallas Londinensis. Edited by H. T. Riley, 
 vols. i.-iii. 8vo ib. 1859-67 
 Bankers of London, sm. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1863 
 The Little London Directory of 1677. The oldest printed 
 List of the Merchants and Bankers of London, sm. 8vo. 
 ib. 1863 
 Proceedings in reference to the Preservation of Bunhill 
 Fields Burial Ground, 8vo ib. 1867 
 Memorials of London and London Life. From the Early 
 Archives of the City of London. Edited by H. T. Riley, 
 M.A. Published by order of the Corporation of London, 
 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 London's Roll of Fame : Addresses on presentation of the 
 Honorary Freedom, &c., 1757-1884, 4to. . . ib. 1884 
 Catalogue of the Tombs in the Churches, A.D. 1666. By 
 Major Payne Fisher. Printed 1668. Edited by G. 
 Blacker Morgan. Privately re-printtd. 4to. . . ib. 1885 
 Antiquities of, 4to. ....... ib. n.d. 
 The Visitation of London, taken by Robert Clarencieux, A.D. 
 1568. Edited by J. J. Howard and J. G. Nichols, pp. 1-12 
 n.p. n.d. 
 Expenses of Royal Entertainments in 1814, 4to. . ib. 1817 
 Catalogue. Supplements, 1-1 5, 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1860-79 
388 LOW LON" 
 Analytical Indexes to Vols. ii. and viiL of the series of 
 Becords known as the Bemembrancia, A.D. 1580-1664, 
 8vo. Lond. 1870 
 A.D. 1597-1664, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation of the 
 City of London, circa A.D. 1350-1370. Edited by B. R. 
 Sharpe,8vo . ib. 1885 
 Transactions, 8vo. In progress .... ib. 1856, etc. 
 Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of Art exhibited 
 at Ironmongers' Hall, Parts 1-3, 4to. . . ib. 1863-67 
 Proceedings. In progress ...... ib. 
 Books, Manuscripts, Letters, &c. Deposited in the 
 Library of the Corporation of the City of London, 8vo. 
 ib. 1879 
 Plan and Bye-Laws, with Lists, 8vo. (Tracts 137) . ib. 1806 
 Charter, 8vo. (Tracts 137) ib. 1807 
 Catalogue of Library, 8vo. ...... ib. 18 13 
 4 vols. 8vo. Lists of additions to Library, 
 1859 to Mar. 1862, 4to ib. 1835-62 
 Journal. Nos. 1, 2. Vol. I. 8vo ib. 1871 
 Catalogue of, 8vo ib. 1842 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1847-52 
 Third edition, 8vo ib. 1865 
 Fourth edition, with classified index of 
 subjects. By B. Harrison, 8vo. .... ib. 1875 
 Supplemental vol. 1875-80, 8vo. .... ib. 1881 
 Beport of, 8vo. (Tracts 109) 1852 
 Beports to, by E. Lankester, P. Bedfern, T. Clark, and J. 
 Smith. ib. 1852 
 LONDON, UNIVERSITY OF. Catalogue of the Library : including 
 the Libraries of Grote and De Morgan, 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 Proceedings at Annual Meetings, 1861, 8vo. (Tracts 110) 
 ib. 1861 
 Catalogue of Books. (With an Appendix.) 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1879 
 Calendar. Session 1879-80, etc. 8vo. In progress, ib. 1879, etc. 
 LONG, Henry Lawes. The March of Hannibal from the Bhone 
 to the Alps, 8vo. (Tracts 63**) .... ib. 1831 
 LONG, J. The Eastern Question in its Anglo-Indian Aspect, 8vo. 
 ib. 1877 
 LONG, William. 
 Abury Illustrated, 4to. (Tracts 37) . . . Devizes, 1858 
 Stonehenge and its Barrows, 4to. . . . ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of Old Books to be sold by Longman & Co., 8vo. 
 Lond. 1816 
LON LON 389 
 LONGMAN, William. 
 Lectures on the History of England. Vol. 1 (Lect. I.-V.) 
 From the earliest times to the death of Edward II. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1863 
 The History of the Life and Times of Edward the Third. 
 2 vols. 8vo . ib. 1869 
 A History of the three Cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in 
 London, 8vo ib. 1873 
 LONGPE"RIER, Adrien de. 
 Monnaies Francaises inedites du cabinet de M. Dassy, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1840 
 Essai sur les Medailles des Rois Perses de la Dynastie 
 Sassanide, 4to. ib. 1840 
 Medaille d'Or de Dynamis, 8vo ib. 1843 
 Medaille inedite de Lycie, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1843 
 Bellerophon, 8vo ib. 1846 
 Sur une Inscription Latine inedite, 8vo. . . . ib. 1846 
 Sur un Ornement represente au revers de quelques Mon- 
 naies Gauloises, 8vo. ...... ib.. 1848 
 Sur les Armes des Gladiateurs, 8vo. (Two copies') . ib. 1851 
 Interpretation du Type Figure sur les Deniers de la Famille 
 Hosidia, 8vo. ib, 1852 
 Sur deux Vases Peints Antiques, 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 De 1'Anonsvara dans la Numismatique Gauloise, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 33*) . . ib. 1864 
 Observations sur une Figure de Bacchus, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) ib. 1865 
 Vase Arabo-Sicilien de 1'CEuvre Salemon, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) 
 ib. 1865 
 Observations sur trois Medaillons Romains de bronze 
 8vo. (Tracts 33*) ib'. 1865 
 Monnaies de Charles VI. etde Charles VII., R/ois de France, 
 f rappees a Genes, 8vo (Tracts 40*) . . . n.p. 1868 
 Tresor de Tarse, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) .... n.p.. 1868 
 Deniers de Charlemagne, trouves pres de Sarzana, 8vo; 
 (Track 40*) . . n.p. 1868- 
 Sur un Vase Gaulois, 8vo. . . . .. ib. n.d. 
 LONGPE"RIER, Henri de. 
 Des Rouelles et des Anneaux antiques, 8vo. ( Tracts 33*) ib. 1867 
 Note sur les Rouelles antiques de bronze, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) 
 ib. 1867 
 Vases Peints inedits de la Collection Dzialynski, 8vo. 
 (Track 33*) . . . . . . . ib. 1808 
 Recherches sur les Insignes de la Questure et sur les Reci- 
 pients Monetaires, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1868 
 Medailles Imperiales Grecques relatives aux 0e/ue9 de 
 1'Asie Mineure, 8vo. (Tracts 40*) .... ib. 1869 
 Tetradrachme inedit de Delphes. Attribution de diverses 
 monnaies a la meme Ville, 8vo. (Track 40*) . ib. 1869 
 The Hylton Chaplets of Fugitive Leaves and Fading 
 Flowers, 50 copies, sm. 8vo. .... Gateshead, 1852 
 Richmondshire ; its ancient Lords and Edifices, 8vo. Lond. 1852 
390 LON LOU 
 LONGSTAFFE, W. H. D. continued. 
 The Old Heraldry of the Percys. (For private circulation.) 
 8vo. . J . . Newcastle, 1860 
 LONSDALE, H. W., and E. J. TARVER. Illustrations of Mediaeval 
 Costume, 4to. . Lond. 1874 
 LONSDALE, Henry. The Worthies of Cumberland. The How- 
 ards, Rev. 'R. Matthews, John Rooke, Captain Joseph 
 Huddart, 8vo ib. 1872 
 LOPTUS, son of GUTMOR. Hatta-Lyckill Lopte Gutorms Sonar. 
 Edited by J. H. Schroder. Clavis Rythmica Lopti Gut- 
 mori Filii, Icelandic and Lat., 4to. (Tracts 45) TTpsal, 1816 
 Fra Raknehaugen. Antiquarisk Meddelelse, 8vo. (Tracts 
 1***) 1870 
 Om Spor af romersk Kultur i Norges aeldre Jernalder, 
 8vo. (Tracts 163) 1873 
 Samlingen af Norske Oldsager i Bergens Museum, 8vo. 
 Bergen, 1875 
 LORDS, House of. 
 Calendar. Index to Yols. i. to Ixiv. (1820-33), 5 vols. fol. 
 Lond. 1836-55 
 Calendar, 1642 to 1826, 2 vols. fol. . . ... ib. n.d. 
 LORICH, F. J. Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam 
 regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, sm. 4to. . Lund, 1802 
 LORIQUET, Charles. Sur 1'Eclairage chez les Romains, 8vo. Rheims, 1853 
 Marque Pharmaceutique inscrite sur une Fiole en verre, 
 8vo. (Tracts 59*) Rheims, 1863 
 Des Mots grigner, grincer, grimacer, et rechigner, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 59*) ib. 1863 
 LORRIS, Guillaume de. Le Roman de la Rose, par G. de 
 Lorris et Jean de Meun. Accompagne de plusieurs autres 
 ouvrages, d'une preface historique (by Lenglet Dufres- 
 noy), 3 vols. 12mo. .... Amsterdam, 1735 
 LOSTELNAU. Le Mareschal de Bataille, fol. . . Paris, 1647 
 LOUDOUN, Case of the Countess of. 
 In the House of Lords. Case on behalf of Edith Maud, 
 Countess of Loudoun, a co-heiress to the Baronies of 
 Botreaux, Hungerford, De Molyns, and Hastings, fol. 
 Lond. 1870 
 In the House of Lords. Case of Edith Maud, Countess of 
 Loudoun, and Baroness Botreaux, Baroness Hungerford, 
 Baroness De Moleyns, and Baroness Hastings, co-heiress 
 to the Baronies of Montacute (1299), Monthermer, Monta- 
 cute (1357), and Montagu, fol ib. 1873 
 Memoires, Annees 1835-57, 12 vols. 8vo. . Poitiers, 1836-59 
 Bulletins, Annees 1838-58, 8vo. ; and Nos. 2, 3, 4, of 1851 ; 
 and Nos. 1, 2, 3, of 1852, 2 me -4 me Trimestres de 1872, 
 et 4 me Trimestre de 1873 
 Tables des Manuscrits de D. Fonteneau, 8vo. . . ib. 1839 
LOU LOW 391 
 Louis XVI. (of France). Prieres Publiqnes Ordonnees a 
 1'occasion du Sacre du Roi, 12mo. (Bound with St. Denis, 
 Les Tombeaux, etc.) Poitiers, 1775 
 LOUTH. Notitiae Ludae, or Notices of Louth. By R. S. Bayley, 
 8vo Louth, 1834 
 LOUVAIN, UNIVERSIT^ DE. Memoire relatif & 1'Instruction Pub- 
 lique, fol . 1834 
 LOUVRE. Description du Louvre, et des Tuileries, 8vo. Poitiers, 1853 
 LOVELACE, Earl of. On a Collar Roof at East Horsley Park, 
 8vo. (Tracts 62*) . . Lond. 1849 
 LOVELACE, Richard. Lucasta, the Poems of Richard Lovelace, 
 Edited by W. C. Hazlitt, fcp. 8vo. . . ib. 1864 
 Low COUNTRIES. Declaration of the Causes moving Queen 
 Elizabeth to give Aid to the Low Countries, 4to . ib. 1585 
 Low-LiFE : or, One Half of the World knows not how the other 
 Half live, 8vo . ib. n.d. 
 Low, Sampson. 
 The English Catalogue of Books published from January, 
 1835, to January, 1863, 8vo ib. 1864 
 Vol. II., Jan. 1863 to Jan. 1872, 8vo. . ib. 1873 
 - Vol. III., Jan. 1872 to Dec. 1880, 8vo. . ib. 1882 
 LOWE, A. E. L. Pedigree of the Family of Otter of Welham, Notts, 
 and elsewhere. With notes. Privately printed. 4to. ib. 1880 
 LOWE, R. G. Description of the Roman Theatre at Verulam, 
 8vo. (Tracts 74) .. .... ib. 1848 
 LOWE, Roger, of Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire, the Diary 
 of. 1663-1678. Not published. 4to. . . Leigh, 1877 
 LOWE, Solomon. 
 To learned and curious Schoolmasters. An easy method of 
 initiating children in the Latin Tongue, 8vo. (Tracts 56**) 
 Lond. 1716 
 An Appendix to Grammar, 8vo. (Tracts 56*) . . ib. 1719 
 A Critique on the Etymology of the Westminster Grammar, 
 8vo. (Tracts 56*) . ib. 1723 
 Latin Rudiments and Italian Rudiments (two Tracts), 8vo. 
 (Tracts 56*) ib. 1723 
 Mnemonics delineated, 8vo. (Tracts 56**) . n.p. 1737 
 LOWER, M. A. 
 On English Surnames, 8vo. .... Lewes, 1843 
 The Curiosities of Heraldry, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1845 
 Patronymica Britannica, 8vo. . . Lond. and Lewes, 1860 
 The Worthies of Sussex, 4to Lewes, 1865 
 A Compendious History of Sussex, topographical, archaeo- 
 logical and anecdotical. (Containing an Index to the 
 " Sussex Archaeological Collections." Vols. 1-20.) 2 vols. 
 8vo. ...... Lewes and Lond. 1870 
 Handbook for Lewes, 8vo. ...... ib. 
 LOWNDES, W. On Amendment of the Silver Coins, 12mo. Lond. 1695 
 LOWNDES, W. T. Bibliographer's Manual, New edition, 6 vols. 
 8vo. . ib. 1857-64 
392 LOW LUC 
 LOWTS, Robert. The Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop of 
 Winchester, 8vo '-.-.. . Oxford, 1777 
 LUBBOCK, Sir John, Bart. 
 On the Lake Habitations of Switzerland, 8vo. (Tracts 62) 
 Land. 1862 
 On the evidence of the Antiquity of Man, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) 
 il. 1862 
 North American Archeology, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . il. 1863 
 On the Lake Habitations of Switzerland, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) 
 il. 1863 
 Prehistoric Times, 8vo il. 1865 
 Second edition, 8vo. .... il. 1869 
 On the True Assignation of Bronze Weapons, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***) il. 1866 
 On the Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition 
 of Man, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) .... il. 1867 
 Description of the Park Cwm Tumulus, 8vo. (Tracts 58***) 
 il. 1871 
 On the Development of Relationships, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) 
 il. 1871 
 Note on some Stone Implements from Africa and Syria, 
 8vo. (Trac^61***) il. 1871 
 The Anthropological Institute. Anniversary Meeting. 
 President's address, 8vo. (Tracts I2Q **) . . il. 1S72 
 Note on the Macas Indians, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . il. 1873 
 LUCANUS, M. Annaeus. 
 Pharsalia, fol. (For lilliographical details see MS. AsTipitel 
 Catalogue.) ....... Venice, 1493 
 Ex emendatione Y. C. H. Grotii 
 Amsterod. (typis D. Elzevirii), 1671 
 Edited by R. Bentley, 4to. . Strawlerry Hill, 1760 
 LUCAS, My Lord, his Speech in the House of Peers, Feb. the 
 22, 167y upon the Reading of the Subsidy Bill the second 
 time. (Tracts on Politics and Church A/airs. 1670-1711.) 
 4to Lond. 1670 
 LUCAS, Samuel. Charters of the Old English Colonies in 
 America, with Notes, 8vo. . . . . . il. 1850 
 LUCAS, Theophilus. Memoirs of the most famous Gamesters 
 and Sharpers in the reigns of Charles II., James I., 
 William III. and Queen Anne. Second edition, 12mo. 
 il. 1714 
 LUCE, Simeon. 
 Negociations des Anglais avec le Roi de Navarre pendant 
 la Revolution Parisienne de 1358, 8vo. . . Paris, 1875 
 Histoire de Bertrand Du Gnesclin et de son epoque. La 
 Jeunesse de Bertrand (1320-1364), 8vo. . . . il. 1876 
 LUCHET, Le Marquis de. Eloge de Mr. Arouet de Voltaire, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 141) about 1778 
 Opera Greece et Latin e ad editionem T. Hemsterhusii et 
 J. F. Reitzii expressa, 10 vols. 8vo. . . Biponti, 1789-93 
 8vo. . .. . ... Paris, Didot, 1840 
LUC LUM 393 
 LUCIDI, Antonio. Notizie della Santa Casa di Maria Vergine 
 venerata in Loreto, 8vo. ..... Lorretto, 1777 
 LUCINDA. The Life and Amorous Adventures of Lncinda, written 
 by herself, 12mo Lond. 1722 
 Lucius, Joannes. De Regno Dalmatiae, fol. . Amsterdam, 1668 
 LUCKIUS, Johannes Jacobus. Sjlloge Numismatum quae diversi 
 Imperatores, Reges, &c., ab anno 1500 ad annum 1600, 
 cudi fecerunt, fol. ..... Strasburg, 1620 
 LUCRETIUS CARUS, T. Opera, Valpy's edition, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 
 LUCY, Sir Thomas. Fac-Simile of a Letter to Lord Robert 
 Dudley, from the Original at Longleat, 8vo. [Folded 
 broadsheet] n.p. 1878 
 LUDEES, Alexander. On the Constitution of Parliament, Temp. 
 Ed. I., 8vo ib. 1818 
 LUDLOW, Edmond, Memoirs of. Portrait. 3 vols, 8vo. 
 Vevay, 1698-99 
 LUDLQW, Handbook to, 3rd edition, 8vo. . . . Ludlow, 1865 
 LUISE VON PREUSSEN. Beschreibung und erlauterung eines 
 denkmals von Gebranntem Thon welches der Verewigten 
 konigin in dem Hause des koniglichen Salzfaktors Pile- 
 gaard bei Frankfurth an der Oder gewidmet ist, 4to. 
 (Tracts 26) Berlin, 1812 
 Luiz, Francisco de Sales. Glossario de Yocabulos Portaguezes, 
 4to Lisbon, 1837 
 LUKIS, F. C. The Barrows near Bircham Magna, fol. (Tracts 
 160) Guernsey, 1843 
 LUKIS, W. C. 
 An Account of Church Bells, 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1857 
 Flint Implements and Tumuli near Ripon, Yorkshire, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 90*) Ripon, 1865 
 A Brief Notice of the Maison de Dieu Hospital at Ripon, 
 8vo. (Tracts 164,) ib. 1872 
 A Guide to the principal Chambered Barrows and other 
 Pre- Historic Monuments in the islands of the Morbihan, 
 the communes of Locmariaker, Carnac, Plouharnel, and 
 Erdeven ; and the peninsulas of Quiberon and Rhuis, 
 Brittany, 12mo. ....... ib. 1875 
 On the Class of Rude Stone Monuments which are 
 commonly called in England Cromlechs, and in France 
 Dolmens, 8vo. ..... Ripon and Lond. 1875 
 Prehistoric Stone Monuments of the British Isles, Corn- 
 wall, fol. (Two copies) Lond. 1885 
 LUMINALIA, or the Festival of Light : a Masque. Edited by A. 
 B. Grosart. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo. Blackburn, 1872 
 LUMISDEN, Andrew. Antiquities of Rome, 4to. . . Lond. 1797 
 LUM LEY, W. G. Emigration of the Poor, 12mo. . . ib. 1852 
 LUMSDEN, James. Guide to the Romantic Scenery of Loch 
 Lomond, Loch Ketturin, the Trosachs, &c. Sixth edition, 
 8vo. . Glasgow, 1849 
394 LUN LYN 
 LUND, Sweden. 
 Lunds Universitets Ars-Skrift, 1865. 
 i. Ratts-och Statsvetenskap, 4to. . . . Lund, 1865-66 
 ii. Philosophi, Sprakvetenskap och Historia, 4to. ib. 186566 
 iii. Mathematik och Naturvetenskap, 4to. . ib. 1865-66 
 Forelasningar och Ofnigar, 1867, 4to. . . . ib. 1867 
 bericht 1878, 8vo Lilneburg, 1879 
 LUPI, Clemente. Manuale di Paleografia delle Carte, 8vo. 
 Florence, 1875 
 LUPTON, Harry. The History of Thame and its Hamlets, 8vo. 
 Thame, 1860 
 LUSANIO, Orniteo. Sopra le Monete de' Yescovi di Trieste, 4to. 
 Trieste, 1788 
 LUTHER, Martin. Epistola ad Henricum VIII. In qua veniam 
 petit eorum quse prius in eundem regem effhiderit. Res- 
 ponsio dicti regis : singula praefatae epistolse capita, 8vo. 
 Dresden (W. Stockel), 1527 
 LUTTRELL, Narcissus. A Brief Historical Relation of State 
 Affairs, from September, 1678, to April, 1714. 6 vols. 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1857 
 LUYKEN, Jean. 
 Jesus en de ziel. Een geestelycke spiegel voor't gemoed, 
 sm. 8vo. . . . . . . . Amsterdam, 1696 
 Voncken der Liefde Jesu, 8vo. (Bound with the above.} 
 ib. 1696 
 LYALL, W. H. 
 1. Copy of the Will of Giles De Kelseye. 
 2. Copy of the Will of Alderman John Derby. 
 3. Copy of the Grant to John Derby of Property in Philpot 
 Lane. All from the " Husting Roll of London," with 
 translations, fol. ...... Land. 1877 
 LYE, Edward. Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, 
 edited by O. Manning, 2 vols. fol ib. 1772 
 LYNCH, W. F. Narrative of the United States Expedition to 
 the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, 8vo. . . ib. 1849 
 LYNCH, William. 
 View of the Institutions of Ireland, Temp. Henry II., 8vo. 
 ib. 1830 
 On the Law of Election in Ireland, 8vo. . . . ib. 1831 
 Case illustrative of the prescriptive Baronies of Ireland, fol. 
 ib. 1835 
 Provinciale, seu Constitutiones Angliee, fol. . . ib. 1505 
 Provinciale seu Constitutiones Anglise. Othonis et 
 Othobini Constitutiones Legatinoe. Constitutiones Provin- 
 ciales diversorum conciliorum, fol. . . . Antwerp, 1525 
 LYNDON, J. W. The Crown Lands : an essay on the right of 
 the Queen and Royal Family to monetary support from 
 the nation, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) . . . Lund. 1871 
LYN LYT 395 
 LYNDSAY, Sir David. Poetical Works. Edited by G. Chalmers, 
 3 vols. 8vo Lond. 1806 
 LYON OFFICE and The Marjoribanks Family. 
 A Reply to the Remarks of the Lyon Clerk Depute, 
 entitled " Mr. Joseph Foster on the Return of Members 
 of Parliament." Third edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1882 
 A Reply to Lyon King-of-Arms, 8vo. By J. Foster . ib. 1882 
 LYON, J. L. Hebrew and English Spelling Book, 12mo. . ib. 1855 
 LYON, John. History of Dover and the Cinque Ports, 2 vols. 
 4to Dover, 1813-14 
 LYRA, Nicolaus de. Glossse in universa Biblia. (For Biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue) . . [1481?] 
 LYSONS, Daniel. 
 Environs of London ; Middlesex Parishes and Supplement, 
 4 vols. 4to Lond. 1792-1811 
 History of the Meeting of the Choirs of Gloucester, Worcester, 
 and Hereford, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) . Gloucester, 1812 
 8vo ib. 1812 
 LYSONS, Daniel and Samuel. Magna Britannia : a Topo- 
 graphical Account of the several Counties of Great 
 Britain, 6 vols. 4to ib. 1806-22 
 LYSONS, Samuel. 
 An Account of Roman Antiquities discovered at Wood- 
 chester, Co. Gloucester, fol ib. 1797 
 Reliquiae Britannico Romanee, Vol. i., Part 1. Figures of 
 Mosaic Pavements discovered at Horkstow, imp. fol. ib. 1801 
 Part 2. Remains of Temples, &c. at 
 Bath, imp. fol. . ib. 1802 
 Part 3. Mosaic Pavements discovered 
 near Frampton, imp. fol. . . . . ib. 1808 
 Vol. ii. Roman Antiquities discovered 
 in the County of Gloucester, imp. fol. . . ib. 1817 
 Vol. iii. Remains of a Roman Villa at 
 Bignor, in Sussex. Ten pages of letter-press and an 
 engraved title-page (of the 32 plates Nos. 4-9 are wanting) 
 Lond. 1817 
 A Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities, 2 vols. fol. ib. 1803 
 Conjectures concerning the Patriarch Job, 8vo. (Tracts 118) 
 Oxford, 1832 
 The Romans in Gloucestershire, 8vo. (Tracts 70) Lond. 1860 
 Claudia and Pudens, a Tale, 8vo. .... ib. 1861 
 What has Gloucestershire achieved ? 8vo. (Tracts 70) ib. 1861 
 Gloucestershire Illustrations : No. 1, 8vo. (Tracts 70) 
 Gloucester, 1861 
 Our British Ancestors : Who and what were they ? 8vo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 1865 
 The Model Merchant of the Middle Ages, 8vo. . Lond. 1866 
 Our Vulgar Tongue, 8vo. .... Gloucester, 1868 
 LYTE, H. C. M. 
 A History of Eton College, 1440-1875. New issue with 
 corrections, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1877 
396 LYT MAC 
 LYTE, H. C. M. continued. 
 Dunster and its Lords, 1066-1881. With a Sketch of 
 Dunster Castle by G. T. Clark, and a chapter on the 
 siege of Dunster Castle by E. Green. For private 
 circulation. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1882 
 Report on the MSS. of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 
 on a MS. belonging to the Earl of Devon. 
 on the MSS. of Eton College, fol. . . [ib. 1885] 
 A History of the University of Oxford from the earliest 
 times to the year 1530, 8vo ib. 1886 
 History of the reign of Henry II., 4 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1767 
 Letters, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) .... Dublin, 1780 
 M. M. Ode sur la Rebellion de 1745, 4to. . . Lond. 1746 
 M., P. D. The Image of both Churches, Hierusalem and Babel, 
 Unitie and Confusion, Obedience and Sedition, sm. 8vo. 
 Tournai, 1623 
 Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti, 6 vols. fol. . . Paris, 1703-39 
 De Re Diplomatica, fol ib. 1709 
 - Supplement to first edition, fol. . ib. 1704 
 MABILLON, Jean, et THIERRI RUINART. CEuvres Posthumes. Par 
 V. Thuillier. 3 vols. in one, 4to ib. 1 724 
 MACARONIC POETRY, Specimens of, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1831 
 MACAULAY, Aulay. 
 History of Claybrook, co. Leicester, 8vo. . . ib. 1791 
 Sermon preached April 25, 1796, according to the Will of 
 Mr. John Hutchins, 4to. (Tracts 33) . . . ib. 1796 
 MACAULAY, Kenneth. History of St. Kilda, 8vo. . ib. 1764 
 The Lays of Ancient Rome. With Illustrations by George 
 Scharf, 4to ib. 1849 
 The History of England from the accession of James II., 
 5 vols. 8vo ib. 1849-51 
 Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the Edinburgh 
 Review, sq. 8vo. ....... ib. 1850 
 MACAULAY, W. B. Biographies of Lord Macaulay, contributed 
 to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, sm. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1860 
 MACBRIDE, J. D. The Mohammedan Religion explained, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 MACCABE, W. B. Legend of S, Ethelbert, 8vo. (Tracts 153*) 
 ib. 1848 
 M'CALLUM, Duncan. History of the Culdees, 12mo. Edinburgh, 1855 
 MACCARTHY, Daniel. Life and Letters of Florence MacCarthy 
 Mor, 8vo ib. 1867 
 MAcCuLLOCH, Edgar. Association Bretonne. Rapport, &c., 
 8vo. Saint- Brieuc., 1877 
 MACDONALD, G. W. A Brief Account of the Parish of Holbeach 
 and its Church, 12mo. ..... Holbeavlt, n.d. 
MAC MAC 397 
 M'DowALL's New Guide in Edinburgh, with a Plan, 12mo. 
 Edinburgh, 1841 
 MACFARLANE, Charles. The Catacombs of Rome, 12mo. Lond. 1852 
 Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio, nuouamente 
 corretti, 8vo. ..... (Aldus) Venice, 1540 
 (Bound with " II Principe.") 4to. n.p. 1550 
 II Principe. La Vita di Castroccio Castragani da Locca. 
 II modo che tenne il Duca Valentino per Ammazzare 
 Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, il Signer Pagolo, 
 et il Duca di Gravina. Ritratti delle cose della Francia 
 et della Alamagna. 4to. ..... n.p. 1550 
 I sette libri dell'arte della Guerra, 4to. . . . n.p. 1550 
 L' Asino d' Oro, &c. (Bound with " Arte della Guerra.") 
 4to. .......*. n.p. 1550 
 Works. Newly translated into English, fol. . Lond. 1675 
 MACILWAIN, George. Vivisection. Comments on the evidence 
 given before the Royal Commission, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 A New Theory of the Earth and of Planetary Motion. 
 (Bound with the Author's "Mythological Astronomy.") 
 12mo. ........ Norwich, n.d. 
 Another edition, 12mo. . . . ib. 1825 
 A Companion to the Mythological Astronomy. (Bound with 
 the " Mythol. Astronomy.") 12mo. . . . ib. 1824 
 Man's Best Friend : or the Evils of Pious Frauds. (Bound 
 with the Author's "Mythological Astronomy.") 12mo. ib. 1826 
 The Mythological Astronomy, in three parts, 12mo. Lond. 1826 
 MACKENZIE COLLECTION of Oriental MSS,, Catalogue of the, by 
 H. H. Wilson, 2 vols. 8vo Calcutta, 1828 
 MACKENZIE, F. Architectural Antiquities of St. Stephen, West- 
 minster, fol. ....... Lond. 1844 
 MACKENZIE, F., and PUGIN, A. Specimens of Gothic Architec- 
 ture. (Plates.) 4to ib. 1816 
 MACKENZIE, Sir George. 
 Lives of Scottish Writers, 3 vols. fol. . Edinburgh, 1708-22 
 Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, from the Restoration 
 of Charles II. Edited by T. Thomson, 4to. . . ib. 1821 
 MACKESON, H. B. The Fraternity of the Assumption of the 
 Blessed Virgin Mary at Hythe, 8vo. . . Lond. 1873 
 MACKIE, Charles. Itinerary of the Great Northern Railway 
 from London to York, 8vo ib. 1852 
 MACKINNON, John. Account of Messingham, Lincoln. Edited 
 by E. Peacock, 8vo Hertford, 1881 
 MACKINNON, W. A. History of Civilization, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 
 MACKNESS, Dr. James. On the Climate of Hastings, 8vo. ib. 1850 
 MAC LAGAN, Christian. 
 The Hill Forts, Stone Circles, and other structural remains 
 of Ancient Scotland, fol. .... Edinburgh, 1875 
 Chips from Old Stones. Privately printed. 4to. . ib. 1881 
398 MAC MAC 
 MACLAREN, Charles. A Dissertation on the Topography of the 
 Plain of Troy, including an examination of the opinions 
 of Demetrius, Dr. Clarke, and Major Rennell, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1822 
 Memoir written during a Survey of the Watling Street, 
 8vo. (Tracts 96) ... . Land. 1852 
 Survey of the Roman Wall and the Watling Street, made 
 for the Duke of Northumberland, fol. . . . ib. 1857 
 Memoir on the Roman Wall and the Watling Street, 8vo. ib. 1858 
 Memoir written during a Survey of the Eastern Branch of 
 the Watling Street, 8vo. Privately printed . . ib. 1864 
 Survey of the Eastern Branch of the Watling Street, fol. 
 Privately printed ....... ib. 1864 
 Notes not included in the Memoirs on Roman Roads in 
 Northumberland, 8vo. Privately printed . . ib. 1867 
 M'LATJCHLAN, Thomas. Celtic Gleanings, 12mo. . . ib. 1857 
 MACLEAN, Sir John. 
 Life of Sir Peter Carew, Knt., 8vo ib. 1857 
 Parochial and Family History of the Deanery of Trigg 
 Minor, Cornwall, 2 vols. and 4 pts. . .. ib.. 1868-71 
 The Life of Sir Thomas Seymour, Lord High Admiral of 
 England, 8vo ib. 1869 
 Notice of Earthworks in the Parish of English Bicknor, 
 8vo [1880] 
 History of the Manor and Advowson of Staunton, in the 
 Forest of Dean, 8vo Bristol, 1883 
 Second copy. 
 Chantry Certificates, Gloucestershire. (Roll 22.) 8vo. ib. 1884 
 Second copy. 
 The Aid levied in Gloucestershire (1346), on making Edw., 
 the black prince, a Knight, 8vo ib. 1886 
 The Manor of Bosham, in the county of Sussex, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Notes on the Manors and Advowsons of Birt's Morton and 
 Pendock, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Pershore Abbey Church, 8vo ib. 1886 
 Notes on the Greyndour Chapel and Chantry in the Church 
 of Newland, Gloucester, 8vo. 
 MACLEOD, Malcolm. History of Witches. (Sound with 
 Wright's "The Unfortunate Lovers.") 12mo. Lond. 1793 
 MACMILLAN, James. Guide to the Chapel-Royal and Palace of 
 Holyrood House. Chiefly from materials collected by H. 
 Courtoy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837 
 MACPHERSON, Francis. 
 A Catalogue of Old Books, Manuscripts, and Autographs. 
 Supplement. Sm. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1859 
 A Catalogue of Old Books and Manuscripts on Sale, 8vo. 
 ib. 1860 
 MACPHERSON, James. Introduction to the History of Great 
 Britain and Ireland, 4to. ib. 
 MACRAT, William Dunn. 
 A Manual of British Historians to A.D. 1600, 8vo. . ib. 1845 
MAC MAD 399 
 MACRAY, William Dunn continued. 
 Annals of the Bodleian Library from its Foundation to A.D. 
 1867, 8vo. ... . Land. 1868 
 Anecdota Bodleiana: Gleanings from Bodleian MSS. 12mo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 
 1. A Short View of the State of Ireland, written in 1605 
 by Sir John Harington, Knt 1879 
 2. Vox Vulgi : A Poem in Censure of the Parliament of 
 1661, by G. Wither. With an unpublished letter from 
 Wither to Thurloe 1880 
 Notes from the Muniments of St. Mary Magdalen College, 
 Oxford, from the 12th to the 17th Century, 8vo. . ib. 1882 
 M'CREADY, C. T. M. 
 Genealogies of Davidson, Sinclair, Dickson, Stannus. 
 (Folded.) Fol. (Two copies) . Dublin, 1867-73 
 MACROBIUS. Opera. Accedunt notae I. Pontani, J. Meursii, J. 
 Gronovii, 8vo. ....... Ley den, 1670 
 MADAI, D. S. Vollstandiges Thaler- Cabinet, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Konigsberg, 1765-68 
 MADDEN, Sir F. 
 Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, daughter of 
 King Henry the Eighth, 8vo. (Two copies) . Lond. 1831 
 MADDEN, Sir F., and WALFORD, Weston S. Examples of 
 Medieval Seals. Sealing " en placard," 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 MADDEN, F. W. History of Jewish Coinage, 8vo. . . ib. 1864 
 MADDISON, A. R. A Short Account of the Vicars Choral, Poor 
 Clerks, Organists, and Choristers of Lincoln Cathedral, 
 from the 12th Century to the Accession of Edward 6th, 
 8vo. . ^ ...... ib. 1878 
 MADERUS, J. J. De Bibliothecis atque Archivis virorum claris- 
 Rimorum (scil. Lipsii, Ursini, Pancirolli, Cassanaei, 
 Patricii, Neandri, Tomasini, Pignorii, Figrelii, Bonifacii, 
 Schotti, Panvinii, Cicarellae, Corderii, Barvoetii, Brassi- 
 cani) Libelli et Commentationes cum Praefatione de 
 Scriptis et Bibliothecis Antediluvianis, 4to. Helmstadt, 1666 
 MADISON DIRECTORY, Seymour's, 8vo. 1855 
 MADOX, Thomas. 
 Formulare Anglicanum, or a Collection of Charters, 1066 
 1547, fol Lond. 1702 
 History and Antiquities of the Exchequer, 1066-1327, fol. 
 ib. 1711 
 Firma Burgi, or an Essay concerning the Cities, Towns, 
 and Boroughs of England, fol. .... ib. 1726 
 Baronia Anglica : An History of the Land, Honours, and 
 Baronies, and of tenure in capite, fol. . . . ib. 1736 
 1880-81, etc. (By G. Bidie, &c.) Fol. In progress. 
 Madras, 1881, etc. 
 Boletin. Ano I. Num. l-5. 8vo. . . . Madrid, 1877 
 Joannes Iriarte recensuit, fol. . . . . ib. 1769 
400 MAD MAG 
 Afbildninger af Danske Oldsager og Mindesmaerker. L- 
 XIV. Fol Copenhagen, 1868 
 Antiquites Prehistoriques du Danemark. L'Age de la 
 Pierre. L'Age du Bronze. 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1869-73 
 L'Age de Bronze II. Afbildninger af 
 Danske Oldsager og Mindesmaerker. Broncealderen II. 
 Fol ib. 1880 
 MAFFEI, Scipione. Verona Illustrata, SYO. 4 vols. Verona, 1732 
 An impartial Relation of the whole Proceedings against 
 Magdalen College, 4to. ..... Lond. 1688 
 Observations on the Original Architecture of Magdalen 
 College, 8vo ib. 1823 
 MAGICIAN, Book of a. In the character of a Dialect of the San- 
 scrit, obi. 8vo. 
 MAGNA CHARTA, and other Statutes, 12mo. Lond. (Pynson), 1514 
 12mo. . . . ib. (Robert Redman) 1539 
 sm. 4to ib. (Berthelet), 1540 
 Cum Statutis, 12mo ib. 1602 
 Translation of, fol. . . . . ib. 1755 
 MAGNUS, Olaus. Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, a C. 
 Scriberio Grapheo in Epitomen redacta. Woodcuts. Sm. 
 8vo Antwerp, 1562 
 Carmen Runicum in Coronationem D anise Regis Friderici 
 VI. ac Reginae Mariae Sophise Fridericas, 1815. Lingua 
 et metro Atavorum exaratum, 4to. . . Copenhagen, 1815 
 Noget om Gammel-Gr0nland, 4to. . ... ib. 1817 
 Udsigt over den Kaukasiske Menneskestammes aeldste 
 Hjemsted og Udvandringer, 8vo. .... ib. 1818 
 Oplysninger om Bilderne til Hr. Professor Torkel Badens 
 tammenligning mellem den Nordiske og den Grassk- 
 Romerske Mythologie, 4to. . . . . ib. 1821 
 Udsigt over Snorre Sturlesdns Liv og Levnet, 8vo. . ib. 1823 
 Den forste November og den forste August. To historisk- 
 Kalendariske Undersogelser, med et Tillaeg om Hojtids- 
 bauner, offerbaal, Nodild og Ilddyrkelse, 8vo. . . ib. 1829 
 Om Edda, 8vo. . . . * . . . . n.p. 1830 
 Oversigt over det kongelige Danske Videnskabernes 
 Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider i 
 Aaret, 1838, 4to ib. 1838 
 Om Dagens Tider, 8vo n.p. 1846 
 Islands Gjenlyd af Danmarks HojtidsglaBde ved den konge 
 lige Formaeling i Kjebenhavn, aaret efter asers og gothers 
 tidsregning 1866 ; efter den Kristelige, 1828, 4to. . ib. 1866 
 Oldnordisk Verdensbetragtning, 4to. .... n.p. n.d. 
 Finn Magnusen. An account of his Life and Works, with 
 a portrait, 4to. . . . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
 MAGNUSSON, Eirikr. On a Runic Calendar found in Lapland 
 in 1866, 8vo Cambridge, 1878 
MAG MAJ 401 
 MAORI, Dominico. Hierolexicon sive Sacrum Dictionarium, fol. 
 Rome, 1677 
 MAGRINI, Luigi. Sulla importanza del Cimelj scientific! e dei 
 Manoscritti di Alessandro Yolta, 8vo. (Tract* 37*) Milan, 1864 
 MAHABHARATA, The. (Sanskrit Poem.) Selections. Edited by 
 F. Johnson, 8vo ib. 1842 
 MAHMOUD-BEY. L'Age et le But des Pyramides, 8vo. Brussels, n.d. 
 MAIDENHEAD, The Restored, 4to. ib. 1691 
 MAIMBOURG, Louis. Traite Historique de I'fitablissement et des 
 Prerogatives de 1'^glise de Rome et de ses Evesques, 
 12mo Paris, 1665 
 MAINE, L. G-. Two Lectures on Stanford-in-the-Vale, Berks, 
 8vo. ....... Oxford and Lond. 1866 
 MAIB, R. H. Debrett's Illustrated House of Commons and the 
 Judicial Bench, 1868, 8vo. .... Lond. 
 MAISEY, F. Description of the Antiquities of Kalingar, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 66) Calcutta, 1848 
 Miscellaneous Papers, illustrative of the reigns of Queen 
 Mary and King James VI. Edited by W. J. Duncan, 
 4to Glasgow, 1834 
 Letters to The Argyll Family, from Q. Elizabeth, Mary 
 Queen of Scots, James VI., Charles L, Charles II., and 
 others. Edited by A. Macdonald, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1839 
 Notices of the Local Records of Dysart. By W. Euing, 
 4to Glasgow, 1853 
 An Index of English Books, printed before MDC., now at 
 Lambeth Palace, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1845 
 Remarks on Vol. I. of Strype's Life of Cranmer. Published 
 by the Eccles. Hist. Soc. No. II., 8vo. . . . ib. 1848 
 Plan for a Church History Society, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . ib. 1850 
 Notes on Strype, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . * . Gloucester, 1858 
 MAITLAND, William. 
 History of Edinburgh, fol. .... Edinburgh, 1753 
 History and Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols. fol. . ib. 1757 
 MAITLAND, William, and others. The History of London, 2 vols. 
 fol Lond. 1756 
 MAITTAIRE, Michael. 
 Annales Typographic! ad annum 1557, 3 vols. 4to. 
 Hague, 1719-26 
 Marmorum Arundellianorum, Seldenianorum, aliorumque 
 Academies Oxoniensi donatorum secunda editio. With 
 the commentary of H. Prideaux, fol. . . Lond. 1732 
 MAJESTAS INTEMERATA ; or the Immortality of the King. n.p. 1649 
 MAJOR, I. D. Appendix de lotorum subscriptione suspecta, sm. 
 4to Kiel, 1685 
 MAJOR, John. Historia Majoris Britanni, 4to. . Paris, 1521 
 MAJOR, R. H. The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal surnamed 
 The Navigator, 8vo Lond. 1868 
402 MAL MAN 
 MALAIS, L'Abbe. 
 Quelques Jours d'un Jeune Anglais en Normandie au mois 
 de Juin, 1869. Par E. B. Traduit de 1' Anglais. Ap- 
 pendices concernant les Gravelines de Rouen et les 
 Ecclesiastiques Normands morts en Angleterre (1793- 
 1838), 8vo. Dieppe, 1875 
 Des Couleurs Liturgiques. Nouvelle edition, 8vo. . ib. 1879 
 Obituary Notice.. (Revised- from the Tablet.) .8vo. . ib. 1882 
 MALCOLM, David. Antiquities of Great Britain, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1738 
 Lqndinium Bedivivum, or an Ancient History and modern 
 description of London, 4 vols. 4to. . . . Lond. 1802 
 Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during 
 the 18th Century, 4to. ..-...-. ib. 1808 
 Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, to the 
 year 1700, 4to.. ib. 1811 
 MALDEN, Henry. An Account of King's College- Chapel, in 
 Cambridge, 8vo. .. . -. . . Cambridge, 1769 
 MALESPINI, R. Historia Antica di Fiorenza all'anno 1281. Con 
 1'aggiunta di Giachetto svo Nipote al 1286, 4to. Florence, 1568 
 MALKLN, B. H. Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography of South 
 Wales, 4to. ib. 1804 
 MALLET'S NORTHERN ANTIQUITIES. Translated by Bishop Percy. 
 New edition by J. A. Blackwell, Svo. . Lond. (Bohn), 1847 
 MALLEUS MALEFICARUM, maleficas et earum heeresin framea 
 continens, ex variis auctoribus compilatus, 2 vols. Lyons, 1669 
 MALMESBURT, William of. Chronicle of the Kings of England. 
 Edited by J. A. Giles, Svo. . . . Lond. (Bohn), 1847 
 MALONE, Edmond. On the Authenticity of Documents attri- 
 buted to Shakespeare, Svo. . . . . ib. 1796 
 MALOSSE, Paulin. Recherches sur deux Monumens Antiques de 
 la Colonie de Nimes, 12mo. .... Avignon, 1803 
 MALTA, Biblioteca Publica. Catalogo dei Codici e dei MSS. 
 Inediti, 8vo. '. ' Valetta, 1856 
 MALT-WORMS, a Yade Mecum for. Edited by Berjeau, Svo. 
 Lond. 1865 
 MALVASIA, C. C. Marmora Felsinea, 4to. . . . Bologna, 1690 
 MALVERN, Letters on, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) .. . Worcester, n.d. 
 MALVERN HILLS, Reflections on the, Svo. (Prattinton Coll.) 
 Lond. 1814 
 MALVEZZI, L. et U. F. Le Tresor du Dome de Milan, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 60**) . Milan, 1840 
 MALVEZZI, Virgilio. Romulus and Tarquin. Translated by H. 
 Ld. Gary, of Lopingto. Second edition. 12mo Lond. 1638 
 MALYNES, Gerard. Lex Mercatoria, or the Ancient Law Mer- 
 chant, fol ib. 1622 
 The History and Description of the Isle of Man, 8vo. ib. 1744 
 The Manx Note Book. No. 1, etc. In progress. 8vo. 
 Douglas, 1885, etc. 
MAN MAN 403 
 MAN, ISLE OF continued. 
 Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Report, 11 
 March, 1886, etc. In progress. 8vo. [Douglas, 1886, etc.] 
 Aspects of the " Crags " of the Manx 
 mountains. By Dr. Haviland, 8vo. 
 MANCEAUX, F. G. Notice sur la Cathedral de Tours, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95*) Tours, n.d. 
 MANCHESTER GUIDE, the New ; containing an Account of Man- 
 chester and Salford. New edition, 12mo. Manchester, 1815 
 Catalogue of Art Treasures, 8vo. . . .1857 
 (Two volumes containing Catalogues, Guides, and Hand- 
 books) 8vo. . 1857 
 Companion to a. Walk through the Art Treasures Exhibi- 
 tion. By an Amateur. No. 1. 8vo. . . ib. 1857 
 Catalogue of the Books. Reference Department. With 
 Index. 4 vols. 4to. .... Manchester, 1864-81 
 Annual Report (29th, &c.), 1880-81, etc. 8vo. In progress. 
 ib. 1881, etc. 
 Memoirs, 1st Series, Vols. i. to v., 8vo. .. . ib. 1789-1802 
 - 2nd Series, Vols. i. to xv., Part 1, 8vo. ib. 1805-58 
 3rd Series. Vol. i., etc., 8vo. In progress, ib. 1862, etc. 
 Proceedings, No. 1 to p. 143, 8vo. (Tracts 113) . ib. 1857-58 
 Rules, etc., 8vo ib. 1861 
 Vol. ii., &c. In progress. 8vo. . ib. 1862, etc. 
 Catalogue of the Books in the Library. By F. Nicholson, 
 8vo ib. 1875 
 For the Hundredth Year (1881). A Centenary of Science 
 in Manchester. By R. A. Smith, 8vo. . . Lond. 1883 
 With supplement, 8vo. .... Manchester, 1834-35 
 MANDEVILLE, Sir John. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John 
 Maundevile, 8vo Lond. 1727 
 Reprinted from the edition of 1725. With an 
 introduction. By J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. . . ib. 1838 
 MANILIUS, M. Opera, Valpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1828 
 MANLEY, Mrs. The Power of Love: in seven novels, 8vo. ib. 1720 
 MANN, T. A. Sur les Grandes Gelees, 8vo. . . Oand, 1792 
 MANNERT, Conradus. Programma de Numerorum quos Arabicos 
 vocant vera origine, 8vo. ..... Altdorf, 1801 
 MANNHARDT, Wilhelm. Germanische Mythen, 8vo. . Berlin, 1858 
 et Commendationes, Vols. i. ii. iii., 2 Parts, 4to. 
 Mannheim, 1766-75 
 MANNI, D. M. 
 Osservazioni Istoriche sopra i Sigilli Antichi de' Secoli 
 Bassi, 30 vols. (in 10), 4to. . . . Florence, 1739-86 
 Sopra i Sigilli Antichi, Vols. i. to xi., 4to. . Firenze, 1739-42 
 MANNIER, B. Etudes sur les Noms des Villes, Bourgs et Villages 
 du Departement du ,Nord, 8vo. . . . Paris, 1861 
404 MAN MAN 
 MANNING, J. A. The Lives of the Speakers of the House of 
 Commons, from Edward III. to Queen Victoria, 8vo. Land. 1851 
 MANNING, James. Serviens ad Legem; the Sergeant's Case, 
 8vo. ... ib. 1840 
 MANNING, Owen, and BRAT, William. History of Surrey, 3 vols. 
 fol ib. 1804^14 
 MANORS. Account of all Manors held by Lease from the Crown, 
 ob. fol " ... . . . ib. 1787 
 MANSION HOUSE, Conversazione at the. List of Objects on Loan, 
 12mo . ib. 1880 
 A Day's Ramble in Lewes, 12mo. .... ib. 1846 
 Remains of Man imbedded in Rocks and Strata, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62) ib. 1850 
 MANTELL, Thomas. 
 Account of the Cinque Ports Brotherhoods, 4to. (Tracts 103) 
 Dover, 1811 
 Coronation Ceremonies relative to the Barons of the Cinque 
 Ports, 4to. (Tracts 103) ib. 1820 
 MANUEL, Don Juan. Le Comte Lucanor, apologues el fabliaux 
 du XIV e Siecle. Traduits par M. A. de Puibusque, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1854 
 MANUSCRIPTS (Greek) . Graeci Codices Manuscripti apud Nanios 
 Patricios Yenetos asservati, 4to. . . . Bonn, 1784 
 MANWARING, Roger. The Proceedings of the Lords and 
 Commons in 1628, against R. Manwaring. For two Ser- 
 mons, in titled, Religion and Allegiance, 8vo. . Lond. 1709 
 MANX SOCIETY. Publications, 8vo. . . . Douglas, 1859, etc. 
 1. Account of the Isle of Man, with a Voyage to I-Columb- 
 kill. By W. Sacheverell, late Governor of Man. Edited 
 by J. G. Cumming ........ 1859 
 2. A Practical Grammar of the Ancient Gaelic, or Language 
 of the Isle of Man usually called Manx. By John Kelly. 
 Edited by W. Gill 1859 
 3. Legislation by Three of the Thirteen Stanleys, Kings of 
 Man. Edited by W. Mackenzie 1860 
 4. Monumenta de Insula Manniae, vol. i. Translated and 
 edited by J. R. Oliver 1860 
 5. Vestigia Insulae Manniae Antiquiora. By H. R. Oswald 1860 
 6. Feltham's Tour through the Isle of Man in 1797 and 
 1798. Edited by R. Airey 1861 
 7. Monumenta de Insula Manniae, vol. ii. (of No. 4) . . 1861 
 8. Bibliotheca Monensis. By W. Harrison . . . 1861 
 9. Monumenta de Insula Mannia3, vol. iii. (of No. 4) . 1862 
 10. A Short Treatise of the Isle of Man, digested into six 
 chapters. By James Chaloner. Edited by J. G. Cumming 1864 
 11. A Description of the Isle of Man. By George Waldron. 
 Edited by W. Harrison. . . . ' . . . . 1865 
 12. An Abstract of the Laws, Customs, and Ordinances of 
 the Isle of Man, by Deemster Parr, vol. i. Edited by J. Gell 
 13. Dr. Kelly's Dictionary of the Manx and English Lan- 
 guages. Revised by W. Gill 1866 
MAN MAR 405 
 MANX SOCIETY continued. 
 14. Memorials of " God's Acre," being Monumental In- 
 scriptions in the Isle of Man, taken in the Summer of 
 1797, by J. Feltham and E. Wright. Edited by W. 
 Harrison 1868 
 15. Antiquitates Manniae. Edited by J. G. Gumming, 8vo. 1868 
 16. Mona Miscellany. A selection of Proverbs, Ballads, 
 Customs, &c., peculiar to the Isle of Man. Collected by 
 W. Harrison 1869 
 17. Currency of the Isle of Man. With the Laws, &c., 
 connected with its History. Edited by C. Clay . . 1869 
 18. The Old Historians of the Isle of Man, Camden, Speed, 
 Dugdale, Cox, Wilson, Willis, and Grose. Edited by W. 
 Harrison ..... .... 1871 
 19. Records of the Tynwald and Saint John's Chapels, 
 in the Isle of Man. By W. Harrison. (Account of the 
 Duke of Atholl taking possession of the Isle of Man in 
 1736; also a Lay of Mona) 1871 
 20. Manx Miscellanies, Vol. I. Containing : Selections 
 from " Paradise Lost," the Emerald Veniicle of the 
 Vatican, ancient Portraitures of Our Lord, the Seal of 
 Thomas, Bishop of the Isle of Man, Poetical Description 
 of the Isle of Man, and the Diary of James VHth, Earl 
 of Derby 1872 
 21. Mona Miscellany. Second series (of No. 16). . . 1873 
 22. Chronica Regum Manniae et Insularum. The Chronicle 
 of Man and the Sudreys. With notes by P. A. Munch. 
 Edited by Dr. Goss. Vol. i 1874 
 23. Vol. ii. 8vo 1874 
 24. Bibliotheca Monensis : a Bibliographical Account of 
 Works relating to the Isle of Man. New edition, en- 
 larged. By W. Harrison 1876 
 25. A History of the Isle of Man, written by W. Blundell, 
 1648-1656. Edited by W. Harrison. Vol. i. . . . 1876 
 26. Illiam Dhone and the Manx Rebellion 1651. By W. 
 Harrison .......... 1877 
 27. A History of the Isle of Man, &c. Vol. ii. (of No. 25) 1877 
 28. Records of Saint Mark's Chapel, Malew, Isle of Man, 
 1771 to 1864. Compiled from Papers of J. T. Clarke. By 
 W. Harrison 1878 
 29. An Account of the Diocese of Sodor and Man and St. 
 German's Cathedral ; also a Record of the Bishops, and a 
 Tabular Statement of the Rectors, Vicars, &c. By W. 
 Harrison 1879 
 30. Manx Miscellanies. Vol. ii. (of No. 20.) Edited by W. 
 Harrison 1880' 
 31. The Constitution of the Isle of Man, consisting of Part 
 iii. of the Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry for 
 the Isle of Man, 1792. Edited by R. Sherwood . . 1882 
 MAR, the Earl of. Letter to the Peers of Scotland, in reply to 
 a letter from the Earl of Kellie, 8vo. . Edinburgh [1879] 
406 MAR MAK 
 MAKCELLUS, Christophorus. 
 Rituum Bcclesiasticorum S.S. Romanse Ecclesiae Libri 
 tres, fol. ...... Venice, 1516 
 Another edition, fol. . . . Rome, 1560 
 MARCH, F. A. Address to the American Philological Asso- 
 ciation, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . New York, 1874 
 MARCH, H. Colley. 
 The Road over JBlackstone Edge, 8vo. . Manchester, 1884 
 The Neolithic Men of Lancashire and those of Brittany 
 considered and compared, 8vo. .... ib. 1885 
 MARCHANT, Nathaniel. Catalogue of Impressions of Gems (with 
 a Case of Casts), 4to Lond. 1792 
 Duel Judiciaire entre des Communautes Religieuses en 
 1098, 8vo. (Tracts 46) Nantes, 1858 
 Chartes de Fontevraud concernant TAunis et la Rochelle, 
 8vo. (Tracts 46) Paris, 
 Lettres de la Duchesse de Zell, 8vo [1877] 
 Trois Lettres a Messieurs les Administrateurs des Hospices 
 d'Angers concernant le Chartrier, le Cartulaire et le 
 Fondateur de 1'Hopital Saint-Jean 1'Evangeliste, 8vo. 
 Les Roches-Baritaud (Vendee}, 1877 
 Chartes Anciennes du Prieure de Monmouth, 8vo. . ib. 1879 
 Les Prieures Anglais de Saint-Florent pres Saumur. 
 Notices et documents, &c., 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 Chartes Normandes de 1'Abbaje de Saint-Florent pres 
 Saumur recueillies, &c., 8vo. . . . . ib. 1879 
 MARCO POLO. Travels in the 13th Century. Edited by W. 
 Marsden. 4to. ... t -. -. . . Lond. 1818 
 MARCOU, Jules. Origin of the name America, 8vo. (Tracts 165) 
 n.p. 1875 
 MARE"CHAL, Sylvain. Dictionnaire des Athees Anciens et 
 Modern es. Second edition, 8vo. . . . Brussels, 1833 
 MARGARITIS, Philippe. Catalogue de la Collection de Medailles 
 Grecques, Romaines et Byzantines de P. Margaritis, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 165) . . . . . . . . Paris, 1874 
 MARGATE GUIDE, a Descriptive Poem. By an Inhabitant, 8vo. 
 Margate, 1797 
 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, Reine de Navarre. Contes et Nouvelles, 
 mis en beau langage, et enrichis de figures. 2 vol. 12mo. 
 Amsterdam, 1698 
 MARIE DE FRANCE. Poesies. Publiees par B. de Roquefort. 
 2 vol. 8vo Paris, 1820 
 MARIETTE, Auguste. Notice des principaux Monuments exposes 
 dans les Galeries Provisoires du Musee d'Antiquites 
 Egyptiennes a Boulaq. Troisieme .edition, 8vo. . ib. 1869 
 MARINE SOCIETY, Bye-Laws and Regulations of the, 8vo. Lond. 1829 
 MARINELLI, Philippe. Triple Chess, invented by him, 8vo. ib. 1826 
 MARINI, Gaetano. Sopra tre Candelabri acquistati da Clemente 
 XIY. 12mo Pisa, 1771 
 MARIQUE, J. M. G. L'Archeomanie. Poeme. Souvenir de 
 Namur. 3 e edition 8vo. (Tracts, 64) . Namur 1872 
MAR MAR 407 
 MARKHAM'S Master- Piece revived : containing all knowledge 
 belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or Horse-Leach. (Plates.) 
 4to.. .. . Lond. 1675 
 MARKHAM, C. R. Entries in an Old Pocket Book, of A.D. 1680, 
 belonging to SirR. Markham, of Sedgebrook, co. Lincoln, 
 8vo. (Bound with the " Markham History ") . . ib. 1869 
 MARKHAM, D. F. History of the Markham Family, 8-vo. . ib. 1854 
 MARKHAM, Gervase. 
 The Famous Whore, or Noble Curtizan. London, 1609. 
 Edited by F. Ouvry. Privately printed, 4to. . . ib. 1868 
 The Teares of the Beloued (1600) : and Marie Magdalene's 
 Teares (1601). Edited by A. B. Grosart, (Fuller Wor- 
 thies' Library.) 8vo. ...... n.p. 1871 
 On Sepulchral Memorials, 8vo. . . . . Oxford, 1840 
 Remarks on English Churches, 12mo. . . . ib. 1842 
 MARLBOROUGH, Duchess of. The Glorious Memory of Queen 
 Anne Reviv'd : Exemplify'd in the conduct of the 
 Duchess Dowager of Marlborough. By N. Hooke, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1742 
 MARLIANI, Barth. Urbis Romae Topographia, nuper emendata, 
 fol. ... . ... Rome, 1544 
 MARLOWE, Christopher. Works ; with some account of the 
 Author, and notes, by A. Dyce, 8vo. . . Lond. 1858 
 MARMIN, C. Sur les deniers de Mathieu, Comte de Boulogne, 
 1159 a 1173, 8vo. (Tracts 42) n.d. 
 MARMORA, Albert de la. 
 Sur le Temple de L'ile de Gozo dit la Tour des Geants, 
 8vo." Paris, 
 Sopra Alcune Moneti Fenicie, 4to. (Tracts 25) Torino, 1834 
 Sopra Alcune Antichita Sarde ricavate da un manoscritto 
 del 15 secolo, 4to ib. 1853 
 MARRATT, William. Memorials of Windsor, and the Vale of 
 Thames. Pt. I., 8vo. . . . Staines and Lond. 1876 
 MARRIAGE LICENCES issued previous to 1784 (Province of New 
 York), 8vo. . Albany, 1860 
 MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND BURIALS, Abstract of the Act for 
 granting to His Majesty certain duties upon, 8vo. Lond. 1695 
 Vestiarium Christianum, roy. 8vo. .... ib. 1868 
 The Vestments of the Church : an illustrated Lecture, 8vo. 
 ib. 1869 
 The Testimony of the Catacombs, &c., concerning questions 
 of Doctrine, 8vo ib. 1870 
 MARSDEN, J. H. Introductory Lectures delivered in the Univei - 
 sity of Cambridge, 8vo Cambridge, 1852 
 MARSDEN, William. 
 Numismata Orientalia illustrata, Parts 1 and 2, 4to. 
 Lond. 1823-25 
 Catalogue of Books, collected with a view to the general 
 comparison of languages, 4to. . . . ib. 1827 
408 MAR MAR 
 MARSDEN, William continued. 
 Miscellaneous Works, 4to. ..... Lond. 1834 
 Memoir, 4to ib. 1838 
 MARSH, J. F. Annals of Chepstow Castle, or six centuries of 
 the Lords of Strignil, from the Conquest to the Revolu- 
 tion. Edited by Sir J. Maclean. Privately printed. 
 4to. . Exeter, 1883 
 MARSHALL, Edward. 
 Account of the Parish of Sandford, Oxon, 8vo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 1866 
 An Account of the Township of Iffley, Oxfordshire, 8vo. ib. 1870 
 Second issue, with additions, 8vo. . ib. 1874 
 The Early History of Woodstock Manor, and its environs 
 in Bladon, Kensington, New Woodstock, Blenheim ; with 
 later Notices, 8vo. ib. 1873 
 Another edition. With a Supplement con- 
 taining a Notice of Wootton, 8vo. . . . ib. 1875 
 Collections for a Genealogical Account of the Family of 
 Comberbach, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1866 
 A Catalogue of Pedigrees hitherto unindexed, 8vo. . ib. 1867 
 The Genealogist. Vols. i.-iv., vii., 8vo. . . ib. 1877-83 
 The Visitation of Northumberland in 1615. Privately 
 printed. 4to ib. 1878 
 The Genealogist's Guide to Printed Pedigrees, 8vo. . ib. 1879 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1885 
 The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623, 4to. . . . ib. 1882 
 Miscellanea Marescalliana ; Genealogical Notes on the sur- 
 name of Marshall. Vol. i., ii., 8vo. . . . 1883 
 MARSHALL, W. E. A Phrenologist amongst the Todas, or the 
 Study of a Primitive Tribe in South India, 8vo. . ib. 1873 
 MARSHALSEA, Court of. An Essay towards an History of the 
 Ancient Jurisdiction of the Marshalsea of the King's 
 House. With an Account of the Court of the Palace of 
 the King at Westminster, 8vo. .... ib. 1812 
 MARSILI, A. F. Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus, 6 vols. fol. 
 Hague, 1726 
 MARTENE, Edmundus. De Antiquis Ecclesiae Ritibus, Libri 
 tres. 4 vols. in 2, fol Venice, 1788 
 MARTENE, Edmundus and DURAND, U. Thesaurus Novus Anec- 
 dotorum, 5 vols. fol. ...... Paris, 1717 
 Veterum Scriptorum et Monumentorum 
 collectio, 9 vols. fol. ib. 1724-33 
 MARTHAM, Norfolk. Notices of the Church, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) 
 Norwich, 1856 
 MARTIAL, M. V. Epigrammata, Valpy's edition, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1822 
 MARTIN'S Week's Wanderings in North Wales, 8vo. . Bangor 
 Medieval Houses and Castles in England, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) 
 Antwerp, 1862 
MAR MAR 409 
 MARTIN, C. W. continued. 
 Ancient Weapons of Wood discovered at Hollingbourn, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 57*) Antwerp, 1865 
 Second copy. (Tracts 62***) 
 The History and Description of Leeds Castle, Kent, fol. 
 Westminster, 1869 
 MARTIN, Cornille. Genealogie des Forestiers et Contes de Flan- 
 dres. Edited by J. B. Vrientz, fol. . . Antwerp, 1612 
 MARTIN, Isaac. The Tryal and Sufferings of Mr. I. Martin, 
 who was put into the Inquisitions in Spain. (Portrait.) 
 12mo Lond. 1723 
 MARTIN, John, Librarian to the Duke of Bedford. 
 A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books. Privately printed. 
 8vo ib. 1834 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1854 
 MARTIN, John, the Painter. Outline of a plan for diverting the 
 Sewage of London from the Thames, 8vo. (Tracts 126) 
 ib. 1850 
 MARTIN, K. B. Oral Traditions of the Cinque Ports, 8vo. ib. 1832 
 MARTIN, Martin. 
 Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, 8vo. . ib. 1716 
 Voyage to St. Kilda, 8vo ib. 1753 
 MARTIN, Thomas. Historica Descriptio complectens vitam, ac 
 res gestas beatissimi viri Gulielmi Wicami, 4to. Oxford, 1690 
 MARTIN-DAUSSIGNY, E. C. Memoire pour servir a une nouvelle 
 recherche de la Statue fiquestre antique a laquelle appar- 
 tient la jambe de cheval en bronze trouvee en 1766 dans 
 la Saone, pres du couvent de Saint-Claire, a Ainay. 8vo. 
 Lyon, 1859 
 MARTYN, Thomas. The English Connoisseur, containing an 
 account of whatever is curious in Painting, Sculpture, 
 &c. in the Palaces and Seats of the Nobility, &c. 2 vols. 
 in 1 Lond. 1766 
 MARTYROLOGIUM Romanum, 8vo. .... Paris, 1650 
 MARVELL, Andrew. 
 Complete Works. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 4 vols. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library.) For private circulation. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1872-75 
 Account of the Growth of Popery, fol. . Amsterdam, n.d. 
 Genuine Letters to James, Earl of Bothwell. Translated 
 by E. Simmonds. 8vo. .... Westminster, 1726 
 The Legend of Mary Queen of Scots, and other ancient 
 poems, with notes, &c., 8vo. .... Lond. 1810 
 Love-Letters to James, Earl of Bothwell, with her Love 
 Sonnets and Marriage Contracts. By H. Campbell. 
 (Bound with the preceding.) 8vo. .... ib. 1824 
 Selections from unpublished MSS. illustrating the reign of 
 Mary, Queen of Scots. Edited by Joseph Stevenson 
 (Maitland Club), 4to Glasgow, 1837 
 Catalogues of her Jewels, Dresses, Furniture, Books, and 
 Paintings, 4to-. (Bannatyne Club) . . Edinburgh, 1863 
410 MAS MAS 
 MASCARDI, Augustin. An Historical Relation of the Conspiracy 
 of Fieschi against Genoua in 1547. Translated by H. 
 Hare. 12mo Lond. 1693 
 MASERES, Francis. Histories Anglicanse Selecta Momimenta, 
 4to ib. 1807 
 MASKELL, William. 
 The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England according 
 to the uses of Sarura, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and 
 the Modern Roman Liturgy, arranged in parallel 
 columns. Second edition. 8vo. . . . ib. 1846 
 : Third edition, 8.vo Oxford, 1882 
 Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesice Anglicanse, or Occasional 
 Offices of the Church of England according to the Use 
 of Salisbury, the Prymer. in English, &c. with notes, 3 
 vols. 8vo. , ib. 1846-47 
 Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 A Narrative of the Wanderings of Prince Charles Edward 
 after the Battle of Culloden until he put himself under 
 the Guidance of Flora Macdonald. Fifty copies printed 
 for private circulation. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1873 
 MASKELYNE, M. H. N. S. The Marlborough Gems, being a 
 Collection of Works in Cameo and Intaglio, &c. For 
 private distribution. 4to. .... Lond. 1870 
 MASON, Thomas. Public and Private Libraries of Glasgow, 8vo. 
 Glasgow, 1885 
 MASON, W. H. Handbook for Brighton, 8vo. . . Brighton, 
 MASON, W. S. 
 Statistical Account of Ireland, vols. ii. and iii. 8vo. 
 Dublin, 1816-19 
 Sketch of the Grace Mausoleum, Queen's County, Ireland, 
 8vo ib. 1819 
 Survey of Tullaroan, or Grace's Parish, Queen's County, 
 Ireland, 8vo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1819 
 MASPERO, G. U*ne Enquete Judiciare a Thebes au temps de la 
 XX e Dynastie. liltude sur le Papyrus Abbott. 4to. 
 Paris, 1871 
 MASS, The. Missa Gothica seu Mosarabica, fol. Angelopoli, 1770 
 Records. Edited by N. B. Shurtleft, vols. i to v. 1628- 
 1686. 4to. Boston, U.S. 1853-54 
 The Landing at Cape Anne, or the Charter of the first 
 permanent Colony. Edited by J. W. Thornton. 8vo. 
 New York, 1854 
 Ninth (Tenth) Annual Report of the Board of State Charities 
 of Massachusetts, 8vo Boston, 1873-74 
 Report of the Legislature upon the Condition of the 
 Records, Files, Papers, and Documents in the Secretary's 
 Department, 8vo. ....... ib. 1885 
 MASSACHUSETTS BAT. Acts and Resolves, to which are prefixed 
 the Charters of the Province, with notes, &c. Vol. i. 
 4to. . ib. 1869 
MAS MAT 411 
 Keports, 3 vols. 8vo. .... Boston, 1872-74 
 Collections. First Series, vols. i. to x. 
 Second Series, vols. i. to x, 
 Third Series, vols. i. to x. 
 Fourth Series, vols. i. to x. 8vo. . ib. 1806-71 
 Fifth Series, 8vo. In progress . ib. 1877, etc. 
 Sixth Series, vol. i., etc. In progress. 8vo. 
 Boston, 1886, etc. 
 Proceedings in respect to the memory of William Hickling 
 Prescott, 8vo ib. 1859 
 Catalogue of Library, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1859-60 
 Tributes to the Memory of D. Sears and G. Ticknor, 8vo. ib. 1871 
 Proceedings of a Special Meeting, December 16, 1873, the 
 100th Anniversary of the Destruction of the Tea in 
 Boston Harbour, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1874 
 Proceedings, 1791-1883, 8vo ib. 1879-84 
 Second Series, 8vo., 1884-5, etc. In progress. 
 ib. 1885, etc. 
 MASSEY, Gerald, A Preface to, with Extracts from, a " Book 
 of the Beginnings," 8vo. .... Lond. 1881 
 MASSINGER and FORD, with an introduction by H. Coleridge, 
 8vo . ib. 1859 
 MASSMAN, H. F. Auslegung des Evangelii Johannis in Gothis- 
 cher Sprache, 4to. ...... Munich, 1834 
 MASSY, R. T. Analytical Ethnology, 8vo. . . Lond. 1855 
 MASTERS, Robert. 
 History of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 4to. 
 Cambridge, 1753 
 Life of T. Baker, and Catalogue of his Collections, 8vo. ib. 1784 
 MATCHETT, J. Norfolk and Norwich Remembrancer, 12mo. 
 Norwich, 1822 
 MATHEOLUS. Le Rebours de Matheolus. Le resolu en mariage. 
 Reprint in facsimile, by Techener, of the edition of 1518. 
 ( For" bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 MATHER, Increase. Remarkable Providences, 8vo. . Lond. 1856 
 MATHEWS, Sir Tobie. The Penitent Bandito ; or, the History of 
 the Conversion and Death of Troilo Sasselli." Second 
 edition n.p. 1663 
 Odes, English and Latin, 12mo 1798 
 Poesie Liriche e varie, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. . . Naples, 1825 
 Lusitania Protetta da Inghilterra, 1827, 8vo. . . ib. 1827 
 Per la Morte del Cavaliero Guglielmo Drummond, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1828 
 Per la Morte di Federico North Conte di Guilford, 8vo. ib. 1828 
 MATLOCK BATH and Matlock Bank, A Guide to, with 
 excursions, &c. 8vo Manchester, 1868 
 MATON, W. G. Observations on the Western Counties of 
 England, 2 vols. 8vo Salisbury, 1797 
412 MAT MAX 
 MATTHJIUS, Antonius. 
 De Criminibus ad. Lib. xlvii. et xlviii. Dig. Commentarius. 
 Editio secunda. 4to. .... Amsterdam, 1661 
 De Nobilitate et comitatu Hollandiae, libri iv. 4to. 
 Amsterdam and Ley den, 1686 
 MATTHES, B. F. De Makassaarsche en Boeginesche kotika's, 
 8vo. ... . . . . . . . Makassar, 1867 
 MATTHEW, Edward. The most glorious Starr, or Celestial Con- 
 stellation of the Pleiades, or Charle's-Waine, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1665 
 MATTHEW, G. K. The English Lakes, Peaks and Passes, from 
 Kendal to Keswick, 8vo. . . . . . Kendal, 1866 
 MATTHEW, Henry. Diary of an Invalid. Fifth edition, sm. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1835 
 MATTHEWS, W. Mode of Supplying London with Water, 8vo. 
 ib. 1841 
 MATTHI^, Augustus. 
 Index to Quotations from Greek Authors in the 5th edition 
 of Matthias's Grammar, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1833 
 A Copious Greek Grammar, translated by E. Y. Blomfield. 
 Sixth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1837 
 MATZEN, Henning. Kjobenhavns Universitets Retshistorie 1479- 
 1879, 2 vols. 4to Copenhagen, 1879 
 Decouvertes dans la Troade, 4to. . Paris and Lond. 1840 
 Defense de feu le Chevalier A. F. Mauduit, contre P. B. 
 Webb,8vo Paris, 1842 
 Emploi de 1'Airain a defaut du fer, 8vo. . . . ib. 1845 
 Adhesions des Savants aux Opinions emises dans le Livre 
 public sous ce titre : Decouverte dans la Troade, &c. 4to. 
 (Tracts 9) . ib. 1846-51 
 MAURICE, Owen, &c., Pedigree of the Families of ; of Clenenney 
 in Carnarvon, and of Porkington (now Brogyntyn) in 
 Salop ; shewing the descent of the Estates of John Ralph, 
 Lord Harlech. Privately printed. 4to. . . Lond. 1876 
 MAURICE, Thomas. On the Ruins of Babylon, 4to. . . ib. 1816 
 MAURY, L. F. Alfred. 
 Essai sur les Legendes Pieuses du Moyen-Age, 8vo. Paris, 1843 
 Histoire des Grandes Forets de la Gaule, 8vo. . . ib. 1850 
 Questions relatives a 1'Ethnologie de la France, 12mo. 
 (Tracts 155) ib. 1853 
 Expose des Progres de 1'Archeologie, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 MAVERICK, Samuel. A Briefe Discription of New England. 
 (From a MS. written in 1660, and recently discovered by 
 H. F. Waters.) Sm. 4to. . . . Boston (Mass.), 1885 
 MAVOR, William. View of the Agriculture of Berkshire, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1813 
 MAW, George, and E. J. PAYNE. The French Universal Exhibi- 
 tion of 1867, 8vo. (Tracts 67**) .... ib. 1866 
 MAXIMILIAN I. (Emperor), Triumph of. Engraved after Designs 
 of Hans Burgmaier, ob. fol. .... Vienna, 1796 
MAY MAZ 413 
 MAY, George. History of Evesham, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.). 
 Evesham, 1834 
 Abbildungen von Mainzer Alterthiimern, iii. and vi., fol. 
 Mayence, 185155 
 Zeitschrift der Rheinischen Geschichte und Alterthumer in 
 Mainz, zweiter Band, dritter Band, parts 1, 2, 8vo. ib. 1859-64 
 SOCIETE DE L'INDUSTRIE DE. Bulletin Tomes 1-3, 8vo. 
 Laval, 1853-67 
 ALTERTHUMER. Fiihrer in dem Museum, 8vo. Mayence, 1863 
 MAYER, F. A. 
 Ueber einige altteutsche Grabhiigel im Fiirstenthume 
 Eichstatt, 8vo. (Tracts 118*) Eichstatt and Leipsic 
 Abhandlung iiber einige Fundorte alter Romischer Miinzen 
 im Konigreiche Baiern, 8vo. . . . Eichstadt, 1824 
 MAYER, Joseph. 
 Catalogue of Objects of Art illustrative of the Bonaparte 
 Family, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . . . Liverpool, 1854 
 History of the Art of Pottery in Liverpool, 8vo. (Tracts 81) 
 ib. 1855 
 Catalogue of Objects of Art illustrative of the Bonaparte 
 Family in the Collection of John Mather, Esq. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 115) ib. 1855 
 Catalogue of the Fejervary Ivories in his Museum, with 
 Essay on Antique Ivories by Francis Pulszky, 8vo. ib. 1856 
 On the Arming of Levies in the Hundred of Wirral, co. 
 Chester, 8vo. (Tracts 70) ib. 1859 
 Address to the Members of the Historic Society of Lanca- 
 shire and Cheshire, 8vo. (Four copies) . . . ib. 1867 
 On the Preparations of the County of Kent to resist the 
 Spanish Armada, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) . . . ib. 1868 
 On the Art of Pottery : with a History of its progress in 
 Liverpool, 8vo. ....... ib. 1873 
 Liverpool Free Public Library. Catalogue of the Mayer 
 Collection. Part 1. The Egyptian Antiquities. By 
 C. T. Gatty, 8vo ib. 1877 
 The Mayer Collection in the Liverpool Museum, considered 
 as an Educational Possession. A Paper. By C. T. Gatty. 
 For private circulation, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1878 
 Memoirs of T. Dodd, W. Upcott, and G. Stubbs, R.A., 8vo. 
 ib. 1879 
 Supplementary Catalogue of the Mayer Free Library, 
 Bebington, 8vo ib. 1880 
 MAYNARD, John. Waltham Abbey, its History and Antiquities, 
 8vo. ... . Lond. 1865 
 MAYO, Charles. A History of Wimborne Minster, 8vo. . ib. 1860 
 MAYO, C. H. Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis, 4to. . . . ib. 1885 
 MAZARIN, Hortense Mancini, Duchess of. Memoires. Done 
 into English by P. Porter. With the Reasons of her 
 Coming into England. Likewise, a Letter containing a 
 True Character of her Person, &c., sm. 8vo. , . ib. 1676 
414 MAZ MEI 
 In Mutilum Campani Amphitheatri Titulum Commentatio, 
 4to ... Naples, 1727 
 Commentatio in ^Eneas Tabulas Heracleenses, fol. . ib. 1754 
 Numismatica Capnana, 4to. . . . . ib. 1802 
 MAZZARELLA-FARAO, F. La Neoellenopedia, Parts 1 and 2, 8vo. ib. 1779 
 MAZZUCHELLI, Giammaria. La Vita di Pietro Aretino. (Portrait.) 
 8vo Padua, 1741 
 MEAD, Richard. 
 Musei Mediani Catalogus. Sale Catalogue of Dr. Mead's 
 Museum, priced, 8vo. (Two copies) . , Lond. 1755 
 Italian and English, and English and Italian Dictionary, 
 12mo ib. 1852 
 New Spanish and English Dictionary, 2 parts, 12mo. ib. 1865 
 MEARS and STAINBANK, Bells cast by, 8vo. .... 1885 
 MEASOM, George. 
 Illustrated Guide to the South Eastern Railway, 8vo k ib. 1858 
 Brighton and South Coast Railway, 8vo>. ib. 
 Great Western Railway, 8vo. . ib. 
 London and North Western Railway, 8vo\ 
 London and South Western Railway, 8vo. 
 Northern Railway of France, 8vo. (Bound 
 with S.E.R.) 
 MECHITAR, Abbas. Compendiose Notizie sulla Congregazione 
 de' Monaci Armeni Mechitaristi di Yenezia, sm. 8vo. 
 8. Lazzaro, 1819 
 ME~DAILLES sur le Regne de Louis le Grand, 4to. . Paris, 1702 
 MEDHURST, W. H. Chinese Dictionary, 4to. . . Macao, 1832 
 MEDICAL CONGRESS, International. Daily Programme of Busi- 
 ness. Aug. 3rd' to Aug. 9th, 1881. (Complete set.) 8vo. 
 Lond. 1881 
 MEDICINA FLAGELLATA : or, the Doctor scarify'd. With an Essay 
 on Health. Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1727 
 Are Peerages for Life Legal ? 8vo. (Tracts 124) . ib. 1856 
 Parliamentary Reform, should the Colonies be Represented ? 
 8vo. (Tracts 124) ib. 1859 
 MEERLANT, Jacob van. Rymbybel. Edited by J. David, 2 
 parts, 8vo. ...... Brussels, 1858-59 
 MEERMAN, Gerard. Origines Typographic^, 2 vols. 4to. 
 The Hague, Paris, Lond. 1765 
 MEERSCH, P. C. Van der. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux 
 de quelques Imprimeurs Beiges, 8vp Ghent, 1844 
 MEIBOMIUS,. Henricus. 
 Chronicon Comitum Schawenburgensium. 
 Panegyricus Heurici Julii Episcopi. 
MEI MEM 415 
 MEIBOMIUS, Henricus continued. 
 Aurea Bulla Andronici Imperatoris. 
 Epithalamium Annee Sophias Brandensburgias. 
 Guelfus Redivivns. 
 De Origine Cancellariorum Academicomm. 4to. 
 Various places, 1620 
 MEKERCHUS, Adolphus. De Pronuntiatione linguse Graecas Com- 
 mentarins, 8vo. . . . . . . Bruges, 1565 
 MELA, Pomponius. De Situ Orb is libri iii., curante Gronovio, 
 8vo. ........ Ley den, 1782 
 MELA BRITANNICUS. Letter on Works in progress at Windsor, 
 8vo. ........ Lond. 1827 
 Catalogue, 4to. ...... Melbourne, 1861 
 Supplement Catalogue for 1865, 8vo. .... ib. 1865 
 Catalogue of the Casts, Busts, Reliefs, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1865 
 Biographical Charts of Italian and Spanish Painters. Vol. 
 I. Schools of Venice, the Venetian States, Genoa, 
 Cremona, Mantua, -Milan, Ferrara, Modena, and Parma. 
 Vol. II. Schools of Bologna, Florence, Siena, Rome, and 
 Naples. Charts of- Spanish Painters of the Schools of 
 Seville, -Madrid, Toledo, Valladolid, and Valencia, 
 1 vol. fol ib. 1870-75 
 The Catalogue of Donations, 1856 to 1872, 8vo. . . ib. 1873 
 Report of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, 
 and National Gallery of Victoria. &c. 8vo. . ib. 1878-81 
 Catalogue of the Objects of Ethnotypical Art in the 
 National Gallery, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Catalogue of the Casts of Statues, Busts, and Bas-Reliefs in 
 the Museum of Art, 12mo. . . . . ib. 
 Catalogue of Coins, Medals, &c., in the Museum of Art, 
 12mo. ......... ib. 
 Catalogues -of the Objects of Ceramic Art and School of 
 Design, 12mo. ........ ib. 
 MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY. Calendar, 1876-77, 12mo. . . ib. 1876 
 MELLEMA, E. E. L. Dictionnaire ou Promptuaire Flameng- 
 Francois, 4to. ...... Rotterdam, 1591 
 MELLO, J. M. The Prehistoric Factory of Flint Implements at 
 Spiennes, 8vo Lond. 1883 
 MELLY, D. Eduard. Beitrage zur Siegelkunde des Mittelalters, 
 Thl. 1, 4to Vienna, 1850 
 MEMENTO. A Memento for English Protestants ; containing : 
 Massacre in Piedmont ; -French Massacre ; Irish Mass- 
 acre; A Speech of Pope Sixtus V. A collection of passages 
 of Queen Marie's Reign, 4to. .... Lond. 1680 
 MEMNON. HISTORIARUM Heracleae Ponti Excerpta servata a 
 Photio. Greece, cum versione Latina L. Rhodomanni. 
 Omnia, recognovit J. C. Orellius, 8vo. . . Leipzig, 1816 
 Memoires de Mr. L. C. D. R. contenant ce qui s'est passe de 
 plus particulier sous le Ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu 
 et du Cardinal Mazarin. Fourth edition, 12mo. The Hague, 1681 
416 MEM MEN" 
 ME~MOIRES continued. 
 Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire des figarements de 
 1'Esprit Humain, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1773 
 MEMORIALS OP THE DEAD, National Society for Preserving the. 
 The Journal, No. 3. 8vo Norwich, 1883 
 MEN OF THE TIME. Edited by E.Walford. A new edition, 8vo. Lond. 1862 
 MANAGE, G. Dictionnaire Stymologique de la Langue Fran9aise, 
 2 vols. fol Paris, 1750 
 MENAGIER DE PARIS, Le. Traite de Morale et d'^conomie 
 Domestique compose vers 1393 (Societe des Bibliophiles 
 Fra^aise), 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1847 
 ME"NANT, Joachim. Expose des Elements de la Grammaire 
 Assyrienne, 8vo. ....... ib. 1868 
 MENCKENIUS, G. B. De Charlataneria Eruditorum, Accessit 
 Epistola S. Stadelii ad Janum Philomusum, &c. Editio 
 quarta, sm. 8vo. ..... Amsterdam, 1727 
 L'Art du Blason Justine, 12mo. .... Lyons, 1661 
 Abrege Methodique des Principes Heraldiques ou du Veri- 
 table Art du Blason, 12mo. . .... ib. 1661 
 Another edition .... ib. 1665 
 Another edition .... ib. 1669 
 Another edition . . . ib. 1672 
 Another edition .... ib. 1673 
 Another edition . . ib. 1677 
 Another edition .... ib. 1681 
 Another edition . . . Bordeaux, 1683 
 L'Art des Emblemes, 8vo. ..... Lyons, 1662 
 Le Veritable Art du Blason et 1'Origine des Armoiries, 
 12mo ib. 1671 
 Le Veritable Art du Blason, et de la Pratique des 
 Armoiries, 12mo. . . . . . ib. 1671 
 Another edition . . . . ib. 1675 
 Le Veritable Art du Blason ou 1'Usage des Armoiries, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1673 
 Les Recherches du Blason. Pt. II. de 1'Usage des Armoiries, 
 12mo ib. 1673 
 Traite des Tournois, Joustes, Carrousels, &c. 4to. . ib. 1674 
 Origine des Armoiries, 12mo. .... Paris, 1679 
 Origine des Ornemens des Armoiries, 12mo. . Lyons, 1680 
 Les Diverses Especes de Noblesse et la maniere d'en dresser 
 les Preuves, 12mo. ...... ib. 1681 
 To this work a copy of the title-page of Menestrier's 
 " Blason de la Noblesse " is erroneously prefixed. 
 (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 Another edition, 12mo. . . Paris, 1682 
 Le Blason de la Noblesse ou les Preuves de N"oblesse de 
 toutes les Nations de 1'Europe, 12mo. . . ib. 1683 
 (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 Second copy. 
 De La Che valeric Ancienne et Moderne, 12mo . . ib. 1683 
MEN MER 417 
 MENESTRIER, C. F. continued. 
 La Methode du Blason, 12mo Paris, 1688 
 - Another edition, 1 2mo . . Lyons, 1689 
 Histoire du Roy Louis Le Grand par les Medailles, 
 Emblemes, &c., folio Paris, 1691 
 Second copy. 
 La Science de la Noblesse, augmentee des principales 
 Families du Pa'is-bas, d'Hollande d'Allemagne, d'ltalie 
 et d'Espagne, par Mr 12mo. .... ib. 1691 
 La Nouvelle Methode raisonne*e du Blason, 12rao. Lyons, 1696 
 Another edition . . . Bordeaux, 1698 
 Another edition . . Lyons, 1718 
 Another edition 
 Another edition 
 Another edition 
 Another edition 
 ib. 1723 
 ib. 1734 
 ib. 1750 
 ib. 1754 
 Another edition .... ib. 1761 
 Another edition . . . ib. 1 770 
 Another edition . . . . ib. 1780 
 MENZIES' Pocket Guide to Edinburgh, and its environs. Sixth 
 edition, sm. 8vo. ..... Edinburgh, 1858 
 MERCERS' COMPANY (London). A List of the Master, Wardens, 
 Ac., 12mo. 1877-78 
 MERCHANT TAYLORS, Memorials of the Guild of. Compiled by 
 C. M. Clode. For private circulation. 8vo. . Lond. 1875 
 MERCHANT TAILORS' HALL anterior to 1666. Edited by C. M. 
 Clode. 8vo ib. 1886 
 Second copy. 
 MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL, London. Prospectus, 8vo. . ib. 1849 
 Register of Merchant Taylors' School, A.D. 1562-1874. 
 Edited by C. J. Robinson. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lewes, 1882-83 
 MERCURE HISTORIQUE ET POLITIQUE. Contenant 1'etat present de 
 1'Europe. 1702, Mar. (Italian), July Dec. ; 1703, Jan. 
 Mar., May Oct., and Dec. ; 1704, 1705, Jan. June, 
 and Sept. (Damaged) Dec.; 1710-1712, Jan., Feb., and 
 Apr. Dec. ; 1713-1720 ; 1722, Feb. Apr., and July- 
 Dec. ; and 1723, Jan., Feb., Apr., June Oct., and Dec. 
 17 vols. 12mo. The Hague, 1702-23 
 MERCURIUS POLITICUS. Numb. 66. Sept. 4 to 11,1651. (Con- 
 tains a Relation of the Battle at Worcester.) [Woolfe Coll.'] 
 8vo. ... . " . Lond. 1651 
 Condition of Hereford Cathedral, 4to. . . . ib. 1842 
 Restoration of the Cathedral -Church of Hereford, 8vo. 
 Hereford, 1842 
 Correspondence relating to the British Archaeological Asso- 
 ciation, 8vo. ......... 1845 
 Diary of a Dean, 8vo. ...... ib. 1851 
 MERIVALE, H. Are the " Paston Letters " authentic ? By H. 
 Merivale, 8vo. (Tracts 47*) .... Lond. 1865 
 MERIVALE, J. H. On the Chancery Commission, 8vo. (Tracts 72) 
 ib. 1827 
 MERE, C. Excavations at the Kesslerloch near Thayngen, Swit- 
 zerland, a cave of the reindeer period. Translated by 
 J. E. Lee. 8vo. . . . " . . . Lond. 1876 
 MEEOBAUDES, Flavins. Carminum Reliquiae. Edited by B. G. 
 Niebuhr, 8vo. . . . ' . . . Bonn, 1824 
 MEERITT, Henry. Dirt and Pictures separated, in the Works of 
 the Old Masters, 8vo Lond. 1854 
 Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, sm. 8vo. . . ib. 
 Dies Dominica. Voices from the old Saxon times on the 
 observance of the Lord's Day, 12mo. (Tracts 152) ib. 
 MEESENNUS, F. Marinus. Harmonicorum Libri, fol. . Paris, 1636 
 METCALFE, Frederick. The Englishman and the Scandinavian ; 
 or, a comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literature. 
 8vo. ........ Lond. 
 The Visitation of the county of Lincoln, 1562-64. 8vo. ib. 
 The Visitation of the county of Lincoln, 1592. 8vo. ib. 
 The Visitations of Suffolk made by Hervey, 1561, Cook, 
 1577, and Raven, 1612, with notes. Privately printed, 
 4to. Exeter, 
 The Visitation of Berkshire, 1664-66. By E. Ashmole, 8vo. 
 ib. 1882 
 The Visitation of the county of Worcester, 1682, 1683, with 
 additions by Sir T. Phillipps. Privately printed. 4to. 
 A Book of Knights Banneret, &c., made between 4th Hen. 
 VI. and the Restoration of Chas. II. ; and Knights made 
 in Ireland between 1566 and 1698, roy. 8vo. . Lond. 1885 
 METETAED, E. Life of Josiah Wedgwood, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1865-66 
 METEOPOLITAN UNIVEESITY. Remarks on the Ministerial Plan, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) ....... 
 METJESIUS, Joannes. Elegantiae Latini Sermonis, 12mo. n.p. 
 MEYEE, Paul. Un Recit en vers Francais de la Premiere Croi- 
 sade fonde sur Baudri De Bourgueil, 8vo. Nogent-Le-Rotrou, 
 History of Cardigan, 4to. ..... Lond. 
 On Ancient Armour, 3 vols. 4to. .... ib. 
 MEYEICK, S. R., and SKELTON, Joseph. Ancient Arms and 
 Armour, 2 vols. 4to. ...... ib. 
 MEYEICK, S. R., and SMITH, C. H. Costume of Original 
 Inhabitants of the British Islands, fol. . . . ib. 1815 
 MEYTAYEE MASSELIN, M. Le. Collections de Dalles Tumulaires 
 de la Normandie, 4to. ..... Paris, 1861 
 MEZEEAY, Le Sr. de. 
 Abrege Chronologique de 1'Histoire de France, 6 vols., 8vo. 
 Histoire de France avant Clovis, 8vo. (Lettered as vol. mi. of 
 the Abrege) 
 ib. 1688 
 MEZGEE, M. Die Romischen Steindenkmaler, Inschriften und 
 Gefass-Stempel im Maximilians-Museum zu Augsburg, 
 8vo. ....... Augsburg, 1862 
MIC M1E 419 
 The Holkham Bust of Thucydides, a Study in Greek Icono- 
 graphy. Translated by A. Napier. For private circu- 
 lation. 4to. . . . . . . Cambridge, 1878 
 Die Gesellschaft der Dilettanti in London, 4to. . Leipsic, 1879 
 Storia dell' Institute Archeologico Germanico, 1829-1879. 
 Traduzione dal tedesco, 8vo. . .. . Rome, 1879 
 Ancient Marbles in Great Britain described. Translated 
 by C. A. M. Fennell, 8vo. . . . Cambridge, 1882 
 Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, 8vo. . . Lond. 1884 
 8vo ib. 1885 
 Chroniques Anglo-Normandes, Recueil d'Extraits relatifs a 
 rHistoire de Normandie et d'Angleterre- pendant les XI e 
 et XIP Siecles, 3 vols. 8vo. ...... Po>ien, 1836 
 La Chanson de Roland ou de Roncevaux. Edited by F. 
 f Michel, 8vo Paris, 1837 
 Etudes de Philologie Comparee sur 1'Argot et sur les 
 Idiomes analogues paries en Europe et en Asie, 8vo. ib. 1856 
 MICHELL, Henry. De Arte Medendi apud priscos Musices Ope 
 atque Carminum. Editio altera, 8vo. . . Lond. 1783 
 MICHIEL, G. Les Depeches de Giovanni Michiel Ambassadeur 
 de Yenise en Angleterre (1554-1557). Dechiffrees et 
 publiees, par P. Friedmami 8vo. . .. .. Venice, 1869 
 Modern Parish Churches : their plan, design, and furniture, 
 8vo . Lond. 1874 
 Notes on the Abbey Buildings of Westminster, 8vo.. . ib. 1876 
 MICKLETHWAITE, J. T., and SOMERS CLARKE. What shall be done 
 with St. Paul's ? Suggestions as to the alterations, &c. 
 8vo. (Tracts, 164) ib. 1874 
 MICRO-CHRONICON, or a brief chronology of the battels, &c., be- 
 twixt His Majestic and the Parliament, 8vo. (Bound with 
 Angliae Ruina) ....... ib. 1647 
 Second copy. 
 MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE, Quarterly Journal of (Prospectus), 8vo. 
 (Tracts 90.) 
 The County of Middlesex described, 4to. .... 1714 
 Description of Middlesex, 8vo ib. 1775 
 Edited by J. C. Jeaffreson, with an Index, by A. T. 
 Watson. 8vo ib. 1886 
 MIDDLE TEMPLE, The. Catalogue of Printed Books, 8vo. . ib. 1880 
 MIDDLETON, J. H. Ancient Rome in 1885. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1885 
 MIDLAND ANTIQUARY, The. Edited by W. F. Carter, 8vo. In 
 progress ....... Lond. 1882, etc. 
 MIEGE, Guy. 
 A Short Dictionary, English and French, with another 
 French and English. Second edition. 8vo. (Two copies.) 
 ib. 1685 
 The Great French Dictionary, fol ib. 1688 
420 MIE MIL 
 MIERIS, Frans Van. Beschryving der Bisschoplyke Munten en 
 Zegelen van Utrecht in 't byzonder, 8vo. . Ley den, 1726 
 MIGIETJ. Recueil des Sceaux du Moyen Age, dits Sceaux 
 Gothiques, 4to Paris, 1779 
 MIGNE, 1'Abbe. 
 Nouvelle Encyclopedic Theologique, viz. : 
 Dictionnaire Iconographique. ParL. J. Guenebault, 8vo. ib. 1850 
 de Statistique Religieuse. Par M. X***, 
 8vo ib. 1851 
 d es Manuscrits.' Par M. X***, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1853 
 des Abbayes et Monasteres. Par M. de 
 Montrond, 8vo. ....... ib. 1856 
 d'Orfevrerie. Par 1'Abbe Texier, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 - des Papes. Par C. F. Cheve, 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 - des Cardinaux. Par 1'Abbe C. B., 8vo. ib. 1857 
 - Heraldique. Par C. Grand Maison, 8vo. ib. 1861 
 d'Archeologie Sacree. Par J. J. Bourasse, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1862-63 
 MILAN. Quattro Giorni in Milano (bound with " Tre Giorni in 
 Bologna"), 12mo Milan, 1853 
 Descrizione del Duomo di Milano. (Plates.) Atlas fol. n.p. n.d. 
 Nuova Descrizione del Duomo di Milano, 8vo. . Milan, 1820 
 Description of Milan Cathedral, 8vo. .... ib. 1846 
 MILBOTJKN, Thomas. 
 The Milbourne Alms-houses, 8vo. (Tracts 56***). 
 The Church of St.. Mary Somerset, Upper Thames Street, 
 London, 4to. ........ n.p. n.d. 
 MILES, William Augustus, 
 A Description of the Deverel Barrow ; also, Account of the 
 Eammeridge Coal Money. Plates. 4to. (Two copies.} 
 Land. 1826 
 MILFORD, B. K. Farnham and its Borough, 12mo. . . ib. 1859 
 MILIZIA, F. Memorie degli Architetti Antichi e Moderni, 2 vols. 
 8vo. Parma, 1781 
 MILLAN, J. Signals for the Navy, 12mo. Copperplates. circa 1746 
 MILLARD, John. On the Management of the British Museum, 
 8vo. (Tracts 100) Lond. 1836 
 MILLARD, J. E. The Book of Accounts of the Wardens of the 
 Fraternity of the Holy Ghost in Basingstoke. A.D. 1557- 
 A.D. 1654, 4to. Southampton, 1882 
 MILLER, Lieut.-Colouel. On the Site of the Battle of Mons 
 Grampius, 4to. ..... Edinburgh, 1830 
 MILLER, J. L. The History of the Church and Parish of St. 
 George-the-Martyr, Holborn, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1881 
 MILLER, William. London before the Fire of 1666 : with an 
 Historical Account of St. Giles Without, Cripplegate, 
 12mo ib. 1867 
 MILLERS, George. Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely, 
 8vo. ib. 1807 
MIL MIL 421 
 MILLES, Jeremiah. On Poems said to have been written by 
 Thos. Rowley, 4to . Lond. 1782 
 MILLES, Thomas. Catalogue of Honor, or Tresury of true 
 Nobility, fol ib. 1610 
 MILLETT, G. B. Book I. of the Parish Registers of Madron, 
 Cornwall. Edited, with Notes, 4to. . . Penzance, 1877 
 Autiquites Nationales, ou Recueil de Monumens, 5 vols. fol. 
 Paris, 1790-95 
 Mineralogie Homerique, 12mo. . . . . ib. 1790 
 Antiquites Nationales de France, Vols. i. ii. iii., Yol. iv. 
 imperfect, 4to. . ... . ib. 1 790 
 Introduction a 1 'etude des Monumens Antiques, 12mo. ib. 1796 
 Introduction a 1'etude des Pierres Gravees, 8vo. . . ib. 1797 
 Description des Statues des Tuileries, 12mo. . . ib. 1798 
 Discours prononce comme professeur d' Antiquites, 4 
 frimaire de 1'an 7, 8vo ib. 1799 
 Discours sur 1'Archeologie, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1799 
 Notice Historique sur H. Eckhel, 8vo. . . ib. 1799 
 Description d'une Camee, 12mo. .... ib. 1800 
 Monumens Antiques inedits, Tome 1, Liv. 1 to 6, 4to. ib. 1802 
 Voyage dans les Departemens du Midi de la France, 4 vols. 
 (in 5), 8vo ib. 1807-11 
 Atlas, fol ib. 1807 
 Description d'une Medaille de Siris, 12mo. . .. ib. 1814 
 Notice sur J. Fr. P. Francis St. Vincent. 
 Sur une Inscription du fils d'Eporedorix, 8vo. 
 Appollon et Tityus, 8vo 1830 
 L'Hercule de Gades, 8vo Paris, 1835 
 Considerations sur la Nuinismatique de 1'Ancienne Italic, 
 8vo.' Florence, 1841 
 MILLS, A. J. M. Report on Assam, fol. . . . Calcutta, 1854 
 MILLS, Arthur. 
 Colonial Constitutions : an Outline of the Constitutional 
 History of British Dependencies, 8vo. . . Lond. 1856 
 MILLS, Thomas. History of the Parish of Hayes, Middlesex. 
 With illustrations, oblong 4to. .... ib. 1874 
 MILMAN, R. The Life of Torquato Tasso, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1850' 
 MILN, James. Fonilles faites a Carnac (Bretagne) Les 
 Alignements de Kermario, 4to. . . . Rennes, 1881 
 MILNER, John. 
 The History and Antiquities of Winchester. Second 
 edition. (Plates.) 2 vols. 4to 1809 
 Treatise on the Ecclesiastical Architecture of England 
 during the Middle Ages, 8vo. .... Lond. 1811 
 Historical Account of Winchester Cathedral. Twelfth 
 edition, 8vo. ...... Winchester, 1840 
 MILTON, John. 
 Works, 2 vols. fol Lond. 1738 
 Poetical Works. Edited by H. J. Todd, 4 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1842 
422 MIL MIR 
 MILTON, John con tinned. 
 J. Miltoni pro Populo Anglicano Defensio contra Claudii 
 Anonymi, alias Salamasii, Defeiisionem Regiam, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1652 
 L' Allegro. Poema Latine redditum a C M[arsli] olim 
 Cantab. 4to. (Sound with Fosbrooke's "Economy.") 4to. 
 ib. 1811 
 Second copy. (Tracts 17.) 
 Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Life of Milton, 12mo. . ib. 1780 
 MILWARD, Edward. Letter respecting the History of British 
 Medical Authors, 8vo. (Tracts 140*) . . . ib. 1740 
 MILWAUKEE DIRECTORY. Published by J. M. Van Slyde, 8vo. 1856 
 Mines de 1'Orient, exploiters par une Societe d' Amateurs, 
 fol. -(Tracts 157) . . ' . . . . Vienna, 1809 
 The same in German, fol. (Tracts 157) . . . ib. 1809 
 Des Moyens de Soustraire 1'exploitation des Mines de 
 Houille aux chances d'explosion, 8vo. . . Brussels, 1840 
 Ragionamento Araldico sulla losanga forma di Scudo per 
 le Dame, 4to. (Tracts 8*) .... Naples, 1865 
 Second copy. 
 8vo. ...... Minneapolis, 1874, etc. 
 Annual Report, 1868, 1869, 8vo. . . St. Paul, 1P69-70 
 Charter, Constitution and By-laws, 8vo. . . ib. 1868-73 
 Ductor in Linguas. The Guide into the (11) Tongues, 
 fol Lond. 1617 
 Minshcei emendatio sui Ductoris in linguas, fol. . . ib. 1626 
 Report from the Select Committee, fol, . . ib. 1837 
 Report of the Commissioners, fol. .... ib. 1849 
 MINUCIUS FELIX. Octavius, cum notis J. Ouzeli, J. Meursii notae. 
 Et liber Firmici Materni, De Errore Profanarum 
 Religionnm, 8vo. ...... Ley den, 1672 
 MINUTOLI, H. C. Yon. Ueber die farbigen Glaeser bei den 
 Alten, fol Berlin, 1836 
 MINUTOLI und KLAPROTH, M. H. Ueber antike Glasmosaik, fol. 
 (Tracts 1) ib. 1815 
 MIRABILIA ROM.E. Edidit G. Parthey, 12mo. . . . ib. 1869 
 MIRACLE PLAYS. Edited by J. P. Collier, 12mo. . Lond. 1835 
 Advent of Antichrist. 
 Adoration of the Shepherds. 
 Marriage of the Virgin. 
 Harrowing of Hell, from Harl. MS., 2253. 
 from Auchinleck MS. 
 MIRJIUS, Aubertus. Codex Regularum et Constitutionum 
 Clericalium, 4to. ...... Antwerp, 1638 
 MIRANDA, F. B. Carranza. Summa Conciliorum et Pontificorum 
 a Petro usque ad Pium collecta, 32mo. . . Lyons 1570 
MIS MIS 423 
 Six 8vo. vols. containing Vol. 1. 
 1. Discourse concerning Pestilential Contagion. By R. 
 Mead Lond. 1720 
 2. Candide ou L'Optimisme, traduit de 1'Allemand de M. le 
 Docteur Ralph Minden, 1759 
 3. A Treatise on the Roman Senate, by C. Middleton. 
 Lond. 1747 
 4. Select Epigrams of Martial. Translated by W. Hay. ib. 1755 
 - Vol. II. 
 1. Observations on the Corn Bill by John, Lord Sheffield. 
 ib. 1791 
 2. Letters to B. Burke. By J. Priestley . Birmingham, 1791 
 3. A Letter to E. Burke (from Sir B. Boothby) Lond. 1791 
 4. An Enquiry into the influence which Enclosures have 
 had upon the Population of England. By J. Hewlett ib. 1786 
 5. Remarks upon the Tariff . . . . . ib. 1787 
 6. Free Thoughts on His Majesty's Recovery, &c. . ib. 1789 
 Vol. III. 
 1. Memoirs of Serjeant D. Macleod .... ib. 1791 
 2. Life of J. Elwes. By E. Topham . ib. 1790 
 3. Case of the Election of Coventry (1780) reported by 
 J. Phillipps . ib. 1784 
 4. Facts relating to Dr. White's Bampton Lectures. By 
 R. B. Gabriel ib. 1789 
 5. Letter to R. B. Gabriel in answer to above . . ib. 1789 
 6. A Letter wherein is contained part of the Entertain- 
 ment untoo the Queen z Majesty at Killingwoorth in War- 
 wick Sheer in the Sornerz Progress, 1575, &c. Warwick, 1784 
 7. A list of the officers of the Militia of England and 
 Wales for 1778 Lond. 1778 
 Vol. IV. 
 1. Reflections upon the Study of Divinity. ByE. Bentham. 
 Oxford, 1774 
 2. Iter Surriense. Iter Sussexense. By J. Burton. n.p. n.d. 
 3. The Remarkable Tryal of T. Chandler . . Reading, 17-^1 
 4. An Award of King Charles I. By H. Prideaux. Lond. 1775 
 5. An Apologetical View of the Sentiments, &c., of Viscount 
 Bolingbroke ........ ib. n.d. 
 6. Musical Travels through England. By J. Collier . ib. 1774 
 7. The Discoveries of J. Poulter, alias Baxter. Written by 
 himself. Tenth edition ..... Sherborne, 1754 
 8. Solomon, a Serenata. Set to music by Dr. Boyce. n.p. n.d. 
 9. Observations upon some passages of Shakespeare. (By 
 T. Tyrwhitt) Oxford, 1766 
 10. Two Salvies by S. Johnson, A.M ib. 1759 
 Vol. V. 
 1. A Letter from Mrs. Gunning to the Duke of Argyll. 
 Fourth edition ib. 1791 
 2. Letters between the Duke of Cumberland and Lady 
 Grosvenor, with an account of the Trial . . . ib. 1770 
 3. The Principles of Duelling. By S. Stanton . . ib. 1790 
424 MIS HOL 
 MISCELLANIES continued. 
 4. Some account of the Shrewsbury House of Industry, 
 by L. Wood Shrewsbury, 1791 
 5. The Belle's Stratagem. A comedy. By Mrs. Cowley. 
 Land. 1782 
 6. Too Civil by Half. A farce. By J. Dent . . ib. 1783 
 7. Which is the Man? A comedy by Mrs. Cowley . ib. 1783 
 8. Richard Cceur de Lion. An historical romance from 
 the French of Mons. Sedaine . . . . . ib. 1786 
 Vol. VI. 
 1. Apology for Lord B[altimore] in a Letter to his Lord- 
 ship, &c. [By R. Morris.] ... . ib. 1768 
 2. The English Merchant. A comedy. By G. Colman. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 3. The Padlock. A comic opera .... ib. n.d. 
 4. The West Indian. A comedy .... ib. 1771 
 5. A Five Weeks' Tour to Paris, Versailles, &c. . . ib. 1752 
 6. Observations on the Customs and Manners of the French 
 Nation. By P. Thicknesse ib. 1766 
 7. An Inquiry into the Efficacy of Warm Bathing in Palsies. 
 Oxford, 1770 
 8. A Catalogue of all the English Books that have been 
 published for these sixty years ... . Lond. 1 764 
 MISSON, M. Memoirs and Observations in his Travels over 
 England; with some account of Scotland and Ireland. 
 Translated by Mr. Ozell, 8vo Lond. 1719 
 MITCHELL LIBEART, Glasgow. Report, 1881, etc., 8vo. In pro- 
 gress ....... Glasgow, 1882, etc. 
 MITCHELL, A. B. Shottesbrooke Church, Berkshire, fol. Lond. 1885 
 MITCHELL, Arthur. The Past in the Present : what is Civili- 
 sation ? .8vo 'Edinburgh, 1880 
 MITFORD, William. The History of Greece, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 
 MITRA, Rajendralala. The Antiquities of Orissa. Vol ii. fol. 
 Calcutta, 1880 
 MODESTUS. Libellus de Vocabulis Rei Militaris, fol. . Paris, 1535 
 Momus, Franciscus. Pandectas Triumphales, 2 vols. fol. 
 Frankfort, 1586 
 MOENS, W. J. C. The Registers, 1571 to 1874, and Monumental 
 Inscriptions of the Dutch Church, Austin Friars. Pri- 
 vately printed. 4to. .... Lymington, 1884 
 MOET DE LA FORTE-MAISON, C. A. Antiquites de Noyon, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1845 
 MOFFATT, J. M. The History of Malmesbury and of its Abbey. 
 Plates. 8vo Titbury, 1805 
 MOGGRIDGE, M. The " Meraviglie." 8vo (Tracts 95**) Lond. 1868 
 MOHAMMED. - Reflections on Mchammedism, and the conduct of 
 Mohammed, 8vo ib. 1735 
 MOHR, Theodor von. Die Regesten der Archive in der Schwei- 
 zerischen Eidgenossenschaft, 4 parts, 4to. . Chur, 1848-50 
 MOLBECH, Christian. Kong Erik Plogpennings Historic, 8vo. 
 Copenhagen, 1821 
MOL MON 425 
 English and Marathi Dictionary, 4to. . . . Bombay, 1847 
 Marathi and English Dictionary, 4to. . . . ib. 1857 
 MOLIN, C. A. Specimen Academicum de Rostrata Corona 
 Romanorum, 4to. ...... Upsala, 17C1 
 MOLIN.EUS, C. Commentarius ad Edictum Henrici Secundi, 4to 
 Basle, 1552 
 MOLYNEUX, William. Burton-on-Trent : its History, &c., 8vo. 
 Lond. and Burton-on-Trent, 1869 
 MOMMSEN, T. Histoire de la Monnaie Romaine. Traduite de 
 1'Allemand, par le Due de Blacas. Tom. i.-iv. 8vo. 
 Paris, 1865-75 
 Istituzione Antiquario-Lapidaria, 8vo. . . . Rome, 1770 
 Istituzione Antiquario-Numismatica, 4to. . . ib. 1772 
 MONCADA, C. M. Diodati de. Funerali del Re Carlo III., e del 
 Infante di Gennaro, 4to. (Tracts 26) . . Catania, 1789 
 MONCK MASON, W. History of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, 
 4to. Dublin, 1820 
 MONCRIEFF, W. T. Guide to the Spa of Leamington Priors, 8vo. 
 Leamington, 1818 
 MONET, Philibert. 
 Invantaire des dens Langues, Francoise et Latine, fol. 
 Lyons, 1636 
 L'Origine et Vraye Pratique de 1'Art du Blason, 4to. . ib. 1659 
 MONEY-CATCHING, The Pleasant Art of. Second edition. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1705 
 MONEY, Walter. 
 Annals of the Church of St. Mary, Shaw-cum-Donnington, 
 Berks, 8vb. ....... Newbury, 1878 
 Outline of the History of Donnington Priory, Berks, 8vo. ib. ]878 
 Outline of the History of The Maison Dieu, or Hospital of 
 Sir R. Abberbury, at Donnington, Berks, 8vo. . ib. 1878 
 Parish Church Goods in Berkshire, A.D. 1552. Inventories, 
 &c., 8vo . Oxford and Lond. 1879 
 The First and Second Battles of Newbury, and the Siege of 
 Donnington Castle during the Civil War, A.D. 16436, 
 8vo Lond. 1881 
 : Second edition, 12mo. . . . ib. 1884 
 Transcripts from the Parish Registers of Thatcham, made 
 by T. Rawlinson, 8vo. ..... Newbury, 1881 
 Collections towards a History of Hampstead-Norris, 8vo. 
 ib. 1885 
 The Family of James Johnson, successively Bishop of 
 Gloucester and Worcester, 8vo. 
 With corrections, &c., 8vo. 
 MONGEZ. Recueil d'Antiquites, 3 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1804 
 MONKMAN, C. Buried cruciform Platforms in Yorkshire. With 
 Remarks by H. C. Coote, 8vo. (Tracts 55***). 
 MONLEZUN, J. J. L'^lise Angelique, 8vo. Clermont Ferrand, 1854 
426 MON MON 
 Monastery of Austin Friars, by T. Wakeman ; Residences 
 of Pentre Bach, &c., by 0. Morgan and T. Wakeman ; 
 Residences of Tre Owen, &c. by the same ; Notices of 
 Pencoyd Castle and Langstone, by the same, 1 vol. 8vo. 
 Neicport, 1859-64 
 Notice of Tesselated Pavement at Caerleon. By O. Morgan, 
 8vo ib. 1866 
 Groldcliff and the Ancient Roman Inscribed Stone found 
 there, 1878. With other Papers by 0. Morgan, 4to. 
 ib. 1882 
 Papers relating to the History of Monmouthshire, 8vo. \_ib.~\ 1886 
 MONSIEUR in a Mouse Trap, 4to. .... Lond. 1691 
 MONSON, W. J. Extracts from his Journal, 8vo. . . ib. 1820 
 MONSTIER, Arturus du. Neustria Pia, seu de abbatiis Normanniee, 
 Rouen, 1663 
 MONSTRELET, E. de. Chroniques, 1400-1467, 3 vols. in 1, fol. 
 Paris, 1596 
 MONTAGU, Basil. 
 The Life of Francis Bacon, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1834 
 Letter to C. P. Cooper on the Report of the Record Com- 
 mittee, 8vo ib. 1837 
 MONTAGU, J. A. A Guide to the Study of Heraldry, 4to. . ib. 1840 
 MONTAULT, L'Abbe X. Barbier De. Peintures Claiistrales des 
 Monasteres de Rome Catacombes de Rome, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1858, 1860 
 MONTEIL, A. A. Traite de Materiaux Manuscrits de divers 
 genres d'Histoire, 2 vols. in one, 8vo. . . . ib. 1835 
 MONTFAUCON, Bernard de. 
 Palaeographia Graeca, fol. ...... ib. 1708 
 L'Antiquite Expliquee, 5 vols. in 10. Supplement, 5 vols. 
 fol. ib. 1722-57 
 Monuments de la Monarchic Fran^oise, 5 vols. fol. ib. 1729-33 
 MONTHLY MERCURY. 1692-1728. (Vols. 4, 33, 35 wanting). 4to. 
 MONTI, Pietro. 
 Vocabolario dei Dialetti di Como, 8vo. . '. Milan, 1845 
 Saggio di Vocabolario della Gallia Cisalpina e Celtico. 
 Aggiuntavi una Proposta d'illustrazioni della Divina Corn- 
 media, 8vo. ........ ib. 1856 
 MONTICELLI, Teodoro. In Agrum Puteolanum Camposque Phle- 
 grasos Commentatio, 4to. .... Naples, 1826 
 Opere, 4 .to ib. 1841 
 MONTIGNOT, L'Abbe. Dictionnaire de Diplomatique ou Etymolo- 
 gies des Termes des Bas Siecles, 8vo. . . Nancy, 1787 
 MONTMORENCY, Morris De. Origin of the Irish Pillar Tower, 4to. 
 Lond. 1821 
 and By-Laws of, 12mo. (Tracts 55*) . , Montreal, 1866 
MON MOO 427 
 MONTRE"SOR, C. de Bourdeille, Comte de. Memoire de Monsieur 
 de Montresor. Diverses Pieces durant le Ministere du 
 Cardinal de Richelieu. Relation de Monsieur de Fon- 
 trailles, 2 vols. sm. 12mo. .... Ley den, 1665 
 MONUMENTA FRANCiscANA. Edited by J. S. Brewer, roy. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1858 
 hornius.) Fol Utrecht, 1671 
 MONUMENTS Religieux des plus Anciens Peuples, Explication 
 des, 4to ' . . Paris, 1739 
 MOODIE, D. C. F. The Ethnology of the Zulus of South-E astern 
 Africa, 8vo . [Melbourne, 1882] 
 MOOR, Major Edward. 
 Suffolk Words and Phrases, 8vo. . . Woodbridge, 1823 
 Oriental Fragments, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1834 
 Bealings Bells. An account of the mysterious ringing of 
 Bells at Great Bealings, Suffolk, in 1834<,8vo.Woodbridge, 1841 
 MOORE, Cecil. 
 Genealogical Memoranda of the Family of De La Moor or 
 Moore de Moorehayes, at Collumpton, Devon. A.D. 1120- 
 1884, 4to Lond. 1884 
 " The Father of Black-Letter Collectors." Memoir of John 
 Moore, Bishop of Ely, 8vo ib. 1885 
 MOORE, C. G. Registers of Broad Chalke, co. Wilts, 1538 to 
 1780. Privately printed. 80 copies, 4to. . . ib. 1881 
 MOORE, Rev. Edward. 
 On Croyland Abbey, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . . . ib. 1855 
 Croyland. The Abbey, Bridge, and Saint Guthlac. Com- 
 piled by E. M. Sanderson. 8vo. . . Spalding, [1866] 
 MOORE, George. On Architectural Study and Design, 4to. Lond. 1843 
 MOORE, James. 
 Views in Scotland, Vol. i. 4to. . . . . ib. 1794 
 List of Castles and Monasteries in Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1798 
 MOORE, James, and PARKYNS, G. J. Monastic Remains in Eng- 
 land and Wales, Vol. i. 8vo ib. 1792 
 MOORE, John. The Banner of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram, 
 12mo. [Prattinton Coll.'] .... Bristol, 1696 
 MOORE, Jonas. A New System of Mathematicks, fol. Lond. 1698 
 MOORE, Maurice P. The Family of Carre of Sleford, County 
 of Lincoln, 8vo Sleaford, 1863 
 MOORE, Morris. 
 Revival of Vandalism at the National Gallery, 8vo. (Tracts 
 101) .... . . Lond. 1853 
 Prince Albert and the Apollo and Marsyas by Raphael, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 101.) .... . . . ib. 1859 
 MOORE, S. A. Domesday Book, Northamptonshire. Extended 
 and translated, fol. . . Northampton and Lond. 1863 
 MOORE, W. Y., and J. B. BERGNE. On the Pennies of Henry 
 with the short and long Cross. (Vol. ''Numismatic 
 Tracts.") 8vo Lond. 1846 
 MOORE, William. The Gentlemen's Society at Spalding, 8vo. ib. 1851 
428 MOO MOR 
 MOOYER, E. F. Ueber die angebliche Abstammung des norman- 
 nischen Konigsgeschlechts Siziliens von den Herzogen der 
 Normandie, 4to. ...... Minden, 1850 
 MORAND, Fra^ois. 
 Questions d'histoire litteraire au sujet du Doctrinale 
 d'Alexandre de Villedieu, de ses glossateurs, et, de N. 
 Francisci, 8vo. . . . . ... Paris, n.d. 
 Des Chronogrammes. Recueil de ceux qui ont ete composes 
 dans la ville d'Aire, 8vo. . . . Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1865 
 Chroniques du Siege de Boulogne en 1544. Journal en vers, 
 compose par A. Morin, publiee avec notes, 8vo. Paris, 1866 
 Vita Sancti Bertini Metrica. Premiere Vie de Saint Bertin, 
 publiee, avec notes, 4to. . . . . ib. 1876 
 MORANT, Philip. 
 History of Colchester, fol. . . . . . LoncL 1748 
 History of Essex, Nos. 1, 2, fol t'fe. 1763-64 
 2 vols. fol ib. 1768 
 MORAR, pseud. [Sir W. A. Fraser.] [Poems signed Morar, with 
 an etching by G. Cruikshank.J Privately printed. 
 MORAY, N". B. Begistrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1837 
 MORE, Sir Thomas. 
 The Commonwealth of Utopia ; containing a Discourse of 
 the Best State of a Publike Weale, &c. 12mo. Lond. 1639 
 Works of, fol. . ib. 1857 
 MOREAU, Cesar. 
 East India Company's Records, obi. fol. . . ib. 1825 
 British and Irish Produce Exported, fol. . . . ib. 1826 
 Statistical State .of Ireland, fol ib. 1827 
 Chronological Records of the British Navy. (Two copies.) 
 Obi. fol ib. 1827 
 Examen Impartial du commerce de la Grande Bretagne, 
 fol ib. 1828 
 Chronological Records of British Finance, obi. fol. . ib. 1828 
 The History and Topography of Kirkburton and of Holme, 
 including Holmfirth, in Yorkshire. (With illustrations.^) 
 4to Huddersfield, 1861 
 Extracts from the Diary of Robert Meeke, founder of the 
 Slaithwaite Free School m 1721. Also a continuation of 
 the History of Slaithwaite Free School, by the Rev. C. 
 A. Hulbert, 8vo. . . . Lond. and Huddersfield, 1874 
 MOREL, Gulielmus. Verborum Latinorum cum Grascis An- 
 glicisque conjunctorum Commentarii, fol. . Lond. 1583 
 MOREL, M.' 
 La Champagne Souterraine. Materiaux et Documents, 
 l e 4 e , Livraisons, 8vo. . ". . Chalons-sur-Mame, 1878 
 Album, l e 6 e , Livraisons, obi. fol. .... ib. 1878 
 MORELL, Andrew. Thesaurus sive Familiarum Romanarum 
 Numismata Omnia. Edited by Havercamp, 2 vols. fol. 1734 

 MOR MOR 429 
 Thesaurus Greece? Poeseos, 4to Eton, 1 762 
 Catalogus librorum in Bibliotheca Osterleiensi, 4to. . . 1771 
 MORERI, L. Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, fol., 10 vols. 
 Paris, 1769 
 MORES, E. R. 
 Nomina et Insignia Gentilitia, 4to. . . . Oxford, 1749 
 De JElfrico Archiepiscopo. Edited by G. J. Thorkelin, 4to. 
 Lond. 1789 
 MORGAN, Charles Octavius Swinnerton. 
 On Early Communion Plate, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . ib. 
 Table of the Assay Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, 8vo. ib. 1853 
 On the Assay Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, 8vo. . ib. 1853 
 Excavations within the Walls of Caerwent, in the Summer 
 of 1855, 4to. (Tracts 6) ib. 1856 
 Notice of a Tesselated Pavement, discovered at Caerleon. 
 With an Essay on Mazes and Labyrinths, by E. Trollope. 
 8vo . Newport, Hon. 1866 
 Some Account of the Ancient Monuments in the Priory 
 Church, Abergavenny, 8vo. . . .. . ib. 1872 
 Observations on the Classification of a Collection of 
 Watches, 8vo Lond. 1875 
 Finger Rings. Classification of a Collection, 8vo. . ib. n.d. 
 List of Members of the Clockmakers' Company of London, 
 1631 to 1732, 8vo . ib. 1883 
 MORGAN, Charles Octavius Swinnerton, and WAKEMAN, Thomas, 
 Notes on the Architecture and History of Caldicot Castle, 
 co. Monmouth, 8vo. (Tracts 11) . . Newport, 1854 
 Genealogy of Morgan, of Llantarnam Abbey, Monmouth- 
 shire, and of Monasterevan, co. Kildare. (Broadsheet, 
 folded), 8vo Croydon, 1884 
 The Endowed Charities of Monmouthshire. (Prospectus), 
 8vo Lond. 1885 
 MORGAN, Sydney, Lady. Letter to Cardinal Wiseman in answer 
 to his " Remarks on Lady Morgan's Statements regard- 
 ing St. Peter's Chair." Fourth edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1851 
 MORGAN, Thomas. Romano-British Mosaic Pavements : a 
 History of their discovery, 8vo. .... ib. 1886 
 Jahresbericht, 1845-46, 8vo Leipsic, 1846 
 Leitschrift, Band i.-xxii. 8vo ib. 1847-68 
 Abhandlungen fiir die kunde des Morgenlandes. Unter 
 der redaction des Prof. Dr. H. Brockhaus. Bd. 1, 8vo. 
 ib. 1859 
 Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht iiber die morgenlandischen 
 studien 1859 bis 1861. Von Dr. R. Gosche, 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 MORHOF, Daniel George. Polyhistor Literarins Philosophicus 
 et Practicus, illustratum a J. Mollero. Portrait, 8vo. 
 Lubeclc, 1714 
 MORIN, Jean Baptiste. Astrologia Gallica, fol. . The Hague, 1661 
430 MOR MOR 
 Memoires. In progress. .. . Part's and St. Omer, 1834, etc. 
 Bulletin Historique, In progress, 8vo. . . St. Omer, 1852, etc. Historiques sur les Utablissements Hospitallers 
 de la ville de Saint Omer. Par L. Deschamps de Pas, 
 8vo. ..... Saint Omer and Paris, 1877 
 Cartulaires de 1'figlise de Terouane publies par Th. Duchet 
 and A. Giry, 4to. .... Saint Omer, 1881, etc. 
 Les Chartes de Saint-Bertin. D'apres le grand cartulaire 
 de Dom Charles-Joseph Dewitte. Par Daniel Haignere. 
 Tome 1., 648-1240. 4to ib. 1886 
 MORLEY, Henry. The Life of B. Palissy, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852 
 MORLEY, Thomas. Canzonets and Madrigals. Edited by W. 
 Holland and W. Cooke, obi. 4to. . . . Oxford, 
 MORLEY, William. Discovery of part of a Work of Rashid al 
 Din, 8vo. (Tracts 65) Lond. 1839 
 Etudes Geologico-Archeologiques en Danemark et en 
 Suisse, 8vo. (Tracts 62) Lausanne, 1860 
 L'Archeologie du Mecklenbourg comparee a celle de 
 1'Europe Centrale. Part 1. Age de la Pierre, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 58***) Zurich, 1868 
 History and Description of Needle-making, 8vo. (Tracts 
 153*) Manchester and Matlock, 1862 
 Fifth edition, 12mo. . Manchester, 1866 
 MORRIS, J. P. The North Lonsdale Magazine and Lake District 
 Miscellany, vol. i. 8vo. ..... Ulverston, 1867 
 MORRIS, Richard. The Life of Richard Morris, better known as 
 Dick Spot, 8vo Lond. 1798 
 MORRIS, Thoma,s. Brief Chapters on British Carpentry ; Prin- 
 ciples of Gothic Roofs, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1871 
 MORRISON, Robert. 
 Chinese Dictionary, 3 vols. in 4, 4to. . . Macao, 1815-23 
 Chinese Dialogues, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1816 
 MORRITT, J. B. S. Miscellaneous Translations and Imitations 
 of the Minor Greek Poets. (Plates.) 18mo. . Lond. 1802 
 MORSE, E. S. 
 Traces of an Early Race in Japan, 8vo. . New York, 1879 
 The Omori Shell Mounds. Some recent publications on 
 Japanese Archaeology, 8vo. . . . Salem (Mass.), 18^0 
 Dolmens in Japan, 8vo. . . . New York, 1880 
 Ancient and Modern Methods of Arrow- Release, 8vo. 
 Salem, Mass. 1885 
 MORTILLET, Gabriel de. 
 Les Terramares du Reggianais, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) Paris, 1865 
 Le Signe de la Croix avant le Christianisme, 8vo. . ib. 1866 
 Materiaux pour 1' histoire de 1' Homme, 8vo. (Tracts 43*) 
 ib. 1866 
MOR MOT 431 
 MORTILLET, Gabriel de continued. 
 Promenades Prehistorique s a V Exposition Universelle, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1867 
 Revue Prehistorique. fitudes Paleoethnologiques dans le 
 Bassin du Rhone. Age du bronze, par E. Chantre, 8vo. ib. 1877 
 Collection Prehistorique a vendre, 8vo. (Tracts 56***). 
 MORTON, John. Natural History of Northamptonshire, fol. 
 Land. 1712 
 MOSCARDO, Ludovico. Memorie del Museo suo, fol. . Verona, 1672 
 Memoirs, 1866, 4to Moscow, 1866 
 MOSES, Henry. A Collection of Yases, Altars, Paterae, &c., 
 engraved on 170 plates. With essays, 4to. . Lond. 1817 
 On the Affairs of the Christians before Constantine. 
 Translated by R. S. Yidal, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1813 
 Ecclesiastical History to the Beginning of the 18th 
 Century. Translated by A. Maclaine, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1842 
 Moss, Joseph William. Manual of Classical Bibliography, 
 Second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1837 
 Moss, W. G. Antiquities of Hastings, 4to. . . . ib. 1824 
 Moss, W. G., and NIGHTINGALE, J. 
 History of the Church of St. Saviour, Southwark, 4to. ib. 1818 
 with various additional Drawings and 
 Engravings (together with Taylor's Annals of St. Mary 
 Overy, London, 1833), 4to ib. 1818 
 MOSSMAN, T. W. Bishops by Act of Parliament and Letters 
 Patent. A Letter to F G. Lee, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britanniee, with a Supplement 
 on the principal Foreign Genealogical Works, Roy. 8vo. 
 ib. 1822 
 On Roman Villas, 8vo ib. 1833 
 Heraldry of Fish. Notices of the principal Families 
 bearing Fish in their Arms, 8vo. .... ib. 1842 
 MOULTON, Co. Lincoln. Victorise 19 & 20, cap. 53. An Act for 
 confirming a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for 
 England and Wales, for the Endowed School, 8vo. 
 Spalding, 1856 
 MOULTON, Thomas. The Myrrour, or Glasse of Helth. B.L. 
 16mo. ........ Lond. n.d. 
 MOUNSEY, G. G. Carlisle in 1745, 8vo. . Lond. and Carlisle, 1846 
 MOUNT GRACE PRIORY, 12mo. (Tracts 149*) . . Leeds, 1865 
 MOURCIN, M. De. Serments pretes par Charles le Chauve, 
 Louis-le-Germanique, et leurs armees, 12mo. . Paris, 1815 
 MOUSSEAUX, R. Gougenot des. Dieu et les Dieux, ou un Voya- 
 geur Chretien devant les objets primitifs des cultes 
 anciens, 8vo. ........ ib. 1854 
 MOYES, James. Specimens of the Types used in Moyes's 
 Printing Office, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) . . Lond. 1831 
 MOYET, Jacques. Catalogue de la Collection d'Antiquites et 
 d'Objets de haute Curiosite, 8vo. . . Amsterdam, 1859 
432 MOZ MDN 
 Henry VII., Prince Arthur, and Cardinal Morton. From 
 a Group, at Plymtree Church, Devon. With a Notice of 
 " N. Monk," " J. Laud," &c., 8vo. . . . Lond. 1878 
 (Illustrated with Chromo-Lithographs), fol. ib. 1878 
 MUDIE, Robert. Hampshire, its past and present condition, 
 3 vols. 8vo Winchester, 1838 
 MUILMAN, Peter. History of Essex, 6 vols. 8vo. Chelmsford, 1770-72 
 MULLER, Albert. Ein Fund vorgeschichtlicher Steingerathe bei 
 Basel, 4to Basel, 1875 
 MULLER, C. 0. 
 De Munimentis Athenarum, 4to. . . . Gottingen, 1836 
 Ancient Art and its Remains. New edition, with additions, 
 by F. G. Welcker. Translated by J. Leitch, 8vo. Lond. 1852 
 MULLER, Edward. Ancient Inscriptions in Ceylon. Text and 
 Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. and obi. 8vo. . . . ib. 1883 
 MULLER, F. H. Beitrage zur teutschenKunst- und Geschichts- 
 kunde, 4to. .... Leipsic and Darmstadt, 1837 
 MULLER, J. H. Zeitschrift fur deutsche Kulturgeschichte. 
 Neue Folge III. Jahrgang, 8vo. Heft 1 . . Hanover, 1874 
 MULLER, L. Tetradrachm of Alexander. (Vol. " Numismatic 
 Tracts") 8vo. . . . ..<'.'. . Lond. 1858 
 MULLER, Dr. L. Religiose Symboler af stierne-kors-og cirkel- 
 form hos oldtidens Kulterfolk, 4to. . Copenhagen, 1864 
 MULLER, Max. A History of Sanskrit Literature, 8vo. Lond. 1859 
 Free Libraries and Newsrooms : their formation and 
 management, 8vo. ....... ib. 1869 
 Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library. English 
 edition, 8vo. Pt. 1 . * . . . Birmingham, 1872 
 MULLOOLY, Joseph. 
 Notice of the Ancient Paintings found in the Subterranean 
 Basilica of S. Clement, in Rome, 4to. . . Home, 1868 
 Third edition, 4to. (Tracts 8*) . ib. 1868 
 Saint Clement, Pope and Martyr, and his Basilica in Rome. 
 Second edition, enlarged, 8vo. .... ib. 1873 
 MULTANI LANGUAGE, Glossary of the ; compared with Punjabi 
 and Sindhi. Edited by E. O'Brien, 8vo. . Lahore, 1881 
 MUNCH, P. A. 
 Registrum preediorum et redituum ad Ecclesias Diocesis 
 Bergensis, soeculo P.C. XIV to- pertinentium, 4to. . ib. 1843 
 Codex DiplomatariusMonasterii Sancti Michaelis Bergensis 
 Diocesis, vulgo Munkatif dicti, 4to. . Christiania, 1845 
 Der ^Eldre Edda, 4to. ib. 1847 
 Symbolse ad Historian! Antiquiorem Rerum Norvegicarum, 
 4to ib. 1850 
 Asluk Bolts Jordebog, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1852 
 Det norske Folks Historic fremstillet. Forste Deel. l ste - 
 Bind, 8vo ib. 1852 
 Nordens celdste Historie, 8vo. (Tracts 164) . . ib. 1872 
 Nordmcendenes aeldste Ende- og Helte-Sagu. 8vo. . ib. 
MUN MUR 433 
 MUNCH, P. A., and SCHERIMER, H. E. The Cathedral of Thrond- 
 heim, fol. ...... Christiania, 1859 
 MUNCH, P. A., and UNGER, C. R. 
 Fagrskinna. 8vo ib. 1847 
 Detoldnorske SproffsellerNorronasprogets Grammatik, 8vo. 
 ib. 1847 
 Oldnorsk Leesebog med tilhorende glossarinm . . ib. 1847 
 Kong Olaf Tryggvesons Saga, 8vo. .... ib. 1853 
 Saga Olafs Konungs ens Helga, 8vo. . . ib. 1853 
 MUNFORD, George. Analysis of the Domesday Book of Norfolk, 
 8vo ' . . Lond. 1858 
 Die Deutschen Handschriften, nach J. A. Schmeller, vols. 
 i., ii., 8vo. ....... Munich, 1866 
 Catalogus Codicum. Tom. i., Pars i. Codices Hebraicos 
 complectens, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1875 
 Tom. i., Pars iv. Codices Orientales 
 praeter Hebraeos et Arabicos et Persicos complectens, 
 8vo. ib. 1875 
 Tom. iv., Pars i.-iv. Codices Latinos conti- 
 nens, 8vo. ib. 1874-78 
 Tom. ii., Pars iii. Codices Latinos Num. 
 15121-21313 complectens, 8vo ib. 1878 
 MUNK, William. 
 The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians, vols. i. ii., 8vo. 
 Lond. 1861 
 Second edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1878 
 Marvodia. (Reprinted from The Genealogist). 8vo. Exeter, 1885 
 MUNRO, Robert. Ancient Scottish Lake Dwellings or Crannogs. 
 With a Chapter on Lake-Dwellings in England, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1882 
 MUNSTER, Sebastian. Cosmographies Universalis libri vi., fol. 
 Basle, 1552 
 MUNTER, Frederick. Der Tempel der Himmlischen Gottin zu 
 Paphos, 4to. (Tracts 35) . . . Copenhagen, 1824 
 MURAL CONTROVERSY. The Question " Who built the Roman 
 Wall ? " illustrated, by a Cumbrian, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) 
 Lond. 1857 
 De Corona, qua Romanorum Imperatores in Insubribus 
 coronari solent, Commentarius, 8vo. (Bound with FON- 
 TANINI) Milan and Leipsic, 1719 
 Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, 8 vols. in 10, fol. Milan, 1723-26 
 Veterum Inscriptionum Thesaurus, 4 vols. fol. . ib. 1739-42 
 MURDOCH, R. H. The Master Gunner of England. 8vo. Lond. 1885 
 MURE, William. Selections from the Papers of Mure of Cald- 
 well, 2 vols. in 3, 4to Glasgow, 1854 
 MURRAY'S Handbooks for Great Britain and Ireland, 13 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1859-68 
 MURRAY'S Handbook for England and Wales, 8vo. . ib. 1878 
434 MUR MUS 
 A History of Greek Sculpture. 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1880-83 
 MURRAY, Alexander. Account of the Life and Writings of J. 
 Bruce, of Kinnaird. (Portrait.) 4to. . Edinburgh, 1808 
 MURRAY, J. F. Picturesque Tour of the River Thames, 8vo. Lond. 1849 
 MURRAY, John. 
 On the Silk- Worm, 8vo. (Tracts 117) . . Glasgow, 1825 
 Account of a Showerbath, 8vo. (Tracts 109) . Lond. 1826 
 On the Light of the Glow- Worm, &c., 12mo. . Glasgow, 1826 
 Experiments in Chemical Science, 12mo. . . . ib. 1826 
 Beauties of Switzerland, 8vo. .... Lond. 1829 
 On Atmospherical Electricity, 8vo. . . . ib. 1830 
 Notice of Ely Chapel and Place, sm. 4to. . . ib. 1840 
 Church of St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, 4to. . . . ib. 1859 
 MURRAYS OF DOLLERIE, near Crieff, Perthshire, oldest cadets of 
 the Family of Ochtertyre. 8vo. 
 MUSEUM MINERVA, The Constitution of the, 4to. . . ib. 1636 
 MUSEUM, The. An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Collectors 
 and Naturalists. Vol. i., etc., sm. 4to. In progress. 
 Philadelphia, 1885, etc. 
 MUSEUM CRITICUM ; or, Cambridge Classical Researches, 2 vols. 
 8vo. ....... Cambridge, 1826 
 MUSEUM MAZZUCHELLIANUM. 2 vols. fol. . . . Venice, 1761-63 
 Catalogue of Pottery and Porcelain in, by Sir H. De la 
 Beche and T. Reeks, 8vo ib. 1855 
 Second edition, by T. Reeks and F. W. 
 Rudler, 8vo ib. 1871 
 MUSEUM VICTORIUM. Observations in Tabulam Nummariam, 
 4to. (Tracts 19*) Rome, 1736 
 MUSGRAVE, G. M. A Ramble through Normandy. (Plates.) 
 8vo Lond. 1855 
 MUSICAL MISCELLANY, The. Choice Songs, set to the Violin and 
 Flute. 6 vols. in 3, 8vo ib. 1729-31 
 MUSSELL, Ebenezer. Catalogue of his Collection of Roman and 
 Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1765 
 MUSSELY, Ch. Inventaire des Archives de la ville de Courtrai. 
 2 vols. in one, 8vo. .... Courtrai, 185458 
 MUSUMECI, Mario. 
 Sopra uno Rudere Scoperto in Catania, 8vo. (Tracts 139*) 
 Catania, 1819 
 Illustrazione dell' Odeo di Catania, 4to. (Tracts 139*) ib. 1822 
 Schiarimenti ad un passo di Cassiodoro, 8vo. (Tracts 139*) 
 ib. 1828 
 Discorso d'Inaugurazione nella Universita di Catania, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 139*) . ib. 1830 
 Sopra 1'attitudine delle Materie Vulcaniche all' arti sussi- 
 diare dell' Architettura, 8vo. (Tracts 139*) . . ib. 1838 
MUS NAR 435 
 MUSUMECI, Mario continued. 
 Opere Archeologiche ed Artistiche, 2 vols. in one, 8vo. 
 Catania, 1845-51 
 MUSUMECI, Mario, and Giuseppe del Rosso. Sistemi Architet- 
 tonici discussi in due Memorie, 8vo. . . . ib. 1832 
 MUTINY. Act of Parliament for punishing Mutiny ; also Articles 
 of War, 12mo. (Tracts 148) .... Lond. 1761 
 MYNSHULL, Geffray. Essayes and Characters of a prison and 
 prisoners, 4to. . Lond. 1618 ; Edinburgh, reprinted, 1821 
 MYRIANTHEUS, H. Oration delivered at the Memorial of Con- 
 stantine Canaris. Translated by C. Wordsworth, Bishop 
 of Lincoln. (With the Greek text.) 2 pts. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1878 
 NADAILLAC, LE MARQUIS DE. Les Premiers Homines et les Temps 
 Prehistoriques, 2 vols. 8vo. ..... Paris, 1881 
 NALLAT, M. R. Memoria escrita sobre el Rescate de Cervantes, 
 8vo Cadiz, 1876 
 Annales. Tome V. and Tome VI. liv. 2-4, 8vo. Namur, 1882 
 Bibliographic Namuroise. (No. 3 des Documents Inedits.) 
 Par. M. F. D. Doyen. Pt. 1. Liv. 1-3. Annees 1473-1750, 
 8vo. . ib. 1884-86 
 Rapport sur la Situation de la Societe, 1883, 84, 8vo. ib. 1884-85 
 NAPIER, H. A. Historical Notices of Swyncombe and Ewelme, 
 co. Oxford, 4to Oxford, 1858 
 NAPIER, Mark. 
 On the Progress and Prospects of Science in Scotland, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 60***) Lond. 1856 
 Memorials and Letters of John Graham of Claverhouse, 
 Viscount Dundee, 3 vols. 8vo. . . Edinburgh, 1859-62 
 NAPLES. Bullettino Archeologico Napolitano. Nuova serie. 4 
 vols. (in two) 8vo Naples, 1853-56 
 NAPLES, Real. Museo Borbonico. 
 (Plates). 16 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1824-57 
 Second copy. 
 Cabinet Secret, 4to. Paris, 1836 
 NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. His. Military Carriage accurately de- 
 scribed, 8vo. (Tracts 139**) .... Lond. 1816 
 Histoire de Jules Cesar. Tomes l er et 2 me 8vo. Paris, 1865-66 
 Atlas, 4to. 
 NAPPER, H. F. On the Measurements of Ptolemy, and of the 
 Antonine Itinerary, applied to the Southern Counties of 
 England, 8vo. Lewes, 1882 
 Additional Notes on " the Measurements of Ptolemy and of 
 the Antonine Itinerary." By G. M. Hills. 8vo. . ib. 1886 
 NARCISSA, Le Tombeau de, 4to. (Tracts 9) 
 NARES, Robert. 
 A Glossary or Collection of Words, Phrases, &c., which 
 require illustration in the works of English Authors, 
 particularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, 4to. 
 _ New edition, with additions by J. 
 Halliwell and T. Wright, 2 vols. . . . ' . ib. 
 NASH, Joseph. 
 The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. (Plates.) 4 
 vols. Atlas, fol ib. 1839-49 
 Interiors and Exteriors of Venice. (Plates.) Atlas, fol. ib. 1843 
 NASH, Tredway 
 Worcestershire Domesday Book, fol. . . . . .1775 
 The Fac-simile Plates of the Domesday of the County of 
 Worcester. (Wpolfe Coll.) Folio. . . . ib. 1775 
 History and Antiquities of Worcestershire, 2 vols. and 
 supplement, fol ib. 1781-99 
 NASH, W. L. The Church-Wardens' Account Book for the 
 Parish of St. Giles, Reading. Pt. I. (1518-46.) 4to. 
 Reading, 1881 
 NASMITH, .James. Itineraria Symonis Simeonis et Willelmi De 
 Woreestre. Quibus accedit Tractatus de Metro, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1778 
 Second copy. 
 NASON, Elias. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) 
 Boston, 1865 
 Denkmaler aus Nassau. Heft. 1-4, fol. . Wiesbaden, 1852-67 
 Verzeichniss der Biicher des Yereins, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 Urkundenbuch der Abtei Eberbach im Rheingau. Heraus- 
 gegeben von K. RosseL Bd. 1, 2, 8vo. . . ib. 1862-70 
 Neujahrs-Gabe, Januar 1863, 8vo ib. 1863 
 Mittheilungen. Nos. 2-6, 8vo. . . . ib. 1863-67 
 Miinz-Sammlung. Die Mittelalterlichen und Neuren 
 Miinzen. Yon H. Schalk, 8vo ib. 1865 
 vol. i. etc., 8vo. In progress ..... 1830, etc. 
 NATIONAL GALLERY, Protest and Counter- statement, 8vo. (Tracts 
 52) Lond. 1855 
 NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS, from William the Conqueror to Queen 
 Anne. (Facsimiles.) By Sir H. James. Parts i-iv. fol. 
 Southampton, 1865 
 of Scotland. (Facsimiles.') By the same. 
 Part i.-iii. fol ib. 1867-72 
 of Ireland. By the same. Edited by J. T. 
 .Dublin, 1874-84 
 Lond. 1853-55 
 Gilbert. Pt. i.-iv. fol. 
 NATIONAL MISCELLANY, The, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 Catalogue of Pictures, 8vo. 
 Nineteenth Annual Report, etc. 8vo. 
 In progress 
NAT NEL 437 
 Journal. No. 3. March, 1883. 8vo. . . Lond. 1883 
 Report and List of Members, 1881, &c. In progress. 8vo. 
 NATTER LAURENTIUS. On the Ancient Method of Engraving on 
 Precious Stones, fol. ..... Lond. 1754 
 NATURE, a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vol. I., etc. 
 4to. In progress ...... ib. 1870, etc. 
 (Gabriel). Apologie pour les Grands Homines soup- 
 9onnez de Magie. 12mo. . . Amsterdam, 1712 
 NAVARRE, Joseph. Tentamen de Archytae Tarentini Vita. Pars 
 prior, 4to. ...... Copenhagen, 1819 
 NAVIGATION LAWS, Observations on the importance of, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 128) ....... Lond. 1801 
 NAVILLE, fidouard. Textes relatif s au Mythe d'Horus recueillis 
 dans le Temple d'Edfou, fol Geneva, 1870 
 NEALE, James. 
 The Abbey Church of Saint Alban, Hertfordshire, fol. 
 Lond. 1878 
 Architectural Notes on St. Alban's Abbey, 4to. . . ib. 1878 
 NEALE, John. Longitude Delineated, 4to. (Tracts 127*) ib. 1744 
 NEALE, John Mason, Private Devotion in Churches, 8vo. (Tracts 
 135*) Rugeley, 1844 
 NEALE, John Preston, and Edward Wedlake BRAYLEY. History 
 and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, including Notices 
 of the Abbots and Deans. Illustrated by J. P. Neale. 
 The Literary Department by E. W. Brayley, 2 vols. roy. 
 4to Lond. 1818-23 
 Second copy. 
 NEALE, John Preston, and JOHN LE KEUX. Views of Churches 
 in Great Britain. With historical and architectural 
 descriptions. 2 vols. in one, 4to. . . . ^6.1824^-25 
 NEBRISSENSIS, ^33. A. Lexicon sive dictionarium nuperrime ex 
 hispaniense in gallicum traductum eloquium, 8vo. Lugd. 1524 
 NECKHAM, Alexander. De Naturis Berum libri duo, with 
 Neckam's Poem, De laudibus Divinae Sapientiae. Edited 
 by T. Wright, roy. 8vo ib, 1863 
 NEEDHAM, Turberville. 
 De Inscriptione quadam ^Bgyptiaca, 12mo. (Tracts 156) 
 Rome, 1761 
 Reponse aux deux Lettres de M. Bartoli, 4to. (Tracts 17) 
 Turin, 1762 
 NISGRIN, fimile. Les Promenades de Nice. 4 e edition augmentee, 
 12mo. Nice, 1871-72 
 NELLI, G. B. Discorso di Architettura, 4to. . . Florence, 1753 
 NELME, L. D. Origin of Language and Letters, 4to. Lcnid. 1772 
 NELSON, Lord. A Perspective View of his Grand Funeral Car, 
 fol ib. 1806 
 NELSON, John. 
 History of Islington, 4to. ...... ib. 1811 
 4to ib. 1829 
 NELTHROPP, H. L. A Treatise ou Watch-work, 8vo. . . ib. 1873 
438 NEN NEW 
 NENNIUS. Historia Britoimm. Translated by W. Gunn, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1819 
 NESFIELD, W. E. Specimens of Mediaeval Architecture, chiefly 
 of the 12th and 13th centuries in France and Italy. 
 (Plates). Fol. . ib. 1862 
 NESSE, Christopher. The Devil's Patriarck, or a full and impartial 
 account of the notorious life of the present Pope of Home, 
 Innocent the llth, 12mo. Anon. .... ib. 1683 
 NETHERCLIFT, F. G. Handbook to Autographs, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 NETTER, Thomas. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis 
 Wyclif cum Tritico. Edited by W. W. Shirley, roy. 8vo. 
 ib. 1858 
 1. Case on behalf of A. J. Netterville, claiming to be 
 Viscount Netterville in the Peerage of Ireland, fol. ib. n.d. 
 2. Evidence on the above Case, fol. .... ib. 1861 
 NEUSTROEFFE, A. H. McMOpfiyecKoe posbicKame o pyccKto 
 noBpeMeHHBixL H36aHiflXb H cSopHHKaxb. 3, 1703-1802. 
 8vo St. Petersburgh, 1874 
 NEVE, Charles. An Account of King's College Chapel, 18mo. 
 Cambridge, 1855 
 NEVILLE, Hon. R. C. 
 Antiqua Explorata, 8vo. . . . Saffron Walden, 1847 
 Sepulchra Exposita, or an account of the opening of some 
 barrows, 8vo. ........ ib. 1848 
 Saxon Obsequies illustrated by ornaments and weapons 
 discovered at Little Wilbraham, 4to. . . Lond. 1852 
 Potters' Names upon Samianware in the collection of R. C. 
 Neville, 8vo. (Tracts 81) ib. 1855 
 Catalogue of Rings in the collection of R. C. Neville, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 81) . ib. 1855 
 NEVINSON, C. History of Stamford, 8vo. Stamford and Lond. 1879 
 ^NEVO, ALEXANDER DE, VINCENTINUS, Consilia contra Judeos fce- 
 nerantes. (Bound with SUPPLEMENTUM) . . n.p. n.d. 
 NEWBIGGING, Thomas. History of the Forest of Rossendale, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1868 
 NEWBURGH, William of. Historia Anglicarum, edited by T. 
 Hearne, 3 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1719 
 NEWBURY DISTRICT FIELD CLUB. Transactions. 1870-1875, 2 vols. 
 8vo Newbury, 1871-78 
 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, Society of Antiquaries of. 
 Archaeologia ^Bliana, Yols. i. to iv. 4to. . . Lond. 1816-54 
 New series, vol. i. etc. In progress. 8vo. . Newcastle, 1857, etc. 
 Chorographia, or Survey of Newcastle, 4to. . . ib. 1813 
 'Catalogue of the Library Lond. 1839 
 The Pipe-Rolls, or Sheriff's Annual Accounts of the Revenues 
 of the Crown for the counties of Cumberland, Westmor- 
 land and Durham, during the reigns of Henry II., 
 Richard I., and John, 8vo. .... Newcastle, 1847 
 Catalogue of the Library, inclusive of the Manuscripts, 
 Drawings, Prints, and Maps, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1863 
NEW NEW 439 
 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE, Society of Antiquaries of continued. 
 Lapidarium Septentrionale : or a Description of the Monu- 
 ments of Roman Rule in the North of England, part 1, 
 fol Newcastle, 1870 
 Remains of Old Newcastle-upon-Tyne, part 1, 4to. . ib. 1883 
 Views of Old Castles, Priories, and Monasteries in North- 
 umberland and Durham, drawn by S. and N. Buck. 
 (Originally published in 1728.) Fol. . ib. 1883 
 NEWCOME, Peter. History of Abbey of St. Alban, 4to. Lond. 1795 
 NE \VCOURT, Richard. 
 Repertorium Ecclesiasticum ParochialeLondinense,J&n^Z^A, 
 2 vols. fol ib. 1708 
 Map of Ancient London (1658). Reprint . . . n.p. n.d. 
 A Genealogy of the Family of Mr. S. Stebbins and Mrs. 
 H. Stebbins, his Wife, from 1707 to 1771. (Reprint.) 4to. 
 Hartford, 1771 
 Historical and Genealogical Register, 8vo. In progress. 
 Boston, 1847, &c. 
 Tribute to the Memory of Edward Everett, consisting of Ad- 
 dresses by W. Lewis, E. Nason, and F. W. Holland, 8vo. ib. 1865 
 Valedictory Address on retiring from the Office of Pre- 
 sident, by W. Lewis, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1866 
 Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, January 1, 1873-74, 
 8vo ' . ib. 1873-74 
 Memoirs of several Deceased Members. (With portraits.) 
 8vo ib. 1878 
 Memorial Biographies. Vol. ii. 1853-55, 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 Report of its Heraldic Committee on the question was 
 John Leverett a Knight ? 8vo ib. 1881 
 NEW FOREST, Hants. Abstract of Claims, 1670, 8vo. Salisbury, 1776 
 NEWGATE CALENDAR, The New and Complete. 8 vols. -(Plates.) 
 8vo Lond. 1818 
 An English and Hebrew Lexicon, 8vo. . . . ib. 1832 
 A Hebrew and English Lexicon. (Bound with the preceding.) 
 8vo ib. 1834 
 NEWMARCH, G. F., and NEWMARCH, C. H. The Newmarch Pedi- 
 gree. For private circulation. 8vo. . Cirencester, 1868 
 Proceedings, No. 1, pp. 1 to 71, 8vo. . . New Orleans, 1854 
 Constitution and Bye-laws, 8vo. (Tracts 114) . . ib. 1854 
 NEWTON, Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of. 
 Privately printed. 4to. ..... Lond. 1871 
 Papers respecting the Excavations at Budrum, fol. ib. 1858-59 
 Fnrther Papers respecting the excavations at Biidrum and 
 Cnidus, fol. (Tracts 1) ib. 1859 
 History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Bran- 
 chidae, vol. i. (Plates), fol., vol. ii. (Text), in two Parts 
 8vo. ib. 1862 
440 NEW NIB 
 NEWTON, C. T. continued. 
 Report of his Proceedings at Corfu relative to objects 
 missing from the Woodhouse Collection of Antiquities, 
 8vo. ........ Lond. n.d. 
 NEWTON, Sir Isaac. Letters to Dr. Covel. Edited by D. Turner, 
 8vo, (Tracts 40) Norwich, 1848 
 NEWTON, T. W. Catalogue of Old Ballads in the possession of 
 F. Ouvry. Privately printed. 4to. . . Lond. 1877 
 NEWTON, Rev. William. History of Maidstone, 8vo. . ib. 1741 
 NEWTON, William, of Chancery Lane. Display of Heraldry, 8vo. 
 ib. 1846 
 London in the Olden Time, with a Pictorial "Map of London, 
 temp. Hen. VIII. fol ib. 1855 
 Documentary History of New York. By E. B. O'Callaghan, 
 4 vols. 4to Albany, 1850-51 
 Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of 
 New York. Procured by J. R. Brcdhead. Edited by 
 E. B. O'Callaghan, vols. i.-x. 4io. ib. 1856-58 
 Marriage Licenses granted previous to 1784. 8vo. . ib. 1860 
 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the 
 Secretary of State. Edited by E. B, O'Callaghan. Part 1. 
 Dutch Manuscripts, 1630-1664, 4to, . . . ib. 1865 
 Part 2. English Manuscripts, 1664-1776, 
 4to ib. 1866 
 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, relating to the War of 
 the Revolution, vols. i. and ii. 4to. . . . ib. 1868 
 Census of the State of New York, for 1865, fol. . ib. 1867 
 Fifteenth Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public 
 Instruction, 8vo. ....... ib. 1869 
 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of Library, 8vo. ib. 1859 
 Catalogue of the General Library, 8vo. . . . ib. 1856 
 Law Library, 8vo. . . . ib. 1856 
 Maps, Manuscripts, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1857 
 Books on Bibliography, &c., 8vo. . ib. 1858 
 Annual Reports of the Trustees, 8vo. In progress, ib. 1859, etc. 
 Catalogue, 1872. Subject-Index of the General Library, 
 8vo ib. 1872 
 Cabinet of Natural History, 12th, 14th, 21st, and 23rd 
 Annual Reports of the Regents, 8vo. . ib. 1859, 61, 71, 73 
 Reports, 24th, &c. 8vo. In progress . . . 1870, &c. 
 Reports of Regents, 8vo New York, 1860-69 
 Annual Reports, 8vo ib. 1859-61 
 Cooper Union for Science and Art. Second Report, 8vo. ^6. 1861 
 NEW ZEALAND. Legendary History of the Maoris. (Extracts.) 
 Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by 
 command of his Excellency, fol. . . Wellington, 1880 
 NIBBS, Richard Henry. The Churches of Sussex, 4to. 
 Brighton, 1851 
NIB NIC 441 
 NIBBY, Antoine. Itineraire de Rome et de ses Environs, 8vo. 
 Borne, 1853 
 NlBLOCK, J. W. 
 Piety and Patriotism, 8vo. (Tracts 76) . . Lond. 1835 
 English and Latin Dictionary, obi. 8vo. . . ib. 
 NICAISE, M. Explication d'un ancien Monument trouve en 
 Guienne dans le Diocese D'Ausch, 4to. . . Paris, 1689 
 NICHOLAS, Thomas. The Pedigree of the English People: an 
 argument on English Ethnology. Second edition, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1868 
 NICHOLL, John. 
 History of the Ironmongers' Company, 4to. . . ib. 1851 
 Second edition, 4to . , , ib. 1866 
 The Forest of Dean; an Historical and Descriptive Ac- 
 count, 8vo. ........ ib. 1858 
 Ancient Iron Trade of the Forest of Dean, 8vo. . . 1860 
 NICHOLLS, J. F. The remarkable Life and Discoveries of Sebas- 
 tian Cabot, 8vo ib. 1869 
 NICHOLLS, J. F., and TAYLOR, John. Bristol Past and Present. 
 Parts I. and II. 4to Bristol, 1880 
 The Roman Forum ; a Topographical Study, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Rome, 1877 
 Notizie dei Rostri del Foro Romano e dei Monumenti con- 
 tigui, 4to Home, 1885 
 La Regia, 8vo ib. 1886 
 Account of the Hospital of St. Katherine, 4to. . Lond. 1824 
 Fonthill Abbey, 4to ib. 1836 
 Account of Guildhall, 8vo ib. 1819 
 London Pageants, roy. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1831 
 Life of Henry Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel,8vo. (Tracts 53) ib. 1834 
 Decorative Tiles, 4to ib. 1845 
 The Topographer and Genealogist, 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1846-58 
 On an Amity between the Fishmongers and Goldsmiths of 
 London, 4to. (Tracts 13) ... Westminster, 1859 
 Windows in Woodhouse Chapel, Beaumanoir, Leicestershire, 
 4to 1860 
 Sepulchral Brasses at Harrow, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . 1860 
 Picture of Edward VI. at Bridewell, 4to. (Tracts 13) ib. 1861 
 Pictures in the Middle and Inner Temple, 4to. (Tracts 13) 
 ib. 1861 
 Catalogue of the Works of the Camden Society, 4to. . ib. 1862 
 The Biography of Sir W. Harper, Founder of the Bedford 
 School Charities, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . . . ib. 1870 
 A Bibliographical Account of the three editions of Watson's 
 Memoirs of the ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61***) ib. 1871 
 Church of St. Mary, Warwick, 4to ib. n.d. 
 The Family of Alye, 4to. . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
442 NIC NIC 
 NICHOLS, J. G. continued. 
 The First and Second Houses of Lacy, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) 
 n.p. n.d. 
 Notice of J. G. Nichols. II. Proceedings of the Massa- 
 chusetts Hist. Soc. Aug. to Dec., 1873, 8vo. . Boston, 1873 
 NICHOLS, John. 
 Origin of Printing, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1774 
 Appendix, 8vo. . . . ib. 1776 
 4to. ib. 1782 
 Anecdotes, Biographical and Literary. Edited by W. 
 Bowyer. 8vo. ib. 1778 
 Some Account of the Alien Priories in England and Wales. 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1779 
 Wills of the Kings and Queens of England, 4to. . ib. 1780 
 An Essay on the rise and progress of Geography in Great 
 Britain and Ireland. (Illustrated.) 4to. . . ib. 1780 
 Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, 10 vols. 4to. ib. 1780-95 
 Proposed forms of Registers for Baptisms and Burials, 2 
 vols. 4to ib. 1781 
 Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth, with a Cata- 
 logue of his Works. Second edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1782 
 History of Hinckley, co. Leicester, 8vo. . . . ib. 1782 
 Queen Elizabeth's Progresses, 3 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1788 
 History of Leicestershire, 4 vols. in 8, fol. . . ib. 1795-1811 
 History of Stapelford, co. Leicester, fol. . . . ib. 1795 
 Illustrations of Manners and Expenses in England from 
 Churchwardens' accounts, 4to. . , . . ib. 1797 
 The Procession and Public Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, 
 vol. iv. part 1, 4to. [Prattinton Coll.'] . . . ib. 1821 
 Progresses, Processions, and Festivities of King James the 
 First, 4 vols. 4to ib. 1828 
 NICHOLS, John, and NICHOLS, J. B. 
 Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1812-15 
 Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth 
 Century, 8 vols. 8vo. ... ib. 1817-58 
 NICHOLS, R. C. Memoir of the late J. G. Nichols, 4to. 
 Westminster, 1874 
 NICHOLS, W. L. The Quantocks and their Associations. For 
 private circulation, 8vo. . . * Bath, 1873 
 NICHOLSON'S Cambrian Traveller's Guide. Third edition, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1840 
 NICHOLSON, A. Apostolical Succession in the Church of 
 Sweden, 4to ib. 1880 
 NICHOLSON, Sir Charles. Catalogue of Egyptian and other 
 Antiquities, 8vo. (Tracts 115) . . . . . ib. 1858 
 NICHOLSON, Cornelius. 
 On the Roman Station " Alauna," Westmoreland, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 1 54) Kendal, 1860 
 The Annals of Kendal. Second edition, 8vo. . Lond. 1861 
 Lord Robert De Clifford: Where buried? 8vo. (Tracts 
 55**) ib. 1862 
NIC NIC 443 
 NICHOLSON, Cornelius continued. 
 Memoir of R. Cleasby, Lexicographer, Warcop, Westmor- 
 land, with illustrations from the Westmorland Dialect, 
 8vo Kendal, 1874 
 History and Incidents connected with the Grants of the 
 Three Royal Charters of Incorporation of the Borough of 
 Kendal, 8vo. , . , . . , . Lond. 1875 
 The Romans in Westmorland, 8vo. . . . Kendal, 1877 
 Scraps of History of the Northern Suburb of London, 
 12mo Lond. 1879 
 A Descriptive Account of the Roman Villa near Brading, 
 Isle of Wight, 4to ib. 1880 
 The Work and Workers of the British Association for the 
 Advancement of Science, a historical sketch, 1831 to 
 1884, 8vo ib. 1884 
 The Ancient Stone Cross at Ambleside. 12mo. . Kendal, 1885 
 Burneside Hall ; with a glimpse of the Border Wars. A 
 Lecture. 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Relics of St. Alban at Cologne, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . . 1850 
 Some Account of Relics at Cologne, considered to be part 
 of the body of Saint Alban, Svo. (Tracts 74) . Lond. 1851 
 The Abbey of St. Alban, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . . ib. 1856 
 Another edition, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . ib. 1856 
 NICHOLSON, William (Bishop). 
 Leges Marchiarum, or Border Laws, England and Scotland, 
 Henry III. to James I., 8vo ib. 1705 
 The English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries, fol. ib. 1736 
 NICOLAI, Agostino. Historia dell' ultime Rivoluzioni di Napoli, 
 12mo. ....... Amsterdam, 1660 
 NICOLAS, Sir N. H. 
 Index to the Heralds' Visitations, 12mo. . . Lond. 1823 
 8vo ib. 1825 
 Life of William Davison, 8vo ib. 1823 
 Notitia Historica, 8vo. ...... ib. 1824 
 Testamenta Vetusta, being Illustrations from Wills, of 
 Manners, Customs, &c., as well as the Descents of many 
 distinguished families, from the reign of Henry the 
 Second to the Accession of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1826 
 The Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth, 
 Nov. 1529 to Dec. 1532, 8vo ib. 1827 
 Siege of Carlaverock, 4to. ...... ib. 1828 
 Roll of Arms of the reign of Edward II. 8vo. . . ib. 1829 
 Roll of Arms of the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward III. 
 8vo. ib. 1829 
 Observations on the state of Historical Literature, and on 
 the Society of Antiquaries, with remarks on Record 
 Offices, &c., 8vo ib. 1830 
 Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York : Wardrobe 
 Accounts of Edward IV., &c., 8vo. (Two copies) ib. 1830 
444 NIG NIG 
 NICOLAS, Sir N. H. continued. 
 Refutation of Mr. Palgrave's Remarks in reply to Observa- 
 tions on the state of Historical Literature, 8vo. Lond. 1831 
 A History of the Battle of Agincourt and of the 
 Expedition of Henry V. into France in 1415, to which is 
 added the Roll of the Men-at-Arms in the English Army, 
 8vo ib. 1832 
 A Letter on the Constitution and Proceedings of the 
 present Commission for the Public Records, 8vo. . ib. 1832 
 The Chronology of History, 8vo ib. 1833 
 History of the Earldoms of Strathern, Menteith, and 
 Airth,8vo ib. 1842 
 History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British 
 Empire ; of the Order of the Guelphs of Hanover ; and 
 of the Medals, Clasps, and Crosses conferred for Naval 
 and Military Services, 4 vols. 4to. .... ib. 1842 
 A History of the Royal Navy, to the Wars of the French 
 Revolution, 2 vols. 8vo. ...... ib. 1847 
 Tractatio de Mercuric et Hermis, 12mo. . . Frank/. 1687 
 Tractatus de Siglis Veterum, 4to. . . . Leyden, 1703 
 Mindesmerker af Middelalderens Kunst i Norge, parts 1-5, 
 obi. 4to. ....... Christiania, 1854-55 
 Fortegnelse over norges levninger af kunst og haandverk 
 fra Middelalderen, 8vo. ...... ib. 1855 
 Borgunds Kirke i Lserdal, obi. 4to. .... ib. 1857 
 Norske FornlevmDger, 8vo. .... ib. 1862-66 
 Om Throndhjems Dornkirke, 8vo. .... ib. 1872 
 NICOLS, William. De literis inventis libri sex, 8vo. . Lond. 1711 
 NICOLSON, Joseph, and BURN, Richard. History and Antiquities 
 of Westmoreland and Cumberland, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1777 
 NICOT, Jean. Thresor de la Langue Francoyse, tant Ancienne 
 que Moderne, fol. ...... Paris, 1606 
 NIELSEN, Yngvar. Hovestoen Paa Bygdu, fol. .... 1882 
 NIEUPOORT, G. H. Rituum apud Romanes succincta explicatio, 
 8vo Utrecht, 1747 
 Memoirs of the public and private Life of Her Majesty, 
 Queen Caroline. 2 vols. 8vo. .... Lond. 1820-21 
 Report of the Proceedings before the House of Lords 
 against Her Majesty, Queen Caroline. 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1821 
 Memoirs of the last days of Her Majesty, Queen Caroline. 
 8vo ib. 1822 
 On the Succession of the Abbesses of Wilton, with some 
 notice of Wilton Seals, 8vo. .... Devizes, 1881 
 Contributions towards the History of Early English 
 Porcelain. For private circulation, 4to. . . Salisbury, 1881 
 Old Church Plate in Wilts, 8vo. . . . Devizes, 1884 
NIL NOB 445 
 NILSSON, Sven. The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. 
 Translated and edited by Sir J. Lubbock, Third edition, 
 8vo Lond. 1868 
 NlSARD, C. 
 Histoire des Livres Populaires, on de la Litteratnre du 
 Colportage (XV e Siecle 1852), 2nd vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854 
 Histoire de la Litterature Francaise, 4 vols. . . ib. 1854 
 Des Chansons Populaires chez les Anciens et chez les 
 Fran9ais, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1867 
 NISBET, Alexander. 
 On Additional Figures and Marks of Cadency in Heraldry, 
 18mo Edinburgh, 1702 
 An Essay on the Ancient and Modern use of Armories, 4to. 
 Lond. 1718 
 System of Heraldry, 2 vols. fol. . . . . ib. 1722 
 NITHSDALE, Countess of. Letter from, to her sister the Lady 
 Lucy Herbert. Edited by Sheffield Grace, 8vo. . ib. 1827 
 NlVEN, W. 
 Illustrations of Old Worcestershire Houses. With Notes. 
 [Woolfe Coll.'] fol. . ib. 1873 
 Illustrations of Old Warwickshire Houses. With Notes, 4to. 
 (Two copies) ib. 1878 
 Illustrations of Old Staffordshire Houses. With notes, fol. ib. 1882 
 Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire, geometrical 
 drawings with description, fol. .... ib. 1884 
 NIXON, John. 
 Marmor Estonianum, 4to. ...... ib. 1744 
 On a Sleeping Cupid of the Arundelian Marbles, 4to. 
 (Tracts 50*) ib. 1755 
 NIXON, Robert. Views in Scotland, obi. fol. . . . ib. n.d. 
 NOAKE, John. 
 The Rambler in Worcestershire, or Stray Notes on 
 Churches and Congregations. [Woolfe Coll.] 8vo. 
 Worcester, 1848 
 2nd Yol. [Woolfe Coll.'] 8vo. . Lond. 1851 
 Worcester in Olden Times. [Woolfe Coll.] 8vo. . . ib. 1849 
 Notes and Queries for Worcestershire. [Woolfe Coll.] 8vo. 
 ib. 1856 
 Worcestershire Sects ; or a History of the Roman Catholics 
 and Dissenters of Worcester. [Woolfe Coll.] 8vo. 
 Lond. and Worcester, 1861 
 Monastery and Cathedral of Worcester, 8vo. . Lond. 1866 
 Second copy. [Woolfe Coll.] 
 Guide to Worcestershire. [Woolfe Coll.] 8vo. 
 Lond. and Worcester, 1868 
 Worcestershire Relics. [Woolfe Coll.] 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 NOBLE, Mark. 
 On the Mint of Durham, 4to Lond. 1780 
 Memoirs of the House of Cromwell, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Birmingham, 1784 
 2 vols. ib. 1787 
446 NOB NOR 
 NOBLE, Mark continued. 
 Genealogy of the House of Stuart, 4to. . . Lond. 1795 
 Memoirs of the House of Medici, 8vo. . . . ib. 1797 
 Lives of the English Regicides, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1798 
 History of the College of Arms, 4to. . . ib. 1805 
 NOBLE, T. C. 
 A Brief Account of the Westminster Tobacco Box, 12mo. 
 Westminster, 1879 
 A Memorial of the Life of W. F. Bray. For private circulation. 
 12mo . . Brighton, 1880 
 A Caxton Memorial ; extracts from the Churchwarden's 
 Accounts of the Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, 
 1478-1492. For private circulation. 12mx>. . 
 The Lord Mayor of London, 12mo. . . . ib. n.d. 
 NOEHDEN, G. H. Selection of Coins from Lord Northwick's 
 Cabinet, Parts 1 to 4, fol Lond. 1826 
 NOEL, Abbe. Sur la vie de J. B. Le Chevalier, 8vo. . Paris, 1840 
 NOLLI, Carlo. Del Arco Trajano in Benevento, fol. . Naples, 
 NONNUS. Les Dronysiaques, Grec et Francais, 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1856 
 NORDEN, F. L. Drawings of some Ruins and Colossal Statues 
 at Thebes, 4to. (Tracts 19*) 1741 
 NORDEN, John. 
 Speculum Britannise. The first parte. An Historicall 
 Discription of Middlesex, 4to. . . . Lond. 1593 
 Speculum Britannia^, an Historical Discription of Middlesex 
 and Hertfordshire, 4to ib. 1723 
 Speculi Britanniae Pars ; a Description of Cornwall, 4to. ib. 1728 
 NORFOLK (Essex, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire), Handbook for, 
 8vo. (Murray) ib. 1870 
 An Index to the Visitation of Norfolk. With an Introduc- 
 tion by C. H. Athill. Edited by C. H. E. White, 4to. 
 Ipswich, 1885 
 Norfolk Archaeology. (Original Papers.) 8vo. In progress. 
 Norwich, 1847, etc. 
 Views of the Gates of Norwich. By Robert Fitch, 4to. ib. 1861 
 Illustrations of the Rood-screen at Randworth. By C. J. 
 W. Winter, fol ib. 1867 
 Illustrations of the Rood-screen at Barton Turf. Drawn 
 by C. J. W. Winter. With Notes by J. Gunn, fol. ib. 1869 
 Illustrations of the Rood-screen at Fritton. Drawn by 
 C. J. W. Winter, with Notes by R. Hart, fol. . ib. 1872 
 The Visitation of Norfolk, 1563. Taken by W. Harvey. 
 Edited by G. H. Dashwood. Vol. I., etc., 8vo. In pro- 
 gress ib. 1878, etc. 
 Pedes Finium or Fines relating to the County of Norfolk. 
 Edited by Walter Rye, 8vo. In progress . ib. 1881, etc. 
 Vol. I., 8vo ib. 1877 
 NORFOLK, John, Duke of, and THOMAS, Earl of Surrey. House- 
 hold Books, 1481-1490. Edited by J. P. Collier, 4to. 
 Lond. 1844 
NOR NOB 447 
 NORMAN, J. M. Observations de Morphologie vegetale, 4to. 
 (Tracts 8) Christiania, 1857 
 Memoires, Vols. iv. to vi., with Atlas, 8vo. . . Caen, 1828-33 
 Vols. xii., xiii. ; xvi.-xxiv. ; xxv. Part 1; xxvi. 
 Part 1, 4to Paris, 1841-67 
 Table Alphabetique. Tomes 1-24. 4to. . ib. 1863 
 Cinquantieme Anniversaire. Seance Publique, 1873. Rap- 
 port de M. Eng. chatel, 8vo. . . . Caen, 1874 
 Magni Rotuli Scaccarii. Edited by H. Petrie, 4to. Lond. 1830 
 Magni Rotuli Scaccarii. Edited by T. Stapleton, 2 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1840-44 
 Revue Retrospective Normande. Documens inedits pour 
 servir a Fhistoire de Rouen et de la Normandie, recueillis 
 par Andre Pottier, 8vo Rouen, 1842 
 Address to the Minister of the Interior on the Condition of 
 the Church of St. Etienne Le Vieux, fol. . Caen, 1850 
 Appel aux Conseils generaux par de Brequiny, 8vo. (Tracts 
 94) . Paris, 1850 
 NORRIS, Henry (Rev.) Baddesley Clinton : its Manor, Church, 
 and Hall, 8vo. ..... Birmingham, 1885 
 NORRIS, Hugh. 
 The Camp on Hamdon Hill, 8vo. . . . Taunton, 1885 
 Some Notes concerning Dr. Arthur Bury, Prebendary of 
 Exeter Cathedral, 4to. . . . [Plymouth, 1887] 
 NORRIS, John, of Bemerton. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library.) For private circulation, 8vo. 
 n.p. 1871 
 NORTH, George. 
 Answer to a Libel, entitled, the Impertinence of Modern 
 Antiquaries displayed, 4to. (Tracts 19*) . . Lond. 1741 
 On a Piece of Money of Richard I., 4to. (Tracts 36*). ib. 1752 
 NORTH, I. W. A Week in the Isles of Scilly, 8vo. Penzance, 1850 
 NORTH, Roger. 
 Examen, 4to Lond. 1740 
 Life of Lord Keeper Guilford, 4to ib. 1742 
 Life of Sir Dudley North and Dr. John North, 4to. . ib. 1744 
 NORTH, Thomas. 
 Report of the Proceedings of the Leicestershire Architect. 
 and Archa6ol. Soc. at Lutterworth, 1861. (Bound with 
 " Bloxam on Lutterworth Church.") 8vo. . Leicester, 1861 
 A Chronicle of the Church of Saint Martin, in Leicester, 
 4to Lond. 1866 
 The Church Bells of Northamptonshire : their Inscriptions, 
 Traditions, &c., 4to Leicester, 1878 
 Melton Mowbray Town Records. For private circulation, 
 8vo . . . ib. 1878 
 The Church Bells of Rutland : their inscriptions, traditions, 
 &c., 4to ib. 1880 
 The Letters of Robert Heyricke, of Leicester, 1590-1617. 
 For private circulation, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1880 
448 NOR NOR 
 NORTH, Thomas continued. 
 The Church Bells of the County of Lincoln : their Founders, 
 Inscriptions, &c.,4to. ..... Leicester, 1882 
 The Church Bells of Bedfordshire : their Founders, Inscrip- 
 tions, &c., 4to. ....... Lond. 1883 
 The Account of the Churchwardens of S. Martin's, 
 Leicester, 1489-1844, 4to Leicester, 1884 
 NORTHALL, John. Travels through Italy. (Map and Plates.) 
 8vo Lond. 1766 
 Bills of Mortality. From 21st Dec. 1858, to 21st Dec. 
 1868, fol Northampton, 1858-68 
 ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY. Notices of Churches in the Arch- 
 deaconry of Northampton, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1849 
 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE and Rutland, Handbook for travellers in. 
 (With Map.) 8vo ib. 1878 
 NORTHCOTE, J. S. Pagan Inscriptions and Christian Cemeteries, 
 8vo. (Tracts 95***) n.p. n.d. 
 NORTHCOTE, J. S., and BROWNLOW, W. R. Roma Sotterranea, or 
 an Account of the Roman Catacombs, especially of the 
 Cemetery of St. Callixtus. Compiled from De Rossi. 
 New edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1879 
 Fornmanna Sogur, Vols. i. to iii. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1825-27 
 Krakumal sive epicedium Ragnaris Lodbroci regis Daniee. 
 Edited by C. C. Rafn, 8vo ib. 1826 
 Hovedberetning, 1825-27, 8vo ib. 1828 
 Scripta Historica Islandorum. vols. i. to iii. 8vo. ib. 1828-29 
 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndighed, 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1832-36 
 Historisch-Antiquarische Mittheilungen, 8vo. . . ib. 1835 
 Memoires de la Societe, 1836, etc., 8vo. . . ib. 1836, etc. 
 Livraison extraordinaire. Vestiges d'Asserbo 
 et de Soborg. Par S. M. Frederic 7 . . . ib. 1855 
 Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836-63, 8vo. ib. 1836-63 
 Antiquitates Americans, imp. 4to. . . . ib. 1837 
 Gronlands Historiske Mindesmserker, 3 vols. 8vo. ib. 1838-45 
 Faereyinga Saga, udgiven af C. C. Rafn, 8vo. . . ib. 1839 
 Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1843-63, 8vo. . . ib. 1845-64 
 Antiquites Russes d'apres les Monuments Historiques des 
 Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves, 2 vols. fol. ib. 1850-52 
 Runeindskrift i Piraeeus. Af Oldtidsminder fra Osten 
 (Inscription Runique du Piree, par C. C. Rafn), 8vo. ib. 1856 
 Atlas de 1'Archeologie du Nord, fol. . . . ib. 1857 
 Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-selskab aarsberetning, 
 8vo 1858 
 The Northmen in Iceland, 8vo. . . ... . ib. 1859 
 Works presented to the Society, 8vo. .... ib. 1859 
 On the construction of Cromlechs. By His Majesty the 
 King of Denmark, 8vo. ...... ib. 1860 
 Reports, 8vo ib. 1860-61 
NOR NOR 449 
 NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES, Royal Society of continued. 
 Inscriptions Runiques du Slesvig Meridional interpreters 
 par Rafn, 8vo. ..... Copenhagen, 1861 
 Clavis Poetica antiquse Linguse Septentrionalis quam e 
 Lexico Poetico Sveinbjornis Egilssonii collegit B. Grondal 
 (Egilsson), 8vo . ib. 1864 
 Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic, 1866, etc. 
 8vo. In progress ...... ib. 1866, etc. 
 Memoires. Nouvelle Serie, 1867, 8vo. . . ib. 1867, etc. 
 TillsBg. Aargang 1867-68, etc., 8vo. In 
 progress ....... ib. 1868-69, etc. 
 Islendinga Sogur, efter gamle Haandskrifter. Bd. iii. 
 (Njala. Forste Bind). 8vo ib. 1875 
 Kongehoiene i Jellinge og deres undersogelse efter Kong 
 Frederick VIl.'s befaling i 1861. Af J. Kornerup. Med 
 et forord af J. J. A. Worsaae, fol. .... ib. 1875 
 Njala. A Kostnad bins Konunglega Norrsena Fornfrse- 
 dafjelags, 8vo. ib. 1875 
 Seance Annuelle du 13 Mai, 1860, 8vo. 
 Pipe Rolls for the County (1273 to 1275). Translated and 
 edited by W. Dickson, 4to. . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1854 
 A Memoir descriptive of the Scenery, Monuments, and 
 History of Northumberland, 8vo. (Tracts 117*) Lond. 1860 
 Inedited Contributions to the History of Northumberland, 
 Pt. 1, 8vo. .... . Newcastle-vpon-Tyne, n.d. 
 NORTHUMBERLAND, Duke of. Catalogue of his Cabinet of 
 Roman Family Coins, by W. H. Smyth, 4to. . Lond. 1856 
 NORTHUMBERLAND, Algernon, Duke of. Incised Markings on 
 Stone, found in Northumberland, Argyleshire, &c. (Intro- 
 duction by J. C. Bruce.) For private circulation. Fol. 
 ib. 1869 
 NORTHUMBERLAND, Algernon, Earl of. Triumphant Show made 
 by Algernon Percie, Earl of Northumberland, at his 
 installation into the Fraternitie of the Garter, 13th May, 
 1635, sm. 8vo. Reprint ib. 1851 
 NORTHUMBERLAND, Henry Algernon, Earl of. Household Book. 
 Edited by Bishop Percy, 8vo ib. 1770 
 NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE, The History of, fol. . . . ib. 1866 
 NORTHWICK. Catalogue of the Northwick Collection of Coins 
 and Medals, 8vo ib. 1859 
 NORTON, George. 
 Commentaries on the History and Franchise of London, 
 8vo ".-.... ib. 1829 
 - Third edition, 8vo ib. 1869 
 1 The Ancient Vessel found in the Parish of Tune, fol. 
 Christiania, 1872 
 Le Royaume de Norvege. (Map.) 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 NORWICH. Notices of the Costume, Processions, and Pageantry 
 displayed by the Corporation, fol. . . . Norwich, 1850 
450 NOR NUM 
 NORWICH CATHEDRAL. Arms and Merchants' marks. From 
 Mackerell' s History of Norwich. 8vo. . Norwich, 1851 
 NOSTRADAMUS, Michel. Les Propheties, de M. Michel Nostra- 
 damus, 12mo. ....... Lyons, 1655 
 Vols. i. to xii. (First Series), 4to Lond. 1850-55 
 Second Series, Vols. i. to xii., 4to. . . . ib. 1856-61 
 Third Series, Vols. i. to xii. 
 Fourth Series, Vols. i. to xii. 
 Fifth Series, Vols. i. to vi. 
 Sixth Series. 
 Seventh Series. In progress. 
 Index, Series 1-6. 6 vols. 4to ib. 1880-89 
 The East Anglian. Edited by S. Tymms, Vols. i. to iv. 
 (No. 101) . . . . Lowestoft and Lond. 1858-59 
 NOTRE-DAME DES ERMITES, Precis Historique de 1'abbaye et du 
 pelerinage de. 24mo. . , . . Einsideln, 1853 
 Stranger's Guide through the town, 8vo. . Nottingham, 1827 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1848 
 Rambles round, parts 1, 2, 5, and 8, 8vo. . . Lond. 1856 
 Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol. i., 1155-1399. 
 Vol. ii., 1399-1485. Vol. iii., 1485-1547. 8vo. ib. 1882-85 
 NOUVELLE FABRIQUE, La, des excellens Traits de Verite. 
 Nouvelle edition, augmentee des Nouvelles de la terre 
 de Prestre Jehan, 16mo Paris, 1853 
 NOVA COLLECTIO "Decretorum SacraD Rituum Congregationis 
 notis illustrata, 12mo. ..... Louvain, 1788 
 Nov^ NARRATIONES. Herein is conteined the booke called Nouee 
 Narrationes, the booke called Articuli ad Nouas Narra- 
 tiones, and the booke of diversities of courtes, B.L. 
 Lond. (Tottell), 1561 
 NOTES, T. H. Notices of the Family of Newton, 8vo. (Tracts 
 84) ib. 1857 
 NOZZE DI FIGARO. Libretto in Italian and English. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 139**) Lond. 1818 
 NUGJ; VENALES, sive Thesaurus Ridendi et Jocandi, 12mo. n.p. 1648 
 NUGENT, Thomas. Travels through Germany, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1768 
 NUISANCES. Act of Parliament for the Removal of Nuisances. 
 Edited by W. C. Glen. 12mo ib. 1849 
 NUMISMATA. Catalogue de 728 Medailles Consulaires, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1811 
 Constitution and Bye-laws, 8vo. . . New York, 1 865 
 Proceedings, 1836 to 1839, 8vo Lond. 1837-40 
 Numismatic Journal. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. 2 vols. 
 8vo ib. 1837 
 President's Address, 19th July, 1838, 8vo. . . . ib. 1838 
 Numismatic Chronicle. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. Vols. 
 i. to xx. 8vo. [Indexes in vols, x. and xx.] , ib. 1839-59 
NUM NUN 451 
 Numismatic Chronicle. New (2nd) Series, vols. i.-xx. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1861-80 
 Third series, 8vo. In progress . ib. 1885, etc. 
 List of Members, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 82) . . ib. 1846 
 NUMISMATIC TRACTS. An 8vo. vol. containing : 
 1. Monnaies Fran9aises inedites du Cabinet de M. Dassy, 
 decrites par A. de Longpe"rier .... Paris, 1840 
 2. Essai d' Appreciations generates en Numismatique. By 
 the same ib. 1840 
 3. Observations sur les Monnaies de Boulogne au nom 
 d'Eustache, par A. T. Dufaitelle . . . . n.p. 1838 
 4. Monnaies inedites de quelques Prelats Dauphinois, par 
 A. de Longperier ....... n.p. n.d. 
 5. Notice sur les tiers de sol d'or portant le nom de Saint 
 Martin, par M. E. Cartier ..... n.p. n.d. 
 6. Numismatique de 1'Ancien Comtat Yenaissin et de la 
 Principaute d'Orange. By the same . . Blois, 1839 
 7. Monnaies Fra^oises du Moyen Age trouvees a Saint 
 Maixent. By the same ...... n.p. n.d. 
 8. Monnoies frappees en Piemont par les Comtes de Pro- 
 vence, par G\ de San Quintino .... n.p. n.d. 
 9. Monnoies de Montreuil-sur-Mer, par M. Rigollot . n.p. n.d. 
 10. Note sur une ancienne Monnoie de Nevers au nom de 
 Louis, par M. E. Cartier ...... n.p. n.d. 
 A 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. Saggio di Osservazioni Numismatiche per G. Minerveni. 
 Plates Naples, 1856 
 2. Recueil de quelques medailles Grecques inedites, par M. 
 Millinger. Plates Rome, 1812 
 3. Numismata aliquot Sicula nunc primum a Marchione 
 Henrico Forcella edita. Plates . . . Naples, 1825 
 4. Descrizione delle Medaglie rare del Museo Knobels- 
 dorffiano. Plates Berlin, 1804 
 5. A Catalogue of the Coins of Canute. Plates. Lond. 1777 
 6. De Nummo M. T. Ciceronis a Magnetibus Lydiee cum 
 ejus Imagine signato Dissertatio. Portrait . Rome, 1805 
 Observations in Tabulam Nummariam Musei Yictorii, 4to. 
 (Tracts 19*) . ib. 1736 
 Tabulae Numorum Lithographicee, 4to. (Tracts 25) n.p. n.d. 
 Revue Numismatique. Dirigee par M. M. Cartier de la Saus- 
 saye Annees 1838-68 (1-5) N.S. t. xiv. 34 vols. 8vo. 
 Blois and Paris, 1836-70 
 NUNEHAM COURTENAY (Oxfordshire), Description of, 8vo. . . 1806 
 NUNNS, The, Complaint against the Fryars. Being the charge 
 given to the Court of France by the Nunns of St. 
 Katharine, near Provins, against the Fathers Cordeliers, 
 their Confessours. Faithfully done into English. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1676 
452 NUR ODO 
 Bibliothek des germanischen. Museums, zu Niirnburg, 8vo. 
 Nuremberg, 1855 
 Vierter Jahresbericht des Germanischen National Museums, 
 vom ersten October, 1856, bis ende 1857, 4to. (Tracts 18*) 
 Nuremberg and Leipsic, 1858 
 NYERUP, Erasmus. Symbolae ad literaturam Teutonicam antiqui- 
 orem ex. cod. MSS. qui Havniae asservantur. Editae 
 sumptibus P. F. Sulim. 4to. . . . Copenhagen, 1787 
 0., H. E. Diary of a Dutiful Son. By H. E. 0. [i.e. T. G. 
 Fonnereau.] 12mo. ...... n.p. 1849 
 GATES, Titus, True Narrative of the Horrid Plot of, fol. Lond. 1679 
 OBERLIN, F. W. Le Patois Lorrain, 12mo. . Strasburq, 1775 
 OBERLINUS, J. J. Miscella Literaria, 4to. . Argentorati, 1770 
 .OBERPFALZ ANF REGENSBURG, Historical Society of. Verhand- 
 lungen. Band xxxiv.-xxxv., etc., 8vo. In progress. 
 Stadtamhof, 1879, etc. 
 O'BRIEN, Henry. Round Towers of Ireland, 8vo. . Lond. 1834 
 OBSEQUENS, Julius. J. Obsequentis quaa supersunt, cum animadv. 
 J. Schefferi et supplementum. C. Lycosthenis, Curante F. 
 Oudendorpio, 8vo. ...... Ley den, 1720 
 O'BjRNE, R. H. Representative History of Great Britain and 
 Ireland. Parts 1, 2, 8vo. (Beds, and Berks.) (Tracts 40) 
 Lond. 1848 
 O'BYRNE, W. R. A Naval Biographical Dictionary, 8vo. ib. 1849 
 Documentary History of New York, 4 vols. 4to. Albany, 1850-51 
 Remonstrance of New Netherland, 4to. . . . ib. 1856 
 O'CALLAGHAN, P. Account of a Roman Monumental Stone, 8vo. 
 (Tracts SO) Leeds, 1841 
 'OcCLEVE, Thomas. Poems by Thomas Hoccleve. From a MS. 
 in -the posession of George Mason, 4to. . . Lond. 1796 
 OCKLEY, Simon. The History of the Saracens. Sixth edition. 
 8vo. . . . ' . . . . . Lond. (Bohn) 1857 
 -OCLANDUS, Christophorus. Anglorum Prcelia. Item. De paca- 
 tissimo Anglios statu, imperante Elizabetha, compendiosa 
 narratio. Hijs Alexandri Neuilli Kettum adjunximus. 
 Sm.8vo ib. 1582 
 O'CONOR, Charles. Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores Veteres, 4 
 vols. 4fco. ...... Buckingham, 1814-26 
 ODERICUS, G. A. Dissertations in aliquot ineditas veterum 
 inscriptiones et numismata, 4to. . . . Rome, 17( 
 O'DONOVAN, John. Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the 
 Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. 
 Edited, with a translation and notes, by J. O'Donovan. 
 Second edition. 7 vols. 4to. .... Dublin, 
 ODORICI, Luigi. Du Guesclin. Documents inedits relatifs a la 
 decouverte de son coeur dans 1'eglise des Jacobins de 
 Dinan, 8vo. ....... Dinan, 185< 
CEH OLD 453 
 (EHLEXSCHLSGER, Adam. The Gods of the North : An Epic 
 Poem translated from the Danish by W. E. Frye, 8vo. 
 Land. 1845 
 OERTLING, J. F. Anglorum in Galliam pretensiones, 4to. 
 Hala Venedorumj, 1729' 
 OETTINGER, Edouard-Marie. 
 Bibliographic Biographique, 4to. . Leipsic and Lond. 1850' 
 Iconogralia Mariana, 8vo. ..... Leipsic, 1852 
 OFFOR, George. 
 The Triumph of Henry VIII. over the Usurpations of the 
 Church, and the Consequences of the Royal Supremacy, 
 sm. 8vo Lond.-lS^ 
 Sale Catalogue of his Library (with prices of First and 
 Second Days' Sales), 8vo ib. 1865' 
 O'FLAHERTY, Roderic. Ogygia, or a Chronological Account of 
 Irish events. Translated by J. Hely. 2 vols. 8vo; 
 Dublin, 1793 
 OOBOKNB, Elizabeth. History of Essex, 4to. . . Lond. 1814 
 OGILBY, John. 
 The Entertainment of Charles II. in his passage through 
 London to his Coronation, fol. .... ib. 1662 
 Britannia, or an Illustration of England and Wales by a 
 description of the principal routes thereof, vol. i. fol. ib. 1675 
 Britannia Depicta, or Ogilby Improv'd ; being a correct 
 Copy of Mr. Ogilby's actual Survey of Roads in England 
 and Wales. By John Owen. 4th edition, by E. Bowen. 
 8vo t'fo.1749 
 OGLE, J. W. The Harveian Oration, 1880. (With additional 
 notes.) 8vo ib. 1881 
 O'HALLORAN, Sylvester. 
 Introduction to the History of Ireland, 4to. . . ib. 1772. 
 History of Ireland, 2 vols. 4to. . . . < . . ib. 1778 
 O'HART, John. Irish Pedigrees. Second Series. 8vo. Dublin, 1878 
 (1st and 2nd Series). 2nd edition, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1880 
 OHIO, State of. Final Report of the State Board of Centennial 
 Managers, 8vo. ..... Columbus, 1877 
 OLAF, Saint. Olafs Sagu hins Helga, udgivet af R. Keyser og 
 C. R. linger. Icelandic .... Christiania, 1849 
 OLD, W. W. Indo-European Porcelain : An Essay with De- 
 scriptive Catalogue, 8vo. .... Hereford, 1882 
 OLDFIELD, Edmund. 
 Catalogue of Examples of Ivory Carvings, 4to. (Tracts 39) 
 Lond. 1855 
 Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's. Notes on the Decoration 
 of a few Churches in Italy, &c. 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 OLDFIELD, H. G. History and Antiquities of Tottenham High 
 Cross, 8vo ib. 1790 
 OLDFIELD, H. G., and DYSON, R. R. History of the Parish of 
 Tottenham High Cross, 12mo ib. 1790 
 OLDFIELD, T. H. B. Representative History of Great Britain 
 and Ireland, 6 vols. 8vo ib. 1816 
454 OLD OLI 
 OLDHAM, Thomas. Ancient Irish Pavement Tiles, 4to. Dublin, 
 OLDYS, William. 
 The British Librarian, 8vo. .... Lond. 1737 
 8vo ib. 1738 
 OLFERS, J. F. M. von. 
 Tiber ein Grab bei Kumge, 4to. .... Berlin, 1831 
 Die Gattung Torpedo in ihren naturhistorischen und anti- 
 quarischen Beziehungen erlautert, 4to. . . ib. 1831 
 Die iiberreste vorweltlicher Riesenthiere in Beziehung za 
 Ostasiatischen Sagen und Chinesischen Schriften, 4to. 
 (Tracts 2Q) ib. 1840 
 OLIPHANT, F. W. A Plea for Painted Glass, 8vo. (Tracts 154) 
 Oxford, 1855 
 The Jacobite Lairds of Gask, 8vo Lond. 1870 
 The Sources of Standard English, 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 The Duke and the Scholar, and other Essays, 8vo. . ib. 1875 
 The Old and Middle English, 8vo ib. 1878 
 The New English. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1886 
 OLIVER, Rev. Dr. George. 
 Historic Collections relating to Monasteries in Devon, 8vo. 
 Exeter, 1820 
 "The History of Exeter, 8vo. ..... ib. 1821 
 Monumental Antiquities of Great Grimsby, 8vo. Hull, 1825 
 The History and Antiquities of the Church of Saint James, 
 Great Grimsby ; with Notes, 8vo. . . . Grimsby, 1829 
 The History and Antiquities of Beverley, Yorkshire ; with 
 sketches of the Abbeys of Watton and Meaux, the con- 
 vent of Haltemprise, the villages of Cottingham, Leckon- 
 field, Bishop and Cherry Burton, Walkington, Risby, 
 Scorburgh, &c., 4to. ..... Beverley, 1829 
 Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon, with Memoranda for 
 the History of Cornwall, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. . Exeter, 1840-42 
 The existing Remains of the Ancient Britons, within a small 
 district lying between Lincoln and Sleaford, described, 
 8vo. Lond. 1846 
 Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis, fol. . Exeter and Lond. 1846 
 Additional Supplement. [Bound up at 
 end of the preceding.'] Folio .... Exeter, 1854 
 Account of Religious Houses of the Eastern side of the 
 Witham, County of Lincoln, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1846 
 vGuide to the Castle of Edinburgh, with an account of 
 Queen Mary's Room, &c.,and genealogical table, showing 
 the descent of Queen Victoria, 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1859 
 The History of the City of Exeter. With a short Memoir 
 of the author, &c., 8vo. ....... 1861 
 OLIVER, John. A Present to be given to Teeming Women by 
 their Husbands or Friends, sm. 8vo. . . Lond. 1669 
 OLIVER, S. P. Nuragghi Sardi, and other non-historic Stone 
 Structures of the Mediterranean Basin, 8vo. . Dublin, 1875 
OLI ORD 455 
 OLIVER, Thomas. A New Picture of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; or, 
 View of the town and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 
 Gateshead, and Environs, 12mo. -Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1831 
 ONGANIA, P. II Tesoro di San Marco in Venezia, fol. Venice, 1885 
 ONOSANDER. Strategicus, sive de Imperatoris Institutione liber. 
 Cum versione Gallica Liberi Baronis de Zur-Lauben. 
 Cura N. Schwebelii. Plates, fol. . . Nuremberg, 1761 
 ONWHYN'S Welsh Tourist, to Wales and the Wye, 12mo. Lond. 1853 
 ORACLE DES DAMES, L'Ancien et le Nouvel. (Woodcuts.) 12mo. 
 Paris, n.d. 
 ORAM, William. On Landscape Painting. Edited by C. Clarke, 
 4to Lond. 1810 
 ORANGE, THE PRINCE OF. A Vol. of Tracts containing : 
 1. The Prince of Orange, his Declaration, shewing the 
 Reasons why he Invades England, 4to. . . . ib. 1688 
 2. Some Reflections upon his Highness the Prince of 
 Orange's Declaration, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1688 
 3. Letter giving an account of the Prince and Princess of 
 Orange's Thoughts concerning the Repeal of the Test 
 and the Penal Laws, 4to. . . . Amsterdam, 1688 
 4. The Prince of Orange's Third Declaration, 4to. . . 1688 
 5. An Argument proving the promotion of the Prince of 
 Orange to the Throne was according to the English Con- 
 stitution. By Samuel Johnson, 4to. . . Lond. 1692 
 6. An Enquiry into the Measures of Submission to the Su- 
 pream Authority, 4to. . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
 Ex recensione I. Bekkeri, 7 vols. 8vo. . . Oxford, 1823 
 Didot edition, 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1847-58 
 Indices Graecitatis, quos in singulos Ora tores Atticos con- 
 fecit J. J. Reiskius, emendati opera T. Mitchell, 3 vols. 
 8vo. : Oxford, 1828 
 ORATORY SCHOOL, 1881, The " Phormio " at the. By an " Old 
 Boy," 12mo Lond. 1881 
 ORBELLIS, Nicolaus de. Eximii doctoris magistri Nicholai de . 
 orbellis super Sentetias compendium putile, &c., 8vo. (For 
 bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 Lugdum, 1503 
 ORCIL, Giuseppe. Elogi di Celebri Uomini, fol. . Palermo, 1765 
 ORCURTI, Pier Camillo. Catalogo del Museo di Torino, 8vo. 
 Turin, 1855 
 ORD, J. W. 
 History of Cleveland, Part 1, 4to. (Tracts 6) . Lond. 
 History and Antiquities of Cleveland,- 4to. '. . . ib. 1846 
 ORDER of Laying the First Stone of a New Church: according 
 to the Roman Pontifical. Lat. and Eng. 12mo. . ib. [1851] 
 ORDER of the Consecration of a Bishop-Elect according to the 
 Roman Pontifical, 12mo. .... ib. [1871] 
 ORDER for the Dedication or Consecration of a Church. 
 Translated from the Roman Pontifical, 8vo. Roehampton, 1883 
 ORDERICUS VITALIS. Historice Ecclesiastics libri tredecim. 
 Edited by A. Le Prevost, 5 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1838-55 
456 ORD OEM 
 ORDINANCES, ACTS, AND DECLARATIONS, by the Lord Protector in 
 Council, and by the Parliament, fol. . . Lond. 1643-56 
 fol ib. 1653-59 
 Notes on the Constitution of the Ordnance, collected on 
 reading Mr. Burke's Bill for Suppressing that Board, fol. 
 (Tracts 158) . . . . " n.d. 
 Another edition . .... n.d. 
 Catalogue of the Maps, Plans, &c., 8vo. . . . ib. 1863 
 Catalogue of the Publications of the Ordnance Survey, 
 8vo ib. 1878 
 ORDO Divini Officii celebrandi, in Abbatia S. P. N. Benedicti 
 apud Fort Augustus in Scotia, 8vo. . . Aberdeen, 1886 
 ORIENTALISTS s, Congres International des. Compte-Rendu de 
 la Premiere Session. Paris, 1873. Tomes l er et 2 me , 8vo. 
 Paris, 1874-76 
 ORIENTAL PORTFOLIO. A Series of Illustrations of the East, fol. 
 Lond. 1838 
 Report upon Proceedings at first and fourth general meet- 
 ings, 8vo. (Tracts 66) ib. 1828-32 
 Report, Prospectus, and Publications, 8vo. (Tracts 66) ib. 1861 
 ORISSA. History of the Suppression of Human Sacrifice and 
 female infanticide in Orissa, 8vo. . . . Calcutta, 1854 
 ORKNEY AND ZETLAND, Thoughts on the Antiquities of, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1831 
 ORKNEYINGA SAGA, translated from the Icelandic by Jon. A. 
 Hjaltalin and Gilbert Goudie. Edited, with notes, by 
 Joseph Anderson, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1873 
 ORLANDI, Orazio. Sopra una Ara Antiqua, 4to. .' Roma, 1772 
 Wayside Crosses in the District bordering the East of Dart- 
 moor, 8vo. (Tracts 164) n.p. 1874 
 Archaeological Memoirs relating to the East of Dartmoor. 
 Historical Sketch of the parish of Chagford. Rude 
 Stone Remains. Traces of Tin streaming in the parish 
 of Chagford. Fall and Restoration of the Drewsteignton 
 Cromlech, and description of Stone Circles and Avenues 
 formerly existing in its vicinity. Wayside Crosses, 8vo. 
 Exeter, 1876 
 Notice of the Head of an iron Halberd found at Teignmouth, 
 8vo . . . Plymouth, 1883 
 ORMEROD, George. 
 History of Cheshire, 3 vols. fol Lond. 1819 
 On the Stanley Legend and the Houses of Boteler, Fitz- 
 Ailward, Lathom and Stanley, &c., 8vo. Westminster, 1839 
 Miscellanea Palatina (relating to Lancashire and Cheshire), 
 8vo. Not published 1851 
 Memoir on the Cheshire Domesday Roll, &c. (not published), 
 8vo. (Tracts 81) ........ 1851 
ORM ORT 457 
 ORMEKOD, George continued. 
 Additions and Index to Miscellanea Palatina, 8vo. (Tracts 
 81) 1856 
 Remarks on Offa's Dyke, Tidenham, co. Gloucester, 4to. 
 (Tracts 6) 1859 
 - Second copy. 
 On Roman Remains at Sedbury, Gloucestershire, 4to. 
 (Tracts 6) Lond. 1860 
 Strigulensia, 8vo. ....... ib. 1861 
 The History of the County and City of Chester. With a 
 re-publication of King's Vale Royal, and Leycesler's 
 Cheshire Antiquities. Second edition, enlarged, by T. 
 Helsby. 3 vols. fol ib. 1882 
 ORNITHOLOGIA BRITANNICA ; seu A vium Omnium Britannicarum 
 Catalogus, fol. ib. 1771 
 ORNSBY, George. 
 Sketches of Durham, 8vo. ..... Durham, 1846 
 Diocesan Histories. York. (With Map.) 8vo. Lond. 1884 
 OROSIUS, Paulus. Version, by King Alfred. Edited by D. Bar- 
 rington, 8vo -ib. 1773 
 ORPHICA, cum notis H. Stephani, A. Chr. Eschenbachii, J. M. 
 Gesneri, Th. Tyrwhitti. Recensuit G. Hermannus, 8vo. 
 Leipzig, 1805 
 Some Account of the Citizens of London and their Rulers, 
 from 1060 to 1867, 8vo Lond. 1867 
 Some Particulars of Philip Malpas and Sir Thomas Cooke, 
 8vo ib. 1868 
 Illustrations of Jack Cade's Rebellion, with some Letters 
 of Lord Bacon, &c. To which are added contributions 
 by W. Durrant Cooper, on the rising of Cade in Kent 
 and Sussex, 4to ib. 1869 
 Some Particulars of Alderman P. Malpas and Alderman 
 Sir T. Cooke. Second edition, 4to. . . . ib. 1869 
 ORSATO, Sertorio. 
 Monumenta Patavina, fol. ..... Padua, 1652 
 Marmi Eruditi, ovvero lettere sopra alcune antiche inscri- 
 zioni, 4to ib. 1719 
 ORTHOGRAPHY. Friendly Advice to the Correctour of the Eng- 
 lish Press at Oxford concerning the English Ortho- 
 graphic, fol Lond. 1682 
 ORTI, G. G. 
 Illustrazione d'una Statuetta di Bronza scoperta in Montorio, 
 18vo. (Tracts 103*) Verona, 1830 
 Gli Antichi marmi alia Gente Sertoria Veronese spettanti, 
 8vo. (Tracts 103*) ib. 1833 
 Sopra un Frammento d'antica consolare Iscrizione, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 103*) ib. 1833 
 Volgarizzamento d'una epistola del Petrarca, 8vo. (Tracts 
 103*) . . ib. 1834 
 Vita della Contessa Matilde di Conossa, 8vo. (Tracts 103*) 
 ib. 1834 
458 OUT OUF 
 ORTI, G. G. continued. 
 Sul Yolgarizzamento di due Orazioni di Salustio, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 103*) Verona, 1834 
 Antica Statuetta di Bronzo (Mercuric) illustrata, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 103*) ib. 1834 
 Gli Antichi Monumenti Greci e Bomani de' Conti Giusti in 
 Verona, 4to. .... ib. 1835 
 Illustrazione di un' Antica Lapida inedita Istriana, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 103*) ib. 1836 
 Antica Statuetta di Bronzo, Giove, 8vo. (Tracts 103*) ib. 1836 
 L'Antico Marmo di Valerio Nasone, 8vo. (Tracts 103*) 
 ib. 1836 
 Di Alcune Antichita di Garda e di Bardolino, 8vo. (Tracts 
 103*) ib. 1836 
 OETUS VOCABULORUM, alphabetico ordine fere omnia que in 
 Catholicon Breviloquo, Cornucopia, Gemma vocabu- 
 lorum atque Medulla gramatice ponuntur cum verna- 
 cule lingue Anglicane expositione continens. Impressus 
 Londiniis per Wynandum de Worde. 4to. . Lond. 1511 
 OSBECK, Peter. Voyages to China, translated by J. B. Foster, 
 2 vols . . . ib. 1771 
 OSBORNE'S Stranger's Guide to Hastings and St. Leonard's for 
 1852, 8vo Hastings, 
 OSBURN, William (Jun.). 
 Account of an Egyptian Mummy in the Museum at Leeds, 
 8vo Leeds, 1828 
 Ancient Egypt, her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible, 
 8vo. . . . . ' . . . . Lond. 1846 
 OSSIANIC SOCIETY. Transactions, Vol. i. to vi. 8vo. Dublin, 1854-61 
 OSWESTRY, The History of. Published by William Price, 8vo. 
 Oswestry, 1815 
 OTLEY, Jonathan. Description of the English Lakes and adja- 
 cent Mountains. Third edition, 8vo. . . Keswick, 1827 
 OTTERBOURNE, Thomas, and WHETHAMSTEDE, Johannes. Chronica 
 Berum Anglicarum. Edited by T. Hearne. 2 vols. 
 Oxonice,, 1732 
 OTTERY SAINT MARY, Account of the Church of. (Exeter 
 Diocesan Architectural Society. Transactions, vol. i.) 
 4to. ......... n.p. n.d. 
 OTTINGER, Eduard Maria. Iconographia Mariana, 8vo. Leipsic, 1852 
 Engravings after Masters of the Florentine School, fol. 
 Lond. 1826 
 An Enquiry concerning the Invention of Printing. With 
 an introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. (Plates.) 4to. ib. 1863 
 OTTO, M. J. C. De aestimanda veterum ac recentiorum erudi- 
 tione, 4to. ....... Leipzig, 1716 
 L'histoire des Imaginations Extravagantes de Monsieur 
 Odfle. [By the Abbe Bourdelon.] (Plates.) 2 vols. in 
 one, 12mo. ...... Amsterdam, 1710 
OUF OWE 459 
 OUFLE, M. continued. 
 A History of the Ridiculous Extravagancies of Monsieur 
 Oufle. By the Abbe B [ourdelon] . Translated into 
 English, 8vo Lond. 1711 
 OUGHTRED, William. 
 The Key of the Mathematicks. (Plates.) Sm. 8vo. ib. 1647 
 The Circles of Proportion and the Horizontall Instrument. 
 Translated by W F. 12mo Oxford, 1660 
 OUSELEY, Sir Gore. Biographical Notices of Persian Poets. 
 To which is added a Memoir by J. Reynolds, 8vo. Lond. 1846 
 OUTHIER, M. Journal d' un Voyage au Nord en 1736 et 1737, 
 4to. Paris, 1744 
 OUTLINES of the Opposition in 1795, collected from the works of 
 Jacobin Artists. (Plates.) Atlas, fol. . . Lond. 1795 
 OUVAROFF, S. S. Essai sur les Mysteres d'fileusis, 8vo. Paris, 1816 
 OUVVAROFF, S. von. Ueber die Russen und Chasaren, 4to. (Tracts 
 A Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, Coins, Antiquities, and 
 Works of Art, exhibited at the opening of the New 
 Library of the Corporation of London, 1872. With an 
 Account of the Library at Guildhall by W. S. 
 Saunders, 4to. . ib. 1872 
 Notes on Broadsides and Proclamations, 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 Notes on two Monumental Brasses in the Church of Saint 
 Andrew-under-Shaft, Leadenhall Street, 8vo. (Tracts 163) 
 OVERALL, W. H. and H. C. Analytical Indexes to Vols. II. and 
 VIII. of the Remembrancia, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1870 
 OVERBECK, J. Romische Villa bei Weingarten, 4to. . Bonn, 1851 
 OVERBURY, Sir Thomas. Miscellaneous Works in Prose and 
 Verse. Edited by E. F. Rimbault, fcp. 8vo. . Lond. 1856 
 Opera. D. Heinsius textum recensuit. Accedunt notee, 3 
 vols. 16mo Ludg. Bat. Ex off. Elzev. 1629 
 Opera Omnia, cum variorum notis, et N. Heinsii curis 
 secundis cura P. Burmaniii, 4 vols. 4to. . Amsterdam, 1727 
 Opera, Valpy's edition, 9 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1821 
 Metamorphoseon libri XV. fol. [Venice? Benalius? 1492, 93?] 
 (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 De Tristibus : or Mournefull Elegies. Translated into 
 English verse by Z. Catlin, sm. 8vo. . . Lond. 1639 
 De Tristibus libri V. (Bound with the preceding .) Sm. 8vo. 
 Oxon, 1656 
 Tristia. Translated by T. P., 12mo ib. 1713 
 Ovid's Heroical Epistles. Englished by W. S. [Wye 
 Saltonstall]. Sixth edition. (Plates, by G. Glover.) 
 Sm. 8vo Lond. 1677 
 OWEN, Aneurin. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, fol. ib. 1841 
 OWKN, D. D. 
 Geological Reconnoissance of the Northern Counties of 
 the Arkansas, 8vo Little Rock, 1858 
460 OWE OXF 
 OWEN, D. D. continued. 
 Second Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of Arkansas, 
 8vo. . . . . . . . Philadelphia, 1860 
 OWEN, Henry. Critica Sacra, 8vo Lond. 1774 
 OWEN, Henry, and BLAKEWAY, W. History of Shrewsbury, 
 2 vols." 4to ib. 1825 
 OWEN, Hugh. Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol : a 
 History of the Manufacture of " The True Porcelain." 
 By R. Champion. With an Account of the Delft, 
 Earthenware, and Enamel Glass Works, 8vo. . . ib. 1873 
 OWEN, Robert. Tracts relative to the New View of Society, 
 8vo ib. 1818 
 OWEN, William (afterwards PUGH, W. 0.). 
 Welsh and English Dictionary and Grammar, Parts 1, 2, 
 4to ib. 1793-94 
 Cambrian Biography, 12mo. . . . ib. 1803 
 OWL. The Owl and the Nightingale. A Poem of the Twelfth 
 Century. With Glossary. Edited by J. Stevenson. 
 (Boxburghe Club.) 4to ib. 1838 
 Guide to Architectural Antiquities in the Neighbourhood 
 of Oxford, 8vo Oxford, 1846 
 Another copy, Part 1 only (Tracts 62*). 
 Oxford Convocation. Letter to Lord John Russell, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 126) Lond. 1850 
 Handbook for Visitors, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1858 
 Railway Traveller's Walk through Oxford, 12mo. . ib. 1861 
 OXFORD, Edward, Earl of. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library), 8vo. . . Blackburn, 1872 
 Various numbers of Rules, Lists of Members, and Proceed- 
 ings, 1842, etc-., 8vo. In progress . . Oxford, 1842, etc. 
 A Manual of Monumental Brasses, with a Catalogue of 
 Rubbings, in the possession of the Society, 8vo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 1848 
 New Series. Nos. XIV.-XVIL, 1866-1870, 8vo. Oxford, 1870 
 I. Register of the University of Oxford. Vol.1. (1449-63; 
 1505-71.) Edited by C. W. Boase. 8vo. . . i&. 1885 
 II. Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne. Vol. I. 
 (July 4, 1705, to March 19, 1707.) Edited by C. E. 
 Doble. 8vo ib. 1885 
 III. The Early History of Oxford, 727-1100. By James 
 Parker. 8vo ib. 1885 
 IV. Memorials of Merton College. By G. C. Brodrick. 
 8vo ' . . . ib. 1885 
 V. Collectanea. First Series. By C. R. L. Fletcher. 
 8vo ib. 1885 
 VI. Magdalen College and James II., 1686-88. By Rev. J. 
 R. Bloxam. 8vo. ib. 1886 
OXF PAG 461 
 VII. Hearne's Collections, 1707-1710. Vol. ii. of No. ii. 
 8vo Oxford, 1886 
 Graduates between 1659 and 1770, 8vo. . . . ib. 1772 
 1659-1850, 8vo ib. 1851 
 Votiva, sive ad Jacobum Regem de auspicate Caroli Wallise 
 Principis in Regiam Hispaniam adventu pia Gratulatio. 
 (Sound with Spalato " Tracts.") 4to. . . Lond. 1623 
 Constitutional Defects of the University and Colleges of 
 Oxford, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . . . . . ib. 1850 
 The Ashmolean Museum and the Archaeological Collections 
 of the University, Report of. the Keeper [A. J. Evans, 
 M.A., F.S.A.]. 4to Oxford, 1884 
 OXFORD UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, 1865, etc. 8vo. . . ib. 1865, etc. 
 OXFORD UNIVERSITY and City Guide. New edition, 12mo. . ib. 1827 
 Another edition, 12mo. . ib. 1841 
 OXFORD UNIVERSITY COMMISSION. Report, &c., fol. . . ib. 1852 
 of the Proceedings up to June 16th, 1835, 8vo. Oxford, 1835-39 
 Chinnor, 8vo Banbury, 1875 
 Transactions, 1875. History of Great Tew and South 
 Newington, 8vo Oxford, 1877 
 Transactions, 1878. Notices of Deddington, Oxon. By E. 
 Marshall, 8vo ib. 1879 
 Transactions, 1880. An Index to the Registers of the 
 Parish of Ducklington. By W. D. Macray, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 Report, 1885. 8vo. . Banbury, 1886 
 P., G. In Hundrad Silfurs cum Kristni-Saga Hafn. 1773 
 editum, per G. P. 8vo. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 P., S. A brief Account of the New Sect of Latitude-men, 4to. 
 Lond. 1662 
 PACCA, Cardinal. Editto sopra le Antichita e gli scavi, 4to. 
 Rome, 1820 
 PACIAUDIUS, P. M. De Cultu S. Johannis Baptistae, Antiquitates 
 Christianae. Accedit in veterem ejusdem ordinis Litur- 
 giam Commentarius, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1755 
 PADLEY, J. S. Plan of the City of Lincoln (corrected to 1851), 
 8vo Lincoln, 1852 
 PADRON, Ruiz de, and JOVELLANOS, Gaspar de. On the Inquisition : 
 translated from the Spanish on board H.M.S. Caledonia. 
 Mediterranean, 1813 
 PAGE FAMILY in Virginia, Genealogy of the. Also a condensed 
 account of the Nelson, Walker, Pendleton, and Randolph 
 Families, with reference to the Byrd, Carter, Gary, Duke, 
 Gilmer, Harrison, Rives, Thornton, Wellford, Washington, 
 and other distinguished Families in Virginia, 8vo. 
 New York, 1883 
462 PAG PAL 
 PAGE, J. Guide for drawing the Acanthus, and ornamental 
 foliage. Plates. 12mo Lond. 1843 
 1. Royal Processions and Entertainments. 2. Biblio- 
 graphical List of Lord Mayor's Pageants, 8vo. . ib. 1831 
 The Fishmongers' Pageant, 1616, edited by J. G. Nichols, 
 fol. ... . . . . . ib. 1844 
 PAGET, F. E. Some Records of the Ashtead Estate, and of its 
 Howard Possessors : with Notices of Elford, Castle 
 Rising, Levens, and Charlton. Not Published. 4to. 
 Lichfield, 1873 
 PAGUS, Antonius. Dissertatio Hypatica sen de Consulibus 
 Caesareis, 4to. ....... Lugduni, 1682 
 PAIEE, Ezra. The Book of Knowledge, shewing the Wisdom of 
 the Ancients. Made English by W. Lilly. With the 
 Dealers' Directory. Woodcuts. 12mo. . . Gosport, n. d. 
 PAILLET, C. Catalogue des Tableaux du Baron Gerard, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 129) Paris, 1837 
 PAINTERS, otherwise Paint er-Stainers, Some Account of the 
 Company of. 8vo. ...... Lond. 1880 
 Company of. Its Master, Wardens, &c. 
 8vo ib. 1882 
 PAL.EOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, The. Facsimiles of Ancient Manu- 
 scripts. Edited by E. A. Bond and E. M. Thompson. 
 Part i. fol ib. 1873 
 PALATIUS, Joannes. Monarchia Occidentalis, Imp. 4to. Venice, 1671 
 Saggi di dissertazioni dell' Accademia del Bnon Gusto. 
 Vol. i. 4to. ... ... Palermo, 1755 
 I Regali Sepolcri del Duomo di Palermo, fol. . Naples, 1784 
 Publications. Nos. 1-7. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1865-69 
 Palestine Exploration. A Sermon. By A. P. Stanley, 8vo. 
 ib. 1868 
 Dudley Gallery, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. Catalogue of 
 Photographs and description of Pottery, &c., exhibited. 
 8vo ib. 1869 
 Statement of Progress. Accounts to Dec. 31st, 1868, 8vo. 
 n.p. [1869] 
 Quarterly Statement. Vol. i.-iv. 8vo. . . Lond. 1869-73 
 Part i. Second copy. (Tracts) 
 New Series. Nos. 1 and 2, 8vo. . ib. 1871 
 PALESTINE PILGRIMS' TEXT SOCIETY. Of the Buildings of Justi- 
 nian. By Procopius (circ. 560 A.D.). Translated by 
 Aubrey Stewart, and annotated by Sir C. W. Wilson 
 and Prof. Hayter Lewis. 8vo. .... ib. 1886 
 PALEY, F. A. 
 Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts, 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 Guide to Churches round Cambridge, 12mo. (Tracts 154) 
 Camb. 1844 
 Manual of Gothic Mouldings, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1845 
 Manual of Gothic Architecture, 8vo. . . ib. 1846 
PAL PAL 463 
 PALEY, F, A. continued. 
 " Homems." Periclis aetate quinam habitus sit, quaeritnr. 
 8vo Lond. 1877 
 Homeri quae nunc exstant an reliquis cycli carminibus 
 antiquiora jure habita sint, 8vo. .... ib. 1878 
 On Post-Epic or Imitative Words in Homer, 8vo. . ib. 1879 
 Quintus Smyrnaeus and the "Homer" of the Tragic Poets. 
 Second edition. 8vo. ...... ib. 1879 
 Remarks on Prof. Mahaffy's Account of Epic Poetry, 8vo. 
 ib. 1881 
 PALGRAVE FAMILY MEMORIALS. Edited by C. J. Palmer and S. 
 Tucker. For Private distribution. 4to. . . Norwich, 1878 
 PALGRAVE, Sir Francis. 
 Remarks in reply to Sir N. H. Nicolas's Observations on 
 Historical Literature, 8vo. .... Lond. 1831 
 The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth. 
 Anglo-Saxon Period. 2 vols. 4to ib. 1832 
 Truths and Fictions of the Middle Ages. The Merchant 
 and the Friar, sm. 8vo ib. 1837 
 The History of Normandy and of England. 4 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1851-64 
 PALGRAVE, R. F. D. A Handbook to Reigate, and the Parishes 
 of Gatton, Merstham, Chipstead, Betchworth, and Leigh, 
 sm. 8vo ib. 1860 
 Lettre sur les Hieroglyphes, 8 vo. . . . . 1802 
 Essai sur les Hieroglyphes, 4to ... . . Weimar, 1804 
 Analyse de 1'inscription de Rosette, 4to. . . Dresden, 1804 
 PALIN, William. 
 Stifford and its neighbourhood, past and present. For 
 private circulation. 4to. ...... n.p. 1871 
 More about Stiff ord, &c. Printed for private circulation. 
 8vo " . . Lond. 1872 
 PALLADIO, Andrea. The Four Books of Architecture, translated 
 by I. Ware. Plates, fol. . . . . ib, 
 PALLASTRELLI, Bernardo. Dell' anno dalla Incarnazione usato 
 dai Piacentim, fol. (Tracts 8) . . . . Piacenza, 1856 
 PALLAVICINO, Ferrante. Opere scelte, 12mo. 
 In Villafranca (D. Elzevier) 1666 
 PALLIOT, Pierre. La vraie Science des Armoiries ou L'Indice 
 Armorial de L. Geliot, fol Paris, 1660 
 PALLLSER, Mrs. Bury. 
 A History of Lace. Second edition, 8vo. . . Lond. 1869 
 Historic Devices, Badges, and War-Cries, 8vo. . . ib. 1870 
 PALMER, A. S. Folk-Etymology, a Dictionary of verbal corrup- 
 tions, 8vo . . ib. 1882 
 PALMER, C. F. R. 
 The History and Antiquities of the collegiate Church of 
 Tamworth, Staffordshire, 8vo. . . Tamworth, 1871 
 History of the Family of Marmion, Lords of Tamworth, 
 Warwickshire (Norman Conquest to end of 13th century), 
 8vo. ib. 1875 
464 PAL PAP 
 PALMER, C. F. B. continued. 
 The Friar- Preachers or Blackfriars of Leicester. For private 
 circulation. 8vo. . . . . . . Leicester, 1884 
 History of an Ancient House at Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, 
 fol. Privately printed Lond. 1838 
 Foundation and Antiquity of Great Yarmouth, 4to. 
 Yarmouth, 1847 
 Monastery of Dominican Friars at Great Yarmouth, 4to. 
 (Tracts 103) ib. 1852 
 Manship's History of Great Yarmouth, 4to. . . ib. 1859 
 The Perlustration of Great Yarmouth, with Gorleston and 
 Southtown. 3 vols. 4to. . . Great Yarmouth, 1872-75 
 PALMER, J. Linton. Marquesan Tradition of the Deluge, 8vo. n.p. 1877 
 Miscellaneous Catologue, 8vo. .... Lond. 1859 
 St. Pancras ; antiquarian, topographical, and biographical 
 memoranda, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1870 
 PALMERIN OF ENGLAND, The Historie of. Translated out of 
 French by A. M[unday]. 3 vols. (in two), 4to. . ib. 1639 
 PANCRAZI, G. M. Antichita Siciliane, 2 vols. fol. . Naples, 1751-52 
 PANDOLA, Ferdinando. Catalogo della Collezione Pandola. 8vo. 
 Rome, 1887 
 PANEGYRIC: YETERES. Valpy's edition, 5 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1828 
 PANJAB NOTES AND QUERIES. A Monthly Periodical. Edited by 
 R. C. Temple. Vol. I. Nos. 1-6. Oct. 1883 Mar. 1884. 
 4to. Allahabad, 1883-84 
 PANMURE, Registrum de. Records of the Families of Maule, De 
 Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin-Barclay, united in the 
 Line of Panmure. Compiled by the Hon. H. Maule, A.D. 
 1733. Edited by J. Stuart. (150 copies printed for 
 private distribution. No. 94.) 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1874 
 PANOFKA, Theodor. 
 Trophonioskultus in Rhegium, 4to. (Tracts 18*) Berlin, 1848 
 Manners and Customs of the Greeks, 4to. . . Lond. 1849 
 Atalante und Atlas, 4to. (Tracts 18*) . . Berlin, 1851 
 PANVINI, Pasquale. II Forestiere alle Antichita, &c., di Pozzuoli, 
 Cuma, Baja, Miseno. (Plates.) 8vo. . . Naples, 1818 
 PANVINIUS, O. Faste et Triumphi Romani, fol. . Venice, 1557 
 PANZANUS, Martinus. De Hispanorum Literatura, 4to. Triers, 1758 
 PANZER, G. W. Annales typographici, 11 vols. 4to. 
 Nuremberg, 1793-1803 
 PAOLI, Paul Antonio. Psesti, quod Posidoniam etiam dixere, 
 rudera. (Lat. 8f Ital.) fol. . ' . . . Borne, 1784 
 PAOLINI, Roberto. Memorie sui Monumenti di Antichita e di 
 belle Arti ch' esistono in Miseno, in Baoli, in Baja, in 
 Cuma, in Pozzuoli, in Napoli, in Capua Aulica, in Erco- 
 lano, in Pompei, ed in Pesto, 4to. . . . Naples, 1812 
 PAPENBROCH. Oratio de veterum Ins crip tionum et Monumento- 
 rum usu, 4to. ..... Ley den, 1745-46 
 PAPISTS. Just Narrative of the New Counter-plots of the 
 Papists, fol Lond. 1679 
TAP PAR 465 
 PAPWORTH, J. W. Ordinary of British Armorials. Two copies. 
 Boy. 8vo Lond. 1874 
 PAPWORTH, Wyatt. 
 Notice of the Works of A. Ashpitel, 4to. . . . ib. 1869 
 Memoir of A. W. Whitehead Morant. For private circu- 
 lation. 12mo. " . . ib. 1881 
 The Renaissance and Italian Styles of Architecture in Great 
 Britain, 8vo ib. 1883 
 Of the Magpies, 4to. ...... ib. 1691 
 Of the Top-knots, 4to ib. 1691 
 Of the Bear-baiting, 4to. ...... ib. 1091 
 PARACELSUS. Chymical Transmutation of Metals. Also of the 
 Urim and Thummim of the Jews. Whereunto is added 
 Experiments of R. Lully. Translated by R. Turner. 
 (Imperfect.) 12mo 1657 
 PARADIN, Claude. Heroica M. C. Paradini, et D. Gabrielis 
 Symeonis : ex idiomate Gallico, a J. Gubernatore, con- 
 uersa, 12mo. ....... Antwerp, 1562 
 PARADISE, The, of Coquettes. A poem. Second edition. Sm. 
 8vo Edinburgh, 1817 
 PARAVEY, Le Chevalier de. 
 Sur 1'origine des peuples de Bogota, 8vo. . . Paris, 1835 
 Sur le Nom Antique et Hieroglyphique de la Judee, 8vo. ib. 1836 
 Sur le decouverte de la poudre a Canon et des armes a feu, 
 8vo ib. 1850 
 Du pays primitif du ver a soie, 8vo. .... ib. 1851 
 L'Amerique, a-t-elle ete connue en Asie des le 5 e siecle, 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 Sur divers sujets relatifs a 1'histoire des Vegetaux, 8vo. 
 Bordeaux, 1854 
 L'Origine Orientale des Polonais, et d'un usage ancien de ce 
 peuple, 8vo. (Tracts 98) Paris, 1861 
 PARERGA HISTORICA. [By J. Uphagen.] 4to . [Dantsic,] 1782 
 PAREUS, David. De Jure Regum et Principum contra Papam 
 Romanum, 12mo. ..... Amberg, 1612 
 PARIS. Rede bei gelegenheit der Feier der Einnahme von Paris. 
 Ger. $ Euss. 4to. (Tracts 17) .... Kasan, 1814 
 BIBLIOTHEQUE IMPERIALE. Documents Historiques inedits, 
 publics par J. J. Champollion-Figeac, 4 vols. . ib. 1841-48 
 Catalogue des Pierres Gravees, par Anatole Chabouillet, 
 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1858 
 Histoire du Cabinet des Medailles, par Marion Du Mersan, 
 8vo ib. 1838 
 Catalogue of Ethiopic Biblical MSS. 4to. . . Lond. 1823 
 EXPOSITION UNIYBRSELLB, 1867. Catalogue Special du 
 Royaume de Hongrie, 8vo Paris, 1867 
 HOTEL DES INVALIDES. Plans, Elevations, and Sections. 
 INSTITUT DES PROVINCES. Annuaire, 1862, 8vo. 
 Paris and Caen, 1862 
 MUSE DU LOUVRE. Notice des Emaux, &c., Pt. 1, par Comte 
 L. de Laborde, 8vo ib. 1853 
466 PAR PAR 
 PARIS, Mr. Bibliotheca Parisiana. (A priced Catalogue), 8vo. 
 Lond. 1791 
 PARIS, Matthew. Historia Major [1066-1272]. Edited by W. 
 W. Wats, fol. . . . . . ib. 1684 
 PARISH CLERKS, COMPANY OF. New Remarks of London ; or, a 
 Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, of 
 Southwark, and part of Middlesex and Surrey, 12mo. ib. 1732 
 PARISH, Josiah. Portfolio of Antiquities. No. I. Colchester, 
 8vo. ... ... Colchester, 1876 
 A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect, &c., 8vo. . Lewes, 1875 
 List of Carthusians, 1800 to 1879, 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 PARISMUS, Prince of Bohemia. 
 The famous and pleasant history of, 12mo. . Lond. n.d. 
 Another edition. 4to. . . . ib. 1704 
 PARK, J. J. 
 Topography of Hampstead, 4to. .... ib. 1814 
 8vo ib. 1818 
 PARKER, C. A. The Runic Crosses at Gosforth, Cumberland, 
 described and explained, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1882 
 PARKER, F. J. The Mexican Empire and the American Union, 
 8vo. ... ... Boston (U.S.), 1865 
 PARKER, George. Eland's Tutor to Astrology. Portrait, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1704 
 PARKER, James. 
 The Roman Occupation of Dorchester, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) 
 n.p. 1868 
 On the History of Oxford during the tenth and eleventh 
 centuries (912-1100), 8vo Oxford, 1871 
 An Introduction to the History of the successive Revisions 
 of the Book of Common Prayer, 8vo. Oxford and Lond. 1877 
 The First Prayer-Book of Edward VI. compared with the 
 successive Revisions, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1877 
 Did Queen Elizabeth take " other order " in the " Adver- 
 tisements " of 1566 ? A Letter to Lord Selborne, 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 A Postscript to a Letter addressed to Lord Selborne, 8vo. ib. 1879 
 Lecture on the Water Supply of ancient Rome, 8vo. 
 [ Warwick] 
 PARKER, John. The History and Antiquities of Wycombe, 
 Bucks, 4to. . . " . . . . Wycombe, 1878 
 PARKER, John Henry. 
 Introduction to the Study of Architecture, 12mo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 1849 
 Medieval Architecture of Chester, 8vo. . . Lond. 1858 
 Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Second 
 edition, sm. 8vo. .... Oxford and Lond. 1861 
 Third edition, sm. 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 Sixth edition, 8vo ib. 1881 
 The Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield. 
 A Lecture, 8vo. (Tracts 164) .... ib. 1863 
PAR PAR 467 
 PARKER, John Kenry continued. 
 Notes on the Architecture of Ireland. For private circula- 
 tion, 8vo. Lund. 1864 
 A Concise Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, 
 Italian, and Gothic Architecture. New edition, sna. 8vo. 
 Oxford and Loud. 1866 
 Architectural Antiquities of the City of Wells, 8vo, . ib. 1866 
 - Illustrations, 8vo ib. 1866 
 Mosaic Pictures in Rome and Ravenna, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Oxford, 1866 
 Photographic Illustrations of the Archaeology of Rome, fol. 1866 
 Photographic Illustrations to the Architectural History of 
 Canterbury Cathedral, by Professor Willis, 8vo. Oxford, 1867 
 Catalogue of Photographs illustrative of the Archaeology of 
 Rome, 8vo. (Tracts 63**) ib. 1867 
 - Supplement, 8vo ib. 1868 
 Historical Photographs. Rome. Buildings before the 
 Christian Era. Buildings of the Empire Augustus to 
 Constantine, 8vo. 
 - Rome. The Construction of Walls from 
 the Foundation to the Thirteenth Century, 8vo. . n.p. n.d. 
 Rome. Recent Excavations made in 18(57 
 and 1868, 8vo n.p. n.d. 
 A Catalogue of Fifteen hundred Photo- 
 graphs Illustrative of the Archaeology of Rome. Part 3, 
 8vo Oxford, 1869 
 A Catalogue of upwards of eighteen 
 hundred photographs of the antiquities of Rome, 8vo. ib. 1870 
 Illustrative of the Archaeology of Rome 
 and Italy. Parts 2-4, 8vo Rome, 1873 
 Recent Excavations in Rome made in 1868. A Lecture, 
 8vo ib. 1868 
 Modes of Construction in antient Roman Buildings, 8vo. 
 Rome, 1868 
 Roman Archaeological Exploration Fund. Account for 
 1868-70, 8vo [1869-74] 
 A Lecture on the Excavations in Rome from July 1st to 
 December 30th, 1870, 8vo. (Tracts 126**.) 
 Excavations in Rome in the season of 1870-71 : a Lecture, 
 8vo. 1871 
 The Archaeology of Rome, vol. i. Text and Plates. 2 vols. 
 8vo. Lond. 1874 
 Chapter or Part 4. The Egyptian 
 Obelisks, 8vo. . ... Oxford and Lond. 1876 
 Part 6. The Via Sacra. Second edition 
 enlarged. Excavations from 1438 to 1882, 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 Part 9 Tombs in and near Rome. Part 
 10 Sculpture, 8vo ib. 1877 
 Part 12 The Catacombs, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 A Chronological Table of Buildings in Rome. For private 
 circulation, 8vo. 
468 PAH PAR 
 PARKER, John Henry continued. 
 The Aqueducts of Ancieut Rome, traced from their sources 
 to their mouths, 8vo. . . . Oxford and Lond. 1876 
 The Flavian Amphitheatre, commonly called the Colosseum 
 at Rome : its History and Substructures compared with 
 other Amphitheatres, 8 vo. ..... ib. 1876 
 Mediaeval Church and Altar Decorations in Rome, and 
 Mosaic Picture^, 8vo. ...... ib. 1876 
 The Cathedral of Pisa, and Notes upon Pisan Churches. 
 For private circulation, 8vo. .... Lond. 1878 
 The Primitive Fortifications of the City of Rome. Second 
 edition enlarged, 8vo. . . . Oxford and Lond. 1878 
 Early History of Rome. Remarks on Articles in the 
 u Edinburgh Review," &c., 8vo 1879 
 Forum Romaiium et Magnum. Second edition enlarged, 
 8vo ib. 1879 
 Notice of Sir Gilbert Scott's Lectures on Mediaeval Archi- 
 tecture. For private circulation only, 8vo. . Lond. 1879 
 Remarks on the Mediaeval Architecture of the City of 
 Wells. For private circulation, 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 The Twelve Egyptian Obelisks in Rome ; their History, &c. 
 Second edition enlarged, 4to. . . Oxford and Lond. 1879 
 The Early History of Rome. Two Letters, &c. For 
 private circulation, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1880 
 The History of Dorchester, Oxfordshire : Account of the 
 Church by H. Addington, with Notes by W. C. Mac- 
 farlane, 8vo Oxford and Lond. 1882 
 Monumentorum Urbis Romas Series. Elenchus Fasci- 
 culorum, fol. ......... 
 PARKER, Matthew (Archbishop). 
 De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesioa. Edited by S. Drake, 
 fol Lond. 1729 
 Catalogus librorum quos Coll. C. C. Cantab, legavit. Edited 
 by Jac. Nasmyth, 4to. .... Cambridge, 1777 
 PARKER, Richard. 
 Astrology Improv'd : or, a Compel) dium of that Science, 
 12mo . . . Lond. 1723 
 History of the University of Cambridge, 8vo. . . ib. 
 PARKER, T. L. Description of Browsholme Hall, 4to. . ib. 1815 
 PARKES, W. The Curtaine- Drawer of the World, &c. (1612). 
 Edited by A. B. Grosart, 4to. (Fifty copies only.} 
 Manchester, 1876 
 PARKINSON, John. Theatrum Botanicum : or, an Herball, &c. 
 (Woodcuts), fol Lond. 1640 
 PARKINSON, Richard. Journal of Elizabeth Byrom, 4to. 
 Manchester, 1857 
 PARKINSON, Sydney. Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, 4to. 
 Lond. ] "~" 
 PABKMAN, Francis. 
 1. The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rocky 
 Mountain Life. Sixth edition, 8vo. . . Boston, 1 
PAR PAR 469 
 PARKMAN, Francis continued. 
 2. The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after 
 the Conquest of Canada. Eighth edition, with additions. 
 2 vols. 8vo Boston, 1877 
 3. France and England in North America. A Series of 
 Historical Narratives. 
 I. Pioneers of France in the New World. Fourteenth 
 II. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth. 
 Century. Eleventh edition. 
 III. The Discovery of the Great West. Eighth 
 IV. The Old Regime in Canada. 
 V. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis 
 XIV. Fourth edition. 
 5 Vols. 8vo. ib. 1877-78 
 PARKYNS, J. L. Monastic and Baronial Remains in England, 
 Wales, and Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1816 
 Vol. of Acts of Parliament, 1660-1666, fol ib. 1666 
 The Address of the Lords and Commons to the King, with 
 His Majesty's Answer. (Tracts on Politics and Church 
 A/airs, 1670-1711), 4to. . Lond. and Edinburgh, 168$ 
 Rotuli Parliamentorum, 1278 to 1503, 6 vols. fol. (Vol. 6 
 Index to ditto, 1 vol. fol Lond. 1832 
 Return. Members of Parliament. Part 1, Parliaments of 
 England, 1213-1702, fol ib. 1878 
 - Part 2, Great Britain, 1705-1796; United 
 Kingdom, 1801-1874 ; Parl. and Convent, of Scot,, 1357- 
 1707; Ireland, 1559-1800, fol ib. 1878 
 A List of the Names of Knights, Citizens, &c., returned to 
 the Parliament, April 5th June 7th, 1614, fol. . ib. 1885 
 Parliament, xii. Charles II., 1660, fol. . . . ib. 1885 
 Private Acts of the Reigns of Queen Anne and of George 
 the First and Second, respectively (92) fol. . . ib. 
 Three Private Acts of the tenth year of Queen Anne, fol. 
 Anno Nono et Decimo Gulielmi III. Regis. An Act to 
 Settle the Trade to Africa (pp. 503-519), fol. . . n.p. n.d. 
 Anno Decimo et Undecimo Gulielmi III. Regis. An Act 
 to Enlarge the Trade to Russia, fol. . . Lond. 1699 
 Return of Owners of Land, 1873. Vol. L, Bedford to 
 Norfolk, inclusive. Vol. II., Northampton to Radnor, 
 inclusive. 2 vols. fol. . . . . . ib. 1875 
 The History of the Present Parliament and Convocation, 
 8vo . . . ib. 1711 
 Parliamentary History of England, 24 vols. 8vo. ib. 1761-62 
 Rules for the Guidance of Members of Parliament in the 
 Management of Select Committeos, 8vo. Not published. 1837 
 Modus Tenendi Parliament am. Edited by J. D. Hardy, 8vo. 
 ib. 1846 
470 PAR PAS 
 PARLIAMENT continued. 
 Scotland: Owners of Lands and Heritages 17 and 18 Viet., 
 Cap. 91. 1872-73 Returns 1, Counties ; 2, Boroughs 
 containing 20,000 Inhabitants, fol. . . Edinburgh, 1874 
 PARNASSUS, the Pilgrimage to. With the two parts of the 
 Return from Parnassus. Three Elizabethan Comedies, 
 1597-1601. .Edited by W. D. Macray. 8vo. Oxford, 1886 
 PARODI, F. M. La Porta Soprana di Sant 'Andrea. (Report on 
 its "condition, with a project for its restoration.) 4to. 
 Genoa, 1882 
 PAROISSIEN COMPLETT, Le Petit. Contenant 1'office des Dimanches 
 et Fetes, en Latin et en Francais, 16mo. . Paris, 1777 
 PARRINO, Antonio. Nuova Guida de' forastieri per 1'Antichita 
 di Pozzuoli. (Capri, Vesuvio, e varj Luoghi.) Colla 
 Descrizione di Gaeta, 12mo. .... Naples, 1751 
 PARRY, C, H. Parliaments and Councils of England, 1066- 
 1688, 8vo Lond. 1839 
 PARRY, J. D. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the 
 Coast of Sussex, 8vo. . . . Brighton and Lond. 1833 
 PARSEL, Thomas. Liturgia: seu Liber Rituum et Ceremoni- 
 arum in Ecclesia Anglicana receptus, 8vo. . Lond. 1727 
 PARSONS, James. Remains of Japhet, enquiries into the affinity 
 of the European Languages, 4to. .... ib. 1767 
 PARSONS, Theophilus. Memoir of Chief-Justice Parsons, 8vo. 
 Boston (U.S.), 1859 
 PARSONS, William. A Genuine Account of the Life of W. Par- 
 sons, executed at Tyburn, Feb. 11, 1751, 8vo. . Lond. 1751 
 PARTHEY, Gustav. Nachtrage und Verbesserungen zum Ver- 
 zeichnisse der Hollar'schen Kupferstiche, 8vo. Berlin, 1858 
 PARTIES, Dissertation upon. By Lord Bolingbroke, 8vo. Lond. 1 739 
 PARTON, John. Account of St. Giles in the Fields, 4to. . ib. 1822 
 MiKpoiravaffTwv ; or, an Astrological Vade-Mecum. (Por- 
 trait.) 12mo ib. 1679 
 Opus Reformatum ; or, a Treatise of Astrology, 4to. . ib. 1693 
 Def ectio Geniturarum ; an essay toward reviving the prin- 
 ciples of Astrology, 4to. ...... ib. 1697 
 The Spirit of Partridge, or the Astrologer's Pocket-Com- 
 panion, 12mo. ........ ib. 1825 
 PARTRIDGE, Samuel. 
 Account of the Inundation at Boston, 12mo. . Boston, 1811 
 Remarks upon and Improvements of the Bill for Parish 
 Registers. Second edition (Tracts 60*) . . ib. 1812 
 Second copy. 
 PARUTA, Fillippo. La Sicilia descritta con Medaglie, e ristam- 
 pata da L. Agostini. Hora in miglior ordine disposta 
 da M. Maier. (Plates.) Fol. . . Lyons, 1697 
 PASCHALIUS, Carolus. Coronee, Opus x. libris distinctum, 
 quibus omnis res coronaria continetur, 8vo. . Ley den, 1671 
 PASOR, Georg. Manuale GraBcarum Vocum N". Testamenti, 
 12mo Lugd. Bat. Ex off. Elzev. 1640 

 PAS PAU 471 
 PASQUIER, Etienne. 
 Recherches de la France, fol. . . . Paris, 1021 
 CEuvres, 2 vols. fol. . . . . Amsterdam, 1723 
 PASQUIN. Pasquin's Comical Oration to Pope Clement Xlth. 
 and the Romans, upon the late Inundations and Earth- 
 quakes, 12mo. ....... Lond. 1703 
 PASQUYL OF ROME. Contrivances of the French King against 
 the Emperor (1543), reprint by J. Hunter, 8vo. . ib. 1851 
 Verzeichniss der offentlich ausgestellten Kunst-Gegen- 
 stande des Stadel'schen Kunst-Instituts, 8vo. 
 Frankfurt a. M. 1844 
 Le Peintre-Graveur, 6 vols. (Bound in three), Svo. Leipsic, 1860-64 
 Original Letters written during the reigns of Henry VI., 
 Edward IV., Richard III., and Henry VII. Edited by 
 Sir J. Fenn, 5 vols. 4to Lond. 1786-1823 
 - New edition, edited by A. Ramsay, 2 vols. 
 in one, 8vo ib. 1840 
 New edition ; containing upwards of four 
 hundred Letters, &c., hitherto unpublished. Edited by 
 J. Gairdner, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1872-75 
 PASTOR, M. P. Disertacion sobre el dios Endovellico, 4to. 
 Madrid, 1760 
 semundensi Episcopo in lucem emissum, 4to. Cologne, 1599 
 PATERCULUS, M. Velleius. 
 Opera cum notis G. Vossii, 12mo. Amstel. (Ex. off. Elzev.) 1664 
 Opera. Edited by Valpy, 8vo Lond. 1822 
 PATERSON, James. Origin of the Scots and Scottish Language, 
 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855 
 PATIN, Charles. Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata, fol. 
 titrasburg, 1671 
 PATRICK, Saint. The Confession of St. Patrick, translated, with 
 Notes. By T. Olden, 12mo Dublin, 1853 
 PATRIOT, THE FALSE. A Satyrical Epistle to W****** 
 p****** y p e Pnlteney], Esq. ; on his being created E**l 
 of B**h, Ac., 8vo Lond. 1742 
 PAUL, J. D. The Origin of the Corporation of Leicester, 8vo. "*6. 1885 
 PAUL, R. W. An Account of some of the Incised and Sepulchral 
 Slabs of North- West Somersetshire. (With plates.) Fol. 
 ib. 1882 
 PAULINUS, Laurentius. Commonefactio de Angelicis and 
 Pythonicis Adparitionibus ; Sigillatim vero, de Prae- 
 stigiis Kumblceis in Nerikia, 4to. . . Strengnas, 1630 
 PAULO, Carolus a Sancto. Geographia Sacra, 3 torn, in 1, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1711 
 PAULUS, H. E. G. 
 Observationes Philologico-Criticse ad Vaticinia lesaice, 4to. 
 Tubingen, 1781 
 Uber einige Merkwlirdigkeiten der Bibliothek zu Gotha. 
 8vo Jena, 1788 
472 PAU PEA 
 PAULUS, H. E. Or. continued. 
 Commentatio Critica, exhibens Specimina Versionum 
 Pentateuchi septem Arabicarum, 8vo. (Tracts 65) Jena, 1789 
 Manuscriptorum quibus Versio IS". T. Philoxeniana Con- 
 tinetur Catalogus, 12mo. (Tracts 153) . Helmstadt, 
 PAULUS, Venetus. Expositio Librorum Naturalium Aristotelis, 
 B. L. fol. (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel 
 Catalogue) ....... Colonice, 1476 
 PAUSANIAS. Opera, 8vo Paris, Didot, 1845 
 PAUTHIER, G. L'Inscription Syro-Chinoise de Si-N~gan-Fou, 
 decouvert en 1625, 8vo ib. 1858 
 PAWSON, Samuel. Catalogue of a Collection of Pictures on view 
 at the Great Room, in the Strand. 8vo. . [Lond.'] n.d. 
 PAYNE, George. Catalogue of the Museum of Local Antiquities. 
 For private circulation, 8vo. . . . Sittingbourne, 1882 
 PAYNE, J. Bertrand. House of Lempriere, 4to. Privately printed. 
 Lond. 1862 
 PEABODY, George. Gift for Southern Education. Proceed- 
 ings of the Trustees, 8vo 1867 
 Third Annual Report, 8vo. (Tracts 55***) . . . 1870 
 Proceedings of the Trustees, 1867, 70, etc., 8vo. In pro- 
 gress ...... Cambridge, 1870, etc. 
 Proceedings of the Trustees, 1867-73(1874-81), 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Boston, 1875-81 
 First (3rd, 5th) Annual Report of the Trustees, 3 pts. 8^0. 
 Cambridge (U.S.), 1868-72 
 Reports, vol. i. 1868-76, 8vo ib. 1876 
 PEACOCK, Edward. 
 Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers, A.D. 1642, 
 4to. Lond. 1863 
 English Church Furniture, Ornaments, and Decorations, 
 A.D. 1566, 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 1866 
 Gainsborough during the great Civil War, A.D. 1642-60, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 67***) 1866 
 France, the Empire, and Civilisation, 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 Louthinthetimeof Henry VIII., 8 vo. (Tracts 1G4>) Lincoln, 1873 
 Notices from original documents relating to John Anysley, 
 Constable of ISTorham Castle, 4to. 
 Star- Chamber Complaint against Humber Pirates, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 163.) 
 PEACOCK, Reginald (Bishop). Scripture the only rule of Faith, 
 4to. ........... n.d. 
 PEARMAN, A. J. History of Ashford, 12mo. . . AsTiford, 1868 
 Position of the Baronets of the British Empire, 8vo. Lond. 1837 
 Letter to the Chairman of the Committee of Baronets, 8vo. 
 ib. 1838 
 PEARSON, Alfred. The Early Fortifications of Rome. A lecture. 
 8vo. -. . . .. . . . -. Rome, 1877 
PEA PEG 473 
 PEARSON, J. L. Copy of Report on Westminster Hall, 14th 
 November, 1884, fol Land. 1884 
 PEAKSON, John (Bishop). Exposition of the Creed, fol. ib. 1723 
 PEARSON, William. Select Views of the Antiquities of Shrop- 
 shire, with descriptive account, obi. 4to. Shrewsbury, 1806 
 PECK, Francis. 
 Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, fol. . . Lond. 1727 
 Desiderata Curiosa, fol. ...... ib. 1732 
 PECTORALE Dominice Passionis : sive divini amoris, B.L. 
 Argentine (Knoblauch), 1509 
 PEDERSEN, Christiern.. Danske Skrifter, udgivne af C. J. Brandt 
 og B. Th. Fenger, 4 vols. 8vo. . Copenhagen, 1850-54 
 PEDLER, E. H. Anglo-Saxon Episcopate of Cornwall, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1856 
 PEDRUSI, Paolo. I Cesari in oro (in argento, in medaglioni, in 
 metallo grande, in metallo mezzano e picolo), raccolti nel 
 Farnese Museo. (Plates.) 10 vols. fol. Parma, 1694-1727 
 Report of the Committee on the Dignity of a Peer of the 
 Realm, fol Lond. 1820 
 5 vols. fol ib. 1829 
 PEERAGE, A NEW. Edited by G. E. C. Pp. i.-xx. 1-108, 8vo. 
 PEERAGE TRACTS. I. An 8vo. vol. containing: 
 1. The Constitution Explained in relation to the Indepen- 
 dency of the House of Lords ...... 1719 
 2. A Letter to the Earl of O d [Ormond], concerning the 
 Bill of Peerage. By Sir R d S le [Steele] . . 1719 
 3. An Inquiry into the Manner of Creating Peers. Second 
 edition 1719 
 4. The Old Whig. Numb. I. and II. on the State of the 
 Peerage. Third edition 1720 
 II. A 12mo. vol. containing : 
 1. An Inquiry into the manner of Creating Peers. Second 
 edition ib. 1719 
 2. The Plebeians. Sixth edition .... ib. 1719 
 3. The Constitution Explained ib. 1719 
 4. On the Nobility of the British Gentry. By Sir J. Law- 
 rence ........ Paris, 1825 
 PKGGE, Samuel. 
 Coins of Cunobelin, 4to. ..... Lond. 1 766 
 On the Roman Roads, Ikenild Street and Bath- way, 
 through the country of the Coritani, 4to. . . ib. 1769 
 Coins of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 4to. . . ib. 1772 
 The Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient English Cookery 
 compiled about 1390, 8vo ib. 1780 
 A Sylloge of the remaining Authentic Inscriptions relative 
 to the erection of our English Churches, 4to. . . ib. 1787 
 Curialia, or an historical account of some branches of the 
 Royal Household, 4to. Pts. 1-3 . . . . ib. 1791 
 Parts 4 and 5, 4to ib. 1806 
 A Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of F. Grose, 8vo. 
 ib. 1814 
474 PET PEN 
 PEIGNOT, Gr. Dictionnaire Critique des principaux livres con- 
 damnes au feu, supprimes, &c. 2 vols. in one, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1806 
 PEIRCE, Thomas. A Vindication of the King's Sovereign 
 Rights over all Ecclesiastical Bodies Corporate, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1719 
 PELLATT, Apsley. 
 On the Progress of Glass Manufactures, 4to. . . ib. 1821 
 Curiosities of Glass Making, 4to. . . . ib. 1849 
 PELLEGRINI, A., and Henzen, G. La Stazione della settima 
 Coorte dei Vigili, 8vo. (Tracts 07**) . . Rome, 1867 
 PELLERIN, Joseph. 
 Recueil de Medailles de Rois qui n'ont point encore ete 
 publiees, 4to Paris, 1762 
 Recueil de Medailles de Peuples et de Yilles, 3 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1763 
 Melange de diverses Medailles, 2 vols. . . . ib. 1765 
 Supplements, 2 vols. 4to ib. 1765-67 
 PELLICCIA, A. A. The Polity of the Christian Church. Trans- 
 lated by J. C. Bellett. 8vo Lond. 1833 
 PELLOUTIER, Simon. Histoire des Celtes, Tome ii. 8vo. 
 The Hague, 1750 
 PEMBROKE COLLECTION OF COINS, Figures of the. 4to. Lond. 1746 
 PEMBROKE, Countesse of. Emanuel, together with certaine 
 Psalmes by A. Fraunce (1591). Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 (Fuller Worthies' Library.) For private circulation. 8vo. 
 n.p. 1871 
 PENAFIEL, Antonio. Nombres Geograficos de Mexico. Catalogo 
 alfabetico de los Nombres de lugar pertenecientes al 
 Idioma Nahuatl. Atlas. Fol. . . . Mexico, 1885 
 PENGELLY, William. Kent's Cavern : its testimony to the 
 Antiquity of Man. A Lecture. Sm. 8vo. 
 Lond. and Glasgow, 1876 
 PENN, Granville. Greek Version of the Rosetta Stone, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1802 
 PENNANT, Thomas. 
 Journey from Chester, 4to. . . . . ib. 1782 
 Tour in Wales, 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1784 
 Tour in Scotland, 3 vols. 4to ib. 1790 
 His Literary Life, 4to ib. 1793 
 Some Account of London, 4to. . . . . ib. 1793 
 History of Whiteford and Holy well, 4to. . . . ib. 1796 
 Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, 4to. . . . ib. 1801 
 Journey to the Isle of Wight, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 18-1 
 Tour from Downing to Alston Moor. Tour from Alston 
 Moor to Harrowgate, 4to ib. 1801-04 
 Some Account of London, Westminster, and Southwark, 
 2 vols. 4to. ........ ib. n.d. 
 Tours in Wales. Edited by John Rhys. 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Caernarvon, 1883 
 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of the Investigating 
 Committee, 8vo Philadelphia, 1874 
PEN PEE 475 
 PENNY, E. B. 
 Selections of Correspondence between L. C. De Saint-Martin 
 and Baron De Liebistorf, 1792-97, 8vo. . . Exeter, 1863 
 Man : his true Nature and Ministry, 8vo. . . Lond. 18G4 
 Two Letters from Athens, 4to. (Tracts 15) . ib. 1846-47 
 Investigation of the Principles of Ionian Architecture, fol. 
 max ib. 1851 
 Principles of Athenian Architecture, fol. . . . ib. 1851 
 PENS, INKS, and INKSTANDS, with Illustrations, sm. 4to. . ib. 1858 
 sactions, Vol. i. 1845-50 ; Vol. ii. 1851-55. Penzance, 1851-64 
 PEPYS, Samuel. 
 Memoirs on the State of the Navy, 8vo. .... 1690 
 Diary and Correspondence. With a life and notes by 
 Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Third edition, 5 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1851 
 Deciphered, with Notes, by M. Bright. 
 6 vols. 8vo ib. 1875-79 
 PERCEVAL, A. P. Origines Hibernicce; or, A brief inquiry into 
 the Source of Irish Christianity, 8vo. (Tracts 68*) 
 Dublin, 1849 
 PERCEVAL, S. G. Doctor Brownes Counsell and Prescription 
 for Mr. Trevillian. Broadsheet folded, 8vo. [Bristol, 1883] 
 Recueil de Decorations Interieures. (Plates.) Fol. Paris, 1827 
 Palais, Maisons, et autres edifices modernes, dessines a 
 Rome. Nouvelle edition. (Plates.) Fol. . . ib. 1830 
 PERCY, Bishop. 
 Folio Manuscript. Ballads and Romances. Edited by 
 J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867-68 
 Loose and Humorous Songs, 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 PKKCT SOCIETY, Publications of the. 30 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1840-51 
 1. Collection of Ballads Anterior to the Reign of Charles I. 
 Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. i 1840 
 2. A Search for Money, or the lamentable complaint for 
 the losse of the wandering Knight Mounsieur 1'Argent, 
 containing curious topographical details of London and its 
 suburbs. By W. Rowley. Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. ii. 1840 
 3. The Payne and Sorowe of Evyll Maryage, in verse. 
 Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. i. 1840 
 4. Selection from Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate. 
 Edited by J. O. Halliwell, vol. ii 1840 
 5. The King and a Poore Northerne Man, attributed to 
 Martin Parker, 1640. Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. i. . 1841 
 6. The Revolution in Ireland of 1688, illustrated by the 
 popular Ballad of the period. Edited by T. C. Croker, 
 vol. i 1841 
 7. Songs of the London Prentices and Trades during the 
 reigns of Henry VIII., Elizabeth, and James I. Edited 
 by C. Mackay, vol. i 1841 
 PERCY SOCIETY, Publications of the continued. 
 8. The Early Naval Ballads of England. Edited by J. 0. 
 Halliwell, vol. ii 1841 
 9. Robin Good-Fellow, his Mad Pranks and Merry Jests, 
 1628. Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. ii 1841 
 10. Strange Histories, or Songs and Sonnets of Kings, 
 Princes, &c. By Thomas Deloney. Edited by J. P. 
 Collier, vol. iii 1841 
 11. Political Ballads published during the Commonwealth. 
 Edited by T. Wright, vol. iii 1841 
 12. The Pleasant History of the Two Angry Women of 
 Abington, by Henry Porter, 1599. Edited by Rev. A. 
 Dyce, vol. v. ......... 1841 
 13. The Boke of Curtasye, an English Poem illustrative of 
 the domestic manners of the 15th century. Edited by 
 J. 0. Halliwell, vol. iv 1841 
 14. Kind Hart's Dream, by H. Chettle. Edited by E. P. 
 Rimbault, vol. v 1841 
 15. The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie, or the Walkes 
 in Powles, 1604. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. v. . 1841 
 16. Old Christmas Carols. Edited by T. Wright, vol. iv. . 1841 
 17. The Nursery Rhymes of England. Edited by J. 0. 
 Halliwell, vol. iv 1842 
 18. The Pleasant and Sweet History of Patient Grissell. 
 Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. iii 1842 
 19. Specimens of Lyric Poetry Written in England during 
 the Reign of Edward I. Edited by T. Wright, vol. iv. . 1842 
 20. A Marriage Triumphe, Solemnized in an E pithalamium 
 in memory of the happy Nuptials betwixt the Count 
 Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth, by T. Heywood. Edited 
 by J. P. Collier, vol. iii 1842 
 21. A Knight's Conjuring done in earnest, discovered in 
 jest. Written in answer to Nash's Pierce Penniless. By 
 T. Dekker, 1607. Edited by E. F. Rimbault, vol. v. . 1842 
 22. Paraphrase on the Seven Penitential Psalms, in English 
 metre of the 15th century. Edited by W. H. Black, 
 vol. vii 1842 
 23. The Crowne-Garland of Goulden Roses, a collection of 
 Songs and Ballads. By Richard Johnson. Edited by 
 W. Chappell, vol. vi. [For Part ii. see No. 56] . . 1842 
 24. A Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft. By G. Gifford, 
 1603. Edited by T. Wright, vol. viii 1842 
 25. Follie's Anatomie, or Satyres and Satyricall Epigrams. 
 By H. Hutton, of Durham, 1619. Edited by E. F. Rim- 
 bault, vol. vi 1842 
 26. Jack of Dover, a Collection of Tales, vol. vii. . . 1842 
 27. Five Poetical Tracts of the Sixteenth Century. Edited 
 by E. F. Rimbault, vol. vi 1842 
 28. A Collection of Latin Stories, from MSS. of the 13th 
 and 14th centuries. Edited by T. Wright, vol. viii. . 1842 
PER PER 477 
 PERCY SOCIETY, Publications of the continued. 
 29. The Harmonic of the Church, containing Spiritual 
 Songs and Holy Hymns, by M. Drayton. Edited by 
 Rev. A. Dyce, vol. vii 1843 
 30. Cocke Lorell's Bote. A satirical poem. Edited by E. 
 F. Rimbault, vol. vi 1843 
 31. Poems by Sir Henry Wotton. Edited by Rev. A. Dyce, 
 vol. vi 1843 
 32. The Harmonye of Birds. A Poem. Edited by J. P. 
 Collier, vol. vii 1843 
 33. A Kerry Pastoral. In imitation of the first Eclogue of 
 Virgil. By M. O'Connor. Edited by T. C. Croker, 
 vol. vii 1843 
 34. The Four Knaves. A series of Satirical Tracts. By 
 S. Rowlands. Edited by E. F. Rimbault, vol. ix. . . 1843 
 35. A Poem to the Memorie of William Congreve. By J. 
 Thomson. Edited by P. Cunningham, vol. ix. . . 1843 
 36. The Pleasant Conceites of Old Hobson, 1607. Edited 
 by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. ix 1843 
 37. Maroccus Extaticus ; or, Bankes' Bay Horse in a Trance. 
 Edited by E. F. Rimbault, vol. ix 1843 
 38. Lord Mayors' Pageants, Part 1. By F. W. Fairholt, 
 vol. x. 1843 
 39. The Owl and the Nightingale. An early English Poem. 
 Edited by T. Wright, vol. xi 1843 
 40. Thirteen Psalms and the First Chapter of Ecclesiastes. 
 Translated into English verse, by J. Croker. Edited by 
 Rev. P. Bliss, vol. xi. 1844 
 41. An Historical Expostulation against the beastlye abuses 
 both of Chyrurgerie and Physyke, by John Halle. Edited 
 by T. J. Pettigrew, vol. xi 1844 
 42. Old Ballads Illustrating the Great Frost of 1683-4. 
 Edited by E. F. Rimbault, vol. ix 1844 
 43. Lord Mayors' Pageants, Part 2. Edited by F. W. Fair- 
 holt, vol. x 1844 
 44. The Honestie of this Age. By Barnaby Rich. Edited 
 by P. Cunningham, vol. xi. ...... 1844 
 45. The History of Reynard the Fox. Edited by W. J. 
 Thorns, vol. xii . 1844 
 46. The Keen of the South of Ireland. Edited by T. C. 
 Croker, vol. xiii. ........ 1844 
 47. The Poems of John Audelay. A Specimen of the 
 Shropshire dialect in the 15th century. Edited by J. O. 
 Halliwell, vol. xiv 1844 
 48. St. Brandan, a Mediaeval Legend of the Sea. Edited 
 by T. Wright, vol. xiv 1844 
 49. The Romance of the Emperor Octavian. Edited by J. 
 0. Halliwell, vol. xiv 1844 
 50. Six Ballads, with Burdens. Edited by J. Goodwin, 
 vol. xiii 1844 
 51. Lyrical Poems. Selected from musical publications 
 between 1589 and 1600. Edited by J. P. Collier, vol. xiii. 1844 
478 PER PEE 
 PERCY SOCIETY, Publications of the continued. 
 52. Friar Bakon's Prophesie, a Satire on the Degeneracy of 
 the Times, 1604. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. xv. . 1844 
 53. The Seven Sages. In English verse. Edited by T. 
 Wright, vol. xvi 1845 
 54. Popular Songs, illustrative of the French Invasions of 
 Ireland. Edited by T. C. Croker, vol. xxi. (Part 2, see 
 No. 67, Parts 3, 4, see No. 70) 1845 
 55. Poetical Miscellanies of the time of James I. Edited 
 by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. xv 1845 
 56. The Crown Garland of Golden Roses. By R. Johnson. 
 Edited by W. Chappell, Part 2, vol. xv. (For Part 1, see 
 No. 23) 1845 
 57. Barnfield's Affectionate Shepherd, 1594. Edited by J. 
 0. Halliwell, vol. xx 1845 
 58. Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads. 
 Edited by J. H. Dixon, vol. xvii 1845 
 59. Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of 
 Canterbury. Edited by W. H. Black, vol. xix. . . 1845 
 60. The Pastime of Pleasure. An allegorical Poem. By 
 Stephen Hawes. Edited by T. Wright, vol. xviii. . . 1845 
 61. The Civic Garland. A Collection of Songs from London 
 Pageants. Edited by F. W. Fairholt, vol. xix. . . 1845 
 62. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of 
 England. Edited by J. H. Dixon, vol. xvii. . . . 1846 
 63. The Romance of Syr Tryamoure. Edited by J. 0. 
 Halliwell, vol. xvi. 1846 
 64. The Introductory Essay on the Romance of the Seven 
 Sages. Edited by T. Wright, vol. xvi 1846 
 65. A Dialogue of Wit and Folly. By J. Heywood. Edited 
 by F. W. Fairholt, vol. xx . 1846 
 66. A Collection of Proverbs and Popular Sayings, relating 
 to the Seasons and Weather, and Agricultural pursuits. 
 By M. A. Denham, vol. xx. ...... 1846 
 67. Popular Songs, illustrative of the French Invasions of 
 Ireland, Part 2. Edited by T. C. Croker, vol. xxi. (Parti, 
 see No. 54) 1846 
 68. The Canterbury Tales of Geoffry Chaucer, vol. i. 
 Edited by T. Wright, vol. xxiv. (Vol. ii., see No. 72, 
 vol. iii., see No. 91) 1847 
 69. The Most Pleasant Song of Lady Bessy, and how she 
 married King Henry VII. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, -^^ 
 vol. xx . . . 1847- 
 70. Popular Songs, illustrative of the French invasions of 
 Ireland, Parts 3, 4. Edited by T. C. Croker, vol. xxi. 
 (Part 1, see No. 54, Part 2, see No. 67) . . . . 1847 
 71. The Cytezen and Uplondyshman. By A. Barclay. 
 Edited by F. W. Fairholt, vol. xxii 1847 
 72. The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, vol. ii. Edited by 
 T. Wright, vol. xxv. (Vol. i. See No. 68) . . . 1847 
 73. Songs and Carols of the Fifteenth Century. Edited 
 by T. Wright, vol. xxiii. 1847 
PER PER 479 
 PERCY SOCIETY, Publications of the continued. 
 74. An Interlude of the Four Elements. Edited by J. 0. 
 Halliwell, vol. xxii 1848 
 75. The Disobedient Child, a new Interlude. By T. Ingelend. 
 Edited by J. O. Halliwell, vol. xxii. . ' . . . 1848 
 76. The Autobiography of Mary, Countess of Warwick, 
 1671-74. Edited by T. C. Croker, vol. xxii. . . . 1848 
 77. Festive Songs of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Edited 
 by W. Sandys, vol. xxiii. 1848 
 78. Westward for Smelts, written by Kinde Kit of King- 
 ston. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. xxii. . . . 1848 
 79. Descriptive Notices of popular English Histories. 
 Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. xxiii. . . . 1848 
 80. Beleeve as you List, a lost play, by P. Massinger. Edited 
 by T. C. Croker, vol. xxvii. ... . . 1849 
 81. Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume, from the 13th 
 to the 19th century. Edited by F. W. Fairholt, vol. xxvii. 1849 
 82. A Poem on the times of Edward II. Edited by Rev. 
 C. Hardwick, vol. xxviii. ...... 1849 
 83. Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap-Books. By J. 0. 
 Halliwell, vol. xxix 1849 
 84. The Man in the Moone, or the English Fortune Teller. 
 Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, vol. xxix 1849 
 85. The Religious Poems of William de Shoreham. Edited 
 by T. Wright, vol. xxviii 1849 
 86. The Interlude of the Trial of Treasure. Edited by J. O. 
 Halliwell, vol. xxviii. ....... 1850 
 87. A manifest Detection of the Most Vyle and Detestable 
 Use of Dice Play. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, vol. xxix. 1850 
 88. An Anglo-Saxon Passion of St. George. Edited by the 
 Rev. C. Hardwick, vol. xxviii. . . . . . . 1850 
 89. The Loyal Garland, a Collection of Songs of the 17th 
 century. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, vol. xxix, . . 1850 
 90. Poems and Songs relating to George Villiers, Duke of 
 Buckingham. Edited by F. W. Fairholt, vol. xxix. . 1850 
 91. The Canterbury Tales of Geoffry Chaucer Edited by 
 T. Wright, vol. xxvi. [Yol i. see No. 68 ; vol. ii. see 
 No. 72] 1851 
 92. The Garland of Good- Will. By T. Deloney. Edited 
 by J. H. Dixon, vol. xxx. ...... 1851 
 93. Britannia's Pastorals. Edited by T. C. Croker, vol. xxx. 1852 
 94. The Enterlude of John Bon and Mast Person. Edited 
 by W. H. Black, vol. xxx 1852 
 PE"RE"FIXE, Hardouin de. Histoire du Roy Henry le Grand. 
 a Amsterdam (Elzevier), 1661 
 PE"RIGUEUX. Date de la Construction de 1'figlise Saint-Front, 
 8vo. RiUrac, 1883 
 PE RINGS KIOLO, John. Monumentorum Suevo-Gothicorum Liber 
 primus, fol. ... . Stockholm, 1710 
 PERIZONIUS, Jacobus. Panegyricus Regi Yilhelmo Arausiaco. 
 (Bound with " Saxo Grammaticus." Sora, 1644.) Fol. 
 Franequerce, 1689 
480 PER PES 
 PERKINS, John. A Treatise of the Laws of England on Con- 
 veyancing. Fourteenth edition, 8vo. . . Lond. 1757 
 PERLIN, Estienne. 
 Description d'Angleterre. Edited by Richard (rough, with 
 Histoire de 1' Entree de la reine Mere par P. De la Serre, 
 4to ib. 1775 
 Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Escosse. 
 Edited by R. Gough, 4to ib. 1775 
 Les Conites de Looz, et leurs Monnaies, 8vo. (Tracts 42) 
 Brussels, 1845 
 La Yille de Maestricht, et ses Monnaies, 8vo. (Tracts 42) 
 ib. 1846 
 PERREAUD, P. L'Antidemon de Mascon ; ou, la relation des 
 choses qui on este faites par un Demon dans la "Ville de 
 Mascon, en la maison du S r - Perreaud. Ensemble, La 
 Demonologie, par le meme, 12mo. . . . Geneva, 1661 
 PERRIN, Joseph. The Manchester Handbook, an authentic 
 Account of the Place and its People, 8vo. 
 Manchester and Lond. [1856] 
 PERRONET, J. R. GEuvres. Plates. Atlas fol. . . Paris, 1782 
 PERRONIANA ET THUANA, ou Pensees judicieuses, bons mots, etc., 
 du Card. Du Perron et de M. de Thou. 12mo. Cologne, 1694 
 PERROT, J. F. A. Antiquites de Nismes. (Extracted from Me- 
 nard's work on Nismes, with additions.) 8vo. . Nismes, 1834 
 PERRY, J. T. An Account of the Priory of S. Martin, Dover, 
 8vo. (Tracts 126**) . . . Oxford and Lond. 1871 
 PERRY, J. T., and Charles HENMAN, jun. Illustrations of Me- 
 diaeval Antiquities in the County of Durham, fol. ib. 1867 
 PERRY, John. 
 The State of Russia, under the present Czar. Also an 
 Account of the Tartars, 8vo. .... Lund. 1716 
 The Stopping of Daggenham Breach, 8vo. . . ib. 1721 
 PERRY, T. W. Notes on the Judgment of the Judicial Com- 
 mittee of the Privy Council in the Appeal Hebbert v. 
 Purchas, 8vo ib. 1877 
 PERSIGNY, Fialin de. Sur la destination des Pyramides d'Egypte, 
 8vo ...'.. Paris, 1845 
 PERSIUS. Opera, Yalpy's edition, 1 vol. 8vo. . . Lond. 1820 
 Satyres translated into English. By M. Holyday, sm. 8vo. 
 ib. 1617 
 PERUCCI, Francesco. Pompe Funebri di tutte le Nationi del 
 Mondo, 4to. ....... Verona, 1639 
 PERUCCI, Oratio. Porte d'Architectura Rustica, fol. . . 1634 
 PERUCHIO, M. Enchiridion Curieux, ou le Recueil de la Chryso- 
 mance, Physionomie et Geomance, avec la signification 
 des Nombres, et F usage de la Roue de Pytagore, 4to. 
 Paris, 1656 
 PERUGIA, Guida al forestiere per, 8vo. . . . Perugia, 1784 
 PESTALLOZZI, G. H. B. Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften, 8vo. 
 Elberfeld, 1858 
PET PET 481 
 PETAVIUS, Paulus. Pa. P. In Fracor, Curia Consilia. Anti- 
 quarios Supellectilis Portiuncula. Also, Pa. P. In Fran- 
 corum Curia Consiliari. Veterum Nummorum gnorisma, 
 4to. ........ Parisius [sic], 1610 
 PETER, Richard, and PETER, 0. B. The Histories of Launceston 
 and Dunheved, Cornwall, 8vo. . . . Plymouth, 1885 
 PETERSEN, Christian. Geschichte der Hamburgischen Stadt- 
 bibliothek, 8vo. ...... Hamburg, 1838 
 PETERSEN, Joan. The Witch of Wapping, 1652, 8vo. Reprint. 
 Lond. 1843 
 PETIT, Alexandre. Recherches sur la Decouverte a Royat des 
 Substructions d'un fitablissement Thermal Gallo-Romain 
 8vo Clermont-Ferrand, 1884 
 PETIT, J. L. 
 Letter to the Secretary of the Lichfield Architectural 
 Society, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) .... Lichfield, 1843 
 On Architectural Character, fol. . . . Oxford, 1846 
 Tewkesbury Abbey Church, 8vo. . . Cheltenham, 1848 
 Remarks on Church Architecture, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. circa 1850 
 Architectural Studies in France, 8vo. . . . ib. 1854 
 Architectural Notices of Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 70) . . ib. 1858 
 Architectural History of Boxgrove Priory. (Sound with 
 Willis's " Chichester Cathedral.") 4to. . . Chichester, 1861 
 The Lesser and the Greater Light. Edited by his Sister, 
 8vo Lond. 1869 
 PETIT, Victor. Les Chateaux de France des XV e> et XVP 
 Siecles, fol. ....... Paris, n.d. 
 PETIT RADEL, L. C. F. Examen analytique des Synchronismes 
 de 1'Histoire des Temps Heroiques de la Grece, 8vo. ib. 1828 
 [A review of the preceding] . n.p. n.d. 
 PETITIONS AND ANSWERS : Edited by F. O., Citizen and Weaver. 
 Edited by F. Ouvry. Privately printed. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1870 
 PETRARCA, Francesco. 
 I Triumphi e Sonnetti, fol Venice, 1497 
 II Petrarca, con 1'esposizione d' A. Vellutello, 8vo. . ib. 1550 
 Le Vite degl' Imperadori et Pontefici Romani, 4to. Florence, 1625 
 De Remediis utriusque Fortunes. De Contemptu Mundi, 
 12mo ' . Rotterdam, 1649 
 PETREVICTUS, Henricus. Tractatus quo Majores primum consilio 
 fundarint coenobia, 4to. (Bound with De Lerbeke) n.p. 1619 
 PETRIE, Hon. Edward. 
 Monumenta Historica Britannica, fol. . . Lond. 1848 
 Notices of English Colleges and Convents on the Continent, 
 edited by F. C. Husenbeth, 4to. . . . Norwich, 1849 
 PETRIE, George. The Ancient Music of Ireland, vol i. 4to. 
 Dublin, 1855 
 PETRIE, W. M. Flinders. The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, 
 4to Lond. [1883] 
482 PET PHA 
 Satyricon, cum Fragmento nuper Tragurii reperto. Acce- 
 dunt diversorum poetarum Lusus in Priapam, Pervigi- 
 lium Veneris, &c. Concinnante M. Hadrianide, 8vo. 
 Amsterdam, 1669-71 
 Satyricon. Accessit fragmentum Tragurianum et quod 
 Albae Greecae recuperatum est anno 1682, 2 vols. 32mo. 
 ib. 1700 
 Bibliotheca Sussexiana : a descriptive Catalogue of the 
 Library of the Duke of Sussex, in Kensington Palace. 
 2 vols. in 3, 4to Lond. 1827-39 
 History of Egyptian Mummies, 4to. . . . ib. 1834 
 Medical Portrait Gallery, 4 vols. 4to. . ' . ib. 1840 
 Encyclopaedia JBgyptiaca, No. 1, 8vo. (Tracts 86) . ib. 1842 
 On Superstitions connected with the History of Medicine, 
 8vo. ib. 1844 
 Letter to Dr. Merewether, relative to the British Archaeolo- 
 gical Association, 8vo. ...... ib. 1845 
 On the Study of Archaeology, 8vo. (Tracts 86) . . ib. 1850 
 History of Barber Surgeons, 8vo. (Tracts 86) . . ib. 1852 
 Letter on the State of the Society of Antiquaries in reply 
 to J. Bruce, 8vo. (Tracts 86) ib. 1852 
 Letter to the British Archaeological Association on the 
 conduct of T. Hugo, 8vo. (Tracts 86) ... ib. 1855 
 Discovery of the Ancient City of Tharros, 8vo. (Tracts 86 
 Contributions to a History of the Society of Antiquaries, 
 8vo. (Tracts 86) ib. 
 On a Roman Urn, found in Charnwood Forest, co. Leicester, 
 8vo. (Tracts SI) 
 PETTINGAL, John. On the Original of the Equestrian Figure of 
 the George and of the Garter, 4to. (Second Copy, Tracts 
 36*) ib. n.d. 
 PEUTINGERUS, Conradus. Tabula itineraria, edited by F. C. de 
 Scheyb, fol Rome, 1753 
 PEYRON, Amedeus. Lexicon Linguae Copticae, 4to. . Turin, 1835 
 PEZELIUS, C. Prsecepta Doctrines Genethliacae. (Bound with 
 Camerarius : " Horarum Centuria.") 
 PEZRON, P. Y. Antiquities of Nations, more particularly of the 
 Celtae, translated by D. Jones, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1706 
 PFEIFFER, J. ( P. Libri IY. Antiquitatum Graecarum, 4to. 
 Konigsberg and Leipsic, 1689 
 PFIZMAIER, August. Kritische Durchsicht der von Daividow 
 verfassten Wortersammlung aus der Sprache der Aino's, 
 8vo "-' . . Wien, 1851 
 PFNOR, Rodolphe. Architecture, Decoration et Ameublement, 
 fipoque Louis XVI. (Plates.) Atlas fol. . Paris, 1865 
 PHJIDRO, G. Physicall and Chymicall Works. Selected by 
 J. A. Schenccius. 12mo. .... Lond. 1654 
 PHAEDRUS. Opera. Edited by Valpy, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1822 
PHA PHI 483 
 PHALARIS. Epistolae. Ex MSS. recensuit C. Boyle, 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1718 
 PHELPS, A. An Essay in Marathi on Beneficent Government 
 by Vishnubawa Brahmachari. Translated. Sq. 12mo. 
 Bombay, 1869 
 PHELPS, J. D. Collectanea Glocestriensa, 8vo. . . Lond. 1842 
 PHELPS, William. History and Antiquities of Somersetshire, 
 2 vols. 4to. ....... ib. 1836-39 
 1857, pp. 33-48, 8vo. (Tracts 48) 
 8vo. Melbourne, 1875 
 Proceedings, 4 May, 1865, to 31 December, 1866, 8vo. (Two 
 copies) ....... Philadelphia, 1867 
 Proceedings at the Presentation of a Medal to Eli K. Price, 
 President, 8vo ib. 1879 
 Report of the Operations for the years 1878 and 1879, 8vo. 
 ib. 1880 
 Necrology for 1880 ; for 1881. By C. H. Hart, 8vo. ib. 1881-82 
 Proceedings with Necrological Notices, 1881, &c., 8vo. In 
 progress . . . . . . . ib. 1882, etc. 
 Constitution and By-Laws, with List of Members, 8vo. ib. 1883 
 Proceedings in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of its 
 Foundation, 8vo. ... . . . ib. 1883 
 PHILALETHA, Eirenseus. Secrets Reveal'd ; or, an Open En- 
 trance to the Shut-Palace of the King : containing the 
 greatest Treasure in Chymistry, &c., 12mo. . Lond. 1669 
 PHILALETHES, Eugenius. Lumen de Lumine, or a new Magicall 
 Light discovered, 12mo. ...... ib. 1651 
 Bangor ; occasioned by his Sermon, preached before the 
 House of Lords, January 30, 1749, 8vo. . . . ib. 1750 
 PHILERMOS. History and description of the Icon of Our Blessed 
 Lady of Philermos. Indulgences granted by Pope Pius IX. 
 to the Church of St. John of Jerusalem, in Great Ormond 
 Street, 8vo. ........ n.p. n.d. 
 PHILIPOTT, Thomas. Kent Surveyed, fol ib. 1659 
 PHILIPPUS, R. P. H. Introductio Chronologica, sive, opusculum 
 de compute ecclesiastico ad Chronologiam accommodato, 
 4to Cologne, 1621 
 PHILLIPS, Edward. 
 The New World of Words, or a General English Dictionary, 
 fol . Lond. 1678 
 Another edition, fol. .... ib. 1696 
 PHILLIPS, G. W. History and Antiquities of the Parish of 
 Bermondsey, 8vo ib. 1841 
 PHILLIPS, Henry. 
 An Historical Sketch of the Paper Money issued by Penn- 
 sylvania, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) . . Philadelphia, 1862 
 A Catalogue of the New Jersey Bills of Credit, 8vo. (Tracts 
 56***) . . . ib. 1863 
484 PHI PHI 
 PHILLIPS, Henry continued. 
 The Pleasures of Numismatic Science, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) 
 Philadelphia, 1867 
 Some Observations on the Early Currency of Maryland, 
 8vo. (Tracts 56***) ib. 1867 
 Medicine and Astrology, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) . . ib. 1867 
 Notes upon the Collection of Coins and Medals now upon 
 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum, 8vo. . ib, 1879 
 Additional Notes, &c., 8vo. . . . 1879 
 An Account of an Old Work on Cosmography, 8vo. . . 1880 
 An Account of Two Maps of America published in 1550 
 and 1555, 8vo 1880 
 Notes upon a Denarius of Augustus Caesar, 8vo. . . . 1880 
 Some recent Discoveries of Stone Implements in Africa 
 and Asia, 8vo 1880 
 Worship of the Sun. The Story told by a Coin of Con- 
 stantine the Great. Privately printed. 4to. . . ib. 1880 
 Certain Old Almanacs Published in Philadelphia between 
 1705 and 1744, 8vo 1881 
 A Glimpse into the Past, 8vo ib. 1881 
 Head Dresses exhibited on Ancient Coins, 4to. . . ib. 1881 
 Obituary Notice of Peter McCall, 8vo 1881 
 Basilisks and Cockatrices, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1882 
 Remarks upon a Coin of Sicyon, 8vo. .... ib. 1882 
 A Brief Account of the more important Public Collections 
 of American Archaeology in the United States, 8vo. ib. 1883 
 The Coinage of the United States of America, 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 Notes upon the Codex Ramirez, with a translation, 8vo. . 1883 
 On a supposed Runic Inscription at Yarmouth, Nova 
 Scotia, 8vo . ib. 1884 
 A Manual of Metallurgy, 8vo. .... Lond. 1852 
 Chemical Examination of Metals known to the Ancients, 
 8vo. (Tracts 109) 
 The History of Cilgerran ; with Copies of Charters, &c., 
 8vo ib. 1867 
 A List of the Sheriffs of Cardiganshire, 1539 to 1868, with 
 Notes, 8vo. ...... Carmarthen, 1868 
 PHILLIPS, Joseph. Outline of a Plan for the Abolition of 
 Slavery, 8vo. (Tracts 124) .... Lond. 1833 
 The Autograph Album, 4to ib. 1866 
 The Dictionary of Biographical Reference, with a Classed 
 Index of the Biographical Literature of Europe and 
 America, 8vo. ........ ib. 1871 
 PHILLIPS, Samuel. Guide to the Crystal Palace. Illustrated 
 by P. H. Delamotte, 8vo ib. 1854 
 PHILLIPS, T. History of Shrewsbury, 4to. . Shrewsbury, 1779 
 PHILLIPPS, Sir Thomas, Works Edited, Printed, and Reprinted by. 
 1. Oxfordshire Pedigrees. (No. 1557 Harl. MS.) pp. 4, 
 fol. . . 1825 
PHI PHI 485 
 PHILLIPPS, Sir Thomas continued. 
 2. Parochial Collections for the County of Oxford. (No 
 title-page. The Parishes extend to letter E.), pp. 98, fol. . 1825 
 3. The Visitation of Middlesex, began in the year 1663 by 
 W. Ryley and H. Dethick, Deputies to Sir E. 
 Bysshe, pp. 52, fol Salisbury, 1820 
 4. The Cambridgeshire Visitation, by H. St. George, 1619. 
 From MSS. Phillipps, No. 63. (Arms of Cambridge- 
 shire Families in MSS. Phillipps, No. 63), pp. 35, fol, . 1840 
 5. Errata in the Wiltshire Visitation, pp. 4, fol. . n.p. n.d. 
 6. Leases of Lands and Grants of Offices in England, 
 temp. E. VI. pp. 4, fol. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 7. A Book of Glamorganshire Antiquities, by Bice 
 Merrick, Esq., 1578, pp. 68, fol. . . . . . 1825 
 8. Glamorganshire Pedigrees. From the MSS. of Sir 
 Isaac Heard. Fol Worcester, 1845 
 9. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Antonii a Wood. 
 By W. Huddesford, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum. 
 Printed 1761. Fol 1824 
 10. Index Nominum Locorum, Virorum, et Rerum. (In 
 Catal. MSS. Phillipps, 1846, No. 1 to 2410.) Fol. n.p. n.d. 
 11. Index to MSS. in Bibliotheca Phillippica, 2410-2999, 
 3000-3712, 3706-4000, 4001-4600, 4601-4912, fol. n.p.. n.d. 
 12. 4912. (Two pages, containing letter A.) 
 n.p. n.d. 
 13. 49121-1506 (B-Z) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 14. 11507-12100 (A-Z) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 15. Index Bibliothecarum e quibus congestaest Bibliotheca 
 Phillippica, vol. i. 1848 ...... n.p. n.d. 
 16. Redditus sequentes ex antiquo Manuscripto continente 
 tota Biblia, olim penes H. Spilman, excerpti sunt. 
 (Redditus Ecclesie Sancte Marie de Walsingham.) Fol. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 17. Catalogue of some of the Manuscripts in the Public 
 Library of Basle. In Lapidem ex .^Egypto allatum, nunc 
 in Bibliotheca Publica apud Frankfort- super-Mcenum, 
 fol. .......... n.p.. n.d. 
 18. Catalogus Incunabulorum Professoris L. Van Ess, 
 nunc in Bibliotheca Phillippica depositorum. Fol. n.p. n.d. 
 19. Pedigree of Blunt of Heathfield Park, co. Sussex, and 
 of Lidiard Millicent, co. Wilts. (Printed on a sheet.) 
 20. Proposals for printing Extracts from the Close Rolls, 1 
 E. III. to 22 E. IV. from No. 4100 MSS. Phillipps, at 
 Middle Hill. 
 21. Institutiones Clericorum in Comitatu Wiltoniee ab anno 
 1297. ad annum 1810, vol. i. fol 1825 
 22. Registrum Henrici Cotton, 1598, fol. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 23. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca D. 
 Thomop Phillipps, Bart., A.D. 1837. (212 pages, but pages 
 29-32, 33-40, 45-6, 53-6, 60-76, 96-100 are wanting) . 1837 
486 PHI PHI 
 PHILLIPPS, Sir Thomas continued. 
 24. Cartularium S. Johannis Bapt. de Caermarthen, longo 
 tempore perditum, nuper repertum inter MSS. Hengwrt. 
 Hodie in Bibliotheca Wmi. W. E. Wynne, fol. 
 Cheltenham, 1865 
 25. Index to Cartularies now or formerly existing since 
 the Dissolution of Monasteries, l'2mo. .... 1839 
 26. Catalogue of Knights made in Ireland temp. Q. Eliz. 
 Ex MSS. Warburton, in Bibl. Medio-Montana, No. 1512, 
 12mo. 1860 
 27. Codices Manuscripti in Bibliotheca Sti. Yedasti, apud 
 Atrebatiam, 1828. At page 69 there follows 
 Codices Manuscripti per Abbatem Seiwoldum Abbatise 
 suse Sti. Vedasti donati. Ex. No. 539, MSS. S. Vast. At 
 page 71 there follows 
 Codices Manuscripti olim in Bibliothecis Abbatice S. 
 Vedasti, et Ecclesiae Cathedralis Atrebatiae, Abbatise S. 
 Eligii, prope Atrebatiam ; et S. Bertini, apud S. Audo- 
 marum, sed hodie in Bibliotheca publica apud Boulogne, 
 conservati. At page 74 there follows 
 Catalogiis Codicum MSS. quorundam in Bibliotheca Dni 
 Thomae Phillipps, Baronetti, nondum Catalogo suo 
 generali impressorum, 8vo. (Tracts 146) . . Paris, 1828 
 28. Catalogue Sommaire des Manuscrits de la Biblio- 
 theque de la Ville de St. Omer, 1828, 8vo. (Tracts 146.) 
 8t. Omer, 1828 
 29. Codices Manuscripti in Bibliotheca Publica de Lille, 
 1828, 8vo. (Tracts 146) 1828 
 30. Parish Register of Durneford, Wilts, ab anno 1574, ad 
 annum 1650, 8vo. ....... n.p. n.d. 
 31. Catalogue of Books at Middle Hill, Worcestershire, 
 1819, fol. Salisbury, 
 32. An account of the Family and Descendants of Sir 
 Thomas Molyneux, Chancellor of the Exchequer in 
 Ireland to Queen Elizabeth, 4to. (Tracts 32) Evesham, 1820 
 List of Members, 1883, sin. 4to Lond. 1883 
 Bishop Cranmer's Recantacyons. Edited by Lord Hough- 
 ton. Sm. 4to. 
 Horace Walpole's Marginal Notes, written in Dr. Maty's 
 Works and Memoirs of Lord Chesterfield. By R. S. 
 Turner. Sm. 4to. 
 PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vol. ii. No. 33, 8vo. (Tracts 113) ib. 1845 
 PHILOPATEIS. Ships, Colonies, and Commerce, 8vo. (Tracts 
 124) ib. 1852 
 PHILOSTRATUS, Flavius. Opera. Edited by 0. Gottfridus. Fol. 
 Leipsic, 1709 
 PHILOSTRATUS, Eunapius, Himerius. Opera, 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1849 
 Notes on Carrow Priory, Norwich, 4to. . [Norwich, 1881] 
 Sparrowe's House, Ipswich, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) 
 PHIPSON, R. M. continued. 
 Framlingham Castle, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) 
 Notes on Starston Church, and a Mural Painting there, 
 8vo. (Tracts 55***) n.p. n.d. 
 PHCEBEUS, F. M. De Identitate Cathedrae in qua Sanctus Petrus 
 Rom primum sedit, 8vo. .... Rome, 1666 
 PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Photographic Journal, vols-. i. to xvi. 
 and New Series, vols. i., etc. In progress . Lond. 1854, etc. 
 PHOTOGRAPHS. A fol. vol. containing 112 mounted Photographs, 
 chiefly Architectural. 
 PHOTOGRAPHY, Popular Treatise on, 8vo. (Tracts 150) Brighton, 1847 
 List of Fellows, 8vo. In progress . . . Lond. 1858, etc. 
 The Nomenclature of Diseases drawn up by a Joint Com- 
 mittee, 8vo ib. 1869 
 PHYSIQUE OCCULTE, ou Traite de la Baguette Divinatoire. 
 (Plates.) 2 vols. 12mo. The Hague, 1747 
 PICARD, The Family of. The Picards, or Pychards, of Stradewy 
 (now Tretower) Castle, and Scethrog, Brecknockshire ; 
 Ocle Pichard, &c. Herefordshire ; Sapey Pichard, and 
 Suckley, Worcestershire. With some account of the 
 Family of Sapy, of Upper Sapey, Herefordshire. [By 
 Miss Mary Cooke.] 4to Lond. 1878 
 PICARDIE, Supplement a 1'Essai sur 1'Histoire de, 12mo. 
 Lond. and Abbeville, 1774 
 PICARDIE, Societe des Antiquaires de. 
 Statuts et Reglement, 8vo. 
 Memoires, Vol. i. etc., 8vo. Li progress . . ib. 1839, etc. 
 Memoires, Documents inedits concernant la Province, Yols. 
 i.-viii. 4to Amiens, 1852-1871 
 Rapports sur les Travaux, 1840, 41, 42, 43, 8vo. ib. 1840-43 
 Bulletins. Vols. ii.-vi., xii., xiii., 8vo. . . ib. 1844, etc. 
 Introduction a 1'Histoire generale de la Province de Picardie. 
 Par D. Grenier, livr. i., ii., 4to. . . . ib. 1849-53 
 Coutumes Locales du Bailliage d' Amiens. Par M. A. 
 Bouthors, 2 tomes, 4to ib. 1852-53 
 Programme du Concours pour la Construction du Musee 
 Napoleon a Amiens, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1853 
 Recherches sur les anciens Comtes de Beaumont-sur-Oise 
 du 11-13 siecle. Par L. Douet D'Arcq, 4to. . . ib. 1855 
 Cartulaire de L'Abbaye de Notre-Dame D'Ourscamp. Par 
 P. Delacourt. 4to. ib. 1865 
 Histoire de la Ville de Doullens. Par E. Delgove. 4to. ib. 1865 
 Benefices de 1'figlise D'Amiens. Par F. J. Darsy. 2 vols. 
 4to ib. 1869-71 
 PICARDT, Johan. Antiquiteten der provintien en Landen van de 
 Noordzee, &c. Tweede druk, 8vo. . . Groningen, 1731 
 PICART, Bernard. Religious Ceremonies, 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1731-37 
 PICCARDO, Angelo. Relazione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo, 
 fatto dal P. G. Merolla, 8vo Naples, 1726 
488 PIC PIN 
 PlCKETT, W. Y. 
 Address to the President of the Royal Academy, 8vo. Lond. 1843 
 New Forms in Architecture for Iron, 8vo. (Tracts 56) ib. 1849 
 PICKFOED, John. A Week in the Yorkshire Dales. Second 
 edition, 8vo. ...... Manchester, 1882 
 PICTET, A. Essai sur quelques Inscriptions en langue Gauloise, 
 8vo Geneva, 1859 
 PlCTON, J. A. 
 Philological Papers, comprising Notes on the Ancient 
 Gothic Language, and Sanskrit Roots and English 
 Derivations, 8vo. ...... Liverpool, 1864 
 Notes of a Sketching Tour in France and Belgium, 8vo. ib. 1867 
 Memorials of Liverpool, historical and topographical, 2 vol. 
 8vo Lond. 1873 
 City of Liverpool. Selections from the Municipal Archives, 
 13th to 17th century inclusive, 4to. . Liverpool, 1883 
 PIDGEON, Henry. Descriptive Account of Haughmond Abbey, 
 Salop, 8vo. ...... Shrewsbury, 1867 
 PIEEEACCINI, Francesco. La Piazza del Granduca di Firenze co' 
 suoi monumenti, disegenati da F. Pierraccini, incisi da G. 
 Lasinio, e dichiarati da M. Misserini. (Plates). Fol. 
 Florence, 1830 
 PIERS PLOUGHMAN, Vision and Creed of. Edited by T. Wright, 
 2 vols. fcp. 8vo Lond. 1856 
 PIETEES, Charles. Annales de I'lmprimerie des Elsevier. 
 Second edition, 8vo. Ghent, 1858 
 PIETEASZEWSKI, Ignatius. Numi Mohammedani, 4to. (Tracts 
 25) Berlin, 1843 
 PiGGOT, John. Notes on the History and Distribution of Gold, 
 Silver, and Tin, in Great Britain, 4to. . . Lond. 1870 
 PIKE, L. 0. A History of Crime in England, illustrating the 
 Changes of the Laws in the Progress of Civilisation, 
 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1873-76 
 PILBEOW, James. 
 Hydrodynamic, a New System of Propulsion, 8vo. (Tracts 
 125) ib. 1848 
 On Supply of Water, 8vo. (Tracts 125) . . . ib. 1849 
 A Town's Sewage : its disposal, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) ib. 1866 
 Report to the Board of Health, Canterbury, fol. (Tracts 
 157*) Canterbury, 1867 
 PILKINGTON, James. A Yiew of the present state of Derbyshire. 
 In 2 vols. 8vo Derby, 1789 
 PILOTELLE, M. Le Gros Horloge de Poitiers, 8vo. (Tracts 50) 1845 
 PILPAY, The Fables of, 12mo Lond. 1699 
 PIM, Bedford. The Negro and Jamaica, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 PINCHART, Alexandre. Archives des Arts, Sciences, et Lettres. 
 Documents inedits, Premiere Serie, 2 vols. 8vo. Gand, 186063 
 Notes upon the Assyrian Report Tablets, with Translations, 
 8vo [Lond. 1878] 
 Remarks on Babylonian Contract Tablets and the Canon of 
 Ptolemy, 8vo [ib. 1879] 
PIN PIO 489 
 PINCHES, T. G. continued. 
 The Bronze Gates of Shalmaneser II. B.C. 859-825, dis- 
 covered by Mr. Rassam at Balawat. Pt. 1 . [Lond. 1880] 
 On a Cuneiform Inscription relating to the capture of 
 Babylon by Cyrus, 8vo [ib. 1880] 
 The Terra-cotta Tablets of Babylonia and Assyria, 8vo. 
 [ib. 1880] 
 Baked Clay Tablet from Cappadocia now in the British 
 Museum, 8vo. . . . . . . . [ib. 1881] 
 The Cappadocian Tablet in the Bibliotheque Rationale, and 
 that in the British Museum, 8vo. . . . [ib. 1881] 
 Consonants S, R, and L, in Assyrian, 8vo. . . [ib. 1881] 
 A New Fragment of the History of Nebuchadnezzar III. 
 8vo [ib. 1881] 
 Some Discoveries bearing on the History and Chronology 
 of Babylonia. Papers upon Assyrian Grammar. (Intro- 
 ductory) 8vo [ib. 1882] 
 On Babylonian Tablets relating to House-Holding. Upon 
 the name Ben-Hadad, 8vo [ib. 1883] 
 The Antiquities found by Mr. H. Rassam at Abu-Habbah 
 (Sippara), 8vo [ib. 1884] 
 Babylonian Legal Documents referring to House Property 
 and the Law of Inheritance, 8vo. . . . [ib. 1884] 
 Observations upon the Languages of the Early Inhabitants 
 of Mesopotamia, 8vo. ..... [ib. 1884] 
 On Babylonian Art, 8vo. . . . . . [ib. 1884] 
 On the Falcon. Papers on Assyrian Grammar, II. 8vo. 
 [ib. 1884] 
 Philological Society. Report on the Progress of Cuneiform 
 Research, 8vo [ib. 1884] 
 PINDAR. Pindaro tradotto in versi Italiani, 8vo. . Venice, 1796 
 PINDAR, Peter. 
 Works (Portrait), 8vo Lond. 1830 
 The Horrors of Bribery, 4to. (Tracts 17) . . . ib. 1802 
 The Middlesex Election, 4to. (Tracts 17) . . . ib. 1802 
 PINE, John. On the Tapestry Hangings in the House of Lords, 
 fol ib. 1753 
 PINELLI, Maffei. Sale Catalogue (priced) of his Library, 8vo. 
 ib. 1789 
 PINICIANUS, J. Promptuarium vocabulor'. JEdium partiu, locor', 
 artificu, instrumentor', &c. (Bound with "Vocahul&riua.") 
 Augsburg, 1516 
 Essay on Medals, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1789 
 Vitee Sanctorum qui habitaverunt in Scotia, 8vo. . ib. 1789 
 History of Scotland, 2 vols. 4to ib. 1797 
 Modern Geography, 2 vols. 4to ib. 1802 
 PINTIUS, J. A. De Nummis Ravennatibus dissertatio, 8vo. 
 (Tracts^) Venice, 1750 
 PIOT, G. J. C. Notice sur un Depot de Monnaies decouvert a 
 Grand-Halleux, Luxembourg, 4to. . . . Brussels, 1847 
490 PIO PLA 
 PIOZZI, Mrs. Autobiography, Letters, and Literary Remains. 
 Edited by A. Hay ward. Second edition (Portrait). 2 vols. 
 Lond. 1861 
 PIPE ROLL SOCIETY. Publications ib. 1884-86 
 Vol. i., ii., 5-6 Hen. II. 
 Vol. iii. Introduction to the Study of the Pipe Rolls. 
 Vol. iv.-vii, 7-10 Hen. II. 8vo. 
 PIPER, Ferdinand. 
 Das Christliche Museum der Universitat zu Berlin, 8vo. 
 Berlin, 1856 
 Vergleichender Kalender fur 1856-57, 8vo. . ib. 1856-57 
 Karls des Grossen Kalendarium und Ostertafel herausgege- 
 ben nebst einer abhandlung liber die ostercykeln des mit- 
 telalters, 8vo. ib. 1858 
 PIRANESI, Giambattista. 
 Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto, innalzati per la vittoria ad 
 Actium, &c. Atlas, fol. ..... n.p. n.d. 
 Yedute di Roma. (Plates.) 2 vols. obi. fol. . . n.p. n.d. 
 Diverse Maniere d'adornare i cammini desunte dall' Archi- ^4^ 
 tectura Egizia, Etrusca, Greca e Romana, fol. max. 
 Le Antichita Romane. (Plates.) 4 vols. atlas, fol. Rome, 1756 
 Delia Magnificenza ed Architettura de'Romani. (Plates.) 
 Atlas, fol ib. 1761 
 Yasi, Candelabri, Cippi, Sarcofagi, Tripodi, Lucerne, ed 
 Ornamenti antichi. (Plates.) 2 vols. obi. fol. . ib. 1778 
 PISA. Nuova Guida di Pisa e de' suoi contorni, sm. 8vo. Pisa, 1852 
 PISTOLESI, Erasmo. II Vaticano descritto, con disegni da C. 
 Guerra. (Plates.) 8 vols. fol. . . Rome, 1829-38 
 PITISCUS, Samuel. Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum, 3 vols. 
 fol Tie Hague, 1737 
 PITMAN, R. B. On the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific 
 Oceans, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1825 
 PITT, W. View of the Agriculture of the County of Worcester, 
 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) ib. 1810 
 PiTT-RiVERS, Lieut.- General. On the Development and Distri- 
 bution of Primitive Locks and Keys. (Illustrated.) 4to. 
 ib. 1883 
 PITTS, Joseph. Account of the Religion and Manners of the 
 Mohammetans, 8vo. ..... Exon, 1704 
 PLACENTINIUS, D. G. De Siglis veterum Grsecorum. De Tus- 
 culano Ciceronis D. B. Cardoni Disceptatio Apologetica, 
 4to . Rome, 1757 
 PLANCH^, J. R. 
 Descent of the Danube, 8vo. .... Lond. 1828 
 History of British Costume, 8vo. . . . ib. 1834 
 Regal Records, 12mo ib. 1838 
 The Pursuivant of Arms, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1852 
 New edition, 8vo ib. 1859 
 A Corner of Kent ; or, some account of the parish of Ash- 
 next- Sandwich, 8vo. ...... ib. 1864 
 The Conqueror and his Companions, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1874 
PLA PLI 491 
 PLANCHE", J. R. continued. 
 A Cyclopaedia of Costume ; or, Dictionary of Dress, 2 vols. 
 4to . . . Lond. 1876-79 
 Plays. Six volumes, various sizes. 
 PLANCY, J. C. De. Dictionnaire Infernal, 8vo. . . Paris, 1844 
 PLANTIN, Christophe. Thesaurus Theutonicae Linguae, 4to. 
 Antwerp, 1573 
 PLATANIA, D. Raimondo. Per la Morte di Carlo III. Orazione, 
 4to. (Tracts 26) Catania, 1789 
 PLATINA. Liber de Vita Christi : ac Pontificum omnium : fol. 
 Impensd Johannis Vercellensis 1485 
 Scripta Graeca omnia recensuit I. Bekker, 9 vols. Lond. 1826 
 Opera Omnia Graece. 3 vols. 8vo. . Paris, Didot, 1846-73 
 The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides, and Timaeus. Trans- 
 lated from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor, 8vo. Lond. 1793 
 The Republic, translated, with Notes by J. L. Davies and 
 D. J. Vaughan. Third edition, 12mo. . Cambridge, 1866 
 PL ATT, T. P. Ethiopic Didascalia, 4to. . . . Lond. 1834 
 Comoediae, 16mo. . . . Amstelodami (Elzevir), 1652 
 Comoediae, Valpy's edition, 5 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1829 
 PLAYFAIR, Lyon. On Industrial Instruction on the Continent, 
 8vo. (Tracts 48) ib. 1852 
 PLAYFAIR, R. L. History of Arabia Felix, 8vo. . . Bombay, 1859 
 On the Early Occupation of the Cotteswold Hills by Man, 
 8vo. (Tracts 55***) n.p. 1870 
 On the Ancient Camps of Gloucestershire, 8vo. Gloucester, 1875 
 PLAYS. A 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. Catiline, his Conspiracy: a tragoedie. The author B. J. 
 Lond. 1669 
 2. Sophonisba: a tragedy, by N. Lee .... ib. 1676 
 3. Romulus and Hersilia : a tragedy 
 4. The Scowrers: a comedy, by T. Shadwell . . ib. 1691 
 5. The Amorous Gallant, or, Love in Fashion . . ib. 1675 
 0. The Anatomist, or the Sham Doctor, by Mr. Ravens- 
 croft ib. 1697 
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 Second edition, with Notes. 12 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1780 
 Papyrus de Turin, Facsimiles par F. Rossi de Turin, fol. 
 Leyden, 1869 
 Chapitres supplementaires* du Livre des Morts, 162 a 174. 
 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1881 
 PLENDERLEATH, W. C. The White Horses of the West of Eng- 
 land. With Notices of some other ancient Turf- 
 Monuments. 8vo Lond. [1886] 
 PLTCQUE, A. E. Un Talisman Gallo-Romain, 8vo. 
 Clermont-Ferrand, 1885 
492 PLI FOE 
 PLINIUS, C. (the Elder). 
 Historiae Naturalis libri xxxvii. 3 vols. 12mo. 
 Lugd. Bat., Elzevir, 1635 
 Opera, Yalpy's edition. 12 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1826 
 PLINIUS, C. (the Younger). Epistolae et Panegyricus. Editio 
 nova. M. Z. Boxhornius recensuit, 12mo. 
 Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1653 
 PLOT, A Letter written upon the Discovery of the late. 
 (Historical Tracts 1672-1693.) 4to. . . Lond. 1678 
 Narrative of the Design to charge the Plot upon the 
 Protestants, fol ib. 1679 
 PLOT, Robert. 
 Natural History of Oxfordshire, fol. . . . Oxford, 1677 
 Natural History of Staffordshire, fol. . . . ib. 1686 
 PLOTINUS, Enneades Paris, Didot, 1855 
 PLUQUET, Frederic. 
 Essai historique sur la Ville de Bayeux, 8vo. . Caen, 1829 
 Contes Populaires, Prejuges, Patois, Proverbes, &c., de 
 Bayeux. Deuxieme edition, 8vo. . . . Rouen, 1834 
 Opera Omnia, 5 vols. 8vo. , . . Paris, Didot, 1847-57 
 Liber de Iside et Osiride, tradotto dal Greco al testo di 
 S. Ciampi, 8vo Florence, 1823 
 PLYMOUTH, The Picture of, 8vo. .... Plymouth, 1812 
 PLYMOUTH, Devonport, Stonehouse, &c., Handbook of, 12mo. 
 PLYMOUTH, Borough of. 
 Sixth Report of the Free Public Library and News-Rooms 
 Committee, 1882, 8vo. . . . ' . . Plymouth, 1883 
 Catalogue of the Cottonian Library, by Llewellyn Jewitt, 
 8vo * . . . . ib. 1883 
 POCKET COMPANION, A, for Gentlemen and Ladies, being a 
 Collection of the finest Opera Songs and Airs. Second 
 edition, 12mo. ....... Lond. n.d. 
 POCKET MELODIST, The ; or, Vocal Repository (Plates.) 7 vols. 
 18mo . . . ib. 1804-07 
 POCOCK, Lewis. Chronological List of Books relating to 
 the Doctrine of Chances, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1842 
 POCOCKE, Richard (Bishop). 
 Description of the East, 2 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1743-45 
 Inscriptionum Antiquarum Liber, fol. . . . ib. 1752 
 Poems on Affairs of State, from the time of Oliver 
 Cromwell to the Abdication of King James the Second. 
 Fourth edition. 4 vols. 8vo ib. 1702-07 
 An 8vo. vol. containing 
 1. Pastorals, by Mr. Philips . . . . ib. 1710 
 2. Cooper's Hill, by Sir J. Denham . . . ib. 1709 
 3. The Campaign, by Mr. Addison . . . ib. 1710 
 4. The Temple of Death, by the Marquis of Normanby. 
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POE - POI 493 
 POEMS continued. 
 5. Absolom and Achitophel, by J. Dryden . Lond. 1708 
 6. Religio Laid; or, a Layman's Faith, by Mr. Dryden. 
 ib. 1710 
 7. An Essay on Translated Verse, by the Earl of 
 Roscommon ....... ib. 1709 
 S. The Pleasures of a Single Life, &c., with the Choice 
 or the Pleasures of a Country Life . . ib. 1709 
 9. Instructions to Vander Bank .... ib. 1709 
 10. Mac Flecknoe, by J. Dryden. With Spencer's 
 Ghost a Satyre, &c ib. 1709 
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 12. Musica Incantans. Authore, R. South . . ib. n.d. 
 13. Moderation Display'd. By the author of Faction 
 Display 'd ib. 1709 
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 15. The Eagle and the Robin, &c ib. 1709 
 16. A Hymn to the Pillory ib. 1708 
 17. A Hymn to Peace, by the author of the True-Born 
 Englishman ib. 1709 
 18. The True-Born Englishman : a Satyr . . ib. 1708 
 19. The Female Reign, by S. Cobb . . . ib. 1709 
 20. The Medal : a Satyr against Sedition, by J. Dryden. 
 ib. 1709 
 21. Love given over ...... ib. 1710 
 22. Windsor Castle 4b. 1708 
 23. The Long Vacation : a Satyr, &c. . . . ib. 1709 
 24. The Yorkshire Racers . . . . ib. n.d. 
 25. Poems on the Death of Queen Mary . . ib. 1710 
 26. A Congratulatory Poem to Prince George of Den- 
 mark upon the Successes at Sea . . . ib. 1708 
 27. Lucretius : a Poem against the Fear of Death. 
 With an Ode, &c. ib. 1709 
 28. Eleonora : a Panegyrical Poem, &c. . . . ib. 1709 
 29. The Rambling Fuddle-Caps, &c. ib. 1709 
 30. The Swan Tripe Club : a Satyr, &c. . . . ib. 1710 
 31. The Libertine's Choice, &c ib. 1709 
 32. A Panegyrick on Oliver Cromwell, by E. Waller. 
 With three Poems on his death, by M. Dryden, 
 Mr. Sprat and Mr. Waller . . . . ib. 1709 
 33. The Upstart : a Satyr #.1710 
 Poetse Bucolici et Didactic! (Theocritus. Bion. Moschus. 
 Nicander. Oppian. Philo. Manetho. Maximus. &c.) Paris, 1846 
 Poetarum Comicorum Fragmenta, 8vo. . . ib., Didot, 1855 
 Poetee Minores Greeci. Prsecipua lectionis varietate in- 
 struxit T. Gaisford. 4 vols. in three, 8vo. Oxford, 1814-20 
 POETES FRANCOIS, Les, depuis le Xll e Siecle jusqu'a Malherbe, 
 6 vols. 8vo Paris, 1824 
 PoiNSETT, J. B. On the National Institution for the promotion 
 of Science at Washington, 8vo. . . Washington, 1841 
494 POI POL 
 POINTER, John. 
 Account of Pavement at Stunsfield, 8vo. Oxford and Lond. 1713 
 Britannia Romana, or Roman Antiquities in Britain, 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1724 
 Second copy. 
 Roman du Comte de, Public par F. Michel, 8vo. Paris, 1831 
 BIBLIOTHEQUE. Tables des Manuscrits de D. Fonteneau 
 conserves a la Bibliotheque de Poitiers, 8vo. Poitiers, 1855 
 POLAND. Rerum Polonicarum Liber. Edited by S. Ciampi, 
 8vo. (Tracts 131*) . . . . ' . Florence, 1827 
 POLE, Sir J. W. History of Devon, 4to. . . . Lond. 1791 
 POLE, William. Diamonds, 8vo. (Tracts 57*) . . ib. 1861 
 POLENUS, Joannes. Utriusque Thesauri Antiquitatum Roma- 
 narum Graecarumque Nova Supplementa, 5 vols. fol. 
 Venice, 1737 
 POLETTI, G. Memorie di Matematica, 4to. (Tracts 29) Turin, 1823 
 POLI, Baldassare. 
 Sull' Insegnamento dell' Economia Politica o Sociale in 
 Inghilterra, 4to. (Tracts 56***) . . . Milan, 1861 ' 
 Del Lavoro messo a capitale, e della sua applicazione agli 
 Scienziati e Letterati Italian!, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . ib. 1865 
 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili nbi humana omnia non nisi 
 somnium esse docet, &c. (For bibliographical details see 
 MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) . Venetiis in JEdibus Aldi, M.I.D. 
 Hypnoteromachie, ou discours du Songe de Poliphile 
 deduisant comme amour de combat a 1'occasion de Polia, 
 &c. (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Cata- 
 logue.) Fol Paris (J. Kerver), 1554 
 POLITI, R. II Yiaggiatore in Girgenti e il Cicerone di Piazza 
 ovvero Guida agli avanzi d'Agrigento, sq. 8vo. Palermo, 1842 
 POLITICAL TRACTS. A 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. A Second Narrative of the Late Parliament (so called), 
 4to Lond. 1658 
 2. A seasonable Speech made by a worthy Member of Par- 
 liament in the House of Commons, concerning the other 
 House. March, 1659. 
 3. Peters' Patern. A Sermon preached at the Interment 
 of Mr. Hugh Peters, 4to ib. 1659 
 4. Tha Last Words of Thomas, Lord Pride. 
 5. The Archbishop of Canterbury's Speech on the Scaffold, 
 10 Jan. 1644, 4to ib. 1644 
 6. A Perfect Diurnall of some Passages in Parliament 
 from 22-29 Jan. 1648. 
 7. The Moderate. No. 28. Jan. 16-23, 1649. 
 8. The Kingdome's Weekly Intelligencer. Jan. 20-30, 1648. 
 9. A perfect Narrative of the Tryal of the King, &c., 4to. 
 ib. Jan. 23, 1648 
 10. A continuation of the Narrative, &c. No. 2. 4to. 
 ib. Jan. 25, 1648 
POL POM 495 
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 Lond. Jan. 29, 1648 
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 Lond. 1649 
 13. The Several Speeches of Duke Hamilton, Earl of 
 Cambridge, Henry, Earl of Holland, and Arthur, Lord 
 Capel, upon the Scaffold. 9th March. 4to. . . ib. 1649 
 14. Two Speeches on the Scaffold, by Mr. C. Love and Mr. 
 Gibbins. 22nd Aug. 1651. 4to ib. 1651 
 15. A List of the Names of the Judges for the Triall of 
 the King. (A broadside) 1649 
 16. Mercurius Politicus. No. 418. May 27-June 3, 1658. 
 17. No. 420. June 10-17, 1658. 
 18. No. 423. July 1-8, 1658. 
 19. The True Speech of Dr. J. Hewitt upon the Scaffold. 
 June 8, 1658. 
 20. A copy of Mr. Ashton's Paper delivered to the Sheriff 
 at the place of Execution. Jan. 28, 1690-91. (A broad- 
 21. The Publick Intelligencer. No. 133. July 5-12, 1658. 
 22. No. 132. June 28 July 5, 
 POLL BOOKS. 3 vols. 8vo 1857-65 
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 lerunt J. H. Lederlinus et T. Hemsterhuis. 2 vols. fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1706 
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 De R/egionibus Orientalibus libri iii. Accedit Haithoni 
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 de Chataja, 4to. . . . Colonice Brandenburgicce, 1671 
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 Rouen, fol. Eouen, 1662 
496 POM POO 
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 dni Augustini Patricii de Picolominib' .... ac dni 
 Johannis Burkardi emendatus, fol. 
 Rome (8. Plannck), 1485 
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 vero Benedicto XIV. recognitum. Editio ii. 8vo. Rome, 1818 
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 par Ponce Pilate contre Nostre Sauveur Jesus-Christ, 
 Trouvee, en la ville d'Aquila au Royaume de Naples, 
 1580. Traduit d' Italien en Fra^ois, sm. 8vo. Paris, 1581 
 PONZ, Antonio. Yiage de Espana, 4 vols. 8vo. . Madrid, 1774-77 
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 and Provincial Words of the County of Stafford, 8vo. 
 Stratford-upon-Avon, 1880 
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 sm. 8vo Lond. 1848 
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 York, 1850 
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 Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of 
 Wexford, Ireland. Edited by W. Barnes, 12mo. Lond. 1867 
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 Large 8vo Boston, 1882 
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 8vo Lond. 1854 
 Notes on the Old Crosses of Gloucestershire. With illus- 
 trations, 8vo. ........ ib. 1868 
 An Account of the Old Stone Crosses of Somerset. (With 
 Map and Plates.) 8vo ib. 1877 
 The Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor. 
 Reports. 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1798-1800 
 Abstracts of Answers and Returns respecting the Expense 
 and Maintenance of the Poor in England, fol. . ib. 1804 
 Report of Committee of the Association for the Relief of 
 the Poor, 8vo ib. 1818 
 POOEE, B. P. Congressional Directory for the third session of 
 the Forty-first Congress of the United States of America. 
 Second edition, 8vo. .... Washington, 1871 
 Congressional Directory. First edition. 8vo. . . ib. 1886 
 POOT, H. K. Het groot natuur- en zedekundigh werelttoneel of 
 Woordenboek, 3 vols. fol Delft, 1743-50 
POP POR 497 
 POPE, of Rome. II Nipotismo di Roma ; or, the History of the 
 Pope's Nephews. Englished by W. A. (Portrait.) 12mo. 
 Lond. 1669 
 POPE, Alexander. The Dunciad, Variorum, with the Prolego- 
 mena of Scriblerus, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1729 
 POPISH CRUELTY DISPLAY'D, &c. Designed as a Caveat against 
 the Pretender, 8vo n. p. 1718 
 POPISH PLOTS. The History of Popish Sham Plots, from the 
 reign of Queen Elizabeth to the present time, 12mo. ib. 1662 
 Abstracts of Answers and Returns on taking the Census of 
 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 7 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1801-33 
 Comparative account of the Population in Great Britain in 
 1801, 1811, 1821 and 1831, fol ib. 1831 
 Abstract of 7th Census, third edition, fol. . . . ib. 1851 
 PORPHYRIUS. Porphyrii, ^Eliani, Philonis opera, 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1858 
 PORTA, G. B. 
 Magiae Naturalis, sive de Miraculis Rerum Naturalium 
 libri iv., 24mo. ...... Antwerp, 1585 
 Magiae Naturalis libri viginti. (Imperfect, wanting pp. 93-98 
 and 575-80), 12mo Ludg. Bat. 1644 
 De Humana Physiognomonia libri IV. fol. . . Naples, 1601 
 Physiognomoniae coelestis libri, sex, 12mo. . Lugd. Bat. 1635 
 Natural Magick in twenty books, &c., fol. . . Lond. 1658 
 PORTER, Whitworth. A History of the Knights of Malta, or 
 the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 
 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1858 
 PORTIUS, D. C. Commentaria super Institutiones Justiniani, fol. 
 Basle, 1548 
 Sopra una Statuetta di Cerere, 8vo. (Tracts 121) Catania, 1847 
 I Frammenti della legislazione di Zalenco da Locri, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 121) ib. 1847 
 Donn' Aldonza Santapace ; conto storico-tragico, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 121) ib. 1850 
 Repliche ad una Scritta Anonima, 8vo. (Tracts 121) . ib. 1852 
 Sopra un basso rilievo nel Museo de' PP. Casinesi di 
 Catania (Tracts 121) . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
 Catalogue of the Pictures, 8vo. (Tracts 115) . Lond. 1859 
 8vo. ib. 1862 
 8vo ib. 1864 
 Nineteenth Annual Report, fol ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of the First Special Exhibition, 8vo. . ib. 1866 
 Another copy, L.P. 
 Catalogue of the Second Special Exhibition, 8vo. . ib. 1867 
 PORT ROYAL, Messieurs du. Of the Education of a Prince. 
 Written in French by Messieurs du Port Royal and 
 intended as a second volume of the Moral Essays. 
 Rendered into English by the Author of Ars Cogitaiidi, 
 12mo ib. 1678 
 2 K 
498 FOR POW 
 Memoria de Commissao dos arquivas da Gran-Bretanha, 
 8vo. (Tracts 72) Lisbon, 1835 
 Catalogo descriptive das Moedas e Medalhas Portuguezas 
 qui formam parte da Colleccao do Visconde de 
 de Bcena, 12mo ib. 1869 
 Documentos Ineditos para subsidio a Historia Ecclesiastica 
 de Portugal, sm. fol ib. 1875 
 POST BOY, The, robb'd of his Mail : or, the Pacquet broke open. 
 Consisting of Letters of Love and Gallantry, &c., 2 vols. 
 in one, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1706 
 POST OFFICE. First Report of the Postmaster- General, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 54) ib. 1855 
 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, 1874, 1875, 1881, 8vo. . . ib. 1874-81 
 POSTE, Beale. The History of the College of All Saints, 
 Maidstone, 8vo . . ib. 1847 
 POSTULATES AND DATA. Nos. 1 to 24, 4to. .... ib. 1852 
 POTE, Joseph. History of Windsor Castle, 4to. . Eton, 1749 
 POTTER, H. G. Amboglanna, Papers communicated to the 
 Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 4to. (Tracts 
 6) Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1853 
 POTTER, Joseph. Remains of Ancient Monastic Architecture in 
 England. (Plates.) fol. . . . . Lond. 
 POTTHAST, Dr. Aug. Bibliotheca Historica Medii ^Evi. Weg- 
 weiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europaischen 
 Mittelalters, von 375-1500 und zugleich vollstandiges 
 Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Acta Sanctorum der Bollandisten, 
 8vo Berlin, 1862-68 
 POTTS, E. M. 
 Moonshine, containing Sketches in England and Wales, 
 2 vols. 8vo . Lond. 1814 
 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1832 
 Extracts and Engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 POUGENS, Charles. Tresor des Origines de la langue Francaise, 
 4to. Paris, 1819 
 POULSON, George. History and Antiquities of Holderness, 2 vols. 
 4to. Hull, 1840 
 POUYARD, P. G. Dissertazione sopra 1'anteriorita del bacio de' 
 piedi de' sommi Pontefici all' introduzione della croce sulle 
 loro scarpe, &c., 4to. ..... Rome, 1807 
 POWEL, Thomas. Humane Industry; or, History of most Manual 
 Arts, 8vo. . . . . . . . Lond. 1661 
 POWELL, Baden. Theory of the Dispersion of Light, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 90) ib. 1839 
 POWELL, David. History of Wales. Edited by T. Evans, 8vo. 
 ib. 1774 
 POWELL, J. W. Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, 
 with Words, Phrases, and Sentences to be collected. 
 Second edition, 4to. .... Washington, 1880 
 POWER, E. R. Handbook for Gloucester, 8vo. (Tracts 149) 
 Gloucester, 1850 
POW PRA 499 
 The Royal Bust on Early Groats, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) Lond. 1869 
 Some Records of South Kilworth, taken chiefly from its 
 Registers, 8vo. ...... Lincoln, 1881 
 Papal Medals of. the Fifteenth Century, 8vo. . Lond. 1883-84 
 POWNALL, Thomas. 
 Description of parts of North America, fol. (Tracts 161) ib. 1776 
 On the Study of Antiquities, 8vo. .... ib. 1782 
 Antiquities of the Provincia Romana of Gaul,. 4to. . ib. 1788 
 Roman Antiquities at Bath, 4to. . . . Bath, 1795 
 An Antiquarian Romance, 8vo. .... Lond. 1795 
 Collections, Historical and Archoeological, relating to Mont- 
 gomeryshire, vols. i., etc.., 8vo. In progress . ib. 1868, etc. 
 General Index to vols. i.-xiv., 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 Domesday Book of Montgomeryshire, being the Return of 
 Owners of Land, 1873, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1876 
 Pamatky. Redaktor K. Y. Zap, Dil. 1-4, 4to. Prague, 1855-60 
 Pamatky Archaeologicke a Mistopisne. Organ Archaeo- 
 logickeho shoru Kralovstvi Ceskeho a Historickeho spolku 
 vPraze. Redaktor J. Smolik. XT., etc., 4to. In progress. 
 ib. 1878, etc. 
 PRANCE, Miles. 
 True Narrative of the Popish Plot, fol. . . Lond. 1679 
 Additional Narrative, fol. . ib. 1679 
 PRATT, J. T. 
 Savings Banks, from the Latest Returns, ob. fol. . ib. 1831 
 Savings Banks in England, Wales and Ireland, 8vo. (Tracts 
 148) ib. 1834 
 PRAYER, Forms of. A sm. 4to. vol., containing : 
 1. A Form of Prayer, 21st Mar. 1832, appointed for a 
 General Fast. (Cholera) .... Lond. 1832 
 2. and Thanksgiving, 15th Nov. 1849, 
 appointed for a General Thanksgiving. (Cholera.) 
 Oxford, 1849 
 3. - - 26th April, 1854, appointed for General 
 Humiliation. (Crimean War) .... ib. 1854 
 4. - - 7th Oct. 1857, appointed for a Solemn 
 Fast. (Tranquillity in India) . . Lond. 1857 
 5. and Thanksgiving. 1st May, 1859, 
 appointed for a General Thanksgiving. (Suppression 
 of Indian Rebellion) ib. 1859 
 A sm. 4to. vol., containing : 
 1. A Form of Prayer, 24th Mar. 1847, appointed for a 
 General Fast . ' 1847 
 2. - and Thanksgiving, Oct. 17th, 1847, for 
 the late abundant Harvest ...... 1847 
 3. - 15th Nov. 1849. (Removal of Disease) 1849 
 4. - 21st Mar. 1855, for the Restoration of 
 Peace ... 1855 
500 PEA PRE 
 PRAYER, Forms of continued. 
 5. A Form, of Prayer, Sunday, 17th January, 1864, for the 
 Princess of Wales's safe Delivery of a Prince . . 1864 
 6. for Relief from the Plague amongst 
 Cattle, &c., 8th October, 1865 1865 
 7 12th August, 1866. (Cholera and Cattle 
 Plague) . 1866 
 8. . 18th November, 1866 .... 1866 
 9. For the Preservation of the Duke of 
 Edinburgh from the Attack of an Assassin in Australia, 
 12th of March, 1868 ; and for the Success of the Abys- 
 sinian Expedition. To be used Sunday, 28th June . 1868 
 10. For the Recovery of the Prince of 
 Wales. To be used 10th Dec 1871 
 11. for the Recovery of the Prince of 
 Wales ; to be used 21st Jan 1872 
 12. on the occasion of the Thanksgiving 
 for the Recovery of His Royal Highness the Prince of 
 Wales, 27th February, 1872 1872 
 PREBLE, G-. H. Our Flag. Origin and Progress of the Flag of 
 the United States of America, with an Account of the 
 Symbols and Flags of ancient and modern Nations, 8vo. 
 Albany, 1872 
 PREHISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY, International Congress of. Congres 
 International d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie Prehis- 
 toriques. Compte Rendu de la 2 me Session, Paris, 1867, 
 8vo Paris, 1868 
 Another copy. 
 International Congress of. Transactions of the Third Ses- 
 sion, Norwich and London, 1868, 8vo. . . Lond. 1869 
 Another copy. 
 Compte Rendu de la 7 e Session, Stockholm, 1874, 2 vols. 
 8vo Stockholm, 1876 
 Compte-Rendu de la Huitieme Session a Budapest, 1876, 
 vol. i. 8vo Budapest, 1877 
 Neuvieme Session a Lisbonne, 1884, 8vo. 
 Lisbon, 1884 
 PRELLER, L. Die Regionen der Stadt Rom, &c., 8vo. Jena, 1846 
 PRENDERGAST, Gr. L. Concordance to the Poetical Works of 
 Milton, 4to Madras, 1857 
 PRESBYTERIANS. History, Opinions, and Legal Position of the 
 English Presbyterians, 8vo. (Tracts 76) . Lond. 1834 
 PRE SCOTT, J. E. The Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Car- 
 lisle, translated, &c., 8vo. .... Carlisle, 1879 
 History of the Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1847 
 Memoir of Abbott Lawrence, 4to. . . . . . 1856 
 PRESTON, John. Picture of Yarmouth, 8vo. . . Yarmouth, 1819 
 PRESTON, Thomas. Patriots in Arms. Addresses and Sermons 
 by celebrated Preachers of the last century in praise of 
 the Volunteer Movement, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1881 
PRE PRI 501 
 PRESTWICH, Joseph. 
 The Ground beneath us, its geological phases and changes ; 
 three Lectures on the Geology of Clapham, and the 
 neighbourhood of London, 8vo. (Tracts 164) . Lond. 1857 
 On the Occurrence of Flint Implements, with Extinct Mam- 
 malia, 8vo. (Tracts 62) ib. 1859 
 On the Occurrence of Flint Implements with the Remains 
 of extinct Animals, 4to. (Tracts 15) . . ib. 1861 
 Notes on some further Discoveries of Flint Implements, 
 8vo. (Tracts 62) ib. 1861 
 Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological 
 Society, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) ib, 1871 
 PRE"TENDANT, Histoire du, 8vo n.p. 1756 
 PRETI, Girolamo. Poesie, 12mo. .... Perugia, 1646 
 PROVOST, F. Memoire sur les Forts Vitrifies, 8vo. . Saumur, 1863 
 PRIAULX, J. Account of the Office of Dean Rural. Edited by 
 W. Dansey, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . . . Lond. 1832 
 PRICE, F. G. H. 
 Temple Bar, or some account of "Ye Marygold," No. 1, 
 Fleet Street, 8vo ib. 1875 
 Lombard Street, its early Goldsmiths, and Signs of their 
 Houses, 8vo [ifc.] 1886 
 PRICE, Francis. Observations upon Salisbury Cathedral, 
 4to ib. 1774 
 PRICE, George. On Fire-Proof Depositories and Locks and 
 Keys, 8vo ib. 1856 
 PRICE, J. E. 
 A Description of the Roman Tesselated Pavement found in 
 Bucklersbury, 4to. ..... Westminster, 1870 
 Roman Antiquities illustrated by Remains discovered on 
 the site of the National Safe Deposit Company's Premises, 
 London, 4to. ....... Lond. 1873 
 On Recent Discoveries in Newgate Street, 4to. . . ib. 1879 
 On a Bastion of London Wall, or, Excavations in Camomile 
 Street, Bishopsgate, 4to. .... Westminster, 1880 
 Notes on an Inscribed Roman Altar, found at Colchester, 
 8vo Colchester, 1882 
 A Descriptive Account of the Guildhall of the City of 
 London : its History and Associations, fol. . Lond. 1886 
 Notes on Roman Remains discovered in London and Mid- 
 dlesex. 2 parts, 8vo. ..... n.p. n.d. 
 PRICE, J. E., and PRICE, F. G. H. A Description of the Remains 
 of Roman Buildings at Morton, near Brading, Isle of 
 Wight, 4to Lond. 1881 
 PRICE, John. 
 An Historical and Topographical account of Leominster 
 and its Vicinity, 8vo. ..... Ludlow, 1795 
 Old Price's Remains ; prsehumous or during life, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1863 
 PRICE, Lake. Interiors and Exteriors in Venice. Lithographed 
 by J. Nash, fol ib. 1843 
502 PRI PRO 
 PRICHARD, John. Views and Elevations of Minster Lovell 
 Church, co. Oxford, fol. . . . . . Oxford, 1850 
 PRICKETT, Frederick. History of Highgate, 8vo. . Lond. 1842 
 PRICKETT, Marmaduke. 
 Priory Church of Bridlington, co. York, 8vo. Cambridge, 1831 
 Another edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1835 
 PRIDEAUX, Humphrey. True Nature of Imposture fully dis- 
 played in the Life of Mahomet, 8vo. . . Lond. 1723 
 Yiginti duse Lectiones de totidem religionis capitibus, fol. 
 Oxford, 1648 
 Scholastics Theologia? Syntagma Mnemonicum (Theol. 
 Tracts 1650-51), 4to. ib. 1651 
 PRINCE, John. Worthies of Devon, fol. . . . Exeter, 1701 
 Constitution and Lists of Members, 1873, -4, -6, 4to. 
 The Hutchinson Papers, vols. i., ii. 4to. . . Albany, 1865 
 John Dunton's Letters from New England. Edited by W. 
 H. Whitmore, 4to Boston, 1867 
 The Andros Tracts, vol. iii. 4to ib. 1874 
 The Genealogy of the Payne and Gore Families. Edited 
 by W. H. Whitmore, 4to ib. 1875 
 PRINSEP, E. A. Sanscrit Vocabulary, 8vo. . . . ib. 1847 
 PRINSEP, James. Indian Antiquities, Historic, Numismatic, &c. 
 Edited by E. Thomas, -2 vols. 8vo. . , . Lond. 1858 
 PRINTS, An Essay upon. Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1768 
 PRIOR, Matthew. Poems on several occasions. (Portrait), 2 
 vols. in one, 12mo Dublin, 1738 
 PRIOR, R. C. A. 
 Danish Ballads, Translated byR.C.A.Prior,3vols.8vo.omZ. 1860 
 On the Popular Names of British Plants. Second edition, 
 8vo. : ib. 1870 
 Notes on Croquet ; and some Ancient Bat and Ball Games 
 related to it, 8vo ib. 1872 
 PRISONERS OF WAR, The French, Proceedings of Committee 
 for Clothing, fol. ib. 1760 
 PRISSE D'AVENNES., E. Fac-simile d'un Papyrus Sgyptien en 
 caracteres hieratiques, fol. . . . . Paris, 1847 
 PRITCHETT, G. J. Report of a Mission to Ecuador, 8vo. (Tracts 
 75) Lond. 1858 
 PRITIRWELL, Johannes. Compotus de Festo Sancti Michaelis, 
 A.D. 1364 per unum annum integrum. Reprint. 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 PRIVILEGIA, Libertates et indulgentie benefactorum confratruin 
 et consororum ordinis sancti Anthonii, &c., B. L., 4to. 
 n.p. n.d. 
 PROBATES OF WILLS. Returns Reprinted, fol. . . . ib. 1845 
 All such Proclamations as have been set forth by the 
 King's Majesty, &c., 16mo. ....... ib. 1550 
PRO PTO 503 
 PROCLAMATIONS continued. 
 A Booke of Proclamations, published since the beginning of 
 his Majestie's Reigne until February 3, 1609, with 
 additional Proclamations to February 5, 1612, fol. Loud. 
 PROCTER, F., and WORDSWORTH, C. Breviarium adusum insignis 
 Ecclesiae Sarum, 3 vols. 8vo. . . Cambridge, 1879-86 
 PROCTER, William. Report of Excavations of the Yorkshire 
 Antiquarian Club, 8vo. (Tracts 34) . . York, 1854 
 Account of the Excavation of the Remains of a Roman 
 Villa near Collingham, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . ib. 1855 
 PROCTOR. The Proctor and Parator, their Mourning ; or, a 
 Lamentation of the Doctors' Commons for their Down- 
 fall. (Woodcut.) 4to Lond. 1641 
 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Edited by Albert Way, vols. i. and 
 ii. 4to ib. 1843-53 
 PROPERTIUS, S. Aurelius. 
 Carmina Recensuit C. T. Kuinoel, 2 vol. . . Leipzig, 1805 
 Opera. Yalpy's edition, 2 vols. . 8vo. . . Lond. 1822 
 PROPHECIES. The Whole Prophecies of Scotland, England, 
 France, Ireland, and Denmark ; prophesied by Thomas 
 Rymer, Marvellous Merling, Beid, Berlington, Wald- 
 have, Eltraine, Banester, and Sybilla, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1742 
 PROSSER, G. F. History of St. Giles Church, Camberwell, fol. 
 ib. 1827 
 PROTESILAUS ; or, the Character of an Evil Minister. (Bound 
 with Pope's " Dunciad.") 8vo. .... n.p. n.d. 
 PROVERBII. Proverbii utili e virtuosi, in lingua Araba, Persiana, 
 e Turca, Raccolti da T. Agnellini, 8vo. . . Padua, 1688 
 A Prudentii dementis quee extant, N. Heinsius recensuit, 
 12mo. ..... Amstelodami (Elzevir), 1667 
 Opera. Yalpy's edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1824 
 PRYCE, G. A Popular History of Bristol, 8vo. . Bristol, 1861 
 PRYNNE, William. 
 Parliamentary Writs, Part 1, 4to ib. 1659 
 Part 2, 4to ib. 1660 
 - Part 3, 4to ib. 1662 
 - Part 4, 4to ib. 1664 
 Chronological Vindication of the King's supreme Ecclesi- 
 astical jurisdiction, vols. i. and ii., fol. . . ib. 16661665 
 History of King John, Henry III. and Edward I., fol. ib. 1670 
 A New Discovery of the Prelates' Tyranny, in their prose- 
 cutions of Mr. W. Pryn, Dr. J. Bastwick, and Mr. H. 
 Burton, 4to ib. 1641 
 PSALTERIUM ' DAVIDIS Latino- Saxonicum vetus : a J. Spel- 
 manno editum, 4to. ....... ib. 1640 
 PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Society for. Proceedings, parts 2-6, 8vo. 
 ib. 1883-84 
 Geographia. Recognovit C. Miillerus, vol. i. part 1, 8vo. 
 Paris (Didot), -1883 
504 PTO PUG 
 PTOLEM^US, C. continued. 
 Geografia tradofcta in Italiano da Gieronymo Ruscelli. 
 Edited by G. Malombra, 4to. .... Venice, 1574 
 Edited by G. A. Magini. Translated by R. D. 
 L. Cemoti, 4to ib. 1598 
 Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos .or Quadripartite ; being four books 
 of the Influence of the Stars. Translated from the 
 Greek paraphrase of Proclus by J. M. Ashmand, 8vo. 
 Land. 1822 
 PUBLIC RECORDS. An 8vo. vol. containing : 
 1. A Description of the contents and nses of the books 
 printed by the Record Commission, 8vo. . . ib. 1831 
 2. Observations on the State of Historical Literature, and 
 on the Society of Antiquaries, &c. By N. H. Nicolas, 
 8vo ib. 1830 
 3. Remarks in Reply to a Pamphlet entitled "Observa- 
 tions on the State of Historical Literature." By F. 
 Palgrave, 8vo ib. 1831 
 4. Refutation of Mr. Palgrave's "Remarks." Additional 
 Facts relative to the Record Commission. By N. H. 
 Mcolas, 8vo ib. 1831 
 5. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham on the 
 constitution of the Present Commission for the Public 
 Records. By Sir H. Mcolas, 8vo ib. 1832 
 PUFFENDORF, Samuel. Introductio ad Historian! Europaeam, 8vo. 
 Utrecht, 1692 
 Les Amours du Roy et de la Reine sous le nom de Jupiter 
 et de Junon. (Plates.) 4fco Paris, 1625 
 Histoire de 1'entree de la Reine Mere dans la Grande 
 Bretagne. Edited by R. Gough, with Berlin's Descrip- 
 tion d' Angle terre, 4to Lond. 1775 
 PUGIN, Augustus. Specimens of Gothic Architecture; from 
 Edifices in England. Accompanied by historical Accounts 
 by E. J. Willson, 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1821-23 
 PUGIN, Augustus, and LE KEUX. Architectural Antiquities of 
 Normandy. Edited by J. Britton, 2 vols. 4to. ' . ib. 3828 
 PUGIN, Augustus, PUGIN, A. W., and WALKER, T. L. Examples 
 of Gothic Architecture ; from Edifices in England. The 
 Literary Part by E. J. Willson, 3 vols. 4to. . ib. 1838-40 
 PUGIN, A. W. 
 A Series of Ornamental Timber Gables, from examples in 
 England and France of the 16th century. Drawn by B. 
 Ferrey. With letter-press by E. J. Willson. Second 
 edition. (Plates.) 4to. ...... ib. 1839 
 Contrasts : or a Parallel between the Noble Edifices of the 
 Middle Ages and the Corresponding Buildings of the 
 Present Day. (Plates.) 4to ib. 1841 
 True Principles of Pointed Architecture . . . ib. 1841 
 Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume. Second 
 edition, enlarged and revised by Bernard Smith, 4to. ib. 1846 
 , With the Illustrations, 4to. . . ib. 1868 
PUG PUT 505 
 POGIN, A. W. continued. 
 Treatise on Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts, 4to. Lond. 1851 
 Remarks on Church Decoration, 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 Eastern Cities and Italian Towns. With Notes on their 
 Architecture, 8vo. ....... ib. 1879 
 Elementary Lectures on Christian Architecture, 8vo. ib. 1879 
 The Architectural Designs of W. Burges, fol. . . ib. 1883 
 Studies in Architectural Style, fol ib. 1883 
 PULPIT, The, or an account of eminent preachers, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1809-12 
 Changars and of their Dialect. By G. W. Leitner, fol. 
 Lahore, 1880 
 Appendix. A Detailed Analysis of Abdul Ghafur's Dic- 
 tionary of the Terms used by Criminal Tribes in the 
 Panjab. By G. W. Leitner, fol ib. 1880 
 PUNT, J. Lyk-staetsie van Willem Prince Van Orange, fol. 
 s* Gravenhage, 1755 
 PURBECK SOCIETY. Papers read, &c., 8vo. vols. i.-ii. (No. 1) 
 Wareham and Blandford, 1855-69 
 PURDAT, Charles. Architecture of Carlisle Cathedral, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 74) Carlisle, 1859 
 PURITAN DISCIPLINE TRACTS. (Five Reprints by John Petheram, 
 with notes.) 
 a. An Epistle to the Terrible Priests of the Convocation 
 House by Martin Mar- Prelate, Gentleman, 8vo. Lond. 1842 
 b. An Epitome of the first Book of Dr. J. Bridge's Defence 
 of the Government of the Church of England in Eccle- 
 siastical Matters. By Martin Mar-Prelate, Gentleman, 
 8vo ib. 1843 
 c. Pap with a Hatchet : being a Reply to Martin Mar- 
 Prelate, 8vo. . . . . . ' . . . ib. 1844 
 d. Hay any Worke for Cooper: being a Reply to the 
 " Admonition to the People of England," by Martin Mar- 
 Prelate, 8vo ib. 1845 
 e. An Almond for a Parrot. Being a Reply to Martin Mar- 
 Prelate, 8vo . . ib. 1846 
 PUTEANUS, Erycius. De Nundinis Romanis liber, 12mo. 
 Louvain, 1646 
 PUTNAM, C. E. A Vindication of the authenticity of the 
 Elephant Pipes and Inscribed Tablets in the Museum of the 
 Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, from the Accu- 
 sations of the Bureau of Ethnology of the Smithsonian 
 Institution, 8vo. .... Davenport, Iowa, 1885 
 Denkmaler der Baukunst des Mittelalters in Sachsen, 2 
 vols. in 4, fol Leipzig, 1836-50 
 Systematische Darstellung der Entwickelung der Baukunst 
 in der Obersachsischen Landern, fol. . . . ib. 1852 
 PUYSEGUR, Le Marechal. Art de la Guerre, 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749 
506 PYC QUE 
 PYCROFT, J. The Cricket Field ; or, History of the Game of 
 Cricket. Second edition, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1854 
 PK3ROFT, J. W. 
 Letter respecting the Oxford University Commission, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 122) ib. 1851 
 Paper, read before the Society of Antiquaries, Nov. 23rd, 
 1854, on the Office of Cursitor Baron, 4to. (Tracts 16) n.d. 
 Claim to the foreshores of the sea coast of Devon and 
 Cornwall, by the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, 
 examined, 4to. (Tracts 16) . . . . ib. 1854 
 Arguments relating to the sea lands and salt shores, 4to. 
 (Tracts 16) ib. 1855 
 Arena Cornubiae, or the Claims of the Commissioners of 
 Woods and Forests to the sea coast, &c., in Cornwall and 
 Devon examined, 4to. (Tracts 16) . . ib. 1856 
 QUADEI, A. Huit Jours a Yenise, 2 vols. 12mo. . Venice, 1847 
 QUARANTA, Bernardo. 
 In vasculum Italo-Greecum, 4to. .... Naples, 1817 
 Illustrazione di un Vaso Italo-Greco, 4to. . . . ib. 1820 
 QUARITCH, Bernard. 
 A Catalogue of Books, arranged in classes, comprising all 
 departments of Literature, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1864 
 A General Catalogue of Books, offered at the affixed prices, 
 8vo ib. 1874 
 Supplement, 1875-77, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 g vo ib. 1880 
 QUARLES, John. The Tyranny of the Dutch against the 
 English, sm. 8vo. ....... ib. 1653 
 Note sur la Machoire humaine decouverte dans le Diluvium 
 d' Abbeville, 4to Paris, 1863 
 Sur la Machoire de Moulin- Quignon, 4to. . . . ib. 1863 
 QUEDAM RRGULE de modo titulandi seu apificandi pro 
 nouellis scriptoribus copulate. Edidit J. S. Smith. 4to. 
 Caen, 1840 
 QUEDNOW, C. F. Beschreibung der Alterthiimer in Trier, 2 vols. 
 8vo Treves, 1820 
 QUEEN CAROLINE, Tracts relating to. a. Two 8vo. vols. con- 
 taining : 
 1. The Man in the Moon. Twenty-third edition Lond. 1820 
 2. The Loyal Man in the Moon ib. 1820 
 3. Doll Tear-Sheet, alias the Countess "Je ne me 
 rappelle pas," a match for " Non mi ricordo " , ib. 1820 
 4. The Queen that Jack found ib. 1820 
 5. A Political Lecture on Tails. Dedicated to the Great 
 Head . , ib. 1820 
 6. The Acts of Adonis the Great, King of Bull . . ib. 1820 
 7. The Green Bag. " A Dainty Dish to set before a King." 
 ib. 1820 
QUE QUE 507 
 QUKKN CAROLINE, Tracts relating to continued. 
 8. The Constitutional Apple-pie or .Rythmical Red Book. 
 Lond. 1820 
 9. The Political Queen that Jack Loves . . . ib. 1820 
 10. The Queen's Budget opened ib. 1820 
 11. The Queen and Magna Charta, or the Thing that Jack 
 Signed ib. 1820 
 12. The Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving for the Happy 
 Deliverance of Her Majesty Queen Caroline from the 
 late most Traitorous Conspiracy .... ib. 1820 
 13. The Green Bag Plot ib. 1820 
 14. The Peep at P v n, or Boiled Mutton with Caper 
 Sauce ib. 1820 
 15. The R 1 Fowls ib. 1820 
 16. A Parody on the Political House that Jack Built . ib. 1820 
 17. The Royal House that Jack Built . . . ib. 1820 
 18. A Groan from the Throne ib. 1820 
 19. Britons, our Much-injured Queen. A Broadside, dated 
 June 6, 1820 . ib. 1820 
 20. A Bill to deprive Her Majesty, &c. 
 21. Proposal to Murder the Queen. A Broadside. 
 Vol. ii. 
 1. The Total Eclipse ib. 1820 
 2. A Queen's Appeal . ib. 1820 
 3. A Sermon intended to have been Preached before Her 
 Majesty on her Public Thanksgiving, 29th Nov. 1820 ib. 1820 
 4. A Letter to the King on the Condition and Treatment 
 of his Queen ib. 1820 
 5. The Queen's Letter to the King . . . ib. 1820 
 6. The King's Treatment of the Queen shortly stated to 
 the People of England ib. 1820 
 7. The Origin of Dr. Slop's Name .... ib. 1820 
 8. Kouli Khan, or the Progress of Error . . ib. 1820 
 9. Journal of the Queen's Visit to Tunis, Greece, and 
 Palestine. Written by Louise Demoiit. Translated by 
 E. Garston ib. 1821 
 10. The Political Showman at Home . . . . ib. 1821 
 11. The Right Divine of Kings to Govern Wrong . ib. 1821 
 12. A Brief Defence of Her Majesty Caroline, &c. . ib. 1821 
 13. A Funeral Sermon for Caroline, Queen of England, &c. 
 Aug. 19, 1821. ByW. J. Fox. 
 14. " A Slap at Slop." Two Broadsides. 
 b. Two 8vo. vols. containing : 
 Vol. i. 
 1. The New Christmas Budget ib. 1820 
 2. The Radical Humourist ib. 1820 
 Slop's Shave at a Broken Hone .... ib. 1820 
 Brazena. By Old Ben of Cambridge . . . ib. 1820 
 5. Solomon Logwood. By Old Tom of Oxford . *ib. 1820 
 6, The Royal House that Jack Built, or 1820 . . ib. 1820 
508 QUE QUI 
 QUEEN CAROLINE, Tracts relating to continued. 
 7. Bartolomeo to Carolina : An Heroic Epistle . Lonrf. 1820 
 8. The New Pilgrim's Progress, or a Journey to Jerusalem. 
 ib. 1820 
 9. The Asses' Skin Memorandum Book . . . ib. 1820 
 10. Extracts from the Pilgrimage of St. Caroline . ib. 1821 
 11. Humble Remonstrance and Petition of both Houses of 
 Parliament ........ n.p. n.d. 
 12. The Loyalists' House that Jack Built . . ib. n.d. 
 13. The Dorchester Guide, or a House that Jack Built, ib. n.d. 
 Yol. ii. 
 1. A Letter to the House of Commons on the Litany and 
 the Allowance to the Queen . . . . ib. 1821 
 2. Selections from the Queen's Answers to various Addresses, 
 with her Extraordinary Letter to the King . . ib. 1821 
 3. A Letter to the Queen by a Widowed Wife . . ib. 1820 
 4. Anne Boleyn and Caroline of Brunswick compared, ib. 1820 
 5. Addresses to the Peers of England by an Englishwoman. 
 ib. 1820 
 6. The Book of Wonders, in fourteen chapters . . ib. 1820 
 QUEENHITHE TO RICHMOND, The Steamboat Companion from, 8vo. 
 ib. 1824 
 QUENAULT, Leopold. 
 Sur 1'Aqueduc de Coutances, 8vo. (Tracts 134) Coutances, 1859 
 Recherches sur Coutances, 8vo. , . . . ib. 18G2 
 Melanges historiques et Archeologiques, 8vo. Tracts (148*) 
 ib. 1862 
 QUESNE, Charles Le. A Constitutional History of Jersey, 8vo. 
 Lond. 185G 
 Histoire des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques chez les 
 Beiges, 8vo. ....... Brussels, 1864 
 Sir John F. W. Herschell. Notice. 8vo. . . . ib. 1871 
 Notices extraites de 1'annuaire de 1'observatoire Royal de 
 Bruxelles pour. 1873, 12mo ib. 1873 
 Inauguration de la Statue d'A. Quetelet. Academic Royale 
 de Belgique, 8vo. [1880] 
 QUEVEDO DE ALCALA. The Lucky Idiot ; or, Fools have Fortune. 
 Rendered into English by a Person of Quality. (Plates.) 
 12mo Lond. 1710 
 QUICHE RAT, Jules. 
 Proces relatif a Jeanne d'Arc. Published by the Societe 
 de 1'Histoire de France. 5 vols. 8vo. . ' . Paris, 1841-49 
 Histoire des Regnes de Charles VII. et de Louis XI. par 
 T. Basin. Edited by J. Quicherat, and published by the 
 same Society. 4 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1855-59 
 Obseques, 10 Avril, 1882, 8vo ib. 1882 
 QUINTUS, Calaber. Prsetermissorum ab Homero libri xiv. Greece. 
 Cum versione Latina L. Rhodomanni, et adnotamentis 
 C. Dansqueii, curante J. C. de Pauw, &c. 8vo. Ley den, 1734 
 QUIXZE JOYES DE MAEiAGE, Les. Nouvelle edition. Avec les 
 variantes des anciennes editions, une notice biblio- 
 graphique, &c. 16mo. ..... Paris, 1853 
 QBuvres. Augmented de la vie de 1'auteur, &c. 2 vols. 
 n.p. (Elzevier) 1663 
 Works, translated, with notes by M. Le Du Chat and others, 
 4 vol. 8vo. . . . . . . . Lond. 1784 
 RABENIUS, M. T. Glossarii Latino- Suethici Specimen Vetustum, 
 4to. (Tracts 45) (Two copies} . . Upsal, 1845 
 RACCOLTA. Raccolta di trenta scelte incisioni in pietre dure. 
 Plates. 4to Naples, 1845 
 RADES, Francisco De. Chronica de las tres Ordenes de S. Jago, 
 Calatrava, y Alcantaria, fol Toledo, 1572 
 What style ought we to employ in addition to Old Work ? 
 A Paper, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) .... Exeter, 1871 
 Remarks on the Restoration of our Cathedral [Exeter]. 
 A Letter to G. G. Scott, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) 
 Exeter and Lond. n.d. 
 RADULPHUS. Opera. Curante A. J. Dunkin. (Only 25 copies 
 printed,) 4to. ...... Noviomago, 1852 
 Defense de Charles Martel, 8vo. (Tracts 119) . Ghent, 1806 
 Sur TOrigine des Beiges, 8vo. (Tracts 119) . . . ib. 1811 
 Sur 1'Origine des Inaugurations des Souverains des Pays 
 Bas, 8vo. (Tracts 119) .... Bruxelles, 1814 
 Reponse a 1'Opinion de Theodore Dotrenge, 8vo. (Tracts 
 119) . ' . . . . ib. 1818 
 Histoire des Etats Generaux et Provinciaux des Gaules, 8vo. 
 Ghent, 1819 
 Sur les droits des Etats du Pays Bas, 4to. (Tracts 30) 
 RAFFLES, Sir T. S. History of Java, 2 vols. 4to. . Lond. 1817 
 RAFN, C. C. 
 Nordiske Kaempe Historier, 3 vols. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1821-26 
 Krakumal sive Epicedium Ragnaris Lodbroci regis Danioe, 
 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1826 
 Decouverte de 1'Amerique au 10 e siecle, 2 e tirage, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61) . . ib. 1843 
 Americas Arctiske Landes Gamle Geographic, 8vo. . ib. 1845 
 Aper9u de 1'Ancienne Geographic des regions Arctiques de 
 1'Amerique, 8vo. (Tracts 51) ib. 1847 
 Remarks on a Danish Runic Stone found in London, 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 Nordboernes Fordbindelser med osten i det niende og 
 neermest folgende aarhundreder, 8vo. (Tracts 51) . ib. 1854 
 Bemoerkninger om en Steenoxe med runeindskrift, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 51) ib. 1854 
 Antiquites de 1'Orient, 8vo. (Tracts 51) ... ib. 1856 
510 RAF RAI 
 RAFN, C. C. continued. 
 Cabinet d'Antiquites Americaines a Copenhague, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 51) . . ~ Copenhagen, 1858 
 Renseignements sur les premiers Habitants de la Cote 
 occidentale du Greenland. Traduits en Groenlandais 
 par S. Kleinschmidt, 4to. .... Nungme, 1864 
 RAFN, C. C., and JON SIGURDSSON. Saga Jatvardar Konniings 
 Hins Helga, 8vo. (Tracts 51) . . . Copenhagen, 1852 
 RAHN, J. R. Geschichte der Bildenden Kiinste in der Schweiz. 
 Bd. 1. Abth. 1. 8vo. Zurich, 1873 
 RAIKES, G-. A. 
 Historical Records of the First Regiment of Militia ; or, 
 Third West York Light Infantry, 8vo. . . Lond. 1876 
 The History of the Honourable Artillery Company, vols. i., 
 ii. 8vo ib. 1878-79 
 Roll of the Officers of the York and Lancashire Regiment. 
 The First Battalion. The Second Battalion, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1885 
 El Departmento de Ancachs y sus Riquezas Minerales. 
 Publicado por E. Meiggs, 4to. . . . Lima, 1873 
 El Pern. Tomo II. Historia de la Geografia del Peru, 
 4to ib. 1876 
 RAINBOW, Edward. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of Anne, 
 Countess of Pembroke, with Memoirs. Edited by S. 
 Jefferson, 8vo Carlisle, 1839 
 RAINE, James. 
 Saint Cuthbert; with an account of the state in which his 
 Remains were found upon opening his Tomb in 1827, 4to. 
 Durham, 1828 
 Contract for Building Catterick Church, co. York, 4to. 
 Lond. 1834 
 Historical Account of the Castle or Palace of Auckland, 4to. 
 Durham, 1852 
 History and Antiquities of North Durham, fol. . Lond. 1852 
 Memoir of the Rev. John Hodgson, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1857-58 
 RAINE, James, Jun. Divination in the Fifteenth Century by aid 
 of a Magical Crystal, 8vo. (Tracts 60***.) 
 Memorials of Rochdale Grammar School, 8vo. (Tracts 
 117*) ib. 1845 
 Examynatyons toticheyinge Cokeye More, 4to. [Part of Vol. 
 37 " Chetham Society."] (Tracts 103) . . . ib. 1855 
 Rentale de Cokersand, 4to. (Tracts 65*) .... 1861 
 The names of all the Gentlemen of the Best Callinge within 
 the Countye of Lancastre, 1588, 4to. (Tracts 65*) . . 1862 
 A Sermon, preached in the Cathedral of Manchester, in 
 Commemoration of Humphrey Chetham, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Manchester, 1873 
 Byrom Pedigrees, 4to. 
 RAINSFORD, Pedigree of, 8vo. 
RAJ HAS 511 
 RAJAHS, Wars of the (Telegu and English). Translated by 
 C. P. Brown, 2 vols. 8vo Madras, 1853 
 RALEIGH, Sir Walter. 
 The Prerogatives of Parliaments in England. Proved in 
 a Dialogue betweene a Councellour of State and a 
 Justice of Peace, 4to. .... Middelburge, 1628 
 Discovery of Guiana, edited by Sir H. H. Schomburgk, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1848 
 A Declaration of his Demeanor and Carriage, and of the 
 true motives which occasioned his Maiestie to proceed in 
 doing justice upon him, &c. 4to. .... ib. 1618 
 RALPH, Abbot of Coggeshal. Works. Edited by A. J. Dunkin, 
 4to. ....,. Noviomagus, 1852 
 RAM, P. F. X. De. Notice sur les Sceaux des Comtes de 
 Louvain et des Dues de Brabant. (976-1430.) [Bound 
 with Vossberg's " Miinzen und Siegel," 1841.] 4to. 
 Brussels, 1852 
 RAMCHUNDRA. Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima, 
 solved by Algebra, edited by A. de Morgan . Lond. 1859 
 RAME"E, Daniel. Histoire Generale de 1' Architecture, 2 vols. 
 8vo . Paris, 1860 
 RAMIREZ, J. F. Descripcion de algunos Objetos del Museo de 
 Antigiiedades de Mexico, fol. .... Mexico, 1857 
 RAM RAZ. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus. Plates. 
 4to Lond. 1834 
 Second copy. (Tracts 2.) 
 RAMSEY, Mr. The Trial of M. Margarot, at Edinburgh, for 
 seditious practices, 8vo. ...... ib. 1794 
 RAMSGATE, Margate, and Broadstairs, Guide to, 12mo. Margate, 
 RAMSGATE, Steamboat Companion between London and, 12mo. 
 Lond. 1830 
 RANGO, Martinus. Origenes Pomeranicee, 4to. . . Colberg, lt>84 
 Lettre a M. Le Due De Luynes sur les Graveurs des Mon- 
 naies Grecques, 4to. ..... Paris, 1831 
 Sur les representations d'Atlas, 8vo ib. 1835 
 Tableau des Catacombes de Rome, 12mo. . . . ib. 1837 
 RAPER, Matthew. Index ad Specimen Geographicum, Auctore 
 D'Anville, 4to 1762 
 RAPHAEL SANZIO DA URBINO. The Works of, as represented in the 
 Raphael Collection in the Royal Library at Windsor 
 Castle, 4to n.p. 1876 
 RAPIN, Paul de. 
 History of England, 2 vols. fol Lond. 1732-33 
 Continued by N. Tindal, 2 vols. in 3, fol. 
 ib. 1744-47 
 RAPPONI, J. M. De Epigrammate Grceco, 4to. (Tracts 35) 
 Velitris, 1788 
 RASHLEIGH, E. W., and Hubert READE. Notes on the Parish of 
 Golant ; and Notes on the Church, 8vo. . St. Blazey, 1885 
 RASHLEIGH, Philip. Specimens of British Minerals from his 
 Cabinet, with descriptions, 4to. . . . Lond. 1797 
512 HAS RAY 
 BASIEL DE SELVA, H. Histoire de 1'admirable Dom Inigo de Gui- 
 pnscoa, Fondateur de la Monarchie des Inighistes, 2 vols. 
 12mo. . . . . . . . The Hague, 1736 
 RASK, R. K. 
 Ottars og Ulfstens korte Rejseberetninger xned dansk Over- 
 saettelse, &c., 8vo Copenhagen, 1816 
 Singalesisk Skriftleere, 8vo. (Tracts 98) . . Kolombo, 1821 
 Hermod, Det Nbrdiske Oldskrift-selskabs Tidende, for 1825 
 og 1826, 8vo Copenhagen, 1826 
 Anglo-Saxon Grammar, translated by B. Thorpe, 8vo. 
 ib. 1830 
 De Systemate Decem Sibilantium in linguis Montanis, 4to. 
 (Tracts 57) ib. 1832 
 Samlede tildels forhen Utrykte Afhandlinger, ed. H. K. 
 Rask, 12mo . ib. 1836 
 Duae Collectiones Codicum, 4to. (Tracts 57.) 
 RASTELL, William. Registmm omnium brevium Judicialium, fol. 
 Lond. 1531 
 Histoire des Rats, pour servir a 1'Histoire Universelle, 8vo. 
 Ratopolis, 1 73 7 
 Another edition. Sm. 8vo. . . ib. 1738 
 RAU, Charles. 
 Observations on the Dighton Rock Inscription. 4to. . [1877] 
 Observations on Cup-shaped and other Lapidarian Sculp- 
 tures in the Old World and in America, 4to. Washington, 1881 
 Aboriginal Stone-Drilling, 8vo. . . . n.p. [1881] 
 RAUCH, A. Yon. Ueber Griechische Miinzen, 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1850 
 RAUMER, Friedrich von. 
 Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit, 6 vols. 8vo. 
 Leipsic, 1823-25 
 Historisches Taschenbuch, 10 vols 8vo. . . ib. 1830-39 
 RAUTHMELL, Richard. Antiquitates Bremstonacenses, 4to. Lond. 1746 
 RAVENSCROFT, Edward. Dame Dobson : or, The Cunning Woman. 
 A comedy. 4to. ....... ib. 1684 
 RAVENSHAW, T. F. Antiente Epitaphes (A.D. 1250 to 1800), 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 RAVIOLI, Camillo. Ragionamento del Foro Romano. Plates. 8vo. 
 Rome, 1859 
 RAWLINSON, George. History of Ancient Egypt, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1881 
 RAWLINSON, Richard. History and Antiquities of Hereford 
 Cathedral, 8vo ib. 1717 
 RAY, John. 
 A Collection of English Proverbs. Second edition, 12mo. 
 Cambridge, 1678 
 Nomenclator Novus Trilinguis, 12mo. . . Lond. 1688 
 A Collection of English Words now generally used, 12mo. 
 ib. 1691 
 Sur quelques Antiquites D'Allemagne, 8vo. (Tracts 131) 
 Paris, 1824 
RAY REG 513 
 RAYMOND, H. continued. 
 Premiere Lettre sur- les Antiquites de la Normandie, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 131) . Paris, 1826 
 RAYNAL, G. T. Histeire Philosephique et Politique des deux 
 Indes, 5 vols. 4to Geneva, 1780 
 Grammaire de la langue Romane, 8vo. . . Paris, 1816 
 Choix des Poesies originales des Troubadours, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1816-18 
 Observations snr Le Roman de Rou et sur quelques regies 
 de la langue des trouveres au douzieme- sieole, 8vo. Rouen, 1829 
 Lexique Roman, ou Dictionn-aire de la Langue des Trouba- 
 dours, comparee avec les autres langues de 1'Europe 
 Latine, 6 vols. 8ro. Paris, 1838 
 READ, J. M. 
 Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, 8vo. Albany, 1866 
 The Death of Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope, a Memorial 
 Letter-, 8vo Athens, 1876 
 READ, R. W. A Reprint of the Original Catalogue of one year's 
 curious production of the Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory, 
 sold by auction by Mr. Ford, 1756. For private circu- 
 lation. 8vo. ...... Salisbury, 1880 
 READE, J. B. On some new Organic Remains in the Flint of 
 Chalk, 8vo. (Tracts 117) . . ^ . . Lond. 1838 
 READING, Nathaniel, Tryal of, for attempting to stifle the 
 King's evidence as to the horrid Plot, fol. . ,. ib. 1679 
 READING, William. 
 Proposals for Printing Series Jurisperitorum Angliee, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 127*) 1724 
 History of Sion College, fol. . . . . ib 1724 
 REBOUR, G. Decouverte d'une Fonderie Celtique dans le 
 Village de Larnaud, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) Lons-le-Saunier, 1867 
 1. Accounts of the Great Chamberlains, 1326-1453, 3 vols. 
 4to Edinburgh, 1817 
 2. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland. Edited by Thos. 
 Thomson, the introductory volume eompleted by Cosmo 
 Innes, 11 vols. fol ib. 1814-44 
 3. Acts of the Lords of the Council of Scotland, in civil 
 causes, 1478-1495. Edited by Thos. Thomson, fol. ib. 1839 
 4. Acts of the Lords Auditois of causes and complaints in 
 Scotland, 1466-1494. Edited by Thos. Thomson, fol. n.p. 1839 
 5. Ancient Kalendars and Inventories of the Exchequer. 
 Edited by Sir F. Palgrave, 3 vols. 8vo. . . Loud. 1836 
 6. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Edited by R. 
 Thorpe, fol ib. 1840 
 7. Ancient Laws and Institutes in Wales. Edited by 
 Aneurin Owen, fol. . . . . . . ib. 1841 
 8. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem, 4 vols. fol. 
 ib. 1806-28 
 9. Calendarium Rotulorum, Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad 
 quod damnum, fol. . ib. 1803 
 2 L 
514 REG REG 
 10. Calendar him Rotulorum Patentium, fol. . Loud. 1802 
 11. Calendar of Patent Rolls of Ireland, temp. James I., fol. 
 12. Calendar of Patent Rolls of Ireland, temp. Henry VIII., 
 13. Calendars of the Ancient Charters and Welch and 
 Scottish Rolls, in the Tower of London. By Sir Joseph 
 Ayliffe, 4to ib. 1772 
 14. Calendars of Proceedings in Chancery, temp. Elizabeth, 
 3 vols. folio ib. 1827-32 
 15. Catalogue of MSS. in the Cottonian Library, fol. ib. 1802 
 16. Catalogue of MSS. in the Harleian Collection, 4 vols. 
 fol . ib. 1802-12 
 17. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. fol. . . ib. 1812 
 18. Chartse, Privilegia, et Immunitates, 1171-1395, fol. 
 19. Collection of Inventories and other records of the Royal 
 Wardrobe and Jewel-house. Edited by Thos, Thomson, 
 4to. Edinburgh, 1815 
 20. Comparison of certain Evidence and Documents illustra- 
 tive thereot, 8vo. ...... Land. 1837 
 21. Declaratio Parliament!, ubi Johannes primogeniti 
 Roberti habet succedere in regnum, 1371, fol. . . n.p. n.d. 
 22. Description of Patent Rolls, and Itinerary of King John. 
 Edited by T. D. Hardy, 8vo 1835 
 23. Documents illustrative of English History, selected from 
 the Records. Edited by Henry Cole, fol. , . Lond. 1844 
 24. Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland, 
 Edited by Sir Francis Palgrave, vol i. 8vo, . . ib. 1837 
 25. Domesday Book with Supplement and Indices, 4 vols. 
 fol. ib. 1783-1816 
 26. Dueatus Lancastriae. Edited by R. J. Harper, John 
 Cayley, and W. Minchin, 4 parts in 3 vols. fol. . 1823-30 
 27. Essay on the Authority of the King's Council. Edited 
 by Sir F. Palgrave, 8vo. ...... ib. 1834 
 28. Exeerpta e Rotulis Finium, Henry III. Reg. Edited by 
 C. Roberts, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1835-36 
 29. Fines, sive Pedes Finium, 1195-1214. Edited by J. 
 Hunter, vol. i. 8vo. ib. 1835 
 30. Foedera, Conventiones, Litterse, or Rymer's Fcedera, 
 A.D. 1066-1377. Edited by A. Clarke, F. Holbrooke, and 
 J. Cayley, 3 vols. in 6, fol ib. 1816-30 
 31. Inquisitionum inofficio Rotulorum Cancellarioe Hiberniae 
 asservatarum repertorium, 2 vols. fol. . Dublin, 1826-29 
 32. Inquisitionum ad eapellam Dom. Regis retornatarum 
 abbreviatio. Edited by Thomas Thomson, 3 vols. fol. 1811-16 
 33. Issues of the Exchequer, from Hen. III. to Hen. VI. 
 Edited by F. Devon, 8vo. .... Lond. 1837 
 34. Issues of the Exchequer during the r^ign of James I. 
 Edited by F. Devon, 8vo ib. 1836 
 35. Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter, 
 Lord High Treasurer, 44th Edward III. Edited by F. 
 Devron, 8vo. .... ...... ib. 1835 
REG REG 515 
 36. A leaf omitted out of the Record Reports, 8vo. Lond. 1837 
 37. Another leaf omitted out of the Record Reports, 8vo. 
 ib. 1837 
 38. Letters from eminent "Writers, relating to publications, 
 of the Record Commission, 2 copies, 8vo. . . ib. 1836 
 39. Liber Munerum Hiberniae. Edited by F. S. Thomas, 
 2 vols. fol 1824-52 
 40. Magnus Rotulus Scaccarii vel Magnus Rotulus Pipse 
 de anno 31 Hen. I. Edited by J. Hunter, 8vo. . ib. 1833 
 41. Memoria da Commissao dos Arquivas da Gran. Bretania 
 dirigida aos cartorarios, &c. de Portugal, 8vo. . Lisbon, 1835 
 42. Modus tenendi Parliamentum. Edited by T.D. Hardy, 
 8vo ib. 1846 
 43. Monumenta Historica Britannica. Edited by T. D. 
 Hardy, vol. i. fol . ' . 1848 
 43A. Monumenta Historica Britannica, vol. i. Petrie and 
 Sharpe, fol Lond. 1848 
 44. Nonarum Inquisitiones, temp. Ed. III. fol. . . ib. 1807 
 45. Observations of Commissioners on the constitution and 
 duties of the Commission, 2 copies, 8vo. . . . ib. 1836 
 46. Papers and Documents relating to Evidence given 
 before the Record Committee of 1837, 8vo. . . ib. 1837 
 47. Parliamentary Writs, 2 vols. in 4. Edited by Sir F. 
 Palgrave, fol ib. 1827-34 
 48. Placita de Quo Warranto, fol ib. 1818 
 49. Placitorum Abbreviatio, fol ib. 1811 
 50. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council. 
 Edited by Sir N". H. Nicolas, 7 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1834-37 
 51. Proposal for erecting a General Record Office, fol. ib. 1833 
 52. Record of Caernarvon. Edited by Sir H. Ellis, fol. ib. 1838 
 53. Registrum Magni Sigilli regum Scotorum, 1306-1424. 
 Edited by Thos. Thomson (2 copies), fol. Edinburgh, 1814 
 54. Remarks on Evidence taken by Committees of the 
 House of Commons, with illustrations furnished by the 
 inquiry into the Record Commission, 8vo. . Lond. 1837 
 55. Reports from. Records Committee of 1800, fol. ib. 1800 
 56. Report of Proceedings respecting Scotland, 1806-1808, 
 fol ! ib. 1808 
 57. Reports of Commissioners on Ireland, 1813-1815, fol. 
 ib. 1815 
 58. Report of 1812, fol ib. 1812 
 59. Reports from 1800 to 1819, 2 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1819 
 60. Report of 1837, fol ib. 1837 
 without Appendix, 8vo. . ib. 1837 
 61. 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Reports of the Deputy Keeper, fol. 
 ib. 1846-49 
 62. Report on Foedera, 6 vols. 8vo. 
 63. Rotulus Cancellarii de 3 Johannis, 8vo. . . ib. 1833 
 64. Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi. Edited by T. 
 D. Hardy, Vol. i. Part 1, fol ib. 1837 
516 EEC REG 
 65. Rotuli Curiae Regis. Edited by Sir F. Palgrave, 2 vols. 
 8vo. . Lond. 1835 
 66. Rotuli Hundredorum, 2 vols. fol. . . i&. 1812, 1818 
 67. Rotuli Normanniae reg. Johan. et Hen. V. Edited by 
 T. D. Hardy. Vol. i. 8vo ib. 1835 
 68. Rotuli de Liberate, reg. Johanne. Edited by T. D. 
 Hardy, 8vo ib. 1844 
 69. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, 1204-27. Edited by T. 
 D. Hardy, 2 vols. fol ib. 1833-44 
 70. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, 1201-16. Edited by T. 
 D. Hardy, Vol. i. Part 1, fol ib. 1835 
 71. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus, temp. Reg. Johaimis, 
 Edited by T. D. Hardy, 8vo ib. 1835 
 72. Rotulorum Originalium in curia scaccaria abbreviatio, 
 2 vols. fol ib. 1805-10 
 73. Rotulorum patentium et Clausorum Cancellariee 
 Hiberniaa Calendarium, Vol. i. Part 1, fol. . Dublin, 1828 
 74. Rotuli Scotise, Edw. I. to Henry VII. 2 vols. fol. 
 Lond. 1814-19 
 75. Rotuli Selecti ad res Anglicas et Hibernicas spectantes. 
 Edited by J. Hunter, 8vo ib. 1834 
 76. Rules for Guidance of Members of Parliament in 
 the Management of Select Committees, 8vo. . . ib. 1837 
 77. State Papers during the Reign of Henry the Eighth. 
 Edited by R. Lemon, 11 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1830-52 
 78. Statutes of the Realm, Mag. Charta to Q. Anne, 9 vols. 
 in 10, Index, 2 vols ib. 1810-28 
 79. Survey of the principal Repositories of Records, fol. 
 ib. 1832 
 80. Taxatio Ecclesiastica, auctoritate P. Nicholai, fol. ib. 1802 
 81. Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum temp. Hen. III. et 
 Edw. 1., fol ' . . ib. 1807 
 82. Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Hen. VIII., 6 vols. fol. ib. 1810-34 
 A Description of the Contents and Uses of the works 
 printed by the Record Commission. By N. H. Nicolas, 
 8vo ib. 1831 
 Great Rolls of the Pipe, A.D. 1155-1158. Edited by Joseph 
 Hunter, 8vo ib. 1844 
 Great Rolls of the Pipe, 1189-90. Edited by Joseph 
 Hunter, 8vo ib. 1844 
 Calendarium Genealogicum ; for the Reigns of Henry III. 
 and Edward I. Edited by Charles Roberts, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1865 
 Calendar of State Papers. Domestic Series. Reign of 
 Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. Edited by Robert 
 Lemon. Vol. i. 1547-1580, vol. ii. 1581-1590 ib. 1857, 1865 
 Vol. iii. 1591-1594. Edited by M. A. E. 
 Green ib. 1867 
 Vol. iv. 1595-1597 . ib. 1869 
 = Vol. v. 1598-1601 ib. 1869 
REG REC 517 
 RECORD OFFICE continued. 
 Calendar of State Papers, 1601-1603, with Addenda, ]547- 
 1565. Ejdited by M. A. E. Green . . . Lond. 1870 
 - James 1. 1603-25. Edited by M. A. E. 
 Green, 4 vols. 8vo ib. 1857-59 
 - Charles I. 1625-31. Edited by J. Bruce, 
 4 vols. 8yo ib. 1858-60 
 - Addenda, 1566-1579 .... 1871 
 Addenda, 1580-1625, 8vo. . . ib. 1872 
 Reign of Charles I. Edited by John 
 . Bruce. Vol. v. lb31-33 ; Vol. vi. 1633-34 ; Vol. vii. 
 1634-35 ; Vol. viii. 1635 ; Vol. ix. 1635-36 ; Vol. x. 1636- 
 37 ; Vol. xi. 1637 1860-68 
 - Vol. xii. 1637-38 1869 
 Vol. xiii. 1638-39. Edited by J. Bruce 
 and W. D. Hamilton . 1871 
 Vol. xiv. 1639. Edited by W. D. Hamilton 1873 
 Vol. xv. 1640 1880 
 During the Commonwealth. Edited by 
 Mary A. E. Green. Vol. i. 1649-50; Vol. ii. 1650; Vol. 
 iii. 1651 ; Vol. iv. 1651-52 ; Vol. v. 1652-53 ; Vol. vi. 
 1653-54 1875-79 
 Vol. vii. 1654 1880 
 - Vol. viii. 1655 1881 
 - VoL x. 1656-57 1883 
 Vol. xi. 1657-58 . ib. 1884 
 VoL xii. 1658-59 .... ib. 1885 
 Reign of Charles II. Edited by M. A. E. ib. 18b5 
 Green. Vol. i. 1660-61 ; Vol. ii. 1661-62 ; Vol. iii. 1663-64;. 
 Vol. iv. 1664-65 ; Vol. v. 1665-66 ; Vol. vi. 1666-67 ; VoL 
 vii. 1667 ib. 1860-68 
 Calendar of Home Office Papers of the reign of George III. 
 1760 (25 Oct.) to 1765. Edited by J. Redington . ib. 1878 
 Vol. iii. 1770-72. Edited by R. A. Roberts, 
 8vo ib. 1881 
 Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1556-57-1696. Prepared by 
 J. Redington, 8vo. ib. 1868 
 1697-1701-2 ib. 1871 
 1702-7 1874 
 1708-14 1879 
 1714^19 . 1883 
 Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland. Edited by 
 J. Bain. Vol. i. A.D. 1108-1272 . . Edinburgh, 1881 
 - relating to Scotland. Edited by M. J. 
 Thorpe. Vol. i. The Scottish Series of the Reigns of 
 Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, 1509-89 ; 
 Vol. ii. The Scottish Series of the Reign of Elizabeth, 
 1589-1603 ; an .Appendix to the Scottish Series, 1543-92 ; 
 and the State Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots 
 during her Detention in England, 1568-87 . . . 1858 
 - relating to Ireland, 1171-1251. Edited 
 by H. S. Sweettnan, 8vo.. .... Lend. 1875 
518 REG KEG 
 RECORD OFFICE continued. 
 Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, 1252-84 Lond. 1877 
 Vol. iv. 1293-1301 .... ib. 1881 
 Vol. v . 1302-7. Edited by H. S. Sweetman 
 and G. F. Handcock ib. 1886 
 Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton. Vol. i. 
 1509-73 ; Vol. ii. 1574-85 1860-67 
 1588, Aug.-1592, Sept. . . . ib. 1885 
 of the reign of James I., 1603-6. Edited 
 by C. W. Russell and J. W. Prendergast, 8vo. . ib. 1872 
 . 1606-8 1874 
 1608-10 1874 
 1611-14 . 1877 
 1615-25 1880 
 Colonial Series. Edited by W. Noel Sains- 
 bury. Vol. i. America and West Indies, 1574-1660; 
 Vol. ii. East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616. 
 Vol. v. America and West Indies, 1661-S 
 8vo. ib. 1880 
 East Indies, China, and Japan, 1622-24. 
 Edited by W. IN". Sainsbury . . . " . . . 1878 
 East Indies, China, and Persia, 1625-29. 
 Edited by W. K Sainsbury . .... 1884 
 Foreign Series, of the Reign of Edward 
 VI, 1547-53. Edited by W. B. Turnbull . . . 1861 
 Reign of Mary, 1553-58 .... 1861 
 Reign of Elizabeth. Edited by J. Steven- 
 son. Vol. i. 1558-59; Vol. ii. 1559-60; Vol. iii. 1560-61 
 Vol. iv. 1561-62 ; Vol. v. 1562 .... 1863-67 
 1563 1869 
 1564-65 . 1870 
 1566-68. Edited by A. J. Crosby . . 1871 
 1569-71 1874 
 1572-74 1876 
 1575-77 . 1880 
 Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to Eng- 
 lish Affairs, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. 
 Edited by Rawdon Brown. Vol. i. 1202-1509 ; Vol. ii. 
 1509-19 1864-67 
 - Vol. iii. 1520-26 1869 
 - Vol. v. 1534-54, 8vo. . . . ib. 1873 
 Vol. vi. Part ii. 1556-57 .... 1881 
 Vol. vi. Part iii. 1557-58. With an 
 Appendix 1884 
 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers 
 relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, 
 preserved in the Archives at Simancns and elsewhere. 
 Edited by Gr. A. Bergenroth. Vol. i. Henry VII., 1485- 
 1509 ; Vol. ii. Henry VITL, 1509-25 . . . 1862-67 
 Vol. iii. Part i. Henry VIII., 1525-26. 
 Edited by P. de Gayangos ...... 1873 
REG REG 519 
 RECORD OFFICE continued. 
 Calendar of Letters, Despatches, &c. Vol. iii. Part ii. 
 Henry VIII., 1527-29 1877 
 - Vol. iv. 1529-33 . 1879-82 
 Vol. v. Part. i. 1534-35 .... 1886 
 Calendar of the Carew Papers, preserved in Lambeth 
 Library. Edited by J. S. Brewer and William Biillen. 
 Vol. i. 1515-74; Vol. ii. 1575-88 .... 1867, etc. 
 Vol. iii. [1589-1600] 
 Vol. iv. [1601-3] 
 Vol. v. The Book of Howth and Miscel- 
 Vol. vi. 1603-24 
 Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of 
 Henry VIII. Edited by J. S. Brewer. Vol. i. 1509-14 ; 
 Vol. ii. (in two parts) 1515-18 ; Vol. iii. (in two parts) 
 1519-23 1862-67 
 Vol. iv. Introduction and Appendix . . 1875 
 Vol. v. Arranged and catalogued by James 
 Gairdner 1880 
 Vol. vi., 1533 .... Lond. 1882 
 Vol. viii., 1535 ib. 1885 
 Vol. ix. ib. 1886 
 Report on Foedera. Appendix (A.), (B. C. D.), and (E.) 
 By C. Purton Cooper, 8vo. 3 vols ib. 1837 
 Syllabus (in English) of the Documents relating to Eng- 
 land and other Kingdoms contained in the collection 
 known as " Rymer's Foedera." By T. D. Hardy, vol. i. 
 1066-1377; vol. iii. Appendix and Index, 8vo . ib. 1869, 1885 
 Reports of the Deputy- Keeper, 8vo. andfol. In progress ib. 
 Index, 1840-1861, fol. . . ib. 1865 
 Index, 1862-1878, fol. . . . ib. 1880 
 Notes of Materials for the History of Public Departments. 
 By F. S. Thomas, fol ib. 1846 
 Handbook to the Public Records. By F. S. Thomas, 8vo. 
 ib. 1853 
 Historical Notes. Compiled by F. S. Thomas, 3 vols (I. 
 1509-1603, II. 1603-1714, and III. Scotland Ireland 
 Treaties), 8vo ib. 1856 
 Catalogue of the Library. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 RECORD REVELATIONS. A Letter on the Public Records of Ire- 
 land. By an Irish Archivist, 8vo. .... ib. 1863 
 RECORD SOCIETY. (For the Publication of Original Documents 
 relating to Lancashire and Cheshire.) 
 Vol. I. Lancashire and Cheshire Church Surveys, 1649- 
 1655. Edited by H. Fishwick, 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 Vol. II. An Index to the Wills and Inventories in the 
 Court of Probate, at Chester, from A.D. 1545 to 1620. 
 Edited by J. P. Earwaker, 8vo. . . Manchester, 1879 
 Vol. III. Lancashire Inquisitions returned into the Chan- 
 cery of the Duchy of Lancaster, Stuart Period, part 1, 
 1 to 11 James I. Edited by J k P. Rylands, 8vo. Lond. 1880 
520 REG REE 
 RECORD SOCIETY continued. 
 Vol. IV. An Index to the Wills and Inventories in the 
 Court of Probate, at Chester, from A.D. 1621 to 1650. 
 Edited by J. P. Earwaker, 8vo. , . Manchester, 1881 
 Vol. V. The Register Book of Christenings, Weddings, 
 and Burials, within the Parish of Prestbury, Chester, 
 1560-1636. Edited by J. Croston, 8vo. . . . ib. 1881 
 Vol. VI. Cheshire and Lancashire Funeral Certificates, 
 A.D. 1600 to 1678. Edited by J. P. Rylands, 8vo, . ib. 1882 
 Vol. VII. Lancashire and Cheshire Records, part 1. 
 Edited by W. D. Selby, 8vo. ...... ib. 1882 
 Vol. VIII. - part 2, 8vo. . . . ib. 1883 
 Vol. IX. The Rolls of Burgesses at the Guilds Merchant 
 of Preston, co. Lancaster, 1397-1682. Edited by W. A, 
 Abram, 8vo ib. 1884 
 Vol. X. Lancashire Wills proved at Richmond (Yorks), 
 1457-1680, and Abstracts of Lancashire Wills, 1531- 
 1652. Edited by H. Fishwick, 8vo. , ib. 1884 
 Vol. XL Exchequer Depositions, 1558 to 1702, Edited by 
 Caroline Fishwick, 8vo. ...... ib. 1885 
 VoL XII. Miscellanies ; Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. i, 
 8vo. '. ib. 1885 
 Vol. XIII. List of Lancashire Wills, proved within the 
 Archdeaconry of Richmond, A.D. 1681-1748. Edited by 
 Henry Fishwick, 8vo. ....... ib. 1886 
 RECORD, Robert. 
 The Castle of Knowledge, 4to. .... Lond. 1596 
 The Ground of Arts. Teaching the practise of Arith- 
 meticke, sm. 8vo. ......... ib. 1632 
 Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian 
 Monuments. Edited by S. Birch, vols. i.-xi 8vo. ib. 1573-78 
 Vol. xii. Egyptian Texts, 8vo. ib. [1881] 
 RECUEIL des plus belles pieces des Poetes Francois depuis 
 Villon jusqu'a Benserade, 6 vols. 18mo, . . Paris, 1752 
 REDFARN, W. B. " Old Cambridge." A Series of Original 
 Sketches, with descriptive letter-press, obi. 4to. 
 Cambridge, 1876 
 REDFERN, Francis. History of the town of Uttoxeter; with 
 Notices of places in its neighbourhood, 8vo. -. . ib. 1865 
 REDFORD, George, and RICHES, T. H. History of Uxbridge, 
 8vo. (Two copies) ....... Uxbridge, 1818 
 REDGRAVE, Samuel. A Dictionary of Artists of the English 
 School. New edition, 8vo. . ... Lond. 1878 
 REED, Charles. Why Not ? A Plea for a Library and Museum 
 in the City of London, 8vo. (Tracts 101) . . ib. 1855 
 REED, F. H. Illustrations of Tattershall Castle, Lincolnshire, 
 fol ib. 1872 
 REED, Silvester. Illustrated Guide to Whitby. Sixth edition, 
 8vo. (Tracts 152*) Whitby t 
 REES, J D. Cambro-Brytannicse Cymrsecaeve Linguae Institu- 
 tiones, fol. ...... Lond. 1592 
REE REI 521 
 REES, Rice. Essay on the Welsh Saints, 8vo. . . Lond. 1836 
 REES, W. J. Account of the Abbey of Cwmhir, co. Radnor, 
 8vo. ib. 1850 
 REES, William. Loventium : its geographical position, and 
 reasons for assigning it to Llandovery, 8vo. (Tracts 164) 
 ib. 1873 
 REEVE, W. N. General Monk. A Paper, 8vo. . , Leicester, 1877 
 REEVES, John. On the Coronation Oath, 8vo. (Tracts 128). 
 Lond. 1801 
 REEVES, W. A Sermon preached at the Consecration of the 
 Church of St. Patrick of Ardragh, 4to. . . . ib. 1869 
 REFORM CLUB. Catalogue of the Library (Supplement, 1883-84 ; 
 1884-85; 1885-86), 8vo ib. 1883-86 
 REGAZEONI, Innocenzo. Paleoetnologia. L'Uomo Preistorico 
 nella Provincia di Como, 4to. .... Milan, 1878 
 REGISTER. Proposed Form of, for Baptisms, 4to. 
 Do. do. Burials, 4to. . . Lond. 1781 
 REGISTERS, PARISH. A Plea for their Preservation, 8vo. (Tracts 
 149*) Harrow, 1867 
 Annual Reports, fol. ..,,,. Lond. 1840-44 
 8vo ib. 1840-46 
 REGNIER, Mathurin. (Euvres Completes. Precedees de 
 1'Histoire de la Satire en France par M. Viollet le Due, 
 sm. 8vo, ..,,,.,, Paris, 1853 
 Pedigree of the Family of Reichel, descended from Valentin 
 Reichel, of Geising in Saxony, fol. . , . Lond\ 1872 
 Stemma vetus Reichelianum, cura et studio. 0. J. Reichel, 
 fol . 1878 
 Sparsholt Feast. A sermon, 8vo. . . . Paignton, 1883 
 The Elements of Canon Law, 8vo. . ', . Lond. 1887 
 REID, Mr. An Abstract of Sir I. Newton's Chronology of 
 Ancient Kingdoms. Second edition, 8vo, . . ib. 1732 
 REID, H. J. The History of Wargrave, Berks, 8vo. Reading, 1885 
 REID, James. Memoirs of the Assembly of Divines at West- 
 minster, 2 vols. in one, 8vo. , . . Paisley, 1811-15 
 REID, John. On a Reform in the Law of Copyright, 8vo. (Tracts 
 144) . Lond. 1847 
 REIFFENBERG, F. A. F. T., Baron de. 
 Sur la Langue et la Litterature Romanes, 8vo. (Tracts 
 137*) Brussels, n.d. 
 Charles Quint considere comme renommee populaire. 
 (Tracts 137*) ib. 
 Version de la Legende de Jourdain de Blaye, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 137*) . . . ... . . . **. 
 Notice sur le Chateau de Mierwart, 8vo. (Tracts 137*) ib. 
 Sur une Bague Ancienne, 8vo. (Tracts 137*) . . ib. 
522 REI REN 
 REIFFENBERG, F. A. F. T., Baron de continued. 
 Sur les Patois Romans usites en Belgique, 8vo (Tracts 
 137*) ........ Brussels, n.d, 
 Nouvelles observations sur les Patois Romans, 8vo. (Tracts 
 137*) . ib. 
 Notice sur Jean Francois Foppens, 8vo. (Tracts 137*) ib. 
 Addition a la Notice sur Foppens, 8vo. (Tracts 137*) ib. 
 Remarques sur une Monnaie Ancienne. (Tracts 137*) ib. 
 REIMPRESSION, La. Etude de cette Question, 12mo. (Tracts 
 144) ib. 1851 
 REINAUD, J. T. Ouvra^es Arabes Persans, &c., Imprimes a 
 Constantinople, 8vo. (Tracts 137) . . Paris (circa 1849) 
 REINECCIUS, Reinerns. 
 Commentatio de Saxonum Originibus, 4to. Helmstadt, 1620 
 De Angrivariis, Angaria Oppido et ibidem Widechindi 
 Monumento, 4to ib. 1620 
 REINESIUS, Thomas. Syntagma Inscriptionum Antiquarum, foL 
 Leipzig, 1682 
 Catalogue Annuel de la Librarie Fra^aise. Troisieme 
 Annee, 8vo. . . . '. '. . ". Paris, 1861 
 Huitieme Annee, 8vo. . . ib. 1865-66 
 REJECTED ADDRESSES : or the New Theatrum Poetarum. Six- 
 teenth edition, 12mo Lond. 1817 
 RELIGION, A Representation of the present State of : drawn up 
 by the Upper House of Convocation. (Tracts on Political 
 and Church a/airs, 1670-1711.) 4to. '. '. Dublin, 1711 
 RELIGION IN ENGLAND, Three Letters on ... Lond. 1688 
 RELIQUARY, The. Vols. i.-xxvii. Edited by Llewellynn Jewitt, 
 8vo. . ... London and Derby, 1860-86 
 New Series, edited by Rev. J. Charles Cox, 
 8vo. In progress ...... ib. 1887, etc. 
 RELIQUI^I ANTIQUE. Edited by T. Wright and J. O. Halliwell, 
 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1841-53 
 REMACLE, L. Dictionnaire Wallon et Fra^ais, 8vo. Liege, 1823 
 REMARKS upon the account of the conduct of a certain Duchess. 
 In a letter, &c. [By Ralph.] (Bound with " Marl- 
 borough, The Glorious Memory.") 12mo. . Lond. 1742 
 RENAUT. Lai d'Ignaures en vers du xii e siecle par Renaut suivi 
 des Lais de Melion et du Trot, en vers du xiii e siecle. 
 Publics par L. J. N. Moumerque et F. Michel, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1832 
 RENDLE, William. 
 Old Southwark and its People, sq. 8vo. . Southward, 1878 
 Southwark in the Time of Shakspere. The Bankside 
 Theatres, Stews, &c. 8vo. . " . . . Lond. 1878 
 St. Thomas's Hospital, from its foundation to 1553. Chiefly 
 from a Manuscript in the Library of the Earl of Ash- 
 burnham, 8vo. . . . . [ib. 1884] 
 RENFREW, County of. Archaeological and Historical Collections. 
 Vol. I. Parish of Lochwinnoch, 4to. . . Paisley, 1885 
REN REV 523 
 RENNELL, Jaines. 
 Roads in Bengal and Bahar, 12mo. ..... 1778 
 Geographical System of Herodotus Examined, 4to. Lond. 1800 
 Illustrations of the Expedition of Cyrus from Sardis to 
 Babylonia. (Maps.) 4to ib. 1816 
 Annales de 1'Imprimerie des Aide ; ou Histoire des trois 
 Manuce et de leurs editions. (Portrait.) 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Pans, 1803-12 
 REPLY, A proper, to a late Scurrilous Libel. (Sound with 
 Pope's " Dunciad.") 8vo. . n.p. n.d. 
 REPOSITORY. Repository of Anecdote and Wit. Third edition, 
 2 vols. 8vo, ....... Lond. n.d. 
 REPP, T. G. 
 Periculum Runologicum. Dissertatio, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1823 
 Letter regarding the Runic Inscription on the Monument 
 at Ruthwell. (Bound with Duncan's account of the 
 Monument,) 4to. (Tracts 9.) 
 On Landscape Gardening, 8vo. . . , Lond. 1806 
 4to ib. 1816 
 A Trewe Hystorie of the redoubtable Prynce Radapanthus, 
 8vo. . . ib. 1820 
 On the Beard and Moustachio, 8vo. .... ib. 1839 
 RESEN, P. H. Kong Waldemars den Andens Tyst Low-Bog, 4to. 
 Copenhagen, 1684 
 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, The. Vols. i.-xiv. . . . [1820-26] 
 and Historical and Antiquarian Magazine. 
 Edited by H. Southern and N. H. Nicolas. Second 
 series. Vols. i. and ii [1827-28] 
 Consisting of Criticisms upon curious and 
 scarce old books. Vols. i. and ii. (1853-4), 18 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1820-54 
 REVELS. A Curious Paper of the time of Queen Elizabeth, 
 respecting the office of Revels. Privately printed, 8vo. ib. 1872 
 REVELS, The : or a Satyr against Temple-Ryots, sm. 4to. . ib. 1683 
 REVILLOUT, Eugene. Nouvelle Chrestomathie Demotique. Mis- 
 sion de 1878. Contrats de Berlin, Vienne, Leyde, &c. 4to. 
 Paris, 1878 
 RE"VOIL, Henry. 
 Architecture Romane du Midi de la France. Appendice. 
 Edifices Religieux anterieurs au xi e siecle, fol. . ib. 1870 
 Fouilles Archeologiques. No. 4. Vase antique Phaleres 
 en bronze, 8vo. (Tracts 105) . . . . ib. [1871] 
 REVOLUTION FRAN9AISE, Tableaux de la ; ou Collection de Gra- 
 vures, &c., 2 vols. fol. (Plates) .... ib. n.d. 
 Nouvelle Serie, vols. i.-xliv. 3 me serie, vol. i., etc. ib. 1860, etc. 
 Nouvelle Serie. Table Decennale. 1860-1869 dressee par 
 M. Delaunay suivi de 1'Index des Gravures, 8vo. . ib. 1874 
524 KEY RHI 
 Publiee sous la, direption de MM. Alex, Bertrand et G. 
 Perrot. 3 me Serie. l re Annee, 8vo. . . Paris, 1883 
 REVUE DE L'AET CHRETIEN, Janvier, 1860, 8vo. (Tracts 44) . ib. 
 REVUE DE L'ORIENT, de 1'Algerie et des Colonies, Bulletin de la 
 Societe Orientale de France, 17e Annee. No. vi. Juin 
 1859, 8vo. No. ix. (Tracts 65) . Paris and Algiers, 1859 
 REVUE GE"NE"RALE DE L'ARCHITECTURE et des Travanx Publics. 
 Sous la direction de M. C. Daly. Yol. i., part 1 ; vols. 
 15-25 and vol. 26, parts 1-8. Plates. 10 vols. 4to. ib. 1857-68 
 REY, Etienne. Monuments Remains et Gothiques de Yienne 
 avec un texte Historique par E. Yietty, fol. . . ^6. 1831 
 REY, M. J. Essais sur Richard ILL, Roy D'Angleterre, 8vo. 
 ib. 1818 
 REYNARD, THE Fox, The most delectable History of. To which 
 is added a Second Part, and also the Shifts of Rey- 
 nardine, &c. Woodcuts. B. L. 4to. . . Lond. 1701 
 REYNERUS, Clemens. Apostolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia, 
 fol. . . . . . . . ... Douai, 1626 
 Ordinale Secundum usum Exon. By Bishop Grandisson. 
 Legenda Sanctorum. The Proper Lessons for Saints' Days 
 according to the Use of Exeter. Compiled by John De 
 Grandisson, Bishop, 1327, vol. ii. Part iii. Fasciculi 
 i.-iii. fol Lond. 1880 
 Early Reprints for English Readers. John Gerson, 4to. 
 ib. [1881] 
 Wells Cathedral: its Foundation, Constitutional History 
 and Statutes, fol Wells, 1881 
 REYNOLDS, John, D.D. A Defence of the Judgment of the 
 Reformed Churches. That a man may lawfullie not onelie 
 put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also marrie 
 another. Wherein both R. Beliarmin and an English 
 pamphlet are confuted, &c., 4to. .... n.p. 1609 
 REYNOLDS, John, Merchant. 
 The Triumphs 'of God's Revenge against murther. Sixth 
 edition. To which is added God's Revenge against 
 Adultery, &c. Plates, fol Lond. 1679 
 4to ib. 1753 
 REYNOLDS, John, of Williton. Some notes on English Monasti- 
 cism, with special reference to Cleeve Abbey, 8vo. 
 Williton, 1878 
 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua. Discourses on Painting and the Fine 
 Arts, &c., 12mo. . . , . . . Lond. 1837 
 RHIND, A. H. 
 British Antiquities : their present Treatment and Real 
 Claims, 8vo. ...... Edinburgh, 1855 
 The Law of Treasure Trove, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) . . ib. 1H58 
 British Archaeology : its Progress and Demands, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1858 
RHI RIG 525 
 RHIND, A. H. continued. 
 Thebes: its Tombs and their Tenants, .8vo. . Lond. 1862 
 Facsimiles of Two Papyri ; with a Translation by S. Birch, 
 obi. fol. ... .... . ib. 1863 
 Jahrbiicher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rhein- 
 lande, 8vo. In Progress .... Bonn, 1842, etc. 
 Die Lauersforter Phalerae erlautert von Otto Jahn, 4to. 
 ib. 1860 
 Die Romische Yilla zu Nennig erlautert von Domcapitular 
 von Wilmowski, fol. . . . . ib. 1865 
 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, vol. iv. 8vo. 
 Providence, 1838 
 RHODIGINUS, J. 0. In marmor Isiacum exercitationes, Svo. 
 Rome, 1719 
 RHYS, J. 
 Lectures on Welsh Philology. Second edition. 8vo 
 Lond. 1879 
 Early Britain. Celtic Britain, sm. 8vo. . . .. ib. 1882 
 Estudos Prehistoricos em Portugal, 2nd part, 4to. Lisbon, 1878-80 
 Des Formations Tertiaires du Portugal, 8vo. . Paris, 1880 
 RIBEIRO, J. S. Historia dos Estabelecimentos Scientificos 
 Litterarios e Artisticos de Portugal, vols. i.-ix. 8vo. 
 Lisbon, 1871-81 
 RICCIO, G. Secondo Supplement al Catalogo delle antiche 
 Monete Romane, 4to. (Tracts 25) ... Naples, 1861 
 RICE, R. G. Some Account of R. Eldridge, of Horsham, Bell- 
 founder, and Notes upon the Bells of St. Mary's Church, 
 8vo. . . . . Lewes, 1881 
 RICH, A. The Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary 
 and Greek Lexicon, sm. 4to Lond. 1849 
 RICH, C. J. On the Ruins of Babylon, Svo. . . . ib. 1815 
 RICHARD I., Chronicles and Memorials of. Edited by W. Stubbs, 
 vols. i. ii. roy. 8vo ib. 1864 
 RICHARD II. Histories vitae et regni Richardi II. a monacho 
 quodam de Evesham consignata. Edidit T. Hearnius, 
 Svo. . Oxonice, 1729 
 RICHARD III., Unpublished Penny of. 8vo. (Numismatic 
 RICHARD III. and HENRY VII. Letters and Papers illustrative 
 of their Reigns. Edited by J. Gairdner, vols. i. ii. roy. 
 Svo. ... . Lond. 1861-63 
 RICHARD, Charles- 
 Decouverte de la Statue de Richard Cceur de Lion dans le 
 Sanctuaire de la Cathedrale de Rouen. (Sound with 
 "Deville.") 8vo. . ... Rouen, 1838 
 Notice sur Richard Cceur de Lion. (Bound with "Deville.") 
 8vo. . ....... ib. 1839 
 RICHARDS, Thomas. Welsh Dictionary, 8vo. . . Bristol, 1753 
526 RIO RIO 
 RICHARDSON, B. W. The Asclepiad. A Book of Research in 
 Medicine, vol. i., etc. 8vo. In progress . . Lond. 1884, etc 
 Architectural Remains, temp. Eliz., Jas. I., fol. . . ib. 1838 
 Elizabethan Subjects. (Proofs of the Plates.) fol. 
 Old English Mansions, series i.-iii. 3 vols. fol. . ib. 1845 
 RICHARDSON, Charles. 
 Illustrations of English Philology, 4to. . . . ib. 1815 
 Bepublished 1826 
 A New Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1844 
 The Monumental Effigies of the Temple Church, fol. ib. 1843 
 Second Copy, MS. Notes. 
 The Ancient Stone and Leaden Coffins, Encaustic Tiles, &c., 
 discovered in the Temple Church, fol. . . . ib. 1845 
 The Monumental Effigies, and Tombs, in Elford Church, 
 Staffordshire ; with a Memoir of the Lords of Elford ib. 1852 
 The Life of Mrs. Dorothy Lawson, of St. Antony's, near 
 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 8vo. . . .. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1855 
 A Guide to the Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 8vo. ib. n.d. 
 RICHARDSON, H. S. Greenwich : its History, Antiquities, &c. 
 12mo ib. 1834 
 Oriental Vocabularies, fol. (Tracts 157) . . Lond. 1847 
 Touarick Alphabet, fol. (Tracts 157) . . . ib. 1847 
 Specimen of Persian Poetry, 4to. .... ib. 1774 
 Arabic Grammar, 4to. ...... ib. 1776 
 RICHARDSON, Jonathan. 
 An Account of some of the Statues and Pictures in Italy, 
 8vo ib. 1722 
 Two Discourses. L An Essay on the Art of Criticism as 
 it relates to Painting. II. An Argument in behalf of 
 the Science of a Connoisseur, 8vo. . . . ib. 1725 
 An Essay on the Theory of Painting. Second edition, 
 8vo ib. 1725 
 RICHARDSON, M. A. A Guide through Newcastle-upon-Tyne and 
 its vicinity, sm. 8vo. ..... Newcastle, 1846 
 RICHARDSON, Richard. Extracts from his Correspondence, 8vo. 
 Yarmouth, 1835 
 Practical Information concerning the Public Debt of the 
 United States, with the National Banking Laws. Third 
 edition, 8vo Washington (U.S.A.) 1873 
 Military Operations of Lieut. -Col. J. C. Fremont in 
 California, A.D. 1846, 1847; and the Liability of the 
 United States for his acts, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Receipt and Investment of the Geneva Award Money, 8vo. 
 ib. 1882 
RIG RIG 527 
 RICHARDSON, W. A. continued. 
 History of the Court of Claims of the United States, 8vo. 
 Washington (U.S.A.) 1882 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1885 
 RICHARDSON, W. H. The Annalls of Ipsw cbfi - The Lawes, 
 Customes, and Govern mt of the same. Collected by 
 N. Bacon, 1654. With a Memoir by Sterling Westhorp, 
 4to . . Ipswich, 1884 
 RICHERL, C. R. (pseud. Rhodiginus, C. L.) Lectionum Anti- 
 quarum Libri, fol. ..... Francofurti, 1666 
 RICHMOND, Steamboat Companion from Queenhithe to, 12mo. 
 Ipswich. 1824 
 RICHTER, C.. Ueber die Attribute der Venus, 8vo. . Vienna, 1783 
 RICHTER, J.. P. Der Ursprung der Abendlandischen Kirchen- 
 gebaude, kritisch erlautert, 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 RICKETTS, Henry. Reports on Midnapore and Ciittack, 8vo. 
 Calcutta, 1858 
 RICKMAN, Thomas. 
 An attempt to discriminate the styles of Architecture in 
 England, 8vo Lond. [1817] 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. [1819] 
 Third edition, 8vo ib. [1825] 
 Fifth edition, 8vo ib. 1848 
 Sixth edition, with additions by J. H. 
 Parker, 8vo ib. 1862 
 Seventh edition, 8vo. Oxford and Lond. 1881 
 RIDDELL, John. The Riddell Papers, 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1863 
 RIDER, Cardanus. Rider's British Merlin, for 1741, 24mo. Lond. 1741 
 RIDGE, L. W. Priory Church of Boxgrove, Sussex, fol. . ib. 1864 
 RIDGWAY, James. Westminster Abbey ; its History, Pageants, 
 Ac., from A.D. 1065 to 1422, 8vo. . ^ . . ib. 1865 
 RIDLEY, Nicolas (Bishop). A Brief Declaration of the Lordes 
 Supper, 12mo. ........ 1555 
 RIDLEY, Nicolas (Bishop), and LATIMER, Hugh (Bishop), Certain 
 godly Conferences betweene, 12mo. . . . .1556 
 Border History of England and Scotland, 4to. . . ib. 1776 
 - Second Copy. 
 RIEDESEL, Baron, Travels through Sicily and that part of Italy 
 called Magna Graecia. Translated by J. R. Forster, 8vo. 
 ib. 1773 
 RIETSTAP, J. B. Armorial General, 8vo. . . . Gouda, 18ol 
 RlGGE, H. F. 
 Cartmel Priory Church, North Lancashire, 8vo. Cartmel, 1879 
 A Paper on the Harrington Tomb in Cartmel Priory 
 Church, 8vo Kendal, 1881 
 RIGOLLOT, J. Sur un Ivoire representant le Bapteme de Clovis, 
 8vo. (Tracts 56*) .... . Amiens, 1832 
 Sur de nou velles Decouvertes de Monnaies Picardes, &c., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 56*) ib. 1841 
 Monnaies des Comtes de Saint Pol, 8vo. (Tracts 56*) . 1850 
528 BIG RIV 
 RIGOLLOT, J. continued. 
 Histoire des Arts du Dessin depuis 1'epoque Romaine 
 jusqu'a la fin du Seizieme Siecle, 2 vols. (Texte) 8vo. 
 Paris, 1863-6,4 
 RIG-VEDA SANHITA. (Hindu Hymns.) Edited by H. H. Wilson, 
 vols. ii., iii., 8vo. ...... Lond. 1854-57 
 RILET, H. T. London and London Life, 8vo. . '. . ik>. 1868 
 Early English Organ-builders, 12mo. . . * ib. n.d. 
 Musical Illustrations of Percy's Reliques, 8vo. . . ib. 1850 
 The Pianoforte, it origin, progress, and construction, 4to. 
 ib. 1860 
 RING, Maximilien de. Notice sur les Tombes Celtiques de la 
 Souabe et de I'Allemaine. (Tracts 118*) . Gand, 1840 
 II Cappuccino Scozzese, 12mo. ..... Macerata, 1655 
 Aggiuntovi il compimento sino alia morte,, 
 12mo Rome, 1760 
 Rio, A. del. Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City near- 
 Palenque, Guatemala, followed by Teatro critico 
 Americano, by P. F. Cabrera, 4to. . . Lond. 1822 
 RIOTE (La), du Monde. Le Roi d'Angleterre et le Jongleur 
 d'Ely. Public, par F. Michel, 8vo. . . Paris, 1834 
 RIPLEY, Sir George. Ripley reviv'd ; or, an Exposition upon 
 Sir G. Ripley's Hermetico- Poetical Works. Written by 
 Eireneeus, Philalethes, sm. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1678 
 Tourist's Companion, 8vo. .... Ripon^ 1825 
 - Sixth edition, 8vo. . . ' . . ib. 1833 
 8vo tb. 1861 
 RIPPERDA, G. Oratio de Urbe Leyda obsessa ab Hispanis et 
 Divinitus Liberata. (Bound with " Saxo Grammaticus," 
 1644.) Fol Leyden, 1654 
 RITCHIE, Robert. Who was the Architect of Heriot's Hospital ? 
 8vo. (Tracts 56) ..... Edinburgh, 1855 
 RITE of the Blessing of a Bell, from the Roman Pontifical, 12mo. 
 RITSON, Joseph. 
 Pieces of ancient Popular Poetry, with cuts (by Bewick), 
 8vo i&. 1791 
 Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots ; and of Strath- 
 clyde, Cumberland, Galloway, and Murray, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1828 
 RITTER, J. L., and ROEDERER, J. G. Prisca jungendorum marium 
 fluviorumque molimina, 4to. . . . Strasburg, circa 1770 
 RIVE, L'Abbe. Prospectus d'un ouvrage propose, sur 1'art de 
 verifier 1'age des miniatures, 12mo. . . circa 1782 
RIV ROB 529 
 RIVERIUS, Lazarus. The Practise of Physick. Translation by 
 N. Culpepper, A. Cole, and W. Rowland. With Four 
 Books by the same author, and a Fifth Book by J. Fer- 
 nelius. Portraits, fol. ..... Lond. 1672 
 On Ancient Rock Sculpturings in Kamaon, 8vo. . [1877] 
 On Flint Implements from Central India, 8vo. . . [1877] 
 On Masons' Marks from Old Buildings in the North- West 
 Provinces of India, 8vo Bombay, 1878 
 Administrative Rules for the Protection of Antiquarian 
 Remains in India. Pts. 1 and 2. fol. . . . n.p. 1879 
 Archaeological Notes on a March between Cawnpore and 
 Mainpuri, 8vo. ... ... [1879] 
 Archaeological Notes on Ancient Sculpturings on Rocks in 
 Kumaon, India, similar to those found on Monoliths and 
 Rocks in Europe, with other Papers, 8vo. . Calcutta, 1879 
 Description of some Stone Carvings collected in a tour 
 through the Doab, from Cawnpore to Mainpuri, 8vo. ib. 1879 
 Notes and Queries in Indian Archaeology, 8vo. . . .1879 
 Prehistoric Remains in Central India, 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 Rough Notes on the Snake Symbol in India, in connection 
 with the Worship of Siva, 8vo ib. 1879 
 Ancient Remains in Central India, 8vo. 
 RIVETUS ANDREAS. Isagoge seu introductio ad Scripturam 
 Sacram, 4to. ....... Ley den, 1627 
 RIVINGTON, William. On Church Extension in St. Pancras, 
 8vo. (Tracts 118) Lond. 1852 
 ROBBERDS, J. W. Geological and historical observations on the 
 Eastern Tallies of Norfolk, 8vo. . . . Norwich, 1826 
 ROBBERS. The Lives, Robberies, and Adventures of those 
 memorable Robbers Falstaff, Robin Hood, Dun, 
 Witherington and Rumbold, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1770 
 ROBBINS, Chandler. Memoir of Hon. William Appleton, 8vo. 
 Boston, 1863 
 ROBERSON, H. An Account of laying the first stone of Christ's 
 Church, Liversedge, 8vo. . . Leeds and Lond. 1813 
 RoBERT-LE-DiABLE, Miracle de Nostre Dame de. Publie par 
 plusieurs membres de la Societe des Antiquaires de 
 Normandie, 8vo. (Two copies] . . . Rouen, 1836 
 ROBERT LE DIABLE, Le Roman de, en vers du XIIP siecle Publie 
 par G. S. Trebutien, 4to. .... Paris, 1837 
 Roberte the Devyll : a Metrical Romance. Edited by John 
 Herbert ib. 1798 
 ROBERT, Pierre Charles. 
 Les Legions d'Auguste, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . ib. 1868 
 Epigraphie Gallo-Romaine de la Moselle, 4to. . . ib. 1873 
 Le Boutoir Romain, 8vo. ...... ib. 1876 
 Evenements Militaires accomplis sous le regne de Henri II. 
 (1551-53), et leurs Medailles Commemoratives, 8vo. ib. 1876 
 Sirona. Extrait de la Revue Celtique, torn. IV., 8vo. ib. 1879 
 Cinq Inscriptions de Lectoure, 8vo ib. 1881 
530 EOB ROB 
 ROBERT, Pierre Charles continued. 
 Les Etrangers a Bordeaux, etude d'Inscriptions de la Periode 
 Romaine portant des Ethniques, 8vo. . Bordeaux, 1883 
 ROBERTS, B. C, Letters and Miscellaneous Papers, with a 
 Memoir, 4to. ....... Lond. 1814 
 ROBERTS, David. Egypt and Nubia, from drawings by D. 
 Roberts, with descriptions by W. Brockedon, 3 vols. 
 Atlas fol. ib. 1846-49 
 ROBERTS, George. 
 Four Years' Voyages to the Canaries, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1726 
 Government of Lyme Regis, 12mo. .... ib. n.d. 
 History of Lyme Regis, 12mo. . .... * ib. 1834 
 ROBERTS, Henry. 
 Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, 8vo. . .. ib. 1850 
 Essentials of a healthy Dwelling, 8vo. (Tracts 123*) ib. 1862 
 ROBERTSON, D. H. Sculptured Stones of Leith, 4to. Leith, 1851 
 ROBERTSON, David. Tour through the Isle of Man, 8vo. . ib. 1794 
 ROBERTSON, E. P. English and Gujarati Dictionary, 12mo. 
 Bombay and Calcutta, 1854 
 Comitatus de Atholia, 8vo. 1860 
 The Gaelic Topography of Scotland, and what it proves, 
 expl-ained, 8vo. .... Edinb. and Lond. 1869 
 ROBERTSON, J. C. History of the Christian Church, vol. i. 
 Fourth edition (A.D. 64-590), vol. ii., in two parts, new 
 edition (590-1122), vol. iii. (1122-1303), vol. iv. (1304- 
 1517) . . . ' . . . . Lond. 1862-73 
 ROBERTSON, Joseph. The Parian Chronicle, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788 
 ROBERTSON, William. 
 Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae, 4to. .... Lond. 1680 
 Index of Records of the Charters of the Kings of Scotland, 
 1309-1413, 4to ib. 1798 
 ROBIN'S PANEGYRICK, or, the Norfolk Miscellany, parts 1, 2. 
 (Bound with Pope's " Dunciad.") 8vo. . . . ib. 1731 
 Report of the Retiring Swan Warden of the Dyers' 
 Company, 1877, 4to ib. 1877 
 History and Antiquities of the Company of Dyers, 
 London, 4to. ' . . ib. 1880 
 A Review of theories respecting the Architecture of the 
 Temple of Solomon, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Site of the new Admiralty and War Offices, Whitehall. A 
 Letter to the Earl of Morley, 8vo ib. [1886] 
 ROBINSON, Frederick. Refutation of Lieut. Wellsted's attack on 
 Lord Valentia's work upon the Red Sea, 4to. (Tracts 59) ib. 1842 
 Derbyshire Gatherings, 4to. . . . . ib. 1866 
 Local Relics. Seven Reprints from the "Derby and 
 Chesterfield Reporter," Feb. 5 to Aug. 6, 1875. Fol. . 1875 
 An Historical Sketch of the Manor of South Winfield, 
 Derbyshire, with notices of its Possessors, 8vo. Derby, 
 Introductory Lecture (S.K. Museum) ,8vo. (TractslOl) Lond. 1854 
ROB ROC 531 
 A Catalogue of the Muse am of Ornamental Art at Marl- 
 borough House, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1855 
 Catalogue of the S. K. Museum, 8vo . ib. 1855 
 Catalogue of the Uzielli Collection, 8vo. . . . ib. 1860 
 Notice of works of mediaeval art for the South Kensington 
 Museum, 8vo. (Tracts 115) ib. 1860 
 Notice of the Collection of H. Magniac, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 Italian Sculpture at the South Kensington Museum . ib. 1862 
 Catalogue of the Special Exhibition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1863 
 Catalogue of the Napier Collection, 8vo. . . ib. 1865 
 The Early Portuguese School of Painting, with notes on 
 the pictures at Visen and Coimbra, traditionally ascribed 
 to Gran Vasco, 8vo. ...... ib. 1866. 
 The National Gallery, 8vo. (Tracts 61***). . . ib. 1867' 
 A Antiga Escola Portugueza de Pintura por J. C. Robinson. 
 Edicao Portugueza publicada por o Marquez de Sousa 
 Holstein, 8vo. ' . . . . Lisbon, 1868: 
 Memoranda on Fifty Pictures, selected from a Collection of 
 Works of the Ancient Masters, 4to. . . Lond.. 1868 
 Memoranda on the Madonna dei Candelabri of Raffaelle, 
 Parts i, ii, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Our National Art Collections and Provincial Art Museums. 
 Two articles. For private distribution. 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 North of England Tractates. No. 5. Yorkshire Worthies. 
 No. 8. Halifax Gibbet and Gibbet Law. No. 12. The 
 Saxon Cross, Church, &c., at Dewsbury. 8vo. 
 Stokedey, 1869-72 
 Odd Numbers of Yorkshire Magazines containing : J. R. 
 Robinson and his Poetry (Portrait), Yorkshire Poets and 
 their Poetry. No. 2. Gordale, Howley Hall, Rosebury 
 Topping. 4to Leeds, tyc. 1870-73 
 ROBINSON, John. Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, West- 
 moreland, and Lancashire, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1831 
 History of Woburn Abbey, fol ib. 1827 
 History of Hatfield House, fol ib. 1832 
 Vitruvius Britannicus. History of Castle Ashby. (Plates.) 
 Atlas fol :..-.-'& 1841 
 ROBINSON, William. 
 History of Tottenham High-Cross, 8vo. . . . 1818 
 History of Edmonton, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1819 
 History of Stoke Newington, 8vo ib. 1820 
 History of Enfield, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo ib. 1823 
 History of Tottenham, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. . ib. 1840 
 History of Hackney, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. . . . ib. 1842 
 ROBSABT, Amy. Fac-simile of an original letter found at 
 Longleat by J. E. Jackson, s. sh. fol. (Tracts 1**) n.p. [1866] 
 ROCCHEGGIANI, Lorenzo. Raccolta di cento Tavole di Costumi, 
 obi. 4to. .......... n.d. 
 ROCHESTER, The History and Antiquities of, 12mo. . Rochester, n.d. 
532 ROC BOG 
 ROCHESTER AND ROSCOMMON, Earls of. Miscellaneous Works. 
 With the Memoir of the Earl of Rochester by Mons. St. 
 Evremont. With a collection of poems and translations 
 by several hands. (Portrait.) 8vo. . . Lond. 1707 
 History and Antiquities of Rochester Cathedral, 12mo. ib. 1717 
 A Walk through Rochester Cathedral, 8vo. . . ib. 1840 
 ROCK, Daniel. The Church of our Fathers, 3 vols. . ib. 1849-53 
 Speculum Vitas Humanae, B.L. (For bibliographical details 
 see MS. Ashpit el Catalogue.) Fol. . Augsburg (Zainer), 1471 
 De origine ac differentia principatus imperialis et regalis 
 et de antiquitate et justicia utriusque, 4to. . Rome, 1521 
 ROEBUCK, Thomas. Persian Dictionary (Boorharri, Latin), 4to. 
 Calcutta, 1818 
 ROEHAMPTON PARK, Particulars of, fol ib. 1885 
 Aperu sur les representations sculptees de Danses 
 Macabres et sur le Cloitre du Cimitiere de Montivilliers, 
 8vo. (Tracts 47*) Montauban, 1867 
 Notice sur le Majus Chronicon Fontanellse, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) 
 ib. 1867 
 Tableau Archeologique de 1'Arrondissement du Havre, 8vo. 
 Havre, 1867 
 Exploration des Sepultures Gallo-Romaines du Mesnil- 
 sous-Lillebonne en 1867, 8vo. . . Paris and Havre, 1868 
 Les Antiquites Historiques du Musee du Havre, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 165) Rouen, 1870 
 Rapport sur les Sepultures Gallo-Romaines du Havre, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) Havre, 1870 
 Le Tombeau de Mausole d'apres les historiens anciens et 
 les decouvertes de M. C. T. Newton, a Halicarnasse, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 47*) Paris and Havre, 1870 
 Second copy. (Tracts 55****) 
 La Mosa'ique de Lillebonne, 8vo. (Tracts 165) Rouen and 
 Havre, 1871 
 Antiquites de Lillebonne, 12mo. Lillebonne et Le Havre, [1881] 
 ROFFE, A. F. and E. 
 My Diary of Sixty-three Days. By R. C. RofPe. 4to. 
 Lond. 1858 
 Leeds, our Grandfather's Native Village, 4to. . . ib. 1859 
 ROPFE, Alfred. The Grand Master, 4to ib. 1860 
 ROPFE, Edwin. British Monumental Inscriptions, 2 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1859-61 
 ROGER, J. C. 
 Notices of Ancient Monuments at St. Mary, Rothesay, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 56) Glasgow, 1857 
 An Historical Summary of the Roger Tenants of Coupar, 
 8vo Lond. 1879 
 Celticism a Myth, 8vo ib. 1884 
ROG ROM 533 
 ROGER, Joseph. Catalogue du Musee Archeologique de Philippe- 
 ville (Algerie), 8vo. (Tracts 148*) . Philippeville, 1860 
 ROGERS, J. E. T. 
 A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, 1259-1793, 
 vols. i. ii. 8vo. Oxford, 1866 
 Vol. iii. 1401-1582; vol. iv. 1401-1582, 
 8vo Loud. 1882 
 ROGERS, W. H. H. 
 Wanderings in Devon, 8vo. .... Seaton, 1869 
 The Ancient Sepulchral Effigies of Devon, 4to. . Exeter, 1877 
 ROGUE. The English Rogue ; or, the Life of Jeremy Sharp. 
 With a Narrative of Mary Toft. Eighth edition. 3 vols. 
 12mo Lond. 1776 
 ROHDEN, H. Von. Die Terracotten von Pompeii. Nach Zeich- 
 nungen von L. Otto u. A., fol. . . . Stuttgart, 1880 
 ROJAS Y ZORRILLA, F. de. Los Bandos de Verona. Montescos 
 y Capeletes. Translated by F. W. Cosens. 4to. 
 Privately printed ...... Lond. 1874 
 ROLFE, C. C. The ancient use of Liturgical Colours, 8vo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 1879 
 ROLFE, S. C. E. N. Ancient Documents in his possession, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 40) [1844] 
 ROLLESTON, George. Scientific Papers and Addresses. Arranged 
 by W. Turner. With a Biographical Sketch by E. B. 
 Tylor. (With Portrait and Woodcuts.) 2 vols. 8vo, 
 Oxford, 1884 
 ROLLI, Paolo. Disamina del parere di Mr. De Voltaire, sulla 
 poesia Epica, tradotta dal Inglese da T. Misio, 8vo. Naples, 1779 
 ROLLIN, Charles. CEuvres completes, 18 vols. 8vo. and 1 atlas 
 fol. Paris, 1817-18 
 ROLLINS, J. R. Records of Families of the name Rawlins or 
 Rollins, in the United States, 2 pts. 8vo. Lawrence (Mass.) 1874 
 ROMAN FORGERIES. By a faithful son of the Church of England, 
 8vo Lond. 1673 
 ROMANO, Francesco Armellini. Le Sculture del Campidoglio 
 descritte. (Plates.) 4 vols Rome, 1843-45 
 Le Antichita della citta di Roma, 8vo. .... 1588 
 Romalllustrata, sive Antiquitatum Romanarum Breviarium. 
 Accessit G. Fabricii Veteris Romee cum Nova collatio. 
 (Plates.) 12mo Leyden, 1650 
 II Nuovo Teatro delle Fabriche, et Edificii. By G. J. Rossi. 
 Obi. 4to 1665 
 Descrizione di Roma Antica e Moderna, 2 vols. 8vo. Rome, 1727 
 Diario di Roma del 3 Gennajo 1821, al 10 Marzo 1821. Num. 
 1-20. 24mo ib. 1821 
 Proposal for founding Artists' Academy at Rome, 4to. ib. 1823 
 The Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests, in seven letters 
 from Italy, 12mo Lond. 1827 
 Historical Pictures of Pagan and Christian Rome, 8vo. Rome, 1855 
534 ROM BOO 
 ceedings 1873-74, 8vo. . . Rome, 1874 
 For Members. It is requested that this be read 
 attentively, &c., 8vo Dublin, 1882 
 Members. Catalogue of Books, and Proceedings for 
 1865-1866, 8vo [1867] 
 Proceedings, 1868-69. No. I.-III. 8vo. ' n.p. [1869] 
 Recent Excavations in Rome made in 1868 ; a Lecture by 
 J. H. Parker, 8vo. . [1869] 
 Roman Fund for Archaeological Investigations, Treasurer's 
 Report, Jan. to July, 1869-70-74-75 . . . [1869] 
 The Ancient Streets of Rome, and Roads in the Suburbs, a 
 Lecture by F. Gori and J. H. Parker, 8vo. . Rome, 1869 
 The Lupercal of Augustus, the Cave of Picus and Faunus, 
 and the Mamertine Prison, a Lecture by F. Gori and J. 
 H. Parker, 8vo Oxford, 1869 
 = Second copy. 
 A Lecture 'ftn the Excavations in Rome from July 1st to 
 Dec. 30th, 1870, by J. H. Parker, 8vo. 
 Subscriptions received in 1874-75 ; and a Selection of 
 Historical Photographs, from Mr. Parker's Series. (A 
 List.) 8vo. 
 Foundation of, 4to. (Early printed, black letter sheet.) 
 Tom. i., etc., 8vo. In progress . . . Rome, 1829, etc. 
 Bullettino, 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1829, etc. 
 Monumenti inediti, vols. i. to xi. fol. . . ib. 182982 
 Rapporto del segretario dirigente, Odoardo Gerhard. 
 Statuti, 1834. Rapporto, 1834, 8vo. . . . ib. 1834 
 Notice sur 1'Institut, &c., by A. Kestner . . . ib. 1846 
 Repertorio universale, Tom. i. iv. 8vo. . , ib. 1848-75 
 Monumenti, Annali e Bullettini, 1854-56, fol. 
 Rome and Leipsic, 1854-56 
 Memorie, vols. i. ii. 8vo. ..... Rome, 1865 
 Elenco de' Partecipanti, 1873, 8vo ib. 1873 
 Second copy. 
 ,tino, sezione Romana. Vol. i. etc. 8vo. In progress, ib. 1886, etc. 
 8vo. In progress ...... ib. 1872, etc. 
 ROMER, Ferdinand. The Bone Caves of Ojcow in Poland. 
 Translated by J. E. Lee, 4to. . . . Lond. 1884 
 ROOKE, Hayman. 
 Remarkable Oaks at Welbeck, 4to. . . . ib. 1790 
 Annual Meteorological Registers kept at Mansfield Wood- 
 house, 1795-1804, nine registers), 8vo. (Tracts 109) 
 Nottingham, 1796-1805 
 Description of the Great Oak in Salcey Forest, 8vo. . ib. 1797 
 ROOKE, 0. Jersey, pictorial, legendary, and descriptive. Third 
 edition, 8vo. . . . . . . . Lond. n.d. 
HOP ROS 535 
 ROPER, William. Vita D. Thomee More. Edited by T. Hearne, 
 8vo Oxford, 1716 
 Glossaire de la Langue Romane, 2 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1808 
 Supplement, 8vo ib. 1820 
 ROQUETTE, H. E. De. Oraison Funebre de Jacques II., Roy de la 
 Grande Bretagne, 4to ib. 1702 
 ROSAMOND. The History of Fair Rosamond and of Jane Shore, 
 12mo. , Lond. 1723 
 ROSCHER, Dr. W. H. Die Gorgonen und Verwandtes, 8vo. 
 Leipsic, 1879 
 ROSCOE, H. E. Lessons in Elementary Chemistry, Inorganic 
 and Organic, 12mo. . . . ' . . . Lond. 1868 
 ROSCOE, William. Life of Lorenzo de Medici, 2 vols. . ib. 1797 
 ROSE, H. J. Inscriptiones Grsecae Vetustissimee, 8vo. Cambridge, 1825 
 ROSE, J. A. Catalogue (Sale) of a Collection, of Etched and 
 Engraved Works, 8vo Lond. 1876 
 ROSE, Josiah. Leigh in the 18th Century, 1689-1813. (Re- 
 prints.) 8vo Leigh, 1882 
 ROSE, W. S. Apology addressed to the Travellers' Club ; or, 
 Anecdotes of Monkeys, 12mo. .... Lond. 1825 
 ROSETTA STONE, Greek Version of the Decree on it, 8vo. . ib. 1802 
 ROSINUS, JOANNES. Antiquitatum Romanarum Corpus. Edited 
 by C. Schrevelius and A. Schottus, 4to. Amsterdam, 1685 
 Ross's Hastings and St. Leonard's Guide. Seventh edition, 
 12mo. ........ Hastings, 1851 
 Tenth edition, 12mo. . . ib. 
 Ross, Alexander. The Marrow of Historic, to the end of the 
 last Macedonian War. First set out by Sir W. Rauleigh, 
 and now abbreviated by A. Ross, 12mo. . . Lond. 1650 
 Ross, Johnv Historia Regum Anglioe. Edited by T. Hearne, 
 8vo Oxford, 1745 
 ROSSE, J. W. Index of Dates, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1858-59 
 Rossi, D. de. 
 Studio d'Architettura Civile sopra gli Ornamenti di Porte 
 eFinestre. 3 pts. (Plates.) Fol. . . Rome, 1702-21 
 Raccolta di Statue Antiche e Moderne colle sposizione di 
 P. A. Maffei. (Plates.) Fol ib. 1704 
 Rossi, F. Papyrus de Turin, facsimiles par F. Rossi, publics 
 par W. Pleyte, 4to. . . . . . Leyden, 1869-76 
 Rossi, G. B. De. 
 Inscriptiones Christianas, vol. i. fol. . * Home, 1861 
 Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana. Serie 1, Anni i.-vii. 
 4to ib. 1863-69 
 Serie 2 (Anno) Num. i. 8vo. . ib. 1870 
 - Indici Generali per gli anni 1870-1875, 
 della seconda serie, 8vo. ...... ib. 1876 
 Rossi, G. I. La Libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana, Architettura 
 di Michelagnolo Buonarotti. (Plates.) Fol. Florence, 1739 
 ROSSINI, Luigi. 
 Le Antichita Romane disegnate ed incise da L. Rossini, obi. 
 fol. . . . Rome, 1819-24 
536 EOS KOW 
 ROSSINI, Luigi continued. 
 Le Antichita dei contorni di Roma ossia le pin rinomate 
 citta del lazio, 2 vols. fol Rome, 1823-26 
 Rosso, Giuseppe del. Sull' Architettura Egiziana, 8vo. Siena, 1800 
 Rosso, Giuseppe del, and MUSUMECI, Mario. Sistemi Architet- 
 tonici ; due memorie, 8vo. (Tracts 139*) . . Catania, 1832 
 ROTHER, River. Description of a Vessel found there, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 67*) . . . , . Lond. 1823 
 ROTROU, L. De. Dessechement du Lac Fucino, Svo. . Turin, 1864 
 ROUARD, M. Bas-Reliefs Gaulois trouves a Entremont pres 
 d'Aix en Provence, 8vo. ...... Aix, 1851 
 Precis Analytiques des Travaux, 1828, 1830, 1831, 1834- 
 1849, 1851-81, etc., 8vo. In progress . Rouen, 1828, etc. 
 Bulletins des Travaux, 1846-47, 1850-55, 8vo. . ib. 1847-55 
 1871-76 and 1882, etc. In progress, ib. 1871, etc,. 
 Societe libre d'Emulation, Seances publiques, Svo. . ib. 
 ROUGE, Viscomte Emmanuel de. (Mission d' figypt, 1863 
 1864.) Recherches sur les Monuments qu'on peut 
 attribuer aux six premieres Dynasties de Manethon, 4to. 
 Paris, 1866 
 ROUJOUX, P. G., Baron de. Histoire Pittoresque de 1'Angleterre 
 et de ses possessions dans les Indes, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1835 
 ROULLIARD, Sebastian. Les Gymnopodes, 4to. . . . ib. 1624 
 ROUNDELL, Mrs. Charles. Cowdray : the history of a Great 
 English House. With Illustrations from Sketches by 
 A. Salvin, 4to. Lond. 1884 
 ROUNDELL, H. Memoir of Browne Willis, 4to. (Tracts 18*) 
 Aylesbury, 1857 
 ROUSSILLON, Due du. Origines, Migrations, Philologie et Monu- 
 ments Antiques, vol. i. part 1, 2, 8vo. . . Lond. 1867 
 ROWAN, A. B. Care and Conduct of Trinity College, Dublin, 
 A.D. 1680-90, 4to Dublin, 1858 
 ROWE, J. B. 
 The Ecclesiastical History of Old Plymouth, 4to. Plymouth, 1873 
 The Parish and Vicars of St. Andrew, Plymouth, 4to. ib. 1874 
 The Church of St. Andrew, Plymouth, sm. 4to. . . ib. 1875 
 The Cistercian Houses of Devon. Introductory, I. Buck- 
 land, Svo n.p. 1875 
 II. Buckland Concluded. III. Buck- 
 fast, Svo 1878 
 The Ecclesiastical History of Old Plymouth ; and the 
 Parish, Vicars, and Church of St. Andrew sm. 4to. 
 Plymouth, 1876 
 Contributions to a History of the Cistercian Houses of 
 Devon, 4to ib. 1878 
 Manly Peeke of Tavistock, sq. 8vo ib. 1879 
 The Topography of Devon. An Address, 4to. . . ib. 1882 
 On Recent Excavations at Buckfast Abbey, Svo. . [1884] 
 ROWE, R. R. 
 Report of the Proceedings at the re-opening of Haddenham 
 Church, Svo. . , [1877] 
ROW ROY 537 
 ROWE, R. R. continued. 
 Memoir of the late Mr. Alderman Rowe, of Cambridge, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1878 
 Re-opening of the Chancel of St. Thomas's Church, Stock- 
 ton Heath, 8vo [1878] 
 Re-opening of the Church of St. John the Baptist, Rothley, 
 Leicester, 8vo [1878] 
 All Saints' Church, Little Shelford. Re-opened, &c. 8vo. 
 Snailwell Church, re-opened, &c. 8vo [1879] 
 ROWE, Samuel. 
 Antiquarian Investigation in the Forest of Dartmoor, 8vo. 
 Plymouth, 1829 
 Forest of Dartmoor, 8vo ib. 1848 
 ROWLANDS, Henry. Antiquities of Anglesea, 4to. . Dublin, 1723 
 ROWLANDS, Samuel. Six reprints by E. V. Utterson. 
 Knave of Harts, 1613, 4to Lond. 1840 
 The Night Raven, 1620, 4to ib. 1841 
 Knave of Clubbs, 1611, 4to ib. 1841 
 Looke to it for He Stabbe ye, 1604, 4to. . . . ib. 1841 
 Good Newes and Bad Newes, 1622, 4to. . . . ib. 1841 
 More Knaves yet, 4to. ....... ib. 1841 
 Rows, John. The Roll of. Edited by W. Courthope. Picker- 
 ing, 1845. 4to ib. 1859 
 The Alliterative Romance of Alexander. Edited by J. 
 Stevenson, 4to. ....... ib. 1849 
 Literary Remains of Edward the Sixth. Edited by J. G. 
 Nichols, 2 vols. 4to Edinburgh, 1857 
 Catalogue of Portraits of Edward VI., painted and 
 engraved by J. G. Nichols, 4to. .... ib. 1859 
 Correspondence of Colonel N. Hooke, agent from France to 
 the Scottish Jacobites, 1703-1707. Edited by Rev. W. 
 D. Macray, 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1870-71 
 Le Mystere de Saint Louis, Roi de France, public par F. 
 Michel, 4to. ...... Westminster, 1871 
 The History of Grisild the Second : a narrative, in verse, 
 of the Divorce of Queen Katherine of Arragon. Written 
 by W. Forrest. Edited by W. D. Macray, 4to. Lond. 1875 
 Liber Henrici de Soliaco Abbatis Glaston. et vocatur A. 
 An Inquisition of the Manors of Glastonbury Abbey 1189. 
 Edited, with notes, by J. E. Jackson, 4to. . . ib. 1882 
 ROXBURGHE, John, Duke of. Sale Catalogue (Priced') of his 
 Library, 8vo ib. 1812 
 ROY, Jules. Bibliotheque des Merveilles. L'An Mille, forma- 
 tion de la legende de 1'an mille, etat de la France de 1'an 
 950 a 1'an 1050, 8vo Paris, 1885 
 ROY, William. Military Antiquities of the Romans, fol. (Two 
 copies) Lond. 1793 
 A Catalogue of Books in the Library, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
538 ROY ROY 
 Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters, including a Col- 
 lection of Works by Holbein, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1880 
 Including a collection of Drawings by 
 J. Flaxman, 8vo ib. 1881 
 General Index to the Catalogues of the Exhibitions of 
 Works by Old Masters at the Royal Academy, from 1870- 
 1879, 8vo ib. n.d. 
 ROYAL CALENDAR, 1863, 1878-80, 82, 85, etc., 8vo. In progress. 
 ib. 1868, etc. 
 ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE. Ceremonial for opening, &e., 8vo. 
 Prospectus, with copy of Charter [1800] and List of Mem- 
 bers, 8vo. . t > . . . . . ib. n.d. 
 Catalogue of the Library, by W. Harris, 8vo. . . ib. 1809 
 Journal of Science and the Arts, vols. i. to xxii. edited by T. 
 Brande, 8vo. (Vol. iv. wanting) . . . ib. 1816-27 
 Index to first 22 vols. 8vo ib. 1826 
 Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Art (New 
 Series), vols. i.-iii. and iv. part 2, and vol. vi. 8vo. ib. 
 1827, Ac. 
 Journal of the Royal Institution, third series, vol. i. and 
 part 1, vol. ii. 8vo. ....... ib. 1831 
 Proceedings, vol. i., etc., 8vo. In progress . . ib. 1854, etc. 
 Lectures on Education, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1855 
 Catalogue of Library. By B. Vincent, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1857-82 
 Yol II., including the additions from 1857 
 to 1882. (1882-83.) 8vo ib. 1882, etc. 
 Additions to Library, Nos. 1-24, 8vo. . . . ib. 1857-81 
 Two parts, 1882-86, 8vo. . . . ib. 1886 
 List of the Members, &c., 1866, etc., 8vo. In progress, ib. 1866, etc. 
 Philosophical Transactions, various early Nos. between 1735 
 and 1748, 1751 (vol. xlvii.) to 1858, (vol. cxlviii. parts 1 
 and 2 complete), to vol. clxviii. (extra), clxix. clxx. clxxii. 
 partl,4to ib. 1735-1881 
 Index to ditto, from 1665 to 1780, by P. H. Maty, 4to. ib. 1787 
 Continuation of Alphabetical Index from 1821 to 1830 inclu- 
 sive, 4to ib. 1833 
 Proceedings, vols. i. to xxxv. 8vo. > . . ib. 1833-83 
 Abstracts of Philosophical Transactions from 1800 to 
 1830, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1832-33 
 Presidents' Addresses, 1830, 32, 33, 36-38 40, 44, 46, 52, 
 55-58, 4to. and 8vo. . : . . . ib. 1830-58 
 List of Fellows, 4to. . . . . . . ib. 
 Diplomata et Statuta, 4to. ...... ib. 1776 
 4to. ....... ib. 1823 
 4to. . . -. . . ib. 1831 
 Statutes, 1831, 4to . ib. n.d. 
 : , , 1840-1847, 8vo. .... . ib. 
ROY HUM 539 
 KOYAL SOCIETY continued. 
 Statutes, 8vo Lond. 1871 
 Catalogue of Portraits in the possession of the Royal 
 Society, 4to. ... . . . . . ib. 
 Catalogue of Instruments and Apparatus in the possession 
 of the Royal Society, 4to. . . . . ib. 
 Catalogue of Scientific Books, 8vo ib. 1839 
 Miscellaneous Literature, 8vo. . . ib. 1841 
 Miscellaneous MSS. in the Royal Society. 
 Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, 8vo. (Tracts V%) . . ib. 1840 
 RUBEIS, F. B. M. De. De Nummis Patriarcharum Aquilejensium 
 Dissertatio, 8vo Venice, 1747 
 RUBEIS, J. J. de. 
 Veteres Arcus Augustonim, fol. . . . . Rome, 1690 
 Another edition. Illustrated by P. Santi 
 Bartoli, fol ib. 1824 
 RUBENS, P. P. Palazzi Antichi di Geneva. (Plates). 2 vols. 
 fol. Antwerp, 1663 
 RUBENUS, Albert'us. 
 De re Vestiaria, praecipue de latoclavo, libri duo. 
 De Gemma Tiberiana. 
 De Gemma Augustsea. 
 De Urbibus Neocoris. 
 De Nummo Augusti, cujus Epigraphe, ASIA RECEPTA. 
 De Natali Die Caesaris Augusti. 
 EpistolaB res ad Gothifredum Windelinum. 
 4to. . . ib. 1665 
 RUBENUS, Philippus. Electorum Libri II., in quibus Antiqni 
 Ritus, Emendationes, Censurae. Ejusdem ad Justum 
 Lipsium Poemata, 4to. (Bound with above) . ib. 1608 
 RUDDER, Samuel. History of Gloucestershire, fol. Cirencester, 1779 
 RUDGE, E. J. Account of the History and Antiquities of 
 Evesham, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll) . . . Evesham, 1820 
 RUDGE, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of Gloucester, 8vo. 
 Gloucester, 1811 
 RUDING, Rogers. 
 On Restoring the Ancient Constitution of the Mint, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) Lond. 1799 
 Annals of the Coinage of Britain, 3 vols., Supplement and 
 Plates, 4to ib. 1817-19 
 RUGBY SCHOOL REGISTER, 1675 to 1867, with Index, 8vo. 
 Rugby and Lond. 1867 
 RUGGLE, George. 
 Ignoramus ; comcedia. Editio tertia, &c., 12mo. Lond. 1658 
 Edited by J. S. Hawkins, 8vo. . . ib. 1787 
 RUGGLES, Thomas. 
 History of the Poor, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1793 
 4to ib. 1797 
 RUMOHR, C. T. von. Ueber den Ursprung der Bauschulen des 
 Mittelalters, 8vo. (Tracts 138) . Berlin and Stettin, 1831 
 RUNDALL, Thomas. 
 Narratives of Voyages in Search of a N.W. Passage to 
 India, 1496, 1631, 8vo Land. 
 Memorials of the Empire of Japan, 8vo. . . ib. 
 Historical Collections, 7 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1659- 
 Trial of the Earl of Stratford, fol ib. 
 RUSKIN, John. The opening of the Crystal Palace, 8vo. (Tracts 
 101). . ib. 
 Catalogue of the Library, by E. W. Brayley, 8vo. . ib. 
 4to. . . . . . ib. 
 RUSSELL, A. T. Memorials of the life and works of T. Fuller, 
 sm. 8vo. ......... ib. 
 RUSSELL, C. P. A Catalogue of the Library of the Bath Royal 
 Literary and Scientific Institution, 8vo. . . Bath, 
 RUSSELL, C. W. The Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti; with a Memoir 
 of eminent linguists (Portrait), 8vo. . . Lond. 
 An 8vo. vol. of Tracts, containing: 
 1. Thoughts on the revival of Panel Painting 
 2. Early Christian Pictures at Berlin 
 3. .... 
 4. Some Notes of a Tour in Germany 
 5. No. 2 
 6. No. 3 
 7. Basilican Arrangement of Churches, I. ... 
 8. A few Gleanings from Normandy . 
 9. On the Painted Glass in Fairford Church, Gloucester, 
 as the work of Albert Durer , , 
 Second copy. (Tracts 61**.) 
 Notices of Archaeological Publications. The Art Treasures 
 of Lambeth Library, By S. W. Kershaw, 8vo. . ib. 
 A Century of Bibles of the Authorised Version from 1611 
 to 1711, &c. Compiled by the Rev. W. J. Loftie, 8vo. ib. 
 The Form of the Consecration of the Parish Church of 
 Abbey Dore, 1634, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 
 The Coronation Service, 8vo. . . . . ib. 
 Notes on Elizabethan Communion Plate, 8vo. . . ib. 
 RUSSELL, Lord John. Speech on National Education, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 125) ib. 
 npeno/jaBamn o HayKfc., 4to. (Tracts 18) . 
 GIOBO o ciapnETfe HeaanaMflTHOH. By P. J. Lerch, 4to. 
 (1.) Chaldaeus, p. 30. (2.) Siromitres, p. 188. 
 (8.) Bubares, p. 182. (4.) Athyrtis, p. 146. [In MS. on 
 back of cover. ] 8vo. .... Kieff, 
RUS BYG 541 
 RUSSIAN BOOKS continued. 
 La decouverte totale d'origine de la lange Grecque, sa 
 definition consecutive moi-a-mot. [In MS. on title page. ] 
 Le systeme du monde, pp. 632-652. [In MS. on back of 
 cover.'] 2 vols. 8vo. . ... Kief, 1869-72 
 Les sciences n'appartienents a qnelque nationalite a part, 
 ni aux castes. [In MS. on title page.~\ La decouverte 
 totale d'origine de la langue Latine, sa definition consecu- 
 tive mot-a-mot. [In MS. on title page.'] 8vo. . ib. 1871 
 Les sciences n'appartienents a quelque nationalite a part, 
 ni aux castes. [In MS. on title page.] La decouverte 
 totale d'origine des langues Allemande, Anglaise et 
 Fran9aise. Leur definition consecutive mot-a-mot. 8vo. 
 ib. 1873 
 La decouverte totale d'origine de la langue Hebraique, sa 
 definition consecutive mot-a-mot. [In MS. on title page.'] 
 8vo ib. 1882 
 Nachrichten iiber Balthasar Russow, 8vo. . . Reval, 1881 
 Die Fahnenweihe zu Reval. Scenen aus der Geschichte 
 Ehstlands 1601, 12mo n.p. n.d. 
 RUSSWURM, C., et E. de NOTTBECK. Documentum concordiae 
 inter advocatum Finlandiae et civitatem Revaliensem 
 anno MCCCXXVI. initae, 8vo. . . . Eeval, 1877 
 RUSTICUS. The World on the Thames, 8vo. . . Lond. 1855 
 RUTHERFURD'S Guide to Melrose, Abbotsford, Dryburgh, Kelso, 
 and Jedburgh, 8vo. Kelso, 1850 
 RUTHWELL CROSS (The). [By J. M'F.] 12mo. Edinburgh, 1885 
 RUTILIUS NUMATIANUS, C. Itinerarium. Edited by T. J. 
 Almeloveen, 12mo. .... Amsterdam, 1687 
 RUTLAND PAPERS, temp. Henry VII. and Henry VIII. Edited 
 by Wm. Jerdan, 4to. ... . ib. 1842 
 RYAN, Matthew. The celebrated Theory of Parallels, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***) Washington, 1866 
 RYE, Lieut. Excursion to the Peak r of Teneriffe, 1791, 4to. 
 (Tracts 15) . . . . ' . . . Lond. 1793 
 RYE, Walter. An Account of the Family of Rye. (Privately 
 printed.) 8vo ib. 1876 
 A History of Norfolk, 8vo. . . . ib. 1885 
 Three Norfolk Armories: a Transcript, made in 1753, of a 
 MS. by Anthony Morris, Esq., of Barton Turf, 8vo. 
 Norwich, 1886 
 RrE, Wm., Brenchley. 
 Etchings, obi. 4to 1850-54 
 Memorial of the Priory of St. Andrew, Rochester, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62*) . 1861 
 England as seen by Foreigners in the days of Elizabeth and 
 James the First, 4to Lond. 1865 
 Visits to Rochester and Chatham, 1300-1783, 4to. . ib. 1865 
 RYGH, K. Fund fra broncealderen i det nordenfjeldske Norge, 
 ,8vo Christiania, [1880] 
542 RYG SAA 
 RYGH, 0. 
 INTorske Broncelegeringer fra Jernalderen, 8vo. (Tracts 163) 1873 
 Om Helleristninger i Norge, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . . 1873 
 < Second copy. 
 Bidrag til en Oversigt over den skandinaviske Stenalder i 
 Norge, 8vo. ...... [Christiania, 1876] 
 Norske Myntfund fra det niende Aarhundrede, 8vo. [ib. 1876] 
 Norske Oldsager, ordnede og forklarede. Antiquites Nor- 
 vegiennes, Ire Livr, etc., 4to. In progress. Christiania, fyc. 
 1880, etc. 
 To norske Oldsagfund, 8vo. (Tracts 163) .... 1872 
 Genealogies of the Families of Culcheth, of Culcheth ; and 
 Risley, of Risley ; Lancashire. Privately printed. 4to. 
 Lond. 1876 
 Genealogies of the Families of Bate and Kirkland, of Ashby- 
 De-La-Zouch, co. Leicester. Privately printed, 4to. ib. 1877 
 Notes on the Family of Holcroft, with an Account of their 
 Arms, 8vo. Leigh, 1877 
 An Account of the extraordinary Ceremony of Cursing by 
 Bell, Book, and Candle, at Leigh, co. Lancaster, 1474. 
 For private circulation. 8vo. . . Manchester, 1878 
 The Shields of Arms formerly in the windows of the Parish 
 Church of Lymm, co. Chester, as illustrative of the origin 
 of several Local Coats of Arms. For private circulation. 
 8vo. Liverpool, 1879 
 Some Account of the Clayton Family of Thelwall, co. 
 Chester : afterwards of St. Dominick's Abbey, Doneraile 
 and Mallow, co. Cork, 8vo ib. 1880 
 The Armorial Bearings existing in the Churches of Prescot, 
 Wigan, and Liverpool, MDXC, 8vo. . . . ib. 1881 
 RYLANDS, T. G. Ptolemy's Geography of the Coast from Car- 
 narvon to Cumberland, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1878 
 RYLANDS, "W. H. The Ars Moriendi. (Editio Princeps, circa 
 1450.) A Reproduction, with an Introduction by G. 
 Bullen. (Holbein Society.) 4to. . . . Lond. 1881 
 RYLEY, William. Placita Parliamentaria, fol. : . . ib. 1661 
 RYMER, Thomas. 
 Fcedera, 20 vols. fol ib. 1727-35 
 Fcedera, edited by A. Clarke and Holbrooke, 4 vols. in 7, 
 fol ib. 1816-69 
 RYVES, BRUNO. Anglise Ruina, or England's Ruine, &c., Anno 
 1647. (For contents and bibliographical details see MS. 
 Ashpitel Catalogue.) 
 S. S. Aditus ad Logicam, 8vo. (Bound up- with ~M.ekerchus) n.p. 1613 
 S. W. A few words concerning Conformity in matter of 
 Religion and Worship, 4to. . . . . ib. 1664 
 SAALFELD, Rev. Mr. A Philosophical Discourse on the Nature 
 of Dreams. (Bound with Wright's " The Unfortunate 
 Lovers.") 12mo. ,,.,,.. ib. 1764 

 SAA SAI 543 
 SAAVEDRA FAXARDO, D. Idea Principle Christiano-Politici 101 
 Symbolis expressa, 12mo. . . . Amsterdam, 1659 
 SABATIER, J. Souvenirs de Kertsch et Chronologic du Royaume 
 de Bosphore, 4to. . . . .St. Petersburg, 1849 
 SABINE, L. An Address before the New England Historic- 
 Genealogical Society, Sept. 13th, 1859. The hundredth 
 Anniversary of the death of Major- General James Wolfe. 
 8vo. ... .... Boston, 1859 
 SACAZE, Julien. Les Anciens Dieux des Pyrenees, 8vo. 
 Saint Gaudens, 1885 
 SACHAU, C. E. The Chronology of Ancient Nations ; an English 
 version of the Arabic Text of the Athar-Ul-Bakiya of 
 Albiruni, or "Vestiges of the Past." Translated, &c. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1879 
 SACHEVERELL, H., The Tryal of, fol #.1710 
 SACKEN, Dr. Ed., Freih. von. Das Grabfeld von Hallstatt in 
 Oberosterreich und dessen Alterthiimer, 4to. Vienna, 1868 
 SACKVILLE, Thomas (Lord Buckhurst). Works. Edited by 
 R. W. Sackville-West, fcp. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1859 
 SACRED LITERATURE, Journal of. Edited by John Kitto, vols. i. 
 tovii. 8vo . ib. 1848-51 
 New Series, vols. i. to vi. 8vo. . ib. 1852-54 
 SACRISTY, The. A quarterly review of Sacred Archaeology, &c. 
 Edited by Edward Walford and G. G. Scott. No. x. 
 vol. iii. 4to ib. 1881 
 SACY, Silvestre de, Baron. 
 Lettre relative a 1'ouvrage intitule Les Juifs au xix e 
 siecle, 8vo Paris, 1817 
 Grammaire Arabe, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1831 
 Notice d'un Manuscrit Syriaque ecrit a la Chine, 4to. ib. 1831 
 Memoires d'Histoire et de litterature Orientale, 4to. . ib. 1832 
 Bibliotheque de S. de Sacy, Tome 1, 8vo. . . . ib. 1842 
 SADELER, Giles. Architectural Antiquities of Rome, Plates, ob. 4to. 
 SADLER, Sir Ralph, State Papers and letters of. Edited by 
 Arthur Clifford, 2 vols. 4to. . . . Edinburgh, 1809 
 SAFFRON WALDEN. Catalogue of Museum, 8vo. . . . 1845 
 SAINSBURY, John. The Napoleon Museum, 4to. . Lond. 1845 
 ST. ALBANS. Description of the Abbey, for the use of visitors, 
 8vo. ; ib. 1857 
 Papers, read October 23, 1850, 8vo. . . . ib. 1851 
 ST. ANDREWS, Guide through, 12mo. . . St. Andrews, 1852 
 ST. BARBE, Charles. Records of the Corporation of New Lyming- 
 ton, 4to. 1848 
 ST. BARTOLI, P. Colonna Traiana con 1'Espositione d' Alfonso 
 Ciaccone, ob. fol. ...... Rome, 
 S. BEGU and S. HILD, Notes on the History of, 8vo. (Tracts 90*) 
 CROIX, Baron de. Mysteres du Paganisme, edited by S. 
 du Sacy, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . Paris, 1817 
544 ST. D ST. J 
 ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL, Restoration of. 
 Subscription Circular, 8vo. (Tracts 90*). 
 Another Subscription Circular, 8vo. (Tracts 90*). 
 Speeches of the Bishop and G. G. Scott, 8vo. (Tracts 90*). 
 Tenby, 1863 
 SAINT DENIS, L'Eglise Royale de. 
 Les Tombeaux des Rois dans Saint Denis, 12mo. . ib. 1768 
 Les Raretes qui se voyent dans Saint Denis, 12mo. . ib. 1768 
 Le Tresor de 1'Abbaye royale de Saint Denis, 12mo. . ib. 1768 
 SAINTEMARIE, Louis de. Recherches Historiques sur Severs, 
 8vo Nevers, 1810 
 ST. GALL, Irish MSS. of. (Thirty-three lithographed Plates 
 and Facsimiles of Irish MSS. in the Monastery of that 
 name.) 4to. ....... n.p. n.d. 
 SAINT GERMAIN, S. de. Notice sur FEglise S. Etienne de Beau- 
 vais, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) .... Beauvais, 1843 
 SAINTHILL, Richard. 
 Olla Podrida, 2 vols. 8vo. . ... Lond. 1844-53 
 Suggestions for placing English Inscriptions on the Coinage 
 of Great Britain and Ireland, 8vo. (Vol. "Numismatic 
 Tracts") ib. 1846 
 The use of the Samaritan Language by the Jews until the 
 reign of Hadrian, deduced from the coins of Judea, 8vo. 
 (Vol. "Numismatic Tracts") ib. 1851 
 Unpublished pattern Rupee of William IV., 8vo. (Vol. 
 " Numismatic Tracts ") ib. 1855 
 Coins in the King of Denmark's Cabinet, 8vo. (Vol. " Numis- 
 matic Tracts ") ib. 1855 
 Numismatic Crumbs, 8vo. (Tracts 102) . . . ib. 1855 
 Numismatic and other Crumbs, 8vo. (Tracts 102) Cork, 1857 
 Defence of the British School of Medal Engraving, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 102) ib. 1859 
 The old Countess of Desmond, 8vo. . . . Dublin, 1861 
 (concluded), 8vo ib. 1863 
 ST. JAMES', WESTMINSTER. 29th Annual Report of the Vestry of 
 the Parish, 8vo n.p. 1885 
 Statuti degli Hospitalieri, fol. .... Newburg, 1674 
 The Statutes. With a List of the Officers. 8vo. In 
 progress ....... Lond. 1867, etc. 
 Roll of Members, 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1868, etc. 
 Report, 1871, &c., 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1871, etc. 
 Memoir of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, 8vo. 
 Woolwich, 1868 
 Nurses for the Sick Poor. Report, 8vo. . . Lond. 1874 
 Eastern War Sick and Wounded Relief Fund. Report, 8vo. 
 ib. 1876 
 " The Kingdom of God," a Commemoration Sermon. By 
 0. M. Holden, 8vo ib. 1876 
ST. J ST. P 545 
 Sermon by the Bishop of St. Albans, and Paper on Volun- 
 teer Societies for the relief of sick and wounded Soldiers 
 in War, by J. Furley. (With Report, 1877.) Lond. 1877 
 Pro Fide. A Brief Notice of its Foundation and Consti- 
 tution, 8vo ib. 1878 
 The Order of Sfc. John and the St. John Ambulance 
 Association. Compiled by Captain Gildea, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 First Aid to the Injured. The St. John Ambulance Asso- 
 ciation : its aim and objects. A Paper by F. Duncan, 
 8vo. . . ib. 1881 
 ST. JOHN, J. A. The History of the Manners and Customs of 
 Ancient Greece, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1842 
 SAINT-LAURENT, H. Grimouard de. Le Christ Triomphant, et le 
 Don de Dieu, 8vo Paris, 1858 
 SAINT-MARC, C. H. L. de. Abrege Chronologique de 1'Histoire 
 Generale d'ltalie, 475-1314, 6 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1761-70 
 SAINT MARIE, R. P. H. de. Dissertations sur la Chevalerie, 4to. 
 Paris, 1718 
 ST. MARTIN'S LE GRAND, London. Illustrations of the Site and 
 neighbourhood of the New Post Office, 8vo. . Lond. 1830 
 ST. MARTLEBONE, Survey of the Borough of, 8vo. . . ib. 1834 
 SAINT MAUX, Viel de. Lettres sur 1'architecture, 8vo. 
 Bruxelles, 1779-84 
 ST. PAUL, Charles. Geographia Sacra, fol. . Amsterdam, 1711 
 The History of St. Paul's. (An account of the Monument.) 
 2 vols. (In a case with "The Gigantick History.") 64mo. 1741 
 Registrum Eleemosynariae. Edited by Maria Hackett, with 
 original Letter of the Editor to the Dean of St. Paul's 
 inserted, 4to. ....... Lond. 1827 
 Account of St. Paul's Cathedral, 8vo. . . . ib. 1830 
 The Tombs, Monuments, &c., visible previous to its De- 
 struction by Fire, A.D. 1666. By Payne Fisher. Printed 
 1684. Edited by G. Blacker Morgan. Privately re- 
 printed. 4to ib. 1885 
 A Guide to St. Paul's Cathedral. New edition. 12mo. ib. n.d. 
 Its History and Architecture, 8vo. . . . ib. 
 Architectural Papers 1879, 4to ib. 1879 
 Transactions, 4to. In progress .... ib. 1882, etc. 
 Regulations of the Imperial Library in Russian, Latin, 
 German, and French, 8vo. (Tracts 100) . St. Petersburg, 1814 
 ACAD^MIE IMPERIALS DE SCIENCES. (Publications.) Bulletin, 
 vol. i., etc., 4to. In progress .... ib. I860, etc. 
 Tableau des Matieres contenues dans les 
 Publications. l re Partie. Publications en Langues 
 fitrangeres, 8vo ib. 1872 
 (Texte) 4to. ; (Atlas) 4to. and fol. In progress . ib. 1860, etc. 
546 ST. P SAL 
 ST. PETERSBURG continued. 
 vite de la Commission. (Extrait du Compte-Rendu, 
 1863.) 4to. . . . ' . . .St. Petersburg, 1864 
 Recueil d'Antiquites de la Scythie. 
 Premiere Livraison (Texte), 4to. avec un Atlas, fol. 4to. 
 and fol. ib. 1866 
 vols. i. to v. and part 3 of vol. vi. with the Bulletin de 
 Seances 1 to 45, 8vo ib. 1847-52 
 ST. PETER UPON CORNHILL, Historical Account of, compiled from 
 the collections of Robert Wilkinson, 4to. . . Lond. 1837 
 SAINTVILLE, M. de. Connection of Sacred and Profane History, 
 Joshua to the Decline of Israel, 8vo. . . ib. 1838 
 Lives of the English Saints. St. Wulstan, Bishop of 
 Worcester. St. William, Archbishop of York. [TFooZ/e 
 Coll] 8vo. ib. 1844 
 The First Centenary of the North Church, 8vo. Salem, 1873 
 Visitors' Guide, 8vo ib. 1880 
 SALIG, C. A. De Diptychis Yeterum, 4to. . . Halle, 1731 
 Antiquitates Sarisburienses, 8vo. . . . Salisbury, 1771 
 Catalogue of bound books in the Public Library. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 127*) . n.d. 
 SALISBURY CATHEDRAL AND BATH ABBEY, History of, 8vo. Lond. 1719 
 SALLENGRE, A. H. de. 
 Histoire de Pierre de Montmaur. Plates. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 
 The Hague, 1715 
 Novus Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, 3 vols. fol. 
 Venice, 1735 
 SALLUSTIUS, Crispus C. 
 C. Sallustius Crispus, cumveterum Historicorum fragmentis, 
 12mo. . . Lugd. Bat. (Ex officina Elzeviriana) , 1634 
 Opera, Valpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1820 
 Quae exstant. Recognovit, F. D. Gerlach, 4to. . Basle, 1823 
 Opera. Accedunt Orationes et Epistolee ex Historiarum 
 libris superstites, 4to. ..... Lond. 1863 
 La Conjuracion de Catalina y la Guerra de Jugurta en 
 Espanol, 4to. . . ' . . . . Madrid, 1772 
 SALMASIUS, Claudius. Defensio regia pro Carolo I, 12mo. . n.p. 1649 
 SALMON, Andre. Sur les Chroniques de Touraine, 8vo. (Tracts 
 94) Tours, 1847 
 SALMON, Nathaniel. 
 The History of Hertfordshire, fol. . . . Lond. 1728 
 New Survey of England, 2 vols. 8vo. .... ib. 1731 
 Antiquities of Surrey, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1736 
 History of Essex (imperfect), fol. ..... 1739 
 The Foreigner's Companion through the Universities of 
 Cambridge and Oxford and the adjacent counties, 
 12mo. . ib. 1748 
SAL SAN 547 
 SALMON, Thomas. The Chronological Historian, 2 vols.8vo. Lond. 1747 
 SALOMON AND SATURNUS, Dialogues of. Edited by J. M. Kemble 
 (^Elfric Society), 8vo ib. 1848 
 SALT, Henry. 
 A Voyage to Abyssinia, 4to. . . . . ib. 1814 
 On the Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics, 8vo. . . ib. 1825 
 SALT FOB THE L'EACH. In Reflections upon Reflections, Second 
 edition, 4to . . . ib. 1712 
 SALT, Thomas. Account of Ancient Documents relating to the 
 Borough of Clun in Shropshire, and observations on the 
 Custom of Amobyr, 4to. Privately printed . . . 1858 
 SALT, William. 
 Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1868 
 Catalogue of his Collection of Manuscripts, Ancient Deeds, 
 &c., 8vo ib. 1868 
 SALT (William) ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Collections for a 
 History of Staffordshire, vol. i., etc., 8vo. In progress. 
 Birmingham, 1880, etc. 
 SALTERN, George. The Antient Lawes of Great Britaine. (Bound 
 with T. Smith's " Commonwealth.") 4to. . Lond. 1605 
 SALTERS' COMPANY, London. Account of the Salters' Company, 
 by an Old Salter, 8vo ib. 1827 
 SALVIATI, Dr. A. On Mosaics, 8vo. (Tracts 45*) . . ib. 1865 
 Alt-Christliche Baudenkmale von Constantinopel vom V. 
 bis XII. Jahrhundert. Im Anhange des Silentiarius 
 Paulus beschreibung der heiligen Sophia und des Ambon. 
 Von Dr. C. W. Kortiim. 4to. . . . Berlin, 1854 
 Atlas, fol ib. 1855 
 SAMBER, Robert. Roma Illustrata ; or a description of Painting, 
 Sculpture, and Architecture, at Rome. Second edition. 
 I2mo Lond. 1724 
 SAMBON, Jules. 
 Description des Ivoires de la Ville de Volterra, 8vo. 
 Florence, 1880 
 Catalogue de la Collection de Mr. P. J *** de Naples. 
 Objets d'Art et de Curiosite, 4to. . . . Rome, 1882 
 Catalogue d'une riche Collection de Monnaies Grecques et 
 Romaines du Rev. J. H. de Messine, 8vo. . . ib. 1883 
 SAMUEL BROTHERS. Wool and Woollen Manufactures of Great 
 Britain : a historical sketch, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1859 
 SAMWELL, David. Narrative of the Death of Captain Cook, 4to. 
 (Tracts 23) ib. 1786 
 SANCHES DE BAENA, VISCONDE DE. Catalogo Descriptive das 
 Moedas e Medalhas Portuguezas que formam parte da 
 collec9ao do Visconde de Sanches de Baena (Tracts 95*) 
 8vo. Lisbon, 1869 
 SANCHEZ, Thomas. Disputationum de Sancto Matrimonii Sacra- 
 mento tomi tres, fol. ..... Antwerp, 1607 
 2 N2 
548 SAN SAN 
 SANCROFT, William (Archbishop). Fur Praedestinatus, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 136) . . Land. 1813 
 SANDERS, Nicolas. Histoire du Schisme d'Angleterre ; traduite 
 par M. Maucroix. Third edition. 12mo. . Paris, 1683 
 SANDERSON, William. A compleat History of the Lives and 
 Reigns of Mary Queen of Scotland, and of James the 
 Sixth, fol. . . . . . . . Lond. 1656 
 SANDERUS, Antonius. 
 Flandria Illustrata, 2 vols. folio. . . Cologne, 1641-44 
 Chorographia Sacra Brabantiae, sive celebrium Ecclesi- 
 arum descriptio, fol. ..... Brussels, 1659 
 SANDFORD, Francis. 
 Coronation of James II., fol. .... Lond. 1687 
 Genealogical History of the Kings of England, continued 
 by S. Stebbing, fol. . . ib. 1707 
 SANDGATE, FOLKESTONE, HYTHE, &c. The Illustrated Guide to. 
 New edition, 8vo. ..... Sandgate, 
 SANDIVOGIUS, Michael. A new Light of Alchymy. With a 
 Treatise of Sulphur by M. Sandivogius, also Nine Bookes 
 of the Nature of Things by Paracelsus. Translated by 
 G. F. M. D., sin. 8vo Lond. 1650 
 SANDON, W. H. Stanford Church and its Registers, &c. A 
 Paper (with additions), 8vo [1883] 
 SANDYS, Charles. 
 Critical Dissertation on Willis's Archaeological History of 
 Canterbury Cathedral, 8vo. (Tracts 99) . . . ib. 1846 
 The Vindication, " Whereinne ye practises of a Coontrie- 
 Atturney bee displaied " ; a Romance (Tracts 52) . ib. 1847 
 Case of the Lay Clerks of Canterbury Cathedral, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 99) ib. 1848 
 Letter to Kingsford and Co., 8vo. (Tracts 99) . . ib. 1848 
 Consuetudines Kanciae. A History of Gavelkind, and other 
 customs in Kent, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1851 
 SANDYS, George. 
 A Relation of a Journey begun A.D. 1610 (Turkey, Egypt, 
 Palestine, Italy, &c.). 5th edition. (Maps and plates.) 
 fol ib. 1652 
 Selections from his Metrical Paraphrases on the Psalms, 8vo. 
 ib. 1839 
 SANDYS, William. 
 History of Free Masonry, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1829 
 Specimens of Macaronic Poetry, 8vo. .... ib. 1831 
 SANDYS, William, and FORSTER, S. A. The History of the Yiolin, 
 8vo ib. 1864 
 SAN FIORANO, C. G. di. Fondazione della Chiesa di Aquileja, 8vo. 
 Milan, 1757 
 Opera omnia. (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel 
 Catalogue.'} Sm. 8vo. . . . Venice (Aldus), 1535 
 The Osiers, a Pastoral, translated from the Latin, 4to. 
 (Tracts 19*) -. ... . . . Cambridge, 1724 
SAN SAU 549 
 SANTAREM, Viscount de. 
 De Huma Medalha do Imperador Honorio, 4to. Falmouth, 1818 
 Memorias dos Alcaides Mores da Santarem, 8vo. (Tracts 
 147*) Lisbon, 1825 
 Memorias para a Historia das Cortes Geraes, Parts 1, 2, 4to. 
 ib. 1827-28 
 Lettre a M. Mielle sur son projet de 1'Histoire des ordres 
 Monastiques, 8vo. (Tracts 147*) . . . Paris, 1835 
 Sur les Relations Politiques du Portugal, avec les differentes 
 puissances du monde, 8vo. (Tracts 147*) . . . ib. 1836 
 De 1'introduction de la Fabrication des Etoffes de Soie en 
 Espagne, 8vo. (Tracts 147*) ib. 1838 
 SANTOS, Francisco de los. Description of the Escurial, trans- 
 lated into English, 4to Lond. 1671 
 Carmina et fragmenta recensuit H. F. M. Vertger, 12mo. 
 Leipzig, 1810 
 Odes from Longinus and Dionjsius Halicarnassus, edited 
 by F. H. Egerton, 8vo. (Bound with " Letter to the 
 Parisians") ........ Paris, 1815 
 SARDINIA. Historiae Patriai Monumenta, edita jussu Regis 
 Caroli Alberti. Chartarum torn, i., fol. . '. Turin, 1836 
 SARGANT, W. L. Buddha and His Religion, 8v.o. (Tracts 62**) 
 Birmingham, 1864 
 SARGEANT'S Illustrated Handbook to the City and Cathedral of 
 Peterborough, sm. 8vo. . . .. . Peterborough, 1862 
 SARSON, Laurentius. Quod nihil extra Deum, adeoque non 
 Deum extra se liceat adorare. (Theol. Tracts, 1650-51.) 
 4to. . . Lond. 1650 
 SARUM BREVIARY. Breviarium ad usum insignis eoclesiae Sarum, 
 3 vols. Edited by F. Procter and C. Wordsworth, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1879-86 
 SARUM MISSAL. Missale ad usum insignis et preeclarae EcclesieB 
 Sarum. Edited by F. H. Dickinson, A.M., STO. 
 Burntisland, 1861-83 
 SARUM PROCESSIONAL. Processionale ad usum ecclesioe Sarum. 
 Edited by W. G. Henderson. 8vo. . . . Leeds, 1882 
 SASTRES, Francesco. II Mercuric Italico, Ital and Eng., Nos. 1, 
 2,3, 8vo Land. 1789 
 SATIRIST, OR MONTHLY METEOR, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1808 
 SATYRES Chrestienes de la Cuisine Papale, 8vo. . . Geneva, 1857 
 SAULCY, F. De. 
 Essai de Classification des suites monetaires Byzantines, 
 8vo Metz, 1836 
 With Plates, 4to ib. 1836 
 Essai de Classification des monnaies autonomes de 1'Espagne, 
 8vo ib. 1840 
 Recherches. sur les Monnaies des Dues Hereditaires de Lor- 
 raine, 4to. ib. 1841 
 Recherches sur les Monnaies des Comtes et Dues de Bar, 
 4to . Paris, 1843 
550 SAU SAX 
 SAULCY, F. De continued. 
 Numismatique des Croisades, 4to. . . . Paris, 1847 
 Narrative of a Journey round the Dead Sea, 1850-1851. 
 Edited by Count E. De Warren. Second edition. 2 vols. 
 8vo Lond. 1854 
 Histoire de 1'Art Judaique, 8vo Paris, 1858 
 Les Expeditions de Cesar en Grande - Bretagne, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 40*) ib. I860 
 Campagnes de Jules Cesar dans les Gaules, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 SAULL, W. D. 
 Notitia Britanniee, 8vo Lond. 1845 
 On the Connection between the Astronomical and Geolo- 
 gical Phenomena, 8vo. (Tracts 90) .... ib. 1853 
 SAUMAREZ, Admiral. Key to the Hieroglyphic Phraseology of 
 the Old Testament, 4to Bath, 
 SAUNDERS, J. R. Report on Antiquities of Ceylon, 1877. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1877 
 SAUNDERS, R. Poor Richard's Almanack for 1733, 8vo. . ib. n.d. 
 SAUNDERS, Richard. Physiognomic, and Chiromancie, Metopo- 
 scopie, &c., explained. (Portrait and Plates.} Fol. ib. 1671 
 SAUNDERS, W. S. Guildhall Library : its Origin and Progress. 
 For private circulation. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1869 
 SAUVAGEOT, Claude. Palais, Chateaux, Hotels, et Maisons de 
 France, XV e au XVIIP siecle, 4 vols. fol. . Paris, 1867 
 Catalogue, par A. Sauzay, 12mo. (Two copies) . . ib. 1861 
 SAUVAGES, Boissier des. Dictionnaire Languedocien-Francois, 2 
 vols. 8vo. ........ Nismes, 1785 
 SAVAGE, H. Balliof ergus ; or Commentary on the Affairs of 
 Balliol College, 4to Oxford, 1668 
 SAVAGE, J. The Librarian, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1808-10 
 SAVERY, Tho. Navigation Improv'd : or the Art of Rowing Ships 
 in calms with a more easy motion than Oars can, 1698, 
 (Reprint) 4to Nismes, 1880 
 SAVIGNY, F. C. von. Vocation of our age for Legislation and 
 Jurisprudence (translated by A. Hay ward), 8vo. Lond. n.d. 
 SAVILE, Sir Henry. 
 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam, fol. Frankfort, 1601 
 A Libell of Spanish Lies, 1506, reprint by J. P. Collier, 
 8vo. ......... Lond. 
 SAVOY. Documenti, Sigilli e Monete appartenenti alia storia 
 della monarchia di Savoia, 8vo. . . . Turin, 1833 
 SAWASZKIEWICZ, L. L. Le Genie de 1'Orient, commente par ses 
 monuments monetaires, 8vo. .... Brussels, 1846 
 SAWYER, F. E. Captain Nicholas Tettersell and the Escape of 
 Charles the Second, 8vo Lewes, 1882 
 SAXO-GRAMMATIOUS. Libri xvi. Histories Danicse. S. J. Stepha- 
 nius recognovit, fol. ..... Sora, 1644 
 Chronicon Saxonicum ex MSS. Codicibus. Edidit E. Gib- 
 son, 4to. . . . -. -. . -. . Oxford, 1692 
SAX SCA 551 
 SAXON CHRONICLE continued. 
 Chronicon Saxonicum ex MSS. Codicibus. Another edition. 
 Edited by B. Thorpe. 2 vols. Svo. . Lond. 1861 
 Ancient History, English and French, exemplified in a 
 dissection of the Saxon Chronicle ; preceded by a review 
 of Wharton's Utrum Elfricus Grammaticus ? Malmes- 
 bury's Life of St. Wulstan, and Hugo Candidus Peter- 
 borough History, 12mo. . . . . . . ib. 1830 
 Mittheilungen. 8vo. In progress. . . Dresden, 1853, etc. 
 Mouumente des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, fol. ib. 1875 
 Neues Archiv fur Sachsische Geschichte und Alterthums- 
 kunde. 8vo. In progress. . . . ib. 1880, &c. 
 Zeitschrift, Jahrgang 1861-66, 68-70, 8vo. . Hanover, 1863, etc. 
 Mit Nachricht, 1871, etc., Svo. In progress. 
 1872, etc. 
 Nachricht, 25-33, Svo ib. 1862-71 
 Systematisches Repertorium der im " Vaterlandischen 
 archiv," in der "Zeitschrift des historischen Yereins fiir 
 niedersachsen," und im " Hannoverschen Magazin " 
 enthaltenen Abhandlungen, Svo. .... ib. 1880 
 SAXTON, Christopher. Chartse Geographies Angliae et Wallies, 
 fol Lond. 1579 
 SAYCE, A. H. Archaic Classics. An Elementary Grammar of 
 the Assyrian Language, in the Cuneiform Type. Second 
 edition. 4to . ib. 1876 
 SAYERS, Frank. 
 Poems, Svo. Norwich, 1807 
 Disquisitions, Svo. . . . . . . ib. 1808 
 SCALIGGERI, C. Trastulli della Villa, sin. 8vo. . . Venice, 1627 
 SCAMOZZI, 0. B. II forestiere istruito delle cose rare di Archi- 
 tettura di Vicenza, 4to. (Plates) . . . Vicenza, 1761 
 SCANDAL CLUB, A Supplement to the advice from the. For 
 October. No. 2. 4to Lond. 1704 
 SCAPPI, Bartolomeo, Opera di, 8vo. .... Venice, 1622 
 The Scarborough Guide. A second edition. With a descrip- 
 tive route through Hull and Beverley, Svo. . Hull, 1796 
 The Strangers' and Visitants' Illustrated Pocket Guide to 
 Scarborough. Third edition. Svo. . Scarborough, 1832 
 A Guide to Scarborough and its Environs. Seventh edition, 
 12mo ib. 1852 
 Report (28th Report, Tracts 82), Svo. . . ib. 1858-60 
 SCARRON, Paul. Le Roman Comique, 12mo. . . Paris, n.d. 
 Notices of Wroxeter, the Roman Uriconium, Svo. (Tracts 
 70) Lond. 1859 
 Aquee Solis, or Notices of Roman Bath, 4to. . . ib. 1864 
 Extracts from the Register and Churchwardens' Accounts 
 of Wrington Parish, 8vo. (Tracts 164) . . Bath, 1873 
552 SCA SCH 
 SCARTH, H. M. continued. 
 Lecture on the Via Julia and its Course by Silbuiy, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95*) n.p. n.d. 
 Second Copy. (Tracts 163.) 
 SCHACHMAN, Charles de. Catalogue de la Collection de 
 Medailles de 1'auteur, 4to. .... Leipsig, 1774 
 SCH^PKENS, Alexandre. 
 Antiquites Ecclesiastiques, 8vo. (Tracts 67*) . Brussels, 1847 
 Antiquites dans les %lises de Village, 8vo. (Tracts ffl*) ib. 1847 
 Histoire de la Chasse de Saint Servais, 8vo. (Tracts 67*) 
 Ghent, 1849 
 figlise et Monastere de 1'Ordre St. Antoine, a Maestricht, 
 8vo. (Tracts ^J*) ib. 1850 
 Tombeaux Chretiens, 8vo. (Tracts 67*) . . Antwerp, 1850 
 SCHALDEMOSE, F. Beo-Wulf og Scopes Widsid, to angelsaxiske 
 Digte, med Oversaettelse, 8vo. . . Copenhagen, 1847 
 SCHAEF, George. 
 Scenic Effects of Covent Garden Theatre (1838-39). (A 
 Series of Etchings.) Obi. fol Lond. 1839 
 Handbooks of the Greek, Roman, and Pompeian Courts of 
 the Crystal Palace, 8vo ib. 1854 
 Continuation of Artistic Notes on the Windows of King's 
 College Chapel, Cambridge, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . ib. 1856 
 Catalogue Raisonne of Blenheim Pictures, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 On the Principal Portraits of Shakespeare, 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 National Portrait Gallery, 23 April, 1864. (Handbill on 
 the Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare.) 
 Catalogue of the Pictures belonging to the Society of 
 Antiquaries. For private circulation. (Two copies.) 8vo. 
 Bungay, 1865 
 List of Noteworthy Pictures in the National Portrait 
 Exhibition, 8vo. (Tracts 62***) . . . Lond. 1866 
 Visit of Queen Elizabeth to Blackfriars in 1600, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***) ib. 1866 
 Observations on the Westminster Abbey Portrait of 
 Richard the Second, 8vo. ib. 1867 
 Observations on some Portraits of Devonshire Worthies, 
 8vo. (Tracts 163) ib. 1874 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures at 
 Knowsley Hall, 4to ib. 1875 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures at 
 Woburn Abbey. (One of fifty copies.) 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 Description of the Wilton House Diptych, containing a 
 contemporary Portrait of King Richard the Second, 4to. 
 ib. 1882 
 Histoire de 1' Architecture en Belgique, 2 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 
 Sur 1' Architecture Ogivale en Belgique, 4to. (Tracts 10) 
 SCHEDEL, Hartmann. 
 Liber Chronicarum, B. L. (For bibliographical details see 
 MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) Fol. . . Nuremberg, 1493 
 : B.L. ut supra, fol. . . . Augsburg, 1497 
SCH SCH 553 
 SCHEDIUS, Elias. De Diis Germanis, 12mo. . Amsterdam, 1648 
 De Antiquis verisque Regni Suecice Insignibus, liber singu- 
 laris, 4to. ...... Stockholm, 1678 
 Histoire de La Laponie, traduite du Latin par L. P. A. L., 
 4to Paris, 1678 
 SCHEIDEL, S. A. Geschichte der D r Senckenbergschen Stifts- 
 hauser, 4to Frankfort, 1867 
 SCHEIGER, Joseph. 
 Andeutungen iiber Erhaltung und Herstellung alter 
 Burgen und Schlosser, 8vo. (Tracts 62) . . Gratz, 1853 
 Von dem Einflusse der Pflanzen auf die Zerstb'rung der 
 Ruinen, 4to. (Tracts 8) Vienna, 1857 
 Ueber Reinigung der Alterthiimer, 8vo. (Tracts 62). 
 SCHERTZ, J. G. Commentationes binae ; altera Friderici I. Imp. 
 Judicium de Henrico Leone considerans, de Duelli Prin- 
 cipum altera. (Bound with KRAUSIUS.) 4to. . Leipsic, 1749 
 SCHIAPARELLI, E. II Libro dei Funerali degli Antichi Egiziani, 
 vol. i. 4to, .. . .. . . .. . Turin, 1882 
 SCHIAVO, Domenico. Descrizione della solenne Acclamazione e 
 del giuramento di fidelita prestata al Re di Sicilia Fer- 
 dinando Borbone, 4to. ..... Palermo, 1760 
 SCHIEPATI, Giuseppe. Postile alii osservazioni sull' opera 
 intitolata Descrizione di alcune monete cufiche, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 102) Milan, 1821 
 SCHILLER, J. C. F. von. The Song of the Bell. Translated by 
 M. Retzseh, obi. fol Lond. 1833 
 SCHILLIO, J. H. Journal of a Tour from Bath to the Lakes of 
 Westmoreland, Cumberland, Lancashire, &c. With an 
 account of Worcester, Derbyshire, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1836 
 SCHILTERUS, Joannes. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Teutonicarum, 
 3 vols. fol Ulm, 1728 
 Fortegnelse over Mynter fra Middelalderen, &c., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) 1869 
 Om et lidet Fund af Mynter fra II* 6 Aarhundrede fra 
 Stange paa Hedemarken, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . . 1873 
 SCHLEGEL, J. F. G. Hin forna Logbok Islendinga " Gragas," 
 Parts 1, 2, 4to, .... . . Copenhagen, 1829 
 ScHLESWio-HoLSTEiN-LAUENBURGiscHE Gesellschaft fiir die Samm- 
 lung und Erhaltung vaterlandischer Alterthiimer. 
 Berichte, xxxi.-xxxiii. 4to Kiel, 1872-73 
 SCHLESWIG, HOLSTEIN UND LAUENBURG, Gesellschaft fiir die Ges- 
 chichte der Herzogthiimer. Zeitschrift, 4ter Band 
 (schluss-heft) u. 5ter Band (erstes heft), 8vo. . ib. 1873-74 
 Mycenee : Discoveries at Mycenro and Tiryns. Preface by 
 W. E. Gladstone, 8vo Lond. 1878 
 Ilios : Discoveries throughout the Troad, 1871-79. Includ- 
 ing an Autobiography, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1880 
 Troja : results of the Researches on the Site of Homer's 
 Troy, &c. Preface by A. H. Sayce, 8vo. . . t'6. 1884 
554 SCH SCH 
 SCHLIEMANN, Henry continued. 
 Tiiyns. The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings of Tiryns. 
 The results of the latest excavations, 8vo. . Land. 1886 
 SCHLOSSER, F. Ph. Meditatio subseciva de eestimatione 
 Heraldica. Subjicitur, Arndii Biblotheca Aulico-Po- 
 litica, una cum J. Arndii exemplo Joabi Davidici, 12mo. 
 Hanover, 1729, and Leipzig, 1706 
 SCHMIDT, F. S. de. 
 De Zodiaci Nbstri Origine ^Egyptia, 12mo. (Tracts 69) 
 Berne, 1760 
 Opusculse, 12mo. ..... Carlsruhe, 1765 
 De Sacerdotibus et Sacrificiis ^gyptiorum, 8vo. Tubingen, 1768 
 Antiquites de la Suisse, torn. i. 4to. . . Frankfort, 1771 
 SCHNEBBELIE, Jacob. The Antiquaries' Museum, 4to. (Tracts 6) 
 Lond. 1791 
 ScH(ELL, C. G. De Ecclesiasticse Britonum Scotorumque His- 
 torise Fontibus, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . . . Berlin, 1851 
 SCHOEPFLIN MUSEUM. Catalogus Tomus prior. Edited by J. J. 
 Oberlin, 4to. . . . . . Strasb. 1773 
 Tractatus Historicus de Apotheosi Imperatorum Ro- 
 manorum, 4to. ........ ib. 1730 
 Alsatia Illustrata, 2 vols. fol. . . . Colmar, 1751-61 
 SCHOLTZ, Christianus. Grammatica ^Egyptiaca. Edited by G. 
 G. Woide, 4to -. . Oxford, 1778 
 SCHOMBERG, A. C. An Historical View of Roman Law, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1785 
 SCHOMBERG, Ralph. Life of Maecenas, 12mo. . . ib. 1766 
 SCHOMBURGK, Sir R. H. Description of British Guiana, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 75) ib. 1840 
 SCHONHEINTZ, Jacobus. Apologia astrologie, B. L., 8vo. 
 - . Nuremberg, 1502 
 SCHONHUTH, 0. F. H. Historic von Kaiser Oktavianus, 8vo. 
 Reutlingen, 1851 
 SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Information respecting the History and 
 Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, 
 Parts 1, 2, 3. 4to. .... Philadelphia, 1851-53 
 SCHOW, Nicholas. Epistola in qua Numus Ulpiae Pautaliso 
 illustratur, 4to. (Tracts 22) . . . Eome, 1789 
 Die Hiinengraber im Breisgau, 8vo. (Tracts 118) 
 Freiburg im Bresgau, 1826 
 Taschenbuch fiir Suddeutschland, 5 vols. 8vo. Freiburg, 1839-46 
 SCHREIBER, T. Apollon Pythoktonos. Ein Beitrag zur 
 Griechisohen Religions- und Kunstgeschichte, 8vo. 
 Leipsic, 1879 
 SCHRENCK VON NoTZiNG, J. Der Kayser, Fiirsten und anderer 
 Kriegsshelden warhafftige Bildtnussen. [From the 
 Ambraser Sammlung.] Auss der Lateinischen trans- 
 feriert durch J. E. Noyse, fol. . . . Innsbruck, 1603 
 SCHREUDER, H. P. S. Grammatik for Zulu- Sproget. Edited by 
 C. A. Holmboe, 8vo. (Tracts 55*) . . Christiania, 1850 
SCH SCI 555 
 De Luxu Allies Magni Smek, Regis Sueciaa et Norvegice, 
 4to. (Tracts 45) . ... Upsal, 1822 
 Numismata Anglo- Saxonica in Numophylacio Academico 
 Upsaliensi adservata. (Tracts 143) . . ib. 1825 
 Catalogus Numorum Cuficorum in Numophylacio Academico 
 Upsaliensi, 4to. (Tracts 45) ib. 1827 
 Bonen : Fader Var och Tron, Pa gammal Svenska, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 45) ib. 1829 
 Numismata Angliee Vetusta in Numophylacio Academico 
 Upsaliensi, Part 1, 4to. (Tracts 45) ... ib. 1833 
 Initia Monetse Svecanae, 4to. (Tracts 45) . . . ib. 1844 
 Histoire de la Societe Royale des Sciences d'Upsal, 4to. 
 (Tracts 45) ib. 1846 
 Nummorum Anglo- Saxonicorum centuria selecta, e Museo 
 Academico Upsaliensi, 4to. (Tracts 25) . . . ib. 1847 
 De Moneta Anglo- Saxonica, 4to. (Tracts 45) . . ib. 1849 
 Om Nordmcendenes Landhusholdning i Oldtiden, 8vo. 
 Christiania, 1861 
 Die Altnorwegische Landwirthschaft, 4to. . . ib. 1862 
 SCHUCH, J. F. De Lingua Latina Medii JEvi, 4to. 
 Strasburg, dr. 1773 
 SCHUTZE, M. G. Exercitationum ad Germaniam Sacram Gen- 
 tilem facientium Sylloge, sm. 8vo. . . . Leipsic, 1738 
 SCHWARZ, C. G. De Ornamentis Librorum et vario rei libraries 
 veterum Supellectile : recensuit J. C. Leuschner. (Two 
 copies.) 4to ib. 1756 
 SCHWEIZERISCHES IDIOTIKON. Worterbuch der Schweizerdeut- 
 schen Sprache, Bearbeitet von F. Staub und L. Tobler. 
 Heft i.-viii., 4to Frauenfeld, 1881-85 
 SCHWILGUE, Ch. Description Abregee de 1'Horologe Astro- 
 nomique dela Cathedralede Strasbourg, 6 e edition, 12mo. 
 Strasbourg^ 1856 
 Classified List of Photographs. Works of Decorative 
 Art in, (1) Precious Metals and Enamels, and (2) 
 Pottery, Porcelain, and Glass, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 
 Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Portrait Miniatures, 
 4to. . . ib. 1865 
 Catalogue of first and second Special Exhibition of National 
 Portraits, 4to. ib. 1866-67 
 Examples of Art Workmanship Henri Deux Ware. 
 Photographs with a Notice. By A. C. King, fol. . ib. 1868 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Instruments in 
 the S. K. Museum. By C. Engel, 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 Universal Art Inventory, for the use of Schools of Art 
 and the S. K. Museum. Part 1, Mosaics and Stained 
 Glass. Edited by Henry Cole, 8vo. . . . ib. 1870 
 Textile Fabrics ; a Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection 
 of Church- vestments, Dresses, and Tapestries, by D. 
 Rock, 8vo. ... . ib. 1870 
 The First Proofs of the Universal Catalogue of Books 
 on Art, compiled for the use of the National Art Library, 
 sq. 8vo. 2 vols. Land. 1870 
 Supplement, sq. 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 A Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon, and other Antiquities 
 discovered at Faversham, and bequeathed by W. Gibbs 
 to the S. K. Museum. Compiled by C. Roach Smith, 8vo. 
 ib. 1871 
 A First List of Buildings in England having Mural 
 or other Painted Decorations before 1550, 8vo. . ib. 1871 
 A Description of the Ivories in the S. K. Museum, with a 
 preface by W. Maskell, 8vo ib. 1872 
 Catalogue of the Loan Exhibition of Jewellery and 
 Personal Ornament, 1872, 4to ib. 1873 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Maiolica, Hispano- 
 Moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian Wares in the 
 S. K. Museum. With Notices. By C. D. E. Fortnum, 8vo. 
 ib. 1873 
 Furniture and Woodwork in the S. K. Museum. 
 Described by J. H. Pollen, 8vo ib. 1874 
 Dyce Collection. A Catalogue of the Paintings, 
 Miniatures, &c. Bequeathed by A. Dyce, 8vo. . ib. 1874 
 Catalogue of the Loan Exhibition, of Enamels on Metal, 
 S. K. Museum, 1874, 4to ib. 1875 
 Dyce Collection. A Catalogue of the Printed Books 
 and Manuscripts bequeathed by A. Dyce, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1875 
 The Industrial Arts. Historical Sketches, with illustrations. 
 By W. Maskell, 8vo ib. 1876 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Bronzes of European 
 Origin in the S. K. Museum. By C. D. E. Fortnum, 
 L.P. 8vo ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of a Collection of Articles of Japanese Art, 
 by W. J. Alt. (Bethnal Green Branch Museum.) 8vo. 
 ib. 1876 
 Catalogue of a Collection of Oriental Porcelain and 
 Pottery, by A. W. Franks. (Bethnal Green Branch 
 Museum.) 8vo. ....... ib. 1876 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks. Edited by 
 W. Maskell, 8vo . ib. 1876, etc. 
 Textile Fabrics, by D. Rock. 
 Ivories Ancient and Mediaeval, by W. Maskell. 
 Furniture and Woodwork, by J. H. Pollen. 
 Maiolica, by C. D. E. Fortnum. 
 Musical Instruments, by C. Engel. 
 Art of the Saracens in Egypt. By S. Lane-Poole, 1886. 
 Bronzes. By C. D. E. Fortnum, n.d. 
 College and Corporation Plate. By W. J. Cripps, 1881. 
 Dyce and Forster Collections. With Engravings and 
 Facsimiles, n.d, 
SCI SCI 557 
 English Earthenware. By A. H. Church, 1884. 
 English Porcelain. By A. H. Church, 1885. 
 French Pottery. By P. Gasnault and E. Gamier, 1884. 
 Glass. By A. Nesbitt, n.d. 
 Gold and Silver. By J. H. Pollen. 
 The Industrial Arts of Denmark. By J. J. A. Wor- 
 saae, 1882. 
 The Industrial Arts of India. By G. C. M. Birdwood, 
 2 vole., 1884. 
 The Industrial Arts of Scandinavia in the Pagan Time. 
 By Hans Hildebrand, 1883. 
 The Industrial Arts in Spain. By J. F. Riano, 1879. 
 Japanese Pottery. Edited by A. W. Franks, n.d. 
 Jones Collection, 1883. 
 Russian Art and Art Objects in Russia. By A. 
 Maskell, 1884. 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Fictile Ivories in the 
 S. K. Museum, with an Account of the Continental 
 Collections, by J. 0. Westwood, 8vo. . . Lond. 1876 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Glass Vessels in the 
 S. K. Museum, with a notice. By A. Nesbitt, 8vo. ib. 1878 
 Gold and Silversmiths' Work in the S. K. Museum. 
 Described by J. H. Pollen, 8vo ib. 1878 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Swiss Coins in the S. 
 K. Museum ; bequeathed by C. H. Townshend. With 
 Notices by R. S. Poole, 8vo. . . . ib. 1878 
 List of Works on Gold and Silversmiths' Work and 
 Jewellery, 8vo. ....... ib. 1882 
 List of Books and Photographs illustrating Armour and 
 Weapons, 8vo. . . . ib. 1883 
 List of Books, Photographs, &c., illustrating Metal Work, 
 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 List of Works on Ornament. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 List of Works on Painting. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1883 
 A List of Buildings in Great Britain and Ireland, having 
 Mural and other Painted Decorations, of dates prior to 
 the latter part of the sixteenth century, with Historical 
 Introduction. By C. E. Keyser. Third edition, 8vo. ib. 1883 
 Descriptive Catalogue of the collection of Casts from the 
 Antique. By W. C. Perry, 8vo ib. 1884 
 List of Works on Heraldry, or containing Heraldic 
 Illustrations. Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1884 
 List of Books and Pamphlets in the National Art Library 
 on Pottery and Porcelain. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1885 
 A List of Books illustrating Furniture. Second edition, 
 8vo ib. 1885 
 Catalogue of Exhibition of National Portraits, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Catalogue of the Scientific Periodical Publications in the 
 . Science and Education Library, 8vo. . . . ib. 1886 
558 SCI SCO 
 A List of Books and Pamphlets illustrating Gems, 8vo. Land. 1880 
 A List of Books and Pamphlets illustrating Seals, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 Second copy. 
 A List of Works illustrating Sculpture. Second edition, 
 8vo ib. 1886 
 List of Books on Anatomy, human and comparative, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 SCIENCE IN ENGLAND, Thoughts on the Degradation of, by F.R. S. 
 (Tracts 123*) . . . . ib. 1847 
 SCIENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES, Popular Treatises on. Edited 
 by T. Wright, 8vo. ib. 1841 
 SCIENTIA SCIENTIARUM. Account of the Victoria Institution, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 67***) . ib. 1865 
 SCIENTIFIC CLUB (The). List of Members and Rules, 1874-77, 
 12mo. ib. 1874-77 
 SCOHIER, Jean. L'estat et compostement des Armes, fol. 
 Brussels, 1597 
 SCOT, Reynolde. The Perfite Platforme of a Hoppe Garden, 4to. 
 ib. 1578 
 SCOT, Reginald. The Discovery of Witchcraft. Discourse of 
 the Nature of Devils and Spirits. Third edition, fol. 
 Lond. 1665 
 Engravings of the Regalia of Scotland, ob. fol. . . ib. 1819 
 Description of the Regalia of Scotland. (By Sir Walter 
 Scott.) 8vo Edinburgh, 1819 
 8vo. ib. 1865 
 Instrumenta Publica super fidelitatem Scotorum regi 
 Anglise factam. (Ragman Rolls.) 4to. . . ib. 1834 
 The Scottish Land Tourist's Pocket Guide, 24mo. Glasgow, 1838 
 Notices of Churches in Scotland, 8vo. . . Lond. 1848 
 Characteristics of Old Church Architecture, &c., in the Main- 
 lands and Western Islands of Scotland, 4to. Edinburgh, 1861 
 The Communion Office of the Church of Scotland. Edited 
 by F. G. Lee. One of 10 copies, L.P. 4to. Aberdeen, 1862 
 Notes on Precedence between Scotland and Ireland, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 57*) 1863 
 A Handbook for Travellers in Scotland, 8vo. (Murray) 
 Lond. 1867 
 Chronicles and Memorials published under the direction of 
 the Lord Clerk-Register, 8vo. . . Edinburgh, 1867, etc. 
 1. Ledger of Andrew Haly burton, 1492-1503. Together 
 with the Book of Customs and Valuation of Merchandises 
 in Scotland, 1612. Edited by C. Innes .... 1867 
 2. Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots, &c. 
 Edited by W. F. Skene 1867 
 3. Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland, 
 1286-1306, 2 vols. Edited by J. Stevenson . . . 1870 
 4. Compota Thesaurariorum Regum Scotorum. Accounts 
 of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Edited by 
 T. Dickson. Vol. i. A.D. 1473-1498 . . 1877 
SCO SCO 559 
 SCOTLAND continued. 
 The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and 
 abridged by J. H. Burton. Vol. i. A.D. 1545-1569, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1877 
 - Vol. ii. A.D. 1569-1578 ; Vol. iii. A.D. 1578- 
 1585. Edited and abridged by D. Masson . . ib. 1878-80 
 Botuli Scaccarii Ree^um Scotomm. The Exchequer Rolls 
 of Scotland. Edited by J. Stuart and G. Burnett. 
 Vols. i.-iv. (1264-1436) ib. 1878-80 
 Lond. 1867 
 Transactions, Vols i. to iv. pt. 1, and v. pts. 1 and 2, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1851-59 
 Illustrations of an Essay on Mural Decorations. By T. 
 Purdie, fol ib. 1852 
 Archaeologia Scotica, 4to. In progress . . ib. 1792, etc. 
 Proceedings, Vol. i., etc., sm. 4to. In progress . ib. 1855, etc. 
 - Appendix to Vol. vi. 4to. . . . ib. 1867 
 Synopsis of the Museum, 12mo. .... ib. 1849 
 Proceedings. Session 1883-84. Vol xviii. sq. 8vo. . ib. 1884 
 Catalogue of Museum, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1863 
 New edition, 8vo ib. 1876 
 Discourse of the Earl of Buchan on the institution of the 
 Society, 8vo. (Tracts 137) ... . 1780 
 Account of its Institution and Progress, by W. Smellie. 
 (Bound up with " Archaeologia Scotica," Vol. i.), 4to. ib. 1782 
 Address by Lord Neaves, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1859 
 Records of the Monastery of Kinross. Edited by J. Stuart, 
 4to . ib. 1872 
 Sculptured Monuments in lona and the Western Highlands. 
 By J. Drummond, 4to. ib. 1881 
 SCOTSMEN. To all True-Hearted Scotsmen, whether Soldiers or 
 others, 8vo Perth, 1715 
 SCOTT, Alexander. Poems, edited by D. Laing, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821 
 SCOTT, Benjamin. A Statistical Vindication of the City of 
 London. Second edition, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1867 
 SCOTT, Sir F. E. Shall the New Foreign Office be Gothic or 
 Classic ? 8vo. (Tracts 62*) ib. 1860 
 SCOTT, Sir G. G. 
 Report on the State of the Fabric of St. David's Cathedral, 
 8vo. (Tracts 90*) .... . n.p. 1862 
 Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. Second edition, 
 8vo Lond. and Oxford, 1863 
 On the Conservation of Ancient Architectural Monuments 
 and Remains, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1864 
 Design for the New Law Courts, fol. . . . Lond. 1867 
 Salisbury Cathedral. Report upon the Position of the 
 High Altar, 8vo Salisbury, 1876 
 Remarks on Ely Palace, Holborn, accompanying some 
 Original Drawings, made in 1772, 4to. . . Lond. 1878 
 Lectures on Mediaeval Architecture, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1879 
560 SCO SCR 
 SCOTT, SIR G. G. continued. 
 An Essay on the History of English Church Architecture, 
 prior to the Reformation, 4to. .... Lond. 1881 
 The Lady Chapel at St. Albans. Report, 8vo. St. Allans, n.d. 
 SCOTT, J. R. 
 Memorials of the Family of Scott, of Scot's-Hall, Kent, 
 4to ib. 1876 
 Receipts and Expenditure of Sir John Scott, temp. Edward 
 IV. (in 1463 and 1466), 8vo. . . . ib. 1876 
 The Scott Monuments in Brabourne Church, 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 Charters of Monks Horton Priory ..... 
 SCOTT, L. A. Act and Bull ; or, Fixed Anniversaries a Paper, 
 Ac., 8vo. . . . .... 1880 
 SCOTT, Sir S. D. The British Army : its Origin, Progress, and 
 Equipment, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1868-80 
 SCOTT, W. Epigrams from Martial, &c., with Mottos from 
 Horace, &c. Second edition, 12 mo. . . . ib. 1773 
 SCOTT, W. B. Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England, 
 4to. ib. 
 SCOTT, W. H. 
 Sur deux Monnaies Ortokides et sur une monnaie des 
 Atabeks, 8vo. (Tracts 42) Paris, 1853 
 Sur quelques Medailles Houlagouides, 8vo. (Tracts 42) ib. 1854 
 SCOTT, W. T. Antiquities of an Essex Parish ; or, pages from 
 the History of Great Dunmow, 8vo. . . Lond. 1873 
 SCOTT, Sir Walter. 
 The Lady of the Lake. Fourteenth edition, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1825 
 Provincial Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. Lond. 1826 
 Description of the Regalia of Scotland, 12mo. Edinburgh, 1863 
 SCOTT, William. Stourbridge and its Vicinity, 8vo. (Prattin- 
 ton Coll.) Stourbridge, 1832 
 SCOTTI, G. B. R. 
 Alia Memoria del Conte Giancarlo Conestabile della Staffa, 
 8vo Perugia, 1877 
 Della Vita e degli Scritti del Conte Giancarlo Conestabile. 
 8vo ib. 1878 
 SCOTTISH REVIEW. No. II., July, 1885, vol. vi. [Contains, see 
 p. 85, " Some Christian Monuments of Athens."] 8vo. 
 Paisley, 1885 
 3 vols. fol Heidelberg, 1743-48 
 SCRIPTORES PHYSIOGNOMONI^] VETERES ex recensione C. Perusci et 
 F. Sylburgii Graece et Latine, recensuit J. G. F. Franzius, 
 8vo Altenburg, 1780 
 Palladius, quibus nunc accedit Vegetius de Mulo-Medi- 
 cina et Gargilii Martialis Fragmentum. Adjectse notee, 
 &c., curante J. M. Gesnero. (Plates.) 2 vols. 4to. 
 Leipzig, 1735 
 Proposal for its Publication (a Prospectus), Imp. 8vo. Lond. n.d. 
SCR SEA 561 
 The Controversy between Sir Richard Scrope and Sir 
 Robert Grosvenor in the Court of Chivalry, A.D. 
 MCCCLXXXV. MCCCXC. containing a History of the Family 
 of Scrope, and Biographical Notices of the Deponents. 
 Edited from the Manuscript in the Tower, by Sir N. H. 
 Nicolas, 2 vols. Imp. 8vo Lond. 1832 
 ( With this copy is included a third volume, which seems to consist 
 of proof sheets of pages 1-243 of vol. i.) 
 SCROPE, C. P. History of Castle Combe, co. Wilts, 4to. . . 1852 
 SCULPTOR'S JOURNAL. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8vo ib. 1863 
 SEALS. Eight Plates of Abbey and Town Seals, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 SEALS, FOREIGN. A volume containing the following Tracts on 
 Seals : 
 1. Wappenbuch der Stadte im Grossherzogthum Hessen 
 dargestellt nach ihren Siegeln. Von C. F. Giinther 
 Darmstadt, 1843 
 2. Sphragistische Aphorismen von Lepsius . Halle, 1842 
 3. Note sur le Sceau de St. Bernard, par A. Deville, Rouen, 1838 
 4. Notice Historique sur le Seel Communal, les Armoiries, 
 &c., de Dunkerque, par J. J. Carlier . Dunkerque, 1855 
 5. De 1' Imitation des Sceaux des Communes sur les Mon- 
 naies des Provinces Meridionales des Pays-Bas, et du Pays 
 de Liege, par G. J. C. Piot .... Brussels, 1848 
 6. Die Siegel der Deutschen Kaiser, Konige, und Gegen- 
 konige, von Dr. Romer-Biichner . . Frankfort, 1851 
 7. Sceau Liegeois en usage auxiii 6 Siecle, Par A. Schaepkens 
 8. Zegelstempel gevonden binnen Sluis. By J. Van Dale, 
 8vo Utrecht, 1855 
 9. Sceau, Targe, Medaillon, Enseigne, Plaque en Cuivre 
 Emaille relatif s, a 1'ancienne Confrerie de Notre-Dame de 
 Puy, &c. Par M. Aymard . . Le Puy, 1865 
 10. Notice sur les-Chartes ralatives a la Prevote de Mersen 
 et sur un Sceau de 1'Empereur Frederic Barberousse. 
 Par Le Chanoine de Ram. 
 11. Fragment d'une Statistique Archeologique en Belgique. 
 Bilsen et ses environs. Par A. Schaepkens . Antwerp, 1851 
 12. Eglise et Monastere de Saint Antoine a Maestricht. 
 Par A. Schaepkens . . . Ghent, 1850 
 SEALS, MEDIEVAL. A Volume containing the following Tracts 
 on Seals : ....... Lond. 
 1. Some remarks on Seals, with Suggestions for Classifying 
 them, and Examples of Medieval Seals. By W. S. Wai- 
 2. Remarks on one of the Great Seals of Edward the Third, 
 hitherto unpublished ; by W. H. Gunner. With ad- 
 ditional Observations by W. S. Walford. 
 3. Examples of Mediaeval Seals. By W. S. Walford and 
 A. Way. 5 pt. 
 2 o 
562 SEA; SEL 
 SEALS, MEDIEVAL continued. 
 4. Examples of Mediaeval Seals. Illustrations of tlie mode 
 of Sealing " en placard," Remarks on a Seal and Charter 
 of Eudes, King of France, of the year 888 or 889. By F, 
 Madden and W. S. Walford. 
 5. Examples of Mediaeval Seals. By Frederick Spurrell. 
 6. Remarks on the Anglo-Saxon Charters granted to the 
 Abbey of St. Denis in France and on the Seals attached 
 to them. By F. Madden, 
 7. Original Documents. The Rights of Christ Church, 
 ' Canterbury, on the Deaths of Bishops of the Province. 
 By W. S. Walford and A. Way. 
 8. Notice of a Seal formed of Bone, discovered in the Abbey 
 Church of St, Albans. By A. Way. 
 9. On some marks of Cadency borne by the Plantagenets, 
 By W. S. Walford. 
 10. The Signet Ring and Silver Bell of Mary Queen of 
 Scots. By A. Way. 
 SEATON GUIDE. Fourth edition, 12mo. , , . Exeter, 1880 
 SEBASTIANI, Leopoldo, Descrizzione e Relazione Istorica del 
 Palazzo di Caprarola, 8vo. . Home, 1741 
 SECCHI, P, A. Degli Studi Archeologici del Padre Secchi, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 80) ib. 1858 
 SECOUSSE, P. F. Memoires de Charles II,, Roi de Navarre, 4to, 
 Paris, 1758 
 SECBETAEY. The Common Secretary and Jealousy. Reprint, 
 by J. P, Collier, 4to. ...... n.p. n.d, 
 SECUNDUS, J. Opera, (Portrait,) Sm, 8vo. , . Utrecht, 1541 
 SEDDON, J. P. Rambles in the Rhine Provinces. (Illustrated.) 
 4to Lond. 1868 
 The Black Death, and its place in English History, 8vo. 
 (Bound with " Merivale on the Paston Letters "), 8vo, 
 (Tracts 47*) . . , ib. 1865 
 The English Village Community examined in its relations 
 to the Manorial and Tribal Systems, and to the Common 
 or Open Field System of Husbandry, 8vo. > , ib. 1883 
 SEECK, Otto. Notitia Dignitatum, aocedunt Notitia Urbis Con- 
 stantinopolitanaB et Laterculi Provinciarum, 8vo. Berlin, 1876 
 SEGOING, Charles. Tresor Heraldique ou Mercure Armorial, fol. 
 Paris, 1657 
 SEGUIN, Joseph, La Dentelle. Histoire Description Fabri- 
 cation Bibliographic, fol, , ... , , ib. 1875 
 Commission des Antiquites, Bulletin. Tom, i., etc. In 
 progress .,.,,., Rouen, 1868, etc. 
 SEIVERT, Johann. Nachrichten von Siebenbiirgischen Gelehrten 
 und ihren Schriften, 8vo. .... Presburg, 1785 
 SELDEN, John. 
 Opera Omnia, 3 vols. in 6, edited by D. Wilkins, fol. Lond. 1726 
 The History of Tythes, 4to. . * . . . .n.p. 1618 
SEL SET 563 
 SELDEN, John continued. 
 De Diis Syris syntagmata duo, 8vo. . . . Leyden, 1629 
 Titles of Honor. Second edition, fol. . . Lond. 1631 
 Liber de Nummis, 12mo. ..... Leyden, 1682 
 Fleta sen Commentarius Juris Anglicani, 4to. . Lond. 1685 
 Table-Talk. Third edition, by S. W\ Singer, fcp. 8vo. ib. 1860 
 SEMPILL BALLATES. A Series of Scotish poems, ascribed to 
 Robert Sempill 1567-1583. With Poems by Sir J, 
 Semple, 1598-1610, 8vo Edinburgh, 1872 
 SENECA, L. Annaeus. 
 L. Annaei Senecae et aliorum Tragcedia^, 12mo. 
 Amsterdam, 1628 
 Opera Omnia ex I. Lipsii et I. F. Gronovii emendatione 
 et M. Anngei SenecaD- quae extant ex A. Sehotti 
 recensione. (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel 
 Catalogue.) 4 vols. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. apud Elzevirios, 1649 
 Tragoedise, cum notis J. F. Gronovii. Omnia recensuit J. C. 
 Schroderus, 4to Delphis, 1728 
 SEREL, Thomas. On the History of Wells, 8vo. (Tracts 117*) 
 Wells, 1858 
 SERRADIFALCO, Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, Duca di. Le 
 Antichita della Sicilia. Plates. 5 vols. fol. Palermo, 1835-42 
 SERREIUS, Joannes. Grammatica Gallica Nova, 12mo. Strasburg, 1603 
 Sur le Mausolee de Barbe Moubray et Elizabeth Curie dans 
 1'Eglise de St. Andre, a Anvers, 8vo. (Tracts 94) Ghent, 1835 
 Le Livre de Baudoyn, Conte de Flandre, 8vo. . Brussels, 1836 
 Les Monnaies d'Or de 1'ancien Duehe de Gueldre, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 42) . ... . ib. 1847 
 SERVIA. Piesme Nardone. Popular Songs of Servia, 4 vols. 
 [In Russian characters.] 8vo 1824-33 
 SESTINI, Domenico. Lettere e Dissertazioni Numismatiche sopra 
 la collezione Ainslieana, 4 vols. 4to. . Leghorn, 1789-90 
 SESTOS, Greek Inscription found at. Edited by Mr. Greaves. 
 For private circulation. Fol. .... Lond. n.d. 
 SETON, George. 
 The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1863 
 The Convent of Saint Catherine of Sienna near Edinburgh. 
 For private circulation. 4to. . . . . ib. 1871 
 SETTLE, E. Augusta Lacrimans. A Funeral Poem to the 
 Memory of Sir Joseph Wolfe. \_Woolfe Coll.'] Fol. Lond. 1711 
 SEVEN SLEEPERS. Von den siben Slafaeren, Gedicht des xiii. 
 Jahrhundert, edited by Th. G. von Karajan, 12mo. 
 Heidelberg, 1839 
 SEVEN WISE MASTERS. The History of the Seven Wise Masters 
 of Rome. B.L. Woodcuts. Sm. 12mo. . . Lond. 1661 
 SEVEN WISE MISTRESSES. Roman Stories : or, the History of 
 the Seven Wise Mistresses of Rome. Twenty-sixth 
 edition. Woodcuts. 12mo. ..... 16. n.d. 
 2 2 
564 SEY SHA 
 SEVERUS, Sulpicius. 
 Opera Omnia. (For 'bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel 
 Catalogued) 12mo. . . . Lugd. Batav. (Elzevier) , 1635 
 (With Sleidan's continuation of the "His- 
 toria Sacra.") 12mo ib. 1643 
 SEWARD, William. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 5 vols. 
 8vo Lond. 1795-97 
 SEWELL, Robert. 
 Report on the Amaravati Tope, 4to. .... ib. 1880 
 A Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India, fol. Madras, 1883 
 SEYFFARTH, Gustavus. 
 Remarks upon a History in Egyptian Characters in Turin, 
 8vo. (Tracts 69) ib. 1828 
 Beitraege zur Literatur des Alten ^Egypten, 8vo. (Tracts 
 69) . " . . Leipzig, 1833 
 SEYMOUR, Richard. The Compleat Gamester. Fifth edition. 
 12mo Lond. 1734 
 SEYMOUR, Robert. Survey of London and Westminster, 2 vols. 
 fol ib. 1734-35 
 SHIP WELL, Arthur. The Architectural History of the City of 
 Rome, based on J. H. Parker's " Archaeology of Rome." 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . Oxford and Lond. 1883 
 SHAKERS, Brief Sketch of the Religious Society called the, 8vo. n.d. 
 SHAKESPEARE, William. Works. (For bibliographical details 
 see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue.) Fol. 
 The Family Shakespeare, by Thomas Bowdler, 10 vols. 
 12mo Lond. 1818 
 Plays. Edited by J. P. Collier, 8vo ib. 1853 
 Works, with all the Original Novels and Tales on which 
 the Plays are founded ; copious Archaeological Annota- 
 tions, &c. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell, 16 vols. fol. ib. 1853-65 
 Reprint of his Collected Works as put forth in 1623, Part 1, 
 Comedies ; Part 2, Histories, 4to ib. 1862-63 
 Works. Edited by W. G. Clark, J. Glover and W. A. 
 Wright, 9 vols. 8vo. . . Cambridge and Lond. 1863-66 
 Works. Globe edition, 12mo. . . . . ib. 1864 
 The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke, 
 1604 (Facsimile). Edited by J. P. Collier, 4to. . ib. 1859 
 Hamlet, 1603; Hamlet, 1604; being reprints. Edited by 
 S. Timmins, 8vo Land. 1860 
 Sonnets, and a Lover's Complaint, reprint of the edition of 
 1609, 8vo. ib. 1870 
 Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. No. 1. The 
 First Quarto, 1600, a Facsimile. No. 2. The Second 
 Quarto, 1600. Edited by J. W. Ebsworth, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1880 
 Brief Hand-List of Collections respecting the Life and 
 Works of Shakespeare, formed by R. B. Wheler. Edited 
 by J. 0. Halliwell, sm. 4to. . * . . . . ib. 1863 
 Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, &c., 
 illustrating His Life and Writings, 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
SHA SHA 565 
 SHAKESPEARE, William continued. 
 A Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Antiquities, and 
 Relics, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, 
 and of the History of Stratford-upon-Avon, preserved in 
 the Shakespeare Library and Museum in Henley Street. 
 (Printed for the Shakespeare Fund.) 8vo. . ' Lond. 1868 
 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY, Publications of the, 48 vols. (in 18), 8vo. 
 ib. 1841-52 
 1. The Chester Whitsun Plays, Parts 1 and 2. Edited by 
 T. Wright. 
 2. The Coventry Mysteries. The Marriage of Wit and 
 Wisdom. The Moral Play of Wit and Science. Edited 
 by J. O. Halliwell. 
 3. Patient Grissel. Edited by J. P. Collier. The Old Play 
 of Timon. Sir Thomas More. Edited by A. Dyce. 
 Ralph Roister Doister, and the Tragedie of Gorboduc. 
 Edited by W. D. Cooper. 
 4. First Sketch of the Merry Wives of Windsor. The 
 First Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of Henry 
 the Sixth. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. The True 
 Tragedie of Richard the Third. Edited by Barren Field. 
 The Taming of a Shrew. Edited by Thomas Amyot. 
 5. Heywood's Edward the Fourth. The Fair Maid of the 
 Exchange and Fortune by Land and Sea. Edited by 
 Barron Field. The First and Second Parts of Heywood's 
 Fair Maid of the West. Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 6. Heywood's Royal King and Loyal Subject, and A Woman 
 Killed with Kindness. Two Historical Plays of the Life 
 and Reign of Queen Elizabeth. The Golden Age and the 
 Silver Age. Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 7. Diary of Philip Henslowefrom 1591 to 1609. Edited by 
 J. P. Collier. 
 8. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. The Alleyn Papers. 
 Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 9. Rich's Farewell to Military Profession. Nash's Pierce 
 Penniless's Supplication to the Devil. Fools and Jesters, 
 with a Reprint of Armin's Fest of Ninnies. Edited by 
 J. P. Collier. 
 10. Thynn's Debate between Pride and Lowliness. The 
 Ghost of Richard the Third. Inedited Tracts by John 
 Ford the Dramatist. Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 11. The Shakespeare Society's Papers, being a Miscellany 
 of Contributions illustrative of the objects of the Society. 
 12. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company 
 of Works entered for publication between 1557 and 1587. 
 Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 13. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in 
 the reigns of Elizabeth and James. Edited by Peter 
 Cunningham. Tarleton's Jests and Newes out of Pur- 
 gatory. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 
566 SHA SHA 
 14. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare. 
 By J. O. Halliwell. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer 
 Night's Dream illustrated by a comparison with Lylie's 
 Endymion. By A. J. Halpin. 
 15. Northbrooke's Treatise on Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and 
 Interludes. Gos son's School of Abuse. Hey wood's 
 Apology for Actors. Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 16. Memoirs of the Principal Actors in Shakespeare's 
 Plays. By J. P. Collier. 
 17. A Life of Inigo Jones, by Peter Cunningham. Re- 
 marks on some of his Sketches for Masques and Dramas, 
 by J. R. Planche. Five Court Masques : edited by J. 
 P. Collier. Ben Jonson's Conversations with Drum- 
 mond. Lodge's Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage 
 Plays, Edited by David Laing. 
 18. John a Kent and John a Cumber, a comedy, arid other 
 pieces, t?y Anthony Munday. Edited by J. P. Collier. 
 Karl Simrock's Remarks on the Plots of Shakespeare's 
 Plays. First Part and a Portion of the Second Part of 
 Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 
 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY, THE NEW. Series 2. No. 1. Romeo and 
 Juliet. Parallel Texts of the First Two Quartos, Q. 1, 
 1597 Q 2, 1599. Edited by P. A. Daniel, 4to. Lond. 1874 
 SHALER, William. On the Berbers of Africa, 4to. Philadelphia, 1824 
 SHARP, Gregory. Origin and Structure of the Greek Tongue, 
 8vo Lond. 1767 
 SHARP, Samuel. 
 Antique Counterfeits, and Counterfeit Antiques, 8vo. 
 (Track? 62***) Northampton, 1865 
 Roman Coins found in surface soil, Ironstone Pits, Duston, 
 near Northampton, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) . . . ib. 1869 
 The Stamford Mint, 8vo ib. 1869 
 Supplement, 8vo ib. 1880 
 The Moabite Stone. A Lecture, 8vo. (Tracts 95***). ib. 1872 
 Genealogical Notes of some Families connected with North- 
 amptonshire, and in particular with Great Harrowden, 
 8vo. . ' . Lincoln, 1880 
 SHARP, Thomas. Illustrative Papers on the History and Anti- 
 quities of Coventry. With Corrections, &c., by W. G. 
 Fretton. Printed for the Subscribers, 4to. Birmingham, 1871 
 SHARPE'S Road-Book for the Rail ; Western Division, including 
 the Lines south of the Thames, 8vo. . . Lond. 1855 
 SHARPE, Sir Cuthbert. History of Hartlepool, 8vo. . Durham, 1816 
 SHARPE, Edmund. 
 On Decorated Window-tracery, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1849 
 Seven Periods of English Architecture, 8vo. . . ib. 1851 
 Architectural History of St. Mary's Church, New Shore- 
 ham. (Bound with Willis's " Chichester " and Petit's 
 " Boxgrove.") 4to Chichester, 1861 
 SHARPE, Granville. On the Encroachments of the River 
 Thames, 8vo. . -. . . ., . . Lond. 177] 
SHA SHE 567 
 SHARPE, Lancelot. 
 Nomenclator Poeticus ; of the quantities of all the proper 
 names in the Latin Classic Poets, 8vo. . , Durham^ 1836 
 Anaptyxis Biblica ; or the portions of Holy Scripture en- 
 joined by the Church of England to be read, 12mo. 
 (Tracts 152) . ib. 1846 
 A Royal Descent ; with other Pedigrees and Memorials, 
 4to * Land. 1875 
 Additions and Corrections. Parts 1, 2. One 
 of forty copies, 4to. , . . , . . , ib. 1881 
 SHAW, Lieut. (Pseud. Bosquecillo.) Visit to the United Ser- 
 vice Institution, 1849, 12mo ib. 1849 
 SHAW, A. M. The Clan Battle at Perth in 1396. For private 
 circulation, 8vo. .... i&, 1874 
 SHAW, Charles. The Inns of Court Calendar : a Record of the 
 Members of the English Bar, 1877, 8vo. . , . ib. 1877 
 SHAW, Henry. 
 Specimens of Ancient Furniture. With Descriptions by 
 Sir S. R. Meyrick. (Two copies.) 4to. , . . ib. 1836 
 Details of Elizabethan Architecture, 4to. . . . ib. 1839 
 Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1843 
 Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages, 8vo. . . . ib. 1851 
 Handbook of Medigeval Alphabets, 4to. . . . ib. 1853 
 Specimens of Tile Pavements, 4to. . . . ib. 1858 
 Catalogue of Illuminated Drawings, 8vo. (Tracts 67****) 
 ib. 1866 
 Handbook of the Art of Illumination, fol. . . . ib. 1866 
 SHAW, Lachlan. 
 History of the Province of Moray, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1775 
 - New edition, enlarged and brought down 
 to the Present Time. By J. F. S. Gordon, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Glasgow, 1882 
 SHAW, R. N". Architectural Sketches from the Continent. 
 (Plates.) Fol Lond. 1858 
 SHAW, Stebbing. History of Staffordshire, 2 vols. fol. ib. 1798-1801 
 SHAW. W. F, Liber Estriae; or Memorials of Eastry, Kent, 4to. 
 ib. 1870 
 SHAW, William. 
 Analysis of the Gaelic Language, 4to, . . . ib. 1778 
 Gaelic and English Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1780 
 SHEAHAN, J. J. History and Topography of Buckinghamshire, 
 8vo. . . . , . . ib. 1862 
 SHEEN, Staffordshire, Notes on, 8vo. (Tracts 148*) . . . 1859 
 SHEPPARD FAMILY, Pedigree of. Compiled by R. S. Bodding- 
 ton. Privately printed, 4'to, ', ', ', . . ib. 1883 
 Memoir of S. G. Drake, 4to Albany, 1863 
 Reminiscences of the Vaughan Family, 8vo. Boston (U.S.) 1865 
 Memoir of Marshall P. Wilder, 8vo ib. 1867 
 The Life of Samuel Tucker, 8vo ib. 1868 
568 SHE SHI 
 SHERINGHAM, Robert. De Angloram Gentis Origine Disceptatio, 
 8vo. ....... Cambridge, 1670 
 SHERIVEN, John. Examination of the internal evidence respecting 
 the Antiquity of Rowley's Poems, published by Chatter- 
 ton, 8vo. Bath, 1809 
 SHERLOCK, Dr. Two Kings of Brainford brought upon the 
 Stage. In a congratulatory letter to Mr. Johnson, 4to. 
 Lond. 1691 
 SHERLOCK, Thomas. A vol. of pamphlets by or relating to him. 
 1. A Letter from the Lord Bishop of London on occasion of 
 the late Earthquakes, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1750 
 2. A supplement to the above, 8vo. . . . ib. 1750 
 3. An Epistle to the Bishop of London occasioned by His 
 Lordship's " Letter, &c." By a Foreigner . . ib. 1750 
 3.* Serious Expostulation with the Bishop of London on his 
 Letter 1750 
 4. Modest remarks upon the Bishop of London's " Letter, 
 &c."8vo ib. 1750 
 SHERMAN, A. J. Historia Collegii Jesu Cantab. Edited by J. 
 0. Halliwell, 8vo ib. 1840 
 SHIERCLIFF, E. Bristol and Hotwell Guide, Fourth edition, 12mo. 
 Bristol, 1809 
 SHIPTON, Mother. The Life and Death of Mother Shipton. 
 (Bound with" Wonderful Discoverie.") 4to. . ib. 1687 
 Account of the Territory of Farney in the Province of 
 Ulster, 4to ib. 1845 
 The Sherley Brothers, 4to Chiswick, 1848 
 Original Letters in Illustration of the History of the Church 
 in Ireland, 8vo. ...... Lond. 1851 
 Memoir of Chief Justice Heath, 8vo. (Tracts 72) . ib. 1855 
 Lough Fea, 4to. ib. 1859 
 Second edition. Privately printed. 4to. ib. 1869 
 The Noble and Gentle Men of England; or Notes touching 
 the Arms and Descents, &c. Second edition, 4to. 
 Westminster, 1860 
 Third edition, 4to ib. 1866 
 Some Account of English Deer Parks, with Notes on the 
 Management of Deer, sq. 8vo. .... Lond. 1867 
 Lower Ettington : its Manor House and Church. Privately 
 printed. 4to ib. 1869 
 Catalogue of the Library at Lough Fea, in illustration of the 
 History and Antiquities of Ireland. Privately printed. 
 4to ib. 1872 
 Steinmata Shirleiana ; or the Annals of the Shirley Family, 
 . Lords of Nether Etindon, Warwickshire, and of Shirley, 
 Derbyshire. Second edition, enlarged. 4to. . ib. 1873 
 The History of the county of Monaghan. Part I. Fol. ib. 1877 
 Anecdote of King George III. and the late Mrs. Arthur 
 Stanhope, sm. 4to. ....... ib. 1878 
SHI SHU 569 
 SHIRLEY, E. P. continued. 
 Lower Ettington : its Manor House, and Church. Second 
 edition. Sm. 4to. Privately printed . . Lond. 1880 
 Memoir of Sir Horatio Shirley, K.C.B., sm. 4to. . . ib. 1880 
 Catalogue of the Manuscripts at Ettington in Warwickshire. 
 A.D. 1881. 30 Copies, privately printed. Sm. 4to. . ib. 1881 
 Original Letters of Sir Thomas Pope, Knt. 4to. 
 SHIRLEY, W., Governor of Massachusetts Bay. A Letter to his 
 Grace the Duke of Newcastle: with a Journal of the Siege 
 of Louisbourg, 8vo. ...... ib. 1746 
 SHOBERL, William. A Summer's Day at Greenwich, 12mo. ib. 1840 
 SHORTT, W. T. P. Ta a e 0Xa 'A<w\apepiicava, Gesta Anglo 
 Americana, Gr. with Lat. and Eng. Notes, 8vo. 
 SHOTTEREL, R., and DURFEY, T. Archerie Revived, 8vo. . ib. 1676 
 SHREWSBURY. Some Account of the Grammar School of King 
 Edward VI. Sm. 8vo Shrewsbury, 1869 
 1. Case of the Right Hon. Henry Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, 
 claiming to be Earl of Shrewsbury, fol. . . Lond. 1857 
 2. Case on behalf of Lord Edmund Bernard Fitzalan 
 Howard, by Henry Granville Duke of Norfolk, his Father 
 and Guardian, and of Philip Andrew Prince Doria Pam- 
 phili and Mary Alathea Princess Doria Pamphili his wife, 
 and Rodolph Duke of Sora and Agnes Duchess of Sora 
 his wife, in opposition to the case of Henry John Chet- 
 wynd, Earl Talbot, claiming the Honour and Dignity of 
 Earl of Shrewsbury; with four sheets of Pedigrees, fol. ib. n.d. 
 3. Proceedings before the Committee of Privileges. Speech 
 of Mr. Serjeant Byles showing the grounds upon which 
 he claimed to be heard before the Committee on behalf of 
 Lord Edmund Howard, in opposition to Earl Talbot, fol. 
 ib. 1857 
 4. Proceedings before the Committee of Privileges. Speech 
 of the Solicitor-General on behalf of the Crown, fol. ib. 1858 
 5. Proceedings before the Committee of Privileges. Judg- 
 ment and Resolution of the Committee, fol. . . ib. 1858 
 Minutes of Evidence, etc., fol. . . . . ib. 1857 
 The Garrisons of Shropshire during the Civil War, 1642- 
 48, 4to ib. 1867 
 The Castles and Old Mansions of Shropshire, 1142-1660, 
 4to ib. 1868 
 RIAN SOCIETY. Annual Reports of Council, 1862-74, 8vo. 
 Shrewsbury, 1862-74 
 Transactions, 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1878, etc. 
 SHUM, F. 
 The Income Tax. A Review of its history, and reasons for 
 its repeal. With a Reprint of " Resist, or be mined," 
 1816, 8vo Lond. 1872 
570 SHU SIM 
 SHUM, F. continued. 
 Gainsborough : his times and his connection with Bath, 8vo, 
 Bath, 1875 
 SHURLOCK, M. S. Tiles from Chertsey Abbey, Surrey, fol. Lond. 1885 
 SiBBALD, Sir Robert. Scotia Illustrata, sive prodromus histories 
 naturalis, fol. . , . , . . Edinburgh, 1684 
 SIBIRSKY, Prince A. 
 Observations sur la Numismatique du Bosphore Cimmerien, 
 8vo. (Tracts 61) St. Petersburg, 1852 
 Statere d'or de Pserisade II. decrit, 8vo. (Tracts 42) . ib. 1852 
 STBLEY, J. L. Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard 
 University. Yol. i. 1642-1658. With an appendix, &c. 
 8vo Cambridge (Mass.) 1873 
 SIBLY, Ebenezer. A complete Illustration of Astrology, &e. 
 (Portraits and Plates.) 4to Land. 1788 
 SIBYLLINA ORACULA, notis illustrata a D. J. Opsopoeo Brettano, 
 cum interpretation Latina S. Castalionis, 8vo. Paris, 1599 
 SICHEL, J. Nouveau Becueil de Pierres Sigillaires d'Oculistes 
 Remains, 8vo. , t . , ib. 1866 
 Opuscolidi Autori Siciliani, 8 vols. 4to. , Catania, 1758-64 
 Handbook for Travellers, 8vo. . . (Murray) Lond. 1864 
 SICKELMORE, R. An Epitome of Brighton, 12mo. Brighton, 1815 
 Session 1884-85, 8vo n.p. n.d. 
 SIDNEY, Algernon, Trial of, fol Lond. 1684 
 SIDNEY, Henry. Diary of the Times of Charles II. Edited by 
 R. W. Blencowe, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1843 
 SIDONIUS APOLLINARIS. Poema aureum eiusdemq epistole. 
 (Sound with Firmicus' " De Xativitatibus.") Fol. Milan, 1488 
 SIENA. Catalogo della Galleria dell' Istituto di Belle Arti di 
 Siena. (Bound with " Nuova Guida di Pisa.") Sm. 8vo. 
 Siena, 1852 
 SIEVEKING, A. F. The Praise of Gardens, 8vo. . . Lond. 1885 
 SIEVEKING, E. H. The Harveian Oration, June 27th, 1877, 8vo. 
 ib. 1877 
 SIGNET LIBRARY, Catalogue of the, 2 vols. 4to. . Edinburgh, 1805-37 
 SILLIG, Julius. Catalogus Artificum Graecorum et Latinorum, 
 8vo Dresden, 1827 
 SILVA, J. P. N. Da. Memoire de 1'Archeologie sur la 
 signification des signes graves sur les Anciens Monu- 
 ments du Portugal, 4to. .... Lisbon, 1868 
 SILVIUS, J. Oratio habita in illustri schola Roterodamensi. 
 (Bound with " Saxo Grammaticus " Sora, 1644.) Fol. 
 Rotterdam, 1689 
 SIMEON, Sir John. Books and Libraries, 8vo. . , Lond. 1860 
 SIME.ON, Simon, . et WILLELMUS DE WORCESTRE. Itmeraria. 
 Quibus accedit Tractatus de metro. Edited by J. Nasmith, 
 8vo. . . . . , . Cambridge, 1778 
 SIMON, James. An Essay on Irish Coins, 4to. . . Dublin, 1749 
SIM SIN 571 
 SIMOXIDES, Constantino. 
 Facsimiles of the Gospel of St. Matthew, fol. . Lond. 1861 
 Concerning Horus of Nilopolis, 4to. .... ib. 1863 
 K-eport of the Council of the Royal Society of Literature 
 on some of the Mayer Papyri and the Palimpsest MS. 
 of Uranus belonging to M. Simonides, 8vo. . . ib. 1863 
 SIMONY, F. Die Alterthiimer vom Hallstatter Salsberg, ob. fol. 
 Vienna, 1851 
 SIMPKINSON, J. N. Memoir of the Rev. George Wagner, 8vo. 
 Third edition abridged .... Cambridge, 1862 
 SIMPSON, D. A Plea for Religion and the Sacred Writings, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1832 
 SIMPSON, F. A Series of Ancient Baptismal Fonts. Engraved 
 by R. Roberts, 4to ib. 1828 
 Archaeology : its Pa-st and its Future Work, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861 
 Archaeological Essays. Edited by J. Stuart, 2 vols. 4to. ib. 1872 
 SIMPSON, James. Appleby Castle, 8vo. (Tracts 152*) Kendal, 1865 
 SIMPSON, R. Memorials of St. John at Hackney. (Life of H. 
 Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland, in Part 1.) 4to. 
 Lond. 1881-82 
 SIMPSON, Robert. History of Lancaster, 8vo. . Lancaster, 1852 
 On the Forms of Prayer recited " at the Healing " or 
 touching for the King's Evil, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) Lond. 1871 
 Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathe- 
 dralis Sancti Pauli Londinensis. Edited from the original 
 manuscripts, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1873 
 A Calendar of the Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of St. Paul's 
 Cathedral from 1800, 8vo ib. 1877 
 A Short Chronicle of St. Paul's Cathedral from 1140 to 
 1341, transcribed from a Manuscript, &c., 8vo. . ib. 1878 
 Chapters in the History of Old St. Paul's, 8vo. . ib. 1881 
 A Year's Music in St. Paul's Cathedral, Easter, 1882-Easter, 
 1883. Fourth Report, 4to ib. 1883 
 Notes on the History and Antiquities of the united parishes 
 of St. Matthew, Friday Street, and St. Peter Cheap, in 
 the City of London, 4to. , n.p. n.d. 
 SIMS, Richard. 
 Handbook to the Library of the British Museum, 8vo. ib. 1854 
 Manual for the Genealogist and Topographer, 8vo. (Two 
 copies) ......... ib. 1856 
 SIMS, Robert. Index to Pedigrees in the Heralds' Visitations, 
 8vo ib. 1849 
 SIMSON, James. 
 The Church of England and the Gipsies. The Scottish 
 Churches and the Gipsies. Anon. 8vo. [New York, 1884] 
 The Social Emancipation of the Gipsies, 8vo. . . ib. 1884 
 John Bunyan and the Gipsies; and the Encyclopaedia Britan- 
 nica on the Viper, 8vo. . . . , . ib. 1886 
 SINCEBUS, Itmerarium Galliaa, 32mo. Argentorati, 1617 
572 SIN SLA 
 SINCLAIR, David. The History of Wigan. 2 vols. 4to. Wigan, 1882 
 SINCLAIR, George. Satan's Invisible World Discovered. With 
 the marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, 12mo. 
 Edinburgh, 1780 
 SINCLAIR, Sir John. 
 Statistical Account of Scotland, 21 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1791-99 
 Prospectus d'un ouvrage intitule Analyse de 1'Etat Poli- 
 tique d'Ecosse, 8vo. . . . * . . Lond. 1792 
 SINGER, John. Quips upon Questions. Edited by F. Ouvry, 
 4to. Privately printed . . . . . . ib. 1875 
 SINGER, S. W. Text of Shakespeare Vindicated, 4to. . ib. 1853 
 SINKER, Robert. A Catalogue of the Fifteenth- Century Printed 
 Books, Trinity College, Cambridge, 8vo. 
 Cambridge and Lond. 1876 
 SIGN COLLEGE. Bibliothecae Catalogus. Edited by Wm. 
 Reading, fol Lond. 1724* 
 SIRACUSA, II Conte di. Notizia dei Vasi Dipinti, fol. Naples, 1857 
 Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 8vo. . . Leeds, 1819 
 Wakefield Parish Church, 4to. . . . Wakefield, 1824 
 SIVRY, Poinsinet de. Nouvelles recherches sur la Science des 
 Medailles, &c. 4to. (Tracts 22) . . Maestricht, 1778 
 SJOGREN, A. J. Ueber die Finnische Sprache und ihre Literatur, 
 8vo. . . St. Petersburg, 1821 
 SKEAT, W. W. An Etymological Dictionary of the English 
 Language, 4to. Oxford, 1882 
 SKELTON, John. Poetical Works, with notes, &c. by A. Dyce, 
 2 vols Lond. 1843 
 SKELTON, Joseph. Engraved Illustrations of the Principal An- 
 tiquities of Oxfordshire, fol. .... Oxford, 1823 
 SKENE, John. 
 De verborum significatione. The Exposition of the termes 
 conteined in the foure Buiks of Regiam Maiestatem, &c. 
 4to. (Two copies) . ..... Lond. 1641 
 SKENE, W. F. 
 The Highlanders of Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1837 
 The Four Ancient Books of Wales, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868 
 Celtic Scotland : a History of Ancient Alban, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1876-80 
 SKETCHLEY, R. F. Notes on Newark, 8vo. (Tracts 117*) Newark, 1859 
 SKINNER, Richard. History of London and Westminster, fol. 
 Lond. 1795 
 SKINNER, Stephen. Etyinologicon Linguae Anglicance, fol. (Two 
 copies) ... i ..... ib. 1671 
 SLADE, Felix. Catalogue of his Collection of Glass, with notes 
 on the History of Glass-making, by A. Nesbitt, &c. For 
 private distribution, fol. ...... ib. 1871 
 Discourse before the New England Historic Genealogical 
 Society, on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary, 8vo. Boston, 1870 
SLA SHE 573 
 SLAFTER, E. F. continued. 
 The Vermont Coinage, 8vo. . . Montpelier (V.T.) 1870 
 Pre- Historic Copper Implements. An Open Letter. Pri- 
 vately printed. 8vo. ..... Boston, 1879 
 History and Causes of the Incorrect Latitudes of the early 
 writers, relating to the Atlantic Coast of North America. 
 1535-1740. Privately printed. 8vo. . . . ib. 1882 
 SLAUGHTER, P. A History of Bristol Parish, Va. With Genea- 
 logies, &c. Second edition. 8vo. . Richmond (U.S.A.) 1879 
 SLEIDAN, John. 
 A famouse cronicle of oure time called Sleidanes Com- 
 mentaries concerning the raigne of Charles V. Trans- 
 lated by Jhon Daus. (For bibliographical details see MS. 
 AsTipitel Catalogue) ...... Lond. 1560 
 The Key of History, or Generall Chronicle from the Floode, 
 wherein the Monarchies, Babilon, Percia, Greece, and 
 Rome, are described, 12mo. . . . . ib. 1636 
 SLEIGH, John. History of Leek, County of Stafford, 8vo. . ib. 1862 
 SLIGHT, Henry, and SLIGHT, Julian. Chronicles of Portsmouth, 
 8vo ib. 1828 
 SMALL, Andrew. Roman Antiquities in Fife, and Observations 
 on the Ancient Palaces of Pictish Kings in Abernethy, 
 8vo Edinburgh, 1823 
 SMALLEGANGE, M. Nieuwe Cronyk van Zeeland, Eerste Deel, 
 vervattende de Cronyken van J. Eyndius, en J. Reygers- 
 berg, veel vermeerdert, fol. . . . Middelburg, 1696 
 SMEATON, John. On the Building of the Eddy stone Lighthouse, 
 fol Lond. 1793 
 SMEE, W. R. 
 The Income Tax: its extension proposed, &c. Second 
 edition. 8vo. (Tracts 96***) .... ib. [1846] 
 On Silver and Gold, Paper and Credit, 8vo. (Tracts 126) 
 Paris, 1860 
 Letter to the Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 126) ib. 1861 
 Three Letters on Gold Discoveries, 8vo. (Tracts 126) ib. 1861 
 Appendix to the Letter on the Malt Tax, March, 1862, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 123*) 
 February, 1865, second edition, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 123*) 
 The Malt Tax, 8vo. (Tracts 90**) . . . Lond. 1865 
 Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) ib. 1867 
 Vins Fran9ais a un Penny de Droit d'Entree par bouteille, 
 8vo. (Tracts 90*) . ' . . . . . . ib. 1865 
 French Wines, one Penny per Bottle Customs Duty, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 123*) 
 Third edition, 8vo. (Tracts 90*) . ib: 1865 
 Joint Stock Banks, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) . . . ib. 1866 
 National Holidays, in reference to Sir J. Lubbock's Bank 
 Holiday Bill, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) .... ib. 1871 
574 SHE SMI 
 SMEE, W. R. continued. 
 The Next Holiday, and how to keep it. Second edition. 
 8vo. (Tracts 126**) Lond. 1871 
 Second copy. (Tracts 95***.) 
 Paper on the Gold Discoveries, and their effect on silver 
 and gold, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) ib. 1881 
 SMIDDY, Richard. An Essay on the Druids, the ancient 
 Churches and the Round Towers of Ireland, 12mo. 
 Dublin, 1871 
 SMIRKE, Edward. Notice on the old Land Measure called a 
 Cornish Acre, 8vo. (Tracts 163) . . . . n.p. 1862 
 SMIRKE, Sir Robert. Report on the Restoration of York 
 Minster, 8vo. (Tracts 56) ... Lond. 1830 
 SMIRKE, Sydney. 
 Architectural Improvement of the Western Parts of 
 London, 8vo ib. 1834 
 On the Architecture of the Honey Bee, 4to. . . ib. 1853 
 SMITH, A. C. Guide to the British and Roman Antiquities of 
 the North Wiltshire Downs in a hundred square miles 
 round Abery. Being a Key to the Large Map of the above. 
 Folio. . . . . . . [Devizes], 1884 
 SMITH, Adam. An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the 
 Wealth of Nations. (Portrait.) 4 vols. 12mo. . Lond. 1843 
 SMITH, Aquilla. 
 Irish Coins of Henry Yllth, 4to. . . . Dublin, 1841 
 Catalogue of the Tradesmen's Tokens in Ireland, 1637-79, 
 8vo. (Vol. "Numismatic Tracts.") . . . ib. 1849 
 SMITH, B. Woodd. County Records of England. For private 
 circulation. Folio ...... Lond. 1882 
 SMITH, C. J. 
 Autographs of Personages conspicuous in English History. 
 Richard II. to Charles II. Accompanied by memoirs by 
 J. G. Nichols. Folio . . . . . . ib. 1829 
 Fac-similes of Historical and Literary Curiosities, Nos. 1 
 to 6, 4to. ib. 1835-37 
 SMITH, Charles. 
 State of the City of Cork Dublin, 1774 
 State of the City of Waterford . . . . . ib. 1774 
 Ancient and present state of Kerry, 8vo. . ib. n.d. 
 SMITH, Charles Roach. 
 Collectanea Antiqua, vols. 1-7 .... Lond. 1848-80 
 The Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne, in 
 Kent. (Plates.) 4to ib. 1850 
 Report on Excavations at Lymne, 4to. . . ib. 1852 
 Catalogue of His Museum of London Antiquities, 8vo. (Two 
 copies) ......... ib. 1854 
 On the Faussett Collection of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities, 
 8vo. (Tracts 63) ib. 1854 
 Account of Public Dinner given to him, at Newport (I.W.), 
 8vo. (Tracts 63) ib. 1855 
 Correspondence relating to the Purchase of his Museum, 
 8vo. (Tracts 63) ib. 1855 
SMI SMI 575 
 SMITH, Charles Roach continued. 
 Museum of London Antiquities, 8vo. (Tracts 63) Lond. 1855 
 On Anglo-Saxon Remains at Faversham, Wye, and West- 
 well, in Kent, 8vo. (Tracts 63) ib. 1858 
 On the so-called Anglo-Saxon Antiquities discovered near 
 Kertch, 8vo. (Tracts 63) . . . Liverpool, 1858 
 Report on Excavations at Pevensey, 4to. (Tracts 63) Lond. 1858 
 Illustrations of Roman London, 4to. .... ib. 1859 
 Coins of Carausius, 8vo. ... . . . ib. 1864 
 The Rural Life of Shakespeare, as illustrated by his 
 works. Second edition. 8vo. .... ib. 1874 
 Remarks on Shakespeare, his Birth-place, &c. Second 
 edition. 8vo. . . . . . . . . ib. 1877 
 Address delivered at the Strood Institution Elocution 
 Class. For members only. 8vo. .... ib. 1879 
 Address to the Elocution Class of the Strood Institute, 8vo. 
 [Strood, 1883] 
 Retrospections, Social and Archaeological. Vols. i., ii. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1883, 1885 
 The Floods of the Medway at Strood. Portion of an 
 advanced Chapter in " Retrospections." 8vo. [ib. 1884] 
 SMITH, George. 
 On the Origin of Alphabetical Characters, Literature and 
 Science, 8vo. ........ ib. 1842 
 Religion of Ancient Britain, 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 Sacred Annals Vol. i. The Patriarchal Age. Vols. ii. and 
 iii. The Gentile Nations. 3 vols. 8vo. . t ib. 1847-53 
 Vistas en la Provincia de Tarapaca, 8vo. (Tracts 75) ib. 1853 
 Second copy. 
 The Cassiterides, 8vo. ib. 1863 
 Religion of Ancient Britain, 8vo ib. 1865 
 SMITH, Henry. 
 The Decree, Deed of Uses, and Will of Henry Smith, by 
 which divers Estates are settled to charitable uses, 8vo. 1781 
 Collections relating to him. Edited by Wm. Bray. 8vo. ib. 1800 
 SMITH, Henry Ecroyd. 
 Reliquiae Isurianee, 4to. ...... ib. 1852 
 Archaeology of the Mersey District, 1867, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) 
 Liverpool, 1868 
 Notice of a Mediaeval Signaculum of the Anglo-Saxon 
 Saints, Edwyn and Ecgwyn, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) . ib. 1869 
 Notice of Roman-British Culinary Vessels discovered in 
 North Wales, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) . . . ib. 1869 
 Reliques of the Anglo-Saxon Churches of St. Bridget and 
 St. Hildeburga, West Kirkby, Cheshire, 4to. . . ib. 1870 
 SMITH, J. E. Lachesis Lapponica, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1811 
 SMITH, J. H. Brewood ; Additions to " Notes and Collections," 
 8vo. (Tracts 90*) ib. 1864 
 SMITH, J. J. Catalogue of Coins, Roman and English Series, in 
 the Museum of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1847 
576 SMI SMI 
 SMITH, J. R. 
 Bibliofcheca Cantiana, 8vo Lond. 1837 
 Miscellanea Curiosa et Bibliotheca Antiqua (a Catalogue), 
 8vo. (Tracts 129) . .... . . ^6. 1849 
 Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling 
 and Ichthyology, 8vo. ...... ib. 1856 
 A Catalogue of 20,000 Engraved Portraits, chiefly of 
 personages connected with the history, &c., of Great 
 Britain. (On sale.) 8vo ib. 1883 
 SMITH, J. Spencer. 
 Sur la Chasuble de St. Regnobert et une inscription Arabe, 
 8vo. (Tracts 94) ...... Caen, 1820 
 8vo ib. 1834 
 Examen d'un passage du Livre " Antiquites Anglo- 
 JSormandes de Ducarel," 8vo. (Tracts 134) . . ib. 1824 
 Precis d'une Dissertation sur un Monument Arabe du 
 Moyen-age en Normandie, 8vo. (Tracts 65) . . ib. 
 SMITH, J. T. 
 Antiquities of London and its Environs, 4to. . Lond. 1791 
 (Plates.) Fol ib. 1791 
 Antiquities of Westminster, 4to. .... ib. 1807 
 Sixty-two Additional Plates, 4to. . ib. n.d. 
 Ancient Topography of London, 4to. .... ib. 1815 
 SMITH, James. 
 The Queen's Visit to Hull, 1854. Second edition. 8vo. 
 (Tracts 126**) Hull, 1854 
 SMITH, John, of Colchester. 
 Narrative of the Horrid Popish Plot, fol. . . Lond. 1679 
 SMITH, John, of Kilbrandon. 
 The Lif e of St. Columba, 8vo. . . . Edinburgh, 1798 
 SMITH, John, the youngest. Memorabilia of Glasgow, 1588 to 
 1750, sm. 4to Glasgow, 1835 
 SMITH, John Stafford. Collection of English Songs in Score, 
 composed about 1500, fol Lond. 1779 
 SMITH, Joseph. Bibliotheca Smithiana, 4to. . . Venetiis, 1775 
 SMITH, R. Notes during a Tour in Northern Europe, 8vo. Lond. 1827 
 SMITH, R. Murdoch, and A. E. PORCHER. History of the recent 
 Discoveries at Cyrene, fol. ..... ^6. 1864 
 SMITH, Shirley. The Genealogy of Queen Victoria, traced from 
 Adam and Eve, according to the tradition of the Corona- 
 tion Stone. (Broadsheet folded) 8vo. . . . ib. 1884 
 SMITH, Sydney. Works. Sq. 8vo ib. 1850 
 SMITH, Thomas, F.S.A. 
 Marculfus. (A dissertation.) 8vo. . . . Leicester, 1836 
 The Voluspa. (A dissertation.) 8vo ib. 1838 
 SMITH, Thomas, of Mary-le-bone. 
 Topographical Account of St. Mary-le-Bone, 8vo. Lond. 1833 
 Handbook to Harrow-on-the-Hill, 8vo. Lond. and Harrow, 1850 
 SMITH, Sir Thomas. 'The Commonwealth of Englande and the 
 Government thereof, 4to. .... Lond. 1612 
 SMITH, Toulmin. Memorials of Old Birmingham. With Notice 
 of English Gilds, 8vo Birmingham, 1863 
SMI SMY 577 
 SMITH, Toulmin (Miss). Old English Gilds, 8vo. Rotherham, 1879 
 SMITH, W. R. History of Wisconsin, vols. i. and iii., 8vo. 
 Madison, 1854, etc. 
 SMITH, William. Catalogue of the Works of Cornelius Visscher. 
 (For private circulation.) 8vo. . . . Bungay, 1864 
 SMITH, William, LL.D. 
 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Second 
 edition, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1859 
 Biography, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1854-58 
 Geography, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1856-57 
 SMITH, William, LL.D., and CHEETHAM, S. A Dictionary of 
 Christian Antiquities : being a continuation of the 
 "Dictionary of the Bible," 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1875-80 
 SMITH, William, LL.D., and WAGE, H. A Dictionary of Christian 
 Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doctrines : being a 
 continuation of " The Dictionary of the Bible," vols. 
 i.-iii. 8vo ib. 1877-82 
 SMITH, William, Rector of Melsonby. Literse de re Nummaria, 
 8vo Newcastle, 1729 
 SMITH, William, Rouge Dragon. The Particular Description of 
 England, 1588. Edited by H. B. Wheatley, and E. W. 
 Ashbee, 4to. . . . . . . Lond. 1879 
 Contributions to Knowledge. In progress, 4to. 
 Washington, 1848, etc. 
 Annual Reports. In progress, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849, etc. 
 Catalogue of Stanley's Portraits of North American 
 Indians, 8vo ib. 1 852 
 Directions for Preserving Specimens of Natural History, 
 8vo ib. 1852 
 List of Foreign Institutions in correspondence with the 
 Smithsonian Institution, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1854 
 Meteorological Observations, 1854-59, vol. i. and vol. ii., 
 pt. 1, 4to ib. 1861-64 
 Miscellaneous Collections, vol. i., etc., 8vo. In progress. 
 ib. 1862, etc. 
 List of Foreign Correspondents, corrected to January, 
 1882, 8vo ib. 1882 
 A Memorial of Joseph Henry, 8vo ib. 1880 
 Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1879-80, &c. 
 4to. In progress ...... ib. 1881, etc. 
 SMOLLETT, Tobias. History of England from the Revolution to 
 the Death of George the Second, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796 
 SMYTH, C. P. 
 On Irrigation in the Colonies, 8vo. (Tracts 109) . ib. 1853 
 The Great Pyramid in Egypt, 4to. . . . Edinburgh, 1871 
 SMYTH, John. Catalogue of his Books relating to Yorkshire at 
 Heath, 4to. (Tracts 55) .... Pontefract, 1809 
 SMYTH, John, of Nibley. The Berkeley Manuscripts. The 
 Lives of the Berkeleys, from 1068 to 1618 : with a des- 
 cription of the Hundred of Berkeley. Edited by Sir J. 
 Maclean, vols. i.-iii. 4to. . . ' . Gloucester, 1883-85 
578 SMY SNE 
 SMYTH, W. H., Vice-Admiral. 
 Memoir descriptive of Sicily and its Islands, 4to. Lond. 1824 
 Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Large Brass Medals, 
 4to Bedford, 1834 
 Observations of Halley's Comet, 4to. (Tracts 8) Lond. 1836 
 Nautical Observations on the Port of Cardiff, 8vo. Cardiff, 1840 
 ^des Hartwellianae, Notices of the Manor arid Mansion of 
 Hartwell, county Bucks, 4to. .... Lond. 1851 
 Addenda, 4to. . . . . ib. 1S64 
 Descriptive Catalogue of Roman Family Coins belonging to 
 the Duke of Northumberland. For private circulation, 
 4to ib. 1856 
 On a "Double-faced" Brass, in Stone Church, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 74) 1860 
 A Word more on the " Double-faced " Brass in Stone 
 Church, 8vo. (Tracts 74) 1861 
 The Sailor's Word-Book. Revised by Sir E. Belcher, 8vo. 1867 
 An additional Word on the pristine establishment of the 
 Royal Society Club, 4to. (Tracts 137.) 
 Facsimile of entry at Old Meeting House, Bedford (a Broad- 
 SMYTHE, Robert. History of the Charter House, 4to. . ib. 1808 
 SNARE, J. The History of the Portrait of Prince Charles (after- 
 wards Charles I.), painted by Velasquez in 1623, 8vo. 
 Reading, 1847 
 SWELLING, T. Seventy-one Pla.tes of Gold and Silver Coin, with 
 their Weight, fineness, and value, 8vo. . . Lond. n.d. 
 Complete works. A fol. vol. containing the following Tracts 
 ib. 1762-74 
 1. A View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England from 
 the Norman Conquest to the present time . . . 1762 
 2. A View of the Gold Coin and Coinage of England from 
 Henry the Third to the present time .... 1763 
 3. A View of the Copper Coin and Coinage of England, 
 including the Leaden, Tin, and Laton Tokens made by 
 Tradesmen during the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I.; 
 those of Towns under the Commonwealth and Charles II. 
 and the Tin Farthings and Halfpence of Charles II. James 
 II. and William and Mary 1766 
 4. Miscellaneous Views of the Coins struck by English 
 Princes in France, Counterfeit Sterling Coins struck by 
 the East India Company, those in the West India 
 Colonies, and in the Isle of Man ; also of Pattern Pieces 
 for Gold and Silver Coins, and Gold Nobles struck 
 Abroad in Imitation of English ..... 1769 
 5. A View of the Origin, Nature, and Use of Jettons or 
 Counters, especially of the Black Money and Abbey 
 Pieces 1769 
 6. A View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of Scotland, 
 from Alexander the First to the Union of the two 
 Kingdoms 1774 
 7. A Supplement to Mr. Simon's Essay on Irish Coins . n.d. 
SNO SON 579 
 SNOOKE, W. D. Astronomical Tables, 8vo. (Tracts 90) Lond. 1852 
 Historia Begum Norvigicarum. Edited by Schoning, 3 
 vols. fol 1777 
 The Heimskringla : or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, 
 translated by S. Laing, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1844 
 SNOW, W. P. Catalogue of the Arctic Collection in the British 
 Museum, 12mo ib. 1858 
 SOAME, John. History of Hainpstead Wells, 8vo. . . ib. 1734 
 SOANE, Sir John. 
 Civil Architecture, designs for completing Public Buildings 
 in Westminster, fol. ib. 1829 
 Acts of Parliament respecting his Museum, fol. . . ib. 1833 
 Address to, on being presented with the Medal struck in 
 his honour, 12mo. (Tracts 100) . . . ib. [1835] 
 Description of his House and Museum in Lincoln's Inn 
 Fields, fol ib. n.d. 
 Second edition. 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 New edition, 8vo. (Tracts 148) . . ib. 
 Catalogue of the Library. Not published. 8vo. . . ib. 1878 
 SOCIAL NOTES. The Fifty Numbers of Social Notes. Concerning 
 Social Reforms, &c. Editor : S. C. Hall, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1878-79 
 SODERBERG, D. Yageldare i Wisby Ruiner, 8vo. (Tracts 134) 
 Wisby, 1845 
 SODERSTROM, Johannes. Prisca Episcoporum Jura circa Beatin- 
 cationem Sanctorum in Scandinavia, 4to. (Tracts 45) 
 Upsal, 1842 
 SOGNI, Libro dei : Lista generale di tutte le voci relative a 
 persone, animali, piante, &c. Thirteenth edition. 
 Woodcuts. 12mo. ...... Leghorn, 1852 
 SOLDAT SUEDOIS, ou Histoire Veritable de ce qui s'est passe 
 depuis 1'auenue du Roy de Suede en Allemagne iusques 
 a sa mort, 8vo. ...... Rouen, 1632 
 SOLVYNS, Edmond. Theorie de 1'Architecture Ogivale, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 10) .... Paris and Brussels, 1847-59 
 SOMERS, Lord. A Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts. 
 Second Edition, augmented and arranged by W. Scott. 
 13 vols. 4to Lond. 1809-15 
 Proceedings, 8vo. ...... Taunton, 1851, etc. 
 General Index to vols. i. to xx. and Index to Well's Chapter 
 Records, 8vo Bristol and Lond. 1876 
 SOMMERBRODT, Ernst. Afrika auf der Ebstorfer Weltkarte. 
 Festschrift, 4to Hanover, 1885 
 SOMNER, William. 
 Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum, fol. . Oxford, 1659 
 A Treatise on Gavelkind, 4to. . . . . Lond. 1660 
 Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, 8vo. . . Oxford, 1693 
 Antiquities of Canterbury, edited by N. Battely, fol. Lond. 1703 
 SONGES. L'Ancienne et la Nouvelle Clef des Songes. Woodcuts. 
 12mo. Paris, n.d. 
580 SON SOU 
 Mirth diverts all Care : being excellent New Songs, &c. 12mo. 
 Lond. 1722 
 A Collection of Loyal Songs written against the Rump 
 Parliament, 1639-1661. With an historical introduction, 
 2 vols. 12mo . . ib. 1731 
 A Select Collection of English Songs, 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1783 
 Niel's Pocket Melodist, 7 vols. 12mo 1804-09 
 National Songs of the Grisons, 8vo. (Tracts 104.) 
 SONNENSTERN, Maximilian V. Mapa de las Republicas de 
 America Central. Folded, sm. sq, 8vo 1860 
 Tragcediae VII. Opera G. Canteri, 12mo. . . Antwerp, 1579 
 Tragcedige. Recensuit E, Wunderus, 2 vols. . GotTia, 1839-41 
 SOPHOCLES, E. A. Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine 
 Periods. (B.C. 146 to A.D. 1100.) 4to. . Boston, 1870 
 SOPWITH, T. Historical Account of All Saints' Church, New- 
 castle-upon-Tyne, 8vo. ..... Newcastle, 1826 
 SORBIERE, Samuel. A Voyage to England by Mons. Sorbiere ; 
 as also Observations by Dr. Thos. Spratt, and his Life by 
 M. Graverol, 8vo. . . . . . Lond. 1709 
 Documents relating to Melanchthon and Luther, fol. . ib. 1840 
 Principia Typographica, Block-Books of the Fifteenth cen- 
 tury, with an account of the Paper Marks, 3 vols. fol. 
 ib. 1858 
 Specimen Notice for sale of the "Principia Typographica " 
 (list of copies and purchasers), fol. .... ib. 1858 
 The Block-Books in the Bibliotheque Imperiale, Paris, fol. 
 ib. 1859 
 Ramblings in the elucidation of the Autograph of Milton, 
 4to ib. 1861 
 SOTHERAN, Henry, & Co. A Catalogue of Books for the 
 Library, on sale, 8vo. ...... ib. 1877 
 SOUL. The Departing Soul's Address to the Body a fragment 
 of a Semi-Saxon Poem discovered at Worcester Cathedral, 
 by Sir T. Phillipps, with a Translation by S. W. Singer, 
 8vo ib. 1845 
 SOULAGES COLLECTION. Catalogue, by J. C. Robinson, 8vo. (Two 
 copies) ib. 1856 
 SOULTRAIT, Le Comte George De. Notice sur les Sceaux du 
 Cabinet de Madame Febure, de Macon, 8vo. . Paris, 1854 
 SOURDEVAL, Ch. M. de. fitudes Gothiques, 8vo. (Tracts 134) 
 Tours, 1839 
 SOUSA, Luis DE. History of the Church of Batalha in Estrama- 
 dura. Translated by James Murphy, with additional vol. 
 of Mr. Murphy's original drawings of the building, 2 vols. 
 fol Lond. 1795 
 Relatorio apresentado pela cominissao para tratar da erec9ao 
 do Monumento a Memoria de D. Pedro IV. 4to. Lisbon, 1868 
SOU SPA 581 
 SOUSA HOLSTEIN, Marquez De continued. 
 A. D. Pedro IV. os Portuguezes. Memoria do Monumento 
 inaugurado em Lisboa, &c., 8vo. . . . Lisbon, 1870 
 Catalogo Provisorio da Galeria Nacional de Pintura existente 
 na Academia Real das Bellas Artes de Lisboa. 2a edi9ao. 
 8vo ib. 1872 
 Observacoes sobre o actual estado do Ensino das Artes em 
 Portugal, Ac., 8vo ib. 1875 
 Conferencias celebradas acerca dos Descobrimentos e 
 Colonisacoes dos Portuguezes na Africa, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 SOUTH, Sir J. Letter from Dr. Davy, Ac., 8vo. (Tracts 123*) . 1865 
 A Description of Malvern. Second edition, enlarged, 8vo. 
 Malvern, 1825 
 Second copy. (Woolfe Coll.) 
 Tourist's Guide, 8vo. ...... Lond. 
 Memorials of the Inauguration of the Statue to Dr. Isaac 
 Watts, 8vo Southampton, 1861 
 SOUTHCHURCH, ESSEX. Compotus Johannis Pritirwell de Festo 
 Sancti Michaelis A.D. 1364 per unun annum integrum,8vo. 
 Lond. 1870 
 SOUTHOUSE, T. Monasticon Favershamiense, 12mo. . . ib. 1671 
 n.p. n.d. 
 SOUTHWELL, Robert. 
 Poetical Works. Edited by W. B. Turnbull, fcp. 8vo. ib. 1856 
 Complete Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. (Fuller 
 Worthies' Library.) Privately printed. 8vo. . . n.p. 1872 
 Second copy, with portrait and supplemen- 
 tary matter. 
 SOUVERALNS du Monde. Genealogie de leurs Maisons, &c., 12mo. 
 4 vols. (Two copies) . . La Hay e, 1722 
 SPAGNA, LA. Libro volgare intitulato la Spagna, nelquale se 
 tratta gli granfatti qual fece il Re Carlomano nella pro- 
 vincia della Spagna. (For bibliographical details see MS. 
 Ashpitel Catalogue) Venice, 
 Ingenious Letters of a Lady's Travels into Spain. Ninth 
 edition, 2 vols. 12mo Lond. 1722 
 Antiquedades Arabes de Espana, fol. ..... n.d. 
 SPALATO, Antonius de Dominis, Archbishop of. A 4to. volume 
 containing : 
 1. A manifestation of the motives whereupon the Arch- 
 bishop of Spalato undertook his departure thence Lond. 1616 
 2. Decretum Sacrae Congregationis ad Indicem Librorum, 
 Ac. (Condemning inter alia the Archbishop's " Manifes- 
 tation ") ....... Rome, 1616 
 3. An English Translation of the preceding . n.p. n.d. 
 4. A parcell of Observations upon some considerable points 
 in the Decree . ...... n.p. n.d. 
582 SPA SPA 
 SPALATO, Antonius de Dominis, Archbishop of continued. 
 5. A Letter lately written to the Archbishop, &c. 
 6. The same in English. 
 7. The Second Manifesto of Marcus Antonius . Liege, 1623 
 The Gentlemen's Society at Spalding, its origin and pro- 
 gress, 8vo. ....... Lond. 1851 
 Fasti Aberdonenses, 1494-1854. Edited by Cosmo Innes. 4to. 
 Aberdeen, 1854 
 Sculptured Stones of Scotland, vols. i. and ii. fol. ib. 1856-67 
 The Book of Deer. Edited by J. Stuart, 4to. Edinburgh, 1869 
 The Topography and Antiquities of Aberdeen and Banff, 
 vol. i. Edited by George Grub, 4to. . . Aberdeen, 1869 
 SPANHEIM, Baron de. Les Cesars de 1'Empereur Julien, traduits 
 du Grec, 4to. ..... Amsterdam, 1728 
 Dissertationes de Prasstantia et usu Numismatum anti- 
 quorum. Second edition. (Plates.) 4to. ib. (Elsevir) 1671 
 2 vols. fol. . Lond. and Amsterdam, 1717 
 SPANHEIMIUS, Francis. A Funeral Oration to the memory of 
 Mary II., 4to. ....... Lond. 1695 
 SPANISH INVASION. The Names of the Nobility, Gentry, and 
 others, who contributed to the Defence of this Country at 
 the Time of the Spanish Invasion in 1588. ("From a 
 manuscript written in that year.") 4to. . . ib. 1798 
 SPAEKE, Joseph (Bishop). Histories Anglicanae Scriptores, 
 Chronicon Anglise per Johannem Abbat. Burgi S. Petri, 
 653-1159, continuatio per Robertum de Boston, 1260-1368. 
 Vitae S. Thomas Cantuariensis, a Will. Stephanide, Joanne 
 Sarisberiensi, et aliis coaetaneis conscriptae. Historiae 
 Caanobii Burgensis Scriptores varii : Hugo Candidus, 
 Robertas Swapham, Walterus de Whitlesey ; Continuatio 
 per anonymum ; Historia vetus, versibus Gallicanis, fol. 
 ib. 1723 
 SPAEKE s, G. On a Medallion of Antoninus Pius. (Vol. "Numis- 
 matic Tracts. ") 8vo. 
 SPAEKS, Jared. 
 Reply to Lord Mahon and others on the Mode of Editing 
 the Writings of Washington, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . ib. 1852 
 Second copy. 
 Catalogue of his Library, with a List of the Historical 
 Manuscripts collected by him and now at Harvard Uni- 
 versity, 8vo Cambridge (U.S.) 1871 
 A History of Swanscombe, 8vo. . . . Gravesend, 1875 
 Some Historical Notes of Dartford and its neighbourhood, 
 8vo Dartford, 1876 
 Hadleigh Castle Records, 8vo. . . . Colchester, 1876 
 Records relating to the Free Chapel or Chantry of 
 Billericay, 8vo ib. 1876 
 Essex in Insurrection,, 1381, 8vo. ... . . . n.p. n.d. 
SPA SPE 583 
 SPARVEL-BAYLT, J. A. continued. 
 Hadleigh Castle, Essex, 8vo. ..... n.p. n.d. 
 Records relating to the Guild or Fraternity of Jesus in 
 Prittlewell. With Notes by H. W. King, 8vo. 
 Records relating to Hadleigh Castle. With Introductory 
 Remarks, by H. W. King, 8vo. 
 Roman Billericay, 8vo. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 St. Hildeferth, 8vo. (Two copies.) 
 SPASSKY, G-eorgius. Inscriptiones Sibericee, ob. 4to. (Tracts 17) 
 St. Petersburg, 1822 
 SPECTATOR, The. No. I., Thursday, March 1st, 1711 to No. DLV., 
 Saturday, December 6th, 1712, fol. . . . Lond. 
 SPECULUM REGALE. Konungs-Skuggsja, Konge-Speilet. Edited 
 by R. Keyser, P. A. Munch, and C. R. linger, 8vo. 
 Christiania, 1848 
 SPEDDING, James. A Companion to Lord Campbell's Life of 
 Bacon, by a Railway Reader, 12mo. (Bound with Lord 
 Campbell's " Life of Bacon ") ... Lond. 1853 
 SPEECH, The, of the Lord Chancellor touching the Post-nati. 
 (Bound with T. Smith's "Commonwealth.") 4to. . ib. 1609 
 SPEED, John. 
 History of Great Britain, fol ib. 1627 
 Theatre of Great Britain, presenting an exact geography 
 of the Kingdom of England, &c., fol. (Two copies.) ib. 1676 
 SPELMAN, Sir Henry. 
 Aspilogia. Edited by E. Biss, fol ib. 1654 
 Villare Anglicum, or a view of the Townes of England ib. 1656 
 Glossarium Archaiologicum, fol. .... ib. 1664 
 - fol ib. 1687 
 History and Fate of Sacrilege, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1698 
 Reliquiae Spelmannianee, Posthumous Works. Edited by 
 E. Gibson, fol. ... . Oxford, 1698 
 English Works, with the Life of the Author, fol. . ib. 1723 
 SPELMAN, Sir John. Life of Alfred the Great. Edited by T. 
 Uearne, 8vo ib. 1709 
 S PENCE, Charles. Abbey Church of Romsey, 8vo. . Romsey, 1841 
 S PENCE, Joseph. 
 Poly metis, or an enquiry concerning the agreement between 
 the Roman Poets and the Remains of the Ancient Artists, 
 fol Lond. 1747 
 Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Men. 
 Edited by S. W. Singer, fcp. 8vo ib. 1858 
 SPENCER'S LIBRARY, Lord. A Sketch of a Visit to Althorp, 
 Northamptonshire. (For private circulation.) Svo. (Tracts 
 61**) Birmingham, 1870 
 SPENCER, John. A Discourse concerning Prodigies. Second 
 edition, sm. Svo. ...... Lond. 1665 
 SPENER, P. J. Insignium Theoria, seu Operis Heraldici Pars 
 Generalis, fol. ..... Frankfort, 1717 
 SPENSER, Edmund. 
 Works. (Portrait.) 8vo Lond. 1845 
584 SPE SQU 
 SPENSER, Edmund continued. 
 A View of the State of Ireland, 1596, fol. . Dublin, 1633 
 II Cavaliere della Croce Bossa, recato in verso Italiano da 
 T. J. Mathias, 4to Naples, 1826 
 SPENSER SOCIETY, Publications of the. No. 20. The Worthiness 
 of Wales. By T. Churchyard. (From the edition of 
 L587.) 4to Manchester, 1876 
 B.ecueil des Travaux. Tome IV. 8vo. . . Paris, 1855 
 Sceaux des Archeveques de Sens, 8vo. (Tracts 80) . ib. 1862 
 SPIES, J. A. Vindicise Electionis Dubise Jodoci Imperatoris 
 contra Sigismundum. (Bound with Krausius.) 4to. 
 Altorf, 1726 
 Lincoln's Inn, and its Library, 12mo. . . Lond. 1850 
 Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of Lincoln's 
 Inn, 8vo. ib. 1859 
 Additions, April, 1859-62, 8vo. . ib. 1862 
 SPITZBERGEN, View of North Coast of, described, 8vo. (Tracts 
 139**) ib. 1819 
 SPON, James. Becherches curieuses d'Antiquite, fol. Lyons, 16b3 
 S PRATT, T. A. B. 
 Travels and Besearches in Crete, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1865 
 The Cretan Venus, 4to ib. 1877 
 SPRENGER, A. Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian, and Hindu- 
 stany Manuscripts of the Libraries of the King of Oudh, 
 vol. i. 8vo. . . .... Calcutta, 1854 
 SPRINGER, Anton. Die Psalter-Illustrationen im friihen mittel- 
 alter mit besonderer riicksicht auf den Utrechtpsalter, 
 large 8vo Leipzig, 1880 
 SPROTT, Thomas. 
 Chronica. Edited by T. Hearne, 8vo. . . Oxford, 1719 
 Chronicle of Sacred and Profane History. Edited by W. 
 Bell, 4to Liverpool, 1851 
 SPRUNER, K. von. Hand- Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelal- 
 ters und der Neueren Zeit. Dritte Auflage, neu bear- 
 beitet von Dr. Th. Menke, fol. . . . Gotha, 1880 
 SPURRELL, William. Grammar of the Welsh Language, 12mo. 
 Carmarthen, 1848 
 SQUIER, E. G-. 
 On Aboriginal Monuments of Mississippi Valley, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 87) New York, 1847 
 The Serpent Symbol in America, 8vo. . . . ib. 1851 
 Notes sur les fitats de Honduras et de San-Salvador, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 87) Paris, 1855 
 Lettre a M. Alfred Maury, 8vo. (Tracts 87) . . ib. 1855 
 Plan and Prospectus of a Collection of rare Documents con- 
 cerning the Discovery and Conquest of America, 4to. 
 (Tracts 87) . .' . . " . . New York, 1860 
 Observations on the Chalchihuitl of Mexico and Central 
 America, 8vo. ib. 1869 
 Second copy. (Tracts 61**.) 
SQU STA 585 
 SQUIER, E. G. continued. 
 Observations on the Geography and Archaeology of Peru, 
 8vo. (Tracts 61**) .... Land. 1870 
 The Primeval Monuments of Peru, compared with those in 
 other parts of the World, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) n.p. [1870] 
 Traditions of the Algon quins, 8vo. (Tracts 87.) 
 SQUIRE, S. An Enquiry into the Foundation of the English 
 Constitution, 8vo. ....... ib. 1753 
 STACE, Machel. The British Historical Intelligencer, 8vo. 
 Westminster, 1829 
 STACK, George. English and Sindhi Dictionary, 8vo. Bombay, 1849 
 STACKHOUSE, Thomas. Illustration of the Tumuli, or Ancient 
 Barrows, 8vo Lond. 1806 
 STADE. Archiv des Vereins fur Geschichte und Alterthumer der 
 Herzogthiimer Bremen und Verden und des Landes 
 Hadeln zu Stade. III. 1869. 8vo. . . Sfade, 1869 
 STAFFA, IONA, MULL, and HEBRIDES. Illustrated. (Millers 
 Royal Tourist Guide.) 8vo Ob an, 1877 
 STAHLSCHMIDT, J. C. L. Surrey Bells and London Bell-Founders, 
 4to Lond. 1884 
 STAMPA, Hermes. Poesie, 12mo Venetia, 1678 
 STANDARDS, Reports of the Warden of the. In progress. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1867, etc. 
 STANDISH COLLECTION OF PICTURES. Sale Catalogue, 8vo. ib. 1853 
 STANHOPE, G. P. In the House of Lords. Case on Behalf of 
 G . P. Stanhope, claiming to be Earl of Chesterfield and 
 Baron Stanhope. Fol ib. 1873 
 STANHOPE, J. S. Olympia; or, Topography illustrative of the 
 actual state of the Plain of Olympia and of the Ruins of 
 Elis. (Plates.) Atlas fol ib. 1824 
 STANHOPE, P. H., 5th Earl. 
 History of the War of Succession in Spain. Second edition, 
 8vo ib. 1836 
 Spain under Charles the Second, 8vo. . . . ib. 1844 
 Life of Belisarius, 8vo ib. 1848 
 Historical Essays contributed to the " Quarterly Review," 
 8vo ib. 1849 
 History of England, 1713-83, 7 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1851-54 
 Life of Louis, Prince of Conde, 8vo. .... ib. 1852 
 Review of Lord Mahon's History of the American Revolu- 
 tion. By J. G. Palfrey. 8vo. (Tracts 83) 
 Boston (U.S.), 1852 
 The "Forty-five," the Narrative of the Insurrection of 
 1745, 8vo ib. 1853 
 The Rise of our Indian Empire, being the History of India 
 to 1783, second edition, 8vo. . 
 Miscellanies, 8vo. ..... 
 . ib. 1859 
 Lond. 1863 
 . ib. 1872 
 in Mediaeval 
 . ib. 1866 
 On the Influence of Arabic Philosophy 
 Europe, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) . 
 History of P]ngland, comprising the Reign of Queen Anne 
 until the Peace of Utrecht, 1701-13, 8vo. . . ib. 1870 
586 STA STA 
 STANLEY, Colonel. Sale Catalogue (Priced) of his Library, Svo. 
 Land. 1813 
 On the part taken by Norfolk and Suffolk in the Reforma- 
 tion, 8vo. ib. 1851 
 Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. Third 
 edition. 8vo. ........ ib. 1869 
 Ancient Interments and Sepulchral Urns found in Anglesey 
 and North Wales, Svo. (Tracts 59***) . . . ib. 1868 
 On the Remains of the Ancient Circular Habitations in 
 Holyhead Island, called Cyttiau'r Gwyddelod, at Ty 
 Mawr, 8vo. (Tracts 59***) . . . . . ib. 1868 
 The Chambered Tumulus in Plas Newydd Park, Anglesey, 
 and the Cromlechs of Anglesey. By A. Way. 8vo. n.p. 1871 
 Memoirs on Remains of Ancient Dwellings in Holyhead 
 Island, called Cyttiau'r Grwyddelod, Svo. . . ib. 1871 
 Svo ib. 1876 
 STANLEY, W. 0., and WAY, Albert. Hydriotaphia Cambreusis. 
 Ancient Interments and Sepulchral Urns found in 
 Anglesey and North Wales, Svo. (Tracts 59***) . ib. 1868 
 STANNING, J. H. The Registers of the Parish of Leigh, 
 Lancashire, from Feb., 1558, to March, 1625, Svo. Leigh, 1882 
 A Catalogue of his Library of County Histories and Local 
 Topographies. Privately printed. Svo. . . Lond. 1882 
 Stansfeld Pedigree, Svo [Leeds, 1882] 
 STANWOOD, J. R. The Direct Ancestry of Jacob Wendell, of 
 Portsmouth, N.H., with a sketch of the Dutch Settle- 
 ment of New Netherland, 1614-64, 8vo. . . Boston, 1882 
 STAPLES, John. Notes on St. Botolph without Aldersgate, 
 London. For private circulation. 8vo. . . Lond. 1881 
 STAE- CHAMBER CASES, showing what causes belong to that 
 Court, 4to. ib. 1641 
 STAEK, Adam. 
 History of Gainsburgh and Stow, 8vo. . . . ib. 1817 
 Stonehenge, Svo. (Tracts 96) . . . Gainsburgh, 1823 
 History of the Bishopric of Lincoln, Svo. . . Lond. 1852 
 Programme of the Fourth Session, 4to. . . Lond. 1860 
 Report of the Fourth Session, 4to. . . . . ib. 1861 
 Proceedings, 1834, 1835, vol. i. Nos.l,2,8vo. (Tracts 114) ib. 1835 
 Transactions, vol. i. part 1, 4to. . . . . ib. 1837 
 Journal, vols. i. to ix. 8vo ib. 1838-46 
 Regulations and Lists, 1841-2, 1845-6, 8vo. (Tracts 114) 
 ib. 1841-46 
 STATIUS, P. P. Opera, Yalpy's edition, 4 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1824 
STA STE 587 
 Statutes made at Westminster, 1 Edward III. to 25 Henry 
 VIIL, etc., B. L. fol n.d. 
 Prima (Secunda) Pars Veterum Statutorum. (Wanting 
 title page to part 1.) For Bibliographical details see 
 MS. Ashpitel Catalogue ' Lond. 1540 
 The Statutes at large. Edited by W. Rastell, 2 vols. fol. ib. 1618 
 STAUNFORD, Sir W. An Exposicion of the Kinges prerogative, 
 collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitz- 
 herbert, &c. B. L Lond. (Tottell) 1567 
 STAUNTON, Sir G-. T. 
 Notices of China, 8vo ib. 1822-50 
 Memoirs of Sir G. T. Staunton, 8vo. . . . Havant, 1823 
 Proper Mode of rendering the word God in Chinese, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1849 
 Memoirs of the Chief Incidents of his Public Life, 8vo. 
 ib. 1856 
 STATELET, T. The History of Churches in England, 8vo. ib. 1773 
 STAYLET, W. Trial of W. Stay ley, and Account of the digging 
 up of his Body, fol. ib. 1678 
 STEBBINGS, Arthur. Guide to Southwold and its vicinity, 12mo. 
 Lowestoft, n.d. 
 STEDMAN, John. On the Roman Legion, 4to. . . Lond. 1773 
 STEELE, Richard, Esq., A Letter to, 8vo ib. 1715 
 STEEN and BLACKET'S Wolverhampton Guide, 12mo. 
 WolverJiampton, 1871 
 STEIERMARK. Die Steiermarkischen Schiissen-Freiwilligen- 
 Bataillone und ihre Leistungen in den Jahren 1848 and 
 1849, 8vo Gratz, 1857 
 STEIERMARK, Historical Society of. 
 Mittheilungen, Parts 1-9, 8vo ib. 1850-59 
 Jahresbericht, 1856-57, 8vo ib. 1857 
 STEINER, Dr. Codex Inscriptionum Romanarum Rheni, 2 vols. 
 8vo. Darmstadt, 1837 
 History of Croydon, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1834 
 Account of the Manor of Haling, 8vo. .... 1835 
 Second copy. 
 Some Account of the Manor of Apuldrefield, 8vo. . ib. 1851 
 Memoir of Mrs. Myddleton, 8vo. Privately printed . . 18b'4 
 Addenda. (For private circulation.) 8vo. ib. 1880 
 Al thorp Memoirs, or Biographical Notices of Lady Denham, 
 the Countess of Shrewsbury, the Countess of Falmouth, 
 Mrs. Jenyns, the Duchess of Tyrconnel, and Lucy 
 Walter, 8vo. (For private circulation) ". 1869 
 Addenda. For private circulation, 8vo. ib. 1880 
 A Memoir of Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland. For private 
 circulation, 8vo. ....... n.p. 1871 
 Addendfc. For private circulation, 8vo. ib. 1874 
 Second Addenda. For private circulation, 
 8vo Oxford, 1878 
588 STE STB 
 STEINMAN, G. S. continued. 
 The Author of "The Club" identified. For private 
 circulation, 8vo. . . -. . . . . . 1872 
 STENERSEN, L. B. Myntfundet fra Graeslid i Thydalen, 4to. 
 Christiania, 1881 
 STEPHA.NIUS, S. J. Notae in Historian! Danicam Saxonis 
 Grammatici. (Bound with " Saxo Grammaticus," Sora, 
 1644.) Fol Sora, 1645 
 STEPHANUS, Byzantinus. De Urbibus. Graece et Latine, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1678 
 Dictionarium Latino-gallicum, fol. . . . Paris, 1538 
 Thesaurus Lingua3 Latinae. Editio nova, 4 vols. fol. 
 Lond. 1734-35 
 STEPHENS, F. G. Flemish Relics : Architectural, Legendary, 
 and Pictorial. (Photographs.) 4to. . . ib. 1866 
 STEPHENS, George. 
 Brittiska och Fransyska Handskrifterna uti Kongl. 
 Bibliotheket i Stockholm, 8vo. . . Stockholm, 1847 
 Catalogue of British and French MS. in the Royal Library 
 at Stockholm. Anglo-Saxon Gleanings, &c. (MS. and 
 Letterpress), fol ib. 1847 
 Eckernforde : a Poem ib. 1849 
 Brottstvcken av en Dominikaner Ordens eller Predikare- 
 Brodernas Statut-eller Capitel-Bok, 8vo. (Tracts 97) 
 Copenhagen, 1852 
 Tvende Old-Engelske Digte med oversoettelser og tillseg, 
 4to. (Tracts 58) ib. 1853 
 Ghost-thanks ; or The Grateful Unburied. Reprint of a 
 Medieval Romance, with an Introduction, 8vo. (Tracts 
 58) ib. 1860 
 Two Leaves of King Waldere's Lay, 8vo. . . ib. 1860 
 Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and 
 England, vols. i. and iii. . Lond. and Copenhagen, 1866-84 
 Macbeth, Earl Siward and Dundee. A Contribution to 
 Scottish History from the Rune-Finds of Scandinavia, 
 4to ib. 1876 
 Thunor the Thunderer, carved on a Scandinavian Font of 
 about the year 1000, 4to. ib. 1878 
 On the Dialect of the first Book printed in Swedish, 4to. 
 Upsala, 1879 
 STEPHENS, George, and C. F. HERBST. To i Sverrig fundne 
 Processions-Oxer, og om de over en Kjasrne af braendt 
 Leer stobte Bronce-Oxer, 8vo. (Tracts 56***) . ib. 1866 
 Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and 
 Yucatan. New edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1842 
 Travels in Yucatan, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1843 
 STEPHENS, William. The Castle Builders, 8vo. . . . ib. 1759 
 STERN, Ludwig. Koptische Grammatik, 8vo. . . Leipsic, 1880 
 STERNBERG, T. The Dialect and Folk-Lore of Northamptonshire, 
 12mo. Lond. 1851 
STE STE 589 
 STERNE, Laurence. 
 Works. (Portrait.) 7 vols. . . . Lond. 1775 
 Letters of Sterne and his Friends. Edited by W. D. Cooper, 
 12mo. (Tracts 139) ib. 1844 
 STEUART, John Robert. A Description of the Ancient Monu- 
 ments with Inscriptions still existing in Lydia and 
 Phrygia. (Plates.) Atlas fol ib. 1842 
 Flint Chips. A Guide to Pre-Historic Archaeology, as 
 illustrated by the Blackmore Museum, Salisbury, 8vo. ib. 1870 
 The Stone Period, 8vo Salisbury, [1872] 
 The Monastery of the Grey Friars, at Salisbury ; and the 
 " Orientation of Interments," sm. 8vo. . . . #>. 1873 
 Baldur and the Mistletoe, a Yule-Tide Tale. Privately 
 printed, 12mo. ib. 1875 
 Jottings on some of the objects of interest in " The Moot " 
 Excursion (Wilts Archseolog. Soc.), sm. 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 " Stonehenge Excursion," sm. 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 STEVENS, Henry. 
 Catalogue of his English Library, 12mo. . . Lond. 1853 
 American Bibliographer, Nos. 1 and 2, 8vo. . Chiswick, 1854 
 Four Spanish Tracts : 
 1. Carta de don frey Bartoloe de las Casas, 1554. 
 2. Carta de Cortes a don Carlos V., 1542. 
 3. Pares9er de los senores theologos de Salamanca, 1541. 
 4. Carta de amonestacion de B. de Las Casas, 1545, 4to. 
 Lond. 1854 
 Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to 
 the History and Literature of America. (Sale catalogue.) 
 8vo . ib. 1861 
 Historical Nuggets. Bibliotheca Americana or a Descrip- 
 tive Account of my Collection of rare Books relating to 
 America, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1862 
 Catalogue of the American Books in the Library of the 
 British Museum, 1856, 8vo. . . ib. 1866 
 Historical and Geographical Notes on the earliest Dis- 
 coveries in America, 1453-1530. Privately printed, 8vo. 
 New Haven and Lond. 1869 
 Bibliotheca Historica : or a Catalogue of 5,000 volumes 
 of books and manuscripts relating chiefly to the History 
 and Literature of North and South America, 8vo. Boston, 1870 
 Schedule of 2,000 American Historical Nuggets. In Chro- 
 nological order, from 1490 to 1800. Privately printed, 
 fol Lond. 1870 
 Sebastian Cabot John Cabot, 16mo. Boston and Lond. 1870 
 American Books with tails to 'em. A pocket list of the 
 incomplete American periodicals, &c. Privately printed, 
 16mo Lond. 1873 
 The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1872 ; or a Biblio- 
 graphical Description of nearly one thousand Bibles, from 
 1450 to 1877, 8vo ib. 1878 
590 STE STI 
 STEVENS, Henry continued. 
 The History of the Oxford Caxton Memorial Bible, printed 
 and bound in twelve consecutive hours, June 30, 1877, 
 16mo. . Lond. 1878 
 Photo-Bibliography ; or a word on printed Card Catalogues 
 of old and costly books, and two words on a Clearing - 
 House for Librarians. Privately printed, 16mo. . ib. 1878 
 The Universal Postal Union and International Copy- Right, 
 a paper, &c., 8vo. ....... ib. 1879 
 Benjamin Franklin's Life and Writings, 4to. . . ib. 1881 
 Stevens's Historical Collections. Catalogue of the First 
 Portion of the Collections of rare Books and Manuscripts 
 relating chiefly to the History and Literature of America. 
 (Sale Catalogue.) 8vo ib. 1881 
 Who Spoils our new English Books ? Asked and answered. 
 16mo ib. 1885 
 STEVENS, John. Monasticon Hibernicum, 8vo. . . . ib. 1722 
 STEVENSON, Joseph. Illustrations of Scottish History from 12th 
 to 16th century, 4to Glasgow, 1834 
 STEVENSON, S. W. Tour in France, &c., 2 vols. . . Lond. 1827 
 Sale Catalogue of Works on Scottish History, 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1848 
 Catalogue of the Library of the Commissioners of Northern 
 Light Houses, 8vo ib. 1867 
 Four Books of Choice Old Scottish Ballads, 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 STEWART, Archibald. History Vindicated in the case of the 
 Wigtown Martyrs. Second edition, 8vo. . . ib. 1869 
 STEWART, C. International Correspondence by means of Num- 
 bers, 8vo. ........ Lond. 1874 
 A Collection of Trifles in Verse, 4to. . . Sudbury, 1797 
 Critical Trifles, in a Familiar Epistle to J. Fisher, 8vo. ib. 1797 
 Obedience to Government, reverence to the Constitution, 
 and resistance to Bonaparte : a Sermon, 4to. 
 Bury St. Edmunds, 1803 
 Political Works in Verse ; the Regicide, the Foxiad, 
 Charles's Smallclothes, and the Aliad, 8vo. . Lond. 1816 
 Catalogue of Works in Patriotic and Mediaeval Literature, 
 8vo. ......... Lond. n.d. 
 Catalogue of the Works of Writers of the Seventeenth and 
 Later Centuries, 8vo. ...... ib. n.d. 
 STEWART, D. J. On the Architectural History of Ely Cathedral, 
 8vo . ib. 1868 
 STEWART, P. G. Essay on the Dunblane Mineral Springs, 8vo. 
 Glasgow, Sfc. 1839 
 STIEGLITZ, C. L. . Catalogus Numorum Veterum Grsecorum, 8vo. 
 (Tracfc62**) Leipsic, 1837 
 STIERNMAN, A. von. Sweriges Rikes Commerce, Politic, etc., 
 6 vols. 4to. . . .. .. .. . Stockholm, 1747-75 
STI STO 591 
 STIFF, W. P. W. Notes on Nottinghamshire Campanology, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 164) . . Lond. and Derby, 1872 
 Life and Select Works, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1811 
 Discourses, 8vo. ........ ib. 1735 
 STIRLING, Alexander, Earl of. Peerage Claim. Appellant's 
 and Respondent's Cases, and supplemental cases, 4to. ib. 1867 
 STOCKDALE, James. Annales Caermoelenses ; or Annals of Cart- 
 mel, 8vo . Ulverston, 1872 
 8vo. . . Stockholm, 1844-52 
 STODART, B. R. Scottish Anns ; being a Collection of Armorial 
 Bearings, A.D. 1370-1678 (Facsimiles'). With Notes, 2 
 Yols. fol Edinburgh, 1881 
 STODDART, Sir John. Letter on the Claim of Mr. Windus on 
 the Equitable Society, 8vo. (Tracts 100) . . Lond. 1840 
 STOKES, Margaret. 
 Drawings from Illuminated Irish Manuscripts. By M. 
 Stokes, E. Todd, A. Deane, and A. Ball, 4to. . . 1864-65 
 Drawings and Photographs of Irish Objects of Art and 
 Antiquity. [Lettered " Ancient Art of Ireland."] Fol. 
 STOKES, William. Inaugural Address before the Royal Irish 
 Academy, 8vo. Dublin, 1874 
 STOKESAY CASTLE, Salop, Historical Sketch of. 12mo. (Tracts 
 150*) ... ... Ludlow, 1856 
 STONE, J. B. A History of Lichfield Cathedral, with a Descrip- 
 tion of its Architecture, &c., 4to. . . . Lond. 1870 
 STONE, W. L. The Moundbuilders: were they Egyptians, and 
 did they ever occupy the State of New 5Tork ? 4to. 
 New York, 1878 
 STONE HENGE : A Poem inscribed to Edward Jerningham, 4to. 
 (Tracts 17) Norwich, 1792 
 STONEHOUSE, James. Liverpool: its Highways, Byeways, &c. 
 8vo. ... ... Lond. 1856 
 STONEHOUSE, W. B. History and Topography of the Isle of 
 Axholme, co. Lincoln, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1839 
 STONBSTREET, G. S. G. On the Repeal of the Marriage Act, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 124) . . ib. 1834 
 STORER, J. Cathedrals of Great Britain, part 1, Peterborough, 
 8vo . ib. 1812 
 Monumental Effigies, Preface and Descriptions by A. J. 
 Kempe, fol. ib. 1817 
 - New edition, with additions by J. Hewitt, 
 fol ib. 1876 
 STOTHERT, J. A. Christian and Religious Antiquities of Edin- 
 burgh, 8vo. . . . Edinburgh, 1856 
 STOURHEAD, co. Wilts, Catalogue of the Library at. By J. B. 
 Nichols, 8vo. ... ... Lond. 1840 
 STOUT, William. Autobiography, edited by J. Harland, 8vo. 
 ib. 1851 
592 STO STE 
 STOW, John. 
 Survey of London, 4to. ..... Loud. 1598 
 With the Libellum de situ et nobilitate 
 Londini, by W. Fitzstephen, 4to ib. 1603 
 fol. ib. 1633 
 Edited by J. Strype, 2 vols. in 4 (inter- 
 leaved), fol. . ...... ib. 1720 
 Second copy. 
 12mo ib. 1722 
 New edition, edited by W. J. Thorns, 8vo. 
 ib. 1842 
 A Summarie of the Chronicles of England unto 1604, B.L. 
 16mo ib. 1604 
 Annales, edited by E. Howes, fol. .... ib. 1631 
 STOWE LIBRARY. Catalogue of MSS. by Charles O'Conor, 2 
 vols. and appendix, 4to. . . . BttcJdngham^ 181819 
 STRABO. Rerum Geographicarum Libri xvii. 8vo. Paris, Didot, 1853 
 STRACHEY, William. Historic of Travailes into Virginia, edited 
 by R. H. Major, 8vo Lond. 1849 
 STRADA, Jacobus de. Epitome Thesauri Antiquitatum, hoc est, 
 Impp. Rom. Orientalium et Occidentalium Iconum, ex 
 antiquis Numismatibus, &c. Plates. 8vo. . Tiguri, 1557 
 STRANGE, Sir T. A. Hindu Law, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1830 
 STRAPAROLA, G. F. Le Tredici piacevolissime Notti. Con centi 
 Enigmi. Woodcuts. 4to. .... Venice, 1599 
 STRATEN-POUTHOZ, F. Van Der. Les neuf Preux, Gravure sur 
 Bois, Quinzieme Siecle, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) . . Pan, 1864 
 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, Handbook for Visitors to, Third edition, 
 8vo. ...... Stratford-upon-Avon, 1860 
 A Dictionary of the Old English Language, 8vo. Krefeld, 1867 
 Third edition, 4to. . . . ' . ib. 1878 
 Supplement, 4to. . . . ib. 1881 
 Affinity of the Latin to the Gaelic, 8vo. .... 1840 
 Proof's of the Celtic Origin of a great part of the Greek 
 Language, 8vo. .... Kingston (Canada), 1840 
 STREATFIELD, Thomas. Prospectus of a History of Kent, fol. 
 Lond. 1836 
 Plea for a revival of the principles of Architecture in Pub- 
 lic Buildings of the University of Oxford, 8vo. (Tracts 
 56) ....... Oxford and London, 1853 
 Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages : Notes of a Tour in 
 the North of Italy. Illustrated. 8vo. . . Lond. 1855 
 Account of the Church of St. Mary, Stone, 8vo. . . ib. 1861 
 Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain, 8vo. . ib. 1865 
 Design for the proposed New Courts of Justice, fol. . ib. 1867 
 Remarks on the Scheme for the Completion of St. Paul's 
 Cathedral, 8vo. (Tracts 95***) .... ib. 1871 
 On the Churches of Liibeck, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . n.p. n.d. 
STR STB 593 
 STREETS, Thomas. Astronomia Carolina. A new Theorie of 
 the Ccelestial Motions, 4to. .... Lond. 1661 
 STREETER, G. L. An Account of the Newspapers and other 
 Periodicals published in Salem from 1768 to 1856, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) Salem, 1856 
 STRICKLAND, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, 12 vols. 
 8vo Lond. 1841-48 
 STRITTEU, J. G. Memoriae Populorum olim ad Danubium inco- 
 lentium, tome i. 4to. . . . . St. Petersburg, 1771 
 STRONG, George. Handbook to Boss and Archenfield, 8vo. 
 Ross, 1863 
 STROZII, T. V. and E. Strozzi Poetee Pater et Films. [Their 
 poems.] (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel 
 Catalogue.) 8vo Venice (Aldus), 1513 
 Sylva Britannica : or, Portraits of Forest Trees, &c. Plates. 
 Atlas, fol Lond. 1825 
 Sylva Italica: or, Portraits of Forest Trees, &c. Plates. 
 Atlas, fol , ib. 1844 
 STRUTT, Joseph. 
 Horda Angel Cynnan ; a complete view of Manners and 
 Customs in England, 3 vols. 4to 1775-76 
 Chronicle of England, B.C. 54 to A.D. 1066, 2 vols. 4to. . 1779 
 The Begal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, 4to. 
 ib. 1793 
 Dress and Habits of the People of England, 2 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1796-99 
 Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 4to. ib. 1801 
 STRYPE, John. 
 Works, 27 vols. (Clarendon Press.) 8vo. . Oxford, 1820-40 
 (i.-vi.) Ecclesiastical Memorials, 3 vols. (in 6) . 1822 
 (vii.-xiii.) Annals of the Beformation. New 
 edition, 4 vols. (in 7) 1824 
 (xiv., xv.) Memorials of Thomas Cranmer, Arch- 
 bishop of Canterbury. New edition, with additions, 
 2 vols 1840 
 (xvi.-xviii.) The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker, 
 the first Archbishop of Canterbury, 3 vols. . . . 1821 
 (xix.) The History of the Life and Acts of 
 Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of York and Canterbury 
 successively ......... 1821 
 - (xx.-xxii.) The Life and Acts of John Whitgift, 
 Archbishop of Canterbury, 3 vols 1822 
 (xxiii.) Historical Collections of the Life and Acts 
 of John Aylmer, Bp. of London. New edition . . 1821 
 (xxiv.) The Life of Sir Thomas Smith. New 
 edition 1820 
 (xxv.) The Life of Sir John Cheke. With a Trea- 
 tise of Superstition, writ by the said Knight. New 
 edition 1821 
 (xxvi., xxvii.) General Index, 2 vols. . . . 1828 
 2 Q 
594 STR STY 
 STRYPE, John continued. 
 Memorials of Cranmer, fol f .... Lond. 1694 
 Life and Acts of E. Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury 
 (Life and Acts of J. Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury.) 
 Fol ib. 1710-18 
 Life and Acts of M. Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, fol. 
 ib. 1711 
 Annals of the Reformation, 3 vols. fol. . . ib. 1735 
 STUART, Andrew. Genealogical History of the Stewarts, 4to. 
 ib. 1798 
 STUAET, James, and REVETT, N. 
 The Antiquities of Athens. (Plates.) Atlas, 3 vols. fol. ib. 1762-94 
 Second copy. 
 STUART, John. 
 Essays, chiefly on Scottish Antiquities, 4to. . Aberdeen, 1846 
 Sculptured Stones of Scotland, vols. i. and ii. fol. ib. 1856-t>7 
 Memoir of A. H. Rhind, 4to. . . . Edinburgh, 1864 
 Excavations in the Chambered Mound of Maeshowe, 4to. ib. 1865 
 Records of the Priory of the Isle of May, 4to. (2 copies) ib. 1868 
 Records of the Monastery of Kinloss, 8vo. . . ib. 1872 
 STUBS, Joseph, and descendants of Thomas Stubs. Grant of 
 Arms, 8vo. 
 STUBBS, H. A Justification of the present War against the 
 United Netherlands. Anon. [Historical Tracts, 1672- 
 1693.] 4to. . .... Lond. 1672 
 Foundation of Waltham Abbey, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) . ib. 1861 
 On the early Fasti of Peterborough, 8vo. (Tracts 55**) 
 The Medieval Kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia. Two 
 Lectures, 4to. ....... Oxford, 1878 
 Constitutional History of England. (Library edition.) 3 
 vols. 8vo . ib. 1880 
 Stonehenge, a Temple restor'd to the British Druids, fol. 
 (Sound with the next Work) .... Lond. 1740 
 Abury, a Temple of the British, with some others, des- 
 cribed, fol ib. 1743 
 Palseographia Britannica, No. 2, 4to. . . Stamford, 1746 
 Account of Richard of Cirencester, 4to. . . Lond. 1757 
 Medallic History of Carausius, Emperor in Britain, Books 
 1 and 2, 4to ib. 1757-59 
 Palaeographia Sacra, 4to. . . . . ib. 1763 
 Itinerarium Curiosum, or Antiquities observed in Travels 
 through Great Britain, fol ib. 1776 
 STYLES, R. P. The History and Antiquities of the Abbey 
 Church of Pershore, 4to ib. 1838 
 STYLI. Dissertatio de Stylis Yeterum, et diversis chartarum 
 generibus, 4to. (Tracts 19*) .... . . . n.d. 
 Mittheilungen, vols. 1-4, and 9, 8vo. . . . Gratz, 1850-68 
 Die Keltischen und Romischen Antiken in Steiermark. 
 Von E. Pratobevera, 8vo ib. 1856 
STY SUM 595 
 Jahresbericht iiber den Zustand und das Wirken des 
 historischen Vereines fiir Steiermark. Von Dr. Goth, 
 8vo. . ' . . m ' Gratz, 1857 
 Die Steiermarkischen Schiitzen-Freiwilligen-Batailone und 
 ihre Leistangen in den jahren 1848 und 1849, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 SUCHTEN, A. Van. The Secrets of Antimony, translated by 
 Dr. C. To which is added Basil Valentine's Salt of 
 Antimony, with its Use, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1670 
 SUCKLING, Alfred. 
 Antiquities and Architecture of Essex, 4to. . . ib. 1845 
 History and Antiquities of Suffolk, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1846-48 
 SUCKLING, Sir John. Works. (Portrait.) 8vo. . . ib. 1709 
 Quae extant ; et M. Z. Boxhornii notoe. Editio novis- 
 sima, I2mo. ...... Amstelodami, 1668 
 Opera, Valpy's edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1826 
 Excursions in the County, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1818-19 
 Architectural Notes on the Churches and other Medieval 
 Buildings, 8vo ib. 1855 
 The Visitation made by William Hervey, 1561. Edited by 
 J. J. Howard, vol. i. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1866 
 Suffolk (Essex, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire), Handbook 
 for, 8vo ' . ib. (Murray), 1870 
 Proceedings. In progress . . Bury St. Edmunds, 1853, etc. 
 Quarterly Journal, January, 1869, 8vo. . , . ib. 1869 
 Report, 1871-72, 8vo. 
 Suida. Greece. ..... Venetiis (Aldus), 1514 
 Lexicon, Greece et Latine. Edited by L. Kuster, 3 vols. 
 fol. Cambridge, 1705 
 Publications, 8vo. (Tracts 94) . . Lausanne, 1846 
 Elegie sur la Mort de Lord Palmerston, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) 
 Lond. and Paris, 1866 
 L'Hermitage de Saint Helier, &c. Second edition, 8vo. 
 .(Tracts 67***) Lond. 1866 
 Epitome d'un Guide pour 1'Exposition de 1867, 8vo. (Tracts 
 67***) Jersey, 1867 
 SULLY, The Duke of, Memoirs of, 5 vols. 8vo. . Edinburgh, 1773 
 SUMMERLEY, Felix. [Pseud, of Sir H. Cole.] 
 A Handbook for Westminster Abbey, 8vo. . Lond. 1842 
 (Abridged edition.) 8vo. . . ib. 1844 
 Day-Excursion Guides for Panshanger, Chiddingstone, 
 Hever, Croydon, Reigate, Shoreham, Weybridge, Guild- 
 ford, Winchester, and Harrow, 8vo. - . . . ib. 1847 
 A Handbook for Hampton Court. New edition, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 2 Q 2 
596 SUM SUE 
 SUMMERLEY, Felix continued. 
 Day's Excursions out of London to Erith, Rochester, and 
 Cobham in Kent, .8vo. ... . Lond. 
 Railway Chronicle Travelling Charts : 
 Nos. (1). London and Brighton. 
 (4). London to Wolverton. 
 (5). London to Basingstoke, Winchester and South- 
 (6). London to Gosport. 
 (7). London to Reading, Didcot, and Oxford. 
 (8). London to Bishops Stortford and Cambridge. 
 (9). London to Ashford, Folkestone, and Dover. 
 (10). London to Richmond. 
 (11). London to Rugby and Birmingham. 
 SUPPLEMENTUM, LIBEE QUI DiciTUR. [This appears to be a new 
 GARITER NUNCUPATUR."] Impressum est Tioc opus Venetiis 
 per Franciscum de Hailbrun et Nicolaum de Franlcfordia 
 SURFACE ORNAMENT, Manual of, 12mo. (Tracts 154) . . ib. 1856 
 Excursions in the County, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1821 
 Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight, A Handbook for 
 Travellers in. Second edition, 8vo. (Murray.) . ib. 1865 
 SURREY ARCHJJOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Collections, 8vo. In progress. 
 ib. 1858, etc. 
 SURREY ART LOAN EXHIBITION, 1884. Catalogue, 8vo. Guildford, 1884 
 SURREY LUNATIC ASYLUM. Special Report of Committee of 
 Visitors, 8vo. (Tracts 101) .... Lond. 1850 
 SURTEES, Robert. History and Antiquities of the County of 
 Durham, 4 vols. fol ib. 1816-40 
 SURTEES, Scott F. 
 Julius Caesar : did he cross the Channel ? 12mo. . ib. 1866 
 Merlin and Arthur. Essay, &c. For private circulation, n.p. 1871 
 Publications . . . . Lond. and Durham, 1835, etc. 
 Vol. 1. Reginaldi Monachi Dunelmensis Libellus de 
 Admirandis Beati Cuthberti Virtutibus. Edited by J. 
 Raine 1835 
 2. Wills and Inventories illustrative of the History, 
 Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Northern 
 Counties of England, from the Eleventh Century down- 
 wards. (Chiefly from the Registry at Durham.) Vol. i. 
 Edited by J. Raine 1835 
 3. The Towneley Mysteries ; or, Miracle Plays. Edited by 
 J. Gordon. The preface by J. Hunter .... 1836 
 4. Testamenta Eboracensia: Wills illustrative of the 
 History, Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the 
 Province of York, from the year 1300 downwards, vol. i. 
 Edited by J. Raine . . 1836 
SUE SUE 597 
 SURTEES SOCIETY continued. 
 5. Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense ; 
 or, Registers of the Sanctuaries of Durham and Beverley. 
 Edited by J. Raine. The Preface by T. Chevalier . . 1837 
 6. The Charters of Endowment, Inventories, and Account- 
 Rolls of the Priory of Finchale, in the County of 
 Durham. Edited by J. Raine 1837 
 7. Catalogi veteres Librorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunel- 
 mensis. Catalogues of the Library of Durham 
 Cathedral at various periods, from the Conquest to the 
 Dissolution ; including Catalogues of the Library of the 
 Abbey of Hulne, and of the MSS. in the Library of 
 Bishop Cosin at Durham. Edited by J. Raine. The 
 preface by B. Botfield ... ... 1838 
 8. Miscellanea Biographica : a Life of Oswin, King of 
 Northumberland ; Two Lives of Cuthbert, Bishop of 
 Lindisfarne ; and a Life of Eata, Bishop of Hexham. 
 Edited by J. Raine 1838 
 9. Historiae Dunelmensis Scriptores tres : Gaufridus 
 de Coldingham, Robertus de Greystanes, et Willielmus 
 de Chambre. With the omissions in Wharton's Edition 
 supplied, and an appendix. Edited by J. Raine . . 1839 
 10. Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis : a Latin Ritual of the 
 Ninth Century, with an interlinear Northumbro-Saxon 
 translation. Edited by J. Stevenson .... 1840 
 11. Jordan Fantosme's Anglo-Norman Chronicle of the 
 War between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 
 1174. Edited by F. Michel 1840 
 12. The Correspondence, Inventories, Account-Rolls, and 
 Law Proceedings of the Priory of Codlingham. Edited 
 by J. Raine 1841 
 13. Liber Vitae Ecclesiae Dunelmensis : necnon Obituaria 
 duo ejusdem Ecclesise. Edited by J. Stevenson . . 1841 
 14. The Correspondence of Robert Bowes, of Aske, Esq., 
 Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth to the Court of Scotland. 
 Edited by J. Stevenson 1842 
 15. A Description or Briefe Declaration of all the Ancient 
 Monuments, Rites, and Customs belonging to, or being 
 within, the Monastical Church of Durham, before the 
 Suppression. Written in 1593. Edited by J. Raine . 1842 
 16. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter, now first pub- 
 lished from MSS. in the British Museum, vol. i. Edited 
 by J. Stevenson 1843 
 17. The Correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, Arch- 
 bishop of York. With a Selection from the Letters of 
 Sir Timothy Hutton, his son, and Matthew Hutton, his 
 grandson. Edited by J. Raine ... . . . 1843 
 18. The Durham Household Book ; or, the Accounts of the 
 Bursar of the Monastery of Durham from 1530 to 1534. 
 Edited by J. Raine 1844 
 19. Vol. ii. of No. 16. . 1847 
598 SUE, SUE 
 20. Libellus de Vita et Miraculis S. Godrici, Heremitae de 
 Finchale, auctore Reginaldo, Monacho Dunelmensi. 
 Edited by J. Stevenson 1847 
 21. Depositions and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings, from 
 the Court of Durham, extending from 1311 to the Reign 
 of Elizabeth. Edited by J. Raine . . 1848 
 22. The Injunctions and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings 
 of Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham (1577-87). 
 Edited by J. Raine 1850 
 23. The Anglo-Saxon Hymnarium, from MSS. of the 
 Eleventh Century, in Durham, the British Museum, &c. 
 Edited by J. Stevenson 1851 
 24. The Memoir of Mr. Surtees, by the late George 
 Taylor, Esq. Reprinted from the fourth vol. of the 
 History of Durham, with additional notes, &c. Edited 
 by J. Raine 1852 
 25. The Boldon Book; or, Survey of Durham in 1183. 
 Edited by W. Greenwell 1852 
 26. Wills and Inventories, illustrative of the History, 
 Manners, Language, Statistics, &c., of the Counties of 
 York, Westmoreland, and Lancaster, from the Four- 
 teenth Century downwards. Edited by J. Raine . . 1853 
 27. The Pontifical of Egbert, Archbishop of York (731-67), 
 from a MS. of the Ninth or Tenth Century in the 
 Imperial Library in Paris. Edited by W. Greenwell . 1853 
 28. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part 1. The 
 Gospel of St. Matthew, from the Northumbrian Inter- 
 linear Gloss to the Gospels, contained in the MS. Nero 
 D. IY. among the Cottonian MSS. in the British 
 Museum, collated with the Rushworth MS. Edited by 
 J. Stevenson . . . . . . . . . 1854 
 29. The Inventories and Account-Rolls of the Monasteries 
 of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, from their commence- 
 ment in 1303 till the Dissolution. Edited by J. Raine . 1854 
 30. Vol. ii. of No. 4. Edited by J. Raine .... 1855 
 31. The Obituary Roll of William Ebchester and John 
 Burnby, Priors of Durham (1456-64), with illustrative 
 documents. Edited by J. Raine 1856 
 32. The Survey of the Palatinate of Durham, compiled 
 during the Episcopate of Thomas Hatfield (1345-82). 
 Edited by W. Greenwell .1857 
 33. The Farming Book of Henry Best of Elmswell, E. R. 
 Y. Edited by C. B. Robinson 1857 
 34. The Proceedings of the High Court of Commission for 
 Durham and Northumberland. Edited by W. H. D. 
 Longstaffe 1858 
 35. The Fabric Rolls of York Minster. Edited by J. 
 Raine 1859 
 36. The Visitation of the County of Yorke, 1565-66, by 
 William Dugdale. Edited by R. Davies . . . 1859 
SUB, SUE 599 
 SURTEES SOCIETY continued. 
 37. A Volume of Miscellanea, comprising the Letters of 
 Dean Granville, the account of the Siege of Pontefract 
 by Nathan Drake, and extracts from the Rokeby 
 Correspondence. Edited by George Ormsby, W. H. D. 
 Longstaffe, and J. Raine ....... 1860 
 38. A Volume of Wills and Inventories from the 
 Registry at Durham ; a continuation of No. 2. Edited 
 by W. Greenwell 1860 
 39. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part 2. The 
 Gospel of St. Mark ; a continuation of No. 28. Edited 
 by G. Waring 1861 
 40. Depositions from the Castle of York relating to 
 Offences committed in the Northern Counties in the 
 Seventeenth Century. Edited by J. Raine . . . 1861 
 41. The Heraldic Visitation of the North of England, 
 made in 1530 by Thomas Tonge, with an Appendix of 
 Genealogical MSS. Edited by W. H. D. Longstaffe . 1863 
 42. Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains. 
 Edited by J. R. Walbran 1863 
 43. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part 3. The 
 Gospel of St. Luke ; a continuation of Nos. 28 and 39. 
 Edited by G. Waring 1863 
 44. The Priory of Hexham, its Chronicles, Endowments, 
 and Annals, vol. i. Containing the Chronicles, &c., of 
 John and Richard, Priors of Hexham, and Aelred Abbot 
 of Rievaux, with an Appendix. Edited by J. Raine . 1864 
 45. Vol. iii. of No. 4 . 1865 
 46. Vol. ii. of No. 44. Containing the Liber Niger, with 
 Charters and other Documents, and a Preface . . 1865 
 47. Part ii. of No. 37. Edited by G. Ormsby . . . 1866 
 48. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part 4. The 
 Gospel of St. John ; a continuation of Nos. 28, 39, and 
 43. Edited by G. Waring .... . 1866 
 49. The Survey of the County of York taken by John de 
 Kirkby, commonly called Kirkby's Inquest. Also In- 
 quisitions of Knight's Fees, the Nomina Villarum for 
 Yorkshire, &c. Edited by R. H. Skaife . . . 1867 
 50. Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Ambrose Barnes, Alderman 
 of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Edited by W. H. D. Long- 
 staffe . 1867 
 51. Symeonis Dunelmensis Opera et Collectanea, vol. i. 
 Edited by J. H. Hinde . . . 1868 
 52. The Correspondence of John Cosin, Bishop of 
 Durham, with other papers, &c., part 1 . . . 1869 
 53. Vol. iv. of No. 4 . . . . 1869 
 54. The Diary of Abraham de la Pryme, the York- 
 shire Antiquary. Edited by C. Jackson .... 1870 
 55. Part ii. of No. 52 . 1872 
 56. The Register, or Rolls, of Walter Gray, Arch- 
 bishop of York. Edited by J. Raine .... 1872 
600 SUR SUS 
 SURTEES SOCIETY continued. 
 57. The Register of the Guild of Corpus Christ! in 
 the City of York, with an Appendix of illustrative 
 Documents. Edited by R. H. Skaife .... 1872 
 58. Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis. A Survey of 
 the Estates compiled in the Fifteenth Century. Edited 
 by Rev. W. Greenwell 1872 
 59. Missale ad usum Ecclesiee Eboracensis, vol. i. 
 Edited by J. Raine 1874 
 60. Vol. ii 1874 
 61. Liber Pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge, Archiepiscopi 
 Eboracensis 1875 
 62. The Autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton, of 
 East Newton, co York. Edited by C. J. . . . 1875 
 63. Manuale et Processionale ad Usum Ecclesiae 
 Eboracensis. Edited by W. G. Henderson . . . 1875 
 64. Acts of Chapter of the Collegiate Church of SS. 
 Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon, A.D. 1452 to A.D. 1506. Edited 
 by J. T. Fowler 1875 
 65. Yorkshire Diaries and Autobiographies in the 
 17th and 18th Centuries. Edited by C. Jackson . . 1875 
 66. Chartularium Abbatise de Novo Monasterio, ordinis 
 Cisterciensis, fundata6 anno MCXXXVII. Edited by J. T. 
 Fowler 1878 
 67. Vol. ii. of No. 42, part 1 1878 
 68. Selections from the Household Books of the Lord 
 William Howard of Naworth Castle, with an Appendix. 
 Edited by G. Ormsby ,.1878 
 69. The Whitby Chartulary, vol. i. Cartularium 
 Abbathiee de Whiteby Ordinis S. Benedict! fundatre anno 
 MLXXVIII. Edited by J. C. Atkinson .... 1879 
 70. Dialog! Laurentii Dunelmensis Monachi ac Prioris . 1880 
 71. Breviarium ad usum Ecclesie Eboracensis, vol. i. . . 1880 
 72. Cartularium Abbathise de Whiteby Ordinis S. 
 Benedict! fundatse anno 1528. Edited by J. C. 
 Atkinson 1879 
 73. The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William 
 Stukeley, and the Antiquarian and other Correspondence 
 of W. Stukeley, R. and S. Gale, &c., vol. i. Edited by 
 W. C. Lukis 1882 
 74. Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, 
 Ripon, vol. i. Edited by J. T. Fowler . . . . 1882 
 75. Vol. ii. of No. 71. Edited by Mr. Lawley . . . 1883 
 76. Vol. ii. of No. 73. ' . 1883 
 77. Yorkshire Diaries and Autobiographies in the 17th and 
 18th centuries, 8vo. 1886 
 78. Memorials of the Church of SS. Peter and Wilfred, 
 Ripon, vol. ii. of No. 74, 8vo 1886 
 SUSSEX, Excursions in the county of, 12mo. . . Lond. 1822 
 Collections relating to the Countv, 8vo. Inprogress. ib. 1849, etc. 
 General Index to vol. i.-xxv. ByH. Campkin. 8vo. Leives, 1874 
SUS SWI 601 
 Domesday Book in relation to Sussex. Edited by W. D. 
 Parish, fol Lewes, 1886 
 SUTCLIFFE, J. English Grammar, 12mo. . . . Land. 1815 
 SUTER, A. B. Worthies of St. Dunstan's. A Lecture, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 139) ib. 1856 
 SUTTNER, G. von. Der Helm, von seinem Ursprunge bis gegen 
 die mitte des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts, 4to. Vienna, 1878 
 SUTTON COLDFIELD, History of the Forest and Chase of ; includ- 
 ing the Border Districts of Great Barr, Perry Barr, 
 Erdington, Cudworth, Wishaw, Middleton, Drayton, 
 Weeford, and Shenstone, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1860 
 SUTTON, F. H. Church Organs. With an account of the 
 Mediaeval Organ Case at Old Radnor. Third edition, 4to. 
 ib. 1883 
 SEVERN, J. W. Two Essays on the Clouds and the T^as of 
 Aristophanes, translated by W. R. Hamilton, 8vo. ib. 1836 
 SWAN, John. Speculum Mundi, or A Glasse representing the 
 Face of the World, 4to Cambridge, 1635 
 SWANSEA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Harbours of Refuge in the 
 Bristol Channel ; a Report. In which the claims of 
 Sundy and Mumbles are set forth. Edited by G. G. 
 Francis. 8vo. ...... Swansea, 1875 
 and Annual Reports from 1835 to 1845, 8vo. . ib. 1838-45 
 Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna. (A Collection of engravings.) 
 3 vols. fol Stockholm, 1691-1728 
 Handlingar till Suerges Reformation, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1841-44 
 Kongl. Vitterhets Historic och Antiquitets Academicas 
 Handlingar, 18 vols. 8vo ib. 1789-1846 
 Societe des Aiitiquaires de Suede. Bibliographic de 
 1'Archeologie Prehistorique de la Suede pendant le xix e 
 siecle, suivi d'un Expose Succinct des Societes Archeolo- 
 giques Suedoises. (Par 0. Montelius.) 8vo. . -16. 1875 
 Doctrine of the New Church, 8vo. (Tracts 116) Lond. 1769 
 De Commercio Animae et Corporis, 4to. (Tracts 33) . ib. 1769 
 Responsum ad Epistolam ab amico ad me scrip tarn, 4to. 
 (Tracts 33) . ib. 1769 
 SWEET, Henry. The Epinal Glossary, Latin and Old-English of 
 the eighth century. Photolithographed and edited, with 
 Transliteration, &c., fol ib. 1883 
 SWERTIUS, F. Epitaphia Joco-Seria, Latina, Gallica, Italica, 
 Hispanica, Lusitanica, Belgica, sm. 8vo. . Cologne, 1645 
 SWIFT, Jonathan. 
 Works arranged by T. Sheridan. With notes. A new 
 edition, revised by J. Nichols. (Portrait.) 19 vols. 
 Lond. 1808 
 Correspondence from 1714 to 1738, 8vo. . . . ib. 1741 
 The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen, 8vo. ib. 1758 
 Key to the Tale of a Tub. 
602 SWI SYR 
 SWINDEN, Henry. History of Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, 4to. 
 Norwich, 1772 
 Metilia, sive de quinario gentis Metiliae e nummis vetustis, 
 dissertatio, 4to. (Tracts 36*) .... Oxford, 1750 
 Inscriptiones Citieae : accedit de nummis quibusdam Sa- 
 maritanis et Phosniciis, &c., dissertatio, 4to. (Tracts 36*) 
 ib. 1750 
 SWYGENHOVEN, Charles Yan. 
 Sur le crane de Jean-sans-Peur, due de Bourgogne, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 8$) Brussels, 1841 
 Heliotropia, Poesies, 8vo. (Tracts 156) . . . ib. 1841 
 Tradynamide, Discours a la Seance generale de la Societe 
 de Medecine Pratique d'Anvers, 1844, 8vo. (Tracts 85) 
 Sur les maladies des Dayakois de Borneo, 8vo. (Tracts 85) 
 Ghent, 1844 
 Compte rendu, 11 Fev. 1844, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . Brussels, 1844 
 La Gutta-Percha, 8vo. (Tracts 155) .... ib. 1848 
 Bedevoering uitgesproken in de Letterkundig Genootschap 
 te Brussels, 8vo. (Tracts 85) .... ib. 
 Le 9 Avril, 1853, poeme, 8vo. (Tracts 85) 
 SWYNNERTON, Charles. The Adventures of the Panjab Hero 
 Baja Basalu and other Folk-Tales of the Panjab, 8vo. 
 Calcutta, 1884 
 History of the Town and County of Poole, 8vo. Poole, 1839 
 Baal Durotrigensis. A Dissertation on the ancient colossal 
 Figure at Cerne, Dorsetshire, &c., 8vo. . . Lond. n.d. 
 SYED AHMED BAHADOOE, C. S. I., on Dr. Hunter's " Our Indian 
 Mussulmans are they bound in conscience to rebel 
 against the Queen ?" Compiled by a Mahomedan. For 
 private circulation. (Tracts 126**) 8vo. . . ib. 1872 
 SYKES, James. Historical Sketch of Saint Paul's Cathedral, 
 8vo ib. 1840 
 SYLVESTER DE BALNEOREGIO. Conclusiones super canonisatione 
 beati Simonis Tridentini. (Title leaf wanting.) Sm. 4to. 
 Padua, 1475 
 SYMONS, John. 
 Hullinia : or, selections from Local History ; including the 
 siege of Hull, &c., 8vo. . . . Hull and Lond. 1872 
 Hull in Ancient Times, from Ancient Manuscripts. Nos. 
 i.-iv.,12mo Hull, 1877 
 Original Papers, vol. i. No. 2, 8vo. (Tracts 67) . Lond. 1850 
 Transactions. Session 1854, 8vo. (Tracts 67) . . ib. 1855 
 1867-68, 8vo ib. 1868 
 Beport for Session 1844-45, 8vo. (Tracts 67) . . ib. 1845 
 Hieroglyphic Inscriptions accurately copied from original 
 monuments, fol ib. 1845 
SZE TAR 603 
 SZERELMET, N. C. On the encaustic and zopissa processes for 
 preserving stone, 8vo. {Tracts 81) . . . Lond. 1860 
 T. W. The Marrow of Chymical Physick, 12mo. . . ib. 1669 
 TABARIN. (Euvres, avec les Aventures du Capitaine Rodomont, 
 La Farce des Bassus, &c. Preface et notes par G. 
 d'Harmonville, 18mo Paris, 1858 
 TABLES for renewing and purchasing of the Leases of Cathedral 
 Churches and Colleges, sin. 8vo. . . Cambridge, 1686 
 TABOUROT, Estienne. Les Bigarrures et Touches du Seigneur 
 des Accords, avec les Apophtegmes du Sieur Gaulard : 
 et les Escraignes Dijonnoises. Derniere edition, 12mo. 
 Paris, 1614 
 TACCONI, J. M. De tribus Basilidianis Gemmis Disquisitio, 4to. 
 Naples, 1824 
 TACITUS, C. Cornelius. 
 C. Cornelius Tacitus ex I. Lipsii editione, 12mo. 
 Lugd. Batav. (Elzevir), 1634 
 Opera. Recognovit G. Brotier, 4 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1771 
 Valpy's edition, 10 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1821 
 TADINO, A. Dell' Origine della gran Peste, 1629-1632, 4to. 
 Milan, 1652 
 TAFEL, T. L. F. De Via Militari Romanomm Egnatia, 4to. 
 Tubingen, 1842 
 TAIT, A. C. (Bishop). Historical Sketch of Carlisle Cathedral, 
 8vo. (Tracts 74) Carlisle, 1859 
 TALBOT, H. F. English Etymologies, 8vo. . . Lond. 1847 
 TALBOT DE MALAHIDE, Lord. An Attempt to identify the 
 Circular Temple of Baalbeck, commonly called the 
 Temple of Venus, 8vo ib. 1876 
 TALBOT OP MALAHIDE. Genealogical Memoir. [Bound with 
 "Betham's Fleming."] Fol Dublin, 1829 
 TALLEMANT DES REAUX. Les Historiettes. Memoires pour 
 servir a 1'histoire du xvii e siecle. Seconde edition. 
 Precedee d'une notice par M. Monmerque, 10 vols. in 5, 
 12mo Paris, 1840 
 TALVI. Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations. With 
 a Preface by E. Robinson, 8vo. . . New York, 1850 
 TANNER, Thomas, Bishop. 
 Notitia Monastica. Edited by J. Tanner, fol. . Land. 1744 
 Edited by J. Nasmith, fol. . . ib. 1787 
 Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, fol. . . . ib. 1748 
 TARBOTTON, M. O. History of the Old Trent Bridge, with an 
 account of the New Bridge, Nottingham, 4to. 
 Nottingham, 1871 
 Voyage en Autriche et en Hongrie (Juin-Juillet, 1884), 
 8vo Moulins, 1884 
 Voyage Archeologique en Italic et en Tunisie (avec 25 
 vues), 4to Herment (Puy -de-Dome), 1885 
604 TAR TAY 
 TAEDIEU, A. continued. 
 Histoire abregee et populaire de la ville d'Herment en 
 Auvergne, 12mo. . . . Herment (Puy-de-Dome), 1885 
 Second copy. 
 L' Auvergne (Puy-de-Dome). Guide complet illustre, 
 12mo. .1 .ib. [1886] 
 TARDIEU, A., et BOYER, F. La Ville Gallo-Romaine de Beau- 
 clair, Commune de Voingt. Fouilles et Decouvertes, 
 4to. ..... Clermont-Ferrand et Herment, 1882 
 TARN-ET-GARONNE. La Societe Archeologique. Bulletin Archeo- 
 logique. Tome l er , No. 1 et No. 2 ; et Tome v., 4 me , Tri- 
 mestre, 8vo. ...... Montauban, 1869-78 
 TARNER, G. E, A Comparison of the Plans of some of the Great 
 Churches, fol Lond. 1876 
 TARTAROTTI, G. Del Congresso Notturno delle Lammie. 
 S'aggiungono due dissertazioni sopra 1' Arte Magica, 4to. 
 Rover eto, 1749 
 TARTT, W. M. Memoirs concerning P. Collenuccio da Pesaro, 
 with other memoirs of the 15th century. Fifty copies 
 only, 8vo n.p. 1868 
 TARVER, G. Ch. 
 English-French Dictionary, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1845 
 8vo ib. 1858 
 TASSO, Torquato. 
 II Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme Liberata, 2 vols. 32mo. 
 Amsterdam (Elzevier), 1678 
 Aminta, favola boscareccia. (Plates.} 12mo. . Parigi, 1768 
 TASSONI, Alessandro. La Secchia Rapita, 8vo. . . Venice, 1747 
 TATE, George. 
 Antiquities of Yevering Bell and Three Stone Burn, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62**) Alnwick, 1862 
 The History of the Borough, Castle, and Barony of Alnwick, 
 2 vols. 8vo. . ... . . . ib. 1866-69 
 Representations of a Greek Vase, 4to. (Tracts 1) Lond. 1811 
 The Mausoleum at Castle Howard, 4to. .... 1812 
 TATTAM, Henry. 
 Grammar of the Egyptian Language, 8vo. . . ib. 1830 
 Lexicon JEgyptiaco-Latinum, 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1835 
 TAVERNIER, J. B. Nouvelle Relation de 1'Interieur d'un Serrail 
 du Grand Seigneur, 4to. ..... Paris, 1675 
 TAYLER, William. The Popes of Rome, to Pius ix., A.D. 1870, 
 8vo. . Lond. 1870 
 TAYLOR'S Illustrated Guide to the Banks of the Wye, 8vo. ib. 1857 
 TAYLOR, Arthur. 
 The Glory of Regality, 8vo ib. 1820 
 Papers in relation to the Antient Topography of the 
 Eastern Counties of Britain, &c., 4to. . . . ib. 1869 
 TAYLOR, Brook. 
 Method of Perspective. Edited by J. Kirby, 4to. Ipswich, 1754 
 Contemplatio Philosophica. Edited by Sir W. Young, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1793 
TAT TEE 605 
 TAYLOR, E. S. Notices of Martham Church, Norfolk, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62*) Norwich, 1856 
 TAYLOR, Edgar. 
 Lays of the Minnesingers, 8vo. .... Lond. 1825 
 Illustrations of Wace's Chronicle, 8vo. . . . ib. 1837 
 Book of Rights ; or Acts affecting civil and religious liberty 
 in England, from Magna Charta to the present time, 8vo. ib. 1 833 
 Memoir of John Meadows, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1840 
 TAYLOR, G., and SKINNER, A. Maps of the Roads of Ireland, 
 surveyed, 1777, 8vo ib. n.d. 
 TAYLOR, G. L., and CRESY, Edward. Architectural Antiquities 
 of Rome, fol ib. 1821 
 TAYLOR, Isaac. 
 History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern 
 Times, 8vo ib. 3827 
 The Etruscan Language, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1876 
 Words and Places : or, Etymological Illustrations of His- 
 tory, Ethnology, and Geography. New edition, 8vo. ib. 1882 
 Michael Angelo considered as a Philosophic Poet, 8vo. ib. 1840 
 The Moor of Venice. Cinthio's Tale and Shakspere's 
 Tragedy, 8vo ib. 1855 
 TAYLOR, Jeremy. Poems and Verse-Translations. Edited by 
 A. B. Grosart. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo. n.p. 1870 
 TAYLOR, John. Marmor Sandvicense, cum commentario, 4to. 
 (Tracts 19*) Cambridge, 1743 
 TAYLOR, M. W. Prehistoric Remains on Moordivock, near 
 Ulls water, 8vo. Kendal, 1886 
 TAYLOR, Richard. Index Monasticus ; or the Abbeys and other 
 Monasteries, &c., formerly established in the Diocese of 
 Norwich and the Ancient Kingdom of East Anglia. 
 Lond. 1821 
 TAYLOR, Silas. The History of Gavel-Kind, with the etymolosry 
 thereof, 4to ib. 1663 
 TAYLOR, Thomas. 
 A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, 
 8vo. ....... Amsterdam, [1790] 
 Two Orations of the Emperor Julian. Translated from the 
 Greek. With notes, &c. Anon. 8vo. . . Lond. 1793 
 TAYLOR, William, Antiquarian. 
 Annals of St. Mary Overy ; an Account of St. Saviour's 
 Church, &c. (Bound with Moss's " History.") 4to. ib. 1833 
 Antiquities of Lynn, 4to. . . . Lynn and Lond. 1844 
 TAYLOR, William, Missionary. Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 
 at Fort St. George. Vol. i. 8vo. . . . Madras, 1857 
 TAYLOR, William, of Tain. Fragments of the early History 
 of Tain, 8vo Tain, 1865 
 TEESDALK, co. Durham, Glossary of Provincial Words used in, 
 8vo. Lond. 1849 
606 TEG TEW 
 TEGNER, Esaias. Frithiofs Saga. Translated by W. Strong, 8vo. 
 Land. 1833 
 The Crimea and Transcaucasia, being the narrative of a 
 Journey in the Kouban, in Gouria, Georgia, Armenia, 
 Ossety, Imeritia, Swannety, and Mingrelia, and in the 
 Tauric Range. Second edition, 8vo. 2 vols. . . ib. 1877 
 The Strange Career of the Chevalier d'Eon de Beaumont. 
 (With Portraits.) 8vo ib. 1885 
 Facts relating to the Temple Church, 4to. . . . ib. 1811 
 Account of the Temple Church, 4to. .... ib. 1824 
 Students admitted 1571-1625, 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 1547-1660, 8vo ib. 1877 
 Masters of the Bench, 1450-1883, and Masters of the 
 Temple, 154U-1883. Not published, Svo. . . ib. 1883 
 TENNANT, James. A Description of the Imperial State Crown 
 in the Tower of London, Svo. (Tracts 57*) . . ib. 1861 
 TERENTIANUS MAURUS. De Litteris, Syllabis et Metris Liber. 
 Recensuit C. Lachmannus, 12mo. . . . Berlin, 1836 
 Comcediae sex. Ex recensione Heinsiana, 12mo. For Biblio- 
 graphical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue. 
 Lugd. Batav. (Elzevier) 1635 
 Another edition. For Bibliographical 
 details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue, 12mo. 
 Lugd. Batav. (Elzevier) 1635 
 Recensuit R. Bentleius. Editio altera, 4to. 
 Amsterdam, 1727 
 - Edited by W. Sandby, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1751 
 Valpy's edition, 4 vols. Svo. . . ib. 1824 
 TERREROS Y PANDO, ESTEVAN. Paleografia Espanola, 4to. 
 Madrid, 1758 
 TERRY, Charles. New Zealand; its Advantages as a British 
 Colony . Lond. 1842 
 TESORO di Concetti Poetici scelti da' piu illustri Poeti Toscani 
 da G. Cisano, Part 2, sm. 12mo. . . . Venice, 1610 
 TETIUS, Hieronymus. Aedes Barberinae ad Quirinalem des- 
 criptae, 4to. ....... Rome, 1642 
 TEUFFEL, W. S. A History of Roman Literature. Translated 
 by W. Wagner, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1873 
 TEWKESBQRY. Residential Estate, known as the "Abbey 
 House," fol lib. 1883] 
 History of Tewkesbury Abbey, Svo. (Tracts 139**) 
 Tewkesbury, 1816 
 Restoration of Tewkesbury Abbey. Report of a Meeting 
 held at Lambeth Palace, Svo. . . . . . ib. 1877 
 A new Handbook and Guide to Tewkesbury Abbey. Second 
 edition, Svo. ib. 1880 
TEX TEX 607 
 TEXIER, Charles, and R. P. PULLAN. Byzantine Architecture. 
 With Historical and Archaeological descriptions, fol. 
 Lond. 1864 
 The Principal Ruins of Asia Minor, fol. (Plates) . ib. 1865 
 Report, &c. In progress ib. 1869, etc. 
 1. Early English Alliterative Poems of the Fourteenth 
 Century. Edited by R. Morris 1864 
 2. Arthur. Edited from the Marquis of Bath's MS., by 
 F. J. Furnivall . . 1864 
 3. Tractate concerning y e Office and Dewtie of Kyngis, 
 laitlie compylit be William Lauder. Edited by Fitz- 
 Edward Hall 1864 
 4. Sir Gawayne and The Green Knight. Re-edited by 
 . R. Morris 1864 
 5. Of the Orthographic and Congruitie of the Britan 
 Tongue. Edited by H. B. Wheatly .... 1865 
 6. Lancelot of the Laik. Re-edited by W. W. Skeat . 1865 
 7. The Story of Genesis and Exodus. Edited by R. Morris 1865 
 8. Morte Arthure. Edited from R. Thornton's MS., by 
 G. G. Perry 1865 
 9. Thynne's Animaduersions uppon he Annotacions and 
 Corrections of some Imperfections of Impressiones of 
 Chaucer's Workes. Edited by G. H. Kingsley . . 1865 
 10. The Romance of Merlin. Edited by H. B. Wheatley 
 and D. W. Nash. (Bound with 21) ... 1866-67 
 11. Lyndesay's " Monarche," and other poems. Edited by 
 Fitzedward Hall. (Bound with 19) .... 1865 
 12. The Wright's Chaste Wife. Edited by F. J. Furnivall 1865 
 13. Seinte Marherete. Edited by 0. Cockayne . . 1866 
 14. King Horn ; with fragments of Floriz and Blauncheflur ; 
 and of the Assumption of our Lady. Edited by J. R. 
 Lumley .... 1866 
 15. Political, Religious, and Love Poems. Edited by F. J. 
 Furnivall 1866 
 16. The Book of Quinte Essence. Edited by F. J. 
 Furnivall 1866 
 17. Parallel Extracts from twenty-nine manuscripts of 
 Piers Plowman. Edited by W. W. Skeat . . . 1866 
 18. Hali Meidenhad. Edited by 0. Cockayne . . . 1866 
 19. Part 2 of No. 11 1866 
 20. English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole. 
 Edited by G. G. Perry . . . . . . . 1866 
 21. Part 2 of No. 10 1866 
 22. The Romans of Partenay, or of Lusignen. Edited by 
 W. W. Skeat . 1866 
 23. Dan Michels Ayenbite of Inwyt A.D. 1340. Edited by 
 R. Morris 1866 
 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, and other Poems. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall 1867 
608 TEX TEX 
 25. The Stacions of Rome, and the Pilgrim's Sea- Voyage 
 and Clene Maydenhod. Edited by F. J. Furnivall . . 1867 
 26. Religious Pieces, in Prose and Verse. Edited by Gr. G. 
 Perry 1867 
 27. Manipulus Vocabulorum, 1570 A.D. Edited by H. B. 
 Wheatley 1867 
 28. Langland's Vision of Piers Plowman (the Vernon 
 Text), part 1. Edited by W. W. Skeat .... 1867 
 29. Old English Homilies and Homiletic Treatises of the 
 Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, part 1. Edited by 
 R. Morris. (Sound with 34) 1867 
 30. Pierce the Ploughman's Crede, and God Spede the 
 Plough. Edited by W. W. Skeat 1867 
 31. Instructions for Parish Priests. By John Myrc. 
 Edited by E. Peacock 1868 
 32. The Babees Book, &c. Edited by F. J. Furnivall . 1868 
 33. The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry. Edited 
 by T. Wright 1868 
 34. Part 2 of No. 29 1868 
 35. The Historie of William Meldrum. The Testament of 
 William Meldrum. By Sir D. Lyndesay. Edited by 
 F. Hall, 8vo. . , 1868 
 36. The Romance of Merlin. Part 3 of No. 21. With 
 Essay on Arthurian Localities, by J. S. Stuart Glennie . 1869 
 37. Ane Satyre of the thrie Estaits, in commendation of 
 Vertew and vituperation of Vyce. By Sir D. Lindesay. 
 Edited by F. Hall . . . . ' . . . . 1869 
 38. Part 2 of No. 28. Together with Vita de Dowel, 
 Dobet et Dobest Secuudum Wit et Resoun. By W. 
 Langland. Edited by W. W. Skeat .... 1869 
 39. The Gest Hystoriale of the Destruction of Troy. An 
 Alliterative Romance translated from Guido de Colonna, 
 Hysteria Trojana. Edited by G. A. Panton and D. 
 Donaldson ......... 1869 
 40. English Gilds, their Statutes and Customs, 1389 A.D. 
 Edited by Toulmin Smith and Miss L. Toulmin Smith. 
 With an Essay on Gilds by L. Brentano .... 1870 
 41. The Minor Poems of William Lander. Edited by F. 
 J. Furnivall 1870 
 42. Bernardus de cura rei famuliaris, with some early 
 Scottish Prophecies, &c. Edited by J. R. Lumby . . 1870 
 43. Ratis Raving and other Pieces. Edited by J. R. 
 Lumby 1870 
 44. Joseph of Arimathie : otherwise called The Romance of 
 the Seint Graal. Edited by W. W. Skeat . . . 1871 
 45. King Alfred's West Saxon Version of Gregory's Pas- 
 toral Care. Edited by H. Sweet . . 1871 
 46. Legends of the Holy Rood; Symbols of the Passion and 
 Cross Poems. Edited by R. Morris ..... 1871 
 47. Part 5 (of No. 11). The Minor Poems. Edited by 
 J. A. H. Murray 1871 
TEX TEX 609 
 48. The Times' Whistle: or A Newe Daunce of Seven 
 Satires, and other Poems : compiled by R. C., Gent. 
 Edited by J. M. Cowper 1871 
 49. An Old English Miscellany, containing a Bestiary, 
 Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, Religious Poems of 
 the Thirteenth Century, &c. Edited by R. Morris . 1872 
 50. Part 2 (of No. 45) 1872 
 51. The Liflade of St. Juliana, 1230 A.D. Edited by 0. 
 Cockayne 1872 
 52. Palladius on Husbandrie. Edited by B. Lodge. Part 
 I ' . 1872 
 53. Old English Homilies of the Twelfth Century. Second 
 series. Edited by H. Morris 1873 
 54. Part 3 (of No. 28). With Richard the Redeless and 
 the Crowned King 1873 
 55. Grenerydes, a Romance. Edited by W. A. Wright. 
 Part I . . . 1873 
 56. Part 2 (of No. 39) 1874 
 57. Cursor Mundi, a Northumbrian Poem of the Fourteenth 
 Century. Part I. Edited by R. Morris .... 1874 
 58. The Blickling Homilies of the Tenth Century. Part I. 
 Edited by R. Morris 1874 
 59. Part 2 (of No. 57) 1875 
 60. Meditations on the Supper of Our Lord and the Hours 
 of the Passion. By R. Manning of Brunne. Edited by 
 J. M. Cowper 1875 
 61. The Romance and Prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune. 
 Edited by J. A. H. Murray 1875 
 62. Part 3 (of No. 57) 1876 
 63. Part 2 (of No. 58) 1876 
 64. Emblemes and Epigrames, by Francis Thynne. Edited 
 by F. J. Furnivall . . 1876 
 65. Be Domes Dsege (Bede's De Die Judicii) and other 
 Anglo-Saxon Pieces. Edited by J. R. Lumby . . 1876 
 66. Part 4 (of No. 57) 1877 
 67. Part 4 (of No. 28). Notes to Texts A, B, and C. . . 1877 
 68. Part 5 (of No. 57) 1878 
 69. Adam Davy's 5 Dreams about Edward II. The Life of 
 St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jeremie's 
 15 Tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentacion of Souls. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall 1878 
 70. Part 2 (of No. 55) 1878 
 71. The Lay Folks Mass Book, and Offices in English 
 according to the Use of York ; with appendix, notes, and 
 glossary by T. F. Simmons 1879 
 72. Part 2 (of No. 52). With a Ryme Index. Edited by 
 S. J. H. Herrtage 1879 
 73. Part 3 (of No. 58) 1880 
 74. The English Works of Wyclif, hitherto unprinted. 
 Edited by F. D. Matthew 1880 
610 TEX TEX 
 75. Catholicon Anglicum, an English-Latin Word-book, 
 dated 1483. Edited by S. J. H. Herrtage, with a Preface 
 by H. B. Wheatley . . . . . 1881 
 76. Aelfric's Lives of Saints, being a Set of Sermons on 
 Saints' Days. Edited by W. W. Skeat .... 1881 
 77. Beowulf. Autotypes of the Unique Cotton MS. Vitel- 
 lius A XV., with a Transliteration by J. Zupitza . .1882 
 78. The Fifty Earliest English Wills in the Court of Pro- 
 bate, London. A.D. 1387-1439; with a Priest's of 1454 
 Copied by F. J. Furnivall 1882 
 79. King Alfred's Orosius. Edited by H. Sweet. Part 1 . 1883 
 80. The Life of Saint Katherine. Edited by E. Einenkel . 1884 
 81. Langland's Vision of Piers Plowman. Part 4 of 
 No. 28 . 1884 
 82. Aelfric's Lives of Saints. Part 2 of No. 76 . . 1885 
 83. The Oldest English Texts. Edited by Henry Sweet , 1885 
 1. The Romance of William of Palerne, otherwise known . 
 as the Romance of William and the Werwolf. Edited 
 by W, W. Skeat . 1867 
 2. Early English, Pronunciation,, with especial reference to 
 Shakespeare and Chaucer. By A. J. Ellis. Part 1 . 1867 
 3. Caxton's Book of Curtesye. Edited by F. J. Furnivall . 1868 
 4. The Lay of Haveloke the Dane, written about A.D. 1280. 
 Edited by W. W. Skeat 1868 
 5. Chaucer's Translation of Boethius' " De Consolatione 
 Philosophia." Edited by R. Morris .... 1868 
 6. The Romance of the Cheuelere Assigne. Edited by H. H. 
 Gibbs 1868 
 7. Part 2 [of No. 2] 1869 
 8. Queen Elizabethe's Achademy; a Book of Precedence, 
 &c. Edited by F. J. Furnivall with Essays on early 
 Italian and German Books of Courtesy, by W. M. Rossetti 
 and E.Oswald . . , . . . . 1869 
 9. Awdeley's Fraternitye of Vacabondes, Harman's Caveat, 
 &c. Edited by E. Viles and F. J. Furnivall . . . 1869 
 LO. Andrew Borde's Introduction of Knowledge and Dyetary 
 of Helth, with Barnes in the Defence of the Berde. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall 1870 
 11. Barbour's Bruce. . Part 1. Edited by W. W. Skeat . 1870 
 12. England in the reign of King Henry the Eighth. A 
 Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Lupset. Edited 
 by J. M. Cowper. Part 2 [of No. 32] .... 1871 
 13. A Supplicacyon for the Beggers, by Simon Fish. 
 Edited by F. J. Furnivall, with a Supplycacion to our 
 moste Soueraigne Lorde Kynge Henry the Eyght (1544 
 A.D.). A Supplication of the Poore Commons (1546 A.D.) 
 and the Decaye of England by the great multitude of 
 Shepe (1550-3 A.D.). Edited by J. M. Cowper . . 1871 
 14. Part 3 [of No. 2] . . . .1871 
TEX TEX 611 
 15. The Select Works of Robert Crowley. Edited by J. M. 
 Cowper 1872 
 16. Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe. Edited by W. W. 
 Skeat "... 1872 
 1 7. The Complaynt of Scotlande, A.D. 1549, with an 
 Appendix of Contemporary English Tracts. Edited by 
 J. A. H. Murray. Part 1 1872 
 18. Part 2 [of No. 17] 1873 
 19. The Myroure of oure Ladye. Edited by J. H. Blunt . 1873 
 20. The History of the Holy Grail, Englysht A.D. 1450 by 
 Herry Lonelich, skynner from the French prose (A.D. 
 1180-1200) of Sire Robiers de Borron. Parti. Edited 
 by F. J. Furnivall 1874 
 21. Part 2 [of No. 11] ....... 1874 
 22. Henry Brinklow's Complaynt of Roderych Mors (A.D. 
 1542) and the Lamentacyon of a Christen agaynst the 
 Cytye of London made by Roderigo Mors (A.D. 1545). 
 Edited by J. M. Cowper 1874 
 23. Part 4 [of No. 2] 1874 
 24. Part 2 [of No. 20] 1875 
 25. The Romance of Guy of Warwick. Part 1. Edited 
 by J. Zupitza 1875 
 26. Part 2 [of No. 25] . 1875-76 
 27. The English Works of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester 
 (1459-1535). By J. E. B. Mayor. Part 1 ... 1876 
 28. Part 3 [of No. 20], with a Supplement to No. 10 . . 1877 
 29. Part 3 [of No. 11] ... ... 1877 
 30. Part 4 [of No. 20] 1878 
 31. Alliterative Alexander-Romances. Fragment B. Alex- 
 ander and Dindimus. Re- edited by W. W. Skeat . . 1878 
 32. England in the reign of King Henry the Eighth. Part 
 1 [of No. 12]. Starkey's Life and Letters. With an 
 extract from Sir W. Forrest's Pleasaunt Poesye of 
 Princelie Practise, 1548. Edited by S. H. Herrtage . 1878 
 33. The Early English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum. 
 Re-edited, with Introduction, &c., by S. J. H. Herrtage . 1879 
 34. The English Charlemagne Romances. Part 1. Sir 
 Ferumbras. Edited by S. J. Herrtage .... 1879 
 35. Part 2 [of No. 34]. "The Sege off Melayne," and 
 " The Romance of Duke Rowland and Sir Otuell of 
 Spayne," with a fragment of " The Song of Roland " . 1880 
 36. Part 3 [of No. 34]. The Lyf of Charles the Grete, 
 translated by William Caxton. Edited by S. J. H. Herr- 
 tage, vol i 1880 
 37. Vol. ii. of No. 34 . ." 1881 
 38. PartS [of No. 34]. The Romaunce of The Sowdone 
 of Babylone and of Ferumbras his Sone. Re-edited by 
 E. Hausknecht 1881 
 39. Part 6 [of No. 34]. The Taill of Rauf Coilyear. With 
 the Fragments of Roland, and yernagu and Otuel . . 1882 
 40. Part 7 [of No. 34]. The Boke of Duke Huon of Bur- 
 deux, done into English by Sir John Bourchier, Lord 
 Berners. Edited by S. L. Lee 1882 
 41. The English Charlemagne Romances. Part 8 of No. 34 1883 
 42. The Romance of Guy of Warwick. By J. Zupitza . 1883 
 43. The English Charlemagne Romances. Part 9 of No. 34 1884 
 44. English Charlemagne Romances. Part 10 [of No. 34]. 
 The Foure Sonnes of Aymon. Edited by Octavia Richard- 
 son. Part 1 . . " 1884 
 45. Part 2 1885 
 46. The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun. Edited by 
 Eugen Kolbing. Part 1 ...... 1885 
 THACKERAY, Francis. Researches into the Ecclesiastical and Poli- 
 tical State of Ancient Britain under the Roman Empe- 
 rors. 2 vols. (in one), 8vo. . . . . ib, 1843 
 THACKERAY, F. St. John. 
 Eton College Library, Reprinted from " Notes and Queries," 
 4to. ......... Eton, 1881 
 A Guide to the Collection of Roman Coins at Eton College. 
 With an Appendix on some Byzantine Coins, 8vo. Lond. 1882 
 THAMES, Description of the, 8vo ib. 1758 
 THANET ITINERARY. Second edition (imperfect), 8vo. Margate, 1822 
 THAYER, C. T. Address delivered at the dedication of the Memo- 
 rial Hall, Lancaster, and Ode by H. F. Buswell, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 55***) Boston, 1868 
 THEAKSTON'S Guide to Scarborough, 8vo. .. . Scarborough, 1854 
 THEINER, A. Codex Diplomaticus Dominii Temporalis S. Sedis, 
 3 vols. fol .Rome, 1861 
 Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, 8vo. . . Paris (Didot), 1846 
 Theocritus. Codicum Manuscriptorum ope denuo recensuit 
 C. Wordsworth, 8vo. , . . . Cambridge, 1877 
 Scholia in Theocritum, Nicandrum et Appianum, 8vo. 
 Paris (Didot), 1849 
 THEON. Theonis sophistse Progymnasmata, accurate emendata 
 a D. Heinsio, 8vo. ...... Ley den, 1526 
 THEOPHILUS, called also RUGERUS. An Essay upon various arts, 
 in three books, forming an Encyclopaedia of Christian 
 Art of the eleventh century. Translated by R. Hendrie, 
 8vo Lond. 1847 
 Theophrastus, M. Antoninus, Epictetus, Cebes, Maximus 
 Tyrius, 8vo. ... . Paris (Didot), 1840 
 Theophrastus. Opera. Edited by F.Wimmer,8vo. ib. (Didot), 1866 
 THEOSOPHY, an Introduction to, vol. i. 8vo. . . Lond. 1854 
 THEUBERT, Col. Description of a Golden Altar-piece from Basle, 
 4to. Paris, 1842 
 TH^VENOT, Jean. Voyage en Europe, Asie et Afrique. Third 
 edition. (Plates.) 5 vols. 12mo. . . Amsterdam, 1727 
 THIERRY, A. Histoire de la Gaule sous 1' Administration 
 Romaine, 3 vols. 8vo. ....... 1847 
THI THO 613 
 THIERRY, J. Dictionaire Francois latin, fol. . . Paris, 1564 
 Water Scheme. Statement of the case of the Thirlmere 
 Defence Association, 12mo. . Windermere and Lond. 1877 
 THOMAS, Edward. 
 On the Coins of the Patan Sultans of Hindustan, 8vo; 
 Lond. 1847 
 The Epoch of the Sah Kings of Surashtra, illustrated by 
 their Coins, 8vo ib. 1848 
 On the Coins of the Kings of Ghazni, A.H. 350= A.D. 961 to 
 A.H. 567=A.D. 1171, 8vo ib. 1848 
 A Series of 22 Tracts, in 1 vol. 8vo. Lond. and Calcutta, 1853-78 
 Contents : 
 i. The Rock-cut Phrygian Inscriptions at 
 ii. Position of Women in the East in Olden Time. 
 iii. and iv. Bactrian Coins. Nos. 1 and 2. 
 v. to ix. Early Armenian Coins. Nos. 15. 
 x. Indo-Parthian Coins, 
 xi. Oriental Legends on Imperial Arsacidan and 
 Partho-Persian Coins, 
 xi. (a) Notice on certain unpublished Coins of the 
 xii. to xv. Sassanian Coins. Nos. 1-4. 
 xvi. Recent Pehlvi Decipherments., 
 xvii. Ancient Indian Weights. No. III. 
 xviii. Ancient Indian Numerals. 
 xix. and xx. The Initial Coinage of Bengal. Nos. 1 and 2. 
 xxi. Note on the present state of the Excavations 
 at Sarnath. 
 The Initial Coinage of Bengal, introduced by the Muham- 
 madans on their Conquest of the Country. A.H. 600 to 
 800. (A.D. 1203-1397.) 8vo. . . ' . Hertford, 1866 
 - Second copy. 
 Sassanian Gems and Early Armenian Coins, 8vo. (Tracts 
 62***) Lond. 1866 
 Early Sassanian Inscriptions, Seals and Coins, 8vo. . ib. 1868 
 Second copy. 
 The Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, illustrated 
 by Coins, &c., 8vo. . . . ib. 1871 
 The Revenue Resources of the Mughal Empire in India, 
 from A.D. 1593 to A.D. 1707. A Supplement to the 
 Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, 8vo. . ib. 1871 
 The Indian Swastika and its Western Counterparts, 8vo. ib. 1880 
 The Indian Balhara, and the Arabian intercourse with 
 India in the ninth and following centuries, 4to. . ib. 1882 
 THOMAS, F. S. Handbook to the Public Records, 8vo. . ib. 1853 
 THOMAS, J. E. Pedigree and Arms of Sir Peter Gunter, 4to. 
 THOMAS, Moy. Tarn o'Shanter, a Tale, and Lament of Mary 
 Queen of Scots, by Robert Burns. The original Manu- 
 script reproduced by the Photo- Chromolith process, fol. 
 ib. n.ti. 
614 THO THO 
 THOMAS, Thomas. .Dictionarium accuratissime emendatum. 
 Decimaquarta editio, 4to. .... Lond. 1 644 
 THOMAS, Vaughan. The Night March of Charles I., from 
 Oxford to Worcester, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . . Oxford. 1850 
 THOMAS, William. 
 Antiquitates Prioratus Majoris Malverne in Agro Wicciensi, 
 8vo ib. 1725 
 Second copy. (Prattinton Collection.) 
 Survey of the Cathedral of Worcester, 4to. (Prattinton 
 Coll.) Interleaved with MS. notes . . . ib. 1736 
 - 4to. ...'... ib. 1737 
 THOMMEREL, J. P. Recherches sur la fusion du Franco-Normand 
 et de 1'Anglo-Saxon, 8vo. . . Paris and Lond. 1841 
 THOMPSON, James. 
 Life of James Allan, the Northumberland Piper. Illus- 
 trated by Gr. Cruikshank, 8vo. . Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1828 
 Historical Sketches of Bridlington, 12mo. Bridlington, 1839 
 History of Leicester, 8vo. . . Leicester and Lond. 1849 
 THOMPSON, Robert, and HOGG, John. Sketches of Kertch, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 93) Lond. 1857 
 THOMPSON, Thomas. 
 Account of Holderness and Ravenspurne, with Appendix, 
 8vo Hull, 1821 
 Another edition . . . . ib. 1824 
 History of the Church and Priory of Swine, in Holderness, 
 8vo . . . ib. 1824 
 Researches into the History of Welton and its Neighbour- 
 hood : with remarks about the Yorkshire Language. For 
 private circulation, 8vo. . . . King ston-upon- Hull, 1869 
 THOMS, W. J. 
 Book of the Court, 4to Lond. 1838 
 Early English Prose Romances, with Bibliographical and 
 Historical Introductions, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1858 
 Vol. I. Robert the Deuyll. Thomas a Reading. Frier 
 Bacon. Frier Rush. 
 Vol. II. Yirgilius. Robin Hood. George A. Green. 
 Tom a Lincolne. 
 Vol. III. Helyas. Doctor Faustus. Second Report of 
 Doctor Faustus. 
 A Literary Antiquary. Memoir of William Oldys, Esq., 
 Norroy King-at-Arms. Together with his Diary, &c. 
 8vo. ' ib. 1862 
 Three Notelets on Shakespeare. I. Shakespeare in Ger- 
 many. II. The Folk-Lore of Shakespeare. III. Was 
 Shakespeare ever a Soldier ? 8vo. .... ib. 1865 
 Hannah Lightfoot. Queen Charlotte and the Chevalier 
 D'Eon. Dr. Wilmot's Polish Princess, 8vo. . . ib. 1867 
 The Death Warrant of Charles the First. Another Historic 
 Doubt, 12mo ib. 1872 
 Curll Papers. Stray Notes on the Life and Publications of 
 Edmund Curll. For private circulation, 12mo. . ib. 1879 
THO THO 615 
 THOMSON, E. Essay on the Archaic mode of expressing num- 
 bers in English, Saxon, Friesic, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 8 L) Lond. 1853 
 THOMSON, George. Aoi/toro/ita : or the Pest Anatomized, sm. 
 12mo, . ib. 1626 
 THOMSON, J. R. 'Pelton's Illustrated 'Guide to Tunbridge Wells, 
 8vo. Tunbridge Wells, 1875 
 THOMSON, James. II Castello dell' ozio ; poema recato in verso 
 Italiano da T> J. Mathias, 8vo. . . Naples, 1826 
 THOMSON, John. 
 Etymons of English Words, 4to. . . Edinburgh, 1826 
 - Second copy. 
 THOMSON, Richard. Two Lectures on Illustrated Manuscripts, 
 8vo Lond. 1857 
 THORBURN, W. S, A Guide to the Coins of Great Britain and 
 Ireland, 8vo> . ib. 1884 
 THORESBY, Ralph. 
 Ducatus Leodiensis or the Topography of Leeds, fol. k ib. 1715 
 Vicaria Leodiensis or The History of the Church of Leeds, 
 8vo.' ib. 1724 
 Diary. (1677-1724.) Now first published by Joseph Hun- 
 ter, 2 vols, 8vo ib. 1830 
 Letters of Eminent Men, addressed to Ralph Thoresby, 
 F.R.S. Now first published. Edited by Joseph Hunter, 
 with a General Index, both to the Diary and Correspon- 
 dence, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1832 
 Vafthrudnismal, sive odarum Eddae Saemundianee una, 4to. 
 Copenhagen, 1779 
 Dania et Norwegia in Sigillis Seculi xiii. redivivse, 4to. 
 (Tracts 7) ^ . . . ^ . . . . ib. 1786 
 Eyrbyggia-Saga sive Eyranorum historia, quam versione 
 auxit G. J. T. Icelandic and Lot. 4to. . . . ib. 1787 
 De Danorum Rebus gestis secul. III. et IV. poema, edidit 
 G. J. T. Ang.-Sax. and Lat. 4to. . . " . . ib. 1815 
 THORLACIUS, B., and CIAMPIUS, S. De Septentrionalium Gentium 
 Antiquitatibus, 8vo. (Tracts 131*) . . Milan, 1827 
 THORNTON, Edward. Gazetteer of India, 4 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1854 
 THORNTON, J. W. Speech at the Fort Popham Celebration, 8vo. 
 Boston (U.S.), 1863 
 THORNTON, P. M. Harrow School and its surroundings, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1885 
 THOROTON, Robert. Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, fol. . ib. 1677 
 Analecta Anglo- Saxonica, 8vo ib. 1834 
 Da Halgan Godspel on Englisc. The Angrlo-Saxon Ver- 
 sion of the Holy Gospels, edited from the original manu- 
 scripts, 8vo ib. 1842 
 Diplomatarium Anglicum ^Evi Saxonici. A Collection of 
 English Charters. (605-1066.) With a translation of 
 the Anglo-Saxon, 8vo ib. 1865 
616 THO TIE 
 THORPE, John. 
 Registrum Roffense, or a Collection of Ancient Records 
 relating to the Diocese of Rochester. Edited by J. T., fol. 
 Lond. 1769 
 Custumale Roffense, fol ib. 1788 
 THRESHEN'S MISCELLANY, The. Second edition. (Sound with 
 Pope's " Dunciad.") 8vo ib. 1730 
 THRUPP, John. The Anglo-Saxon Home, a History of the 
 Domestic Institutions and Customs of England, from the 
 Fifth to the Eleventh Century, 8vo. . . . ib. 1862 
 THUCYDIDES, 8vo. Paris (Didot), 1855 
 Tractatio de Bulla Aurea, Argentea, Plumbea, et Cerea in 
 Genere, necnon in specie, de Aurea Bulla Caroli IY. 
 Imperatoris. ...... Frankfort, 1724 
 Second copy. 
 THURINGIA SACRA, sive Historia Monasteriorum quse olim in 
 Thuringia Floruerunt. Accedunt S. Reyheri Monumenta 
 Landgraviorum Thuringias. (Imperfect.) Fol. . ib. 1737 
 THURNAM, John. 
 On the Barrow at Lanhill, near Chippenham, 8vo. (Tracts 
 70) 1856 
 On Two Forms of Ancient British and Gaulish Skulls, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1865 
 Further Researches and Observations on the two principal 
 forms of Ancient British Skulls. With tables of measure- 
 ments, 8vo. ........ ib. n.d. 
 THURSTON, C. B. A few remarks in defence of Dr. Bosworth 
 and his Anglo-Saxon Dictionaries, 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
 THURY, Hericart de, Viscount. Discours sur la Tombe de M. le 
 Comte de Clarac, 8vo. (Tracts 85) . . . . . 1847 
 Second copy. 
 THYMA, Petrus a. Historia Brabantiaa diplomatica, edited by F. 
 A. F. T. Baro ab Reiffenberg, vol. i. 8vo. . Bruxelles, 1830 
 THYRSUS, Petrus. Dsemoniaci, hoc est : De Obsessis a Spiritibus 
 Daemoniorum Hominibus liber unus. Second edition. 
 4to Cologne, 1598 
 TIBTJLLUS. Opera, Valpy's edition, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1822 
 TICKELL, Richard. Epistle from Charles Fox, partridge shoot- 
 ing, to John Townshend, cruising. Anon. 4to. . ib. 1772 
 TICKNOR, George. 
 History of Spanish Literature, 3 vols. 8vo. . New York, 1849 
 Second edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1863 
 Life of W. H. Prescott, 4to. . . . Boston (U.S.), 1864 
 TIDDEMAN, R. H. The Work and Problems of the Victoria Cave 
 Exploration, 8vo Leeds, 1875 
 TIEDEMANN, D. Disputatio de qusestione quee fuerit Artium 
 Magicarum Origo, &c., 4to. .... Marburg, 1787 
 History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, 
 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 
TIE TJA 617 
 TIERNEY, M. A. continued. 
 An Account of the Discovery in the Collegiate Chapel at 
 Arundel of the Remains of John Fitzalan, seventeenth 
 Earl of Arundel, 8vo. (Tracts 47*) . . Lond. 1860 
 Second copy. (Tracts 74) 
 TIGHE, R. R. On the Parks and Grounds of Windsor Castle, 
 fol 1845 
 TIGHE, R. R., and DAVIS, J. E. Annals of Windsor; with 
 Account of Eton and places adjacent, fol. . . . 1855 
 TILER, Arthur. History of St. Saviour's, Southwark, 8vo. 
 ib. 1765 
 TILL, William. Queen Anne's Farthings and Patterns, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 102) . ib. 1835 
 TILLOTSON, John, Archbishop. Charge of Socinianism against 
 Archbishop Tillotson considered, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1695 
 TIMES, John. 
 Curiosities of London, 8vo. ..... Lond. 1855 
 New edition, 8vo ib. 1868 
 Things Not Generally Known, second series, 8vo. . ib. 1859 
 TIMES NEWSPAPER. The Times. Printed logographically. Jan. 
 1st to Dec. 30th, 1789. Nos. 1220 to 1349, fol. . ib. 1789 
 TIMMINS, Samuel. 
 Buildings of Birmingham, past and present, obi. 4to. 
 Birmingham, 1866 
 Industrial History of Birmingham, 8vo. . . . ib. 1866 
 TIMOTHY. Dialogue between Timothy and Philatheus on 
 Religious subjects, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . Lond. 1709-10 
 TINDAL, William. 
 History of Evesham, 4to. ..... Evesham, 1794 
 - Second copy. [Prattinton CollJ] 
 TIRABOSCHI, G. Storia della Letteratura Italiana, 8 vols. 4to. 
 Modena, 1787-94 
 TISCHBEIN, Wilhelm. Nachricht iiber die Herausgabe meines 
 Homer, 12mo. (Tracts 142) . . . Gottingen, 1800 
 TISSERAND, E. Geographic des Alpes-Maritimes, 24mo. Nice, 1869 
 TITE, William. 
 Antiquities found at the Royal Exchange, 8vo. (Two copies) 
 Lond. 1848 
 Address delivered before the Society of Antiquaries of 
 London on early printed Books and Manuscripts, 8vo. ib. 1862 
 TITTARELLI, S. Breve Trattato di Canto Corale Ecclesiastico, 
 4to Rome, 1853 
 TITUS, Col., alias William ALLEN. Killing no Murder : (Origin- 
 ally applied to 0. Cromwell). A Discourse proving it 
 lawful to kill a Tyrant, &c., 8vo. . . . Lond. 1743 
 TITUS, Didacus Placidus de. Primum Mobile, with Theses to 
 the Theory, and Canons for Practice. Translated by 
 John Cooper. (Portrait.) 8vo. .... ib. n.d. 
 TJADER, J. J. Karta ofver Fahlu esser Stora Kopparbergs 
 Grufwor, fol. . .... Stockholm, 1845 
618 TOB TOM 
 TOBIN, Catherine, Lady. 
 Shadows of the East, Imp. 8vo. .... Lond. 1855 
 The Land of Inheritance, Boy* 8vo. .... ib. 1863 
 Dissertation sur 1'Epoque de la Mort D'Antiochus VII. 
 Euergetes, sur deux medailles de ce Prince et sur un 
 passage du II e livre de Macchabees, 4to. . .. Paris, 1815 
 Cachets antiques des Medecins Oculistes, 4to. . . ib. 1816 
 TODD, C. S. 
 Incidents in the History of Kingston-upon-Hull from the 
 accession of Edward IL to the death of Richard III., 8vo. 
 Lond. and Hull, 1867 
 from the accession of Henry VII. to the 
 death of Henry VIII., 8vo. . . ib. 1869 
 The Battle of Brunanburgh : its cause, history, and site. 
 A Lecture, 4to Hull, 1881 
 TODD, H. J. 
 Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer, 4to. . . Lond. 1810 
 Vindication of the Authorised Translation of the Bible, 8vo. 
 ib. 1819 
 Memoirs of Brian Walton, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1821 
 Observations on the Metrical Version of the Psalms, 8vo. ib. 1822 
 History of the College of Bonhommes of Ashridge, fol. ib. 1823 
 Letter concerning the Authorship of the Icon Basilike, 8vo. 
 ib. 1825 
 Some Account of the Life and Writings of John Milton, 
 8vo ib. 1826 
 Reply to Dr. Lingard's Vindication of his History, as far 
 as respects Archbishop Cranmer, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . ib. 1827 
 Bishop Gauden -the Author of Icon Basilike, 8vo. (Tracts 
 100) ib. 1829 
 Life of Cranmer, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1831 
 R/eperfcorium Theologicum. A synoptical table of the 
 Writings of Thos. Jackson, Dean of Peterborough, 12mo. 
 ib. 1838 
 St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland. A Memoir of his Life and 
 Mission, 8vo. ........ ib. 1864 
 The Books of the Vaudois. The Waldensian Manuscripts 
 preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Cambridge, 1865 
 Some Account of the Irish Manuscript deposited by De 
 Robien in the Library of Rennes, 8vo. . . Lublin, 1867 
 Descriptive Catalogue of the contents of " The Book of 
 Fermoy,"~8vo. . \ '. ". '. . '. ". ib. 1868 
 To ' EN ' APXH : or, an Exercitation upon a momentous Question 
 in Divinity. By a Protestant, 4to. . . Lond. 1675 
 De Tesseris Hospitalitatis, 18mo. . . Amsterdam, 1670 
 Titus Livius Patavinus. [A life of Livy,] 12mo. . ib. 1670 
 TOMBSTONES, Tract upon, 8vo. (Tracts 135*) . . Eugeley, 1843 
 TOMES Family, of Marston Sicca, co. Gloucester, Pedigree, 4to. 
 . Lond. 1879 
TOM TOW 619 
 TOMLINSON, G. D. List of 723 Portraits and Views to illustrate 
 the History of England by T. B. Macaulay. Privately 
 printed, 8vo Huddersfield, 1880 
 TOMLINSON, G. W. Some Account of the Founders of the Hud- 
 dersfield Subscription Library (1807), 8vo. . . ib. 1875 
 TOOKE, J. H. 
 Diversions of Purley. Edited by R. Taylor, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 
 8vo ib. 1840 
 TOOKE, William. Pieces Written by M. Falconet and M. Diderot 
 on Sculpture. Translated by W. Tooke, 4to. . ib. 1777 
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 S. E. Brydges and the Rev. Stebbing Shaw.) 4 vols. 8vo. 
 ib. 1789-91 
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 Rawlinson), 8vo ib. 1720 
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 i. to iii. 8vo ib. 1846-58 
 TOPOGRAPHICAL PRINTS, chiefly extracted from " The Builder," fol. 
 View of London (circa 1550), fol. . . . ib. 1881-82 
 TOPOGRAPHY, Ecclesiastical and Architectural, of England, Bed- 
 fordshire, Berks, Bucks, Diocese of Oxford, Huntingdon- 
 shire and Cambridgeshire, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford and Lond. 1848-52 
 TOPPAN, R. N. Some modern Monetary Questions viewed by the 
 Light of Antiquity, 8vo. . . . Philadelphia, 1880 
 TORLONU, Prince Alexander. The Draining of Lake Fucino, 
 fol. . . . n.p. n.d. 
 Annales regum Mauritania, 2 vols. 4to. . . Upsal, 1843-46 
 Numi cufici Regii Numophylacii Holmiensis, 4to. . ib. 1848 
 TORRIANO, Gio. Vocabolario Italiano e Inglese. A Dictionary 
 Italian and English, formerly compiled by John Florio, 
 &c., fol. . . ... . . . Lond. 1659 
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 perfect.) 12mo. ..*.... ib. n.d. 
 TOTTENHAM. The Tournament of Tottenham, and the Feast. 
 Two early ballads. Edited by T. Wright, 8vo. (Tracts 
 TOTTENHAM, Allhallows Church, 8vo. (Tracts 148**) Tottenham, 1861 
 TOULMOUCHE. Histoire archeologique de I'Epoque Gallo-Romaine 
 de Rennes, 4to Rennes, 1847 
 TOURNAL. Catalogue du Musee de Narbonne et notes historiques 
 sur cette ville, 8vo. . . . Narbonne et Paris, 1864 
 TOURNON, Comte de. Etudes Statistiques sur Rome, et sur la 
 partie occidentale des tats Remains. Seconde edition. 
 Imp. 8vo . Paris, 1831 
 TOWER OP LONDON. Curiosities in the Tower of London. Second 
 edition. (In a case with "The Gigantick History.") 
 2 vols. 64mo . . . 1 741 
 TOWNEND, W. The Descendants of the Stuarts, 8vo. Lond. 1858 
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620 TOW TEA 
 Manual of Dates, 8vo Lottd. 1862 
 Men of the Time, 8vo ib. 1868 
 TOWNSHEND, Heywood. Historical Collections of the four last 
 Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth, fol. . . ib. 1680 
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 TRACTS. [A] An 8vo. vol. containing : 
 1. An Enquiry into the Causes of the Miscarriage of the 
 Scots Colony at Darien ..... Glasgow, 1710 
 2. A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien . n.p. 1700 
 3. The Distinction of High Church and Low Church dis- 
 tinctly consider'd, &c. ..... Lond. 1705 
 4. The Church of England prov'd to be conformable to and 
 approv'd by all the Protestant Churches of Europe ib. 1706 
 5. Faults on Both Sides ib. 1710 
 6. Faults in the Faultfinder ib. 1710 
 7. Faults on no side : or Everyone in the Bight . ib. 1710 
 8. Law is a Bottomless Pit . . . . . ib. 1712 
 9. John Bull in his Senses : Being the second part of Law 
 is a Bottomless Pit ib. 1712 
 10. An Appendix to John Bull still in his Senses . ib. 1712 
 11. John Bull still in his Senses : being the third part of 
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 Mother Haggy ib. 1712 
 13. A complete Key to Law is a Bottomless Pit, and the 
 Story of the St. Alban's Ghost .... ib. 1712 
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 1. Observations on Dr. Arbuthnot's Dissertations on Coins, 
 &c. By B. Lang with ib. 1747 
 2. An Essay towards an historical account of Irish Coins. 
 By J. Simon. Plates Dublin, 1749 
 3. Ankographia, sive Convallium Descriptio or an explana- 
 tion of a new Chart of East Kent . . Canterbury, 1743 
 4. Three Dissertations on Augustus, Horace and Agrippa. 
 By the Abbe Vertot. Another on the Gallery of Verres, 
 by the Abbe Fraguier, &c. (Translated and collected by 
 G. Turnbull) Lond, 1740 
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 Georgics attempted to be explained. By Mr. Holdsworth ib. 1742 
 6. A Discourse concerning Poetry in general, and that of 
 the Hebrews in particular by Mr. Abbot Fleury n.p. n.d. 
 1. Case on behalf of James Tracy, claiming the dignities of 
 Viscount Tracy and Baron Tracy in the Peerage of Ire- 
 land, fol. ....... Lond. n.d. 
 2. Case on behalf of the same, fol. .... ib. 1862 
 1 & 4, 8vo Paris, 1886 
TRA TRI 621 
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 8vo. (Tracts 40) 1845 
 TRAIN, Joseph. Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of 
 Man, 2 vols. 8vo Douglas, 1845 
 TRANOIS, M. La Petite Mer Appelee Morbihan, 4to. (Tracts 
 30) ... ... Saint Brieuc, 1853 
 TRAP AD CRUCEM, or the Papist's Watchword, 4to. . . . 1670 
 TRAPP, Mauriz. Die Urnengraber bei Miiglitz, 4to. . . . 1861 
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 1. Cenni sulla maniera di rinvenire i vasi fittili Italo-Greci, 
 &c., di R. Gargiulo, seconda edizione . . Naples, 1843 
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 Naples. Par Stanislas Aloe .... Berlin, 1843 
 3. Bicerche sul precise valore delle antiche Misure Romane 
 di estensione lineare, &c. .... Rome, 1853 
 4. II mito di Ercole che succhia il latte di Giunone illustrate 
 cogli antichi scrittori, (fee., da Giulio Minervini. (Plates) 
 Naples, 1854 
 5. Intorno ad un Osca Iscrizione incisa nel cippo disotter- 
 rato a Pompei nell'Agosto del 1851. Memoria di B. 
 Quaranta ........ ib. 1851 
 TRAVIS, W. On a British Tumulus, 4to. . . . Scarboro, 1830 
 TREBUTIEN, G. S. Le Mont Saint Michel, 8vo. and 4to. Caen, 1841 
 TREGELLAS, W. H. The Horse Guards. Memoranda, Views and 
 Plans, illustrative of the History of the Buildings, fol. 
 \_Lond. 1880] 
 A select Glossary of English Words used formerly in senses 
 different from their present, 12mo. . . Lond. 1859 
 On the Study of Words. Eleventh edition, 12mo. . ib. 1864 
 TRENCHFIELD, Caleb. A Cap of Gray Haires for a Green Head : 
 or, the Father's Counsel to his Son, an Apprentice in 
 London. Fifth edition, 8vo ib. 1710 
 TRENT, COUNCIL OF. Canones et Decreta, sm. 8vo. . Lyons, 1611 
 TRERY, H. C. Sketches in Lowestoft. (Lith. Plates.) fol. 
 Lond. 1852 
 Hospitalis S. Elizabeths Scrope Historia, 8vo. . . ib. 1786 
 Die Gesellschaft fur niitzliche Forschungen. Jahresbericht 
 iiber die Jahre 1863 und 1864, 69-73, und 78-86, 4to. 
 Treves, 1867, etc. 
 Die Romische Villa zu Nennig. Ihre Inschriften erlautert 
 von Domcapitular Von Wilmowsky, fol. . . . ib. 1868 
 Archaologische Funde in Trier und Umgegend. Beschrieben 
 von Domcapitular von Wilmowsky, 4to. . . . ib. 1873 
 An Exact Accompt of the Indictment and Judgment of 
 twenty-nine Regicides, the Murtherers of His Late Sacred 
 Majesty, 9-19 Oct. 1660, 4to Lond. 1660 
622 TEI TRI 
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 Ravillac Redivivus. Being a Narrative of the tryal of Mr. 
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 Trials of Thomas White, alias Whitebread ; William Har- 
 court ; John Fenwick ; John Gavan, alias Gawen, and 
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TRI TRO 623 
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 the House of Commons ....... 1680 
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 7. The Tryal and Condemnation of E. Fitz-Harris . . 1681 
 8. The Proceedings at the Sessions House against Anthony, 
 Earl of Shaftesbury. 1681 
 9. The Tryals of T. Walcot, W. Hone, W. Lord Russell, 
 J. Rous and W, Blagg , , 1683 
 10. The Tryal and Conviction of J. Hambden, Esq. . . 1684 
 11. The Tryal and Conviction of Sir Sam. Bernardiston, 
 Bart. , .... . 1684 
 12. The Speech of the Lord High- Steward upon Proceeding 
 to Judgment against James, Earl of Derwentwater, &c. 1715 
 TRICASSIO da Cefesari. Epitoma Chyromatico, sm, 8vo. Venice, 1538 
 TRIEBNER, T. P. Letter to Dr. Kirwan, 8vo. (Tracts 118) 
 Lond. 1844 
 TRIGAAUT, Nic. Vita G. Barzsei e Societate Jesu B. Xaverii in 
 India socii. (Bound with " Facetiae Faoetiarum.") 12mo. 
 Cologne, 1611 
 TRCGLANDIUS, J. Oratio Funebris in Obitum D. Constantini 
 I'Empereur ab Opwiick. (Sound with " Saxo Gram- 
 maticus," Sora, 1644.) Fol Leyden, 1648 
 TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. .List of English Books in the 
 Library, printed before 1500, by E. Cranwell, 8vo. 
 Cambridge, 1847 
 TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. Catalogue of Roman Silver Coins, 
 by J. A. Malet, 8vo. , . . Dublin, 1839 
 TRISTAN, Recueil de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs a ses 
 A ventures, composes en Francois, en Anglo-Normand, et 
 en Grec, dans les xii et xiii Siecles, public par Francisque 
 Michel, 3 vols. 12mo. . . Lond. 1835-39 
 TRISTAN, Jean. Commentaires Historiques contenans 1'Histoire 
 Generale de 1'Empire Romain, 3 vols. fol. . Paris, 1657 
 TROJAN CONTROVERSY : A 4to. vol. containing : 
 1. A Dissertation on the War of Troy, showing that no 
 such expedition was ever undertaken, and that no such 
 city of Phrygia ever existed. By J. Bryant . . n.p. n.d. 
 2. A Letter to J. Bryant by Gilbert Wakefield . Lond. 1797 
 3. A Description of the Plain of Troy. From the French 
 of M. Chevalier, by A. Dalzel . . Edinburgh, 1791 
 4. A Vindication of Homer and of the Ancient Poets and 
 Historians. By J. B. S. Marritt . . . York, 1798 
 5. The History of Ilium or Troy. By the author of 
 " Travels in Asia Minor and Greece " . . Lond. 1802 
 6. Observations on the Topography of the Plain of Troy 
 ib. 1814 
 TROKELOWE, John de. Annales Edvardi II. Edited by T. 
 Hearne, 8vo. ....... Oxford, 1729 
624 TRO TUF 
 TROLLOPE, Edward. 
 Illustrations of Ancient Art from Pompeii and Hercu- 
 laneum, 4to. ....... Loud. 1854 
 Hand-book of Excursions of the Lincoln Diocesan Archi- 
 tectural Society, 8vo Sleaford, 1857 
 Ancaster under the Romans and Mediaeval Ancaster, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95**) ib. 1868 
 Sleaford and the wapentakes of Flaxwell and Aswardhurn, 
 co. Lincoln, 8vo. .... Lond. and Sleaford, 1872 
 The Descent of the various branches of the ancient family 
 of Thorold, 4to Lincoln, 1874 
 The family of Trollope, 4to ib. 1875 
 TEOLLOPE, Edward, Bishop of Nottingham. King Henry YIII.'s 
 Jewel Book, 8vo. 
 TROLLOPE, William. History of Christ's Hospital, 4to. Lond. 1834 
 TROY. The Destruction of Troy, wherein is contained the 
 prowess of Hercules, &c., 4to. . . . ib. 1676 
 TROYES. Sieges de Troyes par les Jesuites, 12mo. . Paris, 1826 
 TROYON, Frederic. 
 Habitations Lacustres de la Suisse, 12mo. (Tracts 62) 
 Lausanne, 1857 
 - 8vo ib. 1860 
 Ossements et Antiquites du lac de Moossedorf, 8vo. (Tracts 
 62) 1857 
 Sur les Fouilles faites a Concise, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) . . 1861 
 L'Homme Fossile, ou Etudes sur les traces de 1'existence 
 de I'Homme, 8vo ib. 1867 
 Monuments de 1'Antiquite dans 1'Europe Barbare suivis 
 d'une statistique des Antiquites de la Suisse occidentale 
 et d'une Notice sur les antiquites du Canton de Yaud, 
 8vo . ib. 1868 
 Description des Tombeaux de Bel- Air pres Cheseaux sur 
 Lausanne, 4to. (Tracts 7) 
 Le Paganisme dans le Christianisme, 8vo. (Tracts 153*) 
 TRUDON, S. Nouveau Traite de la Science Pratique du Blason, 
 8vo Paris, 1689 
 TRUE COPIES of the Letters between John Bisshop of Sarum, 
 and D. Cole upon occasion of a sermon that the said 
 Bishop preached before the Quene's Maiestie, &c., 1560. 
 (For Bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catatogue.) 
 Lond. (John Daye), 
 TRULL, W. The Original Raphael Tapestries, 8vo. (Tracts 100) 
 ib. 1838 
 TUCKER, Charles. Notices of Antiquities of Bronze found in 
 Devonshire, 8vo. (Tracts 59***) .... n.p. 1868 
 TUCKETT, John. Devonshire Pedigrees. Recorded in the 
 Herald's Visitation of 1620, with additions, &c. Parts 
 1-12, with indexes, 2 vols. 4to. . . . Lond. 
 TUER, A. W. Bartolozzi and his Works. A Biographical and 
 Descriptive Account, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 
 Lond. and New TorJc, 1881 
 TUFARI, R. La Certosa di S. Martino in Napoli, 8vo. Naples, 1850 
TUK TUR 625 
 TUKE, Thomas. Concerning the Holy Eucharist and the 
 Popish Breaden God (1625). Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 {Fuller Worthies' Library.) For private circulation. 8vo. 
 n.p. 1871 
 TULLIE, Isaac. A Narrative of the Siege of Carlisle in 1644 
 and 1645. Edited by S. Jefferson. 8vo. . Carlisle, 1840 
 TUNBRIDGE WELLS GUIDE. Sixth edition. 12mo. 
 Tunbridge Wells, 1834 
 TUPPER, C. L. Panjab Customary Law. (Vol. iv. by J. Wilson ; 
 vol. v. by T.' G. Walker), 5 vols. 8vo. . Calcutta, 1881-85 
 TURBERVILLE, T. C. Worcestershire in the Nineteenth Century. 
 [Woolfe Coll.'] 8vo Lond. 1852 
 TURIN. Esposizione Geiierale Italiana Torina, Catalogo Ufficiale 
 della Sezione Storia dell' Arte. Guida Illustrata al 
 Castello Feudale del Secolo XV. 8vo. . . Turin, 1884 
 TURKEY. British Diplomacy and Turkish Independence, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 124) Lond. 1838 
 TURKS, Complete History of the, vols. i.-iii. 8vo. . . ib. 1719 
 TURNBULL, G. B. Disputatio Juridica de Officio Prsesidis, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1832 
 TURNER, Dawson. 
 Antiquities of Normandy, 2 vols. fol. . . . Lond. 1822 
 36 Etchings of Irish Antiquities * 1830 
 Catalogue of Engravings in the Library of D. Turner 
 towards the Topography of Norfolk, 8vo. Yarmouth, 1841 
 Index to Contents of five manuscript vols. illustrative of 
 the History of Great Britain, 4to ib. 1843 
 Visit of Charles II. to Norwich, 8vo. (Tracts 71) . ib. 1846 
 Norfolk Benefices, 8vo. ..... Norwich, 1847 
 Guide to Verification of MSS., 8vo. . . Yarmouth, 1848 
 Sepulchral Reminiscences of a Market Town, 8vo. 
 Yarmouth, 1848 
 TURNER, G. 0. P. Topographical Memorandums for the County 
 of Oxford, 8vo Lond. 1820 
 TURNER, J. M. W. Liber Studiorum ; A Selection of fifteen of 
 the best plates, fol. ....... ib. n.d. 
 TURNER, Sharon. 
 History of the Anglo-Saxons, 4 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1799-1805 
 3 vols. 8vo. ... . ib. 1820 
 Vindication of the Genuineness of the Ancient British 
 Poems of Aneurin Taliesin, &c., 8vo. . . ib. 1803 
 History of England during the Middle Ages, 3 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1814-23 
 5 vols. 8vo ib. 1825 
 History of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, 4to. . ib. 1829 
 Sacred History of the World, 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1832-37 
 History of Henry VIII., 4to ib. 1836 
 Richard the Third, a Poem, 8vo ib. 1845 
 TURNER, Sir T. Hudson. 
 Domestic Architecture in England from the Conquest to 
 the end of the Thirteenth Century, 8vo. 
 Oxford and Lond. 1851 
626 TUB 1 TWY 
 TURNER, Sir T. Hudson continued. 
 Account of Mount Orgueil Castle, Jersey, 8vo. . Jersey, 1883 
 TURNER, Thomas. A Sermon preached in the King's Chappell 
 at Whitehall upon the 29th of May, 1685, 4to. Lond. 1685 
 TURNER, W. H. Selections from the Records of the City of 
 Oxford, with extracts from other documents illustrating 
 the Municipal History, Henry VIII. to Elizabeth (1509- 
 83). 8vo . Oxford and Lond. 1880 
 TURNOR, Edmund. 
 History of Grantham, 4to. ..... Lond. 1806 
 Second copy. (Bound with "Hewlett's 
 On the Exportation of Wool, 4to ib. 1824 
 TURNOR, Lewis. History of Hertford, 8vo. . . Hertford, 1830 
 TURPIN, John, Archbishop. De vita Caroli Magni et Rolandi. 
 Edited by S. Ciampi, 8vo Florence, 1822 
 TURQUET, L. The Generall Historie of Spaine, written in 
 1583. Translated and continued by E. Grimeston. Fol. 
 Lond. 1612 
 TUSSER, Thomas. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. 
 Besides the Book of Huswifery. 4to. . . . ib. 1663 
 TWAMLEY, Charles. History of Dudley Castle and Priory, 8vo. 
 ib. 1867 
 TWEDDELL, G. M. Rhymes and Sketches, to illustrate the 
 Cleveland Dialect, 12mo. .... Stokesley, 1875 
 TWEEDIE, Charles. Conduct of Great Britain Vindicated, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1799 
 TWELVE PATRIARCHS, The Testament of the. Translated from 
 the Greek by R. Grosthead, 12mo. . . . Berwick, 1791 
 Pastoral to the Memory of R. Illidge, 8vo. Manchester, 1833 
 Life and Writings of R. Illidge, 8vo. . . . ib. 1836 
 TWINING, Louisa. Symbols and Emblems of early and medieval 
 Christian Art. New edition, 8vo. . . , Lond. 1885 
 Twiss, Richard. Travels in Spain and Portugal, 4to. , ib. 1775 
 Twiss, Sir Travers. Christopher Columbus. A Monograph on 
 his true Burial Place. 8vo. . . . ib. 1879 
 TWOPENT, William. 
 Remarks on Collecting Fragments of Ancient Architecture, 
 8vo. (Tracts 56) ... . ib. 1832 
 Etchings of Ancient Capitals, &c., from Drawings by W. 
 Twopenny, fol, ib. 1837 
 Memoir of J. G. Rokewode, fol ib. 1842 
 Specimens of Ancient Woodwork, etched from Drawings 
 by W. Twopenny, fol ib. 1859 
 TWTSDEN, Sir Roger. 
 Historic Anglicanae Scrip tores Decem. fol. . ib. 1652 
 Simeon, Monachus Dunelmensis. 
 Johannes, Prior Hagustaldensis. 
 Ailredus, Abbas Rievallensis. 
TWY ULB 627 
 TWYSDEN, Sir Roger continued. 
 Radulphus de Diceto, Londonensis. 
 Johannes Brompton, Jorvallensis. 
 Gervasius, Monachus Dorobornensis. 
 Thomas Stubbs, Dominicanus. 
 Gulielmus Thorn, Cantuariensis. 
 Henricus Knighton, Leicestrensis. 
 Ricardus, Prior Hagustaldensis. 
 Explicatio Cuficse iiiscriptionis, 4to. . . . Rostock, 1789 
 De Cuneatis Inscriptionibus lucubratio, 4to. . . ib. 1798 
 TYLOR, E. B. 
 Anahuac ; or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and 
 Modern, 8vo. . . . . . . Land. 1861 
 Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the 
 Development of Civilisation. Second edition. 8vo. ib. 1870 
 Primitive Culture. Researches into the Development of 
 Mythology, Philosophy, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1871 
 TYMMS, Samuel. 
 On Peg Tankards, 4to. (Tracts 6) 1827 
 Family Topographer, vols. i.-vii., 8vo. . . ib. 1832-43 
 Handbook of Bury St. Edmunds, sm. 8vo. (Tracts 152*) 
 Bury, 1854 
 The East Anglian; or, Notes and Queries on Suffolk, 
 Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk, vols. i. iii., vol. iv. Nos. 
 106-7, 8vo Lowestoft, 1858-70 
 TYRRELL, James. 
 General History of England, vols. i., ii., vol. iii. 2 parts, fol. 
 Land. 1698-1704 
 Bibliotheca Politica, fol. ib. 1718 
 TYSSEN, A. D. Church Bells of Sussex, 8vo. . . Lewes, 1864 
 TYSSEN, J. R. D. 
 Inventories of the Goods and Ornaments in the Churches 
 of Surrey in the Reign of Edward VI., 8vo. . Lond. 1869 
 Survey of the Church of the College of Mailing, near 
 Lewes, 8vo Lewes, 1870 
 TYTLER, Robert. Illustrations of Ancient Geography and 
 History, 8vo Lond. 1825 
 UGHELLUS, F. Italia Sacra, 10 vols. in 9, fol. . . Venice, 1717 
 ULLATHORNE, Bishop. Pilgrimage to the Monastery of Subiaco, 
 and the Grotto of St. Benedict, 8vo. (Tracts 75) Lond. 1856 
 ULM. Album von Ulm, 8vo. ..... Ulm, n.d. 
 IN. Verhandlungen. New series, Part 1, 4to. . ib. 1869 
 ULRICHS, N. H. Harbours of Athens. Translated by E. P. 
 Colquhoun, 8vo. (Tracts 121) . . . Lond. 1847 
 ULRICI, Emil. Die Ansiedlungen der Normanen in Island, 
 Gronland u. Nord-Amerika im 9, 10, und 11, Jahrhun- 
 dert. Ein Vortrag, 8vo. 
628 ULS URE 
 ULSTER JOURNAL OP ARCHEOLOGY, vols. i.-ix. 4to. Belfast, 1853-62 
 UNDSET, Ingvald. 
 Norske Oldsager i Fremmede Museer, 4to. Ohrifftiania, 1878 
 Etudes sur 1'Age de Bronze de la Hongrie. I. Avant- 
 propos. Les Fibules. Les Epees, 8vo. . . . ib. 1880 
 UNION OF BENEFICES ACT. Amendment Bill (1860). (Sound 
 with a Memorial of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's 
 to the Bishop of London ; and Remarks on the Bill by 
 E. Freshfield), fol Lond. 1883 
 Annual Reports, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1837-45 
 Catalogue of the Library, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1836 
 8vo. ib. 1842 
 8vo ib. 1865 
 Quarterly Reports of Donations, Nos. 1 to 7, and 9, 8vo. 
 ib. 1843-45 
 Journal, Vol, i., etc., 8vo. In progress . . ib. 1858, etc. 
 Index of the Lectures and Papers contained in Yols. xi.- 
 xx. of the Journal; and also of the Names of their 
 Authors, 8vo. ........ ib. 1878 
 Lectures Addressed to Officers of Volunteer Corps, 1873, 
 8vo. ib. 1873 
 Distribution List .of Members on Active Service, 1st April, 
 1880, 8vo ib. 1880 
 Report on Canal Fund, 8vo. (Tracts 100.) 
 Annual Report of Commissioner General of the Land Office, 
 8vo 1840 
 Abstract of the Seventh Census, fol. . . Washington, 1851 
 bracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah; 
 Explorations for 1872. By F. Y. Hayden, 8vo. , ib, 1873 
 Address of Dr. John Elliot son, at the opening of the Medical 
 Session, 1832, 8vo. ... . Lond, 1832 
 Calendar for 1853-54, 79-84 and 85-87, etc., 8vo. In progress. 
 ib. 1854, etc. 
 Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting, 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 A Biographical Account of the principal Works relating to 
 English Topography, 3 vols. 8vo. . . . ib. 1818 
 Catalogue of Original Letters collected by W. Upcott, 4to. 
 ib. 1836 
 UPTON, Nicolaus. De studio militari libri quatuor. J. de Bado 
 Aureo, Tractatus de Armis. H. Spelmanni Aspilogia. 
 Edidit E. Bissseus, fol ib. 1654 
 URBANI, D. Segni di Cartiere Antiche. Dieci Tavole, 8vo. 
 Venice, 1870 
 URE, David. History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride, 8vo. 
 Glasgow, 1793 
URS VAL 629 
 Monumenta Patavina, 4to Padua, 1652 
 Explanatio Notarum et Litteramm quse in antiquis lapidibus 
 occurrunt, 12rao Paris, 1723 
 URSINUS, Fulvius. Families Romanoe quse reperiuntur in anti- 
 quis Nuniismatibus ab Urbe Condita ad tempora D. Divi 
 Augusti, fol. . Home, 1577 
 USHER, James, Archbishop. 
 Annals of the World, fol Lond. 1658 
 Armachani Annales, fol. . . . . . Bremen, 1686 
 The Reduction of Episcopacy into the form of Synodical 
 Government, 4to. . Lond. 1689 
 The Prophecy of Bishop Usher, 4to ib. 1688 
 Latin Psalter in the University Library of Utrecht 
 (formerly Cotton MS. Claudius C. VII.), 4to. . ib. n.d. 
 Reports addressed to the Trustees of the British Museum 
 on the age of the Manuscript. By E. A. Bond, and 
 others. With a Preface by A. P. Stanley. With three 
 Facsimiles, fol ib. 1874 
 UTRUM HOKUM ; or, God's Ways of disposing of Kingdoms : and 
 some Clergy-Men's Ways of disposing of them (Historical 
 Tracts 1672-93), 4to ib. 1691 
 UZIELLI COLLECTION. Catalogue of the Uzielli Collection. By 
 J. C. Robinson, 8vo ib. 1860 
 , 0. Emblemata Horatiana, imaginibus in fes incisis,atque 
 Latino, Germanico, Gallico, et Belgico carmine illustrata, 
 8vo. ....... Amsterdam, 1684 
 Seleucidarum Imperium, sive Historia Regnm Syriee ad 
 fidem Numismatum accommodata. (Plates.) 4to, Paris, 1681 
 Selectiora Numismata in oere maximi moduli e Museo 
 Francisci De Camps concisis inter pretationibus per D. 
 Vaillant illustrata, 4to ib. 1695 
 Historia Ptolemseorum JBgypti Regum, fol. Amsterdam, 1701 
 Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum preestamtiora a J. 
 Cesare ad Postumum usque. Cui accessit Appendix a 
 Postumo ad Constantinum Magnum. (Plates.) 3 vols. 
 4to. ......... Rome, 1743 
 VAINES, Dom De. Dictionnaire raisonne de Diplomatique, 2 vols. 
 8vo Paris, 1774 
 VALENCIA, Archaeological Society of. Memoria. Apr. 22 to 
 Dec. 31, 1871,&ro. . , , , , . Valencia, 1872 
 Two Treatises. Printed heretofore in the German language, 
 and now translated into English, 12mo. . . Lond. 1670 
 His triumphant Chariot of Antimony with Annotation of 
 T. Kirkringius. With the true Book of Synesius con- 
 cerning the Philosopher's Stone, 8vo. , . . ib. 1678 
630 YAL VAN 
 VALENTINE AND ORSON. The Renowned History of Valentine 
 and Orson. (Woodcuts.) Sm. 12mo. . . Lond. 1746 
 Another edition, sm. 4to. . . . ib. 1746 
 La Patriarcale Basilica Lateranense ilhistrata, &c. Des- 
 critta da F. Gerardo. (Plates.) 2 vols. (in one), fol. 
 Rome, 1832-34 
 Patriarcale Basilica Liberiana illustrata, &c. (Plates.) Fol. 
 ib. 1839 
 Dictorum et Factorum Memorabilium Libri Novem., fol. 
 (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue) 
 Venetiis, 1485 
 Another edition. (For bibliographical de- 
 tails see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue) . . . ib. 1502 
 Valpy's edition, 3 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1823 
 Romae Antiques Descriptio. Rendered into English (by S. 
 Speed), 8vo ib. 1678 
 VALLANCEY, Charles. 
 Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language, 8vo. Dublin, 1772 
 Grammar of the Irish Language, 4to. . . . ib. 1773 
 Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, 3 vols. and 3 Nos. of later 
 vols. 8vo. . , . . ib. 1781-1804 
 Ancient History of Ireland proved from Sanscrit Books, 
 8vo. '. ib. 1797 
 _ Another copy. (Tracts 68*.) 
 Prospectus of a Dictionary of the Ancient Irish, compared 
 with the Ancient Persian language, 4to. . . ib. 1802 
 Essay on the Primitive Inhabitants of Britain, 8vo. . ib. 1807 
 VALLARDI, Giuseppe. Itinerario Italiano. Twelfth edition, 8vo. 
 Milan, 1820 
 VALSECCHI, V. De M. Aureli iAntonini Elagabali Tribunitia 
 Potestate, 4to Florence, 1711 
 VAN DALE, Anthony. Dissertationes ix. Antiquitatibus illus- 
 trandis inservientes, 4to. . . . Amsterdam, 1702 
 VAN DALEN, C. Eigentlyke Afbeeldinge van Hondert der Alder- 
 vermaerdste Statuen, sfcaaiide binnen Romen, afgetekent 
 door F. Perrier, nu in Cooper gesneden door C. Van 
 Dalen de Oude ende de Jonge, fol. (100 Plates) . ib. n.d. 
 Ypriana. Notices, et Documents sur Ypres, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Bruges, 1878-80 
 Origine and Developpements des Institutions, a Ypres 
 avant 1270, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1880 
 VANDE VELDE, M. H. Vitraux Incolores de Belgique, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 62***) .... . Antwerp, 186 
 VAN DOREN, P. J. Inventaire des Archives de la ville de Malines, 
 2 vols. in 1, 8vo Malines, 1859-62 
 VAN ETTEN, H. Mathematicall Recreations, 12mo. . Lond. 1633 
 VA;N GESTEL, C. Historia Sacra et Profana Archiepiscopatus 
 Mec4iliniensis,-2 vols. (in one), fol. The Hague, 1725 
 VAN LEE, A. Hanrlems-Regt op de eer van de uitvinding: der 
 Boekdrukkunst gehandhaaf t, 8vo. (Tracts 14) The Hague, 1848 
 VAN LOON, Gerard. Histoire Metallique des pays-Bas, 5 vols. 
 fol ib. 1732-37 
 VAN PARTIS, William. Het Thresoor van Munten, 8vo. Antwerp, 1580 
 VARENIUS, Bernhard. System of Geography, Edited by P. 
 Shaw, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1733 
 VARLEY, John. " A Treatise on Zodiacal Phisiognomy. (Plates.) 
 8vo ib. 1818 
 VARNI, Santo. 
 Delia Cassa per la Processione del Corpus Domini, e di altri 
 lavori a cesello per la Cattedrale di Genova, 8vo. Genoa, 1867 
 Appunti di diverse gite fatte nel territorio dell' antica 
 Libarna. Parte II. 8vo ib. 1873 
 Del Cristo di Guglielmo, pittura insigne dell' anno 1138, 
 esistente nel Duomo di Sarzana, 8vo. . . . ib. 1874 
 Spigolature Artistiche nell' archivio della Basilica di Cari- 
 gnano, 8vo ib. 1877 
 Tarsie ed Intagli del Coro e Presbiterio di S. Lorenzo in 
 Genova, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Ricordi di alcuni Fonditori in Bronzo, 8vo. . . ib. 1879 
 VAKRO, M. T. De Lingua Latina. Emendata et Annotata a C. 0. 
 Muellero, 8vo. ....... Leipzig, 1833 
 VASARI, Giorgio. Opere. (Plates.) 8vo. . Florence, 1832-38 
 VASSALLO, Cesare. 
 Monumenti Antichi nel Gruppo di Malta, Periodo Fenicio 
 ed Egizio, 8vo. (Tracts 64) .... Valetta, 1851 
 Another copy. 
 Nuovo Braccio, 12mo. ..... Rome, 1850 
 Museo Pio- Clementine al Vaticano. (Sound with the 
 preceding.) 12mo. ....... ib. 1846 
 VAUBAN. De 1'attaque et de la defense des places, 4to. The Hague, 1737 
 VAUGHAN, Henry. Works, complete. Edited by A. B. Grosart, 
 4 vols. 8vo n.p. 1871 
 VAUGHAN, Rice. Practica Walliae, or the proceedings in the 
 Great Sessions of Wales, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1672 
 VAUGHAN, Robert. British Antiquities revived, 8vo. . Bala, 1834 
 VAUGHAN, T. The Second Wash : or the Moore Scoured once 
 more, being a charitable cure for the Distractions of 
 Alazononomastix. By Eugenius Philalethes, sm. 8vo. 
 ib. 1651 
 VAUGHAN, William, Memoir of, 8vo. .... Lond. 1839 
 Recherches sur le pays de Cinglais au diocese de Bayeux, 
 8vo. . Caen, 1836 
 Notice sur le Mont Saint Michel, 8vo. (Tracts 94) . ib. 1840 
 VAUX, Thomas Lord. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. (Fuller 
 Worthies' Library.) 8vo. . . . Blackburn, 1872 
632 VAU VER 
 YAUX, W. S. W. On some Coins of Characene, brought from 
 Baghdad, by Dr. Hyslop, 8vo. (Vol. "Numismatic 
 Tracts") Lond. 1858 
 Undersogelser angaaende den JEldre Jernalder paa Bom- 
 holm, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1873 
 Bornholms Oldtidsminder og Oldsager, 4to. . . ib. 1886 
 VEESHNOO-SARMA. The Heetopades. In a series of connected 
 Fables. Translated from an ancient manuscript in the 
 Sanskreet language, by C. Wilkins, 8vo. . Bath, 1787 
 VEGA CARPIO, L. F. de. Castelvines y Monteses. Tragi-Comedia. 
 Translated by F. W. Cosens. 150 copies printed for 
 private distribution, 4to. ..... Lond. 1869 
 VEGA, Juan de. Journal of a Tour made by Senor Juan de 
 Vega, the Spanish Minstrel of 1828-9, through Great 
 Britain and Ireland, a character assumed by an English 
 Gentleman, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1830 
 VEGETIUS, Flavius. De re Militari, fol. . . . Paris, 1535 
 VELASCO, P. An account of the Lives and Works of Spanish 
 Painters, Sculptors and Architects. Translated from the 
 Musseum Pictorium of P. Velasco, 12mo. . Lond. 1739 
 VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, C. Opera, Valpy's edition, 1 vol. 8vo. ib. 1822 
 VENETTE, Nicholas De. The Mysteries of Conjugal Love Re- 
 veal'd. Third edition, 8vo ib. 1712 
 Illustrazioni Storiche dei principali Monumenti in Venezia, 
 8vo. (Tracts 60**) Venice, 1855 
 Splendor Urbis Venetiarum et figuris et descriptione 
 emicans. (Plates), fol. . . . . . Ley den, n.d. 
 VENUTI, Filippo, of Cortona. Dittionario Volgare e Latino, 8vo. 
 Venice, 1592 
 VENUTI, Filippo, Prior of Leghorn. Duodenorum Nomismatum 
 ineditorum expositio, 4to. .... Leghorn, 1761 
 VENUTI, Ridolfino. 
 Sopra una Antica Inscrizione del Museo Corsini, 4to. Roma, 1733 
 Spiegazione de' Bassirilievi nell Urna Sepolcrale detta 
 d'Allessandro Severe, 4to. . . . ib. 1756 
 Marmora Albana, 4to. ...... ib. 1756 
 De dea Libertate, 4to. ib. 1762 
 Descrizione delle Antichita di Roma, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1763 
 Descrizione di Roma Moderna, 2 vols. 4to. . . . ib. 1766 
 VERCELLI CODEX. Poetry of the Vercelli Codex, containing 
 " Legend of St. Andrew " and " Elene." Edited by J. M. 
 Kernble. (^Elfric Soc.) 8vo. . . . Lond. 1843-56 
 VERDIER, A., and CATTOIS, F. Architecture au Moyen Age et a 
 la Renaissance. (Plates.) 2 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1855-57 
 VERB, Sir F. Commentaries. Edited by W. Dellingham, fol. 
 Cambridge, 1657 
 VERGARA ALAVA, F. R. de. Regla de la Orden de Santiago, fol. 
 Madrid, 1702 
VER VER 633 
 VERGIL, Polydore. 
 Anglicee Histories Libri xxvi. fol. . . . Basle, 1546 
 - Libri xxvii. fol. .... ib. 1570 
 De rerum Inventoribus libri octo. Ejusdem in Orationem 
 Dominicam commentariolum, 12mo. . . . ib. 1570 
 VERICOUR, R. de. The Life and Times of Dante, 8vo. Lond. 1858 
 VERMIGLIOLI, Gr. B. Quadranto unico del Museo di Perugia, 8vo. 
 Perugia, 1825 
 VERNEILH, Felix de. 
 L'architecture Byzantine en France, 4to. . , Paris, 1851 
 Second copy. 
 Des Influences Byzantines. Lettre a M. 
 Vitet. (Bound with the preceding .) 4to. . . . ib. 1855 
 VERNER, F., and SCHRODER, J. H. Upsala Domkyrka, fol. 
 Stockholm, 1826 
 VERNON, W. F. Notes on the Parish of Harefield, Middlesex. 
 For private circulation, 4to. .... Lond. 1872 
 Letter on the Restoration of York Minster, 4to. York, 1830 
 Second Letter, 8vo. (Tracts 56) .... ib. 1830 
 VERON, John. Latin, English and French Dictionary (Imperfect) 
 n.p. n.d. 
 VERONA E MILANO. A volume containing : 
 1. Descrizione dell'Antiteatro di Verona tratta dalla Verona 
 Illustrata di S. MafPei, 8vo Verona, 1841 
 2. Raccolta di Vedute e Monumenti Antichi di Verona, 
 dall'Editore G. D. Bennassuti, obi. 8vo. . . . ib. 1832 
 3. Relazione dei ristauri intrapresi alia gran guglia del 
 Duomo di Milano, &c., 4to. .... Milan, 1845 
 VERRI, Conte Alessandro. Le Notti Romane, 12mo. Florence, 1827 
 QUOB exstaiit. Edited by J. Scaliger, 8vo. . . Paris, 1576 
 Valpy's edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1826 
 VERSAILLES. Galeries Historiques de Versailles. (A volume of 
 Plates.) Atlas fol. . . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
 VERSTIGAN, Richard. A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, 
 4to Lond. 1634 
 VERTOT, Rene Aubert de. 
 Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jeru- 
 salem, appelles depuis Chevaliers de [Rhodes; et anjourd' 
 hui Chevaliers de] Malthe. Nouvelle edition augmentee, 7 
 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1772 
 History of the Establishment of the Bretons among the 
 Gauls. Translated by J. Henley, 2 vols. inl, 8vo. Lond. 1722 
 VERTUE, George. 
 Description of Royal Families. Engravings by Holbein, 
 4to. (Tracts 88) . . ..'.". . .1740 
 Description of the Works of W. Hollar, 4to. . . ib. 1745 
 Description of Four Ancient Paintings, 4to. (Tracts 88) 
 Description of Ten Tablatures of Portraits of the Tudor 
 Family, 4to. 1751 
634 YER VIC 
 YERTUE, George continued. 
 Medals, Coins, Great Seals, impressions from the Works of 
 Thomas Simon, 4to. . " . . . . Lond. 1753 
 Catalogue of Pictures belonging to Charles I., 4to. . ib. 1757 
 Catalogue of Engravers, edited by Horace Walpole, 4to. 
 Strawberry Hill, 1763 
 Description of Nine Historical Prints representing Members 
 of the Tudor Family, fol ib. 1776 
 YERWEY, Reinerus. De Unctionibus Gentilium. (Bound with 
 " Saxo Grammaticus," Sora, 1644.) Fol. . Jena, 1687 
 YETUS. Objects of the War [in the Crimea], 8vo. (Tracts 123*) 
 Lond. 1854 
 YiCARS, John. England's Parliamentary Chronicle, in 4 parts, 
 2 vols. 4to ib. 1644-46 
 YiCO, ^Enea. Augustarum imagines formis sereis expressee : 
 vitae quoque earundem breviter enarratae, 4to. Venice, 1558 
 YICTORIA INSTITUTE, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain. 
 Scientia Scientiarum, The Origin and Objects of the 
 Yictoria Institute. By a Member, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) 
 Lond. 1865 
 An 8vo. vol. containing : 
 1. The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt. By W. R. 
 Cooper ......*.... 1873 
 2. The Rules of Evidence as applicable to the credibility of 
 History. By W. Forsyth 1874 
 3. On Prehistoric Traditions and Customs in connection 
 with Sun and Serpent Worship. By J. S. Phene . . 1875 
 4. The Early Dawn of Civilization, considered in the Light 
 of Scripture. By J. E. Howard .'.... 1875 
 5. On the Etruscan Language. By the Rev. Isaac 
 Taylor 1876 
 6. A Critical Examination of the Flints from Brixham 
 Cavern, said to be " Knives " and " Human Implements." 
 By N. Whitley ........ 1877 
 7. The Life of Abraham, illustrated by recent researches. 
 By H. G. Tomkins 1877 
 8. The Horus Myth in its relation to Christianity. By 
 W. R. Cooper . 1877 
 YICTORIA. Report on the Aborigines, fol. (Tracts 158) . . 1859 
 YICTORIA, Colony of. Statistical Register, 1878. Part YIII., 
 Interchange. Part IX., Religious, Moral, and Intel- 
 lectual Progress. General Index, fol. . Melbourne, 187980 
 Catalogue of the Statues and Busts in Marble and Casts, 
 8vo ib. 1880 
 Catalogue of the Objects of Ethnotypical Art in the 
 National Gallery, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1878 
 YICTORIA, Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of. 
 Report of the Trustees, &c., 1878-80, fol. . ib. 1879-81 
YIC YIE 635 
 The Ceremonies to be observed at the Royal Coronation, 
 &c., fol . Lond. 1838 
 The Form and Order of the Service at the Coronation, &c., 
 4to ib. 1838 
 Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands from 
 1848 to 1861. Edited by Arthur Helps, 8vo. . . ib. 1868 
 VIDA, M. H. Scacchia Ludus : or the Game of Chess. A poem. 
 Translated into English by Mr. Erskine. Portrait. 8vo. 
 ib. 1736 
 VIENNA. BIBLIOTHECA' PALATINA. Catalogus MS S., edited by S. 
 Endlicher, pars 1, 4to. ..... Vienna, 1836 
 Denkschriften. Philosophisch-Historiche Classe, fol. and 
 4to. In progress ib. 1850, etc. 
 Sitzungsberichte. Vol. iv. etc. 8vo. In progress ib. 1850, etc. 
 Register, 2 vols. 8vo. . " . . ib. 1874, 1878 
 Notizenblatt, 9 vols. 8vo ib. 1851-59 
 Archiv fiir Kunde osterreichischer Geschichts-Quellen (vol. 
 xxviii, wanting), 8vo. In progress . . . ib. 1850, etc. 
 Register zu den Biinden i.-xxxiii. Von F. S. 
 Scharber, 8vo ib. 1866 
 Register zu den Banden 1-50, Von F. S. 
 Scharber, 8vo ib. 1874 
 Fontes rerum Austriacarum, vols. i.-viii, 8vo. . ib. 1851-75 
 Monumenta Habsburgica, vols. i. to v. 8vo. . . ib. 1853-58 
 Die Feierliche Sitzung der Akademie am 29 Mai, 1852, 8vo. 
 ib. 1852 
 Am 30 Mai, 1859, 8vo. . . . ib. 1859 
 Verzeichniss der im Buchhandel befindlichen Denkschriften 
 der Akademie am Ende Mai, 1852, 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 Almanach, 8vo. In progress .... ib. 1856, etc. 
 Ausweise iiber den Handel von Osterreich mit dem Aus- 
 lande, 1841-50. Eilfter Jahrgang, Zweiter Theil, fol. 
 ib. 1853 
 Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Statistik. Dritter 
 Achter Jahrgang, 6 vols. fol. . . . . ib. 1854-58 
 Tafeln zur Statistik der Osterreichischen Monarchic, 1849- 
 54, 2 vols. fol . ib. 1856-59 
 Mittheilungen. Herausgegeben von K. F. von Czoernig. 
 Redacteur : Karl Weiss. Band 1-5, 4to. . 'ib. 1856-60 
 Jahrbuch. 1856-61, 4to ib. 1856-61 
 Ethnographic der Osterreichischen Monarchic, von K. F. v. 
 Czoernig, 3 vols. 4to ib. 1857 
 Ausweise iiber den auswartigen Handel Osterreichs im 
 Sonnen- Jahre 1857, fol t'6. 1859 
 tTbersicht der Waaren-Ein-und-Ausfuhr, 1858-60, 4to. 
 ib. 1859-61 
636 VIE 
 Catalogus MSS. Graecorum necnon Orientalium, edited by 
 D. de Nessel, fol. Vienna, 1690 
 Geschichte der K. K. Hof Bibliothek zu Wien von J, F. E. 
 von Mosel, 8vo. . . . . ... ib. 1835 
 ViGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da. Gli Ordini di Architettura. 
 (Plates.) 12mo Florence, 1831 
 VIGO, John. The most excellent workes of chirargerie, made by 
 J. Vigon, translated into English, &c. B.L, FoL Lond. 1571 
 VILLANI, Federico. Saggio di ricerche sull' Antichita, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 148) Naples, 1862 
 Phosnician Ireland, translated by Henry O'Brien, 8vo. 
 Dublin, 1833 
 Compendio del Ano Cristiano de Espana. Tomo xii. 
 Diciembre, 12mo. ...... Madrid, 1886 
 VILLARD DE HoNNECOURT. Album de Villard de Honnecourt, 
 architecte du XIII e si^cle. Manuscrit public en facsimile, 
 precede de considerations sur la renaissance de 1'Art 
 Francais au XIX e siecle par J. B. A. Lassus. Ouvrage 
 mis au jour par A. Darcel. (Portrait.) 4to. . Paris, 1858 
 VILLARS, L'Abbe de. Le Comte de Gabalis, ou Entretiens sur 
 les Sciences Secretes. Nouvelle edition, 2 vol. 12mo. ib. 1742 
 Another edition. Augmeiite d'une lettre 
 sur ce STL jet, 12mo. . . . . . . Cologne, n.d. 
 VILLEGAS, F. de Quevedo. Divine Maxims of Government 
 without Whig or Tory ; or the True Character of a King 
 and of a Tyrant, of a Faithful Minister and of a Favourite 
 Traitor, 8vo Lond. 1715 
 VILLIERS, H. M. Sermon on the Death of Sir R. H. Inglis, 
 Bart., 8vo. (Tracts 67***) ib. 1855 
 VILLOISON, G. d'A. de, et MILLIN, A. L. Sur des Medailles 
 trouvees a Aix, 8vo. 
 VJLLOT, Frederic. Notice sur des Tableaux dans les Galeries du 
 Louvre, l ra partie Ecoles d'ltalie et d'Espagne,Troi- 
 sieme edition, 8vo. ...... Paris, 1852 
 VINCENT, Augustine. A Discoverie of Errours in the First 
 edition of the Catalogue of Nobility, published by R. 
 Brooke, Yorke Herald, 1619-21, fol. . . Lond. 1622 
 VINCENT, Frank. The Land of the White Elephant, Travels, 
 in Burma, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin- China, Third 
 edition, 8vo. . . . . . . New York, 1882 
 VINCENTIUS BELLOVACENSIS. Speculum Historiale, 4 vols, in 2, 
 foL ...... (Strasburg), Mentelin, 1473 
 VINCIGLIATA. II Castello di Vincigliata e i suoi contorni. 
 Privately printed by J. T. Leader, 8vo. . . Florence, 1871 
 VINDICATION. A Vindication of the Clergy from the Contempt 
 imposed upon them by the author of " The Grounds and 
 Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy and Religion," 
 12mo Lond. 1672 
 VINET, Ernest. Bibliographic methodique et raisonnee des 
 Beaux-Arts, 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1874-77 
YIN VIS 637 
 VINNIUS, Arnoldus. In quatuor Libros Institutionum Im- 
 perialium Commentarius. Editio quarta, 4to. 
 Amsterdam (Elzevir), 1G65 
 ViNTON, J. A. The Richardson Memorial, comprising a history 
 and genealogy of the posterity of Ezekiel, Samuel, and 
 Thomas Richardson, 8vo. '. . Portland (U.S.A.), 1876 
 Dictionnaire Raisonne de 1'Architecture Franaise du xi e 
 au xvi e Siecle. (Plates.) 10 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1854-68 
 Dictionnaire Raisonne du Mobilier Francais de 1'Epoque 
 Carlo vingienne a la Renaissance, 6 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1858-75 
 Military Architecture of the Middle Ages. Translated by 
 M. Macdermott, 8vo Lond. 1860 
 Peintures Murales des Chapelles de Notre-Dame de Paris 
 executes sur les Cartons de E. Viollet-Le-Duc, relevees 
 par M. Ouradou, fol Paris, 1870 
 Opera cum quinque vulgatis commentariis, &c. Argentince, 1502 
 Opera. Accessit Animadversionum liber, cum in dice, &c., 
 12mo Lugd. Bat. (apud A. Elvirium), 1622 
 Opera. (For bibliographical details see MS. Ashpitel Cata- 
 logue.) 12mo ib. 1636 
 Another edition. Opera nunc emendatiora, sm. 
 12mo ib. 1636 
 Accurante NIC Heinsio. (For bibliographical de- 
 tails see MS. Ashpitel Catalogue) . . . ib. 1676 
 cum commentariis variorum. Edidit P. Burmannus. 
 (Plates.) 4 vols. 4to Amsterdam, 1746 
 Edited by W. Sandby, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1750 
 Valpy's edition, 9 vols. 8vo ib. 1819 
 Georgica Hexaglotta. Edited by W. Sotheby, fol. . ib. 1827 
 The Thirteene Bookes of ^neidos. The thirteenth the 
 Supplement of Mapheus Vegius. Translated into Eng- 
 lish verse by T. Phaer and T. Twyne, 4to. . . ib. 1620 
 8vo Richmond (Va.), 1879 
 Organization; Officers and Members, with a List of its 
 Publications, 8vo. ....... ib. 1881 
 Proceedings, at the Annual Meeting, Feb. 24, 1882, with 
 the Address of W. W. Henry, 8vo. . . ib. 1882 
 Collections, New Series, Vols. i., ii., The Official Letters of 
 Alexander Spots wood, Lieutenant- Governor of the 
 Colony, 1710-22. Edited by R. A. Brock, 8vo. . ib. 1882 
 Vols. iii., iv. Dinwiddie Papers. Edited 
 by R. A. Brock. Vol. i. 1751-55 (Vol. ii. 1755-58), 8vo. ib. 1883 
 Vol. v. Documents relating to the Huguenot 
 Emigration to Virginia. Edited by R. A. Brock, 8vo. ib. 1886 
 VISCHER, W. Antike Schleudergeschosse, 4to. . . Basle, 1866 
 VISCONTI, A. Indicazione delle Medaglie Antiche del Signer P. 
 Vitali, 4to Rome, 1805 
638 YIS VOL 
 Iconografia Romana, vol. i. 8vo. . . . . Milan, 1818 
 Musee Pie-Clementin, 7 vols. 8vo ib. 1822 
 Musee Chiaramonti, 8vo. ...... ib. 1822 
 Iconografia Greca, 3 vols. 8vo ib. 1823-25 
 VISCONTI, P. Q. Engravings of Egyptian Antiquities, the pro- 
 perty of G. d'Athanasi, fol. .... Land. 1837 
 VITALE, FRANCESCO ANTONIO. Storia Diplomatica de' Senatori 
 di Roma dalla Decadenza dell' Imperio Romano, con una 
 serie di Monete Senatorie, 4to. . . . Rome, 1791 
 VITALIS, Ordericus. Historic Ecclesiasticse Libri Tredecim. 
 Edited by A. Le Prevost and L. Delisle, Vols. i.-v., 8vo. 
 Paris, 1838-55 
 VITEUVIUS. De Architectura, additis J. Frontini de aqueducti- 
 bus libris, &c. (Woodcuts) .... Florence, 1522 
 M. Vitruvii PolHonis libri ^ decem. cum notis G. Philandri, 
 D. Barbari, C. Salmasii, Prasmittuntur Elementa Archi- 
 tectures collecta ab H. Wottono. Accedunt Lexicon 
 Vitruvianum B. Baldi et ejusdem scamilli impares 
 Vitruviani. De Pictura libri tres L. B. de Albertis. De 
 Sculptura excerpta ex Dialogo Pomponii Gaurici, 
 Ludovici Demontiosii Commentarius de Sculptura et 
 Pictura. Omnia collecta, &c., a J. de Laet, fol. 
 Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1649 
 L'A.rchitettura, colla traduzione e comento del Marchese B. 
 Galiani. (Plates), fol Naples, 1758 
 Architectura cum exercitationibus notisque J. Poleni. 
 Additis studiis Simonis Stratico. (Portrait and plates.) 
 4 vols Utini, 1825-30 
 VITRUVIUS, DER DANISCHE. Le Vitruve Danois contient les 
 Plans, &c., des Principaux Batimens du Roiaume de 
 Dannemarc, aussi bien que des Provinces Allemandes, 
 dependantes du Roi, 2 vols. By Lawritz de Thurah, in 
 Danish, French, and German, fol. . . Copenhagen, 1746-49 
 VIVISECTION, Society for the Total Abolition of. The Object of 
 the Society. Vivisection, Education of Vivisection, 
 Appeal to the Ministers of Religion. The Royal Society 
 for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. By William 
 Howitt, 8vo Lond. 1876 
 VOCABULARIES, A Volume of. Edited by T. Wright, 8vo. . . 1857 
 VOCABULARIUS. Gemma Gemmarum. (Sound with " Elucidarius " 
 and " Piniciani ") . . . . Strasburgh, 1508 
 VOCABULARIUS RERUM. Finit vocabularius rerum. 
 Ex officina Johannis Keller in Augusta 1478 
 VOGELIN, F. S. Die Wandgemalde im bischoflichen Palast zu 
 Chur mit den Darstellungen der Holbeinischen Todes- 
 bilder, 4to Zurich, 1878 
 VOLKSBUCHER. Five sm. 8vo. vols. containing : . Leipsic, 1838 
 Vol. i. 
 1. Geschichte von Griseldis und dem Markgrafen Walther. 
 2. Alte und neue Lieder in Leid und Lust. 
 3. Geschichte von Melusina. 
VOL VOS 639 
 VOLKSBUCHER continued. 
 4. Der Schildbiirger. 
 5. Geschichte von der schonen Magelone. 
 6. - Kaiser Octavianus. 
 7. - den sieben Schwaben. 
 Vol. ii. v . . Leipsic, 1738 
 8. Geschichte von der heiligen Pfalzgrafin Genoveva. 
 9. 10. dem Gehb'rnten Siegfried. 
 11.- den drei Bolandsknappen. 
 12. Der Wiedererstandene Eulenspiegel. 
 13, 14. Tristan und Isolde. 
 Vol. iii. ........ ib. n.d. 
 15, 16, 17. Reineke der Fuchs. 
 18. Wigolais vom Bade. 
 19, 20. Deutsche Lieder in Schutz und Tmtz. 
 21. Hirlanda. 
 22. Geschichte von Fortunat. 
 23. - Fortunat's Sohn. 
 24. Leben des Dr. Johann Faust. 
 Vol. iv. v ....... ib. n.d. 
 25. Das unschatzbare Schloss, &c. 
 26. Robert der Teufel. 
 27. Schnurren. 
 28. 29. Sprichworter und Spruchreden. 
 30, 31. Geschichte von den sieben Weisen Meistern. 
 32. Der arme Heinrich. 
 33. Geschichte vom Konig Eginhard,.&c. 
 34. Herzog Ernst. 
 35. Senfkorner. 
 36. Die Sclrwanenritter. 
 Vol. v. (entitled Deutsche Volksbiicher). 
 1. Die Sage vom Drachenf els; von Rolandseck : von Lurlei. 
 Die Teufelsleiter. Die Sager vom Mausethurm. Erzahlt 
 von R. Benedix . . . . . Wesel, n.d. 
 2. Die Sage vom Schwanenritter zu Cleve. Erzahlt von 
 R. Benedix ........ ib. n.d. 
 3. Ritter Gotz von Berlichingen. Erzahlt von O. F. H. 
 Schonhuth Reutlingen, 1844 
 4. Das Kiithchen von Heilbrona. Erzahlt von O. F. H. 
 Schonhuth ib. 1844 
 5. Historic von Havelok dem Starken. Erzahlt von 
 O. F. H. Schonhuth . . ib. 1852 
 6. Historic vom Kathchen von Heilbronn und vom Ritter 
 Wetter vom Strahl. Von K. Zimmermann . Leipsic, n.d. 
 7. Die Legende von den Heiligen Drei Konigen. Her- 
 ansgegeben von Dr. K. Simrock . Frankfort a. M. n.d. 
 8. Konig Orendel von Trier, &c. Erzahlt von O. F. H. 
 Schonhuth ... . Reutlingen., 1847 
 Miinzen und Siegel der Preussischen Stiidte Danzig, Ell- 
 ring, Horn, so wie der Herzoge von Pomerellen, im 
 Mittelalter, 4to Berlin, 1841 
040 VOS WAG 
 VOSSBERG, F. A. continued. 
 Geschichte der Preussischen Miinzen und Siegel von 
 friihester Zeit bis zum Ende der Herrschaft des Deutschen 
 Ordens, 4to. (Bound with the preceding) . Berlin, 1843 
 Miinzgeschichte der Stadt Danzig, 4to. (Bound with the 
 preceding) ........ ib. 1852 
 Siegel des Mittelalters von Polen, Lithauen, Schlesien 
 Pommern und Preussen, 4to. . . . . . ib. 1854 
 VOYAGE. A Voyage to the World in the Centre of the Earth, 
 in which is introduced the History of an Inhabitant of 
 the Air, written by himself, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1755 
 Sigilla Comitum Flandriae et Inscriptiones Diplomatum ab 
 iis editorum, cum expositione historica, fol. . Bruges, 1639 
 Second copy. 
 Genealogia Comitum Flandriae, a Balduino Ferreo usque ad 
 Philippum iv. Hisp. Begem variis sigillorum figuris 
 repraesentata 2 vols. (in 1), fol. . . . ib. 1642-43 
 Second copy. 
 Probationes Genealogiae Flandrise, fol. , . . ib. 1643 
 Histories Comitum Flandriae libri prodromi duo. Quid 
 Comes ? Quid Flandria ? fol ib. 1650 
 Second copy. 
 Historioe Flandriae Christianae, fol. . . . . ib. 
 VYVYAN, R. R., J. T. Blight, and Rev. W. lago. Descriptions 
 of the Artificial Cave or Fogon, at Halligey, Trelo warren, 
 Cornwall, 8vo Truro, 1885 
 W., A. Brief Historical Notices of Hurstbourne Priors and 
 Saint Mary Bourne, Hants, 12mo. . . . Lond. 1861 
 W., T. The Optick Glass of Humors, or the Tombstone of a 
 Golden Temperature, sm. 8vo. . . ib. 1663 
 WAAGEN, C. Verzeichniss einer Sammlung von Gemalden 
 alterer Meister, 8vo. ..... Munich, 1841 
 WACE, Robert. 
 Le Roman de Rou et des Dues de Normandie. Par Frederic 
 Pluquet, 2 vols. 8vo Rouen, 1827 
 Roman de Rou. Translated by Sir Alexander Malet, Lond. 1860 
 WACHTERUS, J. G. Glossarium Germanicum, fol. . Leipsic, 1737 
 WADDINGTON, W. H. Memoire sur la Chronologic de la vie du 
 rheteur ^Elius Aristide, 4to. .... Paris, 1867 
 WADE, S. J. Strangers' Guide to Sunderland and neighbourhood, 
 sm. 8vo Sunderland, 1869 
 WADLEY, T. P. The Great Orphan Book and Book of Wills at 
 the Council House, Bristol. Notes of the Wills (1382- 
 1396), 8vo. . ... Bristol, 1880 
 WAGNER, Henry. 
 Descendants of Jean Desaguliers (Huguenot Refugee). 
 Communicated by Henry Wagner, F.S.A. 8vo. 
 Pedigree of the families of Boissier, Sellon, and De Villettes. 
 Pedigree of the Huguenot Refugee Families of Debonnaire 
 and Dupuis, 4to. 
WAG WAL 641 
 WAGSTAFF, T. A Letter out of Suffolk to a Friend in London. 
 Giving some account of the death of Dr. W. Sancrofi, 
 Archbishop of Canterbury, 4to. . . . Lond. 1694 
 WAILLY, Natalis de. Elements de Paleographie, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Paris, 1838 
 On the Pursuits encouraged at Cambridge, 8vo. . Lond. 1815 
 WAKEMAN, Sir George, Wm. Marshall, Wm. Rumley, and Jas. 
 Corker, Trials of, for High Treason, fol. . . . ib. 1679 
 On a Saxon Crypt under Ripon Cathedral, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) 
 ib. 1846 
 Guide to Ripon, Harrowgate, &c. Fifth edition, 8vo. 
 Ripon, 1851 
 On an Oath taken by Members of the Parliament of 
 Scotland, 1641 to 1649, 4to Lond. 1854 
 History of Gainford, &c., 8vo. (Tracts 96) . Ripon, n.d. 
 Marmor Hispaniae Antiquum, Vexationis Christianoruni 
 Neronianafi insigne documentum, 4to. . . Jena, 1750 
 Sigillum Medici Ocularii Romani nuper in agro Jenensi 
 repertum et observationibus illustration, 4to. (Bound 
 with Chaulnes' " Mem. du Mon. Egypt) . . . ib. 1763 
 WALCKENAER, C. A. Notice Bibliographique sur 1'Itineraire de 
 Bordeaux a Jerusalem, 8vo. .... Paris, 1813 
 WALCKENAER, C. A., and JOMARD, E. Rapport sur nn Pied 
 Remain trouve dans le Foret de Maulevrier, 4to. (Tracts 
 9) ib. 1835 
 History of St. Margaret's, Westminster, 8vo. Westminster, 1847 
 Memorials of the City, and Worthies of Westminster, 8vo. 
 ib. 1849 
 William of Wykeham, and his Colleges, 8vo. (Plates) 
 Lond. 1852 
 The Minsters and Abbey Ruins of the United Kingdom, 
 12mo ib. 1860 
 Church and Conventional Arrangement, 4to. (Tracts 6) ib. 1860 
 with References, Glossary, and Index, 8vo. 
 ib. 1861 
 The Interior of a Gothic Minster, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) . ib. 1864 
 St. Bartholomew's Priory Church, Smithfield, 8vo. . ib. 1864 
 Mediaeval Libraries, 8vo. (Tracts 58*) . . . ib. 1865 
 Memorials of Chichester, 8vo. . . . Chichester, 1865 
 Fasti Cicestrenses, 8vo. (Tracts 43*) . . Lond. 1866 
 Battle Abbey, with notices of the Parish Church and Town, 
 8vo Battle, 1866 
 A Breviate of the Cartulary of the Church of St. Mary 
 Magdalene, Lanercost, 8vo. (Tracts 62***) . Lond. 1866 
 Notes on Mediaeval English Words, 8vo. (Tracts 58**) ib. 1866 
 The Battle of Hastings, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) . . n.p. 1867 
 Inventory of Whalley Abbey, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) Liverpool, 1867 
642 WAL WAL 
 WALCOTT, M. E. C. continued. 
 Memorials of Stamford : Past and Present . Stamford, 1867 
 Inventories of 1, St. Mary's Hospital, or Maison Dieu, 
 Dover; 2, The Benedictine Priory of St. Martin New- 
 Work, Dover, for Monks ; 3, The Benedictine Priory of 
 SS. Mary and Sexburga, in the island of Shepey, for 
 Nuns, 8vo. (Tracts 95*) .... Lond. 1868 
 Memorials of Ohristchurch-Twynham, Hants, past and 
 present. Second edition, 12mo. . . Christchurch, 1868 
 Third edition, revised by B. E. Ferrey, 
 12mo ib. 1883 
 Sacred Archaeology ; a Popular Dictionary of Ecclesiastical 
 Art and Institutions, 8vo. .... Lond. 1868 
 Memorials of Canterbury, 8vo. . , . Canterbury, 1868 
 Seven Inventories of Welsh Friaries, 8vo. Tracts 61***) Lond. 1870 
 The Inventory of St. Osyth's Priory, Essex, with Notes, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61***) Colchester, 1870 
 Church Goods and Chantries of Derbyshire in the XVIth 
 Century, with Notes, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . Lond. 1870 
 Inventories and Church Goods of Devon, 4to. . Exeter, 1870 
 Inventories of Church Goods and Chantries in Cheshire. 
 Temp. Edward VI., 8vo. (Tracts 95***) Liverpool, 1871 
 Inventory of Worcester Cathedral, 8vo. (Tracts 164) 
 Lincoln, 1872 
 Traditions and Customs of Cathedrals, 8vo. . Lond. 1872 
 Church Goods in the East Riding of the county of York, 
 temp. Edward VI., 8vo. (Tracts 163) . ib. 1872-73 
 The Inventories of Westminster Abbey at the Dissolution, 
 8vo ib. 1874 
 The Abbey of S. Mary in the Vale of Flowers, Cleeve, co. 
 Somerset, with illustrations of Cistercian Ritual, 4to. ^6. 1876 
 The Benedictine Abbey of St. Mary, Pershore, 8vo. . ib. 1876 
 The Mitred Abbey of St. Mary, Evesham, 8vo. . . ib. 1876 
 Household Expenses in a Salopian Manor House, 8vo. 
 Shrewsbury and Oswestry, 1877 
 Church Work and Life in English Minsters, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1879 
 Chantries of Leicestershire and the Inventory of Olneston, 
 8vo. (Tracts 95***) . . . . * . . n.p. n.d. 
 Church Inventories of Pern brock, Caermarthen ; hundreds 
 of Kelhynoke, Derws, Elveet, Perveth ; and St. Asaph, 
 8vo. (Tracts 61***) n.p. n.d. 
 Glossary of Words in the Cambrian Dialect, 8vo. (Tracts 
 Inventory of St. Mary's Benedictine Nunnery, at Langley, 
 co. Leicester, 1485, 8vo. (Tracts 164) . . . n.p. n.d. 
 Kalendar of the Episcopal Registers of Ohichester, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95*.) 
 The Mediaeval Registers of the Bishops of Chichester, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 95* ) 
WAL WAL 643 
 WALCOTT, M. E. C. continued. 
 Original Documents. (Lists of Church Goods of Places in 
 Wales ; viz., Pembroke, Caermarthen, Kelhynoke, Derws, 
 Elvet, Perveth, and St. Asaph.) 8vo. (Tracts 61***.) 
 Three Papers contributed to the Transactions of the Royal 
 Society of Literature, vol. viii. New series, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 90*) n.p. n.d. 
 WALDIE, George. A History of the Town aoxd Palace of Linlith- 
 gow, 12mo. .. .. . .. . .. LinlitTigow, 1868 
 WALDRON, George. Complete Works, fol. . 1731 
 WALES, Gentleman's Tour in, 8vo.. .. .. .. ... Lond. 1775 
 WALES, NORTH, A Handbook for Travellers in, Second edition, 
 8vo. (Murray) . . ib. 1864 
 WALES, SOUTH, A Handbook for Travellers in, 8vo. (Murray) ib. 1860 
 WALES, Prince of. Thanksgiving Day for the Recovery of the 
 Prince of Wales, fol ib. 1872 
 WALFORD, Cornelius. 
 Some Practical Points in the preparation of a General 
 Catalogue of English Literature, 12mo. . . ib. 1879 
 Gilds : their Origin, Objects, and later History. For 
 private circulation. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1879 
 The Destruction of Libraries by Fire, 8vo. . . ib. 1880 
 Fairs, Past and Present : a chapter in the history of com- 
 merce, 8vo ib. 1883 
 WALFORD, Edward. The Pilgrim at Home, 8vo. S.P.C.K.ib. 1886 
 WALFORD, Edward Gibbs, On a Coin of Juba the Second. 
 (Bound with Deville.) 8vo ib. 1843 
 WALFORD, Thomas. The Scientific Tourist through England, 
 Wales, and Scotland, 2 vols. 12mo. (Two copies) . ib. 1818 
 WALFORD, Weston S. 
 Additional Observations to Gunner's Seals of Edw. III., 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61*.) 
 The " Hales " at the New Temple on the Knighting of 
 Prince Edward, 8vo. (Tracts 6l*.) 
 Miscellanea Archaeologica, 8vo. 
 1. Mediaeval Heraldry. 
 2. The Gad- Whip Service, Lincolnshire. 
 3. On Some Marks of Cadency borne by the Plantagenets. 
 Second copy. (Tracts 61*.) 
 4. Original Documents by W. S. Walford and A. Way. 
 WALFORD, Weston S., and PERCEVAL, C. S. Three Rolls of Arms 
 of the latter part of the 13th century, 4to. . . ib. 1864 
 WALFORD, Weston. S., and WAY, A. Examples of Medieval Seals 
 (two numbers), 8vo. (Tracts 61*.) 
 Description of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, Third 
 edition, 8vo. ....... Liverpool, 1831 
 Detached Church Belfries, with special reference to those in 
 the County of Hereford, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) . n.p. 1871 
644 WAL WAL 
 WALKER, S. D. St. Mary's Church, Nottingham : its past and 
 present History. Illustrated by Photographs. 8vo. 
 Nottingham, 1874 
 WALKER, William, B.D. A Dictionarie of English and Latine 
 Idiomes, Fourth Edition, 8vo. .... Lond. 1685 
 WALKER, William. Some Account of the Parish and Village 
 of Slingsby, in Yorkshire, 8vo. . . . York, 1845 
 WALKLEY, Thomas. A New Catalogue of the Dukes, Marquesses, 
 &c., of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Also, the 
 Baronets, &c., 8vo. ...... Lond. 1658 
 WALLACE, George. Nature and Descent of Ancient Peerages, 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1785 
 WALLACE, James. Account of the Islands of Orkney, 8vo. Lond. 1700 
 WALLEN, William, History of Bound Church at Little Maple- 
 stead, 8vo . . ib. 1836 
 Arms and Armour. A Lecture. For private circulation. 
 8vo. (Tracts 164) ib. 1871 
 On a Painting discovered in Chaldon Church, Surrey, 1870, 
 8vo ib. 1885 
 WALLER, J. G. and L. A. B.. Monumental Brasses, fol. . ib. 1864 
 WALLER, Sir William. Vindication of his Character and Con- 
 duct, 8vo. 1793 
 WALLIS, Charles. Narrative of the Three Elections for Lord 
 Mayor in 1831, 8vo. , . . . . . - ib. 1831 
 WALLIS, John. 
 History of Northumberland, 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1769 
 The Cornwall Register ; containing Collections relative to 
 the 209 Parishes forming the County : to which is added 
 a brief view of the adjoining Towns and Parishes in 
 Devon, from Hartland to Plymouth, 12mo. . Sodmin, 1847 
 WALLON, H. Richard II. Episode de la rivalite de la France 
 et de 1'Angleterre, 2 vols. 8vo, . . . Paris, 1864 
 WALPOLE, Henry. An Epitaphe of the life and deathe of Edmund 
 Campian. Edited by A. J. 4to. 
 WALPOLE, Horace, Earl of Orford. 
 Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Strawberry Hill, 1758 
 Anecdotes of Painting, 3 vols. 4to. . . . Lond. 1762-63 
 Works, 5 vols. 4to ib. 1798 
 Letters. (Portrait.) 6 vols. 8 vo ib. 1840 
 Concluding Series, 4 vols. . . ib. 1843-44 
 WALPOLE, Sir Robert. 
 Tracts relating to Sir R. Walpole, a 12mo. vol. . ib. 1712-14 
 Containing : 
 1. The Character of an Honest Man. 
 2. A Short History of the Parliament. 
 3. Some Thoughts concerning the Peace. 
 4. Reasons concerning the immediate Demolishing of 
 5. Dunkirk or Dover, &c. 
 WALPOLE, Sir Robert continued. 
 6. The Art of Restoring: or the Piety of General 
 Monk in bringing about the last Restoration 
 evidenc'd from his own letters. 
 7. The New Project Examin'd. 
 8. The Grand Mystery laid open. 
 WALPOLE, Robert. 
 Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, 4to. Lond. 1817 
 Travels in various countries in the East, 4to. . . ib. 1820 
 WALTER, F. A. Alte Malerkunst und J. G. Walter's Leben und 
 Werke, 8vo Berlin, 1821 
 WALTERS, Robert. On Laws of Real Property, 8vo. (Tracts 60*) 
 Lond. 1829 
 WALTHER, A. F. Die Sammlungen von Gegenstanden des 
 Alterthums, der Kunst, der Vb'lkerkunde und von 
 Waffen im Grossherzoglichen Museum zu Darmstadt. 
 Zweite Auflaye, 12mo. .... Darmstadt, 1844 
 WALTHER, 0. T. 'Doctrina Temporum Indica, 4to. St.Petersburgh, 1738 
 Lexicon Diplomaticum, fol. . Gottingen, 1747 
 Lexicon Juridicum, 8vo. . . . Frankfort-on-Main, 1754 
 WALTON, Isaac. 
 Lives of J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, G. Herbert, 
 and R. Sanderson, Edited by T, Zouch, 4to. . York, 1796 
 The Life of J. Donne, D.D. With some Notes by an 
 Antiquary, 8vo. ...... Lond. n.d. 
 WALZ, C. Uber die Polychromie der Antiken Sculptur, 4to. 
 Tubingen, 1853 
 WANLET, H. Librorum veterum Septentrionalium qui in Angliae 
 Bibliothecis extant Catalogus (vol. ii. of Hickes's 
 Thesaurus), fol. . ... Oxford, 1705 
 WANLEY, N. The Wonders of the Little World ; or, a General 
 History of Man. New edition, by W. Johnston, (Plates.) 
 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1806 
 WAR, Art of. Veteres de Re Militari Scriptores. I. Flavii 
 Vegetii Renati Institutorum Rei Militaris Libri V. II. 
 Sexti Julii Frontini Strategematum Libri IY. III. 
 Claudius ^Elianus de instruendis aciebus. IV. Modestus 
 de Vocabulis rei Militaris. V. Polybius de Militia et 
 castrametatione Romanorum. VI. ^Eneae Poliorceticus. 
 VII. Incerti Auctoris de re Militari opusculum. Acce- 
 dunt I. G. Stewechii in Vegetium commentarius. II. 
 Ejusdem conjectanea et F. Modii notse in Frontinum. III. 
 P. Scriverii in Vegetium et Frontinum animadversiones. 
 (Plates.) 2 torn, (in one), 8vo. . Vesalice Glivorum, 1670 
 WARBURTON, W. Letters from a late eminent Prelate to one of 
 his friends (Bishop Hurd), 8vo. (Prattinton Col) Lond. 1809 
 WARD, F. 0. 
 Sur 1'ean des grandes villes, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . Brussels, 1857 
 Discours prononce au Congres International de Bienfai- 
 sance, 8vo. (Tracts 126) .... . t'6. 1857 
646 WAR WAR 
 WARD, John. 
 Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, fol. Lond. 1740 
 Essays on the English Language, 8vo. , . . ib. 1758 
 WARDELL, James. History of Leeds, 8vo. . , . ib. 1846 
 WARDEN, D. B. Sur les Antiquites de FAmerique Septentrio- 
 nale, 4to. . ... Paris, 1827 
 WARE, Sir James. 
 De Hibernia et Antiquitatibns ejus, 8vo. . . Lond. 1654 
 History of the Bishops of Ireland. Edited by W. Harris, 
 fol Dublin, 1759 
 History and Antiquities of Ireland. Translated by W. 
 Harris, fol Lond. 1764 
 WARE, John. Charities of St. Leonard's Shoreditch, 8vo. . ib. 1836 
 WARE, Samuel. On Properties of Arches, 8vo. . . ih. 1809 
 WARING, Robert. Amoris Effigies. Sive quid sit Amor ? effla- 
 gitanti responsum Roberti Waring. Huic tertiae editioni 
 praefigitur ejusdem Autoris Carmen Lapidarium 
 Memoriae Ben Jonsoni sacra turn, 32mo. . . . ib* 1664 
 WARKWORTH HERMITAGE, Description of. Warkworth and 
 Alnwick Castles, Alnwick and Hulne Abbeys. New 
 edition, 12mo. . . . . . Alnwick, 1818 
 WARNE, Charles. 
 Observations on the Primeval Archaeology of Dorsetshire, 
 8vo. (Tracts 67***) .... Lond. 1846 
 Dorsetshire : its vestiges, Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and 
 Danish, 8vo ib. 1865 
 Wareham : the Age of its Walls, 8vo, (Tracts 67***) ib. 1865 
 Illustrated Map of Dorsetshire. (In a case.) 4to. . ib. 1865 
 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset, fol. . , . . ib. 1866 
 Ajicient Dorset. The Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish 
 Antiquities of the County, including the early coinage. 
 Illustrated. Also an Introduction to the Ethnology of 
 Dorset, &c. By Dr. T. W. W. Smart, fol. Bournemouth, 1872 
 History of, 8vo Oxford, 1875 
 WARNEFORD LUNATIC ASYLUM. Warner Rebecca. Epistolary 
 Curiosities. Series the First : Letters of the 17th 
 Century, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) . Bath and Lond. 1818 
 WARNER, Richard. 
 A Companion in a Tour round Lymington : the New Forest, 
 Isle of Wight, Southampton, Christchurch, &c., 12mo, 
 Southampton, 1789 
 Antiquitates Culinarise, 4to. . Lond. 1791 
 Topographical Remarks on the South- Western parts of 
 Hampshire, 2 vols. 8vo. ...... ib. 1793 
 :History of Hampshire, 6 vols. in 2, 4to. , . . ib. 1795 
 History of the Isle of Wight, 8vo. . , Southampton, 1795 
 Roman Antiquities discovered at Bath, 4to. . Bath, 1797 
 History of Glastonbury, 4to. . . . . ib. 1826 
 WARNKCENIG, L. A. Sur la Legislation Beige au Moyen Age, 
 8vo. (Tracts 144) Ghent, 1834 
 Institutiones Juris Romani Privati, 8vo. . . Bonn, 1834 
WAR WAR 647 
 WARNK<ENIG, L. A. continued. 
 Flandrische Staats und Rechts Geschichte bis zum Jahr 
 1305, 2 vols. 8vt> Tubingen, 1835-37 
 Histoire de la Flandre, traduit par A. G. Ghildoff, Tome ii. 
 8vo Bruxelles, 1836 
 WARREN, C. H. On the Uniform of the U.S. Army and on the 
 Ribbon worn by Washington, 8vo. (Tracts 81) . . 1859 
 WARREN, Charles. Underground Jerusalem. With an Expedi- 
 tion through the Jordan Valley and a visit to the 
 Samaritans. 8vo Lond. 1876 
 The Manuscript Irish Missal belonging to Corpus Christi 
 College, Oxford, 8vo ib. 1879 
 The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church, 8vo. Oxford, 1881 
 The Leofric Missal, as used in the Cathedral of Exeter, A.D. 
 1050-72. With some account of the Red Book of 
 Derby, the Missal of Robert of Jumieges, &c. Edited, 
 with introduction and notes. 4to. .... ib. 1883 
 Description of an Egyptian Mummy (Massachusetts), 8vo. 
 Boston (U.S.), 
 Genealogy of Warren, 4to. . . . . ib. 1854 
 WARREN, J. L. Essay on Greek Federal Coinage, 8vo. 
 Lond. and Cambridge, 1863 
 WARRINGTON, W. History of Wales, 4to. . . . Lond. 1 786 
 WARTER, J. W. Appendicia et Pertinentise ; or, Parochial 
 Fragments relating to the Parish of West Tar- 
 ring and the Chapelries of Heene and Durrington, 
 Sussex. Containing a Life of Thomas a Becket, some 
 account of John Selden, &c. 8vo. .... ib. 1853 
 WARTON CLUB, Publications of the, 4 vols. post 8vo. . ib. 1855-56 
 1. The Adventures of Fulke Fitz-Warine, an English 
 Outlaw in the Reign of King John, containing accounts 
 of events in Shropshire and the Borders of Wales. The 
 Original Text in Anglo-Norman, with literal translation 
 in English by Thomas Wright 1855 
 2. Themes of Mary Queen of Scots written when she was 
 eleven years old. Edited by M. Anatole de Montaiglon . 1855 
 3. Old English Songs and Carols. Edited by Thomas 
 Wright . ... . 1856 
 4. Early English Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse. 
 Edited by J. 0. Halliwell . . . 1856 
 WARTON, Thomas. 
 Life of Ralph Bathurst, 8vo ib. 1761 
 Life of Sir Thomas Pope, 8vo. . . ib. 1772 
 History of English Poetry, 3 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1775-81 
 With a preface by R. Price, and notes 
 variorum. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. With new 
 notes, &c., by Sir F. Madden, T. Wright, W. Aldis 
 Wright, W. W. Skeat, R. Morris, F. J. Furnival, and 
 the Editor. 4 vols. 8vo. . ... ib. 1871 
 Parochial History of Oxfordshire, 4to. . Kidlington, 1 782 
648 WAR WAT 
 WARWICK CASTLE, Kenilworth Castle, Guy's Cliff, Stoneleigh 
 Abbey, the Beauchamp Chapel, Charlecote Hall, Strat- 
 ford, Coombe Abbey, &c. An Historical and Descriptive 
 Guide. Twelfth edition. 8vo. . . Warwick, [1870] 
 ston. Parts 1-8, 8vo ib. 1859-77 
 WASE, C. Dictionarium Minus : A Compendious Dictionary, 
 English-Latin and Latin-English, 4to. . . Lond. 1662 
 WASEY, G. L. Our Ancient Parishes (Quatford, Morville, and 
 Aston Eyre), 8vo Bridgnorth, 1859 
 WASHBOURNE, Thomas. Poems. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 
 For private circulation. (Fuller Worthies' Library.) 8vo. 
 n.p. 1868 
 Constitution and Bye-Laws, 8vo. . . Washington, 1840 
 Second and Third Bulletins of Proceedings, 8vo. ib. 1842-45 
 mission to Procure Memorial Statues for the National 
 Statuary Hall at Washington, 1876, 8vo. . Boston, 1877 
 Official Letters to American Congress, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1795 
 General George Washington's Account with the United 
 States from 1775 to 1783, as written by himself. (Fac- 
 simile.) Fol New York, 1857 
 New Notes on the Ancestry of George Washington, 8vo. 
 WATER, J. G. te. 
 Narratio de Rebus Academise Lugduno-Batavse, seculo 
 octavo et decimo prosperis et adversis, 8vo. Leyden, 1802 
 Auctarium legati Papenbroekiani, 4to. (Tracts 1) . n.p. 1802 
 WATERHOLTSE, A. Description of a Design for the Courts of 
 Justice, fol Lond. 1867 
 WATERHOUSE, E. A Short Narrative of the late Fire in London, 
 12mo ib. 1667 
 WATERING AND SEA-BATHING PLACES, A Guide to all the, 8vo. 
 ib. 1810 
 WATERLOO MUSEUM, 97, Pall Mall, Catalogue of the, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 139**) ib. 1815 
 WATERLOW, A. J. The Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. 
 Michael, Cornhill, 1456 to 1608. With Miscellaneous 
 Memoranda. 1563 to 1607. Edited by W. H. Overall. 
 Privately printed. Sq. 8vo. . . . . ib. 1871 
 Genealogical Gleanings in England, vol. i. part 1, 8vo. 
 Boston, Mass., 1885 
 John Harvard and his ancestry. Two pts. 8vo. . ib. 1885-86 
 WATERS, R. E. C. 
 Parish Registers. For private circulation. 8vo. (Tracts 
 126**) . . . J Lond. 1870 
 Second copy. 
 The Bohuns of Midhurst, 8vo. (Tracts 61***) . ib. 1871 
 WATERS, R. E. C. continued. 
 Genealogical Memoirs of the Kindred Families of Thomas 
 Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Wood, 
 Bishop of Lichfield, 4to. . . . Lond. 1877 
 Genealogical Memoirs of the Extinct Family of Chester of 
 Chicheley, 2 vols. 4to ib. 1878 
 Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Chester of Bristol, 
 Barton Regis, London, and Almondsbury ; and also of the 
 Families of Astry of London, Kent, and Gloucester, 4to. 
 ib. 1881 
 A Statutory List of the Inhabitants of Melbourne, Derby- 
 shire, in 1695, 8vo ib. 1885 
 Genealogical Notes of the Kindred Families of Longridge, 
 Fletcher, and Hawks. For private circulation. 4to. 
 WATERTON, Edmund. Catalogue of Pictures at Walton Hall, 
 near Wakefield, co. York, 8vo. (Tracts 55) Wakefield, 1855 
 WATHERSTON, E. J. Our Railways Should they be Private or 
 National Property ? 8vo. . . . . Lond. 1879 
 Roman Lancashire, 4to. ..... Liverpool, 1883 
 Roman Cheshire ; or, a description of Roman Remains in 
 the co. of Chester, 4to ib. 1886 
 WATKINS, John. Anecdotes of Men of Learning, during the 
 three last centuries, 8vo. .... Lond. 1808 
 WATNEY, John. Some Account of St. Osyth's Priory, Essex, 
 8vo ib. 1871 
 WATSON, C. K. On an alleged Tomb of John Baliol, King of 
 Scotland, at Bailleul-sur-Eaulne. (Sound with Rene De 
 Bellevall's"JeanDeBailleul.") 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 WATSON, J. F. On the Measures required for the efficient work- 
 ing of the India Museum and Library, &c., fol. . ib. 1874 
 WATSON, J. S. Life of Richard Porson, 8vo. . . . ib. 1861 
 WATSON, John. History of Halifax, 4to ib. 1775 
 WATSON, Ralph. A brief Statement of a plan for preventing 
 ships foundering at sea, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1829 
 WATSON, W. W. The Visitors' Guide to Herne Bay and Can- 
 terbury, 8vo. . . . . . . . ib. 
 WATT, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a general Index to 
 British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1824 
 WATTENBACH, W., and VENSEN, A. von. Exempla Codicum 
 Graecorum Litteris Minusculis Scrip torum, fol. 
 Heidelberg, 1878 
 WATTS, Thomas. On the earliest Printed Newspaper, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 104) Lond. 1839 
 WAXELL, Leon De. 
 Recueil de quelques antiquites trouvees sur les bords de la 
 Mere Noire, 4to. (Tracts 9) .... Berlin, 1803 
 Sur les Medailles Plaquees des Anciens, 8vo. . Lond. 1809 
 WAY, Albert. 
 Agreement between the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's 
 and Walter the Organer, 8vo 16. 1855 
650 WAY WEB 
 WAT, Albert continued. 
 Mortuary Boll of John de Hotham, Bp. of Ely, 8vo. (Tracts 
 61*) 1855 
 Reliques from Betworth Church, Surrey, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 1855 
 Gold Crowns found near Toledo, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 Grant by Geoffrey, Bp. of St. David's, 8vo. (Tracts 62*) 
 Mediaeval Manners and Costume, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 Notice of a Seal of Bone discovered at St. Alban's Abbey, 
 8vo. (Tracts 74 and 61*) 
 Notice of Roman Oculist's Stamp, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 Original Documents from No. 34 Arch. Jour. 8vo. (Tracts 
 No. 46 Arch. Jour. 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 1 Certificate by the Black Prince, 1343, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61*) 
 Lease, by Prior of C. C. Canterbury, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 61*) 
 Saxon Brooch found in Warwickshire, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 Sepulchral Brasses and Incised Slabs, 8vo. (Tracts 61*) 
 WAY, Albert, and W. S. WALFORD. Exemplification of Two 
 Charters of Henry VII., 8vo. (Tracts 60***) Lond. 1864 
 WAYLEN, James. Chronicles of the Devizes, a history of the 
 castle, parks, &c., 8vo. . . . ' . ib. 1839 
 WEALE, W. H. J. 
 Restauration des Monuments Publics en Belgique. Me- 
 moire, suivi d'une correspondance avec M. Jean Dug- 
 niolle, &c. 2 e Edition augmentee, 8vo. 
 Bruges and Brussels, 1862 
 Catalogue des Ob jets d'Art Religieux exposes a 1'Hotel 
 Liedekerke a Malines. Second edition, 8vo. Brussels, 1864 
 Ornements Sacerdotaux, 4to. ..... [1864] 
 Instrumenta Ecclesiastica. Choix d'Objets d'Art Religieux 
 exposes a Malines, 1864, fol ib. 1866 
 Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de " La Flandre," 8vo. 
 Bruges, 1867 
 Emploi des Hachures pour exprimer les couleurs du Blason 
 8vo. (Tracts 59*) 
 WEARE, T. W. On Church of Great Haesley, co. Oxford, 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1848 
 Account of Beulah Spa, 8vo. .... Lond. 1832 
 A Pedestrian Tour through France and Italy, 8vo. . ib. 1834 
 WEAVER, F. W. The Visitations of the County of Somerset, in 
 the years 1531 and 1573, with Pedigrees from that of 
 1591, Ac., 4to. ..-...-.. Exeter, 1885 
 WEAVER, R. Moiiumenta Antiqua, or the Stone Monuments of 
 Antiquity yet remaining in the British Isles, 8vo. . ib. 1840 
 WEAVERS' COMPANY. Facsimile of the Ancient Book, the original 
 of which is in the possession of the Company, fol. Lond. 
 WEBB, Benjamin. Sketches of Continental Ecclesiology, or 
 Church Notes in Belgium, Germany, and Italy, 8vo. 
 ib. 1848 
WEB WEI 651 
 WEBB, John, Memorials of the Civil War between King 
 Charles I. and the Parliament of England, as it affected 
 Herefordshire and the adjacent Counties. Edited and 
 completed by T. W. Webb, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Loud. 1879 
 WEBB, P. C. 
 The Question whether a Jew can hold lands, stated and 
 considered, 4to. (Tracts 50*) ib. 1753 
 Short Account of Domesday Book, 4to. (Tracts 50*) . ib. 1756 
 Short Account of Dane Geld, 4to. (Tract* 50*) . ' . ib. 1756 
 WEBER, D. M. Pus'terus, vetus Germanorum Idolum, 4to. 
 Giessen, 1717 
 WEBER, Henry. Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 
 15th Centuries, with notes, &c., 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1810 
 WEBSTER, John. 
 Works, with some account of the Author, and notes, by 
 A. Dyce, 8vo. Lond. 1857 
 - Second copy. 
 Dramatic Works. Edited by W. Hazlitt, 4 vols. fcp. 8vo. 
 ib. 1857 
 The Displaying of supposed Witchcraft, fol. , . ib. 1677 
 WECKERUS, Joannes Jacobus. De Secretis libri XVII. ex variis 
 authoribus collecti, &c., 8vo Basle, 1642 
 WEDGWOOD, Josiah. Description of the Portland Vase, with 
 Notes by T, Windus, fol Lond. 1845 
 Das Siegeskreuz der Byzantinischen Kaiser Constantinus 
 VIL Porphyrogenitus und Romanus II. und der 
 Hirtenstab des Apostels Petrus. Zwei kunstdenkmaler 
 Byzantinischer und Deutscher Arbeit des 10 Jahrhunderts 
 in der Domkirche zu Limburg an der Lahn, fol. 
 Bonn, 1866 
 Verhandlungeii des Internationalen Congresses fiir Alther- 
 thumskunde und Geschichte zu Bonn, 1868, 8vo. . ib. 1871 
 WEESILS, The. A Satyrical Fable : giving an Account of some 
 Argumental Passages happening in the Lion's Court 
 about Weesilions taking the Oaths, 4to. . . Lond. 1691 
 WEESILS, The ANTI-. A Poem. Giving an Account of some 
 Argumental Passages happening in the Lyon's Court, 4to. 
 ib. 1691 
 WEEVER, John. Ancient Funeral Monuments, fol. . . ib. 1631 
 WEGENER, C. F. Defence for the full hereditary right, accord- 
 ing to the Lex Regia of Denmark, of the Kings of the 
 Royal House of Denmark, 8vo. (Tracts 97) Copenhagen, 1853 
 WEIGEL, T. 0., and ZESTERMANN, A. Die Anfange der Drucker- 
 kunst in Bild und Schrift, 2 vols, fol, , . Leipsic, 1866 
 Reports of Committee, fol Lond. 1758 
 Seventh Annual Report of the Warden of the Standards, 
 for 1872-73, 8vo ib. 1873 
 Report by the Board of Trade on their Proceedings under 
 the Weights and Measures Act, 1878, fol. . . ib. 1879 
652 WET WEL 
 WEISE, Adam. Albrecht Diirer und sein Zeitalter, 4to. 
 Leipzig, 1819 
 WEISKE, Julius. De Septem clypeis Militaribus, 8vo. . ib. 1830 
 WEISSENBORN, H. J. C. Mniveund sein Gebiet, 4to. (Tracts 28) 
 Erfurt, 1851 
 WELCH, Joseph. The List of the Queen's Scholars of St. Peter's 
 College, Westminster. New edition, 8vo. . Lond. 1852 
 Das Academische Kunstmuseum zu Bonn, 8vo. . Bonn, 1827 
 Sylloge Epigrammatum Graecorum, 8vo. . . . ib. 1828 
 Zu der Sylloge Epigrammatum Graecorum, 8vo. . ib. 1829 
 TJeber die Gruppirung der Niobe und ihrer Kinder, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 121) ib. 1836 
 WELD, C, R. 
 The Great Arctic Mystery, 8vo. [Travels.] (Tracts 59) 
 Lond. 1856 
 Descriptive Catalogue of Portraits in the possession of the 
 Royal Society, 8vo. (Tracts 115) . . . . ib. 1860 
 WELDON, Sir Anthony. The Court and Character of King 
 James, with the Court of King Charles. (Portrait.) Sm. 
 8vo ib. 1651 
 WELIN, G. Legend om Pafven Gregorius den Store, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 45) . . . . . . Stockholm, 1848 
 WELLBELOVED, C. Eburacum, or York under the Romans, 8vo. 
 York, 1842 
 Stray Notes on the Text of Shakespeare, 4to. . Lond. 1865 
 Three Sale Catalogues of his medals, Drawings, Engravings, 
 and Manuscripts. (Pound with Drugulin, " Catalogue of 
 Engravings.") 8vo ib. 1866 
 WELLINGTON, Arthur, Duke of. 
 Order of Proceeding at his Funeral, fol. . . ib. 1852 
 Funeral. Nov. 1852. (A Collection of Broadsides, News- 
 paper cuttings, and Prints.) Fol ib. 1852 
 Memoir. Reprinted from " The Times," 8vo. . . ib. 1852 
 WELLS, C. Ilm Tedbiri Milk (Prospers), 8vo. (Tracts 65) Lond. 
 WELSFORD. Henry. Mithridates Minor: or, an Essay on 
 Language, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1848 
 WELSH and ENGLISH, and English and Welsh Dictionary, 12mo. 
 Abertawy and Carmarthen, 1847 
 WELSH ARCHEOLOGY, Specimens of, 870. (Traots 68*) Lond. n.d. 
 WELSH MANUSCRIPTS SOCIETY. Lives of the Cambro-British 
 Saints. By W. J. Rees, 8vo. . . Llandovery, 1853 
 WELSH TRADITIONS. An Essay on the influence of Welsh 
 Tradition upon European Literature (not published), 8vo. 
 (Tracts 164) Lond. 1838 
 WELSH, Charles. A Bookseller of the Last Century ; being some 
 account of the Life of John Newbery, 8vo. . . ib. 1885 
 WELSTED, Leonard. Works in Verse and Prose. Edited by 
 J. Nichols, 8vo. ... . ii. 1787 
WEN WES 653 
 WENDE LINUS, Godefridus. Aries sen aurei Velleris encomium. 
 (Bound with Chifflet's " Insignia equitum Velleris aurei.") 
 4to. . Antwerp, 1632 
 WENDELSTADT GALLERY. Erlauternde Bemerkungen zu den 
 Umrissen nach Gemalden im Besitze von C. F. Wendel- 
 stadt, 4to. ....... n.p. n.d. 
 WENLOCK PRIORY, Account of. By E. S. A., 8vo. (Tracts 74) 
 Tenby, 1853 
 WERDENHAGEN, J. A. De Rebus publicis Hanseaticis, 24mo. 
 Ley den, 1631 
 WERLAUF. Beskrivelse over Kong Erik Menveds Gravniinde i 
 Ringsted Kirke, 4to. (Tracts 12) . . Copenhagen, 1815 
 WESLEY, John. 
 Advices with respect to Health. Extracted from a late 
 author, 8 vo. (Bound with the preceding) . . Bristol, 1769 
 Primitive Physick ; or, an Easy Method of Curing most 
 Diseases, 15th edition, 8vo. .... Lond. 1772 
 WEST, James. 
 Sale Catalogue of Prints and Drawings, 4to. . . ib. 1773 
 Museum and Curiosities, 4to. . . ib. 1773 
 Coins and Medals, 4to. . . . ib. 1773 
 Library, 8vo ib. 1773 
 WEST, R. W. S. Notices of Withgham, County of Sussex, 4to. 
 ib. 1857 
 WEST, T. Antiquities of Furness, 4to ib. 1774 
 WEST, W. The First Part of Symboleography, which may be 
 termed the Art of Instruments and Presidents (1632). 
 The Second Part, newly corrected (1627), 4to. ib. 1632-1627 
 WESTALL, W. Views of Country Seats in 146 Coloured 
 engravings, 2 vols. ....... ib. 1830 
 WESTCOTE, T. View of Devonshire in 1630; also Devonshire 
 Pedigrees. Edited by G. Oliver and Pitman Jones, 4to. 
 Exeter, 1845 
 WESTERN ANTIQUARY; or, Devon and Cornwall Note-Book. 
 Edited by W. H. K. Wright, Vol. i., etc. 4to. In progress. 
 Plymouth, 1882, etc. 
 WESTGARTH PRIZE ESSAYS. Essays on the Reconstruction of 
 Central London. (Published by the Society of Arts.) 8vo. 
 Lond. 1886 
 WEST INDIAN. Notes in Defence of the Colonies, 8vo. (Tracts 
 124) Jamaica, 1826 
 Souvenir of the Exhibition of Christian Art at Mechlin, 
 4to Lond. and Oxford, 1866 
 A History of Design in Painted Glass, 3 vols. fol. . ib. 1881-86 
 WESTLAKE, N. H. J., and PURDUE, W. The Illustrations of Old 
 Testament History in Queen Mary's Psalter, Re- 
 produced, 4to. ....... ib. 1858 
 WESTMINSTER. Four Acts relating to the Paving, &c., of the 
 Parish of St. James, fol Lond. 1785-1819 
654 WES WES 
 Antiquities and Monuments, 2 vols. 8vo. . . Lond. 1722-42 
 Westminster Abbey. (In a case with " The- Gigantick 
 History.") 2 vols. 64mo .1742 
 WESTMINSTER FORUM, A short History of the. By the 
 President, 2 vols. in one, 8vo. . . . . Lond. 1781 
 WESTMINSTER, Matthew of, and WORCESTER, Florence of. Flores 
 Historiarum et Chronicon, fol. . . .Frankfort, 1601 
 Travellers in, 8vo. (Murray) ib. 1867 
 WESTON, Stephen. 
 Horatius cum Graecis Scrip toribus comparatus, 8vo. . ib. 1801 
 Specimen of the Conformity of the European Languages 
 with the Oriental, 8vo ib. 1802 
 : 8vo ib. 1803 
 The Praise of Paris, 8vo ib. 1803 
 Fragments of Oriental Literature .... ib. 1807 
 Ly Tang, a Chinese Poem, by Kien Lung . . ib. 1809 
 A Fast Sermon, for Feb. 28, 1810. (Tracts 33) . . ib. 1810 
 Remains of Arabic, in the Spanish and Portuguese 
 Languages, 8vo. ....... ib. 1810 
 Conquest of the Miao-Tse, a Chinese Poem, 8vo. . ib. 1810 
 Philoxenus Secundus, Persian Recreations, 8vo. . . ib. 1812 
 Chinese Characters Analysed and Decompounded, 8vo. ib. 1812 
 Persian Distichs, from various authors, 8vo. . . ib. 1814 
 Fan-Hy-Cheu, a Chinese Tale, 8vo ib. 1814 
 Episodes from the Shah Namet. By Ferdoosee, 8vo. ib. 1815 
 Chinese Poem, inscribed on Porcelain, 8vo. . . ib. 1816 
 Enchiridion Romas, 8vo. ...... ib. 1819 
 A Chinese Chronicle, by Abdalla of Beyza, 8vo. . ib. 1820 
 A Trimester in France and Swisserland, 8vo. . . ib. 1821 
 Visit to Vaucluse, 8vo ib. 1822 
 Petrarchiana, or Additions to the Visit to Vaucluse . ib. 1822 
 The Englishman Abroad, Parts 1 and 2, 8vo. . . ib. 1824 
 Historic Notices of Towns in Greece that have struck Coins, 
 8vo ib. 1826 
 WESTROM, C. A. De Visitationibus Episcoporum Lincopen- 
 sium per Gothlandiam, 4to. (Tracts 45) . . Upsal, 1848 
 Epochs of Painted Vases, 4to. . -. -. . Lond. 1856 
 Homeric Doubts, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1880 
 The Age of Homer, 8vo ib. 1884 
 Collectanea Antiqua. In the possession of H. M. Westropp, 
 On the Fanaux de Cimetieres in France, and the Round 
 Towers of Ireland, 8vo. (Tracts 37*) . . . ib. n.d. 
 Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo- 
 Saxon and Irish Manuscripts, Imp. fol. . . . ib. 1868 
WES WHE 655 
 WESTWOOD, J. 0. continued. 
 Report of the Meeting of the Oxford Architectural and 
 Historical Society, containing the President's Address [1875] 
 Lapidarium Wallise : the early Inscribed and Sculptured 
 Stones of Wales Described. Part I. 4to. . Oxford, 1876 
 WESTWOOD, Thomas. The Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler," 
 4to Lond. 1864 
 WETHERELL, Don Juan. Catalogo de Antiguedades Mejicanas, 
 8vo. '. . Sevilla, 1842 
 WETTER, J., Untersuchungen iiber die Wichtigsten Gegenstiinde 
 der Theaterbaukunst, 4to Mainz, 1829 
 WETTON, G. N. Guide to Northampton, 8vo. . Northampton, 1849 
 WEYDLING, C. G. Specimen Academicum, de Corona civica 
 Romanorum, 4to. ...... Upsnla, 1760 
 WEYMOUTH, Guide to, 12mo Weymouth, 
 WEYMOUTH, PORTLAND, &c. The Illustrated Guide to, 8vo. ib. 
 New edition . . . . . ib. 
 WHARTON PEERAGE CLAIM. In the House of Lords. Case of C. 
 Kemeys Kemeys Tynte, on his claim to the Title of 
 Baron Wharton, fol. ..... Lond. 1843 
 WHARTON, George. 
 KeipojuotvTia : or, the Art of Divining by the lines and signa- 
 tures in the hand of man, 12mo. .... ib. 1652 
 Calendarium Ecclesiasticum : or a New Almanack after the 
 old fashion for 1658, 12mo ib. 1658 
 WHARTON, Henry. Anglia Sacra, Sive collectio historiarum de 
 Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Angliae, 2 vols. fol. . ib. 1691 
 WHATELEY, Richard. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon 
 Buonaparte. Seventh edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1841 
 WHATTON, W. R. Armorial Bearings of Manchester, 4to. 
 Manchester, 1824 
 WHEATER, W. Temple Newsam : its history and antiquities ; 
 comprising an account of the ancient Preceptory of 
 Knights Templars, the baronial houses of Darcy, Lennox, 
 Stuart, and Irwin, &c., 8vo. .... Leeds, n.d. 
 Of Anagrams : a monograph, 8vo. . Hertford and Lond. 1862 
 A Dictionary of Reduplicated Words in the English 
 Language, 8vo. .... Lond. and Berlin, 1 866 
 Notes upon Norden and his Map of London, 1593, 4to. Lond. 1876 
 What is an Index ? A few notes on Indexes and Indexers, 
 8vo . ib. 1878 
 Chronological Notices of the Dictionaries of the English 
 Language, 8vo. ....... ib. n.d. 
 Notes on some English Heterographers, 8vo. . . ib. n.d. 
 WHEELER, W. H. History of the Fens of South Lincolnshire, 
 being a description of the Rivers Witham and Welland, 
 8vo. Boston and Lond. 1868 
 WHELER, Sir George. An account of the Churches of the 
 Primitive Christians ; from the churches of Tyre, Jeru- 
 salem, and Constantinople described by Eusebius, &c. 
 12mo. , . Lond. 1689 
656 WHE Will 
 WHELER, R. B. Historical Account of the Birth-place of Shake- 
 speare. Reprinted from the edition of 1824, with Pre- 
 fatory Remarks by J. 0. Halliwell, 8vo. Stratford-on-Avon, 1863 
 WHEWELL, William. 
 Architectural Notes on German Churches, 8vo. Cambridge, 1 830 
 8vo. ib. 1835 
 Newton and Flamsteed. Remarks on an article in No. 109 
 of the Quarterly Review, 8vo. (Tracts 84) . Lond. 1836 
 History and Antiquities of All Saints' Church, Maidstone, 
 fol. . , r '. . _. . ,.;/. . . ib. 1845 
 Sanitary Condition of Maidstone, 8vo. (Tracts 126) 
 Maidstone and Lond. 1849 
 On Hydraulic Lifts, 4to. (Tracts 18*) . . Lond. 1864 
 Bill of 8th May, 1856, fol. (Tracts 161) . . . ib. 1856 
 Award of Commissioners, fol. (Tracts 161) . . ib. 1857 
 WHISHAW, James. Endowed Charities in Herefordshire, 8vo. ib. 1839 
 WHISTON, Robert. Cathedral Trusts and their Fulfilment. 
 Fifth edition. 8vo. ib. 1850 
 WHISTON, William. A Vindication of the. Sibylline Oracles, 8vo. 
 ib. 1715 
 WHITAKER'S ALMANACK. 1877, etc. In progress. 8vo. ib. 1877, etc. 
 Genuine History of the Britons, 8vo ib. 1772 
 History of Manchester, 2 vols. 8vo. .... ib. 1773 
 Mary Queen of Scots vindicated, 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1787-88 
 The Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall Historically Surveyed, 2 
 vols. (in one), 4to. ....... ib. 1804 
 The Life of Saint Neot, &c., 8vo ib. 1809 
 History of the Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, 
 co. Lancashire and York, 4to. . . . Blackburn, 1800 
 New edition, 4to. (Bound with the following 
 work) ..... Lond. and Manchester, 1872-76 
 An Account of the Parish of Cartmell. Enlarged by J. G. 
 Nichols and P. A. Lyons, 2 vols. 4to. . . ib. 1872-76 
 History of Craven, co. York, fol. * . . Lond. 1805 
 Third edition, with additions. Edited by 
 A. W. Morant. With a Chapter on the Geology, Natural 
 History, and Pre-historic Antiquities, by L. C.Miall, 4to. 
 Leeds and Lond. 1878 
 Loidis and Elmete : a Description of the lower portions of 
 Aredale and Wharfdale with the entire Yale of Calder. 
 Ducatus Leodiensis, or Topography of Leeds, by R. 
 Thoresby, with additions, by Whitaker, 2 vols. fol. Leeds, 1816 
 History of Richmondshire, in the North Riding of York, 
 2 vols. fol ib. 1823 
 WHITE, A. S. Speech on the Prospective Pre-emption Bill, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 52) . . . . . . Washington, 1841 
WHI WHI 657 
 WHITE, C. H. Evelyn. 
 The Old Inns and Taverns of Ipswich : their memories and 
 associations, 8vo Ipswich, 1885 
 The Great Domesday Book of Ipswich; Liber sextas : with 
 an Introduction to the entire volume, 4to. . . ib. 1885 
 WHITE, D. A. New England Congregationalism in its origin 
 and purity ; illustrated by the First Church in Salem, 8vo. 
 Salem, 1861 
 WHITE, Gilbert. History of Selborne, 4to. . . Lond. 1789 
 WHITE, J. P. Lays and Legends of the English Lake Country, 
 8vo. Lond. and Carlisle, 1873 
 WHITE, Robert. 
 Celestial Almanac for 1826, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1826 
 History of the Battle of Otterrbun, 8vo. . . . ib. 1857 
 Photographic Handbook to the Antiquities of Worksop, 
 8vo. (Tracts 149) ib. 1860 
 Visitors' Handbook to Worksop. Third edition, 8vo. (Tracts 
 149) . Worksop, 
 WHITE, T. H. Fragments of Italy and the Rhineland, sm. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1841 
 WHITE, Walter. 
 Papers on Railway Communications, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1850-51 
 Erebus and Terror (Verses), 8 vo. (Tracts 150) Birmingham, 1860 
 WHITECHAPEL RECTORY BILL. Evidence on Tithe, 8vo. Lond. 1849 
 Is Fingal's Cave artificial ? 8vo. . . New York, 1882 
 Lake Moeris : from recent explorations in the Moeris 
 Basin and the Wadi Fadhi, 8vo ib. 1882 
 Pithom-Moeris, 4to ib. 1882 
 The Myth of Fingal's Cave, 8vo ib. 1884 
 The Science-Myth of Fingal's Cave. With Illustrations, 
 4to. . . Montreal, 1884 
 WHITELEY, Henry. Three Months in Jamaica, in 1832, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 75) Lond. 1833 
 WHITELOCK, Mr. Memorials of the English Affairs, fol. . ib. 1732 
 WHITER, W. Etymologicon Universale ; or, universal etymolo- 
 gical dictionary, 2 vols. (in three), 4to. Cambridge, 1811-25 
 WHITFTELD, M. W. Durham. Re-printed, etc., 8vo. Hull, 1885 
 WHITLEY, T. W. The Coventry Cross, 8vo. . . Warwick, 1880 
 Handbook of American Genealogy, 4to. . . Albany, 1862 
 Genealogy of the descendants of William Hutchinson and 
 Thomas Oliver, 4to Boston (U.S.), 1865 
 WHITTINGTON, Sir Richard. Life. By the Author of the 
 Memoirs of George Barnwell, sm. 8vo. . . Lond. 1811 
 WHITTLESEY, Charles. Geology and Minerals. A Report of 
 Explorations in Minnesota, 1848, 1859, and 1864, 8vo. 
 Cleveland (U.S.A.), 1866 
 WHITWORTH, Charles, Lord. Account of Russia, 12mo. 
 Strawberry Hill, 1758 
658 WHI WIL 
 WHITWORTH, Robert. Report on the Canal proposed from 
 Waltham Abbey to Moorfields, with an Address on the 
 importance of Canals in General, by James Sharp, fol. 
 Land. 1773 
 WIBERG, C. F. Der Einflnss der klassischen Volker auf den 
 Norden. (Aus dem Schwedischen von J. Mestorf .) 8vo. 
 Hamburg, 1867 
 WICKES, Charles. Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the 
 Mediaeval Churches of England. (Plates.) 3 vols. Atlas 
 fol. Lond. 1853-59 
 WICKSTEED, Thomas. On the Cornish Engine, 4to. . . ib. 1841 
 WIDMORE, Richard. On the First Foundation of Westminster 
 Abbey (two copies), 4to. (1 copy Tracts 19*) . . ib. 1743 
 WIEBEKING, C. F. Sullo stato dell' Architettura civile nel 
 Medioevo, traduzione del Cav. G. del Rosso, 8vo. (Tracts 
 139*) Catania, 1832 
 WIEGMANN, Rudolph. Ueber den Ursprung des Spitzbogenstils, 
 8vo. (Tracts 138) Dusseldorf, 1842 
 WIESELER, Friedrich. 
 Theatergebaiide und Denkmaler des Biihnenwesens bei den 
 Griechen und Romern, fol. .... Gottingen, 1851 
 Der Apollon Stroganoff und der Apollon vom Belvedere, 
 8vo ib. 1861 
 Der Hildesheimer Silberfund. Erste Abtheilung, 4to. ib. 1869 
 WIFFEN, J. H. Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell, 
 2 vols., 8vo Lond. 1833 
 Historical Memoirs, &c. First Race of Ancestry whence 
 the House of Russell had its origin. 8vo. . . ib. 1833 
 WIGHT, Isle of, Companion to the, 8vo. . . Southampton, n.d. 
 WIGHTMAN, Joseph M. Annals of the Boston Primary School 
 Committee from 1818 to 1855, 8vo. . . . Boston, 1860 
 WIGHTWICK, George. Select Views of the Roman Antiquities, 
 4to Lond. 1827 
 WIGLEY, G. J. Archaeological Studies in Jerusalem, 4to. 
 (Tracts 8*) ib. 1856 
 WILCOCKE, S. H. A New Pocket-Dictionary of the English 
 and Dutch Languages, 12mo ib. 1811 
 WILCOCKS, Joseph. Roman Conversations, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1797 
 WILD, Charles. 
 Views of Canterbury Cathedral, fol ib. 1807 
 An Illustration of the Architecture and Sculpture of Lincoln 
 Cathedral. (Plates.) Fol. . . . ib. 1819 
 Architecture of Worcester Cathedral, fol. . . . ib. 1823 
 WILD, J. J. Exploration of Egypt and Ethiopia, 8vo. (Tracts 67) 
 ib. 1850 
 WILDE, Jacobus de. Selecta Numismata Antiqua; ex Musseo 
 Jacobi de Wilde, 4to Amsterdam, 1692 
 WILDE, W. R. 
 Catalogue of Antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Irish 
 Academy, Part 1, 8vo. . . . . Dublin, 1857 
WIL WIL 659 
 WILDE, W. R. continued. 
 On the Ancient and Modern Races of Oxen in Ireland, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 117) Dublin, 1858 
 Catalogue of Antiquities of Animal Materials and Bronze 
 in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, 8vo. . ib. 1861 
 Catalogue of Antiquities of Gold in the Museum of the 
 Royal Irish Academy, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1862 
 Description of the Tonymore Crannoge, County of Cavan, 
 Ireland, 8vo ib. 1863 
 WILDER, M. P. Addresses (New England Historic* Genealogical 
 Soc.) Jan. 1 and 16, 1868, 8vo. . . Boston (U.S.), 1868 
 Beschreibung der 14 alten Todtenhiigel welche in 1827 
 und 1828 bey Sinsheim in Baden getiffnet wurden, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 118*) Heidelberg, 1830 
 Les anciens Tombeaux Germaniques a Sinzheim. Extrait 
 de 1'ouvrage Allemand, 8vo. (Tracts 118*) . . ib. 1831 
 WILKES, Wetenhall. Hounslow-Heath. A Poem. Second 
 edition, enlarged. (Privately re-printed by W. Pinker- 
 ton.) Sq. 8vo Lond. 1870 
 WILKINS, Charles. The Bhagvat Geeta, 4to. . . . ib.. 1785 
 WILKINS, David. Leges Anglo- Saxonicse, fol. . . . ib. 1731 
 Concilia Magnse Britanniae et Hiberniae, 4 vols. fol. . ib. 1737 
 WILKINS, George. Pericles, Prince of Tyre; a Novel (1608) 
 founded upon Shakespeare's Play, with Introduction by 
 J. P. Collier, 8vo Oldenburgh, 1857 
 WILKINS, William. 
 The Antiquities of Magna Greecia. (Plates.) Atlas fol. 
 Cambridge, 1807 
 Atheniensia, or remarks on the topography and buildings 
 of Athens, 8vo Lond. 1816 
 Prolusiones Architectonic ; or essays on subjects con- 
 nected with Grecian and Roman Architecture. (Plates.) 
 4to ib. 1837 
 Materia Hieroglyphica, Parts 1, 2, Appendix 8vo., and 
 Atlas, 4to Malta, 1828 
 On Several Hieroglyphical Subjects found at Thebes, 4to. 
 (bound with above) ....... ib. 1830 
 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1837 
 Second Series, 2 vols. (Plates I vol.) 3 
 vols. 8vo ib. 1841 
 New edition, corrected by S. Birch, 3 vols. 
 ib. 1878 
 The Architecture of Ancient Egypt, 8vo. fol. (Plates) ib. 1850 
 WILKINSON, Robert. 
 Antique Remains from the Church of St. Martin Outwich, 
 fol. (Tracts 160) ib. 1797 
 Londina Illustrata, fol ib. 1819 
660 WIL WIL 
 WILKS, T. C., and B. B. WOODWARD. History of Hampshire, 
 vols. i.-iii., 4to. ...... Lond. 1865 
 WILLARD, Joseph. 
 Address on Anniversary of Incorporation of Lancaster, 
 Massachusetts, 8vo. ..... Boston, 1853 
 Life and Times of Major Simon Willard, 8vo. . . ib. 1858 
 WILLEMENT, Thomas. 
 Regal Heraldry, 4to Lond. 1821 
 Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Cathedral, 4to. . . ib. 1827 
 Index to Roll of Arms, temp. Henry VIII., 4to. . ib. 1829 
 Index to Roll of Arms, temp. Richard II., 4to. . . ib. 1834 
 Account of the Restorations of the Chapel of St. George, 
 Windsor, 4to ib. 1844 
 Eaversham Church, Kent, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . ib. 1858 
 Historical Sketch of Davington, 4to. .... ib. 1862 
 WILLETT, M. The Strangers' Guide to the Banks of the Wye ; 
 including Chepstow, Piercefield, Wyndcliff, Tintern 
 Abbey, Raglan Castle, &c. Third edition, 12mo. Bristol, 1831 
 WILLETT, Ralph. Description of his Library at Merley, co. 
 Dorset, fol. ....... Lond. 1785 
 WILLIAMS, Daniel, 
 Bibliotheeae quam ille bono publico legavit Catalogus, 8vo. 
 ib. 1801 
 Catalogue of the Library in Red Cross Street, founded by 
 D. Williams, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1841 
 WILLIAMS, Eliezer. English Works : with a memoir, by 
 St. G. A. Williams, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1840 
 WILLIAMS, George, Dr. Pierrotti and his assailants : or a 
 Defence of " Jerusalem explored," 8vo. . . . ib. 1864 
 WILLIAMS, Sir J. B. Life of Sir Matthew Hale, 8vo. . ib. 1835 
 WILLIAMS, J. G. A Short Account of the British Encamp- 
 ments, lying between the rivers Rheidol and Llyfnant, 
 Cardigan, 8vo. . . . ; . Aberystwith, 1866 
 On the Hieroglyphics of the Ancient Egyptians, 8vo. Lond. 1836 
 Chinese Numismatics, 8vo. .' . .' .' . ib. 1853 
 Seder Olam Rabba, 8vo. ...... ib. 1861 
 Account of the Martin Microscope, 8vo. . . ib. 1862 
 On Coins found in a Statue of Buddha, 8vo. (Tracts 62**) 
 ib. 1863 
 Some Account of a Japanese Chronological Work, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 56**) 1863 
 Observations of Comets, from B.C. 611 to A.D. 1640. Ex- 
 tracted from the Chinese Annals, 4to. . . . ib. 1871 
 Chinese Observations of Solar Spots, 8vo. (Tracts 164) ib. 1873 
 On a Collection of Chinese Coins, 8vo. (Tracts 62**.) 
 On a Eact mentioned in early Chinese History, 8vo. 
 Second copy. (Tracts 62**.) 
 On an Example of Chinese Paper Currency, 8vo. (Tracts 
 On the Eclipses recorded in the Chinese work called Chun 
 Tsew, 8vo, (Tracts 123*.) 
WIL WIL 661 
 WILLIAMS, John (Glanmor). The Records of Denbigh and its 
 Lordship, vol. i. 8vo. . . . . . Wrexham, 1860 
 WILLIAMS, Monier. . English and Sanskrit Dictionary, 4to. 
 Lond. 1851 
 WILLIAMS, R. F. Lives of the Princes of Wales, vol. i. 8vo. ib. 1843 
 WILLIAMS, Robert. Lexicon Oornu-Britannicum. A Dictionary 
 of the ancient Celtic Language. 4to. . . . ib. 1865 
 WILLIAMS, W. M. Annals of the Company of Founders. 
 Privately printed. 8vo, . . . . . ib. 1867 
 WILLIAMSON, George. Memorials of James Watt. (Plates.) 
 4to. ...... Edinburgh, 1856 
 WILLIAMSON, William. Description af Tumulus at Gristhorpe, 
 co. York, 4to. (Tracts 6) . Scarboro', 1834 
 Catalogue of Books on Sale, 8vo, , . . Loud. 1862 
 8vo .,.,...,,. ib. 1866 
 WILLIS, Browne. 
 Survey of the Cathedral of St. David's, 8vo. . , ib. 1716 
 Survey of the Cathedral of Landaff, 8vo. . . . ib. 1718 
 History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conven- 
 tual Cathedral Churches, 2 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1718-19 
 Survey of the Cathedral of St. Asaph, 8vo. . . ib. 1720 
 Considerably enlarged. By Edward 
 Edwards, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . Wrcxham, 1801 
 Survey of the Cathedral of Bangor, 8vo. . . Lond. 1721 
 A Survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, 
 Chester, Man, Lichfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, 
 and Bristol, Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, and Peterborough. 
 With an account of all the Churches and Chapels in 
 every Diocese. 3 vols. in 2, 4to, . . . ib. 1727-30 
 Notitia Parliamentaria, 3 vols. 8vo, . . . ib. 1730-50 
 Parochiale Anglicanum ; or, The names of all the Churches 
 and Chapels within the Dioceses of Canterbury, 
 Rochester, London, Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, 
 Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. David's, Landaff, Bangor, 
 and St. Asaph, 4to. . . ib. 1733 
 Second copy. (Bound with the "Survey of 
 the Cathedrals," 2 vols.) 
 History of the Hundred of Buckingham, 4to. . . ib. 1755 
 WILLIS, H. N. Biographical Sketches of Persons whose Portraits 
 are at Knole, 8vo. ....... ib. 1795 
 WILLIS, Robert. 
 Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, 8vo, 
 (Three copies.) ib. 1845 
 Architecture of the Middle Ages, 8vo. . Cambridge, 1835 
 Architectural Nomenclature of the Middle Ages, 4to. (Bound 
 in " Publications x>f Cambridge Antiquarian Society," 
 vol. i.) ib. 1844 
 Second copy. 
 The Architectural History of the Church of the Holy 
 Sepulchre at Jerusalem,. 8vo Lond. 1849 
662 WIL WIL 
 WILLIS, Robert continued, 
 Architectural History of Chichester Cathedral, 4to. 
 (Bound up with Petit's " Boxgrove ") . Chichester, 1861 
 The Architectural History of Glastonbury Abbey, 8vo. 
 Uwmbridge, 1866 
 The Architectural History of Christ Church in Canterbury, 
 8vo L&nd. 1869 
 WILLIS, Robert, and J. W. CLARK. 
 The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, 
 and of the Colleges of Cambridge and Eton, 4 vols. 8vo, 
 Cambridge, 1886 
 WILLIS, Thomas. Pathologise Cerebri et Nervosi Generis 
 specimen, 12mo. . . . Amstelodami (Elzevir), 1670 
 WILLS, William. Essay on the Principles of Circumstantial 
 Evidence. Fourth edition, 8vo. Edited by Alfred Wills. 
 Lond. 1862 
 WILLSHIRE, W. H. An Introduction to the Study and Collec- 
 tion of Ancient Prints. Second edition, enlarged. 2 
 vols. 8vo ib. 1877 
 WILLYAMS, Cooper. History of Sudeley Castle, co. Gloucester, 
 fol ib. 1791 
 WILMOT, Sir J. E. Notes of his Opinions and Judgments, 4to> 
 ib. 1802 
 WILMOT, John. 
 Memoirs of Sir J. E, Wilmot, 8vo. , ib. 1811 
 Life of John Hough, Bishop of Oxford, 4to. , , ib. 1812 
 WILMOWSKY, I), von. Bedenken des Conservators am Museum 
 der Alterthiimer zu Leiden, Herm Dr. L. J. Janssen, 
 iiber die in der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften 
 gegen die echtheit der Romischen Inschriften zu Nennig 
 vorgetragene palaographische Kritik, 8vo. (Tracts 95**) 
 Trier, 1868 
 WILSON, C. 'H. A Memoir of the Glasgow Cathedral Painted 
 Windows, 8vo. ...... Glasgow, 1864 
 WILSON, Daniel. The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of 
 Scotland, 8vo. ...... Edinburgh, 1851 
 WILSON, E. Description of the Royal Exchange, 8vo. Lond. 1844 
 WILS-ON, F. R. An Architectural Survey of the Churches in 
 the Archdeaconry of Lindisfarne, Northumberland, 4to. 
 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1870 
 History of Merchant Taylors' Schools, 2 vols. 4to. . ib. 1812 
 Sermon on the Day of Her Majesty's (Q. Charlotte's) Inter- 
 ment, 4to. (Tracts 33) . ' . . . . Lond. 1818 
 Sermon on behalf of Society for Propagation of the Gospel, 
 8vo. (Tracts 140) ib. 1825 
 Letter to the Parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle, 4to. 
 (Tracts 33) ib. 1826 
 Second Letter, 4to. (Tracts 33) ib. 1829 
 History of the Parish of St. Laurence Pounteey, 4to. ib. 1831 
 tDn the Law of Sequestration of Ecclesiastical Benefices, 
 8vo. (Tracts 60*) ib. 1836 
WIL WIN 663 
 WILSON, H. B. continued. 
 Notices of St. Mary Aldermary, London, 8vo. . Lond. 1840 
 Contention for the Faith, a Sermon, 8vo. . . . ib. 1849 
 A Word of Counsel to the Jews, 8vo. (Tracts 77) . ib. 1850 
 On Vintry Ward School, 8vo. (Tracts 126) . . ib. 1852 
 Ariana Antiqua, Antiquities and Coins of Afghanistan, 4to. 
 ib. 1841 
 The Megha Duta, Sanskrit and English, 8vo. . . ib. 1843 
 WILSON, Henry. Account of the Pellew Islands. Edited bv 
 G. Keate. 4to ib. 1788 
 WILSON, James. A Complete Dictionary of Astrology, 8vo. ib. 1819 
 WILSON, John, D.D. History of the Suppression of Infanticide, 
 8vo Bombay, 1855 
 WILSON, Joseph. Memorabilia Cantabrigise. (Plates.) 8vo. 
 Lond. 1803 
 WILSON, T. L. Sketches of Upminster, Essex, 8vo. . . ib. 1856 
 WILSON, Thomas. Ornaments of Churches Considered, 4to. ib. 1761 
 Travels in Egypt, 8vo. ib. 1823 
 8vo ib. 1824 
 Travels in Norway, etc., 8vo. . . . . ib. 1826 
 WILTES PEERAGE. Case on behalf of S. T. Scrope, claiming to 
 be Earl of Wiltes, fol ib. 1859 
 WILTON CHRONICLE. Chronicon Yilodunense, sive de Vita 
 Sanctse Elithse. Edited by W. H. Black. Fol. . ib. 1830 
 WILTSHIRE, Dorsetshire and Somersetshire, a Handbook for 
 Travellers in. New edition. 8vo. (Murray) . ib. 1859 
 Magazine. In progress. 8vo. . Devizes and Lond. 1854, etc. 
 Some Account of the Blackmore Museum, Part 1. The 
 Opening Meeting, 8vo. ...... ib. 1868 
 of Grittleton, Wilts. By J. E. Jackson, with an Essay 
 on Topography by J. Britton, 4to. . . . Lond. 1843 
 WILTSHIRE, T. On the Ancient Flint Implements of Yorkshire, 
 8vo. (Tracts 62**) ib. 1862 
 WINCHELL, A. Genealogy of the Family of Winchell in 
 America, 8vo. ...... Ann Arbor, 1869 
 The History and Antiquities of Winchester, 12mo. 2 vols. 
 Winton, 1773 
 Restoration of Winchester City Cross, sm. 8vo. (Tracts 149*) 
 Winchester, 1365 
 A Catalogue of Charters and other Objects exhibited at 
 the 700th anniversary of the Mayoralty, 8vo. . . ib. 1884 
 WINCKELMAN, Giovanni. 
 Account of the Destruction of Herculaneum, Pompeii, and 
 Stabia, 8vo. ....... Lond. 
 Description des Pierres Gravees du feu Baron de Stosch, 
 4to Florence, 1760 
 Monumenti Antichi inediti, 2 vols. fol. . . Rome, 1767 
664 WIN WIN 
 WINDSOR CASTLE. Plan and Views ; also of Sir J. Dash wood's 
 Park, Bucks, and Views of Beverley Minster, fol. 
 1. Case of Appellant (H.M. Att. General), 4to. . Lond. 1861 
 2. Case of Respondents (Dean and Canons), 4to. . ib. 1861 
 3. (Eccles. Com. for England), 4to. . ib. 1861 
 4. ._ (H.M. Solicitor-General), 4to. . ib. 1861 
 5. (Maj. Moore and 13 others), 4to. . ib. 1861 
 6. Joint Appendix of Appellant and Respondents, 4to. ib. 1861 
 WINDUS, Thomas. A new elucidation of The Portland Vase, 
 fol ib. 1845 
 WINEFRIDE, ST. St. Winifrede : or, Holywell and its Pilgrims. 
 A sketch, sm. 8vo. ....... ib. n.d. 
 WING, William. Annals of Heyford Warren, 8vo. . . Oxford, 1865 
 WINGATE, Edmund. Abridgment of all Statutes in force and 
 use, from the beginning of Magna Charta until 1641, 8vo. 
 ib. 1675 
 WINKLES, R. B. Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of 
 the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. From 
 sketches by R. Garland. With descriptions by T. Moule, 
 3 vols. . . . . . . " . . Lond. 1838 
 WINKLEY, William. Documents relating to the Winkley Family, 
 8vo '': . . . Harrow, 1863 
 WINKS, W. E. Notes on the Coins in the Cardiff Museum, 8vo. 1879 
 WINSTON, Charles. 
 An inquiry into the Difference of Style observable in 
 Ancient Glass Buildings, especially in England: with 
 hints on Glass-Painting, Part 1. Text. Part 2, Plates, 
 2 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1847 
 - Second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1867 
 Memoirs illustrative of the Art of Glass Painting, 8vo. ib. 1865 
 WINTERBOTTOM, Timothy. A Letter on Primogeniture, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 60*) ib. 1835 
 WINTERTHUR, Johannes von. Die Chronik des Minoriten 
 Johannes von Winterthur. Edited by G. von Wyss, 8vo. 
 Zurich, 1856 
 WINTHROP, J. History of New England from 1630 to 1649, 2 
 vols. 8vo. .......... . . Boston, 1853 
 Addresses and Speeches, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1852 
 Address delivered at Harvard College, 8vo. 
 Cambridge (Mass.), 1852 
 American Agriculture, 8vo. .... Boston, 1853 
 Lecture on Archimedes and Franklin. Second edition, 8vo. 
 ib. 1854 
 Report on the Plummer Professorship at Harvard College, 
 8vo ib. 1855 
 Address at the opening of the Grand Musical Festival, at 
 the Boston Music Hall, 8vo ib. 1857 
 Addresses delivered at the Music Hall, April and May, 
 1859, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1859 
WIN WIS 665 
 WINTHROP, R. C. continued. 
 Memoir of N. Appleton, LL.D., 8vo. . . . Boston, 1861 
 Life and Letters of John Winthrop, J630, 8vo. . . ib. 1864 
 - 1630-1849, 8vo ib. 1867 
 Addresses and Speeches, 1852-1867, 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 Introductory Lecture to the Course on the Early History 
 of Massachusetts, by members of the Massachusetts His- 
 torical Society, 8vo ib. 1869 
 Oration on the 250th Anniversary of the Landing of the 
 Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, 8vo ib. 1871 
 Proceedings at the Dedication of the Town Hall, Brookline, 
 8vo BrookKne, 1873 
 Second copy, L.P. 
 Address at the unveiling of the Statue of Daniel Webster, 
 8vo Boston, 1876 
 Oration delivered before the City Council of Boston, on 
 the 100th anniversary of the declaration of American 
 Independence, 8vo. ....... ib. 1876 
 . 8vo . . ib. 1877 
 Washington, Bowdoin, and Franklin, as portrayed in 
 occasional Addresses, 8vo. . . . . ib. 1876 
 Memoir of the Hon. J. H. Clifford, 8vo. . . . ib. 1877 
 Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the 
 memory of E. Quincy and J. L. Motley, 8vo. . . ib. 1877 
 Addresses and Speeches on various Occasions, from 1869 
 to 1879, 8vo ib. 1878 
 Correspondence of Hartlib, Haak, Oldenburg, and others of 
 the Founders of the Royal Society, with Governor 
 Winthrop of Connecticut. 1661-1672. Reprint. 8vo. 
 ib. 1878 
 Memoir of Henry Clay. Privately printed. 8vo. 
 Cambridge (U.S.A.), 1880 
 Oration on. the 100th Anniversary of the Surrender of Lord 
 Cornwallis, 8vo. ...... Boston, 1881 
 Oration on the Completion of the National Monument to 
 Washington, 8vo ib. 1885 
 Addresses and Speeches on various occasions, from 1878 to 
 1886, 8vo ib. 1886 
 Letters of John, Lord Cutts, to Colonel Joseph Dudley, 
 1693-1700, 8vo Cambridge, 1886 
 WINWOOD, Ralph. Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reigns 
 of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1725 
 WISBECH, Register of the Baptist Church at. Edited by W. 
 Winkley, 8vo ib. 1860 
 Transactions of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, 
 vols. ii and iii. 8vo. .... Madison, 1853-54 
 First and Second Annual Reports of the Executive Com- 
 mittee, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1855-56 
 Jahres-Bericht fiir das Jahr 1879-80, 8vo. Milwaukee ( Wis.), 1880 
666 WIS WOB 
 WISE, Francis. 
 Letter to Dr. Mead on some Antiquities in Berkshire, 4to. 
 (Tracts 19*) ... . ^ . Oxford, 1738 
 Further observations on the White Horse in Berks, 4to. 
 (Tracts 19*) ib. 1742 
 WISE, T. A. Buddhist Monuments of Asia compared with 
 Symbols on the Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 4to. 
 (Tracts 28) Edinburgh, 1855 
 WISEMAN, Cardinal. What are the prospects of good Architec- 
 ture in London ? (Sound with BEESTON.) 8vo. Lond. 1864 
 WITCHCRAFT detected and prevented, or the School of Black Art 
 newly opened. (Woodcut.) 12mo. . . Peterhead, 1825 
 WITHALS, J. A Dictionary in English and Latine, 8vo. Lond. 1634 
 WITHER, George. 
 Fragmenta Poetica, being a collection of his several Pre- 
 dictions dispers'd throughout his works, 4to. . . ib. 1669 
 Hymns and Songs of the Church. Edited by Edward Farr, 
 Fcp. 8vo. . ib. 1856 
 Hallelujah. Edited by Edward Farr, Fcp. 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 WITSIUS, Hermannus. ^Egyptiaca, et Ae/ra0yXoi/. . sive de 
 ^Egyptiacorum Sacrorum cum Hebraicis collatione Libri 
 tres. Et de decem Tribubus Israelis liber singularis. 
 Accessit Diatribe de Legione Fulmatrice Christianorum, 
 sub imperatore M. A. Antonino, 4to. . . Basle, 1739 
 WITTE, J. de. 
 Apollon Sminthien, 8vo, ..... Paris, 1858 
 Medailles de Cologne, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . . . ib. 1862 
 La Trahison d'Eriphyle, 8vo. (Tracts 62***) . Rome, 1863 
 Medailles d'Amphipolis, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . . Paris, 1864 
 Monuments relatifs au Mythe d' Adonis, 8vo. (Tracts 62***) 
 Leipsic, 1865 
 fitudes sur les Vases Peints, 4to. . . . Paris, 1865 
 Notice sur Celestino Cavedoni, 8vo. (Tracts 33*) . ib. 1866 
 Discours a 1'occasion de 1'Anniversaire de la Fondation de 
 Rome, 8vo % (Tracts 40*) ib. 1867 
 Notice sur E. Gerhard, associe de 1'Academie, sm. 8vo. 
 Brussels, 1871 
 Satyre Bronze trouve a Dodone, 4to. . . . Paris, 1877 
 WITTS, G. B. Archaeological Handbook of the County of Glou- 
 cester, with Map, 8vo Cheltenham, [1883] 
 Wix, Samuel. 
 On the expediency of a Council of the Church of England 
 and the Church of Rome, 8vo. (Tracts 77) . Lond. 1818 
 On the expediency of Capital Punishments, 8vo. (Tracts 77) 
 ib. 1832 
 Defence of the Doctrines and Clergy of the Church of 
 England, 8vo. (Tracts 77) . ! . . . ib. 1836 
 Form of Solemnization of Matrimony, illustrated, 16mo. 
 ib. 1854 
 WOBURN ABBEY. Engravings and description of the Marbles 
 there, fol . 1822 
WOB WOO 667 
 WOBURN, Robert, Abbot of. The Declaration, as touching the 
 Accusations of his Adversaries proposed against him, 
 unto the King's Council, 8vo. .... Lorid. 1863 
 WODEROEPHE, John. The Marrow of the French Tongue, fol. 
 ib. 1625 
 WOLF, Ferdinand. 
 Ueber die Neuesten Leistungen der Franzosen, 8vo. (Tracts 
 58*) Vienna, 1833 
 Zur Anglo-N"orniandischen Geschichte, 8vo. (Tracts 58*) 
 ib. 1837 
 Ueber die Lais Sequenzen und Leiche, Ein Beitrag zur 
 Geschichte der Volkslieder, 8vo. , . Heidelberg, 1841 
 Franzosische Philologie, 8vo. (Tracts 58*.) 
 WOLF, Ferdinand, and ENDLICHER, S. Yon Brueder Rauschen, 
 4to , Vienna, 1835 
 WOLR, Johann. Lectiones Mem orab lies et Reconditae. Second 
 edition. (Plates.) 2 vols. fol. . . Frankfort, 1671 
 WOLFF, Ernst. En Dansk og Engelsk Ord-Bog, 4to. . Lond. 1779 
 WOLFF, 0. L. B. Geschichte vom dem Leben Jesu Christi, welches 
 Nicodemus, ein Rabbiner, beschrieben hat. Volksbiicher. 
 Nr. 48, 8vo Leipsic, n.d. 
 V^OLVEY, Warwickshire. Memoir. " Fresh Springs." (Two 
 leaves.) 4to [1884] 
 WONNA, M. Georgius. Ara ignoti Dei, sm. 4to, . . Jena, 1659 
 WOOD, Anthony a. 
 Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoniensis, fol. 
 Oxford, 1674 
 Athenae Oxonienses, 2 vols. fol Lond. 1721 
 Third edition. By Philip Bliss, 4 vols. 4to. 
 ib. 1813-20 
 Life. By himself. Edited by T. Hearne, 8vo. . Oxford, 1730 
 History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in 
 Oxford. Edited by J. Gutch, 4to. . . . . ib. 1 786 
 Appendix, 4to. . . . . ib. 1 790 
 History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford. 
 Edited by J. Gutch, 2 vols. in 3, 4to. . " . ib. 1792-96 
 WOOD-ENGRAVING. Specimens of Early Wood-Engraving, in 
 the possession of the publisher (W. Dodd), 4to. 
 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1862 
 WOOD, E. J. History of Clerkenwell. By the late W. J. Pinks, 
 4to . ib. 1865 
 WOOD, J. R. A Funeral Sermon on the Death of Sir E. H. 
 Lechmere, 4to. For private distribution . . Lond. 1856 
 WOOD, John. Description of Bath, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. . . ib. 1749 
 WOOD, Robert. 
 Ruins of Palmyra, fol. ib. 1753 
 Ruins of Baalbec, fol. ib. 1757 
 An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Homer : with a 
 view of the Troad, 4to. Plates .... ib. 1775 
668 WOO WOO 
 WOOD, T. W. 
 The Degrees, Crowns, and Hoods of the British, Colonial, 
 Indian, and American Universities and Colleges, sq. 8vo. 
 Lond. 1883 
 Eldersfield and its Associations, 8vo. . . Tewlcesbury, 1883 
 WOOD, Thomas. A New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law. 
 Fourth edition, fol ib. 1730 
 WOODARD, D. Narrative of Captain Woodard and four seamen, 
 who lost their ship and surrendered themselves up to 
 the Malays. Edited by W. Vaughan, 8vo. . Lond. 1805 
 WOODD, The Family of. Genealogical, Heraldic, and other 
 Hecords. Privately printed, fol. . . . ib. 1886 
 WOODHOUSE, F. C. Account of St. John's College Chapel, 
 Cambridge, 8vo. (Tracts 74) . . . Cambridge, 1848 
 WOODROOFFE, S. M. Pedigree of Woodrooffe, with Notes, 
 4to. Privately printed . . . . Lond. 1878 
 WOODS, Joseph. Letters of an Architect from France, Italy, 
 and Greece, 2 vols. 4to. Plates ib. 1828 
 History of Wales, 8vo ib. 1852 
 History of Hampshire, Yol. i. Part 1, 4to. . . . ib. 1858 
 WOODWARD, B. B., and WILKS, T. C. 
 History of Hampshire, vols. i., ii., iii. (parts 26-34), 4to. 
 ib. 1858-66 
 A General History of Hampshire, including the Isle of 
 Wight, 3 vols. 4to. . . . . . ' . ib. 1858-69 
 WOODWARD, G. M. Eccentric Excursions ; or, Library and 
 Pictorial Sketches in different parts of England and 
 Wales, 4to. Coloured prints .... . ib. 1796 
 WOODWARD, H. B. A Memoir of Samuel Woodward, 8vo. . . 1879 
 WOODWARD, J. M. The History of Bordesley Abbey. Written 
 for R. S. Bartlett, 4to. . . . . . . ib. 1866 
 An Account of some Roman Urns digg'd up near Bishop's- 
 gate. With Reflections upon the Antient and Present 
 State of London, in a Letter to Sir C. Wren, 8vo. ib. 1713 
 Third edition, 8vo ib. 1723 
 WOODWARD, Samuel. 
 Geology of Norfolk, 4to. ..... Norwich, 1833 
 Norfolk Topographers' Manual, by W. C. Ewing, 8vo. Lond. 1 842 
 History of Norwich Castle, 4to ib. 1847 
 WOOF, R. 
 Sketch of the Knights Templars, 8vo. . . . ' . ib. 1865 
 On the Seals and Arms of the City of Worcester, 8vo. 
 Three 8vo. vols. of Tracts, by R. Woof, lettered outside, 
 " Worcester Tracts," 1 and 2, and "Worcester Records," 
 3, containing : 
 Vol i.' 1, The Seals and Arms of the City of Worcester. 
 Autograph Letters of Albert Way and others inserted . . 1865 
 Second copy. (Tracts 67***.) 
 2. The Seals and Arms of the City of Worcester. (Critique) 1866 
WOO WOR 669 
 WOOF, R. continued. 
 3. Biographical Notes of the Portraits preserved in the 
 Guildhall, Worcester, by R. Woof. With Portraits, etc., 
 Vol. ii. 1. The Personal Expenses of Charles II. in the 
 City of Worcester, 1651. Newspaper critiques, etc. t 
 2. Traders' Tokens and the Tokens of Worcester and 
 3. Worcester Gilds and Ordinances. 
 Vol. iii. Catalogue of Manuscript Records and Printed 
 Books in the Library of the Corporation of Worcester, 
 and List of Trade and other Tokens and Money Pieces in 
 the Corporation Collection. With an Appendix of Local 
 Records, not in the custody of the Corporation. Inter- 
 leaved copy. 
 The Seals and Arms of the City of Worcester, 8vo. 
 Worcester, 1865 
 Pedigree of the Turner Family, and its representatives in 
 1871, 4to. Collected by Hubert Smith. Privately 
 printed Lond. 1871 
 Catalogue of Manuscript Records and Printed Books in 
 the Library of the Corporation of Worcester. (Woolfe 
 Coll.) 8vo Worcester, 1874 
 Second copy. 
 Catalogue of Town, Trade, and other Tokens and Money 
 Pieces of Worcester and Worcestershire in the collection 
 of the Corporation. (Woolfe Coll.) 8vo. (Nine copies.) 
 ib. 1874 
 Biographical Notes of the Portraits preserved in the 
 Guildhall, Worcester. (Woolfe Coll.) 8vo. (Five copies.) 
 ib. n.d. 
 The Personal Expenses of Charles II. in the City of 
 Worcester, 8vo. ...... n.p. n.d. 
 Second copy. (Woolfe Coll.) 
 Third copy. (Tracts 95***.) 
 WOOLHOUSE, W. S. B. The Measures, Weights and Moneys of 
 all Nations, 12mo Lond. 1856 
 History of Worcester, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) Worcester, 1790 
 Royal Directory for Worcester, 1794, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) 
 ib. [1794] 
 Brief History of Worcester, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.). ib. 1806 
 Concise History of Worcester, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) ib. 1808 
 - New edition, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) ib. 1816 
 A Concise History and Description of the City and Cathe- 
 dral of Worcester ; comprising also a brief account of all 
 Market and Borough Towns in the county, &c. ( Woolfe 
 Coll.) 8vo Worcester and Lond. 1829 
 Guide and Directory for Worcester, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) 
 Worcester, [1837] 
670 WOR WOB 
 WORCESTER continued. 
 An Account of all the Public Charities in the City of 
 Worcester that are under the Worcester Charity Trustees. 
 (Woolfe Coll.) 8vo Worcester, 1838 
 The Stranger's Guide to the City of Worcester, 8vo. ib. 1848 
 Descriptive Catalogue of the Museum formed at Worcester, 
 during the meeting of the Archaeological Institute. With 
 a Memoir on the Manufacture- of Porcelain at Worcester, 
 by R. W. Binns. ( Woolfe Coll.) 4to. Worcester and Lond. 1862 
 A Guide to the City and Cathedral of Worcester, 8vo. 
 Worcester, 1867 
 Sketch of Antiquities of Worcester, 8vo. (Prattinton Coll.) 
 Lond. n.d, 
 Escape of King Charles II. (Woolfe Coll.) 8vo. . n.p. n.d. 
 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptornm Ecclesiee Cathedralis 
 apud Vigorniam, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) . . . I860 
 Papers relating to the Restoration of Worcester Cathedral, 
 fol 1862-67 
 Expenditure, 1864-1875, 8vo. . . . Worcester, 1875 
 to 1872. (Woolfe Coll.) 4to. 
 WORCESTER, Guildhall of the City of. Restoration of Worcester 
 Guildhall. (Two Newspaper cuttings.) . . . [1876] 
 WORCESTER POST-MAN. Nov. 19, 1714 to Feb. 9, 1722. (Woolfe 
 Coll.) Fol. 
 WORCESTER ROYAL DIRECTORY, 1792-94. (Woolfe Coll.) . 1792-94 
 1875 to 1877, &c., 8vo. . . . Worcester (Mass.), 1877 
 WORCESTER, Marquis of. A statement of his Services and 
 Expenses for his King and Country. Edited by C. Baker. 
 4to. . . . . . . . . . n.p. n.d. 
 WORCESTERSHIRE, History and Topography of. (Pinnock.) 8vo. 
 (Prattinton Coll.) . ... Lond. 1819 
 General and Commercial Directory for 1820. Pt. 1. Com- 
 piled by S. Lewis. (Woolfe Coll.) 12mo. Stourbridge, 1820 
 Newspaper Cuttings. (Woolfe Coll.) 4to. . . 1864-76 
 A Compleat History of Worcestershire. From Magna 
 Britannia Antiqua et Nova, 4to. (Prattinton Coll.) Lond. n.d. 
 Another copy, interleaved with MS. notes, 
 without title page. (Prattinton ColL) 
 WORCESTERSHIRE EXHIBITION, 1882. Catalogue, 8vo. Worcester, 1882 
 WORDSWORTH, Christopher. 
 Athens and Attica ; Notes of a Tour, 8vo. . . Lond. 1855 
 Old Catholic Congress. A Letter on return from the Con- 
 gress at Cologne, 8vo. (Tracts 162) Lincoln and Lond. 1872 
 Statuta Ecclesise Cathedralis Lincolniensis, 8vo. . ib. 1873 
 A Lecture on Art, delivered at Nottingham, 16mo. 
 Lincoln and Nottingham, 1875 
WOR WOR 671 
 WORDSWORTH, Christopher continued. 
 Epistola centum. Episcoporum in Anglia Congregatorum, 
 1878. Graece et Latine reddita. 
 Lond., Oxford, and Cambridge, 1878 
 Miscellanies, Literary and Religious, 3 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1879 
 Inaugural Address to the Annual Meeting of the Institute 
 (Archaeological) held a,t Lincoln, 8vo. . . Lond. 1880 
 WORLD (A) of Wonders : or an Introduction to a Treatise touch- 
 ing the conf ormitie of ancient and moderne Wonders ; or 
 a preparative Treatise to the Apologie for Herodotus, &c. 
 Translated out of the best corrected French copie (by R. 
 C.). Fol Edenburgh, 1608 
 WORMS, Baron Henry de. 
 England's Policy in the East. Fourth edition, 8vo. Lond. 1877 
 The Austro-Hungarian Empire. A Political Sketch of Men 
 and Events since 1866. Second edition, 8vo. . ib. 1877 
 WORNUM, R. N. Some Account of the Life and Works of Hans 
 Holbein. With illustrations. 8vo. . . . ib. 1867 
 WoRRAJ*L, John. Bibliotheca Legum, 12mo. . . . ib. 1753 
 WORSA.E, J. J. A. 
 Antiquities of Ireland and Denmark, communicated to the 
 Royal Irish Academy, 8vo. (Tracts 97) . . Dublin, 1846 
 Zur Alterthumskunde des Nordens, 4to. . . Leipzig, 1847 
 Danevirte. der alte Granzwall Danemarks gegen Siiden. 
 Aus dem Danisshen iibersetzt von A. Courlander, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 59*) Copenhagen, 1848 
 The Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, Translated, and ap- 
 plied to the illustration of similar remains in England, by 
 William J. Thorns, 8vo Lond. 1849 
 Second copy. 
 Afbildninger fra det Kongelige Museum for Nordiske Old- 
 sager i Kjobenhavn, 8vo. . . . Copenhagen, 1854 
 Om Nye Opdagelser af Runer i Frankrige og England, 
 8vo. (Tracts 58) ib. 1856 
 Om Jernalderen i Danmark (Tracts 58) ... ib. 1858 
 Om En ny Deling af Steen- og Broncealderen, 8vo. (Tracts 
 58) ib. 1860 
 Om Danmarks tidligste Bebyggelse, 8vo. (Tracts 58) . ib. 1861 
 Om Tvedelingen af Steenalderen, 8vo. (Tracts 58) . ib. 1862 
 Bothwell's Grav i Faareveile Kirke (Illusteret Tidende N r . 
 123), fol. . ib. 1862 
 Om Slesvigs eller Sonderjyllands Oldtidsminder, 4to. ib. 1865 
 Conferentsraaderne C. C. Rafn's og C. J. Thomson's fortje- 
 nester af Oldskirf tselskabet og af Oldtidsvidenskaben i det 
 Hele, 8vo. (Tracts til**) ib. 1866 
 Sur quelques trouvailles de 1'age de bronze faites dans les 
 tourbieres, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) ib. 1867 
 Om Betydningen af vore store Mosefund fra den celdre 
 Jernalder, 8vo. (Tracts 61**) ib. 1868 
 La Sepulture de Mammen datant de la fin des temps payens. 
 8vo. ib. 1870 
672 WOR WRE 
 J. J. A. continued. 
 Discours prononce devant la Societe Royale des Antiquaires 
 du Nord, a 1'occasion du 50 e Anniversaire de sa Fondation, 
 8vo. . . . . . . . Copenhagen, 1875 
 Kongehoiene i Jellinge, fol. . . . . ib. 1875 
 Die Vorgeschichte des Nordens nach gleichzeitigen Denk- 
 malern. Ins Deutsche iibertragen von J. Mestorf, 8vo. 
 Hamburg, 1878 
 La Conservation des Antiquites et des Monuments JSTatio- 
 naux en Danemark. 8vo. .... Copenhagen, 1878 
 La Civilisation Danoise a 1'epoque des Yikings. Traduit du 
 Danois par L. Morillot, 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1880 
 De I'Organisation des Musees Historico-Archeologiques 
 dans le Nord et aiileurs. Traduit par E. Beauvois, 8vo. 
 ib. 1885 
 Sur 1'importance des grandes trouvailles du premier age de 
 fer faites dans les tourbieres danoises. (Tracts 61**) 
 n.p. n.d. 
 WORSHIP, Francis. Account of a Manuscript Genealogy of the 
 Paston Family, 8vo. ..... Norwich, 1852 
 WOESLEY, J. E. The History of the Parish Church of S. Mary, 
 at Leigh, 8vo. ....... Leigh, 1870 
 WORSLEY, Sir Richard. 
 History of the Isle of Wight, 4to. . . . Lond. 1781 
 Museum Worsleyanum, 2 vols. fol. . . . ib. 1794 
 WORTHING and its Vicinity, A Guide and Handbook to. New 
 edition, 8vo. .... Lond. and Worthing, 1868 
 WORTHINGTON, B. Improvement of Dover Harbour, 8vo. Dover, 1838 
 Ashburton and its Neighbourhood, or the Antiquities of 
 Ashburton, and of Buckland-in-the-Moor and Bickington, 
 sq. 8vo. ....... Ashburnham, 1875 
 The History of the Manor and Church of Winkleigh, Devon, 
 8vo ........ Plymouth, 1876 
 A Memoir of Bishop Stapledon, 8vo. . . . n.p. [1876] 
 WOTTON, Sir Henry. 
 Reliquiae Wottonianee ; or a collection of Lives, &c., 8vo. 
 Lond. 1651 
 State of Christendom, fol ....... ib. 1657 
 WOTTON, Thomas. English Baronetage, 4 vols. in 5, 8vo. . ib. 1741 
 WOTTON, William. 
 Leges Wallicse, fol. . . ..... ib. 1730 
 Short View of Hickes' Treasury of the Ancient Northern 
 Languages. Translated by M. Shelton, 4to. . . ib. 1737 
 WRATISLAW, A. H. Plea for Rugby School, 8vo. (Tracts 91*) 
 ib. 1864 
 WRAXALL, N. W. History of France, 6 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1814 
 WREKIN, Rocks of the. By a Lady, 8vo. Wellington (Salop), n.d. 
 WREKIN and its environs, a Guide to the. New edition, 8vo. 
 ib. 1870 
 WREN, C. Parentalia ; or memoirs of the family of the Wrens. 
 Edited by S. Wren, fol ...... Lond. 1750 
WEI WRI 673 
 WRIGHT, Andrew. 
 Court Hand Restored ; or the Students' Assistant in reading 
 old deeds, &c., 4to Lond. 1786 
 ib. 1834 
 - Ninth edition, corrected and enlarged. By 
 C. T. Martin, 4to . ib. 1879 
 WRIGHT, Charles. 
 The Stratford Portrait of Shakespeare, 8vo. (Tracts 70) ib. 1861 
 Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, 8vo. (Tracts 70) . . ib. 1861 
 The Stratford Portrait and the " Athenaeum," 8vo. (Tracts 
 141) ib. 1861 
 WRIGHT, G. N. A Guide to the Giant's Causeway, and the 
 North-East coast of the county of Antrim, 12mo. ib. 1823 
 WRIGHT, George. The Unfortunate Lovers : a story. To which 
 is added the Lady's Counsellor, 12mo. . . . ib. 1792 
 WRIGHT, Harrison. A Memorandum-Description of the finer 
 specimens of Indian Earthenware Pots, in the Collection 
 of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, 
 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 8vo. . . . Wilkes-Barre (Pa.), 1883 
 WRIGHT, James. History of Rutland, fol. . . Lond. 1684 
 WRIGHT, Thomas. Louthiana : or Introduction to the Anti- 
 quities of Ireland, 4to. ...... ib. 1748 
 WRIGHT, Thomas, M.A. 
 On the Literature and Learning of the Anglo-Saxons, 8vo. 
 ib. 1839 
 History of Essex, 2 vols. 4to ib. 1842 
 Biographia Britannica Literaria ; or, Biography of Literary 
 characters of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols. ib. 1842-46 
 St. Patrick's Purgatory ; or an essay on the legends of Pur- 
 gatory, Hell and Paradise current in the Middle Ages, 
 8vo. ib. 1844 
 Archaeological Album ; or Museum of National Antiquities, 
 4to . . . . ib. 1845 
 Essays on subjects connected with the Literature, Popular 
 Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle 
 Ages, 2 vols. 8vo ib. 1846 
 Second copy. 
 England under the House of Hanover, illustrated from the 
 caricatures and satires of the day. (Platen.) 2 vols. ib. 1848 
 Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of 
 James Gillray, 8vo. ...... ib. 1851 
 The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon, 8vo. . . . ib. 1852 
 The History of Ludlow and its neighbourhood, 8vo. Ludlow, 1852 
 Lecture on Anglo-Saxon Antiquities, 8vo. (Tracts 120) 
 Liverpool , 1854 
 - 8vo. (Tracts 120) .... ib. 1855 
 Early Christianity in Arabia, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1855 
 On the History of the Drama in the Middle Ages, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 120) Liverpool, 1855 
 Treago, and the large Tumulus at St. Weonard's, 8vo. 
 (Tractel20) Tenby, 1855 
674 WRI WYA 
 WRIGHT, Thomas, M.A. continued. 
 Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Ludlow Castle. 
 Second edition, sm. 8vo. . . . . Ludlow, 1856 
 On the Ethnology of South Britain at the Extinction of 
 the Roman Government, 8vo. (Tracts 120.) (Two copies) 
 Liverpool, 1856 
 On the Remains of a Primitive People in the South East 
 corner of Yorkshire, 8vo. (Tracts 120) . . Lond. 1856 
 Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, 8vo. . ib. 1857 
 On the History of the English Language ; a Lecture, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 120) . Liverpool, 1857 
 Guide to the Ruins of Uriconium, 8vo. . Shrewsbury, 1859 
 Second edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1859 
 Autobiography. Edited by T. Wright, F.S.A., 12mo. 
 Lond. 1864 
 On the Early History of Leeds, 8vo. (Tracts 63**) Leeds, 1864 
 Ludlow Sketches ; papers on Ludlow and its neighbour- 
 hood, 8vo. . . . . Ludlow, 1867 
 Uriconium ; a Historical Account of the ancient Roman 
 City, and of the Excavations made upon its site at 
 Wroxeter, 8vo. . . . Lond. and Shrewsbury, 1872 
 A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and 
 Art. Illustrations by F. W. Fairholt, 8vo. . Lond. 1875 
 Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. Second 
 edition. Edited by R. P. Wiilcker, 2 vols. 8vo. . ib. 1884 
 WRIGHT, Thomas, M.A., and EVANS, R. H. Account of the 
 Caricatures of James Gillray, 8vo. .... ib. 1851 
 Wurzburg, 1834 
 Satzungen, 8vo. ....... Stutgard, 1843 
 Die Heidengraber am Lupfen (bei Oberflacht) von H. Yon 
 Diirich und Dr. Menzel, 4to ib. 1847 
 Schriften, Nos. i. to vi. 8vo ib. 1859-63 
 Rechenschaftsberichte, 1 July, 1854, bis 31 Dec., 1858, 4to. 
 ib. 1859 
 Jahreshefte, Nos. i. to x. fol. . . . ib. 1859-64 
 WYATT, James. 
 Flint Implements in the Drift. Was Man amongst the 
 Mammoths ? 8vo. (Tracts 62) . . . . Bedford, 1860 
 On the Flint Implements in the Drift, discovered near Bed- 
 ford, 8vo. (Tracts 62) ib. 1861 
 A Glance at Ancient Bedford, 8vo. (Tracts 67***) . ib. 1865 
 Bedford after the Saxon Period, 8vo. . . . n.p. 1868 
 Antiquity of the Human Race. Further Links in the 
 Chain of Evidence, 8vo. (Tracts 164) .. . 1870 
 The Ancient Camps of Maiden Bower and Totternhoe, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 164) 1871 
 WYATT, M. D. 
 Metal Work and its Artistic Design. (Plates.) Fol. Lond. 1852 
 Observations on Metallic Art, fol. .... ib. 1857 
 Principles of Design for Textile Art, fol. . . . ib. 1858 
WYA XEN 675 
 WYATT, M. D. continued. 
 Observations , on the Early Habitations of the Irish, 4to. 
 (Tracts 15) .. .. . 1858 
 The Art of Illuminatiiigv By M. D. Wyatt and W. R. 
 Tymms, fol Lond. 1860 
 - Second copy (without Plates). 
 - 8vo ib. 1861 
 On the Arts of Decoration at the Paris Exhibition, 1867, 
 8vo. ^6. 1868 
 Works. With biographical and critical notices by Leigh 
 Hunt, 8vo ib. 1840 
 \VVCLYFFE, John. 
 T2*e Last Age of the Church. Edited by J. H. Todd, 12mo. 
 Dublin, 1840 
 Three Treatises by John Wycklyffe. Edited by J. H. Todd, 
 12mo. . . ib. 1851 
 WYKE, near Winchester, History and Antiquities of the Parish 
 Church of, 4to. (Tracts 33*) ,. . . Winchester, 1865 
 WYLIE, W. M. Fairford Graves. A record of researches in an 
 Anglo-Saxon Burial Place, 4to. . . . Oxford, 1852 
 WYNDHAM, Anne. Boscobel ; or, the Compleat History of the 
 Preservation of King Charles II. after the Battle of 
 Worcester. To which is added, Claustrum Regale Re- 
 seratum ; or, the King's Concealment at .Trent. Fourth 
 edition-. (Woolfe Coll.) 8vo Lond. 1725 
 Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, 8vo. . . ib. 1775 
 Wiltshire v extracted from Domesday Book, 8vo. Salisbury, 1788 
 A Picture of the Isle of Wight, delineated upon the spot, 
 in 1793, 8vo. . . .... Lond. 1794 
 WYNNE, of Peniarth, Merioneth, Pedigree of the Family of. 
 Privately printed, 8vo ib. 1872 
 WYNNE, W. W. E. History of the Parish of Llanegryn. (Pedi- 
 gree of the Family of Wynne, inserted at thei end.) 8vo. 
 ib. 1879 
 WYNTOWN, Andrew of. Cronykil of Scotland.- Edited by., D. 
 Macpherson, 8vo. ib. 1795 
 WYSS, Georg. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Familie Maness, 
 4to. . . Zurich, 1850 
 WYTTENBACH, J. H. Versuch einer Geschichte von Trier, 8vo. 
 Treves, 1810-22 
 XENOCRATES. De Alimento ex Aquatilibus, Gr. et Lat. Edited 
 by C. de Ancora, 8vo Naples, 1794 
 Opera, 8vo . Paris (Didot), 1860 
 CEconomicus. Convivium. Hiero. Agesilaus. Recensuit 
 J. G. Schneider, 8vo. . ... Oxford, 1812 
 De Cyri Discipline,. Recensuit J. G. Schneider, 8vo. ib. 1812 
676 XEN YEA 
 XENOPHON continued. 
 De Cyri Expeditione Commentarii. Recensuit J. G. 
 Schneider, 8vo, ', . Oxford, 1813 
 Opuscula Politica, Equestria et Yenatica. Recensuit J. G. 
 Schneider, 8vo,. . . . . . f . ib. 1817 
 Memorabilia Socratis. Cum Apologia Socratis.. Recensuit 
 J, G, Schneider, 8vo. . . . . . . ib. 1826 
 Treatise of IJouseholde. (Bound with Eitzherbert's Hus- 
 bandry.) Translated by ..Gentian He-rvet, 12mo, Lond. 1534 
 YARMOUTH, Great. 
 An Historical Guide to Great Yarmouth. Third edition, 
 8vo, ......... Yarmouth, 1821 
 Repertory of Deeds and Documents relating to the 
 Borough, 4to. ib. 1855 
 Proceedings at a Meeting relative to the Restoration of 
 Nelson's Monument, 4to. (Tracts 103) . . , ib. 1856 
 YARRANTON, Andrew. England's Improvement by Sea and 
 Land, 4to. , , Lond. 1677 
 YATE, W. H. 
 Catalogue of his Museum, 8vo. . . . Gloucester, 1801 
 Address on the recent Middlesex Election, 8vo. (Tracts 128) 
 ib. 1804 
 YATES, E. T. The Chancel of Burgh Church, near Aylsham, 
 and a transcript of Burgh Church Register. Also Notes 
 on the Chancel at Burgh, by R. M. Phipson, 4to. 
 Norwich, 1880 
 YATES, J. B. Rights and Jurisdiction of the County Palatine 
 of Chester, 4to>. ..,,., Manchester, 1854 
 YATES, James. 
 Remarks on Gesenius's " Palaographische Studien," 8vo. 
 (Tracts 89) ......... Lond. 1837 
 Textrinum Antiquorum, or Art of Weaving among the 
 Ancients, 8vo. ........ ib. 1843 
 On the use of Bronze Celts in Military Operations, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 89) . ib. 1843 
 On the Limes Rhceticus and Limes Transrhenanus, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 89) ..,,,,.'. ib. 1852 
 On the Stone Wedges of Java, 8vo. (Tracts 89) . . ib. 1855 
 Origin of the Association for obtaining the Decimal Sys- 
 tem. Second edition, 8vo. (Tracts 89) . . . ib. 1856 
 On the Mining Operations of the Romans in Britain, 8vo. 
 (Tracts 89) .,.,... Taunton, 1859 
 YATES, William. History of the Town and Abbey of St. 
 Edmundsbury, 4to, ...... Lond. 1805 
 YEATES, Thomas. 
 Remarks on Bible Chronology, 8vo. (Tracts 83) . . ib. 1830 
 On the Pyramids of Egypt, 4to. . . . . ib. 1833 
 Y BATMAN, Pym. Records of the Borough of Chesterfield, 8vo. 
 Chesterfield, 1884 
YEL YOlt 677 
 The Hon. William Charles Telverton, Appellant ; Maria 
 Theresa Longworthy, Respondent. 
 1. Appellant's Case, 4to. . . . . . Lond. n.d 
 2. Appendix to the 'Appellant's Case, 4to. . . . ib. n.d. 
 3. The Respondent's Case, 4to. . . . . . ib. n.d. 
 YELVERTON, Sir J, A short Discourse of the Truth of the Reli- 
 gion delivered by Jesus Christ. With a Disquisition 
 touching" the 1 Sibylls : by another hand (Sir J. Twysden), 
 sm. 8vo. . ib. 1662 
 A Description of York. Sixth edition, I2mo. . York, 1820 
 Eleventh edition, 8vo. . . . ib. 1825 
 The Stranger's Guide through York. Fifth edition, 12mo. 
 ib. 1835 
 Visitatorial Court of the Archbishop of York, Report of 
 Proceedings, 18th Jan. to 24th July, 1841, 8vo. Lond. 1841 
 Description and History of the Cathedral of Sti Peter, York, 
 2 vols. l''2mo, . . .. .- .- . . York, 1*768- 70' 
 Report on" Restoration of York Minster, 8vo. - (Tracts 56) 
 Lond: 1830-' 
 The Visitor's Guide to York Cathedral : with' an' Account 
 of the Churches in York, ruins of St. Mary's Abbey, 
 York Castle,. City Walls, &c., 12mo. . . York, 1845 
 YORK, James, Duke of,. Great and Weighty considerations 
 relating to, fol. . . . . . . Lond. 1680 
 YORK, James. Sermon for the Small-pox Hospital, preached 
 April 18th,- 1771:, 4to. (Tracts 33) . . . ib. 1771 
 YORKE, James. The Union of Honour, containing the arms, 
 matches, and issues of the Kings, Dukes, Marquesses, 
 and Earls of England, from the Conquest to 1640, 
 roy. 8vo. . . ib. 1640 
 YORKE, P. The Royal Tribes of Wales, 4to. - . . Wrexham, 1799 
 Handbook for Travellers,. 8vo. (Murray) . . Lond. 1867 
 Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding. 
 Report of the Proceedings of the Society, 1856-57-63-64, 
 8vo. (Tracts 82) .- , .. .- . . Leeds, 1857-64 
 The North Riding Record Society, vol. i. etc., 8vo. In 
 progress . . . . . . . . Lond. 1883, etc. 
 The Bairusla Foaks' Annual, 1862; 1864-66, and 1869-72. 
 Tommy Toddles's Comic Almenac, 1862 and 1864-67. ib. 
 Tommy's Annual, 1871-72 . . . . . . Ib. 
 The Original Illuminated Clock Almanack, 1870-72. 
 T' Frogland Comic Olmenac, 1856 and 1866. . Leeds? 
 The tfidderdill Olminac, 1870 and 1871 . Pateley Bridge;- 
678 YOR YOR 
 The Dewsbre Back at Mooiii Olmenac, 1864 and 1871. 
 T' : Pi*ddledock Olminack, 1856 . , . Heckmondwilce, 
 T' Bishop Blaize Olmenac, 1857 .... Bradford, 
 The Borne Miln Olmenac, 1855-57, 
 Cleelcheaton and Bradford, 
 1. The Original Illuminated Clock Almanack. By J. 
 Hartley. 8vo Halifax, 1871 
 2. The Nidderdill Olminac. By. "Nattie Nydds. 8vo. 
 Pateley Bridge, 1871 
 3. " Tommy's Annual," 8vo . . Leeds, 1871 
 4. T'Bairnsla Foaks' Annual. Be Tom Treddlepoyle, Esq, 
 8vo. ....... Leeds and Lond. 1871 
 5. The Dewsbre Back at Mooin Olmenac. Be Mung 
 Shoddy, Esq. -8vo. , . Bailey, 1871 
 Tommy Toddles's Comic Almenac, 8vo. (Tracts 126**) 
 Leeds, Lond. and. 'Manchester, 1871 
 1. The Original Illuminated Clock Almanack -Bradford. 
 2. Sannterer's Satchel and West Riding Almanack . ib. 
 3. The Dewsbre Back at Movin Olmenac . Brighouse. 
 4. The Beacon Almanack ...... Halifax. 
 5- Howorth, Cowenheead, and Bogthorn Almenak. By 
 Bill o' th' Hoylus End Keighley. 
 6. T' Leeds Loiners' Comic Olmenac . , . Leeds. 
 7. T' Bairnsla Foaks' Annual . . Leeds and Lond. 
 1. The Original Illuminated Clock Almanack Bradford. 
 2. Yorkshireman Comic Annual . . . ib. 
 3. Saunterer's Satchel and West-Riding Almanac . ib. 
 4. The Back at Movin Olmenac . . . Brighouse. 
 5. Th' Beacon Almanack ..... Halifax. 
 6. Bill at Hoylus Ends, Howorth, Cowenheead, an' Bog- 
 thorn Almenak ...... Haworth. 
 7. T' Leeds Loiners' Comic Olmenac . . . Leeds. 
 8. The Weyver's awn Comic Olmenack, or Pudsey Annual 
 *9. T' Nidderdill Olminac, an' ivverybody's Kalinder, fer t' 
 'Ear 1876 Pateley Bridge. 
 YORKSHIRE ALMANACKS for 1877, 8vo. 1877 
 1. Back at Movin. 
 2. Front o' th' Sun. 
 3. Bairnsla Foaks'. 
 4. Howorth, Cowenheead, and Bogthorn. 
 5. Illuminated Clock. 
 6. Leeds Loiners'. 
 7. Nidderdale. 
 8. Saunterer's Satchel. 
 9. Yorkshireman. 
YOU YOU 679 
 Journal. 8vo. In progress. . . . Lond. 18G9, etc. 
 Report of the Excursion to Leeds and Neighbourhood, 8vo. 
 Leeds, 1871 
 Excursion Arrangements at Fountains Abbey and Eipon, 
 8vo. . . Eipon, [1872] 
 Excursion Arrangements at York, 8vo. . . York, 1873 
 Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and 
 Ireland. Manual for Use at the Ripon Meeting. 8vo. 
 Eipon, 1874 
 Report of the Excursion to Halifax, Shibden Hall, and 
 Elland, 8vo Halifax, 1876 
 Programme and Arrangements at Selby and Heming- 
 borough, 8vo Selby, 1878 
 Programme and Arrangements at Aldbrough, Borough- 
 bridge, and Knaresbrough, 8vo. . . Huddersfield, 1879 
 Excursion to Hedoii and Patrington, 8vo. . . Worksop, 1883 
 Excursion to Ilkley, Otley, and Farnley Hall, 8vo. ib. 1884 
 Excursion Programmes. Howden, 26th August, 1885; 
 Kirkham and Malton, 28th July, 1886, 8vo. . ib. 1885-86 
 Record Series, vol. i. (1) Calendar of Inquisitions Post- 
 Mortem for the County of York. (2) Catalogue of the 
 Yorkshire Wills at Somerset House, 1649-60 . . . 1885 
 YORKSHIRE CHURCHES. (Imperfect "proof copy'') 8vo. 
 Leeds and Hull, 1844-55 
 Barnsley Annual, 1850-61, 12mo. . . . Leeds, 1850-61 
 Tracts exhibiting the Yorkshire Dialect : 
 The Shevvild Chap's Annual, 1848, 1849, and 1851-53 
 The Shevvild Chap's Easter Gift, 1847 . . . ib. 
 The Gossips. Be t' Shevvild Chap . . . Lond. 
 A Vissit ta t' Great French Exhebishan. Be Tom 
 Treddlehoyle, Esq. 1855 ib. 
 Specimens of the Yorkshire Dialect . . . Leeds. 
 Another edition .... Otley. 
 Dolly's Guon . Halifax, 1849 
 Another edition . . . . ib. 1866 
 Clippings from the Hedges, or Sketches from Yorkshire 
 Life. No. 2. Th' Quid Bachelor. A Tale . . ib. 1866 
 Annual Reports, 8vo. In progress . . York, 1829, etc. 
 Proceedings, vol. i. 8vo. ..... Lond. 1855 
 Descriptive Account of the Antiquities at the Society. By 
 the Curator. Third edition . . York, 1858 
 Communications to the Monthly Meetings, 1870, 8vo. In 
 progress ..... Lond. and York, 1870, etc. 
 YOUNG, Arthur. Farming Tour ; or, Handbook of Fanning in 
 Lincolnshire, 8vo. (Tracts 148*) . . . Lond. 1854 
080 YOU ZOU 
 YOUNG, Sir C. G. 
 Account of tlie Controversy between Reginald, Lord. Grey 
 of Ruthyn, and Sir Edward Hastings, in the Court of 
 Chivalry, Temp. Henry IV., 4to. . . . Lond. 1841 
 Order of Precedences, with authorities and remarks, 8vo. 
 ib. 1851 
 YOUNG, George. History of Whitby, co. York, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Whitby, 1817 
 YOUNG, J. G. A Sermon preached in the Church of St. 
 Columba, Kilmartin, Argyllshire, on the death of Neill 
 Malcolm, of Poltalloch. For private distribution. Sm. 4to. 
 Lond. 1857 
 YOUNG, John. Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Engraved 
 Portraits, 4to. ... . ib. 1862 
 YOUNG, Thomas. Rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary, 8vo. 
 ib. 1830 
 YOUTH'S BEHAVIOUR, or Decency in Conversation amongst Men. 
 Composed in French by Grave Persons. Newly turned 
 into English by F. Hawkins. Eleventh impression. 
 (Portraits.) 12mo ib. 1672 
 Exempla Codicum Latinorum litteris majusculis scrip- 
 torum, fol. Heidelberg, 1876 
 _ Supplementum continens tabulas li.-lxii. 
 fol ib. 1879 
 ZANNONI, G. B. Lettera di Etrusca erudizione, 8vo. (Tracts 64) 
 Fiesole, 1828 
 ZEIGLER, H. B. Six Yiews of Lndlow. Drawn on Steel, obi. 4to. 
 Ludlow, 1846 
 ZELL, Carl. Handbuch der Romischen Epigraphik, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Heidelberg, 1850-52 
 ZEPHERIA. A Poem, 1594, reprinted by E. Y. Utterson, 4to. 
 Lond. 1842 
 ZESTERMANN, C. A. A. European Colonization of America. 
 Translated by E. G. Sqnier, 8vo. (Tracts 87) . ib. 1851 
 ZEUSS, J. C. Grammatica Celtica, 2 vols. 8vo. . Leipsic, 1853 
 ZILIOLO, A. Delle Historic Memorabili di suoi tempi, 3 pts. 4to. 
 Venice, 164246 
 ZOEGA, Georgius. De origine et usu Obeliscorum, fol. Home, 1797 
 ZOELLNER, Louis. Der Ornamentist. 3 e Abtheilung. (48 
 Plates.) Pol . . Berlin, 1841 
 ZONARAS, Joannes. Opera. Edited by M. Pinder, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 .Bow*, 1841-44 
 List of the Fellows, &c., 8vo Lond. 1884 
 List of the Yertebrated Animals now or lately living in the 
 Gardens. Seventh edition, 8vo ib. 1879 
 ZORNIUS, Petrus. Grsecia Antiqna et Roma hodierna, utraque 
 mendax et falsa, 4to Stettin, 1731 
 ZOUCHE, R. The Dove, a poem. Edited by R. Walker, 8vo. 
 Oxford, 1839 
ZUM ZUS 081 
 ZUMPT, C. G. 
 Decretum Tergestimim do honore Fabii Severi, 4to. Berlin, 1837 
 Ueber den Ursprung des Cent urn viralgerichts in Rome, 4to. 
 ib. 1838 
 Ueber die Romischen Ritter, 4to. . . . ib. 1840 
 Ueber den Stand der Bevolkerung im Alterthum, 4to. ib. 1841 
 ZURICH. Neujahrsblatter anf die Jahre 1853, 1854, 1855, 1867. 
 1. Geschichte des ehemaligen Chorherrngebaudes beim 
 Grossmiinster. 2. Dasselbe. 2 te Abth. 3. Fortsetzung. 
 4. Das Freischiessen von 1504, 4to. . Zurich, 1853-67 
 ZURICH, The Antiquarian Society of. 
 Mittheilungen, vol. i., etc., 4to. In progress . ib. 1841, etc. 
 Berichte. i.-xvi., in one vol. 4to. . . . ib. 1846-60 
 Erster Jahrgang, 8vo. . . ib. 1868 
 Anzeiger fiir Schweizerische Geschichte und Alterthums- 
 kunde. 1855-74 (No. 2). 3 vols. 8vo. . . ib. 1855-74 
 Die Wappenrolle von Zurich, L.P., 4to. . . . ib. 1860 
 Denkschrift zur f iinf zigj ahrigen Stiftungsfeier. [Contains 
 a Memoir of Dr Keller.] 4to ib. 1882 
 ZUSTO, Giovanni. Descrizione istorica dell' estrazione della 
 Pubblica Nave La Fenice dal Canale Spignon, 4to. 
 [Venice-], 1789 
 Catalogue of a Collection of Works on Pageantry bequeathed to 
 the Society of Antiquaries of London by tlie late Frederick William 
 Fairholt, F.S.A. 
 1. CHESTER PLAYS. A Collection of Mysteries founded upon 
 Scriptural Subjects and formerly represented by the 
 Trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Edited by Thomas 
 Wright. 2 vols., 8vo Lond. 1843-47 
 Printed for the Shakespeare Society. 
 2. CLEMENT, Madame. Histoire des Fetes Civiles et Religieuses, 
 Usages Anciens et Modernes, de la Belgique Meridionale, 
 et d'un grand nombre de Villes de France, 8vo. Avesnes, 1846 
 Eight lithographed Plates Six of them heraldic. 
 3. FAIRHOLT, Frederick William. Lord Mayors' Pageants : 
 being Collections towards a History of these Annual 
 Celebrations, with specimens of the descriptive pamphlets 
 published by the City Poets. Part I. History of Lord 
 Mayors' Pageants. Part II. Reprints of Lord Mayors' 
 Pageants. (Bound in one volume.^ Printed for the 
 PERCY SOCIETY. 12mo Lond. 1843^4 
 Another copy of this work will be found under the head of 
 4. Gr. J. Y. Historisch Yerhaal van het Kroonen der Koningen 
 en Koninginnen van Engeland nevens alle de Ceremonien 
 en Plegtigheden daar ontrent gebruikelyk. Uyt het 
 Engelsch verfcaalt Door J. Y. Gr. 4to. . Amsterdam, 1727 
 Two folding Plates, and woodcuts of Coronation Chair and 
 5. GODEFRO?, Theodore. Le Ceremonial de France, -on descrip- 
 tion des Ceremonies, Rangs, et Seances 'observees aux 
 'Couronnemens, Entrees, et Enterremens des Roys et 
 Roynes de France, et autres Actes -et Assemblies 
 solemneles Recueilly des Memoires de plusieurs Secre- 
 taires du Roy, Herauts d'armes, et autres, 4to. Paris, 1619 
 6. HONE, William. Ancient Mysteries described, especially 
 the English Miracle plays, 8vo. . . . Lond. 1823 
 The Gog and Magog Plate is not coloured. Various additions in 
 Manuscript and Print are appended to this copy by 
 Mr. Fairholt. 
 7. liEBER, M. C. Des Ceremonies du Sacre, on Rechorcnes 
 Historiques et Critiques sur les Moeurs, les Continues, les 
 Institutions, et le Droit Public des Fra^ais dans 
 1'Ancienne Monarchic, 8vo. . .JPams, 1825 
 Forty-eight Plates, 
 8. LUDUS COVENTRLE. A Collection of Mysteries formerly 
 represented at Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi. 
 Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, F.R.S., &c., 8vo. 
 Lond. 1841 
 Printed for the Shakespeare Society. 
 9. MENESTRIER, Cl. Fr. Traite des Tournois, Joustes, Car- 
 rousels, et autres Spectacles Publics, 4to. -. Lyons, 1669 
 10. MBNIN, M. A Description of the Coronation of the Kings 
 and Queens of France, with an Historical Account of the 
 Institution of that August Ceremony in France and in 
 other Kingdoms of Europe, by M. Menin, Counsellor to 
 the Parliament of Metz, 8vo. .... Lond. 1775 
 Two Portraits of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette, respectively. 
 11. MODIUS, Franciscus. Pandectse Triumphales, sive Pom- 
 parum et Festorum ac Solennium Apparatuum, Con- 
 viviorum, Spectaculorum, &c., quse in Inaugurationibus, 
 Nuptiis, et Funeribus imperatorum, regum, principumque 
 celebrata sunt. Tomi duo, fol. . , . Frankfort, 1586 
 One folding Plate and other woodcuts by Josfc Amman. 
 12. NORWICH PAGEANTS. The Grocers' Play. From a manu- 
 script in possession of Robeit Fitch, Esq., F.G.&, Roy, 8vo. 
 Norwich, 1856 
 13. PORCACCHI, Thomaso. Funerali antichi di diuersi Popoli et 
 Nationi ; Forma Ordine, et Pompa di Sepolture, di 
 Essequie, di Consecrationi antiche et d'altro. Descritti in 
 Dialogo da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione, Arretino, 
 con le figure in rame di Girolamo Porro, Padouano, fol. 
 Venice, 1591 
 Twenty-three Plates. Also a frontispiece, and a vignette at end. 
 14. PRESENTATION (The) in the Temple, a Pageant, as originally 
 represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry. 
 Now first printed from the Books of the Company. With 
 a Prefatory Notice, 4to. . Edinburgh, 1836 
 Printed for the Abbots-ford Club. Presented by John Black 
 G-racie, Edited by Thomas Sharp. 
 15. QFWNSON, Le Conseiller. Gay ant, le Geant de Douai, sa 
 Famille, et sa Procession, 8vo. . . - Donai, 1839 
 Five lithographed Plates. 
 16. KOSNY, Luclen de. L'fipervier d'O, ou Description- 
 Historique des Joutes et des Tournois-qui, sous le titre de 
 Nobles Rois de 1'Epinette, se celebrerent a Lille au 
 Moyen-Age. Nouvelle edition considerablement aug- 
 mentee, ornee de plus de 360 blasons, de 16 lithographies 
 calquees sur les manuscrits originaux, et enrichie d'une 
 notice inedite sur-la Fete des Forestiers a Bruges, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1839 
 Only 200' copies printed. This one came to Mr. Fairholt from 
 the* Library of the late Mr. Turnbull. 
 17. SHARP; Thomas. A Dissertation on the Pageants or 
 Dramatic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry, by 
 the Trading Companies of that City; chiefly with 
 reference to the Vehicle, Characters, and Dresses of the 
 Actors. Compiled in a great degree from sources 
 hitherto unexplored. To which are added, the Pageant 
 of the Shearmen and Taylors' Company, and other 
 Municipal Entertainments of a Public Nature, 4to. 
 Coventry, 1825 
 Ten copper Plates besides four of music. This copy contains a 
 tracing by Mr. Fairholt of an etching by Mr. Dawson Turner 
 of a portrait of Sharp of Coventry after a sketch by Cotman. 
 18. TILLIOT, M. Du. Memoires pour servir a THistoire de la 
 Fete dies Foux qui se faisoit autrefois dans plusieurs 
 Eglises', 12mo. ..... Lausanne et Geneve, 1751 
 Two PMes. 
 19. VULSON, Marc de, Sieurdbla Colombiere.. Le Vray Theatre 
 d'Honneur et de Chevalerie, ou le Miroir Heroique de la 
 Noblesse-, contenant les combats ou jeuxsacrez des Grecs, 
 et des Bomains, les Triomphes, les Tournois, les Jeaistes, 
 les Pas, les Emprises ou Entreprises, les Armee, les 
 Combats a la Barriere, les Carrosels, les Courses de- 
 Bague et de la Quintaine, les Machines, les Chariots de 
 Triomphe, les Cartels, les Deuises, les Prix, les Veeux, 
 les Sermens, les Ceremonies, les Statnts, les Ordres, et 
 autres magnificences et exercices des Anciens Nobles 
 durant la Paix, avec le formulaire d'un tournoy tel qu'on 
 le pourroit faire a present avec les armes dont les Gentils- 
 hommes se seruent a la Gueire. Le tout enrichy de 
 figures en taille-douce sur les principales matieres. Dedie 
 a Monsieur le Cardinal Mazarin. Par Marc de Vulson, 
 Sieur de la Colombiere. 2 vols., fol. . . Paris, 1648 
 Six Plates. One of them a portrait of the author engraved by 
 20. EMPEROR CHARLES THE FIFTH. Hienach volgt Kaiserlich 
 Maiestet Kronung, Geschehen inn Bononia, auff den vier 
 und zwaintzigistenn tag Februarii, An Sanct Mathis tag. 
 M.D.XXX. (23 lark letter.) Sm. 4to n.p. 1530 
 This work consists of four leaves. On the first is a woodcut, 
 representing the Emperor in his Coronation robes and sur- 
 rounded by Magnates, lay and ecclesiastical. 
 ronnement, c'est a dire, Briefve et Veritable Description 
 des principales Choses qui se sont faites et passees a 
 Francfort Ville d'Election au mois de May et Juing 1612 
 de 1'Election et Couronnement du Tres-Illustre, &c. 
 Sr. Matthias esleu Empereur des Romains, &c., &c. 
 Comme aussi du Couronnement de I'lmperatrice la 
 Princesse et Dame, Dame Anne Roine d'Hongrie, &c., 
 &c., 4to Frankfort, 1612 
 Eight folding Plates. 
 22. EMPEROR FERDINAND III. Applausi Festivi fatti in Roma 
 per 1'Elezzione di Ferdinando iij. al regno de ? Romaui, 4to. 
 Rome, 1637 
 Nine Plates. 
 23. Louis XIV. KING OF FRANCE. La Pompeuse et Magnifique 
 Ceremonie du Sacre du Roy Louis XIV. fait a Rheims le 
 7 Juin 1654. Representee au nature! par ordre de leurs 
 Majestez, fol. . . . . . . . Paris, 1655 
 Three folding Plates. A curious etching is pasted on the title- 
 24. CHARLES II. KING OF ENGLAND. The Relation of His 
 Majestie's Entertainment passing through the City of 
 London to his Coronation : with a description of the 
 Triumphal Arches and Solemnity, by John Ogilby, fol. 
 Lond. 1661 
 Four folding Plates. This book appears to be a short sketch of 
 the Ceremonial published in 1GG2. 
 25. JAMES II. KING OF ENGLAND. The Description of the 
 Coronation of His Sacred Majesty K. James II. and His 
 most Illustrious Consort Queen Mary, celebrated on the 
 25th day of April 1685, with a brief account of the 
 famous Fireworks which were upon the Thames, April 
 the 2.4th, 4to.. Lend. 1685 
 26. JAMES IT. KING OF ENGLAND. The History of the- Coronation 
 of the most High, most Mighty, and most Excellent 
 Monarch, James II., and of His Royal Consort Queen 
 Mary, Solemnized in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter- 
 in the City of Westminster on Thursday the 23', of April, 
 Being the festival of St. George, in the year of our Lord 
 1685, with an exact Account of the several Preparations 
 in order thereunto, Their Majesties' most splendid 
 Processions,, and their Royal and Magnificent Feast in 
 Westminster Hall. The whole work illustrated with 
 Sculptures. By Francis Sandford, Esq., Lancaster 
 Herald of Arms, fol . <ib. 16S7 
 Thirty Plates. The copy of this work in the Society's Library 
 possesses a plate which is wanting here, viz., " The Proceeding 
 to the Coronation of their Majesties King William and Queen 
 Mary from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey. Apr. 1689."' 
 zur Zierd und Schutz des Heiligen Romischen Reichs^ 
 auf denen Hauptern der Romischen Kayserin und 
 Romischen Konigs Eleonora und Josephi so auf das; 
 richtigste beschrieben nach alien Umstand'en der Wahl- 
 und-Kronungs-Solennitaten, &c.., &c., durch Sigismuncl 
 Ferrarium, 4to. ..... Nuremberg, 1690 
 Twenty-seven Plates of porti'aits, ceremonies, medals, &c. 
 28. FREDERICK III. KING OF PRUSSIA. Preussische Kronungs- 
 Geschichte, oder Verlauf der Ceremonien mit welchen 
 der Allerdurchlauchtigste, &c., &c., Friderich der Dritte, 
 &c., &c., die konigliche Wiirde des von Ihm gestiffteten 
 Konigreichs Preussen angenommen, und sich und seine 
 Gemahlin die allerdurch, &c. Fiirstiii und Frau Sophie 
 Charlotte den 18 Januarii des 1701 Jahres durch die 
 Salbung als Konig und Konigin einweihen lassen, 
 Nebst allem was sich auf Ihrer Majestaten Preussischen 
 hin-und-her-Reise bis zu Ihrer Wiederkunft und Einzuge 
 in Berlin und dem darauf erfolgtem Danck-Buss-und 
 Beth-Tage zugetragen; auf's sorgfaltigste beschrieben 
 und im Jahre 1702 das Erstemal gedruckt, itzo aber in 
 diesem anderen Druck an vielen Orten gebessert, und mit 
 denen darzu gehorigen Kupffern ausgegeben, fol, 
 Colin an der Spree, 1712 
 Seventy-six pages of text are followed by eight unpaged leaves of 
 a u Lobgedicht," We then have, 1, An engraved title-page. 2, 
 An allegorical frontispiece. 3, A and B, two engraved portraits 
 of the King and Queen. 4, A Plate, neither lettered nor 
 numbered, of " the Proclamation of the Prussian Crown." 5, 
 A Plate, D. (5, 17 Plates, numbered 117. 6, Two Plates 
 lettered F and G-. 
 29. EMPEROR CHARLES VI. Beschreibung was auf Ableiben 
 Weyland Ihrer Keyserl. Majestat Joseph I. biss nach 
 vorgegangener Erbhuldigung welche dem Romischen 
 Keyser Carolo dem Sechsten als Erz-Herzogen zu 
 Oesterreich die gesamte Nider-Oesterreichische Stande 
 den 8. Novembris A. 1712 abgelegt, sich Merkwiirdiges 
 hat zugetragen, fol. ...... Vienna, n.d. 
 Eleven Plates. 
 30. EMPEROR CHARLES VI. Relation de 1'Inauguration Solem- 
 nelle de sa Sacree Majeste Imperiale et Catholique, 
 Charles VI., Empereur des Remains toujours Auguste et 
 Troisieme du Nom, Roy des Espagnes, comme Comte de 
 Flandres. Celebree a Gand, Ville Capitale de la 
 Province, le xvm. Octobre 1717, fol. . . Ghent, 1719 
 Fire folding Plates. On the binding are the arms of an Emperor 
 of Austria. 
 31. Louis XV. KING OF FRANCE. Le Sacre de Louis XV., Roy 
 de France et de Navarre, dans 1'Eglise de Reims, le 
 Dimanche xxv. Octobre, MDGCXXII. Imp. fol. . . n.p. n.d. 
 Seventy-two Plates. 
 32. GEORGE II. KING OF ENGLAND. Umstandliche Beschreibung 
 der Hannoverischen Freuden-Bezeugungen an dem hohen 
 Cronungs-Tage Ihrer Konigl. Konigl. Maj. Maj. Georgs 
 des Andern, Konigs von Gross-Britannien, Frankreich 
 und Irrland. Und Carolinen Wilhelminen, Konigin von 
 Gross-Britannien, im Jahr 1727 den \ October. Mit 
 denen dazu gehorigen Kupffer-Stichen, workmen die 
 vornehmsten Illuminationes auf's sauberste vorgestellet 
 werden, 4to. ....... Hanover, 1728 
 Six folding and forty-two other Plates. 
 33. GEORGE II. KING OF ENGLAND. 1. A particular Account of 
 the Solemnities used at the Coronation of His Sacred 
 Majesty King George II. (Our Late most Gracious 
 Sovereign) and of His Royal Consort Queen Caroline. 
 On Wednesday the llth of October, 1727. Also, a List 
 of the Claims of several Persons to do service at the 
 Coronation. And, an account of their Majesties Enter- 
 tainment at Guildhall on the Lord Mayor's Day follow- 
 ing, 8vo. ........ Lond. 1760 
 2. The same. The Second Edition .... ib. 1761 
 3. Verses on the Coronation, <fcc., &c., spoken by the 
 Scholars of Westminster School .... adorned 
 with the Coronation Medals of the Royal Pair and a Bust 
 of our Present King. To which is subjoined the ' Cere- 
 monial of the August Procession very proper to be com- 
 pared with the approaching one : and a Catalogue of the 
 Coronation Medals of the Kings and Queens of England, 8vo. 
 ib. 1761 
 4. A Description of the several Pageants exhibited on the 
 29th day of October, 1689, being the day on which the 
 late Sir Thomas Pilkington, Knt., entered a second time 
 on his Mayoralty, Together with Several Speeches 
 address'd to his Lordship : Also Two Songs, One to their 
 Majesties, and the other to the Lord Mayor. The whole 
 being designed for the Entertainment of King William 
 and Queen Mary, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and 
 Princess of Denmark, the whole Court, and both Houses 
 of Parliament, who honoured his Lordship with their 
 Presence, was done at the sole expense of the Worshipful 
 Company of SKINNERS : And is now published for the 
 perusal of the several Companies of London, agreeable to 
 the Recommendation of the Right Honourable Sir 
 Matthew Blakiston, Knt., Lord Mayor, and the Court of 
 Common Council held on Saturday the 3rd of October, 
 1761, to the Livery Companies of the said City, for the 
 Entertainment of their present Majesties, on Monday the 
 9th day of November next, being the day on which 
 Sir Samuel Fludyer, Knt. and Bart., Lord Mayor Elect, 
 will enter on his Mayoralty, 8vo. . . . Lond. n.d. 
 5. A Guide to the Lord Mayor's Show : or the Gentlemen 
 and Lady's Companion to that magnificent Procession. 
 Being I., A particular Account of the Origin of that 
 great Officer the Lord Mayor of London. II. The whole 
 Account of the Procession both by Land and Water. 
 [II. An exact List of all the incorporated Companies of 
 this City. To which is added : A Particular Account of 
 their most Sacred Majesties' (King George II. and Queen 
 Caroline) Entertainment at Guildhall on October 29, 
 1727. With the particulars of the Whole, and the 
 several sums of Money paid for that Royal Banquet, 8vo. 
 ib. 1761 
 "This book was purchased April, 1863, at the sale at Sotheby's of 
 the Library of the Princess Elizabeth (daughter to George III.) 
 of Hesse Hombourg ; the inscription opposite is in her 
 writing, and the autograph on the title." (MS. note by 
 F.W.F.) The inscription referred to runs as follows. 
 " Given me by Mrs. Banks, Windsor Castle, July 26th, 1814," 
 and is signed " Elizabeth." The above works are bound in one 
 34. EMPEROR CHARLES VI. Erbhuldigung dem Romischen 
 Kayser Carolo dem Sechsten, als Herzogen in Steyr, &c., 
 von denen gesamten Steyrischen Landstanden den 
 sechsten Julii, 1728, abgeleget, fol. . . . Gratz, n.d. 
 Fourteen Plates. 
 35. EMPRESS MARIA THERESA. Drey Beschreibungen, Erstens, 
 des Koniglichen Einzugs welchen Ihro Konigl. Majestat, 
 &c., Maria Theresia, &c., in Dero Konigl. drey Prager- 
 Stadte gehalten : Andertens, der Erb-Huldigung welche 
 Ihro Konigl. Majestat, &c., abgeleget : Drittens, aller- 
 hochst ernannt Ihro Konigl. Majestat, Koniglich- 
 Bohmischen Kronung, fol. .... Prague, n.d. 
 Nine folding Plates, and six other Plates of eighty-three coats of 
 36. EMPRESS MARIA THERESA. Relation de Inauguration 
 sollennelle de sa sacree Majeste Marie Therese Reine de 
 Hongrie et de Boheme, Archiduchesse d'Autriche, &c., 
 comme Comtesse de Flandres, celebree a Grand, Ville 
 capitale de la Province, le 27 Avril, 1744, fol. Ghent, 1744 
 One folding Plate and a frontispiece. On the side are the arms of 
 an Emperor of Austria. 
 37. FRANCIS I. KING OF FRANCE. Description des principales 
 Rejouissances faites a la Haye a 1'occasion du Couronne- 
 nient de sa Majeste Imperiale Fra^ois I., &c., &c., 
 avec de Belles Planches gravees par un des meilleurs 
 maitres, fol The Hague, 1747 
 Seven Plates. 
 Inhuldigung van zijne Doorluchtige Hoogheid Willem 
 Karel Hendrik Friso Prins van Oranje en Nassau, &c.. 
 als Erf-heer van Vlissingen op den v den Junii 1751, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1753 
 Nine Plates. A Portrait by Houbracken. 
 2. Plegtige Inhuldigung van zyne Doorl. Hoogheid Willem 
 Karel Henrik Friso, Prins van Oranje als Margraf van 
 Vere op den 1 Juny des Jaars 1751, fol. . . . ib. 1751 
 Eleven Plates. 
 3. 'T Verheugd Amsterdam ter gel egenheid van het plegtig 
 bezoek hunner doorlugtige en koninglyke Hoogheden 
 Willem Prinse van Oranje, &c., &c., en zyne Gemaalinne 
 Fredrica Sophia Wilhelmina, Prinsesse van Pruissen, op 
 Maandag den 30 May, en eenige volgende dagen des jaars 
 1768 door Jan Wagenaar, Historieschryver der gemelde 
 Stad, fol ib. 1768 
 The above works are bound in one volume. 
 39. Louis XVI. KING OF FRANCE. Ordre de la Marche et des 
 Ceremonies qui se sont observees au Sacre et Couronne- 
 ment de S. M. Louis XVL, 4to. . . . Paris, 1775 
 40. Louis XVI. KING OF FRANCE. Sacre et Couronnement de 
 Louis XVI., Roi de France et de Navarre, dans 1'Eglise 
 de Reims, le 11 Juin, 1775. Precede de recherches sur 
 le Sacre des Rois de France, depuis Clovis jusqu'a Louis 
 XVI., et suivi d'un Journal Historique de ce qui s'est 
 passe a cette auguste Ceremonie. Enriclii d'un tres- 
 grand nombre de Figures en taille-douce gravees par le 
 Sieur Pattas, avec leurs Explications, 4to. . Paris, 1775 
 " This Coronation was got up after the manner of that of Louis 
 XV. in 1722. Some of the Plates are absolute copies of the 
 engravings in the grand folio work descriptive of that ceremony. 
 The whole of the allegorical headpieces are copied from it also, 
 and the costumes with very little variation." (MS. Note by 
 F.W.F.) The " Sacre" is compiled by the Abbe Pichon ; the 
 " Kecherches " are by Mr. Gobeb. Fifty-nine Plates and 
 41. NAPOLEON I. EMPEEOR or THE FRENCH. 1. Description des 
 Ceremonies et des Fetes qui ont eu lieu pour le Couronne- 
 ment de leurs Majestes Napoleon, Empereur des Francais 
 et Hoi d'ltalie, et Josephine, son Auguste Epouse. 
 Becueil de Decorations executees dans 1'Eglise de Notre- 
 Dame de Paris et au Champ de Mars, d'apres les dessins 
 et sous la conduite de C. Percier et P. F. L. Fontaine, 
 Architectes de PEmpereur, Imp. fol. , . . ib. 1807 
 Twelve Plates. 
 42. NAPOLEON I. 2. Description des Ceremonies et des Fetes 
 qui ont eu lieu pour le Mariage de S. M. 1'Empereur 
 Napoleon avec S. A. I. Madame I'Archiduchesse Marie 
 Louise d'Autriche. Par Charles Percier et P. F. L. 
 Lafontaine, Imp. fol. . . . . . ib. 
 Thirteen Plates. These two works are bound in one. 
 43. GEORGE IV. KING OF ENGLAND. A Brief Account of the 
 Coronation of his Majesty, George IV. July 19, 1821, 8vo. 
 Lond. 1821 
 Six coloured Lithographs ; one uncoloured. 
 Marie d'Angleterre, Femme de Louis XII. a Abbeville et 
 a Paris. Publiees et annotees par Hipp. Cocheris, 8vo. 
 Paris, 1859 
 A reprint. Only a hundred copies printed. 
 45. CHARLES, ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA. La Tryumphante et 
 solemnelle entree faicte sur le nouuel et joyeux aduene- 
 ment de treshoult, trespuissant et tresexcellent prince 
 Monsieur Charles, prince des hespaignes, Archiduc 
 daustrice, due de bourgongne, Loce de Flandre, &c. En 
 sa ville de Bruges, 1'an mil. v ces & xv le xviii 6 iour 
 dapuril apres Pasques redigee en escript par maistre 
 Remy, dupuys son tres humble Indiciaire et historio- 
 graphe. Paris, 1515, 4to. (Elaek Utter.) . Bruges, 1850 
 A reprint by the " Societ6 d'Emulation de Bruges." Thirty- 
 three Woodcuts. 
 46. PHILIP II. KING OF SPAIN. Spectaculorum in susceptione 
 Philippi Hisp. Prin. Divi Caroli. V. Gees. F. An. MDXLIX. 
 Antverpise aeditorum, mirificus Apparatus. Per Corne- 
 lium Scrib. Grapheum descriptus, 4to. . . Antwerp, 1550 
 " Guicciardini in his ' Descriptio Belgii ' says that the cost the 
 City of Antwerp voluntarily incurred to do honour to this visit 
 of Philip was estimated at 130,000 golden crowns. Philip 
 aiterwards married Mary of England. The Pageant subscribed 
 for and exhibited by the English merchants on this occasion is 
 remarkable for the emblematic impersonation of their country 
 and its historic characters. The Counts Egmont and Horn, 
 afterwards slain by Alva at the will of Philip, appear p. O. 4. 
 verso, and p. P. as assisting at the ceremonies." (MS. Note by 
 F. W. F.) Twenty -nine Woodcuts. 
 47. FRANCIS II. KING OF FRANCE. Les Triomphes faictz a 
 1'Entree de Fran^oys II. et de Marye Stuart au Chasteau 
 de Chenonceau, Le Dymanche, dernier jour de Mars 
 MDLIX, 8vo Paris, 1857 
 One of a few copies privately printed by Prince Galitzin. 
 48. DOCUMENTS relative to the Reception at Edinburgh of the 
 Kings and Queens of Scotland, A.D. MDLXI.-A.D. MDCL., 4to. 
 Edinburgh, 1822 
 Privately printed for the Bannatyne Club, by R. Chambers, the 
 author and publisher. 
 49. WILLIAM, PRINCE OF ORANGE. De triumphante Inkomste 
 des prince van Oranje, 23 Sept., 1577. Rhetorickelyck 
 ghecomponeert door J. B. H., 4to. . . . Antwerp, 1578 
 " This volume describes the reception at Brussels of the great 
 Protestant Hero, the Prince of Orange, by the States-General 
 at Brussels after the pacification of Ghent in 1576. The Prince 
 William of Orange was ultimately killed by the Catholic parly 
 at Dort. The Entry was made Sept. 23, 1577, after Don John 
 had seized Namur, and the Prince was made Governor of 
 Brabant." (MS. ISote by F. W. F.) The author of this work 
 is Jehan Baptiste Honwaert. This copy wants the title, and pp. 
 15, 16. 
 50. FRANCIS, DUKE OF ANJOU. La joyeuse et magninque Entree 
 de Monseigneur Franoys, Fils de France, Frere unicque 
 du Roy, par la Grace de Dieu, Due de Brabant, d'Anjou, 
 Alen^on, Berri, &c., en sa tres-renomme'e ville d'Anvers, 
 fol *6. 1582 
 Twenty-one Plates. 
 51. FRANCIS, DUKE OF ANJOU. La joyeuse et magninque Entree 
 de Monseigneur Franoys de France Frere unique du Roy, 
 &c., &c., en sa tres-renommee ville d'Anvers, 4to. . ib. 1582 
 A smaller edition of the previous work, and without the Plates. 
 52. FRANCIS, DUKE OF ANJOU. L'Entree magnifique de Monseig- 
 neur Francoys Filz de France, Frere unique du Roy, Par 
 la Grace de Dieu Due de Lothier, de Brabant, d'Anjou, 
 d'Alen9on, &c., Comte de Flandres, &c. Faicte en sa 
 Metropolitaine et fameuse Yille de Gand le xx me d'Aoust, 
 Anno 1582, 4to Ghent, 1582 
 53. ERNEST, ARCHDUKE OP AUSTRIA. Descriptio publicee gratula- 
 tionis Spectaculorum et Ludorum in Adventu Sereniss. 
 Principis Ernesti, Archiducis Austrise, an. 1594, xviij. 
 Kal. Julias aliisque diebus Antverpiaa editorum. Cui est 
 praefixa de Belgii Principatu a Romano in ea Provincia 
 Imperio ad nostro usque tempora breuis narratio. Omnia 
 a Joanne Bochio, S.P.Q-A., a secretis conscripta, fol. 
 Antwerp, 1595 
 A presentation copy from the author. On the title-page is 
 written : " Joan. Bochius Joanni Vauder Eycken, amico suo 
 non vulgari, D.D." Two of the 33 Plates bear the name of 
 Peter van der Borcht, and all are in the same style. 
 54. HENRY IV- KJNG OF FRANCE. Labyrinthe Royal de 
 1'Hercule Gaulois Triomphant. Sur le Suject des 
 Fortunes, Batailles, Yictoires, Trophees, Triomphes, 
 Mariage, et autres faicts heroiques et memorables de 
 Tres-Auguste et Tres-Chrestien Prince Henry IIIL, Roy 
 de France et de Nauarre, Represented a 1'Entree triom- 
 phante de la Royne en la Cite d'Auignon. Le 19 
 Novembre, 1'An M.DC., ou sont contenues les Magnificences 
 et Triomphes dressez a cet effect par la dicte ville, 4to. 
 Avignon, n.d. 
 This copy does not appear to he complete, as it does not contain 
 the portraits of Henry IV. and Marie de Medicis. The other 
 Plates are thirteen in number, including the engraved frontis- 
 piece. They are engraved by Mathew G-reuter, as we learn 
 from the preface. 
 55. MARY DE MEDICIS. L'Entree de la Royne en sa Ville de 
 Sallon, faicte et dediee a M. M. M. Antoine D'Espagnet, 
 Conseiller du Roy en sa Cour de Parlement de Prouence. 
 Par Cesar de Nostradame, Gentilhomme Prouei^al, Sin. 
 8vo Aix, 1602 
 This is one of sixty copies, reprinted at Marseilles, 1855, with the 
 following title : L'Entree de la Reine Marie de Medicis a Salon. 
 Par Cesar de Nostradame ; augmentee de deux lettres inedites 
 de 1'auteur et de la relation du voyage de la Reine de Florence 
 a Marseille. Nouvelle edition tiree a 60 exemplaires. Sm. 8vo. 
 Marseille, 1855. 
 Narratio profectionis et inaugurationis sereiiissimorum 
 Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellas, Austriae Archi- 
 ducum, et eorum optatissimi in Belgium aduentus 
 rerumque gestarum et memorabilium, Gratulationum, 
 Apparatuum, et Spectaculorum in ipsorum Susceptione et 
 Inauguratione hactenus eclitorum accurata Descriptio, fol. 
 Antwerp, 1602 
 Thirty-one Plates. 
 57. HENRY IV. KING OF FRANCE. Voyage du Roy a Metz, 
 L'occasion d'iceluy : ensemble les signes de resiouyssance 
 faits par ses Habitans, pour honorer 1'entree de sa 
 Majeste. Par Abr. Fabert, fol. . . . Metz, 1610 
 Sixteen Plates and an engraved title-page and frontispiece. The 
 two Plates of arms of the house of Espernon, mentioned by 
 Brunet, are wanting in this copy. 
 1. L' Entree du Boy et de la Royne dans sa ville de Lyon, 
 ou Le Soleil au Signe du Lyon. D'ousont tirees quelques 
 paralleles avec le tres-Chrestien, tres- Juste, et tres- 
 Victorieux Monarque, Louis XIII., Roy de France et 
 Nauarre. Ensemble un sommaire recit de tout qui ce 
 s'est passe de remarquable en la dite Entree de sa Maje&te, 
 et de la plus Illustre Princesse de la Terre, Anne 
 d'Austriche, Royne de France et de Navarre, dans sa 
 ville de Lyon le 11 Decembre, 1622, 4to. . . Lyons, 1624 
 Eleven Plates. 
 2. Louis XIII. KING OF FRANCE. Reception de tres- 
 Chrestien, tres-juste, et tres-victorieux Monarque Louis 
 XIII., Roy de France et de Navarre, premier Comte et 
 Chanoine de 1'Eglise de Lyou. et de tres-chretienne, 
 tres-auguste, et tres-vertueuse Royne Anne d'Autriche. 
 Par Messieurs le Doyen, Chanoines et Comtes de Lyon en 
 leur Cloistre et Eglise, le xi Decembre, MDCXXII, 4to. ib. 1623 
 Two folding and three other Plates. These two works are bound 
 in one volume. 
 59. CHARLES, PRINCE OF WALES. A true Relation and Journall 
 of the Manner of the Arrivall, and magnificent Enter- 
 tainment, giuen to the High and Mighty Prince Charles, 
 Prince of Great Britaine, by the King of Spaine, in his 
 Court at Madrid. Published by authority, 4to. Lond. 1623 
 60. Louis XIII. KING OF FRANCE. Eloges et Discours sur la 
 Triomphante Reception du Roy en sa Ville de Paris apres 
 la Reduction de la Rochelle : Accompagnez des Figures 
 tant des Arcs de Triomphe, que des autres preparatifs, fol. 
 Paris, 1629 
 " This volume, originally belonging to the Earl of Carnarvon, 
 passed into the Library of the Princess Elizabeth of Hesse 
 Hombourg, whose autograph is in the Title-page, and was 
 bought at the sale of her books at Sotheby's, April, 1863. 
 The Princess was daughter to George III. Fine Plates and 
 Frontispiece, with Portraits, by Firens." (MS. Note by 
 F. W. F.) Fifteen Plates. The large one by A. De Bosse, 
 mentioned by Brunet, is not to be found in this copy. 
 61. HENRY, PRINCE OF CONDE. Entree de Tres-Haut et Tres- 
 Puissant Prince Henry de Bourbon, Prince de Conde, 
 Premier Prince du Sang, Premier Pair de France, Due 
 D'Anguien, Chasteau Roux, &c. Gouverneur et Lieu- 
 tenant General pour sa Majeste es Provinces de Bour- 
 gogne, Bresse, et Berry. En la ville de Diion le 
 trentiesme du mois de Septembre mil six cens trente 
 deux, foL ,...,.. Dijon, 1632 
 Five Plates. 
 Honori Serenissimi Principis Ferdinandi Austriaci 
 Hispaniarum Infantis, S.R.E. Card. Belgarum et Bur- 
 gundionum Gubernatoris, &c., a S.P.Q. Antverp. decreta, 
 et adornata. Cum mox a noblissima ad Norlingam parta 
 Victoria Antverpiam auspicatissimo aduentu suo bearet, 
 xv. Kal. Maii Anno 1635. Arcus, Pegmata Iconesque a 
 Pet. Paulo Rubenio Equite inventas et delineatas ; 
 Ins crip tionibus et Elogiis ornabat, Libroque Commentario 
 illustrabat, Casperius Gevartius, I.C., et Archigram- 
 matseus Antverpianus, Imp. fol. . . . Antwerp, 1642 
 Thirty-one Plates. There are two plates in this copy which are 
 not down in the " Tabularum series," or Index of twenty-nine 
 Plates at the end of the volume, viz., The portrait of Ferdinand 
 011 Horseback at p. 1, and the Plate at p. 145 referring to the 
 JBelgic provinces. The text here expressly states : " pegmatis 
 istius iconem non adjunxinvus," but here it is, not, however, 
 by Rubens. 
 Principis Ferdinandi Hispaniarum Infantis, S.R.E. 
 Cardinalis, Triumphalis Introitus in Flandriae Metropolini 
 Gandarum. Auctore Guilielmo Becano, S.I., fol. . ib. 1636 
 Of the forty-two Plates, the second, entitled, "Effigies 
 Philippi IV. Regis Catholici," is missing. 
 64. MART DE MEDICIS. Histoire de 1'Entree de la Reyne Mere 
 du Roy Tres-Chrestien dans les Provinces Unies des 
 Pays-Bas. Par le S r de la Serre, Historiographe de 
 France, fol Lond. 1639 
 One folding and ten other Plates attributed by Drugulin to 
 Hollar. The frontispiece and portraits of Frederic Henry and 
 his wife by Hollar are not in this copy. See Parthey, ftos. 
 2675, 1687, 463. 
 65. MARY DE MEDICIS. Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre 
 et d'Escosse, compose par Estienne Perlin. Par. 1558. 
 Histoire de 1'Entree de la Reine-Mere dans la Grande 
 Bretagne, par P. de la Serre. Par. 1639. Illustrated 
 with cuts and English Notes (by R. Gough), 4to. . ib. 1775 
 A Reprint by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols. 
 66. MARY DE MEDICIS. Medicea Hospes, sive Descriptio Publicee 
 Gratulationis, qua Serenissimam Augustissimamque 
 Reginam, Mariam de Medicis, excepit Senatus Populusque 
 Amstelodamensis, auctore Gaspare Barlaeo, fol. 
 Amsterdam, 1638 
 " This copy is remarkable, from tbe fine state of the engravings, 
 which are equal to proofs, being sometimes without the 
 engravers' names. It is also curious as being the volume 
 presented to the East Indian Company of Merchants in 
 Amsterdam by the author, whose dedicatory inscription, in his 
 own handwriting, is placed opposite the title-page." (MS. 
 Note by F. W. F.) Seventeen Plates, including a duplicate of 
 the fourth. The Portrait of the Queen is wanting, but the still 
 rarer plate of the Four Burgomasters, by Suyderhoef, is in this 
 67. MARY DE MEDICIS. Blyde Inkbmst der allerdoorluchtighste 
 Koninginne Maria de Medicis, tAmsterdam. Vertaelt 
 uit het Latijn des hooghgeleerden heeren Kaspar von 
 Baerle, fol. ' ib. 1639 
 This is a translation of the preceding work. The Plates are the 
 same as in the Latin copy with the following exceptions. 
 Suyderlioef's fine plate of the four Burgomasters is wanting 
 here ; and the Portrait of Marie de Medicis at the head of this 
 copy is not in the Latin Edition. 
 68. CHARLES II. KING OF ENGLAND. Relation en forme de 
 Journal du Voyage et Sejour que le Serenissime et Tres- 
 Puissant Prince Charles II., Roy de la Grand' Bretagne, 
 &c., a fait en Hollande, depuis le 25 May jusques au 
 2 Juin, 1660, fol. . . . . .The Hague, 1660 
 Three Plates. 
 69. CHARLES II., KING OF ENGLAND. 1. A Relation, in form of 
 Journal, of the Yoiage and Residence which the most 
 Excellent and most Mighty Prince CHARLES THE II., 
 King of Great Britain, &c., hath made in Holland from 
 the 25 of May to the 2 of June, 1660. Rendered into 
 English out of the original French. By Sir William 
 Lower, Knight, fol ib. 1660 
 This is a translation of the preceding work. 
 2. Anglia triumphans, sive in Inaugurationem Sereniss, &c. 
 Principis Caroli II. ... Poemation auctore Roberto Keu- 
 chenio, fol ib. 1660 
 These two works are bound in one volume. 
 70. Louis XIV. KING OF FRANCE. L'Entree triomphante de 
 leurs Majestez Louis XIV., Roy de France et de Navarre 
 et Marie Therese dAutriche, son espouse, dans la Ville 
 de Paris, capitale de leurs Royaumes, au retour de la 
 Signature de la Paix Generalle et de leur heureux 
 Mariage. Enrichie de plusieurs Figures, des Harangues, 
 et de diverses Pieces considerables pour 1'Histoire. Le 
 tout exactexnent recueilly par 1'ordre de Messieurs de 
 Ville, et imprimee 1'an 1662, fol. . . , Paris, 1662 
 " This- volume, once in the Library of the Jesuits in Paris, varies 
 from that ordinarily published. The Portrait is larger, and 
 appears to be a proof impression. The Portrait usually in the 
 book is smaller, representing the King in armour, after Mignard, 
 by P. van Schuppen. Some of the Plates in this volume were 
 printed before the names of the engravers were placed upon 
 them, viz., PI. vii., Le Paultre sculpsit. PI. ix., ditto. PI. 
 xiii., C, Le Brim inv. Le Paultre sculpsit." (MS. Note by 
 F. W. F.) Twenty-three Plates : most of them engraved by 
 Jean Marot. 
 71. CHARLES XI. KING OF SWEDEN. Das grosse Carrosel und 
 prachtige Bing-Bannen, nebst dem was sonsten Fiirtre- zu seben war, als der Durcbleucbtigste Grossmacb- 
 tigste Konig und Herr Karl der Eylfte, die Begierung 
 seines vaterlicben Erb-Konigreichs Anno M.DC.LXXII den 
 xviii Decembris in seiner Kb'niglicben Besidenz zu Stock- 
 holm antratt, fol. ..... Stockholm, n.d. 
 Sixty-two Plates. 
 72. WILLIAM III. KING OF ENGLAND. Die Koningklycke Tri- 
 umphe Yertoonende alle de Eerpoorten met desselfs 
 besondere Sinnebeelden, en bare beschryvinge, ten getale 
 van in de 60, opgerecht in's Gravenbage 1691, ter Eere 
 van Willem de III., Koningb van Groot Brittanjen, sm. 
 8vo. The Hague, 1691 
 Sixty-two Plates and a Frontispiece. 
 73. WILLIAM III. KING OF ENGLAND. KomstevanzyneMajesteit 
 Willem III. Koningvan Groot Britanje enz. in Holland; 
 ofte omstandelyke Bescbryving van alles bet welke op des 
 zelfs komste en geduurende Zyn verblyf, in's Graaven- 
 baage en elders, ten teeken van vreugde en eere, is 
 opgerecbt en voorgevallen, fol. .... ib. 1691 
 Fifteen Plates, chiefly by E. de Hooghe. 
 74. LEWIS, DUKE OF BURGUNDY. L'Auguste Piete de la Boyale 
 Maison de Bourbon ; sujet de 1'Appareil fait a Avignon 
 pour la Beception de Monseigneur le Due de Bourgogne 
 et de Monseigneur le Due de Berry durant le Consulat de 
 M. le Marquis de Sade, de M. J. B. Barbier, de M. P. 
 Gollier, et de M. 0. Bayol, Assesseur. Par le P. J. J. 
 Bontous, de la Compagnie de Jesus, fol. . Avignon, 1701 
 Six Plates. 
 75. BISHOPS OF ORLEANS. 1. Description de 1'Entree des Evesques 
 d'Orleans, et des Ceremonies qui I'accompagnent. Par 
 M. Pallucbe, 8vo Orleans, 1734 
 2. Discours sur 1'Origine du Privilege des Evesques 
 d'Orleans. Avec des remarques bistoriques, 8vo. . ib. 1734 
 3. Dissertation sur 1'Offrande de Cire, appellee les Goutieres, 
 que Ton presente tous les ans le deuxieme jour de May a 
 1'Eglise d'Orleans ; et sur 1'usage ou sont les Evesques de 
 cette ville d'etre portez le jour de leur Entree. Avec des 
 remarques historiques, 8vo. .... Orleans, 1734 
 A curious folding Plate. These works are bound in one volume. 
 76. CARDINAL G. POZZOBONELLI. Ammirabile Promozione all' 
 Arcivescovato di Milano ed alia sagra Porpora del 
 Emin mo et Rev rao Signer Cardinale Don Gioseppe Pozzo- 
 bonelli, e suo solenne Ingresso adi 21 Giugno, 1744. 
 Opera di Gabrio Perabo, 4to Milan, n.d. 
 A fine portrait of the Cardinal as frontispiece. 
 77. Louis XV. KING OP FRANCE. Journal de la Reception du 
 Roy dans sa Ville de Metz le 4 Aoust, 1744, fol. Metz, 1744 
 Eight Plates. 
 78. Louis XV. KING OF FRANCE. Representation des Fetes donnees 
 par la Ville de Strasbourg pour la Convalescence du Roi 
 a 1' Arrivee et pendant le Sejour de sa Majeste en cette 
 Ville. Invente, dessine, et dirige, par J. M. Weis, 
 Graveur de la Ville de Strasbourg, Atlas fol. . Paris, 1744 
 Eleven Plates. Bound by Padeloup. 
 79. Louis XV. KING OF FRANCE. Relation de 1' Arrivee du Roi 
 au Havre-de- Grace le 19 Septembre, 1749, et des Fetes 
 qui se sont donnees a cette occasion, imp. fol. . . ib. 1753 
 Six Plates. 
 80. BONAPARTE. Relation de la Reception faite a Bonaparte, 
 Premier Consul de la Republique francaise et President 
 de la Republique italienne, dans la Ville d'Anvers, lors 
 de son passage en 1'an xi, 8vo. . . . Antwerp, 1804 
 81. GEORGE IV. KING OF ENGLAND. Authentische und vollstan- 
 dige Beschreibung aller Feyerlichkeiten, welche in dem 
 Hannoverschen Lande bey der Anwesenheit Seiner 
 Konigl. Majestat Georgs des Vierten wahrend dem 
 Monate October 1821 veranstaltet worden sind. Verziert 
 mit dem ahnlichen Portrait Sr. Konigl. Majestat Georg 
 IV., und ein und zwanzig treuen Abbildungen. Nebst 
 einer Zugabe : Riickblicke auf ahnliche Volksf este der 
 Hannoveraner im 18ten Jahrhunderte. Zusammenge- 
 tragen und herausgegeben von Heinrich Dittmer, 4to. 
 Hanover, 1822 
 Twenty-one Plates. 
 82. GEORGE IV. KING OF ENGLAND. A Historical Account of His 
 Majesty's Visit to Scotland. Fourth edition. 8vo. 
 Edinburgh, 1822 
 Five folding Plates. The Ground Plan of the Assembly Rooms 
 seems to be missing. See contents of the Volume printed on 
 the side of the boards. 
 Dell' Entrata della sereniss. Reina Giouanna d' Austria 
 et dell' Apparato, fatto in Firenze nella venuta, & per le 
 felicissime Nozze di S. Altezza et dell' Illustrissimo & 
 Eccellentiss. S. Don Francesco de Medici, Prencepe di 
 Fiorenza & di Siena. Third edition. 8vo. . Florence, 1566 
 sentatio der fiirstlichen Auffzug und Eitterspil, sobei des 
 Durchl. Hochgeb. &c. Johann Friederich, Hertzogen zu 
 "Wiirtemberg und Teckh, &c. und der Durchl. Hochgeb. 
 Fiirstin, Barbara Sophien, gebornen Marggravin zu 
 Brandenburg hochzeitlichen Ehrnfest den 6 Novemb. a 
 1909 in der fiirstlichen Hauptstadt Stiitgarten gehalten 
 worden, obi. fol. ...... Gmunden, 1609 
 Two hundred and thirty-six Plates, by Balthasar Kiichler. 
 der Reiss ; Empfahung des Ritterlichen Ordens : Yol- 
 bringung des Heyraths : und gliicklicher Heimf iihrung : 
 wie auch der ansehnlichen Einfiihrung : gehaltener 
 Ritterspiel und Frewdenfests : des Herrn Friederichen 
 dess Fiinften, Pfaltzgraven bey Rhein, mit der Konig- 
 lichen Princessin Elisabethen, Jacobi des Ersten, Konigs 
 in Gross Britannien, einigen Tochter, 4to. Heidelberg, 1613 
 Eighteen Plates, by De Bry and others. 
 Entrees, Cartels, Tournois, Ceremonies, et aultres Mag- 
 nificences faites en Angletere et au Palatinat pour le 
 Mariage et Reception de Monseigneur le Prince Frederic 
 Y. Comte Palatine du Rhin, Electeur du Sainct Empire,. 
 Due de Baviere, &c. et de Madame Elizabeth, fille unique 
 et Princesse de la Grande Bretagne, Electrice Palatin du 
 Rhin, &c. son epouse, 12mo. . . . . ib. 1613 
 7. FERDINAND II. DUKE OF TUSCANY. Le Nozze degli Dei, 
 Favola dell Ab. Gio. Carlo Coppola, rappresentata in 
 Musica in Firenze nelle Reali Nozze de Serenis. Gran 
 Duchi di Toscana Ferdinando II. e Yittoria Principessa 
 d' Urbino, 4to. Florence, 1637 
 Seven Plates. Four of them and the Frontispiece are by Della 
 88. FEEDINAND II. DUKE OF TUSCANY. 1. Descrizione delle Feste 
 fatte in Firenze per le Reali Nozze de Serenissimi Sposi 
 Ferdinando II. Gran Duca di Toscana e Yittoria, Princi- 
 pessa d'Urbino, 4to. ...... ib. 1637 
 2. Relazione delle Nozze degli Dei, favola dell' Abate Grio. 
 Carlo Coppola, rappresentata nelle Reali Nozze de' 
 Sereniss. Gran Duchi di Toscana Ferdinando II. e 
 Yittoria Principessa d'Urbino, 4to. .... ib. 1637 
 3. Vera Relazione del Riceuimento & ingresso nell' alma 
 Citta di Roma della Regina di Suezia, e delle sontuose 
 feste che si sono fatte, 4to. .... Florence, 1655 
 Three tracts bound in one volume. 
 89. COSMO III. DUKE OF TUSCANY. Ercole in Tebe, Festa 
 Teatrale r.ippresentata in Firenze per le Reali Nozze de' 
 Serenissimi Sposi Cosimo Terzo, Principe di Toscana, e 
 Margherita Luisa, Principessa d' Orleans, 4to. . ib. 1661 
 Twelve Plates by Vespasiano Spada. 
 90. EMPEROR LEOPOLD I. II Porno d' Oro, Festa Teatrale, per 
 1'Augustissime Nozze delle Sacre Cesare e Reali Maesta 
 di Leopoldo e Margherita. Componimento di Francesco 
 Sbarra, fol Vienna, 1668 
 Twenty-five folding Plates, engraved by Melchior Kiisell. 
 Sacris Augustissimarum Nuptiarum solennibus Sereniss. 
 Principis ac Domini D.N. Caroli D.G. Comitis Palatiiii 
 ad Rhenum, &c., &c. et Sereniss. Daniee et Norwegiae 
 Principis Hseredis Wilhelminae Ernestines, &c. habita a 
 Paulo Hachenberg, 21 Sept. 1671. 
 This oration is followed by various poems in Latin and German, 
 with separate pagination ; and then comes the subjoined work : 
 92. Kiirze und eygeiitliche Beschreibnng dessjenigen so bey der 
 Verlobnuss, Heimfuhr und Vermiihlung dess Durch- 
 leuchtigsten Fiirsten und Herrn Caroli Pfaltzgrafens bey 
 Rhein, mit Wilhelmina Ernes tina, Princessen zu Denne- 
 marck, &c. &c., fol. ... . . . Heidelberg, 1672 
 Seven folding Plates. 
 93. PHILIP Y. KING OF SPAIN. Ragguaglio delle Nozze delle 
 Maesta di Filippo Quinto e di Elisabetta Farnese, nata 
 Principessa di Parma, Re Cattolici delle Spagne, Solen- 
 nemente celebrate in Parma 1'anno 1714, 4to. . Parma, 1717 
 Five folding Plates and a Frontispiece. 
 pompe Festive seguite in Palermo nella Celebrita delle 
 Regie Nozze di Carlo Borbone, Re di Sicilia e di Napoli, 
 con Maria Amalia, Principessa di Polonia e di Sassonia, 
 4to Palermo, 1739 
 Nine folding Plates. 
 95. PHILIP, INFANTE OF SPAIN. Description des Festes donnees 
 par la Ville de Paris a 1'occasion du Mariage de Madame 
 Louise Elisabeth de France, et de Dom Philippe, Infant 
 et Grand Amiral d'Espagne, les vingt-neuvieme et tren- 
 tieme Aout, mil sept-cent trente-neuf, Atlas fol. Paris, 1740 
 Thirteen Plates. 
 96. LEWIS, DAUPHIN OF FRANCE. Fetes publiques donnees par la 
 Ville de Paris a 1'occasion du Mariage de Monseigneur le 
 Dauphin le 23 et 26 Fevrier, 1745, Imp. fol. . Paris, n.d. 
 Nineteen Plates. 
 97. LEWIS, DAUPHIN OF FRANCE. Fete Publique donnee par la 
 Ville de Paris, a 1'occasion du Mariage de Monseigneur 
 le Dauphin, le 13 Fevrier, 1747, Imp. fol. . n.p. n.d. 
 Seven Plates. 
 98. CHARLES DUKE OF WURTEMBERG. Ausfiihrliche Beschrei- 
 bung des zu Bayreuth vorgegangenen Hochfiirstlichen 
 Boylagers und derer . . . sowohl zu Stuttgardt als 
 Ludwigsburg erfolgten . . . Heimf iihrnngs-Festivitaten 
 Herrn Carls regierenden Herzogs zu Wiirttemberg. . . 
 und . . . Elisabeth a Friderica Sophia . . . Her- 
 zogin ... in Druck herausgegeben von . . . W. 
 F. Schonhaar, fol Stuttgart, 1749 
 This copy has three folding Plates. The Illustration mentioned at 
 p. 67 seems to be wanting. 
 99. FERDINAND, INFANTE OF SPAIN. Descrizione delle Feste cele- 
 brate in Parma 1'anno 1769, per le auguste Nozze di sua 
 Altezza Reale 1'Infante Don Ferdinando colla Reale 
 Arciduchessa Maria Amalia, Atlas fol. . . Parma, n.d. 
 Thirty -six beautiful Plates engraved by Zuliani and others, from 
 drawings by E. A. Petitot. 
 See page 28. 
 Y. BIRTHS, &c. 
 100. FREDERIC, PRINCE OF WURTEMBERG. Warhaffte Relation 
 und historischer Politischer Hofflicher Discours ober des 
 Durchleuchtigen Hochgeb. Fiirsten Johanii Friderichen, 
 Hertzogen zu Wiirtemberg und Teck, &c. &c. &c. jungen 
 Sohns Prinz Friderichen, &c. &c. &c. angestelter Kind- 
 tauff : sampt darbey begangnem Frewden Fest zu Stutt- 
 gardten, den 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Martii anno 1616, 
 fol n.p. 1616 
 101. CHRISTIAN, PRINCE OF SAXONY. Aufzuge und Ritterspiele 
 sobey des Fiirsten Friederich Wilhelms, Hertzogen zu 
 Sachsen, &c. &c. &c. jungen Printzen Hertzog Christian, 
 Fiirstlichen Kindtauffs Feste in Anwesenheit vieler 
 Hochfiirstlichen Gramichen und Hitters Personen gehal- 
 ten worden zu Altenburg im Monat Junio 
 1654, 4to Schleswig, 1658 
 Forty Plates. 
 Ellettoral Citta di Monaco, distinte in tre unite, ma varie 
 Attioni. Drama Regio Musicale. Drama Guerriero. 
 Drama di Foco, 4to Monaco, 1662 
 To the above general title are added three separate titles for the 
 three plays respectively acted in honour of the " Na^cita dell' 
 Altezza Serenis, di Massiniiliano Emanuele, Primoijenito 
 Elettorale delle Sereniss. Elettorali Altezze di Ferdimmrlo 
 Maria & Enrieta Maria Adelaide Dur-hi dell' un' e 1'altri 
 Baviera et Elettori del Sacro Romano Iraperio." The author 
 or compiler is P. P. Bissari. The work contains thirty-seven 
 folding Plates. 
 103. LEWIS, DUKE OF BURGUNDY. L' Illumination de la Galerie 
 du Louvre pour les Rejouissances de la Naissance de 
 Monseigneur Due de Bourgogne, 4to. . . . Paris, 1682 
 104. CHARLES III. DUKE OF LORRAINE. Pompa funebris qua in 
 Nanceiana Lotharingiae urbe Principe de mortuo summo 
 omnium luctu Serenissimo Principi Carolo III., Dei gratia 
 Lotharingiae Duci LXIII. et xxx. Marchisio, Duci Calabriae, 
 &c. &c. &c. anno MDCVIII. honorificentissime justis exequi- 
 alibus est parentatum ; partim die xvn. Julii, quo demum 
 die e palatio Principis in S. Georgii sedem funus elatum 
 est ; partim postridie ejus diei, quo e Georgiana Sacra 
 aede in S. Francisci templum humaiido Principis Corpori 
 funus inductum est ; distincta iconibus 48 Clau- 
 dius de la Ruelle inventor. Fridericus Breutel fecit. 
 Herman de Loye excudit. Oblong fol. . . Nancy, n.d. 
 105. HENRY IV. KING OF FRANCE. Esequie d'Arrigo Quarto 
 Cristianissimo Re di Francia e di Navarra Celebrate in 
 Firenze dal Serenissimo Don Cosimo II. Granduca di 
 Toscana. Descitte da Giuliano Giraldi. fol. Florence, 1610 
 Twenty-six Plates, representing events in the life of Henry IV. 
 106. COSMO II. DUKE OF TUSCANY. Esequie fatte in Yenetia 
 dalla Natione Fiorentina al Serenissimo D. Cosimo II. 
 Quarto Gran Duca di Toscana. II di 25 di Maggio, 1621. 
 4to Venice, 1621 
 Seventeen Plates. 
 107. ALBERT, ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA. Pompa funebris optimi 
 potentissimique Principis Alberti Pii Archiducis Austriae, 
 Ducis Burg. Bra. veris imaginibus expressa a Jacobo 
 Francquart, Arcliit. Reg. Ejusdem Principis morientis 
 Yita, scriptore E. Puteano, Consil. et Historiogr. Reg. 
 Obi. fol . . . Brussels, 1623 
 Sixty-six Plates. On the fly-leaf are pasted two portraits of 
 Albert, and of his wife Isabella respectively. 
 108. ALBERT. ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA. Theatre funebre ou sont 
 representeez les funerailles de plusieurs Princes, et la vie, 
 trespas, et magnifiques obseques de Albert le Pie de tres- 
 haulte memoire, Archiduc d'Austrice, Due de Bourgoigne, 
 Brabant, &c. Faicts a Bruxelles le 12 de Mars 1622. 
 Par M. Adrian de Meerbeck d'Anvers, 12mo. . Brussels, 1622 
 109. FREDERICK HENRY PRINCE OF ORANGE. Begraeffenisse van 
 syne Hoogheyt Frederick Henrick Prince van Orange . . 
 (May 10, 1647), fol. Amsterdam, 1651 
 Thirty Plates. 
 Gedachtniss dess weyland Fiirsten Christian Marggraff- 
 ens zu Brandenburg, gestorben 30 May, 1655, fol. n.p. n.d. 
 A collection of funeral sermons and other effusions on the death 
 of Christian of Brandenburg, illustrated with forty-one Plates. 
 At p. 37 occurs a marginal note which cannot appear in print, 
 but which is useful as showing that this work had, mirabile 
 dictu ! a reader. 
 A thick volume without any proper title-page, comprising 
 accounts of funeral pageants, sermons, and orations on the 
 deaths of the following personages. 1. George II., Landgrave 
 of Hesse and Prince of Herzfeld. This is illustrated by 
 eighty-one Plates, including Frontispieces, and six full-length 
 portraits of Princes aud Princesses of Hesse, and two of 
 George II. and his wife Sophia Leonora. This appears to have 
 been printed at Darmstadt, iii 1662. 2. Dorothea Augusta, 
 Landgravine of Hesse, printed in 1663, n. p. 3. Adolphus 
 "William, Duke of Saxony, and his four Sons, printed at 
 Weimar, 1670. 4. Anna, Countess of Nassau, printed at 
 Giessen, 1669. 5. Justus Sinolt, Jurisconsultus, printed at 
 Giessen, 1658. 6. Anne Margaret, widow of the aforesaid 
 Sinolt, printed at Giessen, n.d. 
 112. POPE ALEXANDER VII. A short Account of the Life and 
 Death of Pope Alexander the VII., with a description of his 
 Funeral Machin, and Elegies erected in St. Peter's Church 
 in Rome. Together with An Exact Relation of the parti- 
 cular Ceremonies performed at the Creation and Corona- 
 tion of this present Pope Clement the IX. With a cata- 
 logue of all the Cardinals. Translated out of the Italian 
 copies, printed at Rome by P. A. Gent, 4to. . Lond. 1667 
 Celebrate nel Duomo di Torino all' altezza Reale di Carlo 
 Emanuele II., Duca di Savoia, Principe di Piemonte, Re 
 di Cipri, &c. da Madama Reale Maria Giovanna Battista 
 di Savoia Madre, e Tutrice dell' Altezza Reale di Vittorio 
 Amedeo II. e Reggente de' suoi Stati, Racconto del P. 
 Giulio Vasco della Compagnia di Giesu, fol. . Turin, 1675 
 Four folding Plates. 
 of the Funeral Solemnitiea performed in the Church of 
 Nostre-Dame at Paris ; to Honour the Memory of his 
 Excellency the Lord Henry de la Tour d'Auvergne, 
 Viscount Turenne, Colonel- General of the Light Horse, 
 and Marshal- General of the Field and Armies of Louis 
 XIV. of France. Wherein are represented the most 
 remarkable passages of his Life. Done into English out 
 of French by a Gentleman that sometimes had the honour 
 to serve under his command, 4to. . . . Lond. 1675 
 115. MARIA LOUISA, QUEEN OF SPAIN. Noticias Historiales de la 
 Enfermedad, Muerte y Exsequias de la Esclarecida Reyna 
 de las Espanas Dona Maria Luisa de Orleans, Borbon 
 Stuart y Austria, Nuestra Senora Dignissima Consorte 
 del Rey Nuestro Seiior Don Carlos Segundo de Austria, 
 a cuya Catholica, y Augusta Magestad las dirige, y con- 
 sagra, Don Juan, de Vera Tassis y Villarroel, fol. 
 Madrid, 1690 
 Twelve Plates. This book is not in Brunet. 
 116. MARY II. QUEEN OF ENGLAND. Funeralia Mariae II. Britannia- 
 rum D. G. Reginas, Guilielmi III. augustae conjugis, 
 declamata et decantata a Samuele Grutero in aula princi- 
 pis, die exequiarum, fol. .... Haarlem, 1695 
 Fifteen Plates. Numerous manuscript notes of the last century. 
 117. JAMES II. KING OF ENGLAND. Sacra Exequalia in funere 
 Jacobi II. Magnae Britanniae Regis exhibita ab 
 Eminentiss. et Reverendiss. Priccipe Carolo Sanctae 
 Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali Barberino in Templo sui 
 Tituli Sancti Laurentii in Lucina, 4to. . . Home, 1702 
 Eighteen Plates. 
 118. PETER II. KING OF PORTUGAL. Funerale celebrato nella 
 Chiesa di Santo Antonio della Nazione Portoghese in 
 Roma per la morte del Re di Portogallo Don Pietro 
 Secondo, 1'anno 1707, Imp. fol ib. 1707 
 Twelve Plates, by Fontana. 
 delle solenni Esequie fatte celebrare in Roma nella 
 Basilica di S. Clemente, alia Sacra Real Maesta di 
 Federigo Augusto Re di Polonia, fol. . . . ib. 1733 
 Two Plates, and in the frontispiece a fine portrait of Frederic 
 Augustus, engraved by Hieronyrnus Rossi. 
 2. Descrizione delle grandiose Sollennita .... per le 
 Augustissime Nozze di S. A. R. Francesco Steffano Duca 
 di Lorena e della Sereniss. Arciduch. Maria Teresa 
 d' Austria. Rime dal Dottor Jacopo Agnelli coraposte, 
 &c. &c., fol . Ferrara, 1736 
 Bound in one volume. Two folding Plates. 
 120. MARY CLEMENTINA SOBIESKI. Parentalia Marias Clemen- 
 tinae Magn. Britan. Franc, et Hibern. E/egin. jussu 
 dementis XII. Pont. Max, 4to. . . Rome, 1736 
 " I bought this volume in Eome, December, 1856. The book- 
 seller furnished me with the paper below, which is of still 
 greater curiosity and rarity. It is the directions issued to those 
 who were invited to the funeral in St. Peter's of thin the last 
 Eoyal Lady of the House of Stuart, who claimed to be 
 considered as the Queen of Great Britain." (MS. Note by 
 F. W. F.) Two folding Plates. 
 121. PHILIP V. KING OF SPAIN. Relacion de las Exequias 
 hechas en Roma a la Magestad Catolica del Rey Nuestro 
 Senor Don Phelipe V., fol ib. 1746 
 Seven folding Plates. 
 122. JOHN Y. KING OF PORTUGAL. Exequias feitas em Roma 
 a Magestade Fidelissima Do Seiihor Rey Dom Joao Y. 
 Por ordem do fidelissimo Senhor Rey Dom Joze I. sen 
 filho e successor, fol. ...... ib. 1751 
 Twenty Plates. 
 Lyk-Staetsie van zyne doorlucntigste Hoogheid den 
 Heere Willem Carel Hendrik Friso Prince van Orange 
 en Nassau. Gehonden den iv. Februarii 1752, fol. 
 The Hague, 1755 
 Forty-one Plates, engraved by J. Punt, after drawings by P. van 
 tion de la Chambre et Lit de Parade sur lequel le corps 
 de son Altesse Roy ale Anne Princesse Royale de la 
 Grande Bretagne, &c. &c. a ete expose pendant plusieurs 
 jours en Fevrier, 1759, &c. Dessines par De Swart, et 
 graves en cuivre par Mr. S. Fokke, fol. . . . ib. 1759 
 Four Plates. 
 2. Convoi fuiiebre de son Altesse Royale Anne Princesse 
 Royale de la Grande Bretagne, &c. &c. execute le 23 
 Fevrier, 1759. Dessine exactement par P. C. La Fargue, 
 et grave en cuivre par Simon Fokke, fol. . . ib. 1761 
 Bound in one volume. Sixteen Plates. The text of these works 
 is in both Dutch and French. 
 125. FERDINAND VI. 1. Relacion de las Exequias que a la Mages- 
 tad del Rey Cattalico D. Ferdinando VI. se hicieron en la 
 real Yglesia de Santiago de los Espanoles de Roma 
 siendo Ministro encargado de los Reales negocios di 
 S. M. El Emo y rmo Seiior F. R. D. Joachin Portocarrero 
 Cardenal Obispo Sabinense, &c., 4to. . . Home, 1760 
 One folding Plate. 
 2. Oratio in funere Ferdinand! VI. Hispaniarum Regis 
 Catholici in Sacello Quirinali habita HI. Idus Septembris 
 coram Clemente XIII. P. 0. M. a Leonardo Antonello, 
 &c., &c., 4to . Rome, 1759 
 These works are bound together. 
 126. CHARLES III., KING OP SPAIN. In funere Caroli III. 
 Hispaniar. Regis Catholici Oratio habita in Sacello 
 Pontitici a Bernardino Ridolfi Canonico Vaticano, &c., &c. 
 4to Parma, 1789 
 Frontispiece and vignettes by Raphael Morghen. 
 127. CHAUVENCI. Les Tournois de Chauvenci, Donnes vers la 
 fin du treizieme siecle, decrits par Jacques Bretex, 1285. 
 Annotes par feu Philibert Delmotte, et publics par H. 
 Delmotte son fils, 8vo. .... Valenciennes, 1835 
 128. NUREMBERG. Das Niirnberger Gesellenstechen vom Jahre 
 1446, nach der im obern Gange des Rathhauses befiiid- 
 lichen Stukko-Abbildung, radirt und herausgegeben-von 
 Philip Walther, mit einer geschichtlichen Erlauterung 
 von Georg Wolfgang Karl Lochner. Zweite Auflage. 
 Obi. fol Nuremberg, 1853 
 A folding Plate, fourteen feet long, with illustrative letterpress. 
 Tournoi de Tarascon; public d'apres le Manuscrit de 
 la Bibliotheque du Roi, avec un precis de la chevalerie 
 et des tournois,. et la relation du Carrousel execute a 
 Saumur, en presence de S. A. R. Madame, Duchesse de 
 Berry, le 20 juin, 1828 ; par G. A. Crapelet, Imprimeur. 
 Second edition. 8vo. ..... Paris, 1835 
 130. VIENNA. Le Triomphe de 1'Empereur Maximilien I. Une 
 suite de .135 planches gravees en bpis d'apres Je dessins de 
 Hans Burgmair, accompagnees de 1'ancienne description 
 dictee par 1'Empereur a son Secr3taire Marc Treitzsaur- 
 wein. Fol Vienna, 1796 
 131. BINTZ AND MARIENBURG. Thournier Kampff, unnd Ritterspiel, 
 Inn Eroberunge aines Gefahrlichenn Thiirns unnd Zau- 
 berer Schloss Auch der Abentheurlichen Insell unnd Giil- 
 dinn Schwerdts. Zu Ehren dem Hochgebornen Durch- 
 2 z 
 leuchtigen Fiirsten und Herrn Herrn Pliilipsen, Princen 
 auss Hispanien, &c. Zu Bintz und Marienberg Ritterlich 
 gehalten. (JSlacfe Utter.) Fol. . . Frankfort, 1550 
 With fifteen Cuts, by Schauffelein, in illustration of the tourna- 
 ment held by Maximilian in honour of Philip of Spain. 
 Sixteen leaves. Signatures A D iiij. 
 132. VIENNA. Thurnier Buech Warhafftiger Ritterlicher Thaten, 
 so in dem Monat Jimii des vergangneii LX. Jars in und 
 ansserhalb der Statt Wienn zu Ross und zu Fuess auff 
 Wasser und Lannd ,gehalten worden, mit schonen figuren 
 contrafeet, und dem Allerdurchleuchtigisten Grossmech- 
 tigisten Fiirsten unnd Herrn Herren Ferdinando, 
 erweltem Romischen Kayser, zu alien zeyten Mherer des 
 Reichs, &c., deren allergeliebsten Khindern, dem gantzen 
 Adel unnd hochberuembter Teutschen Nation, durch 
 Hannsen von Francolin Burgunder, Hochstgedachter 
 R6 : Kay: Mayt : &c., Ernholden, &c., zu Ehren beschri- 
 ben. (felacfe letter.) Fol Vienna, n.d. 
 133. TOURNAMENTS (a Collection of 72 Plates). 
 " This volume was formed by Baron Taylor of Paris, and bought 
 at his sale. The whole of the engravings are from the series by 
 Balthasar Kuchler, representing the first great cavalcade or 
 tournament held by John Frederic, Duke of Wurtemberg, in 
 the City of Stuttgart, on the occasion of his marriage with 
 Sophia Margravine of Brandenburgh, Nov. 6, 1609." (MS. 
 Note by F. W. F.) 
 Another volume of fifty-two Plates of a similar purport, 
 also formed by Baron Taylor. On many of the Plates are MS. 
 notes by Mr. Fairholt, stating to what works they belonged. 
 134. NICHOLS, John Gough. 1. Accounts of Sixty Royal Proces- 
 sions and Entertainments in the City of London, chiefly 
 extracted from contemporary writers. 2. A Bibliographical 
 List of Lord Mayors' Pageants. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 
 8vo Lond. 1831 
 135. FAIRHOLT, Frederick William. 1. Lord Mayors' Pageants, 
 being collections towards a history of these annual 
 celebrations, with specimens of the descriptive pam- 
 phlets published by the City Poets. Part. I. History of 
 Lord Mayors' Pageants. Part II. Reprints of Lord 
 Mayors' Pageants. Printed for the Percy Society. 2 
 vols. 12mo. . ib. 1843, 1844 
 2. The Civic Garland. A Collection of Songs from 
 London Pageants. Edited with introduction and notes 
 by Frederick W. Fairholt, F.S.A. Printed for the 
 Percy Society. 12mo. ..... Paris, 1845 
 3. The Fishmongers' Pageant on Lord Mayor's Day, 1616. 
 Chrysanaleia, the Golden Fishing. Devised by Anthony 
 Munday, Citizen and Draper. Represented in twelve 
 Plates by Henry Shaw, F.S.A., from contemporary 
 drawings in the possession of the Worshipful Company 
 of Fishmongers. Accompanied with various illustrative 
 documents, and an historical introduction by John 
 Gough Nichols, F.S.A., London and Newcastle, Citizen 
 and Stationer. Printed for the Worshipful Company of 
 Fishmongers. Fol, ib. 1844 
 13(>. FISHMONGERS' (THE) PAGEANT. Another copy of the work just 
 described under FAIRHOLT, No. 3. 
 137. PORTA PIETATIS, or the Port or Harbour of Piety, Exprest in 
 Sundry Triumphes, Pageants, and Showes, at the initia- 
 tion of the Bight Honourable Sir Maurice Abbot, 
 Knight, into the Mayoralty of the famous and farre- 
 renowned City London. All the charge and expence of 
 the laborious Projects both by Water and Land being 
 the undertaking of the Bight Worshipfull Company of 
 the Drapers. Written by Thomas Heywood. Sm. 4to. 
 ib. 1638 
 138. LONDON'S GLORT represented by Time, Truth, and Fame ; at 
 the magnificent Triumphs and Entertainment of his 
 most Sacred Majesty Charles the II., the Dukes of York 
 and Gloucester, the two Houses of Parliament, Privy 
 Councill, Judges, &c., at Guildhall, on Thursday, being 
 the 5th day of July, 1660, and in the 12th year of His 
 Majesties most Happy Beign. Together with the Order 
 and Management of the whole Day's Business. 4to. ib. 1660 
 139. GOLDSMITHS' (The) Jubile, or London's Triumphs : con- 
 taining a Description of the several Pageants : on which 
 are represented Emblematical Figures, Artful Pieces of 
 Architecture, and Bural Dancing : with the Speeches 
 spoken on each Pageant. Performed October 29, 1674, 
 for the Entertainment of the Bight Honourable and 
 truly Noble Pattern of Prudence and Loyalty, Sir 
 Bobert Yyner, Knt. and Bart., Lord Mayor of the City 
 of London : at the proper costs and charges of the 
 Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths. Composed by 
 Thomas Jordan. 8vo. . . . . . ib. 1674 
 A reprint by C. Whittingham in the year 1835. 
 140. LONDON'S DEFIANCE TO ROME, A Perfect Narrative of 
 the Magnificent Procession and Solemn Burning of the 
 Pope at Temple Barr, Nov. 17, 1679 (being the Corona- 
 tion Day of that never-to-be-forgotten Princess, Queen 
 Elizabeth), with a Description of the Order, Rich 
 Habits, Extraordinary Fireworks, Songs, and General 
 Tryumphs attending that illustrious ceremony. 4 pp. 
 Bvo, ,,.,,,,,. n.p, 
 141. THE FETE-DIEU. Explication des Ceremonies de la 
 Fete-Dieu d'Aix en Provence. 12mo. . . . Aix, 1777 
 Thirteen folding Plates. The frontispiece is an engraving from a 
 curious portrait of Rene d'Anjou in the Chapel of the 
 Carmelites at Aix, said to hare been painted by himself. 
 142. JUBILEE. Tableau racourci des Ceremonies observees par 
 1'Eglise de Rome a 1'ouverture, durant le cours, et dans 
 la conclusion de 1'Annee Sainte ou du Jubile, qui doit 
 etre celebre 1'an 1700. Extrait et Traduit du Latin, 
 pour satisfaire la Sainte Curiosite des Ames Fidelles. 
 Suivant la copie imprimee a Rome, 1'an 1627, sous le 
 Pontificat d'Urbain VIII. 12mo. . . . Antwerp, 1669 
 This volume has on the title-page the autograph of William Hone. 
 143. SAINT-SACREMENT DE MIRACLE. Hooghweerdighe Historie 
 van het alder-heylighste Sacrament van Mirakel, In 
 desen Druck door den Autheur merckelyck vermeerdert 
 met verscheyde Thoonen, Preuven ende Curieuse Om- 
 standigheden, met ses nieuwe Schilderyen ende de 
 Beschryvinge der selve, als oock met de Bedietsels die 
 zyn hangende aen de sesthien Cappellen daer de Kerck 
 mede omringelt is, als mede eene korte Beschryvinge van 
 de Arcken Triumphael met haere Letter-tellende Jaer- 
 schriften voer desen noyt gesien ofte aen't licht gebracht. 
 Door Heere Petrus de Cafmeyer, fol. . . Brussels, 1735 
 Forty-six Plates. 
 144. ST. MACAIRE. Description du Jubile de Sept-cens Ans de S. 
 Macaire, Patron Particulier centre laPeste, qui sera celebre 
 dans la ville de Gand, Capitale de la Flandre, a commencer 
 le 30 de mai jusqu'au 15 juin, 1767, avec le detail 
 ulterieur des Ceremonies, Solemnites, Cavalcades, Orne- 
 mens, et des Feux d' Artifice, &c., &c., qui auront lieu a 
 cette occasion. Le tout enrichi de Figures. 4to. Ghent, n.d. 
 Fifteen coloured Plates. 
 145. ST. RUMOLD. Prael-Treyen. Verrykt Door Ry-Benden, 
 Prael-Wagens Zinne-Beelden, En Andere Oppronkingen 
 Toegeschickt Aen Het Duyzend- Jaerig Jubile Van. den 
 Heldmoedigen Martelaer, Bisschop, Bezonderen Apostel 
 Ende Patroon Der Stad Ende Provincie Van Mechelen, 
 Den Heyligen RUMOLDUS Onder 'T Gezag Der zeer Edele, 
 Weerde ende Voorzienige Heeren van het Magistraet der 
 zelve Stad ende Provincie, en de medewerking van den 
 Adel en de Borgery, uytgewerkt door de Latynsche 
 School onder de zorg der Priesters van 't Oratone van 
 den Heere Jesus, 4to Mechlin, n.d. 
 146. ST. RUMOLD. Prael-Treyn, Plegtigheden, Vreugde-Fees- 
 ten en Vercieringen van Het Vyftig-jaerig Jubile der 
 Martelie van den Heyligen Rumoldus Apostel en Patroon 
 der Stad Mechelen. MDCCCXXV. 4to. . . . ib. n.d. 
 Eleven folding and four other Plates. 
 147. AUREA BULLA. Die Giildin bulle und kiinigclich reforma- 
 This volume consists of twenty-seven folio leaves, or c.iij. in sixes. 
 On leaf 20, verso, we have : Keiser Sigmund guldin bulle. On 
 leaf 23, verso ; Hie etidet Keiser Sigmund guldin bulle ; and on 
 leaf 24, recto ; Kunig fwderich reformation, The colophon 
 runs Getruckt /u Straszbwrg, Johannes Prussz, Anno Domini 
 MCCCCLXXXV. The work is illustrated by eleven curious Wood- 
 cuts. (38Iacfc fetter.) 
 148. MYSTERE DES TROIS DOMS. Composition, Mise en Scene, 
 et Representation du Mystere des Trois Doms, joue a 
 Romans les 27, 28, et 29 mai, aux fetes de Pentecote de 
 1'an 1509. D'apres un Manuscrit du. temps, public et 
 annote par M. Giraud, 8vo. . . . Lyons, 1848 
 149. AUGSBURG. Bericht und Antzaigen der loblichen Statt 
 Augspurg, aller Herren Geschlecht so vor Fiinfhundert 
 und mehr Jaren, weder yemandt wissen oder erfaren kan, 
 daselbst gewont und bis auf Aclite abgestorben, &c., fol. 
 Augsburg, 1550 
 This work is by Paul Hector Mair. The Woodcuts are 149 in 
 number, and consist chiefly of men in armour. These have 
 been erroneously attributed to Jost Ammon. On the 148th at 
 p. 163 will be found in monogram the letters C. W. The work 
 is in its original binding, which is richly ornamented. 
 150. SPELEN van sinne vol scoone moralisacien .... ghespeelt 
 met octroy der Con. Ma. binnen der stadt van Andtwerpen 
 op d' Janttjuweel by die veerthien cameren van reto- 
 rijcken die hen daer ghepresenteert hebben den derden 
 dach Augusti in Jaer ons Heeren MDLXI Op die Questie, 
 Wat den mensch aldermeest tot conste verwect. Tot 
 Antwerpen by M. Willem Silvius, 4to. .... 1562 
 At the end of this work is another, as follows : 
 151. SPELEN van sinne waerinne alle oirboirlijke ende eerlijcke 
 handwercken ghepresen en verhaelt worden tot grooter 
 stichtinghe ende onderwijsinghe van eenen veghelijcken 
 van wat staten hy is. Grhespeelt met octroy der Co. 
 Ma by die vier Cameren van Khetorijcke 
 int jaer ons Heeren, 1561. Op de questie : Welck 
 handtwerck, oirboirlijcste is van doene, en eerlijcste, 
 nochtans seer cleyn gheacht ? Tot Antwerpen by M. 
 Willem Silvius, 4to 1562 
 " This volume contains a curious series of Moral Plays, acted by 
 the Members of the Chambers of Rhetoric of the principal cities 
 of the Low Countries who met together for that purpose at 
 Antwerp in August, 1561." (MS. Note by Mr. F. W. F.) 
 These works have no pagination. Two Plates and numerous 
 Woodcuts are inserted in the text. 
 152. LANEHAM'S Letter describing the magnificent Pageants pre- 
 sented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth Castle in 
 1575, 8vo Lond. 1821 
 153. THE GOLDEN FLEECE. Ordenliche Beschreibung mit was 
 stattlichen Ceremonien und Zierlichkeiten die B-om. Kay. 
 May. unser allergnedigster Herr sampt etlich andern 
 Ertzhertzogen, Fiirsten und Herrn den Orden dess Guldin 
 Fluss in disem 85 Jahr zu Prag und Landshut empf angen 
 und angenommen. Neben vorgehender summarischer 
 aussfiihrung und erinnerung was von disem Orden auch 
 dessen ursprung und bedeutung fiirnemlich zuwissen. 
 Dabey dann auch ettliche zu diser Beschreibung dienst- 
 liche feine Figuren zu sehen, 4to. . . . I)ilingen, 1587 
 Eighteen Plates. 
 154. CHRISTMAS PRINCE. An Account of the Christmas Prince 
 as it was exhibited in the University of Oxford in the 
 Year 1607. Now first published from the original manu- 
 script, 4to. ....... Lond. 1816 
 155. LYONS. Entree Magnifique de Bacchus avec Madame 
 Dimanche Grasse sa femme, faicte en la ville de Lyon le 
 14 Fevrier 1627. Nouvelle edition enrichie de Notes et 
 de Vignettes, 8vo. ...... Lyons, 1838 
 One of a reprint of fifty copies. 
 156. MASCARDI, VITALE. Festa fatta in Roma alii 25, diFebraio, 
 MDCXXXIV. e data in luce da Vitale Mascardi, 4to. 
 Eome, 1634 
 Eleven folding Plates and a frontispiece. 
 157. STROZZI, GIULIO. Feste Theatrali per la finta Pazza drama 
 del Sig* Giulio Strozzi, Rappresentate nel piccolo 
 Borbone in Parigi quest anno 1645, et da Giacomo Torelli 
 da Fano Inuentore dedicate ad Anna d' Austria Regina di 
 Francia Regnante, fol Paris, 1645 
 Five Plates. 
 158. PEACE OF THE PYRENEES. Hymenaeus Pacifer; sive 
 Theatrum Pacis Hispano-Gallicas a S.P.Q. Antverpiensi 
 ante Curiara erectum, cum auspicatissima ejusdem Pacis 
 facta est promulgatio. xv. Kal. April, anni M.DC.LX., fol. 
 Antwerp, 1661 
 Three Plates. 
 159. PEACE OP THE PYRENEES. Les Rejouissances de la Paix 
 faites dans la ville de Lyon de 20 Mars, 1660, 4to. Lyons, 1660 
 Seventeen Plates. 
 D' Irena, Dramma per Musica di Teofilo, Rappresentato 
 alia Corte Imperiale per solennizare il Giorno Natalizio 
 Delia Sac : Ces : Maesta di Leonora Imperatrice per com- 
 ando della Sac: Ces: Maesta di Leopoldo Imperatore, 
 4to . Vienna, 1661 
 Ten Plates. 
 161. PUBLIC GAMES. Festiva ad Capita annulumque Decursio a 
 Rege Ludovico XIY. Principibus Summisque aulse Pro- 
 ceribus edita Anno 1662, fol Paris, 1670 
 162. DOMIDUCA OXONIENSIS : sive Musso Academicse Gratulatio ob 
 Auspicatissimum Serenissimaa Principis Catharines Lusi- 
 tanee Regi Suo Desponsatae in Angliam appulsum, 4to. 
 Oxford, 1662 
 This volume contains a curious diagram by Wallis, the Saviliau 
 Professor of Geometry at that time. 
 163. BESCHREiBUNGund Yorstellung des Stuck- Schiessen, welches 
 auf eines Wol-Edlen, &c., &c., &c., Bathsdes Heil. Bom. 
 Beichs-Statt Nurnberg ergangenen Befelch im Jahr 
 Christ! 1671, den 28 August! auf dem Schiess-Platz bey 
 St. Johannis Kirch-Hof, Yier Tag lang aus Yier Falko- 
 nen deren Jeder eine Sechs-Pfiindige Kugel geschossen, 
 gehalten und angeordnet worden, fol. . . Nuremberg, n.d. 
 Four Plates, by Jacob Sandrart and Eimart. 
 DIGKEIT, wie dieselbe bey Anwesenheit verschiedener 
 Hoch-Fiirstlich-und Graflicher Personeii den Februarii, 
 1684, auf dem Chur-Pfaltzischen Besidenz-Scliloss zu 
 Heydelberg vorgestellet and preesentiret warden, fol. n.p. n.d, 
 Seventeen Plates. 
 165. AN ACCOUNT of His Excellence Boger Earl of Castlemaine's 
 Embassy, from his Sacred Majesty James the II., King 
 of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c., to His 
 Holiness Innocent XI. Published formerly in the Italian 
 tongue by Mr. Michael Wright, Chief Steward of His 
 Excellences House at Borne, and now made English with 
 several Amendments and Additions [stc], fol. . Lond. 1688 
 " The first edition was published at Rome, and dedicated to the 
 Duchess of Modena ; the author's name appending to the 
 dedication as G-io. Michele Writ. It has a frontispiece 
 representing Castlemaine as kissing the Pope's toe, Faith points 
 him to St. Peter's, Angels in the sky bear a picture of James II." 
 (MS. Note by F. W. F.) Fourteen Plates. 
 166. PENNY MERRIMENTS. Some Account of a singular and unique 
 collection of Early Penny Merriments and Histories. 
 Printed at Glasgow 1695-8. In the possession of J. O. 
 Halliwell, Esq. F.B.S., sm. 4to ib. 1864 
 One of twenty -fire copies. 
 167. HEIDNISCHER GOTTER und Gottinnen prachtiger Auffzug. 
 Anno 1695 gehalten in Dresden, fol. . . Augsburg, 1718 
 Twenty Plates. 
 168. LE SIMPATIE DELL' ALLEGREZZA tra Palermo Capo del Begno 
 di Sicilia et la Castiglia Beggia Capitale della cattolica 
 Monarchia manifestate nella presente Belazione delle 
 massime pompe festive le' Palermitani per la Yittoria 
 ottenuta contro i collegati su le Campagne di Prihuega 
 a 11 Decembre, 1710, con le forze, &c., di Filippo Y. 
 Monarca delle Spagne, &c., &c., &c., fol. . . Palermo, 1711 
 Seventeen Plates. 
 169. ORDER OF THE BATH. The Procession and Ceremonies 
 observed at the time of the Installation of the Knights 
 Companions of the most Honourable Military Order of 
 the Bath, upon Thursday, June 17, 1725, with the Arms, 
 Names, Titles, &c., of the Knights Companions, and of 
 their Esquires, as they are fixed up in Henry VIII th ' 8 
 Chapel in Westminster Abbey. By John Pine, Engraver. 
 N.B. The portraits of most of the Knights Companions 
 and Officers of the Order are done from Original Pictures 
 painted for that purpose, fol. .... Lond. 1730 
 Twenty Plates. This copy has not the " additional Plate " of the 
 Arms of the Four Knights Companions. 
 170. PEACE OF 1814. An Historical Memento representing the 
 different scenes of Public Rejoicing, which took place 
 the First of August in St. James' and Hyde Parks, 
 London, in celebration of the Glorious Peace of 1814, 
 and of the Centenary of the Accession of the Illustrious 
 House of Brunswick to the Throne of these Kingdoms, 
 4to ib. 1814 
 Six coloiired Plates. 
 171. CARNAVAL. Quadrilles du Carnaval a Berlin, 1836, fol. 
 Berlin, n.d. 
 Twenty lithographic Plates, coloured. 
 172. NOTICE SUR PHILIPPE-LE-BON, Due de Bourgogne et Comte 
 de Flandre, considered sous les rapports des faits 
 generaux de 1'histoire, et principalement des Actes 
 particuliers qui interessent la Ville de Douai, par H. 
 Pilate Prevost, Secretaire de la Mairie de Douai ; suivie 
 de Strophes, de Notes sur le Programme de la secoiide 
 fete historique, et ornee de lithographies representant 
 tous les personages du cortege ranges suivant 1'ordre de 
 la Marche par Felix Robaux, dessinateur et imprimeur- 
 lithographe a Douai, obi. fol. .... Douai, n.d. 
 One folding Plate eight metres in length. 
 173. DIE DEUTSCHEN KAISER nach den Bildern des Kaisersaals im 
 Romer zu Frankfurt am Main. Mit den Wahlspriichen 
 der Kaiser, lateinisch und deutsch, einer Uebersicht der 
 Kaiserbilder, nebst Angabe der Maler und der Stifter, 
 8vo. ........ Frankfort, n.d. 
 ballads printed from a Manuscript preserved in the 
 Library of the University of Cambridge. Edited by 
 Thomas Wright. Sm. 4to. .... Lond. 1836 
 Fetes de Septembre illustrees, ou Description historique 
 et pittoresque du grand cortege national, suivi du compte 
 rendu des Fetes et Ceremonies Publiques, 4to. Brussels, n,d. 
 1 76. FETES Inaugurates de la Statue de Marguerite d'Autriche a 
 Malines. Avec douze Planches, 8vo. . . Milanes, n.d. 
 These Fetes took place in June, 1 8 19. 
 Abassini. Godigrms. 
 Abbadie. Beke, C. T. 
 Abberbury, Sir R. Money. 
 Abbeville. Quatrefages. 
 Abbey-Dore Church. James, J. H. ; 
 Eussell, J. F. 
 Abbey House. Tewkesbury. 
 Abbot, Sir M. Appendix, 137. 
 Abbotsford. Rutherfurd. 
 Abbott. Chetham Soc., 61. 
 Abbott Lawrence. Prescott. 
 Abdalla of Beyza. Weston, S. 
 Abdul Ghafur. Punjab. 
 Aberdeen. Spalding Club. 
 Aberdeen, Lord. Grover. 
 Abergavenny. Morgan, O. 
 Abernethy. Small, A. 
 Abingdon Monastery. Chronicles, 2. 
 Abington. Percy Soc., 12. 
 Ab Ithel, J. W. Chronicles, 17, 20 ; 
 Abney, W. De W. Eder. 
 Aborigines. Yictoria. 
 About, E. Bauer, F. 
 Abraham. Victoria Institute, 7. 
 Abram, W. A. Record Soc., ix. 
 Abu Hubbah. Pinches. 
 Abury. Browne, H. ; Long, W. ; Stukeley. 
 Abyssinia. Beke, C. T. ; Hakluyt Soc., 
 60; Salt. 
 Academy of Arts. Leighton, J. 
 Achffians. Gerhard. 
 Achmet. Artemidorus. 
 Acosta, J. de. Hakluyt Soc., 56-8. 
 Acrse. Hogg. 
 Acroases. Byzantine Historians, 3. 
 Acropolita. Byzantine Historians, 18. 
 Adam of Murimuth. Historical Soc., 10. 
 Adamnan. Irish Arch, and Celt. Soc., 2. 
 Adams's Guides. Blanchard, E. L. 
 Adams, J. Colburn. 
 Adams, T. Church Affairs. 
 Adamson, J. Cheviot. 
 Adare Manor. Dunraven. 
 Addedomaros. Evans, John. 
 Addington, H. Parker, J. H., 1880. 
 Addison, J. Arber ; Poems, 3. 
 Admiralty Site, 1886. Robins, E. C. 
 Adolphus William, Duke of Saxony. 
 Appendix III. 
 ^acus. Black Hole of Calcutta. 
 ^Egean Islands, Coins. British Museum, 
 Coin Department. 
 ^Ifric. Text Soc., 76, 82. 
 ^Elian. Dillon, H. A. ; War. 
 ^Ired. Surtees Soc., 44. 
 JEneas. War. 
 JEthilheard, Archbishop. Evans, J. 
 JEtolia. British Museum. 
 Afghanistan. Wilson, H. H. 
 Africa, Antiquities. Graham, A. 
 Discoveries. Hogg. 
 Exploration. Geographical Soc. 
 Maps. Hogg, J. ; Sommerbrodt, E. 
 Portuguese Discoveries. Castilho ; 
 Lisbon, R. Ac. of Sc. of. 
 Stone Implements. Lubbock ; 
 Phillips. H. 
 Trade. Parliament. 
 Travels. Davidson, John ; Hak- 
 luyt Soc., 32, 54; Herbert, Sir T. ; 
 Piccardo; Thevenot. 
 Agathias. Byzantine Historians, 1. 
 Agbrigg. Ellis, A. S. 
 Aggas. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Aghaboe. Ledwich. 
 Agincourt. De Belleval; Nicolas, Sir 
 N. H. 
 Agnelli, J. Appendix 119, ii. 
 Agostini, L. Paruta. 
 Agricola. Jackson, W. Repr. 2. 
 Agrigento. Politi. 
 Agrippa. Tracts [B], 4. 
 Agrivarii. Reineccius. 
 Aguirre, L. de. Hakluyt Soc., 26. 
 Aidan, St. Fryer. 
 Aikin, E. Architectural Soc., The London. 
 Ailredus. Twysden. 
 Ainay. Martin Daussigny. 
 Ainsworth, W. F. Barker. 
 Airey, R. Manx Soc., 6. 
 Airth. Nichols, J. G. 
 Airy, O. Camden Soc., 34. 
 Aisne. Delacourt. 
 Aix, in Provence. Appendix, 141. 
 Aken, H. Van. Bruxelles. 
 Akerman, J. Y. Camden Soc., 52 ; Horta; 
 Numismatic Soc. 
 Alanus. Caxton Soc., 4. 
 Alauna. Nicholson. 
 Alban, St. Nicholson, H. J. B. 
 Albaro. Graberg. 
 Albert, Archduke of Austria. Appendix, 
 56, 107, 108. 
 Albert, of Brescia. Chaucer Soc., N. 8. 
 Albert, Prince. Moore, M. 
 Alberti, F. Hale, W. H. 
 Alberti, J. Hesychius, 
 Alberti, L. B. Freart. 
 Albertus Magnus. Ferguson, J. 
 Albinus. Avianus. 
 Albiruni. Sachau. 
 Albricus. Auctores Mythographi. 
 Alcantaria. Eades. 
 Alcwinus Flaccus. Gale, T. 
 Aldeburgh. Duckett; Hele. 
 Alderney. Jersey. 
 .Aldi. Eenouard. 
 Aldrovandi, U. Y. Historical Papers, 
 Alesa. Drogontes. 
 Alexander I. Ciampi. 
 Alexander IV. Delisle. 
 Alexander VII. Camden Soc., 92 ; Ap- 
 pendix, 112. 
 Alexander the Great. Alexander, W. 
 Alexandre de Vokedien. Morand. 
 Alfred the Great. Asser ; Boethius ; 
 Ingram; Orosius ; Spelman ; Text 
 Soc., 45, 49, 50, 79. 
 Algeria. Boucher de Perthes ; Graham, 
 A. ; Jennings, J. ; Lenormant, F. 
 Algonquins. Squier. 
 Alien Priories. Nichols, J. 
 Aljustrel. Estacio. 
 Allan, J. Thompson, J. 
 Allen, Card. Chetham Soc., 25. 
 Allen, W. Hawk ; Titus. 
 Allensmore Church. James. 
 Allerdale Ward, Cumberland. Jefferson. 
 Alleyn, E. Shakespeare Soc., 8. 
 Allfried, Abp. Mores. 
 Allhallows, London Wall. Hovenden. 
 Allhallows, Tottenham. Tottenham. 
 Allhallows the Great, Dowgate. Hubbard. 
 All Saints, Chesterfield. Coldweli. 
 All Saints, Derby. Cox and Hope. 
 All Saints, Dublin. Irish Arch. Soc., 7. 
 .All Saints, Little Shelford. Eowe. 
 All Saints, Newcastle. Sopwith. 
 All Saints, Sudbury. Badham. 
 All Saints College, Maidstone. Poste, B. 
 Almansor. Astrplogia. 
 Almeloveen, T. J. Eutilius Numatianus. 
 Almondbury. Hulbert, C. A. 
 Alnmouth. Dickson, W. 
 Alnwick. Hartshorne, C. H. ; Tate. 
 Alnwick Castle. Architects ; Birch ; 
 Donaldson ; Warkworth. 
 Alnwick Monastery. Dickson, W. 
 Aloe, S. Trattati, 2. 
 Alost. Breviarium. 
 Alpes-Maritimes. Tisseraud. 
 Alps. Ellis, E. 
 Alsatia. Schoepflinus. 
 Alston Moor. Pennant. 
 Alt, W. J. Science and Art Dept. 
 Althof. Lisch. 
 Althorp. Dibdin ; Spencer's Library. 
 Althorp Family. Steinman. 
 Alton Towers. Dovedale. 
 Altriucham. Ingham. 
 Alvarez, F, Hakluyt Soc., 60. 
 Alvey, F. Berry. 
 Alvinus. Friesland. 
 Alye Family. Nichols, J. Gr. 
 Amalienborg. Worsaae. 
 Amaravati Tope. Sewell, E. 
 Amazons. Hakluyt Soc., 22. 
 Amazulu. Folk Lore Soc., xv. 
 Ambleside. Nicholson, C. 
 Ambo. Byzantine Historians, 21. 
 Ambraser Sammlung. Schrenk von 
 Amerbach. Gropp. 
 America, Agriculture. Winthrop, E. C. 
 Animals. Forster, J. E. 
 Antiquities. Northern Anti- 
 quaries ; Eafn ; Eau ; Warden. 
 Archaology. Bagg ; Lubbock ; 
 Phillips, H. 
 Authors, Allibone. 
 Bibliography. Stevens, H. 
 Biography. Phillips, L. B. 
 Bucaniers. Bucaniers. 
 Charters. Lucas, S. 
 Coins. Phillips, H. 
 Colonization. Zestermann. 
 Discovery. Paravey ; Eafn ; 
 Emigration. Emigration Soc. 
 Genealogy. Whitmoi'e. 
 History. Benzoni ; Brasseur de 
 Bourbourg ; Historical Magazine ; 
 Eecord Office ; Parkman. 
 Latitudes. Slafter. 
 Living City. Fowler, H. 
 Map. Sonnenstern ; Phillips, 
 Name. Marcou. 
 Portugese Discoveries. Lisbon, 
 E. Ac. of Sc. of. 
 Revolution. Barclay, S. 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 7,46 
 Pownall, T. ; Stephens, J. L. j Kali 
 Union. Parker, F. J. 
 American Numis. Manual. Dickeson. 
 Ames Family. Genealogist. 
 Ames, J. Bible. 
 Amesbury Church. Kemni. 
 Amiens. Picardie, Soc. des Ant. 
 Amman. Excursion. 
 Amney Holy-Kood Cross. Pooley. 
 Amobyr. Salt. 
 Ampelius, L. Florus. 
 Amphipolis. Witte. 
 Amyot, T. Shakespeare Soc., 4. 
 Anagnostes. Byzantine Historians, 24. 
 Ancachs. Eaimondi. 
 Ancaster. Trollope. 
 Ancora. Xenocrates. 
 Ancre, Mareschal d'. Du Puy. 
 Ancyron. Itard. 
 Andagoya, P. de. Hakluyt Soc., 81. 
 Anderida. Elliott. 
 Anderson, John. Indian Museum. 
 Anderson, Joseph. Orkneyinga Saga. 
 Andes. Inwards, R. 
 Andrade F. d'. De Castro. 
 Andre. Charma. 
 Andreas Johannes, Bp. Hofstedt. 
 Andrew of Wyntown. Wyntown. 
 Andrew's Anatomie. Fuller Worthies' 
 Andrews, G. T. Jackson, J. G. 
 Andrews, R. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Andronicus. Byzantine Historians, 14 ; 
 Aneurin. Turner, S. 
 Angaria. Reineccius. 
 Angeli, L. Giacchieri. 
 Angers. March egay. 
 Anglesey. Caernarvonshire ; Rowlands ; 
 Anglia, East. Taylor, R. 
 Anglo-Saxon Coins. Hughes, T. 
 Grammar. Bosworth, J. 
 Anglo-Saxons. Caxton Soc., 16 ; Giles ; 
 Kemble ; Leo Heinrich ; Schroder ; 
 Turner, S. ; Wright, T. 
 Angrivarii. Meibomius. 
 Angus. Chalmers, P. ; Jervise. 
 Angus Memoirs. Fraser, W. 
 Anjou. Bodin. 
 Duke of. Historical Tracts. 
 G. 2, 3, 4. 
 Anna, Countess of Nassau. Appen- 
 dix, 111. 
 Anna Sophia of Brandenburg. Meibo- 
 Anne, Empress. Appendix, 21. 
 Anne, Governess of the United Provinces. 
 Appendix, 124. 
 Anne of Austria. Appendix, 58. 
 Anne, Queen. Duckett ; Parliament. 
 Annius, J. Berosus. 
 Anselm. Charma ; Chronicles, 81. 
 Anstey, C. Bath Guide. 
 Anstey, H. Chronicles, 50. 
 Anstruther, R. Caxton Soc., 5, 13. 
 Anthony, Saint. Privilegia. 
 Antinous. Levezow. 
 Antiochus VII. Tochon D'Annecy. 
 Antiquaries, Soc. of. Dwarris ; * Index 
 Soc. ; Scharf ; Pettigrew. 
 Antoninus. Burton ; Gibson, K. : Nap- 
 per, H. F. ; Sparkes ; Theophrastus ; 
 Antonius Diogenes. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Antrim. Hamilton, W. ; Wright, G. N. 
 Antwerp. Gramaye ; Le Grand de 
 Reulandt ; Serrure; Appendix, 158. 
 Anville, d'. D'Anville. 
 Anysley. Peacock. 
 Apollo. Lenoir; Letronne. 
 Apollonius Tyrius. Ashbee ; Erotici 
 AppianWay. Canina ; Labruzzi. 
 Appianus. Theocritus. 
 Appleby Castle. , Simpson, J. 
 Appleton, U.S. Jewett. 
 Appleton, N. Winthrop. 
 Appleton, W. Robbins, C. 
 Apuldrefield Manor. Steinman. 
 Aquila. Field, F. ; Pontius Pilate. 
 Aquileja. Cortenovis ; JK.nabb ; Rubeis ; 
 San Fiorano. 
 Aquitaine. Chaudruc de Crazannes ; 
 Arabia. Holmboe ; Playfair ; Wright, T. 
 Arabs. Ebu ; Jomard ; Spain. 
 Aratos. Brown, Rob. 
 Arbeia. Jackson, W., Repr. 4. 
 Arbuthnot, Dr. Tracts [B] No. 1. 
 Archdall, M. Lodge, J. 
 Archenfield. Strong. 
 Archimedes. Foster, S. ; Winthrop. 
 Architects, Roy. Inst. of Brit. Architec- 
 tural Tracts, No. 3. 
 Archyta. Navarre. 
 Arctic Geography. Rafn. 
 Arctic Regions. Weld. 
 Ardagh. Dunraven. 
 Arden J. Hyperides. 
 Arden Family. Drummond. 
 Arden Forest. Fretton. 
 Ardennes Abbey. Charma. 
 Ardfert Cathedral. Hill, A. 
 Ardres. Collet. 
 Ardschattan. Grampian Club. 
 Aredale, Whitaker, T. D. 
 Aretino, G. Mazzuchelli. 
 Argyll, Duke of. Miscellanies, i. 
 Argyll Family. Maitland Club. 
 Argyllshire. Northumberland, Algernon, 
 Duke of. 
 Aristides. Wacldington. 
 Aristophanes. Suvern. 
 Aristotle. Paul us Venetus. 
 Arkansas. Owen, D.D. 
 Aries. Du Chesne Tourangeau ; Es- 
 trangin ; Jacquemin. 
 Armagh. Usher, J. 
 Armenia. Curzon ; Layard ; Stubbs. 
 Armin. Shakespeare Soc., 9. 
 Armstrong, Sir T. Historical Papers, 35. 
 Armytage, Q-. J. Harleian Soc., i. } iii., 
 viii., xxiii-vi. 
 Arndius. Schlosser. 
 Arnison, W. B. Cumberland and Westm. 
 Antiq. Soc. 
 Arnold. Collier, J. P. 
 Arnold, T. Aldis ; Chronicles, 74, 75. 
 Artesian Well. Lenormant. 
 Arthur, Prince. Mozley. 
 Artillery Company. Eaikes. 
 Artois, Counts of. Deschamps de Pas. 
 Arundel. Tierney. 
 Arundel, 17th Earl of. Tierney. 
 Arval Brothers. Edon. 
 Aryans. Brown, E. 
 Ascelin, N. Bergeron, P. 
 Ascham, R. Arber. 
 Ashbee, E. W. Smith, Wm. 
 'Ashburnham Family. Drummond. 
 Ashburnham MSS. Delisle, L. 
 Ashburton. Worthy. 
 Ashby. Historical Tracts, D., 6. 
 Asher, G. M. Hakluyt Soc., 25. 
 Ashford. Pearman ; Summerley. 
 Ashmand, J. M. Ptolemy. 
 Ashmole, E. Burman ; Metcalf, W. C. 
 Ashmolean MSS. Bodleian Libr. 
 Ash-next-Sandwich. Planche. 
 Ashpitel, A. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 1870 ; 
 Ashtead Estate. Paget, F. E. 
 Ashton. Historical Tracts, B., 14 ; Poli- 
 tical Tracts, 20. 
 Ashton Family. Genealogist. 
 Asia, Antiquities. Holmboe. 
 Buddhist Monuments. Wise T. A. 
 Portuguese Discoveries. Lisbon, B. 
 Ac. of Sc. 
 Stone Implements. Phillips. 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 54 ; Her- 
 bert, Sir T. ; Thevenot. 
 Asia, Western. British Museum. 
 Asia Minor, 6t}ii$tQ. Longperier, H. de 
 Ruins. Texier. 
 Travels. Benndorf ; Fellows, 
 SirC. ; Irby. 
 Askerton Castle. Ferguson, E. S. 
 Assam. Mills, A. J. M. 
 Asser. Chronicles ; Gale, T. 
 Asserbo. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Assheton, N. Chetham Soc., xiv. 
 Assyria. British Museum ; Pinches. 
 Astle, T. Antiquarian Eepertory. 
 Aston Eyre. Wasey. 
 Aston Hall. Fowler, W. ; Niven. 
 Astry, Family of. Waters. 
 Aswardhurn. Trollope. 
 Athanasi, G. d'. Visconti. 
 Athens, Agora. Lenormaut, C. 
 Antiquities. Stuart, James. 
 Architecture. Penrose. 
 Christian Monuments. Scottish 
 Harbours. Ulrichs. 
 Metroon. Gerhard. 
 Muniment a. Muller, C. O. 
 Topography. Forchhammer ; 
 Travels. Wordsworth, C. 
 Athill, C. H. Norfolk. 
 Athill, W. Camden Soc., 38. 
 Atholia. Eobertson. 
 Atholl, Duke of. Manx Soc., 19. 
 Atkinson, J. C. Dialect Soc. ; Surtees 
 Soc., Ixix., Ixxii. 
 Atkinson, E. Irish Academy. 
 Atkyns, Sir E. Historical Papers, 44, 
 Atlantic Ocean. Da Costa de Macedo. 
 Attaliota. Byzantine Historians, 32. 
 Attica. Dilettanti ; Wordsworth, C. 
 Attila. Delacourt. 
 Aubrey. Jackson, J. E. 
 Aubrey, J. Britton ; Folk-Lore Soc. 
 Auch. Caneto. 
 Auchingarrich. Burden. 
 Auckland Castle. Eaine. 
 Audelay, J. Percy Soc., 47 j Text Soc., 
 Ex. S. 9. 
 Audeley, Lady E. Ashbee. 
 Audley End. Braybroke. 
 Auger. Tractatus. 
 Augsburg. Kistler; Mezger; Appendix, 
 Augustae. Vico. 
 Augustine, St. Cole, H. W. ; Hart, W. H. 
 Augustine Memorial. Freeman, L. H. 
 Augustus Csesar. Artaud ; Bandini. ; 
 Phillips ; Eobert ; Tracts [B], 4. 
 Ault-Dumesnil, G. d'. Cusse. 
 Aungier, G. J. Camden Soc., 28. 
 Aunis. Marchegay. 
 Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius. 
 Ausch. Nicaise. 
 Austin Friars Monastery. Monmouth- 
 shire and Caer. Ant. Assoc. 
 Australia. Cowan, Frank ; Emigration 
 Soc. ; Hakluyt Soc., 24 ; Hall, J. 
 Austria. Documents, 24 ; Herrgott ; 
 Tardieu; Vienna. 
 Autun. Delisle, L. ; Gembloux ; Lenor- 
 mant, F. 
 Auvergne. Tardieu, A. 
 Avenel. Documents, 33. 
 Avienus. JEsop. 
 Avignon. Courtet. 
 Avranches. Le Hericher. 
 Awdeley. Supra: Audelay. 
 Axholme. Stonehouse. 
 Axminster. Davidson, James. 
 Ayliffe, Sir J. Kecord Commission, 13. 
 Aylmer, J. Strype, xxiii. 
 Aylsham. Yates, E. T. 
 Aymard. Seals, Foreign, 9. 
 Aymon. Text Soc., 44. 
 Ayscough, S. British Museum. 
 Baalbec. Hogg; Talbot de Malahide ; 
 Wood, R. 
 Baber, H. H. Bible. 
 Babington, A. Cooper, W. D. 
 Babington, B. Q-. Beschius, C. J. 
 Babington, C. Chronicles, 19, 41 ; Hig- 
 den j Pecock. 
 Babylon. Beke, C. T. ; Hungarian 
 Academy ; Layard ; Maurice ; Pinches; 
 Rich; Sleidan. 
 Bacon, Lord. Campbell, J. L. ; Fuller 
 Worthies' Library; Q-rosart; Mon- 
 tagu, B. ; Orridge ; Spedding. 
 Bacon, N. Richardson, W. H. 
 Bacon, R. Chronicles, 15 ; Percy Soc., 
 Bactriana. Bayer. 
 Baddesley Clinton. Morris, H. 
 Badeigts de Laborde. Cohen, H. 
 Baden, T. Magnusen. 
 Badger, G. P. Hakluyt Soc., 30. 
 Bado Aureo, J. de. Upton. 
 Baffin, W. Hakluyt Soc., 61. 
 Baggesen. Holberg. 
 Bacgrove. Hill, J. H. 
 Bahar. Rennell. 
 Bailey, J. E. Chetham Soc., 107 ; Clarke, 
 Bailleul. De Coussemaker ; G-heldolf. 
 Bailleuls of Flanders. Bayley, F. 
 Bailleux, F. B***. 
 Baily, F. Herschel. 
 Bain, J. Grampian Club ; Record Office, 
 Bainbridge, C. Surtees Soc., Ixi. 
 Baja. Panvini. 
 Baker, C. Beaufort ; Worcester. 
 Baker, E. C. Geographical Soc. 
 Baker, G. Gesner. 
 Baker, P. Appleton. 
 Baker, T. Masters. 
 Baker, W. M. Bartholomew the Lesse. 
 Balawat. Biblical Archaeology ; Pinches. 
 Balcarras, Earl of. Crawford. 
 Baldi, B. Vitruvius. 
 Baldwin, Archbishop. Giraldus. 
 Baldwin of Flanders. Serrure. 
 Bale, Bishop. Camden Soc., 2 ; FulJer 
 Worthies' Library. 
 Ball, A. Stokes. 
 Ball, J. Gyllius. 
 Balliol, John. Belleval; D'Estaintot ; 
 Balliol College. Savage. 
 Balnaves, H. Grampian Club. 
 Balscha III. Lenormant, F. 
 Balston, E. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Baltic Provinces, Antiquities. Aspelin. 
 Baltimore, Lord. Miscellanies, vi., 1. 
 Baly, P. P. Architectural Tracts, 2. 
 Bampton. Giles, J. A. ; Jackson, W., 1. 
 Banbury. Beesley. 
 Banbury, Earl of. Historical Tracts, 
 D. 8. 
 Bandinel, B. Bodleian Library; Dug- 
 Bandinius, A. M. Florence. 
 Bandurius. Byzantine Historians, 5. 
 Banff. Spalding Club. 
 Bangor. Maskell ; Willis. 
 Bangor, Bishop of. Philelentheros. 
 Bangor Catbedral. Cathedrals; Willis, B. 
 Bangor Diocese. Willis, B. 
 Bangor Ferry. Jefferys. 
 Banks, J. Ha wkes worth. 
 Baoli. Paolini. 
 Baptista, L. Vitruvius. 
 Bar, Dukes of. Saulcy. 
 Barbadoes. Archer; Li'gon. 
 Barbara Sophia, of Brandenburg. Ap- 
 pendix, 84. 
 Barbaro, J. Hakluyt Soc., 45. 
 Barbarossa. Seals, Foreign, 10. 
 Barbary. Boyde. 
 Barberini. Tetius. 
 Barbers' Company. Lambert, G. 
 Barbier de Montault, X. Didron. 
 Barbosa, D. Hakluyt Soc., 32. 
 Barbour, J. Text Soc., Ex. S., 11, 21, 29. 
 Barclay, A. Percy Soc., 71. 
 BardoHno. Orti. 
 Barents, W. Hakluyt Soc., 50. 
 Barfleur, Cape. Historical Tracts, B. 16. 
 Bargy Barony. Poole, J. 
 Barker, E. fl. Lempriere. 
 Barker's Panorama. Jennings, J. 
 Barleeus, C. Appendix, 66, 67. 
 Barnes, A. Surtees Soc., 50. 
 Barnes, R. Surtees Soc., 22. 
 Barnes, T. Dundonald. 
 Barnes, W. Poole, J. 
 Barnet, East. Cass, F. C. 
 Barnfield. Percy Soc., 57. 
 Baroda. Kennedy. 
 Baronage. Peerage. 
 Barraud, L'Abbe. Bells. 
 Barreto, J. N. Godignus. 
 Barrett, J. Bible. 
 Barrett, W. Heliodorus. 
 Barrington, D. Orosius. 
 Barrow, J. Hakluyt Soc., 11 
 Barth, Captain. Bucaniere. 
 Earth, Dr. Hogg. 
 Barth, C. Celestina. 
 Barthelemy St. Hilaire. Libri. 
 Bartholomew. Anecdota Oxoniensia. 
 Bartlet, F, M. Dean, J. W. 
 Bartlett, W. H. Britton. 
 Bartoli, C. Albert!, L. B. 
 Bartoli, F. Bellori, Gr. P. 
 Bartoli, Gr. Needham. 
 Bartoli, P. S. Bellori, GK P. ; Rubeis, J. 
 J. De ; War. 
 Bartolozzi, F. Tuer. 
 Bartolus. Baptista. 
 Barton Turf. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. 
 Barton-upon-Humber. Ball, H. W. 
 Barvoelius. Maderus. 
 Barzseus. Trigault. 
 Bas, W. Collier, J. P. 
 Basil, St. Norman. 
 Basilicas. Valentini. 
 Basing House. Gk>dwin. 
 Basingstoke. Millard ; Summerley. 
 Basle. Danse Macabre ; Miiller, A. ; 
 Basle Library. Phillipps, 17. 
 Basselin, O. Jacob. 
 Bastard d'Estang. Delisle, L. 
 Bastille, Paris. Howell, H. S. 
 Baston House. Kempe. 
 Bastwick, J. Prynne. 
 Batalha Church. Sousa, L. De. 
 Batavia. Abdalla ; Junius. 
 Bate, J. Emigration Soc. 
 Bate Family. Rylands. 
 Bateman. Loftie, W- J. 
 Bates Hall. Boston Public Library. 
 Bath, Ancient and Modern. Earle, 
 Antiquities. Lysons ; Pownall ; 
 Baths. Davis, C. E. 
 Description. Wood, J. 
 Map. Green, Em. 
 Records. King, A. J. 
 Roman Remains. Scarth. 
 Travels. Schillio. 
 Bath Abbey. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 27 ; 
 Salisbury Cathedral. 
 Bath Gi-uide. Gribbs. 
 Bath Royal Library. Russell. 
 Bath, Knights of the. Appendix, 169. 
 Bathurst, R. Warton. 
 Battely, N. Somner. 
 Batten, E. C. Grampian Club. 
 Battle Abbey. Camden Soc., 41 ; Duc- 
 kett; Walcott. 
 Bauzac. Aymard. 
 Bavaria. Mayer. 
 Bawdwen. Domesday Book. 
 Baxter, J. Trials. 
 Baxter, R. Church Affairs ; Fanaticism. 
 Bayeux. Pluquet. 
 Bayeux Tapestry. Bruce, J. C. ; Comte ; 
 De la Rue ; Delaunay ; French, GL J. ; 
 Laffetay ; Lambert ; Le Thieullier. 
 Bayiey, R. S. Louth. 
 Bayliss, W. Heaphy. 
 Beamish, N. L. Cork Sc. and Lit. Soc. 
 Beamont, W. Chetham Soc., xvii., xxviii., 
 Ixii., Ixxviii.-lxxx., Ixxxvi., Ixxxvii. 
 Beauchamp Chapel. Warwick Castle. 
 Beauchamp Tower. Dick. 
 Beauclair. Tardieu. 
 Beaufort, M. Haisted. 
 Beaufort Progress. Traherne. 
 Beaufoy, H. B. H. Burn. 
 Beauly Priory. Grampian Club. 
 Beaumaris. A. J. W. 
 Beaumont-sur-Oise. Douet d'Arcy. 
 Beauvais. St. G-ermain. 
 Beauvais, Vincent de. Yincent. 
 Beauvois, E. Engelhardt ; Worsase. 
 Beavan, H. J. C. Anthropological Soc. 
 Bebington. Mayer, J. 
 Bee Abbey. Bourget. 
 Becke. Collier, J. P. 
 Becket, Thomas a. Caxton Soc., 11 ; 
 Christiania Univ. ; Chronicles, 65, 
 67 ; Hart, W. H. ; Percy Soc., 59 ; 
 Sparke, J. 
 Beckington, Bishop. Camden Soc., 86. 
 Beckius, M. F. Ephemerides. 
 Beckwith, H. M. Blount. 
 Beckwith, J. Blount. 
 Becquet, R. Deville. 
 Beda. Caxton Soc., 12 ; Historical Soc., 
 1, 2 ; Text Soc., 65. 
 Bedell, W. Camden Soc., N.S., iv. 
 Bedford. Elwes; Libraries; Smyth; 
 Bedford Missal. G-ough. 
 Bedford, T. Durham. 
 Bedfordshire. Architecture. Architec- 
 tural Socs. 
 Sells. North. 
 Collections. Fisher, T. 
 Domesday. Domesday 
 Topography. Topography. 
 Visitations. Harleian 
 Soc., xix. 
 Bedingfield, Sir H. P. Grandison. 
 Beejapore. Fergusson. 
 Behar. Indian Records. 
 Beke, C. T. Hakluyt Soc., 12, 50. 
 Bekker, I. Aristophanes ; Byzantine 
 Historians, 4 ; Codinus ; Dexippus ; 
 Ducas ; Ephraemius; Grlycas ; Joannes 
 Lydus ; Leo Grrammaticus ; Mero- 
 baudes ; Nicephorus Gregoras ; Nice- 
 tas Choniates ; Oratores Attici ; 
 Pachymeres ; Phrantzes ; Plato ; 
 Theophanes ; Theophylactus Simo- 
 catta; Zosimus. 
 Bekynton, T. Chronicles, 56. 
 Bel-Air. Troyon. 
 Belcher, Sir E. Smyth, W. II. 
 Belem. De Castro. 
 Belfast. Jefferys. 
 Belgians. Raepsaet. 
 Belgium, Architecture. Castermans ; God- 
 win, G. ; Schayes ; Weale. 
 Artillery. Henrard. 
 Churches. Webb, B. 
 Glass. Van de Velde. 
 History, etc. Brussels Acade- 
 Lmvs. Warnkoenig. 
 Patois. Reiffenberg. 
 Peerage Laws. Jurisprudentia 
 Roads. Delacourt. 
 Seals. Seals, Foreign, 11. 
 Tour. Picton, J. A. 
 Treaty. England. 
 Belisarius. Finlay; Stanhope. 
 Bell, W. Sprott. 
 Belraguet, L. Documents, 10. 
 Bellbridge. Ferguson, J. 
 Bellett, J. C. Pelliccia. 
 Bellovaci. Delacourt. 
 Belzebub. Hell. 
 Bembi. Casa. 
 Benalt, T. Chetham Soc., 98, 110. 
 Benard. Eloge. 
 Bendyshe, T. Anthropological Soc. 
 Benedict, St. Grellet. 
 Benedict of Peterborough. Caxton Soc., 
 11 ; Chronicles, 49. 
 Benedictines. Bouquet; Mabillon. 
 Benedix, E. Volksbucher, i. ii. 
 Benevento. Nolli. 
 Bengal, Coinage. Thomas, E. 
 Commercial Relations. Indian 
 Ethnology. Dalton, E. T. 
 Roads. Rennell. 
 Ben-Hadad. Pinches. 
 Bennassuti, Q-. D. Verona e Milan, 2. 
 Bennett, J. A. Historical MSS. Commis- 
 Benoit. Documents, 5. 
 Benson, R. Hoare. 
 Bentham, E. Miscellanies, iv., 1. 
 Bentham, J. Architecture ; Davis, W. 
 Bentley, R. Byzantine Historians, 8; 
 Horace ; Lucanus ; Terentius. 
 Benvraich. Gembloux. 
 Benzoni. Hakluyt Soc., 19. 
 Beowulf. Schaldemose ; Text Soc., 77. 
 Berbers. Shaler. 
 Bergen. Lorange ; Munch. 
 Bergenroth, Q-. A. Record Office, 44. 
 Berger de Xivrey. Documents, 23. 
 Bergmann, F. Gieseler. 
 Bergne, J. B. Moore, W. Y. 
 3 A 
 Berjeau, J. P. Biblia Pauperum ; Malt- 
 worms ; Ottley. 
 Berkeley Castle. Cooke, J. H. ; Fos- 
 Berkeley Family. Fosbroke. 
 Berkeley MSS. Smyth, J. 
 Berkhamsted. Cobb. 
 Berkshire, Agriculture. Mavor. 
 Antiquities. Ashmole. 
 Archaeology. Carnarvon. 
 Church Q-oods. Money. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Genealogies. Berry. 
 Topography. Topography. 
 Visitation, 1664. Metcalf, W. 
 White Horse. Wise. 
 Worthies. Godwin, H. 
 Berlin, Carnival, 1836. Appendix, 171. 
 Graue Kloster. Bellermann. 
 University. Hofmann ; Piper. 
 Bermondsey, History, etc. Phillips, Gr. W. 
 Bermondsey Monastery. Chronicles, 36. 
 Bermudas. Hakluyt Soc., 62. 
 Bern. Jahn. 
 Bernard, Vendee. Baudry. 
 Bernard, St. Seals, Foreign, 3. 
 Bernard, A. Documents, 19. 
 Bernardiston, Sir S. Texier. 
 Bernardo le Vagne. G-aulfrido. 
 Bernardus. Text Soc., 42. 
 Berners, Baron of. Knyvet. 
 Berners, Lord. Arthur. 
 Berry. G-embloux ; Harleian Soc., xiii. 
 Berry, Due de. Beauvoir ; Appendix, 74. 
 Berry, H. Green, R. 
 Berry, He"rault. Chronicles, 32. 
 Bertet, P. Fassin, E. 
 Berthouville. Le Prevost. 
 Bertin, St. Morand. 
 Bertrand, A. Revue Archeologique. 
 Berwick, Carte Monialium. Bannatyne 
 Folk Lore. Denham Tracts, 
 XII., XIV. 
 Records. Latimer, J. 
 Representation in Part. 
 Railway. Richardson, G. B. 
 Besant, W. Drake, C. F. 
 Best, H. Surtees Soc., 33. 
 Betchworth. Palgrave, R. F. D. 
 Bethencourt Hakluyt Soc., 42. 
 Bethlehem Hospital. Bowen ; Laurie. 
 Bethune, C. R. D. Hakluyt Soc., 1, 28 ; 
 Bethune, House of. Du Chesne. 
 Betworth Church. Way. 
 Beugnot. Documents, 7, 11. 
 Beulah Spa. Weatherhead. 
 Beverley, Churches. Duckett, Sir G. 
 History. Cook, J. ; Oliver, G. 
 Beverley Guide. Scarborough. 
 Beverley Minster. Johnson, J. ; Windsor 
 Beverley Sanctuary. Surtees Soc., 5. 
 Bevertoii. Blunt. 
 Bevis of Hampton. Text Soc., 46. 
 Bewdley. Burton. 
 Bewick, T. and J. Hugo. 
 Beynen, K. Hakluyt Soc., 54. 
 Biagio, St. Jackson, F. G-. 
 Biaudet, Q-. Aspelin. 
 Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Crawford, Earl of 
 Bibliotheca Riccardiana. Lamius, J. 
 Bibliothsque du Roi. Del isle, L. 
 Bicester Deanery. Blomfield. 
 Bickersteth, E. H. Cambridge Prize 
 Bickington. Worthy. 
 Bidie, G. Madras Central Museum. 
 Bignor. Lysons. 
 Bigorre. Cenao-Moncaut. 
 Biker, J. G-. Trials, M, 1. 
 Billericay. Sparvel-Bayly. 
 Billesdon. Hill, J. H. 
 Billom. Jesuits. 
 Bilsen. Seals. Foreign, 11. 
 Binche. Lejeune. 
 Binchester. Hooppell. 
 Binns, R. W. Worcester. 
 Bintz and Marienburg. Appendix, 131. 
 Bion. Theocritus. 
 Birch, H. M. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Birch, J. Camden Soc., N.S., vii. 
 Birch, S. Arundale ; Biblical Archaeo- 
 logy ; Cambridge Antiquarian Soc. ; 
 Cesnola ; Egyptian Relics ; Records ; 
 Rhind; Wilkinson. 
 Birch, T. Greaves. 
 Birch, W. de G. Archaeological Associa- 
 tion ; Hakluyt Soc., 49, 51, 55 ; Index 
 Birch Chapel. Booker; Chetham Soc., 
 Bircham Magna. Lukis. 
 Bird, L. E.S. Scargill-Bird. 
 Birdwood, G. C. M. Science and Art 
 Birgerus. Thorlacius. 
 Birks> T. R. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Birmingham, Buildings. Timmins. 
 Free Library. Dawson. 
 History. Hutton. 
 Industrial History. Tim- 
 Memorials. Smith, T. 
 Birmingham Guide. Cornish. 
 Birmingham Life. Langford. 
 Birts' Morton. Maclean, J. 
 Bishop Auckland. Fair. 
 Bishop Burton. Oliver, G. 
 Bishopsgate. Price. 
 Bishop's Stortford. Summerley. 
 Biss, E. Spelman ; Upton. 
 Bitton. Ellacombe. 
 Blacas Gems. King, C. W. 
 Blacas, Count. Mommsen. 
 Black, C. C. Demmin, A. 
 Black, W. G. Folk-Lore Soc. 
 Black, W. H. Bodleian Lib. ; Davis, 
 Jos. ; Percy Soc., 22, 59, 94 ; Wilton 
 Blacker, B. H. Gloucestershire Notes. 
 Blackfriars. Scharf. 
 Blackfriars Bridge. Birch. 
 Blackheath. Hasted; Lewisham. 
 Blackie. Goethe. 
 Blackley Chapel. Booker. 
 Blackmore Museum. Stevens ; Wiltshire. 
 Black Sea. Chardin. 
 Blackstone Edge. March, H. C. 
 Blackwell, J. A. Mallet. 
 Bladon. Marshall, E. 
 Blagg, W. Trials, 9. 
 Blake, C. C. Anthropological Soc. 
 Blake, Gen. Civil War Tracts, 21. 
 Blakeney, R. Chronicles, 28. 
 Blakeway, W. Owen, H. 
 Bland, R. Erasmus. 
 Blaneford, H. de. Chronicles, 28. 
 Blaston. Hill, J. H. 
 Blaydes, F. A. Harleian Soc., xix. 
 Blencowe, R. W. Sidney. 
 Blenheim. Marshall, E. ; Scharf. 
 Blewitt, O. Italy. 
 Blight, J. T. Yyvyan, R. R. 
 Bliss, P. Hearne; Percy Soc., 40; Wood, 
 A. a. 
 Bliss, W. H. Clarendon State Papers. 
 Blois, Chateau de. De la Saussaye, L. 
 Blome, R. Gentleman's Recreations ; Le 
 Blomfield, E. V. Matthiee. 
 Blomme, A. Aleman. 
 Blonde, of Oxford. Camden Soc., 72. 
 Blondel, R. Chronicles, 32. 
 Bloomfield, R. Hart. 
 Bloxam, J. R. Caxton Soc., 14 ; Oxford 
 Hist. Soc., vi. 
 Blumenbach. Anthropological Soc. 
 Blundell, W. Manx Soc., 25, 27. 
 Blunt, J. H, Text Soc., Ex. S., 19. 
 Blunt Family. Phillipps, 19. 
 Boase, C. W. Oxford Hist. Soc., i. 
 Boccaccio. Chaucer Soc., 44, 65. 
 Bochius, J. Appendix, 53. 
 Boddington, R. S. Sheppard. 
 Bodleian Library. Macray. 
 Body am. Cotton. 
 Boece, H. Chronicles, 6. 
 Boendale, J. Brussels. Acadenn'e. 
 Boethius. Text Soc., Ex. S., 5. 
 Bogda See. Erdman. 
 Bogota. Paravey. 
 Bohemia. Bretfeld. 
 Bohemians. Graberg.. 
 Bohn, R. Conze. 
 Bohuns, of Midhurst. Wafers. 
 Boissier Family. Wagner, H. 
 Boissonade, J. F. Babrius. 
 Bokenbam, K. Knyvet. 
 Bokhara. British Museum ; G-rover. 
 Boldon. Surtees Soc., 25. 
 Boleyn, Anne. Heath. 
 Bjlirigbroke, Lord. Miscellanies, iv., 5 ; 
 Bollaert, W. Hakluyt Soc., 28. 
 Bologna. Gozzadini. 
 Bolt, A. Munch. 
 Bolton Abbey. Bailey. 
 Bonaparte. Infra : Napoleon I. 
 Bonaparte, L. L., Prince. Dialect Soc. 
 Bonaparte Family. Mayer. 
 Bond, E. A. Chronicles, 43; Hakluyt 
 Soc., 18; PalaeographicalSoc.j Utrecht 
 Bond, J. Horace. 
 Bond, T. Purbeck Soc. 
 Bonhommes College. Tjsdd. 
 Boniface. Maderus. 
 Bonn, Congress, 1868. Weerth. 
 Inscriptions. Lersch. 
 Kunstmuseum. Welcker. 
 University. Hofmann. 
 Bonne-Maison, A. de. Bucauiers. 
 Bonney, J. A. Trials. 
 Bonomi, J. Arundale. 
 Bontiuf", J. Alpinus. 
 Bontous, J. J. Appendix, 74. 
 Booker, J. Chetham Soc., xlii., xlvii. 
 Bookerstown. Blacker. 
 Boothby, Sir B. Miscellanies, ii. 3. 
 Borda, Socie"te" de. Dax. 
 Borde, A. Text Soc., Ex. S., 10, 28. 
 Bordeaux. Robert ; Walcknaer. 
 Bordesley Abbey. Woodward, J. M. 
 Borges de Castro, Viscount de. Biker. 
 Borgnet, A. Brussels. Academie. 
 Borgunds Kirke. Nicolaysen. 
 Bormann, E. Corpus Inscrip. Lat. 
 Bormans, J. H. Brussels. 
 Borneo. Swvgenhoven. 
 Bornhohn. Vedel, E. 
 Borromeo, C., St. Godeau. 
 Borron, K. de. Text Soc., Ex. S., 20, 30. 
 Boscobel Tracts. Hughes. 
 Bosham, Sussex. Maclean, J. 
 Bosnia. Evans ; Handtke, F. 
 Bosphorus. Sabatier ; Sibirsky. 
 Bossall Hall. Belt, W. J. 
 Boston Inundations. Partridge. 
 Boston, Mass., Inscriptions. Green, S. A. 
 Bosville Family. Baverstock, J. H. 
 Bos well, J. Grampian Club. 
 Bos worth, J. Alfred the Great ; Thurston. 
 Bosworth Parish. Hill, J. H. 
 Boteler FaYnily. Drake, W. R. ; Ormerod. 
 Botficld, B. Gordon, P.; Hay; James 
 VI. ; Surtees Soc., 7. 
 Bothwell, Earl of. Labanoff ; Mary, 
 Queen of Scots. 
 Bottesford Church. Bloxarn. 
 Bouches-du-Rhone. Blancard. 
 Bouchet. Aymard; 
 Boucly. Libri. 
 Boulac. Mariette; 
 Boullee. Cibrario. 
 Boulogne Antiquities. Gozzadini. 
 Cathedral. Haignere. 
 Coinage. Numismatic Tracts, 3. 
 Hist. Barthelemy. 
 Siege. Morand. 
 University. Frati. 
 Boulton, M. P. W. Cambridge Prize 
 Bourasse, J. J. Migne. 
 Boui-bon, House of. Desormeaux; JefPery. 
 Bourbon Museum. Naples. 
 Bourchier, J., Lord Berners. Arthur. 
 Bourchier, Sir J. Text Soc., Ex. S., 40. 
 Bourdeille, P. de. Brantome. 
 Bourdelon, Abbe. Oufle. 
 Bourgeois, 1'Abbe. Chantre. 
 Bourges. Delisle. 
 Bourgueville, C. de; Hettier. 
 Bournemouth. Brannon. 
 Bouteilles. Bourdet. 
 Boutell, C. Lacombe. 
 Bouthors. Picardie.. 
 Boves. Janvier. 
 Bowdler, T. Shakespeare. 
 Bowdler Family. Genealogist. 
 Bowdoin. Winthrop. 
 Bowdon. Ingham. 
 Bowen, E. Ogilby, J. 
 Bowes, J. L. Audsley. 
 Bowes, R. Surtees Soc., 14. 
 Bowyer, W. Nichols, J. 
 Boxgrove Priory. Petit; Ridge. 
 Boxhornius, M. Z. Monumenta ; Plinius ; 
 Boxmoor. Evans, J. 
 Boyce, Dr. Miscellanies, iv. 8. 
 Boyer, F. Tardieu. 
 Boyle, Hon. C. Bentley, R. ; Phalaris. 
 Boyle, Sir R. Lismore Papers. 
 Brabant, Chorography. Sanderus. 
 Chronicles. Brussels. - Acade- 
 Coins. Den Duyts. 
 Dukes of. Ram. 
 Brabourne Church-. Scott, J. R. 
 Brackett. Gaspey. 
 Bracton, H. de. Chronicles, 70. 
 Bradbury, J. M. Dean, J. W. 
 Brarlenham. Carthew. 
 Bradfield. Hunter, J. 
 Bradford. Leeds. 
 Bradford -on- Avon. Jones, W. H. 
 Brading. Nicholson, C. 
 Bradley Priory. Hill, J. H. 
 Braithwaite, R. Ebsworth. 
 Braj Bhakha Grammar. Ballantyne. 
 Brak eland. Cam den Soc., 13. 
 Bramston, J. Camden Soc., 32. 
 Bramston, T. W. Camden Soc., 32. 
 Brancacci Chapel. Arundel Soc. 
 Brancepeth Church. Billings, E. W. 
 Branchidee. Newton. 
 Brand, J. Dodd. 
 Brande, T. Eoyal Institution. 
 Brandenburg. Herzberg; St. John of 
 Brandt, C. J. Pedersen. 
 Brandt, F. Christiania. 
 Brandt, J. J. Kemmerichius. 
 Branscombe. Kerslake, T. 
 Brautingham, T. de. Record Commis- 
 sion, 35. 
 Branwallader, St. Kerslake, T. 
 Brassicanus. Maderus. 
 Bray, W. Evelyn ; Manning ; Smith, H. 
 Bray, W. F. Noble, T. C. 
 Braybrooke, Lord. Pepys. 
 Bray ley, E. W. Britton ; Castles ; Dayes ; 
 Neale ; Eussell Institution. 
 Brazil, Inscriptions. Hartt. 
 Jesuits. Leal. 
 - Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 47. 
 Brechin. Panmure. 
 Brecknock, T. Jones. 
 Brecknockshire. Joseph. 
 Brecon. Joseph. 
 Bredenarde. Collet. 
 Brehon. Ireland. 
 Breilinger, J. J. Bible. Old Testament, 
 Breisgau. Schreiber. 
 Bremen. Stade. 
 Brentano, L. Text Soc., 40. 
 Brentford. Faulkner. 
 Brequiny, de. Normandy. 
 Brerelay, E. Chaucer Soc., N. S., 12. 
 Brereton. Chetham Soc., i. 
 Bresse. Delandine. 
 Bretex, J. Appendix, 127. 
 Breton, N. Ouvry. 
 Bretons. Vertot. 
 Brewer, J. N. Britton. 
 Brewer, J. S. Chronicles, 4, 15, 21, 72 ; 
 Giraldus Cambrensis ; Monument a 
 Franciscana ; Eecord Office, 47-51. 
 Brewer, T. Edmonton. 
 Brewood. Smith, J. H. 
 Bridgnorth. Bellett. 
 Bridlington, History. Thompson, J. 
 Bridlington Priory. Prickett. 
 Bright, M. Pepys. 
 Brighton. Mason, W. H. ; Sicklemore. 
 Brighton Eailway. Meason. 
 Bringhurst. Hill, J. H. 
 Brinklow, H. Text Soc., Ex. S., 22. 
 Briord, Count de. Historical Tracts, Or. 2. 
 Briot. Le Page. 
 Briscoe, J. Historical Papers, 48, 50. 
 Brisley. Carthew. 
 Brisse, A. De Tivoli. 
 Bristol, Antiquities. Kerslake, T. 
 Archceology. Archa3ological Insti- 
 Architecture. Dallaway. 
 Ceramic Art. Owen, H. 
 History. Barrett, W. ; Chilcott ; 
 Nicholls, J. F. 
 Plans. George, W. 
 Wills. Wadley. 
 Bristol Guide. Evans, John, M.A. ; 
 Bristol and West of England Archaeolo- 
 gical Magazine. Architecture. 
 Bristol Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Cathe- 
 drals; Willis. 
 Bristol Channel, Swansea. 
 Bristol Parish, Va. Slaughter. 
 Britain, Ancient. Ebys ; Smith, Greo. ; 
 Anthropology. Dawkins. 
 Antiquities. Antiquaries, Soc. 
 of; Camden, W.; Leycester; Pointer. 
 Archceology. Lhuyd. 
 Biography. Wright, T. 
 Chronicle. Layamon. 
 Coinage. Akerman ; Euding. 
 Costume. Planche. 
 Description. Cirencester. 
 Ethnology. Vallancey. 
 Folk-moots. Gomme. 
 Geography. Blome. 
 Historical Monuments. Petrie, 
 Hon. E. 
 History. Ghiest, E. ; Hearne ; 
 Historical Soc., 3, 4, 13 ; Jones, J. E.; 
 Inscriptions. Hiibner. 
 Invasions. Airy ; Lewin. 
 Knights. Nicolas, Sir N. H. 
 Mines. Yates. 
 Religion. James, D. 
 Roads. Ogilby. 
 Roman Levies. Hirst. 
 Romans. Coote, H. C. ; Horsley. 
 Topography. Nichols, John. 
 Britain, East. Taylor, A. 
 Britain, North. Howorth. 
 Britain, South. Boult. 
 British Admirals. Campbell, J. 
 British and Am. Archseol. Soc. Eome. 
 British Biography. Lodge, E. 
 British Druids. Davies. 
 British Ethnology. Holmes, T. Y. 
 British Guiana. Hancock. 
 British History. Lodge, E. 
 British Imp. Calendar. Almanacs. 
 British Isles, Ancient Costumes. Mey- 
 Stone Monuments. Lukis, 
 W. C.; Weaver. 
 British Manners. Lodge, E. 
 British Marbles. Michaelis, Ad. 
 British Museum. Delisle ; Edwards ; 
 Hosking ; Millard ; Sims ; Snow. 
 British Topography. Anderson, J. P. ; 
 Bodleian Library ; Gough. 
 British Universities. Wood, T. W. 
 Britons. Akerman ; Barber ; Bertram ; 
 Caxton Soc., I ; Davis, J. B. ; Evans, 
 John, F.S.A. ; Irish Arch. Soc., 11 ; 
 Nennius ; Schcell ; Whitaker, J. 
 Brittanus, J. O. Sibyllina. 
 Brittany, Antiquities. Freminville ; 
 Lewis, B. 
 Archeology. Caumont ; Charma. 
 Sards. La Rue. 
 Commerce with Britain. Ger- 
 Commerce with Channel Islands. 
 Hettier, Charles. 
 History. Lobineau. 
 Neolithic Men. March, H. C. 
 Britten, J. Folk-Lore Soc. 
 Britton, J. Aubrey ; Brayley ; Carter, J.; 
 Godwin ; Pugin ; Wiltshire. 
 Brixham Cavern. Victoi'ia Institute, 6. 
 Broad Chalke. Moore, C. G. 
 Broadley. Libraries. 
 Broadstairs Guide. Bonner ; Hunter ; 
 Broca, P. Anthropological Soc. 
 Brock, R. A. Virginia Hist. Soc. 
 Brock edon, W. Roberts, D. 
 Brockett, J. T. Bartlett, B. 
 Brockett, W. E. Broekett, J. T. 
 Brockhaus. Morgenlandische Gesell- 
 Brodhead, J. R. New York. 
 Brodrick, Hon. G. C. Oxford Hist. Soc. 
 Brolier, G. Tacitus. 
 Bromhead, Sir E. F. Oliver, G. 
 Bromley. Dunkin. 
 Bromley Church. Beeby, W. T. ; Ben- 
 Bromley Hall. Cumberland, G. 
 Brompton, J. Twysden. 
 Brooke, C. Fuller' Worthies' Library. 
 Brooke, R. Vincent. 
 Brookline. Winthrop. 
 Brotier. Tractatus. 
 Brougham, Lord. Caroline ; Leonards, St. 
 Broughton, H. Church Affairs. 
 Brown, A. H. Bells. 
 Brown, C. P. Rajahs. 
 Brown, E. Gratius. 
 J'.rown, Rawdon. Record Office, 40-43. 
 Brown, W. Hume. 
 Browne, of Horbling. Larken, A. S. 
 Browne, Dr. Perceval. 
 Browne, R. C. Carthew. 
 Browne Family. Boddington ; Genealo- 
 Browning, E. B. Chaucer Soc., N. S. 9. 
 Browning, O. Camden Soc., 35. 
 Brownlow, W. R. Northcote. 
 Browsholme Hall. Parker. 
 Bruce, J. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; Camden 
 Soc. ; Cowper ; Murray, A. ; Petti- 
 grew ; Record Office, 11-13; State 
 Paper Office. 
 Bruce, J. C. Alnwick Castle ; Northum- 
 berland, Algernon, Duke of" 
 Bruce, Sir J. L. K. Bruce, A. C. 
 Bruce, R., of Kennet. Balfour. 
 Bruce, Robert. Jardine. 
 Bruce, W. D. Fountains Abbey. 
 Bruce Family. Drummond. 
 Bruges, Fete des Forestiers. Appendix, 
 History. Gailliard, J. 
 Inscriptions. Flanders. 
 Brunanburgh. Todd. 
 Brussels, Buildings. Castermans. 
 Independence. Appendix, 175. 
 Museum. Fetis. 
 Bruun, P. Hakluyt Soc., 54. 
 Bryant, J. Trojan Controversy. 
 Brydges, Sir S. E. ; Collins, A. Topo- 
 Bryennius. Byzantine Historians, 15. 
 Brynjulfi, G. Repp. 
 Buccleuch, Duke of. Franks. 
 Buchan, Earl of. Scotland. 
 Buchanan, J. Horton. 
 Buchanan, R. Fanaticism. 
 Buck, N. Newcastle, Soc. Antiq. 
 Buck, S. Newcastle, Soc. Antiq. 
 Buck Crag. Jackson, W., Repr. 1. 
 Buckfast Abbey. Hamilton, A. ; Rowe. 
 Buckingham. Willis, B. 
 Buckingham, Duke of. Gardiner. 
 Buckinghamshire, Domesday. Domesday 
 Genealogies. Berry. 
 History, etc. Lips- 
 comb ; Sheahan. 
 Buckinghamshire Guide. Berks. 
 Buckland Monastery. Rowe, J. B. 
 Bucklund-in-the-Moor. Worthy. 
 Buckler, G. Colchester Castle. 
 Bucklersbury, Roman Remains. Price. 
 Budapest. Hauipel. 
 Buddha. -Sargant ; Williams. 
 Budrum. Newton. 
 Buildwas Abbey. Eyton ; Petit. 
 Bukhara. Supra: Bokhara. 
 Bullen, G. Rylands. 
 Bullen, W. Record Office, 47-49. 
 Bullington. Dunkin. 
 Bunbury, F. J. Balbo, C. 
 Bunhill Fields. London. 
 Bunyan, J. Hill, N. ; Simson, J. 
 Buonarroti, M. A. Holt, 
 Burden Family. Genealogist. 
 Surges, W. Pullan. 
 Burgess, J. Archaeological Survey ; Fer- 
 Burgh Castle. Boileau. 
 Burgh Church. Yates, E. T. 
 Burgh-on-the-Sands. Dickson. 
 Burgmaier, H. Maximilian I. 
 Burgoyne, J., General. Deane. 
 Burgundy. Delfius ; Du Chesne Touran- 
 Burgundy, Dukea of. Brugiere de Barante; 
 Du Chesne ; Laborde. 
 Burgundy, Margaret, Duchess .of. Canat. 
 Burkardus, J. Pontificalis. 
 Burke, E. Miscellanies, ii., 2. 
 Burke, Sir J. B. Jones, T. W. 
 Burleigh Barony. Kennet. 
 Burmah. Yincent. 
 Burmann, P. Anthologia ; Ovidius Naso ; 
 Burn, R. Nicolson. 
 Burnby, J. Surtees Soc., 31. 
 Burnell, A. C. Hakluyt Soc. 70. 
 Burneside Hall. Nicholson, C. 
 Burnet, G. Historical Papers, 37 ; Scot- ! 
 land, Chronicles, &c. 
 Burns, R. Ballantine; Thomas. 
 Burns Family. Grampian Club. 
 Burrell, Sir W. Lamb. 
 Burrell Family. Foster, C. W. 
 Burrow. Hill, J. H. 
 Burrows, M. Camden Soc., xxix. 
 Bursian, C. Parker. 
 Burton, Annals. Chronicles, 36 ; Gale, 
 History. Molyneux. 
 Burton, H. Prynne. 
 Burton, J. Miscellanies, iv., 2. 
 Burton, J. H. Scotland. 
 Burton, R. T. Hakluj t Soc., 47. 
 Bury, A. Norris, H. 
 Bury St. Edmund's. Battely ; Camden 
 Soc., 49; Tymms. 
 Buswell, H. F. Thayer. 
 Butleigh Court. Grenville. 
 Butler, Bp. Egglestose. 
 Butler, C. Coke. 
 Butler, R. Irish Arch. Soc., 2, 4, 7, 12. 
 Butler, T. F. Dunboyne. 
 Butterfield, W. Barber. 
 Butters, L. Fairbairn. 
 Buxton. Adam. 
 Byles, Serjeant. Shrewsbury. 
 Byrne, W. Hearne. 
 Byrom Pedigrees. Raines. 
 Byrom, E. Parkinson. 
 Byrom, J. Chetham Soc., xxxii., xxxiv., 
 xl., xliv. 
 Byron, Capt. Hawkesworth. 
 By set, J. Grampian Club. 
 Byssbe, Sir E. .Metcalf, W. C. 
 Byzantine Coins. Thackeray. 
 Byzantine Empire. Finlay. 
 C., G. E. Peerage. 
 C., R.,-Gent. Text Soc., 48. 
 Cabot, J. Stevens, H. 
 Cabot, S. Deane ; Nieholl*, J. F. ; 
 Stevens, H. 
 Cabrera, P. F. Rio. 
 Cade, Jack. Orridge. 
 Cadiere, M. C. Trials, J-. 
 Cadiz. Camden Soc., 32 ; Miliingen. 
 Csedrnon. Antiquaries, Soc. of; Ellis, 
 Caen. Bourgueville, C. de ; Charma. 
 Caerleon. Lee, J. E. ; Morgan, O. 
 Caerleon Antiquarian Association. Mon- 
 Caermarthen. Phillipps, 24 ; Walcott. 
 Caermot. Jackson, W., 4. 
 Caernarvon. Record Commission, 52. 
 Caer Pensauelcoit. Kerslake, T. 
 Caerwent. Morgan. 
 Csesar, Julius. j4ppach ; Delacourt ; 
 Guest ; Haignere ; Napoleon III. ; 
 Saulcy ; Surtees, S. F. 
 Cffisar, Sir J. Lodge. 
 Cafmeyer, P. de. Appendix, 143. 
 Cailliaud. Drovetti. 
 Cairns, Earl. Lee, F. G. 
 Cairo. Clayton. 
 Caistor. Fitch. 
 Caithness. Laing. 
 Oaius, J. Kay. 
 Calais, Annals. Demotier. 
 Chronicle. Camden Soc., 35. 
 History. Collet, 
 Wold. Davis, J. B. 
 Calatrava. Lezeta ; Rades. 
 Caldicot Castle. Caerleon Antiquarian 
 Caledonians. Ritson. 
 Caley, J. Dugdale ; Rymer. 
 Callaway, Canon. Folk Lore Soc., xv. 
 Callixtus, St. Northcote. 
 Calmucks. Howorth. 
 Calvados. D'Anisy. 
 Calvary. Keigwin. 
 Calverton Manor. Elwes. 
 Cam. Blunt. 
 Camberwell, Allp'ort, D. 
 Cambray. Charpentier. 
 Cambrian Archaeological Association. 
 Cambrian Institution. Cymmrodorion. 
 Cambridge, Annals. Cooper, C. IE. 
 Antiquities. Loggan. 
 Churches. Paley. 
 Classical Researches. Museum 
 Collectanea. Blomefield. 
 Memorabilia. Wilson, Jos. 
 Memorials. Le Keux. 
 Sketches. Redfarn. 
 Cambridge Guide. Humphry, G. M. 
 Cambridge University. Gunning ; Hey- 
 wood ; Parker ; Salmon ; Wainwriglit; 
 Willis, R. 
 Cambridge, Earl of. Political Tracts, 
 Cambridgeshire, Churches. Hill, A. G. 
 Church Sells. Jerram. 
 Domesday. Cambridge 
 Antiq. Soc. ; Domesday Book. 
 Notes. T.ymms. 
 Roads. Babington. 
 Topography. Topo- 
 Visitation. Phillipps, 
 Cambridgeshire Guide. Norfolk. 
 Cambuskenneth. Grampian Club. 
 Camden, W. Harleian Soc., ii., iii., xii. ; 
 Manx Soc., 18. 
 Camden Society. Nichols. 
 Cameniata. Bvzantine Historians, 22. 
 Canieracia. Gramaye. 
 Cameron, J. Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. 
 Camillus. Ainsworth. 
 Camoens. Adamson. 
 Campbell, Lord. Leonards, St. Sped- 
 Campbell, H. Mary, Queen of Scots. 
 Campbell, W. Chronicles, 60. 
 Campion, E. Wulpole, H. 
 Campkin, H. Sussex. 
 Camps, F. do. Yaillant. 
 Canada, Archceology. Bagg. 
 History. Bourinot, J. G. ; Park- 
 Cananus. Byzanfine Historians, 24. 
 Canaries. Roberts. 
 Canaris, C. Myriantheus. 
 Canary Island. Hakluyt Soc., 42. 
 Candidus, Hugo. Sparke, J. 
 Canina. Architects ; Donaldson. 
 Cannegieter, II. Avianus. 
 Canossa, Countess M. di. Orti. 
 Cantacuzenus. Byzantine Historians, 2. 
 Canter, W. .ZEschylus ; Sophocles. 
 Canterbury, Antiquities. Soraner. 
 Archaeology. Archaeological 
 Local Board. Pilbrow. 
 Memorials. Waicott. 
 Canterbury Guide. Brent ; Gostling ; 
 Gouldeu ; Watson, W. W. 
 Canterbury Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Cathe- 
 drals ; Dart ; Erasmus; Harleian Soc., 
 ii. ; Keyser, C. E. ; Sandvs ; Wild ; 
 Willement ; Willis, R. 
 Canterbury, Diocese of. Ducarel ; Willis. 
 Canute. Gough ; Hogg; Numismatic 
 Tracts, 6. 
 Cape Anne. Massachusetts. 
 Capel, Lord. Political Tracts, 13. 
 Capgrave, J. Chronicles, 1, 7. 
 Capheaton. Hodgson. 
 Cappadocia. Pinches. 
 Cappoch, T. Carlisle. 
 Caprarola Palace. Sebastian!. 
 Capua. Paslini. 
 Caractacus. Bloxam. 
 Caradoo. Cambrian Archffiological Asso- 
 Caradoc Field Club. La Touche. 
 Carapanos, C. Witte. 
 Carausius. Smith, C. R. ; Stukely. 
 Cardanus, D. B. Placentiuius. 
 Cardiff. Smyth. 
 Cardiff Museum. Winks. 
 Cardigan. Mejrick ; Williams. 
 Cardiganshire. Phillips. 
 Cardun. Bonatus, G. 
 Care, H. Agrippa, H. C. 
 Carew, G., Lord. Camden Soc., 76. 
 Carew, Sir G. Camden Soc., 88 ; Maclean. 
 Carew Papers. Record Office, 47-49. 
 Caria, Travels in. Benndorf. 
 Carignano. Varni. 
 Carlatton. Ferguson. 
 Carlaverock. Fraser ; Nicolas. 
 Carlebury. Denham Tracts, xiii. 
 Carlier, G. G. Seals, Foreign, 4. 
 Carlisle, Antiquities. Cumberland and 
 Westmoreland Ant. and Arch. Soc. 
 Assay. Ferguson, R. S. 
 Sells. Ferguson, R. S. 
 History. Mounsey. 
 Registers, etc. Ferguson. 
 Roads. Jefferys. 
 Siege. Tullie. 
 Carlisle Cathedral. Billings, R. W. ; 
 Cathedrals ; Fowler ; Harcourt ; 
 Prescott ; Purday ; Tait ; Willis. 
 Carlisle Mint. Bergne. 
 Carlton. Hill, J. H. 
 Carlyle, Professor. Lambeth Archiepis- 
 copal Library. 
 Carnac. Lukis ; Miln ; Proposal. 
 Carnarvon. Ry lands. 
 Camel, D. Alberdingk. 
 Caroline, Queen. Brougham ; Nightin 
 gale, J. 5 Appendix, 32, 33. 
 Carpenter, D. P. Du Cange. 
 Carpenter, J. Brewer. 
 Carpentier, J. B. Le Glay. 
 Carpentier, P. Du Cange. 
 Carp in, J. du P. Bergeron, P. 
 Carr, Sir J. Trials, M. 4. 
 Carre Family. Genealogist ; Moore. 
 Carrow Priory. Phipson. 
 Carson, T. W. Deane. 
 Cartaret, Captain. Hawkesworth. 
 Carter, W. F. Midland Antiquary. 
 Carteromaco. Ciampi. 
 Carthage. British Museum ; Humbert. 
 Carthusians. Parish. 
 Cartier, E. ^Numismatic Tracts, 5, 6, 7, 
 10 ; Numismatique. 
 Cartmel Annals. Stockdale. 
 Cartmel Fell. Lees, T. 
 Cartmel Parish. Whitaker, T. D. 
 Cartmel Priory. Rigge. 
 Cartwright, Bishop. Camden Soc., 22. 
 Cartwright, E. Dallaway. 
 Gary, H. Malvezzi. 
 Casas, B. de las. Stevens, H. 
 Casaubon, I. Athena3us ; Georgica ; 
 Cashel. Celtic Soc., 1. 
 Casinesi. Portoghese. 
 Casley, D. King's Library. 
 Cassanseus. Maderus. 
 Cassano Serra, Duke di. Dibdin. 
 Cassel. Gheldolf. 
 Cassiet, L'Abbe. Can6to. 
 Cassiodorus. Musumeci. 
 -Castalio, S. Sibyllina. 
 Castleacre. Bloom. 
 Castle Ashby. Robinson, P. F. 
 Castle Combe. Scrope. 
 Castle Howard. Tatham. 
 Castle Rising. Paget, F. E. 
 Castlemaine, Earle of. Appendix, 165. 
 Castor. Gibson, K. 
 Castra Clwydiana. Ffoulkes. 
 Castrum-Barrum. Delacourt. 
 Castrum Urdiale. Hubrier. 
 Catacombs. Marriott. 
 Catania. Gemmelaro ; Musumeci ; Por- 
 Cathay. Hakluyt Soc., 12, 33. 
 Cathedrals. Buckler, J. C. 
 Catherine, of Portugal. Appendix, 162. 
 Catillon. Charma. 
 Catlin, Z. Ovidius. 
 Cats, J. Ellemeet. 
 Cato. Scriptores Rei Rusticse. 
 Catterick Church. Raine. 
 Cattois, F. Yerdier. 
 Caudy, T. Molesworth. 
 Caulfield, R. Camden Soc., 68. 
 Caumont, de. Beaurepaire : Knight 
 Causei de k Chausse, M. A. Bellori, G. P. 
 Cave, S. O. Braye. 
 Caved oni, C. Witte. 
 Cavendish, Geo. Hunter, J. 
 Cavendish, Sir W. Hunter, J. 
 Cawnpore. Rivett-Carnac. 
 Caxton, W. Arber ; Blades ; Henry 
 VII. ; Noble, T. C. ; Text Soc., Ex. 
 S., 3, 36, 37. 
 Caxton Exhibition. Stevens, H. 
 Caxton Memorial Bible. Stevens, H. 
 Cayley, J. Record Commission, 26, 30. 
 Cecil, Sir R. Camden Soc., 88. 
 Cecil Family. Drummond. 
 Cedrenus. Byzantine Historians, 23. 
 Celenio, I. Historical Papers, 57. 
 Celliez, H. Libri. 
 Celtic Church. Warren, F. E. 
 Celticism. Roger, J. C. 
 Celts. Carro; Pelloutier ; Pezron. 
 Cerne. Sydenham. 
 Cernoti, R. D. L. Ptolemy. 
 Cerutis, V. de. Cassini. 
 Cervantes. Nallat. 
 Cevennes. Lacy, J. 
 Ceylon. Muller, E. ; Saunders. 
 Chabouillet, A. Paris. 
 Chacota Bay. Blake. 
 Chagford. Ormerod. 
 Chalcocondyla. Byzantine Historians, 31 . 
 Chaldsea. Beke. 
 Chaldon Church, Surrey. Waller, J. G. 
 Chalk. Hart. 
 Chalmers, G. Lyndsay. 
 Chaloner, J. Manx Soc., 10. 
 Chaloner Family. Jackson. 
 Chamber, J. Heydon. 
 Chamberlain. Camden Soc., 79. 
 Chambers, C. H. Anthropological Soc. 
 Champagne. Jubainville; Morel. 
 Champion, R. Owen, H. 
 Champlain, S. Hakluyt Soc., 21, 23. 
 Champlieu. Delacourt. 
 Champollion-Fig6ac, J. J. Documents, 6, 
 16, 25 ; Paris. 
 Chandler, T. Miscellanies, iv., 3. 
 Chandos Peerage. Beltz. 
 Changars. Leitner, G. W. 
 Channel Islands. Hettier, C. 
 Chantre, E. Mortillet. 
 Chapman, G. Homer. 
 Chappell, W. Ballad Soc.; Dowland ; 
 Percy Soc., 23, 56. 
 Characene. Yaux. 
 Chariere. Documents, 9. 
 Chariton. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Charlecote Hall. Warwick Castle. 
 Charlemagne. Ciampi ; Longperier; Text 
 Soc., 44 ; Turpin. 
 Charles, Herald. Armytage. 
 Charles I. Advocates ; Bromley ; Bruce ; 
 Camden Soc., 63 ; Chancellor, E. 
 B. ; EIKWV Ba<riA.iK7 ; England, Scot- 
 land, and Ireland ; Evelyn, J. ; 
 Gadbury ; Gardiner, S. R, ; Halford; 
 Harris j Maitland Club; Majestas; 
 Micro-Chronicon ; Miscellanies, iv., 
 4 ; Oxford University ; Political 
 Tracts, 9, 12, 15 ; Salmasius ; Snare, 
 J. ; Thomas, V. ; Thorns ; Trials, an 
 exact account, etc. ; Virtue ; Wehlon ; 
 Appendix, 59. 
 Charles II. Blencowe ; Boscobel ; Brom- 
 ley ; Camden Soc., 52 ; England ; 
 Historical Tracts, A. 3, 4 ; Historical 
 Tracts, G. 1 ; Hughes ; Maitland 
 Club ; Ogilby ; Sawyer ; Sidney ; 
 Turner, D.; Woof; Worcester ; Wynd- 
 ham ; Appendix 24, 68, 69, 138. 
 Charles II., of Navarre. Secousse. 
 Charles II., of Spain. Stanhope. 
 Charles III., Duke of Lorraine. Appendix, 
 Charles III., of Spain. Moncada ; Pla- 
 tania ; Appendix, 126. 
 Charles IV., Emperor. Thulemarius. 
 Charles V., Emperor. Keiffenberg; Sleidan; 
 Stevens, fl. ; Appendix, 20. 
 Charles VI., Emperor ; Appendix, 29, 30, 34. 
 Charles VI., of France. Longperier. 
 Charles VII., of France. Longperier; 
 Charles VIII., of France. Bardin. 
 Charles XI., of Sweden. Appendix, 71. 
 Charles, Archduke of Austria. Appendix, 
 Charles the Bald. Mourein. 
 Charles, Count Palatine. Appendix, 91,92. 
 Charles, Duke of Wurtemberg. Appen- 
 dix, 98. 
 Charles, King of Sicily. Appendix, 94. 
 Charles Albert, King of Sardinia. Sardinia. 
 Charles Edward, Prince. Maskell, W. 
 Charles Emmanuel II., of Savoy. Appen- 
 dix, 113. 
 Charles Martel. Eaepsaet. 
 Charles, A. Folkestone Kit. Case. 
 Charles, N. Camden Soc., 43. 
 Charlestown, Mass. Hunnewell. 
 Charlton. Paget-, F. E. 
 Charter House. Bearcroft; Cook, J. 
 Hale ; Herne ; Smythe. 
 Charton, E. Bordier, H. 
 Chartres. Documents, 13. 
 Chartreuse. Du Boys. 
 Chasteigneurs. Du Chesne. 
 Chateau d'Arques. Deville. 
 Chateau do Tancarville. Deville. 
 Chateau-Gaillard. Deville. 
 Chatel, E. Normandie, Soc. des Ant. de. 
 Chathiim. Eye. 
 Chatillon-sur-Marne. Du Chesne. 
 Chatillon-sur-Seine. Leclerc. 
 Chatre. Gembloux. 
 Chatsworth. Adam. 
 Chatterton. Shirmen. 
 Chatterton Family. George, W. 
 Chatto, W. A. Jackson. 
 Chaucer. Ellis ; Percy Soc., 68, 72, 91 ; 
 Text Soc., 9, Ex. S. 2, 5, 1C ; Todd. 
 Chaucer's Monument ; Bloxam, M. H. 
 Chaucy, A. France. 
 Chauvenci. Appendix, 127. 
 Cheam Church. Heales. 
 Cheapside Cross. Civil War Tracts. 
 Cheetham, S. Smith, Win. 
 Cheke, Sir J. Strype, xxv. 
 Chelsea. Faulkner ; Field, H. 
 Cheltenham Parish Church. Blacker. 
 Chenonceau Castle. Appendix, 47. 
 Chepstow Castle. Marsh, J. F. 
 Chepstow Guide. Willett. 
 Cherry Burton. Oliver. G. 
 Chersonese. Kaehne. 
 Chert, W. Hussey, E. C. 
 Chertsey. Heales. 
 Chertsey Abbey. Shurlock, M. S. 
 Cheshire, Antiquities. Watkin, W. T. 
 Church Goods. Walcott. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 History. Earwaker ; Gower, 
 F. ; Lancashire; Leigh, C. ; Ormerod. 
 Miscellanies. Eecord Soc., xii. 
 Petition, 1651. Civil War 
 Tracts, 19. 
 Records. Eecords Soc., i.,vi.,vii. 
 Visitation, 1580. Harleian Soc., 
 Wills, etc. Chetham Soc.,xxxiii., 
 li., liv., xcviii., ex. 
 Cheshire Historic Society. Lancashire. 
 Chester, Architecture. Parker, J. H. 
 Coins. Hughes, T. 
 History. Ormerod. 
 Pageant, 1610. Chetham Soc., iii. 
 Plays. Shakespeare Soc., 1 ; Ap- 
 pendix, 1. 
 Records. Eecord Soc., ii., iv. 
 Travels. Pennant. 
 Chester Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Willis. 
 Chester, J. L. Dean, J. W. ; Harleian 
 Soc., iii. 
 Chester Family. Waters. 
 Chesterfield, Borough. Yeatmnn. 
 Chesterfield, Earl of. Stanhope. 
 Chetham, H. Chetham Soc., xxxviii; 
 Chetham Library. Jones, T. 
 diet tie, H. Percy Soc., 14. 
 Chetwynd, Et. Hon. H. Shrewsbury. 
 Chevalier, . Trojan Controversy. 
 Chevalier, E. Delaunay. 
 Chevallier, T. Surtees Soc., 5. 
 Cheve", C. F. Migne. 
 Chiapas. Stephens. 
 Chiaravalle. Cam. 
 Chicago Harbour. Graham, J. D. 
 Chichester, Celebrities. Cooper, W. D. 
 Churches. Willis. 
 Memorials, etc. W r alcott. 
 Chichester Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Willis. 
 Chichester, Sir A. Clermont, T. 
 Chiddingfold Church. Heales. 
 Chiddingstone G-uide. Sumraerley. 
 Chifflet, J. Chastellain. 
 Childeric, I. Chifletius ; Cochet. 
 Chilraeadus. Byzantine Historians, 8. 
 China, Costume. Alexander. 
 History. Hakluyt Soc., 14. 
 History, etc. Williams, John. 
 Notices. Staunton. 
 Relations with England. Record 
 Travels. Geographical Soc. ; Hak- 
 luyt Soc., 13, 15 ; Osbeck. 
 Tribes. Howorth. 
 China and the Roman Orient. Hirth. 
 Chinese Porcelain. Bushell, S. W. 
 Chinnor. Oxfordshire Arch. Soc. 
 Chipchase Castle. Hall. 
 Chippenham. Jackson, J. E. 
 Chipstead Church. Heales. 
 Chipstead Parish. Palgrave, R. F. D. 
 Choke Family. Brown, Rev. F. 
 Choniates. Byzantine Historians, 13. 
 Chorlton. Chetham Soc., xlii. 
 Christ Church, Canterbury. Camden 
 Soc., N.S., xix. ; Seals, Med., 7; 
 Christ Church College, Cambridge. Nas- 
 Christ Church, Dublin. Irish Arch. Soc. 
 Christ Church, Liversedge. Roberson. 
 Christ Church, Oxford. Kitchin, G-. W. 
 Christ Church, Spitalfields. Hyam. 
 Christ Church, Surrey. Hunt. 
 Christ Church, Twynham. Walcott. 
 Christ's Hospital. Hale ; Trollope. 
 Christian IV. Christiania. 
 Christian, Margrave of Brandenburg. 
 Appendix, 110. 
 Christian, Prince of Saxcny. Appendix, 
 Christian Art. Twining, L. 
 Christie, W. D. Camden Soc., N.S., viii. 
 Christina, Queen of Sweden. Appendix, 
 88, iii. 
 Christophe, M. Boucher, de Perthes. 
 Christy, H. Lartet. 
 Christyn, J. B. Jurisprudentia Heroica. 
 Church of England. Harvey ; Lake ; Lee, 
 F. G-. ; Maskell ; Simson, 
 Church of Rome. Maiinbourg; Mar- 
 Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Willis, R. 
 Church, A. H. Science and Art Depart- 
 Churchyard. Spenser Soc. 
 Chusars. Ouwaroff. 
 Ciaccone, A. Bartoli. 
 Ciampi, S. Plutarch; Poland j Thor- 
 laciusj Turpiu. 
 Cibber, T. Trials, L. 
 Cicarella. Maderus. 
 Cicell, Sir E. Historical Tracts, B. 5. 
 Cicero. Numismatic Tracts, 6; Placen- 
 Cieza de Leon, P. de. Hakluyt Soc., 
 Cilgerran. Phillips. 
 Cilicia. Barker. 
 Cimmerian Bosphorus. Lenormant. 
 Ciniri. Infra : Cyinri. 
 Cinglais. Vaultier. 
 Cinnamus. Byzantine Historians, 15. 
 Cinque Ports, Charters. Jeake. 
 History. Batcheller; Lyon, 
 John ; Mantell. 
 Traditions. Martin, K. B. 
 Circassian Dictionary. Loewe, L. 
 Cirencester, Antiquities, etc. Walcott. 
 Roman Art. Buckman. 
 Roman Remains. Church, 
 A. H. 
 Cisano, Gr. Tesoro. 
 Cissbury Camp. Fox. 
 City of London School. Brewer. 
 Clairvaux Abbey. Jubainville. 
 Clarac, Count, Thury. 
 Clarisses Anglaises. Bertrand, R. De. 
 Clark, Gr. T. Cambrian Archaeological 
 Association ; Lyte. 
 Clark, H. J. Harvard College. 
 Clark, J. W. Willis, R. 
 Clark, P. Index Soc., 6. 
 Clark, T. London Spring Water Co. 
 Clark, W. Gr. Cambridge Prize Poems ; 
 Clarke, A. Record Commission, 30 ; Rymer. 
 Clarke, C. Oram. 
 Clarke, J. T. Manx Soc., 28. 
 Clarke, S. Homer ; Micklethwaite. 
 Classen, J. Byzantine Historians, 27. 
 Claudius. Hogg. 
 Clay, C. Manx Soc., 17. 
 Clay, H. Winthrop. 
 Claybrook. Macaulay. 
 Clayton Family. Rylands. 
 Cleasby, R. Nicholson, C. 
 Cleeve Abbey. Hugo ; Reynolds. 
 Clement IX. Appendix, 112. 
 Clement, M. Appendix, 2. 
 Clenenney Family. Maurice. 
 Clerc, Gr. Hippeau. 
 Clerkenwell. Cromwell; Wood. 
 Cleveland, Dialect. Tweddell. 
 History, etc. Ord. 
 Watering Place. Gfordon, S. 
 Cleveland Gallery. Cantrill. 
 Cleveland, Duchess of. Steinman. 
 Clifford, A. Sadler. 
 Clifford, J. H. Winthrop. 
 Clifford, R. Barruel. 
 Clifford, Lord R. De. Infra: De Clifford. 
 Clifton. Chilcott ; Folkestone Eit. Case. 
 Clinton. Collier, J. P. 
 Clitheroe. Harland ; Whitaker, T. D. 
 Clockmakers' Company. Atkins, S. E. ; 
 Morgan, C. O. S. 
 Clode, C. M. Merchant Taylors. 
 Clogg. Davis, J. B. 
 Clovis III. Grellet. 
 Cloyne. Brady. 
 Cloz, P., Count. Kopitar. 
 Clumczanski Family. Bretfeld. 
 Clun. Salt. 
 Cluny. D., A. 
 Clyde Falls. Baird. 
 Clyn, J. Irish Arch. Soc., 12 
 Clyst St. George. Ellacombe. 
 Cnidus. Newton. 
 Cnossus. Hogg. 
 Coats, W. Hakluyt Soc., 11. 
 Cobb, S. Poems, 19. 
 Cobham Guide. Summer-ley. 
 Cocheris, H. Entrees ; Appendix, 44. 
 Cochet, L'Abbe Brante. 
 Cocbin-China. Vincent. 
 Cochrane, Lord. Dundonald. 
 Cockayne, O. Chronicles, 35 ; Text Soc., 
 13, 18, 51. 
 Cockermouth Castle. Jackson, W., 7. 
 Cockington. Dymond. 
 Cocks, R. Hakluyt Soc.. 63. 
 Codford St. Mary. Ingram. 
 Codinus. Byzantine Historians, 25, 32. 
 Coehvoorn, Baron. Friesland. 
 Coelho, F. A. Camoes. 
 Coggeshall, Radulphus de. Chronicles, 66. 
 Coigly, J. Fenwick. 
 Coity. James, J. H. 
 Coke, T. Dempster. 
 Cokersand. Raines. 
 Cokeye Moor. Raines, F. R. 
 Colby, F. T. Guille ; Harleian Soc., ri., xi. 
 Colchester, Antiquities. Parish ; Price, 
 J. E. 
 Archceology. Archaeological 
 Cromwell, T. ; 
 Rom an Monuments. Lodge, B. 
 Walls. Duncan, P. M. 
 Colchester Castle. Buckler, G. ; Jenkins. 
 Colchis. Chardin. 
 Coldingham. Surtees Soc., 12. 
 Coldstream Priory. Grampian Club. 
 Cole, A. Riverius. 
 Cole, C. A. Chronicles, 11 j Henry V. 
 Cole, C. N. Dugdale. 
 Cole, D. True Copies. 
 Cole, H. Record Commission, 23 j Science 
 and Art Dept. 
 Colenso, Bishop. Beke. 
 Coleridge, Miss. Bayard. 
 Coleridge, II. Massinger. 
 Coleridge, Sir J. D. Grosart. 
 Coles, Mr. Davis, W. 
 Colet, Dean. Erasmus ; Knitht, S. 
 Collcott, G. Historical Tracts, F. 12. 
 College of Arms. Noble. 
 College of Physicians. Munk. 
 Collenuccio da Pesaro, P. Taitt. 
 Colliberts. Guillouard. 
 Collier, J. Miscellanies, iv., 6. 
 Collier, J. P. Bridgewater House ; Cam- 
 den Soc., 2, 12, 67, 84; Djce ; Dyer; 
 Gaulfrido ; Hamilton ; Miracle Plays ; 
 Norfolk, J., Duke of; Percy Soc. ; 
 Richard III. ; Savile ; Secretary ; 
 Shakespeare Soc. ; Wilkins. 
 Collier Family. Boddington. 
 Collingham. Procter. 
 Collins. Frettou. 
 Collinson. Dillwyn. 
 Collinson, R. Hakluyt Soc., 34. 
 Colman, G. Miscellanies, vi., 2. 
 Cologne, Inscriptions. Lersch. 
 Medals. Witte. 
 Treasures. Bock. 
 Colombey, E. Dassoucy. 
 Colonial Universities. Wood, T. W. 
 Colonna, G. da. Text Soc., 39. 
 Colorado. Bliss. 
 Colquhoun. Fraser ; TJlrichs. 
 Colton, Abp. Irish Arch. Soc., 14. 
 Columba, St. Irish Arch, and Celt. Soc., 
 2 ; Smith, John. 
 Columbkill. Manx Soc., 1 ; Smith, Jno. 
 Columbus. Hakluyt Soc., 2, 39 ; Twiss. 
 Columella. Scriptores Rei Rustic. 
 Colyton Church. Farmer. J. 
 Combe, T. British Museum. 
 Comberbach. Marshall. 
 Commendonus. Casa. 
 Commercial Docks. Gould. 
 Comminges. Cenac. 
 Commodus. Chabouillet. 
 Comnena. Byzantiue Historians, 15, 26. 
 Como. Monti ; Regazzoni. 
 Comparetti, D. Folk Lore Soc. 
 Compiegne. Peigne. 
 Compton, Berks. Hewett. 
 Compton Family. Drurumond, H. 
 Concise. Troy on. 
 Conde, Prince. Stanhope. 
 Conestabile, G. C. Scotti. 
 Congo. Lisbon, R. Ac. of Soc. of; 
 Congressional Directory. Poore, B. P. 
 Congreve. Percy Soc., 35 ; Wycheiley. 
 Connaught. Irish Arch. Soc., 9. 
 Connecticut. Goodwin. 
 Connor, D. O. Keating. 
 Conolly, J. Ethnological Soc. 
 Constable, J. Helmont. 
 Constantino the Great. Eusebius. 
 Constantino VII. Weerth. 
 Constantinople, A ntiqttities, etc. Burgess ; 
 Codinus ; Gyllius ; Lewis, B. 
 Architecture. Salzenberg. 
 Chronology. Clinton. 
 Churches. Wheler. 
 History. Byzantine His- 
 torians, 32 ; Dall away. 
 Notices. Seeck. 
 Travels. Boucher de 
 Perth es. 
 Typography. Reinaud. 
 Const antinus. Byzantine Historians, 5, 
 Contareni. Casa. 
 Contarini, A. Bergeron, P. ; Hakluyt 
 Soc., 45. 
 Conybeare, J. C. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Conybeare, J. J. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 32. 
 Cook, Captain. Bucaniers ; Hawkes- 
 worth ; Kippis ; Samwell. 
 Cooke, Clarencieux. Metcalf, "W. C. 
 Cooke, M. Caxton Soc., 15. ; Picard. 
 Cooke, B. Harleian Society, i., xiii., xxii. 
 Cooke, Sir T. Historical Tracts, H. 2 ; 
 Cooke, W. Morley. 
 Cooke, W. H. Duncumb. 
 Cooley, W. D. Hakluyt Soc., 4. 
 Coombe Abbey. Warwick Castle. 
 Cooper, C. P. Cole ; Montagu ; Kecord 
 Office, 54. 
 Cooper, J. Titus, D. P. de. 
 Cooper, T. Eliot. 
 Cooper, W. D. Camden Soc., 71, 82; 
 Orridge ; Shakespeare Soc., 3 ; Sterne. 
 Cooper, W. R. Victoria Institute, viii. 
 Cooper Family Genealogist. 
 Coote, C. Gray, T. 
 Coote, C. H. Hakluyt Soc., 72, 73; 
 Cope, E. M. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Copenhagen. Engelhardt; Matzen; Eafn. 
 Coptic. Peyron. 
 Coptic Grammar. Stern. 
 Corblet, J. Bells. 
 Corderius. Maderus. 
 Coi-dery, J. G. Homer. 
 Corfe Castle. Bankes. 
 Corfu. Newton, C. 
 Corippus. Merobaudes. 
 Coritani. Pegge. 
 Cork. Antiquities. Day, R. 
 Artists. Day, Robert. 
 Clerical Records. Brady, W. M. 
 State in 1774. Smith, C. 
 Cork Cathedral. Caulfield. 
 Cormac's Chapel, Cash el. Hill. 
 Cormac's Glossary. Irish. Archaeological 
 and Celtic Soc. 
 Corney, B. Hakluyt Soc., 17 ; Lam- 
 Cornish Names. Bannister. 
 Cornish Surnames. Charnock. 
 Cornwall, Antiquities. Western Anti- 
 Brasses. Dunkin, E. H. W. 
 Crosses. Blight, J. T. 
 Description. Norden. J. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Episcopate. Pealer. 
 Foreshores. Pycroft. 
 Funerial Customs. Borlase. 
 History. Oliver, G.; Polwhele. 
 Parochial History. Gilbert, D. 
 Register. Wallis. 
 Survey. Carew, R. 
 Tin Trade. Borlase ; Haw- 
 Visitation, 1620. Harleian Soc., 
 Cornwall Guide. Devon. 
 Cornwall Cathedral. Whitaker, J. 
 Cornwallis, Lord. Winthrop. 
 Corpus Christi College. Masters; Warren. 
 Correa, G. Hakluyt Soc., 42 ; Lisbon. 
 Corser, T. Chetham Soc. 
 Corsham House. Britton. 
 Cortes, H. Hakluyt Soc., 40 ; Stevens, 
 Corunna. Cornide. 
 Cosens, F. W. Rojas y Zorrilla ; Vega 
 Cosin, J. Surtees Soc., 7, 52, 55. 
 Cosmo II., Duke of Tuscany. Appendix, 
 Cosmo III., Duke of Tuscany. Appendix, 
 Cosmo, Prince. Gronovius. 
 Cotentin. Delisle ; Gerville. 
 Cotswold Dialect. Huntley. 
 Cotswold Hills. Playne. 
 Cottle, A. S. Icelandic Poetry. 
 Cotton, Jesuit. Historical Tracts, B. 1. 
 Cotton, B. de. Chronicles, 16. 
 Cotton H. Phillipps, 22. 
 Cottonian Library. Record Commission, 
 15 ; Somers. 
 Cottringham. Oliver, G. 
 Coucy. Delacourt. 
 Courlander, A. Worsase, J. J. A. 
 Court of Claims, U.S. Richardson, W. 
 Courtenay, P. Halliday, M. 
 Courtenay, House of. Du Bouchefc. 
 Courtenay Family. Baigent. 
 Courtenay Mantelpiece. Halliday, M. 
 Courthope. Rows. 
 Courtoy, H. Macmillan, J. 
 Courtrai. Mussely, Ch. 
 Courts of Justice, London. Garling. 
 Coussemaker, E. de. Adam de la Halle. 
 Coutances. Quenault. 
 Covel, Dr. Newton, Sir J. 
 Covent Garden Theatre. Scharf. 
 Coventry, Antiquities, etc. Fretton. 
 Charters. Fetheraton. 
 Election, 1780. Miscellanies, 
 iii., 3. 
 History, etc. Sharp, T. 
 Pageants. Appendix, 14, 17. 
 Plays. Shakespeare Soc., 2 ; 
 Appendix, 8. 
 Coventry Cross. Whitley. 
 Coventry, Walter of. Clironicles, 58. 
 Cowdray. Roundell. 
 Cowley, Mrs. Miscellanies, v., 5, 7. 
 Cowper, J. M. Text Soc. passim. 
 Cox. Manx Soc., 18. 
 Coxe, H. O. Clarendon State Papers; 
 Historical Soc., 8. 
 Coxe, Sir R. Caulfield. 
 Coxeter, Mr. Cibber, T. 
 Crail Church. Grampian Club. 
 Cramer, J. A. Camden Soc., 17. 
 Crane Family. Appleton. 
 Cranmer. Maitland, S. E. ; Philobiblon 
 Soc. ; Strype, xiv., xv. ; Todd ; 
 Cranoe. Hill, J. H. 
 Cransac. Ducoux. 
 Cranwell, E. Trinity College, Cambridge. 
 Craon, Princess of. Genealogist. 
 Crapelet, G. A. Deschamps ; Appendix, 
 Crashawe, W. Church Affairs. 
 Craven. Bailey ; Whitaker, T. D. 
 Craven Deanery. Whitaker. 
 Crawford, Earl of. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 
 Creak Abbey. Carthew. 
 Cressingham, Great. Infra : Great Cres- 
 Cresy, E. Taylor, G. L. 
 Cretaine. Libri. 
 Crete, Coins. British Museum, Coin 
 Dept.; Hogg. 
 History. Byzantine Historians, 3. 
 Travels. Spratt. 
 Crevier. Tractatus. 
 Cridia Abbey. Jones, M. C. 
 Crimea. Telfer. 
 Cripps, W. J. Science and Art Dept. 
 Croft Family. Carlisle. 
 Croizier, Marquis de. Legrand. 
 Croker, T. C. Camden Soc., 14 ; Percy Soc. 
 Croly, G. Herring. 
 Cromartie, Earls of. Fraser. 
 Cromie, H. Chaucer Soc., 45, 47, 49. 
 Cromlechs. Proposal. 
 Cromley Church. Heales. 
 Crompton, S. French. 
 Cromwell, O. Burrow; Camden Soc., 
 N. S. xii. ; Civil War Tracts, 21; 
 Francis ; Poems, 32 ; Titus. 
 Cromwell, House of. Noble. 
 Croome d'Abitot. Dean, W. 
 Crosby, A. J. Camden Soc., 93 ; Kecord 
 Office, 38, 39. 
 Crosby Place. Blackburne ; Hammon ; 
 Crosraguel Abbey. Ayrshire Arch. Asso- 
 Crossley, J. Chetham Soc., vi.,xiii., xxxvi., 
 Crosthwaite. Irish Arch. Soc., 6. 
 Croston, J. Record Soc., v. 
 Crouch, N. Burton. 
 Crowland Abbey. English. 
 Crowley, R. Text Soc., Ex. S. 15. 
 Croydon. Garrow ; Steinman. 
 Croydon Church. Anderson ; Bloxani. 
 Croydon Guide. Summerley. 
 Croyland Abbey. Gough ; Moore. 
 Croyland Annals. Gale, T. 
 Cruickshank, R. Johnston. 
 Cruikshank, G. Basile, G. 
 Crystal Palace. Arundel Soc. ; Phillips ; 
 Buskin ; Scharf. 
 Cud worth. Sutton. 
 Cugnon. Chabouillet. 
 Culcheth Family. Ry lands. 
 Culdees. M'Callum. 
 Cull, R. Ethnological Soc. 
 Culpeper, N. Riverius. 
 Cuma. Fiorelli ; Panvini ; Paolini. 
 Cumberland, Annals. Ritson. 
 Antiquities, etc. Newcastle- 
 upon-Tyne, Soc. of Antiquities. 
 Castles, etc. Buck, S. 
 Churches. Cory. 
 Folklore. Denham Tracts, 
 History, etc. 
 Gibson, A. C. 
 Ferguson, R. 
 Hinde ; Hutchinson ; Nicolson. 
 --- Sheriff's. Duckett. 
 --- Visitation, 1615. Harleian 
 Soc., vii. 
 -- Worthies. Lonsdale. 
 Cumberland Guide. Leigh ; Robinson, 
 Cumberland, Duke of. Miscellanies, ii. 
 Gumming, J. Felltham. 
 Gumming, J. G. Manx Soc., 1, 10, 15. 
 Cundall and Fleming. Henderson. 
 Cunningham, Alex. Grampian Club. 
 Cunningham, P. Percy Soc., 35, 44; 
 Shakespeare Soc., 13, 17. 
 Cunningham Memoirs. Irish Academy. 
 Cunobeline. Evans ; Logoy ; Pegge. 
 Cupar. Roger. 
 Cupar Abbey. Grampian Club ; Jervise. 
 Curacoa, H.M.S. Brenchley. 
 Curcellffius, S. Bible (N.T.), Greek. 
 Cureton, W. British Museum ; Homer. 
 Curll, E. Thorns. 
 Curry, E. Celtic Society, 4. 
 Curwens Family, of Wokington Hall. 
 Custom House. Laing. 
 Cuthbert, St. Fryer; Hegg; Eaiue ; Sur- 
 tees Soc., 1, 8. 
 Cuttack. Eicketts. 
 Cutts, J. Winthrop, E, C. 
 Cuyp. Fairholt. 
 Cwrnhir Abbey. Eees. 
 Cyclades. Bent, J. T. 
 Cymri. Barber, G. D. ; Betham. 
 Cyprus. Cesnola ; Hogg ; Irish Arch. 
 Soc., 13 ; Stubbs. 
 Cyrene. Smith, E. M. 
 Cyrus. Pinches; Eennell. 
 Czoernig, K. F. Von. Vienna, Imp. Co mm. 
 Dachsbourg. Beaulieu. 
 Dacier, A. Festi. 
 Daggenham Breach. Perry. 
 Dagobert. Lenormant. 
 Dalboquerque, A. Hakluyt Soc., 49, 51, 
 Dale, J. Van. Seals, Foreign, 8. 
 Dalecarlia. Kroningssvard. 
 Dalechamp, J. Athenseus. 
 Dalmahoy Families. Falconer. 
 Dalmatia. Lucius ; Handtke, F. 
 Dalom. Bosoms. 
 Dalston Eegisters. Kuper. 
 Dalton Family. Genealogist. 
 Daly, C. Eevue Generate. 
 Daly, E. Billington, Mrs. 
 Dalzel, A. Trojan Controversy. 
 Damnonia. Kerslake, T. 
 Danby, Earl of. Historical Papers, 9, 32. 
 Danes. B irtholinus ; Howorth. 
 Dangerfield, T. Trials, 5. 
 Daniel, P. A. Shakespeare Soc., The 
 Danish Eunic Stone. Eafn. 
 Dansey, W. Priaulx, J. 
 Dante. Aroux ; Balbo, C. ; Barlow ; 
 Emiliani-Giudici ; Flaxman ; Veri- 
 Danton. Documents, 7. 
 Dantzig. Vossberg. 
 Danube. * Hodgkin ; Marsili ; Planche ; 
 D'Anville. Italy ; Eaper. 
 Darcel, A. Ghiich ird, E. ; Villard. 
 Darcy, House of. Wheater. 
 Daremberg, C. Dictionnaire. 
 Darien. Tracts, A. 1, 2. 
 Darmstadt. Cassel; Walther. 
 Darsy. Picardie, Soc. des Ant. de, 1869. 
 Dartford. Dunkin, J. ; Sparvel-Bayly. 
 1 'artmoor. Ormerod. 
 Dartmoor Forest. Eowe. 
 Darwen. Ashton. 
 Dash wood, Q-. H. Norfolk and Norwich 
 Arch. Soc. 
 Dashwood, Sir J. Windsor Castle. 
 Dassy, Mons. Longperier. 
 Dassy, F. Caviceo. 
 Daubeney Family. G-reenfield, B. W. 
 Daus, J. Sleidan. 
 Daussy, Mons. Beke. 
 Davenport Acad. Putnam. 
 David, J. Bruxelles ; Meerlant. 
 Davidson, J. Grampian Club.. 
 Davidson Family. M'Cready. 
 Davies, J. Ceremonies. 
 Davies, Sir J. Fuller Worthies' Library ; 
 Isham Eeprints. 
 Davies, J. L. Plato. 
 Davies, J. S. Camden Soc., 64. 
 Davies, N. British Museum. 
 Davies, E. Camden Soc., 85 ; Surtees 
 Soc., 36. 
 Davington. Willement. 
 Davis, H. H. Herodotus. 
 Davis, J. Hakluyt Soc-., 59. 
 Davis, J. E. Tighe. 
 Davis, E. Camden Soc., 68.. 
 Davison, W. Nicolas. 
 Davy, Dr. South. 
 Dawlish. Hyett. 
 Day, H. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Dead Sea. Lynch ; Saulcy. 
 Dean Forest. Nicholls,. H. G. 
 Deane, A. Stokes. 
 Dean^, C. Bradford. 
 Debacq, F. J. Luynes. 
 De Bry. Boissard ; Crawford. 
 De Castro, J. D'Andrade, F. 
 Decker, T. Arber. 
 De Clercq, F. S. A. Batavia. 
 De Clifford, Lord E. Nicholson. 
 Deddington. Oxfordshire Arch. Soc. 
 Dee, J. Camden Soc., 19 ; Fletcher. 
 Dejardin, J. B***. 
 De Kelseye, G. Lyall. 
 Dekker, T. Percy Soc., 21. 
 De la Beche. Museum of Practical Geology. 
 Delacourt, P. Picardie, Soc. des Ant. de. 
 Delgrove, E. Picardie, Soc. des Ant. de. 
 De la Mere, Lord. Historical Tracts, 
 F. 5. 
 Delamotte, P. H. Phillips. 
 De La Peyrere. Hakluyt Soc., ] 8. 
 De La Eoche, M. Brandt. 
 Delaunay, F. Eevue Archeologique. 
 Delepierre, O. Flanders. 
 Delft. Owen, H. 
 Delgado. Bible, Pentateuch. 
 Delhi. Thomas, E. 
 Delisle, L. Hairnon; Vitalis. 
 Dellingham. Vere. 
 Delmotte, H. Appendix, 127. 
 Delmotte, P. Appendix, 127. 
 Deloney, T. Percy Soc., 10, 92. 
 Delphi. Longperier. 
 Delprat, G. H. M. Friesland. 
 Deinocritus. Ferguson, J. 
 Demontiosius, L. . Vitruvius. 
 De Morgan, A. London, Univ. of ; Ram- 
 Denbigh Kecords. Williams, John, 
 Denbighshire Churches. Lloyd-Williams. 
 Deneboles. Holmes, T. V. 
 Denh, C. Dolce. 
 Denham, Lady. Steinman. 
 Denham, Sir J. Poems, 2. 
 Denham, M. A. Denham Tracts, 1 ; 
 Percy Soc., 66. 
 Denmark, Antiquities, etc. Madsen ; 
 Archeology. Morlot. 
 Architecture. Vitruvius. 
 History. Saxo-Q-rammaticus ; 
 House of. Wegener. 
 Industrial Arts. Science and 
 Art Department. 
 Iron Age. Engelhardt. 
 King of. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Peerage. Lexicon. 
 Throne. Jeffery, F. J. 
 Dennis. Literary Tracts, 5. 
 Dent, J. Miscellanies, v., 6. 
 Denton, Records. Hnrt. 
 Denton Chapel. Booker. 
 Denton, W. Church Affairs. 
 Deols. Gembloux. 
 Depping. Documents, 2. 
 Derby, Archeology. Hope, W. St. H. J. 
 Records. Warren, F. E. 
 Derby, Countess of. Hardy. 
 Derby, J. Lyall. 
 Derby, James, 7th Earl of. Manx Soc., 19. 
 Derbyshire, Church Goods. Walcott. 
 - Churches. Cox, J. C. 
 Collections. Robinson, J. B. 
 Description. Cooke, G-. A. 
 Diggings. Bateman. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 History. Fletcher, W. G. 
 D. ; Glover, S. 
 Peak. Leigh, C. 
 State, 1789. Pilkington, J. 
 - Tour. Bray, W. ; Dayes. 
 Dereham, East. Carthew. 
 DeRobien. Todd, J. H. 
 Derry. Irish Arch. Soc., 14. 
 Derwentwnter, James, Earl of. Texier. 
 Derws. Walcott. 
 Desaguliers, J. Wagner, H. 
 Desborough. Langley. 
 Des Cartes. Le Grand. 
 Deschamps, P. Brunet. 
 Deschamps de Pas, L. Morinie. 
 Des Lauriers. Bruscambille. 
 Desmond, Countess of. Saint-hill. 
 Desor, E. Estortf. 
 Des Preis, J. Brussels. 
 D'Estang, Bastard. Supra : Bastard. 
 Dethick, H. Phillipps, 3. 
 De Thou. Perroniana. 
 De Valoniis, Family of. Panmure. 
 Deverel Barrow. Miles, W. A. 
 Deville, A.- Seals, Foreign, 3. 
 Devillers, L. Brussels, Academic. 
 De Villettes Family. Wagner, H. 
 Devizes. Jackson ; Waylen. 
 Dev'zes, Richard of. Richard of Devizes. 
 Devon, F. Record Commission, 33-35. 
 Devonport, Guide. Carrington, H. E. ; 
 Devonshire, Antiquities, etc. Rogers ; 
 Tucker ; Western Antiquary. 
 Bibliography. Davidson, 
 Brasses. Crabbe, W. R. 
 Cistercian Houses. Rowe, 
 J. B. 
 Collections. Oliver, G. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Ecclesiastical Antiquities, etc. 
 Oliver, G. 
 Foreshores, etc. Py croft, J. 
 History. Pole ; Polwhele. 
 Inventories, etc. Walcott. 
 Pedigrees, etc. Tuckett ; 
 Quakers. Dymond, R. 
 Topography. Rowe, J. B. 
 - Visitations^ Colby, F. T. ; 
 Harleian Soc., vi. 
 Watering Places. Hyett. 
 Worthies. Prince ; Scharf. 
 Devonshire Guide. Banfield. 
 Dewitte, C.-J. Morinie. 
 Dewsbury. Robinson. 
 Dexippus. Byzantine Historians, 7. 
 Deycks, F. Brussels. 
 D'Hancarville. Hamilton, Sir W. 
 Dh6ne. Manx Soc., 26. 
 Diacria. Finlay. 
 Diary of a Dutiful Son. O., H". E. 
 Diceto, Radulphus de. Chronicles, 68 ; 
 Gale, T. ; Twysden. 
 Dichet. Baker, E. E. 
 Dickenson, F. H. Sarum Missal. 
 Dickie. Kilmarnock Directory. 
 Dickaon, T. Scotland, Chronicles, 6. 
 Dickson, W. Northumberland. 
 Dickson Family. M'Cready. 
 Dicuil. Letronne. 
 Didcot. Summerley. 
 Diderot. D'Alembert ; Took. 
 Didron. Annales ; Deschamps des Pas ; 
 Documents, 21. 
 Didsbury. Chetham Soc., xlii. 
 Diefenbach, L. Du Cange. 
 Digby, Sir K. Bodleian Library ; Cam- 
 den Soc., 96. 
 Digby MSS. Historical MSS. Com. 
 Dighton Rock. Rau. 
 Dillon, Dr. Oxford. 
 Dillon, Hon. H. A. Fairholt, F. W. 
 Diluvium. Ferguson. 
 Dimock, J. F. Chronicles, 21, 37 ; St. 
 Dindorf, O. Byzantine Historians, 6, 8, 
 9, 10 ; G-eorgius Syncellus. 
 Dindorf, L. Chronicon Paschale ; Mala- 
 Dineley, T. Baker ; Beaufort. 
 Dingley, T. Camden Soc., 94, 97. 
 Dinwiddie Papers. Virginia Hist. Soc. 
 Diocletian, Lanza. 
 Dionysius the Areopagite. Fowler. 
 of Halicarnassus. Sappho. 
 Di Eosello, J. M. E-. Cebrian. 
 Disney, H. Beaumont. 
 Dittmer, H. Appendix, 81. 
 Divay. Bible, Latin. 
 Dixon, J. H. Percy Soc., 58, 62, 92. 
 Doab. Rivet t-Carnac. 
 Doberan. Lisch. 
 Doble, C. E. Oxford Hist. Soc., ii., vii. 
 Doctors' Commons. Camden Soc., 83 ; 
 Dodd, T. Mayer, J. 
 Dodd, W. Callimachus ; Wood Engraving. 
 Doddington Friendly Soc. Friendly Soc. 
 Dodona. Carapanos. 
 Dodsley, R. Plays. 
 Dodsworth, R. Agbrigg ; Chetham Soc., 
 95, 99 ; Dugdale ; Ellis, A. S. 
 Doering, F. Q-. Catullus. 
 Doganlu. Thomas. 
 Dolce, L. Boccacio, G- . 
 Dolmens. Bonstetten. 
 Dolphy. Bruce. 
 Domesday Book. Ellis, Sir H.; Eyton, 
 R. W. ; Kelham Rob. 
 Dominica of Paradise. Capes. 
 Dominicus, Prior of Evesham. Chronicles, 
 Dominis, A. de. Historical Tracts, A. 2. 
 Donaghadee. Jefferys. 
 Donaldson, D. Jamieson ; Text Soc., 
 Donaldson, T. L. Architects. 
 Doncaster Deanery. Hunter, J. 
 Donegal, Torques. Day, R. 
 Donne, J. Walton. 
 Donnington Castle. Colomb ; Money, W. 
 Donnybrook. Blacker. 
 Door Church. Gibson, M. 
 Dorchester. Cutler; Parker. 
 Dorchester Abbey. Addington. 
 Dorothea Augusta, of Hesse. Appendix, 
 Dorset, Antiquities. Evton. 
 Archaeology. Warne. 
 Bibliography. Mayo, C. H. 
 Civil Division. Boswell, E. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Episcopate. Jones, W. H. 
 Guide. Wiltshire. 
 History, etc. Hutchins. 
 Megalithic Remains. Dunkin, E. 
 H. W. 
 Survey, 1732. Coker. 
 Visitation, 1623. Harleian Soc. xx. 
 Welsh. Zerslake,T. 
 Dotrenge, T. Raepsaet. 
 Douce. F. Bodleian Library. 
 Douet d'Arcq. France ; Picardie. 
 Douge, E. Charvet. 
 Douglas, J. Macdonald, W. 
 Douglas, R. K. British Museum. 
 Douglas, W. Green, S. A. 
 Douglas Memoirs. Fraser, W. 
 Doullens. Picardie, Soc. des Ant. de. 
 Douwama, J. Friesland. 
 Dove Point, Cheshire. Hume. 
 Dover, Church Goods, etc. Walcott. 
 History* Batcheller ; Lyon, John. 
 Dover Castle. Darell. 
 Dover Harbour. Worthington. 
 Dovercourt. Dale; Ipswich. 
 Dowling, T. Irish Arch. Soc., 12. 
 Downing. Pennant. 
 Downman, J. Grenville. 
 Dowse, T. Everett. 
 D'Oyly Family. Bayley. 
 Drake, Sir F. Clark, S. ; Hakluyt Soc., 
 4, 14, 15. 
 Drake, H. H. Harleian Soc., ix. ; Hasted. 
 Drake, N. Surtees Soc., 37. 
 Drake, S. Parker, M. 
 Drake, S. G-. Sheppard. 
 Drapton, M. Percy Soc., 29. 
 Dravidian Languages. Caldwell. 
 Drayton. Sutton. 
 Drenthe. De Wai. ; Grratama. 
 Dresden. Appendix, 167. 
 Drewsteignton. Ormerod. 
 Druce, Gr. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Druids. Higgins ; Smiddy. 
 Drumloghan. Brash. 
 Drummond. Shakspeare Soc., 17. 
 Drummond, J. Scotland, Chronicles, &c.; 
 Scotland, Soc. of Antiq. of, 1881. 
 Drummond, W. Mathias. 
 Drummond Missal. Forbes, G-. H. 
 Drury, H. J. T. Knaresborough. 
 Dryburgh. Rutherfurd. 
 Dryden, Sir H. Gaston, vi. 
 Dryden, J. Literary Tracts, 1 ; Poems, 
 5, 6, 10, 20, 32. 
 Duane. Dutens. 
 Dublin. Celtic Soc., 1; Civil War 
 Tracts, 16 ; Jefferys. 
 Dublin Cathedral. Irish Arch. Soc., 6. 
 Diibner, F. Anthologia ; Chrysostom. 
 Dubnovellanus. Evans. 
 Duca. Byzantine Historians, 11. 
 Ducarel. 'Smith, J. S. 
 Duchet, T. Morinie. 
 Duckett, Sir Q-. Cumberland and Westm. 
 Antiq. and Arch. Soc. ; Ferguson ; 
 Fleming, D. ; Goethe, J. W. von. 
 Ducklingtou. Oxfordshire Arch. Soc. 
 Duddelegus. Leland. 
 Dudley, J. Winthrop, E. C. 
 Dudley, R. Lucy. 
 Dudley, T. Deane. 
 Dudley Castle. Booker; Twamley. 
 Dudley Family. Adlard. 
 Dudley Observatory. Gould. 
 Dufaitelle. Numismatic Tracts, 3. 
 Du Fresne, C. Gibson, E. 
 Duf resnoy, Lenglet. Infra : Lenglet. 
 Dugdale, Sir R. Chetham Soc., 84, 88. 
 Dugdale, Sir W. Armytage ; Hamper ; 
 Historical Memorials ; Manx Soc., 
 18 ; Surtees Soc., 36. 
 Dugniolle, J. Weale. 
 Duguesclin, B. Aymard ; Documents, 9 ; 
 Luce ; Odorici. 
 Dumbartonshire. Irving. 
 Dumblane. Allen, J. R. ; Stewart. 
 Dumeril, E\ Floire. 
 Du Mersan, M. Chabouillet ; Leys ; 
 Dumfries. Jefferys. 
 Dummer, M. Savery. 
 Dun, T. Robbers. 
 D unbar Family. Drummond. 
 Dunbrody. Chronicles, 80. 
 Duncan, F. St. John Ambulance Asso- 
 Duncan, W. J. Maitland Club. 
 Duncan's Appendix. Dialect Soc. 
 Dunchurch. Bloxam ; Burgess, J. T. 
 Duncumb, J. Dialect Soc. 
 Dundas Family. Drummond. 
 Dundrennan Abbey. Hutchison. 
 Dunfermline. Chalmers. 
 Dunferniline Kirk-Session. Henderson, E. 
 Dunham. Ingham. 
 Dunheved. Peter. 
 Dunkin, A. J. Archseological Associa- 
 tion ; Radulphus ; Ralph, Abbot, etc. 
 Dunkirk. Historical Tracts, F. 12 ; Seals, 
 Foreign, 4 ; Walpole, Sir R., Tracts, 
 4, 5. 
 Dunn, W. Clarendon State Papers. 
 Dunstable. Dunno. 
 Duns table Priory, 36. 
 Dunstan, St. Chronicles, 63. 
 Dunster. Lyte. 
 Dunton, J. Prince Soc. 
 Du Ponceau, P. S. Dunglison. 
 Durand, H. Durant, S. 
 3 B 
 Durand, U. Martene, E. 
 Diirer, A. Heaton ; Heller ; Russell ; 
 Durfey, T. Shotterel. 
 Durham, Antiquities. Bagg ; Perry. 
 Architectural Antiquities. Bil- 
 lings, R. W. 
 Bishops. Fair. 
 Buildings. Newcastle Soc. 
 Castles, etc. Buck, S. ; New- 
 castle-upon-Tyne Soc. of Antiq. 
 Coal Trade Glossary. Coal 
 Coins. Bartlett, B. 
 Ecclesiastical History. Chron- 
 icles, 75. 
 Denham Tracts, vi. 
 Allan ; Hutchinson, 
 Surtees, R. ; Whit- 
 W. ; Raine, J. 
 field, M. W. 
 Inventories, etc. Surtees Soc., 
 5, 18, 21, 25, 32, 34, 38. 
 Local Records. Latimer. 
 Mint. Bergne ; Noble. 
 Pipe Rolls. Newcastle-upon- 
 Tyne Soc. of Antiq. 
 Register, 1311-16. 
 Sepulchral Monuments. Hodges, 
 C. C. 
 Sketches. Ornsby. 
 Durham Abbey. Fowler. 
 Durham Cathedral. Antiquaries, Soc. 
 of; Billings, R. W. ; Cathedrals; 
 Greenwell; Surtees Soc., 7, 10, 13, 
 15; Willis. 
 Durham Priory. Surtees Soc., 58. 
 Durich, H. V. Wiirttembergischer Alter- 
 Durneford. Phillips, 30. 
 Durobrivee. Gibson, K. 
 Durrington. Warter. 
 Dursley. Blunt. 
 Duston. Sharp. 
 Dutch Church, Lond. Moens, J. C. 
 Dyce, A. Camden Soc., 11 ; Marlowe ; 
 Percy Soc., 12, 29, 31 ; Science and 
 Art Department ; Shakespeare Soc., 
 3 ; Skelton, J. ; Webster, J. 
 Dyce Collection. Science and Art De- 
 Dyer, Sir E. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Dyers, Company of, London. Robins. 
 Dymmok, J. Irish Arch. Soc., 4. 
 Dynamis. Longperier, A. de, 
 Dysart. Maitland Club. 
 Dyson, R. R. Old field. 
 Dzialynski. Longperier, H. de. 
 Eadmer. Chronicles, 81. 
 Eagle, Lincolnshire. Hugo. 
 Earle, J. Arber. 
 Earwaker, J. P. Chetham Soc., 3 ; Re- 
 cord Soc., ii., 4. 
 East Angles. Haigh. 
 East Anglia. Forby ; Kemble ; Tymms. 
 Eastbourne. Herbert. 
 East Harling Church. Boileau. 
 East Horsley Park. Lovelace. 
 East India Co. Historical Tracts, H. 2 ; 
 East Indies. Chardin ; Hakluyt Soc. ; 
 Historical Tracts, B. 4 ; Eecord Office, 
 32, 34. 
 Eastlake, C. L. Kugler. 
 Eastry. Shaw. 
 Eata. Surtees Soc., 8. 
 Eaton Church. Boileau. 
 Eaton Hall. Buckler. 
 Ebchester, W. Surtees Soc., 31. 
 Eberbach Abbey. Baer ; Nassau ; Kossel. 
 Ebstorf Map. Sommerbrodt, E. 
 Ebsworth, J. W. Ballad Soc.; Braith- 
 waite, R. ; Choyce Drollery ; Shake- 
 speare, W. 
 Ecclesfield, History, Eastwood. 
 Notices. Hunter, J. 
 Ecclesfield Church. G-atty ; Jeffcock. 
 Eccleston, T. de. Chronicles, 4. 
 Ecgwyn, St. Smith, H. E. 
 Echyngham. Hall, S. 
 Eckhel. Millin. 
 Ecuador. Pritchett. 
 Edda. Freidenfelt; Munch; Thorkelin. 
 Eddius. G-ale, T. 
 Eddystone Lighthouse. Smeaton. 
 Edessa. Bayer. 
 Edfou. Jomard ; Naville. 
 Edinburgh, Antiquities. Stothert. 
 History . Arnot, H. ; Mait- 
 land, W. 
 Pageant. Appendix, 48. 
 Edinburgh, Duke of. Prayer, 9. 
 Edinburgh Castle. Grant, J. ; Oliver, G. 
 Edinburgh Guide. Black, W. H. ; 
 M'Dowall ; Menzie. 
 Edinburgh University. Bannatyne Club. 
 Edingdon Monastery. Jackson, J. E. 
 Edmonds, C. Anti- Jacobin ; Isham Re- 
 Edmonton. Robinson. 
 Edmundsbury. Supra: Bury St. Edmunds. 
 Edom. Lindsay, Lord. 
 Edward I. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; Chron- 
 icles, 31, 76 ; Dickson ; Heminford ; 
 Edward II. Chronicles, 76 ; Hartshorne; 
 Heminford; Percy Soc., 82; Troke- 
 Edward III. Avesbury ; Barnes ; Chro- 
 nicles, 31 ; Gunner ; Heminford ; 
 Longman ; Seals, Med., 2. 
 Edward IV. Camden Soc., 1 ; Caxton 
 Soc., 8; Nicolas, Sir N. H. 
 Edward VI. Lee, F. G. ; Roxburghe 
 Club ; Turner, S. 
 Edward the Black Prince. Barnes; 
 Maclean, J. 
 Edward the Confessor. Chronicles. 3. 
 Edwards, E. Chronicles, 45 ; Willis, B. 
 Edwyn, St. Smith, H. E. 
 Egbert, Abp. Surtees Soc., 27. 
 Egerton, F. H. Euripides ; Sappho. 
 Egerton, Sir P. de M. Gr. Camden Soc., 
 Egerton Papers. Camden Soc., 12. 
 Eglinton. Bulkeley. 
 Eglinton MSS. Historical MSS. Com. 
 Egnatia Via. Tafel. 
 Egremont Castle. Jackson ; Knowles, E. 
 Egypt, Antiquities. Abbott ; Arundale ; 
 Dalton, R. ; Jomard ; Lenoir ; 
 Lepsius, R. ; Osburn ; Pettigrew ; 
 Visconti ; Witsius. 
 Architecture. Wilkinson, J. Gr. 
 Book of the Dead. Lepsius. 
 Christianity. Letronne. 
 Chronology. Lepsius. 
 Coins. British Museum. 
 Customs. Wilkinson, J. G-. 
 Discoveries. Grenfell, F. 
 Exploration. Wild, J. J. 
 Funerals. Schiaparelli. 
 History. Laughton ; Rawlinson ; 
 Inscriptions. Brugsch. 
 Literature. Seyffarth. 
 Monuments. Duemichen ; Glid- 
 don ; Leemans ; Records ; Rouge. 
 Pyramids. Greaves ; Persigny ; 
 Smyth, C. P. ; Yeat^s. 
 Saints. Jerome, St. 
 Travels. Denon ; Irby ; Lindsay, 
 Lord ; Roberts, D. ; Sandys, Gr. ; 
 Wilson, W. R. 
 Wells. Lenormant, C. ; Lenor- 
 mant, F. 
 Egyptian Lat. Diet. Tattam. 
 Egyptians. Alpinus ; Beke ; Caussinus 
 Jannelli ; Jomard ; Lenormant ; 
 Wilkinson ; Williams, J. 
 Eichstadt. Mayer. 
 Eikon Basilike. Todd. 
 Eilers, W. Chaucer Soc., 19. 
 Einenkel, E. Text Soc., 80. 
 Eirenseus Philalethes. Ripley, G-. 
 Elagabalus, M. A. A. Valseccai, V. 
 Eland. Parker, Gr. 
 Eldad. Carmoly. 
 Eldersfield. Wood. T. W. 
 Eldridge, R. Rice. 
 Eleanor, Queen. Abel. 
 Eleusis. Dilettanti. 
 Elford. Paget, F. E. 
 Elford Church. Richardson. 
 Elgin, Earl of. Hamilton. 
 Eliot, C. W. Harvard College. 
 Elis. Stanhope, J. S. 
 Elisabetta Farnese, of Parma. Appendix 
 Elizabeth, daughter of James I. Appen- 
 dix, 85, 86. 
 Elizabeth, a dramatic poem. D. F. S. 
 Elizabeth, Queen. Camden, W. ; Cam 
 den Soc., 7, 46 ; Chapman, J. H. ; 
 Lee, F. G. ; Lever, C. ; Low Coun- 
 tries ; Maitland Club ; Miscellanies 
 iii., 6 ; Nichols, J. ; Parker ; Revels ; 
 Scharf ; Turner, S. ; Winwood ; 
 Appendix 140, 152. 
 Elizabeth of York. Nicolas, Sir N. H. 
 Elizabeth Frederica Sophia, Dnchess of 
 Wurtemberg. Appendix, 98. 
 Ellacombe, H. T. Bells; Camden Soc., 
 N.S., x. 
 Ellesmere, Lord. Egerton ; Hakluyt 
 Soc., 15. 
 Elliotson. United States. 
 Ellis, A. J. Chaucer Soc., N. S., 1, 4, 5, 
 11 ; Text Soc., Ex. S., 2, 14, 23. 
 Ellis, A. S. Agbrigg. 
 Ellis, Sir H. Brand ; British Museum ; 
 Camden Soc. ; Cnedmon ; Chronicles, 
 13 ; Dugdale ; Oxenedes ; Record 
 Commission, 52. 
 Ellis, J. Fcnwick. 
 Ellis, W. and A. Backhouse. 
 Elloughton. Allen, J. 
 Ellring. Vossberg. 
 Elmer. Caxton Soc., 5. 
 Elmham, T. of. Chronicles, 8, 11. 
 Elmley Castle. Bennett. 
 Eloi, St. Delacourt. 
 Eloisa. Abeelard. 
 Elphinston, W. Hunterian Club, 41. 
 Elsing, H. Camden Soc., 103, N.S. 
 Elstob, E. English-Saxon Homily. 
 Elstow Church. Bloxam. 
 Eltham Palace. Buckler. 
 Elton See. Erdman. 
 Elveet. Walcott. 
 Elwes, J. Miscellanies iii., 2. 
 Elworthy, F. T. Dialect Soc. 
 Ely Cathedral. Bentham ; Cathedrals ; 
 Davis, W. ; Millers ; Stewart, D. J. ; 
 Ely Chapel. Murray. 
 Ely Palace, Holborn. Scott, Sir GK 
 Elzevirs. Berard, A. S. L. 
 Elzevir Family. Pieters. 
 Endlicher, S. Eichenfeld ; Vienna ; 
 En field. Robinson. 
 Engel, C. Science and Art Dept. 
 3 B 2 
 Engel, S. Ebulo. 
 England, Agriculture. Rogers, J. E. T. 
 Alien Priories. Nichols, J. 
 Antiquities. Grose ; Hodgetts, 
 J. F. ; Ives ; Scott, W.B. ; Strutt, 
 J. ; Worsaae. 
 Architecture. Bloxam ; Carter, 
 J. ; Clark, G-. T.; Parker; Pugin ; 
 Turner, T. H. 
 Armour. Lacombe. 
 Artists. Redgrave. 
 Ballads. Percy Soc., 8, 17. 
 Baronies. Madox. 
 Battles. Brooke, R. 
 Biographical History. Granger. 
 Bishops. Wharton, H. 
 Border History. Ridpath. 
 Border Laws. Nicholson, W. 
 Burial, etc. Hale, W. H. 
 Castles, etc. Castles ; Martin, 
 C. W. 
 Cathedrals. Architecture. 
 Cathedral Libraries. Botfield. 
 Celtic. Kerslake, T. 
 Chancellors. Campbell, J. 
 Charters. Taylor, E. ; Thorpe, B. 
 Chief Justices. Campbell, J. 
 Chronicles. Camden Soc., xi. ; 
 Caxton Soc., 2, 6; Chronicles ; 
 Fructus ; Gale, T. ; Hardyng ; 
 Heath, J. ; Holinshed ; Malmesbury ; 
 Michel, F. ; Sparke, J. ; Stow, J. ; 
 Strutt, J. ; Twysden, Sir R. 
 Church of. Harvey ; Lake ; 
 Lee, F. G. ; Maskell ; Simson. 
 Churches. Staveley. 
 Church History. Dodd. 
 Cities, etc. Madox. 
 Civil War. Ryves. 
 Coins. Hawkins, E. ; Snelling. 
 Constitution. De Lolme. 
 Constitutional History. Stubbs, 
 Constitutional Law. Bowyer, 
 Sir G. 
 Constitutions. Lyndewode. 
 Costume. Fairholt, F. W. 
 Strutt, J. 
 Crime. Pike. 
 Crown Lands. Lyndon. 
 Custom-Revenve. Hall, Hubert. 
 Description. Harrison ; Perlin ; 
 Puget de la Serre. 
 Description, 1588. Smith, W. 
 Dialects. Halliwell, 1847 ; Jen- 
 Drink. French, R.N. 
 Ecclesiatical Architecture. 
 Ecclesiatical History. Bede. 
 Fa i Hii 11 iff <>n/. Hotten. 
 Floods. Baker, E. E. 
 England, Folklore. Denliam Tracts, x. ; 
 Folk-Lore Soc. 
 Genealogies. Waters. 
 Government. Smith, Sir T. 
 Guide. Murray. 
 Half -Timbered Houses. Haber- 
 Heraldry. Dallaway. 
 Historical Portraits. Tomlin- 
 History, 1760-1820. Adolphus. 
 History. Brady, R. ; Brewer ; 
 Brussels, Acad. de ; Camden, W. ; 
 Camden Soc., 37, 82, 90, 98 ; Carte ; 
 Clarendon ; Dales ; Echard, L. ; Ellis, 
 H. ; Elton ; Freeman, E. A. ; Froude ; 
 Gardiner ; Green, J. R. ; Grimaldi ; 
 Historical Soc., 14, 15 ; History ; 
 Hume, D. ; Lappenberg ; Lingard ; 
 Longman, W. ; Macaulay, T. B. ; 
 Maseres ; Palgrave ; Rapin ; Roujoux; 
 Smollett ; Speed ; Stanhope ; Turner, 
 S. ; Tyrrell ; Vergil ; Wright, T. 
 Improvements. Yarranton. 
 . Index Expurgatorius. Hart,W. 
 Inventories. Surtees Soc., 2, 41. 
 Judges. FOBS. 
 Kings. Baker, Sir R. ; Ciren- 
 cester ; Cotton, R. ; Herdus. 
 Knights. Metcalfe, W. C. 
 -Lake Dwellings. Munro. 
 Laws. Bracton ; Coke ; Per- 
 kins, J. 
 Leases. Phillipps, 6. 
 Manner-s, etc. Thrupp. 
 Mansions. Nash, J. ; Richard- 
 Manuscripts. Catalogi ; Ste- 
 phens, G. 
 Map. Bodleian Library. 
 Map, 1794. Cary. 
 Maps. Ordnance Survey ; Sax- 
 Monasteries. Birch ; Dugdale ; 
 Moore, James ; Parkyns. 
 Monuments. Hunnewell, J. F. ; 
 Stephens, G. 
 Numismatic History. Jeffery. 
 Parliament. Beatson, R.; Civil 
 War Tracts, 15 ; Parliament ; Parry ; 
 Paupers. Poor. 
 Peerage. Banks, T. C. ; Collins ; 
 Courthope ; Dugdale ; Johnston ; Shir- 
 ley, E. P. ; Walkley. 
 Political Economy. Poll. 
 Popular Poetry, etc. Hazlitt. 
 Prcesules. Godwin. 
 Printers. Ames. 
 Queens. Green, V.; Strick- 
 England, Records. Smith, B. W. ; Record 
 Commiseion ; Record Office. 
 Reformation. Gorham ; Strype. 
 Revolution. Bates, G. 
 Roads. Britton ; Ogilby, J. 
 Roman Remains. Newcastle- 
 upon-Tyne, Soc. of Antiq. 
 Royal Armorial. Barrington, A. 
 Saxons. Kemble, J. M. 
 Sketches. Polts. 
 Slogans. Denham. 
 Social Grades. Boult. 
 Sovereigns of. Index Soc. 
 Standing Armies. Armies. 
 Sundries. Historical Tracts ; 
 Science and Art Dept. 
 Survey, 1731. Salmon. 
 Titles of Sovereigns. Index 
 Soc., 4. 
 Topography. Carlisle; Hotten; 
 Lambard, E. ; Lewis, S. ; Topogra- 
 phy ; Upcott. 
 Torture. Jardine, D. 
 Tour. Beaumont. 
 Towns. Freeman, E. A. ; Spel- 
 Hentzner ; Misson 
 Rye; Sorbiere; Walford, T. 
 Vale Royal. King, D. 
 Village Community. Seebohm 
 Wars. Lachauvelaye. 
 Watering Places. Blanchard. 
 Western Counties. Maton. 
 White Horses. Plendeiieath 
 W. C. 
 Worthies. Fuller. 
 Englefield, Sir H. C. Antiquaries, Soc 
 of, 30. 
 English . Also British. 
 English, Old. Stratmann ; Wright, T. 
 English Antiquities. Akerman. 
 English Bicknor. Maclean. 
 English Books. Stevens, H. 
 English Catalogue. Low, S. 
 English Catholic Nonjurors. Estcourt. 
 English Chronicle. Camden Soc., 64. 
 English Earthenware. Science and Ar 
 English Expositor. Arts. 
 English Literature. Allibone. 
 English Minsters. Walcott, M.E.C. 
 English Porcelain. Science and Art Dept 
 Enkhuisen. Brandt. 
 Enna. Gemmelaro. 
 Enstone, Oxfordshire. Jordan. 
 Entremont. Rouard. 
 Envermen. Cochet. 
 Envil. Hagley. 
 Eon de Beaumont. Telfer. 
 Ephesus. Akerman ; Dilettanti Soc. 
 Ephrsemius. Byrantine Historians, 28. 
 Epictetus. Theophrastus. 
 Epinsil Glossary. Sweet. 
 Epirus. Byzantine Historians, 32. 
 Epkema, E. Friesland. 
 Erdeven. Lukis. 
 Erdington. Sutton. 
 Erdy, J. Hungarian Books. 
 Eric, King. Molbech. 
 Eric XIV. Celsius. 
 Erith Church. Hovenden. 
 Erith G-uide. Summerley. 
 Ernest, Archduke of Austria. Appendix, 
 Erskine. Yida. 
 Erzeroum. Curzon. 
 Escurial, The. Santos. 
 Esquemeling, J. Bucaniers. 
 Ess, L. van. Phillipps, 18. 
 Essex, Antiquities. Suckling; Tymms. 
 Churches. Buckler. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Genealogies. Berry. 
 History. Morant ; Muilman ; Og- 
 borne ; Salmon ; Wright, T. 
 Tenures. Charnock. 
 - Visitations. Harleian Soc., 13, 14. 
 Essex Guide. Cambridgeshire ; Norfolk. 
 Essex, Earl of. Account; Civil War 
 Tracts, 1 ; Fuller Worthies' Library ; 
 Historical Tracts, C. 1-4. 
 Estienne, H. Infra : Stephanus. 
 Ethelwood. Chronicles, Six, etc. 
 Ethiopia. Hoskins ; Lepsius ; Wild. 
 Eton. Tighe. 
 Eton College. Lyte; Thackeray; Willis, R. 
 Etretat. Cochet. 
 Etruria, Antiquities. Ciampi ; Gorius ; 
 Architecture. Canina, L. 
 Cities, etc. Dennis. 
 Excavations. Des Vergers, N. 
 Regalia. Dempster. 
 Travels. B ?lt. 
 Etruscan Alphabet. Amaduzzi. 
 Etruscan Pillars. Gozzaclini, G. 
 Etruscan Statues. Gozzadini, G. 
 Etruscan Tomb. Gozzadini, G. 
 Etruscans. Amaduzzi. 
 Ettington. Shirley. 
 Eu. Cochet. 
 Eudes, King of France. Seals, Med. 5. 
 Eugenius Philalethes. Vaughan, T. 
 Euing, W. Maitland Club. 
 Eumathius. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Eunapius. Byzantine Historians, 7. 
 Euphrates. Chesney. 
 Eure. Le Prevost. ' 
 Euripides. Jodrell. 
 Europe, Antiquities. Troyon, F. 
 Arabic Philosophy. Stanhope. 
 Archaeology. Morlot. 
 Biography. Phillips, L. B. 
 Brasses. Creeny. 
 Europe, Civaism. Holmboe. 
 Condition, 1702-23. Mercure. 
 Dangers from France. Histori- 
 cal Tracts, G. 10. 
 Historical Geography. Freeman. 
 History. Puffendorf. 
 Mediaeval History. Hallain. 
 Tobacco Pipe in. Barber, E. A. 
 Travels. Smith, R. ; Thevenot. 
 Eustathius. Byzantine Historians, 30. 
 Kvagrius. Eusebius. 
 Evans, A. J. Oxford University, 1884. 
 Evans, J. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 1886. 
 Evans, M. C. Jones. Appleton. 
 Evans, R. H. Ballads ; Wright, T. 
 Evans, T. Ballads ; Powell. 
 Evelyn, J. Freart. 
 Everett, Edward. New England. 
 Evertszoon, U. A. Friesland. 
 Evesham. Halliwell-Phillipps ; May ; 
 Rudge ; Tindal. 
 Evesham, Monk of. Arber, 18 ; Richard 
 Evesham Abbey. Chronicles, 29. 
 Evington. Hill, J. H. 
 Evoli, C. d'. Historical Papers, 53. 
 Evrecy. Charma. 
 Evreux. Le Prevost. 
 Ewelme. Napier. 
 Ewhurst. Harrison. 
 Ewing, W. C. Woodward, S. 
 Exchequer. Madox. 
 Exeter, Antiquities. Izacke. 
 . Diocese. Willis. 
 Heraldry. Colby. 
 History. Jenkins, A. ; Oliver, G. 
 Inns. Dymond. 
 Mint. Bergne. 
 Monasteries. Oliver, G. 
 Exeter Cathedral. Antiquaries, Soc. of; 
 Britton, J. ; Cathedrals ; Hewett, 
 J. W. ; Oliver; Radford, W. T. A. ; 
 Warren, F. E. 
 Exeter College, Oxford. Boase. 
 Eyndius, J. Smallegange. 
 Eynesbury. Gorhaui. 
 F. J. Agrippa, H. C. 
 Fnber, B. Gesner. 
 Fabert, A. Appendix, 57. 
 Fabius Severas. Zumpt. 
 Fairfax, Lord. Civil War Tracts, 2, 9, 10, 
 12, 14, 17. 
 Fairford Church. Joyce; Russell. 
 Fairford Graves. Wylie. 
 Fairholt, F. W. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; 
 Lilly ; Percy Soc., 38, 43, 61, 65, 71, 
 81, 90; Wright, T. Appendix, 3, 
 Falconer, T. Dalmahoy ; Hanno. 
 Falconet. Took. 
 Falkener, E. Henzen. 
 Falkland, Viscount. Fuller Worthies' 
 Falmouth, Countess of. Steinman. 
 Falmouth Harbour. James, Sir H. 
 Falstaff. Halliwell; Bobbers. 
 Fantosme, J. Surtees Soc., 11. 
 Faria, F. de. Trials, 4. 
 Farington. Chetham Soc., 39. 
 Farleigh-Hungerford. Jackson, J. E. 
 Farmer, Dr. Chetham Soc., 89, 90. 
 Farney. Shirley. 
 Farnham. Milford. 
 Farnley Hall. Yorksh. Archseol. Soc. 
 Farquhar. Wycherley. 
 Farr, E. Wither. 
 Farrar, E. H. Index Soc, 
 Faussett. Smith, C. E. 
 Faversbam, Antiquities. Science and Art 
 Dept., 1871 ; Smith, C. E. 
 History. Jacob. 
 Witches. Trials, 1837. 
 Faversham Abbey. Lewis. 
 Faversham Church. Willement. 
 Faversham Monastery. Southouse. 
 Febure, Madame. Soultrait. 
 Feddal. Burden. 
 Fejervary Collection. Henszlmann. 
 Felixstow. Ipswich. 
 Fella, T. Launce. 
 Felsinean Necropolis. Q-ozzadini, Q-. 
 Feltham, J. Manx Soc., 6, 14. 
 Felton, C. C. Harvard College. 
 Fenger, E. T. Pedersen. 
 Fenn, J. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; Paston 
 Fennell, C. A. M. Michaelis. 
 Fenwick, J. Historical Papers, 3. 47; 
 Fenwick Family. Denham Tracts, .xii. 
 Ferdinand II., Duke of Tuscany. Ap- 
 pendix, 87, 88. 
 Ferdinand III. Appendix, 22. 
 Ferdinand VI. Appendix, 125. 
 Ferdinand, Infante of Spain. Appendix, 
 Ferdinand, King of the Eomans. Ap- 
 pendix, 132. 
 Ferdinand of Austria. Appendix, 62, 63. 
 Ferdinand of Sicily. Schiavo. 
 Ferguson, E. S. Cumberland and Westm. 
 Ant. and Arch. Soc. 
 Fergusson, J. Bonney, T. G. 
 Fermoy. Todd, J. H. 
 Fernelius, J. Eiverius. 
 Ferrey, B. E. Walcott. 
 Ferriby. Allen, J. 
 Ferris, E. Collier, J. P. 
 Ferschweiler. Bone. 
 Festus. Verrius Flaccus. 
 Fetherston, J. Harleian Soc., ii. vii., xii. ; 
 Ficino, M. Plato. 
 Field, B. Shakespeare Soc., 4, 5. 
 Fielder, E. Chaucer. 
 Fieschi, J. L. de, Count. Mascardi. 
 Figgins, V. Caxton. 
 Figrelius. Maderus. 
 Filey. Cole; Poole. 
 Finaly, H. Transylvanian Museum. 
 Fin Barre, St. Caulfield. 
 Finchale Priory. Surtees Soc., 6. 
 Fingal Battlefields. Campbell, H. 
 Fingal's Cave. Whitehouse. 
 Fingall MSS. Historical MSS. Comm. 
 Finland. Idman ; Sjogren. 
 Finnish Antiquities. Aspelin. 
 Finzia. Calcagni. 
 Firdusi. Weston. 
 Firmin, Gr. Dean. 
 Fish, S. Arber ; Text Soc., Ex. S., 13. 
 Fisher, J. Text Soc., Ex. S., 27. 
 Fisher, Payne. London, City of, 1885; 
 St. Paul's Cathedral. 
 Fishwick, C. Eecord Soc., xi. 
 Fishwick, H. Chetham Soc., 92, 104, 
 105 ; Eecord Soc., i., x., xii. 
 Fitch, E. Norfolk. 
 Fitz-Ailward Family. Ormerod. 
 Fitz Alan, H., Earl of Arundel. Nichols, 
 J. Gr. 
 Pitz-Alan Family. Eyton. 
 Fitzgerald, Gr. E. Trials. 
 Fitz-Harris, E. Historical Papers, 17, 
 27 ; Trials, 6, 7. 
 Fitzherbert, E. H. Cambridge Prize 
 Fitzherbert, W. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Fitz-Simon Family. Eraser. 
 Fitz Stephen, W. Sporke, J. ; Stow, J. 
 Fitz-Warine. Warton Club. 
 Flaocus, Ale. Gale, T. 
 Flaccus, M. Verrius. Festus. 
 Flamsteed, J. Baily, F. ; Whewell. 
 Flanders, Antiquities, etc. De 1'Es- 
 Campaign, 1708. Deane, J. 
 Coins. Den Duyts ; Gaillard. 
 Counts of. Busscher. 
 Genealogies. Dhont ; Martin, 
 History, etc. Brussels, Acade- 
 mic, etc. ; Delepierre ; Historical 
 Tracts, G. 9 ; Le Grand de Een- 
 lan'dt ; Sanderus ; Vredius ; Warn- 
 koenig ; Weale. 
 Marine. Coussemaker. 
 Painting. Dehaisnes. 
 Flaxman, J. Eoyal Academy. 
 Flaxwell. Trollope. 
 Flechier, S. Cabinet du Eoi. 
 Fleckney. Hill, J. H. 
 Fleet. Burman. 
 Fleming, Sir D. Cumberland and Westm. 
 Antiq. and Arch. Soc. 
 Fleming Family. Betham. 
 Fletcher, C. E. L. Oxford Hist. Soc. 
 Fletcher, F. Hakluyt Soc., 16. 
 Fletcher, G. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Fletcher, J. S. Chetharn Soc., 108. 
 Fletcher, W. J. Poole, W. F. 
 Fletcher Family. Waters. 
 Fleury, Abbe. Tracts, B. 6. 
 Florence. Bibliotheca Riccardiana. 
 Ethiopian Cross. Lasteyrie. 
 History. Malespini. 
 Signory. Egerton. 
 Florence of Worcester. Historical Soc., 
 13 ; Westminster. 
 Florida. Hakluyt Soc., 9. 
 Florio. J. Torriano. 
 Flower, M. and P. Wonderful Dis- 
 Flower, W. Chetham Soc., 81. 
 Foix, F. de. Hermes. 
 Folkes, M. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Folkestone. Sandgate ; Summerley. 
 Fonnereau, T. G-. O., H. E. 
 Fontaine, P. F. L. Percier, C. 
 Fontainebleau. Champollion. 
 Fontanella. Eoessler. 
 Fontcneau, D. L' Quest ; Poitiers. 
 Fontenelle. Charma. 
 Fontenelle Abbey. Langlois. 
 Fontevrand. Marchegay. 
 Fonthill Abbey. Nicholls. 
 Fontrailles, . Montresor. 
 Foppens, J. F. Keiffenberg. 
 Forcella, H. Numismatic Tracts, 3. 
 Forcellini. Facciolati. 
 Ford, Argyllshire. Allen, J. R. 
 Ford, J. Massinger ; Shakespeare Soc., 
 Fordun, J. Gale, T. 
 Forrest, Sir W. Eoxburghe Club ; Text 
 Soc., 32. 
 Forshall, J. British Museum. 
 Forster, E. Anacreon. 
 Forster, J. Gr. A. Lomonossof. 
 Forster, J. E. Kalm ; Eiedesel, Baron. 
 Forster, S. A. Sandys. 
 Forster Collection. Science and Art Dept. 
 Forsyth, W. Victoria Institute, 2. 
 Fortescue, Sir J. Clermont. 
 Fortescue Family. Clermont. 
 Fortesciie Papers. Camden Soc., N. S. 1. 
 Forth Barony. Poole, J. 
 Fortnum, C. D. E. Science and Art Dept. 
 Fortoul, H. Danse. 
 Fort Popham. Thornton. 
 Fort St. George. Taylor, W. 
 Forum Eomanum. Nichols, F. M. 
 Foster, J. Bellasis ; Burnet, G. 
 Foster, J. E. Osbeck. 
 Foster Family. Green. 
 Fothergill, G. Lettsom. 
 Fothergill, S. Crosfield. 
 Founders' Company. Williams. 
 Foundling Hospital. Brownlow. 
 Fountains Abbey. Barber ; Eipon ; Sur- 
 tees Soc., 42, 67. 
 Four Sons of Aymon. Aymon. 
 Fowler. Crawford. 
 Fowler, J. T. Surtees Soc., lxiv.,lxvi., Ixxiv. 
 Fox, C. Tickell, E. 
 Fox, W. J. Queen Caroline, Tracts, A. 
 ii., 13. 
 Foxton. Hill, J. H. 
 Fraguier, Abbe. Tracts, B. 4. 
 Framlingham Castle. Phipson. 
 France, Antiquities. Frcehner ; Lewis, 
 B.; Millin. 
 Archaeology. Caumont. 
 Architecture. Caumont ; Ee- 
 voil ; Verneilh. 
 Armorial. La Eoque. 
 Arts. Green, V. 
 Capitularia. Baiuzius. 
 Charities. Lawrence, W. E. 
 Chateaux. Petit. 
 Chronicles. Buchon. 
 Coins. Akerman. 
 Condition, 950-1050. Eoy. 
 Dignities. Le Feron. 
 Ecclesiastical History. Gallia j 
 Ethnology. Maury. 
 Faneaux. Westropp. 
 Genealogies. Imhoff. 
 Geography. Duval, P. 
 Grand Coutumier. Delisle, L. 
 Historical Bibliography. Le- 
 History. Bordier, H. ; Bouquet ; 
 Documents ; Froissart ; Gairdner, 
 J. ; Historical Tracts, G. 9 r 10, H. 3 ; 
 Mezeray ; Peacock ; Wraxall. 
 Palaces, etc. Sauyageot. 
 Patois. Champollion. 
 Researches. Pasquier. 
 Revolution. Burke, E. ; Dillon, 
 J. T. 
 Runes. Worsaae. 
 Sketching Tour. Picton, J. A. 
 Topography. Desnoyers. 
 Tour. Barton, J. *A, ; Steven- 
 son, S. W. ; Weatherhead ; Weston. 
 Travels. Beaumont, A. ; Hentz- 
 ner; Millin. 
 Wars. Chronicles, 22. 
 Frances, St., of Eome. Capes. 
 Francis de' Medici. Appendix, 83. 
 Francis, Duke of Anjou. Appendix, 50- 
 Francis I., of France. Documents, 25 ; 
 Appendix, 37. 
 Francis II., of France. Documents, 14 ; 
 Appendix, 47. 
 Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine. Ap- 
 pendix, 119, ii. 
 Francis, G. G. Baker; Bliss; Swansea. 
 Francis, Mrs. Dialect Soc. 
 Franciscans. Chronicles, 4. 
 Francisci, N. Morand. 
 Francolin, H. V. Appendix, 132. 
 Frankfort. Kirchner ; Phillipps, 17 ; Ap- 
 pendix, 173. 
 Franklin, B. Boston, U.S. ; Green, S. A.; 
 Stevens, H. ; Winthrop. 
 Franklin County, N.Y. Hough. 
 Franks. Howorth. 
 Franks, A. W. British Museum ; Horse 
 Ferales ; Kemble ; Science and Art 
 Dept. ; Topographical Prints. 
 Franque d'Oyes. De Baye. 
 Franzius, J. G. F. Scriptores Physiogno- 
 Fraser, W. Grampian Club. 
 Fraser, Sir W. A. Morar. 
 Fraunce, A. Pembroke. 
 Frederic, S. M. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Frederioa Sophia, of Prussia. Appendix, 
 38, iii. 
 Frederick I. Schertz. 
 Frederick II. Gillies. 
 Frederick III. Historical Tracts, A. 3 ; 
 Appendix, 28. 
 Frederick V., Count Palatine. Appendix, 
 85, 86. 
 Frederick YI. Magnusen. 
 Frederick, Prince of Wurtemberg. Ap- 
 pendix, 100. 
 Frederick Augustus, of Poland. Appen- 
 dix, 119. 
 Frederick Charles, of Prussia. .Chambers, 
 C. H. 
 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange. Ap- 
 pendix, 109. 
 Freeman, E. A. Jones, W. B. 
 Fregus. Abbotsford Club, 1841. 
 Freiburg. Bonstetten. 
 Fremont, J. C. Richardson. 
 French, G. J. Chetham Soc., xxxviii. 
 French Family. D'Alton, J. 
 French Glossary. Laborde, L. de. 
 French Nobility. Delisle. 
 French Pottery. Science and Art Dept. 
 French Wars. Lachauvelaye. 
 Frere, J. H. Aristophanes. 
 Freshfield, E. Union, etc. 
 Fretton, W. G. Sharp. 
 Friederich, E. Batavw. 
 Friedmann, P. Michiel. 
 Frisby. Hill, J. H. 
 Frisia. Hartmannus. 
 Frithiof. Tegner. 
 Fritton. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. Soc. 
 Frobisher, M. Hakluyt Soc., 38. 
 Frognall, T. F. Ames' J. 
 Froissart, J. France, Soc. de 1'Hist. 
 Frome. Evans, J. 
 Frontenac, Count. Parkman. 
 Frontinus. Yitruvius ; War. 
 Froome-Selwood. Cuzner. 
 Frost, J. Guelphic Order. 
 Frye, W. E. (EhlenschlaBger. 
 Frysell Family. Fraser. 
 Fucino, Lake. Eotrou ; Torlonia, Prince. 
 Fulda. Fabricius. 
 Fulliam. Faulkner. 
 Fuller, Dr. Civil War Tracts, 2. 
 Fuller, T. Kussell, A. T. 
 Fullerton, Lady G. Capes. 
 Funnidos, Rigdum. Cruikshank. 
 Furley, J. St. John of Jerusalem. 
 Furness, Antiquities. West, T. 
 Furness Abbey. Barber; Beck; Fletcher. 
 Furriivall, F. J. Chaucer Soc. ; Harrison, 
 Percy ; Text Soc. ; Warton. 
 Fuseli. Barry, . 
 Fussell, J. G. C. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Fysher, E. Bodleian Library. 
 G. C. Historical Tracts, 2. 
 G., J. Y. Appendix, 4. 
 Gabalis, Comte de. Yillars. 
 Gabrias. .JLsop. 
 Gabriel, E. B. Miscellanies, iii., iv., v. 
 Gachard. Belgium; Brussels, Academic. 
 Gachet, E. Gauves. 
 Gadbury. Ephemerides. 
 Gael, The. Betham. 
 Gaeta. Porrino. 
 Gage, Capt. Ferguson. 
 Gailliard, E. Bruges. 
 Gailliard, J. Flanders. 
 Gaimar. Caxton Soc., 9. 
 Gainford. Walbron. 
 Gainsborough. Peacock ; Shum ; Stark. 
 Gairdner, J. Camden Soc., N.S., xvii., 
 xxviii; Chronicles, 10, 23, 24; 
 Henry VII. ; Paston Letters ; Re- 
 cord Office, 52, 53 ; Richard III. 
 Gaisford, T. Poeta3 Minores Grseci. 
 Galby. Hill, J. A. 
 Gale, E. Antoninus. 
 Gale, E. and S. Surtees Soc.,lxxiii. 
 Gale, T. Antoninus. 
 Galfredus. Caxton Soc., 1, 6. 
 Galiani, B. Yitruvius. 
 Gallas. Beke. 
 Galles, L. Cusse. 
 Gallia. Sincerus. 
 Gallo-Eoman Inscription. Eobert, P. C. 
 Gallo-Roman Talisman. Plicque, A. E. 
 Galloway. Ritson. 
 Galvano. Hakluyt Soc., 30. 
 Gal way. Irish Arch. Soc., 5. 
 Galway MSS. Historical MSS. Comm. 
 Gama, V. da. Hakluyt Soc., 38. 
 Gamlyn Family. Genealogist. 
 Ganclon, J. Campbell, C. 
 Gandy, J. P, Gell. 
 Gard. Baumefort ; Durant, S. 
 Garcia. Orti. 
 Garden, A. Hunterian Club, 41 ; Lundie. 
 Gardiner, S. R. Camden Soc. 
 Gardner, P. British Museum. 
 Gargilius. Scriptores Rei Rusticae. 
 Gargiulo, R. Trattati, 1. 
 Garioch Family. Davidson. 
 Garland, R. Winkles. 
 Gamier, E. Science and Art Department. 
 Gamier de Pont Sainte Maxence. Hip- 
 Garstang. Chetham Soc., 104, 105. 
 Gartree. HiU, J. H. 
 Gascoigne, G. Arber. 
 Gask. Grampian Club ; Oliphant, T. L. K. 
 Gasnault, P. Science and. Art Depart- 
 Gaspard. Documents, 7. 
 Gass. Gembloux. 
 Gastaldi, R. Anthropological Soc. 
 Gastrell, Bishop. Chetham Soc., viii. 
 Gateshead. Oliver, T. 
 Gatton. Palgrave, R. F. D. 
 Gatty, A. Hunter, J. 
 Qatar, C. T. Liverpool Free Public 
 Library ; Mayer, J. 
 Gauden, Bishop. Todd. 
 Gaufridus de Coldingham. Surtees Soc., 9. 
 Gaul, Antiquities. Pownall, T. 
 Peerage, De Bevy. 
 History. Thierry. 
 Inscriptions. Garrucci. 
 Medals. Lagoy. 
 Notice. D'Anville. 
 Numismatics. De la Saussaye. 
 Vocabulary. Monti. 
 Gauls. De Bay'e, J. 
 Gavan, J. Historical Papers, 3 ; Trials. 
 Gawdy MSS. Historical MSS. Comm. 
 Gayangos, P. de. Hakluyt Soc., 40 ; Re- 
 cord Office, 45, 46. 
 Gayot de Pitaval. Trials, Causes, etc. 
 Geliot, L. Palliot. 
 Gell, J. Manx Soc., 12. 
 Gelre. Klemme. 
 Genesius. Byzantine Historians, 12. 
 Genet. Celsius ; Idman. 
 Geneva, Architecture. Blavignao. 
 English at. Burn, J. S. 
 Geneva Award. Richardson, W. A. 
 Geneva Cathedral. Blavignac. 
 Genin. Documents, 7, 32. 
 Genoa, Coins. Longperier, A. de. 
 Palaces. Rubens. 
 Genoa Cathedral. Varni. 
 Genoa, Porta di 8. Andrea. Parodi, F. M. 
 Gentlemen's Society. Spalding. 
 Geoffrey, Bishop of St. David's. Way. 
 Geoffrey, of Monmouth. Chronicles, Six, 
 Geological Society. Hall. 
 George I. Parliament. 
 George II. Parliament ; Appendix, 32, 33. 
 George III. Assassination ; England ; 
 George IV. Appendix, 43, 81, 82. 
 George, Arian Bishop. Hogg. 
 George of Denmark, Prince. Poems, 26. 
 George II., of Hesse. Appendix, 111. 
 George, St. Hogg. 
 George, St., of Cappadocia. Heurlin. 
 Georgius Monachus. Byzantine His- 
 torians, 22. 
 Geraldine Documents. Hayman. 
 Gerard, Baron. Paillet. 
 Gerardo, F. Valentine. 
 Gcrards, M. Bruges. 
 Geraud. Documents, 1. 
 Geraza. Excursion. 
 Gerhard, E. Witte. 
 Gerhard, O. Rome, Instituto di Corresp 
 Gerlach, F. D. Sallustius. 
 Germany, Antiquities. Raymond. 
 Art. Fortoul. 
 Buildings. Heideloff. 
 Celtic Tombs. Ring. 
 Churches. Webb, B. 
 Guide. Schreiber, H. 
 Heraldry. Menestrier. 
 Military Architecture. Hoch- 
 Pragmatic Sanction. 
 Relations ivith England, 1618 
 20. Camden Soc., 90, 98. 
 Topography. Bucelinus. 
 Tour. Russell, J. F. 
 Travels. Hentzner ; Nugent. 
 Gerolstein. Bracht. 
 Gerson, J. Reynolds. 
 Gervase. Chronicles, 73 ; Twysden. 
 Gerville. Delisle. 
 Gesenius. Yates. 
 Gesner, J. M. Scriptores Rei Rusticce. 
 GeyS, Elek P. Hungarian Books. 
 Ghain Sielem. Caruana. 
 Ghazna. Kitab. 
 Ghazni. Thomas, E. 
 Gheriental-Liebru. Caruana. 
 Ghildoff. Warnkoenig. 
 Gliirlandaio, D. Arundel Soc. 
 Ghistelles, Sires de. Flanders. 
 Ghost and the Quakers. Edmonton. 
 Giant's Causeway. Wright. 
 Gihbins. Political Tracts, 14. 
 Gibbon, J. Heylyn. 
 Gibbs, H. H. Text Soc., Ex. S., 6. 
 Gibbs, W. Science and Art Depart- 
 Gibraltar. Carter, F. 
 Gibson, E. Camden, W. ; Saxon Chro- 
 nicle ; Spelman. 
 Gibson, J. H. Liverpool Numismatic 
 Gifford, G. Percy Soc., 24. 
 Gifford, H. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Gifford, W. Jonson, B. 
 Gilbert, D. Carols ; Jordan ; Keigwin. 
 Gilbert, J. F. Irish Academy. 
 Gilbert, J. T. Chronicles, 53, 80 j Na- 
 tional MSS. 
 Gilohrist. Corbet, E. 
 Gildas. Chronicles, Six, etc. ; Gale, T. j 
 Historical Soc., 3. 
 Gilclea, Captain. St. John of Jerusalem. 
 Giles, J. A. Arnulph; Bede ; Caxton 
 Soc. ; Chronicles, Six, etc. ; Malmes- 
 Gill, G. J. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Gill, W. Manx Soc., 2, 1 3. 
 Gilliodts van Severen, L. Bruges. 
 Gillray, J. Wright, T. 
 Gilpin, E. Cumberland and Westm. Ant. 
 and Arch. Soc. 
 Gilpin, W. Cumberland and Westm. 
 Ant. and Arch. Soc. 
 Gilsland. Clanny ; Ferguson ; Jefferys. 
 Giotto. Arundel Soc. ; Trattati, 2. 
 Gipsies. Simson. 
 Giraldi, G. Appendix, 105. 
 Giraldus. Celtic Soc., 2 ; Chronicles, 21. 
 Girard, J. B. Trials, J. 
 Giraud, M. Appendix, 148. 
 Giry, A. Morinie. 
 Giusti, Counts. Orti. 
 Gizeh. Agnew ; Petrie, W. M. F. 
 Gladstone, W. E. Schliemann ; Smee. 
 Glamorgan Pedigrees. Clark, G. T. 
 Glamorganshire, Antiquities. Phillipps, 7. 
 - Archeology. Cambrian 
 Archaeological Association. 
 Genealogies. Clark, G. T. 
 History. James, J. H. 
 Ironmasters. Llewellin. 
 Pedigrees. Phillipps, 7, 8. 
 Glanville, J. Camden Soc., 32. 
 Gla e gow, Memorabilia. Smith, John. 
 Glasgow Cathedral. Wilson, C. H. 
 Glasgow Diocese, Mental Book. Gram- 
 pian Club. 
 Glasgow Guide. Baird. 
 Glasgow Libraries. Mason, T. 
 Glastonbury. Domerham ; Hearne ; 
 Glastonburv Abbey. Eoxburghe Club : 
 Glen, W. C. Nuisances. 
 Glendower, Owen. Jones, M. C. 
 Glenn. Hill, J. H. 
 Glennie, J. S. S. Text Soc., 36. 
 Glooston. Hill, J. H. 
 Gloucester, Archceology. Archaeological 
 Association ; Witts. 
 Architectural History. 
 Clarke, J. 
 Fragments. Earle. 
 History. Fosbrooke ; Eudge. 
 Gloucester Cathedral. Antiquaries, Soc. 
 of; Britton, J.; Cathedrals ; Haines ; 
 Gloucester Guide. Power. 
 Gloucester Museum. Archaeological In- 
 Gloucestershire, Aid, 1346. Maclean, J. 
 Ancient Camps. Playne. 
 Antiquities. Lysons. 
 Sells. Ellacombe. 
 Chantries. Maclean, J. 
 Chantry Certificates. 
 Maclean, Y. 
 Collectanea. Phelps. 
 Crosses. Pooley. 
 Dialect. Huntley. 
 Domesday. Domesday 
 History. Atkyns ; Dyde ; 
 Fosbrooke ; Eudder. 
 Visitation, 1623. 
 leian Soc., xxi. 
 - Visitation, 
 1682. Fen- 
 Gloucestershire Archaeological Soc. 
 Glover, J. Chronicles, 42 ; Shakespeare, 
 Glover, E. Foster. 
 Glover's Eoll. Armytage. 
 Glyca. Byzantine Historians, 16. 
 Goadby. Hill, J. H. 
 Godalming Church. Heales. 
 Godefroy, T. Appendix, 5. 
 Godfrey, Sir E. Green, E.; Historical 
 Papers, 9; Historical Tracts, B. 8. 
 Godfrey of Bouillon. Hody. 
 Godmanchester. Fox. 
 Godolpbin, Mrs. Evelyn. 
 Godric, St. Surtees Soc., 20. 
 Goffinet, H. Brussels, Academie, etc., 
 Golant. Eashleigh, E. W. 
 Goldcliff. Monmouthsh. and C. A. A. 
 Gomart, C. De La Fons. 
 Gomme, G. L. Gentleman's Mag. ; Index 
 Soc., 3. 
 Gondi. Corbinelli. 
 Gonesse. Delisle. 
 Gonzalez de Clavijo. Ilakluyt Soc., 26. 
 Goodrich Court. Fosbroke. 
 Goodwin, C. W. Chabas. 
 Goodwin, J. Percj Soc., 50. 
 Googe, B. Hope. 
 Goosnargh Chapelry. Fishwick. 
 Gordon, J. Surtees Soc., 3. 
 Gordon, J. F. S. Shaw. 
 Gordon Percel, Count. Lenglet. 
 Gore Family. Prince Soc. 
 Gorges, Sir F. Brown, F. 
 Gori, F. Rome Brit. Arch. Soc. 
 Gorius, A. F. Donius. 
 Gorleston. Palmer. 
 Gorton. Chetkain Soc., xxxviii. ; Fremin- 
 Gorzano. Coppi, F. 
 Gosche, R. Morgenlandische Gesellschaft. 
 Gosforth. Parker, C. A. 
 Goslinga, S. van. Friesland. 
 Goss, A. Chetham Soc., 61. 
 Goss, Dr. Manx Soc., 22, 23. 
 Gosson, S. Arber ; Shakespeare Soc,, 15. 
 Gotha. Paulus. 
 Gotham. Tales. 
 Gothland. Bergman ; Brunius, C. G. ; 
 Cramer ; Westrom. 
 Gothofredus. Corpus Juris Civilis. 
 Gottfridus, O. Philostratus. 
 Gottfried von Strassburg. Bechstein. 
 Goudie, G. Orkneyinga Saga. 
 Gough, R. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; 
 Bodleian Library ; Camden, W. ; 
 Gibson, K.; Perlin ; Puget de la Serre. 
 Goulburn, F. A. Cambridge Prize 
 Gould Family. Boddington. 
 Gower, G. Dialect Soc. ; Harleian Soc., 
 i., iv. 
 Gower, J. Todd. 
 Gower Survey. Baker, C. 
 Gowrie, Wilfiam, Earl of. Bruce. 
 Gozo. Marmora. 
 Grabe, J. E. Bible, O. T., Or. 
 Grace, J. Irish Arch. Soc., 2. 
 Grace, Sheffield. Nithsdale. 
 Grace Family. Hall, S. 
 Grace Mausoleum. Mason. 
 Grseslid. Stenersen. 
 Grsevius, J. G. Callimachus ; Hesiod ; 
 Graham, of Claverhouse. Napier. 
 Grampian Hill. Miller, Lieut.-Col. 
 Grand-Halleux. Piot. 
 Grandisson, J. de, Bishop. Reynolds. 
 Grand Maison, C. Migne. 
 Granius Licinianus. Hogg. 
 Grantham. Tumor. 
 Granvelle, Card. Bruxelles, Acad. de ; 
 Documents, 17. 
 Granville, Dean. Surtees Soc., 37, 47. 
 Granville, G. Loch, J. 
 Grapheus, C. S. Magnus, O. 
 Grutianus. Casa. 
 Gravelines. Bertrand ; Malais. 
 Graverol. Sorbiere. 
 Graves, J. Chronicles, 69 ; Geraldine 
 Documents ; Hay man. 
 Gravesend. Cruden ; Hart. 
 Gravius, J. Foster, S. 
 Gray, W., Archbishop of York. Surtees 
 Soc., 56. 
 Gray's Cliff. Warwick Castle. 
 Gray's Inn. Douthwaite ; Horwood. 
 Great Barr. Sutton. 
 Great Bealings. Moor. 
 Great Bo wden Hill, J. H. 
 Great Britain, Antiquities^ Brand ; Brit- 
 ton ; Evans ; Malcolm, D. ; Stukeley. 
 Architecture. Pap worth. 
 Archives. Portugal. 
 Castles, etc. Moore, J. 
 Celebrities. Lodge, E. 
 - Census, 1851. Cheshire, 
 Chronicles. Chronicles. 
 Churches. Neale, J. P. 
 Coins. Thorburn. 
 Commerce. Moreau. 
 Ecclesiastical Documents. 
 Fallow Deer. Brooke, 
 Feudal Property. Dai- 
 ry rnple. 
 Gold Socks. 
 Moule ; Papworth, J. W. 
 Historical Portraits. 
 Smith, J. R. 
 History. Andrews ; Beat- 
 son, R. ; Hearne ; Henry, R. ; Mac- 
 pherson, J. j Major; Speed ; Turner, 
 Literature. Graham, J. 
 Marbles. Michaelis. 
 Metals. Piggot. 
 Monuments. Stothard. 
 Mosaic Pavement. Fowler, 
 Records. Cooper, C. P. 
 Record Commission, Record Office. 
 Representative History. 
 O'Byrne ; Oldfield, T. II. B. 
 Scriptores. Baleus. 
 las, James. 
 Sepulchral History. Doug- 
 Tobens. Boyne, W. 
 Topography. Gough ; Ly- 
 sons, D. 
 Tour. Gray. 
 Great Cressingham. Chandler, H. W. 
 Great Dunraow. Scott. 
 Great Easlon. Hill, J. fl. 
 G-reat Exhibition, 1851. Hunt. 
 Great G-reenford Church. Heales. 
 Great Grimsby. Oliver. 
 Great Haesley. Weare. 
 Great Harrowden. Sharp. 
 Great Malvern. Thomas. 
 Great Malvern Friory. Card. 
 Great Sandal Church. Fowler. 
 Great Tew. Oxfordshire Arch. Soc. 
 Great Totham. Johnson, G. W. 
 Great Western Railway. Meason. 
 G-reat Yarmouth. Palmer, C. J. 
 Greaves, Mr. Sestos. 
 Greece, Antiquities. Dalton, E. 
 Arts. D'Hancarville. 
 Chronology. Clinton. 
 Coins. British. Museum ; Weston. 
 Description. Cramer, J. A. 
 History. Finlay ; Mitford, W. ; 
 Manners. St. John, J. A. 
 Mythology. Gerhard. 
 Greek Epigrams. Anthologia. 
 Greek Sculpture. Murray, A. S. 
 Greek Temples. Ferguson, J. 
 Greeks. Albani; Blackie, J. S. ; Cuvil- 
 lers; Hospinianus; Lenormant ; Pa- 
 Green, E. Green, S. A. ; Jessopp ; Lar- 
 ken, A. S. ; Lyte. 
 Green, M. A. E. Brown 
 66 ; Record Office : 
 Green, P. Green, S. A. 
 Green, S. A. Grant, R. ; Groton 
 vard College. 
 Green, Family of. Green, S. A. 
 Greene, Robert. Arber. 
 Greenland. Hakluyt Soc., 18; 
 nusen ; Northern Antiquaries ; Rafn. 
 Greenlanders. Esquimaux. 
 Greenstreet, J. Lincolnshire Survey. 
 Greenwell, W. Surtees Soc., 25, 27, 32, 
 38, 58. 
 Greenwich. Richardson ; Shoberl. 
 Greenwich Hospital. Cook, J. 
 Greenwood, B. Trials, M. 2, 3. 
 Gregor, W. Scotland, North East. 
 Gregory I. Welin. 
 Gregory XIII. Scott, L. A. 
 Gregory, D. Euclid. 
 Gregory, J. Episcopus. 
 Gregory, W. Camden Soc., N.S., xvii. 
 Grenoble. Gembloux. 
 Gresham, Sir T. Burgon. 
 Gresham College. Blencowe ; Grew ; 
 Gresham Family. Gower, G. L. 
 Greville Family. Edmondson. 
 Grey, Lord. Camden Soc., 40 ; Young. 
 Grey, Z. Butler. 
 Grey Friars, London. Camden Soc. 53. 
 Camden Soc., 
 State Paper 
 Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh. Brown, 
 Grey Friars Monastery, Salisbury. Ste- 
 vens, E. T. 
 Griffiths, J. Lenoir. 
 Grimald. Arber. 
 Grimston, E. Hakluyt Soc., 60, 61 ; 
 Grimm. Ballads. 
 Grindal, E. Strype, xix. 
 Gristhorpe. Williamson. 
 Grittleton. Jackson ; Wiltshire. 
 Grondal, B. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Gronovius, A. Mela. 
 Gronovius, J. Agostini ; Livius, T. 
 Grosart, A. B. Andrews, J. ; Bacon; 
 Bale ; Barksted ; Baxter ; Beaumont ; 
 Brooke ; Camden Soc., 32 ; Chetham 
 Soc., 89, 90 ; Crashaw ; Davies ; 
 Donne; Dyer, Sir E. ; Essex; Falk- 
 land ; Fletcher ; Fuller Worthies' 
 Library ; Giflbrd ; Herbert ; Inter- 
 ludes ; Lever, C. ; Lismore Papers ; 
 Loe, W. ; Lok, H. ; Luminalia ; 
 Markham, G. ; Marvell ; Norris, J. ; 
 Oxford, Edward, Earl of ; Parkes ; 
 Pembroke ; Southwell ; Taylor, 
 Jeremy; Tuke; Vaughan ; Yaux ; 
 Grose. Manx Soc., 18. 
 Grose, F. Antiquarian Repertory; Archi- 
 tecture ; Pegge. 
 Grossen Linden. Klein. 
 Grosseteste, Bishop. Chronicles, 25 ; Hal- 
 liwell ; Caxton Soc., 15. 
 Grosthead, R. Twelve Patriarchs. 
 Grosvenor, Lady. Miscellanies, v., 2. 
 Grosvenor Roll. Scrope. 
 Grote, G. London, University of. 
 Grotius, H. Lucanus. 
 Groton. Green, S. A. 
 Grove, J. Ireland. 
 Grove Hill. Lettsom. 
 Grub, G. Spalding Club. 
 Grueber, H. A. British Museum. 
 Gruter, S. Appendix, 116. 
 Gruyter, J. Friesland. 
 Guadet, J. Gregoire. 
 Guarrazar. Lasteyrie. 
 Gubernator, J. Paradin. 
 Gueldre. Serrure. 
 Guelphs, Order of. Nicolas, Sir N. H. 
 Guenebault, L. J. Migne. 
 Guerard. Documents, 13. 
 Guernsey. Berry ; Jersey. 
 Guest, J. Leader. 
 Gui, B. Delisle. 
 Guiana. Hakluyt Soc., 3 ; Ralegh; Schom- 
 Guibert, Comte de. Bavdin. 
 Guichard, M. Fail, N. du. 
 Guienne. Nicaise. 
 Guildford. James. 
 Guildford Guide. Summerley. 
 Guildhall. Chronicles, 12 ; Gigantick 
 History ; London ; Nichols, J. 13. ; 
 Overall ; Price, J. E. 
 Guildhall Library. Saunders. 
 Guilds. Gross, C. 
 Guileville, G. de. Hill, N. 
 Guiiford, Lord Keeper. North. 
 Guillermin, J. Canron ; Giiimand. 
 Guizot. Soiisa Holstein. 
 Gumley. Hill, J. H. 
 Gundreda. Duckett, G. F. 
 Gundulph. Hugo. 
 Gungrog. Jones, M. C. 
 Gunn, J. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. 
 Gunn, W. Nennius. 
 Gunner, W. H. Seals, Med., 2; Wai- 
 ford, W. S. 
 Gunning, Major-Gen. Duberley, J. 
 Gunning, Mrs. Bo wen, Capt. ; Miscel- 
 lanies, v., 1. 
 Gunning, H. Cambridge University. 
 Gunter, Sir P. Thomas, J. E. 
 Gtinther, C. F. Seals, Foreign, 1. 
 Gustavus, King of Sweden. Soldat. 
 Gutch, J. Wood, A. a. 
 Guthlac, St. Birch, W. de G. ; Moore, 
 Guy de Lusignan. Fitzgerald. 
 Guy of Warwick. Text Soc., 42. 
 Guy's Cliff. Warwick Castle. 
 Guylford, Sir E. Camden Soc., 61. 
 Guzman, A. E. de. Hakluyt Soc., 29. 
 Gwyn, E-., Captain. Francis. 
 Gwynedd. Breese ; Jones, W. B. 
 Gwynne, Nell. Hart. 
 H., J. B. Appendix, 49. 
 Haak. Winthrop. 
 Haarlem. Van Lee. 
 Haas, E. British Museum. 
 Habel, F. G. Baer. 
 Habington, W. Arber. 
 Hackett, M. St. Paul's Cathedral. 
 Hackney. Robinson. 
 Hackney Church. Simpson. 
 Hackney, West. Hugo. 
 Haddenham Church. Rowe. 
 Hadeln. Stade. 
 Hadleigh Castle. Sparvel-Bayly. 
 Hadorphius, J. Biarkoa. 
 Hadrian. Bruce. 
 Hadrianides, M. Petronius. 
 Hagiar-Kim. Caruana, A. A. 
 Hague. Gerville. 
 Haignere, D. Morinie. 
 Hainion, L'Abbe". Delisle. 
 Hainault, Cartulaire. Brussels, Academic. 
 Hainault, Coins. Den Duyts. 
 Haithon. Polo. 
 Haiton. Bergeron, P. 
 Hakluyt, R. Hakluyt Soc., 9. 
 Haldingham, R. de. Havergal. 
 Hale, Sir M. Williams, J. B. 
 Hale, W. H. Camden Soc., 69, 91, N.S., 
 Hales, Sir E. Historical Tracts, F. 8. 
 Hales, J. W. Percy, Bishop. 
 Haliburton Family. Grampian Club. 
 Halicarnassus. Newton : Roessler. 
 Halifax. Leeds ; Watson, J. 
 Haling Manor. Steinman. 
 Halkett, A. Camden Soc., N.S., xiii. 
 Hall, A. Leland. 
 HaU, F. Text Soc., 3, 11, 19, 35, 37. 
 Hall, P. Crypt. 
 Hall, S. C. Social Notes. 
 Hallager, F. Christiania. 
 Hallamshire. Hunter, J. 
 Hallaton. Hill, J. H. 
 Halle, J. Duke ; Percy Soc., 41 . 
 Halley. Smyth. 
 Halligey. Vyvyan, R. R. 
 Halliwell, J. O. Archaeologist; Ballads; 
 Brathwait ; Cambridge University ; 
 Camden Soc., 10, 15, 19, 30 ; Chetham 
 Library ; Coventry Mysteries ; Ellis, 
 G. ; England ; Heywood ; Letters ; 
 Mandeville ; Nares, R. ; Percy Soc. ; 
 Poems ; Reliquiae Antiquce ; Royal 
 Soc. ; Shakespeare Soc., 2, 4, 13, 14, 
 18 ; Sherman ; Tales ; Warton Club ; 
 Wheler ; Appendix, 8, 166. 
 Hallstatt. Sacken. 
 Halphen, A. D'Andilly. 
 Halpin, A. J. Shakespeare Soc., 14. 
 Haltemprise. Oliver, G. 
 Halyburton, A. Scotland. 
 Hamburg. Fenwick ; Lambecius. 
 Hamdon Hill. Norris, H. 
 Hamilton, Duke of. Political Tracts, 13. 
 Hamilton, G. Burns. 
 Hamilton, H. C. Historical Soc., 14; 
 Record Office, 29. 
 Hamilton, N. E. S. A. Chronicles, 52 ; 
 Hamilton, W. D. Camden Soc., 75,N.S., 
 xi., xx. ; Record Office, 13-15. 
 Hamilton, Sir W. R. Betham. 
 Hamilton, W. R. Silvern. 
 Hammersmith. Faulkner. 
 Hammond, B. Battell. 
 Hampden, John. Texier. 
 Hamper. Libraries. 
 Hampole, R. R. de. Text Soc., 20. 
 Hampshire, Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Geology. Austen. 
 Genealogy. Berry. 
 Guide. Surrey. 
 Hampshire, History, 1642-5. Godwin, 
 G. N. 
 History. Mudie ; Warner, 
 E. ; Wilks. 
 Topography. Warner, R. 
 Hampstead. Park. 
 Harnpstead-Norris. Money, W. 
 Hampstead Wells. Soane. 
 Hampton Court. Bickham ; Law, E. ; 
 Hampton Court Guide. Summerley. 
 Hampton Court Palace. Grundy. 
 Hamtoun, Bevis of. Bevis. 
 Hanau. Avesne. 
 Handcock, G. F. Record Office. 
 Handford Hall. Brooke. 
 Hankinson, T. E. Cambridge Prize 
 Hannibal. Ellis, R. ; Long. 
 Hanse Towns. Werdenhagen. 
 Hans worth. Hunter, J. 
 Hapsburg. Haviland. 
 Harbert, W. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Harborne. Kenward. 
 Harborough. Hill, J. H. 
 Harcourt, W. Historical Papers, 3 ; 
 Hardiman. J. Irish Arch. Soc., 4, 9. 
 Hard wick, C. Chronicles, 8; Elmham ; 
 Percy Soc., 82, 88. 
 Hardwicke, Lord-Chancellor. Harris, G. 
 Hardy, E. L. C. P. Chronicles, 39. 
 Hardy, G. Lee F. G. 
 Hardy, J. D. Parliamentum. 
 Hardy, T. Trials. 
 Hardy, T. D. Chronicles, 26, 62 ; Historical 
 Soc., 6 ; History ; Le Neve ; Malnies- 
 bury ; Record Commission ; Record 
 Office, 55-62. 
 Hardy, W. Chronicles, 39, 40 ; Lancas- 
 Hare, H. Mascardi. 
 Harefield. Blackstone, J. ; Yernon. 
 Hare wood. Jones. 
 Harington, Sir J. Macray. 
 Harland, J. Chatham Soc. ; Dialect Soc. ; 
 Dobson ; Dudlay ; Stout. 
 Harlech, Lord. Maurice. 
 HarleianMSS. British Museum ; Record 
 Commission, 16. 
 Harley, Lady B. Camden Soc., 58. 
 Harley, R. Historical Tracts, D. 4. 
 Harley Family. Drummond. 
 Harmon ville, G. d'. Tabarin. 
 Harnack, A. Gebhardt. 
 Harper, R. J. Record Commission, 26. 
 Harper, Sir W. Nichols, J. G. 
 Harpocrates. Cuper. 
 Harpsfield. Camden Soc., N.S., xxi. 
 Harran. Beke, Mrs. 
 Harris, A. Camden Soc., N.S., xxv. 
 Harris, W. Royal Institution Ware. 
 Harrison, C. British Museum. 
 Harrison, R. London Library. 
 Harrison, T. Civil War Tracts, 18. 
 Harrison, W. Manx Soc. 
 Harrison Estates. Earwaker, J. P. 
 Harrogate. Grainge ; Hargrove, E. ; 
 Leeds ; Pennant ; Walbran. 
 Harrow. Nichols ; Smith, T. 
 Harrow Guide. Summerley. 
 Harrow School. Butler; Thornton, P.M. 
 Hart, C. H. Philadelphia. 
 Hart, P. Literary Tracts, 6. 
 Hart, R. Norfolk and Norwich Arch. 
 Hart, W. H. Chronicles, 33 ; Gloucester. 
 Hartgills. Jackson. 
 Hartlepool. Busby ; Sharp. 
 Hartlib. Boate ; Winthrop. 
 Hartwell. Black; Smyth. 
 Harvard College. Cutler. 
 Harvard University. Sibley. 
 Harvard University Library. Sparks. 
 Harvard, J. Waters, H. F. 
 Harvey, C. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Harvey, Gabriel. Camden Soc., 33. 
 Harvey, G. T. Architectural Societies. 
 Harvey, W. Infra : Hervey. 
 Harwich. Dale ; Ipswich. 
 Harwood. Duckett. 
 Hase, C. B. Byzantine Historians, 3 ; 
 Leo Diaconus. 
 Haslewood, J. Berners, J. 
 Hassett, G. Kilian. 
 Hastings, Antiquities. Moss. 
 Battle of. Walcott. 
 Climate. Mackness. 
 Precedence. Cooper, W. D. 
 Hastings Guide. Diplock ; Osborne ; 
 Hastings, Sir E. Young. 
 Hastings, M. Carthew. 
 Hatcher, H. Britton ; Cirencester ; 
 Ho are. 
 Hatchett, W. Abdalla. 
 Hatfield, T. Surtees Soc., 32. 
 Hatfield House. Robinson. 
 Hatton Family. Camden Soc., N. S., 
 Haughmond Abbey. Pidgeon. 
 Hausknecbt, E. Text Soc., Ex. S., 38. 
 Havercamp. Morell. 
 Haveren, A. van. Auctores Mythographi. 
 Haviland, Dr. Man, Isle of. 
 Havre. Bourdet ; Rcessler. 
 Hawes, S. Percy Soc., 60. 
 Hawkins, Dr. His'orical Papers, 27. 
 Hawkins, E. British Museum ; Chetham 
 Soc., 1, 15. 
 Hawkins, F. Youth. 
 Hawkins, J. S. Ruggles. 
 Hawkins, Sir R. Hakluyt Soc., 1, 57. 
 Hawkins Family. Boddington. 
 Hawks, Family of. Waters. 
 Hawles, J. Historical Tracts, F. 6. 
 Hawley. Harleian Soc., xiii. 
 Hawsted. Cullum. 
 Hay, Sir G. Abbotsford Club, 1847. 
 Hay, W. Miscellanies, i., 4. 
 Hayden, F. V. United States. 
 Haydon, F. S. Chronicles, 9 ; Eulogium. 
 Hayes. Mills, T. 
 Hay man, S. Geraldine Documents. 
 Haynau. De la Roche, E. 
 Haynes, S. Burghley. 
 Hayti. Limonade. 
 Hayward, A. Goethe ; Piozzi ; Savigny. 
 Hayward, Sir J. Camden Soc., 7. 
 Hazlitt, W. Webster. 
 Hazlitt, W. C. Blount ; Brand ; Herrick ; 
 Jest Books ; Lovelace ; Warton. 
 Head, B. V. British Museum. 
 Heane, W. C. Harleian Soc., xxi. 
 Heard, Sir I. Phillipps, 8. 
 Hearne, T. Avesbury ; Benedict ; Bore- 
 block ; Beverley ; Blackman ; Bot- 
 field ; Cains ; Camden, W. ; Dodwell 
 Domerham ; D unstable ; Elmham 
 Ernulphus ; Fordun ; Glastonbury 
 Gloucester ; Heminford ; Hemingus 
 Huddesford ; Langioft ; Leland 
 Liber Niger ; Livius ; Newburgh 
 Otterbourne ; Oxford Hist. Soc., ii. 
 Richard II. ; Roper ; Ross ; Spelman 
 Sprott ; Trokelowe ; Wood, A. a. 
 Heath, Chief Justice. Shirley. 
 Hebbert. Perry. 
 Hebrews. Jews. 
 Hebrides. Staffa. 
 Hedon. Yorkshire Arch. Soo. 
 Heemskerck. Kerrich. 
 Heene. Warter. 
 Hefner, J. yon. Becker. 
 Heidelberg. Appendix, 164. 
 Heinsius, D. Horace; Ovidius; Theon. 
 Heinsius, N. Claudian j Ovidius Naso ; 
 Helena, St. Fryxell. 
 Heliodorus. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Helps, Sir A. Victoria, Queen. 
 Helsby, T. Ormerod. 
 Helsingland. Bugge. 
 Helvetia. Haller. 
 Hely, J. O'Flalierty. 
 Hemingford, W. Infra: Walter de 
 Hempsted Church. Gibson, M. 
 Hemsterhuis, T. Pollux, J. 
 Henbury. Kerslake, T. 
 Henderson, W. Folk-Lore Soc. 
 Henderson, W. G. Sarum Processional ; 
 Surtees Soc., Ixiii. 
 Hendrie, R. Theophilus. 
 Hengrave. Gage. 
 Henley, J. Vertot. 
 Henman, C. Perry. 
 Ilennessy, W. M. Chronicles, 4fl, r> I , 
 ilenning, J. Corpus Juris Canonici. 
 Hi'iiri le Grand. Per6Bxe. 
 Henricus de Silegrave. Caxton Soc., 7. 
 Henries, Kings of England. Chronicles, 7. 
 Henry I. Birch ; Eadmer ; Freeman. 
 Henry II. Benedict ; Birch ; Chronicles, 
 49, 73; Eyton; Glanville ; Lioyd ; 
 Lyttleton ; Molinaeus ; Robert, C. 
 Henry III. Chronicles, 27 ; Ellis ; Prynne. 
 Henry IV. Documents, 23. 
 Henry V. Chronicles, 11 ; Elmham ; 
 Goodwin ; Historical Soc., 15 ; 
 Henry VI. Blackman ; Chronicles, 22. 
 Henry VII. Bacon ; Chronicles, 10, 24, 
 60; Mozley; Richard III. ; Way. 
 Henry VIII. Hale, W. H. ; Herbert, E. ; 
 Luther; Nicolas, Sir N. H. ; Offor, 
 G. ; Trollope, E. ; Turner, S. 
 Henry IV., of France. Historical Trac's, 
 B. 2, 3 ; Appendix, 54, 57, 105. 
 Henry, of Huntingdon. Chronicles, 74. 
 Henry, the Lion. Schertz. 
 Henry, of Portugal, Prince. Major. 
 Henry, Prince de Conde. Appendix, 
 Henry, J. Smithsonian Institution. 
 Henry, R. Andrews, J. P. 
 Henry, W. W. Virginia. 
 Hensbarrow. Tago, W. 
 Hensington. Marshall, E. 
 Henslowe, P. Shakespeare Soc., 7. 
 Henzen, G. Pellegrini. 
 Henzen, W. Corpus Inscrip. Lat. 
 Henzlmann, E. Bloxam. 
 Heptarchy. Lindsay. 
 Heraclias. Byzantine Historians, 21. 
 Herbenstein. Hakluyt Soc., 10. 
 Herbert, G. Fuller Worthies' Library ; 
 Herbert, J. Robert le Diabfe. 
 Herbert, Lady L. Nithsdale. 
 Herbert, W. Ames; B ray ley ; Guildhall 
 Herbert de Losinga. Caxton Soc., 5 ; 
 Herbst, C. F. Stephens, 
 llrn-her, R. JElianus ; Epistolographi 
 Herculaneum. Bayardi ; Bellicard ; 
 Caryophili ; Paolini ; Trollope ; 
 Hereford, Ancient Customs. Johnson, R. 
 Antiquities. Havergal. 
 Bibliography. Allen, John. 
 Charter. Allen, John. 
 Choirs. Lysons, D. 
 Hereford Cathedral. Bloxara ; Cathedrals ; 
 Frere; Havergal ; Henderson, W. G. ; 
 Merewether ; Rawlinson ; Willis. 
 Hereford Liturgy. Maskell. 
 Hereford Mappa Mundi. Bevan. 
 Herefordshire, Archaeology. Allies. 
 Belfries. Walker. 
 Charities. Whishaw. 
 Domesday. Domesday 
 Glossary. Lewis, G-. C. 
 History. Cussans; Dun- 
 cumb ; Webb, J. 
 Names of Places. Hall, H. 
 Herefordshire Beacon. Card. 
 Herefordshire Guide. Gloucestershire. 
 Hereward. Caxton Soc., 9. 
 Hericourt-en-Caux. Cochet. 
 Heriot's Hospital. Ritchie. 
 Hermannus, G. Orphica. 
 Herment. Tardieu, A. 
 Hermes. Astrologia. 
 Herne Bay. Watson. 
 Herodotus. Rennell. 
 Herrick Family. Fletcher, W. G-. D. 
 Herrtage, S. J. H. Camden Soc. N.S., 
 xxx. ; Text Soc. 
 Herschell, Sir J. F. W. Q.uetelet. 
 Hertford, History. Turner. 
 Topography. Cooke, G-. A. 
 Hertfordshire, Antiquities. Chauncy. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Genealogies. Berry. 
 Historical Description. 
 mon, N. 
 History. Clutterbuck ; Sal- 
 Visitation, 1572 ; 1634. 
 Harleian Soc., xxii. 
 Hertzberg. Libell. 
 Hervet, Gr. Xenophon. 
 Hervey, Lord. Letters. 
 Hervey, W. Harleian Soc., v., xiii. ; Met- 
 calf, W. C. ; Norfolk and Norwich 
 Arch. Soc. ; Suffolk. 
 Herzegovina. Evans. 
 If esse. Seals, Foreign, 1. 
 Hesselius, F. Ennius. 
 Hessett. Cooke, W. 
 Ileston. Glover. 
 Heston Church. Heales. 
 Hever Guide. Summerley. 
 Hewitt, J. Political Tracts, 19 ; Stothard. 
 Hewytt, Dr. J. Earwaker. 
 Hexham. Denham Tracts, xii. ; Surtees 
 Soc., 44, 46. 
 Hey ford Warren. Wing. 
 Heylin, Dr. Church Affairs. 
 Heylyn, P. Caxton Society, 14. 
 Heyricke, R. North, T. 
 Heywood, J. Percy Society, 65. 
 Hey wood, R. Chetham Soc., 76. 
 Heywood, T. Bessy ; Chetham Soe., 
 ix., xii. xviii., xxv., xxix. ; Percy 
 Soc., 20 ; Shakespeare Soc., 5, 6, 15. 
 Appendix, 137. 
 Hibbert-Ware, S. Chetham Soc., v. 
 Hickes, G. Church Affairs ; Wotton, W. 
 Hicks, E. L. British Museum. 
 Hierocles. Antoninus ; Byzantine His- 
 torians, 5. 
 Higden, R. Chronicles, 41 ; Gale, T. 
 Higgins, G. Assassination. 
 Higgins, J. Huloet ; Junius. 
 High Commission Court. Camden Soc., 
 High gate. Gibson, W. S. ; Prickett. 
 Highlands, Erse Poems. Hill, T. F. 
 Guide. Fyfe. 
 Monuments. Scotland, Soc. 
 of Antiq. of, 1881. 
 Tour. Botfield; Garnett. 
 Highlanders. Logan. 
 Hilda, St. St. Begu. 
 Hildebrand, H. Science and Art Depart. 
 Hildeferth, St. Sparvel-Bayly. 
 Hildyard, J. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Hill, L. Green, R. 
 Hill, T. Harvard College. 
 Hillmorton. Bloxam. 
 Hills, G. M. Napper, H. F. 
 Hinckley, History. Nichols, J. 
 Hinckley, J. Link. 
 Hinde, J. H. Surtees Soc., H. 
 Hindi Grammar. Ballantyne. 
 Hindley, J. H. Hafiz. 
 Hindostan. Bacon, T. ; Guise ; Herbert, 
 Sir T. ; Thomas, E. 
 Hindus. Asiatic Soc., 11 ; Hamilton. 
 Hingeston, F. C. Capgrave ; Chronicles, 
 1, 7, 18 ; Henry IV. 
 Hippeau, C. Gamier. 
 Hippisley, Sir J. C. Borgia. 
 Hipson, C. Trials, H. 
 Hitachi. Jijima, I. 
 Hjaltalin, J. A. Orkneyinga Saga. 
 Hoare, Sir R. C. Giraldus. 
 Hobby, T. Castiglione. 
 Hoccleve, T. Occleve. 
 Hodgson, John, Rev. Raine. 
 Hodius. Byzantine Historians, 8. 
 Hoeschelius, D. Horapollo. 
 Hog, T. Historical Soc., 9, 10. 
 Hogarth, W. Nichols. J. 
 Hogg, J. Thompson. 
 Hohenlohe. Hautzelmanns. 
 Hohenstaufen. Raumer. 
 Hoker, Davidson. 
 Holbeach. Macdonald, G. W. 
 Holbein, H. Chamberlayne ; Ellissen ; 
 Erasmus ; Royal Academy j Yertue ; 
 "Vogelin; Wornum. 
 Holbrooke, F. Record Commission, 30; 
 Holcroft, T. Trials. 
 Holcroft Family. Rylands. 
 Holderness, Account. Thompson, T. 
 History. Poulson, G. 
 Holderness, T. Dialect Soc. 
 Holdsworth. Tracts, B. 5. 
 Holland, Armorial. Menestrier. 
 Peerage. Matthceus. 
 Travels. Chetham Soc., i. 
 Views. Listrugh. 
 Holland, Earl of. Breadalbane ; Political 
 Tracts, 13. 
 Holland, F. W. New England. 
 Holland, W. Morley. 
 Hollar, W. Holbein ; Virtue. 
 Hollier, Mrs. L. Gresham College. 
 Hollingbourn. Martin. 
 Hollins. Harrogate. 
 Hollis, GK Cotman, J. S. 
 Hollis, T. B. Disney. 
 Holmboe, C. A. Schreuder. 
 Holme. Morehouse. 
 Holme Hale. Carthew. 
 Holmer Church James. 
 Holmfirth. Morehouse. 
 Hoist, C. Christiania. 
 Holstein. Schleswig. 
 Holt. Hill, J. H. 
 Holy Sepulchre, Church of. Willis, R. 
 Holy day, B. Juvenal. 
 Holyday, M. Persius. 
 Holyhead. Jackson, T. ; Jefferys. 
 Holyhead Island. Stanley. 
 Holyrood. Macmillan, J. 
 Holywell. Pennant; Winefride. 
 Home Lacy Church. Gibson, M. 
 Homer. ^Esop ; British Museum ; Paley ; 
 Quintus Calaber ; Tischbein ; West- 
 ropp ; Wood, R. 
 Honduras. Squier. 
 Hone, W. Trials, 9 ; Appendix, 6. 
 Honwaert, J. B. Appendix, 49. 
 Hood. Trials, M. 4. 
 Hood, Robin. Robbers. 
 Hooge, R. de. Cent Nouvelles. 
 Hook, C. Caxton Soc. 
 Hooke, N. Marlborough, Duchess of; 
 Roxburghe Club. 
 Hooker, R. Walton ; Homer. 
 Hope, W. H. St. John. Cox, J. C. 
 Hopkins, Dr. Hickes. 
 Hopperus, M. Plato. 
 Horace. Diaper ; Tracts, B. 4 ; Veenius ; 
 Horeb. Beke. 
 Horkstow. Lysons. 
 Horley Church. Heales. 
 Horn, Coinage. Vossberg. 
 Horn et Riminhild. Bannatyne Club, 
 Hornby, C. Dugdale. 
 Horninghold. Hill, J. H. 
 Horse Guards. Tregellas. 
 Horsleydown. Corner. 
 Horta. Fontanini. 
 Hortibonus. Supra : Casaubon. 
 3 C 
 Horus. Lefebure ; Naville. 
 Horwood, A. J. Camden Soc., N.S., xvi. ; 
 Chronicles, 31 ; Edward I. 
 Hosidia. Longperier. 
 Hotham, J. de. Way. 
 Hothorpe. Hill, J. H. 
 Hotten, J. C. Larwood. 
 Hough, Bp. Wilmot, J. 
 Houghton. Hill, J. H. 
 Houghton, Lord. Grampian Club ; Philo- 
 biblon Soc. 
 Houghton, T. Dialect Soc. 
 Hounslow. Bergne. 
 Hounslow Chapelry. Aungier, G. J. 
 House of Commons. Manning. 
 House of Lords. Pine. 
 Hoveden, J. Chaucer Soc., ii. S. 9. 
 Hovenden, R. Chronicles, 51 ; Harleian 
 Soc., 2., ix., x. 
 Howard, C., of Naworth, Col. Ferguson. 
 Howard, Lord E. Shrewsbury Peerage. 
 Howard, H. Arber. 
 Howard, J. Brown. 
 Howard, J. E. Victoria Institute, iv. 
 Howard, J. J. Harleian Soc., i., xv. ; 
 Kent ; London ; Suffolk. 
 Howard, W. Historial Papers, 6 ; Surtees 
 Soc., Ixyiii. 
 Howard, of Escrick. Historical Papers, 12. 
 Howard Family. Genealogist ; Lonsdale ; 
 Howard Papers. Causton. 
 Howden. Yorkshire Arch. Assoc. 
 Howe, J. Historical Tracts, G. 5. 
 Howell, J. Arber. 
 Howes, E. Stowe. 
 Howitt, W. Vivisection. 
 Hewlett, J. Miscellanies, ii., 4. 
 Hewlett, R. Chronicles, 4, 82. 
 Ho worth, H. H. Chetham Soc., i. 
 Howth, Book of. Record Office ; Carew 
 Papers, v. 
 Hoylake. Hume. 
 Hubner. Anderson, James. 
 Hiibner, M. Corpus Inscrip. Lat. 
 Huddart, J. Lonsdale. 
 Huddersfield Library. Tomlinson. 
 Huddesford, W. Phillipps, 9. 
 Huddleston, F. Cumberland and Carlisle. 
 Hudson, H. Hakluyt Soc., 25 ; Read. 
 Hudson's Bay. Hakluyt Soc., 11. 
 Huelsen, C. Corpus Inscrip. Lat. 
 Hugall, J. W. Poole. 
 Hugh, St. Dimock. 
 Hugh, Sir, of Lincoln. Hume. 
 Hughes, J. Literary Tracts, 6. 
 Hughes, W. H. De Lolme. 
 Hugo, St. Chronicles, 37. 
 Hugo, T. Pettigrew. 
 Hugo Candidus. Saxon Chronu-lr 
 Spnrke, J. 
 Huguenot Refugee Families. Wagner. 
 Huguenots, Agnew. 
 Hulbert, C. A. Morehouse. 
 Hull, Charterhouse. Cook, J. 
 History. Frost ; Symons. 
 Hull Guide. Craggs, J. ; Scarborough. 
 Hull, P. Fisher, J. 
 Hulne. Warkworth. 
 Hulne Abbey. Surtees Soc., 7. 
 Hulton, W. A. Chetham Soc., x., xi., xvi., 
 XX., XXX. 
 Humann, C. Conze. 
 Humber Pirates. Peacock. 
 Hume, A. Lancashire and Cheshire, 
 Hist. Soe. of. 
 Hume Family. Drummond. 
 Hunfalvy, J. Hungarian Books. 
 Hunfalvy, P. Hungarian Books. 
 Hungary. Paris ; Tardieu ; Undset. 
 Huns. Graberg. 
 Hunt, J. Anthropological Soc. 
 Hunt, L. Wycherley. 
 Hunter, Dr. Syed Ahmed Bahadoor. 
 Hunter, Gr. Combe. 
 Hunter, J. Camden Soc., "8, 22 ; Pas- 
 quyl ; Eecord Commission, 29, 40, 
 75 ; Eecord Office, 1, 2 ; Surtees Soc., 
 3 ; Thoresby. 
 Huntingdon, W. Earwaker, J. P. 
 Huntingdon Peerage. Bell. 
 Huntingdonshire, Domesday. Domesday 
 Topography. Topo- 
 Visitation, 1593. Cam- 
 den Soc., 43. 
 Hurd, Bishop. "Warburton. 
 Hurd's Catalogue. Catalogues. 
 Hurstbourne Priors. W., A. 
 Husenbeth, F. C. Petre. 
 Hutchinson, T. Xenophon. 
 Hutchinson, W. Whitmore. 
 Hutchinson Papers. Prince Soc. 
 Huth, A. H. Index Soe., 4. 
 Huth Library, Grosart. 
 Hutton, H. Percy Soc., 25. 
 Hutton, M. Surtees Soc., 17. 
 Hutton, T. Civil War Tracts, 2-, Surtees 
 Soc., 17. 
 Huxley, T. H. Laing. 
 Hyde Abbey. Chronicles, 45. 
 Hyginus. Auctores Mythographi. 
 Hyperides. Babington, C. ; Hogg, 
 Hyslop. Yaux. 
 Hythe. Mackeson ; Sandgate. 
 Iceland, Christianity. Isleifi. 
 Ecclesiastical History. Johan- 
 History, etc. Hogg ; Northern 
 Iceland, Manuscripts. Arwidsson. 
 StiftskiUiothek. Hoppe. 
 Travels. Dillon. 
 Icelandic Lat.-Dan. Dictionary. Haldor- 
 son, B. 
 Ic6n Basilike. Supra : Eikon. 
 Idaho. United States. 
 Iffley. Marshall, E. 
 Ifield. Hart. 
 Ikeneld Street. Kenward, J. 
 Ham. Dovedale. 
 Hford. Hale. 
 Ilium. Chandler. 
 Ilkley. Bailey ; Yorksh. Arehseol. Soc. 
 Illidge, E. Twemlowe. 
 Illyria. Dolci. 
 Ilston. Hill, J. H. 
 Ince. Blundell. 
 Inchaffery Abbey. Bannatyne Club, 6. 
 Inchiquin, Lord. Civil War Tracts, 16. 
 India, Alphabets. Harkness. 
 Antiquities. Daniell ; Eivett- 
 Archaeology. Burgess, Jas. ; Cun- 
 ningham, A. 
 Armorial. Egerton. 
 Coins. Thomas, E. 
 Dynasties. Sewell, E. 
 Gazetteer. Thornton. 
 Historians. Elliot, H. M. 
 History. Lisbon. 
 Industrial Arts. Science and Art 
 Mythology. Fergusson. 
 Rock Basins. Henwood. 
 Stone Implements. Foote. 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc. ; Jackson, J. ; 
 India Museum. Watson. 
 Indian China. Wright, H. 
 Indian Universities. Wood, T. W. 
 Indians. Alpinus ; Drake. 
 Indies. Hakluyt Soc., 56, 57, 
 Indies, East. Hakluyt Soc., 52. 
 Indies, West. Hakluyt Soc., 21. 
 Indostan. Supra : Hmdostan. 
 Indraji, Bhagwantal. Archaeological Sur- 
 Ingeburge. Delisle. 
 Ingelend, T. Percy Soc., 75. 
 Inglis, Sir E. H. Yilliers. 
 Ingulphus. Gale, T. 
 Inigo de Guipuscoa. Easiel. 
 Innes, C. Bannatyne Club, 1849, 1854 ; 
 Newbottle ; Eecord Commission, 2 ; 
 Spalding Club. 
 Innocent III. Delisle. 
 Innocent XI. O. T. 
 Inns of Court. Herbert ; Ireland ; 
 Inverurie. Davidson. 
 lona, Antiquities. Graham, H. D. 
 Guide. Staffa. 
 Monuments. Scotland, Soo. of 
 Antiq. of, 1881. 
 Ionia. Chandler ; Dilettanti. 
 Ipswich, Annals. Richardson, W. H. 
 Condition, 1850. Glyde. 
 Domesday. White, C. H. E. 
 Inns. White, C. H. E. 
 Views. Haddock. 
 Irchester. Baker. 
 Ireland, Ancient Music. Petrie. 
 Annals, etc. Chronicles . 80; 
 Irish Arch. Soc. 
 Betham ; Grose ; 
 Ledwich ; Ware ; Worsase. 
 Architecture. Parker, J. H, 
 Art. Stokes. 
 Baronies. Lynch. 
 Biography. Wright, T. 
 Bishops. Ware. 
 Chronicles. Chronicles. 
 Coins. Lindsay, J. ; Smith, A. ; 
 Collections. Harris, W. 
 Condition, 1596. Spenser. 
 Condition, 1605. Macray. 
 Condition, 1682. Lawrence. 
 Conquest. Borlase. 
 Description. Fructus. 
 Ecclesiastical History. Shirley. 
 Fasti. Cotton. 
 Flint Implements. Knowles, 
 W. J. 
 Genealogies. Cronnelly. 
 Gold Plates. Croker, T. C. 
 Gold Socks. Calvert. 
 Historical Library. Nicholson, 
 History. Bannister ; Camden, 
 W. ; Celtic Soc., 1, 2; D' Alton; 
 Gilbert, J. T. ; Keating ; Leland, T. ; 
 Macpherson ; O'Halloran ; Vallancey ; 
 Inscriptions. Gaidoz. 
 Institutions. Lynch. 
 Keen. Percy Soc. 
 Knights. Metcalfe, W. C. ; 
 Phillipps, 26. 
 Manuscripts. Catalog!. 
 Maps. Ordnance Survey. 
 Monasteries. Archdall ; 
 vens, J. ; Music ; Petrie. 
 Natural History. Boate. 
 Origines. Chalmers, P. 
 Oxen. Wilde. 
 Peerage. Lodge, J. 5 Walkley. 
 Public Service. Lascelles. 
 Records. Record Commission 5 
 Record Office; Record Revela- 
 Representative History. O'Byrne. 
 Ireland, Revolution, 1688. Percy Soc., 6- 
 Rising, 1772. Attempt. 
 Roads. Taylor, G. 
 Round Towers. O'Brien ; 
 Smiddy } Westropp. 
 Scriptores. O'Conor. 
 Seals. Caulfield. 
 Sketches. .Jones, E. 
 Statistics. Mason, W. S. ; 
 Tokens. Boyne, W. ; Smith A. 
 Topography. Carlisle ; Lewis, S. 
 Tour. England ; Hoare. 
 Travels. Misson. 
 Ireland, Sir T. Coke, E. 
 Ireland, W. Chetwind. 
 Ireneo, Silvio. Cambridge Prize 
 Iriarte, J. Madrid, R. Bib. Mat. 
 Irish Academy Catalogues. Wilde, W. R. 
 Irish Christianity. Perceval, A. P. 
 Irish Dwellings. Wyatt. 
 Irish Lexicography. Irish Academy. 
 Irish Pedigrees. O'Hart, J. 
 Irish Pillar Tower. Montmorency. 
 Ironmongers' Company. Nicholl. 
 Ironmongers' Hall. London. 
 Irwin, House of. Wheater. 
 Isabella, Archd. of Austria. Appendix, 
 Tsca Silurum. Lee, J. E. 
 Isere. Gembloux. 
 Isle of Man, Collections. Manx Soc. 
 Ecclesiology . Heales. 
 Guide. Glover ; Kneale. 
 Historical Account. Train. 
 History. Chaloner. 
 Jurisprudence. Johnson. 
 Mule. Jeffcott. 
 Popular Rhymes. Denham 
 Tracts, viii. 
 Tour. Robertson, D. 
 Isle of Man Cathedral. Willis. 
 Isle of May Priory. Stuart. 
 Isle of Thanet. Hall. 
 Isle of Wight, Excavations. Hjllier. 
 Guide. Brannon ; Bret- 
 History. Warner, R. ; 
 Woodward, B. B. 
 Picture, 1798. Wyndham. 
 Tour. Pennant. 
 Isleworth. Aungier ; Glover, M. 
 Islington, History. Lewis, S. ; Nelson. 
 Walks. Cromwell, T. 
 Ispahan. Chardin. 
 Istituto Imp. Archeol. Germ. Rome. 
 1 -triu. Burton. 
 Italia Sacra. Ughellus, F. 
 Italian Painters. Farquhar, M. 
 Italy, Anthropology. Davis, J. P. 
 Antiquities. Forsyth. 
 Parker, J. H. ; Tar- 
 H. GK; 
 Italy, Archeology. 
 Architecture. Knight, 
 Pullan ; Street, G-. E. 
 Armorial. Menestrier. 
 Art. Richardson, J. 
 Churches. Webb, B. 
 Collections. Rome. 
 Description. Cramer, J. A. 
 Dialects. Lanzi. 
 Ethnology. Campanari. 
 Genealogies. Imhoff. 
 History. Botta, C. ; Saint-Marc, 
 C. H. L. de. 
 Lake Habitations. Anthropolo- 
 gical Institute. 
 Manners. Blunt, J. J. 
 Numismatics. Millingen. 
 Scriptores. Muratori. 
 Statutes. Bowyer. 
 Tour. Weatherhead. 
 Travels. Beaumont, A. ; Hentzner ; 
 Northall, J. ; Riedesel, Baron ; 
 Sandys ; White, T. H. 
 Izinyanga. Folk Lore Soc., xv. 
 J. B. Plays, 1. 
 Jackson, B. D. Index Soc., 8, 11. 
 Jackson, C. Surtees Soc., liv. 
 Jackson, Gr. F. Burne. 
 Jackson, J. Surtees Soc., Ixv. 
 Jackson, J. E. Robsart, Amy ; Rox- 
 burghe Club ; Wiltshire. 
 Jackson, T. Todd. 
 Jackson, W. Cumberland and Westm. 
 Ant. and Arch. Soc. ; Knowles, E. H. 
 Jacob, E. Arden. 
 Jacob, P, L. Bachaumont ; Beroalde de 
 Jacobs, F. Anthologia Grseca. 
 Jacquet, A. Henzey. 
 Jaenberht, Archbishop. Evans, J. 
 Jager, J. N. Bible. 
 Jago, W. "Vyvyan, R. R. 
 Jahn, O. Rhineland Antiq. Soc. 
 Jalal Addin. Jerusalem. 
 Jamaica. Archer; Pirn. 
 Jamblichus. Erotici Scriptores. 
 James I. Cabala ; Fanaticism ; Nicholls ; 
 Sanderson ; Weldon ; Winwood. 
 James II. Anselme ; Blencowe ; Brom- 
 ley ; Camden Soc., 52 ; Historical 
 Tracts, B. 15, F. 1 ; Oxford Hist. Soc., 
 vi. ; Roquette ; Sandford ; Appendix, 
 25, 26, 117. 
 James V. Bannatyne Club, 4 ; D'Arville. 
 James VI. Arber ; Bannatyne Club, 
 1818; Camden Soc., 46, 78; Halt- 
 land Club. 
 James, the Pretender. Golding. 
 James, Sir H. Domesday Book. 
 James, R. Chetham Soc., vii. 
 Jane, Queen. Camden Soc., 48. 
 Jannet, P. Bibliotheca Scatologica. 
 Janssen, L. J. Wilmowsky. 
 Japan, Archceology. Morse. 
 Art. Audsley ; Leighton. 
 Chronology. Williams, J. 
 Memorials. Rundall. 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 8. 
 Japanese. Borlase. 
 Japanese Pottery. Science and Art De- 
 Japhet. Parsons. 
 Jarrow. Surtees Soc., 29. 
 Jarvis, C. Cervantes. 
 Java. Raffles ; Yates. 
 Jay, J. Colburn. 
 Jeaffreson, J. C. Middlesex County Re- 
 cord Soc. 
 Jean le Houx. Jacob. 
 Jean-sans-Peur. Swygenhoven. 
 Jebb, S. Kay. 
 Jedburgh. Rutherf urd. 
 Jefferson, S. Burton, G. ; Carlisle ; 
 Jefferson, T. Biddle, N. 
 Jellett, J. H. Irish Academy. 
 Jelling. Worsase. 
 Jena. Walchius. 
 Jeiiisen, R. Chetwind. 
 Jenkins, H. Colchester Castle. 
 Jenkinson, A. Hakluyt Soc., 72, 73. 
 Jenner, H. Birch. 
 Jenner, W. Fosbroke. 
 Jenyns, Mrs. Steinman. 
 Jenyns, Rev. L. Bath, Nat. Hist. Club. 
 Jerdan. Index Soc., 7. 
 Jerdan, W. Camden Soc., 21, 33 ; Rut- 
 land Papers. 
 Jerningham. Stonehenge. 
 Jerpoint Abbey. Hall, S. 
 Jersey, Constitutional History. Quesne. 
 History. Allen, E. ; De la Croix ; 
 Traditions. Bulkeley. 
 Guide. Rooke, O. 
 Jerusalem, Archaeology. Wigley. 
 Churches. Wheler. 
 Holy Places. Bonney, T. GK 
 Siege. Lewin. 
 Temple. Canina ; De Yogue. 
 Topography. Fergusson. 
 Travels. Walcknaer. 
 Underground. Warren. 
 Jesse. Corblet, J. 
 Jessopp, A. Camden Soc., N.S., xxv. 
 Carthew ; Husenbeth. 
 Jesuits. Leal. 
 Jesns College. Sherman. 
 Jewitt, L. Plymouth ; Reliquary. 
 Jews. Hospinianus ; Sainthill ; Wilson, 
 H. B. ; Witsius. 
 Joan of Arc. Quicherat. 
 Joan, Papesse. Lenfant. 
 Joannes Cantacuzenus. Byzantine His- 
 torians, 2. 
 Job. Clarke, H. J. 
 Jocelin, de Brakelonda. Camden Soc., 13. 
 Jodocus. Spies. 
 Joel. Byzantine Historians, 18. 
 Johanna, of Austria. Appendix, 83. 
 Johannes, Prior Hagustaldensis. Twys- 
 John, Abbot of Peterborough. Sparke, J. 
 John, King. Green, V. ; Hardy ; 
 Prynne ; Record Commission, 22. 
 John V., of Portugal. Appendix, 122. 
 John de Hotham. Way. 
 John of Salisbury. Sparke, J. 
 John Frederick, Duke of Wurtemberg. 
 Appendix, 84, 133. 
 Johnes, T. Froissart. 
 Johnson, Archdeacon. Bingham ; Green. 
 Johnson, C. Chrysal. 
 Johnson, F. Mahabharata. 
 Johnson, Jas. Money, W. 
 Johnson, R. Collier, J. P. ; Percy Soc., 
 23, 56. 
 Johnson, S. Boswell, J. ; Miscellanies, 
 iv. 10 ; Milton ; Orange. 
 Johnson, W. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Johnson Family. Green ; Money, W. 
 Johnston, W. Wanley. 
 Johnstons, F. Historical Papers, 5. 
 Johnys, Sir H. Bliss. 
 Joinville, J. de. Chronicles of the Cru- 
 Jomard. Drovetti. 
 Jones, Lieut.-Gen. Civil War Tracts, 16. 
 Jones, D. Pezron. 
 Jones, H. L. Le Keux. 
 Jones, I. Shakespeare Soc., 17. 
 Jones, J. W. Hakluyt Soc., 7. 
 Jones, O. Gwilym. 
 Jones, Pitman. Westcote. 
 Jones, Robert. Historical Tracts, F. 12. 
 Jones, T. Chethain Soc., xlviii. Ixiv. 
 Jones, T. W. Camden Soc., N.S., iv. 
 Jones, W. H. R. Infra : Rich Jones. 
 Jones Collection. Science and Art De- 
 Jonson, Ben. Shakespeare Soc., 17 j 
 Jordan, River. Lynch, W. F. 
 Jordan, T. Appendix, 139. 
 Jordanus. Hakluyt Soc., 29. 
 Jordao, L. M. Lisbon, R. Ac. of Sc. of. 
 Jort. Charma. 
 Jortin, Dr. Disney. 
 Joseph, Emperor. Appendix, 27. 
 Josephine, Empress. Appendix, 41. 
 Jouvenet. Leroy, 
 Jovellanos, G. Padron. 
 Joyce, J. Trials. 
 Jubinal, A. Libri. 
 Judea. Paravey, 
 Julian. Spanheim. 
 Julian, Emperor. Taylor T. 
 Juliana, St. Text Soc., 61. 
 Julius, Bishop. Meibomius. 
 Julius Csesar. Supra : Caesar. 
 Jumieges, Robert of. Warren, F. E. 
 Junius. Britton ; Dwarris. 
 Junius, F. Ceedmon. 
 Jusserand, J. J. Chaucer Soc., 19. 
 Juste, T. Brussels. 
 Justinian. Palestine Pilgrims' Text Soc.; 
 Kaffa. Beke. 
 Kalingar. Maisey. 
 Kalmuks. Supra : Calmucks. 
 Kalocza. Arneth. 
 Kamaon. Rivett-Carnac. 
 Kapp, J. E. Kortholt. 
 Kappel. Bullinger. 
 Karajan, T. G. von. Seven Sleepers. 
 Karl. Ebsworth. 
 Karnak. Birch. 
 Katharine of Arragon. Roxburghe Club. 
 Katharine, St. Text Soc., 80. 
 Katteewar. Jacob. 
 Kawi. Cohen-Stuart. 
 Keate. Wilson, H. 
 Keigwin. Jordan. 
 Kelhynoke. Walcott. 
 Kellawe, R. de. Chronicles, 62. 
 Keller, Dr. Zurich. 
 Keller, F. Lee, J. E. 
 Kellie, Earl of. Mar, Earl of. 
 Kelly, J. Manx Soc., 2, 13. 
 Kelly, M. Celtic Soc., 2. 
 Kelso. Rutherfurd. 
 Kelway, T. Ferrier, O. 
 Kemble, J. M. Camden Soc., 45 ; His- 
 torical Soc., 7 ; Salomon ; Vercelli. 
 Kenieys, Barony. Cambrian Archseologi- 
 cal Association. 
 Kemeys, C. K. Wharton. 
 Kemp. Ashbee ; Camden Soc., 11. 
 Kempe, A. J. Stothard. 
 Kenan, St. Hart, W. H. 
 Kendal. Matthew, G. K. ; Nicholson, C. 
 Kenilworth Castle. Warwick Castle ; 
 Appendix, 152. 
 Kennedy, C. R. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Kensal Green Cemetery. Clark. 
 Kensington. Faulkner. 
 Kent, Bibliography. Smith, J. R. 
 Cade's Rebellion. Orridge. 
 Catholic Holdings. Hart. 
 Chart. Tracts, B. 3. 
 Kent, Domesday. 
 lies. Berry. 
 History. Harris, J. 
 Domesday Book ; 
 Sandys ; Somner. 
 Hasted ; 
 Kings. Jenkins, ~R. C. 
 Petition. Historical Tracts, G-. 6, 7. 
 Proceedings. Camden Soc., 80. 
 Roman Ports, etc. Somner. 
 Survey. Philipott. 
 Tenures. Elton. 
 Topography. Kilburne ; Lambard. 
 Weald. Dearn ; Furley. 
 Kentish Garland. De Vaynes. 
 Kentish Houses. Kershaw, S. W. 
 Kentish Town. Bennett. 
 Kent's Cavern. Pengelly. 
 Kenyon, R. L. Hawkins. 
 Kermario. Miln. 
 Kern, H. Hessels. 
 Kerr Family. Genealogist. 
 Kerrich. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 19. 
 Kerry, History. Cusack ; Smith, C. 
 Kerry Pastoral. Percy Soc., 33. 
 Kershaw, S. W. Kussell. 
 Kertch. Hogg; Sabatier ; Thompson. 
 Kervyn de Lettenhove, Baron. Brussels, 
 Kesslerloch. Lee, J. E. 
 Kestner, A. Rome. 
 Keswick. Matthew, G-. K. 
 Kettering Church. Billings, R. W. 
 Ketteringham. Hunter. 
 Kettlewell, J. Church Affairs. 
 Ketturin. Lumsden. 
 Keuchenius, R. Appendix, 69, ii. 
 Kew Gardens. Hooker. 
 Keyser, P. Speculum Regale. 
 Keyser, R. Olaf. 
 Kibworth. Hill, J. H. 
 Kidd, Samuel. Asiatic Soc.> 8. 
 Kiddle, E. Egyptian Relics. 
 Kiel. Forchammer. 
 Kien Lung. Weston. 
 Kiessling, A. Dionysius Halicarn. 
 Kijovia. Herbinus. 
 Kilbride. Allen, J. R. ; Ure. 
 Kilburne, W. Loftie. 
 Kilby. Hill, J. H. 
 Kilkenny. Irish Arch. Soc., 4. 
 Killingworth. Miscellanies iii., 6. 
 Kilmalkedar. Hill. 
 Kilmartin. Allen, J. R. 
 Kilpeck Church. James ; Lewis, G. R. 
 Kilrey. Baker. 
 Kil winning Peerage. Balfour. 
 Kimmeridge. Miles, W. A. 
 Kinderen, T. H. der. Batavia. 
 King, A. C. Science and Art. Dept. 
 King, C. W. Bathurst. 
 King, D. Ormerod, 
 King, E. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 10. 
 King, H. W. Sparvel-Bayly. 
 King, J. Cook, James. 
 King, T. W. Chetham Soc., 75. 
 King's College Chapel, Camb. Bolton, 
 W. J. ; Carter, T. J. P. ; Maiden, H. ; 
 Neve ; Scharf . 
 Kingdom, J. A. Grocers' Company. 
 Kinglake, W. C. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Kingsford. Sandys. 
 Kingsley, C. Baltung. 
 Kingsley, G. H. Text Soc., 9. 
 Kingston House, Bradford. Jackson, J. E. 
 Kingston-upon-Hull. Todd. 
 Kingston - upon - Thames. Hanway ; 
 Kin! oss Monastery. Stuart, J. 
 Kinross. Scotland, Soc. of Ant. of. 
 Kinsale. Caulfield. 
 Kintbury. Jones, T. R. 
 Kinver Church. Hodgson. 
 Kipling, T. Bible, Codex Beza Cantab. 
 Kippis, Dr. Biographia Britannica. 
 Kir by, J. Taylor, B. 
 Kirkburton. Morehouse. 
 Kirkby, John de. Surtees Soc., 49. 
 Kirkham. Chetham Soc., 92 ; Yorkshire 
 Arch. Assoc. 
 Kirkland Family. Rylands. 
 Kirkringius, T. Valentini, B. 
 Kirkstall Abbey. Leeds. 
 Kirkwall. Dryden, Sir H. E. L. 
 Kirwan, Dr. Triebner. 
 Kiss, K. Hungarian Books. 
 Kitto, J. Sacred Literature. 
 Klaproth, M. H. Minutoli. 
 Klein schmidt, S. Rafn. 
 Klim. Holberg. 
 Knaresborough. Grainge ; Hargrove, E. 
 Knauz, N. Hungarian Books. 
 Knight. Index Soc., 7. 
 Knight, C. London. 
 Knight, Gulielmus. Hall, J. 
 Knight, J. Hakluyt Soc., 52. 
 Knight, R. P. British Museum. 
 Knighton, H. Twysden. 
 Knights of Malta. Porter. 
 Knobelsdorf. Numismatic Tracts, 4. 
 Knole. Brady, J. H. 
 Knossington. Hill, J. H. 
 Knowles, Canon. Jackson, W., 7. 
 Knowles, T. Letters. 
 Knowsley Hall. Scharf. 
 Knox, J. Arber ; Fanaticism ; Grampian 
 Knox Family. Grampian Club. 
 Kohne, B. de. St. Petersburg. 
 Kolbing, E. Text Soc., 46. 
 Komerup, J. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Kortum, C. W. Salzenberg. 
 Kotschoubey Prince. Koehne. 
 Kraljevic, M. Karaman. 
 Krefting, O. Christiania Univ. 
 Kreyssig, J. T. Carminis, etc. 
 Kuinoel, C. T. Propertius. 
 Kuraaon. Rivett-Carnac. 
 Kurdistan. Layard. 
 Kuster, L. Suidas. 
 Kyd, S. Trials. 
 Kynder Family. Fletcher. 
 Kyneburg, St. Hart, W. H. 
 Kyteler, A. Camden Soc., 24. 
 Laborde, Count L. de. Paris. 
 Laboulaye, E. Libri. 
 Lachmann, C. Byzantine Historians, 12 ; 
 Q-romatici; Terentianus ; Theophy- 
 Lacock Abbey. Bowles. 
 Lacroix, P. Jacob, P. L. ; Libri. 
 Lactantius. Auctores Mythographi. 
 Lacy Family. Nichols, J. GK 
 Ladak. Cunningham. 
 Lserdal. Nicolaysen. 
 Laet, J. de. Vitruvius. 
 Lafon, J. B. M. Born. 
 La Fontaine, .T. Boccacio, Q-. ; Contes. 
 Laing, D. Bannatyne Club, 1858, '59, 
 '67; Henryson; Scott, A.; Shake- 
 speare Soc., 17. 
 Laing, S. Snorre. 
 Lakes, the, Description. Otley. 
 Guide. Allison ; Baines ; Black ; 
 Robinson, John. 
 Legends. White, J. P. 
 Survey. Clarke, J. 
 Tour. Schillio. 
 Lalain, J. de. Chastellain, Q-. 
 Laleston. James, J. H. 
 La Manche. Gerville. 
 La Manna, G. Gemmelaro. 
 Lamb, Hon. Q-. Catullus. 
 Lambe, W. Heming. 
 Lambeth. Allen, T. 
 Lambeth Library. Maitland, S. R. ; 
 Lambeth Palace. Bray ley ; Kershaw, 
 S. W. 
 Lancashire Ballads Harland. 
 Collections. Chetham Soc., 
 ii., iii., v.-vii., xix., xxi., xxii., xxxiii., 
 xlix., 1., li., lir., lix., lx., Ixii., Ixxiv. ; 
 Earwaker ; Ormerod ; Record Soc. ; 
 Surtees Soc., 26. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Genealogies. Foster. 
 History. Baines ; Gregson ; 
 Leigh, C. 
 Neolithic Man. March. 
 Roman Remains. Watkin. 
 Lancashire Guide. Cheshire ; Robinson, 
 Lancashire Library. Fishmck. 
 Lancaster, History. Simpson, R. 
 Memorial Hall. Thayer. 
 Worthies. Raines. 
 Lancaster, Duchy of. Record Commis- 
 sion, 26. 
 Lancaster, House of. Gairdner, J. 
 Lancaster Family. Hall, E. 
 Lancaster, Mass. Willard. 
 Lancaster, Sir J. Hakluyt Soc., 56. 
 Lancereau, E. Hitopadesa. 
 Landa, L. Guillemin. 
 Landaff. Infra : Llandaff. 
 Landino. Dante. 
 Land's End. Edmonds. 
 Laneham. Appendix, 152. 
 Lane-Poole, S. British Museum ; Science 
 and Art Department. 
 Lanercost. Ferguson. 
 Lanfranc. Caxton Soc., 12 ; Charma. 
 Langhorne, R. Historical Papers, 4, 
 Langland, J. Text Soc., 17, 28. 
 Langland, W. Text Soc., 38, 54, 67. 
 Langle. Collet. 
 Langstone. Monmouthshire and Caer. 
 Ant. Assoc. 
 Langtoft, P. de. Chronicles, 47. 
 Langton, W. Chetham Soc., xxiv., xxxvii., 
 Ivii., xcv., xcviii., ex. 
 Langton Parish. Hill, J. H. 
 Langwith, Dr. Tracts, B. 1. 
 Lanhill. Thurnam. 
 Lanjuinais. Graberg. 
 Lankester, E. London Spring Water 
 Lansdowne, MSS. British Museum ; 
 Record Commission, 17. 
 Lanzi. Evans, G. W. D. 
 Laon. Cardon. 
 Lapland. Dillon ; Magnusson ; Scheffcr. 
 Larcom, T. A. Irish Arch. Soc., 15. 
 Larking, J. B. Camden Soc., 65, 80. 
 Larking, L. B. Hasted. 
 Larnaud. Rebour. 
 La Rochefoucauld. De Granges. 
 La Rochelle. Marchegay. 
 La Serre, P. de. Infra : Puget. 
 Lassus, J. B. A. Honnecourt ; Vil- 
 Laterculum. Seeck. 
 Latham, R. G. Kemble. 
 Lathrom Family. Ormerod. 
 Latimer, Hugh. A rber; Ridley. 
 Latin Language. Varro, M. T. 
 Latium. Belt ; Knight, E. C. 
 Laubmann, G. Halm. 
 Laud, J. Mozley. 
 Laud, W. Political Tracts, 5. 
 Lauder, W. Text Soc., 3, 40. 
 Lauderdale Papers. Camden Soc., xxxiv., 
 Lauenberg. Schleswig. 
 Lauersfort. Ehineland Antiq. Soc. 
 Laughton. Hill, J. H. 
 Launceston, Peter. 
 Launditch. Carthew. 
 Laurentius, of Durham. Surtees Soc., Ixx. 
 Lauriers, Des. Supra : Des Lauriers. 
 Lauritz de Thurah. Yitruvius. 
 Lausanne. Blavignac. 
 Laval, E. Durant, S. 
 Law Courts, London. Lockwood. 
 Lawley. Surtees Soc., Ixxv. 
 Lawrence, Sir J. Peerages. 
 Lawson, D. Eichardson. 
 Lawson, W. Cumberland and Carlisle ; 
 Layamon. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Layard, A. H. Arundel Soc. ; Beke. 
 Layer Marney Hall. Hayward. 
 Layton, E. Pegge. 
 Lea Hurst. Jewitt. 
 Leamington. Beck. 
 Leamington Priors. Moncrieff. 
 Leasowes. Hagley. 
 Leath Ward. Jefferson. 
 Leber, M. C. Appendix, 7. 
 Le Blant, E. Garrucci. 
 Le Blond. De la Chau. 
 L6ehaude d'Anisy, A. L. Ducarel ; Le 
 Le Chevalier, J. B. Noel. 
 Lechmere,. Sir E. H. Wood. 
 Leckonfield. Oliver, Or. 
 Le Clere, G. Abbotsford Club, 1841. 
 Lectoure. Eobert, C. 
 Lederlin, J. H. Pollux, J. 
 Le Du Chat. Eabelais. 
 Lee, F. G-. Churches ; Mossman ; Scot- 
 Lee, J. E. Keller; Merk, C. ; Eomer. 
 Lee, N. Plays, 2. 
 Lee, E. Harleian Soc., v. 
 Lee, S. Ibn Batuta. 
 Lee, S. L. Text Soc., Ex. S., 40. 
 Lee Family. Lee, F. G. 
 Leeds, History. Eoff e j Wardell ; Wright, 
 Topography. Thoresby; Whitaker, 
 T. D. 
 Leeds, Duke of. Camden Soc., 35. 
 Leeds Castle, Kent. Martin, C. W. 
 Leeds Church. Thoresby. 
 Leek. Sleigh. 
 Leemans. Horapollo. 
 Leesthorpe. Hill, J. H. 
 Leeuwen, J. van. Friesland. 
 Lefebure, E. G-uieysse. 
 Le Fevre, J. France, Soc. de 1'Histoire de. 
 Lefroy, Sir J. H. Hakluyt Soc., 62. 
 Legh/T. Pegge. 
 Le G-lay. Cambray ; Documents, 24. 
 Le Grand. Bucaniers. 
 Leibnitz. Bodemann, E. 
 Leicester, Corporation. Paul, *T. D. 
 Friars. Palmer, C. F. E. 
 History. Thompson, J. 
 Insignia. Kelly, W. 
 Plague. Kelly, W. 
 Roman Remains. Hollings. 
 Royal Visits. Kelly, W. 
 Leicestershire, Chantries. Walcott. 
 Collections. Fletcher, W. 
 Gr. D. 
 Nichols, J. 
 Description. Burton, W. 
 Dialect. Evans, A. B. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 G-eography. Fretton. 
 History. Hill, J. H. ; 
 W. G. D. 
 Soc., ii. 
 Inquisitions p.m. Fletcher, 
 Natural History. Ansted. 
 Sepulchral Monuments. 
 Topographical History. 
 Visitation, 1619. Harleian 
 Fletcher, W. G. D. 
 Leicestershire Guide. 
 Leigh, Lancashire. Bailey ; Eylands, J. P. ; 
 Leigh, Surrey. Palgrave, E. F. D. 
 Leighton Buzzard. Lawford. 
 Leitch, J. Miiller, C. O. 
 Leith. Eobertson. 
 Leith Monastery. Grampian Club. 
 Leith, W. F. Forbes-Leith, W. 
 Leitner, G. W. Ghafur, M. A. ; Pun- 
 Le Keux. Britton ; Neale, J. P. ; Pugin. 
 Leland, J. Huddesford ; Jackson, J. E. 
 Le Moine, S. Cuper. 
 Lemon, E. Antiquaries, Soc. of. Bruce ; 
 Eecord Commission, 77 ; Eecord 
 Office ; State Paper Office. 
 Lempriere, House of. Payne. 
 Le Neve, P. Chauncy ; Dalton, Sir M. ; 
 Harleian Soc., viii. 
 Lenglet Dufresnoy. Lorris. 
 Lennox, House of. Wheater. 
 Lenoir. Documents, 22, 31. 
 Lenton. Godfrey, J. T. 
 Leo. Byzantine Historians, 3. 
 Leofric. Warren, F. E. 
 Leo Grammaticus. Byzantine Historians, 
 Leominster. Price ; Townsend. 
 Leon, C. de. Hakluyt Soc., 61, 68. 
 Leonard, T. Burton, E. 
 Leone, J. Alberti, L. B. 
 Leoaicus. Byzantine Historians, 31. 
 Leonora, Empress. Appendix, 27, 160. 
 Leopold I. Appendix, 90. 
 Leosthenes. Babington, C. 
 Leothade, Bishop of Auch. Cane"to. 
 Lepelle de Bois-Gallais. Libri. 
 Le Prevost, A. Vitalis. 
 Lepsius. Seals, Foreign, 2. 
 Leroux de Lincy. Camden Soc., 72 ; 
 Documents, 15. 
 L'Estrange, Sir R. Butler, S. ; Castillo 
 Sovorcano ; Josephus. 
 Lettsom, J. C. Fothergill. 
 Leuschner, J. C. Schwarz. 
 Levant. Curzon. 
 Leven Papers. Bannatyne Club, 1843. 
 Levens. Paget, F. E. 
 Leverett, J. New England Hist. G-en. 
 Leveson Family. Q-enealogist. 
 Lewes. Horsfield ; Lower ; Mantell. 
 Lewis, H. Palestine Pilgrims' Text Soc. 
 Lewis, J. Dialect Soc. 
 Lewis, S. Worcestershire. 
 Lewis, T. T. Camden Soc., 58. 
 Lewis, W. Boston Numismatic Soc.; 
 New England. 
 Leycester, Lieut. Hogg. 
 Leycester, Sir P. Chetham Soc., 78-80. 
 Ley den. Kist ; Leemans ; Bipperda ; 
 Leyden Academy. Water. 
 Leyden Museum. Leemans, 0. 
 Leyden University. Index Soc., xi 
 Ley land, J. Lancashire Diary. 
 Libarna. Yarni. 
 Lie h field. Harwood. 
 Lichfield Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Ca- 
 thedrals ; Stone; Willis. 
 Lichfield, Earls of. Lee. 
 Lickey Hill, Worcestershire. Buckland. 
 Liden, J. Kroningssvaard. 
 Liebistorf. Penny. 
 Liege. Seals, Foreign, 5, 7. 
 Lightfoot, H. Thorns. 
 Lille, Buildings. Donaldson, T. L. 
 MSS. Phillipps, 29. 
 Tournaments. Appendix, 16. 
 Lillebonne. Bourdet ; Chatel ; Cochet ; 
 Lilleshall Abbey. Jones, E. 
 Lilly, W. Bonatus, Q-. ; Burman; Har- 
 leian Soc., xiii. ; Paier. 
 Limburg. Weerth. 
 Limpsfield Church. Heales. 
 Lincoln, Antiquities. Oliver, G. 
 Archaeology. Archaeological In- 
 History. Allen, T. 
 Plan. Padley, J. S. 
 Visitation, 1562-4. Metcalfe, 
 W. C. 
 Visitation, 1592. Metcalfe, W. C. 
 Lincoln Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Maddi- 
 son ; Wild, C. ; Willis. 
 Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society. 
 Lincoln Guide. Brummitt. 
 Lincolnshire, Agriculture. Young, A. 
 Sells. Jerram ; North, T. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Fens. Wheeler. 
 Pedigrees. Green, E. 
 Views. Hewlett. 
 Lincoln, Abraham. Nason. 
 Lincoln's Inn. Brabrook ; Spilsbury. 
 Lindau Abbey. Antiq., Soc, of., 1885. 
 Linden, J. vander. Hippocrates. 
 Lindenbrog, H. Censorinus. 
 Lindisfarne. Wilson. 
 Lindner, F. Chaucer Soc., ii. S., 16. 
 Lindsay Library. Crawford, Earl of. 
 Lindsay Peerage. Crawford. 
 Lindsays, The. Jervise. 
 Lingard. Todd. 
 Linlithgow. Waldie. 
 Linschoten, J. H. van. Hakluyt Soc. 
 Liparo. Calcagni. 
 Lippe. Meibomius. 
 Lippi. Arundel Soc. 
 Lipsius. Maderus. 
 Lisbon, Civil War Tracts, 18 ; Sousa 
 Lisieux. Le Prevost. 
 Lister, M. Apicius. 
 Lithuania. Vossberg. 
 Little Stanmore. Armstrong. 
 Little Wilbraham. Neville. 
 Liverdun. Cournault. 
 Livermore, G. Deane. 
 Liverpool, Churches. Rylands. 
 Condition, 1858. Hume. 
 Description. Stonehouae. 
 Directory. Lewis. 
 History. Brooke, R. 
 Memorials. Picton. 
 Topography. Boult. 
 Liverpool Bay. Boult. 
 Liverpool Gallery of Inventions and 
 Science. Lancashire. 
 Liverpool Museum. Gatty, C. T. ; 
 Mayer, J. 
 Liverpool and Manchester Railway. 
 Livius, T. Machiavelli ; Tomasinus, J. P. 
 Lizard, The. Johns. 
 Llandaff. Willis. 
 Llandaff Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Willis, B. 
 Llandaff Diocese. Willis. 
 Llandovery. Rees. 
 Llandudno. Hicklin. 
 Llanegryn. Wynne. 
 Llangoflen. Jones, H. 
 Lbuitliony. Clarke, J. 
 Lloyd, W. Historical Tracts, B. 8. 
 Lloyd, W. V. Jones, M. C. 
 Llyfnaut. Williams, J. GK 
 Lobo, J. Beke. 
 Loch Ce. Chronicles 54. 
 Lochlomond. Baird. 
 Lochwinnoch. Eenfrew. 
 Lock, J. Le Clerc. 
 Lockharfc, Mr. Ballantyne, Messrs. 
 Lockhart, C. Woodward. 
 Lockharfc, J. G-. Bucke. 
 Locmariaker. Fergusson, S. ; Lukis. 
 Lodbrok. Lorich. 
 Lodge. Index Soc., 7 : Shakespeare Soc., 
 Lodge, B. Text Soc., 52. 
 Lodge, T. Ingleby. 
 Loe, W. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Loffroy. Lefroy. 
 Loftie, W. J. Russell. 
 Logan, J. Gruillim. 
 Lok. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Lollards. Camden Soc., 20. 
 Lolling, Gr. Conze. 
 Lombard Street. Price, F. GK H. 
 Lombards. Fontanini. 
 Lomond. Lumsden. 
 Londesborough, Lady. Croker. 
 Londesborough, Lord. Fair ; Fairholt. 
 London, Account. Pennant. 
 Antiquities. Gfembloux ; Smith, 
 C. E. ; Smith, J. T. ; Woodward, J. 
 Architecture. Fonnereau ; Smirke. 
 Armourers' Company. Ar- 
 Bell Founders. Stahlschmidt, J. 
 C. L. 
 Carmen of. Carmen. 
 Chronicles. Camden Soc., 28. 
 Churches. Grodwin ; Willis. 
 Citizen of. Citizen. 
 Citizens. Orridge. 
 Collections. Chronicles, 4, 12 ; 
 Civil War Tracts, 7, 13 ; Nichols, J. 
 GV. ; Price, J E. 
 Companies. Blakesley. 
 Corporation. Gruildhall Library. 
 Corporation Library. Overall. 
 Curiosities. Timbs. 
 Description. Brewer, J. H. ; 
 Diocese. Willis. 
 Drainage. Boulnois ; Martin. 
 Ecclesiastical Architecture. 
 Clarke, C. 
 Environs of. Lysons. 
 Fire. Waterhouse. 
 History. Harrison ; Hughson ; 
 Loftie, W. J.; Mainland, W. ; Mal- 
 colm, J. P.; Miller, W.; Nicholson, 
 C. ; Norton, Gf. ; Skinner. 
 Hospitals. Firth, J. F. 
 Illustrations. Wilkinson. 
 London, Livery Companies. Herbert, W. 
 of. De Lisle, E. 
 Manners. Malcolm, J. P. 
 Map. Newcourt, E. ; Newton, 
 Archaeological In- 
 Old London. 
 Open Spaces. Angell. 
 Pageant, 1814. Appendix, 170. 
 Pageants. Nichols, J. Gr. 
 Parishes. Newcourt. 
 Plan. Harwood, E. 
 Privilegia. Bohun. 
 Reconstruction. Westgarth Prize 
 Scenes. Aleph. 
 Songs. Percy Soc., 7. 
 Survey. Parish Clerks ; 
 mour ; Stow. 
 Statistics. Scott, B. 
 Tokens. Akerman ; Hodgkin, J. 
 Percy Soc., 2. 
 View of, 1550. Topographical 
 Soc., i. 
 Soc., xv. 
 Wattes in. 
 1633. Harleian 
 Water Supply. Matthews, W. 
 London and London Life. Eiley, H. T. 
 London and N.W. Eailway. Meason. 
 London and S.W. Eailway. 
 London Bridge. Hawksmoor. 
 London Calendar. Almanacs. 
 London Gruide. Allen, T. ; Chambers, 
 W. and E. ; Cunningham. 
 London Institution. Butler. 
 London Stone. Black. W. H. 
 Londonderry. Ireland. 
 Lonelich, H. Text Soc., Ex. S., 20, 30. 
 Long, Mr. Catalogue (Sale), 1842. 
 Long, C. E. Camden Soc., 74. 
 Long, H. Jackson, J. E. 
 Long Benton. Besley. 
 Longinus. Sappho. 
 Longleat. Jackson, J. E. 
 Longmuir, J. Jamieson- 
 Lonperier, A. de. De Witte. Numismatic 
 Tracts, 1, 2, 4. 
 Longridge Family. Waters. 
 Longstaffe, W. H. D. Surtees Soc., 34, 
 37, 41, 50. 
 Longus. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Longworthy, M. T. Yelverton. 
 Lonsdale Magazine. Morris, J. P. 
 Loo Palace. Harris. 
 Looz. Perreau. 
 Lorens, Frere. Chaucer Soc., 19. 
 Lorenzo dei Medici. Fabroni ; Eoscoe. 
 Loretto. Lucidi. 
 Lorraine. Beaulieu ; Caumont. 
 Lorraine, Dukes of. Saulcy. 
 Loseley MSS. Kempe. 
 Losinga, H. de. Goulburn. 
 Lotliian. Clackmannan. 
 Loughborough. Fletcher, W. Q-. D. 
 Lough Fea. Shirley. 
 Louis I. Evans, J. 
 Louis IX. Chronicles of the Crusades; 
 Deville ; Joinville. 
 Louis XI. Quicherat. 
 Louis XIII. Appendix, 58, 60. 
 Louis XIV. Cabinet du Roi ; Documents, 
 28; Medailles; Menestrier ; Puget 
 de la Serre ; Appendix, 23, 70, 161. 
 Louis XV. Appendix, 31, 77-79. 
 Louis XVI. Appendix, 39, 40. 
 Louis, Dauphin. Appendix, 96, 97. 
 Louis, Duke of Burgundy. Appendix, 
 74, 103. 
 Louis the Q-erman. Mourein. 
 Louise Elizabeth, of France. Appendix, 
 Louisbourg. Shirley. 
 Louth. Peacock. 
 Louvain, Counts of. Earn. 
 Louvre. Donaldson ; Henzey ; Paris ; 
 Love, C. Political Tracts, 14. 
 Lovekyn, J. Heales, A. 
 Lovelace, R. Colomb. 
 Loventium. Rees. 
 Low Countries. Netherlands. 
 Lower, Sir W. Appendix, 69. 
 Lowestoft. Grilling water ; Trery. 
 Loyola. Crashaw, W. 
 Luard, H. R. Cambridge, Univ. of; 
 Chronicles, 3, 16, 25, 36, 57. 
 Lubbenham. Hill, J. H. 
 Lubbock, Sir J. Kains- Jackson ; Nilsson ; 
 Lubeck. Meibomius ; Street. 
 Luce, S. France, Soc. de 1'Hist. ; Frois- 
 Lucilius, C. Censorinus. 
 Lucy, of Narni. Capes. 
 Ludes, E. Kuster. 
 Ludlow, Churchwardens' Accounts. Cam- 
 den Soc., 102. 
 History. Clive ; Wright, T. 
 Views. Zeigler. 
 Ludlow Castle. Hodges. 
 Luffman, J. London. 
 Luitprandus. Byzantine Historians, 3. 
 Luke, St. Hodegedria. 
 Lukis, W. C. Surtees Soc., Ixxiii. 
 Lully, R. Belot, J. ; Paracelsus. 
 Lumby, J. R. Text Soc., 14, 42, 43, 65, 
 Lund. Hildebrand. 
 Lundie, J. Abbotsford Club, 1845. 
 Lunt, P. Green, S. A. 
 Lupfen. Durrich. 
 Lushington, H. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Luther. Sotheby. 
 Lulterworth. Bloxam. 
 Luxdorph. Gunnlaugus. 
 Luxembourg. Brussels, Academic ; Kes- 
 sel; Piot. 
 Luxor. Godwin. 
 Lycia, Coins. Fellows. 
 Medal. Longperier, A. de. 
 Travels. Benndorf . 
 Lycomedes. Levezow. 
 Lycosthenes, C. Obsequens. 
 Lydgate, J. Camden Soc., N.S., xvii. ; 
 Chaucer ; Percy Soc., 4. 
 Lydia. Steuart, J. R. 
 Lydus. Byzantine Historians, 20. 
 Lye, E. Junius. 
 Lyly, J. Arber ; Shakespeare Soc., 14. 
 Lyme Regis. Roberts. 
 Lyminge Monastery. Jenkins, R. C. 
 Lymington. St. Barbe ; Warner. 
 Lymm Church. Rylands. 
 Lymne. Smith, C. R. 
 Lynch, J., Dr. Celtic Soc., 2. 
 Lyndesay, Sir D. Text Soc., 11, 19, 35, 
 37, 47. 
 Lyndhurst, Lord. Gibson ; Leonards, St. 
 Lynn. Taylor, W. 
 Lynton. Cooper, T. H. 
 Lyon Office. Foster, J. 
 Lyons, Antiquities. Delandine. 
 Exhibition, 1877. Giraud. 
 Hotel de Ville. Desjardins. 
 Museum. Artaud ; Comarmond. 
 Pageants. Appendix, 155, 159. 
 Palais de Commerce. Dardel. 
 Lyons, P. A. Chronicles ; Whitaker. 
 Lyte, H. Dodoens. 
 Lyte Family. G, orge. 
 Lyttleton, C. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 26. 
 M., T. Barclay, A. 
 Mabille, E. Jehan de Paris. 
 Macaire, St. Appendix, 144. 
 MacAlpine, W. H. Hartwell House. 
 Macao. Biker. 
 Macas Indians. Lubbock. 
 Macaulay, Lord. Babington, C. j Index 
 Soc., 6 ; Tomlinson. 
 Macbeth, King. Stephens. 
 McCall, P. Phillips. 
 Macclesfield. Earwaker. 
 Macdermott. Viollet. 
 Macdonald, A. Maitland Club. 
 Macdonald, F. Maskell. 
 Macdonnell, P. R. Trials, H. 
 Macedonia. Crophius. 
 Macfarlane, W. 0. Parker. 
 Machells. Bellasis, E. 
 Machlinia. Ferguson, J. 
 Machyn, H Gamden Soc., 42. 
 Mackay, C. Percy Soc., 7. 
 Mackenzie, C. Franks. 
 Mackenzie, Sir Or. Gruillim. 
 Mackenzie, K. E. H. Lepsius. 
 Mackenzie, W. Manx Soc., 3. 
 Mackerell, B. Norwich. 
 Mackeson, H. B. Furley. 
 Maclaine, A. Mosheim. 
 MacLauchlan, H. Archaeological Insti- 
 tute of Great Britain. 
 Maclean, Sir J. Bravender ; Camden 
 Soc., 76, 88 ; Harleian Soc., xxi. ; 
 Marsh, J. F. ; Smyth, J. 
 Macleod, D. Miscellanies, iii., 1. 
 MacNeill, Prince of Aileach. Irish Arch. 
 Soc., 1. 
 Macpherson, D. Wyntown. 
 M'Phun. Fyfe. 
 Macray, W. D. Bodleian Library ; 
 Chronicles, 29, 83 ; Clarendon State 
 Papers ; Evesham ; Oxfordshire Arch. 
 Soc. ; Parnassus ; Eoxburghe Club. 
 Mac worth, Sir H. Historical Tracts, D. 7. 
 Madden, Sir F. Antiquaries, Soc. of; 
 British Museum ; Chronicles, 44 ; 
 G-esta ; Lajamon ; Seals, Med., 5, 9 ; 
 War to a. 
 Madras Central Museum. India. 
 Madrid. Jubinal. 
 Madron. Millett. 
 Maecenas. Schomberg. 
 Maerlant, J. van. Bormans ; Brussels, 
 Maeshowe. Stuart. 
 Maestrae, B. Duran. 
 Maestricht, Church of St. Anthony. 
 Coins. Perreau. 
 Seals. Seals, Foreign, 12. 
 Maffei, P. A. Kossi, D. de. 
 Maffei, S. Verona e Milan, 1. 
 Magdalen College. Caxton Soc., 14 ; 
 Church Affairs; Oxford Hist. Soc., vi. 
 Magellan, F. de. Arana, D. de B. ; Hak- 
 luyt Soc., 52. 
 Maggido, Viscount de. D'Ayezac. 
 Magh Leana. Celtic Soc., 4. 
 Magini, Gr. A. Ptolemy. 
 Magna Grsecia. Eiedesel, Baron ; Wil- 
 kins, W. 
 Magniac, H. Eobinson. 
 Magnus, Abp. Hendenlund. 
 Magnus, St. Berlin. 
 Magnusson, E. Chronicles, 65. 
 Mahaffy. . Paley. 
 Mahomet. Prideaux. 
 Mahon, Lord. Sparks ; Stanhope. 
 Maiden Bower. Wyatt. 
 Maidstone, Account. Baverstock, J. H. 
 History. Newton, W. 
 Maidstone, Sanitary Condition. Which- 
 Witches. Trials, 1837. 
 Maier, M. Paruta. 
 Maine, H. J. S. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Maine, J. Donne. 
 Mainpuri. Eivett-Carnac. 
 Mainwaring, Sir T. Chetham Soc., 78-80. 
 Mair, P. H. Appendix, 149. 
 Maitland, S. E. Lambeth Archiepiscopal 
 Major, E. H. Hakluyt Soc. ; Strachey. 
 Malabar. Hakluyt Soc., 35. 
 Malaccas. Batavia. 
 Malaga. Berlanga ; Carter, F. ; Byzan- 
 tine Historians, 8. 
 Malet, Sir A. Trinity College, Dublin; 
 Malew. Manx Soc., 28. 
 Malines. Van Doren, P. J. ; Weale. 
 Mailing College. Tyssen. 
 Malmesbury. Jackson ; Moffatt. 
 Malmesbury Abbey. Chronicles, 72. 
 Malmesbury, William of. William of 
 Malombra, Gr. Ptolemy. 
 Malory, Sir T. Arthur, King. 
 Malpas, Sir P. Orridge. 
 Malta, Antiquities. Caruana. 
 - Inscription. Fortia. 
 - Knights. Vertot, E. A. de. 
 - Monuments. Vassallo. 
 Malton. Yorkshire Arch. Assoc. 
 Maluco Islands. Hakluyt Soc., 19. 
 Malvern. Barrett ; Chambers ; Southall. 
 Malvern Priory. Thomas, W. 
 Mamertini Prison. Gori. 
 Man, Isle of. Isle of Man. 
 Manasses. Byzantine Historians, 18. 
 Manchester, Armorial. Whatton. 
 - Collections. Chetham Soc., 
 xxviii., liii., Ivi., Iviii., Ixi., Ixiii., 
 Ixviii., Ixix., Ixxii., Ixxiii. 
 -- Description. Aston. 
 -- Free Library. Crestodoro. 
 --- History. Holling worth ; 
 Whitaker, J. 
 Manchester Cathedral. Cathedrals. 
 Manchester Gruide. Cornish ; Perrin. 
 Manchester School. Chetham Soc., 93, 
 Manchester Water Scheme. Thirlmere. 
 Manchester, Earl of. Camden Soc., N. S., 
 Manchus. Howorth. 
 Manckerus, T. Antoninus Liberalis. 
 Mancunium. Black, J. 
 Manders, H. Crosthwaite. 
 Mandeville, J. de. Bergeron, P. 
 Manetbo. Eouge. 
 Mangles, J. Irby. 
 Manlove. Dialect Soc. 
 Manning, O. Lye. 
 Manning, R. Text Soc., 60. 
 Manningham, J. Camden Soc., 99. 
 Manorbeer Castle. Duekett. 
 Manship. Palmer, C. J. 
 Mansion House. Price. 
 Maoris. New Zealand. 
 Mapes, W. Camden Soc., 16. 
 Maplestead. Wallen. 
 Mar, Earldom. Crawford, Lord. 
 Mar Peerage. Ancient and Modern. 
 Marcia. Lenormant. 
 Marculfus. Smith, T. 
 Marcus Aurelius. Des Vergers, N. ; 
 Mardefield. Hill, J. H. 
 Margan. Chronicles, 36. 
 Margaret, of Angoule'me. Ferriere- Percy. 
 Margaret, of Anjou. Brooke ; Camden 
 Soc., 86. 
 Margaret, of Austria. Guzman; Appen- 
 dix, 176. 
 Margaret, of Flanders. Canat. 
 Margaret, Queen. Grevillius. 
 Margaret Louisa, Princess of Orleans. 
 Appendix, 89. 
 Margarite of America. Halliwell. 
 Margarot, M. Ramsey. 
 Margate Guide. Bonner ; Hall, J. ; 
 Hunter, R. E. ; Ramsgate. 
 Marham. Gibson, K. 
 Maria Amalia, Archduchess. Appendix, 
 94, 99. 
 Maria Egyptiaca, St. Earle. 
 Maria Louisa, of Austria. Appendix, 42. 
 Maria Louisa, Queen of Spain. Appen- 
 dix, 115. 
 Maria Theresa. Flechier ; Appendix, 35, 
 36, 119, ii. 
 Marienberg. Frick. 
 Marisco, A. de. Chronicles, 4. 
 Marjoribanks Family. Lyon Office. 
 Market Drayton. Lee. 
 Market Harborough. Hill, J. H. 
 Markham. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Markham, A. H. Hakluyt Soc., 59. 
 Markham, C. R. Fairfaxes ; Hakluyt Soc. 
 Marlborough. Hulme. 
 Marlborough, Duke of. Lediard. 
 Marlborough, Duchess of. Remarks. 
 Marlborough, George, 3rd Duke of. 
 Marlbroough House. Robinson, J. C. 
 Marleberge. Chronicles, 29. 
 Marlowe, C. Isham Reprints. 
 Marmion Family. Palmer. 
 Marne. Morel. 
 Marprelate. Infra : Martin Marp relate. 
 Marquis Islands. Gembloux. 
 Marritt, J. B. S. Trojan Controversy. 
 Marsden. W. Marco Polo. 
 Marseilles. Ireland; Lagoy. 
 Marsh, C. Milton. 
 Marshall. Dialect Soc. 
 Marshall, E. Beda ; Oxfordshire Arch. 
 Marshall, G. W. Harleian Soc., iv., viii. 
 Marshall Family. Marshall, G. W. 
 Marshman, J. C. Carey. 
 Marten. Hakluyt Soc., 18. 
 Martens, Thierry. Breviarium. 
 Martha, St. Caneto. 
 Martham Church, Norfolk. Taylor. 
 Martial. Miscellanies, i., 4. 
 Martin, St. Numismatic Tracts, 5. 
 Martin, C. T. Chronicles, 77 ; Wright. 
 Martin, J. Caviceo. 
 Martin Marprelate. Arber ; Puritan 
 Discipline Tracts. 
 Martin Outwick. Wilkinson. 
 Martindale, A. Chetham Soc., iv. 
 Marton, J. Camden Soc., 57. 
 Marvell. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Marvodia. Munk, W. 
 Mary I. Camden Soc., 48 ; Cocheris ; 
 Granger Soc. ; Madden ; Maitland 
 Club ; Memento ; Turner, S. 
 Mary II. Labanoif; Poems, 25; Span- 
 heimius ; Appendix, 116. 
 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Hart, W. H. 
 Mary, Consort of James II. Appendix, 44. 
 25, 26. 
 Mary, Consort of Louis XII. Appendix, 4 i. 
 Mary, Princess. Chester. 
 Mary, Queen of Scots. Anderson ; Bu- 
 chanan, G. ; Camden Soc., 93 ; 
 Goodall; Leader; Maitland Club; 
 Sanderson ; Seals, Med., 15 ; Warton 
 Club; Whitaker; Appendix, 47. 
 Mary Clementina Sobieski. Appendix, 120. 
 Mary de Medicis. Appendix, 55, 64-67. 
 Mary Magdalen. Markham, G. 
 Mary Magdalene, St., of Piazzi. Church 
 Maryland. Phillips. 
 Marzabotto. Gozzadini. 
 Maseardi, V. Appendix, 156. 
 Mascon. Perreaud. 
 Masenius. Browerus. 
 Maskell, A. Science and Art Dept. 
 Maskell, W. Science and Art Dept. 
 Mason, G. Johnson. 
 Mason and Dixon's Line. Graham. 
 Massachusetts, History. Winthrop. 
 - Medicine. Green, S. A. 
 Settlers. Goodwin, N. 
 Massachusetts Historical Soc. Green, S, 
 Massmger, P. Percy Soc., 80. 
 Massmann, H. F. Danse. 
 Masson, D. Camden Soc., N. S., xii, 
 Scotland, Chronicles, etc. 
 Mather, C. Deane ; Drake. 
 Mather, J. Drake ; Mayer. 
 Mathias, T. J. Spenser, E. ; Thomson. 
 Matliieu, Count of Boulogne. Marmin. 
 Mathieu, A. Garden. 
 Matilda, Empress. Birch. 
 Matilda, Queen. Evans ; Lafietay. 
 Matlock. Adam ; Jewitt. 
 Matthew, F. D. Text Soc., 74. 
 Matthew of Paris. Chronicles, 44, 57. 
 Matthews, R. Lonsdale. 
 Matthias, A. Euripides. 
 Matthias, Emperor. Appendix, 21. 
 Maty, P. H. Royal Soc. 
 Maucroix, . Sanders, N. 
 Maule, J. Cooke, J. 
 Maule Family. Panmure. 
 Mauretania. Duchalais ; Tornberg. 
 Maury, A. Clarac ; Squier. 
 Mausolus. Roessler. 
 Mawe, J. Dialect Soc. 
 Mawgan Cross. Tago, W. 
 Maximilian I. Delepierre ; Appendix, 
 Maximilian Emanuel, Prince of Bavaria, 
 Appendix, 102. 
 Maximus Tyrius. Theophrastus. 
 Maxwell MSS. Historical MSS. Comm. 
 Mayence. Becker. 
 Mayer, J. Libraries. 
 Mayer Collection. Gatty ; Liverpool 
 Free Public Library. 
 Maynarde, T. Hakluyt Soc., 4. 
 Mayo. Irish Arch. Soc., 8. 
 Mayor, J. E. B. Chronicles, 30 ; Ciren- 
 cester ; Text Soc., Ex. S., 27. 
 Mazarin, Cardinal. Memoires. 
 Mazzarella-Farao, F. Musseus. 
 Mead, R. Miscellanies, i., 1. 
 Meadows, J. Taylor, E. 
 Meadows White, Mrs. Smith, Alice M. 
 Mearns, The. Gervise. 
 Meaux Abbey. Oliver, G. 
 Mechitaristican Soc. G-oode. 
 Mechlin. G-ramaye ; Westlake. 
 Mechlin, Abp. of. Van Gestel. 
 Mecklenburg. Lisch ; Morlot. 
 Medbourne Parish. Hill, J. H. 
 Media. Hoeck. 
 Medici, House of. Noble. 
 Medway. Smith, C. R. 
 Meeke, Sir R. Morehouse. 
 Meerbeck, A. de. Appendix, 108. 
 Megha Duta. Wilson, H. H. 
 Mehus. Anconitanus. 
 Meiggs, E. Raimondi. 
 Meineke, A. Byzantine Historians, 15 ; 
 Melanchthon. Sotheby. 
 Melbourne, Derbyshire. Briggs, J. J. ; 
 Meldrum, W. Text Soc., 35. 
 Melrose Abbey. Hutchinson ; Ruther- 
 Melsa Monastery, Chronicles, 43. 
 Meltham. Hughes. 
 Melton Mowbray. North, T. 
 Melville Papers. Bannatyne Club, 1843. 
 Memoranda. Jones, E. 
 Memphis. Jomard. 
 Men of the time, 1868. Townsend, G. H. 
 Menai Straits. Jackson. 
 Menandrus. Byzantine Historians, 7. 
 Menard. Perrot. 
 Mendes Leal, J. da Silva. Lisbon, R. Ac. 
 Mendham, J. Law Soc. 
 Mendip Hills. Evans. 
 Mendoza. Hakluyt Soc., 14. 
 Menestrier, C. F. Albert ; Le Labour- 
 eur ; Appendix, 9. 
 Menin, M. Appendix, 10. 
 Menke, T. Spruner-Menke. 
 Menteith. Fraser ; Nichols, J. G. 
 Menzel, Dr. Wurttembergiseher Alter- 
 Mercer, J. Aristsenetus. 
 Merchant Guilds. Guilds. 
 Merchant Taylors' School. Wilson, H. B. 
 Mercurius Trismegistus. Hermes. 
 Mercury. De Foix, F. 
 Merdon. Imber. 
 Meriet Family. Greenfield, B. W. 
 Merimee, P. D'Aubigne, T. A. j Docu- 
 ments, 22. 
 Merivale, J. H. Bland. 
 Merivale Abbey. Bloxam. 
 Merlinus Anglicus. Astrologer. 
 Merobaudes. Byzantine Historians, 17. 
 Merolla, G. Piccardo. 
 Merrick, R. Phillipps, 7. 
 Merryweather, J. Brown, Thomas. 
 Mersen. Seals, foreign, 10. 
 Mersey. Boult. 
 Mersey District. Smith, H. E. 
 Merstham. Heales ; Palgrave. 
 Merthyr Mawr. James, J. H. 
 Merton College. Oxford Hist. Soc., iv. 
 Mervyn Family. Drake, W. R. 
 Mesnil-sous-Lillebonne. Roessler. 
 Mesopotamia. Pinches. 
 Messines. Diegerick. 
 Messingham. Mackinnon. 
 Messiter, C. Caxton Soc., 10. 
 Messman, D. Cambridge University. 
 Mestorf , J. Handelmann ; Wiberg ; Wor- 
 Metcalfe, W.C. Fenwick; Harleian Soc., 
 xiii., xxii. 
 Meun, J. de. Lorris. 
 Mexican Geographic Names. Penafiel, A. 
 Mexico, Antiquities. Ramirez. 
 Chalchihuitl. Squier. 
 History. Haviland ; Parker, F. 
 J.; Tylor. 
 Voyages. Hakluyt Soc., 23. 
 Meyrick, Sir S. R. Dwnn ; Shaw. 
 Mezzofanti, Card. Russell, C. W. 
 Miall, L. C. Whitaker. 
 Micha. Caspari. 
 Michael, St. Pritirwell, J. 
 Michael Angelo. Fairholt ; Taylor, J. E. 
 Michael, Palaeologus. Byzantine His- 
 torians, 14. 
 Michel, Dan. Text Soc., 23. 
 Michel, F. Abbotsford Club, 1841 ; Ban- 
 natyne Club ; De "Reimes ; Docu- 
 ments, 5, 7 ; Du Pont ; Gautier d'Au- 
 pais ; Gerard ; Poitiers ; Kenaut ; 
 Riote ; Roxburghe Club j Surtees 
 Soc., 11 ; Tristan. 
 Michelet. Documents, 30. 
 Middleham Church. Camden Soc., 38. 
 Middlesex, Archaeology. Hugo. 
 Description. Keane ; Brewer ; 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Parishes. Lysons. 
 Roman Remains. Price, J. E. 
 Survey. Parish Clerks. 
 Visitation, 1663. Phillipps, 3. 
 Middleton, History. Sutton Coldfield. 
 Middleton, C. Letters ; Miscellanies, L, 3. 
 Middleton, Sir H. Hakluyt Soc., 19. 
 Midnapore. Ricketts. 
 Midridge. Denham Tracts, 1. 
 Mielle. Santarem. 
 Mierwart, Chateau de. Reiffenberg. 
 Mignet. Documents, 20. 
 Milan, Antiquities. Jones, T. R. 
 Churches. Caffi. 
 Epigraphy. Annoni. 
 Milan Cathedral. Malvezzi; Verona. 
 Miller, Dr. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Miller, Joe. Jest Books. 
 Millicent, L. Phillipps, 19. 
 Millin. Villoison. 
 Miltingen. Numismatic Tracts, 2. 
 Millwall. Cowper. 
 Milman, H. Horace. 
 Milner, G. Dialect Soc. 
 Milner, J. Architecture. 
 Milton, J. Antiquitatis Historic Studi- 
 osus : Arber ; Camden Soc., N.S. xvi.; 
 Collier ; Cromwell, O. ; Prendergast ; 
 Sotheby; Todd. 
 Milton Papers. Camden Soc., 75. 
 Milton Parish. Hart. 
 Minchin, "W. Record Commission, 26. 
 Minden. Meibomius. 
 Minervini, G. Numismatic Tracts, 1 ; 
 Trattati, 4. 
 Minster Lovcll Church. Prichard. 
 Mint, The. Ruding. 
 Miseno. Panvini; Paolini. 
 Misio, T. Rolli. 
 Misserini, M. Pierraccini. 
 Mississippi Yalley. Squier. 
 Mitchel, J. Trials, F. 
 Mitchell, T. Aristophanee ; Oratores 
 Modestus. War. 
 Modius, F. War; Appendix, 11. 
 Mceris. De Bellefonds ; Jomard j Leroy ; 
 Mogh'rib-el-Aksa. Graberg. 
 Moisant De Brieux. Hettier. 
 Molbech, C. Denmark. 
 Mpllerus, J. Morhof . 
 Molyneux Family. Phillipps, 32. 
 Mommsen, T. Corpus Inscrip. Lat. 
 Momorbeer Castle. Duckett. 
 Monaghan. Shirley. 
 Monboddo, Lord. Guthrie. 
 Monck, General. Civil War Tracts, 21 ; 
 Collier, J. P. ; Gumble ; Reeve ; Wai- 
 pole, Sir R., Tracts, 6. 
 Mongols. Howorth. 
 Monk, N. Mozley. 
 Monk, W. Livingstone. 
 Monken Hadley. Cass. 
 Monks Horton Priory. Scott, J. R. 
 Monkwearmouth. Surtees Soc., 29. 
 Monmerque, L. J. N. Renaut; Talle- 
 Monmouth, Duke of. Duckett. 
 Monmouthshire, Charities. Morgan, 
 G. B. 
 Tour. Coxe, W. ; Wynd- 
 ham, H. P. 
 Monrad, M. J. Christiania. 
 Monro, C. Camden Soc., 86. 
 Montaiglon, A. de. Holbein : Warton 
 Montaigne. Jubinal ; Libri. 
 Montana. United States. 
 Montaubon, Sieur de. Bucaniers. 
 Montelius, O. Suede. 
 Montenegro. Handtke, F. 
 Monterollier. Leroy. 
 Montfort, G. Dean, J. W. 
 Montgomeryshire. Powys-Land-Club. 
 Montmaur, P. de. Sallengre, A. H. de. 
 Montmorency, Anne de. Capes. 
 Montorio. Orti. 
 Montreuil. Numismatic Tracts, 9. 
 Montrond. Migne. 
 Montvilliers. Rcessler. 
 Monument, London. St. Paul's Cathe- 
 Mook, F. Ferguson, J. 
 Moordivock. Taylor, M. W. 
 Moore, A. Kelly, W. 
 Moore, John. Moore, C. 
 Moore, M. Batte, L. 
 Moore, S. A. Camden Soc., N.S., ii. 
 Moore, T. Hall. 
 Moore Family. Moore, C. 
 Moore Rental. Chethara Soc., xii. 
 Moorfields. Denton. 
 Moors. Santareiu. 
 Moosseedorf . Jahn ; Troy on. 
 Mor, F. M. MacCarthy. 
 Morand, F. France, Soc. de 1'Hist. de. 
 Morant, A. W. Papworth ; Whitaker. 
 Moravia. Moray. 
 Moray, Bishopric. Bannatyne Club, 1837. 
 History. Shaw. 
 Social Life. Dunbar, E. D. 
 Moray MSS. Historical MSS. Comm. 
 Morbilian. Cusse ; Lukis. 
 More, Sir A. Granger Soc. 
 More, R. Csedmon. 
 More, Sir T. Ai-ber ; Bruce ; Eoper ; 
 Shakespeare Soc., 3. 
 Morea. G-ell. 
 Morel, M. Gh. Corblet. 
 Morell, T. 2Eschylus ; Ainsworth ; 
 Mores, W. Baxter, W. 
 Morfit. Booth. 
 Morga, A. de. Hakluyt Soc., 35. 
 Morgan, A. Concanen. 
 Morgan, C. O. S. Cripps. 
 Morgan, D. Llewellin. 
 Morgan, E. D. Hakluyt Soc., 72, 73. 
 Morgan, G-. B. London, City of, 1885 ; 
 St. Paul's Cathedral ; Genealogica, iii. 
 Morgan, Sir H. Bucaniers. 
 Morgan, J. Jacob, G-. 
 Morgan, O. Caeiieon Antiquarian Asso- 
 ciation ; Monmouthshire and Caer. 
 Ant. Assoc. 
 Morgan Family. Morgan, Gr. B. 
 Morgan Pedigrees. Clark, G. T. 
 Moi'illot. Worsase. 
 Morin, A. Morand. 
 Morland, Sir T. Halliwell. 
 Morley, M. Trials, M. 1. 
 Morley, W. 1C. Asiatic Soc., 9. 
 Morocco. Jennings, F. M. 
 Morris, A. Rye, W. 
 Morris, R. Dialect Soc. ; Miscellanies, 
 vi., 1 ; Text Soc. ; Warton. 
 Morris, T. Ferguson, J. 
 Morrison, R. J. Horoscope ; Lilly, W. 
 Morse, E. S. Japan. 
 Morse Telegraph. Kendall. 
 Mortara, Count A. Bodleian Lib. 
 Mortlake. Anderson, J. E. 
 Morton, I. of W. Price, J. E. 
 Morton, Cardinal. Mozley. 
 Morville, Sir H. De. Ferguson. 
 Morville Parish. Wasey. 
 Morwjng, P. Encomiums. 
 Mosaic Picture. Duran. 
 Moschus. Theocritus. 
 Mosel, F. E. von. Yienna. 
 Moss. Barker, C. 
 Motley, J. L. Winthrop. 
 Motte Feuilly. Gembloux. 
 Moule, T. Harding ; Winkles. 
 Moulin-Quignon. Quatrefages. 
 Mount Orgueil Castle. Turner, Sir T. H. 
 Mourant, A. Jersey. 
 Mowat, J. L. G-. Anecdota Oxoniensia. 
 Moysant. Hebert. 
 Muchelney Abbey. Hugo. 
 Muggletonians. Gordon. 
 Mughal Empire. Thomas. 
 Miigiitz. Trapp. 
 Muhammad II., Sultan. Lefroy. 
 Mulcaster, R. Fortescue. 
 Mull. Staffa. 
 Mullachius, F. G. A. Didot. 
 Muller, A. Polo. 
 Miiller, C. Ptolemaeus. 
 Muller, C. O. Forchhammer ; Yarro, 
 M. T. 
 Muller, P. E. Espolin. 
 Mullingar. Day. 
 Mullins, J. D. Birmingham. 
 Multifernan. Irish Arch. Soc., 4. 
 Muncaster. Jackson, W., 3. 
 Munch, P. A. Christiania ; Manx Soc., 
 22, 23 ; Speculum Regale. 
 Munday, A. Palmerin ; Shakespeare 
 Soc., 18. 
 Munich. Aumer. 
 Munk, W. Harvey, Wm. 
 Murchison, Sir R. I. Geographical Soc. 
 Murdin, W. Burghley. 
 Murimuth, Adam of. Supra: Adam of 
 Murphy, J. Sousa. 
 Murray, Annals. Ritson. 
 Murray, J. A. H. English Dictionary ; 
 Text Soc., 47, 61, Ex. S., 17. 
 Murre, G-. Graberg. 
 Museo Borbonico, Naples. Gargiulo, R. ; 
 Museum of London Antiquities. Smith, 
 Musgrave, Sir P. Burton, Gr. 
 Musumeci. Rosso. 
 Myans. Despine. 
 Mycense. Schliemann. 
 Mycerinus. Hieroglyphics. 
 Myddleton, Mrs. Steinman. 
 Myrc, J. Text Soc., 31. 
 Nahuatl Dialect. Penafiel, A. 
 Namet, Shah. Weston. 
 Namps-au-Yal. Gamier. 
 Namur. Bormans ; Brussels, Academie ; 
 Nanson, W. Cumberland and West- 
 moreland Soc. 
 Nantwich. Hall, James, 
 Naogeorgus, T. Hope. 
 Napier, A. Michaelis, A. 
 Napier Collection. Robinson. 
 Naples. Italy; Nioolai 3 Paollni ; Tmt- 
 tati, 2. 
 Napoleon I. Whately, R. ; Appendix, 
 41, 42, 80. 
 Napoleon Medals. Edwards, E. 
 Napoleon Museum. Sainsbury. 
 Narberth. Francis. 
 Narbonne Museum. Tournal. 
 Nash. Shakespeare Soc., 9. 
 Nash, D. W. Text Soc., 10. 
 Nash, Jos. Price, L. 
 Nas-Khem. Birch. 
 Nasmyth, J. Parker j Tanner. 
 Nason, E. New England. 
 Nassau. Inscriptiones Latinse. 
 Nassau, House of. Beck. 
 National Gallery. Gwilt } Moore, M. j 
 National Portrait Gallery. Scharf. 
 Naudet. Libri. 
 Naunton, Sir R. Arber j Hentzner. 
 Navarre. Luce. 
 Naville, E. Egyptian Exploration Fund. 
 Naworth. Ferguson. 
 Neale, J. M. Durandus, G. 
 Neander. Maderus. 
 Neath. Francis. 
 Neaves. Scotland. 
 Nebuchadnezzar III. Pinches. 
 Neckam, A. Chronicles, 34. 
 Necton. Carthew. 
 Nell de Breaute. Cochet. 
 Nelli, O. Arundel Soc. 
 Nelson Family. Page Family. 
 Nennig. Janssen j Rhineland } Treves j 
 Nennius. Chronicles, Six, etc. ; Gale, T. ; 
 Historical Soc., 4 j Irish Arch. Soo., 
 Neot, St. Whitaker, J. 
 Neptune. Gould. 
 Nesbitt, A. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 1870, 
 1885 ; Science and Art Department j 
 Nessel. Vienna. 
 Netherlands, Armorial. D'Ablaing ; Me- 
 Commerce. Historical Tracts, 
 A. 4 
 History. Brussels, Acade- 
 mie i Grim stone j Low Countries. 
 MetaU. Van Loon. 
 Nobility. Charpentier. 
 Reformation. Brandt. 
 ScfiJa. Seals, Foreign, 5. 
 Sovereigns. Raepsaet. 
 Treaties. History. 
 War, 1672. Stubbs, H. 
 Netherwnsdale. Ferguson. 
 Netley Abbey. Bullar. 
 Netter, T. Chronioles, 5. 
 Neubotle. Bannatyne Club, 1849. 
 Neumann, K. F. Hakluyt Soc., 54. 
 Neveletus, I. N. Avianus, 
 Nevers. Gembloux ; Saintemarie. 
 Neversau. Numismatic Tracts, 10. 
 Neville, A. Oclandus. 
 Neville, R., Earl of Warwick, Brooke; 
 Caxton Soc., 8. Civil War Tracts, 8. 
 Neville Family. Denham Tracts, iii. ; 
 Newark. Sketchley, R. F. 
 Newbery, J. Welsh, C, 
 Newbold Sancey. Hill, J. H. 
 Newburgh, William of. Infra : William. 
 Newbury. Blundell ; Godwin ; Money. 
 Newcastle, Archeology. Archaeological 
 Description, Oliver, T. 
 Folklore. Denham Tracts, 
 xii., xiv, 
 Freeholders. Brockett. 
 Q-uide. Richardson, M. A. 
 Handbook. Bruce, J. C. 
 <- History. Brand. 
 --'- Mint. Bergne. 
 Museum. Fox. 
 Records. Latimer. 
 Newcastle, Glamorgan. James, J. H. 
 Newcotne, H. Chetham Soc., xviii., xxvi., 
 Newdegate Church. Heales. 
 New England, Architecture. Chamber- 
 lain, N. H. 
 Congregationalism. Essex 
 Description, 1660. Mave- 
 History. Hubbard. 
 History, 1630-49. Win- 
 Nwthern Lights. Green, 
 S. A. 
 Newgate Street. Price. 
 New Granada. Bollaert. 
 Newington, Oxfordshire Arch. Soc. 
 New Jersey. Phillips. 
 Newland. Haggard, 
 Newland Church. Maclean, J. 
 New Lymington. 8t, Barbe. 
 Newmarch, C. H. Buckman. 
 New Netherland. O'Callaghan; Stanwood. 
 New Plymouth, Hunter, J. 
 Newport, H. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Newstead Abbey. Bailey ; Byron. 
 New Temple. Walford. 
 Newton, C. Archaeological Institute of 
 Great Britain. 
 Newton, C. T. British Museum ; Roessler. 
 Newton, Sir I. Freret ; Reid ; Whewell. 
 Newton Family. Noyes. 
 Newton Harcourt. Hill, J. H. 
 New York, Arms. Homes, II. A. 
 History. O'Callaghan. 
 New York, Marriage Licences. Marriage 
 New Zealand. Terry. 
 Nicander. Theoci'itus. 
 Nice. Bessi ; Negrin. 
 Nicephorus. Byzantine Historians, 3, 4, 
 6, 15, 21. 
 Niceta. Byzantine Historians, 13. 
 Nicetas Eugenianus. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Nicholas, Sir E. Camden Soc., 40. 
 Nicholas Papers. Camden Soc., 40. 
 Nicholaus, P. Record Commission, 80. 
 Nicholls, W. Dunno. 
 Nichols, F. M. Britton. 
 Nichols, J. Chalmers ; Gibson, K. ; 
 Swift, J. 
 Nichols, J. B. Stourhead. 
 Nichols, J. G-. Bowles ; Camden Soc. ; 
 Collectanea ; Erasmus ; Hardy ; 
 Herald ; London ; Nichols, R. C. ; 
 Pageants; Roxburghe Club; Smith, 
 C. J. ; Topographer ; Whi taker ; Ap- 
 pendix, 134, 135, iii. 
 Nicholson, A. Romances. 
 Nicholson, F. Manchester Lit. and Phil. 
 Nicholson, W. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Nicolas, Sir N. H. London, 1827 ; Pal- 
 grave ; Public Records, 2-5 ; Record 
 Commission, 50 ; Retrospective Re- 
 view; Scrope. 
 Nicolaysen, N. Christiania University. 
 Nicolson, W. Cumberland and West- 
 moreland Ant. and Arch. Soc. 
 Niebuhr, B. GK Agathias ; Byzantine 
 Historians, 1-7 ; Merobaudes Flavius. 
 Niebuhr, B. H. Dexippus. 
 Niel. Songs. 
 Nienport. Kesteloot. 
 Niger. Beke; Caxton Soc., 13. 
 Nightingale, F. Jewitt. 
 Nightiugale, J. Moss. 
 Nigronus, J. Baldwinus. 
 Nilagiris. Breeks. 
 Nile. Beke ; Bruce, J. ; Hoskins. 
 Nilopolis. Simonides. 
 Nimes. Malosse; Perrot. 
 Nineveh. Botfield ; Hoefer ; Layard ; 
 Niphon. Borlase. 
 Nivernais. Gembloux. 
 Noakes, Colour-Sergeant. Ferguson. 
 Noble, T. Glover, S. 
 Nodal, J. H. Dialect Soc. 
 Noehden. Goethe. 
 Noel des Vergers. Carducci. 
 Noiry. Canat. 
 Norbert, St. Geudens, M. 
 Norcliffe, C. B. Harleian Soc., xvi. 
 Nord, Departement du. Coussemaker ; 
 Nordert. Camden Soc., 9 j Wheatley. 
 Norfolk, Antiquities. Hart, R. 
 Architectural Antiquities. 
 Armories. Rye, W. 
 Sells. Jerram. 
 Benefices. Turner, D. 
 Castles, etc. Harrod. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book ; 
 Floods. Baker, E. E. 
 Geology. Robberds ; Wood- 
 ward, S. 
 History. Blomefield; Rye, W. 
 Names. Chadwick. 
 Notes. Tymms. 
 Pedigrees. Clere ; Howard. 
 Reformation. Stanley, A. P. 
 Sepulchral Brasses. Cotman. 
 Sheriffs. Dashwood. 
 Topography. Index Soc., 10; 
 Turner, D. ; Woodward, S. 
 Norfolk Guide. Cambridgeshire. 
 Norfolk House. Jessopp. 
 Norfolk Remembrancer. Matchett. 
 Norman, H. W. Basil. 
 Normanby, Marquis of. Poems, 4. 
 Normandy, Antiquities. Raymond ; Tur- 
 ner, D. 
 Archaeology. Caumout, A. 
 Architectural Antiquities. 
 Britton ; Godwin, G. ; Pugin. 
 Architecture. Knight, H. G. 
 Chronicles. Historical Soc., 
 15 ; Michel, F. 
 Chronicles, 32. 
 Berault ; De 
 Dalles tumulaires. Le Me- 
 tayer, M. 
 Dukes. Documents, 5 ; Moo- 
 yer ; Wace, R. 
 Exchequer. Floquet. 
 Gleanings. Russell. 
 History. Camden, W. : 
 Middle Ages. Beaurepaire. 
 Monasteries. Monstier. 
 Panetier. Belbeuf. 
 Subterranean. Cochet. 
 Records. Antiquaries, Soc. 
 of, 1840. 
 Relations with Channel 
 Islands. Hettier Charles. 
 Romances. Bosquet. 
 Rotuli. Record Cornmission,67. 
 Tour. Ducarel ; Musgrave, 
 G. M. 
 Travels. Malais. 
 Normans. Duchesne ; Knight, H. G. ; 
 Norris, of Bemerton. Fuller Worthies' 
 Norris Papers. Chatham Soc., ix. 
 Norsemen. Howorth. 
 North, F., Lord Guilford. Mathias. 
 North, J., Rev. Harvey. 
 North Allerton. Ingledew. 
 Northampton, Guide. Wetton. 
 History, etc. Baker, Q-. 
 Northamptonshire, Antiquities. Bloxam. 
 Architectural Society. 
 Architectural Soc. 
 Bells. North, T. 
 Dialect. Sternberg. 
 Domesday. Domesday 
 Book ; Moore, S. A. 
 Folklore. Sternberg. 
 Genealogies. Sharp, S. 
 Geography. Fretton. 
 Glossary. Baker, A. E. 
 History, etc. Bridges, 
 J. ; James, T. 
 Monumental Effigies. 
 Natural History. Mor- 
 Northbrooke. Shakespeare Soc., 15. 
 North Cape. Ingram. 
 North Eastern Railway. Langley. 
 Northfleet. Hart. 
 North leigh . H ake well. 
 North London Canal. Dodd. 
 North Pole. Barrington. 
 Northumberland, Buildings. Newcastle 
 Soc. Antiq. 
 Castles, etc. Buck, S. 
 Coal Trade Glossary. 
 Coal Trade. 
 Collections. Gibson, W. 
 Court of Commission. 
 Surtees Soc., 34. 
 Folklore. Denham 
 Tracts, xii., xiv. 
 Wallis, J. 
 Hodgson ; 
 J. E. 
 Pipe Soils. Dickson. 
 Records. Latimer. 
 Rock Symbols. Dove, 
 Roman Roads. Mac- 
 Treasure Trove. Fen- 
 View. Hutchinson. 
 Visitation, 1615. Mar- 
 shall, G. W. 
 Northumberland, Duke of. Smyth, W. H. 
 Northumberland, Earl of. Isleworth ; 
 North West Passage. Rundall. 
 Northwick, Lord. Noehden. 
 Norton Parish. Hill, J. H. 
 Norway, Antiquities. Rj gh. 
 Norway, Coins. Rygh. 
 --- Collections. Christiania ; Holm- 
 boe ; Lorange ; Munch ; Nicola.) sen ; 
 Kings. Snorre Sturluson. 
 - -- Peerage. Lexicon. 
 - Seals. Thorkelin. 
 - Travels. Wilson, W. R. 
 Norwegian Husbandry. Schiibeler, F. C. 
 Norwich, Churches. Boileau ; Willis, B. 
 -- Gates. Norfolk and Norwich 
 Archseol. Soc. 
 -- Merchant Marks. Euing. 
 - Monasteries. Taylor, R. 
 -- Pageant. Appendix, 12. 
 - Religious Orders. Kirkpatrick. 
 -- Trade Marks. Fitch. 
 - Visit of Charles II. Turner, D. 
 Norwich and the Venta? Icenorum. 
 Norwich Archaeological Soc. Norfolk. 
 Norwich Castle. Woodward, S. 
 Norwich Cathedral. Britton ; Cathedrals ; 
 Norwich Remembrancer. Match.ett. 
 Noseley. Hill, J. H. 
 Nostradame, C. de. Appendix, 55. 
 Notabile. Caruana. 
 Notre Dame, de Boulogne. Leroi. 
 -- de Paris. Baudelot ; Docu- 
 ments, 13 ; Yiollet-le-Duc. 
 -- de Poitiers. Dupont. 
 --- de Rouen. Gilbert. 
 ---- de St. Omer. Hermand. 
 Nottbeck, E. de. Russwurm. 
 Nottingham, Borough. Hine. 
 -- Crosses. Godfrey, J. T. 
 -- History. Deering. 
 Nottingham Castle. Bailey; Hine. 
 Nottinghamshire, Antiquities. Dickinson ; 
 -- . Bells. Stiff. 
 Domesday. Domesday 
 Guide. Derbyshire. 
 History. Briscoe. 
 Notes. Brown, C. 
 Printing. Cresswell,S.F. 
 Visitations. Harleinn 
 Soc., iv. 
 Noulet, J. B. Devals. 
 Novara. Ceruti. 
 Nova Scotia, 'Bannatyne Club, 11. 
 Noviodunum. Delacourt. 
 Noyon. Moet de la Forte-Maison. 
 Noyse, J. E. Schrenck. 
 Nubia. Burckhardt; Irby ; Robert >, 
 Nucius, N. Camden Soc., 17. 
 Nugent, T. Cellini. 
 Numidia. Duchalais. 
 Nuragghi Sardi. Oliver, S. P. 
 Nuremberg. Appendix, 128, 163. 
 Oakham School. Green. 
 Oberlin, J. J. Schoepflini Museum. 
 Oberwesel. Hunter. 
 O'Brien, E. Multani, 
 O'Brien, H. Villanueva. 
 O'Callaghan, E. B. New York. 
 O'Callaghan, J. C. Irish Arch. Soc., 13. 
 Oceana. Harrington. 
 Ochtertyre Family. Murrays. 
 O'Connor, C. Stowe Library. 
 O'Connor, M. Percy Soc., 33. 
 Octavian, Emperor. Percy Soc., 49 ; 
 Schonhuth ; Mimicius Felix. 
 Oddfellows' Almanack. Fretton. 
 Odobesco, A. I. De Linas. 
 O' Donovan, of Lissard. Day, E. 
 O'Donovan, J. Irish Arch. Soc., 1, 3, 4. 
 5, 8. 
 Offa's Dyke. Ormerod. 
 Off church. Burgess. 
 O' Flaherty, E. Irish Arch. Soc., 9. 
 Ogilby, J. Appendix, 24. 
 Ogle, O. Clarendon State Papers. 
 Oimenepthah. Bonomi. 
 Oise. Peigne. 
 Ojcow. Eomer. 
 O'Kelly, C. Irish Arch. Soc., 13. 
 Olaf, King. Munch. 
 Oldcastle. James, J. H. 
 Olden, T. Patrick, St. 
 Oldenburg, F.R.S. Winthrop. 
 Oldenburg, House of. Jeffery. 
 Oldfield Family. Genealogist, 
 Oldys, W. Thorns. 
 Oliphant, T. L. K. Chaucer Soc., 19; 
 Grampian Club. 
 Oliphants. Anderson, Joseph. 
 Oliver, G. Westcote. 
 Oliver, J. E. Manx Soc., 4, 7, 9. 
 Oliver, Mary. Appleton. 
 Oliver, Thomas. Whitroore. 
 Olympia. Forchhammer ; Stanhope, J. S. 
 'Oman. Hakluyt Soc., 44. 
 Omireni. Lanci. 
 Omori. Japan ; Morse. 
 Onslow. Boddington. 
 Opie. Barry, . 
 Orange. Numismatic Tracts, 6. 
 Orange Free State. Lindley. 
 Orchard Wyndham. George. 
 Oregon. Parkman. 
 Orellius, J. C. Memnon. 
 Orfeurs. Jackson, W., 5. 
 Oriel. Ken ward. 
 Originalia. Jones, E. 
 Orissa. Indian Eecords ; Mitra. 
 Orkney. Hibbert ; Jonoeus ; Wallace. 
 Orkney Islands. Farrer ; Fergusson. 
 Orleans. Appendix. 75. 
 Orleans, Duke of. De La Chau. 
 Orleans, P. J. d'. Hakluyt Soc., 15. 
 Oinerod, G. Chetham Soc., ii. 
 Ormerod, G. W. Devonshire Assoc. 
 Ormond, Earl of. Civil War Tracts, 16. 
 Ormonde MSS. Historical MSS. Comm. 
 Ormskirk Church. Dixon, J. 
 Ornsby, G. Surtees Soc., 37, 47, 68. 
 Oropia. Fin lay. 
 Orosius. Alfred the Great ; Text Soc., 
 -Orval Abbey. Brussels, Academic, etc., 
 Osbert de Clara. Caxton Soc., 5. 
 Osiris. Lefebure. 
 Osmund, St. Chronicles, 78. 
 Oerhcene. Bayer. 
 Ossian. Davies. 
 Oswald, E. Text Soc., Ex. S., 8. 
 Oswald, H. E. Manx Soc., 5. 
 Oswin. Surtees Soc., 8. 
 Otho. Lyndwode. 
 Othobinus. Lyndwode. 
 Otley. Yorkshire Arch. Soc. 
 Otter Family. Lowe, A. E. L. 
 Otterbourne. Blackman ; White, E. 
 Otto, L. Eohden. 
 Otuel. Abbotsford Club. 
 Otway, T. Hart ; Historical Papers, 22. 
 Oudendorp, F. Frontinus ; Obsequens. 
 Oudh, King of. Sprenger. 
 Ouradon, M. Viollet-Le-Duc. 
 Ourscamp Abbey. Picardie, Soc. des Ant. 
 de, 1865. 
 Ouston. Hill, J. H. 
 Ouvry, F. Cobler of Canterburie ; Cran- 
 ley ; Hearne ; Howleglas ; Markhatn ; 
 Newton, T. W. ; Petitions. 
 Overall, W. H. Atkins, S. E. ; Waterlow. 
 Overweg. Hogg. 
 Overy. Hill, J. H. 
 Ovid. Isham Eeprints. 
 Oviedo, A. Godignus. 
 Owam Gwynedd. Lloyd. 
 Owen, Herald. Harleian Soc., xiii. 
 Owen, A. Eecord Commission, 7. 
 Owen, H. Grabe. 
 Owen, J. Ogilby, J. 
 Owen, W. Gwilym ; Jones, O. 
 Oxenedes, J. de. Chronicles, 13. 
 Oxford, Academica. Chronicles, 50. 
 Slack Friars. Fletcher, W. G. 
 Description. Loggan. 
 Guide. Dewe. 
 History. Parker, J. 
 Marbles. Chandler. 
 Memorials. Ingram. 
 Eecords. Turner, W. H. 
 Oxford Castle. King, E. 
 Oxford Cathedral. Bloxam ; Britton, J. ; 
 Cathedrals; Willis. 
 Oxford, Diocese of. Topography. 
 Oxford, Earl of. Fuller Worthies' 
 Library ; Peerage Tracts, 2. 
 Oxford University. Caius ; Camden Soc., 
 N.S., xxix. ; Chalmers, A. ; Coxe ; 
 Ljte, H. C. M.; Pycroft; Street; 
 Wood, A. a. 
 Oxfordshire, Antiquities. Skelton. 
 Collections. Davenport. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Guide. Berks. 
 Natural History. Plot, E. 
 Parochial Collections. Phil- 
 lipps, 2. 
 Parochial History. Warton, 
 Pedigrees. Phillipps, 1. 
 Topography. Turner, G-.O. P. 
 Visitations. Harleian Soc., v. 
 Ozell, J. Castillo Sovorcano ; Misson. 
 P. T. F. Le Clerc. 
 Pachymer. Byzantine Historians, 14. 
 Packer, J. Camden Soc., N. S., 1. 
 Padua. Brunatius; Ursatus, L. 
 Paerisade II. Sibirsky. 
 Peestum. Paoli, P. A. ; Paolini. 
 Paez, Pere. Beke. 
 Page, J. Camden Soc., N. S., xvii. 
 Paine, N. American Antiquarian Soc. 
 Paiva Manso, Viscount de. Lisbon, E. 
 Ac. of Sc. of. 
 Palermo. Castello ; Appendix, 168. 
 Palestine, Calendar. Black. 
 Monumental History. Conder, 
 C. E. 
 Travels. Chabas ; Lindsay, 
 Lord ; Sandys, G. 
 Palgrave, Sir F. Public Eecords, 3-5; 
 Eecord Commission, 5, 24, 27, 47, 
 Palimpsests. Ferrario. 
 Paliesy, B. Morley, H. 
 Palladius. Scriptores Eei Eusticse ; Text 
 Soc., 52, 72. 
 Palluche, M. Appendix, 75. 
 Palmer, C. J. Palgrave. 
 Palmer, Sir J. Barberini. 
 Palmerston, Lord. Sullivan. 
 Palmyra. Wood, E. 
 Palsgrave. Documents, 32. 
 Pampango. Bergano. 
 Pamphili. Shrewsbury Peerage. 
 Pancirollus. Maderus. 
 Panjab. Infra: Punjaub. 
 Panshanger Guide. Summerley. 
 Panton, G-. A. Text Soc., 39. 
 Panvinius. Maderus. 
 Papenbroek. Water. 
 Paphos. Munter. 
 Papworth, W. Gwilt. 
 Paracelsus. Ferguson, J. ; Sandivogius. 
 Paravey. Delambre. 
 Pardiac, J. D. Bells. 
 Paris, Archaeology. Guilhermy. 
 Architecture. Godwin, G. 
 Burlesques. Jacob, P. L. 
 Chdtelet. Bibliophiles Francois. 
 Collections. Documents, 1, 2, 1 :*. 
 Description. Brice. 
 Dignitaries. Le Feron. 
 Exhibition. Architects; Wyatt. 
 History. Franklin, A. 
 Mediceval History. Birch, G. A. 
 Memorable Events. Britton, John, 
 Praise of. Weston. 
 Travels. Chardin. 
 Paris, L. Documents, 14. 
 Parish, W. D. Dialect Soc. ; Sussex 
 Arch. Soc. 
 Park Cwm Tumulus. Lubbock. 
 Parker. Ephemerides. 
 Parker, Bishop. Bailey. 
 Parker, J. Oxford Hist. Soc. 
 Parker, J. H. Architecture; Gori; Eome. 
 Parker, M. Percy Soc., 5 ; Strype, xvi.- 
 Parker, Mrs. Dialect. Soc. 
 Parkin, C. Blomefield. 
 Parkinson, E. Chetham Soc., iv., xxvi., 
 xxvii., xxxii., xxxiv., xl., xliv. 
 Parkyns, G. J. Moore, J. 
 Parliament, 1639-1661. Collection. 
 Battles. Micro-Chronicon. 
 Declarations. Ireland. 
 Rump. Songs. 
 Summons. Dugdale^ Sir W. 
 Parma. Bodoni, G. ; Lettere. 
 Paros. Lenormant. 
 Parr, D. Manx Soc., 12. 
 Parr Family. Duckett. 
 Parry. Collier, J. P. 
 Pars, W. Chandler. 
 Parsons, T. and K. Holton. 
 Parthenius. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Parthenon. Ferguson, J. ; Lenormant. 
 Parthey, G. Antoninus ; Mirabilia. 
 Parthians. Lindsay. 
 Partridge. Ephemerides. 
 Partridge, W. Historical Tracts, D. 10. 
 Paston Family. Worship. 
 Paston Letters. Frere. 
 Pate, J. Eton. 
 Pathan Kings. Thomas. 
 Patricius, P. Byzantine Historians, 7; 
 Patrick, St. Todd, H. J. 
 Patrington. Yorkshire Arch. Soc. 
 Patrizi, A. Church of Eome. 
 Patrizi, F. S. Garrucci. 
 Paul. St. Hale, W. H. ; Lewin. 
 I^i uli. R. Libell. 
 Paulus, Dr. Beke. 
 Paulus Venetus. Polo, M. 
 Pausanias. Lenormant. 
 Pauw, J. C. de. Aristsenetus : Quintus 
 Payen, J. P. Bibliotheca Scatologica. 
 Payne, E. J. Maw. 
 Payne, J. Chaucer Soc., ii. S., 9. 
 Payne, J. O. Estcourt, E. E. 
 Payne, E. Irish Arch. Soc., 1. 
 Payne Family. Prince Soc. 
 Paynel, T. Hutten, U. 
 Pays Bas. Supra : Netherlands. 
 Peach, E. E. Bath. 
 Peacock, E. Dialect Soc. ; Index Soc. ; 
 Mackinnon ; Text Soc., 31. 
 Peacock, M. G-. W. Index Soc., 2. 
 Peak, Derbyshire. Jewitt. 
 Peckham, J. Chronicles, 77. 
 Pecock, E. Chronicles, 19. 
 Pedro IY. Sousa. 
 Pedroso, C. Folk Lore Soc. 
 Peeke, E. Eowe. 
 eerage. Dod. E. P.; Doyle, J. E. ; 
 Yorke, J. ' 
 Pegge, S. Dialect Soc. ; Fitzstephen. 
 Pehlvi. Thomas. 
 Peigne-Delacourt. Grghen. 
 Pelagians. Augustin, St. 
 Pelet. Documents, 18. 
 Pelew Islands. Wilson, H. 
 Pelham. Hakluyt Soc., 18. 
 Pembroke. Walcott. 
 Pembroke, Anne, Countess of. Eainbow. 
 Pembrokeshire. Fenton. 
 Pencoyd Castle. Monmouthshire and 
 Caer. Ant. Assoc. 
 P^ndleton Family. Page Family. 
 Pendock. Maclean, J. 
 Penn, W. Bruce. 
 Pennsylvania. Phillips, H. 
 Pennsylvania Museum. Barber, E. A. ; 
 Phillips, H. 
 Pen Ehys ap Tewdwr. Llewellin. 
 Pentre Bach. Monmouthshire and Caer. 
 Ant. Assoc. 
 Penwortham. Chetham Soc., xxx. 
 Penzance Library. Kinsman. 
 Penzance, Lord. Folkestone Eit. Case. 
 Peper Harow Church. Heales. 
 Pepys, S. Bailey. 
 Perabd, Or. Appendix, 76. 
 Perceval, A. P. Chalmers. 
 Perceval, C. S. Walford. 
 Perceval Family. Drummond. 
 Percie, A. Northumberland, A. 
 Percy, Bishop. Denham Tracts, xii. ; 
 Mallet ; Northumberland ; Eimbault. 
 Percy, G-. G-. Text Soc., 8, 20, 26. 
 Percy Family. Longstaffe. 
 Pereira. Hakluyt Soc., 17. 
 Perigord. Lartet. 
 Perkin Warbeck. Gairdner. 
 Perlin, E. Puget de la Serre ; Appendix, 
 Perrault, C. Cabinet du Koi ; Fairy 
 Perrier, F. Yan Dalen. 
 Perrot, G-. Eevue Archeologique. 
 Perry, W. C. Science and Art Dept. 
 Perry Barr. Sutton. 
 Pershore Abbey. Maclean, J. ; Styles. 
 Persia, Chronicles. Sleidan. 
 Monuments. Hoeck. 
 . Trade. Holmboe. 
 Travels. Chardin ; Hakluyt Soc., 
 49, 72, 73 ; Herbert, Sir T. 
 Persian G-ulf. Beke. 
 Persius. Juvenal. 
 Perth, Duke of. Camden Soc., 33. 
 Perthshire. Allen, J. E. 
 Peru, Antiquities. Hutchinson. 
 Collections. Squier. 
 Geography. Eaimondi. 
 History. Prescott. 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 47, 61, 68. 
 Perugino, P. Layard. 
 Perveth. Walcott. 
 Perwich, Mrs. S. Batchiler, J. 
 Pesaro. Carducci. 
 Peter II., of Portugal. Appendix, 118. 
 Peter, St. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 1870 ; 
 Gerbet; Weerth. 
 Peterborough, Fasti. Stubbs, W. 
 Handbook. Sargeant. 
 History. English. 
 Peterborough Cathedral. Bloxam ; Brit- 
 ton, J. ; Cathedrals ; G-unton ; Storer ; 
 Peters, Hugh. Political Tracts, 3. 
 Petrarch. Orti ; Weston. 
 Petre, Lord. Historical Papers, 34. 
 Petrie, G. Graves ; Ireland. 
 Petrie, H. Normandy. 
 Petrie, W. M. F. Egypt. Expl. Fund. 
 Petrus, Blesensis. Gale, T. 
 Pettigrew, T. J. Archaeological Associa- 
 tion; Hugo; Percy Soc., 41. 
 Pettingal, Dr. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Petty, W. Irish Arch. Soc., 14. 
 Pevensey. Smith, C. E. 
 Peverel. G-odfrey, J. T. 
 Pfnor. Champollion. 
 Phaer, T, Yirgilius. 
 Phalaris. Bentley, E. 
 Pharsalia. Tracts, B. 5. 
 Pheidias. Murray, A. S. 
 Phene, J. S. Victoria Institute, iii. 
 Philadelphia. Baker; Chinese Collec- 
 tions ; Melbourne ; Phillips, H. 
 Philip II. Granger Soc. ; Appendix, 47. 
 Philip Y. Appendix, 93, 121. 
 Philip, de Eheims. Bannatyne Club, 
 Philip, Infante of Spain. Appendix, 95. 
 Philip, King. Drake. 
 Philip, of Spain. Appendix, 131. 
 i / 
 Philipot, J. Camden, W. 
 Philippe le Bel. Documents, 1. 
 Philippe-le-Bon, Due de Bourgogne. Ap- 
 pendix, 172. 
 Philippeville. Rogers. 
 Philippi. Tracts, B. 5. 
 Philippines. Hakluyt Soc., 39. 
 Phillipps, Sir T. Metcalf, W. C. 
 Phillips, Mr. Poems, 1. 
 Phillips, R. Blore. 
 Phillips, T. J. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Phillott, H. W. Bevan. 
 Philo. .Mian. 
 Philolaus. Historical Papers, 13. 
 Philoporus, Lotarius. Bodin, J. 
 Philpot, J. Camden, W. ; Harleian Soc., 
 v. ; Kent. 
 Phipson, R. M. Yates, E. T. 
 Phoenicia. Akerblad ; Chabas ; Lausse- 
 Phoenician Ireland. Villanueva. 
 Phoenicians. Bayer. 
 Phrantzes. Byzantine Historians, 24. 
 Phrygia. Steuart, J. R. 
 Physicians, Roy. Coll. of. Munk. 
 Piacenza. Pallastrelli. 
 Piazza Navona. Cancellieri. 
 Picardy. Garnier ; Q-renier. 
 Piccolomini, A. Pontificalis. 
 Piccope, Q-. J. Chetham Soc., iii., xxxiii., 
 li., liv. 
 Pickering, T. Ireland. 
 Pickwell. Hill, J. H. 
 Picton, J. A. Liverpool. 
 Picton Cold Field. Haliburton. 
 Picts. Ritson ; Small ; Tronchin. 
 Piedmont. Memento; Numismatic Tracts, 
 Piercefield. Willetfc. 
 Pierrotti, Dr. Bonney, T. GK ; Williams, 
 Piersebridge. Denham Tracts, xiii. 
 Pigafetta. Hakluyt Soc., 52. 
 Pignovius. Maderus. 
 Pike, L. O. Chronicles, 31. 
 Pilate, H. Appendix, 172. 
 Pilgrim's Way. James, E. R. 
 Pilkington, T. Appendix, 33, iv. 
 Pillet, V. E. Corney. 
 Pinchart, A. Belgique. 
 Pinches, T. G. Biblical Archeology. 
 Pinder, M. Antoninus ; Byzantine His- 
 torians, 29 ; Zonaras. 
 Pine, J. Horatius. 
 Pinkerton, W. Wilkea. 
 Pinks, W. J. Wood. 
 Pinturicchio. Arundel Soc. 
 Piot, C. Brussels, Acad6mie; Seals, 
 Foreign, 5. 
 Pirams. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Pisa. Cresy. 
 Pisa Cathedral Parker. 
 Pisida, G. Byzantine Historians, 21. 
 Pitaval. Trials, A. 
 Pitt-aim, R. Bahnatyne Club, 3. 
 Pithom. Egypt. Expl. Fund. 
 Pithom-Moeris. Whitehouse. 
 Pius V. Chiapponi. 
 Placidus. Auctores Mythogrnphi. 
 Planche, J. R. Shakespeare Soc., 17. 
 Plantagenets. Seals, Med., 14; Wal- 
 Plas Newydd Park, Anglesey. Stanley. 
 Plato. Lenormant, C. ; Taylor, T. 
 Plautus. Beeston; Bellasis. 
 Plaxtone, G. Historical Papers, 33. 
 Pleshy. Gough. 
 Pleyte, W. Rossi, F. 
 Plongoumelen. Galles. 
 Ploughley. Dunkin. 
 Plouharnel. Lukis. 
 Plumpton. Camden Soo., 4. 
 Plunket, O. Historical Papers, 18. 
 Pluquet, F. Wace, R. 
 Pluscardine Priory. Grampian Club. 
 Plutarch. Ciampi. 
 Plymouth. Carrington ; Rowe. 
 Plymtree Church. Mozley. 
 Pocock, N. Camden Soc., N.S., xxi., 
 Poitiers. Dupont ; Godwin ; Pilotelle. 
 Poitou. Dupont. 
 Pola. Allason. 
 Poland. Lind ; Vossberg. 
 Polenus, J. Frontinus ; Vitruvius. 
 Poles. Paravey. 
 Pollen, J. H. Science and Art Dept. 
 Pollonia. Ciampi. 
 Polo, Marco. Bergeron, P. ; Delisle, L. 
 Polperro. Couch. 
 Polybius. D'Antraignes ; War. 
 Polygnote. Lenormant. 
 Pomerania. Rango ; Vossberg. 
 Pomerellen. Vossberg. 
 Pompeii, Ancient Art. Trollope. 
 Destruction. Winckelman. 
 Etchings. Garrucci. 
 Illustrations. Donaldson, T. L. 
 Inscriptions. Lenormant ; Trut- 
 tati, 5. 
 Monuments. Paolini. 
 Terra cottas. Rohden. 
 Topography. Gell. 
 Vases. Ashpitel. 
 Pontefract, History. Boothroyd. 
 Siege. Surtees Soc., 37. 
 Pontiac. Parkman. 
 Ponyard, G. Brancadore. 
 Poole, Historn. Sydcnham. 
 Poole, R. S. British Museum, Coin Dept. ; 
 Science and Art Dept. 
 Poole, S. Lane. Supra : Lane-Poole. 
 Pope, Sir T. Shirley ; Warton. 
 Popes. Guarnacci; Ponjard. 
 Porcacchi, T. Appendix, 13, 
 Porcher, E. A. Smith, R. M. 
 Porlock Church, Somerset. Halliday* 
 Porphyry. JElian. 
 Porson. Watson. 
 Porter, H. Percy Soc., 12. 
 Porter, P. Mazarin. 
 Portland. Holmes, T. V, ; WeymoutK 
 Portpatrick. Jefferys. 
 Portsmouth. Hanway ; Slight. 
 Portugal, Antiquities. Cartailhac, fimile. 
 Archaeology. Hubner. 
 Collections. Lisbon ; Sousa 
 Dolmens. Da Costa> F. A. 
 Geology. Ribeiro. 
 Si-story. Abrege ; Adamson. 
 Monuments. Silva. 
 Political Relations. Santarem. 
 Records. Biker. 
 Travels. Link ; Twiss-, R. 
 - War, 1827, Mathias, 
 Portus Itius. Gibson, E. ; Godmond ; 
 Posidonia. Supra : Psestum, 
 Posilippo. Alvino. 
 Post Office. St. Martin's Le Grand. 
 Pettier. Normandy. 
 Potts. Chetham Soc., vi. 
 Pouchet. Anthropological Soc. 
 Poullet, E. Brussels, Academic. 
 Poulter, J. Miscellanies, iv., 7. 
 Powell, D. Giraldus. 
 Powell, J. W. Smithsonian Institution. 
 Powys. Jones, M. C. 
 Pozzobonelli, G-. Appendix, 76. 
 Pozzuoli. Panvini ; Paolini j Parrino. 
 Praet, J. Bruxelles. 
 Pratsbevera. Styria. 
 Prayer Book. Camden Soc., xxxvii. ; Est- 
 Prendergast, J. W. Record Office. 
 Prentis, 8, Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Prescot Churches. Rylands. 
 Prescofct, W. H. Massachusetts Hist. 
 Soc. ; Ticknor. 
 Prestbury. Chetham Soc., 97 j Record 
 Soc., v. 
 Preston, Guild. Dobson. 
 Rolls, Record Soc., ix. 
 Price, E, D. HazelL 
 Price, E. K. Philadelphia. 
 Price, R. Warton, 
 Price, W. Oswestry. 
 Pride, Lord. Political Tracts, 4. 
 Prideaux, H. Camden Soc., N.S., xv. ; 
 Maittaire ; Miscellanies, iv., 4. 
 Priem, F. Flanders. 
 Priestley, J. Miscellanies, ii., 2. 
 Prihuega. Appendix, 168. 
 Prince, B. Way. 
 Priscus. Byzantine Historians, 7. 
 Pritirwell, J. Southchurch* 
 Prittlewell. Sparvel-Bayly, 
 ProatS'Hauts. Devals. 
 Procopius. Byzantine Historians, 10 ; 
 Palestine Pilgrims' Text Soc. 
 Proctor, F. Sarum Breviary. 
 Prou, V k Dionysuis Halicarn. 
 Provence. Arena,, A, 
 Prudhoe. Hartshorne> C. H, 
 Prussia . Vossberg k 
 Prynne, A. De La. Surtees Soc., liv. 
 Prynne, W. Burton. 
 Ptolemies. Naillant. 
 Ptolemy. Napper, H k F. ; Pinches ; 
 Ptolemy V. Egyptian Priests. 
 Ptolomseus. Astrologia. 
 Pueblo Pottery. Barber, E. A. 
 Puget de La Serre. Perlin ; Appendix^ 
 Pugh, W. O. Owen. 
 Pugin, A. Britton ; Ferrey. 
 Puibusque, A. de. Manuel, J. 
 Pullan, R. P. Texier. 
 Puller, C. G. Supr,a : Giles-Puller. 
 Pulszky, F. Mayer. 
 Punjaub. Ghafur, M. A. ; India; Leitner; 
 Panjab Notes. 
 Punjaub Customary Law. Tapper, C. L. 
 Purbeck. Austen. 
 Purchas. Perry. 
 Purdie, T. Scotland. 
 Purdue, W. Westlake. 
 Purley. Tooke. 
 Purnell, T. Herdus. 
 Puteanus, E. Appendix, 107. 
 Putney Church. Jackson, J. G. 
 Puttenham, G. Arber. 
 Puy. Aymard ; Seals, Foreign, 19. 
 Pyramids. Ballard ; Mahmoud-Bey. 
 Pyrenees. Sacaze, J. 
 Pythagoras. Gladitch. 
 Pythagoras School, Cambridge. Kilner. 
 Quantocks. Nichols, W. L. 
 Quaranta, B. Trattati, 5. 
 Quaritch, B. Antiquaries, Soc. of, 1886. 
 Quast, A. F. von. D'Agincourt. 
 Quatford. Waaey. 
 Quatremares, Deville. 
 Quatre-Vallees. C4mac. 
 Q.uens, C. de. Charma. 
 Quetelet, A. Brussels. 
 Queux de St. Hilaire, Marquis de. Bal- 
 Quiberon. Lukis. 
 Quicherat, J. Honnecourt. 
 Quin Abbey. Deane, T. N. 
 Quincy, E. Winthrop. 
 Quintus Smyrna3us. Paley. 
 R., L. C. I). Me*moires. 
 R., S. Historial Papers, 53. 
 Radclyffe. Fenwick. 
 Radnor. Sutton. 
 Radulphus de Coggeshall. Chronicles, 66. 
 Radulphus de Diceto. Supra : Diceto. 
 Radulphus Niger. Caxton Soc., 13. 
 Rae, ,J. Henry VII. 
 Raes, Jean. Bauer. 
 Baffaelle. Infra: Raphael. 
 Rafn, C. C. Borring ; Greendal ; Gunn- 
 laugus ; Le Prevost j Northern Anti- 
 quaries ; Worsase. 
 Raglan Castle. Willett. 
 Ragnar Lodbrok. Rafn. 
 Ragusa. Jackson, T. G. 
 Raife, A. Lenormant. 
 Railway Charts. Summerley. 
 Raine, J. Chronicles, 61, 71 ; Dixon j 
 Surtees Soc., passim. 
 Raines, F. R. Chetharn Soc., passim. 
 Raja Rasalu. Swynnerton. 
 Rajendralala. India Office. 
 Rakdczi, F. Hungarian Books. 
 Raleigh, Sir W. Drake ; Hakluyt Soc., 
 3 ; Ross, A. 
 Ralph, . Miscellanies, i., 3 ; Remarks. 
 Rain, Chanoine de. Seals, Foreign, 10. 
 Rambaud, A. Guide Papa. 
 Rame~e, D. Hefner- Alterieck. 
 Rameses III. Cambridge Antiquarian 
 Ramirez Codex. Phillips, H. 
 Ram Kaz. Asiatic Soc., 11. 
 Ramsay, A. Paston Letters. 
 Ramsey Abbey. Chronicles, 83. 
 Ramsgate. Bonner ; Hall ; Hunter. 
 Randolph Family. Page Family. 
 Randworth. Norfolk. 
 Rauieri Lamporecchi. Libri. 
 Ranzov, H. Lindeberg. 
 Rapetti. Documents, 27. 
 Raphael. Batte, L. ; Bauer ; Bellori, 
 G. P. ; Ephemerides ; Fairholt ; 
 Moore, M. j Robinson. 
 Raschdorff, O. Conze. 
 Rasliid al Din. Morley. 
 Rassam, Mr. Pinches. 
 Rastell, W. Fitzherbert ; Statutes. 
 Rauheneck. Leber. 
 Rauhenstein. Leber. 
 Raven, Richmond Herald. Harleian Soc., 
 xiii. ; Metcalf, W. C. 
 Raveneau de Lussan, Sieur. Bucaniers. 
 Ravenna. Lewis, B. ; Parker ; Plintius. 
 Ravensberg Abbey. Coussemaker. 
 Rayenscrott. Plays, 6. 
 Ravenspurne. Thompson. 
 Ravillac. Trials, F. 
 Rawdon, M. Camden Society, 85. 
 Rawley, W. Bacon. 
 Rawlins, H. E. Forster. 
 Rawlins Family. Rollins. 
 H;i\\ linson, C. Boetlitu-. 
 Rawlinson, Sir H. C. British Museum. 
 Rawlinson, R. Abelard ; Bodleian 
 Library ; Topographer. 
 Rawlinson, T. Money. 
 Ray, H. B. Connock Papers. 
 Ray, J. Dialect Soc. 
 Read, J. M. Lauzac. 
 Reade, H. Rashleigh, E. W. 
 Reading. Bartlett. B. ; Coates. 
 Reading, W. Sion College. 
 Reculver. Smith, C. R. 
 Redcliffe Church, Bristol. Britton. 
 Redfern, P. London Spring Water Co. 
 Redington, J. Record Office, 20, 22, 23. 
 Redman, R. Chronicles, 11. 
 Redman Family. Duckett. 
 Reeks, T. Museum of Practical Geology. 
 Rees, A. Chambers. 
 Rees, W. J. Welsh Manuscripts Soc. 
 Reeves, W. Irish Arch. Soc., 2, 14. 
 Regensberg. Oberpfalz. 
 Reggianais. Mortillet. 
 Regia. Nichols, F. M. 
 Reginaldus. Surteee Soc., 1, 20. 
 Reguault, H. Angellier. 
 Rehoboth, Delaware. Jordan. 
 Rehoult. Hermand. 
 Reiffenberg, F. A. F. T. Thyma. 
 Reigate, Masons' Lodge. Jees, J. 
 Reigate Guide. Palgrave, R. F. D. ; 
 Reimarus, H. S. Dio Cassius. 
 Reinaud. Du Pont. 
 Reiske, J. J. Byzantine Historians, 5 ; 
 Constantino ; Oratores Attici. 
 Relhan, A. Mitchell, H. 
 Rembrandt. Fairholt. 
 Remembrancia. Overall, W. H. 
 Renaix. Joly. 
 Renand, F. Chetham Soc., 97. 
 Rennes. Toulmouche. 
 Rephaim. Corbaux. 
 Retzsch, M. Schiller. 
 Reval. Russwurm. 
 Revett, N. Chandler ; Stuart. 
 Reygersberg, J. Siuallegange. 
 Reyher, S. Thuringia. 
 Reynolds, E. Church Affairs. 
 Reynolds, H. E. Lincoln. 
 Reynolds, J. Aspland ; Jeru?alem ; 
 Reynolds, T. Antoninus. 
 Rhamnus. Dilettanti. 
 Rhegium. Panofka. 
 Rheidol. Williams, J. G. 
 Kluiins. Documents, l:i. 
 Klicinsberg. Historical Papers, 56. 
 Khiml, A. H. Stuart. 
 Rhine. Hudu r lin ; SI.MIHT. 
 Rfaineland. White, T. H. 
 Rhine Provinces. Seddon. 
 Rhode Island. Arnold. 
 Rhodes. Vertot, R. A. de. 
 Rhodes Family. Hoyle. 
 Rhodiginus, C. L. Richeri. 
 Rhodomannus, L. Memnon. 
 Rhone. Brown, R. ; Mortillet. 
 Rhuis. Lukis. 
 Rhys, J. Pennant, T. 
 Riano, J. F. Science and Art Depart- 
 Ribari, F. Hungarian Books. 
 Ribble. Dobson. 
 Ribecourt. Peigne. 
 Ricardus, Prior Hagustaldensis. Twys- 
 Ricart, R. Camden Soc., N.S., v. 
 Rich, B. Percy Soc., 44. ; Shakespeare 
 Soc, 9. 
 Rich Jones, W. H. Chronicles, 78; 
 Richard I. Benedict ; Chronicles, 38, 49, 
 73 ; Chronicles of the Crusades ; 
 Deville, A. ; Historical Soc., 5 ; 
 Richard, C. 
 Eichard II. Camden Soc, 3 ; Evesham ; 
 Historical Soc, 12; Scharf; Wallon, 
 Richard III. Buck, G. ; Chronicles, 24; 
 Grairdner, J. ; Rey. 
 Richard, of Cirencester. Chronicles, Six, 
 etc. ; Chronicles, 30 ; Stukeley. 
 Richard, of Devizes. Chronicles of the 
 Crusades ; Historical Society, 5. 
 Richardson, E, S, and T. Yinton. 
 Richardson, J. H. Q-alway. 
 Richardson, O. Text Soc, 44. 
 Richardson, W. Gk>dwin. 
 Richardson, W. A. Harvard College. 
 Richborough. Battely; Smith, C. R. 
 Richelieu, Cardinal. Documents, 33 ; 
 Memoires ; Montresor. 
 Riches, T. H. Redford. 
 Richmond. Evans, J. ; Q-ale, S. ; Queen - 
 Richmond, Yorkshire. Clark son. 
 Richmond, Countess of. Cooper, C. H. ; 
 Richmondshire. Longstaffe ; Whitaker, 
 T. D. 
 Richter, M. L. Corpus Juris Canomci. 
 Richter. J. Trials. 
 Richthofen, K. von. Friesland. 
 Rickman, T. Parker. 
 Riddagshusen. Meibomius. 
 Ridsdale. Folkestone Rit. Case. 
 Rieti. Angelotti. 
 Rieu, C. British Museum. 
 Rigaltius, N. Artemiclorus. 
 Rigiis, L. de. Astrologia. 
 Rigollot, J. Gamier ; Numismatic 
 Tracts, 9. 
 Riguobert, St. Smith, J. S. 
 Riley, H. T. Chronicles, 12; London 
 and London Life ; St. Alban's Chro- 
 Rimbault, E. F. Byrd; Camden Soc, 
 N.S, iii. ; Overbury ; Percy Soc. 
 Rimini, F. de. Aroux. 
 Ringley Chapel. Chetham Soc, 108. 
 Ringrose, B. Bucaniers. 
 Ringwood, Hants. Hall, P. 
 Ripon. Lukis. 
 Ripon Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Surtees 
 Soc, 64, 74 ; Walbran. 
 Risby. Oliver, G-. 
 Rishaniier, W. Camden Soc., 15 ; Chro- 
 nicles, 28. 
 Risley Family. Rylands. 
 Rivalx Abbey. Duncombe Park. 
 Rivet. Dupont. 
 Riviera. Lago di Garda. 
 Rixtel, P. R. van. Friesland. 
 Robbins, M. Godstowe. 
 Robert, of Boston. Sparke, J. 
 Robert, of Jumieges. Warren, F. E. 
 Robert, St. Knaresborough. 
 Roberts, C. Record Commission, 28 ; 
 Record Office. 
 Roberts, G. Camden Soc, 41. 
 Roberts, R. Simpson. 
 Roberts, R. A. Record Office. 
 Robertson, J. Bannatyne Club, 1863, 66 ; 
 Robertson, J. C. Camden Soc, 92; 
 Chronicles, 67. 
 Robertus de Greystanes. Surtees Soc., 
 Robin Hood. Gutch. 
 Robinson, Clem. Arber. 
 Robinson, C. C. Dialect Soc. 
 Robinson, C. J. Elwes ; Merchant Tay- 
 lors' School. 
 Robinson, C. R. Surtees Soc, 33. 
 Robinson, E. Talvi. 
 Robinson, F. K. Dialect Soc. 
 Robinson, J. C. Soulages Collection ; 
 Sousa Holstein ; Uzielli. 
 Robinson, R. Arber ; Chetham Soc, 23. 
 Robore Tulliano. Gori. 
 Robsart, Amy. Jackson. 
 Robson, J. Camden Soc, 18. 
 Rochdale. Chetham Soc, 1 ; Fishwick. 
 Rochdale Grammar School. Raines. 
 Roche Abbey. Fairbank, F. R. 
 Rochester. Summerley ; Thorpe, J. 
 Rochester Bridge. Adams. 
 Rochester Cathedral. Bloxam; Cathe- 
 Rochester, Diocese. Ducarel ; Willis. 
 Rochester, Bishop of. Historical Tracts, 
 Rochford. Black. 
 Rock, D. Science and Art Dept, 5, 20. 
 Eockcliffe Marsh. Ferguson, E. S. 
 Buckingham. Clark, G-. T. 
 Eockinghara Castle. Hartshorne. 
 Eodwell, J. M. Koran. 
 Eoe. Camden Soc., N.S., vii. 
 Eoederer. Eitter. 
 Eoger de Wendover. Historical Soc., 8. 
 Eogers, C. Grampian Club. 
 Eokewode, J. Or. Camden Soc., 13 ; Two- 
 penny, W. 
 Eoland. Angellier; Ciampi; Turpin. 
 Eolle de Hampole. Text Soc., 20. 
 Eolleston, 0-. Q-reenwell. 
 Eolleston, S. Barley Wine. 
 Eolleston Parish. Hill, J. H. 
 Eoman Buttress. Eobert, C. P. 
 Eoman Levies in Britain. Hirst. 
 Eomau Orient. Hirth, F. 
 Eoman Temples. Ferguson, J. 
 Eoman Wall. Bruce ; Hutton ; Mac- 
 lauchlan ; Mural Controversy. 
 Eomans. Amato, D. ; Antiquaries, Soc. 
 of ; Coote, H. C. ; Du Choul ; Hant- 
 zelmanns ; Kirchmann ; Loriquet ; 
 Eoy ; Yates. 
 Eomanus II. Weerth. 
 Eome, Antiquities. De la Clmusse ; 
 Ficoroni ; Middleton, J. H. ; Luinis- 
 den ; Eossini. 
 Architectural Antiquities. Sadeler ; 
 Taylor, G-. L. 
 Architecture. Percier ; Shadwell. 
 Art. Guedeonow ; Samber. 
 Buildings. Canina. 
 Catacombs. MacFarlane, C. ; 
 Northcote ; Eaoul-Eochette. 
 Centumviri. Zumpt. 
 Christian Antiquities. Architet- 
 tura ; Formby. 
 Christian Cemeteries. Aringhi, P. 
 Chronology. Clinton. 
 Church of. Supra : Church of 
 Condition, in 1854. Belt. 
 Description. Valerius Maximus. 
 Emperors and Popes. Petrarca. 
 Excavations. Parker, J. H. 
 Fortifications. Pearson, A. 
 Forum. Nichols, F. M. 
 Foundation of. Witte. 
 Guide. Bleser. 
 Handbook. Italy. 
 Historical Description. Burn, E. 
 History. Cancellieri ; Donatus ; 
 Dyer, T. H. ; Liddell ; Sleidan. 
 Inscriptions. Forcella, V. ; Hogg. 
 Itinerary. Nibby. 
 Miscellanea. G-ori ; Guattani ; 
 Montault ; Venuti, E. 
 Mosaics. Jouy. 
 Pageant. Appendix, 156. 
 Popes. Taylor. 
 Eome, Sack. Guicciardini. 
 Sepulchres. Bartoli, P. S. 
 Seven Wise Masters. Seven Wise 
 Statistics. Tournon. 
 Surroundings. Preller, L. 
 Topography. Marliani. 
 Views. Ashpitel ; Bird's Eye 
 View ; Piranesi. 
 Water Supply. Parker, J. 
 Eomer, F. Hungarian Books. 
 Eomer-Biichner, Dr. Seals, Foreign, 1C. 
 Eomilly, Lord. Lenthall. 
 Eomsey Abbey. Spence. 
 Eood Ashton. Jackson. 
 Eooke, J. Lonsdale. 
 Eoquefort, B. de. Marie de France. 
 Eoscommon. Irish Arch. Soc., 5. 
 Eoscommon, Earl of. Poems, 7. 
 Eosetta Stone. Akerblad ; Antiquaries, 
 Soc. of ; Graberg ; Jomard ; Lenor- 
 mant ; Palin ; Penn. 
 Eosetti, W. M. Chaucer Soc., 44, 65; 
 Text Soc., Ex. S., 8. 
 Eoskild. Loffler. 
 Eosny, Le de. Appendix, 16. 
 Eoss, Account. Fosbroke. 
 Handbook. Strong. 
 Records. Brady. 
 Eoss, F. Dialect Soc. 
 Eossel, K;. Bar ; Nassau Hist. Soc. 
 Eossendale Forest. Newbigging. 
 Eossi, G. J. Eome. 
 Eossi, J. B, Becker ; Corpus Insc. Lat. 
 Eossi, S. de. Gozzadini. 
 Eosso, G. del. Musumeci. 
 Eostinath Priory. Jervise. 
 Eother. Elliott. 
 Eotherham. Eastwood ; Guest; Leader. 
 Eotherham, T. de. Guest. 
 Eothwell. Bloxam. 
 Eotrou, L. de. De Tivoli. 
 Eotterdam. Silvii. 
 Eou. Eaynourd ; Wace, E. 
 Eouen, Collections. Deville, A. 
 Faience. Bordeaux. 
 Q-ravelines. Malais. 
 History. Licquet ; Normandy. 
 Manors. Cochet. 
 Topography. Frere, E. 
 Eougham. Henslow. 
 Eoufand. Abbotsford Club. 
 Houndhay Park. Goodall. 
 Eons, J. Camden Soc., 66 ; Trials, 9. 
 Eowland, W. Eiverius. 
 Eowlands, S. Percy Soo., 34. 
 I\ i > \\hindson. Caricatures. 
 Eowley, T. Milles. 
 Eowley, W. Shirinen. 
 Eoxburghe Ballads. Ballad Society. 
 Eoy, E. A. Hakluyt Soc., 49. 
 Eov, W. Antiquaries, 800. of. 
 Royal Exchange. Tite ; Wilson, E. 
 Royal Irish Academy. Wilde. 
 Royal Library. Seiners. 
 Royal Society. Weld. 
 Royal Society Club. Smyth. 
 Royat. Petit. 
 Royston Cave. Beldam. 
 Rubens. Fairholt ; Holt. 
 Rubruquis, GK de. Bergeron, P. 
 Ruddiman, T. Chalmers, Gr. 
 Rudler, F. W. Museum of Practical 
 Rudolf I. G-ans. 
 Ruffhead, O. Jacob, Gr. 
 Rufinus. Eusebius. 
 Rugby. Bloxam. 
 Rugby School. Bloxam ; Hayman : 
 Rugerus. Theophilus. 
 Ruinart, T. Mabillon. 
 Rule, M. Chronicles, 81. 
 Rumbold, T. Robbers. 
 Rumold, St. Appendix, 145, 146. 
 Rump Parliament. Songs. 
 Rumsey, Ancient Structures. Godwin. 
 Rumsey Abbey. Spence. 
 Rundall, T. Hakluyt Society, 5, 8. 
 Rupert, Prince. Bromley ; Civil War 
 Tracts, 18. 
 Ruscelli, G-. Ariosto ; Ptolemy. 
 Rusken Castle. Cumming, J. Gr. 
 Ruskin, J. Arundel Soc. 
 Russell, C. Green Street. 
 Russell, C. W. Record Office. 
 Russell, R. G-eber. 
 Russell, Lord W. Historical Papers, 45 ; 
 Historical Tracts, F. 5, 6 ; Trials, 9. 
 Russell, House of. Wiffen, J. H. 
 Russia, Account, 1758. Whitworth, C. 
 Antiquities. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Condition, 1716. Perry, John. 
 Czars. Brabazon. 
 Greek Colonies. Kaehne. 
 History. Hakluyt Soc., 20. 
 Notes. Hakluyt Soc., 10. 
 Trade. Parliament. 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 72, 73. 
 Russian Art. Science and Art Dept. 
 Russians. Ouwaroff. 
 Russow, B. RuRswurm. 
 Rustat, T. Hewett. 
 Rutherglen. TJre. 
 Ruthven, P. Bruce. 
 Ruthwell. Duncan ; Repp, T. Gr. 
 Rutland, Sells. North, T. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Handbook. Northamptonshire. 
 History, etc. Blore, T. ; Weight. 
 Rutland Papers. Camden Soc., 21. 
 Rutlandshire, Geography. Fretton. 
 Visitation, 1618. Harleian 
 Soc., iii. 
 Rye, W. Index Soc., 9 ; Norfolk Ant. Misc. 
 Rye, W. B. Hakluyt Soc., 9. 
 Rylands, J. P. Beaumont ; Harleian 
 Soe., xviii., xx. ; Record Soc., iii., vi. 
 Ryley, W. Harleian Soc., v. ; Phillipps, 3. 
 Rymer. Record Commission, 30 ; Record 
 Saalburg. Keller, G-. 
 Sabaktagin. Kitab. 
 Sabine, E. Humboldt. 
 Sacheverell, H. Historical Tracts, H. 6. 
 Sacheverell, W. Manx Soc., 1. 
 Sackville-West, R. W. Sackville, T. 
 Sacy, S. de. Sainte Croix. 
 Saddington. Hill, J. H. 
 Sadeler, M. Boetius. 
 Saemund. Icelandic Poetry. 
 Saglio, E. Dictionnaire. 
 Sah Kings. Thomas, E. 
 Sainsbury, W. N. Record Office, 32-34. 
 St. Albans, Book of. Berners. 
 Charter. Farrington. 
 Coins. Evans, J. 
 Roman Remains. Bloxam. 
 Roman Theatre. Lowe, R. S. 
 St. Alban's Abbey. Antiquaries, Soc. 
 of ; Bennoch ; Buckler ; Cathedrals ; 
 Chronicles, 28 ; Neale, J. ; Newcome ; 
 Scott, Gr. Gr. ; Seals, Med., 13 3 Way. 
 St. Aldhelm. Jones, W. H. 
 St. Andrew-under-Shaft. Overall. 
 St. Andrew's, Edinburgh. Davis, J. B. 
 St. Andrew's Plymouth. Rowe. 
 St. Andrew's Priory, Rochester. Rye. 
 St. Antholin's, London. Harleian Soe., riii. 
 St. Anthony's Monastery. Grampian 
 St. Asaph, Church Goods. Walcott. 
 St. Asaph Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Willis, 
 St. Asaph Diocese. Willis, B. 
 St. Augustine's Monastery. Chronicles, 
 8 ; Elmham ; Hussey, R. 
 St. Bartholomew's Chapel, Oxford. Cran- 
 St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield. Parker ; 
 St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Delamotte. 
 St. Beat de Liebana. D'Avezac. 
 St. Bees Priors. Bega. 
 St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus. 
 St. Benet Church, Gracechurch. Hale. 
 St. Bernardino, Verona. Giulicri. 
 St. Bertin, Cartulaire. Documents, 13. 
 Chartes. Morinie. 
 St. Botolph's, Aldersgate. Staples, J. 
 St. Bride Minor, Glamorgan. James, 
 J. H. 
 St. Bridget's, West Kirby. Smith, H. 
 St. Catharine's Convent, Edinburgh. 
 St. Christopher le Stocks, London. Fresh- 
 field, E. 
 Saint-Claire Convent. Martin Daussigny. 
 St. Clement's, Rome. Mullooly. 
 St. Columb Major, Cornwall, Parish of. 
 St. David's. Jones, W. B. 
 St. David's Cathedral. Cathedrals ; Scott, 
 Sir G-. G. ; Willis, B. 
 St. David's Diocese. Willis, B. 
 St. Denis, Monk of. Documents, 10. 
 St. Deny's Abbey. Anderson, G. ; Seals, 
 Med., 6. 
 St. Dionis Backehurch. Cooper, W. D. ; 
 Harleian Soc., iii. 
 St. Donat's Castle. Clark, G. T. 
 St. Dunstan's-in-the-East. Murray. 
 St. Edmundsbury. Supra: Bury St. 
 St. Eloi Chapel. Lenormant, F. 
 St. Etienne's Abbey, Caen. Hippeau. 
 St. Etienne le Vieux, Normandy. Le 
 Flaguais ; Normandy. 
 St. Ewen's, Bristol. Kerslake, T. 
 St. Faith's. St. Paul's Cathedral. 
 St. Fin Barre's Cathedral. Caulfield. 
 St. Florent's Priory. Marchegay. 
 St. Front. Perigueux. 
 St. Gall Convent. Kellar, F. 
 St. George, H. Harleian Soc., xv. ; Phil- 
 lipps, 4. 
 St. George, E. Chetham Soc., 82. ; Foster ; 
 Harleian Soc., xxii. 
 St. George's, Bloomsbury. Dobie. 
 Doncaster. Denison ; Jack- 
 son, J. E. 
 Windsor. Willement. 
 St. George-the-Martyr, Holborn. Miller, 
 J. L. 
 St. George's Place. Langdon. 
 St. George's de Bocherville Abbey. De- 
 St. Germain-des-Pres. Guone'baut. 
 St. Germans Cathedral. Manx Soc., 29. 
 St. Giles', Camberwell. Prosser. 
 St. Giles-in -the- Fields. Dobie; Parton. 
 St. Giles, Reading. Nash, W. L. 
 St. Giles' Without Cripplegate. Miller, 
 St. Gilles, Gard. Bechard ; Chevremont ; 
 St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. Cox, J. E. 
 St. Heliers. Croix. 
 St. Heliers' Hermitage. Sullivan. 
 St. Hildeburga's, West Kirby. Smith, 
 H. E. 
 St. Hildevert's, Gournay. Cochet. 
 St. Jago, Order of. Rodes. 
 St. James', Clerkenwell. Harleian Soc., 
 ix., Registers x. 
 Grimsby. Oliver, G. 
 St. John's, Beverley. Duckett, G. F. 
 Chester. Hughes. 
 Cirencester. Fuller, E. A. 
 Southwark. Corner. 
 St. John's Chapel, Isle of Man. Manx 
 Soc., 19. 
 St. John's College, Cambridge. Babing- 
 St. John's College Chapel, Cambridge. 
 St. John's Priory, Clerkenwell. Griffith. 
 St. John the Baptist's Bottesbroke. But- 
 Caermarthen. Phil- 
 lipps, 24. 
 Rot.hley. Rowe. 
 Walbrook. Harleian 
 Soc., viii. 
 St. John of Jerusalem, Church of, Gt. 
 Ormond St. Philermos. 
 St. John of Jerusalem, Order of. Bigsby ; 
 Bruce ; Hugo ; Vertot, R. A. de. 
 St. Katharine, Provence. Nunns. 
 St. Katherine's Hospital. Nichols, J. B. 
 St. Kilda, Description. Buchan ; Martin, 
 History. Macaulay, K. 
 St. Laurence, Bradford. James, W. H. 
 St. Laurence Pountney, London. Wilson, 
 H. B. 
 St. Lawrence, Reading. Kerry, C. 
 St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Hough. 
 St. Leonard's, Shoreditch. Ellis, Sir H. ; 
 St. Leonard's Guide. Ross ; Osborne ; 
 St. Leonard's Priory, Esholt. Esholt. 
 St. Lorenzo, Genoa. Varni. 
 St. Lucia, Description. Breen. 
 St. Madoes. Allen, J. R. 
 St. Maixent, Coins. Numismatic Tracts, 7. 
 St. Margaret's, Westminster. Noble, T C. 
 S. Marie de Neubotle. Bannatyne Club, 
 St. Marie, L. de. D'Anisy. 
 St. Mark's Chapel. Manx Soc., 28. 
 St. Mark's, Venice. Ongania, F. 
 St. Martin's, Leicester. North. 
 Naples. Tuf ari, R. 
 Stamford. Harrod. 
 Saint-Martin, C. de. Penny. 
 St. Martin du Tilleul. Le Provost. 
 St. Martin's-le-Grand. Kempt-. 
 St. Martin's Priory, Dover. IVrry. 
 St. Mary's, Beverley. Duckett, < 
 Callington. Hutchison, A'.. B. 
 Horsham. Rice. 
 Inner Temple. Temple Church. 
 Leigh. Worsley. 
 St. Mary's, New Shoreham. Sharpe. 
 Nottingham. Close ; Walker. 
 Stone. Street. 
 Warwick. Nichols. 
 St. Mary Aldermary, London. Harleian 
 Soc. ; Wilson, H. B. 
 St. Mary, Attleborough, Norfolk. Barrett. 
 St. Mary Bourne, Hants. W. A. 
 St. Mary-le-Bone Parish. Smith, T. 
 S. Mary Magdalen, Doncaster. Jackson, 
 J. E. 
 Kingston. Heales. 
 Oxford. Macray. 
 Taunton. Cottle. 
 St. Mary of Walsingham, Church of. 
 Erasmus ; Phillipps, 16. 
 St. Mary Overy, Southwark. Dollman ; 
 Taylor, W. 
 St. Mary Redclifle. Bristol ; Godwin. 
 St. Mary, Rothesay. Roger. 
 St. Mary, Shaw cum Donnington. Money. 
 St. Mary Somerset, London. Milbourn. 
 St. Mary's Abbey, Cleeve. Walcott. 
 Dublin. Chronicles, 80. 
 Evesham. Walcott. 
 Pershore. Walcott. 
 St. Mary's Nunnery, Langley. Walcott. 
 St. Matthew, Friday Street, London, Parish 
 of. Simpson. 
 St. Michael's, Bishop's Stortford. Glass- 
 Cornhill. Harleian Soc., 
 vii. ; Herbert ; Waterlow, 
 St. Michael's Monastery, Bergen. Munich. 
 St. Michael's Mount. Trebutien ; Yaultier. 
 St. Neots. Gorham. 
 St. Nicholas, Wade. Clarke, J. 
 St. Olave's, Southwark. Corner. 
 Saint-Omer. Etablissements Hospitallers. 
 Hanse. Deschamps de Pas. 
 Manuscripts. Phillipps, 28. 
 Seals. Hermand. 
 St. Osyth's Priory. Essex; Walcott; 
 St. Ouen, Rouen. Deville ; Gilbert ; 
 St. Pancras, Middlesex. Cansick ; Pal- 
 mer, S. ; Rivington. 
 St. Patrick's Cathedral. Monck Mason. 
 St. Paul's Cathedral. Burges ; Cam den 
 Soc., 69, N. S., xxvi. ; Dugdale ; Far- 
 ley ; Genealogica, iii. ; Hackett, M. ; 
 Leef ; Longman ; Ly te, H. C. M. ; 
 Micklethwaite ; Oldfield ; Simpson ; 
 Street; Sykes ; Way. 
 St. Peter Cheap Parish, London. Simp- 
 St. Peter's, Cornhill. Harleian Soc., i., iv. 
 Geneva. Geneva. 
 Gloucester. Chronicles, 33. 
 Ripon. Surtees Soc., 78. 
 St. Peter's, Rome. Oldfield ; Phoebeus. 
 Westminster. Camden, W. ; 
 Harleian Soc., x. 
 Wolverhampton. Hall. 
 York. Browne, J. 
 St. Peter's College, Westminster. Welch, 
 St. Peter's Hospital, Wands worth. Fish- 
 mongers' Company. 
 St. Petersburg. Fraehn. 
 St. Pierre-sur-Dive. Haimon. 
 St. Quentin. De La Fons. 
 St.-Sauveur-le-Yicomte, Chateau. Delisle, 
 St. Saviour's, Southwark. Benson; Con- 
 canen ; Kempe ; Moss ; Tiler. 
 St. Sophia. Byzantine Historians, 21. 
 St. Stephen's, Westminster. Antiquaries, 
 Soc. of; Mackenzie. 
 St. Thomas's, Stockton Heath. Rowe. 
 London. Harleian Soc., vi. 
 St. Thomas's Hospital. Golding; Rendle. 
 Saint-Trond Abbey, Bruxelles. 
 St. Yedast's Abbey. Phillipps, 27. 
 St. Yincent, Chalon-sur-Saone. Bard, J. 
 St. Yincent de Laon, Abbey of. Cardon. 
 Saint- Wandrille's Abbey. Langlois. 
 St. Weonard's. Wright, T. 
 St. Wilfrid's. Bruce, W. D. 
 Salamanca. Stevens, H. 
 Salamis. Cesnola. 
 Salamon, F. Hungarian Books. 
 Salcey. Cooke, J. H. 
 Sale, G. Koran. 
 Salem, Mass. Essex Institute ; Streeter. 
 Salford. Cornish ; Manchester Guide. 
 Salll-ibn-Razlk. Hakluyt Soc., 44. 
 Salisbury, Archaeology. Archaeological 
 History. Hall, P.; Hatcher; 
 Liturgy. Maskell. 
 Register. Chronicles, 78. 
 Salisbury, Bishop of. True Copies; His- 
 torical Tracts, H. 7. 
 Salisbury Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Cathe- 
 drals ; Dayman ; Dodsworth ; Frere ; 
 Jackson, J. E. ; Jones, W.H. ; Price ; 
 Procter ; Scott, G. G. 
 Salisbury Diocese. Willis. 
 Salisbury Missal. Dickinson. 
 Salisbury, S. American Antiquarian 
 Salley Abbey. Harland. 
 Sallust. Orti. 
 Salmasius, C. Augustae Historic Scrip- 
 tores ; Florus. 
 Salmesbury. Croston. 
 Salonita. Lanza. 
 Salsberg. Simony. 
 Saltonstall, W. Ovidius. 
 Salusbury, T. Bartoli, D 
 Salviati, L. Boccacio, G. 
 Salvin, A. Architects ; Roundell. 
 Sanches de Boena, Viscount. Portugal. 
 Sancroft, Archbishop. Wagstaff. 
 Sandby, W. Horatius; Juvenal; Terentius. 
 Sanders, A. Crawford. 
 Sanders, W. B. Anglo-Saxon Manu- 
 Sanderson, E. M. Moore, Canon. 
 Sanderson, R. Walton. 
 Sandford, Oxfordshire. Marshall. 
 Sandford, F. Appendix, 26. 
 Sandford, J. Agrippa, H. C. 
 Sandisson, de. AbdalLa. 
 Sandwich. Boys. 
 Sandys, Archbishop. Bloxam. 
 Sandys, W. Carols, Christmas ; Percy 
 Soc., 77. 
 Sangster, C. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 San Lazzaro. Mechitar. 
 San Quintino, G. de. Numismatic Tracts, 
 Sans. Canat. 
 San-Salvador. Squier. 
 Santander. Hiibner. 
 Santarem, Viscount de. Biker. 
 Santiago. Vergara. 
 Santi Bartoli, P. S. Supra : Bartoli. 
 Sanzio, G. Arundel Soc. 
 Saone. Martin Daussigny. 
 Sa6ne-et-Loire. Guilleniin. 
 Saqui, G-. Caroline. 
 Saracenic Art. Science and Art Dept. 
 Saracens. Bergeron, P. j Knight, H. G. ; 
 Saratoga, Deane. 
 Sark. James; Jersey. 
 Sarrant. Caneto. 
 Sarsens. Jones, T. R. 
 Sarum. Supra: Salisbury. 
 Sarzana. Longperier; Varni. 
 Saeaki, C. Jijima, I. 
 Sassanidee. Thomas. 
 Saulcy, F. de. Evans. 
 Saumur. Bodin. 
 Saunders, R. Appleton, G. S. 
 Saunders, W. I. Overall. 
 Sauvage, D. Froissart. 
 Sauzay, A. Sauvage, N. 
 Savigny. Documents, 13. 
 Savile Letters. Camden Soc., 71. 
 Saville, H. Burgess. 
 Savoy. Cibrario. 
 Saxby. Virgilius. 
 Saxondom. Akerman. 
 Saxons. Ibbetson ; Kemble ; Reineccius. 
 Saxony. Puttrich. 
 Sbarra, F. Appendix, 90. 
 Scalds. Graberg. 
 Scaliger, J. Aristophanes ; Caesar ; Du 
 Rien ; Verrius. 
 Scampton. Illingworth. 
 Scandinavia, Aborigines. Nilsson. 
 Archaeology. Holmberg, A. 
 Ecclesiastical Laws. Sdder- 
 Industrial Arts. Science 
 and Art Dept. 
 Monuments. Stephens, G. 
 Origin. Graberg. 
 Runes. Cnatting ; Stephens. 
 Scapula. Raper. 
 Scarborough. Hinderwell, T. ; Poole ; 
 Scargill-Bird, S. R. Camden Soc., xli. 
 Schaepkens. Seals, Foreign, 7, 11, 12. 
 Schaffhausen, P. Fabricius. 
 Schalk, H. Nassau. 
 Scharfeneck. Leber. 
 Scharler, F. S. Vienna. 
 Schawenburg, Counts of. Lerbeke ; Mei- 
 Schenccius, J. A. Pheedro. 
 Schevb, F. C. de. Peutingerus. 
 Schiltberger. Hakluyt Soc., 58. 
 Schirmer, H. E. Munch, P. A. 
 Schleswig, Antiquities. Handelmann ; 
 Peerage. Lexicon. 
 Runes. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Schmeller, J. A. Munich. 
 Schneider, J. G. Xenophon. 
 Schoene, R. Corpus Inscr. Lat. 
 Suhomberg. Tronchin. 
 Schomburg Family. Aquilonipolensis. 
 Schomburgh, R. H. Hakluyt Soc., 3; 
 Schoner, J. Ephemerides. 
 Sclionhaar, W. F. Appendix, 98. 
 Schonhuth, O. F. H. Volksbucher, v., 
 3-5, vi., 8. 
 Schoning. Snorre Sturluson. 
 Schopen, L. Anna Comnena; Byzantine 
 Historians, 2, 4, 26 ; Cantacuzenus ; 
 Nicephorus Gregoras. 
 Schottus, A. Maderus ; Rosinus. 
 Schrevelius, C. Rosinus. 
 Schroder, J. C. Seneca. 
 Schroder, J. H. Loptus ; Verner. 
 Schwalbach. Fenner de Fenneberg. 
 Schwebel, N. Onosamh r. 
 Scilly. Borlase ; Heath j North. 
 Scope. Schaldemose. 
 Scorburgh. Oliver, G. 
 Scotland, Annals. Hailes. 
 Antiquities. Allen, J. R. ; Bil- 
 lings, R. W. ; Cardonnel; Carr ; 
 Grose; Maclagan; Scott, Sir W. ; 
 Spalding Club ; Wise, T. A. 
 Archeology. Anderson, Jos. ; 
 Wilson, D. 
 Bishops. Keith. 
 Border History. Ridpath. 
 Scotland, Border Laws. Nicholson, W. 
 Chamberlains. Davidson, John. 
 Chapel Royal. Grampian Club. 
 Charters. 'Robertson, W. 
 Chronicles. Chronicles, 6 ; For- 
 dun; Wyntown. 
 Churches. Simson. 
 Coinage. Cardonnel ; Cochran ; 
 Lindsay, J. ; Snelling. 
 Description. Fructus. 
 Diplomata. Anderson, Jas. 
 Documents. Eecord Commis- 
 sion ; Eecord Office. 
 Early Races. Leslie, F. 
 Ecclesiastical Affairs. Banna- 
 tyne Club. 
 Folk lore. 
 Folk Lore Soc. 
 Heraldry. Seton. 
 Highlanders. Skene, W. F. 
 History. Buchanan, G. ; Chal- 
 mers, G. ; Innes ; Mackenzie ; Mait- 
 land; Nicholson, W. ; Pinkerton. 
 1 Inscriptions. Grampian Club. 
 Kings. Abbotsford Club, 1845. 
 LaJce Dwellings. Munro 
 Maps. Arrowsmith ; Bodleian 
 Library ; Gary ; Ordnance Survey. 
 Miscellanea. England. 
 Monastic Remains. Parkyns. 
 Monuments. Fergusson. 
 Natural History. Sibbald. 
 Parliament. Parliament ; Wai- 
 Peerage. Douglas, E.: Hewlett: 
 Walkley. ' 
 Revolution, 1567. Crawford. 
 Ruins. Cor diner. 
 Science. Napier. 
 Sculpture. Stuart, J. 
 Social History . Grampian Club. 
 Statistics. Sinclair. 
 Superstitions. Dalyell. 
 - Topography. Carlisle ; Lewis, 
 S. ; Eobertson, J. A. 
 Tour. Pennant. 
 Travels. Gordon, A. ; Misson ; 
 Watford, T. 
 Views. Moore, J. ; Nixon, E. 
 . Wars. Burton, E. 
 Western Islands. Martin. 
 Writers. Mackenzie. 
 Scots. Paterson ; Eitson ; Schcell. 
 Scott, E. J. L. Camden Soc., 33. 
 Scott, Sir G. G. Architectural Museum ; 
 Parker ; Eadford ; Sacristy ; St. 
 David's Cathedral. 
 Scott, E. Liddell. 
 Scott, Sir W. Bucke ; Grampian Club. 
 Scott, W. Somers. 
 Scott Family. Genealogist; Grampian Club. 
 Scottish Ballads. Stevenson, T. G. 
 Scottish Catholics. Forbes-Leith, W. 
 Scottish Nobility. Grampian Club. 
 Scozzese. Einuccini. 
 Scraptoft. Hill, J v H. 
 Scriverus, P. Apuleius ; War. 
 Scroggs, Chief Justice. Historical Papers, 
 23 ; Trials, 3. 
 Scrope. Wiltes. 
 Scope and Grosvenor Roll. Ffoulkes. 
 Scrope Hospital. Treves. 
 Scylitza, J. Byzantine Historians, 23. 
 Scythians. Lenormant. 
 Sealy, T. H. Archaeological Magazine. 
 Sears, D. Colchester; Massachusetts His- 
 torical Soe. ; Peabody. 
 Sebastopol. Kaehne. 
 Sebergham Church. Ferguson, J. 
 Seckford's Alms Houses. Loder. 
 Sedaine, . Miscellanies, v., 8. 
 Sedbury. Ormerod. 
 Seddon, P. Chetham Soc., 108. 
 Segesta. Hogg. 
 Segur, Comte de. Bardin. 
 Seine. Cochet. 
 Seine-Infe'rieure. Cochet. 
 Selborne. White, G. 
 Selborne, Lord. Parker. 
 Selby, W. D. Chaucer Soc., ii., S. 12 j 
 Genealogist ; Eecord Soc., vii. 
 Selden, J. Arber ; Eadmer ; Warter. 
 Sellon Family. Wa ner, H. 
 Senchus Mor. Ireland. 
 Senckenberg, Dr. Scheidel. 
 Send. Kemble. 
 Sens. Sphragistique. 
 Sensi, G. Jubinal. 
 Serbal, Mount. Hogg. 
 Sere, F. Lacroix. \ 
 Serenus, Q. Celsus. 
 Serre, P. de la. Supra : Puget. 
 Severn, L. Gilliodts van. Supra : Gilliodts. 
 Severus, F. Zumpt. 
 Severus, S. Bernays. 
 Sewall. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. 
 Sewell, E. Archaeological Survey ; India. 
 Seymour, Sir T. Maclean. 
 Seymour Family. Jackson. 
 Seymour's Madison Directory. Madison 
 Shadwell, T. Heywood ; Plays, 4. 
 Shaftesbury, Earl of. Historical Papers, 
 11, 20 ; Texier. 
 Shakespeare. Arrowsmith ; Aysoough ; 
 Bell; Bellew; Birch; Brown, C. A.; 
 Brown, H. ; Chalmers, G. ; Clarke, 
 Mrs. C. ; Collier, J. P. ; Croft ; Douce ; 
 Dyce ; Halliwell ; Harrison ; Ingleby ; 
 Jeremiah ; Jest Books ; Keightley ; 
 Kelly, W. ; Leighton ; Malone ; Mis 
 cellanies, iv., 9 ; Nares ; Eendle ; 
 Scharf ; Singer ; Smith, C. E. ; Text 
 Soc., Ex. S., 2 ; Thorns j Wellesley ; 
 Whelerj Wright. 
 Shaldon. Hyett. 
 Shalmaneser II. Pinches. 
 Shangton. Hill, J. H. 
 Shank Family. Genealogist. 
 Sharp, Captain. Bucaniers. 
 Sharp, J. Whitworth ; Rogue. 
 Sharp, T. Coventry Pageant ; Appendix, 
 Sharpe, . Trials, M. 4. 
 Sharpe, Q-. Hyde. 
 Sharpe, R. R. London. 
 Sharpe, Sam. "Bonomi. 
 Shaw, B. Folkestone Rit. Case. 
 Shaw, N. Hakluyt Soc., 23. 
 Shaw, P. Varenius. 
 Shaw, S. Topographer. 
 Sheffield. Architectural Societies ; Hunt ; 
 Hunter, J. 
 Sheffield, Lord. Miscellanies, ii., 1. 
 Shelton, M. Wotton, W. 
 Shenstone. Sutton. 
 Sheppard, J. B. Camden Soc., N.S., xix. 
 Sheppard, J. H. Dean. 
 Sheppy Island. Walcott. 
 Shepway. Knocker. 
 Sherburn Hospital, Durham. Allan. 
 Sheridan, T. Swift, J. 
 Sherley, Sir A. Collier, J, P. 
 Sherlock, T. Church Affairs; Earth- 
 Sherringham, R. Historical Tracts, B. 11. 
 Sherwood. Manx Soc., 31. 
 Shetland Islands. Hibbert. 
 Shillingford, J. Camden Soc., N.S., ii. 
 Shipton, Mother. Ashbee. 
 Shirley, W. W. Chronicles, 5, 27 ; 
 Henry III. 
 Shoddon. Lewis, G. R. 
 Shore, J. Rosamond. 
 Shoreham Guide. Summerley. 
 Shoreham, William de. Percy Soc., 85. 
 Shottesbrooke Church, Berks. Mitchell, 
 A. B. 
 Shovell, Sir C. Cooke, J. H. 
 Shrewsbury. Leighton ; Owen, H. ; 
 Shrewsbury, Countess of. Steinman. 
 Shrewsbury, George, Earl of. Leader. 
 Shrewsbury House. Miscellanies, v., 4. 
 Shropshire, Antiquities. Dukes, T. F. ; 
 Hartshorne, C. H. ; Pearson, W. 
 Castles. Edwards, E. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Folk-Lore. Burne, C. S. 
 Geology. Eyton, C. 
 Glossary. Jackson, G. F. 
 Handbook. Cheshire. 
 Heraldry. Kittermaster. 
 History. Anderson, J. C. ; 
 Botfield, B. ; Warton Club. 
 Views. Bayliss, J. C. 
 S hurtle It, N. B. Massachusetts. 
 3 E 
 Shuttle worth Account. Chetham Soc., 
 xxxv., xli., xliii., xlvi. 
 Siam. Vincent. 
 Sicilian Language. Hogg, 1853. 
 Sicily, Antiquities. Hogg, 1847 ; Pan- 
 crazi ; Serradifalco. 
 Authors. Costa. 
 Biography. Gemmelaro. 
 Codex Diplomaticus. Airoldi. 
 Coins. Costello ; Forcella. 
 Description. Smyth, W. H. 
 Earthquakes. Ebulo. 
 Handbook. Dennis. 
 Inscriptions. Costello. 
 Manners. Blunt, J. J. 
 Medals. Paruta. 
 Norman Remains. Knight, H. G. 
 Royal House. Mooyer. 
 Terra-cottas. Kekule. 
 Topography. Amico. 
 Travels. Riedesel, Baron. 
 Sicyon. Phillips. 
 Sidmouth. Hutchinson. 
 Sidney, A. Historical Papers, 10. 
 Sidney, Hon. H. Blencowe. 
 Sidney, P. Arber ; Fuller Worthies' 
 Sigismund, Emperor. Spies ; Appendix, 
 Sigmaringen. Lindenschmit. 
 Sigurasson, J. Rafn. 
 Silbury. Scarth. 
 Silentiarius. Byzantine Historians, 21. 
 Silesia. Vossberg. 
 Silliman. Chinese Collection. 
 Silvaggio. Gemmelaro. 
 Silvanectes. Delacourt. 
 Simancas. Record Office. 
 Simeon, of Durham. Infra: Symeon. 
 Simmonds, E. Mary, Q.ueen of Scots. 
 Simmons, T. F. Text Soc., 71. 
 Simocatta. Byzantine Historians, 12. 
 Simon, of Worcester. Nasmilh. 
 Simon Tridentmus. Sylvester. 
 Simon, C. Grampian Club. 
 Simon, H. Chaucer Soc., ii. S. 16. 
 Simon, J. Snelling ; Tracts, B. 2. 
 Simon, T. Vertue. 
 Simonides, C. Hanno. 
 Simpson, W. S. Camden Soc., N.S., xxvi. 
 Simrock, K. Shakespeare Soc., 18 ; Volks- 
 bucher, vi., 7. 
 Sim-Son Family. Fraser. 
 Sinai. Clayton ; Lepsius. 
 Sinclair. M'Cready. 
 Si-Ngan-Fou. Pauthier. 
 Singer, J. Ouvry. 
 Singer, S. W. Selden ; Soul ; Spon.v. 
 Sinolt, A. M. Appendix, 111. 
 Sinolt, J. Appendix, 111. 
 Sinsheim. Wilhelm. 
 Sion Bishopric. Blavignac. 
 Sion College. Reading. 
 Sion Library. Scott. 
 Sion Monastery. Aungier, Q-. J. 
 Siris. Bronsted; Millin. 
 Sirona. Eobert, C. 
 Sisteron. Laplane. 
 Sittingbourne Museum. Payne, G-. 
 Siward, Earl. Stephens. 
 Sixtus II. Egerton. 
 Sixtus Y. Memento. 
 Skaife, R. H. Surtees Soc., 49. 
 Skeat, W. W. Chaucer Soc., 19, 29; 
 Dialect Soc. ; Ellis ; Text Soc. ; 
 Skelton, J. Meyrick. 
 Skene, W. F. Scotland, Chronicles, 6. 
 Skinner, A. Taylor, Gr. 
 Skinner, T. Bates, Gr. 
 Slade, F. British Museum. 
 Slaithwaite Free School. Morehouse. 
 Slawston. Hill, J. H. 
 Sleaford. Oliver, G-. ; Trollope. 
 Sligo. Irish Arch. Soc., 8. 
 Slingsby. Walker. 
 Sloper/W. Trials, L. 
 Sluis. Seals, Foreign, 8. 
 Smart, T. W. W. Warne. 
 Smeeton. Hill, J. H. 
 Smek. Schroder. 
 Smellie, W. Scotland. 
 Smith, Alice M. Baltung. 
 Smith, Aquilla. Irish Arch. Soc., 1, 4. 
 Smith, Bernard. Pugin. 
 Smith, C. H. Meyrick. 
 Smith, C. R. Faussett ; Science and Art 
 Smith, GK British Museum. 
 Smith, H., Alderman. Gfwilt. 
 Smith, Hubert. Woof. 
 Smith, J. Bede ; London Spring Water Co. 
 Smith, J. F. Chetham Soc., Ixix., Ixxiii., 
 xciii., xciv. 
 Smith, J. J. Gkmville and Caius College. 
 Smith, J. S. Quedam Regule. 
 Smith, John. Assassination. 
 Smith, John, Captain. Deane. 
 Smith, Lucy T. Camden Soc., N.S., v ; 
 Text Soc., 40. 
 Smith, R. A. Manchester Lit. and Phil. 
 Smith, T. Cottonian Library ; Text Soc., 
 Smith, T., of Campden. G-wilt. 
 Smith, Sir T. Strype, xxiv. 
 Smith, William, Dr. Dictionary. 
 Smithfield. Banning ; Lambert, Gr. 
 Smolik, J. Prague, R. Boh. Mus. 
 Smyrnseus, Q. Paley. 
 Smyth, C. P. Edinburgh Royal Observa- 
 Smyth, J. Cooke, J. H. ; Fosbroke. 
 Smyth, P. Edinburgh Royal Observatory. 
 Smyth, R. Camden Soc., 44. 
 Smyth, W. H. Benzoni; Hakluyt Soc., 
 21 ; Northumberland. 
 Snailwell Church. Rowe. 
 Snellaert, F. A. Brussels. 
 Sneyd, C. A. Camden Soc., 37. 
 Snorre Sturleson. Magnusen. 
 Soane,. Sir J. Britton. 
 Soborg. Northern Antiquaries. 
 Socrates. Eusebius. 
 Sodor and Man. Manx Soc., 29. 
 Solesme Priory. Allou. 
 Solly, E. Index Soc., 4, 5. 
 Solms, Count. Cooke, J. H. 
 Solo, F. de. Hakluyt Soc., 9. 
 Solomon's Temple. Robbins, E. C. 
 Soltre. Edinburgh. 
 Solway. Jackson, W., 2. 
 Solyman III. Chardin. 
 Somerset House. Coleman, J. 
 Somersetshire, Bells. Ellacombe. 
 Crosses. Pooley. 
 Dialects. Jennings. 
 Domesday. Domesday 
 Floods. Baker, E. E. 
 Gheld Inquest. Eyton. 
 Handbook. Wiltshire. 
 History. Collinson ; Phelps, 
 Inscriptions. Paul. 
 Visitation. Harleian Soc., 
 ii. ; Weaver. 
 Somme. Cochet. 
 Sommerard, E. du.- Cluny. 
 Somner, W. Gibson, E. 
 Sophia, of Brandenburg. Appendix, 133. 
 Sophocles. ^Eschylus. 
 Sora, Duke of. Shrewsbury Peerage. 
 Sorel, Agnes. Delacourt. 
 Soromenho, A. Hiibner. 
 Sotheby. Virgilius. 
 Sourdis. Documents, 8. 
 South Cave. Allen, J. 
 South Eastern Railway. Emerson ; Mea- 
 South Kensington Museum. Black ; Por- 
 trait Miniatures ; Robinson, J. C. ; 
 Science and Art Dept. 
 South Kilworth. Pownall. 
 South Mimms. Cass. 
 South Seas. Hawkins ; Parkinson. 
 South Shields. Hooppell. 
 South Winfield Manor. Ferrey ; Robin- 
 South, R. Poems, 12. 
 Southampton. Davies, J. S. ; Englefield. 
 Southern, H. Retrospective Review. 
 Southfleet. Hart. 
 Southtown. Palmer. 
 Southwark, Account. Pennant, 
 Etymology. Lindsay, R. 
 Southwark, History. Rendle. 
 Plan. Horwood, R. 
 Surrey, Parish Clerks. 
 Southwold. Stebbings. 
 Soutimes. Guieysse. 
 Spa. Limbourg. 
 Spain, Antiquities. Cartailhac, l5mile. 
 Archaeology. Berlanga. 
 Architecture. Street. 
 Art. Amador De Los Eios. 
 Christian Year. Villanueva, J. L. 
 Coins. Saulcy ; Akerman. 
 Crown. Argayz. 
 Handbook. Ford, R. 
 Heraldry. Menestrier. 
 History. Abrege ; Turquet. 
 Industrial Arts. Science and Art 
 Inscriptions. Hiibner. 
 Literature. Panzanus. 
 Miscellanea. Documents ; Record 
 Nobility. Imhof. 
 Silk Manufactures. Santarem. 
 Travels. Boucher de Perthes; 
 Dillon, J. T. ; Ponz ; Twiss. 
 Views. Locker. 
 War of Succession. Stanhope. 
 Spalato. Historical Tracts, A. 2. 
 Spalding, Gentlemen's Society. Moore, 
 W., Spalding. 
 Spanheim, E. Collimachus. 
 Spanheim, F. Lenfant, J. 
 Spanish Armada. Mayer, J. 
 Spanton, J. Chevreuil. 
 Sparfvenfeld, J. G-. Bergstedt. 
 Sparke, B. E. Gray, T. 
 Sparks, J. Ellis ; Harvard College. 
 Sparks Family. Boddington. 
 Sparrowe's House, Ipswich. Phipaon. 
 Sparsholt. Reichel. 
 Speed, J. Davies, J. S. ; Manx Soc., 18. 
 Speed, S. Valerius Maximus. 
 Spelman, H. Haddan ; Upton. 
 Spelman, J. Psalterium. 
 Spencer, Earl. Dibdin. 
 Spenser, E. Grosart ; H., S. H. 
 Spiennes. Mells, J. M. 
 Spitsbergen. Hakluyt Soc., 18. 
 Spot, Dick. Morris, R. 
 Sprat, Mr. Poems, No. 32. 
 Spratt, T. Surbiere. 
 Spring Water Company. London. 
 Springhead. Dunkin. 
 Spurdeus, W. T. Forby. 
 Spurrell, F. Seals, Med., 7. 
 Squier. Ze*termatn. 
 Stabia. Winckelman. 
 Stade, H. Hakluyt Soc., 51. 
 Stadelius. S. Meuckenius. 
 Statfbrdslure, Barrows. Batsman. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Staffordshire, Glossary. 
 Plot, R. 
 Houses. Niven. 
 Natural History. G-arner; 
 Survey. Erdeswicke; Eyton. 
 Visitations. Historical Papers, 
 Staindrop Church. Denham Tracts, 111. 
 Stairfoot. Tago, W. 
 Stallybrass, J. S. Grimm. 
 Stamford, Antiquities. Harrod ; Peck. 
 Chronology. Burton, G. 
 History. Nevinson. 
 Memorials. Walcott. 
 Mint. Sharp. 
 Survey. Butcher. 
 Stanford Church. Bloxam ; Sandon 
 Stanford-in-the-Vale. Maine. 
 Stanhope, Earl. Antiquaries ; Read. 
 Stanhope, Mrs. A. Shirley. 
 Stanley. Smithsonian Institution. 
 Stanley, Lord. Hakluyt Soc., 49, 52, 64. 
 Stanley, A. P. Hardy ; Palestine Explo- 
 ration Fund ; Utrecht Psalter. 
 Stanley, G. Bryan. 
 Stanley, H. Hakluyt Soc., 35, 39, 42. 
 Stanley, Sir W. Chetham Soc., xxv. 
 Stanley Family. Ormerod. 
 Stanley Papers. Chetham Soc., xxix., 
 xxxi., Ixvi., Ixvii., Ixx. 
 Stanleys, Kings of Man. Manx Soc., 3. 
 Stanmore. Armstrong. 
 Stannus. M'Cready. 
 Stanton, S. Miscellanies, v., 3. 
 Stanwell Church. Heales. 
 Stanwix. King, C. W. 
 Stany hurst, R. Arber. 
 Stapelford. Nichols, J. 
 Stapelton Family. Chetwynd. 
 Stapleton, Bishop. Worthy. 
 Stapleton, Sir P. Cromwell. 
 Stapleton, T. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; Cam- 
 den Soc., 4, 34, 47 ; Normandy. 
 Stapvlton, R. Juvenal. 
 Star Chamber. Camden Soc., xxxix. 
 Stargardt, J. A. Genealogy. 
 Starhemberg Family. Halloy. 
 Starkey. Text Soc., Ex. S., 32. 
 Starston Church. Phipson. 
 Stationers' Company. Arber; Shakes- 
 peare Soc., 12. 
 Staton, J. T. Lancashire Tales. 
 Staub, F. Schweizerisches Idiotikon. 
 Staunton Manor. Maclean, J. 
 Staunton Parish. Hill, J. H. 
 Staunton, G. T. Hakluyt Soc., 13. 
 Stayley, W. Trials, 1. 
 Stead, R. Dialect Soc. 
 Stearne, J. Belcher. 
 Slcbbing, S. Sandford. 
 Stebbins Family. New England Hist. Gen. 
 Steele, Sir R. Peerage Tracts, 2. 
 Steiermark. Styria. 
 Stephanides, W. Sparke, J. 
 Stephanius, S. J. Saxo-Grammaticus. 
 Stephanus, H. Erasmus ; Hippocrates. 
 Stephen, King. Birch ; Chronicles, 73. 
 Stephen, Sir J. Folkestone Kit. Case. 
 Stephen, L. Biography. 
 Stephens, A. J. Folkestone Kit. Case. 
 Stephens, F. G. British Museum. 
 Stephens, R. Bacon. 
 Stevens, J. Dugdale. 
 Stevenson, J. Abingdon ; Chronicles, 2, 
 22, 32, 66 ; Stevenson, J. ; Henry VI. ; 
 Historical Soc., 1-5 ; James I ; Mary 
 Queen of Scots ; Normandy ; Owl ; 
 Record Office, 37 ; Roxburghe Club ; 
 Surtees Soc. 
 Stevenson, W. Bentham. 
 Stewart. Davies. 
 Stewart, A. Palestine Pilgrims Text Soc. 
 Stewart, W. Chronicles, 6. 
 Stewart Family. Stuart. 
 Stewechius, G-. War. 
 Stifford. Palin. 
 Stiller, H. Conze. 
 Stirling, Chapel Royal. Grampian Club. 
 Stockerston. Hill, J. H. 
 Stockholm, Coins. Hildebrand. 
 Stockholm Library. Stephens, Gr. 
 Stockton-on-Tees. Brewster. 
 Stokefield. Brooke. 
 Stoke Newington. Robinson. 
 Stokes, M. Dunraven ; Ireland. 
 Stokes, W. Irish Arch, and Celt. Soc., 3. 
 Stone, W. G. Chaucer Soc., ii. S. 17. 
 Stonehenge. Browne, H. ; Cbarleton ; 
 Grover ; Herbert ; James ; Jones, I. ; 
 Long, W. ; Proposal; Stark; Stuke- 
 Stonehouse. Plymouth. 
 Stoneleigh Abbey. Warwick Castle. 
 Stonor, T. E. Campian, E. 
 Stonyhurst College. Boardman. 
 Stothard, T. Bray, A. E. 
 Stoughton. Hill, J. H. 
 Stourbridge. Scott. 
 Stourton, Charles, Lord. Jackson. 
 Stow, History. Stark. 
 Stowe, Plan. Bridgcman. 
 Stowe MSS. Catalogue. 
 Stowe, J. Camden Soc., N. S., xxviii. 
 Stradling Family. Clark, G. T. 
 Strafford, Earl of. Rush worth. 
 Strangford, Family of. De Fonblanque. 
 Strasburg. Schwilgue. 
 Strassart, Baron de. Brussels. 
 Stratt'ord-on-Avon, Halliwell; Warwick 
 Strathchyde. Ritson. 
 Strathern. Nichols, J. G. 
 Stratico, S. Vitruvius. 
 Streatfeild, T. Hasted. 
 Street, G. E. Baron, J. 
 Stretford, Manchester. Bailey. 
 Stretton. Hill, J. H. 
 Striguil, Lords of. Marsh, J. F. 
 Strode, W. Green, E. 
 Strong, W. Tegner. 
 Strood. Smith, C. R. 
 Strozzi, G. Appendix, 157. 
 Strype, J. Maitland, S. R. ; Stowe. 
 Stuart, J. Pamnure ; Scotland, Chro- 
 nicles, &c. ; Scotland, Soc. of Ant. 
 of ; Simpson ; Spalding Club. 
 Stuart Family. Eyton. 
 Stuart, House of. Crawford, G. ; Noble ; 
 Townend; Wheater. 
 Stubbs, G. Mayer, J. 
 Stubbs, T. Twysden, 
 Stubbs, W. Chronicles ; Haddan ; 
 Richard I. 
 Stubs, Rev. Gospel. 
 Stubs, T. Stubs, J. 
 Studley. Ripon. 
 Stukeley, W. Surtees Soc., Ixxiii. 
 Stunsfield.. Pointer. 
 Sturges, Dr. Howell. 
 Suabia. Ring. 
 Subiaco. Ullathorne. 
 Suckau, W. and E., de. Bock. 
 Sudbury, Suffolk. Camden Soc., 49. 
 Sudeley. Dent. 
 Sudeley Castle. Willyams. 
 Sudreys. Manx Soc., 22, 23. 
 Sue, E. Documents, 8. 
 Suffolk, Antiquities. Clarke, J. 
 Coinage. Goldirig. 
 Dialect. Moor. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Handbook. Cambridgeshire ; 
 Kirby; Norfolk. 
 History. Gage ; Suckling, A. 
 Legislation. Ipswich. 
 Manorial Register. Fitch. 
 Notes. Tymms. 
 Reformation. Stanley, A. P. 
 Visitations. Metcalfe, W. C. 
 Suhm, P. F. Biorn ; Jonceus ; Nyerup, 
 Summer Islands. Hakluyt Soc., 65. 
 Summerly, F. Brent. 
 Sundby, T. Chaucer Soc., ii. S. 8. 
 Sunderland. Wade. 
 Sunium. Dilettanti. 
 Sunning-Hill. Holmes. 
 Surashtra. Thomas, E. 
 Surat. Bellasis. 
 Surrey, Antiquities. Aubrey; Salmon, N. 
 Sells. Stahlschmidt, J. C. L. 
 Churches. Tyssen. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Genealogies. Berry. 
 Surrey, History. Allen, T. ; Manning, O. 
 Natural History. Aubrey. 
 Petition. Colomb. 
 Survey. Parish Clerks. 
 Topographical History. Brayley. 
 Travels. Miscellanies, iv., 2. 
 Surrey, Thomas, Earl of. Norfolk, J., 
 Duke of. 
 Surrey, Earls of. Nichols, J. a. 
 Surtees, E. Surtees Soc., 24. 
 Sussex, Archaeology. Butler. 
 Bells. Tyssen. 
 Castles, etc. Elwes. 
 Churches. Nibbs, E. H. 
 - Coast. Parry. 
 Dialect. Parish, W. D. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Genealogies. Berry. 
 Glossary. Cooper, W. D. 
 Handbook. Kent. 
 History. Allen, T ; Dallaway ; 
 Horsfield ; Lower. 
 Laws. Duckett. 
 Travels. Miscellanies, iv., 2. 
 Worthies. Lower. 
 Sussex, Duke of. Pettigrew. 
 Sutton, T. Bearcroft. 
 Button Church, Kent. Angell, C. F. 
 Sutton-Dudleys. Adlard. 
 Svegder, King. Holmboe. 
 Swabia, Upper. Ulm. 
 Swainson, C. Folk-Lore Soc., xvii. 
 Swanscombe, Sparvel-Bayly. 
 Swansea. Dillwyn ; Francis. 
 Swapham, E. Sparke, J. 
 Sweden, Church of. Nicholson, A. 
 Collections. Hildebrand. 
 Fornsanger. Arwidsson. 
 Insignia. Scheff'er. 
 Scriptores. Goldast. 
 Sweet, H. Dialect Soc. ; Text Soc., 45, 
 50, 79, 83. 
 Sweetman, H. S. Eecord Office. 
 Swine Priory. Duckett. 
 Swinfield, Bishop. Camden Soc., 59, 62. 
 Swithin, St. Earle. 
 Switzerland, Antiquities. Jahn ; Schmidt. 
 Archeology. Keller, F. ; 
 Arts. Eahn. 
 History. Zurich. 
 Lake Dwellings. Keller, F. ; 
 Lubbock ; Troyon. 
 Scenery. Murray. 
 Sundries. Science and Art 
 Tobacco pipe in. 
 E. A. 
 Travels. Weston. 
 Swyncombe. Napier. 
 Sydenham Family. Brown. 
 Sydney. Gouger. 
 Sydney Park, Gloucestershire. Bathurst. 
 Sykes, A. A. Disney. 
 Sykes, J. Latimer. 
 Sylt. Handelmann. 
 Symeon, Magister. Byzantine Historians, 
 Symeon, of Durham. Chronicles, 75 ; 
 Surtees Soc., li. ; Twygden. 
 Symeon, G. Paradin. 
 Symmachus. Field, F. 
 Syinonds, H. Goulburn. 
 Symonds, E. Camden Soc., 74. 
 Syncellus. Byzantine Historians, 6. 
 Synesius. Fergusson, J. ; Valentine, B. 
 Syouah. Drovetti. 
 Sypesteyn, J. W. van. Friesland. 
 Syracuse. Calcagni. 
 Syria, Annals. Frcelich. 
 Inscriptions. Hogg. 
 Saints. Jerome, St. 
 Stone Implements. Lubbock. 
 Travels. Chabas ; Irby. 
 War. Caspari. 
 Syrian Stone-Lore. Conder, C. E. 
 Syvret, G. S. Jersey. 
 Szilagyi, F. Hungarian Books. 
 Tabasco. Hart. 
 Tacitus. Graberg. 
 Tain. Taylor. 
 Talbot Family. Betham. 
 Taliesin. Turner, S. 
 Tamil. Anderson, Eob. ; Babington. 
 Tarn worth Church. Palmer. 
 Tana. Hakluyt Soc., 49. 
 Tanis. Egypt. Expl. Fund. 
 Tanridge Priory. Heales, A. 
 Tapping, T. Dialect Soc. 
 Taranne. Gregoire. 
 Tarapaca. Smith, G. 
 Tarascon. Appendix, 129. 
 Tarleton. Ashbee ; Shakespeare Soc., 13. 
 Tarn-et-Garonne. Devals. 
 Tarragona. Lewis, B. 
 Tarse. Longperier. 
 Tartars. Bergeron, P. ; Howorth ; Perry. 
 Tartary. Hakluyt Soc., 17. 
 Tarver, E. J. Lonsdale. 
 Tassis y Villaroel, J. de V. Appendix, 
 Tasso. Milman, B. 
 Tatius. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Tattershall Castle. Eeed. 
 Taunton. Kerslake, T. 
 Tavistock. Appleton; Kempe. 
 Tay. Knox. 
 Taylor, Baron. Appendix, 133. 
 Taylor, E. Bible New Testament; 
 Taylor, G. Surtees Soc., 24. 
 Taylor, G-. L. Cresy. 
 Taylor, Isaac. Victoria Institute, r. 
 Taylor, J. E. Basile, G-. 
 Taylor, Jeremy. Fuller Worthies' Li- 
 Taylor, John. Ashbee ; Jest Books ; 
 Mcholls, J. F. 
 Taylor, R. Tooke. 
 Taylor, T. Hederic. 
 Teigntnouth. Hyett ; Ormerod. 
 Teixeira, H. N. Allen. 
 Telfer, J. B. Hakluyt Soc., 58. 
 Teloogoo Dictionary. Campbell, A. D. 
 Tempest, Sir C. E. De Scales. 
 Templars. Haye ; "Woof. 
 Temple, Bishop of Exeter. Hayman. 
 Temple, R. C. Panjab. 
 Temple, Sir W. Courtenay. 
 Temple, W. J. Boswell. 
 Temple Bar. Price, F. G. H. 
 Temple Church. Addison ; Billings ; 
 Britton, J. ; Burge ; Richardson. 
 Temple Newsam. Wheater. 
 Templenahoe. Hill. 
 Ten Brink. Chaucer Soc., ii. S. 9. 
 Tenby. Francis. 
 Teneriffe Peak. Rye. 
 Terouane, liglise de. Morinie. 
 Tetbury. Lee. 
 Tettersell, N. Sawyer. 
 Tewkesbury Abbey. Blunt; Chronicles, 
 36; Petit. 
 Tewkesbury History. Dyde. 
 Texier, L'Abbe. Migne. 
 Thame. Lee, F. G-. ; Lupton. 
 Thames. Binnell, R. ; Marratt ; Murray ; 
 Rusticus ; Sharpe. 
 Thames Tunnel. Clark, C. 
 Thanet. Hunter ; Lewis ; Lloyd. 
 Tharros. Barbetti ; Pettigrew. 
 Thatcham. Money. 
 Thebes. Greene, J. B. ; Jomard; Mas- 
 pero ; Norden ; Rhind ; Wilkinson. 
 Theddingworth. Hill, J. H. 
 Thelwall, J. Trials. 
 Thenard. Documents, 7. 
 Theobald, W. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. 
 Theodotio. Field, F. 
 Theodulf. Delisle. 
 Theophanes. Byzantine Historians, 22, 
 Theophylactus. Byzantine Historians, 12. 
 Therrouane. Godmond. 
 Thersites. Ashbee. 
 Thessalonica. Byzantine Historians, 30. 
 Thessaly. British Museum. 
 Thetford. Blomefield. 
 Thibetan Language. Csoma. 
 Thicknesse, P. Miscellanies, vi., 6. 
 Thierry, A. Documents, 7, 29. 
 Tholosas, B. A. Chronicles, 10. 
 Thomas, Bishop of the Isle of Man- 
 Manx Soc., 19. 
 Thomas, of Ely. G-ale, T. 
 Thomas, E. Prinsep. 
 Thomas, F. S. Record Commission, 39 ; 
 Record Office. 
 Thomas, W. Dugdale ; Hakluyt Soc., 49. 
 Thomas a Becket. Garnier ; Warter. 
 Thomas a Kempis. Hippeau. 
 Thompson, A. Geoffrey. 
 Thompson, E. M. Ant'iq., Soc. of, 1885 ; 
 Camden Soc., N.S., xv., xxii. ; Chro- 
 nicles, 64 ; Hakluyt Soc., 66 ; Palaeo- 
 graphical Soc. 
 Thompson, S. British Museum. 
 Thorns, W. J. Camden Soc., 5; Percy 
 Soc., 45 ; Stow ; Worsaas. 
 Thomsen, C. J. Worsase. 
 Thomson, J. Percy Soc., 35. 
 Thomson, T. Bannatyne Club, 1854; 
 Mackenzie ; Record Commission, 2, 3, 
 4, 19, 32, 53. 
 Thoresby, R. Atkinson, D. H. ; Dialect 
 Soc.; Whitaker. 
 Thoricus. Dilettanti. 
 Thorkelin, G. J. Mores. 
 Thorn, W. Twysden. 
 Thornflat. Jackson. 
 Thornton. Camden Soc., 30. 
 Thornton, Mrs. A. Surtees Soc., Ixii. 
 Thornton, J. W. Massachusetts. 
 Thornton Monastery. Greenwood. 
 Thorold Family. Trollope. 
 Thorolf Bgegifot. Holmboe. 
 Thorpe, B. .2Elfric Soc. ; Antiquaries, 
 Soc. of ; Apollonius ; Chronicles, 23 ; 
 Historical Soc., 13 ; Lappenberg ; 
 Laws, &c. ; Rask ; Saxon-Chronicle. 
 Thorpe, M. J. Record Office. 
 Thorpe, R. Record Commission, 6. 
 Thorpe, T. Battle Abbey. 
 Thorpe Hall. Hakewill. 
 Thrale, Mrs. Piozzi. 
 Three Stone Burn. Tate. 
 Thring, E. Cambridge Prize Poems, 
 Thucydides. Clarisse. 
 Thuillier V. Mabillon. 
 Thurah, Lauritz de. Vitruvius. 
 Thurloe, J. Macray. 
 Thurman, J. Davis. 
 Thurnby. Hill, J. H. 
 Thwaites, E. Heptateuchus. 
 Thylesius, A. Bayfius. 
 Thynn. Shakespeare Soc., 10. 
 Thynne, F. Chaucer Soc., ii. S. 13 ; 
 Text Soc., 9, 64. 
 Thynne Family. Botfield. 
 Tiberius. Artaud. 
 Tibetan Language. Csoma de Koros. 
 Tickell, Family. Boddington. 
 Ticknor, G. Massachusetts Historical Soc. 
 Tiele, P. A. Hakluyt Soc. 
 Tigris. Chesney. 
 Tilbury Docks, Essex. Holmes, T. V. 
 Tilghnian. Du Ponceau. 
 TilHot, M. du. Appendix, 18. 
 Tillotson, Mr. Agbrigg. 
 Tillotson, J. Ellis, A. S. 
 Timmins, S. Sbakspere. 
 Timothy. Historical Tracts, F. 7. 
 Timour. Hakluyt Soc., 26. 
 Tindal, N. Rapin. 
 Tintern Ironworks. Llewellin. 
 Tintern Abbey. Heath ; Willett. 
 Tiryns. Schliemann, H. 
 Tite, W. Guildhall Library. 
 Tobler, L. Idiotikon. 
 Todas. Marshall, W. E. 
 Todd, E. Stokes. 
 Todd, H. J. Cranmer; Lambeth Archi- 
 episcopal Library ; Milton. 
 Todd, J. H. Antiquaries, Soc. of; Cam- 
 den Soc., 20; Chronicles, 48; Irish 
 Academy ; Irish Arch. Soc. 
 Todd Lecture Series. Irish Academy. 
 Toft, Mary. Rogue. 
 Toller, Family. Genealogist. 
 Tollius, H. Apollonius Sophister. 
 Tollius, J. Ansonius. 
 Tomar. Celtic Soc., 1. 
 Tomasinus. Maderus. 
 Tomkins, H. G. Dymond, C. W. ; Vic- 
 toria Institute, vii. 
 Tomlinson, G. C. Bega. 
 Tomlinson, G. W. Agbrigg ; Ellis, A. S. 
 Tommases, N. Documents, 3. 
 Tong Church, Shropshire. Botfield. 
 Torige, T. Surtees Soc., 41. 
 Tonymore Crannoge. Wilde, W. R. 
 Tooke, J. H. Trials. 
 Tootal, A. Hakluyt Soc., 51. 
 Topham, E. Miscellanies, iii., 2. 
 Topham, J. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Torelli, J. Archimedes. 
 Torquay. Cockrem ; Hyett. 
 Torrington. Colby. 
 Totness. Cotton ; Dymond. 
 Tottel. Arber. 
 Tottenham. Robinson ; Appendix, 174. 
 Tottenham High Cross. Butcher ; Dyson ; 
 Old field ; Robinson. 
 Totternhoe. Wyatt. 
 Touraine. Salmon. 
 Tournai. Lelewel. 
 Tours. Delisle, L. ; Dorange ; Manceaux. 
 Tower of London. Bayley, J. ; Bell ; 
 Britton ; Dick ; Hardy ; Hewitt ; 
 Record Commission, 13, 64. 
 Towers, J. Cumberland. 
 Towne. New England Hist. Gen. Soc. 
 Towne, W. B. Dean. 
 Towneley, C. Chetham Soc., 95, 99. 
 Towneley Hall MSS. Grosart. 
 Townsene, C. H. Science and Art Dept. 
 Townsend Family. Boddington. 
 Townshend, J. Tickell, R. 
 Trajan's Column. Bartoli, P. S. 
 Tranch6es. Fazy. 
 Transcaucasia. Telfer. 
 Transylvania. Charnock ; Hungarian 
 Treago. Wright. 
 Trebizond. Finlay. 
 Trebutien, G. S. Robert Le Diable. 
 Treeton. Hunter, J. 
 Trent. Batten. 
 Trent Bridge. Tarbotton. 
 Tre Owen. Monmouthshire and Caer. 
 Ant. Assoc. 
 Tresham, Sir T. Gotch. 
 Tresham Family. Gotch. 
 Trevelyan. Index Soc., 6 ; Perceval. 
 Trevelyan, Sir C. E. Camden Soc., 105. 
 Trevelyan, W. C. Camden Soc., 105. 
 Treyelyan Papers. Camden Soc., 67, 84. 
 Treveneague. Blight. 
 Treves. Braun ; Browerus ; Lersch ; 
 Quednow; Wyttenbach. 
 Trevillian. Supra : Trevelyan. 
 Trevisa, John of. Chronicles, 41 ; Cooke, 
 J. H. 
 Tricassina. Camuzat. 
 Trickingham, E. de. Pegge. 
 Trieste. Lusanio. 
 Trigg Minor. Maclean. 
 Trinity Chapel, Stratford-on-Avon. Fisher, 
 Trinity College, Cambridge. Cambridge ; 
 Dublin. Rowan. 
 Edinburgh. Bannatjne 
 Club, 1861. 
 Trivet, N. Historical Soc., 9. 
 Troad. Calvert ; Manduit ; Schliemann. 
 Trokelowe, J. de. Chronicles, 28. 
 Trollope, E. Morgan, O. 
 Trondheim. Christiania; Nicolaysen. 
 Trondheim Cathedral. Munch, P. A. 
 Tross, E. Cent Cinq Rondeaulx ; Hef- 
 ner- Alteneck. 
 Trossachs. Black ; Lumsden. 
 Troy. Chandler ; Gell ; Maclaren, C. T. ; 
 Schliemann ; Text Soc., 39, 56 ; Tro- 
 jan Controversy. 
 Tryermain Castle. Ferguson. 
 Tubers. La Mothe Le Vayrr. 
 Tucker, S. Bellasis ; Palgrave ; Sheppard. 
 Tudele, B. de. Bergeron, P. 
 Tudor Dynasty. Burke, S. H. 
 Tudor Family. Vertue. 
 Tugwell, G. ' Banfield. 
 Tuileries. Donaldson; Louvre-. Millin. 
 Tuke, T. Fuller Wortlues' Library. 
 Tullaroan. Mason. 
 Tunbridge Wells. Amsinck, P ; Gaspey ; 
 Tune. Norway. 
 Tunisia. Tardieu. 
 Turbervill, E. Historical Tracts, F. 2. 
 Turenne, Visct. Appendix, 114. 
 Turin Museum. Orcurti. 
 Turin Papjrus. Lanzone, E. V. ; Plejte ; 
 Eossi, F. 
 Turkey, Description. Hamilton, W. 
 Travels. Sandys, G. ; Walpole, E. 
 Turkish Power. Gadbury. 
 Turnbull, G-. Tracts, B. 4. 
 Turnbull, W. B. Abbotsford Club, 1836, 
 45 ; Beves ; Birnie ; Chronicles, 6 ; 
 Drummond ; Lundie ; Record Office, 
 Turner, A. Historical Papers, 3 ; Trials. 
 Turner, D. Cromwell ; Kirkpatrick ; New- 
 ton, Sir I. 
 Turner, H. T. H. Household Expenses. 
 Turner, E. Paracelsus. 
 Turner, E. S. Philobiblon Soc. 
 Turner, S. B. Launce. 
 Turner, T. H. Architecture. 
 Turner, W. Eolleston. 
 Turner, W. H. Bodleian Library ; Har- 
 leian Soc., v. 
 Turner Family. Woof. 
 Turton. Chetham Soc., xxxviii. ; Fre- 
 Turusachan. James. 
 Turvey. Halliwell. 
 Tuscan Marshes. De Vergers, N. 
 Tusculum. Canina. 
 Tweddell. Castello. 
 Twickenham. Glover; Ironside. 
 Twiss, Sir T. Chronicles, 55, 70. 
 Twyne, T. Virgilius. 
 Twysden, Sir J. Camden Soc., 45 ; Yel- 
 Twysden Family. Jenkins. 
 Tyaerda, W. Friesland. 
 Tyge Eothe. Jacobsen. 
 Tylor, E. B. Eolleston. 
 Tymms, S. Camden Soc., 49 ; Notes and 
 Tymms, W. E. Wyatt, M. D. 
 Tyndale, W. Arber. 
 Tyndale Family. Cooke, J.H. ; G-reenfield. 
 Tynemouth Monastery. Gibson, W. S. 
 Tynwald Chapel. Manx Soc., 19. 
 Tyrconnel, Duchess of. Steinman. 
 Tyre. Wheler, Sir G. 
 Tyrwhitt, T. Miscellanies, iv., 9. 
 Tytler, P. F. Hunter. 
 Tzimisces. Byzantine Historians, 3. 
 Udall, J. Arber. 
 Udall, N. Arber. 
 Udny, Family. Genealogist. 
 TJhlmann, J. John. 
 Uhtred. Birch. 
 Uley. Blunt. 
 Umeri. Hiibner. 
 Underwood. Lloyd-Williams. 
 Underwood MSS. Historical MSS. Com- 
 Unger, C. E. Christiania Univ. ; Munch, 
 P. A. ; Olaf ; Speculum Eegale. 
 United Service Institution. Shaw. 
 United States, Coins. Coin Collectors. 
 - Court of Claims. Eichard- 
 son, W. A. 
 Flag. Preble. 
 Indian tribes. Schoolcraft. 
 Public Libraries. Jewett. 
 Unton. Berkshire Ashmolean Soc. 
 Upcott, W. Mayer, J. 
 Uphaegen, J. Parerga Historica. 
 Upminster. Wilson. 
 Uppingham School. Bingham ; Green. 
 Upsal. Schroder ; Yerner. 
 Upsal University. Eusswurm. 
 Upton Bishop. Havergal. 
 Upton Scudamore. Baron. 
 Urban Club. Jeremiah. 
 Uriconum. Anderson, J. C. ; Wright, T. 
 Ursinus. Maderus. 
 Ursua, P. de. Hakluyt Soc., 28. 
 Utah. United States. 
 Uthi, Al. Kitab. 
 Utrecht. Breviarium ; Mieris. 
 Utterson, E. V. Arthur ; Eowlands ; 
 Uttoxeter. Eedfern. 
 Uxbridge. Eedford. 
 Uzes. Baumefort ; Eobinson. 
 Yaison. Deloye. 
 Yalentine, B. Suchten. 
 Yalerius Naso. Orti. 
 Yalla, L. Herodotus. 
 Yalle Crucis Abbey. Jones, M. C. 
 Yan den Berg, L. W. C. Batavia. 
 Van den Wyngaerde. Topographical Soc. 
 Yan der Chijs, J. A. Batavia. 
 Vanbrugh. Wycherley. 
 Vandermaelen, P. Brussels. 
 Vandyke. Fairholt. 
 Vannes. Cusse". 
 Vansittart, A. A. Cambridge Prize 
 Vansittart, E. Landed Property. 
 Van Slyde, J. M. Milwaukee Directory. 
 Van Swieten. Schomberg. 
 Yarin. Documents, 7, 12. 
 Varro. Scriptores Eei Eusticae. 
 Varthema, L. de. Hakluyt Soo., 32. 
 Va.sco, G. Eobinson; Appendix, 113. 
 Vatican. Pistolesi. 
 Vaucluse. Weston. 
 Vaud. Troy on. 
 Vaudois. fodd. 
 Vauglian, D. J. Cambridge Prize Poems ; 
 Vaughan, W. Woodard. 
 Vaughan Family. Sheppard. 
 Vault. Documents, 18. 
 Vaux, Lord. Fuller Worthies' Library. 
 Vaux, W. S. W. Hakluyt Soc., 16. 
 Veer, G. de. Hakluyt Soc., 13, 54. 
 Vega, G. de la. Hakluyt Soc., 41, 45, 61. 
 Vegelius. Scriptores Kei Eusticse ; War. 
 Vegius, M. Virgilius. 
 Veil. Canina. 
 Veinant, A. Bibliotheca Scatologica. 
 Velasquez. Snare, J. 
 Veli, A. Gozzadini. 
 Velitrae. Adler. 
 Vellutello. Petrarca. 
 Velsen, A. von. Wattenbach. 
 Venaissin. Numismatic Tracts, 6. 
 Venice, Armenian Monks. Mechitar. 
 Buildings. Cicognara. 
 Collections. Eecord Office. 
 Tour. Q.uadri. 
 Views. Price, L. 
 Venus. Larcher ; Levezow. 
 Venutius, P. Cultellinus. 
 Verbiest. Hakluyt Soc., 17. 
 Verden. Stade. 
 Vergier. Contes. 
 Vergil, P. Camden Soc., 36. 
 Vergy. Delisle, L. 
 Vernagu. Abbotsford Club. 
 Verney, Sir E. Camden Soc., 31. 
 Verney Papers. Camden Soc., 56. 
 Vernon MS. Halliwell. 
 Verona. Maffei; Orti. 
 Veronese, P. Holt. 
 Versailles. Cabinet du Ros. 
 Vertot, Abbe. Tracts, B. 4. 
 Vertue. Antiquaries. 
 Verulam. St. Albans. 
 Vervoo. Friesland. 
 Vesta. Lipsius. 
 Veullettes. Cochet. 
 Via Appia. Burgess. 
 Via Julia. Scarth. 
 Vicenza. Scamozzi. 
 Victoria. Melbourne. 
 Victoria Cave. Tiddeman. 
 Victoria Institution. Scientia. 
 Victoria, Q.ueen. Smith, Jas. ; Smith, S. 
 Vidal, E. S. Mosheim. 
 Videm. Knabl. 
 Vienna, Biblioiheca. Lambecius. 
 Monuments. Kollarius. 
 Pageants. Appendix, 130, 132. 
 Zeughaus. Leber. 
 Vienne, Monuments. Bey. 
 Vienne, Haute. Allou. 
 Vietty, E. Eey. 
 Vieusseux, P. Ciampi. 
 Vieux. Charma. 
 Viles, E. Text Soc., Ex. S. 9. 
 Villa-Theas. Caneto. 
 Villettes Family. De Villettps. 
 Villiers, G. Arber; Buckingham ; Percy 
 Soc., 90. 
 Vincent, B. Haydn ; Eoyal Institution 
 of Great Britain. 
 Vincent de Beauvais, J. Ferguson, J. 
 Vinci, Leonardo da. Goethe. 
 Vines, E. Historical Tracts, C. 4. 
 Vinsauf, G. de. Chronicles of the Cru- 
 sades ; Gale, T. 
 Vintry Ward School. Wilson. 
 Viollet le Due. Eegnier. 
 Virchow, E. Berliner Gesellschaft. 
 Virgil. Henry. 
 Virginia, Description. Deane, C. 
 Good Speech to. Collier, J. P. 
 History. Beverley ; Brown, 
 Travels. Hakluyt Soc., 6 ; 
 Visby. Infra : Wisby. 
 Visconti. Haydon. 
 Visscher, C. Smith, Wm. 
 Vitali, P. Visconti. 
 Vittoria, Princess of Urbino. Appendix, 
 87, 88. 
 Vivian, J. L. Harleian Soc., ix. 
 Vladislas. Kobierziki. 
 Vlitius. Auctores Eei Venaticse. 
 Vogt, C. Anthropological Soc. 
 Volger, H. F. M. Sappho. 
 Volta, A. Magrini. 
 Voltaire. Contes ; Luchet ; Eolli. 
 Volterra. Sambon. 
 Voragine, Jacobus de. Jacobus. 
 Voss, J. Justin. 
 Vouta Chilhac. Aymard. 
 Vowler, W. F. Fishmongers' Company. 
 Vrientz, J. B. Martin. 
 Vulcente. Garrucci. 
 Vulson, M. de. Appendix, 19. 
 Vyner, Sir E. Appendix, 139. 
 W., C. D. Historical Papers, 41. 
 Wace. Taylor, E. 
 Wace, H. Brewer ; Smith, William. 
 Wade, J. Junius. 
 Wadi Fadhi. Whitehouse. 
 Wadley, T. P. Bristol and Gloiu 
 Arch. Soc. 
 Wagner, A. Bruno, G. 
 Wagner, G. Simpkinson. 
 Wagner, W. Teuffel. 
 Wailly, N. de. Documents, 4. 
 Wainwright, Bishop of New York. 
 Waite Family. Corey. 
 Wake Family. Close. 
 Wakefield, Dialect. Banks. 
 Excursion. Huddersfield. 
 Guide. Leeds. 
 Wakefield Church. Sisson. 
 Wakefield, G-. Trojan Controversy. 
 Wakeman, E. James I. 
 Wakeman, T. Caerleon Antiquarian As- 
 sociation ; Monmouthshire and Caer. 
 Ant. Association ; Morgan. 
 Walbran, J. E. Surtees Soc., 42. 
 Walckenaer, C. A. Dicuilus. 
 Walcot, T. Trials, 9. 
 Waldemar II. Eesen. 
 Waldo Family. Jones, M. C. 
 Waldron, G. Manx Soc. No. 11. 
 Wales, Ancient Books. Skene, W. F. 
 Annals. Chronicles, 20. 
 Antiquities. Grose ; Malkin ; 
 Smith, H. E. ; Stanley. 
 Archaeology. Jones, O. 
 Biography. Malkin. 
 Castles. Castles. 
 Cathedrals. Buckler. 
 Description. Fructus ; Gilpin. 
 Documents. Record Commission. 
 Family History. Hotten. 
 Friaries. Walcott. 
 Guide. Bennett. 
 Handbook. Murray ; Nicholson ; 
 Onwhyn; Wai ford, T. 
 History. Camden, W. ; Griffith, 
 W. ; Powell ; Warrington ; Warton 
 Club ; Woodward, B. B. 
 Inscriptions. West wood. 
 Itinerary. Giraldus. 
 Laws. Owen, A. ; Wotton, W. 
 Letter to Cromwell. Civil War 
 Tracts, 25. 
 Map. Cary ; Saxton ; Ordnance 
 Marches. Duckett. 
 Monastic Remains. Moore, J. ; 
 Monuments. Boutell. 
 North Wales. Halliwell. 
 Princes. Chronicles, 17 ; Hard- 
 ing ; Williams, E. F. 
 Roads. Ogilby, J. 
 Scenery. Baker, W. H. ; Britton ; 
 Hemingway; Malkin. 
 Sessions. Vaughan. 
 Sketches. Potts. 
 Topography. Carlisle, N. ; Hot- 
 ten ; Lambard ; Lewis, T. 
 Tour. Douglas, J. P. ; England ; 
 Martin ; Pennant, T. ; Wyndham. 
 Tribes. Yorke, P. 
 Visitations. Dwnn. 
 . Worthiness of Wales. 
 Wales, Prince of. Prayer, 10-12. 
 Walford, E. Antiquarian Magazine ; An- 
 tiquary ; Men ; Sacristy. 
 Walford, W. S. Madden ; Seals, Med., 
 1-6, 8, 10-12, 14 ; Way. 
 Walgherton Dividend Soc. Friendly 
 Walker, Bryan. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. 
 Walker, G-. S. Corpus Poetarum Lati- 
 Walker, J. Harvard College. 
 Walker, E. Zouche. 
 Walker, T. G-. Tupper, C. L. 
 Walker, T. L. Pugin. 
 Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Gatty. 
 Walker Family. Page Family. 
 Walkington. 'Oliver, G. 
 "Waller, E. Poems, 32. 
 Wallincourt. Chalon. 
 Wallingford, Berks. Hedges. 
 Wallingford, J. Gale, T. 
 Wallis, Captain. Hawkesworth. 
 Wallis, J. Ptolemy. 
 Wallonnes. B***. 
 Walls Castle. Jackson. 
 Walpole, H. Catalogue (Sale), 1842; 
 Hentzuer ; Jessop ; Philobiblon Soc ; 
 Virtue. ' 
 Walpole, E. E. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Walpole, of Whaplode. Jessopp. 
 Walsdorf. Deissman. 
 Walsingham, T. Chronicles, 28. 
 Walter, Abbot. Caxton Soc., 10. 
 Walter de Coventria. Chronicles, 58. 
 Walter de Hemingburgh. Gale, T. 
 Walter de Whitlesey. Sparke, J. 
 Walter, J. Greene. 
 Walfer, Lucy. Steinman. 
 Waltham Abbey. Buckler ; Maynavd ; 
 Walther, P. Appendix, 128. 
 Walton, B. Todd. 
 Walton, J. Collier, J. P. 
 Walton Hall. Waterton. 
 Walworth, N. Chetham Soc., 108. 
 Wandsworth, Miller of. Colomb. 
 Wanswell Court. Cooke, J. H. 
 War Ofiice Site, 1886. Eobins, E. C. 
 Warburton, J. Berkshire ; Cornwall 
 Ward, G. E. M. All Souls College. 
 Ward, H. L. D. British Museum. 
 Ware, J. Jones, I. ; Palladio. 
 Wareham, Walls. Warne. 
 Warenne, Countess of. Gundreda. 
 Wargrave, Berks. Eeid, H. J. 
 Warham, Archbishop. Erasmus. 
 Waring, G. Surtees Soc., 39, 43, 48. 
 Waring, J. B. Franks ; Leeds. 
 Warings. Clarke, H. 
 Warkworth. Camden Society, 10 
 Hartshorne, C. H. 
 Warmington Church,Northampton. Cave- 
 Warminster. Jackson. 
 Warneford Lunatic Asylum. Davenport. 
 Warner, G. F. Camden Soc., xl. 
 Warneton. Gheldolf. 
 Warren, Earls of. Nichols, J. GK 
 Warren, Edward De, Count. Sauloy. 
 Warren, G. G. Dante Alighieri. 
 Warrington. Chetham Soc., xvii., Ixxxvi., 
 Warrington Church. Beaumont. 
 Warrington Friary. Beaumont. 
 Warsaw. Ciampi. 
 Warton, T. Architecture. 
 Warwick Castle. Bloxam. 
 Warwick, Earl of. Supra : Neville. 
 Warwick, Guy of. Supra : Guy. 
 Warwick, Mary, Countess of. Percy Soc., 
 Warwickshire, Antiquities. Bloxam ; 
 Brasses. Beynon. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Geography. Fretton. 
 Guide. Black. 
 ; Souses. Niven. 
 Sundries. Burgess. 
 Visitation, 1619. Harleian 
 Soc., xii. 
 Worthies. Colvile. 
 Wase, C. Gratius. 
 Washington, National Monument. Win- 
 Public Schools. America. 
 Science Institution. Poinsett. 
 Treaty. Gushing. 
 Washington, G. Sparks ; Winthrop. 
 Wasiliewich, I. Ciampi. 
 Waterford. Cunningham ; Smith, C. 
 Waterford MSS. Historical MSS. Com- 
 Waters, H. F. Maverick. 
 Waterston, R. Deane. 
 Watertown, Mass. Bond. 
 Watling Street. Archaeological Institute 
 of Great Britain ; Churches ; Mac- 
 Wats, W. Paris. 
 Watson. Nichols, J. G. 
 Watson, A. T. Middlesex County Record 
 Watson, C. K. Belleval. 
 Watson, J. Churton. 
 Watson, T. Arber. 
 Watt, James. Williamson, G. 
 Wattenbach, G. Zangemeister. 
 Watton Abbey. Oliver, G. 
 Watts, Isaac. Southampton. 
 Waurin, J. de. Chronicles, 39, 40. 
 Wauters, A. Brussels, Academic. 
 Waverley. Gale, T. 
 Waverley Monastery. Chronicles, 36. 
 Way, A. Antiquaries, Soc. of ; Camden 
 Soc., 25, 54 ; Camden Soc., 89; 
 Promptorium Parvulorum ; Seals, 
 Med. ; Stanley ; Walford, W. S. 
 Waynflete, Bishop. Caxton Soc., 14; 
 Weale, J. Architecture. 
 Weale, W. H. J. Bruges. 
 Webb, B. Cambridge Camden Soc. ; Du- 
 randus, G. 
 Webb, J. Camden Soc., 59,62, N. S., 
 Webb, P. B. Manduit. 
 Webb, P. C. Antiquaries, Soc. of. 
 Webb, T. W. Camden Soc., N. S., vii. 
 Webbe,E. Arber; Ashbee. 
 Webster, D. Burnham ; Winthrop. 
 Wedgwood, J. Meteyard. 
 Weeford. Sutton. 
 Weingarten. Overbeck. 
 Weir, Major. Sinclair, G. 
 Weir,T. Trials F. 
 Weiss, C. Documents, 17. 
 Weiss, K. Vienna Imp. Comra. 
 Welbeck. Rooke. 
 Welcker, F. G. Miiller, C. O. 
 Welham. Hill, J. H. 
 Welhaven. Christiania. 
 Welland. Wheeler. 
 Wells. Parker; Serel. 
 Wells Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Cathe- 
 drals ; Cockerell ; Reynolds. 
 Wells Cathedral MSS. Historical MS. 
 Wells Diocese. Willis. 
 Wellsted, Lieut. Robinson. 
 Welsh Bards. Jones, E. 
 Welsh Saints. Rees. 
 Welton. Allen, J. ; Thompson. 
 Wendell, J. Stanwood. 
 Wendover, Roger de. Supra : Roger. 
 Wenlock Priory. Eyton. 
 Wensleydale. Barker. 
 Wenzel, G. Hungarian Books. 
 Werburg, St. Chetham Soc., xv. ; Cow- 
 Wesley, S. Historical Tracts, D. 0. 
 Wesseling, P. Antoninus ; Hv/antim 1 
 Historians, 5 ; Diodorus ; Herodotus. 
 West Indies. Bucaniers ; Record Office. 
 West Tarring. Warter. 
 West Wick ham. Clinch, G. 
 Westcott, B. F. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Westerburg. Lehmann. 
 Western Highlands. Suprn : I Highlands. 
 Westhorp, S. Richardson, \Y. H. 
 Westminster, Antiquities. Smith, J. T. 
 Assembly. Reid. 
 Buildings. London and 
 Westminster; Soane. 
 Condition, 1730. Burton, R. 
 Westminster, Curiosities. London and 
 Description. Pennant. 
 History. Harrison; Skin- 
 Memorials. Walcott. 
 Plan. Horwood, R. 
 Survey. Parish Clerks ; 
 Tobacco Box. Noble, T. C. 
 Westminster Abbey. Black ; Dart ; Don- 
 aldson ; Harding ; Harleian Soc., 10 ; 
 Keepe, H. ; Micklethwaite ; Neale, J. 
 P. ; Ridgway, J. ; Scott ; Stanley ; 
 Summerley; Walcott ; Widmore. 
 Westminster Drolleries. Ebsworth, J. W. 
 Westminster Hall. Pearson. 
 Westminster Palace. Barry ; Brayley ; 
 Westminster School. Forshall, 
 Westmoreland, Collections. Cumberland 
 and Westmoreland. 
 Description, 1671. Flem- 
 ing, D. 
 G-uide. Leigh ; Robinson, 
 History. Nicolson. 
 Lakes. Hutchinson, W. 
 Northmen. Ferguson, R. 
 Pipe Rolls. Newcastle- 
 upon-Tyne, Soc. o Antiq. 
 Popular Rhymes. Den- 
 ham Tracts, ix. 
 Regiment. Ferguson, R. S. 
 Sheriffs. Duckett. 
 Sundries. Nicholson, C. 
 Wills, etc. Surtees Soc., 26. 
 Weston Favell. Cole. 
 Weston-super-Mare. Jackson. 
 Westwell. Smith, C. R. 
 Westwood, J. O. Science and Art 
 Wexford. Poole, J. 
 Weybridge Guide. Summerley. 
 Weymouth. Harford ; Jeffery. 
 Whalley. Whitaker, T. D. 
 Whalley Abbey. Chetham Soc., x., xi., 
 xvi., xx. ; Walcott. 
 Whalley Parish. Whitaker, T. D. 
 Wharfdale. Whitaker. 
 Wharton. Saxon Chronicle. 
 Wharton, R. Cheviot. 
 Wheatlev, Oxfordsh. Kenward, J. 
 Wheatley, H. B. Camden Soc., 95, N. S., 
 30 ; Index Soc., 1 ; Smith j Text Soc., 
 5, 10, 21, 27, 36, 75. 
 Wheelwright, C. A. Aristophanes. 
 Wheler, R. B. Shakspere. 
 Whethamstede, R. Chronicles, 28 ; Otter- 
 Whetstone, G. Arber. 
 Whichcord, J. Ashpitel. 
 Whiston, J. Historical Tracts, D. 12. 
 Whiston, W. Josephus. 
 Winston Parish. Hunter, J. 
 Whitaker, J. Bailey. 
 Whitby, Glossary. Dialect Soc., 13. 
 Guide. Reed, S. 
 History. Young. 
 Whitby Abbey. Benson ; Charlton ; Sur- 
 tees Soc., Ixix., Ixxii. 
 White, . Ephemerides ; Historical 
 Papers, 3; Historical Tracts, D. 6; 
 Miscellanies, iii., 4. 
 White, A. Hakluyt Soc., 18. 
 White, C. H. E. Dowsing, W. ; Norfolk. 
 White, D. A. Essex Institute. 
 White, F. Church Affairs. 
 White, Meadows, Mrs. Smith, Alice M. 
 White, R. Digby, Sir K. 
 White, T. Trials. 
 White Kennett Library. Deane, C. 
 White Knights Library. Catalogue (Sale). 
 Whitebread. Trials, 2. 
 Whitechapel Church. Barlow. 
 Whiteford. Pennant. 
 Whitehaven. Jackson, W., 6. 
 White Horse, Croydon. Evans. 
 Whitelocke, Sir J. Camden Soc., 70. 
 Whitgift, J. Strype, xx.-xxii. 
 Whitley. Fretton. 
 Whitley, N. Victoria Institute, vi. 
 Whitmore, W. H. Prince Soc. 
 Whitney, G. Green. 
 Whittington. Blinkinsop, V. 
 Whittlebury. Cooke, J. H. 
 Why tin ton. Cicero. 
 Wicamus, Gulielmus. Infra: William of 
 Wicar, M. Donaldson. 
 Wickham, West. West Wickham. 
 Wicklow. Fraser. 
 Wicliffe, J. Infra: Wycliffe. 
 Widechindus. Reineccius. 
 Widecombe-in-the-Moor. Dymond. 
 Wiesbaden. Cassel. 
 Wigan. Rylanda ; Sinclair. 
 Wight, Isle of. Civil War Tracts, 11 ; 
 Surrey ; Worsley. 
 Wigley, G. J. Borr'omeo. 
 Wigton. Stewart, A. 
 Wigtonshire. Ayrshire. 
 Wikes, Th. Gale, T. 
 Wilcott Church. Buckler. 
 Wilder, M. P. Sheppard. 
 Wilderspool. Kendrick. 
 Wilhelmina Ernestina, of Denmark. Ap- 
 pendix, 91, 92. 
 Wilkins. Gwilt. 
 Wilkins, C. Veeshnoo. 
 Wilkins, D. Baron ; Haddan; Selden. 
 Wilkinson, R. St. Peter upon Cornhill. 
 Wilks, T. C. Woodward. 
 Willelnms. Infra : William. 
 Willesbye, Family. Genealogist. 
 Willey, Beds. Harvey, W. M. 
 William the Conqueror. Caxton Soc., 3 ; 
 ('hallo; Delisle; Eadmer ; Plum-lu'. 
 William II. Eadmer; Freeman. 
 William HE. Account; Blencowe; Cheva- 
 lier, N. ; Historical Tracts, F. 4, 9 ; 
 Leers ; Perizonius ; Appendix, 33, iv., 
 72, 73. 
 William Charles Henry Frisco, Prince of 
 Orange. Appendix, 38, 123. 
 William de Chainbre. Surtees Soc., 9. 
 William of Malmesbury. Chronicles, 52 ; 
 Gale, T. ; Historical Soc., 6 ; Saxon 
 William of Newbury. Chronicles, 82. 
 William of Worcester. Liber Niger; 
 Nasmith ; Simeon. 
 William of Wykeham. Lowth; Martin, 
 T. ; Walcott. 
 William, Prince of Orange. Punt; Ap- 
 pendix, 49. 
 William, St., Archbishop of York. Saints. 
 William, Sir John. Abbotsford Club, 1836. 
 Williams, B. Calendar ; Historical Soc., 
 12, 15 ; Leo Heinrich. 
 Williams, G. Chronicles, 56. 
 Williams, J. Brut y Tywysogion. 
 Williams, Mr. Baxter, W. 
 Williams, S. Camden Soc., 79. 
 Williams, St. G. A. Williams, E. 
 Williams, T. E. Hentzner. 
 Williamson, Sir J. Camden Soc., N.S., viii. 
 Willis. Manx Soc., 18. 
 Willis, Browne. Roundell. 
 Willis, R. Architectural Tracts, 1 ; Archi- 
 tecture ; Honnecourt ; Parker ; Sandys. 
 Willis, W. Hart. 
 Willoughby Family. Greenwood. 
 Willshire, W. H. * British Museum. 
 Willson, E. J. Britton; Pugin. 
 Wilman, G. Corpus Inscrip. Lat. 
 Wilrnere, A. Hakluyt Soc., 23. 
 Wilmot, Dr. Thorns. 
 Wilmowsky. Rhineland ; Treves. 
 Wilson. Manx Soc., 18. 
 Wilson, Sir C. W. Palestine Pilgrims 
 Text Soc. 
 Wilson, H. H. Mackenzie ; Rig-Veda. 
 Wilson, J. India ; Tupper, C. L. 
 Wilson, L. Bible Catalogue, etc. 
 Wilson, Richard, R.A. Britton. 
 Wilson, T. Chetham Soc., xlv. 
 Wilton. Nightingale. 
 Wilton House. Jdes Pembrockiflo ; Scharf . 
 Wiltshire, Antiquities. Smith, A. C. 
 Brasses. Kite. 
 . Church Plate. Nightingale. 
 Clergy. Phillipps, 21. 
 Commissioners. Duckett. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book ; 
 Jones, W. H. ; Wyndham. 
 Wiltshire, Druids. Duke. 
 Episcopate. Jones, W. IT. 
 - Olossary. Akerman,J. Y. 
 - History. Hoare. 
 - Natural History. Aubrey. 
 - Scenery. Britton. 
 - Sheriff's. Jackson, J. E. 
 - Visitations. Marshall, G. W. ; 
 Phillipps, 5. 
 Wimbledon. Bartlett; Lawrence. 
 Wimborne Minster. Hall, P. ; Mayo. 
 Wimmer, F. Theophrastus. 
 Winchcombe. Dent ; Halliwell. 
 Winchelsea. Cooper, W. D. 
 Winchester, Buildings. Godwin. 
 -- Archeology. Archaeological 
 -- Guide. Gilmour; Summerley. 
 --- History. Milner, J. 
 Winchester Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Cathe- 
 drals ; Gale, S. ; Milner. 
 Winchester College. Kirby, T. F. 
 Winchester Diocese. Willis. 
 Winchester Monastery. Chronicles, 36. 
 Winckelmann. Heyne ; Wieseler. 
 Winckler, T. Z. Boettiger, C. A. 
 Windermere Church. Ferguson. 
 Windham, J. Englefield. 
 Windlesham. Glanville. 
 Windsor, Annals. Tighe. 
 -- Buildings. Mela Britannicus. 
 -- Memorials. Marratt. 
 Windsor Castle. Bickham; Gandy; Pote ; 
 Windus. Stoddart; Wedgewood. 
 Winfred, St. Kerslake, T. 
 Wing. Ephemerides. 
 Wing Family. Green, E. 
 Winkleigh Church. Worthy. 
 Winkley. Wisbech. 
 \Vinnington, E. Herdus. 
 Winsor, J. Harvard College. 
 Winter, C. J. W. Norfolk and Norwich 
 Arch. Soc. 
 Winterton. Andrew. 
 Wintoun, George, Earl of. Historical 
 Tracts, D. 5. 
 Wintrop, J. Dreuillettes. 
 Wirral. Mayer. 
 Wisbech. Hutcheson. 
 Wisbech Baptist Church. Registers. 
 Wisby. Bergman, C. J. ; Ferguson, L. 
 Wisconsin. Smith, W. R. 
 Wise, F. Asser. 
 Wiseman, Card. Morgan, S. 
 Wishaw. Sutton. 
 Wistow. Hill,.). II 
 Witham. Oliver ; Wheeler. 
 Wither, G. Mix 
 Witherington. T. 'libbers. 
 Withyam. West. 
 Witsen, N. Hakluyt Soc., 17. 
 Wixford Church. Hopkins. 
 Woburn Abbey. Robinson ; Scharf . 
 Woide, C. Gr. Bible New Test. Groec.; 
 Wolfe, J. Sabine; Settle. 
 Wolsey, Cardinal. Fiddes ; Grrove, J. ; 
 Wolverhampton. Steen. 
 Wood, A. a. Ecclesiastical History Soc. ; 
 Huddesford ; Phillipps, 9. 
 Wood, L. Miscellanies, v., 4. 
 Wood, T, Waters. 
 Wood, W. S. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Woodbridge. Lewis, B. 
 Woodchester. Lysons. 
 Woodcroft, B. Hero. 
 Woodhouse Chapel, Beumanoir. Nichols. 
 Woodstock. Blenheim ; Marshall, E. 
 Woodward, B. B. Wilks. 
 Woodward, W. H. Fretton. 
 Woof, R. Hales. 
 Woolfe, J. Campbell, Colin. 
 Woollcombe, W. W. Chaucer Soc., ii. 
 S. 16. 
 Woolley Church. Banks. 
 Woolnoth, W. Castles. 
 Woolwich Arsenal. Grover. 
 Woolwich Rotunda. Lefroy. 
 Wootton. Marshall, E. 
 Worcester, Battle. Mercurius. 
 Charities. Charities. 
 Choir. Lysons, D. 
 History, etc. Chambers, J. ; 
 G-reen, V. 
 Pottery. Binns. 
 Sundries. Noake ; Woof. 
 Visitation. Metcalf, W. C. 
 Worcester Cathedral. Abingdon ; Aldis ; 
 Bloxaru; Britton; Cathedrals; G-reen, 
 Y. ; Noake ; Soul ; Thomas ; Wal- 
 cott ; Wild ; Willis. 
 Worcester, Florence of. Supra : Flor- 
 Worcester, William of. Supra : William. 
 Worcester Library. Woof. 
 Worcestershire, Agriculture. Pitt. 
 Antiquities. Allies. 
 Beacon. Southall. 
 Botany. Lees, E. 
 Description. Cooke,Gr.A. ; 
 Book ; Nash, T. 
 Geography. Fretton. 
 Handbook. Gloucester- 
 Heraldry. Grazebrook. 
 History. Nash, T. ; Tur- 
 Houses. Niven. 
 Manufactures. Curzon. 
 Worcestershire, Memorials. Chambers, J- 
 Pottery. Binns. 
 Sundries. Noake. 
 Wordsworth, C. Lincoln ; Myriantheus ; 
 Procter; Saruui Breviary; Theo- 
 Worksop. White, R. 
 Worlebury. Dymond, C. W. 
 Worlidge. Grace, 
 Worm, O. Bartholinus. 
 Wornum, R. N. Barry ; Italian Painters. 
 Worsase, J. J. A. Courlander ; Northern 
 Antiquaries ; Science and Art Dept. 
 Worthing. Evans, J. 
 Worthington, J. Chetham Soc., xiii., 
 Wotton, Sir H. Freart ; Percy Soc., 31 ; 
 Yitruvius ; Walton. 
 Wren, C. Elmes. 
 Wren, M. Civil War Tracts, 2. 
 Wrigglesworth, M. Dean. 
 Wright, E. Manx Soc., 14. 
 Wright, J. C. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Wright, M. Appendix, 165. 
 Wright, P.' Heylyn. 
 Wright, T. Anecdota ; Arthur, King ; 
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 Heywood ; Le Keux ; Lister ; Nares, 
 R. ; Neckam ; Percy Soc. ; Piers 
 Ploughman ; Poems ; Polo ; Reli- 
 quiae Antiquse ; Science ; Shakes- 
 peare Soc., 1 ; Text Soc., 33 ; Totten- 
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 ton Club ; Appendix 1, 174. 
 Wright, W. British Museum. 
 Wright, W. A. Shakespeare; Text Soc., 
 55, 70 ; Warton. 
 Wright, W. H. K. Western Antiquary. 
 Wrington Parish. Scarth. 
 Wriothesley, C. Camden Soc., N.S., xi., 
 Wroth, W. British Museum, Coin 
 Wroxeter. Scarth ; Wright. 
 Wulcker, R. P. Wright, T. 
 Wulfhall. Jackson. 
 Wulstan, Saint. Saints. 
 Wunder, E. Sophocles. 
 Wyard, R. Cardon. 
 Wyat Family. Boddington. 
 Wyatt, Sir T. Arber. 
 Wybunbury Dividend Soc.. Friendly Soc. 
 Wycliffe, J. Bloxam ; Camden Soc., 20 ; 
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 Wycombe. Parker. 
 Wye. Fosbroke ; Gilpin ; Onwhyn ; 
 Smith, C. R. ; Taylor ; Willett. 
 Wyke Church. Baigent. 
 Wykeham, William of. Supra: William, 
 of Wykeham. 
 Wyndcliif. Willett. 
 Wynne, W. W. E. Breese. 
 Wyoming. United States. 
 Wyon, W. Carlisle. 
 Wyss, G-. von. Winterthur. 
 Xanthus. Fellows. 
 Xenophon Ephesius. Erotici Scriptores. 
 Xylander, W. Antoninus Liberalis. 
 Yarmouth, Description. Preston. 
 Festival, 1814. Cory. 
 History. Swinden. 
 Notices. Druery. 
 Sundries. Palmer, C. J. 
 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Phillips, H. 
 Yevering Bell. Tate. 
 Yonge, J. A. Cambridge Prize Poems. 
 Yonge, W. Camden Soc., 41. 
 York, Antiquities. Bowman; Halfpenny. 
 Archbishops of. Chronicles, 71 ; 
 Constitutions ; Dixon. 
 Diocese of. Ornsby. 
 History. Drake. 
 Liturgy. Mnskell. 
 Mints. Davies. 
 Monasticon. Burton, J. 
 Musical Festival, 1823. Crosse. 
 Printing Press. Davies. 
 Roman Occupation. Wellbeioved. 
 Sundries. Surtees Soc., iv., xxx., 
 Ixv., Ivii. 
 Valley. Gill, J. 
 York and Lancaster Kegiment. Raikes, 
 G. B. 
 York Castle. Surtees Soc., 40. 
 York Cathedral. Britton, J. ; Brown ; 
 Cathedrals ; Chronicles, 71 ; Frere ; 
 Gage ; Halfpenny ; Poole ; Smirke ; 
 Surtees Soc., xxxv., lix., lx., Ixiii., 
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 York, House of. Gairdner, J. 
 York Family. Hall, E. 
 York, Cardinal. Borgia. 
 York, Mr. Historical Papers, 14. 
 Yorkshire, Barrows. .Bateman. 
 Bibliography. Boyne; Hail- 
 stone ; Smyth, J. 
 Church Goods. Walcott. 
 Commissioners. Duckett. 
 Cruciform Platforms. Coote, 
 H. C. ; Monkman. 
 Dales. Pickford. 
 Diaries. Surtees Soc., 77. 
 Domesday. Domesday Book. 
 Yorkshire, Flint Implements. Wiltshire 
 Genealogies. Foster. 
 Glossaries. Bunks ; Dialect 
 History. Allen, T. 
 Map. Archaeological Institute. 
 Primitive People. \V ri <_ 1 1 1 . T 
 Sepulchral Effigies. Bloxam. 
 Sundries. Leeds Public Li- 
 brary ; Surtees Soc. 
 Tokens. Boyne. 
 Tour. Banks; Bray; Dayes. 
 Visitation, 1563. Harleian 
 Soc., xvi. 
 Visitation, 1584, 1612. Foster. 
 Visitation, 1665. Armytage. 
 Worthies. Hailstone ; Robin- 
 Yorkshire Antiquarian Club. Procter. 
 Youghal. Caultield. 
 Young, C. G. Arundel MSS. 
 Young, J. Johnston. 
 Young, Sir W. Taylor, B. 
 Yprcs, Documents. Diegerick. 
 History. Gheldolf. 
 Institutions. Vandenpeereboom. 
 Ystrad Marchell Abbey. Jones, M. C. 
 Yucatan. Stephens. 
 Yule, H. Hakluyt Soc., 31, 36, 37. 
 Yunan, Western. Anderson, John. 
 Yvert. Gamier. 
 Yvery. Anderson, James. 
 Yvetot, Cochet. 
 Zadkiel. Ephemerides. 
 Zaleuco. Portoghese. 
 Zanetlius. Dolci. 
 Zangemeister, C. Corpus Inscr. Lat. 
 Zanotti, G. Bologna. 
 Zap, K. V. Prague. 
 Zealand. Engelhardt ; Smallegange. 
 Zell, Duchess of. Marchegay. 
 Zeno, N. and A. H*kluyt Soc., 50. 
 Zestermann, A. Weigel. 
 Zetland. Orkney. 
 Zimmermann, K. Volksbiicher, vi., 6. 
 Zokubula. Folk-Lore Soc., xv. 
 Zonara. Byzantine Historians, 29. 
 Zoroaster. Brown, R. 
 Zo>iimis. Byzantine Historians, 19. 
 Zouch, T. Walton. 
 Zulus. Moodie. 
 Zupitza. Text Soc., 42, 77, Ex. S., 25, 26. 
 Zur-Lauben, Baron. Onosander. 
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