ExLibris C. K. OGDEN VOLAPUK PUBLICATIONS OP SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. VOLAPUK or Universal Language: a Short Grammatical Course. By ALFRED KIRCHHOFF, Professor at the University of Halle. Authorized Translation. Third Edition, Improved, Amended, and Enlarged. With a New Volapuk- English and English-Volapiik Vocabulary. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. KEY to the same. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. A YOLAPiiK-ENGLISH AND EKGLISR-YOLAPUK DICTIONARY. Based on the work of PROF. PFLAUMEE, of Halle. [In the Press. YOLAPUK-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-YOLAPUK COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. [Shortly. LONDON: SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. VOLAPUK ' OR UNIVEBSAL LANGUAGE. A SHORT GRAMMATICAL COURSE. BY ALFKED KIECHHOFF, Professor of Geography at the University of Halle. A UTHORIZED TRANSLA TION. THIRD EDITION, IMPROVED, AMENDED, AND ENLARGED. WITH A NEW VOLAPUK-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH- VOLAPUK VOCABULARY LOXDON: SWAX SONNENSCHEIN- & CO., PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 1888. of translation reserved."] A KEY TO THIS GRAMMAR IS PUBLISHED. Crown 8vo. Price 2s. 6d. LONDON: SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. PBEFACE. OF the existence of this new language, Volapiik, some reports have from time to time crossed our Channel, and newspaper paragraphs have treated it with good-natured banter, which, however, did not benefit the movement. It must be confessed that, in one respect, Volapiik is no exception to all the other languages ; it sounds comic and outlandish to him that is ignorant of it. Anent this, it is worth while to quote an old Shakespearian joke : KATH : " Comment appelez~vous le pied et la robe ?" KATH : " ' . . . . Seigneur Dicii I ce sont des mots de son maiivais, corruptible, cjros et impttdique, et non pour les dames d'Tionneur d'user ; je ne foudrais pro- iwncer ccs mots devant les seigneurs de France pour tout le monde." Such is the opinion entertained by fair Katharine of English, the most beautiful and most vigorous of all languages. But she did not knoAv that she was preju- diced, and that banter and ridicule are not argument. The questions we have to deal with are : 1. Is a Universal Language desirable and attainable? And, 2. If so, does "Volapiik," the invention of Johann Martin Schleyer (now of Constance), possess the qualifica- tions needful for a Universal Language ? The want of a Universal Means of Communication has often been felt and expressed by both scholars and mer- chants ; the former have long been conscious of the inade- quacy of Latin to satisfy modern requirements, and the latter have not even this means at their disposal ; and yet year by year does this want make itself more strongly felt, as" the means of communication by steam and elec- tricity multiply and extend. Hence the necessity of spending much time and labour in the acquisition of languages ; how economical then, in the best sense of the word, would it prove, if all this effort could be saved ! In fact, language is not the only sphere of human activity where Universality has been sought, sometimes with and sometimes without success. Among the fail- 1057546 ures may be counted the ambitious search after the Philo- sopher's Stone, the Doctor's Panacea or Universal Medi- cine, and the Chemist's Universal Solvent ; but there are also some successes to be recorded. The Metric System is on the high road to become the Universal System of Weights and Measures, #nd Decimal Fractions owe their great popularity to their being the nearest ap- proach to a Universal Denominator to all fractions. Why should language be judged a priori to fall inevitably into the category of failures ? Englishmen, with their world- wide empire and interests, should be the first to heartily welcome the attempt to supply a World-Speech. N"ow this is just what Volapiik does, and in the easiest possible manner into the bargain. The vocabulary consists mostly of simplified English and German words (rarely of Latin or French terms), and the Grammar is so simple that it can be learnt in a few days. This gratifying result is due to the language being freed from all exceptions, irregularities, idioms, and useless complexities of arbi- trary genders, of declensions and conjugations, the bequests of centuries and chiliads of use, wear and tear, and indi- vidual caprice of fossil remains and linguistic records of prehistoric events. It requires already a considerable knowledge of the language to be able to look for tetigisti under tango, for hieb under hauen, and for je puis under poutoir. In fact, in all languages, except Yolapiik, the dictionary is of most use to him that could very nearly do without it. But when the Volapiikist has once mastered his short grammar, he at once steps, with the help of the dictionary, into the full use of the language. The difficulties of construing, spelling, and pronunciation resemble in Volapitk the famous snakes of Iceland ; they have no existence. In composition, the order of words is nearly identical with the translucent arrangement of an English phrase. Some suggest, not without good show of reason, that English should be adopted as the Universal Language ; but, much as might justly be urged in favour of this pro- posal, there is this one consideration fatal to its speedy adoption : English is difficult to acquire. Experto crede. It presents itself to the foreigner as a long series of idioms and synonyms, as singular and insular in their character as Englishmen themselves are. On the very threshold of the language he encounters the perplexities of its peculiar spelling. No doubt all this is surmount- able, and if, or when, by the process of Natural Selection English shall in due time have superseded all other languages, then Volapiik will disappear as useless ; but it will meanwhile have rendered very great service. As for the work here submitted to the English reader, it is a translation of the excellent grammar of Professor Alfred Kirchhoff, of Halle, which has passed through three large editions in less than six months, and I can do no better than translate a few passages from the three German prefaces. FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST GERMAN EDITION. " Volapiik is beyond doubt destined to become the language of communication among all nations. Every nation will continue to speak its own language ; but those who follow pursuits, be they merchants or scholars, where international communication is indispensable, should study this world-speech, so as to save themselves the endless toil and regrettable loss of time consequent on the study of at least twelve European languages." " The study of Volapiik is spreading over all the cul- tured states of Europe, and into the civilized countries beyond the ocean. Thus then Volapiik is not a still-born child." FROM THE PREFACE TO THE SECOND GERMAN EDITION. " Any one who has acquired in a few days the elements of this World-Speech, so far as to be able to write with the help of the Dictionary a letter in Volapiik, can at once enter into correspondence with all the civilized nations of the globe, without the necessity of studying their several languages. Prof. Kerckhoffs, of Paris, in his excellent periodical Le Volaptik, revue mensrielle, keeps a register with addresses of all Vola^akists in and beyond Europe, who are able and willing to conduct correspondence with Volapiikists of other nations. . . . On the circulars of large commercial firms AVC not uncommonly meet with the phrase ' Spodon Volapiiko' 'Correspondence conducted in Volapiik,' so that a German merchant, for example, can communicate with his Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, or Chinese business friends with as much ease as now he can correspond with Frenchmen or Englishmen, with whose languages he is familiar." FROM THE PREFACE TO THE THIRD GERMAN EDITION. " Although the second edition was of double the size of the first, it yet did not suffice to supply the ever growing demand- for this grammar for more than a few months, so persistent and expanding is the study of this World- Speech." " This new edition has supplied the opportunity to utilize the highly valuable suggestions made to the Author by Prof. Kerckhoff s of Paris. Every expression or phrase that had a specifically German flavour about it, and was thus wholly unsuited to the classic simplicity of a World- Speech, has been eliminated, and moot points were settled." " Prof. Kerckhoffs' admirable ' Cours complet de Volapiik ' will shortly appear in German garb, as a more advanced course to this present Avork." P.S. Whilst these pages were going through the press, a fourth and a fifth edition already appeared, such are the strides that Volapiik is making in Germany. This translation has had the benefit of profiting by all the successive improvements, and my warmest thanks are due to Prof. A. Kirchhoff, of the University of Halle, for the cordial sympathy he has evinced for this work, and for the persistent and self-denying help he has afforded me. A. S. PREFACE TO THE SECOND ENGLISH EDITION. HARDLY more than a week has elapsed since the first publication of this work, when already a second edition is called for, a proof as convincing as it is gratifying of the interest the public is taking in this movement. The reprint has afforded the opportunity of making a few corrections necessitated by the improvements and alterations made in the language since the first edition went though the press. A small chapter has been added on Euphony and Word-building A. S. PREFACE TO THE THIRD ENGLISH EDITION". THIS new edition lias been amended and enlarged in several essential particulars. The translator's cordial thanks are due to the eminent and learned Volapiikist, Professor A. Kerckhoffs, of Paris, at "whose suggestion several defects and deficiencies, hardly avoidable in the earlier editions, have been remedied. A few words of explanation seem desirable. In the growth of this new language two tendencies have mani- fested themselves : the one aims at such amplification and minute precision as will make Volapuk co-extensivo with German ; the other strives for conciseness and classic simplicity in the vocabulary and in the grammar and for emancipation from the German type. In fact, Volapuk, an artificial language though it be, is still subject to laws of its own, and the endeavour to form it after a certain extraneous model must be regarded as an error. This present Grammar rejects all redundancy and superfluity, and thus sides with the emancipating school. On one point it is advisable to forewarn the reader. A mere literal word-for-word translation into Volapuk is not likely to yield a result that is easily intelligible. A good translator must be able to distinguish between the literal and the figurative sense of words, as only the former expressions admit of a strictly verbal transfer. But this distinction is not easy to him Avho has a scanty knowledge of his own mother-tongue. Although Volapuk can be learnt without an acquaintance with a foreign tongue, yet he that knows another language besides his own will, even in the use of Volapuk, have the advantage over him that lacks the aid afforded by comparing his own language with at least one foreign speech. A. S. INDEX. Accent Articles Accusative and Dative, position of Adjectives, Comparison of . In ik or lik . Position of . Used substantively Adverbs, comparison of Euphony, Rules of . Feminine Prefix . Groups of Words . .. Infinitival Ending . ' . J7, Feminine Prefix Negation .... Nouns, Compound Declension of Gender of ... Proper, Declension of . Names of Days of the Week Of the Months Seasons .... Sciences . . Numerals ..... Cardinals rendered Ordinals Distributive .... Multiplicative Ordinals used adverbially . Repetitive .... Participles Person, second, use of . Plural of Nouns, Formation of . Prefixes, . 12 . 15 . 14 . 14 . 14 . 15 . 53 . 14 . 13 . 12 . 14 . 12 . 15 . 9 . 12 . 36 . 34 . 34 . 34 . 35 16, 19, 21, 23 . 26 . 29 le ; sma li; In ne . 26 27 31 12 10 35 40 14 18 17 Prepositions followed by Nominative Pronouns, Indefinite 08 Personal Possessive Demonstrative .... Beciprocal and Reflective Eelative Pronunciation . . . . . Question particle li . Suffixes, ad; ef . PAGB . 10 . 12, 14 . 14 . 14 . 14 . 32 . 14 . 9 . 17 . 36 . 39 . 35 el of; em ; en ; o ; of; dm ; u ; uy ; Up . id ; o ; 6d ; us ile; lik . 13, 26 . 40 . 26 . 14 il . . 17 la . . .* . .28 27 nik; ov ol id . . . 29 . 31 34 inn; tin ....'.... Tense-prefixes applied to Nouns Verbs, Conditional Conjugation of Imperative Infinitive Passive Voice Reciprocal and Reflective .... Subjunctive Tenses, Formation of Vocabulary "Words, Groups of ...... .15 . 20 . 29 . 11 . 26 . .12 . 22 . 32 . 28 . 20 . 56 13, 52 seq. VOLAPUK OR UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. I. ON PRONUNCIATION AND ACCENT. () Tlie vowels a, e, i, o, u are pronounced as in the following English words : a as in father, rather o as in go, no e as a in pate, mane u glue, rue i as / in give, live Modified vowels, ti, o, it, are sounded as in the German Vciter, Gotter, and Mutter. Two vowels together are pronounced separately, and never united into a diphthong ; thus au reads a-u, ea reads e-a (like ay-ah), and so on. (&) The consonants have the same functions as in English, with the exception of g, which is always hard. c, ,, ,, sounded like the " ch" in our chill. Ji 11 11 11 11 n s h T, ?, shot, y is also sounded as in English in yet ; and z like is. (c) The last syllable of the word is always accented. Thus we say man, not man, mana (rnanah). (rf) Proper names retain their peculiar spelling and pronunciation. The letter q does not occur in Yolapiik, but it is used in proper names to express the guttural sound of the German ch in icli, and of the Spanish j in Apuljaras. Thus Hilnchen- (Munich) is Miinqen, and Apuljaras is Apulqaras. The accent in proper names is indicated by the circumflex (") in long,, and by grave ( x ) in short vowels ; thus Peru and Meqiko. H. GRAMMAR. L ARTICLES are not used in Yolapiik. 2. DECLENSION OF Nouxs. SINGULAR. PLURAL. N. fat, father fats, fathers G. fata, of the father fatas, of the fathers D. fate, to the father fates, to the fathers A. fati, father fatis, fathers 10 One inspection shows that the genitive is formed by suffixing a dative, e ; accusative, i ; and that the plural takes in all cases an additional s. The vocative can be indicated by the interjection o. 3 Prepositions are followed by the nominative. " In " is translated by t", and " into " by al ; thus : in the garden, at school, in gad, injul; into the garden, al gad. VOCABULARY I. badik, bad i, also binom, (he) is jul, school binoms, (they) are jutel, scholar, pupil bulc, book Jco, with til, child labom, (he) has dog, dog laboms, (they) have dom, house lob, praise domo, at home lobom, (he) praises e, and loboms, (they) praise fat, father lonom, (he) belongs gad, garden man, man gadel, gardener mot, mother gletik, large, big, great, neif* knife goloms, (they) go [long son, son good, well M, or EXERCISE 1. (a) Translate into English : 1. Binom badik. 2. Fat binom gudik. 3. Fat e mot binoms gudik. 4. Cil labom buki. , 5. Neif lonom gadele. 6. Dog mana binom gletik. 7. Julel labom bukis e neifis. 8. Loboms sonis mana. 9. Dom lonom mote cilas. 10. Fat binom domo e i mot. 11. Julels goloms al jul u ko fat al gad. 12. fat, neifs lonoms sones gadela, * Read ne-if, see Ma)" 11 (6) Translate into Volaptik . 1. The praise of the father is great. 2. The books of the pupils are good. 3. He praises the house of the gardener. 4. The knife belongs to the father and to the mother ; it also belongs to the sons. 5. mother, men are bad. 6. They have knives and also books. 7. The father of the gardener has the dog of the mother. 8. The pupils are in the garden, and have the dogs of the man. 9. The sons of the gardener are at home, or in the garden of the father. 10. The children go with the father and the mother into the garden. 11. Father and mother praise the children of the gardener. 12. The pupils have the books in the school. 4. CONJUGATION OF VERBS. Verbs are conjugated by suffixing the personal pronoun to the stem of the verb ; thus : Lobom, he praises, is literally " praises he," om meaning " he." From the stem of the verb " to have," which in Volapiik is lab (not habf we form : labob, I have (06, I) labobs, we have (obs, we) labol, thou hast (o7. thou) labols, ye have (ols, ye) labom, he has (om, he) laboms, they have (oms, they, masc.) [fern.) labof, she has (o/ 1 , she) labofs, they have (ofs, they, ?#&ott,fonehas (on, French ; ow, German man) labos, it has (o, it) * In Volapiik an initial 7* is frequently changed into I, to suit the taste of many nations who have a dislike to an initial h. f Contrast : ol, I, with obs, we. om, he, with cms, they (masc.). ol, thou, with oh, ye. of, she, with ofs, they (fern.). 12 In Volapiik every nonn is masculine, except those signifying a female, which are of feminine gender, and therefore the terminations of and ofs are used only with females ; thus : mot labof, the mother has ; and mots Idbofs, the mothers have. "With all other nouns the verb terminates in om ; thus : jul binom gletik, the school is large ; neifs binoms gudik, the- kiiives are good. The termination os is only used indefinitely ; thus : binos gudik, it is good. For the second person singular, the Volapiikist,, like the Quaker, uses "thou" in all oases. The Infinitival ending is on, e.g., labb'n, to have. The negative no is placed before the verb ; thus :: " he has not " is no labom. The Accusative (regime direct] rprecedes the Dative- (regime indirect) ; thus: "he gives the child wine," is translated into Volaptik by, " he gives v/ine (to) the child." VOCABULARY II. abj but men, human being (Lat. das, that (conjn.) homo) denu, again saun (sa-un), health dlefon, to hit saunik, healthy, in good dtit, industry health, wholesome dutik, industrious stag, stag juton, to shoot sup, soup kiik, kitchen tid, act of teaching, lesson JcuJcel, cook tidel, teacher Teuton, to cook tidon, to teach liev (h'-ev), hare tot, thunder lilb'n, to hear ya, already lobon, to praise yag, the chase, the hunt lofon, to love yagon, to hunt logon, to see yagel^ huntsman EXERCISE 2. (a) Translate into English : 1. No lofobs yagi. 2. Yagel jutom stagis e lievis. 3. Mot kukof cile denu supi. 13 4. Yagels laboms dogis. 5. Jutob, ab no dlefob. 6. Logon cloniis e manis. 7. Lilol toti. 8. Binos gudik, das cils binoms dutik. 9. Lilob, das no binol saiinik. 10. Lobols sauni menas. 11. Tidel tidom cilis. 12. Lobon dnti julelas. (6) Translate into Volapiik. 1. The men hunt the stag. 2. The mother is well again ; she is in the kitchen. 3. The mothers love the children. 4. Thou shootest, but thou dost not hit the hare (say u thou hittest not "). 5. It is good that we do not hear the thunder. 6. Ye hear the lesson. 7. The son is well again, but he does not go to school. (Say, " he goes not to school.") 8. The cook's soup is bad. 9. Men love dogs. 10. They (fern.) are good. 11. pupils, you are not industrious. 12. You (2nd pers. pi.) see the house of the father. 5. OF GROUPS OF WORDS. The noun indicating the fundamental notion is mostly a monosyllable consisting of two consonants and a vowel between them, as tid and yag. The infinitive of the corresponding verb is formed by adding the termination on; and the agent performing the action is indicated by the suffix el * ; thus : tid, teaching, les- yag, the chase, kiik, kitchen son the hunt huJcon, to cook tiddn, to teach yagon, to hunt ki&el, (a) cook tidelj the teacher yagel, the huntsman * This termination has the same function as the English suffix er in " brewer," " teacher/' etc. In Volapiik I is fre- quently put in the place of r (thus " beer " is bil), for the sake of nations like the Chinese, who either do not possess the r or find it difficult to pronounce it accurately. u The feminine sex is indicated by prefixing ji- * to the corresponding masc. noun ; thus : ( son, son f tidel, teacher, master \jison, daughter \jitidel, female teacher, mistress Adjectives end in ik or lik, thus : gud, good- saun, health yun, youth (abstr. noun, ness saunik, healthy Lat. juventa) gudik, good yunik, young yunlik, youthful 6. Adjectives are used substantively by the addition of el, e.g. gudikel, the good (man); jigudikel, the good woman. The adjective follows the substantive (in harmony with the common usage of placing the secondary after the primary), and is undeclined ; e.g. fat gudik, the good father ; julel dutik, the industrious pupil. PERSONAL PRONOUNS are declined like nouns and adjectives, thus : 06, I obSj we oba, of me (mine) obas, of us, ours obe, to me dbes, to us obi, me obis, us The indeterminate neuter termination is os. The DEMONSTRATIVE and RELATIVE PRONOUNS are : at, this (person) atos, this (thing) et, that (person) etos, that (thing) Jcel, who, which (person), (rel.). kelos, which (thing). POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS are formed from personal pronouns by suffixing the adjectival termination ik. They are subject to the same rules of syntax as other adjectives ; i.e. they follow the noun ; hence : * The feminine prefix ji has been finally adopted at the Munich Congress of Volapiikists, in August, 1887. 15 obsik, our olaik, your omsik, their omik) ofsik, their (plural of ofik) (plural of oft/A', my o//A;, thy OJH/A', his or her (before a masc. noun) ofik, her (before a fern. noun) The genitival inflection a is also used in the formation of Compound Nouns ; thus : kukaneif, kitchen knife ; julabuk, school book. The COMPARATIVE is formed by suffixing um, and the SUPERLATIVE by suffixing tin. The adverb ter- minates in o ; thus : ADJECTIVE. ADVERB. POSITIVE . . gudik, good gudiko, good, well COMPARATIVE gudikum, better gudikumo, better SUPERLATIVE gudikun, best gudikiino, best. VOCABULARY III. adelo, to-day apod, apple bad, ill (noun) badUk. bad (adj.) belled, age bciledik, aged, old beatik. blessed, happy, deceased bit, beer blod, brother bum, the act of building bumot, a building bumon, to build btin, pear cem, a room deb', debt del, a day rfwo, below, downstairs disik, the lower fa. from, on the part of fidon, to eat. dine gicon. to give ibo, because is, here jiblod, sister jidog, bitch jikat, cat (fern.) jinok, aunt jonik, beautiful A'af, cat generally, also klod, belief [tom-cat klodon, to believe lif, life lolik-, whole 7o/?o, above, upstairs lopik, the upper ?>beno, good bod, bird 'but, boot danon, to thank (with accusative) :glug, church .hetlik, ugly .isik, of this place, belong ing to this place n, in it, himself, herself Jeval, horse Jevalel, horse-soldier jipul, girl Urn ? (m), l-if? (fern.), who? what? \7ciom? (m.), kiof? (f.), Jcios? (n.), what?, which? Idplad ? where ? kostb'n, to cost lab, luck, fortune, happi- ness. ! labik, lucky lad, lady lebeno, very good, very well lemon, to buy liko? how? limodik ? how much ? lodo'n, to dwell, inhabit moniton, to ride (on an ani- mal) monitel, a rider modik, much nulik, new o! ahi! ah! plidon, to please * 6a also means peri.aps. 19 pilkj speech, language do? French, se porter / pukon, to speak German, sich befinden. pill, boy stom, wither smoikon, to smoke SM, up, upon, on so, so vol, world so7, master, sir, Mr. volaptik, world-speech, staddn, to do (in " how do universal language you do?") thus: liko vedon, to become stadol ? how do you zif, town, city NUMERALS (continued'). mtil, six velj seven EXERCISE 4. (a) Translate into English : 1. Deli gudik ! 0, li-nog in bed ? : Liko stadol, sol ? 2. Danob oli, lebeno ; e li-ol ? 3. Li-vilol spaton adelo ? 4. Stom li-binom ba jonik ? 5. Kiplad buts obik biiioms ? 6. Li-logols jevali et, keli jevalel monitom ? "^"7. Monitels li-plidoms of e plu ka yagels ? 8. Jiblods olik no li-golofs al gliig ? 9. Kiplad lemon in zif isik hatis e luhatis gudikiin ? - 10. Kisi jevals olsik modik lufidoms ? 11. Mens limodik piikoms volapiiki ? 12. Juleli kiom tidel lobom ? (6) Translate into Volapiik : 1 . Does this little-book belong to thee ? Yes, or no ? 2. Who does not like to go to church ? (Say, " Who goes not willingly to church? ") 3. Does not the teacher praise the industry of the boys ? (Say, " Praises not the teacher ? " etc.) 4. How much does your (thy) new hat cost? (Say, " How much costs ? " etc.) 5. It costs six or seven marks ; and yours (thine), madam ? 6. Have not the horse-soldiers large helmets ? 7. Anna is a very beautiful girl, and so womanly too. Is her sister Maggie also beautiful and womanly? 20 8. Maggie ? Oh, no ! she is effeminate and u^ _ 9. The weather is getting (say, " becomes ") bad. Do you hear the thunder ? 10. We see six birds'-nests on the trees of thy uncle's garden, and one on the shrub there. 11. Does your father smoke (say, "Smokes your father ? " etc.) cigars or cigarettes ? 12. What is happiness ? Is he happier who lives in (inhabits) a palace, or he who inhabits a hut ? 9- ON THE FORMATION OF TENSES. All tenses (except the present) are formed by pre- fixes : lofob, I love ilofob, I had loved alofob, I loved olofob, I shall love elofob, I have loved ulofob, I shall have loved Nouns also are treated in a similar manner, thus ; from del, day, are formed : adelo, to-day odelo, to-morrow adelo, yesterday [terday udelo, the day after to- edelo, the day before yes- morrow. Similarly, from yel, year, are formed : ayelo, this year oyelo, next year ayelo, last year uyelo, the year after next eyelo, the year before last Similarly from mul, month : amulo, amulo, emulo f omulo, and umulo. VOCABULARY V. also, well then Deutel, (a) German Ag&p&n, Egypt deutik, German (adj.) Agiipdnel, Egyptian diinal, a servant, minister &z, because diinel, a servant, porter bizugik, excellent, most Flent, France preferable Flent el, Frenchman Uzugon, to prefer flentik, French (adj.) llinon, to bring fit, fish botel, waiter, butler foviko, forthwith, imme- des, from... till diately, anon Deut, Germany geton, to receive, get 21 Nelijel, Englishman nelijik, English (adj.) no nog, not yet pab, butterfly pir, pyramid plo, for poed, poetry, poesy poedel, a poet poedal, a great poet sagbn, to say se, out, out of smacem, small room, cabi- net, boudoir snek, snake snekafit, eel lupab, caterpillar (tf.pdb} sol, sir, gentleman, Mr. it, self; German, selbst ; French, meme jidunel, maidservant Jveizan, Switzerland Jveizel, a Swiss kaf, coffee kiplada ? whence ? kipladi ? whither ? kbmbn, to come lad, lady, mistress Ian, land lemasel, great master liegik, rich ludog, wolf " t, step-father Luscin, Russia Lusdnel, (a) Russian lusanik, Russian (adj.) mel, sea menad, humanity, man- kind milagon, to admire modo, much * (adv.) nebel, valley Nelij, England sosiis, as soon as suno, soon tai'b'n, to travel te, only, not till fr'ed, tea valik, all ven, when, as (temporal) vob, work #o m, woman vomiil, Miss, young lady NUMERALS (continued), jb'l, eight zul, nine EXERCISE 5. (a) Translate into English : 1. Gothe binom e obinom lemasel poeda deutik. 2. Blod plik li-emilagom gliigabumis lejonik in Flent, Nelij e Lusan, ven atavom us ? 3 . Diinan li-igivom adelo bukis vome Robinson ? 4. No, sol, no nog ugetom it omis. 5. Li-elogols piris Agiipana ? 6. Si, vomul, elogobs omis ; esagon, das binoms bumots baledikiin menada, modo baledikum ka valiks deutik u nelijik. * Instead of modiko; the adverbial termination is often contracted by elision of the adjectival inflection ik. 22 7. Volapiik li-ovedom piik vola lolik ? 8. Kiplada akomols ? Kipladi golols ? 9. Se lupab, keli alogols adelo in gad obsik, pab ovedom suno, ba ya odelo. 10. Jibotel oblinof kafi ole foviko, sosun kukel ukukom omi. 11. Diinel John ogetom makis j6l n ziil fa Nelijel liegik plo vob omik. 12. Sneks gletik no li-olufidoms fitis obsik ? (&) Translate into Volapiik : 1. Egypt, says Herodotus, is the land of the Egyptians, thus only the valley of the Nile from Syene to the sea. 2. The maid has bought to-day eels for 8 marks ; mother herself has told it me. 3. The Russians and the English will prefer tea, the French coffee, the Germans beer. 4. Where did the great poet live (say, " has the great poet lived ") whom humanity admires? 5. The Russian had given me excellent cigarettes. 6. My step-father's house (say, " the house of my step-father") had in two storeys nine rooms, eight small rooms, and a kitchen. 7. As soon as you come (will have come) I will give you the three books of my uncle. 8. The waiter brought my brother wine ; but he thanked (him) and went (awaj 7 ). 9. The French too have had great poets. 10. The Egyptian Cheops has built the greatest pyramid. 11. He did not come (say, "he came not") because he had not time. 12. The Swiss (pi.) whom we saw to-day spoke two languages French and German, but not Russian. 10. ON THE FORMATION OF THE PASSIVE VOICE. The Passive Voice is formed from the active voice by prefixing the letter p (in the present and in the infinitive, pa) : 23 palofon, to be loved palofob, I am loved palcifob, I was loved pelofob, I have been lovecfe pilofob, I had been loved polofob, I shall be loved pulofob, I shall have been loved. 11. (a) RECAPITULATION OF NUMERALS. Units : bal, one fol, four vel, seven tel, two lul, five Jo/, eight kil, three ?na'Z, six zwZ, nine (&) CONTINUATION OP NUMERALS. The tens are formed from the units by the addi- tion of 8 ; thus : bal, one unit beds, one ten = 10 tel, two units tels, two tens = 20 kit, three units Icils, three tens = 30 ziilj nine units 27s, nine tens = 90 The tens precede the units. Thus we say, in Vola- plik, " twenty-one," and never " one-and-tweiity." l)dlsebal (beds e &Z), ten and one = eleven balsetel, twelve balseldl, thirteen ; and so on Similarly : telsebal, twenty-one ~kilsetel, thirty-two folsekil, forty-three ; and so on zulseziil. ninety-nine mil, a thousand turn, a hundred ballon, a million 12. The prefix ne always indicates the opposite notion-, of the word itself ; thus : bel, mountain nebel, valley flen, friend neflen, foe Itibo, luckily nelcibo, unluckily labon, to have neldbon, to lack modilcs, many nemodiks, few If the word to be negatived begins with an e, the terminal e of the negative particle is elided ; thus : ek, somebody nek, nobody egelo, ever, always negelo, never VOCABULARY VI. al, to ciso, as well as bif, before (locally) -btlf, before (temporally) bod, bread de, of, from desedon, to send away (prefix (?e = away) delo, by day ?;Wo, indeed, certainly dim, a beverage dlinon, to drink , hour ek, somebody fa, of, from, by means of fagik, distant, far ffikulik, difficult fot, forest, wood fb'sefb'n, to assure, asseve- rate funb'n, to kill gedlanon, to push back (prefix ge = back) Glik, Greece GUM, (a) Greek tjo'del, morning juk, shoe Tea, than .JeanSn, inf. of " I can " (Lat., posse) Jed, where (relative) Jkodo, on which account (relative) leyan, gate (cf. yan) Jovik, soft, softly mat, matrimony, married life matel, husband mileg, butter milig, milk mit, meat, flesh miiton, inf. of "I must" neb, near by, by the side of nefikulik, easy (cf. fikuliK) neit, night neito, at night nek, nobody nen, without (Lat. sine) nendas, without that mi, now of, the same pened, a letter (Lat. ejois- tola, not litera) penon, to write pom, fruit (Lat. pomum, not fmx) pofik, poor Romel, (a) Eoman e, out, out of sefon, to secure, make safe skit, leather tal, earth ^ow, (a) tone, sound tonod (a) loud sound tobo, hardly, with diffi- culty (Lat. via;) tu, to, too talik, all vemo, very vendel, evening mkod, victory vikodon, to conquer yan, door yel, year Wf*-j-j zendel, midday zib, fcod, viand 25 EXERCISE 6. (a) Translate into English : 1 . Juk at pemekom de skit bizugikiin. 2. Kaf ko milig padlinom godelo, mit pafidom zendelo, milegabod ko pom vendelo. 3. In diip bal peneds bals kanoms papenb'n fa nek. 4. Ton et binom tu lovik, kodo kanom palilon tobo bif cemayan. 5. Neito tonod egelo palilom labo modo fagikumo ka delo. 6. Dlin panelabom fa men fikulikumo, (fikulumo), zib ka. 7. Nelabo jimatel yagela 'pedlefof, nendas yuf akanom pablinon ofe. 8. Dom flena obik su bel bif leyan pesefom biif yels balseziil plo maks folsmi]. 9. Roma no pebumom in del bal. 10. Evikodobs dido, ab lultum obsikas pefunoms in pug bal. 11. Odelo zendelo neflens puvikodoms, e telmil fol- tum jols omas pagedlanoms al zif. 12. Stags balsekil piijutoms adelo in fot obsik, e odelo nog modikums ka tels pojutoms. (&) Translate into Volapiik : 1. Shoes and boots are made of (de) leather. 2. The earth is inhabited by more than 1,400 mil- lion men. 3. In two hours the enemies were conquered, and 775 of their men (men of them) were killed in the battle before the wood. 4. Will not the sound be heard on the mountain as well as in the valley ? 5. Fifteen men with six hounds (hunting-dogs) have been seen at night in the orchard (fruit-garden) near the house of your (thy) friend. 6. Where they smoke (say, " one smokes ") they also drink (say, " one also drinks "). 7. The letter will be sent off to-morrow forthwith, as soon as it is written (as it shall have been written). 8. The Greeks were conquered by (fa) the Romans 26 but the .Romans, even 2,000 years ago (say, " already before 2,000 years ") by the G-ermans. 9. The poor man lacks everything ; he has hardly bread to eat ; wherefore help must be rendered (brought) to him. 10. Only few houses could be built during (in) this year in our great town, which is now inhabited by 82,354 men. 11. By .Russians, tea will always be preferred for supper, but not by Frenchmen. 12. Even to-day the Universal Language (Volapuk) is spoken by more than 40,000 people (men). 13. The IMPERATIVE is formed by adding the termina- tion, od ; thus : givolod, give (2nd person singular) givolsod, (2nd person plural) givobsodj let us give. A milder form of the imperative is given by the termination 6s; thus: givolos, please to give golobsos, let us go 14. Every cardinal number can be turned into a noun by adding el, and can be turned into a verb by add- ing on ; thus : CARDINAL. ISTouK. YEKB. tel, two telel, a pair felon, to double M, three MeZ, a triplet fo'ftto, to treble Z7, five hiJeJj a fiver lulon, to quintuple A Cardinal is turned into an ORDINAL number by adding the suffix id ; thus : balid, the first telid, the second fo7M, the third and so on. These are rendered adverbial by adding the suffix o ; thus: balido, firstly telido, secondly Jtilido, thirdly. 27 REPETITIVE Numerals are formed from cardinals or ordinals by adding the suffix na ; thus : balsna, ten times telsidna, the twentieth time telsidno, for the twentieth time VOCABULARY VII. alik, every liladon, to read as sam (a.s.} (e.g.), for ex- madik, ripe ample nemodo, a little (of. modo, bUbon, to remain voc. v.) dil, a part paun, Ib. (also ) fatcin, fatherland saton, to suffice, to be foldil, quarter, 4th part enough fogiviJn, to forgive solat, soldier //", if, when timil, moment 7aVnM?thehow-manieth? timilo, momentarily, for Jcomip, a combat, battle a moment Jcomipelj a combatant tupon, to disturb 7;omip8n, to fight velat, truth //", half, noun (Fr. moitie) visit, a visit lanimalikj bravely visiton, to visit lenlilon, to listen to yelatum, century EXERCISE 7. (a) Translate into English : 1. Binosod ! Men alik sagomod velati. Sagolsb'd valikosLobe, kelosi elilols. 3. Solats valik komipomsSd lanimahko plo fatan. 4. Komolos nog adelo al obs ! 5. Adelo no labob timi, bines ya diip velid e fol- dils kil. 6. Fosefob ole, das epenob penedi at ya ziilna. 7. Fogivolsos, if tupob olis ! 8. Deli kimid alabobs adelo? 9. Alabobs kjlsebahdi. "" 10. In tim ot solats ijutoms jolsevelidno. 11. Liladon balsna no nog satom. 12. No fidolOd porni, ibo balido no nog binom madik e tehdo no binol saunik. ^ 28 (6) Translate into Volapiik : 1. Let us go to-day into our beautiful forest. 2. Many towns have already been built for the second time, e.g. Rome. 3. I have told him a hundred times, that nobody will thank him for this. 4. One must fight bravely for the fatherland. 5. The Germans have conquered three times in the second half of this century : in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and in the years eighteen hundred and seventy and seventy-one. 6. I will not buy the house in the town, because, firstly, it costs four thousand five hundred pounds ; and, secondly, I shall not remain here in England. 7. Read very industriously the book which you have received from (your) aunt. 8. What o'clock is it? (Say, " The how-manieth hour is it ? ") 9. It is already a quarter past eleven. (Say, " It is already hour eleven and one quarter.") 10. Please stop (remain) yet a moment, and promise us that you will dine with us to-morrow. 11. Kindly pardon me ! I cannot to-morrow. We have a great hunt to-morrow. 12. There will be 9 or 10 English gentlemen with servants and dogs at the hunt. 15. The SUBJUNCTIVE is formed by adding the suffix -la * to the corresponding tense of the indicative ; thus : IXDIC. SUBJUNC. binom, he is binomla, he be, he maybe cibinom, he was cibinomla, he might be ebinom, he has been ebinomla, he may have been * The suffixes -la and ~ov, being terminal syllables, are accented, see rule c, page 9. Accordingly we say liriomld, ibinom, he had been ibinomla, he might have been In the obliqua oratio (reported speech) the indi- cative is used with das, that ; e.g., Asagom, das okomom, He said, that he would (will) come. 16. The CONDITIONAL is formed by adding the syllable -6v * to the imperfect or pluperfect : abinomov, he would be ibinomov, he would have been MULTIPLICATIVE numerals are formed by adding the suffix ik, and those expressing classes or categories by the suffix nik ; thus : bal, one turn, hundred balnik, of one kind, tumnik, a hundred sorts of simple DISTRIBUTIVE numerals are expressed by placing the particle a before the word ; thus : a jol, eight and eight, in sets of eight a jplna, eight at a time, every eight times a j olid, every eighth person Similarly : a tel, two at a time a telna, every other time a telid, every other person. VOCABULAEY VIII. al, to (with infinitive, ex- galod, pleasure pressing a purpose) godel, morning civendelo, last evening if, if can, merchandise, wares, Mn, cannon goods Tdig, war cil, child "kon, narrative, story do, of, concerning Tconon, to narrate dunon, to do Tcoselcon, to sacrifice, devote e e, as well as labem, property, wealth egclo, always lif, life fatel, grandfather lodam, load, cargo fled, conflagration lodon, to load * See Note, p. 28. 30 loned, length stim, honour, esteem lonedon, to lengthen, pro- stimon, to honour, to tract [cate esteem malon, to announce, indi- siiam, price me, with, by means of tav, journey wzon, money teat, theatre naf, ship tedel, merchant ndkomon, to arrive tolad, toll, custom, duty nedon, to need, want toladon, to pay toll or Nidan, India duty pelon, to pay toned, ton, 1000 kilogs. pof, haven, harbour wf, he (dem. pron.) pon, penalty, punishment vadelo, daily rivon, to reach, attain vipon, to wish savon, to save, rescue, dc- vob, work liver vobel, worker, workman spell /, sparing, economical ro&ow, to work *8p&l8n 1 to save, put by, z7, goal economise sittfc, zealous EXERCISE 8. (a) Translate into English: 1. Atavobov al Jveiz, if alabobla moni. 2. Jiblod obik igolofov al teat avendelo, if no elabofla dunon tu modikosi. 3. A lulid solatas pefunom, ibo teltum pefunoms de mil. 4. Sagon, das nedon kilnikosi al klig : moni, moni. e denu moni. 5. Akonobov tumnikosi do tavs obik, if alabobla timi. 6. Tedel nelijik ipelomov suami kilik plo can, if te ikanomla geton omi. 7. Pauns fol imutomsov papelon de toned as pon, if lodam nafa no pitoladomla. 8. Pajutos kilna in zif obsik ko kan al malon filedi. 9. Julels amiitomsov telon duti omsik, if aviloms- la rivon zeili. * Cf. spalon and savon. 31 10. Binolod spalik, e otelol labemi olik in yels nemodik. 11. If fat e fatel obsik no ispalomsla so ziliko, no abinobsov mens so liegik. 12. Yipob, das naf obsik ko lodam gletik de Nidan ya enakomomla in pof. (&) Translate into Volapiik : 1. I would lengthen my letter ; but the longest letters are not always the best. 2. She would daily go to the theatre with her friend (fern.) if she had money as well as time. 3. His uncle would travel to London, if he had not threefold work to do. 4. My friend told me that not one apple in six (not every sixth apple) of the largest apple-tree in his orchard was ripe yet. 5. "With the greatest pleasure I would call upon (visit) your aunt, if she were at home. 6. It would be an honour to the brave combatants to be killed for the fatherland. 7. Would the ship have so soon reached (arrived in) port, if she had had a double cargo ? 8. The enemy daily shot twice with cannon, in the morning and in the evening, but hardly one man in nine (the ninth man) of our soldiers was hit. 9. How many pounds would you need for the journey ? 10. The ship had a very mixed cargo on board (say " had loaded a thousand different kinds of things "), and the duty on most of the goods had been doubled in that year. 11. They could be saved fourteen at a time. 12. Honour those who readily (forthwith) would sacrifice their lives for their brothers. 17. Every PARTICIPLE terminates in ol : givoJj giving pastimol, being honoured egivol, having given pestimol, having been stimolj honouring honoured 32 REFLECTIVE VERBS are formed with the reflective pronouns obi, oli, oki, obis, oils, okis (accusative), obe, ole, oke, obes, oles, oltes (dative) ; thus : lofob obi, I love myself lofol oli, thou lovest thyself lofom old, he loves himself lofofoki, she loves herself lofos oki, it loves itself lofobs obis, we love ourselves lofols olis, you love yourselves ok, French se and German sich It is needful carefully to distinguish between re- flective and reciprocal action of a verb ; thus : They love themselves, lofoms oJcis ; but They love each other, lofoms balvoto* Similarly with possessive pronouns of the third person, distinction must be made between " his " and "her," referring to the subject or to another person, like suus and eius, in Latin. Only in the first can oTcik be employed ; thus : labom buki okik, he has his (own) book labom buki omik, he has his (another's) book VOCABULARY IX. adelo, to-day fil, fire as, as filedb'n, to burn banon, to bathe fizir, officer blim, equipment, dowry flapon, to beat cm, machine flum, river dalebon, to lack, need, suf- galon, to rejoice fer from want, starve jol, coast deilon, to die, decease Jcapalon, to understand delidik, dear, expensive Tcosel, cousin (m.) difik, different Idk, lake dledon, to fear, dread len, at, to, by now) dub, through, by means of lenu, forthwith (from nu, * Balvoto, contracted form of lalvotiko (from 6aZ, one, and votik, other). 33 mel, sea pometb'n, to promise matapometon, to betroth, sevokon, to exclaim (cf. pdmeton] sol, sun mig'on, to mix spidon, to hasten miifon, to move stew*, steam wflwi, hand stew, astonishment 7^7, proximity, nearness sumon, to take 7?/7/A', near (adv.) sugiv, task, exercise 7, neighbour feJoii, to turn -j to approach (with s, yonder, there Accve.) rf, water 7?<7w, near, nigh veJatik, true ninflumon, to now into, to rew*o, very much, greatly terminate (said of a vuiwn, to wound river) OYZ&, axle, axis numon, to count 2#, round, about EXERCISE 9. . () Translate into English : 1. Tal tulom in diips telsefol z\\ xab okik e in dels kiltum malselul e Ibldil bal zii sol. 2. Gins et pamufoms dub stem. 3. Cinavobel obsik eflapom su nam ; elogob it nami pevunol omik. 4. Spidol se dorn filedol asevokom: Savamodoki kel kanom. 5. Gil efiledol oki dledom fill. 6. Agaloni oki vemo, ven asagob ome, das okomol nog adelo. 7. No kapalobs balvoto. 8. No vunolsod oils dub neifs gletik. 9. Sis dels jol banobs (obis) in fluni u in lak ko sons flena obsik edeilol. 10. Len jol mela vat flumas migom oki ko vat mela. 11. Nilel obsik bumom domi jonik oke. 12. Kosel obik emataponietom oki ko vomiil Anna jikosel olik. (&) Translate into Volapiik : 1. Like (as) the earth, so also the sun turns on his axis. 34 2. Cooked meat is wholesomcr iliaii raw (not cooked). 3. The defeated enemies approached our town. 4. "We prefer wine mixed with water to unmixed wine. 5. My sister went up (say "approached") the dying (woman) and gave her her (say t; the ") hand. 6. Here the nearest neighbours do not understand each other, because they speak different languages. 7. To conquer oneself is the most beautiful victory. 8. Starving men do not work well. 9. The astonishment of the people (of the men) was great, when they saw the rescued man near the coast. 10. Not all river water readily (say " forthwith ") mixes with sea water. 11. Is it true that thy friend (fern.) is betrothed to the young officer ? 12. Yes, she will soon purchase her trousseau (equipment). 18. The NAMES of the SEASONS are compounds of tim, time: ftolatim, spring (flol, flower) hitatim, summer (hit, heat) flukatim, autumn (fluk, fruit) nifatim, winter (//", snow) The NAMES of the MONTHS end in Z, (mid, month, allied to mun, moon), and are expressed in sequence by the ordinal numbers. balul, January veluJ, July telul, February johil, August Jiihtl, March ziihil, September /o77, April balsul, October lulul. May balsebahiL November mdhdj June balsetehil, December The DAYS of the WEEK naturally end in del, day, ^nd their names also are formed with ordinal num- bers, inserting the vowel U. 35 baliidel, Sunday folildel, "Wednesday telildel, Monday hiludel, Thursday "kiliidel, Tuesday mfiludel, Friday velildel, Saturday ADVEEBS of TIME are formed from the days of the week in the usual manner by adding the suffix o; as: Mliidelo, o' Sundays, etc. cf. adelo, vendelo, etc. The NAMES of the SCIENCES end in av : gltav, jurisprudence (git, right, just) gletav, mathematics (glet, magnitude) godav, theology (God, God) medinav, medical science (medin, medicine) minav, mineralogy (min, mineral) natav, natural science (not, nature) nimai", zoology (mm, animal) planav, botany (plan, plant) piikai-. philology (ptik, speech) sapac, philosophy (sap, wisdom) tola?, geology (tal, earth) tikav, logic (tik, thought ; tikon, to think) Some sciences, however, retain their common names almost unchanged ; thus : filsiid, physics ; Idem, chemistry ; filosop, philosophy. The termination til indicates something mental or spiritual : til-til, spirit 'kapal, intelligence (kap, head) The terminations ed and am, like our " -ing," sig- nify a state or an activity ; thus : From fin, end, is formed finam, termination ,, ylet, magnitude, is formed gletam, increase, enlargement, expansion ,, nindllon, to classify, is formed nindilam, classi- fication ,, tik, thought, is formed tikam, consideration ,, lab, have, is formed labed, possession ,, taJi, rest, is formed talced, repose tal, earth, is formed taled, geography 36 19. The terminations -ef and -ad signify a collection of persons, a corporate body ; thus : From Krit. Christ, is formed Kritef* Christendom men, man (Lat. homo), is formed menad, hu- manity, the human family The English for- in " forgive," per- in " persecute," par- in " pardon," pur- in " pursue," are rendered in Volapiik by fe- (occasionally by fo-}, and the English a- in " awake," " await," and e- in " espy " are ren- dered in Volapiik by da- ; thus : From liton, to give light, is formed daliton, to light up, illumine logon, to see, is formed dalogon, to catch sight of, espy tucon, to find, is formed datucon, to invent, discover vestigon, to search, investigate, is formed davestigon, to find out by searching Thus, in "Search the scriptures," we should use davestigon. From yebon, to use, is formed fegebon, to use up, consume gicon, to give, is formed fogicon, to forgive, pardon golon, to go, is formed fegolon, to pass away, elapse, perish PpxOPER NOUNS are not declined. The genitive is expressed by the preposition de, the dative by the preposition al, and the accusative is distinguished from the nominative by its position in the sentence. VOCABULARY X. jas, as begin, beginning, com- iiyelo, last year mencenient baliido. first, at first beginon, to begin * N.B. Kritav is Christianity, the system of Christ ; but kritefis Christendom. t Cf. J.3 (voc. ix.) with as. As expresses similarity; a-?, identity; thus: piikom iis iidel, he sjwaks as (though he were a teacher; piikom as tidel, he speaks as (being) a teacher. 37 belem, mountain range num, number bepenon, to describe numon, to comic dabalik, singly ofen, often dalon, to allow, permit oi'i, over danon, to thank, be in- panemon, to bo called, debted for named deil, death peseco, admittedly deilon, to die to know; Fr. to dil, (a) part G. kennen) do, although plofed, professor fedugon, to mislead, seduce_p7o7i - 0, to pluck gab, earl, count pof, poverty yeil'ik, high pofik, poor gladajukj skate (glad, pur, powder ice ; jiik, shoe) segun, according gladajukon, to skate senon, to feel Stom binom jonik adelo. 2-. Sol litom ya sis godel ; binos lesumiko vamik. 3. Binos ni tu vamik ni tu kalodik. 4. Deno binos flukatimik ; godels e vendels binoms- ya lukalodik. 5. Vedos nu glumik. G. Klodob, das olomibos odelo. 7. Li-elilol toton ? 8. Eflcdos iiclelo, ab no enifos ; sil ablibom kliihk. 44 Do TEAT E Musio. 1. Li-ebinol ya in teat nulik obsikr 2. Si, lad, abinob us blif vig bal ; li-ol i ? 3. Teatapled kimik papledom adelo, yofapled u liigapled ? 4. Vipob logon damatelanii lekanitelas de Eichafd Wagner. 5. Kisi cedol do lop at? 6. Musig binom lejonik. 7. Li-elSol ya jikaniteli niilik ? 8. Teat obsik labom egelo damatelis sikikiin. 9. Jiblod olik li-binof jilofan mnsiga ? 10. Si, vomiil kanitof i lebeno. 11. Li-ogeton nog bilieti plo konzed odelik ? Do FIDON. 1. Kipladi golol so spido ? 2. Vilob golon al stand al fidon. 3. Vipob potiti gudik ole. 4. Danob, ab pottit obik no obinom gletik, bi sciiob maladik. 5. Vokolod boteli ! 6. Kisi dalob blinon ole, sol ? 7. Givolod obe pori loeta e glati vina leclik. 8. Lofob vemo fidon gliinedi flifik. 9. Li-vipol i milegi e loinadi al postab ? 10. Lesi ; ga stopo ! No blinolod postabi, binos ya tn lato. miitobs golon al dom. 11. Dlinobsos al lelab balvoto ! LA TEDEL. 1. Vipob godeli gudik ole, sol. Dini kimik vilol lemon ? 2. Vipob lemon stofi plo blit e blotaklot. 3. Limodo met klofa blagik at kostom ? 4. Makis telsefol. 5 Li-vo ? Atos binos modo tu delidik. 6. Dabegob miglamis tel juega. 7. Eko mon plo can ! 8. Adyo, sol ; begob bestimon obis i falo. 45 Do TAVOX. 1. Milmets limodik binoms de is al zif nilikiin ? 2. Leils bals. also milmets velsefol. 3. Veg li-binom gudik plo futel ? 4. No; veg dugom da fot gletik e ovi flums ko pons baclik. 5. Silt li-binom nesefik? 6. 110. lilon nosi do lapinels. 7. No binos valiko poligik, ni delo ni neito. 8. Vegi kimik nititon vegon ? 9. Sosus ukomol su bel, flekolod deto e tan, ven urivol flumi, nedeto. 10. Otuvol i adelo menis satik su lanasiit, bi labobs zeladeli. 11. Dani lacllik ! 12. Yipob tavi labik ole ! KONS. 1. Ven ek asakom filosopele Thales, kis binos tu- gedik menes valik, agesagom : " Spel, ibo i mens et laboms ati, kels laboms lenosi votik." 2. Spartanels abinoms valopo pesevik du gesags blefik e dlefdl okik. Ven ek asakom rege spartanik Agis, solatis limodik alabom, asagom : " So modikis as zeslidoms al vikodon neflenis." 3. NiUl zifaleyan man astanom e alubegom. Sol sembal. kel abeigolom, asakom ome, kikod lubegom. " sol' lofik ! " lubegel asagom, " nelab gletik esii- pitom obi: biif dels nemodik doniil obik ko lab valik peclefiledom." " Li-labol zepami de lopof olik das elabol nelabi at?" sol asakom. " Liedo," lubegel agesagom, " pedefiledom ko pliems lernanik.'' 4. Ven sanel makabik aseistom su deilabed, flens omik asakoms ome, sanele kiom akanomsov konfi- 46 don okis, if amalcadomsla. " One mob saiielis kil bizugik oles," sanel deilol asagom, "fe sevols valik omis, ab ekonsidols omis jlinu nemodo. Panemoms : maiof, vat e spaton. ofeii in but libik." 5. "Kisi dukol is su vab ? " toladal asakom feilele, kel abeivegom la toladadom. " Zabi," feilel alovo- plikom toladale al lil. " No li-kanol sagon osi klei- liko," toladal asagom, " if binos nos votik? " " Flen lofik," feilel agesagom, u jevals obik getoms te sele- diko zabi ; ab if aplakomsla, das dukob zabi so modik. astadobov badiko ! " 6. Yunel, kel anevelatom kosomo, akonom vono in sog do tiivs okik e de makabs, kelis elogom. Bevti votikos akonom i sukolosi : " Su tav oba latik ako- mob al zif. in nil kela lek som sibinom, das gegivom vodi ziilseziilna." Sol, keli nevelaton nejemik mena at askanom ya lonedo, asagom foviko : " Atos binos smalof velatik ! Labob leki modo jonikum su gued obik. If tlidob se dom godelo, vokob : godeli gudik, lek ! E gesagom foviko : Danob, sol benik ! " Sog lolik abeginom smilon, e sagon, das yunel et no falo nevelatom siso so nejemiko. 7. In pag Nugana gliigakosek fibinom. Musigel, kel ipledom bafaviolini in lotop, agolom latiko in neit al dom e iipolom bafaviolini okik su bak. Veil agolom da fot, ludogs jol akoskomoms ome e aletoms seiiiton kleiliko desani oksik ome. Fug abiiiom nemogik, i tasteifam alik ibinomov vanlik. Musigel no asiie- nom lonedo, adasumom bafaviolini okik, apladom oki zenodii siit e abeginom to tlep oka gletik pledon lenamiko su bafaviolin okik. Ludogs abinoms peje- kol, e bi no anoloms, tuvemaf kimik abinom din, kel adibatonom so mekadiko, amogonoms. 8. Lein, kel abinom ya baledik e no alabom namis 47 satik al kanon yagon, adatikom kafi al lukijafon iiultidi oke. Asimulom maladi. Nims fota ako- moms al visiton regi oksi'k, ab padimidoms e palufi- doms fa lein. Fino i foxaf akomom al lein, yed ablibom bif ninavag leiiia e no avilom nitlidon, do lein asuflagom omi alos. Sikod lein asakom, kikod no avilom nitlidon ? Foxaf kafik agesagom : " Bi logob futavegedis nimas modik, kels egoloms al ninavag, ab futavegedis nonik nimas, kels igoloms se ninovag." 9. Tedel, kel akosomom polon sali al zif nilelik dub mucuks okik, amiitom egelo stepon da flum du tavam at. Veil astepom da flum balna denu, mucuk aseslifom fadiko e alefalom ko fled okik. Sal adiflumom dilo in vat, e mucuk sustanol asenitom, das fled okik ivedom leitikum. Ven agolom da flum denu pos tim anik, abajedom oki desano e nena dub flaps akanorn pastigon sustanon. Tedel, kel padamom dub atos levemo, akonom osi nilele okik, e at akonsalom ome, suseiton spogis e laini mucuke e tano dukon omi da flum. Sosus mucuk akomom al flum, aba- jedom oki denu, ab atna al dam okik, ibo spogs e lain afuloms okis ko vat e fled abinom nu lutino telna so vetik. Siso, sagon, mucuk eseslifbm nevelo in flum denu. 10. Abinos biif yels plu ka turn, ven Gothe avisitom ofen Tiiranafoti, dilo al snlogon meinopis usik ledii- kana Saxan-Weimar, kela diinal abinom, dilo al yagon ko lediik Karl August, gleflen okik, dilo al stuclon belemanati e planavoli belema lejonik, juitol leigiipo veiiudis lana. Du del teldik adutevom belis e nebelis, pato in zlimop de Dmenau, e du neit tel- clik aslipom su letuigs gliinik peinas tiiranik in yaga- ludom lutik. Balna vendel asiipitom omi zenodii fot su geil nilli II men an panemol Gickelhalin, makabik demii lukilogam jonik ovi belem pefotol. Sol iidisom in may eel stilik al vesiid, plid zelik vendela ziilulik iipakom oki ovi topof. Poedal alelogom devodiko 48 deli deilol e nati flukatimik, kodol luladali. In lada- lod at apenoin me stib su vol ludoma boadik, keli legeil bela apolom, lianis at : Ove geils valik binom taked, in bimaklons valik tobo senol bliidi bal ; bodils seiloms in fot ; valadolod ga, suno takedol i ol. Ti pos yelatum. lank in tim motofadela okik latik poedal baledanik asiikom geili lesumik nog balna. Abetlidom Indomi et, ko istebom du dtips labik so modik ko plin okik, nu ya edeilol, e ko flens lofik votik. Su vol liens pepenol in tim et astanoms nog. Gothe amiitom dlenon, e neluimol dlenis adenuoni vodis latik : " Yaladolod ga, suno takedol i ol ! " Vo abinos latikna, das avisitom beli. Muls nemo- dik tano asliporn slipi tenalik. SPOD.* 1, DANOTAPENED Paris, Place Malesherbes, 108, balul, lid, 1887. Sole J. /., Liverpool. Sol lofik, Labob soni keli vipob sedon al zif olik, dat lenadom plobo piiki nelijik. Abinob-ov vemo kotenik, if akanol-la lasumon omi in tedadom olik : alenadom-b'v otiipo piiki e tedi. Son obik labom yelis balsejol, binom vemo dutik se\'om bukami e penom nepb'ko piikis fleutik e talik [ Valadob gepiiki sunik, e blibo, Sol lofik, diinan olik divodikiin, N.N. 2. ZULAG. LEBLIMAM STITA LEBOBA. Bordeaux, telul bid, 188V. S., Labob stimi nunon oli, dub ziilag at, das eleblimob in zif at stiti leboba e komitata labol plo fiam. C. D. Begob oli noeton disapenedi obik e bestimon obi suno ko komits olik. * This correspondence is, with the author's kind permission, aken from Professor Pflaumer's Vollstdndiger Lehrgang des ^olapuk. 49 50 3. FtJNAM DUNANATA VALTKODTK. Berlin, JciluL lOid. 1887. Sol, Melak obsik ko Ian olik evedom vemo pesetenol sis yels anik. Edanemobs sikodo soli D. in Odessa, as dunani obsik valikodik plo Lusan lolik. Egivobs ome dalami lensumon komitis plo kal obsik e kiton pelamis in nem obsik. Otuvol diso disapenedi sola D. Spelobs das ogebol vemo ofen medami omik plo boned ams olik. Diinans olik, F. K. & Ko. 4. DANOTAPENED. Stockholm, folul 30^, 1887. Soles F. & Ko., Paris. Egetobs bonedami de francs 10,000 de sols L. & Ch. in Orleans. Bi leno sevobs solis at, begobs olis vestigon va juitoms klb'dati modik in zif omsik. Pometobs biseo oles das ogebobs kautiko ntinis olsik, e lesagobs oles das obinos galod gletik plo obs, ven okanobs duinon oles in zit siimik. Binobs diinans olsik divodikiin, K. & P. 5. G-EPUK. Paris, lulul, Sid, 1837. Soles K. & P., Stockholm. No kanobs givb'n oles nlinis fiimik do tedadom, penomodbl in pened olsik de 30z'd, mula biifik. Sols L & Ch. laboms lemacemi gletik in siit joni- kiin zifa, ab nolobs nosi tefti monameds omsik. Konsalobs oles penb'n sole Ch. in E,., kel labom fetanis ko oms, sis yels inodumik. Spelobs das okanobs binbn pofiidikum oles votikna. Diinans olsik divodikiin, F. & Ko. 51 6. LEMAKOMIT. Lyon, malul Ibid, 1887. Sole 0. Yokohama. Begobs oli lemon plo kal obsik e sedon obes ko naf balid kel odevegom al Flentan. Miglamis 4,000 satina Oshio. No vilobs givon nmo ka franis 75 a miglam. If volads satina disoms mb'diko, ven ogetol penedi at, valadol-6s vigs kil u fol, bufo lefulol komiti obsik. Binobs diinans olik divodikiin Ch. & B. 7. NUNOD LEFULAMA. Yokohama, velul 3Qid, 1887. Soles Ch. & e E., Lyon. Geptikol penede olsik de malul Ibid yela at, nunob olis das elemob, plo kal e ma komit olsik, miglamis 4,000 Oshiosatina plo fraiis 70 a miglam. Begun desid olsik, osedob omis oles ko naf " Le Bequin " odevegol al Marseille, jolul 4id. Opelob obi * me tlat muls kil sis dat. D. 0. 8. TLATANUNOD. Madrid, jolul 25^, 1887. Soles A. frereSj Paris. Labob stimi nunon olis atoso das etlatob su ols: Fr. 2,500 muls 2 sis dat. Noetols-os tlati obik e lasumol-6s omi gudiko. D. 0, H. * Opelob, I will pay ; obi, myself : I will recoup myself. 52 9. KOMEDAPENED. Paris, balsebalul 5id, 1887. Sole H., Wien. Pened at polovegivom ole fa sol A. S., bal cifas lebobadoma V. & Ko. in zif obsik. Sol S. desanom visiton Lostani al stabon fetaiiis bevii dom omik e lebobels anik Bomana e Nugana. Labol-6s gudi yufon fleni obik in beginam omik : obinob vemo denik ole plo flenof keli olabol plok'toi, e kanol numon su diinavil obik, ven flens olik oko- moms al Paris. P..O, JL r-tv^-'i't^j ^^ *+^^- <^r* - 10. LEMAKOMIT. Stockholm, balsul 2Cto'd, 1886. Soles Ch. e F., in Marseille. Sukii nunod olsik de IQid amula do stad jafas in zif olsik, begob olis lemon plo kal obik smatubis 25 leiilukaleiila, if tuvols likofi gudik, suamti fr. 1 - 80 a miglam. No lonob tu jalepiko suami, numol su ols tefii kud kudadinas obik, ab desidob lefolami fovik komita obik. Sedols-6s obe lesami smalik, sosus ulemols leiili, e niinols-6s obe otiipo nemis katana e nafa, dat kanob dunon zesiidikosi tefii sefam. If binos mogik, fledols-6s smatubis su naf svedanik. Kanols canapenedon su ab plo suam nota olsik, mul bal sis dat. Spelob, das obinob ko jaf at balid e das okodom obi denuon oles komitis obik. D. D., P. APPENDIX I. ON EUPHONY. 1. Some Volapiikists occasionally place the adjective "before the noun (see 6), either to make it emphatic or to avoid a succession of words all ending in ik or lik ; but adjectives which precede the noun are declined and must agree with it. Thus in Cils binoms gudik, the adjective re- mains undeclined; but in gudiks cils the adjective agrees with its noun. "The teacher loves good and industrious pupils " may be translated either Tidel lofom julelis gudik e dutik; or, Tidel lofom gudikis julelis e dutik. Similarly it is permissible to use, instead of the possessive pronouns, obik, olik, omik, etc., the genitives of the personal pronouns oba, ola, oma, etc. ; thus instead of Mblod olik lejiJnik, we may say, Jiblod ola lejonik. The same endeavour to avoid the harsh sound ik wherever possible has led to the contrac- tion of mddiko into modo, balvotiko into balvoto, and the like. 2. The interrogative particle li ( 8) may follow the verb if euphony requires it ; thus we may translate " Do you speak ? " either by li-pilkol ? or pilkol-li ? 3. The reflective pronoun oki ( 17) may be joined to the verb thus : " They love themselves " may be translated either by (a) lofoms okis, or by (b) lofomsok, or by (c) lofokoms. Trans- lation (a) is no doubt most in harmony with English practice. APPENDIX II. ON GROUPS OF WORDS.* Roots as a rule consist of two consonants and a vowel be- tween them ( 5) ; e.g. : tid, teach(ing) log, eye pilk, speech yag, chase lem, purchase lil, ear, etc. They are derived, on certain fixed principles, from Teutonic (English, German, and Dutch) and Latin (French, Italian, and Spanish) words ; thus : From the Latin fuga is derived fug, flight caput kap, head pagus pag, village populus pop, people * For this section the translator is partly indebted to Prof. Pflaumer's Vollstandiger Lehrgang des Volapuk. 54 From the German Feld is derived fel, field Bier bil, beer Gans gan, goose Berg bel, mountain English bring blin cloth klot skill skil time tim shore jol French cheval jeval, horse guel kel, which de nouveau denu, anew, again durant du, during, etc. It will be observed that the original words are clipped, that r is turned into I, and ng into n. If a word begins with a vowel or an h (mute or sounded), the letter I is prefixed. Thus, Latin oculus becomes log, eye English ear lit French foret fot, forest Latin anima ,, Ian, soul English ape lep French o/re lof, offer English image mag ; and so on. From these roots numerous words are formed by composi- tion and by means of prefixes and suffixes. EXAMPLES. tid, teach ted, purchase tidon, to teach tedon, to buy tidel, teacher tedel, merchant tidal, great teacher tedal, wholesale merchant lopatidel, head-master jut, shoot mat, matrimony juton, to shoot maton, to marry jutel, he that shoots matel, husband jutal, marksman jimatel, wife matapometon, to betroth mek, make jon, beauty mekon, to make jonik, beautiful tnekad, might, power lejonik, very beautiful mekadik, powerful, mighty buk, book ledilk, grand-duke bukil, little book duk, lead cem, chamber, room dukon, to lead cemil, closet nindukon, to lead in, introduce bijop, bishop lebijop, archbishop pen, pen dilk, duke penon, to write penel, vrriter, clerk pened, a letter pendd, the document ninpendd, inscription. penot, treatise bepenon, to describe disapenon, to write under, sign disapenad, signature fat, father lufat, stepfather liifat, father-in-law nim, animal nimav, zoology lanim, courage lanitnan, encouragement lanim'6! take heart! cheer up! lanimalik, courageous, brave lanimaliko, bravely bel, mountain belem, mountain range nebel (no-mountain), valley bled, leaf bledem, foliage log, eye logon, to see denulogon, to see again logad, vision, sight loged, (a) glance, (a) look COMPOUND WOKDS. piiJc, speak lemacem, shop Flentapiik, the French Ian- vod, word; buk, book guage vodabuk, dictionary Volapiik, world-speech mon, money ; baled, age piikatidel, teacher of language bdledamon, pension logod, face lenlog, view lenlogon, to view, look at billogon, to foresee (biifu) logik, visible dulogik, through- visible, trans- parent loeg, observation loegon, to observe loegop, observatory loyam, sight, inspection zilogam, circumspection puk, speak pukdn, to speak pilkat, (a) speech, an address piikaton, to deliver an address piikav, philology pukel, speaker, orator piikof, eloquence piikofik, eloquent pukot, conversation okapukot, soliloquy (ok, self ) telapiikot, dialogue (tel, two) bepiikon, to speak upon, discuss gepilkon, to reply lupukon, to gossip nepiikdn (not to speak), to be silent eepukon, to speak out, express, pronounce iapukon, to contradict depiikon, to dispute motapiik, mother-tongue motazif, native city lit, light ; pol, carry litapol, lamp lem, purchase ; cent, room buk, book ; tedel, merchant bukatedel, bookseller fil, fire ; bel, mountain Jilabel, volcano VOCABULARY. VOLAPUK. A, particle (see p. 29). A, prefix (see p. 20). Ad, suffix (see p. 36). Af, suffix (see p. 40). Agiipdn, Egypt. Agiipdnel, Egyptian. Al, suffix (see p. 35). Al, towards. Al, to. Alik, every, each. Alos, thereto. Also, well then. Am, suffix (see p. 35). An, suffix (see p. 39). Anik, any, some, a few. Apod, apple. As, as. Aso, as well as. As sam (see voc. vii.). At, this (person). Atna, this time. Atos, this (thing). Atoso, herewith. Av, suffix (see p. 35). Avendelo, last evening. Ayelo, last year. B. Ba (see voc. iv.). Bad, bad, ill. Bafo ! bravo ! Bdk, back (noun). Bakel, baker. Baken, bakehouse. Bakon, to bake. Bal, one (numeral). Baled, age. Bdledik, aged, old. Bdledan, a grey -beard, an aged man. Bdledanik, hoary -headed. Balid, the first. Balido, firstly. Ballon, a million. Balsebalul, November. Balsetelul, December. Balsna, ten times. Balsnalik, tenth (adj.). .Ba/suZ, October. Baludel, Sunday. Baliido, at first. BaZttZ, January. Balvoto, each other, mutually, reciprocally. Ban, (a) bath. Banon, to bathe. Baydn, Bavaria. Bayanel, a Bavarian. Beatik, blessed, happy, de- Bed, bed. [ceased. I?e#, (a) request. Begin, commencement. Beginam, undertaking, enter- prize. Beginon, to begin. Begon, to beg, request. Beigolon, to go by, go past. Bel, mountain. Belem, mountain range. Beljdn, Belgium. BeniJe, good, gracious. 57 Beno, well, good. Bepenon, to describe. Bestimon, to honour. Bevii, among. Bi, because. Bif, before (locally). Bifo, in front (locally). Bil, beer, ale. Biliet, ticket. Bilop, alehouse. Bim, tree. Bimaklon, tree top. Bin, being. Binon, to be. Bimig, essence. [pation. Biseo, in advance, in antici- Bizugik, excellent. Bizugon, to prefer. Bldd, breath. Blag, blackness. Sliigik, black. Blefik, short. Blek, fracture, Blekon, to break. Blibon, to remain. Bliin, equipment, dowry. Blinon, to bring. Blit, trowsers. Blod, brother. Blot, breast. Blotaklot, waistcoat. Boad, wood. [wooden. Boadik, made of wood, Bob, purse. Bod, bread. Bod, bird. Bofik, both. Bomdn, Bohemia. Bonedam, subscription, order. Botel, waiter, butler. [ally). Bilf, Biifo, before (tempor- Buk, book. Bukam, book-keeping. Bum, act of building. Bttmamasel, architect. Bumot, (a) building. Bumon, to build. Bun, (a) pear. Bilo, primarily, prelim in- But, boot. [arily. C. Caf, kettle. [goods. Can, merchandise, wares, Cdnapened, bill of exchange. Cdnapened lalid, First of ex- change, [exchange. Cdnapened telid, Second of Cdnapenedon, to draw a bill. Cedon, to think of, to have an Gem, (a) room. [opinion of. Cif, chief, head, principal, manager. , 5i Cil, child. Cildn, Chili. Cin, machine. Cindn, China. Cod, justice. [bunal. Codef, court of justice, tri- Codel, judge. Codon, to judge. D. Da, prefix (see p. 36). Da, through. Dabalik, single. Ddbegon, to obtain by asking. Daduk, education. Dalam, authority, power of attorney, representative power. Dalebdn,to suffer want, starve. Daliton, to light up. [espy. Dalogon, to catch sight of, Dalon, to allow, permit. Ddldn, to be allowed. Dam, drama. Damatel, actor. Damatelam, representation. Dam, injury, hurt. [ & ge. Damon, to injure, hurt, dam- Danemon, nominate, appoint. Danik, grateful. Danon, to thank, owe thanks. Danoton, to enquire. Danu ! thanks ! Das, that. Dasumon, to seize upon, grasp. Dat, in order that. Datikon, (see Tikori) to invent. 58 Dafiivon, to invent, discover. Datuv, invention. Datiiv, discovery. Davestigon, to find out by De, of. [searching. Deb, debt. Defiledon, to burn down. Deil, death. Deilon, to die. Dekom, descent, derivation. Del, suffix (see p. 34). Del, day. Delid, dearth. [costly. DelidiTe, dear, expensive, Delo, by day. Demii, on account of. Deno, nevertheless. Denu, again, anew. Denuon, to repeat. Des, from . . . till. Desdn, design, intention. Desdno, intentionally, design- edly. Desdnon, to intend, plan. Desedon, to send away. Desid, desire. Dei, right hand. Detik, right (not left). Deutdn, Germany. Deutel, (a) German. Deutik, German (adj.). Devegon, to depart, leave har- bour. Devod, devotion, worship. Devodik, devotional. Di, prefix (see p. 40). Dibatonon, to growl. Diblekon, to break in pieces, shiver, shatter. Dido, indeed, certainly. Difik, different, various. [melt. Diftumon, to flow asunder, Dll, (a) part. Dilo, partly. Dimidon, to rend, tear. Din, thing. Dis, under. Disapendd, signature. Disik, the lower. Diso, below, at foot. Dison, to go down, to set, to sink. Distukon,tof\il\ down,dest roy. Divodik, devoted. Died, fear, dread. Dledon, to dread, fear. Dlefol, hitting the mark, fit. suitable, appropriate. Dlejon, to hit. Dlen, (a) tear. Dlenon, to weep. Dim, (a) beverage. Dlinon, to drink. Do, although. Do, of, concerning. Dog, dog. Dok, duck. Dol, pain. Dora, house. Domem, house gear. Domem taimik, earthenware, Domo, at home. [crockery, Du, whilst. Dub, by means of. Dugon, to lead. I)uk, duke. Dukdn, to lead, carry. Dul, duration. Dulof, durability. Dulon, to last, endure. Dunan, agent. Dunandt, agency. Dilnal, servant (of higher rank), minister. Dunavil, willingness to serve (cf. vilon). Diinel, servant (of lower rank), boots, porter. Dunik, active. Dunon, to do, act, practice. Diindn, to serve. Dunon, to do. Diip, hour. Dut, industry. DutiJc, industrious. E E, and. E . . . e, as well as. Ed, suffix (see p. 3.^. Eft suffix (see p. 36). Egelo, always. Ek, somebody. Eko, behold, here (Lat. ecce). El, suffix (see p. 26). Em, suffix (see p. 40). En, suffix (see p. 40). Et, that (person). Etos, that (thing). Evelo, ever, at any time. Fa, of, from, by, by means of, on the part of. Fag, distance. FagiJc, far, distant. Fdlo, further, in future. Falon, to fall. Fdlon, to fell. Fat, father. Fatan, fatherland. Fatdndl, patriotism. Fatel, grandfather. Fad, chance. Fddiko, by chance, haply. Fe, prefix (see p. 36). Fe, in truth, in faith, truly. Fedugon, to mislead, seduce. Fegebon, to use up, consume. Fegolon, to pass away, elapse, Fell, acre. [perish. Feiiel, peasant. Feilem and feilotn, agricul- tural implements. Fetan, relationship, connec- tion. Fiam, commercial firm. Fidon, to eat, dine. Fikop, Africa. Fikopel, (an) African. Fikulik, difficult. Fil, fire. Filalel, volcano. Filed, conflagration. Filedon, to burn. Filosop, philosophy. Fimdn, (a) continent, large mass of laud. Fin, end. Finam, termination. Fined, finger. Fino, finally. Fit, fish. Fizir, officer. Flap, a blow. Flapon, to strike. Fled, load, cargo, freight. Flekolon, to turn. Flen, friend. Flenof, friendliness. Flent, Flentdn, France. Flentel, (a) Frenchman. Flentik, French (adj.). Fleniig, friendship. Flif, freshness. Flifik, fresh. Flit, flight. Flodon, to freeze. Flol, flower. ^ Flolatim, spring. Fluk, fruit. Flukatim, autumn. Flum, river. Flumon, to flow. Fo, prefix (see p. 36). Foginel, foreigner. Fogivon, to forgive. Fol, four. Foldil, a quarter part. Folul, April. Foludel, Wednesday. Fomad, cheese. Fosefon, to assure, asseverate. Fot, forest. Foviko, forthwith, immedi- ately, anon. Foxaf, fox. Fug, flight. Fiilon, to fill. Fiimik, sure, precise, reliable. Fun, corpse. Fun, foundation. Funon, to kill. Funon, to found, establish. Fiinam, the founding, estalj> lishing. Fusild, physics. Fut, foot. Futaveged, footsteps. Ftito, on foot. 60 Futel, pedestrian. Futelon, to walk. Ga, still, however, but. Gab, earl, count. Gad, garden. Gadel, gardener. Gadem, garden tools. Gal, joy. Gdlod, pleasure. Galon, to gladden. Ge, prefix (see p. 40). Gebon, to use. Gedlanon, to push back. Geil, height, summit. Geililc, high. Gepilk, (a) reply. Gesagon, to reply. Geton, to get. Gevegon, to travel back. Git, right (Lat. jus). Gitav, jurisprudence. Givon, to give. Glad, ice. Gladajuk, (a) skate. Gladajukon, to skate. Glam, gram. Glat, glass, tumbler. Gldtik, made of glass. Glebelem, chief mountain range. Gleflen, intimate friend. Glet, magnitude. Gletam, increase, expansion, enlargement. Gletav, mathematics. Gletik, large, big, great. Glezif, chief town, capital. Glik, Greece. Glikel, (a) Greek. Gliig, church. Glum, gloom. Gliin, green. Gluned, vegetables. God, God. Godav, theology. Godavel, theologian. Golon, to go. Golud, gold. Godel, morning. Godelo, in the morning. Gud, goodness. Gudik, good. Gudikel, the good man. Gued, estate. Gun, gun. Guton, to taste. Gunapur, gunpowder. H Hat, hat. Hel, hair. Het, hatred. Hetlik, ugly. Hit, heat. Hitatim, summer. I, also. Ilo, because. Id, suffix (see p. 26). If, if, when. Ik, suffix (see p. 14). In, in. Ino, inside. Is, here. Isik, of this place. It (see voc. iv.). Jdf, business affairs. Jalepik, strict, rigid, rigorous. Jedon, to throw, cast. Jekon, to startle, scare. Jem, shame. Jemod, disgrace. Jeval, horse. Jevalel, horseman, horse- soldier. Ji, fern, prefix. Jidunel, maidservant. Jikosel, cousin (f.). Jinon, to shine, seem, appear. Jlpul, girl. Jlesan, Silesia. Jol, shore, coast. Jol, eight. Jolul, August (the month). Jon, beauty. 61 Jonik, beautiful. Jotldn, Scotland. Jueg, sugar. Juiton, to enjoy. Juk, shoe. Jul, school. Julabuk, school-book. Julel, scholar, pupil. Jii, till. Jiinu, hitherto. Juton, to shoot. Jveiz, Jveizan, Switzerland. Jveizel, a Swiss. K. Ka, than. Kaf, coffee. Kal, calculation, account. Kaled, calendar, almanac. Kalod, cold (noun). Kalodik, cold (adj.). Kalon, to calculate. Kaniton, to sing. Kanitel, singer, minstrel. Kanon (see voc. vi.). Kap, head. Eapal, intelligence. Kapalik, intelligent. Kapalon, to understand. Kapalub, intelligence. Ktif, stratagem, trick. Kafik, sly. Kan, cannon. Kat, cat. Katan, captain. Kaut, caution. Kautik, cautious. Kautiko, cautiously. Kel, which (person). Kelos, which (thing). Kiem, chemistry. Kif (see voc. iv.). Kikod, for what cause, where- fore, why. Kil, three. Kilel, a triplet. Kilid, the third. Kilido, thirdly. Kilon, to treble. Kilul, March (the month) Kiludel, Tuesday. Kim (see voc. iv.). < Kimid ? the how manieth ? Kindn, kingdom, empire. Kiton, to give quittance, sign receipt. Kiof (see voc. iv.). Kiom (see voc. iv.). Kiop ? where ? i Kios (see voc. iv.). Kiplad? where? Kiplada? whence? Kipladi ? whither ? Kis (see voc. iv.). i Kiiip ? when ? at what time ? i Kleilik, loud, clear. Klig, war. I Klod, belief, i Klodat, credit. i Klodon, to believe. I Klof, cloth. i Klon, top. Klot, garment. Klulik, clear. Ko, with, together with. Ko, where (relative). Kod, cause. Kodo, on which account, for which cause. Kodon, to cause. Komed, recommendation. Komip, (a) combat. Komipel, combatant. Komipon, to combat. Komit, commission, order. Komon, to come. Kon, narrative. Konfidon, to trust, entrust. Konon, to narrate. Konsalon, to advise. Konsidon, to consider, regard, Konzed, concert. Kosefon, to sacrifice. Kosek, consecration-festival. Kosekon, to sacrifice, devote. Kosel, cousin (m.). Kosemo, habitually. Koskomon, to come to meet, to meet. 62 Kosdmon, to be \vont (Lat. solere). Koston, to cost. Kotenik, satisfied, pleased. Krit, Christ. Kritav, Christianity. Kritef, Christendom. Kritik, Christian (adj.). Kud, care. Kudadin, concern, affair. Knk, kitchen. Kukaneif, kitchen-knife. Kukel, a cook. Kukon, to cook. La, suffix (see p. 28). La, at the (Fr. chez). Lab, fortune, luck. Labed, possession. Ldbem, property, wealth. Labik, lucky, fortunate. Ldbo, luckily. Labon, to have. Lad, lady. Lad, heart. Laddlod, mood. Ladlik, heartily, cordially. Laf, half (noun, Fr. moitie). Lafayel, half year. Lain, "wool. Lak, lake. Lanimdlik, bravely. Ldn, land, country. Lapin, prey, booty. Lapinon, to rob. Lapinel, robber. Lasumon, to take up (cf. sunion). Lat, late. Ldtik, last. Le, magnifying prefix (see p. 18). Lebalik, unique. Lebeno, very good. Leblimon, to establish. Lebob, bank (cf. 606). Ledik, red. Ledom, palace. Lediik, grand-duke. Lediikan, duchy. Lefulam, the carrying out, execution. LefuliJn, to fulfil, to carry out. Lefild, east, orient. Legivot, (a) present, gift. Lehdt, helmet. Leigiipo, at the same time. Leil, mile. Lein, lion. Leitik, light (not heavy). -Le/6m'fc,exceedingly beautiful. Lek, echo. Lekanitel, master-singer. Lei, iron. Lelod, railway Lem, (a) purchase. Lemacem, shop. Leman, remainder. Lemasel, great master. Lemon, to buy. ien, at, by. Lenadon, to learn. Lenlilon, to listen to. iewo, not at all. Lensumon, to accept. Lenu, immediately. Lep, ape, monkey. Lesagon, to assure. Lesam, pattern, sample. Lesumik, agreeable. Leiil, oil. LeuluTe, olive. Leton, to let. Leyan, gate. Zfi, prefix (seep. 17). Zj'aw, verse. ii6, liberty. Libik, free, open. Libon, to liberate, set free. Liedo, unfortunately. Lieg, riches. Liegik, rich, wealthy. Liev, hare. Li/, life. Lifon, to live. Lifup, & lifetime. Liko ? how ? Likof, constitution, nature of thing, quality. 63 Ifil, ear. Liladon, to read. lAlon, to hear. Limodik ? how much ? Lip, lip. Liton, to give light, shine. Lob, praise. Lobon, to praise. Lodam, load, cargo. Lodon, to load. iodcm, to dwell, inhabit. Loet, roast meat. Lofan, lover. Lofik, loved, dear. L-Jfon, to love. Logon, to see. .LoZifc, whole. Lomibon, to rain. Loned, length. Lonedbn, to lengthen. Lonon, to fix, determine. Lonon, to belong. Lop, opera. Lopik, the upper. Lopo, above, upstairs. Lopof, superior authority. Ldstdn, Austria. Lot, guest. Lo^op, Lotug, inn, hotel, hostelry. Lovegivon, to hand over, deliver. Lovemelik, beyond the sea, transoceanic. Lovik, gently, softly. Lovopiikdn, to speak softly, whisper. Lu, diminutive prefix (see P- 17). Ludog, wolf. Ludom, hut. I/ufat, stepfather. Lufidon (see Fidon). Lug, sorrow. Liigapled, tragedy. Lugivon, to lend. Luhat, cap. Luimon, to moisten, wet. Lukijafdn, to procure. Lukilogam, view, prospect. n?, five. Luladal, sadness, melancholy. Lulel, a fiver. Lulon, to quintuple. Lulul, May (the month). Luliidel, Thursday. Lupdb, caterpillar. Lusan, Eussia. Lusdnel, (a) Russian. Lusdnik, Russian (adj.). Lut, air. Lutik, airy. Luiino, at least. Luvokon, to cry aloud (cf. Luvomik, womanish. M. Ma, conformably, in accord- ance with. Had, maturity. Hadik, ripe, mature. Mafof, moderation. [=1. Mak, (a) mark, German coin *Makab, (a) famous thing. Mdkab, fame. Mdkabik, famous, celebrated. Mai, six. Malddik, ill. Malddikel, (a) patient. Malddon, to fall ill. Maldn, to announce, indicate. Hdliidel, Friday. Mdlul, June. Man, man (Lat. vir). Masel, master. Mat and Mated, marriage, matrimony. Matel, husband. Matapdmeton, to betroth. Mayed, majesty. Me, with, by means of. Med, middle. Medam, action of intermedi- ary. * Malcabs zifa, wonders, sights of a city. 64 Medin, medicine. [cine. Miisig, music. Medinav, the science of medi- Musigel, musician. Medinel, physician, surgeon. Mediton,to meditate, consider, Muton (see voc. vi.). think. N. Medon, to act as intermediary (cf. med.). Na, suffix (see p. 27) Nad, needle. Meinop, a mine. Naf, ship. MeTtad, might, power. Nnkomon, to arrive. Mekadik, mighty. Nam, hand. Mekon, to make. Nam, strength, power. Me, with, by means of. NdmiTe, strong, vigorous. Mel, the sea, ocean. Ndmon, to invigorate, Melak, intercourse. Melop, America. Nat, nature. [strengthen. Natav, natural science. Melopel, (an) American. No, prefix (see p. 23). Men, man (Lat. homo). Neb, near by. Menad, humanity, mankind. Met, metre (39'37 in.), Nebel, valley. Nedet, left, not right (cf. det). *Miqlam, kilogram. Nedon, to need, want. Migdn, to mix, mingle. Nef, nephew. Mil, a thousand. Nefikulik, easy. Milagon, to admire. Neflen, enemy. Mileg, butter. Negelo, never. Milig, milk. Neif, knife. Milmet, kilometre = 5 furlongs. Neit, night. Min, mineral. Neito, at night. Minav, mineralogy. Nejemik, shameless. Mit, meat, flesh. Nek, nobody. Modik, much. Nelabo, unluckily. Modiks, many. Nelabon, to lack. Modo, much (see p. 21). Mogik, possible. Mogonon, to run away, escape. Nelijan, England. Nelijel, Englishman. Nelijik, English (adj.). Mon, money. Neluimon, to wipe, dry. Monamed, monetary means Nelum, thirst. (cf. med). Nem, name. Monitel, (a) rider. [mal). Nemodik, few. Moniton, to ride (on an ani- Nemon, to name. Mot, mother. [Tdvdn. Nen, without (Lat. sine). Motdvon, to start from (see Nendas, without that, unless. Motof, birth. Nepoko, free from fault (cf. Motofazif, native town. pot). Motofik, native of. Nepuk, silence. Mucuk, mule. Nevelo, never. Mufon, to move. Ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor. Mul, month. Niddn, India, Mun, moon. Nif, snow. 3ft, contr. from ,nil=l,000; cf. glam. 65 Nifatim, winter. Nifbn, to snow. N : !lc, suffix (see p. 29). Nil, vicinity, neighbourhood. | Nilel, neighbour. Nilik, near. Nilon, to approach. Nilii, near by. Nim, animal. Nimav, zoology. Ninfliimon, to terminate (said of a river), to flow into. Ninavag, cave. Nindilam, classification, grouping, distribution. NindiliJii, to classify, group, distribute. Ninlodel, inhabitant. Nitlidun, to enter. Niver, university. No nog, not yet. No, not very. Noetdn, to take note of, notice. Nog, as yet. Nok, uncle. Nol, knowledge. Nolel, scholar, savant. Nolik, scientific. Nolon, to know. Nolild, north. Noliimelop, Xorth America. NoliimelopeJ, (a) Xorth American. Nniiik, no, none (adverbially). Nos, nothing. Not, information, announce- ment. NH, now. Nud, nose. Nugtin, Hungary. Nulik, new. Nuliid, food, nourishment. Num, number. Numon, to count. Nun, information, communi- cation. Nunod, report, communica- tion. Nunon, to announce. AXD 6. 0, prefix (see p. 20). O, suffix (see pp. 26, 35). 6! ahi! eh! 0, suffix (see p. 40). Ob, I. Obik, my. Od, suffix (see p. 26). Odelo, to-morrow. Of, she. Of, suffix (see p. 40). Of en, often. [fern. noun). (jfik, his or her (before a Ok, himself, herself, itself. 01, suffix (see p. 31). Olik. thy. [masc. noun). Omik, his or her (before a On, suffix (see p. 26). Op, suffix (see p. 39). Op, suffix (see p. 39). Os, suffix (see p. 26). Ot, the same. Otiipo, at the same time, con- temporaneously (cf. tup). Ov, suffix (see p. 29). Ovi, over. P. Pal, butterfly. Paels, parents. Pag, village. Pakon, to spi'ead. PanemiJn, to be called, named. Pato, specially. Pavn, lb. (also ). Pern, pine-tree. Pejekdl, startled. Pelam, payment. Felon, to pay. Pened, (a) letter (Lat. epi~ stola). Pcnijn, to write. Pesctenitl, extensive. Pesevo (see voc. x.). Fir, pyramid. Fid, except. Pladon, to place, [aware of. PlakiJn, to learn, become Plan, plant. E Planav, botany. Pled, piece, play. Pledon, to play. Plidon, to please. Pliem, house gear. Plin, prince. Plo, for. Plobo, properly, thoroughly. Plofed, professor. Plokon, to pluck. Plos, therefor, for it. Plu ka, more than. Poed, poetry, poesy. Poedal, (a) great poet. Poedat, poem. Poedel, poet. Pof, haven, port. Pof, poverty. Pofik, poor. Pofiid, profit. Pofiidik, profitable, useful. Pdk, fault. Pokik, faulty. Polig, danger. Poligik, dangerous. Polon, to carry. Pom, fruit (Lat. pomum). Pometun, to promise, engage. Pon, bridge. Pon, penalty. Pop, paper. Popem, copybook (Fr. cahier). For, portion. Pos, after. Postal, desert (cf. fob). Potit, appetite. Piid, peace. 4- Pitfc, Pukad, speech. Piikav, philology. Piikun, to speak. Piikof, conversation, dialogue. P7, boy. Pur, powder. E. Beg, king. Bivon, to reach, attain. Eomel, (a) Komau. S. Sagon, to say. Sale, (a) sack. SdJciJn, to ask. Sanel, physician, surgeon. Sap, wisdom. Sapal, sage. Sapav, philosophy. Satin, silk. SiitiJn, to suffice, be enough. Saun, health. Saunik, healthy. Saxdn, Saxony. Se, out, out of. Sedan, to send. Sefam, insurance. Sefik, secure, safe. Be/on, to secure, insure, make safe. Segun, according. SeiliJn, to be silent, to keep secret. SeistiJn, to lie, be situated. Seledik, seldom. Sembal, some one, a certain one. Senitun, to perceive, feel. SeniJn, to feel. SeslupiJn, to slip out. Setenon, to extend, stretch. SevokiJn, to exclaim. Sevun, to know (Fr. connaitrc}. Si, yes. Siadun, to set. SibiniJn, to exist (Fr. se trouver). Sikik, distinguished. Sikod, therefore. SH, the sky, firmament. Silop, Asia. Silopel, Asiatic. Sinuili'iii, to simulate, pretend. Sis, since. Skani'm, to vex. Skit, leather. Slifun, to slip, fall. Slip, sleep. Slipon, to sleep. Slup, slip. [shelter. SlupiJp, loophole, hiding-place, 67 Sma, dimin. prefix (see p. IS). Smabed, nest. Smabim, shrub. Smacem, small room, boudoir. Smalik, small. Smalijf, trifle. Smazigad, cigarette. Smilon, to smile, laugh. SmoJciJn, to smoke. Snek, snake. Snekajlt, eel. So, so. Sog, company. Sol, the sun. Sol, master, Mr., sir. Solat, soldier. Som, such. Son, son. Sosus, as soon as. Sotimo, at times, occasion- ally, [nomical. S 'pal Ik, sparing, thrifty, eco- Spalun, to put by, economise. Spartan, Sparta (country). Spartdnel, (a) Spartan. Span, Spain. Spat, (a) walk. SpatiJn, to take a walk. Spel, hope (noun). Spid, speed. Spido ! be quick ! quickly ! SpidiJn, to hasten. Spod, correspondence. SpodiJn, to correspond. Spot/, sponge. Stab, foundation, bottom. Stabiko, from the bottom, thoroughly. Stabon, to establish. Stad, state, position. Stadon (see voc. iv.). Stay, stag. Stan, stand. Stanijf, constancy. Stand, dining-room, restau- rant. Stebon, to stay, tarry. Stem, steam. StepiJn, to step, stride, wade. Stib, pencil. StifjiJn, to urge, induce. Stil, silent.' 8tim, honour. Stimon, to honour. Stit, establishment. Btof, stuff, material. Stok, storey, floor (of a house). Stopon, to stop. Stom, weather. Ston, a stone. Studel, a student. StudlJn, to study. Stuk, edifice, structure. Stun, astonishment. Stunik, astonishing. Stimon, to be astonished. Su, up, upon, on. Suiim, price, sum. SuamiJn, to amount. Suemon, to comprehend. Siienun, to hesitate. Suflagun, to summon, chal- lenge. Sufon, to suffer. Sugiv, task, exercise. Siikon, to follow. Sukon, to seek. Sukii, following, in accord- ance with. Sulogun, to inspect, survey. Suliid, south. Sumon, to take. Sum, similarity, analogy. Siimik, similar, analogous. Suno, soon. Suj), soup. Sitpiton, to surprise, overtake, befall. Suseiton, to load. SustaniJn, to get up, rise. Siit, street, road. ^. T:-~ v t Tab, table. Tabak, tobacco. Taben, carpenter's shop. Taim, clay. Taimik, made of clay, earthen. Tak, rest. Tdked, repose. Takedon, to repose. Tal, earth. Tdl, Tallin, Italy. Talav, geology. Taled, geography. Talop, Australia. Talopel, Australian. Tan, then. Tasteifam, resistance, defence. Tav, journey, voyage. Tdvel, traveller. Tdvon, to travel. Te, only, not till. Teat, theatre, stage. Ted, trade, commerce. Tedadom, commei-cial house. Tedal, wholesale merchant. Tedel, merchant, trader. Tedon, to trade. Tefil, concerning, respecting. Tel, two. Teldik, many a one. Telel, (a) pair. Telid, the second. Telido, secondly. Telun, to double. Telsidna, the twentieth time. Telsidno, for the twentieth time. TehnaliJc, twentieth (adj.). Teliidel, Monday. Telul, February. Tenalik, eternal. Ti, almost. Tid, act of teaching, lesson, instruction. Tidel, teacher. Tidon, to teach. Tied, tea. Tif, thief, theft. Tik, thought. Tikdl, spirit. Tikam, consideration. Tikav, logic. Tikon, to think. Tim, time. Timil, moment. Timilo, momentarily. Tlat, draft, bill of exchange. Tlep, fright, terror. Tlidon, to tread, step. To, in spite of. Tobo. hardly. Tolad, custom, import or ex- port duty. Toladal, custom-house officer. Toladon, to pay toll or duty. Ton, (a) tone. Toned, (a) ton (1,000 kilogs.). Tonod, loud sound. Topdf, region, landscape. Tot,, thunder (noun). TdtiJn, to thunder. Tu, to, too. TuduniJn, to exaggerate. '1 'ugedik, together, in common, common. Tuig, twig, branch. Tulon, to turn. Turn, hundred. Tupon, to disturb. Tup, period of time. Tuvemaf, monster. Tuvdn, to find. Turdn, Thuringia. U AND U. 17, or. U, suffix (see p. 40). Ud, suffix (see p. 39). Udelo, the day after to-mor- row. Ufj, suffix (see p. 40). VI, suffix (see p. 34). Umo, more, in a higher de- gree. Up, suffix (see p. 40). Us, there. ITtik, of that place. ,. n Ut, he (dem. pron.). 4 Ot^U J ' l sXa/Jc' *' V. Va, if, whether. Vab, wagon, cart, carriage. Vadelo, daily, every day. Vag, vacuum. Va'ladon, to wait. 69 Valaddp, waiting room. Valemo, generally. Valik, all. Valiko, in general. Valilcodik, universal, [where. Valopo, ^ universally, every- Vam, warmth. Vamik, warm. VanliJc, in vain. Vanliko, vainly. Vat, water. Ved, origin. Vedon, to become. Veg, way, road. Vegon, to travel. VeJcuino ! welcome ! Vel, seven- Velat, truth. Velatik, true. VelatiJn, to speak the truth. Velul, July. Velildel, Saturday. Vemo, very. Ven, when. Vendel, evening. Venud, charm, beauty. VestigiJn, to investigate. Vesiid, west. Vetik, weighty, heavy. Veiitik, weighty, important. Vid, width, latitude. Vig, week. Vikod, victory. Vikodon, to conquer. Viliko, willingly. ViliJn, to will. Vip, (a) wish. Vipun, to wish. Vin, wine. Fm7, (a) visit. Visitun, to visit. Fo, true, truly. Vob, work. Vobel, worker, workman. Vobon, to work. Vubon, to acquire. VoJcon, to cry. Vol, world. Volapiik, world-speech, uni- versal language. Volad, worth, value, price. Vom, woman. VomiJc, womanly. Vomiil, Miss. Votile, other. Vod, word. Vol, wall. Vuno, once upon a time, for- merly. Votikna, another time. Vun (a) wound. Vunon, to wound. w. TFtew, Vienna. X. Xa&, axis, axle. Y. Ya, already. Yog, chase, hunt. Yagel, huntsman. Yagon, to hunt. Yan, door. Yed, but, however. Yel, year. Yelatim, season. Yelatum, century. Yof, delight, merriment. Yofapled, comedy. Yuf, help. Yufon, to help. Yulop, Europe. Yidopel, (a) European. Yun, youth (Lat. juvenia). Yunel, (a) youth, young man. YuniJe, young. Yunlik, youthful. Zab, oats. Zeil, goal. Zel, festivity. Zelal, festive mood. Zelik, festive, solemn. Zendel, midday. Zeneit, midnight. Zenodii, in the middle. 70 Zepam, consent, approval, certificate. Zepon, to consent, approve. Zesiidik, necessary, needful. Zesudon, to be necessary. Zib, food. Zif, town, city. 'Zigad, cigar. Zil, zeal. Zilik, zealous. Zit, case, occurrence. Zil, round, around. Zill, nine. Ziilag, (a) circular. Zillid, September. Z'iim, circle. Ziimdn, 'to encircle, surround. Zilmop, environs. Zun, anger. Z-uniJe, angry. Ziip, appendix. [ciple. Zilpel, adherent, follower, dis- VOCABULARY. ENGLISH. A. Above, upstairs, lopo. According, segun. Account, calculation, kal. Acquire (verb), vobon. Acre, field, feil. Act of teaching, lesson, in- struction, tid. Active, dunik. Actor, damatel. Adherent, follower, disciple, ztipel. Admire, milagon. Advise, konsalon. Africa, Fikop. African (noun), Fikopel. After, pos. Again, denu. Age, baled. Aged, baledik. Aged man, baledan. Agent, duuan. Agreeable, lesuniik. Agricultural implements, feilem, feilom. Air, lut. Airy, lutik. Ale, beer, bil. Alehouse, bilop. All, valik. Allow, dalon. Almost, ti. Already, ya. Also, i. AlthougJi, do. Always, egelo. America, Melop. American (noun), Melopel. Amidst, zenodii. Among, bevii. Amount (verb), suamon. Anger, zun. Angry, zunik. Animal, nim. Announce, indicate, malon, And, e. ^ Any, anlk. Ape, monkey, lep. Appear, seem, shine, jincu. Appendix, ziip. Appetite, potit. Apple, apod. Approach, nilon. Appropriate, Jit, suitable t dlefol. April, Folul. Architect, bumamasel. Arrive, nakb'mon. As, as. As yet, nog. Asia, Silop. ' Asiatic (noun), Silopel . Ask (verb), sakon. Assure, asseverate, fosefon. As soon as, sosus. As well as, aso. Astonished, to be, stunon. Astonishing, stunik. Astonishment, stun. At, by, len. Attain, reacJi, rivon. At home, domo. At least, luiino. At times, occasionally, sotimo. August, Johul. Australia, Talop. 72 Atistralian (noun), Talopel. Author, bukel. Autumn, flukatim. Axis, axle, xab. B. Sack (noun), bak. Sad (adj.), bad. Bad (adv.), badik, badlik. Badly, badiko, badliko. Bake, bakon. Baker, bakel. Bath, ban. Bathe, banon. Bavaria, Bayan. Bavarian (noun), Bayanel. Be (verb), binon. Beaiity, jQn, yenud. Beautifully, jonik. Because, bi. Become (verb), vedon. Bed, bed. Beer, bil. Befall, overtake, surprise, supt- ton. Before (locally), bif. Before (temporally), bufo. Beg (verb), begon. Begin, beginb'n. [begin. Beginning, commencement, Behold here, eko. Being (noun), bin. Belief, klod. Believe (verb), klodiin. Belgium, Bel Jan. Belong, lonon. Below, diso. Betroth, matapometo'n. Beverage, dlin. Beyond the sea, transoceanic, lovemelik. Big, large, great, gletik. BUI of exchange, canapened. Bird, bod. Birth, moto'f. Black (adj.), blagik. Blackness, bliig. Blessed, beatik. Bloiv, slap (noun), flap. Book, buk. Boot, but. Booty, prey, lapiu. Botany, planav. Bottom, foundation, stab. Both, bofik. Boudoir, small room, smaccm. Boy, pul. Branch, hvig, tuig. Bravely, lanimelik. Bravo ''. baf 6 ! Break (verb), blekou. Bread, bod. Breast, blot. Breath, blad. Bridge, pon. Bring, blinon. Brother, blod. .BtuZd (verb), bumon. Building (noun), bumot. Burn (verb), filedon. Bit/, ab, yed. Butler, betel. Butter, mileg. Butterfly, pab. JBw?/, lemon. 2?i/, a<, len. 5?/ wean* o/, dub. C. Calculate, reckon, kalon. Calculation, account, kal. Calender, almanac, kaled. Ca?t, 6e abZe, kanon. Cannon, kan. (7ap> luhat. Capital, chief city, glezif. Cargo, load, freight, fled, lodam. Carry (verb), polon. Carriage, wagon, vab. Caii, vab. Cast, throw (verb), jedon. Cat, kat. Catch sight of, dalogon. Caterpillar, lupab. Cause (noun), kod. Cause (verb), kodon. Cave, ninavag. Celebrated, famous, makabik. 73 Century, yelatura. Certainly, indeed, dido. Challenge, summon (verb), suflagon. Chance, fad. Charm, beauty, venud. Chase, hunt, yag. Cheese, fomad. Chemistry, kiem. Child, cil. Chili, Ciliin. China, Cinan. Christ, Krit. Christian (adj.). kritik. Christianity, kritav. Christendom, kritef . Church, gliig. Cigar, zigad. Cigarette, smazigad. Circle, ziim. Circular (noun), zulag. City, town, zif. Classification, grouping, nin- dilam. Classify^ nindilon. Clay, taim. Clear, loud, kleilik, kliilik. Cloth, klof. Coast, shore, jol. Coffee, kaf. Cold (noun), kalod. Cold (adj.), kalodik. Combat (noun), komip. Combat (verb), komipon. Combatant, komipel. Come, komon. Comedy, yofapled. Commencement, begin. Commerce, trade, ted. Common, in common, together, tugedik. Company, sog. Comprehend, suemon. Concerning, of, do. Concert, konzed. Conflagration, filed. Conquer (verb), vikodon. Consecration festival, kosok. Consent (noun), zepam. Consent (verb), zepon. Consider, regard, konsidon. Consider, meditate, Hunk, mc- diton. Consideration, tikam. Constancy, stanof. Constitution, nature of things, likof. Consume, use iip, fegebon . Continent, large mass of land, fiman. Conversation, dialogue, piikot. Cook (noun), kukel. Cook (verb), kukon. Copy-book (Fr.cahier), pb'pem. Cordially, heartily, ladlik. Corpse, fun. Cost (verb), koston. Costly, delidik. Count (verb), numon. Count, earl, gab. Country, land, liin. Court of justice, tribunal, codef. Cousin (m), kosel. Crockery, domera taimik. Cry (verb), vokon. Cunning, sly, kafik. Custom, import or export duty, tolad. Custom-house officer, toladal. D. Daily, every day, vadclo. Danger, po'lig. Dangerous, poligik. Day, del. Dear, delidik. Dearth, delid. Debt, deb. Dear, beloved, lofik. Death, deil. Deceased, beatik. December, Balsetelul. [kon. Dedicate, devote (verb), kose- Defence, resistance, tasteit'am. Delight, merriment, yof. Descend, set, go down, diso'n. Describe, bepenon. Desert (at dinner), postab, (cf. tab.). Design, intention, desiin. Designedly, desiino. Destroy, pull down, distnkoru Devotion, worship, devod. Devotional, devotik. Die, deilon. Different, dink. Difficult, hard, fikulik. Dine, eat, fidoii. Disciple, follower, adherent, ziipel. Dialogue, conversation, pukot. Discover (verb), datuvon. Discovery, datiiv. Disgrace, jemod. Distance, fag. Distant, fagik. Distinguished, sikik. Disturb (verb), tupon. Do (verb), dunon. Dog, dog. Door, yan. Double (verb), telon. Dowry, blim. Drama, dam. Dread, fear (noun), died. Dread, fear (verb), dledon, Dwell, inhabit, lodon. Duchy, diikan, lediikan. Duck, dok. Duke, diik. t ^ Durability, dulof. Duration, dul. Duty (on import or export), tolad. E Each, alik. Each other, balvoto. Ear, lil. Earthen, made of clay, taimik. Earl, count, gab. Eartlienware, domem taimik. East, orient, lefiid. Easy, nefikulik. Echo, lek. Economical, sparing, thrifty, spulik. Economize, save up, put hi, spalon. Edifice, structure, stuk. Eat, dine, fidon. Education, dadnt. Eel, snekafit. Egypt, _AgUpan. Egyptian (noun), AgiipancL Eight, jol. Elapse, pass av:ay, perish, fegolon. Empire, kingdom, kiniin. Encircle, surround, ziimon. End, fin. Endure, last, dulou. Enemy, ueflen. Engage, prom ise, pometon. England, Nelijiin. Englishman, Xelijel. English (Adj.), Nelijik. Enter, nitlidon. Enjoy, juiton. Enlargement, expansion, in- crease, gletam. Entrust, trust (verb), konfidon. i Equipment, blim. Escape, run aicay (vei'b), mo- gonon. Espy, dalogon. Essence, biuug. Estate, gued. Eternal, telnalik. Europe, Yulop. European (noun), Yulopel. Evening, vendel. Ei-eryi'Ihere, universally, va- liko. Ever (at any time), evelo. Every, alik. Exaggerate (verb), tudunon, Excellent, bizugik. Except, pliu Exercise, task, sugiv. Exclaim, (verb), sevokon. Exist (Fr. se trouver), sibiuiin, stadon. Expansion, increase, enlarge- ment, gletam. Expensive, delidik. Extend, stretch (verb), setenon. F. Fall (verb), falon. Fall, slip (verb), slifon. Fall ill (verb), maladon. Fame, makab. Famous, celebrated, makabik. Far, fagik. Father, fat. FatJierland, fatan. Fear, dread (noun), died. Fear, dread (verb), dledon. February, Telul. Feel (verb), senon. Feel, perceive (verb), seniton. Fell (verb), falon. Festive, solemn, zelik. Festive mood, zelal. Festivity, zel. Few, afeiv, anik, nemSdik. Field, acre, fell. Fill (verb), fulon. Find (verb), tuvon. Finger, fined. Fire, fil. Firmament, sky, sil. First, balid. Firstly, balido. First of exchange, cilnapened balid. Fish, fit. Fit, suitable, appropriate, die- fol. .Five, lal. Flesh, meat, mit. Flight ( from fly), flit. J%7* (from flee), fug. Flow (verb), flumon. Flower, flol. Folloto (verb), sukon. Follower, adherent, disciple, ziipel. Food, nourishment, nullid. Food, zib. Foot, fat. Poof, on foot, futo. Footstep, futaveged. Por (prep.), plo. Foreigner, foginel. JPoresi, fot, Forgive, pardon, fogivon. Formerly, once upon a time, vono. Forthioith, immediately, anon, foviko. Fortune, luck, lab. Fortunate, lucky, liibik. Foundation, bottom, stab. Four, fol. Fox, foxaf . Fracture, blek. France, Flent, Flentan. Free, open, libik. Freeze, flodon. FreigU, cargo, load, lodam. French (adj.), Flentik. Frenchman, Flentel. Fresh (adj.), flink, Freshness, flif. Friday, Maludel. Friend, flen. Friendliness, flenof. Friendship, fleniig. Fright, terror, tlep. Front, in front (locally), bifo. JVtti'< (Lat. frux), fluk. Fruit (Lat. promum), pom. Further, in future, f alo. Garden, gad. Gardener, gadel. Garden tools, gadem. Garment, klot. Gate, leyan. Generally, valiko. Gently, softly, lovik. Geography, taled. Geology, talav. German (adj.), Deutik. German (noun), Deutel. Germany, Deutan. Get (verb), geton. Gef p, rise, sustanon. Gift, present, legivot. Give (verb), givon. 76 Gladden, giilon. Glass, tumbler, glut. Gloom, glum. Go, golon. Go dou-n, descend, set, dison. Go by, go past, beigolon. Goal, zeil. God, god. Gold, gollid. Good (adj.), benik, gudik. Good man, gudikel. Goodness, gud. Goods, wares, can. Gracious, benik. Gram, glam. Grandfather, fatel. GrandduJce, ledttk. Grasp (verb), dasumon. Grateful, danik. Great, large, big, gletik. Greece, Giik. Greek (noun), Glikel. Green, gliln. Greens, vegetables, glilned. Groiol, dibatonon. Guest, lot. Gun, gun. Gunpowder, gtlnapur. H. Habitually, kosemo. Hair, hel.. Half, (noun, Fr. moitie), laf. Half-year, lafayel. Hand, nam. Haply, by chance, fildiko. Happy, beatik. Hard, difficult, fikulik. Hardly, tobo. Hare, liev. Hasten, spidpn. Haven, port, pof. Hat, hat. Hatred, het. Have, labon. Head, kap. Health, saun. Healthy, saunik. Hear, lilon. Heart, lad. Heartily, cordially, ladlik. - Heavy, vetik. Height, summit, geil. Helmet, lehat. Help, yuf. JETere, is. Hesitate, siienon. Hiding-place, loop-hole, shelter, slupop. Himself, herself, itself, okik. His, her, ofik, omik. Hit (the mark, verb), dlcfon. Hit, strike, flapon. Hitherto, jtinu. Hoary-headed, baledanik. Honour (noun), stim. Hope (noun), spcl. Horse, jeval Horseman, horse-soldier, jevalel. Hostelry (see hotel). Hotel, lotop, lotug. Hour, diip. House, dom. House-gear, domem. How? Jiko? However, ga. ffou? mc/4 f limodik ? Humanity, mankind, monad. Hundred, turn. Hungary, Nugiin Hunt, chase, yag. Hunt (verb), j-agon. Huntsman, yagel. Hurt, dam. Husband, matel. ftf, ludom. I.ob. Jce, glad. If, if? ill, bad. IM, s/c/f, maladik. Immediately, forthwith, anon f foviko, lenu. Important, veiitik. In, in. Increase, expansion, enlarge- ment, gletam. Indeed, certainly, dido. India, Nidan. Indicate, announce, malon. Induce, urge, stigon. Industrious, dutik. Industry, dut. Inhabit', dwell, lodon. Inhabitant, iiinlodel. Injury, dam. Injure, damon. Inn, hotel, hostelry, lotop, Inside, ino. [lotug. Insure, sefdn. Inspect, survey, sulogon. Instruction, lesson, act of teach- ing, tid. Intelligence, kapill, kapilliib. Intelligent, kapalik. Intention, desiin. Intentionally, desilno. Invent, datikon. Invention, datuv. Investigate, vestigon. Invigorate, naraon. Iron, lei. Italy, tal, tiilan. J. January, Balul. Journey, voyage, tiiv. Joy, gal. Judge (noun), codel. Judge (verb), codon. Jurisprudence, gitav. July, Vclul. June, Malul. Justice, cod. K. Kettle, caf. Kill, funon. Kilogram, miglam. Kilometre, milmet. King, reg. Kingdom, empire, kiiilin. Kitchen, kuk. Kitchen-knife, kukaneif. Knife, neif. Know (verb), nolon. Know (Fr. connaitre), sevon. Knowledge, nol. L. Lady, lad. Lake, lak. Land, country, Ian. Landscape, region, topof. Large, great, big. gletik. Last, endure, dnlon. Last (adj.), latik. Last evening, aveiidelo. Last year, ayelo. Late, lat. Latitude, width, vid. Laugh, smile (verb), smilon. Lead (verb), dugon. Learn, become aware o/,plakon. Leather, skit. Left, not right, nedet. Lend, lugivon. Length, loned. Leitgthen, lonedon. Lesson, act of teaching, in- struction, tid. Let, leton. Letter (Lat. epistola), pened. Liberate, set free, libon. Liberty, lib. Life, life. Lifetime, lifttp. Light, not heavy, leitik. Light up (verb), daliton. Lion, lein. Lip. lip. Listen to, lenlilon. Live (verb), lifon. [lodam. Load, freight, cargo, fled, Load (verb), lodon, suseiton. Logic, tikav. Loop-hole, hiding-place, shelter, Loud, clear, kleilik. [slupop. Love (verb), lofo'n. Loved, dear, lofik. Lover, lofan. Luck, fortune, lab. Lucky, fortunate, labile. Luckily, labo. M. Magnitude, glet. Majesty, mayed. Man (Lat. vir), man. Man (Lat. homo), men. Mankind, humanity, menad. Many, modiks. Many a one, teldik. March (the month), kilul. Marriage, mat, mated. Master, masel. Master, Mr., Sir, Sol. Material, stuff, stof. Mathematics, gletav. Matrimony, mat, mated. Mature, ripe, madik. Maturity, mad. May (the month), Lulul. Means, by means of, dub. Meat, flesh, mit. Medicine, medin. [nav. Medicine, the science of, medi- Meditate, consider, think, mediton. Melancholy, sadness, luladel. Merchandise, can. Merchant (wholesale), tedal. Merchant (retail), tedel. Merriment, delight, yof. Meter (39'37 in.), met. Midday, zeudel. Middle, in the midst, zenodii. Midnight, zeneit. Might, power, mekad. Mighty, powerful, mekadik. Mile, leil. Milk, milig. Million, balion. Mine (a), meinop. Mineral, min. Mineralogy, minav. Mingle, mix, migon. Minister, servant, dunal. Mislead, seduce, fedugon. Miss, young lady, vomtil. Mix, mingle, migon. Moderation, matof. Moisten, wet, luimon. Moment, timil. Momentarily, timilo. 78 Monday, Teludel. Money, mon. Monkey, ape, lep. Monster, tuvemaf. Month, mul. Mood, ladalod. ; Moon,^ mun. Morning, godel. Mother, mot. Mountain, bel. Mountain-range, belem. Move (verb), mofon. Much, modik, modo. Mule, mucuk. Music, musig. Musician, musigel. Must (verb), muton. Mutually, balvoto. My, obik. Name (noun), nem. Name (verb), nemon. Narrate, konon. Narrative, story, kon. Native of, metafile. Native town, motot'azif. Nature, nat. Natural science, natav. Near, nilik. Near by, neb, nilti. Necessary, zesiidik. Need, want (verb), nedon. - Needful, zestidik. Needle, nad. Neighbourhood, vicinity, nil. Neighbour, nilel. Neither... nor, ni...ni. Nephew, nef. Nest, smabed. Never, negelo, nevelo. Nevertheless, deno. Nev), nulik. Night, neifc. No, none, nonik. Nobody, nek. 9 North, noliid. North America, Nolii Melop. North American (noun), Nolii Melopel. 79 Nose, nud. Not very, no. Not yet, no nog. Nothing, nos. Nourishment, food, nullid. November, Balsebalul. Now, nu. Number (noun), num. Number, count (verb), numon. 0. Oats, zab. Occasionally, at time?, sotimo. October, Balsul. Of, de. Of, concerning, do. Officer, fiztr. Often, ofen. *v>%/ JL*V*. On, up, upon, su. 0e (numeral), bal. Once upon a time, formerly, vono. Open, free, libik. Opera, lop. Orient, East, Lefiid. Origin, ved. OMer, votik. OH, out of, se. Over, ovi. Overtake, surprise, supiton. OP U- P. Pain, dol. Pair (noun), tclid. Palace, ledom. Paper, pop. Pardon, forgive, fogivon. Parents, paels. Part (noun), dil. Partly, dilo. Pass away, perish, elapse, fe- golon. Patient, sufferer, maliidikel. Patriotism, fatiinill. Pay (verb), pelon. Pay duty or toll, toladon. Peace, pud. Pear, bun. Peasant, feilel. Pedestrian, futel. Penalty, pon. Pencil, stib. Perceive, feel, senit on. Performance (on the stage), damatelam. Perish, pass aivay, elapse, fe- golon. Permit, alloio (verb), dalon. Philology, pttkav. Philosophy, filosop, sapav. Physician, surgeon, medinel, sari el. Physics, fusid. Pine-tree, pein. PZace (verb), pladon. Plan, desiln. Plant, plan. Play, piece (noun), pled. Play (verb), pledSn. Please (verb), plidoii. Pleasure, galod. Pluck (verb), plokon. Poem, poedat. Poet, poedel, poedal. Poetry, poesy, poed. Poor, pofik. Port, haven, pof. Portion, por. Poverty, pof. Possession, labed. Possible, mogik. Pound, , paun. Powder, pur. Power, might, mekad. Power, strength, emphasis,r\&m. Powerful, mighty, mekadik. Praise (noun), lob. Praise (verb), lobon. Prefer, bizugon. Preliminary, btio. Pretend, simulate, simulon. Prey, booty, lapin. Price, sum, suilra. Primarily, biio. Prince, plin. Procure, lukijafon. Professor, plofed. 80 Promise, engage (verb), p6me- ton. Property, u-ealth, labem. Prospect, view, lukilogam. Pidl down, destroy, distukon. Pupil, scholar, julel. Push (verb) dlanon. Push back, gedlauon. Pyramid, pir. Quarter part, foldil. Quick! le quick! spido! Quintuple, lulon. K. Railway, lelod. Rain (verb), lomibon. Read, liladon. Reciprocally, balvoto. Jie anfc Science of ifcucation. The History of Pedagogy : A New History of Educational Theories. By GABRIEL COMPAYRE, Deputy, Doctor of Letters, and Professor in the Normal School of Fontenay. Translated, with an Introduction, Notes and Index, By PROFESSOR W. H. PAYNE, M.A. 6s. 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