A ' 3 5 8 1 8 WlTHOt/T BY EDWARD E. HALE. 41 / Memory of '"PHILIP NOLAN, " 'Lieutenant in the Army of the United States. " ' He loved his country as no other man has loved her, but no man deserved less at her hands.' " WORKS OF EDWARD E. HALE, CHRISTMAS IN NARRAGANSETT. This collection brings together all the more prominent characters in Mr. Male's stories, and, for the season, disposes of them all. Cloth, $1.00. FORTUNES OF RACHEL. " In this novel the author has seized upon that element of ro mance most characteristic of American life, its sudden changes and sharp contrasts." Cloth, $1.00. OUR CHRISTMAS IN A PALACE. " The stories are among the best that Mr. Hale has written. . . . No American writer of fiction is more highly appreciated than Edward Everett Hale." Cloth, $1.00. IN HIS NAME. A story of the Waldenses seven hundred years ago. Paper, 25 cents; cloth, $1.00. TEN TIMES ONE IS TEN. The story of the Wadsworth Club. Paper, 25 cents; cloth, $1.00. TEN-TIMES-ONE CIRCULARS. Used for forming clubs. Board covers. 60 cents. EASTER. A collection consisting of twelve Sermons and twelve Easter Poems, carefully selected. Small quarto. Attractive style. A very pretty gift-book. Cloth, 50 cents ; full gilt, 75 cents. RED AND WHITE. The Christmas Gift of 1888. 42 pp. Paper, 20 cents ; cloth, 40 cents. DAILY BREAD. A Story of the Snow Blockade. Paper, 20 cents ; cloth, 40 cents. WHAT IS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? An Address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa of Brown University, 1885. Paper, 20 cents. HOW THEY LIVED IN HAMPTON. A Story of Practical Christianity. Applied in the Manu facture of Woollens. By EDWARD EVERETT HALE. izmo. $1.00; pap., $0.30. In the present volume is pictured an ideal manufacturing town in New England, where a cooperative woollen mill furnishes employment, each employe owns a home and an acre or more of land, and the town furnishes every facility for education, public entertainment, and social intercourse. It is a new solution of the problem of cooperation, as worked out by a manufacturer of large experience. MY FRIEND THE BOSS. A Story of To-Day. By EDWARD EVERETT HALE. 12010. $1.00. A story of possible government of American cities, and a practical study of our social and political order. " My Friend the Boss," as he says himself, likes good government, is willing to give his time to se cure it, and with his time, his money. THE MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY. By EDWARD EVERETT HALE. $0.50; school edition, board covers, $0.25 ; pap., $0.20. This ingeniously wrought story, now well known, first appeared during the Civil War, and at a time most opportune. Its purpose is to illustrate how important to a man is the land of his birth and the great privilege of citizenship. It is well shown, by supposing one not only to be banished, but placed so that he cannot even hear from or about his country the rest of his life. TOM TORREY'S TARIFF TALKS; Or, The American System. By EDWARD EVERETT HALE. $0.50; pap., $0.20. These are statements of eight important points in the discussion of the American System of Tariff. They show that it is meant not for a few manufacturers, but for the American people. LIFE OF COLONEL JACK. By DANIEL DE FOE. Edited by EDWARD E. HALE. This story is often spoken of as the second Robinson Crusoe. The first edition was published in London, 1722. The book has perhaps been kept out of sight by the world-wide popularity of the first Robinson Crusoe, but it is recognized as De Foe's best romance after that. The hero is brought from England as a white slave to Virginia, where he lives on the Potomac, near the site of the present city of Washington. It is the best study we have of the system of white slavery in Virginia. $0.75; $>v>p., $0.30. J. STILMAN SMITH & CO., Publishers, Boston. A NEW SCHOOL READER. Edward Everett Bale's Patriotic Story, "THE MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY." This little book, written during the war, and intended to assist in raising the standard of love of country and true patriotism, is well fitted for the study of our young people to-day. Its pure English and vivid descriptions, added to its patriotic character, make it eminently a fit book for supplementary reading in grammar and high schools. Printed on white paper with clear type, and bound in attractive covers displaying the American flag, it cannot fail to please. Cloth, 50 cents ; board covers, 25 cents ; paper covers, 20 cents. Sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. We are glad to send sample copies to superintendents or. teachers of schools for 1 5 cents. \Ve make a liberal discount to schools. J. STILMAN SMITH & CO., Publishers, 3 Hamilton Place, Boston, Mass. Lend a Hand Monthly, A JOURNAL OF ORGANIZED PHILANTHROPY. EDWARD E. HALE, D.D., Editor. JOHN STILMAN SMITH, Manager. Subscription, $2.00 a Year* Single Numbers, 20 cents. This Journal has been established by the persons interested in organizec philanthropy in Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, BaJti- more, Washington, Chicago, and other cities. Their wish is to make a monthly magazine of the first class, which may meet the need of all person? of public spirit in all pans of the United States. " IN HIS NAME." For the Wadsworth Clubs, or any of the orders using the Wadswrrth Motto, we have the following: TEN TIMES ONE IS TEN CLUBS AND LEND A HAM) CLUBS. How to Begin. By EDWARD E. HALE, D.D. Paper, 16 cents; cioth, 25 cents. , HARRY WADSWORTH'S MOTTO: Look up and not down, , Look forward and not back, Look out and not in, And Lend a Hand. \Ye now have this lithographed in handsome form for club-rooms and Sunday-school rooms. Size, 19 x 24 in. 40 cents. HOME TEXTS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Size 14 x 22 inches. Thirty sheets in each roll. These texts are printed in large capitals on fine paper. 65 cents. LEND A HAND PLEDGE CARDS. 25 cents per dozen; $1.25 per hundred. BADGES OR MALTESE CROSSES. I. H. N. CHARMS, silver-plated, 25 cents; $2.75 per dozen. I. H. N. PINS, silver-piated 25 cents; $2.75 per dozen. Same styles in coin silver, 40 cents each ; #4.50 per dozen. J STILMAN SMITH & CO., 3 Hamilton Place, BOSTON, MASS. GEORGE KERCHEVAL'S INDIAN STORIES. LORIN MOOROCK. THREE MEN OF WALLOWA. SAMUEL AN ARAPAHOE, By GEORGE TRUMAN KERCHEVAL 12mo. 160 pp. In one volume. Cloth, 75 rents; Paper, 50 cento. These wonderful stories have aroused wide attention. " They will take place with ' Uncle Tom's Cabin ' and ' Ramona.' " Com mended by BISHOP WHIFFLE and EDWARD E. HALE. A VOLUME OF POEMS. By REBECCA PALFREY UTTER. PAPER, 40 rents - > - EXTRA BINDING, 75 cents. J. Stiliuoii Smith & Co., Publishers, Boston. 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