A P / -NRLF B ^ SDb Dfi^ '<^il M '^P TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS IN THE LIBRARIES OF PROVIDENCE 1920 COMPILED BY THE VARIOUS LIBRARIES AND EDITED BY FRANCIS K. W. DRURY, A. M., B. L. S. ASSISTANT LIBRAIUAN, BROWN UNIVERSITY PROVIDENCE, R. I. TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS IN THE LIBRARIES OF PROVIDENCE 1920 COMPILED BY THE VARIOUS LIBRARIES AND EDITED BY FRANCIS K. W. DRURY, A. M., B. L. S. ASSISTANT LIBRAIUAN, BROWN UNIVERSITY PROVIDENCE, R. I. DEDICATED TO THE INVESTIGATORS AND EXPERIMENTERS WHOSE DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS IN THE ARTS AND SCIENCES HAVE BUILT UP THE RHODE ISLAND OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY For copies of this list apply to or address: Providence Public Library Providence, R. I. Trice; 60 cents PRESS or THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY NEW YORK PREFATORY NOTE Is a given volume or number of a serial in the arts and sciences to be found in the libraries of the city of Providence? If so, where and how may- it be consulted? To answer these questions is the intention of this list. The compilation was started at the Providence Public Library in the Industrial department by Miss Frances V. Heltzen, Assistant Special Libraries Custodian, in order to locate in the city the periodicals analyzed in the Engineering Index. Its scope was gradually broadened from purely engineering and technical peri- odicals to include those of interest to the main industries of the city. When the list came to the Brown University Library it was decided that the field must be still further enlarged to include serials in pure science, as the applied sciences are based upon the pure. The result is the inclusion of serials in mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, botany, and geology, as well as in the mechanic and useful arts, engineering, trades, medicine, and the fine arts. Omissions of subjects which might be expected are agriculture, music, and the book arts, except printing. About 2,500 titles are included in this list. It will be noted upon ex- amination of the titles that the field covered by "serials" includes not only periodicals in the ordinary sense, but other publications issued with no definite end in sight as annuals, proceedings and transactions of societies and insti- tutions, and reports (annual or otherwise) of governmental bodies in city, state, and nation. It is the hope of the compilers that this list may enable the inquiring workers of Providence and of the State of Rhode Island to make effective use of the resources in these libraries. The list looks forward not simply to a complete list of all serials in the libraries of Providence or of the State, but to a complete sectional union list for New England and the East. Such a list is under way in the North Central states ; this list is a contribution toward one on the Atlantic seaboard. With this in mind the national abbreviations for the libraries have been used rather than symbols purely local. Francis K. W. Drury Editor Brown University Library January 1921 456487 ! ■ EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS "A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely." — A. L. A. Catalog rules. Serials, therefore, include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, year- books, etc.), and the transactions, memoirs, and proceedings of societies and institutions. Entries follow the A. L. A. Catalog rules and the Library of Congress practice. In all entries, the latest form of a title or name is used, and the en- try is under the first word not an article, except as noted below. A serial publisht by a society or institution but having a distinctive title is entered under the title, with reference from the society or institution. The transactions, memoirs, proceedings, journal, etc., of a society or in- stitution are entered under the name of the society or institution. Learned societies and academies of Europe, other than English, with names beginning with an adjective denoting royal privilege are entered under the first word following the adjective. These adjectives, Kaiserlich, Konig- lich, Reale, Imperiale, etc., are abbreviated to K., R., I., etc., and are disre- garded in the arrangement. The Avords Royal, Imperial, etc., in English so- cieties are not abbreviated nor disregarded. Nations, countries, states, cities, towns, etc., are considered as the authors of their official publications and entries are made under the name of the na- tion, state, or city, with the names of the departments, bureaus, etc., from which the publications emanate as sub-headings. Institutions (establishments) are entered under the name of the place in which located. Exceptions : 1. Institutions, chiefly American and British, having distinctive names are entered under the first word of the name. 2. University and college institutions, as libraries, museums, etc., are entered under the name of the university or college. 3. National and state institutions incorporating the name of the country or state in their own names are entered under the name of the country or state. Observatories, botanical and zoological gardens, etc., are entered under the name of the place in which located, unless they form part of a university in which case they are entered under the name of the university. References have been made from earlier forms of a title or name to the latest form known ; from the name of a place to societies having their head- quarters or meetings there, and to institutions which have not been entered under place; and in general wherever a reference might facilitate the use of the list. Capital letters prefixt to the volumes or years below the title indicate the libraries in which the serial can be found, as given in the descriptive list of "Co-operating libraries." The dash ( — ) beneath entry indicates that the name or title is repeated. VI EXPLANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS The hyphen (-) between volumes and dates signifies "from and including the former to and including the latter." Brackets ([ 1) enclosing volumes or dates signify that those volumes are incomplete. Inferior brackets (c ]) indicate that the information which they enclose has been supplied by the compiler. A plus sign ( + ) signifies that the set is complete from the volume or date which it follows and is currently received by the library. If no volume or date precedes, it indicates that the serial is currently received, but the num- bers are not preserved for more than a year or so. Parallels (||) signify that publication ceased with the preceding volume or date. In cases of doubt as to the exact volume or date a question mark is inserted. V. Volume, band, tome, etc. pt. Part, heft, lieferung, fascicule, etc. no. Number, nummer, numero, etc. ser. Series, folge, serie, etc. n. ser. New series, neue folge, nouvelle serie, etc. . . . Word or words omitted. Bi-m. Bi-monthly Irreg. Irregular M. Monthly Q. Quarterly Semi-a. Semi-annually Semi-m. Semi-monthly Semi-q. Semi-quarterly W. Weekly Y. Yearly THE COOPERATING LIBRARIES The initials given below at the left in black type are used in the body of the list to show in which library a periodical may be found. The symbols are based on a nomen- clature worked out for the United States, whereby the state initial used alone (as R for Rhode Island) always means the state library, the town initial following the state (in this case P for Providence) always means the free public library in that place, and each local library follows the town symbol (RP) with a significant letter of its own. R Rhode Island State Library, in the State House, Francis st. 48,000 volumes; 5,000 pamphlets; 273 current serials. Open : 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. week-days, except Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 m. The State Library contains the official documents of the United States and of all the several states. In addition it has general works pertaining to history, political science and social science. The State Library facilities are available for public use. Books do not circulate except by special permission. Librarian : Herbert O. Brigham. RP Providence Public Library, in its own building, 229 Washington st., between Empire and Greene sts. 208,000 volumes; about 25,000 pamphlets, 1,390 current serials. Open : In general, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. on week-days; 2 to 9 p. m. on Sundays. During July and August the Industrial library is closed on Sundays. The Industrial library on the third floor comprises 22,229 volumes. On the same floor are two collections of interest from a technical point of view: (1) the Printing collection (of which the St. Bride collection is the nucleus) comprising about 2,000 volumes; and (2) the Architectural collection (of which the Nickerson collection is the nucleus) comprising about 2,100 volumes. The entire library is for the free use of the public. Librarian : William E. Foster. Assistant Librarian : Albert R. Nichols. RPA Providence Athenaeum, in its own building, corner of Benefit and College sts. 94,825 volumes ; about 250 current serials. Open: 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. on week-days and until 9 p. m. on Saturdays, except during July and August. The purpose and aim of the library is to furnish a home library, especially in books of general literature and works in literature and art which conduce to general culture. Purely technical or professional publications are purchased only from special funds. The library has special collections of art books and books on bal- listics. The use of the library is restricted to shareholders, and subscribers and their households. Shares are $25 with an annual tax of $10; sub- scribers pay $15 per annum, or $10 for 6 months. Special provision is made for professors, teachers, and students. Books for reference and research may be obtained by non-sub- scribers by applying for them at another library as an inter-library loan. Librarian: Grace F. Leonard. viii THE COOPERATING LIBRARIES RPAC Library of the Providence Art Club, in its building, 11 Thomas st. 600 volumes; 24 current periodicals. The Library is for the use of the members of the Club, but reference use is accorded accredited persons who should make application to the Librarian. Librarian : Edward K. Aldrich, jr. RPB Library of Brown University, in the John Hay Library Building, corner of Prospect and College sts. 255,000 volumes; about 1,200 current serials. Open : During term time, 8 :30 a. m. to 10 p. m. on week-days ; 2 to 10 p. m. on Sundays. During vacations, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. on week- days only. The main library includes all the books belonging to the University, except those at the Women's College and in the John Carter Brown Library. It has been built up with reference to the different courses of study and lines of research, and also with the viewpoint of a library of general culture. Three of its eight special collections are indext in this list: (1) the Corthell engineering library, 7,000 volumes; (2) the Church col- lection of South Americana, 3,500 volumes; (3) the private library of Prof. L. F. Ward on paleobotany and sociology, 1,000 volumes. Practical use of the books has separated several collections from the John Hay building, so that 20 departments have books more or less permanently in their care. Therefore many of the serials will be found on the shelves in the various department libraries ; as, for Biology in the Arnold Biological laboratory; for Botany in Maxcy hall; for Physics in Wilson hall; for Mathematics in Wilson hall; for Engineering in the Engineering building; for Geology in Rhode Island hall; for Chemistry in the Chemical building; for Astronomy in the Ladd observatory. The University library is primarily for the use of the officers, faculty, and students of Brown, but the reference privilege is extended to all earnest seekers. The privilege of drawing books is accorded to accredited persons under certain restrictions. Librarian : Harry Lyman Koopman. Assistant Librarian : Francis K. W. Drury. RPD Library of the Rhode Island School of Design, in the School build- ing, 11 Waterman st. 4,400 volumes; 44 current periodicals. Open : During term time, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. on week-days, except Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Also open 7 to 9 p. m. on Monday, Tues- day and Thursday, In addition to the books the library contains 16,500 mounted photo- graphs, 3.250 slides, and 3,420 postcards. The library is primarily for the faculty and students of the School ' ' of Design, but reference use is accorded accredited persons. ■ Librarian : Mrs Marv Shakspeare Puech. THE COOPERATING LIBRARIES ix RPE Library of the Providence Engineering Society, in its rooms, 29 Waterman st. 500 volumes; about 25 periodicals. Open : To members only. The Library is for the use of members of the Society, but reference use is accorded accredited persons who should make application to the Librarian. Librarian : Llo3^d E. Baker. RPM Library of the Rhode Island Medical Society, in the Society's build- ing, 106 Francis st. 26,000 volumes; 12,000 pamphlets; 90 current periodicals. Open : 9 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. on week-days, except Saturdays, 9 a. m, to 12 m. The collection of medical journals forms one of the most useful features of the library and many volumes are on the shelves which are not included in this list because of the difficulty in securing cor- rect entries. The 90 current periodicals are subscribed for thru a special fund. These are all included in this list except the state medical journals and a few not scientific in nature. The library has a special collection of ophthalmology the gift of Dr Horace G. Miller. State health reports have also been given by Dr Charles V. Chapin. The Library is primarily for the use of the members of the Society, but reference use is accorded accredited persons. Librarian: Grace E. Dickerman. RPN Library of the Rhode Island College of Education, in Normal school building, Park st., corner of Hayes. 24,000 volumes; about 5,000 pamphlets; about 50 current serials. Open: During winter term time, 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. on week-days, except Saturday, 8 a. m. to 12 m. During summer school, 8 :30 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m. The library is primarily for the faculty and students of the College of Education, but reference use is accorded accredited persons. Librarian: Mary E. Makepeace. RPR Library of the Roger Williams Park Museum of Natural History, in the Park Museum building in the Park. About 500 volumes ; about 50 current serials. Open: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. on week-days; 2 to 5 p. m. on Sundays. (Till 5 :30 p. m. from April till October.) The library consists of a working collection for reference of scien- tific books and publications. ' It contains the Carpenter collection on Conchology, 231 volumes. The Park Museum is free to all, and the library is available for reading and reference in the building upon request. • Librarian is the Curator: Harold L. Madison. Union List of Technical and Scientific Serials in the Libraries of Providence, R. I. as of July 192 A. B. C. pathfinder mailing & shipping guide. Boston RP 1917+ Abstracts of bacteriology. Baltimore (Md.) «T,^ , 1,1917+ RPB 1 + Academia polytecnica do Porto. Oporto (Portugal.) Annaes scientificos. Coimbra. 1,1905+ RPB 1+ Academia real des sciencias. Lisbon — Memorias RPB ser i, v 1-12; ser 2, v 1-3; 1797-1839, 1843-56 — Classe de sciencias mathematicas, physicas, & naturaes Annaes das sciencias & lettras RPB [1-2, 1857-58] Memorias RPB n ser v 1-6 1854-81 Academic des sciences. Paris, see Institut de France Academy architecture & architectural re- view. London RP 1890-1902 Academy notes. Y. London, see Royal academy of arts Academy of natural sciences of Philadel- phia Annual report RP 1909-1918 — Journal 1-8, ser 2, v i+, 1817-42, 47+ RPB 1-8, ser 2, v 1 + — Proceedings 1,1841 + RP 1912 RPB i-f — see also American journal of con- chology; Entomological news Accademia italiana di scienze, lettre, & arti. Leghorn Atti. Livorno. i,i8ioI| RPB I R. Accademia. lucchesc di scienze, lettere & arti. Lucca Atti. Lucca RPB 1-12, 1821-43 Acta mathematica. Q. Stockholm. 1,1882+ _RPB_ 1 + Addisonia; colored illustrations and popular descriptions of plants. (New York bo- tanical garden.) Q. New York 1,1916+ RP 1+ RPA i-f Administration. M. New York. 1,1921+ RP 1+ RPB i-f Advance New England, (Boston chamber of commerce) see Current afifairs Advertising age & mail order journal. M. Chicago. 1,1897+ 1-19 no 4 as Mail order journal RP 174- r> 1913+ (Except Ja Mr & Ag 1914) Advertising & selling. M. New York. 1,1891 + RP 21, 22, 25, 274- Jei9ii-Api9i6, Je 1917-t- Aera, see American electric railway associa- tion Aerial age weekly. New York. 1,1915-!- RP [i-2,]3+ [22 Mr 1915-13 Mr '16] 1916+ Aero blue book and directory of aeronautic organizations. (Woodhouse) New York RP 1919 Aeronautical annual. Boston. 1-3,1895-189711 RP 1-3 RPB 1-2,1895-96 Aeronautics. M. New York. 1-17, 1907-15II 1-2, no 1, as American magazine of aero- nautics RP 8-13, [14-15] 16, [17] 1911-1913, [1914-15] Agassiz association, see also Guide to na- ture; Observer; Swiss cross; Wilson bulletin Agassiz companion. M. Wyandotte (Kan) RPR [2-3] [1887-88] Agricultural, industrial & mining conditions in Colorado, Wyoming & New Mexico. (Denver National bank.) M. Denver (Colo) RP 3d year no. 6+ Je 1917-+- Air service journal, see Aircraft journal Aircraft journal. W. New York I,i2jli9i7+ Until Ap 1919 as Air service journal RP i-f Aircraft yearbook. (Manufacturers air- craft association.) New York 1,1919+ RP 1+ RPB 1-1- I. Akadem'iia nauk, Petrograd Memoires. Published in following series: I. Commentarii 1726-1746; II. Novi commentarii 1747-1775; III. Acta 1777-1782; IV. Nova acta 1783-1802; V. M6moires, ser 5, 1803-22; VI. Memoires, ser 6, 1831-59; VII. ser 7, 1859-97; VIII ser 8, 1895-I- RPB I. Commentarii 1-4 1726-29; II. Nori commentarii 1-6, 8-11 1747-65; III. Acta 1777- 78, 82; IV. Nova acta 1-15, 1783-1802; V. Mem- oires ser 5, 5-7, 1815-20 K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Berlin. Sitzungsberichte RPB 1920-f Alabastine co., Grand Rapids (Mich) see also Brush & pail Albany, (N.Y.) — Department of public works Report of bureau of parks RP 1901-03 Albany (N.Y.). Dudley observatory Annals 1-2,1866- 7o|| RP 1-2 RPB 1-2 Albany (N.Y.) medical annals 1,1880+ RPM 1 + Albany (N.Y.). Washington park Annual reports of treasurer & superin- tendent RP 1891 — Proceedings of board of commis- sioners RP 1881-1889 Albright art gallery, see Buffalo (N.Y.) fine arts academy Aldine, the art journal of America. M. New York. i-9,Si868-79l| RPA 5-7 1872-75 RPB 4-7 1871-74 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Aldrich marine directory. New York RP 1918 All the world's aircraft. (C. G. Grey) London RP 1916, 1918 Allegheny observatory, see Pittsburgh (Pa) university Allgemeine botanische zeitschrift fiir sys- tematik, floristik, pflanzengeographie, etc. Karlsruhe 1,1895+ RPB 1-13 1895-1907, rest ordered; & 1920-f- Allgemeine fischerei-zeitung. Munich 1.1875+ RPB 25+ 1900+ Allgemeine zeitschrift fiir entomologie. Berlin, see Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaft- lichc insektenbiologie Alpha aids. (Alpha Portland cement co) Easton (Pa) RP 5+ 1917+ RPB + Amateur mechanical society Quarterly journal. London RPB V I 1871/72 Amateur naturalist. Bi-M. Ashland (Me) RPR 2, 1905 Amateur work. M. Boston. 1-6 1901-1907II Merged in Electrician & mechanic RP 1-6 American academy in Rome Annual report. New York RPD 1913-14 — Memoirs. Bergamo. 1,1917+ RPA 1-2 1917-18 American academy of arts & sciences. Boston Memoirs, [old ser] v 1-4; n scr, v i+, 1785-1821; 1833+ RP n ser v 1-2 1833-1846 RPA i 1785 RPB 1+ 1785+ — Proceedings. 1,1846+ RP I, My 1846-My 1848 RPB 1+ 1846 + American academy of medicine [Papers at] annual meeting RP 37-41 1912-16 see also Journal of sociologic medicine American annual of photography & Photo- graphic times almanac. New York RP 1893, 95-96, 1899+ RPB 9-1 1 1895-97 American anthropologist. Q. Washington (D.C.); New York 1,1888+ RPB 1-6, 10+ RPR II, 1909 American antivivisection society, see also Starry cross American architect. W. Boston; New York 1,1876+ 1-92, 1876-1908 as American architect & build- ing news. In Ja 1909 absorbed Inland architect & news record. RP 1+ RPA i-iio no 2, 1876-1017 RPD 1-20. 23-88 1876-86. 88-1905 American art annual. (Levy) New York 1,1898+ RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPAC 1,3+ 1893. 190001+ RPB i-f RPD i-f American art news. W. New York RPA 14+ 1916+ RPAC + American art review. M. Boston 1-2,1879-8111 RP 1-2 RPA 1-2 RPAC 2, .88, RPB 1-2 RPD 1-2 American art union Bulletin. New York RP Ap-D 1851 RPB 1850-si — Transactions. New York RPA 1845-49 American artisan. W. New York. RPi-4. 6 8, 10-15, 19-20. 1864-1875 American association for highway improve- ment, see American highway associa- tion; Good roads year book American association for the advancement of science. Philadelphia Proceedings. Y. 1,1848+ RP 1-66 1848-191S RPA 1-54 1848-190S RPB 1-61 1848-1910 — see also Annals of science American association of demurrage officers. Proceedings R V 19-26 1908-15 American association of engineers direct- ory. Chicago RP 1918 American association of museums Proceedings 1,1907+ RPD i-l- — see also Museum work American automobile association, see also Highways green book American bison society. Brooklyn (N.Y.) Report RP 1917-18 American botanist. Binghamton (N.Y.); Toliet (III.) 1,1901 + RPB 1+ RPR 15-16, 1909-10 American brass founders' association, see American institute of metals American breeders' magazine, see Journal of heredity American builder. M. Chicago 1,1905 + 1-22? as American carpenter & builder. RP 23-f- 1917+ American bulletin. (American type found- ers' CO.) Boston, New York, etc. i,Myi9io+ RP i-f- American bureau of geography. Winona (Minn.) Bulletin. Q. RP 1900 American bureau of shipping Record of American and foreign ship- ping. New York RP 1918; 1920 American ceramic society Journal. M. Easton (Pa.) 1,1918+ RP 1 + — Transactions. Y. Columbus (O.) 1,1899+ RP 10-19 1908-1917 American chap-book. M. Jersey City (N.J.) i-2,Si904-Agi905l| RPB 1-2 American chemical journal. Q. Baltimore (Md.) 1-50,1870-191311 In 1914 incorporated in American chemical society journal RPB i-so American chemical society Chemical abstracts. S-m. Easton (Pa.) i,Je 1907+ Continues Review of American chemical re- search RP 1-1- RPB i-f — Tournal. M. N.Y.; Easton (Pa.) 1,1879+ 1879-I- has Proceedings publisht with Journal RP i-l- RPB 1 + — Journal of industrial & engineering chemistry. M. Easton (Pa.) 1,1909+ RP i-h RPB 1 + IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES — Proceedings. Q. N.Y.; Easton (Pa.) 1,1876+ 1-2 1876-1878 bound separately; 1879+ in Journal RP 1-2 separately RPB 1876-78 sep- arately; 1880-87, 89-92, 97-99, 1900-01, 04+ in Journal American chemist. M. New York i-7,Jli870-Ap77|| Continuation of Chemical news (American re- print.) RP 1-6; Jl 1870-76 RPB 1-7 RPR 1-6 American city. M. New York 1,81909+ ■ Since v 11, no 3, S 1914 issued in 2 editions: pt I, City edition; pt 2, Town & county edition R 1+ both editions RP i+ both editions RPA 18+ 19 18+ (city edition) RPB i-f (city edition) American college of surgeons Year book. Chicago. 1,1913+ RP 5-fi9i7/i8+ — see also Surgery, gynecology, & ob- stetrics Americem concrete institute Proceedings. Y. Indianapolis. 1,1905+ Before 1914 or 1915 as National association of cement users RP 1-9, 12-13; 190S-13, 16,-17 RPB 5-9, 12; 1909-1912, 16 American contractor. W. Chicago & New York 1,1879+ RP 40+ Ja 1919 + American drop forger. M. Pittsburg & Detroit. 1,1915+ RP 4H- Ja 1918+ American electric railway association Aera. M. New York. 1,1912+ R [3-6] [1915-18] RP 1+ RPB [4- 6] [1916-18] American electrician. New York. 1-17,1889-190511 Continued in Electrical world RPB 10-17, 1898-190S American electrochemical society Transactions. Semi-an. South Bethle- hem (Pa.) 1,1902+ i-io pub. in Philadelphia RP i-is, 17-24, 31 1902-My 1909, 1910-1913, My 1917 RPB 1 + American engineer & railroad journal, see Railway mechanical engineer American entomological society. Phila- delphia Transactions RPB 18, 1891 American entomologist & botanist. (Riley.) St. Louis i-3,i868-8o|| RPB 2, 1869 American ephemeris & nautical almanac, see U.S. — Nautical almanac office American exporter's export trade directory. New York RP 1912, 191S + American fertilizer. W. Philadelphia 1,1894+ RP 44+ Ja 1916+ American fertilizer handbook & directory. Philadelphia RP 1911, 1916 American food journal. M. Chicago 1,1906+ RP 10+ 191S + American forestry. (American forestry as- sociation.) M. Washington (D.C.) _ . , IJ89S + 1-7 as Forester (v i, nos 1-3 as New Jersey forester.) 8-14 no 8 as Forestry & iniffation (absorbing Ja 1902 National irrigation.) 14 no 9- V IS as Conservation RP 4+ 1898+ RPA 26+ i92o-f RPB 4-14, [is,] i6+ 1898-1908 [09,] 1910-f- RPN 2S + 1919+ RPR 18+ 1912+ American forestry association Proceedings. Washington (D.C.) RP 10-12 1891-97 RPB 10-12 1891-97 American gas engineering journal. W. New York 1,1859+ i-ios, 1859-1916 as American gas light journal RP 26-30, 92-f 1877-Je 1879, 1910+ American gas institute Proceedings. Y. New York 1,1906+ RP i-ii 1906-1916 American gas light association Proceedings of annual meeting. Y N. Y. 1-22,1873-190511 Continued in American gas institute RPB 8, 1887/88 American gas light journal, see American gas engineering journal American genetic association. Washing- ton (D.C.) see also Journal of heredity American geographical society. New York Bulletin (called Journal when bound 1859-1900) M. 1-47,1859-191511 Continued as Geographical review. RP 1,^3-47, i8s9, 72-191S RPB 1-6, 8-30, 41-47 1859-1915 American geologist. Minneapolis. ^ . , . 1-36,1888-190511 Continued in Economic geology RPB i-i6, 18-36, 1888-190S RPN 1903-0S American highway association, see also Good roads year book American homes & gardens. M. New 7°'"'^. . J-;2no9,Jli905-Si9i5ll succeeded Scientific American building monthly. Merged into House & garden RP 1-12 RPA 1-12 RPB 4, 6-ro, 1907, 09-13 American homoeopath. New York RPB 9-17, 1883-91 American homoeopathic opthalmological, otological, & laryngological society Transactions. Atlantic City (N.J.) RPB 11-18, 1898-190S American horticultural annual. New York RP 1868 RPA 1867 RPB 1870 American horticulturist. (Garfield.) M. Detroit RPB I, 1886 American industries. M. New York 1,1902+ R 1919+ RP [10-13,] 14+ [1910-13.1 1913+ American institute of architects, Washing- ton (D.C.) Journal. M. 1,1913+ RP 1+ RPA 5-7. 191719 RPAC+ — Proceedings. Y. 1,1867+ RP 1-13, 15-f RPA 28-46, 1894-1912 — Quarterly bulletin. 1,1900-i- RP 1-13, 1900-1912 RPA 11-12, 1910-it — Rhode Island chapter Year book. Providence. 1-2,1910-1 ill? RP 1-2 RPA I RPAC 1-2 RPB 1-2 American institute of chemical engineers Transactions. New York i,i9o8-|- RPB i-f American institute of electrical engineers Proceedings. Y. New York 1,1884+ RP 2, 5+ My 1885-1- RPB 6, 20-f- 1889. 1903+ RPE 26-I- 1907-f- TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS American institute of homeopathy Journal. Q. New York RPB 1-2, 1909-10 — Transactions. Philadelphia, etc. RPB 37-44, 50-70 1880-87, 94-1915 — Surgical & gynecological association Transactions. Philadelphia RPB 1-3, 1900-03 American institute of metals Journal. Q. Concord (N.H.) Until 1912 as American brass founders' associa- tion; & as Transactions until 19 17 RP 4-f 1910+ American institute of mining engineers. New York Bulletin 1,19054- RPB 1 + — Transactions. Y. 1,1871 + RP i-f RPB 1-3, 5-8, 12-41 1871-1910; ordered to date+ American institute of the city of New York Journal RPB 1-4, 1836-40 American international congress on tuber- culosis Bulletin. New York RPB 1904 American iron & steel association Bulletin 1-46,1866-191211 Combined with the American iron and steel institute in 19 13 RP 30-46, 1896-1912 American iron and steel institute, New York Annual statistical report. Y. Philadel- phia; New York Up to 1915, published in Philadelphia. Report no 1, for 1912 issued by the Institute, is a continuation of the report formerly published by the American iron and steel association RP 97-t- 1897-I- RPB 1917 — Bi-monthly bulletin. New York 1,1913+ RP i-t- RPN 1913-17 — Directory of the iron and steel works of the U. S. and Canada. New York RP 18, 1916 — Yearbook. Y. New York RP 1912-1916 RPA 191a RPB 1912 — Statistical bureau Special statistical bulletin. M. Philadel- phia RP 1913-1916, 1918-t- American journal of anatomy. Baltimore. 1,1901 + RPB i-f American journal of archaeology. (Arch- aeological institute of America.) Balti- more. ser I, V i-li; ser 2, v l+ 1885-96:18074- RPA :+ RPB i-f- American journal of botany. (Botanical society of America. )Lancaster (Pa.) 1,1914+ RPB 1-1- American journal of clinical medicine. Chicago RPM 14-f- 1907-1- American journal of conchology. (Acad- emy of natural sciences.) Q. Phila- delphia RPR 1-7, 1865-72 American journal of diseases of children. Chicago. 1,19114- RPM i-H American journal of insanity. Baltimore. 1,1844+ RPB 1-39, 45, si; 1844-83, 88/89, 94/95 RPM 1-2, 4, 5-9, 11, IS, 18, 22-f- American journal of mathematics. Q. Baltimore. 1,18784- RPB i-l- American journal of nursing. M. Rochester (N.Y.) i,Octi9004- RP 1 pt 2-v 2 pt I, V 3+ Ap 1901-Mr '02, Oct i902-(- RPM 20-|- 1919-I- American journal of obstetrics. M. New York. T-8o,i868-i9i9il RPB 20, 1887 (& some uncataloged) RPM 1-80 American journal of ophthalmology. Chicago RPM ser 3, v i-|- I9i8-f- American journal of orthopedic surgery, sec Journal of orthopaedic surgery American journal of physiology. Boston; Baltimore. 1,1898-!- RPB 1-1- RPM 1-24, 1898-1909 American journal of public health. M. Boston; New York. 1,18914- 1-14 as Massachusetts association of boards of health. Journal 14-20 as American journal of public hygiene. 21, 191 1 as Journal of the American public health association R ser 3, V 1-4, 10 RP I94- 1909-I- RPB 21 (ser 3, v i)-|- 19114- RPM 1 + American journal of Roentgenology. (Amer- ican Roentgen ray society.) M. New York. 1,19064- RPM n. ser v 2-\- [1914-15,] 1916-I- American journal of science. M. New Haven (Conn.) I,i8i8-f- 1820-1879 as American journal of science & arts; & known popularly as Silliman's journal RP i-l- RPA 1-188, 1818-1914 RPB 14- American journal of surgery. New York RPM 204- 1906-f- American journal of syphilis. Q. St Louis, 1,1917+ RPM i-H American journal of the medical sciences. Q. Philadelphia. 1,1827-!- RPB 1-16, 19-22; n. ser v 23, 65-66, 72, 75- 77, 79-92, 94; 1827-38; 1852-87 RPM 1 + American league for civic improvement Proceedings of annual convention RP 1901 American lumberman. W. Chicago RP 1999-f 6 S 1913-f RPB IS S 1906-1- American machinist. W. New York. 1,1877+ RP 3-f- 1880+ RPB 264- 1903+ RPD 32-f- 1909+ RPE -I- American magazine of art. Washington (D.C) i,Di909+ 1-7 no 3 as Art & progress RP I (pts 2-6, 10). 2-5 (pt 2) 6, 8, o4- D 190Q-O 1918-I- RPAC 4- RPB i-|- RPD [2-4,] 5+ [1910-13.] 13-f American mathematical monthly. (Funkel & Colaw.) Springfield (Mo.) 1,18944- RPB 2-7, 1895-1900 American inathematical monthly. (Mathe- matical association of America.) M. Lancaster (Pa.) 1,18944- RPB 24-f 19174- American mathematical society. New York IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 5 Annual register RPB 1892-97, 99-1915 — Bulletin. Lancaster (Pa.) 1,1891 + V 1-3 as New York mathematical society. Bulletin RPB ser 2, v 9+ 1902 + — Transactions. Lancaster (Pa.) 1,1900+ RPB 1+ American mechanics' magazine, see Frank- lin institute. Journal American medical association. Chicago Journal. W. 1,1883+ RPB 68+ 1917+ RPM 1 + — Council on health and public instruc- • tion Pamphlets 1,1913+ R no 1-21, 25, 27 American medical directory. Chicago 1,1906+ RP 3-4, 6+ 1912-14, 18+ RPM i-s. 1906-16 American medicine. New York. 1,1901 + RPM 1-24, 1901-18 American metrological society Proceedings, irreg. N.Y. i-5,i873-88|| RPB 1-5 . . American microscopical society. Washing- ton (D.C.) Transactions 1,1878+ RPB 9-1- 1887-1- American midland naturalist. B-M. Notre Dame (Ind.) 1,1909+ RPB i; 1909-10 American mineralogist. M. Lancaster (Pa.) 1,1916+ RP 3+ 1918+ RPB 4, no 9-1- 1919 + RPR 3+ I9I8-F American monthly microscopical journal. M. Washington (D.C.) 1,1880+ ? RP 9-11, 13-21 1888-1900 American multigraph sales co., Cleveland, sec also Layman printer American municipalities. M. Marshall- town (la.) 1,1900+ 1-9, 1904-08 as Bulletin of the League of American municipalities; 9-11, 1908-11 as City hall; 22-23, 1911-12 as City hall-Midland muni- cipalities RP 2-7, 10 no 2-v 12 no 10; v 22-\- S 1904- Ap 1911, O 1911 + American museum of natural history. New York American museum journal, see Natural history — Annual report 1,1870+ R 46-F 1914-I- RP 31, 43. 46-48 1890, 1911, 1914-1916 RPA 50 1918 RPB 20-1- 1888 + — Anthropological papers. 1,1908+ RPB 1+ RPR 17, no 1-3 — Bulletin. 1,1881 + RPB 1-24, 26-1- RPR 1-14, 16, 19, 23-36 1881-1901, 02, 07-17 — Memoirs.- 1,1893+ RPA 3 1907 RPB 1+ RPR 3 Pt 4 — see also Copeia; Natural history American naturalist. Salem; Boston; Philadelphia; Garrison (N.Y.) M. 1,1867+ RP i-t- RPA i-l- RPB i-l- RPN 1903-07 RPR 1-4, 43-|- 1867-70, 1909-I- American newspaper annual and directory. (Ayer) Philadelphia. 1880+ In 1910 absorbed Rowell's American newspaper directory RP 1883, 1910, 1915, 1917, 1919-I- RPB 1911, 1914, 1918, 1920 American optical co.. see also WelLsworth American ornithologists' union, see also Auk American ornithology. (C. K. Reed) M. Worcester (Mass.) RPR 1-6, 1901-06 American orthopedic association Transactions. Boston RPB 1-3, 1887-90 American park and outdoor art association Year book and record cand reports^ of annual meeting RP 7, 1903 American philosophical society, Philadel- phia Proceedings. Q. Philadelphia 1,1838+ RPB 1 + — Transactions. Irreg. Philadelphia old ser v r -6, 1769- 1809; n ser v 1-15,1818- 45+ RP n ser i, 1819 RPB old ser i; n ser 7-iS, 1769-71, 1818-43 American photography. M. Boston. i,Jli907+ RP 13, no 7+ Jl 1919+ RPR + American pomological society Proceedings. Philadelphia, etc. 2,1852+ RP 16-20, 1877-85 RPA 2, 3, 6-18 1852, '54, '56-'8i RPB 8-10, 1860-64 American poultry journal. M. Chicago. 1,1874+ RP 43+ 1912 + American printer. Semi-M. New York. 1,1885 + With the American printer have been con- solidated the Master printer, the Western print- er, the Chicago printer, the Printing trade news, the International printer RP 37, 39, 43-44, 46, 65 no lo-f- 1903-1908, 20 N 1917-!- American printer's specimen exchange. Y. New York RP 1-3, 1886-1888 American public health association Reports & papers. 1 + 1873+ After 191 1 printed in American Journal of public health RP 1 + American quarterly journal of agriculture & science. Albany (N.Y.) RPA i-s, 1845-47 American radio relay league, see also Q. S. T. American railroads. Semi-M. New York city. i,i5Di9i9+ R i-h American railway bridge & building asso- ciation Proceedings of the annual convention. 1,1891 + Until 1908 known as Association of railway superintendents of bridges & buildings RPB V 13-I- 1903+ American railway engineering association Bulletin. Chicago RPB 1912-I- — Proceedings. Chicago. 1,1900+ Until April 1911 known as American railway engineering & maintenance-of-way association RPB 10, 1909-1- American railway review. W. New York. 1-6,1859-6211 RP 35, 5 Jl 1860-3 Ap 1862 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS American road builders' association Proceedings. New York. 1,1904+ Previous to 191 1 published in Good roads RP 13, 1916 RPB 9-11, 1912-14 American road congress Proceedings. Baltimore RPB I, 3-4. 1911. 13-14 American Roentgen ray society, see also American journal of Roentgenology American school of classical studies at Athens, see Archaeological institute of America American social hygiene association, see also Social hygiene bulletin American society for testing materials Proceedings. Phil. 1,1899+ RP 16, 18 1916, 1918 RPB i-is, 1899- 1915 — Yearbook. Y. Phil. 1910+ RP 6-8, 1915-1918 RPB 1910-11, 13-14 American society of agricultural engineers Transactions. Madison & v.p. 1,1907+ RPB 3-8, 1909-14 American society of agronomy Journal. Washington (D.C.) 1,1910+ 1-4, 1907-12 as Proceedings RPB 1 + American society of civil engineers Proceedings. New York. 1,1873+ RP 1+ RPA 27, 1892 RPB 16+ 18904- — Transactions. New York. 1,1868+ 29-30, 54 contain papers read before Interna- tional engineering society RP 1+ RPB 1+ RPE 12-79, 1883- 191S American society of heating & ventilating engineers. Q. New York Journal RP 23 no 2-23 no 2-v 24 no i, Ja-O 191 7 RPB 1920-]- American society of mechanical engineers. New York Transactions. Y. 1,1880+ RP 1+ RPA I, 1880 RPB T + RPE 24+ 1903+ — Journal; later Mechanical engineering, see Mechanical engineering — Year book. New York RP 1915 RPB 1908-f RPE 1914, 1916, 1919+, American society of municipal improve- ments Proceedings of the annual meeting. Milwaukee. 1,1894+ RP 14, 2i-f 1907, 1914+ American society of naval engineers Journal. Q. Washington, (D.C.) 1,1889+ RP 9-18 [iq-20,1 2T, 30-|- 18971906 [07-08,] 1909, F 1918+ American street & intcrurban railway as- sociation Proceedings. 1906-10II Formerly American street railway association 1882-1905II Continued as American electric rail- way association 191 1-|- RPB ser 2, v 5-6, 1907-08 American telephone journal. W. New York. _ 1-18, no 9 i900-.A.g 1908II Merged into Telephony RP 15-18 no 9, 1007-Ag 1908 American type founders co., see also Amer- ican bulletin American vanadium facts. M. Pittsburg. 1,1911 + RP [1-2.] 3+ American water works association Journal. Q. Baltimore; Troy. 1,1914+ Continues Proceedings, 34th year+ R 1-3, 1914-1916 RP 1-3, 1914-1916 American wood preservers' association Proceedings. Y. Baltimore. 1,1904+ R 9-13, 1913-1917 RP 12-1- 1916-I- American wool & cotton reporter. W. Boston, New York, & Philadelphia. 1,1887+ RP i6-f- 1902-f — Handbook of textile corporations RP 1912, 13, 19 Amoptico, see Wellsworth Amsterdam (Neth.) see also Genootschap der mathematische wetenschappen Analyst, a journal of pure & applied mathe- matics. (Hendricks, ed.) B-M. Des Moines (la.) 1-10,1874-831! Continued in Annals of mathematics RPA 3-4, 7-10 1876-77. 1880-83 RPB J-io Analyst; the organ of the Society of public analysts & other analytical chemists. M. London. 1,1877-f- RPB 38, 1913 Anatomical record. Philadelphia; Balti- more. 1,1906+ RPB 1 + Anatomische hefte. Wiesbaden. Abteilung 2, see Ergebnisse der anatomic & ent- wickelungs-geschichte Anatomischer anzeiger. Jena. 1,1886+ RPB 1 + — Erganzungsheft RPB 2-10, 12-14, 16, 18-19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29- 30, 32, 37-38, 41, 44, 46-f 1887+ Ancient & honorable artillery company of Massachusetts Annual record RPA 1883/84-1899/00, 1902/03, 1905/06+ RPB 37, 8s, 94, 106, 123, 125, 129-30, 132, 134-35, 152, 154-55, 157, 160, 164-72, 174, 176, 178-79, 181-82, 185, 187-92, 195-97, 199-224, 226- 76, 279-F 1675 + Annalen der chemie & pharmacie, see Liebig's Annalen der chemie Annalen der pharmacie. Heidelberg, see Liebig's Annalen der chemie Annalen der physik. Halle; Leipzig. 1,1799+ 1-60 as Journal der physik 61-76 as Annalen der physik & der physikalischen chemie 77- 305, 1824-99 as Annalen der physik & chemie (Poggendorffs) RPB 77+ 1824+ — Bciblatter. Leipzig. 1,1877+ RPB I pt I, V 13-37, 1877, 1890-1913 Annales de chimie & de physique. Paris. 1,1789+ 1-96, 1789-1815 as Annales de chimie 391+ 1914+ in 2 parts: 1 chimie; 2 physique RPB 97+ 1816-f Annales de mathematiques pures & appli- quecs. (Gergonne.) Paris. 1-22,1810-3211 RPB 1-22 Annales des ponts, et chaussees Lois, decrets, arretes. Irreg. Paris. ser I, V I, 1831+ RP ser I, V i-ser 8, v 4 1831-1904 RPB ser 8, V 6 1906 — Memoires et documents. B-M. Paris. ser I, V I, 1831+ RP ser I, V i-ser 8, v i, 4, 7-ii, 1S-18; 1831- 1905 RPB ser i, v 1 + — Personnel. Paris. 1832-1900!! RP 1832-1900 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES Annales des sciences naturelles. Paris. 1-30,1824-3311 Continued from ser 3 in 2 series: Zoologie; & Botanique RPB 1-30 Annales des sciences naturelles; botanique, Paris. ser 2, v i, 18344- RPB ser 2, v i-f Annales des sciences naturelles; zoologie & paleontologie. Paris. ser 2, V I, 1834-f- RPB ser 4, v 11; ser 7, v i-f- 1859, 1886-I- Annales des travaux publics de Belgiques, see Belgium — Ministere des travaux publics Annales mycologici. Berlin. 1,1903-}- RPB has ordered complete & -f- Annali di matematica pura & applicata. Rome; Milan. ser i, v I, 1850-f- RPB ser 3, v 2i-\- 1913-I- Annals, see also under names of societies, academies, institutions, etc. Annals & magazine of natural history, in- cluding zoology, botany, & geology. M. London. 1,1838-f 1838-40 as Annals of natural history. Continues Magazine of zoology & botany; & Hooker's Botanical companion; & later Loudon's Maga- zine of natural history RPB i-l- Annals of botany. Q. London. 1,1887+ RPB 1 + Annals of botany. (Charles Konig & John Sims.) London. i-2,i8o5-o6|| RPA 1-2 Annals of horticulture. Y. London. _ 1-5,1846-5011 Issued in numbers as Horticultural magazine, but finished volumes as Annals of horticulture RPA 1-5 Annals of mathematics. Charlottesville (Va.) Cambridge (Mass.) Continues Analyst ser I, V I-I2, 1884-1899II ser 2, v i, 1900-f RPB i-l- Annals of otology, rhinology, & laryn- gology. St Louis. 1,1892-!- RPM 1 + Annals of science, including the Transac- tions of the American association for the advancement of science RPB I, i8s3 Annals of surgery. Philadelphia. i,i88s+ RPM i-l- Annee biologique. Paris. 1,1895+ RPB i-ii, 13-1S, 18+ 189S-1906, 08-10, 13-f- Annee scientiiique & industrielle. Y. Paris RP 1-57, 1856-1913 _ RPB I, 23 1856, 1879 Annotationes zoologicae japonenses. (To- kyo zoological society.) Tokyo. ^^T, , 1,1897+ RPB 1-1- Annual chemical directory of the United States. Baltimore. 1,1917+ RP 1-2, 1917-18 RPB 2, 1918 Annual cotton hand book RP 1918-1919 Annual of scientific discovery, or Yearbook of facts in science & art. Y. Bost. 1-21,1849-7111 RP 1-21 RPA 1-21 RPB 1-20 Annual of the universal medical sciences. Philadelphia RPB I-4S, 1888-96 Annual record of science & industry. Y. New York. 1-8,1871-18781! RP 1-8 RPA 1-8 RPB 1-8 Annual report of the progress of chemistry & allied sciences. London. 1-7,1847-5311 RPA 1-4, 1847-50 RPB 1-4, 1847-50 Annual tables of constants & numerical data, see Tables annuelles de constantes Anthropological institute of New York Journal RPB 1871-72 Anthropological review. London. i-8,Myi863-Api87o|| Continued as Journal of anthropology Rp 1-6 pt 1, 1863-1868 RPB 1-8 Anthropological society of London Journal. i-8,Api863-i87o/7i|| 1863-70 published with the Anthropological re- view; Nov-Dec 1870 with Journal of anthropology V 1 as Transactions RPB 1-8 — Memoirs. i-2,i863-66||? RP 1-2 RPB 1-2 (L') Anthropologie. Paris. 1,1890+ RPB i-t- _ > ^ i Anti-tuberculosis campaign, see also Jour- nal of the outdoor life (L') Ape italiana delle belle arti giornal. Rome. 1-5,1835-3911? RPB 1-5 Appalachia; the journal of the Appalachian Mountain club. Irreg. Boston. i,Jei876+ RP i-l- RPA i-f- RPB 1+ Appleton's journal of literature, science & art. M. New York. i-26,Api869-8iI| 16-26 (n ser v 1-11) 1876-81 as Appleton's journal: a magazine of general literature RP 1-26 RPA 1-22, 1869-79 RPB 1-15, 1869-76 Appleton's mechanics' magazine. New York. 1-3,1851-5311 RP 1-3 RPB 2-3, 1852-53 Appleton's popular science monthly, see Popular science monthly Apprentice printer. (Committee on ap- prentices of the United Typothetae & Franklin clubs of America.) M. Boston RP I no 4-6, 8-xo, 12; v 2, no 1, Ja 1915-Ja 1916 Apprenticeship bulletin. (School of print- ing of the North end union.) M, Boston RPB 1-2, 1907-08 Apteryx, a New England quarterly of natural history. (Roger Williams park museum.) Providence (R.L) i,noi-3,Jan-Julyi905|| RP 1 RPR I Archaeological institute of America. Cam- bridge (Mass.); Washington (D.C.) Annual report RPA 1-17, 1879/80-1895/96 — Bulletin. Washington (D.C.) 1,1909+ RPA 1-4, 1909-13, RPB^ i-f- — Papers — American series RPA 1-5, 1881-90 — Papers — Classical series RPA 1-2, 1882-98 — see also American journal of archaeol- ogy; Art & archaeology — American school of classical studies at Athens 8 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Archaeological institute of America — Cont Annual report RPA i-is, 1881-96 RPB 2-9, 11-15 1882- 96 Bulletin RPA I, 2, 4 RPB I, 1883 Papers. 1-5,1882-90 RPA 1-5 RPB 1-5 RPD 1-4, 1882- 85/86 Archaeological journal (Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland) Q. London. 1,1844-!- RPA 1-6, 1844-49 Archaeologische zeitung. M. Berlin. 1-43,1843-8611 RPB 1-38, 1843-81 Architects' & builders' magazine, see Archi- tecture & building Architects' directory and specification in- dex. (Comstock) New York RP 1907, 1913-14 Architectural annual. (Architectural league of America.) Philadelphia RP I, 1900 (i vol.) RPB 1-4, 1900-01, 06-07 Architectural forum. M. Boston. 1-25 as Brickbuilder RP II, 2o-|- 1902, 1911-I- 25, 1893-96, 1915-16 Architectural record. 1,1892-1- RPD 25, 24- M. New York. 1,111891 + RP i-f RPA i-h RPD 13-1- 1903+ Architectural review. M. Boston. 1-17, no 4, i8-f (n.s. 1 + ) NiSgi-Ap I9i0,jai9i2+ Continues Technology architectural review RP 34- i8947f RPA V 9, no i, v ii, no I, Ja 1902, Ja 1904 RPAC + RPB 4-j- 1896-1- RPD 5-12, 1898-1905; n ser ^-\- 1914-1- Architectural review. M. London. 1,1896+ RPD 35-t- 1914-f Architectural review & American builders' journal. M. Philadelphia RP 1-3, 1868-1871 RPD 1, 1868-69 Architecture. M. New York. 1,1899+ RP 37+ Ja 1918-1- RPAC -I- Architecture & building. M. New York. 1,1882+ I- 12 (1882-89) as Building 32-43 (1899-1911) as Architects & builders' magazine (n ser v 1-12) RP 5-6, II, 13-16, 18-1- Jl 1886-Je 1887, Jl-D 1889, Jl 1890-Je 1892, Ja 1893-1- RPD n ser V 4-6, 1903-04 Architecture navale: Theorie du navire. Y. Paris RP 1-4, 1890-1894 Archiv der mathematik & physik. (Grunert.) Leipzig. ser i, v i, 1841 + RPB ser 3, v 23-f 1915-!- Archiv fiir die gesammte physiologic des menschen & der thiere. (Pfliiger.) Bonn. 1,1868+ RPB 50-f i89i-f Archiv fiir entwickelungsmechanik der or- ganismen. Leipzig. 1,1894+ RPB i-H Archiv fiir mikroskopische anatomic & entwickelungsgeschichte. Bonn. 1.1865+ 1-43 without"entwickelungsgeschichte" RPB i-f Archiv fiir naturgeschichte. Berlin. 1,1835 + RPB 1-80, 1835-1914 & ordered-f Archiv fiir pathologische anatomic & physiologic, sec Virchows Archiv Archiv fiir protistenkunde. Jena. 1,1902+ RPB i-f Archiv fiir rassen- & gesellschaftsbiologie. Berlin. 1,1904+ RPB 9-4- 1912-1- Archives d'anatomie microscopique. Paris. 1,1897+ RPB i-h Archives de biologic. Ghent; Paris. 1. 1 880+ RPB 15-1- 1897-1- Archives de zoologie experimentale & gen- eralc. Q. Paris. 1,1872+ RPB I-f Archives of dermatology & syphilology. Chicago. 1,1920+ Continues Journal of cutaneous diseases RPM i-H Archives of internal medicine. IM. Chicago. 1,1908+ RPM i-l- Archives of neurology & psychiatry from the Pathological laboratory of the London County asylums, Claybury, Es- sex RPB 4, 6 1909, 14 Archives of ophthalmology. M. New York. 1,1879+ RPM 1-35, 46-I- 1879-1906, 1917-1- — see also Ophthalmic literature Archives of pediatrics. M. New York. 1,1884+ RPM i4- Archives of useful knowledge, a work de- voted to commerce, manufactures, rural and domestic economj', agricul- ture and the useful arts. (James Mease) Q. Philadelphia 1-3,1810-1311 RPA 1-3 Archivio di storia della scienza. Rome (Italy.) 1,1919+ RPB i-l- Archivio meteorologico centrale italiano. Florence (Italy). RPB 1, 1858 Archive de anatomia & anthropologia. (Lisbon (Portugal). Universidade. — Instituto de anatomia, Faculdade de medicina.) Lisbon. 1,1913+ RPB 1-1- . , ., Arcueil (France), sec also Societe d'Arcucil Argentine Republic — Direccion de vias de comunicacion Estadistica de los ferrocarriles en explo- tacion. Buenos Aires RPB 1895. 1907-08 — Direccion general de estadistica Anuario. Buenos Aires RPB 1899 — Ministerio de obras publicas Bolctin de obras publicas. Buenos Aires. 1900+ RPB 1900-01 Memoria. Buenos Aires RPB 1898/99, 1901-08 Arkansas — Geological survey (Owen 1857-) Report of a geological reconnoissance. I -2, 1 85 7-60 1 1 RPB 1, 1857/58 — Geological survey (Branner 1887-93.) Reports R 1888, V 2-3, 1890 V 3 RPB 1888, V 3; 1909 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 9 Arkiv for matematik, astronomi, & fysik. (K. Svenska vetenskapsakademien.) Stockholm. 1,1903+ RPB 11+ 1916+ Army & navy journal, see United States army & navy journal Army & navy register. W. Washington. 1,1878+ RP 64+ Ja 1918 + Arnold arboretum. (Harvard university.) Jamaica Plain (Mass.) Journal. 1,1919+ RPB 1+ Ars typographica. Q. New York. 1,1918+ Only 2 nos issued up to July 1920 RP 1+ RPB 1 + (L')Art; revue bi-mensuelle illustree. Paris RPA 32-59, 1884-94 RPAC 24-53, 1881-92 Art & archaeology. (Archaeological in- stitute of America.) B-M. Baltimore & Washington. 1,1914+ RP 1+ RPA 6+ 1917+ RPAC + RPB 1+ RPD 1 + Art & progress, see American magazine of art Art & decoration; revue mensuelle d'art moderne. M. Paris. 1,1897+ RPAC 7+ 1900-f RPD 1 + Art in America. Q. New York. 1,1913+ RP 5+ D 1916+ RPA 1+ RPB 4+ 191S+ RPD 3+ 1914-}- Art journal. M. London. i,Fi839+ V i-io, 1839-49 as Art-union RP 11-74, 1849-1912 RPA 11-74, 1849- 1912 RPAC 1879 RPB 9-32, 34-36 1847-70, 72-74 also [1875-77, 82] RPD n ser V 13-? 1851-86 Art jury of Philadelphia Annual report. 1,1911 + R 1, 3-5 1911, 13-15 Art societies of New York, see Year book Art worker, a journal of design devoted to art-industry. M. N.Y. I,i878||? RPB I Art workmanship, a monthly magazine of design. London (Eng.) RPB 2, 1874 Art world. New York. i-3,Octi9i6-Mayi9i8|| Absorbed the Craftsman in Jan 19 17 Continued after May 1918 as Art world & Arts & decoration, later as Arts & decoration RP 1-3 RPA 1-3 RPB 1-2, 1916-17 Art world & Arts & decoration, see Arts & decoration (L') Arte; revista di storia dell' arte medi- oevale & moderna & d'arte decorativa (Venturi.) Rome RPB 19+ 1917-f Artist; an illustrated monthly record of arts, crafts, & industries. London RPAC 19-32, 34-35; 1897-1902 RPD [1898- 1900] Artizan. M. London RP 28-29 (ser 4, V 4-5) 1870-71 (Les) Arts, revue mensuelle. Paris. 1,1902+ RPA 1+ Arts & decoration. M. New York. i,Ni9io+ Absorbed Art world in May 19 18, and pub- lished for a few months under title: Art world & Arts & decoration RP 1+ RPA 9+ 1918+ RPAC + RPB 9+ 1918+ RPD s-f 1916+ Arts & letters club of Toronto, see also Year book of Canadian art Artsman; the art that is life. Rose Valley. (Pa.) 1-3,1903-0711? RPB 1-3 Asiatic society of Bengal. Calcutta Asiatic researches. London. 1-20,1788-183911 RPA_^i-i2. 1788-1818 Asociacion de ingenieros & arquitectos. Mexico Anales. 1,1886+ RPB 1-2, 3-11, 17-19 1886-1912 Associasao dos engenheiros civis Portu- guezes, see also Revista de obras pub- licas & minas. Lisbon Associated advertising. M. Indianapolis. 1,1909+ RP 8, no 12-1- D 1917+ Association des museums de Province. Havre (France), see also Musea Association for the study of internal se- cretions, see also Endocrinology Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences Comptes rendus. Y. Paris. 1,1873+ RPB _ 1-43. 1873-1915 Association internationale des botanistes, see also Botanisches zentralblatt Association of engineering societies Journal. M . Boston. i-55,i88r-i9isl| RP 1-6, 8-55; 1881-1887, 1889-1915 RPB V 1-21, 28-55 Association of Harvard engineers, Cam- bridge, see also Harvard engineering journal Association of military surgeons of U. S. A., see also Military surgeon Association of official agricultural chemists Journal. Baltimore (Md.) 1,1915+ RPB _ 3+ 1919+ Association of railway superintendents of bridges & buildings, see American rail- way bridge & building association Astronomic. M. Paris RPA 11-13, 1892-94 RPB s-9, 1886-90 Astronomical & astrophysical society of America Publications. 1,1910+ RPB I, 1910 Astronomical journal. Q. Cambridge; Boston. i-6,n ser v i 1849-61,1886+ RPA 1-6, 1849-1861 RPB i-f- _ Astronomical society of the Pacific. San Francisco Publications. 1,1889+ RPB i4- Astronomische gesellschaft. Leipzig Astronomische nachrichten. Kiel RPB 135, 148+ 1894+ Astronomy & astro-physics. Northfield (Minn.) 1-13,1882-941] 1-10 as Sidereal messenger Continued as Astrophysical journal RPB 1-13 Astrophysical journal. Chicago. 1,1895+ Continues Astronomy & astro-physics RPB i-f Athens (Greece), see also Archaeological in- stitute of America — American school of classical studies at Athens; Deutsch- es archaeologisches institut Atlantic deeper waterways association Bulletin. M. Philadelphia R+ RP -f- RPB -I- 10 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Atlantic deeper waterways association — Continued — Report of proceedings, annual conven- tion. Y. Philadelphia. 1,1908+ R V I, 4-9; 1908, 1911-16 RP 1+ RPA 1, 1908 RPB 4-9, 1911-16 Atlantic medical weekly. Providence. 1-10,1893-9811 1-2, no 6; 1893-94 as Rhode Island medical science monthly RPB i-io RPM i-io Atlantic slope naturalist. Bi-M. Narberth (Pa.) RPR I, no 1-3; 1903 Audubon societies, see under states; as Rhode Island Audubon society Auk. (American orthnithologists' union.) Q. New York. 1,1876+ 1-8, 1876-83 as Bulletin of Nuttall ornithological club. 1884+ as n ser v i-f- RP IS ( n ser 7)+ 1890-f RPB 9-11, 14-19 (n ser, v i-ii) 1884-94 RPR n ser V 7. [8,] 9. 11-21, [22-27,] 30-I- 1890, [91.] 92, 94-1904, [190S, 1910,] 1913+ Autogenous welding. (Davis-Bournonville CO.) M. Jersey City (N.J.) None published during war RP Panama-Pacific international exposition number; & July 1919-}- Automobile, see Automotive industries Automobile journal. M. Pawtucket (R.I.) ^'^905+ RP ip2i4- Automobile trade directory. Q. New York. 1,1903+ RP 16-1- Ja 1918-1- Automobile trade journal. M. Philadel- phia. 1,1896+ Previous to 19 12 as Cycle & automobile trade journal RP 11+ Jl 19064- Automotive industries. W. New York & Chicago. 1,1899+ 1899-1917 as Automobile, later Automobile & motor review. 37, no 2-v 37, no 18 in 1917 as Automobile & automotive industries ^RP 36+ Ja 1917+ Aviation & aeronautical engineering. New York. i,Agi9i6+ RP 1+ RPB 1+ RPE + Ayer's American newspaper annual, see American newspaper annual & direct- ory B Baby hygiene association. 1,1910+ R V 4-f 1913-f- Bakers weekly. New York. 1,1904+ RP 19214- Baltimore (Md.)— Board of park commis- sioners Annual report RP V 32-36, 39. 42-43. 46-56, s8; 1891-95, 98, 1901-2, 1906-15, '17 Baltimore (Md.), see also Johns Hopkins hospital; Johns Hopkins university Barge canal bulletin, see New York (state) — State engineer & surveyor Bataafsche maatschappij der wetenschap- pen. Haarlem (Neth.) Natuurkundige verhandelingen RPB 10, 1854 Bayerische botanische gesellschaft. Munich Berichte. 1,1891 + RPB i-ii 1891-1907, ordered to date+ Bayerischer Kunst-gewerbe-verein. Munich (Ger.) Zeitschrift. 1,1851 + RP 43-47, 49-56, 58-60 1894-1910 Behavior monographs. Cambridge (Mass.) 1,1911 + Allied with Journal of animal behavior ^ RPB 14- Beitrage zur biologic der pflanzen. (Cohn.) Breslau. 1,1870+ RPB 14- Beitrage zur chemischen physiologic & pathologic. Braunschweig (Ger.) 1-11,1901-0811 Continued in Biochemische zeitschrift RPB II, 1908 Belfort (France), see also Societe foresti- ere de Franche-Comte & Belfort Belgium — Ministere des travaux publics Annalcs des travaux publics de Belgique. Brussels. 1,1845-+- RPB 1-3, 65+ 1845-48, 19084- Belgium, see also under Brussels Bengal (India), see also Asiatic society of Bengal Bergen (Norway) Museum. Aarbog RPB 1886-1903 Berichte iiber die gesamte physiologic. Berlin. 1,1920+ Continues Zentralblatt fur biochemie & biophysik RPB i4- Berkeley (Calif.), see also California. Uni- versity; Cooper ornithological club Berlin. Physikalisch-technisclie reichsan- stalt Wissenschaftliche abhandlungen. 1,1894+ RPB 3, 1900 Berlin, see also K. Akademie der wissen- schaften; Deutsche botanische gesell- schaften; Deutsche botanische gesell- schaft; Deutsche physikalische gesell- schaft; K. Deutsches archaologisches institut; Physikalische gesellschaft; Verein deutscher ingenieure; Verein- igung der vertreter der angewandten botanik Berliner astronomisches jahrbuch. Berlin RPB 1893-1916 Bermuda biological station for research Contributions. Cambridge (Mass.) 1,1904+ RPB 14- Bernice Pauahi Bishop museum of Poly- nesian ethnology & natural history. Honolulu Memoirs RP I, no i; 2 nos i, 3; 3. 1-2 1899, 1906, 1908, 1911 Berzelius, see Rapport annuel sur les pro- gres des sciences Bibliographia zoologica, see Zoologischer anzciger: Supplement Bibliotheca mathematica. Q. Leipzig ser I, 1884-86; ser 2, 1-13, 1887-99; ser 3, Discontinued at beginning of European war RPB ser 3, v 12-14 1912-15 1900+ Bibliotheca zoologica, I. Leipzig. 1-2,1846-6011 RPB 1-2 Bibliotheca zoologica, II. Leipzig. 1,1861+ RPB 1-6, 1861-80 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 11 Bibliotheque Britannique: ou, Recueil ex- trait des ouvrages periodiques et autres: Sciences & arts. Geneve Continued as BibliothSque universelle des sciences: Sciences & arts RP 1-60, 1796-181S Biochemical journal. (Biochemical society.) Liverpool; London (Eng.) 1,1906+ RPB 13+ 1919+ Biochemical society. London (Eng.) see also Biochemical journal Biochemische zeitschrift. Berlin. 1,1906+ In 1908 absorbed Beitrage zur chemischen physiologie & pathologic RPB 1+ Biochemisches zentralblatt. Leipzig; Berlin. Abteilung i of Centralblatt fiir die gesamte biologic, see Zentral- blatt fur biochemie & biophysik Biologische untersuchungen. (Retzius.) Stockholm. 1,1881 + RPB [ser i] v 1-2; n ser, v 1-18, 1881-82, 1890- 1914 Biologisches zentralblatt. Erlangen; Leip- zig. 1,1881+ RPB 1 + Biometrika. Cambridge (Eng.) 1,1901 + RPB 1+ Bird-lore. Bi-M. New York; Harrisburg (Pa.) 1,1899+ RP i-l- RPB 19204- RPN 1903-11 RPR 1 + Bird notes & news. (Royal society for the protection of birds.) Q. London RPR [6-8,] 9-1- [191S-19.] 1920+ Birds and nature. M. Chicago. 1-20,1897-190711 Title also as Birds & all nature Absorbed by Suburban life RP 1-20 RPN 1903-05 Blue-bird. M. Cleveland (O.) Thru Oct 1913 V 6, no i, as Nature & culture RPR [5,] 6+ [1912,] 1913+ Blue book of American shipping. . . Marine & naval directory of the U.S. Cleve- land. 1896+ RP 1901, 03, 10, II, 13 RPB 1899, 1901- 02, 04, 07-08 Blue book textile directory, see Davison's textile "blue book" Bluemont (Va.), see also U.S. — Weather bureau — Mount Weather observatory Board of Trade labour gazette, see Labour gazette K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissen- schaften. Prague. — Mathematisch-na- turwissenschaftliche klasse Sitzungsberichte RPB 1892 Boiler maker. M. New York. 1,1901 + RP i84- Ja 1918+ BoUettino di bibliografia & storia delle scienze matematiche. Q. Turin. 1,1898+ RPB 18+ 1916+ BoUettino di matematica, giornale scienti- fico-didattico per I'incremento degli studi matematici nelle scuole medie. (Conti.) Rome. i,i902-|- RPB 11+ 1912-f- Bonn (Prussia), see also Niederrheinische gesellschaft fiir natur- & heilkunde Boot and shoe recorder. W. Boston. 1,1882+ RP 72, no 13+ 22 D 1917-I- Boston (Mass.) — Cochituate water board Report RPB i8s4. 55-71, 73-74, 75, 78 — Department of parks Reports RP 1+ i875-f — Engineering department Annual report RPB 25, 1891 — Hjealth department Annual report RPA 16, 1888 RPB 3, s-ii, 13, 15-22, 24- 25, 27-29, 31 1875-1902 — Street department Annual report RPB 1896-97 — Transit commission Annual report. 1,1895+ R 1, 3-h. RPB 1-22, 24-f- Boston architectural club Year book RP 1914-1S, 18 RPD 1908-09, 14, 16 Boston chamber of commerce Annual report R 1903+ RP + Boston chamber of commerce news, see Current affairs Boston. City hospital Report RPB _ 15, 17, 19-21 1879-85 Boston journal of chemistry, see Popular science news Boston journal of natural history. (Boston society of natural history.) Boston (Mass.) 1-7,1834-6311 Continued as Boston society of natural history. Memoirs RP 1-7, 1834-1863 RPB 3-4, 1840-44 Boston journal of philosophy & the arts. M. Boston. i-3,Myi823-Di826|| RPA 1-3 RPB 1-3 Boston medical & surgical journal. W. 1,1828+ RPM i-t- Boston. Museum of fine arts Annual report R 27, 30, 43 1902, 190S-18 RP 24-38, 40-f- 1899-1913, 19154- RPA 20, 21, 25+ 189s- 96, 1900-t- RPB 2-5, 7-13, 15-20, 22-1- 1877-80, 82-88, 90-94, 97+ RPD 1893, 98-1908, 10, 12 — Bulletin 1,1903+ RPA 24- 19044- RPD 1+ RPN 1910+ RPR 9+ 19114- Boston society of civil engineers Journal. Boston. 1,1914+ RP i4- RPB 14- RPE 1+ Boston society of medical sciences. Journal, see Journal of medical research Boston society of natural history Annual report RPB 1865-1903 — Memoirs. 1,1866+ Continues Boston journal of natural history RP 1-5 1866-1904 RPB 1, 3-5 1866-1904 — Museum & library bulletin RPR no 2+ 1907+ — Proceedings. 1,1841 + RPB [6,] 8-10, 13-31 1856-57, 61-66, 69-92, 95-1904 Boston (Mass.), see also American academy of arts & sciences; Children's museum of Boston; Gynaecological society of Boston; Massachusetts general hos- pital; Massachusetts institute of tech- nology 12 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Botanical abstracts. M. Baltimore. 1.1918+ RPB 1 + Botanical gazette. M. Crawfordsville; Bloomington (Ind.); Chicago. i,Ni875+ V I as Botanical bulletin RPB 1 + Botanical magazine. London, see Curtis's botanical magazine Botanical miscellany. (Hooker.) London. 1-3,1830-33!! Continued by Journal of botany. (Hooker) RPB 1-3 Botanical society of America, see also American journal of botany Botanische zeitung. Berlin; Leipzig 1-68,1843-1910!! RPB 1-28, [29,] 30-48, [49-So,] 51-68 Botanischer jahresbericht. (Just.) Berlin. 1,1873+ RPB i-f Botanisches zentralblatt. (Association in- ternationale des botanistes.) Cassel (Prussia) 1,1880+ RPB i-l- — Beihefte. 1,1891 + RPB 1-9, 1891-1900 Bradford (Eng.), see also Society of dyers & colourists Brain; a journal of neurology. London. 1,1878+ RPB 21-22, 24-25, 1898-1902 RPM 1 + Brass world & plater's guide. M. Bridge- port (Conn.) 1,1905+ RP 3+ 1907-f- Brassey's naval annual. London, see Naval annual Brazil — Directoria geral de obras & viagao. Estatistica das estradas de ferro da Uniao & das fiscalisadas pela uniao. Rio de Janeiro RPB 1900 Brazilian year book. Rio de Janeiro RPB I, 1908 Breslau (Germany), see also Schlesischer forst-verein; Verein fiir schlesische in- sektenkunde Brickbuilder, see Architectural forum British & colonial printer & stationer. M. London. 1,1878+ RP 2-3, 63 1879-1880, 1908 British archaeological association. London. Journal. Q. One section of this association became Royal archaeological institute _ RPA 2-9, 1846-53 British association for the advancement of science. London Report of the meetings. Y. 1,1831 + RP 1-8, ii-f- 1831-38, 1841-1- RPA 53, _ 1883 RPB i-f- British astronomical association. London Journal. 1,1890+ RPB 29+ 1918-H — Memoirs. 1,1802+ _ RPB i-f- British bookmaker. M. London Later absorbed by British printer RP 4-7, 1891-1894 British Columbia — Bureau of provincial information Bulletin RP 17, 1912 — Department of lands — Survey branch Report RP 1913 British Columbia. Provincial museum Report . ?^ '?'^ British journal of children's diseases. London RPM lo-t- 1913-I- British journal of homoeopathy. London RPB 1-16, 36-37, 1843-58, 78-79 RPM S- 19, 1847-61 British journal of photography. W. London. 1,1854+ 1881-83 RPB 8-24, 27-40 1861-93 RP 8, 10, 17 pt 2, 19-26, 29 pt 2-49 pt I, so 1861, 63, 70, 72-79, 82-1902, 03 RPA 28-30, — Supplement: the Lantern. Octi892-i9oi|| RP 1893-1901 British journal of surgery. Q. Bristol (Eng.) 1,1913+ RPM i-f- British journal of tuberculosis. Q. London. RPM 12-F 1918+ British lithographer Later absorbed by British printer RP 1-4, 1891-189S British medical journal. W. London RPM 1859, i86i-f British meteorological society. London Report RPB 5-8, 1855-58 British mycological society. Worcester (Eng.) Transactions. 1,1897+ RPB has ordered British pharmaceutical conference Transactions. London, see Year book of pharmacy British printer. B-M. Leicester (Eng.) 1,1888+ Absorbed British lithographer, & British book- maker RP 1-21, 1888-1908 Brochure series of architectural illustration. M. Boston. 1-9,1895-1903!! RP 1-9 RPA 1-9 RPB 1-9 RPD 1900-01 Brookljm (N.Y.) — Department of parks Annual report RP 1-16, 18-26, 28-32 1861-92 Brooklyn (N.Y.) botanic garden Leaflets. W, or Bi-W. RPR ser 3+ 1915-I- Brooklyn. (N.Y.) entomological society Bulletin. 1,1878+ RPB 4-f- RPR 1- [2-7], 1878/79, [79-85I Brookl5rn (N.Y.) institute of arts & sci- ences. — Museum Brooklyn museum quarterly. 1,1914+ RPB 1+ RPR [1-3,1 4-1- Brooklyn museum science bulletin. RPB i-f- i,Ap,i90i + Children's museum news. 1,1913+ RP 1-2, 1913-1915 RPR 1-1- Museum news RP i-io, 1905-1913 RPB 1-6, no 3, 1905- 1910 RPR 4-8, 1908-1913 Brooklyn tnuseum quarterly, see Brooklyn (N.Y.) institute of arts & sciences. — Museum Brooklyn (N.Y.) polytechnic institute, see Polytechnic engineer Brown & Bigelow, Inc., St Paul (Minn.), see also Business builder (printing) IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 13 Brown university. Providence (R.I.) — Biological department Contributions. Irreg. 1,1898-f 1-5 as Contributions from the biological labora- tory RP 4+ 1905+ RPB 1 + Brown's directory of American gas com- panies. Y. New York RP 1916, 1918 Brush and pail. (Alabastine co.) M. Grand Rapids (Mich.) 1,1909+ RP 2, no ii-v s, no 7 Ja igii-D 1914 Brush & pencil; an illustrated magazine of the art of today. Chicago RPAC 2-12, 1898-1903 RPD ii-is, Oct I902-Je 1905 Brussels (Belgium). Observatoire royal de Belgique Annales. 1,1878+ RPB 9, 11-13 1904-14 Brussels (Belgium), see also Societe ento- mologique de Belgique; Societe royalc de botanique de Belgique Bryn Mawr (Pa.) college Monographs. Monograph series. 1,1901 + RPB 1-19, 1901-15 — — Reprint series. i,iQOi + RPB III, 1901-16 Budapest (Hungary). Magyar nemzeti muzeum Tjermeszetrazi fiizetek RPB 1-3, 1877-79 Buenos Aires — Direccion general de esta- distica municipal Anuario estadistico RPB 1903, 1906 Buenos Aires, see also Sociedad cientifica argentina Buffcilo (N.Y.) — Park commissioners Annual report RP 33. 34, 45 1902, 1903, 1913-14 Buffalo (N.Y.) fine arts academy — Albright art gallery Academy notes RPA V 6, no 4, V 7+ 1911, 1912+ RPD-f Buffalo (N.Y.) society of natural sciences Bulletin RPB 1-4, 1874-83 — Directory of American museums RP 1910 (Bull. V 10, no i) Builder, W. London. 1,1842+ RP 1-49, 70-85, 87-88, 90, 93 1843-85, 96- 1903 Jl 04-Je 05, Ja-Je 06, Jl-D 07 Building, see Architecture & building Building age. N.Y. 1,1879+ 1-31, 1879-1908 as Carpentry & building ^ RP 30, 1908+ RPB 1-2. 1879-80 Building news. London Architectural plates RP 8v, 1875-1885? Building progress. (National fireproofin, CO.) M. Pittsburgh. 1-3,131911-1913 RP 1, no 4-v 3, no 12, Ap 1911-D 1913 Buitenzorg (Java). Jardin botanique Annales. Leyden. 1,1876+ RPB 1 + Bulletin. In addition to the following titles, see also Bulletins entered under the names of academies, societies, institu- tions, etc. Bulletin astronomique. Paris. 1.1884+ RPB 34+ 1917+ Bulletin des sciences mathematiques. (ficole pratique des hautes etudes.) M. Paris. 1,1870+ Until 1884 "et astronomiques," when Bulletin astronomique was establisht RPB 1 + Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, as- tronomiques, physiques, & chimiques. (Ferpussac.) (Section i of Bulletin uni- versel des sciences & de I'industrie.) M. Paris. 1-16,1824-31 1| RPB 1-16 Bulletin des sciences militaires. (Ferous- sac.) (Section 8 of Bulletin universel des sciences & de I'industrie.) M. Paris. 1-11,1824-3111 RPB III Bulletin des sciences technologiques. (Feroussac.) (Section 5 of Bulletin universel des sciences & de I'industrie.) M. Paris. 1-19,1824-3111 RPB 1-19 Bulletin universel des sciences & de I'in- dustrie. Paris, see Bulletin des sciences etc. Bullinger's postal and shippers' guide for the United States and Canada. New York RP 1905-7, 1909-16 Bureau of the American republics, see Pan American union Bureau Veritas, Paris Repertoire general. General list of mer- chant shipping of all nations: Sailing vessels RPB 33-34, 1902-04 — Repertoire general. General list of merchant shipping of all nations: Steamers RPB 28-29, 33-34; 1897-99. 1902-04 Burlington magazine for connoisseurs. . . M. N.Y. & London. i,Mri903 + RP i-t- RPA 1+ RPAC i-f- RPB 29-f Ap 1916-I- RPD 5, 7, [8, 10.] ii-|- 1904, 1905, [05-07,] 07-F Burroughs adding machine co., Detroit, see also Burroughs clearing house; Busi- ness Burroughs clearing house. (Burroughs adding machine co.) M. Detroit RP 3. no 12+ S 1919+ RPB [Ag I9i8]-f Bush magazine. M. New York RP 2, nos 1-3 Ja-Mr 1916 Business. (Burroughs adding machine co.) M. Detroit (Mich.) 1,01919+ RP 1-1- Business builder. (Brown & Bigelow, Inc. printers.) M. St Paul (Minn.) RP 8, no 4, S-12, V 9, nos 1, 2. Ap 1914-D 1914 Ja-F 1914 Business digest & investment weekly. W. New York. i,Di90S + 1-20 thru Mr 1917 as Moody's magazine, v 21 as Investment weekly Business digest began Ja 1917 & ran until 30 S 19 18 when it absorbed Investment weekly and took its volume number, as v 224- R 22-1- 1918-j- (also v I 1917-18 of Business digest) RP 22-f 19184- (also v i of Busi- ness digest) RPA,i, 1917 of Business digest RPB 6-26, 1908-1920 14 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Calcutta (India) mathematical society Bulletin. i,iqoq+ RPB 1+ Calcutta (India), see also Asiatic society of Bengal California — State board of forestry Annual report. 1913+ R 1913 Biennal report. 1906+ R 1910, igi2 — State mining- bureau Bulletin. 1,1888+ R no 23, 37, 46, so RPB 6, 9, 23, 27, 32, 37, 46, 50, 57, 64-66, 68, 71, 73-74, 76, 84+ 1895+ Report. 1,1880+ R2-6, 8-11, 13, 25 1882-86, 1888-92, 1896-1908 _RP 13, 1896 RPB II, 1890/92 California academy of sciences. San Fran- cisco Proceedings. 1,1854+ _RPB_ 3, ser 3, v i, no i, 1863-67, 1897 California, Commonwealth club, see Com- inonwealth club of California California. University. Berkeley Publications; Botany. 1,1902+ RPB 1+ RPR 4+ =- Mathematics. 1,1912+ RPB i-f Zoology. 1,1902+ RPB 1 + — Lick observatory. Mt. Hamilton Bulletin RPB I, no 2+ 1901 + Contributions. 1-5,1889-9=511 RPB i-s Publications. 1,1887+ RP 8, 1908 RPB 1-5, 9-10 1887-1911 — see also Marine biological association of San Diego; Scripps institution for biological research Cambria steel company. Philadelphia Jobbers' handbook. (Sale catalog.) RP_ 1906, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918-I- Cambridge (Mass.) entomological club, see also Psyche Cambridge miscellany of mathematics, physics, & astronomy. Q. Boston. I-4.API842-Ja43ll Cambridge (Mass.) see also Archaeological institute of America; Harvard univer- sity; Massachusetts institute of tech- nology; Nuttall ornithological club Camera. M. Philadelphia. 1,1897+ RP 23+ Ja 1919+ Camouflage. (Naval athletic association.) M. Key West (Fla.) 1,1918+ RP I, no 6, 8-12, Je, Ag-D 1918 Canada — Commission of conservation Report of annual meeting R 8, 1917 RPB 2, 1911 — Dept. of the interior Report of progress of stream measure- ments RPB 1913 Publications of the Dominion ob- servatory, Ottawa. 1,1913+ RPB 1-2, 1913-15 — Department of labour, see also Labour gazette — Department of railways & canals Annual report RPB 1902/03 — Geological survey Annual report 1843-84 as Report of progress R 1879-1892 RP 1859. (Report by Hind) 1874-84, 85, 87-96, 1900-04 1st series 8-15; 2d series v i, 3-10, 13-16 RPB 1843-66, 71- 1904 Annual report of the mineral pro- duction of Canada RP 1904-1908, 1910, 1912 Contributions to Canadian palaeon- tology. 1,1885+ RP I, 1885-98. (Also Palaezoic fossils v 3, pt 4, 1906) RPB I, 1885-98 Memoirs RPB 6, 10-11, 22, 25 pt 2, 27, 30, 31S, 38, 1910+ Biological series RPB 2, 1914 Geological series RP 7, 13, 176, i8e, 19, 2oe, 21-246, 25, 26, 28, 296, 31. 32. 33. 35, 37, 39-44, 47, 52, 54, IQIO RPB 25, 35, 38, 43-45. 47, 49-52, 58, 63, 70-71. 74-75, 78+ 1913+. Reports [miscellaneous.] RP 1909, 1190 [Separate reports.] RP 1906-1909 Summary report RP 1905-1913 RPB 1885, 87, 97-1901, 05, 09-10, 12-16 Museum Museum bulletin. 1,1913+ RP 1-5, 1913-1914 RPB 1, 9, 12-13, 19-21 1913-15 — Mines branch. (Department of mines) Bulletin RP 2-(), 8, pts I, 3 1910-11 Memoirs RP I, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, II, 14-16, 27 1910-1912 [Reports miscellaneous] RP 1909, 1911, 1912, 1914 Summary report RP 1911-1913 Canada (Dominion of) & Newfoundland gazetteer & classified business direct- ory RP 1917 Canada year book. (Dominion bureau of statistics.) Ottawa R 1920+ RP 1900, 1903+ RPB 1905+ Canada, see also Heaton's annual; Imperial year book; Royal astronomical society of Canada; Royal society of Canada Canadian gas association Report of proceedings RP 10, 1917 Canadian practitioner & review. M. Toronto RPM 8-12, 19-20, 23, 25, 30-31, 1883-87, 94- 1906; & 1918-f- Canadian society of engineers. Montreal, see Engineering institute of Canada Canal record, see Panama canal record Carlsberg laboratoriet. Copenhagen Comptes rendus des travaux. 1,1878+ RPB 1 + Carnegie institution of Washington Publications. 1,1902+ R 85 in 12 parts RP (as ordered) 11, 13, 21, 22, 52, 85, 90, 95, 104, 128, 144. 203 RPB 1 4- — Year book. 1,1902+ RP 1+ RPB 1-8, 10+ 1902-09, 191 1+ IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 15 — Solar observatory, Mt Wilson (Calif.) Contributions. 1,1905+ RPB 1 + Carnegie museum, see Pittsburgh. Carnegie institute Carpentry & building, see Building age Carpet & upholstery trade & rug trade re- view. S-M. New York. 1,1870+ RP 48, no 22+ IS N 1917+ Carry on. (U. S. — Office of the Surgeon General) Washington (D.C.) i,noi-io AP1918-JI1919II A magazine on the reconstruction of disabled soldiers and sailors R i-io RPA i-io RPM i-io RPN I-IO Cassier's magazine. M. New York. i-44,no3l|i89i-Si9i3ll 43, no 6-44, nos 2-3 called Cassier's engineering monthly. Je-S 1913 RP 2-3, 5-44, My 1892-S 1913II RPA 37- 40, Nov 1909-Dec 1911 RPB 3-43, 1892- 1913II Ccixton magazine and the British stationer. M. London new ser, v 4, nos i & 2 as the Press. V 4, no 3. The Caxton magazine & the press British stationer issued as a supplement begin- ning March 1904 V 8, no I has also Modern lithographer as a supplement RP 1-9, 1901-1908 Cement age. M. New York. I-I4,jei904-Jei9i2|| In July 19 12 combined with Concrete, & formed Concrete-cement age, later Concrete RP 1-14 RPB 1-14 Central electric co., Chicago, see also Electron Centralblatt, see Zentralblatt Centre de estudias Americanistas de Se- villa Boletin. Seville (Spain) RPB 6+ 1919+ Charleston (S.C.) Museum Charleston museum bulletin. 1,1905+ RPR 1 + Chemical abstracts, see American chemical society Chemical age. W. New York. 1,1919+ RP I, no 5+ 25 S 1919 + Chemical & metallurgical engineering. M. New York. i,Si902+ 3-7 as Electrochemical & metallurgical industry In July 1906 absorbed Iron and steel magazine Title varies, as Metallurgical & chemical engi- neering RP 5+ 1907+ RPE + Chemical engineer. M. Philadelphia; Chicago. i,Ni904+ RP 1-9, N 1904-Je 1909 Chemical gazette. M. London. 1-18,1842-5911 Continued as Chemical news RP 4-14. 1846-56 RPB 1S-17, 1857-59 Chemical news and journal of physical science. W. London. 1,1860+ Continuation of Chemical gazette RP 1-14, 22-100 1860-67, Jl 1870-1909 RPB i4- Chemical news and journal of physical science. M. New York. • . .. V . I-6JI1867-JI70II American reprint of English edition v i-6 are parts of V 15-20, English edition Continued as American chemist RP 1-6 RPR 1-6 Chemical society of London Annual reports on the progress of chem- istry. Y. London. 1,1904+ RP 1-2, 1904-1905 RPB i-i- — Journal. M. 1,1847+ 1-14 as Quarterly journal Continues Memoirs & proceedings RPB 1 + — Proceedings. 1,1885+ RPB i4- Chemiker-kalender. (Biedermann.) Berlin. 1,1880+ RPB 17-18, 21, 41 1896-97, 1901, 1920 — Beilage. 1883+ RPB IS, 17. 18 1894, 96-97 Chemiker-zeitung. Cothen (Ger.) 1,1877+ RPB 42-H i?i8-f- Chemisch-technischen mittheilungen der neusten zeit. (Eisner.) Irreg. Berlin. 1-38,1846-8111 RPB 1871-74 Chemisches zentralblatt. (Deutsche chem- ische gesellschaft.) W. Berlin. 1,1830+ 1-20 1830-49 as Pharmaceutisches centralblatt. 21-25, 1850-55 as Chemisch-pharmaceutisches centralblatt RPB 73+ 1902-f Chemist. M. London. 1-16,1840-5811 RPA 6-8, Jan 1845-Oct 1847 RPB 8-16, 1849-58 Chemists' year book. (Atack & Whin- yates.) London RP 1918-19 Chicago — Board of supervising engineers, Chicago traction Annual report. 1,1907+ RP i4- RPB 3-6,_ 1910-13 — Department of public works Annual report. 1,1876+ RP 1898, 1900-01, 09, 12-14 RPB IS. 17, ^ 20 1890, 92, 95 Chicago academy of sciences Annual report RPR 1895-97, 1908-12 — Bulletin ^ RPR [2-4,] 1895-1913 Chicago. Art institute Annual report RPA 32, 33, 37 1910/11, 1911/12, 1915 RPD 19044- — Bulletin RPA s+ 19114- RPD 3-1- 190S+ RPR [12,] 134- [1918,] 1919-I- Chicago bridge & iron works, see also Water tower Chicago, Municipal tuberculosis sanitarium Annual report RPA 1916-17 RPB 1916-17 Chicago. University — Yerkes observatory. Williams Bay (Wis.) Bulletin. Chicago. 1,1896+ RPB 1-2, 4-19 1896-1903 Chicago, see also Field museum of natural history; Hahnemann hospital of Chi- cago; Western society of engineers Children's museum of Boston. Olmsted Park, Jamaica Plain Bulletin. 1,1914+ RPR i-l- Children's museum news. Brooklyn, see Brooklyn (N.Y.) institute of arts & sciences. — Museum Chile. Universidad. Santiago Anales RPB 86, 89, 102, 105, 109-f- 1893-t- 16 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Chile, see also Societe scientifique du Chile; see also under Santiago de Chile China year book. London RP 1912-14, 1916, 1919-20 RPB 1914 Christian art. M. Boston. i-4,i907-o8||? RPA 1-4 RPD 1-2 Christiania (Norway). Videnskabs selskabet Fordhandlinger RPB 1-4, 8-23 i8s9-8i Christiania (Norway), see also Norsk mate- niatisk forening Chronique des arts. M. Paris, see Gazette des beaux-arts, of which it is a supple- ment Cincinnati (O.) — Park department Annual report RP 1902, 1907 Cincinnati (O.) museum association Annual report RPA 19-36, 1899-1916 RPD 1910, 1914-15 Cincinnati (O.) society of natural history Journal RPR [22] [1916] Cincinnati (O.), see also Lloyd library Circolo niatematico di Palermo (Italy) Annuario biografico RPB 190S, 07, 09-12, 14 — Rendiconti. 1,1884+ RPB 27+ 19094- — Supplemento ai Rendiconti RPB [3-4.J 5-9 1908-14 City government, see Municipal journal City hall, also City hall — Midland muni- cipalities, see American municipalities City managers' association Proceedings. Springfield (O.) etc. RPB 1-4, 1914-17 — Year book. Niagara Falls (N.Y.) RP 1914-f City plan. (National conference on city planning.) M. Boston. i,MriQi5+ RP 1 + Civil engineers' club of Cleveland, see Cleveland engineering society Cleveland (O.) — Board of public service. Water works division Annual report RPB 1902, 06, 07 — Division of parks Report RPA 1901-02 Cleveland crane & engineering co., Wick- lifFc (O.), see Craneing Cleveland (O.) engineering society Journal. Bi-M. Cleveland. 1,1908-f 1-3, no I, issued by Civil engineers club RP 1-7, 1908-191S Cleveland (O.) museum of art Bulletin RPD 1914-I- RPR [1917-18,] 1919+ Cleveland (O.) twist drill co., see Drill chips Clinical reporter; a monthly journal of homoeopathic medicine & surgery. St Louis ^ RPB 6-7. :893-94 Cllinique; a monthly abstract of the pro- ceedings of the Clinical society of the Hahnemann hospital of Chicago RPB 1-7, 9-15 1880-94 Club de engenharia, Rio de Janeiro Revista. 1,1887-4- RPB ser 3, no 19-20; 1909 Coal age. W. New York. I,0i9ii4- RP 19204- RPB II, 13+ 1917, i84- Coal & iron record, see Engineering & min- ing journal Coal trade, a compendium relative to coal . . . (Saward.) Y. New York. 1,1874+ RP 8, 18-22, 24-28 1881, 91-9S. 97-1901 Coal trade journal. W. New York. 1,1869+ RP 48, no 15-V 51, Ap 1916-D 1919 Cold. (Madison Cooper co.) M. Water- town (N.Y.) 1,1909+ RP 3-9, no 2 Jl 1912-D 1917 College of physicians of Philadelphia Transactions RP 1881 RPB 1887 Color trade journal. M. New York. 1,1917+ RP 19214- Colorado — Geological survey, (1908+) Bulletin. 1,1908+ RPB i-s, 7-8 1908-15 Report. 1,1908+ RPB 1 — State forester Biennial report. 1912+ R 1916 Colorado fuel & iron company. Denver Industrial bulletin. Q. RP I, no 3+ Ja 1916+ Colorado. School of mines. Golden. Quarterly. 1,1906+ RP [7-13.] 14+ 1912-I- Colour magazine. M. London (Eng.) 1,1914+ RPAC 1917+ RPD New York (city). RPB i-io, 1854-1910 RPA Ja 1920+ 84- 19184- Columbia university. Biological series RP i-io, 1894-1910 — Geological series RP I, 1906 — Department of botany Memoirs RPB 1-2, 1895-98 — Ernest Kempton Adams fund for phys- ical research Publications RP 1-8, 1906-1919 RPB 1-7, 1906-15 — Observatory Collected contributions RPB I, 1898 Combustion. M. New York city. 1,1919+ RPB 1920+ Commercial America. (Philadelphia com- mercial museum.) M. Philadelphia 1,1905 + R 54- 1914-I- RP 54- 1914+ Commercial engineering news. (H. W. Mc- Candless & co.,) New York. 1,1917+ For those interested in the application of West- inghouse Mazda lamps RP I, no 3-f N i9i7-f Commercial review of the South & West. New Orleans, see De Bow's review Commercial year book. (Journal of com- merce.) New York. 1,1896+ RP I, 2, 3. 6 1896-98, 1901 RPB 1-6, 1896-1901 Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma Bullettino. Rome. 1,1872+ RPA 20-23, 1892-95 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 17 club of California, San every little M. New be it was RPB Commonwealth Francisco Transactions RPB [2,] 3+ 1907+ Commonwealther, published while. St Louis (]\'Io.) RP I, no 3+_ Mr 1915 + Concerning municipal ownership. York. i,Mri9o6+? Suspended publication Je 1909, may resumed at a later date RP 1-4, 1906-1909 RPA I, 1906 I, 1906 Conchologists' exchange. AI. Philadelphia RPR 1-2, Jl :886-Ap 88 Concours d'ecole; section d'architecture de I'ecole nationale des beaux-arts. Paris. 1-2,1899-190111? RPD 1-2 Concours publics d'architecture. M. Paris. 1,1895+ RPB 1-2, 1895-96 RPD 1, 4, 6 1895, 98, 1900 Concrete. M. Detroit. 1,1904+ From 1912-1916 called Concrete-cement age uniting with Cement age July 19 12 with new volume numbering RP cold ser: 6-12, 1906-12; en ser: i, 1912-I- RPB [n ser: 1, i9i2-f- RPE + Concrete-Cement age. Detroit, see Con- crete. Detroit Concrete highway magazine. (Portland cement association.) M. Chicago RP 1, no 11+ . N 1917+ RPE + Concrete in architecture & engineering. (Portland cement co.) M. New York? RP I, no 2, 4 V 2, no i Ag, D 1918 F 1919 Condor; a magazine of western ornitho- logy. (Cooper ornithological club.) Bi-M. Berkeley (Calif.) RPR [7. 8, 16,] 19-I- [1905-06, 14.] 1917+ Congres international d'anthropologie & d'archeologie prehistorique Compte rendu RP s, 1871 (Bologne); 1893 (Chicago) 7, 1874 (Stockholm); 11, 1892 (Moscow) Congress of American physicians & geons Transactions. Triennial. RPB 6, 1903 Connaissance des temps, see reau des longitudes Connecticut — Commissioners & game Biennial report. 1896+ Continues Fish commissioner R 18984- — Fish commissioner Annual report. i866-i888|| R 1870-73, 77-80, 82-84, 86-88 Biennial report. 1892-94II Continued by Commissioners of fisheries & game R 1894 — Geological & natural history survey Bulletin. 1,1903+ R 1+ RP i-h RPA 2+ 1905+ RPB 14- RPR i-l- — Shell fish commissioner Annual report. 1881-1906 R 1881-1888, 1895-99, 1901-6 Biennial report. 1890+ R 1890-94, 1908-18 — State board of health Report. 1,1878+ R 1-1- RPA 16, 1893 RPB 1-6, 9 1878-87 — State park commission 1,1888+ France- RPB sur- -Bu- of fisheries Annual report. 1914+ R I9l4-f Connecticut academy of arts & sciences. (Yale university.) New Haven Transactions. 1,1866+ RPA I, pt 2; V 3; V 4, pt 2-v 9, pt i; V 10 pt 2 1867-71, 74 RPB I [2, 4-6] 11, 19 pt 2 1866-1915 RPR [6, 8, 13-14, 16, i8H-] [1884, 92, 1908, 1911, 1913-!-] Connecticut. Agricultural experiment sta- tion Annual report of the State forester. 1907+ R 1907, 1910, 1912-13, 1915 Connecticut medical society Proceedings of annual convention RPB 64-98, 1857-91 Connoisseur, a magazine for collectors. London (Eng.) 1,1901 + RPA 26-f 1910-F RPAC i-l- RPD 1-18, 20-25 1901-Ag 07, 1908-10 Conservation, see American forestry Contract news, see Engineering & con- tracting Contributions to North American ethno- logy, see U.S. — Geographical & geo- logical survey of the Rocky mountain region Cooper ornithological club. Berkeley (Calif.), see also Condor Copeia, . . . science of cold-blooded verteb- rates. (American museum of natural history.) New York. 1,1913+ RPB i-t- Copenhagen (Denmark), see also Carlsberg laboratoriet; Matematisk forening i K^benhavn Copernicus, an international journal of as- tronomy. Dublin. 1-3,1881-8411 1, no 1-6 as Urania RPB 1-3 Copper handbook. (Stevens.) Houghton (Mich.), see Mines handbook Copper plate magazine; or, Monthly cab- inet of picturesque prints, consisting of views in Great Britain & Ireland. London. 1-2,1872-7311? RPB 1-2 Copper plate magazine; or. Monthly cab- inet of picturesque prints consisting of sublime & interesting views in Great Britain & Ireland. London. 1-5,179211? RPA i-s Copper plate magazine; or Monthly trea- sure for the admirers of the imitative arts. London. i-3,i778||? RPB 1-3 Cornell university. Ithaca (N.Y.) — New York state college of forestry Annual report Establisht in 1911 at Syracuse university RP 3, 4 1900, 1902 Cosmos; revue encyclopedique hebdom- adaire des progres des sciences. Paris RPB I, 5, 16-20, 23-25, 31-36 1852-69 Cotton. M. Dalton & Atlanta (Ga.) 1,1874+ RP 75+ Ja 1911 + Cotton facts. (Shepperson.) New York RP 1903, 1915, 1918-I- 18 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Craftsman. M. New York. i-3i,Oi90i-Di9i6|| Succeeded by Touchstone RP 1-31 RPA 11-31. no 2 1906-16 RPAC 4. 6, 13-22; 1903, 04, 07-12 RPB 1, no I Oct 1901 RPD 3-6, 12-14 1902-04, 07-08 RPN 1908-13 Crane company, Chicago, see Valve world Craneing. (Cleveland crane & engineering CO.) Wickliffe (O.) RPB + Crayon. M. N.Y. i-8pt7,Jai85S-J16i|| RPA 1-8 RPB 1-8 Current afifairs. (Boston chamber of com- merce.) 1,1910+ First called Advance New England; later, Boston chamber of commerce news R V 1 + Current anthropological literature. Q. Lancaster (Pa.) RPB 1-2, 1912-13 Curtis's botanical magazine. London. 1,1787+ 1-14 as Botanical magazine RPB i-iio, 1787-1884 Curtis's flyleaf. M? Buflfalo (N.Y.) RP I, no 4, 5 V 2, no 3-6 v 3, no i O 1917- Jl 1918 Cycle & automobile trade journal, see Automobile trade journal D Dallas (Tex.) — Park commissioners Report RP 1910-11 Davenport (la.) academy of natural sciences Proceedings. 1,1867+ RPB 1-3, 5-7,_ 9 1867-81, 8s-99, 1901-03 Davis-Boumonville co., Jersey city (N.J.), see also Autogenous welding Davison's hosiery and knit goods trade; A directory of the U.S. and Canada. New York RP 20-25, 29+ 1910-1916, 1919+ Davison's textile "blue book," United States & Canada. N.Y. 1,1888+ Title varies, as Blue book textile directory etc. R 1919 RP 19-20, 22-4, 27, 29-30, 32-j- 1906-12, 14-18, 19+ RPB 7, 9 1894/95, 96/ 97 De Bow's review; Commercial review of the South & West. M. New Orleans old ser 1-39, Ja 1846-JI 70; n ser i, no 1-4 Oct 1879-Je 80 RPA 1-8, 1846-S0 RPB 1-34, After war ser V 1-8, 1846-64; 66-70 Dekorative kunst. Munich. 1,1897+ RPD 7-8, 1903-os Denison's directory. (Jewelry). Provi- dence (R.L) 1875+ RP 1899-1900, 1916-17, 1918-I- RPD 1882/ 83 Denver (Colo.) — Park commissioners Annual report RP 1913 Denver & Rio Grande railroad — Passenger department, see also Railroad red book Denver (Colo.) national bank, see also Agricultural, industrial, & mining con- ditions in Colorado, Wyoming, & New Mexico Detroit (Mich.) — Commissioner of parks & boulevards Annual report RP 14-25, 29 1902-1914, 1918 Detroit (Mich.) museum of art Annual report RPD 1891-92, 94-1912, 14-is — Bulletin. 1,1904+ RPD 190S+ RPR 1+ Detroit observatory, see Michigan. Uni- versity Deutsche botaniker-kalender. Berlin RPB 1899 Deutsche botanischc gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. 1,1883+ RPB i-f Deutsche chemische gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. Semi-M. 1,1868+ RPB i-l- — see also Chemisches zentralblatt Deutsche kunst & dekoration. Darmstadt (Ger.) 1,1897+ RPAC 3-37, 1898-Mr 19 16 RPD 3-4, 20- 34 1898-99, 1907-1914 Deutsche mathematiker-vereinigung. Leip- zig Jahresbericht. 1,1890+ RPB [5, 7-10,] 11-16, [17-18,] 23+ 1902+ Deutsche mechaniker-zeitung; beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fiir instrumentenkunde. Semi-m. Berlin RPB 1909+ Deutsche physikalische gesellschaft, see also Fortschritte der physik Deutsche seewarte, see Hamburg (Ger- many). Deutsche seewarte Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft. Leip- zig Verhandlungcn. 1,1891 + RPB 12-22, 1902-12 — see also Zoologischer anzeiger Deutscher verein zur forderung des mathematischen & naturwissenschaft- lichen unterrichts, see also Unterrichts- blatter fiir mathematik & naturwissen- schaften K. Deutsches archaologisches institut Berlin Jahrbuch. Berlin. 1,1886+ RPB I. 1886 — Mitteilungen: Athenische abtheilung. Athens. 1,1876+ RPB 12-38, 1887-1913 Romische abtheilung. Rome. 1,1886+ RPA 7-10, 1892-95 . Deutsches archiv fiir klinische medicm. Leipzig. 1,1865+ RPM 17-48, 69-114; 1876-91, 1901-1914 Diagonal; an illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the explanation of the re- discovered principles of Greek design. , . (Hambidgc). New Haven (Conn.) 1+1919+ RPB 1+ RPD 1 + Diamond power specialty co., Detroit, see Power notes Digest of physical tests & laboratory prac- tice. Q. Philadelphia. 1-3,1896-9811 RP 1-3 Dingler's polytechnisches journal. W. Stuttgart. 1,1820+ RP 1-298, 305-321 1820-1895. 1897-1906 KfB 1 + IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 19 Directory of ship owners, ship builders, and marine engineers. London RP 4, 1916 Directory of steamship lines sailing from United States ports. (Nautical Ga- zette.) New York RP Ag 1919 District of Columbia, Audubon society [Publication] RPR 33+ 1917+ Dixon, Joseph, crucible co., Jersey city, see Graphite Dockham's American report & directory of the jobbing trade & department stores, U.S & Canada. Boston RP 191S Dockham's American report and directory of the textile manufacture. Boston RP 1890-1906, 1909, 1911-1914, 1916+ Dodge idea. M. Mishawaka (Ind.) 1,1885+ RP 33, no 3, S. 8-11 Mr 1917-N 1917 Domestic engineering. W. Chicago. 1,1889+ RP 4- Dominion medical monthly. M. Toronto (Can.) RPM 1918+ Donnelley's national classified telephone directory and buyers' guide. Chicago R Jan 1920 RP Jan 1920 Drill chips. (Cleveland twist drill co.) Cleveland (O.) RPB + Drug & chemical markets. W. New York city. 1,1914+ RPB 6+ 1920+ Druggists' circular. M. New York. 1.1857+ RP 44-SS, 58-62 1900-1918 Dublin (Ireland), see also Royal Irish acad- emy Dudley observatory, see Albany (N.Y.) Du Pont magazine. (E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & co.) Wilmington (Del.) R 8+ 1918+ _ RP 8+ 1918+ RPB + Dyer & calico printer, bleacher, finisher & textile review. Semi-m. London. 1,1879+ RP 39, no 4SS+ Ja 1918+ ficole, etc., see under name of city in which located, as Paris Ecology. M. Binghampton (N.Y.); Tuc- son (Ariz.); Baltimore (Md.) 1,1897+ V 1-22, 1897-1919 as Plant world RPB 1+ RPR [I,] 8. [9-11,] [1897,] 190S. [06-08] Economic geology. Semi-q. Lancaster (Pa.) & Urbana (111.) 1,1905+ Continues American geologist RPB i-f RPR [4-6] [1909-ii] Edinburgh journal of science. Edinburgh. 1-16,1824-3211 Merged with Philosophical magazine, & con- tinued as London, Edinburgh, & Dublin philo- sophical magazine & journal of science, n ser [ser 3] RPB 1-16 Edinburgh (Scot.) mathematical society Proceedings. 1,1883+ RPB 35+ 1917+ Edinburgh medical journal. M. Edin- burgh (Scot.) RPM 6-n ser v 7, 1810-61; & 1915-19 Edinburgh (Scot.), see also Royal physical society of Edinburgh Edison monthly and electrical directory. (Edison co.) M. New York. 1,1908+ RP 4, no 8+ Ja 1912+ Education mathematique. Paris. 1,1898+ No issues after v 16, no 20, 15 Jl 1914 until Oct 1919 RPB Oct 1919+ RPB has also on de- posit from private library of Prof Archibald: 1-16, no 20, 1898-1914 Educational film magazine. M. New York. 1,1919+ RP i-f- Educationcd times. London, see also Mathematical questions & solutions Egypt exploration fund. London Archaeological report RP 1-20, 1892-1912 RPA 1892/93-1911/ 12 RPB 1890/91, 92/93-1901/02, 1905-12 — Memoirs. 1,1883+ RP 1+ RPA 1-8, 10+ RPB i-f Report RP 11-13, IS, 20, 23-26, 29-31, 33, 35-f- 1892- 95, 96-1902, 04-05, 06-08, 1910-13, 14-15, 1916+ RPA ii-f- 1892/93-I- RPB 20-25, 29 1905- II, IS — Theban tomb's series RPA V i-f 191S+ — Archaeological survey of Egypt. [Memoirs.] 1,1890+ RP 1-24, 1890-1915 RPA 1-24, 1890- 1915 RPB 1-19, 21-22 1890-1909, 1910/11- 11/12 — Graeco-Roman branch Memoirs. 1,1898+ RP 1-13, 17+ 1898+ RPB i-h — see also Journal of Egyptian archae- ology Electric club journal, see Electrical journal. Pittsburg Electric journal, Pittsburg, see Electrical journal, Pittsburg Electric power. M. New York. 1-9,1889-9611 RPB 1-4, 1889-Ja 93 Electric railway journal. W. New York. i,Ni884+ Consolidation of Street railway journal and Electric railway revie\v in June 1908 Up to V 32 (1908) title reads Street railway journal RP 12, 1896-f RPB 37-49, 51+ 1911 + Electric traction. Cleveland-Chicago. 1,1905 + RPB 12, 1916 Electrical age. W. New York, see Elec- trical engineering. Atlanta Electrical engineer. W. New York. 1-27,1882-99!! 1-2 as Electrician 3-6 as Electrician & electrical engineer In Mar 1918 consolidated with Electrical world RP 2-6, 1883-87 RPB 1, 3-21 1882, 1884- 96 20 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Electrical engineering. M. Atlanta (Ga.) 1,1883 + 1-41, no 5, 1883-1910 as Electrical age (i-;, 1883-91 as Electric age) 42-45, no 3, 1911-Ap 19 1 3 as Southern elec- trician, with which Electrical age was con- solidated, retaining volume number of Electrical age RPB 33+ 1904+ RPR [40-41,] 42-4S. [1909-10,] 1911-13 Electrical engineering, Chicago, see Tele- phone magazine Electrical experimenter. M. New York. 1.1913 + RP [4,] 5, no 9+ [1916,] Ja 1918-f Electrical journal. M. Pittsburg. 1,1904+ I as Electric club journal 2-14 as Electric journal RP [2,] 3+ [1905,] 1906+ RPB 1 + Electrical mining. Q. Chicago. 1,1904+ RP 12, no 3-v 16, no i Jl 1915-Ja 1919 Electrical record. M. New York & Grand Rapids (Mich.) 1,1892+ RPE -f Electrical review. W. London. 1,1872+ 1-29 as Telegraphic journal & electrical review RP i8-ig, 21, 22-25 1886-89 Electrical review & western electrician. W. New York & Chicago. 1,1882+ 2-52 (1882-1908) as Electrical review RP 5-9, II, 21-27, 40-44, 74, no 20+ 1884- Je 1904, 17 My 1919+ Electrical world. W. New York. . . , ^ . 1,1883+ In July 1896 Electric railway gazette con- solidated with this In Mar 1899 Electrical engineer consolidated with this & formed Electrical world & engineer In igo6 American electrician consolidated with this & title resumed as Electrical world RP 9+ 1887-f RPB 15-30, 34-53, 55 + 1800+ RPE + Electrician. London. 1,1878+ RPB 82+ 1919 + Electrican & mechanic. M. New York. 1-27,1890-191311 In 1908 Absorbed Amateur work; combined with Modern electrics & mechanics in 1014; in July 19 14 inc. with Popular electricity & the world's advance & title became Popular electricity & modern mechanics, later Modern mechanics, & after that World's advance RP 19-27, July 1908-1913 Electrochemical & metallurgical industry, sec Chemical & metallurgical engineer- ing Electron. (Central electric co.) M. Chi- cago. i,Fi9i3+ RP 1, no i-v 2, no 4 (except no 9 N 1913.) I9i3-I> '14 Elektrotechnische zeitschrift. W. Berlin. 1,1880+ RP 1-19, 1880-1898 Elliott's magazine, see Good roads magazine Elsassisches tcxtil-blatt. W. Gebweilcr RP Nos 14, 21, 22 S 30, N 18 & 25, 1913 Emporium of arts & sciences. M. Phila- delphia. 1-2, n ser. i-3,i8i2-i4|| RP 1-2, My i8i2-Ap 1813 RPA 7-5 RPB 1-2, n ser 1-3 Endocrinology; the bulletin of tlie Associa- tion for the study of internal secre- tions. Q. Los Angeles (Calif.) 1,1917+ RPM i-f English mechanic & world of science. W. London. 1,1865+ RP 15, 16, 19, 23, 30-32, 34-40, 42-44, 49, 51- 72 12 Jl 1872-8 F 1901 RPB 1-65, 69-74, 1865-1902 Engineer. Semi-m. Chicago. 1-45,1881-190811 V 1-14, 1881-87 as Mechanical engineer; v 1-35 pub. in N.Y. V 36-40 20 pub. in Cleveland In Sept 1898 Scientific machinist was absorbed: in Sept 1903, Steam engineering was absorbed In May 1908 incorporated with Power as Power & the engineer RPB 39-44, 1902-07 Engineer. W. London. 1,1856+ RP 5, 7, 10-42, 44-59, 61, 63-87, 92-1- 1858-I- RPB 26-28, 99-1- Ja-Je 1868, 1869; 1905-!- Engineering. W. London. 1,1866+ RP 3-f 1867+ RPB 3-29, 31+ 1867+ Engineering & contracting. W. New York & Chicago. 21,25,1906-!- In 1906 Roadmaster & foreman incorporated with Engineering-contracting, v 21, no 1-4 In May 1906 Contract news incorporated with Engineering-contracting, using former's volume numbering, v 25, no 19-}- In July 1907 absorbed Engineering world 1906-1911 as Engineering-contracting RP 27-f Jl 1907+ RPB 27+ 1907 + RPE -f Engineering & mining journal. W. New York. 1,1866+ 1-7 as American journal of mining Coal and iron record was absorbed in 1875; Mining review (Denver) in 1877; Polytechnic review in 1879; Coal in 1884; Mining & metal- lurgy in 1902; Mining magazine (N.Y.) in 1906 RP I7-I- 1874-f- RPB 51-54, 6163, 103-f 1891-92, 96-97, 1917+ Engineering digest, see Industrial engi- neering & the engineering digest Engineering directory. Chicago RP 1915, 1916, 1919 Engineering education. (Society for the promotion of engineering education.) M. Lancaster (Pa.) i,i9io-|- Continues Bulletin of the Society RP 8, no s-v 9, Ja 1918-D 1919 RPB 2 + 1911-I- Engineering index. 1,1884-!- Founded 1884 by the Association of Engineering Societies and v 1, called Descriptive index of current engineering literature; publisht 1895- 1918, by the Engineering Magazine co.; 1919-f- bv American society of mechanical engineers RP i-l- RPB i-f RPE 2+ 1892-I- Engineering institute of Canada. Montreal Transactions. 1.1887+ Until 15 Ap 1918 as Canadian society of civil engineers RPB T-f Engineering magazine, sec Industrial man- agement Engineering news-record. W. New York. 1,1874+ 9-18 as Engineering news & American contract journal 19-48 as Engineering news & American railway journal; with v 78 (Ap 19 17) absorbed Engi- neering record R 41-43+ 1899+ RP 2, 4-11, 13+ 1875-1- RPB 2, 18754- RPE -f Engineering record. W. New York. i-75,i877-Mri9i7|| 1-3 as Plumber & sanitary engineer 4-13 (1880-86) as Sanitary engineer 14-16, no 18 (1886-87) as Sanitary engineer & construction record 16, no 19-v 21 (1887-89) as Engineering & building record & the sanitary engineer In Ap 19 1 7 combined with the Engineering news R 44-75. 1901-1917 RP '-7S, 1877-1917 RPB 40-75, 1899-1917 RPM 5-14, 1882-86 Engineering world. Chicago. i-5,no2i||i9O4-07ll Continued in Engineering-contracting RPB s, 1907 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 21 Engineers' club of Philadelphia Proceedings. l,i88o-f- RPB 5-7, 1885-90 Engineers' club of St Louis Journal. Bi-m. St Louis. 1,1916-4- RP 1-2, 1916-1917 RPB 1 + Engineers' society of Western Pennsyl- vania. Pittsburgh Proceedings. 10 nos a y. 1,1880-)- RP 9-10, [11,] 12-21, 23, 25, [30]; 1893 Ja 1910, 1914 RPB V 2i-\- 190S + Engineer's year book. (Kempe.) London RP I9j8 Enseignement mathematique. Paris. 1,1899+ RPB 17+ 191S + Entomological magazine. (Newman.) London. 1-5,1833-381! Continued as Entomologist RPB 2-5, 1835-38 Entomological news. (Academy of nat- ural sciences.) M. Philadelphia. 1,1890+? RPR [1-3,] 4, [9,] 10-13, [14, 20] 1890-1909 Entomological society of Ontario. Guelph & London Annual report. i,i870-|- RPB 1-9, 1870-79/80 Entomologische nachrichten. Berlin. 1-26,1875-190011 RPB 11-26, 1885-1900 Entomologischer verein in Stettin (Ger.), see also Linnaea entomologica zeit- schrift Entomologiska foreningen. Stockholm Entomologisk tidskrift. l,i88o-|- RPB 1898-1903 Entomologist's annual. (Stainton.) London RPB 1855-57, 67 Entomologist's monthly magazine. London. 1,1864-f- RPB 17-21, 24-33 1880-97 Era druggists' directory of the L^nited States, Canada, Cuba, Porto Rico, Manila and Hawaiian Islands RP 1916 Ergebnisse der allgemeinen pathologic & pathologischen anatomic des nienschen & der tiere. Wiesbaden. I,i894-|- RPB 84- 1902 + Ergebnisse der anatomic & entwickelungs- geschichte. Wiesbaden. 1,1891 + Abteilung 2 of an Anatomische hefte RPB 1-20, 1891-1911, gap ordered, & io20-|- Ergebnisse der physiologic. Wiesbaden. i,ig02-f RPB 1 + Erythea, a journal of botany, west Ameri- can & general. Berkeley (Calif.) 1,1893+ RPB 1-7, 1893-99; has ordered rest; & 1920 + Essex county (Mass.) natural history society. Salem (Mass.) Journal. i,noi-3,l836-52|| Continued as Essex institute. Proceedings RPA no 1-3 RPB no 1-3 Essex county (N.Y.) — Department of parks Report of the board of commissioners RP 1895, 96, 08-99, 1900, 1Q02, 1918 Essex institute, Salem (Mass.) Bulletin. Irreg. Salem. 1-30,1869-9811 RP 1-30 RPB 1-8, 23-30 — Proceedings. 1-6,1848-68!] Continues Essex County natural history society Continued as Bulletin RP 1-6 RPB 1-3, 1848-63 — Transactions RPB 1831-33, 35-40, 52-53, 56-65 Everyday engineering magazine. M. New York. 1,1915-1- RPR 4+ 19174- Experiment station record. (U.S.— Office of experiment stations.) Washington (D.C.) 1,18894- R 7+ RPA [1910-f] RPB V 2+ 1890+ Exporters' encyclopaedia. New York RP 1905, 1914-j- Exposition des beaux-arts. Paris, see So- ciete des artistes frangais Factory. M. Chicago. 1,1907+ RP 20-F Ja 19184- Fairchild's national directory and digest of the textile and apparel industries. New York RP 17, 1920 RPB 17, 1920 Fairmount park art association. Philadel- phia Annual report RP 24-I- 18964- RPA 19, 24-28, 1890 1895-99 RPB 264- 18984- Faraday society. London Transactions. Irreg. 1,1905 + RPB 1-5, 1905-09 Farmer & mechanic. M. New York. n ser, v i-6,i847-52|| old ser, 1843-46 as New York farmer & mechanic RP 4-5, 7-8, 10 1848-52 Fauna & flora des golfes von Neapel, see Naples. Stazione zoologica Fay-Egan's "Lightning" line. (J. A. Fay & Egan CO., woodworking machinery.) M. Cincinnati RP 8, no 894- Mr 19194- (also a few odd earlier nos.) Federated AJalay states, see also Institute for medical research Feeding stufifs. M. New York. i,i888-H RP 31, no 54- N 19174- Ferment-forschung. Leipzig. i,i9i6-|- RPB i4- Fern bulletin. Q. Binghamton (N.Y.) RPR [5, II, 12, 13, 16] [1897, 190305, 08] Feroussac's Bulletin, see Bulletin des sciences Ferrocarilles nacionales de Mexico Annual report. (National railways of Mexico.) RPB 9-10, 1916/17-1917/18 Fibre & fabric. W. Boston. 1,1885+ Until 8 S 1894 as Wade's Fibre & fabric RP 19-34, 45+ F 18944- Field & forest, devoted to general natural history. (Bulletin of the Potomac-side naturalists' club.) Washington (D.C.) RPB I. 1876 Field museum of natural history. Chicago. (Founded as Field Columbian museum.) Publications; Anthropological series. 1,1895+ RP i-io, 1895-1912 RPA 1-7, no 2 189S- 1904 RPB i4- Botanical series. 1,18954- RP i4- RPA 1-3, no 2 189S-1916 RPB 14- 22 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Field museum of natural history. Chicago — Publications. Anthropological series — — Continued Geological series. 1,1895+ RP 1+ RPA 1-5, no I 1895-1916 RPB 1+ [Historical series.] 1,1894+ RP 1+ RPA I, 2 1894, 1895 RPB 1+ Ornithology series. 1-10,1896-191611 Merged in Zoological series RP i-io RPA I, no I, 2, 6, 10 RPB I-IO Report series. 1,1894+ RP 1-4, 1894-1914 RPA i-s, no 2 1894- 1917 RPB 1 + Zoological series. RP 1+ RPA 1-12, RPB 1 + Figaro illustre. Paris RPAC O 1910-D 1911 Fins, feathers, & fur, see Minnesota- & fish department Fireman's herald. W. New York. T,i88i + RP 72, no 234- 2 D 1916+ Firestone non-skid. (Firestone tire & rub- ber CO.) Akron (O.) RPB + Flagstaff (Ariz.). Lowell observatory Bulletins. 1,1903+ RPB 1-50, 1903-11 Fleets of the world. London RP 191S-16 Flora; allgemeine botanische Regensburg; Marburg; Jena. 1,1895+ no I 1895-1917 -Game & zeitung. 1,1818+ I920-|- ■6,1903-0811 (1907+) RPB has ordered set; Floral life. Philadelphia. i- Merged into Household journal RPB 1-6 Florida — Department of game & fish Annual report R 1914 — Fish commission Annual report R 1898-1900 — Geological survey Annual report. 1,1907+ RPB 1-9, 12+ 1907/08-1S/16, i84- Flying. M. New York. 1,1912+ RP 1921+ RPA 84- 1919 + Flying book. (Wade.) London RP 1918 Fogerty's directory of the jewelry & kin- dred trades in the U.S. New York RP 1907+ Foods & markets. M. Albany (N.Y.) 1,1918+ RP T, no 84- Ap 19194- Forester, see American forestry Forestry & irrigation, see American forestry Forestry quarterly. Ithaca (N.Y.), see Tournal of forestry Fort Wayne (Ind.) — Board of park com- missioners Annual report RP 8, 9, 12 1912, 1913, 1916, :qi7 Fortschritte dcr physik. (Deutsche phy- sikalische gesellschaft.) Berlin; Braun- schweig. 1,1845+ i-S'; pub. by Physikalische gesellschaft RPB 1-69, 1845-1913 Fortschritte der technik. Y. Berlin, see International institute of technical bib- liography Fortschritte der teerfarbenfabrikation & verwandter industriezweige. (P. Fried- laender.) Irreg. Berlin. 1,1877+ RPB i-h Foundry. Scmi-m. Cleveland (O.) 1,1892+ RP 38-43, 44+ 1911+ RPB 45+ 1917+ RPE + France — Bureau des longitudes Connaissance des temps RPB 1846-51,^ 93, 1919+ France — Ministere de la marine Annuaire de la marine RPB IS, 1898 France, see also Institut de France; Societe botanique de France; Societe chimique de France; Societe des ingenieurs civils de France; Societe entomologique de France; Societe geologique de France; Societe mathematique de France; Societe mycologique de France; Societe zoologique de France Franche-Comte & Belfort (France), see also Societe forestiere de Franche- Comte & Belfort Franklin institute, Philadelphia Journal. M. 1,1825-f V 1-2 (1825-26) as American mechanics' maga- zine; V 3-6 (1827-28) as Franklin journal & American mechanics' magazine RP 1-50, 52-78, 83, 85, 87-110, 112-18, 124-t- 1825-64, 67, Ja-je 68, 69-80, Jl 81-84, Jl 87+ RPA i4- RPB 12, 71-74, 79-122, 168, 1774- Jl-D 1831, 61-62. 65-86, Jl-D 190Q. 1914+ Franklin journal & American mechanics' magazine, see Franklin institute. Jour- nal Freight handling & terminal engineering. M. New York. 1,1916+ RP 4, no 12, V 5, no 2+ D 1918, F 1919-I- Garden & forest. New York. 1-10,1887-189711 RPB 1-10 Garden magazine. M. Garden city (N.Y.) i,i904-(- RP i4- RPA 21-1- 1915+ RPD 1-2, 1904-06 RPR 184- 1913 + Gardener's magazine. (Loudon.) London. 1-19,1826-4311 RPB 1-19 Gas engine. M. Cincinnati (O.) I, My 1898+ RP 84- 19064- (Unbound, 16, IQ14+) Gas industry. M. Buffalo (N.Y.) 1,1901 + RP 19-I- Ja 1Q19 + Gas review, see Tractor & gas engine re- view Gazette des beaux-arts. M. Paris. 1,1859+ Has supplement: Chronique des arts RPA ser 3, v 15+ 18964- RPAC 21-22, 1880 RPB 594- 1917+ RPD 27-32, 1902-04 Gazzetta chimica italiana. Palermo; Rome. 1,1871 + RPB 49+ 1919+ Gegenbaur, see Morphologisches jahrbuch. General electric review. M. Schenectady (N.Y.) 1,1903+ RP 174- 1914+ RPB 18-I- 1915 + RPE 16-18, 1913-1S IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 23 General fire extinguisher co., Providence, see also Grinnell automatic sprinkler bulletin General science quarterly. Q. Salem (Mass.) 1,1916+ RP 1+ RPN 1+ General society of mechanics & tradesmen of the city of New York Annual report RP 108, 110-130, 132+ 1893, 95-1915. 17+ RPA 88+ 1873+ Genetics, a periodical record of investiga- tions bearing on heredity & variation. Princeton (N.J.) 1,1917+ RPB 1 + Geneva (Switz.), see also Herbier bossier Genie civil. W. Paris. 1,1880+ RPB 42+ 1902 + Genoa (Italy). Museo civico di storia naturale Annali RPB 1S-16, 1879-81 Genoa (Italy). Universita — Musei di zoo- logia & anatomia comparta Bollettino. 1,1892+ RPB 1-132, 1892-1905 Genootschap der mathematische weten- schappen. Amsterdam (Neth.), see also Nieuw^ archief voor w^iskunde; Wis- kundige opgaven Geographical journal. (Royal geographical society of London.) M. London. Continues Proceedings RP 1+ RPB 1 + Geographical review. j\I 1,1893+ New York. 1,1916+ Formerly American geographical society Bulletin RP _ 1+ RPB 1+ RPR 1 + Geological society of America Bulletin. Rochester (N.Y.); New York. 1,1890+ RPB 1+ Geological society of London Quarterly journal. 1,1845+ RPB 1-38, 1845-82 Geologisches zentralblatt. Leipzig. 1,1901 + RPB 1-21, 1901-1914 Georgia — Department of game & fish Annual report. 1912+ R 1914, 1915, 1917, 1919 — Geological survey. (1890+) Bulletin. 1,1894+ R 1, 13-20, 23, 25-35 1907+ RP 20, 26-29 1913, 1911, 1912-14 RPB I, 8-9, 11-12, 18, 20-21, 23, 25-26, 32-33 1894+ — State board of entomology Bulletin R no 42 (Annual report 1914) Circular R no 6. 8 Gerard college. Philadelphia (Pa.) Observations at the magnetic and me- terological observatorv [1840-45] RP 1-3 German year book. (Walter.) London RP 1914 K. Gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Gottingen Nachrichten: Geschaftliche mitteilungen RPB 1912+ — Mathematisch-physikalische klasse Nachrichten RPB 1912-4- — see also (jottingische gelehrte anzeigen Gesundheit; zeitschrift fur ofTentliche & private hygiene. Leipzig RPB 19, 1894 Gewerbehalle. M. Stuttgart For American edition, see Workshop RP 1-2, 4-9, 11-18, 23-25, 27-31 1863-64, 66-71, 73-80, 85-87, 89-93 RPD 1-5, 1863-67 Giomale del genio civile. (Italy-Ministero dei lavori pubblici.) M. Rome. 1,1863 + RPB 50-52, 1912-14 Giomale di matematiche. (Battaglini.) Naples. 1,1863+ RPB 52+ 1914+ Glasgow, see also Institution of engineers & shipbuilders in Scotland Gottingen (Germany, see also K. Gesell- schaft der wissenschaften zu Gottingen Gottingische gelehrte anzeigen. (K. Ge- sellschaft der wissenschaften.) Berlin RPB 175, 180-)- 1913. 19184- Good furniture. M. Grand Rapids (Mich.) 1,1913+ RPA lo-l- i9i8+_ RPD 4-1- 1915-I- Good roads magazine. M. New York V 1-7, no 3, 1892-95; V 21, no 14-v 31, no 4, 1895-1900; n ser v 1-12, no 6, 1900-11; n ser V I, 1911 + 1-7 as Good roads In March 1895 united with League of American Wheelmen. Bulletin with volume no of latter (v 21-29) V 30-31, 1899-1900 as Elliott's maga- zine n ser, v i (1900) as L. A. W. magazine, n ser, V 2-\- (1901-I-) as Good roads magazine R 1912+ RP 1-7, 1892-Mr 95 RPB n ser, v 6-|- 1905-f- Good roads year book. (American high- way association.) Washington (D.C.) 1912-1919II 1-4 as Official good roads year book of the United States, (issued by American association for highway improvement) Continued as Highways green book RP 1-6, 1912-17 RPB 1-4, 1912-1S Goodyear tire & rubber co., Akron (O.) see also Wingfoot clan Gordon memorial college, Khartum (Sudan) — Wellcome research laboratories Report. 1,1904+ RPB I, 1904 Gorham manufacturing company. Provi- dence (R.I.) Annual catalogue RPB 1882-83. 88, 94 ■ Graphic arts & crafts year book. Hamil- ton (O.) 1,1907+ RP 1-6, 1907-14 RPB 6, 1913/14 Graphic arts for printers & users of print- ing. M. Boston. i-8,Jai9ii-Jei9i5ll RP 1-8, no 4 1911-Ap 19 15 RPB 1-6, 1911-14 Graphite. (Joseph Dixon crucible co.) M. Tersey City (N.J.) RP 6+ 1904-I- RPB 19084- Great Britain — Admiralty Nautical almanac & astronomical eph- emeris. London RPB 1840-53. SS-57. 59-67, 69-70, 85, 87-88 — Board of Trade, see also Labour ga- zette Grevillea, a monthly record of cryptogamic botany & its literature. London. 1,1872+ RPB 1-22, 1872-93 Grinnell automatic sprinkler bulletm (General fire extinguisher company.) Q. Providence (R.I.) ^ , RP 17, no 67+ Ja 1912-f RPE + 24 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Grits & grinds. (Norton co.) Worcester (Mass.) RPB + Guide to nature. (Agassiz association.). M. Stamford (Conn.) 1,1908+ In 1909 absorbed Mineral collector RP 1+ RPR [3, 6-8,] 9-10, [11]; [1910, 13-14,] 1916-18 Gynaecological society of Boston Transactions RPB 190S H Haarlem (Ncth.), see also Bataafsche maat- schappij der wetenschappcn (The) Hague (Neth.), see also Neder- landsche entomologische vereenigung Hahnemann hospital of Chicago — Clinical society, see also Clinique Hahnemannian monthly. Philadelphia RPB 12-40, 1876-IQOS RPM some earlier vols, & 49-}- 1914-18, 20 + Hamburg (Germany). Deutsche seewarte Aus dem archiv der deutschen seewarte RPB 18-37 pt I, 1896-1914 Hamburg ((Germany). Mathematische ge- sellschaft Mitteilungen. 1,1889+ RPB has ordered 1918+ Handicraft. M. Boston & Montague (Mass.) RPB 1-2, 1902-04 Hardware age. W. New York. 1,1855+ RP 103+ Ja 1919+ (also May 1913-Dec 1918 clipped) Hardware dealers' magazine. M. New York. 1,1893+ RP 46, no 6-v 48 D 1916-D 19 18 Hardwicke's science gossip. London. 1-33,1865-9711? RP RPB 1-24, 1865-88 com- 1-28, 1865-92 RPA 1-4, 9 1865-68, 73 Hartford (Conn.) — Board of park missioners Annual report RP 36+ 1896+ — Department of Engineering Annual report RP 5-7, 1911-1914 Hartford (Conn.). Municipal art society Publications: Bulletin RPB 6-7, 13-15 1907-08, 191 1 Hartford (Conn.). Natural history society Transactions. Hartford. I,i836|| RPB I Harvard engineering journal. (Association of Harvard engineers.) Q. Cambridge (Mass.) I-I3,noi||i902-Api9i4|| V 1-6 as Journal of Harvard engineering so- ciety Continued after Ap 19 14 as Technology monthly & Harvard engineering journal RPB 1-13 Harvard university. Cambridge (Mass.) — Arnold arboretum, see Arnold arbor- etum. Jamaica Plain (Mass.) — Astronomical observatory Annals. Cambridge. 1,1855 + RP 19-22, 1893-1899 RPA 11-19, 23-29, 32- 38, 41+ 1879 RPB 1 + Annual report RPA 1895+ Circulars RPA 51-75, 79+ . 1900-I- — JeflFcrson physical laboratory Contributions. 1,1903+ RPB 1 + — Museum of comparative zoology Annual report. 1859+ RPB 1861-68, 70-1902 Bulletin. 1,1863+ RP 1864 RPB 1-2, 34-f Contributions RPB ISO, 158-166, 168-73, 191-206, 209-211, 213, 215, 217, 219+ 1904, 190S-I- — School of architecture Architectural quarterly. Cambridge 1,1912+ RPB 1-2,. 1912-14 Harvey society. New York Harvey lectures. Philadelphia. 1,1905 + RPB i-f Havre (France), see also Association des museums de Province Heart. Irreg. London. 1,1909+ RPM 1 + Heating & ventilating magazine. M. Cooperstown (N.Y.); New York. 1,1904+ RP 14, no 2+ D 1917+ RPB 13-1- 1916+ Heaton's annual: the commercial hand- book of Canada. Toronto. 1,1912+ R 1910, 1014, 1917 RP 1913-1915, 1917. 1919^ RPB 9, II 1913, IS Hedwigia, organ fiir kryptogamenkunde & phytopathologie. Dresden. 1,1852+ RPIJ 1-6, 1852-72, ordered to date, & 1920-I- Helmuth house. New York (city) Reports RPB 3, s 1888, 95 Helvetica chimica acta. (Societe Suisse de chimie.) Basel & Geneva. 1 + 1918+ RPB i-l- Hendricks' commercial register of the United States for buyers and sellers. New York RP 16, 17, 22, 25+ 1907-08, 1913, 19164- Herbier boissier. Geneva (Switz.) Bulletin RPB ser i, 1-7; ser 2, 1-8 1893-1907 Highway magazine. Chicago RPB 10, no 10+ N 1919+ Highway transportation. (Motor truck association of America.) M. New York RP 8, no 5, 7+ N 1918-f Highways green book. (American auto- mobile association.) Washington (D.C.) 1,1920+ Continues Good roads year book RP 1 + Homeopathic journal of obstetrics, gyne- cologv, & pedology. New York RPB "18-19. 1896-97 Homeopathic medical society of Ohio Proceedings. Columbus RPB 41, 1905 Homeopathic medical society of the state of New York Transactions. Albany. 1,1863+ RPA 2-11, 13-22, 1864-79, 1880-85 RPB 1-27, 29-32, 34-41, 51-52, 54-56 1863-1912 Homeopathic physician; a monthly journal of medical science. Philadelphia RPB 1-14, 1881-94 (L') Homme; journal illustre des sciences anthropologiques. Paris. 1-4,1884-8711? RPB 1-4 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 25 Homoeopathic courier. St Louis RPB I, 1881 Homoeopathic recorder. M. Lancaster (Pa.) RPM 27+ 1912+ Honolulu (H.L), see also Bernice Pauahi Bishop museum of Polynesian ethnol- ogy & natural history Hooker's journal of botany, see also Bo- tanical miscellany; Journal of botany; London journal of botany Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift, see Zeitschrift fiir physiologische chemie Horseless age. W. New York. i-44,no4,i895-i5Myi9i8|| Merged into Motor world; Motor age; & Auto- motive industries RP 29-44, no 4II 1912-18II RPB 9-40, 1902-17 Horticultural magazine. London, see An- nals of horticulture Horticulturist & journal of rural art & rural taste. Rochester (N.Y.) etc. 1-30,1846-7511 RP 1-18, 1846-63 RPB 1-16, 1846-61 House beautiful. M. Chicago._ 1,18964- Absorbed My 1902 Domestic science monthly Ja 1908 Indoors & out, 1909 Modern homes, Mr 1912 American suburbs RP i4- RPA i8-f- 19064- RPAC 4- RPD 13-15. 1902-04 RPN Ap 1916-JI 1918 Hunt's Merchant's magazine, New York, see Merchant's magazine & commercial review Ice & refrigeration. M. Chicago. 1,1891 + RP 40-1- Ja 1911-h Ice & refrigeration blue book. Chicago RP 191S Illinois — Fish commission Biennial report. igoo-j- R 1902-08 — Game commission Annual report. 1900-f- R 1900 — Game & fish conservation commission Annual report. 1914-I- R 1914, 591S — Geological survey, ist. Report: Geology & palaeontology of Illinois. (Worthen.) V 1-8,1866-189011 R 1-8, 1866-90 — (State) geological survey, 2d. Bulletin. Urbana. 1,19064- R S-19, 22, 32 1907-1918 RPB 4-5, 7, 9- 22, 24-29, 31-f 1906-I- RPR 16, 20, 23, 26- 27, 29. .31, 33, 35. 36 1914-18 — Public welfare service, (for a time called Public charity service), see also Institution quarterly — State entomologist Report. . . on the noxious & beneficial insects of Illinois. i,i867-|- R 1908-18 RPB 1-4, 6-10, 26-27 1867-81, 1911-12 — State laboratory of natural history. Urbana Bulletin. 1,18764- RPB I, no 3 (Ed 2); v 5, no t, s, 12; v 6, no 2; V 7+ 1880 (Ed 2, 1903), 1897-t- — State water survey Publications _ RPB 34- 19064- lUinois society of architects Handbook for architects and builders RP V 22, igig Illinois society of engineers & surveyors Report of. . . annual meeting -,,. R?^ 5-6, 8, 10 1890-95 RPE 31, 1916 Illinois. University. Urbana Biological monographs. 1,19144- RPB 1+ . y 4-r — Association of engineering societies, see Technograph — Department of architecture. — Archi- tectural club Architectural year book RPB _v 6, 1916 — Engineering experiment station Bulletin. 1,1904-j- 9t''/RPE''-f '' ^^ '+ ^^^ '-'• Illuminating engineering society Transactions. M. New York 1,1906+ RP 3-12, 1908-1917 RPB 114- 19164- Illustrated exhibitor & magazine of art. London RPA I, 1852 Illustrated magazine of art. M. New York. 1-4,1853-5411? RPB 1-2, 1853 Illustrated world. M. Chicago. i,Mri904+ 1-3 as Technical world 4-23 as Technical world magazine R 19094- RP 1+ RPB 5+ 1906+ RPN 1910-11 (L') Illustration. W. Paris RPAC [140,] 1414- S-D 1912, I9I3-F RPD V 149-150, 1917 Imperial year book for Dominion of Can- ada. Ottawa, etc. R 1915-16 RP 1915-16, 1917-18 RPB 1914/15. 1917/18 Imprint, London. 1-2,191311? RPB 1-2 Index medicus. New York; Washington. 1-21,1879-9911 ser 2, V i+,i903+ Not published 1899-1902 RPB ser 2, v r+ RPM 1-21; ser 2, v 1- 16 1879-99, 1903-18 India — Railway board Administration report on railways in India RPB 1886-87 India rubber world. M. New York. 1,1889+ RP [39,] 404- Ja, Mr, Ap 1909-f- Indian mathematical society Journal. Madras RPB 9+ 1917-H Indiana — Commissioner of fisheries & game Biennial report. 1900+ R 1900-16 — Department of geology & natural re- sources Annual report. 1,1869+ Variations in names 1869-79, 81-89 R ser I, V i-io; ser 2, v 1-41 18694- RP II, 23 1881, 1898 RPB I, 5-6, 8-19, 22-35 1869-1910 Bulletin. 1,1910+ R I 26 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Indiana — Continued — State board of forestry Annual report. 1900+ R 1903-1916 Indiana academy of science Proceedings. Brookville; Indianapolis. 1891 + R 1912, 14-18 RPB 7, 9, 13-15, 17 1893, 97-99, 1901 Indiana engineering society Proceedings. (Annual report) RPE 35. 1915 Indianapolis. John Herron institute Annual report RPA 1912/13-1914/15 RPD 1913 + Indoors & out. M. Boston. i-5,no3,Oi905-Di907l| Merged into House beautiful Ja 1908 RPB 4, 1907 Industrial arts index. Y. New York. 1,1913+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB i-H Industrial arts magazine. M. Milwaukee (Wis.) 1,1914+ Incorporated Handicraft, & Arts & crafts maga- zine RP 1+ RPD 6+ 1917+ Industrial engineering & the engineering digest. M. New York. 1,1907+ 1-2 as Technical literature 3-6 as Engineering digest RP 1-13, [15] 1907-13, [15] RPB 3-14. 1908-14 Industrial management. M. New York. i,Api89i + 1-52; Ap iSgi-Mr 1917 as Engineering maga- zine R 1920+ RP 1+ RPB 3-6, 9-10, 13- 19, 21+ 1892-94, 99, igoo-j- RPE -+- Industrial world & iron worker, see Iron trade review Industries & iron. W. London. i-28,Jli886-i90o|| 1-14 as Industries In Je 1893, Iron combined with Industries, re- taining volume numbering of latter RP 12-14, 16-28, 1892-Je 93, 94-1900 RPB 1-16, 1886-94 Industry. Semi-m. Washington (D.C.) i,Di9i8+ RP i-f RPB 1+ Inland architect & news record. Chicago. i-?,i884-i909|| Continued in American architect RPD 8-22, 31-38 1887-94, 98-1902 Inland printer. M. Chicago. 1,01883+ RP 2-9, II, 13, 15+ 1884+ RPD 19-21, 29-33 1897-1904 Insectologie agricole; journal des insects utiles & de leurs products. Paris RPB I. 1867 Institut de France. Paris — Academic des sciences Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des se- ances. 1,1835+ RPB 1 + Histoire de I'Academie avec les me- moires de mathematique & de physique. Paris RPB 1-66, 1699-1762 Memoires. Paris RPB 1-23, 1818-53 Memoires; sciences mathematiqucs & de physiques. Paris RPB 1-14, 1796-1815 Memoires presentes. . . par divers savans; sciences mathematiqucs & physiques. Paris RPB ser 1, v 1-2; ser 2, v i-ii, 13 1806-11, 1827-52 Institut Pasteur. Paris Annales. 1,18874- RPB 15-f 1901-f — Bulletin. 1,1903+ RPB 1 + Institute for medical research. Federated Malay states Studies. Singapore RPB 3, 1908 Institute of radio engineers. New York. Proceedings. Bi-m. 1,1913+ RP 7+ F 1919+ Institution of civil engineers. London Minutes of proceedings. Q. 1,1837-!- RP 1-184, 1837-191 1 RPB 2+ 1842+ RPE 95+ 1888+ — Transactions. Irreg. 1-3,1836-421! No more published RP I, 1836 RPB 1-2, 1836-42 Institution of electrical engineers. London Journal. Irreg. 1,1872-}- 1-19 as Society of telegraph engineers RP i-f 1872+ — see also Science abstracts Institution of engineers & shipbuilders in Scotland. Glasgow Transactions. Y. 1,1857+ RPB 36-40, 1892-97 Institution of mechanical engineers. London Journal. 8 nos Y. 1,1914-!- Continues Proceedings RP 1914+ RPB 1914-I- — Proceedings. Q. 1847-1914II Continued as Journal RP _ 1847-1914 RPB 1873-1914 Institution quarterly. (Illinois — Public wel- fare service.) Springfield (111.) 1,1910+ R 1-!- RPB 3+ 1912+ RPM [i,] 2-f- [1910-11,] 1911-f- Insurance engineering, see Safety engi- neering Intellectual observer. London. 1-15,1859-68!! 1-3; 1859-61, as Recreative science Continued as Student & intellectual observer RP 4-15 RPA 4-15 , . . Intermediaire des mathematiciens. Paris. 1,1894+ RPB _ 24-t- 19174- Internacia sclenca revuo, oficiala monata organo de la internacia scienca oficejo esperantista. Geneva (Switz.) RPB 4-6, 1907-09 International association for testing mate- rials Proceedings. Vienna. 1,1908+ RPB I, nos 1-15, 1908-10 International association of medical mu- seums Bulletin. 1,1907+ RPB 3+ 1911-t- RPR I. 4-6 1907, 1913-16 International bureau of the American re- publics, see Pan American union International catalog of scientific litera- ture: all subjects A-R. London. RPB 1901+ all classes International clinics. Q. RPM 1-26, 1891-1916 1,1901 + Philadelphia. 1,1891 + IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 27 International congress of anthropology, see Congres international d'anthropo- logie International congress of applied chemis- try Proceedings. 8th (Wash. & N.Y.), 1912 RP 1912 RPB 1912 International congress of mathematicians Proceedings. 1,1897+ RPB 1-2, 4+ 1897, 1900, 1908+ Intemational congress of navigation Reports etc. RPB 4-12, 1890-1912 International congress of zoology Proceedings. Paris; Moscow; Boston RP 7, 1907 (Boston) RPB 1-2, 1889, & 1892/93 International congress on technical educa- tion, see Royal society of arts International congress on tuberculosis Transactions. 6,1908 RP 6. 1908 (6v) International deep waterways association Proceedings of annual convention. 1,1895 + RPB 1, 189s (Cleveland) International engineering congress Proceedings & Transactions C1893] Chicago; [1901] Glasgow; [1904] St Louis; 1915 San Francisco;-|- RP Chicago; St Louis RPB Chicago; Glasgow; San Francisco RPE 1915, Me- chanical engineering volume — Division (A) of Civil Engineering, Chicago, 1893 Papers (In vol 29-30 of Transactions of American society of civil engineers) Pub 1894 RP 1894 — Division (G) of Marine & naval engi- neering & naval architecture. Chicago, 1893 Proceedings. (Papers 1-45.) N.Y. 1-2,189411 RP 1-2 RPB 1-2 International geographic congress Report. 3,1881 Venice; 6,1895; 8,1904 Washington RPA 8, 1904 RPB 3, 6, 8 1881, 1895, 1904 _ International homeopathic congress Transactions. Quinquennial RPB s-6, 1896, 1900 International institute of technical biblio- graphy. London Journal. Engineering abstracts. M. London. 1909-F1913II 1909- 19 10 as Fortschritte der technik Continuation of Repertorium der technischen lit- eratur RP 1909-Ja 1911 International irrigation congress Official proceedings Thru 19, 191 1 as National irrigation congress RP 12, 17-21 1904, 1909-13 RPB 12, 17- 21 1904, 1909-13 International journal of surgery. M. New York RPM 22-(- 1909+ International marine engineering. M. New York. 1,1897+ I- 1 1 as Marine engineering RP 2-4- 1898-t- International maritime association Annual RPB 1902 International military digest. M. New York. I-?,I9I5-Di9i8|| Absorbed by National service RP 1915-18 International printer. M. Philadelphia Consolidated with American Printer RP 23, 24 1902, 1903 International road congress Reports RPB 2-3, 1910, 1913 International scientists' directory. (S. E. Cassino.) Boston, see Naturalists' universal directory International standard. (International in- stitute for preserving & perfecting weights & measures.) Bi-m. Cleve- land. 1-3,1883-8611? RPB 1-3, 1883-86 International studio. M. New York. i,Mri897+ American edition of Studio (London), v \-\- corresponding to v io-|- of Studio, each num- ber dated one month later in New York RPA 1-1- RPAC i4- RPD 1 + RPN 1903-1- Internationale graphische muster-austrauch. Y. Leipzig RP 1-6, 9-11 1889-1904 Internationaler phytopathologischer dienst. Stuttgart RPB 1, 1908? Investment weekly. New York, see Busi- ness digest & investment weekly Iowa — Geological survey. (Hall & White, 1855-70) Annual report of progress. i-3,i866-69|| R 1870 2 V RPB 1-3 — Geological survey. (1892+) Annual report. 1,1892+ RPB 14, 16, 18-21, 24-26 1903, OS, 07-11, 13- [Publications: Reports & papers] RPB 2, 6 1894, 97 — State fish & game warden Biennial report. 1901+ R 1901-03, 07 Iowa naturalist. Q. Iowa city RPR 1, 1905 Iowa. State college of agriculture & me- chanic arts. Ames. — Engineering ex- periment station Contributions RP 2, 3, 6 Iowa. University. Iowa City Studies in natural history. 1,1888+ 1-7, 1888-1918 as Bulletin from the Labora- tories of natural history RP V 7, 1915-18 RPB v 8-f- 1919 + — University extension bulletin. Irreg. R I, 2, 4-6, 8-1 1, 13-19. 21. 22, 24, 26, 27, 32- 35, 36-42, 45, 47, 48, 51, 57, 59 RP 4-10 1914-191S . ^ , , . , — Laboratories of natural history Bulletin, see Iowa. University. Studies in natural history Iron. London, see also Industries & iron; Mechanics' magazine Iron age. W. New York. 1,1855+ „„ RP 14, 16, 18-21, 31-37, 39+ Jl 1874-t- RPB 70-t- 1902-t- Iron age directory. Y. New York RP 1902-OS, 07-09, 191 1 RPB 7-13, 1903- Iron & machinery world, see Iron trade review Iron & steel institute. London Carnegie scholarship memoirs. Y. RP i-H 1909+ 28 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Iron & steel institute — Continued — Journal. Semi-a. 1,1869+ RP 4-22, 45+ 1874+ RPB 20 (?) 73 + 1889 pt I, 1907+ Iron trade review. W. Cleveland (O.) 1,1867+ In March 1898 absorbed Industrial world & iron worker; In Aug. 1906 absorbed Iron & machinery world; In 1914 absorbed Second hand machinery) RP 54, nos i-is;v 61, no 21+ Ja-g Ap 1914; 22 Nov 1917+ Irrigation age. M. Chicago. i-33,no9,i89i-Ni9i8|| RPB 20-33. 1904-18 o ^ 1- Isis; revue consacree a riiistoire & a 1 or- ganization de la science. (Sarton.) Wondelgem-lez-Gand. 1,1913+ RPB 1 + Italy — Ministero del lavori pubblici Atti del comitate tecnico esecutivo RPB 190S . ., See also Giornale del genio civile — Ministero della istruzione publica Bollettino d'arte RPB 10, 1910 Ithaca (N.Y.), see also Cornell university J Jahrbuch. In addition to the following titles, see also under names of societies, academies, institutions, etc. Jahrbuch der chemie. (Meyer.) Y. Bruns- wick (Ger.) 1,1891 + RPB 1-22, 1891-1912 Jahrbuch der elektrochemie; berichte. Halle. 1,1894+ RPB 2, 189s Jahrbuch der radioaktivitat & electronik. Leipzig. 1,1904+ RPB 4. 8 1907. 1911 + Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathe- matik. Berlin. 1,1868+ RPB 1 + Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche botanik. Berlin; Leipzig. 1,1858+ RPB 1 + Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemischcn technologic, see Jahres- bericht uber die leistungen der chem- ischcn technologic Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der physiologic. Bonn. 1,1892+ RPB 1-16, 1892-1907 Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der tier- chemie. Wiesbaden. 1,1871 + RPB 30+ 1900-1- Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte in der lehre von den pathogenen mikroorgan- ismen. (Baumgarten.) Brunswick; Leipzig (Ger.) 1,1885+ RPB 9-f- 1.893+ Jahresbericht iiber die leistungen der chemischcn technologic. Leipzig. 1,1855+ 1-10 as Johresberight iiber die fortschritte. . . der chemischen technologic RP 11-53, 186S-1907 RPB 1-48 pt 1, 185s- 1902 Jahresberichte iiber die fortschritte der anatomic & physiologic. Leipzig. 1,1872+ RPB 1-20 pt I, 1872-91 Jahresbericht iiber die leistungen & fort- schritte in der anatomic & physiologic. Berlin RPB 19 10 Jamaica (W.L) — Botanical department Bulletin. Kingston RPB 1-2; n ser, v i-s, 1887-98 Jane's Fighting ships. London RP 1904+ Japan year book. (Eastern papers.) London RP II, 13 1916, 1918 Japan year book. (Japan gazette.) Yoko- hama RP 1913-14 Japan, see also Mathematical association of Japan for secondary schools; Phy to- pathological society of Japan Jefferson physical laboratory, see Harvard university — Jefiferson physical labora- tory Jenaische zeitschrift fiir naturwissenschaft. (Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche ge- sellschaft zu Jena. 1,1864+ RPB 8-t- 1874+ Jewelers' circular buyers' directory. New York RP 1919-20 Jewelers' pocket guide & memorandum book. (Manufacturing jewelers' sales- men's association.) Providence (R.I.) RPB 1898 Jobbers' handbook. (Manufacturing jew- eler.) Providence, (R.I.) RP 1906, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1919-20 John Herron institute, see under Indian- apolis Johns Hopkins hospital. Baltimore (Md.) Bulletin. M. 1,1890-f- RPM 1 + — Reports. Irreg. 1,1896+ RPM i-f Johns Hopkins university. Baltimore (Md.) Notes in mathematics RPB [190S, 06, 12] — Biological laboratory Studies. 1-5,1877-9311 RPB [2,] 3, [4,] 5 1884-93 Johnson's steam vessels of the Atlantic coast RP 1916 Johnston laboratory. University of Liver- ■ pool, see also Thompson Yates labora- \ tories Journal. In addition to the following titles, see also Journals entered under the names of societies, academies, institu- tions, etc. Journal dc botanique. (Morot.) Paris. 1-22,1887-190911? RPB 1-22 Journal de mathematiques elementaires. (Vuibert.) Paris. 1,1877+ RPB 41+ 1916-h Journal de mathematiques pures & appli- quees. (Liouville.) Paris. 1,1836+ RPB i-f- Journal de mathematiques speciales. (Mariaud.) Paris RPB 24, 1898-99 Journal de physique theorique & appliquee. Paris. 1,1872+ RPB i-l- IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 29 Journal des savants. Paris. ser I, V i-iii; ser 2, v 1+ 1665-1792; 1816+ RPB n set, v ii+ 1913+ Journal fiir die reine & angewandte mathe- niatik. (Crelle.) Berlin. 1,1826+ RPB 1+ . . Journal fiir praktische chemie. Leipzig. 1,1834+ RPB 1-46, 48-Si. 97+ 1834-S0, 1918+ Journal of accountancy. M. New York. 1,1905 + RP 2+ My 1906+ RPB 3+ 1906+ Journal of agricultural research. (U.S. — Department of Agriculture.) Wash- ington (D.C.) 1,1913+ R 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 18+ 1919+ RPR 1 + Journal of agricultural science. Cambridge (Eng.) 1,1905+ RPB 1 + Journal of American ethnology & archae- ology. (Fewkes.) Boston. 1-2,1891-92]!? RPA 1-2 Journal of anatomy. London. 1,1867+ I-S2 as Journal of anatomy & physiology RPB 27+ 1893+ Journal of animal behavior. Cambridge (Mass.) 1,1911 + RPB 1 + — See also Behavior monographs Journal of anthropology. London. i,noi-3jli87o-Ja7i|| Continued Anthropological review RPB no 1-3 Journal of applied microscopy & laboratory methods. (Elliott.) Rochester (N.Y.) 1-6,1898-190311 RPB 1-6 RPN 1903 Journal of bacteriology. Bi-m. Baltimore (Md.) 1,1916+ RPB i-l- Joumal of biological chemistry. M. New York. 1,1905 + RPB i-l- RPM 1-9, 190S-1911 Journal of botany. (Hooker.) London. 1-4,1834-4211 Continues Botanical miscellany. (Hooker) Continued by London journal of botany RPA 1-4 RPB 1-4 Journal of botany, British & foreign. M. London. 1,1863+ RPB i-f Joumal of cancer research. Q. Baltimore (Md.) 1,1916+ RPM 1 + Joumal of comparative medicine & veter- inary archives. M. Philadelphia RPB 16-24, 189S-1903 Journal of comparative neurology. Q. Granville (O.); Philadelphia. 1,1891 + 1-20, 1891-1910 as Journal of comparative neu- rology & psychology RPB i-f Journal of commerce, New York, see Com- mercial year book Journal of cutaneous diseases. M. Chi- cago. 1-37,1883-191911 Continued as Archives of dermatology & syphil- ology RPM 1-23, 26, 29-37 Journal of design & manufactures. M. London. i-6;Mri849-F52||? RPA 1-6 (Fabric patterns inserted) Journal of ecology. London (Eng.) 1,1913+ RPB i-f- Joumal of economic entomology. Concord (N.H.) 1,1908+ RPB i-f Journal of electricity. Semi-m. San Fran- cisco RP 42-I- Ja 1919+ Journal of experimental medicine. M. New York. 1,1896+ RPB 6+ 19014- RPM 1 + Journal of experimental zoology. Q. Baltimore; Philadelphia. 1,1904+ RPB i-l- Journal of forestry. Ithaca (N.Y.) i,Octi902+ 1-14, 1902-1916 as Forestry quarterly RPB i-f- Journal of general physiology. (Rocke- feller institute.) New York. 1,1919+ RPB I-f Journal of geography. Lancaster (Pa.); Chicago; New York; Madison (Wis.) 1,1902+ RPB i-s, lo-f- 1902-07, 1912-t- RPN [i- 8,] ii4- [1902-09,] 1912+ Journal of geology, semi-q. Chicago. 1,1893+ R 19-28, 1911+ RPB 1 + Journal of Egyptian archaeology. (Egypt exploration fund.) Q. London. 1,1914+ RP I-f- RPB 1-4. 1914-17 Journal of heredity. (Ainerican genetic as- sociation.) M. Washington (D.C.) 1,1910+ Early years as American breeders' magazine RPB 6+ 1915+ Journal of hygiene. Cambridge (Eng.) 1,1901+ RPB 1 + — Supplement, see Parasitology Journal of immunology. Bi-m. Baltimore. 1,1916+ RPB 3+ 1918-1- RPM 1 + Journal of industrial & engineering chem- istry, see American chemical society Journal of industrial hygiene. M. New York. i,Myi9i9+ RP i4- RPB 1+ RPM I, no 8+, Di9i9-t- Joumal of infectious diseases. M. Chi- cago. 1,1904+ RPB I-f RPM 1 + Journal of laboratory & clinical medicine. M. St Louis (Mo.) 1,1915+ RPB 5+ 1920+ RPM i-f Journal of mammalogy. Q. Baltimore. 1,1919+ RPR i4- Joumal of medical research. Bi-m. Boston. 1,1896+ i-S as Journal of the Boston society of medical sciences; v 6+ as n ser, v i-f 1901 + RPB 1+ RPM 6-f- 1901-I- Joumal of morphology. Boston; Phila- delphia. 1,1887+ RPB i-f Journal of mycology. Manhattan (Kan.); Washington (D.C.) i-i4,i885-i9o8|| Not published 1894-1901 Continued as Mycologia RPB 1-13, 1885-1907 Journal of orthopaedic surgery. M. Boston; Lincoln (Neb.) 1,1903+ Thru Dec 19 18 as American journal. . . RPM I-f 30 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Journal of pharmacology & experimental therapeutics. Baltimore. 1,1909+ RPB 1-9. 11 + Journal of physical chemistry. M. Ithaca (N.Y.); New York. 1,1896+ RPB 7+ 1903+ Journal of physiology. London. 1,1878+ RPB I, 34+ 1878, 1906+ Journal of science. London, see Quarterly journal of science Journal of sociologic medicine. Bi-m. Easton (Pa.) 1,1891+ Thru V 15, 1914 as Bulletin of the American academy of medicine RPM 1 + Joumal of the outdoor life; published monthly in the interests of the Anti- tuberculosis campaign. New York RPM 2+ 1905/06+ Journal of the United States artillery. (U.S. Coast artillery school.) M, Bi-m. Fort Monroe (Va.) 1,1892+ RPA 1-9, 1892-Je 1898 Journal of zoophily. Philadelphia, see Starry cross Junta para ampHacion de estudios & in- vestigaciones cientificas, see under Madrid (Spain) Just's botanischer jahresbericht, see Bo- tanischer jahresbericht Justus Liebig's Annalen, see Liebig's An- nalen der chemie Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. Gotha, see also Petermann's Mitteilun- gen K Kalender fiir elektrochemiker, sowie tech- nische chemiker & physiker. Berlin RPB 1857 Kansas — Fish & game warden Biennial report. 1914+ R 1914-16 — Geological survey Report RPB preliminary, 1866 See also Kansas. University — Geo- logical survey Kansas academy of science Transactions. Topeka. 1,1872+ R 1876, 1914 RPB 1-13, 25 1872-92, 19:2 Kansas. State agricultural college. Man- hattan. — Engineering experiment sta- tion Bulletin. 1,01914+ R 1913-191S, 1917-18 RP 1-6, 8-9 1914-17 Kansas. University. Lawrence Kansas university quarterly. 1-10,1892-190111 Continued by Science bulletin RPB i-io — Kansas university science bulletin. 1,1902+ Continues Quarterly RPB 1-4, 10-)- 1902-08, 1917-f- — Division of state chemical research Bulletin RP 1-2, (Engineering bulletin 7, 9) — Geological survey [Reports.] 1-7,1896-190211 RPB 1-7 Keel block. M. Manitowoc, Wis. Published by Shipbuilders service club in the interest of the employees of the Manitowoc ship building co., Manitowoc boiler works & Manitowoc engine works _ RP 5+ Ag 19184- Keith's magazine on home building. M. Minneapolis. 1,1899+ RP 27+ Ja 1912+ Kelly's directory of merchants, manufac- tures, and shippers of the world. London RP 1912, 1916-17, 1919 Kentucky — Geological survey. (Owen, 1854-61.) Report. 1-4,1854-6111 R i8s4 ■ — State forester Biennial report RP 1-3, 1912-17 Keystone. (Jewelry magazine.). M. Phila- delphia. 1,1883+ RP 42, no lo-f- 2My 1916+ Khartum (Sudan), see also Gordon me- morial college Kirkwood brothers, Boston, see also Smoke- less shots Knickerbocker comments. M. New York RP 2, no 7-12; 3, no 4-v 4, no lo; 5, no i, [1915-1918] Knight's penny magazine, see Penny maga- zine Knowledge. M. London. i,Ni88i + In F1904 absorbed the Illustrated scientific news & formed a new series (ser. 3) as Knowl- edge & illustrated scientific news thru Ap 1910 (33, no 4) RP 1-22, 1881-1899 Knowledge diary & scientific handbook. London RPB igoi Kosmos; zeitschrift fiir. . . entwickelungs- lehre. Leipzig; Stuttgart. 1,1877+? RPB i-is, 1877-94 Kunst, monatshefte fiir freie & ange- wandte kunst. M. Munich RP 28-31, 1912-1916 RPB 15+ 19074- RPD 14, 16 1905/06, 06/07 Kunst-chronik & Kunstmarkt. Leipzig, see Zeitschrift fiir bildende kunst, of which it is the supplement Labor saver. (Stephens-Adamson mfg. CO.) Aurora (111.) RPB + Labour gazette. (Department of Labour, Dominion of Canada.) Ottawa. 1,1900+ RPB 1 + Labour gazette. (Labour department of the Board of Trade, Great Britain.) London. 1,1893+ RPB 1 + Ladies' diary. (Gregory.) Y. London Continued after 1840 in Lady's & Gentleman's diary RPA 1722, 26, 41, 66, 97, 1806 RPB 182s- 27. 29 Lady's & gentleman's diary, designed prm- cipally for students in mathematics. London RPB 138-42. 146-49. 1841-45. 40-52 La Jolla (Calif.), see also Scripps mstitu- tion for biological research IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 31 Lakes-to-the-gulf deep waterway associa- tion. St Louis Report of the annual convention. 1,1906+ R 3-4, 1908-9 RP 4, 1909 Lamp. (Standard oil co.) M. New York. i,Myi9i8+ RP 1 + Lancet. W. London. 1,1823+ RPA 1840-41 RPM 1827+ Lancet. W. New York London Lancet. New York edition RPA 1845-46, 47 (Pt 2)-82 (pt i) Landscape architecture. Q. Harrisburg (Pa.) 1,1910+ RP 10+ Oct 1919+ RPB i-f La Plata. Universidad nacional. — Observa- torio Anuario. Buenos Aires. 1,1886+ RPB 1900 Latin-American year book. New York. 1,1919+ RP 19194- RPB 1919 Laws observatory, see Missouri. Univer- sity Layman printer. (American multigraph sales CO.) M. Then 3 times a year. Cleveland RP V I, nos 5-12; V 2, nos i, 2, 4-12; v 3, nos i-S, 7, 8, 10-13; V 4, nos 2, 6, 7, 8, 10-12; v 5, nos i-ii; V 6, nos i, 2 D 1910-S 1917 League of American municipalities, see also American municipalities, which continues Bulletin, later City hall League of American Wheelmen. Bulletin, see Good roads Leahy's hotel guide and railway distance maps of America. Semi-m. RP Oct 1919 Leander McCormick observatory, see Vir- ginia. University Leather manufacturer. M. Boston. 1,1883+ RP 30, no 6+ Je 1919 + Lefax. M. Philadelphia (Pa.) 1,1915+ RPB 9+ 1919+ Leghorn (Italy), see also Accademia ital- iana di scienze, lettre, & arti Leipzig (Ger.), see also Astronomische gesellschaft; Deutsche mathematiker- vereinigung; Deutsche zoologische gesellschaft Leland Stanford, jr. university. Stanford university (Calif.) Stanford university medical bulletin. Irreg. 1,1913+ RPM 1+ Lens, a quarterly journal of microscopy & allied natural science. (Briggs.) Chicago. 1-2,1872-7311 RPB 1-2 Leschen's Hercules. (A. Leschen & sons rope CO.) St Louis RPB i-f Lick observatory, see California. Univer- sity Liebig's Annalen der chemie. M. Leip- zig. 1,1832+ 1-32, 1832-39 as Annalen der pharmacie. Heidel- berg 33-168, 1840-73 as Annalen der chemie & phar- macie 169-172, 1873-74 as Justus Liebig's Annalen der chemie & pharmacie RPB 1-244, 417+ 1832-88. 19184- Liege (Belg.). Societe royale des sciences, see Societe royale des sciences Lilly scientific bulletin. (Eli Lilly & co.) Indianapolis. 1,1912+ RPB 1 + Linnaea; ein journal fiir die botanik. Berlin RPB 38, 1874; has ordered complete & + Linnaea entomologica zeitschrift. (Ento- mologischer verein in Stettin.) Berlin RPB 10, 185s Linnaean society of New York Transactions RP 1-2, 1882-1884 Linnean society. London Journal: Botany. 1,1857+ RPB i-f — Transactions. 1-30, 1791-1875 ser 2, Botany, & Zoology,:, 1879+ RPB 1-30, ser 2, 1-6, 1791-1875, 1879-1905 Linotype bulletin. (Mergenthaler linotype CO.) New York. 1,1902+ RP 7+ Ja 1911 + Lisbon (Portugal). Universidade. — Facul- dade de medicina, Instituto de ana- tomia, see also Archivo de anatomia & anthropologia Lisbon (Portugal), see also Academia real des sciences Lithographer & printer. W. New York RP 1-7, 1883-1887 Little journal. (A. D. Little, inc., chemists, engineers. . .) Irreg. Boston R 1918+ RP Jl 1918 Liverpool (Eng.) — Health department Report RPB 1905 Liverpool marine biology committee — Port Erin biological station Reports upon the fauna of Liverpool bay and the neighboring seas. London; Liverpool RPB 1-4. 1886-95 Liverpool (Eng.), see also Thompson Yates laboratories Livorno (Italy), see Leghorn Lloyd library. Cincinnati (O.) Bibliographical contributions. Q 1,1911 + RPB 1+ RPR 7+ 1912+ Lloyd's calendar. London RP 1918, 1919 Lloyd's register of British & foreign ship- ping. London R 1911/12 RPB 1878/79 Lockwood's directory of the paper and stationery trades. New York RP 41, 44 1916, 1919 Locomotive. Q. Hartford (Conn.) RP 15+ 1894+ RPB + Locomotive engineer, later Locomotive en- gineering, see Railway & locomotive engineering Locomotive firemen's magazine. M. In- dianapolis. 1,1876+ RP 28-39 1900-1905 London (Eng.)— County asylums, Clay- bury, Essex— Pathological laboratory, see Archives of neurology & psychol- ogy London. Directories. Post office London directory RP 19 19 2V 32 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS London, Edinburgh, & Dublin philosoph- ical magazine & journal of science. M. London ser I, 1-68, 1798-1826; n ser, i-ii, 1827-32; n ser, 1-37, 1832-50; ser 4, 1-50, 1851-75; ser 5, 1-50, 1876-1900; ser 6, i-|- 1901 + Before 1832 known as Philosophical magazine In 1832 merged with Edinburgh journal of science RPA I, 3-17, 19-45, 47-48; 1798, 1799-1804, 1804-15, i8i6 RPB n ser [ser 3] 1 + 1832+ London journal of arts & sciences. London, ser I, V 1-14, 1820-27; ser 2, v 1-9, 1828- 31; ser 3, V 1-45, 1832-54, ser 4, v 1-26 1855-69 Ser 4 as Newton's London journal of arts & sciences RPA ser 3, v 1-45; ser 4, v 1-23, 1832-54, 1857-66 London journal of botany. (Hooker.) London. 1-7,1842-481! Continues Journal of botany Continued by Hooker's journal of botany RPB 1-7 London mathematical society Proceedings. 1,1865 + RPB i4- London. New gallery Complete illustrated catalogue of the summer exhibition. Y. RPA 4-8, 1891-95 London. University. — Francis Galton laboratory for national eugenics, see also Treasury of human inheritance London, see also Anthropological society of London; Biochemical society; British archaeological association; British association for the advance- ment of science; British astronomical association; British meteorological society; Chemical society of London; Egypt exploration fund; Faraday so- ciety; Geological society of London; Institution of civil engineers; Institu- tion of electrical engineers; Institution of mechanical engineers; Iron & steel institute; Linnean society; Mathematical association; Museums association; Pal- estine exploration fund; Physical so- city of London; Physiological society; Royal_ academy of arts; Royal anthro- pological society of Great Britain & Ireland; Royal astronomical society; Royal geographical society; Royal in- stitute of British architects; Royal in- stitution of Great Britain; Royal mi- croscopical society; Royal sanitary in- stitute; Royal society for the protec- tion of birds; Royal society of arts; Royal society of London; Royal society of medicine; Royal statistical society; Society^ of chemical industry; Society of engineers; Society of public ana- lysts; South Kensington museum; Zoo- logical society of London Lorquinia. (Lorquin natural history club.) Los Angeles RPR I, no 7-12, V 2, no 1-5 1917 Los Angeles (Calif.), see also Lorquin natural history club; Southern Cali- fornia academy of sciences Louisiana — Geological survey Geology & Agriculture of Louisiana. 1-6,1892-1902 Issued at Baton Rouge by State University & Agricultural experiment station RP 5-6, 1899-1902 Louisiana planter & sugar manufacturer. W. New Orleans. 1,1888+ RP 58-I- Ja igi7-\- (also older ones clipped) Louisville (Ky.) — Board of park commis- sioners Annual report RP 1891 Lowell observatory, see Flagstaff (Ariz.) Lowell (Mass.) textile school Bulletin. Q. RP [10,] II, [12, 16, 17,] 20-f [1907-08, 12, 14I N 1916+ Lubrication. (Texas co.) M. New York RP 5, no 4+ F 1918-I- Lucca (Italy), see also R. Accademia luc- chese di scienze, lettere, & arti Lyceum of natural history in the city of New York, see New York (city). Ly- ceum of natural history Lynn (Mass.) — Park commissioner Annual report RP 1-8, 11-13, 15-22 1889. . .1910 Lyons (France) sec also Societe linneenne de Lyon M M. O. H. Bulletin (Marden Orth & Hast- ings Corporation.) M? New York RP I, no 9-|- F 1919-I- MacRae's blue book, buying guide for mechanical engineering & purchasing depts of steam & electric railways, mines, contractors, etc. Chicago R 1918 RP 191S, 1919 Machinery. (Engineering edition.). M. New York. 1,1894-f RP 9-12, V 19, pt 2-J- S 1902-Ag 06; Mr 13-I- RPB 9+ 19024- RPD 15-t- 1908-I- Madrid (Spain). Junta para ampliacion de estudios & investigaciones cientifi- cas. Laboratorio & seminario mate- matico Publicaciones. 1,1916+ RPB i-l- Madrid (Spain). Observatorio Anuario. Madrid. 1860+ RPB 191S Madrid (Spain), see also Sociedad espanola de excursiones; Sociedad matematica espaiiola Magazine of art. M. London. 1-28,1878-190411? RP 1-28, 1878-1904 RPA 6, 8 1883-85 RPAC 14-28, 1891-1904 RPB 2-7, 11-13, 1879-84, 88-90 Magazine of horticulture, botany, & rural affairs. Boston. 1-34,1835-681! 1-3 as American gardener's magazine & register RP 4-12, 16-30 1838-46, 51-64 RPB 17-18, 20-26 1851-52, S4-6o Magazine of typography. Q. New York RP 1, no I Ja 1865 Mail order journal, Chicago, see Advertis- ing age & mail order journal IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES SS Maine — Commissioners of fisheries & game (1867-9S) Annual report. 1867-95II 1867-80 as Commissioner of fisheries In 189s split into Com'rs of inland fisheries & game, & Com'rs of sea & shore fisheries RP 1867-69 — Commissioners of inland fisheries & game Annual report. 1898+ R 1898-1900, 19084- RP 1916 — Commissioners of sea & shore fish- eries Biennial report. 1898+ R 1898-1900, 1908-16 — Forest commissioner Report Annual, 1891-96II Biennial, 1902+ R i8gi, 94, 96, 1908-16 — Geologist Report. 1-3,1837-3911 R 3. 1839 RP 1-3, 1837-39 RPB 1-3, 1837-39 — Water storage commission Annual report. i9io-f R igio-13 Manchester (N.H.) institute of arts & sciences Proceedings. Manchester RPB 1-4, 1899-1902 Manchester (Eng.) literary & philosophical society- Memoirs & proceedings [ser n i-s, 1785-1802; cser 23 1-15, 1805-60; [ser 3] i-io, 1862-87; tser 4: 1+ 1888-f- RPB cser 4: 1-2, 1888-89 Manitowoc shipbuilding co., (also Mani- towoc boiler works and Manitowoc engine works). Manitowoc (Wis.), see also Keel block Manual of American water-works. (Baker.) New York. i,i888-|- R 1888 RPB 2, 1889-90 Manual training magazine. M. Peoria (111.) 1,01899+ 16-17 (1914-16) as Manual training & vocational education, having absorbed Vocational education RP 6+ 190S+ RPD 9+ 1907+ RPN [1903-14, 1918-19,] 19204- Manufacturer & builder. M. New York. 1-29,1869-9711 RP 1-6, 10, 14, IS, 17, 22; 1869-74, 78, 82, 83, 8s. 90 Manufacturers aircraft association, see also Aircraft year book Manufacturer's record. W. Baltimore. 1,1882+ RP 21-54, 744- F 1892-Ja 1909, 4 Jl 19184- Manufacturing jeweler. W. Providence (R.I.) 1,1884+ RP i84- 18964- — see also Jobbers' handbook Marden Orth & Hartings corporation, New York, see also M. O. H. bulletin Maria Mitchell association, Nantucket (Mass.) Annual report RP 7, 8, 12, 13 1909-1S Marine biological association of San Diego. — Laboratory. (University of California) Contributions. I-33(?),I905-I9ii ?|| Also called Marine biological station Continued as Scripps institution for biological research RPB 1-33 Marine biological association of the United Kingdom. Plymouth (Eng.) Journal. ser i, v i; n ser, v l+ 18874- RPB i4- Marine biological laboratory. Wood's Hole (Mass.) Biological bulletin. 1,1899+ RPB i4- Marine engineering, see International marine engineering Marine review. M. Cleveland (O.) 1,1878+ RP 474- Ja 1917-I- RPB 314- 19054- Marine review list of shipbuilders. Cleve- land (O.) RP 1918 Marseilles (France). Musee d'histoire naturelle Annales. 1,1882+ RPB 1-2, 1882-85 Maryland — Geological survey (1896-f) [Reports.] 1,1897+ RPB 1-9, 1897-1911 [Reports; systematic geology & paleontology] RPB 1-3, 1901-06 Report on the highways of Mary- land. 1,1899+ RPB 1-3, 1899-1903 [Special reports on county re- sources] RP 1900, 1901 (Alleghany County) RPB 1-5, 1900-07 — State board of forestry Biennial report. 1907+ R 1907-1917 — Weather service [Reports.] 1892-98; n ser i, 1899+ RP 1, 1892-93 RPB n ser, 1-3, 1899- 1910 Massachusetts — Board of harbor & land commissions Annual report Continued as Mass — Commission on waterways & public lands R 1879-83, 1885, 1888-1918 RPB 18, 20, 24- 25, 27, 29-37; 1898, 1900, 03-04, 06-15 — Board of railroad commissioners Annual report R 1-44, 18964- RPB 20, 22, 29, 33-36, 38- 40 1889-1909 — Commissioners of fisheries & game Annual report. 1867+ R 1867-80, 18824- — Commission on inland fisheries and game Report RP 1900 — Commission on waterways & public lands Annual report. 1,1916+ Continues Mass.-^Board of harbor & land com- missions R 14- RPB i4- — Geological survey Final report. (E. Hitchcock.) 1841 RP 1841 RPA 1841 RPB 1841 — Highway commission Annual report. 1,1893+ R 18934- RP 7, 19014- RPB 1-17. 20-21 — Metropolitan park commission Report. 1,1893+ R i4- RP 1+ RPA I, 1893 RPB i4- 34 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Massachusetts — Continued — Metropolitan sewerage commission Annual report. i-i2,i889-i90o|| Continued as Mass. -Metropolitan water & sewerage board RPB 4, 7-9, 11-12; 1893, 95-97. 99-1900 — Metropolitan water & sewerage board Annual report. 1,1902+ For earlier reports see Report of Metropolitan water board & Metropolitan sewerage com- mission R 1+ RP 1+ RPB 1 + — Metropolitan water board Annual report. 1-6,1895-1901 1| Continued as Mass. -Metropolitan water & sewer- age board R 1-6 RPB V 2, 4-6 1897-1901 — State department of health Annual report. 1,1869+ From 1869-79 as Board of health & vital statis- tics; 1879-85 as State board of health, lunacy, & charity; 1886-1914 as State board of health R 1+ except 1874 & 78 RP i-ii, 14-16, 18+ RPA 1-2, 4-10, 25 1869-70, 72-78, 93 RPB i-io, 18+ Annual report of State board of health, lunacy & charity; supplement containing the report & papers on public health RPA 2-7, 1880-85/86 — State forest commission Annual report. 1914+ R 1916-17, 1919-!- — State forester Annual report R 1904-1913, 1916-I- RP 6, 1909 — State ornithologist Annual report. 1,1908+ R V 7, 9, 10 1914, 16-17 — Trustees of public reservations Annual report. 1891 + R 1891-1911 — Wachusett Mountain state reservation commission Annual report RP 1901 — Zoological & botanical survey Reports on the fishes, reptiles and birds of Massachusetts. (D. H. Storer, & B. O. Peabody.) 1839 RP 1839 RPA 1839 Reports on the herbaceous plants & on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts. 1840 RPA 1840 Report on the insects of Massachu- setts, injurious to vegetation. (T. W. Harris.) 1841 RP 1841 Report on the invertebrata of Mas- sachusetts. . . (A. A. Gould.) 1841 RP 1841 RPA 1841 Report on the trees & shrubs of Massachusetts. (G. B. Emerson.) 1846 RPA 1846 Massachusetts association of Boards of health Journal, see American journal of public health Massachusetts Audubon society Bulletin. M. Boston RPR 2+ 19184- Massachusetts general hospital. Boston Publications T-2 as Selected papers by the staff RP 2, 3 no I, 3 Massachusetts horticultural society Transactions. Boston RP 1865+ RPB 1843-46, 52, 58+ Massachusetts institute of technology. Boston Architectural annual RP 1901, 1903-1905 — Society of arts Proceedings. 1891-1902, see Technology quarterly Massachusetts, see also Ancient & honor- able artillery company of Massachu- setts Master, mate & pilot. M. New York. 1,1908+ RP 6, no 12; V 7, no 1-3, 6-8, 10 My 1914- Mr 191S Master printer. M. Philadelphia. 1,1904+ RP 9, no 7-12; V 10, no i Jl 1912-Ja 1913 Masters in art. M. i-io,no2,i90o-F 1909II RPA i-io, no 2 RPAC 1-9, 1900-08 RPN 4-10, 1903-09 Matematisk tidsskrift, A & B. (Alatematisk forening i K^benhavn.) Copenhagen. 1,1919+ A: Elementary; B: Advanced Continues Nyt tidsskrift for matematik RPB i-l- Mathematical association. London (Eng.), see also Mathematical gazette Mathematical association of America, see also American mathematical monthly Mathematical association of Japan for secondary schools Journal. 1,1919+ RPB has ordered Mathematical diary. New York. 1-2,1825-3211 RPB 1-2 Mathematical gazette. (Mathematical as- sociation.) London. 1,1904+ RPB 9-1- 1917+ Mathematical magazine. (Martin.) Q. Erie (Pa.); Washington (D.C.). 1,1882+ RPB I, no i-ii 1882-84 Mathematical miscellany. New York. nosi-8,1836-3911 RPB T-8 Mathematical monthly. (Runkle.) Cam- bridge (Mass.) i-3,Oi858-S6i|| RPA 1-3 RPB 1-3 Mathematical questions & solutions from the "Educational times." Semi-a. London. 1,1864+ RPB 1 + Mathematical repository. (Leybourn.) London RPB n ser, v 1-2, 1806-09 Mathematical review. (Story.) Bi-m. Worcester (Mass.) i,noi-2,Jli896-Ap97|| RPB no 1-2 Mathematical visitor. (Martin.) Erie (Pa.) i-2,no4,i877-94ll RPA I, 1878-81 RPB 1-2, no 2 1877-83 Mathematics teacher. Syracuse (N.Y.) 1,1908+ RPB 1 + Mathematische annalen. Leipzig. 1,1869+ RPB i-f Mathematische gesellschaft, see Hamburg (Germany). Mathematische gesell- schaft IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 35 Mathematische zeitschrift. Berlin. 1,1918+ RPB 1 + Mathesis, recueil mathematique. Ghent (Belg.); Paris. 1,1881 + RPB s-ii, 1889-91 McCandless, H. W., & co., New York, see also Commercial engineering news McGraw waterworks directory. New York RP 1918 C^iQiS) Mechanical engineering; journal of the American society of mechanical engi- neers. M. New York. 28,1906+ Volume number is the same as Transactions 28-39 as Journal RP 28+ RPB 38+ 1916-f RPE + Mechanical world pocket diary and year book. Baltimore (Md.) RP 1917 Mechanics' inagazine, museum, register, journal & gazette. W. London. 1-138,1823-9311 In 1873 became Iron RP N. A. ser, v 1-2; 29 Ag 1829-38 Ag 1830 Medical advance. M. Chicago RPB 40, 1902 Medical century; a journal of homeopathic medicine, surgery, & collateral sciences. M. Chicago RPB 1-13, 1873-1905 Medical clinics of North America. Bi-m. Philadelphia. 1,1915+ Thru May 1917 as Medical clinics of Chicago RPM 1 + Medical officer; a journal for medical men in government & municipal services. W. London RPM 10+ 1913+ Medical record. W. New York. 1,1866+ RPM 1 + Medical register for New England. (F. H. Brown.) Boston RP 7, 189 1 Medical standard. M. Chicago RPM 21-27, [38-29,] 30-+- 1898+ Medical summary. M. Philadelphia RPM 29+ 1907-4- Medical times; a monthly journal of medi- cine, surgery & the collateral sciences. New York RPB 45. 1917 RPM 32+ 190S + Medical visitor; a monthly journal for physicians & surgeons. Lansing (Mich.) RPB 12-19, 1896-1903 Meehan's monthly, a magazine of horticul- ture, botany, & kindred subjects. Germantown (Pa.) 1-12,1891-190211 RPB 1-12 Mental hygiene. Q. Concord (N.H.) 1,1917+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + Mentor. M. New York. i,3Fi9i3+ RP i-t- RPB 1+ RPN [1913,] 1914-17 RPR [1,] 2 + Merchant mariner. W. Boston. 1,1918+ RP 1, no 4-|- 10 Ag 1918+ Merchants' magazine & commercial review M. New York. i-63,Jli837-D7o|| 1-43 as Hunt's Merchants' magazine In Ja 1871 merged into Commercial & financial chronicle RPA 1-63 RPB 1-63 Merck's Archives of materia medica. New York. 1,1899+? RPM 1-5, 1899-1903 Merck's Report on the advancements of pharmaceutical chemistry & thera- peutics. Y. Darmstadt (Ger.) RPB 17, 19-26 1903, 05-12 Mergenthaler linotype co., New York, see also Linotype bulletin Messenger of mathematics. M. Cam- bridge (Eng.) 1,1862+ 1862-71 as Oxford, Cambridge, & Dublin mes- senger of mathematics RPB 43+ 1913+ Metal industry. M. New York. n ser, v 1,1903+ Old ser. established 1894; n ser, formed by combination of Aluminum world. Brass founder & finisher, & Electroplaters' review- In August 1907 absorbed Copper & brass RP n ser, v 5-|- 19074- Metal worker, plumber & steam fitter. W. New York. 1,1874+ RP 79+ 1913-f Metallurgical & chemical engineering, see Chemical & metallurgical engineering Meteorological society of Scotland Quarterly report RPB 1859-63 Metropolitan museum of art, see under New York (city) Mexico. Instituto geologico Boletin. 1,1895 + RPB 10-16, 20 1897-1902, 190S Mexico, see also Asociacion de ingenieros & arquitectos; Ferrocarriles nacionales de Mexico Meyer brothers' druggist. M. St Louis. 1,1880+ RP 38, nos I, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12; V 39, nos 1, 3, S-ii Ja 1917-N 18 Michigan — Game, fish, & forest fire depart- ment (Public doinain commission) Annual report. 1915+ R 1915-1916 — Game, fish, & forestry department Annual report. 1912+ R 1912-18 — Geological survey Biennial report of progress. i,i859-6o|| RPB 1 Geological survey of Michigan. 1-9,1869-190411 R 1-9 . RPB 1-9, pt I, 1869-1903 — Geological & biological survey Publications R 12-22, 24, 28 Geological series RPB 12, 1914 — State board of fish commissioners Biennial report. 1874+ R 1874-76, 90-94, 98, 1910-14 — State board of geological survey Annual report R 1892, 1901-08 — (State) geologist Annual report. 1838-46II RPB 2-4. 1839-41 Michigan academy of science Annual report. Lansing. 1,1894+ R i-f RPB 1-4- Michigan. Agricultural college. Lansing Technical bulletin. Irreg. East Lansing RP Nos 6, II, 12-17, 20-40, 42-f 1911 + 36 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Michigan technic. (University of Michi- gan engineering society.) Ann Arbor RPB 28+ 191S+ Michigan. University. Ann Arbor. — De- troit observatory. Detroit Publications of the Astronomical ob- servatory. 1,1912-)- RPB 1-2, 1912-16 — Engineering society, see also Michi- gan technic — Museum of zoology Occasional papers. 1,1913-!- RPB i4- Microscope. M. Washington (D.C.) RP 12-17, 1892-97 Midland druggist & pharmaceutical re- view. M. Columbus (O.) 1,18994- In Feb. 1909, v 43 absorbed Pharmaceutical review & added volume numbering to its own RPB 43-t- 1909-f Military engineer. (U.S. — Army — Corps of engineers.) Bi-m. Washington (D.C.) 1,1909+ V I, no i-v II, no 60, 1909-D 1919 as Pro- fessional memoirs R 13-15, 23-25, 28-29, 31 RP V 9, no 43 + Ja 1917+ RPB no i^- Military surgeon. M. Army medical mu- seum, Washington (D.C.) Thru V 19, 1906 as Journal of the Association of military surgeons RPM 10+ 1901-1- Mill supplies. M. Chicago. 1,1911-]- RP 7, no 1-5 Ja-My 1917 Milwaukee — Bureau of economy & effi- ciency Bulletin RP 1-15, My 1911-F 1912 RPB 1-2, 4-19 iqi 1-12 Milwaukee- Western fuel co., see also Screenings Mine & quarry. (Sullivan machine co.) Chicago RPB + Mineral collector. M. New York. 1-15,1895-190911 Merged in Guide to nature RP 2-is, 1895-1909 RPR [i-8, II,] 12-13, [14] [1894-1901, 05,1 05-07, [07/08] Mineral industry. (Rothwell.) Y. N.Y. 1,1892-1- RP 1-17, 244- 1892-1908, 1915-f- RPB 1-6, 1892-97 Mineralogists' monthly For a time the Exchangers' monthly RPR [I, 3-7] [1886, 87-92] Minerals. New York RPR I, [2] 1892 Mines handbook. Y. Houghton (Mich.) 1,1900+ 1-12, 1900-17 as Copper handbook RP 8-9, 13, 15-}- 1908-09, 1918, 1920-I- RPB 3, 1902 Mining & metallurgy, see Engineering & mining journal Mining magazine, New York, see Engi- neering & mining journal Mining magazine, & journal of geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, chemistry, etc. M. New York. V J-ii, ser 2, V 1-2,1853-58,60-6111 V 1-9 as Mining magazine V 10-11, 1858 as Mining & statistic magazine RPB 1-13 Mining review, Denver, see Engineering & mining journal Minneapolis — Board of park commission- ers Annual report RP 1-12, 14-32, 34-h 18844- RPA 20-36, 1902-18 Minneapolis institute of arts Bulletin RPD 1914-f- Minnesota — Game & fish department Fins, feathers, & fur. (Official bulletin.) RPR 4+19,5+ — Geological & natural history survey Annual report. 1-24,1872-981! R 1891, 95-98 RPB 1-4, 6, 10-12, 15-34; 1872-75, 77. 81-83, 8698 Geology of Minnesota; final report. v 1-6,1872-190111 R 1-6 RPB 1-6 Report; Botanical series. 1,1892+ RP 3, 1899 RPB 1, 4-5, 8-9 1892-1912 Zoological series. 1,1892+ RP s, 1912; & 1916. Zool. division, occasional papers no. 1 RPB 4-5, 1903-1912 — Geological survey (191 1+) Bulletin. 1,1887+ 1-10, 1887-1894 as Bulletin of geological & natural history survey R 7 RP 7, 10, 12-17+ 1892, 1894, 19154- RPB 11+ 19144- — State zoologist Report. 1,1892+ R 1892, 1912 Minnesota. University. Minneapolis Minnesota botanical studies. 1,1894+ RPB 1, pt 2-v 2, V 4, pt 3-4 — Minnesota plant studies RPB 5-4- 1913-h — Studies in chemistry. 1,1912+ RPB 1 + — Studies in engineering. 1,1915+ RP 1-3, March 1915 RPB i-+ — Studies in the biological sciences RPB 3-f . — Studies in the physical sciences & mathematics RPB 2+ — Studies in public health R 1+ RPB 1+ — Minnesota school of mines — Experi- ment station Bulletin. Irreg. 1,1912+ RP 1 + Mississippi — (State) geological survey Bulletin RPB_ I, 8-10, 13 1907-16 Missouri — Bureau of geology & mines Biennial report. 1,1890+ R 1918 RPB 1905/06, 13/14, 17/18+ [Reports.] ser i, v 1-12; ser 2, v 1 + 1891-98,1903+ R ser 2, V 1+ 1903+ RPB 1-13, 1903-15 — Fish commission Biennial report. 1881 + R 1904-10, 1914 + — Game & fish department Annual report 1905 + R 1905-06, 1910 + — Geological survey (organized 1853) Report R 185s — Geological survey (organized 1870) Preliminary report R 1872 Report, including field work R 1871, 1873-4 — Geological survey (organized 1891) [Publications] R 1-2-3, 7, 12-13 iSgi-f RP V 10, 12 1896, 1898 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 37 Missouri botanical garden, see St Louis Missouri, University. Columbia Bulletin. Medical series. 1,1913+ RP I, 1913/14 .RPB 1+ Science series. 1,1911 + RP 1-2, 1911-1914 RPB 1 + — Studies: science series. 1-2,1905-1 1|| Continued in Bulletin: science series RP 1-2 RPB 1-2 — Engineering experiment station [Bulletin.] 1,1910+ List of bulletins on last page of some bulletins RP i-s, 1910-16 RPB V 1-4, 1910-13 — Laws observatory Bulletins. 1,1902+ RP 1-16, 1902-08 RPB 1-16, 1902-08 — School of mines & metallurgy Bulletin: General series RP V 9, nos I, 2; vol II, no 3 1917, (vol II, no 3 is a 2d ed of vol 9> no i) Technical series RP V 3, no 3; V 4, no 3 1917, 1918 [2-s]-f- 1916-1- Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geogra- phischer anstalt, see Petermann's Mit- teilungen Model engineer & electrician 1919 RPB W M. New London. 1,1898+ 1898-1902 as Model engineer & amateur elec- trician RP 16-37, 1907-17 Modern art. Boston RPAC 4, 1896 Modern electrics & mechanics. York, see World's advance Modem hospital. M. St Louis; Chicago RPM 84- 1917+ Modem mechanics. M. New York, see World's advance Modem medicine. M. Chicago. 1,1919 + RPM i-f Modern printer. Q. RP 1-2 (2v in i) 1884-88 Modem pulverizing. M. Minneapolis RP 14, nos 6-8, 10-12; V 15, nos i-io N 1915- N 1917 Modern sanitation. (Standard sanitary mfg. CO.) M. Pittsburgh RP 6, nos 2-7, 10 Ja-S 1909 Monatshefte fiir chemie & verwandte theile anderer wissenschaften. Berlin; Vienna. 1,1880+ RPB 40+ 1920-f Monatshefte fiir kunstwissenschaft. Leip- zig. 1,1908+ RPB i-f- Monatshefte fiir mathematik & physik. Vienna. 1,1890+ RPB 29-1- 1918-I- Montana — Game & fish commissioners Biennial report. 1900+ R 1900, 1904, 1910-16 — State board of entomology Biennial report. 1,1914+ R I — State entomologist Annual report R 1903 — State forester Biennial report. R 1914-1918 Monthly evening (N.Y.) RPR V II, no 121-I- Ja 1917-I- Monthly illustrator. New York. 1-5,1893-9511? 1-2 as Quarterly illustrator RPA i-s 1910+ sky map. Brooklyn Monthly microscopical journal. (Royal microscopical society.) M. London. 1-18,1869-7711 Continued as Royal microscopical society journal RP 1-18 Montreal (Can.), see also Engineering in- stitute of Canada Moody's magazine. M. New York, see Business digest & investment weekly Moody's Manual of railroads & corpora- tion securities. Y. New York Published latterly in 3 parts: pt i, Railroads (after 1919 embodying Poor's manual); pt 2, Industrials; pt 3, Public utilities R V 2, 9, 13-15. 19 1901. 08, 12-14, 18 RP 4, 6, 8, II, 13-16, 18, 21-I- 1903, OS, 07, 10, 12-1S, 17, 20-1- RPB 4, g+ 1903, 08-f Morphologisches jahrbuch (Gegenbaur.) Leipzig. 1,1875+ RPB 1+ Motor. M. New York. 1,1903+ RP 23, no s-h F 1915+ RPE + Motor age. W. Chicago. 1,1899+ In June 1918 absorbed part of Horseless age RP 33, no 23-f- 6 Je 1918-f Motor boat. Semi-m. New York. 1,1904+ RP 44- 19074- Motor boating. M. New York. 1,1907+ RP 16, nos 1-2, 6; v 17, nos i, 3, 4. 6; v 18, nos 2, 3, 5; V 19, nos 1, 2; v 20, nos 3, 5; Jl 1915-1917 Motor world. W. New York. 1,1900+ In June 19 18 absorbed part of Horseless age RP [56-57,] 584- [1918,] Ja 1919+ Motor truck association of America, see also Highway transportation Motorcycle news. M. Springfield. i-5,noi2?-Agi9i2|| Succeeded by "Honest Injun," a dealers' publica- tion — not for public circulation RP 4, no 7-V0I 5, no 9 D 1910-Ap 1912 Motorship. M. New York RP 4-f 1919-I- Mount Weather observatory, Bluemont (Va.), see U.S. — Weather bureau Mount Wilson (Calif.), see also Carnegie institution, Washington (D.C.) — Solar observatory Moving picture world. W. New York. 1,1907+ RP -I- Miindener forstliche hefte. (Weise.) Berlm RPB 1-17, 1892-1901 Munich (Germany), see also Bayensche botanische gesellschaft; Bayerischer kunst-gewerbe-verein Municipal art society, sec Hartford (Conn.) Municipal afifairs. Q. New York. i-6,Mri897-i902/o3|| RP 1-6 RPA V 2, no 4 1898 RPB 1-6 R 1-6 Mimicipal & countv engineering. M. New York. i,Jei890+ i-io as Paving & municipal engineering io-=;4 (Je 1918) as Municipal engineering RP 4, io4- 1893 Ja-Je. 1896-1- RPB 24-f 1903-i- RPE 4-. ^, ■ ■ ^ a Mimicipal engmeermg, sec Municipal & county engineering Municipal index. Y. New York RPB 1916 Municipal journal. New York, see Public works. New York Musea. (Association des museums de Province.) Bi-m. Havre (France) RPR 2+ 1918-I- 38 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Museu Goeldi, see Para (Brazil) Museu paulista, see Sao Paulo (Brazil) (The) Museum. M. Albion (N.Y.) RPR [i-2,] 3-4 [1894-96,] 96-98 (The) Museum. (J. C. Dana.) New York. i,Myi9i7+? RPB I, 1917 RPR 1 + Museum journal. Philadelphia, see Penn- sylvania. University — Museum Museum of comparative oology. Santa Barbara. (Calif.) Q. Journal. 1,1919+ RPR 1 + Museum of the American Indian. (Heye foundation.) New York city Contributions. 1,1913+ RPB 1+ RPR 5, no i Museum work. (American association of museums.) M. Providence (R.I.) 1,1917+ RPN N 1918-f RPR i-f Museums association. London Report of proceedings. 1,1890+ After 1900 in Museums journal RPR i-ii, 1890-1900 Museums journal; the organ of the Mu- seums association. London. 1,1901 + RPB i-f RPR 1 + Mycologia. Lancaster (Pa.) 1,1909+ Continues Journal of mycology RPB 1 + Mycological bulletin. Columbus (O.) ^'^903 + RPB 2-5, 1904-07 Mycologisches zentralblatt. Jena. 1,1912+ RPB i-s, no I 1912-1S N Nantucket (Mass.), see also Maria Mitchell association Naples. Stazione zoologica Fauna & flora des golfes von Neapel & der angrenzenden meeresabschnitte. Leipzig; Berlin. 1,1880+ RPB i-f — Mittheilungen. Leipzig; Berlin. 1,1879+ RPB I-I7, 19-21 1879-1914 — Sec also Zoologischer jahresbericht National academy of design. New York Illustrated catalogue (annual) RPA 1911 + National academy of sciences. Washing- ton (D.C.) Annual report R 1883, 87-89, 91, 95, 1903, 06-08 RP 1900, 01, 03 (also others in Government docu- ments) RPB 1879-1903, 17-f (also in Government documents) — Biographical memoirs. Irrcg. 1,1877+ R 3, 5-6, 8-10 1886-1910 RP 2, 4-5 1886, 1902, 05 RPB 1-7, 1877-1913 — Memoirs. Irreg. 1,1866+ R 3, 4. 5-10 RP 13, iqis (also some in Government documents) RPB i-f- — Proceedings. M. Wash; Bait. 1-3,1877-9511 n ser, i ,i9i5-f RP n ser, i-|- RPB 1-3; n ser, i-|- National association for the study and pre- vention of tuberculosis Transactions. New York. 1,1905+ R 1-9, 1905-13 RP 1 + National association of cement users, see American concrete institute National association of cotton manufactur- ers. Standard cotton mill practice and equipment with classified buyers' index RP 1918 — Transactions. Y. Boston Successor to Hampden County cotton manu- facturers' association From 1866-1905 as the New England cotton manufacturers' association 2-^6 as Proceedings of semi-annual meeting RP 1-27, 48-f- 1866-79, 90+ National association of manufacturers of the United States of America Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. New York RP 16, 21; 1911, 16 — r Educational literature.] R no 1-24, 27-38, 41-44, 46 National association of port authorities of the U.S. Proceedings. Y. New York. 1,1912+ RP 1-3, 5+ ' y -r National association of railway commis- sioners Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Washington. 1,1889+ 1-14, published by National convention of rail- way commissioners R 3-7, 9-27^ 1891-9S, 97-1915 RP 1-24, 1889-1912 RPB 1-7, 10, 15-24 1889-95, 98, ^1903-12 National association of retail druggists Journal. W. Chicago. 1,1901 + RP [Jl 1913-1919,] 1920+ National association of stationary engi- neers, see also National engineer National association of wool manufacturers Annual wool review. Boston RPB 1916, 1018+ — Bulletin. Q. Boston. 1,1869+ RP iS-30, 48-1- 1885-1900, iqi8+ RPB [2-3,] s-f- 1872-I- — See also United States industrial directory National automobile chamber of commerce Handbook of automobiles RP 1914-15, 1917-}- National bulletin. (National tube co.) Pittsburgh RP [1913-1916] National car & locomotive builder. M. New York. 1-26.1870-1895II 1-16 as National car builder In 1896 consolidated with American engineer & railroad journal, later Railway mechanical engineer Rl' 24-26, 1893-95 National cleaner & dyer. M. Chicago. ^'^910+ RP 1921 + National conference on city planning Proceedings. 1,1909+ R 2-7, 1910-15 RPA 5, 1913 RPB 2-7, 1910-15 — See also City plan National conference on concrete road building Proceedings RPE 2, 1916 National convention of railway commis- sioners, see National association of railway commissioners IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 39 National druggist. M. St Louis. 1,18824- O & N 1917) RP 54-58, 1914-18 (Except Je 19141 Jl iQiS. National electric light association Proceedings. 1,1885+ RPB 33-40. 1910-17 National engineer. (National association of stationary engineers.) M. Chicago. 1,1897+ RPB 17-19. 21+ 1913-1S. 1917 + National fire protection association Proceedings. Y. R 9+ 1915+ RP S-13, 15+ 19014- — Quarterly. Boston. 1,1907+ R 9+ 191S+ RP 8, 10 (3 & 4) 11+ Jl 1914-f — Yearbook. 1,1910+ RP 1911-f National fireproofing co., Pittsburg (Pa.), see also Building progress National geographic magazine. M. Wash- ington. 1,0 1888+ RP 7+ 1896-f RPA 15+ 1904+ RPAC + RPB 7+ 1896+ RPD 22 pt 2+ Jl 1911+ RPN 14+ 1903+ RPR 20+ 1909+ National irrigation congress, see Interna- tional irrigation congress National jeweler. M. Chicago. 1,1906+ For several years as National jeweler & optician RP Q, no 8, 12; V 10+ Ag & D 1913; 1914+ National laundry journal. Semi-m. Chi- cago. 1,1878+ RP 1920+ National lumber manufacturer's associa- tion Annual report, (or Proceedings.) Chi- cago RP 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17+ 1910-12, 14, 16, t8+ RPB 8-10, 14 1910-12, 16 National magazine and industrial record. M. New York RPA 1-2, 1845-46 National marine. M. Cooperstown (N.Y.) RP 13, no 4+ Ap 1919+ RPB 13 + 1919+ ■ . . . / . 1 National municipal review. (National municipal league.) Bi-m. Concord (N.H.); Baltimore; Philadelphia. 1,1912+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPB 1 + National park conference Proceedings RP 1-4, 1911-1916 RPA 1-3, 1911, 1912, 191S National petroleum news. M. Cleveland. 1,1909+ RP 1920+ National railways of Mexico, see Ferro- carriles nacionales de Mexico National research council. Washington (D.C.) Bulletin. 1,01919+ RP 1+ National service, with the International Military Digest. (Military training camps association of the U.S.) M. New York. 1,1917+ _ In Jan. 1919 National service absorbed Inter- national military digest RP 1+ 1917+ National society for the promotion of in- dustrial education, see National society for vocational education National society for vocational education Bulletin. New York. 1,1907+ 1907-1917 as National society for the promotion of industrial education RP I-I3. IS, 16, 18-25 1907-17 RPA 5-8, io-i6, 18-19, 29+ [1908-14,] 1919+ RPB 25-27, 1917-18 Nation's business. M. Washington (D.C.) i,Si9i2+ R 6+ 1918+ RPB 2+ 1913+ Natural history. (American museum of natural history.) New York. 1,1900+ 1-18, 1900-1918 as American museum journal RP 1-2, 4-1- 1900-01, 04+ RPA 16+ 1916+ RPB 1+ RPR 1 + Natural history review. Q. London RPB i-s, 1861-65 Natural science news. Albion (N Y ) RPR [1-2.] [1895-96] Naturalist. M. London. 1833+ RPR IQ20 + Naturalists' universal .directory. (S. E Cassino.) Salem (Mass.) Title varies: as. Naturalists' directory; Inter- national scientists' directory; Scientists' inter- national directory 1865-66 ed by F. W. Putnam as Naturalists' directory. Boston RPB 1865-66. 78-79. 81-85, 94, 190S, 1914 Nature; a weekly journal of science. W. London. i,Ni869+ RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + RPR 25-30, 1881-84 Nature; revue des sciences & de leur ap- plications aux arts & a I'industrie. W. Paris RPB 35 pt 2+ Je 1907+ Nature & culture. Cincinnati; Cleveland, (O.). see Blue bird (The) Nature guard. (R. L College of agriculture.) M. Kingston (R.I.) 1 + 1899?+ R 1-107 RPA [no 7-106] thru 1914 RPR i-is, i899?-i9i4 Nature-study review. M. Ithaca (N.Y.) 1,1905+ RP 16, no 6+ S 1920+ RPN [1-3,] 4-f [1905-07,1 08+ RPR [2-5,] 6+ [190609,] 10 + Naturhistorisk tidsskrift. Copenhagen RPB 1-4; ser 2, v 1-2; ser 3, v 1-6 1837-69 Naturwissenschaftliche rundschau. W. Braunschweig RPB 1-9, 1886-94 Naturwissenschaftliche zeitschrift fiir forst- & landwirtschaft. M. Stuttgart. i-i8,i903-2o|i RPB 1-18 Nautical almanac, see Great Britain. — Ad- miralty; U.S. — Nautical almanac office Nautical gazette. W. New York ser I, V 1-27, 1871-87; ser 2, v i-ii 1888- q8; ser 3, v i, Ja 1899+ RP ser 3, V 93, no 10+ 14 Mr 1918+ Nautilus. Q. Philadelphia; Boston RP 18+ 1904+ RPR [3,] 4+ [1889,] 90+ Naval annual. (Brassey.) Portsmouth (Eng.) & London. 1,1886+ RP 1893-I- RPA 1886-1903, 1914 RPB 1-18, 1886-1904 Naval athletic association, Key West (Fla.), see also Camouflage Naval chronicle. London RPA 1-6, 8-16, 19-24 1799-1801, 1802-1806 1808-10 Naval medical bulletin, see United States naval medical bulletin 40 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Navy. M. Washington. 1,1907+ RP 7, no 4; V 8, nos 26, 9, 10, 12; v 9, nos 2-9; V 10, nos 2-6, 8, 9 [My 1913-16] Nebraska — Game & fish commission Report. 1902+ R 1916-18 — Geological survey (1901+) Report RPB I, 1903 Nebraska. University, Lincoln. — Engi- neering society Nebraska blue print. Y. 1,1902-f- V 1-2 have title Blue print V 3 has title Nebraska engineering RP 3, 1904 RPB V 1-2, 1902-03 — Zoological laboratory Studies RPB 2-3, 1901-03 Nederlandsche entomologische vereenigung. The Hague, see also Tijdschrift voor cntomologie Netherlands — Departement van binnen- landsche zaken Verslag. . . over de openbare werken. 's Gravenhage. i850-(- RPB 1896 Newark (N.J.) museum association Annual report RPA 2, 1910/11 RPD 1912+ New Bedford (Mass.) — Department of parks Annual report RP 7, 10, 19+ 1900, 1903, 1912+ New England botanical club, see also Rhodora New England business directory R 1914, 1918, 1920+ RP i86o, 1871, 1875, 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1896, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, 19204- New England cotton manufacturers' asso- ciation, see National association of cot- ton manufacturers New England fisheries. M. Boston. i,Api9i8+ RP 1 + New England grocer & tradesman. W. Boston. 1,1877+ RP 82, no 25+ 26 Ap 1918+ New England medical gazette; a monthly journal of homeopathic medicine. Boston. 1. 1866+ RPB s-29, 1870-94 RPM 1-14, 19-40 1866-190S & 1918+ New England meteorological society Bulletin. Boston. i-88.Ni884-92|i Continued in New England weather service. Bulletin RPB 1-88 New England water works association Journal. Q. Boston. 1,1886+ Continues Transactions R 23-31, 1909-1917 RP 29-31, 1015-1917 RPB V 9+ 1894+ New England weather service. Cambridge (Mass.) Bulletin. i-59.Mri892-i90o||? Continues N. E. meteorological society. Bulletin Continued by U. S. — Weather bureau. Climate & crop service; New England section RPB I-S9, 1892-1900 New _ Hampshire — Fish & game commis- sioners Annual report. 1879+ R 1879, 1890, 92, 93, 96, 98, 1900 — Forestry commission Annual report. 1885+ R 1885-1904, 1908 — Geological survey, 1841-44 Final report on the geology & mineralogy of the State of New Hampshire with contributions towards the improvement of agriculture and metallurgy. (C. T. Jackson.) 1844 RP 1844 — Geological survey, 1868-78 Geology of New Hampshire. (C. H. Hitchcock & others.) vi-3,i874-78|| R 1-3 & atlas RP 1-3 RPA 1-2, 1874- 77 RPB 1-3 — State board of health Quarterly bulletin RPM 1912-t- New Haven (Conn.) — Commissioner of public parks Report RP 1903 New Jersey — Bureau of industrial statistics. Industrial directory of New Jersey. Triennial R 1906-191S RP 1915, 1918+ RPB 1901, 1915, 1918-)- — Geological survey Annual report of the state geologist Also in Bulletin 1910-I- R 1881-1891, 1893-1895, 1898-1909, 19.12 RP 1896-1909-1913 ; also: 3, Report on paleontology 1903 RPB 1895-97 Bulletin. 1,1910+ RP 1-15, 17 1910-1914, 1916 RPB 3-4, 6-11 1911-13 Final report of the state geologist. 1,1888+ R 1-4 RP 1-6, 8 1888-1904. 1916 RPB 2-8, 1889-1917 — Palisades interstate park Annual report. 1901 + 5"^^' also Palisades interstate park R 1901, 03, 05, 09 — Shell fisheries bureau Annual report. 1900+ R 1904-6, 1912 — State museum Annual report. 1905 + R 1905, 09-10, 14 RPB 1905-06, 0910, 14 New Jersey. Agricultural experiment sta- tion — Entomological department Report R 1913-14 New Jersey Audubon society Annual report RPR 4. 7, 94- 1914, 17. i9-(- — New Jersey Audubon bulletin. New- 1 f K RPR 23, 25, 274- 1918-f- New phytologist; a British botanical jour- nal. M. London. 1,1902+ RPB 1 + New technical books. (New York public library.) Q. New York. i,Jei9iS + R i4- RP i4- New York (city) — Board of commissioners of Central park Annual report RPA 1-13, 1858-69 — Board of water supply Annual report RPB 84- 1913-f — Department of docks & ferries Annual report RP 41-I- 19124- RPB 33. J003 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 41 — Department of health Annual report RPB 1910-11, 14-16 Collected studies from the research laboratory RPB i-s, 1905-10 Monograph series R 2-4, s-io RPB 8-13, 15, 17-18 1913- 17 Monthly bulletin. 1,1911 + RPB 8+ 1918-f RPM 1 + Reprint series R 3, 8, 9, II, 12, 14-23, 25, SI, 52, 54, 60, 62, 66, 76, 79 RPB II, 13-15, 27, 32+ 1913+ — — Tuberculosis monographs. 1,1916+ RPB 1-4, 1916-17 Weekly bulletin RPB n ser, v g-j- 1920+ RPM n ser, V 7+ 1918+ — Department of parks Report Early reports issued by the Board of commis- sioners of the department of public parks RP 1902-1914, 1916 RPA 1871-72, 1902-16 RPB 1871 — Municipal engineers [Report] RP 1916 — Rapid transit railroad commissioners Report R 1900-06 New York (state) — Adirondack survey, see New York (state) — State land survey — Board of health Annual report R1866-1918 RPB 3-6, 12-14 1872-75, 91-94 — Commissioner of fisheries Annual report. n ser, v 1,1895/96+ R 1896-1910 RP 1-14, 1896-1909 — Commissioners of fisheries, game & forest Annual report. I -24,1 868-95 |I Continued in Forest, fish & game commission R 1872-74, 83, 89 — Entomologist Report on injurious & other insects of . . . New York RP 20, 1904 RPB 2, 23 1881, 1907 — Fire Island state park Annual report. 1912+ R 1912, 1916-17 — Forest commission Annual report. 1-9,1885-941! Continued in Forest, fish, & game commission R 1885, 1888, 1893 pt 1-2 RP 1894 RPB 1890, 1894 — Forest, fish & game commission Annual report. 1,1895+ Continues Commissioners of fisheries, game & forest; Forest commission See also Commissioner of fisheries R 1895-1910 Annual report of the superintendent of state forests R 8, 1903 RPB 8, 1903 -^ Forest preserve board Annual report. 1897+ R 1898-1906 — Geological survey Annual report. 1-5,1836-401! RPB i-s — Geologist Annual report. R 17-18, 1897-8 — State botanist 1-18,1881-98!!? RPB 5, 14 1885, 1894 Annual report. 1868+ Published separately only 1894- 1902, see State museum. Report & Bulletin R 1894 RP 1894-1902 RPB 1877, 1894 — State engineer & surveyor Annual report R 1852-3, 1855-1859-1862-75, 76, 1885, 1888-93. 1895-99, 1902-03, 1905-1918 RP 1902-1916 RPA 1862-3 RPB 1863, 68-69, 90, 92-94, 98-99, 1902-07, 1910-I- Barge canal bulletin. 1908+ R 1910-1918 RPB 1908, 1913-1915 — State land survey Annual report of the Superintendent. 1872-96I! 1872-85 as Topographical survey of the Adiron- dack wilderness No reports printed for 1874-77, & 1884 R 1872-78, 83-85. 90, 93, 96 — State museum. Albany Annual report. 1,1847+ 1-23, 1847-69 as State Cabinet of natural history 24-42, 1870-88 as State Museum of natural his- tory R 3-f- (except 5-6. 12, 17) 1853+ RP 57+ 1903+ RPA 47-52. 1893-98 RPB 43+ 1889-f- Bulletin R 1-194, 1887-1917 RPA 26-148, 1899- 19H RP 32, 35, 70+ Je, F 1900, 1903 + RPB 35-69, 85-86, 115, 121-24, 149-1- 1903-I- RPR 9, 23, 38, 46-47. S3. 57, 59, 62, 64, 68, 79, 97 Memoirs. 1,1889+ R 2+ 1898-I- RP 12, pts 1-2 1910-14 Science division Report of the director RPB 4, 7-9 1907, 10-11 — Topographical survey of the Adiron- dack wilderness, see New York (state) State land survey New York (city) academy of sciences Annals. 1,1879+ Continues New York (city). Lyceum of nat- ural history RPB 13. 15-16 1900-05 New York (city) botanical garden Memoirs. 1,1900+ RPB 1-4, 1900-09 — see also Addisonia New York (state) electric railway associa- tion Annual report. Schenectady RP 34, 1915-16 New York (city) entomological society Journal. 1,1890+ RPB 9, 1901 New York (city). Lyceum of natural his- tory Annals. 1-11,1823-76!! Continued as New York (city) academy of sciences RPB I, 4-5 1824-52 New York (city). Lying-in hospital Bulletins of the Lying-in hospital of the city of New York RPM 8+ 1912-f New York (city) medical journal. New York. 1,1865+ RPB [105-107.] [1916-18] RPM i-t- New York (city). Meteorological observ- atory Report RPB 1879+ 42 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS New York (city). Metropolitan museum of art Annual report RP 45, 47+ 1914, 16+ RPA 39, 1908 RPB 1918+ RPD 1904-08, 10-11, 14, 16+ — Bulletin. 1,1905+ RPA 5+ 1910+ RPD 1+ RPR [12-14,] 15+ [1917-19,] 1920+ New York (city) public library, see New technical books New York (city) railways company Annual report. 1,1912+ RP 1-3, 1912-14 New York state college of forestry, see Cornell university, later at Syracuse university New York state waterways association Annual report R 3+ 1912+ RP 3+ 1912+, New York (city) zoological society Annual report RP 17, 19-21 1912, 1914-1916 RPB 10, 190S — Zoological society bulletin RPB V [16.] 17+ [1912-13,] 1914+ RPR no 5, 8, 13, 17. 21. SO [1901-1912] — see also Zoologica; Zoopathologica New York (city), see also American in- stitute of mining engineers; American institute of the city of New York; American museum of natural history; Anthropological institute of New York; Art societies of New York; Columbia university; General society of mechanics & tradesmen of the city of New York; Harvey society; Helmuth house; In- stitute of radio engineers; Linnaean society of New York; Museum of the American Indian; National academy of design; Rockefeller institute for med- ical research; Society for experimental biology & medicine New York (state), see also Homeopathic medical society of the state of N.Y. New Zealand official year book. Welling- ton. 1,1892+ R 1913, 1914 RP 1904-I- New Zealand society for the health of women & children Annual report. Dunedin (N.Z.) RP 1913/14, 18/19 Newark (N.J.) — Shade tree commission Annual report RP 8, 10, 13 1911, 1913, 1916 Newport (R.I.) natural history society Proceedings RP 1883-99 RPA 1883-1891 RPB 1884/85, 1891-99 Newspaper press directory and advertisers' guide. . ._ of every newspaper, maga- zine, review, and periodical published in the United Kingdom and the British Isles. London RP 1918 Newspaper rate book including a catalogue of newspapers and periodicals in the United States, Canada, Cuba, Porto Rico, Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands, having 5,000 circulation and over, (Chesman.) New York RP 1913 Newton (Mass.)— Water department Annual report RPB 1877 Newton's London journal of arts & sciences, see London journal of arts & sciences Niederrheinische gesellschaft fiir natur- & heilkunde. Bonn Sitzungsberichte RPB 1883 Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. (Genoots- chap der mathematische wetenschap- pen.) Amsterdam (Neth.) 1,1875+ RPB ser 2, v 12-f- i9i8-(- Norsk matematisk tidsskrift. (Norsk matematisk forening.) Christiania. 1,1919+ RPB 1-1- K. Norske videnskabers selskab. Trond- hicm (Norway) Skrifter RPB 1878-1902 North American journal of homeopathy. M. New York. 1,1851 + RPB 1, 3, 26-29, 32, 35-53, 55-56, 58-61 1851- 1913 North Carolina — Geological survey. (Em- mons 1852-63) Report RPB 3 (Botany) 1867 — Geological survey. (Kerr 1866-87) Report RPB I, 187s — Geological survey. (Holmes 1891- 1905) Bulletin. 1-17,19,1893-1908 RP 2, 11 1896-1906 — Weather service North Carolina weather RP 9, 1895 RPB 8-9, 1894-95 North Dakota — Geological survey, see North Dakota. University — State geological survey North Dakota. University. Fargo. — State geological survey Biennial report. 1,1899/1901 + RP 2-6, 1901-1910 RPB 1906/08 North End union. Boston — School of printing, see also Apprenticeship bul- letin Norton company, Worcester (Mass.), see Grits & grinds Norway. Meteorologisk institut Jahrbuch. (Mohn.) Christiania RPB 1-5, 1886-1910 Notes on Rhode Island ornithology. Q. (R. H. Howe, jr., ed.) Brookline (Mass.) RP 1-3, 1900-1902 Nouvelles annales de mathematiques. Paris. 1,1842+ RPB 70-f 1911 + Nuova revista forestale. [Place not traced] RPB 5. 1881-82 Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. Florence. 1,1869+ RPB 1, 1869; has ordered to date; & 1920+ (The) Nurse. [Place not traced] RP 2; Ja-Jc 1915 Nuttall ornithological club. Cambridge (Mass.) Bulletin, see Auk — Memoirs RPA 4, 1906 RPB 4. i9o< IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 43 Nyt tidsskrift for matematik, A & B. Copenhagen. 1-29,1890-1918/191! A: Elementary; B: Advanced Continued by Mathematisk tidsskrift RPB 2g, 1918-19 o Observatory. M. London. 1,1877-}- RPB i-ii, 37-1- 1877-88, 19144- Observer. . . devoted to all departments of nature studies. (Agassiz association.) M. Portland (Conn.) 1-8, no 8, i890-Agi897lI RP 7-8, 1896-97 RPB 5-7, 1894-97 RPR [3-4,] _ [1892-93] Oesterreichischer ingenieur- & architekten- verein. Wien Zeitschrift. W. 1,1849+ RPB 56+ igo4+ Official American textile directory. New York RP 97, 105-109, 113-f 1897, 1904-09, 13-f Official gazette, see U.S. — Patent office Official good roads year book, see Good roads year book Official hotel red book and directory. New York RP 1916, 1919 Office appliances. M. Chicago. 1,1904+ RP 26, no 6+ D 1917 + Ohio — Fish & game commission Annual report. 1894+ R 1894, 1900 — Geological survey, 2d. Report of progress. i-2,i869-7o|| R 1-2 — Geological survey, 3d. Annual report. i,i89o|| R 1890 — Geological survey, 4th. Bulletin. 1,1903+ R 1-12, 1903-10 RP i-f RPB 1-12, 1903-10 ■ Report on geology of Ohio. 1,1873 + V 1-6 publisht by 2d organization, v 7 by 3d, & V 8-1- by 4th. R 1-7, 10 1873 + — State forestry bureau Annual report. 1885+ _R 1887, 1889 Ohio engineering society Proceedings of the annual meeting. Nor- walk RP 38-t- 1917+ Ohio journal of science. (Ohio state uni- versity — Biological club.) Columbus. 1,1900+ i-iS as Ohio naturalist RPB i-l- RPR s. [6-7,] 8-9, [10,] ii-l- _ 1904-H Ohio naturalist, see Ohio journal of science Ohio society of surveyors & civil engineers Annual report. . . being Transactions RPB 1888, 91-92, 94 Ohio, see also Homoeopathic medical so- ciety of Ohio Oil, paint, and drug reporter. W. New York. 1.1871 + RP 23-56. 6s, 66, 68-70, 73-74, 79+ 1883-99, 1904, 07-08, 114- Oil, paint and drug reporter green book for buyers. Semi-m. New York RP i9i64- Oil, paint and drug reporter year book. New York RP 1918, 1919-I- One hundred per cent (100%); the effi- ciency magazine. Chicago. 1,1913+ R S i9i9-f RPB J- Ontario (Can.), see also Entomological society of Ontario Oologist. M. Albion (N.Y.) 1-2 as The Young oologist RPR 1-12, [13-28] 1884-95, [96-1911] Ophthalmic literature. Y. New York Thru V 15, 1919 as a Supplement to American journal of opthalmology RPM i6-l- 1920-I- Oporto (Portugal), see also Academia poly- tecnica do Porto Optical journal & review of optometry, W. New York. 1,1890+ RP 44, no 14-I- 1919-)- Oregon — Department of fisheries Biennial report. 1900+ R 1900-1910 — Fish & game commission Biennial report. 1916+ R 1916-18 — Fish & game protector Annual report. 1-6,1893-981! R 1895-1898 — Game & forestry warden Annual report. 1899+ ' R 1899-1900, 03-04, 05-06, 07-08 — State biologist Biennial report. 1901 + R 1906-08 — State board of forestry Annual reports of state forester. 191 1 + R 19114- Biennial report. 1908+ R 1908-10 Ornithologist & oologist. M. Hyde Park (Mass.) 1,1875+ RP 9-17, 1884-1892 RPR [7, 10-14] [1882, 85-89] Oscillator. W. Cambridge (Mass.) 1,1917+ RP i,no 9+ S Ja 1918+ Osprey, ... a magazine of ornithology. M. Washington (D.C.) RPR [1-5, n ser i] [1896-1902] Ottawa (Can.) Dominion observatory, see Canada — Department of the interior Our dumb animals. M. Boston. 1,1868+ RPA 52-1- 1919+ RPN 52-1- 1919+ RPR 45+ 1912+ Our fourfooted friends & how we treat them. (Animal rescue league.) M. Dedham (Mass.) RPN Je 1919+ RPR 13+ 1913+ Our homes & gardens. M. London RP 9-1- 1931 + Oxford (Eng.) — Radcliffe observatory Astronomical observations. 1,1840+ RPB 6, 1847 Pacific northwest society of engineers. Seattle Proceedings. Bi-m. 1,1902+ RP 15. 1916 , Pacific, see also Astronomical society ot the Pacific 44 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Pagine d'arte. Appendix to Rassegna d'arte. Milan RPB 4+ 1916+ Painters magazine & Paint & wall paper dealer. M. New York. 1,1874+ RP 1921 + (El) Palacio. M. Santa Fe (N.M.) Devoted to the arts & sciences of man in the Southwest RPR 5+ Jl 1918+ Palermo (Italy), see also Circolo mate- matico di Palermo Palestine exploration fund. London Quarterly statement RP 25-30, 1893-98 RPA 1869191S RPB 1869. 1896+ — Survey of western Palestine RPA 1-8. 1881-89 Palisades interstate park (N.Y.) — Com- missioners Annual report See also New Jersey— Palisades interstate park R 1912+ RP 19, 1918 Pan American commercial guide Spanish and English year book RP 1916-17 Pan American record. (Pan American petroleum & transport co.) Bi-m. New York RP 1-2, S 1916-JI 1918 Pan-American scientific congress. ist, Santiago de Chile, 1908-09 Transactions RPB sec 5, V 1 ; sec 7, 8, & 9 Pan-American scientific congress. 2d, Washington, 1915-16 Proceedings R V i-ii RP V i-ii Pan American union. Washington (D.C.) Bulletin. M. 1,01893 + 189J-1901 as Bureau of the American republics i90<-i9og as International bureau . . . R i-f- RP 1-28, 40+ RPA 40-1- 1915+ RPB 5+ 1897-f Panama canal — Department of health Annual report R 1916+ RPB 1916-f Panama canal record. W. Ancon (C.Z.) i,4Si907+ 1-9 as Canal record R 1+ RP i-l- RPA 1+ RPB i4- Paper. W. New York. 1,1910+ RP 1921+ Paper & printing trades journal. Q. RP 1-9, 1872-189S Paper trade journal. W. New York. 1,1872+ RP 68, no 144- ) Ap 1919+ Para (Brazil). Museu Gocldi de historia natural & ethnographia Boletim RPB 4-5, 1904-08 Parasitology, a supplement to the Journal of hygiene. Cambridge (Eng.) 1,1908+ RPB i4- Paris, ficole nationale des beaux-arts, see also Concours d'ecole Paris, ficole normale superieure Annales scientifiques. 1,1864+ RPB ser 3, v 29 (whole number v 48) + 1912 + Paris. ficole pratique des hautes etudes, see also Bulletin des sciences mathe- matiques Paris. Observatoire, see also Bulletin as- tronomique d'astronomie physi- Paris. Observatoire que. Meudon Annales. 1,1896+ RPB 3. 1906 Paris, see also Bureau Veritas; Institut de France; Institut Pasteur; Societe bo- tanique de France; Societe chimique de France; Societe de biologic; Societe des artistes franqais; Societe des inge- nieurs civils de France; Societe cnto- mologique de France; Societe gcolo- gique de France; Societe mathematique de France; Societe mycologique de France; Societe nationale des beaux- arts; Societe royale (nationale) d'horti- culture de Paris; Societe zoologique de France Patent journal & inventors' magazine. London. 1-12,1846-511! RPA 1-12 Patents, see U.S. Patent Office; Repertory of patent inventions (Great Britain) Paving & municipal engineering, see Muni- cipal engineering Paxton's magazine of botany, & register of flowering plants. M London. 1-16,1834-4911 RPB 1-16 of science. Salem RP 1-7, 1834-1840 Peabody academy (Mass.) Memoirs RPB 1-2, 1869-86 Pennsylvania — Bureau of statistics & in- formation. Industrial directory of Pennsylvania. Triennial. Harrisburg R 1913, 1916 RP 1913, 1916 — Chestnut tree blight commission Bulletin Ri-2, 1912 RPB 1-2, 1912 — Department of agriculture Zoological bulletin. i-8,i903-io|| Continued by Zoological bimonthly bulletin RPR 1-8, 1903-10 Zoological bi-monthly bulletin Continues Zoological bulletin R 1-6, 1911-1916 RPR 1-6, 1911-16 — Department of fisheries Annual report. 1871 + R 1885-6, 1892-4, 1911-17 — Department of forestry Biennial report. 1900+ R 1903+ Statement of work done RP 1901-t- — Game commissioners Annual report R 1906, 08, II, 13, 15 + — Geological survey, ist. Annual report. 1-6,1836-411! RPB 2-6, 1837-41 — Geological survey, 2d. Annual report. 9v. R 9v, 1885-87 Final report. R 188S-87II 5v and atlas. 6v, 1892-95 Miscellaneous & A-Z, I03V. 187S-90II R 32V, 1875-90 RP 80V Report of progress. 1874-1891I! R 1874-1891 — Topographic and geologic survey Report R 2, 4-7. 9-10 1911-U 1892-95!! special reports, 1874-78 RPB 25V. IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 45 Pennsylvania. State college. State college Bulletin. Engineering series RP I, no 3, II Je iQii Pennsylvania. University, Philadelphia. — Museum Museum journal. Q. Philadelphia. 1,1910+ RP 1-2, 1910-11 RPA i-s, 1910-14 RPR 9+ 1918+ Penny magazine of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. M. London. 1-16,1832-461! 15-16 (ser 3, V 1-2, 1846) as Knights penny magazine RP i-is, 1832-46 RPA 1-14. 1832-4S RPB 1-9, 11-12, 14 1832-40, 42-43. 45 Penrose's annual: The process year book. (W: Gamble.) London RP 15, 16, 19-21, 22+ 1909-11, 1913-16, 1920-H Periodico di matematica per I'insegnamento secondario. Rome;Livorno. 1,1886+ RPB 31+ 1916-I- — Supplemento. 1,1897+ RPB 19+ Nov 1915+ Perry magazine. M. Boston RPB 8, 1905/06 Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt. M. Gotha. 1,1855+ RP 1-44, 1855-98 RPB 20-24, 1874-78 Petrograd. Forestry institute Proceedings In Russian RPB 1-4, 1898-1900 Petrograd (Russia), see also I. Akademiia nauk; Societas entomologica rossica Petroleum & natural gas register. (Reavis.) Nev^r York RP 1917-18 Pettigrew's New England professional directory [medical]. Boston RP 1904 Pfliiger's Archiv, see Archiv fiir die ges- ammte physiologic des menschen & der thiere Pharmaceutical archives. M. Milwaukee. 1-6,1898-1904.11 Continued in Pharmaceutical review; later Mid- land druggist RPB 1-6 Pharmaceutical era. M. New York. 1,1887+ RP 45-48, 1912-15. (Except V 45 nos 10-12; V 47 no 11; V 48 no s) Pharmaceutical review. M. Milwaukee. 1-26,1882-190811 In Ja 1905 absorbed Pharmaceutical archives Continued in Midland druggist RPB 22-26, 1904-08 Philadelphia chamber of commerce Year book RP 1918-19 Philadelphia commercial museum, see also Commercial America; Philadelphia museums Philadelphia museums Annual report Includes also the Commercial museum RPD 190s, 07-11, 14-t- Philadelphia photographer. (Wilson.) M & semi-m. Phila. i-25,i864-88|| Continued as Wilson's photographic magazine RPA i-is, 1864-78 RPB 1-14, 1864-77 Philadelphia, see also Academy of natural sciences; American entomological so- ciety; American philosophical society; Art jury of Philadelphia; College of physicians of Philadelphia; Engineers' club of Philadelphia; Fairmount park art association; Franklin institute; T square club; Wagner free institute of science Philippine Islands — Bureau of science Annual report of the Director 1902-5 as Annual report of government Labor- atories Bureau RP 1902-1908 RPB 7+ 1907/08-f- see also Philippine journal of science Philippine journal of science. (Philippine Islands — Bureau of science.) Irreg. Manila. 1,1906+ 1902-1918 issued in 3 sections: A, General science; B, Medical sciences; C, Botany RPB i-l- 19064- Philosophical magazine, see London, Ed- inburgh, & Dublin philosophical maga- zine & journal of science Philosophical society of Washington, see Washington (D.C.) Philosophical so- ciety Photo-American. New York RPA 3-6, 1891-95 Photo-era. M. Boston. i,Myi898+ RP i-l- Photographic news. London. i-?,i859-i908|| Absorbed in Amateur photographer RPB 7-14, [is] 1863-71 Photo-miniature. M. New York. 1,1899+ RP 1-2, 4, 7+ 1899-1900, 02, OS, 08+ Physical review. M. New York. 1,1893+ RP i-ii, 1893-D 1900 RPB.i, 8-t- 1893-f Physical society of London Abstracts of physical papers from foreign sources. London. 1-3,1895-971! RPB 1-3 — Physical memoirs selected & trans- lated from foreign sources. London. 1, 1 888-90 1! RPB 1 — Proceedings. London. 1,1874+ RPB i-l- — sec also Science abstracts Physikalisch-technische reichsanstalt, see under Berlin Physikalische gesellschaft. Berlin, see also Fortschritte der physik Physikalische zcitschrift. W. Leipzig. 1,1899+ RPB 1 + Physiological abstracts. (Physiological so- ciety.) London (Eng.) 1,1916+ RPB 34- 1918-f ^ ^ , . ^^^, ^ Physiological researches. Baltimore (Md.) 1,1913+ RPB i-l- Physiological society. London (Eng.), see also Physiological abstracts Phytopathoiogical society of Japan Annals. I,I9I9(?) + RPB has ordered Phytopathology. M. Baltimore (Md.) 1,1911 + RPB 94- igio-l- . -, . Pitagora; giornale di matematica. . . ral- ermo (Italy.) 1,1896+ RPB 22 (ser 2, v t)+ 1917+ 46 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Pittonia, . . . relating to botany & botan- ists. (E. L. Greene.) Berkeley (Calif.); Washington (D.C.) 1-5,1887-19051! RPB 1-2, 1887-92; has ordered rest Pittsburgh (Pa.) architectural club Year book RP 1916 Pittsburgh (Pa.) Carnegie institute Annual report of the director of fine arts RPA 7-t- 1903+ — Catalogue of annual exhibition RPA 5, 8, 12-18 1900, 1903, 1908-14 — Carnegie museum Annals. 1,1901 + RPB 1-6, igoi-io Annual report RPD 1911, 13-14, 16-)- Memoirs. 1,19014- RPB 1-2, 1901-06 Pittsburgh (Pa.). Carnegie library, see also Technical book review index Pittsburg (Pa.). University. — Allegheny observatory Miscellaneous scientific papers. 1,1901 + RPB 1-20, 1901-10 Publications. 1,1910+ RPB 1-2, 1910-12 Pittsburgh (Pa.), see also Engineers' society of Western Pennsylvania Plant world. Binghamton (N.Y.); Tucson (Ariz.); Baltimore (Md.), see Ecology Plough, the loom, & the anvil. M. Phila- delphia. i-io,Jli848-57ll? RP i-io, Jl 1848-D 1857 RPB 1-3, Jl 1848-Je 1851 Plumber & sanitary engineer, see Engi- neering Record Plumbers' trade journal, steam & hot water fitters' review. Semi-m. New York. 1,1881 + RP 41-48 [49-51] 1907-10, [1911-12] Plymouth (Eng.), see also Marine biolog- ical association of the United King- dom Poggendorff's Annalen, see Annalen der physik Polk's medical register & directory. St Paul & Chicago R 1902, 1906, 1910, 1912, 1914 RP 1890, 1902, 04 RPM 2, 4, 5, 8-13 1890-1914 Polyglot rubber trade directory of the U.S. and Canada. New York RP 1916 Polytechnic engineer. (Brooklyn. Poly- technic institute). Brooklyn. Y. 1,1901 + RPB 10-14, 1910-14 Polytechnic review, see Engineering & mining journal Polytechnisches journal, see Dingler's poly- technisches journal Pomona journal of entomology. Q. Clare- mont (Calif.) 1,1909+? RPB 1-2, 1909-10 Poor's Manual of the railroads of the United States. Y. New York. 1,1868+ After 19 19 forms the RR volume of Moody's manual R 6, 8, 9, 13-21, 24, 26, 27, 30-32, 34. 3S, 41-43 RP 1-6, 8+ 1868-74, 75+ RPA 191 1 RPB 21, 1888-1- Popular astronomy. M. Northfield (Minn.) 1,1893+ RP i-ii, 13, 15+ 1893+ RPB i-f RPR 25+ 1917+ Popular electricity & modern mechanics, sec World's advance Popular mechanics. M. Chicago. 1,1902+ RP 2, 3, 11-12, 18, 21+ Jl 19024- RPA 31+ 1919+ RPR 17+ 1912+ Popular science monthly. M. New York. 1,1872+ 48-57, as Appleton's popular science monthly In Oct 1915 separated into 2 parts: 1) con- solidating with World's advance & becoming for a few months Popular science monthly & world's advance. 2) establisht a new ser. as Scientific monthly RP 1-89, [90-91,] 92-)- 1872-1916 [1917,] I9i8-h RPA 1-87, 1872191S RPB I- 87, 1872-191S RPN 42-86, 1892-191S RPR 79-89, 1909-1916 — Supplement. 1-21,1877-791! RP 19-21, 1878 RPA 1-14, 1877-78 RPB 1-21 Popular science news. M. Boston; New York. i-36,Jli866-i902!! 1-16 as Boston journal of chemistry 17-29 as Popular science news & Boston journal of chemistry In 1903 consolidated with American inventor RP 1-21, 1866-87 RPB 2, no 7-v 17, [19, 21-23, 25-28] 31-36 1867-1902 Popular science review. Q. London. I -20, 1 862-8 1 II RP 1-20 RPB 1-19, 1862-80 Port Erin biological station, Isle of Man, see Liverpool marine biology commit- tee Portfolio. London. 1,1870+ RPA 1-1- 1870-1- RPAC 1881-83 Portland cement association, see also Con- crete highway magazine Portico, a repository of science & litera- ture. Baltimore RPA 1-2, 1816 Portland cement co., see also Concrete in architecture & engineering Porto (Portugal) same as Oporto Posselt's textile journal. M. Philadelphia. 1,1907+ RP 25+ Jl 1919+ Potomac-side naturalists' club, Washing- ton (D.C), sec also Field & forest Pottery & glass directory & buyers' guide. New York RP 1919 Power. W. New York. 1,1880+ In Nov. 1884 Steam & Power consolidated; v 5, no 3 of Steam being v 1, no 3 of Power. After Sept. 1885 (no 11) the volume number i is dropped and vol. 5 is retained V s-ii as Power-Steam V 28-32 as Power & the Engineer Power has absorbed: Science & industry in May 1903; Engineers' review (Cleveland) in Dec. 1907; Engineer (Chicago) in May 1908, when it changed from a monthly to a weekly RP 5 pt 2-v 8, 9 pt 2V 20, 23+ 1885+ RPB 22-f- 1902+ Power notes. (Diamond power specialty CO.) Detroit RPB + • r-u- Power plant engineering. Semi-m. Chi- cago. 1,1896+ RP 1921+ ^, . - , Power wagon. M. Chicago. 1,1906+ RP 23, no 179+ O 1919+ Power wagon reference book (Phillips.) Chicago RP 1919 Practical engineer. M. Chicago. 1,1897+ RP 13-14, 1909-1910 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 47 Practical magazine, an illustrated cyclo- paedia of industrial news, inventions and improvements. London RPA 1-7, 1873-77 . , ,^ ^, Practical mechanics journal. M. blasgow & London RPA 1-8, 1848-56 Practitioner. M. London. 1,1868+ RPM i-f- Prag^e (Czecho-Slovakia), see also K. Bohmische gesellschaft der wissen- schaften Press news. M. London RP 3, 9-16, 22, 26-42 1868, 74-81, 87, 91-1907 K. Preussische akademie der wissenschaft- en. Berlin, see K. Akademie der wissen- schaften. Berlin Princeton (NJ.) university — Biological laboratories Contributions RPB 2+ 1908+ — Museum of geology & archaeology Contributions. N.Y. RPB 1-3, 1878-83 Print. M? Boston. i,Jai9ii + ? RP 1, nos 1-6; V 2, nos i, 2, 3, 5; v 3, nos 1-5; V 4, nos 2, 4 [1911-14?] Print-collector's quarterly. Q. New York. i,Fi9ii + RPA 2-7, 1912-17 RPB 1 + Print connoisseur. M. New York. 1,1920-f RP 19214- Printers' ink. W. New York. 1,1888+ RP 74-f 1911+ RPB 109-f 9 Oct 1919+ Printers' ink monthly. New York. 1,1920+ RPB i-f Printer's international specimen exchange. Y. London RP i-is, 1880-1895 Printer's register. M. London. 1,1863+ RP 2-4, 6, 11-16, i8-2i, 25-27, 29-31, 35-46 1864-1907 Printing art. M. Cambridge (Mass.) i,Mri903+ RP 1+ RPB 1+ RPD 2-8, 33-1- S I9a3-F 1907, 1919+ Printing art suggestion book. Q. Cam- bridge (Mass.) i-2i,Fi9o8-Jei9i8|| 1-9 as Printing art sample book RP 1-12, 1908-14 RPB I-2I Printing machinery register RP 1-3, 6, 7 1901-04, 06-08 Printing time & lithographer. M. London? RP 6-13, 28 1875-82, 98 Printing trades blue book. (Lewis.) New York. (Greater New York and sur- rounding towns edition) RP 1917, 1920 Printing world. M. London RP 1-7, 9-13 1891-1903 Proceedings, see under names of academies, societies, institutions, etc. Process year book, see Penrose's annual Professional memoirs. (U.S. — Army — Corps of engineers), see Military engi- neer Progreso cientifico, revista semestrial. (Galdeano.) Saragossa (Spain). 1JI1918II Probably only this one number issued RPB 1, no 1, Jl 1918 -8, 10-56 1851- works RPE RPE RPE Progressive medicine. Q. Philadelphia RPM Dec 1900-t- Progressive printer. M. St Louis RP 5-6, 12-14, 18-19 1901-09 Progressus rei botanicae. (Lotsy.) Jena. 1,1907+ RPB 1-5, no I, 1907-14 Providence (R.L) City documents R 4-54. 1855-1908 RP 1- 1910 RPA 1865/66-t- — Board of Water commissioners Report Continued in Department of public R 2-4, 1878-80 RPA 1870-78 i-S, 1877-80II Report on sewers RPB 1873-77 RPA 1873-76 1873-86 — City plan commission Annual report R 1, 1914 RPA I, 1914 1914 — Department of Public works Annual report. 1,1910+ R I, 3 1911, 1913 RP 1+ RPB 1912-1- RPE 5, 7-8 1915, 1917-18 Quarterly reports R 1-32, 35-44, 47-63, 72, 76-83, 87, 102, 111 RPB 66-75, 109 1899-1901, 10 1883-90 — Engineer department Annual report of the city engineer R 1874, 80, 8s, 1907, 13 RP 1910-I- RPA 1890-1911, 13+ RPB 1883-1903, 06, 12+ RPE 1877-90, 1915-16 — Inspector of milk Annual report R 1902 RP 1891-1904, 06-08II RP 1914-18 RPB 1897-98 Quarterly report R Dec 1917, June 1919, Mar 1920, Sept 1920+ RP Sept 1914-f — Park commissioner Report R 1902 RP 1891-1904, 06-08II — Water supply board Annual report. 1,1915+ R 1+ RPB 1+ RPE 1 + Providence Chamber of commerce Year book R 1915+ RP 1915-1- RPA 1916- 18/19 RPB 1916+ — see also Providence magazine Providence district nursing association Report. 1,1902+ RP i4- I, 2+ 105, RPE engineering society i,Di9i6+ RPE Providence Bulletin. RP i-f — Year book R 1919 RP 1919 KJfJL 1919 Providence magazine. (Providence Cham- ber of commerce.) M. Providence. 1,1889+ 4-6 as Providence journal of commerce 11-26 as Providence board of trade journal R [1-26,] 27-f- [1889-1914,] 19154- RP 11+ 1899-I- RPA 11+ 1899+ RPAC 26+ 1914+ RPB 1-2, [3,] 5+ 1889 + RPN [1910-12,] 1913+ RPR 26+ 1914+ Providence medical journal. (Providence medical society.) Providence (R.L) 1-17, 1900-1916II Continued as Rhode Island medical journal R 11-17, 1910-16 RP 1-17 RPA 1-17 RPB 1-17 RPM 1-17 48 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Providence (R.I.) Public park association Miscellaneous papers RP 1883-84 — Publications RP I, 2, 6-1 1 1886, 87. 89, 92, 96 RPB 7-9, II 1886-97 — Report RP 190S Providence (R.I.), see also Brown univer- sity; Rhode Island medical society; Rhode Island school of design; Roger Williams park — Museum Psyche. (Cambridge entomological club.) Q. Forest Hills (Mass.) RP 5+ 1888+ RPR [4, II, 23,] 24+ [1883, 1904, 1916,] 1917+ Baltimore. v 1,01917+ Psychobiology. RPB 1 + Psychological clinic. M. Philadelphia. 1,1907+ RPM 1 + M. London U.S.— Public of Ag- RPB i-f Public health. RPM 17+ 1904+ Public health reports, sec health service Public roads. (U.S. — Department riculture.) Washington (D.C.) i,Myi9i8+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPB 1 + Public service. M. Chicago. 1,1907+ RPB Jl 1910+ Public works. W. New York. 1,1896+ 1-9, no 5, 1896-N 1900 as City government Absorbed Municipal & railway record in 190 1 (v 10) and changed title to Municipal journal & engineer. In 1906 absorbed Municipal news. Until V 47, 1919 as Municipal journal R 28+ 1909+ RP 11-22, 24+ Jl 1901 + RPB 18+ 190S + Public works. (Surveyor & Municipal & county engineer.) London RPB 1, 1903 Purchasing agent. M. New York. ^•^915+ RP 1921 + Purdue engineering review. (Purdue uni- versity — Engineering societies.) Y. Lafayette (Ind.) 1,1905+ RP 2-8, 10+ 1906-1912, 1914+ Pure products. M. New York. 1,1905+ RP 13-14 Ja 1917-D 1918 Q Q. S. T. (American radio relay league.) M. Hartford (Conn.) i,Di9is + RP 1+ Quarterly cumulative index to current medical literature. Chicago 1.IQ16+ RPM 1+ 6 , y 1 Quarterly illustrator. New York, see Monthly illustrator Quarterly journal of medicine. Oxford (Eng.) 1,1907+ RPM 1+ Quarterly journal of microscopical science. London. 1,1853+ RPB n ser, 32-58, 6o-|- 189 1 + Quarterly journal of pure & applied mathe- matics. Q. London. 1,1857+ Continues Cambridge & Dublin mathematical journal RPB 47+ I9i6-f Quarterly journal of science, literature & art. London. 1-22, 1816-26 ;23-29(n. ser 1-7) i827-Jei83o|| 1-6 as Journal of science & the arts V 7-22 title varies, but chiefly Quarterly jour- nal of science, literature & the arts RPB 1-14. 1816-23 Quarterly papers on engineering. (John Weale.) London. 1-6,1843-4911 RP 1-5, 1843-1846 R Radcliffe observatory, see Oxford (Eng.) Radio amateur news. M. RP 1920+ Radiiun. M. Paris (France). 1,1904+ RPB 4+ 1907-f Radium. M. Pittsburgh (Pa.) I,jei9i3 + RPB + RPM [i,] 2-4, [5-7,] 8-1- Railroad age gazette, see Railway age. N.Y. Railroad & engineering journal, see Rail- way mechanical engineer Railroad gazette, see Railway age. N.Y. Railroad red book. (Denver & Rio Grande RR — Passenger department.) M. Denver (Col.) RP 34, nos 1-2, 4, 5, 7, II, 12 Ja-D 1917 Railway age. W. Chicago. i-45lii876-i908l| In June 1908 combined with Railroad gazette & formed Railroad age gazette 1908-10, later Railway age gazette 1910-18, & later again Railway age, N.Y. 1919+ RPB 39-4511 1905-1908II Railway age. W. New York. 1,1870+ V 1-44, 1870-1908 as Railroad gazette V 45-47, 1908-10 as Railroad age gazette V 47-63, 1910-18 as Railway age gazette V 64 -|- 1919-f- as Railway age In June 1908 the Railroad gazette combined with Railway age to form Railroad age gazette with volume numbering of RR gazette retained RP [19-22,] 24+ [1887-90,] 92-i- RPA 30-35. 1886-91 RPB 1-5, [i9,] 20-t- 1870- 73. 3 Je 87-f Railway age gazette, see Railway age. N.Y. Railway & locomotive engineering. M, New York. 1,1888+ 1-4 as Locomotive engineer S-13 as Locomotive engineering RP 8-26, 1895-1913 Railway mechanical engineer. M. New York. 1,1832+ i-6o as American railroad journal 61-66 as Railroad & engineering journal, after consolidating in 1887 with Van Nostrand's engi- neering magazine 67-87, no 5 (1899-1913) as American engineer & railroad journal (70-72 as American engineer, car builder, & railroad journal, having absorbed National car & locomotive builder) 87-89 (1913-1915) as Railway age gazette. Me- chanical edition RP 61-72, 1887-98 Random notes on natural history. M. Providence. i-3,i884-86|l ? RP 1-3 RPB 1-2, [3] RPR 1-3 Rapport annuel sur le progres des sciences physiques & chimiques. (Berzelius, translated by Plantamour.) Paris. 1-8,1840-4811? RP v 1-6. 1840-46 RPB 1-8 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 49 Rassegna d'arte. M. Milan. 1,1901 + RPB 16+ 1916+ — Appendix entitled: Pagine d'arte, sec Pagine d'arte Reclamation record. (U.S. — Reclamation service.) M. Washington. 1,1908+ RP 9, no 8; io-|- Ag 1918; Ja 1919+ Record of American entomology. (A. S. Packard, jr). Salem (Mass.) 1-2,1868-6911 RP 1868-1869 Record of scientific progress. Y. New York RP I, 1891 Record of the progress of modern engi- neering. (Humber.) Lond. 1-4,1863-6611 RPB I, 1863 Record of American and foreign shipping, see American bureau of shipping Recreative science; a record & remem- brancer of intellectual observation. London. 1-3,1859-621! Continued as Intellectual observer; & later as Student & intellectual observer RPB 1-3 Recueil des travaux chimiques dcs Pays- bas & de la Belgique. Leyden. 1,1882+ RPB 39+ 1920-I- Repertoire de chimie appliquee; Repertoire de chimie pure, see Societe chimique de France Repertorium der physik. Munich & Leip- zig. 1-27,1865-9111 1-3, 1865-67 as Repertorium fiir physikalische technik fiir mathematische & astronomische in- strumentenkunde 4-18, 1868-82 as Repertorium fiir experimental- physik, fiir physikalische technik, mathematische & astronomische instrumentenkunde RPB 1-18, 1865-82 Repertorium der technischen journal-liter- atur. Y. Leipzig; Berlin. 4 ser 1823-1908II n ser-ser 4 v 1-30, 1879- 1908II Also as Repertorium der technischen literatur Continued as International institute of tech- nical bibliography (Fortschritte der technik, etc.) RP 1892-1908 RPB 1892, 94 Repertorium fiir experimental-physik, u. s. w. also, Repertopium fiir physikalische technik, see also Repertorium der physik Repertorium fiir kunstwissenschaft. Berlin RPB 19-37, 41+ 1896-1914, 1918-)- Repertory of arts & manufactures. M. London. ser i, v 1-16, 1794-1802; ser 2. v 1-46, 1802-25; ser 3, v 1-74, 1825- 62II RPA ser i, v i-ser 2, v 14 J794-1809 Repertory of patent inventions, & other discoveries & improvements in arts, manufactures, & agriculture. London RP 10, 1830; n ser, v 4-18; Jl 1835-42; En- larged ser, V 1-40; 1843-I) 62 Reports of the progress of applied chem- istry, see Society of chemical industry. London Reveille, devoted to the disabled sailor & soldier. Irreg. London. noi-[6],Jei9i7-Fi9i9||? No 1-3 Je 1917-Ap 1918 as Recalled to life RPA 1-6 Review of American chemical research, see Technology quarterly. Review of war surgery & medicine, see U.S. — Office of the Surgeon-general Revista de matematicas. Buenos Aires. i-2,Mri9i6-Fi9i8i| Continued in Revista matemiltica hispanoam- ericana RPB 1-2 Revista de matematicas & fisicas elemen- talcs. Buenos Aires (Arg.) i,Myi9i9+ RPB has ordered Revista de obras publicas & minas. (Asso- ciagao dos engenheiros civis Portu- guezes.) Lisbon. 1,1870+ RPB 30, [31-32, 35.] 37-38, 41 1899-1910 Revista matematica hispano-americana. Madrid. 1,1919+ Under the auspices of Sociedad matematica espafiola, & Junta para ampliacion de estudios, in Madrid, and continuing Revista de matema- ticas, in Buenos Aires RPB i-f Revue archeologique. Paris RPB ser 5, ,v 3-f 1916-I- Revue de la bijouterie, joaillerie, & orfev- rerie. M. Paris. I-?,I900-? RPD 3-5, N 1902-D 1904 Revue de I'enseignement des sciences. Paris. 1,1906+ RPB ii4- 1917-f- Revue de I'ingenieur & index technique. Brussels. 1,1901 + 1-3 as Index de la presse technique RPB 1910-14 Revue de mathematiques speciales. Paris. 1,1890+ RPB 30+ O 1919 + Revue des arts decoratifs. Paris RPB 1-20, 1880-1900 Revue des questions scientifiques. (Societe scientifiques de Bruxelles.) Q. Lou- vain. 1,1877+ RPD I. 1877 Revue & magasin de zoologie. (Guerin- Meneville.) Paris RPB ser 2, v 19-23 1867-72 Revue generale de botanique. Paris; 1,1889+ RPB 1 + Revue generale de I'architecture & des travaux publics. (Daly.) Paris RPB 1-40, 1840-83 Revue generale des sciences pures & ap- pliquees. Fortn. Paris. 1,1890+ RPB i-f- Revue scientifique (Revue rose). Paris. 1,1863 + Title varies; as. Revue scientifique de la France & de I'gtranger; Revue des cours scientifiques RPB 25-34 (ser 2. v 18-19; ser 3, v 1-8), 57 + 1880-84, 1919+ Revue scientifique & industrielle. M. Paris RPB 32-36, 38-39 (ser 3, i-S, 7-8) 1848-50 Revue semestrielle des publications mathe- matiques. Semi-a. Amsterdam (Neth.) 1,1893+ RPB 1 + Rhode Island.— -Geological & agricultural survey Report. (C. T. Jackson.) 1839II RP 1839 RPA 1839 RPB 1839 R 1839 — State Board of food & drug commis- sioners Annual report. 1,1909+ R i-f RP 1-4, 6+ 1909-1912, 1914+ RPA I, 2, 4, 6-8, lo-f- 1909-10, 12, I4-J6. 1918+ RPB 1-4, 6+ 1909-12. 14+ 50 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Rhode Island — Continued — State Board of health Annual report. 1,1878+ R 1+ RP 1-29, 35. 40+ 1878-1906, 12, 17+ RPA 1-29. 35 1878-1906. '12 RPB 1-29. 35 1878-1906, '12 Bulletin. Q. Providence. 1,1888+ 1-23 as Monthly bulletin 24 as The health bulletin R i-f RP 1+ RPA 1-19, 18881907 RPB 1+ RPM n ser, v 1+ 1914+ — State Board of public roads Annual report. 1,1902+ R i-f RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + — State Commission for the permanent improvement of navigation in the See- konk river Report. 1,1909+ R I-f RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + — State Commissioner of forestry- Annual report. 1,1906+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + Leaflet. 1,1910?+ R I-f RP 3, 1910 RPB 1-6 — State Commissioner of highways Annual report After 1902 as State Board of public roads R 1897 RP 1897 RPB 3, 1897 — State Commissioner of industrial sta- tistics Annual report. 1,1887+ R 1+ RP 1-29, 1887-191S RPA I- 29, 1887-191S ■ — State Commissioners of birds Annual report. 1900-16II R 1900-1916 RP 1900, 1902-4, 1907-8, 1910-16 RPB 1900, 1902-4, 19078, 1910-16 RPA 1900, 02-04, 07-08, 10-16 — State Commissioners of inland fish- eries Report. 1,1872+ R I-f RP 1-13, 16-f 1872-83, 86+ RPA 1-8, 10-14, 18+ 1870-77, 1879-83, 1887+ — State Commissioners of shell fisheries Report R 1+ RP 1890, 91, 93, 95, 97+ RPA 1890, 91, 93, 94, 98-1919 — State Commissioners of dams & reser- voirs Annual report R 1883-f RP 1883-1912 RPA 1883, 1901+ — State Factory inspectors Annual report. 1,1894+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPA _ 1+ RPB I-f — State Harbor commissioners Annual report. 1,1876+ R I-f RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + — State Harbor improvement commis- sion Annual report. 1905+ R i9os-f RP 1905-09, 11-17 RPA 1912-17 RPB 1907-08, 11-17 — (State) Metropolitan park commission Annual report. 1,1905+ R 1-8, 1905+ RP 1-8, 190S-11 RPA 1-6, 8 1905-10, 1912 RPB 1-8, 1905-12 RPD 2-6, 1906-10 — State Public utilities commission Annual report. 1,1912+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPA I-f — State Railroad commissioners Report. 1,1868+ R i868-f RP 1868, 73-76, 78, 79-84, 86- 88, 89-1911 RPA 1884-1911 — State Sealer of weights, measures & balances Annual report R 1895-1912 RP 189s, 1899-1912 RPA 1903-10, 1912 RPB 1893-97, 99, 1900-1912 Rhode Island Audubon society- Report RP 1908-9 Rhode Island. College of agriculture. Kingston, see also Nature guard Rhode Island highway news. M. Provi- dence. i,noi ;Si9is|| R no I RP no i Rhode Island medical journal. (R. I. med- ical society.) Providence. 1,1917+ Continues Providence medical journal R 1+ RP I-f RPA I-f RPB 1+ RPM I-f Rhode Island medical reformer. (B. F. Clark.) Providence RPB I, no 2, 14 Ja 1843 Rhode Island medical science monthly. Providence, see Atlantic medical weekly- Rhode Island medical society. Providence Transactions. i-8,pti,i859-i9io|| RP I, 3-8, pt I, 1859-77, 83-1910 RPA 1-8, pt I RPB 1-7, 1859-1909 — see also Rhode Island medical journal Rhode Island ornithology, see Notes on Rhode Island ornithology Rhode Island school of design. Providence Bulletin. 1,1913+ R I-f RP 1-4, 1913-1916 RPA I-f RPB 1+ RPD I-f RPN 1 + — Year book. 1,1878+ Until 1903 as Catalogue R 19, 24-f RP 15-22, 24-f 1892-1900, 1902+ RPA 1-2, 5-f RPB 1-2, II- 19, 21-22, 25+ 1878-79, 89-97, 99-1900, 02-f RPD I-f Rhode Island society for the ment of domestic industry- Transactions RP 1-7, 1850-74 RPA,i85o, 54-72, RPB 1850-74 Rhodora. (New England botanical club.) M. Boston. 1,1899+ RP I-f RPB 1+ RPR 1-7, 14-+ 1899-190S, 1912+ Rio de Janeiro, see also Club de engenharia Rivista di patologia vegetale. (Berlese.) Portici (Italy). I-I0,l892-I90l|| RPB i-io Roadmaster & foreman, see Engineering & contracting Rochester (N.Y.) — Park commissioners Report RP 1888-1904 Rockefeller institute for medical research. New York city- Monographs. 1,1910+ RPB 1-4, 7+ 1910-12, 1917-I- — Studies. 1,1904+ RPB 1-4, 13, 16, 21, 25 1904-1916 — see also Journal of general physiology- Rockefeller sanitary commission for the eradication of hookworm disease. Washington (D.C.) Annual report. 1-4,1910-1411? R 1-4 RPA 1-4 RPB 1-4 Roger Williams park — l\Iuseum. Providence (R.I.) Park museum bulletin. 1,1904+ During 1905-07 called Monographs; nos 5, 6, 8, 16 never published R n ser, v 1+ 1909-I- RP i-i7, 1904-07; n ser, v 1+ 1909+ RPA 7, i4 i905> 1906 RPB I-f RPR 1 + — see also Apteryx encourage- 74 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 51 Rome (Italy). Universita. — Facolta di scienze. — Seminar io matematico Rendiconti delle sedute dell' anno ac- cademico. 1,1913+ RPB 1-2, 4+ 1913-1S. 1916/17+ Rome (Italy), see also American academy in Rome; Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma; K. Deutsches archaologisches institut Royal academy illustrated. Y. London RPA 1916+ Royal academy of arts. London Academy notes. Y. 1-33,1875-19071!? RPA i-s, 16-33. 1875-79. 90-1907 Royal academy pictures. Y. London. i-28,i887?-i9iSll RPA 23-28, 1910-1S Royal anthropological institute of Great Britain & Ireland. London Journal. i,i87i-|- RPB 1-8, 36. 38-39, pt 1 1871-79, 1906-08 Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain & Ireland. London, see also Archaeological journal; British archfeo- logical association Royal astronomical society. London Memoirs. I,i822-|- RPB I-S9, 1822-1910 — Monthly notices, papers, etc. RPB 8+ 1847-1- Royal astronomical society of Canada. Toronto Journal. i,igo7-\- RPB 1 + Royal geographical society of London Journal. London. i-5o,i830-8o|| RP i-so RPA 1-27, 1830-57 RPB i-so — Proceedings. 1-22,1855-78 ;n,seri-i4,i879-92|| Continued as Geographical journal RP 1-36 RPA 6, 1857 RPB 1-22, n.s. 1-14 — Supplementary papers. i-4,i886-93|| RP 1-4 RPB 1-4 — Year book & record. i-f-,T898+ RP 16, 1913 RPB 1-9, 1898-1906 Royal institute of British architects. London Journal. Semi-m. n ser, v 1-9, 1885-1893; ser 3, v i-|- N 1893+ Continues Proceedings In 1894 combined with Transactions & formed the third series RP n ser, v 1-9, 1885-93; ser 3, v 1-22, 1893-O 191S Royal institution of Great Britain Notices of proceedings. Irreg, London Lond. 1,1851-]- RPB 1-14, 1851-95 Royal Irish academy. Dublin Transactions. 1,1787-f- RPA i-s, 1787-1794 RPB 1-28, 1787-1881 Royal microscopical society. London Journal. 1,1878+ Continues Monthly microscopical journal RPB 1 + — see also Monthly microscopical jour- nal Royal physical society of Edinburgh Proceedings RPB 5-9. 1878-88 Royal sanitary institute. London Journal. M. 1,1879+ RP 26, nos I, 2, 3 Ap 190S Royal society for the protection of birds. London, see also Bird. notes & news Royal society of arts. W. London Journal. 1,1852+ Known as Society of arts until 1908; also as Society for the encouragement of arts, manu- factures, & commerce RP 1-61; 26 N 1852-14 N 1913 RPB 1 + — International congress on technical education [under auspices of] Society for the encouragement of arts, manu- factures & commerce Report of the proceedings of the fourth meet- ing, held in London, June 1897 RP 4 Royal society of Canada. Montreal Proceedings & transactions. Ottawa; Montreal. 1,1882+ R 1+ RPA 1+ RPB i-f- Royal society of London Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions, 1800-54. Lond. 1-6,1832-5411 RPB 1-2, 1800-30 — Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800- 1900, with subject index. London; Cambridge. 1,1867+ RPB 1 + — Philosophical transactions. Irreg. London. 1,1665+ After V 177 (1886) published in 2 classes: (A) Natural science, (B) Natural history RPA 47-107, 1751-1817 RPB 65-89, 91 + 1775-99, i8oi-{- — Philosophical transactions 1665-1740, abridged. (Baddam.) London. 1-10,174511 RPA i-io 1665-1750, abridged. London. vi-12,1722-5611 RPA 1-7, 10 1655-1733, 1743-50 RPB 1-6, 8-10 1655-1750 1665-1880, abridged by Hutton. London. vr-i8,i809|| RP 1-18 RPB 1-18 — Proceedings. Irreg. London. 1,1800+ RPB 7+ i8S4 + Royal society of medicine. London Proceedings. M. 1,1907+ RPM [1-2, s,] 6-f _ [1907-12], N 1912+ Royal statistical society. London Journal. Q. 1,1834+ RP 1-80, 1834-1917 RPA 1-16, 1834-53 RPB on deposit 61+ 1808 + Rudder, M. New York. 1,1890+ RP ii-|- i900-(- Rudder marine directory. New York RP 1920 Russia, see also I. Akademiia nauk; So- cietas entomologica rossica Russian almanac. (Peacock.) London RP 1919 Russian year book. New York & London. 1,1911 + RP 1912, 1914, 1916 RPB 2, 1912 Safety engineering. M. New York. i,Api90i + 1-25, no 3 as Insurance engineering RP 1-28, V 37, no 4+ 190I-DI914. Ap 1919-r Sahlin's topography. East Aurora (N.Y.) RP 1918-20 52 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS St Louis (Mo.) — Division of parks & recre- ation. (Department of public welfare) Annual report RP 1902-3, 1917+ St Louis city art museum Annual report RPA 1910+ RPD 1910, 12, 15 + — Bulletin RPA 191 1+ RPR 1920+ St Louis. Missouri botanical garden Annals. 1,1914-f RPB 1 + — Annual report. 1,1890+ R 1892, 1910 RP 1; 1890 RPA 1004 RPB 1-23; 1890-1912 St Louis, see also Engineers' club of St Louis; Lakes-to-the-gulf deep water- way association St Paul (Minn.) — Board of park commis- sioners Report RP 1888-1904 St Petersburg (Russia), see Petrograd Salem (Mass.), see also Essex institute; Peabody academy of science Sales & wants advertiser RP 11-21, 1897-1908 San Diego (Calif.), see also Marine biolog- ical association of San Diego San Francisco (Calif.), see also Astronom- ical society of the Pacific; California academy of sciences; Commonwealth club of California Sanitary control bulletin. (Joint Board of Sanitary control in the cloak, suit & skirt & the dress & waist industries.) M. New York. i,Agi9i9+ RP 1 + Sanitary engineer, see Engineering record Santa Barbara (Calif.), see also Museum of comparative oology Santiago de Chile. Observatorio astro- noinico nacional Anuario. 1903+ RPB 1918-f Santiago (Chile), see also Socicte scientifi- que du Chili Sao Paulo (Brazil). Museu paulista Revista. S. Paulo RPB 2, 4-7 1897, 1900-07 Schimmel & Co. (Fritzsche Bros.), pubs. Semi-annual report on essential oils, syn- thetic perfumes, etc. Miltitz, near Leip- zig; London; New York RP 1902-191S Schlesischer forst-verein. Breslau Jahrbuch RPB 1887 School arts magazine. M. Boston; Wor- cester (Mass.) 1,1900-1- i-ii, 1900-1912 as School arts book RPD 3+ 1903-I- RPN 1904-t- School science & mathematics. Chicago. 1,1901 + 1-4 as School science, v 3 had a Mathematical supplement (Ap-0, 1903) which was continued for a time as School mathematics RPB 1+ RPN 1919 + Schubert's motor transportation guide; long distance mileage book RP 1918 Schweizerische botanische gesellschaft, see Societe botanique Suisse Science. W. Cambridge (Mass.); New York. Old ser, v 1-23; n ser, v 1 + 1883-94; 1895+ RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB I -I- RPM i-l- RPR 1-4, 29+ 1883-84, 1909-f Science abstracts. (Institution of electrical engineers, & Physical society of London.) London. 1,1898+ RPB 1 + Science progress; a monthly review of current scientific investigation. Lon- don, ser I, V 1-5; n ser, v 1-2, 1894- 96, 97-98II RPB 1-7, 1894-98 Science progress in the 20th century. Q. London. 1,1906+ RPB i-f Science record. (Beach.) Y. New York. 1-5,1871-7511 RP 1-3, 1871-73. RPA 3-5; 1873-75 Scientia; rivista di scienza; international review of scientific synthesis. Bologna & Rome (Italy.) 1,1907+ RPB 21+ 1917+ Scientific American. W. New York. ser I, V 1-14; n ser (2), v i+, 1845-59, 1860+ R 1908-1- RP i-l- RPA 2+ 1846 + RPAC + RPB i-Q, n ser, v 1-7, 20-63, 66-t- RPE -I- RPN N 1903+ RPR II0-4- 1914+ — Supplement. W. New York. 1-88,1876-191911 Continued as Scientific American monthly RP 1-88 RPA 7-88, 1879-1919 RPB 1-88 RPN 1903-1915 RPR 77-88, 1914-19 Scientific American building monthly. New York. i-39,Ni885-Jei905l| 19-32 as Scientific American building edition Continued in American homes & gardens RP 1-2, 19-23, 25-27, 31-33, 35-39 RPB i-3_, 1885-87 Scientific American monthly. New York. i,Jai920+ Continues Scientific American supplement R 1+ RP I-l- RPA 1+ RPB 1+ RPR 1+ Scientific man. W. New York RPB I, 1878-79 Scientific monthly. M. New York. 1,01915+ Continues Popular science monthly in editorial policy as to the really scientific material RP I-l- RPA 24- 1916+ RPB i-t- RPN i-f- RPR 2+ 19164- Scientific review. M. New York. 1,1912+ RP 4, no s; 5, no i, 3. 51 My 1915; Je,Ag,0 1915 Scientists' international directory (Cas- sino), Salem (Mass.), see Naturalists' universal directory Scotland, see also Institution of engineers & shipbuilders in Scotland; Meteoro- losical society of Scotland Scottish naturalist. M. Perth. 1,1871 + RPB I, 1871-72 Screenings. (Milwaukee-Western fuel Co.) M. Milwaukee RP 4+ Je 1919+ Scripps institution for biological research of the University of California. La Jolla (Calif.) Bulletin. 1,1916+ Continues Marine biological association of San Diego — Laboratory; and Marine biological sta- tion at San Diego RPB 1 + IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 53 Seattle (Wash.) — Board of park commis- sioners Annual report RP g-13, 1912-16 Second hand machinery, see Iron trade re- view Seville (Spain), see also Centro de estudias americanistas de Sevilla Shields' magazine. M. New York Published by the Game Protection co. RPR [1-2,] 3-4, [5.] 6-7, [8-11,] 12, [J3-15;] 190S-12 Shipbuilders service club, Manitowoc ship- building CO., see also Keel block Shipping world year book. (Jones.) London RP :92o RPB 1889, 93, 1906 Shoe & leather reporter. Y. Boston RPB 1907 Sibley journal of engineering. Ithaca (N.Y.) 1,1887+ RPB 17+ 1902-F Sideral messenger. Northfield (Minn.), see Astronomy & astro-physics Sig^s of the times. (Advertising.) M. Cincinnati. 1,1906+ RP F-Ap 1915, Ja-Ap 1918, Ja 1919+ Silk. M. New York. 1,1907+ RP 5, no 3-}- Ja 1912+ Silk guide. (Mercein.) New York RP 1916+ Silliman's Journal of science, See American journal of science Simmons' spice mill. M. New York. 1,1878+ RP 37-41, 1914-1918 (Except V 39, no 12, D 1916; V 40, no 7, Jl 1917) Sinclair's magazine. (Petroleum industry.) M. New York, i,Agi9i7+ RP i-f- Singapore. Malay peninsula, see also In- stitute for medical research. Federated Malay states Sketch. W. London. 1,1803+ RPAC 1+ Smithsonian institution. Washington (D.C.) Annual report. 1,1846+ R i-l- RP 1+ RPA i-l- RPB 1+ Also in Government document set. RPR 1847, 49-51, S3, 55-73. 75-83, 84 pt 2+ — Astrophysical observatory. Washing- ton (D.C.) Annals. 1,1900+ RP 1-3, 1900, 1908, 1913 (Lacks addenda to vol 2) RPA 1-3, 1900, 1908, 1913 RPB 1-3, 1900-13 — Bureau of American ethnology Annual report. 1,1879+ i-iS. 1879-94 as Bureau of ethnology R i-f RP i-t- RPA 1+ RPB x-f RPR I, 3, 5, 7-12, 19-26, 28-30, 31 1879-1911 Bulletin. 1,1887+ R 1-9, 11-23, 26, 38, 39, 41-42, 48-1- RP 1, 5. ^. 9, 13-16, 19, 20, 25-1- RPA 1-23, 35+ RPB 2+ RPR 1 + — see also U.S. National museum Smoke prevention association Proceedings RP 10, 191S Smokeless shots. (Kirkwood bros.) Boston. 1,1911+ No I of each volume is annual gun list RP 5+ 191S + Social hygiene. (American social hygiene association.) Baltimore. 1,1914+ RP 4+ 1917+ RPB i4- Sociedad cientifica argentina. Buenos Aires Anales. 1,1876+ RPB SS-S6, 59-64; 1903. 05-07 Sociedad espanola de excursiones, arte, arqueologia, historia. . . Madrid Boletin RPB 24+ 1916-f Sociedad matematica espanola. Madrid Revista. i-6,noS2,i9i2-Api9i7|| Continued in Revista matematica hispano-amer- icana RPB 5-6. 1916-17 Societas entomologica rossica. Petrograd. Horae Also known as Soci6t6 entomologique de Russie RPB s-7, 30-36 1866-70, 95-1902 Societe botanique de France. Paris Bulletin. 1,1854+ RPB has ordered set; & 1920-}- Societe botanique suisse. Basel Bulletin. 1,1891+ . ^ ^ Also known as Schweizensche boUmsche gescU- schaft RPB 1-15, 1891-1905, has ordered to date, 4 1920-I- Societe chimique de France. Paris 1 Bulletin, semi-m. Paris. 1,1858+ Until 1907 as Soci^tS chimique de Paris RPB 3-12. 2S-f- 1861-67, 1919-f. — Repertoire de chimie appliquee. i-5,i858-62[| After 1864 in Bulletin RPB i-s — Repertoire de chimie pure. 1-3,1859-61 1! After 1862 in Bulletin RPB 1-3 Societe d'Arcueil Memoires de physique & de chimie. Paris. 1-3,1807-1711 RPB 1-3 Societe d'horticulture de Paris, see So- ciete royale d'horticulture de Paris Societe de biologic. Paris Comptes-rendus hebdomandaires des seances & memoires RPB 72-1- 1912+ Societe des artistes frangais. Paris Catalogue illustre; Paris salon. 1,1879+ Also as Exposition des beaux-arts RPA 1879-1914 RPAC 1879-81. 8398 RPD 1880-190 1 Societe des ingenieurs civils de France Paris Memoires & compte rendu des travaux. 1,1848+ RPB 1848-52, 55+ Societe entomologique de Belgique. Brus- sels Annales RPB 21-48, 1878-1904 Societe entomologique de France. Paris Annales „ , RPB 25-ss, 63-72 1856-1903 — Bulletin RPB 1896-1904 Societe entomologique de Russie, see- Societas entomologica rossica 54 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Societe forestiere de Franche-Comte & Bel- fort Bulletin. Besangon RPB 7; 190S Societe geologique de France. Paris Bulletin RPB ser 3, v 21; 1893 Societe linneenne de Lyon Annales RPB n ser, [sth] 1-39; 1853-92 Societe mathematiquc de France. Paris. Bulletin. 1,1872+ RPB 43+ 19 '5+ Societe mycologique de France. Pans Bulletin. 1,1885 + RPB 34+ 1918+ Societe nationale des beaux-arts. Paris Catalogue illustre RPA 1890-95, 1905-14 RPD 1890-98, iqoi-03 Societe royale d'horticulture de Paris Annales. 1-45,1827-54!! Also as Soci6t6 d'horticulture de Paris Continued as Soci6t6 nationale d'horticulture de Paris RPB 32-36, 38-41 1843-50 Societe royale de botanique de Belgique. Brussels Bulletin. 1,1862+ RPB 1-4- Societe royale des sciences. Liege Memoires. Bruxelles RPB 12-14, 16 1885-90 Societe scientifique du Chili. Santiago Actes RPB 1-2, no I, V 3-4 1891-94 Societe suisse de chimie. Basel, see also Helvetica chimica acta Societe zoologique de France. Paris Bulletin RPB 15-28, 1890-1903 — Memoires RPB 3-16, 1889-1903 Society for experimental biology & medi- cine. New York Proceedings. 1,1903/04+ RPB i-f Society for the diffusion of useful knowl- edge, see also Penny magazine Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, & commerce, see Royal society of arts Society for the promotion of engineering education Bulletin. M. Lancaster (Pa.) i-6,no8;i9io-i9i6!! Continued as Engineering education RPB 2-6, 19111916 — Proceedings. 1,1893+ RP 1+ RPB i-l- Society for the protection of New Hamp- shire forests Report RP 10-11, 1911-12 Society of American florists & ornamental horticulturists Proceedings. Boston RPB 27, 1911 Society of arts, see Royal society of arts Society of automotive engineers Journal. M. New York. I,jli9i7+ Continues S. A. E. bulletin RP 4+ 1919-1- Society of chemical industry. London Journal, semi-m. Manchester & London. 1,1882+ RP 1 4- RPB 1 + — Reports of the progress of applied chemistry. London. 1,1916+ RPB 1 + Society of dyers & colourists. Bradford (Eng.) Journal. M. Leeds, Bradford, Yorks, etc. 1,1884+ RPB i-f Society of engineers. London Transactions. Y. 1,1861 + In 19 10 absorbed Civil & mechanical engineers' society, & a new series began as Journal & transactions RP 1-27. 1861-1888 Society of naval architects & marine engi- neers Transactions. Y. New York. 1. 1893+ RP 1-14, 23-25 1893-1906, 1517 RPB 1-3, 1893-95 Society of public analysts. London, see also Analyst Society of telegraph engineers, see Institu- tion of electrical engineers Society to promote the science of manage- agement, see Taylor society Solar observatory, Mt Wilson (Calif.), see Carnegie institution of Washington Something to do. M. Boston. 1,1914+? RPD I, 1914/15 RPN Ja i9iS-Ja 1917 South African year book. London & New York RP 1, 1914 South American year book & directory. London RP 1913 RPB 191s South Dakota — Department of game & fish Annual report R 1916, 1919-I- South Kensington museum. London Conferences RP 1876 (vols 1-2) RPB 1876 — Science lectures at South Kensington RP 1878 (vols 1-2) RPB 1878 Southern California academy of sciences. Los Angeles Bulletin. 1,1902+ RPB 1 + Southern clinic. M. Richmond (Va.) RPM 1914-16, [17,] 18-S 1919 Southern electrician. Atlanta (Ga.) i-io,42-45,no3,t9o6-Api9i3!l Continued in Electrical engineering. Atlanta RPB 42-44. 1911-1913 Southern journal of homeopathy. M. Baltimore RPB 11-12, 1893-9S Speed up (Submarine boat corporation.) W. Newark (N.J.) RP I, no 254- 13 Jl 19184- Spice mill. New York, see Simmons' spice mill Spokane (Wash.)— Board of park commis- sioners Report RP 1891-1913 Springfield (Mass.)— Board of park cortf- missioners Report RP 1903. «9'9 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 55 Springfield (Mass.). Museum of natural history Bulletin RPR 1-2, 1904-10 Standard oil co., New York, see also Lamp Stanford university, see Leland Stanford, jr, university Staten Island (N.Y.) association of arts & sciences Museum bulletin. M. 1,1908+ RPR 1+ — Proceedings Until 190S as Staten Island natural science Association RPR [4, 9,] n ser, v 1-4, [5I; [1894. 1904,] 1905-13, [I9I5] , ,, T J Stationery trades journal. M. London. 1,1880+ RP 11-13, 15-16, 21-24, 27-28; 1890-1907 Stationery world & fancy goods review. M. London. 1,1891 + RP 8, 17, 18, 20-27, 29-30 189s, 1900-06 Statistisches jahrbuch fiir das deutsche reich. Berlin RP 1901, 1906-1915 Stephens-Adamson mfg co. Aurora (111.), see Labor saver Stettin (Germany), see also Entomolo- gischer verein in Stettin Stevens indicator. (Stevens institute of technology.) Hoboken (N.J.) 1,1884+ Title for Ap 1899-Ap 1910 (v 16, no 2-27, no 2) was Stevens institute indicator RPB 19, 1902+ Stockholm (Sweden), see also Entomolo- giska foreningen; Svenska lakare sall- skapet; K. Svenska vetenskapsakade- mien Stone, an illustrated magazine. Indian- apolis. 1,1888+ RPB 7. Je-N 1893 Stone & Webster journal. M. Boston. i,Jli907+ Until about v 16 as Stone & Webster public service journal R 8+ 1911-4- RP 1-6, 11-f i907je 1910, Jl 1912-f- Stubbs buyers directory for the wholesale drug, chemical and allied trades RP 1919 Student & intellectual observer of science, literature, & art. London. i-5,i868-7i|| Continues Recreative science; & Intellectual observer RP 1-2, 1868-69 RPB i-s Studio. M. London. i,Api893+ International studio (New York") corresponds V i-f- to Studio V io-(-: each number dated one month later RPAC i-l- RPD 9+ O 1896-1- Studio year book of decorative art. London. 1,1906+ RP 1906-1- RPAC 1908-13, 15+ Submarine boat corporation, see also Speed up Sugar beet. Q. Philadelphia. i,i88o+ RPB 1-23, 1880-1902 Sullivan machine co., Chicago, see Mine & quarry Starry cross. (American antivivisection society.) M. Philadelphia Thru Feb. 1919 as Journal of zoophily RPA 27+ Ja 1918-I- RPN Ja 1919+ Sun & shade. (Photogravures.) M. New York RPA 3-7, 1891-95 Surgery, gynecology, & obstetrics, with International abstracts of surgery. (American college of surgeons.) M. Chicago. 1,1905+ RPM i4- Surgical & gynecological association, see American institute of homeopathy Surgical clinics of Chicago. Bi-m. Phila- delphia. 1,1917+ RPM i-t- Survey. W. New York. i,Di897+ 1-14 (D 1897-O 1905) as Charities, which ab- sorbed Charities review Mr 1901 ( v 6) after running v i-io, N 1891-F 1901II 15-21 (N i90S-Mr 1909) as Charities & the Commons, resulting from consolidation with the Commons. Name changed to Survey Ap 1909 R 23-fi9094- RP 6-1- Mr i90i-|- RPA 6+ 1901+ RPB 6-1- 1901-I- RPN 1910-I- Surveyor & Municipal & county engineer. London. 1,1892+ RPB 33, 1908+ Svenska lakare sallskapet. Stockholm Ars-berattelse RPB 1814-1S K, Svenska vetenskapsakademien. Stock- holm, see also Arkiv for matematik, astronomi, & fysik Sweet's architectural catalogue. New York RP + Sweet's engineering catalogue. New York RP -f Swiss cross. (Agassiz association.) M. New York. 1-5,1887-891! RP 1-5 RPA 1-5 RPR [1, 4,] s Syracuse (N.Y.) museum of fine arts Bulletin RPD 1913+ Syracuse (N.Y.) university. — Zoological labo;-atory Contributions. 1,1903+ RPB i-l- System. M. Chicago. i, My 1900+ R D 1916-h RP 7. 11+ Ja-Je 1905, 07+ RPB 1920-1- RPE -f T T square club. Philadelphia Year book, & catalogue of the. . . annual architectural exhibition RPB 2, 1899/1900 Tables annuelles dc constantes & donnees numeriques de chimie, de physique, & de technologic. Paris & Chicago. 1,1910+ RPB 2-3, 1911-12 Taylor society Bulletin. 1,1914+ V 1 as Society to promote the science of man- agement. Bulletin RPB 1 + Tea & coffee trade journal. M. New York. 1,1901 + RP [26-28, 30,] 31-35. no 3 [1914-16,] Jl I916-S I9I8 56 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Technical book review index. (Carnegie library of Pittsburgh.) Q. Pittsburgh V I, nos 1-3 first appeared in the March, April & May nos of the Monthly Bulletin. The Index Office, Chicago published in April and July 19 1 5, nos 1-2 of vol i of the Technical book review index made up of reviews furnished by the Carnegie library.) RP 1+ 1917+ Technical literature, see Industrial engi- neering & the engineering digest Technical press index RP i; Ja 1908-Je 1909 Technical review. W. London RP 8+ 1921 + Technical world magazine, see Illustrated world Technik & wirtschaft. (Verein deutscher ingenieure.) Berlin. 1,1908+ RPB V 3, 6-7 1910, 13-14 Technische blaetter. Y. Prague RP 10, 1878 Technograph (Association of engineering societies. University of Illinois.) Ur- bana. Y. 1,1885+ 1885-89 as Selected papers of the Civil engineers* club of the University of Illinois RPB 1896. 1903 Technology architectural record. Q. Boston. 1,1907+ RP [i-2,] 3. [4.] 5-7 [My 1907-F '09,] D 09- S 10, [lo-ii,] D 1911-S 1914 Technology architectural review. Boston Continued as Architectural review. (Boston) RPD 1-2, 1888-89 Technology monthly & Harvard engineer- ing journal. Boston. M. 1,1914+ Formed in April 1914 by consolidation of Harvard engineering journal & Technology monthly RPB 1 + Technology quarterly. (Massachusetts in- stitute of technology.) Boston. i-2i,Si887-Di9o8|l Beginning 1892 includes Proceedings of the Society of arts, the separate publication of the Abstracts of the proceedings being discontinued in 1891 V 8-14 includes v 1-7 (Ap 189S-1901) of the Review of American chemical research RP 1-19, S 1887-D 1906 Technology review. Q. Boston. 1,1899+ RP 1-15, 1899-1913 RPB 1 + Telegraphic journal & electrical review. London, see Electrical review. London Telephone engineer. M. Chicago. i,Jai9o8+ RP 1920+ Telephone magazine. M. Chicago. i-26no2,i893-Agi905|| v I, nos 1-5 as World's fair electrical engi- neering V 1, no 6-v II as Electrical engineering Incorporated with Telephony Sept. 1905 RP 7-18, 22-24 1896-1901, 1903-04 Telephony. M. Chicago. 1,1901 + As successor of the Telephone, 1880; Telephone magazine, 1893; Sound waves, 1900; & Amer- ican telephone journal, 1900, in July 1910 vol- ume number was changed from 20 to 59 In Sep. 1905 absorbed Telephone magazine In Sep. 1908 absorbed American telephone journal RP 5-6, 12-13, 15-19 (renumbered as 44-45. 51-52. 54-58) 59-f 1903+ Tennessee — Geological survey (1831-53) Geological report RPB 3-5. 8-9 1835-39. 45-47 — Geological survey. (Saflford, 1854 — ) Biennial report. i-3,i855-S9ll RP I, 1855 RPB I, 1855 — Geological survey. (1909+) Bulletin RP lA, 2A, 2B, 2G, 3-5, 9, loA, loB, 14-20 1910 RPB 1-5, 16 1910-13 Resources of Tennessee. M. 1,1911 + RP 1-9 19H-1919 RPB [1-3]; [1911-12] — State board of entomology Annual report of the state entomologist and plant pathologist RP 8, 10 1913, 1914 Terrestrial magnetism & atmospheric elec- tricity. Q. Chicago. 1,1896+ RPB i4- Texas — Game, fish & oyster commissioner Biennial report R 1904, 06, 08, 10, 12 Texas co.. New York, see also Lubrication Texas. University. Austin Bulletin; scientific series RPB 5, 9, II, 17, 19-21, 23-24, 27-29 190S- 1914 Texas mathematics teachers' bulletin. (Texas. University.) Austin. i,Agi9i5 + RPB i4- Textile American. M. Boston. 1,1904+ RP 1 + Textile colourist. M. Manchester (Eng.) 1-4,1876-7711 Incorporated in Textile manufacturer RPB 1-4 Textile manufacturer. M. Manchester (Eng.) 1,1875+ . Absorbed Textile colourist RP 19-28, 30-1- 1893-t- RPB 4-21; 1878-95 Textile manufacturer annual. Manchester (Eng.) RP 10, II, 13, 23-f 1891, 92, 94, 1904-h Textile manufacturer year book. Man- chester (Eng.) RP 1919 Textile manufacturers' journal. M. New York. i-24,i894-Ni9i5|| Merged with Textile world record, & continued as Textile world journal RP 9, 12-24 D 1900-01, 1903-191S Textile mercuiy annual; cotton year book and diary. Manchester (Eng.) RP 10, 13 1915. 1918 Textile mercury annual; wool year book and diary. Manchester (Eng.) RP 1915, 1920 Textile world, see Textile world journal Textile world journal. W. New York. 1,1888+ 1-24 (1888-1903) as Textile world 25-50 (AP1903-N1Q15) as Textile world record, formed by consolidation of Textile world, & Textile record of America In N 1915 consolidated with Textile manufac- turers' journal & continued as Textile world journal RP 8+ 189S + Textile world journal American directory of the hosiery and knit goods manufacturers of the U.S. and Canada. New York RP 1917 Textile world journal Directory of textile marks RP I, 1918 Textile world record, journal brands and trade see Textile world IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 57 Textile world's directory of the mill trade in the U.S. New York RP 1897, 1904-1909 Textiles. M. Boston. 1,1910+ RP 8, no 2+ Ja 1916+ Therapeutic notes. Detroit. 1,1894-t- RPB Ja 1916+ Thomas' register of American manufactur- ers & first hands in all lines. New York R 1918 RP 1907-8, 1918+ Thomas' wholesale grocery and kindred trades register. New York RP 1917, 1919+ Thompson Yates laboratories The Thompson Yates & Johnston labor- atories report. Liverpool. 1-4, 1898/ 99-1902; n ser, v 5+ 1913+ ▼ s-f- 1903-I- In 1903 the Johnston laboratories were opened & the reports of the 2 institutions combined RPB i-s, 6, pt 2 1898-1904 Thru the meshes. (W. S. Tyler co.) Cleveland (O.) RPB + Tidskrift for elementar matematik, fysik, & kemi. Stockholm. i,Di9i7+ RPB 1+ Tijdschrift voor entomologie. (Nederland- sche entomologische vereenigung.) The Hague RPB 43, 45-47 1900, 02-04 Times. London: engineering supplement. M. RP V i6(?)+ 1920+ — Trade supplement RP 18 F 1917 Tohoku mathematical journal. Sendai (Japan) 1,1911 + RPB 1 + Tokyo (Japan) zoological society, see also Annotationes zoologicae japonenses Toledo (O.) museum of art Museum news RPA 19+ 1912+ RPR no 32+ Ja 1919+ Toronto. University Studies; Anatomical series. 1,1900+ RPB 1 + Biological series. 1,1898+ RPB 1-8. lo-l- Geological series. 1,1900+ RPB 8+ 1913+ Physiological series. 1,1900+ RPB 1+ Toronto, see also Arts & letters club of Toronto Torrey botanical club. New York Bulletin. 1,1870+ RPB 1 4- — Memoirs. 1,1889+ RPB 1-13, 15 + — Torreya; a monthly journal of botan- ical notes and news. M. New York. 1,1901 + RPB 1 + Touchstone. M. New York. i,Myi9i7+ Preceded by Craftsman RP i4- Town planning review. Q. Liverpool (Eng.) i,Api9io+ RP 2-6, i9u-Ap 1916 Toys & novelties. M. Chicago. 1,1909+ RP 192 1 + Tractor & gas engine review. M. Madison (Wis.) 1,1908+ i-ii, 1910-1918 as Gas review RP 5-11, no 8 1912-Ag 1918 (Except My 1912, Mr 1915, S 1917) TrafHc world. W. Chicago. 1,1908+ RP 21, no 18-V 22, no 10, 4 My 1918- S 19 18 Trained nurse & hospital review. M. New York. 1,1888+ RP 60+ 1918-f RPM 2+ 1889 + Transactions, see under names of acad- emies, societies, institutions, etc. Travelers standard. (Travelers insurance company.) M. Hartford (Conn.) 1,01912+ RP 1 + Treasury of human inheritance. (London. University — Francis Galton laboratory for national eugenics.) London RPB I, 1909 Trondhjem (Norway), see also K. Norske videnskabers selskab Tufts college. (Mass.) Studies; scientific series. 1,1894+ RPB i-l- Tyler, W. S., co., Cleveland, see Thru the meshes Typographical journal. M. Indianapolis. 1,1889+ RP 9-12, 14-18, 20+ 1896+ u United service magazine. M. London. 1,1829+ 1829-41 as United service journal 1841-43 as United service magazine 1843-71 as Colburn's united service magazine Since 1890 as United service magazine RPA 1-127, 1829-71 United States — Army — Corps of engineers, see also Military engineer; U S — En- gineer department — Artillery school. Fort Monroe (Va.), see U S — Coast artillery school — Bureau of American ethnology, see Smithsonian institution — Astrophysical observatory, see Smith- sonian institution — Bureau of biological survey North American fauna. 1,1889+ R 11+ RP 1+ RPA last 10 years+ RPB 1-1- RPR 1-5. 8, 10+ — Bureau of fisheries Annual reports R 1872-75, 77-78, 80-82, 85-90, 92-1903 RP in Serial set RPA 1871-1903 1-29 RPB 1911, 14-1S RPR 1904 Bulletin. 1,1881 + 1881-1903 as Bulletin of U.S. — Fish commission R 15, 19, 27-28 RPA 1-24, 31 1881-1904, 1911 RPB 1-30, 32 1881-1914 RPR 7. 9-12, 19-24, 31 1887, 89-92, 99-1904, igii Documents R 1904+ RP 1906+ RPA last 10 years -{- Economic circulars. 1,1912+ R 1+ RP 1+ — Bureau of foreign & domestic com- merce R All publications RP All publications RPA Monthly summary — last 10 years+ RPB All publications — Bureau of medicine & surgery. Navy Department, see also United States naval medical bulletin 58 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SERIALS United States — Continued — Bureau of mines Bulletin. 1,1910+ R :+ RP 1-75, 81-94 19101916 RPA 49, 1912 RPB 1 + Technical papers. 1,1911 + R 1+ RP 1-89, :i6+ RPB 1 + — Bureau of navigation (Department of commerce) Annual list of merchant vessels of the U. S. R 1884, :894, 1899, 1901+ RP 1892+ RPA 26, 33 1894, 1901 RPB 17, 21-22, 25+ 1885, 1889-90, 934- Annual report of the commissioner of navigation R 1884, 1886, 1888, 1894-09, 13+ RPB 1886-87, 90, 93-1901, 03, 06, II, 13+ — Bureau of public roads. (Department of Agriculture.), see Public roads — Bureau of standards Bulletin. 1,1904+ R 2+ 1904+ RP 1+ RPB 1 + Circular R 1+ RP 2+ Conference on weights & measures of the United States R i-ii, 1905-17, 19 RP i-ii, 190516 RPB i-ii, 1905-16 Technologic papers. 1,1911+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPB 1 + — Coast & geodetic survey R All publications RP All publications RPA Report 1892+ RPB All publications Tide tables R 1900+ RP 5+ 1900+ RPB 1900+ — Coast artillery school. Fort Monroe (Va.) Before 1907 as U S — Artillery school, see also Journal of the United States artillery — Congress Congressional documents R Depository set. (complete except ten vol- umes) RP Depository set RPB De- pository set — Department of agriculture Bulletin. Irreg. 1,1913+ R 1+ RP 1+ RPA 1+ RPB 1 + RPA has the serials pub. by the department & its bureaus — binds a few & keeps the others unbound for 5 or 10 years see also Experiment station record; Journal of agricultural research; Public roads — Engineer department Professional papers. 1,1841 + R 13-15. 23-25. 29. 31 RP 18, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33 . , . Report of the chief of engmeers, U.S. army. Washington R 1870+ RPB 1870+ — Engineer school. Washington, D.C., see also Military engineer Library Bulletin RP i-f 2 F 1918+ — Federal board for vocational educa- tion, see also Vocational summary — Fish commission Bulletin. 1-23,1881-19031! R 1-5, 15-16, 19; 1881-5, 1895-6. 1899 RP 1-23 RPA 1-23 RPB 1-23 RPR 7, 9-12, 19-23; 1887, 89-92, 99-1903 Annual report. 1-29,1871-19031! Continued in Bureau of fisheries R 2-3, 5-6, 8-10, 13-29 1872-1903 RPA 1-29 RP 1-29 RPR 1871-78, 81-83, 8s- 94, 96, 98-1903 — Geological survey R All publications RP All publications-|- RPA Monographs 1-31, 32, pt 2, 3354 1885- 1915; Annual report i88o/8i-f; Bulletin i + ; Mineral resources 1885-93, 1900+ RPB All publications RPR has some — Geological and geographical survey of the territories Annual report. 1-12,1867-78!! R 1-2, 4-6, 9-12; 1867-78 RP 1-12 RPA 1-12 RPB 1-12 Bulletin. 1-6,1874-82!! R 2-6, 1876-82 RP 2, 4-6 1876, 1878-81 RPA 4-6, RPB 1-6 Final reports, or Monographs. 1-13,1873-90!! V 4 never printed R 1-3, 5, 7, 9-13 RP 2, 3, 7-10, 12, 13 RPA 1-3, 5-.13 RPB 1-3,5-13 — Geographical & geological survey of the Rocky mountain region Contributions to North American eth- nology. 1-9,1877-93!! V 8 never issued R 1, 3-5 RP 1-9 RPA 7. 1890 RPB 1, 3-4, S, no 3, 6-9 — Hygienic laboratory Bulletin R 1+ 1900+ RPA 56, 1912 RPB 1- 36, 38-55, 57+ 1900-f — Isthmian canal commission, 1905-1914 Annual report. 1905-1914!! R 1908+ RPA 1899-1901, 1907-1914 RPB 1905-14 see also Panama canal record — Medical department Bulletin. 1,1913+ RPB 1-6, 1913-14 — National advisory committee for aeronautics Annual report. 1,1915+ RP 1+ — National herbarium. Washington, see U. S. — National museum — National museum. Washington Annual report. 1,1881 + 1881-83 in Smithsonian institution Annual re- port; & since 1884 as pt 2 of same. Since 1905 the report is administrative only, the scientific papers being included in Proceedings R 1+ RP 1-9, 12-22, 24+ 1878-1886, 1889-1900, 1902-1- RPA i-t- RPB i-l- RPR [1886-1904] Bulletin. 1,1875 + R i-f- RP 1-14, 18-20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30- 31, 33+ RPA 1-32, 36, 39+ RPB 1 + RPR [1875-76, 83, 85, 91, 93, 95, 99.] 1901 + Contributions from the U. S. na- tional herbarium. 1,1890+ R 2-3, 5+ RP 1+ RPA 8+ 1903+ RPB 1+ RPR [124- 1909+] Proceedings. 1,1878+ R i-|- RP 1-2, (3-4 in Smithsonian Coll. V 19-22) 5-9, 12-22, 24-I- 1878-1886, 1889-1900, 1902-f RPA 14+ 1891+ RPB 1-3. L4.1 5-7, 10+ RPR 2-t- 1879+ Special bulletm. 1-4,1892-1904!! R 1-4 RP 4, pts 1-2, 1900-04 RPR 1-4 , „ — Nautical almanac orhce American nautical almanac. ^^55+ R 1896, 1897, 1903+ RP + R^^ 1863, 1911+ . , J f^, Astronomical papers prepared tor the use of the American ephemeris & nautical almanac. 1,1882+ RPB 1-9, no I, 1882-1912 Pacific coaster's nautical almanac. 1898-1906!! R 1898-03 RP 1898-1903 RPB '898- 1901, 03 IN THE PROVIDENCE LIBRARIES 59 •^ Naval institute. Annapolis Proceedings. Q. Annapolis. 1,1874+ RP V 10, no 4. V II, V 19, pt I, V 18, V 23-28, 29, no I, V 31, pt 2, V 33, nos 2-3, v 44; i88