4 ( 1^ DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. PREPARED FOR THE USE OF THE STUDENTS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON, MASS. BOSTON: W. J. SciiOFiELD, Printer, 105 Summer Street. 1886. Copyrighted, 1886, by Linus Faunce. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CHAPTER I. Elementaby PmNciPLEa. 1. Descriptive Geometry is the art of representing a defi- nite body in space upon two planes, at right angles with each other, by lines falling perpendicularly to the planes from all the points of the intersection of every two contiguous sides of the body, and from all points of its contour, and of solving all graph- ical problems involving three dimensions. 2. These planes are called coordinate planes, or the planes of projection, one of which is horizontal and the other vertical. P and Q, Fig. 1, represent two such planes, and their line of inter- section G L is called the ground line. 3. The perpendicular lines from a point in space to the planes of projection are called the projecting lines of that point. a a,", a a''. Fig. 1, are the projecting lines of the point a. 4. Each coordinate plane is supposed to extend indefinitely in both directions from the ground line; hence they will form by their intersection four dihedral angles (see Fig. 1). The first angle is above the horizontal, and in front of the ver- tical plane. The second is above the horizontal, and behind the vertical. The third is below the horizontal, and behind the vertical. The fourth is below the horizontal, and in front of the vertical. The points a, 6, c, and rf, Fig. 1, are in the first, second, third, and fourth angles respectively. 2065979 4 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 5. In order that the two projections of an object may be repre- sented on the same sheet of paper, the upper part of the verti- cal plane is revolved backward, about the ground line, as an axis, until it coincides with the horizontal plane. This being done, it is evident that all that portion of the plane of the paper which is in front of or below the ground line repre- sents not only that part of the horizontal plane which is in front of the vertical, but also that part of the vertical plane which is below the horizontal, while the portion above the ground line represents that part of the vertical which is above the horizontal, and also that part of the horizontal which is behind the vertical plane. 6. All points in the first and second angles are vertically pro- jected above the ground line ; all points in the third or fourth angles below it. Points in the first and fourth angles are horizontally projected in front of the ground line ; those in the second and third behind it. Thus the points a, b, c, and t?, situated in the first, second, third, and fourth angles respectively, as shown in Fig. 1, are represented on the plane of the paper, as shown in Fig, 2. 7. Lines situated in either of the four angles are represented by their projections in the same way as described for the point. 8. The two projections of a point are on one and the same straight line perpendicular to the ground line. 9. Two projections are always necessary to definitely locate a point or line in space. 10. The distance of the vertical projection of a point from the ground line is equal to the distance of the point itself, in space, from the horizontal plane ; and the distance of its horizontal pro- jection from the ground line is equal to the distance of the point, in space, from the vertical plane. 11. A point situated upon either of the coordinate planes is its own ])rojection on that plane, and its other projection is in the ground line. 12. A right line is determined by two points; hence, any two lines drawn at pleasure, exce})t parallel to each other and perpen- dicular to the ground line, will represent the projections of a line in space. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 5 13. If two lines are parallel in space, their projections upon either plane will also be parallel. 14. If a right line is perpendicular to either coordinate plane, its projection on that plane will be a point, and its projection on the other plane will be perpendicular to the ground line, 15. If a line be parallel to either plane, its projection on that plane will be parallel to the line itself, and its projection on the other plane will be parallel to the ground line. 16. If a line is parallel to both planes, or to the ground line, both projections will be parallel to the ground line. 17. When a line is parallel to a plane, its projection on that plane will be equal to the true length of the line. 18. If a point be on a line, its projections will be on the pro- jections of the line. 19. The planes which contain the projecting lines of all points in a straight line,— or, in other words, which contain the straight line and are perpendicular to the planes of projection, — are called the projecting flanea of that line. 20. If two lines intersect in space, their projections must also intersect, and the right line joining the points in which the pro- jections intersect must be perpendicular to the ground line ; for the intersection of two lines must be a point, common to both lines, whose projections must be on the horizontal and vertical projections of each of the lines, hence at their intersections respectively. 21. Since two points determine a straight line, it may be deter- mined by its intersections with the coordinate planes. These intersections will be points, and are called the traces of the line, horizontal or vertical, according as they are on the horizontal or vertical plane. A line can have but two traces; it may have only one. The points m and (/, Fig. 3, are the traces of the line g vi, likewise e and/ of the line e f. 22. In the same way, a plane being determined by two lines, it may be determined by its intersections with the coordinate planes. These intersections will be lines, and they are called the traces of the plane. A plane can have one or two traces. The line a 6, Fig. 3, is the vertical trace, and c d the horizontal trace of the plane X. 23. The traces of a line lying in a plane must be in the traces 6 DESCEIPTIVE GEOMETRY. of that plane ; for every line, as e / and g m, Fig. 3, lying in the plane X, must intersect the coordinate planes somewhere on the lines a h and c d in which the plane X intersects the coordinate planes. 24. The two traces of the same plane must necessarily meet the ground line in the same point ; for, by the definition of traces, that point is at once in the given plane and in each of the coor- dinate planes ; hence it is at the intersection of the three planes, i.e.^ on the ground line. If the plane be parallel to the ground line, this point is at an infinite distance ; hence the two traces are parallel to each other, and to the ground line. 25. If a plane be parallel to either coordinate plane, it will have but one trace, which will be on the other plane and parallel to the ground line. 26. If a plane be perpendicular to either coordinate plane, its trace on the other plane will be perpendicular to the ground line. If it be perpendicular to both coordinate planes, both of its traces will be in a line perpendicular to the ground line. Such a plane is called a profile plane. 27. If a plane pass through the ground line, its position is not determined. 28. Lines and planes are supposed to be of indefinite length ; hence the projections of lines and the traces of planes may always be produced indefinitely in either direction. 29. If a right line is perpendicular to a plane, its projections will be respectively perpendicular to the traces of the plane. If a plane is perpendicular to two other planes, it will be perpen- dicular to their line of intersection. But the horizontal project- ing plane of the line is perpendicular to H (Art. 19), and it is also perpendicular to the given plane, since it contains a line per- pendicular to the given plane ; hence it is perpendicular to their line of intersection, which is the horizontal trace of the given plane. But the horizontal projection of the given line passes through this trace, hence it must be perpendicular to it. In the same way it can be proved that the vertical projection of the line is perpendicular to the vertical trace of the plane. The converse of this must also be true, — that is, if a plane is DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 7 perpendicular to a line, the traces of the plane must be respectively perpendicular to the projections of the line. Notation. 30. We will designate a point in space by a small letter, and its projections by the same letter with an Ji or v written above : thus a'' represents the horizontal, and a" the vertical projection of the point a. 31. A line in space will be designated by a capital letter, and its projections by the same letter with an h ot v written above, the same as with the point. In speaking of a line in space, we may say the line A, or, since a line is determined by two points, the line a h. 32. The horizontal coordinate plane will be designated by the capital letter H, the vertical by the capital letter V, and any other plane in space by any capital letter. The traces of a plane will be designated by the same letter as the plane, with H or V prefixed : thus, H P denotes the horizon- tal, and V P the vertical trace of the plane P. A plane in space is determined by two parallel or intersecting lines, by a line and a point, or by three points ; hence, we may speak of a plane as the plane P, the plane (A, B), the plane (A, a), or the plane (a, h, c). 33. Given and required lines, if visible, are represented by full lines ; if invisible, by short dashes. Auxiliary lines are repre- sented by long and short dashes. Traces of planes, if .visible, are represented by full lines; if invisible, by one long and two short dashes. Auxiliary planes, — that is, planes which are used simply as a means of obtaining the solution of a problem, — are represented by one long and three short dashes. Construction lines are represented by short dashes. Examples. Ex. 1. — Draw the projections of a line in the third angle parallel to V, and oblique to H. Ex. 2. — Of a line in the second angle parallel to H, and oblique to V. Ex. 3. — Of any line in the fourth angle. Ex. 4. — Of any line lying in V, and below H. Ex. 5. — Of a line lying in H, and behind V. 8 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Ex. 6. — Of a line in the third angle, and perpendicular to V. Ex. 7. — Of a line in the fourth angle, and perpendicular to H. Ex. 8. — Of a line lying in a profile plane, and oblique to both V ,and H. V Ex. 9. — Of a line crossing the first, fourth, and third angles. • Ex. 10. — Of a line crossing the second, first, and fourth angles. Ex. 11. — Of a line crossings the first and third angles. Ex. 12. — Of a line crossing the second, third, and fourth angles. Ex. 13. — Of two intersecting lines lying in the third angle. Ex. 14. — Of two lines lying in the first angle which do not intersect. Ex 15. — Draw the traces of a plane which is oblique to both Vand H. Ex. 16. — Of a profile plane. Ex. 17. — Of a plane parallel to and behind V. Ex. 18. — Of a plane perpendicular to V, and oblique to H. Ex. 19. — Of a plane perpendicular to H, and oblique to V. Ex. 20. — Of a plane pai-allel to G L, and oblique to both V and H. CHAPTER II. Problems Relating to the Point, Line, and Plane. 34. Problem 1. — To find the traces of a given line. — Let the line be given by its two projections A'' and A\ Figs. 4 and 5. We will first find the H trace. This, being in H, will have its V projection in the ground line (Art. 11), and it must also be on the V projection of the line (Art 18), hence, when the V projec- tion of the line, produced if necessary, meets the ground line, as at «"', we know that the line in space is passing through H at some point, which may be either in front of or behind V, and since the two projections of a point must be in a line perpendicular to G L (Art 8), and in the two projections of the line (Art. 18) this point will be where a perpendicular to G L from a" meets the H projection of the line, as a'*. Hence, a'' is the H trace of the line A. If we put H in the place of V, and V in the place of H, in the preceding statement, we show how to find the V trace of the line, — that is, produce A^ until it meets G L at 6^ ; erect a perpendicu- lar at that point, and l/\ the point where it intersects A''', will be the V trace of the line. 35. Problem 2. — G-iven the traces of a line to construct its pro- jections. — Let a* and h'\ Figs. 4 and 5, be the traces ; since these points lie in the coordinate planes, their V and H projections respectivel}^ will be in G L at a" and V (Art. 11) ; joining a" with i'', and a'' with 6'', we have A'' and A'\ the two projections required. 36. Problem 3. — To find the true length of a line joining two given points in space. — When a line is parallel to either coordi- nate plane its projection on that plane is equal to the true length 10 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. of the line (Art. 17). Hence, we have only to revolve the line abont an axis through either end until it is parallel to one of the planes, and find its projection on that plane. Let A"" and A'', Fig. 6, be the projections of the line joining the points a and h. Revolve the line about a vertical axis through the point a; every point in the line, excej^t the one in the axis, moves in a horizontal circle, of which the H projection is a circle and the V projection a line parallel to G L. When the H projection becomes parallel to G L, the line is parallel to V (Art. 15) ; a" and a!" do not move ; V has described the arc of a circle whose radius is a^ 6*, and is found at 5/'; h" moves in a line parallel to G L, and is found per- pendicularly above 5/ at h^'. Therefore, a'' b" represents the true length of the line. The line could have been revolved about an axis perpendicular to V, until it was parallel to H, in the same way. 37. Second method. — The true length of a line may also be obtained in another way by revolving the horizontal projecting plane of the line about its horizontal trace, into the horizontal plane, when every line of the projecting plane, hence the line in question, will be shown in its true length on H. Let the line be given as in Fig. 7. The horizontal projecting lines of each end of the line a and b are perpendicular to the hori- zontal trace a'' b'' of the horizontal projecting plane, therefore they will be so after revolution. Hence, draw the lines «/' a'' and bf' b^ perpendicular to «''5'', and make them equal respectively to the lines a"-' r and //'s, which represent the heights of the points in space above H ; the line joining these two points a/' and bj' will be the true length required. This result could have been obtained by revolving the vertical projecting plane until it coincides with V, when a'' a^ is made equal to a} r and 5'' 6/' equal to b'' s, the true length being a'' 5/'. 38. If the line passes through the plane into which it is revolved, as in Fig. 8, the point in which it pierces the plane being in the axis, does not move, and the two ends of the line revolve in opposite directions; that is, a'' af" is still made equal to a"r, and b''b/' equal to b''s; but they are lai-d off in opjjosite direc- tions, and af' bf', the true length of the line, is found to pass through c'\ the horizontal trace of the line. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 11 89. Problem 4, — To pass a plane through two intersecting lines. — The traces of a line lying in a plane must be in the traces of the plane (Art. 23), hence we have only to find the traces of each line, and a line drawn through the two horizontal traces will be the horizontal trace of the plane, and one through the vertical traces will be the vertical trace of the plane. Let A and B, Fig. 9, be the two lines intersecting in e. The traces of A are J'' and a", and of B are c* and d" (Art. 34). H P is drawn through b'' and c\ and V P through a" and d". They should intersect the ground line in the same point. 40. If we wished to pass a plane through three points, draw two lines through the points, and proceed as described above (see Fig. 10) ; a, 6, and c are the given points. 41. Only one plane can be passed through two lines, but an infinite number can be passed through one line. Thus, in Fig. 11, the planes P, Q, R, S, etc., each contain the line B. 42. Problem 5. — G-iven one projection of a line, or point, lying in a plane, to find the other projectioji. — Let A'', Fig. 12, be the vertical projection of a line lying in the plane P, given by its traces V P and H P. The traces of the line must lie in the traces of the plane (Art. 23) ; therefore, the vertical trace of the line A must be at «" where A'' intersects V P, and its horizontal projec- tion is at a'\ The horizontal trace must be in a line perpendicu- lar to G L at the point h" where A" intersects it, and on H P, hence at their intersection h''. A^ drawn through a* and h'' will be the horizontal projection of the line. If the horizontal projection of the line had been given, the ver- tical projection would be found in the same way. 43. If one projection of a point were given, we simply draw any line through the point, and find the other projection of the line as just described. 44. If the line is horizontal, its vertical projection is parallel to the ground line, and its horizontal projection is parallel to the hori- zontal trace of the playie in tvhich it lies. — In Fig. 13, A" is the vertical projection of such a line lying in the plane P, a" and a'' are found as in Art. 42. Since A'' is parallel to G L, b" and 5^ are at an infinite distance from a", hence A'' is parallel to H P. 12 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETKY. 45. Problem 6. — Given the projections of a pointy or line, lying in a plane, to find its position ivhen the plane shall have been revolved to coincide ivith either coordinate plane. — Let &' (^, Fig. 12, be the projections of a point in the phme P. If we revolve the plane about its horizontal trace until it coincides with H, the point will move in a plane perpendicular to P, and hence to H P, and will be found somewhere in ^'' t revolves to c. In revolving a line it is only necessary to find the revolved position of two points, and the position of the line is determined. In the same figure we have found the revolved position of one point c of the line A, but the point h being in H P does not move in revolution ; hence 5^ e is the revolved position of the line A. 46. Proble^m 7. — To find the true size of the angle made hy tivo intersecting lines. — If we pass a plane through the two lines, and then revolve the plane into one of the coordinate planes, the angle between the lines will be shown in its true size. Let A and B, Fig. 14, be the given lines intersecting at a. Pass a plane through these lines by Art. 39. Its horizontal trace is HP. It is not necessary to find VP. Revolve this plane about H P into H. The point of intersection a revolves to a, ; the points c^ and V" do not move, hence the two lines will be found at c^ a, and V- a. and 8 will be the ano;le souorht. 47. Problem 8. — To find the true size and shape of any plane surface. — Let the surface be given as in Fig. 15. Pass a plane through it (to do this, pass a plane through an}'- two of its edges, as a (^ and d erpen- dicular to a given plane. — Let A, Fig. 39, be the given line, and P the given plane. Through any point e of the line A draw a line perpendicular to P. B" and B"" will be its projections (Art. 29). The plane Q which contains these lines, A and B (Art. 39), will contain A and be perpendicular to the plane P, since it con- tains a line which is perpendicular to P. 18 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 65. Problem 18. To construct the projections of the shortest line which can he drawn terminating in two right lines not in the same plane. — Let A and B, Fig. 40, be the given lines. The required line must be perpendicular to both given lines. Pass a plane through A parallel to B (Art. 63). V P and H P will be its traces. Find the projection of B upon this plane (Art. 60). It being paral- lel to the plane, its projection on the plane will be parallel to itself. Hence, it will only be necessary to find the projection of one point, as m which is at r, and D is the projection of B upon P. From s, the intersection of D and A, draw a perpendicular E to the plane P. It will intersect B at the point ^, and be perpen- dicular to both A and B. E, will be its true length (Art. 37). 66. The line of greatest declivity of a plane is that line which makes the greatest angle with H. This is the line of intersection a b, (Fig. 41), of the plane P with the plane X, which is perpendicular to both P and H. Let B be the angle a h makes with H. Then tan. /3= ^^ But a^b^, perpendicular to H P, is the shortest line that can be drawn from a'' to H P ; hence, ^ is the greatest angle that can be made by any line of the plane P with H. 67. Problem 19. — To find the angle a given plane makes with either plaiie of projection. — We will first find the angle made with . H. This angle is the one made by its line of greatest declivity with H. Let P, Fig. 42, be the given plane. Revolve the plane X, which cuts from P the line of greatest declivity (Art. Q%^^ about its ver- tical trace into V. d^ being in the axis does not move ; h'' moves in the arc of a circle with a'' as a centre, and is found at 5, and |3 is the required angle. The plane X could, just as well, have been revolved about its horizontal trace into H. In that case ^'', Fig. 42, would remain sta- tionary, a'' would revolve to a in a line perpendicular to a'' 5*, and 8 would be the angle required. Of course, § and 8 should be equal. If the auxiliary plane X were taken perpendicular to V and P, it would cut from P the line making the greatest angle with V, which, being revolved into one of the planes of projection, would shoAV the angle the plane makes with V, DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 19 In Fig. 43, (3 is the angle P makes with V, and d the angle it makes with H. 68. If one trace of a plane and the angle it makes with the other coordinate plane were given, we would determine the other trace by the reverse of the last problem. That is, if H F and S, Fig. 42, were given, to find VP; draw any line, as a'' b'' perpen- dicular to H P ; draw a 1/ making angle 8 with a'' 6\ and a a'' jier- pendicular to a* 5* ; rotate this triangle about H X as an axis until it is perpendicular to H ; a is found at a", and must be one point of V P ; join a" and the point where H P intersects the ground line, and VP is obtained. 69. Problem 20. — Q-iven the angle a plane makes loith each coordinate plane to construct its traces. — A plane is tangent to a sphere at a single point. If we pass an auxiliary plane through this point, the centre of the sphere, and perpendicular to H, it will cut a great circle from the sphere and a line from the tangent plane, which will be tangent to the circle. But this line is the line of greatest declivity of the tangent plane, since it is a line ci(it from it by a plane perpendicular to H and to the tangent plane as it contains a normal to the tangent plane. If this auxiliary plane be revolved about its vertical trace to coincide with V, the line and circle will be shown in their true size and position, and also the true size of the angle the plane makes with H. An auxiliary plane passed through the tangent point, the centre of the sphere, and perpendicular to V, cuts from the sphere a great circle and from the tangent plane a line tangent to the circle, and which makes the greatest angle with V, and this being revolved into H shows the size of the angle the plane makes with V, etc. In Fig. 44, with o as a centre, and any radius describe a circle. This will represent the revolved position of both sections of the sphere. Draw a b tangent to this circle so that the angle ab o is equal to /3, the angle the plane makes with H. This line is the revolved position of the line of greatest declivity of the plane, and a will be one point on the vertical trace of this plane. Draw d c tangent to the circle making the angle c d o equal to d, the angle which the plane makes with V. This line is the revolved position of the line of the plane which makes the greatest angle with V, and c will be one point on the horizontal trace of this plane. 20 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. In the counter revolution of a h, a remains stationary and b moves in the arc of a circle of which o is the centre until ab is perpendicular to the horizontal trace of the plane. Therefore, with as a centre, and o 5 as a radius, describe a circle, and through c tangent to this circle draw H P, which will be the hori- zontal trace required. The line VP, joining a and the point where HP crosses the ground line, is the vertical trace of the same plane. VP could be constructed independently by drawing it through a tangent to the circle drawn with o as a centre, and o d, as a radius. In every case the sum of the angles made by a plane with each plane of projection must be equal to, or greater than, 90 degrees. 70. Problem 21. — To find the angle made by two oblique planes. — From any point in space let fall a perpendicular to each plane. The supplement of the angle made by these two lines will be the angle required. 71. Problem 22. — To draw the projections of any solids of defi' nite size, occupying a fixed position in space, resting unth its base on an oblique plane which makes known angles with both coordinate planes, and construct the projections of its shadow upon this oblique plane. — This problem is merely an application of several of the preceding problems. In Fig. 45, let p' be the angle the oblique plane makes with H, and 8 the angle it makes with V. Find V P and H P by Art. 69. Let the solid be a rectangular prism, the lowest point of which is at a distance equal to a'' r above H, and a'' r in front of V. The intersections a'' and a'' of the two projections respectively of the horizontal line X of the plane P, which is at a distance above H equal to a" r, and the line R of the plane P, which is at a distance in front of V equal to t/r, are the projections of this lowest point. Having found the projections of one point of the base, it is neces- sary to revolve the plane P into one of the coordinate planes in order to show the base of the prism in its true size and position. The point a revolves to a, (Art. 45). Make a, b, c, d, equal to the true size of the base of the prism, and in the desired position. In counter revolution these points will be found in horizontal projection at a*, b'', c'', and d'' respectively. The vertical projections DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETKY. 21 of these points are found at rt", 5", c", and d" (Art. 42). This being a right prism, the elements are perpendicular to the plane, hence their projections are perpendicular respectively to H P and V P (Art. 29). To find n^^ the horizontal projection of the top end of the element an, revolve the plane projecting this element upon H, with its line of intersection with P, into H. The line of inter- section revolves to V't, the point a to s, the element an to .s-?«, , perpendicular to V" t, sn, being equal to the real height of the prism. In counter revolution n, goes to n''. Making the other ele- ments of the same length as a''n'\ and joining the tops, the hori- zontal projection of the prism is completed ; e", m", n", and o" are on the vertical projections of the elements vertically above e'\ ??t\ ?i\ and o''. 72. Since the definition of the shadow of a point upon a plane is where a ray of light through that point pierces the plane, to find the shadow of this prism upon P, it is only necessary to find where the ray of light, as L, through the point e pierces P (Art. 56) at e,; and do this for the other points which cast shadows. CHAPTER III. Principles akd Problems Relating to the Cylinder, Cone, and Double Curved Surface of Revolution. 73. A cylinder may be generated by a straight line, called the generatrix^ moving along a curved line, called the directrix., with all its positions parallel. The different positions of the generatrix are called elements. If the curve has a centre, a line drawn through it, and parallel to the elements, is called the axis of the cylinder. Any curved section of a cylinder made by a cutting plane, and taken as the limit of the elements, may be called the base of the cylinder. If the plane is perpendicular to the axis, the section is a right section^ and, if this section be taken as the base, the cylin- der is called a right cylinder. If the right section is a circle, the cylinder is a cylinder of revolution. A cylinder may be called circular or elliptic, according as its right section is a circle or an ellipse. 74. The cone differs from the cylinder only in the fact that its elements, instead of being parallel, pass through a common point called the vertex. The statements and definitions relating to the cylinder, in the preceding article, are equally applicable to the cone. 75. The cylinder and cone must be represented in projection by their lines of apparent contour, whatever other lines may be drawn on their surfaces. These surfaces are called single curved surfaces. 76. A double curved surface of revolution, such as a sphere, ellipsoid, torus, etc., is generated by a plane curve revolving about a right line contained in its plane. This line is called the axis of the surface, and the generating curve is called the meridian line., and its plane the meridian plane. When a meridian plane is parallel to V, it is called the principal meridian plane. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. ' 23 Every point in the meridian line describes the arc of a circle, the centre of which is in the axis of the surface. This circle is called a parallel. Hence any plane perpendicular to the axis of a surface of revolution will cut a parallel from the surface. 77. The simplest way of representing a double curved surface of revolution is to assume the axis perpendicular to H, when the greatest parallel will be its horizontal projection, and the princi- pal meridian will be its vertical projection. 78. A plane which contains two lines that are tangent to a surface at a common point will be tangent to the surface, and will, moreover, contain every line which is tangent to the surface at that point. In the case of a cylinder and cone, the tangent plane must con- tain an element of the surface. 79. If a single curved surface and its tangent plane be inter- sected by any secant plane, the line cut from the tangent plane will be tangent to the curve cut from the surface. Hence if this secant plane happens to be the horizontal coordinate plane, the horizontal trace of the tangent plane must be tangent to the base of the surface at the point where the element of contact pierces H. 80. A normal to a surface at any point is a right line perpen- dicular to the tangent plane at that point. A normal plane is a plane which contains the normal line, hence it will be perpendicular to the tangent plane. 81. A plane which contains one line which is tangent to a sur- face, and is perpendicular to the normal at that point, must be tangent to the surface at that point. 82. Problem 23. — Given one projection of a point on the sur- face of a cylinder^ to find its other projection, and, second, to pass a plane tangent to the cylinder through this point. — Let the cylinder be given as in Fig. 46, and let a'' be the horizontal projection of a point on its surface. Through a'' draw E*" parallel to A^. This will be the horizon- tal projection of two elements, one- on the upper and one on the lower side of the cylinder. The base of the cylinder, since it rests on H, is the locus of the horizontal traces of all the elements ; hence d'' and e'', where E'' intersects the circle of the base, are the 24 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. horizontal traces of the two elements, and d"' and e" are their vertical projections. E'' and E/ drawn through <:7" and e" respec- tively parallel to C% are the vertical projections of the two ele- ments horizontally projected in E*". a'' and a,", where a line through a^ perpendicular to GL intersects E^ and E/, are the vertical projections of the two points horizontally projected in a!". Second. To drmv a plane tangent to the cylinder at the point a" a!". — HP, drawn tangent to the base of the cylinder at t?'', will be the horizontal trace of the tangent plane (Art. 79). The line X will be a horizontal of the plane P ; its vertical trace is m" ; V P, drawn through nf and the point where H P intersects the ground line, is the vertical trace of the tangent plane. The verti- cal trace of the plane must, of course, pass through the vertical trace of the element of contact, and the vertical trace of the tan- gent plane could have been found in that way. In finding the plane Q tangent to the cylinder at the point a," a!\ since H Q does not intersect G L within the limits of the paper, it was necessary to use both methods to find V Q. 83. Fig. 47 shows the construction when the axis of the cylin- der is parallel to both V and H. Let a!' be the horizontal projection of a point on its surface. It is here necessary to make use of a profile plane. To avoid con- fusing the figure, assume the profile plane X, containing one end of the C3dinder, and revolve it away from the figure about either trace into one of the coordinate planes ; in this case about V X into V. It cuts out of the cylinder a right section — a circle in this case — of which c is the centre ; c rotates to c,% and the cir- cular section with it. The horizontal projection of the element E'' througli tlie point a meets the profile plane at a point whose horizontal projection is V\ In revolution V' moves to i,/'; erect- ing a perpendicular at 5,/', it cuts the circle at ^>„'' and i,,/'. These are the revolved positions of the points in which the two possible elements through a* meet the plane X. In counter revolution they are found at ?>'' and J/' respectively. Through these points draw the elements E" and E/. These will be the vertical projec- tions of two elements horizontally projected at E''; aP and a/, where a line through a*, perpendicular to G L, intersects E'' and E/, are the vertical projections of the two points horizontally pro- jected at a''. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 25 To draw a plane tangent to the eylinder at the point a" a^. — The profile plane cuts out of the plane, tangent to the cylinder along the element E'' E'', a line which is tangent to the curve cut from the cylinder at the point If h'^ where the element E pierces X (Art. 79). Hence T, tangent to the circle at 6„", is the revolved position of this line of intersection. In counter revolution d" does not move, and ej^ revolves to e'' ; d" and e^ are the traces of this line which lies in the tangent plane ; and, since the tangent plane contains the element E which is parallel to both V and H, V P and H F, drawn through d" and e* parallel to G L, are the traces of the tangent plane. In the same manner the tangent plane through the point a/' a* may be drawn. Note here that, in counter revolution, m!" re- volves to w\ and V Q and H Q are both found above the ground line, which indicates that the plane crosses from the first, through the second, and into the third angle. 84. Problem 24. — Given 07ie projection of a point on the sur- face of a cone to find its other projection; and.^ second^ to pass a plane tangent to the cone through this point. — Let the cone be given as in Fig. 48, and let a" be the vertical projection of a point on its surface. B" will be the vertical projection of two elements pass- ing through a; B"" and B,*" will be the horizontal projections of these elements, and a* and a,* will the horizontal projections of the two points vertically projected at a". Second. To draio a plane tangent to the cone at the point cC a^. — Here, as in the case of the cylinder, H P, drawn tangent to the base of the cone at c\ will be the horizontal trace of the tangent plane (Art. 79), and the trace of the horizontal Y determines one point s'' in V P. V P could have been determined by finding the vertical trace (/" of the element of contact B. V Q and H Q, found in the same way, are the traces of a plane tangent to the cone at the point «"«,*. 85. Fiff. 49 shows the construction when the axis of the cone is parallel to both V and H. Let n" be the vertical projection of a point on its surface. Pass the profile plane X through the base of the cone, and revolve it about V X into V. G" is the vertical projection of the elements through n. In revolution d"-' moves to d^ and d,% and in counter rovolution they are found in plan at 26 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. d^ and cZ,^ ; G^ and G,^ drawn through df" and c?,* and the vertex o\ are the horizontal projections of the two elements vertically projected in G^ and n^ and n^ are the horizontal projections required. In finding the traces of the tangent plane through the point 71" w'', we find one point in each trace, — that is, c" and tw*, just the same as in Fig. 47 ; another point in each trace is obtained, of course, by finding the two traces of the element of contact G ; joining the horizontal and vertical traces, respectively, we have V P and H P. The plane Q is found in the same way. If the cone had been so situated that the traces of the element of contact did not fall within easy reach, we would have made use of another profile plane, getting two more points, as we did t'" and yn''. 86. Problem 25. — G-iven one projection of a point on the sur- face of a double curved surface of revolution to find its other pro- jection, and to p) ass a plane tangent to the surface through this point. — Let the surface be a torus, represented as shown in Fig. 50 (Arts. 76 and 77), and let n^ be the horizontal projection of a point on its surface. Pass the meridian plane Y through n ; H Y, drawn through n^ and A\ is its horizontal trace ; revolve this plane into the position of the principal meridian plane ; n^ revolves in the arc of a circle to 6'\ which, being in the principal meridian, is ver- tically projected at s"' and s," ; in counter revolution s" and s^ move to 7f and 11^ vertically above w*. Hence w" and n^ are the verti- cal projections of two points on the surface of the torus horizon- tally projected at w\ Second. To draw a plane tangent to the torus at the point n. — This plane must contain a line tangent to the surface, and be per- pendicular to a normal at that point (Art. 81). T/', drawn tan- gent to the principal meridian at s", will be the revolved position of the tangent line, and N/, drawn through s" and the centre of the generating circle, the revolved position of the normal. In counter revolution the points m and o do not move, being in the axis ; N/ moves to W, and T/ to T"". Both the tangent and nor- mal, since they are in the meridian plane, are horizontally pro- jected in H Y. g'' is the horizontal trace of T. Since the tangent DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 27 plane is to contain T and be perpendicular to N, H P, drawn through g^ perpendicular to N\ and V P, drawn through the point where H P intersects G L, perpendicular to N'', are the traces of the tangent plane. A point r" in V P could have been found by means of the hori- zontal X of the plane P, and still another by finding the vertical trace /" of the tangent line. CHAPTER IV. Intersectiok of Planes and Solids, and the Develop- ment OF Solids. 87. To find the intersection of any solid with any secant plane, pass a series of auxiliary planes through the solid and the secant plane. They will cut lines (straight or curved) from the solid, and straight lines from the secant plane, the intersections of which are points of the required curve of intersection. This is a general statement applicable alike to prisms, pyra- mids, cylinders, cones, or double curved surfaces of revolution. While the auxiliary planes may be taken in any position, yet, for simplicity, they should be chosen in such a position as to cut the simplest curve from the solid, — that is, straight lines or circles if possible. In case of any solid having rectilinear elements, as the cylin- der, cone, prism, pyramid, etc., the above process is practically the same as finding where a certain number of elements, or edges, pierce the secant plane (Arts. 56, 57, and 58), since auxiliary planes may be chosen so as to cut elements, or edges, from the solid. 88. The true size of the section can always be found by revolv- ing it about the trace of the secant plane into, or parallel to, one of the coordinate planes (Arts. 45, 46, and 47). 89. The tangent line to the curve of intersection at any point is the intersection of the plane tangent to the surface at that point with the secant plane ; for the line, to be tangent to the curve, must lie in the plane of the curve, — that is, the secant plane, and also in the plane tangent to the surface at that point ; hence at their intersection. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 29 90. To develop a body is to find, on a flat surface, the true size and shape of the surface, or covering, of the object. Single curved surfaces and solids bounded by planes can be developed ; double curved surfaces cannot be, except approximately. Solids bounded by planes are developed by finding the true size and shape of each successive face. Single curved surfaces, as the cylinder, cone, etc., are developed by placing one element in contact with a plane, and rolling the solid until every element has touched this plane. That portion of the plane covered by the solid in its revolution is the develop- ment of the solid. When a curved surface is developed, any curved line upon it will be developed into some curve, whose length will be equal to that of the original curve. CYLINDERS. 91. To find the intersection of any cylinder with an oblique plane, assume the auxiliary planes so that they will cut elements from the cylinder, and the general statement for the intersection of any solid with a plane (Art. 87) becomes for the cylinder as follows : Pass a series of auxiliary planes through the cylinder parallel to its axis and perpendicular to one of the coordinate planes. Each auxiliary plane cuts two elements from the cylin- der (except the two tangent planes which cut but one each) and a right line from the secant plane. The intersections of this line and elements give two points of required curve. 92. Problem 26. — To find the intersection of a right cylinder ivith a circular base with an oblique plane, to draw a tangent to this curve at any point, to find the true size of the section, to develop the cylinder, to trace upon the development the curve of iyiter section, and to draw a tangent to the developed curve. — Let the cylinder be located as shown in Fig. 51, and P be the secant plane. The auxil- iary plane X is parallel to the axis and perpendicular to H (Art. 91) ; it cuts the two elements C and D from the cylinder and the line X from P ; X intersects C at a, and D at b, which are two points of the curve. Other points could be determined in the same way. The rest of the points were found by assuming the auxiliary planes as horizontal, which may be a trifle shorter, for this case, 80 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. than the first method. The horizontal auxiliary plane R cuts out of the cylinder a horizontal circle, and out of the plane the hori- zontal line R ; this line intersects the circle at the points c and d^ which are, therefore, two points of the curve. In the same way the plane S gives the points g and k, and the plane Z the points on and ??, etc. To di'atv a tangent to the point n in the curve. — The tangent line to the curve at the point n is the intersection of the plane tangent to the cylinder at that point and the plane P (Art. 89). V T and H T are the traces of the plane tangent to the cylinder at the point n (Art. 82). T'' and T^ the intersection of the planes P and T, are the projections of the tangent line. Since the point n must be one point in the tangent line, it is only necessary to find one other point, as r, and the tangent line is determined, — that is, it is not necessary to find the vertical trace of the tangent plane, which shortens the construction. To find the true size of the section. — Each point in the curve, as a, c, g., m, b, etc., revolve to a,, c,, g,, m,, J,, etc. (Art. 45), and the true size of the section is shown. The tangent line T revolves with the section. The point r* does not move, since it lies in the axis H P, and the point n revolves to n, ; hence T revolves to T, . To develop the cylinder. — If we place one element of the cylin- der, as D, Fig. 52, on a plane, and roll the cjdinder until the same element coincides with the plane again, that part of the plane covered in this revolution will be the development (Art. 90). The element will, of course, be seen in its true length, and a right section, being perpendicular to the elements, unrolls in a straight line perpendicular to the elements, and equal in length to the circumference of the right section. Hence h!" /i,\ nj" k\ kj' d\ etc., Fig. 52, equal to 5* >A w*/:;\ k^'d", etc.. Fig. 51, laid off on a straight line will be the development of the base, and perpendicu- lars erected at these points will be the position of the several ele- ments; hi" s is made equal to the height of the cylinder, and st^ drawn parallel to hj' bf\ completes the development of the whole cylinder. To trace upon the development the curve of intersection. — Make 6,* J,", w,* w,", k,'' k", etc., equal to the heights of the points 6, n, k, etc., of the curve above H. The curve traced througli these sue- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 31 cessive points will be the development of the curve of intersec- tion. To draw the tmigent line to the j^oint n on the development. — The point w," will be one point of the tangent line sought. The point r being in the plane of the base must be found in the line on which the base unrolls, and at a distance from nj" equal to the distance of the point r from the foot of the element along which the plane is tangent, — that is, make nj" r^ equal to n^ r'' and join- ing r/' and n'^ we have the developed position of the tangent line. This line must be tangent to the developed position of the curve. 93. Problem 27. — To find the intersection of an oblique cylin- der with any oblique plane, to draw a tangeiit to any point of the curve, and to develop) that part of the cylinder betweerc the base and the secant plane, — Let the cylinder be given as in Fig. 53, and let P be the cutting plane. Assume the auxiliary planes, R, S, U, etc., parallel to the axis and perpendicular to H (Art. 91). The plane U cuts two ele- ments, F and N, from the cylinder and the line U from the plane ; X and w, the intersections of this line with these elements, are two points of the curve. Similarly the plane R gives the point o ; S the points n and p ; W gives I and r ; X gives k and s ; Y gives g and t; and Z the point /, In the construction of the different lines of intersection R, S, U, etc., it is only necessary to construct one of the lines, the others are drawn through the vertical projec- tions of the horizontal traces, parallel to the first, since the lines of intersection of several parallel planes with an oblique plane must be parallel to each other. The tangent line is found as explained in the last problem. T is the plane tangent to the cylinder along the element through t, and T"" and T'\ the line of intersection of the planes T and P, are the projections of the tangent line to the curve at the point t. To develop that p)<^rt of the cylinder between the base and the secant p)lane. — Since neither the plane of the base nor the plane of the section just found is perpendicular to the axis, the sections are not right sections, hence they will not unroll in straight lines. Consequently the first step necessary in the solution of this part of the problem is to find a right section. K"" K^, the section cut by the plane Q, which is perpendicular to the axis, is 32 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. a right section ; K' is the true size of this section ; and K, , Fig. 54, is its development, its length being equal to the periphery of the section K'. Find the true lengths of the successive elements between this right section and the base, and lay them off perpen- dicular to the line K, on lines which represent the developed posi- tion of the several elements. The curved line A, A, drawn through the points thus found is the development of the peri- phery of the base. To develop the section cut out by the plane P, find the true lengths of the successive elements between this section and the base, laying them off from the curved line A, A,, and the curved line I, m, n, etc., is the development of this section. This curve could also have been found by finding the true lengths of the ele- ments between the right section and the section cut by P, and laying these lengths off from the development K, of the right section. Hence the surface included between the curved lines A, A, and l,m,n, etc., is the development of that portion of the cylinder between the plane P and the base. To draiv the tangent line to the point t on the development. — The point e is at a certain known distance from the point f, and also a certain other known distance from the point iv ; hence with w, , Fig. 54, as a centre and a radius equal to w^ e^ Fig. 53, describe an arc ; with t^. Fig. 54, as a centre and a radius equal to the true length of the line t g. Fig. 53, describe another arc ; the point e, , where these two arcs intersect, will be one point of the developed position of the line. t, must be another, therefore T, , drawn through t, and e,, is the tangent sought. CONES. 94. The general statement for the intersection of any cone witli any plane is as follows : Pass a series of auxiliary planes through the vertex of the cone, and perpendicular to one of the coordinate planes. These planes cut elements from the cone and lines from the secant plane, the intersections of which give points on the curve. 95. Problem 28. — To find the intersection of a right cone ivith a circular hhse ivith an oblique plane, etc., as in Problem 26. — Let the cone and cutting plane P be given as in Fig. 55. The auxil- DESCmrTIVE GEOMETRY. 33 iary plane R passes through the vertex and is perpendicular to H (Art. 94) ; it cuts the two elements A and B from the cone and the line R from P ; R intersects A at c, and B at g^ which are two points of the curve. These two points are the highest and lowest points of the curve, since the line R is the line of greatest decliv- ity of the plane P. Other points could be determined in the same way. The rest of the points were found by assuming horizontal auxil- iary planes X, Y, and Z. The plane X cuts out of the cone a horizontal circle, and out of the plane the horizontal line X ; this line intersects the circle at the points d and p, which are, there- fore, two points of the curve. In the same way the plane Y gives the points e and w, and the plane Z the points / and m. The tangent line T, and the true size of the section, are found in the same way as described for the cylinder in Problem 26. To develop the cone and trace on the development the curve of intersection. — In a right cone all the elements pass through the vertex, and are of the same length, hence the vertex remains stationary and the base unrolls in the arc of a circle, of which the vertex is the centre, and the slant height of the cone (that is, the true length of the element) is the radius. The length of this arc must be equal to the circumference of the base. TherefoKe, with o\ Fig. bQ., as a centre, and a radius equal to the true length of an element, describe an arc D' equal in length to the circumference of the base, and o' t' T>' t' is the development of the surface of the cone. Particular elements may be drawn on the development by laying off distances on the arc D' equal to the distance apart of the elements at the base of the cone, and joining these points with the vertex o'. To find the development of the curve of intersec- tion, lay off from o\ Fig. 56, on its corresponding element the true length of the element from the vertex to the section, and joining the points thus found, g\ /', e', etc., gives the development sought. To draw the tangent to the development at the 'point ^:>. — The line C, tangent to the base of the cone, is perpendicular to the element s o, hence it will be so after development. Therefore draw C, Fig. 56, perpendicular to s' o', and lay off on it s' r' equal to ** r\ Fig. 55; r is also a point of the tangent line T, hence r' must be one point of its developed position, and p' must be 34 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. another point, consequently T' drawn through r' and f' is the tangent required. 96. Fig. 57 shows the construction when the axis of the cone is parallel to both V and H. The method of finding the point o," is explained in the next article. Fig. 58 shows the development of the cone and the tangent line. 97. Problem 29. — To find the intersection of an oblique cone with any oblique plane^ to draw a tangent to any point of the curve^ and to develop that ptortion of the cone between the base and the secant plane. — Let the cone be given as in Fig. 59, and let P be the cutting plane. Assume the auxiliary planes R, S, X, etc., through the vertex and perpendicular to H (Art. 94). The plane S cuts two ele- ments, A and B, from the cone, and the line S from the plane ; g and r, the intersections of this line with these elements, are two points of the curve. Similarly the plane R gives the point /; X the points k and p ; Y the points I and n ; and Z the point m. In the construction of the different lines of intersection R., S, X, etc., it is not necessary to go through the whole process of finding each of them. In the case of the cylinder, these lines of intersection were parallel, here they intersect in a common point 0,. The auxiliary planes, being all perpendicular to H, and pass- ing through the vertex of the cone, will intersect each other in a common line, which must be perpendicular to H, and contain the vertex; D'' will be the vertical projection of this line, and o* its horizontal projection ; hence the point o, must be on this line, which is common to all the auxiliary planes, and on the plane P, therefore at the point where they intersect. o^ is the hoiizontal projection of this point, and o/, constructed as explained in Prob- lem 5, is its vertical projection. This point could be found by extending one line of intersection, found regularly, until it inter- sects the vertical line joining the projections of the vertex. The tangent line T at the point ?, the true size of the section, etc., are found as explained in a previous problem. To develop that part of the cone which is between the base and the secant plane. — Since the vertex remains stationary we have a means of locating tlie developed positions of the elements with DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 35 respect to each other without getting a right section as in the cylinder. Draw any right line o' t\ Fig. 60, and on it lay off the true length of any one of the elements, as E, Fig. 59. Find the true length of the next element A, with this length as a radius and o' as a centre, describe an indefinite arc. The distance these two elements are apart at their lower extremities must be equal to the length of that part of the circumference of the base included between ^- and d/". Hence with t' as a centre, and a radius equal to i''c?^ describe an arc cutting the other arc at d' ; join d' with o', and we have the developed position of the element A. The other elements are developed in the same way. The greater the number of elements developed, the greater will be the accuracy of the development. To develop the section cut out by the plane P, find the true lengths of each element from the vertex to the section o/, o g, etc., and lay them off from o' on the developed positions of those elements respectivel}^ o'f\ o' g\ etc. That portion of the surface included between the development of the base t' c' x' d' t\ and that of the section /''^' ^' etc., will be the development of that part of the cone between the base and the secant plane P. The tangent line to the point I is developed as explained in Problem 27, the point e being in ^* and T"", and at a known dis- tance from the points x and I. DOUBLE CURVED SURFACES OF REVOLUTION. 98. The general statement for the intersection of a double curved surface of revolution with any plane is as follows : Pass a series of auxiliary planes through the solid perpendicular to its axis. These planes cut circles from the solid and lines from the secant plane, the intersections of which give points on the curve. 99. Problem 30. — To find the intersection of a double curved surface of revolution with an oblique plane, and to draw a tangent to the curve at any point. — Let the double curved surface of revo- lution be a torus given as in Fig. 61, and let P be the cutting plane. Assume the auxiliary planes R, S, X, etc., perpendicular to the axis. The plane Y cuts from the torus two circles, hori- 86 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. zontallj projected in A'' and B\ and vertically projected in V Y, it cuts from the plane P the horizontal line Y ; cZ, /, ?, and w, the intersections of these circles and line, are four points on the curve. Similarly the plane R gives the point a; the plane X gives c, g, k, and o \ the plane S gives h and 'p ; and the plane Z gives e and m. The tangent line T to any point as w, and the true size of the section, etc., are shown in the iigure, and need no further ex- planation. SOLIDS BOUNDED BY PLAIN SURFACES. 100. In finding the intersection of prisms, pyramids, or any solid bounded by plane surfaces with an oblique plane, pass auxil- iary planes through the edges of the solid, and perpendicular to V or H ; or, in other words, find where each edge of the solid pierces the secant plane by Art. 56. 101. Problem 31. — To find the intersection of a prism ivith an oblique plane. — Let the prism be pentagonal, and given as in Fig. 62, and let P be the cutting plane. The edges A, B, G, etc., pierce the plane P in the points a, h, c, etc. ; joining these points we get the two projections of the intersection. Its true size is shown at a, 5, c, d, e, . The development may be found directly here, without getting a right section as in the cylinder, by revolving each face about its edge resting on H into H (Art. 47). a 6^/ revolves to f" g'' on-, h ck g to g^- k^ r p., etc. 102. We have seen how, if we have a solid given by its pro- jections, we can obtain its covering or development; hence, if we have the covering given, we are able to construct the projections of the solid. 103. Problem 82. — To construct the projections of a solid from its covering^ and find the intersection of this solid with an oblique plane. — Let the covering consist of eight regular hexagons and six squares, disposed as shown in Fig. 63. Let one of the hexa- gons be considered as the base, and let it be placed parallel to H, so that one of its sides, a 6, is perpendicular to V. Revolve the hexa- gon A and the square K until the sides a''g' and a'' k' coincide, the extremities g' and k' of tiiese sides will meet at a point in space, DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 87 of winch the horizontal projection is evidently a^ ; revolve square M until its side /'T coincides with the side o''/'' of the revolved hexagon A, the extremities meet at a point in space of which the horizontal projection is o h. It is evident that the horizontal projections of the two squares K and M, in their revolved positions, are a'' V' s^ x^ and e;*/^ o'^p''. To complete the horizontal projection of the hexagon A, we draw through jt^ the line a^ w'' parallel and equal to the line/*o''; through w'' the line w*w* equal and parallel to aJ'f^; and finally join n'' and o^, and w^o* will be equal and parallel to a^' ji^ (Art. 13). The vertical projection of the base is the line a"/" e" at any required height above H. The vertical projection of the square K, in its revolved position, is the line a" a;", found as follows: Since the plane of the square is perpendicular to V, the point k' moves in revolution in the arc of a vertical circle, with the point a as a centre ; hence, when the point has gone to a/*, its vertical projection must be at a;", where a perpendicular through a^ intersects this circle. Since the squares K and M are inclined at equal angles to H, their top points must be the same height above H in their revolved posi- tions ; hence o" and p" must be found in a horizontal line through x'\ and vertically above o'' and jt?^. Hence the vertical projection of the square M is e^'f d" p". The vertical projection of the hexagon A is a"/" o" w" w" a;^ the points a^/^ o", and x" being co- incident with those of the squares already found. The point w" is obtained by dropping a perpendicular from w\ and producing it until it meets a line drawn through a;" parallel to f d" ; or, in other words, make a;"?^" equal and parallel to/^o"; make g" n" equal and parallel to a'" a;"; and n" w" eqvial and parallel to a''/". The other hexagons and squares are revolved after the same principle, and the completed projections are obtained as shown in the figure. To find its intersection with the plane P. — Find where the edges of the solid pierce the plane by Art. 56 ; some of them will and some will not; hence assume any one that you think will pierce it, and see if it does by actual construction. If it does not, try another, and so on. The edge ep pierces the plane P at the point 6 ; /o at 6 ; wn at 4, etc. ; giving 12345678 as the sec- tion. Its true size is found as usual. The lines 1, 2,, 2, 3,, 3, 4,, 4, 5,, etc., are the developed posi- tions of the lines cut from the several faces by the secant plane. CHAPTER V. llSTTERSECTIOIf OF SOLIDS. 104. To find the curve of intersection of any two solids what- ever, pass a series of auxiliary surfaces (usually planes) through the two solids. They will cut lines (straight or curved) from each solid, the intersections of Which are points of the required curve. While the auxiliary planes may be taken in any position, j'et, for convenience, they should be chosen so as to cut the simplest curves from the solid, — i.e., straight lines or circles. 105. The following is a list of special cases showing what auxiliary planes should be taken to cut the simplest curves : — First. Two cylinders with a?tes oblique to each other ; choose auxiliary planes parallel to both axes. Each plane cuts elements from each solid. Second. Two cones with axes perpendicular or oblique to each other; choose auxiliary planes passing through a line containing the vertex of each cone. Each plane cuts elements from each solid. Third. Cylinder and cone with axes oblique to each other; choose auxiliary planes passing through vertex of cone and par- allel to axis of cylinder. Each plane cuts elements from each solid. Fourth. In case of the intersection of cylinders, cones, double curved surfaces of revolution, prisms, and pyramids (any one with one of the same or different kind) with their axes parallel ; clioose auxiliary planes perpendicular to the axes. The planes will cut from these solids simple figures (from the cylinder, cone, and double curved surface of revolution, circles, and from the DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 39 prisms and pyramids, polygons similar to their bases). One of the coordinate planes should be taken perpendicular to the axes. Fifth. In case of two cylinders, cylinder and double curved surface of revolution, cylinder and cone, whose axes are perpen- dicular to each other ; choose auxiliary planes perpendicular to one cylinder in first case, to axis of double curved surface of revo- lution in second case, to axis of cone in third case. Coordinate planes should be taken perpendicular to the axes respectively. Sixth. In case of two double curved surfaces of revolution with axes oblique and intersecting, pass a series of auxiliar}^ spheres, whose centres are at the intersection of the axes, through the two solids. A prism can be substituted in place of the cylinder, and pyra- mid in place of the cone, in any of the above cases. 106. The tangent line to the curve of intersection at any point is the line of intersection of the planes tangent to each solid at that point. 197. Problem 33. — To find the curve of intersection of tivo cylinders whose axes are oblique to each other, and to draw a line tangent to any point in the curve. — Let the cylinders be given as in Fig. 64. This comes under the first special case (Art. 105), and the auxiliary planes are taken parallel to the axis of each cylin- der. To find the horizontal trace of such a plane (the vertical trace is not needed) we have simply to pass a plane through one axis and parallel to the other (Art. 63). H S is the horizontal trace of such a plane. H R, H X, etc., drawn parallel to H S will be the horizontal traces of planes which are parallel to both axes. Each of these planes cuts elements from each cylinder, the points of intersection of which are points of the required curve. The plane S cuts the two elements A and B from the left cylin- der, and C and D from the right cylinder ; these elements inter- sect at the points 2, 8, 10, and 16, which are four of the required points. The plane R being tangent to one of the cylinders only gives two points, 1 and 9. The plane X gives the four points, 3, 7, 11, and 15. By repeating the process any number of points can be found. After finding a number of points on the curve, crossing and recrossing as it is liable to do, unless some system of numbering 40 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. is followed, it is very difficult to connect the points so as to form the correct curve. An examination of the system used in figures 64, 65, and 68 will suffice without explanation ; the same method is used whether the solids are two cylinders, two cones, or cylin- der and cone. To determine whether there tvill he one or two curves. — Draw the two extreme planes II and Z, each of them will be tangent to one (but not the same) cylinder, and secant to the other, hence there will be but one curve. If the two extreme planes were tangent to the same body, and secant to the other, it is evident that the first body would pass through the second, and there would be two separate curves. To determine what points on the curve are visible. — A point on the curve is visible in plan or elevation, if it is the intersection of two elements, both of which are visible in plan or elevation. Thus the point 9, being at the intersection of two elements which are visible in plan, must be on a visible portion of the curve in plan ; these elements being invisible in elevation, the curve at that point will be invisible in elevation. The two elements whose intersection gives the point 5 are both visible in elevation, but only one is visible in plan, therefore the point is on a portion of the curve which is visible in elevation, but not in plan. To draio a tangent line to any point of the curve. — The tangent line to any point of the curve is the line of intersection of two planes tangent to the solids at that point. H T is the horizontal trace of the plane tangent to the left cylinder at the point 14, and H Q that of the plane tangent to the right cylinder at the same point ; T, the line of intersection of these two planes, is the tan- gent line required. 108. Problem 34. — To find the curve of intersection., etc., of tivo cones with axes oblique to each other. — Let the cones be given as in Fig. 65. This comes under the second special case (Art. 105), and the auxiliary planes are passed through a line contain- ing the vertex of each cone. The line A passes through each vertex, and a^ is its horizontal trace ; hence any line, as H X, H Y, etc., drawn through a\ will be the horizontal trace of a plane which will pass through the vertex of each cone, and, consequently, will cut elements from DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 41 them. H Y cuts the elements B and C from the left cone, and D and E from the right cone ; these elements intersect at the points 2, 4, 6, and 8, which will be points on the required curve. Any number of points may be found in the same way. Here, as in the case of the cylinder in the last problem, the two extreme auxiliary planes X and Z are each tangent to one (but not the same) body and secant to the other ; hence there will be but one curve. In this case one of the cones is supposed to have been removed, consequently those portions of the curve will be visible if they are on visible portions of the remaining cone. T is the tangent to the point w, and is found exactly as in the last problem. 109. Problem 35. — To find the curve of intersection^ etc., of two cones when their axes are perpendicular to each other. — Let the cones be given as in Fig. 66, the axis of one being perpendicular to H, and of the other parallel to both V and H. In this case we pass the auxiliary planes through a line containing each ver- tex, as in the last problem, but here it is necessary to use a pro- file plane and make use of the traces of the auxiliary planes on. this plane, as well as their traces on H. The horizontal trace of the line A, containing the two vertices of the cones, is a*; its trace on the profile plane is b. H S, H X, etc., are the horizontal traces of planes which will cut ele- ments from the two cones; 6^Z*, ^''c^, etc., are their traces on the profile plane. Revolving the profile plane about its vertical trace into V, the point b revolves to J,", and the traces of the auxiliary planes on the profile plane are shown at V S', V X', etc. The plane S cuts the element D from the cone whose axis is hori- zontal, and B and C from the upright cone ; the intersections of these elements d and e are two points of the curve. The plane Z gives the points m, w, r, and t. Any number of points can be found in the same way. Since the axes of the two cones intersect, the curve will be the same on each side of the central plane Z ; hence, since the plane S is tangent to one cone and secant to the other, there will be two separate curves. T is the tangent line to a point on the curve, being the inter- 42 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. section of the plane Q, which is tangent to the cone whose axis is horizontal, and the plane T, tangent to the other cone at the com- mon point. Fig. 67 shows the development of the upright cone, together with the holes in which the horizontal cone penetrated it, and the tangent line. 110. Problem 36. — To find the curve of intersection, etc., of a cylinder and co7ie with axes oblique. — Let the bodies be given as in Fig. 68. This comes under the third case, and the auxiliary- planes are passed through the vertex of the cone parallel to the axis of the cylinder. To do this, draw the line A through the vertex of the cone, and parallel to the axis of the cylinder ; a'' is its horizontal trace ; any line, as H S, H X, etc., drawn through this point will be the horizontal trace of such a plane. The plane S cuts the element B from the cone, and the two ele- ments, C and D, from the cylinder ; the intersections of these elements at 1 and 7 are tw^o points of the required curve. Any number of other points can be found in the same way. 111. Problem 37. — To find the curve of intersection of a sphere and hexagonal prism. — Let them be given as in Fig. 69. This is an illustration of the fourth special case, of which there can be a large number. The horizontal plane X cuts the circle X from the sphere, and a hexagon from the prism ; these intersect at the point n. Other points are found in the same manner. 112. Problem 38. — To find the curve of intersection of a cylin- der and torus with axes parallel. — Let them be given as in Fig. 70. This is an illustration of the fifth special case. Here planes should be taken perpendicular to the axis of the torus. The plane Y cuts from the torus the two circles A and B, and from the cylinder the two elements C and D. These circles and elements intersect in the points a, a,, a„, a,„, J, 5,, all of which are points ou the required curve. Other points are found in tlie same manner. 113. In cases where the bodies are bounded by planes, and do not rest with their bases on either of the coordinate planes, it is easier to make use of the method described in Art. 58 than to find the traces of the planes containing the separate faces of the solid. DESCRIPTIVE geo:metry. 48 114. Problem 39. — To find the intersection of a triangular prism with a triangular pi/ramid.-"— The points, e,f, and^, Fig. 71, where the elements A, B, and C of the prism penetrate the face abc of the pyramid, are found by Art. 58 ; joining these points, we have efg as the intersection of the prism with the face abc of the pyramid. The three elements of the prism do not leave the pyra- mid in the same face ; hence find the points w aud n where the elements A and C leave the face ac d; then find the point r where the element B would leave the same face if that face were con- sidered of indefinite extent ; joining m, w, and r, we have the inter- section of the prism with the face acd when extended sufficiently. That portion of the triangle mnts which actually falls on the lim- ited face acd, will be a part of the intersection required; the ele- ment B actually leaves the pyramid at the point o in the face bed; joining this point with s and t, the intersection is completed. Fig. 72 shows the development of the surface of the pyramid with the intersections traced on it. 115. Problem 40. — To construct the projections of a right hex- ugonal prism and a right hexagonal pyramid^ and find their inter- section tvhen they occupy a certain fixed piosition relative to each other and to the coordinate planes. — Let the lowest corner of the prism rest on H ; the long diameter of the base of prism is 2^ inches ; its height is 3 inches ; two of its faces are in a plane perpendicu- lar to H ; its axis makes an angle of 60° with H and 25° with V. The long diameter of the base of the pyramid is 2 inches ; its height is 3 inches ; its axis slopes downward, forward, and to the left, mak- ing angle of 45° with H, and whose horizontal projection makes an- gle of 15° with G L. A point in the axis of the prism 2 inches from the base is ^ inch, perpendicular distance, behind a point in the axis of the pyramid which is 1 inch from the base of the pyramid. See Fig. 73 for construction. If the axis of prism makes an angle of 60° with H and 25° with V, the plane of the base makes an angle of 30° with H and 65° with V. V F and H P, the traces of this plane, are found by Art. 69. The projections of the prism are then found by Art. 71. Next it is necessary to locate the axis of the pyramid. To do this we use the converse of the principles in Art. 65, which explains how to find the perpendicular distance between two lines when their projections are given ; here the projections of one line, 44 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. the direction of the projections of the other, and the perpendicu- lar distance between them are given, to find the projections of the second, d, the point in the axis of the prism, 2 inches from the base, is found by laying off on the revolved position of the axis rt,* h!" the distance a,* dl' equal to 2 inches, and in counter revohi- tion dj' goes to d''. Now, through this point d, draw the line A parallel to the axis of the p3'ramid by the converse of the princi- ples in Art. 86. A/ is drawn through d\ making angle of 45" with G L. A,'' must, of course, be parallel to G L. From d" lay off on A/ a distance d'' e," equal to 2 inches, and f?" n^ equal to 1 inch ; in counter revolution A,"* moves through angle of 15" to A\ A/ moves to A^ ef to e", ej" to g*, w," to n", and w e is a line through d equal in length and parallel to the axis of the pyramid. Through the line A and the axis of the prism pass a plane. V Q and H Q are the traces of this plane. From the point d draw the perpendicular c? o of indefinite length ; revolve this indefinite line until it is parallel to V, and lay off d'' o," equal to i inch on the revolved position ; in counter revolution o," moves to o", and o* is found vertically below it on the horizontal projec- tion of the indefinite perpendicular. Through the point o draw the \mefg equal and parallel to ew, and this line will be the axis of the pyramid correctly located relative to the axis of the prism. Through the point g pass the plane R perpendicular to the axis fg of the pyramid. This will contain the base of the pyramid, and the projections of the pyramid can then be found the same as the prism by Art. 71. The intersection of the two bodies is obtained by finding where each edge of one penetrates the faces of the other, if at all, by Art. 58, the same as in Art. 114. 116. Problem 41. — To find the curve of intersection of two double curved surfaces of revolution with their axes intersecting. — Let the two surfaces be an ellipsoid and a sphere, given as in Fig. 74, their axes intersecting at o. Intersect these two surfaces by a series of auxiliary spheres whose centres are at o; each sphere will cut circles out of the surfaces, the intersections of which will be points on the required curve. The sphere A cuts out of the ellipsoid the circle C, and out of the sphere the circle D, their intersections e and e, are two points on the curve. Other points can be found in the same way. CHAPTER VI. Miscellaneous Problems. 117. Problem 42. — To find the right section of a cylinder ^ making a certain known angle with the horizon, which will exactly mitre ivlth a horizontal cylinder ivhose axis is at right ayigles to it. — Let the horizontal cylinder be circular, and with its axis per- pendicular to V, Fig. 75 ; the other cylinder makes an angle ^ with H, and is parallel to V. The section of each cylinder on the mitre plane Q is the same. The plane P will cut a right section from the slanting cylinder, whose vertical projection will be in the line V P, and whose hori- zontal projection can be found as follows j The plane R is tangent to both cylinders along the elements A and B, which must inter- sect at the point a in the plane Q. In this Way A^ is determined, and consequently 6\ a point on the horizontal projection of the curve. In the same Way the plane T gives the two points d and d,. Other points are found in the same way. The true size of the section dh d, is easily found. 118. Problem 43. — »I^o find the right section of the raking moidding ivhich ivill mitre with a gutter, the pitch of the roof and the section of the gutter heing gi})en.-^'Y.\\\% is an application of the principles of the preceding article. Let the section of the gutter be given as in Fig. 76, and the pitch of the roof equal the angle ^. The points and planes have been lettered the same as in Fig. 75, so that the explanation for that figure is equally applicable for this, except that in this figure the true size of the section is shoWn as revolved into a plane parallel to V instead of into H. It is not necessary that the back part of the moulding be made to fol- low the inside of the gutter, as it Is invisible ; hence it is made out of an ordinary plank of any convenient thickness, and the curve exdh {■& aW that it is necessary to find. It is well to note that, when the plane Q makes an angle of 45° 46 I)ESCRrE»TtVE GEOMETRY. with V, as is usual in such work, the distances d'' k, x^ c, etc., are equal to o r, s f, etc., respectively ; hence the true size of the sec- tion can be obtained directly from the elevation without the use of the plan, as follows: Draw any number of lines, as V R, V S, etc., making angle ^ with the horizon ; draw any line, as V P, at right angles to these lines ; from the points of intersection c?", re", etc., of the line V P with V T, V X, etc., lay off along these lines d" d^, x"-' x% etc., equal to or.st^ etc., the distance from the points where V T, V X, etc., intersect the curve of the gutter to any ver- tical line as C. A curve drawn through the points d'\ x% etc., will be the curve of the moulding. 119. Problem W.~^Griven the right section of the doping part qf the side wall to a flight qf steps, to find the right section of the lower end of this wall at right angles to the given section. — Let e d^ x^ 6, Fig. 77, be half the given section, and ^ the angle of the' slope of the wall. This problem is simply the converse of the preceding one, and needs no further explanation. The side walls of the Institute steps illustrate this problem. 120. Problem 45. — To find the covering of an eight-sided dome as given in Fig. 78. ' — The right section of the portion o ah is the curve a" t" s", etc. This right section unrolls in the straight line e'' t, .*?,, etc., e'' ^,, t^ s,, etc., being equal to «" (5", f s", etc., respectively. The right section of the portion o h c is shown at 5* o', and it unrolls in the straight line h*" o,^^ b'^ o,/^ being equal in length to the arc h'' o'. The right section of the portion o c d is, the ellipse shown at n'' o'\ which unrolls in the straight line w^ o,„*, equal in length to the arc w* o". Since most of the remaining problems are simply applications of principles, already familiar, I have thought it best to give the construction without the description in some cases ; a general description without the construction in others ; and still others without either construction or description, in order that the stu- dent may accustom himself to apply these principles to the solu- tion of practical problems as they may arise. 121. Problem 46. — Given the elevation of the outline of a twelve-sided vase,, as in Fig^ 79, to find the elevation of the edges DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 47 A, jB, (7, and D, thus completing the elevation of the object; also the development of one of the sides. 122. Problem 47. — To strike the pattern of the sheet metal used in making a bath-tub. — Figs. 80, 81, and 82 show the con- struction for three different styles of tubs. 123. Problem 48. — To find the iyitersection of the steam dome and boiler of a locomotive ; to develop the steam dome ; and also to develop the taper sheet. — Fig. 83 shows the two elevations of a portion of a locomotive, and the intersection of the steam dome and boiler. P^ig. 84 is the development of the steam dome, and Fig. 85 is the development of the taper sheet without the lap. 124. Problem 49. — To find the positioyi of a guide pidley, and its shaft, to take a belt fi'om one pidley to another whose shafts are at right angles to each other. — Let A and B, Fig. 86, be the given pulleys. Assume any point c in the line a b (as the guide pulley may be placed at any convenient point between the two given pulleys) ; from this point draw the lines cm and c e tangent to the pulleys B and A respectively. The plane P of these two lines c m and c e will be the plane of the guide pulley. The ground line may be taken in any convenient position per- pendicular to the given shafts. To find the projections of the guide pulley, its diameter being known, revolve the plane P into the horizontal coordinate plane ; cm revolves to cf' fnf', and c e to cf' e,'' ; C}" is then drawn equal to the actual size of the guide pulley. In counter revolution its centre is found at o" o\ and the circle C,** is found at C C", as explained in Art. 71. The shaft being perpendicular to the plane of the pulley, its projections are respectively perpendicular to the traces V P and H P, and they must pass through the centre o" o''; hence through the point o draw the indefinite lines o^n" perpendicular to VP, and o'' n'' perpendicular to H P, and the direction of the shaft will be determined. To show a definite length of the shaft, revolve the line rs until it is parallel to V ; then, in its revolved position, lay off o/ sj' and o,'' r,^ each equal to half the length of the shaft ; in 48 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. counter revolution r, goes to r, s, to s, and rs is the length required. 125. Problem 50. — Given the longitudinal section and plan^ or end view, of a connecting rod of varying cross section, to complete the drawing of the elevation. — Let the section and plan be given as in Fig. 87. The lower end from A to B is cylindrical, from C to D is octagonal, from E to F is rectangular, between B and C the cylinder exj^ands regularly in the arc of a circle from the cylin- drical to the octagonal section, and between D and E it expands in an elliptical curve from the octagonal to the rectangular section. 126. Problem 51. — Given the section and plan of a portion of a rocker arm, as in Fig. 88, to complete the elevation. — There is but one curve to be found, and that is simply the intersection of a cylinder and torus, whose axes are at right angles with each other. The cylinder and torus are shown in the figure by dotted lines. 127. Problem 52. — To find the development of the conical por- tion B of the double elbow shown in Fig. 89, the right sections of the portio7is A and C being circular. 128. Problem 53. — To find the section on AB of the screw, as given in Fig. 90 ; also, find section on CI). 129. Problem 54. — To construct the shadow of a sphere on a horizontal j^lati'^ }' also, find its line of shade. — Pass a plane P, Fig. 91, perpendicular to H, through the ray of light which passes through the centre of the sphere. Revolve this jjlane into H. The great circle which it cuts from the sphere revolves to the circle of which o,^ is the centre ; the ray of light through the centre revolves to of' a''; cf b'' and c?/' o\ parallel to o/' a'', are the revolved positions of the two rays of light lying in the plane P, and tangent to the sphere ; o'' and 6\ where these two lines inter- sect H P, are the two extremities of the long diameter of the ellipse which is the shadow of the sphere ; the short diameter of this ellipse e/'x'' %ill, of course, be equal to the diameter of the sphere. To get the line of shade, revolve the plane P back to its orig- inal position ; the point cf' goes to c^, and cZ,* to d''; c* and d'' are two points of the ellipse which constitutes the line of shade. Fig. 2. *rf" 4>r Fig. 13 VQ Ic* HP V VP g! Fig.49. Figr.47. 5! ",' B" i \ **- E" a' c* A* Pig.56. '¥ig.58. t/ij 1 Id' Fig. 62. m c -1^' Fig.66. Fig.65. Fig.7 1 Pig.76. k en!' i*'. -'«^X_i^ -^.v Fig.78. M ^ Fig.81. Fig.80. 1_. Fig.84 Fig.86. o ig.90. 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