P69t "flHH A- — A— S — 1^ — i 7 ^=? 2 =^S ^ i 5 ^ — =^ 'n»:3 6 1 Playfair Tripoli and the Cyrenaica I Universil Souths Libr? THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BAEBAEY STATES. Part I. TRIPOLI AND THE CYEENAICA. {WITH A MAP). BY SIR R. LAMBERT PLAYFAIR, K.C.M.G., H.M. CONSUL-GENEBAL FOB ALGEBIA AKD TUNIS ; AUTHOR OF ' TRAVELS IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF BRUCE ' ; ' THE SCOUBOB OF CHRISTENDOM ' ; 'HANDBOOK (MDBRAT'S) TO ALGERIA AND TCNIS'j 'HANDBOOK (MURRAY'S) TO THE MEDITERRANEAN,' ETC. VOL. H. • 2 3f7/ THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BABBARY STATES, PART I.— TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. By LiEUT.-CoL. Sir R. Lambert Playfair, k.c.m.g., etc. All that now remains of the three Eastern Barbary States is a Biblio- graphy ! Tripoli is a vilayet of the Turkish Empire, and eager eyes are turned towards this part of the Sick Man's inheritance. Tunis is a French Protectorate, and in the natural course of things will one day lose the last shred of its independence. The " famous and warlike city of Algiers" is the capital of a French colony, a prolongation of France. Morocco alone retains its independence and much of its mystery; in spite of its unrivalled position, its ports on either ocean, its perennial streams fed by snow-clad mountains, and its brave and hardy population, it still remains as impenetrable to modern civilisation as ever. But it also has its "question," though the writer hopes to complete its Bibliography before it too "joins the majority." The complete Bibliography of the Barbary States will contain the following parts : — ■ I. Tripoli and the Cyrenaica^ the subject of the following pages. II. Tunisia, by Messrs. Graham and Ashbee, forming originally an appendix to their excellent book of travels,* but which they purpose publishing in a separate form completed to a later date. III. Algeria, already published by the writer in part 2, vol. 2, of the * ' Travels in Tunisia,' with a glossary, a map, a bibliography and fifty illustrations. By Alexander Graham, f.r.i.b.a., and H. S. Ashbee, f.s.a., f.r.g.s., London : 8vo. ; Dulau & Co., 37, Soho Square, 1887. 2 2 560 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. E. G. S. Supplementary Papers for 1888, pp. 132-430, but requiring a supplement. IV. Morocco, in progress. The Province of Tripoli is less known to the general public than the three others, and a map has been thought likely to prove service- able to the student of its literature. It extends along the coast from the island of Djerba to Tobrook, a little beyond the Bay of Bomba, rather more than 800 miles, including all the territory between Tunis and Egypt. Southward it comprises the territory of Fezzan, the town of Ghadames, and the oasis of Ghat. Along the coast, and to about seventy miles inland, there are fertile tracts, but beyond this limit the country is for the most part a barren desert, interspersed at intervals with a few oases. Nevertheless, it contains many spots of more than ordinary interest, celebrated by the poets and historians of Greece and Eome. The shores of the Syrtis were the terror of navigators, both in ancient and more modern times. Tripoli is the ancient Oea, which, with its neighbouring cities of Leptis and Sabrata, constituted a federal union styled Libya Tripoli- tana. Beyond this is Cyrenaica, or the Pentapolis, so named from its five Greek cities, Barca, Teuchira, Hosperis, Cyrene and its harbour Appolonia. Under the Ptolemies, Hesperis became Berenice, the modern Bengazi ; Teuchira was called Arsinoe, the modern Taucra; and the port of Barca was raised into a city b}^ the name of Ptolemais, the modern Tolenieta.f' The capital of all this district was Cyrene, the most important Hellenic city in Africa, founded B.C. 631. It gave its name to a well-known philosophic sect, and was the birthplace of many distin- guished people, while in commercial importance it almost rivalled Carthage ;/its cities were adorned with magnificent edifices, and its fountains and forests became the scene of many interesting mythological events. Here were the " dull forgetful waters " of Lethe and the garden of the Hesperides. The army of Cato nearly found a grave in the sands between it and Leptis Magna, and Oea, the capital of the Syrtica Eegio, was the birthplace of some of the most prominent characters in Koman history. Beyond the Cyrenaica and extending to the borders of Egypt was Marmarica, a sandy region stretching inland as far as the oasis of Jupiter Ammon. After the destruction of Carthage, Tripoli became a Roman province, the coast line subsequently passed into the hands of the Yandals, from whom it was rescued by Belisarius. Then came the most extraordinary movement which the world has ever seen, the sudden rise and extension of Mohammedanism, following the death of its founder, which oblite- rated every trace of Christianity and civilisation from Xorth Africa. Since then, with rare and short intervals, Tripoli has remained in the hands of the Mohammedans, the governnient of the caliphs being A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 561 succeeded by various local dynasties, and finally it passed into those of the Sultan in 1835. This is not the place for a detailed historical or geographical account of the country. The student will find all that can be said on these subjects, though perhaps an emharras de choix, in the works herein catalogued. No attempt at a systematic rendering of oriental names is possible ; authors must be held responsible for the orthography of the words used by them. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TEIPOLI AND THE CYKENAICA. 1. B.C. 484. Herodotus.— See Nos. 96, 2GG. 2. B.C. 350. Scylax of Caryanda. — See No. 9G. 3. A.D. 20. Strabo.— See Nos. 96, 202. 4. 41. Mela, Pomponius. — See No. 24. 5. 77. Pliny the Elder.— See Nos. 96, 248. 6. KiO. Ptolemy.— See No. 96. 7. 160. Antoninus Augustus. — See Nos. 94, 96, 216. 8. 238. Solinus Polyhistor.— See No. 96. 9. 413. Paulus Arosius.— See No. 96. 10. 527. Procopius of Cassarea. — See No. 55. 11. 630. Isodorus of Hispalis. — See No. 96. 12. 970. Ibn Haukal.— See Nos. 124, 200. 13. 1050. El-Bekri.— See No. 267. 13a. 1100. El-Edrisi.— See No. 185. 13b. 1300. En-Noweiri.— See Nos. 196, 210, 215. 13c. 1330. Abu '1 Eeda, Ismael.— See Nos. 118, 119, 121, 190, 194, 199. 14. 1355. Ibn Batuta.— See Nos. 168, 238, 239. 15. 1356. Treaty of Peace and Commerce between Ahmed Ilm-Meldci, Lord of Tripoli, &c., and the envoy of V(!nice. Mas-Latrie, Traites, D. pp. 222. See No. 326. 16. 1358. Protest and declaration of reprisals of Marco Yenier, Venitian .sliip- owner, against the acts of the Lord of Tripoli. Mas-Latrie, Traitds, D. pp. 228. 17. 1362. Letter of Credence from Laurentiiis Celsi, Doge of Venice, to Pierre Sante, Uucal Notary, charged with a Mission to Tripoli. Mas-Latrie, Traites, D. pp. 230. 18. 1375. Ibn Khaldun.— See No. 215. 19. 1510. Sanudo, Marino, Diary of. — Preserved in the Archives of Venice. Mas-Latrie, Traite's, D. pp. 256. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 563 Amongst other interesting matter this contains a letter dated 29th July, 1510, in which Don Pedro Navarro, commanding a Spanish force, reports having taken Tripoli. 20. 1510. Ferdinand of Arragon, writing to Henry VIII., informs him that Piedro Navarro stormed Tripoli on the 25th July, with great slaughter. 10,000 of the enemy were slain and the rest taken. Calend. State Papers, For. and Douj. Henry VIIL, vol. 1, 1509-1511, No. 1209. 21. 1510. Privilege awarded by Ferdinand to the Merchants of Barcelona to trade at Tripoli and Bougie. Mas-Latrie, Traites, D. pp. 336. 22. 1512. New Privilege granted by Ferdinand to the inhabitants of Cata- lonia to trade at Tunis, Algiers, Tripoli and Bougie. Mas-Latrie, Traites, D pp. 341. 23. 1524. Tripoli granted by Charles V. to the Knights of Rhodes upon certain conditions. Calend. State Papers, Yen, Ser. 1520-1526. 797-799. From the original letter-book in St. Mark's Library. 24. 1543. Pomponius Mela. — De Situ Orbis. Libri Tres, Basiliae, folio. Many other editions, amongst others, — Opera et Studio, J. Eeinoldii, Eton, 4to. 1814. Collection des Auteurs Latins avec la traduction en Francais public par M. Nisard ; Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius Mela. Paris : 1845, 8vo, pp. 709, Mela flourished about the middle of the first century. He examines the three divisions of the globe known to the ancients, and describes Mauritania ; Numidia, with its capital, Cirta ; Africa, with its cities, Hippone, Rusicada, Utica, Carthage, etc., Leptis, Lake Triton, the Island of the Lotophagi, Oea, the modern Tripoli, and the Cyrenaica with the oasis of Jupiter Ammon. 25. 1551. Tripoli taken by the Turks. Calend. State Papers, Foreign Ser., vol. 1547-1553, ed. vi., pp. 163, 165, 170, 172. " Letters from the Grand Master announce the surrender at discretion of Tripoli ; that M. d'Aramon had saved 200 men of note, that the rest of the soldiers, about 500, were put in chains, and others fit for the oar were impressed," 26. 1552, Salazar y Murdones, P. — Hystoria de la guerra y pressa de Africa ; con la destruycion de la villa de Monatzer y isola del Gozo, y perdida de Tripol de Berberia. Napoles. fol. 26a. 1553. Villegagnon, Nicolas Durand de. — Le discours de la guerre de Malte, contenant la perte de Tripolis et autre forteresses faussement imposee aux Fran9ais. Escrit en Latin a Charles V, par le Seigneur Nicolas de Villegagnon, puis traduit en nostre vulgaire par M. N. Edoard. Lyon : Svo, pp. 123. 27. 1556. Leo Africanus. — De Totius African Descriptione, libri ix. Antwerpiae, 1556 ; Zurich, 1559 : Svo. The author was an Arab of Granada, named El-Hassan bin Mohammed El- Ouezaz El-Gharnathi, who visited a great part of Africa. He was taken by Corsairs, and baptised by Leo X. His original work was in Arabic, but it has been translated into Latin and into nearly all the modern languages of Europe. The English version bears the title : A Particular Treatise of all the Maine lands and Isles described by John Leo, with map. London : 1600, 4to. A French translation, by Jean Temporal, was published at Lyon, 1556, folio ; and an Italian version is given in Ramusio, vol. 1. 564 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. The Fronch edition was re-published at Paris at the cost of Government in 1830 : 4 vol. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 640 ; 581 ; viii., 758 ; xxiii., 576. The first book treats of Africa in general ; the second and third are devoted to Morocco' and Fez; the fifth, sixth and seventh refer to various parts of Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli and the Cyrenaica. Though Leo was a native of Granada, he went to Africa at a very early age and studied at Fez and Morocco ; visited Timbuctou and many parts of the Barbary States before his conversion to Christianity. An interesting biographical sketch of this remarkable man is given by Berbrugger, Rev. Afr. vol. ii. 1858, p. 353. 28. 1560. Views of Tripoli. — Two very curious views of Tripoli about this date exist. One is in the British Museum (Press Mark 642, 10). The other is in the Public Record OfSce (see No. 1 of the Tripoli Archives). Both show the Quadiifrontal Arch entire and separate, and in the latter the town is being be- sieged by the army of Philip of Spain. Both are probably published at Venice, and the former is ascribed to D. Zenoi. 29. 1560. Cirni, Ant. Fr. Successi dell' Armata Catholica destinata all' im- presa di Tri|X)li de Barbaria. Venetia : 8vo. Reprinted at Florence in 1567. Svo. 30. 1561. Naval engagement between the Galleys of Philip of Spain and the Morres of Tripoli, in which the former were vanquished. Calend. State Papers — 1561-1562, 300. 31. 1561. Carreli^res, Th. de. Histoire de I'entreprise de Tripoli et prise de Gerbes par les Chvestiens en 1559. Lyon : 12mo. — See also Calend. State Papers, London. Foreign 1559-60, 859.-1066.— I.e. 1560-61, 450, 564. 32. 1566. Ulloa, Alphonso de. La historia dell' impresa de Tripoli di Bar- beria, della presa del Pegnon di Velez della Gomera in Africa et del successo della potentissima Armata Turchesca venuta sopra J'isola di Malta, I'anno 1565. Venetia: 4to, pp. 87. With a preface by G, B. Tebaldi. A second edition. Venetia : 4to, 1569. 33. 1568. Bertelli, F. Civitatum aliquot insigniarum, &c. Ten. : 4to. A collection of prints, one of which is of Triix)li. 34. 1568. Nicolas de Nicolai, Segnieur d'Artefeuilte. Ses premiers quatre livres des navigations et peregrinations orientales. Lyon: folio, pp. 181, with numerous illustrations. The author was Valet de chambre and Geographer in Ordinary to King Charles IX. There are many editions. Chap, xviii. treats of the " Fondation de la Cite de Tripoly." 35. 1573. Marmol-Caravajal, L. — Descripcion General de Affrica. Con todos Ids succsos de guerras que a avido entrc los infieles y el pueblo christiano. \ Granada : 2 vols, folio. Marmol was a native of Granada, served in the expedition of Charles V. against Algiers, was taken prisoner, and travelled during seven years and eight months over a great part of North Africa. A French translation was published by d'Ablancourt at Paris in 1667, 3 vols. 4to, pp. 532, 578, 304. Tripoli is described under the heading " Regno de Tvnez. Libro sexto," vol. 2. 36. 1581. A Treaty between France and Turkey, dated 6th July, renewed the capitulation with Sultan Amurat, therein styled Sovereign of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Seo Tab. dcs I^:tah. Franr. en Alg. 1841, ]). 416. See No. 195. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 565 37. 1583. Sanders, Thomas. — See Hakluyt ; also imblished separately at London in 1587 : 4to. 38. 1588. Sanuto, M. Livio. — Geografia distinta in xiii. libri, &c., con xii. tauole di essa Africa in dissegno di rame. Venezia, folio, pp. 146, with a copious index and 12 maps. Only one vol. was ever published. At pp. 64-66 is a description of Tripoli and the Cyrenaica. 39. 1588. Marcellinus, Ammianus. — Lives of the Emperors from Constan- tine to Valens and Gratian. V. Sylburgius Historian Komanaj Scriptores Latini minores. vol. ii. Also, Collection des Auteurs Latins avec la traduction en Fran^ais. M. Nisard, Paris : 1849. 40. 1597. A Treaty between Henry lY. of France, and Sultan Mahomet III. of Turkey, dated 25th Feb., confirmed the privileges granted to ambassadors, consuls and merchants in the Levant and Barbary, specifying Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, and conceded the Coral Fishery to France. See Tab. des [^tab. Franf. en Algdrie, 1841, p. 416. 41. 1599. Hakluyt, Kev. Bichard.— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation made by sea or overland, to the remote and furthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the com- passe of these 1600 yeres, &c. London : folio, 2 vols. pp. 620, 312—204. B.L. Vol. ii. part i. contains The English Voyages made by and within the Streight of Gibraltar. The following have reference to Tripoli : — 42. Page 177. A Letter of the English Ambassadors (W. Hareborne) to M. Edward Barton, enclosing the next-named " Commandement." 43. Page 177. The Commandement of the Grand Signior, obtained by Her Majesties Ambassador, M. Will. Hareborne, for the quiet passing of her subjects to and fro his dominions, sent in 1584 to the Viceroys of Algier, Tunis and Tripolis in Barbary. 44. Page 178. A Letter of the Hon. M. Will. Hareborne, Her Majesties Am- bassador with the Grand Signior, to M. Tipton, appointing him Consul of the English in Algier, Tunis and Tripolis of Barbaric, dated 30th March, 1585. — Tipton had already held this position at Algiers in an imofficial manner, for some time. 45. Page 184. The voyage made to Tripolis in Barbaric, in the yeere 1583, with a ship called the Jesus, wherein the adventures and distresses of some Englishmen are truely reported, and other necessary circumstances observed. Written by Thomas Sanders. This voyage was under the auspices of the Turkish Com- pany. The vessel was plundered, the master, Andrew Dier, was hanged, and the crew were doomed to slavery, and only released owing to the intercession of Queen Elizabeth at the Sublime Porte. 46. Page 191. Correspondence regarding the restitution of the shippe called the Jesus and the English captives detained in Tripolie in Barbaric and for certain other prisoners in Argier. 1584. A new edition, with additions, was published in 1809 and following year. This work has recently been reprinted by Messrs. E. & G. Goldsmid, of Edinburgh. 566 A BIBLIOGKAPHV OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAIOa. 48. 1003. Knolles, Richard, Fellow of Lincoln's College, Oxford. — The General History of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the risin* of the Othoman Faroilie, with all the notable expeditions of the Christian Princes against them, &c. London : folio, pp. 1152. The history is followed by " a brief discourse of the greatness of the Turkish Empire." 49. 1610. Tonsis, Battistino de. — Historia della guerra di Tripoli di Barbaria. 50. 1614. Purchas, Samuel. — llis Pilgrimage, or relation of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places, &c. London : 9 books, in 1 vol. folio, pp. 1047. Chapter viii. of the 6th book treats of * that part of Barbaric now called the Kingdom of Tunis and Tripoli.' With map. Several other editions. 51. 1620. Mala, Petro. — Relazione della presca fatta ai Turchi dalle galere di Francia in Barberia. 8vo. 62. 1625. Purchas, Samuel, "Parson of St. Martins neare Ludgate." — His Pilgrims in 5 bookes (4 vols.), London : folio, pp. 1973. At vol. ii. p. 874. The Description of Alger, written by Nicholas Nicholay, . . . and also of Malta and Tripolie. 53. 1649. Dan, Le Rev. P. Fr. Pierre, Superieur de I'ordre de la S. Trinito au Chasteau de Fontaine-bleau. — Histoire de Barbaric et de ses corsaires, des royaumes, et des villes d'Alger, de Tunis, de Sale et de Tripoli. Paris : folio, pp. 489. From p. 250 to 255 is more especially devoted to Tripoli. There were but few slaves there in the author's time. 64. 1650. Birago Avogadro, Dr. Gio. Batt. — Historia Africana, della divisione dell' Imperio degli Arabi. E dell'origine e dei progressi della Monarchia de' Mahometani distesa per I'Africa e per le Spagne. Venitia : 4to, pp. 445. P, 300, Tripoli confederata di Algieri. P. 324, Tripoli posseduta da Goti. A French translation by M[ichel] d[e] P[ure]. Paris, 1666, ISmo, pp. 262. 55. 1053. Procopius of Csesarea. — Several editions of the original exist, and one English translation by Sir Henry Holcroft. — History of the Warres of the Emperour Justinian, 8 books, London : folio, 1053. This translation is exceedingly rare. No copy exists in the British Museum or the Advocates' Library in Edinburgh ; there is one at the Bodleian, and another at Aberdeen. 56. 1654. Chaulmer, — Le tableau de I'Afiique ou sout rci)rcsentes les royaumes, republiques, principaut^s, iles, presqu'ilcs, forts, &c., do cette seconde partie du monde. Paris : 12mo, pp. 359. Chap. II. Section Y. treats of Tripoli, the Cyreuaica and the Marmarica. 67. 1054. Tabula Peutingeriana, ex edit. G. Harini, Amst. See Appendix to Shaw, No. *J0. Also ' La Table do Peutiuger d'aprOs I'origiual conserve i Yienne, par Ernest Desjardins.' Paris ; 1809. 58. 1655. Sanson, Nicolas, d'Abbeville. — Partie de la Costc de Barbaric en Afrique, oil sont les Royaumss de Tunis et de Tripoli et pays circonvoisins, tir^s de Sanuto. Paris : 4to. No pagination. See No. 19. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 567 59. 1660. A Chart or View of Tripoli.— Showing an attack made by boats ou a large vessel in the harbour. A drawing, coloured, in the King's Collection, Brit. Mus. (cxvii. 61.) This is followed by another pen-and-ink view of the same town (cxvii. 62). 60. 1662. Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Sir John Lawson, 18th October, 1662. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 125. 61. 1667. De Voornaemste Steden der Werelts.— The Principall Citties of the "World ; known as G. van Schagen's collection. Amsterdam : oblong 4to. Two of the prints, one with the legend in French, represent Tripoli. The latter is the same view as that given in Mortier, No. 86. 62. 1668-70. Dapper, O.— Naukerige Beschryvinge der Afrikaenschen Ge- westen von Egypten, Barbaryen, Libyen, Biledulgered, Negroslant, Guinea, Ethiopia, Abyssinie. Amsterdam : folio. French translation published 1686, folio. German translation, 1670. See also Nos. 63, 75. Part iii. treats of the Barbary States, including Tripoli and Barca ; part iv. of the Belad et Djerid, and part v. of Libya. It contains a curious view of Tripoli. 63. 1670. Ogilby, John. — Africa : being an accurate] description of the regions of Egypt, Barbary, Libya, and the Billedulgerid, etc. Folio, maps and plates. A mere translation of Dapper. The author is a very miscellaneous writer, but an unconscientious plagiarist. 64. 1675. Treaty of Peace and Commerce between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Sir John Narborough, 5th March, 1675-76. (Renewed by Article xxv. of the Treaty of 1716.) Hertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 128. 65. 1676. Hollar, W.— Links oben Tripoli in Barbary. A separate print. See Parthey, No. 1203. Very rare. 66. 1675. Seller, John, Hydrographer to the King. — Atlas Maritimus, or the Sea Atlas, being a book of Maritime Charts describing the sea-coasts, capes, head- lands, etc., in most of the known parts of the world. London : folio. One of them is a bird's-eye view of Tripoli, coloured, engraved by Hollar. 67. 1676. Helatione del Nuovo incendio seguito alii 24 di febrero 1676 tra le navi inglese et quelle de Tripoli de Barbaria. Milano : 4 to. 68. 1676. Narrative of the burning of four men-of-war at Tripoli. London : folio. 69. 1685. A Treaty was signed between France and Tripoli after the bombard- ment of the latter town by the Due d'Estrees. The Tripolitans restored 600 Christian slaves, two French vessels, and paid a large indemnity. Tab. des l^tab. Franf. en Alg. 1841, p. 420. 70. 1685. Tripoli le 16 Maggio, 1685. Distiuto Raggeruglio gionto per lettera particolare ad un Mercantc nel porto d' Ancona. Roma, Modena, Parma : Sm. 4to, p. 3. An account of various phenomena which appeared at Tripoli, and the sufferings of some Christian slaves at the hands of the Mohammedans, contained in a collection of tracts in the Brit. Mus., Press mark : ' ' (1-55.) 71. 1687. KnoUes, Richard. The Turkish History from the original of that Nation to the growth of the Ottoman Empire, with the lives and conquests of 568 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. their Priuces and Emperors. With a continuation to this present year, 1687, by Sir Paul Ryeant, eighteen years consul at Smyrna. London : folio, 3 vol., pp. 990, 338-G06. At vol. ii. p. 136 is " State of the affairs of England in reference to ... . Algiers and other parts of Barbary." 72. 1088. Petit de la Croix. — Relation Universelle de I'Afrique Ancienne et Moderno. Lyon : 4 vol. 8vo. ; and 1713. 73. 1694, Additional Articles between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Thomas Baker, late Consul-General, 11th October, 1694. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 136, and Calend. Treas. Papers, 1557-1696, p. 392. 74. 1694. Schauplatz barbarischer Slaverei, oder, von Algier, Tripoli, Tunis, und Salee. Hamburg : 8vo, pp. 124. 75. 1695. A collection of prints in the British Museum, Press mark S. 148 (38), contains some most interesting views of places in Africa. Published probably in Amsterdam. The legends are in Dutcli and English. No. 5 repre- sents Trii)oli. There are also views of Algiers, Djidjeli and Tunis. The volume has no letterpress or title. ? Dapper. No. 63. 76. 1700. Godefroy, P5re, Comelin et Philemon de la Motte, missionnaires de la tres Sainte Trinite et Redemption dcs Captifs. Etat des Royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger, contenant I'liistoire naturelle et politique de ces Pais ; la maniere dont les Turcs y traitent les esclaves, comme on les rachete ; et divers avantures curieuses. Avec la Tradition de I'Eglise pour le rachat ou le soulagement des Captifs. Rouen : 12mo, pp. 263, 270. The first letter, pp. 1 to 90, is " Etat Chretien et politique du Royaume de Tripoli," and contains an interesting account of the state of Christian Slavery there. Other editions published at La Haye, 1704, and at Rouen, 1731. 77. 1700. Glorioso triumfo conscguido por quatro galeras de la religion de S. Juan en los mares de Berberia, apressando un vaxel de Tripoli Ilamado Sultana, al 9 de Octobre de 1700. Barcelona. 78. 1702. P. SchenMi, Hccatompolis sive totius orbis Terrarum oppida nobiliora centum. Amsterdam : obi. 4to. A collection of coloured engravings, of which one (89) represents Tripoli. 79. 1705. Harris, John, A.M. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or a complete collection of voyages and travels, consisting of above four hundred of the most authentic writers; beginning with Hakluit, Purchas, &c., in English; Ramusio in Italian ; Thevenot, &c,, in French ; De Bry and Gryna;i Novus Orbis in Latin ; the Dutch East India Company in Dutch ; and continued with others of note, &c., &c. London : 2 vol. folio, pp. 862, 928 and [App.] 56. Ch. xii. contains ... a short account of Malta and Tripoli ; taken from Nicholas Nicolay. 80. 1708. Allerneuster Zustand der Afrikanischen Konigreiche Tripoli, Tunis, und Algitr, von eiucm gelerten Jesuiten. Aus dem Franzosischen. Hamburg : 8vo, pp. 124. 81. 1712. Lucas, PauL Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas, fiiit par Ordre du Roy, dans la Grece, I'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine et I'Africiuc. Description de I'Ana- tolie, la Caramanie, la Macedoine, Jerusalem, TEgypte, le Fioume, et un Mcmoire pour servir i I'histoirc de Tunis, depuis 1684. Paris : 12mo, 2 vol. illustrated. pp. 410-417. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 569 Ch. X. vol. ii. describes his visit to Mesurata and Tripoli. Chap. xi. a voyage in the mountains of Derna, Gyrene, Bengazi, &c. 82. 1715. Van der Aa, Pierre.— La Galerie Agreable du Monde ou Ton voit en un grand nombre de cartes et de Belles Tailles-Douces, les principaux Empires, &c. Le tout mis en ordre et execute a Leide : sm. folio. Plates ISTos. 13a and 14 are copies of those previously noticed. No. 75. No. 15 is " Maniere de Supplicier Ics esclaves a Tripoli." The vol. also contains some interesting views of Algiers and Tunis. 83. 1716. Treaty between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Vice- Admiral John Baker, 19th July, 1716. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 137. 84. 1718. Bowe, Nicholas. Lucan's Pharsaha, translated into English verse. London : folio, jip, sxv. 446-55. In Book ix. is an account of Cato's gathering the remnants of the Battle of Pharsalia, and transporting them to Gyrene; a description of the Syrtis follows, and a digression concerning the Temple of Jupiter Ammon. 85. 1720. Treaty between the Bey of Tripoli and France, 4th July and 19th Aug., in favour of French commerce. Tab. des Etab. Fr. en Alg. 1841, p. 422. 88. 1720 (?) Les Forces de I'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique, ou descrip- tion des principales Villes avec leurs fortifications. Dessignees par les Meilleurs Ingenieurs, &c. Amsterdam : 4to. No. 158 represents Tripoli, a mere sketch outline evidently coj^ied from Van Schagen's collection. This one is published by Pierre Mortier, 87. 1724. Vera . . . relazione della battaglia seguite in mare tra un vascello corsaro Tripolino e le galere della sagra Eeligione di Malta con la presa di detto vascello. In Lucca ed in Bologna : 4to. 88. 1725. Laugier de Tassy, N.— Histoire du Royaume d'Alger. Amsterdam : 12mo, maps. The author was Commissaire de la Marine for the King of Spain in Holland. His work was pirated in English by Morgan in 1728 and 1750, and it has been translated into several other languages. It was also pirated in French, ' Etat General et particulier du Pioyaume etde la ville d'Alger, et de son gouvernement, &c.' La Haye: 1750, 12mo. A new edition of the original work was published in 1732 under the title: 'i^tat d'esclavage des Chretiens au Eoyaume d'Alger avec celui de son gouvernement, &c.' Amsterdam : 8vo, pp. 300. The author copies freely Irom Marmol. a' Spanish edition was published at Barcelona in 1733, pp. 340, with maps and view of Algiers. 89. 1729. Treaty between France and Tripoli, dated 9th June * Tab des Iiltab. Fr. en Alg., 1841, p. 422. 90. 1731. Godefroy, le P.— Etat des Eoyaumes de Barbaric, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger; contenant I'histoire politique et naturelle de ces pais— La maniere dont les Turcs y traitentles esclaves, comme on les rachete et di verses aventures curieuses —Avec la tradition de 1' Eglise pour le rachat des captifs. Eouen : 12nio. 91. 1731. Condamine, de la.— Voyage en Barbaric et en Orient. MS. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. * Confirmed on the 30th June, 1793. 570 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 92. 1732. Cellarius, Christophorus. — Notitiae orbis antiqvii, sive geo- graphiae plenoris Tomus alter Asiam et Africam antiquam exponens. Vol. ii. Lipsiae : 4to, pp. 970. Lib. iv. cap. ii. p. 838, De Marmarica et Pentapoli Cyrenaica. Cap. iii. Do Kegioiie Syrtica. Cap. iv. De Africa Propria, sev. Cartbaginiensi. He mentions tbat no part of tbe coast of Africa was called Tripolis till tbe close of the 1st century. 93. 1733. Hebenstreit, J. E., Professor of Medicine at tbe University of Leipzig. — De Antiquitatibus romanis per Africam repertis. Leipzig : 4to. 94. 1735. Antonini Augusti Itinerario. — See Appendix to Shaw, No. 9G. 95. 1735. D'Arvieux, Le Chevalier, Consul d'Alep, d'Alger et de Tripoli. — Me'moires de . . . . mis en ordre par le E. P. Jean-Baptiste Labat, de I'ordre des Freres Precbeurs. Paris : 6 vol., 12mo. At vol. 5, p. 413 is " Memoire presents au Eoi pour reprimer I'insolence des Corsaires de Tripoli d'Afrique et pour les forcer h. une paix avantageuse aux sujets de S. M." 96. 1738. Shaw, Thomas, d.d., f.r.s., Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. — Travels and Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and tbe Levant. Oxford : folio, pp. xv., 442, 60 ; second edition, 4to. Dr. Sbaw was chaplain to tbe Consulate at Algiers. This is one of the most valuable works ever written on North Africa. See * Quarterly Review,' vol. xcix. p. 331. He does not allude to Tripoli, but in an Appendix he gives : — Sylloge ex- cerptorum ex veteribus Geograpbis Historicis, &c., or a collection of such extracts from the old Geographers, Historians, &c., as chiefly relate to that' part of Africa or Barbary known by the name of the Kingdom of Algiers and Tunis, as follows : — Herodoti Halicarnass Histor., Libro iv.. Lug, Bat. 1715. Scylacis Caryandensis Periplo, Oxon. 1698. Strabouis Rerum Geographicae, Libris ii. et xvii., Amst. 1619. CI. Ptolema;! Geograpbire, Libro iv. et viii., Amst. 1619. Pomponio Mela, De Situ Orbis, Isca3 Dumnon., 171L C. Plinii Secundi Hist. Naturalis, Libro v.. Par. 1685. J. Solini Polybistore, Traj. ad Rhen. 1685. Antonini Aug. Itinerario, Lug. Bat. 1738. ^thici Cosmographia, Lug. Bat. 1696. J. Honorii Oratoris excerptis, ibid. Sexti Rufi Breviario Hist. Roman;v!, Hanov. 1611. Pauli Orosii Adversus Paganos Historia, Col. 1582. Martiani Minei Felicis Capellai de Nuptiis Philosopbiie, Lib. vi., Bas. 1577. Isidori His- palensis Originum, Lib. xiv., ibid. Collatione Carthaginensi, Notitia Episcoporum Africa; sub Hunerico, Concilio Carthaginensi sub Cypriano, &c. ; sive Notitia omnium Episcopatuum Ecclesite Africana3 ; qua) prasfigitur S. Optuli de Schism. Donatistarum Libris septem, opera et studio M. Lud. Ell. Du Pin, Antuer. 1702. Notitia utraque Dignitatum cum Orientis turn Occidentis, ultra Arcadii Honoriique tempora, Lugd. 1608. Ravcnatc anonymo, Amst. 1696. Tabula Peutingeriana, ex edit. G. Hornii, Amst. 1654. [This table, which is indis- i:)ensable for students of the Ancient Geography of North Africa, has been repro- duced in autograph from the original MS. in the Imperial Library at Vienna by B. Chambrier, " Commis auxiliaire au Secrcitariat du Conseil de Gouvernement du Gouvernement General de TAlgcrie."] Shaw's work was translated into French, and published at La Haye, 1743, 2 vol. 4to, carte et figures; and into German, and published at Leipzig, 1765, 4to. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 571 07. 1740. Bodenehr, G. — A collection of prints without any published title, Augsberg: fol. Press mark in Brit. Mus., S. 148 (38). Two of these represent Tripoli. 98. 1740-1751. An Universal History, from the earliest times to the present, compiled from original authors and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, chrono- logical, and other tables. London : folio, 8 vol. Vol. vii. chap. 7. The history of the Libyans and Greeks, inhabiting the tract between the borders of Egypt and the Eiver Triton, comprehending Mar- marica, Cyrenaica, and the Regio Syrtica. 89. 1742. Tollot, Le'Sieur. — Nouveau voyage fait au Levant, es annees 1731- 1732, contenant les descriptions d'Alger, Tunis, Tripoly de Barbarie, &c. Paris : 8vo, pp. 354. See also Piesse Rev. Afr. vol. xi. p. 417. The author merely touched at Tripoli on his way from Algiers and Tunis to Egypt. 100. 1746. Hardion, M.— Histoire de la Yille de Cyrenc. Hist, de TAcad. Roy. des Inscr. et Belles Lettres, t. 3, pp. 391-413. Read 17th Dec, 1715. Commences an account of the ancient history of Cyrene taken from classic authors. M. Hardion died before it was completed. See No. 113. 101. 1750. A compleat history of the Piratical States of Barbary, viz, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoly, and Morocco. Containing the origin, revolutions, and present state of those kingdoms, their forces, revenues, and policies and commerce. With a plan of Algiers and a map of Barbary, by a gentleman (ilorgan) who resided there many years in a public character. 8vo. This was translated into French by Boyer de Prebandier in 1757. The work is of little value ; it is a mere translation of Laugier de Tassy, who again copied from Marmol. Morgan was an indefatigable plagiarist. 102. 1750. Historical Memoir of Barbary, and its Maritime Power, as con- nected with the Plunder of the Seas ; including a sketch of Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis, an account of the various attacks made upon them by the several States of Europe, considerations on their present means of defence, and the original treaties entered into with them by Charles II. Another edition published at London in 1815. 103. 1751. Treaty between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by the Hon. Augustus Keppel, Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean, and Consul-General Robert White, 19th Sept., 1751.— Hertslet's Treaties, vol. i. pp. 143. 104. 1751. Nauze, M. de la.— Histoire du Calendrier Egyptien. Hist, de I'Acad. Roy. des Inscr. et Bell. Lett., t. 16, pp. 170. At p. 181 is an account of an inscription said to have been taken to France from Tripoli, which had been originally placed in the Amphitheatre of Bere- nice by the Magistrates and Jews. 105. 1754. Fr^ret, Nicolas. — Observations surl'epoque d'une ancienne Inscrip- tions grecque apportee de Tripoli d'Afrique en Province et placee dans le Cabinet de M. le Bret. Hist, de I'Acad. Roy. des Inscr, et Bell. Lett. t. 21, pp. 35-225. This is a decree of the Jews of Berenice ordering an eulogium on M. Titius every new moon. 106. 1754. Istoria degli Stati di Algeri, Tunisi, Tripoli e Marocco, Tras- portata fedelemente dalla lingua Inglese nell' Italiano. In Londra : 12mo, pp. 376. 572 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 107. 1766. Fr^ret, M. Observations sur le rapport dcs Mesures Grecques et des Mesures Roniaine?. Mem. de Litt. tire's dcs Reg. de I'Acad. Roy. dcs Inscr. and Bell. Let., t. 24, pp. 548-568. At. p. 554 is a comparison of the measures in the Cyrenaica. 108. 1757. Histoire des Etats Barbaresques qui exercent la Piraterie. Contenant I'origiue, les revolutions et I'etat prdsent des Royaunies d'Alger, de Tunis, de Tripoli et de Maroc. Par un auteur (Morgan) qui y a reside plusieurs anne'es avec caract^re public. Traduit de I'Auglois par Boyer de Prebandier. Paris : 2 vol. 18mo, pp. 388 and 287. See No. 101. 109. 1762. Treaty between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Archibald Cleveland, Esq., H.B.M. Ambassador to the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, on the 22nd July 1762. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 151. Cal. State Papers Dom. Ser. 1760-1765, No. 623. 110. 1764. Anderson, Adam. — An Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce. Loudon : 2 vol. folio. This gives an account of the establishment of Consuls, of whom John Tipton of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli was one of the first ever appointed. 111. 1766. Harrison, Commodore Thos. His Mission to Tripoli. See Cat, Home Office Papers. 1766-69. Nos. 123, 176. With the original documents (15^ pp.) is a well-executed plan and survey of the harbour of Tripoli. 112. 1771. Monro, Dr. Alexander. — Of a pure native crystalised natron or fossil alkaline salt, found in the Country of Tripoli in Barbary. Phil. Trans. Abr. \ xiii. p. 216. 113. 1774. Belley, L'Abb^. Observations sur I'histoire et sur les Monumens de la ville de Cyr^ne. Mem. de Litt. tires des Reg. de I'Academie Royale des Inscr. et Bell. lett. t. 37, pp. 363-390. This is a continuation of M. Hardion's Account, see No. 100. 114. 1775. Schloezer, August Ijud"wig von. — Summarische Gcsch. v. Nord- Africa, namentlich, von Marocko, Algier, Tunis und TriiX)li. Qottingen, 8vo, pp.93. Very little of this work is devoted to Tripoli. 115. 1776. Borg, Antonio. — " Piano del Porto di Tripoli e fortificazioni," drawn on a scale of 150 paces to an inch, with a "prospettiva della citt;\ di Tripoli." Add. MSS. Brit. Mus. 13, 950, 76. 116. 1781. Hebenstreit, Joannes Ernestus. — Vicr Berichtc von seiner auf Befehl Friedrich Augusts L im Jahre 1732 in Begleitung einiger anderer Gelehrtea and Klinstler auf den Afrikanischen Kiisten nach Algier, Tunis und Tripolis angestellten Reise. — See J. Bernouillis Sammlung Kurzer-Reisebeschreibungen, &c., Bd. 9-12 ; also Eyries, Nouv. Ann. des Voyages, t. xlvi. 1830. pp. 1-90. 117. 1785. Voyage dans les Iiltats Barbaresques de IMaroc, Alger, Tunis et Tripoly, ou lettrcs d'un des captifs qui viennent d'etre rachetes par MM. les Chanoines reguliers de la Sainte Trinite', suivies d'une notice sur leur racbat et du catalogue de leurs noms. Paris : 12mo. This gives a list of 313 captives redeemed. 118. 1789. Ismail ibn Ali (Abu'l Feda). — Abulfedae Annalcs Muslemici Arabice et Latine opera et studiis J. J. Reiskii. Nunc primum cdidit J. G. C. Adler. Ilafniae : 1789-94. 4to. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 573 119. 1790. Ismail ibn Ali (Abu '1 Feda). — Ismaelis abulfedae annaliuin Moslemicorum excerpta, quae ad Historiam Afiicanam et Siculam specfant sub imperio Arabum. Folio. Arab, and Latin. 120. 1790. Bruce, James. — Travels to discover the source of the Nile in 1768-1763. Edinburgh: maps and plates, 5 vols. 4to. This contains a notice of his explorations in Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli and the Cyrenaica before starting for Sicily, Baalbec, Palmyra and subsequently Egypt. A French translation published in Paris, translated by J. Castera in 1790-91. 121. 1791. Ismail ibn Ali (Abu '1 Feda).— Abulfedae Africa. Curavit I, G. Eichhorn. Arab. Gottingae : 8vo. 122. 1794. A Short Account of Algiers, and of its several Wars . . . with a concise account of the origin of the rupture between Algiers and the United States. Philadelphia : Svo, pp. 50. 123. 1800. Rennel, Major James, Surv. Gen. Bengal. — The Geographical System of Herodotus examined and explained by a comparison with those of other ancient authors and with Modern Geography. In the course of the work are introduced . . . The oasis and Temple of Jupiter Ammon, the ancient circum- navigation of Africa, &c. London: 4to, pp. 766, with 11 maps. Sect. xxii. Of the Tribes who inhabited the coast and country of Libya between Egypt and Carthage. Sect, xxiii. Concerning the two Syrtes ; the Lake Tritonis, &c. Map ix. The coast and country of Libya. 124. 1800. Ibn-HaukaL — The Oriental Geography of Ibn Haukal, an Arabian Traveller of the 10th Century, translated by Sir W. Ouseley. London : 4to. 125. 1801. Treaty between France and Tripoli, dated 19th June, containing the "most favoured nation " clause. Tab. des l^tab. Fr. en Alg. 1841, p. 423. 120. 1802. Horneman, Frederick. — Journal of travels from Cairo to Mour- zouk the Capital of the Kingdom of Fezzan in Africa, in the year 1797-8. London : 4to, pp. 195, with 2 maps. The author was employed by the Society for Exploring the Interior of Africa. He went direct from Cairo to Mourzouk, and thence to Tripoli, whence he returned to Mourzouk. Also a French translation, Paris, 1803, 2 vol. Svo, with valuable notes by Langles principally from Arab authors. 127. 1802-3. Cuny, C. — Tableau historique des decouverts et e'tablissements Europeens dans le nord et I'ouest de I'Afrique, jusqu'au commencement du xix Siecle, augmente du Voyage d'Horniman dans le Fezzan, et de tous les renseigne- ments qui sont parvenus depuis a la Society d'Afrique sur les empores du Bornou, du Kashna, &c. Traduit par Cuny. Paris : An. xii., Svo. 128. 1805. "W. E. (William Eaton) — Interesting details of operations of the American fleet in the Mediterranean, Letter from W. E,, an officer, to hi* fi-iend in the county of Hampshire (Mass.). Springfield : Svo, pp. 32. 129. 1806. History of the "War between the United States and Tripoli, and other Barbary Powers, to which is prefixed a Geographical, Religious and Political History of the Barbary States in general. Printed at the Salem Gazette office, Salem, U.S.A. : 12mo, pp. 144. In an appendix is given a letter from General William Eaton to the Secretary of the Navy, dated 9th Aug., 1805. 130. 1808. Murray, Alexander.— James Bruce; account of his life and writings. Edinburgh : 4to, maps and plates. VOL. II. 2 P 574 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 131. 1812. Treaty between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Captain Matliew Siaith, ll.M.S. Comus. lOth May, 1812. Ilertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 152. 132. 1813. Blaqui6re, Edward. — Letters from the Mediterranean ; containing a civil and political account of Sicily, Tripoli, Tunis and Malta; with Biblio- graphical Sketches, &c. London : 8to, 2 vol. pp. G52, 460. The first 105 pp. of vol. 2 are on Tripoli. A German translation : Briefe aus dem Mittellandischen Meere, forms vols. XXV. and xxvi. of ' Neue Bibliothek der wichtigsten Reisebeschreibungcn,' &c., von F. J. Bertuch, &c. Weimar : 1815-35, 8vo, 65 vol., maps and en- gravings. 133. 1813. Eaton, General William, Life of. — Brookfield, U.S.A. : Svo, pp. 448. At p. 301 is an extract from his journal relating to his march from Alexandria through the desert to Derna. 134. 1813. Biography of Commodore Decatur. — The Analectic Maga. Philadelphia : vol. i. p. 502. 135. 1814. All Bey el Abbassi, Pseudonym of D. Badia y Leblich, a Spanish traveller. — Voyages en Afrique et en Asie pendant les Annees 1803-1807. Paris, 3 vol. 8vo, with atlas, long folio, Ixxxiii. plates, of which the first, from i. to xii. bis, relate to Morocco, xiii. to xv. relate to Tripoli. An English version was published at London, 1816, 2 vol. 4to, and a second French edition at Paris, 1884, 3 vol. 12mo. The author travelled as a Turk ; he landed at Tangier, where he saw the Sultan, passed through Meknes to Fez, where he resided a winter, returned to the coast at Laraiche, where he embarked for Tripoli, and the further East. Vol. i. chap. xxii. contains an account of Tripoli, with a plan of the great Mosque and copies of several Roman inscriptions. 136. 1816. Treaty between Great Britain and Tripoli, signed by Lord Exmouth, 29th April, 1816. Ilertslet's Treaties, vol. i. p. 153. Placing the inhabitants of the Ionian Islands on the same footing as natives of Great Britain. 137. 1816. Declaration, signed by the Bey of Tripoli at the instance of Lord Exmouth, providing for the abolition of Christian Slavery, 1. c. p. 155. It is curious that nothing exists on this subject in the Tripoli Archives. 138. 1816. Janson, W. — A View of the Present Condition of the States of Bar- bary; or an account of the Climate, Soil, Produce, Population, Manufactures, Naval and Military strength of Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis. Also a Description cf their Mode of Warfare, interspersed with anecdotes of their Cruel Treatment of Christian captives, illustrated by a new and correct hydrographical map, drawn by J. J. Ashoton. This gives an account of the American War on Tripoli, and of Eaton's ex- pedition from Egypt to Derna. 139. 1816. Historical Memoirs of Barbary, as connected with the Plunder of the Seas ; including a sketch of Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis, an account of the various attacks made upon them by several States of Europe ; considerations of their present means of defence; and the original treaties entered into with them by Charles II. London : 12mo, ])]i. 112. The portion devoted to Tripoli and Barca is from jip. 53 to 58. It is with- out value. A BIBLIOGRAPHr OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 575 140. 1816. Hunt, Gilbert T.— The late War between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to February 1815, written in the ancient historical style : containing also a sketch of the late Algerine War, and the Treaty concluded with the Dey of Algiers. New York : Svo, pp. 331. The whole work is a poor travesty of Biblical language, very partial to the U.S., and generally untrustworthy, being a mere compilation. See also two articles in the Analectic Keview, Philadelphia, vol. vii. pp. 105-113 and 113-131. The former gives a sketch of the Barbary States ; the latter narrates Decatur's expedition against Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, which proved successful where European fleets had failed. 141. 1816-17. Mareelli, Steph. Ant. — Africa Christiana. Brixiae : 3 vol. 4to, pp. 391, 376, 341, with maps of Mauritania, Numidiaand Tripolita. This is the great standard work on the African Church. 142. 1817. DUmge, Dr. C. G. — Ansichten von Tripoly, Tunis und Algier, aus dem Eeiseberichten Franzosischen Missionairs. Stuttgart : Svo. pp. 120. 143. 1817. Tully, Richard. — Narrative of a ten years' residence at Tripoli in Africa, from the original correspondence in the possession of the family of the late Richard Tully, Esq., the British Consul. Written by his Sister. London : 4to, pp. 370, with map and 6 coloured plates. Reviewed in the Monthly Review, 1818, vol. Ixxxvii. pp. 113-121, and the Christ. Observer, vol. xvi. pp. 453-467. 144. 1817. Leyden, John, and Hugh Murray. — Historical account of Dis- coveries and Travels in Africa . . . with illustrations of its Geography and Natural History as well as the moral and social conditions of its inhabitants. 2nd edition. Edinburgh : 2 vol. 8vo, pp. 512-535. Vol. i. p. 296, contains an abstract of Mr. Lucas' journey from Tripoli to Fezzan ; p. 417, Horneman's journej'- to Jupiter Amnion, Fezzan and Tri- poli. Vol. ii. p. 209, Voyage of the Jesus to Tripoli; p. 230, Shaw's travels in Barbarj^ ; p. 252, TuUy's Tripoli ; at p. 521 there is a bibliography of im- portant works relating to Africa. The original edition was published in 1799, and a French translation by Cuvillier appeared in Paris, 4 vol. 8vo, with atlas, in 1821. 145. 1818. Declaration of the Bey of Tripoli, forbidding his vessels from cruising near any British Port. Signed by Consul-Gen. H. Warrington, 8th March, 1818. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. iii. p. 27. 146. 1819. Delia Cella, Paolo. Viaggio da Tripoli di Barberia alle Frontieri occidentali dell' Egitto, fatto nel 1817 dal Dottore Paolo Delia Cella, e scritto in littera al Sig. D. Viviani. Genoa : 8vo. An English translation was published at London, 1822 : ' Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary to the Western Frontier of Egypt in 1817 by the Bey of Tripoli, in letters to Dr. Viviani, of Genoa, by Paolo Delia Cella, M.D., Physician Attendant of the Bey ; with an appendix containing instructions for navigating the Great Syrtis. Translated from the Italian by Anthony Avifrere, Esq.' London : 8vo, pp. 238. Reviewed in Quart. Rev. vol. xxvi., 1822, pp. 209-229, and in Edin. Rev. vol. xlviii., 1828, pp. 220-235. Also a French edition : ' Voyage en Afrique au royaume de Barca et dans la Cyrenaique,' traduit par A. Pezaut. Paris, 1840. The author gives an animated description of what he saw, but his work is superficial. 2 p 2 676 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 147. 1821. Lyon, Capt. G. F., R.N. — A narrative of Travels in Northern Africa in the years 1818, 181'J and 1820. Accompanied by geographical notices of Soudan, and the course of the Niger. London : 4to, pp. 383, map, and 17 coloured plates. The author accompanied Mr. Ritchie, who was employed by the British Government, on a mission to Central Africa, where he died. He started from Tripoli, and travelled as far south as 24° N. lat. A French translation by L. Ed. Gauthier was published in Paris, 1882, 2 vol. 12mo. See also Tripoli Archives, No. 17. 148. 1821. Walckenaer, C. A., Membre de I'lnstitut. — Recherches geographiques sur I'intdrieur de I'Afrique Septentrionale, comprenant I'histoire des Voyages entrepris ou exe'cutes jusqu'a ce jour pour penetrer dans ITnte'rieur du Soudan, &c. Paris : 8vo, pp. 525, with a map. Part iii. p. 249 et seq. contains an account of the various routes inland from Tripoii. See also Journ. des Savants, 1822, p. 104. 149. 1821. Niles, John M. — The life of Oliver Hazard Parry, with an appendix comprising a biographical memoir of ... . Commodores Bainbridge and Decatur. Hartford, U.S. : \2mo, pp. 384. Bainbridge commanded the PhiJadelphia, which ran ashore at Tripoli, when he and his crew were made prisoners. Both were distinguished in the Barbary War. 150. 1821. Hutton, Catherine. — The tour of Africa, containing a concise account of all the countries in that quarter of the globe hitherto visited by Europeans. London : 3 vol. 8vo. Written as if by an imaginary traveller. Vol. iii. p. 468 et seq. refers to Tripoli. 151. 1824. Jomard. — Decouvertes recentes en Afrique nouvelles tirees du Quarterly Review, Dec. 1823. Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris, t. 2, p. 11. 152. 1824. Viviani, D. — Florae Libycae Specimen. Folio. Genoa, 153. 1825. Hamaker, H. A. — Lettres de M. H. Arent. Hamaker a M. Raoul Rochette sur une inscription en caracteres pheniciens et grecs recemment decou- verte a Cyrene. Leyde : 4to, lithographed, 1 plate. 154. 182G. Denham, Major, Captain Hugh Clapperton, and tlie late Dr. Oudney. — Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823 and 1824. Extending across the Great Desert to 10° N. Lat., and from Kouka in Bornou to Sackatoo, the capital of the Felatah Empire. London : 2 vol. 8vo, 3rd edition, 1828, pp. 471, 465, with maps, plates, and illustrations. An American edition was published in Boston, 1 vol. 8vo, p]x Ixiv. + 255 + 104 + 112. The authors started from Tripoli, and the two first returned to the same place. — See also Tripoli Archives. 155. 1826. Letronne, J. Ant. — Rapport de la Commission nommde par I'Academie pour examiner les resultats du voyage en Cyrdnaiquo et en Mar- marique, par M. PacliO. Journ. des Sav. pp. 166-170. Project of publication of Pacho's work, 1. c. p. 505. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 577 156. 1826. Malte-Bruin, M. — Rapport des Commissaires nommes par la Commission Centrale de la Soc. de Geogr. pour examiner les resultats du voyage de M. Pacho dans la Cyrenaique. Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris, t. 5, pp. 558-576. The Society voted him the prize of 3000f. 157. 1826. Gr&berg da Hemsb, Covmt J. C, Danish Consul at Tripoli. — Letter from TripoH. He gives news of Major Gordon Laing. Bull. Soc. Geogi-., Paris, t. 5, p. 680. 158. 1829. Pacho, Raymond. — Relation d'un voyage dans la Marmarique, la Cyrenaique, et les Oasis de d'Audjelah et de Maradeh, pendant les annees 1824 et 1825 ; accompagne'e de cartes geographiques et topograpbiques et de planches representant les monuments de ces contrees. Paris: 4to, 1827-1829, pp. 404, atlas, fol., 3 maps, and 100 plates. 159. Rapport des Commissaires nommes par la Commission Centrale pour examiner les resultats de voyage de M. Pacho dans la Cyrenaique. 160. Notice sur la Cyrenaique lue a la Soc. de Geogr. lei. See also Ediu. Rev., vol. xlviii. 1828, pp. 220. 162. 1827. Graberg da Hemso, Comte J. C, Swedish Consul. — Commercio di Tripoli. Antologia ; Giornale delle Scienze. Florence : 1827, 1828 and 1830. Nos. 81, 88, 111. Reviewed in the London Magazine, 3rd sen, vol. ii., October 1828, pp. 361-366, under the title " An Account of the Present State of Tripoli." The author states that Tripoli was in a more advanced condition than any of the other Barbary States on account of the hereditary forms of its government. 163. 1827. L'lnvestigateur Africain. — A journal published at Tripoli during a short jteriod, to which M. J. L. Rousseau, French Consul, was a contributor. It was edited by Graberg de Hemso. 164. 1828. Lyman, Theodore. — The Diplomacy of the United States, being an account of the foreign relations of the country from the first treaty with France to the present time. Boston : 2nd edition, with additions, 2 vol. pp. xii. 470, xii. 517. Vol. ii. chap. xiii. relates to negotiations with the Barbary Powers, including operations at Tripoli and Eaton's expedition. 165. 1828. Thrige, J. P., Scholae Roeskildensis. — Res Cyrenensium a primordiis inde civitatis usque ad ajtatem, qua in provincije formam a Romanis est redacta ; novis curis illustravit J. P. T. a schedis defuncti auctoris, edidit S. N. J. Bloeh. Hafni« : Svo, pp. 371. The texts concerning the history of Cyrene taken from Herodotus, Pau- sanius, Scylax, &c., are brought together. The first edition was published in 1819. 166. 1828. Beechey, Capt. P. W., and H. "W. Beeehey.— Proceedings of the expedition to explore the Northern Coast of Africa from Tripoli Eastward in 1821-22. Comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica, and of the ancient cities composing the Pentapolis. London : 4to, pp. xxiv. 572, xlviii., with 9 maps and 13 plates. Reviewed in Edin. Rev., vol. xlviii., 1828, p. 220. — See also Tripoli Archives, No. 19. A most exhaustive work. 167. 1828. Laing, Major Gordon. — An account of his travels from Tripoli to Timbiictoo and murder near the latter place is given in the Quarterly Review, 578 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. voL xxxviii. p. 100. — See aUo a French translation of this article in the Biblio- th^que Universello, Geneve, 1828, t. xxxix. jx 47. — Also Tripoli Archives, Nos. 23, 2G, 27, 30, 31, 32. 168. 1829. Lee, Samuel, D.D. — The travels of Ibn Batuta, translated from the abridged manuscript copies in the Public Library of Cambridge. Printed for the Oriental Translation Committee. London : 4to, pp. xviii, and 242. Chap. i. treats of Tangiers, Tilimsan, IMilyana, Algiers, Bijaya, Kosantina, Bvina, Tiinis, Susa, Safakus, Kabis, Tripoli, &c. Ibn Batula left his native city, Tangier, about 1324, and spent two years in making his journey. 169. 1830. Head, Major F. B.— The life of Bruce, the African traveller- London: 12mo, pp. 535, with portrait and maps. At p. 47 is an account of Bruce's travels in Tripoli and shipwreck at Benghazi. 170. 1830. Jameson, Prof., James Wilson, and Hugh Murray. — Nar- rative of discovery and adventure in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time. Edinburgh : 12mo, pp. 492. This gives a resume of the explorations of Horneman, Laing, Ritchie and Lyon, with a general account of Africa. It forms vol. ii. of the Edinburgh Cabinet Library. 171. 1830. Russell, Rt. Rev. M., Bishop of the Scotch Episcopal Church, Glasgow and Galloway. History and Present Condition of the Barbary States, forming vol. xvii. of the Edin. Par. Lib. Edinburgh : 8vo, pp. 448. Another edition. 1835. Chap. V. The Cyrenaica and the Pentapolis. Chap. vi. Tripoli and its immediate Dependencies. 172. A German translation. Pesth, 1836-37. ' Gemiilde dcr Berberie Oder Geschichte und gcgenwiirtiger Zustandder Staaten Tunis, &c.' 173. 1830. Gr&berg de Hemso.— Carta deir Africa. See No. 109 of the Antologia. 174. 1830. Treaty between France and Tripoli, dated 11th Aug., negociated by Contre-Amiral de Rosamel, abolishing Christian slavery (which had already been abolished by Lord Exmouth in 181G), and generally regulating the relations between the two countries. Tali, des Etab. Fr. en Alg., 1841, p. 424, See also Tripoli Archives, No. 32, 175. 1832. Papers explanatorj' of the circumstances under which Sidi Hassuna D'Ghies has been accused by the Bashaw of Tripoli of having abstracted the papers of the late Major Laing. Blue Book. Folio, pp. 142. 176. 1832. Shereef Mohamed Hassuna DGhies, Late Minister to the Pacha of Tripoli. — A Statement to the Pt. Hon. Lord Goderich, Sec. of H.B.M. for the Colonies, concerning the expedition of the late Major I^aing toTimbuctoo, and the affairs of Tripoli. Blue Book. Folio, jip. 54. 177. 1833. Pouqueville. — Mcmoire historique et diplomatique sur Ic commerce fct les etablissements franyais an Levant, dcpuis I'au 500 de J. C. jusqu'i la fin du XVII siecle. Mem. de ITnst. Boy. de France — Acad, des Inscr. etBeU. Lett. t. 10, p. 513. This gives an interesting account of the origin of French consulates, and amongst others of those of Tripoli, Tunis, &-c., in about 1647. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 579 178. 1835. Talma, A. — Reistogtje langs en in eenige havens aan de Spaansche, Fransche, ItaliaDSche en Barbarijsche kiisten met de Nederlandsche korvet Dolfijn. Amsterdam : 8vo. The portion treating of Tunis and Tripoli is from p. 88 to 101. 179. 1835. Junker, P. S. — Die Umschiffung Libyens durch die Phonizier. Conitz, 1835. Also Leipzig, 1841. 180. 1835. Greenhow, Robert. — Sketches of the history and present condition of Tripoli, with some accounts of the other Barbary States. The Southern Literary Messenger, Eichmond, U.S.A., vol, i. p. 65, 128, 193, and vol. ii. 1, 69, 141, 213, 525, 669. 181. 1835. Avezac, A. P. d'. — Itineraires dans I'interieur de I'Afrique septen- trionale, et discussion d'un nouveau canevas geodesique de cette region. Paris : 8vo. This also appears as Relation d'un voyage dans I'interieur d'Afrique septent. in the Bull, de la Soc. de Geog., 2 serie, t. i. pp. 277 et seq. 182. 1836. ]5tudes de Geographic critique sur une partie de I'Afrique septent. Itineraires de Haggy-ebn-el-Dyn-el-Aghouathy, &c. Paris : 8vo, pp. viii. and 188, 1 map. 183. 1836. Marcus, Louis. — Histoire de Wandals .... accompagnee de recher- ches sur le commerce que les etats barbaresques firent avec I'etrauger. Paris : 8vo. 2nd edition, Paris, 1838. pp. 423 + 95. The Vandals never extended their dominion beyond the sea-coast of Tripoli and the Cyrenaica. 184. 1836. Karl Hitter. — Geographic generale comparee, traduit de I'AUemand par P. Buret et Edouard Desor. Paris : 3 vol. 8vo. Vol. iii. p. 210, contains an account of the Plateau of Barca and the Cyrenaica. 185. 1836. Jaubert, Am^d^e. — Geographic d'Edrisi traduit de I'Arabe en fraufais, d'apres deux MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Roi, et accompagnee de notes. T. i. 1836 ; t. ii. 1840. Tripoli and Barca are mentioned at vol. i. pp. 252-285. The Arabic text and French translation were also published by Dozy and Goeje. Edrisi was born at Cueta in 1093. See also Journ. Asiati. 3 ser. t. xi. p. 362. 186. 1836. Delaporte, J. D., Consul de France a Tanger. Des Antiquites de de Leptis Magna. Journ. Asiatique, 3° ser. t. i. pp. 305-337. Report written in 1806 to the Prince de Benevent, Ministre des relations exterieures de I'Empire Franfais. 187. 1836. Act of the British Parliament, providing for Consular juris- diction in ... . Tripoli. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. v. p. 503. 188. 1837. Ewald, Christn. Perd.— Reise von Tunis liber Soliman, Nabal, Hammamet, Susa, Sfax, Gabis, Gerba nach Tripolis, und von da wieder zuriick nach Tunis, im Jahre 1835. Herausgegeben von Paul Ewald, Niirenberg, Ebner, 1837-38. Large 8vo, 3 parts, 1 map, 8 black and 5 coloured engravings. 189. 1838. Gibbon, Edward.— The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London : 8vo, 12 vol. Vol. iv. p. 286, chap, xxviii. The tyranny of Romanus in the Confederacy of Tripoli, a.d. 366. Vol. viii. p. 227, chap. xlvi. The Greek colonies of Cyrene exterminated by Chosroes IL, a.d. 614. 580 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 190. 1839. Abou'l F6da, Ismael. Description des pays du Maghreb. Texte Arab avec trad, par Cb. Solvat. Alger : 8vo, pp. lil-99. 191. 1839. "Walkenaer, Baron Ch. Atti. — Rapport sur les recbercbes g^o- grapbiqucs, bistoriques, arcbeologiques, qu'il conviendrait de continuer on d'entre- prendre dans I'Afrique septentrionale. Mt^m. de I'lnst. Acad, des Insect Bell. Lettres, t. xii. pp. 98-134. Also separately, Paris : 4to, pp. 83. At p. 106 be gives an account of previous explorations in tbe Cyrenaica and Tri^wli. 192. 1839-1853, Booking, Edwardus. — Notitia dignitatum et administra- tionum, omnium tarn civilium quam militarum in partibus orientis et occidentis. Bonnae: 3 vol. (tbe last being an index), 8vo, pp. 540, 1009, 192. See also Rev. Afr. vol. vi. p. 135 et seq. 193. 1840. Precis analytique de I'bistoire anc. d'Afrique septentrionale. See Tableau de la Situation des Etablissements franjais for 1840. No. 195. 194. 1840. Abou '1 Feda, Ismael. — Texte Arabe public d'apres les Manuscrits de Paris et de Leyde aux frais de la Socicte Asiatique, par M. Reinaud, Membre de rinstitut, et le Bn. MacGuckin de Slane. Paris : 4to, pp. slvii. 539. 195. 1841. Ministfere de la Guerre. — Tableau de la Situation des Etablisse- ments Fran9ais dans I'Algerie en 1840. Paris : 4to, pp. 452. In addition to much valuable information regarding Algeria before and after tbe Conquest, tbis volume contains a series of ajipendices of exceptional interest. Tbe first tbree relate exclusively to Algeria. No. iv. is a "Precis analytique de I'bistoire ancienne de I'Afrique Septentrionale " during the following periods : Carthaginian, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine ; including an account of the intro- duction of Greek civilization into tbe Cyrenaica. No. v. " Division territoriale etablie en Afrique par les Romans." No. vi. " Principaux traites de paix et de Commerce conclus par la France avec les Regences Barbaresques." No. vii. " Bibliographic Algerienne." 196. 1841. Slane, le Baron MacGuckin de. — Histoire de la province d'Afrique et des Maghrib, traduite de I'Arabe d'En-Noweiri. Journ. Asiat. 3 ser. tome xi. p. 97 et seq. This commences with the invasion of N. Africa by the Mobammedans in A.D. 647-8. 197. 1841. Rotalier, Ch. de. Histoire d'Alger et de la piraterie des Tares dans la Mediterranee h dater du Seizieme Siecle. Paris : 2 vol. pp. 447, 522. Tripoli taken by the Turks, vol. ii. p. 59. 198. 1841. Ternaux-Compans, H. — Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine, ou catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a I'Asie et a I'Afrique qui ont paru depuid la decouverte de I'imprimerie jusq'en 1750. Paris, Leipsick : 8vo, i)p. 279. A most valuable work. Contains 2803 entries. 199. 1842. Abou '1 Feda, Ismael. — Geographic. Trad. Fr. par Reinaud et Guyard. Paris : 1842-1883, 2 vol. 4to. 200. 1842. Slane, Baron MacGuckin de. — Description de I'Afrique par Ibn- Haucal. Traduit de I'Arabe. Journ. Asiat. 3 ser. t. 13, pp. 153 and 209. Tbe work commences with a description of the country between Barca and Gabes. Also Arab, text published by De Goejc, Lcyden, 1871. English translation by Ousley, 1800. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 581 201. 1842. Mannert, Konrad. — Geographie ancienne des Etats barbaresques. D'apres rAllemand de Mannert par L. Marcus et Duesberg, avec des additions et des notes par L. Marcus. Paris : 8vo, pp. 803. Livre i. Libye ; Marmarique; Cyrena'ique, &c. pp. 17-231. 202. 1844. Strabo. — Strabonis Rerum Geogiaphicarum Libri XVII. Gr. et Lat. Oxonii : 2 voL folio. Many other editions. An English edition of Strabo was published by H. G. Bohn^in 1854-7, trans- lated by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. 3 vol. 12mo. In Book xvii. c. iii. s. 18, is an account of the Syrtis and the Cyrenaica. 203. 1844. Boeckh, Aug. — Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum,*auctoritate et im- pensis Academiae Litterarum Eegiae Borussicae, ab Materia collecta ab Augusto Boeckhio, edidit Joannes Franzius. Berolini : folio. Vol. iii. fasc. i. part xxi., luscriptiones Cyrenaicae. This contains 237 Greek inscriptions from Gyrene, Ptolemais, Teuchira (Arsinoe), and Berenice. 204. 1844. Avezac, A. P. d'. — L'Univers : Esquisse Generale de I'Afrique, Aspect et Constitution physique, Histoire Naturelle, Ethnologic, Linguistique, iit&t Social, Histoire, Explorations et Geographie. Paris :"'8vo, pp. 272. Premiere partie. La Libye propre, comprenant la Cyrenai'que et la Mar- marique, pp. 67-157. Edifices de la Tripolitaine, p. 254. Two illustrations of Cyrene. 205. 1844. Zanoski, Jean. — L'Univers, L'Afrique Chretienne. Paris: 8vo, pp. 63. 206. Histoire de la domination des Vandales en Afrique. Paris : 8vo, pp. 91. 207. Histoire de I'Afrique sous la domination Byzantine, et appendices. Paris : 8vo, pp. 91, 102. 208. 1844. Subtil, E.— Sur les Mines de soufre de la Syrte. Rev. de I'Orient. t. v. This paper, by the notorious sulphur explorer and adventurer of Tripoli, first induced Richardson to make his celebrated journey to the Sahara. 209. Considerations politiques et commerciales sur Ghadames, suivies d'un Itin^raire de Tripoli k Ghadames. 1. c. p. 97-123. 210. 1844. De Slane, Baron MacGuckin. — Sur les premiers expeditions des Musulmans en Mauritanie. Lettre a M. Hase, Membre de I'Institut. Paris : 8vo, pp. 39. Extract from Journ. Asiat. No. 9 of 1844. Reply to M. Hase, who had asked the author if he could find in the writings of Arab authors exact information regarding the first expeditions of the Mohammedans in Africa. He gives a critical examination of En-Noweiri's work, the accuracy of which he disputes. He narrates on the authority of other authors the Arab invasion of the Cyrenaica and Tripoli in a.d. 641-644. 211. 1845. Trii^oli et Tunis. Considerations sur la possibilite d'une invasion des Turcs dans la Regence de Tunis par les frontieres de Tripoli. Revue de I'Orient, vol. vii. pp. 281-286. 212. 1846. Fresnel, F. — Inscriptions Trilingues trouvees en May 1846 a Lebda (Leptis Magna). — Partie Punique avec la transcription Arabe. Journ. Asiat., 4th ser., vol. viii. pp. 349. 213. 1846. Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell, U.S.N".— The life of Stephen Decatur, a Commodore in the Navy uf the U.S. Boston : 12mo, pp. 443. This is contained in vol. xxi. of the Library of American Biography, con- 582 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. ducted by Jared Sparks. Decatur's brilliant services on the Coast of Barbary are well known ; he commanded the Philadelphia, which was captured by the Tripolitans. He subsqueutly recaptured and destroyed her. — See also N. Amer. Eev. vol. Ixiv. pp. 27. 214. 1847. Richardson, James. — Touarick Alphabet, with the corresponding Enf^lish and Arabic letters; Vocabularies of the Ghadamsee and Touarghee lant^uaTcs. . .with the 3rd Chapter of St. Matthew in the Ghadamsee and Kabail (or Algiers dialect) rendered (interlineally) into Latin by F. W. New'man, &c. London : folio. 215. 1847. Khaldoun, Abou Zeid Abd-er-Rahman Ibn-Mohammed Ibn-, Native and Magistrate of Tunis. — Histoire des Berberes ct des Dynasties Muslemancs de I'Afrique septentrionale. Translation francaise par le Baron MacGuckin de Slane. Algiers : 4 vols. The original work is a general history of the Mohammedan world, and is unsurpassed in Arabic literature as a masterpiece of historical composition. It was printed at Bulac, in 7 vols, royal 8vo, a.h. 1284. He was a native of Tunis ; taught at Tlemfen ; was first the captive and subsequently the friend of Timur, and died at Cairo in a.d. 140G. At vol. i. p. 301 of de Slane's work are collected some of the most ancient Arab traditions regarding the first invasion of Africa by the Mohammedans, from a history of the conquest of Egypt by Abd-er-Rahman ibn el-Hakim. 1. " Conquete de Barca." 2. " Tripoli." At p. 313 are extracts from the great work of En-Noweri on the conquest of Africa, an accomit more detailed than that of Ibn-Khaldoun. At vol. ii. p. 379 are extracts from Ibn-el Atair. " Les Siciliens attaquent la ville de Tripoli et detruisent celle de Djidjel." "Prise de Tripoli par les Francs," &c, 216. 1848. Antoninus, Augustus. — Itinerarium A. Augusti, ed. G. Parthey and M. Pinder. Berlin: 8vo.— See also Appendix to Shaw. No. 96. 217. 1848. Orders of the Grand Vizier to the Pasha of Tripoli for the re- pression of the Slave trade. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. ix. p. 738. 218. 1848. Vizirial Letter to the Pasha of Tripoli prohibiting the Slave Trade. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. xiii. p. 836. 219. 1848. Richardson, James. — Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the years 1845-46, containing a narrative of personal adventures during a tour of nine months through the desert, amongst the Touaricks and other tribes of Saharan peoples. Including a description of the oases and cities of Ghat, Ghadames and Mourzouk. London: 2 vol. 8vo, pp. 440, 482, with map and numerous illustrations. The author started from Trij^KDli and returned to the coast at Mcsrata, having made a journey of 1600 miles. 220. 1848. MacCarthy, O. — Voyage dans le grand desert de Sahara en 1845-46 par James Richardson. Picv. de I'Orient, de I'Alg. et des Colon, t. 3, pp. 127-136. 221. 1848. Bourville, J. Vattier de. — Lettre a M. Letronnc sur les premiers resultats de son voyage ii Cyrene. Bev. Arch. t. v. p. 150. 222. 1848. Letronne, J. Ant. — Quelques notes sur la lettre de M. de Bourville relative a I'exploration de la Cyi(inaique. liev. Arch. t. v. p, 279. 223. Deux nouvelles inscriptions Grecques de la Cyrenaique veritable em- A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 583 placement de Cjrene. 1. c. p. 432. — See also Jouru. des Savants, pp. 370-377. These were found by M. Vattier de Bourville. 224. 1848. Lenormant, Ch. — Note sur im Vase Panatlienaique recemment de- couvert h- Bengazi, lue ti I'Academie des Inscr. et Bell. Lett. 30 Juin. Eev. Arch. t. V. p. 230. 225. 1849. Presnel, Fulgence, French Consul at Djedda. Memoire sur le Waday. Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris, 3 ser. t. 11. pp. 6 to 14. This pajser gives much valuable and original information on the commerce between Waday and the seaports of Bengazi and Tripoli. Corrections and additions to this memoir were published in the following volume ; p. 356. It is continued 1. c, t. xiii. pp. 82, 341 ; t. xiv. pp. 153-315. 226. 1849. Barth, H. — Wanderungen durch die Kiistenliinder des Mittelmeeres, Ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1845-1847. Berlin : 8vo. 227. 1850. Jomard. — Instructions pour le voyage de M. Prax dans le Sahara Septentrional. Mem. de I'lnst. Acad. Inscr. et Bell. Lett. t. xvi. pp. 54-68. At p. 62 are suggestions relative to the Cyrenaica, &c. 228. Instructions k M. Vattier de Bourville pour I'exploration de la Cyre- naique, 1. c, pp. 68-84. 229. 1850. Bourville, M. Vattier de. — Piai-)port sur les premieres fouilles operees a Benghazi. 1. c, p. 91. 230. 1850. Prax, Lieut, de Vaisseau. — Regence de Tripoli. Rev. de I'Orient. de I'Algerie et des Colonies (Bull, do la Soc. Orient, in succession to the Rev. de I'Orient), t. vii. pp. 257-280 et seq. J From information obtained at second hand. 231. Carte de la Regence de Tripoli, et des princiimles routes commerciales de rinterieur de TAfriquc. Bull. Soc. Geogr. Paris : 3 ser. t. xiv. p. 81. 233. 1850. Richardson, J. — Routes of the Sahara. Itineraires dans ITnterieur du Grand Desert d'Afrique par . . . Traduit de I'Anglais par M. Albert-Mon- t^mont, membre de la Commission Centrale. (Extrait du rapport fait au Foreign Office en 1845-46, par M. Richardson.) Bull. Soc. Geogr, Paris, 3 ser. t. xiii. p. 73, t. xiv. pp. 104-203, 380. 234. 1850. Testa, E. — Aanteekeningen wegens de Verkenning, het inkomen en de ankerplaats van de Haven van Tripoli in Barbarye en de winden en stroomen, welke aldaar heerschen volgens plaatselijke waarnemingen verzameld. Amster- dam : 8vo, pp. 82. 235. 1850. Hoefer, Dr. Fred.— I^tats Tripolitains. Paris : 8vo, pp. 128. Two illustrations, one being the Quadrifrontal Arch. From " L'Univers : Histoire et description de tons les peuples." 236. 1850. Orders of the Grand Vizier to the Pasha of Tripoli for the repression of the Slave Trade, llcrtslet's Treaties, vol. ix. p. 739. 237. 1851. American Diplomacy with the Barbary powers. Their piracies and aggressions. Amer. Whig Rev. new ser. vol. ii. (whole coll. xiii.) pp. 27-33. 238. 1852. Cherbonneau. — Voyage du Cheikh Ibn-Batuta a travers I'Afrique Septentrionale au commencement du xiv^ Si^cle. Tire de I'original Arabe et accompagne de Notes. Paris : 8vo, pp. 88. Reprinted from Nouv. Ann. des Voy. An abstract of Ibn Batuta's great work q. v. 584 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 239. 1853. Ibn Batuta, Voyages d'. — Texte arabe, accompagne d'une traduction par C. Defremery et le Dr. B. R. Sanguinetti. Paris : 4 voL 8vo, published by the Societe Asiatique. Vol. i. p. 2G. The author arrives at Tripoli on his outward jouruey. 240. 1853. Rousseau, Alphonse. — Voyage du Sclicikli Et-Tidjani dans la Kegencc de Tunis. (130G-1309.) IJev. Asiat. ser. v. t. i. p. 102. This portion of the work contains a history of Tripoli. See page 141. 241. 1853. Sumner, Charles. — White Slavery in the Barbary States. London : 8vo, pp. 135. This contains a notice of the American war with Tripoli. The first edition was published in the U.S. in 1847. 242. 1853. Richardson, James.— Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa performed in the years 1850-51 under the orders and at the expense of H.M. Government. Edited by Bayle St. John. London : 2 vol. 8vo, pp. 343, 359, with outline map. Richardson started from Tripoli; he visited Mourzouk, Ghat, Aghadez, Damerghou, and thence East to Ungurutua, six days' march from Kuka, where he died on the 4th March, 1851. 243. 1854. Petermann, Augustus. — An account of the progress of the expedi- tion to Central Africa, performed by order of H.M. Foreign Office, under Messrs. Richardson, Barth, Overweg and Vogel, in the years 1850-51-52-53, consisting of maps and illustrations with descriptive notes, constructed and compiled from private materials. London : folio, pp. 14, 3 maps. 244. 1854. Smyth, William Henry, Rear- Admiral. — Tlie Mediterranean : A Memoir, Physical, Historical and Nautical. London : 8vo, pp. 519. At pp. 85-90 is a description of the Coasts of the Cyrenaica and Tripoli. 245. 1855. Order of the Porte to the Pasha of Tripoli for preventing the traffic in slaves from Tripoli to Candia. Hertslet's Treaties, vol. x. p. 602. 246. Vizerial letter on the same subject. 1. c, vol. xiii. p. 837. 247. 1855. Dinome, I'Abb^. — Coup d'oeil rapidc sur les informations obtenues depuis la fin du xviii® siecle au sujet de Tintdrieur de I'Afrique Septentrionale. Orleans : 8vo. 248. 1855. Pliny. — The Natural History of Pliny, translated by Bostock and Riley. Bohn's Classical Library, London : 8vo. In Book V. is an account of the Syrtes and the Cyrenaica. 249. 1855. Pellissier de Raynaud, E. — La Regence de Tripoli. Rev. des Deux Mondes, vol. xii. p. 1. An excellent account of the Regeucy, with notices of the various expeditions that had been imdertaken in and from it. 250. 1855. Vogel, Dr. Eduard. — Ileise nach Central-Afrika. Erster Ab- schnitt ; Reise von Tri[)oli (l)urch Tripolitanien, Eessan, Das laud der Teda) bis zum Tsad-see, Miirz 1853 — Januar 1854. Nach den Original-Documeuten, vom Herausgeber. Petermann, Geogr. Mitth. pp. 237-259, with map (that of Richard- son, Barth, Overweg and Vogel). 251. 1855. Barth, Dr. Heinrich. — Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika, in den Jahren 1850-1851-1852, 1853, 1854 und 1855. Mit Karten und Holz.schnittcn. Petermann, Geogr. Mitth. pp. 306-310. — See also 1. c, pp. 230, 267. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 585 252. 1856. Report of the Governor of Tripoli relative to the prevention of Slave Trade. Hevtslet's Treaties, vol. x. p. 1011. 253. 18:6. Testa, Le Ch. E., Dutch Consul-Geneval in Tripoli. Notice Sta- tistiqiie et Commerciale sur la Regence de Tripoli de Barbaric. La Haye : Svo, pp. 34. The author resided 10 years in Tripoli. 254. 1856. Malte-Brun, V. A. — Resume Historique de la grande exploration de I'Afrique Centrale faite de 1850 a 1855, par J. Richardson, H. Earth, A. Overweg, avec une carte itineraire. Paris : Svo, pp. 108. 255. 1856. Hamilton, James. — Wanderings in North Africa. London : Svo, pp. 320, 8 illustrations, all of ruins, &:c. in the Cyrenaica. The author started from Bengazi, visited Cyrene, Derna, Ptolemeita, Teucra, and back to Bengazi ; thence eastwards by Angila to Jupiter Ammon, and so to Egypt. 256. 1857. Barth, Dr. Heinrich. — Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855, von H. B. Tagebuch seiner in Auftrag der Brittischen Regierung unternommenen Reise. Mit Karten, Holzschnitten, und Bildern, Gotha : Svo, 5 Bde. An English translation of this work, ' Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.M. Government in the years 1848-1855." London : 8 vol, Svo, with many maps and illustrations. See also Precis des resultats et des informations obtenus par le Dr. B. dans ses Voyages dans I'interieur de I'Afrique ; analyse du V°. vol. et resume general par I'Abbe' Dinome. Nouv. Ann. des Voy. July, 1859. 257. Die Imosch ark oder Tuareg, Volk und Land. Peterm. Geogr. Mitth. p. 239, i)late 11.— See also 'Tour de Monde,' 1866, p. 193 et se Tripolitaine. Wax. Afr. vol. xx. \\ 490. The last few lines oidy are devoted to Triiioli and Benghazi. 441. 1878. Bossi^re, Gustave, Inspecteur d'Acaddmie. — Esquisse d'une His- toire de la Conquete et de I'Administration Romaines dans le Nord d'Afrique, et parlicul.erement dans la Province de Nuiuidie. Paris : Svo, pp. 436. 'i'iiere is nothing very especial in this regarding the region cast of Tunis, excei)t incidentally as forming part of the Roman possessions. 442. 1878. Rohlfs, Gerhard. — Neues Afrikauisches Forschungs-Unternelimen. AVith map of country suuth of 'i'ripuli and the Cyrenaica. Peteriuann, Geogr. Mitth. p. 20. 443. 1S78. Nachtigal, Dr. G.— A'on TripoHs nach Fezzan. With original map. Petermann, Ceogi-. i\iitth. \k 45. A BIBLIOGHAFHV OF TRIPOLI AND THPL CYKENAICA. 697 444. 1878. Krause, G. A. — Cronik von Tesan. Zcitsch. der Gesellscliaft fur Erdkunde z. Berlin, p. 356. A mere repetition of Eohlfs, Petermann, Mitth. 1868, p. 1. 445. 1878. Ayuso, D. F. G.— Yiaje de Roblfs de Tripoli a Lagos. Madrid : 8vo, pp. 167. From ' Los descubrimientos Geogrilf. Modernos.' 446. Voyage de Roblfs de Tripoli h. Lagos. Paris : 8vo. pp. 61. 447. 1878. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Pieport on the trade of Tripoli for 1876. Cons, Conini. Kep. pt. ii. p. 932. 448. 1878. Henderson, Vice-Cons. — Report on the trade of Bengazi for 1876. 1. c, p. 930. 449. 1879. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Report on the trade of Tripoli for 1877. Cons. Comm. Rep. pt. ii. p. 788. This gives an account of the esparto trade. 450. 1879. Rohlfs, Gerhard. — Notices of his expedition. Petermann, Geogr. Mitth. p. 72 et seq. Cosmos di Guido Cora, vol. v. p. 114 et seq. 451. Reise nach Kufra. Mitth. d. Afrik. Ges. No. 4, p. 12 et seq. 452. Zur Charakteristik der Sahara. Zeitschr. f. Erdk. No. 5, p. 368 453. Die Oase Djofra im Jahre 1879. Westermann's Mouatsb. iii. n. 13, p. 80. Also L'Explor, p. 376. 454. Cyrenaika oder Barka. Geogr. Rundschau, i. n. 12, p. 614. 455. 1879. Nachtigal, Dr. Gustav.— Sahara und Sudan. Ergebnisse sechs- jiihriger Pieisen in Afrika. Berlin : 2 vol. 8vo, pp. 748, 790. With numerous illustrations and maps. A most valuable work. The author started from Tripoli, travelling south to Lake Tschad. Also a Frt^nch translation by Jules GourdauU. Paris : 8vo, pp. 540, with map and 99 illustratioDs. And an Italian one in the Cosmos di Guido Cora, vol. v. p. 411 et seq. The first nine chapters are devoted to Tripoli and Fezzan. 456. 1879. Golf von Sidra, Beschreibung von Untiefcr im — Tripolis. Ann. d'Hydrogr. No. 4, p. 181. 457. 1879. Chavanne, Dr. Josef. — Die Sahara, oder von Oase zu Oase. Wien : 8vo, pp. 639. With map and many illustrations. I. Von Tripoli nach Murzuk. ir. Fessan. III. Von Murzuk nach Rhat. IV. Von Rhat nach Rhadames, &c. 458. 1879. Gorringe, Lt. -Commander Henry H., and Lieut. Seaton Schroeder, U.S. Navy. — Coasts and Islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Bureau of Navigation, Hydrograpbic Office, Washington : 8vo. Part iii. pp. 219 to 281 contains a description of the Tripolitan coast as far as the frontiers of Egypt. Two plates, containing sketches of coasts and headlands. 459. 1879. Paladini, Leone. — La ferrovia del Sahara, fra Cabes e il Sudan, e sua evidente correlaziune cogli interessi commerciali d* Italia. Cagliari: 8vo, pp. 64. 460. 1880. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Report on the trade of Tripoli for 1878. Cons. Comm. Rep. pt. i. p. 600. 508 A BiniJOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 461. 18S0. Dvipiiis, Consvil. — Kcport on the trade of Benort on the trade of Tri- poli for 1880. Cons. Comm. Eep. pt. i. p. 373. 495. Report on the trade of Tripoli for 1879. 1. c., pt. i. p. 1)93. 496. 1881. Dupuis, Consul. — Report on the trade of Bengazi for 1879. 1. c, p. 1601. 497. 1882. Playfair, Sir R. Lambert, K.C.M.G.— Handbook (Murray's) to the Mediterranean, its cities, coasts and islands. London: Svo. Pp. 43 to 49 contain an account of the Coast of Tripdli and the Cyre- naica. 498. 1882. Broadley, A. M. — The last Punic War — Tunis past and present, with a narrative of the French Conquest of the Eegency. London : 2 vol. Svo. pp. 356, 398, with illustrations. Chap. xl. vol. ii. ]>. 219 contains a description of " Tripoly in the West" and of the Confraternity of Es-Senoussi. 499. 1882. Drude, Dr. Oscar. — Die floristische Erforschung Nord-Afrika's von Marokko h'u Barka. Petermann, Geogr. Mitth. pp. 143-150. At the end of this article is a short notice of the flora of Tripoli and Barca. 500. 1882. Ascherson, P., Professor at Berlin. — Note Botaniche intorno ad alcune piante dell' Alrica Bon ale alta alia concia delle pelli. L' Esploratore, an. vi. p. 358. 501. 1882. Camperio, Capit. — Notizie Statistiche su Barca (Cirenaica). Da una lielazione del Capitano Camperio pubblicata dalla Mitthcilungen di Gotha (1881). 1. c, p. 366. 502. 1882. Mamoli, P. — Stazione di Derna, della Soc. d' Esplor. Comm. in Africa, Ilapporto No. 35 del delegato P. Mamoli. 1. c, p. 367. 503. 1SS2. N. N.—A Prnposito della Tripolitania. 1. c, p. 397. 504. 1882. Fontpertuis, Ad. F. de. — Geographic. La Tripulitaine, le Fezzan et le Tibeste'. Itev. 8cient. I'aris, S""" ser. t. iii. p. 775. 505. 1882. Mamoli. — Slazioni di Derna (Cirenaica). Cenni storici e geografici L'Esiiloratore, an. vi. p. 68. 506. 1882. Bottiglia, G. — Relazione suU' importazione ed esportazione di Bengase, anno 188J. 1. c, ]\ 70. 507. 1882. Bettoli, Parmenio. — Tripoli Artistica. L c, Ease. iii. et seq. In the same numljcr is a map of the territory of Bengazi. 508. Trii)oli Comiuerciale. 1. c., jip. 265 et seq. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CV'RENAICA. 601 509. 1882. Mamoli, P.— StazionediDerna. Gitaallefonti. ].c.,pp. IGGaod 32i. 510. L' incidente di Derna L c, p. 218. The arrest of Sig. Mamoli, agent of the Societk d'Esplorazione at Ras-et-Tin, near Derna. 511. 1882. Haimann, Gr. — Girenaica, con disegni dell" autore. Boll. Soc. Geogr. Ital. vii. No. 1, p. 6. — See also L' P^sploratore, An. vi. p. 300. Haimann and Camperio made a journey in the Cyrenaica, accompanied by the wife of the former and a numerous escort. 512. 1882. Schweiger-Lerehenfeld., A. von. — Der Orient. Wien : 8vo, pp. cxlii. 808. Copiously illustrated. P. 793 to the end devoted to Tripoli and Tunis. 513. 1882. Tripoli — Prezzi eorrenti delle merci. Boll. Consol. vol. xviii. p. 580. 514. Another short notice. 1. c, p. 322. 515. Movimento della navigazione. 1. c, vol. xix. p. 252. 516. 1882. Eohlfs, G.— Die Kufra-Oase. Westermann's Monatshefte, 1. I., N. 300, pp. 785-795. 517. Liegt ein Grand vor, die Stadtebevolkerung von Marokko, Algerien, Tunisien und Tripolitanien als eine hesondere zu betrachten und zu benennen? Ausland : N. 10, pp. 301-307. 518. 1882. Bettoli, P. — Tripoli commercialc. L' Esploratore, vi. No. 7, pp. 205- 273. With map. 518a. 1882. Paulitschke, Dr. Philippe. — Die Afrika-Literatur in der Zeit von 1500 bis 1750, N. Ch. Ein Beitrag zur geographiscben Quellenkuude. Gelegentlich des ii. Deutschen Geographeutages zu Halle a/S. Wien : 8vo. pp. 122. Of the 1212 works here catalogued, -150 have reference to Egypt and North Africa. 518b. 1882. Splaine, J. F.— Four days in Tripoli. " The Month " : vol. xliv. p. 91, Januarj', 1882. See also Liv. Age. vol. clii. p. 312. 519. 1883. Charmes, Gabriel. — La Tunisie et la Tripolitaine. Paris: 8vo, pp. 443, 2nd Ed. in 1884. This work is a reproduction of letters which appeared in the Journal des Dehatsm July and Aug. 1882. The author visited Tripoli durino- the Insur- rection in Egypt, when great agitation existed in the "West. 520. 1883. Duveyrier, Henri. — Trembbment de terre a Ghalame?. Compte Bend. Soc. Geogr. Paris, p. 454. 521. 1883. Peraud, L. Charles. — Annales Tripolitaines, Lettre de M. F. Consul-General de France a Tripoli, h, M. de Grammont, President de la Soc. hist. Alg. Bev. Afr. vol. xxvii. p. 207. The author gives a short account of Tripoli from 1140, when Bo<^er, Kino- of Sicily, took possession of it, and he appends a list of the various French consuls from 1030. He promises a more complete work afterwards. M. Feraud died at Tangier while these sheets were in the press. 622. 1883, Rizetto, R. — Attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. La Tripolitania quale risulta dai viaggi di G. IJohlfs. Boma: pp. 128. Beviewed by F. C. in the 'Nuova Antologia' of 15th Jan. This work cites the opinion of Hohlfs, that Italy should conquer the Cyrenaica. C02 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA, 523. 1883. Rizetto, R. — I commerci di Tripoli e quclli del Sudau. Koma : 8vo, pp. 118. Estratto dai (iiuriialc II Diritto. 524. 1883. Rohlfs, Gerhard. — Die Anzahl der Judcn in Afrika. retermann, Ueogr. JMittli. j). 'Jll. Biunialti's estimate of 100,000 Jews in Tripoli is quoted and disproved. 525. 188.".. Leraay, G. — La Tripolitaine et le Grand Desert. Bull, de la Poc. de Geogr. Conini. t. v. pp. 352-369. The substance of an address given before the society, based on a residence of several months in the country. The author particularly describes Trijjoli and its commerce. 526. 1883. Cyclop. — Aus den Beisebcrichten S. M. S , Kapt. Lieut. Kelch. Bomerkungen iiber die Bucht von Tobruk, Nordkiiste von Afrika. Annalen d. Hydrogr. xi. N. 7, pp. 403-405. 527. 1883. Schweinfurth, Dr. G. — La Cote de la Marmarique. Lettre a M. Ilenri Duveyrier. Compte Bend. Soc. GeoL'. Paris, p. 484. The author made a voyage on board a German gunboat to the port of Tobruck. He remarks that he is proud of being the first to call the attention of the Italians to tlie Cyrenaica and the Tripolitaine. 528. Una Yisita al Porto di Tobruc (Cirenaica). L' Esplor. vii. p. 207. With a plan. 529. 1883. Maraoli, P. — Stazione di Derna (Cirenaica). Bapporto 39 del delegate P. M. L' Esploratore, an. vii. p. 29. 530. ■ Bapporto 40. 1. c, p. 100. 531. Eelazione Agricolo-Commerciale. Ecport on the o]ierations of the Soc. d' Esplor. Coram, in Africa, especially regarding commerce and colonisation in the Cyrenaica. 1. c. vii. p. 193. 532. Bapporto 41. Tobruk. 1. c, p. 1G3. 533. 1883. Freund, Dr. G. A. — ViagLj,io lungo la gran Sirte da Bengasi a Tripoli, Maggio e Giugno, 1881. 1. c, pp. 183 et seq. 534. 1883. Corbetta, Dr. C— Da Tripoli ad Algeri. 1. c, p. 265. 535. 1883. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Beport on the trade of Tripoli for 1881. Cons. Comm. Bej). pt. i. i^. 241. 536. 1883. Italian Consular Report. — Tripoli. Quadro della Kavigazionc. Boll. Cuusol. vol. XX. p. 321. 537. 1884. 'Waille, Victor. — Bibliograi)hie des ouvrages conccrnant la Cyrenaiquo et la Tripolitaine. Alger Bull, Corresp. Afr. p. 227. The author quotes 127 works on these countries. 538. Pvecents Travaux Italiens sur la Cyrenaiquc. 1. c, p. 146. 539. 1884. Lanier, L. — I/Afrique. Choix do lectures de Geographic, accom- pagnees de resume's, d'analyses, de notes explicatives ct bibliographi{[ues, ct ornces de 57 vignettes, de 9 cartes tirees en couleur et de 33 cartes dans le textc. Paris : 12mo, pp. 920. Livrc ii. p. 345, Begion Tripolitaine et Saharienuc. At p. 302 is a short bibliograpliy. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 603 540. 1884. Tissot, Charles, Ambassador. — -Exploration Scientifique de la Tunisie. Geograpliie Comparee de la Province Romaine d'Afrique. Paris : vol. i. 4to, pp. 697. At p. 210 is a hydrograpliical description of the coast of Tripoli. 541. 1884. Duveyrier, H. —La Confrerie musulmane de Sidi ilobammed ben 'Ali Es-Senousi et son domaine geograpliique en I'ann^e 1300 de I'Hegire (1883 de notre ere). Paris : 8vo, pp. 84, with map. From Bull. Soc. de Geogr. Paris, 7" ser, t. v. pp. 145-226. 542. 1884. Buonfanti. — Pieise von Tripolis nach Lagos. Peterm. Geogr. Mittli. pp. 272, 314. 543. Le Sahara et le Soudan occidental. Bull. Soc. E. Geogr. Bruxelles, viii. Nos. 1 and 2, with map. 544. 1884. Camperio, Capt. — Carta economica della Tripolitania e Circnaica. This map has been published by the Soc. d' Esplorazione Comm. in Africa, Milano — scale, 1 : 3500,000 — and includes all the recent observations of Captain Camperio and his companion, Sr. Mamoli. — See L' Esploratore, an. viii. p. 64. 545. 1884. Longo, il Pastore P. — Lo Snussiomo, ovvero la confratcrnita Mussulmana di Sidi Mohammed Ben Ali es-Snussi. 1. c, p. 121 et seq. 546. 1884. Brunialti, Prof. A.— Assab e Tripoli. 1. c, p. 257. 547. 1884. Garein, I. — Tripoli. Corrispondenza commerciale. 1. c, p. 326. 548. 1884. SchAweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. — La Tripolitaine et I'Egyptc d'apres I'ouvrage allemand de par F. Kohn-Abrest. Paris: 8vo, i:ip. 187, with illustrations. 549. 1884. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Picport on the trade of Tripoli for 1882. Cons. Comm. Rep. pt. i. p. 211. 550. 1885. Melon, Paul. — De Palermo a Tunis, par Malte, Tripoli et la Cote. Paris : 8vo, pp. 212, 8 illustrations. This is a mere record of a tourist's impressions. The author states in his preface : — " Ceci n'est pas un livre a proprement parler." 551. 1885. Piesse, L.— De la Goulette a Tripoli. Bull. Trim, de Geogr. (Oran) t. V. pp. 8 to 16, 5 illust. The author simply made the voyage in the mail steamer. 552. 1885. Longo, Pastore P. — Delle Antiche Citta della Tripolitania. L' Es- ploratore, an. ix. p. 109. An attem.pt to fix the position of the ancient cities after Vivien de St. Martin. 553. 1885. Camperio, Capt., and Dr. Schweinfurtli. — Sudan, Egitto e Tripolitania. L c, p. 169. 554. 1885. Brunialti, Prof. A.— Andiamo a Tripoli ? 1. c, p. 210. Extracted from the author's work, 'L' Italia e la questione coloniale,' Milano, 1885. 'J'his gives a succinct account of the Tripolitaine and the Gyrenaica, and the benefits likely to result to Italy from the possession of these countries. 555. 1885. La Tratta degli Schiavi in Tripolitania. 1. c, p. 256, 604 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. 556. 1885, Lupi. La Tripolitania, Rome. A work of no particular scientific merit, Lut intended to make known the country in Italy, and to advocate its occupation by that nation. 557. 1885. La Cirenaica (Tripolitania). The anonymous author reviews the work of Giuseppe llaimnnn (2nd ed. w'th plans of Bensazi and Derna), and sugsrests that tlie Italian Government should assist the Milanese Society in exploring the country. Nuova Anto- logia, 1st November. 657a. 1885. Elisyeer, A. V. — Anthropological Expedition into the Sahara through Tripoli, Tunis and Algiers (Russian). Izvyestiya Imperatorskova Russkova Gcographicheskovo obschestva. St. Petersburg. T. xxi. No. 4. 558. 1885. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. JFrank. — Report on the trade of Tripoli for 1883. Cons. Comm. Rep. pt. i. p. 360. 659. 1885. Wood, Consul. — RejJort on trade of Bengazi for 1883. 1. c, p. 1389. 560. 1886. Reelus, Elisee. — Xouvelle Ge'ographie Universelle ; La Terre et les Hommes. T. xi.- — L'Afrique Septentrionale : Tripolitaine, Tunisie, Algeria Maroc, Sahara. Paris, 8vo, pp. 912, 4 coloured maps, 160 maps in the text, and 83 woodcuts. A work of the highest value. The portion devoted to Tripoli and the Cyrenaica is from p. 1 to 133. 661. 1886. Estournelles de Constant, P. d'. — Les Societes secretes chez les Arabes et la conquete de I'Afriquc du Nord. Rev. des Deux Mondes, March, t. Ixxiv. p. 100. Gives an account of the order of Es-Senoussi in the Cyrenaica. 562. 1886. Mas-Latrie, le Comte de. — Relations et Commerce de I'Afrique Septentrionale ou Magreb, avec les Nations Chre'tiennes au moyen fige. Paris : 12 mo, pp. 550. Pp. 384-389 especiallj' devoted to Genoese relations with Tiipoli in 1355. 563. Anciens Eveches de I'Afrique Septentrionale. Bull. Corresp. Afr. 5« year, p. 80. This is a re-arrangement of the sees given by Morcelli, in geographical order. Eight are mentioned as in the Tripolitaine. 564. 1886. Rohlfs, Gerhard.— Quid novi ex Africa ? Cassel : 8vo, pp. vii. 288. A series of detached papers, one of which is, " Is there any reason for believing that the town population of Morocco, Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli are of a special character ? " 665. 1886. Haimann, Comdt. Giviseppe. — Cirenaica (Tripolitania). Milano: 8vo, pp. 215, coi)ii)Usly illustrated, also map of the Cyrenaica and plans of Ben- gazi and Derna. The author died at Alexandria (1883) before the publication of this work. — See also Peterm. Geogr. Mitth. p. 186. 666. 1886. Esplorazione Commerciale. — At the end of 1885 the"Esplora- tore" was replaced l)y the aV)Ove-named journal as the official organ of the "Societa d' Esplorazione Commerciale in Africa, Residentc in Milano." Frequent letters containing commercial and political information regarding Tripoli and the Cyre- naica continue to appear in it. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYREXAICA. 605 567. 188G. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Report on the trade of Tripoli for 1884. Cons. Comm. Rep. pt. i. p. 481. 568. 1887. Giirich, Dr. — Ueberblick ilber den geologisclien Bau des Afrikau- iscben Kontiuent^-. ]\Iit Karte, s Tafel 13. Peterm. Geogr. Mitth. p. 257. 569. 1887. Fournel, Marc— La Tripolitaiue, les Routes du Soudan. Paris : Svo, pp. 272. Contains much useful information regarding the country, its people, climate and productions. 570. 1887. Head, Barclay V., Assistant Keeper of Coins, Brit. Mus.— liistoria Kumiarum : a manual of numismatics. Oxford : Svo, pp. 784. At page 725 is an account of the coins of the Cyrenai'ca, Libya and Syrtica. 571. 1887. Drummond-Hay, Cons.-Gen. Frank. — Report on the trade of Trii^oli for 1886. Cons. Rep. New Series, No. 89. 572. 1888. Broadley, A. M.— Tripoli : article in Enc. Brit., vol. xxiii. p. 574. 573. 1888. Testa, Jhr. F. — Waarm. Consul-Generaal le Tripoli. Verslag over 1887. Verz ameling van Consulaire, &c. Jaargang, 1888, p. 588. 574. 1888. Mauprix, Cli. de.— Les Italiens a Tripoli. Art. in Le Corrcspon- dant, Oct. 10, 1888. 575. 1888. Les Allemands a Tripoli. — Rev. Franc, de I'Ktr. et des Colon. t. vii. p. 585. 576. 1888. Tripolitaine. — Situation ccouomique. 1. c, t. viii. p. 165. 577. 1888. Tripoli, Commerce. 1. c, p. 283. 578. 1888. Borsari Ferdinando. — Geografia, Etnologica e Storica della Tripo- litania, Cirenaica e Fezzan, con Cenui sulla Storia di queste Regioni e sul Silfio della Cirenaica. Torino ; Napoli ; Palermo : Svo, pp. 278. This is divided into four parts, each preceded by a short bibliography : i. Geografia Etnologica, pp. 9-66 ; ii. Geografia Storica, pp. 67-214 ; iii. Cenni sulla Storia della Tripolitauia e Cirenaica, pp. 215-263; iv. II Silfio della Cirenaica, pp. 269-279. 579. 1889. Marbeau, Edouard. — L'ltalie dans I'Afrique du Nord. 1. c, t. ix. p. 129, with map. This contains views favourable to the annexation of Tripoli and the Cyrenaica by Italy. " Nous croyous que la cause de la Civilisation et de la liberte ne ferait que gagner si la France et l'ltalie poursuivraient . . . &c." PUBLIC RECOEDS.--TKIPOLI ARCHIVES. In the Public Record Office in London there is a series of 62 MS. volumes con- taining correspondence from and to the Consulate-General of Tripoli, as follows : — Royal Letters, 1500-1742. This volume contains letters and translations from the Beys of Tripoli and Tunis to the Sovereigns of England. VOL. II. 2 K 606 PUBLIC RECORDS.— TRIPOLI ARCHIVES. No. 1. 1590-1728. Letters from Consuls Samuel Tooker, Nathaniel Bradley, Admiral Sir Jolin Xarborough, Consuls Thomas Baker and Nathaniel Lodington. At the beginning of the vol. is a very curious view of Tripoli (about 1560) being attacked by the Army "del lie Philippo et con aiuto della Sede Apostolica, del Duca de Fiorenza et del gran Mastro della Religion di llhoda." It also contains printed copies of Sir John Narborough's treaty of 5th March 1675-6. No. 2. 1G59 to Geo. II. An unbound collection of miscellaneous letters. No. 3. 1721J-17-1G. Letters from Consuls Nathaniel Lodington and William Eeed. No. 4, A single Turkish letter sealed Mohammed ben Othman [A.H.] 1169. No. 5. 1747-1766. Letters from Consuls William Eeed and Robert White. No. 5 [_sic]. 1756-1765. Letters from Consul Robert White and several from the Bey to the King. No. 6, 1765-1769. Letters from Consuls A. Fraser, Robert Wilkie and Edward Barker. No. 7. 1770-1779. Letters from Consuls Barker, Bayntun, Cooke, Mr. (afterwards Consul) Tuliy and others. An unbound collection. No. 8. 1780-1792. Letters from Consuls Richard Tully and George Burgall. No. 9. 1793-1804. Letters from Consuls Richard Tully and Simon Lucas, Pro- Consul B. McDonogh and Consul William Wass Langford. No. 10. 1805-1809. Letters from Consul AVilliam Wass Langford. No. 11. 1810-11. Ditto. No. 12. 1812-13. Ditto, and from Pro-Cons. Pat. Wilkie and James Somerville. No. 13. 1814-15. Letters from Cons.-Geu. Colonel Hanmer Warrington. No. 14. 1816. Ditto. No. 15. 1817. Ditto. No. 16. 1818. Ditto. No. 17, 1819. Ditto. This contains news of Mr. Ritchie's expedition, and letters from him. No. 18. 1820. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. This contams a coloured sketch of his house, and pencil sketches of antiquities found by him. No. 19. 1821. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. The first despatch reports transmission of thirty cases of antiquities. No. 20. 1822. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Contains a historical memoir on Tripoli, and letters from, and information regarding Dr. Oiulney, Capt. Beechey and Mr. A'Court. No. 21. 1823. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. News of, and letters [from Clappcrton, Denham and Oudney. No. 22. 1824. Cuns.-Geu. Warrington. Letters from Denham and Toole. No. 23. 1825. Cons.-Gen. Warrington, Further news of the above travellers, also of Major Laing. An account of Tyrwhitt's death at Bornou. No. 24. 1825. Cons.-Gen. Warrington, News from Clapperton, Denham and Laing. Antiquities and Greek inscriptions from Cyrene, No. 25. 1827. Cons.-Gen. Warrington, and Vice-Cons. Dapuis. PUBLIC RECORDS.— TRIPOLI ARCHIVES. 607 No, 26. 1827. Ditto. Letters concerning Major Laing's mission. No. 27. 1828. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Consular Diary. News from Clapperton and Denham's mission. Murder of Major Laing. No. 28. 1828. Cons.-Gen. Y/arrington. Trade Eeports. No. 29. 1829. Cons.-Gen. Warrington and Yice-Cons. Dupuis, Trade Tteturns. No. 30. 1829. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Letters regarding ]\Iajor Laing's papers, and Miscellaneous. No. 31. 1830. Cons.-Gen. Warrington and Vice-Cons. J. Fraser. Consular Diary. French treaty with Tripoli. British convention. Information regarding the murder of Major Laing, and death of Mrs. Laing. No. 32. 1830. Cons.-Gen. Warrington and Vice-Cons. J. Fraser. Commission to enquire into the charge against French Consul-General for having fraudulently obtained the papers of Major Laing. French expedition under Adm. Piosamel to Tripoli. No. 32a. 1675-1818. Treaties with Tripoli. Copies made by Cons.-Gen. Warrington. No. 32b. 1695-1830. Copies of Treaties. No. 33. 1831. Cons.-Gen. AVarrington and Vice- Cons. Fraser. Consular Diary. Letter of Griiberg da Hemso regarding missing copy of Ibn Batuta. No. 34. 1831. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Miscellaneous and Trade returns. No. 35. 1832. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Consular Diary of Bengazi. Miscel- laneous. Trade returns. No. 36. 1832. Ditto. Miscellaneous. No. 37. 1832. Eegarding the charge made by the Pasha of Tripoli against Sidi Hassuna D'Ghies of having abstracted the papers of the late Major Laing. No. 38. 1833. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Miscellaneous. [No. 39. Missing.] No. 40. 1833. Vice-Cons. J. Fraser and Joseph Dupuis. Continuation of the affair of Hassuna D'Ghies and the late Major Laing. No. 41. 1834. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Miscellaneous. No. 42. 1835. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Miscellaneous. No. 43. 1835. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Miscellaneous. No. 1. 1825-32. Letters to Cons.-Gen. Warrington from Colonial Oflice. No. 2. 1832-36. Ditto. No. 3. 1825-34. Domestic. Answers to letters. No. 4. 1834-36. Ditto. Ditto. No. 1. Jan. to Sep., 1836. Letters from Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Diplomatic and Consular. No. 2. Oct.-Dec., 1836. Ditto. Ditto. No. 3. 1836. Vice-Cons. Wood, Bengazi and Vice-Cons. Dupuis. Pteport from the latter on trade of interior, with map. No. 4. 1837. Cons.-Gen. Warrington and Vice-Cons. Wood, Bengazi. No. 5. Cons.-Gen. Warrington. Various. 2 R 2 608 PUBLIC RECORDS.— TRIPOLI ARCHIVES. No. G. Cons.-Gen. Warriugtou and Yice-CoiLS. Wood, Xo. 7. 1839. Cous.-Gen. Warrington. A'arions. Xo. 8. 18-10. Cons.-Gen. AVarringtuu and Yice-Cons. AVood, Btngazi. No. 9. 1841. Ditto, ditto. No. 10. 182-1-11. Case of Captain Chatten, "La Fortuna." No. 11. 1842. Cous.-Gcu. Warrington. No. 12. 1842. Ditto. Yice-Cons. Wood, Bengazi. There are also scattered notices concerning Tripoli, some of great historical interest, in the various printed calendars of State papers published under the direc- tion of the Master of the Kolls, as follows : — Spanish Series, vol. 1509-1525, pp. 276, 583. A^enetian Series, vol. 1520-1526, Xo, 79G-799. Foreign and Domestic Series, Henry YIII., vol. i. 1509-1511, No. 1209, and vol. ix. 1535, No. 910. Foreign Series, Edw. YI., 1517-1553, pp. 157, 162, 163, 165, 168, 170, 172, 175, 183. Calendar of Treasury Papers, vol. 1556-7-1696, No. 392, 464, 483-542; vol. 1697-1701-2, xlvii. 30, li. 54, Ixi. 1, Ixv. 9, Ixxvii. 36, 57 ; vol. 1702-1707, Ixxxiv. 33, 34, 90, Ixxxv. 125, Ixxxvi. 19, 100; vol. 1708-1714, cxxxiii. 9, cxxxiv. 61, clx. 24, clxxiii. 24; vol. 1714-19, clxxxiv. 28,clxxxv. 43, clxxxvi. 16, clxxxvii. 44, cxc. 60, cscii. 41, cxcix. 44, 45, 53, cciv. 63. Foreign Series, vol. 1559-60, Nos. 550(6), 590(6), 640(3), 665, 859(13), 1066(4) ; VOL 1560-61, 74(3), 128(3), 148(1,3,5), 167(1), 187(1), 194(1,2), 224(2,10), 252(6), 328(2), 433(2,3,5), 450(3), 564(3), 716(30); vol. 1561-62, 13(2), 256(2), 300 ; voL 1564-65, 171(3), 1168(2), 1220(1). Domestic Series, vol. 1547-1580, p. 551 ; vol. 1566-1579, p, 563 ; vol. 1581- 1590, pp. 147, 243 ; vol. 1591-1594, pp. 58, 67, 89 ; vol. 1595-1597, p. 353 ; vol. 1601-1603; addenda, 1547-1565, pp. 151, 160; vol. 1603-1610, p. 216; vol. 1633-1634, p. 357 ; vol. 1651, p. 291 ; vol. 1651-1652, p. 482; vol. 1652-1653, pp. 44, 58, 118, 119, 120 134, 342 ; vol. 1653-1654, pp. 42, 130, 137, 167, 213, 250, 263, 288, 289, 487 ; vol. 1654, pp. 402, 456 ; vol. 1655, pp. 138, 482 ; vol. 1655-1656, p. 155 ; voL 1656-1657, pp. 8, 272 ; vol 1657-1658, pp. 24, 55, 95, 96, 259, 308 ; vol 1658-1659, pp. 88-92, 108, 140, 197 ; vol. 1659-1660, pp. 140, 254, 337, 406, 440 ; vol. 1660-1661, pp. 43, 586 ; vol. 1661-1662, pp. 46-58 ; vol 1663- 1664, p. 385 .; vol. 1666-1667, p. 483 ; vol. 1760-1765, Nos. 380, 609, 623, 1518, 1608, 1688, 1837, 1928, 1962, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2009, 2045, 2075 ; vol. 1766- 1769, Nos. 40, 98, 123, 176, 225, 226, 229, 242, 253, 274, 277, 284, 569, 713, 904, 918, 1005, 1100 ; vol. 1770-1772, Nos. 55, 209, 1002, 1533, p. 626. ( G09 ) INDEX OF SUBJECTS. N.B. — The figures in tliis Index refer to the Xumbers of the entries in the Bibliography. Africa, ancient and modern, 72 , Christiana, 141, 205, 563 , cruise along N. coast, 480 , explorations in, 166, 170, 181, 182, 419, 420, 423 , land and people, 357 , map of ancient, 308 , necrology of, 394 , North and Central, travels in, 147, 148, 238, 242, 243, 247, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 262, 269, 284, 285, 286, 287, 319. See also Sahara, Cyrenaica, Tripoli. , North, ancient history of, 193, 195 , , in antiquity, 305 under Roman domination, 192, 309, 441 African languages, 327. See Touareg. Air, 465 Alia fibre, 473 Anthropology, 557a Antonine, itinerary of, 94, 216 Arabs, conquest of Africa by, 210, 259, 260 , establishment of, in N. Africa, 406 Audjela, 158, 350, 353 Painbridge, Commodore, 149 Barbary States, ancient geography of, 201 ■ Barca, 454, 501 , account of, 184 , conquest of, 215 Bengasi, 352, 365, 489, 490, 506, 507 , exploration of, 229 , ])lan of, 565 , visit to, 81 Berbers, 259, 260, 294, 400 , history of, 215 Berenice, 351 , vase of, 383 Bibliographies, 198, 356-399,411, 482, 518a, 537, 539, 578 Bilma, 331 Bishops of North Africa, 563. See Africa, Christiana. Bomba, 299, 365 Bornou, 364, 374, 430 Botany, 152, 355, 381, 474, 499, 500 Bruce, James, life and travels of, 120, 130, 169, 438 Byzantine domination, 207 Commercial reports, British, 296,297, 298, 311, 312, 313, 314, 324, 325, 335, 336, 340, 341, 345, 377, 378, 379, 380, 384, 385, 386, 387, 390, 391, 397, 398, 408, 409, 424, 425, 447, 448, 449, 460, 461, 462, 494, 495, 496, 535, 549, 558, 559, 567, 571 Commercial reports, Dutcli, 253 , Italian, 410, 463, 468, 476, 485, 536 Commerce with X. AtVica in Middle Ages, 562 Consular jurisdiction, 187 reports, see Commercial reports. Consulates, French, origin of, 177 Consuls, establisliment of, 110 Cojrippus, 418 Corpus inscri]itionum Gra^carum, 203 Cvrenaica, 171, 184, 185, 429, 438, 477, 491, "493, 511, 557, 565 , colonisation of, 347, 531 , description of, 38, 56, 92, 160, 161 , explorations in, 120, 155, 156, 159, 191 -, excavations in, 288, 289, 310, 344, 'jG6 -, excursions in, 414 — , Greelv colonies, 189, 263 , inhabitants of, 342 — , inscriptions from, 223. See Cor- — ■, journey in, 158 — , map of, 358 , measures of, 107 — , plants of, see Botany. -, travels in, 221, 222, 228, 258 Cyrene, 429 , account of, 354 , Greek colonies of, 189, 263 , history of, 100, 113, 165 , inscriptions from, 153. See Corpus. , ruins of, 383 , visit to, 81 Cyrenian pottery, 383, 431, 432, 464, 479. See Panathenic. marbles, 289 Decatur, Commodore, 134, 149, 213 Derni, 365, 478, 490, 492, 502, 505, 509, 510,529, 565 , medical topography of, 280 , plan of, 565 , visit to, 81 Djalo, 350, 353 GIO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. Djebel Tripolitain, 41G Pjofra, 453 Doliijn, corvette, voyage of, 17S Earthquake, 520 Eaton, General, 120, 133, 104, 270, 48G Etlniograj)liy, 301, 362 Fezzan, 300, 443, 444, 504 France, jwlicy of, in Africa, 389 Geology, 508 Germany, Emperor sends presents to Wadai, 471 Ghadames, commerce of, 282 , journey to, 401, 417, 439 , mission to, 304, 471 , Rohlfs at, 321, 327, 334, 338 Ghat, 405, 475 Greek colonies, see Cyrenaica. Greek geographers, 96 Hareborne, Mr., 42, 43, 44 Herodotus, geographical system of, 123 Hesperides, garden of, 351 Hydrography, 421, 422, 427, 458, 497, 526, "527, 528, 540 Inscriptions, Greek, see Corpus. , Latin, 487. See Cyrenaica, Septis Tripoli. , Lybian, 382 Italian colonial policy, 554 Italians at Tripoli, 575, 579 in Cyrenaica, 538 "Jesus," capture of the, 37, 45, 4G Jews, 524 Joliannidc, 418 Ju]iiter Amnion, 84, 350 Justinian, wars of, 55 KuFRA, 451, 472, 516 Kuka, 343, 370, 371 Laing, Major, 157, 107, 175, 176 Lebda, 320 Leptis Magna, 180, 349 , inscriptions from, 212 Lethe, 351 Lybia, description of, 204 , history of, 98 Marada, 158 Marbles, Cyrenian, 289 Marmorica, coast of, 527 •' — , d>^scription of, 50, 92 -, journey in, 158 IMcdital tofjography of Derna, 280 ]\Iediterranean, memoir on, 244 Megalithic monuments, 415 Mesurata, visit to, 81 IMircher, Col., mission of, 210 ]\Iohammedans, see Arabs. Mourzouk, 120, 127, 330 Natron found in Tripoli, 394 Xecrclogy of Africa, 394 Nefousa, 281 Numismatics, 273, 348, 570 Panathenic vase, 224 Pedro Navarro, 19, 20 Pentapolis, see Cyrenaica. Pharsalia, battle of, 84 Phccnician navigation, 179 Privilege to merchants of Barcelona, 21, 22 Roman administration, see Africa under. Sabratha, 349 Sahara, character of, 452 , commerce of, 403, 483 , travels in, 219, 220, 227, 233, 234, 402, 404, 430, 439, 455 Saharan railway, 459 Schubert, murder of, 310 Secret societies, 501 Senoussi, 498, 541, 545, 501 Sidi Hassuna D'Ghies, 175, 176 Sidra, Gulf of, 456 Silphium, 258 Slavery, white, 241 Slave trade in Tripoli, 555. See also Treaties — Tripoli. Soudan, 455, 459 , Egypt and Tripoli, 553 ■ , routes to, 509 Sponge fishery, 208 Sulphur mines, 208 Syrtis, emporiums of, 482 , exploration of, 421, 422, 482 , voyages along, 392, 533 Tibesti, 359, 360, 504 Tibbu, 362 Tidikelt, 332, 333, 338, 339 Tinibouktou, 389 Tinne, Mademoiselle, 316, 359, 363, 395 , plans of her expedition, 355 Tobrouk, 365, 526, 527, 528, 532 Toleimeta, 365 Touaregs, map, 484 , country of, 257, 302 , language of, 214 , travels amongst, 219 Treaties and vizerial orders, British, 00, 64, 78, 83, 103, 109, 131, 136, 137, 145, 218, 236, 245, 252, 265, 340, 426 , French, 36, 40, 69, 85, 89, 125, 174 , Venetian, 15, 10, 17 , with Arabs in Middle Ages, 326 Tripoli, American diplomacy in, 237 , American war witli, 122, 128, 129, 140, 164, 241 , ancient sites in, 279 and Assab, 540 and Cyrenaica, map of, 544 and Egypt, 548 , artistic, 507 , attack on, 31, 32 , cities of, 278 , commerce of, 102, 514, 515, 518, INDEX OF StrBJECTS. 611 523, 525, 547, 577. See also Commercial reports. Tripoli, conquest of, 215 , consular jurisdiction in, 388 , corsairs of, 95 , defensive power of, 368 , description of, 38, 52, 56, 58, 132, 135, 138, 264, 276, 572, 576 , excursions to, 261, 272, 277 -, explorations in, 120, 144, 146, 154, 191, 389 , Floi'entine relations with, 303 , foundation of, 34, 80, 81, 89 granted to Knights of Rhodes, 23 -, history of, 54, 101, 102, 106, 108, 171, 172, 180, 240, 249 , inscriptions from, 104, 105 , littoral of, 323 , loss of, 26, 26a , mission to. 111 -, naval actions with galleys of, 30, 67, 68, 77, 87 , notes on, 271 , phenomena at, 70 , pirac}', 139 , population of, 564 , regency of, 230, 231, 235, 412, 413, 466, 467, 488, 498, 503, 504, 521, 522, 539 , residence in, 143 Tripoli, Roman domination in, 268 , slavery in, 53, 70, 74, 76, 90, 117, 241, 555. See also Slaverj-. ■-, success of Catholic armada at, 29 , taken by Spaniards, 19, 20 , taken by Turks, 25, 197 Tripolitana, 552, 556, 560 Tripoli to Alexandria, 369 to Lagos, 445, 446, 542 , travels in, 367, 481 , two years in, 407 , tyranny of Romans in, 189 , views of, 28, 33, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 75, 78, 82, 86, 97, 115, 135 , visit to, 428, 512, 518b, 519, 550, 551 , voyage to, 393 , war with, 49 Turkish empire, defensive power of, 368 , history of, 71 Turks, invasion of Tunis from Tripoli, 211 Tuat, 329, 332, 333, 338, 339 Vandals, domination of, 206 , history of, 183 Vogel, biography of, 287 , murder of, 315 , search for, 300, 317 Wadai, 225, 376, 434, 474. 612 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRKNAICA. INDEX OF AUTHORS. N.B. — The figures in this Index refer to the Numbers of the entries in the Bibliography. Aa, Pierre Van der, 82 Abbassi, Ali Bev el, 135 Abu T Feda, Ismiiel, l:ic, 190, 194, 199 Ali Bey el Abbassi, 135 Amari, 303 Anderson, Adam, 110 Antoninus Augustus, 7, 94, 216 Ascherson, P., 474, 500 Aufrere, Anthony, 14G Avezac, A. P. d',"l81, 182, 204 Ayuso, D. F. G., 445, 446 Baixier, p., 412 Barth, E., 423 , H., 226, 251, 256, 257, 327 Bary, Dr. Edwin von, 415, 416, 419-420, 465 Beechev, Captain F. W., and H. W. Beechey, 166 ■ Belin, M., 356 Belley, L'Abbe, 113 Berbrugger, A., 268 Bertelli, F., 33 Bettoli, Parmenio, 507, 508, 518 Beule, M.. 344, 383, 431, 433 Birago Avogadro, Dr. G., 54 Bisson, Leon de, 481 Blaqui&re, Edward, 132 Bockins, Edwardus, 192 Bodenehr, G., 97 Boeckh, Aug., 203 Bompois, Ferdinand, 348 Bonola, Fredrico, 430 ■""" Borg, Antonio, 115 Borsari Ferdinando, 578 Bossiere, Gustave, 441 Bottiglia, Caj.tain G., 476, 489, ,506 Bourville, J. Vattier de, 221, 229 Brine, Lindesay, 342 Broadley, A. JI., 498, 572 Bruce, .James, 120 Brunet de Preslc, M., 432 Brunialti, Dr. Attilio, 488, 546, 554 Buonfanti, 542, 543 Camperio, Captain M., 466, 477, 501, .544 ■ , and Dr. Schweinfurth, .553 Carrelieres, Th. de, 31 Cellarius, Christojjhorus, 92 Charmcs, Gabriel, 519 Chaulmer, 56 Chaunebot, A., 347 Chayanne, Dr. .Josef, 457 Cherbonneau, A., 238, 483 Ciini, Ant. Fr., 29 Clapperton, Cajitain H., llajor Denham, and the late Dr. Oudney, 154 Condamine, de la, 91 Corbetta, Dr. C, 534 Cosson, E., 381 Cuny, C, 127 Cyr^ne, 354 Dan, Rev. P. F., 53 Dapper, 0., 62 D'Arvieux, Le Chevalier, 95 Daveaux, J., 414 De Champlouis, M. Nau, 308 Delaporte, J. D., 186 Delia Cella, Paolo, 146 Denham, Major, Captain H. Clapperton, and the late Dr. Oudnev, 154 Dennis, Vice-Consul G., 325, 335, 341, 366 De Tremaux, ^'ice-Co^su], 297, 313 Dinome, Abbe, 247 Dournaux-Dupc're, Norbert, 389 Drude, Dr. Oscar, 499 Drummond-Hay, Consul-General P., 336, 340, 345, 377-379, 384-386, 390, 397- 408, 424, 447, 449, 460, 494, 495, 535, 549, 558, 567, 571 Dumgi5, Dr. C. G., 142 Dupuis, Consul, 461, 496 Duvcyrier, Henri, 271, 302, 394, 520, 541 Eaton, William, 128, 133 El-Bekri, 13, 267 El-Edrisi, 13a El-Hakim, Abd-er-Raliman ibn, 215 Elisyeer, A. V., 557a El-Ya'goubi, 274, 275 En-Noweiri, 13b, 215 Estournelles de Constant, P. d', 561 Ewald, C. F., 188 Falbe, C. T., 273 Fcraud, L. Charles, 440, 521 I'erdinand of Arragon, 20 Fontpertuis, Ad. F. de, 504 Fournel, Henri, 400 , M. J. H., 259, 260 , Marc, 569 INDEX OF AUTHORS. 613 Franzius, Joannes, 203 Freret, Kicolas, 105, 107 Fresnel, F., 212, 225 Freund, Dr. G. A., 533 Garcin, L, 547 Gay, Jean, 399 Gibbon, Edward, 189 Godefroy, Pere, 90 , Comelin et Philemon de la Motte, 713 Gorringe, H. H., 480 , Lieutenant-Commander H., and Lieut. Seaton Schroeder, 458 Gottschick, A. F., 263 Graberg da Hemso, Count J. C, 157, 1G2, 173 Grad, Charles, 300, 317 Greenhow, Pvobert, 180 Giirich, Dr., 568 Guys, Charles Edouard, 299 Haimann, Commandant, 511, 565 , Commander, and S. Pastore, 490 Hakluyt, Rev. Richard, 41-46 Halevy, Jos., 382 Hamaker, H. A., 153 Hamilton, James, 255 Hardion, M., 100 Harris, John, 79 Harrison, Commodore T., Ill Hassenstein, B., 333 , und A. Petermann, 306 Haukal, Ibn, 124 Head, Barclay V., 570 , Major F. B., 169 Headley, J. T., 270 Hebenstreit, J. E., 93, 116 Heine, Wilhelm, 272 Henderson, Vice-Consul, 380, 387, 391, 398, 409, 425, 448 Herman, Consul-Geueral, 298, 314 Herodotus, 1 Hoefer, Dr. F., 235 Holcroft, Sir Henry, 55 Hollar, W., 65 Horneman, Frederick, 126 Hunt, Gilbert T., 140 Hutton, Catherine, 150 Ibn Batuta, 14, 239 Ibn-el Atair, 215 Ibu-Haukal, 12, 124 Ibn Khaldun, 18 Ismail ibn Ali, 118, 119, 121 Isodorus of Hispalis, 11 Jameson, Prof., James Wilson and Hugh Murray, 170 Janson, W., 138 Jaubert, Amedee, 185 Jomard, 151, 227, 228 Jones, Consul, 462 Junker, P. S., 179 Juynboll, T. and A., 275 Kaxitz, a., 355 Kars, Dr. C. M., and Professor P. J. Veth, 411 Khaldoun, Abou Zeid Abd-er-Rahman Ibn- Mohammed Ibn-, 215 KnoUes, Richard, 48, 71 Kraft't-Kraft'tshagen, Ale.vandor Freiherrn von, 276-278 Kraus, Dr., 475 Krause, G. A., 444 Kunth, A., 334 Laing, ^lajor Gordon, 167 Lanier, L., 539 Largeau, V., 401-404, 439 Laugier de Tassy, N., 88 Lee, Samuel, 168 Lemay, G., 525 Lenormant, Ch., 224 Leo Africanus, 27 Letronne, J. A., 155, 222, 223 Leyden, John, and Hugh JIurray, 144 Liudberg, J. C, 273 Longo, Pastore P., 545, 552 Louis-Salvador, Archduke, 392 Lucas, Paul, 81 Lu])i, 556 Lyman, Theodore, 164 Lyon, Captain G. F., 147 MacCarthy, 0., 220 Mace, Ant. P. Laur., 258 Marcelli, S. A., 141 .' • ' Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell, 213 Mala, Petro, 51 iMalte-Brun, V. A., 156, 254 Maltzan, Heinrich Freiherr vod, 367 Mamoli, P., 478, 491, 492, 502, 505, 509, 510, 529-532 Mannert, Konrad, 201 JIarbeau, Edouard, 579 Marcellinus, Ammianus, 39 Marcus, Louis, 183 Margolle et Zurcher, MM., 363 Marmol-Caravajal, L., 35 Mas Latrie, Coi'nte L. de, 309, 326, 562, 563 Mauprix, C. de, 574 Mela, Pomponius, 4, 24 Melon, Paul, 550 Mercier, Ernest, 406 Mircher, Colonel, 304 Monro, Dr. Alexander, 112 Mouchez, Admiral E., 421, 422 Muller, L., 273 Murray, Alexander, 130 , Hugh, and John Leyden, 144 , , James Wilson, and Prof. Jameson, 170 N. N.. 503 Nachtigal, Dr., 359-362, 370-376, 434, 443, 455 Nauze, M. de la, 104 Nicolas de Nicolai, 34 Niles, John M., 149 Ogilby, John, 63 Orenz, K., 262 614 A BIBLIOGUArHV OF TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA. Oudiiey, Dr., the late, ]Major Denhain, and Captain Clapperton, 154: Pacho, Raymond, 158-161 Paladini, Leone, 459 Pasqua, Dr., 471 Pastore, S., and Commandor Haimann, 490 Paulitsclike, Dr. Philippe, 518a Paulus Arosius, 9 Pellissier de Reynaud, E., 249 Perk, M. A., 407 Perrond, CI., 482 Petermann, A., iind B, Hassenstein, 30G , Augustus, 243, 318 Pezaut, A., 146 Piesse, L., 551 Playfair, Sir Lambert, 438, 497 Pliny, 5, 248 Pomponius Mela, 4, 24 Porcher, Commander E. A., and Captain li. Murdoch Smith, 310 Posthumus, N. W., 395 Pouqueville, 177 Prax, Lieut, de Vaisseau, 230, 231 Primaudaie, Elie de la, 323 Procopius of Caesarea, 10, 55 Ptoleniv, 6 Puchstein, 0., 464, 479 Purchas, Samuel, 50, 52 Rae, Edward, 428 Rawlinson, George, 266 , Sir Henry, 266 Reade, Vice-Consul, 296, 311, 312 Reclus, Elisee, 560 Keinaud, M., 194 Rennel, Major James, 123 Richard, P. L., 484 Richardson, James, 214, 219, 233, 242 Ritter, Karl, 184 Rizetto, R., 522, 523 Rohlfs, Gerhard, 319-322, 328-332, 337- 339, 343, 349-353, 357, 358, 369, 396, 405, 417, 435-437, 442, 450-454, 467, 472, 473, 516, 517, 524, 564 Rossoni, 468-470 Rotalier, Ch. de, 197 Rousseau, Alphonse, 240, 307 Rowe, Nicholas, 84 Russell, Rt. Rev. M., 171, 172 Saixt-Martin, Vivien de, 293, 305 Salazar y Murdones, P., 26 Sanders, Thomas, 37, 45 Sanson, Nicolas, 58 Sanudo, i\Larino, 19 Sanutd, M. Livio, 38 Schauenherg, Dr. E., 269 Schenkii, P., 78 Schloezer, August Ludsvig von, 114 Schroeder, Lieut. Seaton, and Lieut.-Com- niander H. Gorringe, 458 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von, 512, 548 Schweinfurth, Dr., and Captain Camperio, 553 , — . G., 527, 528 Scylax of Carvanda, 2 Segni, P. Philippe de, 364 Seller, John, 66 Sevestre, H., 393 Shaw, Thomas, 96 Shereef I\Iohamed Hassuna D'Ghies, 176 Skippen, E., 486 Slane, Baron MacGuckin de, 194, 196, 200, 210, 211, 215, 267 Smith, Captain R. Murdoch, and Commandor E. A. Porcher, 310 Smyth, William Henry, 244 Solinus, Polyhistor, 8 Splaine, J. F., 5186 Sprenger, Aloys, 315, 316 Strabo, 3, 202 Subtil, E., 208, 209 Sumner, Charles, 241 Talma, A., 178 Tassy, N. Laugier de, 88 Tau.xier, H., 294, 301 , L., 418 Ternaux-Compans, H., 198 Testa, E., 234, 253 , J. F., 573 Thrige, J. P., 165 Tissdt, Charles, 540 Tollot, Le Sieur, 99 Tousis, Battistino de, 49 TuUy, Richard, 143 Ul.LOA, Alphonso de, 32 Van der Aa, Pierre, 82 Veth, Professor P. J., and Dr. C. M. Kars, 411 Villegagnon, Nicolas Durand de, 26a Viviani, D., 152 Vogel, Dr. Eduard, 250 Waille, Victor, 537-538 Walkenaer, Baron C. A., 148-191 Walker, Consul-Geueral, 324 Wiet, E., 365 Wilkinson, Sir J. G., 266 Wilmanns, Gustavus, 487 Wilson, James, Prof. Jameson, and Hugh IMurray, 170 Wood, Consul, 559 Zanoski, Jean, 205-207 Zurcher et Margolle, MM., 363 I'artmah' Oasis BAgela HaUiCiii °Jaj abu b .uieihlmh' ,.™n.,v . ''■^''"-^''^''^ ' ■•"--- ■ ■ Giu-elL'dSahi^ J*" ...™ , oGhirhe, ^OasisufGarah. Slwat 9Si \ JHacUma. isis ot" Siwai"'-. , ^ ' Jramei- Amman) 4^"! TSi "?"■ "^^f'uuiK wo BaJu'e^Oasis - 300 >^ ^1 TV li ■,../-; /?*^w/> ofZerxu 'vt^ . KsehuJt \ ,; a s e s f'inva of .r.Si..-ii . <\jJJii sen 11,1 Gcr S,N;I rl .ll„,l ^ MAP OF [ AND THE CYRENAICA iccompany the Bibliography of •=HE BAR BAR Y STATES r R. Lambert Playfair, K.C.M.G. SiaJc of Slaliite MUfs. a. i A.K Jolujslnn. Edinturj^h I louJon. u s -M-: It T •'■- TRIPOLI AND THE CYRENAICA ! Bibliography of THE BARBARY STATES By Sir R. Lambert Playfair. K.C M.G. wOM 5 \^^ U ''" ili^; OlSCHARGE-URi JliUX^ JAN 4 1980 Form L9-17m-8, "55(8333984)444 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFO...*.* LOS ANGELES /' PAM PHLET BINDER ^^^ Syracuse, N. Y. . =1:^ ^ir.rKon. Calif. : 000 972 495 University of Ca Southern Reg: Library Faci;