anosHBHl % f ? ? THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION MAJOR GENERAL CHARLES H. MARTIN Over-seas commander of the Eighty-sixth Division. THE OFFICIAL HISTORY iV OF THE Eighty -SIXTH Division CHICAGO STATES PUBLICATIONS SOCIETY 1921 D570 Copyright, 1921 STATES PUBLICATIONS SOCIETY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Special acknowledgment for their generous cooperation in the compila- tion of this record of the Eighty-sixth Division is made to Major General Charles H. Martin, Brigadier General R. C. Davis and Colonel F. C. Bur- nett of General Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces; Colonel Charles F. Stodter of the adjutant-general's office; Colonel Roger S. Fitch, Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. T. Lull, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver L. Spauld- ing, Jr., and Lieutenant Colonel A. F. Dannemiller, of the General Staff; Captain William Quayle Setliffe and Richard A. Dale, of the Eighty-sixth Division Association, and Miss Ruth Sonnedecker, of the Pictorial Section, Historical Branch, War Plans Division, General Staff, without whose assist- ance an accurate history of the division could not have been written. The thanks of the division also is extended to Mr, Eugene Cour, the Chicago Evening American, and the International Film Service, for their generous contribution of many photographs. J. G, L,, Jr. Chicago, January i, jq2j. M182892 Reproduced by permission from The Black Hawk Howitzer FOREWORD In the dark days of 1915 to 1917, when so many of our officers were stationed on the Mexican border, facing the trjdng problems which daily arose, we had little to kill the long evenings but our "smokes" and our own conversation. Many of us were classmates or comrades of from twenty to thirty years service, who knew the army and its many vicissitudes and require- ments, from every aspect. At least we thought we did. Subsequent accom- plishment has shown us that we did not then take into account the fine spirit which our draft, or select, army was to develop. It was our after-dinner habit to congregate in our adobe huts, or roughly thrown together club room, and invariably our thoughts turned to the con- flict then going on in Europe. It seemed to us that we must inevitably be drawn into it or sacrifice our very honor as a nation, and the discouraging questions "Where can we find the necessary army?" "How can an army of adequate strength be trained and equipped out of raw material in double quick time, with so few officers and non-coms available?" closed every pow- wow, and sent us heavy-hearted to bed. Be it remembered that our entire regular army, at that time, consisted of 4,800 officers and 87,000 men, with 123,000 in the National Guard. To be sure, Mr. Bryan had assured us that at the call to arms a million men would spring up over night. A fact we never doubted, knowing the patriotism of our Americans. A million men would rise — but to arms? Were the arms in readiness? Would we dare send our fine Americans forth — an untrained mob — to cope with the trained forces of a scientifically military nation? To us who had given our entire time to the training of men, it seemed an herculean task. We all know how our forebodings were answered. The blow fell, and how it was met has become a matter of history. I need not dwell upon the fine quality of patriotism which sent men forth eager to offer their lives, and gave women the courage to remain at home and work, if necessity demanded, or follow the men into the thick of the conflict, in order to sustain and comfort them. It was my good fortune to be made chief instructor of one of the first Student Officers' Training Camps. For three months we toiled indefatigably, instructors and candidates alike, and at the close of that camp my vision cleared. The high type of the majority of the men we had to deal with was an inspiration, a spur to bring forth a man's best efforts. It has been well said that, "When in May, 191 7, 40,000 of the finest young men of the country vii viii FOREWORD reported at the Officers' Training Camps, the future of our army was secure." I saw the close of the camp approach with deep regret. On August 15, 191 7, I was informed that a commission as brigadier in our new national army had fallen to my lot, and that I was ordered to report to Major General Thomas H. Barry, who would organize and train the Eighty-sixth Division at Camp Grant. Illinois being my native state, it was with deep gratification and for- ward-looking purpose that I ventured forth to continue the work of training. Well do I remember the 25th of August, 191 7, when the regular officers assigned by the War Department to organize the division reported to General Barry. They were men who either had served their country long and faith- fully in many lands or had recently come into the army after having demon- strated that they had the character, education, force and qualities of leader- ship to meet the test of battle. It was not wealth, chance, nor political or social position, but only their own demonstrated capacity, which gave them the posts they held. The camp was teeming with activity; a mass of unfinished buildings, lumber piles, ditches and dusty roads in a series of ripening corn fields. General Barry worked rapidly and efficiently, and by August 28, when the one thousand officers, recent graduates from the Fort Sheridan Training Camp, who were to train the men, arrived, barracks and messing arrange- ments for them had been completed. They were not long in doubt. The atmosphere of the place created by those one thousand fine leaders soon inspired them. The men vied with one another in the arduous training. Camp Grant knew no eight-hour law. Often, after retreat or later, were heard the commands of some acknowledged leader who had his little squad of eager volunteers repeating the drill of the day. On Saturday afternoon, the one day of the week allowed for recreation, it was not unusual to meet groups hiking through the country, bent upon developing their powers of endurance. I will not go into details of the long period of training, which lasted for over a year, a training necessary for self mastery, for the development of obedience, courage, leadership, loyalty and all requisites of the successful soldier. In many of our embryo soldiers these qualities were dormant in a greater or less degree. Repeatedly was our division torn to pieces, in order to furnish men for less fortunate organiza- tions. Officers and men alike faced the discouraging situation with great pluck. It was the burning desire of every one there to get to the front. To look on at the departure of the fortunate ones and continue to put one's best into the monotonous training, the drudgery without the inspiration of adven- ture, required a particular kind of courage. All realized the necessity for this and gave loyally to the cause all that they had and all that they were. I think, however, I should speak of the awakened intelligence and loyalty of many foreigners in the division — self-styled *'Hell Hounds," for instance, from Little Italy in Chicago, who, in the bitter cold of that unusu- ally cold winter in northern Illinois, refused to quit their sentry posts. I FOREWORD ix recall, also, those practice marches in the deep snow; the range practice, when, with the thermometer eighteen degrees below zero, all-day practice was carried on; the fine physical training, especially the boxing contests under the leadership of "Dynamite Jack." Later in the spring came the long, hard march of the artillery to its camp at Sparta and the marches to Byron on Dr. Woodcock's farm where the doctor practiced the men in the Black Hawk's war cry. The records of the War Department show that no division went to the port of embarkation better equipped and better disciplined than the Eighty- sixth. That during the long wait on Long Island, from August 22 to Sep- tember 9, there should have been only two desertions from those who arrived with the division, is truly remarkable. Unfortunately the Eighty-sixth reached France too late to be equipped to go into action as a whole. Yet, under other divisional standards, a large part of the officers and men got into the final fighting in the Meuse-Argonne. Although an unhappy fate played us havoc in this final test, nothing can kill the fine spirit that was developed to meet that test. I received a letter from one of the early colonels of the Eighty-sixth Division, a colonel who, on subsequent promotion, commanded not only a brigade, but a division as well, saying, "I have often wondered, if in your experience with several divisions, you have found any as good as the Eighty- sixth?" I can truthfully say I do not believe there was another division of our great army which comprised a finer, more upstanding lot of men than the Eighty-sixth. Is it to be wondered at, when one considers the historical Black Hawk country from which they came, and further, the fact that their lessons in warfare were imbibed in a camp taking its name from the greatest soldier our state ever produced? In closing I desire to pay tribute to the many men and women who gave so generously of their time and talents in order to inspire and amuse us, especially to Judge Kenesaw M. Landis, who brought his court to us at Camp Grant in the spring evenings of 1918. There gathered many of our fine men not certain of their citizenship, who received their oaths of allegiance like a benediction. It is my earnest hope that those of us who have been spared to return, may ever remember that we were 100 per cent American and continue to give our best in order to perpetuate the traditions and ideals of our Black Hawks. So may we best honor our heroic dead and those who will carry the marks of their self sacrifice through life. MAJOR GENERAL. 1 , , ; SCALA-THEATRE W 016252 ^J LOGE „■■ CHAISE r ' BANANIA r.-^t BANANiA B mellleur le meilleur dijeuner ('.-■', dAjeunar stu matin du mslia OFFICER' S BElUHiNG CARD ,4' / '"<_, ,x To S. j.,TFKN\n0NALMKRCANTSLE WE SHALL NEVER FORGET! The Eighty-sixth Division By John G. Little, Jr. (Lieutenant, 342nd Infantry) WENTY-SEVEN months of service, at home and abroad, built for the Eighty-sixth Division, com- posed of men from northern IlHnois, from Wiscon- sin and from Minnesota, a war record that was a credit to its commanders and its country — a record which may be cherished with pride by every Black Hawk. Through the Eighty-sixth were trained a total of 115,000 men for service in the line. Black Hawks were in the ranks of every combat division on the front and participated practically in every battle fought by American troops. ''You contributed directly on the battlefield to the success of the American Expeditionary Forces and justified your pride in the Eighty-sixth Division," wrote General John J. Pershing, praising the Black Hawks for their "splendid discipline and morale." Although the division was lauded by Newton D. Baker, secretary of war, as "invincible in war," and commended by Governor Lowden of Illinois as "a superb organization," yet the number of Black Hawks who fell on the field of battle was far greater than the rifle strength of an entire division. That those brave men could not have fought throughout with their original organization, in which they received their army education, is the one regret of the Eighty-sixth Division. The history of the division may be said to date from July 18, 191 7, THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION ULYSSES S. GRANT For whom Camp Grant was named. when War Department general or- ders named Camp Grant in honor of the commander-in-chief of the Union forces in the Civil War. The site selected for the training of the divi- sion was a tract of 3,000 acres of fertile land lying between the Rock and Kishwaukee Rivers, five miles south of Rockford, Illinois. The plan of the camp was laid out by Edward H. Bennett, a Chi- cago architect. On June 18 he was asked by the War Department to submit plans. The next day he drove over the site with difficulty in a motor car and that night sent his preliminary sketch to Washing- ton. Soon thousands of workmen were busy under the direction of Major D. H. Sawyer, construction quartermas- ter, and the great cantonment began to rise on what had been parched fields of grain. Camp Grant now was a roar of clanging hammers and creaking cranes, and the long streets were full of straining teams as the great army of workmen, choking through in- cessant clouds of dust, rushed toward completion the new city for men only, which was to comprise 1,400 buildings, 25 miles of sewer, 22 miles of water pipes, 6 miles of gas mains and 12 miles of hard roads. The first load of lumber was dumped at the reservation on June 25. A railroad switch was run in next day. Within a month 1,000 carloads of material had been delivered. The camp was situated on a 35-foot plateau, with plenty of natural fall and a substratum of sand and gravel, making the possibilities of com- plete sanitation all that could be asked. The barrack buildings were along two main axes, the chief of which ran northwest and southeast, quartering the points of the compass for better sunlight and air, as well as accommodat- ing the lay of the ground. The minor axis ran due north and south. On the banks of the Rock River, in the center of camp, division head- quarters were situated. Also in the center of the camp was the civic center, consisting of the big Y. M. C. A. and K. C. Auditoriums, the Christian Science Welfare House, the library erected by the American Library Asso- ciation, the big Redpath amusement tent, which later gave way to the Liberty Theater, the Jewish Welfare Hut, the camp store, the post-office and the telephone and telegraph office. Two battalions of the First Infantry, Illinois National Guard, under the command of Major Abel Davis, guarded the government reservation, at THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 3 first camping on the wooded banks of the Rock River, and as work on the cantonment progressed, moving into the new barracks. The guardsmen re- mained at the camp until the middle of September, when they proceeded to Camp Logan, Texas, where they became a part of the Thirty-third Divi- sion, Major Davis attaining the rank of colonel and commanding the i32d Infantry, the old Second Illinois. The organization of the Eighty-sixth Division was directed by the War Department on August 3 to comprise the following units: Division Headquarters. 331st Machine Gun Battalion. 171st Infantry Brigade — Brigade Headquarters. 332nd Machine Gun Battalion. 341st Infantry. 342nd Infantry. 172nd Infantry Brigade — Brigade Headquarters. 333rd Machine Gun Battalion. 343rd Infantry. 344th Infantry. i6ist Artillery Brigade — Brigade Headquarters. 331st Field Artillery (light). 332nd Field Artillery (light). 333rd Field Artillery (heavy). 311th Trench Mortar Battery. 311th Engineers. 311th Field Signal Battalion. Division Trains — 311th Train Headquarters and Military Police. 311th Ammunition Train. 311th Supply Train. 311th Engineer Train. 311th Sanitary Train. In addition to the organization of the division proper, the i6ist Depot Brigade was established, to which later incoming recruits were attached A PANORAMA OF CAMP GRANT 4 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION before being permanently assigned to organizations within the Eighty-sixth Division. Surplus officers were attached to the depot brigade, which also served to take care of men physically unfit for combatant branches of the service and to hold specialists pending their assignment to special services. On August 23 Major General Thomas H. Barry, who had been in com- mand of the Central Department, with headquarters at Chicago, was directed to take command of the division, and on August 27 he issued his first gen- eral orders, making his staff, brigade, regimental and other assignments. GENERAL BARRY AND THE ORIGINAL STAFF General Barry's original staff consisted of: Colonel H. O. S. Heistand, Camp Adjutant. Lieutenant Colonel Roger S. Fitch, Chief of Staff. Lieutenant Colonel G. N. Kimball, Judge Advocate. Lieutenant Colonel James M. Phalen, Division Surgeon. Major Charles E. T. Lull, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. Major Innis P. Swift, Division Adjutant. Major Charles Barnett, Division Inspector. Major C. C. Burt, Division Quartermaster. Major Alexander S. G. Gillespie, Division Ordnance Officer. Major Irving Madison, Division Signal Officer. Captain R. C. Richardson, Aide-de-Camp. ■ At the same time the following brigade and regimental assignments were made: Brigadier General Charles H. Martin — 172nd Infantry Brigade. Brigadier General C. LeRoy Irwin — i6ist Artillery Brigade. Brigadier General Lyman W. V. Kennon — i6ist Depot Brigade. Colonel C. C. Smith — 171 Infantry Brigade. Colonel Charles E. Stodter — 342nd Infantry. Colonel Charles R. Rowland — 343rd Infantry. Colonel B. F. Simmons — 344th Infantry. Colonel William R. Lambdin — ^33ist Field Artillery. Colonel Philip R. Ward— 333rd Field Artillery. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION MAJOR GENERAL THOMAS H. BARRY First commander of the Eighty-sixth Division. Mollett Studios THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Colonel B. H. Dorcy — ^332nd Machine Gun Battalion. Colonel C. S. Smith — 331st Engineers. Colonel S. B. Arnold — Division Trains. Lieutenant Colonel C. DeGrasse Catlin — 341st Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel A. C. Gillem — 333rd Machine Gun Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel E. L. Gruber — 332nd Field Artillery. Major A. F. Dannemiller — 331st Ma- chine Gun Battalion. Colonel Arnold was also as- signed as acting commanding officer of the 311th Trench Mortar Bat- tery. The 171st Infantry Brigade originally had been asigned to Colo- nel Carl Reichman, whose appoint- ment as a brigadier general, however, was challenged in the United States Senate because of his alleged pro- German utterances. He was born in Germany, coming to the United States when eleven years of age. Colonel Reichman was exonerated by the military affairs committee of the Senate, but the accusation hung over the officer's head throughout the training of the Eighty-sixth Division at Camp Grant, and it was not until October, 191 8, with the division in France, that the shadow was lifted and Colonel Reichman was sent back to Camp Grant as a brigadier general to take command of the i6ist Depot Brigade. During the week of the organization of the division staff and field the newly commissioned officers of the Reserve Corps and the National Army arrived, mostly from Fort Sheridan, where on August 15 they had completed a three months' course of the most rigid military training in the history of the armies of the world. The assignment of the Fort Sheridan officers to their commands in the Eighty-sixth Division was made by the companies which had obtained at the officers' training camp, in the following numerical order: LIEUTENANT COLONEL ROGER FITCH Division Chief of Staff. Companies i and 2 — to the 341st Infantry. Companies 3 and 4 — to the 342nd Infantry. Companies 5 and 6 — to the 343rd Infantry. Companies 7 and 8 — to the 344th Infantry. Company 9 — to the 331st Machine Gun Battalion. First Battery — to the 331st Field Artillery. Second Battery — to the 332nd Field Artillery. Third Battery— to the 333rd Field Artillery. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION FOUR OF THE ORIGINAL STAFF OF THE EIGHTY-SIXTH Above, left: Lieutenant Colonel Gordon N. Kimball, Division Judge Advocate; right, Lieutenant Colonel (later Colonel) James M. Phalen, Division Surgeon. Below, left: Major (later Lieutenant Colonel) Charles C. Burt, Division Quartermaster; right, Major (later Lieutenant Colonel) Alexander S. G. Gillespie, Division Ordnance Officer. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Cavalry Troop — to the 332nd Machine Gun Battahon. Engineers — to the 311th Engineers. The quartermaster officers were assigned to two provisional companies, and statistical, ordnance and signal officers to others pending their per- manent assignment or attachment. Thus not only was confusion avoided to a great extent in the matter of reporting for duty, but also officers who had been associated at the training camp were kept together. All of the reserve officers arrived by August 29, those left without berths being attached to the depot brigade. Next day all the new officers were assembled at division headquarters, and were welcomed by General Barry in his never-to-be-forgotten "friendly hand on the shoulder" address, in which he pointed out to them the respon- sibility that had been imposed upon them, and urged them not to be dic- tatorial in their training of the men who soon would come to them for their first military schooling, but to treat the poor boy with the same kindness and con- sideration as the young man from the gold coast. From the alacrity and enthusiasm with which the junior officers plunged into the great task before them, it was to be seen at once that the Eighty-sixth was to be a division worthy of all American army traditions. To the barracks, left cluttered up by the workmen, broom and water and scrub brush were applied in a manner that would have filled with glee the hearts of the recruits who came later could they have witnessed the operation. Drill fields were laid out; the necessary extra lumber was procured by any possible means; and clothing, cots and bedding were drawn in preparation for the "first 5 per cent" of the National Army men. Late in the afternoon of September 5 they came, the first consignment of 350 men. Their train pulled into the Camp Grant station at 5:35 o'clock, ten minutes ahead of time, and they tumbled out singing and yelling. It must be admitted that the predominant words of the singing were: Hail, hail, the gang's all here; What the hell do we care now! HERE THEY COME! THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION MORE "SELECTS" ARRIVING Great clouds of dust swept across the six un- lovely square miles of Camp Grant. Gathering rain clouds hastened the dusk. But there was no gloom in the hearts of the future soldiers. A prospective trudge of a mile and a half through the dust to bar- racks brought no whim- per. But Lieutenant Colonel Fitch, who had witnessed the detrain- ment from the back of his prancing chestnut mare, gave the first sample of the consideration that was to be the camp policy by shortening the distance to a few blocks, giving orders that the men be put back on the train and sent in over the siding. Again the train started, pulling up near the barracks at a point which henceforth became the "getting off place." "When do we eat?" became the cry now, and old military heads nodded in approval, for that was the everlasting thought of the doughboy and the redleg. After being assigned to barracks, the men were lined up for mess at once, and the first supper of short ribs of beef, browned potatoes, stewed corn, pickles, bread, syrup, prunes and coffee was a pleasant surprise to many. After mess the selected men received their blankets and bed-sacks, were shown how to fill the sacks with straw, and were assigned to their springy iron cots on the second floors of the big buildings. When taps sounded at II o'clock most of them were ready to turn in and they learned for the first time what it means literally to "hit the hay." Unhappily for some among the 350 who had never before been so far from home, the storm that had been threatening all evening broke full force about midnight, the claps of thunder, wind howling round the corners of the wooden buildings, and rain pattering loudly upon the tarred roofs accentuating the natural strangeness and homesickness accom- panying the first night with new bunkies and in unaccustomed surroundings, but the selects took it '■ bravely. A TYPE With reveille, at 5:45 o'clock, they rolled from 10 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION NEW ARRIVALS under their snug army blankets — albeit with some kinks in the back from the first night in the straw — laughed at the terrific downpour that had sluiced the can- tonment during the night, and began to change the outward forms that distinguish the civilian from the soldier. Immediately after morning ''chow" of cereal, bacon, bread and coffee the change began taking place. Golf caps, derbies, slouches and straws disappeared and in their places came the smart sombrero of the American soldier. Silk shirts and cotton, collars and ties, went into the discard. Feet not always properly clad found an opportunity to spread themselves in the Munson last, which every man swore — at first — was too large. Hikes later proved that the army knew. As the first 350 were getting acquainted with the miracle of army blouses and breeches, which fit in spots only at first, the second detach- ment of selected men began to arrive, many reaching camp by motor bus from the railroad stations in Rockford. The new arrivals were cheered by the "veterans" of a day, who seemed to strut a bit in their new uniforms for the benefit of their new comrades — which was the proper thing to do. But even ahead of these first two detachments of the first quota of National Army men ap- portioned to Camp Grant had come two zealously patriotic youths who could not wait to be called. They beat the draft. First came J. Bradley Smol- len, motion picture scenario writer, closely upon whose heels fol- lowed Tom A. Martin, Chicago sporting writer. For days this pair of eager patriots walked about the camp, misfits MORE NEW ARRIVALS THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION II in the midst of a sea of officers. They themselves had not yet achieved the standing even of privates. Also ahead of the first quota came Spearman Lewis, publicity expert of Chicago, at whose suggestion General Barry instituted a press headquar- ters for the purpose of accommodating newspaper correspondents, dis- seminating news of the camp to "folks back home," and informing the se- lected men bound for Camp Grant of the conditions they might expect upon entering the army life and how to prepare for them. The writer of this division history was put in charge of the press headquarters, assisted by Lieutenants Lloyd E. Thrush of the Quartermaster Corps, Eugene Morgan AND STILL THEY CAME of the 341st Infantry, Charles Flanagan and Orion Mather of the 342nd Infantry, and Oldham Paisley of the 343rd Infantry. The farmhouse just north of General Barry's residence was selected as the home of this army 'Tourth Estate"; tables, typewriters, files and miscellaneous what-nots that smack of newspaperdom were installed; and soon the two-story frame building resembled more a modern newspaper office than a farmhouse. Mimeograph machines were provided, which turned out "copy" for several hundred newspapers in the wide area from which men were drawn for Camp Grant. As the increments of selected men arrived, newspaper men among their number were drafted for press headquarters until a corps of workers was collecting and grinding out the news of the camp. There was no "lid" on legitimate news at Camp Grant. General Barry insisted that the game be played "wide open." No censorship was established except that which the correspondent imposed upon himself. The newspaper 12 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION RAISING THE FLAG AT PRESS HEADQUARTERS Left to right: Tom Martin, Spearman Lewis, Harry Reutlinger, Harry Beardsley. men were placed on their honor and were trusted to do nothing calculated to "give aid or comfort to the enemy," Press headqu arters were credited by General Barry with having done much toward the build- ing up of the splendid morale that ever marked the Eighty-sixth Divi- sion. Upon the writer's return to his regiment, Lieutenant Thrush was placed in command at press headquarters, to be succeeded later by Lieutenant Flanagan, who re- mained at that post until the division entrained for a port of embarkation. Lieutenant Morgan was promoted to a captaincy. By September lo there were 2,000 selected men at Camp Grant. On that date these pioneers of the Eighty-sixth Division were assembled just north of division headquarters in a great semi-circle about a rise in the ground on which a little clump of fir trees stood, and General Barry went before them with a direct man-to-man appeal before they had got fairly started in the grim work of war. The appearance of the division commander was somewhat of an upset of old army traditions. Rank and caste were wiped out as he stood before them in the morning sunlight and reached for the hearts of these gallant sons of Illinois and Wisconsin who had set their determined faces already toward the front in France. "As we live together, work together, fight together and — some of us — die together, why shouldn't we be friends and comrades?" said the general after he had read President Wilson's message to the soldiers of the National Army. "And what greater ties can possibly bind men together than living, working, fighting and dying together in the greatest and best cause in the world's history and for the freedom and equality of mankind the world over? "You young men are inspired by the same pure and patriotic motives that inspire your officers, the majority of whom have recently started just as you are about to start, and most of you will come just as fast and get your opportunity to advance just as quickly as they did. Most of you are making greater sacrifices than your officers, are entitled to the best there is in us, and you'll get it. We shall play no favorites in this camp. "So let us all get together, stay together and pull together for the cause we have joined hands to defend." And here was created the famous spirit of the Eighty-sixth Division. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 13 Following General Barry's address, the first 2,000 began the grind and routine of army life in earnest. For the first week they followed the following daily schedule: 5:45 A. M. — Reveille, first call. 5 155- -Reveille. 6 : 00 — Assembly. 6:00-6:10 — Setting up exercises. 6:30 — Mess call (breakfast). 7:10-7:30 — Fatigue. 7:30-8:00 — School for the soldier. 8:00-8:30 — School of the squad. 8:30-9:30 — Interior guard duty. 9:30-10:00 — Setting up exercises. 10:00-10:30 — Military courtesy and discipline. 10:30-11:30 — Issuing of clothing and equipment. 11:30 — Recall from drill and fatigue. 11:40 — Sick call. 1 1 :45 — First sergeants' call. 1 2 : 00 — Noon — Mess (dinner) . 1:00 P. M. — Fatigue. 1:05 — Drill, first call. 1 : 1 5 — Assembly. 1:15-1:45 — Setting up exercises. 1:45-2:30 — Care of uniform and equipment. 2:30-3:00^ — School of the soldier. 3 : 00-3 : 45 — Personal hygiene and care of the feet. 3:45-4:15 — Obligations and rights of the soldier. 4:15 — Recall. 4:25 — Guard Mounting, first call. 4:35 — Assembly. 5:00 — Mess (supper). 5:30 — Retreat, first call. 5:40 — Assembly. 9:00 — Tattoo. 10:45 — Call to quarters. 1 1 : 00 — Taps. The aptitude of the men in mastering the drill work was little short of amazing. Promotion had been promised them as rapidly as their ability and the progress of their military training warranted, officers' training schools in camp already were in contemplation, and during even the first weeks of training their instruc- tors could see future lieutenants and captains — even majors — sprout- ing before their eyes. "Noncoms" of the Regu- lar Army who had been assigned to the division to assist in the instruc- tion of the selected men were made to look to their laurels. First announcement of the acting corporals and sergeants in the vari- ous companies added im- petus to the training. the first two national army men The temporary non-com- Bradley Smollen and Tom A. Martin. 1^^ 1 w^''t~\w^^m 1 f 1 ^^^KmK^^^^% ' ' '^' ^H / ^^^ >ii ^p ''*^- THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 15 missioned officers realized that they would have to keep on their toes if they expected to retain their grades when permanent appointments were made. Those whose names did not appear on the first lists redoubled their efforts^ determined to be on the next. With the coming of the first National Army men came the job of policing the territory adjacent to Camp Grant. Rockford was "dry" — at least supposedly so — but in other nearby towns liquor was to be had. To prevent excursions to these towns, to stamp out "bootlegging" as far as possible, and otherwise to preserve order. Captain (later Major) Albert L. Denman, who before attending the Fort Sheridan training camp had founded and headed Chicago's famous mounted police, was put in command of the division's military police, cooperat- ing with the civil authorities. Cap- tain Denman immediately began a round-up of all former Chicago policemen among the selected men for his force, which may have had something to do with the splendid conditions that prevailed in the Camp Grant area. A notable example of the spirit that already inspired the men of the National Army was given with the first of the physical examinations, when every regimental infirmary was a busy scene. At the same time that the examination as to the physical fitness of the men was held, a typhoid inoculation also was given; long lines stood in single file before the surgeons to get their first "shot in the arm," to be followed a week later by para-typhoid inoculations. No one who witnessed those first physical examinations could help mar- veling at the revolution of thought that they disclosed. Men who had struggled to gain exemption and remain out of the National Army now fought to remain in it. Not a few shed tears when turned back to civilian life. A strapping athlete of twenty-four years who fell short on the eye test begged the examining surgeon to overlook his defect; another who was a slacker at heart a few weeks before, seeking exemption by professing to have tuberculosis, admitted to the examiners that he had lied, and he fairly danced with joy when he was pronounced O. K.; a one-eyed man who had slipped by the exemption board in Chicago offered to whip any two-eyed or three-eyed man either; thus it went in hundreds of instances throughout the camp. MAJOR ALBERT L. DENMAN Commanding the Military Police. i6 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 1 i f-^^ .^»M^''-^|H '^^^Hj^H BAYONET BOXING Lieutenant J. W. Krause and Danny Goodman. For several days thereafter aching arms were the rule, but there was apparent a general air of relief that the ex- aminations were passed. As the men now be- came more accustomed to the new life into which they had entered, the army discipline grad- ually was tightened up. This extended to the officers, as well, with the abolishing by General Barry of the swagger stick, the nobby short overcoat and all other details of uniform and equip- ment not provided for in uniform regulations. But the drawing of sharper military lines for both officers and men did not mean that it was to be "all work and no play" at Camp Grant. In addition to motion pictures and other entertainment furnished through the Y. M. C. A. and the vaudeville performances and minstrel shows arranged for in the different regiments, a part of the daily drill schedule was set aside for games such as "duck on the rock" and "three deep," and all kinds of sports were encouraged. This encouragement of manly sports and cheering recrea- tion helped both the fighting spirit and the working spirit of the men. Coach Lewis Omer of Northwestern University was made cantonment athletic director, working in cooperation with Captain (later Major) Orville J. Taylor, divisional athletic officer. Danny Goodman was trans- ferred from the First In- fantry, Illinois National Guard, before that or- ganization went to Texas, and took charge of the camp boxing in- struction, to be suc- ceeded by Charley White, Chicago's fast as- pirant for the light- weight championship, and later by Fred Dyer. Through the efforts of DANNY PARRYING A THRUST THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 17 :^^a»^:^^,. AN INTERESTING GROUP The central figures are Anton Cermak and Charley White. The officers are Lieutenants Spencer (left) and Eddy (right). Goodman, White and Dyer and under the direction of Lieutenant (later Captain) John E. Eddy, many a clever boxer was produced by the Eighty-sixth Divi- sion, some of whom won high honors in competi- tions between camps and in the A. E. F. bouts. One of the first noted visitors at Camp Grant was the late Colo- nel Theodore Roosevelt, who late in September, after a motor trip of in- spection accompanied by General Barry, the brigade commanders. Lieutenant Colonel Fitch — who had served in the Rough Riders under the Colonel — and an honor escort, delivered an address to the men of the division. Colonel Roosevelt complimented Major Sawyer upon the splendid con- struction work accomplished at Camp Grant, which was the first of the National Army cantonments to reach completion, and General Barry upon the esprit de corps already manifest and the fact that of all the camps the number of objectors " conscientious " and otherwise, was lowest in the Eighty-sixth Divi- sion. It should be men- tioned here that of the number of conscientious objectors brought to Camp Grant as prisoners after they had refused to obey the official call of their boards, practically all ceased objecting and expressed a desire to ac- cept the War Depart- ment's offer to enter the National Army without further protest. Charges were dropped against AWAITING COLONEL ROOSEVELT those who reached this la THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION decision, and very many of them later made exceedingly creditable records. Upon cabled instructions from General Pershing that "strict methods used at West Point in training new cadets in the elementary principles (dis- cipline and military courtesy) should be applied rigorously and completely to the forces we are organizing," the military belt of Camp Grant was tightened up another couple of holes, non-commissioned officers' schools were opened in every company, attendance being compulsory, and the selected man set his jaw and plugged night and day without complaint — at least without a very audible one. New increments now were coming into camp in an almost steady stream. Each was met by the veterans with cheers and welcoming cries of: "You'll like it!" And most of them learned to do so. Putting the "square peg" and "round peg" men in their properly fitting openings was already in progress at division headquarters. To meet the problem the War Department had established its personnel division. Captain Lawrence H. Whiting, former Chicago football star, was assigned as personnel officer at Camp Grant, and under his direction were prepared the thousands of personnel cards bearing the life history of every man in the division. With this record of the soldier's expe- rience and training, it became possible to put the majority of the men where they could be of the most service. The system in the Eighty-sixth Division was perfected by Captain (later Major) Robert K. Fast, who remained as division personnel adjutant until the end of the war. With the issuing of the new Enfield rifles began the train- ing of the division in the art of modern warfare. Up to this time there had been the school of the soldier and of the squad, the facings and the manual of arms with the old Krags, platoon and company drill, and hikes. Now the division school of arms was opened under command of Colonel Guy Palmer and Lieu- tenant Colonel Harris Pendel- ton, Jr. First the commissioned officers and later the non-com- THE COLONEL ARRIVES . . , .. a A ^l.oooo ir, „, ,, „ ■ .u i A n ...1- missioned attended classes in The three officers in the foreground are Generals Kennon, Martin and Barry. bombing, musketry, automatic THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 19 ■A'4MML -£ >^-^-:^. ^ / \ TWENTY THOUSAND MEN HEAR COLONEL ROOSEVELT rifle, trench mortar, fortifications and other specialties. Company, battal- ion, regimental and even brigade commanders, as well as lieutenants, ser- geants and corporals, now went to school again, to learn things never before taught the American soldier, such as camouflage, close combat weapons, mines, deep gallery shelters and other cover against shell fire, construction of listening posts, perception of subterranean sound. Very pistols and signal rockets, communication with airplanes, wiring, observation and sniping, and countless other subjects incident to the new methods of fighting. A division gas school was instituted under Captain (later Major) John S. Sweeney, a Chicago physician. Company officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, after attending the gas school, as well as the school of arms, in turn gave the courses in which they had been instructed to the men of their commands. So thorough was the gas course arranged by Major Sweeney that out of the hundreds of officers attending his class only one failed to pass the required tests — and he was a colonel. In the middle of October began the work upon an actual system of trenches. In detachments the men of the division were marched to a rolhng stubble field lying across Meridian Highway just east of the cantonment. Soon fresh-turned earth ran snakily across the landscape for half a mile. Generally the line followed the military crest of a low ridge. Behind it and higher, the second and third-line supporting trenches were built and con- 20 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION MAJOR ROBERT K. FAST Division personnel adjutant. nected by communicating trenches until before long there lay a laby- rinth which was the replica of the trenches in which already the first of the American troops were fighting in France and Flanders — where the Eighty-sixth hoped soon to be. For days and days the work con- tinued. Barbed wire entanglements were stretched over the length and breadth of the system. When com- pleted, the firing trenches, communi- cations and approaches were named after streets of Chicago and other cities from which men had been sent to Camp Grant, and the dugouts and strong points for well known hotels and resorts. Over this trench system was fought battle after battle, was staged maneuver after maneuver, under the direction of Captc^in Robert Payen and the other officers of the Allied mili- tary mission. From Samuelson Road to Cleveland, Meridian Highway to Miller, the lines were occupied and evacuated, barraged, stormed, counter- attacked, until the sandy parapets and firing steps caved in under the strain. Already the men were eager to get into real action and the cry became: "Let's Go!" But fate had set for the Eighty-sixth a tragic destiny. Hardly had the division begun to take really promising form than inroads were cut into its ranks for replacements to be sent to regular army and National Guard divisions scheduled for early embarkation overseas. Most of the officers and men were "rarin' to go," but they wanted to go with the Eighty-sixth. Instead, time after time the division was depleted, new increments of men arrived and were trained, only to be taken away to sail for France with other units. The first draft upon the Eighty-sixth was for almost 5,400 men to be sent to Camp Logan, to fill up the Thirty-third Division, composed of former Illinois National Guard regiments. These replacements were drawn from the following units: 341st Infantry 650 342nd Infantry 1,100 332nd Machine Gun Battalion. 190 343rd Infantry 1,110 344th Infantry 1,110 333rd Machine Gun Battalion. 190 331st Field Artillery 90 332nd Field Artillery 430 333rd Field Artillery 530 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 21 The first 500 of these men were marched over to the railroad spur on October 22nd and started toward Camp Logan. "Good luck!" shouted those left behind. "You'll be the first to get over. Give 'em hell!" And everyone knows what the Thirty-third did in France. The remainder of the increment followed shortly. This portentous cut into the ranks of the division, the first of a series, came as a distinct shock, but it was by no means a discouragement. The men of Camp Grant realized that if the war was to be won America must win it, and they had made up their minds that the Eighty-sixth Division was going to play an important part in that victory. So it was not surprising that they entered enthusiastically into the Second Liberty Loan drive. In this cam- paign Camp Grant led all the cantonments of the country, winning the praise of both the War and Treasury Departments, by subscribing more than $2,000,000. This brought the following telegram to General Barry from Secretary Baker: "Wonderful support accorded the Liberty Loan by the men of your com- mand elicits growing commendations from the Treasury Department and the executive committee of the Seventh Federal Reserve District. Camp Grant leads all other camps in volume of subscription." After exciting competitions among companies, battalions, regiments and brigades, the drive was wound up with a great Liberty Day celebration on October 24, when General Barry ordered all work suspended except guard and fatigue duty, and the day was given over to football and basketball games, track events and a card of twenty-seven boxing bouts arranged HEADQUARTERS TROOP, WITH THEIR FIRST RIFLES 22 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION by Captain Eddy and Coach Omer, who had been commissioned a captain. The government war risk insurance was introduced at Camp Grant by Colonel Charles R. Howland of the 343d Infantry, who had represented the Eighty-sixth Division at the Washington conference of army and navy men to study the law. Upon his return to camp, Colonel Howland first insured General Barry, Colonel Heistand and Lieutenant Colonel Fitch for $10,000 each — the maximum amount of insurance issued — then all the other officers; company insurance officers were designated and they explained the act and offered the insurance to their men, with the result that soon practically every member of the division was insured for from v$S,ooo to $10,000. Late in October it was announced that those men who had "put every- thing they had" into their work were to have their first opportunity to win their commissions in a third officers' training school, to be opened at camp with Lieutenant Colonel Edwin A. Hickman as its command- ing officer. Three hundred selected men were to be admitted to the school upon the recommendation of their commanding officers, together with 163 men from the universities of Chicago, Illinois and Wisconsin, the Western Military Academy and Shattuck School. After the school had got well under way Colonel Palmer, who had been conducting the school of arms, replaced Lieuten- ant Colonel Hickman as comman- dant. Intelligence schools also were established, at which both officers and enlisted men were instructed in' the German language, patrolling and the multitude of other duties of the intelligence section. Nor were these the only schools. The first week in November saw the introduction of a course entirely new to the American army — singing! The officers of the division first were assembled in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium and introduced to Arthur Nevin, who had been appointed camp singing director. Thereafter singing school became a weekly event for men and officers in every regiment. The duties of the modern day officers had become indeed complex. They had enlisted to fight, said one, and here they had qualified in about everything except that. They had taught English to men of all nationalities, studied drawing and higher mathematics, sold bonds, written insurance, and COLONEL GUY G. PALMER Commander of the Division School of Arms; later commandant of the Third Officers' Training School. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 23 THE "Y" HUT attended singing school, and he was of the opin- ion that it was high time they had a chance to be soldiers. But both of- ficers and men accepted their lot, whatever it was, philosophically. First actual firing with the new Enfield rifles was begun November 12, when the 341st Infantry— the "Wisconsin Eagles," so named for the regiment's mascot, a bald eagle presented by citi- zens of Milwaukee — marched to the rifle range on the Kishwaukee River three miles from camp. The other infantry regiments followed in turn. Particular attention now was paid to work on the range, with the result that, consid- ering the fact that some of the men never before had held a rifle, remarkable accuracy was attained by the division as a whole. The construction of the rifle range with from 100 to 1,000 yards filing points, was one of the creditable achievements of the 311th Engineers, cooperating with the Thirty-fifth Engineers. There had been hikes, of course, since the arrival of the first 5 per cent, but now the really long marches began, the men cooking their own noon meal and returning to camp for supper. Many found these long marches very strenuous at first, but they rapidly became hardened. On November 26 General Barry, with Lieutenant Colonel Fitch and Major R. C. Richardson, slipped quietly out of camp, and several days later it became Y. M. C. A. WORKERS AT CAMP GRANT 24 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION ^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H m^ - ^ ^-^ 1- GENERAL VIEW OF RIFLE RANGE AT MESS TIME generally known that the division commander and his chief assistants had gone to France for a course of instruction and study on the Western front. Brigadier General Kennon took command of the division, Major Lull acting as chief of staff. The winter of 191 7-18 was a most se- vere one at Camp Grant, blizzard after blizzard sweeping down upon the cantonment, but it was not allowed in any way to interfere with the work. In the teeth of biting winds that froze ears, noses, fingers and toes, and in the face of cutting snow and sleet, the men were kept at their rigid training, although for weeks the mercury remained below zero, at one time reaching 2 7 degrees below. The long hikes continued through the snow, and the work on the rifle range went on in spite of the cold until after Christmas, when at one time, the snow being drifted at places to the very roofs of the barracks and it being practically impossible to travel about the cantonment except on snowshoes or skis, outdoor training was brought to a halt, but only for a day or two. Much suffering was relieved by the Red Cross and various women's organizations of Illinois and Wisconsin, who, in response to the needs of the situation, gave to the boys thousands of knit- ted helmets, sweaters, wristlets and socks. Just before Christ- mas the commissioned personnel of the division was augmented by the addition of more than 400 officers from the sec- ond camps, principally from Fort Sheridan, led by Major Albert A. Sprague II of Chicago, the ranking officer. Major Sprague was attached first to the intelligence MESS THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 27 section and later assigned to the 341st Infantry, where he remained until the division was broken up after the armistice was signed. The destiny of the Eighty-sixth Division after the prescribed sixteen weeks of training became a question that began to perplex both officers and men late in January, when the end of the training period arrived. Rumors were flying thick and fast. Camp Grant was to be abandoned, said some, or the Eighty-sixth was to become a replacement division; one report was that the division was to be merged with another. Division headquarters' answer to these rumors was "Carry on!" That order was followed to the letter, and there was no further let- up in the training. If, indeed, there was any change, it was that the work was carried on with even greater vim and vigor than before. Much of the excellence in the development of the division during the hard winter was due to the in- structors from the armies of the Allies. France and Great Britain had sent to the United States some of their ablest officers who had seen service on the Western front, and the aid they rendered was of the first importance. Assisting them were both British and French noncommis- sioned officers, who were assigned to various subjects in about the same ratio as their superiors. A signifi- cant contribution to the training pro- gram, the service they rendered was out of all proportion to their num- bers. Records are not available to show all of the officers and noncom- missioned officers of the Allies who, at various times, assisted in the training of the Eighty-sixth Division, but the following are particularly remembered by both officers and men for their splendid work: From the French Army ON THE RANGE Close-up view of the targets. Captain Robert Payen, Croix de Guerre, ranking member of the French mission, who particularized in tactics and the automatic rifle. Captain Payen had fought through the battle of the Marne in 1914 and was mentioned twice in dispatches. 28 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Captain Georges LeDu, Croix de Guerre, a graduate of the artillery school at Fontainebleau, mentioned three times in dispatches. Lieutenant Gaston Bordonneau, Medaille Militaire, Croix de Guerre (two palms and two stars), bombing expert. Lieutenant Leon Druart, Croix de Guerre, who specialized in liaison. He was a veteran of the Moroccan campaign and had fought along the West- ern front from Ypres to Verdun. A GROUP OF ALLIED OFFICERS f Who assisted in the training of the Eighty-sixth Division. Assisting the French officers were Sergeants Hergue, Parmentier, Vincent and Jutelet. From the British Army Major Reginald J. Mackay, ranking member of the British mission, expert in strategy and tactical maneuvers. Major L. C. Benns, machine gun specialist. Captain Sidney B. Minch of the Connaught Rangers, one of the ablest exponents of bayonet fighting in the British — or any other — army. Although a victim of German poison gas, from which he at times suffered extremely, his Irish humor and his remarkable energy were ever an inspiration to all mem- bers of the division with whom he was associated. Captain Walter A. S. Cotton, of the London Regiment, instructor in bombing and explosives. Lieutenant Wilfred H. Parker, instructor in intelligence service. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 29 BRITISH INSTRUCTORS Left to right: Sergeants Bull and Mitchell, Sergeants Major Spenser and Barratt. The British officers were aided by Sergeants Major W. P. Spenser and W. Barratt and Ser- geants Bull and Bread- head. Of the officers of the Allies only Captains Payen, Minch and Cot- ton and Lieutenant Par- ker accompanied the di- vision to France. For the division ma- neuvers in the spring members of the senior officers' mission of the Allies arrived as supervi- sors and critics. Among these were Major C. E. Eckenfelder, commandant of the mission; Majors H. de Beaurieux and A. M. Rostand and Captain Bion of France, and Major Makin of England. Lieutenant Colonel R. V. K. Applin of the British army gave several instructive and interesting talks to the Eighty-sixth officers. The camp also was visited by General Trotter of the British army. Notwithstanding the miserable weather and the consequent almost per- petually menacing conditions underfoot, Camp Grant had been maintained as one of the healthiest cantonments in the United States. In the first five months of training more than 46,000 men had lived in the military city, and its health record far eclipsed that of any civilian American community. Its death ratio was less than i in 2,000. There had been numerous quarantines, naturally, but these all were short-lived and not of a particularly serious nature. A threatening spread of spinal meningitis, which already had ravaged some camps, was pre- vented by quick action by the medical officers. As brave a showing as possible with a skeleton division, only about half the personnel of which was composed of private soldiers, was made for General Barry upon his return from France in February. For the first time entire brigades were reviewed, following which Brigadier Generals Martin and Ken- non, together with the commanding officers of all regiments and separate organizations in Camp Grant, were called into conference with the division com- mander, who reviewed the result of his observations at the front. This marked the beginning of the CAPTAIN MINCH ON GUARD 30 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION CAPTAIN BERTRAND final intensive training for the Eighty-sixth Division. All now had rosy visions of early action to spur them on to redoubled efforts. fc|., .^^■EHLJHHL. '^ Even floods, caused by the melting snows, w/ft^ ii^^K^^H^^HtSfi practically engulfing the cantonment, mak- ^ ^"^ Mm' 4^^ ing rivers of company streets, lakes of drill grounds, failed to dampen the spirit of the men. The swollen Kishwaukee River, rag- ing high under its burden of broken ice, swept the rifle range, causing extensive dam- age, bridges and targets being carried away by the waters. There came more indications that the division was to be filled up and sent over- seas. Serial numbers were issued to the men and stamped on aluminum identifica- tion discs. Night training was started, with signal rockets adding realism to the work. Mobility exercises were ordered by regiments, including the packing of barrack bags by every man, collection and loading of every piece of regi- mental, battalion, company and personal property, equipment and records, a whirlwind clean-up of quarters to remove the last trace of dust and debris, packing and lashing of wagon trains and motor trucks, and regimental forma- tion for review. There was, however, one disquieting phase of the training. Apparently the trench work had been abandoned and the division again took up open warfare training, which gave rise to new rumors that the Eighty- sixth was to remain as a training unit and might not get overseas after all. The motive behind this alteration of the training schedule is explained in the fol- lowing extract from the final re- port of General Pershing, as published by the War Depart- ment: "Recommendations were ca- bled to Washington (late in 1 91 7) emphasizing the impor- tance of target practice and mus- ketry training, and recommend- ing that instruction in open war- fare be made the mission of troops in the United States, BAYONET INSTRUCTORS Left to right: Lieutenant Gamble, Captain Minch and Lieutenant Lathrop. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 31 while the training in trench warfare so far as necessary be conducted in France. Succeeding divisions, whether serving temporarily with the British or French, were trained as thus indicated. The assistance of the French units was limited to demonstrations, and, in the beginning, French instructors taught the use of French arms and assisted in the preparation of elementary trench warfare problems." Assuming that divisions would arrive with their basic training com- pleted in the United States, one month was allotted for the instruction of small units from battalions down, a second month of experience in quiet sectors by battalions, and a third month for field practice in open warfare tactics by division, including artillery. Many divisions, unfortunately, did not receive the requisite amount of systematic training before leaving the States, and complete preparation of such units for battle was thus often seriously delayed. Throughout the win- ter new increments of re- cruits continued to arrive weekly at Camp Grant, but the drain upon the camp for men to fill up other divisions preparing to sail was apparently unceasing. Close upon the heels of the 5,400 sent to Camp Logan in November, followed 2,000 to Camp Pike at Little Rock, Arkansas, for the Eighty-seventh division. In the course of the winter several de- tachments of 1,000 to 5,000 men each were sent to Atlantic ports for imme- diate embarkation for France. These men were called in special War Department orders stipulating the needs of the A. E. F. for men experienced in certain branches, as, for instance, motor mechanics, chauffeurs, horsemen, telephone and telegraph operators, carpenters, dock workers and field hos- pital men. In February and March approximately 4,000 men were transferred to Camp Greene at Charlotte, North Carolina, and assigned to the Fourth Di- vision, which sailed for France early in May. In March, also, began the second big shipment of troops to Camp Logan — 8,000 men. These filled up the Thirty-third Division, which sailed in May, but left the Eighty-sixth Division worse than a skeleton. These blows were directed by no means at the enlisted personnel alone. Under them began to fall officers, high and low, who were shifted to other commands. ALL SET TO SMASH THE KAISER 32 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Then the long arm reached to the very top of the division's Hst, and on March 20, 191 8, General Barry issued the following general order, his last as commander of the Eighty-sixth: "In obedience to Paragraph 166, Special Orders No. 61, War Department, Washington, D. C, March 14, 191 8, I hereby relinquish command of Camp Grant and the Eighty-sixth Division, National Army. "I congratulate all connected with the Eighty-sixth Division at Camp Grant on the great progress made and efficiency attained in all administra- tions, notwithstanding trying conditions of terrain and weather, and the dis- organizing effect of the transfer of thousands of enlisted men and officers from organization units under War Department orders, which were met with true soldierly spirit. "I take leave of you all with sincere regret, and wish for you every good luck and success where- ever you go. "Thomas H. Barry, "Major General, U. S. Army." In a farewell speech to his officers General Barry predicted a splen- did record for the di- vision. Silence reigned in the big "Y" auditorium as the general finished his brief talk, put on his cap, raised his right hand to the visor and said : "Officers of the Eighty-sixth Division — I salute you!" As one man the entire audience leaped to its feet in a smart salute. The general, tears rolling down his cheeks, strode out a side door. That was the last seen of General Barry by the officers at Camp Grant. He left quietly, practically alone. The War Department's decision that he was not physically fit for service in France was the bitterest disappointment of General Barry's career, a crush- ing blow from which the grizzled veteran never recovered. He returned to Chicago to take command again of the Central Department, but he was a changed man; the heart of the "Old Bear" was broken. After the departure of the Eighty-sixth for France General Barry was put in command of the Department of the East, with headquarters at Governors Island. In June, 1 91 9, the Distinguished Service Medal was awarded to him by Secretary Baker. Four months later he was automatically retired from the service by reason of his age, having reached his sixty-fourth birthday. Early on the AIRING OUT AT SIXTEEN BELOW THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 33 morning of December 30, after an illness of three weeks at the Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C, the taps of eternity- blew for General Barry. Thomas H. Barry was born of poor parents in the Irish quarter of New York, October 13, 1855. When he finished the common schools, Robert B. Roosevelt, an uncle of Theodore Roose- velt, appointed him a cadet at West Point. He was graduated in 1877 and detailed to the famous Seventh Cavalry — Custer's regiment. He won his first promotion fighting Indians, passed through the grades of major, lieu- tenant colonel and colonel, and in the Philippines was made a brigadier general for gallantry in action. He commanded the Military Academy at West Point in 1910 and was moved to Chicago in 191 6 to command the Central Department, which post he left the following year to take command of the Eighty-sixth Division and Camp Grant. Upon General Barry's departure from Camp Grant, Brigadier General Kennon again took the reins of the Eighty-sixth Division without ceremony. AT THE THIRD OFFICERS' TRAINING CAMP CHAMPION BOXERS OF THE 172ND BRIGADE These were the fighters of the 344th Infantry, whose colonel, Benjamin T. Simmons, is receiving from General Martin a silver trophy. 34 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION BRIGADIER GENERAL LYMAN W. V. KENNON Commanding the 171st Infantry Brigade, temporarily commanding the Eighty-sixth Division. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 35 On April 12 Brigadier General Martin, leader of the 172nd Brigade, re- ceived his promotion to the rank of major general, and on May i took command of the division, General Kennon returning to the 171st Brigade, which he had been commanding before he took control of the division. His stay there also was brief, for upon examination, he, like General Barry, was found physically unfit for overseas service, and late in May he was relieved of command of his brigade. Dropping to his Regular Army rank, of colonel, he was then ordered to Camp Greene, to command the cantonment. There Colonel Kennon was taken ill, and on September 9 — the day his old brigade and division sailed for Europe — the "blond giant" breathed his last. Lyman W. V. Kennon was born at Providence, Rhode Island, in 1858. Graduating from West Point in 1 88 1, he saw thirty-eight years of service in the United States Army. It carried him into Cen- tral America, Mexico, Cuba, the Philippines, Hawaii and several European countries. In the Philippines he constructed the Benguet road. For his conduct at the battle of San Juan he was commended for bravery. He be- came a captain in 1897, a colonel in 1 91 2, and a brigadier-general in the National Army when the United States entered the World War. Major General Charles H. Martin's assignment as Camp Grant's new chief was recognized as a sure sign of real action dur- ing every minute of the training period. Under this dynamic leader there could be nothing else. The period he made an exclamation point, with a clenched fistful of asterisks thrown in! General Martin was particularly worthy and well qualified to command the Eighty-sixth Division. An Illinoisan by birth — he was born at Albion, October i, 1863 — he previously had proved himself a commander of keen perception and forethought, a rigid disciplinarian with a warm heart beating under the stern exterior, a born leader. Graduated from West Point in 1887, he had served on the frontier, in the Philippines, and in the Boxer campaign, then, after two years on the General Staff at Washington, had accepted com- mand of the Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard. In 191 5 he went to the Mexican border, where he served until the United States' declaration of a state of war with Germany, soon after which he was selected by General GENERAL MARTIN AT CAMP GRANT 36 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Pershing to command the reserve officers' training camp at Leon Springs, Texas. When the camp was closed he was made a brigadier general in the National Army and as- signed to Camp Grant. Upon taking over the Eighty-sixth in May, 191 8, General Martin in- s t i t u t e d his "thick- s k i n n e d-hard-as-nails" system of training. To his staff and field officers, who welcomed him to the command of the division, he announced that the A FRIENDLY CHAT " Open door " policy General Martin in conversation with General Andrews and Lieu-| would mark his entire tenant Colonel Pendleton. regime. "There will be DISCIPLINE in this division," he declared, ''but it will be the discipline built on perfect trust and understanding." That was Martin. He left no room for a misunderstanding. He wanted "pep," he said; his orders were orders, and "pep" he got. "Pep" became the slogan of the division. In the first place, there was no getting around it. General Martin did not believe in directing his division from division headquarters alone. He was here, there and everywhere about the camp. Nd lieutenant drilling his platoon or corporal instructing his squad could risk being off his guard for a moment. The sergeant of the guard at every regimental guardhouse had to keep his eye peeled constantly, for when the general appeared — and often it was quite sudden, the division com- mander racing his horse or his car around the corner — the guard had to be turned out, rain or shine, holidays included, and turned out in a hurry. Staff and field officers left their swivel chairs and took to the saddle with the general, who followed to the letter the Pershing instructions rela- tive to training in open warfare. Weather meant nothing in the life of the Eighty-sixth Division, even the higher officers riding for hours every day, through pouring rain as well as sunshine. Soon the division had covered itself with mud as well as glory, and the French and British officers aiding in the instructions, expressing astonishment at the rapid strides made, de- clared the organization ready for France. It was soon after General Martin took command that the division re- ceived the name it so proudly bore through the remainder of the war, the THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 37 BRIGADIER GENERAL LINCOLN C. ANDREWS Commanding the 172nd Brigade. 38 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION name of Black Hawk, which still lives as a monument in that great organiza- tion born of the war — the American Legion. And on June 28 the men of the division learned their battle cry, the blood-curdling war cry of old Chief Black Hawk that had struck terror to the hearts of early settlers in Illinois years before. Returning from the rifle range, the four infantry regiments, under command of Brigadier General Lincoln C. Andrews, then leader of the 172nd Brigade, were gathered in a ring about a great stone promontory, where stood that venerable plainsman beloved of every member of the division — Dr. A. J. (/'Old Doc") Woodcock. After a brief talk by General Andrews ''Old Doc" let loose the Indian war whoop in all its fury — "Kia-kiak! Kia-kiak!" For a moment there was silence. Then, led by Captain Theodore Feeker of the 342nd Infantry at a sign from General Martin, who had accompanied Dr. Woodcock to the scene, the soldiers burst forth in the cry, roaring Kia- kiak!" and again and again until the hills reverberated. After an astonishing exhibition of Wild West shooting with an old frontier cap and ball pis- tol, and breaking the meanest horse at the re- mount station — pro- nouncing the brute a kit- ten— "Old Doc" called it a day and returned to the sometime quiet se- clusion of his wooded estate, Camp Riverside, at Byron, which was ever open to the Black Hawk regiments as a camping ground. Training in the i6ist Artillery Brigade kept pace with the work in the infantry brigades and other organizations in spite of lack of equip- ment and the necessity of leaving Camp Grant in order to get practical range firing. With wooden horses and "OLD DOC" WOODCOCK fencepost-barreled guns, nBT^i 1 '^K ^ THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 39 GUN CREW OF BATTERY B, 333RD FIELD ARTILLERY the artillery-men entered upon their labors with the same enthusiasm and determination as if their mounts and equipment were "jake." Not until November did the gunners get their first horses — such as they were — but every day was crowded with pretty nearly twenty-four hours' worth of in- tense work, drill and study, and the brigade was made an efficient, snappy machine. Like the other organizations, the artillery brigade lost numerous con- signments of men, who were sent to engineer and signal battalions or other artillery brigades, until in December there were barely enough men left to carry on the usual routine duties. With the arrival of new increments, most of the time was utilized in schools for both officers and enlisted men. The schooling of the gunners now was conducted under the supervision of Lieu- tenant LeDu, French artillery expert assigned to the division. In January the first guns arrived — six 3 -inch field pieces. These were apportioned two to each regiment, although the 333rd was to have been equipped with heavier guns, the French 155 mm. Schneider howitzers. Then, in February, came two 4.7s, the French middle-heavy piece, for that regiment. The artillery brigade was now all primed to commence firing. All it lacked was a place to shoot. An effort to establish an artillery range at Camp Grant failed on account of insufficient space in the reservation. One range — of 5,000 yards — had been tentatively laid out, but this plan eventu- ally was abandoned as entirely inadequate. Arrangements then were made for the completion of the brigade's training on the government reservation at Camp Robinson, Sparta, Wisconsin. Early on the morning May 14 Colonel Philip R. Ward led the artil- lery brigade, headed by a detachment of the 311th Engineers, along the old Black Hawk trail on the first day's march of the 225-mile hike to Sparta. 40 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Some were on caissons and mounts, others on foot. It was a formidable looking outfit, close to 3,000 strong, the column being more than a mile long. After a hike of fifteen days under heavy packs and with full field equip- ment, passing through the towns of Leyden, Roscoe, Beloit, Janesville, Evansville, Brooklyn, Madison, Token Creek, Poynette, Portage, Kilbourn, Mauston and Hustler, the brigade reached Sparta on May 28, ''sore but satisfied." During the long hike the artillerymen encountered several severe rainstorms, one, a real cyclone, at Poynette, leveling the camp. The last RECREATION ROOM FOR THE 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN day's march covered seventeen miles of miserably muddy roads with rain falling steadily. At Sparta the training took on a new hue, under conditions much more auspicious than at Camp Grant. Here an ideal range gave the long sought opportunity for the needed target practice, and here the brigade remained until ordered to Hoboken for embarkation overseas with the division. With General Martin in command the opinion of the camp generally was that a stop would be put to the gutting of the division for replacements to other camps. This change of policy, however, did not come at once. In April 4,500 men were sent to Camp Funston, Kansas, for the Tenth Divi- sion; fifty Regular Army officers were transferred as military instructors to THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 41 BAYONET PRACTICE various schools and colleges throughout the country; thirty- four engineer non-commis- sioned officers were sent to Camp Laurel, Maryland, as instructors, nine officers to Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C, for instruc- tion in personnel, classification and insur- ance, eleven non-commissioned officers to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida, for instruction in quartermaster school, and forty-nine artillery officers to Camp Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina, for the Eighty-first Division. In May 128 graduates of the third officers' training school of the field artillery branch went to Camp Jackson, ninety-six officers of the Depot Brigade to eastern camps (some of whom later rejoined the division before it sailed) and fifty enlisted men to the engineer officers' training school at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Virginia. At Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan, the Eighty-fifth Division was pre- paring to go overseas, so in June 2,500 men were sent there. Also in June 1,081 men were transferred to camp Joseph E. Johnston, and ninety men to attend the artillery officers' school at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to the above, approximately 50,000 men were sent to Atlan- tic ports for immediate embarkation. These men were sent in detachments in response to General Pershing's call for trained workers in various lines mentioned previously. In all about 87,000 men were transferred from Camp Grant between November, 191 7, and June, 191 8. That staggering figure, however, includes approximately 9,000 negro troops foYmed into the 365th and 366th Infantry Regiments and a machine gun battalion of the Ninety- second Division. Late in June it was announced that the Eighty - sixth Division was to be filled up to war strength by the transfer of 10,000 men from the Depot Brigade and the arrival of 15,000 recruits from Illinois and Minne- sota. This news brought rejoicing to Camp Grant, from division head- quarters to the lowliest private. As the new men DUMMY CANNON FOR THE ARTILLERY 42 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION LIEUTENANT COLONEL W. P. COLEMAN came into the division a sweeping physical and efficiency examination was launched by General Martin to weed out of the organization all physical and mental misfits. These were transferred to a development battalion. On July 22 the filling up of the division was accomplished. Varied activities marked the closing months of the division's stay at Camp Grant. On May 30, Memo- rial Day, some 45,000 men, mostly from the Depot Brigade, partici- pated in the unveiling of the Eagle Monument, the gift to the camp of a Rock ford citizen. The fact that the monument was constructed of wood and plaster made the ceremony none the less impressive. The fourth officers' training school was opened under command Later Lieutenant Colonel Willis P. hold and squeeze" device of Lieutenant Colonel Harry A. Eaton. Coleman, inventor of an ingenious and effective for teaching the recruit to shoot (an instrument adopted by the War De- partment for general use in the army), became commandant of the school. The student-officers were speeded through the course, and received their commissions just in time to be assigned to various units before the division left camp. Early in June more realism was added to the maneuvers, becoming weekly more extensive. Operating under a hurricane of bullets from the newly arrived Browning machine guns and automatic rifles, and with trench mortar shells and rifle grenades bursting in a barrage directly ahead of them, the men of the division withstood their "baptism of fire" in a thrilling battle up the wooded slopes across the river from the rifle range. The final maneuver of this war series wound up in the fording of the Kishwaukee River, the entire division wading or swimming across the stream to the delight of a large group of spectators, including Governor and Mrs. Lowden and a number of Chicago society women, who watched from a bridge. The Eighty-sixth Division received its first German prisoners on June II, when 100 tars from captured ships were brought to camp and installed in a barbed wire stockade built especially for their housing on the banks of the Rock River. The prisoners arrived under guard from Fort McPherson, Georgia, and were the center of interest in their natty white uniforms. The Germans were put to work at once building the giant boxing arena conceived THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 43 LIEUTENANT COLONEL LOUIS P. SWIFT Assistant Chief of Staff, G-i. MAJOR ISRAEL E. McLAREN 344th Infantry. MAJOR IRVING MADISON Division Signal Officer. MAJOR M. O. KASSON 311th Engineers. 44 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION by Spearman Lewis, originator of press headquarters. This arena, con- structed in a natural amphitheater beside the Rock River, had a seating capacity of more than 10,000. On June 12 the division lost one of its most popular officers when Colonel Simmons, who had commanded the 344th Infantry since the .opening of camp, was transferred to the General Staff in Washington. He was suc- ceeded as commanding officer of the 344th by Lieutenant Colonel (later Colonel) Henry A, Hanigan. July Fourth was celebrated with a sport carnival of considerable dimen- sions under the direction of Emil Wetten, Mr. Lewis, Major Taylor and Captain Eddy. A smashing vic- tory for the division's boxers and a sweeping defeat at baseball were the chief results of the day's events. The carni- val was witnessed by more than 100,000 visi- tors and a sum of about $18,000 was realized, above expenses, which was turned over to Gen- eral Martin for the divi- sion athletic fund. Fol- lowing a speech by Sec- retary Baker of the War Department, Camp Grant boxers won each of the seven bouts on the fight program, tech- nically knocking out six The card was as follows: ON THE FOURTH OF JULY Left to right : Lieutenant Spencer, Lieutenant Eddy, General Martin, Major McLaughlin, Mr. Emil C. Wetten. Canadians and forcing the last one to quit outright CAMP GRANT Johnnie Ritchie Walter Jacobson Louis Schultz Corporal Malatki (Young Spike Kelly) Jule Mulaski Eddie McGoorty Andre Anderson CANADA Lambkin George Taylor George Lee George Boerckel William Mitchell Sergeant J. Black Homer Bran ford The Camp Grant baseball team was defeated by Camp Dodge to the tune of 5 to I while a dust storm swept the diamond. Other events of the carnival were a broncho bus'ting exhibition, a mule relay race and a pack race. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 45 STAFF OF THE 343RD INFANTRY Ten days later France's na- (j tional holiday, Bastille Day, was observed in a more military man- ner. The entire Black Hawk Division, minus the artillery bri- gade at Sparta, moved in column of brigades across Samuelson Field past Governor Lowden, General Martin and members of the French military mission, who stood beneath the tricolor and the Stars and Stripes, planted side by side upon the heights overlooking the field. The weather was ideal for the celebration. Bright sunshine broke through the clouds shortly after 8 a. m., just as the governor and General Martin drove on the field, and shone upon the thousands of infantrymen, machine gunners and mem- bers of hospital corps and transport trains massed rank on rank down across the flatlands to the low hills almost two miles away. At a signal the massed band of 240 pieces crashed into a lively march of mingled French and American music, and the division passed in review, unit by unit, with the precision and smoothness of clockwork. Brigadier General Andrews led the review at the head of Chicago's "melting pot" brigade. He was fol- lowed by Colonel Palmer at the head of the 171st Brigade, composed of men from Illinois, Wis- consin and Minnesota. After them came the ma- chine gun battalions, the hospital units and the trains. After the review the division was marched in column to the Lewis arena, where Governor Lowden made his o,.,.T.T, ^T, X, .^.^x, memorable "Men of Illi- STAFF OF THE 171ST BRIGADE . " rl Left to right: Lieutenant Whitehead, Major Ames, General "^^^' ^ ^"^^ ^^^ ^^' Parker, Lieutenant Watkins, Lieutenant Morgridge. dreSS, followed by 46 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION BRIGADIER GENERAL FRANCIS LE JEUNE PARKER Who assumed command of the 171st Infantry Brigade on July 16. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 47 speeches from Captain Payen for France and others and the playing of the French and American national anthems. On July 1 6 Brigadier General Francis Le Jeune Parker arrived to take command of the 171st Infantry Brigade, and officers fresh from the trenches, mostly from the Rainbow Division, came to supervise the final training. Orders to go were eagerly awaited. Then, on August 8, the long looked for word arrived in the following confidential memorandum from the Adjutant General to General Martin, sent in broken code: \ K ^ jP . ■ '^. 1 »7 ^^^^^ THE 343RD INFANTRY ABOUT TO ENTRAIN "Commanding General, Eighty-sixth Division, Camp Grant, Illinois: "Send all units of your division now at Camp Grant to port of embarkation, Hoboken, New Jersey, after arranging time of arrival and other details directly with commander of port. Units will probably be called upon to entrain about August 20. Do not entrain troops until commander of port is ready to receive them. Have inspection made to determine that organizations are sup- plied with clothing, equipment and medical supplies, reporting shortages, if any, to commander of port. Leave enemy aliens behind. Animals pertaining to above organizations will be turned over to commanding officer, auxiliary remount depot. Camp Grant. No detachment will be left to care for animals.' McCain." It was impossible to keep secret news of the arrival of the order. It spread through the camp like wildfire and was received generally with grati- fication, although a tenseness immediately was noticeable throughout the division, for hundreds of Black Hawk "buddies" already had fallen where the rest now were to go. The majority of the officers received the word with mingled exultation and relief; at last they were reaching the end of the gauntlet of reverses through which they had run unflinching for a year. 48 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION But the division did not declare a holi- day to rejoice. The men who had not com- pleted the rifle course were rushed through, and from the target range came a continual roar from daybreak to dark. The 400 students at the fourth training school were rushed to graduation, received their com- missions as second lieutenants, and were as- signed to companies. General Martin or- dered a final inspection and examination of every enlisted man and officer of the division. Now it was work day and night; for many there was little sleep, particularly com- pany officers, top sergeants and. company clerks. There were countless records to be completed, accounts to be settled, equipment to be drawn, questions to be answered, and in many orderly rooms the lights burned night after night till dawn. Then Camp Grant was closed to visitors and the movement toward France was begun. The advance party of officers and en- listed men selected to precede the division, headed by Lieutenant Colonel Lull, Major Harry S. Gradle, M. R. C, and Captain A. C. H. Snyder, Q. M. C, and consisting of a billeting party and two debarkation and en- training parties, entrained August 13 for Camp Mills, Long Island, followed by an advance school detachment. Entrainment of the division was begun August 18 at the Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railroad siding in the quartermaster area, units being moved by sections, each train accommodating two companies or approxi- mately the equivalent. It was a week before the last organization had left Camp Grant. Tourist sleepers were employed mostly, with a sprinkling of regular Pullmans and now and then an observation car thrown in. Baggage cars accompanied each section, and meals were cooked and served aboard during the two days' trip to the Atlantic coast, which, compared with those to come later on the other side, was indeed a luxurious journey. Division headquarters and the majority of the units of the division proceeded to Camp Mills; the 171st Infantry Brigade went to Camp Upton. The artillery, which entrained at Sparta, was assigned to Camp Mills. The men suffered considerable discomfort at Camp Mills from the heat and the famous Long Island mosquitoes. Most of the organizations at that camp were sheltered in squad tents, a number of which were blown away in a rainstorm, and the sanitation there also was not the best. At Camp EN ROUTE A trainload of Black Hawks on the way from Camp Grant to Camp Greene. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 49 Upton the 341st and 342nd Infantry regiments were comfortably housed in wooden barracks. Upon arrival at the eastern camps the 'ia tri neru mors" — most con- tagious of the division's ailments — again set in. All kinds of reports flew back and forth. The division was to remain there to send other organiza- tions to France; it was to go back to Camp Grant, a mistake having been made by the embarkation authorities; it was to go to Siberia; it was — in fact, there seemed little any division could possibly do that rumor did not have the Eighty-sixth destined to do. The Black Hawks, however, had their fling with rumoritis at Grant, and now took all news of future developments with a grain of salt. The excellence of the Eighty-sixth Division when it sailed is attested by the following report of the port inspector, a copy of which was forwarded to General Martin with the compliments of the commanding general of the port: HEADQUARTERS PORT OF EMBARKATION HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY Office of the Assistant Port Inspector Camp Mills, N. Y., September 3, 1918. MEMORANDUM FOR THE COMMANDING GENERAL, PORT OF EMBARKATION: I. Since August 17, 191 8, inspection has been made of the clothing and individual equip- ment of the organizations of the Eighty-sixth Division enumerated below: (i) Advance billeting and Debarking Detachment. -(2) Advance School Detachment. (3) Division Headquar- ters Troop and Detachment. (4) 331st Machine Gun Battalion (5) 172nd Infantry Bri- gade Headquarters Detachment. (6) 343rd Infantry. (7) 344th Infantry. (8) 333rd Machine Gun Battalion (9) 311th Field Signal Battalion (10) 311th Train Head- quarters and Military Police. (II) 311th Engineers and Train. (12) 311th Ammunition Train. (13) 311th Mobile Ord- nance Repair Shop. (14) 3iithSanitary Train . (15) Sanitary Squad No. (16) Sanitary Squad No. 82. (17) 315th Bakery Com- pany. STAFF OF THE 342ND INFANTRY Left to right: Captain Hall, Captain Stilwell, Colonel Stodter, Captain Darlington and Lieutenant Dyer. 50 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 2. Each one of the organizations named above was ready for its inspection at the time designated. Every officer on duty in the inspector's office who has inspected an organization of the Eighty-sixth Division has commented upon the excellent discipline of the command and the thorough preparation made by it for inspection of its clothing and equipment. 3. The excellent showing made by all of the organizations of the Eighty-sixth Division thus far inspected at Camp Mills is such that I believe you will desire this special report of it, and I feel that special report is due the division. J. T. Nance, Lieutenant Colonel, I. G. D., Assistant to Port Inspector. The 171st Infantry Brigade Headquarters, the 341st and 342nd Infantry regiments and the 332 nd Machine Gun Battalion, at Camp Upton, received similar praise from the port inspector. SOMETHING THEY NEVER DID AT HOME Further commendation of the division was given later in the following memorandum from Major General David C. Shanks, who was in command of the Port of Embarkation at Hoboken: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: During the long period that I was in command of the Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., many divisions of troops and many separate organizations passed through the port and through the Embarkation Camps enroute to service overseas. Many of these organizations showed careful training, instruction and a high state of discipline. The Eighty-sixth Division made an especially fine showing in all of the elements which go to show discipline and excellent training. The record made by this division in camp at Camp Mills was unusual and was the cause of much favorable comment from officers who had occasion to observe the division. I do not know of any organization passing through the port which made a better showing than the Eighty-sixth Division. The Commanding General of the Eighty-sixth Division was Major General C. H. Martin and the Chief of Staff was Colonel Roger S. Fitch. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION SI OFFICERS OF THE 341ST INFANTRY Left to right: Captain Scobie, Colonel Palmer, Major Sweeney, Captain Ogle. This memorandum is prepared without re- quest or suggestion, either direct or indirect. (Signed) David C. Shanks, Major General, U. S. A. First of the Atlantic transports put to sea with the Eighty-sixth Di- vision was the Agapenor, saiHng September 8 with regimental head- quarters, the Second Battalion and Headquarters and Supply Compa- nies of the 343rd Infantry, The greater part of the remainder of the division, with the exception of the artillery, sailed the next day. Im- mediately after breakfast — the troops had gone aboard the evening before — the camouflaged fleet passed, ship by ship, down the Hudson River into New York harbor and past the Statute of Liberty, then they took up the convoy formation and dropped anchor. Below "sub" chasers were darting about everywhere, while airplanes circled overhead. At 10:15 a. m. the convoy lifted anchor and put to sea, a cruiser and a navy "blimp" leading the procession, with "sub" chasers covering the flanks. As the convoy steamed out of the three-mile limit, it was joined by an American battleship, which brought up the rear, accompanying the trans- ports half way across. The Black Hawk fleet consisted of the following vessels, in addition to the warcraft: Empress of Asia — Division Headquarters, Headquarters Troop, 331st Machine Gun Battalion, 311th Engineers, 311th Engineer Train. Minnekahda — 1 7 1 st Infantry Brigade Head- quarters, 342 nd Infantry. Meg antic — 172nd Infantry Brigade Head- quarters and the follow- ing organizations of the 344th Infantry: Head- quarters Company, Sup- ply Company, Machine Gun Company and Third Battalion. Nel us— First Bat- talion, 341st Infantry. Canopic — 341st In- till tfv At'I^ pI ^^m^HH ^BiHlH' ■|A-I^ ^IG i Hii'i 191 WMm Left to right: EN ROUTE TO FRANCE Lieutenants Gerould, Little, Krebbs, and the "Doc." 52 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION fantry Headquarters; Headquarters Company and Second Battalion of the 341st Infantry, and Machine Gun Company of the 342nd Infantry. Elpenor — Third Battalion and Supply and Machine Gun Companies of 341st Infantry. Northumberland — First and Second Battalions, 344th Infantry. Walmar Castle — Advance and billeting parties. On September 14 the Olympic sailed with the 332nd and 333rd Machine Gun Battalions and the first and third battalions and machine gun company of the 343rd Infantry. The first battalion, under Major Thomas Marshall, had been on an exhibition tour through Canada and arrived at Camp Upton THE GOOD SHIP OLYMPIC Which carried overseas the 332nd and 333rd Machine Gun Battalions and part of the 343rd Infantry. the day the remainder of the infantry troops were preparing to entrain for the docks. Another Black Hawk convoy left New York Harbor on September 17, consisting of the following: Lapland — i6ist Artillery Brigade, Headquarters and 331st Field Artil- lery. Empress of Russia — 332nd Field Artillery and 311th Field Signal Bat- talion. Metagama — 333rd Field Artillery and 311th Train Headquarters. Nestor — Headquarters Field Hospital and Ambulance Section, the four ambulance companies and the four field hospital companies. Teiresies — Other medical organizations. The 311th Ammunition Train embarked on the Rhesus on September 25 and the 311th Supply Train on the Aquitania on October 2. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 5$ MAJOR ROBERT M. LITTLEJOHN MAJOR FREDERIC McLAUGHLIN Commanding 332nd Machine Gun Battalion. Commanding 333rd Machine Gun Battalion. MAJOR JOHN H. SMALE ; LIEUT. COL. A. F. DANNEMILLER Commanding Third Battalion, 344th Infantry.^ Commanding 331st Machine Gun Battalion. 54 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION FIRST GLIMPSE OF FOREIGN LAND The hazy Irish coast on the morning of September 20, 1918. As records go, the voyage acro^ of the major portion of the Eighty-sixth Division may be chronicled as "uneventful," al- though to thousands of Black Hawks it was the event of a life- time, an event never to be for- gotten. Most of these men had never before seen the ocean, much less sailed it. All of the ships in the con- voy were British. The troop quarters were in the hold, where in some vessels bunks had been built, while in others hammocks were swung over the mess tables. Into these holds the men were packed so densely that, there being little ventilation to begin with, it became at times difficult to breathe. The peculiar smell of those holds is a thing that probably will not soon pass from the memory of the American soldier. It is a smell in a class By itself; there is no other smell anywhere else exactly like it. Most of the vessels being freighters, the officers' quarters were usually make-shift affairs hastily constructed and in some instances almost as cramped as the men's, although the ventilation usually was better. In each troop sec- tion, however, one officer was constantly on duty. As the trip progressed and many of the officers became victims of mal de mer, it was necessary for some of those who were immune to pass more of their time in the hold, while many of the men were permitted to sleep on deck when the weather permitted. On account of the danger of submarine attack the convoy traveled with- out lights. Even smoking on deck was prohibited after sundown. Mess, such as it was (for those who could eat), band concerts and boxing bouts on deck, setting up exercises and daily fire and submarine drills, together with watching for porpoises, flying fish, whales and U-boats were the principal means of combating monotony. Aboard one or two of the transports were Red Cross nurses, and these ships were the envy of the fleet. The vessels daily changed their positions in the convoy, so that the boys on most of the less for- tunate ships caught aggravating glances of dancing on deck and heard now and then feminine laughter rippling across the water — or imagined they did. Through the early morning haze on September 20 was spied STEAMING UP THE MERSEY TO LIVERPOOL 56 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION the dim green outline of the Irish coast on the right. Then, as the day light- ened, the rugged shorts of Scotland to the left could be discerned. The American battleship had dropped from sight several days back, and as the convoy entered the North or St. Patrick's Channel it was joined by British warcraft — only about twenty-four hours late. At the entrance to the Firth of Clyde the transports separated, several turning northward up the Clyde toward the picturesque Scottish port of Glasgow, while the greater number continued southward past the Isle of Man and into the Irish Sea, where darkness again overtook them. Dawn found them at anchor in the River Mersey awaiting the tide to be drawn to the great docks of Liverpool. On the right lay the sleeping towns of New Brighton, Egermont, Seacombe iriUv. *""■ i ^ '..^ % W!w- ■_' V'"-'J\l . iyi^l^E.L^ ^^«* MARCHING THROUGH SOUTHAMPTON The 342nd Infantry on Brunswick Street, on the way to the docks. and Birkenhead, with their green parks and white walks, while over the port bow rose the spire of the cathedral above the Liverpool warehouses. General Martin, Colonel Fitch and Captains Eddy, Egbert, Spencer and Gordon McCormick, the general's personal aides, were the first to go ashore. They immediately took train for London, for conferences with Major General John Biddle, commander-in-chief of the American forces in England. Upon landing, headquarters troop proceeded direct to Southampton, thence across the English Channel to prepare the division area in the south of France. The remainder of the troops marched five or six miles through a drenching rain to Knotty Ash, where they received their first introduction to the English "rest camp." Slushing through mud ankle deep and worse, the men made THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 57 CARRYING RATIONS ABOARD SHIP The U. S. S. Charles, at Southampton, September 27, 1918. their way to what once were tents but now were misshapen, leaky con- traptions through which the rain trickled unpleas- antly. Into these the men were packed, about two squads to each tent. After depositing their packs and rifles, they were lined up, shovels and wheelbarrows were issued to them, and they were put to work making pass- able the streets through whic:h they had waded. The next day, Sun- day, the sun peeped from behind the clouds for a while and the infantrymen were marched to a Rugby field nearby, where, after a talk by a British colonel, greeting cards from King George were presented to them. As one man remarked: *'We also had a message to send to George about his ships and grub and rest camps, but no one could be found to deliver it." From Knotty Ash the infantry entrained in from two to five days for Romsey, to which point the organizations landed at Glasgow had moved. Other outfits were quartered at Winall Downs, in Winchester. A hike over ten miles of meandering English roads, through picturesque landscapes and past quaint old inns, ter- minated in the rest camp at Southampton, to which port some organizations of the Eighty-sixth had sailed direct. In En gland the Eighty-sixth suffered a vicious body blow dealt by the Spanish "flu," which at that time was beginning to cause havoc in the States as well as on the other side. Many Black Hawks never left soil of England. The dash across the channel was made under cover of darkness, most OFFICERS OF THE 34 2nd INFANTRY Colonel Stodter, Captain Stilwell and Captain Earlington just before embarking at Southampton. 58 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION WINDSOR CASTLE. ^ ■^"'C'llct ^)fo-<^ ~!y^^^ --st-<^jt*_£56 c-K, (%o-€^yx^ THE MESSAGE RECEIVED BY EVERY AMERICAN SOLDIER WHO LANDED IN THE BRITISH ISLES THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 59 HOMMES 40— CHEVAUX 8 of the units of the division landing at Havre. From the Grand Quai, up the steep winding thoroughfares of La Cote, covered with gardens and the villas of the wealthy residents, the Black Hawks hiked to another English rest camp, where the mud and the tents were worse even than at Knotty Ash or Winall Downs. The artillery and the trains, as well as several other organizations of the division, first touched France at the fortified port of Cherbourg. Here a hike was made to another camp at Toulville, similar to the one at Havre. ''Hommes 40 — chevaux 8." Only those who have come into intimate rela- tions with this equipment can know the real significance of that phrase labeling the absurd French box-cars in which American troops traveled the length and breadth of France. These toy cars — about a third the size of the Ameri- can box-cars — were, as the sign assured one, calculated to accommodate forty men or eight horses each. Fortunately, few Black Hawks were required to travel in these vehicles packed to capacity, but still it often was necessary to sleep in relays for lack of space. The journey from Havre and Cherbourg was made in long trains of these cars, each drawn by a tiny make-believe engine with its comical peanut-stand whistle. But even the discomfort of the conveyances did not prevent enjoy- ment of this first long journey through the foreign land the Americans had come to fight for. Through meadowy marshland, along winding valleys, past the quaintest of villages and the oddest of towns, with their centuries-old churches of white and their queer little stations, the Black Hawk trains rolled along, stopping at a town now and then long enough for a bit of exercise, a cup of warm coffee, or the replenish- ing of the water supply. During these brief stops the Black Hawk made his first acquaintance with Jacques Bonhomme and the Vin twins, Blanc and Rouge. Presently the wine country was reached, the trains passing through 6o THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION THOSE HALF-AND-HALF DOORS mile after mile of vineyards, the long rows of vines hung heavy with their burden of grapes of purple and white. After such journeys, rang- ing in duration from two to almost four days, the Eighty-sixth Division, unit by unit, reached its destination in the gorgeous "Garden of Bacchus," the wine-growing district of Medoc in the department of Gironde. Division headquarters were established in the town of St, Andre de Cubzac, situated on the Dordogne not far from its confluence with the Garonne. Here were billeted the headquarters troop and the 331st Machine Gun Battalion, with Captain Leander J. McCormick of the 343rd Infantry as town major. In the towns surrounding, the infantry, the remaining machine gun battalions and the en- gineers were billeted. Headquarters of the 171st Infantry Brigade were set up at Cubzac-les-Ponts, the 172nd Brigade head- quarters at St. Loubes, The 341st Infantry was divided between La Gorge- sur-Gironde, St. Gervais and Prignac; the 342nd Infantry scattered over an area embracing the towns of Lugon, Cubzac-les-Ponts, St. Romain and Cadil- lac; the 343rd Infantry was at St. Loubes; the 344th Infantry at Ambares and St. Louis Montf errand. The 332nd Machine Gun Battalion was sta- tioned at Asques, the 333rd at St. Eulalie. At Yvrac and Montussan the 311th Engineers and the 311th Engineer Train were situated for a while, later mov- ing to the camp at Bassens. The 311th Train Headquarters and Military Police and the 311th Sanitary Train were quartered at St. Andre de Cubzac, division headquarters, and the 311th Ammunition Train at Le Courneau. Uponarrivalin France the i6ist Artil- lery Brigade went direct to Camp Hunt at Le Courneau. The 311th Trench Mortar Battery, of this brigade, was the only Black Hawk organ- ization — with the excep- tion of the 311th Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop, which went from Cher- bo u r g to Is-sur-Tille, Cote d'Or— that did not join the division in France. The trench mor- A daily scene in st. andre de cubzac THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 6i tar battery spent all of its time at Vitrey and Chauvirey-le-Chatel, in the department of Haute Saone. Until the Bordeaux country was reached the Black Hawks had wondered what hidden meaning was contained in the expression "Sunny France," for the France they had seen had been far from that. Now they knew it was not all irony, after all. The climate here was ideal, the people most hos- pitable. The majority of the billets were quite comfortable, albeit most of them were in stables and barns. The men were kept hard at work during the day, but there was plenty of diversion. General Headquarters could keep them here as long as it wished. And here most of the division remained until a few days before the armistice — that is, nominally remained. STREET SCENE IN CAMP HUNT, AT LE COURNEAU The greater part of the officers, from the colonels down, as well as many of the non-commissioned officers, were sent to "finishing schools" at Langres, Clamecy and elsewhere, and shortly afterward a majority of the enlisted men were taken away as replacement troops and sent to other divisions in the line. From the infantry regiments, about October 8 were transferred 9,000 men. They went principally to the First, Second, Thirty-second and Eighty- ninth Divisions, although many joined various other organizations. Twelve hundred men were sent from the machine gun battalions on October 20. The wrath of the division was aroused at these transfers, seemingly so senseless. The reason, however, is given in the following from the final report of General Pershing: "Under the original organization project there were to be two divisions in each corps of six divisions which were to be used as reservoirs of replacements. One-half of the artillery 62 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Harris & Kwing GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces in France. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 63 and other auxiliaries of these two divisions were to be utilized as corps and army troops. They were to supply the first demands for replacements from their original strength, after which a minimum of 3,000 men per month for each army corps in France was to be forwarded to them from the United States. It was estimated that this would give a sufficient reservoir of personnel to maintain the fighting strength of combat units, provided the sick and wounded were promptly returned to their own units upon recovery. "The Thirty-second and Forty-first Divisions were the first to be designated as replace- ment and depot divisions of the First Army Corps, but the situation soon became such that the Thirty-second Division had to be employed as a combat division. For the same reason all suc- ceeding divisions had to be trained for combat, until June 27, when the need for replacements made it necessary to designate the Eighty-third as a depot division. "By the middle of August we faced a serious shortage of replacements. Divisions had arrived in France below strength, and each division diverted from replacements to combat duty increased the number of divisions to be supplied and at the same time decreased the supply. "On August 16 the War Department was cabled, as follows: " 'Attention is especially invited to the very great shortage in arrivals of replacements heretofore requested. Situation with reference to replacements is now very acute. Until suffi- cient replacements are available in France to keep our proven divisions at full strength, replace- ments should by all means be sent in preference to new divisions.' "At this time it became necessary to transfer 2,000 men from each of three combat divi- sions (the Seventh, Thirty-sixth and Eighty-first) to the First Army, in preparation for the St. Mihiel offensive. By the time the Meuse-Argonne offensive was initiated the replacement situa- tion had become still more acute. The infantry and machine units of the Eighty-fourth and Eighty-sixth Divisions, then in the vicinity of Bordeaux, were utilized as replacements, leaving only a cadre of two officers and twenty-five men for each company. To provide immediate replacements during the progress of the battles new replacement organizations were formed in the zone of operations; at first as battalions and later as regional replacement depots. "On October 3, a cable was sent the War Department, reading as follows: " 'Over 50,000 of the replacements requested for the months of July, August and Sep- tember have not yet arrived. Due to extreme seriousness of the replacement situation, it is .necessary to utilize personnel of the Eighty-fourth and Eighty-sixth Divisions for replace- ment purposes. Combat divisions are short over 80,000 men. Vitally important that all replacements due, including 55,000 requested for October, be shipped early in October. If necessary some divisions in the United States should be stripped of trained men and such men shipped as replacements at once.' PANORAMA OF MALICORNE 64 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION "Altogether seven divisions had to be skeletonized, leaving only one man per company and one officer per regiment to care for the records. As a further measure to meet the situation the authorized strength of divisions was reduced in October by 4,000 men, thus lowering the strength of each infantry company to approximately 174. The thirty combat divisions in France at that time needed 103,513 infantry and machine gun replacements, and only 66,490 were available." While this, of course, will not by any means heal the wound suffered by the Eighty-sixth Division as a result of the heart breaking transfer, the above statement of the commander-in-chief of the American Expeditionary Forces will explain the necessity for taking the measure, which for a long time was not quite clear. The promptness with which this demand was met by the division is attested by the following telegram sent by General Headquarters to Major General Martin on October 13: "The following telegram received from Commanding General, S. O. S.: " 'With reference to replacements recently forwarded on urgent priority established by G. H. Q., information has been received that this movement has been completed and that the First Army is highly delighted with the promptness with which the movement was executed and the efficient manner in which it is handled in every respect. Twenty-eight thousand replacements were actually forwarded on record time in response to urgent call for twenty- five thousand. The commanding general is highly pleased with this accomplishment and wishes you to know that he appreciates the prompt and efficient response which was made to the call of the First Army for reinforcements. Please convey the com- manding general's appreciation to every- one under your command who is entitled to share in the thanks of our fighting forces. I desire to add my congratulations.' " Between the dates of the trans- fer of the infantrymen and the trans- fer of the machine gunners. General Martin was directed to report for temporary duty to Lieutenant Gen- eral Hunter Liggett, commanding the First Army. Shortly afterward General Martin served with Major General Charles P. Summerall of the Fifth Corps in the Meuse-Ar- gonne, where he remained until the armistice. Officers of the Eighty-sixth Division at the Third Corps school received a shock late in October when they discovered that trains of wounded passing through Clamecy contained many Black Hawk sol- THE CHURCH OF ST. MARTIN AT CLAMECY THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 65 diers. A number of captains and lieutenants met disabled men from their own commands, most of whom had been gassed, and from these casualties received the first definite information concerning the reduction of the division to a skeleton. The school details of officers and non-commissioned officers returned to St. Andre de Cubzac just in time to receive the tidings that the Eighty-sixth at last was to get its chance at the front. Moving out at dawn on November 8, the division was to go to Le Mans. What then was to have been the fate of the division there are no available official records to reveal, but the accepted opinion was that there it was to be filled up again to war strength. As a matter of fact, the writer was informed months later by an officer on Marshal Foch's staff that from Le Mans, the Eighty-sixth was to have proceeded to the Lorraine front; on November 14, in company with five other American divisions and thirty French divisions, the Black Hawks were to have participated in what the supreme war council had planned as the Allies' mightiest endeavor of the war — ^the capture of Metz, the rolling back of the German army, the invasion of Germany, the final crushing blow! That was the "dope." But to the Black Hawks on November 11 came the news of the signing of the armistice, the event which immediately began to be celebrated by the world generally — with the exception of the Black Hawks. For them the curtain had been rung down just as they were about to enter the big show. And, it may be said, they had paid scalper prices for their tickets. Even now that unkind fate which seemed to have followed the division from its very inception was not through with the Eighty-sixth. For the next day, November 12, the division was broken up. General Martin arrived at Le Mans on the 13th just in time to view the remains. The disappointed Black Hawk com- mander was sent to Nancy to take command of the Ninety-second (col- ored) division. Upon the return to the states of that organization Gen- eral Martin was assigned to the com- mand of the Ninetieth Division in the Army of Occupation, which di- vision he brought home in June, 1919. The Eighty-sixth Division rue de L' hospice, clamecy 66 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION cadre, comprising the skeletonized division headquarters, infantry regiments and machine gun battalions, with approximately one officer to a regiment and one man to a company — in all consisting of seventeen officers and one hundred and twenty-four men — sailed from Bordeaux on the steamship Siboney (December 25), Wilhelmina (January 6, 1919), and Zeelandia (January 16), arriving in the United States on January 3, 19 and 29, respectively. With the exception of the 311th Engineers and the 311th Engineer and Supply Trains, which remained in the vicinity of Bordeaux, practically all the remaining Black Hawk units returned to the United States as organiza- tions soon after the breaking up of the Eighty-sixth Division. The arrivals home from overseas were as follows: 333 rd Field Artillery — Siboney, January 3. 311th Trench Mortar Battery — Georgia, January 8. 311th Sanitary Train — Wilhelmina, January 19. 311th Field Signal Battalion — Ne- braska, January 29. 311th Ammunition Train — Zeelan- dia, January 29. 33 ist Field A r t i 1 1 e r y — Duca d'Aosta, February 5. 332nd Field Artillery — Antigone, February 15. The last three Black Hawk outfits to return were the 311th En- gineers and the 311th Engineer Trains, which arrived on June 27, and the 311th Supply Train, which landed on July 2 . Upon their arrival in Chicago on their way back to Camp Grant to be mustered out, each of the Black Hawk units received a rousing welcome home, a tribute as genuine and whole-hearted as if the armistice had not halted the Eighty-sixth just as it was preparing to show its mettle on the field of battle. For the men from the wreck of the four infantry regiments, however, it was a different story. They, with a few of their officers — three to a com- pany, each company comprising the enlisted personnel of two former com- panies in the Eighty-sixth — were retained as a part of the American em- barkation center at Le Mans. Of this embarkation center, General Pershing, in his final report, from which quotation has previously been made, has this to say: "To maintain a suitable reservoir of men for Brest and St. Nazaire, an MAJOR THOMAS L. MARSHALL Who commanded the division cadre which ar- rived in the United States in January, 191 9. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 67 embarkation center was organized around Le Mans, which eventually accommodated 230,000 men. Here the troops and their records were prepared for the return voyage and immediate demobilization. As the troops arrived at the base ports, the embarkation service was charged with feeding, reclothing and equip- ping the hundreds of thousands who passed through, which required the maintenance of a form of hotel service on a scale not hitherto at- tempted." This was "the most unkindest cut of all." After months of gruelling training in which they had striven with might and main, meet- ing triumph and disaster with the same gritted-teeth determination, AIAJOR A. A. sprague, ii until they were met with praise wherever they might go — at Upton and Mills, at Liverpool, at Havre, at Bordeaux — even hiding their disappointment that they were not permitted to fire one of the 623,541,085 bullets or any of the 3,500,800 shells the Americans had sent over to the foe, now they had come to this: they to be part of "a form of hotel service." But someone had to do it, so they made the best of it. The men of the 341st and 342nd Infantry Regiments were formed into A PICTURESQUE VIEW IN LA SUZE At the left is the old chateau called "Bluebeard's Castle." 68 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION the Third Provisional Regiment under command of Lieutenant Colonel Coleman and Major Sprague of the 341st, while those of the 343rd and 344th became the Fourth Provisional Regiment under Colonel Hannigan and Lieu- tenant Colonel Augustus Van Wormer of the 344th. Both of the newly consolidated outfits left Le Mans the evening of No- vember 13 for station at Montfort and Pont de Gennes, about eighteen miles distant. Through inky blackness the Third Provisional hiked several miles farther, to La Roche and La Brielle, where they remained for about two weeks. The Fourth Provisional tarried a while at Montfort and Pont de Gennes, then was ordered to the Belgian camp and thence back to the outskirts of Le Mans, where it took up its duties at that famous rendezvous of casuals, the forwarding camp — more familiarly known to those that have been there as the "Mud Hole," the "Mad House," and other possibly more appropriate (if less polite) names. The Third Provisional, leaving La Brielle and La Roche, proceeded to Parigne I'Eveque and vicinity and later, just before Christmas, to a group of towns in the historic and beautiful valley of the Sarthe, through which mean- ders the poplar- fringed river of that name, a country once the scene of the conquests of Caesar, the conflicts of Coeur de Lion and the heroic struggle of Jeanne d'Arc. Regimental headquarters were established at La Suze, where stands the ruin of what legend says is the castle of Bluebeard. In February the regiment was assembled at La Suze and entrained again for Le Mans, where it took over the classification camp. The Third and Fourth remained at the classification and forwarding camps, respectively, until the em- barkation of troops for home had progressed sufficiently for the reduc- tion of the American Embarkation center, when wholesale transfers were made, some men going to organ- izations sailing for the States, some to special posts in the A. E. F., and others to various educational insti- tutions, such as the A. E. F. Uni- versity at Beaune and French and British universities, provisions for entrance into which had been made for American enlisted men and of- ficers. Of the original officers chosen by Colonel Coleman for the Third Provisional Regiment most of those THE EPICERIE AT MALICORNE of the former 341st Infantry were THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 69 Mf?^ MAJOR EDWIN W. ALLEN transferred to the Forty-ninth In- fantry when Colonel Palmer, their former commanding officer, took command of that organization pre- paring to return home. Major Sprague was placed in charge of the Motor Transport Corps at Le Mans for a brief period, after which he sailed. In January, the following Black Hawk officers remained with the Third Provisional: Majors Edwin W. Allen and Arthur C. Marriott. Captains Myron S. Stevens, Frank E. Rohde, Earl L, Lyons, Charles K. Hall, Merwin L. Prindle and T. C. Stiritz. First Lieutenants Herbert V. Juul, William G. Scholl, Frank A. Gerould, Jack Little, Courtney D. Freeman, Edward C. O. Beatty, Raymond McDonald, Walter E. Tracy, Clement C. Young, George Peck, Kellogg Logsden, Edward S. Marples, Robert A. Moss, Robert T. Peters, John A, Steinecker, James H. Ticknor, T. A. Warner, Harry W. Wellington and Paul A. Williams. Second Lieutenants Leonard W. Beadle, A. O. Hurja, George W. Martin, George A. Schmidt, Wallace Thompson, D. L. Vail and Paul W. Weber. Major Allen later went to Paris for special duty with the Peace Commis- sion and became a member of the United States Liquidation Commission. In the Fourth Provisional Regiment at this time were: Majors John H. Smale and William King, Jr. Captains A. J. Powelson, Joel M. Bolby, Carl V. Burger, John Diller, Gordon K. Gould, Robert A. P. Holderby, Alanson Follansbee, John J. Ver Haar, Richard E. Melcher, Benjamin C. English, Kenneth H. Smith and Dovenmuehle. First Lieutenants Warren A. Johns, Howard A. Brundage, Daniel L. Hallowell, Herbert W. Read, Maurice R. Preston, Gailord W. Greer, George C. Reid, Siegfried Maurer, Melville Griffiths, Walter Cole, Elliott S. Miller, Joseph P. Tompkins, Warren C. Giles and Watson. Second Lieutenants Arthur J. Werneke, William S. Walker, George R. Birhman and Frank J. Malloy. During the demobilization period the American embarkation center was one of the most important "sectors" in France, for this area formed the great clearing house for most of the home-going troops. They must needs filter through the sieve before they hit the high seas. Here they were organized, their units filled up, they were equipped and "decootieized." 70 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION This hanging on, working on, sending thousands of others off along that gorgeous homeward way was a hard and seemingly thankless job, and the worst enemy of the doughboy, the dread spectre of homesickness, began gnawing at the Black Hawks' hearts. They had been all over England and France; they had traversed the green where the first Derby was run; they had gar- nered grapes in the Bordeaux district, walked through the former palaces of kings, stood on Caesar's walls, swaggered in their hob-nailed boots (some of them) down the chestnut-lined Champs Elysees, hiked along white roads over which conquering hordes of centuries ago had marched; they had bil- leted in the homes of peasant and prince, drilled and guard-mounted to the PANORAMA OF BORDEAUX delight of the wooden-shoed gentry of a hundred hamlets, "parlez-voused" countless alluring (and other) mademoiselles, laughed and sung and bantered and kicked about their chow, seen their "buddies" leave them never to return, been drafted when the war was over for "a form of hotel service," and now they wanted to go home. But it was not by any means all work and no play even now. Some fifty men or so were sent on leave from each regiment every month, with all expenses paid, to the leave area at St. Malo. Other leaves were granted to Paris, Nice, Marseilles, Bordeaux, almost any French city of the soldier's choice, he paying his own expenses. Then there were all sorts of athletics — football, baseball, basketball, boxing, track — for participation in which time was taken from military duties as well as from hours ordinarily devoted to recreation. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION 71 PANORAMA OF LE MANS Fiercely contested games were played between battalion teams and with other regiments. It was the Black Hawk baseball team that, managed by Captain Lyons, formerly of the 342nd Infantry, won the championship in the Inter- Allied Games at Paris. However, during their performance of "a form of hotel service" in the Le Mans embarkation area, an aspersion has been cast upon the Black Hawks by a certain commanding officer returning to the States, At least it was so reported. This was the statement that he had brought back ail the Black Hawks except the A. W. O. L.'s and G. O.-45's. One of the Black Hawks plodding along at his tiresome job in France received a clipping from a newspaper containing that officer's remarks, with the inscription in a feminine hand penned along the margin: "Which of these are you?" To correct this false impression, a check-up as complete as possible GAME BETWEEN FOURTH PROVISIONAL REGIMENT AND AVIATION TEAM, AT TOURS 72 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION . . . iiSi#«* o pL, r*: ^ ■y ^ o W 1^ ert Q a Pi b < o O c ^ pi: ^ =<« pq ^ c 3 O a K s o THE CAMP FIRES Black Hawk Pinfeathers Fluffs of Down That Helped to Line the Eighty-sixth Division's Nest Authorship of or responsibility for the following sidelights on the History of the Eighty-sixth Division is neither claimed nor admitted by the writer of the preceding record of the division's activities. These are only little flights of fact and fancy that may recall to some Black. Hawks those successively mad, glad and sad days passed in the army. Captain William Quayle Setliffe, supply officer of the 343rd Infantry and later secretary of the Eighty-sixth Division Association, showed the ear- marks of a supply officer at the very outset of his career at Camp Grant. Although he is a nephew and godson of Bishop William Quayle, Bill early qualified as an adept at appropriating things ad lib. It was Bill who made a log foundation for the giant Christmas tree at camp, which in itself was considered somewhat of an achievement, but that was only a starter. Soon afterward he managed to make away with an entire house. He found the house one morning idle behind his quarters. He had men and rollers in a jiffy, and the next thing Colonel Howland knew he had a garage. The house belonged to the Quartermaster Corps. Some Q. M. officers saw it rolling away and remonstrated. Then it was that Bill proved his genius to the Q. M.'s. He borrowed a heavy truck to make the work easier. Camp Grant had the distinction of having assigned to it the first woman in the United States to be honored with the full status of an officer. This was First Lieutenant Isabelle Gray, Medical Reserve Corps, who for fifteen years had been a practicing physician in St. Louis. 75 76 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION One of the Black Hawk Division's best friends and stanchest champions was Federal Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis of Chicago, whose aviator son, Major Reed Landis, was one of America's foremost *'aces." Judge Landis was a frequent visitor to camp and delivered a number of fiery talks to the men of the division, most remembered among which — by many — was that "Damn the hyphen" oration of August i, 191 8, after which the judge naturalized 800 foreign-born soldiers and shook the hand of each one. Perhaps the most rapid promotion from the ranks in the American army was achieved by seven Black Hawks, who, three weeks after they had left for Camp Lee at Petersburg, Virginia, to attend the officers training school for engineers, returned to Camp Grant as second lieutenants. They were: C. L. Ballou, 311th Supply Train. Carl L. Boeder, Company D, 311th Engineers. V. D. Cyliowski, Company D, 311th Engineers. Samuel Etskokin, 343rd Infantry. C. L. Moyer, Company G, 341st Infantry. Fred C. Norlin, Company D, 311th Engineers. Daniel O'Connell, 311th Supply Train. All were assigned to the units they had left on entering the school. Another rapid promotion was that of Roy G. Swindell, who, from ser- geant major at division headquarters, rose to a captaincy. The negro recruits of the 183rd Infantry Brigade were a source of un- ending entertainment while quartered at Grant. The insurance officers found one man who insisted upon taking the full $10,000 worth of war risk insurance, although all the other men in his company had contented themselves with smaller amounts. Finally they got the answer out of him — but only after he had signed up for the limit. "When we gits ovah theah in thim battles," he explained, "they's gonna take of these heah cheap two-thousan'-dollah nigguhs an' stick 'em up yondah in th' f'unt lines whe' they'll git shot full o' holes jes lak a wiss cheese. But us ten- thousan'-dollah nigguhs — oh, boss — they'll keep us back whe' we won't stan' sma't chance o' gittin' hu't." LAUGHING GAS Captain Ben English, Company K, 343rd Infantry, couldn't make a Ghetto squad under- stand how to turn their toes out at an angle of 45 degrees. "Turn your feet out 45 per cent," he ordered. Action was unanimous. BLACK HAWK PINFEATHERS 77 Brigadier General Lyman W. V. Kennon, the beloved "blond giant" of the 171st Infantry Brigade> was not given to making sudden demotions among his commissioned personnel, but as for Mrs. Kennon — About a half-hundred Chicago clubwomen were the guests of the brigade commander's wife at Camp Grant. Luncheon a I'armee was served them in the mess hall of Headquarters Company, 341st Infantry. As they were daintily — as daintily as possible — balancing the red hot aluminum coffee cups and trying to prevent the "mixture" in the so-called plates from reaching the floor or their gowns, one said to Mrs. Kennon: "Do the boys really have such good food all the time?" Mrs. Kennon turned to the company's dapper captain, W. Earl Bell. "How about that, corporal?" she said. Earl blushed as the K. P.'s snickered disrespectfully. About fifty religious beliefs were represented at Camp Grant. The fol- lowing classification is the result of a survey among the enlisted men in Decem- ber, 191 7, and January, 191 8: Agnostics 21 Apostolic 2 Armenians i Atheists 13 Baptists 1773 Bethany i Carmelites i Church of Christ (Union)..,. 8 Church of God i Church of Nazarene 2 Christian Science 233 Congregationalists . 851 Disciples or Chris- tians 522 Dunkards 9 Episcopalians . . . .1096 Evangelical 107 Federated Church . i Free Mission .... 12 Free Thinkers 112 Golden Rule 2 Greek Catholics. Holy Rollers . . . Infidels Jews Kriquerenes .... Lutherans Mennonites .... Methodists 3610 Mission Friends Moravians Mohammedans 2 7 2 Mormons 72 New Church i New Emanuel i New Thought 2 Pentecostal 3 Plymouth Brethren 2 Presbyterians 2 188 . 270 2 I . 658 I •3943 2 RED CROSS WORKERS AT CAMP GRANT. 78 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION ■il fjfjM^^j^^^^H iSffip^ i^^^^^Ki *--^ -tiiii MJI^^bt ^- ^s^^' ^^W -^^J^taSfr^ ngi y^gto^ilM^^^^^^^^E ■? fl^ ml DM iiiJrJ|ijW'__ Progressives 3 Quakers 45 Rationalists 4 Reformed 53 Roman Catholics . .7678 Saints of Christ. . . i Spiritualists 3 Swedish Mission. . . 19 Theosophists i Unitarians 120 United Brethren. . . 78 Universalists 95 Zionists 8 Every time the of- ficers of the 332nd Ma- chine Gun Battalion sat SOME EX-86'ERS ^o^" to their mess there Officers formerly of the Eighty-sixth Division, later on duty Were at least ten gUestS with the General Staff, U. S. A. Left to right, front row: Brigadier General Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr., Colonel Roger S. Fitch, Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. T. Lull, Lieutenant Colonel I. P. Swift. Upper row: Colonel E. A. Hickman, Lieutenant Colonel A. F. Dannemiller, Lieutenant Milligan, Captain James C. Russell. The last named officer was a newspaper correspondent at Camp Grant. — ten little French or- phans who had been adopt ed by Major Charles R. Mayo and his officers for quarters and rations. They were not actually on the premises, but the little French orphans were really and truly guests just the same, for the sum pledged to their support came from the mess fund, so it was share and share alike. Among the adopted papas were Captains Edward Cudahy, George B. Young, Jr., Otis Romine, and Wayne Chatfield-Taylor, and Lieutenants Columbus Healy, Louis F. Swift, Jr., Willard Velie, Richard Paddock, A. L. Smith, William Trembly and A. G. Duncan. , Probably the most popular "war song" of the Black Hawks, not even excepting "K-k-k-katy," "We Don't Want the Bacon" and "On Wisconsin," was that lilting parody written by Bart Macomber, former Illini football star, when he was a member of the Third Company at Fort Sheridan, the officers from which went into the 342nd Infantry. The words are: When all our boys get over into France We're going to make the Kaiser do a dance; • We're going to make him yell, and yell like hell, For the good old U. S. A. (Yes, yell like hell). Fight, fight, fight for every yard; Over the top, and hit their trenches hard; BLACK HAWK PINFEATHERS 79 Then we'll roll those Germans in the sod, Yes, by God! Roll, roll, roll! The song became so popular at Camp Grant, in fact, that it came near breaking up more than one of the famous "singing lessons" at the "Y" audi- torium. For obvious reasons names are not mentioned in the following incident: A certain brigadier general of the division was noted for his strict orders and his rigid enforcement of the same. But a certain major of infantry was equally well known for his fearless independence. One of the general's standing orders was to the effect that upon his approach on the drill field or elsewhere each officer he met was to stop his work, stand at attention, salute, give his name, rank and organization, and account for his activities at that particular moment. Riding his bicycle onto the drill field one fine day, the major observed the general, dismounted, saluted and said: "Good morning, general. Nice day, sir." The general stared at him a moment, then said, biting off each word with a snap: "Major — can — it — be — that — you — do — not — know — what — my — orders — stipulate — as — the^ — procedure^ — to — be — taken — by — an — officer — whom — I — meet!" The major looked the general full in the eyes. Then, saluting smartly, he hopped on his bicycle, saying as he rode off: "Sir, Major , In- fantry, getting on his bicycle and riding away." A number of Black Hawks still have confidence in the luck pieces from "Old Doc" Woodcock — those old Roman or early Christian coins gathered by the pioneer's father when he was consul in Aquitania. The first of these went to General Martin, General Andrews and Colo- nel Howland. Then the division's godfather came to Chicago to see his boys at their first reunion apres la guerre, and renewed old friendships and made some new ones. To these friends he also sent some of the rare coins for luck. ADOPTED BLACK HAWKS 8o THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Field glasses were in great demand on the White Star liner Canopic, on which most of the 341st Infantry made its way to France. The reason was the presence of several score of pretty nurses on the Empress of Asia, another of the convoy. Sergeant Adolph Larson, of Company A, was gazing longingly across the water, bemoaning the lack of feminine company. "I'd be a target for a submarine right now," he said, "if I thought I'd get picked up by the Empress of Asia." One of the English cooks on the Canopic greatly enjoyed playing on the superstitions of some of the 341st doughboys aboard. Of course he seized upon the fact that there were 1,300 passengers. Then he announced glumly that the death of one of the sailors presaged an ill-fated voyage. He took advantage of every phenomenon of the sun and moon to concoct a story of coming bad luck. Then one day he discovered that there were three chaplains on the ship. "The bloody craft will go down for sure," he declared. " 'Tis no end of an ill omen." The blighter really seemed disappointed when the Canopic arrived safely at Liverpool. If there was any anti-British propaganda loose in the 342nd Infantry, the members of the crew of the Minnekahda certainly did little to combat it. For the first few days of the trip over one of these was particularly obnoxious in his belittling of the American effort. "Say, buddy, I'd put the soft pedal on that line of chatter," said a ser- geant one day when the Britisher went a little too far. "Don't you know we're coming over to help you?" " 'Elp us, me eye," sneered the sailor. "Ye're comin' to get the glory, ye blighters." What followed happened so suddenly that few present could tell who was responsible — and nobody ever did. The Englishman, however, was in the ship's hospital the rest of the trip. And there was no more criticism of the Yanks. "Well, sergeant, how do you like England?" asked a lieutenant of D Company, 342nd Infantry, of Sergeant Henry Cohn. "Hm-m," soliloquized the sergeant, "when I call anybody anything, I'd like to call him something besides a bloody blighter." At the English rest camp — beg pardon — at Havre, there was some mis- understanding with the "Tommies," two of whom, in an. altercation with a Black Hawk, suddenly pitched into the lone doughboy, who managed, how- ever, to hold his own quite well. A husky, six-foot-three Australian sat atop a fence nearby and grinned. Two other English soldiers approached and soon joined their comrades in the melee. This was too much for the Aussie, who jumped down from the fence and lit in, with the result that soon four "Tommies" apologized, and the Aussie and the doughboy walked off, their BLACK HAWK PINFEATHERS 8i arms about each other's shoulders. Half an hour later the Black Hawk might have been seen emerging from the Australian's hut, making his way unsteadily toward his company's camp. The Black Hawks have loved the Australians ever since. Few of their many friends would suspect Major John S. Sweeney, or Major Albert A. Sprague II. of being sprinters. But the majors have a record of a two-mile jaunt in but little more than the record time. It happened on their first trip through France, on the way from Havre to St. Andre de Cubzac, and they didn't know then of the utter unreliability THE HARBOR OF HAVRE AS SEEN FROM AN AIRPLANE of French train schedules or of the absolute irresponsibility of French rail- road officials. So, when their train stopped at a fair-sized town and they were advised that it would be at least two hours before the journey would be re- sumed, they took advantage of the excellent opportunity. Captain Fred S. Scobie and several other officers of the 341st accompanied them to get a bit of lunch. When they returned in about three-quarters of an hour there was no train in sight. Oh, the plans had been changed, the station master remarked nonchalant- ly and started to walk away. Sweeney grabbed him. What were they to do? Where could they find the train? The red cap, tugging his waxed moustache 82 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION in annoyance, said the train was two miles down the track taking on water. And why not? No taxis were near. They had to make that train. In a remarkably few minutes, the squad of sweating, panting, bedraggled officers reported to Colonel Palmer, in command of the train. "How did you get here?" asked the colonel. "Ran," puffed Sprague and Sweeney in unison. "That's good," smiled Colonel Palmer. "We'll be pulling out in two hours," It was just before the armistice, in the American bar of the Grand Hotel in Paris. Four lieutenants of the 342nd Infantry were rushing out after a farewell cocktail, when they bumped into Lieutenant Colonel — let us omit his name; he is still in the Army — who had recently been trans- ferred to a division at the front. "Greetings," said the Lieuten- ant Colonel, who recognized one of the lieutenants as an old friend. "Let's have a drink for old times' sake." "Can't," canted the lieutenant. "Gotta catch the 8 o'clock train for Bordeaux. Barely got time." "Why Bordeaux?" inquired the colonel. "The Eighty-sixth has gone to Le Mans. Left this morning. Beat it down to Le Mans, and you'll get there ahead of them." Arriving at Le Mans about midnight, the four lieutenants were informed by the R. T. O. that the division wasn't due for three or four days. There was no train out that night. Next morning they started again for Bordeaux, reporting a day late to their commanding officer. Lieutenant Colonel Holder- ness, who had succeeded Colonel Stodter. They never snitched on the lieutenant colonel who gave them the "bum steer," but one of them, months later, got even. Which accounts in a measure for the possession of the complete roster of the division. . Sergeant Richard A. ("Dickey") Dale, flaxen-haired Adonis of the supply company of the 343rd Infantry, was a victim of close shaves. The first of these close shaves came at Camp Grant before the Division left for Hoboken, when Dickey was compelled to seek the barber's chair and be shorn of his glorious tresses. The entire company gathered around to witness the operation, and the very roughest teamsters in the company — heart- less old things — gathered up the curls from the floor and divvied 'em up, one vulgar fellow remarking that his wife could have a nifty switch made out of his portion. GETTING ACCLIMATED BLACK HAWK PINFEATHERS 83 After the armistice, however, Dickey let them grow again as luxuriantly as they pleased, to the delight of the demoiselles. Then it was that a "buddie," Corporal Jim Nelback, received an invitation for the pair of them to beaucoup party in Paree, at the home of an American woman. There was no time to bother with passes; there was so much red tape to them. And to go A. W. O. L. was to run the gauntlet of millions of M. P.'s. True, their C. O., Lieutenant George W. Catts, was such a decent sort of a chap they hated to take advantage of him. But this promised to be the chance of a lifetime. Then a brilliant idea hit Nelback. They would disguise themselves as "Frogs," as both of them could speak a smattering of French, such as "Donny mwa un biftek," and "Avey voo de tray bun conyak?" and "ma cheree" and "Ah, wee." So from the friendly natives of Montfort-Pont de Gennes they procured trousers, camps and long overcoats, purchased white collars and shirts, and in the pine woods on the outskirts of the twin towns they internationalized them- selves. Another "buddie" took their uniforms back to camp, and the pair beat it for Le Mans to catch the Paris Express at 3:30 p. m. Heart-failure almost overcame them whenever they passed an American soldier. At Le Mans, Dickey was elected to buy the tickets as Jim's French was not quite so polished — he insisted on saying "voos" for "voo." So Dale stood in line with French and American officers, soldiers and civilians, his knees shaking and his rosy cheeks paled. Heart action almost stopped when an American officer approached him and asked in French for direction to the buffet. Luckily the sergeant was able to answer. "Deux billets pour Paris," said Dickey bravely to the ticket chopper. "Quarante sept francs," said the woman. Forty-seven francs: Dickey had forgotten that when he was a soldier he rode for about a quarter fare. And they had only about thirty francs between them. Easing away, the adventurers hurried through the streets of Le Mans till they met a motorcyle driver they knew. And the motorcyclist so admired their nerve that, after recovering from his astonishment, he peeled off a hundred-franc note. At the station again they found the ticket window closed by a sign reading "COMPLET." No more tickets were to be sold, although there stood the Paris train waiting. Had they had on their uniforms, there was a way — through the old round house — but the French guard couldn't be bluffed by a Frenchie as he could by a doughboy. The Paris party was off. Not only that, but how would they get back to Montfort? Half their company would be going back on the trains. There was no other way out. They must walk. It was a disappointed pair of "non-coms" that slipped into their tents that night and, cussing softly but none the less emphatically, changed back into their O D.'s. . A Pastoral Study It is late afternoon on the Dordogne. The sun, a great ball of golden fire, is sinking in a blaze of glory behind the purple and green hills to the west, coloring vividly the vast extent of vineyards. Retreat is over, the trusty old 84 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION |0KOO PROMINOD, NeS PA?l Enfield racked away. Nothing to do till tomorrow. Buck, the husky ma- chine gunner, rambles aimlessly along between the walls of towering poplars lining the broad winding white road near St. Andre de Cubzac, his nature and disposition pecu- liarly attuned to romance and ad- venture. He rubs his eyes and puts a hand in the pocket full of francs. Is it an apparition? Far down the road through the twilight trips the essence of Romance, a veritable dream of loveliness. They draw nearer to- gether. Buck summons all his nerve and smiles. Lordy! She has a dimple and her eyes twinkle as she rolls 'em askance. Is he there? Well, here's Buck's line of chatter: *'Bon jewer, madimisell. Comma tally voo? . . . Oh, tray bien. . . . Ah, wee. . . . Vooly voo prominod aveck mwa? . . . Ah, wee. . . . Madimisell ay tray chick, nes pa? . . . Ah, wee. . . . Keska say? . . . Naw-aw! . . . Bokoo prominod, nes pa? . . . Uh-uh-parly voo Onglay? . . . No? . . . Jer parley Froncay tray puteet, madimisell, tray puteet. . . . Oh. . . . Mercy bokoo. . . . Uh — madimisell, ooh ay la cafay, do yuh know — uh — ooh ay? . . . . Ah-h. . . . Kel kilomet? . . . Ah, wee . . voo avvy un puteet vair du conyak aveck mwa? Whew! . . . pah de zig-zag. . . . Aw, conyak allay aveck mwa kum sah! that. . . . No? Pah de conyak eh? Aw-right, kiddo. . hums a snatch of ''Madelon" distractedly.) . . . Uh — votra dimisell, keska say? , . . No, no. Votra nom, votra NOM! voo? . . . Ah, Marie? . . . Oh, Marie Juliet? . . . Say tray beau- tiful nom, nes pa? . . . Ah, wee. . . . Ah, vwala lo cafay. . . . Vooly voo un bootay de van blank? . . . How? CHAMPAGNE? Ooh, la, la! Bokoo franks! . . . Ah, wee. Jer avvy bokoo franks." After a couple of gushing bottles they start into the world again, her arm warm and soft under his. Night has fallen over the fragrant grape country. The silver moon floats serenely in the star-sprinkled purple dome, dropping a shimmering trail of diamonds across the dark waters of the Dur- dogne. Buck, inspired, chatters on: "Voo marryay, Marie? . . . Say bon. . . Ah, naw-aw! Voo no feeancay a la sargent! . . . vooly Naw-aw, Just like . . (She nom, ma- Compreny Feeancay? . . . Sargent Francay? BLACK HAWK PINFEATHERS 85 . . . Aw-aw. . . . . . Ah, wee. . . bon feeancay. . . . ay mwa marryay. . kwa? . . . Pardon . . . No! . . . . . . Hie! . . . dya get (hie) zhat shtuff! I sh-should worry. . . . Sargent pa bon. . . . Voo be . Ameriean tray bon feeancay. . . Ah, wee (hie) ... Ah, WEE! . . No. Toot sweet. . . . Poor y mwa. . . . Aw, Marie. . . . Poorkwa voo partee? . . . Partee Shay! Whadayamean bon swar? . . . Partee maintnont, huh? . Hie! . . . Shlong, Marie. . bon ehampagne, I'll shay! . . . Whoop! ... Oh revwar, . . . La gare finee! . . . Compree (hie) mess kit? . . , to sing ''We'll pin Old Glory to the Top of the Pole" but voice breaks) Who! (hie) won zhuh war? . . . KIA KIAK!" ma cheree ! . Mwa tray . . . Voo (hie) — poor- Voo partee? toot sweet? . . Where . . We! . . Tray k-kiddo (Tries That was all bunk about there being no bathtubs in France. No doubt when you wrote that home you were of the opinion that you were truthfully portraying the facts, but in fairness to the French that erroneous belief must be corrected. There were bathtubs in France. In fact every town of any size boasted a tub. Strict search and due inquiry revealed this truth. Such was the ease even at Le Briel, where was esconced the 341st Infantry portion of the Third Provisional Regiment for a time after the armistice began. Either Lieutenant Walter N. Sutherland of the Headquarters Company or his interpreter, Private (first class) Francis Prugger, can tell you that. But for a while there were grave doubts. 86 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Finally Walter, being of more or less cleanly habits, could stand it no longer. "Prugger," he said. "You're the parlez vouser extraordinary of this out- fit, and it's up to you to get Captain Bell and me a bath tub. Now, you allez and don't revenez till you get one." Prugger canvassed the town of some 1,500 souls, finally winding up at the combination schoolroom and mayor's office. "But, my dear friend," expostulated the mayor in astonishment, "it is WINTER!" After much coaxing and petting, however, Prugger prevailed upon the worthy gentleman to drag the town tub out of the attic. After the dust and cobwebs had been removed Bell and Sutherland — and Prugger and the rest of the company — splashed once more in luxury. That Headquarters Company of the 341st Infantry boasted lots of wits. Twice the regiment had marched from St. Gervais to St. Andre to catch that train which was to take them to Le Mans. Twice the train had failed to show up. And twice they had returned to their billets. Each of those was a ten-mile hike with full packs plus. For the third time they were forming for the march. First Sergeant William Brackett looked at his travel-weary feet and said: "If Sarah Bernhardt made as many farewell trips as we're making, no wonder she has a wooden leg." WE KNOW IT WAS COLD Colonel Howland leading the 343 rd Infantry back from the range at Camp Grant. Our dear singing teacher at Grant? How we went over the wall at Knotty Ash? How good the old water tower looked when at last we came homeward "For Officers Only"? from those all-day hikes? "Turn out the guard; Commanding General!"? How we unveiled the wood and plaster Eagle Monument? Those packs? Short arm inspections? G.0.45? Those shoestring chin straps? General Parker? The midnight muster? "Men of Illinois, I envy you"? The 3 a. m. false alarm fire calls? Those critiques after maneuvers? Walzinger's? "Chick" and "Marge"? The mud at Mills? The mosquitoes at Upton? K. P.? A. W. O. L.? The smell of the hold? Feeding the fishes? Those hammocks? When the Tommy bands tried to play Yankee ragtime? The side of the road to Romsey? The "flu" at Southampton? Those "rest camps"? Hommes 40; Chevaux 8? Vine blanc and vin rouge? The Hotel Boul d'Or? The Cafe de Cheval Blanc? The ladders? Hommes-Dames ? The Scala at Bordeaux? Cognac Fini? THREE BOTTLE-SCARRED HEROES 87 88 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION The M. P.'s at Clamecy? "Defense d'afficher"? Beaumont Hill? The red tree? Ditching the train at Nevers? The Hotel de Paris at Le Mans? "Major Garrison"? The Y. M. C. A.? The first American girl we saw in France? The Mad House? French movies? Bread tickets? That "fine old Scoth" from Ardenay? Conductorettes? "American bars"? The Folies Bergere? 12 Rue de Chabanais? Petit dejeuner in bed? "Merci Beaucoup"? That lost service record? S. O. L.? The orders to come home? The mill? The Statue of Liberty? Drinking Water? Civvies? THE INHABITANTS OF LE MANS CELEBRATE THE ARMISTICE PANORAMA OF LE MANS Feathers in the Black Hawk's Wings Tributes of Leaders to Eighty-sixth Division Upon the organization of the Eighty-sixth Division Association to bring together once more and keep together as far as possible all former members of the Black Hawk Division, came tributes from various sources. Some of these follow: AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF August 24, 1 91 9. To the Soldiers of the Eighty-sixth Division: You arrived in France at the crucial moment of the Allied offensive which was destined to overthrow the German armies. Our First Army was then engaged in the greatest battle in American history, and its exhausted divisions required new life to enable them to deliver the final blow against the enemy. Under these conditions, your division disembarked at the base ports, and, lacking the necessary animals and equipment to permit of its im- mediate employment, was skeletonized and its personnel rushed to the front. In a minimum of time you found yourselves in the ranks of practically every combat division then on the front; you participated in every important as- 89 ^ 90 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION sault which marked the final battle of the war. The same splendid discipline and morale which marked your division upon its arrival in France, marked you as individuals in fighting with your new comrades of the veteran divisions of the American Expeditionary Forces. I can fully appreciate your personal regret over not being able to enter the battle as a member of the organization in which you had worked so hard to prepare to do your part, but by your service as individuals you contributed directly on the battlefield to the success of the American Expeditionary Forces and justified your pride in the Eighty-sixth Division. John J. Pershing, General. WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, August ii, 1919. To the Soldiers of the Eighty-sixth Division: The spirit which made the Eighty-sixth and its fellow divisions invincible in the war is none the less necessary in this time of peace that has come through their military achievements. I am glad to learn that the "Black Hawk" is to assist in keeping alive the spirit which gave a personality and an individuality to your organization, both in its training at Camp Grant and its service overseas. I trust and believe that its record in peace will be none the less praiseworthy than its showing in war. Faithfully yours, Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War. GERMAN PRISONERS WORKING FOR 311TH ENGINEERS AT LA COURTINE FEATHERS IN THE BLACK HAWK'S WINGS 91 COMPANY B, 311TH ENGINEERS, UNLOADING ROCK WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF Washington, August 6, 191 9. Dear Mr. Setliffe: I have received your letter informing me of the organization of the Eighty-sixth Division Association, and am glad to know that the men who have rendered the country such splendid service, both at home and abroad, have formed an association with the idea of keeping alive the memories of this service. The men who are returning home from France are returning with a broader vision of public affairs and with a fuller appreciation of what the American form of government means to our citizens. They will put into the solution of the civic problems now confronting the nation the same stead- fastness of purpose, resolution and determination which marked their efforts in France. That page in American history, which is second to none among the many glorious pages of American achievement, is merely the starting point of future achievement, not so spectacular, but of equal value to the country. My best wishes to the Eighty-sixth Division Association. Very cordially yours, P. C. March, Mr. W. Q. Setliffe, General, Chief of Staff. Sec. Eighty-sixth Division Association. 92 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION The following is from the commanding general of the Thirty-third Di- vision to which were sent thousands of soldiers from the Black Hawks ranks: Camp Grant, 111., August 6, 1919. Mr. Wm. Q. Setliffe, Secretary, Eighty-sixth Division Association, Chicago, Illinois, My dear Mr. Setliffe: In reply to your favor of August 4, advising me of the formation of the Eighty-sixth Division Association, I take the opportunity to extend my hearty greetings to the members of the association, and especially to those brave men of the Eighty-sixth, who later served under my command in the Thirty-third Division in France. In the Thirty-third we had approximately 4,000 men from the Eighty-sixth, good soldiers all, courageous, patriotic, and imbued with the one determination to put the enemy out of business in the shortest space of time. In this, their aims and objects were similar to those of the other gallant men of the Thirty-third Division. Your association should be able to accomplish much good for our coun- try and for the individual members of your organization, and I predict for it a long, honorable and successful career. The fact that it was my good fortune to command these gallant men from Illinois, will always be one of the most pleasant episodes of my career, and one which will ever have a green spot in my memory. It is to be hoped that we may escape another war such as that through which we have just passed, but if it be our fate to again take up the sword in combat we should be prepared to meet it with every promise of ultimate success. To do less would be to forsake every tradition of honor and justice among the peoples of the world, and subject us not only to humiliating and THE 343RD BAND AT GRENOBLE, DECEMBER, 1918 FEATHERS IN THE BLACK HAWK'S WINGS 93 disastrous defeat, but render us an object of ridicule throughout the family of nations. The people of the United States should accept the lessons learned in the World war, the chief of which was that of unpreparedness. The policy ad- vocated by the government in the reorganization and expansion of the mili- tary establishment should be heartily supported and fostered by every loyal citizen. We, as a democratic people, do not require a great standing army, but it is a vital necessity that we maintain a large organized citizen soldiery, capable of supplying all possible needs during the first year of a possible war. This force should be thoroughly equipped, officered, disciplined and instructed, approaching as near as possible to the standard maintained by the regular army. If such a course is adopted by the people, it is my opinion that we as a nation will be in position to meet with confidence any other nation or com- bination of nations that may be brought against us, assuming, of course, that our naval establishment keeps pace with the army. In your work, you can do much to bring about this result, and I have every confidence that the red-blooded men of the 86th Division Association will be ever among the stanchest defenders of the honor of our country, both in time of peace as well as in war. Very truly, Geo. Bell, Jr., Major-General, U. S. A. From Governor Lowden the division received many words of praise. The following letter was received by General Martin after the division had reached France: STATE OF ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Springfield, Sept. 10, 19 18. Dear General: I am just in receipt of your letter of September 6. I quite understand the situation. I have read the inspector's report and congratulate you heartily upon the condition of the Black Hawk Division. I think you know, and I hope your command may know, that I shall follow this division across the seas and to the battle fronts with the greatest interest. I have seen enough of this division to know that it will bring new honor and glory to the three states from which it is principally recruited. Good luck to you, your officers and men! Always sincerely yours, Frank O. Lowden. General C. H. Martin, Headquarters 86th Division, U. S. Army, Camp Mills, Long Island, New York. 94 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION The following letter from the governor was received after the organiza- tion of the Eighty-sixth Association, STATE OF ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Springfield, August 13, 191 9. My dear Mr. Setliffe: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of August 4. I am de- lighted to learn that the Black Hawk Division has formed an association to keep alive the memories of their great service to their country during the war. I had the honor several times to visit your division and conceived the very highest regards for its officers and men. It was a superb organization, and I am sure that its perpetuation means further service, though perhaps in a different manner, to our country. For we have great problems of peace to solve which the members of your association can help to solve rightly. With all good wishes, believe me Very sincerely yours, Frank O. Lowden. Mr. William Q. Setliffe, Secretary, Eighty-sixth Division Association. Upon the formation of the association the following message was re- ceived from. the division's overseas commander: August 10, 1919. Comrades of the Eighty-sixth Division: It affords me the greatest pleasure again to address you; to send a word of greeting and comradeship to the strong, upstanding fellows who served in our division and who are now happily banding themselves together to pre- serve the priceless memories and traditions of that splendid service. In these trying times let us hope that the great lessons in obedience, fortitude, loyalty and patriotism, taught in the National Army, may continue to abide with us. May the spirit of service and unselfishness, which so highly distinguished the Eighty-sixth Division, inspire us all to the full performance of our duty always. God bless you one and all. Cordially and sincerely, C. H. Martin. FEATHERS IN THE BLACK HAWK'S WINGS 95 THE 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY HOMEWARD BOUND On the docks at Pavillac, ready to board the U. S. S. Antigone. While from the East came the following from that beloved leader from whom we shall never hear again: HEADQUARTERS EASTERN DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL Grt)vernors Island, N. Y., August 16, 191 9. Captain W. Q. Setliffe, Eighty-sixth Division Association. Dear Captain Setliffe: I have your letter of July 29th and the enclosures therewith, informing me that the Eighty-sixth Division Association has been organized and asking me to accept the honorary presidency of the association. As the organizer and first commander of the Eighty-sixth Division, no one had more confidence in it or has better knowledge of and entertains greater pride in its wonderful spirit and efficiency. The record as made at Camp Grant, the record as made en route to the other side as evidenced by the report of inspectors while at Camp Mills awaiting embarkation, copies of said reports enclosed herewith, and what we all know it could and would have done had it been kept together on the other side and fought as a unit, cause me pleasure in the belief that the spirit of that division will be per- petuated for all time by the association just formed. The purposes of the association as set forth in your circular are lofty and sufficient. They quicken my hope and strengthen my prayer for its fullest success. Under Major Albert Sprague and the other good fellows whose names I note as officers, the association is in good hands and cannot fail to succeed. 96 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Nothing can better set forth the purposes of the association than the second paragraph of your letter to me, which follows: "We recognize today in this division a spirit that is more than discipline, more than a morale, more than esprit de corps; it is an overhanging spirit, realized not only among ourselves, but by casual visitors who came to us and speak of it with great appreciation. While this spirit invokes our just pride in our achievements, our just pride in the harmonious workings of line and staff, it is not a spirit of boastfulness. It is perhaps best described as a spirit of unselfishness, one to help our neighbors, a touch of that human kindness which makes all the world akin. It is an intangible but not the less master- ful power, that spirit of the Eighty-sixth Division, and it is the hope that the Eighty-sixth Division Association will foster and keep alive the pleasant memories through the years we have before us." Stay with that spirit and there need be no fear of the result. I will, of course, be highly honored by, and will accept, the honorary presidency of the association. I sincerely hope that every officer and enlisted man who ever belonged to the Eighty-sixth Division and who was honorably separated therefrom may become a member of the association. With warm personal regards to you all and with the hope that God's blessings may constantly and forever attend you all. Faithfully yours, T. H. Barry, Major-General, U. S. A. THE 332ND ARRIVING AT NEWPORT NEWS, FEBRUARY 15, 1919 FEATHERS IN THE BLACK HAWK'S WINGS 97 OFFICERS OF THE 333RD FIELD ARTILLERY On board the Siboney, on its arrival in the United States. From the Chicago newspaper comment on the division is taken the fol- lowing editorial from the Chicago Evening American: Last of the Black Hawks, Lost Legion of A. E. F., Are Home The last of the Black Hawks — the lost legion of the A. E. F. — at last are coming home. Four hundred and fifty of the finest fighting men that ever shouldered an Enfield — members of the former 343rd, and 344th Infantry regiments of the old Eighty-sixth Division — have arrived at Camp Grant, and the rest of the fighting men of the fighting division that never fought are on their way. The home-coming of these men was an inglorious ore. Their trains slipped through Chicago in the middle of the night. There were no brass bands, no cheering thousands to greet them. But they are no less heroes than many of their more fortunate brothers who were given the chance — the chance the Black Hawks were willing to give their lives to get — to go over the top and do their part by force of arms to bring glorious victory to history's most glorious cause. There probably was no division in the American army more fit than the Black Hawks when they sailed last September. The commanding officer of the port of debarkation at Liverpool told Major General Charles H. Martin that he had never seen a cleaner cut lot of men than this division. The Eighty-sixth was designated as one of the six American divisions 98 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION which, with thirty French divisions were to smash through Bavaria and ROLL THE GERMANS BACK TO BERLIN. They were to share in the glory of the greatest victory of all time. But Fate had set for them a tragic destiny. Arriving at Le Mans— ONLY ONE DAY FROM THE FRONT— on the afternoon of the nth of November, they received the news of the signing of the armistice — the news that thrilled all the world except the Black Hawks. Next day the division was broken up. The artillery came home and with it the records of the Eighty-sixth in the hands of the adjutants of the MAJOR MARSHALL AND DIVISION CADRE ARRIVING IN CHICAGO four infantry regiments — the 341st, 342nd, 343rd, and 344th — and the first sergeant of each company. Thus the division lost even its name and the remaining doughboys were formed into provisional regiments and scattered about the embarkation cen ter over a radius of some thirty kilometers. Said The Chicago Herald and Examiner, upon the arrival of the news on November 24, 191 8, that the division had been broken up: "Chicago always will maintain that the best division General Pershing had under him was sent home without ever firing a gun — the Eighty-sixth, the famous Black Hawk, made up of men from northern Illinois and south- ern Wisconsin. Everybody who ever saw the division — and this included Allied officers as well as West Pointers — agreed that no better trained body of men was ever got together. BLACK HAWK POST, NO. 107, AMERICAN LEGION By Joseph Burke, Commander When the organization of the American Legion was undertaken it was only natural that those who had been in the Eighty-sixth Division should think of forming a post to be composed largely of men who had been in that division. So Black Hawk Post No. 107 came into existence. As demobiliza- tion proceeded the men had begun to come in contact with one another in civil life. Of course the usual topic of conversation was concerning the whereabouts of "buddies." This led to the calling of a meeting by Joseph Burke, formerly a lieutenant in Company K, 344th Infantry. The meeting was followed by several more in the summer of 1919. Finally it was decided to seek a charter in the legion, and the name Black Hawk was decided on by unanimous vote. There were fifteen signatures on the application for the charter, which was sent to legion headquarters in Chicago in August. Mr. Burke was chosen temporary chairman, and Fred Haller temporary secretary. While the charter application was pending recruiting for members con- tinued. At this early period the legion was not well known among the men, and the securing of members was not an easy matter. During the formative period William L. Allison, a major in the 344th Infantry, gave great help by his encouragement. In the meantime the Eighty-sixth Division Association had been formed. William Q. Setliffe, its secretary, became interested in the post, and did splendid work in securing members. At first state convention, held in October, at Peoria, Mr. Setliffe and William T. Thompson repre- sented Black Hawk Post as delegates. Finally the time came when there were enough members to launch the post officially, and a call was issued for an election of officers. At the first meeting, held in the Oxford Building, Chicago, on November 6, 1919, the following were elected: Commander — Joseph Burke. Vice-Commander — Leonard Rosin. Adjutant— William Q. Setliffe. Chairman of Publicity Committee — Jack Little. Thereafter meetings were held on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 8:00 p. m. in Room 1121, County Building, Chicago. Additional officers were elected on January 18, 1920, as follows: Sergeant-at-arms — Edward H. Johnson. Executive Committee — Jack Little, Emory A. Champlin, Charles L. Collette, Charles C. Le Forge, John H. Smale, Waldo M. Allen and John D. Reaton. Chairman of Americanization Committee — R. F. Kelker. Medical Officer — Dr. John S. Sweeney. 99 100 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Insurance Officer — Irvin O. Vanderburg. Vocational Officer — John H. Smale. At this meeting also the adjutant, William Q. Setliffe, resigned, because of being required to remain out of town a good deal of the time as an organizer for the legion. It was decided to hold an election at the following meeting. In the interim Richard Dale acted as adjutant, and at the meeting of Feb- ruary 5th Emory A. Champlin was elected to the position. Headquarters of the post were moved to Room 410, Chamber of Commerce Building, It was at that time that Frank Bernier Post No. 353 decided to affiliate. Black Hawk Post so far has upheld the traditions of the splendid divi- sion for which it is named. It is expected to be one of the largest posts in the legion. All former service men are welcome to join, but a particular invitation has been extended to those who were at any time during the war at Camp Grant. The post is doing much to aid the men. A case in point is the effort being made to bring the releases and restorations to good stand- ing of Corporal Anton Nicholas, formerly of the 342nd Infantry, who is now serving a twenty-year sentence at Ft. Leavenworth, which the Black Hawk post believes, after a thorough investigation, should not have been imposed. The post is also striving to obtain the passage through Congress of the bill backed by the national officers of the legion to give each former service man $50 for each month's service as additional pay. Black Hawk Post stands for everything that is good in American life. Its desire is to serve the republic and in so doing to serve those who held pay the Republic. AT MONFORT-LE-RETROU The Roster of the Eighty-sixth Division The problem of preparing a roster of the Eighty-sixth Division was per- haps the most difficult one which the author of this book had to face. So many thousand men served with the division at one time or another — so many thousand men felt that they belonged to the Eighty-sixth Division — yet the permanent records of the War Department were in such form that it was im- possible to include in the rosters the name of every man who served with the division. It was therefore decided that the best plan was to use as rosters the sailing or passenger lists of the various units. For surely if the division ever existed as a unit, it was at the time of sailing for France. No disrespect is intended to the men who left the Eighty-sixth for other organizations. Their names are inscribed on the rolls of the Thirty-third Division, Eighty-ninth Division, and the other units with which they fought. The men who sailed as members of the Eighty-sixth have only envy for those who reached France in time to take part in the actual fighting. No attempt has been made to rearrange these passenger lists. They ap- pear here exactly as they were copied from the official files of the War De- partment. For this reason officers and men who went overseas in the advance billeting and embarkation units are listed under those units rather than with the regiments to which they belonged. In order to save space, certain abbreviations and omissions were neces- sary. Unless otherwise stated, all men listed were privates; first class privates have the numeral (i) in parentheses after their names. Similarly, first class sergeants have the numeral after their names. All ranks of officers are indi- cated by abbreviations, e.g., maj.gen. for major general, col. for colonel, capt. for captain, etc. When no state is given in the address following any name, Illinois should be understood. lOI 102 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION MAJOR CHARLES L. COLLETTE 341st Infantry. MAJOR WILLIAM A. MURPHY Commanding Medical Detachment, 311th Ammunition Train. MAJOR CHARLES R. MAYO Commanding 332nd Machine Gun Battalion. MAJOR FRANK F. WORMWOOD, Jr. 311th Train Headquarters and Military Police. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS Chas. H. Martin, Maj. Gen., 418 Failing Bldg., Port- land, Ore. Roger S. Fitch, Col., 324 Main St., Danbury, Conn. las. M. Phalen, Lt.-Col., Harvard. Gordon N. Kimball, Lt.-Col., 21 Tevinam Apts., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Harris Pendleton, Jr., Lt.-Col., Guaranty Trust Co., New York City. Chas. R. Mayo, Lt.-Col., Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Alexander Gillespie, Lt.-Col., 7 Watson St., Marble- head, Mass. Tnnis P. Swift, Lt.-Col., Moro. Orville J. Taylor, Maj., 65 E. Division St., Chicago. Jos. E. Barzynski, Maj., 7342 Yates Ave., Chicago. Dennis H. Udall, Maj., 106 Brandon Place, Ithaca, N. Y. Lee B. Schrader, Maj., Box 29, Evansville, Ind. Henrv H. Thompson, Maj., 76 S. loth St., Noblesville, Ind. Robert K. Fast, Mai., 115 N. Sandusky St., Tiffin, O. J. A. M. Hindrum, Capt., 4304 N. Paulina St., Chicago. Walter B. Holton, Capt., 290 Wellington Ave., Roch ester, N. Y. 1 Frederick L. Pond, Capt., 906 E. 53rd St., Chicago. Wm. I. Shuman, Capt., 2600 Windsor Ave., Chicago. Roy G. Swindell, Capt., 310 Wilder St., Chattaiiooga, Tenn. , John E. Eddy, Capt., 175 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Edw. J. Strickler, Capt., Billexica, Mass. E. C. Wampler, Capt., 445 Monmouth Blvd., Galesburg. Egbert H. Spencer, Capt., Rookery Bldg., Chicago. Gordon McCormick, Capt., 6065 S. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago. Hugh W. McCiillough, ist Lt., 418 Church St., Evans- ton. M. P. Burkholder, ist Lt., .89 E. 17th St., Chicago Heights. Will W. Korb, ist Lt, Hill City, Kans. Geo. R. Clark, 2d Lt., 135:0 N. Main Ave., Scranton, Pa. Nat L. Dewell, 2d Lt., JBlanchard, Iowa. Geo. S. McGrath, 2d Lt., loi Richmond Road, Drum- conda, Dublin, Ireland. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT Sidnev A. Shoop, ist Lt., 1008 N. Bloomington St., Streator. Hovey W. Dodge, 2d Lt., 5236 Greenwood Ave., Chi- cago. Geo. D. Smith. 2d Lt., 4721; Grand Blvd., Chicago. Theodore F. Bahls, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 2840 N. Talman Ave., Chicago. Leonard Rosin, , Reg. Sgt. Maj., 1248 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Lloyd H. Branks, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 212 Glen St., Janes- ville. Wis. Harry Michaelson, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 1210 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Hansh Ruedebusch, Reg. Sgt. Mai., Mayville, Wis. Louis V. Mahany, Ord. Sgt., 721 W. 6th St., Peru, Ind. Ralph A. Kurtz, I?n. Sgt. Maj., 410 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. Frank Ohnesorge, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 1306 S. 6th St., May- wood. A. G. MacLean, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 136 Highland Ave., Downers Grove. Melvin H. Rose, Bn. Sgt. Mai., Coral, Mich. David Gettlemen, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 1017 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Robt. Hendrickson, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 3231 Crystal St., Chicago. Geo. J. Drobnis, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 1516 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Clifford N. Tiedt, Sgt. (i), 4745 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Reginald Oxenham, Sgt. (i), 61 18 S. Mozart St., Chi- cago. Patrick G. Burns, Sgt. (i), 5430 Dorchester Ave., Chi- cago. Paul M. Joslyn, Sgt. (i), 19 S. Liberty St., Elgin. Samuel M. Eno, Sgt. (i), 726 Dundee Ave., Elgin. Frank R. Babcock, Sgt. (i), 219 Irving Ave., Rockford. Michael W. Kiley, Sgt. (i), 405 E. Marquette St., Ott-awa. Herman L. Rusch, Sgt. (i), 1203 2nd St., Hudson, Wis. Russell W. Allen, Sgt. (i), 4642 Clarendon Ave., Chi- cago. Don P. HIser, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 29 Granville St., Newark, Ohio. Roy C. McCotter, Bn. Sgt. Maj., R. D. i, Bedford, Mich. Michael J. Casey, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 6336 Throop St., Chicago. Wm. Aboussleman, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 60 Washington St., New York City. George Tree, Bn. Sgt. Maj., Browntown, Wis. Edw. M. Fogarty, Sgt., 713 E. Kent St., Streator. Stanophe Hudson, Sgt., 4447 N. Herrhitage Ave., Chi- cago. Shelbey R. Meyer, Sgt., 1220 E. 64th St., Chicago. Milton C. Steuber, Sgt., 11 1 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis. Francis Peterson, Sgt., 137 Colander Ave., LaGrange. Kirby A. Yeakel, Sgt., Wayne.sville. Geo. E. Day, Sgt.. 312 N. i;th St., Brainerd, Minn. Ford L. Burley, Sgt., Winslow. Clint W. Payton, Corp., 5692 Ridge Ave., Chicago. Jesse S. Boring, Corp., Antioch, Tenn. Fred M. Morris (i), 4442 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Frank O. Fisher, Corp., 722 St. Lawrence St., Beloit, Wis. Allen G. Smith (i), 6809 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Frank A. Adams (i), Galva. Orland L. Bowers (i), 204 S. Monroe Ave., Green Bay, Wis. .Tames A. Galvin (i), 2600 S. State St., Chicago. Harry G. Gustafson (1), 6362 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Wm. M. Lanyon, 4906 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Edward B. Lloyd (i), 1404 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. Harry F. Moors (i), Hancock, Wis. Chas. Newbury (i), 5738 8th Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. John E. Kidd, -927 2nd Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Arthur W. Kundsen (i), 1642 N. Claremont Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. David M. Broderick, 1114 N. California Ave., Chicago. Claude L. Carter, 710 Wabash St., Rhinelander, Wis. Ira A. Cramer, 414 W. Monawan St., Tomah, Wis. Chas. L. Kallen, 5726 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Christ Lindberg, Walnut Grove, Minn. Wm. W. Wehmer, 8059 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Walter P. Sadler, W. St. Paul, Minn. Kenneth S. Fisher, 1300 N. Center St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Ralph W. Trate (i), 522 S. 12th St., Reading, Pa. Louis Kaplin, Sgt., 1554 Girard St., Chicago. Thomas Hammer, Sgt., 1021 1 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Geo. E. Vanderbeeke, Sgt., 1719 i8th Ave., E. Moline, McWilliams Remmgton, Sgt., 4414 Charlotte Ave., Kan- sas City, Mo. Louis P. Lindgren, Sgt., 1401 Rosemont Ave., Chicago. Wilbur N. Tardy, Sgt., 3425 Colorado Ave., Chicago. Louis A. Poulin, Sgt., Box 343, St. Johns, Quebec, Canada. Wm. P. Carey, Sgt, Morris. Wm. E. Cole, Sgt., Hundred, W. Va. Benjamin Kaufman, 1044 Van Buren St., Chicago. William Watson, 220 N. Grand Ave., Los Angeles Cal. Duncan Rowles, Corp., 214 N. 6th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Reynold E. Wagner (i), 2033 N. Albany Ave., Chicago. Lawrence Allen, Corp., ist Nat Bank of Chicago. Harry Behnamann (i), 107 4th Ave., Rock Island. Edward C. Coy (i), 4113 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago. Geo. C. Gerth (i), 6135 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Ben Jacobs (i), 1124 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Kinney E. Leins (i), 2848 8th Ave., Rock Island. Lester J. Michael (i), 896 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. Geo. J. Murphy (i), 6348 Langley Ave., Chicago. John A. Nolan, 2a Willow St., Cambridge, Mass. Ivan B. Picard (i), Virginia Hotel, Chicago. 103 104 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Frederich Swanson (i), 514 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana. Geo. E. Dahlin, 4215 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago. Arthur Oglesbee, (i), 119 Park Place, Oak Park. John C. Davis (i), Polo. Arthur Burfiend, R. D. .1, Box 93, Nye, Wis. Chas. W. Catino, 2648 W. Superior St., Chicago. Frank M. Dart, 504 loth St., Moorhead, Minn. Walter H. Hicks, 5632 La Salle St., Chicago. Raymond D. Olsen, 391 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Ernest J. Franzin, 845 King Place, Chicago. David F. Barrett, 1003 N. Main St., Rockford. Suhm, 331 Riverside Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Alfred C. Welo, 3036 Hariet Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. Atherton, Stithton, Ky. Edw. L. Sieben, 452 W. 2sth Place, Chicago. Herbert F. Sonderberg, 1232 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Kurt C. Ruedebusch, (1), Horicon St., Mayville, Wis. Edward J. Laurson (1), 12 E. nth St., Covington, Ky. HEADQUARTERS TROOP Wm. Kenney, 3927 Zuni St., Denv'er, Colo. John A. Vogelsang, ist Lt., 175 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. Nathan A. Corwith, 2d Lt., 199 Vine Ave., Highland Park. Edward Williams, Sgt., 450 Ryerson Ave., Elgin. Edward L. Mulstay, ist Sgt., 346 E. 137th St., New York City. Nathaniel Kuersly, Sgt., Lackawanna Steel Co., Cleve- land. O. Eugene J. Hulton, Sgt., 15 W. 65th St., Chicago. Delbert Cook, Sgt., Adams and Mechanic Sts., Monroe, Wisconsin. John J. Sullivan, Corp., 7420 Paxton Ave., Chicago. Doyle S. Raney, Cook, Erie. Laverne I. Buck, Mech., 108 W. First St., Belvidere. Oscar L. O'Brien, Wag., Bartlett. Fred Piepenhing, Wag., Mt. Prospect. Clarence Bartlett (i), 955 E. Chicago St., Elgin. Harold H. Bailey, 75 N. Batavia Ave., Batavia. Harold E. Berg, 514 8th St., Rockford. Gustav'e Chellman, 1349 Thorndale Ave., Chicago. Carl C. Ditmar, 949 E. 54th Place, Chicago. Reinhard Draeger, Edgar, Wis. Allessio Farion, 910 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Walter Janusik, Files City, Mich. Alvin E. La Follette, Birmingham, la. Einar M. Larson, 4918 St. Anthony Ct., Chicago. Helmar A. Lokken, R. D. i, Onalaska, Wis. Ray U. Martin, 3550 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Roy F. Mawhinney, Milton, Wis. Jarrett O'Connor, 7006 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Benjamin M. Parks, 181 1 ist Ave., S., Minneapolis. Jos. R. Peterson, 1210 Crosby St., Rockford. John W. Robinson, 433 S. sth St., LaCrosse, Wis. Burton M. Stadden, 1310 E. ■S4th St., Chicago. Paul Stone (i), Beloit, Wis. Walter W. Thompson, Buffalo, Wyo. Will E. Wenger, 902 East St., Monroe, Wis. Clifton A. Harper, Sgt., 917 loth Ave., Rockford. Arthur Robus, Mess Sgt., 202 Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal. Harry Kater, Corp., Franklin Park. Peter A. Sorgule, 414^ Newport Ave., Chicago. Fred W. Hunnerberg, Cook, Palatine. Ivan B. Terrey, Wag., 311 E. Main St., Reedsburg, Wis. Phillip Dougherty, Hs., 6625' Sangamon St., Chicago. John M. Everson, Hs., Orfordville, Wis. Nick Sloot, Wag., Mt. Prospect. Arthur Berning (i), Shermerv'ille. Otto IBusse, Mt. Prospect. Wm. Cotterell (i), 2845 Dawson Ave., Chicago. Geo. E. Fellows, 136 W. 4th St., St. Charles. Edw. A. Gossink, Randolph, Wis. Frank L. Greenfield, 765 Brook St., Beloit, Wis. Norman A. Hickey, 1510 Albian Ave., Chicago. Donald Home, 65 Cecille St., Liverpool. England. Frederich Johnson, 302 N. 4th St., Rockford. Raymond G. Nolte, 2049 Bradley Place, Chicago. Elmer P. Oelig, 579 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Stanley Pumfrey, De Long. Perrin B. Root (i), 4432 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Arthur E. Tomhare, R. D. 6, Fergus Falls, Minn. Fred J. Waldman, R. D. i, Janesville, Wis. Enerold Jacobsen, Sgt., Guldbergs, Gade Aarhuss, Den- mark. John W. Frazier, Genoa. Otto V. MuUikiiij 1210-20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Fred Hawkins, Corp., 1400 Cedar St., Nashville, Tenn. Leroy J. Walker, 7238 S. Morgan St., Chicago. John M. Fallon, Cook, 2935 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Frank Lorge, 419 S. loth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Martin Brunkalla, Wag., Athens, Wis. Albert J. Bayless, R. D. 2, Jonesboro, Tenn. Hershell Bradshaw, 623 Ashland Ave., Rockford. Claude E. Bruner, Mulberry Grove. Charles A. Chase, R. D. 4. Willmar, Minn. Edwin R. Clark, (i), 1405 Olive Ave., Chicago. Jos. Courtney, 709 Meldrune St., Detroit, Mich. Garland F. Daill, 5518 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Charles De Rosa, 1008 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Marfin Dolan, 310 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Orrin A. Farness, R. D. 2, Milan, Minn. Lester A. Faulkner (i), Barrington. Carl F. Haufschildt, Wausau, Wis. David H. Hodges, Antrim, N. H. Frank W. Koebler, 11 1 N. Bluff St., Janesville, Wis. Martin S. Kruger, Graveville, Minn. Geo. T. O'Shea, 1807 Farwell Ave., Chicago. Gilbert F. Raidt, 1623 Dupont Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. J. Reidy, 1816 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago. Horace M. Wardner, 70s Cuyler Ave., Oak Park. Frank E. Woll, R. D. 4, Kenosha, Wis. Edward Zgleniski, 2040 Cortez Ave., Chicago. Eskill C. Lindberg, Stab. Sgt., 414 S. Leavitt St., Chi- cago. Carson Scott, Mess Sgt., 121 S. High St., Galena. Edward Aaron, Corp., 2104 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. Stephen Chenoweth, Corp., 508 E. 71st St., Seattle, Wash. Frank A. Filk, Sad., 12400 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Garrett Metz, Cook, 10813 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Virgil Morton, Mech^ 1138 Park Ave., Chicago. Ralph Castle, Wag., Fairview. Geo. Zwanziger, Bug., 2147 W. 22nd Place, Chicago. Edward P. Baines, Main St., Piano. Arthur M. Biers, Mendota. Harry A. Cohen, 1436 Summerdale Ave., Chicago. Phil G. Cresson, 204 Case St., Whitewater, Wis. Geo. C. Dunne, 2936 Lexington St., Chicago. Arthur B. Hartman, 4200 N. Robey St., Chicago. Geo. Ittersagen, 6545 Perry Ave., Chicago. Arthur H. Kimmey, 7314 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Henry H. Kolbe, 1752 Willard St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Fred W. Krueger, 1916 House St., Chicago. Nicholas Larocco, 2229 Iowa St., Chicago. Francis J. Leahy, R. D. 2, Lyons, Wis. Geo. Marks, 307 E. 4Sth St., Chicago. Hugh N. Marshall, 459 Logan Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Sherley N. McKinsey, Maquoketa, Iowa. Theodore W. Nohl, 721 W. 6th St., Ashland, Wis. Lawrence Odendahl, R. D. 1, Moline. Howard M. Robbins, R. D. 1, Viola. Geo. A. Seipp, 5101 W. Berenice Ave., Chicago. Jos. Serack, Wilkeson, Minn. Gust B. Arvan, 1200 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank G. Wiley, 301 Tenney St., Kewanee. Fred W. Fischer, 2636 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Chas. R. Haberle, 937 Bluff St., Beloit, Wis. Earl E. Cheney, 429 High St., Neenah, Wis. Clifford Carlson, 2442 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Clarence B. King, 1730 Spaulding Ave., Chicago. FIELD CLERKS Malcom Wheeler, 530 S. Main St., Dayton, O. Will K. Riggs, 4626 Clarendon Ave., Chicago. Jos. L. Kacirek, 1732 Ballou St., Chicago. Frank L. Buckley, 247 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Casimer Strugalski, 1128 Blum St., Toledo, O. ADVANCE SCHOOL DETACHMENT ADVANCE SCHOOL DETACHMENT Alvin S. Perkins, Lt. Col., 14 S. Central Ave., Clay- ton, N. J. Irving Madison, Maj., 1017 Garfield Ave., Rockford. Owsley Brown, Maj., 1515 N. 3rd St., Springfield. John S. Miller, Jr., Maj., 527 Prospect Ave., Winnetka. Gerrard B. Winston, Maj., 58 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Otto A. KremI, Maj., 1544 S. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. Edwin W. Allen, Maj., Buchanan, Va. Edwin P. Hubble, Maj., 1826 Chadbourne Ave., Madi- son, Wis. John H. Dore, Maj., 5219 Cullom Ave., Chicago. William H. King, Jr. Maj., 922 Wells Ave., Escanaba, Mich. John B. Canning, Maj., 196 Liberty St., Dundee. Arthur C. Marriott, Maj., 69 W. Washington St., Chi- cago. Charles L. Collette, Maj., 3317 W. Monroe St., Chi- cago. Hugh B. Sprague, Capt., 1038 E. 9th South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Paget K. Cady, Capt., Riverside. William T. Harmon, 516 E. College Ave., Jacksonville. Hubert E. Howard, Capt., 547 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Earl L. Marmaduke. Capt., Green Cove Springs, Fla. James A. McLaughlin, Capt., 5609 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Frank E. Rohde, Capt., 900 S. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. Harry F. Webster, Capt., 335 N. Jameson Ave., Lima, Ohio. Robert B. M. Wilson, Capt., 817 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. John B. Allen, Capt., no Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Dana Dutoit, Capt., Chaska, Minn. Guy M. Gillette, Capt., West Main St., Cherokee, la. Roscoe Johnson, Capt., 5505 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Otis S. Romine, Capt., 620 Allen St., South Bend, Ind. John A. Stevenson, Capt., 70 Cedar St., Chicago. Roland A. Behrman, Capt., 138 Vernon St., Waltham, Mass. Henry Hooper, Capt., 1225 N. State St., Chicago. Clay I. Hoppough, Capt., Smyrna, Mich. Joseph Girsdansky, Capt., 506 W. 122nd St., New York City, N. Y. John E. Keller, Jr. Capt., 634 Central Ave., Lexing- ton, Ky. Austin L. Houslohner, Capt., 29 Carey Ave., Wilkes Barra, Pa. Ernest E. Leeson, Capt., Sharpsville, Ind. Ralph J. Lathrop, Capt., Fennimore, Wis. Ceth D. Peacock, Capt., 540 S. Lombard Ave., Oak Park. Louis L. Bowie, Capt., Milo, Iowa. Walter Whitlock, Capt., Layton, Utah. Henry F. Tenney, Capt., 640 Pine St., Winnetka. Albert Gonsior, 1st Lt., 209 Pleasant St., Oak Park. Warren H. Aldrich, ist Lt., 844 N. Church St., Rock- ford. Hardy Avera, ist Lt., County Line, Miss. Joseph C. Beck, ist Lt., North Main St., Elmo. Preston B. Boyden, ist Lt., 725 Pine St., Winnetka. Irl R. Cathcart, ist Lt., Deland. Richard W. Clarke, New York World, New York, N. Y. Henry P. Isham, ist Lt., 1340 N. State St., Chicago. Herbert V. Juul, ist Lt., 1127 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. Robert C. Moore, ist Lt., 121 2 N. Shore Ave., Chi- cago. Leon P. O'Connor, 1st Lt., 5357 Kenmore Ave., Chi- cago. Spencer Otis, Jr. ist Lt., 527 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Raymond Robinson, ist Lt., 166 N. Scoville Ave., Oak Park. William G. Scholl, ist Lt., 122 S. Chicago St., Jolict. Heber Smith, ist Lt., 401 N. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park. Joseph Swanson, ist Lt., 625 5th Ave., St. Charles. James C. Vosburgh, ist Lt., Bearsville, Ulster County, New York. Walter W. Wood, ist Lt., Bethalto. William W. Zaas, Jr., ist Lt., 4238 Van Buren St., Chicago. I-eo G. Hogan, ist Lt., 5617 Sangamon St., Chicago.^ Conrad Driscoll, ist Lt., 1801 James Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert A. Goetz, ist Lt., 137 Michigan St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Edwin Hoyt, ist Lt., Carter St., New Canaan, Conn. James B. Martin, ist Lt., River Edge, N. J. George W. Miller, ist Lt., 1509 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John Stienecker, ist Lt., 1224 Columbia Ave., Chicago. William F. Winterble, ist Lt., Primghar, Iowa. Frederick Winston, ist Lt., 801 Globe Bldg., Minne- apolis, Minn. Waldo Allen, ist Lt., 107 Deepdene Road, Roland Park, Md. Wayne A. Baird, ist Lt., 1315 E. Main St., Newton, Kan. James E. Beardsley, ist Lt., Congress Park. Howard A. Brundage, ist Lt., 1649 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Frank H. Canaday, ist Lt., 2044 Glenwood Ave., To- ledo, Ohio. Charles Carman, ist Lt., 844 N. Church St., Rockford. Prescott Ehidley, ist Lt., 1545 Astor St., Chicago. Donald Douglas, ist Lt., 4830 Woodlawn Ave., Chi- cago. David R. Forgan, ist Lt., National City Bank, Chi- cago. George M. Jackson, ist Lt., 18 N. Monroe St., Hins- dale. Richard Montgomery, 1st Lt., Radmor P. O., Radmore, Pa. Carl G. Ortmayer, 1st Lt., 4557 Ellis Ave., Chicago. James A. Pearson, 1st Lt., R. D. i, Xenia. Norman H. Pritchard, ist Lt., 1305 Indiana Ave., LaPorte, Ind. John B. Simmons, 334 E. 5th St., Ottumwa, Iowa. Frederick Swanson, ist Lt., 407 E. Forest Ave., Nee- nah. Wis. Edwin S. Sweeney, ist Lt., 664 Higgins Ave., Paris, Ky. Robert N. Golding, 1st Lt., 1S26 Myrtle Ave., Harvey. Robert L. Grant, 1st Lt., 3815 Robey St., Chicago. John C. Hendee, ist Lt., 3319 ist St., San Diego, Cal. Lloyd Hostetler, ist Lt., Sugar Creek, Ohio. Phil W. Oberg, ist Lt., 617 S. 5th Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. Leonard L. Marshall, ist Lt., 574 Hawthorne Place, Chicago. Alex VanPraag, ist Lt., 1004 N. Monroe St., Decatnr. Edward B. Howes, ist Lt., 1125 Lumber Exchange, II S. LaSalle St., Chicago. Burtis J. Dolan, 1st Lt., 1406 Olive Ave., Chicago. Le.onard D. Karcher, 1st Lt., 114 S. East Ave., Oak Park. Irl Martin, ist Lt., Broken Bow, Neb. Edward B. Adams, ist Lt., 247 W. Berrein St., Gales- burg. William Barrett, 2d Lt., 1027 Garfield Ave., Spring- field, Ohio. Carl H. Bauer, 2d Lt., 5337 Wayne Ave., Chicago. Norvil Beeman, 2d Lt., 6827 Perry Ave., Chicago. Oliver G. Brain, 2d Lt., 8230 Dorchester Ave., Chi- cago. Clarence F. Burwash, 2d Lt., 1303 W. University Ave., Champaign. Frederick Copeland, 2d Lt., 665 Prospect Ave., Win- netka. Erwin Dame.s, 2d Lt., 650 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Marion Davidson, 2d Lt., 401 E. Wabash Ave., Craw- fordsville, Ind. Milton L. Dunn, 2d Lt., 230 N. Genesee St., Waukegan. Maurice Geraghty, 2d Lt., 504 Barry Ave., Chicago. Rodman Hambleton, 2d Lt., Grand Meadow, Minn. Herbert C. Helm, 2d Lt., Metropolis. 105 io6 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION OFFICERS WITH ADVANCE DETACHMENTS Major Hugh L. Gaddis Major Harry S. Gradle 331st Field Artillery, Assistant Division Surgeon. Major Owsley Brown Adjutant, 172nd Infantry Brigade. Major John H. Dore 342nd Infantry. ADVANCE SCHOOL DETACHMENT 107 Charles F. Flough, 2d Lt., Danvers. Arthur O. Hurja, 2d Lt., 906 N. Trumbull Ave., Chi- cago. ("■rover Hurley, 2d Lt., 419 N. Broadway St., Havana. Warren P. Jones, 2d Lt., 2859 Warren Ave., Chicago. Maurice E. King, 2d Lt., 3721 Grand Ave., Chicago. George W. Kretzinger, 2d Lt., 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Charles D. Lowry, 2d Lt., 1643 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago. Albert M. Mackey, 2d Lt., 124 2nd St., Waukegan. Frederick Foltz, 2d Lt., 39 E. Division St.j Chicago. Patrick J. McEvoy, 2d Lt., 542 E. 4otTi St., Chicago. John F. MacMahon, 2d Lt., 5426 E. View Park, Chi- cago. Joseph B. McGlynn, 2d Lt., 120 N. Main St., East St. Louis. Warren Pease, Jr. 2d Lt., 69 W. Washington St., Chi- cago. Stanley D. Petter, 2d Lt., 321 S. 5th St., Paducah, Ky. Arthur W. Prussing, 2d Lt., 2827 Cambridge Ave., Chicago. John H. Rapp, 2d Lt., Fairfield. Solon L. Reeves, 2d Lt., Emporia National Bank, Emporia, Kan. Philip G. Schiesswhol, 2d Lt., 635 Waveland Ave., Chicago. Earl J. Smith, 2d Lt., 804 6th St., Rochelle. Morton Traer, 2d Lt., 4363 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago. Willard L. Velie, Jr., 2d Lf., Blackhawk Road & 7th St., Moline. John D. Warfield, Jr., 2d Lt., 4831 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Frederick Watson, 2d Lt., Deer Path Ave., Lake Forest. Jeremiah L. Maher, 2d Lt., 1128 Loyola Ave., Chicago. Webb B. White, 2d Lt., Humboldt, Iowa. Robert Woodruff, 2d Lt., Georgetown. Afalcolm C. Woodward, 2d Lt., Sandwich. Vincent Cylkowski, 2d Lt., 3611 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Thomas J. Cullen, 2d Lt., Gilroy, Santa Clara Co., Cal. John P. Daley, 2d Lt., 171 Rosonna St., Gilroy, Cal. Arthur J. Willing, ist Sgt., 140 Quick Ave., River Forest. John LaVine, Sgt. (i). Gen. Del., Kalamazoo, Mich. Thomas Agusto, Sgt., 3136 Broadway, Chicago. Albert J. Amundsen, Sgt., 4257 N. Bernard St., Chi- cago. LeRov G. Berigan, Sgt., 421 W. Doty St., Madison, Wis. Tacob J. Blocker, Sgt., 10617 LaSalle St., Chicago. Harold F. Boehm, Sgt., DeForest, Wis. David Braid, Sgt., 1127 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Newell H. Bretz, Sgt., 4552 N. Kildare Ave., Chi- cago. Harold M. Buck, Sgt., 6242 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Byrne, Sgt., 369 Washington Ave., Janes- ville, Wis. Ernest J. W. Chambers, Sgt., R. D. 2, LaFarge, Wis. Joseph M. Collins, Sgt., 1740 Monroe St., Chicago. Joseph H. Cunat, Sgt., 2427 W. 24th Blvd., Chicago. Robert G. Daush, Sgt., 4336 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. John L. Bero, Sgt., 4655 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago. Edgar H. Deets, Sgt., Brule, Neb. William C. Deneen, Sgt., 515 St. Marys Ave., Janes- ville. Wis. Paul A. Doyle, Sgt., 1455 Fargo Ave., Chicago. Roman Dubiel, Sgt., 1420 Division St., Chicago. Oswald Elvejem, Sgt., McFarland, Wis. Arthur D. Fell, Sgt., Lincoln Highway, Fulton. Leonard H. Giese, Sgt., 214 8th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. William H. Genrich, Sgt., 210 S. 4th St., Rockford. Frank H. Goeltz, Sgt., Colby, Wis. Addison W. Grant, Sgt., 627 Library Place, Evans- ton. Florian A. Groenwald, Sgt., 5139 W. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Paul A. Gunther, Sgt., Cochrane, Wis. Bruno J. Hartman, Sgt., 11 28 N. 9th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Mervyn Hedgcock, Sgt., 632 Adams St., Denver, Colo. Charles C. Hines, Sgt., Booneville, Ind. Raymond E. Horton, Sgt., 4450 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Irenus C. Jacobson, Sgt., Whittenburg, Wis. Edwin C. Ingold, Sgt., 701 Washington St., Monroe, Wis. Edward W. Jaeckle, Sgt., 4955 St. Anthony Court, Chicago. Roy E. Kerl, Sgt., 4154 N. Robey St., Chicago. Henning Kling, Sgt., 1603 12th Ave,., Rockford. Gordon Hamley, Sgt., 940 Adams St., Berlin, Wis. John H. Wiechert, Sgt., 417 3rd St., Dundee. Eugene Woolsey, Sgt., 124 S. Central Ave., Rockford. Emil Zilz, Sgt., 635 17th St., Oshkosh, Wis. John B. Husby, Sgt., St. Elmo, Ala. Edwin A. Bergholz, Sgt., 1747 Nelson St., Chicago. Arnold Koepp, Sgt., R. D. 4, Mondovi, Wis. Harry G. Kramer, Sgt., 2312 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Paul J. Kvale, Sgt., Bensen, Minn. Arthur Lahey, Sgt., 3961 Langley Ave., Chicago. Benjamin H. Ltindquist, Sgt., 1215 4th Ave., Rockford. William E. Marriott, Sgt., R. D. 4, Joplin, Mo. David Morgan, Sgt., Vestaburg, Pa. George H. Morheiser, Sgt., 6115 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago. Harold Musselman, Sgt., Lanark. Edward Nelson, Sgt., 235 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Frank L. Nelson, Sgt., Lincoln Highway, North Aurora. Julius C. Nielsen, Sgt., 2932 Wisner Ave., Chicago. LeRoy J. Oram, Sgt., 4840 St. Anthony Court, Chicago. Johti A. O'Toole, Sgt., 1120 Loyola Ave., Chicago. Benjamin PawHsch, Sgt., North Freedom, Wis. Alfred E. Pickard, Sgt., 2008 Hutchins Ave., Rock- ford. Mark A. Rilon, Sgt., Two Rivers, Wis. Edward S. Purcell, Sgt., 321 Belden Ave., Chicago. Andrew J. Rafferty, Sgt., 1018 Peach St., Rockford. Ellsworth Randall, Sgt., 224 Ellis Ave., Wheaton. James C. Rogers, Sgt., Lilesville, N. C. Walter A. Schneider, Sgt., 7417 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Alexander Schweda, Sgt., 1255 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Lee A. Sharp, Sgt., 128 Spruce St., Winston Salem, N. C. Albert Splittgerber, Sgt., Waterloo, Wis. John H. Sreenan, Sgt., 1121 Dewey Ave., Beloit, Wis. Harold J. Stickney, Sgt., 215 Linn St., Janesville, Wis. Joseph A. Sweeney, Sgt., 115-22 E. Quincy St., Chi- cago. Casimir Szumnarski, Sgt., 1740 Brigham St., Chicago. Carl E. Thorsen, Sgt., 2134 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Anton P. Uczciwek, Sgt., 1230 N. Paulina St., Chi- cago. Clyde B. Walker, Sgt., 6908 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Bert E. Wallace, Sgt., 528 W. 3rd St., Hoopeston. William A. Wallace, Sgt., 55 W. 66th St., Chicago. Cieorge E. Wejls, Sgt., 5709 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. James H. Dwen, Sgt., 3736 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Lowell C. Noyes, Sgt., 1233 Judson Ave., Evanston. Benjamin Kohout, Sgt., 2105 63rd Court, Chicago. Joseph Hunter, Sgt., 7344 Yale Ave., Chicago. John E. Corrigan, Sgt., 944 N. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. Ray A. Elliott, Sgt., R. D. 2, St. Joseph, Mo. Sherman M. Hathaway, Sgt., 542 N. Pine Ave., Chi- cago. Charles D. Weart, Sgt., 278 Linden St., Winnetka. Robert H. Schultz, Sgt., Palatine. Frederick G. Ross, Sgt., 1107 Maple Ave,, Evanston. George V. Remke, Sgt., Niles Center. Howard J. Schott, Sgt., 7633 Stewart Ave., Chicago. Tho.nas A. Sims, Sgt., 7511 S. Green St., Chicago. John E. Coylee, Sgt., Smalley Court, Chicago. Walter S. Henney, Sgt., 629 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park. George E. Ward, Sgt., 4404 Morningside Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. Philip Gergstrom, Sgt., 3122 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn. Ray W. Herzog, Sgt., 315 N. 4th St., Watertown, Wis. August J. Hefe.le, Sgt., 287 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis. Russell Quick, Sgt., Montfort, Wis. Henry C. Ande.rson, Sgt., Hamilton, Wis. Charles Ponstein, Sgt., 731 W. 62nd St., Chicago. Joseph J. Silha, Sgt., 5136 S. Robey St., Chicago. Edward O'Leary, Sgt., 605 W. 46th St., Chicago. John M. Danielson, Sgt., 2925 N. Francisco Ave., Chi- cago. Maurice R. Byrnes, Sgt., 3844 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chi- cago. io8 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION William L. Mielke, Sgt., 2136 Churchill St., Chicago. Simon Corrigan, Sgt., 131 N. Leamington St., Chi- cago. James P. Neary, Sgt., 5251 Emerald Ave., Chicago, oseph P. Votava, Chf. Mech., 1616 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Solomon Wilk, Chf. Mech., 1432 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. Eric Olson, Chf. Mech., Valsta Wia Hudiksville, Swed- en. Williarn E. Glatt, Chf. Mech., 3640 Dickens Ave., Chicago. Elmo McKim, Chf. Mech., 1732 N. Kedvale St., Chi- cago, Efraim Brandell, Chf. Mech., 8029 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Robert H. Espy, Corp., 416 E. 3rd St., Dickson. Robert M. Reed, Corp., 1500 W. 15th St., Chicago. Roy C. Bodett, Corp., 627 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. Harry S. Miller, Corp., 900 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Joseph J. Bremken, Corp., 3323 W. 65th St., Chicago. Stanley B. Elgh, Corp., 5415 Augusta St., Chicago. John J. Gallivan, Corp., 721 East Ave., Oak Park. Lyle W. Kerney, Corp., 10030 Longwood Drive, Chi- cago. Harry A. Lorentson, Corp., 2101 N. Albany Ave., Chi- cago. Alvin C. Munkberg, Corp., South Haven, Minn. Herbert Schmidt, Corp., 2712 Rutherford Ave., Chicago. Henry H. Wiening, Corp., 7207 S. Western Ave., Chi- cago. Henry D. Fogelsang, Corp., 5534 S. 5th Ave., Wells St., Chicago. Peter C. Falk, Corp., 5721 S. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. Walter M. Redman, Corp., 5444 W. Ohio St., Chicago. William F. Geisler, Corp., 2863 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Lucien Brouillette, Corp., 20 N. Jefferson St., Worth- ington, Ind. Kenneth Chappell, Corp., 1649 N. Kimball Ave., Chi- cago. Herbert L. Slack, Corp., 3149 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Maynard G. Fessenden, Corp., 4100 Harrison St., Chi- cago. Chester B. Spies, Corp., Creston, Iowa. LeRoy W. Strache, Corp., 3039 N. Harlem Ave., Chi- cago. John J. Stoffels, Corp., 4619 W. Erie St., Chicago. George P. LaPlante, Corp., 107 S. Parkside Ave., Chi- cago. Frank A. Roach, Corp., 725 S. Tripp Ave., Chicago. George J. McGregor, Corp., 220 S. Harvey Ave., Oak Park. Richard C. Brandt, Corp., 1842 Wesley Ave., Evans- ton. Roy W. Estell, Corp., 319 W. Ontario St., Chicago. Peter J. Golbach, Corp., Gross Point. LaRoy C. Ward, Corp., 106 S. Grove. Ave., Oak Park. Herbert Privat, Corp., 1032 Superior St., Oak Park. Joseph L. Dusek, Corp., 1517 S. 9th Ave., Maywood. Werner H. Boevers, Corp., 211 S. 5th Ave., Maywood. Charles E. Colebourn, Corp., 332 Des Plaines St., Blue Island. Earle H. Evans, Corp., 443 E. Columbia Ave., Neenah. Wis. Lawrence L. Berg, Corp., 385 Doty St., Fond du Lac, Wis. George Turnmeyer, Corp., Prairie du Chien, Wis. Roy T. Evans, Corp., Dodgeville, Wis. John J. Brokish, Corp., R. D. i, Dodgeville, Wis. Arthur A. Volkmann, Corp., 220 Park Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis. Edward J. Arko, Mech., 2812 S. 48th Ave., Cicero. Charles P. Slama, Mech., Prairie du Chien, Wis. John H. Tunak, Mech., R. D. 26, Oconomowoc, Wis. David B. Tobin, Bug., 506 4th St., Galena. Frank A. Tesar (i), Wauzeka, Wis. Herbert J. Markus (1), Potosi, Wis. William R. Stokley (i), 409 S. Elm St., Jackson, Mich. Charles H. White (i), Rewey, Wis. Edward W. Karst (1), 143 Central Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. Orville^ L. Cyrtmus (i), Winneconne, Wis. John "f. Martin (i), 234 North Ave., Watertown, Wis. Samuel She.rry (i), 3326 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. Charles C. Murphy, Friendship, Wis. Hugh A. Taylor, 1606 Broadway, Superior, Wis. Wilmarth Ickes, Hubbard Woods. Glen B. Wenz, 1230 W. 3rd St., Red Wing, Minn. Harry W. Kahn, 1892 Daly Ave., Bronx, New York City, N. Y. Roy A. Albertson, 2123 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Sigurd Magnusen, 6014 Normal Blvd., Chicago. Elmer Rinquist, 1140 N. Waller Ave., Chicago. ADVANCE DEBARKATION AND BILLETING DETACHMENT Charles E. T. Lull, Lt. Col., care Riggs National Bank, Washington, D. C. Harry S. Gradle, Maj., 1337 Fargo Ave., Chicago. Edward J. Blair, Maj., 232 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Hugh L. Gaddis, Maj., McCune, Kan. Preston Kumler, Capt., Canal Bank & Trust Co., New Orleans, La. Leander J. McCormick, Capt., 22 Banks St., Chicago. Abner C. H. Snyder, Capt., 117 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Victor C. Bourke, ist Lt., L-ivingston Manor, N. Y. Arthur C. Dow, Jr., ist Lt., Wrightwood Hotel, Chi- cago. Desmond K. Laub, ist Lt., 884 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edgar A. Baird, ist Lt., River Falls, Wis. Glenn W Carpenter, ist Lt., 2201 S. Gerard Ave,., Minneapolis, Minn. Barrett Waters, ist Lt., Edgecliff Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephen B. Clark, ist Lt., 510 Erie County Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. James H. Dulin, ist Lt., 1330 Sheridan Road, Wil- mette. Charles F. Hackett, ist Lt., 316 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. George R. Whitmore, ist Lt., Earlville. Benjamin T. Young, ist Lt., 1126 Morse Ave., Chicago. Edward C. O. Beatty, ist Lt., 609 Sycamore St., Quincy. John I. Pearce, 2d Lt., 2808 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Francis T. Shiverick, 2d Lt., 33 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Arthur L. Smith, 2d Lt., 3132 Walnut St., Chicago. Homer S. Baker, 2d Lt., Wolcott, Ind. Edward J. Cullen, 2d Lt., Gilroy, Cal. Fortunato Gualano, Sgt., 167 N. Clark St., Chicago. Joseph Cox, 5331 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Otto M. Fietsam, Royalton, Minn. Rene A. Jadot, 712 Park Ave., Paterson, N. J. Siduard W. Johnson, 2931 Wallace St., Chicago. Joseph Dennis, 1604 17th St., Two Rivers, Wis. Ray G. Bernier, Clifton. Joseph A. Thie.bault, 1823 sth St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur Mohn (i), 199 Queen Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Atwater Curial, Box 424, Anoka, Minn. Louis C. Kuper, 2442 Rice St., Chicago. Erich Jeske, 667 4th Ave., Aurora. Helon N. Harwood (i), Richland Center, Wis. Arthur K. Houlberg, 1629 Milwaukee Aye., Chicago. Earl L. Solomon, 4728 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. William C. Agnew, 518 Hawthorne Road, Duluth, Minn. Claude Harvey (i), 205 Grunewald Ave., Blue Island. Joseph Van Walleghan (i), 4523 Nevada St., Chicago. Henry DeBois, Spring Valley. Chester Hartlett, 703 Fulton St.. Wausau, Wis. Louis A. Dennstaedt, 518 41st St., Chicago. Merle L. Cook (i), 35 N. Ohio St., Aurora. George W. Curtis, Jr., Sauk City, Wis. THE 33 1 ST MACHINE GUN BATTALION HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 331 ST MACHINE GUN BATTALION Lancel R. Foote, Maj., 910 Old Colony Bldg., Care of H. W. Foote, Chicago. Linn I. Newton, ist Lt., 70 Belgrade Ave., Atlanta, O. Walter C. Roy, ist Lt., 7817 S. Shore Drive, Chicago. Bernard Doyle, ist Lt. (Chap.), 408 3d St., Baraboo, Wis. Robert Conway, Bn. Sgt. Maj., R. D. 2, Janesville, Wis. Hugh M. Aspinwall 401 Foster St., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Clarence Mann, Wag., 909 Hollister Ave., Tomah, Wis. Clayton W. Maranville, 1123 E. Dayton St., Madison, Wisconsin. Ellsworth L. Sell, Wag., R. D. 3, Watertown, Wis. Walter E. Holt. Cumberland, Wis. Seinier O. Syftestad. Wag., Mt. Horeb, Wis. Irving S. Bilty, Sgt., 809 Holmes St., J^anesville, Wis. Harry C. Cronk, Wag., 329 4th St., Detroit, Wis. Joseph Ward, 3001 S. Canal St., Chicago. Otto L. Thompson, Wag., R. D. 3, Sharon, Wis. Walter A. Hasley, Wag., 171 1 Minnesota St., Oshkosti, Wisconsin. Eugene J. Racine (i), 833 Karney Ave., Marinette, Wis. Edw. L. Kreft, 548 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee. Irving I. Hartman, 475 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Archie R. Dupont, Corp., R. D. i, Fairchild, Wis. Leonard F. Hiss, Plymouth, Ind. Michael Gburek (i), 2200 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Wilbert Frontz, Wag.. Mineral Point, Wis. Thos. E. Allen (i), Verona, Wis. Wm. R. Weigelt, R. D. i, Ogema, Wis. Frank A. Ziegler, 3022 S. Canal St., Chicago. Bias Smoljan, 923 Bartlett St., Los Angeles, Cal. Victor E. Faust, Sgt., Cross Plains, Wis. James Berg, Cook, 416 Kishwaukee St., Beloit, Wis. MEDICAL DETACHMENT, 33 ist MACHINE GUN BATTALION Lewis R. Tryon, Capt., Hamburg, Pa. Oscar Schindler, Corp., Blanchardville, Wis. Wilson M. Raif snider (1), Lake Mills, Wis. Erwin E: King, Riverside Ave., R. D., Merrill, Wis. Alphonse P. Ferring, New Vienna, la. John P. Quinn, Keesville, N. Y. Prescott Walstead, 585 Downer Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 331ST MACHINE GUN BATTALION Attached Ordnance PersonneL Earl T. Garbutt, Sgt. of Ord., 713 Holmes St., Janes- ville, Wis. Vern L. Typper (i), 244 Douglas Ave., Freeport. COMPANY "A," 331ST MACHINE GUN BATTALION Alfred Brandt, Capt., 1283 Early Ave.. Chicago. Robert A. Moss, Lt., 814 North St., Mt. Vernon. Louis S. Berger, ist Lt., 1633 Marshall Field Annex Bldg., Chicago. Fred K. Stewart, 2d Lt., 2309 W. College Ave., Jack- sonville. Paul R. Anderson, 2d Lt., 7748 Marquette Ave., Chicago. Clarence A. Williams, ist Sgt., Ottawa. Victor A. Johnson, 1628 nth Ave., S. E., St. Cloud, Minn. Allan A. Wyman, Hubbard Woods. Peter Dehaan, Spring Lake, Mich. Harry C. Heald, R. D. 3, Eddyville, la. Herbert H. Lindner, 542 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Wm. Roloflf, Box 66, Tonasket, Wash. Ralph J. Williams (i), Barneveld, Wis. Ernest H. Bryant, Care of King David Lodge 179, El- more, Minn. Emmons W. Leroy, Bug., 3453 S. Flour St., Los Angeles, California. Jos. F. Bogynska, 500 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. Geo. R. Hoffman (i), 442 Armour Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Edgar G. Zeman, 1626 22d St., Two Rivers, Wis. Geo. W. Dreher (i). Oregon, Wis. Geo. M. Bakke, Gibbon, Minn. Earl E. Vetter, Wag., 211 N. Lake St., Madison, Wis. Ralph J. Banet, 1602 E. Pontiac St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Elden W. Harris, Corp., Barneveld. Wis. Martin A. Tollund, Blue Mounds, Wis. Jos. A. Grosse, Sgt., Cross Plains, Wis. Nils Rein, Bug., R. D. 2, Madison, Wis. Harry W. Field, Sup. Sgt., 16 River St., Rice Lake, Wis. Carl P. Luther, Mess Sgt., 1037 William St., Madi- son, Wis. Adolph L. Laube, Sgt., 6327 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. John P. Hayes, Wag., 138 S. Parkside Ave., Chicago. Eugene F. Crambilt, Cook, 215 W. Mifflin St., Madison, Wisconsin. Chas. E. Lawry, Cook Fitchburg, Wis. John C. Lifka. 1651 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Clarence B. Knudtson, Mech., Hitterdale, Minn. Geo. L. Albers, 2400 University Ave., Madison, Wis. Arthur C. Koepke, Cook, 1135 S. 13th St., Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Frank W. Esser, Mech., Athens, Wis. Wm. Quinn, Cook, 113 McDowell St., Delevan, Wis. Frank O. Molina, Wag., 2234 N. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. John C. Jonas, Wag., 18 W. loth St., St. Paul, Minn. Hugo M. Thompson (i), 2726 Pierce St., N. E., Min- neapolis, Minn. Edw. M. Benishek, R. D. 5, Box 116. Manitowoc, Wis. Albert J. Galligan, Gen. Del., Cuba City, Wis. Aug. C. Schumacher, 524 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry B. Hendricks, Wag., R. D. 2, Box 7, Sawyer, Wis. John Rovsek, 229 ist Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul Pagett (i), 4407 Maiden St., Chicago. Herman F. Dobberstein, 12 14 Putnam St.. Peru. Peter J. Klassen (i), 1436 Fletcher St., Chicago. John J. Maier, 641 Humboldt Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Clark R. Fickes, 527 Peach St., Rockford. Geo. V. Kuhlman, 330 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bertel Weber, Corp., Belleville, Wis. Peder Norby, R. D. 2, Bagley, Minn. Edw. Hoffman (i), 279 Lake St., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Charvat, 234 W-. Harrison St., Chicago. Ray Hunsinger. Mays, Ind. Francis J. Kugle (i), R. D. i. Stangeville, Wis. James C. Harris, 108 S. Washington St., Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. E. Kimmelshire, Corp., R. D. i, Bonfield. Peter Roenau, 1335 Roscoe St., Chicago. Peter Kaczmarek (i), 2047 Webster Ave., Chicago. Arthur B. Campbell, 1112 E. 21st St., Minneapolis, Minn. Thos. M. Ueland (1), 2337 Lubeck St., Chicago. Wm. E. Hunt, Barron. Wis. Marcellus P. Paulson (i), Black Earth. Wis. Lawrence A. Peachey, 508 College St.. Beaver Dam, Wis. Paul A. Robinson, Corp., Marshall, Wis. Jos. H. Dornbach, 437 i6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry L. Wagner (i), R. D. 2, North Milwaukee, Wis. Frank C. Rosman, R. D. 4, Green Bay, Wis. Robt. A. Laufenberg (i), Avoca, Wis. Ralph S. Beattie, 2527 Bryant Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John L. Rae, 24 Putnam St., Grand Rapids, Mich. John K. Kohl, R. D. i, Richfield, Wis. John L. Fisk, Corp., 763 Milwaukee Road, Beloit. Wis. Wm. R. Welch, Sgt., 710 Leonard St., Madison, Wis. 109 110 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Conrad A. Grafstad, 639 Fillmore St., N. E., Minneap- olis, Minn. Raymond W. Baer, 115 W. Johnson St.. Madison, Wis. Harry F. Peterson, Wag., R. D. 7, Eau Claire, Wis. John C. Gerth, 371 Herman St., Milwaukee. Harry J. Schopf, R. D. i, F'reeport. Darius Bolt, Wag., 506 W. 103d Place, Chicago. Nils W. Kreitz, Wag., 3002 nth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Gerhard O. Hanson (i), 1343 Williamscn St., Madison, Wis. Holger F. Miller. 729 N. Christiana Ave., Chicago. John P. Butler, Vale la. Geo. Gianciolo, 310 E. isth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Bert F. Warfield, Robbinsdale, Minn. Emil L. Muschek (i), 5303 S. Prospect St.. Tacoma, Wash. Melvin Peterson R. D., De Soto, Wis. Wm. Franklin, Corp., 207 Pearson St., Milwaukee, Wis. Burchard Wright, R. D. 2, Lockwood, N. Y. Wm. J. Mannion (i), 3649 Colorado Ave., Chicago. Wm. S. Oberg, Gen. Del., Chicago City, Minn. Herbert T. Bassman, 620 Madison St., Milwaukee, Wis. Berut Schjenken, R. D. 2, Box 12, Belview, Minn. Albert W. Blanck, 224 3d St., Baraboo. Wis. Edw. J. Kaminski, 213 E. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Wm. G. Doane, Corp., R. D. t. Box 37, Lebanon, N. J. Earl D. Kost, R. D. 2, North Branch, Minn. Leslie E. Jones (i), 330 Railroad Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis. Chas. W. Snyder, 1276 Scott St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edw. J. Van Vonderen (i), 127 S. Huron St., De Pere. Wi.. Leary, Gratiot, Wis. Harold L. Stewart (i), 135 S. 4th St., Greenfield, O. Frank G. Meyer, 31 12 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. William A. Pummill (i), R. D. 2, Leesburg, Ohio. Howard E. White (i), 8 Cedar Ave., Freeport, Long Island, N. Y. HOTEL GOBINEAU AND GIRONDINS MONUMENT, BORDEAUX THE 341ST INFANTRY HEADQUARTERS, 341ST INFANTRY Guy TI. Palmer, Col., Deseret Nat. Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. Albert A. Sprague, Maj., 1 130 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. _ ' John S. Sweeney, Maj., Palmer House, Chicago. Frederick S. Scobie, Capt., 71 S. Harris Ave., Col- umbus, Ohio. Arthur H. Ogle, Capt., 22 S. Illinois St., Belleville. Edwin V. Champion, Capt., Mansfield. Allen R. Highfield, ist Lt., 845 W. 9th St., Erie, Pa. Alois N. Zingen, ist Lt. & Chap., 885 38th St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Oscar F. Achtenhagen, ist Lt., Watertown, Wis. Harry W. Wellington, ist Lt., 6832 Lafayette St., Ctiicago. Karl P. Miller, ist Lt. & Chap., 1121 Spring St., Jef- fersonville, Ind. Lonzo G. Bean, ist Lf., 30 Poplar Ave., Athens, O. SURPLUS OFFICERS, 341ST INFANTRY Merwin 1. Prindle, Capt., 5908 Normal Blvd., Chicago. Paul A. Williams, 1st Lt., 1545 nth Ave., Oakland, Cal. George, Stericker, ist Lt., 624 S. 2nd St., Springfield. Arthur Butterfield, 1st Lt., 1615 Hutchins St., Hous- ton, Texas. Frank Tobias, ist Lt., 311 North St., Normal. James W. Bradley, 2d Lt., 859 Cornelia St., Chicago. Joseph E. Burgess, 2d Lt., 840 Willow Road, Win- netka. Milton Burkhardt, 2d Lt., 5827 Magnolia Ave., Chi- cago. Paul B. Clyde, 2d Lt., 1712 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. George Schmidt, 2d Lt., 6333 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Albert S. Klein, 2d Lt., 443 Barry Ave., Chicago. Carl A. Gosline, 2d Lt., 1350 6th St., Beloit, Wis. Robert McLure, 2d Lt., 4823 Kingzesiee Ave., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Raymond Grider, 2d Lt., 2931 Paris Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. George W. Martin, 2d Lt., Darlington, Wis. Henry A. Schutte, 2d Lt., 1214 Prospect Ave., Wau- sau. Wis. Walter Scott. 2d Lt., 496 Sexton St., Aurora. Norman A. Shane, 2d Lt., 4940 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Stuart M. Shotwell, 2d Lt., 301 S. Main St., Cadiz, Ohio. George E. Beach, 2d Lt., Martel, Ohio. Darrel D. Burtis, 2d Lt., 603 Madison St., Wauke- gan. Walter P. Blockwood, 2d Lt., 1504 E. Marquette Rd., Chicago. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 341 st INFANTRY William E. Bell, Capt., 922 N. 5th St., Springfield. George L. Dodge, ist Lt., Wyoming. James H. Ticknor, ist Lt., 205 Randolph Ave., Peoria. Walter Sutherland, ist Lt., 207 N. University Ave., Normal. Hans W. Norgren, 2d Lt., 827 Newport Ave., Chicago. Wallace L. Thompson, 2d Lt., 96 N. Chamber St., Galesburg. Charles H. Augustin, Reg. Sgt. Maj., Glenwood City, Wis. Denis P. Ganey, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 5617 S. Peoria St., Chicago. William O. Bollech, Bn. Sgt. Maj., R. D. i, Dorches- ter, Wis. Samuel Feldman, Asst. Bd. Ldr., 4952 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Henry J. Jacobson, Sgt. Bug., 2915 Aldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. William Brackett, 1st Sgt., 507 S. 40th St., Tacoma, Wash. William Wendell, Col. Sgt., 1325 Harlem Blvd., Rock- ford. William A. Jordan, Col. Sgt., Old Fort, N. C. Cecil L. Montague, Corp., 1128 W. Dayton St., Madi- son, Wis. Ivar W. Turnquist, Sgt., 6207 Champlain Ave., Chi- cago. Ernest H. Thoreson, Sup. Sgt., 1020 Wells St., Mar- inette. Wis. Paul T. Schultheis, Sgt., 873 Buflfam St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fleet J. Richards, Sgt.. R. D. 3, Fre.derickstown, O. Joseph F. Frommelt, Cook, Nelson, Wis. Samuel Cleveland, Stab. Sgt., 3905 Page Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Bloise Elliott, Corp., Eau Claire Cry. Co., Eau Claire, Wis. John V. Kolar, Sgt., Haugen, Wis. George W. Mealman, New Boston. Raymond M. Ahearn, 1511 19th St., Two Rivers, Wis. Eugene A. Merlo, Corp., Bangor, Wis. Herman Zimmerman, Sgt., Medford, Wis. Zebulon Lamphear (i), Northland, Wis. John E. Musker (i), 607 N. Wells St., Chicago. Herman E. DePew, Mech., 408 Slocum St., Rice Lake, Wis. Gordon Phillips, Mech., Clear Lake., Wis. Otto L. Jansky (i), Tisch Hills, Wis. Oscar R. Peterson (i), Amherst, Wis. Carl De Jager, Cook, R. D. 2, Hager City, Wis. William G. Shereda (i), Muscoda, Wis. Oluf Ramberg, Hs.. R. D. 2, Hammond, Wis. Axel J. Hanson, Mech., Ettrick, Wis. Lloyd E. Wells (1), Wausau, Wis. Louis C. Stang, Mech., 1044 Marinette Ave., Mar- inette, Wis. Francis V. Prugger (1), 701 Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ralph A. Nelson (1), 11 236 Edbrooke Ave., Chicago. Benedict J. Bell, Corp., S. Kaukauna, Wis. Harry H. Cowl, 723 Emerson Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Julius E. Reinke, Corp., 1812 Wisconsin St., Marinett«, Wis. Charles R. Paine, Cook, Cromwell, Minn. George G. Nienow, Cook, 1024 4th Ave. S., Wausau, Wis. Walter J. Schneck, 414 23rd Ave., Milwaukee., Wis. David R. Farquhar, 330 Hinkley Ave., Rockford. Herbert Wagen, 128 Grace Court, Mankato, Minn. Earl Mackenstadt, Box 394, Wagner, S. D. Oscar D. McBain, Bloom City, Wis. Robert Allen, Stratford, Wis. Herman W. Meyers, Genoa. Frank Synek, 1442 BuflFum St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bernard F. Spitzig, Corp., 1436 E. 66th Place, Chi- cago. Earl L. Boles, Cook, Ellsworth, Wis. Louis Sniderman, 5352 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Earle D. Perkins, Bangor, Wis. John FeitI, Cook, 8605 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Albert J. Rock (i), Sawyer, Minn. Albert F. Buchner, 539 E. Main St., Ottawa. Lester A. Sklenar, Sgt., 893 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Michael J. Hartnett, Corp., Richland Center, Wis. Arthur E. Blomberg, 34 E. ii8th St., Chicago. Melvin Hegna, Mess Sgt., Cameron, Wis. Robert Bossemaier, 693 Butternut St., St. Paul, Minn. Malcolm R. Giles, Dames Ouarter, Md. Edward R. O'Neill, Bd. Sgt., Shullsburg, Wis. Ludwig W. Schmidt, Bd. Sgt., 7152 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Paul A. Bartell, Bd. Sgt., Neillsville, Wis. Raymond D. Winger, Mus. (2), R. D. 2, Amext, Wis. 119 120 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION COLONEL GUY PALMER Commanding 341st Infantry. THE 341ST INFANTRY 121 Louis W. Kramer, Bd. Sgt., 317 E. Main St., Antigo, Wis. Chris M. Meldgaard, Mus. (3), 7145 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. William L. Gleich, Mus. (i), 1017 Court St., Pekin. Wallace Calvert, Mus. (3), Hanover. Henry Griesbach, Mus. (2), Rozellville, Wis. Murray H. Cazier, Mus. (2), 1332 Granville Ave., Chi- cago. Charles Urbanek, Bd. Corp., R. D. i. Two Rivers, Wis. William A. Kete,lhut, Mus. (:), 1316 3rd St., Water- town, Wis. Hugh W. Trowbridge, Mus. (2), Mondovi, Wis. Albert G. Riedel, Mus. (3), Granton, Wis. Earl D. Timmerman, Mus. (2), Ontario, Wis. Leo J. Ruzicka, Jr., Mus. (3), 17^1 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Frank H. Roehl, Mus. (3), Granton, Wis. Zeno J. Canar, Mus. (3), Mondovi, Wis. Charles H. Ropps, Bd. Corp., 308 Liberty St., Free- port. Frank X. Endres, Mus. (i), 433 W. Johnson St., Madi- son, Wis. Arthur W. Koepp, Mus. (3), R. D. i, Mondovi, Wis. Frank J. Haupert, Mus. (3), 271 Branch St., Hart- ford, Wis. Carl A. Kraeplin, Mus. (3), 109 E. Portland Ave., Beloit, Wis. Charles B. Smiley. Mus. (r'), 411 St. Lawrence Ave., Beloit, Wis. George F. Meyer, Mus. (3), West Salem, Wis. Herman L. Ronnei, R. D. 2, Starbuck, Minn. Carl Krubsack, Bd. Corp., R. D. 3, Clintonville, Wis. Alfred H. Hegery, Mus. (3), Avoca, Wis. Lester L. Pattinson, Mus. (3), Juda, Wis. Joseph J. Eiserlo, Mus. (3), Box 84, Medford, Wis. Roland Kohler, Mus (i), 89 Biddle St., Milwaukee, Wis. Archie L. Wilson, Mus. (3), 7817 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Guiseppe Stassi, Mus. (2), 1620 Portland Ave., Chi- cago Pleights. Frank Canina, Mus. (3), 932 Sedgwick St., Chicago. Urina S. Anderson, Bd. Corp., Hammond, Ind. Charles A. Barnier, Mus. (2), No. 7 Endares Flats, Wausau, Wis. Aumen Palmer, Mus. (3), 803 S. 3rd St., Pekin. Arthur J. Wilde, Mus. (2), Watertown, Wis. Mario J. Bovaro, Mus. (3), 10606 Indiana Ave., Chi- cago. Edward T. Leshke, Mus. (3), 1026 S. 14th St., Mani- towoc, Wis. Roland A. Heling, Mus. (3), 1305 S. 19th St., She- boygan, Wis. William A. Burns, 2631 i6th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Raymond L. Brusberg, Bd. Corp., New London, Wis. Albert G. Stern, 841 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Howard R. Baker, Bd Corp., Anawa, Wis. Henry E. Rolfe, care W. E. Heathcote, Breckenridge, Minn. Albert W. Angell, 412 W. Wall St., Morrison. Robert C. Hitchon, Sgt., 1609 Ludingfon St., Mar- inette, Wis. Fred A. Hirt (i), 816 W. 34th St, Chicago. Frederick W. Fleck (i), 79 26th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John K. Helbling, 540 Capital Blvd., Elkhardt, Ind. Clyde Jewett, R. D. 2, Unity, Wis. Charles O. Phillips, 411 Blondare St., Keokuk, Iowa. Arup Rockstad, Corp., R. D. i. Box 17, Washburn, Wis. Gustav A. Nickoli, R. D. 2, Westfield, Wis. William F. Duehming, Schleisingerville, Wis. Herman F. Larson, 863 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John C. Johnson, Lowry, Minn. John E. Erickson, R. D. 2, Cambridge, Wis. Ernest L. Meixner, R. D. 3, Arkansaw, Wis. Zowell Prewlex, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Johan S. Ormaasen, Corp., Kongsberg, Norway. William A. McCown (i), R. D., Cross Plaines, Tenn. Clarence H. Waltemath, 661 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Carroll Leidberg, 10722 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Roy West, IIS Warren St., Anna. Edwin Norberg, 625 Gregory St., Rockford. Oscar W. Eimer, 1529 Teutonia Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John Barney, Beaver Dam, Wis. Harold L. Ryder, Corp., Sharon, Wis. David E. Swanson, 709 Hycenth St., St. Paul, Minn. Toslyn S. Hagen, R. D. 4, Westby, Wis. Joseph J. Clerf, Box 291, Rib Lake, Wis. Emil F. Pierkowsky, 40 Lee St., Milwaukee, Wis. James D. Way, Aitkin, Minn. Martin W. Dahlquist, R. D. i, Tony, Wis. Wallace Van Alstine (i), 121 N. 4th St., Delavan, Wis. Leonard Johnson, Corp., R. D. 1, DeSoto, Wis. Anton C. Bartness (i), care Anton Engul, R. D. 9, Menomonie, Wis. Alfred M. Serstad, iii S. Madison St., Stoughton, Wis. WilHam R. Semke, Coon Valley, Wis. Joseph M. Harwich, 116 N. Ann St., Chicago. Alfred P. Anderson, Nykobing, Denmark. Charles O. Cohr, 2505 W. Superior St., Chicago. Arthur Timm, R. D. i. Box 37, Wilson, Wis. Walter E. Zick, Corp., 703 Cady St., Watertown, Wis. Eugene M. Rodat, 1070 S. Pierce' St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Frank H. Manser (i). Bear Creek, Wis. August C. Tesch, 1089 Teutonia Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred Laughead, R. D. 2, Unity, Wis. Philip H. Wrobel, R. D. i, Chaseburg, Wis. Frank A. Miller, 2420 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. John Jurek, 2248 i6th Place, Chicago. Thomas H. Henshall, Corp., Black River Falls, Wis. Walter W. Smith, 124 Clinton St., South Haven, Mich. George Mraz, 2533 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Elmer L. Redeen, Box 96, Hopkins, Minn. Charles G. Witt, 7$ Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harley L. Brown, Niami, Okla. Armand A. Behlin, 55 Grand Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis.' Forest R. Shedden, 712 Highland Ave., Elgin. Andrew Rosenfelder, Corp., 1237 Island Ave., Ottawa. Charles V. Scott, 328 N. Taylor Ave., Oak Park. Walter J. Bygaard, Falstad, Minn. Everett J. Walser, Box 192, Renville, Minn. Emil E. Bjork, 522 22nd Ave. N., Ashland, Wis. Clarence E. Bergh (x), 517% Dodge St., Eau Claire, Wis. Henry Meyer, 226 E. s6th St., Chicago. Sidney T. Pollard, Corp., Genoa. Ira B. Short, 1566 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph A. Jacobs, 2500 S. Canal St., Chicago. Eugene Nerone, Waupaca, Wis. Fred Willmeroth, 1909 2nd St., Peru. George Thomas, 11 18 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Orin C. Due (1), 2801 Ellsha Ave., Zion City. Alvin O. Anderson, Corp., R. D. i. Junction City, Wis. Frank Leome (i), 320 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Harold T. Hill, Pentwater, Mich. Ifa D. Standiford, Corp., R. D. 2, LaFarge, Wis. Arthur B. Clock, Corp., 1426% Clifton Ave., Rockford. Ossian Engstrom, Sgt., 1228 Melrose St., Chicago. Lester Van Dreese, Sgt., 13x9 Prescott St., Marinette, Wis. Oscar Skolas (i), R. D. 2, Westby, Wis. Fred W. Jone,s, R. D. 7, Litchfield, Minn. Paul H. Reichel (i), 794 Holton St., Milwaukee, Wis. Elmer C. Jacobson, Box 451, Windom, Minn. Stephen Filipowski (i), 4225 S. Talman St., Chicago. Peter Eastman, R. D. 2, Bemidji, Minn. Frank J. Duquaine, Corp., Neopit, Wis. Melvin PeterS'on, R. D. 8, Viroqua, Wis. John H. Markuson (i), 159 Blain St., Batavia. Henry Christensen, Ridgeway, Wis. Omar J. Kussow (i), 177 Everett St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Eddie H. Enander, 833 loth St., Rockford. Lars Engen, Frederick, Wis. Leo F. Hartmann, R. D. 4, St. Cloud, Minn. John H. Boyle, Corp., Glenwood City, Wis. Arthur Tanquist, R. D. 5, Mankato, Minn. Ralph H. Kins, Durand, Wis. Ernest R. Baele, 918 6th Ave., Rock Island. Christian Lund, Tyler, Minn. Edward D. Wagner, R. D. 2, Box 8, Stratford, Wis. Adolph Spangler, R. D. i, Midway, Wis. Herman A. Meyer, 517 S. Central Ave., Marshfield, Wis. Frank Hoffman, Corp., R. D. i, Shawano, Wis. Sylvester Duffy, Stradeen, Ballymackney Co., Mona- ghan, Ireland. Leo A. Braatz (i), Radtke St., Schofield, Wis. Anton Notstead, R. D. 2, Box 77, Cambridge, Wis. Lynn Oakes, Plainville, Wis. Albert A. Englund, 615 S. 7th St., Brainerd, Minn. 122 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Alfred B. Martin, R. D. 3, Box 56, Adrian, Minn. Herman F. Egide, 970 Orchard St., Milwaukee, Wis. William A. Wells, Corp., River Falls, Wis. Fred C. Baldwin, Box 186, Excelsior, Minn. Leo L. Buede (i), R. D. 4, Wilton, Wis. Albert Reid, R. D. i, Dawy, N. D. Clarence Schramm (i), 410 6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Araphael L. Stokes, 1925 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Stanley J. Strzyzewski (i), 936 Burnham St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Fred H. Rothwe.iler (i), 828 N. Cambridge Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. Earl P. Haack, Corp., Shakopee, Minn. Herman Gautsche, Nelson, Wis. Gerhardt Simpson, Corp., Tigerton, Wis. John Carlson, 8109 Throop St., Chicago. Theo. C. Harris, Box 601, Sawtells, Cal. Emmett C. Kull, 234 Thompson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Henry Janssen, Corp., Little Chute, Wis. John Jansen, Sgt., Turtle Lake, Wis. Carl Anderson (i). Thief River Falls, Minn. Edward J. Hussmann, 773 37th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nicholas J. Boler, Stanley, Wis. I ouis A. Richter, Box 68, Montgomery, Minn. Shanka Chalsma, R. D. i, Midway, Wis. Axel G. Anderson (i), 518 5th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Adolph H. Lessekamp (i), Scotts Grove, Iowa. Michael Yanske, Avoca, Wis. Lawrence Kordus (i), 639% Tst Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John F. Streicher, R. D. 2, Elizabeth. Edward Adolphson, Clinton, Minn. Eugene J. Walsh, 1012 6th St., Appleton, Wis. Carl Weinberg, 1467 E. Losey St., Galesburg. Alfred Hawkinson, Sandstone, Minn. Luther E. Maas (i), Tilleda, Wis. George A. Bingen, 367 S. Hickory St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Louis O. Brown (i). Box 55, Kimberly, Minn. Gust Holm, Hunter, N. D. Julius C. Knutson, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. Robert F. Bartelt, Medford, Wis. Joseph Kastello, Oglesby. David G. Anderson, 908 W. 3rd St., Superior, Wis. John J. Psak, Corp., R. D. 3, Wheeler, Wis. Howard E. Liddell, R. D. i, Cadott, Wis. Fred J. Roethe,, R. D. 2, Rubicon, Wis. Eugene Lombard (i), R. D. 2, Sauk City, Wis. Edward J. Polasek, R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. John Margis, Box 68, Cedar Point. Philip Friberg, R. D. i, Box 31, Colfax, Wis. John P. King, Corp., R. D. 6, Stevens Point, Wis. "Gustav E. Dickson, R. D. 15, Kansasville, Wis. Joseph A. Brill (i), 215 George St., Stevens Point, Wis. Harley H. Lawrence, Cochrane, Wis. John N. McDermott (i), Mineral Point, Wis. Benjamin Amerling, Stanley, Wis. Fredick Radloflf, Corp., Coal Valley. Paul O. Rahn, R. D. 2, Columbus, Wis. Engle B. Knerzer, Lodi, Wis. Joseph Kostulske, Seneca. Walter Kieckow, 1004 W. 24th St., Milwaukee,, Wis. Herman C. Becker, 1959 Ewing Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Raymond J. Sheehan (i), 21 12 Wells St., Milwaukee, Wis. Richard Roberts, R. D. 2, Columbus, Wis. James F. Flynn (i), 518 W. Root St., Chicago. Henry E. Van Vorst (i), R. D. 26, Sugar Bush, Wis. Joseph Kristof (i), Box 198, Braidwood. James Nacarato, Falconara, Albanese, Cosenza, Italy. Ernest R. Ekholm, 107 E. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Walter Kozerski, 687 Lapliam St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert R. Krueger, Corp., R. D. s, Box 47, Baraboo, Wis. Ollie P. Ludtke, Sgt., Box 163, Mineral Point, Wis. Cunnard Bjork, Sgt., 203% Beeck St., Syracuse, N. Y. Earl J. Ashmore (i), Anoka, Minn. Claude E. Sweet (i), 409 3rd St., Albert Le,a, Minn. Olaus Wellington, Boscobel, Wis. Oscar Soller (i), 968 E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. William L. Hanson (i), R. D. 2, Downing, Wis. Melvin E. Beck (i), 122 6th St., Moorhead, Minn. Stephen C. Ladd, Corp., 500 Corn Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Hugo C. Schwartz, 1002 33rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward G. Schwingel (i), Avoca, Wis. George S. Gaskell, East troy. Wis. Walter Donaldson, Merrimac St., Berlin, N. H. James C. Gaskell, R. D. i. Lake Beulah Sta., Wis. Martin E. Raatz, Gen. Del., Cornell, Wis. Glen G. Putman, R. D. i, Walworth, Wis. Hugh J. O'Brien, Corp., 10525 Ave. N, Chicago. Hugh J. Michels, 355 New York Ave,., Oshkosh, Wis. Blaine Runnong, Westby, Wis. Elmer Canfield, R. D. 2, Cadott, Wis. Albert J. Nesvacil, R. D. i, Cornell, Wis. Alvin F. Ziebell, 640 i6th St., Oshkosh, Wis. William A. Fielding, Trego, Wis. Michael J. Chokas, 109 N. Lincoln St., Aurora. Horace O. Halverson, Corp., 413 E. Front St., Tyler, Axel R. Clausen, 1133 N. Main St., Fairmont, Minn. James O. Jensen, Wag., R. D. 11, Box 88, Neenah, Wis. Herbert L. Searles (i), Brodhead, Wis. Alexander Schmidt, 702 Columbia St., Horicon, Wis. Charles E. Pichl, 2219 Cherry St., Milwaukee, Wis. Avon L. Stavrum, Wag., R. D. 2, Clear Lake, Minn. William F. Brummond, R. D. 4, Box 31, Delavan, Wis. Alvin T. Strommen (1), R. D. 4, Mondovi, Wis. Albert C. Affelt (i), 834 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil E. Steflfanus, Wag., R. D. 2, Mosinee, Wis. Frank Champion, Wag., R. D. 4, Lancaster, Wis. Martin Jahnke, Wag., R. D. i, Edgar, Wis. Raymond J. Speck, 122 French St., Buffalo, N. Y. Paul E. Stover, Bendersville, Pa. Magnus Peterson (1), Oconto Falls, Wis. SUPPLY COMPANY, 341ST INFANTRY William H. Conlin, ist Lt., 931 Williamson St., Madi son. Wis. „ „ , . . Frank Rensky, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 2347 S. Kedzie Ave. Chicago. Albe,rt W. Bruder, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 1024 Baxter Ave. Superior, Wis. Edward E. Klug, Reg. Sup. Sgt., S3S6 N. Clark St. Chicago. Harry G. McLean, ist Sgt., 64 Burnside Ave., Sommer ville, Mass. Jens P. Andersen, Cook, 2613 Tower Ave., Superior Wis. Robert J. Bauer, Cook, R. D. 2, Durand, Wis. Charles I. Grev, Cook, 418 Willard Ave., Muncie, Ind Clarence W. Hubbell, Cook, Draper, Wis. Clair E. Keys, Cook, R. D. i, Arkansaw, Wis. Edgar V. Livingston, Cook, 708 Vernal Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Clifford A. Casberg, Sup. Sgt., Holmen, Wis. Leo P. Mulvey, Cook, Bear Creek, Wis. August L. Anderson, Hs., 1021 Weeks Ave., Superior, Wis. Edmund W. Barrette, Hs., Walsh, Wis. Otto L. Borrison, Hs., R. D. 7, Viroqua, Wis. Emil M. Hansen, Hs., Cashton, Wis. Edwin Nelson, Hs., R. D. 3, Clayton, Wis. Stephen N. Bogaczyk, Sad., 186 Superior Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Edward P. Oertel, Sup. Sgt., Y. M. C. A., Wausau, Wis. John F. Alberts, Wag., 928 S. 3rd St., LaCrosse, Wis. Arthur P. Alexander, Wag., 4755 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Henry M. Anderson, Wag., R. D. i, Chetek, Wis. Julius Anderson, Wag., 2702 N. 22nd St., Superior, Wis. William H. Bach, Wag., Bay City, Wis. Peter Baraban, Wag., Ychinska, Gubernis, Russia. Frank Bartz, Wag., 4925 W. 28th St., Cicero. Charles H. Stouffer, Sup. Sgt., 714 Myrtle St., Hudson, Wis. Max B. Brueckner, Wag., 800 College St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Emil F. Brue,ss, Wag., 212 E. Washington St., Wau- sau, Wis. Hjalmer Carlson. Wag., R. D. 4. Grantsburg, Wis. Harry Carroll, Wag., 2427 W. Polk St., Chicago. Eugene D. Chapin, Wag., R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. Edward L. Copple, Wag., Winter, Wis. THE 341ST INFANTRY 123 Ernest Craw, Wag., Mercer, Wis.^ George Adams, Sup. Sgt., Readstown, Wis. Bernhard Danielson, Wag., 2623 McKinley St., Minne- apolis, Minn. Charles Derong, Wag., 494 30th St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Frederick A. Fisher, Wag., Barron, Wis. Ernest Freitag, Wag., R. D. 5, Box 70, Merrill, Wis. Arthur E. Gilbert, Wag., Florence, Wis. Adolph M. Hagen, Wag., R. D. i. Pigeon Falls, Wis. .\rtie Hawkins, Wag., Roberts, Wis. Frank S. Davis, Mess Sgt., 634a Patterson Ave., Chi- cago. John H. Meaning, Wag., Box 4, Eldorado, Wis. James Hight, Wag., H04 34th Place, Chicago. Edgar E. Jamison, Wag., 228 E. 55th St., Chicago. Harold C. Johnson, Wag., 95 Atwood St., Providence, R. I. Kalot E. Johnson, Wag., Ettrick, Wis. Herbert S. Jones, Wag., Whitewater, Wis. Frank C. Koch, Wag., 1052 Parkhurst St., Appleton, Wis. Cleo M. Mahoney, Stab. Sgt., Denver, Mo. Anton Krupsky, Wag., 1032 14th Place, Chicago. Wincenti Kucharski, Wag , Lublin, Wis. Thomas Kupietz, Wag., R. D. 4, Arcadia, Wis. Hans A. Lawson, Wag., Stonington, Mich. .\dolph Lifke, Wag., R. D. i, Gillette, Wis. Charles H. Mahoney, Wag., ShuUsburg, Wis. Frank Marchuk, Wag., 1221 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Ada C. Oleszczuk, Sgt., 65 Comstock Ave., Hamtramck, Mich. Edward Marith, Wag., R. D. 2, Coleman, Wis. Wilbert W. McAllister, Wag., Niagara, Wis. William H. McMullin, Wag.. Cashton, Wis. Fre.d C. Mewes, Wag., R. 13. 2, Clayton, Wis. Eugene H. Milligan, Wag., 331 Almerion St., Evans- ville. Wis. August H. Mueller, Wag., R. D. 2, Gillette, Wis. Samuel P. Appling, Sgt., 1322 McMillan Ave., Mem- phis. Tenn. Martin M. Murphy, Wag., Banbury, Wis. Delos D. O'Flanagan, Wag., R. D. i, Dallas, Wis. Sigfrid iS. Oman, Wag., Norway, Mich. Rudolph J. Passehl, Wag., 125 N. 9th Ave., Wausau, Wis. Frank S. Peloquin, Wag., 132 Irvine St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Albert O. Peterson, Wag., Hammond, Wis. Oscar M. Peterson, Wag., Luck, Wis. Harold S. Hanson, Corp., 833 Terrace Ave., Marinette, Wis. Otto Petr, Wag., 3219 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Edward F. Ro.ckney, Wag., R. F. D., Disco, Wis. Gustav W. Schultz, Wag., R. D. 6, Marshfield, Wis. Edward Shilts, Wag., Box 122, Stanley, Wis Charles Shimon, Wag,, R. D. 3, Rice Lake, Wis. Charles Shriner, Wag.. R. D. 27, Oakfield, Wis. Frank W. Slupinski, Wag., R. D. 3, Lena, Wis. Herman Strinert, Wag., R. D. i, Nekoosa, Wis. Bruce ^L Campbell, Corp., 5621 Tower Ave., Superior, Wis. Leonard H. Strand, Wag., Poskin, Wis. George, A. Stringham, Wag., R. D. 3, Greenwood, Wis. August Velcheck, Wag., Thorp, Wis. Bennie M. Void, Wag., Beadstown, Wis. Gerhard W. Wehling, Wag., R. D. 1, Stoddard, Wis. Richard J. O'Connell, Corp., 1321 2nd St., Hudson, Wis. Oscar F. Weiss, Wag., R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. Carl Wendorf, Wag., 512 Sprice St., Wausau, Wis. Charles Wiederhold, Wag., Channing, Mich. John Wulber, Wag., Crandon, Wis. William J. Wilson, Wag., 332 W. Randolph St., Chi- cago. Frank J. Yaroch, Wag., Beaver Dam, Wis. Frank P. Powers (i), Melrose, Wis. Leon K. McGill, Corp., 1708 N. 17th St., Superior, Wis. Jerome A. Themar (i), 425 Huron Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. William M. Williams (i), Manawa, Wis. Martin Ammon, Lake Geneva, Wis. Randolph L. Anderson, R. D. 5, Whitewater, Wis. Irvin D. Bailey, Lake Geneva, Wis. William Balzly, 144 1 W. Russell St., Monroe, Wis. Harry C. Benson, R. D. 2, Kimball Prairie, Minn. Willard A. Rost, R. D. 2, Brazean, Wis. Peter P. Borchardt, 933 Well St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Orvel Correll, Earl, Wis. George F. Curran, R. D. 3, Lake Geneva, Wis. Fred Reno Dale, New Richmond, Wis. Carl Johnson, 515 Normal Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Ignac Galinis, 2038 W. 25th St., Chicago. Laurence R. Pearson, Lombard. Paul Albert Glaeser, 607 6th St., Oshkosh, Wis. George Robert Guse, R. D. 3, Beaver Dam, Wis. Clarence R. Hammar, 2912 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Arnold J. Herter, 324 New York St., Aurora. Grover C. Jessee,, R. D. 3, Castlewood, Va. Albert F. Johnson, 2716 Cortez St.. Chicago. Henry Daublender (i), Mosinee, Wis. Edwin A. Johnson, R. D. 5, Greenwood, Wis. Fred Johnson, R. D. i. Box 31, Browerville, Minn. John Jack Kennan, 428 Jefferson St., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank M. Madishaw, 224 6ist St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Walter Malchow, Black River Falls, Wis. Mike Manley, 100 Banks Ave., Superior, Wis. Earl Manning, Adams, Wis. Warren James Thompson, 105 Ellen St., Platteville, Wis. Peter Mathesius, R. D. 36, Mendota. Joseph H. Miller, Shannon. Merril Nelson, Greenbush, Wis. Alvin Matt Pfister, R. D. i, Irma, Wis. Alfred H. Rasmussen, R. D. 2, Walworth, Wis. Mathew J. Regnier, 2726 W. 38th Place, Chicago. Chester Reven, 1739 W. 59th St., Chicago. Erwin Weinkauf (i), 115 Washington St., Wausau, Wis. Herbert A. Salzwedel, Broadway St., Columbus, Wis. I ester A. Sawall, R. D. 3, New London, Wis. Herman W. Schilling, R. D. 5, Merrill, Wis. Gustave O. Schlafli, 782 Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Otto Schodrowski, R. D. 5, Box 130, West Allis, Wis. Joseph P. Schreiber, 1948 W. 20th St., Chicago. George Serres, 40 S. Butler St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Severin A. Altenbach, Mech., 1021 Huron Ave., She- boygan, Wis. Stanley Strenk, 312 L^nderwood Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Henry Theisen, Dresden, N. D. Thomas J. Thompson, 586 Bond St., Kenosha, Wis. Adrian J. Vandervoort, Harrison, Wis. Edward . A. Wiesmann, Marion, Wis. Oscar Ferdinand Wilden, Box 32, Grand Rapids, Minn. George Kolar, 21 11 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. John A. Zogopoulos, 422 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph P. Malloy, 542 W. 43rd St., New York, N. Y. SUPPLY COMPANY, 341ST INFANTRY Attached Ordnance Personnel Leslie M. Harkness, Ord. Sgt., Mondovi, Wis. Walter Harmon Nohr, 1003 Wicker St., Woodstock. John F. McMahon, 419 London Ave., Rockford. Oluf E. Olson, R. D. 3, Madison, Wis. Edward F. Kaminski, 2215 S. Albany Ave., Chicago Thomas Randall, 1932 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. Emil W. Mueller, 709 Garfield Ave., Wausau, Wis. John B. Quick, Montford, Wis. James W City. Ronald E Kelly, Capt. MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 341ST INFANTRY 420 E. 138th St., New York Miller, ist Sgt., ElRoy, Wis. Otto E. Krause, Sgt., 442 Indiana Ave., N. Lac, Wis. Fond du John W. Canar, Corp., Mondovi, Wis. Wallace Galbraith, Bug., R. D. 2, Pound, Wis. James Soupos, Bug., 3356 W. North Ave., Chicago. John C. S. Elburg, 3032 ist Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 124 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John E. Benton, Noble, Okla. Carl Endriss, 5116 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. William H. Gertz, 946 6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph M. Hass, 1443 Lamak St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herbert Liebherr, 391 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ray S. Hughes, 325 Grove St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Edward W. Lempke, 116 Smith St., Kewanee. Arthur G. Luscher, 3933 14th Ave, S., Minneapolis, Minn. George Neuhring, R. D. i, Tony, Wis. Arthur J. Schmidt, 1027 S. loth St., Manitowoc, Wis. Benjamin Wagner, 1246 Lake Ave., Detroit, Minn. John A. Nevell, 536 W. Root St., Chicago. Arthur A. Schmakel, 152 W. 117th St., Chicago. Charles Osolin, 3820 W. Lake St., Chicago. Edward J. Lally, Corp., 251 W. 12th St., Superior, Wis. Lucian S. Butcher, R. D. 2, Greenwood, Wis. Leo S. Volkert, Lansing, Iowa. Arnold Hillerman, Anoka, Minn. Edward Dedrichs, Thompson Road, St. Francis, Wis. Severt I. Tiegen, Bayfield, Wis. Henry O. Munson, 417 Douglas St., Morris. Soren A. Raarup, Washburn, Wis. Oluf E. Olson, Badger, Minn. Clarence Syvrud, New Glarus, Wis. George B. Hill, Corp., 768 Cass St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward Knipschild, 302 E. Merchant St., Monroe, Wis. Oscar E. Hintz, R. D. 10, Eldorado, Wis. John J. Schields, 2240 W. Harrison St., Chicago. August Retzlaff, 1716 Park Ave., Oconto, Wis. Edwin Yeske, 420 W. Montgomery St., Sparata, Wis. Dred E. Leider, Wells, Minn. Albert E. Dodge, n8 Evans St., Oshkosh, Wis. William Bildeau, Corp., Belden, Minn. Stanley Buckingham, Ridgeway, Wis. Martin R. Handberg, 2414 4th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward E. McAndrew, Emerald, Wis. Lorenzo Brazelton, Greensburg, Ind. Jerry J. Nemec, 561 W. i6th St., Chicago. Frank H. Smith, 517 ist Ave., E., Oskaloosa, Iowa. James F. Saling, 1227 3rd Ave., Worthington, Minn. August C. Lucht, Corp., LaValle, Wis. Louis J. Oppermann, Marathon City, Wis. Jorgen N. Hoberg, R. D. i, Tyler, Minn. Albe.rt H. Eggert, 944 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Raymond D. Martin, R. t>. 2, Illinois City. Louis Lange, 3512 S. Rochwell St., Chicago. Walter P. Krause, 1318 Booth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry J. Forgen, Wisconsin Ave., Kaukauna, Wis. Edwin M. Sjoholm, Corp., 1644 School St., Chicago Heights. George Sommersberger, R D. i, Sheboygan, Wis. Herman M. Wenzel, R. D. i, Stratford, Wis. William A. Manske, R. D. 3, Menomonee, Wis. Herbert Sievers, R. D. 3, Clintonville, Wis. Otto B. Moline, 11338 Indiana Ave., Chicago. John Early, 1924 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. Robert Zetschke, Greenwood, Wis. Frederick Krause, R. D. i, Beaver Dam, Wis. James F. Keenan, Sgt., R. D. 2, Fond du Lac, Wis. Harold F. Be.rg, Corp., Pound, Wis. Rocco LaRocca, 1746 W. Huron St., Chicago. Ami Skenandore, R. D. 2, DePere, Wis. James F. McCoy, Orange, N. J. Walter L. Erase, Reesville, Wis. Franklin A. Miller, R. D. 7, Traverse City, Mich. Van A. Newton, 61 N. Root St., Aurora. Louis W. Hageman, R. D. 3, Fond du Lac, Wis. Hans M. Anderson, Corp., 225 Center St., Eau Claire, Wis. George A. Helgert, 185 Concordia St., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. McCarthy, 5541 S. Throop St., Chicago. Percy Anderson, 3rd St., Brecke,nridge, Minn. William C. Tesch, R. D. i, Woodland, Wis. Johnny Edmundson, R. D. 2, Fairchild, Wis. Harland G. Ammel, R. D. 39, Malone, Wis. Anfelt Swenson, Woodville, Wis. Harry E. Taylor, R. D. i, Ekeland, Wis. Edmund L Halle, R. D. i, Fond du Lac, Wis. Adolf S. Nopson, Pine River, Minn. Walter F. Stoflflet, R. D. 1, Juneau, Wis. Anton Spingis, 707 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Herman Best, 2847 Normal Ave., Chicago. Harry S. Burroughs, 1714 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Deneen, Mount Horeb, Wis. Joseph Roubal, Kewanee, Wis. Frank Kozak, Corp., 1902 S. May St., Chicago. Edwin J. Rohn, 2908 McKinley Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. Theodore Wleklinski, 3767 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Lloyd S. Kaul, R. D. 3, Beaver Dam, Wis. Howard ' P. Opie, Warren. Melvin C. Hutchinson, 428 31st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harvey W. Norton, 1018 Long Ave., Dixon. Hugh F. Fisher, Lansing Fire Dept., Lansing, Mich. Clarence Olson, Corp., R. D. 2, Westby, Wis. Harry H. Howe, 323 sth Ave., Freeport. Richard Hahndorf, 104 Madison St., Hinsdale. Gustaf A. Schild, R. D. i, Funk, Neb. Oscar E. Grobner, 803 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harold L. Larsen, 2220 N. Keating Ave., Chicago. William Bartgen, 3783 Archer Ave., Chicago. George B. Krajecki, 906 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Adolph Huebner, R. D. i, Wauwatosa, Wis. Arnold Boettchex, R. D. 5, Merrill, Wis. Frank K. Jelen, Sgt., Independence, Wis. Thomas Gau, Sgt., Malone, Wis. Robert Kulibert, Sgt., R. D. 9, Van Dyne, Wis. James Mason, 412 Virginia St., Milwaukee, Wis. William J. Hoey, Centuria, Wis. Micheal Pinter, 409 Squire Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Harry J. Spellman, 182 Mason St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joe Nacha, 158 17th Page Ave., Harvey. Frank L. Be,ckerjeck, 614 E. Cook St., Portage, Wis. Ernest G. Givans, 120 Jefferson St., Waterloo, Iowa. August Schulz, 2220 N. 8th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Edward G. Jagoditsch, 14 E. Cook St., New London, Wis. Emil H. Wingad, Corp., R. D. 4, Osseo, Wis. Ward F. Alger, Black River Falls, Wis. Palmer O. Johnson, 1131 Monroe St., N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. John Kuklinski, 536 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Harry H. Shunk, Sharon, Wis. Albert Skiba, New Brighton, Minn. Henry Jorstad, R. D. 3, LaCrosse, Wis. Percy Cashman, Apple River. Joseph E. Wilson, Corp., 6801 Normal Ave., Chicago. Asa R. Wilcox, Elizabeth. Peter J. Hilbert, R. D. 30, Campbellsport, Wis. Arthur W. Anderson, 3120 Bloomington Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Peter W. Dinnauer, R. D. 2, South Milwaukee, Wis. Daniel S. Sizer, R. D. i. Spring Brook, Wis. Beniiie Arneberg, R. D. i. New Brighton, Minn. Edwin A. Eddy, 2717 Garfield Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John P. Bolger, Corp., 422 National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Chester G. Porter, 803 22nd Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Thomas P. Bryne, 16 11 Elmira Ave., Superior, Wis. Frank Nolan, R. D. i, Maple Plain, Minn. Harold C. Shaffer, Spooner, Wis. William Zimmerman, 619 Clinton St., Monroe, Wis. Thomas P. Garrigan, 4224 Talman Ave., Chicago. Edward Kiley, 402 Nelson St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Dyle P. Manley, East Court St., Richland Center, Wis. Lewis L.' Coleman, Brill, Wis. rienry R. Wilson, Star Route, Plainville, Wis. Arthur R. Nienow, R. D. 6, Merrill, Wis. Alvin L. Henckel, 207 Lincoln Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Olin Olson, R. D. i, DeForest, Wis. Paul F. Hoffman, R. D. 35, Eden, Wis. Raymond T. Powell, N. Church St., Elkhorn, Wis. Arthur J. Bell, 800 Jefferson St., Joliet. Louis W. LeMay, R. D. 2, Grand Rapids, Wis. Albert W. Raue, Sgt., 1141 State St., Marinette, Wis. Aaron H. Walterlin, Mess Sgt., South Germantown, Wis. Ernest Franckenberg, Sup. Sgt., 213 5th Ave., West Bend, Wis. William Rochweit, Mech., Princeton, Wis. Ivan C. Butcher, Stab. Sgt., 779 Baltimore St., Clarks- burg, W. Va. Edward M. Dowd, Hs., 2339 Buford Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Leo Peehan, R. D. 2, Galena. Millard C. Hatton, Cook, Stillwater, Ky. John Pedersen, Cook, 2704 W. North Ave., Chicago. Guy R. Fernholz, R. D. i, Whitewater, Wis. THE 341ST INFANTRY 125 Frank B. Thornton, Troy Center, Wis. John J. Wasserkord, Bangor, Wis. Paul W. Zastrow, 228 Margaret St., Watertown, Wis. George Besting, 1722 Prairie St., Milwaukee, Wis. HEADQUARTERS, FIRST BATTALION, 341ST INFANTRY Harold W. Snell, Capt., 1291 Asbury Ave., Hubbard Woods. Frank C. Gibbs, ist Lt., Hotel Altamont, Tupper Lake, N. Y. Gaylord Davidson, ist Lt., 1302 S. Grand Ave., Spring- field. John A. Champane, 2008 Kane St., LaCrosse, Wis. Oliver M. Colwell, Box 396, Toulon. Joseph Fritsch, 436 Reed St., Milwaukee, Wis. William E. Gemeinhardt, 1305 2nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Clarence M. George, 410 N. 8th St., LaCrosse, Wis. COMPANY A, 341ST INFANTRY Morley Macguire, ist Lt., 211 S. Poplar St., Urbana. Graham B. Jacobus, ist Lt., Great Neck, N. Y. John G. Abplanalp, 2d Lt., 8 48th St., Wheeling, W. Va. Fred B. Bartsch, 2d Lt., S. Kaukaina, Wis. Alexander Hollingsworth, ist Sgt., Flat Rock, N. C. John A. Rabska, Sup. Sgt., R. D. i, Withee, Wis. "Charles Techmer, Mess Sgt., 912 Farnam St., LaCrosse, Wis. William F. Uecker, Corp., 4120 W. 20th St., Chicago. Robert Bock, Cook, In Stenzchitz, ZidonskawoUa, Ku- berno, Schieratz, Russian, Poland. Frank X. Irlbeck, Cook, R. D. 2, Dorchester, Wis. Herman F. Jaekel, Cook, 920 Redfield St., LaCrosse, Wis. Frank Bienkowski, 6618 Lansing Ave., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Joe Dombeck, Mech., 619 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert C. Johns, Mech., R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. Arnold A. Rahn, Mech., 1318 N. i6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Elmer E. Hageman, R. D. i, Ferris. Jackson F. Sanford, Bug., 180 Bedfort St.,- S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Christian A. Rasmussen, Sedgwick, S. D. Rolland C. Brenaman (i), R. D. i, Owen, Wis. Rocco M. Laurie, 1122 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Martin W. Rose, Sgt., R. D. 4, Reedsburg, Wis. Wesley F. Galusha, R. D. i, Berwick. Harry F. Koenig, 2819 Freemont Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. John Winkler, 1833 4th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl A. Brandt, R. D. i, Sturgeon Lake, Minn. Harry J. Scannell, 5th St. & 7th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alexander Munson, R. D. 25, Utica. Albert P. Adkins, Corp., Paragould, Ark. Fred J. Feldman, R. D. 3, Murdock, Minn. Carl Diedericks, 750 i8th Ave., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Arthur Ahlquist, R. D. 3, Marathon City, Wis. Clarence C. Egan, R. D. 4, Brooten, Minn. Herman W. Bathke, R. D. 5, Bloomer, Wis. John Lundstad, Whitehall, Wis. Charles E. Blackman, Corp., Waterman. Frank Boswell, R. D. 3, Neponset. William Lukszta (1), 420 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Norris F. Catman, Birchwood, Wis. William E. Antilla, Soudan, Minn. Edward R. Deyer, 422 Indiana Ave., N., Fond du Lac, Wis. Clifford A. Bullis, 527 N. Chatam St., Janesville, Wis. Atherton P. Clark, R. D. 5, Fiskilwa. Clyde V. Allen, Corp., R. D. 2, LaCrosse, Wis. Louis Reimer, R. D. i, Whitelaw, Wis. Adolph L. I>arson, Corp., R. D. i, Junction City, Wis. Abe Toms, R. D. 3, Emporia, Kans. Charles Schryver, 2918 N. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Boda Buhe, Corinth, Wis. Peter Fochs, Marathon, Wis. Joseph Cherney, R. D. 6, Marshfield, Wis. Bruno Grabowski, 2318 W. 22nd Place, Chicago. George T. Davis, Corp., Shelbyville, Ky. Ed M. Erickson, R. D. 2, Hawley, Minn. Roy F. London, R. D. i, Stillwater, Minn. Paul Bowe, R. D. 2, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Frank J. Boldt, R. D. i, Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Iscar Books, R. D. 5, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Peter Molenda, 679 Becker St., Milwaukee, Wis. William F. Lange, Corp., 1417 Wrightwood Ave., Chi- cago. Peter Sirowsky, Box 121, Necadah, Wis. William Nelson, R. D. 3, Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Pepowski, R. D. i, Polonia, Wis. William Wandersee, 8th St., N. & Front St., New Ulm, Minn. Frank G. Hajelc, 1832 Allport St., Chicago. John B. Strand, R. D. 2, Milan, Minn. John A. Phillipp, Corp., 707 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Eddie O'Connor, 313 17th Ave., Moline. Louis Krattenmaker, R. D. 2, DeGraff, Minn. Francis Krattenmaker, R. D. 2, DeGraff, Minn. James Erickson, Dorchester, Minn. Felix Zielinski, 1068 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gustave M. Burrow, R. D. 4, Edgar, Wis. William A. Puis, Redfield, Wis. Leonard Johnson, Corp., 104 S. 48th Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Walter F. Tessman, Merriam Park, St. Paul, Minn. Arnold H. Heier, Sgt., Bangor, Wis. Edwin H. Slocum, Sgt., Indianola, Iowa. Clayton Hale, Sgt., 325 Hollister Ave.. Tomah, Wis. Harry A. Anderson, R. D. i, Albertville, Wis. Hjalmer A. Everson, Nobleton, Wis. Roy E. Wilson, R. D. 2, Spicer, Wis. Conrad E. Boehm, R. D. 6, Marshfield, Wis. Harry J. Milligan, Cloverton, Minn. Frank A. Butler, Jacksonport, Wis. John Lavell, Corp., Wells, Minn. Benjamin Olson, 3rd Ave., N., Faribault, Minn. Fred Becker, R. D. i, Athens, Wis. Benjamin Sasse, R. D. i, Clintonville, Wis. Frank Zipperer, R. D. i, Cato, Wis. Herbert Elbert, 4515 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Arthur Punke, R. D. i, Panola. Frank Kouba, Corp., 634 Bunker St., Chicago. Roman Baumann, R. D. i, Marathon, Wis. John J. Evan, Wells, Minn. Harold A. Hansen, 502 S. Concord St., South St. Paul, Minn. John A. Carlson, R. D. 4, North Branch, Minn. William H. Schupp, R. D. 2, Metamora. Robert H. Beers, R. D. 5, Hillsdale, Mich. Wilham T. Witherington, Corp., Union City, Tenn. Robert Fischer, R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. Allan M. Gilbert, Corp., Halstad, Minn. John Kronlokken, Renville, Minn. Otto H. Grabowski, 9th St., Little Falls, Minn. David P. McDonnell, Barksdale, Wis. Hans M. Lundberg, Hartland, Minn. Handel P. Branville, R. D. 2, New Auburn, Wis. John Hilty, Corp., 1309 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John S. Kelson, R. D. 5, Canby, Minn. John Klettka (i), 2239 W. 21st St., Chicago. Joseph F. Parrett, Campbellsport, Wis. William C. Haren, 519 E. Washington St., Monroe, Wis. Frank Rocknowski, 323 Helena St., Peru. Alfred Roberts (i), R. D. i, Lake Villa. Edward H. Garbisch. Corp., R. D. 3, Granton, Wis. Harvey K. Bitney, Box 673, Bloomer, Wis. Albert Padgett, Canal St., La Salle. Hugh V. Clemons, Box 55, Spring Brook, Wis. Walter W. Young, Box 278, Amery, Wis. Floyd T. Smith, R. D. i, Alden. Chris Brenn, R. D. 4, Mondovi, Wis. William Sells, Jr., Corp., 211 E. Wisconsin Ave., Neenah, Wis. Arkin F. Wiechman, Forest Junction, Wis. Thore Danielson, R. D. 2, Renville, Minn. Engman M. Gilbertson, R. D. 2, Curtiss, Wis. Anargeros Theoharis, 403 E. iisth St., Chicago. Lauritz Nielsoi\, 1708 Van Camp Ave., Omaha, Neb. Allen Whelan, Mondovi, Wis. 126 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Jay Dolan, R. D. 6, Fond du Lac, Wis. John Phillips, Corp., 409 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Martin J. Earney, R. D. 2, Cochrane, Wis. Michael C. Dignin, Sgt., Humbird, Wis. Walter E. Maier, Sgt., R. D. 2, Stanley, Wis. Bertel V. Preus, Sgt., 161 1 Madison St., LaCrosse, Wis. Edward M. Albertson, R. D. 6, High Point, N. C. William Behr, Milan, Wis. George R. Erickson, Rothschild, Wis. Oscar J. Hopstad, Rochert, Minn. William E. Christe^son, 2028 Willow Ave., N., Minne- apolis, Minn. Ole H. Johnson, 4134 Ervin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James Kotris, Corp., 1320 S. Halsted St., Chicago. John Hegmoe, R. D. 2, Barron, Wis. William Wilke, 1296 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William C. Staton, Albany, Ky. Arthur E. Dunker, Marengo. Richard E. Lindekugel, R. D. i. Loyal, Wis. Charles Kotrba, 1423 W. 17th St., Chicago. Earl O. Halbe, Corp., Elmhurst. George A. Amble, R. D. i, Colfax, Wis. Ned O. Walker, R. D. i, Lancaster, Wis. Fred Schwartz, Rock Rapids, Iowa. Joseph Pfeffer, 555 Walnut St., Appleton, Wis. Leslie L. Batterson, R. D. 4, Harvard. George Blumhardt, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Joseph W. Grannan, 7843 S. Morgan St., Chicago. James M. Kimble, 306 E. Adams St., Pittsburg, Kans. Orville G. Kerr, Perulack, Pa. Edward R. HarmeJ, Corp., R. D. 2, Baraboo, Wis. Iver D. Larson, Corp., Hyboholm, Sweden. Louis F. Breyhan, 1157 W. sth. North, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawrence Bourget, R. D. i, Cadott, Wis. Leo H. Sabinash, 989 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Stelmach, 1463 Zinc St., La Salle. Joseph N. Doyle, 324 7th Ave., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Leo A. Gorbeck, Corp., 121 Vern Ave., Grand Forks, N. D. Alexander Stroeder, R. D. 4, Litchville, N. D. Roy G. Biorn, 2131 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Peter C. Metropulos, Williams & Railroad Sts., Crystal Lake. John Brickheime.r, N. Maple St., Marshfield, Wis. Harvey Colbo, R. D. 2, Money Creek, Wis. William Burkhardf, R. D. i, Stratford, Wis. Patrick D. Gildea, 1424 W. loth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Otto R. Schafifirus, Corp., 739 Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. Merle A. Brigham, Darien, Wis. Michael A. Garvey, Elk River, Minn. Charlie M. Palm, 616 Cottage Row, Sycamore. Albert C. Branfort, R. D. i, Troy Center, Wis. Fred C. Nieman, Woodstock. Clayton C. Smith, Austin, Minn. William J. Bates, Corp., Hopkins, Minn. William R. Thompson, 406 Barclay Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward C. Schneck, R. D. 6, Wausau, Wis. James C. Chappie, R. D. 7, Fond du Lac, Wis. Harold O. Mundals, i6tTT Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Cuono Quartaro, Strada Rosaria Traversa Carmoniano Acerra Caserta, Italy. Chester Zaremski, 658 Union St., Milwaukee, Wis. Robert A. Boeder, Iron Ridge, Wis. Fritz C. Carlson, Corp., 877 Lincoln St., Gale,sburg. Benedykt Baltokas, 4540 S. Honore St., Chicago. Edward C. Stone, Sgt., 191 Madrid St., San Francisco, Cal. Erman E. Dyer, Sgt., Mauston, Wis. Arthur W. Wendt, Sgt., Circle, Wis. Arthur Sahlstrand, 427 James Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Herbert Frohrib, 106 Lake St., Oshkosh, Wis. Reinhard Buch, Berlin, Wis. Maurice Milenbach, 5344 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Adrian C. Van Ree, Clear Lake, Wis. Clarence Beal, Maple Plain, Minn. Frank Marchiel, 5 Muzyk St., Wyoming, Pa. Arthur S. Anderson, Minong, Wis. George F. Barber, 320 Sampson St., Green Bay, Wis. Arthur Brandhagen, R. D. 3, Rothsay, Minn. Martin E. Paulson, Corp., 2521 Glenarn Place, Denver, Colo. George Heier, 2338 W. 21st Place, Chicago. Zina L. Dangerfiels, Fontana, Wis. Herman C. Laabs, 1098 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar H. Linder, R. D. 1, Stephens, Minn. Harold D. Brown, R. D. 2, Dancy, Wis. Carl Thryselius, 310 Walnut St., Batavia. Louis Schneider, 1008 loth St., Oshkosh, Wis. Arthur W. Carlson, Corp., 1955 Fillmore St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur N. Bloedow, R. D. 9, Vandyke, Wis. Charles H. Buckley, Corp., R. D. 4, Amboy. Walter L. Dwyer, 1413 N. 6th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Reuben A. Johnson, R. D. 8, Highland, Wis. John L. Blaesius, 1200 Rockwell St., Watertown, Wis. Richard A. Nimmer, 683 Hanover St., Milwaukee, Wis. George Conley, Chemung. Richard A. Olson, R. D. 2, Velva. N. D. James F. Deignan, Corp., Genoa Junction, Wis. Lloyd O. Belford, Minong, Wis. Arthur Chantelois, Iron River, Wis. John Strand, R. D. 2, Ulen, Minn. De.nnis Mulligan, 603 McBean St., Peoria. Frank Raymore, 720 E. Warren St., Mankato, Minn. Joseph P. McGrath. Corp., 522 W. 43rd Place, Chicago. Arthur Williams, Pearson, Wis. Andrew I. Ignaszewski, R. D. 3, Wells, Minn. Nelson L. Bechtold, Box 141, McConnell. John Miller, 3012 21st Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Homer H. Anderson, R. D. i. Box 135, Pie.rceton, Ind. William L. Rose, R. D. 6, Fond du Lac, Wis. Emil Cedarberg, Corp., 2417 Emerson Ave., S., Min- neapolis, Minn. Paul A. Stathes (i), 27 E. Franklin Ave., Minneap- olis, Minn. John E. Swanson, 7018 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Mattas Waterman, Blue Earth, Minn. Fred Wolter, 4149 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago. William H. Davis, Box 44, Bruno, Minn. Ralph R. Bonner, R. D. i. Box 11, Albertville, Wis. Glenn Gustick, 255 Bryant Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward W. Zebell, Corp., Hanove.r, Wis. George W. Laufenberg, Avoca, Wis. Frank Bonkoski, R. D. 2, Mosinee, Wis. Jacob C. Larsen, 923 8th St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl W. Zinn, Wentworth, S. D. Vincent A. Roth, Sgt., 1301 Vine St., LaCrosse, Wis. Harley E. Jones, Sgt., 406 Madison St., Waukesha, Wis. COMPANY B, 341 ST INFANTRY Joseph M. Rogers, ist Lt., Chicago Daily News, Chi- cago. Shirley W. Holmes, ist Lt., 46 W. 114th St., Chicago. Emil R. Elder, 2d Lt., 806 E. nth St., Indianapolis, Ind. William J. Becker, 2d Lt., 6136 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. John L. Dirks, ist Lt., 2050 Eagle Ave., Alameda, Cal. William Dettmann, Mess Sgt., 484 37th St., Milwaukee, Wis. George T. Vliet, Sup. Sgt., Lawton, Mich. Christian J. Hoy, Corp. ,603 Thomas Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Selmer E. Severson, Cook, R. D. i, Trempealeau, Wis. Gustavq Hackel, Cook, 6347 Harper Ave., Chicago. Reuben Engen, Cook, Whitehall, Wis. James I. Clarson, Cook, R. D. i, Rockbridge, Wis. Olaf T. Sexe, Mech., Ettrick, Wis. Lewis Davidson, Mech., R. D. 2, Whitehall, Wis. Fred C. Mohr, Mech., Cambria, Wis. Edward H. Juers, Mech., 2013 Madison St., Saginaw, Mich. Edward Wodrich, Bug., 1334 Webster Ave., Chicago. John B. Munson, Bug., 731 soth Ave., West Allis, Wis. Harold Anderson (i), 305 N. Main St., Waupaca, Wis. John J. Flanagan (i), 4017 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Harry F. Hall (i), R. D. i, Worthington, Minn. Alfred Zigahn (i), 2031 Seminary Ave., Chicago. Ross B. Grady, Sgt., 1646 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Adolph Jensen, Pekin, N. D. Oscar Bentz, R. D. 4, Box 74, Granton, Wis. Alouys Van Zele, 117 Garfield St., Wethersfield, Ke- wanee. Melvin Cleveland, R. D. 2, Box 164, Rice Lake, Wis. THE 341ST INFANTRY 127 Martin L. Larson, Spooner, Minn. Edwin H. Becker, Standard. Elmer F. Fahnstrom, Corp., Box 473, Galva. Andrew J. Anderson, Box 105, Ludlow, Pa. John C. Myers, Gre.en Isle, Minn. Clarence Allandslee, P. O., Stoughton, Wis. Ole Wehus, Gtilly, Minn. Ray demons, New Auburn, Wis. Michael J. Ward, 407 Sibley St., Mankato, Minn. Theodore Walters, Corp., 1550 Van Ness Ave., Graham Sta., Cal. Fred R. Swanson, R. D. i, Hancock, Minn. Martin O. Flolo, R. D. 4, New London, Minn. Frank J. Boyle, 715 19th Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Peter Wollscheid, 1527 Wellington St., Chicago. Henry A. Kiesow, 148 W. Lake St., Horicon, Wis. William Ecker, R. D. 2, Boyd, Wis. John Patrick, Corp., 36 N. 12th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles V. Thuren, Sherrard. Gerald E. Fitch, Vermillian St., Hastings, Minn. Natale Cordo, 631 Buchana St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul E. Asbell, R. D. 3, Havana. Emil Anderson, 217 34th Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. William Goetsch, R. D. 2, Box 98, Edgar, Wis. Alexander Warnowski, 2237 Ward St., Chicago. Alvin W. Wardas, Corp., Orr, Minn. Arthur G. Bergholz, London, Wis. Joseph J. Schmidt, Corp., Balaton, Minn. Palmer C. Lund, Franklin, Minn. Clarence C. Blomquest, 1213 21st Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Bruce H. Allbee, R. D. i. Steward. Joseph Slumbo, 555 Washburn St., Scran ton. Pa. John G. Campbell, 246 Grove St., Reedsburg, Wis. Herman J. Matter, R. D. i, Minonk. Seymour E. Espeseth, Corp., Northwood, Iowa. Charles E. DeMars, 215 W. Spring St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Nicholas Wiederhold, 2109 Heindon St., Chicago. William E. Hynes, 912 4th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward S. Spayer, 1516 Crosat St. W., LaSalle. Emil Johnson, R. D. s, Toulon. John H. Hopkins, R. D. 5, Elkhorn, Wis. "Henry Gebclein, Box 85, R. D. i, Rozellville, Wis. Nick G. Rouchukis, Corp., Stevens Point, Wis. Guy L. Finley, R. D. 3, St. Peter, Minn. Anton Petritis, 237 i8th Ave., Homestead, Pa. Camiel Roegiers, R. D. i, Jasper, Minn. William Schwartzwald, R. D. 3, Pine City, Minn. James W. Filer, 286 Carlton Ave., Detroit, Mich. Robert H. Folkers, R. D. 3, Box 19, Delavan, Wis. Ed Hammond, Wakonda, S. D. Charles H. Lutz. Corp., Minnesota Lake, Minn. Harry B. Craigo, R. D. 6, Boscobel, Wis. Alexander Wise, Sgt., 1405 Sangamon St., Chicago. George Cohn, Sgt., 2452 Walton St., Chicago. Emil F. Sauser, Sgt., Arcadia, Wis. Skulie Hallgrimson, Bassett, Neb. Carl Carlson, 1344 E. 48th St., Chicago. Oran F. Geary, R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. Leslie J. Maire", Box 15, E. Dubuque. James G. Thomas, R. D. i, Morris, Minn. Joe Hanke, R. D. i. Box 8, Rozellville, Wis. Walter P. Schwartz, Corp., 124 W. 27th St., Minneap- olis, Minn. Ralph E. Preim, 509 Birdsey St., Columbus, Wis. John H. Walsh, 225 LaFayette St., LaSalle. Alfred Bengtson, 2826 N. i6th St., Omaha, Neb. Otto Hansen, 5498 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Henry L. Wedell, R. D. 2, Box 2, Galesburg. Arthur G. Miller, R. D. 26, Oconomowoc, Wis. Lee M. Jacobie, Sharon, Wis. He^ry Rentier, 157 State St., Aurora. Thure K. Johnson, 2430 Oakes Ave., Superior, Wis. George Kosowitz, Russian Consul General, Chicago. Swan W. Samuelson, 624 Crosby St., Rockford. Charles Gehweiler, 515 Island St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Carl O. Stromberg, Corp., 3100 14th Ave., S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Arthur B. Larson, R. D. 3, Box 130, Richfield, Minn. Benjamin Heath, R. D. 2, Box 54, Butternut, Wis. Greger Bayerlein, 1226 Cold Springs Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William C. Bergner, 1017 Michigan Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Alfred Handrick, R. D. 2, Dancy, Wis. Henry Haeffner, Gen. Del., Marchwith, Wis. " Leonard A. Duss, R. D. i. Box 48, Boyd, Wis. Frank J. O'Connor, Corp., 2222 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Tames H. Fitch, R. D. s. Harvard. Benjamin WakefieJd, Corp., 718 E. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. William Porteus, Gen. Del., East Akron, Ohio. William F. Gaiser, Corinth, Wis. Otto Brietzke, 836 24th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Irving F. Wilson, 322 9th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Harry Hass, R. D. i, Box 68, Merrill, Wis. Helmer T. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 49. Whitehall, Wis. Charles W. Scoville, Corp., R. D. 3, Box 84, Weyau- weca, Waupaca, Wis. Rocco D'Alessandro, 2146 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Frank X. Spayer, 832 9th St., LaSalle. Andrew Karasiewicz, 3040 Exeter St., Duluth, Minn. Cliflford E. Johnson, 206 N. Main St., Rockford. Harry E. Gordon, R. D. 4, Box 43, Ellsworth, Wis. Henry Wolsfeld, R. D. 3, Aurora. Clarence Whiting, R. D. 2, Lena, Wis. Harold Greenberg, Corp., 7249 S. Bennett Ave., Chi- cago. Take J. Speich, Ladysmith, .JVis- Mike N. Rendolla, 2215 W. Erie St., Chicago. Clayton H. Birtram, Cherrybusco, N. Y. Elgie R. Blackman, R. D. 4, Neillsville, Wis. William F. Aldrick, 3430 W. Adams St., Chicago. Theophial VanLoeche, 417 Harris St., South Bend, Ind. Angelo losue, 19 Snowhill St., Boston, Mass. .Tohn Ullrick, Corp., 2449 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. John Mackowiak, 2821 Wicklow Ave., Duluth, Minn. George E. Haines, Sgt., Arcadia, Wis. Victor A. Thompson, Sgt., R. D. 2. Box 2, Blair, Wis. Louis A. Curotto, Sgt., 3236 W. Lawrence Ave., Chi- cago. Henry J. Hueckman, Box 392, Prentice, Wis. Edward F. Weise, 1000 Vine St., Watertown, Wis. Elmer J. Nelson, R. D. 2, Atwater, Minn. Martin Gaughan, Fontana, Wis. George B. Gaulrapp, 294 Oak St., Freeport. Abner W. Anderson, 1847 Lincoln St., N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. William H. Tilley, Corp., Box 276, Albany, Wis. Alfred J. Whalen, 1804 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lawrence, P. Vickroy, R. D. i. Box 162, Aurora. Henry Flaten, R. D. 3, Box 58, Hawley, Minn. Henry J. Hein, R. D. 2, Stratford, Wis. Knut M. Beck, Stanley, Minn. Charles E. Bernico, 2917 Arthington St., Chicago. William A. McGuire, Corp., 212 6th Ave., Sterling. Alfred I. Thompson, Box 137, Franklin. Minn. Harry Nelson, 3729 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. Neils C. Thomsen, St. Edward, Neb. Harold E. Engle, R. D. 2, Hancock, Wis. Philip Lerum, R. D. i, Tenstrike, Minn. James Hart, 1945 Minnesota St., Oshkosh, Wis. James Fitzpatrick, Corp., 115 Vanderpool St., Newark, N. J. Otto Kramer, R. D. 3, Braham, Minn. William Brummer, Wadena, Minn. Marvin McKee, Apple River. Willie E. Nelson, .Box 13, Prosper, Minn. Wilbur F. Lockman, Hollandale,, Wis. Arthur H. Henke, 1083 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter Rippberger, 252 Teflferson Ave., Elgin. William Vodock, Corp., R. D. i, Dilly, Wis. Hilas E. Goodrich, R. D. 2, Elkhorn, Wis. Marsh Christensen, 521 4th St., DeKalb. William R. Wagner, R. D. 2, Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Christorf, Box 58, Boyd, Wis. Arthur H. Erickson, R. D. 7, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Jacob Reisdorfer, P. O. 143, Lismore, Minn. Ralph E. Erickson, R. D. 7, Box 74, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Peter L. Larson, 11 72 Laphan St., Milwaukee, Wis. Max P. Niemczyk, Corp., 753 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Floyd L. Ware, 2600 Grand Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. Charles Stevenson, 4934 W. Walton St., Chicago. Albert Balthazor, 36 8th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Elmer Oleson, Lodi, Wis. Laurence T. Dugal, Postmaster, Cadott, Wis. Louis B. Hilber, R. D. 3, Marathon, Wis. Frank N. Graykowski, 614 Reed St., Milwaukee, Wis. August H. Lendorf, Corp., 1006 N. Washington St., New Ulm, Minn. Arthur E. Scholz, 288 Wise St., Oshkosh, Wis. 128 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Olaf N. Olson, R. D. i, Prairie Farm, Wis. Frederick W. Eder, R. D. 2, Freeport. William J. Nelson, R. D. i, Box 21, Stockholm, Wis. Joseph G. Schweiger, Box 83, Haugen, Wis. Arthur Hansen, 112 E. Main St., St. Charles. Nicholas Riewer, Corp., 5051 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Ernest P. Hippler, R. D. 2, Albany, Minn. Charles A. Saubert, Sgt., 1126 isth St., Chicago. Swain Thompson, Sgt., R. D. i, Readstown, Wis. Harold W. Peterson, Sgt., 770 Berlin St., Waupaca, Wis. Henry P. Salz, Lenore. Henry A. W. Grimm, R. D. i, Odessa, Minn. John H. Fleishacker, R. D. 2, Brainerd, Minn. Charles A. Ganz, R. D. 22, Burlington, Wis. Alfred Hague, 984 DeSoto St., St. Paul, Minn. Helmer I. Berge, Dennison, Minn. Andrew A. Michalski, Corp., Rosendale St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Edward Menzel, .Box 386, Hopkins, Minn. Ole Olson, Box 434, Bayfield, Wis. Lewis Field, R. D. 4, Box 73, Blair, Wis. Max H. Freitag, R. D. 2, Walworth, Wis. Emil Ahec, 191 1 S. May St., Chicago. Gail V. Walsh, Station D, R. D. i, Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas H. Sneddon, Corp., Box 442, Lake Forest. David R. Finnel, Duluth, Minn. Sylvanus Brace, R. D. 3, Box 52, Durand. William Ninneman, 816 Humboldt Ave., Wausau, Wis. Leo H. Manke, 606 Humbird St., Rice Lake, Wis. Stephen J. Duss, R. D. 1, Box 48, Boyd, Wis. William F. Techlow, 913 nth St., Oshkosh, Wis. Arthur C. Roberts, Corp., 505 Windom St., Peoria. Paul E, Conrad, R. D. i, Bloomer, Wis. Edward S. Vollmer, Hillside & Prospect St., Glen Ellyn. John J. Luhman, R. D. 4, Goodhue City, Minn. Emol L. Blackburn, .Box 233, Brownsville, Ore. Kantius Weber, 1225 Bismark Place, Oshkosh, Wis. Gust Gritzmacker, R. D. 6, Box 68, Wausau, Wis. Joseph Spannbauer, 1013 10th St., Oshkosh, Wis. A. Huber, Corp., 2917 6th Ave., Rock Island. William H. Strawn, R. D. i, Kirkland. William A. Kamrath, Corp., Box 433, Canby, Minn. Ladislaus Stegman, 1084 Chicago Road, Milwaukee, Wis. Alexander Woyak, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. James J. Driscoll, Elkhorn, Wis. Larkin L. Baker, 211 6th St., Bowling Green, Ky. Joseph Jacobson, R. D. i, Box 57, Disco, Wis. Walter L. Hamlyn, R. D. 2, Freeport. George E. Adamek, Corp., 542 St. Charles St., Elgin. Albert Goralski, 3335 Union Ave., Chicago. George H. Curzon, 732 Delaware Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred Gravesen, 2107 Sherman Ave., Omaha, Neb. Ingvel Lynner, Clarksfield, Minn. Bernt K. Gaaskjolen, R. D. 3, Box 62, Taylor, Wis. Frank H. Krueger, 733 Muskego Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Hans L. Larsen, 3152 26th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn, Wallace Houldsworth, Corp., 2827 5!/^ Ave., Rock Is- land. Henry C. Meyers, R. D. 3, Woodstock. Fritz A. Eckstrom, R. D. i, Princeton. Fred Gundry, Stone Lake, Wis. James V. Bellizzi, 343 Barry Ave., Chicago. Thomas Grace, 513 4th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. William Jacobson, .Box 208, Shell Lake, Wis. Joseph Taliksnis, 10610 Edbroke Ave., Chicago. Louis P. Abell, Corp., 162 N. Root St., Aurora. Wallace D. Lenz, R. D. 2, Box 55, Waterloo, Wis. John E. Roberts, Sgt., Lodi, Wis. COMPANY C, 341 ST INFANTRY Clarence Mariner, Capt., 3722 Michigan Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Milo C. Teeter, ist Lt., 2842 Shakespeare Ave., Chicago. Clyde A. Eagan, ist Lt., LaPlace. Earl C. Maclnnis, 2d Lt., 530 S. Main St., Viroqua, Wis. Walter E. Ringer, ist Lt., 702 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire, Wis. Nicholas A. Schaaf, Sgt., 908 Water St., Eau Claire, Wis. Christ Jacklen, Bug., R. D. i. Fountain City, Wis. Andrew Anderson, Box 186, Dawson, Minn. Theodore Paul Eichelsdoejfer, Sup. Sgt., 1416 20th St., Rock Island. Thomas Berglatid, Mech., R. D. 2, Ridgeland, Wis. Donald Vear Griffin, 1616 Lincoln Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. William Koenigs, R. D. 3, Box 83, Malone, Wis. Selmer Sletten, 1428 4th Ave., N., Fargo, N. D. Rupert Poeschl, Cook, R. D. 2, Durand, Wis. Elmer E. Smalley, Cook, Bloomer, Wis. Frank J. Mettie, 218 Mulberry St., New York, N. Y. Frank E. Payne, Sherburn, Minn. Siver J. Lee, iioi E. 74th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Christ B. Ness, Sgt., R. D. i, Nelson, Minn. Martin Grothe, R. D. i. Box 83, Pine City, Minn. William Teichmiller, 2312 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Oscar Tollefson, R. D. 3, Box 19, Lake Andrew, Minn. William Kolshorn, 463 6th St., Red Wing, Minn. Alfred Oppegard, R. D. 3, Lanesboro, Minn. Rudolph He.rsekorn, Underbill, Wis. Helmer G. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 404, Elkhorn, Wis. Joseph Marketon, R. D. i, .Box 117, Howard Lake, Minn. Robert D. Swift, Welcome, Minn. Henry H. Johnson, 1225 6th St., Hudson, Wis. James A. Wall, Box 201, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Charles O. Kangas, 141 5 2nd Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Knut N. Torstad, Havelock, N. D. Martin Nowakowski, Corp., 1041 Wood .St., Chicago. Stanley Buchowsk, 4344 Rockwell St., Chicago. Edward Dunnigan, 924 W. Zumbro St., Rochester, Minn. John H. F. Klein, Eenwood, Wis. Hugo C. Holtman, Box 48, Fenwood, Wis. Martin Hinz, R. D. i, Wausau, Wis. Oscar Johnson, Box 44, Odanah, Wis. Arthur Dahl, 1610 Monroe St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur Hintz, R. D. i, Box 113, Wausau, Wis. John G. H. Wahl, Cumberland Star Route, Johnstown, Wis. Ernest Weidel, R. D. 3, Rothsay, Minn. Joseph L. Gagne, R. D. i, Box 54, Robbinsdale, Minn. Edward C. Koch, Wadena, Minn. Arthur J. DuUnig, 1622 Salinas St., San Antonio, Tex. George A. Daley, 7521 LaFayette Ave., Chicago. Phillip Ebersold, 1002 N. Cherry St., Wausau, Wis. Robert H. Clark, R. D. 4, Gridley. Herman P. Hanson, R. D. 2, Box 22, Rollag, Minn. Ignatz Keller, Mount Angel, Ore. Timas N. Bolstad, 1210 Madison St., Eau Claire, Wis. John Schapendonk, 11154 Michigan Ave., Chicago. William Dalton, Erie, Minn. Gilbert P. Horn, R. D. 2, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Michael Adomaitis, 501 W. 32nd St., Chicago. Uflfe J. Norgaard, Corp., Harlan, Iowa. Harry F. Knapp, 1549 20th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herman Duame, R. D. 2, Lena, Wis. George M. Ness, Star Route, Lampson, Wis. Hans P. Anderson, 2944 Logan Blvd., Chicago. John J. J. Quinn, 2729 E. 93rd St., South Chicago. Carl C. Horn, Box 45, New Auburn, Wis. Peter Jakubowski, R. D. 3, Box 16, Marathon, Wis. Morley Norman, Corp., 2936 W. Diversey Ave., Chi- cago. Adolph Jenson, R. D. 2, Shell Lake, Wis. Leon Rozwadowski, 2046 Frankfort St., Chicago. Theodore Annonson, R. D. 2, Debs, Minn. Harry C. Flygare, R. D. 2, Box 67, Lafayette, Minn. Manchar Dejaeger, 613 W. 4th St., Kewanee. John Musiejewicz, 2323 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Henry Polzin, Box 19, Big Foot Prairie. Oscar F. Johnson (i), 1225 Warren Ave., Belvldere. John Fink, 2039 Ruble St., Chicago. Frank G. Sawalski, Corp., 1928 N. Hoyne Ave., Chi- cago. John Krajewski,, Sgt., Krsiwki, Mlava, Russia. Frank J. Hartung, Sgt., Arkansaw, Wis. Carl Jens Hanson, R. D. i. Box 6, Cornell, Wis. Albert G. Toltzman, R. D. 3. Spencer, Wis. Willie Redman, R. D. 2, Rothsay, Minn. August Erdman, 1208 Thouressa St., Watertown, Wis. Edwin S. Hagen, R. D. i. Box 28, Cornell, Wis. John H. Vonderbrelji, Box 45, Plato, Minn. Vincent J. Uhen, R. D. 16, Burlington, Wis. Patrick Kiely, 4527 Indiana Ave., Chicago. George Altman, 527 Minnesota St. N., New Ulm, Minn. THE 341ST INFANTRY 129 Roscoe L. Angle, Box 323, Berlin, Wis. Joseph J. Farrell, 342 Cumberland St., Rumford, Me. Lawrence King, Edgar, Wis. Edgard Hagen, R. U. i, Box 51, Cadott, Wis. Conrad Harrington, R. D. i, JJox 67, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Louis J. Sandusky, Corp., 901 E. 33rd St., Los Angeles, Cal. Oscar Bylund, 2500 Elliott Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. William R. Block, 8019 Throop St., Chicago. Monroe L. Barr, 131 1 Harlem Blvd., Rockford. Albert Krueger, R. D. i, Owen, Wis. Harvey W. Henkel, R. D. i, Colby, Wis. Otto H. Neuman, R. D. i, Box i, Darian, Wis. Konstantinos Joannon, ii8 2nd St., Moline. Robert Proudfoot, Corp., Morris, Minn. Charles Mannypenny, Odanah, Wis. Richard Woofs, Jr., R. D. 4, Harvard. Emil Huehnerfus, R. D. 2, Box 29, Edgar, Wis. Emil A. Wendorf, 1456 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Elmer T. Hedblade, 657 Keep Ave., Elgin. Frank T. Sullivan (i), Howard, Mont. Hans Wang, R. D. 3, Hayward, Wis. Lenard T. Kash (i), R. D. i, Shafer, Minn. Joseph Kennedy, R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. Otis L. Wilcox, 402 Constantine St., Three Rivers, Mich. Martin McCormick, Benson, Minn. John T. Johnson, Tomsberg, Norway. Henry S. Christie, R. D 5, Goodhue, Minn. Cornelius Bovee, R. D. 3. Fairchild, Wis. Stanley Hulbert, Orangeville. Milo A. Gartzke, Blue Earth. Minn. Phillip Traynor, Blue Earth, Minn. Elmer F. Kledehn, Rolling Prairie, Wis. Alvin Patterson, 602 Ogden Ave., Superior, Wis. Andrew Skiksnus, 2900 Emerald Ave., Chicago. James H. Goodsel, Box 42, Cobson, Wis. Harry Boltz, Manistiquw, Mich. Phillip Hallock, 517 C)gden Ave., Superior, Wis. Oscar J. Wepplo (i), 1204 Harmon Place, Minne- apolis, Minn. Ernest R. Crohn, 612 Adams St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Leonard Johnk, Box 15, Sabin, Minn. Edwin Mulholland, 1025 Washington Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Carl A. Johnson, Box 47, Wasco. Simon P. Brausen, Waunakee, Wis. Henry T. Kluth, 74 Chippewa St., Freeport. Roy S. Hotchkiss, R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. Felix J. Rose (i), 5228 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. James V. Bean, 607 S. 2nd St., Delavan, Wis. Frank Trnka, Corp., 2609 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Ernest F. Manhott, Sgt., 2610 W. 59th St., Chicago. Alfred Leren, Sgt., 835 Menomonee St., Eau Claire, Wis. Herman Koepsel, 690 13th Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. Arthur Winkelman, R. D. 4, Hutchinson, Minn. Arthur J. Kiefer, R. D. i. Box 29, Rozellville, Wis. Lester J. Smith, North Bend, Wis. Walter E. Dier, R. U. 3, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Edward Pfe.iiTer, R. D. 6, Freeport. Frank Lewandowski, 2160 Irving Ave., Chicago. Harry W. Osborne, Sycamore. Melvin E. Hearl, 23 5th St. N., Moorhead, Minn. Gust Belin, loi 2nd St., Bemidji, Minn. Rexford Cunningham, R. D. 3, Box 58, Walworth, Wis. John Giles, Boyd, Wis. Gustave Nelson, 2015 Missouri Ave., Superior, Wis. William Moluneux, Corp., 628 W. 6ist St., Chicago. Martin Helland, R. D. i, Cornell, Wis. John E. Szewczyk, 2240 N. Robey St., Chicago. Peter M. Moe, R. D. i, Onalaska, Wis. Joseph Knaus, Cold Spring, Minn. Benjamin Fortune, Wheaton, Minn. John F. Kavanaugh, R. D. 2, Troy, Wis. Charles D. Lamb, 1214 Whitney St., Belvidere. Roy W. Lundin, 1215 Melrose St., Chicago. Henry Jarzembowicz, 790 Rogers St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph McKelvey, 274, Chokio, Minn. Hubert Krause, R. D. i. Box 18, Johnson Creek, Wis. Edward J. Stellwagen, Egg Harbor, Wis. Earl C. Hartman, Edward St. Box 3, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Henry Svire, R. D. i. Box 90, Erie, Minn. Herman M. Steen, Corp., 1322 Otto St., Chicago. Vincent Petrocelli, 217 E. ii6th St., Chicago. Arthur V. Kies, 479 36th St. N., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil A. Ornquist, Strathcona, Minn. John M. Wurtz, 1926 Kishwaukee St., Rockford. Ive.r Benson, R. D. i. Box 39, Emmons, Minn. George Kohlbauer, Galena. Herbert C. Haas, i6oo 7th St., Merrill, Wis. Clive Metcalf, Corp., R. D. i, Arkansaw, Wis. John B. Gorry, 435 W. Mifflin St., Madison, Wis. Earl I. Brannon, Klevenville, Wis. John Sebroskie, 929 W. Pine St., Shamokin, Pa. George Fronk, Wells, Minn. Axel Hammer, R. D. 4, Cadott, Wis. Ralph S. Kerker, R. D. 3, Metamora, Frederick Pederson, R. D. 10, Box 64, Fergus Falls Minn. ' Hans E. Andersen, Corp., R. D. i, Weston, Iowa. August W.Vogel, 4507 Congress St., Chicago. c '■^,^n;.^'',°'^"' ^- D- '' Box 72 A Mosinee, Wis. hamuel Mendelsohn, 2047 Evergreen Ave., Chicago Nicholas Raffay, 1161 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis 7^u, r. Conaway, Star Route, Breckenridge, Minn. WMi-^^ S Kossow, 409 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William R. Lueth, R. D. i, Falworth, Wis. Carl Nork, 1626 N. California Ave., Chicago. Alfred Schultz, R. D. 4, Box 105, North Milwaukee, Wis. ' William gerouin, Sgt., 224 9th Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Edward H. Olson, Sgt., 214 Cochran St., Eau Claire, Wis. ' William Axtater, Corp., 907 Postal Telegraph Bldg Chicago. ^ ' Kazimir Andrejonas, 830 W. i8th St., Chicago. Carl O. Frefsrud, R. D. 2, Rollag, Minn Louis Sorenson, 804 N. 21st Ave., Duluth, Minn. Wi"s ' ^' °- ^' ^°'' ^'^' Chippewa Falls, Harold Anderson, Box 54, Solway, Minn, ^rank A Smith, R. D. 2, Box 77. Watkins, Minn. Minn ^°'"^' ^'"^■' '^'^ '^* ^''^- ^- Duluth, Johnie Rikli, Ridgeway, Wis Fred Janz, R. D. 2, Dancy, Wis k3h ^n ^!''f'\ ^- °- 3' Box 14, Cadott, Wis. Harold Oustad, Box 54, Drummond, Wis Robert Jomes, R D. i, East Fruitland, N. C. Alef J Sehlin, Box 95, Port Wing, Wis. Howard Rhodes, Barron, Wis '^^'^Minn^' ^°'^^ ^'^' '^"^ '^- ^^"'^ ^*- Minneapolis, f ^"^/"u ^> Brown, R. D. 2, Hebron, Wis. Adolph Kolarich, R. D. 3, Denmark, Wis. W?s. ^"^^"°"' ^- D. 4. Box 70, Grand Rapids, ■^"''"Mkln. ^^'^"°"' ^^' ^- ^^^^ ^''^" W"t Duluth. fZT ^u^K ?■ °- ^' ^^'^ ^^' Wausau, Wis. T^^n T r'''*""^°"'o®?,'^ ^^^' Minneota, Minn. i, ■ V Casey, 2498 Wentworth Ave., Chicaeo Alvm A Freiberg, :8i9 School St., Chicago.^ Raymond E. Herrick, R. D. ,, Box ;4, Wayne John Ryan, 1750 Fletcher St., Chicago. SfL';! ?J^"^«''V.^3o 13th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn Stanley Eliszewski, 983 Maple St., Milwaukee? WiL Carl Henning, Jr., 4,2 Mosley St., Elgin. Charles J. Dix 702 Grove St., Milwaukee, Wis Aloysious Schlott, 19 18 N. Robey St., Chicago Johnie Portz, Lengby, Minn. ' ^"'''^S°- Joseph Schroeder, Fredonia, Wi s Antonio Fanello, Genoa, Wis Chester L. Fanshaw, Fox Lake, Wis Ernest Dean, Minong, Wis. James Forkan, Anaconda, Mont. v}'%f ^^ 1^'e^an Box 52, Shell Lake, Wis. T A^-n^"'^''^'^,?' Corp., 202 Wood Ave. Rock Falls Leo A. Meyer, R. D. 2, Box 56, Gravs Lake ' Salvatore Seno, 638 Sholto St.! Chicago John Takaitis, 1131 Victoria St., North Chicago Cohn J. McRae, R. D. i, Kingham, Kans Sam L. Larson, 912. Central Ave., Superior, Wis Ter, N. g;fP^d.mitriou, ,05 Cedar St.,' Manches- George LeFevre, R. D. 6, Polo ^"^'inn^^" '^^ ^^^^' ^°'^-' °^^°t° St., St. Paul, William C.Fenner, ,11 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis Minn! ^^'"^""' ^^43 Harriet Ave., Minneapoiis. 130 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Harold W. Adamson, R. D. i, Malta. Herman H. .Blaisier, 531 National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Ben Benson, 1020 E. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Jacob F. Falloon, 410 20th Ave, N., Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence Klipping, Box 123, Pearl City. Donald A. Young, Corp., 714 Pine St., Calumet, Mich. John H. Carter, R. D. i, Clare. Benjamin Kozlowski, Corp., 919 W. 31st Place, Chicago. John C. Chase, Sgt., 705 Wilson Ave., Menomonie, Wis. William A. Coleman, care Billboard, 1493 Broadway, New York, N. Y. COMPANY D, 341ST INFANTRY Ray K. Puflfer, Capt., 204 Alta Vista Ave., Waterloo, Iowa. Carl K. Rang, ist Lt., 603 W. State St., Rockford. Harry G. Mouat, 2d Lt., 7310 Yale Ave., Chicago. Harvey G. Smith, 1st Sgt., Maiden Rock, Wis. Edward W. Fisher, Corp., 2423 Minnesota Ave., Dul- uth, Minn. Charles H. Badour, Sup. Sgt., Moose Lake, Minn. James T. Stafford, Mess Sgt., 7031 Union Ave., Chi- cago. Ingvald Vagen, Bug., Stanley, Wis. William Durlin, Bug., Alma Center, Wis. George A. Adams, Mech., Dodge Center, Minn. Ludwig Bernatowicz, Mech., 3224 S. Morgan St., Chi- cago. Gust A. Larson, Mech., 6108 4th Ave S., Minneapolis, Minn. Charle,s W. Hilgenberg, Meth., I^aukauna, Wis. Clarence W. Watkins. Cook, Rock Elm, Wis. Charles McGillis, Cook, Ellsworth, Wis. John S. O'Connor, Cook, Sears. Fred W. Schmelzer, Cook, 827 Chandler St., Madison, Wis. Harry M. Hosford, Sgt., 701 Vine St., Hudson, Wis. Harry Mills, White Rock, S. D. Iver T. Grahn, Atwater, Minn. Pearl McDaniel, Westby, Wis. Swen E. Peterson, 9340 Lowe Ave., Chicago. John A. Neal, R. D. 2, Eden Valley, Minn. Conrad Frost, Clarks Grove, Minn. Edward E. Zarek, Corp., 3222 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Henry F. Meyer, R. D. i, Walters, Minn. Carl J. Jacobson, Brinkman, Mont. Walter W. Ford, 616 N. Porter Ave., Elgin. I^eopold R. Abraham, R. D. 4, Olivia, Minn. Carl Swason, 7030 34th St., .Berwyn. Fred W. Kaddatz, 31 12 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Francesho Liberatore, Box 14, Belgium, Wis. Roger Bolletini, Corp., Contrato Torrento, Albula, S Benedette Del Tronto Asoole Piceno Marche, Italy. Eddie N. Olson, Deer Park, Wis. Olaf Gustatson, River Falls, Wis. Alfred F. Rehberg, R. D. 6, Woodstock. William M. Balinsky, 1826 Ontario St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tellef O. Upstad, 2926 W. ist St., Duluth, Minn. Frank Pencil, 302 McDonald ,St., Oconto, Wis. Oscar F. Johnson, Box 104, Gladstone. John Schwenn, Corp., 2627 Iowa St., Chicago. William A. Mihm, Corp., 161 5 N. nth St., Sheboygan, Wis. Theodore J. Steiner, R. D. 2, Stratford, Wis. Emil Naatz, R. D. i, Spencer, Wis. Peter Holten, 3501 12th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Florian Kowalefski, R. D. 3, Edgar, Wis. Frederick Aanes, R. D. 7, Montevideo, Minn. Ernest S. Larson, 425 Delta Ave., Manistique, Mich. Ernest B. Sanderson, Corp., Stuttgart, Ark. Arthur H. Kolberg, 330 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Lawrence M. Balk, Wilmot, Minn. Frank Miller, 717 E. Second St., Winona, Minn. Theodore E. Iverson, Bakef, Minn. Patrick Curran, 351 State St., St. Paul, Minn. Hilding Hoyer, 10554 LaSalle St., Chicago. Rudolph Ibe, R. D. 3, Box 60, Kiel, Wis. William V.morder, Corp., R. D. 6, .Stevens Point, Wis. Frank P. Oberg, R. D. 18, Box 74, .Burlington, Wis. Elmer F. Reko, Kendalls, Wis. John S. Krueger, Madison St., Beaver Dam, Wis. John Szemborsky, R. D. 1, Marathon, Wis. John H. Herzog, R. D. 2, Stratford, Wis. Edmund J. LaFramboise, R. D. i, Cadott, Wis. Walter F. Podoll, R. D. i. Box 81, Spring Valley, Wis. Fred E. Hall, Corp., Mauston St., Mauston, Wis. William G. Abdo, 127 James Ave., Mankato, Minn. Albert J. Klein, R. D. i. Box 74, Hinsdale. Louis O. Anderson, Barneveld, Wis. August R. Engaas, Holmen, Wis. Axel H. Peterson, 604 Garfield Ave., Duluth, Minn. Elmer E. Johnson, 2318 Seminary Ave,, Chicago. Frank Danboer, Corp., 1828 N. ist St., Sheboygan, Wis. William J. Bradley, R. D. i. Box 24, Stratford, Wis. Reuben E. Peterson, Sgt., R. D. 3, Ellsworth, Wis. Sidney L. Moyer, Sgt., Prescott, Wis. Arthur W. Zacharias, Sgt., Glenwood City, Wis. Swan G. Swanson, 1417 Elm St., Rockford. Albert E. Olson, Box 104, Readstown, Wis. Harve H. Wunderlich, Box 25, Kenyon, Minn. Magnus Pauson, 105 E. 6th Ave., Ashland, Wis. Frank J. Schmeling, Watertown, Wis. Thomas Kampen, Fulda, Minn. Joseph A. Zullo, Corp., 1950 Van Buren St., Chicago. August F. Krause, R. D. i, Wyeville, Wis. Theodore Grade, 422 Ontario Ave., Sheybogan, Wis. Charles Passow, Mosinee, Wis. Nels S. Nelson, 300 Clifton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Leeman Garrett, R. D. i, Ne,w Boston. Alvin N. Anderson, R. D. i, Kirkland. Jacob J. Kramp, Corp., 252 Front St., Aurora. Charles H. Renken, R. D. i. Box 8, Plato, Minn. Jesse G. Urbain, R. D. i, .Box 39, Walters, Minn. Emile J. St. Martin, 2127 Milan St., New Orleans, La. Charles fl. Schaefer, R. D. 2, Lyons, Wis. Andrew C. Kaufman, 370 'S. Main St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Charles M. Hallberg, 1924 Quincy St. N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Carl F. Redenius, Darien, Wis. Leo A. Stuhr, Midway, Wis. Joel Olson, 1107 8th St., Rockford. John F. Lendl, 634 Olive St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Fred Knoll, R. D. 6, Box 36, Freeport. Fred J. Kroeplin, 339 Silver St., Elgin. Charles G. George, R. D. i, Nora, Minn. James McGuire, R. D. 2, Dancy, Wis. Joseph L. Eviston, 11 11 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. Albin J. Kleene,, Corp., 922 High Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Albert S. Belhnger, R. D. i. Box 34, Viola. Carl A. Anderson, 200 Walnut St., Batavia. George Karastes, Hersey, Wis. Maynard Tressler, 905 E. 7th St., Blue Earth, Minn. Richard J. Nelson, Backus, Minn. Arthur G. Marohl, R. D. i. Box 24, Cleveland, Wis. Fred Schober, 2156 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Martin J. Killalea, Corp., 409 N. Fremont St., Kewanee. Joseph Stutz, 411 Knapp St., Oshkosh, Wis. David Rabinovitz, 1219 Throop St., Chicago. Alfred Paul, 1339 51st Court, Cicero. David W. McFarland, Parallel St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Daniel J. Wirkus, R. D. i. Box 92, Edgar, Wis. Louis I. Tolchinsky, 518 Fremont Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. Alfred M. Verno, Empire, Mich. Edward C. Liesch, Corp., 261 Walter Ave., Appleton, Wis. Frank P. Deutscher, Corp., 3156 Chicago Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Robert L. Beckenbach, Anoka, Minn. John W. Mieloszyk, 305 Larch St., Ironwood, Mich. Richard J. Joringdal, Thief Piver Falls, Minn. Alvin H. Miller, Sheffield. Fred W. Laschinger, 2135 S. i6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Joseph L. Barrett, Box 43, Red Lake, Minn. Louis A. Trapp, Corp., 1242 Richard St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph S. Hopua, 116 E. nth St., Duluth, Minn. Myron M. Lehman, Sgt., 187 N. State St., Elgin. Henry W. Koressel, Sgt., 301 Stinson Ave., Evanston, Ind. Albert Sletten, Box 23, Emmons, Minn. THE 341ST INFANTRY 131 Julius Milaskey, Sgt., 5222 S. Hermitage Ave., Chi- cago. Ernest G. We.ege, R. D. 26, Oconomowoc, Wis. Hugh B. Nugent, Delavan, Wis. Michael Buebschman, R. D. 40, Box 31, Calvary, Wis. Frank L. Wagner, 2005 4th St., Peru. Julius W. Nahring, Box 66, Fenwood, Wis. Claus H. Lepler, Corp., Clara City, Minn. William H. Plum, Polo. John Ryokowsky, 1537 Tell Place, Chicago. Edwin W. Seibert, R. D. i. Box 91, Mazeppa, Minn. John Overson, Box iii, Oslo, Minn. Michael Buebschman, R, D. 40, Box 31, Calvary, Wis. Eber ^I. Armagost, Excelsior, Minn. Earl E. Ferris, Abbotsford, Wis. Michael J. McGuinn, Corp., 305 Aldrich Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur G. Wild, R. D. i, Knovvles, Wis. Albon M. Helgeson, Genoa, Wis. Emil E. Smedberg, 2910 W. 3rd St., Du!uth, Minn. Konstanty Godlesky, 1505 5th St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Tames F. , Garey, 271 W. 4th South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Zachariah Adams, 1007 Peoria Ave., Dixon. Anton F. Birkner, Metamora. William H. Nicholson, Corp., 11 19 Mariana St., Chi- cago. Alfred C. Klose, 1655 Burling St., Chicago. Orvin G. Rolseth, 1606 sth St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Harvey Mathes, R. D. 1, Box 4^^, Wausau, Wis. Clarence R. Wendt, 718 College St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Theodore E. Craichen, Coloma, Wis. Gale S. Golden. Corp., Box 212, Chokio, Minn. Bernard W. Ulrich, R. D. 3, Amboy, Minn. Albert N. Maxwell, 408 E. 6th St., Norris, Minn. Ernest A. Keen, R. D. 6, Buffalo, Minn. Stanley Robakowsky, 411 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frederick Wagner, Knowles, Wis. Alfred A. Witt, Rubicon, Wis. Tames J. Flaherty, 1526 Gilpin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. William T. Fowler, Corp., 2512 4th Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Henry D. Scott, 3730 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. Christian R. Horgen, Stanley, Wis. Frank J. Maurer, Box 185, Sleepy Eye., Minn. William Bird, Elkton, S. D. Herman J. I3uellesbach, 313 N. Bassett St., Madison, Wis. Charles J. Fischer, 393 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nicholas Klench, 302 N. Central Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Peter M. Kmasiak, Corp., 3222 Mospratt St., Chicago. Owen R. Rasmussen, Corp., 3106 Ezekiel Ave., Zion City. Harry H. Arnold, 1618 S. 17th St., Springfield. John J. Knetter, R. D. 3, Box 10, Edgar, Wis. Leonard Seltserman, 715 Center St., Chicago. William M. Riplinger, Boyd, Wis. Benjamin I. Westover, Wheeling, Ind. George E. Uecker, 607 Cleveland St., Watertown, Wis. Ralph F. Yeager, Corp., Osage, Iowa. Frank J. Cheyka, 518 20th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter J. Lineham, Sgt., 1037*/^ W. 2nd St., Daven- port, Iowa. Warren L. Stafford, Sgt., 6948 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Clarence O. Weeks, Sgt., Maiden Rock, Wis. William G. Kressin, 506 E. Mark St., Winona, Minn. Arland S. Mork, R. D. i. Box 48, Slayton, Minn. James A. Johnson, R. D. i, Wyville, Wis. Stefen Czaplicki, 1039 Grove St., Milwaukee, Wis. George J. Burgart, 27th St. & 21st Ave., Rock Island. Herman Kropelin, R. D. i. Box 43, Colby, Wis. Chester A. Ward, Corp., 714 Cameron St., San An- tonio, Texas. Edward_ C. Firnstein, 1824 Larrabee St., Chicago. Irwin Tiurnett, Stanwood, Mich. Paul E. Streubel, R. D. i, Box 86, Glidden, Wis. Joseph Endres, Sauk City, Wis. Benjamin Woodle, 105 W. Liberty St., Monroe, Wis. John W. Pritchard, 204 Parallel St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Clemens P. Swiderski, 112 15th Ave. E., Ashland, Wis Benjamin McCrary, Corp., Springfield, Minn. Peter Kuklock, R. D. 2, Bo.x 24, Rice, Minn. John Stuckmeyer, R. D. i, Knowles, Wis. Frank \ iellieu, R. D. 5, New Richmond, Wis. Carl Mohr, R. D. i. Box 36, Marathon, Wis. Richard C. Polege, R. D. i, Box 4, Stratford, Wis. Philip S. Glish, Crest Ridge, Wis. William F. Zillmer, 336 W. Jackson St., Belvidere. James T. Hanley, Corp., 645 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha, Neb. Albert A. Indermuehle, Beaver Dam, Wis. Sidney V. Wycoff, 2606 Monroe St. N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Martin E. Greger, 567 Kane St., Aurora. Anthony Lages, 1302 Stinson Ave., Superior, Wis. Joseph Glowaski, 819 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl A. Wollenburg, R. D. i, Lomira, Wis. Edward Zoellick, R. D. 9, Watertown, Wis. Roy S. Schneider, Corp., Crystal Lake. Wilbur C. Turpentine, care Nilson Tractor Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Oliver R. Popp, R. D. 37, Eagle, Wis. Frank Grzybowski, 1305 6th Ave., .Milwaukee, Wis. Martin Krueger, l?ox 32, Hamburg, Wis. John A. Greger, 567 Kane St., Aurora. Walter Krasnoski, 8423 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. John Kulas, R. D. 3, Athens, Wis. James R. Green, Corp., 58 W. Erie St., Chicago. Leonard C. Zick, 661 N. Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Joseph E. Urner, 729 N. 9th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Otto Krohse, Utica, Minn. Conrad Rude, R. D. 2, Cameron, Wis. William E. Schmidt, R. D. 1, Box 28, Mound, Minn. Arthur E. Rude, R. D. 2, Box i, Ashland, Wis. Antonio Barrato, 1149 S. State St., Chicago. John J. Walsh. Corp., W. 40th PL, Chicago. Winford T. Zettler, Corp., R. D. i, Comfrey, Minn. George L. Koch, 8339 S. Green St., Chicago. John Maleskij 1223 Christiana St., Rockford. Edward C. Vounker, R. D. 2, Merrill, Wis. Edward A. Kuehn, Gen. Del., Elk River, Minn. Jose N. Gonzales, 3920 Lake Park Ave,., Chicago. John F. Kroening, R. D. i. Box 23, Stratford, Wis. Harold F. Shannon, Corp., Garden Prairie. Carl G. Sunholm, 333 Restornel St., Duluth, Minn. William Barnds, Sgt., 246 Spring St., Freeport. Richard J. Ausfahl, Sgt., 302 Columbia Ave., Peru. COMPANY E, 341ST INFANTRY Oliver J. Golden, Capt., Mackinac Island, Mich. Leonard G. McConkie, ist Lt., Crystal, Mich. Walter H. Wulk, 2d Lt., Marion, Wis. Walter J. Parker, 2d Lt., 1738 N. Whipple St., Chi- cago. Frank A. Pryor, ist Sgrt., 556 Charles St., Luzerne, Pa. George W. Barbo, Mess Sgt., Deronda, Wis. William R. Eaton, Sup. Sgt., Kentsville, Kings Co., Nova Scotia. Arthur Preeman, Sgt'., 2052 Arthington St., Chicago. Alfred J. Nielsen, Cook, Luck, Wis. John Fenton, Cook, Frederick, Wis. Nels P. Nelson, Clam Falls, Wis. Melvin Mork, Cook, Amery, Wis. John O. Steffer, 928 13th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. William Wilier, ^lech., 1949 N. Halsted St., Chicago. George M. McKee, Bug., 711 W. 26th St., Minne- apolis, Minn. Gustaf A. Rylander, Mech., Shell Lake, Wis. Sherwood P. Jacobs, Box 4, Franklin Grove. Frank J^ Dvorak, 2622 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Albert Gorden, Sgt., Siren, Wis. Albert Perrotta, 9146 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Gustave Anderson, 1422 32nd St., Rock Island. Ferdinand A. Eklund, R. D. 2, Box 15, Hayfield, Minn. John Huffman, R. D. 2, Box 47, Fairmont, Minn. Stanley Klastow, 3156 S. Wallace St., Chicago. Brother A. Aaronson, 426 22nd Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Henry E. Frederick, Corp., 1309 Avenue B, Flint, Mich' Joseph A. Przybyl, Ripon, Wis. Herbert H. Ogg, Ramey, Minn. Albert H. Helding, R. D. 10, Franksville, Wis. Charley Iten, R. D. 2, St. Cloud, Minn. Morris Anderson, Deer Grove. Fred Semski, R. D. 3, Box 12, Edgar, Wis. Oliver S. Torgerson, R. D. 3, Wheaton, Minn. August Diesing, Corp., 806 Belmont Ave., Chicago. 132 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Leo H. Neitzel, R. D. 5, Box. 61, Bloomer, Wis. Roy B. Andress, R. D. 3, Bruce, Wis. John McNichols, 2726 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Knute I. Johnson, 24* Summit Ave,., St. Paul, Minn. Henry M. Bergman, R. D. s. Box "C", Hector, Minn. Leo J. Monti, 1359 Charles St., Rockford. Clarence J. Yorke, Corp., 2544 Center Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. John B. Lemas, R. D. i, Oswego. Reginald A. Krause, 826 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Phil Lippens, 408 i6th Ave., Moline. .Arthur May, Verndale, Minn. Arthur H. Middleton, 310 Elm St., Elgin. Fred L. Mehrkens, 11 18 East Ave., Red Wing, Minn. Gustave C. Belgert, Nekoosa, Wis. Louis F. Robinson, Corp., 1337 Liberty St., LaCrosse, Wis. Henry N. Schultz, Nobleton, Wis. Barney J. Lumbar, Spring Brook, Wis. Ignatius Wroblewski, 838 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Julius H. Naas, Box 92, R. D. 2, Boyd, Wis. Robert E. Peterson, Reynolds. Ole Svenson, Reidstown, Wis. Albert B. Schatz, Corp., Adyeville, Ind. Gotfreich Moeller, 1007 S. 4th St., Springfield. Harry Stonis, 600 Wells St., Milwaukee, Wis. William L. Taylor, Tenstrike, Minn. John A. Walker, 738 7th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry A. Warner, R. D. 2, Box 75, South Haven, Minn. William L. Shore, R. D. 2, Franklin, Minn. Roy E. Palmer, R. D. i, Box 71, Wayzata, Minn. Paul T. Paulsen, Corp., R. D. i. Box 9, Robbinsdale., Minn. Charles F. Hadlick, 706 S. Moore St., Blue Earth, Minn. Gustaf H. Blom, 1931 Summerdale Ave., Chicago. Edward L. Olson, New Auburn, Wis. Fred W. Baumann, 428 J4th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Nicholas Apel, Rolling Stone, Minn. William E. Rough, R. D. i. Box 129, Stratford, Wis. Corunell A. Knutson, R. D. 3, Blair, Wis. John IL Boxleitner, Corp., 468 Van Buren St., St. Paul, Minn. Rudolph Van Meeteran, 1 E. 114th St., Chicago. Howard G. Clayton, Sgt., St. Croix Falls, Wis. Albert Thompson, Corp., Gushing, Wis. Ray W. Gulp, Sgt., 229 Ottawa St., Hamilton, Ont. Andrew Stromsted, 1205 ist Ave., Little Falls, Minn. Joseph Wang, R. D. i, Hersey, Wis. Joseph .B. Prom, 835 Kentticky Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Jake Heikes, R. D. 2, Box 33, Ellsworth, Minn. Olaf B. Lindquist, 1123 4th Ave., Rockford. John K. Pederson, R. D. i, Fertile, Minn. Ernest G. Gradberg, Corp., Bunnell, Minn. Arthur Nelson, Millston, Wis. Edwin P. Schwenn, 898 22nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charle,s J. Verelius, 2128 W. 6th St., Duluth, Minn. Philip J. Loth, 712 Liberty St., LaCrosse, Wis. Edward" J. Larson, R. D. 7, Litchfield, Minn. Mike V. Mattson, R. D. i, Cloquet, Minn. Eskil E. Johnson, Hinkley, Minn. Charles G. Kaufman, Corp., 723 Greenlawn Ave., Peoria. Swan K. Rehn, Aledo. John J. Noga, Box 623, Holdingford, Minn. Albert P. Marian, R. D. i, Stanley, Wis. Otto C. Hardtke, 943 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Louis W. Poliska, R. D. i, Esmond. Higo F. Schmech, R. D. 2, Whitewater, Wis. Carl Nelson, 602 3rd St. S., Virginia, Minn. Carl Zimmerman, Corp., 2026 Folger St., Sheboygan, Wis. Liquori Perron, Mendota, Minn. John Krainert, St. Nazianz, Wis. Theo Jore, R. D. 2, Box 17, Hawley, Minn. Felix Novak, Cadott, Wis. Otto C. Meyer (i), 2109 Warner Ave., Chicago. Louis W. Riebock, R. D. 3, Sycamore. Severt D. Tubbs, Montevideo, Minn. Joseph H. Gunderson, Corp., Box 166, Rake, Iowa. Joseph L. Demers, 1162 De La Rock, Montreal, Can. John Oyen, 219 Vernon Ave. E., Fergus Falls, Minn. Edwin C. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 40, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Allie E. Green, Randolph, Wis. Arthur E. O'Rourke, R. D. i, Box 5, Bloomer, Wis. Edwin H. Anderson, R. D. 3, Box 308, Sacre4 Heart, Minn. Maurice O. Robin, 214% Goodwin Ave., Detroit, Mich. Clarence J. Sharpless, Corp., 3509 40th Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Patrick F. Flavin, 5224 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Martin F. Schroeder, 2221 Augusta St., Chicago. John O. Buth, R. D. 13, Brookfield, Wis. Leonard Sitzler, R. D. 5, Jefferson, Wis. Hans C. B. Holm, 1647 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Donald Poffenberger, R. D. 2, Polo. Edward C. Machsmuth, Corp., 715 N. 3rd St., Minne- apolis, Minn. James E. Walsh, 202 State St., Whitewater, Wis. Iver Meyers, 723 20th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred 15erg, Excelsior, Minn. Paul E. Sundeen, 4331 Harriet Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Prziborowski, Box 83, Hugo, Minn. Richard L. Van Horn, 2416 Avenue "A", Kearney, Neb. Raffaele Cesario, 1429 Edgmont Ave., Chicago. Anthony P. Durizzi, Corp., 11 576 Prairie Ave., Chicago. William Waiburton, R. D. 4, Fountain City, Wis. James W. Ramsey, Sgt., Western Grove, Ark. Oscar A. Elkin, Sgt., R. D. 2, Amery, Wis. Lloyd O. Barrett, Sgt., Grantsburg, Wis. Glenn Yohn, 3042 23rd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles H. Perry, R. D. i, Boyd, Wis. William P. Hoffman, 74 E. Scott St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Henry J. Lindhorst, R. D. 39, Mukwonago, Wis. Axel Danielson, 3218 Racine Ave., Chicago. Fred McDaniel, 510 S. Washington St., Wichita, Kan Marcus Nelson, Corp., R. D. i, Barronett, Wis. Edward J. Simpson, 137 N. 7th St., Gadsden, Ala. Leonard B. Bystrom (i). Eureka, Wis. Victor Novak, R. D. i, Cadott, Wis. William C. Black, 715 Spring St., Eau Claire, Wis. Albin Lindahl, R. D. 3, New Richmond, Wis. Charles A. Westphal, Birchwood, Wis. Edward R. Sell, Box 64, Wausau, Wis. Norman D. Kahn, Corp., Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. Lyndon A. Stoddard, R. D. 2, Box 4, Troy Center, Wis. 'Peter Gerhartz, R. D. 40, Marathon, Wis. George T. McCarthy, 700 S. Broad, Fremont, Neb. William C. Albert, 805 Jackson St., Racine, Wis. Joseph W. Eder, R. D. i. Box 41, Phillips, Wis. Nels N. Simonson, R. D. 2, Box 66, Mora, Minn. Peter A. Peterson, 1031 ist St., Hudson, Wis. Ernest ,B. Mitchell, Corp., R. D. i, Tim Falls, Wis. Frank Schultz, R. D. i, Rozellville, Wis. Walter Dauer, care Bradford Hotel, Storm Lake, la. Harry F. Knutzen, Box i8, Jenkins, Minn. Albert C. Schmidt, R. D. i, Box 84, Elkhorn, Wis. Anton Schoe,nfuss, R. D. 3, Edgar, Wis. John Schultz, Rozellville, Wis. Adolph Hoffman, Peire City, Minn. Robert W. Bremel, Corp., R. D. 2, Augusta, Wis. Edward Agre, R. D. 2, Box 24, Sacred lleart, Minn. Albert Schmidt, R. D. i. Box 52, Stratford, Wis. Edward J. Quast, 699 Frank St., St. Paul, Minn. Emil H. Schmidt, Edgar, Wis. Edward A. Sawyer, Box 76, Fenwood, Wis. Emil A. Hillman, R. D. 3, Alma, Wis. John A. Fernberg, Monticello, Minn. Benjamin O. Tschvidy, Corp., R. D. 3, Monroe, Wis. Alfons A. Sawitzky, 1441 S. Main St., Rockford. William Hazelquist, 2719 12th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Stanley Tarkowski, Conrath, Wis. Harry C. Canfield (i), 647 Oakdale Ave., Chicago. Theo. Kolton, 50 Allen St., New York City. Max P. Bomsta, R. D. 6, Atwater, Minn. Mike Lucas, Box 302, Park Falls, Wis. Frank H. Nieland, Corp., Hancock, Minn. Mario Chincherna, 9223 Union Ave., Chicago. Anton F. Rausch, R. D. i. Box 81, Athens, Wis. Stanley G. Howanski, 1084 N. He.rmitage Ave., Chi- cago. Fred Wille, Box 151, Mahnomen, Minn. Clarence C. Meister, Corp., 1906 Clark St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Otto J. Gabler, 2107 6th St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest F. Heus, R. D. 40, Calvary, Wis. Herbert M. Grosh, Corp., Phillips, Wis. Herbert F. Anderson (i), 851 Aldine Ave., Chicago. Albert E. Anderson, Sgt., Grantsburg, Wis. L<;on W. Black, Sgt., Sallisaw, Okla. THE 341ST INFANTRY 133 Benjamin T. Walsh, Sgt., Centuria, Wis. Arthur D. Mosher, Pardeville, Wis. Charley Prehn, Lester Prairie, Minn. Ervin Knaus, Bell Center, Wis. Samuel Bowles, 915 i6th Ave., Moline. Chester W. Shannon, R. D. 4, Ossion, Ind. Glenn E. Reed, Bradford. Hubert A. Boettcher, Corp., 1024 Altgeld St., Chicago. Henry W. Reitz, Tyler, Minn. David Blaser, R. D. 2, Taylor Ridge. Grant C. O'Connell, R. D. i. New Auburn, Wis. Albert P. Herchenroder, 5518 12th Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Worth McDonald, 908 Buena Terrace, Chicago. Joseph Peronto, 1065 Harbor St., Two Rivers, Wis. Emil W. Tesch, Genoa Junction, Wis. William H. Jackson, Corp., R. D. 4, Box 59, Fort Worth, Texas. Carl N. Warner, 2444 nth Ave, S., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul A. Learmann, R. D. 4, New London, Wis. Reinhold F. Schoenbeck, R. D. 7, Elkhorn, Wis. Frank Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 60, Erskine, Minn. Arthur K. Rackow, R. D. 3, Winslow. Edd Dobbe, R. D. 4, Estherville, la. Edwin W. Saltzman, R. D. 2, Ohio. Johnston Walker, Corp., Box 476, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Theo. G. Kempff, R. D. 6, Milwaukee, Wis. John F. Braun, 721 8th Ave. E., Duluth, Minn. Erwin E. Schmidt, R. D. 1, Box 128, Two Rivers, Wis. Frank J. Sobiak, R. D. 2, Holdingford, Minn. Joseph Levy, 2909 W. Walton St., Chicago. Claus A. .Beck, 314 7th St., Rockford. E. E. Emstrom, 419 Bank St., Superior, Wis. Obed Z. Asp, Corp., R. D. 2, Amery, Wis. Tony F.^ Strike, Wilmuth, Wis. LeRoy Gehlert, Menomonee Falls, Wis. Lawrence Peterson, R. D. 4, Cadott, Wis. Sigurd Ness, Tuttle, N. D. Alfred Thompson, R. D. i, N. Crystal Lake. Louis Baumgart, R. D. i. Box 37, Frazee, Minn. Everdell Smith, Corp., 2333 82nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Clarence Moberg, 1955 Pierce St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph A. Kuemper, R. D. i. Box 22, Wilmont, Minn. Frederick A. Galle, R. D. 3, Fond du Lac, Wis. Nyort L. Ohrn, 2315 i8th St., "B," Moline. James P. Diamond, 5907 Oakes Ave., Superior, Wis. James P. Pulver, 1003 Prairie Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. James M. Sprague, Lena. Ernest H. Kieper, Corp., 1938 S. Spaulding Ave., Chi- cago. Herman Aebe.rsold, R. D. i, Argyle, Wis. Claude V. McKinzie, Box 319, Wadena, Minn. David Olliman, Box 146, Sherrard. Jens C. Nielson, Box 284, Tyler, Minn. Henry D. London, R. D. i, Stillwater, Minn. Jacob Olson, R. D. 2, Albert Lea, Minn. Allie C. Moran, Box 71, Graceville, Minn. John H. Dahms, Mukwonago, Wis. Harold H. Arnes, Corp., R. D. i, Grantsburg, Wis. Helge Hauge, Sgt., care E. R. Debbie, Excelsior, Minn. Edward M. Lounsbury, 235 N. California Ave., Chi- cago. Joseph A. Kriegsmann, 54 Metcalfe St., Stapleton, Staten Island, New York. COMPANY F, 341 ST INFANTRY William McAndrew, Capt., Lawrenceville. William M. Templeton, ist Lt., 642 Washington Blvd., Oak Park. Benjamin Wham, ist Lt., Centralia. Joseph Haberkorn, ist Lt., 701 Wenonah Ave., Oak Park. Edward J. Ptacek, 2d Lt., 2126 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Leonard W. Beadle, 2d Lt., Millville, Wis. Milton Beecher, ist Sgt., Hayward, Wis. Robert E. Hayes, Sgt., 67 E. 42nd St., Chicago. Peter G. Anderson, Sup. Sgt.,, Wis. James N. Azim, Mess Sgt., 2568 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Gustav R. Carlson, Bug., 1132 23rd St., Moline. Palmer N. Brunstad, Bug., Bloomer, Wis. Charles 151aha, Cook, 7620 Dante Ave., Chicago. Leif R. Larson, Cook, R. D. i, Chetek, Wis. Edmund McDonnell, Cook, 4812 St. Lawre^ice Ave., Chicago. Walter Kolbe, Cook, 1488 nth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward J. Pryde, Mech., Oglesby. Roy E. Gage, Mech., 622 Sumner St. N., LaCrosse, Wis. Arthur W. Bennett, Mech., R. D. 2, Paynesville, Minn. Edward S. Park, Mech., St. Charles. Lloyd Dean, Sgt., 2903 14th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Wilbur B. Hart, Corp., R. D. 2, Letart, W. Va. Walter Johnson, Box 28, Pecatonica. Ralph E. Lundquist, R. D. 6, Rio. Joseph C. Bicha, 1516 West Ave., LaCrosse, Wis. Arnold F. Griep, LeSouer, Minn. George J. Hanke, Box 107, Blue Earth, Minn. Roy E. Carmack, Marengo. Joseph Wiensch, R. D. i, Cornell, Wis. John H. Roell, Corp., 332 ist Ave., S. E., Faribault, Minn. George E. Popple, R. D. 6, Chippewa Falls, Wis. George E. Arneson, R. D. 3, Boyd, Minn. Clarence Albertson, R. D. i, Westbrook, Minn. Bryan E. French, 136 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar A. Pautz, R. D. 2, Bonduel, Wis. Otto B. Jung, Corp., 801 S. Main St., Jefiferson, Wis. Walter R. Grabowsky, Box 263, Antigo, Wis. John R. Berg, R. D. i. Box yy, Annandale, Minn. Elmer L Pearson, R. D. 3, Argyle, Minn. Torge Evenson, R. D. i. Mansion, Wis. Frank Kosky, 1905 Superior St., Chicago. David S. Haicht, R. D. i. Box 61, Webster, Wis. Peter P. Pelak, 1715 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. James Backopoulos, Corp., 525 W. 79th St., Chicago. Erwin M. Heinig, 1123 S. loth St., Manitowoc, Wis. Fuller Kuhns, R. D. 1, Eggleston, Minn. Chris H. Lampe, R. D. i, Collis, Minn. Floyd O. Moore,, R. D. 9, Box 45, Mt. Vernon, Ind. John Cowette, R. D. i. Box 92, Maple Lake, Minn. Paul A. Zlomke, R. D. 2, Neskoro, Wis. Thomas P. Hanlon, 718 Penn Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles R. Jennings, Corp., 5554 Kenwood Ave., Chi- cago. Guiseppe Santoro, 740 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Fred Kinard, 1142 Harvey St., Green Bay, Wis. Oscar Gresseth, 1730 Charles St., LaCrosse, Wis. Arthur Bolzenthal, R. D. 6, Box 68, Manitowoc, Wis. Louis Barto, Box 105, Oglesby. John Ogp, Briceland, Minn. Olaf Hanson, Soderhang, Vogbro Co., Sweden. Thomas Brennan, Corp., 2527 6th Ave., Rock Island. Seve.r Strand, Sacred Heart, Wis. Plimmer Anderson, 733 Rose St., LaCrosse, Wis. Frederick E. Wilkins, R. D. 2, Darien, Wis. Oris E. Wheelock, 616 Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Rocco Brizzolara, 316 W. Huron St., Chicago. Chester Wheelock, 6t6 Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Harry M. Palmer, Pillager, Minn. Nicholas Strasser, Corp., R. D. i, Box 50, Stoddard, Wis. John F. Irving, 713 3rd St., Peoria. Francis J. Catour, 428 N. State St., Geneseo. Simon Kimmel, 1301 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago. John M. Hougaard, Box 352, Tyler, Minn. John C. Tyrrell, 524 E. 46th Place, Chicago. Raymond J. Erick'son, 4032 Kamerling Ave., Chicago. William Young, 309 33rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Earl E. Williams, Corp., R. D. i, Dundas, Wis. Edgar Davids, R. D. 3, LaCrosse, Wis. Chester G. Finley, Sgt., Ridgeland, Wis. Gust H. Olson, Sgt., R. D. 4, Cumberland, Wis. Loyal V. Davis, Sgt., Hayward, Wis. Edward L. Richel, 2927 Adrich Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alexander F. Payette, R. D. 5, Anoka, Minn. Raymond . J. Burroughs, 3937 Minnehaha Ave. S., Minneapalis, Minn. Angelo Passeri, 109 Barstow St., Waukesha, Wis. Edward Golden, 3619 Throop St., Chicago. Carl Esbjornson, 417 N. 27th Ave. N., Duluth, Minn. George L. Hardy, Corp., 542 E. 89th Place, Chicago. Cecil F. Potter, Mellen, Wis. 134 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Fabian Pepowski, Athens, Wis. George Vogel, 5804 S2nd Ave., Portland, Ore. George N. Kubal, 1600 S. 9th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Hugo J. Post, R. D. I, Cadott, Wis. Martin F. Tornow, R. D. 3, Box 74, Walnut. Tohn M. Welter, 807 N. Main St.. Wheaton. Leo N. Hentges, Corp., R. D. 3, Porter, Minn. Joseph T. Skowronski, 641 Harrison Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Pupka, 2852 W. 39th St., Chicago. Ignatz Skadezunas, 4937 Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Frank M. Kelly, 5723 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Clarence N. Poison, R. D. 5, Lamoille. Leon E. Stein, Holdingford, Minn. Harry B. Pe.terson, 1235 1st Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. William Grodetz, Corp., 734 E. 42nd St., Chicago. John J. Weisse, 1733 King St., LaCrosse, Wis. Joseph Ghiotto, 11556 Front Ave., Chicago. Frank Szuminski, R. D. 3, Marathon, Wis. Lawrence Vaubel, Marathon City, Wis. Arthur C. Stucke, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Emil F. Anderson, Rutledge, Minn. Christian Hansen, Winnebago, Minn. Willis Carpenter, Corp., 2955 Pleasant Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Oscar Larson, Box 32, Thomson, Minn. Frank P. Finn, 5806 Indiana Ave., Chicago. James E. Eshelman, R. D. i, Hooppole. Rudolph D. Larson, Corp., 2925 i8th Ave. S., Minne- apoli-s, Minn. Frank Tesar, 2320 S. California Ave., Chicago. Schuyler Bullard, Box 183, St. Louis Park, Minn. Henry W. Wiscow, 353 13th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. George Kendell, Corp., R. D. 8, Waukesha, Wis. Emil Dugelmahn, Doty St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Frank Stoiber, 314 W. Central Ave., Marshfield, Wis. Phillip M. Felchlin, 414 Morris St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Enoch C. Thompson, R. D. 5, Kimball, Minn. Adam Michalski, 525 Pulaski St., Peru. Ansel V. Bailiff, Pecatonica. Fred J. Halleman, R. D. 2, Wlieaton. William E. Iliggens, Corp., 3910 12th Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Andrew W. Morrison, 411 E. Jackson St., Morris. Sigfred C. Berggren, Bennett, Wis. John W. Rufledt, R. D. i. Bloomer, Wis. Otto Jahr, 712 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Sam Liebman, 1331 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Mirowski, 1037 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Dave D. Gonyeau, R. D. S, Anoka, Minn. Christlied Lewis, Corp., Angus, Minn. Rojette J. Plante, 617 Marshfield St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Alfred C. Poulter, Sgt., Cumberland, Wis. Oscar E. Kolb, Sgt., Star Route, Barron, Wis. Frank S. Smuejkowski, Sgt., 2237 Hamburg St., Chi- cago. Edward H. Vix, Elm St., Downers Grove. Albert Oien, R. D. i. Box 27, Dennison, Minn. Earl Laycock, Spring Vjflley, Minn. Frank Bruski, 246 Union St., Stevens Point, Wis. Jacob Jacobson, 2115 8th St., Rockford. Peter J. Lamers, R. D. 6, Appleton, Wis. Nels B. Nelson, Corp., R. D. 2, Stewart, Minn. Fred W. Corn, 926 7th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Clause G. Larson, R. D. 2, Ohio. Louis B. Lutmer, Wilmont, Minn. Edward M. Spayer, 1303 Porters Ave., La Salle. John J. Spencer, Mosinee, Wis. William C. Nettles, Whitehall. August Seubert, R. D. 2, Marathon, Wis. Oscar B. Haaland, Corp., 482 Dubuque St., Rochester, Minn. Carl M. Krogh, Hawley, Minn. Clarence Pierson, R. D. S, Missouri, Minn. William G. Pappas, 729 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Wurst, 3030 Lock St., Chicago. Martin L. Westerberg, 3942 S. Snelling Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Arthur Lutcher, Onigum, Minn. Andrew G. Olson, Box 31, R. D. i, Clarissa, Minn. Erdmann W. Timm, Corp., Box 17, North Crystal Lake. Leslie E. Ball, 2621 4th Ave., Peru. John J. Backlund, R. D. i. Box 97, Washburn, Wis. Louis Kaplan, 6326 S. Ilalstcd St., Chicago. Emil Voigt, R. D. i, Box 83, Berlin, Wis. August J. Pilgrim. R. D. 2, Boyd, Wis. Fred Steffen, Box 141, Mosinee, Wis. Ralph N. Isaacson, Corp., 1618 Jefferson St., Minne- apolis, Minn. Edmund Gulbrandson, Albert Le3, Minn. Roy W. Schwartz, R. D. i. Box 21, Naugart, Wis. Elmer M. Wold, Box 2, Park Falls, Wis. Henry .Sutherland, R. D. 2, Lake Crystal, Minn. Erving C. Green, R. D. 4, Box 3, ."Vntigo, Wis. Walter A. Krause, Smiths Mill, Minn. Edward L. Block, Corp., 3415 Lisbon Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. John A. Gahagan, Corp., 4738 North Ave., Chicago. Henry A. Wallman, R. D. i. Box 42, Stratford, Wis. .'\lvin M. Sippel, R. D. 4, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Henry Sulzer, R. D. 1, Marathon City, Wis. .\ndrew Majder, 251 Southern Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Carl Schilling, R. D. i. Box 67, Duluth, Minn. 1 loyd Gustafson, Corp., 420 S. W. 3rd Ave., Galva. Howard J. Engle, 603 Broadway Ave., Sterling. Tosenh Stencil, R. D. 3, Box 52, Atkins, Wis. William Neubauer, R. D. i. Station D, Box 34, Mil- waukee, Wis. Theo. J. Thielman, Avon, Minn. Edward A. Timm, Olivia, Minn. Guy IT. Hines. 540 S. Liberty St., Elgin. Raymond J. Drager, 6647 Hartwell Ave^, Chicago. Charles K. Wilcox, Corp., Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Nathan L. Biller, 22:6 Cold Springs Ave,, Milwau- kee, Wis. Morris Fisher, Corp., 22 W. 123rd Place, Chicago. Mathew L. Dolezal, Sgt., Gildford. Mont. George T. Pavey, Sgt., R. D. i, Anoka, Minn. Edward R. Zwirk, R. D. 4, Box 54, Hector, Minn. Erick R. Johnson, 1516 7th St., Rockford. Arthur J. Krisher, 715 i6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ed Johnston, Corp., 829 20th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank R. Haberichter, 620 E. 88th Place, Chicago. Ernest Miller, R. D. 5, Goodhue, Minn. Gvistave P. Larson, Corp., R. D. 3, Shetek, Wis Joseph Abrams, 231 1 10th Ave. S., Milwaukee, Wis. Floyd T. Irving, 702 24th Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Otto Zunker. 3902 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Patrick T. Moran, care Thomas O'Connor, Grafton, N. D. Louis W. Marcuson, R. D. i, Denmark, Wis. Arthur H. Zastrow, R. D. 2, Watertown, Wis. John Butkus, 316 Garden St., Kenosha, Wis. Joseph E. Olson, Corp., 4300 W. Adams St., Chicago. Edward Callahan, 3960 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Steve Curtis, R. 13. 3, Clayton, Wis. Edward G. Haas, 1814 5th St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. George Craig, 2858 West St., Chicago. John J. O'Rourke, 2535 Grande Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lewis Johnston, R. D. 2, Cazenovia, Wis. Theo. A. Erickson, Box E, Olivia. IVTinn. Alexander Fiske, Corp., 323 Orchard St., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul Werth, R. D. i, Oconto, Wis. Martin A. Mortenson, Correll, Minn. Ross J. Chisholm, Box 74, Morton, Minn. Paleologos, 909!/^ Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Ernest W. Foss, Ramey, Minn. John P. Simbach, 3129 Madison Ave., S., Milwaukee, Wis. .Mmon Fuller, Corp., 1017 Somers Ave., Madison, Wis. Arnold Blanch, St. Louis Park, Minn. Leo F. Konetchy, 1584 Redfield St., LaCrosse, Wis. Frank A. Malicki, 1017 N. Robev St., Chicago. Clarence Groshong, 128 Division St., Montevideo, Minn. Clarence Waldusky, Cadott, Wis. Edward Mulligan, 4608 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Vincent Wojnowski, loio 12th Ave.., Milwaukee, Wis. Phillip J. Bruns, Corp., Box 613, Ortonville, Minn. Frederick Robinson, 14 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis. Christian Paulsen, R. D. i. Box 42, Springfield, Minn. Ralph Shilts, R. D. i, Stanley, Wis. Otto C. Pietz, R. D. 4, Bloomer, Wis. Emil F. Pietz, R. D. 4, Bloomer, Wis. Alfred W. Polzin, R. D. 1, Box 105, Cadott, Wis. Herman C. Rades, 2203 Lloyd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred M. Finnicum, Corp., Erie. THE 341ST INFANTRY 135 Henry J. Schwartz, R. D. 8, Chippewa Falls, Wis. James A. Waite, 1238 Oakdale Ave., Chicago. Ray A. Potter, 11 14 E. 62nd St., Chicago. Henry Bearhart, Hertel, Wis. Carl O. Anderson, 716 W. Madison St., Chicago. Louis W. Anderson, 171 N. Park Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. John N. Swanderson, R. D. s, Milacca, Minn, feverett N. Hawkins, Box 83, Blue Earth, Minn. Frank Ramler, Corp., R. D. i. Box 50, Richmond, Minn. George Strissel, 3621 S. California Ave., Chicago. Earl N. Stewart, 803 3rd St., Des Moines, Iowa. William H. Barkley, Sgt., 425 N. ist Arc. E., Duluth, Minn. John W. Fehrman, Sgt., St. Charles. James J. Malie, 337 75th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. COMPANY G, 34 1 ST INFANTRY Eugene E. Morgan, Capt., 4007 Ellis Ave , Chicago. Walter E. Tracy, ist Lt., 833 Pine St., Fort Huron, Mich. Austin A. McNichols, ist Lt., 3819 Polk St., Chicago. Harry T. Park, 2d Lt., 319 Gay Bldg., Madison, Wis. Cyril H. Nelson, 2d Lt., Ettrick, Wis. Thomas J. Brennan, ist Sgt., Box 30^, Hurley, Wis. Peter C. Ludovic, Sgt., Medford. Wis. Donald_ W. Campbell, Corp., 3458 S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago. Claude F. Manley, Sgt., 1614 Carey St., Ashland, Wis. Harold Johnson, Mech., Box 32, Mellen, Wis. George Hodyniak, Mech., Green Lake, Wis. Stephen Podiaszewski, Mech., 861 Grant St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Henry P. Dobberstein, Mech., R. D. 2, Buffalo Lake, Minn. John D. Hare, Mess Sgt., Barksdale, Minn. Michael Foltman, Cook, Medford, Wis. George F. Hare, Cook, Barksdale, Wis. Arne A. Bjork, Bug., Box 78, Iron Belt, Wis. Alfred A. Lorentz, Bug., 875 20th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William Koerner, 1339 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Marcus F. Dicaire, 1237 Irvin Ave., Bemidji, Minn. William E. Cawley, 109 4th St., LaSalle. George W. Lechleiter, R. D. 2, Fargo, N. D. Percy L. May, Mankato, Minn. Ralph E. Toy, R. D. 7, Box 23, Chippewa Falls, Wis. William R. Peck, Sgt., 4410 S. Upton Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. John W. Maryland, R. D. i. Box 88, Bruie, Wis. Joe Zimmermann, R. D. 2, Box 5, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Earl L. Hubler, Jay St., Platteville, Wis. Charles W. Berndt, R. D. 3, Box 37, Hartford, Wis. George Kiliokaitis, 1454 S. L'nion Ave., Chicago. Gus E. Bowling, Corp., 737 Clay St., Paducah, Ky. Harry E. Lawrenson, Corp., R. D. i, Erhard, Minn. Fred E. Bergman, 2814 W. Michigan St., Duluth, Minn. Paul M. Sundet, R. D. i. Box 13, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Cornelius Verhulst, Box 46, Holcomb, Wis. Iver Westby, Jr., Rosewood, Minn. Arthur H. Mickelson, R. D. 3, West LaCrosse, Wis. Stanley G. Chybizki, 741 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William Llewellyn, Corp., 11 S. LaSalle St., Room 628, Chicago. Julius Hoffman, 1826 N. Peoria St., Peru. Carl O. Boelin, 30 N. i8th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. George A. Biros, 1106 E. 12th St., Streator. Andrew G. Bergquist, Station F, R. D. 3, Minneapolis, Minn. Claire G. Burg, R. D. 37, Peebles, Wis. Reinhold Baerwald, R. D. 2, Juneau, Wis. LeRoy E. Andrews, .Box i. Draper, Wis. Paul J. Alicz, Corp., 4607 S. Sacramento .^ve., Chicago. Edward J. Witt, R. D. 2, Station, Milwaukee, Wis. Gaylord A. Burt, Corp., Minahga, Wis. Vincent M. Giannini, 107 W. 104th St., Chicago. Charlie Lody, Bradford, Ark. Peter A. Yeager, R. D. i. Box 96, Boyd, Wis. Alex Soeller, R. D. 30, Campellsport, Wis. Harvey J. Stewart, Walrath, Wis. Herman H. Bandemier, Corp., 3718 S. Union Ave., Chicago. Joseph E. Hennessy, 100 Montana St., Morris, Minn. Ara L. Warner, Hannibal, Wis. John A. Yonker, Bloomer, Wis. Andrew M. Anderson, 186 Walnut St., Batavia. Peter Smasal, R. D. 4, Box 15, Stanley, Wis. Hans Petersen, Corp., Lindrise, Denmark. Arthur O. Kopang, Deerfield, Wis. Arthur C. Hammill, Waterville, Minn. Harry D. Whitman, 2002 Loyd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Vincent Juszczyinski, Thorp, Wis. Russell L. McKeand, National Military Home, Marion, Ind. Clarence O. Riederer, Corp., 608 8th St. E., Ashland, Wis. Harrv C. Adams. 110 Main St., Batavia. Joseph G. Bill, Stanley, Wis. William N. Johnson, Oregon, Wis. Oliver A. Carpenter, Box 788, Virginia, Minn. Tony Andriuzzo, 2654 Grand Ave., Chicago. Alfonso DePaepe, R. D. 3, Lyndon Station, Wis. Clyde E. Johnson, 2103 Green St., Rockford. Walter R. Berglund, Corp., Marine on St. Croix, Minn. Fred Tracy, R. D. 5, Amegow, Wis. Ervin L. Barton, ^^ess Sgt., R. D. 2, Gray Court, S. C. Arthur Studinger, Sgt., R. D. i, Curtiss, Wis. Roy J. Simpson, Sgt., 6437 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Elmer J. Haskin, Hopkins, Minn. Fred G. Nordgren, 633 Doty St., Madison, Wis. Leo R. McDermott, 279 Military St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Richard C. Kerlin, 944 15 Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Oran Hiscok, R. D. 2, Sycamore, Carl A. Moberg, Clinton, Minn. Henry T. Schwalen, Corp., R. D. i. Box 6, Roberts, Wis. Charles F. Dougherty, 312 W. Lincoln Ave., Streator, Henry G. Stienke, 632 Rose St., LaCrosse, Wis. John McBrearty, 1521 S. Crawford Ave., Chicago. _. .August R. Zitur, 1413 S. German St., St. Cloud, Minn. Albert Bein, Jr., R. D. 6, Mauston, Wis. Charles H. Jarvis, Wyoming, Minn. Joseph Olig, R. D. 41, Calvary, Wis. Clifford Kinbark, Corp., Big Rock. Arthur D. Johnson, 203 Union St., Neenah, Wis. Tames T. Koza, 1324 W. soth St., Chicago. William Efram, R. D. i. Box 57, Finlayson, Minn. Fred G. Vehrenkamp, Wykoff, Minn. Michael Sobkowiak, 1508 Adams St., LaCrosse, Wis. Bert Eberts, Owen, Wis. Oscar Kentala, Corp., Box 256, Iron Belt, Wis. John ^L Lightbody, Corp., Hazen, N. D. Frank M. Thornmark, R. D. i, LeRoy, Mich. Joseph W. Christian, Coloma, Wis. Nick A. WeigeJ, Marshfield, Wis. Edward J. Schumitsch, 717 Pine St., Antigo, Wis. Ernest C. Spohr, R. D. 17, Box 44, Grand Ridge. Jesse S. LaFore, 143% Mills St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ludwig Gryniewicz, 122 E. 47th St., St. Charles. Frank W. Remiker, Corp., 960 Beecher gt., Milwau- kee, Wis. Frank Burg, R. D. 4, Box 104, Northfield, Minn. Kotos Petkoff, 510 S. Main St., Burlington. Lawrence Wuensch, 14 18 Johnson St., LaCrosse, Wis. William Strittmater, 1410 Denton St., LaCrosse, Wis. Bennie L. Larson, R. D. 2, Baldwin, Wis. .-\lphonse Rodake, R. D. 3, Box 131, Green Bay, Wis. Joseph J. Mullenbach, R. D. 40, Calvary, Wis. Claude J. Taylor, Corp., 2833 9th Ave., Rock Island. ^^ike Mullenbach, St. Cloud, Minn. Ralph De Floria, 822 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Carl O. Nagel, R. D. 4, Mt. Carroll. Otto M. Kloss, 928 Division St., LaCrosse, Wis. Michael Hourt, Roscoe., Minn. George L. Amen, R. D. i. Center, Mo. Oscar Helgerson, Caledonia St., I^aCrosse, Wis. James E. Thompson, Corp.. 916 E. 76th St., Chicago. Martin N. Anderson, no 5th St., Cloouet, Minn. Joseph Strasser, 1200 Denton St., LaCrosse, Wis. George Petrosik, 1103 S. 3rd St., LaCrosse, Wis. Frank Karan, Pulaski, Wis. Otto Frederick, Hill City, Minn. Axel R. Anderson, 516 E. Burbust St., .Belvidere. Gecge L. Thiele, 1128 West Ave. S., LaCrosse, Wis. Aneurin Walters, Corp., 1424 E. 60th St., Chicago. 136 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Frederick J. Kolb, 723 S. 8th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Frank E. Schmidt, Medford, Wis. Henry A. Lucas, Sgt., 3438 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Rudolph E. AliT, Sgt., 1348 Water St., Columbus, Wis. William Wesley, R. D. 2, Box 35, Stratford, Wis. Ivar J. Larson, 1448 8th Ave., Rockford. John A. Yurczyk, R. D. i. Box 64, St. Joseph, Minn. John P. Bennett, R. D. 3, Louisville. Karl A. Johnson, Oneida. Louis L. Cohen, Corp., 1248 S. St. Louis Ave., Chi- cago. Benjamin K. Lloyd, 5134 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Lloyd P. Van Ness, 901 Elm St., Rockford. Joseph W. Wilichowski, R. D. 3, Marathon, Wis. Art H. Post, R. D. i, Randall, Minn. Emil R. Bergquist, 905 Weeks Ave., Superior, Wis. Ernest Anderson, 705 8th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Herman A. Johnson, 810 5th Ave., Two Harbors, Minn. Walter P. Kinsella, Corp., 606 Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. Walter P. Finke,, R. D. i, Woodale. John A. Weigel, R. D. 6, Box i, Marshfield, Wis. Alexander Bohlman, 263 Griffith St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Reinhold Wucherpfenning, R. D. 4, Box 47, Edgar, Wis. Gustav Butzlafif, R. D. 5, Box 85, West Allis, Wis. Emil Polkki, R. D. 3, Box 3, Minahga, Minn. William Smith, .Box 5, Avon, Minn. Leslie F. Shepard, Corp., Pine River, Minn. William H. Greiff, 914 High St., Sheboygan, Wis. LeRoy Anderson, R. D. i, Box i, Strandquist, Minn. James Lyons, 2243 Foster Ave., Chicago. Oscar Lochert, 121 Strugeon Eddy Road, Wausau, Wis. Alexander Weidman, R. D. 4, Marshfield, Wis. Henry A. Winter, R. D. 5, Glencoe, Minn. Albert J. Gebhardt, Corp., 2819 ist Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. John A. Wisnewski, R. D. 2, Edgar, Wis. Ora Upton, R. D. i, Starland. Charles J. Kugavda, 44th & Wood Sts., Chicago. Cliflford O. Holmes, 3423 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. William P. Henke, Box 96, Neshkoro, Wis. Harold E. Paulson, 3352 32nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Martin Nelson, Corp., Sogndali, Dalene, Norway. John Snyder, 318 Church St., Peru. Albert A. Willman, R. D. 2, Abbotford, Wis. Thomas Morrissey, 146 Elm St., Batavia. Louis Londo, Manistique, Mich. Otto Witberler, R. D. 2, Box 114, Marathon City, Wis. Elmer S. Hansen, 351 15th Ave., East Moline. Charles E. Klever, Kempster, Wis. Herman L. Schwede, Corp., 826 Water St., Chippewa Falls. Wis. Peter Gravesen, Holbak, Denmark. George H. James, 913 Swetting St., Berlin, Wis. Walter Wisowaty, R. D. 2, Thorp, Wis. Peter J. Czyz. 1308 Madison Ave. S., Milwauke.e, Wis. William E. Weis. R. D. 4, Marshfield, Wis. Oscar Kibort, 2040 Fowler St., Chicago. John F. Coney, R D. i, Stroh, Ind. Mathias Roehl, Corp., Hopkins, Minn. John Grenda, Ironwood, Mich. Earl A. Erickson, Sgt., 812 6th Ave. W., Ashland, Wis. Frank W. Clock, Sgt., Drummond, Wis. William H. McCluskey, Sgt., 190 Bellevue Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Joseph A. Suding, Box 134, Clayton, Wis. William A. Olson, 702 Cleveland St., Red Wing, Minn. Rudolph Weirup, R. D. 2, Sandstone. Minn. Otto F. Kovic, 271 1 Brighton Roacl, North S. Pitts- burg, Pa. Michael L. Casey, 430 W. 37th Place, Chicago. Peter Peterson, 421 N. Bluff St., Jane^ville, Wis. John Kuligowski, Corp., 869 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.^ Joseph Globis, 2920 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Herman P. Swanson, Box 59, R. D. 4, Geneseo. Harry Herbert, R. D. 34, North Perry, Wis. Julius D. Gehrke, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Peter Wunch, Rozellville, Wis. Reuben C. Broadland, Corp., Milan, Wis. Cirube C. Berg, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. Henry J. Krause, R. D. s, Ludir>gton, Wis. Joseph S. Sroka, 1019 13th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Omer J. Therouk, 398 Main St., Holyoke, Mass. Lloyd T. Kuntson, 120 S. 6th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Simon O. Post, Box 108, Cottonwood, Minn. Joseph Maslowski, 1642 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter KufTel, Corp., 854 N. Paulina St., Chicago. Martin Musich, 675 Aurora Ave., Aurora. Joseph F. Boero, Box 333, Coal City. Benjamin Steinbach, Box 43, Prairie du Chien, Wis. William G. Wuest, Anoka, Minn. Charles M. Green, Half Way, Mich. Avedis K. Tomajaniah, Corp., 16 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. John Zdunek, Corp., 411 Plankington Ave., Cudahy, Wis. John A. Johnson, Monmouth. Morris Van Mofifert, 2558 W. Superior St., Chicago. Segvart Anderson, Moorhead, Minn. Frank Koth, Corp., 1194 loth Ave, Milwaukee, Wis. Carl E. Schlicht, 1714 S. 9th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Francesco Bevinetfo, 714 Milton St., Madison, Wis. Freddie A. Bullert, R. D. 3, Brownton, Minn. Oscar A. Holm, R. D. i. South Range, Wis. Carl A. Christenson, McGrath, Minn. James J. O'Malley, 124 E. S2nd St., Chicago. Joseph P. Burke, 2850 E. 91st St., Chicago. J^orentz Weigel, R. D. 5, Marshfield, Wis. Anderson, 2925 12th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Vincent Jagodzinski, 114S 9th St., LaSalle. Andrew IL Hanson, R. D. 7, Morrison. John J. Levora, 3921 W. Polk St., Chicago. Gustave A. Lohrke, R. D. 2, Station D, Box 143 G, Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur Hellard, R. D. i, McCollsburg, Iowa. John J. Moreland, Lynxville, Wis. JJomer V. Sankey, R. D. 2, Durand, Wis. William Venasek, 122 Arthur Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter M. Kobus, Corp., 15 W. 9th St., Duluth, Minn. Stanley A. Linder, 2878 Holmes Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John E. Bowan, R. D. 5, Box 28, Fond du Lac, Wis. Hjalmer Hostyet, Corp., R. D. 3, Box 17, Thief River Falls, Miiin. Herbe,rt F. Kelter, Palmetto, Fla. James E. Doeier, Sgt., Gray, Ky. Angelos Petoros, Mundros, Larnnos, Greece. COMPANY H, 34 1 ST INFANTRY Taylor Strawn, Capt., 121 Prospect Ave., Ottawa. Floyd Moore, ist Lt., 591 Saratoga St., Portland, Ore. John F. Daley, 2d Lt., 902 N. Horsman St.. Rockford. Eugene Zahringer, 2d J^t., 5130 Ellis Ave., Chicago. John H. Davidson, 2d J^t., 901 E. S5th St., Chicago. John L. Mulligan, ist Sgt., 86 Elm St., Cortland, N. Y. Morton Pemberton, Mess Sgt., 515 9th St., Sacramento, Cal. Eric A. Stromquist, Sup. Sgt., Commonwealth, Wis. Mathias Huber, Corp., 2131 S. Central Park Ave., Chi- cago. Fred W. Lipke, Mech., R. D. 10, Milton, Wis. Walter H. Kaemlein, Mech., R. D. 2, Station B, Box 136, Milwaukee, Wis. Anton J. Weber, Cook, Stratford, Wis. Arthur L. Trispel, Mech., 3915 Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry D. Rati, Cook, Dorchester, Wis. Elmer Livernash, Cook, 736 Jackson St., Wausau, Wis. Ferdinand A. Mattke, Cook, Woodruff, Wis. Martin Hamann, Bug., R. D. 4, Edgar, Wis. Frederick Alexander, Sgt., 3039 Eads Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Edward G. Lindquist, Sgt., R. D. i. Iron Mountain, Mich. Arthur R. Means, Sgt., 1121 Oak St., Beloit, Wis. Conrad E. Miller, R. D. 3, Calumet, Okla. Charley Storm, R. D. 2, Box 102, Sturgeon Lake, Minn. Ole K. Davidson, Kanawha, Iowa. Marion L. Jennings, R. D. i, Farmington. THE 341ST INFANTRY 137 Fohn A. Tuchner, 1015 Marion St., St. Paul, Minn. Hugo A. Doege, R. D. 4, Bolivia, Minn. Gehart M. Ronning, Corp., Spicer, Minn. Otto Haug, R. D. i. Box 42, Pine City, Minn. Arthur A. Collien, R. D. 3, Meyville, Wis. Henry A. Ega;leson, no N. State St., Wapacua, Wis. Leonard T. Preuss, R. D. 1, Montello, Wis. Carl G. Britz, 103 Pearl St., Oshkosh, Wis. Andrew J. Ostlund, 803 Battle Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Clarence H. Alfson, R. D. i. Harmony, Minn. James O. Mitchejl, Corp., 2755 W. Adams St., Chicago. Edward Youngbauer, 103 nth St., Clor|uet, Minn. Henry E. Schumann, 520 Range St., Mankato, Minn. Philip A. Evans, 711 Hubbard St., Horicon, Wis. T eo Miller, 2627 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago. Charles H. Vobach, 565 21st Ave.. Milwaukee, Wis. Herman J. Bariletti, Georgetown, Minn. Anthony Thomas, 12th Ave., W., Faribault, Minn. Max T. Siebrecht, Corp., R. D. 2, Box 247, Wauwatosa, Wis. Hans Eio, R. D. i, Box 27, Whitehall, Wis. George B. Elliott, 904 Garfield Ave., Duluth, Minn. Dennis J. Carley, R. D. 2, Juneau, Wis. Carl F. Kline, 197 W. 3rd St., Superior, Wis. Rudolph F. Fyric, 603 Cavour Ave., E., Fergus Falls, Minn. Francis E. Mongerson, R. D. i, Taylor Ridge. John Ruedy, R. D. 4, Box 4, Waseca, Minn. Ge.orge >Ticholoski, Corp., 47 Hudson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Roehm, 408 Vincennes Ave., Blue Island. Pete Larson, 204 E. 39th St., Chicago. Fred E. Johnson, Box 3, Falum, Wis. Walter A. Peterson, Buffalo Lake, Wis. Chester D. Owens, R. D. i, Alexander, Minn. Simon G. Friedrich, 49 Hudson St., Oshkosh, Wis. Herbert G. Drews, 1019 Oregon St., Oshkosh, Wis. Ralph W. Cornell, Corp., 2448 Laurel Ave., Omaha, Neb. Ingvald Williamson, Waubun, Minn. George P. Bertz, R. D. i, Neosha, Wis. Aaron W. Dais, R. D. 4, Hart-ford, Wis. Charley F. Mueller, 96 38th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William G. Mueller, R. D. i, Taylor Ridge. Tohn Kucewski, 2834 S. 50th St., Cicero. Walter J. Fessler, 56 Church St., West Chicago. Arthur C. Jones, Corp., 23 N. Chapel St., Elgin. Axel Borgerson, 17 S. 19th Ave., West Duluth, Minn. Francis B. Fournier, Alger, Mich. Thomas P. Bohen, R. D. 2, La Valle, Wis. Theodore A. Samuelson, R. D. i. Box 28, Eggleston, Minn. Ernest J. Armstrong, Gushing, Wis. Arthur P. Ouelette, 13 Ward St., Salem, Mass. RoUin S. Hart, Alsona, Iowa. Charles Radke, 4259 S. Kilpatrick Ave., Chicago. Henry F. Harsen, 413 Hammond Ave., East End, Wis. Charles H. Dutcher, Sgt., Eagle River, Wis. Walter F. Cavanaugh, Sgt., 97 Summer St., Central Falls, R. I. Arthur Hoge, Corp., R. D. i, Athens, Wis. Emil L. Sandow, 460 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Richard E. Germe.r, 240 Oak St., Oshkosh, Wis. Louis M. Redding, R. D. 2, Box 81, Goodhue, Minn. Grant W. Herrick, Draper, Wis. Edward A. Harris, Dundas, Minn. Wallace W. Waterpool, Fairchild, Wis. Emil D. Majerus, Corp., 601 9th Ave., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Nordahl B. Myhre, Pelican Rapids, Minn. William M. Bell, 343 Wangoo St., Oshkosh. Wis. Bernhart Reimann, R. D. 4, Box 21, Westfield, Wis. William L. Roche, Red Granite, Wis. Richard HagstTom, R. D. 2, Ashland, Wis. Vincent Lupo, 655 N. May St., Chicago. Alexander Selfwoncuk, 705 Concord St., S., St. Paul, Minn. Wi|liam H. Voelker, Corp., R. D. 3, Fond du Lac, Wis. Julius C. Sandow, Westfield, Wis. Alex S. Szylobrit, 1807 Hamilton St., Manitowoc, Wis. John Matchulla, Sauk Rapids, Minn. William J. Luebke, 410 15th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Melvin L. Alvig, R. D. i, Willmar, Minn. Gustaf E. Johnson, Corp., R. D. i, Aledo. Oliver Gobin, Superior, Allouez, Wis. Arthur Pieper, Corp., 2 115 W. ist St., Dixon. Albert L. McDonough, 521 4th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Jay H. Borst, Park Rapids, Minn. Julius Jaskolski, R. D. 3. Hayward, Wis. Clifford O. Nelson, 10 1 School St., Gejieva. Joseph Gietz. 89 Kenwood Ave., Hammond, Ind. Renny Engabritson, R. D 2, Box 63, Appleton, Minn. Carl J. Pike, R. D. 2, Oxford, Wis. Felix Schimpf, Corp., 3644 Lombard Ave., Berwyn. Joe Rubino, 1503 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Louis Landa, R. D. 2, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Arthur C. Neitzel, Tiedville. Emil A. Sletta, R. D. 4, Box 38, Madelta, Minn. Alexander Soda, R. D. 2, Box 61, Princeton, Wis. Adam Pietras, 5108 W. 31st St., Cicero. William Tumberg, R. D. 4, New York Mills, Minn. Thomas Hurd, Corp., 701 Galena St., Aurora. Theo. Gallitz, R. D. 3, Meyville, Wis. Allan W. Coffman, Peru. Joseph Przytarski, 966 Warren Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Christian Wurtz, Box 624, West Chicago. Ottmar Gercke, 336 Grand St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edward Pribil, 932 N. 13th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Isidor Seppala, 828 Bleasane St., DeKalb. John L. Davis, Corp., Green Lake, Wis. Walter Jaskolski, R. D. 3, Hayward, Wis. John L. Arnold, 601 N. 24th St., I/incoln, Neb. Richard E. Henslin, R. D. 2, Box 57, Princeton, Wis. Fred Bre.idel, R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. Elmer M. Lewis, R. D. 4, Fairbury. Enoch Berresford, Box 427, Toluca. William R Hommermillex, 619 McLean Ave., Tomah, Wis. Arthur La Palme, Corp., 2037 Crystal Lake Ave., Min- neapolis, Minn. Joseph M. Brei, Sgt., Stratford, Wis. Leo P. Heil, Sgt., Marathon, Wis. Edwin W. Swanson, Sgt., 501 Omaha Ave., W., Wash- burn, Wis. Peter Smith, R. D. i. Box 7, Eden Prairie, Minn. Carl M. Johnson, 208 N. 12th St., Superior, Wis. Olaf Spersrud. 11 S. Monroe St., Stoughton, Wis. Harry W. Drake, Wooddale, Wis. Truman Roege, R. D. 4, Bradford. William C. Daterman, 711 T^iberty St., Morris. Louis A. Dahnke, Corp., Fairmont, Minn. Joseph C. Smith, Antioch. Charles Berna, R. D. 2, Box 41, Athens, Wis. Samuel Sillanpaa, Laurel, Minn. Harry A. Koski, R. D. i, Box 42, Brul, Wis. Anton L. Nighbor, 1003 Webster St., Berlin, Wis. Joseph E. Carlson, R. D. 3, Box 13, -Amery, Wis. John B. Thill, care Joe Grenier, R. D., Forest Lake, Minn. Edmund A. Schroeder, Corp., 1164 Highland Ave., Oak Park. Clarence M. Haugen, 1609 Ballou St., Chicago. Steve Danovich, 121 W. Main St., S., St. Charles. Leo E. Betz, R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. Elmer L. Katzman, R. D. 3, Lake Geneva, Wis. Joseph J. Gnorski, R. D. i, Pleasant Prairie, Wis. Albert J. Rieck, R. D 2, Lake City, Minn. John J. Rempel, Butterfield, Minn. James McGlynn, Corp., 926 N. 14th St., DeKalb. Sante Diantoni, 812 Park St., Ke,nosh?, Wis. Freddie Bibeau, R. D. 2, Box 22, Balsam Lake, Wis. Thorville Johnson, R. D. i, Hayward, Wis. Anton B. Smith, R. D. i. Box 3, Webster, Wis. Matt Hautanaki, Box 91, Maple, Wis. Carl B. Brickner, R. D. i. Box 71, LaCrosse, Wis. Nathan Kalk, 217 E. 53rd St., Chicago. Harold D. Spaulding, Box 375, Wyoming. Fred J. Schultz, 514 Chatfield St., Winona, Minn. Max M. Schultz, R. D. 2, Box 15 A, Evansville, Minn. Carl E. Berlin, R. D. i, Pennock, Minn. Herbert W. Mathews, R. D. i. Box 71, Whitewater, Wis. Thomas F. Ivers, 2635 W. 36th St., Chicago. August H. Techlow, 913 nth St., Oshkosh, Wis. Frank G. Drake, Corp., 4648 Columbus Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Louis Nielson, R. D. 3, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Harry Jameson, 1755 Hill St., Racine, Wis. John Knutson, 294 W. 2nd St., Superior, Wis. Willie H. Henslin, R. D. 4, Box T}„ Appleton, .Minn. Andrew A. Roisum, 1617 6th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Thos. E. O'Brien, 4723 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Paul Palmer, 306 S. ist West St., Provo, Utah. Ewald E. Smith, R. D. 6, Fond du Lac, Wis. 138 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Henry B. Wagner, 2009 Cherry St., Milwaukee,, Wis. I.ouis Calli, 1461 Yates Ave., Beloit, Wis. William Gronlund, R. D. 3, Box 4, Sebeka, Minn. Frank H. Boyle, 1121 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Bernard L. Garbisch, R. D. i, Granton, Wis. Ben L. Anderson, Box 173, Capron. Martin J. Monk, Corp., North Kaukana, Wis. August Newmann, L. Box 84, Bensonville. Martin Sparby, Sgt., R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. John Grabowski, Sgt., R. D. 4, Marshfield, Wis. Carl L. Plank, Corp., R. D. 6, Box 36, Wausau, Wis. Adolph T. Tischer, Beaver Dam, Wis. Clemens Stenz, R. D. 39, Malone, Wis. Martin Marchart, R. D. 5, Cadott, Wis. Rudolph F. Derge, R. D. 2, Alle,nton, Pa. Frank Hodge, R. D. 4, Box 80, Appleton, Minn. John Benson, R. D. 2, Box 99, Greenfield, Wis. Edgar E. Broege, Corp., R. D. i, Janesville, Wis. Oscar Carlson, R. D. i, Box 131, Frederick, Wis. Fritz Martens, Box 53, Walworth, Wis. Arthur Werner, Long Prairie, Minn. Peter Chr'istenson, 735 Mason St., Rhinelander, Wis. Harry L. Beachtel, R. D. 36, Eagle, Wis. Burk C. Darrow, R. D. 3, IMauston, Wis. Thomas C Olsson, 1922 N. Clark St., Chicago. Leonard F. Ward, 511 W. 69th St.,. Chicago. John Chudzik, 1224 Ohio St., Chicago. William T. Smith, 114 6th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Ambrose J. Ruane, Karlsruhe, N. D. Oscar Olson, Box 76, Marseilles. Louis P. Cooney, Elroy, Wis. George Ostgaarden, R. D. i, Fertile, Minn. David S. Stevenson, 444 4th Ave., Ottawa. Joseph Dombkowski, 827 N. Tripp St., Chicago. Stanley Szelogowski, 693 Dakota St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nathan H. Hand, R. D. 1, Roch Falls. Charles Bradley, Stone Lake, Wis. Charles C. Baker, Barnesville, Minn. John H. Tangen, Box 23, Fosston, Minn. Frank B. Verg, 416 Union St., Watertown, Wis. Gustav Halverson, 481 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph F. Blasko, R. D. 5, Box 32, Chetek, Wis. Michael Buda, 1250 W. 50th St., Chicago. Frank B. Cook, R. D. i, Osceola, Wis. Henry E. Staehler, 206 Dundee Ave., Elgin. Alvin P. Stoick, R. D. 2, Bellingham, Minn. Fred A. Dvorak, Box 267, Hopkins, Minn. John A. Anderson, 209 Jefferson St., Geneva. Henry J. Mueller, Corp., R. D. i, Box 45, Taylor RidgA- John F. Fleason, 722 Mill St., LaCrosse, Wis. Carl A. Halverson, Albon (Rosholt), Wis. Fred C. Kowalk, R. D. 2, Box 13, Colby, Wis. Joseph Kulik, 1404 Halsted St., Chicago. Victor Benson, 350 Linden St., Kenosha, Wis. Albert Foss, R. D. 2, Box 51, La Valle, Wis. Knute A. Anderson, .Box 21, Erwen, Mich. Arthur Marshall, Corp., Lilly, Wis. George Conners, R. D. 2, Osceola, Wis. Frank J. Eckel, 11 02 Woodbridge St., St. Paul, Minn. Clarence V. Lurvey, 602 High St., Whitewater, Wis. Dominico Demaio, Vin Uditori Cartile Magnasca, Pal- mero, Italy. William Drinkwine, Station "B," Box 89, Superior, Wis. Clarence Faulkner, R. D. Black River Falls, Wis. Gustav W. Larson, Carlsburg P. O., Grantsburg, Wis. Raymond B. Cutts, 503 E. isth St., St. Amarillo, Tex. Ferdinand J. Denst, 10204 Hokie Ave., Chicago. Victor C. Mackenzie, 205 Washington St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Orville C. Carey, 406 Miror St., Appleton, Wis. HEADQUARTERS, THIRD BATTALION, 341ST INFANTRY Willis P. Coleman, Lt. Col., 53 W. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Trowbridge A. Warner, ist Lt., Marbledale, Conn. Stanley D. Anderson, ist Lt., 104 Western Ave., Lake Forest. George W. Anderson, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 501 Burlington St., Mendota. George J. Schumacher, Corp., 11 18 LaCrosse St., La Crosse, Wis. George Laier (i), R. D. i, Hay ward. Wis. Roy D. Lindsay (i), 516 Aurora St., Antigo, Wis. Edmund J. Christensen, R. D. 4, Waupaca, Wis. George R. Sery, 78 40th St., Milwaukee, Wis. COMPANY I, 341 ST INFANTRY Frank H. Templeton, Capt., 642 Washington Blvd., Oak Park. Raymond MacDonald, ist Lt., 369 MacDonald St., Oconto, Wis. Lawrence Howard, ist Sgt., 4533 W. Gladys Ave., Chicago. Arthur Friedman, Sup. Sgt., 396 2nd St., Wausau, Wis. Clarence LaCerte, Mess Sg{., 228 3rd Ave., N., Wau- sau, Wis. Willi,-ini L. Wollin, Sgt., 513 Ogden St., Jefferson, Wis. Stortie H. Pearson, Sgt., 918 ist Ave., Wausau, Wis. William Fischer, Cook, 435 Elm St., Antigo, Wis. Emil J. Jesse, Cook, 809 Hamilton St., Wausau, Wis. Arthur Raduechel, Cook, 411 2nd Ave,., N., Wausau, Wis. Carl E. Gast, Cook, Pearl City. Abraham Keayes, 814 Park Ave., Wausau, Wis. George Borchers, Bug., 11 13 E. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. Otto G. Schensky, Bug., Cottage Grove, Wis. Frederick Ridgway, Corp., 669 Irving Park Blvd., Chi- cago. Henry W. Simon, R. D. 2, Dane, Wis. Charles N. Hamm, Random Lake, Wis. Walter B. Scott, 720 N. 9th St., Estherville, Iowa. John J. Schultz, R. D 2, Ellendale, Minn. Elmer O. Peterson, R. D. 3, Box 158, Hay ward. Wis. Roy W. Kearsey, Fairdale. William P. Aven, Corp., 107 W. Cedar St., St. Charles. Victor Anderson, Howard Lake, Minn. Hans R. Romnes, Sacred He,art, Minn. Gustaf W. Johnson, 915 State St., DeKalb. Clarence Lilich, 3761 Koscursko Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Arthur T. Palmer, R. D. i. Box 42, Forest Lake, Minn. Wilmar J. Larson, R. D. i, Mason, Wis. John C. Mondloh, Corp., 811 14th Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. Henry E. Johnson, R. D. 2, Belaton, Minn. Ward B. T^arge, Corp., R. D. 5, Fond du Lac, Wis. Nicholas Munsch, R. D. 7, Waseca, Minn. Henry J. Granum, R. D. 2, Holmen, Wis. Edwin F. Schuetz, T^ebanon. Rudolph Norgard. Howell, Mich. Herman O. Engebretson, 321 State St., Detroit, Minn. Ernest D. Holman, Osseo, Wis. John F. Caine, 1352 E. 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Charles Slad, 3246 W. 24th St., Chicago. George L. Trepton, Box 102, Trego, Wis. Henry A. Groth, R. D. i, Rubicon, Wis. Eli Stahlberg, Dayton, Minn. James C. Ferry, Box 42, Troy Center, Wis. Charles R. Briggs, Corp., 24 E. Delmar Ave., Alton. Joseph Rauenhorst, R. D. i. Pine Island, Minn. Albert Piringer, 416 W. University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. David W. Bloomberg, Star Route, Deerwood, Minn. Helmer N. Skutley, Taylor, Wis. Otto Jagow, R. D. I, Mayville, Wis. Harry W. Sampson, 255 Smith Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Halvor Bjugson, Box 4, Trail, Minn. Robert Des Jarlais, Corp., 740 2nd St., Menasha, Wis. Alfred Anderson, Finlayson, Minn. Joseph Popejoy, 217 Wallace St., Sterling. William H. Germer, R. D. 2, Oregon, Wis. Willard F. Helf, 366 Division St., Oshkosh, Wis. Richard Lucht, R. D. i. Box 38, Wausau, Wis. John Crotan, R. D. 2, Walworth, Wis. William Herlitzka, Gen. Del., LaCrosse, Wis. Frank P. Marshall, Corp., Eagle Grove, Iowa. John P. Kella, 1009 Market St., DeKalb. Francesco Fontana, 749 W. Washington Ave., Madi- son, Wis. Stanley Bielawski, 8952 Houston Ave,, South Chicago. Alfred Schultz, R. D. 2, Fox Lake, Wis. THE 341ST INFANTRY 139 Walter C. Olson, R. D. 2, Morrison. Cromer W. Cook, 496 Chicago St., Elgin. Sandy Gilberg, 514 19!/^ Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Clarence Miller, Corp., 3425 16th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Glenn K. Chadsey, 1410 4th St., Fort Madison, Iowa. Edward F. Bibby, Sgt., 823 3rd Ave., S., Wausau, Wis. William F. Blue, Corp., R. D. i, Christopher, Tohn L. Brown, Sgt., 1105 Prospect Ave., Wausau, Wis. Henry B. Helms, Denver, Iowa. Theodore H. Janke, Westfield, Wis. Thomas P. Brennan, R. D. i. Box 69, Kilkenny, Minn. Arthur T. Schmanski, 7046 Dante Ave., Chicago. Holmes "Knight, E. 6th St., Black Falls. Clarence E. Klock, 3217 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Tohn A. Work. Corp., R. D. 4, Willow Springs, Mo. Louis Miller, R. D. i, Box 81, Weyauwega, Wis. Gustav C. Rueckert, Olivia, ^linn. Odin Klandrud, Box 135, Onalaska, Wis. .Arthur A. Marschner, Fox Lake, Wis. Georsre H. Ollerman, 63 N. Union St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Frark Novak, R. D. i. Box 73, Pine City, Minn. Ivar H. /ohnson. Hartley, Iowa. John A. Bergerson, Corp., R. D. 1, Box 18, Hawley, Minn. William F. Schave, Browning, Wis. Harold Huseby. R. D. i. Box 76, Ringle, Wis. Louis Weber, Corinth, Wis. Willis Campbell, Arena, Wis. Rodger W. Wester, 1701 Iowa Ave., Superior, Wis. Victor Salvatori, 2435 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago. John Seurer, R. D. 41, Calvary, Wis. Joseph Kwarcinski, Corp., 1526 W. Walton St., Chicago. Theodore Schneider. R. D. 2, Box 68 A, Fairfax, Minn. Gust Daskos, 656 W. Madison St., Chicago. Chester Peterson, R. D. 9, ^Nlenomonee, Wis. Frank A. MacHale, 311 E. 6ist St., Chicago. Erwin C. Koepsel, R. D. 2, Manitowoc, Wis. Joe D. Hotala, R. D. i, Holdingford, Mjnn. Gust W. Anderson, Box 123, Dunnell, Minn. John Proell, Box 421, Washburn, Wis. James P. Bracken, R. D. 4, .Belvidere. Axel L. Lofgren, R. D. 4, West Concord, Minn. Olof Bredeson, R. D. 2, Alberta, Minn. Roy Parker, 115 Forest Park Blvd., Jancsville, Wis. Herbert Skaarer, R. D. 2, Ortonville, Minn. Fred C. Fisher, Corp., 435 Elm St., Antigo, Wis. Harry P. Poths, Box 326, Amboy. Ray V. Bass, R. D. i. Round Lake, Minn. John B. Wolski, 930 Pulaski St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert C. Huber, 300 Moseley St., Elgin. Nermann Peterson, R. D. i, Box 26, Mason, Wis. Charles H. Long, Box 287, Genoa Junction, Wis. Bruce A. Wisner, R. D. i. Box 56, Spooner, Wis. Lawrence J. Ellis, Corp., Marbury, Ala. Edward J. Zasada, Ripon, Wis. .Arthur Erickson, Star Route, Grygla, Minn. Ewald Kilian. R. D. i. Box 98, Wausau, Wis. Lynn K. Philley, Louisburg, Minn. Jacob Schlesinger, 913 Lytle St., Chicago. Harris Mabie, R. D. i. Box 39, Loyal, Wis. William Jaenicke, R. D. 2, Box 78, Ixonia, Wis. Ben J. Backes, North Aurora. John Weis, R. D. 4, Marshfield, Wis. John Benson, 725 9th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Alinn. James S. Robbins, Sgt., 619 W. Main St., Madison, Wis. William J. Marx, Sgt., 211 Division St., Wausau, Wis. George W. Olson, R. D. i. Box 22, Odin, Minn. Walter G. Lindner. R. D. i, Hayward, Wis. Arthur J. Braun, Box 2, Arcadia, Wis. John P. Dickwisch, Sutter. Lawrence W. F'isk, Box 189, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Harry W. Hillberg, R. D. 4, Box 71, Amery, Wis. Paul A. Eggert, Corp., 627 N. 7th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Swan Olson, R. D. 3, Box 22, Hayward, Wis. Raymond P. Scherrei, 891 New York Ave., St. Francis, Wis. Ernest G. Nasse,n, Ceylon, Minn. Gergard Hallquist, R. D. i, Box 47, Hector, ^finn. Helge G. Hultin, 738 Magnolia St., St. Paul, Minn. Lief Olby, R. D. i, Ashland, Wis. .Adolph Schmudlack, R. D. 2, Montello, Wis. Peter P. Rice, Hannaford, N. D. Lyle L. Shufelt, R. D. 2, Oconto, Wis. James H. Ryan, Roberts, Wis. Frank Sereas, Algoma, Wis. Alfred H. Stumph, Star Route, Spooner, Wis. Ludwig C. Schwanke, R. D. 4, Westfield, Wis. Paul E. Golie, Box 302, Watson, Minn. Anton J. Hetzel, Neosho, Wis. Otto L. Geldmacher, 1136 Belleville Ave., Elgin. Joseph Schardt, N. Minnesota St., New Ulm, Minn. William L. Huper, R. D. 2, Wells. Minn. Allen Loch, R. D. 2, Hayward, Wis. Albert Nelson, Aros, Box 4, Bjasjolagard, Sweden. Walter Grunewald, 403 5th St., Watej-town, Wis. Emil E. Myer, 456 Walnut Ave., Elgin. Alfred Olson, Box 416, Washburn, Wis. John R. Evans, Corp., Box 143, Lostant. Clark E. Gibney, R. D., Elroy, Wis. Walter W. Nelson, R. D. 2, Magnolia. Rudolph Nelson, R. D. i, Felton, Minn. Arthur W. Sallen, Appleton, Minn. Henry W. Foster, R. D. 2, Box 49, Alpha, Minn. Elmer C. Folsom, R. D. 6, New Richmond, Wis. Bernhard Gloede, R. D. 2, Mayville, Wis. .Mathias Thunee, R. D. i. Box 23, Winger, Minn. .\lbert Robertson, 2516 W. 12th St., Duluth, Minn. Herbert Bergner, Box 41, Pulcifer, Wis. William A. Hubner, 503 4th Ave., S., Moorhead, Minn. Oscar A. Otto, 1145 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William Domenico, 1022 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Orville P. Stephens, R. D. 2, Mason, Wis. Martin Hansen, Lake Geneva, Wis. Herman F. Drehmel, R. D. 4, Augusta, Wis. V^alentine J. Full, Robbinsdale, Minn. John S. Johnson, 904 E. 6th Ave., Duluth, Minn. Anton Holzbauer, 101 1 4th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Fred J. Peters, R. D. 4, West Chicago. Helmuth Boettcher. 868 22nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur C. Irvin, Mount Morris. Samuel H. Swift, Benton, Wis. Henry L. Knitter, 1125 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. John J. Farrell, Corp., 3838 S. Union Ave., Chicago. Edward Mueller, Corp., 302 9th St., Watextown, Wis. Einar A. Kyrk, R. D. 5, Geneseo. Christ Ferman, R. D. i, Comstock, Wis. Sivert Larson, Box 46, Winter, Wis. Sever Johnson, R. D. 3, Bangor, Wis. Michael J. Hoben, Henderson. Shine G. Knitter, R. D. 4, Box 37, Westfield, Wis. en Orlikoske, Corp., 719 5th Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. James Van Cura, Mech., 2236 S. Kolin Ave., Chicago. Hans Nelson, South Stillwater, Minn. George E. Lowers, Winter, Wis. John Fuller. Glidden, Wis. T ouis Modeen, 1413 28th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Sigurd T. Hansen, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Joseph Jacque.s, 124 E. 75th St., Chicago. John M. .Brown, Corp., 312 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Russell Phillips, R. D. i, Brainerd, Minn. John W. Heger, R. D. 10, Watertown, Wis. Arthur Gollnick, R. D. 2, Box 84, LaCrosse, Wis. .Axel E. Nelson, 611 ist St., Rock Island. Leonard Scott, 175 Pleasant St., Freeport. S^eve McDonald, R. D. i, Newaygo, Mich. Ole Fredrickson, Deronda, Wis. Alfonso Steinbach, Corp., Ringle, Wis. Louis W. Hanson, R. D. 1, Bangor. Wis. Otto L. Jasheck, R. D. 4, Westfield, Wis. Arthur Harebo, R. D. i, Mindoro, Wis. Ernest Therisult, Blackduck, Minn. Marcel DeSmedt, 281 1 R. R. St., Duluth, Minn. John .A. Knackert, R. D. 4, West .Allis, Wis. Olaf I. Rykken, 704 "A" St., Willmar, Minn. Afichael Dosdall, Bay City, Wis. Harry S. Amundson, Ruthton, Minn. Louis Muritz. 884 College Ave., Appleton, Wis. Adolph T. Zelke, R. D. 3, Neshkoro. Wis. Carl Fiebelkern, 31 16 E. 22nd St., Minneapolis. Minn. Maurice C. Austin, 356 Vernon Ave., Beloit, Wis. Elonzo Johnston, Box 44, Fort Ripley, Minn. Fritz Heuer, R. D. i, Bangor. Wis. Raymond P. Seidel (i), 410 Western Ave., Blue Island. Hans Peterson, R. D. 2, Capron. Anthony Przybyl, Berlin Road Route. Ripon, Wis. Walter F. Wierzchoslawski, 812 Madison St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Leslie W. Mann, tj Highland Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. John E. Swenson, Me,ridian, Wis. John A. Anderson, 1214 7th St., Superior, Wis. Farnum Hubert, 35 Grant St., Oshkosh, Wis. Twaif L. Gapinski, 1226 Pulaski St., Peru. 140 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Sam Crea, 407 Cedar St., Hibbing, Minn. Paul G. Heintz, Neosho, Wis. Roy W. Drager, R. D. i. Alpha, Minn. Joseph Mogentale, 522 E. iisth St., Chicago. Merton R. Ottman, Moquah, Wis. Bruno J. Schneider, R. D. 38, Box 29, Malone, Wis. Sam Mott, Mishicott, Wis. William P. Simpson, Corp., 326 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Julius Strubbe, 352 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alexander Malapetsas, 3327 Michigan Ave., Indian Har- bor, Ind. James F. Kelly, 5837 Carpenter St., Chicago. Anton J. Balza, 303 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, Wis. John P. Hayner, 1540 N. 19th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Anton J. Wlosczanski, 8413 Mackinaw Ave., Chicago. Frank X. Buchanan, 1704 Wells Ave., Escanaba, Mich. Walter Shrie, R. D. 2, Box 66, Neshkoro, Wis. John B. Kaspzak, Sgt., R. D. i, Box 63, Hatley, Wis. COMPANY K, 341 ST INFANTRY William F. Schroeder, Capt., 532 Elm St., Rock Island. Edward S. Marples, 1st Lt., 1013 Dempster St., Evans- ton. Walter A. Rather, ist Sgt., New Holstein, Wis. Ray Shoemaker, Sgt., Whitmore Apts., No. s, West 1st South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Clarence Larson, Sgt., 1010 Wisconsin St., Stevens Point, Wis. Harry Beggs, Sup. Sgt., 10 19 N. Keystone Ave., Chi- cago. Carl Unrath, Mess Sgt., 1830 Kedzie Ave., Chicago. John M. Koltz, Mech., R. D. i, Stevens Point, Wis. Walter Dobratz, Mech., 456 22nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Wagner, Mech., R. D. i, Adams, Minn. Frank G. W. Koch, Mech., R. D. i, Fremont, Wis. Steve Ramzyk, Cook, R. D. 2, Stevens Point, Wis. John J. Murphy, Cook, 3819 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Reinhard Marquardt, Cook, Marion, Wis. James Zagone, 930 Milton Ave., Chicago. Carl Anderson, Box 31, Ormsby, Minn. Karl Anderson, R. D. i, Box 21, Lynn Center. John T. Baker, 505% E. Hennipen Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Toby Behne,n, ,Box 167, Richmond, Minn. Jasper Berfeldt, Newport, Minn. Fred S. Berger, South Stillwater, Minn. Edward H. Ganschow, Sgt., 16 16 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago. August J. Berger, R. D. i, Medford, Wis. William Bergerson, 162 Blaine St., Batavia. Fred C. Bleich, 182 Elm Ave., Elmhurst. Clarence Boys, R. D. i, St. Peter, Minn. Alexander Bramer, Corp., 105 N. 9th St., Watertown, Wis. Lewis J. Brant, Box 344, Monticello, Minn. Edward Brichta, 2704 W. 24th Place, Chicago. Max C. Blohm, 10509 Ave. "L," Chicago. Almin H. Britt, Mocks Creek, Mo. Ernest F. Budig, Cottage Grove, Wis. Peter Budnick, Box 201, North Branch, Minn. Edward Buhler, R. D. 3, Waunakee, Wis. William Bultman, R. D. 3, Madison, Wis. James Burridge, 325 Plum St., Aurora. Albert Burud, R. D. 2, Ulen, Minn. George V. Hargrove, Corp., 89 Howard Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edward Calkins, Box 47, Mercer, Wis. Vito Carilla, 910 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Adam Chekas, 8636 Baltimore Ave., Chicago. Viggo Christe.nsen, R. D. 1, Tyler, Minn. Herschel A. Cook, London Mills. Fred Dallmann, New Ulm, Minn. William Ballwanz, Corp., T}, E. looth St., Chicago. Alvin Dethloff, 1443 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lester Dorgeloh, 1 186 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Augustine Drezdzon, 994 Midland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Elmer E. Drogsvold, R. D. i, Stoughton, Wis. Milton A. Eberle, 365 Hoffman Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Mathew Engel, 2202 Penn Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alex EngstTom, Antler, N. D. Ernest Beltengrexi, Corp., 422 2nd St., Willmar, Minn. Clarence Erickson, Box 306, Heron Lake, Minn. Louis J. Fiore, 907 Sholto St., Chicago. Thomas Flannigan, Olivia, Minn. Gustav Fossen, R. D. 2, Madison, Minn. August Franke, Cook, R. D. 5, Box 27, Sleepy-Eye, Minn. Otis George, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. John Gimera, R. D. 2, Cornell. Bartol P. Fleiss, 970 N. Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul J. Granlund, R. D. 3, Monticello, Minn. Thomas Griffin, Clare. Hans J. Grostad, R. D. i, Box 6, McGregor, Minn. Edward Hamshire, R. D. 2, Marshall, Wis. William Helmer, Danube, Minn. Frederick Hendrickson, R. D. i. Box 78, ^fadison. Wis. Marian Duraski, Corp., 717 Mitchell St., Milwaukee, Wis. James B. Herridge, R. D. 2, Sparland. Stephen Hnath, R. D. 2, Box 76, Ashland, Wis. Asa M. Ree,ce, Sgt., Walnut St., Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Joseph Holsinger, 3rd St., Peru. Henry A. Hommen, 703 Ridge St., Stoughton, Wis. Louis V. Hribal, 218 Berlin Ave., Rockford. John E. Huet, Hurley, Wis. Anton Jaeckel, Box 115, Neosho, W^is. Albert Johnson, R. D. 3, Box 56, Frederick, Wis. Frank P. Lorenz, Corp., 332 Grove St., Aurora. Alfred Johnson, Cambridge, Wis. John \y. Johnson, 1909 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. Frederick Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 58, Londsdale, Minn. Walter W. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 02, Clear Lake, Wis. Rees P. Jones, R. D. 2, Box 41, Garvin, Minn. Martin Jorgensen, 642 14th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. I^eo J. Kaiser, R. D. 3, Box 31, Gary, Minn. Herbert Mose.s, Corp., Northfield, Minn. Alex Zdanowich, 10548 Erickson Ave., Pullman. Fred A. Kalk, R. D. i, Box 18 A, Rib Lake, Wis. Glen R. Wroten, R. D. i, Box i. Clear Lake. S. D. Otto P. Kienast, R. D. 3, Box ^^, Hartford, Wis. Hugo E. Klecker, R. D. i, Watertown, Wis. Mathias J. Klemmer, 627 South Park Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Nicholas M. Klink, R. D. i, Lomira, Wis. William Kaddatz, Corp., 3112 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. John C. Knaeble, 515 Plymouth Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest R. Kopelke, R. D. 39, Box 20, Seymour, Wis. Athanaseos Motsinis, 104 E. 5th St., St. Paul, Minn. Julius J. Kramer, Willernie, Minn. Otto fl. Kroener, Norwalk, Wis. Arthur H. Krueger, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Richard Krueger, Maval, Wis. Emory H. Powers, Corp., R. D. 1, Sunman, Ind. John Kubic, Dowagiac, Mich. Louis C. Kunert, R. D. i, Box 35, Richwood, Wis. Ge.orge C. Laabs, R. D. i. Box 55, Woodland, Wis. Anthony J. LaBudd, 1458 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Edwin A. Lange, 258 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Arthur G. Larsen, Milltown, Wis. Edwin Lauersdorf, R. D. i. Box 14, Lowell, Wis. Percey W. Rowe, Corp., 709 S. 2nd St., DeKalb. J Leslie A. Lawrence, 326 DuPage St., Elgin. 3 Ray Lawson, Star Route, Danbury, Wis. ' Joe M. Leatch, R. D. 24, Oconomowoc, Wis. Arthur G. Lee, Box 132, Verges, Minn. Clarence Lee, R. D. 2, DeKalb. Alvin F. Lehner, R. D. 1, Knowles, Wis. Herman G. Le.mke, R. D. 6, Box 106, Watertown, Wis. Albert Latham, Corp., 212 N. Hamlet St., Marion. Francis C. Leslie, R. D. 25, Oconomowoc, Wis. Joseph Lessman, R. D. i, New Brighton, Minn. Frank Marek, 919 N. Elm St., Owatonna, Minn. I'rank Letman, Corp., 11604 Torrence Ave., Chicago. Edward Johnson, Sherburn, Minn. Adolph Lundgreen, R. D. i, Box 14, Centuria, Wis. William Schultz, Corp., 616 20th St., Milwaukee, Wis. George Lvice, West Salem, Wis. Edward Olson, Sgt., 3146 ist Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. William A. Anderson, Sgt., Johns St., Amherst, Wis. Alvin R. Mabie, R. D. i, Loyal, Wis. Arthur A. Machet, Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago. Ever H. Madison, R. D. 2, Pine City, Minn. Frank Manders, 1413 Badger St., LaCrosse, Wis. THE 341ST INFANTRY 141 Edward L. Manke, 616 Clinton St., LaCrosse, Wis. Francis J. Manley, Utica. Henry J. Garner, Corp., 1629 7th St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Be.n Mapes, Box 197, Atkinson. Helmer J. Void, R. D. 2, Pigeon Falls, Wis. Charles L. Marsh, 315 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William R. Mason, R. D. i, Camp Douglas, Wis. Max Meyers, 427 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. George W. Meng, R. D. 4, New Lisbon, Wis. Albert Marquardt, Corp., Hunting, Wis. Frank Michalski, 13 Greenfield Ave., North Chicago. Felix F. Miller, Corp., Jones Island, Milwaukee, Wis. Phillip Miller, Corp., 1256 S. Troy St., Chicago. Charles G. Mills, Corp., Kettle River, Minn. Gustaf A. "Mode, Schlitz Hotel, Rhinelander, Wis. Grover Naftzger, R. D. i, Erie. Alfred N. Nelson, Box 3, Rushford, Minn. Archie E. Glawe, Corp., 331 4th Ave,., Wauwatosa, Wis. Bert S. Nelson, 1227 3rd Ave., Rockford. Gustave Nelson, Morris. Sidney A. Nolan, R. D. i. Box 76, Maple Plain, Minn. Arthur Nelson, 2513 15th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Elof P. Nygren, Grasston, Minn. David R. O'Brien, 5643 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Joe H. Oberaigner, Almena, Wis. Adam S. Nowak, Corp., 8207 S. Shore Drive, Chicago. Gustav A. Oiseth, Kasson, Minn. Carl W. Olson, Alexandria, Minn. Roley Ostrum, Plymouth, Ind. Carmen Passcouchi, 1016 S. May St., Chicago. Anton S. Paulson, 3352 32nd St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Peterson, R. D. 2, Aprin, Wis. Anthony J. Miotk, Corp., 3752 S. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Peter W. Pentek, 429 E. 91st St., Chicago. Michael A. Petkus, 19 W. 2nd St., Charles. Reinhold L. Pett, R. D. i, Comstock, Wis. Sylvester Plumme.r, Box 33, Barnesville, Minn. Nick J. Poss, Route 3, Oswego. Clyde A. Powell, R. D. i, Sharpsburg, Md. James A. McNulty, Corp., 91 17 Drandon Ave., Chicago. Stanley Rohalla, Mosinee, Wis. Albert Reinsberg, Lakeland, Minn. Nels H. Rierson, R. D. 4, Box 29, Caledonia, Minn. James W. Reilly, R. D. 2, Box 50, Neshkoro, Wis. Frank Reiter, f402 Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Isadore Roberts, R. D. i. Fond du Lac, Wis. Bernard Rono, Box 82, Cuyuna, Minn. Henry L. Mesbauer, Corp., 13410 Baltimore Ave., Chi- cago. Samuel A. Roy, Odanah, Wis. Herman Ulis, Sgt., 129 Highland Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. Joe Koss, Sgt., 3SS Franklin St., Stevens Point, Wis. John A. Royden, R. D. 123, Sacred Heart, Minn. Lester W. Rummel, I'ulton. Edwin T. Sass, R. D. 36, Eden, Wis. Frank G. Sandeen, R. D. 4, Kirkhoven, Minn. Henry A. Schierholtz, Elmira, Ontario, Canada. Frank H. Schmidt, 36 14th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. William F. Priebe, Corp., R. D. 2, Princeton, Wis. George Schroeder, 4029 Polk St., Chicago. Harry P. Schubert, 1742 Teutonia Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred G. Schuler, 406 Herschel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Schwartz, 917 S. 14th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Wilfred Sharon, 320 W. 5th St., Superior, Wis. Hiram Scott, Garrison, Minn. Sivert A. Seeland, R. D. 3, Paynesville, Minn. Henry A. Luehr, Corp., 2313 Hanna St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Odin A. Selvig, Rushford, Minn. Frank G. Senkyr, R. D. 2, Hopkins, Minn. James J. Shekleton, R. D. 2, Box 74, Murdock, Minn. John J. Shemchak, 15 19 Madison St., Manitowoc, Wis. Christian Shern, Corp., Ne.w Richmond, Wis. Walter Shewmaker, Corp., Taylorville. Paul J. Skonieczny, 785 Windlake Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. George W. Wearmouth, Corp., Griffin, Bask., Canada. John Skoog, 3427 6th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Martin Soika, R. D. i. Box 20, New Brighton, Minn. Erick J. Solvik, Box 60, Cyrus, Minn. Percy R. Steiner, Corp., 176 W. 5th St., Winona, Minn. Clarence Strom, R. D. 2, Cannon Falls, Minn. Herman L. Swanson, R. D. i. Box 62, North Branch, Minn. Clarence Swenson, R. D. 2, Cottage Grove, Wis. Roy A. Warncke, Sgt., 11257 Lothair Ave., Chicago. Melvin A. Swiggum, Soldiers Grove, Wis. Roy L. Talberg, Ramey, Minn. Philip Theusch, Box 382, Madison, Minn. William Thiede, R. D. 4, Montello, Wis. Charles Thompson, 926 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred T. Thompson, 317 Hill St., Decorah, Iowa. Milton Thompson, 2305 23rd Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Thorn C. Ernest, Corp., Box 584, Las Vagas, N. M. Merrit G. Turner, Rock Falls. Fred E. Ulrich, 2515 2nd St., Peru. James W.^ Uren, 617 Adams Ave., Eveleth, Minn. George Wallace, R. D. i, Pardeeville, Wis. Oliver E. Ward, Rogers, Minn. Joseph Wargula, R. D. 2, Box 67, Neshkoro, Wis. Maitland Marsh, Corp., Waukesha, Wis. Stanish Wargula, R. D. 2, Box 67, Neshkoro, Wis. Emil H. Washinsky, Dooley, Mont. Henry Waskow, 1632 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edwin C. Weline, R. D. i. Box 65, Mason, Wis. Edward Wessbecke.r, R. D. 2, Tiox 243, Young America, Minn. Clarence Wilde, Box 148, Montello, Wis. Christian Winter, R. D. 5, Box 32, Elizabeth. John F. Centanino, Corp., 217 N. 26th Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Mitchell H. Wood, Box 1265, Washington, D. C. St-anley B. Zabroki, 862 Duluth Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Zander, 109% 21st St., Superior, Wis. Alonzo Zollver, Stone Lake, Wis. Ervin J. Juhl, Corp., 2322 E. 5th Ave., Ashland, Wis. Robert J. Grant, Sgt., Montello, Wis. Edward Bjurstrom, Sgt., 1840 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Albert Frederickson, Sgt., lola. Wis. Erwin E. Langdon, R. D. i, Minong, Wis. Ludwig Reckholder, 263 Montauk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. David Winetsky, 1659 Washington Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Carl K. Olson, R. D. 2, Elbow Lake, Minn. COMPANY L, 341ST INFANTRY Owen M. Burns, Capt., 429 N. Hazel St., Danville. Harry J. Wernsing, ist Lt., Greenview. Thomas Sullivan, ist Sgt., 1137 Tiffany St., New York City. Ge.orge J. Williams, Corp., 127 N. LaVergne Ave., Chicago. Albert A. Klammer, Sup. Sgt., Kaukauna, Wis. John S. Lipske, Mess Sgt., 1134 Franklin St., Apple- ton, Wis. Joseph L. Chambers, Cook, 714 Jackson St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Victor Siebenthal, Box 7, Georgeville, Minn. William J. Ring, 924 Montana St., Chicago. Joseph A. Burger, R. D. 3, Watkins, Minn. Daniel B. Reardon, Mech., Tobacnoir St., Kaukauna, Wis. Otto C. Baker, Mech., Pine Island, Minn. Julius L. Wise, Bug., Box 31, Rollingstone, Minn. Herman Lindeman, Mech., R. D. 3, Box 52, Porter, Minn. Gilbert Sternitsky, Bug., R. D. 2, Granton, Wis. George Schwister, Drum., R. D. 33, Black Creek, Wis. Martin F. Abraham, Sgt., East Beakon Ave., New London, Wis. Vernon L. Klein, Sgt., Hortonville, Wis. George Neudeck, 320 S. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Ernest Olson, Payne, Minn. Rocco D'Aurelio, Ortucchio P. D., Aquila, Italy. Bronislaus Krzywda, 950 Dousman St., Milwaukee, Wis. Isidor Stanislaw, 766 loth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas J. Simantel, 803 ist Ave., Sterling. Raymond A. Larsen, Corp., R. D. 31, Leeman, Wis. Harley Jacobson, R. D. 5, Cadott, Wis. Max Young, Mora, Minn. Albert Milbrandt, Bellingham, Minn. Herman E. Lehwald, 767 isth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Louis H. Kleist, Jr., 1066 Richards St., Milwaukee, Wis. George Troppman, 604 Wilson St., Winona, Minn. 142 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Elmer R. Sievert, Corp., Hartland, Wis. Afhanaseos Leakakos, 6oi South East St., Oak Park. Jacob P. Jensen, Askov, Minn. Albert L. Johnson, Surte Glassworks,, Sweden. William A. Raduenz, 1314 Monroe Ave., South Milwau- kee, Wis. Nick N. Kubic, 1223 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Elmer Ostermeyer, 6357 S. Rockwell St., Chicago. Leo L. Zenk, 473 Washington St., Winona, Minn. Charles A. McBride, Corp., Henry. Warren E. Smith, R. D. i. Clam Falls, Wis. Reinhert J. Pabian, 1328 S. nth St., Manitowoc, Wis. Fred H. Saupe, R. D. i. Box 2, Red Wing, Minn. Carl O. Mangerson, 138 S. Brown St., Rhinelander, Wis. Joseph A. Smith, 2196 Charles St., St. Paul, Minn. Edmund E. Holmgren, Box 58, Chicago City, Minn. Simon R. Haldorson, R. D. i, Hersey, Wis. Jesse L. Pearson, Corp., Stockton. Thomas W. Barker, R. D. i, Box 5, Wilton, Minn. Laurence Liskowitz, 30 E. 10th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Julius T. Miller, R. D. 5, Kewaskum, Wis. Otto J. Norris, R. D. 3, Manston, Wis. Peter Thompson, 710 S. Dakota St., Rochester, Minn. Irvin Stellrecht, R. D. 3, Spooner, Wis. Roger J. Moore, R. D. i. Box 44, Madison, Wis. Waclaw Nowakowski, Corp., 8237 Commercial Ave., Chicago. Charles Szedziewski, 628 1st Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur Preuss, Box 54, Elroy, Wis. Melvin Matson, Deerfield, Wis. Arthur D. Miller, R. D. 2, Bangor, Wis. Leonard J. Ne.wlun, Kindall, Wis. John W. McKinley, R. D. 4, Box 30, Elizabeth. Victor Wanstrom, 1222 3rd Ave., Moline. Rhinard Jesse, Corp., R. D. 2, Marion, Wis. Eddie M. Peterson, Box 8, Mindoro, Wis. Robert H. Martin, Rodden. Henry Norder, 152 East St., Monroe, Wis. (iustave H. Preuss, R. D. i. Box 92, Elroy, Wis. Iscar Rude, R. D. 4, Box 33, Pine Island, Minn. Cecil F. Walker, R. D. 3, Box 27, Carthage. Floyd Renburg, Boxholm, Iowa. Thomas B. Whissel, Corp., R. D. 3, Station "F," Min- neapolis, Minn. Henry R. Buss, Sgt., 659 Story St., Appleton, Wis. Richard J. Helf, Sgf., 10th St., South Kaukauna, Wis. Paul W. Krueger, Sgt., Dale, Wis. Daniel L. Shallow, 3759 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Bryan J. Sexton, R. D. 28, Ottawa. Carl A. Anderson, 3300 46th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Julius Grabow, 1717 Zinc St., La Salle. John E. Horton, 103 North Ave., Beloit, Wis. Arthur Johnson, R. D. 2, West Bend, Wis. John J. Kirby, Corp., 3750 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Charles E. Knautz, R. D. 2, Galena. Andrew Sniegocki, 8378 Barker Ave., Chicago. Henry W. Witt, R. D. 4, Box 19, Montello, Wis. Harry E. Mishler, Fall River, Wis. Jens Danielsen, Box 126, Ivanhoe, Minn. Joseph Chesney, 2830 Crawford Ave., Chicago. Daniel Randecker, R. D. i, Pleasant Valley. Edgar Haskett, Corp., Zearing. Fred W. Lobitz, Chaska, Minn. Hans Halderson, Box 29, Hersey, Wis. John S. Kline,, R. D. i, Albany. Jesse C. Walls, South Haven, Minn. Robert C. Laon, 1710 E. 24th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Melville Ingham, Box 204, Turtle Lake, Wis. Charles C. Hoppe, R. D. i, Warsaw. Walter Kuenxel, Corp., 55 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Elias Morrison, 412 S. Wells St., Chicago. Fred Kleinschmidt, R. D. 2, Marshall, Wis. Edward Nelson, R. D. 2, Madison, Wis. Theodore Morkofski, 161 1 Minnesota St., Oshkosh, Wis. Cornelius Wiens, R. D. i, Box 30, Bingham Lake, Minn. John R. Kennedy, R. D. i, St. Peter, Minn. Arthur A. Zelmer, R. D. 2, .Box 15, Montello, Wis. George Schwebke, Corp., R. D. 2, Garden Prairie. Frank A. Dietrich, R. D. 5, Box 28, Montello, Wis. Louis KoppeJ, Detroit, Minn. Henry Wuest, Box 486, Anoka, Minn. John B. Kane, Andalusia. John G. Damhoff, Morrison. Carl J. Swanson, R. D. 2, Pennock, Minn. Evo V. Steenberg, R. D. 2, Jasper, Minn. Albert Shermak, Corp., 1318 E. 53rd St., Chicag-o. Paul Sonnenberg, 33 5th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. William G. Rose, Loraine, Wis. Joseph Schreiber, Madelia, Minn. Guy H. Anderson, New Boston. Jule E. Fenske, R. D. 3, Box 89, Montello, Wis. Alfred Wulf, R. D. 2, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Hillard R. Russell, 430 Franklin St., Appleton, Wis. Henry P. George, Corp., 2428 7th St., Peru. David F. Haney, Westfield, Wis. John Waznonis, 315 Wall St., Rockford. liennis Dick, R. D. 3, Box 19 A, Neshkoro, Wis. Fred S. Lampman, R. D. 10, DeForest, Wis. Joe Migliore, 1027 Cunningham St., Rockford. Joseph O'Neil, R. D. 4, Dwight. William Bobian, 1122 8th St., Rockford. Louis Reno, Corp., Chapin, Iowa. Otto F. Maas, Corp., 2316 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. James A. P. Miller, Hortonville, Wis. Wilber Hoier, Sgt., R. D. 12, Box 38, Hortonville, Wis. August Carnot, Sgt., Kaukauna, Wis. r>ester Mettille, Morris, Manitoba, Can. Martin E. Larson, R. D. i, McFarland, Wis. Martin N. Gilstad, R. D. 5, Box 14, Alexandria, Minn. Otto F. Seekel, Cross Lake, Minn. Adolph J. Eklund, R. D. i, Ada, Minn. Carl Hagen, Flom, Minn. Henry P. Engel, Shawno, Wis. Franii J. Nickels, R. D. i, Richwood, Wis. George De Smet, 573 W. 5th St., St. Charles. Olie S., Wilton, Minn. Thaddeus Diedrich, Hillman, Minn. Andrew Pearson, 3447 Colfax Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. I>eo P. Crennen, Musselshell, Mont. Albert Gilstad, Black Duck, Minn. Felix F. Klimek, Corp., 1639 Crosat St., La Salle. Wm. F. Lindert, R. D. 2, Juneau, Wis. Leonard Ingvaldson, 217 3rd St., N., Montivedi'o, Minn. William Chimsky, 80 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Elias F. Plath, 1004 Lisbon St., Watertown, Wis. Raymond J. Reck, IJangor, Wis. Oliver Kasperson, Delavan, Minn. Ernest Carlson, 2848 44th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer H. Gabbert, Corp., Box 146, Shakopee, Minn. William H. Dunst, R. D. 4, Bend, Wis. Helmer Lee, Brook Park, Minn. Charles L. Lee, 907 ist Ave., Lock Falls. Carl R. Peterson, 3833 14th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Julius F. Just, Corp., 2105 Cherry St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edgar U. Rendahl, R. D. 2, Box 25, DeForest, Wis. L. Daye, Westfield, Wis. Paul R. Lamka, Corp., 2533 N. Francisco St., Chicago. Theo L. Schaller, Beacon Ave., New London, Wis. Casmir TetzlafT, Princeton, Wis. Michael J. Motl, R. D. 2, Box 33, Juneau, Wis. William C. Lepple, Horicon, Wis. Harry H. Pickhard, R. D. 2, Richfoeld, Wis. Phillip Highum, Sacred Heart, Minn. Frank J. Gregor, 222 W. School St., Owatonna, Minn. Robert D. Smith, R. D. 4, Blue Earth, Minn. August Henke, R. D. 4, Box 59, Aldmond, Wis. Richard Pete, Erie, Mich. Sigurd Nygaard, 7th St., North Hudson, Wis. Sam Friedberg, 1437 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Charles H. Pott, Juneau, Wis. Frank W. Olsen, 87 Boyd St., Oshkosh, Wis. Herman A. Pott, Route 2, Box 27, Zobieski, Wis. James Burns, Corp., 58 Kidder St., Little Falls, Minn. Jacob Pilsner, R. D. 2, Crowns Corner, Wis. Lyle E. Collison, Box 290, Elmore, Minn. Herbert Carlson, Box 71, Hawley, Minn. Henry O. Wenzel, Water St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Halton G. Davis, Burlington. Arthur L. Anderson, 1127 Washington St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. William J. Senn, 710 N. 9th St., Braine.rd, Minn. Milton J. Fagan, Corp., Bridgeport, Wis. John T. Krueger, 1345 St. Vincent Ave., La Salle. Raymond A. .Bentz, Sgt., 949 Prospect St., Appleton, Wis. Alfred Tauferner, Sgt., Tigerton, Wis. Fred C. Miller, Sgt., R. D. 2, Tigerton, Wis. Hubert Mullen, R. D. 6, Alexander, Minn. Emil Nelson, R. D. 4, West Brainerd, Minn. Frank J. Fenney, 307 W. 15th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Earnest Unger, 255 W. Winnifred Ave., St. Paul, Minn. THE 341ST INFANTRY 143 Albert F. Boelk, Waltham, Minn. Arthur Swanson, 1707 E. Jefferson St., Duluth, Minn. Elmer N. Anderson, Corp., 2107 Chicago Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Arthur Annala, R. D. 4, Box 122, Annandale, Minn. Paul J. Callahan, Montello, Wis. Henry E. Mason, 2328 Sheridan Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. William A. Manthie, 3609 Snelling Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl R. Nelson, Box 14, Rollag, Minn. Henry T. We^nkauf, R. D. 3, Amboy, Minn. Walter Eggleston, Montello, Wis. Leo F. Plum, Corp., 1107 Bruce St., Rockford. Raymond A. King, Box 224, Moline. Alvin W. Koester, Northfield, Minn. Axel J. Larson, R. D. i, McFarland, Wis. George M. Prittie, 23251/^ ibth St., Moline. Joseph LeMere, 144% S. Brown St., Rhinelander, Wis. John M. Moore, 1513 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. John W. Niedfeldt, Box 122, West Salem, Wis. Archie G. Young, Corp., Cumberland, Wis. Leslie Ogle, 3446 Colfax Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Edgar E. Stump, 1418 S. Illinois St., Streater. John O. Younger, Box 26, Dover, Minn. Einer A. Arneson, Box 376, Mott, N. D. John T. Johnson, R. D. 5, Greenwood, Wis. Lester Kaneen, 335 Somerset St., St. Paul Minn. Edward Morton, 4627 McKissock Ave., St. Louis, Mo. John L. Jarchow, Corp., R. D. 30, Schiocton, Wis. John E. Gruhlke, R. D; 2, Box 39, Zumbo Falls, Minn. John Douros, 64 W. Elm St., Chicago. Ralph H. Sanders, Alberta, Minn. Peter Peterson, R. D. 12, Box 50, Monterey, Minn. Anthony Waichulioes, 1009 Market St., DeKalb. Stephen Snell, 520 N. 9th St., Brainerd, Minn. Emil Polinski, R. D. 3, Neshkoro, Wis. Henry H. Peterson, Corp., Little Falls, Minn. Henry Trettin, Box 252, Kaukauna, Wis. Alex Tarnowski, Corp., 108 E. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. George F. Heller, 2242 N. Church St., Beloit, Wis. Ira Lunde, R. D. 2, Box 6, Stoughton, Wis. Joseph Kanka, 935 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Florent Gelinne, 10 E. Harvey St., Rhinelander, Wis. Oscar Johnson, Cambridge, Wis. Alvin T. Simonson, 1301 N. 44th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward G. Lehman, Corp., 229 S. Elm St., Fairmont, Minn. Stanislaw Zurawski, 1208 5th Ave., N. E., Little Falls, Minn. Lyder O. Evammen, Deerfield, Wis. Henry Gunderson, R. D. 2, Box 43, Elevia, Wis. William Misegades, 212 Green St., Waterfown, Wis. Marcus J. Gunderson, Elmdale, Minn. Alfred A. Plantikow, R. D. 28, Box 48, Oakf^eld, Wis. Claude A. Ott, Corp., 2415 Colfax Ave,, Minneapolis, Minn. Mike F. Stalke, 866 E. King St., Winona, Minn. Patrick McHugh, Sgt., Schioeton, Wis. Joseph Leskowski, 155 S. Empere St., Wilkesbarre, Pa. COMPANY M, 341ST INFANTRY Robert R. McCoy, ist Lt., 370 E. 58th St., Chicago. Harry C. Abbott, ist Lt., 3725 Canyon St., Oakland, Cal. Frank .Behrendt, ist Sgt., 808 Wells St., Marinette, Wis. Bernard Hanson, Mess Sgt., 711 Fisher Ave., Superior, Wis. John W. Hoehle, Sup. Sgt., 2004 Hughitt Ave., Su- perior, Wis. Richard Kuehlthau, Sgt., 1115 Baxter Ave., Superior, Wis. Joseph J. Punt, Sgt., 9 A-Hairn Breda, Holland. Fred M. Praxel, 514 E. 3rd St., Winona, Minn. Martin C. Abrahamson, Gatzke, Minn. Chris Peterson, Box 292, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Rudolph Frank, 1329 ist St., Milwaukee, Wis. Clarence Torkelson, R. D. 2, Lamberton, Minn. Gust G. Bourtzos, Mantherea, Greece. Andrew Pete.rson (1), 1557 3rd Ave. S. W., Milwau kee. Wis. Gustave A. Stolp, R. D. 3, Westfield, Wis. Matcusz Pykosz, 2737 27 E. Fall St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Thomas Jerona, 443 Gilman St., Madison, Wis. George A. Nessly, R. D. 3, Kasson, Minn. Howard Winter, R. D. 2, Horicon, Wis. Alex Ciswskie, 249 W. One St., Stevens Point, Wis. Thomas M. Wren, 541 W. 42nd Place, Chicago. Frank A. Binczak, 994 Weil St., Milwaukee, Wis. William Morgan, Corp., Grand Marsh, Wis. Ernest A. Carleen, R. D. 3, Red Wing, Minn. Paul W. Petri, Bug., Loomis, Wis. Emil Karkut, 1129 N. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alfred Johnson, 447 Fletcher St., Tonawanda, N. Y. Mike J. Novak (i), 922 Swift Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Frank B. Gazecki, 108 Madison St., Menasha, Wis. Homer S. Hess, Box 15, Wedron. John Glasbrenner, 3328 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Alex Lehti (i), 11 02 8th St., Racine, Wis. Peter Fisch, Freeburg, Minn. Roland Abrahamson, 1107 Scott St., Davenport, Iowa. Frederick Schneider, Westbrook, Minn. John Tessler, 6334 S. Marshiield Ave., Chicago. Alfred Wickstrom, 315 6th St., Cloquet, Minn. Michael Klein, 1006 Bates St. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. William N. Jocoway, R. D. 3, Box 6, Rush City, Minn. Marcus F. Prentice, Box 14, Utica. John F. Cooney (i), 61 16 Eastern Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Giovanni Falco, 730 St. Paul Ave.., Beloit, Wis. George Roderwald, 1930 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Iver D. Simons, 504 S. Main St., Rice Lake, Wis. Darwin L. Hambrecht, R. D. i, Box 65, Middleton, Wis. Alfred Miller, Box 45, Iron Ridge, Wis. Herman C. Krueger, R. D. 2, Box 69, Clintonville, Wis. Edward T. Mikkelson, R. D. i, Chetek, Wis. George Y. Downing, 24th St. & 31st Ave., Rock Island. Alfred Luchterhand, R. D. 3, Box 155, Greenwood, Wis. Selmer M. Drolsum, Cook, 318 6th St., Cloquet, Minn. James M. Moriarity, R. D. 12, Box 113, Wauwatosa, Wis. Reinhold E. Pohl, R. D. 1, Westfield, Wis. Arthur R. Ronke, R. D. i. Box 47, Cataract, Wis. Elmer Tollefsrud, Orfordville, Wis. Robert Kaeppel, 774 63rd Ave. N., West Allis, Wis. Norman Larson, R. D. 7, Faribault, Minn. Eddy Baillergeon (i), 717 17th Ave. S. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Albert Carlson, Mech., 520 John Ave., Superior, Wis. Henry W. Townsend, 409 Oak St., Stoughton, Wis. Herman E. Ploenzke, R. D. 4, Box 55, Westiield, Wis. John A. Sieginski, R. D. 3, Box 84, Thorpe,, Wis. Richard E. Ardelt, Milwaukee St., Whitewater, Wis. Jack Koratzky, 2247 Thomas St., Chicago. Anthony H. Sableski, Box 275, Butternut, Wis. Frederick LaHaie, Bug., 1844 Division St., Marinette, Wis. Philip A. Russell, Corp., 144 McKee St., Batavia. Frank T. Hardy, Corp., R. D. i. Box 29, North Free- dom, Wis. Edward I. White, Sgt., Shullsburg, Wis. Cyriel Lambrecht, 421 18 12th Ave., Moline. Sven Magnuson, Box 826, Anoka, Minn. Gaetano Orlandini, Box 211, Oglesby, Minn. Samuel A. Zook, R. D. 5, Morrison. Albert F. Zuhlke, R. D. 1, Montello, Wis. Theodore Shager, Corp., R. D. i, South Wayne, Wis. Charley W. Spriggs, R. D. i, Lismore, Minn. Peter Kiener, Cook, Albany, Minn. Walter Clemmer, 201 8th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. Louis P. Tronsdal, 2031 W. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Carl O. Albertson, 4019 W. sth St., Duluth, Minn. James E. Sheehan, 522 N. sth St., Mankato, Minn. Frank F. Johnson, 21 S. 56th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Robert A. Semrow, R. D. s, Appleton, Wis. Harvey Sands, Corp., 1068 S. Seminary St., Gales- burg. Kjeld T. Kjeldsen, Mansfield, Wash. Ole Jonland, Mech., Holdende, Iguldalen, Norway. Richard Wesley, 632 Door Ave., Rhinelander, Wis. Roy F. Byers, Oxford, Wis. 144 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Erwin E. Roebke, R. D. i, Box 46, Camp Douglas, Wis. Lem K. McAlister, Box 157, Williamsport, Ind. France A. Sandell, R. D. 2, Gardner, N. D. Peter O. Rud, R. D. 4, Cambridge,, Wis. Andrew Johnson (1), 16 Forest St., Bellows Falls, Vt. Emil H. Schreier, R. D. 3, Hartford, Wis. Harvey G. Willet, 88 Monroe Ave., Dixon. Edgar G. Wendt, Split Rock, Wis. Herbert P. Dahl, 116 Lynn St., Watertown, Wis. Herman Schmidt, Box 113, Graceton, Minn. Paul L. Peltier, 68 W. Indiana Ave., Chicago. John M. Schmitz, Waunakee, Wis. Walker C. Sampson, 208 S. Lynn St., Stoughton, Wis. Fred W. Saniter (i), 54 Locust St., Milwaukee, Wis. Werner C. Meihak, R. D. 5, Neillsville, Wis. Otto A. Roegline, R. D. 2, Bangor, Wis. Opal H. Shepherd, Christopher, 111. Frank A. Stark, Svennevad, Sweden. Alfred Ruud, 1630 Liberty St., LaCrosse, Wis. Leonard Rolf son, R. D. i, Rubison, Wis. Herman Holmgren, May Mount, Sask., Canada. Frederick Schultz, R. D. i, Genoa, Wis. Clint Buskles (i), Viroqua, Wis. John E. Carlson, Cross Lake, Minn. Arthur Petterson, R. D. 5, St. James, Minn. Joseph Birkeland, Shelly, Minn. Walter Scharzley, 910 Van Buren St., Belvidere. Joseph W. Rogers, R. D. i, Mahnomen, Minn. Clififord W. Rice, Oconto Falls, Wis. Mirko Sucec (i), 1808 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Walter Raven, R. D. 3, Barron, Wis. Arthur Newberg, Box 752, Rice Lake, Wis. Joseph Florian, 2356 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. John Schmitz, Bangor, Wis. Julius Rojemann, R. I), i. East Dubuque. Peter E. Hansen, Richfoeld, Minn. Theodore F. Praitenlachner, 3247 N. Oakley Ave., Chi- cago. Thomas R. Cullen, Sgt., Gratiot, Wis. James A. Mojiarity, Sgt., Flat No. 10, Osborn Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Arthur M. Anderson, Sgt., 1614 Maryland Ave., Su- perior, Wis. William A. Hunt, R. D. i, Turtle River, Minn. Peter Sadowsky, 53 E. Water St., St. Paul, Minn. Henry E. Dumont, Jericho Road, Aurora. Chrystal Witzel, Box 207, Ashton. Victor L. Levin (i). Hotel Holland, Duluth, Minn. Paul J. Bjerken, 3421 17th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Otis M. Wiles, Corp., 3678 2nd Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Gust A. Carlson, R. D. i. Box 118, Braham, Minn. LeRoy Fox, 605 E. soth Place, Chicago. Charles H. Dorn, 319 S. Broadway, New Ulm, Minn. Gilbert Borslien, R. D. i, Erskine, Minn. Otto C. Stark, R. D. i, Sun Prairie, Wis. Gottfred Johnson, 2521 Quincy St., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter J. Schwenkner, Box 23, Rudolph, Wis. Perry B. Olson, R. D. 25, Box 30, Beloit, Wis. Charles Reichert (i), 1325 DuFont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl E. Carlson, R. D. i, Braham, Minn. Gust Smugdin, 3261 S. Halsfed St., Chicago. Cecil E. Hovey, 116 N. 4th St., Aurora. Francis J. Skala, Box 49, Marshall, Wis. William A. Seelow, R. D. i. Cottage Grove, Wis. Adolph J. Wildman, R. D. 4, Box 71, Antigo, Wis. George Solverson, R. D. i, Rubicon, Wis. Benjamin Christianson, R. D. 1, Knapp, Wis. Bennie Splett, Corp., Lamberton, Minn. Fred G. Belowske, Carbon Cliff. William N. Saterbo, 105 2nd St., Austin, Minn. David Elving, Tyler, Minn. Herman Stabenau, R. D. 3, New Lisbon, Wis. Henry Schroer, St. Joseph, Wis. Arthur A. Siebel, Box 4, Richwood, Wis. Christ O. Sandwick (i), 1206 E. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. John M. Skaar, DeForest, Wis. Hugo J. Fritz, 88s Denny St., St. Paul, Minn. Maurice Sandberg, R. D. 2, Box 59, Maynard, Minn. Mareseo Brama, 706 5th St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Ehno Tiddens, 315 Procter St., Peoria. Clarence Blomquist, 3909 Ellicott Ave., Minneapolis, Mmn. Harry M. O'Connell, 90 Wilkin St., St. Paul, Minn. John W. Miller (i), 734 i8th Ave., Molina. Herman Piringer, 719 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn. Arthur C. Gansbeig, North sth Ave., LaGrange. Edward Zimmerman, 1207 W. 5th St., Winona, Minn. David F. Edgar, Cook, Bagley, Minn. Albert Moen, Mech., R. D. i, Prairie Farm, Wis. Elme.r E. Lindeman (i), 2110 W. Girard Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Gunnar Skaaland, R. D. 2, Stoughton, Wis. Julius T. Se.nft, R. D. 27, Box 87, Rio, Wis. Albert R. Sanden, 933 Labree Ave. N., Thief River Falls, Minn. Francis L. Smith, Box 235, Lodi, Wis. John Wajciechawski, 8731 Burley Ave., Chicago. Ralph T. Wohlers, 504 Orleans St., St. Paul, Minn. Reinhardt Stein, Corp., 76 S. River St., Aurora. Frank J. Cihlar, Rhinelander, Wis. Harry J. Hanson, Corp., I'eshtigo, Wis. Walter Walczak, Corp., 8736 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. Frank Brown, Jr., Sgt., 1136 Garfield Ave., Marinette, Wis. Ray Forrest, Staples, Minn. Michael Stirn, 2315 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. William Wendlandt, 424 E. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Andrew Soride, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. John M. Koll, Richmond, Minn. John DeSutter, R. D. 4, Box loi, Freeport. Harry P. Miller (1), R. D. 14, Tonica. Alfred J. Lamecker, 900-4 S. Franklin St., New Ulm, Minn. Corad L. Precour, 224 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Gust E. Anderson, R. D. i, Onamia, Minn. Charles Weisenritter, 251 1 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Paul H. Eichstcadt, R. D. 4, Box 45, Westfield, Wis. Carl A. Miller, Dallas, Wis. Carl M. Wethal, R. D. 3, Brooklyn, Wis. Joe Rust, R. D. i. Box 82, Barron, Vv'is. Vincent Tomaszewski (i), 936 W. 3rd St., Chicago. I George O. Uebel, Juneau, Wis. Gordon C. Robinson, 3201 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Herman E. Carlson, Box 91, Waite Park, Minn. Alois Vogds, Marytown, Wis. Franklin J. Eliason, 1828 8th Ave. N., Moorhead, Minn. Axel R. Anderson, 1706 25th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Roy J. Rheaume, 910 Arbutus St., Rhinelander, Wis. Herbert Stuhlmiller, Box 202, Sun Prairie, Wis. Carl E. Erickson (i), Mapleton, Wis. Christian llauger, R. D. 2, Rothsay, Minn. Louis J. Befort (i), R. D. i, Box 5, Mazeppa, Minn. Adolph Visaas, 709 Summit Ave., Stoughton, Wis. Harvey G. Wegner, 135 Central Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. John Giese, Bulah, Wis. Anton Thompson, R. D. i, Mazeppa, Minn. Walter E. Stelse, Box 207, Lake Mills, Wis. Meinrad McDonell, Corp., 1907 W. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. William Johnson, R. D. 4, Box 41, Atwater, Minn. Oscar L. Knutson, R. D. 2, Fairfax, Minn. Ovid Tunks, Box 38, Elroy, Wis. Emery C. Curtis, 202 Water St., Webster City, Iowa. Bert W. Southern, R. D. i, Mauston, Wis. Leo Theisen, R. D. 4, Antigo, Wis. Walter Waldschmidt, R. D. 41, Calvary, Wis. Louis A. Zuchowski (i), 8218 Brandon Ave., Chicago. Alphonse Gervais, 220 8th St., Fargo, N. D. Christopher Kjolstad, R. D. i, Hanska, Minn. Olaf A. Olson, Poplar, Wis. Charles J. King, Beardsley, Minn. Harry Wade, 1333 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. Carl E. Grabman, R. D., 5, Portage, Wis. Kenneth Tompkins, Owen, Wis. Randolph A. Rehrauer, (i), 2009 Washington St., Two Rivers, Wis. Edwin Stryzewski, 285 Elm St., Oshkosh, Wis. Axel Arvilla, Buyck, Minn. Joseph Valenta, R. D. 6, Rice Lake, Wis. Herbert Wallin, 1024 2nd Ave., Rockford. Peter H. Schesvold, R. D. 4, Box 12, Rice I^ake, Wis. Gust J. Koch, SI I sth St., Moline. Thomas P. Staloch, R. D. 4, Wells, Minn. Raymond J. Rihl, Belle Plaine, Minn. Per Emil Lovgren, R. D. s, We,st Concord, Minn. Frank H. Topel, Sgt., 24 Dickenson St., Trenton, N. J. Iver Brekken, Corp., Granite Falls, Minn. THE 341ST INFANTRY 145 MEDICAL DETACHMENT, 341ST INFANTRY Walter A. Scott, Capt., 109 Maple Ave., St. Johns, Mich. Harold L. Ross, Capt., 81 E. Commerce St., Bridge- ton, N. J. Roy T. Marshall, ist Lt., 405 Earl St., Columbus, Ind. Watson E. Deakyne, ist Lt., Fortville, Ind. *, . William M. McGuire, 1st Lt. & Chap., Hox 365, Mon- son, Mass. Floyd G. Reed, ist Lt., Hensonville, Greene Co., N. Y. Walter W. Coen, ist Lt., 3159 Beechwood Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. Matthew J. Waldron, Sgt (i), Glencoe, Minn. Even Evenson, Sgt., 1048 Lawlar Ave., Chicago. Walter G. Anderson, 213 S. Maple. St., Marshfield, Wis. Arthur C. Bjorklund, R. D. 4, Box 23, Wheaton, Minn. Percy L. Button (i), 512 Randall St., Eau Slaire, Wis. Orin W. Esslinger, Surg. Asst., Sheffield, Iowa. John W. Dornbach, 910 W. 28th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles E. Harris, R. D. i, Hewitt, Minn. Carl A. Mackh, 612 Douglas Ave., Elgin. Ernest C. Priestap, 1249 Troy St., Chicago. Milo B. Moody (i), R. D. 8, Danforth, Me. Richard J. Smith (i), 3850 Wabansia Ave., Chicago. Charles F. Weid, 1620 Westminster Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Harry D. White (i), 5504 Greenwood Ave,, Chicago. Alfred C. Janecky, Sgt., Hutchinson, Minn. Elmer J. Boll (i), 509 Edison St., Antigo, Wis. Paul ri. Giblin, Surg. Asst., Parnell, Iowa. Stephen P. Gyland (i), R. D. 2, Westby, Wis. Thomas J. Mulvihill (i), 6705 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Arnold C. Sell (i), 312 E. Washington St., Wausau, Wis. Philip Abrahams (i). Oblong. Archie J. Anderson, 515 Steuben St., Wausau, Wis. Ross I. Baker, Aitkin, Minn. Joseph S. Benish, Milladore, Wis. Bernard J. Friedl, 211 3rd St., Wausau, Wis. Henry J. . Godwin, 6922 Stewart Ave., Chicago. Louis E. Hazen, R. D. 5, Toulon. William Kleinheinz (i), 430 N. Warren Ave., Madi- son, Wis. Clement R. Backworthy, 490 S. River St., Appleton, Wis. Arthur R. Meyer, 746 Mitchell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Winfield S. McMaster, Box 368, Wakefield, Neb. Martin Raaen, R. D. i. Box 67, Audubon, Minn. Leander L. Ringle, 108 Grand Ave., Wausau, Wis. Albert J. Scharmer, 706 Forest St., Wausau, Wis. John A. Sell, 1012 Washington St., Wausau, Wis. Herbert Villmow, 710 Booth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ben N. Zak (i), Brozowa, Poland, Russia. William H. Maddox, Capt., 141 Chestnut St., Waus- eon, Ohio. Guy E. Krolick, Capt., 1373 W. Chicago Ave., Chi- cago. Gerald H. Persem, Sgt., 2523 Montgomery St., St. Louis, Mo. William J. Brennan, Corp., Thomaston, Me. Leonard A. Berg (i), Barron, Wis. Ray H. Carpenter (i). Maiden Rock, Wis. Ben M. Cohen, 1923 S. Aldrich Ave,, Minneapolis, Minn. Frank J. Dedic, Surg. Asst., 3519 W. 28th St., Chi- cago. Harvey O. Gray (i), Oregon, Wis. John Horowicz, 858 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Stanley F. Kozlowski, 3005 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago. Joseph T. LaPointe, Dayton, Minn. Arthur A. Lasch, 420 Lawrence St., Xew London, W's. William M. Roszkowski, 1634 N. Hermitage Ave., Chi- cago. Walter A. Stefans, 733 Fairview Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph A. Trandel, 1333 Julian St., Chicago. COMPANY A. THIRD PRU\ ISIUNAL REGLMENT, AT LE MANS Formerly Companies B and C, 341st Infantry. 146 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION COLONEL CHARLES E. STODTER Commanding 342nd Infantry. THE 342 ND INFANTRY REGIMENTAL FIELD AND STAFF, 342ND INFANTRY Charles E. Stodter, Col. 313 John St., Rockford. Theodore F. Fieker, Capt., 331 Orient St., Carlinville. Harold G. Aperling, Capt., 816 Montrose Ave. Chicago. Myron S. Stevens, Capt., 42 Franklin St., Greenfield, Mass. ' Charles L. Darlington, Capt., Xenia, O. Abner J. Stihvell, Capt., 4619 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Charles F. Dyer, ist Lt., 845 E. Benn St., Hcopeston. Fred R. Gamble, ist Lt., 122 E. Church St., Kewanee. John E. Sheridan, 1st Lt., 265 E. Jackson St., Janesville, Wis. Howard C. Hohmann, ist Lt., 3302 Fullerton Ave., Chi- cago. Fanshawe M. Keyes, 2d Lt., 422 Hamilton St., Evanston. John C. Knoche, ist Lt., Onarga. Henry C. Chase, 2d Lt., 143 N. Prospect St., Rockford. Ralph R. Weismiller, ist Lt. and Chap., 916 N. 49th St., Seattle, Wash. Chester E. Jenney, ist Lt. and Chap., 154 State St., Windsor. \'t. William F. Coleman, ist Lt. and Chap., Blue JIarth, Minn. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 342ND INFANTRY Karl L. Lyons, Capt., loio S. 2d St., Springfield. Robert T. Peters, ist Lt., 122 E. Hewitt Ave., Marquette, Mich. Chester A. Longwell, ist Lt., 2814 East St., Pittsburgh, Pa. John G. Ruckel, 2d Lt., 848 S. Glenwood Ave., Spring- field. Charles C. Colless, 2d Lt., Harrisburg. Edward R. Moran, 2d Lt., 745 Monadnock BIdg., San Francisco, Cal. Clarence A. Beutel, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 4019 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Joseph J. Keller, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 2141 Cumberland St., Rockford. Manley Stegeman, Bn. Sgt. Maj., R. D. 10, Holland, Mich. Raymond W. Sheets, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 113 Lawn PI., Rockford. George A. Burney, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 5352 Ferdinand St., Chicago. Walter F. Ostrowski, ist Sgt., 891 Orleans St., Detroit, Mich. Dudley Friedline, Asst. Bd. Ldr., 213 S. Peoria St., Dixon. Robert H. Hoecker, Sgt. Bug., 107 E. 14th St., Chicago Heights. Tames Coyne, Col. Sgt., Savannah. Joseph Zuckerhandle, Col. Sgt., 24 Mangin St., New York, N. Y. Fay L. King, Bd. Sgt., 44 N. 4th St., Savannah. Carl L. Clink, Box 15, Amboy. Herbert Nicholas, Mus. (2), 8i6- E. Second St., Dixon. Paul H. Thew, Vernon Center, Minn. Earl ^L Pallett, Bd. Sgt., Fennimcre, Wis. Frederick Parliere, Mus. (i), 141 5 Superior Ave., Tomah, Wis. Norman C. Slaughter, Mus. (3), 930 6th St., Rochelle. Claude E. Vore, Mus. (3), Davis. August Anderson. Box 525, Litchfield, Minn. Ambrose B. Curtis, Box 25, Champlin, Minn. Lloyd W. Bates, Rushville. Nunzio Santini, Box 151, Hurley, Wis. Edwin R. DeLong, Bd. Corp., 223 Fairview St., Belvi- dere. Fred J. Vaughan, Mus. (3), 515 Jackson Ave., Dixon. Edward C. Becking, Mus. (2), 319 N. Hoy St., Wcod- stock. George W. Rogers, Mus. (4), 913 Lawrence Ave., Beloit, Wis. Chester L. Carnahan, Mus. (2), Compton. Alfred G. Hawbecker, Mus. (2), 324 N. Front St. Naper- ville. Arthur G. Stume, Mus. (2), 226 N. Porter St., Elgin. Peter Kosinski, Mus. (3), 802 Lincoln Ave., Rockford. Carl T. Duesler, Bd. Corp., 1600 Center -Ave., Chicago Heights. James Sawyer, Mus. (3), 125 Harrison St., DeKalk. Roy R. Rew, Mus. (2), 1015 Metropoles St., Metropo- les. Allison W. Bradley, Mus. (2), 52 Arbor Ave., West Chicago. Rudolph Studt, Mus. (3), 22 Lovell St., Elgin. George L. Hollinitsch, Enderlin, N. U. Henry C. Plane, Mus. (i), 206 Irvine St., Warren, Pa. Peter W. Adrick, Mus. (3), 122 Bennett St., Geneva. Harold R. Calvert, Mus. (3), Hanover. James L. Dunbat, 16 E. 15th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Lyle W. King, Mus. (3), 23 Diagonal St., Savanna. Peter Greco, 252 Hamilton St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herbert L. Ruffing, Wells, Minn. Roy White Mus. (2), Warren. Robert J. Bentley, Mus. (3), 704 W. Pine St., Platte- ville. Wis. Tames M. Elliott, Bd. Corp., 4221 Berkley Ave., Chicago. Karl K. Holtgren, Mus. (3), Genoa. Walter A. Gralak, Mus. (3), 140 issth PI., West Ham- mond, Ind. Henry F. Dersenske, Mus. (3), 11 18 Center St., Chicago. Clifford H. Fiscus, Mus. (i). Box 374, Armour, S. D. John W. Wuerl. 2302 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. Federico Gargani, Mus. (i), Ferentino, Prov. of Rome, Italy. Fred H. Bahlmann, Mus. (3), 69 S. Lincoln, Hinsdale. Edwin S. Hoyt, Mus. (3), Elburn. Clifton McCormick, Mus. (3), Carlisle, Ind. Glenn H. Rodorff, Bd. Sgt., 945 Grant Ave., Rockford. Howard J. Claxton, Bd. Sgt., Walta. Norman D. Birkland, Corp., 9220 Pleasant Ave., Chicago. James W. Grogan, Corp.. 5120 S. Aberdeen St., Chicago. John J. O'Connor, 227 Oak St., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter H. Krause, 10152 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Carl G. G. Flood (i), 508 Washington St., Rockford. Charles Francombe, 1202 E. Union St., Marseilles. Louis Siskind, Sgt., 3126 Douglas Blvd., Chicago. Frederick G. Schmidt, Sgt., N. Lincoln St., Hinsdale. Floyd J. Healey, 87 Woodlawn Ave., Aurora. Hugh P. Thomas R. D. i, Faulkton, S. D. Leo W. Hayes. Sgt., 137 East St., Rockford. Edmund J. Clark, Corp., 1301 Kunnock St., Hender- son, Ky. Irving H. Goldenberg, Liberty ville. John E. Farrell, 4557 Prairie Ave., Chicago. George P. Bielstein, 5536 5th Ave., Chicago. Arthur E. Schelin, 1236 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Leo N. McGlinn (i), 9919 Prospect Ave., Chicago. Edward A. Ballweber (i), 7540 Dante Ave., Chicago. William B. Joyce (i), 76 W. 2d St.. St. Charles. Martin H. Dahlgren (i), Cherry Valley. John L. Machen, Sgt., 309 Chicago Ave., Savanna. Frederick A. Chantrey, 124 Wisconsin Ave., Lake Forest. .'\ndrew Sims, Jr., Stab. Sgt., New Boston, Pa. Evar E. Haegg, Cook, 1215 3d Ave., Rockford. Irving E. Johnson, Cook, 1225 1 ith Ave., Rockford. Ernst Heinz 281 Ellen St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Lindmeyer, 408 3d Ave. and 4th St., S. K., Minneapolis, Minn. Erick G. Beisner, R. D. 2, Dorchester, Wis. William Hildebrecht, 538 S. State St., Chicago. William S. Balz, 7534 Dante Ave., Chicago. Carl O. Johnson, Cook, 502 7th St., Rockford. Arthur E. Johnson, Mech., 620 15th St., Rockford. Ernest E. Lake, Hs., Gilford. Wilmer F. Larson, Mech., R. D. 4, Grand Rapids Wis. Zippieri Ernesta, Mech., 415 N. Madison St., Rockford. Arno J. Poepke, Birnamwcod, W'is. Raymond W. Swenson, Corp., 215 Pearl St., Rockford. Arthur C. Blaine, Sgt., 1319 Parmele St., Rockford. Berger D. Hogfeldt, Sup. Sgt., 1414 8th Ave., Rockford. 147 148 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John W. Gasman, Box 131, Washburn, Wis. Joseph S. Todd, 6732 Perry Ave., Chicago. Edward J. Gillen, R. R., Billeville, Wis. Einer F. Johnson. Box 202, Elburn. Oscar Lokken, Michigan, N. D. George D. Saathoff, Rochelle. Frank Engstrom, Corp., LeRoy, Minn. James J. McCue, 1531 Luzeone St., Scranton, Pa. Gecrge E. Rovang, R. D. 6, Albert Lea, Minn. Christopher Kirst, 665 Liberty St., Aurora. Walter J. Zdrojeski, 8636 Burnham Ave., Chicago. Hans C. Clemmensen, Elburn. Herman Kessler, R. D. i, Knowleton, Wis. Emory L. Grady, 115 Berky Ave., Goshen, Ind. Lorenzo Zagaroli, Amaseno, Prov. of Rome, Italy. Guiseppe Cicio, 1120 S. Court St., Rcckford. Roy C. Giessen, R. D. 2, Deer ParK, Wis. Stanley VanPelt, R. D. i, Clam Falls, Wis. Oswald Hughes, Care of F. J. Mooney, R. D. 5, Sparta, Wis. Evan L. Hughes, R. D. i, Norwalk, Wis. Joseph J. Kisulius, 841 W. 34th St., Chicago. William T. Jenkins, Sgt., 222 N. Plum St., Carlyn- ville. Clair H. Hennessy (i), 435 Mt. Ida St., St. Paul, Minn. Alvas L. Sample, Spring Valley. Minn. Arnold A. Klicker (i). North Branch, Minn. Angus M. MacDonald, 621 Pine St., St. Paul, Minn. Norman C. Kerr (i), 119 13th St., Rock Island. Louis C. Mueller (i), 1912 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul J. Kelly, Ccrp.. 402 Oakland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles A. Mann (i), 131 N. Clifford St.. Elgin. Harry P. Greene, 6420 Dante AVe., Chicago. Andrew J. Fraley, Nicholsville, Va. Richard L. LoVett, Caledonia, Minn. Charles Farringer, Hancock, Minn. Harry R. Weese, Lake Geneva, Wis. Clifford E. Smith, Corp., 1507 Loeb St., Henderson, Ky. Oscar W. Hegberg, 3041 N. Elkis Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Ariel A. Brandt (i), 815 Park St., Manitowoc, Wis. George Gauthier, 1005 'Pth St., Two Rivers, Wis. Douglas M. Morgan, Streeteville, Ont.. Can. George Lcckwood, 4160 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Raymond C. Whitmore (i), 3338 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Fred P. Crevcoure (i), 715 Bond St., Green I5ay, Wis. Henry R. Crawley, Corp., Palmyra, Wis. Harry Anderson, 1048 Churchill Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Vilas E. Grebel (i), 640 S. Webster Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Erwin Weber, 497 i8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alvin F. Martin, Jr., 426 N. Adams St., Green Bay, Wis. Arthur M. Madsen, 593 Ohio St., St.' Paul. Minn. George G. Weber, 2140 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Raymond J. Eeger, 1422 Cleveland Ave., Chicaeo. Raymond E. Haegg, Corp., 1215 3d Ave., Rockford. George A. Navadowski, 2247 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago. John R. Igo 301 14th St.,. Milwaukee, Wis. Walter L. Kelly, 712 S. 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Michael Halloran, 7931 Richland Ave., Chicago. Hugo E. Krupsack (i), Embarrass, Wis. Carroll K. McGlynn, 17 16 Ogden Av'e., Superior, Wis. John J. Haselmann, 666 Rondo St., St. Paul, Minn. James A. Quinn, Corp., 9245 Harper Ave., Chicago. Mathew M. Wheeler, 110 E. 107th St., Chicago. Charles H. Koepp, S2nd & State Sts., Alcis, Wis. Harry F. Westien, Menahga, Minn. Arthur W. Erickson, 711 Jessamine St., St. Paul, Minn. Arnie Denure, Rio, Wis. Ingwer R. Burton (i), 2810 sJ^ St., Rock Island. Johan A. Anderson, Berlgrade, Minn., R. D. i. Carl H. Lindstedt, Corp., 1922 Charles St., Rockford. James P. Feeney, 1264 Freemont St.. Janesville, Wis. Vernon E. Lehner, R. D. 2, Elizabeth. Anthony A. Bochccki, 3002 W. 41st Place, Chicago. George H. Freeman, 144 Hadky St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry C. Emmett, 540 i6th Ave., Moline. Arian Peltier, White Bear, Minn. Orville K. Wessling, 53 N. 2d St., Highland Park. Joseph A. Lewis, Corp., 1221 Elm St., Rockford. Nathan F. Goldsmith (i), 202 5th St., Aurora. Arthur A. Anderson, Allenville, Wis. Fred W. Reikowski, R. D. i. Box 148, Menomonee, Wis. Lester J. Brandt, 503 Campbell Ave., Uetrcit, Mich. Reinhard Hammer, 826 E. Fort St., Detroit, Mich. Edward T. McCarthy, 735 E. 17th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Alphonse Veno, Washburn, Wis. Henry C. Lueders, Eldorado, Wis. Joseph W. Lampert, Corp., 501 Kishwaukee St., Rock- ford. Charles O. Ephofen, 14 Park St., Evansville, Ind. ' Joe E. I^onhardt, 228 Cedar St.. Englewood, Cal. Robert M. Hartson, White Lake, Wis. Emery M. Jones, R. D. 3, Bruce, Wis. Henry Egelhof, East Dubuque. Albert H. Levin, 14 Brewster St., Detroit, Mich. Wilbur A. Haire, Corp., Aransas Pass, Tex. Roy G. Sweet, 124 E. Maple Ave., Adrian, Mich. Stanley Christophersen, Sgt., 327 S. 3d St., Rockford. Jake Vos, R. D. 2, Chandler, Minn. Edward J. Kostrzak, R. D. 4, Manawa, Wis. Eugene L. Trucano Box 85, Palatka, Mich. John Rhode, 1216 N. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred Hoeppner, Jr., 592 2d Ave., Appleton, Wis. William E. Clark, Corp., 6932 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Geargus T. Brackenbury, R. D. 3, Pine City, Minn. Raymond H. Stonewall, 1114 17th St., Rockford. Alfred N. Westgor, R. D. i, Bonduel, Wis. Harry D. Pires, 1528 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. John L. Kalmon, R. D., Medford, Wis. Carl A. Anderson, 1434 Foster Ave., Chicago. Emil F. Schmidt, Wabash, Minn. Oscar W. Greenberg, Corp., 328 Albert Ave., Rockford. Ira B. Marlett, Oakville, la. Ralph L. Plapp, Malta. Loues Dirninski, Linden, Wis. Frank Piechocki, 511 Lake Av'e., Cudahy, Wis. Alfred Lee, 426 Banks Ave., Superior, Wis. Patrick McAllister, 4107 Union Ave., Chicago. Anton Bush, Nelson, Wis. Arthur G. Kerrison (i), R. D. 2, Care F. W. Jones, Rockford. John H. McMeekan, R. D. 2, Sherrard. Newton F. Washburn, R. D. 2, Batavia. George Cremmer, 1614 Franklin St., Racine, Wis. Claude Burch, 209 N. ist St., Rockford. Rudolph A. Ehmke, Box 803, Phillips, Wis. Emerson Eshelman, 254 W. High St., Hummelstown, Pa. Lucchsi Mitale, 6109 S. State St., Chicago. Robert H. Asp, R. D. 2, Box 40, Amery, Wis. Matenze Mandosik, 1319 W. 49th PL, Chicago. John J. Cvengrcs, Luger Route, Phillips, Wis. Arthur L. Raebel, 196 Alice St., Wauwatosa, Wis. John Schumacher, R. D. 4, Durand, Wis. Carl E. Kivi, Brantwood, Wis. Eddison Lagerstrom, 1405 Rural St., Rockford. Charles E. Otis, Clifford. Anton Tinnelli, 159 E. 107th St., Chicago. Rudolph Mani, R. D. 8, Monroe, Wis. Joseph A. Cline, R. D. 2, Grand River, la. Angelo Gerrafino, 1148 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Morris L. Pearlstein, 229 Broome St., New Ycrk, N. Y. Flurance Lyons, 55 Summit St., Weymouth, Mass. Antonio Scalise, Box 102, Mitchel B. C, Canada. Aime Noreillie, 521 N. Madison St., Rockford. Charles M. Quint, 80 Cherry St., Oshkosh, Wis. William R. Yates, 3502 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Lewis Pichocki, 511 Lake Road, Cudahy, Wis. John G. Krieter, 2547 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago. Richard J. Faust, 1616 Charles St., Rockford. William A. Sheely, 1710 Loomis St., LaCrosse, Wis. Joseph W. O'Malley, 1050 W. sist St., Chicago. Jacob B. Harff, 1307 Alabama Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Charles H. Kline, no W. iiith St., Chicago. Thomas I. Stonehocker, Sgt., 1527 Monona St., Boone, Iowa. Gottlieb Gerlinger, Sgt., 506 W. 8ist PI., Chicago. Abe H. Berlinsky, 841 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Edward J. Seeker, Corp., 82 Ottawa St. Freeport. Ernest D. Holmes (i), 1503 4th Ave., Rockford. Albert V. Forman. 1922 Webster Ave., Chicago. George N. Goff, Box 58, Tunnel City, Wis. Arthur J. Stumpf, 743 College Ave., Appleton, Wis. Lester Knutson, R. D. 6, Albert Lea, Minn. Edward E. Nolander, 3 141 Fremont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence A. Peterson, 412 Washington Ave., N., Min- neapolis, Minn. John J. Riordan, Corp., 7655 Dante Ave.. Chicago. Peter N. Santrizos, 3014 Chicago Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Rudolph Maurer, New Glarus, Wis. Fred Schlief, 670 Potter Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Matt Nemanich, Jr., Tower, Minn. Tony Guerrieri, 121 6 W. Erie St., Chicago. Alfred Bradshaw, LeSeuer Center, Minn. Guy F. Sample, R. D. i, Pre-Empton. THE 342ND INFANTRY 149 Fayette G. Gallagher, Corp., 4954 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Julius J. Siuda, 1336 American Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter P. Walz, 6443 Dante Ave.. Chicago. George F. Wait, R. D. 3, Clintonville, Wis. Walter B. Capener, Box 44, Chetek, Wis. Frederick Hanke, Poplar & Wabasha Sts., Rochester, Minn. John Callahan, R. D. 2, St. Charles, Minn. Everett R. Bengston, Corp., 314 6th St., Rockford. Herman F. De'Caluwe, 2614 Lisbon Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert E. Bierma, 2327 Grenshaw St., Chicago. Theodora Boettcher, 868 22d St., Milwaukee, Wis. John D. Ball, Box 26, Orchard Lake, Mich. "Leonard P. Kronbach, Erie, Mich. Leo E. Duvall, McBain, Mich. Albert C. Hoffman, 19 Washington St., Monroe, Minn. John J. Schwab, Corp., Rock Falls. Ralph Calderwood, Newport, Minn. Harry M. Long, 1302 Liberty St., Flint, Mich. Charles C. Martz, St. Hilaire, Minn. Amos A. Doers, Box 712, Ladysmith, Wis. Basil S. Hecker, Tippecanoe. O. Julius A. Yarp, Corp., 809 N. Lee St., Bloomington. John R. Brown, R. D. 4, Walnut Grove, Minn. Ralph C. James, Corp., 412 W. Main St., Warsaw, Ind. Matt Thelen, LeRoy, Minn. Charles B. Johnson, R. D. i, Campbell, Mmn. Ludwig R. Nohrenberg, R. D. 2, Bex 32, Boyd, Wis. Leon C. Owen, Oronoco, Minn. John Pederson, Oskars Dada, 32 Sarpsborg, Norway. Arthur D. Carlson, 161 8 6th St., Rockford. Orville Knutson, R. D. 2, Box 76 Lamberton, Minn. Stanley Bcbrzecki, 956 Noble St., Chicago. Oscar J. Lagerstrom, 3306 Knox St., Dallas, Tex. Ernest F. Hulke, R. D. s, Box 96, Merrill, Wis. Leon Jones, 611 Bryant St., Kalamazoo, Mich. William J. Wanegar, R. D. 4, Manitowoc, Wis. Herman A. Bakkum, R. D. i, Westby, Wis. Oscar Olson, R. D. 5, Montevideo, Minn. Clarence Thornton, 1838 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lester W. Nelson, 1222 loth St., Rockford. Frank J. Sandberg, Wag., 1304 17th Ave., Rockford. Joseph Panay, Geravni, Mognisk, Prov. of Voan, Russia. Einer F. Plambeck, 315 S. Prospect St., Rockford. Adolph L. Magnuson, R. D. 2, Box 36, Kimball, Minn. Ray F. Porter, Clarks Grove, Minn. Leonard O. Kingsley, 1320 Palace St., St. Paul, Minn. Glen M. Roderick, 425 Calhoun St., Woodstock. Wlesford S. Traise, 1039 Center St., Chicago. Theodore C. Olson, 6054 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Joseph M. Monian, Fakler Hctel, Rochester, Minn. John P. LaZar, 11848 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Harry Dozsee, Cable. John T. Berkircher, R. D. 2, Livingston, Wis. MarkT. Burk, R. D. 4, Tomah, Wis. Frank A. Gordon, R. D. 2, Care of W. E. Hall, Al- ladin, Wyo. John Vernon (i), Ruddington, Notts, England. Hang E. Schelen, 1053 Lawson St., St. Paul, Minn. Walter E. Berg (i), 1508 Victoria St., Chicago. Mike Stratos, Island of Samos, Greece. Harold Wamback, 484 Burnccat St., Worchester, Mass. Richard Drysdale, 98 Ccnstitution St., Bristol, R. I. Michael F. Gilhooly, 475 Lloyd Ave., Providence, R. I. Frank Ritchie, 394 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Roland Hicks, 1315 Norwood St., Brainerd, Minn. David N. Skooglun, 749 Sherburne Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Tames Dcre, 1256 McCormick Ave., Ozone Park, Long Island. N. Y. John J. O'Brien, 852 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. SUPPLY COMPANY, 342ND INFANTRY Charles G. Hall, Capt., 1729 Chicago Ave., Evan.ston. Jay Hollingsworth, 1st Lt., care of Union Oil Co., Stockton Cal. Charles C. Stuart, ist Lt., 2501 Peabodt St., Belling- ham. Wash. Paul R. Riley, 2d Lt., Library Apts., Duquesne, Pa. Roy Imler, 2d Lt., 1419 E. 71st Place Chicago. Rcy M. Brackney, 2d Lt., 311 W. Indiana St., Green- castle, Ind. John J. Ruse, Reg. Sup. Sgt., Neillsville. Wis. Walter J. Kent, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 15612 Turlington St., Harvey. Raymond A. Kiken, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 15703 Loomis Ave., Harvey. Harry Wilson, 1st Sgt., 1008 East Ave., Red Wing, Minn. Joseph A. Fillebeck, Sgt., 213 Ingraham Ave., Ham- mond, Ind. Daniel Westcott, Sup. Sgt., 177 E. 154th St., Harvey. Arvid B. Rundquist, Stab. Sgt., 15025 Main St., Harvey. Russell Born, Sgt., 502 E. John St., Champaign. Alfred Haines, Sgt., 339 Calumet Ave., Harvey. Charles E. Kaiser, Sgt.. 15 Galena St., FVeeport. Clarence D. Andrews, Mess Sgt., 409 J/^ B B St., La- Porte, Ind. Anton C. Balles, Corp., 71 4th Ave., Freeport. Lester L. Kearns, Corp., 6819 S. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago. Raymond J. Steuart, Corp., 15212 Turlington Ave., Harvey. William B. Finican, Corp., 71 Galena St., Freeport. Millard F. VanAken, Corp., 1311 Harlem Blvd., Rock- ford. Harry E. Culler, Wag., Dalton. James A. Coyle, Wag., 719 E. 90th Place, Chicago. Clarence H. Oswald, Box 57. Bagley, .Wis. Cornelius Tichgelaar, Wag., 8240 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Homer C. LeGrand, Wag., Warren. Carl M. Grip, 122 S. Gardner Ave., Rockford. William A. Doyle, Wag., Pearl City. William L. Hyssong, 703 Duff Ave., Ames, Iowa. Vernon H. Taylor, Wag., 316 Elk St., Freeport. Guy B. Randall, 1005 North Ave., Waukegan. Helfred L. Larson, Route 2, Box 5, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Henry F. Sandstrom, Wag., 7130 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Percy J. Kehoe, Wag., 2806 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Elmer L. Walholm, 248 Seminary St., Galesburg. Reinhard M. Stoll, Little Falls, Minn. Frederick O. Swanscn, Joy. Daniel S. White, Wag., Carter, Tenn. Edwin H. Zimdars, R. D. 2, Lake Mills, Wis. Joseph E. Schwartz, R. D. 2, Osceola, Wis. Reinhardt Salchert, Box 221, Watertown, S. D. Albert M. Brunelle, 208 8th St., Cloquet, Minn. William O. Pope, Fenton. Harry W. Van Aken, Wag., 428 Kishwaukee St., Rock- ford. Harrison M. Billings. 313 Lisbon St., St. Paul, Minn. George R. Courtin, Wag., 2129 W. Superior St., Chi- cago. Emil L. Anderson, 697 Cook St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Sabaska, R. D. 2, Weyerhauser, Wis. Charles E. Lehmann, 121 Belvidere St., W. St. Paul, Minn. Charles E. Janicke, Wag., Red Oak. Michael E. Phelan, R. D. i. Box 28, Dahinda. Roy S. Lofgren, Wag., 1421 E. 6th St., Rockford. Adolph Comiskey, 323 Russell Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Edward M. Olson, Wag., 19 Center St., Ashville, N. C. John J. Smith, Wag., 70 Carroll St., Freeport. Julius J. Law, Wag., 719 E. 90th Place, Chicago. James D. Glasgow, 705 N. Main St., Monmouth. John F. Schelp, Cook, 10159 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Fred W. Anderson, 935 13th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph J. Brings. Mech., 1217 Marshal Ave., South Milwaukee, Wis. William Hagenmeister, 1214 3rd St., N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest A. Luxton, Cook, Creston. George A. Novy, 2153 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Louis Greenblatt, 1839 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Joseph F. Schafarzek, Wag., tj-j E. 92nd Place, Chicago. William C. Zielinski, Wag., 1242 Humboldt Ave., Jlil- waukee. Wis. Charles O. Dcdson, Cook, 923 Warner St., Lansing, Mich. Howard R. Thatcher, Mech., 7625 Evans Ave., Chicago. William H. Miller, Hs., Waddams Grove, Stevenson County. Edward Taylor, Hs., Cherry Valley. Elzear S. Mott, 3028 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Malunney, Wag., 633 E. 90th St., Chicago. Casey F. Greenwood, Thomas. Milton A. Percy, Wag., Dallas, Wis. Ernest F. Rosenstein, Wag., Red Oak. ISO THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Loyd E. Packer, Wag., R. D. 2, Frederick, Wis. George VV. Johnson, Wag., 30 Lynch St., Elgin. Samuel Frye, Wag., i6 Jackson St., Kenosha, Wis. Tony Stroinsky, Wag., 1024 Nichelson St., Wilkes Barre, Pa. Gustave C. Hoth, Wag., Butternut, Wis. iohn Melzer, 1843 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. :arl C. Erickson, R. D. 1, Box 83, Bishop Hill. Frank J. Sieber, 326 Carroll St., St. Paul, Minn. Fred H. Frentz, Wag., 14732 Winchester Ave., Harvey. Frank Pumputis, 1535 Quarry Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Roy R. Buffington, Wag., 109 S. 2nd St., Rockfcrd. Laurence Burger, 716 Kickbusch St., Wausau, Wis. Frederick Albrecht, 604 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. ■ Raymond E. Plowman, Wag., 14 South Ave., Freeport. Roscoe C. Ward, 21 11 N. 4th St., Shelbyville. Ralph K. Stein (i), 103 Stephenson St., Freeport. John C. McDonald, Graettinger, Iowa. John C. Crosson, Wag., 140 Winnisheek St., Freeport. Joe Digerness, Melvin, Minn. William J. Ludemann, 4840 W. Lake St., Chicago. Earl Hurlander, Wag., 1784 Denham St., N. Fairmount, Cincinnati, O. William L. Mallwitz, 946 25th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John L. Jacobson, Shell Lake, Wis. Clyde E. Seekins, 241 Prescott St., St. Paul, Minn. Otto Ehlers, Wag., 262 James St., St. Paul, Minn. Walter Schoenleber, 91 29th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Irving G. Bowman Wag., 133 S. Prospect St., Rock- ford. Orison H. Wood, Wag., 1664 Euclid Ave., Chicago Heights. Joseph Prince, 1507 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. Michael Quirk, 1104 W. State St., Rockford. Michael P. Lorbiecki, Wag., Alvina, Minn. James Simpson, Wag., 20 Tutty St., Freeport. Charles Gandolfo, 1722 Clay St., Dubuque, Iowa. Theodore R. Mason, 314 S. Peoria Ave., Dixon. Emerson Veach, Wag., Rock Grove, Stevenson County. Edward M. Schlining, Wag., 1213 Wentworth Ave., Chicago Heights. Joseph Rozanski, 4856 S. Ada St.. Chicago. Edward Feeney, 317 Bluff St., Waukegan. John H. Veach, Wag., Rock Grove. Walter H. Buske, 31 W. Winona Ave., Rochester, Minn. Charles Viergutz, 1218 5th St., Wausau, Wis. William M. Lough, Sad., 96 Iron St., Freeport. Arthur Schmidt, R. D. 3, Mcdford, Wis. Roscoe Gibbert, Sad., 15310 Columbia Ave., Harvey. Rollie R. Boldon, R. D. 3, Sparta, Wis. Albert A. Kirchman, Wag., 11 1 Wyandotte St., Free- port. Frank A. Schmidt, Wag., 159th and Western Ave., Har- vey. Henry A. Froh, 2014 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Edwin Planum, Cook, Amery, Wis. Harry W. Heldt, Holloway, Minn. Carl H. Miller, R. D. i. Box 21, Kent, Minn. Louis F. Meckelburg, DeSart, Minn. Frank A. Klawiter, R. D. s, Box 37, Chetek, Wis. Hyman Kritzman, 918 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. John J. O. Vogel, R. D. 2. Birnamwood, Wis. James Smid, 1841 Allport St., Chicago. Robert N. Gill, 4518 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. Anton P. Voca, LeSeuer Center, Minn. Frank C. O'Meara, 2000 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James F. Sullivan, 63 S. Lexington Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Adolph E. Neises, Box 34, Tenney, Minn. Angus McDougall, Owl Cafe, Alpena, Mich. Carl M. Hanson, Briggsville. Wis. Walter A. DeWitt, Wag., Orlanda, Fla. Oscar E. Sund (i), 528 7th St., Rockford. George C. Bort, Toulon. Joseph Schmelter, 2625 Jones St., Chicago. Nicholas Kokonar, 587 LaFayette St., Detrcit, Mich. William Martin, Box 394, Redwood Falls, Minn. Reme M. Beauleau, Box 64, Hawkins. Wis. Thomas G. Alexander, Neseon, Masseneas. Louis Bulgarelli, 113 E. 25th St., Chicago. Luigi Patello, 151 22nd Ave., Melrose Park. Nicholas J. Dorsett, Bloomington, Wis. Max Detamore, Wag., 173 154th St., Harvey. Jack Matranga, Wag., Plana Greci Pileuno, Italy. Charles Hilgart, Park Falls, Wis. John F. Broukal, Wag., Thornton Road and Ashland Ave.. Harvey. Lewis Chicela, Wag., Lecil Province, Latirsa, Italy. Frank E. Griffith, Cook, Spirit Lake, Iowa. Arthur Horwitz, 156 State St., St. Paul, Minn. William D. Williams, 230 Willia Ave., New York, N. Y. Lewis W. Brcer, 116 Bond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry H. Opalskar, 130 Rutledge St., Brooklyn, N. \. ATTACHED ORDNANCE, 342ND INFANTRY Clarence Johnson, Ord. Sgt., 1405 Rural St., Rockford. Benjamin M. Jeft'ey, Corp., 1007 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. John F. Kryza, 2618 Bosworth Ave., Chicago. Arvid P. Carlson, 338 E. Wesley St., Wheaton. John P. Groth, 2315 Southport Ave., Chicago. Alexander A. Altier (i), 15822 Turlington Ave., Harvey. Sam Solomon, 411 S. Halifax St., Pensacola, Fla. George R. Laing (i), 1006 E. 60th St., Chicago. MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 342ND INFANTRY Ralph B. Richards, Capt., 121 5 Ainslee St., Chicago. fames E. Spence, ist Lt., 3222 Olive St., Kansas City, Mo. Charles W. Murray. 2d Lt., Selma, Ind. Harry L. Burch, 2d Lt., 1002 Bellevue Ave., Dublin, Ga. Elmer N. Barclay, ist Sgt., 907 nth St., Rockford. Stephen C. Hallock, Sup. Sgt., 431 N. Avon St., Rock- ford. Andrew Strozewski, Stab. Sgt., 8942 Baltimore Ave., Chicago. George S. Snyder, Sgt., 407 S. Franklin St., Muncie, Ind. Clarence E. Cary, Corp., 1908 Fremont St., Rockford. Arthur Lowry, Corp., Post Office, Youngstown, Ohio. VV'illiam E. Markham, Corp., 729 Furman St., Rockford. Harold V. Malley, Mess Sgt., 428 Jilson Ave., Rockford. Charles J. Patton, Cook, Post Office, Moshein, Tenn. Boyd K. Miller, Cook, 133 S. Prospect St., Rockford. Harry J. Bristol, Cook, 507 Elm St., Rockford. Edward Gruner, Bug., 612 N. Horsman St., Rockford. Edward L. Rhoades, Bug., 908 S. Oak St., Bloomington. Edward P. Norton (i), 429 E. Marquette Road, Chicago. Edmund L. Larson, Hs., 817 Haskell Ave., Rockford. Frank H. Sundgren, Mech., 615 Kilburn Ave., Rockford. Cal A. Leckington, Sad., 2511 Elm St., Rockford. Edwin F. Wilt, Mech., 1719 Burton St., Rockford. Oscar Hosfeldt, Mech., 1232 Quarry St., Rockford. William D. Lewer, Post Office, Waldorf, Minn. Earl Layng (1), 906 Elm St., Rockford. Joseph Zuckerman, 2012 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Ellis Askey (i), 1410 N. Court St., Rockford. William H. Charters (i), 119 Oakwood Ave., Rockford. John Fergades, 834 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Ralph M. Albertson, R. D. i, Beldenville, Wis. William J. l(lcGrath, looi S. Main St., Rockford. Charles J. Adriansen, Post Office, Ashland, Wis. Oscar H. Foth, 2426 Lloyd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alv'a C. Johnson (i), 1511 Blaisdell St,, Rockford. William Hanneman, Post Office, Weyanwego, Wis. Louis C. Whitney, Corp., 635 Fremont St., Belvidere. Fred E. Rose, Post Office, North Crystal Lake. Peter H. Pohlmann, Post Office, Black Creek, Wis. Mark E. Nichols, 423 Jay St., Elgin. William Johnson, R. D. i. Clear Lake, Wis. Elmer C. Johnson, 904 McAllister St.. Waukegan. Peter P. Walczak, 1925 S. Main St., Rockford. Paul Hoeppneri 592 2nd Ave., Appleton, Wis. Edward G. Hurrie, Corp., 760 E. Main St., Morris. Charles Harms (i), 921 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago. John P. Goeden, R. D. 2, West Bend, Wis. Maurice J. Gushing, 2816 Monroe St., Chicago. Clarence E. Riley, 350 Chestnut St., St. Paul, Minn. John W. Anderson, 211 8th St., Rockford. Arthur J. Timmins (i), 410 S. Horsman St., Rockford. Raymond E. Davis, Corp., 2125 14th Ave., Rockford. Robert Shrives, 1123 Grant Ave., Rockford. Arthur H. Palmer (i), 601 Pleasant St., Rockford. THE 342ND INFANTRY 151 William J. Smaniska, 918 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Herman Fisher, 824 Peach St., Rockford. Albert Stuewe, 4447 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Joseph Pawlowski, Box 182, Perham, Minn. Louis H. Drake, Post Office. Hartford, Mich. James E. Fagan, 8936 Baltimore Ave., Chicago. Fred W. Dibben, 7321 Coles Ave., Chicago. Edward J. Joyce, 4634 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Emmet O'Hara (i), Old Soldiers' Widows Home, Wilmington. Clinton W. Seaverns (i). Box 26, Lee. Peter J. Sreenan, 1121 Dewey Ave., Beloit, Wis. Lorenzo Ruggeri, Amaseno, Rome, Italy. Tohn Krebsbach, Plum City, Wis. Clyde H. Glenn (i), 1904 Hoffman Blvd., Rockford. Tim Dawson 771 1 Fielding Ave., Chicago. William J. Bushman, R. D. i, Kiel, Wis. Joe Zoubek, R. D. 2, Coleman, Wis. John S. Solseth, Milroy, Minn. George E. O'Meara, 2623 W. i6th St., Chicago. Daniel J. Grady (i), 5720 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. John Fern, R. D. i. Box 92, Baldwin, Wis. George Warren, Corp., 2012 N. Court St., Rockford. Frank P. Rush (i), Boltony, County Tyrone, Ireland. John W^ Pokrzywinski, 520 Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles O. Dierks, East Prairie Ave., Downers Grove. William L. Wakelin, 323 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. John H. Lamers, R. D. 9, Little Chute, Wis. Louis F. Griep, R. D. i, Box 50, Horicon, Wis. Leonard Eiden, Cologne. Minn. James Landrigan, 4918 Rice St., Chicago. Edgar H. Olson. 2716 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. George A. Goldman, R. F. D., Stitzer, Wis. Charles W'eismann, Bo.x 585, New Rockford, N. D. Gustave Lundgren, R. D. i, Amherst, Wis. Frank Smith, 527 E. 29th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Royce J. Brenemen, Pardeville, Wis. John H. Craney. Nekoosa, Wis. Armour C. Fisher (i), 414 Lincoln Ave., Rockford. Roy E. Carter, Whitefish, Mont. Lewis E. Knauer. Compton. John D. McDonald, 956 S. Lcgan Ave., Denver, Colo. Aaron Martalock, R. D. 3, Wilton, Wis. Marion I. Remour, Prophetstown. Joe M. Dvorak. R. D. 2, Stitzer, Wis. Bernard L. Addis, Farmington. John G. Williamson (i), R. D. 4, Lexington, N. C. Frank Pieteroske, R. D. i. Two Rivers, Wis. Harry Vanderweide (i), 10953 S. State St., Chicago. .Alfred C. Bauriedel, R. D. i. Box 5, Johnson Creek, Wis. Ludwig G. Knaus, R. D. i, Clarissa, Minn. Carl Moby, R. D. 2, Baldwin, Wis. Clarence Woodring (i), 526 Rockton Ave., Rockford. Olaf Olson. R. D. 2, Elmore, Minn. Frank W. Plevo (i), 8830 Commercial Ave., Chicago. Sigur A. Martinson, 317 E. Maple St., Saulte St. Marie, Mich. Charles A. McClure (i), 917 Montague St., Rockford. John E. Newberg, Wataga. Noah Netzinger. R. D. 32. Campbellsport, Wis. George Kiimmeth, Heron Lake, Minn. John M. Saxvold, Flom, Minn. Carl N. Haugfos, R. D. 2, Box 74, Baldwin, Wis. Sylven C. Hamon (1), 96 Garden St., Freeport. Henry O. Haugfos, R. D. 2, Box 74, Baldwin, Wis. Frank Nietupski, R. D. i, Box 114 C, Bartlesville, Okla. Thomas P. Miller (i), 9428 Langley Ave., Chicago. Lester B. Cams, Platteville, Wis. Willard Lathrop, Redwood Falls, Minn. Henry R. Mycue, Janesville, Minn. Herman L. Tesmer, Colby, Wis. Leon A. Jarecki (i), 8750 Exchange Ave., Chicago. Alfred S. Beecher, Henderson, Minn. Walter C. Hanosh, Post Office, North Aurora. Iv'ar Anderson, Altona. William C. Radtke, 184 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. Jeremiah J. Glazier. 7525 Ridgeland Ave., Chicago. William Petersen, Lake Villa, Wis. Robert J. Nesbitt. 2220 Emerson Ave., South Flat No. 4, Xlinneapolis, Minn. James Robertson (i), 1024 Grant Ave., Rockford. Arthur W. Lendt, Osceola, Wis. Allen N. Davis, R. D. 3, Browntown, Wis. Edward J. Laudwehr, 664 N. Liberty St., Elgin. George A. Lucas, Lille. Henry Hueffelman, Gaylord, Minn. John Heuenschwander, R. D. 7, Box 11, Wauseon, Ohio. Trulove P. Past, New Lisbon, Wis. William N. Walsh. R. D. 2, Bridgeport, Wis. Harry Fein, 3417 W. 38th Place, Chicago. Joseph Gutowski (i), 8249 Houston Ave., Chicago. Elmer C. Anderson (i), 409 Sherman St., Rockford. Edgar T. Fischer, 833 Holton St., Milwaukee Wis. Edward A. Mallick, 414 14th Ave., East Ashland, Wis. Henry F. Kirmse, R. D. i, Kennan, Wis. Harry Langdon (i). Footville, Wis. John M. Sullivan, Kilbourn, VVis. Otto Dierich, 1540 S. Concord St., S. St. Paul, Minn. Clarence Habel, 2717 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Frank A. Pulaski, 2817 W. Helm St., Duluth, Minn. John C. Jacobson, R. D. i, Box 36, Blanchardville, Wis. James P. Driscoll, Bradford. John A. McManus, 114 N. 63rd Ave., West Duluth, Minn. Henry J. Schosta,?, Minnesota Lake, Minn. John A. Manning (i), 1613 South West St., Rockford. Edward C. Fisher, 414 Lincoln Ave., Rockford. William Kirkpatrick, Oakland, Minn. Loran D. Savage, R. D. i, Barronett, Wis. August Pomrening, West Mac Henry. Martin Peterson, Box 5, Margie, Minn. Giovanni Ciesa, Bronzola, Campodarsego, Padova, Italy. Fred Jacobs 15 Ross St., Auburn, N. Y. Frank JI. Linhart, R. D. i, Kasson. Minn. Roy C. Ross, Corp., 1328 Elm St., Rockford. Reuben R. Ryan, Hollandale, Wis. Olsen T. Lauve, R. D. 5, Spicer, Minn. Fred A. Baguhn, R. D. 3, Merrill, Wis. George Lambert, 677 W. Vine St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Frank T. Coleman, 415 Morgan St., Rockford. James A. Glavin, Corp.. 712 Blake St., Rockford. Alfred F. Mims, Sgt., 611 2nd Ave., Mt. Sterling. Joseph J. Gilroy, 256 Grand St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. John M. Stone, 535 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. SANITARY DETACHMENT, 342ND INFANTRY Charles V. Crane, Maj., care of Old National Bank, Grand Rapids. Mich. Edward F. Corson, Capt.. 6491 Woodbine Ave., Over- brook, Philadelphia, Pa. .'\lfred E. Jones, ist Lt., 1543 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago. Joseph Sparck, ist Lt., 115 W. Ray St., Indianapolis, Ind. George E. Aubrey, ist Lt., Kevil, Ky. Joseph M. Clark, isf Lt., Clyde, Miss. John G. .Saevig, 1st Lt., Rushford, Minn. Clare C. Hugan, ist It., 115 Lincoln Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. ^ Roscoe L. Ghering, ist Lt., Larimore, N. D. Charles W. Nicholas, Sgt. (i), 124 W. 13th St., In- dianapolis, Ind. Leo J. Miller, Sgt., 223 N. 7th St., North Vernon, Ind. Tohn C. Sutton, Corp.. 412 Wall St.. Rockford. Carl Fisher, Corp., i W. 2nd St., Pana. George H. Peterson (i), 929 6th Ave., Rcckford. Royal H. Mifflin, 2522 Elizabeth Ave., Zion City. Alexander A. Butcher, Hillsboro, Wis. Oswald Obermiller Ci), 408 Broadway, Galena. Henry R. Opalka, Cambridge. Edwin E. Hones, Box 456, West Bend, Wis. Albert H. Getty. 122 State St., Crookston, Minn. David E. Lysen, 3147 Longfellow Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. John Kok, Box 53, Maple Lake, Minn. Raymond E. Cotta, 11 18 School St., Rockford. Paul G. Thor, R. D. 3, Maple Lake, Minn. Herman Johnson, Montrose, Minn. Walter Sobjet, 726 Polk St., N. E., Minneapolis. Minn. Thomas A. Nclan (i), 717 S. Winnebago St., Rockford. David H. Hardie (i). 510 Park Ave., Galena. Walter W. Rowe, Tliiensville. Wis. Charles H. Stern. 1413 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. George Stansbury. Douglas, Wyo. Paul P. Loosbrock, Melrose, Minn. Donald L. Cash, 1314 Benton St., Rockford. Herbert Schwartz. Box 183, Royalton, Minn. John H. Besse, Erie. Leslie L. Squier (i), 529 E. McKinney St., Dixon. 152 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION William C. Klemz, Maple Lake, Minn. John O. Toll (i), 624 Seminary St., Rockford. Harry A. Blake (i), Monroe, S. D. Charles S. Goldberg, 45 E. 17th St., New York City. George Leising, 1206 Cherry St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred C. Severson, Box 168, Alexandria, Minn. Christ H. Petersen, Sibley, Iowa. Percy M. Smith, 417 Budd St., Fairmont, Minn. Victor F. Kowalski, 1530 W. 17th St., Chicago. Samuel Goodfriend (i), 2132 Haddon Ave., Chicago. Bruno F. Bona (i), 2243 S. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. Harry Sugar, 1215 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. Ernest E. Ellis, 1071 Vine St., Winnetka. Benjamm Godlasky, 1099 Case St., St. Paul, Minn. Herman A. Bergum, R. D. 2, Westby, Wis. Walter W. Gathings (i), 400 S. College St., Monroe, N. C. Johan A. Johnson, Varne. Walter Bledsoe (i), Sheridan, Mo. Delbert Middling (i). White Pigeon, Mich. Arthur W. Brandner, Elcho, Wis. Jerome Kirchner, 1320 Walnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Richard S. Marple (1), San Gabriel, Cal. Evar C. Forsell, Corp., 710 Kishwaukee St., Rockford. Jess B. Carroll, Agune St. and Hartman Lane, Pitts- burg, Pa. COMPANY A, 342ND INFANTRY Enoc E. Vaughan, Capt., 842 Union Ave., N. Portland, Ore. Philip Jansen, ist Lt., Riverside. Oscar A. Cherry, ist Lt., Pawnee. Walter A. Ruch, 2d Lt., Chaffee, Mo. Winfred G. Knoch, 2d Lt., 212 Washington St., Napier- ville. Alec M. Wescott, 2d Lt., 205 Essex St., Bangor, Maine. Albert F. Damm, ist Sgt., 913 N. 23rd St., St. Louis, Mo. Austin C. Fiedler, Sgt., 443 Madison St., Milwaukee, Wis. Andrew L. Heitkotter, Sgt., 276 Spring St., Aurora. Frank W. Milgate, Mess Sgt., 373 Hoyles Ave., Aurora. Newton H. Christy, Sup. Sgt., 16 18 5th Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Arthur O. Lekander, Cook, 34 Batavia St., Geneva. Gerhard Johnson, Cook, Centuria, Wis. Loren C. Grant, Cook, Thebes. William Rossdeutcher, Cook, 470 Addison St., Elgin. Lawrence Gneier, Mech., Geneva. Edgar W. Becker, R. D. 20, Cascade, Wis. Charles H. Batterman, R. D. 6, Box 59, Fond du Lac, Wis. Elmer C. Ecklof, R. D. 5, Box 82, Common Falls, Minn. Edward M. Skresvig, R. D. i. Box 29, Woodville, Wis. Mathias Roles, R. D. i, Robbinsdale, Minn. Ernest R. Holland. R. D. i, Cortland. Leo J. Noonan, Corp., 7808 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Nels Weston, R. F. D., Box 79, Nye, Wis. Wilhelm F. Bund R. D. i. Friendship, Wis. Peter L. Nothardt, Box 525, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Ludwig Anderson, R. D. 2, St. Cloud, Minn. John A. Marohn, R. D. 4, Box 22, Anandale, Minn. John O. Lindberg, 716 Pine St., Kewanee. John M. Dahl, Fairfax, Minn. Glenn M. Wade, Corp., Locust and Oak Sts., Daven- port, Iowa. Herman L. Lee, Box 32, Melvina, Wis. William M. Potts, R. D. 2, Box 83, Lewistown. Ralph G. Kennish, 304 Dwight St., Kewanee. Charles Lukaszewski, 129 W.' 9th St., Duluth. Minn. Lawrence F. Kirske, 60 E. Island Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Gustav A. Steffen, R. D. i, Dillingham, Minn. George F. Spaulding, 1607 Lincoln St., Minneapolis, Minn. David S. Hay, Corp., 1224 E. loth St., Duluth, Minn. Sigurd M. Olson, R. D. 2, Woodville, Wis. Jphn A. Wilson, R. D. i, Clayton, Wis. Robert J. Adams, R. D. 31, Box 12, Campbellsport, Wis. Carl A. W. Kutz, 719 S. 7th St., Stillwater, Minn. Peter E. Darnick, R. D. 3, Princeton, Wis. Henry E. Barfnet, Box S4. Fond du Lac, Wis. James Bork, 714 W. Barber St., Chicago. Ner G. Potter, Corp., Vesto, Minn. Albert A. Grahl, Eden, Wis. Richard C. Grahl, R. D. 36, Eden, Wis. Isadore C. Eid, R. D. 2, Box 16, Nauvoo. Clarence E. Buzzell, 918 20th Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Harley R. England, R. D. 31, Maquon. Stuart E. Wilson, Miller, S. D. Joseph P. Anderson, 612 isth Ave., N. St. Paul, Minn. Joseph J. Wambach, Corp., Georgetown, Minn. Charles L. Carpenter, 421 6th Ave., N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Carl J. Hedblad, R. D. i. Lake Norden, S. D. Russell S. Davis, 209 N. Walnut St., Aledo. Frank Jakos, 1521 W. Fry St., Chicago. Rudolph J. Doll, 921 9th St., La Salle. Edward J. Brown, 538 W. 42nd St., Chicago. Lem Palfreyman, Lucas, Iowa. Henry J. Weber, 1438 W. soth St., Chicago. Dominico A. Zito, 1035 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Carl H. Johnson, Box 31, Rio. Antonio Meola, 232 E. Main St., Waukesha, Wis. David M. Sampson, Park Rapids, Minn. Charles E. King, R. D. 3, Wyoming. Willia F. Weber, 3636 Lincoln St., Chicago. William A. Werrell, R. F. D., Arkansaw, Wis. Andre J. Jonckheere, R. D. 2, Minneota, Minn. Joseph F. Rowley, Sgt., 3115 W. 40th ilace, Chicago. Fred E. Lindeman, Sgt., Darien, Wis. Samuel J. Adams, R. D. i, Carlisle, Pa. George P. L. Brown, 120 Oak St., Virginia, Minn. Elmer G. Danielson, R. D. 13, Box 24, Altoona. Stanley Plachecki, R. D. 4. St. Cloud, Minn. John Skew, R. D. i, Springfield. William K. Braden, Corp., 1479 Adams St., Wabash, Ind. Edwin B. Lewis, 271 Claim St., Aurora. George Schloetzer, Milroy, Minn. Paul A. Winkelman, 1353 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Thorval C. Moilien, R. D. i, Box 65, Coon Valley, Wis. Clarence B. Moen, Coon Valley, Wis. Carl W. Dahlin, 711 2nd Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Edwin A. Wellhausen, R. D. i, Conrad, Wis. John Hoff, R. D. i. Box 81, Coon Valley, Wis. Albert H. J. Dally, Corp., 514 State St., Oconomowoc, Wis. Paul R. Goethel, 1917 Clarke St., Milwaukee, Wis. Andrew Devries, 50 E. 102nd St.. Chicago. Otto Jaecks, R. D. 2, Wausau, Wis. Orville Oadson, Box 71, Madison, Minn. Millard Royer, Lamberton, Minn. Herbert E. Peterson, Box 3, Deronda, Wis. Albert Olson, R. D. i, Box 75, Rockland, Wis. Francis J. Lange, 201 Garden St., Peoria. Anton E. Schleger, 1816 i8th St., Two Rivers, Wis. John I. Carlson, Sgt., Odeshog, Sweden. Peder T. Hovland, R. D. 3, Box 8, Fertile, Minn. Parmer E. Shelland, R. D. i, Woodville, Wis. Victor J. Commas, Box 41, Birchdale, Minn. Harry F. Hansen, Box 104, Platteville, Wis. Alfred Levenborg, Granville. Arthur J. Johnson, R. D. 5, Anoka, Minn. Alvin A. G. Beyer, Corp., 1506 S. 13th St., Sheboy- gan, Wis. Michael J. Bankers, Bock, Minn. Albert M. Rebquist, R. D. s, Windcm, Minn. Henry W. Keading, Gen. Del., Poplar, Mont. Verner O. Johnson, 727 12th St., Moline. Roy L. Landers, R. D. i, Box 34, Wyoming, Wis. Hans Loge, Box 214, Elmore, Minn. Ernest E. Dickson, R. D. i, LaHarpe. John M. Henry, Corp., 258 W. Wabasha St., Winona, Minn. Charles F. Forest, 972 Madison St., Eau Claire, Wis. Emil O. Dickman, Box 7, R. D. 32, Campbellsport, Wis. Ferdinand Gottfried, 1906 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Schlumpberger, Wanda, Minn. Charles W. Tessmer, Jordon, Minn. Vito Perillo, 749 DeKove St., Chicago. Ben Twedt, Clarion, Iowa. Edward Wenzloff, 3639 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Arnold O. Kramer, 601 Washington St., Watertown, Wis. Oscar C. Meyer, 2213 S. 8th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Joseph Wheeler, 154 Ainslee St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Emil H. Sempf, R. D. 2, Deer Park, Wis. Fred E. Graf, Jacksonport, Wis. Reid F. McMeekin, R. D. 2, Box 2, Orion. THE 342ND INFANTRY 153 Gustus G. Thanos, 4756 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Andrew Lind, Sawyer House, Stillwater, Minn. Hugh A. Woodburn, R. D. 2, Hillsdale. Emery C. Keen, Sgt., 3834 Archer Ave., Chicago. William H. Duy, Sgt., 460 4th Ave., Aurora. Oscar E. Nystrom, R. D. 3, Box 7, Kimball, Minn. Gecrge W. Ewald, 1321 2nd St., N. St Cloud, Minn. Henry M. Larson, Box 89, Madelia, Minn. Edward L. Carlstad, R. D. 2, Box i. Fertile, Minn. Harry H. Genrich, 1021 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter S. Andreasen, 32 Brammergade St., Aarhus, Den- mark. Emil F. Ortman, Corp., 319 , Market St., Waukegan. Leonard H. Thompson, Dawson, Minn. George Bielke, Box 12, Chaska, Minn. Archie Devreese, 310 Kerwin Ave., Detroit, Mich. Walter V. Kressbach, 1919 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. Tenny O. Ostrem. R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. Leonard P. Schneiders, Box 186, Elkton, Md. Henry A. Lueck, R. D. i, Melvina, Wis. Bozo Miloyevich, Corp., 172S Altgeld St., Chicago. Selmer O. Peterson, R. D. 9, Viroqua, Wis. George E. Rhodey, Hudson, Wis. Raymond Quinn, Union Center, Wis. Steve F. Kleman, Hatley, Wis. William R. Barret, R. D. i, Ferris. Titus Frkovich, 1184 30th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James A. Brink, 30 Jackson St., Waupun, Wis. Clarence M. Johnson, Corp., care of A. W. Shriver, Bradford.. Carl Rahn, 2617 Bismark St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles A. Bullock, R. D. 3 LaHarpe. Ben Mines, 2212 N. James St., Minneapolis, Minn. John W. Beck, Mendota, Minn. Giles B. McDunn, Barnesville, Minn. August T. Loring, 1506 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Peterson Starhedinger, Seal Land, Denmark. Arthur A. F. Weis, 410 Marr St., Fond du Lac, Wi# Alozy J. Kleman, R. D. i, Box 60, Hatley, Wis. Robert M. Tracy, 312 LaFayette Ave., Rockford. Robert J. Sachsenmaier, R. D. 1, Box 93, Glenwood City, Wis. John Soukop, R. D. t. Box 76, Weyerhauser, Wis. Russell Stankos, 120 loth Ave., Maywood. Philip M. Lindbloom, 121 N. Martha St., Stillwater, Minn. George LaPerre, Corp., Kaukauna St., Kimberly, Wis. Fred W. Kilroy, Tampico. Walter H. H. Kahl, 430 3rd Ave., West Bend, VVis. John L. Swenson, 2212 loth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. August Elevens, Geneseo. Fred L. Lester, Tazwell, Tenn. Arthur A. Bale, Hinckley. John Kulas, 240 North Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Ben T. Simpson, Maple St., Stoughton, Wis. George H. Ristow, Necedah, Wis. George Vitous, 1037 Randolph St., St. Paul, Minn. Camiel Versele, Geneseo. Charles H. Welch, 2004 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward J. Rivard, R. D. 1, Box 98, Stillwater, Minn. Bernard C. Schneider, R. D. 3, Box 75, Baldwin, Wis. Thomas L. Gleason, 451 W. 38th St., Chicago. Sylvere Ghyselcn, Corp., 841 21st Ave., Moline. Nordal C. Masrud, R. D. 2, Box 34, LaFarge, Wis. George F. Machen, Sgt., 932 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Nicholas J. Leon, Sgt., 573 High St., Aurora. Bernard C. Lind, Hillsboro, Wis. Marcellus Eagle Eye, 2601 5th Ave., Rock Island. Joe Knich. Junction City, Wis. Anthony Burzynsky, 1520 S. Van Buren St., Bay City, Mich. Albert A. Van Sant, Corp., 3928 Woodlawn Ave., Kan- sas City, Mo. Jerome Vandevelde, Marshall, Minn. Alex E. Krueger, R. D. i, Alexandria, Minn. Norman Solien, 601 S. Academy St., Stoughton, Wis. Hugo Soderberg, R. D. 2, Box 67, Frederic, Wis. Phillip J. ModalT, R. D. 2, Box tt, Aurora. Irvin E. Peterson, R. D. i, Box 3, Deronda, Wis. Frederick Swingley, Corp., R. Y>. 2, Malta. Arthur M. Walby, R. D. 2, Box 61, Clear Lake, Wis. Tillman L. Peterson, R. D. 4, Box 63, Viroqua, Wis. Walter E. McGuire, Spring Valley, Minn. Fred F. Faber, Box 143, Carpentersville. Robert J. Larkin. R. D. 4. Streator. Lawrence J. McDonnell, Hollandale, Wis. Albert R. Barton, Box 14, Ericksburg, Minn. Ralph M. Schultz, R. D. i, Emerald, Wis. Tony Kaczka, 1019 Storke St., Wausau, Wis. Iver B. 'Venn, Blue Earth, Minn. Harold W. Kermode, Touloh. Mike J. Snarskis, 4600 S. Sth Ave., Chicago. Fred Leja, R. D. 4, Box 112, Stanley, Wis. Raymond Blocker, Corp., R. D. 6, New Hampton, Iowa. John E. Rohn, Villa Ave. and Maple St., Villa Park. Fred West, Jr., Millington. Anton Kedrowske, R. D. i, Bevent, Wio. Levi Peterson, R. D. i. Box 14, Deer Park, Wis. Philander Call, Box 216, Silvis. Albert H. Wedeward, Corp., Waterloo, Wis. Fred Otto, Woodlake, Minn. Lyman D. Kemmis, R. D. 2, Box 41, Prophetstown. Alois Schulkewitz, 1219 Wright St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edmund J. Petitgout, R. D. 3, Hanover. Arthur H. Williams, R. D. 2, Norcro^ii, Minn. John S. Rusiecki, 4732 S. Wood St., Chicago. George Rausch, 1064 Willow Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Fred A. Hulce, R. D. 3, Wausau, Wis. Edward Huebner, R. D. 2, Richmond, Wis. Mike I^aBraco, 283 Orchard St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Schnell, R. D. 2, Auburn, Mich. Steve J. Kabat, 934 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bernard Holzem, R. D. 2, Wausau, Wis. Peter Nickider, Corp., '4045^ S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Henry Kubly, S. Clinton St., Monroe, Wis. Peter Wiggins, Box 36, Nickerscn, Minn. Bart A. Duggan, Mech., 1454 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Raymond B. Best, 11 29 Blaisdell St., Rockford. Percy R. Schuller, Wilson, Wis. Donato Antenucci, 717 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Herbert E. E. Platz, Corp., 1251 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward B. Wickland, Sauk Center, Minn. Glenn F. Pierce, Sgt.. Sparta, Wis. Gustave H. Buctow, Box 82, Belle Plaine, Minn. William McCann, Litchfield, Minn. Halvor LeBack, Box 35, Fisher, Minn. John J. Wagner, R. D. 4, Sherburn, Minn. Arthur Dickerson, 2109 W. Adams St., Chicago. Charles J. Gelhaye, 1732 Brand St., St. Paul, Minn. Arthur E. Halliday, Box 33, Mentor, Minn. Leslie J. Duncan, Sgt., 527 W. Englewood Ave., Chi- cago. John M. Zelnet, 1340 S. 48th Court, Cicero. Leo V. Bannon, 64 Arnold St., Lonsdale, R. I. Earmon J. Agnew, Phenix Ave., Lippitt, R. I. Oliver Adams, Jr., ManVille, R. I COMPANY B, 34 2ND INFANTRY Frank A. Gerould ist Lt., Essex Rd., Kenilworth. Clement C. Young, ist Lt., 603 Superior Ave., Oconto, Wis. William K. Palmer, 2d Lt., 8424 Fairfield Ave., Berwyn. Frank Koptik, 2d Lt., 4218 W. i6th St., Chicago. Harry J. Osborne, ist Sgt., 564 Slade Ave., Elgin. Walter P. Jensen, Sup. Sgt., 18 Warwick PL, Elgin. Ernest Hendrickson, Mess Sgt., 220 W. Wilson Ave., Batavia. Arthur H. Helms, Cook, 427 Ann St., Elgin. Edward Maciejewski, Cook, 179 E. ist St., St. Charles. Lyle Kelleher, Cook, 162 Wilson St., Batavia. Clarence J. Dahl, Bug., 75 S. Niagara St., Tonawanda, N. Y. Harry G. Magin, Mech., 4407 North Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Mac J. Alexander, Sgt. Clk., 625 Mclndoe St., Wausau, Wis. Nickolas Wesoloski, R. D. 2, Neillsville, Wis. Coy Wallin, Sgt, Elna, Ky. Noah Cumpston, LaFarge, Wis. James Scrimgeour, Winthrop, Minn. Ernest B. Briggs, R. D. 1, Hammond, Wis. Elmer Gritton, R. D. i. New Boston. Thomas J. Davis, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. William Rochester. R. D. 2, Box 41, Warren, Wis. George C. Seefeld, Corp., 1201 North Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Peterson, 2017 29th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Fredolph Johnson, R. D. i. Box 38, Little Falls, Minn. Rudolph Siekert, Walrath St., Sparta, Wis. James Slama, Fred Slama, R. D. 4, Box 56, Westby, Wis. 154 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Arthur E. Stark, R. D. i, Box 76, Comfrey, Minn. Stewart Smith, R. D. i, Box 26, Wilson, Wis. Sylvester Stengle, Corp., 3708 W. 84th PI., Chicago. Palmer Olson, R. D. i, Box 90, Coon, Wis. William Strassburg. Long Prairie, Minn. Irving McMillan, Box 233, Soldiers Grove, Wis. Clarence M. Rund, R. D. 5, Bex 4, Westby, Wis. Albert Smith, R. D. 2, Hillsboro, Wis. Martinus Nielson, R. D. 4, Box 38, Madelia, Minn. Sam F. Kaiser, Corp., 5310 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Anton Schilkewitz, 1219 Wright St., Milwaukee, Wis. Serafino Silvestri, 426-428 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. William J. O'Brien, Putnam. Grover C. Gauthier, 2117 Roosevelt Ave., Two Rivers, Wis. Dennie Mannon, Box 95, Castleton. Bert Evans, Cass Lake, Minn. Gustave Darkow, Ccrp., 420 37th St. N., IVIilwaukee, Wis. John Leszczynski, 533 154th PI., Hammond, Ind. Martin O. Martenson R. D. 3, Box loi. Westby, Wis. Herman O. Daiker, 530 2d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter Hansen, R. D. 3, Morgan, Minn. Carl R. Heine, 673 Villa St., Elgin. Joseph Garland, R. D. 2, Seaton. Frank H. O'Connell, 1808 Clybourn St., Milwaukee, Wis. William H. Bovie, Corp., 7126 Evans Ave., Chicago. George J. Devine, 181 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert H. Schott, 923 2d Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Henry Schlicht, 805 19th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank C. Dever, 3028 W. 42d St., Chicago. Edward H. Made, 210 St. Croix Ave., Stillwater, Minn. Walter H. Polzin, 21 17 Lloyd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter F. Gager, 533 Thayer St., Rhinelander, Wis. John B. Nordine, Box 108, Bishop Hill. Harry MalHn, 787 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edmond J. Langevin, Vesta, Minn. Clyde Alderman, R. D. 3, Westby, Wis. Perry T. Omdalen, R. D. 4, Rice Lake, Wis. Charles Aussant, 226 Norris St., St. Paul, Minn. Robert H. Gardner, Corp., 26 Bath St., Manchester, N. H. Oliver Tones, 222 P. O. Box, Elburn. LeRoy "P. Kavel, 1604 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl O. Lundstrom, R. D. 4, Box 13, Pelican Rapids, Minn. Paul A. Schaller, 516 Pine St., Sparta, Wis. Fred H. Pucker, R. D. 3, Box Tz' Fend du Lac, Wis. Benjamin Shaw, 213 W. Nott St., Tomah, Wis. Arthur C. Dwyer, 678 Pleasant St., Kenosha, Wis. Harry A. Downing, R. D. i, Box 125, Rock) Island. Milton Schneider, Sgt., 532 S. 2d St., Delavan, Wis. Eugene L. Benson, Sgt., 140 McKee St., Batavia. Morris E. Anderson, Sgt., 678 Congdon St., Elgin. Oscar F. Krueger, Box 70, Wausau, Wis. William Berg, R. D. i, Annandale, Minn. Otto F. Kolbe, Marathon, Wis. Harry Hansen, Box 54, Pillager, Minn. Herman F. Conrad, R. D. i, Holland, -Minn. Joseph L. Martin, Green Isle, Minn. Arnold Haakenson, Corp., 715 Washington St., Decorah, Iowa. Frank P. Krieski, Knowlton, Wis. Walter H. Koch, R. D. 2, Box 165, Wausau, Wis. William F. Brown R. D. 6, Box 69. Tomah, Wis. Richard Krueger, R. D. 2, Hewitt, Wis. Leonard Landowski, R. D. i, Hatley, Wis. Walter E. Storck, Corp., Schleisingerville, Wis. Louis Frohm, Miszpah, Minn. Harold E. Freeman, R. D. 4, Box 14, Spring Valley, Minn. Arthur F. Link, 9 E. Washington St., Norwalk. O. William Prefer, 320 LaFayette St., Winona Minn. Hampton Johnson, 3933 45th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Knute A. Simonson, R. D. 5, Box 84, Bensen, Minn. Albert Lieberman, 1331 W. 12th St., Chicago. Theodore P. Ernest, 733 Halsted St., Chicago. Peter J. Strand, R. D. 2, Sun Prairie, Wis. Henry O. Olson, R. D. 2, Zimmerman, Minn. Paul A. Duehring, 931 8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Royce H. Skinner, 731 40th St., Milwaukee, Wis. George J. Keogh, 1701 Plymouth Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. William H. Duffy, Corp., 108 Prairie St., Batavia. Arthur Dieterich, Grand Meadow, Minn. Oscar Ostrom, 1503 loist Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Andrew Peterson, 61 Russell St., Marinette, Wis. Jukius E. Kuehl, 730 Lincoln Ave.. Wausau, Wis. Louis R. Peterson, 2416 18th St. "A", Moline. Charles J. Joachim, 277 Lake Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Nathan Moskovitz, Corp., 1603 S. Avers Ave., Chicago. Peter C. Leterski, R. D. i. Box 15, Hatley, Wis. Mike A. Mahanick, 715 Park Ave., Wausau, Wis. Oscar Melson, R. D. 3. Butterfield, Minn. William Hooker, Wawina Minn. William Kumbera, 212 Edward St., Wausau, Wis. Edward W. Taddey, 73 38th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Antonio Casalino, 2419 W. Huron St., Chicago. Meredith McTernan, Corp., 418 South Blvd., Evanston. George F. Hennig, Water St., Princeton, Wis. Edward F. Rauch, R. D. 30, Campbellsport, Wis. .Arthur Nickolls, Stark. William C. Earl, 182 Edward St., Kenosha, Wis. Percy W. Millard, 1024 North St., Lake Geneva, Wis. Victor H. Asbury, R. D. i. Valley Junction, Wis. Alfred H. Clair, R. D. 4, Box 23, Wilton, Wis. Arthur W. Uttich, 613 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Rudolph M. Nordeen, Box 108. Bishop Hill. Carl C. Kienzle, Sgt., 687 Oakland Ave., Elgin. Roy K. Peterson, Sgt., R. D. 2, Elgin. Lao A. Nowizki, 615 E. 3d St., Winona, Minn. William R. Zwieg, R. D. 2, Deer Park, Wis. Adolph ZeMmer, R. D. 2, Deer Park, Wis. Henry J. Miller, R. D. 15, Ripon, Wis. Louis J. Kelly. R. D. 6, Box 30, Fond du Lac, Wis. Daniel H. Beffa, Corp., R. D. 2, DeSoto, Wis. Frank Zimmerman, R. D. i. Box 12, Glenwood City, Wis. Harry Hanson, R. D. 3, York, Wis. Arthur A. Olson, R. D. 22, Waupun, Wis. Dick Kloosterboer, R. D. 22, Waupun, Wis. Frank C. Oelkie, 303 Stewart St., Geneseo. John M. Grosman Avon, Minn. Lewis W. Erickson, Box 42, Melvina, Wis. Emil G. Lofgren, Corp., 243 sth Ave., Hinsdale. Franklin Schow, R. D. 2, Wells, Minn. Harry R. Jacobs, 1021 Superior St., Appleton, Wis. Rinhart Bergman, 284 N. Main St., Hartford, Wis. Earl W. Netser, Atkinson. Anton Gustav'son, Bangor, Wis. Lavrin Micku, Corp. 917 W. 14th St., Chicago. Peter L. Wodarz, R. D. 4, Bowerville, Minn. Frederick Schilko, South i6th Pleasant St., Kenosha, Wis. William H. Koch, Darwin, Minn. Frank H. Will, 1223 22d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur P. Hayes, R. D. 3, Oxford, Wis. Russell I. Fink, R. D. 3, Monmouth. George G. Eddy, Gilbert Minn. Charles Fischer, Ccrp., Jones Island, Milwaukee, Wis. Felix J. Ramczik, 627 E. 22d St., Winona, Minn. Harry Fairbanks, Puyallup, Wash. Otto Johnson, Box 25, Rassburg, Minn. William LaBelle, Emo, Out., Canada. John Wessbecker, Wacomia Minn. John F. Durkin, 850 White Rock Ave., Waukesha, Wis. Francis Meguffy, Dresbach, Minn. Tjomas A. Saluta, Corp., 11 13 Piano Fiera Lentni, Prov. Di Siracusa, Italy. Theodore Johnson, Gcnvick, Minn. Andrew Johnson. Lily Lake. Carl A. Fisher, R. D. 3, Viroqua, Wis. Elmer E. Muenter, R. D. 28, Oak Fields, Wis. Stanley Osteiko. 37 Sunnyside Ave., Waterbury, Conn. Louis H. Schaefer, Green Isle, Minn. Edgar V. Delaney, Box 24, Rockton, Wis. Oakley E. Inman, Corp., R. D. 2, DeSoto, Wis. Richard Niskawaara, R. D. i, Box 18, New York Mills, Minn. William Barrington R. D. i, Naples, S. D. John Kraemer, R. D. i. Box "jz, Plainfield Wis. Paul Bock, 163 Pleasant Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Emil Lofquist, R. D. i, Welch, Minn. Everette Noble, R. D. 2, Hillsboro, N. D. George M. Seyller, Sgt., Hampshire. Benjamin Money, Sgt., 30 Hamilton Ave., Elgin. Mathew L. Hannon, Sgt., Elburn. George R. Swanson, R. D. 2, Box 62, Glenwood City, Wis. Johnnie W. Davis, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. Ralph O. Wilcox, R. D. 3, Harris, Minn. Michael J. Lyons, 480 E. 145th St., New York, N. Y. Ernest L. Erickson, 1079 E. Losey St., Galesburg. Oscar W. Pietsch, Stockton, Minn. Elmer J. Daus, Corp., 216 Geneva St., Dundee. John VanDenter, R. D. 2, Box O, 2d Ave., Appleton, Wis. Louis Nutini 3418 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Harry M. Peterson, Kerkoven, Minn. Daniel J. Wells, R. D. 4, Box 69, New Richmond, Wis. THE 342ND INFANTRY 155 Nicholas Erickson, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. James N. VanDien, Box 93, Glenwood City, Wis. Edwin L. Wiedman, R. D. 16, Box 79 Pewaukee, Wis. Roy W. Prey, Corp., 923 27th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Clarence Morrissey, Big Falls, Minn. Arthur Brechler, 312 2d Ave., No. i, Wausau, Wis. Joe Nicholson, 123 N. Lakeview Ave., Kewanee. Adam Makarevich, 2772 Wellington St., Duluth, Minn. Helmar C. Sundall, R. D. 5, New Richmond, Wis. William F. Wolske, R. D. i, Menomonie, Wis. Edwin Warnecke, 1122 Sherman St., Milwaukee, Wis. Royal Figuieras, Corp., 1854 N. Mozart St., Chicago. William Roberts, 21 Leonard St., Elgin. Dwight L. Terrill, R. D. 2, Box 11, Hancock, Minn. Archie Walker, R. D. 2, Box 56, Glenwood City, Wis. Theodore Hartmann, Kiel Wis. William Tic, R. D. i, Hersey, Wis. Olof Olson, R. D. 4, Cambridge. .-\ntoine Nicholas. Corp., LeRoy, Minn. \'erner Hietala, Box 155, Finlayson, Minn. George A. Rimmer, Elysian, Minn. Forrest Sowle, 3233 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Sidney Torgerson, Box 65, Deer Park, Wis. John W. Greenwood, Alexis. Wesley A. Harvey, 4339 Freemont Ave., S., Minneapo- lis, Minn. John J. Vaskovsky, 2331 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Herbert H. Fcnes, R. D. 2, Galesburg. Bertram A. Fulton, 740 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Charles W. Jones, 5402^ St. John Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. Louie E. Anderson R. D. i, Readstown, Wis. Wilbur J. Merrill, 210 S. 3d St., Stillwater, Minn. Sam F. Lieberman, 141 1 Stebbins Ave., Bronx, New York, N. Y. Melvin G. Solsvig, 420 5th St., North Hudson, Wis. Ferdinand Siecert, 832 33d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Allen Goodbar, 204 W. North St., Abbingdon. Jack Hurwitz, 789 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John L. Harvey, Montour la. Elmer E. Benton, 850 Pennsylvania Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Forrest Matson, loi N. E. 8th Ave., Galvg. Fred Reed, 4120 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Henry Kienzle, Corp., 687 Oakland Ave., Elgin. John W. Retka, Jr., 908 West St.. Merrill, Wis. John H. Elfering, R. D. 2, Waukegan. Emil Sester, 115 Summano St., Hampshire. Louis A. Role, R. D. 2, Box 57, Westby, Wis. John V. Osowski, 728 E. sth St., Winona, Minn. Palmer Lee, R. D. i, Box 94, Westby, Wis. LeRoy L. Hamel, 318 Fair St., Sycamore. Frank E. Kass, 233 S. Southport Ave., Chicago. Louis Lindenbaum, 30 Carroll St., Rochester, N. Y. Walter Brockhaus, R. D. i, Lomira, Wis. Aleksander Porzezynski, 2338 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Joseph Zeccola, 226 E. 109th St., New York, N. Y. William Zenowiz, 637 E. 13th St., New York, N. Y. Alex Zilinsky, 109 2d St., New York, N. Y. Camille Belleavoine, Georgiaville, R. I. Arthur Fredette, Aberdeen St., Phoenix, R. I. William Harrington, 1 1 Vanderland Ave., E. Providence, R. L Oscar W. Pederson, R. D. i, Janesville, Minn. Salvatore Allecca, 50 Oak St., New York, N. Y. COMPANY C, 342ND INFANTRY Guy M. Talcott, Capt., 816 Edgecomb PI., Chicago. Herman G. Kramer, ist Lt., New Milford, N. J. Eugene N. Frakes, ist Lt., 4175 De Tonty St., St. Louis Mo. Norman C. Green, 1st Lt., 7705 Normal Ave., Chicago. James L. Walker, 2d Lt., 2204 6th Ave., Moline. James F. Bowers, 2d Lt., 2048 Howe St., Chicago. Pierce Vandercook. ist Sgt., Lombard. Miche Sabotino, Ccok, Locati, Palermo, Italy. Walter A. Hackmeister, Cook., R. D. i, Wheaton. Charles F. Oetke, Cook, Lombard. Walter A. Hollinger, Cook, Sandy Springs, Md. Paul A. Thompson, Bug., Olive Bridge, N. Y. Clarence A. Krueger, Bug.. 6354 Harper Ave., Chicago. Seth C. Mayer, Mess Sgt., Lombard. Ernest H. Youngquist, Corp., 639 Aurcra Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Samuel Gregory, Mech., West Chicago. Henry H. Pohlman, Mech., Arlington Heights. Andrew A. Walkowski, Mech., 1123 6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John Chojnacki, Mech., 1108 Midland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert R. Morgan, Sup. Sgt., 11 N. Chestnut St., Aurora. Warren C. Vining, Sgt., 424 Howard St., Wheaton. Albert A. Voss, R. D. 4, Waseca, Minn. Frank L. Lawrence, R. D. i. Box 27, Blakley, Minn. Grover W. Storandt, R. D. i. Cataract, Wis. Leonard Smith, Bex 21, Felton, Minn. Oliver A. Larson, Rrckland, Wis. Ole Myrane, Clementson, Minn. Peter T. Schoemann, Corp., 1175 23d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Ralph Hallbick R. D. i. Box 38, Abingdon. Harry R. Frank (i). Lombard. Lothard E. Aim, ist Ave., S., Faribault, Minn. Anton P. DeBuhr, Saukville, Wis. Frederick Hayden, R. D. 4, Box 33, Cashton, Wis. Willis E. Davis, R. D. i. Grand Meadow, Minn. Henry Fischer, R. D. 3, Box 85, St. Cloud, Minn. Frederick Wood, Corp., 1242 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. Albert H. Helling, 628 W. 9th St., Faribault, Minn. Albert R. Harrison, R. D. 2, Box 108, Warsaw. Hugh H. Henry, R. D. 3, Viroqua, Wis. John J. J. Baar. 846 Juno St., St. Paul, Minn. Lester Serfass, Box 26, Highbridge, Wis. Tames Hanakah, Wyeville, Wis. Ijelvik E. Helland. Westby, Wis. Joseph Toniutti, 1608 S. 14th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Edwin J. Reel, Tomah. Wis. John Demkowicz (i), 9211 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Hjalmer Oium, R. D. i, Box 30, Westby, Wis. Martin Knudson, R. D. 2, Melvina, Wis. Frank A. Siefert, 540 Granite St., Toliet. Ralph E. Olson, R. D. 5, Box 25, Sparta. Wis. Myron L. Carman, Corp., 464 N. Main St., Meadville, Pennsylvania. John J. Schmidt, 1212 N. 13th St., Sheboygan. Wis. John D. Niemeczyk, 629 W. 3d St., Winona, Minn. Elmer G. Collins, 351 Kane St., Aurora. Joseph Glymske, Box 115, Norwalk, Wis. Albert H. Henning, 743 Armstrong, St. Paul, Minn. Henry E. Peterson, R. D. i, Roy, Minn. Walter C. Redlich, 516 Wilson St.. Winona, Minn. George E. Kolberg, Corp., 5202 N. Winthrop St., Chi- cago. Max Brown, 2044 Haddon Ave., Chicago. Edward H. Scheel, Downers Grove. Wallace W. Howie, Tomah, Wis. Walter. N. Suhr (i), 1312 Penn Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. August Kulm, 15 S. Grant St., Hinsdale.' Clay H. Marsh, Box 135, Huntley. Emery j;. McNeil, R. D. 3, Rock Falls. Lester E. Netterstrom, 854 Waveland Ave., Chicago. Charley A. Sargent, R. D. 2, Rose Creek. Jack Lebedeff, 226 Nelson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Aurelio Scalzetti, 908 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Charles C. Koechel, 1508 Superior St., Sheboygan, Wis. Herbert A. Boser, 902 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Roy S. Drum, 201 LaSalle Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Bennie E. Wooge, Box 234, Jeffers, Minn. Julius E. Weldon, Corp., 2333 Grenshaw St., Chicago. Guiseppe Pelino (i), 2327 N. California Ave., Chicago. William F. Hartwig, Sgt., Elmhurst. Robert Dickson, Sgt., 174 Hyland Ave., Downers Grove. Paul A. Lambrecht, Sgt., 1007 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John E. Sorgenson, R. D. i. Box 28, Monticello, Minn. William Spears, R. D. 2, Box 57, Stoddard, Wis. Nels R. Anderson, 819 Front St., S., Mankato, Minn. Julius Schwartz, R. D. 2, Sobieske, Wis. Ole C. Volden, R. D. 2, Box 51, Genoa, Wis. Olaf Larson, Box 523, Madison, Minn. Roy O. Johnson, 368 Marston Ave., Galesburg. Walter C. Strege, R. D. i. Box 68, Ephrain, Wis. William J. Kitterman, R. D. 2, Lime Springs, la. Victor Karkinen, R. D. 2, Box 65, Menahga, Minn. Felix J. Cierzan, 1051 E. 7th St., Winona, Minn. William F. Plautz, R. D. 2, Rock Falls. Otto F. Wendt, R. D. i, Merrimac, Wis. Jesse M. Thompson, R. D. i, Genoa, Wis. Carl M. Monsen, Corp., R. D. 3, Box 24, LeRoy, Minn. Albert E. Harrison, R. D. 2, Carthage. Victor G. Dlask, R. D. 2, Bangor, Wis. 156 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Ernest A. Wagner, 3831 Fremont Ave., N., Minneapo- lis, Minn. James M. Johnson, 407 University Ave., N. E., Minneap- olis, Minn. Hilding A. Johnson, Box 62, New Windsor. Melvin J. Lee, R." D. 4, Box 103, Westby, Wis. Edward H. Schabert, 11 16 Ashland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lynn N. Pease, Corp., 1442 Highland Ave., Chicago. Joseph Klapperich, Adams, Minn. Casper J. Leick (i), 518 Eugene St., Chicago. Alvin J. Mintzlaff, Thiensville, Wis. William J. Hogan, 2088 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Louis T. Moran, 222 Aiundel St., St. Paul, Minn. Jchn W. Bloom, Round Lake, Wis. Harvey S. Gausman, R. D. i, Howard Lake, Minn. Victor Jordan, Corp., 708 N. Homan Ave., Chicago. Stanley Chmielewski, 1253 Forest Home Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Leonhart Weiss, R. D. i, Durand, Wis. Edward J. Deitz, R. D. 3, Rock Falls. Harry F. Zarr, R. D. 2, Prophetstown. Herman A. Hinz. R. D. 4, Lock Box 45, Perham, Minn. Theodore Wendtlandt, 44 Hamilton St., Cederburg, Wis. Albert J. Scrum, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. Edward W. Rosenthal (i), LeRoy, Minn. Thomas J. Sherwin, R. D. 4, Box 29, Winchester David Smith, 301 E. Howard St., Portage, Wis. Charles G. Homuth, P. O. Box 64, Plato Center. Martin P. Okland, R. D. i, Orion. Bert LaDue. Box 26, Sparta, Wis. Robert B. Zick, R. D. i, Forest Junction, Wis. Wallace A. Rudolph, R. D. 2T, Picketts, Wis. Albert P. Parks, Corp., 4 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. William C. Manthey, 804 S. 2d St., Waseca, Minn. Albon Welch, R. D. 3, Box 35, Viroqua, Wis Vincent Willison, R. D. 3 Box 66, Soldiers Grove, Wis. Tirnest Snider, R. D. i, Oakdale, Wis. Stanley Murkowski, 890 Franklin PI., Milwaukee, Wis. Nickolas Remissong, R. D. 2, Aurora. Andrew J. Schmidt, 808 ist South St., St. Cloud, Minn. John F. Pcsson, 181 1 Austin, Ave., Chicago. William Petrzilka (i), 1637 Kaminsky Ave., Chicago. Norman S. Beardmore, Corp., 215 E. 3d St., East Liv- erpool, O. William Gleissman, Sgt., 28 W. Vine St., Hinsdale. William H. Mueller, Sgt., 135 Marion St., Elmhurst. Roscoe C. Williams, Mizpah, Minn Henry F. Vieth, R. D. i, Box tt. Red Wing, Minn. Edward D. Scheid, R. D. 29, Box 7, Campbellsport, Wis. Emil A. Anderle, R. D. 5- River Falls, Wis. Nick Antony, R. D. i, Melvina, Wis. Hardie C. Engberg, Shell Lake, Wis. Selmer A. Skaar, Corp., Box 36, Ostrander, Minn. William C. Paynter, R. D. 2, Box 34, Jcnesdale, Wis. Ralph A. Wegner, Lombard. Albert I. Melsby, R. D. i. Red Top, Minn. Robert P. Kassera, R. D. 3,, Maiden Rock, Wis. Irving N. Vickery, Valley Junction, Wis Gust Sotona, R. D. 5, Kendall, Wis. Jacob Fischer, Jr., 1808 Chestnut St., Milwaukee. Wis. George H. Sprehn, Corp., 211 E. Liberty St., Mankato, Minn. Daniel Phillips (i), 1509 W. 14th St., Chicago. Hendrikkus J. Wolters, R. D. 2, Minneota, Minn. Bengt Bengtson, R. D. i, Box 29, Ellsworth Wis. Arthur T. Sandquist, 303 W. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Emil R. Mundt, R. D. i, Coleta. John E. Peterson, R. D. 2, Lindstrom, Minn Charles F. Cowell, Care of N. R. Bennett, Nelson, Wis. James P. Cullen^ Corp., Care of St. Mary's Academy, Prairie du Chien, Wis. William H. Jacobs, R. D. i, Box 35, Elroy, Wis. Claude H. Webster, R. D. 4, Fond du Lac, Wis. Thomas Materna, 317 i6th Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. Glenway W. Raulf, 131 E. 13th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. William H. DeBruler, Winslow, Ind. Hector Wallace, Box 60, Poynette, Wis. Edwin H. Wargin, R. D. i. Box loi, Duluth, Minn. Christ J. Villias (i) Care Mitchell's Cafe, Mankato, Minn. Fred A. Cederburg, R. D. i, Bay City, Wis. Walter W. Frank (i), Coudeary, Wis. Anton A. Uischner, R. D. 2, Box 97, Tomah, Wis. Joseph Bross, Chase. Acel T. Erickson, Comfrey, Minn. Ivar Engtniist, R. D. i. Box 35 Madrid, la. Harry J. Johnson, 751 23d St., Rock Island. Duncan Jennings, 7928 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Sverre A. Olsen, 1304 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Glenn II. Quarve, Box 14, Louisburg, Minn. Raymond G. Esterby, Box 98, R. D. i, Bay City, Wis. William T. McGuiness, Waldorf, Minn. Swan Odegard, Skjome, Humidal, Norway. Anton Waskelevicz, 451 34th St., South Omaha, Neb. Otto H. Greske, R. D. 6, Box 56, Ellsworth, Wis. Joseph Polaszewski, Corp., 4826 S. Racine Ave., Chi- cago. Iver A. Thompson, LeRoy, Minn. Julius S. Bross, Elburn. Roy E. Babcock, R. D. 46, Ripley, N. Y. Arne A. Skipley, Clementson, Minn. Clair B. Adams, R. D. 1, Box 52, Ellsworth, Wis. Edward W. Johnson, 2524 W. Div'ision St., Chicago. Oscar J. Blumenberg, 1209 8th Ave.. Milwaukee, Wis. Carl W. Lindin, Corp., 707 Reba PL, Evanston. Charles Foerg, 66 32d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Richard F. Albrecht, Ccrp., 230 Prairie Ave., Naperville. Daniel A. Clancy, Sgt., West Chicago. William J. Plath, Sgt., West Chicago. Victor A. Tilander, Box 273, Ray, Minn. Bennie Erickson, Wittenberg, Wis. Ban A. Lund, Anawa Mail Rt., Hogarty, Wis. George Lockman, R. D. i. Arena, Wis. Edwin C. H. Lemke, Birnamwood, Wis. Merle W. Litton, R. D. i, Woodhull. John J. Netterstrom, Corp., 19 13 Larschmont Ave., Chi- cago. William Endthoff, R. D. i, Plainville, Wis. Gustav A. Bolland, R. D. i. Box 19, Bay City, Wis. Otto C. Ebert Columbus, Wis. Henry E. Ancierson, R. D. i. Box 34, River Falls, Wis. Paul J. Kaehler (i), 1004 Ashland Ave., Evanston. Alvin Miller, R. D. i. Blue Mounds, Wis. Alexander McNeil, R. D. 3, Maynard, Minn. Floyd E. Davi-s, 491 S. Main St., Richland Center, Wis. Earl H. Peppard, Drayton, N. D. -Alfred M. IJorgen. R. D. 4, New Richmond, Minn. Walter B. Lenz, R. D. i, Varna. Jacob J. Betz, Box 77, Jordan, Minn. .Anton C. Johnson. R. D. 2, Main Rock, Wis. Martin Houg, R. D. 7, Box 80, Faribault, Minn. Leonard Kulla, Jenkins, Minn. Bernard W. Trapp, R. D. 2, Sanborn, Minn. Cornel T. Stone, Ettrick, Wis. Frederick Loecher, R. D. i, Adams, Minn. Gust H. Dahlgren, R. D. 2, Bay City, Wis. Emil C. Lverson, 710 Tyler St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ben Deiss. Box 105, River Falls, Wis. Wallace H. Mattson, R. D. 2, Box 14, Waverly, Minn. Joseph P. Robinson, Corp., Knightsville, Ind. Leo Obert, 641 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. George Wehrenberg, R. D. 2, West Salem, Wis. Emil Marqup.i-dt, Dysart, la.- Anton Bechei, R. D. i, Box 22, Plum City, Wis. Nels P. Larsen, R. D. i, Gary. S. D. John A. Allport, R. D. i, Spring Valley, Wis. Edward Vodak, R. D. i. Box 21, Dilly, Wis. Charles Goswitz, Corp., 1013 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Andrew A. Machyniak, 715 Park Ave., Wausau, Wis. Walter Luedtke, 524 Wausau Ave., Wausau, Wis. Johnsie C. Fisher, 1217 Blaisdell St., Rockford. Max Sievert, 1516 23d St., Two Rivers, Wis. Silvester Levandowski, R. D. i. Hartley, Wis. Palmer H. Larson, R. D. 2, Box 66, Blanchardville, Wis Edwin Jahrd, R. D. i, Beldenville, Wis. Charles S. Brown, Corp., 663 N. Curtis St., Chicago. Walter S. Hambly, R. D. 2, Plymouth. Ralph Davis, R. D. i. River Falls, Wis Clarence M. Pilisch, Anawa, Wis. Gustave Jorgenson, R. D. 2, Lyle, Minn. John Thelen, LeRoy, Minn. Amos Krueger, 813 Park Ave., Wausau, Wis. Arthur A. Millark, 4020 4th Ave., Moline. Arthur W. Jacobson, R. D. 4. Spring Valley, Wis. John B. Klein, Corp., 2529 Ward St., Chicago. Hugh P. Murphy, Sgt., West Chicago. Herbert Kenyon, 65 Pierce St., East Greenwich, R. I. COMPANY D, 342ND INFANTRY Charles G. Dennison, Capt., 184 4th St., Hinsdale. John G. Little, Jr., ist Lt, 843 Gait Ave., Chicago. Daniel Cantwell, 2d Lt., 1914 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. Clarence W. Dawson, 2d Lt., 1328 Carmen Ave., Chicago. THE 342ND INFANTRY 157 Burford L. Porter, 2d Lt., T2 W. Adams St., Chicago. Francis R. Sagle, Corp., 84 W. Park Ave., Aurora. VIontague R. Rasmussen, ist Sgt., 217 McKinley Rd., Lake Forest. V^ivian Winkenweder, Sup. Sgt., Naperville. • William T. Ccpithorne, Mess Sgt., Green Bay and Deer Path Ave., Lake Forest. Walter Norbeck, Mech., R. D. i, Albertvnlle, Wis. Morris R. Noethling, Cook, 231 W. St. Johns Ave., Highland Park. Leo T. Lessner, Cook, 234 154th PL, West Hammond. John" P. Hopkins, Cook, 122 W. Main St., DeKalb. Joseph Rupert, R. D. 5, River Falls, Wis. Louis R. L. Haij, Box 34, Cotton, Minn. Burney N. Seiler. Prairie View. Nels Nelson. R. D. 3, Box 29, Spring Valley, Wis. Lester D. Mechling, Spring Valley, Wis. Elmer J. Whitney, R. D. i, Victory, Wis. Albion Overhagen, R. D. 5, Westby, Minn. Eddy Stenslein, R. D. 2, Box 35, Stoddard, Wis. Carl F. Zube, R. D. 9, Viroqua, Wis. Joseph J. Kinserdahl, 517 E. Jefferson St.. Viroqua. Wis. Jerry Thompson, R. D. 2, Box 81, Westby. Wis. William L. Sack, Jr., 1410 2d St., Wausau, Wis. Edwin A. Huber, Box 27, Ellsworth, Wis. Louis A. Schael, Schofield, Wis. Leonard J. Zogg, R. D. i. Box 54, Genoa, Wis. Willis W. Wood, R. D. 2, Tunnel City. Wis. Arne E. Kirkeeng, R. D. i. Box 78. Rockland, Wis. Harvey J. Reimes, R. D. i, Box 36, Ringle, Wis. Sands G". Watters, R. D. 2, DeSoto, WMs. John L. Hinzman, R. D. i. Spring Valley, Wis. Harry R. Berg, R. D. i, Leon, Wis. Levi Flick, R. D., Downsville, Wis. Theodore ^L Peterson, R. D. 8, Box 56, Viroqua, Wis. Otto R. Wrobel, R. D. 3, Box 72, Viroqua, Wis. Ole Larson, R. D. i, Box 7, Rock Elm, Wis. Albert Hagen, R. D. 4, Box 92, Westby, Wis. Byron Littlefield, Plum City, Wis. Edwin H. Sheldon, R. D. i. Box 49, DeSoto, Wis. Hershel M. 'S'oung, R. D. 3, Westby, Wis. Otto J. Penn, 120 1st Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. Henry J. Levi, R. D. i. Box 9, Genoa, W'is. Frederick Gehringer, 217 S. Spencer St., Aurora. Arthur L. Hall, R. D. 6, Box 82, River Falls, Wis. Louis H. Greeley. R. D. i. Box 96, Beldenv'ille, Wis. George H. Whipple, Box 202, Mazeppa, Minn. Walter A. Gotzman, R. D. i. Plum City, Wis. Joseph Schoenberger, R. D. i, Plum City, Wis. Clyde O. Schorn, R. D. 2, River Falls, Wis. Frank Schultz, 420 2d Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. George Gallagher, 268 New York St., Aurora. Ellert A. Munson, R. D. 4, Box 24, Cashton, Wis. Emil G. Miller. Ringle, Wis. David M. Honigfeld, 119 S. Orange Ave., Newark, N. J. Harry E. Anderson, 118 W. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Louis Berg, Dcuglas, N. D. Quay H. Whitbeck, Box 11, Ericksberg, Minn. Lawrence M. Bartodzy, 2512 Augusta St., Chicago. John P. Wermerskirchen, R. D. 2, Lakeville, Minn. Theodore Earners, R. D. 9, Little Chute, Wis. Elmer A. Owen, Corp., 705 Cedar St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Bennie Rudy, R. D. i. Independence. Wis. Walfrid Sandstrom, 435 Jesramine St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Hankedahl, Calmar, la. George A. Duggan, 812 5th St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Lawrence Krans, R. D. 14, Box 51, Victoria. Donald E. Layton, Burnside. Robert P. Cummins, 2325 4th St., N. W., Canton, O. George J. Karch, Corp., Deerfield. Edward A. Bonn. 413 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Knute H. Knutson, 2422 15th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Napoleon Carlier, Box 165, Kasson, Minn. Fred Kraetschmann, 623 Garland Ave., Spokane, Wash. Leo A. Zillmer, R. D. i. Box 14, Cataract, Wis. John N. Mikalson, Corp., Deer Park, Wis. Joseph Meiers, 715 Locust St., Appleton, Wis. Fred C. Olson, 629 Oak St.. Lake City, Minn. Frank Vohnoutka, R. D. i. Box 52, Montgomery, Minn. Warren B. LieVan, R. D. 5, Blue Earth, Minn. Ray Overman, Balsam Lake, Wis. Joseph Stanek, 2710 S. Turner Ave.. Chicago. Carl E. Nelson, 3475 3d St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Hugh P. Reynolds, Corp., 1916 Euclid Ave., Lincoln, Neb. Arnold Graf, 508 39th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Julius Joop, R. D. 22, LaSalle. William Kroells, Hamburg, Minn. Leo H. Witkowsik, 518 Pulaski Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Alvin Schoephoerster, Box 157, Sumner, la. Max Kroll, 957 Cook St., St. Paul, Minn. William A. Potter, 982 N. Division St., Appleton, Wis. Morris Slamovitz, Corp., 4005 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Alexander Mallinas, 301 S. Wall St., Sioux City, la. Otto R. Hilbert, 1814 S. irth St., Sheboygan, Wis. Eddie C. Pickett, Woodford. Wis. Henry Kusch, 3419 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Pitsen, R. D. i. Box 24, Turtle Lake, Wis. Edwin Johnson, R. D. 3, Box 83, Milaca, Minn. George Druce, Grays Lake. Pasquale lallonardo, 102 E. nth St., Duluth, Minn. Harry Griffin, R. D. i. Vesper, Wis. Walter E. Green, R. D. 1, Box 48, Grand Meadow, Minn. Edemond VanGlabeke, Box 161, W. Main St., St. Charles. Paul Goedtke. R. D. 5, Worthington, Minn. Freeman C. King, R. D. i. Box 38, Gonvick, Minn. Henry Hanson, R. D. i. Box 11, Homer, Minn. George E. Welter, Corp., 11 62 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Orville Kerr, Joy. Christ Johnson, Mecenock. N. D. Frank S. Masiniak, R. D. 4, Gesen, Minn. Frank J. Galganski, Grand Rapids, Wis. John E. Renter, R. D. i, Cresco, la. Ray W. Hanson, R. D. i. Bay City, Wis. Charles Sommerfeld, Corp., 1620 S. 14th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Charles W. Kirk, R. D. i, Shelbyville, Mo. .Arthur M. Thompson, Hollandale, Wis. Herman J. Kohls, Care Carl Ponaph, Norwood, Minn. George Norman, Blooming Prairie, Minn. Adam Lukorzuis, Benterville, Pa. Ernest Frederickson, Box 3, Kimbrae, Minn. Arthur B. Anderson, R. D. 2, Clarkfield, Minn. Tony Kwiatkowski, Corp., R. D. 2, Blue Island. Gust Larson, Galva. Carl O. Flesburg, R. D. i, Varna. Alex Mittet 2021 21st Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Antcn P. Sandwick, 715 24th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Orin W. Haugrose, R. D. i. Box 104, Beldenville, Wis. Lloyd B. Coleson, R. D. i, Varna. Louis C. Pahl, R. D. 2, Wilton, Wis. Aelred J. Geis, Lanesville, Minn. John Jirkowsky, 2714 S. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Kwiatkowski, 11 75 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter E. Lueders, 4210 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. August Chmit, Box 108 Superior, Wis. George H. Duley, Sanborn, Minn. X'ivian R. Snyder, Bug., R. D. i, Muscoda, Wis. Paul Schedl, 69 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John F. Andrzejewski, Corp., R. D. i, Marshall, Minn. Albert Erickson, 141 Mill St., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl F. Schober, R. D. i. Box 16, Port Washington, Wis. Charles V. Peterson, 4034 Hirsch St., Chicago. Alfred Jump, Reynolds. Samuel Demarco, 760 DeSoto St., St. Paul, Minn. Samuel L. Schefrin, 633 J/J i8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert W. Nolte, Corp., 269 Harrison Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John Zagorski, 10 Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harrison McKusick, 119 N. 21st Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Louis Deschepper. Jasper, Minn. Fred K. Foster, Mason. Frederick J. Luebke, R. D. i, Box 17, St. Bonifacius, Minn. Frank L. Glynn, Adrian, Minn. Elam Frederickson, R. D. i. Box 163, Grandy, Minn. Elmer Thompson, Corp., Deer Park, Wis. Dean C. Fulper, R. D. 2, Galva. Edward J. Haughtigan, R. D. 4, Dwight. Robert Zimmermann, 712 15th St., Oshkosh. Wis. Theodore Schoenherr, 1019 5th Ave., S., Wausau, Wis. Theodore Rinehart, Box 51, Putnam. James E. Winchell, R. D. 3, Box 58, Cashton, Wis. John Polasek, Corp., 625 Carpenter Ave., Cudahy, Wis. George K. Estling, 209 9th St., N. E., Little Falls, Minn Paul Steinhaus, 1222 Georgia Ave.. Sheboygan, Wis. Roy F. Liggett, R. D. s. Charlotte, Mich. Frank VandenBoomen, 619 nth St.. Green Bay, Wis. Harry Burdick, R. D. i, Sanborn, Minn. Stephen J. Wyrembek, Box T2, Clements, Minn. Glenn A. Huggins, R. D. 2, Albany. Frank C. Murphy, Central Police Sta., Milwaukee, Wis. William H. George, 720 9th Ave., Rock Falls. 158 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John C. McHugh, R. D. 26, Box 32, Shiocton, Wis. Carl O. Johnson, 85 Arthur Ave., Galesburg. Samuel Belrose, 1029 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Clyde H. Louck, New Boston. Ernest A. Brodin, R. D. 4. Windom, Minn. Kdward M. Dalton, 6401 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. William D. Flynn, Corp., 333 S. Lake St., Aurora. George T. Walton, 81 Central Terrace, St. Paul, Minn. Harry A. Steffy, Avon, Pa. John J. Sullivan, 374 Main Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Frank Gracyalny, Box 104, R. D. 2, Chase. Wis. Bagdacar Jack, 2153 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. George Argubright, E. Walnut St., Oglesby. Harry W. Anderson, 6222 University Ave., Chicago. Joseph J. Klafka, 636 8th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Elmer A. Rice, Elderon, Wis. Olaf Erickson, Karlstad, Minn. Raymond Morgan, R. D. 3, Box 53, Maiden Rock. Wis. Eldon G. Burdick, 139 W. 40th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Oscar L. Peterson, R. D. i, Box 64, Hillsboro, Wis. Virgil E. Simpson, Corp., Obion, Tenn. William F. Ramthun, R. D. 2, Box 48, Wausau, Wis. Henry A. Cohen, Sgt., 1357 N. Webster Ave., Chicago. Eddie Kleinfelder, 1510 Oakdale Ave., Chicago. Otto H. Kuehne, R. D. i. Box 23, Holt, Minn. Oscar A. Wolden, R. D. 2, Box 19, Gonvick, Minn. Frank Schlaz, 222 Franklin St., Port Washington, Wis. Elmer Pearson, R. D. i. Box 128, Grandy, Minn. Warren C. Hallett, R. D. 26, Utica. Olaf Sjoberg, Corp., Middle River, Minn. John E. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 28, Stronghurst. Rudolph Wilhelmy, R. D. South St. Paul, Minn. Raymond McCarthy, 485 Smith Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Ralph B. Hammer, 1724 sth St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. I'red W. Kuenzel, New Germany, Minn. George L. Larson, 109 7th St., Rockford. Mathias Manderfeldt, 1620 Grand Ave., Racine, Wis. Robert J. Ruzek, Corp., 2104 S. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. Stanislaus C. Kowalewski, 1061 Windlake Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Gerald A. Lynch, 1104 Clybourn St., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil Harke, 2030 N. Albany Ave., Chicago. Peter J. Eeckhout, R. D. 2, Atkinson. Jerry Koerschen, Lester Prairie, Minn. Albert Bestor, Box 36, Osco. Archie L. Lafferty, Rock Elm, Wis. Emil B. Kostka, Corp., 774 i6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Julius Eeckhout, R. D. 2, Atkinson. Adolph Schrupp, R. D. i, Box 55, Norwood, Minn. Christian Pederson, 1 121 E. loth St., Sedalia, Mo. Jacob H. Straus, 902 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. John J. Paietta, 631 W. 2d St., Duluth, Minn. Edwin Peterson, Rushford, Minn. Joseph Viktor, 2353 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago. John R. Campbell, Corp.. West McHenry. David Hutchinson, 709 Ridgewocd Ave., Highland Park. Mike Allekian, 723 Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry F. Mogge. 2155 Cortez St., Chicago. Elmer A. Wille, R. D. i. Box 186, South St. Paul, Minn. Elmer Stevo, 1375 Cedar St., Green Bay, Wis. Peter Hartman, 141 1 31st St., Rock Island. Maurice J. Kime, Corp., 1140 Wall St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar W. Peterson, R. D. i, Box 83, Centuria, Wis. Howard H. Davis, Downing, Wis. Ben J. Klapper, 2452 Haddon Ave., Chicago. Harvey Sprague, Hillsboro, Wis. Casper Hanson, R. D. 2, Box 57, Viroqua, Wis. Frederick Emanuelson, 3622 24th Ave., S., Minneapolis. Minn. Anton J. Karsten, Morton Grove. John R Maier, R. D. 3, Box 12, Maiden Rock, Wis. Henry Siegel, Sgt., 515 Lamberton St., Trenton, N. J. Ernest P. Schuetz, Mech., 4^24 S. Talman Ave., Chicago. Walter R. Kelly, 3520 Wells St., Chicago. Daniel J. Card, Peacedale, R. I. Felix Hynes, 334 E. 48th St.. New York, N. Y. John T. Marion, 263 Charles St., Providence, R. I. Frank Atchison, 17 Park St., Central Falls, R. I. George E. Newton, Manville Rd., Cumberland. R. I. Daniel J. O'Neil, Box 88, NVest Barrington, R. I. Pasco Martinelli, Box 79, Simmonsville, R. I. COMPANY E, 342ND INFANTRY Rodney C. Glover, ist Lt., 2843 Burling St., Chicago. Scott McNulta, ist Lt., 250 N. College St., Decatur. Paul Roetter, 2d Lt., 5428 W. 22d PL, Cicero. Arwin C. Soper, 2d Lt., 105 Commonwealth Ave., Elgin. William R. Williams, 2d Lt., 1615 Park Ave., Richmond, Virginia. Roy L. Hopper, 1st Sgt., Gen. Deliv., North Grove, Ind. John S. Rogers, North Aurora. William A. Dineen, 518 S. State St., Chicago. Louis Schoepke, Jr., Ringle, Wis. Herman Singkofer, Mosinee, Wis. John M. Reitzner, Rubicon, Wis. Elmer F. Swanson (i), i2t6 nth Ave., W., Ashland, Wis. Henry Zerell, 1041 N. Lincoln St., Chicago. William Alvermann, R. D. 2, Glenwoad City, Wis. Harold G. Conant (i), 3104 ist Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Pazderski, 899 Jessamine St., St. Paul, Minn. John H. Wheldon, Bangor, Wis. Robert R. Stoddard, R. D. i, Troy Center, Wis. Joseph H. Zajicek, R. D. 4, Glencce, Minn. ICmil Anderson, 346 E. 14th St., St. Paul, Minn. Oscar S. Johnson, Mizpah, Minn. Eddie Amundson 1328 N. 4th St., Mankato, Minn. Henry Smith, R. D. 2, Mt. Horeb, Wis. LeRoy W. Meyers, Prairieview. Emil M. Jacobson, R. D. i, Clitherall, Minn. Joseph Pokorsky, 161 1 Madison St., Manitowoc, Wis Carmelo l-'risella, 938 Townsend St., Chicago. John E. Wessendorf (i), 227 Center St., Waukegan Frank Martin Highland, Wis. Robert G. Fisher, 811 5th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Arvid A. Anderson, R. D. i, .Prophetstown. Harold A. Henrikson, 257 Main St., Batavia. Jessie Crye, Knapp, Wis. John B. Stuehser, 728 2d St., Menasha, Wis. William Wiersema, R. D. i, Morrison. Thomas P. Braid (i), 5 ist St., Bohill Fife, Scotland. Arthur P. Schoch, 504 Main St., Green Bay, Wis. Frank W. Johnson, R. D. i. East Moline. Martin T. McGee, R. D. i, Monmouth. Frank Beck, Sterling. August Schroeder, R. D. i, Plato, Minn. Peter I. Kissich, 6800 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Nicholas Wilmes, 512 Pleasant Ave., Mankato, Minn. Guiseppe Segreti (i), 830 Miller St., Chicago. Robert Warwick, Verona. Lee S. Randall, Darien, Wis. Fay L. Mooney, Care of George King, Williamsfield. August Recknagel, R. D. 2, Troy Center, Wis. Michael Adrian, R. D. 2, Cassville, Wis. Frank J. Wagner (i), 204 E. Gates St.. St. Paul, Minn. George L. Mears (i), R. D. i, Gladstone. August Redlich, 343 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter J. Pappas, Lake Geneva, Wis. William Johnson, 613 Harrison St., N. E., Minneapolis. Minn. Joseph Yannish, R. D. 7, Box 46, Ellsworth, Wis. Wilfred J. Alexander, Ontonagon, Mich. Edward A. Stingl, 2430 Brown St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ole Baarson. R. D. 2, Box 76, Baldwin, Wis. Thomas Harnish, R. D. s, Lancaster, Pa. Arthur Reutlinger, Sgt., 731 N. Minnesota Ave., Hast ings. Neb. Elmer B. Frohlich, Corp., 2157 DeKalb St., Chicago. Ralph G. Dewey, 1004 Shawano Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Louis Russell, R. D. i, Prescott, Wis. Arthur Grundmeier, Blackduck. Minn. Francis B. Langer, R. D. i, Beldenville Wis. Leonard Folic, R. D. i. Box 88, Albert Lea, Minn. Leo A. McCullough, R. D. 6, Waseca, Minn. Nick Miller, 677 Sobieski St., Milwaukee, Wis. Soren D. Nelsen, R. D. 6, Box 8, Hutchinson, Minn. Harold H. Mutimer, 2217 Andrews St., Rockford. Anton E. Person, R. D. 3, Hector, Minn. Joseph R. Berndtscn, 5812 Rice St., Chicago. Harold Bur (i), 117 S. VanBuren St., Green Bay, Wis. Romas Dutkiewicz, 730 Grove St., Milwaukee, Wis. Reinhold Dehnke, R. D. i. Box 15, Fall Creek, Wis. Oscar Hanson, Cornell, Wis. Leslie R. Neylon, 793 S. Seminary St., Galesburg. Oscar V. Anderson, R. D. 33, Clinton. Henning Anderson, 213 S. 9th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter Westerman, New Germany, Minn. Joseph Zerjav, Chicago St., Peru. "Otto H. Knoll, R. D. i, Ludington, Mich. John C. Mombrae (i), 338 Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y. THE 342ND INFANTRY 159 George O. Shirley, R. D. 3, Box 56, Farmington, Minn. Benjamin Krupka, R. D. i, Junction City, Wis. Amedeo Minorini, 217 N. Lemon Ave., Chicago. Carl B. Oberg, Mech., 318 20th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Turner B. Erickson, Pequot, Minn. Albert Larsen. 141 E. Belvidere St., St. Paul, Minn. Mirandas Milless, Rogers, Minn. Walter J. Doyle, 1622 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred C. Steinameyer, R. D. 4, Leavenworth. Kan. Swan H. Westerberg, 3932 Snelling Ave.. S., Minneap- olis, Minn. Anthony Sindelar, Friendship. Wis. Fred L. Genge, 4828 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Edd L. Darwin, R. D. 3, Black River Falls, Wis. Irving G. Carpenter. 427 Farwell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. .Andrew Daabu R. D. 1, Box 90, Madison, Minn. Carl L. Rolls, 1649 Zinc St., LaSalle. Joe C. Alig, R. D. i, Metamora. Clarence P. Oualley, 417 nth St.. S.. Moorehead, Minn. Abe Shapiro (i), 1220 W. 12th St., Chicago. Walter J. Kaufmann (i), 1302 Wellington St., Chicago. Joseph M. Wilinski, 2013 W. Superior St., Chicago. Oscar A. Ankrum, Dcvray. Minn. Joseph Mazurek, 12238 Sangamon St., West Pullman. Norman Olson, 1256 W. Erie St., Chicago. Oscar B. Bergland, Hawley, Minn. Lawrence R. Pimpl, 116 Emerald St., Watertown, Wis. William Underwood, 1108 8th St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. John E. Christianson, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. Albert E. Lewis, 430 Goodhue St., St. Paul, Minn. Hedley L. Beckett, Breckenridge. Minn. Eddie R. Pescheck, R. D. i, Wolverton, Minn. Otto A. Guenther. 1712 N. 7th St., Sheboygan, Wis. John G. Renner, 137 N. View St., Aurora. Max E. P. Kohls, 1732 S. nth St., Sheboypan, Wis. Howard O. Duket, 119 Gray St., Green Bay, Wis. William Plant, 540 W. 14th St., Chicago. John E. Ellingson, Canby, Minn. Guy C. Chapman, ^4 Lion St., Rochester, Minn. Behrend V'alentien, R. D. i. Box 18, Ccmfrey, Minn. Louis Boiko, 714 W. Barber St., Chicago. Jrhn J. Hennessy. 579 27th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. W'alter A. Dorn (i), 3700 14th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence J. Dahl (i), 3551 Bloomington Ave., S., Min- neapolis, Minn. Knute A. Beckstrom, 1108 Jessie St., St. Paul. Minn. Arthur E. Kath, R. D. i, tenney, Minn. Thomas A. Osesek, 1225 S. 22d St., Manitowoc Wis. Edward Spitzbarth, Box 128, Mineral Point, Wis. Edward W. Knack, 1401 Chestnut St. Milwaukee. \\'is. .Melvin E. Kvarnes, 426 St. Croix St., Hudson, Wis. Fred W. Bentz, Butternut. Wis. Oscar Johnson, 1812 2d St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. August H. Kurth, 457 i6th Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. Edward L. Furman, 326 W. Madiscn St., Chicago. Frank A. Feil, Rollingr.tone, Minn. Peter P. Dryll, 21 16 Hamilton St., Manitowoc Wis. Miles F. Costello, Care of William Holtz, Elroy, Wis. Tommy J. Bright. R. D. 6, Brodhead, Wis. George K. Merritt (i), 2638 Bryant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James Taylor. R. D. 34, Clinton, Wis. John F. Pickhartz, 443 Hall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. August G. Boldt Bagley, Wis. Walter E. S-.venson, R. D. i, Hollandale Wis. Gust H. Mason. 817 Railway St., Enderlin, N. D. Benjamin Peterson, R. D. i. Box 23, Hager City. Wis. Thomas Steele, 1306 Prairie St., Milwaukee W'is. Tames L. Murphy, R. D. 5, Box 19, Ellsworth, Wis. Walter E. Beetham, Stitzer, Wis. Walter R. Andrews, Bridgeport, W^is. Edwin J. Smith, R. D. 2 Box 60, Dodgeville, Wis. Arthur C. WoodrifF, Pecatonica. Michael B. Bachim, R. D. i. Box 16, Boscobel, Wis. Theodore Winkelman. R. D. 2, Hutchinson, Minn. Willard A. Johnson, 728 N. Court St., Rockford. August J. Konka, 362 Rosewood Ave., Aurora. Forest L. May, Sgt., 404 Seward St., Waukegan. Edward R. White (i), 2102 Como Ave., S. E., Minneapo- lis Minn. Edde H. Meyer, Jr., R. D. 21, Rapatee. Nils J. Vistad, Ostadst, Osterdalen, Ncrway. Fred W. Benstead, R. D. 34, Clinton, Wis. Tver Dahl, Box 65, R. D. i, Currie, Minn. George Anderson, 814 E. 33d St., Minneapolis, Minn. Hope Billiter, 104 2d St., Covington, Ky. John G. Dellinger, 615 S. Mills St., Madison, Wis. Paul J. Baures, Box 267, Fennimore, Wis. Andrew M. Huppert, R. D. 2, Box 38, Prescott, Wis. Martin F. Engberg, 212 S. 57th Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Albert A. Brown, 1349 Woodlawn Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Wiliiam H. King, R. D. 3, Bex 19, Porter, Minn. Adolph C. Nybakke, Foley. Minn. Stephen Romanowski. 612 Syracuse St., Peru. James Korbel, 4315 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Henry H. Wolters, Box 171, Norwood, Minn. Francesco Codomo. 1121 Newberry Ave., Chicago. Clark Anderson, Arnold, Wis. Arthur L. Angell, Glenwood City, Wis. Alfred H. Meske, 604 16th St., Oshkosh. Wis. Stanley J. W'ojcik, 1228 W. 32d St., Chicago. Howard F. Tess, East Troy, Wis. Walter J. Novak (i). 2423 N. High St., Chicago. Clifford L. Ayers, W^ilson Wis. John Miller, 27th A Main Sta., LaCrosse, Wis. Ernest J. Prigge, R. D. i. Box 48, Rochester, Minn. Fred A. Faast, R. D. 3, Fall Creek, Wis. William H. Bendt, R. D. i, Doran, Minn. Lambert Ellifritz, R. D., Luverne, la. Walter L. Barrow, R. D. 14, Windsor, Mo. John A. Zajicek, R. D. i. Box 75, Hutchinson, Minn. Irving V. Nelsen, 4129 Columbus Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Andrew P. Christiansen, Box 21, Withee, Wis. Harold F. Nelson, 838 Losey St., Galesburg. Elmer A. Olson, Mapleton, Minn. Arthur W. Spoerl, 2721 S. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. Henry J. Nelson, 925 Arthur Ave., Rockford. Jesse B. Chaplin, R. D. 2, Birnamwocd, Wis. Alfred Rothlisberger (i), Montreal Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Willard R. Hank Prairieview. Frank G. Remarcke, 2641 N. E. Marshall St., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Stacy G. Armstrong, R. D. i, Cordova. Bolaslaw Miskewicz. 3447 N. Morgan St., Chicago. Earl C. Seymour, R. D. 2, Wausau, Wis. Pearl \\. Bellmyer, R. D., Plattville, Wis. Orvin Cliristenson, R. D. 3, Box 11, Windom, Minn. George Crandell, 212 Michigan St., Eau Claire, Wis. Lawrence McDonald Galena. Harry Gordon (i), 610 Ash St., Waukegan. Claude ^L Johnson, Box 325, Deer River, Minn. John E. Griffin, in N. Bassett St., Madison, Wis. Rudolph Findorff, 1007 2d St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Emanuel Frankforter, 411 W. 25th St., Minneapolis, Minn. John K. Place (i), 512 Huron St., Manitowcc, Wis. George McQuade, 9 Milk St., Worcester, Mass. Thomas J. Lyons, Radersburg, Mont. William F. Hartman, 2801 W. 28th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Roy J. Ash. 820 N. Broad St., Mankato. Minn. Fred J. Lawton, 1618 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur R. Miller, R. D. 3, Kasson, Minn. John L. Toggemann, 17 10 7th St., Peru. Paul P. Lochman, 826 E. Walnut St.. Green Bay, Wis. Joseph L. Tauber, 714 S. 14th St., Oshkosh, Wis. William Waddell (i), 41 12 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. James E. Medek, Corp., 3721 W. 22d St.. Chicago. Peter J. Cook, Sgt., 214 Victory St., Waukegan. Leo Smith, Mess Sgt., 418 Lake Court, Waukecan. Minard E. Hulse, Sup. Sgt., 732 N. Genesee St., Wau- kegan. John M. Sobota, Mech.. 1624 S. Lcomis St., Chicago. Carl Peterson, Mech., Hutchinson, Minn. Edward H. Krueger, Cock, 8213 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Nels A. Nelson, Cook. Zion Home, Zion City. Charles E. Dolan, Cook, R. D. i. Box 41. Zion City. Clement A. Wirtz, 723 Doty St., Green Bay, Wis. Myron E. Wiard, in North Ave., Waukegan. George W. Zeller, Corp., 917 Lombard Ave., Oak Park. Ginesio Revi (i), R. D. 6, Box 55, Manitowoc, Wis. Herbert F. Smith, Mosic Lane, Apponange, Warwick, R. I. COMPANY F, 342ND INFANTRY Paul Hevener, Capt.. 3974 Albatross St., San Diego, Cal. John E. Kilgore, ist Lt., Marianna, Victoria County Texas. Douglas Goodwillie, ist Lt., 418 Barry Ave., Chicago. Kellogg Logsdon, 2d Lt., 5756 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Robert Copenhaver, 2d Lt., Polo. i6o THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Lyle G. Phillips, 2d Lt., Cloverleaf Farm, DePere, Wis. George P. Herwat, 1st Sgt., 140 Bronson Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Thomas N. Cook, Sgt., 15527 Lexington Ave., Harvey. Stanley L. Hart, Mess Sgt., 843 Moreno St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Moie Morris, Sup. Sgt., 215 E. S4th St., Chicago. Chester L. Kabrud, R. D. 5, Lake Crystal, Minn. Leonard Simone, Bug., Palazzo S. Gerrasis, Potenzo, Italy. De Talmadge McKee, Bug., Hutchinson, Minn. William F. Guelzow, 1320 S. 15th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Robert Marsh, R. D. i, Amboy, Minn. James E. Cotter, R. D. 3, Box 21, Austin, Minn. John F. Lynch, Cook, 2Tj Stephenscn St., Freeport. Edward L. Barcus, Cook, Farmersburg, Ind. James S. Armstrong, Cook, 147 Ashland Ave., Harvey. Aloysius Sherman, Mech., R. D. i. Box 73, Lester Prairie, Minn. Gustav'e A. Grote, Mech., Nerstrand, Minn. Frank Charleston, Sgt., 14622 Green St., Harvey. Albert E. Schroeder, Sgt., 703 N. Madison St., Wood- stock. Fred H. Maag, Puposky, Minn. Tames Shufflebotham, 232 Western Ave., Plymouth, Wis. James E. Fuller, Box 64, Hebron. William M. Frey, R. D. 1, Cambridge, Wis. George C. Schmidt, 832 Weil St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward C. Filter, Waterloo, Wis. Albert E. Ellis, Corp., .Harvard. Jacob Wolter, 931 Jefferson St., Appleton, Wis. Bennie Danielson, 616 N. Sherman Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. Eric Anderson, Kimberly, Minn. William Frederick, R. D. 1, Emeret. Minn. Emery A. Anderson, 309 Madison St., Milwaukee, Wis. Thore W. Fahlstrom, First Lock, Appleton, Wis. Carl W. Degner, Ixonia, Wis. Chester A. Larsen, Corp., 126 W. 26th St., South Chi- cago Heights. Oscar Carlson, Milan, Minn. Henry E. Nehmer, Lake Mills, Wis. Francesco Gallo, 729 Forquer St., Chicago. Ernest J. Hoff, Box 23, Solon Mills. William L. Weaks, Ingomar, Mont. George E. Landon, 700 N. Washington St., Abingdon. William C. Briel, R. D. 2, Stitzer, Wis. Fred E. Dalton, 1816 Marshall St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul C. Hoffman, R. D. 2, McHenry. Clyde E. Arp, Box 72, Hebron. Benjamin Mantei, Farminglon, Minn. Leo J. Plomin, 1303 Marianna St., Chicago. Willie E. Cliff, R. 3, Lancaster. Wis. Peter Nielson. R. D. 6, Box 8, Hutchinson, Minn. Clarence C. Coy, R. D. i, Janesville, Wis. Alexander Geneske, R. D. 4, Bo.x 51, Montello, Wis. Arthur Griffith Mattaway, O. Settimo Rosi, Box 612, Granville. Harry Glasser, R. D. 4, Gen. Deliv., Mountain Lake, Minn. Vito Tenerelli, 945 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Herman C. Dorn, Helenville, Wis. Morris Horn, 271 1 W. 15th St., Chicago. Walderroan J. Blumenstein, R. D. i. Palmyra, Wis. Tony Wirkus, 33 is6th St., West Hammond. Leo J. Betchwars, Box 11. New Richland, Minn. Lee O. Crum, R. D. 3, Stewartville Minn. Melvin P. Foss, R. D. 4, Brodhead, Wis. Steve Rawinski, 1282 National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Magnus Gullickson, R. D. 4, Chippewa Falls. Wis. Frank T. Stewe, 4440 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Carl F. Gogert, R. D. .23, Box 25. Waupun, Wis. Pearl L. Newman, 100 Walnut St., Aurora. Leo H. Heth, Koshkonong, Wis. Joseph S. Huston, 530 S. Colorado Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. Frank Szeszycki, 928 W. 33d St., Chicago. Sam Oaks, R. D. 2, Waynesburgh, Ky. Albert Ranzinger, Norwood, Minn. Joseph Gruber, 400 W. C. St., Marshfield, Wis. Earl W. Sullivan, Alixj Alberta, Canada. Hugh Monaghan, R. D. 11, Milton, Wis. Charles S. Pingry, Sgt., Crystal Lake. William Carroll, Sgt., Woodstock. Herschel G. Perry, R. D. 3, Carthage. Edward J. Ealdauf, R. D. 36, Eden, Wis. William H. Burmester, Glenwood City, Wis. Gerald G. Landaal, R. D. 3, Box 9, Baldwin, Wis. William Schwamb, 523 Washington St., Woodstock, Clarence Evenson, R. D. 2, Stewartville, Minn. Rolland E. Anthony, Corp., Marengo. Joseph Stuskey, 25 Harrison St., North Fond dit Lac. Wis. Arvid L. Dahlstrom, 512 Washington St., Rockford. James Kenney, 3749 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Gulbrand Gilbertson, R. D. 2, Wocdlake, Minn. William J. Thiele, 715 9th Ave., South Wausau. Wis Martin H. Rasmussen. Woodstock. Richard Vanderbilt, i62d St., South Holland. Ingwald Isaacson, 420 Franklin St., Eau Claire, Wis Herbert W. Eck, R. D. i, Stitzer, Wis. Carl F. Zantow, 217 3d Ave., Baraboo, Wis. Alfred J. Eberle, R. D. 3, Hopkins, Minn. Sigurd Olson, R. D. 3, Goodhue, Minn. Bert Buhler, 503 Avenue "B", Sterling. John Sorich, 3833 S. Halsted St., Chicago. John E. Sauber, Farmington, Minn. Albert Bohn, Oswego. Philip J. Mee, 2024 Clinton Ave., Chicago. Joseph Sonecz, 1343 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Isidor Sleik, 559 31st Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Mike Beireis, R. D. 2, Box 34-A, Rothsay, Minn. Bruce M. Gates, White Owl, S. D. Earl A. Hulting, 3320 42d Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest H. Stevens, R. D. i, Ladysmith, Wis. Cyriel Snouwaert, 10340 Ewing Ave., South Chicago. Aris M. Kindred, Bentley. Ernest Volti. Box 2, Flly, Minn. Herman A. Jenson, 215 4th St., Albert Lea, Minn. Adolph E. Gachnang, R. ID. 1, Box 39, Vesper, Wis. ('harles Fanta, 1136 W. 17th S*., Chicago. Claude W. Fiegel, 437 7th St.- Grand Rapids Wis. Kldon C. Kinne, Box 101, Ellsworth, Wis. Felix Harassim, Box 11, Davis, W. Va. Albert Vailencour, 659 Monania St., St. Paul, Minn. William W. Westbay. R. D. 51, Yates City. Erwin F. Vaughan, R. D. 3, Franklin, Minn. Tony Squires, 2013 W. VanBuren St., Chicago. Louis J. Zeman, West McHenry. Albert C. Schmit, Motley, Minn. Carl Severson, 1330 Menominee St., Eau Claire, Wis. Salvatore Difiglia, 1038 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Oscar E. Colstad, R. D. 1, Somerset, Wis. Rudolph Totsch, 614 Sherman St., Wausau, Wis. Charles Uravich, 259 Canal St., Lawrence, Mass. Charles P. Stowell, Prophetstown. Guy Warner, Box 117, Elderon, Wis. David R. Evans, 407 Van Brunt St.. Mankato, Minn llalvdan Sveen, R. D. 2, Atwater, Minn. Louis Zagrt. R. D. 2, Box 105, Wausau, Wis. John F Weber, Box 154, Crivitz, Wis. Daniel Boswell, Box 68, Mineral. John C. Bogut, R. D. 3, Glenwood City, Wis. James Borgia, Corp., Palagiano, Leece Prov., Italy. John J. Boebeck, 7917 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. George H. Fulfs, R. D. 3. Box 32, Sterling. Isadore Verplanck, 1907 loth St., Moline. Vincent Woytosik R. D. 1, Hatley, Wis. Julius Wenzel, 829 Stueben St., Wausau- Wis. Andrew Johannsen, 549 Union St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Frederick Fl.Tch, R. J"* i. Box 79, Strum, Wis. Clinton B. Rule, 617 S. River St., Appleton, Wis. Harry Husmann, R. D. 3, Fulton. Stanley Sokol, 689 13th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. August Tuszkowski, R. D. 1, Polonai. Wis. Anthony L. P. Lobsinger, 601 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Thomas Janczak, Corp., 1510 Cornel St. Chicago. James Ruzicka. 540 W. 37th St., Chicago. James C. Adams, R. D. 2, Monmouth. Wladyslaw Paczkowski, 3225 Fox St., Chicago. Moses V. Brevold, R. D. 3, Richmond, Wis. Albert J. Carmcdy, Spring Green, Wis. Frank Cook, R. D. i. Cassville, Wis. Felix Derouin, 807 Menominee St., Eau Claire, Wis. Ernest E. Heidenrich, 753 S. Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. Ross R. Castle, 106 Walnut St., Galesburg. Henry A. Garies, R. D. 2, Rothsay, Minn. Frank W. Drost, 159 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry F. Weishoff, Star Route i, Markesan, Wis. Frank Fasching, Jr.. 547 Franklin St., Eau Claire, Wis. Felix E. Freeman, 522 S. sth St., Mankato. Minn. Charles Knowsley, 374 Bathurst Ave., Toronto, Ont, Canada. John Florczak, 695 20th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Anderson, Box 171, Wheaton, Minn. THE 342ND INFANTRY i6i Jacob H. Wappula, R. D. 2, Kettle River, Minn. Thor J. Roseland, Constance, Minn. Albert Brechler, R. D. i, Boscobel, Wis. EUie Perlstein, loi S. Park St., Madison, Wis. OIlie Lewandowski, 1027 12th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Alphonce N. Laurin, Box 84. Meadowlands, Minn. Oscar Sakariason, R. D. 5, Montivedio, Minn. Oscar Kuschner, 1035 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Frank H. Burrow, R. D. i, Janesville, Wis. William Groy, R. D. 3, Kewanee. Ludwig Vojtech, Corp., 1636 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Claude Krueger, Box 5, Alden. John Bezouska, Corp., 1031 W. 20th PI., Chicago. Sig A. Paszkowski, Sg'.., 243 is^.th PI., West Hammond, Ind. Wilbur H. Brei, Sgt., Main and Highland Sts., Home- wood. Albert L. Gruenenfelder, 312 N. Broadway St., New Ulm, Minn. John J. Stewart, 258 E. Market St., Monrce, Wis. Peter Poremba, 345 14th St., River Falls, N. Y. William Hubbe, Jr., Huntley. Harry L. Grenzow, Monroe, Wis. Jimmie Ellingson, R. D. i, Hanley Falls, Minn. Ignatz Kallas, Corp., issth PI., West Hammbnd, Ind. LeRoy E. Church, R. D. 2, Mt. Hope, Wis. William Mittelstadt, R. D. 3, Ortonville, Minn. Elmer H. Nagel, R. D. 2, Box 85, Warsaw. Herbert Brindley, Boscobel, Wis. Edgar W. Musser, R. D. 2, Quincy. Delbert D. Albright, 241 Hugh St., Manistee, Mich. John F. Hughes, 318 S. High St., Janesville. Wis. Joseph C. Loftness, R. D. 5, Hector, Minn. Joseph C. Ligmanowski, 1909 W. 20th St., Chicago. Carl Ihouse, R. D. i, Argyle, Wis. .\rthur Stewart, Sullivan, Wis. Edward E. Weinke, R. D. i. Box 66, Rockland, Wis. Albert R. Steinhaus, 681 12th Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. Philip Cooks, 632 Galloway St., Eau Claire, Wis. John A. Suhr, R. D. 4, Box 6, Cashton, Wis. Walter Dickinson, R. D. i, Foxhome, Minn. Joseph F. Howard, Mt. Horeb, Wis. Albert H. Zellmer, R. D. 6, Box 49, Tomah, Wis. August Klandrud, Unalaska, Wis. Frank Gumkowski, 2014 W. 4th St., South Bend, Ind. John G. McCarthy, 405 E. Talhoun St., Woodstock. Frank Chierulle, 944 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Victor Zevski, Margie, Minn. Elmer Sederlund, Box 41, Frederic, Wis. Peter Hansen, Box 125, Woodstock. Henry P. Stahnke, R. D. 2, Box 32, Tunnel City, Wis. John E. Koemptgen, 989 Western Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Andrew O. Hall, Box 5, Spring Grove, Minn. Albert F. Ziehme, R. D. i, Box 58, Spring Valley, Wis. John E. Schmitz, 620 Commercial St., Appleton, Wis. Edward J. Kinrod, Box 35, Waterville, Wis. Ivan Nelson, Rio. Alvin Gunderson, R. D. 5, Box 30, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Casper W. Rl.yner, R. D. i, Albany, Wis. Oskar Loback, R. D. 2, Box 58, Wheeler, Wis. Mark V. Dillon, Eden Valley. Minn. Benjamin Smith, Box 432, Hutchinson, Minn. Guiseppe Diperne, Ellena Prov., Caserta, Italy. Charles Oyler, St. Augustine. Lorenzo Pezzaferro, 852 Forquer St., Chicago. Gust A. Nelson, R. D. 7, Wataga. Fred A. Dressier, Britt, Iowa. Giovanni, Cerchio, Aquila Prov., Italy. Paul H. Dietrich, Sgt., 601 Wylie St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jacques C. Boyer, Sgt., 525 Longwood St., Rockford. William M. Held, 311 Jackson St., N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph M. Stingl, R. D. 14, Box 17, Wauwatosa, Wis. John W. Benton, Box 120, Marengo. .Abram A. Goossen, R. D. 3, Mountain Lake, Minn. Elijah Taylor, Soldiers' & Sailors' Home, sth St., Quincy. John E. Cunningham, R. D. i, Sumner. Aloysius Stallman, Ashton, Iowa. George Bintzler, R. D. i, Lomira, Wis. Charles H. Bath, R. D. i, Allenton, Wis. John Corrigan, 45 Prospect Park S. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Howard K. Crane, 102 W. Both St., New York, N. Y. David Hildebrandt, 162 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Morris Weiner, 187 E. looth St., New York, N. Y. Alexander Simoneau, Tarkiln, R. I. Frank Acquavella, 402 Park Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Louis Tacchella, 53 Atwells Ave., Providence, R. 1. Louis V. Smith, 238 Pawtucket Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Domina Pelletier, 149 Winter St., Manville, R. I. John V. Adams, 429 E. 83rd St., New York, N. Y. COMPANY G, 342ND INFANTRY Thomas W. Dinwiddie, Capt., Waverly. Orion A. Mather, ist Lt., 5405 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Phillip H. Lewis, ist Lt., Lawrenceville. George W. Winfrey, 2d Lt., 600 Whitain St., Fayette- ville. Ark. George R. Bailey, 2d Lt., Monticello, Fla. George F. Coble, ist Sgt., New Augusta, Ind. Howard L. Holland, Corp., 204 McReynolds St., Peoria. Robert Hirshbrunner, Sgt., 1204 Arnold St., Chicago Heights. Howard B. Phillips, Corp., 154 19 Loomis Ave., Harvey. Lee R. VanKeuren, Corp., Howe, Ind. Hugh C. Kleckner, Sgt., 3 Carroll St.. Freepcrt. Frank I. Brown, Sgt., Winamac, Pulaski Co., Ind. William Wilczybski, Sup. Sgt., 1509 Wentworth Ave., Chicago Heights. Walter C. Mahnke, Sgt., 1659 School St., Chicago Heights. Alfred G. Senn, Sgt., 1672 Euclid Ave., Chicago, Heights. Joseph M. Krueger, R. D. 3, Box C, Beaver Dam, Wis. Frank Rooney, 608 Moscow St., Austin, Minn. Israel Cohen, Corp., 25 Adams St., Freeport. Harry E. Johnson, Russell, Minn. Arthur Hagen, Box 25, Avoca, Minn. Herman Carcelli, Corp., 224 E. 23rd St., Chicago Heights. Amatore DiGioia, 1047 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Carl R. Anderson, 702 Florida Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. Gilmore Johnson, Lakefield, Minn. Charles J. Hancock, 311 Ramsey St., Mankato, Minn. Carl A. Retza, .467 Alton St., Appleton, Wis. John H. Pinkston, 511 S. ist St., DeKalb. Julius F. Szatowski, 1044 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Joseph Fleger, 1829 Fish St., Chicago. Ernest Carwyn, R. D. 3, Davenport, Iowa. Frank A. Zoyer, 416 S. Green St., Spokane, Wis. Carl J. Johnson, Grove City, Minn. Ole J. Olson, 801 N. Railway St., Austin, Minn. James F. Walton, R. D. 2, Plymouth. August H. Wedemeier, Hinckley. John W. Ros, 191 s N. Kilbourn Ave., Chicago. Carl A. Johnson, Lakeland, Minn. Frank L. Tesmer, 988 loth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry A. Bast, R. D. 2, Sherburn, Minn. Ablin E. Johnson, 4618 Camden Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Charles P. Cripps, 821 W. 35th Place, Chicago. Erwin C. Johnson, R. D. 8, Litchfield, Minn. Albert Voigt, R. D. 3, Box 37, Glencoe, Minn. Patrick Merrigan, care of Edgewater Store, Ensley, Ala. Bernhart Peterson, 3912 loth Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Gustave Schwartz, R. D. i, Burnett, Wis. Emeil R. Rea. R. D. 4, Carthage. John W. Early, Cylon, Wis. John L. Frantz, R. D. 2, Woodville, Wis. Stanley P. Sadoskie, R. D. 3, Box 7, Randolph, Wis. Eddie Doornick, R. D. i, Baldwin, Wis. Herbert Baurichter, R. D. 6^ Box 33, Watertown, Wis. Elmer C. Laue, R. F. D., Randolph, Wis. Gust Flack. R. D. i. Box 84. Glenwood City, Wis. James J. Connor, R. D. 2, Deer Park, Wis. William G. Luther, R. D. i. Box 65, Fort Atkinson. Wis. Elis Cook, R. D. 2, Somerset, Wis. Ira J. Woolley, Orion. Joseph Cook, R. D. 2, Somerset, Wis. Louis J. LaFavor, 399 W. University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eugene E. Ohm, R. D. 5, Box 67, Watertown, Wis. Herbert C. Behling, Johnson Creek, Wis. Gustav Mueller, R. D. 2, Ixonia, Wis. Carl J. Beckman, 427 Jefferson St., Elgin. Francis J. Deneen, 366 Walnut St., St. Paul, Minn. Clarence W. Krenz, R. D. i, Lindsey, Wis. Ernest F. Kutz, Box 556, Jefferson, Wis. Cyril M. Hovorka, 181 1 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. Joseph Delisle, Somerset, Wis. Paul P. Leszcynski, 1070 Bremen St., Milwaukee, Wis, l62 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION William B. Frank, R. D. i, Emerald, Wis. Francisco Capparelli, 2801 E. 3rd St., Chicago. Alexander Fritz, R. D. i. Box 25, Emerald, Wis. Anton Radzukinos, 2257 W. 23rd Place, Chicago. Louis Goetkin, R. D. 3, Glenwood City, Wis. Frank Alexander, Corp., 82 W. Hickory St., Chicago Heights. Luttie L. Garthwaite, R. F. D., Bloomington. Frederick Hackbrath, R. D. 10, Milton, Wis. Andrew Sirovica, 1852 S. Throop St., Chicago. Bennie S. Gilbert, Brcdhead, Wis. Edwin A. Hanson, Box 12, Avoca, Minn. Lewis Hegge, R. D. 24, Box 22. Orfordyille, Wis. John W. Nimmer, 401 Ann St., Fond du Lac, Wis. William Harker, R. D. s, Platteville, Wi.= . Edward B. Hengtgen, R. D. i, Storden, Minn. Clarence Knapp, Lancaster, Wis. Corliss R. Jones, 417 Glenwood Ave., Mankato, Minn. Robert F. Hickock, Bloomington, Wis. Helmer J. Janshan, Lake City, Minn. Oscar Lund, R. D. 4, Brodhead, Wis. George H. Carlson, 7914 South Shore Drive, Chicago. Henry Johnson, Box 123, Fennimore, Wis. Peter M. Risoen, Glencoe, Minn. Herbert C. Kreul, Fennimore, Wis. Eugene O'Leary, 1036 Nelson Ave., Edmcnton (Alta), Canada. Marines Madson, R. D. 32, Clinton, Wis. Aloysius J. Kachelmyer, 222 Morland Ave., Mankato, Minn. Edwin E. Mathews, R. D. i. Box 71, WHiitewater, Wis. Albert J. Kiefer, Corp., 1057 2nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Earl L. Mawhinney, R. D. i, Janesville, Wis. Axel W. Stenfeldt, Gen. Del., N. Henderson. George E. W. Kasten, R. D. 2, Waterloo, Wis. Elmer L. Leistekow, care of Charles Wichman, Box 3, Randolph, Wis. Andrew Hopp, R. D. 3, Box 70, Beaver Dam, Wis. Robert Wagner, R. D. i. Box 23, Brownton, Minn. Ernest W. Reabe, Mayville, Wis. Paul J. Schwab, 531 Belief orte Ave.. Oak Park. Lionel J. Racette, 813 N. s8th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. George W. Sipes, R. D. 3p, Gilson. Anton Boen, R. D. 4, Fergus Falls, Minn. Alfred P. Peterson, R. D. i, Rosecreek, Minn. Oluf C. P. Hendrickson, R. D. 2, Campbell, Minn. Lawrence C. Olson, Grantburg. W^is. Grover A. Carney, Benson, Minn. Floyd H. Bates, 406 N. Adams St., Peoria. John F. Flynn, Eden, Wis. Alfred L. Vocks, Juneau, Wis. Charley F. Neumann, R. D. 3, Fox Lake, Wis. Walter Jeffries, 11 70 Perry St., Kansas City, Mo. Frank O. Osborne, Corp., 11210 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Samuel M. Worthan, R. D. i, Sanborn, Minn. Wilfred Larsen, 411 S. Ashland Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Stanley A. Jozwiak, 1532 5th St., La Salle, Minn. Otto T. Anderson, R. D. 2, Glencoe, Minn. Albert A. Bisek, New Prague, Minn. Julius Balcerzak, 123 1 Monroe Av'e., S. Milwaukee, Wis. Carl O. Peterson, R. D. 31, Maqucn. Charles O. Ebner, Corp., 6521 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Louis G. Winter, Clintonville, Wis. William T. Berry, R. D. i. Silver Lake, Minn. Edward Vleck, 1022 W. i8tli Place, Chicago. Joseph S. Hobert, R. D. i, Garvin, Minn. Sverdrup Olson 3932 14th Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Orin Hansen, Box 33, Evans, Minn. Charles Sworonowicz, 123335 Wallace St., Chicago. William J. Annear, Corp., 115 2nd Ave., E. Duluth, Minn. Frank L. Shrewsbury, 536 Quincy St., Hancock, Mich. James M. Cole, Jr., 7630 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. Henry Zieman, R. D. i, Brownton, Minn. Christ Meyer, Box 121, Lake Benton, Minn. Charles C. Nelson, Box 77, Becker, Minn. Harry Larson, Box 696, Anoka, Minn. Frank C. Forward, Corp., 324 E. isth St., Davenport, Iowa. Sam Slabatsky, 127 Co., Battery B, Camp Cody, Dem- ing, N. M. Levie T. Lee, Battle Lake, Minn. Everett Hansen, Box 73, Fox Lake, Wis. Elmer A. Gogert, R. D. 25, Waupun, Wis. Adolph Puhlmann, 1066 3rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dick VandeHook, R. D. 22, Waupun, Wis. Alfred C. Hornickle. 205 Dewey Ave., Watertown, Wis. Mike Olson, 898 Holten St., St. Paul, Minn. Theodore Hallanger, R. D. 2, Dennison, Minn. Bernard F. Hammer, R. D. 5, Beaver Dam, Wis. Louis E. Firary, R. D. i, Burnette, Wis. Albert M. Kropf, R. D. s. Box 117. Watertown, Wis. Rowland W. Eichel, 114 Mary St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Julius Kovalske, R. D. i. Box 11, Markesan, Wis. Edward F. Krause, R. D. i. Box 65, Johnson Creek, Wis. Ben Kirchbaum, R. D. 1, Cassville, Wis. George V. Kirchberg, R. D. i. Box 6, Louisburg, Wis. Otto P. Kirchbaum, Cassville, Wis. Melvin Hagen, R. D. i, Hersey, Wis. Elmer E. Zemlicka, Highland, Wis. Clyde C. May, Box 78, Boscobel, Wis. John R. Brasse, 7849 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Seymour T. Olson, 212 Rutter Ave., Rice Lake, Wis. Leonard T. Bowers, R. D. 6, Box 5, Dixon. John B. Erickson, R. D. i, Woodville, Wis. Charles J. Flood, 3939 Irving St., Chicago. Harry C. Ralston, 1312 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Raymond A. Brunelle, 806 Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Carroll P. Dillon, 628 Washington St., Milwaukee, Wis. George H. Lawson, Pardeeville, Wis. Erick O. Peterson, Mitchell, Iowa. Carl W. Swanson, R. D. i. Box 94, Galesburg. • Jonas W. Pelsutkiz, 1215 State St., DeKalb. John W. Miller, R. D. 2, Box 6, Hutchinson, Minn. Lester F. Bute, R. D. i, Doran, Minn. Marius Sither, Batenfjou, Fussat, Norway. Julius Iverson, Gen. Del., Westbrook, Minn. Carl A. Peterson, R. D. i. Box 48, Bowlus, Minn. Fred H. Greupner, Elk River, Minn. Frank P. Mrkricka, R. D. i. Silver Lake, Minn. Carl W. Pfeiferling. R. D. i, Warsaw. Ilelleck Odland, Whalan, Minn. Barney L. Katzung, Kiester, Minn. Titus Schingenge, 2511 Van Buren St., Chicago. Henry P. McCann, R. D. 1, DeGraff, Minn." John F. Gilligan, 320 E. Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Walter Jacobsen, R. D. ■$, Box 51, Lake Benton, Minn. Raymond J. Bauer, R. D. 3, Box 8, Beaver Dam, Wis. Christian Jasperson, R. D. 6, Box 25, Little Falls, Minn. Hugo A. Broeske, Reeseville, Wis. Harry L. Engdahl, Pert Byron. Martin Leer, R. F. D., Arnegard, N. D. Albert Zielesch, R. D. 3, Box 32, Wausau, Wis. Victor C. Runbom, Aledo. Oscar A. Ziebell, 520 Stueben St., Wausau, Wis. John Meisenburg, 73 Chestnut St., Dubuque, Iowa. Edward Zimmerman, R. D. 3, Wausau, Wis. Otto Zimmerman, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. Joseph C. Imholt, R. D. i, Minneota, Minn. William Wenzel, R. D. i. Box 103, Ringle. Wis. Arthur E. Hilderly, 914^ W. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. John D. Crotty, Box 406, Deer River, Minn. Nate Hollingsworth, R. D. i. Revere, Minn. Harry M. Ricks, Boscobel, Wis. Joseph Thill, R. D. 29, Campbellsport, Wis. John H. Eggleston. Corp., 311 Hammond Ave., Aurora. Ruben Kronberg, R. D. 4, Box 11, Melby, Minn. Harris P. Christian, 3712 26th Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Harry G. Bolin, Cook, Minerva Ave., Chicago. Edwin D. Johnson, 1425 nth St., A, Moline. Edward G. Eichoff, Cook, 1638 School St., Chicago Heights. David McArthur, Cook, Windsor Terrace, Perth, Scot- land. Harold A. Pensinger, 113 Galena St., Freeport. Roy T. Ellis, Mess Sgt., 312 W. i6th St., Chicago Heights. Edward Oakes, Cook, 202 Sheridan Read, Waukegan. Edward V. Blanchard, Cutler, Pane Co.. Henry G. Rundquist, 5439 Harper Ave., Chicago. Frank Monro, 210 S. Aberdeen St., Chicago. George S. Babbitt, 9064 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Francis Neidlinger, Zionville, Ind. Anthony Cross, 134 E. 117th Place, Chicago. Charles Smitchger. 29-31 30th Place, Steger. Gordon Sowers, Kingman, Ind. Dan Brodsky, Box Office 245, Chicago Heights. Walter Miller, 1533 Carroll Ave., Chicago. Arthur L. Reed, R. D. 6, Woodstock. Ben Ziegenbein, 72 W. Center St., Park Ridge. Frank J. Schroeder, R. D. 2, Canby, Minn. Norman C. Sandberg, R. D. i. Box 28, Fertile, Minn. Ralph G. Martins, Raymond, Minn. Walter C. Lundquist, 806 3rd St., Willmar, Minn. THE 342ND INFANTRY 163 Elja Tremain, 517 State St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Robert J. Morrison, loi E. 6th St., Organ Ave., Morris,. Minn. Leonard E. Conrad, R. D. i, Box 66, Bloomer, Wis. Edwin L. Johnson, 1714 Fremont Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert F. Zinke, R. D. 3, Kilbourn, Wis. Howard Clark, R. D. 3, Box 20, Portage, Wis. Raymond Gest. R. D. i. Box 14, Rio, Wis. Harry Freiidenbcrger, 1209 S. Church St., Rockford. Orville F. Fink, 528 W. Cook St., Portage, Wis. John C. Mahnke, 1057 Maiden Lane, Milwaukee, Wis. Peter P. Frzywacz, R. D. 23, Waupun, Wis. Walter G. Woltman, 335 Prospect St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Elijah Cameron, Sgt., 6449 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Harold P. Henry, Sgt., 6314 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Evey L. Dotson. Sgt., Alma, Ark. Carlo Gianelli, R. D. 3, Box 48, N. Bradford, V't. Benjamin Kress, 667 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Simeon Watts, Rockaway Beach, Box 73, New York City. Charles F. Brannon, 3852 Calumet Ave., Chicago. COMPANY H, 342ND INFANTRY Martin E. O'Connor, ist Lt., 301 S. Main St., Kewanee. George B. Peck, 1st Lt., 4850 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. Leo T. Johnson, ist Lt., mo Franklin St., Carlyle. Paul D. Grinig, 2d Lt., Hotchkiss, Colo. Walter A. Truesdell, ist Sgt., 204 Forest Ave., Nor- ristown, Pa. Harry J. Olson, Sgt., 131 N. 4th St., DeKalb. William J. Cregan, Sup. Sgt., Graceville, Minn. W^illiam F. Sell, Mess Sgt., 341 Karlov Ave., Chicago. Harland L. Orr, Corp., R. D. 2, DeKalb. Hugo F. Carlson, Cook, 628 N. 4th St., DeKalb. Walter B. Scott, Cook, 2957 N. 38th Place, Chicago. Frank D. O'Malley, Sgt., DeKalb. Earl C. Hcran, Cook, Cortland. John W. Feider, 437 7th Ave., W'est Bend, Wis. Frank X. Hartl, 704 S. Spring St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Walter Masterson Bug., 319 North St., DeKalb. Martin Sibilrud, Bug., Hartland, Minn. Thomas M. Finnic, Sgt., Millington. Albert O. Koepke, Mess Sgt., 839 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter Leskie, Odnah, Wis. William E. Pearson, 717 Wells St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph L. Popelka, R. D. 4, Glencoe, Minn. Raymond V. Waldo, 2031 3rd Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Benjamin Locks, R. D. i, Campbell, Minn. Vivon L. Sherman, R. D. 6, Platteville, Wis. Harry N. Bonde, Corp., 715 N. nth St., DeKalb. Frank G. Mallak, Silver Lake, Minn. Patrick A. Brehaney, 2008 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Oscar E. Turngren, 112 N. 33rd St., Minneapolis, Minn. Harvey F. Powers, 3125 Warren Ave., Chicago. Gilbert Syverson, R. D. i. Big Lake, Minn. Arnold M. Halvorson, Box 74, Brooten, Minn. Paul Dahm, Boyd, Wis. Elmer J. Helbig, Corp., 5645 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Cleo J. Kirkham, Box 1 1 7, South Side, Omaha, Neb. Walter M. St. Clair, Disco. Frank J. Kosmatka, 522 Meadow St., Stevens Point. Wis. Julius .Rchde, R. D. 2, Dent, Minn. Leo A. Anthony, R. D. 3, Box 41, Kendall, Wis. Joseph L. Schrock, R. D. i, Deer Creek. Martin C. Ness, Cyrus, Minn. John P. Wall, 5540 Windsor Ave., Chicago. Michael Kulvinski, Box 237, "Mills, N. Y. Albert Norain, 121 Park Ave., Duluth, Minn. Leonard Johnson, 724 Gilman St., Stanley, Wis. Jacob Aaseby, 3819 20th Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Ivlmer G. Burger, 621 Liberty St., Ripon, Wis. Paul D. Beckerleg, Dcdgeville, Wis. Jacob Keller, 2950 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Gustav H. Suhfras, 510 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. William S. Massatte, Box 286, Somonauk. Harry H. Swank, R. D. i, Knoxville. Arthur N. Persons, 317 E. 8tli St., Northfield, Minn. Paul A. Olson, 318 Union Ave., S. Fergus Falls, Minn. Frank Sabinash, 962 Chicago Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William J. Teteak, R. D. i, Oconto Falls, Wis. Otto E. Breyman, Campbellsport, Wis. Lynn D. Chambers, R. D. 2, DeKalb. Gunnar Thune, up Washington Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. John P. Doyle, 1013 Loomis St., Rockford. Frank Hanke, Spring Green, Wis. Frank Sullivan, Escanaba, Mich. Herman W. Schultz R. D. 6, Watertown, Wis. Francis I. Dunn, 315 N. Chatsworth St., St. Paul, Minn. Floyd L. Forman, R. D. i, Oxford, Wis. Fred C. Matthias, 1012 W. 5th St., Rochester, Minn. Anton G. Shtukas, 2338 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Peter J. Moris, R. D. 3, Bloomington, Wis. Emil T. Ohning, R. D. 5, Potosi, Wis. Herman Meyers, R. D. 6, Lancaster, Wis. William Pickcl, R. D. 5, Box 31, Potosi, Wis. Clyde L. Oates, Lancaster, Wis. Fred L. Pothour, Platteville, Wis. Casimir Siedlecki, 5219 S. Richmond St., Chicago. Wencel J. Prochaska, R. D. i, Montfort, Wis. Nicholas M. Schroeder, R. D. i. Box 33, Louisberg, Wis. Alvia J. Smith, R. D. i, Box 41, Fennimore, Wis. John B. Schumacher, R. D. 3. Watertown, Wis. Albert E. Daines, Valley, Wis. Fred F. Zaffrann, 849 5th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward Kwiatkowski, 9155^ ist St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Peter Jochem, 636 Union St., Hartford, Wis. John Pilichowicz, Bradley. Ernest VanDuesen, Shabbona. John M. Thompson, R. D. i, Franklin, Minn. Fred Strege, R. D. i, Franklin, Minn. John E. Smith, R. D. i, Cordova. John A. Reber, Box 65, St. Joseph, Minn. James Jarcs, 19 19 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Robert Smith. 819 S. A St., Monmouth. Henry G. Schaus, Colby, Wis. Julius Zwolinski, R. D. 4, Thorpe, Wis. Milo Olson, 2629 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. Ray Leas, 908 Avery Ave., Dixon. Daniel H. King, 1321 ist Ave., E. Faribault, Minn. Arthur W. Johnson, 91 W. Sycamore St., St. Paul, ^[inn. Clarence Ostrander, Corp., 10 Rockton Road, Beloit, Wis. Carl F. Egner, 1221 E. 5th St., Duluth, Minn. William Kozlouski, Cokilisa, Junono Prov., Russia. Carl S. Gustafson, Rockford. Thorvald Somme, Hartland, Minn. Carl Amundson, R. D. 3, Box 80, Mora Minn. Oscar Anderson. 2800 Dean Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest H. Hulten, 1516 Brunner St., Rockford. Gennaro Recanelli, 1939 Van Buren St., Chicago. John Berger, Hartland, Minn John G. Clawson, New Boston. Arthur H. Draeger, R. D. 18, Fairwater, Wis. David Nachbin, 935 Leavitt St., Chicago. Otto H. Rusch, R. D. 10, Eldorado, Wis. Reuben M. Lee, Clarkesfield, Minn. Eddie Olseth, Oxfordville, Wis. Robert Muggeridge, 3044 Lake Park Ave.. Chicago. John Renbjlkowski, 3356 Archer Ave., Chicago. Walter H. McKinnon, Box 31, Mapleton, Minn. Ralph Harmsen, R. D. 25. Waupun, Wis. Elmer Melbostad, Clarkesfield, Minn. John C. Peters, R. D. 20, Brandon. Wis. Fred Magin, 219 20th Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Hilmer O. Johnson, 3243 Hirsch St., Chicago. John W. Westlund, Corp., 7426 Euclid Ave., Chicago. Howard W. Jones, R. D. 12, Rosendale, Wis. Ernest Eberhardt, Rhinebeck, Iowa. Fred O. Schewe, 1449 Holten St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Bert W. Haldcman, R. D. 3, Norwalk, Wis. Stanley Butkos. 2325 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Lewis J. Sawall, New London, Wis. Peter P. Novinski, R. D. 2, Stitzer, W^is. Frank S. Kucharski, 496 W'illis Ave., E. Detroit, Mich. Peter F.vans, Adrian, Minn. Harold P. Beck, 508 2nd St.. Menasha, Wis. Glenn D. A4ams, Owatonna, Minn. Walter G. Ponath, 143 Concord Ave., Watertown, Wis. Carl I"". Stabnow, Greenwood, Wis. Herbert A. Will, R. D. 9, VanDyne. Eddie Probst, Jefferson, Wis. Thomas J. Byers, 2205 E. Cerrogordo St., Decatur. 1 64 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Bennette Olson, R. D. i, Hillman, Minn. Jay H. Gilbert, Corp., Lacota, Mich. Adolph J. Gross, Corp., 726 N. nth St., DeKalb. Anthony W. Schlegel, K. D. 3, Box 55, Osseo, Minn. Joseph J. Larson, K. D. i, Bdx 23 A, Albert Lea, Minn. Kalpli N. liendricksen, 121 4 Loomis St., Kockford. Alexander Ratkewicz, 12237 Peoria St., Chicago. Carl Oahl, Clarkes (jrove, Minn. Albert W. Johnson, Curtiss, Wis. Farnsworth Wright, 1237 Arthur Ave., Chicago. Ernest O. Kuehn, 122 loth St., Breckenridge, Minn. Alvin Lea, R. D. 3, Blooming Prairie, Minn. Amos Anderson, R. D. i, Eden Prairie, Minn. August Larson, Box 43, Commonwealth, Wis. Tinman O. Jorgenson, R. D. 1, Kasson, Minn. Lee V. Ward, Butler, Mo. Josejih Turaj, 5516 Mitchell Ave., West Allis, Wis. George F. Slack, Corp., 930 Glen Rock Ave., VVaukegan. George H. Huser, R. D. 2, Plato, Minn. Arthur Knaak, R. D. 2, Clintonville, Wis. Michael Fendrych, 1527 S. S7th Ave., Cicero. John I'arczynski, 11345 Langley Ave., Chicago. Samuel Brockman, R. D. i, Leon, Wis. Allan E. Scheid, 2716 Bryant Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence Brendum, Westby, Wis. Gustav Hoglund, 5850 Grace St., Chicago. Wilfred G. King, 1527 E. 24th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Lawrence P. Ledge, Fowler, Ind. Sylvester Hawryluk, 2325 W. 20th St., Chicago. Andrew Ramchek, R. D. 2, Stevens Point, Wis. Rudtlph vVrneson, R. D. i, DeSoto, Wis. Andrew Lamphear, R. D. i, Northland, Wis. Carl A. Siegrist, R. D. 45, Box 4, Niota. Charles Swartz, Corp., Box 259, Coal City. John Petraitis, 844 W. 33rd St., Chicago. Richard A. Stein, R. D. 5, F^ergus Falls, Minn. Charles A. Akright, 1424 Rose St., LaCrosse, Wis. Peter J. Lies, Box 95, Watkins, Minn. Josef Kacirck, 19 12 AUport St., Chicago. August Langermann, Mountain Lake, Minn. Harry A. Seller, Prairie View. Galiano DeLaurcntis, 3523 Nena Ave., Chicago. Nels F. Larson, R. D. 6, Litchfield, Minn. Leo W. Johnson, R. D. 3, New Richmond, Wis. Oscar W. Johnson, 695 Baxter Ave., Superior, Wis. Waldemar C. Hansen, 684 Locust St., Appleton, Wis. William Toepke, 1500 Prospect St., Watertown, Wis. Albert C. Bohlmann, 1222 30th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Erich A. Falk, R. D. 34, Campbellsport, Wis. Otto G. Roeske, R. D. 10, Eldorado, Wis. Mike Polzean, R. D. 34, Campbellsport, Wis. William F. Hodde, Box 70, Addieville. Thomas Roy, 1212 58th St., South Superior, Wis. Simon Hanson, Wilson, Wis. Frederick Stagg, R. D. 2, Box 100, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Arthur Sorenson, R. D. 3, White Lake, S. D. Sam Black, Box 203, South Wilmington. Charles H. Lane, 814 N. Broad St., Mankato, Minn. John J. Clohesy, 243 Amery St., Fond du Lac, Wis. George Kajer, R. D. 3, New Prague, Minn. Axel E. Edholm, 521 E. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Charles F. Seams, R. D. i, Hillsdale. Daniel Nygaard, R. D. 3, Underwood, Minn. Charles W. Gould, Box 24, Wayne. Walter F. Stupey, Prairie Ave., Highwood. Harry G. Morrison, R. D. 3, Heron Lake, Minn. Albin Lundin, 431 Geranium St., St. Paul, Minn. Jczef Wesolouski, 1449 Dixon St., Chicago. Thomas Swartout, Reynolds. Harry Smith, R. D. -2, Abingdon. Leonard J. Karl, R. D. 6, Station A, Milwaukee, Wis Herbert Miller, Wapena, Wis. lamest Williams, R. D. 3, Stevens Point, Wis. Edward Muntsner, Corp., 1649 Orchard St., Chicago. Elmer S. Wassell, 174 j6th Ave., E. Moline. Ole Jensen, R. D. i, Albert Lea, Minn. John Crocker, care of Henry Truit, Chillicothe. Carl L. Kerch, R. D. i, Doran, Minn. Walter Sydow, Johnson Creek, Wis. Peter G. Lee, R. D. i, Oakland, Minn. Cleo Langston, 620 E. 5th St., Rochester, Minn. Ralph Huizenga, Corp., 6041 S. May St., Chicago. Nickoles Schniith, R. D. 6, Wadena, Minn. William VVondrack, 1623 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Albin H. Johnson, Heron Lake, Minn. Edward A. Moxhani, 346 Pine St., Providence, R. I. Richard T. Hillestad, R. D. 7, Owatonna, Minn. Christopher Hansen, R. D. 3, Albert Lea, Minn. Byron W. Kalostoboken, Box 310, Marseilles. Allred Johnson, Box 112, Big Lake, Minn. Jacob L. Hefter, 257 3rd St., F'ond du Lac, Wis. Bernert Anderson, 459 Pierce St., Minneapolis, Minn. August F". Buchholz, R. D. i. Box 38, Elysian, Minn. Harry Gordon, Box 21, Duane, Minn. Hiram O. Parker, Malmo, Minn. Claude M. Haskins, New Auburn, Wis. Paul C. Lange, R. D. i, Owen, Wis. Otto G. Dander, R. D. 3, Genoa. August Sanders, E. Sullivan St., Ripon, Wis. Jasper Allen, 309 McLean Ave., Tomah, Wis. Henry Hendrickson, R. D. 2, Box 47, Glenwood City, Wis. Ross F. Dorner, care of Frank Dorner, Ontario, Wis. John Merrill, R. D. 4, Fond du Lac, Wis. Erick Erickson, R. D. 9, Box 27, Viroqua, Wis. William J. Feltz (i), 621 E. Locust St., Belvidere. Henry I. Haugcland, R. D. 2, Baldwin, Wis. Henry W. Andrews, R. D. 12, Rosendale, Wis. Bruno Schauer, R. D. i, Johnson Creek, Wis. Edward L. Keck, Box 504, New Richmond, Wis. Emil L. Bredlow, R. D. 4, Box 56, Wilton, Wis. Peter Liebhaber, Box 321, Alden, Minn. Arthur E. Butzer, Hutchinson, Minn. William F. Royce, R. D. i, Hancver, Wis. Frank W. Beardsley, Sgt., 423 W. Madison St., Belvi- dere. Ira D. O'Connor, Sgt., care of American Steel & Wire Co., Anderson, Ind. Jacob Weinstein, 1263 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. COMPANY I, 342ND INFANTRY Raymond F. Shannon, Capt., 131 N. Taylor Ave., Oak Park. Lewis T. Sweet, ist Lt., Nickerbocker, 38th and Jones Sts., Kansas City, Mo. David L. Vail, 2d Lt., Milnor N. D. Leo A. Strauss, 2d Lt., 4343 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Paul W. Weber, 2d Lt., 1109 Powell St., St. Joseph, Mo. Charles L. Smith, ist Sgt., Mt. Carroll. Barron S. Buchanan, Sgt., Nancy, Ky. Louis Zierer, R. D. i, Phillips, Wis. William J. Barry, 306 W. George St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles M. Tharp, Salem, Mo. Leo W. Smedstad, Box 46, Lowry, Minn. Bert C. Rickert, R. D. 2, Fond du Lac, Wis. Emil B. Hugdahl, 1808 loth Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Emil S. Johnson (i), Cedar, Minn. Paul Olkowski, Three Lakes, Wis. Andrew Parisien, R. D. i, Wauburj, Minn. Ludwig Tonheim, Manchester, Minn. William E. Swenson, Lancaster, Wis. John Dolezal, R. D. i, Biscay, Minn. Hugh A. Truitt, R. D. 31, Marquon. Peder Johnson, R. D. 1, Scandinavia, Wis. George F. Soeliman, 1627 Clayborne Ave., Chicago. Benjamin Aubert, 1809 W. Division St., Chicago. William Potts, 301 Harshbarger, Abingdon. lialph C. Frank, Hastings, Minn. Charles Zahrobsky, 2002 S. Throop St., Chicago. Jacob Spease, R. D. 6, Box T,7t Lancaster, Wis. George W. Martens, R. D. i, Box 42, Breckenridge, Minn. Otto A. Trieloff, care of Art Urban, R. D. 10, Milton, Wis. Robert T. Lachmund, 930 6th Ave.. Milwaukee, Wis. Earl Hodnett, R. D. i, Withee, Wis. Arthur Beck, Box 183, Ruthon, Minn. Carl A. Wollbrink, R. D. 2, Box 6, Sutter. Fred B. Vergenz, R. D. 3, Watertown, Wis. Emil J. Brandt, Hastings, Minn. Levi A. Olson, Darwin, Minn. James S. Ward, Box 323, Brodhead, Wis. Frank Monstovich (i), 4508 S. Honore St., Chicago. Harry S. Telljohn, 312 Center St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Charley Johnston, 223 N. 12th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Raymond A. Bowman, 13s W. Maple St., Viroqua, Wis. Joseph Bauschelt, 27 N. Fremont Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Fred H. Thole, R. D. i, Glen Haven, Wis. llimon Hancq, 500 14th Ave., Rock Island. Frederick Beyer, R. D. 3, Long Prairie. Minn. Lawrentz Houglum, R. D. i, Box 31, Perley, Minn. THE 342ND INFANTRY I6S Charles Hendrickson, R. D. i, Box 2, Grantwood, Wis. Emil R. Unger, 255 W. Winifred St., St. Paul, Minn. Paul A. Wolf, 707 nth St., LaSalle. Kdward C. Eide, R. D. i, Modena, Wis. Ilialniar Kanto, R. D. i, I?ox 72. Finlayson, Minn. Otto O. Peterson, Ironwood. Mich. Arthur L. Tepsen, Cedar, Minn. Arnold L. Stalil, 953 Randall St., Beloit, Wis. Krnest Clemens, Felton, Minn. Gus S. Coutras, 4302 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Luverne Vannatta, R. D. 2, Box 54, Cuba City, Wis. Enoch Starr, R. D. 2, Box 62, Nauvoo. Harry Hogan. Champaign. Joseph Karchinski, R. D. 4, Green Bay, Wis. Truman C. Buckert. 940 Crawford St., Warsaw. Frank J. Baumgart (i), 308 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. George McLellan, Box 345, Brainerd, Minn. Albert H. Wagner, Sgt., Clyde, Ind. Wilbur Hoskinson, Corp., 2921 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles A. Byrnes, Sgt., 822 S. 6th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Peter Kojmark, Box 235, Tyler, Minn. George J. Tracy, R. T). i, Platteville, Wis. Bernard Gilseth. Broadway and Taft Sts. N. E., New Brighton, :^finneapolis Minn. Helmer Moen, Barrett, Minn. Willie Sillanpa, R. D. i, Box 54, Annandale, Minn. William Mcnzhubcr, R. D. 3, Fertile, Minn. Arthur C. Sabey, 2419 N. Talman Ave., Chicago. Sumner P. Cain, North 9th St., Brainerd, Minn. John Olthoff. Box 14, Doran, Minn. Leonard J. Wiegman, R. D. 11, Box 61, Hazel Green, Wis. Joseph Pijanowski, 3332 Fisk St., Chicaso. Charles Zalimas. 2311 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago. James H. Durbin. R. D. i, Ravenna, Texas. Ernest Hammerstrom, Prentice. Wis. Raymond Jones (1), 3432 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Soren Pederson, R. D. 2, Basse!. Minn. George J. Ehman. 410 7th St., Rock Island. Tohn Matz, 5842 Darlington Road, Pittsburg, Pa. T.awrence L. Swenson, 1215 7th Ave., Rockford. Joseph P. Woida, Corp., 759 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Reuben Pfettscher, Fessenden. N. D. Joseph Kaplanek, 1331 Artie St., Antigo, Wis. Theodore Alindrum, Palisade, Minn. Charles J. O'Connor, R. D. i. Box 25, Currie, Minn. .^ubery Bieelow, Warren, Wis. George Bobish, R. D. 4, Green Bay, Wis. Elmer L. Barkley, Stage Route. Park Rapids, Minn. Otto J. Berens, R. D. 3, Marathon City, Wis. Jrhn R. Garner (i). Farmington, Minn. Elmer H. Nickum, R. D. 8, Rochester, Minn. Walter Wasalowski, 2153 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. T^eo A. Geldon, 793 9th Ave.. Milwaukee, Wis. John Bender. 1016 Park St., Grand Raoids, Mich. Roman K. Ziegler, Box 146, Johnson Creek, Wis. Tonv Gotkin. 410 4th Ave., E. Duluth. Minn. Walter C. Witthun, R. D. 2. Fox Lake, Wis. Pf-ter C. Polites, 5440 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Tohn C. Schalla, 1323 Argyle Road, T^Salle. Tolm Willo (i), 3067 E. 92nd St., Chicago. Frank Cloutier. R. D. 2. Box 9. Lester Prairie, Minn. Fdward W. Street, Viola. Charles Grie.sbach, R. D. 3, Henderson, Minn. Elmer E. Pepper, 1639 Pt. Washington Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Friwin Tolivette, R. D. 4. Greenwood, Wis. Ennk Eras, Corp., 1508 Hunham St., South Bend, Ind. Tolin Bonte, .156 E. Itasca St., Superior. Wis. Tohn Pelkoszki. 544 155th Place, Herman. Pptpr Kuryk. Box 122. Montreal, Wis. William Vondran R. D. .■;. Dubuque. Iowa. .Arnold Traune. R. D. i, Beetown, Wis. Bernard C. Domke. Genoa, Wis. Louis Kohlmeyer (i). R. D. 6, Chatfield. Minn. Edward Cru'kshank, Box 451. Buffalo Minn. Erne.=-.t R. Harris, Box 125, Stratford. Wis. Scott R. Tiedman, Sgt., 3917 W. Montrose Ave., Chi- cago. Claude Caddell, Sgt., 915 Heths Ave., East End, Pitts- bur?. Pa. Robert Ca=s<»ll. Sgt.. 341 Chicago Ave., Savanna. Leonidas Friedman, Abita Springs, La. Frank L. McMinimv, 114 N. Washington St., Carthage. George P. Hanson. R. D. i, Rollag, Minn. William Patterson, Mt. Carroll. Otis M. Westphall, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Albert WittI, R. D. 4, Box 30, Jefferson, Wis. Frank V. Minckler, Westfield, Wis. Alfred Bakken, Genoa. Wis. Hobert J. Burks, R. D. 2. Solsberry, Ind. Max E. Fritze, LeSeuer, Minn. Edwin M. Mortenscn, R. D. i. Grove City, Minn Merle A. Tracey, R. D. 3, Monmouth. Frank Cabak, R. D. 2, Hinkley, Minn. Oscar Benson, Hillsdale, Okla. James S. Bloniarz, 1639 W. 20th St., Chicago. Nels H. Nelson, Amboy, Minn. John A. Nelson, R. D. i, Scarville, la. Carl J. Thuline, R. D., Altona. Thomas R. O'Connor. Eden Valley. Minn. Leo O. Hartman, Huntersville, Minn. Joseph O. Holt, R. D. 3, Bnx 57. Farmington, Minn. William F. Welter, R. T5. i, Sinsinawa, Wis. John E. Johnson, 3047 Lyndale Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ervin E. Meyer, R. D. 5, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Walter W. Beckard, 1705 N. 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward A. Peterson. Fulda, Minn. Henry Wahl, Chetek, Wis. John Clements, R. D. 3, Box 47, Viroqua, Wis. Erwin C. Johannes, 207 Cottage St., Merrill. Wis. Walter A. Wolf, Water St.. Platteville, Wis. George T. Mauch, Sheldon, Wis. Leo R. Korth, R. D. 4, Neillsville, Wis. Arthur Weishopf, 787 Buffalo St., St. Paul, Minn. Leon Crye, Crane, Wis. Carl F. Peikert. R. D. 3, Buffalo, Minn. Edwin C. Brasseth, Box 59, Lake Park, Minn. Con S. Buswell, Viroqua, Wis. Peter Witkowski, 2534 Whipple St., Chicago. Thomas Goldsmith (i), 13 Ainsworth St., Liverpool Eng- land. Joseph Willkomm, Cassville, Wis. Robert W. Thompson, 103 W. 8th St., Superior, Wis. Fred Bemis 57 Lisbon St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Pasquale Stella, 49 E. 3rd St., St. Paul, Minn. .Alex W. Havel, 1808 13th St., Two Rivers, Wis. Thomas Delaney, 730 E. 88th St., Chicago. Luigi Chialant, Warissela, Torino, Italy. Herman E. Weiss, Corp., 911 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago. Claude C. Morton, 13 Oak Grove Ave., Belcit, Wis. Hazael A. Daines, 17th AVe and Chase St., Grand Rapids, Wis. John A. Logeais, R. D. 4. Box 116, Annandale, Minn. Walter Ebinger, 1102 4th Ave., Brainerd, Minn. John L. Forbregd, R. t). 2, 0,sakis. Minn. George A. Todd, R. D. 14, Victoria. Homer H. Watson, 1910 Ashland Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. Carrol A. Swanson 919 Front St., Moorhead, Minn. John Harjn, 9003 Burley Ave., Chicago. Adam J. Debus, Jr.. Sgt.. 3136 N. Robey St., Chicago. Frank B. Cramer Set., 521 ist Ave., Clinton, Iowa. Waldo E. Burkhart, Sgt., Lanark. Charles J. Sapa, R. D. :, Thorpe, Wis. Ernest H. Wenzel, R. D. 2, Sullivan, Wis. Clement Wieeman, Box 61, Hazel Green, Wis. William E. Blood, 270 E. Howard St.. Winona, Minn. George Wittl, R. D. 4, Box 30. Jefferson, Wis. John E. Straka, R. D. t, Fennimore, Wis, Max R, Koepsel, 647 21st St. Milwaukee, Wis. Edward J, Eckman, 857 E. 8th St., Winona, Minn. Oscar S. Carlson, 2126 Cuyler Ave.. Chicaeo. .Mbert Lindberg, 83 Brott St., St. Paul, Minn. Isaac C. Wade, R. D. 2, Little York. George Monke, 1224 N. State St., Litchfield. Frank Danek, 1612 S. Fisk St.. Chicago. John N. McLaughlin, R. D. i, Dassell, Minn. Charlie Louis, Corp.. Odanah, Wis. Edward .^hrens R. D. i. Box 96. Mosinee, Wis. \'incent J. Wie^^t, R. D. 2. Cassville, Wis. ^tarion Day, Hitterdale, Minn. Oscar Nordouist, 2028 6th St.. S. Minneapolis, Minn. Guy F. Stephens. R. D. Keithsbure. Sam J. Tracy. R. D. i, Platteville, Wis. Alfred A. Bern, Altona. Stillman A. Reed, Cokato. Minn. .August Nelson, R. D. 10. Oneida. John F. Plageman. R. D. .■;. Canbv, Minn. Martin A. Olson R. D. 4. Heron Lake, Minn. Karl F. Klug, Nymore, Minn. William Clements, R. D. 3, Viroqua, Wis. George H. West, 1050 Boomer St.. Watertown, Wis. Gustave A. Johnson, 104 York St., St, Paul. Minn. Robert H. Krueger, 767 27th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. i66 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John E. Fellhofer, 51 Magnolia St., St. Paul, Minn. Roy Westby, R. D. 30, Box 45, Beloit, Wis. John Rachwalski, 349 Bucklin St., LaSalle. Merril W. Brown, LaFarge, Wis. Ben H. Sloan, R. D., Mt. Sterling, la. William J. Hilty, 1309 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William L. Seitz, Box 192, Sherrard. John J. Cofojohn, 1801 Irvin Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Evenske, R. D. 2, Silver Lake, Minn. Alex E. Wilkinson, R. D. i, Bloomington, Wis. Reuben Andersen, R. D. 2, Box 29, Arkansaw, Wis. Albert Thomsen, Cassville, Wis. Martin Knoll, R. D. 2, Silver Lake, Minn. Ernest J. Werner, Box 55, Johnson Creek, Wis. Christen Nielsen, Box 163, Comfrey, Minn. Ronald D. Canole (i), R. D. 2, Area, Minn. Frank Opperschall, 1307 Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William D. Paton, 413 Prentice Ave., Ashland, Wis. Arthur R. KuUberg, R. D. 5, Hector, Minn. Frank Proskiewicz, 687 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Rupert Collier, 403 W. Burbank St., Harvard. John Oldenburg, 946 Newton St., Chicago. Emil R. Salow, 15232 Turlington Ave., Harvey. Guiseppe Difiori, 601 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Rudolph L. Tank, 11 20 Willow Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Otto C. Kastner, 1004 Long Ave., Dixon. Nicholas Damato, Corp., 121 7 Sinnot Place, Chicago. William W. Jory, Mech., 121 sth St., Savanna. Ernst R. Schoewe, Mech., 1129 Holton St., Milwaukee, Wis. Jcsva T. Morck, Mech., Kenyon, Minn. Lawrence Miller, Bug., 202 Clay St., Savanna. Carl A. Block, Bug., 301 1 S. Komensky Ave., Chicago. Spurgeon S. Harter, Cook, Chadwick. Albert F. Miller, Cook, Lanark. Frank A. Leavens, Cook, R. D. 4, Savanna. Albert W. Warfield, Cook, R. D. 2, Savanna. Jacob Abram, 913 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ernest Petrie, Sgt., 13422 Buffalo Ave., Hegewisch. James Willcockson, Sgt., Sigourney, Iowa. Harry Andrews, 420 S. Tama St., Manchester, Iowa. Frank J. Sitter, 4013 Federal St., Chicago. Grover C. Leyh, Corp., 1222 Como Blvd., St. Paul, Minn. COMPANY K, 342ND INFANTRY Allen O. Brophy, ist Lt., 528 Raymond St., Elgin. Jacob M. Howarth, ist Lt., 1303 Glenlake Ave., Chicago. Hannibal H. Chandler, 2d Lt., 507 S. Sheridan Road, Highland Park. George Farabee, ist Sgt., Sellersburg, Ind. Clarence J. Snyder, Sup. Sgt., Lena. Harry A. Story, Mess Sgt., 304 Stephenscn St., Free- port. Harry L. Albers, Corp.. 2708 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. Charles Hess, Sgt., Apple River. Walter H. Calvert, Cook, Hanover. Elmer L. Eastlund, 123 E. 5th St., Red Wing, Minn. George A. Isaacs, Cook, 284 Brcadway Extension, Du- buque, Iowa. Frank Bernard, Mech., 1340 S. 20th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Herman Booman, Mech, 3317 14th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Presler, Staples, Minn. Herman Reynolds, 675 Raymond St., Elgin. Robert Cunningham, Brainerd, Minn. Martin H. Knadjek, 434 nth St., N., Grand Rapids, Mich. James E. Simmons, 22nd St. and sth Ave., Rock Island. Wenzel Erdmann. R. D. 3, Two Rivers, Wis. George V. Wahlund, 506 Woodward Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Henry Wilson, R. D. 2, Henderson. Alfred A. Filter, R. D. i. Box 229, North Milwaukee, Wis. Fritz R. Anderson, R. D. 4, Fosston, Minn. Ira C. Welch, R. D. 2, Seaton. Bertinis Walker, R. D. i, Newark. Henry Huset, Blue Mounds, Wis. Leonard J. Strauss, R. D. 3, Elizabeth. Henry J. Meyer, R. D. i, Elizabeth. Theodore Rynda, R. D. 3, LeSeuer Co., Minn. Edwin Schreiber, Westbrook, Minn. Arthur H. Drcege, tiamburg, Minn. John E. Weber, R. D. 4, Box 45, Aurora. Robert B. Schenk, New Rome, Wis. Norris D. Thing, 2123 6th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Hugo E. Steelberg, Litchfield, Minn. Frank A. Watson, 307 2nd St., Albert Lea, Minn. James J. Green, R. D. 3, Streator. Hugo C. Krueger. R. D. 3, Glenwood City, Minn. Adolph J. Rave, R. D. 45, Earlville. Paul H. Pertowsky, 1353 E. Grand Ave., Decatur. Gus Weiler, 121 Zengeley Ave., Aurora. Charlie Thomas, Merrill, Iowa. Clare H. Barneck, Box 74. Albert Lea, Minn. Roy Williams, R. D. i, Serena. Walter D. Scherer, 204 E. 5th St., Rochester, Minn. Fred Asmus, 4045^ Pryor Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter Balda, 1023 5th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Ray Wells, 605 W. Davis St., Bushnell. William Kuehl, R. D. 3, Morrison. Albert E. Lidberg, Portage, Wis. Frank O. Jackson, R. D. 7, Birch St., Eau Claire, Wis. Fred Baldeschwiler, R. D. 3, Box 47, Thorpe, Wis. J'lmes L. Aagerson, R. D. i. Box 84, Luck, Wis. Frank B. Hilt, 91554 2nd St., Eau Claire, Wis. Herman W. Matz, R. D. 4, Montello, Wis. David Bottoms, Mineral Point, Wis. William Carlson, 7 33rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur C. Flikkie, R. D. 4, Viroqua, Wis. Arthur B. Baumann, 13 17 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Atwood, Bruce, Wis. Alvin J. Cole, R. D. 2, Granton, Wis. William Babcock, R. D. 2, Wyacena, Wis. Emil H. Friske, Box in, Ontario, Wis. McKinley J. Brown, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. William J. Buckley, 315 W. 42nd Place, Chicago. Edward A. Moratz, Montello, Wis. Harry A. Larson, 2718 13th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John H. Bagstad, R. D. i, Box i, Westby, Wis. Frank G. Keefe, R. D. 2, Richmond, Wis. Art Brockhouse, Edgerton, Minn. Frederick Giesler, 1315 Superior Ave., Tomah, Wis. Roscoe Williams, Galena. John T. Zebraske, Downers Grove. Edwin F. Lund, 3303 4th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Julius Bredson, R. D. i, Box 41, Withee, Wis. Henry Montgomery, Galena. Arthur G. Kiesow, Somerset, Wis. Simon P. Hauber, Park Rapids, Minn. James Bly, isth Av'e., Fulton. John Combellick, R. D. i. Galena. James O'Grady, Tubber, County Claire, Ireland.- Clarence H. Tole, 1613 N. Bloomington St., Streator. Joseph Siegler, 300 Greenvale Ave., Northfield, Minn. Frank Drollinger, Box 7, Sherry, Wis. Frank Waizuitis, 671 W. 14th Place, Chicago. Illdage J. Briant, Box 114, Hawkins. Wis. George Schweitzer, 396 Herman St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph A. Rozanski, 3073 Davlin Court, Chicago. Leonard R. Rowley, R. D. 4, Box 39, Granada, Minn. Leonard Swartzbaugh. R. D. 3, Rock Falls. Henry Filhofer, R. D. 2, Box 14, Marshfield, Wis. Enoch A. Amundson, Box 235, Roseau, Minn. Gunder Risland, 151 W. 10th St., Superior, Wis. Christopher Bakke, Clayton, Minn. Max Gordon. 1042 N. Oakley Blvd., Chicago. Joseph D. Olbrecht. 2215 Thomas St., Chicago. Alvin E. Meyers, R. D. i, Westfield, Wis. John C. Sullivan, R. D. i. Church, Iowa. Axel G. Wallin, Oneida. Daniel Slattery, 2517 7th St. S., Minneapolis. Minn. Clifford Crockett, R. D. i. Box 25, Neillsville, Wis. William M. Romani, 373 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Arthur H. Klemm, Whittlesey, Wis. John P. O'Hern, 2844 W. 39th Place, Chicago. Reuben Cartwright, 303 Division Alley, Wausau, Wis. John Pukis, Box 43. South Milwaukee, Wis. Edward Custsforth, R. D. 2, Westfield, Wis. Ira L. Biller, Glen Flora, Wis. Engel Brigtson, Emmons. Minn. Andrew Anderson, 318 Pleasant Ave., Crookston, Minn. John Schmidt. 106 Germania St.. Mankato, Minn. John F. Ulrich, Lake Crystal, Minn. Gustave Stahnke, 511 33rd St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Herman L. Stevens, R. D. i, Dover, Minn. Lynn E. Campbell, Houston, Minn. Vincent Olmstead, Prcphetstown, Minn. THE 342ND INFANTRY 167 David S. Mackay, 311 N. Chestnut St., Plattsville, Wis. Edwin T. Hansen, 411 2nd St., Eau Claire, Wis. Thomas D. Donnelly, Sgt., 4203 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Herbert Melick, Corp., 293 Ferrimore St., New Vork, N. Y. Elmer A. McCool, Sgt., 96 Harlem Ave.. Freeport. Arthur Nelson, 1022 N. s6th Ave.. West Duluth, Minn. Henry Henningfeld, Waterford, Wis. Clinton Quaintance, R. D. 4, Box 4, Slayton, Minn. Linley E. Westfall, R. D. 1, Box 40, Knoxville. Herman Kirschnik, 38 31st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Leslie Becker, Freeport. Andrew Rogala (:), Lubo Golisya, Austria. Edward A. Fanning. R. D. 29, Box 74, Ottawa. Sigurd E. Werner, 709 Delaware St., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Pourart, Lac du Flambeau, Wis. Frank J. Fuchs, Whittlesey, Wis. Helmer Bygd, Farmington, Minn. Frank Bredeson, 219 W. 7th St., Ladysmith, Wis. George J. Narum, Shevlin, Minn. Edwin L. Zweig, R. D. 3, Watertown, Wis. Anthony Laskowski, St. I'rancis, Wis. John G. Chesner, 1014 N. Pierce St.. Milwaukee, W'is. Harry L. Atwood, R. D. i, Bruce, Wis. Michael C. Bauer, R. D. 2, Birnamwocd, Wis. George W. Alley, R. D. i, Wittenburg, W'is. James J. Cook, R. D. i, Osceola, Wis. Charles Fedenko, 477 ist Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. Albert Anderson, R. D. i, Clayton, Wis. Emil O. Radke, R. D. i. Box 15, Minnesota Lake, Minn. Henry F. Casmer, 825 Michigan Ave., South Milwaukee. Wis. Marshall Helland, R. D. i, Newark. James A. Wolfe, R. D. 3, Box 70, LaFarge, Wis. Axel T. Anderson, R. D. 2, Box 34, Ronneby, Minn. Adam B. Peterson, R. D. 3, Scales Mound. Daniel E. Breen, 121 Farnum St., Blackstone, Mass. Albert Peterson, Box 75, Hopkins, Minn. Adolph Gabrielson, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. Elza H. Davis, 203 W. 4th St., Ladysmith, Wis. Arnold E. Fortun, R. D. 2, Viroqua, Wis. Clarence Eskstrom, Carver. Minn. Arthur T. Olson, High Landing, Minn. Roy J. Mickelson, 2716 Lyndale Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John A. Drager, Fairmont. Minn. Oscar Lee, Wcodville, Wis. Chas. Landfair. Washington St., Warsaw, Ind. Clarence Huxsahl, 612 E. Oakland Ave., Austin, Minn. Chas. A. Schulz, R. D. i. Box 37, Osseo, Wis. Nels E. Lindgren, 2264 Hampden Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Henry Marzorati, Fcgnana Plova, Italy. Olaf C. Revling, R. D. 3, Lake City, Minn. Joseph Lipow, 427 Grand St., Patterson, N. J. George Jokosh, 911 Hibernian St., Milwaukee, Wis. Willie L'Allier, R. D. i, Somerset, Wis. Chester Smith, Pickford, Mich. August Koehler, R. D. i, Wilson Wis. Julivis Janz, Grand Ave., Grand Rapids. Wis. Clarence Wagner, R. D. 2, Galesburg, Wis. Carl Jacobsrn, 1303 14th St., Racine, Wis. Heiko B. Grimm, Sgt., Galena. Heite Ackerman, Corp., German Valley. William Knuckles, Corp., 2623 Brightwood Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. Paul Kantowicz, 1847 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Godfrey Walin, Centuria, Wis. Wenzel Sanders. 106 Wisconsin St., Kenosha, Wis. Melvin Olson, R. D. 2, Westfield, Wis. Harvey Sorenscn, R. D. 2, Box J2, Albert Lea, Minn. Henry Mohr, 62 Deering St., Kenosha, Wis. John C. Binkowski, 1007 Robey St., Chicago. John H. Kirsch, R. D. 3, Sheboygan. Mich. Guerino Venditti, 573 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Leo A. Bisson, Box 112, Ingram, Wis. Elmer S. Lind, R. D. 2, Frederick, Wis. Paul A. Bliese, 611 Park Ave., Wausau, Wis. John J. Sullivan, 5557 Van Buren St., Chicago. Julius Menke, 1329 W. iiith St., Chicago. Rudolph J. Miller. 10 18 N. W'inchester Ave., Chicago. Frank Noll, Waterford. Wis. Charles Leuthold, 671 Lilly St., Elgin. Revy R. Ryan. 1410 5th Ave.. Rock Island. I'^dwin F. Arndt, Butternut, Wis. Kyran J. Doherty, 458 Bowen Ave., Chicago. Noah C. Hilt, Flatrock, Ind. Albert L. Pommier, Box 26, Currie, Minn. Arthur Thomas, R. D. 26, Abingdon. William C. Taylor, R. D. 4, Marshall. Edwin Svenson, Box 33. Neilsville. Minn. John Geary, 1003 Beach St., St. Paul, Minn. Sol Lewitz, 75 W. 43rd St., Chicago. Casper O. Wiggin, R. D. 7, Black River Falls, Wis. Leo R. Riemer, 904 Cleveland St.. Watertown, Wis. George Bartolomasi, 112 W. Grand Ave., Alhambra, Cal. Harry F. Hansen, R. D. 3, Courtland, N. Y. Lauritz Larson, 417 nth St., Rockford. Bernard Weisbrook, R. D. 2, Naperville. Verne E. Brabander, Rio, Wis. William Schaflfner, 663 Canada St., St. Paul, Minn. Ole E. Dekko, Gary, Minn. Marv'in J. Wright, Gen. Del., Marcline. Edwin J. Finstad. 220 Summit St., Eau Claire, Wis. Charles Ainsworth, Chippewa Falls, Wis. John L. Buska, R. D. i. Box 39, Hatley, Wis. "Ole O. Grindahl, R. D. 3, Litchville, N. D. Elmer R. Carlson, 517 S. E. 4th St., Galva. Peter Jost, Mondovi, Wis. Viv'ian L. Chell, R. D. 2. Box 14, Frederic, Wis. Emil E. Volman. 206 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Glumske. Norwalk, Wis. Stanley E. Wollack, 1842 N. Iowa St., Chicago. Sergent N. Jacobson, Oak St., Albert Lea, Minn. Melvin Western. R. D. i. Box 40, Clarkfield, Minn. Joseph A. Clinnin, 3245 W. 21st St., Chicago. Clarence Jacobson, Oak St., Albert Lea, Minn. Claude E. Gibson, Pardeerville, Wis. Arthur W. Bartlett. Cameron, Wis. Oscar W. Kildahl. R. D. i, Hersey, Wis. Harry H. Hall. Juka. James A. Lavell, 1262 Edmond St., St. Paul, Minn. Sam Thorson,R. D. 3, Frederic, Wis. Oscar E. Carlson, Apollonia, Wis. Frederick Jorgcnson, 2509 S. 9th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Harry W. Johnson, R. D. 2, Deer Creek, Minn. William Buuts, R. D. i. Box 69, Wentworth, Wis. George W. Howard, Lena. Joseph Popp, R. D. 5 New Ulm. Minn. Edward W. Jaacks, Hardwick, Minn. Gustof A. Stromberg, 407 N. Elm St., Fairmont, Minn. Fred A. Block, 613 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles R. Welch, 86 Winslow St., Freeport. Julius Guhl, 38 Elizabeth St., Freeport. Owen Smith, 329 E. 56th St.. New York, N. Y. Gustav Anderson, 482 76th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Berger, 117 S. 4th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John J. Clarkin, 322 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y. John Elbert, 92 Sanford St., Long Island City, N. Y. COMPANY L, 342ND INFANTRY James B. Kaine, Capt., Pullman Co., Richmond, Va. John J. Ready, ist Lt., 221 Sherman Ave., New York City. Edward M. Price, 1st Lt., Syracuse, Kansas. Courtney D. Freeman, ist Lt., 53 Pine St., Hinsdale. V^incent Anderson, 2d Lt., 2307 Montrose Ave., Chicago. Leicester R. Moise. 2d Lt., Frick Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. John Bockholder (i), Sgt., Forreston. Clarence Tengquist, Walsh and Montana Aves., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph Hartung, R. D. 2, Neillsville, Wis. Fred McCluchen, R. D. 2, Peru. Charles Tschumperlin, 6. D. 2, Richmond, Minn. Louis Schad R. D. 4, Heron Lake, Minn. Samuel I. Nelson, Hayward, Minn. Math T. Grengs, Amery, Wis. George W. Daniels. Lone Rock, Wis. Eddie Larsen, R. D. 2, Eagle Bend, Minn. John A. Nordell, R. D. 2, Downing, Wis. Tony H. Helming, Rudolph, Wis. Guy Van Lant, Edgerton, Minn. Louis Mombrum, R. D. 1, Box 47, Braceville. Joe Polifka, R. D. 3, Hector, Minn. Tony Chestokes, Box 37, Standard. Fred W. Briggs, 120 Lakeview Ave., Kewanee. Arthur Christensen Box 28, Lucan, Minn. Burton C. Olson, R. D. i, Knapp, Wis. Dominick J. Veronda, 804 27th St., Rock Island. Norman L. Nelson, R. D. 4, Baldwin, Wis. Joseph Accorsi, Box 50, Hurley, Wis. i68 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Leo R. Judkins, Kingston. Vincent T. Jaskowiak, R. D. 2, Box 55, Weyerhauser, Wis. Arthur H. Moberg, 3146 istli Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Agnew, 1013 N. Wilburt St.. Kewanee. Eddie Erickson, Box 15, Frederick, Wis. George Voissem, 218 ist St., Menaslia, Wis. James A. Ames, R. D. 3, Box 80, Bradford. Louie DeTong, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. Bert M. Erickson, Box 43, Audubon, Minn. Fred W. Knueppel R. D. 2, Morton, Minn. Otto H. Fravert. R. D. 2, Box 113. Greenwood Vv'^is. Elias F. Mattison, R. D. t. Box 28. Viroaua. Wi's. Glunz R. T). i, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Geonsre C. Smith, R. D. 3, Box 34. Carn'r-n, \*'is. Charles Kastner, 720 3rd St. N., Little Falls, Minn. Clay F. RoSinson. R. D. 2, Rock F.ills.'e Barnholt, 822 6th Ave.. S., Stillwater, Minn. Frank Hendricks, R. D. i. Oakda'e, Wis. Wi!lia'-n Oleson, R. D. 3. Arena, Wis. Pdward Holum, Boyd, Minn. Raymond Cain, Oregon. C.porge Brenneke, R. D. i. Lacon. Clarence Orvold, R. D. 3, Hpmrnond. Wis. August W. Lange, R. I). 3, Box 36, Glenwood Citv, Wis. Reuben Eckrich. 643 ist St., Menasha, Wis. Tnhn Knon, R. D. i, Artryle. IV^athew Mahutga. Arcadia, Wis. V^irsrel E. Cpin, Adeline. Edward K. Crahan, Belle Plaine. Minn. Elmer Winefarden, R. D. i, Box "70, New Rome, Wis. Emrick H''n^'''ickfon, Chaseburcr, Wis. Thomas C. Wilson. Vincent. Iowa. John W. Unsen, 522 14th St., Rockford. Guv M. Daniels, lone Rock, Wis. John Dil'on. Sgt., Castle^^n. Oforge A. Cross, Sgt.. Polo. v^lbert Ohm, R. D. 5, Box e,^. ATiert Lea. Minn. Frpd"'"'ck C. Turvev, irj?. Ashland .■\ve., Evanston. Orin M. Greeno. Tunnel City, Wis. T^ay Sutton, R. D. i, Verona. ^en Larson, R. D. 2. Bo.x 47. Weyerhatiser, W^is. Carl H. Lewerenz, R. D. a. Pavnes^'ille, Minn. Will Mattison, R. D. .^. Box 60, Spring >''alley, Wis. Fred Anderson, 45'" ^t^h .Av.. Rock Island. Frank T). Harvey. Hawkins. Wis. Jim B. Casteel, R. D. 3, Concord, Tenn. Marirn Melkowski, 3049 S. Troop St., Chicago. Jncpi^h Moelter. R. D. 6, Box 10, River Falls, Wis. Adolnh Bade. Varna. Stanley Coolidge, Winnebago. Jo'^eph J. Vana 419 Vliet St., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul F. Ruback, Genoa. Frederick Gerber, 233 Greeley St.. Milwaukee. Wis. Lloyd Fitzeerald, 456 Linden St., Fond du Lac Wis. Fdwin L. Frome. Colbt, Wis. Cherman L. Eaton, R. n. 3,' Dresser Junction Wis. Rnr.ere A. Newkirk. El Paso. Walter Kaska. R. D. 2, Rice, Minn. William B. WMse, Box 183, Akeley. Minn. Arthur W. Ander'on, Box 50 WoodhuU. Howard Maeder, Henderson, Minn. Charlie Nicodemus. Madison. Minn. Tobn Kramarich, Box 4^1, Gilbert. Minn. Mfred E. Bendlin, R. D. 50. Rutland. '">tto E. Zimmerman, 9331 1039th Ave., Edmontcn, Al- berta. Can. Charles Zukaitis, 3038 Wallace St., Chicago. Martin Lautenbacli, Box 66 Granton. Wis. Emil G. Hauche, 710 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Soren Thompson, R. D. 4, Ellendale. ISTinn. Fmil B. Muellinc Kluger B, Box 3. Phillips. Wis. Joseph Wroblewski, 247 Burham St., Milwaukee. Wis. Edward Llannigan, R. D. i, LeSeuer Center, Minn. Arthur Fogarty, 114 2nd Ave. N., Wausau, Wis. John W. Chybowski, 1416 Missouri Ave., S. Milwai' kee, Wis. Herman Paul Eue, LeSeuer. Minn. Albert W. Thurston, 800 W. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. Earl A. Hanson, R. D. i. Rock Island. William Schalk 2030 W. 20th St.. Chicago. Glenn F. Yocom, R. D. 4, Wells, Minn. Harry E. Thiess, 338 Barnard Ave., Cudahy, Wi.s. Fred H. Warner, R. D. 5, Long Prairie, Minn. Herman Hanson. Westby, Wis. Enileme D. Zern, Box 52, Adrian. Louis Johnson. 161 1 N. 8th St., Superior, Wis. Herbert Nelson, Gordonsville, Minn. Walter E. Aten, Sgt., 501 E. Kishwaukee St., Rockford. Joseph P. Feltes, Sgt., 716 E. McKinney St.. Dixon. .'Alfred Tohnson, Box 123, Bellview, Minn. Fred Kin", R. D. 3, Porter. Minn. William Herheck, R. D. i, Dilly, Wis. Geor'^e E. Kane, Stroiaghurst. Martin Christensen, Jr.. Care George Smith, 829 Elmere St., Green Bay, Wis. Ole Aim, R. D. 2, Box 13, Randall, Minn. Paul E. Appleton. R. D. i, Wenona. Joseph J. Vroblovsky, R. D. 3, Box 70. LeSeuer Center, Minn. I'-dward Zanzig, 1391 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis. .Arthur Erickson R. D. 5, Box 58, Lakefield, Minn Fred E. Ries, Box 203, Charles City, la. Ole A. Olson. R. D. i, Gary, Minn. Will Sartcrius, Windom, Minn. Louis Margis. Corp., 721 Island Ave., Rockford. Arthur J. Carlson, R. D. 4, Foley. Minn. Percy R. Carlson, Marineon, St. Croix, Minn. Henry J. Fingerson, R. D. i, Box 51, Cobb, Wis. John J. Harvey, Hawkins, Wis. Harrv W. Green, R. D. 4, Box 46. Toman, Wis. Frank C. Kleist, 532 W. Carroll St., Portage, Wis. Fred W. Butler, 1022 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park. Martin Leiran R. D. 2, Box 59, Waterville, la. William Ziegler, Good Thunder, Minn. Raymrnd W. Haben R. D. i, Prairie View. Victor H. Harvey, Hawkins, Wis. George Behringer, R. D. 2, Granville. William Sinell, R. D. 4, Box 29, LeSeuer, Minn. Walter Kulikowski, 275 Tront St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Anderson, R. D. 3 Bradford. Leo J. Paczkowski, 854 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter F. Wellnitz 584 2d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Ben riirsh. 2342 W. Iowa St., Chicago. Girvanni Parisi, 946 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. I'red T. Ellingson, 504 sth St., S., Moorhead, Minn. George W. Piper, 227 S. Oklahoma St., Shawnee, Okla. Charles T-eHew, New Boston. Mathew W. Mulvaney, Wilson, Wis. Everett R. Bumpus 310 S. Broad St., Hope, Ind. .Andrew J. Johnson, 4101 Elliott Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Michael Wallace. 1283 2d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Samuel Cemmill, Box 412, Redwood Falls, Minn. Harry T. Weller. Box 57, St. Francis, Wis. Gustave Frederickson, Vanass Spoland, Vesterbotlen, Sweden. Walter J. Shaver, Corp., Rice Lake, Wis. George R. Henry, R. D. 3, Viroqua. Wis. Matthew W. Martin, 3328 N. Fremont Ave., Minneapo- lis. Minn. Louis Guscctti, Genoa. John Ozunas, 152 loth St., Chicago. Fred G. Bultmann, 143d and River Sts., Harvey. Martin J. Kocher, R. D. 2. Dundas. V'ousaf Adueh (i), 701 N. Main St., Rockford. Tacob McDonald, Eddyville. r.loyd L. Mullican, Sgt., Pecatonica. Glenn T. Baldwin, Sgt., Roscoe. Leo M. Broskowski, 1301 Monroe Ave., S., Milwaukee, Wis. Virgil D. Struble, R. D. 4, Pox 49, Aledo. Joseph C. Adams. 710 3d St., S. E., Little Falls, Minn. Frank A. Kray, Cold Spring. Minn. Elmer G. Harris, Viroqua, Wis. John Latuseck, Minnesota Lake, Minn. Carl J. Mickelson, 329 S. 64th Ave., West Duluth, Minn. William Casey, R. D. 2, Box 62, Hollandale, Wis. Philip A. Wolff, 8134 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Wilbur Berghorn, R. D. 3, Barrington. William Dubois, 730 Adams St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. William Spears, Jr.. R. D. 3, Stronghurst. Henry T. Becker, R. D. i, Cedarburg Rd., Milwaukee, Wis. Chester P. Winsor, R. D. 5, Morris. Jerry P. Mestek, 1427 W. 17th St., Chicago. Francis Beuseline, R. D. 5, Cambridge. Albert Frechette Sth St., Faribault, Minn. Richard Boelens, R. D. 2, Atkinson. Siegert Swanson, 1931 Humbrldt Blvd., Chicago. Clement DeBacker, R. D. 6. Sheffield. John Jakoubek, R. D. 3, Glen Flora, Wis. John Weinberger, Germania, la. Eric T. Anderson, 2817 E. 24th St., Minneapolis, Minn. THE 342ND INFANTRY 169 Harry Jensen, R. D. i, Kinsmann. Richard Fogarty, 114 2d Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. Carl S. Darelins, 715 Spruce St., Wausau, Wis. i-^lmer Irish. Redwood Falls, Minn. Kalle W. Wiisanen, R. D. 3, Box 25, Kimball, Minn. John Laspisa, 69 Dente PI., Buffalo, N. Y. Kd Schaeffer, 1429 Paradise Alley, Milwaukee, Wis. John L. Tarplcy, Attalla, Ala. I'red Bodaker, 722 iith St., Rock Island. William Cioebel, 1523 3d St., Peru. Cosmos McKenzie, 965 Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Clyde Clements Mt. Morris. .Andrew Cihacki, Hatley, Wis. Robert V. Tierman, 133 Lincoln Ave., Waukegan. George Clark, R. D. 2, Box 73, Birnamwood, Wii.. Otto F. Wallman, R. D. i, Stratford, Wis. Jewel G. Hoskins, 420 17th Ave., N., St. Cloud, Minn. Jack Bolda, 1314 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Samuel Treloar, North Freedom, Wis. Jay Fisher, R. D. i. Viola. Ptter J. Ganzer, Richmcnd, Minn. Roger B. McCabe, Fulton. Paul A. Larson, R. D. 3, Slayton, Minn. Benjamin Meyer, Colby, Wis. Otha Binkley, R. D. 3, Box 95, Louisburg, Ky. Nels O. Ringstrom, Demotte, Ind. Fred H. Bigler, 900 Freemont St., St. Faul, Minn. Bernard Quigley, 324 23d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Benjamin Smisek, Lonsdale, Minn. r.enus Hedin, Kensington, Minn. James Copeland, 4618 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Fred M. Tumms, 152 Hight St., Freeport. Stephen Hewis, Sgt., 607 Jackson St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Frank Pocl, Cook, Fairview, Okla. Elmer Lambrecht, Gillett, Wis. Austin Perkins, Box 174, Woodruff, Wis. Clyde H. Clapper, Box 84, New Auburn, Minn. Martin M. Kick, 31 10 Pennsylvania Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Gilbert Winkenwerder, Mess Sgt., Juneau, Wis. David Stockman, Cook. 112 Winnisheix St., Freeport. Hubert D. Lawson, Mech., Monroe Center. Fdward Sundstedt, Mech., R. D. 4, Rockford. Berger C. Hertzman (i), Afton, Minn. James E. Hcllar, Bug., Leaf River. Fred O. Folk, Sup. Sgt., Polo. Melvie Patrick, Dixon, Neb. Fear Bedard. Red Lake Falls, Minn. Henry Schiefelbein, R. D. 4, Dekoria. Wis. Kernie Knuteson, R. D. 3, Box 37, Poynette, Wis. John P. Russell, 444 S. Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. Christ George, 205 Nicolett Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Ervvin A. Kasten, 1163 nth St., Milwaukee, Wis. George Abrams, 1035 7jd St., Brooklyn N. Y. William C. Kennedy, 2049 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Daniel T. Maloney, 96 Adeline St., New Haven, Conn. Gerald P. McGovern, 406 W. 33d St., New York, N. Y. John J. Curtis, Bay Chester, N. Y. Tames" Dorgan, 329 E. 93d St., New York, N. Y. John A. Millar, 30 Kendall St., Central Falls, R. I. George Patry 511 Broad St., Central Falls, R. I. Thomas O'Riley, zy Darling St., Central Falls, R. I. COMPANY M, 342ND INFANTRY Ernest T. Alcorn, ist Lt., 859 S. Day St., Galesburg. George Schellens, ist Lt., Groton, Conn. Wilbur E. Krebs, ist Lt., 211 S. High St., Belleville. Charles B. Crow, 2d Lt., Jasper, Ala. -Alma W. Peasner, 2d Lt., Box 183, Winstead, Minn. John C. Craft, ist Sgt., 622 7th St., Rochelle. Peter L. Hameetman, Sup. Sgt., 1509 Norwood St., Chi- cago. William K. Rust, Sgt., 11946 Eggleston St., Chicago. George Henderson, Sgt., 134 Cottonwood St., Freeport. Joachim Prestegaard. Cook, Lee. Adolph Ammon, Cook, Monticello, Wis. Samuel Brome, Cook, Box 505, Monticello, N. Y. Oscar Foss, Cock, Black Earth, Wis. Frank Hinds, Sgt., Gen. Deliv., Greenville, N. Y. Dan Satory, 1 199 Forest St., St. Paul, Minn. Robert J. Murray, R. D., Foley, Minn. Walter D. Lemon, 1256 E. 7th St.. St. Paul, Minn. Clarence Clift, R. D. 4, Osten, Minn. Albon B. Jacobson, R. D. 2, Chaseburg, Wis. Henry R. Nord, Carver, Minn. Carl J. Bieck, Corp., 655 E. 87th St., Chicago. .Alfred Hoff, Cheseboro, Wis. .Albert J. Parrent, Balsam Lake, Wis. Emil G. Peterson, Box 93, Amery, Wis. William F. Pinnow, R. D. 3, Ladysmith, Wis. Herman Meyer, R. D. 2, Box 45, Dorchester, Wis. Carl W. Schmidt. R. D. 2, Box 37, Osceola, Wis. John R. Nelson, R. D. 2, Nye, Wis. Joseph P. Klein. Corp., R. D. 2, Box 67, Richfield, Wis. Julius Gorski, R. D. 2, Box 62, Bevent, Wis. Otis Druien, Hooppole. Gustaf Karnath. R. D. i. Box 4, Young America, Minn. James A. Hull, R. D. 2, Atkinson. Frank S. Gustaf son, R. D. i, Bex 34, Osco. Bernard Bergeson, Box 295, Dawson, Minn. Rudolph Johnk, Sabin, Minn. X'ictor Granberg, 7815 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Adolph Bostrom 3737 25th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Ernst T. Johnson. R. D. 3. Box 29, Belle Plaine, Minn. Frank "Hill, 616 5th St., Menasha, Wis. Elmer F. Welter, Wabasso, Minn. John A. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 45, Lindstrom, ]Minn. Edward Pine, Robbins. Wis. Peter M. Toal, R. D. 3, Sanborn, la. Herman H. Kreiger, 1619 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Emmon Hawksworth, Bradford. Ole Yngsdahl, Kenyon Minn. Samuel Borgette, 166 Joscanparo Ave., Betrcit, Mich. Elmer J. Findell, R. D. 2, Cambridge, Minn. Eric W. Pearson, Wheeler Hall, Moorhead, Minn. Rune A. Hanson, Route 3, Woodhall. George H. Moran, 3.';i5 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Oscar H. Thorson, R. D., Capron. Raym( nd Carter, Tonieville, Ky. Ernest D. Schieber, R. D. 2, El Paso. Carl J. Maxheimer. Chestnut. Harry T. Crooks, R. D. 10, Box 10, Morton. Minn. Joseph Stadler, 631 Siegel St., Philadelphia, Pa. August J. Parent, New Richmond, Wis. Frank J. Garland, R. D. 2, Harmon. Bernard Bergquist, Bishop Hill. John L. Rosebrook, Sgt., Dixon. William Nitschke, Sgt., Pawpaw. Joseph Dagenais, Corp., 1115 Cypress St., Chicago. Randel I. Nelson, Comstock, Minn. Peder C. Helgeson. R. D. i, Rothsay, Minn. Henry P. Wilkens, 612 2d St., Rock Island. Eddie Holocker, R. D. 13, Lostant. David C. G. Lade, R. D. 2, Box 30, Ashby, Minn. George Eicksteadt, 235 Howell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul W. Hafemeister, Jackson, Wis. John Ciesla, 217 E. Erie St., Chicago. Nicholas ]~)udzinski, Mosinee, Wis. Ralph Candrava, 7808 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Arvid Johnson, 4339 Drummond St., Chicago. Lester O. Johnson, Box 52, R. D. i, Bishop Hill. Frank Cavanaugh, Marseilles. Ulrick Nordin. R. D. 2, Box lo-A, Boyd, Minn. Walter T. Schank, Corp., 1633 W. 21st St., Chicago. Percy Livingston, R. D. i, Seaforth, Minn. Charles Mazac, 9120 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Ferdinand Gehrke, R. D. 2, Wausau, Wis. John W. Danielson, R. D. i. Orion. Paul W. Buffum. 144 W. Simmon St., Galesburg. Milton Rettig, Milan. Conrad Lee, R. D. 3, Battle Lake, Minn. Leon Franck, Atkinson. William Wahls, 1631 Ohio St., Oshkosh, Wis. Joseph A. Bezouska, 1021 'W. 20th PI., Chicago. "Frederick Buberge, 1021 Hudson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Ernest Stengel, Box 336 Hill City. Minn. William H. Gerard. R. D. 3, Bradford. Arthur Ross, 1021 Bellevue Ave., Elgin. John A. Rogers, Coal City. Tony A. Kaiser, R. D. i, St. Bonifacius, Minn. Joseph A. Bell, 1105 W. Oakland Ave., Austin, Minn. Richard F. Marschke. R. D. 3, Turtle Lake, Wis. Walter T. Weidner. Prairie View. « Alvin W. Redlin, R. D. 4, Box 44, Baldwin, Wis. Harry A. Halvorson New Richland, Minn. Frank A. Fisher, 1303 19th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Christensen, 614 8th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Joseph B. Hill, R. D., Wausau, Wis. Earnest P. Strasberg, Wilson, Wis. Alexander Haller, -^oi ist Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. Tohn F. Korthals, fe. D. i, Stoddard. Wis. Ferdinand Karl, R. D. 3, Box 38, Norwalk, Wis. 170 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John C. Garcia, 340 ist National Bank Bldg., Slireveport, Louisiana. Henry T. LeMairj, Corp., R. D., New Carlisle, Ind. Clifford Haley, 803 E. North St., Greensburg, Ind. Walter D. Hecknian, Sgt., R. D. 6, Dixon. Milton L. Snider, Corp., 837 N. LeClaire Ave., Chicago. Patrick McCaffrey, Sgt., Walton. Felix Anderson, 190 State St., St. Charles. Edward Zweifel, 342 Leonox St., Milwaukee, Wis. Adolph Hanson, North 2d St., Waseca, Minn. Alfred W. Grenlin, Box 204, Oslo, Minn. Eddie Harris, Box 241, Mineral Point, Wis. Niclulas Brandes, 2210 Emerson Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Rudolph F. Ebert, 937 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Adry E. Carlson, Watertown, Minn. Arthur Berglof, R. D. 3, Box 16. Cambridge, Minn. George Holocker, R. D. 2, McNabb. Michael Betlewski, 923 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Joseph G. Kessler, Box 172, Chaska, Minn. Alex Cobitz, Corp., 724 W. Bunker St., Chicago. Leslie R. Collins, 1409 W. 22d St., Kewanee. William G. Kalifes, 507 S. State St., Merrill, Wis. Edward D. Knoblauch R. D. 2, Washburn. Albert M. Lang, Richmond, Minn. James M. June, R. D. 2, Box 2, Cataract, Wis. Joseph F. Karboski, 2735 Crystal St., Chicago. Edgar Olson, R. D., Baldwin, Wis. Harry Landsburg, 424 Morris PI., Milwaukee, Wis. John A. Diyle, Gratiot, Wis. Paul G. Muelich, New Germany, Minn. Owen D. Scott, Brookston, Ind. Otis Gerard, Griggsville. Gustav E. Benzel, 998 Reaney St., St. Paul, Minn, Frank J. Moore, 2921 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert L. Ruesinger, R. D. 2, Oshkosh, Wis. Lloyd W. Marshall, Corp., Mt. Morris. Paul J. Stender, R. D. i. Box 32, Dent, Minn. William J. Jarvis, Wyoming, Mmn. Frithiof Hager, 840 Day St., Galesburg. Jacob J. Forsma, 923 2d Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. John M. Larson, R. D. 3, Bangor, Wis. Elmer Hagstrom, R. D. i. Box 25, Holdingford, Minn. Alvin Lamb, 424 Albert Ave., Rockford. George A. Kelm, Excelsior, Minn. Robert Longfellow, 724 Simon Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eddie Olson, R. D. i, Box 56, Clear Lake, Wis. Chester A. Macomber, Stanley, Wis. George L. Payette, Wolf Creek, Wis. Peter H. Hilger, Cassdelle, Wis. John O. Nordstrom, Box 76, Watertown, Minn. Ole Veum, Box $2, Dawson, Minn. Paul F. Longhurst, 408 Clark St., Neenah, Wis. Louis Malito, 7816 Evans Ave., Chicago. Ralph S. Dailey, Sgt., 1627 Camp Ave.. Rockford. Russell J. Hoyle, Sgt., 803 Grant Ave., Dixon. Clifford Eatinger, Sgt., R. D., Dixon. Vincent Bouzek, Prairie du Chien, Wis. William Hansen, Afton, Minn. Joseph Wilson, Franklin Grove. John Weitcr, Cleveland, Wis. Frank Feokoski, 657 Selby St., St. Paul, Minn. Holger L. Froiland. Newstrand, Stavenger, Norway. Otto W. Schade, Corp., Ashton. Arthur C. Mielke, 886 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis. George Kamm, R. D. 2, Washington. Michael F. Enright, 4257 Wilcox St., Chicago. Frederick Herring, Metamcra City. Burton G. Kopp, North St. Paul, Minn. Edward Bernstein, 10 18 DuPont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur G. Brekken, R. D. i, Rosholt, Wis. Benjamin May, 538 N. Robert St., St. Paul, Minn. John W. Golz, R. D. 19, Evansville, Wis. Alexander Elliott, 911 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Theodore J. Eder, R. D. 2, Box 15, St. Bonifacius, Minn. Joseph Krux, R. D. i. Box 3, Norwalk, Wis. Otto E. Miller, 107 Racine Ave., Waukesha, Wis. Charles A. Gotchy, 328 Grand Ave., Wausau, Wis. Reginald Squibb, Corp., 4040 Broadway, Chicago. William Bachman, R. D. 2, Roanoke. Julius Dhommers, R. D. i, Annawan. Harry C. Outcelt, R. D. i, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Byron Mund, R. D. 3, Neillsville, Wis. Alex Nehring, Nye, Wis. Rudolph Jahn, R. D. i, Box 16, LaFarge, Wis. John W. Ramsey, Island Lake, Wis. William J. Long, R. D.. Harmon. John J. Hill, R. D. i. Mayer, Minn. Magnus Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 94, Osanto, Minn. Fred A. Liechty, Ersigen, Switzerland. Leland J. Eley, Arnold, Wis. LeRoy Peterson, Box 56-A, Gushing Wis. Henry W. Ludwig, Claremont, Minn. I'"arl R. Sherman, R. D. 4, Spear Lake, la. Horace Crocker, Corp., R. D., Sparland. Calvin Hall, R. D. i, Wyoming. Pat Berry, 5949 Ada St., Chicago. Fred T. Beine, 702 Prospect St., Merrill, Wis. William Fritsche, R. D. 2, Grand Rapids, Wis. Otto A. Nimmer, 683 Hanover St., Miller, Wis. Walfred Silvene, Lake Park, Minn. George Paquin, R. D. i, Somerset, Wis. Otto J. Keller, Corp., Monticello, Wis. Elmer Johnson, R. D. 5. Box 6, Annandale, Minn. William F. Meyer, R. D. 4, Box yyyk, Pierz, Minn. Fred W. Gatzmer, Camden Station, Minneapolis, Minn. Samuel L. Fendel, 206 Indiana Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. Fred J. Rauhut, 221 W. 3d St., Ladysmith, Wis. Ferdinand J. Dohm, Gen. Deliv., Cross Plains, Wis. Ernest F. Ott, R. D. 4, Box no, Neillsville Wis. John E. Tenney, 421 Lincoln Bldg., Champaign. Mike J. Flaherty, 231 E. Watter St., St. Paul Minn. Clarance Schienle, 27 School St., Oshkcsh, Wis. Earl C. Minnich, Boulevard Sandwich. Norman P. Birbeck 1305 i6th St., Superior, Wis. Burnie Temple, R. D. 2, Fulton. Jonas Halvorsen, R. D. 1. Eland, Wis. Greg Jefferies R. D. 2, Box 9, Hillsboro, Wis. Walter H. Hanson, R. D. i, Ringle, Wis. Peter J. Frank, Hays, Kan. Emery C. Erbes, R. D. i. Steward. Carl F. Ellwanger, 1264 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. Clarence Nasby, R. D. i, Box 82 Oakland, Minn. Ives W. Davies, R. D. i, Box 31, Grey Eagle, Minn. John A. Jacobs, R. D. 2 Pelican Rapids, Minn. Axel B. Johnson, Box 676, St. James, Minn. Theodore Schumaker, Sgt., Lindenwood. Ralph Halvorsen, Corp., 1149 N. F'rancisco Ave., Chi- cago. Chester H. Lamsey, Corp., R. D. 2, Mosinee, Wis. John O. Johnson, R. D. 3, Box 87, Cambridge. Frank Witt, 1342 North Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward Drace, R. D. i. Box 109 Stanley. Wis. Barney F. Steiner, R. D. 5, Ellsworth, Wis. Peter Hock, R. D. 3, Box 6, Woodstock, Minn. Gustave F. Lienke, R. D. i. Box 6 Fall River, Wis. Floyd Mills, 8n Irvin Ave., Bemidji, Minn. Leo Anton Schultz, Columbus, Wis. Joseph Lyons, Box 124, Turtle River, Minn. Robert Carl Zahn. R. D. 2, Gillett, Wis. Alfred Seichter, R. D. i, Box 71, Boyd, Wis. Alexander Wacholtz, 1233 Cornell St., Chicago. John Tobias Stueve, Dumont, Minn. Alexander Wesolowski 805 N. E. 8th St., Canton, O. Joseph Wurzer, Flushing & Ehret Ave., Woodside, Long Island, N. Y. Sam Yanowitz, 210 Monroe St., New York City. Alfred Gutierrez, 302 W. 28th St., New York City. Edward V. Lavalle, 8 Catherine Slip, New York City. George Liftchild. 1399 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Harbour Moody, 240 Riverside Drive, New York City. THE 172ND INFANTRY BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS, 172ND INFANTRY BRIGADE Lincoln C., Brig. Gen., iii Broadway, New- York City. Oldham Paisley, ist Lt., Marion. William M. Hanley, 2d Lt., 5324 Kenwood Ave., Chi- cago. Willard VanMatre, Jr. 2d Lt., 902 N. Main St., Rock- ford. John C. Piper, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 3019 Mohawk St., Herkimer, N. Y. Merle O. Banks, Sgt., 317 S. Mozart St., Chicago. Arthur L. Coty, 2829 Van Buren St., Chicago. Reuben Forsman, R. D. i, Antioch. Archie A. Moore, Libertyville. George G. Bristol (1), i744 W. Van Buren St., Chi- cago. Dellmar G. Johnson (i), Kingsburg, Cal. Arthur R. Cooper (i), R. D. i, Newton, N. J. Frank McFadden, Wag., 414 S. Sangamon St., Chi- cago. Walter J. Clark, 1312 Hamilton St., Manitowoc, Wis Joseph Borowinski, 1220 Fry St., Chicago. Elmer A. Johnson, Corp., 262 W. Park Ave., Aurora. Arthur E. Meister (i), Lockport. John J. Gavin, 4838 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. George A. Christopherson, 2723 E. Franklin St., Minne- apolis, Minn. John W. Albaugh, Cook, 28 S. 7th St., Kansas City. Kan. Joseph Tilston, Cook, 70 Sunlight St., Liverpool, Eng- land. Lloyd A. Clark (i), N. Broad St., Carlinville, Charles Brown, Wag., 1763 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago. Charles F. Wood, 615 Stanley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. VETERINARY UNIT, HEADQUARTERS, 172ND INFANTRY BRIGADE Carey E. Bell, ist Lt., Thomasville, N. C, William R. Northey, Shannon. Edward Olson, 1727 W. Huron St., Chicago. Herbert Schneider, 1235 Glenlake Ave., Chicago. ON JULY 4, 1918, THE DIVISION WAS ADDRESSED BY SECRETARY OF WAR BAKER 171 THE 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Frederic McLaughlin, Maj., Lake Forest. Harry E. Maher, ist Lt., 661 1 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Sanford Claggett, ist Lt., 6314 Greenwood Av., Chi- cago. Louis J. Velte, ist Lt. & Chap., 6520 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Bernard J. Quinn, ist Lt. & Chap., 245 Cleveland Ave., Mineola, N. Y. Sheldon H. Tolles, 2d Lt., 1942 E. 7sth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Henry 0. Rhode, Sgt. Maj., 4237 N. Paulina St., Chi- cago. Louis M. Gundel, Sgt. Maj., 234 S. LaSalle St., Chi- cago. Clarence W. Haake, Pers. Sgt., 3756 Wilton Ave., Chicago. William Cafferata, Stab. Sgt., 1828 Estes Ave., Chi- cago. McGarry Fergus, Wag., 1415 Hudson Ave., Chicago. Steven Ebele, Wag., 2255 N. Racine ."Xve., Chicago. Fred G. Brown (i), R. D. i, Sycamore. John Wagner, Wag., 695 N. Clark St., Chicago. George Mills, Wag., 2054 Aubert St., Chicago. Henry H. Schultz, Wag., Box 774, Milton, Wis. Albert R. Reep, Wag., Michigan, N. D. Hugh Corcoran, Wag., Carrowkeel, Lahard Ave., Crossmolima, County Mayo, Ireland. Fay L. Latta, Wag., R. D. 34, Clinton Junction, Wis. Alore Revord, Box 84, Somerset, Wis. Pete.r T. Penkoski, Wag., Almond, Wis. Frank "B. Thome, Wag., 6301 N. Clark St., Charles K. Boswcll, Wag., Wilmore, Ky. George L. Warner, Wag., 400 E. 2nd St., Muscatine, Iowa. Parker S. Chadwock, Wag., 4301 N. Lincoln St., Chi- cago. Frank Kelly, Wag., Tekanska, Mich. Joseph Tuzik, Wag., 1951 Harvey St., Chicago. Otto V. Ueberroth, 1852 Farwell Ave., Chicago. August B. Berggren, Corp., R. D. 2, Princeton, Minn. Andrew L'hrenholdt, Wag., R. D. 3, Hayward, Wis. Fred G. Heckelman, Albertville, Minn. Eugene P. Flavin, Wag., 1213 Addison St., Chicago. James G. O'Connor, Wag., R. D. 10, Box 16, Milton, Wis. Hugo Elg, Wag., 1351 Rosedale Ave., Chicago. George V. Flynn, 153 Stebens St., St. Paul, Minn. John J. Gruba, Wag., 2440 High St., Chicago. Thomas J. Doyle (i), 842 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Henry R. Grunewald, Wag., Athens, Wis. Mike D. StreflF, Wag,, 894. 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nicholas Lau, Wag., 1757 Wallen Ave., Chicago. Edward P. Long, 4032 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Nicholas Markos, Cook, 3920 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Stanislaus E. Levesque, R. D. i, Somerset, Wis. Walter G. Fluke (i), 5230!/^ Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Harry F. Hereley, 6549 Newgard Ave., Chicago. Eugene A. Ouellett, Wag., 614 Taylor St. N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Edward Verbraken, Wag., R. D. i, Ashland, Wis. Erick G. Erickson, Wag., 2250 W. 24th St., Chicago. ENLISTED ORDNANCE CORPS DETACHMENT, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Richard Stacey, Ord. Sgt., 2756 Erie Ave., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Victor S. Molander (i). Box 13, Miller, Lake County, Ind. Louis A. Pearson, R. D. i, care John Dierks, Wolf Creek, Wis. William A. Lommen (i), Caledonia, Minn. COMPANY A, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Kent Chandler, Capt., Lake Forest. William C. Peak, ist Lt., 3824 Pine Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Tosiah Whitnel, 2d Lt., Cahokia Bldg., E. St. Louis. r?ert M. Kisselburg, 2d Lt., 2922 Wilcox St., Chicago. Martin Fladoes, ist Sgt., 511' nth St., Menomonee, Wis. Harry J. Morris, Sgt., Timothy, Wis. William A. Folz, Cook, 2609 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Henry F. Tank, 2320 Nelson St., Chicago. Emil V. Eckwall, 827 W. 4th St., Kewanee. George J. Stamelos, Sad., Skyros Island, Greece. Tjomas B. Kelly, Hs., 5933 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Kai Antonsen, Corp., 700 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Jennings Wambold, 808 N. 42nd St., Omaha» Neb. Louis A. Anderson, 308 E. Jefferson St., Stoughton, Wis. Arvel G. Bradford, Clarks, La. Oliver D. Heise, 54 Oak St., Freeport. Allen E. Sampson, 107 Harrison Place, Fond du Lac, Wis. Frederick H. Schrode, 612 W. Main St., Stoughton, Wis. Harry J. Malloy, 870 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Herbert J. Frank, 108 E. Lincoln Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Leo W. Dahms, Box 91, Morgan, Minn. Clarence G. Oddenn, Box 273, Benson, Minn. William L. Parish, 408 W. South St., Stoughton, Wis. David C. Walters, 2706 Elm St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar S. G. LeRoy, 481 Cedar St., Galcsburg. Lester R. Paul, 511 E. Bradford St., Redwood City, Cal. Frank D. Lee, 420 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. David H. Bergey, Corp., 717 Waveland Ave., Chicago. Harold T. Miller, Fox Lake, Wis. Arvid Adolphson, 1715 Lackawanna Ave., Superior, Wis. Albert C. Bue.tow, 715 LaFond St., St. Paul, Minn. Alfred J. Culloton, 224 sth Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. Paul Miller, 402 Dittmorc St., Davenport, Iowa. .Albert W. Miehack, Eagle River, Wis. William M. Newell, Keithsburg. Julius Bizewski, 3240 Parnell Ave., Chicago. John J. Piszeck, 521 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Russell Rill, 1913 Clough Ave., Superior, Wis. Chris J. Stind, Corp., 1826 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. John L. Seales, Afton, Wis. Charles R. Spitzer, Broadway, Va. Ernest W. Schaller, Mt. Horeb, Wis. Ambrose R. Stewart, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Joseph Stachowitz, R. D. i. Rolling Stone, Minn. Henry J. Strandberg, R. D. i. Box 2, Nelson, Minn. Edward J. Smith, Blue Mounds, Wis. Roy E. Davis, Corp., Conde, S. D. Arthur A. Selonke, 3418 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Otto Verona, Butternut, Wis. Rudolph Werner, State St. & 2nd Ave., Appleton, Wis. Neville E. Crow, 531 Joliet St., Ottawa. Roderick L'rquhart, 41 13 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. William James, Box 333, New Richmond, Wis. Oscar E. Anderson, Box 31, Saxon, Wis. Theodore Sayles, Sgt., 622 Court St., Janesville, Wis. Raymond C. Perkins, Stone Lake, Wis. Otto Clary, Bug., 904 W. Grand Ave., Beloit, Wis. Thomas Wilson, 7134 Eberhardt Ave., Chicago. Herbert L. Klingbeil, Westfield, Wis. Pe.ter W. Jacobs, 107 Saratoga St., Peoria. T ester I. Strouse, 23 N. Chatsworth St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward G. Hanzelin (i), 2453 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago, 172 THE 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION 173 Walter F. Maher, Corp., 66 11 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Cleveland Messerall, Houston, Minn. Edward J. Monhollan, 3246 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin Schlosser, 11 15 N. Christiana Ave., Chicago. Edward A. Skagerberg, Roscommon, Mich. Stanley J. Falwoski, Sad., 1449 Augusta St., Chicago. Galileo Vannie, Mech., 922 Euclid Ave., IJeloit, Wis. Harry McGann, Mech., 124 Spruce St., Paterson, N. J. Walter R. Voight, Corp., R. D. 16, Dale, Wis. Otto A. Blumrich, Cook, 519 Cherry St., Janesville, Wis. James P. Collins, Cook, Rex Cafe, 406 4th St., Beloit, Wis. David W. Stanton, Cook, R. D. 29, Beloit, Wis. Harry W. Merrifield, Hs., Milton Junction, Wis. James W. Quinn (i), 103 N. Franklin St., Janes- ville, Wis. August Cinchy, R. D. 3, Box 84, Brandon, Minn. Gus E. Hahn, Box 306, Erie. Henry J. Nelson, R. D. i, Clements, Minn. Ambrose, M. Madigan, 203 Market St., Waseca, Minn. Benjamin A. Widmer, 1166 Center St., Chicago. Walter F. Neef, 622 Mt. Elliot Ave., Detroit, -Mich. Mathew J. Thimmesch, Caledonia, Minn. Leo M. Kosnar, 1168 Chicago St., Green Bay, Wis. John S. Grzenia, 2420 Greenview Ave., Chicago. Francis Reid, 361 Exchange" St., Kenosha, Wis. .Alfred A. Baganz, R. D., Eden, Wis. Raymond H. Ward, R. D. 9, Burlington, Wis. Roy G. Hunt, 1127 Erie St., Racine, Wis. Erwin L. Giljohann, 269 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Virgil R. Epperly, R. D. i, Joy. Martin W. Kuehl, R. D. i, Box 21, Mazeppa, Minn. Emil C. Anderson, R. D. i, Box 34, Springfield, Minn. Henry R. Sjoquist, R. D. i. Box 4, Dassel, Minn. George J. Strieker, 2545 Ainslee Ave., Chicago. Charles M. Hanly, 18 Belle Vista Road, Boston, Mass. Emil S. Paulson, Neillsville, Minn. Oscar E. Oke.rlund, 31 ist Ave., Hibbing, Minn. Joseph Egerer, Port Washington, Wis. Wilbert B. Sykes, Box 131, Annandale, Minn. George W. Johnson, R. D. i. Cannon Falls, Minn. Lawrence M. Anderson, Box 50, Woodhull. William R. O'Brien, 635 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Sidney Johnson, 1832' Oxford St., Rockford. George A. Stenson, 308 Prentiss Ave., Ashland, Wis. John E. Mulligan, Redwood Falls, Minn. Lawrence E. Murphy, Tilden Farms, Delavan, Wis. Roy T. Walaske, North High St., Fort Atkinson, Wis. William Hathaway, Ladysmith, Wis. Walter E. Backstrom, 613 Grand Ave., Superior, Wis. Emil E. Krenz, Onalaska, Wis. Harry Hartman, 1913 Miller St., Burlington, Iowa. George L. Anderson, 1028 Byron St., Chicago. William A. Eminger, 5721 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Albert G. Dornquast, 223 E. Front St., Owatonna^ Minn. Henry Siem, 102 6th St., ^Milwaukee, Wis. Frank A. Hildebrandt, 872 5th St., Winona, Minn. Ralph G. Lounsbury, 825 N. Main St., Rockford. Herman J. Schleinhege, 586 Hanover St., Milwaukee, Wis. Malcolm J. Fink, Sgt., 616 ist St., Stevens Point, Wis. John O. Newberry, Sgt., 4017 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Harry W. Martinson, R. D. i, Box s, Harris, Minn. Sever Johnson, R. D. 2, Dodge Center, Minn. Bernhard R. Martens, R. D. 2, Shawano, Wis. John M. Renk, 657 E. Sanborn Ave., Winona, Minn. -Arthur W. Klug, 75% Hamilton St., Cedarburg, Wis. George H. Koeller, 1421 Mississippi St., LaCrosse, Wis. Clarence J. Berglund, 829 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Francis X. O'Connell, Gary Station. August J. Malottky, 1238 George St., Chicago. Louis J. Wolpert, 1217 Vincent Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Peter Hagen. Hayfield, Minn. Frank Cole, R. D. i, Caledonia, Wis. Claude B. Nelson, 204 S. Clierry St., Marshfield, Wis. Walmer J. Fredeen, 991 Hudson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Walter J. Hibbeler, Corp., 2025 Clifton Ave., Chicago. Otto W. Struck, Onalaska, Wis. Edward J. Deutinger, 747 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. John J. Bodzioch, 1545 Augusta St., Chicago. Adolph Lien, R. D. 2, Box 20, Dalton, Minn. Albin H. Johnson, Box 28, Herman, Minn. Adolph E. Salzgeber, Box 294, Boscobel, Wis. Johi H. Anderson, R. D. 3, Braham, Minn. Alfred J. LaGrandeur, Corp., Somerset, Wis. Charles F. Murphy, 434 Woodward Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Aram K. Mestjian, 121 1 Chicago Ave., Evanston. William Kriz, 5644 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Jens C. Jenson, R. D. 4, Foley, Minn. Clement Forrestal, 3221 St. Paul Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas S. Lunzer, 113 W. Cook St., St. Paul, Minn. William R. Bradley, 702 W. 2nd St., Dixon. Raymond L. Parrette, Spencer, Wis. Roy R. Spencer, 1307 Center St., Racine, Wis. Joseph J. Sychowski, 2420 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Steve Zavodny, 2068 Southport Ave., Chicago. Lawrence Marowelli, 518 W. Main St., Hudson, Mich. John W. Batker, R. D. i, Verona, Wis. Wallace F. Johnson, 806 7th Ave., Ashland, Wis. Charles J. Sindell, 934 ist Ave. E., Faribault, Minn. Icil E. Hawkins, Corp., Monroe City, Ind. John Bigwood, Mech., Montague, Mich. John Kennedy, 2552 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Fred LeBrun, Cook, 420 Gale St., Oconto, Wis. Arthur C. Brown, Taylor, Wis. Elmer F. Maurer, R. D. i, Mapleton, Wis. Harry C. Marks, 3906 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago. George Steinmille.r, 21 19 Clifton Ave., Chicago. Wiliiam F. Schmidt, Sgt., 917 E. 6th St., Alton. Charles L. Kramer, Sgt., 2230 Osgood St., Chicago. Richard M. Infalt, 1638 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Adolph G. Skoglund, R. D. i. Box 64, Carlos, Minn. John A. Waters, Highland, Wis. Carl H. Landgren, Box 63, Cyrstal Lake. Arthur C. Seaburg, 1302 Addison St., Chicago. Anton E. Elberg, 416 N. Prairie St., Lake City, Minn. George A. Jobst, Corp., 3923 Clarendon Ave., Chicago. Anton S. Rudmen, 1765 S. Ogden Ave., Chicago. Gunnard Malm, 256 Wadsworth Ave., New York, N. Y. Peter Olson, 619 loth Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Edward Schley, 221 7th St. S., Virginia, Minn. Roy W. Sayers, 6401^ West Long Ave., DuBois, Pa. Gus L. Pe.terson, 3532 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Lester H. Nichols, R. D. 2, Morrisonville, Wis. Ralph H. Webber, E. San Diego, Cal. Louis C. Zimmerman, 1443 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. William Glatz, 322 Blaine St., Peoria. Joseph L. Cook, 1319 Talman Ave., Chicago. Bellner E. Swanson, Lindstrom, Minn. Edwin Nusslock, 1394 nth St., Milwaukee, Wis. William R. Thomm, 1440 East St., Monroe, Wis. Clarnce A. Rank, 457 W. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Adolph L. Ekberg, Corp., 1038 Waveland Ave., Chi- cago. Rex C. Beecklex, Granton, Wis. Alfred M. Pedersen, 3354 Berteau Ave., Chicago. Henry O. Latal, 2315 W. 29th St., Chicago. Robert D. Keating, Cass City, Mich. Joseph M. Fellner, R. D. i, Box 81, Sturgeon Bay, •Wis. Max Ertl, 604 sth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur J. Coffey, 271 Oter St., Oshkosh, Wis. William C. Roeseler, Corp., 1195 Sth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Daniel M. Mullen, R. D. 10, Milton, Wis. Herbert A. Schultz, Delavan, Wis. Edward A. Manteufel, 920 W. Carroll St., Portage, Wis. Helmer J. Hogenson, Ashland, Wis. John T. Murphy, R. D., Walworth, Wis. Claude E. Liser, R. D. 10, Celina, Ohio. Leshe L. Hile, 30 E. Mifflin St., Madison, Wis. Richard Taylor, Monroe, Wis. Curtis North, 1517 Perry St., Davenport, Iowa. Felix Saisi, care Traffia Paul, 331 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Joseph A. Linsner, 141 5 George St., Chicago. Paul F. Deering, 2336 High St., Chicago. Elmer L. Olsen, Chete.k, Wis. James A. Mcintosh, R. D. i, Cambridge. Irving L. Marker, 969 Brooklyn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Harold M. Frentz, Randolph, Wis. Joseph Goddard, Sgt., Maryville, Tenn. 174 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION COMPANY B, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Walter L. Schlegel, Capt., 4214 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. William C. Bickle, ist Lt., Riverside, Cal. Frank D. Stanberry, ist Lt., 1605 Grand Ave., Dallas, Texas. George C. Clements, 2d Lt., 738 E. 46th St., Chicago. James E. Johnston, 2d Lt., Warsaw. Leo P. Michiels, ist Sgt., 6448 N. Clark St., Chicago. Edward P. Stein, Svip. Sgt., 4422 Maiden Ave., Chicago. John C. Rowley, Cherry Valley. Charles F. Kuhno, 4962 Delmar Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Klemens J. Wasseto, 1125 N. Robey St., Chicago. Henry G. Kupper, 808 Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y. Arthur Weinberger, Corp., 11 39 Ardmore St., Chicago. Harold C. Beckstrom, Bug., 1224 Elmdale Ave., Chi- cago. Charles Mcllreavie, Gen. Del., Redwood Falls, Minn. Rifter Hogan, 11 12 S. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. Walter E. Ekstam, Cook, 2456 Warner Ave., Chicago. John W. Lyon, Sad., Suring, Wis. Carl F. Parke.r, Cook, 515 Fatherland St., Nashville, Tenn. Bernhard F. Kordes, 151 1 Hopkins St., Milwaukee, Wis. Theodore L. Brumm, Mess Sgt., 41 W. 86th St., New York, N. Y. Ernest F. Johnson, 1318 8th St., Marinette, Wis. William M. Schummer, Hs., 1246 Hood Ave., Chicago. John B. Welp, R. D. i, E. Dubuque. Fred Scheld (i), 1229 Norwood St., Chicago. Albert J. Boucher, 1532 W. 21st St., Chicago. Howard T. Egan, 43 Royalston Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Albert C. Potraz, 3547 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Albert Bukin, Box 805, Madison. Cappa F. Gross, Stab. Sgt., 454 Colorado Ave., Bridge- port, Conn. George E. Sundblom, Sgt., 4424 N. Kimball Ave., Chi- cago. Flager J. Johnson, Ronneby, Minn. Gottlieb Ergang, 897 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Martin V. Heagstrom, 45 Gregory St., Rockford. Kurt P. Schellhas, 621 Washington Ave,., Wausau, Wis. Arthvir H. Eickhoff, Fountain, Minn. Harry T. Holbrook (i), 1502 Congress St., Austin, Texas. John Peterson, R. D. i, Cass Lake, Minn. George L. Ramstack, Elmgrove, Wis. Albert Johnson, Spring Valley, Minn. William B. Elmer, 1837 Aldrich Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. John J. Smid, 1127 W. 17th St., Chicago. Clifford E. Town, Niagara, Wis. Reginald V. Arnold, 1400 E. 53rd St., Chicago. Joseph J. Vanderhulst, 915 N. Harding Ave., Chicago. Joseph M. Spier, Freeport, Minn. Arthur Gruetzman, 758 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. Albert F. Baesman, R. D. 4, Box 18, Warren, Minn. Fred A. Miller, 4018 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John VonBergen, 606 9th Ave., Rock Falls. Christian W. Lusz, 229 Beethoven Place, Chicago. Joseph Marek, 7822 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Arthur Samuelson, 1427 8th Ave., Rockford. Charles E. Repulski, South Rapids, Minn. Andrew Miller, 717 E. 2nd St., Winona, Minn. Edwin E. Lutz, 2839 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Roy M. Jones, 120 Fellows St., Dixon. William Riexinger, 321!/^ Scott St., Davenport, Iowa. Arthur J. Lexvold, Box 155, Zumbrota, Minn. Otto T. Tagge, New Holstein, Wis. Edward A. Lertke, R. D. 7, Box 70, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Edwin B. Foreman, R. D. 2, Morrison. William J. Haebich, 24th & LaCrosse Sts., LaCrosse, Wis. Carson P. Scott, R. D. I, Bagley, Wis. William B. Boyle, 315 Front St., Ashland, Wis. Stanley L. Koppa, R. D. 3, Box 109, Edgar, Wis. Henry V. Geiger, 913 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. James C. Miller, 1004 7th Ave., S. Wausau, Wis. Frank L. Doleshal, Marshall, Wis. Wilson B. Mutchler, R. D. 5, Madison, Wis. Louis A. Jenson, R. D. i. Box 72, Edgerton, Wis. Earl T. Palmer, Box 243, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Elmer W. Halpin, 914 8th Ave. S., St. Cloud, Mina Russejl H. Immell, Blair, Wis. William F. Matz, 663 Howell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Bernard Webster, Sgt., 1425 Wilson Ave., Chicago. Edmund H. Schmidt, 100 N. Stuyvesant St., Merrill, Wis. Phillip BeLair, 293 Jenks St., St. Paul, Minn. Ludmill G. Honzik, Kempster, Wis. Martin H. Veaux, 2408 29th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph P. Platz, R. D. 3, Stevens Point, Wis. Walter T. Deckert, 537 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herman H. Wendorf, 1145 N. Christiana Ave., Chi- cago. John T. Miller, Grand Marsh, Wis. Arthur M. Porter, 401 5th Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. Theodore Giesler, R. D. 2, Wabasha, Minn. Stephen May, R. D. 3, Box 20, Browerville, Minn. John F. Sullivan, no Forrest Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. Joseph A. Specht, Marshfield, Wis. Raoul G. Sherman, 5455 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Fred W. Person, 1301 2nd Ave., Rockford. DeLos W. Pierce, 730 N. Troy St., Chicago. Werner J. Esser, 627 University Ave., Madison, Wis. Frank Moritz, 1083 Randolph St., St. Paul, Minn. Vv^alter M. Oncken, R. D. 4, Dana. Iver H. Iverson, 2621 N. Harding Ave., Chicago. Albin B. Lindahl, 4634 i8th Ave. S„ Minneapolis, Minn. Earl H. Unseth, Wesfby, Wis. Martin F. Singkofer, R. D. 2, Mosiiiee, Wis. Leo F. Stone, Milton Junction, Wis. Albert Schram, 1902 Water St., Merrill, Wis. Leslie E. Chandler, 703 E. Franklin St., Waupun, Wis. Oswell G. Treadway, R. D. 5, Macomb. James E. 0'De,a, 63rd & Maryland Ave., Chicago. Peter G. Tichey, R. D. 2, Chippewa Falls, Wis. David M. Hirsch, 917 N. Lee .St., T>loomington. Ernest H. Engeling, iioi Ross St., St. Paul, Minn. Clarence E. Tousley, R. D. 2, Salem. Peter P. Brandt, 1538 Elston Ave., Chicago. Joseph Svobodny, 2448 34th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer A. Ballwahn, R. D. 2, Box 32, Norwalk, Wis. James McGinty, Darlington, Wis. Joseph Peterson, Landsbro, Jankapingo Law, Sweden. William . Spanhake, 834 Rose St., Chicago. Ernest G. Shaad, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kan. Frank D. Lave, 3703 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Frank E. Sabin, Lake Wilson, Minn. Carl A. Wazlawski, Box 726, Stratford, Wis. William J. O'Brien, in Albert Ave., Joliet. Albert J. Eichinger, 303 Carlson St., Red Wing, Minn. Paul F. Sullivan, Sgt., 1242 Glenlake Ave., Chicago. William A. Stokes, Guys Mills, Pa. Emil M. Czarnetzki, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Carl A. Darsow, Farris, Minn. Philip J. Fauteck, 519 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Joseph J. Karban, 2449 W. Augusta St., Chicago. Leo F. Abbott, Galesburg, Mich. William H. Soens, R. D. 4, Kenosha, Wis. Conrad Marquardt, 534 Chestnut St., Neenah, Wis. Elmer Sebo, 476 Winona St., Winona, Minn. Gus Johnson, 3 114 Seminary Ave., Chicago. Richard J. Stanton, 2704 Washington Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hjalmer W. Lorens, 1018 Garleld Ave., Duluth, Minn. George Moe, R. D. 2, Box 4, Wabasha, Minn. Albert M. Engelstad, Gatzke, Minn. H. Boynton, 294 Washington St., Atlanta, Ga. Anthony Krier, Niles Center. Joseph P. Bambenek, 916 E. 7th St., Winona, Minn. Christ O. Hawkinson, Boyd, Minn. Frank Westphal, 1143 Baker St., Grand Rapids, Wis. William Brunschon, R. D. i. Box 70, Union. John O. Aune, R. D. 3, Box 87, Underwood, Minn. Albert L. Witt, Dale, Wis. Leo Solomon, 726 N. May St., Chicago. Herbert J. Uttech, 113 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Leonard I. Solseth, R. D. 4, Montevideo, Minn. James P. Gharrity, 1132 Partridge Ave., Beloit, Wis. Ferdinando Lariccia, Monacilioni, Provinsodi, Cambo- bassi, Italy. Joseph P. Bienert, Chilton, Wis. John P. McDermid, R. D. i, Sobieski, Wis. Herman F. Schultz, R. D. 3, Campbellsport, Wis. Gustav H. Carlson, Wabeno, Wis. Emil E. Kratzke, R. D. i. Box 25, Vergas, Mich. George M. Grandpre, Green Valley, Minn. THE 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION 175 Franklin J. Rudolph, 1321 14th Ave., Rockford. Andrew J. Litaske, 23 11 2nd St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. George L. Schneider, 1034 E. Dayton St., Madison, Wis. John W. Maurer, 731 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn. Gustave Morrison, 1439 Thome Ave., Chicago. Joseph A. ^roch, 3035 Federal St., Chicago. Oscar T. Thunselle, R. D. 2, Dalton, Minn. Rudolph Lee, 446 Maple St., Eau Claire, Wis. Paul E. Ostermeyer, 6357 S. Rockwell St., Chicago. Oscar T. Peterson, Wheeler, Wis. Edward Brown, R. D. 2, Box 103, Bertha, Minn. Robert J. Byas, 1026 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Gustave K. Haase, 608 4th Ave., Aurora. Pearlie L. Sauberf, 214 Putnam St., Eau Claire, Wis. Carl L. Longworth, Sgt., Edgeview Farm, R. D. 3, Buchanan, Mich. Wilbur S. Coburn, 1405 Bond Ave., Peoria. Maurice Jewell, 19 19 5th Ave., Antigo, Wis. Walter Lodge, 657 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. COMPANY C, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Ge.orge Ade Davis, Capt., 4955 Beacon St., Chicago. George W. Bunn, ist Lt., looi 6th St., Springfield. Philip D. Jenks, 2d Lt., 1122 N. Keystone Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. Frederick Mitchell, 2d Lt., 720 20th St., Rock Island. Walter B. Nitsche, ist Sgt., 2147 Berteau Ave., Chi- cago. Albert L. Johnson, Sgt., 21 51 Sunnyside Ave., Chi- cago. George W. Otto, Corp., 2121 Addison St., Chicago. John Murray, 2728 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Pavil E. Heidemann, Bug., 1937 Patterson Ave., Chi- cago. Benjamin Shatunas, 3527 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. George A. Vogel, Jr., R. D. 5, Box 10, Waterloo. George H. Saville, Hawksworth, Morley County, Eng- land. Fred L. Brooks, 604 Peach St., Rockford. Bernard Jaworski, 890 6th Ave., Milwaukee,, Wis. Johan A. Swanson, Box 23, Bock, Minn. Ben H. Wegner, 296 Forest St., Wausau, Wis. George M. Gleason, 24 E. Davenport St., Rhinelander, Wis. Harvey Richardson, 296 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Duane L. Peterson, Sgt., 4245 N. Ashland Ave., Clii- cago. William Gillies, 417 Dacy St., Woodstock. Julius F. Dietroch, Cassville, Wis. Elmer H. Young, R. D. i. Box i, Kellogg, Minn. Alfred C. Gugel, 1203 10th St., Menomonie, Wis. Harry H. Brown, Plattville, Wis. Thomas Smith, 22 W. Walnut St., Harrisburg. Carl E. Lundberg, 1235 istTi St., Rock Island. Paul Roettgen, Sgt., 3731 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago. James L. Seeley, 1745 W. 33rd St., Chicago. Hillard A. Aronson, Tower, Minn. Merschel Dawson, 1039 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg. Ernest G. Holm, R. D. i. Box 42, South Haven, .Minn. Isaac E. See.stTom, 523 Avenue W., Ashland, Wis. Edward T. Keller, 2212 W. 23rd St"., Chicago. Irving J. Lindohlm, 5418 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. Edward G. Westlake, Corp., 1446 Chase Ave., Chicago. Oscar A. Youngren, Burlington, Iowa. Fred Boeseneilers, 1040 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Jerry M. Rokusek, 1317 W. 18th St., Chicago. Paul H. Schultze, Spencer, S. D. Erwin E. Ernst, 356 N. Pleasant St., Kenosha, Wis. Ruddie M. Backhaus, R. D. 26, Box 12, Oakfield, Wis. Karl E. Glade, R. D. 2, Alexa\idria, Minn. Frank L. Keating, Corp., Woodman, Wis. Thomas Pylman, Box 234, Mellen, Wis. Carlisle Smith, 1533 Fargo Ave., Chicago. Quinton Williamson, 1015 ist Ave., Rock Falls. Orville G. Bechtelheimer, Rock Island. Floyd M. Collar, Spring Valley, Minn. Everett Westphall, R. D. 2, Rouneby, Minn. Adolph C. Loesei, 8537 Buffalo Ave., Chicago. Edward B. Pierce, Corp., 1344 Copouse Ave., Scran- tori, Pa. Frank J. Henkel, 774 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Glenn M. Osborn, 109 Olive St., Neejiah, Wis. David J. Kaiser, 867 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Carl E. Rogalla,- R. D. i. Box 155, North St. Paul, Minn. Joseph Johnson, 737^^ 3rd St., Moline. Gustave A. Johnson, 740 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Duke V. Rogers, Lodi, Wis. John P. Reithmeyer, Corp., 3515 Greenview Ave., Chi- cago. Ben J. Meier, 227 E. sth 'St., Winona, Minn. Frank H. Dumont, 2734 Flournoy St., Chicago. Robert W. Olsen, 1844 Franklin St., Racine, Wis. Albert Kahlo, 566 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hugo R. Maerz, 3019 S. Canal St., Chicago. Earl W. Wood, Goodman, Wis. Paul C. Fischer, 603 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles E. Zangerle, Sgt., 3624 Janssen Ave., Chicago. Arthur Bryngelson, Sauk Center, Minn. Walter S. Boke, 2491 W. Harrison St., Chicago. George J. Lusk, 1137 W. 17th St., Chicago. Laubitz Lundheim, R. D. i, Onamia, Minn. Edward B. Zickert, R. D. 29, Box 124, Beloit, Wis. David P. Brown, R. D. i, Dalton, Wis. Edward J. Cadieux, 335 Todd, Cheboygan, Mich. John J. Comiskey, Sgt., 2242 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. James Jutchera, 906 Harrison Blvd.. Wausau, Wis. Arthur Boesch, 618 Oakland Ave., Peoria. .Anton Martinson, Box 6, Dent, ^linn. Julius Mitzenheim, R. D. 14, Caledonia, Minn. Arthur McCracken, 2827 3rd St., Minneapolis, Minn. CliiTord C. Olson, R. D. 3, Dalton, Minn. John H. Mattson, R. D. 2, Box 50, Pine City, Minn. Perry H. Backstrom, Corp., 1224 North Shore Ave., Chicago. Joseph G. Dox, 876 Rice St., St. Paul, Minn. Louis Schreier, R. D. 2, Cadott, Wis. Edwin Swanson, R. D. i, Reynolds. Joseph F. Chvatal, Coal City. Edgar C. Kruegel, Spring Valley, Minn. Jacob S. Boor, Belle Plaine, Minn. Hugo G. Wiskow, Leopolis, Wis. Franklin M. Hazen, Corp., 318 Marquette St., LaSalle. George J. Ourada, R. D 6, Rice Lake, Wis. William Jacobson, Caledonia, Minn. John A. Parbs, 403 West A St., Marshfield, Wis. Archie Grunquist, R. D. 2, Anoka, Minn. Louis Gallagan, 323 Russell Ave. N"., Minneapolis, Minn. Matthew A. Brandt, 2215 4th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert H. Dietz, Corp., 1518 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago. John Rafa, 1944 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Frank L. Moran, Box 97, Warba, Minn. .Albert D. Rasmussen, 1892 E. Maryland St., St. Paul, Minn. Carl R. Martens, R. D. 5, Milan. Patrick A. Ryan, R. D. 13, Kaukauna, Wis. Irwin C. Haas, Columbus, Wis. Michael J. Kraemer, Greenwald, Minn. Charles L. Cronan, Corp.. 3508 Bosworth Ave., Chi- cago. William H. Clawson, 269 Madison St., Alton. Harold R. Gelein, 668 Wisconsin St., Eau Claire Wis. Nicholas B. Couchot, 3138 N. Drake Ave., Chicago. Joseph L. Sommer, 692 Mitchell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Nordean, 125 W. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. John R. Larson, Bejdenville, Wis. Clarence T. Eggen, R. D. 27, Orfordville, Wis. Elias Patros, Sgt., 4529 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago. Alexander E. Belair, 293 Jenks St., St. Paul, Minn. Oscar M. Blegen, R. D. 3, Box 47, Spring Grove, Minn. Reuben Cunningham, 601 DeClark St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Walter C. Larsen, New London, Wis. John Lugowsky, 1421 Lyndale Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry O. Frettem, R. D. 1, Kenyon, Minn. William Schneider, 999 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gustave Breuning, Sgt., 3817 Wilton Ave., Chicago. Charles Boerger, 18 18 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas C. McKearn, 916 Lawrence .Ave., Beloit, Wis. Nicholas Terre, 87 29th Place, South Chicago Heights. Arthur C. Dahlste.dt, 1926 Piedmont Ave., Duluth, Minn. Raymond J. Krai, R. D. 2, Antigo, Wis. 176 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Severin Anderson, Skyburg, Minn. Edwin H. L. Bauer, Hopper, Minn. Curt F. Gfroerer, Corp., 2028 Lunt Ave., Chicago. Peter H. Koenig, Caledonia, Minn. Leonard F. Ramm, 2133 W. Walton St., Chicago. Joseph J. Berglund, Box 432, Alexandria, Minn. Albert Martens, 3rd St. & 42nd Ave., Staples, Minn. Fred J. Warns, Jr., R. D. 2, Withee, Wis. Henry A. Anderson, R. D. 2, Box 52, Peterson, Minn. Earl C. Bartness, Hartland, Minn. John L. Halpin, Corp., 6734 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. William Tornquist, R. D. i, Galesburg. Oden A. Glaeden, R. D. 3, Mt. Horeb, Wis. Thomas Fleming, R. D. 2, Nashotah, Wis. Enoch B. Carlson, Munka, Ljungbg, Engilholm, Sweden. Valentine Weaver, 755 E. 6th St., Winona, Minn. Nick Kremer, R. D. i. Box 35, Dent, Minn. James E. Malia, Fountain, Minn. George Hildebrandt, Corp., Ladd. William Peterson, iii Detroit St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dick Richards, Jr., Potosi, Wis. Roemo J. Schuh, Rolling Stone, Minn. Levi M. Zook, Van Petten. Archie J. McKuen, Odenah, Wis. Bernard J. Riddle, R. D. i. Box 25, LaFarge, Wis. Stanley Szatkowski, 841 Forest Hotne Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Francis J. Conway, Corp., 534 Belden Ave., Chicago. Albert B. Cory, 7301 Dante Ave., Chicago. Williarn W. Lange, Sup. Sgt., 3803 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. Ernest S. Otto, Mech., 3546 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Joseph Schodtler, Mess Sgt., 3937 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Aloys H. Gast, Mech., Maria Stein, Ohio. K^dward G. Bertram, Hst, 3533 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Clarence Springer, Mech., 3844 Robey St., Chicago. Arthur B. Larkin, Stab. Sgt., 27th & LaSalle Sts., Chicago. Michael Reardon, Sad., 528 W. 47th St., Chicago. Arthiir G. McDermott, Cook, 604 S. Spring St., Beaver Dam, Wis. George H. Peterson, 1938 Newport Ave., Chicago. Otio L. Streccius, Cook, 4225 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. John Rar.ty, 4919 W. Lake St., Chicago. William A. Perske, Cook, 2215 Montrose Ave., Chi- cago. Michael Grady, 1264 Arthur Ave., Chicago. James Mulcahy, 3628 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. George H. Redfern, 9 Edith St., Rochester, N. Y. COMPANY D, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Joseph A. Barton, ist Lt., 134 Morgan St., Springfield, Mass. William K. Floweree, ist Lt., 825 4th Ave., Great Falls, Mont. Carl L. Gibson, 2d Lt., 624 W. 69th St., Chicago. Loy N. Mcintosh, 2d Lt., Nokomis. Howard L. Smith, ist Sgt., 214 Oakland Ave., Janes- ville. Wis. William M. Mcintosh, Sgt., 310 W. Rollin St., Edger- ton. Wis. George J. Falisaner, 1210 6th St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl A. Lubbe (i). Big Lake, Minn. Axel H. Anderson, 118 W. 38th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Andersen, R. D. 3, Box 59, Forest Lake, Minn. Albert Balck, Kaukauna, Wis. George Barlang, Box 62, Rock Island. Harold L. Bumgarne.r, Corp., 162 Cherry St., Janes- ville, Wis. Howard S. Russell, 161 5 Hu^hitt Ave., Superior, Wis. George J. Basl, Neflf & Roberts Bldg., Antigo, Wis. Ernest E. Brabander, Princeton, Minn. Edgar Yarrington, Shackleford, Va. Volkert V. Smith, Necedah, Wis. Harry C. Katchel, 1604 Adams St., LaCrosse, Wis. Anthony Neu, Caledonia, Minn. John O. Haugen, Corp., R. D. 6, Menomonie, Wis. Thomas E. Odegaarden, Coon Valley, Wis. Mathew J. Ve.rfurth, Kaukauna, Wis. John Shimon, R. D. 3, Station D, Kilburn Road, Mil- waukee, Wis. Alvah E. Serier, Lewis, Wis. Abner N. Johnson, Holmen, Wis. Hans W. Johnsen, 161 1 Burns Ave., St. Paul, Minn. ."harles C. Hansen, 2167 Clarence Ave., Racine, Wis. Charles G. O'Regan, 217 W. 59th Place, Chicago. Ignatz Gole,mbieski, 1033 N. Wood St., Chicago. Walter N. Gunderman (i), 3506 N. Bosworth Ave., Chicago. Fritz Dahlquist, R. D. 3, Amery, Wis. James Korbel, 11 13 S. Wood St., Chicago. Martin J. Riedy, Lisle. Leland E. McQueen, Flour Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Allan C. Harris, 1028 Williamson St., Madison, Wis. Edmund S. Dwyer, 3 Granite Terrace, Inshicore, Dub- lin, Ireland. George B. Lazarus, 1130 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. John E. Teska, 2246 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. George A. Langley, R. D. 2, Rockton. Henry Lexow, 688 13th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John G. Zajicek, 2212 S. S9th Court, Cicero. Victor C. Risberg, R. D. 3, Red Wing, Minn. George Oeltjejidier, 1106 Berlin St., LaCrosse, Wis. William Harmon, Sgt., 6105 Normal Ave., Chicago. John Nagel, 3657 S. Rockwell St., Chicago. Leonard A. I^ibkie, 11 r N. Grove Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. William Marple, R. D. i, Reynolds. Joseph A. Sargent, 677 Joseph Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Delphia G. Pike, Paw Paw, Mich. Joe Prchal, R. D. 2, Box 38, Alexandria, Minn. Peter R. Johnson, 852 Buckingham Place, Chicago. Melvin A. Paulsen, 2622 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Walter H. Rossman, 427 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frederick J. Houglum, Box 135, Kenyon, Minn. Lee R. Wagner, R. D. i. Box 39, Cazenovia. Michael J. O'Boyle, R. D. 2, Plainview, Minn. Alexander Kubeska, 309 Hosmer Ave., Marinette, Wis. Luverne L. Heil, Boscobel, Wis. Frank Mensch, R. D. 3, Fond du Lac, Wis. Harold G. Kennedy, Corp., Footville, Wis. Allen A. Hight, R. D. 3, Menomonie, Wis. Paul M._Werner, 3931 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Joseph I'Cippling, R. D. 3, Sawyer, Wis. Ben N. Jung, R. D. i, Sauk Center, Minn. Ernest Zingg, 22 W. Wilson St., Madison, Wis. William J. Jaap, 314 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil F. Perling, R. D. 3, Grand Rapids, Wis. Oswald J. Boehm, Corp., DeForest, Wis. Cary Streeton, Bangor, Wis. Arthur W. Peterson, 1141 Payne Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Ephraim Nelson, R. D. 2, Box 39, Cannon Falls, Minn. Charle.s L. Schlenvogt, R. D. 3, Box 35, Chilton, Wis. Harry L. Grisze, 107 loth Ave., Rock Falls. Howard B. Callahan, 3811 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chi- cago. Thomas J. O'Reilly, Granton, Wis. Francis O. Greene, Corp., 3124 S. Humboldt Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Thomas F. Weir, 5414 Yerxes Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Samuel Goldberg, 1218 Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Reinhold Stoltz, Golden City, Mo. Edward O. Beduhn, 753 31st Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas R. Lindley, 304 Hillyer Place, Peoria. Christian Haldeman, Millway, Pa. William D. LaFave, 338 Hubbard Ave., Detroit, Mich. Lawrence L. Benfield, Corp., Montezuma, N. C. Guy L. Miller, 305 6th St. S., Moorhead, Minn. Albert C. Wolf, 877 38th St., Milwaukee,, Wis. Eric E. Schulz, R. D. i. Box 70, Grey Eagle, Minn David W. Peterson, 1441 Morse Ave., Chicago. Earl R. Meinzer, Hokah, Minn. George Miller, 222 15th .\ve., Ashland, Wis. Alfred H. Regli, 314 Bellinger Place, Eau Claire, Wis. Carl F. Owen, Sgt., Mayville, Wis. Lewis J. Rietmann, Box 285, Mazeppa, Minn. George K. Gartman, 311 Stanley St., Rockford. Joseph M. Elliott, 4548 Grand Ave., ilinneapoHs. Minn. Selmer E. Risbrudt, R. D. i, Daltor, Minn. William Burke, 309 sth Ave., Ashland, Wis. THE 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION 177 Emil R. He.rbst, Jacksonport, Wis. Frank Eyre, 2731 Adams St., Chicago. Walter G. Keil, 1246 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur H. Moeck, Station D, R. D. 2, Box 97, Mil- waukee, Wis. Max E. Kennedy (i), Footville, Wis. Erwin Langenbacher, 562 National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Elmer F. Behrendt, 706 Clinton St., Milwaukee, Wis. Leonard O. Bernhagen, Junction City, Wis. James Books, Mazeppa, Minn. Thomas J. Bryant, 1620 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Joseph Kosar, Corp., 2519 S. Whipple St., Chicago. John C. Evans, 162 N. Main St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Arnold P. Crabb, 827 Astor St., Milwaukee, Wis. Jame,s Chylik, 1002 W. 20th St., Chicago. Ernest J. Duddridge, Waco. Charles W. Emmons, R. D. 3, Bradford. Frank J. Gray, Antioch. Eldon Hamilton, Sgt., Oxford, Wis. George A. Hansen, 1216 DuPont Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. Albert J. Hohmann, 1427 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Rob R. Fessenden, Corp., R. D. 5, Edgerton, Wis. Theofil J. Kopitzkee, 348 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Max C. Helm, Robbins, Wis. Raymond P. Mulhern, 4210 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. William G. Larson, R. D. 2, Box 40, Milan. V^ictor A. Lindquist, 1403 Cleveland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Herbert F. Kemman, Sgt., 329 N. 5th Ave., Beloit, Wis. George H. Mielke, 1168 21st Ave.., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul Miller, 402 Dittmore St., Davenport, Iowa. Albert W. Miehack, Eagle. River, Wis. William M. Newell, Keithsburg. Julius Bizewski, 3240 Parnell Ave., Chicago. John J. Piszcek, 521 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Russel Rill, 1813 Clough Ave., Superior, Wis. Chris J. Stind, Corp., 1826 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. John L. Scales, Afton, Wis. Charles R. Spitzer, Broadway, Va. Ernest W. Schaller, Mt. Horeb, Wis. Ambrose R. Stewart, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Joseph Stachowitz, R. D. i, Rolling Stone, Minn. Henry J. Strandberg, R. D. i. Box 2, Nelson, Minn. Edward J. Smith, Blue Mounds, Wis. Roy E. Davis, Corp., Conde, S. D. Arthur A. Selonke, 3418 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Otto Verona, Butternut, Wis. Rudolph Werner, State St. and 2nd Ave., Appleton, Wis. Neville E. Crow, 531 Joliet St., Ottawa. Roderick Urquhart, 4113 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. William James, Box 333, New Richmond, Wis. Oscar E. Anderson, Box 31, Saxon, Wis. Theodore Sayles, Sgt., 622 Court St., Janesville., Wis. Raymond C. Perkins, Stone Lake, Wis. Otto Clary, 904 W. Grand Ave., Beloit, Wis. Thomas Wilson, 7134 Eberhardt Ave., Chicago. Herbert L. Klingbeil, Westfield, Wis. Peter W. Jacobs, 107 Saratoga St., Peoria. Leste.r I. Strouse, 23 N. Chatsworth St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward G. Hanzelin (i), 2453 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago. IValter F. Maher, Corp., 661 1 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Cleveland Messerall, Houston, Minn. Edward J. MonhoUan, 3246 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin Schlosser, 11 15 N. Christiana Ave., Chicago. Edward A. Skagerberg, Roscommon, Mich. Stanley J. Falkowski, Sad., 1449 Augusta St., Chicago. Galileo Vannie, Mech., 922 Euclid Ave., Beloit, Wis. Harry McGann, 124 Spruce St., Paterson, N. J. Walter R. Voigt, Corp., R. D. 18, Dale, Wis. Otto A. Blumrich, Cook, 519 Cherry St., Janesville, Wis. James P. Collins, Cook, Re.x Cafe, 406 4th St., Beloit, Wis. David W. Stanton, Cook, Route 29, Beloit, Wis. Harry W. Merrifield, Hs., Milton Junction, Wis. Tames W. Quinn (i), 103 N. Franklin St., Janesville, Wis. Robert Johnstone, Stab. Sgt., 314 W. Milwaukee St., Janesville, Wis. John H. Henriksen, Mess Sgt., R. D. 4, Janesville, Wis. Raymond R. Thomas, Sup. Sgt., 712 Auburn St., Rock- ford. SANITARY DETACHMENT, 333RD MACHINE GUN BATTALION Clarence E. Barcus, Capt., 505 N. Noble St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Milzor W. Diest, ist Lt., Harper, Kan. William D. Steele, Sgt. (i), 405 New York Ave., Cres- ton, Iowa. Henry Skalicky, 1622 K St., Sacramento, Cal. Raymond G. Matthies (i), 2320 Cullom Ave.. Chi- cago. Emmett E. Tie'rney, Corp., Grand Forks, N. D. David A. Stocks, Buena Park, Cal. Carl E. Henke, 566 29th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank P Hensler, Henderson, Minn. Merton D. Baird (i), 2538 N. Capitol St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Ewald P. Laase (i), 3437 N. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. Herbert E. Knoll, R. D. 6, Stillwater, Minn. Earl H. Je^iney, no Union St., Waupaca, Wis. Claude B. Wesling, 1522 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry Westerman (1), 35 Set Annagade, 4th floor, Copenhagen, Denmark. (leorge T. Steele, Halway, Ore. Andrew A. Norton (i), 427 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park. WELL PREPARED AGAINST "FLU' 178 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION COLONEL CHARLES R. HOWLAND Commanding 343rd Infantry. © International Film Service THE 343RD INFANTRY Benjamin C. English, Capt., 416 Vermillion St., Dan- ville. George L. Sterling, 1st Lt., 512 Buffalo St., Manitowoc, HEADQUARTERS, 343RD INFANTRY Donald R. Brenton, 2d Lt., Licking Road, Salem, Mo. DETACHMENT OFFICERS, 343RD INFANTRY Horace \V. Mitchell, ist Lt., 4124 St. John Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Joseph M. Lonergan, ist Lt. and Chap., Polo. Edward W. Mulder, ist Lt., R. D. 3, Holland, Mich. Alfred R. Sorbel, ist Lt., Sisseton, S. D. Oscar W. Tulisalo, ist Lt., Platfsmouth, Neb. William E. Burch, ist Lt., 1142 Hinman Ave., Evanston. William R. Kale, ist Lt., 718 4th Ave., Rock Island. Charles E. Flanagan, ist Lt., 535 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago. David C. Mewhirter, ist Lt., Yorkville. Wilbur L. Beauchamp, 2d Lt., Holton, Kans. Horace L. Bering, 2d Lt., 457 Williams St., Decatur. Charles J. Huston, 2d Lt., 7544 Cregler Ave., Chicago. Walter C. Rodenbeck,. 2d Lt., 6231 S. Green St., Chi- cago. John J. L'lman, 2d Lt., 8808 Capitol Ave., S. E., Cleve- land, Ohio. John W. Reichert, 2d Lt., 18 E. Walnut St., Canton. Rov H. Shinew, 2d Lt., 309 S. Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio. William T. Birch, 2d Lt., 1432 E. 66th Place, Chicago. Domenic Delia Volpe, 2d Lt., 799 Secaucus Road, Jersey City, N. J. Alec Hicks, 2d Lt., Norwood Station, Delaware Co., Pa. John A. Owens, 2d Lt., Sheboygan,- Wis. Lawrence; B. Schultz, 2d Lt.j 819 W. "A" St., Marsh- field, Wis. Theodore Stone, 2d Lt., 4906 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Aubrey B. Wright, 2d Lt., Erin, Tenn. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 343RD INFANTRY Harry J. Kelleher, Corp., 547 Liberty St., Aurora. Hilmer Johnson, 1215 E. Losey St., Galesburg. Truman M. Whitmore, Maquoketa, Iowa. Fred L. Haedrich, 271 Bunker St., St. Paul, Minn. Frank O. Whitcher (i), 401 London Ave., Rockford. Carl A. Holmes, 2427 W. 6th St., Duluth, Minn. Ralph G. Orton, Corp., Lancaster, Minn. Tames P. Joyce (i), Ge,n. Del., Bismark, N. D. Walter T. Clark, Osakis, Minn. Joseph McLaughlin, 745 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minn. George H. Watts, R. D. 4, Box 79, Elgin. Irwin S. Olson (i), 1849 W. Superior St., Chicago. Joshua Vaughn, R. D. 6, Box 59, Wataga. Richard Keegan (i), 1313 Bluff St., Peru. John E. Wanke, R. D. 5, Box 142, Marshfield, Wis. James L. Davis, Sgt., Hope, Ark. Francis X. Hurley (i). New London, Wis. Joseph A. Hengel (i). Box 53, Rollingstone, Minn. George Fockens (i), 722 Penn Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Charles J. Henry, 150 North View St., Aurora. Joseph G. Colgan (i), 1125 Pine St., Ottawa. John B. McGovern, R. D. 4, Box 41, Minooka. Ernest C. McXamara, R. D. 3, Park Rapids, Minn. ' Charles Pollina (i), 941 Cambridge Ave.., Chicago. Edward P. Quinn (i), 1736 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Fred Sweeny (1), 812 Rockton Ave., Chicago. Melvin J. Hancock, 327 Morgan St., Rockford. Maurice Goggin (i), 240 30th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William J. Casey, R. D. 5, Streator. Raymond Flynn, Corp., 6544 Harvard Ave., Chicago. John J. McLellan, 24 Lee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Richard H. Murphy (i), 407 Homewild Ave., Jackson, Mich. Lee McMahon, 410 Prospect St., Merrill, Wis. Thomas Murray, 168 S. River St., Aurora. Patrick Stapleton, 7207 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Edward W. Bowman, R. D. 1, Detroit Harbor, Wis. Fay J. McCarthy, care C. B. & Q. Ry. Co., Chicago. Louis Rissman, Corp., 2637 Potomac Ave., Chicago. Percy A. O'Nejl, R. D. 3, Lake City, Minn. James Horazny (i), 2523 Turner Ave., Chicago. John C. Coggins, R. D. i, Sheffield. Selah J. Reeve (i), 148 Ceape St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edward Quinn, Box ^2, Kellogg, Minn. Roy A. Cameron Sauk Rapids, Minn. Arthur C. McCabe, 1310 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. James E. Wilson, Corp., 3835 Park Ave., Chicago. Douglas Derhan, Appleton. James H. Welch, 1227 S. Mead St., Logansport, Ind. Patrick J. Wall, R. D. 2, Ohio. Arthur L. Carney, 145 E. 117th Place, Chicago. John J. Malone, 4254 Archer Ave., Chicago. Harold Dannhorn, 25 Commonwealth Ave., Elgin. Fletcher Mitchell, Rolla, N. D. Harvey G. Worden. Three Lakes, Wis. Edwin J. Knutson, Appleton, Minn. Fred Turnsy, W. Main St., Vandalia. Edward N. Gillooly, Box 71, Elgin, Minn. Percy H. O'Neill, Corp., 1019 Peck St., Whitewater, Wis. Emory B. Perkins, Corp., 3048 Flournoy St., Chicago. Michael W. Burke," Sgt., 2637 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. John P. Hart, Corp., 2648 Park Ave., Chicago. Ray E. Powell, R. D. 4, Box 60, Osakis, Minn. Benjamin Nordstrom (i), 3703 Van Buren St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence H. Wilson (i). Box 165, Houston, Minn. Carl W. Nielse.n (i), 1106 Park Ave., Hoboken, N. J. Clifford O. Wold, R. D. 4, Box 7, Eleva, Wis. Nels G. Nelson, R. D. i, Clarissa, Minn. Ralph Cozzi (i), 7123 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Bertrum Draxton (i), 107 31-d St., N. E., Little Falls, Minn. George Allen, R. D. 3, Crookston, Minn. George G. Anderson, Box 76, Serena. Roy E. Hutchinson, Hampshire. Jacob T. Johnson, R. D. 3, Oregon. Frank J. Egan, Corp., 7723 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Oscar A. Pearson, Box 42, Wright, Minn. Frank Berkowski (i), 2043 W. Walton St., Chicago. Clyde A. Melton, Box 62, McNaughton, Wis. William Eme.rson, Niles, Kansas. Herman L. Allen, 141 7th St., Moline. Victor M. Cox, Macon City, Mo. Valentine Corollo, 7723 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Jack Wilson, 408 S. ist St., Rockford. Joe Pennings (i), 1323 7th Ave., Antigo, Wis. Oscar J. Bruder (i), 11 12 S. loth St., Sheboygan, Wis. Joseph J. Dunn (i), 889 Astor St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Zajic, Corp., 1414 W. 14th St., Chicago. Leslie LaBresh, Jacobson, Minn. Elmer O. IMoe, Onalaska, Wis. Jerry A. Gantz, 95 Van Buren St., Freeport. Hjalmer J. Johnson, Foxboro, Wis. Fred Runge, 968 Buffin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Dillon J. Longton, 11 34 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Albert Huston, 165 14th Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl H. Johnson, R. D. 2, Cannon Falls, Minn. Wyman C. Baker, R. D. 5, Stevens Point, Wis. Peter J. Novak, 422 Aurora St., Antigo, Wis. Arthur F. Hill (i), 2424 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Ernest F. Burkhard, R. D. 2, Monroe, Wis. Fred C. Nieman, Corp., 2449 N. Tripp Ave., Chicago. 179 i8o THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John M. Tierney (i), 2817 W. Congress St., Chicago. Hennie Lovberg, R. D. i, Blair, Wis. Alvin F. Clemens, 12 19 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. George A. Hauk, R. D. i, Lancaster, Wis. Alexander Anderson, 1127 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. John J. Moorehead, R. D. 3, Box 93 A, Neillsville, Wis. Paul S. Puschmann, 843 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Herbert Meredith, 285 Burrell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hube.rt Johnson, Staples, Minn. Krnest P. Gugel, 1621 Madison St., Madison, Wis. Thor E. Carlberg (1), St. Croix Falls, Wis. Elmer L. Griffin, 313 Morgan Park Sta., Duluth, Minn. Ivussell W. Wiley, Sgt., 6620 Green St., Chicago. Fred Bluhm, Sgt., 6428 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Walter J. Felver (1), 171 Walnut St., Batavia. Tracy G. Lumby, R. D. 2, Shell Lake, Wis. Wolfe Wiesenthal (i), Roshelle & Boughan Sts., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. r>eRoy R. Martin, 1368 N. Kellogg St., Galesburg. Florian A. Martin (i), Mazomanie, Wis. John S. Tolberg, R. D. 2, N. Branch, Minn. Jeremiah J. Carr, Corp., Hume. Amenzo Warden, R. D. i. Box 48, Rhinelander, Wis. Jake M. Rizzi (i), R. D. 2, Spencer, Wis. Edward S. Whitty, 32:0 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Stanley J. Wedick (i), 1918 Cortland St., Chicago. Louis H. Rowe, Box 424, Warren. Edward Ladwig (i), care F. D. Nornberg, Wayzata, Minn. Leonard Dorst, R. D. i, Branton, Wis. Edgar D. Cutler, Corp., Carthage. Clarence J. Kehres, 921 Locust St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lester R. Lundstrom, 606 E. Grove St., Galesburg. .Arthur Shallcross, 407 Winnebago St., Rockford. Wilham VanPieterson (i), 1236 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lawrence H, Strawh, Mendota. James R. O'Connor (i), 2897 Archer Ave., Chicago. Leo W. Friday, Box 28, Chestertown, Ind. Joseph P. Hinch, Corp., 4159 W. Madison St., Chicago LeRoy Gnewisch, 1363 nth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph J. Murphy, 3638 Lexington St., Chicago. .} ^- ^""'^ <^'^' 52.39 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Arthur F. Saubert, 4th St., Kaukauna, Wis. Robert C. Bailey, J19 S. Lincoln Ave.. Aurora. George L. Fee, 14 18 E. 65th Place, Chicago. burton R. Hansen, 408 Kuhn Block, Spokane, Wash. Jerry J. Klasek, Corp., 2234 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. Oliver A. Peachey, Waupun, Wis. Paul L. Goeppner, Corp., 6038 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Kenneth H. Guenther, 207 Franklin St., Wausau, Wis. Lester E. Sickler (i), Wittenburg, Wis. Leo Bailey, Traux Block, Superior, Wis. Harry W. Sickler, Wittenburg, Wis. Ilenry F. Knoll, 904 i8th.St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ray M. McCosh, Corp., 602 E. 6th St., Abilene, Kans. ^Jfo^ge J. Spath, 936 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Clyde H. Williamson, 2214 Jackson St., Two Rivers, Wis. Adolph Nein, Box 194, Fairmont, Minn. Ostaaf J Re.nier (i), 2819 W. Huron St., Duluth, Minn. I'vank A. Hudson (i), Lena. Rdwin J. Rickman, R. D. 7, Box 77, Grand Rapids, Wis. Richard Davin, Corp., 540 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. John D. Steele, 1313 2nd Ave., South Fargo, N. D. Walter C. Rudolph (i), 1322 S. 15th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Frank E. Larson, R. D. 2, Box 98, Ogema, Wis Robert N. Gooch (i). Gen. Del., Fowlkes, Tenn I'lanklyn D. Rosel, Moscow, Kansas. Elmer H. Nordgren, 1828 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago. Eric G. Herder, Corp., 6546 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Harvey G. Gunther, Corp., 4038 Archer Ave, Chicago. All)ert H. Eeles, 2103 W. 21st Place, Chicago. Wilham H. Perry (i). Spring Road, Sub-Division, Elm- hurst. Raymond Swanson, 128 N. Root St., Aurora. Fred J. Sharp, 21 Walnut St, Galesburg. John L. Collin, North Branch, Minn. Earl R. Griffin, Mattoon, Wis. Matthias Berendsen, 417 32nd St., Milwaukee, Wis Edward S. Sayers, Corp., 631 N. Monticello St., Chi- cago. Walter T. Bluck (i), 640 E. 93rd St., Chicago. William Green, 2540 Buchanan St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur M. Berquist, 1187 Monroe St., Galesburg. Charles Jacobson (i), 1454 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Lloyd C. Peterson, I5ox 154, River Falls, Wis. William G. Grove,, 331 Franklin St., Galena. Frank E. Grob, 3415 Beach Ave., Chicago. Sam Becker, Corp., 131 1 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Ole B. gkaar, R. D. 5, Kenyon, Minn. Harry G. Nye, Sgt., 6127 Langley Ave., Chicago. Irving Greenwald, Sgt., 3615 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. William G. Betz, 474 W. 28th Place, Chicago. James J. McNeills, 5432 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Albert F. Seeger, 2306 Robey St., Chicago. Adolph Kampic, 1867 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. John Koepfle, 2706 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Robert Williams, 5607 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. William Westlund, 2749 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Lawrence R. Wrenn, 5803 Carpenter St., Chicago. George H. Kuster, 2225 W. Walton Place, Chicago. Roswell Williams, 3346 Beach Ave., Chicago. Alfred Johnson, 3551 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Joseph W. Wojcik (i), 12 14 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chi- cago. Lloyd L. Snyder, Avoca, Wis. Ogle Meeks (i), 907 Cherry St., New Castle, Ind. Ilarley Simmons, R. D. 5, Avon. Bernard J. McCabe, Corp., 21 14 W. Huron St., Chicago. Robert Kasik, Corp., 2440 W. Polk St., Chicago. John A. Nylander, 243 E. Franklin St., Paxton. Joe E. Plaisance, 2547 Lyndale Ave., Minneapolis, Minn, Joseph Altvatter, 2113 W. 13th *St., Chicago. Harry G. Dwyer, 1556 Fargo Ave., Chicago. Dan Mullens, Chesterfield. Dewey McElroy, Las Vegas, N. Mex. Frank M. Lee, 2419 N. Church St., Rockford. Frederick L. Brooks, 1826 Vine Place, Minneapolis, Minn. Robert F. Olson, R. D. 3, Box 37, Grantsburg, Wis. Basil J. Parshall, 332 W. LaCrosse St., Tomah, Wis. Hiward N. Link, 629 N. Chatham St., Janesville, Wis. Herman J. Iding, Sup. Sgt., 4647 W Adams St., Chi- cago. James W. Kane, Sgt., 1132 W. isth St., Chicago. Thomas P. Purcell, Sgt., 3109 Lexington St., Chicago. Ilubert R. Byrnes, Sgt., 3142 Fulton St., Chicago. Elmer Partner, Stab. Sgt., 244 Spring St., Freeport. Lucien T. Funk, Corp., R. D. 16, Anchorage, Ky. Cyrus B. Minshall, Corp., Edgar, Wis. -Alfred J. Ruby, Corp., 3404 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Frank Massoglia, Corp., Farmington. Clarence R. Place, Corp., R. D. 2, Box 7, Barron, Wis. Arthur W. Sayers, Corp., 631 N. Monticello Ave., Chi- cago. Arthur Newman, Corp., 133 N. Clark St., Chicago. Ilenry Wagner, 710 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. James U. Barry, Corp., 635 W. 64th St., Chicago. Hugh P. Jones, Mech., 2746 Warren Ave., Chicago. John Johnson, Mech., 1921 Austin Ave., Chicago. John W. Lawler, Mech., R. D. 6, Rochester, Minn. Vernon Reppert, Mech., R. D. 2, Stanley, Wis. Joseph Grodek, Cook, 2649 W. 20th St., Chicago. .Adam J. Bieniasz, Cook, 1518 Holt St., Chicago. Isaia Santi, Cook, 2125 Fulton St., Chicago. James Manwell, Mess Sgt., 539 E. 44th St., Chicago. .Anton Bury, Cook, 1709 Division St., Chicago. Anton Pokorny, Cook, 1701 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Fred W. Galow, Cook, 215 S. California Ave., Chicago. Manuel Pleet, Horseshoer, 1627 Jefferson St., Balti- more, Md. John E. Murray (i), 418 Kent St., Rockford. Emil C. Feidt (i), 3418 Beach Ave., Chicago. l^awrence Bernhardt (i), 511 2nd Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. Francis A. Furlong, Sgt., 2248 S. California Ave., Chi- cago. Earl F. Wright (i), 216 Congress St., Oconto, Wis. John F. Cella (i), 121 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Il;irry Markson, Sgt., 2832 Warren Ave., Chicago. John F. Falvey, Sgt., 6718 Evans Ave., Chicago. William C. Richey, Band Sgt., 1739 Harrison St., Paducah, Ky. (jcorge Graham, Mus. (3), 3855 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Frank W. Hode,k. Band Sgt., 1908 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. Albert F. Kric, Band Sgt., 3446 W. 13th Place, Chi- cago. THE 343 RD INFANTRY i8i John Misar, Mus. (i), 1820 Emerson Ave., Chicago. Nf orris Silver, Mus. (3), Rovno, Russia. Gregory M. Endres, 1206 Chandler St., Madison, Wis. Perry Roudebush, 474 Eldorado St., Appleton, Wis. Joseph J. Michaleg, Mus. (3), 2722 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Americo Adorante, Band Sgt., 4148 Grand Blvd., Chi- cago. Claude Gilbertson, Mus. (3), R. D. i. Box 49, Brooten, Minn. James J. Couza, Mus. (2), 2803 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Frank Parisi, Mus. (3), 814 Morgan St., Rockford. Vincent Bliss, 404 Tyler St., Merrill, Wis. William O. Rowney, Mus. (3), 1237 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Erank ^I. Braught, Band Corp., 732 Roscoe St., Chi- cago. Sam Goldstein, Band Corp., 2637 Division St., Chicago. William Kapitz, 130 W. Oak Grove St., Gunneau, Wis. Arthur A. ^Foran, Mus. (3), 421 ist St., Thief River Falls, Minn. Charles L. Caprata, Mus. (3), 1919 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Bruno Struch, Band Corp., 1341 N. Paulina St., Chi- cago. Harry Kanta, Mus. (2), 2519 S. 58th Ave., Chicago. Ben C. Lonson, Mus. (2), 404 Connelly Ave., S., Thief River Falls, Minn. Oscar Lauren, Mus. (2), Nyganthe Ave., Petersham, Sidney, Australia. Albert Richmiller, Arlington, Minn. FTugo L. Blomquist, Mus. (i), Kulm, N. D. August Friday, 203 Washington Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Rolf Skjeie, Mus. (3), 109 S. i8th Ave., East Duluth, Minn. Perley E. Gunton, Mus. (3), 146 Loral Ave., Chicago. Frank S. Grudowski, Mus. (3), 2227 N. Robey St., Chicago. Clarence Foster, Mus. (2), 28 Academy St., Amherst, Nova Scotia. Dayle A. Snyder, Mus. (i), 6559 LaFaye.tte Ave., Chi- cago. Fred C. Hess, Mus. (2), 556 N. Leamington Ave., Chicago. Jesse V. Wing, Mus. (3), 113 S. Clifford St., Elgin. Joseph LeHocky, Mus. (3), 2029 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Rosario Santori, Mus. (3), 11436 S. Park Ave., Chicago. lien B. Miller. Mus. (3), 1708 Jefferson St., Duluth, Minn. Charles M. Novy, Mus. (2), 1217 W. 13th St., Chicago. August M. Hovy, Mus. (3), 1217 W. 13th St., Chicago. William J. Ward, Mus. (2), 2205 Division St., Chi- cago. Lewis C. Miller, Mus. (3), 571 Walnut St.; Elgin. Ludwig Hejlik, Mus. (3), 2817 S. Kenneth Ave., Chi- cago. Rudolph Markman, Mus. (i), Rumney, Russia. Nathaniel Dressoh, Mus. (2), 317 N. 4th St., Greenville. Harry Mcintosh, Oxfordville, Wis. Jacob Sladky, 1605 Lackawana Ave., Superior, Wis. Anton Pristoupimsky, 1412 W. i8th St., Chicago. Albert W. Schwartz, R. D. 2, Box i, Sauk Centre, Minn. Ralph C. Ferguson, 6439 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. Frank W. Bustrien, R. D. 10, Neenah, Wis. Otto H. Dux, R. D. 5, Box 89, Neillsville, Wis. Joseph Marx, Edgar, Wis. Leo W. Kruger, R. D. i, Randolph, Wis. John M. Fisher, 601 3rd Ave,, E., Ashland, Wis. Harry G. Bemis, 471 W. Wabash Ave., Winona, Minn. Louis H. Eisner, 343 W. 24th St., Milwaukee, Wis. SUPPLY COMPANY, 343RD INFANTRY William O. Setliffe, Capt., Charleston. Harlan Hildebrand, ist Lt., 203 Lincoln Ave., Streator. William H. Martin, 2d Lt., Cache. lames M. Crawford, Reg. Sup. Sgt., R. D. i, Moulton, la. William A. Dicus, Reg. Sup. Sgt., Streator. William C. Pfeiffer, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 3414 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Andrew J. Williams, ist Sgt., Poplar Bluff, Mo. Frank C. Jordan, Sup. Sgt., 406 Buchanan St., Charles- ton. James H. Colebourn (1), 6236 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Daniel D. Healy (i), 3132 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Anton Machek (i), 2751 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Fred More, jr. (i), 1003 Monroe St., Charleston. George, E. Grohn, Mech., 1637 Clvbourn Ave., Chicago. William M. Carroll, Cook, 69 Middleburght St., Troy, N. Y. Richard A. Dale, Corp., 4232 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Benjamin H. Loomis, Cook, 2836 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Peter P. Lemanski, Mech., 1105 4th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Tony Mirabrila, Mech., 2014 W. Huron St., Chicago. Fred J. Martin, Cook, Highgate, Vt. Arthur J. McCabe, Cook, 21 14 W. Huron St., Chicago. Joseph L. Robin, Cook, 1013 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Walter H. Weith, Cook, 2614 Walton St., Chicago. Joseph Zeman, Cook, 2408 S. Homan Ave., Chicago. Norman Dietz, Mess Sgt., 2433 Cortez St., Chicago. Robert L. Asher, Sgt., R. D. i, Crider, Ky. Roger Betti, Wag., Burley, Wis. Timothy O'Connor, Wag., 3029 W. Polk St., Chicago. Kenneth S. Rathbun, Wag., R. D. i. Box 61, Spring Valley, Minn. Anton Skofjanec, Wag., 2225 S. Wood St., Chicago. Thomas W. Brown, Wag., 2658 W. 22nd Place, Chi- cago. George Aulert, Horseshoer, 845 N. Fairfield Ave.., Chi- cago. John L. Haberkamp, 2237 Campbell Park, Chicago. George Olson, Wag., R. D. 8, Litchfield, Minn. Otto Case, Wag., 2456 W. Division St., Chicago. George T. Sampson, Wag., 3335 Beach Ave., Chicago. Peter Vandermeulen, Wag., 2226 W. 13th St., Chicago. John F. Gleason, 451 W. 38th St., Chicago. Albert Wickman, R. D. i. Box S4. Gransburg, Wis. George Griepke, Sad., 2513 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago John H. Hesser, Corp., 2038 W. Walton St., Chicago. John A. Karlovsky, Wag., 2238 S. Homan Ave., Chi- cago. Arthur E. Guetschow, R. D. i. Box 63, Hayton, Wis Henry C. Murphy, 519 Root St., Chicago Vincent W. Rokosh, Wag., 2214 S. Albany Ave., Chi- cago. Henry A. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 11, Rice, Minn. Harry H. Griepke, Wag., 2513 W. Chicago Ave,, Chi- cago. John Tomiaszewski, Wag., 2019 W. Homer St., Chicago Edward Moravec, Wag., 1127 W. 17th St., Chicago George W. Denny, Wag., Box 22, Hewitt, Minn Amos Chambers, 2270 W. 37th St., Chicago. Andrew Zurek, Wag., 2033 N. Lincoln St., Chicago, l-rank J. Rudolph, Wag., 2932 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chi- cago. I-eo H. Schaefer, Muscoda, Wis. David L^ughlin, Wag., 3000 Van Buren St., Chicago. Joseph Tibbetts, Corp., 413 N. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. Elmer G O'Brien, Wag., 2414 Fillmore St., Chicago, l-rank Westerman, Wag., 2324 N. California Ave., Chi- cago. Midhael J. Walsh, Wag., 1642 W. North Ave., Chicago Dennis H Hermansen, 4218 Thomas St., Chicago. A^?V,'- ^\ '\damski, R. D. 5, Box 12, Antigo, Wis. Willie A Hanson, R. D. 2, Box 118, Pine City, Minn Lester H. Lockman, 5913 Fulton St., Chicago. Joseph F. Matthews, Wag., 3126 W. Monroe St.. Chi- cago. James P. Dunn, 3619 S. Rockwell St., Chicago Ernest R. Thielman, R. D. 3, Box loi, Antigo, Wis T"J°"T.r ^J'"^"^'"> ^'^S' 1751 W. 19th St., Chicago, feu McNamara, Wag., 2019 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Walter A. Glyda, Wag., 1610 W. 17th St., Chicago iv^'^L^^-, Brown, Wag., 765 7th St., Charleston. Michael J. King, Corp., 105 W. 117th St., Chicago. I- rank Danek, 2218 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago John J. Dillon, Wag., 1822 W. Erie St., Chicago Ray E. Parr, 324 N. Fue St., Chicago. " Edward P. Joyce, R. D. 4, Box 73, Antigo, Wis Henry W. Decker, Gen. Del., Flint, Mich Paul M. Schultz, R. D. i. Brook Park, Minn Nick F. Goossens, Corp., 2137 W. Hastings St. Chi- cago. l82 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Hans M. Syverud, Horseshoer, Winthrop Harbor. George McPartland, 432 Scott St., Milwaukee, Wis. Raleigh Barber, R. D. 2, Box 58, Williamsfield. Walter A. McCabe, 125 Central Ave., Rochester, Minn. Michael J. Wolf, 205 N. 7th St., Austin, Minn. Tohn Lavander, Wag., Boyot, Wyo. Fred Schmaling, 610 Whitewater St., Whitewater, Wis. Patrick Heighfon, R. D. 3, Stanley, Wis. Miles H. Ward, 61 18 Colorado Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tulius Brzezinski, Wag., 2123 Frankfort St., Chicago. William F. Conole, Sup. Sgt., 3929 W. Madison St., Chicago. . John P. Stefek, Sup. Sgt., 2329 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Willard C. Chandler, Sup. Sgt., 2230 E. 40th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Leo Grabow, Wag., 2131 W. North Ave., Chicago. Thomas Payton, Wag., 2249 Logan Blvd., Chicago. Arthur J. Rice, 541 Beldon Ave., Chicago. William Burke, Wag., Cragen Police Sta., Chicago. Rudolph Thompson, Wag., 405 Barclay St., Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas J. Kelly, 3533 W. Fillmore, St., Chicago. Elmer J. Patzelt, Wag., 1448 W. isth St., Chicago. Roy A. Carstens, 1920 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Edward E. Collins, Wag., 2530 Polk St., Chicago. Tony C. Carlson, Wag., Ke.rrick, Minn. Frank Rakowski, Wag., 1647 W. 17th St., Chicago. Clifford Stevens, Wag., Sichlerville, Wis. Otto Martinec, Wag., 1313 W. 19th St., Chicago. Diedrich F. Gereke, Wag., 841 N. Robey St., Chicago. George Mase, Wag., 30 N. Elizabeth St., Chicago. Clinton F. West, Gransburg, Wis. Louis Zentuk, Wag., Box 79, Mauston, Wis. William Clarkson, Corstairs, Alta, Canada. Timothy Flynn, Wag., 3051 Warren Ave., Chicago. James Marksberry, Wag., R. D. 2, Paw Paw. Thomas Kenny, Wag., 2820 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Oscar Bauknecht, R. D. 4, Antigo, Wis. William J. McMahon, Wag., 8445 Laflin St., Chicago. Herbert Molter, R. D. 5, Marshfield, Wis. Edward Wojtalewicz, Wag., 1730 i8th Place, Chicago. Gust Boettcher, R. D. 1, Antigo, Wis. Joseph Kuszewski, Wag., 1842 W. 17th St., Chicago. James A. O'Brien, Wag., 616 E. 34th St., Chicago. Alfred L. Barton, 3054 Lexington St., Chicago. Milton Cooper, R. D. 4, Box 168, West Allis, Wis. Edward W. Dexter, Lily, Wis. Andrew Meiche, Wag., 2453 Fillmore St., Chicago. James P. Martinec, Wag., 13 13 W. 19th St., Chicago. Tony Forchione, Wag., 2003 W. Huron St., Chicago. Charles Hardow, 1745 W. 14th Place, Chicago. Frank J. Klima, Wag., 1819 S. May St., Chicago. Frederick H. Hirt, 2215 4th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. George T. Byrnes, Wag., 651 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Joseph A. Heider, Wag., 6610 S. May St., Chicago. Walter Laskowski, 1939 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago. James E. Campbell, 2755 Fulton St., Chicago. Jules Turner, care Grand Hotel, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Luigi Magurno, 710 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Charles W. Hansen, R. D. 4, Box 45, West Allis, Wis. Edward Pinkonsly, 2529 Haddon Ave., Chicago. William G. Boiler, Wag., Gardenville, N. Y. Thomas A. Rutkowski, Wag., 1504 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. August Granzig, Sad., 1623 S. Loeflfler Ct., Chicago. William J. Sharp, Wag.. 122 E. 43rd St., Chicago. Harold J. Malo, 1145 N. Keystone Ave., Chicago. Edward C. Aderman, Bismark, Mo. Monard G. Wheaton, 503 W. 6th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Carl M. Neisner, Wag., 2114 W. 23rd Place, Chicago. Floyd D. Long, Wag., 218 S. 4th St., Hannibal, Mo. Napoleon Babaeff, 151 1 N. Clark St., Chicago. Wilhelm Jacobs, 337 Park Ave., Enderlin, N. D. Hellmer T. Tillstrom, 1021 ist Ave., Rockford. Claude A. Worden, R. D. 2, Junction City, Wis. Zigmuntas Kiszkunas, 2125 W. 24th St., Chicago. Dome.nick Petronis, 916 Market St., DeKalb. William J. Schuh, 543 40th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edwin W, Finger, R. D. 5, West Allis, Milwaukee, Wis. William J. Barrett, Sgt., 2253 Iowa St., Chicago. Henry W. Van Dyke, R. D. 2, Garfield, Minn. Leo J. Fisher, R. D. 3, Box 135, St. Joseph, Mo. Alvin Gray, R. D. 2, Moultrie, Ga. Starling J. Lisenby, Norwood, N. C. Charley Peterson, 6214 Cummings Ave., Superior, Wis. SUPPLY COMPANY, 343RD INFANTRY Attached Ordnance Personnel Christie Anderson, Sgt. (i), 15^9 W. Wilcox St., In- dianapolis, Ind. Joseph A. Kass, 3256 S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago. John W. Olson, Corp., Lemont. Bert Kay, 2301 Sth Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Ignatz E. Zbylut (i), 2509 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Eric Commer (i), 610 15th St., Charleston. George DeBeck, 244 W. 25th St., Chicago. Clarence A. Hoya, 939 Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 343RD INFANTRY Thomas F. Harwood, Capt'., 901 E. Grove St., Bloom- ington. . Russell S. Re.ed, 2d Lt., 2700 Washington Ave., Cairo. Thomas H. Clarke, 2d Lt., 43So Lake Park Ave., Chi- cago. Howard J. Frisbey, 2d Lt., 5223 S. Calumet Ave., Chi- cago. . Benjamin Szech, ist Sgt., 1907 Evergreen Ave., Chicago. Paul A. Zmudzinski, Sgt., 1621 Keenon St., Chicago. Joseph Lessner, 2137 N. Robey St., Chicago. Edward Kaplin, 1554 Girard St., Chicago. Hugh F. McGee, Foley, Minn. Frank J. Zdarsky (1), 1324 W. i8th Place, Chicago. Harvey O. DeBarr (i), 3450 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Samuel F. Kovsky, 230 Mt. Airy St., St. Paul, Minn. Toe R. Meyers, Corp., Box 236, Springfield. John E. Nosek, 1648 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Palmer E. Henderson, R. D. i, Ettrick, Wis. William A. Sherman, Merrillan, Wis. John P. Bennett (i), 1022 S. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Stanley A. Holens, Bug., Elsworth, Pa. August J. Deau, 1672 24th St., Two Rivers, Wis. George J. Lucksinger, Brodhead, Wis. Paul P. Palubicki, Corp., 1361 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. John J. Higgins (i), 7134 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Aloysius Narlock, Sgt., 1340 Sloan St., Chicago. Roy H. Knox (i), Finley, Wis. Ben A. Marquardt, R. D. 2, Curtiss, Wis. Alfred Frost, Withee, Wis. Alfred L. Pederson, Box 227, Ettrick, Wis. Frank Bouzek (i), 2407 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Joseph Woodworth, Black Rive,r Falls, Wis. Orlando C. Martin, Corp., Merrillan, Wis. Wesley C. Van Voorhees (i), R. D. i. Box 165, Marsh- field, Wis. Emil Solberg, Disco, Wis. Theodore Green (i), 1415 Grant Ave., Rockford. Walter W. Lipka (i), 1019 Cotton Place, Milwaukee, Wis. William Schuelke, Neillsville, Wis. John G. Henzel, 4153 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Leo H. Zolper, R. D. 39, Mendota. Daniel I. Thomas, 2941 W. Monroe St., Chicago. William J. Hartford, Corp., 113 S. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. Lester E. PofT, R. D. 2, Warren, Wis. Joseph Burzych, 1447 Elston Ave., Chicago. Samuel Zeizer (i), 1413 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Henry C. Pfeifer, 1633 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Herbert Gudert. 5281/2 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Leo Sagerer (i), 19 14 Lloyd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry Vandermolen, Corp., 17 18 W. 14th St., Chicago. George D. Booras, Sulima, Trifyllias, Greece. Paul P. Brever, 987 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Irwin N. Gilbert, Blair, Wis. Joseph F. Bejlovec, 3006 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. Henry W. Siefert, 141 1 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. John T. Kramer, 1135 24th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry A. Schoff (i), Kilbourn, Columbia, Wis. Frank J. Sesko (i), 1637 W. Blackhawk St., Chicago George H. Morden, 8846 Yale Ave., Chicago. THE 343RD INFANTRY 183 I.ouis Oettel, Ashland, Wis. Ben Weina, 1126 S. i8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Ralph Jacobson, 737 Washington St., N. E., Minneap- olis, Minn. Joseph L. Chrapkiewicz (i), 919 Sibly St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Paul J. Feasel (i), 5207 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Charles Lempe, 6503 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. George M. McCallum, Corp., Hesperia, Mich. Joseph O. Hosch, 973 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nick A. Hendricks, Sgt., 2531 N. Talman Ave., Chi- cago. Richard O. Ciss, Sgt., Chesterton, Ind. Tom T. Kvam, 2023 Liberty St., LaCrosse, Wis. Walter L. Kurowski, 3046 E. 87th St., Chicago. George A. Lindgren (i), 1821 S. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Edwin A. Ellison, 2349 Maryland Ave., Superior, Wis. Walter Rucks, 1527 N. Monticello Ave.. Chicago. Elmer G. Counsejl, R. D. i. Box 13, Neillsville, Wis. Vincent Golembski, Corp., 1139 Milwaukee Ave., Chi- cago. Ervin J. Gruentzel, New London, Wis. George Arndt (i), 5718 S. Kimbark Ave., Chicago. .^dam A. Joppek, 1321 Dickson St., Chicago. Ralph C. Arnholt (i). East Aurora, N. Y. Joseph Gackowski, 1306 Holt St., Chicago. Willis R. Fisher, Attica, Kans. Joseph Pawelczak, Burdick, Ind. George R. Johnson, Corp., 845 N. California Ave., Chicago. James E. Raymond, 4218 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Arthur J. Lennstrum (i), 3145 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Arnold F. Karsk (i), R. D. 2, Pecatonica. Edward J. Hermes, 413 Johnson St., Port Washington, Wis. William H. Kroening, 719 Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Fred Hynd, R. D. i, Moline. Earnest A. Pothour, Corp., Platteville, Wis. Louis O. Grill, R. D. i, Rhinelander, Wis. Win F. Gerard, R. D. i. Friendship, Wis. Christian Maassen, Mondovi, Wis. Robert H. Conway, 5425 W. Walton St., Chicago. George Nissen, 249 i6th St., Milwauke.e, Wis. Mike Minga, 123 Howel Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William O. Kuhns, Hanover. Chame T. Kishler, Corp., 407 S. Eddy St., Fort Scott, Kansas. Frank Manikowski (i), 1444 W. Blackhawk St., Chi- cago. Edward Cassidy (i), 31 16 S. Canal St., Chicago. Edward Hula, Box 278, Braidwood. Mathew Strozewski; 809 ist Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil Weigend, 1220 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John F. Cholewczynski, 1347 Sloan St., Chicago. William L. Helberg, Box 351, Park Falls, Wis. Daniel J. Cuddigan (i), 2156 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Oscar Hansen, Sgt., 945 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Anton Cerbin, Sgt., 2101 W. 19th St., Chicago. Max Kica, 800 London St., Kenosha, Wis. Thorvald Rasmussen, R. D. 2, Withee, Wis. Frank Maliszewski, 887 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Lisinski, 1373 Breman St., Milwaukee, Wis. John F. Smith, R. D. 2, Hudson, Wis. Harry C. Knutson, Millston, Wis. Fred W. Bock, Corp., 830 Buffum St., Milwaukee,, Wis. John F. Mullaney, 512 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. Joseph A. Stauber, 4146 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. Alfred W. Kuhn (i), 108 N. Montgomery St., Port Washington, Wis. Edmund Murzynski, 806 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank R. Anderson (i), 2608 Crystal St., Chicago. Thomas J. Noonan, Corp., 1628 Fulton St., Chicago. Reuel Jamieson, R. D. 4, Antigo, Wis. Eugene J. Wolski (i), 1441 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Patrick Murray (i), Florence Hotel, Butte, Mont. Raymond Maves, Elburn. Hurles L. Kelley, Dana. Sydney Mocre, 3240 Hirsch St., Chicago. LeRoy C. Carlson, 4427 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Joseph F. Mtiszynski, Corp., 1335 Dickson St., Chicago. Alvie W. Smith (i), 526 N. Court St., Rockford. Edward Kieper (i), Gaastra, Mich. Reinhard P. Borck, Hokah, Minn. Frank L. Mead, R. D. 3, Almond, Wis. Joseph Kotlewski, R. D. 2, Stevens Point, Wis. Sherman J. Aderman, R. D. i, Gresham, Wis. Louis J. Albrecht, 1330 8th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Graczyk, Corp., 1225 Holt St., Chicago. Cornelius Kazen, 11952 Perry Ave., Chicago. Paul A. Knitter, 11 25 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago; Frank Lemanski (i), 1307 Dickson St., Chicago. Edgar Rabenhorst, R. D. 8, Watertown, Wis. Frank Hayes (i), 2013 S. Throop St., Chicago. Daniel J. Reilly, 1515 Dickson St., Chicago. Martin Donnelly, 1126 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Henry E. Landin (i), 3534 S. Robey St., Chicago. John Quillinan (i), 514 S. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago. Michael L. Brennan, Sgt., 2443 Washburne Ave., Chi- cago. LeRoy Houdek, Sgt., care Sejement, Richmond, Iowa. Stanley Szatkowski (i), 1338 Wicker Park Ave., Chi- cago. Louis J. Candra, ils., Braidwood. Frank Kierstein, Mech., 1732 W. 22nd St., Chicago. John I. Johnson, 323 6th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Stanley Kwiatkowski, Cook, 2157 N. Claremont St., Chicago. Ignatious Dembowski, Cook, 1956 Evergreen Ave., Chi- cago. George N. Garrett, Sgt., Lee, Mich. Anthony G. Agin, 1509 Washburn Ave., Chicago. August L. Hinze (i), 2033 North Ave., Chicago. Frank H. Bowe, R. D. 7, Box 72, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Walter Kreshefske, Little Suamico, Wis. Marion Syrek, Bug., 39 W. Prescott St., Portland, Ore. John C. Bammann, 964 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter A. Felsmg, Sad., 123 West Ave,., Waukesha, Wis. Andrew Cutler (i), 181 1 W. Division St., Chicago. George Amos, Mech., Riverview Terrace, Dedham, Mass. LeRoy S. Swansen, Mech., 732 N. Harding Ave., Chi- cago. Raymond M. Larsen (1), 509 S. Campbell Ave., Chi- cago. William J. Shamlsers, Cook, Kerastare, Greece. Saverio Calderone, 158 E. Kensington Ave., Chicago. David B. Egan (i), R. D. 3, New London, Wis. James Novak (i), 1820 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Joseph L. Hofmann, 5454 University Ave,., Chicago. Nicholas W. Schmeider, Cuba City, Wis. John P. Irvin, Jr., Sgt., 360 E. 65th St., Chicago.^ Nels E. Erickson, 327 Morgan St., Rockford. Nels E. Erickson, Blair, Wis. Jesse M. Haseltine, 327 Morgan St., Rockford. John M. Lane, R. D. i, Bingham Lake, Minn. HEADQUARTERS, FIRST BATTALION, 343RD INFANTRY Thomas L. Marshall, Maj., Charleston. Arthur W. Smith, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 3816 Park Ave.', Roger T. Schenck, ist Lt., Glasford. Chicago. George W. Catts, ist Lt., 416 W. John St., Webb Harvey Kreitzer, Sup. Sgt., 3625 Grenshaw St., Chi- City, Mo. cago. Clarence A. Nelis, 2d Lt., 412 Home Ave., Oak Park. COMPANY A, 343RD INFANTRY Thomas G. Wade, Capt., 4353 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Edgar A. Miller, 1st Lt., Pataskala, Ohio. Olaf A. Larsen, ist Lt., 4425 Dover St., Chicago. Stanley Bates, 2d Lt., Greene, Maine. Inman Padgett, 2d Lt., 812 State St., Albany, Ga. Bert W. Stubbert, 2d Lt., Clinton, Wis. Edward Smith, ist Sgt., 1627 Hastings St., Chicago. Thomas E. McCarthy, Sgt., 1632 W. 13th St., Chicago. Robert Barlang (i), R. D. i. Rock Island. Mathod Duchon, Mech., 143 1 W. 17th St., Chicago. Carl F. Garbrecht (1), R. D. 3, Peshtigo, Wis. Carl J. Hanson (i), R. D. i, Cadott, Wis. Alvin L. Matteson, Cook, 609 Pacific Ave., Morris, Minn. Hugh D. Campbell, Corp., Sussex, Wis. Walter L. Nelson (i), 226 4Sth St., Rock Island. 1 84 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Clare.nce E. Frederickson, Mech., 2419 24th St., Rock Island. _ Isadore Glick, Bug., 3325 Grenshaw St., Chicago. Jacob Gordon, Cook, 1330 S. Troy St., Chicago. Frank A. Lipson, Bug., 4021 W. i6th St., Chicago. Louis Stroner, Cook, 1600 S. Fisk St., Chicago. John W. P. Thornton,' Mech., Stanley, Wis. Benjamin Pinkus, Mess Sgt., 1341 W. 14th St., Chicago. Matt W. Purchla, Sgt., 1073 Fry St., Chicago. Joseph Diederich (i), Chilton, Wis. Tra A. Boetcher, R. D. 2, Box 56, Fairchild, Wis. James A. Jensen, Box 11, Clinton, Wis. William Koch, Corp., i8ts Clark St., Manitowoc, Wis. Harry Fine, 501 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago. Bertram Kinsell (i), 82 Ophir Road, Portsmouth, Eng- land. John Budnick, 1305 N. 8th St., Superior, Wis. Max O. Neitzel, R. D. 2, Loyal, Wis. Albin N. Lind, R. D. i, Foley, Minn. Alex W. Lindberg, R. D. i. Box 79, Ronneby, Minn. Peter Biddle, R. D. i, Tjorp, Wis. William Schmidtke, Corp., R. D. i, Granton, Wis. Edward Eineichner, R. D. i. Box 25, Glidden, Wis. Carl M. Seipt (i), Bradford. Adam Lewansowski, Gilman, Minn. Martin Borgrud, Box B, Evansville, Minn. Harold J. Janna (i), 863 Holton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Charles J. Williams, Cayuga, Wis. Joseph S. Zientara (i), 8358 Burley Ave., Chicago. Jerry A. Vitek, Corp., 2644 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Charles W. Campbell, R. D. i, Marengo, Wis. William W. Grommes (i), R. D. i, Aurora. Frank Stachowski, R. D. 3, Ronneby, Minn. Louis T. Rajdl, R. D. s, Box 31, Alexandria, Minn. Harry Copperstein, 727 9th St., Rock Island. Hammon Brown (i), Montrose, Iowa. Leslie Perkins (i). R. D. 4, Maple Park. William J. Kehl, Corp., 1225 N. Maplewood Ave., Chi- cago. John W. McBride, Wyoming. Carl A. Johnson, Boyer, Iowa. Theodore Riedel. R. D. 2, Box 6, Granton, Wis. Stanley Szulczewski, 1097 ist Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Nowick, 3133 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Joseph Jaeger, 3055 Millard Ave., Chicago. George J. Carlson (i). Box 187, Evansville, Minn. Julius F. Herman, Corp., 33 Golding Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Jake P. Haas (i), R. D. 3, Neillsville, Wis. Ernest Augustin, Owen, Wis. Carl O. Engelbert, 108 S. Broadway, New Ulm, Minn. Mike Serockey, 512 N. Chestnut St., Bana. Nils M. Bjonstad, Menomonee St., Eau Claire, Wis. Camiel T. DeBaets (i), 258 Bay St., Superior, Wis, Earnie D. Peterson (i), 73 3rd Ave., Colfax, Wis. ' Gustav W. Sanow, Corp., 3019 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. George Gollwitzer, 105 Ann St., Waukesha, Wis. Carl R. Schuchardt, 1202 Chandler St., Madison, Wis. Charle.s E. Hender, Corp., 204 E. 22nd St., Chicago. Chester Marsh, Box 63, Brewster, Minn. Barney J. Wojtynek, Sgt., 3217 N. Monticello Ave., Chicago. George A. Suchy, Sgt., 1003 W. 19th St., Chicago. George J. Moran, Sgt., 224 W. 23rd Place, Chicago. Palrick McNamara (i), R. D. i, Cylon, Wis. James N. Eagan (i), R. D. i, Boulder. Carl O. Anderson (i), 608 N. Grove St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Christian Ginkel, R. D. 2, Nicolet, Minn. Joseph A. Schmidt, R. D. 2, Box 76, Murdock, Minn. Frank E. Gould, Corp., Box 28, Poplar Grove. Clyde H. Coates (i), 923 loth St., Beloit, Wis. Arthur Schmoller, 1084 White Rock Ave., Waukesha, Wis. Urban U. Smith (i), Fennimore, Wis. Earl C. Nichols (i), 2035 4th St., Salem, Ore. Joseph Wachpwski, 1602 Madison St., Manitowoc, Wis. Carl A. Fabisch, R. D. 2, Box 17, Beaver Dam, Wis. Fred Schumacher, Kent, Minn. William C. Bryant, Corp., 400 Ave. B., Rock Falls. Arthur B. Scarseth, Galesville, Wis. Francis Johnson, 50 Chestnut St., Florence, Mass. Theodore Drott, R. D. 3, Butternut, Wis. Harvey L. Helgerson, R. D. i, Box 20. Brandon, Minn. Carl Halvorson (i), R. D. 3, 64, Garfield, Minn. Charles Dambach, R. D. i. Box 22, Ontario, Wis. John Danneman, R. D. i, Foulda, Minn. Exlward J. Menges, Corp., 2054 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Robert R. Neumann, R. D. 1, Box 96, Fairchild, Wis. Arthur Sorenson, Box 206, Candiyohi, Minn. John Kanberg, R. D. 4, Parkers Prairie, Minn. Oliver Westgaard, Kirkhoven, Minn. Richard Berglund, 429 Forest St., Eau Claire, Wis. Barney Kipka (i), R. D. 2, Foley, Minn. Frank Kelasch (i), R. D. 3, Box 30, Foley, Minn. William PfeifTer, Corp., 657 George Ave., Aurora. Artis F. Harmon, R. D. 7, Black River Falls, Wis. John W. Seeley (i), R. D. i, Geneva. Ernest Appelen, R. D. 2, Convy, Minn. Arthur W. Siems, 10 Kickapoo St., Freeport. John W. Sattizahn, R. D. 2, Tipton, Iowa. Malvin Gilbertson, R. D. i, Box 55, Black River Falls, Wis. Walter E. Wallen (i), Atwater, Minn. Frank J. Lesak, Corp., 2532 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. Ernest Halverson, R. D. 2, Taylor, Wis. Frank J. Hrunek, Dorchester, Wis. Edward Koepp, 990 Forest Home Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Andrew Broda, R. D. 2, Ronnebv, Minn. James P. Vladyka, Corp., 3007 S. Trumbull Ave., Chi- cago. Frank A. Gnacinski, 1349 Holt St., Chicago. Steve R. Vician, Corp., 1227 N. Marion Ct., Chicago. Tames L'lman, Sgt., 1703 W. 15th St., Chicago. Michael Bryne, Sgt., 1317 S. Harding Ave., Chicago. Milton Altschul, Sgt., 4617 Dover St., Chicago. David L. Carlson, 502 Banana Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. Albert E. Olson, R. D. 4, Box 43, Osseo, Wis. Hilbert Steinhauer (i). Box 73, Walters, Minn. Paul Schutte (i), Illinois City. Tulius B. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 38, Taylor, Wis. Edward Miller (i). Box 31, Sejita, Texas. Tulius E. Kleinschmidt, Corp., Box 63, Greenwood, Wis. Theodore Bornholt, Neillsville, Wis. Olcott Matfhew, Jr., 205 Main St., Joplin, Mo. Ray R. Anderson (i), Morse, Wis. Arthur F. Plaster (i), 421 W. Willard St., Stillwater, Minn. Carl O. T^indecrantz, 3215 Wilton Ave., Chicago. Arthur Christopherson, Sheldon, Wis. I^eonard Moe, Corp., Box 3, Ronneby, Minn. Tohn A. Johnson (i), 356 Hanover St., Milwaukee, Wis. William J. Vogt, 208 S. We,st St., Wheaton. Frank E. Mausolf, R. D. 2, Millston, Wis. Henry T. Ongstad, R. D. i, Pelican Rapids, Minn. I^eo Zimmerman (i), R. D. 4, Grove City, Minn. Bennie Schreiber (i), R. D. 2, Box 36, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Charles Lipinski, R. D. 2, Box 74, Foley, Minn. .Alfred Berggren, Corp., Box 84, Melby, Minn. Emil E. Finner (i). Dodge, Wis. August F. Raddatz (i), 1728 Georgia St., Oshkosh, Wis. John W. Geroux, 601 Water St., Eau Claire, Wis. Timothy K. Connors, 316 River St., Eau Claire, Wis. William Stynowski, R. D. 2, Box 75, Laney, Wis. August DeWaele (i), R. D. 2, Prophetstown. Russell H. Clepper (i), R. D. 2, Box 57, Rice, Minn. Charles Vanourek, Corp., 3024 S. Avers Ave., Chicago. Ambrose D. O'Neill, R. D. i, Kandiyohi, Minn. William F. Porter (i), 1145 Park St., Beaumont, Tex. F. Collins, R. D. 5, Benson, Minn. Andrew Gossman, R. D. 2, Canton, Minn. Ralph R. Lenser (i), R. D. 3, Milan. Heberle Lawrence, 2717 6th Ave., Rock Island. Theodore I. Grina, 1022 Park St. N., Fergus Falls, Minn, l^aul S. Courounis, Corp., i^Vz Vine St., Nashua, N. H. John Lezer (i), Sauk Rapids, Minn. Paul H. Albrecht, 393 Nassau St., Menasha, Wis. Homer C. Wilson (i), Box 67, Irene. James J. Walsh, 1322 Washburne Ave., Chicago. Olaf Ystad, R. D. 3, Greenwood, Wis. Peter Kussman, R. D. 2, Box 26, Ronneby, Minn. Edwin Brodaczynski, Corp., 1038 2nd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry G. Goocher, Cornell, Wis. Jacob T. Thomalia, R. D. 2, Box 88, Royalton, Minn. Stephen (i), R. D. i, Belvidere. Theodore Bergan, R. D. 5, Forest City, la. Karl Zarter, Corp., 711 15th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Joseph Sirinek, Sgt., 1913 S. Fisk St., Chicago. Hugo HenikofT, Sgt., 1531 W. 14th St., Chicago. John T. Ryan, 834 E. 45th St., Chicago. Henry Johnson, Pidgeon Falls, Wis. THE 343RD INFANTRY 185 Edwin C. Wellner, R. D. i, Nauvoo. Paul W. Lange, R. D. i, Box 100, Fairchild, Wis. Richard DeDobbelaere (i), 423 7th St., Rock Island. Fred C. DeBoer. R. D. 2, Wyoming. Basil P Wall, Corp., 6634 Stewart Ave., Chicago. John P. Froehlich (1), R. D. i, I'nderhill, Wis. Charles Plock, 1005 Palmyra Ave., Dixon. Albert Hendrickson, R. D. 3, Box 48, Alma Center, Wis. Edwin M. Tidmarsh, R. D. 2, Lacon. Charlie V. Pepin, R. D. 4, Box 70, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Joseph Ekstrom, Box 25, Roscoe. Clarence Strutz, 410 Milwaukee St., White Wat"r, Minn. Edward Han?on, Corp., Sacred Heart, Minn. Rov Flood (i), R. D. 4, Box 56, Black River Falls, ■ Wis. Paul E. Schuppert (i), 1113 ist Ave., E., Klispell. Mont. Oliver Trenfield, Darian, Wis. Oscar Helle, R. D. i, Ashby, Minn. Victor Westermeyer, Gen. Del., Shell L.ike, Wis. Harold Solem, 420 Lincoln Ave., W., Fergus Falls, Minn. Leo H. Terwilliger (i), R. D. i. Defiance, Iowa. Lawrence Murphy, Corp., 2733 8i/^ Ave., Rock Island. John Thomas, Jr. (i), 1513 W. 2nd St., Dixon. Pete H. Olson. 1828 Pierre St., Minneapolis, Minn. Luther W. -Alvine, R. D. 3, Worthington, Minnesota. Gust A. Johnson, Fairchild, Wis. Julian A. Hanson, Rio, Wis. John Feimer, care Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. Walter H. Lasco, Genoa Junction, Wis. Albert LaPerriere, Corp., 800 Carney Blvd., Marinette, Wis. Albert N. Kraemer (i), 19 Carpenter St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Carl G. Lundin (i), R. D. 2, Box 54, Ronneby, Minn. Calvin A. Phippins, R. D. i, Arco, Alinn. Henry L. Chandler (i), R. D. 4, Mapleton, Minn. William H. Hegman, R. D. i, Grandy, Minn. Louis P. Berglund (i), R. D. 2. Box 43, Spicer, Minn. Henry Edie, R. D. i. Box 13, Hixton, Wis. George Preucil, Corp., 2652 S. Harding .\ve., Chicago. Victor F. Krejci, R. D. 1, Granton, Wis. Charles Claessens (i), Waverley, Minn. Axe] Nelson (i). R. D. i, Ronnebj', Minn. Emil Kopping, Kimbrae, Minn. Emery G. Johnson, R. D. 3, Box 48, Blair, Wis. Edward J. Qreeler, R. D. 4, Neillsville, Wis. George H. Parsons, 1902 New York Ave., Superior, Wis. Milton G. Challes, Corp., Morrisville, Mo. George W. Lundahl, Corp., 311 N. Longwood St., Rockford. Claus Hawkinson, Sgt., 1633 Hastings St., Chicago. William H. Almon, 1107 12th Ave., North Birmingham, Ala. Rufus Arnold, R. D. s, Mt. Vernon. Ned L. Cleveland, 113 Garrison Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Genoius Cole, R. D. i, Greendrick, Tenn. Stanley E. Curtis, Potasi, Mo. Russell S. DePugh. R. D. 7, Chillicothe, Ohio. Samuel George, Odenville, Ala. James C. Gibbs, R. D. 6, Mt. Sterling, Ky. Roy L. Graves, 624 E. IJorkitt St., Sheridan, Wyo. Fred J. Hagen, 14 18 Roscoa St., LaCrosse, Wis. Roily R. Heise, 1.19 N. Monroe -Ave., Co!umbus, Ohio. John E. Hopper, R. D. 4, Belle Rive. James H. Huffman, R. D. 2, Wyoming, Iowa. Louis Hymel, 2214 Havanna St., New Orleans, La. Murphy Jaconne, Meraux, La. Buford F. Leach, R. D. 3, Ennis, Texas. Herschel D. 1 egg, Charleston, Wash. Coy Lindsey, R. D. i. Layette, Ala. Edward Monroe, 1124 Eagle St., Terre Haute, Ind. Fred Moore, R. D. 4, Adamsville, Tenn. Victor Nelson, R. D. i, Cordova. James J. Pappas, Corp., 6303 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Frank R. Ryan, 232 S. Wood St., Chicago. Thomas P. Hosty, 3743 Lowe Ave., Chicago. William E. Luther, Marshall, Wis. COMPANY B, 343RD INFANTRY Walter T. Gable, Capt., 1017 S. Broadway, Leaven- worth, Kans. Lewis C. Cobb, ist Lt., 11 15 W. 2nd St., Waterloo, la. Henry L. Webster, 416 Clay St., Woodstock. Richard W. Courts, 2d Lt., 800 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Charles L. High, 2d Lt., Cushing, Okla. James Thompson, ist Sgt., Box 130, Mt. Olive. John H. Muth, Jr., Sup. Sgt., 21 10 W. 22nd Place, Chicago. Joseph S. Heath (i), Taylor Ridge. Herbert L. Buschkopf, Mech., Juneau, Wis. George E. Leigh (1), Box 85, Akeley, Minn. William Rehn, Cook, 1653 LoefFler Court, Chicago. Oscar E. Berglund (i), i'386 Breda St., St. Paul, Minn. Hugo Kastner, Cook, 2301 W. 20th St., Chicago. John T. Ke.egan, Corp., 2501 17th Ave., S. ; address un- known. William Brunner (i), Hamilton St., Mobile, Ala. Elmer J. Winslow, Mech., Box 381 Bayfield, Wis. I eo J. Walczak, Bug., 2142 W. i8th Place, Chicago. John Rugh, Cook, R. D. 1, Coal Valley. Ben R. Domach, Bug., Amherst Junction, Wis. Julius Wekony, Cook, 4905 W. Eddy St., Chicago. Constant Michael, Mech., Pyrgos, Samos, Greece. Harry A. Sorvik, Mech., Lake Park, Minn. Walter C. Willert, Mess Sgt., 2234 W. 20th St., Chi- cago. Ludvik Vanecek, Sgt., 1847 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. .Alfred Manson, R. D. i, Clarissa, Minn. Harry Cree, R. D. i, Toulon. George H. Chase, R. D. i, Bancroft, Wis. Theodore Frederick (i), R. D. i, Box 26, Juneau, Wis. John E. Tollefson, R. D. i, Box 52, Disco, Wis. .Archie L. Johnston, Corp., R. D. 2, Taylor Ridge. Hans Crosby, 1227 E. 23rd St., Minneapolis, Minn. Martin J. Johnson (i), R. D. i. Box 33, Disco, Wis. Edward Borg, R. D. i, Brantwood, Wis. George G. Gardner, care Beckley Ralston Co., Chicago. Oscar E. Peterson, R. D., Niawa Route, Park Rapids, Minn. Harry R. Foster, Corp., Nevis, Minn. Ely A. Pollak, R. D. 3, Box 49, Bowerville. Minn. Albert Schwartz (i), 2550 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Jim J. Nomeland, Grygla, Minn. .Alfred Mattson (i), Nevis, Minn. Otto P. Morstead (i), Montreal, Wis. Ferdinand C. Poitraschke, R. D. 2, Windom, Minn. Herman Vogt (i), R. D. 3, Parkers Prairie, Minn. Walter A. Dreher, Corp., 1135 Lincoln St., Klamath Falls, Ore. Albert Jensen, R. D. 2, Box 44, Nevis, Minn. Julius J. Stueber (i), R. D. i. Box 3, Juneau, Wis. George J. Benski, R. D. 2, Box 4, Plover, Wis. Carl J. Erickson, R. D. i, LaPorte, Minn. Carl J. Nelson, 51 10 38th .Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred W. Haehnel, R. D. i. Box 96, Sauk Rapids, Minn. George T. Piquette, R. D. i. Box 38, Bertha, Minn. Elmer A. Roessler, Corp., 568 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Emiel F". Peters, Melrose, Wis. Bert Ness, 78 Mt. Airy St., St. Paul, Minn. Charley Slovick, R. D. i, Browerville, Minn. Martin Larson (i), R. D. 3, Box 37, Fertile, Mipn. Edward M. Pecham (i), R. D. 4, Box 64, Browerville, Minn. Enock Gapinski, R. D. 3, Box 53, Folev, Minn. Oscar K. Wagner, R. D. 4, Osseo, Wis. Emil E. Krajic, Corp., 2626 W. 21st St., Chicago. Otto Minke (i). Long Prairie, Minn. Edward J. Williams (i), 2484 N. Clark St., Chicago. John H. Anderson, R. D. i, Orion. Glen Andrews, R. D. 5, Madelia, Minn. Torsten Slind, Box 95, Rooosevelt, Minn. Edwin R. McDermott (i), 606 N. Main St., Urbana, O. George J. Robertson, Mahtomedi, Minn. Charlie P. Goerndt, Corp., Dolliver, Iowa. Vincent Ostroski, 1412 4th St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Albert O. Stengrim (i), R. D. i, Stephen, Minn. Oscar L. Larson, 2728 Longfellow Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Ole G. Moy, R. D. i. Box 49, Fosston, Minn. Raynar Nordin, Nabbled, Genestorp, Sweden. i86 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Charley O. Liggett, Bradford. Coin M. Hamilton (i), R. D. i, Box 50, Currie, Minn. Anthony Leising, Corp., 1206 Cherry St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry J. Seeger, Box 88, South Stillwater, Minn. George R. Barlow, Sgt., 21 11 S. St. Louis Ave., Chi- cago. Basil Bennett, Sgt., Dudley. George T. Brown (i), R. D. 4, Swanville, Minn. Clarence T. Olson (i), R. D. i, Kensington, Minn. Maynard Wangen, R. D. 2, Box 47, Bricelyn, Minn. Louis Coon, Reserve, Wis. William Hemmerich (i), "L" Box 11, Orago, Minn. John Hess, Corp., 3153 S. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. Herbert L. Kuhl, R. D. 4, Box 83, Gerieseo. Gerritt Gerritson, 109 E. Jefferson St., Waupun, Wis. Peter Bloome (i), Box 147, Annawan. Oscar Greenwoldt (1), R. "D. 2, Box 48, Bertha, Minn. Lester W. Patterson (i), R. D. 3, Melrose, Minn. Alvin C. Westrum (i), 1007 Dunham St., Albe.rt Lea, Minn. Eugene Thrasher, 805 W. Conat St., Portage, Wis. Filip Simunjak, Corp., 1824 S. Fisk St., Chicago. Gustave Robenhorst, Shawano, Wis. Andrew R. Olson, R. D. i, LaPorte, Minn. Emil B. Josephson, 3069 Restormel St., Duluth, Minn. Olie Jurgenson, 876 Cottage St., St. Paul, Minn. Richard W. Gruetzmacher (i), 578 Bowen St., Osh- kosh. Wis. Guy F. Paulson (i), R. D. 2, Box 17 A, Manahga, Minn. . Edwin G. Weum, Box 24, Flom, Minn. Lloyd R. Roach, Corp., R. D. 2, Woodhull. Mike Pappenfus, Oilman, Minn. David I. Peterson, R. D. 2, Garfield, Minn. DeForrest Johnson (i), R. D. 5, Valley City, N. D. Axel Olson, 205 ist St. N. E., St. Cloud, Minn. Edmond Gibeau, R. D. i. Box 43, Brooks, Minn. Charles Corbine, Odnah, Wis. Antonio Martini (i), 221 E. ii6th St., . Chicago. Harry C. Forbes, Corp., 5859 Normal Blvd., Chicago. John E. Adamski, R. D. 7, Box 50, Stevens Point, Wis. Fridtjof Otteson, R. D. i. Box 10, Wolverton, Minn. Hugo C. Langdon, R. D. 5, Box 107, Baraboo, Wis. Albion Swenson, R. D. i. Box 51, Fairchild, Wis. Oliver A. Olson, R. D. 6, Black River Falls, Wis. Otto C. Hagedorn, R. D. 3, Box 60, Fall Creek, Wis. Louis Wimmer, R. D. 3, Litchfield, Minn. Edwin E. Thiele, Corp., Caroline, Wis. Charles Mitchell, Burtrum, Minn. Lars Christenson, R. D. i. Grove City, Minn. Ralph T. Thompson, Corp., Virgin Ave., Plattev'ille, Wis. Tony Brahmer, Interwald, Wis. Ulrich Gertsch, 343 Hazel St., Oshkosh, Wis. Otto A. Johnson, 417 Myrtle St., Sparta, Wis. Herman Koehler, Cecil, Wis. Sedolph Skutley, R. D. 2, Sachterville, Wis. Richard M. Trant, Corp., 2812 Hillock Ave., Chicago. Fred Frensel, R. D. 3, Box 20 A, Medford, Wis. Charles Bures, Sgt., 1706 S. Fisk St., Chicago. William J. Anderson, Sgt., 2619 Crystal St., Chicago. August C. Sitz (i), R. D. 3, Park Rapids, Minn. Tames H. Williams, R. D. i, Cuba, Wis. Bernard Brown (i), R. D. 4, Swanville, Minn. Alvin L. Heyerdahl, R. D. 27, Beloit, Wis. Thorpas J. Bronder (i), R. D. 3, Browerville, Minn. Louis Rapatz, R. D. 4, Box 41, Browerville,, Wis. Norman Pfefferkorn, Corp., R. D. 5, Manitowoc, Wis. Alfred Maidl (i), 516 N. Broadway, New Ulm, Minn. Lloyd F. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 68, Balaton, Minn. Bert G. Sams, R. D. i. Bertha, Minn. Carl A. Erickson, R. D. i. Box 24, Dancy, Wis. Abel Jones, Box 82, Cambria, Wis. Hugh F. Geibel (i), 640 Berlin St., Menasha, Wis. John Labeeuw, 14S 6th Ave., Moline. Elmer R. Miller, Corp., R. D. 3, Box 87, Geneseo. Norman W. Fay (i), 52 N. Long Ave., Chicago. Swan E. Hokanson, 503 E. Belvidere St., St. Paul, Minn. Ernest E. Bleifuss, R. D. i, Reeseville, Wis. Albert Waterphul, R. D. i, Fairchild, Wis. David Miller, 118 W. lofh St., St. Paul, Minn. Harvey P. Olson, Box 274, St. James, Minn. George Grunnert, R. D. 5, Box 7, New Ulm, Minn. Nels T. Rasmussen, Corp., 417 Caroline St., Nee,nah, Wis. Carl J. Englund (i), R. D. 7, Alexandria, Minn. Irving T. Hansen (i), 514 N. Front St., Crookston, Minn. Henry J. Buysec, R. D. 2, Atkinson. John Dickerson, 211 Washington Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Harry Breitzman, Clifford, Wis. Melvin Hendrickson, 1520 Banks Ave., Superior, Wis. George Kolb, 1810 Green Bay St., LaCrosse, Wis. Jack King, Corp., 3810 38th Place, Chicago. ■ Frederick Sonnick, R. D. i, Gladstone, Minn. J Steve JJalija (i), 1024 W. 19th St., Chicago. i Edward Engberg, R. D. i. Box 19, Slay ton, Minn. Adolph Gertsch, 343 Hazel St., Oshkosh, Wis. George Hann, R. D. 1, Hewitt, Minn. Nels Refsdal, R. D. i, Hayward, Wis. Frederick Anderson, Box 135, Dassel, Minn. Adolph Taussig, Corp., 3661 S. Wood St., Chicago. Frank Fay (i), 1449 W. i6th St., Chicago. Fraiik McKe.ver, R. D. 5, Yorkville. Louis L. Larson, R. D. 3, Box 55, Kennedy, Minn. Henry H. Stader (i), 1308 Lloyd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Leon N. Robideaux, R. D. i. Grey Eagle, Minn. Joseph A. Zaffrann (i), 849 5th Ave., Milwauke.e, Wis. Zack Greenwood (1), R. D. i, Hooppole. Jacob Loewen, Corp., R. D. 4, Mountain Lake, Minn. Robert E. Edgerly, R. D. 4, Savicka, Minn. Eugene J. LaVoie, R. D. i, Clarissa, Minn. John S. Kazmierczak (i), 400 Madison St., Beaver Dam. Wis. Carl Bartlet (i), Goodrich Star Route, Medford, Wis. Paul E. Golling, Trochu, Alberta, Canada. George, Kunferman, 611 Babcock St., Eau Claire, Wis. Herman G. Koehler, 2418 gth St., Rock Island. Paul D. Madden, Corp., 1514 Prairie St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward A. Leitzke, R. D. i. Box 37, Burnett Junc- tion, Wis. Henry J. Kessenich, Sgt., R. D. 3, Waunakee, Wis. Arthur Johnson, Sgt., 2025 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Richard M. Popp, Sgt., 1239 Scott St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur O. Meslo, 516 Pearl St., Yankton, S. D. Harry A. Fein, 822 9th St., Beloit, Wis. Richard H. Modrok, 422 Calumet St., Laurium, Mich. Edward J. Lauer, R. D. 4, Cambridge, Minn. James McMahon, 540 Niagar St., Eau Claire, Wis. Stanley Deleski (i), 21 14 Front St., East Ashland, Wis. Albe.rt Kotenberg, Corp., 127 Carrington St., Wau- pun, Wis. Oscar R. Johnson, 402 Mill St., Eau Claire, Wis. Fred Anderson, Hayward, Wis. John Frank, R. D. i. Box 56, Beaver Dam, Wis. Harrison Skeen (i), Nevis, Minn. Julius Johnson, R. D. i. Box 49, Bagley, Minn. Christ Madsen, 718 W. Hickory St., Stillwater, Minn. Emil A. Lueders (i), 2223 Vine St., Milwaukee, Wis. Philip J. Larkin, Corp., R. D. 2, Whitewater, Wis. Paul C. Young, R. D. i, Box 21, Black River Falls, Wis. Walter Gaudynski, 726 9tli Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Arnold Brooks, Forest Junction, Wis. Ernest L. Meyer, 1836 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Peter Swenson, R. D. 2, Randall, Iowa. Aleck Molzof, Preston, Wis. Thomas W. Reese (i), Colona. Edward Ritter, Corp., R. D. 4, Sauk Center, Minn. William M. Long, Box 71, Stark. Werner Stauffenecker, Foley, Minn. Pasquale Fantetti, 1317 W. Taylor St., Chicago. James Melik, 910 Maxwell St., Chicago. Myrle Cook, Box 84, Park Rapids, Minn. , Peter R. Knobel, Altoona, Wis. ) John Romanowski (i), Krakow, Wis. "Otto A. Milnor, Corp., Mankato, Minn. Mike Kozitka (i), Berndale, Minn. August J. Dana (i), R. D. 2, PhiUips, Wis. August Favia (i), 109 Union St., Neenah, Wis. Herman Demi, R. D. 3, Medford, Wis. Kendall Stone, R. D. s, Balaton, Minn. Emil Komorusk, R. D. i. Box 118, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Lewis N. Mergan, 1610 Ohio Ave., Superior, Wis. Anton Cmolik, Corp., 3216 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Gust G. Karameplas, 600 W. 120th St., Chicago. John A. Ramagnano, 1517 Gough St., Baltimore, Md, Valentine Ewald, R. D. 34, Campbellsport, Wis. THE 343RD INFANTRY 187 f-ouis Lorenz (i), 2621 W. 20th St., Chicago. Gottfried Linderoth, 1538 E. State St., Rockford. Joseph Schneider (i), 1327 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chi- cago Edward A. Friedrich (i), 407 Lincoln Ave., Peoria. Charles Dittxich, Corp., 7432 S. Champlain Ave., Chi- cago. George Dominik, Corp., 11 18 W. 17th St., Chicago. Joseph Maurer, Corp., Box 185, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Stanley Huggett, Corp., North Spring St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Joseph T. Durant, Corp., Wittenberg, Wis. Michael Krystyniak, Corp., 1809 W. 19th St., Chicago. Fred J. Carter, Sgt., 1544 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Fred Maloun, Sgt., 2014 S. Throop St., Chicago. Martin R. Bazar, Montgomery, Ala. William C. Beck, DuBois, Ind. Gurley Carter, R. D. i, Box 50, Fouke, Ark. William Engelke, 916 Gever Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Eric L. Fairchild, Brookhaven, Miss. Louis Knight, Geiger, Ala. Forrest F. Kess'inger, Quitman, Ark. James R. Martindale., Edmond, Kan. Sam Rothenberg, 120 S. 36th St., Omaha, Neb. Lee E. Smith, Creighton, Mo. Leonard Kelley, R. D. i, Grady, Ala. Willmer J. McCullom, Bluflfs. COMPANY C, 343RD INFANTRY Frank Lee, 1st Lt., North St., Gosport, England. Ronald V. Rike, ist Lt., LeRoy. Ray K. Kelly, 2d Lt., 857 Ainslee St., Chicago. Paul A. Poock, 2d Lt., 49 Patterson St., Dayton, O. John H. Bisset, ist Sgt., 1055 Wilson Ave^, Chicago. Valentine H. Rauber, Sgt., 758 Clinton Ave. N., Roch- ester, N. Y. Benjamin J. Krone (i), 527 i6th Ave., Moline. Joseph Breit, Jr. Mec, R. D. 12, Caledonia, Wis. Frederick Davies (i). Box 213, Fox Lake, Wis. Walter Platek, Cook, Blue Island. Harry W. Geib (i), 1747 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Charles W. Aniol, Cook, 1624 W. :8th St., Chicago. Charles R. Parrott, Corp., 2418 i8th St., Moline. Matthew Higgins (i), 513^^ 30th St., Rock Island. Henry L. Nagel, Mech., 1527 loth St., East Moline. John A. Czekan, Bug., 2049 W. i8th St., Chicago. Norris Cornfeld, Cook, 415 Pike St., Youngstown, O. John E. Bonin, Bug., R. D. 5, Manitowoc, Wis. John C. Sladek, Cook, 1735 W. 19th St., Chicago. Emil I. Gilbert, Mech., 407 Prescotte St., St. Paul, Minn. Herman T. Gustafson, Mech., 2614 4th Ave., Moline, Paul A. Stevens, Mess Sgt., 720 Jones St., San Fran cisco, Cal. Meyer Bernstein, Sgt., 1910 Washburne Ave., Chicago Clarence Hengels, Corp., 1519 S. Kildare Ave^, Chi cago. Henry Van Eperen (i), 120 Viola St., St. Paul, Minn Ewald A. Kuester (1), 12 Center St., New Ulm, Hinn Melvin E. Brenhaug, R. D. 3, Cambridge, Wis. Martin Benson, R. D. 3, Elroy, Wis. Oscar C. Johnson (1), Rice Lake, Wis. Peter Borregard, Corp., Kilkenny, Minn. Orley B. Lorensen, R. D. i, Catawba, Wis. Clarence^ Brennan (1), R. D. 2, Fort Byron. Simon Bondur (i), 914 W. i8th St. Place, Chicago. William S. West (i), Ontario, Wis. Elmer C. Miller, R. D., i. Box 248, Moline. Samuel J. Arnold, Cheyenne, Wyo. Bert D. Rodewald, Toluca. Mordecai Rosenberg, Corp., 1237 S. Avers Ave., Chi- cago. John L. Mcintosh, 2514 Bloomington Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Axel C. Nystrotn, 420 6th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Joseph Nietupski, R. D. 2, Box 62, Thorp, Wis. Gustave P. Levin, R. D. i. Box 84, Ogema, Wis. Alfa Staffenhagen (i), R. D. i, Akley, Minn. Robert C. Holtz, 1445 Oregon St., Oshkosh, Wis. Ben M. Liss, 701 Union St., Stevens Point, Wis. LeRoy W. Lundahl, Corp., 514% 20th St., Moline. Cyril J. Kreft, Athens, Wis. Paul Allard, Spring St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. George B. Coe, R. D. i. Port Byron. Henry A. Loock, 983 Oak St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Fred H. Stewart, Box 53, Hillsdale. Frank Nave (i), R. D. i. Box 228, Moline. Frank F. Heise, R. D. i, Kennan, Wis. William J. Klein, Corp., R. D. 2, Bern, Wis. Olaf Oberg (i), Neponset. RoUo L., 2516 4th Ave., Moline. Gideon Johnson (i), 19 Reeves St., Worcester, Mass. Mathias Griemann, 759 W. Minnehaha St., St. Paul, Minn. Otto F. Weinert, 467 Teaple St., Oshkosh, Wis. David G. Funkey, R. D. i, Box 11, Ogema, Wis. John Balackes, 1818 S. Halsted St., Chicago. William Schmidt, Corp., Lomira, Wis. Thomas O. Johnson (i), Grandview, Wis. Fred W. Jagow, Lomira, Wis. Ben B. Burnett (i), R. D. i, Spencer, Wis. Clarence E. McGuire, R. D. i, Richwood, Wis. Hilmar S. Henke (i), 1320 Holton St., I\Iilwaukee, Wis. Sam J. Finkle (i), 1446 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. Otto Popelier, Corp., 844 20th Ave., Moline. Paul A. Hirth (i), 2328 W. 20th St., Chicago. William C. Gotz, R. D. i, Auburndale, Wis. Joe, Hyde (i), 548 15th Ave., East Moline. John Dziedziak, 1612 Keenan St.. Chicago. Edward L. Rohrbeck, 1200 4th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Harvey Harrison (i), R. D. i. Box 30, Metropolis. Joseph Raddis, 1909 Glamm St., Racine, Wis. Herbert J. Niemann, Corp., 237 William St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Justin H. Follebout, Huntley, Mont. Charles J. Janda, Sgt., 1856 W. 17th St., Chicago. Benjamin Delaney, Sgt., 323 Foreman Ave., Lexington, Ky. Patrick J. Healy, Sgt., 737 S. Webster Ave., Chicago. Hulbert R. Holland, R. D. 3, Box 204, Memphis, Tenn. Felix Murz, R. D. 4, Thorp, Wis. Julius Groshek, R. D. i, Stevens Point, Wis. John W. Winter, R. D. i, Poysippi, Wis. George Schuttrol, 618 Engelmann St., Manistee, Mich. Frank A. Kummer, R. D. 6, Beaver Dam, Wis. John P. Gleason, Corp., 1733 E. 20th St., Chicago. Arthur A. Drager (i). Box 115, Gray Eagle, Minn. Cornelius W. Burk (i), S. Washington St., New Ulm, Minn. William Ziegenhagen, 846 5th Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Harry B. Alexander, West McHenry. Kamiel Huys, 922 Kilbourn Ave., Rockford. DeLester B. Lee, Hampton. George A. Bowitz (i), 2619 W. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. Harold J. Newton, Corp., Chase., British Columbia, Canada. Bert S. Ekstrand, 3211 43rd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Cecil Brastad, Exeland, Wis. Everett F. Holder (i), Nevada, Iowa. Victor Janowski, 12151 Lowe Ave., Chicago. John Sukanen, R. D. 1, Box i, Marengo, Wis. Benjamin Leukuma, 816 9th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl A. Jahnke, Corp., Geddis, Mich. Emil Norman (i), 230 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minn. August F. Heisa, R. D. i, Kennan, Wis. August A. Haase, R. D. 1, Bertha, Minn. Anton Nitka, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. Omer M. Demarek, R. D. i, Moline. John Hean, Catawba, Wis. Adiel Saejens, R. D. i, Moline. Clarence Dinse, Corp., 3218 W. Division St., Chicago. Arthur Declercq, 1923 jith St., Moline. Henry B. Crandell, 1911 Iowa Ave., Superior, Wis. Joseph Underbill (1), 2429 Hohn Ave., Superior, Wis. Edward W. Gust, Mayville, Wis. Paul S. Henkel, 589 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Visser (i), R. D. 2, Waupun, Wis. Louis V. Sullivan, Corp., 92 S. Main, Fond du Lac, Wis. John Lewandowsky, R. D. 3, Sheboygan, Wis. Benjamin Sachau, R. D. 2, Fort Byron. Ainar J. Fredericksmose, R. D. 4, Granada, Minn. Roman Mariefke, 1419 Michigan Ave. S., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter C. Hansen, R. D. 7, Box 18, Fairmont, Minn. Arnold J. Traxel, Butternut, Wis. Alfred Martell, Box 107, Goodman, Wis. John Schrober, Corp., R. D. 2, Royal, Wis. Harry Mueller (i), R. D. i. Box 206, Moline. i88 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Thomas W. Murphy (i), Loyal, Wis. Walter R. Stell (i), 1307 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Tames W. Higgins, 3428 Leavitt St., Chicago. Harvey L. Miller, Mt. Morris. Walter F. Frohrib, 106 Frankfort St., Oshkosh, Wis. Paul Jankiewicz, Corp., 1023 Greenbush St., Milwau- kee, Wis. John Raser (i), 406 5th Ave., Rock Island. Albert H. Wolf, Sgt., Arnold, Wis. Hymen M. Kramer, Sgt., 1846 W. 12th St., Chicago. Fred G. Evans, Sgt., 3622 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Oscar L. Peterson, R. D. 2, Spe.ncer, Iowa. Roman Kendhammer, R. D. 2, Box 39, LaCrosse, Wis. Anton Helminiak, R. D. 6, Box 43, Stevens Point, Wis. Oscar Herrmann, Medford, Wis. Gunnar Nelson, R. D. 7, Westboro, Wis. Clyde D. Jacobson, Corp., R. D. 3, Taylor, Texas. Frank J. Soda (i), 754 Church St. N., Watertown, Wis. Maurice J. Kuzenski, R. D. i. Box 37, Stetsonville, Wis. Sigurd O. Olson, R. D. 3, Benridge, Minn. Louis C. Eder, R. D. i, Box 11, Glidden, Wis. Peter W. Carlson, Waite Park, Alinn. Albert B. Calsen, 11 16 W. 2nd St., Davenport. Iowa. Elmer Johnson, Corp., iii E. Locust St., DeKalb. Earling B. Daniels, Elks City, Ore. William Powell (i), 1404 Pleasant St., DeJ'Calb. Stanley Kozelek, R. D. i, Polonia, Wis. John H. Mannikko, Brantwood, Wis. Vincent Przybylski, R. D. 4, Thorp, Wis. Clarence Berglund (i), 149 5th Ave., Moline. Herman B. Maslowski, R. D. i. Box gi, Bolognia, Wis. John Waitkov/icz, Corp., 903 3rd Ave., Wausau, Wis. George Niedercorn, R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. John B. Theisen, Box 85, Cold Springs, Wis. Byron James Todd, Box 55, Hinckley. William C. Wegner, R. D. 2, Box 10, Bertha, Minn. Herbert T. Syring, 5423 Tracy Ave., Superior, Wis. Nick Kosobuski, R. D. i, Rosholt, Wis. Herman (i), 2042 E. 22nd Place, Chicago. Joseph Hoher, Corp., 2308 6th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Howard Glasser, R. D. 4, Mountain Lake, Minn. John Katrych (i). Box 155, Cornell, Wis. Aubrey M. Leeman, R. D. i, Edgar, Wis. Walter Keen, R. D. 11, Knowlton, Wis. Anton F. Bedermann (i), 692 8th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis Arthur O. Albertz, R. D. 5, Box 92, Watertown, Wis. Albert J. Willms, Corp., 700 2nd Ave., Rock Island. Elno Byron Sperry, Box 93, Truman, Minn. William H. Hofmann, R. D. 2, Box 40, Dorchester, Wis. Benny Kantarovitz, 729 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alestin Verbeke, 524 7th St., Moline. Anthony F. Lukmin, R. D., Baxter, Mich. Andrew McCrea, 2345 Levitt St., Chicago. Albert S. Coe, Corp., R. D. i, Port Byron. William F. Staege (i), 512 Spruce St., Wausau, Wis. Frank F. Maday, R. D. 6, Fairmont, Minn. Alpheus Savage, R. D. i. Port Byron. Carl Wellcome (i), Sherburn, Minn. Hilmer A. Sather (i), 1838 E. 26th St., Minneapolis, Minn. William Russell (i). Fond du Lac, Wis. Erick W. Mattson, Corp., 615 W. Main St., Merrill, Wis. Jame,s R. Condon, 3533 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Paul K. Domrose, Sgt., 2443 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Richard llanrahan, 2154 Washburn Ave., Chicago. Albert C. Ilaake, Corp., 31 16 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. John Torp (i), ^37 N. Wa.shington St., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph F. Clossey, 501 Clark St., Reedsburg, Wis. Simon A. Schram, R. D. i. Box 82, Glidden, Wis. Bror A. Johnson, Salol, Minn. Charles W. Lembcke, R. D. i, Burtrum, Minn. John W. Johnson, Corp., R. D. i. Unity, Wis. Herbert Zimmermtnn (i), R. D. i, Ilelenville, Wis. Andrew Syryczyk, 173 Como Ave., St. Paul, Minn. I lewelyn J. Jones, Box 143, Cambria, Wis. He,nry H. Eder. R. D. i. Box 113, Glidden, Wis. Otto Pacourek, Rib Lake, Wis. Henry Sveom, R. D. 5, Brodhead, Wis. Gunder Beck, Ardeville, Wis. Elmer Shaw, Corp., Holcombe, Wis. August J. Gerhardt (i), R. D. i, East Moline. John H. Ducat, R. D. 3, Box 102, Lena, Wis. Dave R. Peterson (i), 132 19th St., East Moline. Henry J. Nelson (i), R. D. 2, I5ox 114, Braham, Minn. Mauritz Martinson (i), R. D. i, DeKalb. James Martin (i), Reserve, Wis. Thomas Zeman, R. D. 3, Box 8, Friendship, Wis. Henry Selno, Corp., Albany, Wis. William Whittaker, 1511 N. sth St., Superior, Wis. Gordon H. Knoll, 526 7th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edward Spuck, 1945 D. 21st St., Chicago. Edward H. Willms (i), 1533 12th St., Rock Island. George Geyter, 1502 44th St., Rock Island. Peter Matekaites, 9)6 Locust St., DeKalb. Forest F. Smith, Corp., Nevis, Minn. Sam D. IMargolis (1), Box 540, Dewitt, Iowa. Walter W. Born, R. D. i, Box 2, Loganville, Wis. John Obereine.r, 2124 W. 20th St., Chicago. Julius Staerkel, 127 7th Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. David C. Peterson (i), R. D. 2, Box 65, Garfield, Minn. Carl A. Nelson (i), R. D. 2, Ogema, Wis. .\ntonio Marini, Corp., 272 Ellen St., Milwaukee, Wis. Reuben Hendrickson, 1629 loth St., Moline. Joseph P. Lamers, R. D. 2, Junction City, Wis. lames A. Irwin, 219 ist St. ^f., Minneapolis, Minn. Clyde Faulkner, Camp Douglas, Wis. John A. Alford, 1541 Dickson St., Chicago. Alfreda Montironi (i), Mondovi, Prov., Pesais, Italy. Harold Axford, R. D. 4, Truman, Minn. Toseph Brady, Corp., 3836 Lowe Ave., Chicago. John C. Przonocwki, 756 25th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Michael Doomas (i), 2315 W. 24th St., Chicago. Frank Walsh (i), 64 E. Geranium St., St. Paul, Minn. Hjalmar Sikdola, Box 178, Brantwood, Wis. George T. Ivers, R. D. 25, Mayville, N. Y. Harry Fann, Corp., 1251 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Leon T. Walkowicz, Sgt., 1743 W. 18th St., Chicago. Alfred Klippel, 975 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Stanley Gixycki, 1642 Dickson St., Chicago. Paul A. Carlson, R. D. i, Welch, Minn. Nathan J. Nudelman, Hoquiam, Wash. William G. Tetzlaff, 1813 N. i6th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank I^. Phillips, 209 E. Hunter St., Atlanta, Ga. Laverne i)anielson, 1810 13th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Max D. llymnn, 210 High St., Elmira, N. Y. Felix James, Wapanucka, Okla. William Frentzen, 525 Union Place, Union, N. J. Harry J. lleyman, 71 i6th Ave., Newark, N. J. COMPANY D, 343RD INFANTRY Russell E. Ilartman, ist Lt., Kilbovn"n, Wis. Guthrie G. Hillix, ist Lt., 2705 Lafayette St., St. Joseph, Mo. Lee B. Morey, ist Lt., 453 S. 5th St., Clinton, Ind. Henry C. Ra.smussen, 2d Lt., Tajile Grove. John A. Kornak, ist Sgt., 2635 W. 20th St., Chicago. Andrew P. Cribben, Sup. Sgt., 2720 W. i6th St., Chi- cago. Michael F. Bertonz, 2059 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Bennie Christiansen, Mech., 3320 i6th Ave,. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Hubert R. Hamp (i), 1145 39th St., Rock Island. Theodore Buchinger, Cook, 2658 W. i8th St., Chicago. William Marquart (i). Box 82, Randolph, Wis. Lawrence O. Boyle, Cook, 211 5 W. 21st Place, Chi- cago. Edward J. Tomenendal, Corp., 2834 W. 21st St., Chi- cago. Edward J. Naker (i), R. D. 5, West Allis, Wis. Anton Siiwa, Mech., 2629 W. 17th St., Chicago. William E. Kreig, Bug., 2715 W. isth Place, Chicago. Charles A. Ford, Cook, 5717 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Edmund Swiercz, Bug., 21 11 Marshall Blvd., Chicago. Einar Berg, Cook, 910 29th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph R. Tobin, Mech., Potosi, Wis. THE 343RD INFANTRY 189 John A. Wallin, Mech., 4631 Lundal Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. .Albert Boiris, Mess Sgt., 2715 W. istli St., Chicago. Frank P. Knipper, Sgt., 6635 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Glen O. Tohnston, Cass Lake, Minn. Theodore 'Gerdes awrence McDonough, Sgt., 2838 Harrison St., Chicago. William Manteufel, Sgt., 2721 Melrose St., Chicago. Frank J. Eagan, 7645 Dante Ave., Chicago. Joseph P. Dollard, 124 Baker Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. George Holian, 343 Auburn St., Manchester, N. H. George C. Shipp, R. D. 2, Putnam. Lafayette White, Lamar, Ark. Roe M. Stebbins, Box 47, Magnolia, Iowa. Earl F. Davey, I^oganville, Wis. Herman J. Rueger, Fennimore, Wis. Harry F. Morris, Rock Creek, Minn. William H. Crane, 7450 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Francis J. Wolfe, Superior St., Ottawa. COMPANY M, 343RD INFANTRY Theodore H. Tapping, Capt., 11 09 Knowille Ave., Peoria. Earl L. Spencer, 1st Lt., R. D. i, Pinua, Ohio. Frederick Marlow, ist Lt., 1125 Oakland Ave,., Mt. Vernon. Harold F. Leahy, 2d Lt., 187 N. Dearborn St., Chi- cago. Isaac Corkland, 2d Lt., 204 E. sth Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Ralph A. Freel, 2d Lt., 2020 W. Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. Bernard M. Rosen, 1st Sgt., 46 Upper Union St., Hull, England. Walter A. Krull, Sgt., 1623 Augusta St., Chicago. Ike Cohen (1), McClellan Paper Co., Minneapolis, Minn. John J.Kapala, Mech., 1321 3rd St. N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Othmar S. B. Gantert (1), 811 14th Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. Henry Frenk, Cook, 1032 N. Wood St., Chicago. Melvin Olson (i), 1428 Adams St., LaCrosse, Wis. Herman Wittrock, Cook, Kiel, Wis. Ernest J. Schleck, Corp., 706 Monroe Ave. S., Mil- waukee, Wis. Charlie Carr (i), 608 N. 9th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Thaddeus Krusze.wski, Mech., 746 sth Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Bennie A. Swenson, R. D. i. Box 57, Chetek, Wis. William Dwinnell, Cook, 2704 9th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Krajecki, Bug., 1851 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Luicano Mulletto, Cook, 821 Hartwell Ave., Waukesha, Wis. John M. Davis, Mech., R. D. 24, Mason City, Iowa. Carl R. Wandry, Mech., 400 Naymut St., Menasha, Wis. Steve J. Kaminski, Sgt., 1800 W. Armitage Ave., Chi- cago. Robert E. Taylor, Sgt., 6144 Bishop St., Chicago. Will J. Lambert, R. D. i, Almena, Wis. Del O. Winters, 2225 Marquette Ave., Madison, Wis. John A. Andrews (i), Hamilton. Gust Anderson, R. D. 4, Cambridge, Minn. Otto Nelson, R. D. 1, Box 65, Stanchfield, Minn. Otto F. A. Scharlau (i), R. D. 2, Rice Lake, Wis. Joseph E. Kronhelm, 810 Arthur Ave., Milwaukee,, Wis. Hollis H. Peer (i), R. D. i, Comstock, Wis. Theodore A. Koster, R. D. 5, Sterling. Andy J. Simko, Corp., 1628 California St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred H. Zink, Jr., R. D. 4, Spring Valley, Minn. Arthur A. LaGrebloom, Chisholm, Minn. D. Kerrott, Corp., 2722 W. 44th St., Minne- apolis. Minn. Ali Ben Hassen (1), 320 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Theodore A. Thronson (1). Box 104, Houston, Minn. Frank Kobek, R. D. 1, Polonia, Wis. Frank H. Stuhser, 728 2nd St., Menasha, Wis. Anton A. Pliska, R. D. i. Box 47, Russell,. Wis. Stephen H. I^askey (i), Kirkland. Carl F. Meding (1), 2900 DuPont Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. Frank M. Palmer, Cumberland, Wis. Ca'l L. T.ouis, R. D. 3, Barron, Wis. William T^arson, R. D. i, Cumberland, Wis. John J. Hauer, R. D. 2, I5ox 48, Auburndale, Wis. Frank Hilgart, Box 94, Park Falls, Wis. Salmer Javner, Camerson, Wis. Archie McDonald, care Henrv Denffield, Sr., Wausau, Wis. Selmer J. Quam, R. D. 5, Box 73, Cannon Falls, Minn. fieorge A. Scharbius, 1900 1st St., Merrill, Wis. William G. Pitzrick, Bowning, Wis. Edward Plain (i). Rice Lake, Wis. Albert F. W. Lahn, R. D. 2, Fairchild, Wis. Emil H. Sabrowsky (i), R. D. 1, Albany, Wis. John Boniecki, 711 Van Buren St. Paul, Minn. Hugh McHugh, Corp., 541 E. 49th St., Chicago. Thomas C. Romme (1), 520% Bellinger St., Eau Claire, Wis. Joe Lapien (i), Dayton, Pa. Oscar L. Paulson, 108 3rd St., Eau Claire, Wis. Saba Assed, 307 Main St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Sidney Snell, Matherville. Colonel H. Jones (i), Waunay, S. D. Colbon J. Saboe, Corp., R. D. 1, Box 14, Belgrade, Minn. William Mlejnek (1), R. D. 6, Box 26, Rice Lake, Wis. John F. Riskey, 924 Farrington Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John F. Syzmanski (i), Robins, Wis. John McDermott, Felts, Wis. Sam Suchon, R. D. 2, Albion, Wis. Ignatius S. Kapacius, 12120 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Walter Boettcher, Corp., 868 22nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. THE 343RD INFANTRY 203 Vincent Rzepkowski, Corp., 96 Somner St., N. Tana- wanda, N. Y. Charles Wilkie, Sgt., 813 W. S3rd St., Chicago. Stanley J. Tarnecki, Sgt., 1425 Dickson St., Chicago. Emil K. Rodenberg, Sgt., 2831 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Wallace J. Shields, Corp., R. D. 22, Nashotah, Wis. WilHam G. Theese, R. D. i, Barronett, Wis. George I. Riedel (i), Mosinee, Wis. Leon L. Kahn, Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. Arthur Matlison, R. D. 3, Box 44, Eleva, Wis. George A. Amunson (i). Black River Falls, Wis. Leslie L. Rasmussen, Corp., R. D. 2, Belmont, Wis. Christ Jeffries, 1808 S. State St., Chicago. Daniel W. Sullivan, 2623 St. Paul Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry Lynn L. Havens (i), R. D. 1, Welch, Minn. Edward M. Larson, R. D. i. Box 79, Rice Lake, Wis. John Danielson, 625 E. Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Dores D. Smith, Albany. Fred Woebkenberg, Corp., 624 12th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. Otto W. We,ndorf, Schofield, Wis. Elmer H. Krier, R. D. i. Box 78, Cameron, Wis. George E. Stichter (i), Fenton. Rudolph Lemke, R. D. 2, Bethel, Minn. Fred J. Dezur, R. D. i, Ringle, Wis. Louis Yurkovetsky, 191 1 4th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur A. Franke, 29 23rd Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter Lampe, Corp., 66 W. 4th St., Winona, Minn. Joseph George, 721 Washington Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Leier (i), 1381 Hawley Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Martin Neby, R. D. i, Comstock, Wis. Mike J. Schultz (i), 739 Racine, Wis. John F. Jonas, R. D. i, Goodhue, Minn. George Schre.iner (i), 332 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Edwin D. Siewert, R. D. 5, Box 53, Rice Lake, Wis. Andrew F. Schmitz, Corp., 6502 Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. Frank L. Kowalski, R. D. 4, Box 155, Thorpe, Wis. Stanley H. Carlson, 3615 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ben A. Andersen, 705 nth Ave. W., Ashland, Wis. Warren W. Assels, 305 3rd Ave. N., Wausau, Wis. Arthur F. Pankow (i), R. D. 6, Box 36, Merrill, Wis. Henry Wessels (i), R. D. 3, Baldwin, Wis. Alfred A. Odland, R. D. i, Belgrade, Minn. Bernard Tarlach, Corp., 1363 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Joseph F. Kostick, 1328 2nd St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert J. Tracy, 457 N. Paulina St., Chicago. Edward Joyce, R. D. i. Box 62, Greenwood, Wis. William Brown, R. D. i, Roseville. ' LeRoy G. Staber, Mineral Point, Wis. John Bartoloth (i), 468 39th Ave., Milwauke.e, Wis. Herman J. Laing, Freeport, Minn. Emil L. Hansen, Corp., R. D. 4, West Allis, Wis. Harry H. Huntley, 1003 Wyman St., New London, Wis. Arthur F. Brand, 1506 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. lis J. ' Minn. Louis J. Asche d, I S06 Cli r (i), 171 5 5th St. N., Minneapolis, John A. Lineski, 1601 California St. N. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. George W. Carlson, R. D. i. Box 96, Center City, Minn. John Stankocwicz (i), 8.';7 May St., Chicago. Charles H. VanSickel, . Corp., Growing County, Cross Lake, Minn. Ernest F. Radtke, 612 17th St., Oshkosh, Wis. George W. Olson, Sgt., 3350 Lowe Ave., Chicago. John Feciura, Sgt., 1627 N. Gerard St., Chicago. John L. Burt, Sgt., 916 Grant St., Wausau, Wis. John A. Sederburg, R. D. i, Box 3, North Branch, Minn. Edwin E. Swanson, Box 131, Park Falls, Wis. William C. Lueck, R. D. i. Box 16, Stetsonville, Wis. Arthur L. Anderson, R. D. i, Rosholt, Wis. L. Frank Wine.tzki, 309 2nd St., Wausau, Wis. Herman A. Berg (i), Algoma, Wis. Steve C. Smith, Corp., 217 North E. St., Monmouth. Reuben Olson, R. D. 2, Cambridge, Minn. Alex G. Anderson, 328 4th Ave. N. W., Wausau, Wis. Sander Ness, 119 Mount Airy St., St. Paul, Minn. Thomas J. Joyce, 32 Rawson St., Dorchester, Mass. Earl F. Weaver, Box 36, Elcho, Wis. Joseph Hillinski, 306 2nd St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward A. Burns, 401 E. 4th St., Merrill, Wis. Walter H. Ahrenkiel, Corp., Goodell, Iowa. Richard Crawford, 733 3rd St., Menasha, Wis. William E. Langrehr, R. D. 2, Box 65, Granton, Wis. John McCaghy (i), R. D. 9, Box 45, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Emil E. Kroth, R. D. 4, Box 112, Neillsville, Wis. Carl Potterud, Dorchester, Wis. Gust A. Fisse (i), R. D. 2, Box 12, Dorchester, Wis. Earl E. Stofflet, R. D. 4, Elba, Wis. Edwin G. Podewils, Corp., R. D. 13; 'Brookfield, Wis. Nicholas Kuchler, 714 24th St., Milwauke.e, Wis. Carl E. Johnson (i), R. D. 2, Box 109, Rudolph, Wis. Emil A. Larson, R. D. 4, Box 40, Chetek, Wis. Louis Pollnow (i), R. D. 5, Neillsville, Wis. Ernest Jackson, 524 W. Mifflit St., Madison, Wis. Gorman G. Leichtman ''i), Abbotsford, Wis. V^ito Santarseri, 766 Giipin Place, Chicago. Hans J. Thyregod, Corp., i Congress St., Westfield, Mass. Elmer J. Peterson, R. D. i, Box 9, LeRoy, Minn. Henry Nelson, R. D. 2, Thorpe, Wis. Henry E. Jebram, R. D. i. Box A, Red Wing, Minn. Henry Schaal, R. D. 4, Box 15, Barron, Wis. George Anderson, 2419 26th Ave., Migneapolis, Minn. Walter A. Phillips, Randolph, Wis. Walter E. Donovan (i), 8216 Green St., Chicago. Fred Krell, Corp., 3021 Southport Ave., Chicago. Max H. Schultze (i), R. D. 3, Box 62, Thorpe, Wis. Carl M. Brenner, 1412 S. 9tn St., LaCrosse, Wis. Hjalmar I. Lokken, 1226 Charles St., LaCrosse, Wis. Richard Selz, R. D. i, Humbird, Wis. William Sullivan, 314 VonMinden St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward A. McCormick, Corp., Gen. Del., Denver, Colo. Clarence J. Nelson, R. D. 4, Greenwood, Wis. Oscar Albitz, 928 S. 3rd St., LaCrosse, Wis. Anton Czewski, 703 Kinoikinnic Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Donald Wick, 1212 ist Ave., Sterling. Fred Buss (i), R. D. i, Oneons, Wis. Frank Gebbia, Corp., 1754 Gerard St., Chicago. Fred W. Siewert, R. D. 2, Barron, Wis. Henry L. Kruege.r, Sgt., 1706 Augusta St., Chicago. Fred M. Wennerberg, Sgt., 6048 S. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Adam Gawrys, Sgt., 613 Bridge St., Holyoke, Mass. Kalmar L. Ness, R. D. 2, Clayton, Wis. Carl G. Swan, R. D. 2, Box 119, Barron, Wis. Albert R. Butzlaflf (i), looi 4th Ave. S., Wausau, Wis. .\nton Fredericks, R. D. 2, Box 381, Melrose, Minn. Gilbert A. Knutson, R. D. 3, Chetek, Wis. .\ndrew G. Anderson, 514 W. Water St., Neenah, Wis. Paul J. Thekan, Corp., 475 40th Ave., West Milwau- kee. Wis. Josefjh Wisinski, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. Ferdinand ButzlafT, 1005 Muskego Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Ray M. Keran, 2100 Irving Ave. M., Minneapolis, Minn. Martin Shulist (i), R. D. i, Polonia, Wis. Max Silverstein, Corp., 1204 Emerson Ave. N., Minne- apolis, Minn. Ephriam C. Anderson, R. D. i. Bethel, Minn. Stanley Zwalharulzuki, R. D. 2, Wykoff, Minn. George Zluticky, Corp., R. D. i. Box 16, Brecken- ridge, Minn. Herman A. Williams, R. D. i. Box in, Taylors Falls, Minn. John C. Totoian (i), 11 700 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Roger A. Lewis, R. D. i, Stevens Point, Wis. John Haegerl, R. D. i, Box 77, Butternut, Wis. Ole Solhein, 209 2nd Ave. W., Ashland, Wis. Oscar E. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 15, L'nity, Wis. Gustaf E. Hoglund, R. D. i. Box 62, Onamia, Minn. Otto Willert, Corp., Muskego, Wis. Fred A. Ellis (i), 177 Pleasant Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Holljer E. Ross, Cedar, l\1inn. Stanley Jablonski (i), R. D. 2, Thorp, Wis. Ignatz W. Switalski, Cudahy, Wis. Alfred O. Kringle, Mikana, Wis. Harry Dadaen, 11 02 N. Main St., Racine, Wis. Herman I. Maki, Middle River, Minn. Friederich G. Vieths, Corp., Box 7, Goodhue, Minn. Adolph Wangen (i), R. D. i, Box 82, Whalan, Minn. William A. Suess, R. D. i. Box 56 A, Barron, Wis. 204 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Earl C. Bear (i), K D. 2, Joy. Uno H. Warner (i), R. D. 2, Harris, Minn. Reuben Vrieze, R. D. i. Lime Springs, Iowa. Kittel N. Letmolee (i), Princeville, Sask., Canada. Julius C. Spencer, Corp., 143 1 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Harold R. Gilbert, R. D. 2, Sterling. George J. Stahl, R. D. i. WycofT, Minn. Walter J. Kaneiss, 2626 North Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Reuben A. Broin, R. D. 2, Nerstrand, Minn. Roland H. Danielson, R. D. 4, Box 44, New Lisbon, Wis. Hazar Barsamian, South Milwaukee, Wis. Jack Schmidt, Corp., 787!/^ 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Boyd J. Gammell (i). Box 52, Spring Valley, Minn. William Born (i), 2209 Elm St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Ferrians, R. D. 2, Melrose, Minn. Elijah E. Brown (i), R. D, 6, Aledo. Alphofise Linster, R. D. s, Ncillsville, Wis. Wallace B. Taylor, Chaska, Minn. Sugvald G. Nelson, Corp., 421 ist St., Willmar, Minn. Otto F. Volker, Sgt., 1508 Broadway, Menomonee, Wis. Michael Nero, 7th Road, Limestone Co., Waukesha, Wis. Edward Schorr, Sgt., 1825 N. Lincoln St., Chicago. William P. Mulvey, 559 W. 42nd Place, Chicago. David W. Murray, Naples, S. D. Duane W.- Rockv^ell, 637 E. Main St.,, Reedsburg, Wis. Henry H. Peters, 98 Park Place, St. Paul, Minn. Edward H. Schara, 2838 Pine St., Dubuque, Iowa. Charles Levinson, 331 9th St.j Oshkosh, Wis. Robert A. Murphy, 943 Winnebago St., Rockford. Joseph Dvorak, Corp., 1908 Troy St., Chicago. SANITARY DETACHMENT, 343RD INFANTRY Carl F. Hartmann, Maj., Wausech, Ohio. Ge.orge Hoffmeister, Capt., Imperial, Neb. Henry A. Rasmussen, ist Lt., 6840 Cornell Ave., Chi- cago. Albert E. Mondrick, ist Lt., Cameron, Texas. Clive A. Moss, ist Lt., Lawrenceburg, Ky. Robert V. Murray, ist Lt., 4412 Avenue B, Austin, Texas. John S. Lommen, ist Lt., Caledonia, Minn. Frank B. Wilson, ist Lt. &_ Chap., 726 nth St., Mil- mette. Albert G. Wicke, ist Lit. & Chap., Loocootee, Ind. Morris Wulbe.rt, Sgt., 3826 Greenshaw St., Chicago. William J. Friedl, Sgt. (i), 1925 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Claude E. Re,amer, Sgt., 317 E. sth St., Sedalia, Mo. Carl J. Goebel, 11 16 Francis St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Arthur C. Walton, 4129 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Louis A. Uhlmann, 11 32 N. Mozart St., Chicago. John G. Hopkinson, 3602 Lexington St., Chicago. Ernest H. Conley (i), 80 Park Ave., Akron, Ohio. Edward H. Leider, 1636 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. Michael J. Doyle, 452 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Raymond Wilhelm (i), Bryan, Ohio. Chester A. Tongen, Zumbrota, Minn. John H. Goodell, 477 Woodlawn Ave., Aurora. John A. Carter (i), 218 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago. William L. Larsen, 1206 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Harry Levine (i), 423 S. 5th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur G. Fabbri, 36 Sutton Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Edward J. Hezoucky (i), 342 W. i8th St., Chicago. Charles H. Trotcky, Sgt., 1326 S. Troy St., Chicago. Verne G. Lake, R. D. 24, Princeville. James B. Lewis' (i), 317% W. 8th St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Louis Sibal (i), 2530 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Morton A. Gutteboe, Strong City, Iowa. Fay Davenport, Soldiers Grove, Wis. Carl A. Young, 928 Gurfield Ave,., Duluth, Minn. Fred Tebbent, Woodstock, Minn. Aaron J. Westberg, 1425 i8th Ave., Moline. Thomas M. Burns, 4214 W. Park Ave., Chicago. John W. Tomnitz, Delano, Minn. Herbert H. Rodau, R. D. 28, Beloit, Wis. Louis J. Vovesny, 1616 W. i8th St., Chicago. Jerry F. Sedlak, 2441 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Hoy D. Williams (i), 400 Park Ave., Fulton, Ky. Nicholas Mienies, 3340 31st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. George H. Dallman, 420 E. Fulton St., Edgerton, Wis. John R. Krahulec, 2650 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. William L. Smith, Lost River, W. Va. Mitchell Krupinski, 11 18 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Ernest W. Luethe, Norwalk, Wis. John C. Markuson, 11 15 ist Ave. N., Faribault, Minn. Oscar A. Olson, Mt. Morris. Frederick Schulz, 1013 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul Moline, Winstad, Minn. Joseph F. Kulawiak (i), 2x56 W. i8th St., Chicago. Robert H. Laue, River Falls, Wis. Nicholas Bollinger (i), 5648 S. Paulina St., Chicago. August Ze.iger (i), 8052 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Frank O. Thornton, 816 S. 3rd St., Monmouth. Wladas Gedwill, 3203 Lime St., Chicago. Leonard G. Litewski, Sgt., 3349 Evergreen Ave., Chi- cago. DDf' ^ OFFICERS CLUB AT LE MANS THE 344TH INFANTRY REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS, 344TH INFANTRY Henry A. Hanigan, Col., Ramona, Cal. Joel M. Bowlby, Capt., 3849 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Carl V. Burger, Capt., Maryville, Tenn. Milton E. Carter, Capt., 327 ,N. Aydelotte St., Shawnee, Oklahoma. Joan A. Grembowicz, ist Lt., 8026 S. Shore Drive, Chi- cago. John H. Smale, Maj., 2042 Monroe St., Chicago. Maurice R. Preston, ist Lt., Surf Apart. Hotel, Chicago. George R. Bierman, 2d Lt., 2207 i6th St., Omaha, Neb. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 344TH INFANTRY Kenneth H. Smith, Capt., 808 W. University Ave., Cham- paign. Siegfried Maurer, 1st Lt., Eugene, Ore. Melville Griffiths, 1st Lt., 4403 Oaken wald Ave.. Chicago. Elliott S. Miller, 1st Lt., 175 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park. Norman Dietrich, 2d Lt., 3939 N. Kenneth Ave., Chi- cago. Albert C. Spierling, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 482 2d Ave., Aurora. George H. Arnold, Sgt Maj.. 912 Sedgwick St., Chicago. Nino Marcelli, Bd. Ldr., 949 Elizabeth St., San Francisco, California. Hartwell T. Bynum, Bn. Sgt. Maj., Liberty, Tenn. William J. Call, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 16 S. Lincoln St., Chi- cago. Francis C. Johns, 1st Sgt., 208 Ash Ave., Montreal, Can. Charles W. Hartel, Col. Sgt., 2236 Monroe St., Chicago. Charles Wilkens, Jr., Sgt., 18 Chalmers PL, Chicago. Arnold O. Anhalt, Asst. Bd. Ldr., 3536 N. Robey St., Chicago. Stratford Colditz, Sgt. Bug., 320 loth St., Rochelle. Henry H. Schmidt, Sup. Sgt., Economy Hotel, Min- neapolis, Minn. Raymond Kirschner, Mess Sgt., 5547 N. Clark St., Chi- cago. Charles Gardner, Sgt., Hodgenville, Ky. Clarence Anderson, Sgt., 948 Barry Ave., Chicago. Benjamin Zimmerman, Sgt., 1447 N. LaSalle St.,' Chi- cago. William Fuhr, Corp., 1220 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edwin W. Rettich, Sgt., 3934 N. Hamilton Ave., Chi- cago. Walter E. Roos, Corp., 1214 Elmdale Ave., Chicago. Herbert Dittmar, Mech.. 516 56th St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Benjamin Jones, Corp., Humbolt, Kan. Reid O. Gruber, Corp., 1953 W. Monroe St., Chicago. James J. Van Braak, Corp., 3023 Garfield Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward J. Schneider, Corp., 1907 Nelson St., Chicago. Gotfried Anderson, Mech., 3122 Clifton Ave., Chicago. Wallace Kennedy, Corp., 1934 Union Ave.. Chicago. Theo. A. Grueschow, Mech., R. D. 5, Box 52, West Bend, Wis. Frederick Erickson, Cook, 3324 Clifton Ave., Chicago. George I. Bartl, Cook; 72 Main St., Valparaiso, Ind. Nickolas Dinschel, Cook, 2435 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. Arthur W. Edstrand, Cook, 3620 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Joseph Stellato, Cook, 6962 Ellwood Ave., Chicago. Frank W. Tyzak, Cook, 1137 Richmond St., Chicago. Emil Swansen, Mech., 5053 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. James J. King, Corp., 5448 Glenwood Ave., Chicago. Richard Poulton, Chauf., 419 Julian St., Belvidere. Carl J. Dittrich, Kiel, Wis. William M. Zink, 163 1 Wolfram St., Chicago. George W. Herbst, 104 N. Des Plaines St., Joliet. James Lightfoot, 341 12th St., Cloquet, Minn. Harold C. Anderson, 927 Grand Ave., E., Eau Claire, Wis. Jack F. Rissman, 418 S. sth Ave., Chicago. Elmer M. Wangen, 418 N. 60th Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Frank Miller (i), Cicero, Ind. Linton H. Hall, 401 McFerrin Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Harold J. Hartman (1), 5200 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Arthur Luttman (1), 1561 Clybourn Ave., Chicago. Emil F. Rusch, Reedsburg, Wis. William A. Stevens, 403 12th Ave., Sterling. Edward Robertson, Hs., 2070 W. Polk St., Chicago. Kai G. Peterson. 4402 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. Anthony J. McNulty, Sgt., 5809 Paulina St., Chicago. Curt W'ebber, 67 Condict St., Jersey City, N. J. Peter J. Felten (1), 4347 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. George F. Harkin, 2923 W. Adams St., Chicago. Jaccb Schriver, Horse Creek, Mont. Louis Schultz, Downsville. Wis. Arthur A. Calvin (1), Illinois Steel Co., Hospital, Chi- cago. Louis T. Kersten, 235 S. Highland Ave., Aurora. John E. Murley, 1469 Gregory St., Chicago. Carl A. Theorin, R. D. 1, Bo.x 27, Fridley, Minn. William J. Surman, Corp., 535 Rush St., Chicago. Joseph W. Peterson, Court House, Hudson, Wis. Raymond Rietzler, 4535 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Carl Huber, 811 Weed St., Chicago. Francis P. Brown (1), 2906 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Edward Conley, Sgt., 2801 Hickory St., St. Louis, Mo. Israel Silbert, 3141 Lexington St., Chicago. Fred D. Wood, Owen, Wis. Ellison Haskins, Oxford, Wis. George H. Brown, Sgt., 1550 N. State Parkway, Chi cago. Herman Reichman, 232 Williams St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alvin W. Powell, R. D. i. Victory, Wis. .Stanley Griswold, 1410 Breda St., St. Paul, Minn. Sigurd Werner, 1213 9th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John P. Beahan, Sgt., 615 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Harry L. Geer, R. D. 3, Lamar, Colo. Walter Luck, 414 33d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank W. Wells, 1216 2otli Ave., Rockford. Elmer J. Etta, Loyal, Wis. Augusta S. Newman, C901 Kenmore Ave.. Chicago. Robert Pacelli, Corp., 714 Bunker St., Chicago. Martin Adomaitia, Mus. (2), 618 W. i8th St., Chicago. William Valentine, Sgt., 1407 Harrison St.. Chicago. William Florian, 2451 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. Leland M. Forman, Neillsville, Wis. Lester W. Stimm, Ogden St., Medford, Wis. Charles E. Darby, Tampico. Carl F. Hoppe, 121 Walsh St., Joliet. Stanley Samborski, Corp., 1318 Wade St., Chicago. Otto F. Yahnke, 3048 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Don Austin, Mus. (1), 1526 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Ward W. Johnson, 433 Jackson St., Grand Rapids, Wis. Bert W. Hocking, 1159 N. Court St., Rockford. Harry Behrns, Chaska, Minn. Archie Haight, Medford, Wis. Joseph J. Moulis, 1616 S. loth St., LaCrosse, Wis. Lloyd Richardson, Mus. (3), 2351 Clarkson St., Den- ver, Colo. Frank Smerz, 4341 W. 20th St., Chicago. Salvatore Castiglione, Mus. (2), 737 W. Ohio St., Chi- cago. Arthur J. Theiler, New Clarus, Wis. Russell McElfresh, Malta, Ohio. Frank C. Revenaugh, Malta, Ohio. Russell V. Morgan, 1355 Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago. Stanley Pokorzynski, Mus. (3), 1055 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Michael Dina, Corp., 472 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Otto R. Molzahn, 609 N. isfh St., LaCrosse, Wis. • Eone P. "Richey, Mus. (3), 3826 West End Ave., Chi- cago. ■ ' Victor Cole, Mus. (3), 513 E. Boone St., Marshaltown, Iowa. Frank Locante, 831 Park St., Kenosha, Wis. Charles H. Karsch, Mus. (3), 1404 Sedgwick St., Chi- cago. Angelo Brullo, Mus. (2), 607 N. Curtis St., Chicago. Pasquale Merra, 1031 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Frederick Bachrodt, Mus. (3), 1324 Otto St., Chicago. Le Roy E. Gray, Mus. (3), 507 W. Palm St., Medford, Ore. Anthony Caligur:, Mus. (3), 637 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Zdzislaw S. Boren, Mus. (3), 1238 Dixon St., Chicago. 205 206 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION COLONEL BENJAMIN T. SIMMONS First commander of the 344th Infantry; later on duty with War Plans Division, General Staff, and then brigadier general commanding the Nineteenth Division at Camp Dodge. THE 344TH INFANTRY 207 Michael Guerrieri, Mus. (2), 529 N. Carpenter St., Chicago. Mike Robilotta, 3744 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Rudolph Kotlaba, R. D. 2, Bridgeport, Wis. Albert Martinson, Clinton, Minn. Roy C. Whitney, R. D. 4, Elk Mound, Wis. Charles Hill, Sgt., 319 Seminary St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Charles Bouschor, Appleton, Wis. Ernest Rosenberg, 1338 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago. Herbert Sackreiter, Bex 97, Lewiston, Minn. Axel P. Erickson, R. D. i, Braham, Minn. Walter H. Beiike, 507 4th Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. Henry Gabler, Highland, Wis. Lawrence Markey, Corp., 1605 E. Washington St., Springfield. Charles Kirchner, Box 134, Lannon, Wis. John \V. Daly, 806 W. 14th PI., Chicago. Fred C. Michelsen, Milltown, Wis. John A. Scherer, Thawville. Frank G. Stahl, 1531 S. nth St., Sheboygan, Wis. Oscar Mattson, 4825 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Chris Hendrickson, 3104 E. 24th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur Oberg, Maple Plain, Minn. Albert Burgeson (i), 1505 Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago. Buford J. Frye, Wyeville, Wis. Axel Kellstrom (i), 2657 Bosworth Ave., Chicago. William H. Slater, Burlington, Wash. Norman Forsland, R. D. i, Pelican Rapids, Minn. John A. Peterson, Morse, Wis. Eddie A. Swanson, 1019 6th St., Rockford. Oscar F. Anderson, Corp., 1729 Balmoral Ave., Chicago. Joseph J. Heimann, 844 Bellevue Ave., Elgin. Michael J. McGee, 1417 S. Court St., Rockford. '"' Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, Johafnnes Clausen, 19 19 Minn. John Gregg, 318 Ball St., William Ekman, no W. Elgin. ii2th St., Chicago. Elmer A. Sanders. Round Tree Ave., Platteville, Wis. John Jimason, 69 N. Anderson St., Aurora. Peter J. Annetti (i), 2646 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Meade O. Good, Port Republic, Va. Frank A. Sowka, 2320 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Oscar Goodwinson, R. D. 6, Spring Valley, Minn. John Urban, Kewaskum, Wis. Eri R. Ingalls, R. D. 2, Pelican Rapids, Minn. William Lemke, R. D. i, Box 35, Menomonie, Wis. Anton Stanewich, 1733 S. Union Ave., Chicago. Michael Butler (i), 415 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Ever M. Olsen, 3332 34th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. James H. Flint, River Falls, Wis. George C. Juslmann, 242 loth Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. George Wohlrabe, 408 N. Main St., Fairmont, Minn. Albert Columbus, 668 Bowdish Ave., Aurora. Alfred R. Haefele, Reynolds. Mark Cleveland, Sawyer, Wis. Jacob J. Mrohen, 1527 Haddon Ave., Chicago. Walter Meseberg, R. D. 1, North Milwaukee, Wis. James McGinley, 3539 N. Crawford Ave., Chicago. . Roy E. Williams (i), 144 S. Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, New York. John A. Klose (i), 1655 Burling St., Chicago. Edwin Lindquist, Corp., 1450 Berwyn Ave., Chicago. Jesse F. McHone, Sgt., Grumpier, W. Va. Clarence Taylor, Corp., 304 W. 71st St., Chicago. Arthur L. Ball, Hampshire. Simon C. Olson, Box 693, St. Jam's, Minn. August Peterson, 1927 Minnehaha Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Nicolai Gjengdal, R. D. 3, Ortonville, Minn. William J. Hollingsworth, E. St. Louis. Leopold Swager, Corp., 754 Bunker St., Chicago Frank Placek (i), 901 W. 20th St., Chicago. Lawrence Severson, Kandiyohi, Minn. Alexander Brewer, Wag., 1218 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Robert H. Stegen, 2628 4th St., Peru. Raymond Hennessy, 3032 Blaidsdell Ave., S., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Leo A. Frank, Roscoe, Minn. Grover P. Mitchell, 423 Herschel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Thomas M. Chambers, Corp., 678 Orleans St., Chicago. Allan P. Risley, Senate Ave., and 7Sth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Howard F. Mass, R. D. 6, Princeton. Everett Borland, Box 81, Byron. Otto F. Harnish, 415 E. Howard St., Winona, Minn. Boline Olson, Tampico. Richard J. Maher, 2712 Banfield St., Chicago. Otto H. Rasmussen, 549 Ohio St., St. Paul, Minn. William C. Mulcahy, 6018 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Walter E. Lewis, Albany. Peter J. Rempel, 601 2d St., Bismark, N. D, Orville Hailing, Spring Valley, Minn. Gustave Johnson, 5755 Elizabeth St., Chicago. Thomas H. Hennessey, Wag., 337 Wisconsin St., Chi- cago. Henry G. Dyer, 805 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John C. Hoppe, 702 Bay St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Pete W. Sherry, Corp., 2652 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Herman E. Tanner, 714 2d St., S. E., Little Falls Minn. John P. McNulty, Wag., 5719 S. Clinton St., Chicago. .\ndrew J. Moog, R. D. 1, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Thomas Cody, Sgt., 19 15 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. James Flynn, Corp., Kilmustalla, Tipperary, Ireland. Joe Trnka, Beaulieu, Minn. Matthew H. Burg, Mendota. Joseph H. Dinke, Galena. Fred H. Sammann, R. D. i, Winona, Minn. Roy G. Ludvigson, R. D. i. Box 14 Madison, Minn. Edward J. Schultz, 333 Jewett St., Elgin. Andrew M. Perry (i), 204 Fall Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Joseph S. Riley, 202- Lewis St., Chicago. Elmer T. Linden, R. D. 2, Tiskilwa. Henry LeGard, R. D. 2, Clarissa, Minn. Oscar W. Morris, Tiskilwa. Thomas F. Doyle, 1835 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Sulcer DeBolt. R. D. 2, Henry. Paul H. Jacobs, 319 Oakley Ave., Rockford. Herman R. Mueske, 509 7th St., Merrill, Wis. William S. Nelson, R. D. 7, Eau Claire, Wis. Michael C. Hettenberger, R. D. i. Kettle River, Minn. Walter H. Diedrich, 1306 Cold Spring Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank L. Knabe, 655 Milwaukee St., Port Washington, Wis. Leslie Bongers, 616 Superior Ave., Tomah, Wis. Warren J. McEvoy, 114 31st St., Milwaukee, Wis. William R. Shill, Remer, Minn. Karnus Bertelsen, Box 117, Vibord, S. D. E. Lindstrom, R. D. 2, Box 75, Rush City, Minn. Arlie Hutchinson, Strum, Wis. Emil A. Hanson, Box 213, Northwood, la. Hugo F. Dreher, 596 51st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nicholas LaRock, 6317 Harper Ave., Chicago. Albert E. Zuehlke, 739 Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Rowland R. Brotherhood, 2816 Vine St., Milwaukee, Wis. Truman Beane, 618 2d Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. John A. Dubuque, 702 6th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn, ohn Sertic, Mellen, Wis. Charles Williams, 1711 E. 2d St., Sterling. Herman Schonhoff, R. D. i. East Dubuque. Vernon Baer, Brainerd, Minn. Joseph P. Kries, 1202 Marshall St., Manitowoc, Wis. Raymond E. Jensen, Chilton, Wis. William Martineau, 4143 Fremont Ave., N., Minneapo- lis, Minn. John H. Jenkins, Cortland. John J. Veneres, Nesion, Mesines, Greece. James A. Rundt, 617 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nels A. Pearson (i), Wanstadtorp, No. 2, Esperod, Sweden. .Anthony S. Lang, Corp., 1424 Wolfram St., Chicago. Walter Jasper, Sgt., 3216 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Leo J. Smith, Corp., 1800 Foster Ave., Chicago. William P. Bishop, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Nicholas Faustich, 931 S. 19th St., LaFayette, Ind. Charles~W. Ailie, R. D. 3, Box 90, Dassel, Minn. Emery W. Bouin Park Rapids, Minn. Joseph Floersch (i), 6332 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Otto Kraus, Corp., 850 i8th St., Chicago. Victor Naffziger, R. D. 2, Walnut. Emil Pagliai, Box 62, Keota, Mo. Reuben A. Rosa, 201 Superior Ave., Tomah, Wis. Albert J. Lassard, 2623 W. Railroad St., Duluth, Minn. Day J. Shandorf, 437 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John A. McGonagle, 594 Carroll St., St. Paul, Minn. Paul J. Horn, Corp., 633 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Michael .Sweeney, R. D. 2, Blue Mounds, Wis. Mark F. Martin, Caledonia. Robert W. Mavity, French Lick, Ind. Clayton Wightman, R. D. i, Hancock Wis. Walter L. Finder, R. D. 6, Box 54, Menomonie, Wis. Oscar J. Frisen, 1321 N. Mansfield Ave., Chicago. William Gilbertson no S. Lynn St., Stoughtcn, Wis. Frank Nessinger, Corp., 3519 S. sth Ave., Chicago. William Quednau, 1618 Prospect Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. Edward L. Healey, 211 Cedar Ave., St. Charles. Don E. Postier, 1009 W. Zumbro St., Rochester, Minn. 208 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Clark S. Miller, 724 4th St., S., Moorhead, Minn. Claude S. Moore, 3829 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul Bohks, Box 238, St. Charles, Minn. Carl H. Andersoii, R. D. i, Kenneth, Minn. Julius H. Kobs, Corp., 1817 Hudson Ave., Chicago. Alfred F. Smith, Arlington, S. D. Arthur L. Adams, 305 5th St., Aurora. Isidore Schumacker, 2838 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. August J. Petzke, R. D. 2, Pound, Wis. Charles McCarthy, 119 Marion St., Oak Park. David T. Swanson, 2639 W. 23d PI., Chicago. Tames C. Babbitt, 604 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Rudolph-Lindow, Corp., Elkhorn, Wis. John M. Beach, R. D. 4, Brooten, Minn. Arthur Parkison, 2055 Des Moines St., Des Moines, la. Waldemar E. Rhode, 191 S. Main St., Juneau, Wis. Eugene H. Warner, 1012 2d Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Clarence A. Ball, Box 26, Orchard Lake, Mich. Victor E. Cole, Granton. Wis. Leon H. Burto, Corp., Olmsteadville, N. Y. Harold L. Walter, Hopkins, Mich. Richard J. McCann, 849 S. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. Percy R. Keough, 2621 Railroad St., Duluth, Minn. Henry F. Wilke, Union. Edmund J. Prondzinski, 320 ist St., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Glenn O. Fletcher, R. D. 3, Waukesha, Wis. Raymond A. Heisserer, 21 Highland Ave., N., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Ferdinand Wagner, Corp., 1509 Montrose Ave., Chicago. Samuel Greenburg, 1949 Crystal St., Chicago. Stephen P. Gregor, Kewanee, Wis. Edgar F. Buelow, S. Main St., Jefferson, Wis. Otbert Klitzke, Brownton, Minn. John C. Kullen, Boscobel, Wis. oseph A. Stocks, Lone Rock, Wis. Frank Papenfuss, 1301 S. nth St., LaCrosse, Wis. Albert J. Gabriel, Corp., 2650 S. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. George Gudridge, British Admiralty, London, Eng. Erick Forrest, Corp., Owens, Wis. Andrew F. Pruszka, 11 14 8th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank W. Huber, 618 Broadway St., Menomonie, Wis. Edward E. Swing, Glenn, Minn. Louis F. Zelzer, Weyauwega, Wis. John L. LaDuke, 816 Maggie St., Marinette, Wis. William Overhage, Corp., 1717 Dayton St., Chicago. William Erickson, 507 7th St., Rockford. Herman Freundlich, Corp., 1837 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. Ellis C. Williams, Sgt., Bowling Green, Ky. Alvin E. Sweiberg (i), 6338 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. Wesley Cowles, R. D. 2, Downing, Wis. DETACHMENT MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, 344TH INFANTRY Richard H. Eanes, Capt., Mosleys Junction, Va. Louis O'Brien, ist Lt., 2401 Pledsant Plain Ave., R. D. 6, Elkhart, Ind. Charles P. Benson, ist Lt., Travelers Rest, S. C. Leon Kozakiewicz, 1st Lt., 1353 Noble St., Chicago. Harry Smyth, Sgt. (i), 381 1 N. Springfield Ave., Chi- cago. David L. Salomon, Sgt., Jonestown, Miss. Bruce B. Buchanan, 738 E. Boston Ave., Monmouth. Gustave C. Thieme, 1844 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Francis M. Ackley (i). Winter, Wis. Jacob V. Lance (i), 1733 Adams St., Chicago. Jesse L. Rohm (i), R. D. 6, Rockville, Ind. Ben Broude, 1213 Washington Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Louis Broude, 1213 Washington Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alvin J. D. Lenz (i), Bellevue, la. Arthur E. Erickson, Spirit, Wis. -Clarence Rieger, 6800 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. Walter N. Richards, 15 N. Allen St., Albany, N. Y. Edward Stahl, 19 16 Canalport Ave., Chicago. Lewis E. Wiener, 2318 Augusta St., Chicago. Frank F. Volbrecht, R. D. 5, North Milwaukee, Wis. Abe Mirotznik, 1521 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Harry W. Burton (1), Care Mrs. John Burton, 123 S. 6th St., Burlington, la. Stewart Hughes, 1605 ist Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. William H. Ebbert (i), 1469 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. Peter Wiseman, 329 Richland Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Wesley L. Peterson, 2435 S. Clifton Park Ave., Chicago. Samuel J. Morris, 1250 Claremont Ave., Chicago. Walter Sinsheimer, 215 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Raymond J. Coolsen (i), 216 W. Lake St., Chicago. Frank O. Brunckhorst, ist Lt., Platteville, Wis. Cecil S. Campbell, ist Lt., 5506 Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Missouri. Arlie G. Humphrey, Sgt., Eldorado. Fred A. Plath (1), 2338 Seminary Ave., Chicago. Joseph A. Petrus (i), Wadena, Minn. George Stulik, 1108 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Joseph W. Gabby, 419 N. 3d St., Monmouth. James W. Lee (i). Magnolia, Miss. Adolph Hegberg, 19 10 Bissell St., Chicago. Roman J. Ladzinski, 870 8th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Stener T. Hoiland, R. D. 4, Box 8, Lucerne, Minn. William S. Ancoin, Belle Cote, Nova Scotia, Canada. Herbert R. Alden, North Platte, Neb. Howard P. Foley, Plymouth. Everett M. Myers, 152 E. Jessamine St., St. Paul, Minn. Fred H. Nystrom, 921 E. 24th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles M. Vitullo (i), 752 DeKoven St., Chicago. Carmen Tortorello, 1029 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Baba Jacob, 2219 Taylor St., Gary, Ind. John A. Johnson, Vining, Minn. Bill Zibilas (i). Care Crystal Shoe Shine Parlor, Blue- field, W. Va. Jacob Sarkin (i), Mohilev Province, Mohilev, Russia. Edward P. Horan, 467^ Murray Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Erwin J. Greuel, 1520 Wright St., Milwaukee, Wis. FIRST BATTALION HEADQUARTERS, 344TH INFANTRY Augustus Van Wormer, Lt. Col., 47 Riverside Drive, Binghamton, N. Y. Samuel Burgess, ist Lt. and Chap., America, 111. Frank J. Malloy, 2d Lt., 19 Verona Apts., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. COMPANY A, 344TH INFANTRY David Mitchell, ist Lt., 2988 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Otis H. Lee, ist Lt., Aledo. Reuben Barkling, ist Sgt., 4848 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Edward B. King, Mess Sgt., 1631 Fargo Ave., Chicago. Edward F. Rippberger, Bug., 1848 Belle Plaine Ave., Chi- cago. , William Janeteas, Cook, 112 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Rudolph P. Jost, Bug., R. D. i, Cleveland, Wis. John Zuhoski, Cook, 6011 S. State St., Chicago. Simon McKenzie, Cook, Clam Falls. Wis. Herman J. Riemath, Corp., Box 84, Hutchinson, Minn. William G. Herr, R. D. 2, Pulaski, Wis. Walenty Kapelanski, 2237 Rice St., Chicago. Frederick Christoph (i), 1639 Sherwin Ave., Chicago. Eugene Weissgerber, 377 Idaho St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur R. Lapin (i), 1109 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Victor Carlson, 426 jGarfield St., Hibbing, Minn. William Siessmann, 2639 W. i8th St., Chicago. John Luptak, Mech., 361 W. 7th Ave., Tarenton, Pa. Thomas Myhre, 1624 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. William_ H. Christoph, Sup. Sgt., 1639 Sherwin Ave., Chicago. Knute S. Goranson, Sgt., 1713 Winnemax Ave., Chicago. Edmund W. May, R. D. 2, Stillwater, Minn. John Butterfield, Marek, Wis. Ed DeVriendt, R. D. 2, Waltham, Minn. Elmer Collies. R. D. i, Kilbourn, Wis. Robert P. Schmidt, 20 11 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. William Selle, R. D. 2, Box 55, Clayton, Wis. Stanley Giersczwicz, Corp., 1159 Noble St., Chicago. August C. Flood, Box tt, Galesville, Wis. Clyde E. Miller, R. D. i, Erie, Paul A. Wendt, Kingston, Wis. Max Hecht, 2340 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago. John C. Bahrt, Hackensack, Minn. THE 344TH INFANTRY 209 Anton Dahl, Box 84, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Charley Camfield, R. D. 2, Cadott, Wis. Walter Kryskow, Corp., P. O. Egmrynt, Alberta, Canada. Alfred N. Nelson, R. D. 4, Morris. Arthur Lotz, Cadott, Wis. Martin S. Olson, Boyd, Minn. Reuben Lannes, R. D. 7, Alexandria, Minn._ Lawrence Goodfellow, Box 213, Kenyon, Minn. William M. Feist, 2121 E. 3d St., Menomonie, Wis. John J. Milkent, 167 S. Pleasant St.. Kenosha, Wis. Fred A. Johnson, R. D. 5, Goodhue, Minn. John E. Marcion, 933 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. ohn P. Croal, Reedsburg, Wis. Sherman H. Cushman, Evansville, Wis. Herman F. Lubben, R. D. i, Box 92, Glenwood City, Wis. Carl E. Wieveg, 2422 W. ist St., Duluth. Minn. Kostandinos Ethopoulos, Box 14, Kettle River, Minn. Isaac Elmendorf, R. D. i, Box 53, Rock Falls. Carl O. Larson, 107 Garden Ave., Stoughton, Wis. John Dahl, R. D. 4, Eleva, Wis. George Smith, Peshtigo, Wis. Walter C. Gorecki, R. D. 36, Box 71, Seymour, Wis. Stearl J. Hartman, R. D. i, Shebbana Grove. Arne Birkrem, Vananda, Mont. Joseph Lerum, R. D. i, Oakland, Minn. Reeves Borchers, Nebraska City, Neb. Felix T. Kotz, Bowerville, Minn. Oscar Hottran, 4308 University Ave., N. E., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Howard Neil, Box 354, Hill City, Minn. Ralph L. Chartier, Box 446, Colquet, Minn. Frank Morel. 11345 Langley Ave., Chicago. James R. Mills, R. D. i, Stanton, Minn. Vivian Curtis, LaValle, Wis. Frank Schweiger, Box 93, Ely, Minn. Oscar Westberg, R. D. 2, Box 49, Pine City, Minn. Orvie Fagen, Pitt, Minn. Nikodemus Uukslainen, Max, Minn. Herman F. Below. R. D. 3, Spencer, Wis. Gust Swanson, Woodstock. Edwin I. Tiller, 301 Wilson St., Menomonie, Wis. Christian Hagen (i). Box 16, Black River Falls, Wis. Floyd R. Pike (i), R. D. i, Medford, Minn. Edward J. Hilgendorf, Sgt., 6041 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Jacob D. Kempowicz, Sgt., 1000 W. Chicago Ave., Chi- cago. Joseph E. Kamys, Sgt., 681 Fay St., Chicago. Peter U. Johnson, R. D. i, Box 74, Hayfield, Minn. Carl Borcherding, R. D. 2, Belmont, Wis. Frederick A. Bund, R. D. i. Box 63, Friendship, Wis. Bernard Hoffberg, Robbinsdale, Minn. Wendell H. Ojala, Box 510, Ely, Minn. Bruno Herbert, R. D. i, Arcadia, Wis. Walter W. Jordt, Corp., Glidden, Wis. Oscar A. Espeseth, 1038 N. Chatsworth St., St. Paul, Minn. McKindrey Conley, Warba, Minn. Herman J. Hanson, R. D. 5, Eleva, Wis. Cornelius O'Connor, 5304 Breedshill St., Pittsburg, Pa. Frank G. Higgins, Gen. Del., Cleveland, O. William C. Wolf, 230 5th Ave., N., Wausau, Wis. Herbert Buss, R. D. 2, Curtiss, Wis. Frank C. Elmendorf (i), R. D. i. Rock Falls. Henry Friedrich, 474 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Arthur "S. Akerson, 3845 nth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Tver Sonneson, 1619 Piedmont Ave., Duluth. Minn. Henry B. Schaefer, Box 238, McHenry. Ludwig Johnson, R. D. 4, Box 85, Blair, Wis. Ernest C. Schwartz, Box 145, Crystal Lake. Joe Barna, R. D. 4, Box 120, West Tampa, Fla. Calvin Abbot, 634 Jackson St., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer Westerberg, 433 Exchange St., Sycamore. William Giertz, R. D. 2, Marengo. Duncan C. Sinclair, 5843 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Oscar J. Thurlby, Kirland. Vincent J. Walosik, 71,1 Union St., Stevens Point, Wis. John Knutkowski, 2635 Randolph St., N. E., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Aleck Boviall, Athol, Idaho. Martin Hansen, 646 Pierce St., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred A. Bucknall, Edgerton, Wis. Michael J. McHale. 847 E. 64th PL, Chicago. Samuel Heal, R. D. i, Esmond. Charles Herter, 2103 Osgood St., Chicago. Melvin Huskelhus, R. D. s, Osseo, Wis. Stefano Pastorino, 2441 Superior St., Chicago. Theodore Hagen, Pigeon Falls, Wis. Charles T. Kells, Woosung. Loren Sheets, 57 Evaline St., Oshkosh, Wis. Royal A. Radtke, 178 Washington St., Manistee, Mich. Stanley Cairo, R. D. i, Ridgewood, Wis. Pineo Levine, 821 4th Ave., E., Duluth, Minn. Fabian Monfils, R. D. 2, Box 98, Casco, Wis. Arthur Rusdahl, 522 E. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. Edwin Olson, R. D. 8, Box 16, Viroqua, Wis. Edmund J. Roth, 1144 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Adolph J. Baumbach (i). Box 22, Leon, Wis. Harry Lamke, 18 10 W. Main St., Merrill, Wis. Guisippi Putti, 2512 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago. Wallace Berry, 702 9th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil Johnson, 112 South B. St., Monmouth. John Di Grazia, 3108 sth Ave., Chicago. Floyd Reynolds, 233 N. Cross, Sycamore. Edgar Grupe, Corp., 469 Park Ave., Elgin. Bernard A. Neidhardt, Sgt., 1654 Pratt Blvd., Chicago. David R. Bain, Sgt., 1338 W. 9Sth St., Cleveland, O. Ashod N. Vartabedian, Sgt., 305 Beethoven PL, Chi- cago. William Winchel, R. D. 3, Box 58, Cashton, Wis. Clarence Amundson, R. D. 18, Evansville, Wis. Shirley Kingrey, Wilgus, O. Otto J. Arndt, R. D. 12, Milton Junction, Wis. Raymond McAllister, Grand Rapids, Minn. William Borysiewicz, R. D. 4, Thorpe, Wis. Stanley Babicz, Corp., 856 N. May St., Chicago. Henry L. Waldorf, 159 Boyd St., Oshkosh, Wis. Martin E. Schindeldecker, 2515 30th Ave., S., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Roy H. Spear, Box 171, Plainfield, Wis. Henry T. Effertz, R. D. i. Box 72, Almona, Wis. Eddie Ringling, Fremont, Wis. Michael Weidner, R. D. 6, Woodstock. Lauritz Thue, R. D. 5, Madison, S. D. Harry A. Fandry (i), 742 Blackhawk St., Chicago. Russell Remington, 952 2d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Toe Bagg, Care George Padden, R. D., St. Charles. Albert Newkirk, Station A, R. D. s, Marble Cliff, _ Columbus, O. Casimer Lesniewski, 537 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Ole C. Knutson, Independence, Wis. Mayson Craft, 1012 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Giovanni Bertacchi, Franklin, Mich. Jacob Fried, 1350 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Glen F. Bellows, R. D. 4, Baraboo, Wis. Alfred E. Holmes, Kaneville. Joseph L. Marsolek, R. D. 2, P. O. Box 93, Independ- ence, Wis. John W. Benton, Sandusky, Wis. John Best, Jr., 2200 Monroe St., Chicago. Gustav Oberei, 2124 W. 20th St., Chicago. William E. Morgan, R. D. 2, Box 73, Germantown, New York. Charles A. Jennings, R. D. 4, Woodstock. Theodore Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 28, Independence, Wis. Joseph Chimzar, Box 24,' Ely, Minn. Michael C. Mosiniak, R. D. 4. Box 131, Genesen, Minn. Edward F. Kaczor, R. D. 9, Box 33, Neenah, Wis. Morton Libakken, Ettrick, Wis. Fred A. Cisar, R. D. 2, Box 43, Oconto, Wis. Ernest Daskalopoulos, 254 Main St., Kenosha, Wis. Emanuel Heibler, 2222 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl Anderson, Box 18, Gays Mills, Wis. Eugene Wartmann, Bay City, Wis. Frederick Toms, Aitkins, Minn. Nikolaos Papademetrious, 3203 E. 92d St., South Chicago. Philip J. Anderson, Alden. Ross H. Reger, 680 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, O. Erwin M. Heymer, 109 S. Huron St., DePere, Wis. William H. Dicks, Mallard. Sivert Overvik, Tofte, Minn. Herman H. Strade, R. D. 2, Kiel, Wis. Stanley Olszewski, Pulaski, Wis. Benjamin Bernstein, 770 E. 41st St., Chicago. Lloyd G. Albert, Middlebury, Ind. Peter Kontos, 11 271 Stevenson Ave., Chicago. Henry Marine, 2536 Augusta St., Chicago. Gilbert Allen, Sgt., 1430 Olive Ave., Chicago. Max J. Marach, Sgt., 663 Fay St., Chicago. Frank Zolynski, 19:3 Fowler St., Chicago. George M. Hoefke, 955 W. i8th St., Chicago. Otis D. Gooch, R. D. i, Hanover, Wis. Leonard Swenberg, Box 79, Dunnell. Minn Einar P. Erickson, 124 W. Randolph St., Stoughton, Wis Harry L. Menke, T1344 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Emanuel Odman, R. D. 1, Box 92 A, Princeton, Minn. 210 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Arthur C. Jordt, Corp., Glidden, Wis. Carl A. Lindstrom, R. D. 5, Grand Rapids, Wis. George Hoerler, R. D. 3, Erie. Edward Smith, R. D. 4, Verndale, Minn. Ferdinand Thurow, R. D. 2, Crystal Lake. Albert Omdahl, R. D. 2, Box 13, Eleva, Wis. Ole Matson, R. D. 4, Box 38, Eleva, Wis. Charles Bernitt, Medford, Wis. Paul G. Kramp, 2642 W. 23d St., Chicago. Casimir Kleczka, 1046 Midland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Stanley E. Evans, R. D. 2, Box 84, New Lisbon, Wis. Andrew Myern, R. D. 5, Box 9, Eleva, Wis. Grant O. Swanson, R. D. 2, Elmore, Minn. Severn Olson, R. D. 4, Box 81, Duluth, Minn. Hjalmar Bergquist, 3d Ave., Two Harbors, Minn. Herman W. Gentz, R. D. 7, Box 100, Janesville, Wis. Peter J. Simon (i), 832 Roscoe St., Chicago. John N. Laushay, 2358 Indiana Ave., Chicago. William Wolfe, 890 26th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank E. Farrington, R. D. 7, Box 82, Janesville, Wis. Leopold Gebauer, Fair St., Sycamore. William A. Kartell, 131 5 W. ist St., Kewanee. Johan H. Magnusen, 1825 E. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. Lawrence Benton, R. D., Sandusky, Wis. John E. Schroeder, 592 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Swan A. Noren, Box 54, New Brighton, Minn. Stanley Grabowski, 785 ist Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Anton Hilstad, R. D. 3, Hale, Wis. Alois Jaraczewski, 824 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Mansour, 307 Main St., N. L., Minneapolis, Minn. Azzan W. McKagan, R. D. 4, Box 37, Menomonie, Wis. Robert Kollmansberger, Box 851, Stratford, Wis. Fred F. Stuckert, 713 Delaware Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Arnold A. Gevers, Waterloo, Wis. George Zastrow, 877 Allis St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bernie Skowron, 592^ 2d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Stephen Molitor, 2531 Washington St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. George R. Saxton, Box 68, Sherburn, Minn. Frank J. Szydlowski, 1149 Hennepin St., LaSalle. John Paradise, 297 Wiscott St., Kenosha, Wis. Morris Fenichel (i), 974 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Perry E. Johnson Box 175, Tower, Minn. Martin Gonsolin, R. D. i, Sandusky, Wis. Joseph Keegan, 816 S. Lathrop Ave., Forest Park. Francisco Ferraro, 9640 Marshall Ave., Chicago. Carl A. Lundberg, R. D. 2, Sherburn, Minn. Peter Cappozzo, 1048 State St., Racine, Wis. Louis Kringas (i), 3192 Elston Ave., Chicago. George L. Lewis, 122 Seth St., Stevens Point, Wis. Ray L. Quinn, Sgt., 1520 Balmoral Ave., Chicago. Andrew Marach, Sgt.. 663 Fay St., Chicago. COMPANY B, 344TH INFANTRY Abram J. Powelson, Capt., 552 N. Chamber St., Gales- burg. Rollin L. Swindler, ist Lt., looi Oregon St., Urbana. Vito S. Valenzano, ist Sgt., 662 N. May St., Chicago. Otto C. Gilbo, Mess Sgt., 1052 California Ave., Chicago. Jack Czwakiel, Bug., 1444 Fry St., Chicago. John Kruty, Cook, 4316 Kilbourn Ave., Chicago. Arthur E. Speckmann, Bug., 518 Penn Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Tver H. Hanson, Cook, Midway, Wis. Albert A. Schlaak, Cook, Winona, Minn. Bernard Arkush (i), 2541 Thomas St., Chicago. Boleslaw Borta, Cook, 1471 W. Erie St., Chicago. Frank Chapulis, Mech., 1056 1 Edbrook Ave., Chicago. Nicholas Haluta (i), 2438 W. Walton St., Chicago. Oscar Erickson, Mech., Becker, Minn. Earl E. Cole, Box 53, Townsend, Wis. Adam Petlak, Mech., 1355 Bradley St., Chicago. Ralph Miller, 144 N. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. Leo E. Plaisance, Mech., Box 3, Brownton, Minn. Adolph Field, 323 E. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. John S. Danielson, Sup. Sgt., 2 Rowe St., New Haven, Conn. Frank H. Kermy, Sgt., 3243 Cortez St., Chicago. Henry Helland, 417 4th A»-e. S., St. Cloud, Minn. John AT Moely, R. D. i, Box 4, Prairie du Sac, Wis. Jay A. Keyes, Lancaster, Wis. Edwin I. Paulsen, Coon, Wis. William J. Latootzka, R. D. 4, Baraboo, Wis. Alfred Pearson, R. D. 3, Box 4, Red Wing, Minn. Frank Marnell (i), 1423 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Victor Robison, Hanover, Ind. Walter Johnson, R. D. i, Preempton. Henry H. Hansen, 365 Grand St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Frederick Buch, R. D. 7, Platteville, Wis. George Tidquist, R. D. 4, Box 96, ^vrcadia. Wis. John J. Jones, 1215 Preston St., Rockford. Turner G. Johnson, 972 S. Broad St., Galesburg. John P. Murphy, Corp., 1211 Emily St., Appleton, Wis. Edwin Knobel, R. D. 2, Erhard, Minn. Obert Rosholm, R. D. i, Box 5, Eleva, Wis. Walter J. Wolf gram, R. D. i. Lake Mills, Wis. Alfred O. Freng, R. D. 1, Bangor, Wis. Melvin B. Prestemon, R. D. 4, Box 76, Waukon, Iowa. Richard P. Meredith, R. D. 19, Box 83, Evansville, Wis. Walter A. Henseler, 399 24th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Thomas H. Babb (i). Greenwood, Wis. Melvin Thompson R. D. 2, Ettrick, Wis. John J. Borgen, Minnetonka Beach, Minn. Wladyslaw Nowakowski, 838 N. Winchester Ave., Chi- cago. Prosper P. Cattrysse, Z-116 Armee, Belgium. Bernard Overlander, 394 i6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John Murchie, Reiner, Wis. Burl L. Rew, R. D. 3, Box 21, Pine Island, Minn. Phillip Launhart, Corp., 1116 W. Huron St., Chicago. Walter Conrad, 910 Charles St., Streator. Andrew Carlson, 5714 Morgan St., Chicago. Jiles G. Pederson, Blair. Wis. Peter Kantowicz, 1847 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Joe E. Landsinger, Wonewoc, Wis. Cecil Newell, R. D. 4, Kilbourn, Wis. John Kohler, R. D. i. Box 79, Pittsville, Wis. Louis Rubino (i), 515 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Bernd Warnke, Washburn. Lee R. Irvine, R. D. i. Box 76-A, Ekeland, Wis. DeRoy Taylor, Box 28, Deer River, Minn. Herman C. Noel, R. D. 3, Metamora. Ernest G. Beyer, R. D. 4, Box 57, Duluth, Minn. George M. Rhyner, 2021 Doty St., Oshkosh, Wis. Vincenzo Belluomini, 10 S. Vine St., Hinsdale. James Devine, 850 Windom St., Pittsburg, Pa. Paul Belluomini, 10 S. Vine St., Hinsdale. Arthur Carlson Box 128, Embarrass, Minn. Carl H. Betz, Wataga. John W. Sielaff, R. D. 2, Box 11, Independence, Wis. Ralsa H. Morley, R. D. 2, Reedsburg, Wis. Carl E. G. Lindahl, Cannon Falls, Minn. John E. Sterchi, Medford, Wis. John Porebski, Corp., 718 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Merl Francois, R. D. i, Lime Ridge, Wis. Thomas F. Hughes, Sgt., 4521 N. Whipple St., Chicago. Guy C. Leydig, Sgt., Formoso, Kansas. Howard J. Edmands, Sgt., 18 Devon Terrace, Newton Center, Mass. Schuyler C. Riggins, Kidd's Store, Ky. Charles A. Kenneson, Barnum, Wis. George W. Mattie, R. D. i, Eastman, Wis. Oscar G. Ewig, 5Sth and Grand Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. Stacy Myers, 516 Bigelow St., Peoria. Alden Knudson, Box 6, St. James, Minn. Rudolph Stevenin, Corp., 2115 29th Ave. S., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Louis C. Lietz, Edgerton, Wis. Eldon A. Peetz, R. D. 3, Prairie du Sac, Wis. Willard G. Esterberg, Box 1064, Ely, Minn. Herman Goetzke, 1048 24th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Wilhelm Eggert, R. D. 2, Hayfield, Minn. Elmer P. Gerpheide, 1122 S. i6th St., Manitowoc, Wis. John Dendor, Corp., 1518 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Arthur Tanglin, R. D. 2, Box 57, Hugo, Minn. Walter M. Gray, 552 Beecher St., Milwaukee, Wis. John E. Berhlin, 4408 47th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. William Knuth, Ableman, Wis. Haven H. Smith, Box 64, Kasson, Minn. Bill Galvidis, 2340 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Seymour Paulson, Strum, Wis. Lawrence Benson, 1062 W. Huron St., Chicago. Karl T. Jensen, R. D. 2, Hendricks, Minn. Andrew H. Tschample, Barnesville, Minn. Irving C. Anderson, Box 44, South Stillwater, Minn. Irving S. Buchanan, 1622 Oregon St., Oshkosh, Wis. Nicholas B. Peters, 930 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn. Elmer Markin, Lime Ridge, Wis. Morris Flink, Tchula, Miss. John A. Fensterle, Corp., 2337 Cortez St., Chicago. Elmer E. Bayles, R. D. i, Carlock. THE 344TH INFANTRY 211 Charles Matiask, 2204 Mongo St., North Chicago. Peter Fredrickson, Kasson, Minn. Gilbert A. Erickson, 2210 W. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. Ralph E. Hoyt, Greens Farrns, Conn. William Weisenberger, Arcadia, Wis. Steven Zahery, 1917 Fowler St., Chicago. Ernest Seidell, 1465 St. Clair St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles A. Bean, Elberta, Canada. Frank E. Schmudlach. R. D. 2, Coloma, Wis. August W. Schultz, R. D. 6. Box 16, Sterling. Arthur J. Hoff, 2019 LeMoyne St., Chicago. Floyd L. Weatherly, Kasson, Minn. Henry W. Clifford, R. D. i, Guckeen, Minn. Earl J. Collins, Box 613, South Kaukauna, Wis. William E. Ortmann, 3615 Costello Ave., Chicago. Charles H. Lawsing, 802 Ridge St., Baraboo, Wis. William E. Turnbull, R. D. 3, Toulon. Irvin T. Thompson, R. D. 2 Box 63, Blair, Wis. John Liltz, care of Aurora Brewing Co., Aurora. William H. Morrissey, 214 Center St., Janesville, Wis. Charles C. Sherzer, Corp., 5051 Ainslee Ave., Chicago. Oscar Schneider, R. D. 8. Hanover, Ind. George Wenz, Sgt., 443 Carroll St., Akron, Ohio. Michael S. Tenczer, Sgt., 617 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Frank Ratay (i), 1452 W. Huron St.. Chicago. Albin F. Swing, Marinean, St. Crcix, Minn. Ray Jessop, LaValle, Wis. Stanislaus Jaworski, Stevens Point. Wis. Edwin Young, R. D. 6, Box 54, Hastings, Minn. Emil Lehman, R. D. 5, Reedsburg, Wis. Stephen Olson (i), Westby, Wis. Floyd H. Walker, 1708 E. 60th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Virgil H. Anderson, 43 E. ssth St.. Chicago. William F. Haensel, R. D. 4, Walnut Grove, Minn. Adolph H. Johnson, R. D. i, Wright, Minn. Charles Reinholm. Box 51, Blackberry, Minn. Ludwig Haas, Plain, Wis. Ernest A. Frank, R. D. 3, Spencer, Wis. Charles P. Heavey, Corp., 3007 Wilson Ave., Chicago. Fred Hrudka, 623 N. 9th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Elbert Johnson, Bond, Ky. Frank Riczek, 1047 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Elmer A. Beard, R. D. i. Box 48, Pentwater. Mich. Arthur Gulbranson, 920 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. John A. Olson, R. D. 2, Box 48, St. James, Minn. Charles McLaughlin, care of Cedarville Farm, Custer, N- J- Anderson Cornelius, R. D. 2, West DePere. Wis. Julius Weilep, 703 Arbutus St., Rhinelander, Wis. Roy Hanson, R. D. i. West Concord, Minn. Cornelius Yestenes, R. D. 3, Blair, Wis. Joe Hook. R. D. 2, Fulton. Joel R. Sanford, Dodge Center, Minn. George Kollman, R. D. i, Roscoe, Minn. Robert A. Schultz, R. D. 7, Sterling. Steve Zerko, 651 N. Paulina St., Chicago. Otto C. Johns, R. D. 7, Box 30, Janesville, Wis. Walter E. Holtz. Ableman, Wis. Henry T. Amundsen, R. D. i, Peterson, Minn. Andrew Jenson, Rockton, Wis. Max Drizner, 1437 Racine Ave., Chicago. Arthur W. Laible, R. D. 2, Washburn. Alois L. Zeier, 2204 Ohio Ave., Madison, Wis. George J. Calmes, R. D. 2, Athens, Wis. Oscar Nelson, 455 S. Chamber St., Galesburg. Fred E. House, 1314 N. Main St., Rockford. Herbert I. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 58, Sebeka, Minn. Joe Sazama, Box 51, Dent, Minn. Thomas McHugh, 718 Cedar St., Anaconda, Mont. Mathias J. Tungblut, 520 Monroe St., Janesville, Wis. Henry H. Voldsness, R. D. 4, Box 63, Whitehall, Wis. Edmund A. Schumacher, 868 State St., Appleton, Wis. Charles F. Lasch, 820 Grand Ave., Racine, Wis. Fred J. Schmall, Sutton, Neb. George P. Erickson, R. D. 2, Box 37, Pepin, Wis. Robert Hochmuth, LaValle, Wis. Everett Wilkins, R. D. 4, Hodgeville, Ky. Edward Bradley, Wonewoc, Wis. Nicholas Schmitz, Box 123, Solon Springs, Wis. William Francis, Pembine, Wis. Odilian Seguin, 925 Garfield Ave., Duluth, Minn. Nicholas Belsanti. Sgt., 1043 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, Albert G. Petzold, Sgt., 1511 Winter Ave., Louisville, Ky. Albert W. Aylesworth, Sgt., 4608 N. Kilpatrick St., Chicago. Konstanty Janowski, 1627 Cherry St., South Milwau- kee, Wis. Frank H. Voss, 26 Shawnee St., Freeport. Christian Iverson, R. D. 2, Brooten, Minn. Lambert Musch, Garden Plain. Fred W. Pagel, Wonewac, Wis. Edward Kannenberg, R. D. i. Box 11, LaValle, Wis. Herbert E. Haslee, R. D. 31, Glen Beulah, Wis. Warren Poppe, Box 31, Marble, Minn. Charles Modschiedler, Oconto, Wis. John R. Moser, Gen. Del., Goodfield. Frederick Klett, LaV^alle, Wis. Oscar M. Oelerich, New Holstein, Wis. Clyde S. Mayfield, Abbotsford, Wis. Orville E. Key, Santa Fe, Mo. Matt P. Warchol, Corp., 1201 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. .^dolph M. East, R. D. i. Box 122, Duluth, Minn. I^eo Kostka, 774 i6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. .\lois J. Gruber, Plain, Wis. .\ugust H. Villnow, R. D. 2, Box 61, Aitkin, Minn. Maurice Skogstad, R. D. i, Blair, Wis. George Odward, 714 Republic Bldg., Chicago. Adolph E. Schubert, R. D. 3, Coloma, Wis. Otis Williams, Ontario, Wis. Alfred Scherwinka, 2519 Grand St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Ervin Mosher, R. D. 15, Victoria. Alfred C. F. Bergman, R. D. i. Eland, Wis. John Zil, 2059 22nd St., Chicago. Nickclus M. Perry, Alborn, Minn. Henry Paulson, R. D. i, Holdingford, Minn. Anthony Loy, Mazomanie, Wis. Herman W. Uecker, 410 14th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Guiseppe Triolo, Box 921, Hammond, La. John J. O'Brien, Murdock, Minn. Nels Pearson, 225 W. Front St., Wheaton. France L. Peterson, 407 Hatton Ave., Rice Lake, Wis. Louis Rose, Sharon, Wis. Frank H. Payne, 5223 W. Division St., Chicago. Stanley Ruffle, Box 52, Excelsior, Minn. William F. Clancy, Corp., West Side Y. M. C. A., Mon- roe St. and Ashland Ave., Chicago. Albert O'Connor, 180 Concord St., St. Paul, Minn. William J. Sullivan, 515 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Stephen H. Wirtczak, 1224 S. 32nd St., Chicago. Percy Sherer, 1622 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Peter G. Gloudemans, Faribault, Minn. Raymond Burnmaster, 1629 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Alfred Westegard, R. D. 3, Bruce, S. D. Joseph Yasilli, Corp., 453 N. Peoria St., Chicago. Frank L. Waltman, 418 Eldorado Ave., Appleton, Wis. Frank L. Bradley, 215 Myron St., Wausau, Wis. Salvatore Balachia, 906 Cambridge Ave., Chicago. Simon T. Kasza, 814 8th St., LaSalle. Edward T. LaChance, Donaldson, Wis. Anthony Lange, Corp., 1224 Sinnott Place, Chicago. Albin E. Wenstrom, Rio. Sigurd Hanson, Sgt., 309 Dwight St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Harry A. Nelson, Sgt., 7735 Creigier Ave., Chicago. COMPANY C, 344TH INFANTRY Edward J. Higgins, Capt., 188 Pleasant St., Lowell, Mass. Henry W. Howes, ist Lt., 7 W. 92nd St., New York, N. Y. Russell McDonald, 1st Sgt., 5610 Landsdowne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. George J. O'Brien, Mess Sgt., 119 Zabriskie St., Jer- sey City,_ N. J. Ray C. Cunningham, Bug., Palestine. Anton Geis, Cook, 2858 Taylor St., Chicago. Fred Seyfarth, Bug., 5642 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Frank Bernier, Cook, 800 S. Main St., Kankakee. William F. Clancy, Cook, 154 N. LaCrosse Ave., Chi- cago. Donald C. Marcy, 409 Clay St., Woodstock. Fred G. Clark, Cook, 153 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa, Can- ada. Hugo S. Johnson, Post Master, Stockholm, Wis. Hilmer S. Aamoth. R. D. i. Twin Valley, Minn. Archie Prouty, Sandusky, Wis. Stanley Rybarczyk, mo N. Lincoln St., Chicago. Otto H. McCullick, Mt. Sterling, Wis. 212 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Charles H. Young, R. D. ii. Milton, Wis. Frank H. Cole, R. D. 2, Williamsfield. Joseph Yule, 3 118 VV. Taylor St., Chicago. William Schallhorn. Sup. Sgt., Grand Junction, Mich. Henry P. Evans, Sgt., Pekin. Fred A. Holt, Grand Ave., Schofield, Wis. Edward P. Nowak, 1544 Elston Ave., Chicago. Mathias Mihlbauer, R. D. i, LaValle, Wis. Kenneth A. Phillips, R. D. i. Lime Ridge, Wis. Frank Zaboroski, Fairmont, Minn. Herman W. Brandt, R. D. 4, Box 60, Polar, Wis. Fred L. Hagen, 3245 Bloomington Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Corydon Shuman, R. D. 8, Box 87, Janesville, Wis. Charles W. Verkler, Cissna Park, Iroquois Co. Fred Clare Gibson, Cedar, Minn. Martin Ericson, Box 108, Sacred Heart, Minn. Walter I. Shultis, 305 Clark St., Reedsburg, Wis. Andrew W. Yanke Box 82, Honey Creek, Wis. Walter Smith, R. U. i. Box 62, Lone Rock, Wis. Gustav Hendrickson, 1628 N. Hancock St., Chicago. Godfrey John Schulz, R. D. 5, Faribault, Minn. John Aagmo, R. D. 4, Box 66, Colfax, Wis. Edward Scholl, Sandusky, Wis. Leslie L. Wolcott, 220 Linn St., Janesville, Wis. George J. Lee, Ferryville, Wis. Charley A. Gran, Erskine, Minn. Henry L. Schaub, R. D. i. Box 106, Porcupine, Wis. George H. Payne, 1328 Sherwood Ave., Chicago. Ernest T. Holmes, Fontana, Wis. Aloys J. Kuemper, R. D. i, Box 22, Wilmont, Minn. Walter F. Krueger, 646 N. Walnut St., Reedsburg, Wis. Nels A. Engstrom, Pencer, Minn. Arthur B. Koepp, R. D. 2, Box 80, North Freedom, Wis. Richard Kandall, Box 117, Ferryville, Wis. Arthur H. Haugen, R. D. 3, Box 37, Fosstin, Minn. John W. Meinke, Egg Harbor, N. J. Ivan S. White, R. D. 3, Forest Lake, Minn. Alfred S. Edwardson, R. D. i. Blaisdell, N. D. Ellis J. Kingery, R. D. i, LaValle, Wis. Joseph Sawatzki, 1075 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. George C. Valant. Box 721, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Albert Swanson, Viking, Minn. John A. Kubin, 3149 S. Canal St., Chicago. Earl L. Trutt, Athens, Wis. Peter N. Spoden, 738 23rd Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. John Evje, R. D. i. Gully, Minn. Harry H. Weiss, 377 S. Broaaway, Aurora. Henry Holt, R. D. 4, Box 6, Cokato, Minn. Bennie Mellesmoen, R. D. 2. Fosston, Minn. Archie B. Cragg, Mineral Point, Wis. Will Krohn, R. D. 4, Reedsburg. Wis. Nicholas Noll, R. D. i. Box 61, Pound, Wis. Lawrence T. Schwartz, Byron, Wis. Henry A. Rettke, Fairmont, Minn. Adolph R. Jaeger. 821 Eddy St., Watertown, Wis. Robert Pulvermacher, R. D. 2, Sauk City, Wis. Michael Serafin, 717 Techumsoh St., Toledo, Ohio. Louis J. Homsey, 307 W. Milwaukee St., Janesville, Wis. Charles F. Cooley, 1251 Ruthledge St., Madison, Wis. Oscar D. Murphy, Wyeville, Wis. Peter J. Gleason, Sgt., 728 W. Congress St., Chicago. Lawrence Maggard, Sgt., Tillie, Ky. Wayne S. Stone. Sgt., Dresden, Ohio. Otto Utterback, Clay City. Julius A. Spoon, R. D. i, LaFayette, Minn. Martin J. Schulz, R. D. 3, Box 56, Stuart, Minn. Melvin Hughes, R. D. 5, Box 42, Sparta, Wis. Stanley Sokolowski, 1608 Monroe Av'e., South Milwau- kee, Wis. Oscar A. Sandahl, R. D. 2, Clutherall, Minn. Frank Omahen, Corp., 1504 S. S7th St., Cicero. Charles Senkbeil, 711 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Axel E. Pelander, 22 S. 59th Ave., Duluth, Minn. William Yule, 909 VV. Division St., Faribault, Minn. James Rattray^ 105 N. Main St., Janesville, Wis. Arthur C. Seifert, 833 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Maple, R. D. 2, Gcnvick, Minn. John L. Conboy, 2527 i8th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward J. Stenzel, 1148 Latrobe Ave., Chicago. Carl H. Lucht, R. D. 2, Box 14, LaValle, Wis. Herbert Krueger, 217 Sumner St., Tomah, Wis. Peter F. Gortner, Mt. Lake Park, Maryland. Albert F. Bogda, Horicon, Wis. Malcolm A. Olofson, Box 77, Kimberly, Minn. Charles Halvensleben, R. D. 3, Reddsburg, Wis. Cyrus A. Forsberg, Fleming Lake, Minn. Helmer T. Larson, R. D. 3, Box 37, Fertile, Minn. William F. Rogge, 418 Western Ave., Janesville, Wis. Gerald G. Quigley, 15 Albion St., Edgerton, Wis. Fred J. Koch. Cross Plaines, Wis. Charles Bercher, 2536 Cortez St., Chicago. Warren L. Vipond, Box 407, Herman, Minn. Carl R. Lundberg, R. D. 3, Cokato, Minn. Arthur A. Kiefner, 3515 26th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur R. Schutt, R. D. 5. Janesville, Wis. Carl J. Johnson, R. D. 3, Box 86, Fosston, Minn. Edward Quade, R. D. 6, Janesville, Wis. lidward Schoenfeldt, 601 S. Main St., Edgerton, Wis. Harry Stewart, Edgerton, Wis. Arno Kolberg, 1308 S. 19th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Freemont D. West, Box 73, Eagle River, Wis. Clarence Decker, Eau Galle, Wis. Ivan Kolarich, Corp., 309 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Martin N. Nelson, R. D. 4, Box 10, Barron, Wis. Eddie Shaw, Delton, Wis. Herman E. Dahl, R. ]). 5, Box 43, Stoughton, Wis. Arthur Peters, 1608 30th St., Rock Island. Oscar Lindstrom, 3852 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer Maijala, Turtle Lake, Wis. Leonard Pierson, R. D. 3, Box 33, Clayton, Wis. Leo J. Wiley. 320 S. Main St., Chicago. William M. Sheehey, East High St., Morrison. John O. Swan, 3128 17th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward Price. 223 Glindale Ave., Tomah, Wis. Alfred O. Anderson, R. D. 3, Box 60, Fergus Falls, Minn. Leland Rose, Delton, Wis. Helmer Diagseth, 1521 8th St., Menomonie, Wis. Norman Vivian, 2854 Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Gilbert J. Rouse, 381 Nassau St., Menasha, Wis. Francis P. Kevil, Sgt., 1423 W. Congress St., Chicago. Erving Larson, New Orange Park, Kenilworth, N. J. Floyd Daniel, Sgt., Hillsdale, Ind. Leo M. Schultz, R. D. 5, Box 57 A, Baraboo, Wis. Stanley R. Bezdon, 1744 Brigham St., Chicago. Carl F. Olberg, 1031 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Albert Halverson, R. D. 5, Elbow Lake, Minn. Arthur E. Kron, 1305 W. Taylor St., Bloomington. John Johnson, 3455 Beach Ave., Chicago. Martin F. Kosola, 4850 S. Elizabeth St., Chicago. Albert Sikorsky, 647 Michigan Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. John Billings, 652 Adams St., Gary, Ind. Ole Germundson, R. D. 5. Elbow Lake. Minn. Tcny S. Kruswicki, 1272 LaHarpe St., LaSalle. Robert R. Lindsay, 99 E. Main St., Knoxville. Leonard Scheibel, Jr., Prairie du Chien, Wis. Joseph Jacobowski, 544 Blackstone St., LaSalle. Elmer W. Grabowski, 4107 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Stanley N. Davenport, 923 Drake St., Madison, Wis. Anthony Smuhl, 740 N. Barstow St., liau Claire, Wis. Anastasios Athanasiou, 800 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl Olscn, R. D. 3, Box 4, Elbow Lake, Minn. Mike Lipiecke. 710 St. James St., Peru. Kasimier Bonzell, 824 Minnesota S., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph A. Moore, 2647 Park Ave., Chicago. Gustaf T. Hanson, 45 Division St., Newport, R. I. Edwin G. Neitzke, 796 20th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Josepf Zwack, Freeport. Minn. Louis Marabello, 606 Taylor St., Chicago. Lloyd W. Knapp, Lancaster. Wis. Benjamin Thielke, 507 S. Foster St., Merrill, Wis. Emery W. Duval, 225 Lincoln Ave., Crookston, Minn. Clement Cozzi, 1023 W. Congress St., Chicago. Peter Hulstaert, 1731 i8th St. B, Moline. Joseph Leevack, 945 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Floyd Fearing, Eagle Bend, Minn. Alfred Olson, Holt, Minn. Leonard Callender, R. D. i. Box 59, South Haven, Minn. Arthur C. Larson, R. D. i. Thief River Falls, Minn. George E. Russ, R. D. 4, Box 17s, Aurora. Arthur T. Otos, 720 E. i6th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Seth Olson, Box 24, Salol, Minn. Phillip Salchenberger, R. D. 3, Wonewac, Wis. Burthron R. Wing, 818 28tli Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Myron Z. Hovda, Clayton, Wis. Vernon M. Gilbert, 523 6th Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Peder Jacobson, Nielsville, Minn. Peter H. Goiffon, Withrow, Minn. Julian Heyne, 5616 W. Madison St., Chicago. Harry W. Warren, R. D. 5, LaValle, Wis. Edward Lee, New Auburn, Wis. THE 344TH INFANTRY 213 Peter G. Poterala, 850 N. Hoyne Ave.. Chicago. Alfred L. Selcliow, R. D. i, Box 40, Kilbourn, Wis. Edward Mancheski, 418 N. 2nd St., Stevens Point, Wis. X'ictor Parisien, R. D. 1, Waubun, Minn. William O'Flaherty, Sgt., 1025 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. John Crider, Sgt., Harlantown, Ky. Heber D. Davis, Sgt., 16 10 Bellefountaine St., Indian- apolis, Ind. John W. Calkins, Coleta. Gabriel Villebrun, Bejou, Minn. Allie R. Hagen, 811 N. 2nd St., Mankato, Minn. George Hierl, 611 Union St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles E. Massey, Cr^pe, Mo. Henry Winkler, 375 Bowen, Oshkosh, Wis. Walter Novak, 1645 Julian St., Chicago. James Payne, 500 Buchanan St., Belvidere. John C. Baetz, 105 N. Winifred, St. Paul, Minn. Amunds Skinrek, R. I). 4, Stoughton, Wis. Olaf J. Helgestad, R. D. 2, Cambridge, Wis- Bernt Botolfson, Stoughton, Wis. George H. Johnson, Box 146, Oregon, Wis. Ray E. Fisher, Corp., 2732 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. George T. Ahrendt, R. D. i. Box 12, Luverne, Minn. Mark Johnson, R. D. 4, Battle Lake, Minn. Samuel Weisberg, 23 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Frank Adams, Tre Weatha Liskeard, Cornwall, England. Fred A. Gatts, Adrian. Nels T. Lein, Box 87, Salol, Minn. Nicholia Fossberg, Winger, Minn. Nicholas Partheymuller, Corp., 160 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles J. Armstrong. 3333 W. 65th St., Chicago. Edward Tichy, 2408 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. Geoffrey W. Hanson. R. D. i, Bowles, Minn. Arthur O. Hicks, 2856 W. Madison St., Chicago. Louis R. Cole, Mech., 120 Highland Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Walter M. Cobb, 550 Front St.. Aurora. Harry V. Eckd, R. D. 2, Forest Lake, Minn. Adolph Gylard, Deerfield. Wis. Alvin A. Luetscher, R. D. i. Plain, Wis. Joseph Wolowski, 2903 W. Division St., Chicago. Hugo H. Werblow, 122 Oak Grove St., Juneau, Wis. Joseph J. Goldfin, 1308 E. nth St., Duluth, Minn. William U. Groll, 463 Liberty St., Aurora. Perley McCarthy, 1 520 W. Congress St., Chicago. Fred Whited, Geneva, Nebr. Ludwig Anderson, R. D. 3, Balaton, Minn. Bernard Schmeling, 315 E. High St., Edgerton, Wis. Fred O. Anderson, Utica. Albert Carlucci, Corp., 808 S. I^eavitt St., Chicago. Max F. Cohen, 2607 W. Division St., Chicago. Peter Hill, Florence, S. D. Rudolph Teske, 120 Wend St., Antigo, Wis. Hoken Burg, Gen. Del., Dennison, Minn. Adolph Blaser, Beaulien, Minn. James P. Hurley, R. D. 3, Route s, Reedsburg, Wis. - Arthur W. Barott, R. D. 3, Forest Lake, Minn. William F. Frenk, R. D. 6, Harvard. Minton Hoard, 521 Riverside Ave., Thief River Falls, Minn. Henry G. Kyllo, 313 1 17th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Morris V. L. Miller, 88 Downer Place, Aurora. John J. Plesser, 609 2nd Ave., Appleton, Wis. Gaiteno Sorrentino, 557 Jenne St., Kenosha, Wis. Merl W. Steward, 3827 N. Sheridan Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward J. St. Marie, 311 N. S4th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Albert Kunze, Sgt., 166 Heir Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Louis Ponte, Sgt., 846 S. Halsted St., Chicago. COMPANY D, 344TH INFANTRY Allan K. Roberts, Capt., 206 Buel Ave., Joliet. William D. Hudson, ist Lt., Galena, Mo. Porter Lockard, ist Sgt., Canyon Falls, Ky. Lewis D. Myles, Mess Sgt., 5435 Lakewood Ave., Chi- cago. George Mies, Bug., 875 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur Bonas, Cook, 1243 W. 32nd St., Chicago. _ Sam Randazzo, Cook, 19 S. I^ke St., Madison, Wis. Frederick Puetz, Cock, R. D. i, Box 39, Station D, Mil- waukee, Wis. Edwin Marshall. Corp., 1503 George St., Chicago. Cassiano G. Silla, Cook, 510 N. May St., Chicago. Peter M. Schwindt, Mech., 1429 George St., Chicago. Domenico, Angelo Red Granite, Wis. Fred W. Ewald, Mech., R. D. 18, Fairwater, Wis. John J. Nesch, Wheaton. Louis J. Makurat, Mech., 874 6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Paul Fiebelkorn, Chaska, Minn. Tichon D. Guck, Mech, 1432 W. Huron St., Chicago. Edward W. Nelson, 3431 6th St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alfred Donnellan, Sup. Sgt., 4855 Fulton St., Chicago. David J. Warsaw, Sgt., 2065 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Charles B. Adlam, 487 66th Ave., West Allis, Wis. Herbert Anderson, 924 8th Ave., Rockford. Nels J. Asp_, Box 69, New Folden, Minn. Joe Boginski, Butternut, Wis. Kaspcr Braun, R. D. 3, Minneapolis, Minn. Steve Kaskav5tch, Blackwell, Wis. Victor Zell, Corp., 719 Reese St., Chicago. John Olson, Lowry, Minn. Gustav Bjorlin, 424 40th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Albert Block, 925 loth St. S., St. Cloud, Minn. _ Matt Graf, 1139 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Christian Brandt, R. D. i. Bacon, Wis. William Brendelson, 544 26th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Stephen O. Lewis, 2912 S. Chicago Ave., South Mil- waukee, Wis. Arthur E. Linder, 918 isth Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward Burkhard, Lockhart, Minn. Ray E. Cole, R. D. i, Hillsdale. George Clausen, Erskine, Minn. _ Adolph Druckrey, Underbill, Wis. Richard Dunn, R. D. i. Box 12, Delano, Minn. Julius Jensen, Eleanor, S. D. August Quast, 551 Carrol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John C. Bannach, 1507 Fry St., Chicago. "Fred C. Durr, R. D. i, Medford, Wis. Isaac J. Benson, East Grand Forks, Minn. Henry A. Drager, Fairwater, Wis. Herman Eickstadt, Box 785, Bemidji, Minn. Carl W. Swanson, R. D. 3, Mcintosh, Minn. Leonard Thompson, R. D. 9, Viroqua, Wis. Stanley Sobleski, 1636 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Arthur N. Gostol, 365 Burgess St., St. Paul, Minn. Christopher Kuehl, Box 72, Sabin, Minn. Johnnie Evjen, R. D. 3, Starbuck, Minn. August Anderson, 219 Lincoln Ave., Crookston, Minn. Arthur Reber, Marshall, Minn. John Chuba, R. D. i, Holdongford, Minn. Carl Gschwender, 25 Oak St. Oshkosh, Wis. Oscar Knobloch, 424 S. Park Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Toney J. Evans, 825 Madison St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Carl O. Schloerb, 40 Winnebago St., Oshkosh, Wis. Hilton Glasbrenner, Boscobel, Wis. Fred W. Apps, R. D. 3, Wild Rose, Wis. Robert Ahlers, 752 ssth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Bassler, Plainfield, Wis. William Broder, Markesan, Wis. Harry N. Brazee, R. D. 2, Berlin, Wis. Louis Landgraf, 1427 S. nth St., Sheboygan, Wis. Achile Cortier, 11 19 18th Ave., East Moline. George Duvick, 680 Lowry Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. James S. Dean, 510 E. Washington St., Monroe, Wis. Clayton Kinney, 308 Cottage Ave., Goshen, Ind. Robert R. Hall, Balaton, Minn. William F. Nagle, Cadott, Wis. Wallace J. Stony, 4500 S. Carolina St., Chicago. Albert F. Lietz, 614 E. Main St., Madison, Wis. Harold R. Bixby, Sgt., 508 S. Robey St., Chicago. Ralph Talarico, Sgt., 913 Cypress St., Chicago. Patrick Clark, Sgt., 1916 Warren Ave., Chicago. Andrew Camastral, 104 Jefferson Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Richard Lueth, Route i, Walworth, Wis. Richard Rupnow, 1214 S. Cherry St., Janesville, Wis. Paul A. Schmidt, Lowell, Wis. Lloyd Mclver, R. D. 6, Menomonie, Wis. John H. Sites, R. D. 2, Fairfield, Pa. Albert Schaedler, 915 6th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. Jacob Huovinen, 1507 Norwood St., Brainerd, Minn. Myron O. Hyde, 203 Wallace St., Sterling. Bennie W. Jeska, 1105 Caledonia St., LaCrosse, Wis. Arthur O. Johnson, 804 22nd Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Ferdinand Bock, 664 22nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Kazmierzak, 1805 17th Ave., South Milwaukee, Wis. 214 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Gerhard H. Klentz, R. D. 2, Reeseville, Wis. Ole T. Haugen, R. D. 2, Erksine, Minn. Earl L. Hodson, 226 Edward St., Kewanee. Massimigliano Taldone, 740 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Paul Hornfield, Baker St., Soest, Utrecht, Holland. Orine L. Trafka, 207 Rosendale St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Greger Knutson, R. D. i, Rosholt, Wis. William Bregholtz, 7668 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Frank F. Lahr, 527 20th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. James V. Le Coco, 522 N. Curtis St., Chicago. Joe L. Schwartz, R. D. i, Holdingford, Minn. Otto J. Kreiger, R. D. i. Box 74, Ohio. Jul:::.! Jacobson, Tampico. Thomas V. Lehman, Ohio. Edward M. Johnson, Ohio. Claude R. Best, care of F. Byers, Excelsior, Minn. John Fanum, 382 Lookout Place, St. Paul, Minn. Virgil F. Foushee, 1623 27th Ave., Moline. Albert Johnson, 112^2 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. Abraham Horvitz, 343 E. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Christian Jensen, Uvaa, Vcnsysel, Denmark. Bennie Martinson, R. D. i. Box 89, Grantsburg, Wis. Charles Juhlin, Nashwauk, Minn. William Hanigan, 517 S. Oakley Blvd., Chicago. Adolph G. Olson, R. D. i. Box 66, Plum City, Wis. Frank J. Rossler, 399 Front St., St. Paul, Minn. August H. Rocco, R. D. 4, Clintonville, Wis. Theodore Lolakos, 5455 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Albert Magnuson, Box 32, Rossburg, Minn. Rene Verbrigghe, Gladstone, Minn. Henry Patt, R. D. 2, Fond du Lac, Wis. George P. Brandenstein, Sun Prairie, Wis. Harold Jorgenson, 1106 Charles St., LaCrosse, Wis. Joseph Ambrose, 527 Gould St., LaCrosse, Wis. James M. Stech, 3048 Hamlin Ave., South Chicago. Joseph Motylinski, 1010 Badger St., LaCrosse, Wis. Jerry E. Bren, R. D. 2, Hopkins, Minn. Edward Flottmeyer, 1326 Rose St., LaCrosse, Wis. Olof A. Walstrom, R. D. i. Box 10, Hitterdal, Minn. John O. Cadieux, Sgt., 4051 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, ohn M. O'Dell, Sgt., 21 19 S. Ashland Ave,, Chicago. George T. Barnes, Sgt., 2062 W. Polk St., Chicago. Paul Brandenburg, Kingston, Wis. Albert Bleifuss, R. D. i, Reeseville, Wis. George A. Blank, R. D. i, Waterloo, Wis. John A. Berlowski, R. D. 4, Box 71, Berlin, Wis. Joe B. Chier, R. D. i, Green Lake, Wis. Elmer G. Bjelland, R. D. i, Menagha, Minn. Robert Stacey, 710 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Alvin D. Wheeler, Winfield, Wis. Hartvig C. Folvig, R. D. i, Mentor, Minn. Ward C. Flansburg, R. D. 4, Box 55, Verndale, Minn. Norbert Fruth, R. D. i. Box 117. St. Joseph, Minn. Clarence Gilberts, Devils Lake, N. D. Frederick Gresbach, 608 39th St.. Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur Stutzman, 727 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Fingal G. Borgh, 3546 4th St. N., Minneapolis, Minn. William Fossum, R. D. 1, Passel, Minn. Harry C. Guenther, Box 126, Glenview. Carl F. Lidstrom, Richwood, Minn. Joseph Hajek, 1832 Allport St., Chicago. John E. Hallstrom, 4004 Snelling Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Verdon E. Wells, Verdon, Minn. Joe Werderitch, 1375 Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Leo P. Carr, 500 White St., McKeesport, Pa. Morris Hansen, Comfrey, Minn. Thomas E. Hensler, Lombard. Julius A. Henvit. Box 437, Warren, Minn. Oscar Hillestad. Norcross, Minn. Joseph Marcinkiewicz, 2059 Grand Ave., Chicago. William Hinz, R. D. 2, Markesan, Wis. John E. Holmquist, R. D. 2, Box 72, Cokato, Minn. John R. Dahl, 2118 DeKalb St., Chicago. Joseph H. Hubich, 1979 Canalport Ave., Chicago. Ole Tharaldson, R. D. i. Box 70, East Grand Forks, Minn. John Wold, Roros, Condre Thorndylems Ant., Norway. Casper Zencius. 830 14th Ave. S., St. Cloud. Minn. Nester H. Eichelberger, 248 Nectarine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Martin S. Johnson, Iron River. Wis. Fred A. Gerfen, R. D. 2, Box 84, Grantsburg, Wis. Laurence Hutchinson, R. D. s, Anoka, Minn. George Hafemeister, R. D. 4, Box 116, Antigo, Wis, Fred Ingalls, Box 54, Elmhurst, Wis. Thomas Ingalls, Box 54, Elmhurst, Wis. Mike Kohler, R. D. 4, Antigo, Wis. Emil J. Dahlke, Box 76, Marquette, Wis. Harley A. DeVoe, R. D. 4, Box 31, Plainfield, Wis. August G. Domes, Marquette, Wis. Wolfgang Roith, R. F. D., Bloomer, Wis. Theodore Elsasser, 600 S. University St., Beaver Dam, Wis. William F. Erdman, R. D. 18, Fairwater, Wis. William Schwederske, R. D. i, Box 19, Lyndon, Wis. Ralph Stinson, Buda. John E. Olson, R. D. i. Box 28, Sheffield. Calloway Morris, Whiterose, Ky. William Grabowski, Box 48, Mosinee, Wis. Achel W. Johnson, New Bedford. John J. Walsh, Sgt., 2029 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Joseph R. Mann, Sgt., Wytheville, Va. Jerry G. Daly, Sgt., 1958 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Robert M. Gunning, R. D. 2, Box 52, Neponsett. George Burden, R. F. D., Tampico. Arnold Anderson, 350 Chestnut St., St. Paul, Minn. Mathevv A. Dopp, Almond, Wis. I'rank C. Hagemann, R. D. 4, Box 35, Berlin, Wis. Ray A. Yarrington, 105 S. 6th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Nartin A. Sakariason, R. D. 2, Webster, S. D. Arthur B. Tandberg, 401 W. Eau Claire St., Rice Lake, Wis. Vance W. Mechem, 217 Caswell Block, Milwaukee, Wis. Sam B. Kackman, R. D. i, Elk Mound, Wis. Daniel S. Mooers, 1048 Washington Ave. S., Detroit, Mich. Levi D. Morgan, 420 W. ist St., Ontario, Cal. Martin Knich, 1009 Madison St., Gary, Ind. Vonrad Larson, 34 Cliff St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Samuel Dorrance, R. D. 5, Warrenville. John Neslund, Box 135, Kelliher, Minn. Marius Norrs, Garfield Twp., Fertile, Minn. ]-^dward J. Fourre, 3501 Thomas Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. John V. Olin, Aitkin, Minn. Charles M. Kosak, Wonewac, Wis. John Zostantos, 2243 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Arthur E. Denning, 808 N. Center St., Beaver Dam. Wis. John H. Reed, Bricelyn, Minn. Emil H. Siebert, 511 W. Jackson St., Ottawa. Arthur J. Kassner, 606 Providence Ave., Winnetka. Goodwin C. Rude, McGregor, Minn. Joseph Zwara, 218 6th Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Edward Slivinik, 814 8th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. .■Mbert R. Lemke, Cameron, Wis. Axel J. Skoglund, R. D. i, Box 31 A, Grantsburg, Wis. Philip Moretti, 1054 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Albert Ziglinski, R. D. 2, Box i^, Antigo, Wis. Arthur H. Fisher, Fox Lake, Wis. Henry J. Frank. Oscar R. Grams, Box 156, Markesan, Wis. Henry M. Groff, 209 Mille St., Beaver Dam, Wis. August H. Nelson, 1419 W. 3rd St., Red Wing, Minn. Edwin A. Jintz, 44 S. Bruner St., Hinsdale. James Coffenburg. 810 Cudahy Ave., Cudahy, Wis. James W. Hunter, R. D. i. Browning, Wis. John A. Jahns, R. D. 1, Markesan, Wis. Henry A. Sederska, 761 Sweeting St., Berlin, Wis. Oscar Peterson, R. D. i, Putnam, drover C. Lane, R. D. i. Box 24, Albany, Ohio. Albert Schultz, Lewis, Wis. Arthur C. Mahn, 317 N. Franklin St., Janesville, Wis. James Martin, 1442 E. S9th St., Chicago. "Robert D. Walker, 1420 Rock Island Road, Dixon. Joseph Zoromsky, 1122 Victoria St., North Chicago. Joseph Phillips, 5020 W. Ohio St., Chicago. Hugo Schuette, R. D. i, Unity, Wis. Elmer Reideling, Waseca, Wis. John D. Schmeckpeper, R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. Mark J. Real, R. D. 3, Beadford. _ Harry Volz, R. D. i, Ableman, Wis. Harry Zigahn, Sgt., 2931 Seminary Ave., Chicago. Cecil G. Anderson, Sgt., 1859 Warren Ave., Chicago. Julian Kaufenberg, Bug., Hubbard, Minn. Kaddeus Golnik, 1055 Ducklin St., LaSalle. Earl Jones, 403 N. Page St., Stoughton, Wis. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND BATTALION, 344TH INFANTRY Israel E. McLaren, Maj., Tucumcari, N. Mex. John J. McCormick, ist Lt., 10244 Longwood Drive, Chicago. Leo C. McGee, 2d Lt., 817 N. Hazel St., Danville. THE 344TH INFANTRY 21^ COMPANY E, 344TH INFANTRY John C. Diller, Capt., 312 S. Monumental St., San An- tonio, Texas. Charles McGonegal, ist Lt., 1626 Charles St., LaCrosse, Wis. Walter S. Dalton, ist Sgt., P. O. Lock Box 7, West- ville. George P. Prasinos, Mess Sgt., 800 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Joseph Schipferling, 708 Tayco St., Menasha, Wis. _ Frank B. Stark, Corp., 5357 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. Adam S. Zaucha, 2017 W. Superior St., Chicago. William Anderson, R. D. s, Box 29. Windom, Minn. Andrew E. Swanson, Cook, 1460 Balmoral Ave., Chicago. Frank Garrett, Corp., 1035 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Arthur A. Roeker, 730 W. Pleasant St., Portage, Wis. Julius Marks, Broadway St., Berlin, Wis. Paul L. Witte, 412 24th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter Hartoin, 621 Addie St., Belleville. Joseph Sandin, 829 S. 29th AVe., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl L. Munson, 2428 E. 22nd St., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank J. Bloczynski, Athens, Wis. Irwon Handy, Box 530, Nashwauk, Minn. Thomas H. Tiller, Hendricks, Minn. Ferdinand Mengden, Sup. Sgt., 5962 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Panagiotis Retsinas, Sgt., 941 W. Polk St., Chicago. Peter Aggen, R. D. 7, Morrison. John A. Anderson, Box 18, Einlayson, Minn. George Hibbard, 905 4th St., Beloit, Wis. Judson Bemis, 315 N. Johnson Ave., Rockford. George Bessey, Star R. D. i, Tomahawk, Wis.. Oscar T. Anderson, 4614 Farimount Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Henry M. Catalano, Corp., 715 W. Polk St., Chicago. Axel G. Holsten, R. D. i, Copas, Minn. Patrick Burns, 402 Randolph St., Wausau, Wis. Lenas L. Norblom, 2400 9th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter H. Burnadt, R. D. 1, Gurnee. Thomas Shekleton, R. D. 2, Box 74, Murdock, Minn. Mathow Schibline, 308 Ruggles St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Nels J. Christenson, R. D. 4, Menomonie, Wis. Geodon Barnum, 5843 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. John K. Decker, 1007 13th Ave., Fulton. William H. Dahlgren, Finlayson, Minn. Ole Valde, Lanesboro, Minn. Harold W. Cole, Box 74, Eldron, Wis. Peter Kenidunuan, 219 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis. Paul L. Dhaene, Meenenstraad St., Wevelghem, Belgium. Elmer F. Dickson, 523 East B St., Iron Mountain, Mich. Albert Edlund, 2213 22nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Decker, 229 13th Ave., Fulton. Clarence Johnson, 418 S. Nicolett St., Blue Earth. Minn. William P. Thilgen, North 4th St., Mankato, Minn. John Dohmann, R. D. 3, Beaver Dam, Wis. Albert A. Duemke, 842 Higgins Ave., Neenah, Wis. Edward A. Drumm, 701 Garfield Ave., Wausau, Wis. Frank F. Goetz, 1141 Hayes Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Carlton J. Miller, Prentice, Wis. Albin E. Wallin, Box 8, Nisswa, Minn. Philip G. Carlson, Kalvrestrom Horgesos, Raukqvilla, Sweden. Harry J. Perron, 1143 Charles St., St. Paul, Minn. Hans T. Gustafson, R. D. 5, Box 44, Merrill, Wis. Eugene J. McCahey, 772 Cherokee Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Oscar E. Hanson, Poplar Route, Staples, Minn. John Hastert, 359 Liberty St., Aurora. Harry E. Sasse, 203 S. Galvraith St., Blue Earth, Minn. Key Lungreen, West Indiana Ave., St. Charles. Eveld L. Nelson, 1310 30th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Philip C. Nehlig, Box 432, Sharon, Wis. Peter J. Tusing, 2857 Lowe Ave., Chicago. James Horak, 224 5th Ave. N., Wausau, Wis. Herman G. Hier, Galva. Frank Szumowski, 11 16 Columbia Ave., Wilmington, Del. Max Berkman, 8t8 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Roy L. Jacobs Sterling. Charles T. Crowe, Corp., Vinland, Kansas. John C. Loehmann, R. D. 2, Hinsdale. Emil H. Jaeger, R. D. 2, Box 31, Merrill, Wis. Allie A. Kohnke, R. D. 4, Markesan, Wis. Rowland Johnson, R. D. 5, Markesan, Wis. Paul E. Dahl, R. D. i, Kerkhoven, Minn. Martin Christensen, Box 183, Askov, Minn. Lawrence B. Rossi, Sgt., 920 Sibley St., Chicago. Silas Van Winkle, Sgt., Grantsburg, Ind. Oscar Serlin, Sgt., 922 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Maurice E. Roach, 198 E. Ohio St., St. Charles. Harry N. Walby, R. D. 2, Clear Lake, Wis. Frederick Hess, Bradley, Wis. Lester J. Kimble, R. D. 5, Markesan, Wis. Walter D. Johnson. R. D. i. Box 13, Pine River, Wis. Louis F. Klatt, Marquette, Wis. Patrick Condon, Corp., 6330 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Paul L. Capp, 1303 2nd Ave., Sterling. Emiel F. Gossel, R. D. 8, Sterling. Joseph Samuelson, R. D. 5, Willmar, Minn. Lawrence Kleindl, R. D. 3, Box 8-?. Beaver Dam, Wis. Elmer W. Koechell, R. D. 4, Plainfield, Wis. Elmer L. Kobernik, Green Lake, Wis. William F. Kohn, Marquette, Wis. Sabatino Fidanzo, Collarmel, Aquila, Italy. John R. Shippy, R. D. i, Bellaire, Mich. William Tetzloff, 301 Bronson Ave., Big Rapids, Mich. Adolph Holmgren, R._ D. 7, Atwater, Minn. Robert Krueger, Berlin, Wis. William A. Kugel, R. D. 2, Markesan, Wis. Theodore Zyweki, R. D. i. Box loi, Rosholt, Wis. Harry F. Lambert, 1334 Clifton Ave., Rockford. Charles N. Gille, 21 N. Adams St., Hinsdale. Frank E. Carnes, 191 1 sth Ave N... Minneapolis, Minn. John Iverson, R. D. i, Box 51, Whalan. Minn. John Snarskis, 814 22nd Ave., Melrose Park. Fred A. Lehman, R. D. i, Auroraville, Wis. Lawrence Leistikow, Green Lake, Wis. Alfred Enderson, Box 544, Breckenridge, Minn. James B. Leonard, R. F. D., Zumbro Falls, Minn. Louis Fry, 1038 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. William D. Martz, R. D. 1, Nemaha, Iowa. Edgar C. Mundt, 5519 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Matthew H. McDonald, R. D. 2, Tara, Ontario, Can. Jacob Levine, 793 Cedar St., St. Paul, Minn. Emil Maas, 1019 4th Ave. S.. Wausau, Wis. Charles I. Donmoyer, Pine Grove, Pa. Richard Maggio, 530 N. Morgan St., Chicago. Charles Freerck, 562 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harold Jorgensen, Box 96, St. Louis Park, Minn. Anton F. Schukofski, 805 Appleton St., Menasha, Wis. Harry C. Utech, Box 787, West Chicago. Robert McClure, R. D. 2, Capron. ^ Daniel McMillan, 112 Pleasant St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Joseph McCuUough, R. D. 4, Berlin, Wis. Wilbur Shore, R. D. i, Rushmore, Minn. Axel G. Peterson, iioo 2nd St. W., Ashland, Wis. Edward F. Menke, R. D. i, Markesan, Wis. John T. Dov?, 138 Menomonee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Victor E. Svendsen, Clarkfield. Minn. Henry E. Mielke, Box 26, Melvin. Frederick Milarch, Fox Lake, Wis. William Stillman, Star Route, Weyawega, Wis. John A. Jacobson, 201 8th St., S., Virginia, Minn. Frederick Moderow, R. D. 41, Box 32, Markesan, Wis. Harry A. Taggart, Box 254, Cleveland, Okla. Sam Armando, Sgt., 768 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Richard O'Donnell, 1504 W. Lake St., Chicago. Theodore Bullerman, Adrian, Minn. Edward C. Reinfeldt, Box 21, Ableman, Wis. Herman D. Marx, R. D. i. Box 51, Elkhart Lake, Wis. Rasmus M. Jorgensen, DeSmet, S. D. Jesse H. Oathout, R. D. 5, Box 42, Beaver Dam, Wis. Joseph J. Serres, 120 S. 6th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Albert Nonn, Cross Plains, Wis. Joe M. Kern, Box 115, Mosinee, Wis. Osro D. Baker, 941 Jackson St., St. Paul, Minn. Mons F. Baker, Box 122, Wanamingo, Minn. Alfred T. Harstad, R. D. i, Box 55, Louisburg, Minn. Ervin C. Lembke, Pine River, Minn. Isidore M. Kuemper, R. D. i. Box 22, Wilmont, Minn. Carl R. Julin, 21 19 22nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Claude Lund, 2120 21st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. William H. Wilson, R. D. 3, Rushmore, Minn. Rudolph Domjahn, New Germany, Minn. Edward E. Anderson, Lynn Center. Reverdon R. Oestrich, Hancock, Wis. Joseph Petlock, Princeton, Wis. Arthur W. Pagel, R. D. i. Box 35, Auroraville, Wis. Fred Pick, R. D. i, Berlin, Wis. Chester P. Pues, R. D. 31, Leeman, Wis. Fred Zuhlke, R. D. 1, Clarno, Wis. Walter J. Kimber, 732 Pryor Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Martin L. Schultz, 1516 Grand St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Allan W. Riley, 6231 Magnolia Ave., Chicago. John Pal, 801 3rd St., Bethlehem, Pa. 2l6 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Leonard G. Roberts, Gen. Del., Jamestown, Ala. Frank Sires, R. D. 7, Northime, Wis. Anton J. Posta, Haugen, Wis. Camiel DeVriese, 825 N. Walnut St., Kewanee. Otto G. Korlin, North St. Paul, Minn. Edward Watermolen, 1236 Day St., Green Bay, Wis. George F. Staples, Box 234. Osceola, Wis. Felix J. Stoltman, 224 St. Charles St., Winona, Minn. Wallace R. Sten, R. D. i, Osco. Frank Mangnuson, Box 144, Tep Harbors, Minn. John G. Schneck, R. D. 4, Wausau, Wis. Vernie H. Larson, 3856 37th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Paul G. Boettcher, R. D. 7. Box 9, Merrill, Wis. George Twedt, Granite Falls, Minn. Joseph P. Szyperski, McNaughton, Wis. Frank A. Lentz, R. D. 4, Brodhead, Wis. Paul F. Wahlfahrt, 141 7 2nd St., Wausau, Wis. Ole Olson, R. D. 2, Box 65, Cambridge, Wis. Arthur H. Leutink, R. D. i, Preston, Minn. George F. Lindemann, Box 104, Lake Benton, Minn. Gottfred J. Pearson, 600 5th St., Willmar, Minn._ Olaf Westberg, 714 Winneconne Ave., Neenah, Wis. Reinhardt Gransee, R. D. 2, Box 112, Cambria, Wis. Edwin J. Stender, 643 Earl St., St. Paul, Minn. Andrew B. Wahl, Westboro,_ Wis. Wesley A. Keller, Corner High and Center Sts., West Chicago. James J. Adduci, Sgt., 1428 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Michael Braffia, Sgt., R. D. 35, Box 146, Kenosha, Wis. Christ Madsen, Sgt., 3374 Wilhelm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph Fleischmann, R. D. s, Antigo, Wis. Judd Wise, Box 201, Akley, Minn. Ludwick Biedzycki, 2007 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago. Walter Anderson, R. D. i. Balsam Lake, Wis. Adolph Firner, 281 S. Cleveland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Charles F. Marquardt, Hancock, Wis. Alvln W. Hertel, 5929 N. Clark St., Chicago. John M. Sederstrom, R. D. i, Box 55, Forest Lake, Minn. Earnest Tenhoff, Paris Hotel, Benson, Minn. George Standaert, R. D. 5, Box 87-A, Kewanee. Harold T. Crosby, 405 E. 3rd St., Wichita, Kansas. Tony Basciano, 765 Capitol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Walter A. Scharr, 303 Dewey Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Arvid J. Carlson, Box 3, Osco. Emil Marek, 1620 19th St., Two Rivers, Wis. Everd Benson, 201 McKee St., Batavia. Edward B. Olson, 442 Garfield Ave., 2nd Fl., Chicago. Hugho Haken, R. D. 2, Rushmore, Minn. Ole K. Vier, R. D. i. Box 2. Burop, Minn. Christian Urdahl, Windsor, Wis. ; Albert Johnson, 2nd St. S., Renova, Pa. Henry Rokstid, R. D. i, Morrisonville, Wis. Carl E. Bierlein, Elmhurst. Rudolph Riemer, Collins, Wis. Reinhart T. Speigel, R. D. i. Box 46, Kewanee. Andrew Moe, Stoughton, Wis. Knut T. Tveit, R. D. 2, Windsoe, Wis. John Englein, Deerfield, Wis. Thomas M. Olson, R. D. 2, Sun Prairie, Wis. Alvin E. Koeppe, Sheboygan Falls. Wis. Thomas N. G. Johnson, Box 279, Benson, Minn. Alex Kempczynski, 975 Lapham St., Milwaukee, Wis. William H. Rohde, Coleta. Edward O. Moberg, 241 1 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Mike Mitros, Minneapolis Athletic Club, Minneapolis, Minn. Domenick Carollo, R. D. i. Box 2. Red Granite, Wis. Grenville Opsal, 213 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Aman Scheeler, Sparland. Knut A. Erickson, 703 20th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. John A. Redeen, Box 213, Tower, Minn. John Perone, Tecanite, Minn. Jules Van Basselaere, R. D. 4. Box 3-F, Racine, Wis. Nelbert Pederson, Box 24, Mildred, Minn. William Umland, R. D. 4, Beaver Dam, Wis. Melvin E. Berg, R. D. 2, Kerkhoven, Minn. Louis F. Graff, 311 Pleasant Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Ola Olson, R. D. 4, Phrophetstown. Harry A. Diehl, 910 W. 2nd St., Rock Falls. Franklin B. Brady, Duane and Prospect Ave., Glenn Ellen. Carlo Manze, Marblehead, Wis. George E. Shaw, 830 Lorel Ave., Chicago. Harold B. Hunt, Corp., 5822 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Adolph Traskewich, Officers Club, Fort Sheridan. Peter M. Frederick, Sgt., 1518 Highland Ave., Chicago. Joseph R. Martoccio, Sgt., 901 S. Loomis St., Chicago. COMPANY F, 344TH INFANTRY George H. Dovenmuehle, Capt., 616 Arlington Place, Chicago. Harry Okin, ist Lt., 614 Pine St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Floyd Bargy, ist Sgt., Elk Rapids, Mich. Ernest C. Humes, Mess Sgt., 2045 Bradley Place, Chi- cago. Ivar Lund, 1005 Carlton Ave.. Cloquet. Minn. James Peterka, Cook, 720 Bunker St., Chicago. Carl Johnson, R. D. i, Bojf 23, Elgin. Charles Braun, 2151 Clybourne Ave., Chicago. Frank Adamek, 1122 S. Des Plaines St., Chicago. Henry M. Steffes, 1501 Girard Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Conrad Kurcach, 1404 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Otto F. Ziemer, Vesper, Wis. Edward P. Lassas, R. D. 3, Madelia, Minn. Erick T. Himley, R. D. 9, Montevideo, Minn. Henry W. Rowe, 6451 Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Sven A. Johnson, R. D. i, Ortonville, Minn. Andrew A. Miller, 220 E. Broadway St., Waukesha, Wis. Kino Shapiro, Corp., 79 Orchard St., New York City, N. Y. Casper Zawacki, 831 60th Ave., West AUis, Wis. Benjamin H. Smith, Sup. Sgt., 1510 S. 15th St., Chi- cago. Max Goldman, Sgt., 1706 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago. John H. Linkeman, R. D. 2, Basko. Mike Power, R. D. i. Blue Mounds, Wis. Otto P. Wermter. R. D. i, Pequot, Minn. Edward A. Wetzel, R. D. 2, Reeseville, Wis. Glen A. Walrath, 115 S. Center St., Beaver_ Dam,_ Wis. Paul M. Rhode, 1009 Washington St., Berlin, Wis. Roy V. Cook (i), R. D. 10, Franksville, Wis. Frank Jungwirth, 1126 nth St., Oshkosh, Wis. Harley S. Haugen, Kimberly, Minn. David Dunn, R. D. i. Box 55, Neponset. Peter J. Keegan, R. D. i, Fenton. Oscar J. Wild, R. D. i, Knowles, Wis. Gustav W. Olg, Rochelle. Peter Amundson, R. D. 64, Menomonie, Wis. William N. Reed, 308 Gallatan St., Vandalia. John Ibelings, R. D. i. Mountain Lake, Minn. Gilbert Coleman, 440 9th St., Cloquet, Minn. Leo S. Giere, R. D. 2, Wheeler, Wis. William J. Walters, in Oregon St., Merrill, Wis. Charles Anderson. R. D. 2, Edmund, Wis. Thomas E. Hovey, White Salmon, Wash. George N. Jacobson, R. D. i. Box 36, Blanchardville, Wis. Walter McGaw, 1232 Revelle Ave., Rockford. Roy J. Waters, R. D. i. Box 72, Green Lake, Wis. Frank H. Knobel, 1206 North St., Waukesha, Wis. Frank G. Haskek, Elcho, Wis. Gotlieb Spagenske, 1446 St. Anthony St., St. Paul, Minn. John H. Michael, 2 Lake St., Neenah, Wis. Laurel Robillard, 538 Menomonee St., Eau Claire, Wis. Laurence Fordham, R. D. 2, Walnut. Leo A. Fenlcn, Corp., 5751 S. Honore St., Chicago. Carl O. Erickson, 450 Main St., New Britain, Conn. Anton Johnson, R. D. 1, Box 58, Toulon. August Schroeder, 700 Pier St., Merrill, Wis. Ole B. Peterson, R. D. 2, Arpin, Wis. Bennie O. Weeks, R. D. 3, Balaton, Wis. Triphow DeWaelshe, 405 17th Ave., Moline. Swen Dahl, Meridean, Wis. Carl J. Grady (i), 1091 Maryland Ave., East Milwau- kee, Wis. Charles B. Nelson, Box 34, Avoca, Minn. Alexander Antonouch (i), 928 W. 14th St., Chicago. Fred Zethner, 864 9th St., Milwaukee. Wis. Louis Van Waes, R. D. 6, Box 64, Geneseo. Herbert Hirschel, 826 W. 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Olaf Hagen, 1608 Hughitt Ave., Superior, Wis. Gilmond Thompson, R. D. 2, Box 88, Elk Mound, Wis. Clarence O'Connor, Corp., 3425 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Axel Carlson, Atkinson. Arnold Sponholz, 511 W. Maple Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis. George F. Hintz, R. D. 4, Elk Mound, Wis. THE 344TH INFANTRY 217 Peter F. Pearson, 907 20th Ave., Rockford. Stencel Recheck, R. D. 2, Box 6, Fox Lake, Wis. Joseph C. Everson, R. D. i. Box 65, Colfax, Wis. Charles Kvacik, Corp., 1454 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Frank W. Freeberg, 228 W. sth St., Mankato, Minn. John J. Crabala, Sgt., 11335 Langley Ave., Chicago. Patrick J. O'Donnell, Sgt., 1048 15th St., Chicago. Louis Albert, Sgt., 3556 W. 12th St., Chicago. Ole M. Larson, R. D. i, Meriden. Leo W. Strey, R. D. 3, Oshkosh, Wis. Fred W. Warmbier. R. D. i. Box 21, Princeton, Wis. Louie Torgensen, Box 351, Tomahawk, Wis. George" O. Heinlein, R. D. i. Box 28, Glidden, Wis. Fritzjof Arneson, R. D. i. Box 37, Breckenridge, Minn. E&tI J. Newberger, Herman, Minn. Emil G. Kleinschmidt, R. D. i. Box 31, Corning, Wis. Vernon C. Johnston, Bureau. Louis H. Lange, Winneconne, Wis. Edwin Seegert, R. D. i. Box 13, Juneau, Wis. Lawrence Perkins, R. D. 3, Erie- Albert F. Podawiltz, 446 2nd St. S., Grand Rapids, Wis. Andrew Gripp, Annivan. Nels E. Nelson, R. D. i, Winnebago. George Grzaske, Box 80, Kettle River, Minn. Louis Calvetti, Box 128, Cedar Point. Henry J. Soley, 809 Dodge St., Eau Claire, Wis. Edward J. Gubbin, R. D. i, Menomonie, Wis. Verghew Wadleigh, 917 N. Center St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Jalmer D. Larson, R. D. 3, Rothsay. Minn. Melvin Anderson, R. D. 3, Dallas, Wis. Orval Manning, Bowman, N. D. Michael Polus, R. D. i. Box 109, Princeton, Wis. Thomas Metakas, 410 Edison St., Antigo, Wis. Frank Gasteyer, R. D. i. Box 76, Eau Galle, Wis. William Grudis, 611 Union St., Rockford. Edwin H. Johnson, R. D. 15, Larsen, Wis. Edwin H. Schafer, R. D. 5, Merrill, Wis. William Schaefer R. D. 4, Box 85, Merrill, Wis. John E. Smith, R. D. 1, Box 62, Erie. Robert Schoenrock, 425 Western Ave., Blue Island. William Grueger, 27 Hamilton Ave., Cedarburg, Wis. Helge Horve. 427 Glencoe St., Rochester, Minn. Richard A. Ulery (i), Nokomis. William Johnson, 10824 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. William F. Franz, 2507 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl G. Wiesener, 904 N. Franklin St., Rochester, Minn. Ira Cohen, Corp., 1304 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Jacob O. Johnson, R. D. 5, Box 13, Sisseton, S. D. Battista Hegro, Hurley, Wis. Henry P. Otto, 1802 nth St., Menomonie, Wis. Joseph P. Sletta, R. D. 5, Box 38, Madelia, Minn. Henry N. Simon, R. D. 3, Wild Rose, Wis. Erik A. Pearson, Box 105, Wright, Minn. Walter W. Ingold, 701 E. Washington St., Monroe, Wis. Richard E. Siebert (i). High St., Mineral Point, Wis. Edward Miller, 1430 7th Ave., Rockford. Alexander Fish, 316 W. 109 PL, Chicago. Axel W. Johnson, 2321 i8th Ave., Rockford. Bror A. Larson, 13 16 5th Ave., Rockford. William Zimmerman, Box 3, City Point, Wis. Harry Tegge (i), 613 Chicago St., Manitowoc, Wis. Carl E. Johnson, 616 Sth St., Rockford. Herman L. Neuman, Sgt., 3448 N. Robey St., Chicago. Jerome F. Stream, Sgt., 1450 Solon Ave., Chicago. William Thieme, Jr., Sgt., 1358 S. Sangamon St., Chi- cago. Raymond C. Elm, Oneida, Wis. Curtis F. Inowers, 1927 loth St., Moline. George A. Samuelson, R. D. 105, Woodhull. Francis M. Dannenberg, 1628 Peach St., Rockford. Guiseppe Pedrini, 411 West St., Rockford. Edwin Schultz, Horicon, Wis. Benjamin Owens, 2605 W. Huron St., Duluth, Minn. Arthur O. Schmidt, R. D. 25, Waupon, Wis. James L. Arant, R. D. 6, Benton, Ky. Herman C. Fruvog, Colfax, Wis. Wilmer L. Houghtaling, Downsville, Wis. Orville Hedemark, R. D. 10, Menomonie, Wis. Anton P. Lindburg (i), 8737 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Charles L. Wadel, 752 9th St., S., Grand Rapids, Wis. Joseph P. Idstein, Corp., 13 14 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Theophiel De Fauw, 405 17th Ave., Moline. Robert Goranson, 244 5th Ave., S., St. Paul, Minn. Frederick Gegner, Box 97, Comfrey, Minn. Frank Dupre, R. D. Atkinson. Herman F. Zierk, 408 Jackson St., Dundee. William A. Rahn, R. D. 3, Box 4, Randolph, Wis. Clyde M. Coulter, Box 76, Orion. Stanley T. Mistalske, 2138 Thomas St., Chicago. Ernest LaBrache, 105 Pine St., Cloquet, Minn. Jacob Yonkman, 10850 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. John B. Fredericks, R. D. i. Box 45, Clyde. Leonard J. Linder, B. 256, Meadowlands, Minn. Herbert Wegner, 808 Lake St., Horicon, Wis. Ernest J. Besens, Marathon City, Wis. Adolph Anderson, R. D. i, Prophetstown. Charles M. Hicks, Anoka, Minn. Gustav A. Willie, R. D. 4, Markesan, Wis. Irving V. Wurst, 411 North Broadway, Rochester, Minn. Clinton Spondly, Augusta, Wis. Peter A. Rindall, R. D. 2, Osseo, Wis. Phillip J. Gasteyer, R. D. i, Eau Claire, Wis. Harry Ziebell, Berlin, Wis. Otto A. Schuett, R. D. i. Box 12, Lowell, Wis. Lester R. Thornton (i), 1838 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Anderson, 434 Barrington Ave., Dundee. William S. Gallagher, 514 Morgan St., Rockford. Jacob Williams, Box 35, Aurora, Minn. Harry W. Koehler, 963 7th S,t., Milwaukee, Wis. Chalmer Alters, 703 Lombard St., Galesburg. Edwin C. Pearson, 1333 4th Ave., Rockford. Frank Rozek, R. D. i, Princeton, Wis. Giovannia Fessia, Trossa, Pa. Paul Scherschel, 109 Radelcort St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Gordon G. Simon, R. D. 3, Box i. Wild Rose, Wis. Frank J. Bilek, R. D. 3, Box 129-A, North Judson, Ind. Charles Broslowsky, 911 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. Berthold F. Kregel, R. D. 15, Larson, Wis. Carl G. Anderson, 538 W. 6oth PI., Chicago. William H. Nash, Fairfield, la. Reinhold Pick, R. D. 1, Aurora, Wis. Ernest G. Karth, Sgt., 2148 Grace St., Chicago. Carl H. Furcht, Sgt., 3033 Racine Ave., Chicago. Rufus D. Pasquale, Sgt., 701 Dekoven St., Chicago. Ray W. Nelson, Box i, Cambridge. Frank J. Enright, 502 W. 7th St., Sterling. Ingvald Ekker, R. D. i, Mable, Minn. Edward Nikorski, Hatley, Wis. Helmer Bakken, R. D. 2, Box 67-A, Prairie Farm, Wis. James A. Wisneski, Hatley, Wis. Edward A. Wendt, Green St., Box 214, Carpentersville, Wis. Hallen F. Potter, Monomo, Minn. Oscar J. Nelson, 1325 6th Ave., Rockford. Elof W. Sangren, R. D. 4, Box 51, Cambridge. Sever C. Rehol, 425 N. Grove St. , Chippewa Falls, Wis. Louis A. Yesse, R. D. 2, Freemont, Wis. William Schwenneker, 1915 3d Ave., E., Moline. Walter Wellner, Box 54, Hancock, Wis. Edwin R. Mullen, Corp., 2017 E. 72d St., Chicago. Dan J. Sommerfield, Markesan, Wis. John J. Bloom (i), 914 Fratney St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Reich, R. D. 2, Toulon. Joseph Kollmer, 121 1 Cotter Ave., Merrill, Wis. Owen House, Delton, Wis. Theodore E. Timm, R. D. i. Box 10, Aurorav^Ue, Wis. Leo Finucane, 5031 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Frank Acker, 1413 N. loth St., Sheboygan, Wis. John Hilmanowske, R. D. 4, Menomonie City, Wis. Raymond G. Nelson, 608 6th St., W., Crookston, Minn. Rudolph Zinthefer, R. D. 5, Box 76, Marshfield, Wis. Robert A. School, 798 20th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry Rowe, Augusta, Wis. Arvel J. Johnson, R. D. 7, Merrill, Wis. Robert Seehafer, R. D. 2, Marathon, Wis. John A. Schuler, 6741 Michigan Ave., Chicago, ngebright Foss, R. D. 2, Box 14, Colfax, Wis. Michael Samborowski, 1701 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Vicco Hansen, Gen. Deliv., Syota, Minn. Henry Vogt., R. D. i, Fremont, Wis. Frank Golubchick, 1253 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Thomas S. Richardson, 424 W. 6th St., Lexington, Ky. Walter Erickson, Lynn Center. Herbert Wilson, 9934 May St., Chicago. James W. Runkle, R. D. i, Dallas, Wis. Paul F. Raether, Clarno, Wis. Joe Stangl, R. D. 2, Marshfield, Wis. Otto Hageseth, R. D. 9, Box 76, Menomonie, Wis. Michael Schneck, 898 i6th St.. Milwaukee, Wis. William R. Schott, R. D. i. Box 95, Irma, Wis. Louis S. Larsen, R. D. 14, Box 70, Larsen, Wis. Samuel J. Gorgoglione, 728 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Edwin G. Schulz, R. D. 4, Markesan, Wis. Emil J. Kuschmann, 1148 23d St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Zullo, 2265 E. 105th St., Cleveland, O. Herbert Lagerstan, Pecatonica. 2l8 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Edward Isaacson, Box 9, Brantwood, Wis. Joseph W. Furrer, R. D. 1, Schellsberg, Wis. Paul G. Silas, 817 S. sth St., Rockford. Leo Powell, 1907 Evergreen Ave., Chicago. Frederick Kohlmeyer, Sgt., 1728 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adolph F. Gedeon, Sgt., 1023 W. 14th PI., Chicago. COMPANY G, 344TH INFANTRY Palmer D. Edmunds, ist Lt., Chelan, Wash. Joseph D. Large, ist Lt., 6036 Stoney Island Ave., Chi- cago. George J. Artus, ist Sgt., 1846 School St.. Chicago. Fred Mueller, Mess Sgt., 218 W. Elm St., Chicago. Benjamin H. Dickey, Bug., 1530 2d Ave., N., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Louis Podkrivacky, Cook, 656 W. i8th St., Chicago. Ewald A. Deters, Bug., New Albin, la. John Abramowski, Cook, 631 Muskego Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred G. Watz, Cook, 5041 W. Strong Ave., Chicago. Francis A. Daley, 4229 N. Monroe St., Chicago. Joseph Kostrezewski, Cook, Peshtigo, Wis. Frank Heimerl, Mech., R. D. 3, New Holstein. Wis. Peter Becker, 930 13th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Guiseppe Stassi, Mech., Providence of Palmer, Sicily, Italy. Edward W. Rutz, 834 Island Ave., Rockford. Orville E. Reynolds, Mech., Boycevllle, Wis. Fred Kleinschmidt, 190 King St., Dundee. Walter C. Skole, Mech., 508 Otter St., Oshkosh, Wis. Jacob W. Burch, 499 S. Broadway. Aurora. Arthur H. Off, Sup. Sgt., 1840 Melrose St., Chicago. LeRoy Becker, Sgt., 1721 Roscoe St., Chicago. Frank Pitch, 13th St. and S. Water St., Manitowoc, Wis. Herman C. Stutzke, R. D. s. Sterling. Archie Gallery, Franklin, Minn. Carlton P. Waldron, Laurens, la. Victor Van Wonterghem, Moline. Byron Encisco, 1012 N. 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Emil Klinder, Corp., 1651 Melrose St., Chicago. Fred Anderson, 1839 Benson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Clyde L. Smith, Cardova. Robert O. Manderfeld, 426 N. State St., New Ulni, Minn. August Holmberg, R. D. i, Danbury, Wis. John Sroka, R. D. i. Box 126, Sturgeon Lake, Minn. Albert L. Fanno, R. D. i. Box 64, Lakeville, Minn. Israel Cohen, 10 N. Broadway, Aurora. Christ Schultz, 53 Konstantinowska St., Saratow, Russia. Charles E. Kant, E. Washington St., Monroe, Wis. Oscar Lundin, R. D. i, Box 41, South Haven, Mmn. Christ A. Mo€, Beldenville, Wis. Ernest W. Forsberg, Kasota, Minn. Magnus Hage, R. D. i, Kelsey, Minn. Hans P. Grimm, 615 E. 19th St., Mmneapolis, Mmn. Raymond C. Fey, 601 W. Market St., Monroe, Wis. George M. Neumer, Corp., 3058 N. Hoyne Ave., Chi- cago. Tames P. Olsen, 828 27th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Robert E. Liddy, Elkader, la. Edwin J. Johnson, R. D. 2, Superior, Wis. Farl C. Kells, R. D. t. Box 31, Red Wing, Mmn. Martin A. Krumheuer, 502 Douglass St., Menomome, Wis. Arthur A. Martin, 2321 Roosevelt Ave., Two Rivers, Wis. Max Sussman, Title and Trust Bldg., Chicago. Ernest S. Peterson, 252 N. Farnham»St., Galesburg. Eilert Isakson, R. D. 2, Elk Mound, Wis. Arthur Wagnild, R. D. i. Care James Wald, Elk Mound, Wis. Fred W. O'Neil, 501 Sumner St., LaCrtsse, Wis. Jacob N. Anderson, Spirit Falls, Wis. Odin Paulson, R. D. 7, Menomonie, Wis. Paul Gosdeck, R. D. 4, Grand Rapids, Wis. Fred G. Janssen, R. D. 3, Barnesville, Minn. Howard J. Bennett, Corp., 1653 Melrose St., Chicago. Schiel Hoornaert, 1338 15th Ave., E., Moline. Rene Desmedt, 14th Ave. Moline. Tames Ambrosino, 1209 W. Harrison St., Chicago. trank J. Binder, R. D. 2, Marshfield, Wis. Ernest Boelter, Hutchinson, Minn. John A. Campbell, R. D. 2, Wild Rose, Wis. Louis Converse, Box 23, Janesville, Minn. Felix J. Berths, 1518 S. Kent St., Manitowoc, Wis. Charles J. Colberg, 521 14th St., Moline. Axel R. Klingborg, 334 5th Ave., Moline. Robert R. Stickney, 384 Rosewood Ave., Aurora. Leo T. Cemka, 1230 2d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John O. Rhude, R. D. 2, Box 23, Elk Mound. Wis. Glen Lemler. Corp., R. D. 4, Colfax, Wis. Harry W. Fat, 3230 Southport, Ave., Chicago. Paul A. Meyer, R. D. 3, Box 17, Fall Creek, Wis. Patrick J. Cronin, Sgt., 959 W. 19th St., Chicago. James W. Roberts, Sgt., 1921 S. Peoria St., Chicago. John P. Donegan, Sgt., 100 Crane St., Dayton, O. Elmer J. Pierson, Prophetstown. Murray^E. Cooper, Wilkinson, Ind. David P. Judge, 4109 S. Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Carl A. Lundahl, Box 186, Soudan, Minn. Louis Kesner, 858 S. Liberty St., Elgin. Andrew Trauboatowski, Box 152, Chaska, Minn. John J. Ranker, Corp., 1521 N. Park Ave., Chicago. William Jardine, 321 Boys St., Streator. Joseph H. Johnson, Joy. Carl O. Swenson, 1310 Parmalee St., Rockford. Joseph A. Dernbach, Merrill, Wis. Clifton C. Hamilton, 132 Dundee Ave., Elgin. Leo A. Galonska, 3302 Wall St., Chicago. Arthur P. Johnson, 1818 Sth St., S., Minneapolis. Minn. Frank Dobberstein, 951 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Otto F. Schoenian, R. D. 9, Box 60, Neenah Wis. Otto M. Kalow, West 7th St., Faribault, Minn. Frithjof Davidson, 542 6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward J. Murphy, Calhoun, Wis. Emil C. Rabe, Winslow. Henning P. Johnson, Kimberly, Minn. Frank B. Woods. R. D. 3, Boyceville, Wis. Vernon Miller, Corp., 1019 Albany St., Los Angeles, California. Joseph J. Altenhofen, yyy Tayco St., Menasha, Wis. John F. Kingren, 755 N. Mayfield Ave., Chicago. Fred L. Miller, 344 Silver St., Elgin. Charles Luzaitis, 3247 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Teddy S. Colden. R. D. i, Blanchardville, Wis. Keith Denton Erie. Arthur E. Rosing, 483 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Wawrzon, 642 Harrison Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Tver O. Johnson, Box 75, Bennett, Wis. Frank Rimmert, 135 S. 7th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ewald A. Krueger, R. D. 2, Box 26, Colfax, Wis. Peter Sterud. R. D. 2, Edgerton, Wis. Gottlieb J. Kaiser, R. D. i, Wheeler, Wis. Axel Mitlying, R. D. 6, Menomonie, Wis. Edgar Annis, 242 Prospect Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. John Passo, Corp., 1253 W. Oregon Ave., Chicago. Harry Schilling, 738 21st Ave., E., Moline. Frank Hughes, 3800 Wallace St., Chicago. Toseph H. Tranel, R. D. i, Menomonee. Take Leick, 5th St., Marshfield, Wis. Daniel T. Laughnan, R. D. 6, Black River Falls, Wis. George J. Schilling Scanlon, Minn. Jens H. Jensen, Askov, Minn. William Peterson, 729 Broadway, Eau Claire, Wis. Paul K. Truchinski, R. D. i, Box 25, Pittsville, Wis. Michael Rindal, R. D. 2, Box 88, Oseo, Wis. William Gale, RoUa, Mo. Andrew Paul, R. D. 1, Milladore Wis. Emil Detaiye, St. Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. Constandinos Giannopoulos, 521 9th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Hendricks DeKruiff, 516 W. 6th St., Mishawaka, Ind. Frank Belcik, 3300 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Raymond P. Scholler, Sgt., 1015 Railroad Ave., Han- cock, Mich. . Peter Milkowski, Sgt., 909 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. William Sohrbeck, Sgt., 1545 Roscoe St., Chicago. Norbert C. Beecher, Henderson, Minn. Otto H. Froemming, Albee, S. D. Norman E. Moore, Western, Wis. Otto F. Hopp. R. D. 3, Box 51. Mcrgan, Minn. Victor Labansky, 931 S. 23d Ave., Manitowoc, Wis. Henry H. Solberg. R. D. 60. Seneca. Milton H. Blair, Box 129, Weston, Wis. Armin Schneider, 412 N. 2d St., Mankato, Minn. William Stevenett, Box 63, Cloquet, Minn Anthony Lewandowski, 789 nth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joe Kuehl, R. D. 3. Box 70, Morrison. Alois Vereecke, 143 1 17th St., East Moline. George J. Embs, 535 14th St.,, Wis. Clarence B. Christofferson, Gibbon, Minn. THE 344TH INFANTRY 219 Walter L. Bretall, 4325 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Jake A. Israel, 2443 Vine St., Milwaukee, Wis. Andy Johnson, 23 11 12th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest F. Wojahn, 1625 Pine St., LaCrosse, Wis. Jessie A. Gehrt, Box 34, Morgan, Minn. John W. Busse, R. D. i. Green Lake, Wis. Robert Dressier (i), 978 W. 19th St., Chicago. Marcus N. Olson, 445 loth Ave., Grand Rapids, Wis. Roy W. Villwock, Corp., 1955 Otto St., Chicago. William Brownlee, Matherville. George A. Witt, R. D. i. South Wayne, Wis. Harold V. Swain, 720 Division St., S., LaCrosse, Wis. John Miller, 213 loth St. N., Grand Rapids, Wis. Leland Rocheleau, 827 1st St., S., Grand Rapids, Wis. Wesley R. Palmer, R. D. 2, Wheeler, W'is. Jam€s Poppel, Wolvertori, Minn. Glen I. Smith, South 9th St., Breckenridge, Minn. Gerhard A. Maukstad. R. D. 2, Colfax, Wis. John E. Hof master, R. D. i. Box 47, Argyle, Wis. Charles J. Stibr, 2651 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. John Raunio, Box 15, Maple, Wis. Charles E. Anderson, Blanchardville, Wis. Carl E. Simmons, Chetek, Minn. Frank A. Nyberg, Corp., 1410 Wells St., Chicago. Alvin O. Olson, Box 168, Hanley Falls, Minn. William Regan, 2010 Canalport Ave., Chicago. Vito Titone, Marsala, Trapani, Italy. Ralph W. Williquett, 361 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. Jalmer Berg, 439 Vine St., Eau Claire, Wis. Albert T. Korslin, R. D. 2, Box 84, Grand Rapids, Wis. Wesley Draeger, 421 St. Joseph St., Marshfield, Wis. Herman Krautstrunk, Corp., 2017 Melrose St., Chicago. Leo Breske, R. D. 6, Box 53, Stevens Point, Wis. Roger E. Murray, Nesbitt, Tenn. John Johnson, R. D., Box 67, Brule, Wis. George A. Peterson, R. D. 2, Box 50, South Range, Wis. Fred Vermeulen, Box 192, Vulcan, Mich. William Zaudtke, 500 W. Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Michael Gehrman, Corp., 1652 Diversey Parkway, Chi- cago. Robert L. Robertson, Sgt., 1246 W. Congress St., Chi- cago. Daniel Broderick, Sgt., 1832 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Adolph J. Podafka, Sgt., 306 Beethoven PI., Chicago. Alfred C. Erdman, 1124 W. 36th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar M. Kyrk, R. D. i, Watkins, Minn. John F. Glaeser, 607 6th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Herbert Swanson, 1217 Seminary PI., Rockford. Edward L. Kelley, 1044 14th PI., Chicago. Elmo Peterson, R. D. 6, Box 52, Eau Claire, Wis. Erick O. Prill, Corp., 3332 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Floyd L. Hines, 540 S. Liberty St., Elgin. Ralph Houltram, 109 W. LaRue St., Streator. Joseph Peitz, R. D. 2, Box 115, Waconia, Minn. Minard C. Swarts, Earlville. Hjalmer Otteson, R. D. i, Wolverton, Minn. Glen J. Powell, Kirkwood. Jerome Deruytter, R. D. 6, St. John, Mich. Demetrios Kotas, 716 4th Ave., Moline. Robert Swenson, 1126 i6th Ave., Rockford. Arnold J. Agerter, R. D. 1, Box 52, West Concord, Minn. Alver N. Stok, R. D. 3. Cambridge, Minn. Raleigh Patterson, 617 5th Ave., W., Williston, Minn. Frederick Roper, R. D. 2, Lake City, Minn. Roy H. Leach, R. D. 3, Boyceville, Wis. Joseph E. Wangen, 1902 Charles St., LaCrosse, Wis. Carl G. W^inquist, 120 1 Crosby St., Rockford. Hugo Maack, Corp,, R. D. 6, Valparaiso, Ind. John D. Chapman, R. D. 2, Box 49, Minville Depot, Va. LeRoy Neff, Box 71, Berwick. Torphin Hoveland, R. D. 2, New Auburn, Wis. Carl Brettschneider, 411 Jackson St., Dundee. Frederick Dumdie, Princeton, Wis. Paul R. Schuetz, R. D. 1, Box 37, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Oscar Hagberg, 86 S. Crystal St., Elgin. Michael Safran, 115 Superior St., Detroit, Mich. Otto E. Knutson, R. D. 4, Box 28. Colfax, Wis. Casper Severson, R. D. 2, Belleville, Wis. Oscar Olson, R. D. 3, Mount Horeb, Wis. Gilbert H. Gibbs, 375 Mankato Ave., Winona, Minn. Emil E. Klatt, 9th St., Menomonie, Wis. Rudolph Oberlander, 910 S. 4th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ernest Salzwedel, R. D. 2, Woodford, vVis. John J. Norton, Corp., 1862 Seward St., Chicago. Walter F. Zeman, 1001 N. 8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Paul Harvey, Kasota, Minn. Leonard Larson, 201 Belene Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. George Kosher, R. D. i, Eau Galle, Wis. Joseph Paradowski, 949 5th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter B. Rypstat, 1018 N. Neuton St., Chicago. Clarence Berg, R. D. 2, Box 25, Woodford, Wis. John Bortkvitch, 2308 W. 59th St., Chicago. Edwald Klabunde, R. D. i. Box 37, Morgan, Minn. John J. Dombrowski, R. D. i, Box 99, Amherst Junc- tion, Wis. William L. Suista, Moose Lake. Minn. Aage Smestad, 605^ W. Monroe St., Streator. Ralph Wabiszewski, 880 Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. John A. Heikki, Maple, Wis. Bernard Feigen, Corp., 1538 Barry Ave., Chicago. John G. Sommers, Sgt., Stoney Point, La. Joel Swanson, Sgt., 2327 School St., Chicago. COMPANY H, 344TH INFANTRY Richard E. Melcher, Capt., 1008 E. 43Ieslund, R. D. 1, Clearbrook. Minn. Theo. A. Lanmark, R. D. 4, Mt. Horeb, Wis. Sigurd Samuelson, R. D. i. Box 18, Thief River Falls, Minn. George F. Schneider, 1087 Hazzard Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Alvin W. Ottingcr, Box 44, Mondovi, Wis. Frank A. Seibel, 4835 33d Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Julius L. Eulberg, Sgt., 704 Mac St., Portage, Wis. John D. Moungey, Corp., Poynette, Wis. Raynald C. McDowell, 4407 W. Oneota St., Duluth, Minn. Charles J. Westerman, Kewaskum, Wis. Chester J. Wendelhorn, 234 S. 6th Ave., West Bend, Wis. Nels E. Evenson, R. D. 3, Spring Grove, Minn. Edward J. Brady, R. D. 3, New Richland, Minn. Elias Loun, P. O. Box 175, Clearbrook. Minn. Alfred G. Lindquist, R. D. i. Box 53, Hilaire, Minn. Erwin A. Voigt, R. D. i, Hubertus, Wis. Alfred Momyr, R. D. i, Oslo, Minn. Vernon Lawrence, 611 E. Pine St., Sparta, Wis. Edward A. Warczak, 3203 Wall St., Chicago. Arthur H. Smith, 2050 W. Pleasant St., Davenport, la. Theo. Slettvedt, Gen. Del., Plummer, Minn. Anton R. Pieper, R. D. i. Iron Ridge, Wis. Henry E. Tietge, 131 1 Birdie St., Burlington, la. Theo. W. Miller, Sgt., 1126 Barr St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Carl J. Mumm, Corp., 309 Monroe St., Fort Atkinson, Wis. Theo. C. Schnell, 341 6th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Fred Bean, Cadott, Wis. Lawrence B. Buol, R. D. 2, Wabasha, Minn. Roily B. Britton, Hayward, Wis. Soren A. Nielsen, Poynette, Wis. Ole H. Detle, Hayward, Wis. Frank L. Chudzinski, 1924 S. 48th Court, Cicero. Dennie E. Lynch, Columbus, Wis. Ludwig Eslinger, Boyd, Wis. Willis Moline, Littleton, la. George Mork. Box 24, Skime, Minn. Richard S. Orminston, Newfolden, Minn. Michael P. Menth, Hartford, S. D. Ferdinand Pepin, R. D. 2, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Cambel Nelson, Badger, Minn. Edward D. Hanifin, Sgt., 213 Mullet St., Portage, Wis. Peter Vacco, Corp., 1305 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Bernard Schmit, Rockville,- Minn. Eddie C. Brovick, Edgerton, Wis. Reinhard J. Klein, 813 Henrietta St., Wausau, Wis. William Topping, Graham Hill, Sask, Can. Samuel N. Robertson, 458 Seminary St., Lodi, Wis. Stanley G. Oliver, R. D. 2, Eau Claire, Wis. Henry Fasbender, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Henry E. Hahn, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Claude R. Gibson, 1055 E. Jefferson St., Detroit, Mich. Erick Munkelwitz, Mora, Minn. Andrew Gilbertson, R. D. 2, Morrisonville, Wis. John A. Vogler R. D. 4, Box 14, Genesseo. Edward A. Pinks, 149 N. Ward St., Genesseo. Frank Blachowski, 1061 7th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harlan Wolf, Hooppole. Theo. H. Wolters, Sgt., Kilbourn, Wis. Edward A. Gutjahr, Sad., R. D. 3, West Bend, Wis. Ernest H. Winstrom, 19 N. 6th St., Lake City, Minn. Glenwood Trepania, Hayward, Wis. Herman A. Will, R. D. 5, Box 24, Cambridge. William F. Ibisch, Mech., Columbus, Wis. Otto E. Schwantz, R. D. i, Merrimac, Wis. Herman W. Lischka, Hs., 247 Center St., Hartford, Wis. Benne Majer, R. D. i, Strathcona, Minn. John Miller, Hs., 335 8th Ave., West Bend, Wis. Edward H. Noltemeyer, Hs., Leeds, Wis. Gregory L. Hilmes, Ck., R. D. 3. Newaskum, Wis. Mike Darmody, Ck., R. D. 3, Kewaskum, Wis. Albert Bassette, Ck., 315 S. Grove St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Peter J. Hinkes, Ck., R. D. 27, Oakfield, Wis. Henry C. Raddatz, Doylestown, Wis. Hanry A. Steinmetz, 187 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Andrew J. McQueen, Corp., Doylestown, Wis. Cyrus A. Everson, Lodi, Wis. Perry G. McGrary, R. D. 6, Fayette, Mo. THE 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY 239 SECOND BATTALION HEADQUARTERS, 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY William B. Weston, Capt., 119 Olive St., Peoria. BATTERY D, 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY Leonard H. Whitney, ist Lt., Downers Grove. Norman B. Sterling, ist Lt., 323 E. Boyd St., Dixon. Douglas P. Wells, 2d Lt., 3753 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Theo. P. Swift, 2d Lt., Union Stock Yards, Chicago. Leo E. Whitcomb, ist Sgt., Adams, Wis. George V. Banta, Corp., R. D. 10, Logansport, Ind. Ora C. Alvin, 720 3d North St., New Ulm, Minn. Clarence Amundson, R. D. i, Holem, Wis. Edwin C. Anderson, Box 426, Wheaton, Minn. John W. Andorf, Hinsdale. Chester A. Baker, Hancock, Wis. Charley W. Barnes, R. D. 6, Chatfield, Minn. John R. Bauer, R. D. i. Box 10, Arkansaw, Wis. Fred Amacher, Corp., Arena, Wis. Anthony Beerling, R. D. i, Litchfield, Minn. Arthur B. Bergquist, Shell Lake, Wis. Larry W. Benik, Box 40, Taunton, Minn. Ray R. Bertram, 2549 nth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Herman F. Beyl, Villard, Minn. George M. Biermann, R. D. i, Currie, Minn. Oscar Billett, 610 i6th Ave., W., Ashland, Wis. Andrew Alt., Sgt., Spring Green, Wis. Jacob Carberry, Corp., Richland Center, Wis. Julius A. Brown, Hancock, Wis. Adolph Bruce, Lydia, Kans. Norman E. Brungart, Wolfs Store, Pa. Bert B. Burlingame, Montello, Wis. Emil Busse, Mech., Reedsburg, Wis. Anton Capek, Hs., R. D. i. New Rome, Wis. Walter J. Christensen, Corp., R. D. 4, Allbourn, Wis. Leon A. Carey, Marion, Wis. Chester C. Castle, R. D. 3, Verndale, Aldrich, Minn. Leon H. Chapman, R. D. 3, Box 48, Cambridge. John Chmielewski 1253 Forest Home, Milwaukee, Wis. Alfred Johnson, R. D. 2, Kimball Prairie, Minn. Louis Clickner, 1214 3d St., Suoerinr. Wis. Joseph A. Coleman, Int. Harvester Co. of America, Chi- cago. Burr H. Dickie, Sgt., North Freedom, Wis. Joseph Connolly, Corp., Packwaukee, Wis. Edmund Coughlin, 407 E. 17th St., Minneapolis, Minn. George W. Craw, R. D. 1, Berlin, Wis. Sherman C. Crawford, Westfield, Wis. Ervin S. Crosby, R. D. 2, Merrimack, Wis. Robert Cummings, Grimms, Wis. Oswald Dapra, Box 144, Kinney, Minn. George A. Dennis, R. D. 2, Merrimack, Wis. Frank DeMars, International Falls, Minn. Oscar J. Dukleth, Hendrum, Minn. Murry G. Duncan, Millersburg. Clarence M. Egerer, Corp., R. D. 2, North Freedom, Wis. George W. Euper, 617 ist St., Watertown, Wis. William E. Fairchild, Box 163, Little Fork, Minn. Jacob Parries, Mech., Wyoming, Wis. William Stading, 1425 Island Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Emmett R. Kauphusman, Sgt., 999 W. Broadway, Wiona, Minn. John J. Gahan, R. D. 2, Kilbourn, Wis. Fred W. Frank, R. D. 2, Red Granite, Wis. Henry W. Gilster, Gen. Del., Riverton, Minn. Joseph E. Gonsolin, LaValle, Wis. Edwin H. Grosklous, R. D. i. North Freedom, Wis. Robert Gustafson, 421 S. 6th St., Brainerd, Minn. Clarence H. Hahda, 120 N. Henrietta Ave., Rockford. Darrel P. Hindes, Bug., R. D. 2, Kilbuorn, Wis. Benodin Hafyorson, R. D. 4, Fertile, Minn. Henry J. Holland, Rushford, Minn. Thure J. Holmberg, Box 145, Lamberton, Minn. Hans W. Jensen, R. D. 2, Box 8, Pine River, Wis. Francis A. Johnson, 699 Delaware Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Ole P. Johnson, R. D. 3, Freeland, Minn. Albert H. Kamowski, Adams, Wis. Harry Kitti, 700 Oak St., Calumet, Alich. Edward C. Marlow, Stab. Sgt., Kilbourn, Wis. George W. Prochaska, Corp., R. D. i. Friendship, Wis. Walter H. Kirmsse, Cedarburg, Wis. Alfred A. Klatt, R. D. 43, Earlville. George J. Kropp, Sad., LaValle, Wis. Emil H. Kruger, Ck., Westfield, Wis. Chester S. Lewis, R. D. 3, Westby, Wis. Edward Lund, Anstad, Minn. Joseph Mader, 563 Calumet St., Appleton, Wis. Morris M. Martin, Clintonville, Wis. Edward A. Mikoda, Hs., R. D. 3, Friendship, Wis. Albert R. Mongerson, Box 85, Wasco. John F. Moskalik, 4943 Oliver Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. William G. Mutters, Aurora. Lenus S. Myller, 603 loth St., S., Moorhead, Minn. Martin McDonald, R. D. 3, Menomonie, Wis. Joseph M. McDonough, 655 Cherry St., St. Paul, Minn. xMartin McCarthy, Sgt., 4352 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. Walter H. Kamowski, Corp., Adams, Wis. Clyde McFarland, Walnut Grove, Minn. Oren L. Mcintosh, Bug.,. Spring Green, Wis. Louis G. Nigh, R. D. i, Oxford, Wis. Elbert V. Norton, R. D. 4, Box 84, Menomonie, Wis. Richard C. Nurmberg, 459 Woodlawn Ave., Aurora. Finer Nygaard, 2017 22d Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Glenn W. O'Brien, Addition to 3d St., Oconomowoc. Wis. Emil V. Olson, Stockholm, Wis. Gustav A. Olson, 124 E. 13th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Ingval Olson, 21 11 9th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Oscar S. Olson, High Landing, Minn. Alfred C. Otto, 1802 nth St., Menomonie, Wis. Henry M. Paulson, R. D. i. Green Bush, Minn. Sven Paulsen, 3706 McLean Ave., Chicago. George C. Pease, White Creek, Wis. Glenn J. McDonnell, Sgt., Spring Green, Wis. Edward G. Quinn, Corp., R. D. i, Westfield, Wis. James H. Pendergast, Springfield, Wis. Albin W. Peterson, Newfolden, Minn. Harold J. Peterson, R. D. 4, Box 84, Ellsworth, Wis. James D. Peterson, 311 S. 5th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Edward Pexa, R. D. 4, Box 68, New Prague, Minn. Melvin S. Place, R. D. 2, Ellsworth, Wis. William Plummer, Durand, Wis. Antonio Polajczuk, 1252 Hastings St., Chicago. Edward A. Ponto, R. D. 4, Montello, Wis. Harold L. Poquette, Arkansaw, Wis. Selmer S. Quam, Pemberton, Minn. Charles G. Quarness, R. D. i. Trail, Minn. William J. Quinn, 1205 John Ave., Superior, Wis. Hubert S. Rademaker, R. D. i, Warroad, Minn. Arne L. Rauk, Shevlin, Minn. Clarence T. Pollard, Sgt., Spring Green, Wis. Ralph Ostrum, Strongs Prairie, Wis. John A. Richter, Lock Box 74, Curtiss, Wis. Frank J. Rickli, R. D. 6, Box 48, Boscobel, Wis. Joseph Goldberger, 1038 Southern Blvd., New York City. Ira J. Ringering, R. D. 1, Brainerd, Minn. Joe J. Rodock, Plainfield, Wis. Merlin G. Rouze, Pleasantville, la. Selmer J. Rude, R. D. i, Gary, Minn. Melvin O. Salmon, R. D. i, Tavera, Wis. William F. Schalla, Boyceville, Wis. George H. Schlachter, 125 Ruby St., Winnepeg, Can. George F. Schluter, R. D. 4, Reedsburg, Wis. Herman J. Schmuggerow, R. D. i, Itasca. Charles W. Schomerus, R. D. 2, Erie. Fred C. Schroeder, R. D. i, Royalton, Wis. Jehu Schroyer, Box 274, Ironton, Minn. Roland Steuber, Sgt., Prairie du Sac, Wis. Emil Schulz, Corp., R. D. i, Lime Ridge, Wis. Peter M. Score, R. D. 3, Wheeler, Wis. James R. Seybert, 2203 nth Ave. A., Molina. William C. Shores, 615 Hulen St., Rockiord. Ossraan P. Smithy R. D. i. Endeavor, Wis. William Sparks, R. D. 3, Bailey, la. Henry M. Springborn, 183 Jefferson Ave., Naperville. Wencle J. Sprosty, R. D. 1, Eastman, Wis. Otto M. Stavig, R. D. i, Alvarado, Minn. Arthur F. Steinhorst. R. D. 4, Reedsburg, Wis. Arthur J. Stomner, Kilbourn, Wis. Alfred C. Stoskopf, R. R., Warroad, Minn. Joe Straka, 801 Washington Ave., East Grand Forks, Minn. Edwin C. Stroede, R. D. 4, Kilbourn, Wis. Harry A. Stumpf, R. D. 2, Box 53, Menasha, Wis. Arthur H. Sweney, Bug., Endeavor, Wis. Albin C. Thalacker, Mess Sgt., Westfield, Wis. Homer D. Smith, Corp., Endeavor, Wis. 240 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Camiel Teats, R. D. 7, Genesseo. Raymond Teirlinch, Box 64, Atkinson. George E. Thies, Pepin, Wis. John L. Thompson, R. D. 3, Hector, Minn. Joseph P. Traxler, R. D. 4, Menominie, Wis. Edward A. Tronnier, Prescott, Wis. Edward O. Unterholzner, Prairie du Sac, Wis. Clemmens M. Lins, Spring Green, Wis. Allie Uptagrafft, R. D. i. Box 61, Nelson, Minn. Emile Plasschaert, 408 i6th Ave,., Moline. Thomas H. Van Every, Robinsdale, Minn. William F. Ziegenhagen, Kilbourn, Wis. Achiel Vercauteren, 1107 19th Ave., Moline. Camiel Vercauteren, 1107 19th Ave., Moline. Edward Var Palle, R. D. i, Annawan. John F. Huebbe, Sgt., Ableman, Wis. Earl Van Airsdale, Corp., Saxeville, Wis. Bjorgulv Viken, R. D. i, East Grand Forks, Minn. Frank Viktorowski, 2221 Glendale St., Chicago. Albert B. Vogel. Ck., Box 53, Ableman, Wis. Thomas V. Wagner, R. 1). 3, Westfield, Wis. George W. Walzer, 628 Aldrich St., Genesseo, Charles S. Ward, 840 Berlyn Ave., Belvidere. VValfred E. Wahlback, Star Route, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Lauren F. Hindes, Corp., R. D. 2, Kilbourn, Wis. Robert Wehrman, Prescott, Wis. David G. Welch, Thief River Falls, Minn. Elmer Westerdahl, Beldenville, Wis. Edwin S. Wierschoslowski, 812 Madison St., Beaver Dam, Wis. John F. Wormet, Ck., Friendship, V/is. Walter D. Yaeger, Sanborn, Minn. Peter T. Tiedemann, Corp., Mannheim. Francis L. York, R. D. i, Strongs Prairie, Wis. Joseph P. O'Connell, R. D. i, Wabasha, Minn. Harry Savaglio, 728 Market St., Waukegan. .loseph E. Taylor, 1731 Adams St., Chicago. BATTERY E, 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY Charles B. Stuart, Capt., Abbottsford Road, Kenilworth. Carl D. Whitney, 2d Lt, 211 S. Jefferson St., Mt. Pleas- ant, la. George Formon, ist Sgt., 1237 West St., Rockford. William L. Grange, Mess Sgt., Mineral Point, Wis. Ora L. Alexander, Corp., R. D. 3, Soldiers Grove, Wis. William D. Kaufman, 1232 Marshall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Louis Hansen, 1645 Grange Ave., Racine, Wis. Daniel R. Anderson, 534 Grant Ave., N., Eau Claire, Wis. I'rancis E. Heinrich, R. D. i, Minonk. Fred B. Erickson, 516 13th St., Moline. William M. Weatherly, R. D. 1, Box 136, Holland, Minn. Charles H. Freed, 403 S. E. 7th Ave., Galva. Lowell Reinhart, Corp., Gays Mills, Wis. Reuben E. Hage, Box 133, Halstad, Minn. John Bowerman, 1141 Loyola Ave., Chicago. Henry J. Hirmer, N. 6th St., Marshall. Minn. John B. Murphy, 714 3d St., Hudson, Wis. Robert A. Nelson, 6548 Lafayette Ave., Chicago. Walter W. Kehms, 243 Shaubut St., Mankato, Minn. I'rank Wright, R. D. i, Jeffers, Minn. Edwin H. Reese, Sgt., Dodgeville, Wis. Alfred R. McHone, R. D. 2, Viola, Wis. Martin L. Springsteele, La Valle, Ont., Canada. Fred Slade, Adrian, Minn. Arnold J. Loyacano, 447 Deming Place. Chicago. James Sullivan, 2030 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Oscar H. Lund, R. D. 4, Montivideo, Minn. Ellis A. Swan, R. D. i, Box 33, Ny€, Wis. Robert E. Rettger, 31 Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Arthur H. Johnson, Box 22, Altona. Clifford A. Bushong, International Falls, Minn. Alfred Buser, 323 Gain St., Davenport, la. John DeWitt, 9132 Brondon Ave., Chicago. •Sheldon Fox, R. D. 2, Rock Elm, Wis. Bert Blakley, Viola, Wis. Erick E. Landberg, R. D. i, Glenwood City, Wis. Bernard F. Betz, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Walter S. Smith. Sgt., Prairie du Chien, Wis. James H. Braithwaite, Corp., Bloom City, Wis. William Kappers, R. D. 11, Box 74, Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Gilbert Ringen, Brodhead, Wis. Herman F. Newcomb, Richview. John R. Nelson, 1841 i8th Ave., Moline. Paul A. Reardon, River Falls, Wis. Walter E. Klein, R. D. 5, Ellsworth, Wis. Edward D. Kelly, R. D. i, Wyoming. Arthur Moldenhauer, Corp., R. D. 4, Marshfield, Wis. Clarence Vaughn, Gen. Del., Mt. Vernon. Edward C. West, 1401 4th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. John J. During, Burkhardt, Wis. William F. Gorman, R. D. 3, Spring Green, Wis. Eugene C. Lindsay, Care of C. C. Hildebrand, Mgr., Ford Motor Co., 420 N. 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Von Wonterghem, 1811 isth St. Place, Moline. Bernard A. Copsey, Mt. Sterling, Wis. Homer C. Harrison, Corp., Dodgeville, Wis. Edward F. Harrington, R. D. 2, Ridgeway, Wis. Alfred D. Erickson, R. D. i. Box 34. Princeton, Minn. George J. Fitzgerald, m Grant St., N., Rochester, Minn. Earl O. Himley, Montello, Wis. Soren Westerbo, R. D. 2, Correll, Minn. Leslie C. West, 1401 4th St., N., Minneapolis, Minn. I'.ldon H. Dillon, Richland Center, Wis. Gustaf Buyck, 931 loth St., East Moline. Robert A. Sibley, Corp., R. D. 4, Summit, Miss. John A. Quimby, 913 6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Carroll C. Dudley, 808 Holmes St., Janesville, Wis. Holliday; Sharp, R. D. 5, Richland Center, Wis. Ralph S. Hanson, Clear Lake, Wis. John H. Schultz, Prairia du Chien, Wis. Walter H. Ritsher, 719 Church St., Beloit, Wis. Merle R. Rosemeyer, Excelsior, Wis. Herman G. Toltzien, Stab. Sgt., Steuben, Wis. Henry C. Adams, Highland, Wis. Melvin E. Walty, R. D. i, Avoca, Wis. Clifford F. Moberg, 2818 ist Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. William J. Post, 1830 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Gregor, River Falls, Wis. Harry C. Napp, Box 1162, Fennimore, Wis. Johannes E. Larson, 830 12th St., N., Virginia, Minn. Anton J. Johnson, Box 725, Mora, Minn. Albert L. Marsh, Corp., ElRoy, Wis. Andrew E. Thone, 411 12th Ave., E., Ashland, Wis. Peter A. Check, R. D. i, Box 63, Eastman, Wis. Nels S. Ege, R. D. i. Box 76, Foreston, Minn. Henry O. Dahl, Baldwin, Wis. Oliver W. Foster, Box 33, Mizpah, Minn. Emil P. Freiberg, Nekoosa, Wis. Clarence M. Sommers, 853 Williamson St., Madison, Wis. Clarence W. Bilkey, Corp., Dodgeville, Wis. John M. Baker, 426 Glencoe Ave., Highland Park. Clare L. Anderson, Soldiers Grove, Wis. David Gentes, Michigan St., Prairie du Chien, Wis. Charles W. Fitzgerald, 1815 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Ernest H. Schwartz, Horicon St., Mayville, Wis. Alf H. Gundersen, 1509 King St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ray E. Kneeland, Osceola, Wis. Henry L. Rossing, R. D. 3, Highland, Wis. Raymond Kelley Corp., Dodgeville, Wis. Clarence R. Piche, Sidney, Mont. Edgard H. Setzkorn, 187 Davis St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Frank W. Horal, Eastman, Wis. Lee C. Hanson, 214 N. Prairie St., Stoughton, Wis. Harrison C. Barnes, 501 S. 6th St., Grand Forks, N. D. Frank E. Pivonka, Tisch Mills, Wis. Clarence E. Johnson, R. 1). 3, Glenwood City, Wis. Homer F. Clark, Sgt., Mifflin, Wis. Ross Grim, Sylvan, Wis. Constance P. Van Wonterghem, 181 1 15th Place, Moline. Albert R. Bruha, Bug., R. D. 2, Cazenov'ia, Wis. Delos Thompson, Bug., Burns, Wyo. Roy H. Davis, 736 E. 50th Place, Chicago. Chris O. Carlson, Spicer, Minn. Fred E. Crone, 887 E. Pine St., Canton. Albert R. Hoium, R. D. i, Ferryville, Wis. James F. Bonney, R. D. 1. Eastman, Wis. William J. Goodier, East Ellsworth, Wis. William A. Schultz, R. D. i, Lakefield, Minn, John J. St. Lawrence, Bib Falls, Minn. Henry Prudenski, R. D. i. Box 155, St. Paul, Minn. John A. Olson, R. D. i, Clearwater, Minn. Harm H. Geerdes, Edgerton, Minn. Charles A. Fletcher, Ortonville, Minn. William A. Finley, Corp., Seneca, Wis. Norman Hart, Sandusky, Wis. Fay E. Dunbar, Wauzeka, Wis. Emil C. Zarn, R. D. 6, St. James, Minn. THE 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY 241 Gus Hoyt, Durand, Wis. Clarence J. Erickson, R. D. 2, Box 80, Stockholm, Wis. .Mbert Aeschleman, Roanoke. Nels Anderson, McClellan, Minn. Micke J. Wenzl, Marshfield, Wis. John Forst, R. D. i, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Merwin L. Dary, 709 S. Park St., Richland Center, Wis. Walter L. Ryan, Soldiers Grove, Wis. l-'red V. Kessel, 2047 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. Edwin W. Johnson, Box 310 Woodhull. Fred C. Johnson, R. D. 6, Geneseo. Peter Johnson, R. D. 8, Montevideo, Minn. Ira G. Tiedeman, Corp., De Soto, Wis. George T. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 31, Staples, Minn. Frank Hayek, 370 Duke St.. St. Pauli Minn. Bennie Olson, R. D. 4, Soldiers Grove, Wis. James B. Brewer, R. D. 3, Richland Center, Wis. Adolph H. Haugen, R. D. 2, Butterfield, Minn. Leon C. Fritz, 2638 E. 93d St., Chicago. Thomas Berg, Wendell, Minn. William L. Schuster, R. D. 28, Oconomowoc, Wis. Ernest A. Rayner, R. D. 2, Soldiers Grove, Wis. James E. Boardman, R. D. 2, Kewanee. Mike A. Svobodny, 2448 34th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Howard C. Adams, Muscoda, Wis. Francis H. Wolff, Twin Bluffs, Wis. Guy E. Newton, R. D. 2, Wyoming. Charles Roman, Annawan. James B. Phelps, Good Thunder, Minn. Harry W. Francisco, Corp., 361 E. Court St., Richland Center, Wis. Harry H. Benish, R. D. 2, Bridgeport, Wis. George R. Rinehart, Mapleton, Minn. Fred Ross, Box 54, Sparland. Max F. Gartman, R. D. 2, Box 179, Hudson, Wis. Frank H. Miller, R. D. i. Box 248, Moline. Fred M. Molberg, R. D. i. Alpha. Conrad Kraft, Box 161, Gilman, Minn. Carl F. Liskey, Wood Lake, Minn. Edward W. Moran, Avoca, Wis. Wesley A. Lammers, Fairfax, Minn. Joe Loof, R. D. 2, Mountain Lake, Minn. Otto C. Mortensen, R. D. i, Mitchfield, Minn. Buford Fowell, Hs., R. D. i, Sylvan, Wis. John Schuetz, Mech., Blue Mounds, Wis. Norman Lee, 514 St. Croix St., Hudson, Wis. Julius T. Redjewski, 646 Main St.. Burlington, Wis. Herbert Thiele, Sgt., 410 E. loth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Robert Stevenson, Hs., R. D. 6, Soldiers Grove, Wis. Oluf Wee, Soldiers Grove, Wis. Dominick Schilter, Ck., Grand Rapids, Wis. George J. Bongard, Ck., R. D. 5. Grand Rapids, Wis. Herman Lenz, R. D. i, Wauzeka, Wis. Earl W. Lindner, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Ernest Stumbo, Reppsburg, O. William F. Thiel, R. D. 5, Kewanee. Frank Tillman, R. D. 2, Red Lake, Minn. William Snodgress, Box 715, Currie, Minn. Charles H. Steiner, Box 235, Atkinson. John P. Steinle, Revere, Minn. John P. Storly, Box 15, Ralph, S. D. Frank Wilson, St. James, Minn. Oscar L. Weppler, R. D. 6, Marietta, O. Adolph T. Uebler, Box 238, Wenona. Thomas A. Dunn, 203 S. Arsenal Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Elmer G. Wolner, R. D. 2, Box 32, St. James, Minn. Arthur M. Laemle, Sup. Sgt., 412 Cherry St., Marshfield, Wis. BATTERY F, 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY Harold L. Myers, Capt., ist and Oak Sts., Hinsdale. Walter H. Radermacher, ist Lt., Barron, Wis. Edward Eisner, 2d Lt., 301 W. University Ave., Cham- paign. Robert T. Walker. 2d Lt.. 201 Garfield Ave., Hinsdale. William B. McNally, ist Sgt., Hazel Green, Wis. Glenn Bennett, Corp., R. D. i, Dodgeville, Wis. George U. Healy, Mineral Point, Wis. Elmer A. Runde, Sinsinawa, Wis. Melvin C. Garthwaite, Bloomington Wis. Lee A. Hill, R. D. 2, Bageley, Wis. Lloyd P. Larson, Argyle, Wis. Julius Schlotthauer, 626 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Alban B. Fiedler. Cuba City, Wis. William J. Droessler, Corp., R. D. 5, Dubuque, la. Archie R. Koecke, Wyalusing, Wis. Oscar Cohen, 1789 Fulton Ave., Apt. 103, New York City. Andrew Hein, 490 James St.. St. Paul, Minn. George E. Barr, Boscobel, Wis. Harry M. Shoger, 358 Marion Ave., Aurora. Calvin L. Lewis, R. D. 4, Hiawatha, Kan. Rudolph J. Anderson. R. R., Kirkland. Albert Richardson, Sgt., Spring Green. Wis. Charles W. Weed, Corp., Wyalusing, Wis. William T. Lehman, Box 48, R. D. i, Kewanee. Daniel D. Rubendall, 71 Shawnee St., Freeport. Fred L. Au.stin, 515 Hill St., Rockford. Harold P. Lemp, 429 N. Avon St., Rockford. Axel R. Carlson, 297 Pennsylvania Ave., Aurora. Fred L. Crown, Box 425, Jackson, Minn. George G. Kersten, R. D. 3, Care Rutherford, Ypsi- lanti, Mich. William R. Payne, Bug., Tomah, Wis. Louis Wolfrom, Jr., 1432 E. 3d St., Dulnth, Minn. George W. LaBounty, Turtle Lake, Wis. Claude D. Showalter, Lancaster, Wis. Martin I. Toohey, 810 Long Court St., Sparta, Wis. George H. Rice, Boscobel, Wis. Milton Garthwaite, Bloomington, Wis. Melvin P. Ely, Endeavor, Wis. Theo. H. Boebel, Sgt., Fennimore, Wis. Frank J. Fischer, Corp., R. D. 2, Fennimore, Wis. Francis E. McMullen, 141 1 21st Superior, Wis. Carl Yeadon, Woodman, Wis. Nicholas P. Weber, Box 24, R. D. 2, Stewartville, Minn. Arthur H. Kruse, 1457 Addison St.. Chicago. Frank H. Hellmer, R. D. 5. Platteville, Wis. Romain D. Healy, Mineral Point Wis. Alphons Menth, R. D. 2, Monticello, Minn. Charles W. Kohn, Corp.. Hazel Green, Wis. Robert M. Casey, 536 ist Ave., S., S. St. Paul,. Minn. John W. Frese, 433 Telulah St., Appleton, Wis. Theo. Dreuttle, Jr., Box 674, Downers Grove. William L. Hamilton, R. D. 2, Pecatonica. Lawrence A. Drager, R. D. i. Magnolia. Irven Deshaw, Bruno, Minn. Steve Berlik, Star Route, Box 16, Cumberland, Wis. Adolph O. Lorenz, Sgt., Lancaster, Wis. Roy C. Mackley, 11 13 W. 7th St., Dixon. Emmet E. Wall, R. D. i. Highland, Wis. Arthur G. Olund, Pepin, Wis. Joseph E. Fussy, Royalton, Minn. August E. Frost, LeSeuer, Minn. Otto r.ontly, Monticello, Wis. Clifford M. Bradley, 1014 S. Clarence Ave., Oak Park. Arthur J. Herman, Litchfield. Minn. Gustav*e Woerner, Corp., Elberta. Ala. Walter F. Olhaber, 616 Wilder St., Elgin. Charles E. Lodge. 108 North L. St., Sparta, Wis. Matthew P. Micken, Trego, Wis. Leo W. Hiland, 1603 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. • Gilbert E. Mower, R. D. 9 Chippewa Falls, Wis. Frederick Gaulrapp, 294 Oak St., Freeport. Hervey J. Mclntyre, Avoca, Wis. Ralph Lovell, Sgt., Muscoda, Wis. William M. Peart, Corp., Hazel Green, Wis. Harry L. Garner, Box 131, Pearl City. Harry Oliver, R. D. 6, Box 11 Jacksonville. Roy C. Hughes, R. D. i. New Windsor. George W. Nelson, Maiden Rock, Wis. Stephen Graycarek, R. D. 2, Maribel, Wis. Robert H. Elliott, 115 Winter St., West Burlington, la. Edward W. Stahnke, 650 Forest St., St. Paul, Minn. William Kislingbury, Corp., Mineral Point, Wis. Andrew H. Stiegelmeyer, R. D. 1, Bingham Lake, Minn. Peter L. Lillegaard, R. D. 4, Buffalo, Minn. Arthur L. Mahlum, R. D. 3, Box 83, Sacred Heart, Minn. Alfred C. Amundson, R. D. i, Fleming, Minn. Frank G. Budden, Sinsinawa, Wis. Fred P. Stemler. R. D. i. Box 13, Columbia. Donhold H. Shipley, Boscobel, Wis. Randolph A. Amundson, Sgt., Blanchardville, Wis. John T. Billings, Cobb, Wis. Joseph Burgmeier, 13 14 13th Ave., St. Cloud, Minn. Elmer Loomis, Charles City, Iowa. Otto E. Melchert, Division St., 5th Ave., Faribault, Minn. Chester W. Shaulis, Franklin Grove. 242 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Peter S. Couture, Cloquet, Minn. Arthur Gustafson, Hanley Falls, Minn. Paul H. Wagner, 1117 E. 7tli St., Duluth, Minn. Philip Larkin, Corp., R. D. i, Sinsinawa, Wis. Lee A. Stoddard, 421 Iowa Ave., Aurora. Alban W. Neil, 290 Superior St., Aurora. Christian Klingebiel, -Box 233, Ashton. Clarence B. Franceen, 917 Russell St., St. Paul, Minn. Njcholas Brown, 1618 Oaks Ave., Superior, Wis. George Sersch, Barneveld, Wis. Ojcar E. Anderson, 217 Banks Ave.. Superior, Wis. Jqseph H. Niemer, Sgt., Cassville, Wis. William C. Ivey, Corp., R. D. i, Hollandale, Wis. Pasko Sorum, R. D. 3, Blanchardville, Wis. E4ward Peter, Rewey, Wis. Morris L. McDermott, Mineral Point, Wis. Thomas S. Suter, 317 Howard Ave., Seattle, Wash. Roy M. Berg, Peev'er, S. D. Joseph F. Wagner, Shermerville. Jqhp G. Erber, 538 sth Ave., Aurora. Edwin W. Voss, Corp., Monroe, Wis. Henry Schneider, Renwick, Iowa. Charles E. Binns, Warren. John J. Dasher, R. D. i, Mossback. Jay S. Taylor, R. R., Bagley, Wis. Arpbrose Loncki. R. D. i. Dent. Minn. Herbert E. Robley, Box 142, Pelican Rapids, Minn. Geoffrey W. Adams, 317 W. Willow Ave., Wheaton. Iver A. Schwallbach, Sgt., Arensburg Livland, Russia, Island of Oessel. Conrad C. Schriber, Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Alfred C. Anderson, R. D. 3, Hancock, Minn. William F. Schaeffner, 707 E. Minnehaha St., St. Paul, Minn. Conrad A. Larson, 1313 43rd St., Rock Island. Emil C. Hinze, Beecher. Charles H. Sturdvant, R. D. 3, Port Byron. Ge'orge W. Eberhardt, 181 5 Charles St., La Crosse, Wis. Claude L. Sedam, Illinois City. Clement F. Thompson, Corp., 105 Ellen St., Platteville, Wis. Albert W. Norris, Randall, Wis. Yarno Beranek, Albert Lea, Minn. Ray H. Stickrod, Andalusia. Morgan McFarland, Box 26, Spirit Lake, la. Harry V. Johnson, R. D. 7, Sparta, Wis. John Backman, 601 14th St., Rockford. William S. Fletcher, R. D. i, Box 27, Vergas, Minn. John T. Syvrud, Sgt., Mt. Horeb, Wis. Henry H. Johnson, 57th and Oliver Ave. S., Richfield, Minn. Claude R. Bookwalter, Melvin. Lorenz W. Pfeiffer, 138 S. Union St., Aurora. Lewis E. Mast, Melvin. George Szvagzdis, 564 W. 4th St., St. Charles. Raymond Sierens, 540 i6th Ave., Moline. Walter R. Miller, Washington St.. Beaver Dam, Wis. Arthur C. Palmer, Red Wood Falls, Minn. Alex S. Dreibelbis, Corp., Boscobel, Wis. Conrad E. Lundberg, Stanchfield, Minn. Charles Berenson, 3 Ash St., Chelsea, Mass. George C. Bracht, 532 Bidwell St., St. Paul, Minn. Fred P. H. Martens, Benson. Danile Glasby, R. R., Pine Island, Minn. Russell A. Burch, Box 53, Dayton. James A. Bookhart, R. D. 4, Verndale, Minn. Fred P. Osterndorf, Sup. Sgt., Wonewoc, Wis. James Chyska, R. D. 4. Box 35, Prairie du Sac, Wis. Horace Carr, 503 N. Jefferson St., Peoria. Minet J. Saathoff, R. D. 2, Tampico. Albert H. Holmes, R. D. i, Box 94, Mondov?, Wis. Horace G. Healey, 805 E. 3rd St., Sterling. James A. Hoyt, K. D. s. Box 19, Mondovi, Wis. Herbert A. Malcolm, R. D. i. Box 73, South St. Paul, Minn. John W. Conrad, R. D. i. Box 66, Bloomer, Wis. Martin Minor, Mineral Point, Wis. Joseph F. Barrette, R. D. i, Eastman, Wis. William M. Hinchliff, 1819 W. 17th St., Superior, Wis William H. Hassett. 191 Lincoln Ave., Aurora. Joseph Bolint, Richland Center, Wis. Adolph L. Brantner, R. D. 6, Mondovi, Wis. George Kellermann, Box 396, Cumberland, Wis. Clarence F. Felgen, Barnum, Minn. James H. Higgins, Stab. Sgt., Mineral Point, Wis. Lester L. Clark, Bagley, Wis. John L. Meyers, 811 W. Russell St., Monroe, Wis. Charles Bennett, 409 S. 3rd St., LaCrosse, Wis. Edward Hines, Mineral Point, Wis. Edward J. Finney, R. D. i, Eastman, Wis. William Baebler, Dayton, Wis. Roy E. Ergenbright, 1822 Banks Ave., Superior, Wis. William L. Burrows, Hs., R. D. i, Cassville, Wis. Daniel B. Bridges, Hs., 394 Adams St., Freeport. Bernard Haverlana, Hs., Louisburg, Wis. Joseph W. Walter, Sad., R. D. 4, Fennimore, Wis. Edward Becklund, Clerk, Box 81, Nemadji, Minn. Joseph B. Schonhoff, Clerk, R. D. 1, Hazel Green, Wis. Frederick Snider, Clerk, R. D. 4, Lancaster, Wis. IrVing F. Wall, Clerk, R. D. i. Highland, Wis. Arvid T. Nelson, Mess Sgt., Big Rapids, Mich. Maxwell Webster, Corp., Montfort, Wis. Clarence M. Shafto, Harrisburg, Neb. Fred T. Scamihorn, Lewis, Ind. Robert R. Slack, Leton, La. Jesse Scraper, Lyons, Okla. DETACHMENT, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY Carl C. Vogel, Maj., Elroy,.Wis. Gerald R. AUaben, Capt., Piano. David C. Farquhar, Capt., 50 Reed Ave., Monessen, Pa. Stanley B. Ladue, ist Lt., Prophetstown. Harvey L. Maness, ist Lt., Stella, Mo. Carl Hummel, Sgt., Ableman, Wis. David S. Nicoll, Sgt., 2554 Marion Ave., Brook, N. Y. Edward H. Panter, Sgt., Grand Rapids, Wis. Albert H. Oehlers, Kilbourn, Wis. Orlando D. Stevlingson, Chaseburg, Wis. Floyd F. Secor, R. D. 4, Elkhart, Ind. Howard Largent, R. D. i. Ft. Henry, Tenn. James B. Davis, Klondyke, Ohio. Wesley W. Towne, R. D. 2, Waupun. Wis. George M. Gronert, Prairie du Chien, Wis. William P. Letsinger, 27th and Annie Baxter Ave., Joplin, Mo. Francis R. Gray, 621 N. Chestnut St., Sparta, Wis. Kazimer Kutulis, 3338 Emerald Ave.. Chicago. Arvid C. Arling, 1008 6th St., Rockford. John Holzmann, R. D. 5 West Allis, Wis. Arthur E. Blohm, 590 Chestnut St., Neenah, Wis. Leslie M. Fadden, Prophetstown. Stephen Vensel, Mt. Braddock, Pa. Leo Wernz, West Union. Frank E. Chambers, R. D. 9, Green Bay, Wis. Fred B. Murley, Boscobel, Wis. Paul J. Bornhoeft, 516 Oakwood Ave., Highland Park. Louis Kuniansky, 886 Highland Ave., Atlanta, Ga. VETERINARY DETACHMENT, 33 ist FIELD ARTILLERY Charles E. Crowe, ist Lt., 3746 Elmwood Ave., Chicago. Robert G. Moore, ist Lt., Dunlap, Iowa. Sidney J. Brown, Barneveld, Wis. Lloyd Coulthard, Farrier, New Diggings, Wis. Carl C. Oilman, Farrier, Linden. Wis. Otto M. Krecklow, R. D. 4, Fond du Lac, Wis. Louis P. O'Connors, Farrier, Spring Green, Wis. Arthur B. Russell, Farrier, R. D. 5, Hartford, Wis. THE 331ST FIELD ARTILLERY 243 ^.T ■-- , ... . ■ ■ v . f - . IM^ j '' ^ « ' ■ -f^' ^'ifW fM^ ^^f;'^^:^aipii^^^ . . Sr^Kr^ilifcL ^^^^^1 h *J Jz r ^^|B^I^^^:?^^I?^^^i^H^^^| m^-.^ s. mm iPP^^^H^^^SBtai^. ■ •"^^'^^^'^^''CJ^^^SB^^^^B ^ ' :■ «-. ^^^^^^^^H -9 ' ' .^MpRvBBtetSP^HHib^^^Wtai.^ ' m'^Wi SCENES ON THE SPARTA HIKE THE 33 2ND FIELD ARTILLERY HEADQUARTERS, 332nd FIELD ARTILLERY Robert C. Foy, Col., Kufaula, Ala. Joha P. Montgomery, Capt., Walnut Lane Farm, Dex- ter, Mo. Louis E. Legne', Capt., 2929 N. Albany Ave., Chicago. Adalbert W. Centner, ist Lt., 814 Linden Ave., New- port, Ky. HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 33 2nd FIELD ARTILLERY William Seymour, Capt., 5117 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Henry B. Conover, ist Lt., 1501 State St., Eau Claire, Wis. Charles M. Vial, ist Lt., 124 7th Ave., LaGrange. Spencer E. Young, 2d Lt., 1232 Elmwood Ave., Wil- mette. Harold D. Foster, 2d Lt., 338 W. College Ave., State College, Pa. Leo C. Heckler, 2d Lt., 115 Riverside Drive, Marion. Leo Sowerby, 2d Lt., 609 Innes St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Frank E. Ryan, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 127 N. Mayfield Ave., Chicago. Henry M. Powell, ist Sgt., 700 E. Main St., Reeds- burg, Wis. John A. Larson, Asst. Bd. Bdr., Solway, Minn. William Schramm, Sgt. Bug., 1640 Mohawk St., Chi- cago. William Hallard, Col. Sgt., 5106 Princeton Ave., Chi- cago. Cameron Urquart, Col. Sgt., 343 W. 60th Place, Chi- cago. John W. Bates, Sgt., 5753 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Emil Pristoupimsky, Bd. Sgt., 1932 S. 58th Ave., Cicero. William Donovan, Sgt., 8216 S. Green St., Chicago. Robert J. Harrigan, Sgt., 5227 S. Morgan St., Chi- cago. Arthur N. Erlandson, Corp., 8037 S. May St., Chicago. George Hedges, Sup., 1014 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago. John J. Kelliher, Corp., 2136 S. Millard Ave., Chicago. John W. Crude^i, Corp., 10204 Wallace St., Chicago. Joseph A. Dietz, Bd. Sgt., 304 Barrie St., Fort At- kinson, Wis. Edward Lehmann (i), 7839 Union Ave., Chicago. Pete Makas, Cook, 518 W. 79th St., Chicago. Frank H. Albach, Mech., 1514 W. 6ist St., Chicago. James Kanakas, Cook, 1015 W. Polk St., Chicago. Louis Doss, Mech., 4519 Homer St., Chicago. William P'. Jones, Cook, 43 Chicago Ave., Oak Park. Gust Nepstad, Box 81, Whalan, Minn. Ole L. Pearson, Corp., 5931 S. Sangamon St., Chi- cago. Oscar C. Johnson, 1725 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago. Paul Buhrke (i), Nekoosa, Wis. Robert J. Collins (i), 215 S. loth Ave., Maywood. James Clarkson (i), 1019 W. Marquette Road, Chi- cago. Herman Klings, 251 N. Menard Ave., Chicago. Warren R. Johns, 6946 Perry Ave., Chicago. William H. Hoyer, 418 W. 65th Place, Chicago. Ralph S. Hauss, Corp., 6217 Normal Blvd., Chicago. Martin R. Williams, 5521 W. Rice St., Chicago. John L. Felton, Austin, Minn. David C. Reidy, 6606 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Norman C. Bunde (i), 1243 W. 79th St., Chicago. Stephen Walth, 3030 Fletcher St., Chicago. Walter M. Erxleben (i), 8846 S. Throop St., Chicago. John E. Palmer, Little Saukas, Minn. SamueJ J. McLean (i), 5934 Ada St., Chicago. John W. Harris (i), care James S. Steward Const. Co., P. O. No. I, France. James L. Nichols (i). Highland Ave., Naperville. Oscar Anderson, 216 5th Ave., Moline. John C. Schnell (i), 236 N. Lorrel Ave., Chicago. Raymond G. Kelly (1), 5800 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. George M. Cellar, 8748 S. L'nion Ave., Chicago. Victor J. Schmidt, Corp., 323 N. Brainard Ave., La Grange. Robert Anderson, 1324 S. E. Pine St., Brainerd, Minn. William A. Wagner (i), 37 E. Green St., Champaign. John E. Berg, Aledo. Thomas P. Wolfe (i), 7242 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Alexander F. Slowi, Sad., 2742 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Alvin R. Flodin, 914 W. North St., Galesburg. Walter G. Bergman, 5929 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Elias Fyhr, Corp., 952 Massasoit Ave., Chicago. Ralph Dadiamar, 6303 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Walter C. Borrow, 900 Crescent Place, Chicago. Eugene M. DeRath, 3527 Pabst St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank L. Brunkow, Delano, Minn. l'2dward W. Downey, 7120 Morgan St., Chicago. Phillippe Corimby, 3828 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Cecil J. Ells, Gouverneur, N. Y. .A.rthur J. Battle, Corp., 5927 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. Laurence O. Gregory, 10612 S. Wood St., Chicago. Ludwig Gasparovich, 6347 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Edward J. Lorenz, Bug., 6010 S. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. John J. O'Malley, 5734 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. John E. McDonough, 829 W. S4th Place, Chicago. Earl C. Glosser, 312 S. 7th Ave., Maywood. Oliver Holmes, Sgt., Greenfield. William J. Artman, 6425 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Albert E. Taylor (i), 2 Park Place, St. Micheals, Bristol, England. Carl Gundarsen (i), 5405 Walton St., Chicago. Leslie J. Olson (i), 1102 S. ist Ave., Maywood. Louis T. Anderson, 3369 Commonwealth Ave,, St. Louis, Mo. Lawrence B. Brockmeyer (i), 1637 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. John J. Fannell (i), 8633 Union Ave., Chicago. Christian Thelen, Corp., 7036 S. Morgan St., Chicago. John N. Kaldahl, Glenwood, Minn. Clifford A. Game, Glyndon, Minn. Walter A. Kempe, 915 East Ave., Red Wing, Minn. John J. Hebl, 644 Arcade St., St. Paul, Minn. Harold A. McRostie, Owatonna, Minn. John R. Harrell, 474 Claim St., Aurora. John H. Nelimark, Embarrass, Minn. Timothy McCarthy, Corp., 1709 W. 66th St., Chicago. Hoyt Withrow, 502 W. Elm St., Stillwater, Minn. Leland G. Nelson, Jackson, Minn. Fred L. Schmauss, 401 N. 2nd St., Rockford. Roland A. Nelson, Waterloo, Neb. Lejlot W. Rausch, 1403 N. 25th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Neufald, Butterfield, Minn. Homer J. Pouliot, 2742 W. 38th Place, Chicago. Frank Klucikowsky, Stab. Sgt., 4012 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago. George M. Welscher, R. D. 4, Caledonia, Minn. Warren R. Stewart, Claremore, Okla. George L. Dorn, 610 Spring Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. Henry Vandenbarg, 321 W. 104th Place, Chicago. Albert C. Friedlund, 1824 Central Ave., N. E., Min- neapolis, Minn. Howard H. Weaver, 1527 S. i6tVi St., Springfield. Chester Geppinger, 3557 S. Robey St., Chicago. John A. Auerbach, Corp., 7200 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. William J. Kehne, 780 Curfew Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Walter A. Hamlin, Box 401, Claresholm, Alberta, Can. Raymond Krieser, R. D. i, Maribel, Wis. Leonard G. Grewe. New Bremen, Ohio. Leon L. Fish, R. D. 2, New Lisbon, Wis. (justave A. Kassube, Bertha, Minn. V'incent LoefTler, 663 Julia St., Kenosha, Wis. P.yrd H. Harrod (i), 2141 Hanna St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Clarence Smitha, 15 19 Spruce St., Indianapolis, Ind. Eugene A. Penn, Buckingham Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Stanley J. Low, 215 W. 5th St., Winona, Minn. Kenneth Packard, 532 Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis. 245 246 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Robert Galvin, 1412 20th St., Rock Island. Theodore Scheidecker, Somonauk. George Lambert, 2508 W. Adams St., Chicago. George R. Kahl, Corp., 2300 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Ernest Borkelman, Hs., 5639 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Marvin C. Covey, Pittsville, Wis. William H. Woods, 28 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. William T. Huberty, R. D. 28, Oakfield, Wis. John E. Zank, R. D. 3, Augusta, Wis. Roy M. Webb, Box 225, Elroy, Wis. Jacob J. Brosius, Hs., 5840 Shields Ave., Chicago. James K. Sawdy, Band Corp., 17 Catawba St., Rox- bury, Mass. Harold C. Berg, Mus. (3), 2406 Smally Court, Chicago. Fred A. Hilgart, Mus. (2), 636 W. Marquette Road, Chicago. George Kaplanek, Mus. (3), 1344 S. Kildare Ave., Chi- cago. Robert R. Birch, Mus. (i), 310 N. Long Ave., Chicago. Gustave Hendrickson, Mus. (3), Barrett, Minn. Charles Blumenschein, Band Corp., Box 394, Washing- ton. Allan F. Perabeau, Mus. (i), 24 E. soth St., Chicago. Sabato Coglianese, Corp., 6845 S. Paulina St.. Chicago Bohumil Sus, Mus. (3), 2408 S. 57th Court. Cicero. Michael Wotrobka, Mus. (3), 1614 W. Keenon St., Chicago. Frank J. Hepp, Mus. (3), 8715 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. James H. Anderson, Mus. (i), 8745 S. Wallace St., Chicago. George Pavletich, Mus. (3), 649 W. 69th St., Chicago. Byron W. Chapman, Mus. (2), 8243 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Walter M. Samuels, Mus. (2), 1128 South East Ave., Oak Park. William M. Verros, Band Sgt., 413 Union St., Pella, la. Lewis H. Hulderson, Mus. (3), 606 E. Main St., Morris. Peter Peterson, Mus. (3), 408 Douglas Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. William L. Kouski, Mus. (3), Coal Valley. John P. Weiss, Mus. (2), 41 18 W. North Ave., Chicago. Edward B. Kelly, Mus. (3), 7657 S. Emerald Ave., Chicago. Paul J. Volkert, Mus. (3), 2310 Queen Ave., N., Min- neapolis, Minn. FTenry Rander, Mus. (3), R. D. 2, Long Prairie, Minn. Frank T. Buckley, Corp., 6520 S. Wood St., Chicago. Harry Rosenblum, Mus. (2), 82 W. 12th St., New York, N. Y. Emil J. Hansen, Mus. (3), 10108 S. Charles St., Chi- cago. Carl V. Erickson, Mus. (3), Solway, Minn. Oscar L. Schneyer, Band Corp., Prairie du Chien, Wis. Milton McCready, Mus. (2), Spring Green, Wis. AH V. Johnson, Mus. (2), Solway, Minn. Wellington Vanston, Band Sgt., 424 DuPaige St., Elgin. Robert O. Harvey, Mus. (2), Colby, Wis. Joseph Trachsel, Mus. (i), 1400 Summerdale Ave., Chicago. Soren Henni. Mus. (3), 2654 Cortez St., Chicago. Anton Van Himberger, Sidney St., Kimberly. Wis. Charles J. Maurice, 2407 Iberville St., Ne.w Orleans, La. John A. Tohnson, 200 Ohio St., Merrill, Wis. Hjalmer V. Nelson, 1130 6th St., Rockford. Domenico Agasucci, 114 Newell St., Kenosha, Wis. Guiseppe Cicchese, R. D. 4, Box 59, Cumberland, Wis. William R. Warner, 125 7th Ave., S. E., Roanoke, Va. Alfred Doucet, LaFayette, La. Fred M. Brengle, S13 Shaw Ave., Paris. Charley Burnett, Dearborn, Mo. Albert C. Bambach, 2715 Spring Garden Borough, N. S., Pittsburg, Pa. SUPPLY COMPANY, 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY Amos M. Hutchison, Capt., 141 Crosby St., San Antonio, Texas. Robert J. Mathews, ist Lt., 1502 3rd Ave., ScottsblufF, Neb. Henry F. Dake, 2d Lt., 15 13 Fargo Ave., Chicago. Walter H. Moore, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 8826 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. Arthur C. Schweitzer, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 2452 Kimball Ave., Chicago. Lloyd L. Palmer, ist Sgt., 668 S. Henderson St., Galesburg. Norman W. Johnson, Ord. Sgt., 8307 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Charles C. Stoffel, Sup. Sgt., 5247 W. 24th St., Cicero. John B. Thompson, Mess Sgt., Franklin. Ohio. Michael Dillon, Stab. Sgt., 850 W. 53rd St., Chicago. Andrew Ruplis, Sgt, 3273 Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa. Louis J. Horrmann, Sgt., 4353 W. North Ave.. Chicago. Thomas F. Keyes, Wag.. 4759 Shields Ave., Chicago. James E. Cunningham, Wag., 193 Ottawa St., Muskegon, Mich. Barney J. Fitzgerald, Wag., 5314 S. May St., Chicago. Charles J. Mugan, Wag., 1650 N. Paulina St., Chicago. William R. Clayton (i), 2354 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Thomas F. Vaughan, Wag., 5430 S. Wood St., Chicago. Richard C. Crawford, Corp., Rooney, Ky. Walter H. Gersch, Wag., 934 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago. George Knapp, Wag., 7323 S. May St., Chicago. Emil Mikiska, Wag., New Prague, Minn. Herman A. Krotz, Wag., 14th Ave. & Lexington St., Broadview. Carl H. Johnson, 330 S. 77th Ave., W., Duluth, Minn. Patrick J. Leddin, Wag., 5801 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Joseph F. John, R. D. 3, Medford, Wis. John H. Ferris, Corp., 6729 Union Ave., Chicago. Ernest Nelson, Box 334, Marengo. Richard C. Olson, Wag., Box 170, Lemont. Norval Nelson, R. D. i, Chetek, Wis. Ge.orge A. Schmidt, Wag., 1855 N. Keeler Ave., Chi- cago. Harry P. Rath (i). Box 292, Mead, Nebr. George Hanson (i), loio Farquier St., St. Paul, Minn. Frank B. Kauffman (i), 421 S. Winnebago St., Rock- ford. Harry J. Gilmore, Wag., 3638 N. Racine Ave., Chicago. Joseph Schuster, 617 19th St., Oshkosh. Wis. Glenn C. Johnston, Wag., 5513 Elizabeth St., Chicago. William Hopoer, Wag., 316 W. 52nd Place. Chicago. Michael J. Gibbons, Wag., 72 Orchard St., Leomaster, Mass. William G. Kirk, Wag., 4412 Chamberlain Ave., East Chattanooga, Tenn. George L. Grote, Wag., 2121 Nebraska Ave., Chicago. Edward Kunkel, R. D. i. Box 72, Granville. Herbert Ge.nsichen, Corp., Box 242, Medford, Wis. Martin A. Weir, R. D. 2, Junction City, Wis. John T. McCarthy, Wag., 7145 S. ^Morgan St., Chicago. "Herman S. Thompson, Gushing, Wis. Thomas J. R'ordan, Wag.-, 70 11 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Thomas D. McMann, Wag., 1091/2 W. 5th St., Duluth, Minn. Ernest H. Remus, Wag., loio Dunlop Ave., Forest Park. William C. Schultz, R. D. i. Stangelville, Wis. Sanford E. Mackey, Corp., Nashville, Ohio. William F. Rudolph, Ellsworth, Wis. Charles M. Roelle, Wag., 908 Thomas Ave., Forest Park. Howard D. Roach. R. D. 3, Covington, Tenn. Roman Rybarski, Wag., 2643 Merrimac Ave., Chicago. Theodore J. Pleet, R. D. 3, Stevens Point, Wis. William Anderson, Wag., Box 22, Lemont. Edwin H. Anderson, Wag., 1132 N. Parkside Ave., Chicago. Gunnar Fredrickson, Hs., 2445 N. Kimball Ave... Chi- cago. Raymond Kaskadden, 1920 9th St., Rock Island. Henry Simons, Mech., 71 12 Stewart Awt., Chicago. Walter Herschman, 1520 W. 62nd St., Chicago. Arthur E. Cowie, Wag., 6523 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Martin Hathaway, R. D. i. Rice Lake, Wis. Patrick T. Dillon. Wag., 653 W. 8ist St., Chicago. John A. Glende, R. D. 4, Battle Lake, Minn. James M. White, Hs.. 8008 S. Green St., Chicago. Clarence G. Gale, 918 E. Vernon Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. Harry Bouldin, Wag., 5802 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Otto C. Wiese (i), 165 Garfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Carey, Wag., 301 W. 47th St., Chicago. Jacob R. Kohn (i), 7936 Luella Ave., Chicago. THE 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY 247 Joseph M. Carville, Wag., 4433 Indiana Ave,, Chicago. Peter G. Chepan, Wag., ist & Lincoln Sts., Worcester, Mass. Herman Kratzer, Mech., Colchester. George E. Kinstedt (i), 5815 S. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago. Fred Dryer, Wag., 8044 Emerald Ave., Chicago. John G. Toelke, Wag., R. D. 2, Dakota. William Eckdahl, Wag., 6018 LaFayette Ave., Chicago. Herman Niele, Wag., 11801 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Michael J. Enright, Wag., 5813 Carpenter St., Chicago. Clifford A. Nelson, Wag., 1423 N. Fairfield Ave., Chi- cago. Arnold F. Hagemann, Wag., 4045 Fullerton Ave., Chi- cago. Ernest McClung, Wag., 546 W. 68th St., Chicago. Harold D. Ross, Hs., Tippecanoe, Ind. Bernhardt Henningsen, Cook, 1644 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. Alexander McEwan, Cook, 617 E. 6ist St., Chicago. Ai-thur O. Johnston, Cook, R. D. 31, Caryville, Wis. Charles Bernhagen, Cook, 1274 W. 71st Place, Chicago. Julius Wege.rt, Cook, 1615 N. Paulina St., Chicago. Haakon Thompson, Mech., R. D. 2, Bruce, Wis. Peter Schaaf, Sad., 5533 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Herman A. Benning, Wag., Green Valley, Wis. Charles Anderson, Wag., Jarvis Lake, North St. Paul, Minn. Samuel Beukema, Wag., 6058 S. Morgan St., Chicago. John B. Costello, Wag., 5521 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Frank L. Burgess, Wag., 35 Federal Ave., Mason City, Iowa. John J. Cronin, Wag., 5237 S. Union Ave., Chicago. Elmer E. Fultz, Wag., 7024 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Charles Hopper, Wag., 316 W. S2nd Place, Chicago. Axsell E. Klaver, Wag., 5518 Loomis Blvd., Chicago. William G. Decker, Wag., 8308 S. Vernon Ave., Chi- cago. Olaf Ferando, Wag., 4921 W. Nevada St., Chicago. John O'Donnell, 4916 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Garrett He.nnip, Wag., 6149 Elizabeth St., Chicago. William Mulligan, Wag., 3715 Garfield Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. John Jacobson, Sad., 2309 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. Stanley P. Coleman, Cook, 405 Hill Grove Ave., La- Grange. Joseph Hanson, R. D. 3, Elva, Wis. Martin Martinson, Eau Claire, Wis. Robert W. Sundvall, R. D. 3, New Richmond, Wis. Emil H. Bullert, Box "A," White Earth, Minn. James E. Buckley, R. D. 24, La Salle. Arthur R. Erickson, 3526 Dickens Ave., Chicago. John H. Holtman, 5907 72nd St., S. E., Portland, Ore. Carl L. Johnson, Box 74, Eldorado, Nebr. William A. Jungwirth, 657 LaFond St., St. Paul, Minn. Fred Kinkie, Box 553, Oglesby. Orville B. Rogers, R. D. 3, Box 33, Plainfield, Wis. Edward K. Sommers, 554 Orchard St., Milwaukee, Wis. William Stockwell, R. D. 4, Marengo. Stoney A. Wall, Sgt., 4437 W. Fulton St., Chicago. BATTERY A, 33 2nd FIELD ARTILLERY Roy E. Bard, Capt., Highland Park. Howard P. Clements, 2d Lt., Evanston Hotel, Evanston. Richard A. Aishton, 2d Lt., 1710 Wesley Ave., Evans- ton. David S. Wright, ist Sgt., 302 N. Oak Park Ave,, Oak Park. George A. Linquist, Sup. Sgt., Whitehall, Mich. James Misicka (i), 2127 63rd Ave., Berwyn. Emil Kopp, 38 W. 109th Place, Chicago. Peter P. Kulas, 418 Wadleigh St., Stevens Point, Wis. Ewald E. Arndt, R. D. 5, Box 105, Marshfield, Wis. Edward McGillis, Duane, Mahnomen Co., Minn. Oskar B. Franzen, 2840 nth Ave., Oakland, Cal. Reginald A. West, 274 Pleasant St., Brockton, Mass. Herman Holmberg, 1371 S. Park St., Red Wing, Minn. Thomas Ranee, Corp., 5832 La Salle St., Chicago. Rudolph Gustafson, 756 14th St., Moline. James LaFabor, 242 Forest Ave., East Grand Forks, Minn. Melvin Lang, Benwood, Minn. Elmer M. Largis, R. D. 2, Borup, Minn. Ralph J. Lynes, Box 365, Motley, Minn. Emil A. Moske, R. D. 6, Box 3, Parkers Prairie. Minn. Mike M. Burant, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. George A. Pigg, Corp., Merrimac, Wis. Vern C. Hegman, Flejning Lake, Minn. Joseph Weiland (i), 5532 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Walter H. Fandel, 92 W. Chicago Ave., St. Paul, Minn. William Wiggins, Jr., R. D. 2, Luverne, Minn. Ewald Jungerberg, Fall Creek, Wis. George Bolstad, St. Peter, Minn. James E. Kane, Solon Springs, Wis. Phillip Schaefer, Corp., 413 W. 6oth Place, Chicago. Haakon Strand, Galesburg, N. D. Albert F. Kaufert, Box 47, Brokaw, Wis. Earl Noftsger, Glyndon, Minn. Leonard Kobishop, 121% 2nd St., Stevens Point, Wis. Thomas M. Pogreba, Delano, Minn. Stanley C. Kulas, 240 North Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Arvid J. Westberg, Prentice, Wis. Michael J. Kelly, Sgt., 5656 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Charles Singer, Corp., 6038 S. La Salle St., Chicago. Frank L. Tierney (i), 5709 S. Throop St., Chicago. Harry Schwinderman, 11 13 9th St., N. E., Canton, Ohio. James T. Jordan, 4707 W. 12th Place, Cicero. Max J. Volk, Box 133, Heron Lake, Minn. Clarence A. Quist, R. D. 4, Glenwood, Minn. Lawrence L. McMurrin, Holland, Minn. John H. Werner, R. D. 10, Reynolds, Minn. Clarence Hallquist (1), 5724 S. Aberdeen St., Chicago. Lawrence H. L. Jacobsen, 333 W. College St., Albert Lea, Minn. Hans C. Hansen, Danish Brotherhood Hall, Racine, Wis. Emil T. Rorvig, Box 29, Madelia, Minn. Severen B. Marchel, R. D. 2, Ste.vens Point, Wis. Charles Frank, R. D. i, Delano, Minn. John P. Staff, R. D. 2, Fergus Falls, Minn. Michal Selwitzky, 550 Maple St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Nelson, Sgt., 6023 Union Ave., Chicago. James M. O'Brien, Corp., 527 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. James Kunc, 5320 W. 24th Place, Cicero. Christ _ Gilbertson, 519 Chippewa St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Victor E. Ellison, R. D. 2, Box 92, Barron, Wis. Emil F. Hjerstedt, R. D. 4, Grand Rapids, Wis. Earnest Fletcher, I3ath. Silas B. Conley, 318 N. i8th Ave., E., Duluth, Minn. James W. Richmond, 811 isth Ave., East Moline. Frank E. Wolfe, Corp., 73 Williams St., Aurora. Peter C. Hiltgen, Lester, Iowa. Andrew Anderson, R. D. 2, Bisbee, N. D. Peter J. Bjerken, Holt, Minn. Reinhold C. Boltz, R. D. i, Annandale, Minn. Otto W. Connell, Richwood, Minn. Edward H. Erickson, R. D. 2^ Box 71, Oslo, Minn. William F. Kottke, R. D. 3, Fairchild, Wis. Robert P. Jensen, Sgt^ 5721 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. Thomas L. Cleary, Corp., Waverly. Carl H. Carlson, R. D. 2, Stevens Point, Wis. Anton Madson, R. D. 3, Luce, Minn. Albert J. Klinzing, Box 83, St. Cloud, Wis. Fred W. Patting, 908 sth Ave., Rock Island. Bernard P. Larson, 1648 Morton Ave., Racine, Wis. Russell Shuemaker, R. D. 3, Box 21, Silver Lake, Ind. Clarence Shefiiejd, R. D. i. Box 27, Dubuque, Iowa. Richard Johnson (i), 5657 Normal Blvd., Chicago. John E. Johnson, Thief River Falls, Minn. Oliver Olson, R. D. i. Box 67, Hancock, Minn. Alvis Jones, Duncan, Okla. Fred Samson, Trail, Minn. Leo A. Rosin, 3527 Stuart Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Glen W. Rathbun, 230 S. 14th Ave., Maywood. Fred Brawand, Monticello, Iowa. Matthew M. Power, Sgt., 6335 S. Artesian Ave., Chi- cago. Louis Vanderlip, Corp., 713 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. John Stenlund, Red Wing, Minn. William Ste,inbar, 222 N. 2nd St., East Grand Forks, Minn. William J. Logan, 678 McKinley Pkwy., Buffalo, N. Y. Swan J. Bjorkstrom, R. D. i, Dalbo, Minn. 248 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Alfred E. Warnke, R. D. 3. Neshkoro, Wis. Tacob R. Jeanson, i66 W. Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. blaf Lerfald, 2017 28th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn, Charles J. Cries (i), 7S00 S. Green St., Chicago. Carl Tate, 603 Huff St., Winona, Minn. John VanLoon, 230 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. John Thompson, 4543 Oliver Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles F. Krinke, R. D. i, Osseo, Wis. Henry VanBellinger, 1332 Doty St., Green Bay, Wis. Arthur Streeter, Anamosa, Iowa. Louie L. Baker, R. D. 3, Excelsior, Minn. Harry W. Hewitt, Sgt., 5656 Emerald Ave.., Chicago. Walter F. Fors (i), 5756 S. Elizabeth St., Chicago. Gustav Christofferson, 822 Mount Faith Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. Joseph G. Hansen, 402 29th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Glen P. Rogers, 804 N. 2nd St., Rockwell. Martin Roisum, 1617 Sth Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Leo J. Gallagher, 243 W. 62nd St., Chicago. Frank Carroll, Gotebo, Okla. Joseph Burgoyne, Andalusia. Edward Fitzgerald, Corp., 109 9th St., Payette, Idaho. Bernt Birkeland, Luverne, Minn. Louis H. Johnson, R. D. 4, Box 28, Henning, Minn. Swan Larson, R. D. 8, Box 22, Little Falls, Minn. Carl B. Wick, Erhard, Minn. James Brassfield, Box 57, Monticello, Minn. Gustav Korslin, R. D. 2, Grand Rapids, Wis. Peter M. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 10, Bagley, Minn. James J. Riejly, Sgt., 5544 S. 5th Ave., Chicago. Joseph Zutowt, 1511 S. 51st Ave., Cicero. tohn A. Williams, R. D. 2, Grand Rapids, Wis. Walter R. Clussman, R. D. 2, Plover, Wis. Carl A. Gustafson, 214 W. Locust St., Chicago. Sigurd Hanson, 4047 Aldrich Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alire Caron, 2319 Madison St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer J. Field, 408 4th St., S. E., Little Falls, Minn. Leonard G. Albrecht, R. D. i, Auburndale, Wis. Arthur H. Anderson, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. Wallace Justesen, R. D. 3, Augusta,' Wis. Carl Lichtenstein, Corp., 616 W. 60th St., Chicago. John J. Murray, Sad., 501 W. 60th Place, Chicago. William McLaughlin, Hs., Nunstown, Drumcliffe Co., Sligo, Ireland. Floyd Walker, R. D. i. Camp Douglas, Wis. Rainer C. Swanson, Hs., 6410 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Sven A. Swanson, Mech., 5917 S. Emerald Ave., Chi- cago. Anton Maslowski, Hs., 31 Clark St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alfred Carlson (i), 5808 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Ewald O. Bahr, R. D. i, Fall Creek, Wis. Claus Anderson, 222 Wisconsin St., Eau Claire, Wis. Harry P. E. Baker, 236 Michigan St., Eau Claire, Wis. Romney Stevens, Versailles, Ind. Carl Medhaug, Rushford, Minn. Reinhardt Ge.rike, R. D. 3, Box 17, Augusta, Wis. Carl J. B. Garsels, R. D. 2, Pitt.sville, Wis. Thomas J. Dunderdale, Sgt., 459 W. 62nd St., Chicago. Ernest R. Anderson, R. D. 4, Box 77, Grand Rapids, Wis. William G. Simpson, Dundee. George D. Hagerty, Corp., 522 Scott St., South Bend, Ind. George H. Anderson, 8906 Baltimore Ave., Chicago. Eric N. Payne, Corp., 507 N. Locust St., Valparaiso, Ind. Frank _ J. McNally, 2434 13th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Walter E. Hallberg (i), 6008 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. Floyd V. Nicholas, R. D. 23, Box 24, Oconto, Wis. Gordon E. Thompson, no Thompson St., Oconomowoc, Wis. Burr K. McFarland, Winthrop, Iowa. Maurice Kutner, 872 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago. David Warner, 608 Linden Ave., Elgin. Geron Carlson, R. D. i. Box 118, Braham, Minn. Oscar Ahlenstorf, Flat 16, 15th Ave. W. & Superior St., Duluth. Minn. Floyd Awbrey> Keithsburg. Carl E. Ebert, Truman, Minn. Frank H. Troll, Pelican Rapids, Minn. Russell L. Biswell, Sgt., R. D. i. Walnut Grove, Minn. James E. Murphy (1), 5648 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Charles A. Block (i), 210 Rowan Ave., Toronto, Can. Fred H. Lenning (i), 5534 S. Elizabeth St., Chicago. Arthur W. Rinne (i), 636 Englewood Ave., Chicago. Roy A. Ferguson, Corp., 1048 W. 60th St., Chicago. Peter A. Clerkin, Corp., 5735 Sangamon St., Chicago. Sarantos G. Sackes, Cook, Ryhea, Rea, Zarachous, Greece. Mike W. Skach. Cook, 1433 S. Clinton Ave., Oak Park. John Dobeck, Stevens Point, Wis. Edward F. Wysocky, 604 Prentice St., Stevens Point, Wis. Oscar Berg, 43 4th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Morton B. Wells, Janesville, Texas. Arthur T. Hoppe, Corp., 714 S. Lyman Ave., Oak Park. Carl G. Eklund (i), 720 W. 6ist St., Chicago. Edwin E. Karlstad, R. D. 2, Roseau, Minn. William F. Jungerberg. R. D. 3, Fall Creek. Wis. Michael Mclnerney, Stab. Sgt., 5601 S. Union St., Chicago. BATTERY B, 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY Milton B. Parsons, Capt., 1210 W. 3rd St., Davenport, Iowa. Arthur F. Tuttle, 1st Lt., care Mrs. J. L. Houghteling, Winnetka. Samuel Taylor, 2d Lt., 908 20th St., Rock Island. Henry B. Ryan, 2d Lt., 45 South Avon, St. Paul. Minn. Carl O. Nelson, ist Sgt., 6423 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Richard A. Butler, Corp., 6323 Justine St., Chicago. Herbert Ba'rtelt, Medford, Wis. Harry L. Roe, 25 N. Falir St., Aurora. George Koenig, Plainview, Minn. Paul J. Partridge, Fairchild, Wis. Alfred Dorr, Erskine, Minn. Nick Miller, R. D. 3, McHenry. Gus A. Boosalis, Mankato, Minn. Frank A. Egan, Corp., 1000 W. Sist St., Chicago. Frank L. Wilson, Endeavor, Wis. Tony Kromlicke, Grand Rapids, Wis. Frank Cizek, Chetek, Wis. Albert Achman, Avon, Minn. Oscar E. Akesson, Muskoda, Minn. Nicholas J. Bauer, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. George L. Ford, Ada, Minn. Chauncey T. Smith (i), 207 N. Central Ave., Chicago. Edward Callahan (i), 914 Clarence Ave., Oak Park. Roy Van Dorn, 507 Union St., Joliet. Lawrence Hunt, R. D. 4, Kewanee. Edwin L. Flyke, Sgt., 814 Highland Ave., Oak Park. Elmer E. Johnson, Corp., 6338 Lafiin St., Chicago. William Trotter, 6324 Loomis St., Chicago. Fred Bauer, Auburndale, Wis. Edwin F. Weigert, 1425 Carney Blvd., Marinette, Wis. Donnie Cunningham, Letart, W. Va. Selmer Bolstad, 1210 E. Madison St., Eau Claire, Wis. Joseph Anderson, 2823 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. William F. Miller, 362 S. Unttjn St., Aurora. William Bauske, Corp., 6423 S. Paulina St., Chicago. William W. Tank, Lakefield, Minn. John E. Thayer, 3123 Johnson St., Minneapolis, Minn. Palmer Larson, Eau Claire, Wis. Jacob Thiel, R. D. 3, McHenry. William A. Leo, 117 5th St., Calumet, Mich. Albert W. Dinn, Arlington Heights. George M. Mandler, Adams, Minn. Thomas D'Albani, 522 W. Lake St., Maywood. Ralph R. Zeller, Sgt., 6018 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Henry McDonald, Corp., 5309 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Stanley Stryk, R. D. 2, Withee, Wis. Verne E. Hilliard, Briggsville, Wis. Hans Olson, R. D. 2, Erskine,, Minn. Clarence Nelson, R. _D. i, Owatonna, Minn. George Carberry, Richland Center, Wis. Hiram F. Bruns, 508 3rd Ave., Rock Falls. Henjamin Voge, Round Lake, Minn. Walter Rolfe, Jr., Mech., 39 Center St., Penacook, N. H. Anthony J. Haak, 220 W. Stillwater Ave., Stillwater, Minn. Charley Delap, Viola^ Wis. John A. Wigren (i), 219 S. Grove Ave., Oak Park. \yilliam F. Lawrie, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. George Stoughton, Abbotsford, Wis. THE 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY 249 Joseph L. Hake, Rogers, Minn. Lewis W. Dartt (i), Packwaukee, Wis. Maine M. Keith (i), R. D. 2, Chetek, Wis. Herman Grieshaber (i), 5737 Laflin St., Chicago. Joseph C. Ziel, 6518 Justine St., Chicago. Walter A. Voigt, Sgt., 307 N. Maple Ave., Oak Park. Herman Hanson, Hs., R. D. 2, Box 43, Mason, Wis. Leslie E. Guist, Gays Mills, Wis. Thomas Shipley, 510 9th St., Miles City, Mont. Archie Hart, R. D. 2, Leon, W. Va. Jasper N. Hart, Letart, W. Va. Herman Katschke, 6019 .\rrnitage Ave., Chicago. Chester Hastings, Osseo, Minn. Milton C. Kadau, 222 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William A. Bunde, Corp., 6227 S. Wood St., Chicago. Michael Lontkowsky, R. D. 6, Grand Rapids, Wis. Theodore Jensen, 314 State Ave., Thief River Falls, Minn. Leland S. Hoyt, 217 Magee St., Rochester, N. Y. Otto C. Lietz, 3333 Wallace St., Chicago. Percy O'Xeill, Cutler, Minn. George E. Bauer, 404 West C St., Marshfield, Wis. Frank O. Anderson, 41 18 N. Emerson Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Clarence Hanson, Armstrong, Iowa. Harry J. Bohne, 5633 S. Marshfiejd Ave., Chicago. Walter Dunmore, Sgt., 632 W. 60th St., Chicago. Matthew Calto (i), 17 10 W. 89th St., Chicago. Oscar Wietstock, R. D. 2, Sargeant, Minn. Daniel H. Connor, Bear Creek, Wis. William Peterson, Blooming Prairie, Minn. Edward Purrmann, Mayville, Wis. Ole Hovey, R. D. 4, Lime Springs, Iowa. Otto C. Krueger, 31 17 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Ernest W. Plapp, 401 W. King St., Winona, Minn. Elmer Dreher, Corp., 121 Lincoln Ave., Brookfield. Tames W. Latham, Sioux Falls, S. D. Emil A. Falk, Ropin, Wis. Edward Schneider, 1581 Paine Ave., St. Paul, Minn-. Ikie Lubinske, R. D. 2, Fairchild, Wis. George W. Lewis, Taopi, Minn. Ray M. Westfall, 783 W. 24th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alvin Kern, 3303 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. Louis Zimmer, R. D. 3, Box 28, Fulton. Earl M. Shaw, Sgt., 214 N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago. James P. Lennio, 1142 W. Marquette Road, Chicago. Conrad Kittilson, R. D. i, Warroad, Minn. Ingvald Lade, R. D. 4, Forston, Minn. Robert Gorman, Kellogg, Minn. Theodore Laegis, R. D. 2, Buruh, Minn. John D. Larson, R. D. 2, Box 55, Twin Valley, Minn. Erick E. Lenusson, Leonard, Minn. Edward J. Mattison, 108 University Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Louis Suchy (i), 1420 S. Harvey Ave., Oak Park. Paul A. Bloedorn, R. D. i, Huntley. Peter E. Jejisen, 3520 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence J. Deboer, Galesville, Wis. Claude Mathews, Sheburn, Ind. Oswald F. Dohm, R. D. 2, Marshfield. Wis. William Fleischmann, R. D. 7, Marshfield, Wis. Carl F. Lu€stke, care Philip Kohl, R. D. i, Marsh- field, Wis. Arthur Meschanchuk, 1643 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Oscar Duensing, Sgt., 639 Lombard Ave., N., Oak Park. Harold H. Walthers, Corp., 3420 Wallace St., Chicago. Reuben J. Nelson, Gladstone, Minn. Charles Morris, New Hope, Ky. Martin Mortensen, Woodstock. Horace W. Annis, Marengo. Ole O. Hall, 421 State St., N., Thief River Falls, Minn. Albert Johnson, R. D. 3, Twin Valley, Minn. Simon McDermid, 321 American Ave., Bemidji, Minn. Ralph E. Naylor, Corp., 5738 W. Ohio St.. Chir-asro. lay E. Seaman, Hebron. George Schudel, 899 Woodbridge St., St. Paul, Minn. Fred J. Seydel, R. D. i. Lake Park. Michael Schreiner, Watkins, Minn. Carl I. Foldge, Plummer, Minn. Edward Franklin, Hawkins, Wis. William F. Goeman, 235 Delegis St., Centigo, Wis. Stephen Zralek, Sgt., 5614 Ada St., South, Chicago. Carl T. Englund, Corp., 5833 Rice St., Chicago. Gilbert Severson, Bagley, Minn. Hagbarth Jorgensen, 3519 W. North Ave., Chicago. Thomas J. Cahill, Faribault, Minn. Harold V. Siddons, 9 Division St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. John J. Evans, Clearbrook, Minn. Walter O. Benzel, Depot St., Mayville, Wis. Alfred B. Tomter, 4656 DuPont Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl F. Reich, Corp., 5651 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Jens Tvedt, Roosevelt, Minn. ,. .Arthur N. Wilson, 141 1V2 7th Ave., Moline. Walter A. Heuer, Fall Creek, Wis. Thomas Shoemaker, Salem. Walter Wichman, R. D. 2, Grand Rapids, Wis. George T. Tostensen, Underwood, Minn. Leonard C. Schleck, 712 Randolph St., St. Paul, Minn. Ole Parness, 426 Banks Ave., Superior, Wis. Christ Johnson, Clarissa, ^linn. George A. Steilen, Sgt., 5658 S. Bishoo St., Chicago. Hugh J. O'Hara, Hs., 6552 Justine St., Chicago. Tohan W. Carlson, Mech., 79:0 S. Morgan St., Chicago. Carl F. Falck, 560 Hall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John Coughlin, Hs., Fort Da Russia, Chevenne, Wyo. Edward Ziebejl, 317 N. Warren St., Watertown, Wis. Joseph Radovan, Sad., 6017 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Lester Parkhill, 5916 Ada St., Chicago. George Bohlander (i), iioi S. sth Ave., Maywood. William H. Dean, Eleva, Wis. Leon J. Adams, 266 Sherman St., St. Paul, Minn. Patrick O'Connell, 838 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Minn. George A. Hansen (1), 656 N. Lockwood Ave., Chi- cago. Rex Willard, R. D. 2, Sullivan, Wis. V'ayne N. Rath, 210 E. 2r.d St., Dundee. Speros D. Scarmeos, Cook, 1002 W. Ferras St., Chi- cago. Leroy Warren, Cook, R. D. 7, Grand Rapids, Wis. John L. Warns, Cook, Withee, Wis. Tong G. Sam, 431 S. Clark St., Chicago. Dixson Andrews, Corp., 724 N. Austin Ave., Oak Park. Anton J. Goss, Corp., 6135 Morgan St., Chicago. Harry V. Nelson, Carney, Mich. Edwin C. Kunde, 914 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William J. Lenzen, 6508 S. Paulina St., Chicago. John Doyle, Bird Island, Minn. Joachim B. Weides, New Prague, Minn. Arthur E. Eidam, Corp., 502 Maple Ave., Blue Island. Glen H. Burgman, 2505 13th Ave., Rock Island. Roy J. Alby, Waterford, Wis. Hans J. Thorpe, 21141^ John Ave., Superior, Wis. William McBurney, Pittsville, Wis. Benno C. W. Heuer. R. D. 2, Pittsville, Wis. Maurice N. Wurtz, 3801 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Severin Risnes, Pequot, Minn. Frank T. Sokol, Cook, 4954 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Henry P. Schmitt, Corp., 4418 Oakenwald Ave., Chi- cago. Henry N. Gram, Corp., 4949 W. Race Ave,, Chicago. Frank J. O'Connell, 838 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Bruno E. Richter, Corp., 1718 W. 6ist St., Chicago. Alfred E. B raker, Sgt., 6139 Green St., S., Chicago. BATTERY C, 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY Louis C. Courtemanche, ist Lt., 6571 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. Thomas E. Crawford, 2d Lt., 1346 Madison Park, Chi- cago. Eugene C. Williams, 2d Lt.. 606 W. 4th St., Sterling. John Firtko, 1st Sgt., 2219 Caledonia St., Toledo, Ohio. Peter Horgen, Irma, Wis. Oscar Brandt, Corp., 610 Chicago Ave., Wausau, Wis. Francis L. Clark, Holy Cross, Ky. Guy H. Pitt-man, R. D., Stephenson, Mich. Tohn Malmpn, 5707 Blackstone Ave., Chicago. John L. Dilenbeck, R. D. 5, Geneseo. Joseph H. Gartman, Box 112, Hanover. Albert C. Madsen, Ellendale., Minn. Albert J. Evenson, 11 23 Main St., Eau Claire, Wis. Frank C. Ulrich, Corp., 628 3rd Ave., S., Wausau, Wis. Eugene Myers, 809 13th St., DeKalb. Frank H. Gumz, Box 49, R. D. 2, Grand Rapids, Wis. Ole Lund, Ashland, Wis. 250 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Jacob M. Hanson, Ostre Halsen No. no, Larwik, Norway. Norman J. Bolstad, Box 132, Fertile, Minn. Odin A. Boyesen, Benwood, Minn. Joseph Boutain, R. D. 2, Red Lake Falls, Minn. James J. Watterson, Corp., 7355 Vincennes Ave., Chi- cago. Marshall L. Wolfe, R. D. 2, Letart, W. Va. William Dama, R. D. 2, Phillips, Wis. John J. Ryan, 4414 S. Troy St., Chicago. Martin Hanigan, 787 Penoch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Erwin F. Jaeger, 321 Main St., Menomonee, Wis. Carl H. Heden, Ogema, Wis. Herman Grosshennig, 6421 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Martin Wittich, Corp., 1055 McLean Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Francis J. Geehan, Eiko, Minn. Henry Kelleher, Box 148, Belle Plaine, Minnesota. Louis Gilsoul, R. D. i, Lockhart, Minn. Walter A. Goyer, 813 W. Main St., Red Wing, Minn. Frederick F. Gumz, R. D. 2, Box 49, Grand Rapids, Wis. Gerhart O. Gunderson, Box 61, Orfordville, Wis. Henry Hanson, Box 57, Glenflora, Wis. William A. Shultz, Sgt., 9713 S. Wood St., Chicago. Walter T. Fink, Corp., iioo i6th Ave., Melrose Park. Marion I. Shockley, 1106 W. nth St., Muncie, Ind. Frederick Anderson, .';552 N. Clark St., Chicago. William Hueckman, Prentice, Wis. George Cassellius, R. D. 2, Prior Lake, Minn. Charles E. Allen, 208 Evans Ave., DeKalb. Michael J. Hennigan, 787 Pennock St., Philadelphia, Pa. . James Dean, R. D. 2, Belle Plaine, Minn. William C. Hirzel, Corp., 6741 S. Elizabeth St., Chicago. Gustav J. Solnes (i), Floro, Norway. Willie Steinhaus, R. D. 2, Morgan, Minn. Oscar W. Martin, Gen. Del., Hopkins, Minn. Albert T. Durling, R. D. i, Nekoosa, Wis. Louis Chladek, Owatonna, Minn. Sven Frondal, R. D. i, Oakland, Minn. Julius Larson, R. D. 3, Heron Lake, Minn. Edward R. Larson, Corp., 24 W. 71st St., Chicago. George L. Jaeger, Box 291, Jordan, Minn. Harry P. Comerford, 836 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. Gottfried Engel, R. D. 3, Butternut, Wis. Peter L. Flicek, New Prague, Minn. Nels K. Eidsvik, R. D. 2, Decorah, Iowa. Fred J. Engelhard, 812 Michigan Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Fred Popp, t6 Railroad St., Dundee. Sylvester McDonald, Corp., 24 W. 70th Place, Chicago. Anton Marik, R. D. =;, Owatonna, Minn. Henry M. Haus, R. D. i, Jordan, Minn. Nichlaus Meyer, Box 103. Belle Plaine, Minn. Roy C. Haley, 144% Bridge St., Owatonna, Minn. Frank Gaetke, R. D. 6, Box 8q, Grand Rapids, Wis. Peter Blastervold, R. D; 2, Medford, Minn. Joseph Ramberg, R. D. i. Mentor, Minn. Malcolm Johnson, Sgt., 6356 Morgan St., Chicago. David E. Ekberg, Corp., 2526 James Ave., N., Minne- apolis, Minn. James Birmingham (i), 6600 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Floyd J. Martin, Owatonna, Minn. Louis A. Witt, 75 Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. August Berkley, Algonquin. Lloyd E. Larsen, Tamarack, Minn. Clinton Pigman, R. D. i. Round Lake, Minn. William F. Goebel, Butternut, Wis. George Johnson, Corp., Spirit, Wis. Floyd G. Anderson, R. D. i. Box 24, Stillwater, Minn. Henry J. Froiland, R. D. i. Box 80, Plummer, Minn. .Tames H. Leetch, 3828 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. George C. Gasner, R. D. 6, Owatonna, Minn. John H. Peterson, R. D. 4, Elgin. Theodore M. Hoefs, Richwood, Wis. Engelbert Hoersch, Box 38, Aniwa, Wis. Edward J. Tynan, Corp., 3510 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Charles A. Bensen, 530 Canada St., St. Paul, Minn. Harold McClanathan, Fairchild, Wis. John E. Pomatto, Box 43, South Bloomington. William Ketter, 539 Butrick St., Waukegan. Walter Gutenschwager (i), 7418 Randolph St., Forest Park. Walter C. Jacobson, 1022 E. Lincoln Highway, DeKalb. John J. Haberman, R. D. 2, Owatonna, Minn. George L. Ayres, Corp., 7927 Riverview Ave., Swissvale, Oscar Gleiser (i), 4430 Langley Ave., Chicago. John J. Koci, 1102 Dewey St., Jefferson, Wis. Frank W. Lyons, 795% S. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. Otto N. Lehnertz, St. Charles, Minn. Walter Meier, Box 52, Babcock, Wis. John A. Meiers, Sherry, Wis. Charlie E. Jones, 3030 N. 22nd St., Kansas City, Kan- sas. Joseph O'Malley, Sgt., 5616 Marshfield Ave., Chicago. John A. Ottman, Corp., 6728 S. Peoria St., Chicago. John T. Barthel, 421 Front St., Aurora. Patrick J. Dwyer (i), 410 14th Ave., Detroit, Mich. Michael Bauer, 888 Ohio St., West St. Paul, Minn. Charles G. Hruska, Box 26, Waterville, Minn. James VanDusen, 226 West St., Rockford. Arnold J. Duge, R. D. i, Stockton, la. Harvey A. Walker, Corp., 507 Bryant St., Montpelier, Ohio. Jess Morrical (i). Gen. Del., Phillips, Wis. John Shakespeare, 4453 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Bennie Benson, R. D. 4, Windom, Minn. :, Jens W. Nyboe (i), 6012 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Haakan Carlson, 2008 31st St., E., Minneapolis, Minn. Harvey W. Olson, Kensington, Minn. Frank Meisinger, 6456 S. May St., Chicago. Conrad G. Anderson, Corp., 6505 S. Green St., Chicago. Albert Nicholson, 516 Roberts St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward Wiegand (i), 6941 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Merrill Schmieding, R. D. 6, Shelby, Mich. George A. Plummer, 509 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago. August Moens, R. D. 6, Geneseo. Jack H. Swan, 2135 Carmel Ave., Racine, Wis. Hans P. Nelson, City Point, Wis. Robert McAneney, Corp., 6310 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago. Elmer A. Nolt, 600 West A St., Marshfield, Wis. J. Swetz, R. D. 5, Box 128, Grand Rapids, Wis. William Schrader, R. D. 30, Glenbeulah, Wis. Alfred M. Ross, R. D. i, Sparland. Peter Hammer, R. D. i. Box 23, Lakeville, Minn. Herman F. Laut, 247 Willow Road, Elmhurst. Oscar T. Teigen, R. D. 2, Box 68, Elk Mound, Wis. Robert M. Daly, Sgt., 6436 Peoria St., Chicago. William Becker, Mech., 2704 South Park Ave., Chicago. John Keilty, Hs., Shamballymore, Dunmore, Galway, Ireland. John A. Carson, R. D. i, Two Harbors, Minn. Gust N. Bekas, 1334 Washington St., Gary, Ind. Peter Dahlke, Hs., R. D. i, Mosinee, Wis. Anthony O'Malley (1), 535i S. Carpenter St., Chicago. Alois S. Jelinek, 487 Michigan St., St. Paul, Minn. Martin Sorenson, R. D. i, Glenwood City, Wis. Peter Watterson, Hs., 7355 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Peter Vandoni, Cook, 6700 State St., Chicago. Frank F. Hartig, Cook, 619 N. 8th Ave,., May wood. Charles Johnson, Cook, 3434 McLean Ave., Chicago. George Costas, Cook, 2 E. 22nd St., Chicago. Arthur Schlichting, Sad., 916 10th Ave., Melrose Park. James M. Havens, 6000 S. Wood St., Chicago. Otto T. Cervenka, 1522 W. 20th St., Chicago. Harold E. Berglund, 7151 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Daniel R. Mellon, Corp., 6506 Perry Ave., Chicago. Robert Bergstrom, Corp., 514 N. Spring Ave., La- Grange. Elmer E. Stephens, Corp., Weston. Raymond J. Barry, 9713 S. Wood St., Chicago. George Todstrom (i), 1214 8th Ave., W., Ashland, Wis. Edward Marshall (i), 217 3rd Ave., E., Ashland, Wis. John Bednarik (i), 337 E. 123rd St., New York, N. Y. Albert L. Clark, Corp., 7251 S. Shore Drive, Chicago. Helge, Hemmingsen (i). Box 362, Grayling, Mich. Floyd N. Tedrick (i), Hartford, Mich. John M. Zimmerman (i), 2324 35th Place, Chicago. Otto F. Huxmann, 21 11 Bryant Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert C. Ford (i), 1928 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago. Talbot C. Hatch (i), Florence, Wis. Arthur Stephens (i), 4160 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Anthony T. Scavone, Sgt., 6504 S. State St., Chicago. Sewell Bronken, R. D. 3, Gary, Minn. John J. Kolasmiki, Box 56, Kingston. Lars Wisted (i), R. D. 3, DeKalb. Henry G. Martin, Odanah, Wis. Vito Scichili, 1008 S. Main St., Rockford. George E. Pehrson, R. D. i, Hopkins, Minn. Henry J. Lake, Niagara, Wis. Andrew Olson, R. D. 5, Blooming Prairie, Minn. Carl O. Lungren, R. D. i, Owatonna, Minn. THE 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY 251 Elmer Molde, E. McKinley St., Owatonna, Minn. Herman Moline, 252 21st Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Adolph Germolus, Ada, Minn. James B. Fineron, 7133 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. Donald Curtiss, 306 La Salle St. Station, Chicago. Grover Carlson, Sgt., Harbert, Mich. Eugene J. Nehls, Bug., 6341 Carpenter St., Chicago. Fleming Sherlaw, Mech., 6927 Michigan .Ave., Chicago. Thomas t. Reynolds, Sgt., 5445 Wells St., Chicago. John J. Done'gan, Sgt., 652 W. S5th St., Chicago. Harold V. Welch, Stab. Sgt., 6926 May St., Chicago Charles Stevens, Sgt., 6647 Union Ave., Chicago. James E. Nyhan, Mess Sgt., 1107 W. 63rd St., Chicago. John P. Kuntz, Owatonna, Minn. William Fenske, 701 68th Ave., West Allis, Wis. Tony Zerwinski, 405 loth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. James F. Quinn, Corp., 6349 Normal Ave., Chicago. Charles T. Cognac, Sgt., 6921 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Don A. MacDonald, Sgt., 1448 Newberry Ave., Marin- ette, Wis. BATTERY D, 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY James H. Linn, Capt., 286 Ridge Ave,., Winnetka. Jansen A. McEntee, ist Lt., 323 E. Boyd St., Dixon. Frank Turner, 2d Lt., R. D. 4, DuQuoin. Frank E. Wittenberg, ist Sgt., 2727 N. Troy St., Chicago. Sam J. Eisenberg, Sup. Sgt., 4432 Magnolia Ave., Chi- cago. William Lockwood, Mess Sgt., 7319 Sangamon St., Chicago. Lester A. Barry, Corp., 30 Fairview Ave., Brookfield. Oscar Adolphson, 716 Broadway, Superior, Wis. Jens C. Anderson, Granada, Minn. iscar A. Anderson, 2128 W. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. Harold Y. Ayers, Currie, Minn. Alfred Betterley, R. D. 2, Rock Elm, Wis. Floyd Bealer, 912 13th Ave., Rock Island. Edmund R. Bell, 4 Brown St., Bettendorf, Iowa. Henry Berberick (i). 105 Waukegan Ave., Higliwood. Thomas G. Benson, R. D. 2, Kenyon, Minn. Fred F. Berlin, R. D. 4, .\ugusta, Wis. .\lbin Bjorklund, Cumberland, Wis. John W. Bowen, R. D. 2, Boliver, Mo. Amos Carlson, Monterey, ^linn. .\ugust Carlson, R. D. 2, Box 58, Mcintosh, Minn. Edward A. Kelly, Sgt., 7708 Union Ave., Cliicago. .Alexander O. Brown (1), 2708 Drake Ave., Chicago. Charles A. Carlson, R. D. i. Box 25, Arpin, Wis. Runo R. Carlson, 713 Fisher Ave., Superior, Wis. Sigfrid T. Carlson, 288 Pennsylvania Ave., Aurora. Robert D. Carter, 484 S. Prairie St., Galesburg. Floyd C. Chandler, Erskine, Minn. Charles M. Cook, R. D. i, Beltrami, Minn. Edward Compeau, R. D. 3, Edgar, Wis. Howard L. Calvin, Corp., 1230 Norwood St., Chicago. Fred W. Cummins, R. D. i. Box 16, Galva. Oscar A. Dahl, Orion. Arvid R. Dahlin, R. D. 2, Box 49, Argyle, Minn. John Deckelman, Mech., 1247 W. 73rd Place, Chicago. Dan Derosier, R. D. i, Box 48, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Harry A. Drolson, Barron, Wis. Charles L'. Dunnill, Volo. Aage Koster. Sgt., 3212 Logan Blvd., Chicago. Charles A. Cape, Corp., 206 Bestor St., Peoria. Frederick Erickson, R. D. 3, Box 47, Grantsburg, Wis. Peter F. Febro, Red Lake Falls, ilinn. Adolph Finstad, 4015 Newport Ave., Chicago. Edwin Fitzpatrick, Tomah, Wis. Fred .M. Gauthier, 411 W. Marshall St., Rice Lake, Wis. William R. Glander (i), 3105 Palmer Square, Chicago. Erick W. Graf, 614 Western Ave., Janesville, Wis. Michael J. Gallagher, Corp., 8115 Sangamon St., Chi- cago. Merlin Greenig, R. D. 3, LaHarpe. Karstein E. Gunderson, Hs., 2040 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. WilHam H. Guide (i), 7351 S. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. William Hackbart (i). Box 40, Pittsville, Wis. Carl A. Halvorson, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. Asbjorn S. Hansen, Cook, Drobak, Norway. Vernon H. Hansen, Mech., 445 W. 5th Ave., Superior, Wis. Peter J. Davis, Sgt., 8008 S. Throop St., Chicago. Charles J. Hayward, R. D. 5, Louisville, Ohio. Earl C. Harry, Alma, Wis. Martin T. Hauler, Box 13, Fairmont, Minn. Kriute I. Haugen, R. D. 3, Box 60, Northfield, Minn. William L. Herrmann, Deerfield. John Hinz, R. D. 6, Box 4, Fairmont, Minn. Wilhelm Hokonson, 602 Banker Ave., McKeesport, Pa. August T. Houden, Nekwasa, Wis. Thomas J. Hill (i), Putnam, Conn. Carl Hulden, Bug., 7813 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Frank F. Ignaszak, 3112 S. 48th Court, Cicero. Leonard Jackson, 2213 W. loth St., Duluth, Minn. Walter J. Jacobsen (i), 2417 N. Ballovt St., Chicago. Albert jehlicka. Cook, 3434 Dickens Ave., Chicago. Harvey W. Jensen, Cedar River, Mich. John A. Johnson, R. D. 2, Joy. Alfred R. Hinton, Corp., 346 N. Rosemear Ave., Holly- wood. William C. Seitz, Sgt., 922 W. 53rd Place, Chicago. John E. Johnsen, 1008 Forest Ave., Northfield, Minn. Georee E. Johnson, R. D. i, LeSeuer Center, Minn. Daniel F. Keefe, Winste.d, Minn. Walter L. Kiner, Hs., 7312 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. George Y. King, Tigerton, Wis. Charles A. Klavohn, R. D. 4, Geneseo. John J. Koch, Hs., 8143 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Guy C. Jackson (i), 421 ssth St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Russell E. Krebs, 1921 N. Sawyer .Ave., Chicago. Edwin C. Krona, R. D. i. Box 84, Dalbo, Minn. Arthur L. Kveen, Cadott, Wis. Ephraim Langlais, R. D. 3, Antigo, Wis. Ernest G. Larson, R. D. 2, Box 30, Frederic, Wis. Fred J. Larson, R. D. 6, Faribault, Minn. Reuben M. Leif, Lynn Center. James J. McGurk, Sgt., 7700 S. May St., Chicago. John Mansfield, Corp., 5 DesPlaines St., Blue Island. George Lenway, 1300 13th St., Faribault, Minn. Frank Lignowski, 1065 Fry St., Chicago. William Lindstrom (i),. 2518 W. 64th St., Chicago. John F. Lipinski, 702 E. 5th St., Winona, Minn. James B. Low, 701 Scott St., Wausau, Wis. August F. Mabuse, Mikana, Wis. William F. Manke, 602 Humbird St., Rice Lake, Wis. David Nelson, Corp., 1109 Hamilton St., Racine, Wis. Jesse Marcus, 838 Reed Court, Chicago. Frank G. Marek, Veseli, Minn. Ernest L. Marley, Estherville, Iowa. Joe W. Martin, South Whitley, Ind. Leslie C. Martin, 7408 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Henry Matthiesen (i), 26 E. 137th Place, Riverdale. Arthur Meddy, 126 Forest St., Fairmont, Minn. William G. Winkler, Sgt., 7203 S. May St., Chicago. George W. Newman, Corp., 3268 Palmer St., Chicago. Michael J. Meers, 6346 Ellis -Ave., Chicago. -Albert J. Meirick, R. D. i, Faribault, Minn. Carl .A. Melberg, 505 12th Ave., W., Ashland, Wis. V^irgil P. Morgan, Clarinda, Iowa. Frank Mosher, Faribault, Minn. John K. Mustis, Cook, 4801 S. State St., Chicago. Clarence A. Nelson (i), 5918 S. Maplewood Ave., Chi- cago. Charles O'Laughlin, Corp., 330 N. Austin Ave., Oak Park. Albert Neuenschwander, Truman, Minn. Edof Nicholson, Truman, Minn. Victor E. Nordberg, 447 Adams St., N. E., Minneap- olis, Minn. John Nowak, 1108 ist St., Eau Claire, Wis. James Oberg, Makote, N. D. Thomas F. O'Dea (i), 7320 Carpenter St., Chicago. .Alfred C. Cusdahl, 3128 Bloomington Ave., S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Raymond P. LafFerty, Sgt., 3019 Fullerton Ave., Chi- cago. Jacob P. Oswald (i), 1863 Ivanway St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward T. Page, 912 Lakeside Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Frank J. Palan, R. D. i. Box 14, Milladore, Wis. Harry C. Paynter, Bug., 7729 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Iver C. Pederson, R. D. i, Odin, Minn. Joseph Peloquin, 296 Pleasant .Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Peter B. Petersen, Box 174, Hutchinson, Minn. Elmer E. Petersen, 3133 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Nels R. Peterson (1), R. D. 4, Box 109, Rice Lake. Wis. 252 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Walter Peterson, North Branch, Minn. Walter A. Peterson, S. i8th Ave., Grand Rapids, Wis. Frank Petrack, R. D. 5, Box 36, Marshfield, Wis. Edward Porn, 601 Woodward Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Henry Pruisner, Bemis, S. D. Lynn F. Randall, Ellendale, Minn. Waldo D. Rankin, R. D. i. Box 69, Biggsville. Daniel Denman, Corp., Harbert, Mich. William R. Phee (i), 523 W. 78th St., Chicago. Alvin Reedle, R. D. i, Milladore, Wis. Henry A. Reine.cke, 11 300 S. Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Clarence Reinhardt, Waseca, Minn. Elmer A. Reinhardt, 534 S. Oak St., Owatonna, Minn. William Robertson, R. D. 5, Box 54, Toulon. Richard F. Rossow, R. D. i, Lakefield, Minn. John J. Ryan, Box 234, Hopkins, Minn. Harold M. Prime (i), 316 N. Harvey Ave., R. D. 5. Blooming Prairie, Minn. Joseph Salpeter, Wilernit, Minn. Bernard Sandberg, R. D. i, Annandale, Minn. George Salzberg, Sad., 5239 Sangamon St., Chicago. Edward C. Schlichting, R. D. 5, Blue Earth, Minn. Rolf Schmidt, R. D. 2, Lakefield, Minn. William Schaible, 121 7 Union St., LaFayette, Ind Salvatore Arcaris, Corp., 226 Grand Blvd., Brookfield. Floyd B. Rathbun (i), loio N. 4th Ave., Maywood. Marius Schoenemann, 2131 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. Ed G. Schumann, Lake Park, Minn. William F. Selman, R. D. 4, Kewanee. Arthur M. Shanks, 8 Munger Row, Duluth, Minn. Carl J. Smith, R. D. s, Jackson, Minn. Harry G. Smith, 414 N. ist St., Highland Park. Ingvald Sigurdsen, Window, Minn. William I). Resseguie, Corp., 5302 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Joe Stammitti, Itrantwood, Wis. Lancelot Strachan, Box 25, Matherville. Leo J. Sullivan, Belle Plains, Minn. Julius Syverts, R. D. i, Jackson, Minn. Wyhe L Taylor, 2523 isth Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry Thompson, 3512 23rd Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Gustav Toepke, R. D. 2, Fremont, Wis. Emerson R. Fames, Sgt., 237 Burr Oak Ave., Blue Island. George C. Schmidt, Corp., 2513 N. Monticello Ave., Chicago. James F. Toner (i), 7340 S. Emerald Ave., Chicago. Adelbert Torman, R. D. 6, Marengo. Albert Vachuska, R. D. 2, Jackson, Minn. Henry F. Wallner, Danube, Minn. Joseph A. Warschatka, R. D. 2, Heron Lake, Minn. Phihp Weil, 7841/2 nth St., Milwauke.e, Wis. Thomas J. Weiler, R. D. 2, Auburndale, Wis. Paul Schutz, Corp., 1672 W. losth St., Chicago. Edward J. Werner, Jackson, Minn. George Wickstrom, 3019 38th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred H. Will, Box 186, Lakefield, Minn. Andrew D. Zellar, Route 5, Box 47, Lakefield, Minn. Severin J. Zaborowski, 215 Chatfield St., Winona, Minn. William Lowry, Sgt., 7230 S. May St., Chicago. Elmer W. Stengel, Corp., 3125 Edgewood Ave., Chi- cago. Arthur R. Toles, Corp., 7626 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. William P. Wisehart, Corp., 2126 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angele.s, Cal. Gilbert A. Hindman, Box 13, Haskell, Okla. BATTERY E, 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY Joseph Neumann, Capt., 516 Dallas St., San Antonio, Texas. William B. Beeson, ist Lt., 137 St. Joseph Ave., Niles, Mich. John R. Buckley, ist Lt., 421 N. 2nd St., Washing- ton, Iowa. Harold Burnham, 2d Lt., 932 E. 50th St., Chicago. Henry T. Elliott, ist Sgt., Greenup, Ky. Daniel S. Gishwiller, Corp., Lena. Edwin W. Voss, Box 84, Union. Michael J. Morley (i), 708 Virginia .\ve., St. Paul, Minn. Channy F. Cross (i), 426 Norris Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph A. Pohlker, Box 39, R. D. 2, Wayzata, Minn. Edward W. Johnson, Sterling. Arnold J. Moersch, 221 S. Main St., Fond du Lac, Wis. William C. Schulz, R. D. 3, Stewart, Minn. Ferdinand Schultz, Corp., '310 Market St., Blue Island. William A. Meyer, S. Marion St., Peru. George F. Nordin, R. D. 2, Ogelvie, Minn. Louis E. Mombrun, R. D. i. Box 3, liraceville. Arthur J. Carey (i), 204 Aurora Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Sylvester Ott, 3560 Snelling Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. Elmer W. Eggers (i), 3316 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Earl R. Parson, 405 W. ist St., Geneseo. Clarence J. Gie.rman, Sgt., 10419 Church St., Chicago. Hans J. Zack, Corp., 3439 Parker Ave., Chicago. Benjamin Schramm (i), 400 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Frederick Duerr, Falls City, Wash. Alfred E. Smith, Welcome, Minn. Thomas H. Lind, R. D. 3, Alden, Minn. Edward J. Wink, 1220 8th St., St. Cloud, Minn. Mike Stefonske, R. D. 6, Box 58, Farimount, Minn. Lyle F. Fish, Belview, Minn. James P. Clark, Corp., 1435 S. 57th Court, Cicero. Edward Christensen, Ogilvie, Minn. Harry J. McMahon, 309 E. Howard St., Portage, Wis. Burtiss C. Pierson, Clear Lake, Wis. Edwin H. Raymaker, 69 W. George St., St. Paul, Minn. Italo P. Baldi (i), 801 S. Leavitt St., Chicago! Pearl Otte.rson (i). Deer Park, Wis. George Field (i), 7108 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. Walter Ahlstrom, Sgt., 2430 N. Spaulding Ave., Chi- cago. Fred W. Reschke, Corp., 5238 S. Union Ave., Chicago. CliiTord E. Brady, Utica. George A. Robinson, 2827 Lyndale Ave. S., Minne- ai)olis, Minn. Christian Johansen (i), R. D. 2, Box 5, Luck, Wis. Tenny W. Larson, Box 13, Onamia, Minn. William C. Helling. Box 218, Coal City. William G. Mohr, R. D. 2, Taunton, Minn. I rank C. Bruesch, Corp., 11 173 S. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. John A. Long, R. D. i, Osco. Charles J. Kettleboro, Mendota. Arthur J. Schmidtke, Box 394, Morristown, Minn. William H. Ebeling, 406 N. Rosewood Ave., Kankakee. John J. Conway, R. D. i. Dexter. Minn. Adolph G. Wunrow, R. D. 5, Box 128 A, Marsh- field, Wis. Charles C. Miller, R. D. i, LaCrosse, Wis. Henry J. Dirkes, 1716 loth St., Peru. Conrad E. Hanley, Sgt., 8501 S. May St., Chicago. George H. Smith, Corp., 7947 S. Carpenter St., Chi- cago. Fred R. Sheely, Guckeen, Minn. Harold B. Wermlund, 677 Wells St., St. Paul, Minn. Ole W. Hellzen, R. D. 3, Box 107, Graham, Minn. Emil J. Anderson, 1036 i8th Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Willie H. Oltman Fergus Falls, Minn. Frank Molinske, E. Walnut St., Oglesby. Cecil F. Smith (i), St. Croix Falls, Wis. Arthur S. Axelson, Corp., 2419 Smalley Court, Chicago. Comey Huff, R. D. i, Oneida, Wis. Ivan D. Fukerson, Mora, Minn. John Huizenga, Fulton. Julius G. Schneider, 616 E. 5th St., Winona, Minn. Oscar A. Aaness (i), 2525 N. Lowell Ave., Chicago. Edward English, Box 22, Stockton, Minn. Philip J. Guettler, Bug., Cologne, Minn. Joseph Quinlan, Sgt., 5422 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. George B. McAdams, Corp., 9603 S. Racine Ave., Chi- cago. Erick G. Pierson, Star .Route, Milaca, Minn. Joseph Dellamaria, 166 W. Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Milo P. Johnson, Nekoma. Ernest E. Johnson, 2816 Wicklow St., Duluth, Minn. Edgar E. Shoemaker, Huntley, Minn. Sivert Dorum, Milroy, Minn. Ernest Steindorf, Box 114, Cass Lake, Minn. Harry J. Padden, Corp., 2544 Smalley Court, Chicago. Berger E. Anderson, Little Sioux, Iowa. Curtis O. Jaeger, Box 41, Wauzeka, Wis. THE 332ND FIELD-ARTILLERY 2 53 Bennie O. Birkness, Garland, Minn. Albert Hoe, Hendrum, Minn. Richard V^. Brain, White Bear Lake, Minn. Edward K. Zastrow, Box 87, Arcadia, Wis. Charles Tritcher, Wabasha, Minn. Frederick E. Eggers, Sgt., 3316 Armitage Ave., Chi- cago. John A. Scott, Corp., 4715 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Walter B. Sanders, 496 Charles St., St. Paul, Minn. Angelo Giovannetti, 124 Maple Ave., Blue Island. Russell G. Olson, R. D. 2, Box 135, Graham, Minn. Louis .'\nderson, Gonvick, Minn. Francis Anderson, Andover. George H. Schleicher, Box 73, Chaska, Minn. Fred Anderson, R. D. i, .\rgyle, Minn. Austin T. Fleet, Corp., 216 Madison Ave., Wheaton. Anton H. Benson, 39 Phalen Creek, St. Paul, Minn. Otto Fields, Box 6, Pray, Wis. Eugenio Greco, Castrolibero, Cosenza, Italy. Alvin Schuck, R. D. 33, Box 96, Campbellsport, Wis. Richard W. Thrift, 193 W. Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eddie E. Lucht, R. D. i, Box 22, Mora, Minn. Nikodemus Majaniemi, R. D., Box 40, Palo, Minn. James J. Shugrue, Sgt., 3713 Palmer St., Chicago. Harry J. <.\ustin, 156 Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry C. Head, Box 254, Erie. Gustaf J. Gustafson, 4039 27th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. George H. Sengbusch, Box 81, Triumph, Minn. Louis Albright, Athens, Wis. Thomas F. Kinsella, R. D. 3, Minooka. Edward H. Dranselka, R. D. 3, Box 108, Milaca, Minn. Swan A. Dahlberg (i), R. D. i, Amery, Wis. Ralph L. Wilbur, Corp., 1105 W. Franklin St., Jack- son, Mich. Fred C. Schoewer, Box 166, McHenry. Edward P. Kelly, R. D. 2, Granada, Minn. Oscar Sherwin, Nerstrand, Minn. Vernon E. Crum, R. D. i, Milaca, Minn. Frank R. Perry, Arlington, S. D. Carl E. Anderson, 359 Alexander Ave., Winnipeg, Canada. David W. Johnson, Corp., 2337 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. William Davidson, Corp., 323 E. Winifred St., St. Paul, Minn. Henry A. Schlaupitz, Star Route, Nekoosa, Wis. Charley Brandt (i). Crystal Lake. Ouner A. Lund, Holman, Wis. Carl E. Janke, 712 McClellan St., Wausau, Wis. Oscar J. Peterson, Box 138, Dodgeville, Mich. Magnus Seniingson, R. D. i. Strum, Wis. Victor Nyman, R. D. 3, Braham, Minn, Theodore Hoffman, Corp., Lemont. Jack E. Johnson, 308 73rd Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Chester Peterson (i), 6915 S. Union Ave., Chicago. Carl J. Werner, 6520 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Harold G. Bird, 5120 45th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Oscar Anderson, 2307 16th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Leonard Zettel, 633 Kent St., St. Paul, Minn. Salvatore Calo, 2238 St. Philip St., New Orleans, La. Harry V^. Johnson, Sgt., 7914 S. Carpenter St., Chi- cago. Arthur E. Graham, Corp., 8445 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Arthur Wilson, Mecli., 8955 Normal Ave., Chicago. Ernest C. Wilcke, Me',h., 341 Florence St., Blue Island. Arthur H. Corde.s, Mech., 2306 N. Sawyer Ave., Chi- cago. John Doyle, Hs., 7240 Emerald Ave., Chicago. William Burke, Hs., 5142 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Ruddy F. Nebelsick, Hs., Kewaskum, Wis. Raymond A. Monahan, Sad., 3744 Castello Ave., Chi- cago. Samuel Plows, Corp., 2323 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago. Edward A. Weiss (i), 11117 Church St., Chicago. Michael J. Mulligan (i), 1323 W. 99th St., Chicago. Stephen Kratz, Glendive, Mont. Frank Cherney, Milladore, Wis. Chester L. Bray, Arpin, Wis. Peter Cwiklinski, R. D. 2, Box 109, Rosholt, Wis. Edward H. Dehnke, R. D. i. Fall Creek, Wis. Chester E. Mikesell, Corp., 1324 Eddy St., Chicago. Peter Galenatti, Cook, Box 151, Hurley, Wis. Theodore F. Schlafke, 606 W. "A" St., Marshfield, Wis. Charles J. Becher, 773 Lake St., Appleton, Wis. Edward Crager, Cook, 7201 Stewart Ave., Chicago. Arthur O. Hemmrich, Bug., 9918 Winston Ave., Chi- cago. Walter L. Butterweck, Bug., 4442 Blaisdell Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Fred S. Schalla, R. D. i, Vesper, Wis. Carl J. W. Madsen, Mess. Sgt., Ogden & Joliet Ave., Lyons. Allen T. Price, Sgt., 2124 W. 112th St., Chicago. Eldon H. Arnold, Corp., 8824 S. Morgan St., Chicago. William Wagner, 2431 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Gustafe Dombrpck (i), R. D. 2, Box 3, Nye, Wis. Erick W. Erickson (i), 672 Mulberry St., Galesburg. Everett C. Meyer, 1510 Perry St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harold Lambert (i), R. D. 14, Tonica. Edward A. Harris, 506 E. 2nd St., Rock Falls. William Jeppson, R. D. i. Box 21, Cedar, Minn. Frank J. Komarek, Corp., 1421 S. 57th Ave., Cicero. Fre.derick Dempsey (i), 1452 W. 103rd St., Chicago. Nis W. Hansen, Osceola, Wis. Herbert W. Ekholm, Wahoo, Neb. Ray C. Gottschalk, 410 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James P. Nightingale, 11 35 Thomas St., St. Paul, Minn. John Calder, 11528 Normal Ave., Chicago. John R. Anderson (i), R. D. 2, IJox 22, Cambridge. Louis C Beck, Corp.," 3547 Wrightwood Ave., Chi- cago. Alwin C. Rennebohm, 1732 Market St., LaCrosse, Wis. Harry L. White, Woodhall. Darcy E. Remund (i), R. D. i, Amery, Wis. George H. Ebbert (i), 906 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago. Tony V'^inyon, 628 Alonroe St., Minneapolis, Minn. Art N. Sauer (1), Cold Springs, Minn. Arthur A. Fritz, 418 E. South St., Geneseo. Thomas W. Landry, 406 Outagamie St., Appleton, Wis. Adolph F. Buchholtz, R. D. 3, Marshfiejd, Wis. Roman B. Pukovnik. Sgt., 3239 Palmer St., Chicago. Henry P. Wissing, Sgt., 10186 Winston Ave., Chicago. Wasimer Bernowich, 45 Washington Ave., Paterson, N. J. BATTERY F, 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY William S. Jenkins, Capt., 2653 Portland Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Paxton HiKben, ist Lt., 52 Rue De Bourgogne, Paris, France. Arthur H. Mason, 2d Lt., 408 W. Illinois St., Urbana. William J. Coffey, 1st Sgt., 5115 S. Union Ave., Chi- cago. Edward R. Nelson, Stab. Sgt., 4831 Augusta St., Chi- cago. Norman J. Anderson, Corp., 2053 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. Russell Addington, Wahkon, Minn. Frank S. Allanson, 10 Broad St., Menasha, Wis. Arthur Anderson, 340 E. Itasca St., -Superior,' Wis. Christ A. Anderson, Box 92, Tuttle, N. D. Roy A. Anderson, 1003 Kennan St., Rhinelander, Wis. John Beck, Jr., 813 N. Elm St., Kewanee. Frank J. Bender, 2112 2% St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Adolph Bjorge, R. D. 3, Underwood, Minn. Edward C. Binder, Mech., R. D. 2, Braine.rd Ave., LaGrange. John E. 15raa, Box 92, Rushford, Minn. William C. Brown, 14 13 26th Ave., Moline. Alex L. Carlson (i), 1015 Mansfield Ave., Chicago. Axel R. Carlson, 4.10 2nd Ave. S. W., Little Falls, Minn. Axel W. Carlson, Cook, 1111 N. Parkside Ave., Chi- cago. Carl A. Carlson R. D. 2, Braham, Minn. Clarence W. Engesser, Corp., N. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Thomas P. Bolger, Corp., 1045 N. Lorel Ave., Chicago. Henry Christensen, R. D. 1, Box 17, I'nderwood, Minn. Dwight E. Cole, R. D. 3, Marshall, Wis. Arthur Corriveau, 6552 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Alvin Dahl, 1545 Charles St., St. Paul, Minn. Dean L. Dahlquist, R. D. i. Marine, ^linn. Denis DeCooman, Kerkens, Belgium. Joseph Doyle, R. D. 2, Box 32, Verona.- 254 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION A ROAD-SIDE MESS ON THE WAY TO SPARTA ON THE RANGE AT SPARTA THE 332ND FIELD ARTILLERY 255 Wayne D. Flowers, Corp., 4719 Warwick Ave., Chi- cago. Walter Dusterhoft, R. D. 2, Dent, Minn. Alexander Dzelak, 192 E. ist St., Superior, Wis. Frank H. Ehlert, 9th Ave., Hurley, Wis. David Engquist, R. D. 2, Isanti, Minn. Carl A. Erickson, R. D. 2, Pine City, Minn. Ernest Falcli, R. D. 9, Chippewa Falls, Wis. George Feehan, 8803 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Elmer N. Holmgren, Sup. Sgt., 5339 Shields Ave., Chicago. Eugene J. Harvey, Corp., 1635 Jarvis Ave., Chicago. Leo W. Farrell, Gen. Del., Cambridge, Minn. David E. Finley, Andalusia. Francis Finnegan, Green Lake, Wis. Joseph Fliehr, 511 W. Spruce St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. John L. Frantz, R. D. i, Fox Home, Minn. Rudolph Frerking, Bug., 4405 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Guy K. Fuller, 720 3rd St., Rock Island. Julius Hohmann, Corp., 2301 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago. George A. Gaulke, R. D. i, Box 21, Nekoosa, Wis. John A. Gavin, Lyric Bldg., Virginia, Minn. Otto Geppert, 1539 26th St., Rock Island. Matthew O. Gerner, 838 Delaware St., St. Paul, Minn. Joe Giesler, Kellogg, Minn. Fred W. Gilgan, Fall Creek, Minn. Harold W. Gitt, 2503 9th St., Rock Island. Carl L. Johnson, Sgt., R. D. 6, Edgerton, Wis. John T. Hulska, Corp., 5521 Crystal St., Chicago. John J. Gort, 720 Madison St., Eau Claire,, Wis. Frank Gotz, Auburndale, Wis. Johannes Gunderson Harry B. Schomerus, Erie. Aloysius Schmit, R. D. 2, N. Milwaukee, Wis. Ray H. Schoonov'er, Monticello, Wis. Walter Schroeder, 3030 S. Homan Ave., Chicago. Frank M. Scobie, Kimball, Minn. Eugene P. Murphy (i), 3209 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Edwin Severson, Richwood, Minn. Arthur L. Sisley, Lancaster, Wis. Allan E. Stearns, Valley Springs, S. D. Frank Stoutenburg, R. D. 2, Bertha, Minn. Mason S. Sullivan, 2046 Mohawk St., Chicago. Nick Papagianoulis, 606 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward Gordon (i), 1318 Independence Blvd., Chicago. Joseph H. Szunerski, R. D. 4, Granada, Minn. Isaac H. Thorsell, Bex 62, Ophiem. Edward Untiedt, 2336 N. Mango Ave., Chicago. Paul J. Utzka, Box 205, Minnesota Lake, Minn. Alphonse Van Ness, 4439 W. Gladys Ave., Chicago. Anton Vesley, 1644 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Alfred J. Totzke (i), 3422 McLean Ave., Chicago. Louis P. L. Viviea, R. D. 3, Austin, Minn. Louis Volin, 2818 S. Homan Ave., Chicago. John E. Wehrman, Prescott, Wis. William H. Wheeler, 1021 N. 7th Ave., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Clarence H. Wright, R. D. 2, Balaton, Minn. Guy A. Wright, Hendricks, Minn. Raymond J. Lindley, 417 Dousman St., Green Bay, Wis. Arthur E. Zinser, R. D. 3, Prophetstown. James A. Petrie, Sgt., 1512 E. Marquette Road, Chicago. Michael J. Kennedy, Sgt., 1027 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chi- cago. HEADQUARTERS, SECOND BATTALION, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY John V. McKinney, Capt., West 4th St., Sterling. . BATTERY C, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY Pierce Webster, Capt., 663 N. Prairie St., Galesburg. Ores E. Zehr, ist Lt., Boone, Iowa. Warren B. Buckley, 2d Lt., 4038 Monroe St., Chicago. Frank A. MacNeill, 2d Lt., 323 S. Main St., Winches- ter, Ky. Clyde W. Edmondson, ist Sgt., 2139 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. Clarence R. Gates, Sgt., 814 Crescent Place, Chicago. Norbert C. McSherry, Corp., Littlestown, Pa. Robert S. Aney, Box 53, Pine Island, Minn. Archie Armstrong, R. D. 4, Anoka, Minn. Nelbert Auseth, Frazee, Minn. Rudolph Baustian, Edgerton, Minn. Clyde L. Britton, Greenville, Mich. James E. Orr, Corp., 4313 Park Ave., Chicago. Theodore Becker. R. D. 3", Vinning, Minn. Louis Benishek, Mahomen, Minn. Conrad M. Berg, R. D. i, Ulen, Minn. William Berndt, 1233 8th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Nelson H. Bishop, Wag., Bishop. Clarence A. Bodin, R. D. i. Box 128, Cokato, Minn. Albert E. Born, R. D. 3, Box 15, Good Thunder, Minn. Clarence P. Storm, Corp., 1542 N. Keystone Ave., Chi- cago. Edward J. Boyes, 17 East Ave. S., Hamilton, Ont., Canada. Robert Braithwaite, 6052 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. David Brown, 4703 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Benjamin N. Burhl, 1962 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago. John Z. Bruzak, 227 23rd Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. James P. Butler, 809 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Leonard T. Mohr, Corp., 4450 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. Edward Calsyn, R. D. 2, Geneseo. John A. Carlson, Sgt., 4352 Costello Ave., Chicago. John P. Caouette, Delano, Minn. Carl J. Carlson, R. D. 2, Box 64, Ashby, Minn. Essley E. Carlson, Box 58, Andover. John W. Cavanaugh, 1435 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. Earl O. Chapleau, Wag., 4028 W. Adams St., Chicago. Alfred H. Christianson, R. D. i, Lake Park, Minn. Cylvester Holden, Corp., 126 S. Parkside Ave., Chicago. Jacob Christcffel, R. D. 4, Box 36, Aurora. Roy Cichy, R. D. 2, Box 50, Leaf Mountain, Minn. John H. Condon (i), 120 N. Kilbourne Ave., Chicago. Angelo Coniglio, Sad., Trahia, Province Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Harry J. Cox, 507 Center St., Chicago. Rcss W. Craig, R. D. 2, Galva. Ralph Crichton, Carpentersville. Theron A. Udell, Corp., Sparta, Wis. Sidney Crisler, 3850 Adams St., Chicago. Leo Cwickolowski, 1314 Chicago Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Raymond E. Dailey, R. D. 9, Hinckley, Minn. Albin Dalve, Box 18, Callaway, Minn. Neil Decker, R. D. 4, Box 20, Raymond, Minn. Gerhard Dejong, 18 A. St., Whitinsville, Mass. Oliver Devendorf, R. D. 3, Box 27, Anoka, Minn. Harold L. Humphries, Corp., 43 Milton St., York, York- shire, England. Fred Diederich, Chief Mech., 4440 Gladys Ave., Chi- cago. John J. Carroll, Sgt., 181 W. 63rd St., New York, N. Y. Alfred W. Dixon, R. D. 4, Elkhorn, Wis. Eugene F. Dobbs, R. D. 4, Battle Lake, Minn. Francis Dooley (i), 4121 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Alex Dulski, R. D. 4, Perham, Minn. Martin M. Du Mont, R. D. 4, New York Mills, Minn. Walter W. Dwyer (i), 510 S. Lcavitt St., Chicago. George H. Gannon, Corp., 5527 Race Ave., Chicago. Samuel W. Ecknian, R. D. 2, Deer Creek, Minn. Walter N. Eliason, 2014 3rd Av'e. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Arnold Ellingson, R. • D. 2, Henning, Minn. Louis Emmerich, R. D. i, Berlin, Wis. Helmer J. Endreson, R. D. i, Hoffman, Minn. Emil H. Engfer, R. D. 5, Parkers Prairie, Minn. Carl H. Englehard, R. D. 2, Parkers i'rairie, Minn. Thomas F. Keaveney, Corp., iii Prospect St., Johns- town, N. Y. Joseph Erickson, R. D. 3, Lake Park, Minn. Willis E. Fehlman, Hocppole. John E. Fitzgerald, 704 Barry Ave., Chicago. Joseph L. Fourre, 3501 Thomas Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Bert F. Frank, R. D. 2, Browerville, Minn. Dominic Friola, Hurley, Wis. Ray T. Frommell, 1628 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herman Kleikamp, Corp., 4342 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. Gustave J. Fuerst, Manawa, Wis. Herbert Humpidge, Sgt., Kankakee. Harry A. Fullert, R. D. 2, Box 74, Marshal, Wis. Fred C. Gale, R. D. 9, Battle Creek, Mich. George F. Gallagher, Wag., 4320 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. Peter M. Geiter, Box 172, Muscoda, Wis. John N. George, Box 14, Woodstock, Minn. Carl A. Gernes, 179 E. 4th St., Winona, Minn. John Edelman (1), 1303 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Alfred O. Gilbert, 43s Central Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Elmor R. Golden, R. D. i, Hugo, Minn. Charlie Grangruth, R. D. i, Menahga, Minn. 266 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Horace W. Green, Osage, Star Route, Park Rapids, Minn. Orla M. Green, 171 1 Linvol St., Lansing, Mich. Warren E. Green, 402 W. Prospect St., Kewanee. William Huethling, R. D. 3, Frazee, Minn. Harry C. Stembridge, Corp., 616 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Harold Gunnison, North Freedom, Wis. James W. Hamilton (i), 5553 Quincy St., Chicago. Burton S. Hanson, 852 N. 14th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Erwin G. Hanson, R. D. 2, Detroit, Minn. Earl H. Ilanthorn, 10 N. Main St., Janesville, Wis. Matthias J. Harford (i), 6574 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. Charles F. Harris. McHugh, Minn. Earl R. Griffin, Corp., 4318 Van Buren St., Chicago. Edwin J. Hauskens, R. D. 2, Box 24, Evansville, Minn. Daniel J. McNamara, Sgt., 125 S. Mason Ave., Chicago. Adolph E. Headtke (i), 4405 Carroll Ave., Chicago. Harold W. Hemphill, 302 Blaine St., Edgerton, Wis. Theodore Henning, R. D. 5, Kewanee. Eddie A. Herman, Cook, 4001 W. Kinzie St., Chicago. Adolph G. Hetland, West Salem, Wis. Carl A. Hiepler, R. D. i. Box 19, Nassau, Minn. John J. Spehn, Corp., 4344 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. Cedric E. Hunt, Evansville, Wis. Karl J. Hunt, R. D. i. Bishop Hill. Percy B. Hunt, Evansville, Wis. George A. Isenberg, R. D. 2, Box 49, LaFayette, Minn. Roy D. Jelifrics, R. D. 2, Granada, Minn. Joseph C. Jenson, Cambridge, Wis. Earle E. Johnson, 775 Hastings St., Elgin. Leon J. Belanger, Corp. 4015 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Eskill G. Johnson, R. D. 6, Kewanee. John Johnson, North Prairie, Wis. Leonard Jones, Bangor, Sask., Canada. Joseph Kilgallon, Mech., 4033 Harrison St., Chicago. Clarence A. Kingren (i), 1055 N. Mayfield Av'e., Chi- cago. Walter A. Kleinau, Carbcn Cliff. Torkil K. Koland, Swift, Minn. Lawrence L. McNamara (i), 125 S. Mason Ave., Chi- cago. Theodore Krogh, R. D. 3, Box 65, Rothsay, Minn. William S. Miller, Sgt., 5959 Midway Park, Chicago. James A. Lyden, 2642 Burling St., Chicago. Frank J. McCarthy, Wag., 4212 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago. Milo Isaacson, R. D. i, Hooppole. Alexander McLellan, Harrisville, Mich. John P. Maloney, 4125 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. "George F. Meiers, 1106 Palmer Ave., Owosso, Mich. Martin A. Morrison, Corp., 4307 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Christ W. Miller, R. D. 1, Rice, Minn. Ray Miller, Care of Swift & Co., Scuth St. Paul Minn. Leo J. Muffat, 2074 Livernoise Ave., Detroit, Mich. Charles J. Munsing (i), 4230 Kamerling Ave., Chicago. Julius M. Nathe, 114 13th Ave. N., St. Cloud, Minn. Ludwig Oakmcn, Box 1151, Soudan, Minn. Clarence M. Olson, R. D. 3, Argyle. Wis. Thomas P. Condon (i), 120 N. Kilbourne Ave., Chi- cago. George S. Page, Bex 581, Staples, Minn. Thomas D. Patterson, Wag., 44 N. Albany Ave., Chi- cago. Samuel A. Pederson, Wag., 4130 Wilcox St., Chicago. Clifford L. Perkins, Chatham-Phoenix Nat. Bank, New York, N. Y. Ralph V. Person, Westmore, Lombard. Chester T. Peterson, R. D. i, Alpha. Aloysius Pfeiffer, 1332 College Ave., Racine, Wis. Arthur F. Johnson, Corp., 852 N. Leamington Ave., Chicago. Freddie Plantz, R. D. id, Eldorado, Wis. Joseph J. Newlove, Sgt., 2132 N. Spaulding Ave., Chi- cago. William Port, Jr., Morrison. Henry S. Posenke, Mech., 4228 Carroll Ave., Chicago. John A. Posenke, Wag., 4228 Carroll Ave., Chicago. Mike Quaranta, Walenzano, Bari, Italy. Arthur M. Quinlisk (i), 4902 W. Rice St., Chicago. Bernard A. Redmond, 7729 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. David Whamond, Corp., 4250 Gladys Ave., Chicago. Harold W. Reiker, 5247 Van Buren St., Chicago. Charles B. Rowley, 2870 Holmes Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Nelson Ruttan (i), 9324 91st St., Strathcona, Alberta, Canada. Elmer L. Sanstad, R. D. 3, Box 12, Grove City, Minn. George N. Schadler, 70 W. Superior St., Chicago. Arthur R. Schambler, Trommald, Minn. Edward Schmedeke, R. D. 2, Buffalo, Minn. Frederick R. Skelton, Corp., 4737 N. Bernard St., Chi- cago. Raymond W. Schwartz, Box 41, Washburn. Tonyes J. Sherwin, 4006 Monroe St., Chicago. Edward K. Smith, 42 W. Isabella St., Muskegon, Mich. Edward A. Sontag, 4213 W. Congress St., Chicago. Oscar A. Spradling, Mech., 4323 North Ave., Chicago. Alfred A. Staden, Wag., 4 131 Hirsch St., Chicago. Hugo C. Swanson (i), 2200 N. Kildare Ave., Chicago. Peter Mullins, Corp., 213 Keystone Ave., Chicago. John Szydlowski, 1149 Hennepin St., La Salle. Fred C. Reach, Sgt., 4330 Potomac Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Tauchen, 1853 W. 51st St., Chicago. Thomas J. Trione, Iron Belt, Wis. Leonard Vandersnick, Hooppole. Earnest L. Vaux, Bloomer, Wis. Chester R. Way, R. D. 2, Zimmerman, Minn. Edward G. Weckerlin, 1418 Belle Plaine Ave., Chicago. Alfred L. Tjardes, Wag., 4211 Congress St., Chicago. Frank H. Wenta, 4841 S. Wood St., Chicago. Carl H. Widmark, Box 14, Alida, Minn. John G. Wohl, 1670 Payne Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eugene A. Zillmer, 506 Division St., Watertown, Wis. Frank Zyla, Cook, 415 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Levi L. Alama, R. D. 2 Box 18, Annandale. Minn. John A. Anderson, 604 Wells St., St. Paul, Minn. Walter A. Greger, Corp., Brownstown, Ind. Edward D. Connelly, 698 Coplin Ave., Detroit, Mich. Andrew H. Holen, R. D. 3, Atwater, Minn. Louis Opsahl, R. D. 4, Box 58 Cokato, Minn. Morris Fredericksen, 1515 Virginia St., Sioux City, la. LeRoy A. Johnson, Bishop Hill. Gayhart C. Daly, R. F. D., Pine Island, Minn. William B. Graichen, Neshkcra, Wis. Joseph L. McGrail (i), 4133 W. Adams St., Chicago. Andrew Jencurak, 267 21st Ave. S., Minneapolis. Minn. Edward M. Sieja, Sgt., 1534 N. Keystone Ave., Chicago. George Steinhilber, Shullsburg, "Wis. Guttorm N. Veralrud, R. D. 2, Box 72, Oslo, Minn. I'rancis Fenton, Sgt., 4223 Wilcox St., Chicago. BATTERY D, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY Charles S. DeLong, Capt., 1420 McCormick Bldg., Chi- cago. Henry R. Gross, ist Lt., iioo Ridge Ave., Evanston. Wesley M. Dixon, 2d Lt., 425 S. Wells St., Chicago. Gottlieb C. Miller, ist Sgt., Harrington. William O. Harrower, Sup. Sgt., 441 W. Elm St., Park Ridge. James D. Ahern, Sgt., 4716 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Alfred F. Ahbe, 138 Thacker St., Des Plaines. Erick V. Anderson, R. D. i. Little Falls, Minn. James E. Anderson, Holmeii. Wis. Tom M. Bracken, Hotel Belding, Belding, Mich. Christian Andreasen, 1252 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Clarence C. Clark, Corp., 5570 Lexington St., Chicago. Earl E. Bailey, Auto Route "A", Anoka Minn. Edmund M. Blonien (i), Saukville, Wis. Willis Bartholomaus, Rushmore, Minn. Frank E. Bastian, 4551 N. Clark St., Chicago. Oscar T. Belland, R. D. 2, North St. Paul, Minn. Arthur A. Klang, 998 E. Forest Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edward Berman, 690 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herbert Arndt, Corp., Elmwocd Park. William A. Blank, 6743 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Athanasios Catchicas (i), 1630 W. Madison St., Chi- cago. Joseph F. Block, 4254 Archer Ave., Chicago. Bernard M. Bona, New Brighton, Minn. Frederick G. Bcobyer, Odessa, Fla. Arthur C. Borslie, Box 165, Fertile, Minn. Carl Brandvcld, Haug. Minn. George E. Hammel, Corp., 840 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Chester L. Brewer, Cuba, Crawford Co., Mo. Frank T. Charleston (i), Franklin Park. William R. Brunk, 2816 2nd St., Ashland, Wis. Clifford J. Hoyt, Mount Morris, Mich. Irvin Choate, Trenton, Tenn. Mads M. Christensen, Kenmare, N. D. William Christman, Tony, Wis. THE 333RD FIELD ARTILLERY 267 Troy L. Tobin, Corp., 5550 W. Monroe St., Chicago. George Cliuba, HoUlingford, Minn. David D. Collins (1), 4910 W. Fulton St., Chicago. John W. Coleman, Cook, 4919 Polk St., Chicago. Lorrian A. Cook, 530 l.owman St., Mansfield, Ohio. Frederic VV. Hoisted, Centerville, Mich. Andrew J. Deierl, 713 S. Kilbourne Ave., Chicago. George E. Dernbach (:), 4451 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago. Frank C. Zierk, Corp., R. D. i, Dundee. Elmer A. Dickson, 1328 S. Kildare Ave, Chicago. Clarence W. Dent (i), 1217 W. Madison St., Chicago. Thomas W. Drennan, Cook,. 1014 i6th Ave., Melrose Park. Henry J. Thole, 1526 Alamo Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Cyril O. Dubuque, 702 6th Ave., North Minneapolis, Minn. John B. Ehlen, R. D. 30, Bristol, Wis. John E. Ellinghusen, Barrington. Walter F. Fraser, Corp., 601 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. Max Finkelstein, 709 Aldrich Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward M. Pinney, Sgt., Palatine. Edward C. Fat (i), Dunston St., Arlington Heights. Maurice J. Stringer, 838 Roosevelt Ave., Detroit, Mich. William Fox, 368J4 5th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank T. Fraser, Palatine. Harry L. Gabbitas, R. D. i, La Valle, Wis. Patrick J. Gallagher, 708 N. Monroe St., Streator. Willem B. Hagen (i), Ryneveld 21, Baskoop, Holland. Jacob E. VanDerheyden, Eagle River, Wis. Alfred J. Glawe, 1826 W. 34th Place, Chicago. George Gewerth, R. D. 2, Box 41, Morton, Minn. Frederick J. Gode, 782 Cedar St., St. Paul, Minn. Herman Gregerscn, 532 9th Ave., Baraboo, Wis. Andrew Foss, R. D. i, Madison, Wis. Clifford C. Zang, 935 Cambridge St., Kewanee. Wilbur E. Syphers, Corp., 4831 W. End St., Chicago. Roy A. Wright, Box 137, Kaneville. Pierce W. Hamilton (i), 5553 Quincy St., Chicago. John A. Habich, Gen. Del., Euclid, Minn. Archie O. Woodman, R. D. 3, Janesville, Wis. Alvin H. Haugan, R. D. i. Box 79, Cokato, Minn.^ Johannes A. Hedren, R. D. 6, Box 24, Little Falls, Minn. Leo L. Wilson, Box 661, Silvis. William P. West, Corp., 4718 W. Adams St., Chicago. Aubrey P. Hill, Box D, Cook, Minn. Martin E. Horrigan (i), 741 S. Kilbourne Ave., Chicago. Karl A. HoUatz, loi S. Stewart St., Geneseo. LeRoy Hovis, 314 W. nth St., Davenport, Iowa. Trygve Husby, 4517 31st Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Roy A. Jeffries, 824 Pomeroy St., Kenosha, Wis. Raymond W. Jennings, Louis Route, Black Duck, Minn. Irwin P. Ward, Corp., 4907 Jackson Blv'd., Chicago. Arthur R. Johnson, Box 61, Lindstrom, Minn. Arthur A. Imig (i), EUingwood St., Des Plaines. Edward M. Johnson, 3107 Girard Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Martin W. Johnson, Ihlcn, Minn. Oscar A. Johnson, Box 104, Twin Valley, Minn. Edward O. Jones, R. D. 2, Columbus, Wis. Victor Judelowitz, 918 Bassett Place, Minneapolis, Minn. LeRoy C. Schultz, Corp., 3430 Fulton St., Chicago. Albert A. Kaese, 336 Bates Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Charles T. Kelley (i), 2627 N. Mildred Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Kern, 5225 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Robert B. Keyes, 123 Pine St., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Wilbur W. Wilhelm, 404 E. ist St., Dixon. Basil R. Kolosky, Georgetown, Minn. Arthur G. LaBarre, 644 Dayton Ave., St. Paul Minn. Napoleon Fricot, Ccrp., 4116 Arthington St., Chicago. Anthony F. LaBore, R. D. 2, North St. Paul, Minn. Floyd J. Ross, Sgt., 1214 Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Anthony Kater (1), Emerson Ave., Franklin Park. Fred N. LaChance, Cook, 4805 Park Ave., Chicago. William E. Lathinew, 233 Humbolt Ave. N., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Lewis E. Whitman, Monroe Center. Henry F. Lamm, 3324 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Donald G. Martin, Corp., 4731 W. Ferdinand Ave., Chicago. Fred Lessard, Ranier, Minn. Frank J. Mackin (i), 17 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Frank G. Llewellyn, Waukegan Ave., Highwood. Olander J. Wentzell, 911 4th Ave. S., Moorhead, Minn. Ervin E. Wegner, Box 347, Lamberton, Minn. Wilfred V. Lord, R. D. i, Jim Falls, Wis. Walter J. Losinski, 517 W. 4th St., Winona, Minn. William J. Ladendorf, Jr., Corp., 341 AUes St., Des Plaines. George C. Loveless, 424 Weslev St., Wheaton. Edward W. Nissen (i), Des Plaines. Walter W. Luebke, R. D. 2, Manitowoc, Wis. Robert G. Teeling, 901 W. 3Sth Place, Chicago. Walter Lunipp. 475 VV. 27th St., Chicago. Charles J. McKenna (i). Rand Road, Des Plaines. Michael J. McMillan, R. D. 2, Priceville, Ontario, Can- ada. Bernard F. McConnell (i), 209 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Elbert K. McNeil, Cameo, Colo. George J. Ostertag, 5330 Van Buren St., Chicago. George W. Mcwhorter, 3214 2Sth Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Roy S. Munson, loii S. Park St., Red Wing, Minn. Edwin B. Nalborski, 511 N. ist St., Stevens Point, Wis. Henry Nelson, 2131 E. Water St., Duluth, Minn. James L. Hughes (i), 4815 Quincy St., Chicago. Norris Nelson, Lake Park, Minn. Charles W. Nilson, Pocahontas. Walter T. Nordeen, R. D. i, Box 128, Braham, Minn. Edward M. Norum, 15 12 8th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Harold D. Oliver, R. D. i. Box 3, Kewanee. Helmer O. Olson, Gary, Minn. Charles J. Tredeau, Chassell, Mich. John Lamb, Jr. (i), Warden. Axel Ostrom, 3315 3d St., N.. Minneapolis, Minn. Gottlieb Frey, 3618 Burleigh St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alva C. Peterson, R. D. 3, Toulon. Robert B. Walker, 2321 Denver Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Joseph Peterson, Buffalo, Minn. William P. Poole, 350 Jefferson Ave., Aurora. Thomas H. Proctor, 85 Cherry St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Herbert L. Homuth, Ch. Mech., Main St., Barrington. Harry E. Prong, 58 Carr St., Oshkosh, Wis. Fred L. Schwartz, Sgt., 702 S. Keeler Ave., Chicago. William H. Quentin, R. D. 3, Barrington. Gerrit Vlietstra, Pease, Minn. Harvey E. Rodmyre, R. D. 5. Box 39, Hector, Minn. John F. Rohde. 1351 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Elmer G. Thiel, 908 S. 5th Ave., LaCrosse, Wis. Joseph H. Sandhoefner, 760 E. 6th St., St. Paul, Minn. Herbert H. Held, Mech., Des Plaines. Floyd Scamehorn, Box 103, Bloomingdale, Mich. Richard O. Schmidt (i). Wheeling. Arnold J. Schliep, Nassau, Minn. Curus D. Schuyler, 9 Spring St., Adams, N, Y. Clyde W. Scott, 1636 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Sedivy, R. D. i, Breckenridge, Minn. Fred R. Schockley, R. D. i, Campbell, Minn. Otto C. Schenk, Ch. Mech., 2715 Winnebago St., St. Louis, Mo. Robert E. Sickinger (i), 3427 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Christoph H. Wille, Mech., Mount Prospect. Alfred M. Sjolie, R. D. 4, Madison, Minn. Ervin F. Roller, 749 27th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Hugo R. Schre, R. D. i, Box 33, Burnett, Wis. William A. Sommerfield, Cook, Division St., Barrington. Frank E. Spoden, 19 1 Jackson St., Aurora. Robert H. Moss (i), 5572 Lexington St., Chicago. Frank E. Sickinger, 219 E. Summit St., Monroe, Wis. Paul Stambaugh, 5209 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Harlan E. Stewart, R. D. 2, Hebron. John J. Stanek, 3151 Normal Ave., Chicago. Joseph Steinbrecher, 116 New York St., Aurora. Henry J. Svien, Sacred Heart, Minn. Theo. R. Swanson, R. D. 3, Box 31. Woodhull. William P. Wheelan (i), 4108 Gladys Ave., Chicago. Horatio J. Taylor, 5414 Garland Ave., Dallas, Tex. Herbert F. Rugen (i), Glenview. Ernest J. Theide, R. D. 3, Care of William Koch, Monti- vedio, Minn. William H. Thielen, 648 E. 39th St., Chicago. Carl H. Thulin, R. D. i. Box 13, Alpha. Benjamin Thyr, 3 119 Upton Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Thomas W. Tosney, 391 Livingston Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Bertrand L. Duffy (i), 4650 W. Adams St., Chicago. Archie Hunt, 528 Norman St., Lansing, Mich. Emil W. Kabat, 957 Hood St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ronald F. Judy, 989 W. Wayne St., Lima, O. Herbert L. Nordal, 922 12th Ave., E., Duluth, Minn. Tilbert S. Thorson, R. D. 3, Newark. Edward Stapel, 1343 Melrose Ave., Chicago. Robert J. Neis, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Arthur Evans, 1940 Wellington Ave., Chicago. 268. THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Joseph F. Kleba, 1193 3d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Eniil A. Fisher, 719 loth St., Oshkosh, Wis. Paul O. Silberman, Sgt., 221 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago. Joseph A. Alexander, Mess Sgt., 6353 Champlain Ave. Chicago. HEADQUARTERS, THIRD BATTALION, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY John D. Brewer, Maj., 705 N. Prairie St., Bloomington. BATTERY E, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY James K. Edsall, Capt., 589 Watchung Road, Bound Brook, N. J. Charles W. Helzer, ist. Lt., 1556 N. 19th St., Omaha, Nebraska. DeLcss Kahl, ist Lt., 4709 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Frederic L. Foote, 2d Lt., 247 Beach Road, Glencoe. Clint McCoy, ist Sgt., Gilbertsville, Ky. Clayton S. Lasher, Sup. Sgt., 124 Laurel Ave., Wil- mette. Albert D. Abel, 109 N. Hancock St., Madison, Wis. John S. Abramson, R. D. 2, Cambridge. Edward Albertson, Locust St., Genoa. Robert Allrich, 2727 Best Ave., Chicago. George Anderson, Lake Benton, Minn. William E. Andersen (i), 1322 Elmwood Ave., Evan- ston. Marquis M. Shepard, Ch. Mech., 1436 Dempster St., Evanston. Sam H. Armstrong, 135 28th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Martin H. Astrup, 1241 Edgerton St., St. Paul, Minn. Eugene A. Bailey, 2322 Garfield Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer C. Bassell, Kewaskom, Wis. George Berard, 116 Artesian St., Dixon. John S. Bloome, Annawan. Roger B. Bonney (i). 2621 N. Prairie St., Evanston. William H. Gregg, Cforp., 2105 Lake St., Evanston. David F. Bruner, North Henderson. Tanch Buntman, 3545 W. Adams St., Chicago. Frank P. Buske, Sullivan R. D. 2, Concord, Wis. David Butler, R. D. 7, Box 64, North Vernon, Ind. Albert F. Carlson, R. D. 6, Bay City, Mich. Charlie Carstens, R. D. 3, Box 34, Luverne, Minn. Abe W. Cohen, 694 Rondo St., St. Paul, Minn. Mathias Welter, Corp., 708 Wesley Ave., Evanston. Joseph B. Dagendesh, 1423 S. 7th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Arthur S. Anning, Mess Sgt., 815 Ridge Ave., Evan- ston. Paul L. Darby, Huntley. Harley D. Davis, Merrilan, Wis. William F. Dietz (i), 688 Railroad Ave., Winnetka. Walter Dondajewski, 408 Texas St., St. Paul, Minn. Neal C. Dopp, 333 N. High St., Janesville, Wis. William P. Doyle, 2010 Ridge Ave., Evanston. Byron D. Gates, Corp., 7747 N. Hermitage Ave., Chi- cago. Walter W.. Drake, R. D. i. Box 46, Moorhead, Minn. fohn J. Eck, 239 Carrol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. DeFoste Edwards, 942 Forest Ave., Beloit, Wis. Lawrence Elsen (i), 750 Asbury Ave., Evanstrn. Arthur E. Erickson, R. D. 3, Box 66, Carlos, Minn. Walter Ewert, 1919 W. 7th St., Davenport, la. Clarence Fairchild, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Patrick N. Balmes, Corp.. Winnetka. Darwin Fink, R. D. 7, Box 14, Ellsworth, Wis. Ernest M. Finley. R. D. 7, Box 6, Little Falls, Minn. Theodore G. Foese, 64 W. Lawsen St., St. Paul, Minn. Marshall H. Foster, 206 McDougal Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edward J. Gaudreau (i). 831 Monroe St., Evanston. Palmer Giambastian, Ccok, 900 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Phil S. Gosine, Harrison, Mich. Thomas J. Lusk, Corp., 321 N. Long Ave. Chicago. William Grampp, 1821 W. 5th St., Davenport, la. Robert Duguid, Sgt., Station House Plaidy Aberdeen- shire, Scotland. Charles Griffin, 816 sth Ave.. Rock Island. Robert S. Grogan, 17 12 Jefferson St., Duluth, Minn. Karl J. Gruba, 5709 Cody St., Duluth. Minn. Corrado Guastapaglia, Cook, Luccaguamo, Toscana, Italy. Bror R. Hallen, Roscoe. Bernard J. Hanauer, Albany, Minn. Frank W. Faehse, Corp.. 1506 Cullom Ave., Chicago. Leonard L. Hanchett, 518 Raymon St., Elgin. Thomas Hannon, 5000 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Herman C. Hans, Altura, Minn. William H. Harris, Barbourville, Ky. John A. Harthun, R. D. 2, Dent, Minn. Thomas J. Hayes, 819 E. Midland St., Bay City, Mich. Elvin G. Helling, Hanska, Minn. Henry F. Olson, Corp., R. D. i. Box 57, South Range, Wis. William A. Hillinger, Cook, 1520 Spencer Ave., Wil- mette. Wallace L. Hoefler, R. D. i, Hooppole. Willard H. Holt, 574 Senaca St., West Detroit, Mich. Carl M. Horst, 1049 17th St., Rock Island. Jens Ingerbretsen, R. D. i, Fenton, Minn. Michael J. Jans (i), 1321 Washington St., Evanston. Perry Jaquith, Fond du Lac, Wis. Philip L. Hillinger, Corp., 1520 Spencer Ave., Wilmette. Alvin Johnson, 1355 Hagua Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John C. Slown, Sgt., 1002 Davis St., Evanston. Andrew C. Johnson, R. D. 2, Houston, Minn. Earl W. Johnson, 1820 3d Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. George E. Joice, Juneau, Wis. William Jonas, R. D. 1, Box 23, Marshfield, Wis. Orville W. July, R. D. 3, Amboy. Frank M. Kahn, 721 5th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Raymond J. Ustick, Corp., 109 DuPee Place, Wilmette. Edward W. Kaliner, R. D. 2, DuMont, Minn. Ernest H. Kamholz, Marengo. George H. Kern, 560 Mendota St., St. Paul, Minn. Harry C. Keizur (i), 3021 28th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Gustave J. Koch, 12 18 Madison St., LaCrosse, Wis. Norman W. Kreuzer, 472 High Forest St., Winona. Nick R. Krick, Melrose, Minn. Fentress Stewart, Corp., Bradley Junction, Fla. Conrad W. Kumm, R. D. 2, Box 107, LaCrosse, Wis. Selmer Larson, R. D., Sargeant. Minn. John F. Liebig, 131 Walnut St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Martin Lordahl, Jasper, Minn. Elmer Lundgren, Box 18, Wagle Bend, Wis. Angelus Maas, Box 161, Sheffield. Gustav Mandel, 1002 nth St., Rock Island. John P. McKulski, Corp., 2033 Ashland Ave., Evanston. Ain A. Maria, Puzzo Maggiora, Sassary, Italy. Paul Heerens, Sgt., 1502 Florence St., Evanston. Charles Marquardt, 4953 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. James McCafferty, R. D. i, Annawan. Joseph G. Meidl, R. D. i, New Ulm, Minn. Albert C. Meyer, Ch. Mech.. 856 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka. Edward Mikota 5539 .S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. James G. Milius, 3231 Emerald Ave., Chicago. William Filiatreau, 3120 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Ben R. Miller, Box 104, Wabasha, Minn. Ernest D. Mitchum. 4035 Byram Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. John I. Morten, Milltown, Wis. Arthur F. Nehrlich (i). 1939 Jackson Ave., Evanston. George C. Nelson, Shell Lake, Wis. Norman M. Nelson (i), 933 Ash St., Winnetka. Victor Nelson, Cokato, Minn. Fred K. Guenther, Corp., Morton Grove. Charles Newhouse, 317 Quince St., Kenosha, Wis. Henry Norgren, R. D. i, Box 40, South Haven, Minn. Alvin H. Oathout, R. D. 5, Box 42, Beaver Dam, Wis. Thomas P. O'Bonnell, Osseo, Minn. Fred Okerman, R. D. 2, Little Falls, Minn. James H. Oliver, Houghton Lake, Mich. Albert Olson, Owatonna, Minn. Conrad Schumacher, 1815 Girard Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Louis Olson, R. D. i, Grandy. Minn. William Erickr.on, Sgt., 2436 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Milton F. Palm, Mech., 2405 Colfax St., Evanston. Edward E. Palmer, R. D. 5, Box 57, Cambridge. Frank R. Parker, Box 194, Brodhead, Wis. Clyde F. Patch, Mescota. Mich. John Pauley, 5133 Bishop St., Chicago. Karl M. Connors, 2323 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Clifford R. Huntington, Corp., 818 Hamlin St., Evan- ston. Andreas Petersen, 406 E. 6th St., Duluth, Minn. Ebert Peterson, R. D. 2, Milan. Donald A. Potter, R. D. s, Watertown, Wis. THE 333RD FIELD ARTILLERY 269 Peter J. Pranger, Davis St., Portland, Ore. George Pretcher, 5128 Bishop St., Chicago. Chester A. Price, R. D. i, Grand Junction, Wis. Walter H. Priebe, Logansville, Wis. David Schwartz, Wag., 1203 Harrison St., Hammond, Ind. Erving G. Puerner, R. D. 3. Jefferson, Wis. Herman F. Radloff, 4556 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Jasper F. Reed, 435 W. Warren Ave., Detroit, Mich. Forrest G. Rice, 402 West St., Rockford. Fdward Riedemann, 1300 Utah St., Watertown, Wis. Carl A. Rindahl, R. D. i. Box 71, Gully, Minn. John H. Rosch, Dumont, Minn. Clyde C. Carr, Corp., 1008 College Ave., Canton, Mo. Carl A. Rose, R. D. i. Box 44, Butternut, Wis. George Colling, Sgt., 1303 Washington St., Evanston. Grover G. Rueth, Medford, Wis. Harold E. Ryerson, 1904 Lincoln St., Evanston. John Schwaba, 5241 Honore St., Chicago. "William T. Schwall, Mech., Hill Road, Winnetka. George W. Schwarz, R. D. 7, Box 61, Wataga. Frederick W. Senkbeil, N. Main St.. Juneau, Wis. Mike S. Paradies, Corp., 122 E. St. Paul Ave., Waukesha. Wis. Tom Severson, Box 22, Malung, Minn. Howard F. Sharp, Box 52. Alexis. Philip Shiffman, 1 509 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Lymann E. Seiler, 64 Columbia Ave., Detroit, Mich. Daniel Siens, Carman. Floyd G. Smart, 25 N. Stone Ave., LaGrange. Arthur Thompson, R. D. 2, Curtis, Wis. David I. Mitchell, Corp., Milltail Frenchie Fifeshire, Scotland. Martin Soberg, R. D. 2, Fertile, Minn. Edson W. Sommers, R. D. i. Box 18, Northfield, Minn. Vernon L. Squier, 3137 Clinton St., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur Stielow (i), Niles Center. George Strahs, 1814 Lake St., Evanston. Alois J. Streitz, Tank City, Minn. Cornelius Sullivan (i), 314 South Blvd., Evanston. Paul MacHery (i), 21 16 Ewing Ave., Evanston. LeRoy Sutherland, Lakeland, Minn. Oscar J. Kutschker, Sgt., 1305 Greenwood Ave., Wil- mette. Anton Suurmeyer, LaVergne, Minn. Louis R. Svihus, Box 28, Shabbana. Anton E. Swanson, 901 S. 6th St., Brainerd, Minn. John A. Svlvester, 2821 W. 2d St., Duluth, Minn. Hubert Talbot, 2304 Central St.. Evanston. Harold W. Tommie, Cannon Falls, Minn. Sietze W. DeWaard. 5405 Oneida St., Duluth, Minn. Benjamin Trelstad, R. D. i, Box 18, Zumbrota, Minn. Arthur Tunnel, 600 W. Winona St., Austin, Minn. Mack F. Turner, 541 E. Main St., Ottawa. John Urban, 483 Como Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. John Vendeberg, R. D. 19, Brandon, Wis. Clinton F. Vansickle, LaFayette. Percy E. Vogel, Marengo. Thomas Pavelec, 51 17 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Frank Wagner, 610 Rosewood Ave., Winnetka. John P. Walentas, iii W. Main St., St. Charles. Herbert C. Weber, 404 S. Cedar St., Marshfield, Wis. Frank A. Windisch, 105 N. Root St., Aurora. Frank Wittky, 4645 S. Albany St., Chicago. George Wolff, R. D. 2. West Chicago. Herbert Zoll, 3107 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Frederick J. Welter, Wag., 708 Wesley Ave., Evanston. William Hostetler, 36 Groveland St., Battle Creek, Mich. Oscar R. Marxsen, Sgt., 612 Judson Ave., Evanston. BATTERY F, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY Thomas H. Cowles, Capt., 1130 Lake Shore Drive, Chi cago. Haddock L. Clifton, ist Lt., 314 S. Virginia St., EI Paso, Tex. Clive J. Taylor, 2d Lt., Kenilworth. William J. Ellis, ist Sgt., 1215 S. 20th St., Centerville, Iowa. Robert B. Parker, Sup. Sgt., 909 Airdrie Place, Chicago. Arthur K. Weidemann, Sgt., 444 Ferdinand Ave., Forest Park. Gilbert Z. Jens, 31 18 9th St., Rock Island. Walter F. Severin, 526 Linden Ave.. Wilmette. Henry DeBruin, 79th and 52d Ave., Oaklawn. George T. Philip, 337 Forest Ave., River Forest. Edward A. Gehrke, 520 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. Martin K. Beibier, Campbellsport, Wis. Howard M. Carpenter, Bug. 411 Linden St., Winnetka. Tames M. Schulz, 6153 S. Wood St., Chicago. Rudolph W. Fickler, 6350 S. Justine St., Chicago. Ernest W. Bergstrom, R. D. 2, Braham, Minn. Henry C. Cross, Bog Clifty, Ky. Conrad Ackerson, R. D., North Crystal Lake. Fred S. Baumann, 4144 Broadway Ave., Chicago. Arthur F. Niemeyer, Homer, Minn. Oscar W. Everet, Corp., 7435 Dixon St., Forest Park. Rubert H. VanHouten, 840 Chippewa St., Eau Claire, Wis. Byrcn B. Price, 11 18 California St., Denver, Colo. Elmer W. Dinkel, 114 N. Center St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Palmer C. Bakken, Box 52, Twin Valley, Minn. Herman R. Bires, R. D. 2, Loyal, Wis. Ralph H. Alldritt, R. D. 4, Morrison. Chester G. Borsack, W^estfield, Wis. Hoyt E. Buttolph, Bug., Mitchell, la. Milton J. Snyder, 1844 S. Central Park Ave., Chicaga William Salmen, Mech., 872 Pine St., Winnetka. William C. Anderson, Box 211, Utica. Sydney Samuelson, R. D. i, Orion. Anton Hedstrom, Princeton, Minn. Nicholas Weber, Wadena, Minn. Frank Tvrdy, Sedlice, Blatna, Bohemia, Austria. Max F. Kleinschmidt, Corp., 5309 S. Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Emil L. Olson, Stromshohm, Tallasen, Sweden. Raymond C. Moody, Ogden Ave., Riverside. John A. Fransen, 273 Larson St., St. Paul, Minn. Oscar G. Gilsrud, R. D. 9, Box 9, Montivedio, Minn. Robert W. Storey, 609 S. 2d St., DeKalb. Henry C. George, 477 E. 2d St., Winona. Carl Fuchs, R. D. 3, Box 4, Glyndon, Minn. Reinhold H. Remus, 233 Elgin Ave., Forest Park. John J. Gaebel, R. D. 2, Freeport, Minn. Joseph L. Worrell (i), Bowen. Jacob Hackvitz, Ludlow, S. D. Cluster O. Glenn, Verona. Benjamin Radell, Box 38, Spooner, Minn. John H. Dingee, 526 McClellan St., Wausau, Wis. Clement R. Kaudy, Ripon, Wis. Christian Henrichsen, Wag., 891 Spruce St., Winnetka. Hjalmer E. Swanson, R. D. 25, Box 42, Cannon Falls, Minn. Henry A. Weisgerber, Sgt., 934 S. Lathrope Ave., Forest Park. Chester R. Arch Sgt., 117 Franklin Ave., River Forest. Peter F. Jaworsky, R. D. 3, Little Falls. Minn. Emil C. Schwemm, Box 73, Cary Station. Thomas E. Garrity, 3647 Wallace St., Chicago. Edward Van Hoecke, R. D;, Box 16, Pipestone, Minn. Martin J. Harlan, Canby, Minn. Delbert J. Smithers, R. D. i. Box 70, Zimmerman, Minn. Edward G. Dickman (i), 28th Ave., Bellwood. Fred E. Schrank, R. D. 4, Reedsburg, Wis. William A. Kolb, Niles. Gerard H. Hoppe, New Munich, Minn. August Haroldson, 685 E. Lawson St., St. Paul, Minn. Christian J. Struck, Morton Grove. Milton N. Helgeson. R. D. 2, Adams, Minn. John T. Bruflodt, Star Route, Malaca, Minn. Hugo G. Engmark, Corp., 810 S. 2d Ave., May wood. Frank Swoboda, 907 Bayard Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph X. Willin, 2523 Lime St.. Chicago. Andrew Johnson, 441 Broadway St., St. Paul, Minn. Otto N. Peterson. R. D. i. Box 23, Hager, Wis. George P. Brooke, Box 266, North Crystal Lake. George L. Halseth, 1413 Wood St., LaCrosse, Wis. Theo. J. Banken, 1315 Rice St., St. Paul, Minn. Harold J. Williams, 810 N. 3d Ave., Haywood. Frank W. Just, 1327 Grant St., Peru. Thomas Chapman (i), 1015 Lake St., Evanston. Paul A. Russell, 414 Washington St., Fort Atkinson, Wis. Frank O. Hagberg, Heisson, Wash. Bruno R. Vetter, R. D. 3, Marathon, Wis. John G. Southwell, W^inchester. Roy A. Bumgarner, Mazon. John O. Baumel, Corp., R. D. 2, P. O., Norwood Park, Niles. John C. Hayny, R. D. 1, Pine City, Minn. Merton B. Wise (i), Rothschild, Wis. Earl J. Hollerbach, 219 Cleveland Ave., Lancaster, O. 2 70 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Earl D. Wolf, Morristown, Minn. Carl W. Walker, R. D. 2, Mcorhead, Minn. Otto Norberg, 518 12^ Ave., East Duluth, Minn. George J. Goodwin, 1646 Millard Ave., Chicago. Arthur G. Quandt Corp., 513 Hannah Ave., Forest Park. John H. Crawford, 170 Line -St., Rochester, Minn. George A. Nohelty, Wag., 618 Elmwood Ave., Evanston. Walter Kennett, Pev'enesey Bay, Sussex, England. Paul E. Wilson, R. D. i. Box 58, Cambridge, Minn. William Mills, Sadorus. Anthony U. Goodman, 1336 S. Park St., Red Wing, Minn. Herbert Langenbacher, 2008 Indiana Ave., Chicago. William E. Hunnewell (i), 1609 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Adolph W. Fabriz, 320 N. Cedar St., Owatonna, Minn. Alfred E. Brandt, Sgt.. 1024 Thomas Ave., Forest Park. Tames Dell, Jr., Sgt., 828 S. i6th Ave., Maywood. John J. Mages, 462 29th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred O. Reimann, Beltrami, Minn. Walter A. Prigge, R. D. i, Stockton, Minn. William H. Smith, 827 Wall St., Milwaukee, Wis. Louis Melland, 815 Hyacinth St., St. Paul, Minn. Thomas D. Byrne, 2720 Archer Ave., Chicago. Leo B. Pfeiifer (i), 835 Forest Ave., Wilmette. Andrew Oszajca, 1269 Wade St., Chicago. Charles J. Taubert, 538 W. Mifflin St., Madison, Wis. Frank P. Kolmire, 733 Union St.. Owatonna, Minn. Helmer O. Johnson, 4640 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. William W. Kappel, Coal Valley. Frank C. Glewwe, Delaware Ave., W., St. Paul, Minn. Harry F. Feustel, Fairmont, Minn. Christ C. Koccontes, Corp., 171 Lake St., River Forest. Joseph Yetmar, Clare, la. Anthony Kubas, Milladore, Wis. Felix Kuzynski, R. D. i, Knowlton, Wis. William F. Zimmermann, R. D. 4, Markesan, Wis. William H. Grotjahn, 5715 S. Loomis Blvd., Chicago. Walter H. Kupitz, 3643 LeMoyne St., Chicago. Chester Reichert, R. D. i, Holmen, Wis. John J. Kent, 6426 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Harry J. Yakes, 403 Haskin St., Lake Geneva, Wis. Martin Larson, R. D. 3, Westbrook, Minn. Elmer C. Lindor, R. D. 2, Box 75, Verndale, Minn, Arthur R. Latourelle, 3442 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Anton Lund, Skallenborg, Sandsvor, Norway. Einar A. Lindford, Williams, Minn. William R. Lange, Cedarburg, Wis. Fred W. Rodenbostel, Corp., 138 Belvidere Ave., Forest Park. Herman Lundell, 20 E. 3d St., St. Paul, Minn. Francis R. Zimmerman 94 40th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Andrew J. Manom, Middle River, Minn. Marion Schillaci, Cook, 5826 Grand Ave., Chicago. Bernard E. Kelly, Grand View, Wis. William P. Maruska, New Prague, Minn. Anton L. Mattson, R. D. 4, St. James, Minn. Ernst G. Seeger, Corp., 604 N. 4th Ave., Maywood. Edward M. Baur, Cook. 127 S. 19th Ave., Maywood. Henry Madsen, 1739 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edmund Molan, Box 121, Hamel, Minn. Charles H. Meyer, Halstad, Minn. Lloyd F. Anderson, R. D. 2, Dwight. Alfred W. Miller, Hopkins Minn. Thomas E. Mulligan, 17 Maple St., West Chicago. Cornelius Peters (i), 2464 Aubert Ave., Chicago. Oliver L. Missel, R. D. 8, Streator. John A. Doetsch, Sgt., Ridge Road and Harrison St., Gross Point. Henry J. Knoop, Sgt., 537 Circle Ave., Forest Park. Bernard Westbrook. R. D. 2, Wheeler, Wis. Carl O. Naslund, R. D. i. Ronneby, Minn. Ernest R. Anderson, Box 64, Aldrich, Minn. Arthur Thomas, Box 161, Tower, Minn. Charles C. Musa, 1048 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Frederick O. Ewert, Morton, Minn. Lloyd Horton, Cook, 636 W. Washington St., Pontiac. Carl E. Samuelson, Orion. John Roskos, R. D. i. Box 55, Elysian, Minn. Harry C. Jennings, R. D. i, Box 21, Alma Center, Wis. Johanns A. Anderson, R. D. 5, Box 17, Hector, Minn. Edwin Steenerson, Fertile, Minn. Harry S. Anderson, 702 W. 2d St., Wilmar, Minn. John .Nagey, 1209 Woodbridge St., St. Paul, Minn. Herman Schiddel, Corp., 4505 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Louie C. Tweet, R. D. 2, Minooka. William T. Meyer, 403 Central Ave., Sparta, Wis. Eugene Willem, Sugar Grove. Herman Anderson, R. D. 3, Box 78, Rush City, Minn. Ira Stanley. R. 3, Main St., Kewanee. Anton B. Stene, Halstad, Minn. James E. Wilder, 13 17 S. West St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Rudolph Smid, 2530 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. .Arthur F. Kollin, 230 Campbell St., Alpena, Mich. Benjamin Clayman, 235 Adelaide St., Detroit, Mich. Gilbert Coty, Merrill, Mich. Emil P. Bernhard, 1072 Genesee St.. Buffalo, N. Y. John Yetke, 274 31st St., Detroit, Mich. Roy W. Adsit (i), 3827 Ivy St., Indiana Harbor, Ind. Philip J. Doetsch, Corp., Gross Point. Arthur Trowbridge, Dumwright, Okla. Joseph M. Hunter, 1125 Kedvale Ave., Chicago. Henry A. Davis, Deckerville, Mich. Frank S. Miras, 832 Michigan St., N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Lawrence J. Goubeaux, 503 E. Main St., Versailles, O. Charles Hollister, 312 Ionia St., Lansing, Mich. Archie Guilfoil, 217 Woodsum St., Jackson, Mich. Henry H. Kingen, R. D. i, Pierz, Minn. Christ J. Schuckert, Box 56, Canby, Minn. Gust Gardella, 141 E. Congress St., Detroit,- Mich. Harry H. DeBruine, R. D. 4, Woodlawn Ave., West Allis, Wis. Einar Messelt, R. D. i, Box 34, Winger, Minn. George J. Foley, R. D. 6, Box 67. Monmouth. Ora S. Scykes, 1107 7th Ave., Sterling. Ole Anderson 324 N. Dewey St., Elau Claire, Wis. Walter Allerding, Corp., 614 Ferdinand Ave., Forest Park. John H. Nohelty (1), 4245 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago. Leo P. Schulta, 6034 Giddinfs St.. Norwood Park. Harry Ackerman, 534 Hudson St.. Hackensack, N. J. George Reifenstuhl, Mess Sgt., 329 Burkhardt Ct., For- est Park. SANITARY DETACHMENT, 333RD HEAVY FIELD ARTILLERY Frank Deacon, Maj., 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Arthur W. Wermuth, Capt., 4070 Broadway, Chicago. Rupert V. Gibbons, ist Lt,, 307 Arthur St;, Syracuse, N. Y. Joseph K. Smith, 1st Lt., 1002 D. St., Bakersfield, Cal. Alfred H. Caffee, ist Lt., Davis Flats, Terre Haute, Ind. Emmet A. Welch, ist Lt., Theresa, Wis. Stanley W. Krouse, Sgt. (i), 335 S. 5th St., Reading, Pa. John P. O'Tocle, Sgt., 2008 Seminary Ave., Chicago. George Friedenhahn, 2724 S. 5th Ave., Chicago. John S. Rosenthal, 738 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oswald H. Armstrong, 1903 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Harry C. Warren, 141 6 sth Ave., Rockford. Joseph A. Garvey, 853 E. 64th Place, Chicago. Henning S. Smith, Alvarado, Minn. Francis L. Lively (i), R. D. i, Riceville, la. William J. Elsholz (i), 1608 Grove St., Evanston. Daniel Brodsky 143 E. Main St.. Ccrry, Pa. Thomas A. McDonnell, 2913 Elias Court, Chicago. Walter C. Schulz (i), 1220 S. Tripp Ave., Chicago. Jackson B. McKinney (i), 422 5th St., Marietta, O. Joseph Sharp, R. D. 5, Warrensburg, Mo. Thomas J. Hinds, 786 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Arthur Anderman, 4731 W. Jackson BlVd., Chicago. Carl H. Heiron, Sgt., 805 S. Freedom Ave., Alliance, O. Curtis C. Carter, R. D. 3, Creal Springs. Ben Wertheimer, 1323 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Martin Pink, Box 494, Weirton, W. Va. Albert W. Dctzauer, Niles Center. Isadore J. Shure, 2024 W. Division St., Chicago. Earl L. Dierolf, 2752 gth St., Rock Island. Roman McClatcher, R. D. 3, Bronson, Mich. Walter L. Ludwig. 3016 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Henry T. Anger (1), 80 Plaza Drive, Berkeley, Cal. Albert Klaeger, 1301 14th Ave., Rockford. William P. Coleman, Kings Highway and Missouri Ave., South St. Joseph, Mo. Jess J. Dietmeier, Lampson, Wis. Albert W. Peterson, Litchfield, Minn. Leon Bullard, Sgt., 597 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. Walter T. Husbands (i), 5227 W. Van Buren St., Chi- cago. William C. Poggendorf (i), 2830 S. Keeler Ave., Chi- cago. THE 333RD FIELD ARTILLERY 271 BATTERY B, 333RD FIELD ARTILLERY, STARTING ON THE HIKE TO SPARTA ^■-^m BATTERY F HALTS FOR A MEAL THE 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN William S. Faulkner, Lt. Col., 912 i6th Ave., Lynch- burg, Va. Roy O. Woodruff, Capt., Eaton Rapids, Mich. Silas H. Hess, Capt., 233 W. Adams St., Chicago. Charles Belik, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 1167 W. isth St., Chi- cago. John H. Cloud, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 221 S. Sth St., Chick- Ralph e! Kortiiian, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 1433 E. 67th Place, Chicago. Jewett Allain, Reg. Sup. Sgt., St. Anne. Joseph A. Rohn, Sgt., 1857 E. 71st St., Chicago. Louis A. Waidelich, Corp., R. D. 4, Eau Claire, Wis. Henry A. Albrecht, Wag., 2427 W. 34th St., Chicago. William E. Walsh, Wag., 1343 E. 71st Place, Chicago. Harley J. Lovett, Cook, 483 E. Berrien St., Gales- burg. Charles C. Farley, 115 Harkness St., Bellevue, Ohio. William L. Paschke (i), 4059 Archer Ave., Chicago. Martin T. Kennedy, Sgt., 521 Front St., Ashlana. Wis. Alvin E. Soderquist, Corp., 41 W. 109th St., Chicago. Frank Matack, Corp., Lombard. Lester D. Moulton (i), Erie. John J. Flynn, 7800 S. Peoria St., Chicago. Henry F. Tholen, R. D. i, Egan. Andrew Broderseji, R. D. 3, Rockford. William F. Bekermeier, 1506 6th St., Peru. Henry Trompeter, Sgt., Glen Ellyn. William J. Quinsler, . Corp., 315 E. 66th St., Chicago. Clarence E. Chadwick (i), 7808 Saginaw Ave., Chicago. Rae A. Anderson (i), Toulon. Jacob M. Grootendorst (i), R. D. 6, Faribault, Minn. John I. Bentley, Lemon, Colo. Ben R. Cooper, Union St., Marseilles. Arthur Moser, Sgt., 4439 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Varl Levy, Corp., 303 E. 56th St., Chicago. Samuel S. Bills, 2548 Princeton Ave., Chicago. DETACHMENT OFFICERS, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Hugh Marstony, Capt., Marstonmoor, Stutsman Co., North Dakota. Charles M. Bauman, Capt., 2917 Sullivan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Cheney S. Wilson, ist Lt., 117 N. 3rd St., Hamilton, Ohio. Charles J. Kavanagh, ist Lt., 675 E. 125th St., Cleve- land, Ohio. Carl B. Wachs, ist Lt., 721 Main St., Covington, Ky. Harry B. Smith, 1st Lt., 1030 S. 6th St., Springfield. Justin O. Schwartz, ist Lt., 1038 5th Ave., New York City, N. Y. . Ray E. McMechan, ist Lt., 916 Grand Ave., Temple, Kansas City, Mo. Charles I. Thorburg, ist Lt., 1427 E. State St., Rock- ford. Walter A. Knoderer, ist Lt., 468 S. Ohio Ave-. Col- umbus, Ohio. Elmer J. Billman, ist Lt., Hiteman, Iowa. Ray S. True, Chap., DeSoto, Mo. Chris L. Shelby, 2d Lt., 221 Bates St., Batesville, Ark. Paul L. Wharton, 2d Lt., 2840 Beechwood Drive, Hollywood, Cal. James D. Lightbody, 2d Lt., Payne Apts, No. 4, Rock Island. Robert F. Degraff, 2d Lt., 996 Central Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Lyman D. Warren,. 2d Lt., 2909 Prairie Ave., Chicago. William E. Merrill, 2d Lt., 456 Oakwood Blvd., Chi- cago. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, HORSED BATTALION, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN William L. Elkin, Maj., 1214 S. 14th St., Springfield. Albert H. Dury, Capt., $jg Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carl A. Hilt, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 234 W. South St., Green- field, Ind. Carl F. Sandall, Bn. Sgt., Maj., R. D. 4, Chariton, la. Paul H. Hendrickson, Wag., Box 333, Benson, Minn. Philip R. King, Corp., R. D. i, Faribault, Minn. Lloyd A. Recknor, Earlville. Arthur L. Peters, Corp., Wonewoc, Wis. Robert F. Darling, Corp., 1512 W. 26th St., Minne- apolis, Minn. Willis Stoddard, Bug., Darlington, Wis. Willie Stoddard, R. F. D., Darlington, Wis. Thomas D. Bicklow, Cook, 415 E. 14th St., Minne- apolis, Minn. John M. Dougherty, Sgt., 3312 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. John C. Prohaska, Corp., 4202 S. Artesian Ave., Chi- cago. Guy H. Armstrong, Alden, Mich. Peter E. Malherek (i), Granada, Minn. Ernest R. Nelson, Corp., 206 Blaine St., Batavia. Clifford A. Briggs, Corp., 128 ist St., Batavia. Lyman L. Thiebault, Sgt., 8856 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Curt G. Se.tzer, 388 Marshall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Walter S. Cruise, Sup. Sgt., care Erwing Hotel, Fond du Lac, Wis. Henry L. Harvey, Sgt., 27 Tividale Road, Stafford- shire, England. Gailen Fedderly Mapes, Fort Lapwai, Idaho. ORDNANCE DETACHMENT, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN William W. Hodge, Capt., 140 Worcester St., Worces- ter, Mass. Eugene T. Meek, Sgt. (i), 4432 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Harold J. Connor, Sgt., 847 E. 64th Place, Chicago. Knut L. Hoihjelle, Box 584, Madison, Minn. Edwin H. Martinson, R. D. 3, Battle Lake, Minn. Frank W. Foley, R. D. 13, Richmond. Arthur A. Jensen, R. D. i, Sparta, Wis. Fred F. Bergquist, Moose Lake, Minn. Harry C. Davidson, Corp., 4901 Calumet St., Chicago. Ralph D. Gardner, 314 N. 2nd St., East Grand Forks, Minn. Henry B. Alleman, 205 S. Kenilworth .Ave., Oak Park. Fred Carlson, 2525 27th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edwin C. Funk, Box 478, Elgin. Robert Mcintosh, 119 John R St., Detroit, Mich. Emery A. Wormley, 641 Haish Ave., DeKalb. Claude T. Frazier, Sgt., 2615 Park Place, Evanston. Frank Muehlenbeck, 207 S. Charles St., Saginaw, Mich. Meth Kordesh, 783 S. Canal St., Milwaukee, Wis. Cliff B. Dugan, 844 W. 6th St., Winona, Minn. Ernest K. Baxter, 235 Canfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. Frank Patin, 458 Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. Robert A. Hawk, Corp., 533 Meldrum Ave., Detroit, Mich. Paul L. Butler, Pearl St., Guilford, Conn. Ralph G. Craig, 607 S. Edith St., Albuquerque, N. M. 273 2 74 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION MEDICAL DETACHMENT, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN WilHam A. Murphy, Maj., ist Natl. Bank, Morgan- town, N. C. Lannes I. Condit, Capt., 219 Taylor Ave., Detroit, Mich. Jacob Lowenstein, Sgt. (i), 3417 Adeline St., Oakland, Cal. John A. Rogers, Sgt., 313 E. North Grand Ave., Spring- field. Nels li. Breinholt, 1809 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Thomas E. Carpenter, 219 S. 6fh St., Keokuk, Iowa. Orin E. Shandorf, Dundas, Minn. Herbert Lokensgard, R. I). 2, Box 32, Watson, Minn. Glen B. Gleason, Glenville, Minn. Erwin E. Pugh, R. D. 7, Portage, Wis. Charles C. Brooks, 912 S. Penn. Ave., Denver, Colo. Lewis M. Vigness, 215 Harvard St. S. E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Paul B. Jaeger (i), 116 3rd St., Eau Claire, Wis. Robert W. Leukel, Brillion, Wis. Homer E. Lane (i), Assumption. Bert B. Bryan, Garden City Lodge, A. F. & A. M., 141, Randolph and State Sts., Chicago. Desire T. Shaney, R. D. i. Tomahawk, Wis. Andrew M. Heedrik, 547 Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. William Tanis, 11601 Lafayette Ave., Chicago. Fred S. Marshall, 205 Hendricks St., Merrill, Wis. Lester Laubenstein, iiii Grand Ave., Port Washing- ton, Wis. Norman L. Weiler (i), 603 Balmoral St., Winnipeg. Man., Canada. Paul G. Vigness, 215 Harvard St. S. I'-., Minneapolis, Minn. Irwin Eichman, 386 Main St., Aurora. Constantine Stalhopulos (i), Gerakion, I'^lias, Greece. Waller R. Cresswell, 3837 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Frank B. Toombs, 6816 Merrill Ave., Chicago. Harold A. Dodge, Darien, Wis. George J. Hobbs (i), 4035 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Arthur Simon, 329 E. 57th St., Chicago. Claude A. Lalonde, 316 Lock wood St., Alpena, Mich. William R. Maier, Corp., 432 Pontotoc Ave., Mem- phis, Tenn. Dwight A. Keller, Sgt., R. D. 4, Aberdeen, S. D. 311TH MOBILE ORDNANCE REPAIR SHOP, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Owen M. Mothershead, Capt., 1332 N. New Jersey St,. Indianapolis, Ind. Orin Niebuhr, Ord. Sgt., 1103 W. Dayton St., Madi- ' son. Wis. Milton G. Frederickson, Ord. Sgt., 7760 South Shore Drive, Chicago. Bert L. Mullen, Ord. Sgt., Taylorville. Robert Burnett, Ord. Sgt., Mishawaka, Ind. Edward Anderson, Ord. Sgt., 112 W. Madison St., '■ Belvidere. Edward J. Gilbert, Ord. Sgt., 1015 E. Lincoln Ave., ■ ' Belvidere. James M. Gordon, Ord. Sgt., LaPoint, Ashland Co., ' Wis. Edward Brooks, Sgt., 1,116 Oak St., Beloit, Wis. Thor R. Uddstrom, Sgt., 3853 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. Leo T. Walton, Sgt., 1555 Packard Ave., Racine, Wis. Allen S. Prisk, Sgt., 3417 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Louis Staffner, Sgt., 5631 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Thomas P. Moran, Sgt., Engine House No. 18, Cor. ■' Orange Ave. & 34th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Arthur B. Pett, Sgt., 185 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alfred Schroeder, Sgt., Glidden, Wis. Charles R. Mahon, Sgt., 428 Holland Ave., Kenosha, - Wis. Max M. Kuehnl, Cook, Dale,, Wis. Harry T. Collins, Cook, R. D. 4, Bloomfield, Iowa. Elmer B. Thompson, Harvard. Paul A. Anderson, Winthrop, Minn. Arthur A. Mueller, Corp., Sycamore. Clayton E. Young (i), R. D., Eau Claire, Mich. Guy Biattland, Ilendrum, Minn. I'-dward Kowalski, Corp., 1649 Pennsylvania Ave., Gary, Ind. Albert Kenney (1), 97 8lh St., Milwaukee, Wis. iMwin A. Gansel, 3261 Ellis Ave,, Ctiicago. Roljert Epple, Corp., 1904 W. 63rd St., Chicago. I-Mwin A. Rosseau, Corp., 4337 Fremont Ave. N., Minne apolis, Minn. William (J'liryiie, Corp., 1709 Park Ave,, Chicago. (ieorge F. Soelch, Corp., R. D. 2, Madison, Wis. Harry Costello (O, 3440 S. Irving Ave., Chicago. I'rank L. Danczyk, Manistee Ave., South Chicago. John W. Mantey (i), 915 Gre.enfield Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. John J. Perino (i). Box 15, Spring Valley. I.oren V. Franklin, 200 W. 58th St., Minneapolis, M inn. Axel A Bergman, Corp., 7515 S. Parnell Ave., Chicago. lohn Ronsholdt, Corp., 1634 Washington Ave., Racine, Wis. Frank R. Davies, 179 N. Lavergne Ave., Chicago. Gerald Boyd, 517 N. Adams St., Havre de Grace, Md. Sinclair Bench, 73 Charles St., Ilion, N. Y. William H. Addis, 1008 S. Pittsburgh St., Connells- ville, Pa. Herman J. Beckman, Corp., 2102 Summit Ave,, Daven- port, Iowa. Mack W. lialzer, Sgt., Box 163, Melrose Park. James McConnell, Sgt., 8 Jeffrey St., Riccarlon, Ayr- shire, Scotland. George K. Desmond, Sgt., R. D. 3, Muskegon, Mich. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, MOTOR BATTALION, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Albert L. Denman, Maj., 1523 E. 69th St., Chicago. Clifford H. Ayres, Capt., 394 15th Ave., Paterson, N. J. Grover C. Coil, ist Lt., 6 Louis Place, St. Louis, Mo. Edward S. Norling, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 146 14th St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Irving Ralbe, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 5852 Calumet Ave., Chi- cago. Raymond E. Standerwick, Sgt., 737 E. 69th Place, Chi- cago. George J. VanDrent, 9916 Lafayette Ave., Chicago. Roy Holyz (1), Box 137, South Dayton, N. Y. Arthur Kearney (i), Box 258, Neillsville, Wis. Charles W. Panushka (i), 709 Jefferson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Cris F. Meir (i), Geneseo. Archie G. Budlong (i), Albert Lea, Minn. Wm. H. Schubert, Sgt., 404 Broad St., Menasha, Wis. Edward Giese, Wag., 404 ist St. N., East Grant Park, Minn. George J. Mueller, Wag., 1014 Pomeroy St., Kenosha, Wis. Ole Engen, Gwinn, Mich. Charles H. Weymier, Wag., 638 Cramer St., Milwau kee. Wis. Henry Boots, Jr. (i), Box 34, Adrian, Minn. Clarence E. Collins (i), 653 Burr St., St. Paul, Minn. Willard C. Merritt, Wag,, 1516 W. State St., Rock- ford. Emory A. Johnson, Corp., 559 Case St., St. Paul, Minn. I'^mil O. Anderson, Jane, Minn. John B. Hogan, Wag., 4310 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Lloyd H. Northard (i), 203 Eaton St., Jackson, Mich. Joseph B. Suess (i), 331 1 Walnut St., Chicago. Pete H. Brayton (i), Byron. Victor Johnson (i). New Sweden, Minn. Lincoln O. Gatter (i), 846 Judson Ave., Evanston. Leslie M. Price, Corp., 5912 S. Park Ave,, Chicago. Tohn W. Westwick (i), 308 Elk St., Galena. Owen J. Ahe.rn, Wag., Madison & Market Sts., Chi- cago. Perry L. Clement, 126 N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago. John H. Wiersema, Sup., 7 W. iiith St., Chicago. THE 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN 275 COMPANY A, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Roger 15. Buettell, Capt., 25 Villa Beach, Cleveland, Ohio. Harold S. Dyer, Sgt. (i), Platteville, Wis. Jacob Cohen, Sgt., 619 E. soth St., Chicago. Vail O. Ricketts, Mess Sgt., Lutesville, Mo. David M. Miller, Sgt., Hugo, Colo. Theodore Carametsos, Cook, 421 Jackson St., Toledo, Ohio. Frank J. Kabelac, Rug., 3040 Millard Ave., Chicago. James H. Deneen, Cook, 4326 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Stephen J. Morgan, Bug., 4457 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Lyman C. Henry, Cook, 623 S. 9th St., Goshen, Ind. John N. Ceynover, 379 Austin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Peter Zrzewinski, Wag., R. D. i. Box 99, Oakwood, Wis. Harold J. Northcott, Wag., 721 Latrobe Ave., Chicago. Charles Zobac (i), i733 Frederick St., Racine, Wis. Joe W. Jakubowski, Wag., 760 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred G. Wessel, Wag., 3600 Wrightwood Ave., Chi- cago. Joseph M. Knuth (i), 742 2nd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Robert F. Stockdale, 2545 19th Ave., Rock Island. Levi Balmer (i), R. D. 2, Box 22, Nauvoo. John O. Quail (1), R. D. 3, Pine Island, Minn. Charles J.Jaskolski, Wag., Seymour, Wis. George H. Ackermann, Wag., Aloys, Wis. William Chadljurn, 659 Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee Wis. Milton W. Dix, Corp., 2815 Pleasant Ave. S., Minne apolis, Minn. Harold B. Foote (i), R. D. i, Stevens Point, Wis. Harold B. Murdock (i), 289 Sheridan Ave. N., Minne apolis, Minn. William C. Junck (i), 1189 Hayes Ave., Milwaukee Wis. George E. Mathews (i), 851 N. Sacramento Blvd. Chicago. Clarence T. Ebel (i), Algonquin. Clarence J. Dorn (i), 26 Howell Place, W. E., At- lanta, Ga. Julius J. Mora, 5630 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Albert A. Mueller, Corp., 712 Columbia Ave., Hori con. Wis. Oscar Lederman, Wag., 3412 Burleigh St., Milwau kee, Wis. Otto Ebert, Corliss, Wis. Walter F. Krueger, Springfield, Minn. Ewald Brinteson (i), 2607 ist Ave. S., Minneapolis Minn. Edward M. Baum (i), 117 W. 8th St., Monroe, Mich Leo A. Adams, Box 233, W. McHenry. William F. Ohm, 536 California St., .Milwaukee, Wis William O. Pertzsch, Corp., R. D. 3. LaCrosse, Wis Henry Plutschack, Wag., Hales Corners, Wis. Arthur H. Matting, 616 Sherman St., .\tilwauke.e. Wis Sven Linden, Wag., Fagerato, Prov. Vestanfors, Swed en. John F. Dunn, Graceville, Minn. William Toomey, 191 Austin St., Milwaukee, Wis. Eurell G. Stout (i), 3124 i6th St., Moline. Peter J. Fischer (i), 138 Howell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur J. Vieth, Corp., Sparta, Wis. Theodore Boettcher, 249 Brisbane Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Gust A. Rau (i), R. D. 2, Beaver Dam, Wis. Albert Zelenka, 2125 W. 19th St., Chicago. August Manegold, Wag., 766 JeiTerson St., Milwaukee, Wis. Nello O. Simi, 3700 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Elmer R. Manney (1), Royalton, Wis. Arthur C. Swanson (i), R. D. i, Box 8, Kenyon, Minn. Edmund Cizmowski, Corp., 897 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Odin H. Hoel (i), R. D. 3, Clayton, Wis. Tacek Wojtanowski, 1056 ist Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry J. Swenson, Box 36, Badger, Minn. Walter R. Meilick, Wag., 1450 Buffum St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Arthur C. Niemann, Wag., 1072 Kinnic Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. John C. Beyer, Wag., 947 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Groschel, Corp., 497 isth St., Milwaukee, Wis. August II. Stresing, Wag., 833 Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Peter Skorzewski, Wag., 823 Grove St., Milwaukee, Wis. Patrick T. Cusack, Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo. Roy DeVoll (1), Box 11, Brooklyn, Wis. Charles R. Kowalk, 2206 W. 21st Place, Chicago. Gothard Early, Wag., R. D. i, Luck, Wis. Joseph P. Yodikis, 2321 W. 22nd Place, Chicago. Martin A. Karau, Wag., R. D. 6, Merrill, Wis. Walter F. Siegel, Corp., 727 Squire Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Julius H. Jordan, 1217 S. Weadock Ave.., Saginaw, Mich. Reginald Vincent, Wheaton. Steve J. Kowalewski, Wag., 1120 Milwaukee Ave., So. Milwaukee, Wis. Julius C. Bergauer, Wag., 172 Waterloo St., Colum- bus, Wis. John J. Mclnerney, Wag., 5616 S. LaSalle St., Chi- cago. Edward K. Close (i), Oscoda, Mich. Rudy J. Mack, Wag., R. D. 5, Box 158, North Mil- waukee, Wis. Elmer W. Bernhardt, Corp., 1088 10th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Max F. Davis, 38 Garrison Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. John O. .Szabrowicz, Wag., 327 Pulaski Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Joseph A. Skubal, Wag., 713 Pearl St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward J. Voletz (i), 436 Plankington Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Frank O. Bogs, 6071^ Hanover St., Milwaukee, Wis. Benedict Dombrou (1), 2137 W. 21st Place, Chicago. Joseph G. Konkel, 892 ist Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry A. Lange, Corp., 12030 Union Ave., Chicago. Archie Dubsmore (i), Wales, Mich. Herman W. Gross, Wag., 749 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Stupay, 2228 W. i8th Place, Chicago. Frank Barkley (i). Box 424, Pipestone, Minn. William P. Bowden, Wag., Boyd, Wis. Hugo E. Larson, 933 S. 8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Benedict Jeanblanc (i), Box 18, R. D. 2, Compton. Stanley C. Filyes, Corp., 1208 Clermont St., Antigo, Wis. George J. Zinky, Wag., 624 Barnard Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Samuel Dina (i), 3904 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. Orrin P. Cole (1), i Brentwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Charles H. Fick (i), 4823 LaBadie Ave., St. Louis, Mo. George Schuler, Wag., 6741 Michigan Ave., Chicago.^ Earl L. Patterson, 398l^ Herman St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ludger I. Paradis, R. D. 2, Montrosa, Minn. Elmer O. Hillestad, Corp., Bellingham, Minn. Milton Klinka, Wag., 2214 Cherry St., Milwaukee, Wis. August J. Budish, 618 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. Archbold Fleckenstein, 11 12 Marshall St., South Mil- waukee, Wis. Frank Czeske, Wag., 628 Hanover St., Milwaukee, Wis. Felix Rutkowski, Wag., 814 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Gust Sczepaniak, Wag.. 1044 4th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter H. Fielder, Brillion, Wis. Theodore Carlson, Corp., R. D. i, Gurnee. Leo D. Cuddohy (i), 361 Lake St., Muskegon, Mich. George Ze.mpich, 2006 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Charles A. Baehr (1), 833 Hamilton Ave., Detroit, Mich. Steve J. Walloch, 765 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wis. Leo J. Janicki, 826 Grove St., Milwaukee, Wis. Andrew Buckoske, Tilleda, Wis. Oscar N. Smith, 1125 28th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Cummings, Corp., 4324 N. Sawyer Ave., Chi- cago. Frank O. Hahn, R. D., West Allis, Wis. Martin Frederick (i), 406 Ellen St., Milwaukee, Wis. Demetrius J. Tsetsonis, 1500 Hawthorne Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Frederick Paterson, Lake Preston, S. D. Henry Jones (i), Kosciusko, Miss. Aloysius Dolata, 960 Greenbush St., Milwaukee, Wis. Alvin W. Shroble (i), Ann St., Whitewater, Wis. Frank A. Bitzer, Corp., 315 Sycamore St., Muscatine, Iowa. 276 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Benjamin Tennant, Wag., 236 N. Main St., Wauwatosa. Wis. Cosmo Annerino (i), 710 Cornwall Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. ' Anton Zebrowski, 3221 Lowe Ave., Chicago Alfred Ambrosch (i), Ne.w Ulm, Minn. Earle Morrison, 6026 Drexel Ave., Chicago Ben A. Wellman, St. Francis, Wis. Myron E. Olson, 956 Oneida St., Appleton, Wis Arthur H. Mayer, Wag., Cor. Cook & 9th St., South Kaukaina, Wis. Edward C. Olson (i), 2487 Park Ave., Chicago Vernie J. Young, Sgt., 4957 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Kdgar Strandt, Sgt., 722 Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis Vincent F. Parro, Sgt., 1119 Garfield Blvd., Chicago. Joseph Truckey, Chief Mech., Coleman, Wis Earl M. Lindsay, Sgt., 215 Oak St., Neenah, Wis. '!?."'?«" D. Wasserman, Corp., Lakota Hotel, Chicago. Wilham Mullally, Sgt., 5013 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Sam Goldstein, Corp., 3546 W. 12th Place, Chicago. Raymond Herbeck, Sup. Sgt., 503 23rd St., Milwaukee, Wis. James H. Clabby, Wejser, Idaho. COMPANY B, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Ward O. Chaflfee, Capt., 1314 Bryden Road, Colum- bus, Ohio. Edwin J. McShane, ist Sgt., 6726 Cregier Ave., Chicago. Karl H. DeSombre, Fond du Lac, Wis. Wilmot K. Cullen, Sgt., 6740 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Wilbur S. Martin, Tomah, Wis. ^''^"K«i^• Lagerlef, 1114 13th St., Moline. Carl M. Nord, 741 State St., Traverse City, Mich. Joseph G. Adler, R. D. i, Sobuske, Wis. Arthur H. Lutz, Corp., 851 W. 71st St., Chicago. Henry R. Kent, Wag., 112 Park St., Oconomowoc, Wis. Miles L. Steele (i), R. D. 1, Wyeville, Wis. Vincent Kazmierski (i), 8355 Mackinaw Ave., South Chicago. Leonard A. Ganong, Wag., Albertville, Wis. James McGrath, 572 Cherry St., Appleton, Wis. "" «,-J- Gucinski, Wag., 2016 Front St. E., Ashland, Wis. Edward T Bliss (i), 814 2nd St., Wausau, Wis. Edmund H. Troka, Corp., St. Francis, Wis. Gilbert Taylor (i), looi Grand Ave., Merrill, Wis. Erne,st E Youngmark, 2201 18th St. C, Moline. tj "• J- Hills, 977 Bayless Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edwin C. Lammers, Gibbon, Minn. Frank Kiedrowicz, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. Anton W. Petersen (i), R. D. 5, Waupaca, Wis. Oscar P. Englund, Corp., 7140 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Emmett A. Reidy 142 Center St., Naperville. David Fisenne (i), 1152 Pine St., Green Bay, Wis. Oeorge L. Johnson, Belvidere. Frank C. Griswold (i), R. D. 18, Dale, Wis. Elmer L. Lindgren, R. D. 3, Sycamore. Julius W. Semrow, R. D. 5, Appleton, Wis. James J Plodna, Wag., 1704 Burlington St., Chicago. George E. Gardell, Corp., 5442 S. Wells St., Chicago. Oscar Stenslien (i), R. D. 2, Stoddard, Wis. Frederick H. Zeiss, Sgt., 6826 Clyde Ave., Chicago. Wilham F. Armstrong, Sgt., 1117 Columbia Ave., Chi- cago. Edward Putbress, 1532 Girard St., Chicago. Harry L. O'Neill, 2013 .4th Ave., Rock Island. John F. Binko, 349 Case St., St. Paul, Minn. Floyd V. O'Meara, Minden City, Mich. Hans C. Hansen, R. D. i. Box 31, Evan, Minn. Otto E. Stern, Wag., Dousman, Wis. Lester G. Clement, Greybull, Wyo. Rot Brown, Norwood, Mo. Frank E. Engelhardt, 3739 Union Ave., Chicago. James J. Ryan, 7548 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Warren A. Wood, Wag., 454 Madison St., Stevens Point, Wis. Joseph F. Bross (i), Marinette, Wis. Bora Slankamenac, Serb. Aradac, Austria, Hungary. Samuel E. Anderson, 108 Hazzard St., Jamestown, N. Henry L. Bruette, 80s N. 2nd St., Saginaw, Mich. Lawrence P. Lawhon (i), Boerne, Texas. Alfred J. Jacobson, Wag., R. D. 2, Box 38, Luck, Wis. Henry J. Samuelson, R. D. i, Box 61, Taylor Falls, Minn. John W. Balloe, Merrill, Wis. Franke Lee, 1251 Essig St., Hannibal, Mo. Avery F. Baker, 1615 Thomas St., Marinette, Wis. Konstanty Lackowski, Corp., 8447 Escanaba Ave., Chi- cago. Ray H. Bischel, Wag., Dousman, Wis. Alvin Peterson, Wag., Ogdensburg, Wis. Robert L. Klade (i), 121 Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk, Wis. Joseph Golomski, Wag., R. D. i, Custer, Wis. Harold M. Williams, R. D. 2, Staples, Minn Arthur Peters, Wag., 1647 W. Polk St., Chicago. Richard Albright, Wag., 6000 S. State St., Chicago. Wilham Stuyvenberg, Corp.. Box 148, Kimberiy, Wis. Elmer J. Riffler, Wag., 85 Budeigh St., Milwaukee, Wis. William A. Rockwell, Sgt., 6853 East End Ave., Chi- cago. Bartell J. Graff, Sgt., R. D. 4, Sheboygan, Wis. Frank Krikava, Wag., 7756 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Rodger J. Powers, 9921 Ewing Ave., Chicago. Joseph Kloboucnik, Wag., 17x5 S. Racine Ave., Chi- cago. Henry O. Guidinger, Wag., 1306 S. loth St., Mani- towoc, Wis. John C. Garvue, Dorchester, Wis. Charley Brown, 2900 Enoch Ave., Zion City. Percy F. Voight, Corp., Loyal, Wis. Jason F. Stevens, R. D. 3, Grand Rapids, Mich. Harry W. Schultz, Wag., 133 E. Milwaukee Ave., Wauwautosa, Wis. Daniel J. Baker, 1402 S. Verona Ave., Bay City, Mich. Joseph Muszynski, Wag., 3748 S. Wood St., Chicago. Adolph A. Webe,r, 315 N. Montgomery St., Watertown, Wis. Joseph Smoger, 1028 N. Paulina St., Chicago. Harold K. Scott, Corp., 19 Broad St., Pulaski, N. Y. Oriando W. Sherburne, 401 Calumet St., Appleton, Wis. Erwin L. Bacon, Gen. Del., Crosby, Minn. William R. Schuman, 3256 S. Wall St., Chicago. Daniel L. Kaverman, 714 W. Bank St., Delphos, Ohio. Arthur Tank, Wag., 168 Winnebago St., Oshkosh, Wis. Peter R. Pawlek, 1815 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Garvey, Corp., Box 234, South Kaukauna, Wis. Herman Bolster, Wag., 2726 Potomac Ave., Chicago. Andrew Jacobson (i), Withee, Wis. Harrison J. Smith (i), Seymour, Wis. Joseph M. Hayewski (i), 3913 N. Richmond St., Chi- cago. Arvin F. Mueller, Corp., 909 Kentucky Ave., Sheboy- gan, Wis. Carl A. Koebke, Pardeeville, Wis. Joseph D. Prignano, Wag., 911 24th Ave., Melrose Park. Hubert L. Ephlin, Corp., Box 145, care N. C. Seward, Miller, Ind. Harry H. Mogge, Wag., 2013 W. Walton St., Chicago. Arhe T. Crawmer, Sgt., 7445 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Huga A. Elfner, Corp., 612 N. 9th St., Manitowoc, Wis. John C. O'Brien, Corp., 7018 East End Ave., Chicago. Aron Samosky (i), 645 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Martin H. Anderson, Sgt., 7308 Sangamon St., Chi- cago. Nicholas Meyers (i), McHenry. Arthur D. Casey, R. F. D., Box 128, St. Louis Park, Minn. William J. LeFave, 317 Smith Ave., Oconto, Wis. Martin Christiansen, Wag., R. D. 5, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Frank G. Przekurat, Wag., 719 West St., Stevens Point, Wis. Alphonsus J. Roberts, iii Menomonee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Thearle A. Hawley, Corp., 1139 Farwell Ave., Chicago. George H. Hampel (i), 8i3y2 ist St., Merrill, Wis. John F. StToik (i), 409 Union St., Stevens Point, Wis. Benjamin C. Gunther, Wag., 1820 Roseveldt Ave., Wau- sau, Wis. Jesse Smith, Box 186, Nekoosa, Wis. Edward P. Stone (1), iii Maple St., Waupaca, Wis. Albert H. Kruge.r (i), Marion, Wis. THE 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN 277 Frank O. Strom, Corp., 625 Ogden St., Marinette, Wis. John C. Beck, 154 Burleigh St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert F. Wonn, Wag., R. D. 2, Avoca, Wis. Arthur A. Moeller, Wag., 262 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James E. Robins, 606 Fisher Ave., Rockford. Claus W. Anderson, Wag., R. D. i, Viola. Albert A. Nedley, Wag., 501 Clark St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry M. Easton, R. D. 9, Rockford. Julius Fleischmann, Chief Mech., 2607 Foster Ave., Chicago. Walter Piper (i), 2135 W. 20th St., Chicago. Joseph F. Kopetsky, Two Rivers, Wis. Albert D. Anderson, Hackley Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Glen C. Piper, Marion, Mich. Herman Prins, 107 E. 9th St., Holland, Mich. Andros Adams, Wag., 4330 Calumet Ave., Chicago. George D. Themins, 144 Hattie St., Marine.tte, Wis. Russell S. Hancock, Corp., R. D. 7, Rockford. Jasper L. Archibald, Morocco, Ind. Stephen Puhalak, Cook, 7000 Merrill Ave., Chicago. Charles B. Welsh, Cook, Knierim, Iowa. Charles E. Snelson, Cook, 3628 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Frank W. Mooney, Mess Sgt., 1515 Granville Ave.., Chicago. Dean A. Schlais, Bug., Medford, Wis. Wenzel E. Bjorklund, Bug., 930 S. 17th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Herbert L. Stoddard, Sgt., 7141 University Ave., Chi- cago. Jake H. Cohen, 135 K. St., Rock Springs, Wyo. Joseph Capraro, 651 Center St., N., Bergen, N. J. Andrew J. McLeod, R. D. i. Box 53, Dundee, Miss. August Barnett, 3724 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Eugene C. Paculeu, 1523 N. Wood St., Chicago. COMPANY C, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Robert B. Gascoigne,, Capt., 788 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y. John J. Hayes, ist Sgt., 4836 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Hubert R. Smart, Sgt., 616 Dorothy St., Sikeston, Mo. William T. Grear, Sgt., 836 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chi- cago. Bernard F. Skehens, Sgt., 800 Maple Wood Road, Lake Forest. Fred W. Pederson, Sgt., Box 104, Hartland, Wis. James G. McRoberts, 1016 W. 72nd St., Chicago. Rudolph Veglahn, Viroqua, Wis. Axel E. Martenson, R. D. 3, Box 70, Rush City, Minn. John H. Daniels, Norwood, Minn. Herman Manske, 13307 Prairie Ave., Chicago. John Rasmussen, R. D. i, Box 26, Fergus Falls, Minn. John B. Loewinge,r, 13301^ 5th Ave., Moline. Arthur W. Nelson, Corp., Nelson & Berg, Ironton, Minn. Hugo Meissner, 1511 Alabama Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Maurice E. Ottosen, 1201 E. 6oth St., Chicago. Edward J. Ward, Kaukauna, Wis. Isaac E. Nelson, R. D. 3, Barron, Wis. John M. AUmon, Hector, Minn. Raymond H. Forcier, Cornell, Wis. Theodore Wegner, R. D. 19, Adell, Wis. Kurt E. Schimansky, Corp., 1347 Booth St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Arni H. Tremp, R. D. 3, Sheyboygan, Wis. Joseph W. Alexander, R. D. 3, care Henry Dredge, Galesburg. Gustave DeVries, 319 W. iiith St., Chicago. John LeRoy Mandable, 4727 Forestville Ave., Chicago. Charles E. Smith, 247 13th Ave., Clinton, Iowa. George R. Fisk, Box 316. St. Croix Falls, Wis. Russell A. Hartman, R. D. i, Shebonna Grove. Joseph S. Ziolkowski, Corp., 8847 Escanaba Ave., Chi- cago. Francis S. Lustig, 637 E. Main St., Quincy. Joseph J. Sopkowick, 3959 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Herman A. Doege,, Thorpe, Wis. George Smiling, 355 E. 115th St., Chicago. Harry Schamma, R. D. i, Box 48, New Truxton, Mo. John F. Pahl, Station F, Route 3, Minneapolis, Minn. Ira B. Tainter, R. D. 5, Soldiers Grove, Wis. John E. Wedig, Corp., 1013 3rd St., ^Milwaukee, Wis. Perry W. Collinson, R. D. 14, Box 40, Victoria. Ralph Creagen, 11 11 Chestnut St., Rockford. Emil C. Beck, Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Robert H. Marvin, R. D. 5, Beaver Dam, Wis. John W. Andrykowski, Friendship, Wis. Clarence Wiedeback, Racine, Wis. Henry H. Colby, 428 E. Nelson St., Cadillac, Mich. Hugh Mulholland, Corp., 531 S. Park Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Frank P. Robinson, 2870 S. Hulboldt Ave., Minne.apolis, Minn. Herbert P. Fellows, Hot Springs, S. D. William Hackbarth, 321 Spring St., Port Washington, Wis. William G. Evans, 532 W. Wilkus St., Jackson, Mich. Carl Bakken, R. D. i. Box 35, Westby, Wis. Edward J. Hayes, 1510 S. 6ist St., Chicago. Andrew Daufenbach, 455 W. 27th St., Chicago. George Clark, Corp., 1504 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James R. LeFevour, 4736 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Homer Deane, R. D. 3, Roseville. Louie Kus, Jr., 12049 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Adolph Vangsness, R. D. 2, Box 57, Goodhue, Minn. Rudolph A. Bilgrien, Iron Ridge, Wis. Daniel G. Hayden, 301 W. Diggins St., Harvard. Selmer C. Berg, Salem, Wis. Otto Kastle, Corp., 7542 Evans Ave., Chicago. Frank P. Meehan, 271 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Lawrence Fetten, Jr., 7714 Evans Ave., Chicago. Abram B. Adams, Rapids City. Emil Moenich, 10105 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Anthony Zamecnik, 3446 Potomac Ave., Chicago. Joshua E. Wells, Morrison. Harry O. Cartwright, Unionville, Mich. Frank J. Prehler, Corp., 4234 N. Avers Ave., Chicago. Theodore Benner, care George Foltz, Abington. Paul A. Kindel, 1326 S. 9th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Stephen Kennedy, 1122 Florida St., San Francisco, Cal. Charles A. Butler, R. D. i, Lansing, Mich. Joseph_ H. Meyer, 1220 Cold Spring Ave., Milwaukee, John W." White, Cornell, Wis. Arthur J. St. Hilaire, Corp., 316 E. 115th St., Chicago. Frank Massoth, 1625 Austin Ave., Chicago. Albert E. Thiele, Wheaton, Minn. John S. Gilbext, 2959 Sheridan Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. John F. Damrow, R. D. 3, Sheboygan, Wis. Louis H. Bergmann, 656 E. South St., Galesburg. Omer A. Buteau, 26 W. 112th Place, Chicago. Joseph M. Edwards, 32 Meadow St., Kingston, N. Y. Oscar J. Gute, Corp., 812 Newhall St., Milwaukee, Wis. George Schumacher, 947% S. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Kannenberg, Jr., 1673 Douglas St., Racine, Wis. George, Fleischut, Fraser, Mich. Andrew E. Peterson, R. D. 2, Olivia, Minn. John C. Zocholl, R. D. 33, Black Creek, Wis. Barney Brzozkiewicz, 8840 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. Douglas J. McKenzie, Corp., Stanley, Wis. William Shurpiet, 2345 S. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. Henry J. Brunette, 122 W. ii6th St., Chicago. Mathew Berens, Cashton, Wis. Rudolph Just, 931 Oakland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John F. Tomashaska, Box 425, Richland Center, Wis. George H. Wiese, 875 Dfew St., Appleton, Wis. Richard Ambuul, 11047 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Walter Schroeder, 160 Auer Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Williahi Zurbuchen, R. D. 2, Bangor, Wis. George J. Bartelme, R. D. 2, Maribel, Wis. Ernest Weideman, Madge, Wis. Guy B. Barney, R. D. 4, Grand Rapids, Wis. Francis H. Casey, 726 E. 3rd St., Itasca Sta., Super- ior, Wis. Louis W. Stern, 261 E. 134th St., Chicago. Wilbur A. Winkie, Corp., 692 Oakland Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. Frank P. Keane, 335 Cadillac Ave., Detroit, Mich. Roy O. Wolkos, 1165 8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Michael Sidoeowicz, 261 Queen St., Kenosha, Wis. William F. Moore, Forestville, Wis. Albert Goldstein (i), 1614 Maple St., Dubuque, Iowa. 278 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Allie N. Kultgen, Fredonia, Wis. Henrjt Jensen, Rib Lake, Wis. Paul F. Schioeder, 6608 University Ave., Chicago. Hugo H. Schuette, 2003 N. 15th St., Sheboygan, Wis. William M. Schranz, 617 nth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lonnie Mullen, 138 E. isth St., ^Minneapolis, Minn. Archie .'\. Runbom, Adelo. Arthur J. Seizer, 960 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Robert Gallagher, 2628 W. 38th St., Chicago. Harry Feller, North Kaukauna, Wis. Albert I.,. VanAlstine, Corp., New London, Wis. Louis C. Rausch, 3)2 W. 112th Place, Chicago. Emerson Perry, 75 E. Marquette Road, Chicago. Harry L. Chamberlin, 533 E. losth St., Cleveland, O. Emil J. Hepp, 721 1 Luella Ave., Chicago. Ernest Christ, 22 Thompson St., Wilkes Barre, Pa. Gustave O. Strehlow, 1053 Maiden Lane, Milwaukee, Wis. Leo T. Hahn, 744 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Frank C. Seeker, 1226 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl J. Peterson, Cook, 6236 Aberdeen St., Chicago. Albert Mulder, 874 34th St., Milwaukee, Wis, Francis M. Raines, Boy River, Minn. John P. Deringer, Glidden, Wis. Robert Kebschull, 626 Union St., Milwaukee, Wis. Adolph L. Langenfeld, R. D. 40, Calvary, Wis. Axel J. Nelson, Cook (i), 5225 Woodlawn Ave., Chi- cago. Russe.ll Fletcher, Sgt., 4367 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago. Edward P. Way, Sgt., 145 i6th St., Buffalo, N. Y. Frederick Brviner, Box 54, Ransom. Walter Gralewski, Cramer, Mirln. Orrin C. Chesley, .S. Kellogg St., Galcsburg. Harrison A. Boa, Eau Galle, Wis. Andrew A. Farm, 322 N. 6th St., Mankato, Minn. Tony Ferro, 2604 W. Rice St., Chicago. William F. Ouandt, 141 Chamber St., Milwaukee, Wis. COMPANY D, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Maurice Carl Johnson, Capt., 1627 Locust St., Omaha, Neb. James F. Sedlacek, Sgt. (i), 7815 Maryland Ave., Chi- cago. John R. Anderson, Sgt., Lerum, Sweden. Adolph Olander, Spicer, Minn. Fred W. Schulz, 626 W. 4th St., Faribault, Minn. Christian E. Pasch, R. D. i. Box 35, Carlos, Minn. Joseph Drolshagen, Wag., R. D. 8, Fond du Lac, Wis. Arthur Peterson, Wag., R. D. i, Box si, Omena, Mich. Joseph Faust, lA'^ag., 687 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Raleigh Johnson, Corp.; R. D. 3, Luck, Milltown, Wis. Alvin R. Erdman (i), 1312 24th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ralph K. Torson, 214 6th St. S., Moorhead, Minn. Michael Simon (i), Bavaria, Wis. Charles Rovsek (i), 381 ist Ave., Milwauke.e, Wis. Leo Gonnering, Wag., 922 Linden St., West Bend, Wis. Arvid Lake, Box 18, Montreal, Wis. Harry Hametman (i), 11441 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Adolph W. Bauman (i), 714 Case St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles L. Petrik, Wag., 4046 W. 12th St., Chicago. William Faltinoski (i). Box 175, Glidden, Wis. Frank S. Fash, Wag., 3309 S. Washington St., Peoria. Victor B. Engstrom, Sgt., 1313 E. State St., Rockford. Palmer A. Lee, Grygla, Minn. Edward E. RadlofF, Wag., 423 LaBarre St., Water- town, Wis. Irvin W. .Xckman, R. T). i, Faribault, Minn. William Kohl, Corp., 516 Fulton St., Antigo, Wis. Elmer J. Toussaint (i), 659 21st St., Milwaukee,, Wis. William O. Retzlaff, Wag., 1523 State St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles D. Landaal, i2t E. Main St-.,''Waupun, Wis. Arthur Brandenburg (i), 173 6ist St., Wauwatosa, Wis. Hugo F. Gottsacker, Wag., 1528 N. 8th St., Sheboy- gan, Wis. Axel A. Pete.rson, 507 Southwest 4th St., Galva. Arthur O. Carseth, Wag., 4S52 Milwaukee Ave., Chi- cago. Mathew J. Skubal, Corp., 200 Beecher St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Thomas M. Smith, Wag., 3225 Normal Ave., Chicago. William E. Quinn, Agt., 9245 Harper Ave., Chicago. Alfred V. Pleasance, Sgt., 9915 Beverly Ave., Chicago. Alex J. Swietlowski, Sgt., 4451 S. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Fred Moss (i), Kempster, >Yis. Owen T. Brennan, Wag., Valders, Wis. Leo J. Kolb, Wag., 230 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fred J. Duval, Box 364, Genoa. Arthur G. Faust, 1616 Charles St., Rockford. Alcide Breault, 478 Carroll St., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph P. Hardyman, Corp., 1104 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Hjalmer Pearson, 335 Massachusetts Ave., Atlantic Ci.y, N. J. Oilman Thompson, Mount Horeb, Wis. William H. Nelles, R. D. 3, Box 38, Osseo, Minn. Frank Stimpert, R. D. 2, Panola. George A. Rausch, R. D 3, Aurora. Ernest A. Hahn, Wag., 1449 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. James A. Cronin, Biwabik, Minn. William Christensen, Corp., 3820 S. State St., Chicago. Harry E. Bock, Delano, Minn. Elmer E. Weege (i), R. D. 6, Merrill, Wis. Anton A. Lorbiecki, R. D. i, Box 121, Custer, Wis. Fred J. Blantz, Wag., 754 Smith St., Milwaukee, Wis. George G. Botz, 621 4th St. S., Minneapolis, Minn. William Man, Wag., R. D. i, Box 35, Selmer Road, Kenosha, Wis. Henry E. Pfarrdrescher (i), Carroll, Iowa. (luy E. Tillman, Corp., Parrish, Wis. William Modaff, R. D. 2, Aurora. Howard G. Aimers (i), 912 E. 76th St., Chicago. Benjamin J. O'Neill, Wag., 1526 Edgemont Ave., Chi- cago. Herman E. Strube (i), 246 Dorr St., Antigo, Wis. Joseph J. Kotes (i), 1925 S. May St., Chicago. Frank M. Keawczyk (i), 1602 W. isth St., Chicago. John E. Maki (i), Montreal, Wis. William J. Janota, Corp., 1906 Fisk St., Chicago. Rungner Berquist, Wag., Palmer, Ind. Robert Fitzgerald, Sgt., 1516 Bryn Maur Ave., Chi- cago. Gustav E. Renaldo, Sgt., 9146 Greenwood Ave., Chi- cago. Fred T. Schramm, Chf. Mech., 262 14th St., Milwau- kee, Wis. Frank B. Mollath, Corp., 6657 University Ave., Chi- cago. Christian L. Hansen, R. D. 7, Morrison. Ernest Erickson, R. D. 5, Box 44, Corliss, Wis. Peter Grabowski, 31 14 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Ge.o^e Crummey (i), 114S 6th Ave., .'\ntigo. Wis. Charles Eiche, 496% 64tli Ave., West Allis, Wis. Paul C. Strom, Corp., 98 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. Charles L. Smith, 588 Main St., Burlington, Wis. Louis Radiker, Box i, Ingram, Wis. Edwin Hattendorf, 311 Illinois St., Wheaton. John Jones, Wag., Momence. Martin A. McAllister, 2118 Ogden Ave., Superior, Wis. Matt Feller, Jr. (i), 425 Lincoln St., Antigo, Wis. Leo A. Mulrooney, Mt. Hope, Wis. Claude A. ]?ishop, 806 York St., Manitowoc, Wis. Harry Johnson, 1223 9th Ave. N., Oshkosh, Wis. Jacob Kaufman, 321 Frederich St., Detroit, Mich. Tohn G. Greenwald, Wag., Reedsburg, Wis. Frank Bartik (i), 2314 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Joseph Divis (i), 1318 W. 29th .St., Chicago. James Lejcar, 1501 W. 19th St., Chicago. Alfred V. Bobl), 5536 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. George Washington Coakley, Corp., 172 13th St., Mil- waukee, Wis. James F. Pinta u), 1733 W. 19th St., Chicago. Joseph J. Duffy, Wag., 313 N. Montgomery St., Water- town, Wis. Carl E. Jan,=on (i), 6949 Elizabeth St., Chicago. Walter A. Titus, Wag., 528 6th Ave., St. Charles. Harry S. Honscheit, 2017 8th St., Peru. Herbert E. Kloeden. Wag., Mayville, Wis. Walter A. Busse, 1235 24th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles W. Peterson, Corp., 719 N. Hoyne Ave., Chi- cago. Frank R. Storest, 2819 Bryant Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Stanley Nictanski (i), 12015 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Fred H. Garner, Wag., Lanark. Ernest H. Snyder, Sgt., Neillsville, Wis. THE 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN 279 Hilbert A. Schmidt, Corp., 250 i6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward W. Garwig, Wag., 510 Wall St., Rockford. John Ne.lson, Ruthton, Minn. Martin J. Voight, R. D. 4, Tigerton, Wis. Leo J. Brennan (i), Hurley, Wis. William H. Zeimet, 320 HaskeJl St., Beaver Dam, Wis. John G. Kraisinger, 1031 W. 19th St., Chicago. Julius Hofer, Corp., Emerson St., Monroe, Wis. James A. Hazelton, 701 8th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl Niehoff (i), Horicon, Wis. Carl J. Lothe (i). Sun Prairie, Wis. Archie B. Eraser, R. D 22, Burlington, Wis. Tony L. Gjerston, Wag., R. D. 2, Stoughton, Wis. Chester P. Hartleb, Wag., Richfield, Wis. Michael J. Dougherty, 834 W- 35th Place, Chicago. Claude S. Thorpe, Corp., 907 North Ave., Rockford. Rudolph H. Bobb, Jr., Wag., 5536 Kimbark Ave., Chi- cago. Bert Bennatts, Wag., 211 Willis Ave., Ashland, Wis. Hjalmer L. Pearson (i), 12022 Harvard Ave., Chi- cago. George Calkins (i), Winegar, Wis. Joe B. Rozenski (i), 1115 2nd Ave., Antigo, Wis. Arthur M. Shafman (i), R. D. i, Friendship, Wis. Samuel C. Dee, Wag., 2345 Cortez St., Chicago. Joseph R. Clancy, 1015 S. 6th Ave,, Haywood. Wesley Hunter (i), R. D. 10, Box 129, Franksville, Wis. George J. Werner (i), 723 Marshall St., Lake Geneva, Wis. Nels Harold Nelson, Oldham, S. D. Arthur O. Schaeffer, Wag., 810 Wells St., Milwaukee, Wis. Eugene W. Schwandt (i), Mayville, Wis. Erank S. Perry, R. D. 43, Ottawa. Swan P. Swanson, Corp., 7533 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Emory A. Hanson, Cook, 1408 E. 72nd Place, Chicago. Frank Zaiunc, Cook, 1306 E. 93rd St., Chicago. Bronislaw Zyliewicz, Cook, 3230 Emerald Ave., Chi- cago. Conrad O. Peterson, Bug., Box 64, Gurney, Wis. William Sedkacek, Sgt., 7815 Maryland Ave., Chicago. John Joseph Dempsey, 657 E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph Le.wis, 5647 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. COMPANY E, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN lioy M. McKerchar, Capt., Oldsmar, Fla. Willis ^L Minehart, ist Sgt., 6100 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Osceola J. Fillmore, Sgt., 4427 Lowell Ave., Chicago. William F. Rick, 427 Main St., Racine, Wis. Murth W. Larson, 407 2nd St., E., Willmar, Minn. John T. Johnson, R. D. i. Box 15, Gully, Minn. Guy R. Wells, Northfield, Minn. Ole H. Fosso, R. D. i. Box 94, Fertile, Minn. Joe Eidelbes, R. D. i, Erie, Minn. Lawrence Bjelde, Corp., Leader, Minn. Gust Cederburg, R. D. 7, Atwater, Minn. Elmer R. Nordlund, R. D. i, Clearwater, Minn. William Adam, R. D. 7, New Ulm, Minn. Haakon Nybakken, New Folden, JNIinn. Gerald Johnston, Box 35, Crosby, Minn. Nicholas Hedlund, R. D. 3, Box 49, Mcintosh, Minn. John Baerenwald, Magnolia, Minn. Emil H. Foeming, Corp., 105 Melrose Ave., Elmhurst. Niels Nielsen, Mech., R. D. 3, Box 35, Tyler, Minn. Henry A. Johnson, R. D. 3, Hanska, Minn. Otto Adam, South Broadway, New Ulm, Minn. David E. Peterson, Aitkin, Minn. Edward A. Czikalla, Newport, Minn. Jacob Newendyke, 403 Portland Ave., Morrison. Hugo R. Eichorst, Box 495, Morristown, Minn. Ruthford Larkin, Corp., Northfield, Minn. Howard Richardson, looi E. 6th St., Muscatine, Iowa. Emil E. Nyland, R. D. 3, Menahga, Minn. Henry Johnson, Zim, Minn. Carl I. Gigstad, Cottonwood, Minn. Carl O. Gland, 1035 N. Division St., Appleton, Wis. Hans Olson, R. D. 2, Spicer, Minn. Ed Yates, Fairmont, Minn. John W. Kopf, Corp., 113 A, Covert St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ralph P. Remour, Prophetstown. Robert M. Malherek, R. D. 3, Granada, Minn. Knut T. Berg, Highlanding, Minn. Edward H. Werner, Box 222, Welcome, Minn. Walter A. Fremberg, Box 87, New London, Minn. Arthur W. Pitt, R. D. 9, Montivedio, Minn. Clarence R. iVhrens, Florence, S. D. C. Eastvold, Corp. Gen. Del., LeRoy, Minn. Albert Jackson, Box 134, Palisade, Minn. Joseph Adams, R. D. i. Box 14, Waubum, Minn. William C. Kluender, R. D. 2, Bricelyn, .Minn. Truman N. Ryder, R. D. i, Morris. Ralph K. Knowles, Gen. Del., Huntsvilie. Martin E. Evers, R. D. 9, Little Chute, V/is. Hjalmer Wickstrom, Box 15, Palisade, Minn. William C. Struck, Corp., R. D. 6, Fairmont, Min" Christian H. Bille, Tyler, Minn. Lewis M. Moody, Sgt., 51 11 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. William R. Ernst, Sgt., 3929 S. 5th x\ve., Chicago Christ Yunger, 29 16th Ave., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Thomas R. Grubb, R. D. i. Box 33, Aitkin, Minr> Charles E. Lindberg, Box 22, Flanagan. Adolf O. Eckstein, Ambrose, N. D. Andrew H. Brantmeier, Harrison, Wis. Bert D. Vandenberg, Corp., 321 W. 104th Place. Chi- cago. John H. Good, Jr., jsss Blackstone Ave., Chicago. Reubeji Wenholz, Graff, Minn. Percy L. Fletcher, R. D. 3, Granada, Minn. Louis Ginkel, R. D. 3, Box 29, New Ulm, Minn. Tony Rigazio, Oglesby. Selmer A. Berge, R. D. 2, Milan, Minn. Lloyd Huddleston, Cottonwood, Minn. William Meyer, R. D. 3, Box 32, Aitkin, Minn. Frank A. Ortlieb, Corp., Chilton, Wis. Robert Johnson, Box 354, Canby, Minn. John I. Gesche, R. D. 2, Box 69, Blue Earth, Minn. Ernest J. Holtman, R. D. 3, Twin Valley, Minn. Aloysius Dwyer, R. D. 1, Dent, Minn. Henry M. Egstad, Fox, Minn. -Martin Fyksten, R. D. 5, Willmar, Minn. John H. Johnson, Crookston, Minn. Harry Schroeder, Corp., 6216 S. Justine St., Chicago. Severt Ingenretson, R. D. i. Box 65, Fertile, Minn .\rthur Bonderson, LaFayette, Minn. Ludwig Hanson, R. D. i. Red Top, Minn. Remie Turf, Germanfown, Neb. John C. Mohr, 46 S. Adams St., Hinsdale,. Elmer R. Lyman, Box 44, Malmo, Minn. Arthur I. Moody, 708 Emerald St., St. Paul, Minn. Edwin Rea, Corp., R. D. 21, Hartland, Wis. Adolph Gilbertson, Box 11, McGrath, Minn. Elmer R. Loberg, Box 215, St. Hilaire, Minn. Albert Langermann, Mt. Lake, Minn. Herman A. Stone, 509 St. Germain St., St. Cloud, Minn. Emery M. Bowen, Wells, Minn. Otto Peterson, R. D. i, Tyler, Minn. Fred Podtburg, R. D. i. Alberta, Minn. Christen Bjerregaard, Corp., 4549 Evans Ave., Chicago. Thomas Powers, Box 82, Tyler, Minn. Mathias C. Danielson, R. D. i. Red Top, Minn. John J. Fleming, Jr., 404 i6th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John B. Ullrich, Hs., Box 87, Campbellsport, Wis. Paul L. Kaiser, Minnesota Junction, Wis. John H. Hughes, Blue Earth, Minn. Charles Kinnamon, R. D. i, Erie. Frank J. Hutton, Corp., R. D. i, Dundas, Minn. Andrew E. Wang, 8812 Exchange Ave., Chicago. Herbert C. Hixon, Sgt., 1941 Morse Ave,., Chicago. Solomon P. Jones, Sgt., R. D. i, Polk, Pa. Axel M. Nelson, Marshall, Minn. Fred A. Huber, R. D. 1, Box 17, Elmore, Minn. Bennie O. Benson, Fisher, Minn. Ole Barstad, R. D. i, Beaver Creek, Minn. Arthur F. Carlson, R. D. 1, Box 56, McGregor, Minn. Harry Haugland, Box 51, Grygla, Minn. Joseph D. O'Berto, Corp., 2i8 W. Norrie St., Iron- wood, Mich. Ole Christopherson, R. D. 2, Marshall, Minn. Chester A. Arrowood, Kent, Wis. William Anderson, Box 681, Milaca, Minn. Mike Zalewski, 1322 Cornell St., Chicago. John Plotocki, Protrkow, Niszauski, Warszawa, Poland. Otto Ring, III N. Payne St., New Ulm, Minn. Emil J. Radke, Wag., Box 316, Wells, Minn. Joseph McCormick, Corp., 6946 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Joseph J. Wienke,, Box 140, Algonquin. 28o THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Arthur W. Johnson, R. D. 6, New Ulm, Minn. Carl W. Ziesmer, McGrath, Minn. Charles A. Clark, R. D. s, Marshall, Minn. Lewis Larson, R. D. i. New London, Minn. Christ Christofferson, Bagley, Minn. Nels Erickson, Winthrop, Minn. Claud V. Seaman, Corp., R. D. 3, Box 65, Cashton, Wis. Harry J. Hallaway, Hallaway, Minn. Harry Engestrom, Northfield, Minn. Thomas Mulvaney, Knapp, Wis. John E. Beissel, Box 435, Donnelly, Minn. Fred H. Holler, R. D. i, Bardolph. Edwin N. Erickson, Cook, Box 234, Canby, Minn. Elmer C. Rosendahl, Box 62, Warren, Minn. Harvey E. Abend, Corp., Independence, Wis. Sven A. Nelson, 741 Carpenter St., Chicago. Ernest Nordmeye.r, Lake Benton, Minn. Rudolph Berger, R. D. i, Westby, Wis. Fred E. Bowman, Comfrey, Minn. Andrew Drengson, R. D. 4, Canby, Minn. John Groebner, Andrus, Wis. Samuel W. Galbraith, Arco, Minn. WilHam C. Walker, Corp., Box 73, Mt. Olive. Bennie Thompson, R. D. 2, Box 51, Hendricks, Minn. Russell A. Dawson, Sgt., 3457 S. Western Blvd., Chi- cago. Joseph McDonnell, Sgt., 238 Saratoga St., East Boston, Mass. Jay C. Hartman, R. D. i, Winnebago, Minn. Arthur A. Bottger, Springfield, Minn. Mike J. Butkis, 2222 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Andrew R. Johnson, 1374 N. Division St., Morris. Jesse B. White, R. D. 4, Faribault, Minn. Harry J. Cheslick, 501 Plum St., Peru. James R. Travis, Corp., 31 Union St., Middleton (Near Manchester), England. Peter T. Jacobson, R. D. 6, Morris. Otto T. R. Mohr, 526 W. 60th St., Chicago. Harry A. Marks, 664 E. soth Place, Chicago. Dan H. Stark, Stoddard, Wis. Ralph Richardson, 637 Erie St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Gustaf J. Tober, 138 Charleton St., Newark, N. J. Nels P. Johnson, Box 1514 Aitkin, Minn. Peter Ptazuch, Corp., 4326 S. Honore St., Chicago. Joseph A. Wieland, 150!^ Allen St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Koeller, Wag., 1936 Emerson Ave., Chicago. Robert C. Chapman, Victoria. Frank A. Zemke, Wag., Box 59, Milledgville. Christopher Thielsen, Hs., 4403 S. Richmond St., Chi- cago. Jame,s A. Hier, Bug., Raymond, Minn. Earl C. Arneson, Northfield, Minn. William C. Kenny, Corp., 1818 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Edson O. Jenkins, Mech., Box 27, Buda. Cyrus M. Rice, Box 82, Hewitt, Minn. John M. Isenberg, R. D. 3, Winthrop, Minn. Peter N. Berg, Sad., R. D. i, Box 62, Fisher, Minn. George H. Ruge, 3836 S. Honore St., Chicago. Joseph O. Johnson, Bug., R. D. 5, Box 39, LeSeuer, Minn. Leonard Pedde (i), 1948 Homan Ave., Chicago. John J. Daly, Ch. Mech., 4062 S. Campbejl Ave., Chicago. John P. Douros, Cook, 3510 S. Halsted St., Chicago. William V. Hoogen, Little Chute, Wis. Murl Fulcer, Bartonville, Wis. John Mader, address not known. Emil X. Formella, R. D. 1, Box 2, Polonia, Wis. Joe J. Taskey, R. D. 9, Park Rapids, Minn. Arthur J. Fink, 5314 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. George A. Parker, Sgt., 522 Seminary St., Rockford. Andrew J. Kelly, 37.04 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Chesyer Smith, R. D. 4, Terra Alta, W. Va. Paul Onstad, 439 Cleveland St., Eau Claire, Wis. William II. Schwandt, 125 Logan Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph A. Krukas, Mess Sgt., 3953 S. Rockwell St., Chicago. Gale H. Dell, Sup. Sgt., Three Rivers, Mich. Patrick J. McHale, Sgt., 3750 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Leo G. Ullrich, Sgt., 3830 Archer Ave., Chicago. COMPANY F, 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN Ral L. Baldwin, Capt., 3023 Walnut St., Chicago. Hjalmar W. Johanson, ist Sgt., 7915 Coles Ave., Chi- cago. Frank O. Carlson, Corp., 7807 Muskegon Ave., Chicago. Walter Winterfeldt, R. D. i, Hillsdale. Clarence A. Heal, 154 Belmont St., Downers Grove. William Kersten, 234 W. Church St., Kewanee. Frederick J. Miller, R. D. i, Linville, Va. Orval L. Colwell, R. D. 2, Toulon. Victor C. Anderson, R. D. 3, Box 18, Valley City, Minn. Edmund R. Kaemmer, R. D. s. Long Prairie, Minn. Edward Mcintosh, Corp., 'Hooper, Colo. Frank A. Case, Box 83, Port Byron. Michael J. Magner, Redwood Falls, Minn. Melvin W. Edwards, Liberty, Ky. Henry A. Burow, Mefidota, Minn. George A. Olson (i), R. D. 2, Box 33, Neponsett. Robert Nelson, R. D. 2, Capron. Cliflford H. Turner, Perry. Joseph V. Theis, Sgt., 7805 Oglesby Ave., Chicago. Edward J. Ording, Corp., 6530 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Frank W. Kopidlansky, Box 104, Grimes, Wis. Bernard L. Dardis, R. D. 3, Box 14, Waseca, Minn. Oscar Leadley, R. D. 3, Wyoming. William Kashark, R. D. i, Wauzeka, Wis. John Henkenseifken, R. D. 7, Box 21, Waseca, Minn. Clifford E. Love, R. D. 4, Milaca, Minn. Neils A. Ladefoged, Mahnomen, Minn. Edward R. Swenson, Corp., 1303 Rural St., Rockford. Bernard A. Ge.rken, R. D. r, Port Byron. Williani Rausch, R. D. 3, Aurora. Paul Jacobsen, R. D. 1, Capron. Alfred G. Feltmann, Young America, Minn. Noble B. Haugen, Dawson, Minn. Clare D. Frederick, R. D. 3, Sycamore. Willie R. Hofstad, R. D. 2, Box 69, Madison, Minn. Kaiser Strych, Sgt., 8627 Baltimore Ave., Chicago. Charles Schwerstfeger, Corp., Box 143, Bensenville. William F. Ketzner, 1506 Coleman St., St. Paul, Minn. Harry A. Rockwell, Astoria. Robert P. Weiss, 2902 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Ernest C. Waeffler, R. D. 2, Wheaton, Minn. Frank J. Kauffmann, Box 137, Arlington, Minn. Theodor F. Soos, R. D. i, Wheaton, Minn. Fred Tompkins, R. D. i. Hector, Minn. Erny H. Evanson, Corp., Watson, Minn. Walte,r W. Pundt, R. D. 2, Capron. Henry J. Ross, R. D. 3, Box yj, Pierz, Minn. Fred C. Kleeman, R. D. i, Redwood Falls, Minn. Fred G. Linger, Box 37, Hampton. Herman O. Tews, R. D. 2, Box 12, Ortonville, Minn. Christian J. Nissen, R. D. 2, Box 58, Fergus Falls, Minn. Harry L. Walker, R. D. 5, Toulon. Frank C. Bernard, Sgt., 737 E. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. Marion E. Wescott, Corp., Canby, Minn. Carl A. Hagen, R. D. i, Willmer, Minn. William A. Androli, R. D. i, Janesville, Minn. William A. Dallmann, Waconia, Minn. Peter J. Meehan, 2613 Shields Ave., Chicago. Henry R. P. Koehler, R. D. 2, Box 26, Waconia, Minn. Charles L. Beattie, Box 42, Dawson, Minn. Arnold Van Hengel, Waupun, Wis. Ge.orge P. Ross, Corp., 6037 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Abraham Friedborg, R. D. i, Box 28, Renville, Minn. Clarence P. Stoll, R. D. 4, Janesville, Wis. Andrew Dietz, Askov, Minn. Harold C. Griffith, R. D. i. Magnolia. Fred G. Greig, Rushmore, Minn. William Cruickshank, Watson, Minn. Albin Anderson, Sgt., 8122 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. Thomas S. Friend, Corp., 4206 S. Albany Ave., Chi- cago. John A. Heuring, R. D. 2, Elk River, Minn. Lennis L. Condit (1), R. D. 2, Putnam. Henry J. Smith, North Aurora. Thomas E. Bowler, Bird Island, Minn. Claus Krull, R. D. 3, Rushmore, Minn. Arthur Strand, R. D. 2, Box 43, Maynard, Minn. Anker Anderson, R. D. 2, Boyd, Minn. Charles F. Oestman, Corp., 286 ist St., Hinsdale. Roy K. Fisher, West Chicago. THE 311TH AMMUNITION TRAIN 281 Selby N. Foy, Gen. Del., Atkinson. Charles W. Hempt, R. D. i. St. Charles. Fred E. Clemons, R. D. 2. Waterville, Minn. Wilgot Hjort, R. D. 2, Sandwich. Herman E. Baker, R. D. 16, Box 72, Tonica. Gustav Bertness, R. D. 2, Box 54, Madison, Minn. Alex F. Greskowiak, Sgt., 8713 Marquette Ave., Chi- cago. Anthonv Szymonajtys, Corp., Box 22, R. D., Scotville, Mich. Earl A. Chambers, Gen. Del., Waterville. Thorvald Mortensen, R. D. 4, Box 26, Worthington, Minn. Charles E. Faust, 1123 3rd St.. Molina. George S. Gregory, 167 W. North St., West Chicago. Frank DeTaeger, 514 i8th Ave., Moline. John E. Engstrom. 1629 13th Ave., Rockford. Edward W. Waldman. 23914 36th St.. Moline. Alpha M. Teasdale, Corp., 1125 Burtch St., Waterloo, Iowa. Harry Schimelpfenig. R. D i, Batavia. Ernest E. Johnson, Glen Ellyn. Louis J. Denzer, R. D. 4, T eSeuer, Minn. Arthur J. Geib, Henderson, Minn. Ernest A. Elke, Gen. Del., Lester Prairie, Minn. Daniel R. Daley, 3614 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Olie Hallerimson, Bassette, Minn. .John A. Comzy, Sgt., 549 North Ave.. Chicago. Edward Spalinger, Corp., R. D. i, Box 51, Clinton, Minn. John Glina. 2623 Stark St., Chicago. Lewis G. Klefsaas. R. D. 2. Madison, Minn. Elery Seward, R. D. i, Dahinda. Arthur Vailencour, Box 61. Beardsle.v. Minn. Ralph E. Teed. R. D. i, Glenwood City, Wis. Gustave Erickson, Box 629. Hurley, Wis. Truman E. John, Gillette, Wis. Harvey E. Graham, Corp., 8050 Exchange Ave., Chi- cago. Melvin Stigen. Westby, Wis. Melvin T. Wilson, Box 57, Ensign, Mich. Walter C. Peterson, R. D. i. Box 44, Alpha. George J. Nickolai, Gen. Del., Butte Des Morts, Wis. Lewis D. Kevs. R. D. i, Freeland, Ohio. Rubis _N. Winchel, Mt. Tabor. Wis. Frederick Winkel, R. D. i, Toluca. Frank J. Sporny, Sgt., 8752 Baltimore Ave., Chicago. Edward C. Dickelman, Corp., 3547 S. Emerald Ave., Chicago. Earnest A. Willie, R. D. 3, Port Byron. Harold J. Trimmer, R. D. 2, Toulon. Ray E. Davis, R. D. i, Box 4, North Redwood, Minn. Ernest Cramer, Box 433, Worthington, Minn. Rudolph Schnell. Columbia Bldg., Superior, Wis. John J. Kolar, R. D. i. Box 9, Edmore, N. D. Ebert J. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 65, Osakis, Minn. Louis N. Hansen, 9337 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Allen B. Clevenger. R. D. 4, Morristown, Tenn. George Schroedl, R. D. i, Fairfax, Minn. Arnold N. Kenertz, 248 Engelhart Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Arthur S. Stephenson, 324 W. 12th St., Superior, Wis. Lee R. Meaker, R. D. i. Box i, Wyoming. Paul G. Hassing, 613 E. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. Fred F. Schiro, Hector, Alinn. John C. Shea, Sgt., 3331 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Andrew A. Rakowski, Corp., 8232 Burley Ave., Chicago. Lawrence J. Scudder, Patriot, Ind. Walfred J. Olson, Knight, Wis. John Kulacz (i), 1420 Hickong St., Fremont, Ohio. Joseph Hirschuber, R. D. i, Stoddard, Vernon Co., Wis. Harold H. Schweppe, Medford, Wis. Joseph Covell, R. D. 2, Cambridge. Grover H. Porter, R. E). 2, Searsboro, Iowa. Shepard Mile.s, Corp., 4440 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Alex R. Yeschick, Danube, Minn. Henry F. Kraus, 246 Charles St., St. Paul, Minn. Roman Kotecki, Box 60, Granville. Leslie R. Tewksbury, Richardson. Rudolph O. Tolvstad, Onalaska, Wis. Severt Esterbv. R. D., Oakland, Minn. Richard L. Nelson, R. D. i. Box 50, Bishop Hill. Olaf C. Hiortdahl, Sgt., 21 18 N. Kenneth Ave., Chicago. Stanley Pietruszewski, 8834 Houston Ave., Chicago. Richard E. Reddel. 6801 Laflin St., Chicago. Teofil Michalak, Hs., Klodawa, Russia-Poland. Max Greenberg, 4732 W. Congress St., Chicago. William A. Esterby, R. D. i. Bay City, Wis. Alfred Richey (i), Millard, Mo. Otto Siede, Sad., 2620 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Rudolph SimaceJ< (i). Box 113, Montgomery, Minn. Alexander Jaryszak (i), 444^ Campbell Ave., Chicago. Frank Hacker (i), Lyndon Station, Wis. .'Knton W. Jaeger, Box 411, Rondout. Bernhardt Tietz (i), R. D. 2, Watertown, Wis. Stephen A. Polewski (i), 8628 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. Ambrose W. Lafferty, Medford, Wis. John Studzinski (i), Warsaw, Russia-Poland. Frank J. Percynski, 1029 E. Main St., Decatur. Edward Housinger, Corp., 8236 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Mitchell Milewski, Wag., 8836 Exchange Ave., Chicago. Rudolph Hummel, Lents, Ore. Walter Pakowski, Wag., 8253 Brandon Ave.. Chicago. Carl S. Benson, 410 Moore St., Tomah, Wis. Bernard J. Malecki, Wag., 8883 Exchange Ave., Chi- cago. Leslie, C. Oliver, R. D. i, Hillsdale. Harvey H. Bertelsen, Fairfax, Minn. Herbert A. Lehrman, Cook, 6920 Woodlawn Ave., Chi- cago. William R. Hill, Cook, 8024 Marquette Ave., Chicago. Edward P. Hoese (i), R. D. t, Mayer, Minn. Herman F. Kiehn (i), 7948 Brandon Ave., Chicago, Daniel Sheehan, 1245 Pine St., Pueblo, Colo. Ralph H. Minter, 4627 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Arthur Nordeen, 7959 Marquette Ave., Chicago. Harry L. Nash, 516 Gaynor St., Belvidere. James L. Evans, 3635 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Leo R. Stockner, Corp., 4841 Forrestville Ave., Chicago. Edward P. Nestman, Mess Sgt., 7958 Coles Ave., Chi- cago. Harry S. Firth, Sup. Sgt., 1330 Rosedale Ave., Chicago. Albert E. Keslinger, Oswego. COMPANY G, 3IITH AMMUNITION TRAIN William G. McCullam, Capt., 15 Eureka St., Eureka Springs, Ark. John J. Fleming, ist Sgt., 10400 Hoxie Ave., Chicago. Edward C. Bergman, Sgt., 109 S. West St., Rockford. John L. Tikalsky, Sgt., 3212 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. James M. Martin, Sgt., 3413 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. John J. O'Connor. Sgt.. 3719 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Edward J. O'Malley, Sgt., 13406 Brandon Ave., Chi- cago. Clarence F. Dunns, Sgt., 3830 Archer Ave., Chicago. William J. Manning, Sgt., 913 W. 37th St., Chicago. William G. Swain, Sgt., 514 W. 40th Place, Chicago. Joseph P. Darcy, 3416 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Magnus J. Rundquist, Danham, Minn. Lewis H. Trappe, Wag., West Lima, Wis. Simon J. Plath, R. D. 3, Box 21, Hutchinson, Minn. Richard H. Coey, Wag., Gurney, Wis. Frank Kovaleski, 105 Ash St., Austin, Minn. Oscar L. Olson, Corp., 9651 Avenue "M," Chicago. Arthur W. Olson. Milaca, Minn. Arthur C. Gierloff, 511 Oak St., Rockford. John E. Ostrander, Wag., R. D. 2, Spring Hill, Kans. Roy Waldron, Wag., R. D. 2, Madison Lake, Minn. Fred R. Lechner, Wag., R. 15. 7, Waseca, Minn. .John F. Florian, 3517 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Arthur Johnson (i), 701 Front St., Albert Lea, Minn. John T. Wisinski, Corp., 3601 S. Hermitage Ave., Chi- cago. John Houska, R. D. 2, New Prague, Minn. John Kirkpatrick, Lester Prairie, Minn. Charles Huizenga, Wag., Fulton. George F. Grunwaldt, R. D. i, Brownsdale, Minn. Henry F. Bauman, R. D. 2, Sterling. Walter C. White, Apple River. Francis R. Kearney, Corp., 3641 Lowe Ave., Chicago. John D. Poff, Argyle, Wis. William E. Cole, Wag., Box 15, Gait. Clarence Paisley, Hanover. Frank S. Weaver, Wag., R. D. 2, Box 10, Kilkenny, Minn. Louis F. Rypka, Wag., R. D. 8, Owatonna, Minn. Nicholas Krantz, R. D. 2, Box 7, Liberty St., Aurora. James A. Flaherty, Corp., 3326 S. Hamilton, Chicago. Harry L. Carpenter, 294 S. Broadway, Aurora. 282 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Arthur Nordrum, R. D. i, Pine City, Minn. Rert Secoy, Wag., Popular Grove. Thomas R. Ryan (i), 3404 Archer Ave., Chicago. John Felton, 3174 S. Asliland Ave., Chicago. Lee B. Harkness, R. D. 4, Elizabeth. Albert H. Overkamp, Wag., R. D. i. Grand Meadow, Minn. Fred Landland, Heron Lake, Minn. William J. Sand, Corp., 540 Root St., Chicago. Foster H. Thompson, 2729 Irving Ave., South Minne- apolis, Minn. Harold G. Paul, Medford, Minn. Albert Schwemmler. R. D. i, Box 18, Twin Lake, Minn. Herman M. Beckel, Wag., Austin, Minn. Oscar E. Stolp, E. 7th St., St. Paul, Minn. Hans Sorc.nson, Wag., Hartland, Minn. Clayton H. Minch, 620 N. College .'\ve., Geneseo. Joseph Siminkowski, Corp., 3351 Wall St., Chicago. Peter Storlie, Wag., R. D. 3, Mora, Minn. Henry A. Hahn, Wag., 416 3rd Ave., S., South St. Paul, Minn. John F. Garmatz (i), R. D. i. Box 52, Verdi, Minn. Victor E. Peterson, Wag., Box 47, Mayard, Minn. Benjamin Kisling, Box 142, Hutchinson, Minn. John Ols.en, 621 Albert Lea Ave., Albert Lea, Minn. Walter Waterman, Wag., Kasota, Minn. Charles Pritchard, Corp., 2901 E. 91st St.. Chicago. Fred H. Hel'mer, Brownton, Minn. Lemick Johnson (i), R. D. i. Box 53, Owatonna, Minn. Alex Paul, Wag., 265 Mountain St., Aurora. Chas. A. Wheeler, Wag., Seneca. Anthony Hargrafen (i), R. D. i. East Dubuque. George T. Gorman (i), 89 11 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. Bernard Bonnett, R. D. i. East Dubuque. Thos. F. Connelly, Corp., 3824 Wallace St., Chicago. Peder Jensen, R. D. 4, Box 93, Audubon, Iowa. Michael J. Reilly, Wag., 8.s6 E. 73rd St., Chicago. Paul A. Vuirin (i), 410 Fulton St., Aurora. Timothy Kelly, Wag., R. D. 5, Box 20, Ottawa. Roy Deyo, Wag., Warren. Andrew Gunningman, Wag., R. D. i, Winsted, Minn. Leon J. Schmidt, R. D. 2, Toulon. William P. Stahl, Corp., R. D. i, Kenosha, Wis. Luther W. Moore, Wag., Dix, Albert A. Wolski, 1023 Weil St., Milwaukee, Wis. John A. Lyngstad, St. Louis Co., Culver, Minn. William D. Cooper (i), 189 Calhoun Ave., Aurora. Edward Buchwald, Wag., R. D. 4, Box 41, Prophets- town. Henry Weidell, 986 Gautier St., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph Meyers, Corp., Holy Cross, Iowa. Charles Weiderholt, Box 79, East Dubuque. Amund Severson, 332 E. 2nd St., Albert Lea, Minn. Andrew C. Ragnes, Wag., R. D. 2, Box 6, Minooka. He.nry North, Hanover. John Dais, 412 Avenue C, Sterling. Frank P. Ambrose (i), R: D. 2, Alpha, Minn. Timothy P. Hickey, Wag., 3160 Archer Ave., Chicago. James P. Hosty, Corp., 3722 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Frank V. Lane, Wag., 1653 W. 34th St., Chicago. Joseph A. Tomaso, Wag., 1250 Loyola Ave., Chicago. Ramondo Pedelino, Wag, 919 La Salle St., Ottawa. Cummin F. Shantz (i), Baden, Ont., Canada. Leo J. Lane, Corp., 3641 Lowe Ave., Chicago. James V. Flaherty, Corp., 3808 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Peter Wawrzniak, R. D. 2, Box 75, Silver Lake, Minn. Joseph M. Schmitz, Corp., 1452 Albemarle St., St. Paul, Minn. Hector J. Mathot (i), 128 Broadway, Green Bay, Wis. Walter Olszewski, Cook. 1856 W. 39th St., Chicago. Carl Bock, Cook, 6219 Eberhardt Ave., Chicago. Augu-t F. Zinke, Cook, 1909 W. 34th Place, Chicago. V^ince.nt Fitzpatrick, 3728 Emerald .\ve., Chicago. Joseph J. Ilorejsi, Corp., 3261 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. John J. Hanson, R. D. 1, Drayton, N. D. Hugh B. Connelly, Corp , 3543 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Earnest Moody, 259 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg. George K. Swank, Knoxville. George J. Yunker, Jr., R. D. 2, Box 30, Robbinsdale, Minn. John (Jebert, Medford, Wis. Fred H. Wilke, R. D. 2, Box 38. Phillips, Wis. William Jarchow, Interwald, Wis. Joseph A. Johnson, R. D. 2, Ogema, Wis. Norman Crandall, Corp., R. D. 7, Rockford. Rudolph Worsech, R. D. i. Box 35, Catawba, Wis. Arthur I. Jones, R, D. i. Tunnel City, Wis. George J. Oman, R. D. i. Box 36, Spirit, Wis. John .'\. Peterson, Box 74, Prentice, Wis. Joseph Schemanski, R. D. i. Box 34, Stetsonville, Wis. Charles A. Schwark, Hannibal, Wis. Earl H. Weihrouch, Box 57, Hannibal, Wis. Elmer E. Link,, 3714 S. Honore St., Chicago. Delmar Skinner, Mech., 3529 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. John E. Cullen, Mech., Mineral Point, Wis. John 11. Gummerson, Hs., 104 Olive St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Felix Hillen, Hs., 3rd St., Garden City, Long Island, N. Y. Michael T. Kilroy, Hs., 1432 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Charles Kumpfmiller, Corp., 265 Maryland Ave., Mill- vale, Pa. Harry J. Carson, Bug., 1828 W. 35th St., Chicago. Dennis J. Cronin, Bug., 3603 S. Wood St., Chicago. John W. Hickman, Wag., R. D. 3, Jasper, Mo. Clarence Grosser, Corp., 4733 N. Paulina St., Chicago. John Kaledinsky, Sgt., 2739 W. 39th Place, Chicago. Thomas C. Lantry, Sgt., 3653 S. Rockwell St., Chicago. William Cooney, Sgt., 3856 Archer Ave., Chicago. John A. Kustusch, Sgt., 3654 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Ralph H. Kisler, Knoxville. Frank P. Joyce, Corp., Briggsville, Wis. Edward V. Walsh, Corp., 937 Foster Ave., Chicago. Percy J. Symes, River Falls, Wis. Olaf Gobson, 1617 i8th St., Moline. John Dougherty, 355 W. 2nd St., Galesburg. Edward Albrecht, Ke.wanee, Wis. Owen T. Murphy, Sgt., 3702 S. Wallace St., Chicago. William P. Callaghan, 539 45th Place, Chicago. BLACKHAWKS AT EASE THE 311TH TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY 311TH TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY Robert L. Cobb, ist Lt., 2752 Bryant Ave., S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Robert F. Timm, 2d Lt., 874 Bluff St., Glencoe. Joseph Murson, ist Sgt., 3215 N. California Ave,., Chi- cago. Loyal M. Rowland, Corp., 174 N. Harvey Ave., Oak Park. Andrew C. Monson, Argyle, Minn. Furl Smith, Davis, Okla. Tarkel T. Ose, Thief River Falls, Minn. Herman Ileegard, Osage, Minn. Arthur .T. Johnson, Auburndale, Wis. Frank E. Dalton, 515 Belgrade Ave., Mankato, Minn. Fdwin W. Chandler (i), 3140 Berkely Ave., Berwyn. Frank P. Rice, Corp., 166 N. Harvey Ave., Oak Park. Joseph A. Carlson, Wheaton, Minn. William D. Hale, to 17 Logan Ave., Belvidere. Peder M. Trelstad, Appleton, Minn. Martin B. Iverson, Dalton, Minn. Henry A. Bourne (i), 204 N. Austin Ave., Oak Park. Harry K. Wraith, 57s Long Ave., Chicago. Andrew Tegels, 212 W. ist St., S., Marshall, Minn. John G. Hamilton, Corp., 9320 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Eddie Larson, Germantown Route, Germantown, Minn. Frederick Fenton, Cedar Rapids, Neb. Howard C. Lytle, 420 Bridge St., Crookston, Minn. Gustav F. Thom, 679 5th Ave., Aurora. Walter C. Harris, Wag., 1006 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Robert Snaddon, 21 14 Kendall Ave, Madison, Wis. Henry D. Sage, 509 W. Washington Ave., Madison, Wis. William A. Voigt, Corp., 121 DesPlaines Ave., Forest Park. Gus H. Rabel (i), R. D. 2, Pleasant Hope, Mo. John Hagerty, R. D. i; Dodgeville, Wis. Frank A. Peterson, 1004 Ohio St., Joliet. Matthew J. Leitzen, R. D. i. Galena. Walter A. Leth, 824 S. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park. Albert J. Feldott, 40 Wright St., Naperville. Ernest J. Christensen, 2643 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Herman F. Moehlenbroch, Sgt., 724 Greely St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Edwin J. Nickel, Sup. Sgt., 565 E. Grove St., Blue Island. Eugene F. Dearmond, Corp., 326 Prairie St., Blue Island. James J. Pinta, 1332 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Carl O. Undblad (i), 1320 School St., Chicago. Edward H. Reuss, 444 W. 120th St., Blue Island. Fred H. Ehlers, 225 Elgin Ave., Forest Park. John C. Johnson, 743 S. Taylor Ave., Oak Park. Mathew Pauly (i), Stevensv.lle, Mich. William B. Milligan, Box 16, Hanover. Edward C. Gaertner, Corp., 91 Rexford St., Blue Island. Walter J. Gaboriault, 858 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island. Leo L. Jasenka, Box 411, Lemont. Elmer R. Clementson, Hartland, Minn. George Manfroid, 148 Lathrop Ave., Forest Park. Olean E. Kofstad, R. D. i, Richland, Minn. Curtiss C. Stevens (i), 3522 Irving Ave., Berwyn. Gorman D. Moffat, 1623 E. 73rd St., Suite 4, Cleveland, Ohio. William J. Tesch, Corp., 1029 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. Gerhard F. Brandt, 640 Dover St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ernest P. Person, Walkon, Minn. Elmer C. Petersen, 502 Pearl St., Rockford. James J. Belsan, 318 Alliance Ave., Rockford. William F. Clark (i), 4220 Thomas St., Chicago. Claude A. Bartholomew, 58 Lindale Ave., S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Clarence L. Shiley (i), 527 Wenonah Ave., Oak Park. John B. Bouton, Corp., 3141 Berkeley Ave., Berwyn. Theodore Rieck (i), Lemont. Grover H. Koeller, 39 Maple Ave., Freeport. Ralph J. loerger, R. D. 4, Box 39, Minonk. Louis A. Boldt, Wag., 26th Ave. & Grand St., Belle- wood. George W. Roth, 908 4th Ave., Rock Island. Earl N. McKay, 811 E. Vilas St., Guthrie, Okla. William M. Mclver, Sgt., 537 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park. Alvin A. Kraft, Mess Sgt., 1652 Kedvale Ave., Chicago. Herman P. Kraft, Corp., 225 Arden Ave., Hollywood. Walter W. King, Wag., Antioch. Leo P. McHale, 2425 2sth St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur H. Anderson, Lake Benton, Minn. Lawrence P. Gash (i), 11 20 Scoville Ave., Oak Park. Oscar L. Crawford, Oakland City, Ind. Rudolph W. Born (i), 11 08 Wesley Ave., Oak Park. Lawrence P. Hagen, Landis, Sask., Canada. Carlton E. Behr, Corp., 3433 Palmer St., Chicago. Peter S. Sigurdson, Minneota, Minn. Roman J. Binczyk, Winona, Minn. Walter R. Courtney, R. D. 19, Box 50, Winneconne, Wis. Ernest H. Kiekenapp, Lake Be,nton, Minn. Malvin P. Johnson, R. D. 5, Box 65, Eleva, Wis. Frank J. Olbrot, 598 Burr Oak Ave., Blue Island. Archie S. Penfield, R. D. i, Verona, Wis. Edward C. Holden, Corp., San Dimas, Cal. William E. Schmidt, 722 17th St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edmund Deilke, 416 Vine St., Winona, Minn. Robert D. Cooper (i), 829 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park. Harry Schuring, 234 ist St., Dundee. William H. Born (1), 1108 Wesley Ave., Oak Park. Louis Olsen, Verdi, Minn, r^ouis E. Meincke, Middletown, Wis. James V. Broz (i), 1329 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. I'rank J. Kellermann, 953 loth St., Oshkosh, Wis. Alfred H. Johnson, R. D. 3, Box 8, Grand Rapids, Wis. f-ouis A. Stepanek, South Wilmington. John H. Winz, 740 2nd St., Menasha, Wis. _ Edmund L. Shinnick, R. D. 6, Kewanee, Wis. Clarence E. Tilberg, R. D. 3, Cambridge. Maurice Holmgren, 3712 Ridgeland Ave., Berwyn. Waldemar E. Kich, Sgt., 1614 Aberdeen St., Chicago Heights. Alvin F. Luchtemeyer (i), 237 New St., Blue Island. Nicholas Semco, 5013 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Harry A. Klich, 1340 S. Union Ave., Oak Park. Charles N'openka, 2426 S. 57th St., Cicero. Clarence Siohler, 309 N. Lake St., Madison, Wis. John L. McCIure, 2828 S. 60th St., Cicero. Edward J. Studtmann, 147 S. nth ^St., Maywood. Michael A. Klein, Cook, 2048 N. Keystone Ave., Chi- cago. William J. Reidle (i), 241 Harrison St., Oak Park. James R. Simmons, Hazelgreen, Wis. Edward L. Lersch, 5541 Carpenter St., Chicago. Viateur L. Pilon, 4734 Indiana Ave., Chicago. F.dward Mucek, Makon, Galicia, Poland. Albert G. Samuelson, Linden Hills, Minneapolis, Minn, lohn Sandellio, 1316 51st Court, Cicero. Peter P. Paulsen, Wag., 11 14 S. 2nd Ave., Maywood. James T. Trallo (i), 131 1 22nd Ave., Melrose Park. Fred D. Connard, 820 Bradley Ave., Peoria. John H. Busch, 156 Clark St., Hammond, Ind. Reuben B. Freeman, 163 N. Washington St., Hinsdale. Ralph W. McGuire, Highland, Wis. John P. Kranisky, 705 Strong St., Kenosha, Wis. Fred W. Flassig, 33 Union St., Blue Island. Dominico Romano, Cicciano, Caserta, Italy. Fritz E. Cederholm (i), 3014 Hiawatha Ave., Berwyn. Arthur O. Delle, 1235 S. 49th Court, Cicero. Harry M. Whitehead, Mt. Greenwood. August Otto, 10 Bonnie Brae, River Forest. Otto H. Battermann, Wag., R. D. i, LaGrange. Earl J. Weimer, 746 S. Gunderson Ave., Oak Park. Obert Johnson, Box 214, Osseo, Wis. Domenico Zito (i), 606 N. 14th .^ve., Melrose Park. Norman H. Mills, Sgt., 833 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. Alfred J. McMahon (i), 610 S. Taylor Ave., Oak Park. Stanley H. Ohlman, Mutual Road, Riverside. Holger C. Riegels, 226 Columbus St., Grand Haven, Mich. 283 2 84 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION A STREET IN THE CAMP AT LE MANS Anton Jarolim, 5006 W. 22nd St., Cicero. Vincent Nunziante, 2219 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Erick Soderland, Lake Nebagamon, Wis. Charles Muzika, 3051 Edgewood Ave., Chicago. William E. Dougherty, 1525 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park. William W. _ Wallace (i), 409 W. Warren Ave., Sagi- naw, Mich. Kurt Berliner, Cook, 11 28 S. DesPlaines Ave., Forest Park. George W. Fischer, Bug., Shelbyville. Vincent W. Hoinacki, Lemont. Henry Smith, 59 W. iiith Place, Chicago. Henry Kersten (i), 1872 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Haney J. Van Dale, 1422 7th Ave., Moline. Joseph Pelc, 5428 22nd Place, Cicero. Raymond H. Lips, Corp., 613 N. 5th St., Maywood. Alefes J. Simonates, Beloit, Wis. John Zerga, 22 King St., New York City, N. Y. Samuel Zuker, 4554 S. State St., Chicago. George Scottestad, 716 W. ist St., Duluth, Minn. 311TH TRENCH MORTAR BATTERY, MEDICAL DETACHMENT Guy Carman, 1446 W. Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. Raymond F. Herbert, 223 Robbins St., Waterbury, Conn. Peter A. Zukowski, R. D. 4, Thorpe, Wis. William V. Owen, Sgt., Tipton, Iowa. QHAT-ANO te)hY' The CAP'N rOR60T TO mat nop)e f THE 311TH ENGINEERS HEADQUARTERS, 311TH ENGINEERS, U. S. A. Clarke S. Smith, Col., 243 Orchard Hill St., Grand James H. Pottinger, Capt., Redford, Mich. Rapids, Mich. Frederic B. Wipperman, Capt., Logan Loan and Trust Robert H. Murray, Lt.-Col., Chicago Beach Hotel, Chi- Co., Logansport, Ind. cago. Samuel L. Hollopeter, ist Lt., 3319 ist St., San Diego, William D. Robinson, Capt., 2610 Montana St., El Paso, Cal. Texas. Louis E. Watson, ist Lt., Deadwood, S. D. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 311TH ENGINEERS, U. S. A. Austin B. Reeve., ist Lt., 5544 Woodlawn Ave., Chi- cago. Albert E. Smith, 2d Lt., 151 E. 22nd St., Flatbrush, Brooklyn, N. Y. W^illiam Marcus, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 704 Fremont Ave., North, Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph E. Bell, Reg. Sgt. Maj., 5145 S. Laflin St., Chi- cago. Robert Steavens, 620 S. P. Bldg., Houston, Texas. Jacob N. Matzow, 70 Klostergaten, Trondhjem, Norway. Harvey A. Banner, Reg. Sup. Sgt., Crozet. Virginia. Jeremiah Gallivan, Reg. Sup. Sgt., 40 Sattler Ave., Buf- falo, N. Y. Max E. Mark, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 813 Carpenter Ave., Oak Park. Lewis W. Britton, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 6125 Prairie Ave., Chicago. John H. Floyd, Sgt. (i), Upham, King County, Canada. Joseph Lustig, Jr., Sgt. (i), 434 James Place, Janes- ville. Wis. Frank J. Nold, Sgt. Bug., 2644 N. Albany Ave., Chi- cago. Arthur Fleischer, Color Sgt., 5435 S. Bishop St., Chi- cago. Edward Gehrs, Jr., Color Sgt., 4861 Dakin St., Chicago. James Chestney, 1st Sgt., 1416 W. Mulberry St., Bloom- ington. Walter W. Zukowski, Mess Sgt., 2700 Ballou St., Chi- cago. George Berntsen, Sgt., 2216 Birchwood Ave., Chicago. Edward H. Schulz, Corp., 6629 Justine St., Chicago. Anton A. Schell, Corp., 2149 N. Claremont Ave., Chi- cago. Arthur Schneider, Corp., 701 Bench St., Galena. John S. Gratkowski, Sup. Sgt., 3635 W. 56th Place, Chicago. George J. Charaske, Cook, 3622 S. Union Ave., Chicago. John Krutzler, Cook. 5818 S. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Edward O. Linker, Cook, West Lynn St., Sidney, O. Joseph Lukowski, Cook, 4504 S. Sacramento Ave., Chi- cago. Ross E. Adkins, W'ag., R. D. i, Hillman, Minn. Harold L. Brown, Wag., Fairmont, Minn. John J. Carolan, Wag., 5451 Justine St., Chicago. Fred C. Meier, Stab. Sgt., 1910 Wellington St., Chi- cago. Anton Czoske, Wag., 4730 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Lester Drew, Wag., 3316 W. 63rd Place, Chicago. Leonard M. Eiden, Wag., Jefferson, Wis. George Harris, Wag., Box 175, Willmar, Minn. August P. Knierim, Wag., 2916 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Frank Kraft, Wag., 1627 McHenry St., Chicago. Hans Mueller, Wag., 1408 N. Clark St., Chicago. George Lorenz, Sgt., 2926 Edgewood Ave., Chicago. John Porzycki, Wag., Kalwavia Zebrzysdowski Galicia, Poland. Albert A. Schlieske, Wag., 3350 W. 62nd St., Chicago. Adolph Brenner (i), 1645 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago. Evar Christen (i), 1829 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago. Lawrence Christie (i), Cunningsburgh, Lerwick, Scot- land. Andrew E. Johnson (i), 2019 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Frank C. Krohl (i), 6128 S. Tripp Ave., Chicago. Frank A. Miller, Corp., 2045 Greenwich St., Chicago. Fredolf E. Lindstrom, Box 96, Miller, Ind. Stephen J. O'Connor, Corp., 184 Main St., Everett, Mass. Laurence J. Reher, 220 S. Pine St., Pana. Albert A. Stern, 5435 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Geo. W. Anderson, 4243 13th Ave., South Minneapoha, Minn. Gust A. Anderson, 1433 8th Ave., Rockford. Arsine Beltrand, 313 4th St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. George C. Vance, Sgt., 6328 S. Mozart St., Chicago. Santo Bisceglia, 5031 W. Hutchinson St., Chicago. Reuben C. Carlson, Ormsby, Minn. Milton L. Clothier, 1131 Peach St., Rockford. Frederick W. Cole, Alderson, Alberta, Canada. Albert A. Eisenstein, 4812 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Sam Entella, 204 S. Lake St., Aurora. Jgseph Fruth, R. D. i, Brainerd, Minn. James A. Young, Ccirp., Glin, Limerick County Glin, Ireland. Curtis S. Gustin, 1009 Bewick Ave., Detroit, Mich. Louis J. Gilg, 393 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edmund Harrington, 531 W. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. John F. Hayes (i), 1307 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. James L. Hedrick, Wapello. Iowa. Otto Heidbrick, 2449 N.' Lawndale Ave., Chicago. David N. Sandine, Corp., 1213 17th Ave., Rockford. Joaquin H. Hernandez, 2a de Ramon Guzman, No. 109 Mexico City, Mexico. Frank G. Hess, 312 Front St., Aurora. Robert S. Hilpert, 2440 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Paul F. Hornauer, 916 W. 69th St., Chicago. Karl F. KroU, Boscobel, Wis. Walter H. Lemke, 887 68th Ave., West Allis, Wis. Adolph Jez (i), 615 E. Schley St., Aberdeen, Wash. William Bross, Stab. Sgt., 14 Tremont Ave., Orange, N. J. Melcher N. Larson, 7639 Dante Ave., Chicago. Christian Lattmann, R. D. 2, Deer Creek, Minn. Christian Madsen, 1833 National Ave., Rockford. William C. Mason, Commerce, Missouri. Benjamin McCormick, 259 W. 5th St., St. Paul, Minn. Dalbert N. Michael, Pipestone, Minn. Roland D. Barbier, 2524 Lafayette St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Thomas Gaidos, Wag., 1904 W. North Ave., Chicago. Bernard N. Olson, 4919 Drake Ave., Chicago. Frank E. Price, 515 Douglas Ave., Elgin. Max W. Purmort, 414 Clarence Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Harry Scarr, 1524 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Elmer W. Shiplock, 2129 N. Kimbal Ave., Chicago. Geo. A. ScarclifF, 164 S. Franklin St., Janesville, Wis. Peter Stick, 2nd and Joliet Sts., La Salle. Fred A. Sundquist, Hopkins, Minn. Henry A. Thompson, Lismore, Minn. Joseph A. Wand, R. D. 2, Warren. John C. W'iessinger, R. D. 3, Madison, Wis. Russel E. Wilmarth, Wag., 717 Dewey Ave., Galena. Luard G. Harrison, 3136 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Harold J. Littledale (i), 2922 Logan Blv'd., Chicago. Michael J. Smith, 2251 Cullom Ave., Chicago. William Stuhr, 1003 W. 12th St., Rock Island. Raymond H. AUington, Drummond, Wis. Frank G. Arndt, Forest Lake, Minn. William F. Bender, R. D. i, Bay City, W^s. Camile L. Bernard, 284 Woodlawn Ave., Aurora. Emil Bjerstedt, R. D. 4, River Falls, Wis. Leon J. Canta, 139 Romeyn St., Schnectady, N. Y. Frederick W. Brokop, Thayer St., Columbus, Wis. August G. Diedrichsen, 2551 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Ralph L. Di Vail, Wauzeka, Wis. Marion E. Drake, Altamont, Mo. Ralph D. Duncan, Bug., 2910 N. Troy St., Chicago. Bernt E. Encckson, R. D. 2, Box 124, Grantsburg, Wis. Joseph Esaw, Pawnee, Okla. 28s 286 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION David V. Cope, 253 Grove Ave., Elgin. Albert Giere, Box 100, R. D. 2, Wheeler, Wis. Theodore C. Hartwig, Medford, Wis. Amos W. Heins, R. D. 7, Plattville, Wis. Harold C. Hiller, 252 Waugoo St., Oshkosh, Wis. William F. Hockings. R. D. 17, Box 37, Burlington, Wis. Ernest J. Howard, Cissna Park. James L. Howell, Sharon, Wis. Henry C. Griffis, R. D. i, Joplin, Mo. Oscar L. Johnson, West Salem, Wis. Daniel J. Malone, Jackson, Minn. Lyle A. Mitchell, R. D. 9, Rockford. Carl W. Oler, 312 S. Central St., -Rockford. John B. Osdoba, 926 N. 7th St.. Mankato, Minn. l"2dward H. Rosauer, San Juan, Texas. Louis G. Iwicki, Bug., 2431 N. Maplewood Ave., Chi- cago. Angelo Segalla, 1014 Morgan St., Chicago. Norbert D. Schleis, Deerbrook, Wis. Frank O. Stang, East Tawas, Mich. Reuben C. Stimm, Medford, Wis. George A. Tschida, 426 View St., St. Paul, Minn. Clyde L. Ziebell, Box 214, Tomah, Wis. Albert Van Oort, Orange City, Iowa. Meyer Spira, 31 19 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Johannes A. Andersen, R. D. 2, New Denmark, Wis. Hans K. Ballstad, R. D. i, Skanduava, Wis. Ermenegildo Disibio, Rosella Provingia Di Chieti, Italy. William R. Goodrich, Winter, Wis. George Gunz, R. D. 2, Spencer, Wis. Knute I. Hestad, Oslo, Fla. Herman Johnson, R. D. 5, Bloomer, Wis. Clarence H. Luhrsen, R. D. 7, Grand Rapids, Wis. Stephen L. Johnson, R. D. 5, St. John, Mich. Nestor Niemi, R. D. i. Box 169, Brantwood, Wis. William P. Paap, 1949 Superior St., Chicago. John Rathka, Phillips, Wis. John M. Rudolf, Medford, Wis. Joseph S. Rynawski, 1320 Cornell St., Chicago. Alex Saeger, R. D. 6, Box 92, Grand Rapids, Wis. Carl W. Nelson, 2400 S'/i St., Minneapolis, Minn. William Staifeldt, 129 Mile Ave., Waukesha, Wis. Anton Stelcik, Phillips, Wis. VAie Uscow, Sinka, Roumania. Percy C. Cowles, 205 Randolph Place, Elkhorn, Wis. Joseph M. Wagner. R. D. 1, Box 74, Phillips, Wis. John B. Kutella, R. D. 3, Box 43, Stevens Point, Wis. John B. Larson, 1825 Piedmont Ave., Duluth, Minn. Theodore A. Olson, R. D. 3, Box 52, Medford, Wis. Cornelius Debriun, Harrison, Wis. Alvin B. Rottke, Waseca, Minn. Reinhold J. Koschitz, 1911 W. 5th St., Red Wing, Minn. Erwin F. Gnuschke, 173 Moran St., Detroit, Mich. Robert C. Quirk, 1141 North Shore Ave., Chicago. ORDNANCE DETACHMENT, 311TH ENGINEERS Otto J. Deutsch, 3518 S. Mozart St., Chicago. George W. Given, 308 Jefferson St., Peru. Chas. J. Seppla, Dollar Bay, Mich. Frank F. Trealoff, Elmwood, Wis. Toh'n M. Woythall, 1134 American Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl L. Gustafson, R. D. i, Innik, Neb. MEDICAL DETACHMENT, 311TH ENGINEERS John L. Norris, Road A., Wrightwood, D. C. Robert H. Lowry, ist Lt., 4042 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Allan W. Dawson, 1st Lt., 237 Market St., S. Williams- port, Pa. Arthur E. Hurt, ist Lt., 5821 W. 22nd St., Chicago. Chester Ihie, 1st Lt., 1338 Winnemac Ave., Chicago. Joseph X. Kane, Sgt. (i), Tyrone, Pa. Henry J. Krueger, Sgt., 5518 Drexel Ave., Chicago. John D. Mason, Corp., North English, la. Adolph W. Plachte, 217 Junius Ave., Fergus Falls, Minn. George F. Kennedy, 42 Minnehaha Apts., St. Paul, Minn. Oscar E. Anderson, Taylor, Wis. Edward H. Rengert, R. F. D. i. New Baltimore, Mich. Edmund J. Wrobleski (i), 1511 John St., Cincinnati, O. Fred D. Thierstein, 500 S. Garden St., Lake City, Minn. Henry F. Kratzer, 211 W. 9th St., Michigan City, Ind. Warren Hammond (i), 2277 E. 70th St., Cleveland, O. Erwin A. Clock, Warren. Harry E. Head, 638 Carroll St., St. Paul, Minn. Peter Oski, 1627 St. John St., Flint, Mich. Chester A. Sowka, 2320 Armitage Ave., Chicago. John K. Beynon, 7652 Coles Ave., Chicago. Raymond L. Wolff, 712 W. 35th St., Chicago. Joe Romot, 338 14th St., Loraine, Ohio. Adolph W. Thomas (1), 1513 W. 47th St., Chicago. George F. Kramer, Egan, S. D. Charles J. Dormal, 2752 Wellington St., Duluth, Minn. Clayton E. Jaeger, 6124 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Charles A. Richey (i), 4522 i8th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Frank A. Krawczak, 801 7th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John C. Steeb, 817 Tennessee St., Michigan City, Ind. Sam Tallarica, 920 Penn St.. Sharpsburg, Pa. Chester A. Gunnarson (1), Hallock, Minn. William H. Carroll, Sgt., 3801 Grand P)lvd., Chicago. Walter F. Mitte, R. D. 3, Neillsville, Wis. COMPANY "A," 311TH ENGINEER REGIMENT John E. Hayden, Capt., 304 Euclid St., Ishpeming, Mich. Orville T. Beadle, 2d Lt., Morrisville, N. Y. John P. Rasmussen, ist Lt., 106 Mt. Vernon St., Osh- kosh, Wis. Ernest E. Policy, 2d Lt., 406 Garfield St., Ft. Collins, Colo. Leon D. Paxton, ist Sgt., 1122 ist St., Boone, la. Walter S. Gorman, Sgt. (i). Thorp, Wis. Geo. A. Lemke, Sgt. (i), 5242 Montrose Ave., Chicago. Edw. G. Naegel, Sgt., 2440 N. California Ave., Chicago. Walter E. Dahl, Sup. Sgt., 2136 N. Ballou St., Chicago. Carl J. Rimpert, Mess Sgt., 621 Pattie Ave., Wichita, Kan. Gustav R. Dangs, Sgt., 2141 Point St., Chicago. Anthony T. Kancer, Wag., 2908 Woodard Ave., Chicago. Geo. W. Weisenburg, Sgt., 1024 Wenona Ave., Oak Park. Louis Lund, R. D. 2, Luck, Wis. Marshall A. P^terkin, Corp., 2453 Logan Blvd., Chicago. Geo. R. Helfert, Wag., 8532 S. Ada St., Chicago. Edw. F. Opfergelt, 2856 Palmer St., Chicago. John F. Holub, Cook, 2947 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Geo. Mladar, 2726 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Jos. R. Lorkowski, Cook, 3134 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Geo. R. Minot, 202 N. 5th St., Mendota. Frank Wotnow, Wag., 2848 Elston Ave., Chicago. Wm. F. Jones, Corp., 512 S. Irving Ave., Chicago. Frank Sadowski, Cook, 1321 Julieii St., Chicago. Herbert A. Simmons, Buttement, Wis. Harry Nelson, Box 502, Hurley Wis. James H. Dorr, Naytahwaush, Minn. Caesar Venturelli, Box 236, Standard. Chas. W. Dotzel, R. D. 3, Box 59, Apple River. Anton Yocius, 4425 Artesian St., Chicago. Hans Torp, Hs., 5104 W. North Ave., Chicago. Levi S. Alveson, 6109 Olney St., Duluth, Minn. Richard Clark, 1422 Ottawa Ave., Ottawa. Edw. Nagel, 204 Oakwood Ave.. Owosso, Mich. Edw. F. Curran, 6642 S. Green St., Chicago. Caesar Alincci, Aqula Lucola, Somenna, Italy. Frank Arendt, Wag., 2741 Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Anthony T. Recek, Corp., 303s N. Christiania Ave., Chi- cago. Hazen V. Dudd, Johannesburg, Mich. Oscar S. Lindmark, Cook, R. D. i, Box 160, Grandy, Minn. Alfred Schoettler, 1602 4th Ave., Mankato, Minn. Alv'ah C. Day, Box 61, Amboy, Minn. Julius Hanson, 120 Ermina St., Albert Lea Minn. Mike Ditono, 216 W. 7th St. St. Paul, Minn. Robt. E. Armstead, Butterfield, Mich. Jacob Coiner, Corp., 1132 W. 14th St., Chicago. Peter Podowicz, Spring Valley. Clarence Henricks, 294 Fox St., Aurora. THE 311TH ENGINEERS 287 Arthur O. Hansen, 423 W. 60th Place, Chicago. Claude H. Kennedy, Pickney Mich. Wni. VV. Hawke, Bug., 409 Exchange St., Kenosha, Wis. Harold P. Matthews, Poplar, Minn. Geo. C. N'ogel, Bug., 913 Williamson St., Madison, Wis. lilmer O. Hansen, Corp., Alexandra Hotel, Calgary, Al- berta Can. Cliffor Markam. 9 Alberta St., Calgary, Alberta, Can. Jos. F. Svviderski, Sgt., 2440 N. Campbell Ave., Chi- cago. Peter K. Clayton, 2438 Homer St., Chicago. Kdwin H. Kruger, Box 421, N. Judson, Ind. Kdwin H. Anderson, Box 173, Cambridge, Mass. Frank Fredericks, Box 381, Melrose, 5linn. Warren W. Stantz, 35 Richton Ave., Detroit, Mich. Steven M. Papvvorth, Fairview, Wycming. Byron Powell, Evanston, Wyo. James W. McFarland, Corp., Niota. Martin J. Stephen, 1524 S. 7th St., Duluth, Minn. Patrick J. Feeney, 1076 Cortland St., St. Paul, Minn. Fred J. Hlavka, 1233 S. Peoria St., Chicago. John Q. Adams, 3201 E. 34th Ave., Denver, Colo. Leon S. Worley, Kettle Falls, Wash. Elmer N. Henderson, R. D. i, Ettrick, Wis. Jos. P. Desneu.x, Ccrp., 831 N. Robey St., Chicago. Howard Huelster, 1648 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Louis Gilbertson, Box 387, Amboy, Minn. Hadar G. Gustafson, 2103 S. 5th St., Rockford. August C. Utech, Box 767, W. Chicago. Aug. W. Holsten, R. D. i, Box 86, Copas, Minn. Arthur G. Hecklin, Box 245, Chaska, Minn. John J. DriscoU, 26th St., East Moline. Clair Campbell, Corp., 11 1 W. 7th St., Muscatine, la. Clifford P. Lindsey, 3009 5th Ave., Rock Island. Raymond J. Tiefenthaler, 2307 Galena St., Milwaukee, Wis. John Hamm, Winfield. Albert H. Kuettner, Dundee. Winfred F. Johnson, 35 Fisk Ave., Lynn, Mass. Hans Forsline, R. D. i, Stanchfield, Minn. Frank H. Willard, Corp., 5312 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Paul W. Eilrich, Box 285, Lombard. Fred W. Kort, R. D. 9, Box 39, Fergus Falls, Minn. John Gasper, R. D. i. Box 54, Woodward, Iowa. Emil L. Bender, 506 Laurel St., Elgin. Chas. Mantlik, 2831 N. Tolman Ave., Chicago. Geo. Werner, 700 Canal Ave., Ottawa. John D. Dykeman, R. D. i. Lake Wales, Fla. Geo. A. Latullipe, Jr., Corp., 347 Hurbburt St., Crooks- ton, Minn. Geo. De Brabouder, 1302 i3tli Ave., E. Moline. Gilbert Galli, 327 E. 6th St.. St. Paul, Minn. John J. Cannon, 1214 8th St., La Salle. Peter J. Johnson, 1704 17th Ave., Moline. Wm. Kunde, R. D. 3, Box 56, Stillwater, Mini. John R. McMahon, 4746 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Charlie Kies, 472 S. River St., Aurora. Edw. J., Giltnane, 33 N. Parkside Ave., Chicago. John Stellon. Box 144, Carbon Hill. Richard J. Bowes, Sgt., 31 19 Lyndale Ave., Chicago. Jos. N. Barrett, Sgt.. 2746 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Isaac M. Johnson, R. D. i, Emmons, Minn. Wm. J. Schuster, 6 S. Madison St., Hinsdale. Pera Pearson, 10909 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Toira E. Bakka, Box 136, Reliance, Wyo. Arthur W. Sandquist, 135 School St., Geneva. Harry M. Bauer, Earlimart, Cal. Martin G. Marxman Corp., Cameron, Wis. Ben Peterson, 321 Rockton Ave., Rockford. Edw. H. Maag, Puposky, Minn. Wm. R. Mee, 21 11 7th St., Peru. Frank Grill, 450 S. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. Jos. Plaszkiewicz, 1031 14th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Carl P. Boutott, 411 McDonald St., Oconto, Wis. Henry W. Becker. 118 N. Linden Ave., Sheridan, Wyo. Ole A. Nelson, Corp., Hartland, Minn. -Anton Lunak (i), 2431 S. Millard Ave., Chicago. Peter Nelson, Bo.x 275, Hutchinson, Minn. -Albert Botten, 1623 Piedmont Ave., Duluth. Minn. John W. Peterson, Box 23, So. Stillwater, Minn. Richard Maxwell, Jr.. Spring Valley. James A. Miller, Corp., 610 Roy St., Ottumwa, Iowa. Elmer L. Petersen, 3rd St.. Park Falls, Wis. -Andrew B. Sathre, 3134 W. North -Ave., Chicago. Clarence E. Steen, Big Falls, Minn. Thomas Oxberger, R. D. 3, Bradford. Jess Engle, Farson Wyo. John A. Malicki, Corp., 1017 N. Robey St., Chicago. Arthur F. Metzger, 1215 W. Jackson St., Ottawa. Otto J. Meyers, Kampsville. Louis J. Bourget, Ft. Francis, Ontario, Can. Alfred C. Paasche, R. D. 4, Crockston, Minn. Walter Hagenow (i), 5004 Pensecola Ave., Chicago. Cl'-ll Smith, 728 3rd St., Reedsburgh, Wis. Michael M. McMahon, Corp., 945 18th Ave., N., Min- neapolis, Minn. Nick Rosek, R. D. i, Mishicct, Wis. Niels C. Madsen, Lav'en Sta., Ailing Mark, Denmark. Amos -A. Rudolph, Ripon, Wis. Geo. H. Stabnow, Box 396. Breckinridge, Minn. Leo E. Atkinson, 383 4th Ave., Aurora. Edward E. Rang, 736 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James Forshaw, Farson, Wyo. Bert G. Obbema, Corp., 11322 Normal Ave., Chicago. John C. Grundler, Edgerton, Minn. Clarence H. Larsen, Sgt., 2439 N. Harding Ave., Chi- cago. Earl V'agness, Old Colony Bldg., Chicago. Eldo R. Murray, Randolph, Minn. Frank A. Klein, 813 Henrietta St., Wausau, Wis. Deitrich C. Boldt, R. D. 2, Cuba City, Wis. Geo. Voegelin, 2957 N. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Chas. W. Wright, Cuba City, Wis. Carl B. Friday, Laramie, Wyo. -Albert H. Johnson, Glen Flora, Wis. Grover Kennedy, 403 4th St., Merrill, W4s. Jos. Dowrisky, 4609 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Charles J. Nehls, R. D. 2, Montfort, Wis. Thos. E. Gardner, 1722 California St., Denver, Colo. Thos. ]■-. Williams, Hazel Green, Wis. Walter F. Grunst, 531 1 W. 23rd St., Cicero. Nathan L. Marden, Corp., 73 Algona St., Oshkosh, Wis. Geo. J. Belken, Cyba City, Wis. Wm. l". Schoellig, Boscobel, Wis. Maurice P. Stack, 255 W. Cook St., Portage, Wis. Barnard J. V^anderbosch, Beaver Dam St., Waupun, Wis. Arthur M. Christoferson, Viroqua, Wis. Jos. L. Kerkenbush, R. D. 5, Potosi, Wis. Lee Isaacson, Garland, Utah. Arnold Pennebecker, 804 S. Cherry St., Marshfield, Wis. Jos. Kepsler, Mosinee. Wis. Leo Polishinski, 70 Walnut St., Oshkosh, Wis. Walter L. Richer, 310 W. 8th St., Ladysmith, Wis. Philip J. Muller, R. D. 4, Box 56, Potosi, Wis. Lester G. Jones, R. D. i. Cliff View, Va. Paul H. Bunchek, Ladysmith, Wis. John R. Massey, Hanna, Wyo. Albert Hansen, Corp., 213 W. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. Edward A. Vogler, Jano, Wis. Edward J. Berg, R. D. 3, Box 61, Potosi, Wis. Arthur H. Clossey, 501 Clark St., Reedsburg, Wis. Charles M. Mills, Evanstcn, Wyo. Anton Noland, Hazel Green, Wis. Wm. Morrow, Rock Springs, Wyo. John Ginter, Corp., Plattesville, Wis. Alfred H. Logemann, 2956 N. Avers Ave., Chicago. Chas. J. Wilson, R. D. 3, Box 25, Potosi, Wis. Robt. Stebner. ^ladison. Wis. Elmer J. Fuller, 342 Linccln Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. John Stoner, Cromwell, Minn. Alphonse N. Neises, R. D. 2, Glen Haven, Wis. Harry L. Moline, Box 167, Matherville. Jos. F. Veitenhaus, Athens, Wis. ohn F. Hannon, 2845 Palmer St., Chicago. Chas. Moninger, Sgt., 1040 N. Rockwell St., Chicago Carl M. Nordby, R. D. 2, Barron, Wis. Edw. A. Thiel, 623 5th Ave., Wausau, Wis. Lewis Malson, Box 28, Springfield, Wis. Wm. Futrell, Annandale, Minn. Nels A. Carlson, Cloverton ^linn. Francis L. McHone, Fairchild. Wis. Le Roy L. Gaader, Box 234, Dodgeville, Wis. Geo. J. Rank. Boyd, Wis. Frank J. Scheibe, 110 N. State St., Chippewa Falls, Wis Victor T. Stymlske, Oglesby. Wm. Spafford, Shell Lake, Wis. Otto P. Randell, 950 E. Broadway. Centralia. Bernard L. De Mars, 626 McDonough St., Eau Claire, Wis. Wm. H. Heintz, 106 McReynolds St., Peoria. Frederick G. Alford, Granite Heights, Wis. Henry H. Wendorf, Schofield, Wis. Otto W. Meissner, Lake Mills, Wis. Ralph E. Hutzler, Chetek, Wis. Emil M. Ralm, R. D. 7. Box 93, Wausau, Wis. Geo. W. Wegmiller, 3207 Vernon St., Duluth, Minn. Clarence H. Buchberger, Marathon City, Wis. 2 88 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Albert Sora, 213 Van Renselaer St., Buffalo, N. Y. Harvey J. Barthels, K. D. 3, Box 31, Oshkosh, Wis. Reinhold Proclmow, 702 Stewart Ave., Wausau, Wis. Norman J. La Certe, 228 3rd Ave., N. Wausau, Wis. Max W. Priebe, 1436 4th St., Wausau, Wis. Reinhold Priebe, 520 Bridge St., Wausau, Wis. Evan N. French, R. D. i. Downing, Wis. Edward Taicher, 128 6th Ave., S. Wausau, Wis. Alfred Olson, Sundance, Wyo. Carl Ilorst, 412 Walton St., Wausau, Wis. Elmer O. Olson, R. D. 2, Box 27, Avoca, Wis. Rufus C. Schultz, 1148 Williamson St., Madison, Wis. Louis R. Lee, Box 31, Highland, Wis. Herman J. Trager, Ringle, Wis. Alex Ustaszewski, 2138 Frankfort St., Chicago. Emil A.^ Schultz, 11 15 Kickbrush St., Wausau, Wis. Frank E. Kidder, 2449 Glenarm Place, Denver, Colo. Alfred F. Krumholz, 1527 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Louis L. Arnold, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. Frank W. Strong, R. D., Terre Haute, Ind. Herman Arnold, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. James P. Holm, 1629 36th Ave., Oakland, Gal. Ernest Buck, Iron River, Wis. Geo. A. Laabs, 321 3rd Ave., N. Wausau, Wis. Carl I. Ruther, 2308 Garfield Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Fuller 201 Pearl St., Oshkosh, Wis. Edward H. Kruse, Sgt., 2130 W. 21st St., Chicago. Chas. J. Westerland, Trojan, S. D. Abner Lewis, Commanche, Mont. James E. Lynch, 4327 Linden Hills Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward D. Petrie, 259 Paterson Ave., E. Rutherford, N. J. Harry B. Siebert, nth St., Peru. COMPANY "B," 311TH ENGINEERS, U. S. A. Thomas H. Holmes. Capt., 511 Griffin St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Raymond T. Reilly, ist Lt., Areola. Joseph A. Russell, ist Lt., 127 1 S. 24th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Clyde F. Weingartner, 2d Lt., 1245 Ferguson St., Rock- ford. John J. Cronin, 2d Lt.. Rimini, Mont. Paul li. Wahl, 1st Sgt., 2346 Berlin St., Chicago. Edward H. Davis, Sgt. (i), Corner 20th and Scott Sts., Covington, Ky. Harold B. La Forge, Sgt. (i), 712 18th St., Sacra- mento, Cal. ilerman F. A. Wolff, Sgt., 1626 N. Irving Ave., Chi- cago. Ivor Knight, Corp., Care of A. A. Lamb, Kent, Ohio. Jaccb Brinks, Corp., 4215 Roscoe St., Chicago. Nicholas E. Giebel, Corp., 5054 Berenice Ave., Chicago. William Hampe, Wag., 2417 N. Maplewood Ave., Chi cago. Peter Porten Wag., 1859 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago Vincent J. Sloma, Sgt., 2018 N. Le^vitt St., Chicago. Albert J. Hanson, Stab. Sgt., 2312 Lubeck St., Chicaga Stanley Sowa, Corp.. 2219 Hamburg St., Chicago. Otto R. Dannies, 666 Second St., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar W. Johnson, Wag., 2035 Homer St., Chicago. Joseph E. Malmstrom, Sgt.. 5740 Byron St., Chicago, f^hinold Vjeiger, Cook. Marquette, Mich. Frank S. Bross, Corp., 2142 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago Henry W. C. Barkemeyer, Corp., 2443 Moffat St., Chi- cago. Charles W. Durrant, Corp., 23 Priory Plaine, Great Yar- mouth, Norfolk, England. Harry Jensen, 509 19 >^ Ave., West Duluth, Minn. Leslie L. Baggesen, Bug., 1853 Humboldt Blvd., Chi- cago. Francis L. Baggesen, Bug.,' 1853 Humboldt Blvd., Chi- cago. Matthew Martin, 58 Cartwell Terrace, Darlington, Eng- land. Hans C. Johiisen, Corp., 143 1 Carmen Ave., Chicago. Arthur S. Pedersen, Corp., 2658 Cortlandt St., Chicago. John Czerwinski, Wag., 1815 N. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. George R. Kelly, Sgt., 2346 Rhine St., Chicago. Anthony Bartz, Cook, 1620 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Wesley A. F. Johnson, Cook, 1917 Milwaukee Ave., Chi- _ casco. Emil J. Duschek, Cook. 2447 W. North Ave., Chicago. William A. Loomis, Corp., Zanesville, Ohio. I'^dward S. Jensen, Corp., Bridgeman, Mich. Jens A. Jensen, Corp.,, 1920 N. Richmond St.. Chicago. Hugo R. Skogman, Corp., 1938 N. Fairfield Ave., Chi- cago. Edward Schoebel, Sup. Sgt., 1622 Washtena Ave., Chi- cago. Julius Harangozo, Cook, 2243 Southport Ave., Chicago. "Walter H. Rogers, Mess Sgt., 1652 N. Mozart St., Chi- cago. Oscar Hansen, Corp., 1735 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago. John J. Ogorek, Corp., 2317 N. Oakley Ave., Chicago. I'^rank A. Polk, VVag., 4856 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. Charles F. Wittig, Wag., 4865 Eddy St., Chicago. Peter T. Jensen, Stc. Ilansgade No. 4, Odense, Denmark. Otto Fink, Wag., 1893 Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago. I'Mgar H. Matter, 13 11 41st St., _N. Milwaukee, Wis. Stanley Bator, Hs., 2043 Greenwich St., Chicago. Norbert J. McCauley, Corp., 5074 N. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Oscar Labine, Jr., 2831 W. 39th St., Chicago. Raymond A. Graff, Corp., 1648 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Fred Block, Sgt., 2045 North Western Ave., Chicago. Arthur B. Gunarson, 1807 i6th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Alfred Borgeson, 815 E. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Albert C. Schutte, Naillsville, Wis. ]'2mil W. H. Hilgendorf, Fairmont, Minn. Albert J. Alberts, Forreston. Charles Rumler, Atkinson. Erick B. Bodin, 3531 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Emil Abel, R. F. D., Box 38, Coldeman, Wis. lidward C. Smith, Winter Haven, Fla. Charles A. Mead, R. D. 2, Port Byron. Paul W. Buehler, P. O. Box 103, Crystal Lake. George E. Peterson, Alexandria, Minn. Arthur Hansen, 3614 17th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. James A. Bean, Stratford. Wis. John Rasmussen, 1520 Washington St., N. E., Min- neapolis, Minn. Nels Wick, Bruno, Minn. Evan H. Odden, Grand Meadow, Minn. George T. Schulz, 362 15th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Olaf O. Kjome, Spring Grove, Minn. Henry F. Kohmann, St. Bonifacius. Minn. Mike T. Shambouer, Montgomery, Minn. Olaf B. Olson Box 4, Thomson, Minn. George Palzkill, R. D. i. Mineral Point, Wis. George E. Flansburg, R. D. 2, Box 12, Verndale, Minn. Arthur B. Larson, 204 E. Elm St., Sycamore. lilmer A. Johnson, 3643 Longfellow Ave., South, Min- neapolis, Minn. Soren V. Larsen, R. D. 6, Fairmont, Minn. Fritz A. Johnson, 317 4th Ave., Moline. Elmer A. Langjahr, Colby, Wis. Ralph E. Gunlock, R. D. 2, Sutter. William A. Scott, 720 W. Main St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Hilmer E. Hancock, R. D. 2, Box 18, Dent, Minn. August Berg, R. D. 5, Willmar, Minn. Samuel C. Dandelet, 227 Central Ave., Faribault, Minn. Clifford A. Bombard, 303 W. Burbank St., Harvard. Carl W. Hallstrom, Altoona. William Wallace, 23 Hennipen St., La Salle. Ludwig Anderson, 307 E. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. Henry M. Weber, Box 288, McHenry. Leonard Jackson, Stanhope, Iowa. Ralph F. Wedge, Albert Lea, Minn. Ragnar A. Randau, North Crystal Lake. Henry T. Soderquist, Pierport. Mich. Raymond Lucas, 938 Wicker St., Woodstock. Joseph J. Klave, 1958 Roscce Blvd., Chicago. Benno L. Raue, Crystal Lake. Joseph C. McMullen, Lakeville, Minn. Harold C. Orth, 2155 Marshall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. John C. Hartig, Sgt., 703 N. Linden Ave., Chicago. Joseph C. Hulsman, Sgt., 2108 Churchill St., Chicago. Howard C. Stanley, Genoa. Harry E. Anderson, P. O. Box 91, Marengo. Alfred Peterson, Barronett, Wis. John W. Timm, 443 3rd St., La Salle. James D. Kellar, 2420 Lyndale Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. THE 311TH ENGINEERS 289 Martin J. Rovik, P. O. Hovdenak, Molde, Norway. Emil Berg, R. D. 2, Box 6, Bagley, Minn. Fred H. Hueskemeier, 237 S. Beach St., Centralia. James C. Bolger, 227 South St., Woodstock. Erastus A. Dawson, Colby, Wis. John Haizman, Cary Station. Howard B. Lewis, 323 13th Ave., East Duluth, Minn. Robert G. Ware, I'ulton. Peter Prevo, Elkton, S. D. Walter W. Kaptur, R. D. i. Box 72. Lakeville, Minn. John Graden, 2901 W. 3rd St., IJuIuth, Minn. Stephen A. Mullins, 919 W. S3rd St., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry B. Olsen, 2532 4th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. John Jankowski, 1035 Sliainut Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. John A. Johnson, 4727 Jay St., Duluth, Minn. Thor J. Dahline, P. O. Box 255, New Richmond, Wis. Sam Opstvedt, Roland. Iowa. Edward Carlson, Jr., Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. Robert Krejci, Box 65-H, Cary Station. Karl O. Johnson, Warroad, Minn. George H. McConnell, 525 Cherry St., Rockford. Selmer Moy, 521 Lake Ave., North Duluth, Minn. Forrest E. Hough, P. O. Box 56. Sandwich. Walter W. Grabbert, Box 197, Hebron. Otto E. Sandberg, Monmouth. Ernest G. Fogelstrom, 906 North 7th St., De Kalb. Joseph M. Kamasinski, 705 Ramsdell St., Manistee, Mich. Nels Nelson, 904 E. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. Robert J. McDonald, 311 N. 52nd Ave., West, Duluth, Minn. Charles F. Stauduhar, 1608 21st St., Rock Island. William C. Curwen, 15ox 321, Hopkins, Minn. Domnic Shullo, R. D. i, Box 100, Cumberland, Wis. Michael J. Clancy, 800 6th St., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Lars O. Johnson, Crosby, Minn. George H. Oldham, Dan vers. Carl Alfredson, 1304 3rd Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. John Marcipan, Sgt., 1834 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Stanley K. Pikiewicz, Sgt., 21 17 Hamburg St.. Chicago. Carl A. Strey, 99 Powers Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Helmer F. Hagen, R. D. 3, Box 93, Stanley, Wis. Ernest M. Sorensen, W. Walworth St., Box B, Elk- horn, Wis. Ervin D. Pittsley, Box 19, R. D. 3, Boscobell, Wis. Orville C. Burt, R. D. ^, Cadott, Wis. Albert H. Hohensee, Elmhurst, Wis. Joseph H. Griffin, 601 4th St., Merrill, Wis. Brascue Sparks, Elton, Wis. Ralph E. Correll, R. D. i. Earl, Wis. Frank Baumel. Milston, Wis. Harry G. Lindholm, Madge Star Route, Shell Lake, Wis. Joseph J. Hennes, R. D. i. Box 2-A, Barnum, Minn. Henry G. Stolt, Bloomer, Wis. Harvey F. Levine, 1657 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago. Albert W. Ebert, East Troy, Wis. Chester J. Leiberg, 401 23rd St., Oshkosh, Wis. Arthur Schwarz, Paynesville, Minn. Elwin F. Nelson, 861 N. Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Victor Halbacka, Ely, Minn. Gerhart H. Ihde, Iron Ridge, Wis. William C. Smith, R. D. i, Box 40, Emerald, Wis. Ralph H. Wood, 2218 Regent St., Madison, Wis. Robert A. Krohn, Tenstrike, Minn. David Hahne, 446 Diversey Parkway, Chicago. Julius J. Bakun, 18 Ramble St., Ganvoond, Mich. Herbert A. Ferrell, 300 W. 7th St., Morris, Minn. Harry D. Heskett, 604 High St., Des Moines, Iowa. John A. Mason, 11 15 St. Claire St., Ashland. Wis. Harvey E. R. Teske, R. D. 3, New Richmond, Wis. Oscar Lee, 1016 5th Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. Charles E. Zehner, 408 S. Clermont St., Antigo, Wis. Henry W. Fehr, Box 334, Bloomer, Wis. Herbert P. Tuttle, Hackberry, Kans. Louis L. Hastings, Box 154, Darien, Wis. Gustav A. Mellergren, 328 S. 4th St., Rockford. Henry T. O'Connell, 1321 Second St., Hudson, Wis. Harold A. Halvorsen, 936 Therbrook St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Irvin M. Amundson, River Side, Duluth, Minn. Arthur M. Hubbard, 684 N. Main St., Oshkosh, Wis. Frank J. Reisdorfer, Boyd, Wis. Louis B. Thor, R. D. 5, Dubuque, Iowa. William P. Mertz, 534 S. Park Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. John Rallo, 421 S. Main St., Rockford. Joe Alex, Montfort, Wis. John Weber, 1225 Bismark Place, Oshkosh, Wis. William Last, 1221 Florida St., Oshkosh, Wis. Charles W. Franc, Sgt., 1928 N. California Ave., Chi- cago. Steve Maday, Sgt., 2000 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. William R. Boody, 320 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Oscar Solin, R. D. i. Box 15, Balsam Lake, Wis. Marshall I'olstad, R. D. 2, Barron, Wis. Arthur Durham, 2241 S. Kirkland Ave., Chicago. George J. \'oyer, Shell Lake, Wis. Michael W^. Miller, 4th St., South Kaukauna, Wis. Harley G. Washburn, 58 N. Water St., Kitchener, On- tario, Canada. Whitney Morrison, 18 16 15th St., Moline. Raymond S. F'lynn, Delavan, Wis. Albert Peterson, R. D. i, St. Croix Falls, Wis. George A. Harding, Boyd, Wis. Alfred F. Schmidt, Dresser, Wis. Arno Herwig, 1622 N. Division St., Sheboygan, Wis. Ernest F. Seefeldt, Peshtigo, Wis. Joe Gasparovich, Farmington. Norbert F. Willkomm, Boyd, Wis. Alfred F. Peters, 2917 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Tony Bagocus. City Point. Denver Bell, Bridgeport, Mich. John Durler, Summit Lake, Wis. Edward O. Swanson, 715 Orange St.. Hudson, Wis. Charles L. Tonnancour, Holcombe, Wis. Christ C. Mengelt, Cataract, Wis. Melvin B. Snedeker, Anna State Hospital, Anna. Ralph L. Hewitt, 334 W. Cedar St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. William Vogl, R. D. i, Athens, Wis. Wilfred J. Podolski, R. D. 2, Pulaski, Wis. - Ferdinand Naus, R. D. 2, Boyd, Wis. Orin C. Theige, Westby, Wis. Albert Kipp, R. D. 7, Kewanee, Wis. Wladislaw Borkowski, 561 Mitchell St., West Allis, Wis. George H. Piper, R. D. 2, Box no, Withee, Wis. Floyd Hall, Eveleth, Minn. Joshua Seafort, 500 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Otto J. Charters, 312 Lake St., Muskegon, Mich. Gavaldo Amedeo, Box 257, Cherry. Thomas E. Welch, 112 W. Grand Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Louis Williams, Rocklin, Wis. fohn Mauer, 174 Pierce St., Aurora. John Fusek, R. D. i, Ladysmith, Wis. William F. Shay, Marshfield, Wis. Joseph M. Gerlik. 820 3rd St., Beloit, Wis. Malcolm Campbell, 322 9th Ave.. West, Ashland, Wis. Earl H. Reinhart, Shell Lake, Wis. George Kramschuster, R. D. 4, Bloomer, Wis. Harry O. Tessendorf, 638 S. Commercial St., Neenah, W'is. Roy J. McGrath, Sgt., 1909 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago. James M. Creagh, 230 Main St., Norwalk, Conn. Theodore Larson, R. D. 5, Amita, N. D. Arthur J. Thomas, 664 S. Washington St., Butte, Mont. Carl Warner, Ovando, Mont. Lee T. Petersen, 947 Bergenline Ave., North Bergen, N. J. Thomas E. Proseus, 35 W. Park St., Albion, N. Y. Mc.Mfrey C. George, 894 Northampton St., Buffalo, N. Y. Albert Brandli, 319 Franklin St.. Union Hill, N. , J. Seabury Carr, 13 Appleby St., Newport, R. I. Charles Gassner, 224 E. 85th St., New York City, N. Y. Leon Vander Linde, 2013 Watrons Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. [van H. Sutcliffe, Kendall, Wis. COMPANY "C," 311TH ENGINEERS Carl K. Smith, ist Lt., 215 Pine St., Benton. Fred R. Beerman, ist Lt., 822 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Charles P. Mottz, 2d Lt., Chinook, Mont. Mervin J. Barrick, 2d Lt.. Etters, York Co., Pa. John J. Murphy, Jr., Sgt. (i), 237 Walker St., Lowell, Mass. Herman t. Dorl, Sgt. (i), 5310 Justine St., Chicago. Henry J. Heart, Corp., 2212 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. 290 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Alexander Steele, Mess Sgt., 5259 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Charles Koepke, Corp., 1509 W. 51st St., Chicago. Henry A. Nielsen, Bug., 746 Belden Ave., Chicago. Roy O. Thompson, Corp., 2906 Edgewood Ave., Chicago. Edmund D. Fisher, Cook, 171 1 N. Keating Ave., Chi- cago. Andrew A. Karol, Sup. Sgt., 5132 S. Western Ave., Chicago. Philip T. Meske, Cook, 2735 N. California Ave., Chi- cago. Donald L. Ansley, 332 Grant St., Pasadena, Cal. Francis A. Kayris, Cook, 4636 S. Wood St., Chicago. RoflFe J. Beman, 1361 E. S2nd St., Chicago. John J. Mulhall, Cook, 1646 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago. Edward W. Schmidt, 2037 Pensacola Ave., Chicago. William J. Koranda, Cook, 3301 W. 6sth St., Chicago. Frank T. Storek. Corp., 5153 S. Wood St., Chicago. Russell S. Fox, 319 Logan Ave., Belvidere. Walter T. Thomas, R. D. i, Bangor, Ala. Thomas J. Browning, Wag., 5354 S. Millard Ave., Chi- cago. George J. Peters, Monroe Center. Thomas F. Cepican, Wag., 5044 Winchester Ave., Chi- cago. Horace E. Brittian, R. D. i, Dixon, Mo. William Karnold, Corp., 2617 W. 47th St., Chicago. Joseph Walsh, Hs., 5335 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Arthur H. Weiss, 2726 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Warren Harlow, 830 Cass St., Chicago. William V. H. Peterson, 11 11 4th Ave., Rockford. Norman O. Battern, Terril, Iowa. William Eyers, Jr., Corp., 114 Peck St., Negaunee, Mich. Carl A. Halvorson, 29 E. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. William J. Frengle, P. O. Box 68, Cotati, Cal. Galer M. Chaves, 303 Santa Fe, Atchison, Kans. Carl H. Frank, R. D. 26, Oconomowoc, Wis. Helmer Stoner, Cromwell, Minn. Paul Frank, 2025 Ruble St., Chicago. Charles L. Powers, 856 Prospect St., Elgin. Jerome C. Olsen, Corp., 2131 Humboldt Blvd., Chicago. Harry J. Schultz, 631 Wilder St., Elgin. James H. Kelley, 1 10 S. 7th St., Delavan, Wis. Carl R. Glor, P. O. Box 158, Nerstrand, Minn. Robert I. Lane, R. D. i, Twin Lake, Mich. Florence J. Pembroke, 528 3rd St., San Francisco, Cal. John Foresti, 823 S. State St., Chicago. Raymond W. Swenson, Winnebago. Robert J. Larocca, Corp., 2230 Cromwell St., Chicago. William Thoemke, 583 Livingston Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Anthony F. Madlener, Stab. Sgt., 3716 W. 49th St., Chicago. Charles E. White, Sgt., 1337 S. Santa Fe Ave., Wichita, Kans. Algot J. Anderson, 628 W. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. Roy W. Glaser, Wisconsin and Adams Sts., Burlington, Wis. Chester E. Holmgren, 736 Jessamine St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward L. Johnson, 3159 S. Canal St., Chicago. Francis J. Farrell, 93 Depot St., W. Chicago. William J. Suchy, Cary. Charles M. Planthaber, 406 9th Ave., Sterling. Frank J. Moran, 1313 E. 72nd Place, Chicago. John T. Nelson, 1303 Casper Ave., Rockford. ames F. Parker, Warroad, Minn. Henry F. Miller, Box 124, Union. Martin J. Hovland, R. D. 3, Wheeler, Wis. Fred J. Burcum, Box 126, Solon Springs, Wis. Stephen Domek, E. La Salle. Lewis S. Campbell, R. D. 4, Box loi, Duluth, Minn. John A. Gschlecht, 687 De Soto St., St. Paul, Minn. Harry P. Claviter, Virginia, Minn. Adolph Skok, 81 S. Roberts St., St. Paul, Minn. Paul P. Probst, R. D. 3, Woodstock, Minn. Joseph J. Budnick, 531 Superior St., St. Paul, Minn. Edward C. Hansen, R. D. 2, Box 18, Scales Mound. Arthur M. Minot, 205 N. Oak St., Traverse City, Mich. Andrew Carlson, 314 N. Elm St., Fairmont, Minn. Arthur H. Kittleson, Blair, Wis. Oscar A. Johnson, R. D. 4, Stoughton, Wis. Hans Havn, R. D. 1, Box 15, Odin, Minn. Charley H. Martison, Magnolia, Minn. Hjalmar A. Edlund, Sebeka, Minn. Louis Wold, R. D. i, Downsville, Wis. John E. Hagen, 118 Prentice Ave., Ashland, Wis. Robert E. Malloy, 1104 S. 4th St., Stillwater, Minn. Rollin J. Ashton, Hickley. Eric V. Peterson, io8 N. 58th Ave., West Duluth, Minn. Leslie M. Miller, Care of L. W. Noble, R. D. 7, Fair- mont^ Minn. Arthur L. Nyberg, R. D. i. Box 51, Cokato, Minn. Ole L. Saltness, R. D. 3, Montevideo, Minn. John A. Barth, R. D. i, Box 151, Thorp, Wis. John Daley, 563 Western Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Richard J. Hannen, 4516 S. Vincent Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert Divine, 3900 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Frederick G. Honeyager, 227 James St., Waukesha, Wis. Harry G. Camouris, 122 2nd St., N. W., Mason City, Iowa. Henry F. Wachs, 645 9th St., Grand Rapids, Wis. Joseph Kriz, Montgomery, Minn. Charles H. Ottensmeyer, 4937 Loughborough Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Joseph F. Weber, McHenry. Albert A. Abel, Sgt., 997 S. Fifth St., Marshfield, Ore. Frank J. Vlk, Sgt., 5160 S. Robey St., Chicago. Harry K. Adamson, R. D. 2, W. Chicago. Cole R. Danielson, R. D. 1, Box 6, Hendricks, Minn. Thomas Holland, Jr., R. D. i, Garvin, Minn. John J. Lutmer, R. D. i, Wilmont, Minn. Henry J. Neumann, Box 832, Fairmont, Minn. Axel L. Berg, R. D. 2, Pine City, Minn. Fred S. Lynch, Corp., 5413 Ridgewood Ct., Chicago. Garfield W. Day, 616 Wisconsin St., Lake Geneva, Wis. Joseph J. Konieczka, 2950 Keeley St., Chicago. John A. Zelinsky, 79 7th Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Lloyd Schroeder, 149 Trenton St., St. Paul, Minn. Carl M. S. Kjellen, 8736 Buffalo Ave., S. Chicago. William H. Schoening, Flasher, N. D. Eddie Hingiss, Abbottsford, Wis. Clarence W. Krammes, Corp., Elmwood, Wis. Niilo Jokinen, Brantwood, Wis. George H. Seis, R. D. 5, Box 16, Antigo, Wis. Frank L. Spartz, R. D. i. Box 8, Dundas, Minn. Henry W. Prinz, 747 E. 7th St., Red Wing. Minn. Gustaf C. Danielson, Box 487, Litchfield, Minn. Arthur C. Eilert, 817 Union St., W. Hoboken, N. J. Alfred Odegaard, Elbow Lake, Minn. _ Carl A. Cajanus, 1902 Byron St., Chicago. William J. Furey, 23 E. 2Sth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Joe O. Erickson, Tyler, Minn. George Duss, R. D. i. Box 48, Boyd, Wis. Joseph Stephan, Box 1206, Soudan, Minn. James Dunn, 1 1 1 W. Grace St., St. Peter, Minn. Edwin Gavic, Box 515, Glenwood City, Wis. Frank Bosile, 420 Monroe St., Eveleth, Minn. Herman C. O. Mampe, Corp., 1557 Dewey Ave., Evans- ton. Joseph Thomas, 58 Edward St., Kenosha, Wis. William G. Pohlmann, 3607 S- Seeley Ave., Chicago. Alexander Morkus, 1340 48th Ave., N. Cicero. Richard A. Becher, R. D. i. Fish Creek, Wis. Matteo A. Eligi, R. D. 2, Hugo, Minn. Edward M. Machacek, Box 53, Lonsdale, Minn. Angelo A. Scanavino, Box 381, South Wilmington. Hugh Server, Corp., iii Mesabe Ave., Duluth, Minn. James Crosses, Mpozaiteca Patrons, Greece. William F. Stelzl, 987 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Matt Paroli, 501 W. 8th St., Duluth, Minn. Sandie Swanson, R. D. 4, Grove City, Minn. Eugene Tourville, R. D. 2, Centuria, Wis. Herman H. Glasscock, 8 E. Pearson St., Chicago. Isidor Kaplan, 67 3rd St., Chelsea, Mass. Charles H. Schultz, Jr., Corp., 737 W. 33rd St., Chi- cago. Vincent F. Urbanczyk, 3305 Mosspratt St., Chicago. Napoleon Lacroix, 17 Railroad St^ Putnam, Conn. Edward C. Thiel, Sgt., 6325 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Robert A. Calkins, R. D. 3, Box 17, Tomah, Wis. Albin W. Frisk, in 38th St., Moline. Leland K. Johnson, R. D. 26, Oshkosh, Wis. Henry Hermanson, R. D. 3, Box 83, Clayton, Wis. Oscar W. Larson, Hayfield, Wis. Walter R. Paff, R. D. i, Wausau, Wis. John A. Breidenbach, 204 Cherokee St., St. Louis, Mo. Mathias Kluck, Box 132, East, Dubuque. Thomas J. Bracklin, Stone Lake, Wis. Walter G. Nelson, 624 nth St., Kewanee. Jesse P. Muldowney, Highland, Wis. Frank O. Berglund, Box loc;, Turtle Lake, Wis. THE 311TH ENGINEERS 291 George W. Lathrop, 300 S. River St., Appleton, Wis. Charles Monski, Stoddard, Wis. Roy A. Brannon, R. D. 5, Box 36, Linton, Ind. Robert F. Hessel, 36 W. Knapp St., Rice Lake, Wis. Michael J. Sitek, 1 107 Cedar Ave., Superior, Wis. Harvey L. Cottrell, 402 Chippewa St., Alerrill, Wis. Anton Butkowski. R. D. 5, Box 26, Ashland, Wis. Benjamin E. Heighten, R. D. 3, Stanley, Wis. Arthur J. Miller, R. D. 28, Picketts, Wis. Herman O. Beckstrom, Care of J. E. Phillips, R. D. i, Aurora, S. D. Charley C. Clark, Rewey, Wis. Martinus Danielson, Drummond, Wis. August G. Larson, 6405 Banks Ave.. Superior, Wis. Leonas Vilicka, 501 Lincoln Ave., Rockford. Max H. G. Kuchenbecker, R. D. 10, Neenah, Wis. Charles W. Layman, 205 Seymour St., Wausau, Wis. Hans J. Hanson, 894 3rd St., West, Superior, Wis. John A. Anderson, 308 Howard Ave., Rockford. Andrew A. Bornemann, Bloomer, Wis. William A. Bertrand, 210 Pine St., Merrill, Wis. Edward P. Martell, R. D. 2, Somerset, Wis. Joseph Kopp, 14 17 Grand Ave., Wausau, Wis. Arthur E. Foltz, Unity, Wis. Elmer Running, 414 Weeks Ave., Superior, Wis. Carl Theiler, Harrison, Wis. Bruno J. Schlagenhaft, R. D. 5, Marshfield, Wis. Thomas Wigstadt, R. D. 2, Box 57, Dorchester, Wis. Earl F. Knox, Cuba City, Wis. Archie E. Gregory, North Water St., Platteville, Wis. Thomas J. McKeone, Baileys Harbor, Wis. Everett A. Setzer, R. D. i, Hillsboro, Wis. Arthur W. Otto, 404 Eagle St., Oshkosh, Wis. Mike Becter, 703 E. 4th St., Marshfield, Wis. Otto A. Jesina, Sgt., 5229 S. Honore St., Chicago. Raymond Deckard, Sgt., R. D. 2, Bidwell, Ohio. George W. Knight, Mineral Point, Wis. Theodore A. Zillman. 1437 4th St., Wausau, Wis. Neal Gray, Bryant, Wis. Frank S. Gaffney, 714 9th St., Oshkosh, Wis. John Gospodar, Box 161, S.tanley, Wis. Floyd O. Range. 518 Dearborn Ave., Galena, Mont. Carl R. Saaf, R. D. 2, Neillsville, Wis. Tony Timositis, 1807 E. Jackson St., Springfield. Joe Stone, R. D. 1, Danberry, Wis. George Lee, Jackson, Minn. Sydney W. Faulkner, Lake Wales, Fla. Henry A. Terry, 4359 Hunt Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Willis H. Nichols, R. D. 5, Box 21, Windon, Minn. Peter J. Hanson. R. D. i. Box 51, Wilson, Wis. Otto Schilling, Washburn, Wis. Burton H. May, 2822 15th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Alfred F. Brenner, R. D. 2, Thorp, Wis. Orville J. Gordon, R. D. 2, Loyal, Wis. Arthur M. Reimer, Glenrock, Wyo. Ralph E. Dunham. Elk Mound. Wis. Victor P. Olson, Sand Creek, Wis. Roscoe Manning, Lily, Wis. Albert Geisa, 2807 W. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. John T. Cier, 1232 8th Ave., South. Wausau, Wis. Elias O. Jones, Berth Pennaenmawr, North Wales, Great Britain. Joseph H. Trombley, 1924 Laflin St., Rcckford. Walter M. Smyth, 59 Coffin Ave., Sheridan, Wyo. Claude R. Gridley, R. D. 3, Homer, Mich. William J. Weidner, 2415 Germantown Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa. Harold C. Cheney R. D. 2, Cadott, Wis. Joseph Ksenzek, Krasnostaw Gubelnia, Lublin W Gury, Poland. John Szczesniak, Koromifukr, Poland, Russia. Charles F. Couch, 412 High St., Ishpeming, Mich. Frank P. Finnegan, 851 Bluff St., Beloit, Wis. Russell M. Shake, Albin, Wyo. Henry W. Lillge, Box 815, Stratford, Wis. John M. Reinholtz, Crystal Lake. Francis W. Peasley, Terre Haute, Ind. Irvin H. Plank, 220 N. Douglas Ave., Lyons, Kans. John Manninen, Embarrass, Minn. Levi Teegarden, Jr., R. D. 10, Menomonie, Wis. Harrison Martin, R. D. i. Pelican, Wis. Tony J. Antonakos, 619 N. Clark St., Chicago. John A. Murphy, 3808 Loman Drive, Seattle, Wash. Edgar G. Wohlust, R. D. i, S. Milwaukee, Wis. Leroy S. Hartwick, Care of 4851 St. Anthony Ct., Chicago. James G. Mulleny, Amberg, Wis. Albert P. Schwartz, Sgt., Box 164, De Soto, Mo. Walter J. Rawson, 1208 Bellview St., Dallas, Texas. Per J. Erickson, Elkhorn, Mont. Paul G. Kumbier, 226 8th Ave., North Wausau, Wis. Clarence Lutz, Gen. Del., Winchester, Kans. SECOND BATTALION, 311TH ENGINEERS, U. S. A. Cassius Fletcher, Capt., Ridge Farm. COMPANY "D," 311TH ENGINEERS Fred A. Rohn, ist Lt., 1325 Rosedale Ave., Chicago. Philip R. Elfstrom, ist Lt., 215 McKee St., Batavia. James L. Birsch, 2d Lt., Aquilar, Colo. Horace H. Crary, 2d Lt., 4014 N. 37th St., Tacoma, Wash. Geo. H. Tiderman, ist Sgt., 4145 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Edw. J. Cannon, Sgt. (i), 621 Shalby St., New Al- bany, Ind. Fred M. Franklin, Sgt. (1), E. Alton. Edward J. Zellinger, Sgt. (i), 5326 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Arthur King, Sgt. (i), 5219 S. Marshfield Ave., Chi- cago. Thos. B. Hammil, Corp., R. D. 48. Greenville, Pa. Howard L. Warren (i). Federal Dam, Minn. John A. Hribal, 218 Berlin Ave., Rockford. Edw. J. Dalquist, Wag., 908 Bryan St., Austin, Minn. Fred G. Kern, Corp., 5852 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Clarence L. Dyson (i), 227 N. Winnebago St., Rock- ford. Donald A. Campbell, Sgt., 5459 Dorchester Ave., Chi- cago. Jos. N. Kaszeski, Bug., 3224 Wall St., Chicago. Raymond H. Grey, Corp., 4741 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Henry Kroupa, Cook, 5329 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Louis Jasa, Cook, 640 Grey St., Chicago. Lykurgas Pappachristofily, Cook, 4630 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Robert S. Tyler, Cook, Gunnersville, Ala. Mathew Karas, Mess Sgt., 4634 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Anton K. Urbaniak, Corp., 5337 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Wm. C. Kambilafoas, Cook, 2409 Clybourn Ave., Chi- cago. Carl G. Johanson (i), 835 Height St., Portland, Ore. Fred FaUc, 206 E. 3rd St., Red Wing, Minn. Francis A. Schmit, 2525 4th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Axel Peterson (1), Brown St., Hutchinson, Minn. John A. Gustafson, Sgt., 185 McKee St., Batavia. John E. Niemi, Bug., R. D. i. Box iii, Brantwood, Wis. Frank F. Nicek, Wag., 5014 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Jos. Venetus, Wag., 5329 Shields Ave., Chicago. Walter Rempa, Corp., 5327 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Edw. H. Boldt, Wag., R. D. 20. Hales Corners, Wis. James W. Roome, Wag., 1532 Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. Jos. Kucera, Sgt., 1918 W. 47th St., Chicago. Henry H. Davis, Wag., 1420 i6th Ave., Rock Island. John Bruck, Corp., 5220 S. Bishop St., Chicago. Harold E. McCormick (i), Illinois City. Albert Arends (i). Middle River, Minn. Gust Svvanson, 4639 Aldrich Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Kleren (i). Box 133, Oslo, Minn. Vincent T. Kane, Sup. Sgt., 5356 S. Wood St., Chicago. Adolph M. Kopetsky, Wag., Two Rivers, Wis. John Molek, Sad., 4829 S. Marshfield Ave.. Chicago. Martin J. Hanson, Wag., R. D. 2, Box 36, Deer Creek, Minn. James Calligeris (i), 934 Pleasant St., Beloit, Wis. Jos. Scalzo, Plantania, Italy. Fred B. Konet, Hs., 2515 W. 46th St., Chicago. Chester J. Ranee, Corp., 1578 Grand Ave., Grand River, Wis. 292 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Jos. M. Keating, Sgt., 5707 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Albert Koepke, Sgt., 6329 S. Carpenter St., Chicago. Hugo V. Stake, 1301 Heath Ave., Chicago. Algoth Ruus, 222(,yz W. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Isaac OHng, 327 Tower Ave., Superior, Wis. Jos. C. Woolridge, 333 Benton St., Aurora. Sam P. Schleuter, 2915 11^ Ave., Rock Island. Edvart V. Peterson, R. D. i, Box 31, Clearbrook, Minn. Warren E. Swenson, Corp., Nelson Ave., Crystal Lake. Clias. Rupke, 3624 N. Clifton St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur V. Youngquist, 3028 Stevens Ave., S., Min- neapolis, Minn. Arthur J. Scheltz (i), 169 Mountain St., Aurora. pi-ed Scheithauer, Interwald, Wis. Nels J. Olson, 1508 4th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Wm. A. Travis, R. D. 25, Oconomowoc, Wis. Wm. A. Kopp, Buda. James J. Marley, Corp., 2959 W. 39th St., Chicago. Emil E. Wilborg, R. D. i, Clearbrook, Minn. Alexander Ridderson, 1287 Juliet St., St. Paul, Minn. Luigi Rossini, Westover, Mmn. Walter J. Sumner, 1002 Franklin St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Harley M. Zimmerman, Orangeville. Rudolph Stenberg, Bridgeman & Russel Co., Jamestown, N. D. Alfred Johnson, 231 1 12th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Kayetan Ostrowski, R. D. 2, Box 87, Rosholt, Wis. Dan O. Slayton, R. D. 2, Cheteck, Wis. Edw. J. Welk, Box 204, Edgerton, Minn. Walter M. Milbrath (i), R. D. i, Palmyra, Wis. Harry G. Jorgensen, 275 Bates Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Nora W. Etherton (i), Douglas, Mich. James L. Kelley, 5836 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Oscar S. Holmquist, Corp., 1718 6th St., Rockford. Edw. O. Wangerin, R. D. 4, Stewart, Minn. Wm. J. Welch, 808 6th St., Stillwater Minn. Edw. A. Samuelson, 667 Mason St., Rhinelander, Wis. Earl V. Vincent, 328 W. Owatoma St., Duluth, Minn. Philip Lasman, 200 E. 13th St., St. Paul, Minn. Harry T. Taylor, Eau Galle, Wis. Martin B. Severson, Corp., 133 Plum St., Eau Clair^ Wis. Chas. P. Slatoris, 717 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Oscar Fransen, 757 W. 79th St., Chicago. Edger W. Frantz, 606 3rd Ave., Rock Island. Leonard Amdur, 824 Logan Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. John Scott, 390 Van Buren St.. Milwaukee, Wis. John N. Franceski, 259 Mitchell St., Milwaukee, Wis. Anton T. Willeke, Corp., R. D. 2. St. Joseph, Minn. Harold K. Hanson, Corp., 1012 Pleasant St., Janesville, Wisconsin. Arthur E. Theobald, Sgt., 2550 Washington Blvd., Chi- cago. Michael W. Jackowski, 4818 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Leonard Larson, 421 Washington Ave., E. Grand Forks, Minn. Albert Nelson, 4606 Camden Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Gubertas Milaszius (i), 4501 S. Wood St., Chicago. Oscar Strand, R. D. 6, Menomonie, Wis. Obie R. Jackson, Box 28, Largo, Ind. Herbert C. Meyer, Wabasso, Minn. John B. Gagnon, Corp., Waverly, Minn. William Kniekamp, Box 305, Coal City. Henning A. Larson, Balsam, Minn. Oscar 0. Klomstad, R. D. 2, Audubon, Minn. Geo. R. Johnson, 40 8th St., Colquet, Minn. Edw. F. Volland, New Bedford. Oliver Gould, Malmo, Minn. Maurice Cheiten, 1316 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Ernest O. Rothe. Corp., Fisk, Wis. Howard N. La Grange, 11 09 8th Ave., Rock Island. Hans E. Hanson, R. D. i. Clear Lake, Minn. Joseph Lukosius, 319 Edwards St., Rockford. Nathan Israel, 1330 Irving St., Denver, Colo. Warren S. Jackman, 670 Grace St., Elgin. Oscar A. Hauggorde, Grant R. D. i. Pine River, Minn. Chas. Deluca, 534 Elston St., Chicago. Fred E. Crowley, Corp., 723 Willis Ave., Ashland, Wis. John J. Conniff, R. D. i, Hokah, Minn. "Leon L. litis, 225 N. S4th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Francis T. Hannon, Elburn. Knute Lomen, Box 134, Lengby, Minn. Tames R. Dixon, 3536 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Herby L. Johnson, R. D. i. Gully, Minn. Angelo LucarelH, Pavingia, Ascolipicamo, Italy. Clarence H. Amundson, Corp., Merillan, Wis. Thos. M. Monroe, 4226 Gladys Ave., Chicago. Junius G. Mattox (i), 1222 Lincoln Highway, Rochelle. Paul Kihle, 417 S. Academy St., Stoughton, Wis. Chas. P. Hjort, 4229 N. Kostner Ave., Chicago. Wm. E. Drake, R. D. 5, Princeton. John F. Hayenga, Allison, la. Gustav A. Nyquist, R. D. 2, E. Grand Forks, Minn. Joseph Schack, Corp., 8946 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. John B. Matson, Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. James H. Murphy, Scandia Hotel, Hibbing, Minn. Edw. M. Martola, 1228 Melrose St., Chicago. Walter R. Grisson, 697 W. Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Philip J. Dart, 602 S. Michigan St., Depere, Wis. Frank F. Kahl, 2019 Vine St., Davenport, la. John C. Collins, 1525 N. Clark St„ Chicago. Ernest T. Throne, Corp., R. D. 3, Erskine, Minn. Ross P. Hartley, 207 N. Allegheny St., Austin, Minn. Felix Winiarski, Sgt., 4744 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Glenn C. Kiley, 710 W. Main St., Madison, Wis. John Schunk, Wannakee, Wis. Alfred W. IJrovold, 3944 17th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Chas. E. Donnelly, 12 E. Hamburg St., Muskegon, Mich. Jos. Heinz, R. D. 3, Care of Christensen, Portage, Wis. Oscar E. Anderson, Mankato, Minn. Edward Kohlman, Corp., 5206 Justine St., Chicago. Earl W. Gordon, R. D. 3, Wausau, Wis. Tony C. Gigler, Ada, Minn. Peter Durando, S. Wilmington. John D. Sumner, 13 N. Hancock St., Madison, Wis. Deloss Fry, R. D. 2, Rhinelander, Wis. Albert H. Fritch, R. D. 3, Box 54, Grand Rapids, Wis. Frank J. Brtva, S. Wilmington. Francis I. Kelly, Corp., 467 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Odin Wenum, R. D. 3, Box 56, Spring Valley, Wis. Frank Brahmer, R. D. 5, Medford, Wis. Albert B. Youngquist, Box 40, Lake Nebagamon, Wis. Raymond A. Hareth, 1098 Booth St., Milwaukee. Norman E. Canestrop (i), Box 412, Elbow Lake, Minn. Milo F. Slezak, 317 Church St., Iowa City, la. John J. Ghee, 6940 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Wm. Seppla, Corp., Dollar Bay, Mich. Jos. P. Aylward, 924 S. Van Buren St., Green Bay, Wis. Frank Felicksiak, 1435 La Harp St., La Salle. Alexander Yeager, 517 Forest St., Eau Claire, Wis. Edward J. Clark, 428 Main St., Aurora. Leon H. Chester. Box M., Manchester, Conn. Rozelle V. Brooks, Box 125, Marengo. Geo. H. Ennis, 126 Lucey Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Chas. J. Heinrich, Corp., 5232 S. Winchester Ave., Chi- cago. Edw. W. Van Sloun, R. D. 2, Chaska, Minn. Anton L. Erickson, Gem, Shoshone County, Box 13, Idaho. Adolph F. Holtz, Box 194, Ableman, Wis. Herman W. Lambrecht, Augusta, Wis. Lewis P. Marcum, Narvel, Ky. Edw. R. Collins, 708 50th St., W. Chicago. Geo. L. Delaney, Corp., R. D., New Lennox. Gust P. Tjenos, Corp., 5103 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Wm. C. Bettendorf (i), 594 Solfisburg Ave., Aurora. Otto E. Auguston, R. D. 3, Crooked Lake, Minn. Gerhart M. Anderson, Spring Valley, Wis. Stanley J. Selden, R. D. 2, Pittsville, Wis. Aug. M. Meulmans, W. Wrightstown, Wis. Walter F. Anderson, Exland, Wis. Eddie L. Conlee, Corp., 720 N. Douglas St., Peoria. Lyle G. Baker, Colesby. Herman F. Segebrecht, Sgt., 1124 Elizabeth St., Madison, Wisconsin. Fred H. Ahl, 5327 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Mathias Kammer, Prairie du Sac, Wis. Helmar W. Anderson, R. D. 2, Box 58, Ogema, Wis. Arthur R. Kuhagen, 231 1 Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Geo. F. Smith, 350 Arthur St., Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada. Leo F. Balow, Onamia, Minn. Vernon D. Brown, Platteville, Wis. David V. Bratt, Corp., 116 W. 8th St., Superior, Wis. Andrew Lilly, R. D. i, Box 38, Milladore, Wis. John Arnstad, 532 Broadway St., Eau Claire, Wis. Morris R. Johnson, 611 S. Academy St., Stoughton, Wis. Henry J. Zick, James St., Columbus, Wis. Andrew C. Volla, Star Route, W. Salem, Wis. Harry W. Banbury, 240 Spruce St., Aurora. Fred Pacuier, Annawan. Geo. W. Evans, Corp., 2417 13th Ave., Rock Island. Chas. H. Schultz, Orchard Place. Frank A. Simmons, Boyceville, Wis. Leander Mctz, R. D. i. Box 22, Stetsonville, Wis. THE 311TH ENGINEERS 293 Ivar Ilangen, Borup, Minn. Geo. N. Geliring, Phillips, Wis. Fred J. Estheimer, R. D. i, Phillips, Wis. Ralph Hammar, R. D. 2, Box 16, Ogema, Wis. Geo. S. Elliott, Corp., 4713 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago. Frank M. Stitgen, 340 Atwood Ave., Madison, Wis. Otto T. Neumueller, Whittlesey, Wis. Edw. ■ E. Hultquest, R. D. 2, Ogema. Wis. Irvine C. Mainland, 659 Park Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Chas. J. Stellick, Medford, Wis. Edmund P. Joseph, Elmhurst. John Shea, 227 Chippewa St., Eau Claire, Wis. Andrew Skonieczny, Corp., 4824 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Wm. C. Britt, Middleton, Wis. David R. Edwards, Cambria, Wis. John Lockwood, 311 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton, Wis. Louis H. Boelter, R. D. i. Almond, Wis. Joseph Pranckewice, Box 212, Oglesby. Andrew S. Connell, 216 Lincoln St., Janesville, Wis. Peter Koss, 355 Franklin St., Stevens Point, Wis. Chas. F. Cisar, Corp., R. D. 2, Box 43, Oconto, Wis. Frank C. Kumbier, R. D. i. Chilli, Wis. Edw. A. Schultz, 1029 Water St., Columbus, Wis. Valentine J. Bergler, 1140 3d St., La Salle. John Sima, Lugeville, Box 10, Philips, Wis. Andrew R. Wielgus, Pulaski Wis. Geo. W. Finstad. R. D. 2, Beldenville, Wis. Claude E. Melzer, Kaiser, Wis. Frank Lavitas, Corp., Carmo Ave., Rogers Park, Chicago. Neil A. MacLean. Sgt., Shelburn, Ind. James Wozilik (i), 4531 S. Honore St., Chicago. John Bartley Rolla, N. D. Tom Davis, Washoe, Mont. COMPANY "E," 311TH ENGINEERS William M. Winkler, Capt., 1124 Genesee Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Wesley B. Walraven, ist Lt., 128 N. Maple St., Centralia. Ralph S. Barber, ist Lt., 400 Western Ave., Joliet. Clifford C. Deck, 2d Lt., 1142 Lamberton St., Trenton, New Jersey. Peter Smith, ist Sgt., 6817 S. Honore St., Chicago. Milton T. Estes, Sgt. (i). Buhl, Idaho. George W. Raible, Sgt. (i), 6609 S. Lincoln St., Chi- cago. Joseph Prendergast, Sup. Sgt., 6409 Oakley Ave., Chi- cago. Bernhardt A. Kleboe, Keller Pneumatic Tool Co., Grand Haven, Mich. William E. Wolf, Allerton, la. Edward Moulis, 1616 loth St., S. LaCrosse, Wis. Eugene J. Keogh, 801 W. Park Row, St. Peter, Minn. VV'illiam N. Brucks, Wag., 7721 S. State St.. Chicago. Peter Dina, Sad., 5719 S. California Ave., Chicago. Hollis H. Munce, Sgt., 6810 S. Oakley Ave., Chicago. Charles Fisher, Wag., 4338 W. Cortland St., Chicago. Edward Uhl, Box 1 10, Three Lakes, Wis. Glen W. Moore, R. D. 2, London Mills. Harold Durango, Winchester, Wis. Andy V. Halgren, 3628 Coates St., Duluth, Minn. William R. Voss, Loganville, Wis. Ralph W. Sims, Corp., 52 Arthur Ave., S. E., Minneap- olis, Minn. Raymond G. Garrett, Friendship, Wis. Edwin L. Munroe, R. D. 3. Racine, Wis. Paul Markoski, Woodruff, Wis. Lawrence Drought, 219 N. Washington St., Waupaca, Wisconsin. Arthur A. Clark, Norwood, la. Paul Koebke, 109 McClellan St., Wausau, Wis. Clarence T. Osmund, R. D. 3. Sheridan. Eugene P. Sheridan, Corp., 164 Abel St.. Akron, O. Edward Miller, 6919 .S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Earnest F. Button, Wag., 5127 S. Trumbull Ave., Chi- cago. Ernest W. Gustafson, 1942 W. 59th St., Chicago. Emil H. Buthmann, Hs., 4839 School St., Chicago. Alex R. Sherlock, Belle Plain, Minn. Robert B. Irwin, R. D. 2, Hanover. Michael T. Finerty, Corp., 3429 Beach Ave., Chicago. James Muscato, Wag., 7017 S. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Reszki, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. Elmer I. Thompson, Box "T", Colfax, Wis. John J. Zeck, 1242 20th St.. Milwaukee Wis. Norman C. Snow, 821 S. Independence Blvd., Chicago. Irving J. Voss, Harrison & Stoddard Aves, Wheaton. William P. Haynes, Mess Sgt., 6500 S. Loomis Blvd., Chicago. Paul E. Priegel, R. D. 20, Box 124, Hales Corner, Wis. Constatine N. Andrianos, Ck., Kerastari, Greece. Charles Brendley, 209 Spencer St., Dwight. Louis Rerat (i), 2222 Western Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Theodore Karan (i), 244 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred C. Grewe, Bug., 6107 S. Major Ave., Chicago. Shelby R. McFadden, Apple River. Percy J. McGonigal, Ck., 713 N. 6th St., Saginaw, Mich. Walter C. Luck, 25 Taylor St., Waupun, Wis. Joseph W. Zamb, Stab. Sgt., 5436 S. Kildare Ave., Chi- cago. Robert R. Renner, Sgt., 608 Maiden Ave., Portland, Ore. John Linna (i), Brantwood, Wis. Cyril Krahulec, Box 418, S. Wilmington. Edward P. Zurn, Box yz. Bock, Minn. Carl G. Giese, 592 North Ave., Aurora. William Dziabas, 1719 La Harpe St.. La Salle. Owen J. Meegan, 1629 Grand Ave., Chicago. Frank G. Hunter, 3107 Arthington St., Chicago. George M. Guttersen, R. D. 2, Box 48, Peterson. Minn. John F. Hannig (i), 229 nth Ave., N. St. Cloud, Minn. Kent Knutson, P. O. Box 125, Fertile, Minn. James G. Reynolds, Ladd. George A. Smedberg, 1430 Twentieth Ave., Rockford. Alef Person, Anvil Mine. Bessemer, Mich. Albert C. Merke, Yorkville. Valentine E. Delles, Corp., 6939 S. Laflin St., Chicago. Emil S. Erickson, 3545 Colfax Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. George Quinn, 612 15th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Edgar V. Hanson (i), 3201 22d Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ralph A. Anderson, 407 Peach St.. Rockford. Ignatz Wallace. P. O. Box 307, Coal City. William H. Wilke, loi Fruit St., Peru. Bennie C. Rockstad, 249 Dallace St., River Falls, Wis. Richard D. Carey, Corp., 1098 3d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Alois H. Schmidt, R. D. i. Box 10, Hugo, Minn. Thomas M. Larkin, Oglesby. Theodore G. Aasland, Box 4, Winner, Minn. Leo Kaufman, 193 8th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Fred Schiller, 189 Illinois Ave., Aurora. Claud S. Ferlen, Haswell, Colo. Oscar G. Jahr, R. D. i, Beldenville, Wis. Earl W. Sommers, Wag., 2035 W. 68th St., Chicago. Gust A. Nelson, 727 N. 13th St., De Kalb. Edward W. McKeown, 3650 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Charles Blender, Dallas City. Joseph L. Tischler, 113 Mill St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Winthep E. Bryson, 905 3d Ave., Sterling. Gustave E. Moberg, 807 E. 21st St., Minneapolis, Minn. Harris D. Barragan, 1719 W. Huron St., Chicago. Andrew Milos, 6015 S. Honore St., Chicago. Augusto Maccari, Box 11, Tipperary, la. Orval H. Raffensparger, Swanville, Minn. Bror A. Carlson, 540 Wesley Ave., Evanston. Austin F. Clark, 376 La Harpe St., La Salle. William J. Virnig, 301 9th St., S. E., Little Falls, Minn. Christian H. Indermuehle, R. D. i, Juneau, Wis. Raymond E. Herren, 8 Oak St., W. Chicago. Michael Studnicki, (i), 2241 W. 19th St., Chicago. Edward Bianchetti, 3 3d St., La Salle. Joseph J. O'Donnell, Sgt., 6645 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Joseph F. Prior, Sgt., 2209 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Otto Uebel, 143s Fifth St., La Salle. Ole J. Ramberg, R. D. 1, Mentor, Minn. Glenn W. Bell, Wasco. Carl A. Magnuson, 2716 S. 9th St., Minneapolis, Minn. John H. Brandt, Verndale Minn. Erving J. Barton, 533 E. Marquette St., Ottawa. Henry J. West, Corp.. 6238 S. Massasoit Ave., Chicago. James W. Lyons, P. O. Box 32, Ball Club, Minn. Judson Miller, Trempealeau, Wis. John Nosal, 1745 18th St., N. Chicago. George S. Laumann, 1083 i6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herman A. Olson, 318 Nicholas St., Blue Earth, Minn. Anton J. Fait, 416 Chestnut St.. N. Owatonna, Minn. Ralph H. Ballantine, Corp., 5518 S. Honore St., Chi- cago. John Roach, R. D. i. Fond du Lac, Wis. Henry O. Moen, R. D. 2, Woodburn, Ore. Vance F. Kolbinger, Becker, Minn. 294 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION William D. Adams, P. O. Box 222, Hutchinson, Minn. David Simpson, 6345 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Raymond L. Schmit, 148 Charles St., St. Paul, Minn. Bert Pierson, 3341 Seminary Ave., Chicago. George C. Lindberg (i), 405 W. 6oth St., Chicago. Edward A. Donaghue, 3347 Washburn Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. Richard W. Wolfe, 628 Wright St., La Salle. Anton Saastad, Box 157, New Auburn, Wis. Leo Bzdok, Little Falls, Minn. Roland Turner, R. D. 24, La Salle. Henry F. Kostuch, R. D. 2, Box 104, Amherst, Wis. Harold M. Samples, 521 Pearl St., Aurora. Ashford F. Corbin (i), 296 Claim St., Aurora. Silas Bcecham, Iron Junction, Minn. Oliver N. Bigelow, iioa N. Second St., Clinton, la. Walter N. Shellstrom, 11 27 20th Ave., Rcckford. William Haley, 1057 Chartress St., La Salle. Godfrey Anderson, R. D. 2, Box 159, North St. Paul, Minn. Harold Loka, R. D. i, Gleason, Wis. Roy W. Lundquist, 451 Spring St., Aurora. Sandy H. Myhre, Luverne, Minn. Mathew F. Gross, North St. Paul, Minn. Theodore E. Knutson, 1200 Johnson St., N. E., Minneap- olis, Minn. Sture A. Pearson, Box 452, Crystal Lake. Rudolph E. Thalin, Sandstone, Minn. John T. Kurvers, 359 Burgess St., St. Paul, Minn. Richard H. Nofke, Ontario, Wis. John P. Rio, Corp., 7010 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Martin E. Shanahan, Sgt., 6130 S. Honore St., Chicago. Carl A. Smith, Sgt., 6216 S. Wood St., Chicago. Michael Dastych, 1027 Jackson St., La Crosse, Wis. Albert E. Leshar, R. D. i, Gatzky, Minn. William H. Held, 343 S. James Ave., Reedsburg, Wis. Walter P. M. Linger, 700 S. 9th St., Watertown, Wis. Stanley K. Nokes, Winchester, Wis. Walter W. Keske, R. D. 2, Box 30, Beaver Dam, Wis. Leo E. Reetz, 610 N. Water St., New London, Wis. Forest Conley, Maple Rapids, Mich. Nathaniel A. Mangrum, R. D. 5, Reedsville, N. C. Charles J. Quarfoth, 1060 Arkwright St.. St. Paal, Minn. Christ S. Pedracine, 3. S. Francis St., Madison, Wis. Francis J. Lorin, 390 W. Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Otto C. Hinz, 415 Riverside Drive, Madison, Wis. Melvin Madson, R. D. 3, Spring Valley, Wis. John R. Quade (i), 1002 Pinos St., Rhinelander, Wis. Harold C. Nelson, 2019 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Lucius A. Taylor, Mcnico, Wis. March H. Matteson, 46 Western Ave., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Fred T. Holbrook, Nashville. Wis. Emil M. Sykora, R. D. i, Box 50, Storden, Minn. Edward Reiter, Box 46, Stettsonville, Wis. Herman G. Eissler, 503 Fifth Ave., Aurora. Roy H. Davis, 131 1 W. isth, St., Topeka, Kan. Charles E. Johns, Cheboygan, Mich. George A. Kerl, 113 Linn St., Janesville, Wis. William Kumm, 314 Maybury Grand Ave., Detroit, Mich. Carl Iverson (i), 2917 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Cecil C. Rhodes, 4302 Crissman St., Flint, Mich. Walter G. Peterson, Cokato, Minn. Carl A. Sandall, 301 Wash. Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Otto E. Brunkow, 747 Grand View. Dubuque, la. Adolph W. Litscher, Sauk City, Wis. Harry A. Weinbauer, Oak and i6th Sts., Grand Rapids, Wisconsin. Theodore R. Pfaff, R. D. i. Lime Ridge, Wis. Edward H. Radue, 734 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Schwedrske, Jr., R. D. i. Box 19, Lyndon, Wis. John Japinski, 1720 W. Fifth Ave., Antigo, Wis. Victor J. Scharpenter, 578 Benton St., Aurora. William Joseph, R. D. i, Swanville, Minn. William A. Carlin, Ableman, Wis. Clark V. Dickie, North Freedom, Wis. Raymond Margadant, 1512 Lowry Ave., N. E. Minneap- olis, Minn. Arthur B. Veith, Hillsboro, Wis. Peter Perin, Barabco, Wis. Thomas Karawasis, Wag., 3442 W. 63d St., Chicago. Alfred F. Roe, 3309 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago. Albert J. Hartel, 417 N. High St., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Edw. Faivre, Box 286, Cuba City, Wis. Christian Winkler, Sgt., 6757 S. Claremont Ave., Chi- cago. Charles D. Oard, Corp., 9530 S. Robey St., Chicago. John P. Johnson, Black River Falls, Wis. Lewis F. Nelson, Cambridge, Wis. Matt Saukko, 1117 ist Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Walgenbach. 253 Lafayette St., La Salle. Charles E. F. Mueller, Corp., 7233 S. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. William C. Radtke, 2860 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Edwin R. Ellertson, R. D. 3, Box 36, Starbuck, Minn. Frank Marini, 20 Syracuse St., Peru. Otto C. Sukow, R. D. I, Helenville, Wis. John W. Kivisto, 315 Fayal Road Eveleth, Minn. Herman E. Burgess, 625 S. Union St., Traverse City, Mich. Fred H. Johnson, Box 43 Finley, Wis. John H. Reynertscn, 1525 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. Frank F. Liebel, 1018 Wilson St., Jefferson, Wis. Anthony A. Lezen, 323 North St., Peru. Mike Alanen, Box 487, Gile, Wis. Chris L. Anderson, R. D. 2, Box 40, Shejl Lake, Wis. Frederick J. Andregg. Hoxie, Kan. Orval Beers, Marysville, Cal., D. G. O. Co. John F. Welch, 5530 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Clarence I. Betts, Mauston, Wis. Edward H. LaBond, Monico, Wis. Simon Campbell, 15 Telford St., Inverness, Scotland. Lewis D. Capen, Millbrook, Mich. John Koskiniemi, Box 31, Palo, Minn. William Knauf, Mosinec, Wis. Fred S. Cole, Glen Ellyn. Fotis Lambros, Pyrgos (Ilias), Greece. Nels C. Nelscn, R. D. i. Box 7, Racine, Wis. Ed Larson, Box 78, Montreal, Wis. Arthur T. Leith, Monico, Wis. George H. Lewis, Rome, Wis. Leo J. Maloney, 113 Ocola St., Rhinelander, Wis. Clifford J. Peterson, Box 203, Grantsburg, Wis. Carl J. Kofford, Dancy, ^yis. William A. Pehta, 1211 Ainslee St., Chicago. Henry E. Pelky, Bowler, Wis. Peter Reano, Box 224, Coal City. Charles A. Rettsberg, Divernon. Carl Christensen, 18 16 Roe Ave., Racine. Wis. John J. Gmerek, 1233 Tenth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. "Herman J. Brost (i), 919 Grand Ave., Port Washington, Wisconsin. Carl M. Ward. R. D. i, Collyer, Kan. Peter J. Stoel, Sgt., 601 1 S. Cicero Ave., Chicago. William F. Engel, 765 Leland Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Elmer Reed, Care of Schields & Douglas, Wisdom, Mont. Eddie T. Shannon, Drummond, Mont. Tobn A. Gastel, 1044 Ellicott St., Buffalo, N. Y. Joseph Miller, Sgt., 2527 Corland St., Chicago. COMPANY "F," 311TH ENGINEERS Chester M. MacChesney, Capt., 568 Hawthorne Place, Chicago. Norman S. Stone, ist Lt., Wausau, Wis. John J. Craig, 2d Lt., 2619 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. -^ Frederick C. Crafton, 2d Lt., 26 Fayette St., Staunton, Virginia. John Black, ist Sgt., 151 Dudley St., Cambridge, Mass. William Brewer Sgt. (i), 223 Seneca St., Leavenworth, Kentucky. Frank Wells, Sgt. (i), St. Edwards, Neb. William F. Collins, Sgt., 4445 Union Ave., Chicago. Ray M. Osborn, Cook, Jonesboro, Tenn. Michael J. Fahey (i), 288 6th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Michael Cudaliy (i), 500 W. 45th St., Chicago. Wilhelm Dreyer, Ottertail. Minn. Edward L. Schneider, R. D. 2, Cleveland, Wis. Thure Hawkinson, 2718 i6th Ave.. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward T. Joyce, Sup. Sgt., 529 W. 45th St., Chicago. Irvin C. Steffensrud, R. D. i. Box 68, Harmony, Minn. William J. Murphy, Wag.. 542 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Oscar B. Bladholm, Marshall, Minn. Felix Paulinski, Cook, 4823 S. Racine Ave., Chicago. Cecil T. Spear (i), 1025 loth St., Greeley, Colo. George Bergmeir, Jr., Nauvoo. Koyran M. Bergin, Mess Set., 4521 Union Ave., Chicago. Albin G. Ekblad, 208 E. Grant St., Minneapolis, Minn. Ralph M. Vosberg, R. D. 2, Box 21, Fort Ripley, Minn. THE 311TH ENGINEERS 295 {ohn J. McMahon, Corp., 626 W. 44th St., Chicago. lenry A. Gilbertson, D. D. 3, Spring Grove, Minn. Emery E. Biggs, R. D. 3, Thompsonville. Chase Young. Care of J. H. McCorkle, Nilroy, Ind. Phillip C. Bennett (i), Taconite, Minn. Harold Hilton, 11 147 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Kasimer J. Lechtanski, Cook, 5241 Racine Ave., Chi- cago. James Flicek, R. D. i, Mahnomen, Minn. Stuart L. Switzer, Market St., Knoxville. Charles W. Thompson, Bug., 4465 S. Princeton Ave., Chicago. Matt Av^kainen. Superior St., Soudan, Minn. Michael J. Griffin, Wag., 444 44th St., Chicago. Martin Barness, R. D. 2, Hartland, Minn. Raymond T. Daley, 2214 Osgood St., Chicago. Charlie U. Duncan, La Harpe. Thomas W. Hanley, Jr., Wag., 740 W. 47th Place, Chi- cago. Samuel P. Grubb, 382 Monmouth Blvd., Galesburg. Benjamin Lysher. 1738 La Fayette St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Ambrose G. Smith, 21 6th St., N., Moorehead, Minn. Julian R. McGill. 350 Lee St., Dawson, Ga. Stephen Jalinski, Hs., 4830 Throop St., Chicago. Wilson C. Lawson, Bug., 640 W. 47th St., Chicago. George N. Kononovich (i), 3353 38th St., Chicago. Samuel Minkoff, 1423 Car Ave.. Sheboygan, Wis. William M. Ryan, Corp., 4225 Emerald Ave., Chicago. .Tames M. Weart, Corp., Palmyra, N. J. Henry Goodwin, Stab. Sgt., 217 W. St., Rockford. Earl H. Pruess, Sgt., 4222 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Ralph Larsen, 2514 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer R. Powelson, R. D. i, Hampton, Minn. Ulysses Smith, Bell Center, Wis. Herbert O. Giebel, Augusta, Wis. Gilbert M. Quamme, R. D. i. Gays Mills, Wis. Herbert J. Olson, 8650 Ave.. L, Chicago. Bennie C. Knudson, Box 33, Winger, Minn. John K. Brigham, Gen. Del., Bolton, Mass. Manfred H. Peterson, Madison, Minn. Alfred Berg, 473 Watson St., Aurora. John F. Blazek, R. D. i, Box 65, Onalaska, Wis. Edward J. Hintsala, R. D. ^, New York Mills, Minn. Martin Blystad, Necedah, Wis. Frank W. Olson, 2649 Longfellow Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Donald B. Ferguson, Corp., 1033 N. 2d St., Rockford. Frank L. O'Grady, 806 Mississippi Ave., Bemidji, Minn. George S. Ostertag, 133 Fulton St., Waukegan. Elvin C. EUingson, Randen, Minn. William J. Gravell, Fort Ripley, Minn. Alois J. Jesse, 201 W. Olive St., Stillwater, Minn. Zene L. Fisher, 781 S. Main St., Janesville, Wis. Clifford J. Walsh, 815 i8th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Alfred Selling (i), 23 W. Grand Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Florian J. Haubenschield, 421 Mechanic St., Jefferson, Wisconsin. Alfred Erickson, Black River Falls, Wis. Leonard Bergren, 1450 Edmond St., St. Paul, Minn. Elwood G. Reddy, 705 N. 1 ith St., Independence, Kan. Martin W. Groth, 203 W. 6th St., Blue Earth, Minn. Walter F. Freed, 1074 E. South St., Galesburg. Fred W. Krautwurm, Corp., 363 E. 6th St., Winona, Minn. Edward McKeig, Box 82, Federal Dam, Minn. John Gnata, Box 76, Ableman, Wis. Sven J. Bensen, R. D. 3, Newark. Ambrose Klingelhuts, Chanhassen, Minn. Frank G. Henderson, R. D. i, Henning, Minn. Andrew Gustafson, 8456 Granby Ave.. S. Chicago. Frank W. Trader, R. D. 2, Stevens Point, Wis. Anton F. Benkowski, Corp., 1228 American Ave., Mil- waukee, Wis. Ralph J. Norton, Elyria, Neb. Alex Anderson, R. D. s. Box 62, W. Duluth, Minn. Henry A. Haman. R. D. 2, Bridgeport, Wis. Carl M. Fruh, Black Duck, Minn. Amandus L. Mattson, 2713 W. Huron St., Duluth, Minn. Axel Okerman, R. D. 2, Little Falls, Minn. Joseph Sokolowski, 3330 Fisk St., Chicago. William Denwood, Corp., 1138 W. Polk St., Chicago. Lloyd M. Van Ert, R. D. 2. Box 51, Junction City, Wis. Ted E. Hill, Sgt., 637 W. Packard St., Decatur. James Taylor, Sgt., Saraquay Flotta, Orkney Island, Scotland. Edward Schofield, Innisboffin County, Ireland. Arthur H. Witte, 1303 4th St., La Salle. Elmer J. Dressendorfer, Fountain City, Wis. Victor A. Lind, 4219 3d St., Minneapolis, Minn. Louis J. Lee, R. D. 3, Box 21, Fairyville, Wis. James P. Keneghan, 20 Wyoming St., Johnstown, Pa. Frank J. Kerski, Corp., Montello, Wis. Elmer Kayute, Box 247, Ely, Minn. Francis J. McDonald, R. D. i. Box 57, Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin. Charles Anderson, Badane Hagsater, Sweden. Joseph E. Daley, Box 316, Pine City, Minn. George M. Steuck, 2502 Du Pont Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. Frank Wafle, Lavelle, Wis. Fred Rodenhouser, 556 Olive St., Galesburg. Clarence L. Wood, Corp., Avoca, Minn. George H. Luedtke, 629 5th Ave., S. Wausau, Wis. Otto J. Sedell. 2428 7th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Chester A. Brown, R. D. 3, Beaver Dam, Wis. Edwin E. Hoffman 1703 Main St., Merrill, Wis. Clyde A. Ellis, R. D. i, Tennessee. Arthur C. Josten, loii Johnson St., La Crosse, Wis. Frank A. Lynn, 321 9th St., Grand Rapids, Wis. George W. Stoker, Corp., R. D. i. Glen Flora, Wis. Theodore C. Hansen, 410 Monroe St., Neenah, Wis. Forrest B. Palmer (i), 1039 St. Lawrence Ave., Beloit, Wisconsin. Harold E. Huffman, 1422 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Matti Hallstrom, P. O. Box i. Marquette, Mich. Harley E. Miller, R. D. 16, Victoria. Floyd H. McCrory, McGrath, Minn. Julius Erickson, R. D. i. Box 35, Holt, Minn. Sam Chodo, Box 495, Gilbert, Minn. Albert B. Zech, Horicon, Wis. David O. Carlson, Superior View, Duluth, Minn. William Egan, 113 S. Orchard St., Madison, Wis. Leo J. Gallagher, R. D. 3, Box 76, Elroy, Wis. Arvid Johnson, 2121 13th St., Moline. Victor Lindquist, 517 38th St., Rock Island. John F. Golomski, R. D. i, Custer, Wis. Felix Jakubiak, Corp., 4746 S. Racine St., Chicago. Earl Page, Onalaska, Wis. Clarence A. Luck, 25 Taylor St., Waupum, Wis. Nicholas Hahn; R. D. i. Box 7, Mqsinee, Wis. William Spatz. R. D. 2, Mosinee, Wis. Forrest G. Holmes, Oneida. John Brandt, Jr., R. D. 3, Box 51, Campbellsport, Wis. Fred Klino. 202 Spruce St., Marshfield, Wis. William J. Meyer, Corp.. 529 E. 7th St., Winona, Minn. John A. Wiggert, 525 N. 8th St., La Crosse, Wis. Thomas A. Griffin, Sgt., 506 W. 44th St., Chicago. Joseph P. Nelson, Sgt., 508 W. 44th Place, Chicago. Arthur W. Schattschneider, 770 Arrow St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albert Vorwerk, Loganville, Wis. William M. Tomaschek, 203 Mechanic St., Winona, Minn. Armodn A. Bauer, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. Joseph A. Roller, 628 W. 4th St., La Crosse, Wis. Jakub F. Golomski, Roshod, ^Y•s. Earl B. Jones, Lake Mills, Wis. Joseph S. Molusky, 628 Erie St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Perry Magnuson. 3809 E. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. Mike O'Leary, New Britain, Minn. Olgert A. Halverson, Soldiers Grove. Wis. Joseph Koschak, Box 375, Park Falls, Wis. Frank Baubkus, 1040 E. 93d St., Chicago. Raymond E. Dunahay, Mill Creek, Pa. William J. Suhr, 601 Carl St., Plattsville, Wis. Leo Malotke, Mauston. Wis. Samuel Cahee, Box 65, Goodman, Wis. Paul J. Eberhardt. 312 S. Park Ave., Fond du Lac, Wis. Oscar C. Olson, R. D. 3, Medford, Wis. Francis J. Mead, 131 1 17th St., Superior Wis. Gunnar H. Pfutzenreuter, 1340 Como Ave., W., St. Paul. Minn. Martin Doyle, 2039 Elias Ct., Chicago. Carl W. Kaiser, P. O. Box 386, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Joseph Hasenohrl, R. D. i, Auburndale, Wis. Edward J. Kerka, R. D. i. Box 48, St. Joseph, Wis. Tobn H. Anetsberger, R. D. i. Box 42, Phillips. Wis. Frank M. Wallace, 77 W. Main St., Chicago Heights. John H. Zrenner. 1837 Newport Ave., Chicago. Herbert F. Reinfeldt, Lock Box 21, Ableman, Wis. Fred B. Heald, P. O. Box 214, Moravia, N. Y. Ivan H. Wolfe, Ladysmith, Wis. Louis W. Colburn, 681 Olive St., St. Paul, Minn. Frank Morasco, Box 61, Richmond, W. Va. George L. Gavin, Corp., 190 Sheboygan St., Fond du Lac, Wis. 296 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION ENGINEERS RE-SURFACING ROAD IN AIX, HAUTE VIENNE Roy A. Shoemaker, R. D. i, Fairchild, Wis. Alfred Hughdahl, 2017 Minnehaha Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Rudolph G. Sundberg, 413 Aldrich Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Giovanni Fresco, 221 2d St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Henry A. Kunda, R. D. 7, Woodstock. George P. Keefe, Wilson Lake, Sask., Canada. Walter S. Szymczak, 2129 N. Long Ave., Cragin. Hans K. Kragseth, 521 5th Ave., Two Harbors, Minn. Joseph A. Shaw, Sgt., 621 W. 47th St., Chicago. Erwin W. Tumler, Sgt., 4032 N. Kostner Ave., Chicago. Leo G. Darrow, Shawano, Wis. Patrick H. Alexander, Rockville, Minn. Benjamin J. Henneman. Bloomer Wis. Joseph Wickert, 744 sth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Fritz Andersen. Box 126, R. D. i, Stockholm, Wis. John Steinel, R. D. 5, Jefferson, Wis. Victor T. Nelson, 123 S. 2d St., Hudson, Wis. Archibald Harris, 1124^ 6th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. John S. HofTner, 378 S. Osceola Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Edward E. Steive, R. D. 3, N. Freedom, Wis. Frederick E. Martin, 1370 Spruce Place, Minneapolis, Minn. Myron Johnson, 2d and Center Sts., Whitehall, N. Y. Ralph D. Harrison, 143 1 S. Bush St., Red Wing. Minn. Harry Seabert, 2640 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Arnold A. Schommer, 21 14 Queen Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Oren R. Rice, 306 N. Oak St., Carlinville. Henry R. Paulson, 2520 29th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Oscar R. Johnson, R. D. 2, Box 12-B, Moose Lake, Minn. William C. Bauer, Highland, Wis. Frank E. Paulson, 1908 9th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ivar J. Wolden, 223 Washington Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. James D. Fitzgibbons, 6917 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Dell H. Rinderknecht, St. Charles, Minn. Charles J. Holzinger, 2522 Grand St., Minneapolis, Minn. Howard M. Roos, Box 276, Erie. Andrew Anderson, 702 Floride Ave., N., Fond du Lac, Wis. Carl E. N. Skon, Box 158, Rib Lake, Wis. Frank A. Koschnick, 378 6th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Earl Longendyke, Box 324, Cuba City, Wis. August A. Hellmuth, Box 107, R. U. 3, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Joseph C. De Muth, Corp., 507 S. 5th St., La Crosse, Wisconsin. Emil O. Kasten, R. D. 2. Box 62, Underbill, Wis. John P. Schmid, R. D. i, Box 16, Boyceville, Wis. Ralph W. Christopher, Millville, Minn. Frank M. Wenhardt, 2968 Bonfield St., Chicago. George C. Legler, Monticello, Wis. Samuel A. Markey, R. D. 2, Box 22, Sullivan, Wis. Thomas H. Spencer, 1017 S. Euclid Ave., Oak Park. Robert Moore, S344 University' Ave., Chicago. Albert Simenson, R. n. i. West Salem Wis. Frank Nadolny, 19 12 Weil St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harold S. Gingrich, R. D. 3, Bad Axe, Mich. Frank Cayer, Box 495, Hurley, Wis. Mike Skori, Box 152, Phelps, Wis. Luigi Orlandi, Bessimer, Mich. Edward F. Herritz, Box 51, Ableman, Wis. Joseph F. Feit, Corp., 1520 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Danie J. McCarthy 5703 Union Ave., Chicago. Harry D. Brown, Sgt., 3747 I^owell Ave., Chicago. George F. La Barr, Sgt., Tunkhannock, Pa. David Hunter. Bear Creek, Mont. Robert L. McCary, Sgt., 407 Dover Ave., Sheffield, Ala. Joseph S. Welsh, 55 Clyde St., Hamilton, Ontario, Can. IJen \V. Zimmer, Rock Falls. 311TH ENGINEER TRAIN Francis J. Sherwin, 1st Lt., 436 Sheridan Place, High- land Park. Luther G. Lewis, 2d Lt., Copenhagen, N. Y. Simon Weinstein. ist Sgt., 5009 N. Troy St., Chicago. Chas. Vallier, Sup. Sgt., 512 Superior St., Milwaukee, Wis. Herene Dahlquist, Wag., 1326 E. S4th St., Chicago. Wm. E. Walsh, Bug., 5423 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Laun E. Dahlquist, Wag., 1326 E. 54th St., Chicago. Roy P. Christiansen, 3574 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Gust Peterson, 1923 '/4 15th St., Moline. Lacy W. Pile R. D. i. Blue Lick, Mo. Alfred W. Leiferman, Edgar-Allen Co., 718 W. Lake St. Chicago. Robt. T. Mahoney, R. D. i, Chippewa Falls, Wis. James H. Duncanson, 3708 Dickens Ave., Chicago. David C. Ferguson, Madison, Minn. Henry B. Ness, 391 Michigan St., Eau Claire, Wis. Otis J. Stewart, Cook, Wakarusa, Ind. Geo. R. Spatz, 2700 Julian Court, Chicago. Wm. E. Mosher, Cook, 5404 Maryland Ave., Chicago. John H. Dow, 147^ Franklin St., Lynn, Mass. THE 311TH ENGINEERS 297 Krnest W. Hulsander, Atkinson. Thomas R. Collins, 70 E. s6th St., Chicago. Edw. E. Brackman, 203 Michigan St., Elmhurst. Edw. V. Kloepfer, 542 Providence Ave., Winnetka. Wm. C. Heidel, Wag., 4743 Grace St., Chicago. John Forslin, Hs., 1856 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Thos. Kernaghan, Hs., 5479 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. Edw. E. Newhause, Wag., 5487 University Ave., Chicago. Elmer T. Fay, 5017 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Louis N. Anderson, 711 i6th St., Moline. Alois J. Welter, P. O. Box 66, Virgil. Everett Grafton, 1530 29th Ave., Moline. Aug. Wolszon, 847 E. Mark St., Winona, Minn. Oscar E. Johnson, 169 Summit St., Eau Claire, Wis. Keeran I. Kane, Corp., 1113 E. 55th St., Chicago. Arthur W. SproU, Montague, Mich. Conrad Freitag, 4715 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Stephen Kartowicz, Wag., 2242 Lyndale St., Chicago. Rudolph Mashak, I5angor, Wis. Fred C. Naracong, North Prairie, Wis. Lloyd M. Pearce (i), 128 Bonnie Brae, Warren, O. Walter M. Van Horn, Mess Sgt., 5317 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Adolph M. Nordrum, 1322 Market St., La Crosse, Wis. John M. Doyle, Stab. Sgt., 750 E. 46th St., Chicago. Helmar A. Stokke, Wag., 132 W. Fulton St., Edgerton, Wisconsin. Ray Winters, R. D. 2, Clayton, Wis. Willys H. Classen, R. D. i. Box 30, Ludington, Mich. Anton Cihlar, R. D. 2, New Prague, Minn. Max Schallman, Wag., 5413 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Edward Henning, Sad., 5202 S. Maplewood Ave., Chi- cago. Louis F. Dziadosz, Wag., 2016 Coblenz St., Chicago. Omer E. Gibbons, 3903 N. Bernard St., Chicago. Theodore Blume, R. D. 4, Cumberland, Wis. Albert V. Tippelt (Address unknown). Frank W. Hustedt, 34 11 N. Albany Ave., Chicago. Jos. Nowakowski, Wag., 2155 N. Irving Ave., Chicago. John A. Kubiski, Corp., R. D. 2, Box 30-A, New Buf- falo, Mich. Jos. Kiedrowski, Wag., 1583 ist St., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter Dzik, 11 15 Island Ave., Rockford. Peter Condogeorge, 189J4 Taylor Ave., Freeport. Ray J. Niebur, Highland, Wis. Edwin J. Johnson, R. D. i, Prairie Farm. Wis. Andrew Jessen, Wag., 2506 Moffat St., Chicago. Geo. E. iHarty, Wag., 3247 W. 62d St., Chicago. Chas. J. Foreman, Wag., 2840 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago. Linus H. Ackerman, Wag., 2616 Armitage Ave., Chicago. Adolph R. Ohren, Wag., 1660 Burling St., Chicago. Kazmiersz Dzowienis, 11738 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Wm. G. Morgan, R. D. 1, Oakwood, Wis. John Bates, R. D. i. Coal City. Stephen F. Kranc (i), 5332 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Burton R. Maunsell, 1520 Balmoral Ave., Chicago. Frank Michalak, R. D. 22, La Salle. Arthur Peterson. R. D. 2, Box 61, Grantsburg, Wis. Herbert Bergfeldt, Wag., 7107 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Oscar W. Tornquist, Wag., 2640 Cortland Ave., Chicago. Dale E. Andrews, Brillion, Wis. John R. Burke, 3512 S. California Ave., Chicago. James Collins, Laona, Wis. Clarence W. Harshbarger. Corp., Dewitt, Ark. Alvin E. HellancL Gonv'ick, Minn. Walter King, R. D. i, Peshtigo, Wis. Ernest W. Larsen, 4141 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. DETACHMENT OF COMPANY B IN QUARRY NEAR LIMOGES THE 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION Claire W. Shands, IMaj., 212 Woodlawn Ave., Kirkwood Mo. James F. Hudson, ist Lt., 11 Glenwood Ave., Colum bia, Mo. William J. Hennessy, Sgt. (i), 5413 Bishop St., Chi cago. Leo M. Dixon, Col. Sgt., 1407 W. 6sth St., Chicago Sterling W. Dawson (i), 1323 S. Main St., Rockford Roy E. Abbott, 1802 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Frederick Ritter, Monroe, Wis. Michael S. Guzey (i), Hudson St., Mayfield, Pa. Harlev W. Schafer, 608 W. Mason St., Green Bay, Wis. Lewis Turner, Jr., Chauf. (i), Geneva Road, Kenosha, Wis. Ellsworth Cregier, Corp., 2515 N. Clark St., Chicago. George Hellerman, 621 5th St., Valleio, Cal. Luther H. Heist (i), 15 N. 9th St.', Reading, Pa. Lester J. Peck. Sgt., 728 Division St., LaCrosse, Wis. Earl Bassett Hill, Sgt., 1232 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. SUPPLY DETACHMENT, 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION Wm. A. Bertrand, ist Lt., care Cummer Diggins, Cadil- lac, Mich. Philip K. Nelson, Sgt. (i), Salem, Va. Frank W. Tones, Chauf. (i), 5065 Northland Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Fay M. Burnett, Chauf., 423 Columbia St., Aurora. Vernon B. Terry, Chauf., Wetmore, Kans. Henry C. Bogda, Chauf., 1409 56th Court, Cicero. Frank P. Dixon (i), 1407 W. 65th St., Chicago. Peter Fitzgerald (i), 2957 La Salle St., Chicago. Wm. C. Gregory (i), 301 N. Axtel Ave., Milford. Earl J. Heil (i), 925 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago. James C. Hansen (1), 510 W. Mason St., Green Bay, Wis. Wm. McCormick (i), 1057 Park St., Keokuk, la. T^awrence D. Smith (i), 201 Axtel Ave, Milford. Harold D. Synnes (i), 221 S. Ashland Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Raymond Wheeler (i). Golden City, Mo. Verlie Wheeler (i). Golden City, Mo. Antonio Cesaro, No. 6 Via Calatafimi, Trapani, Italy. COMPANY A, 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION Walter Van Nostrand, Jr., ist Lt., 94 Walterville St., Waterbury, Conn. Edwin Werlein, Mse., 4060 Lincoln Ave.. Chicago. Wm. T. Langenbach, Sgt. (i), Edgewood Grove, Terre Haute. Ind. Wm. H. Molitor, Sgt. (i), Payne, Ohio. Henrv R. Colton, Sgt. (i), 146 N. Garfield Ave., Hins- dale. Clarence T. Killick, Sgt. (1), 4843 E. 7th St., Kansas City, Mo. Percv _N. McEachren, Sgt. (1), 947 Margate Terr., Chicago. Frank D. Fager, Sgt. (i). Palestine. Edgar R. Lindsev. Sgt., Milton. Herbert R. Lee, Corp., 216 Ogden St., Alexander, La. Frank Taeger, Hs., R. D. 2, Blue Island. Ralph F. Mates Ci), 439 Grace St., Pittsburg, Pa. Edward Hanley, Cook, 634 Ridglav Ave., Springfield. Euzell M. Allen (i), Tonesville, MicTi. Boy O. Wood, Cook, Xenia. Noel E. Stayner, Corp., 1408 Carmen Ave., Chicago. William A. Bosley (i), Lewis Center, Ohio._ John A. Barry, Corp., 4230 Congress St., Chicago. Floyd H. Boyce, Chauf., 958 N. Horsman St., Rock- ford. Walter T. Butler CO, 1326 Randall Ct., Chicago. Toy O. Brittain, Otwell, Ind. James G. Davidson Ci), 6636 Normal Blvd., Chicago. 'Charles E. Finkle, Flat No. i. Bowers Blk., Fargo, N. D. John S. McElligott, Corp., Palos Park. Harry A. Foerster, 3315 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Willard E. Tomey, Corp., 914 Jefferson St., Washing- ton, Ind." Wilbur L. Fones (i). Friendship. Harry O. Forsberg (i), 438 E. 49th St., Chicago. Elmer J. Grison (i), 3438 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Raymond D. Harkness, 112 Galena Ave., Freeport. Ernest J. Charon, Corp., New London, Wis. Franklin C. Haskill (i), 11 Congress St., Buffalo, N. Y. Harry Ostrander, Corp., Maumee, Ohio. Earl L. Hosier (i), Lima, Ohio. Arthur Hutchinson, care Plumb Hotel, Streator. Emil F. Johnson (i), 2109 28th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. He,nry Kurtz well (i), Edgar, Wis. Emmet A. Ryan (i), 7038 Bishop St., Chicago. Enoch D. Fry, Corp., 215 S. Washington St., Van Wert, Ohio. Franklin Patton (i), 6446 Normal Blvd., Chicago. Joseph J. Carroll, Corp., Calexico, Cal. Georee L. Leeseberg (i), 1423 Lee St., Milwaukee, Wis. Earl W. Lorentz, 7247 Bennett Ave., Chicago. Svlvester Corbley (i), 12407 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Rolland A. Murphy (t), 414 Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. Thomas J. LeFever (i), 215 Coral St., Lancaster, Pa. Kyle R. Davis, Corp., Elmhurst. John W. Paulus (i). loii S. i8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Tames L. Adams, Corp., Gen. Del., Earlville. William G. Schimmel (1), 167 High St., Blue Island. Anthony T. Rashinski (i), 4209 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Tohn S. Robertson (i). Morrisville, Mo. lAidvig Langseth (i), Menomonie, Wis. John V. Jelinek, Corp., 2610 S. Millard Ave., Chicago. "Christian H. Sternberger (i), 2543 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Edward Knipple, Corp., Gen. Del., Fowler, Ind. Alexander Tint (0, 1104 N. . Oakley Blvd., Chicago. Charles A. Thomson (i). Fort Pierce, Fla. Frank A. Ward (i), 807 Avenue "B," Sterling. Dwight V. Johnson, Corp., 5514 Kenmore Ave., Chi- cago. Calvert E. Wilson (i), 122 Hinkley Ave., Rockford. Aubrey J. Williams (i). New London, Iowa. Frank L. Ward (i), 4608 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Richard H. Porten, 1414 Clark St., Manitowoc, Wis. Robert A. Lorig, 2437 S. Chicago Ave., S. Milwaukee, Wis. Hugh S. Bonar, Corp., R. D. i, Mt. Morris. Ralph N. Lindner, 735 Lance Place, Reading, Pa. Leonard C. Monroe,, Sgt., 1449 E. 69th St., Chicago. Tyler W. Putnam, Sgt., 12209 Wade Park Ave., Cleve-. land, Ohio. Carl J. Jackson, Sgt., 167 Prairie St., Blue Island. Charles L. Vliet, Sgt., 143S N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Victor Burgbacher, Sgt., Her, Ohio. Thomas C. Costello, Sgt., 1825 W. 41st Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Fred W. Kappler, Sgt., 2306 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Joseph S. Turek, Sgt., 5231 W. 23rd St., Chicago. COMPANY B, 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION Rochester B. Slaughter, ist Lt., 4717 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Edwin L. Beale, 2d Lt., 11 E. Liberty St., Springfield, Ohio. 298 THE 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION 299 Percy C. Stuckman, Mr. Sig. Elect., Gideon, Mo. Boyd Webber, Sgt. (i), Edelstein. Henry Hytson, Sgt. (i), Langdon, N. D. Louis C. Haege, Sgt. (i), New ^femphis. Frank J. Hynous, Sgt., 210 1 S. 49th Ave., Cicero. George P. Weber (i), 605 Marcus St., Detroit, Mich. Gust A. Erickson, Eagle, Minn. Austin K. Gilroy (i), 219 W. Locust St., Canton. Frank A. Canney, 407 Morgan St., Minneapolis, Minn. Harry F. Kirkendall (i), 4040 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Thomas Wm. Burke, Dexter, Minn. Cyrus A. Oels, Corp., Bourbon, Mo. Edward Colnon (i), •;2 W. Washington St., Chicago. Jay Emmett Louden, Glenville, Minn. Adolph Pelc (t), 5428 W. 22nd Place, Cicero. CuUis Plummer (i), Seneca, Mo. Aubrey E. Slavens (i), 2848 Indiana Ave., St. Louis, Mo. James O. Dearing, Corp., 821 Chestnut St., Joplin, Mo. George H. Nolte, Easton, Minn. Romas J. Nowak, Corp., 4028 W. 28th Place, Cicero. Ruppert H. Storzer (i), Cleveland, Wis. Walter C. Crouch, Corp., Alto, Texas. Herbert W. Turner (i), 2602 Whittie,r St., St. Louis, Mo. Richard M. Badger (i), Kaneville. Willard Richardson, Hs., R. D. i, Hazelgreen, Wis. Robert J. Stelter, Danube, Minn. George W. McKulla, Clayton, Wis. Bohumil J. Koptik, Corp., 5339 W. 23rd Place, Cicero. John A. Borg, Pewaukee, Wis. Raymond N. Sloyer, Corp., 4014 Potomac Ave., Chi- cago. William J. MacLean (i), 3036 W. Congress St., Chi- cago. Theo. D. Easton (i), 410 Ohio St., Sedalia, Mo. Eugene Welch (i), Carl Junction, Mo. Pearl E. Conrad (i), 1706 Walker St., De,s Moines, Iowa. Elmer J. Swanson (1), care Bart Clothing Co., Republic Bldg., Chicago. Gail P. Swarz (i), 2634 Hampden Court, Chicago. Walt W. Flowers, Corp., 3539 A. Pennsylvania Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Clifford E. Taum, Liberty Apts., 2-1 1 St., Minneapolis, Minn. Wallace G. Fieldson, Corp., Pioche, Nev. George A. Roeder (i), 7413 Lohmeyer Ave., Maple- wood, Mo. Herbert C. Winslow (i), Marshfield, Mo. John L. Burnham (i), 103 Archiebald St., Kansas City, Mo. John B. Schaefer, 1149 Lill Ave., Chicago. Charles A. Johnson, Corp., Kirkwood. Arthur E. Nealy (i). Western Springs. William P. Minor (i), 1909 S. Compton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Walter C. Faber (1), Sherburn, Minn. Lawrence A. Rohloff, 517 4th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles L. Brusate, Mount Olive. Jesse W. Dix, Hanaford, N. D. John L. Anderson, 4950 St. Anthony Ct., Chicago. Otto Sotriadhis, Corp., 3302 S. State St., Chicago. Lawrence A. Sanquist, Cologne, Minn. Norman Haynie (i), 302 Wayne St., Peoria. Samuel Noring (i), Inman, Neb. John C. Murray (i), Edelstein. William E. Ryan, 321 Market St., LaCrosse, Wis. Gus Hirsch (i), 3737 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. John J. Jakubek, 31 19 Monticello Ave., Chicago. John J. Kinealy, Corp., 2535 Benton St., St. Louis, Mo. Chester McCardle (i), 15404 Columbia Ave., Harvey. George A. Immekus (i), 5333 Wayne Ave., Chicago. Andrew Laczny (i), 256 Franklin St., Downers Grove. Frank L. Foutz (i), 13001^ nth St., Altoona, Pa. Walter _F. Lamping, Chauf., 6022 Bartmar Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Iver Petersen (i), 27 Calender St., LaGrange. Hugh J. Gilmore (i), 301 N. 9th St., Mena, Ark. Joseph J. Hering, Corp., 5435 W. 23rd Place, Cicero. John J. Hill (i), Carrick County, Donegal, Ireland. Rees Samson, Cook, Dodgeyille, Wis. James McCormick, Cock, Marion Center, Pa. Frank C. Rausch, Sgt., 1831 S. 56th Court, Cicero. William N. Farley, Sgt., West Plaines, Mo. Jesse R. Brewer, Sgt., Sunnybrook Farm, Crothers- ville, Ind. Gilbert L. Newkirk, Sgt., 715 N. 13th St., E. St. Louis. COMPANY C, 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION George N. Saurwein, ist Lt., S. Williams St., Paulding, Ohio. Stanley W. Ewing, ist Lt., 351 1 Terrace St., Pitt-s- burg. Pa. Donald B. Oliver, 2d Lt., 702 Lake Ave., Racine, Wis. Mervin L. Watson, 2d Lt., Brooksville, Ky. Harry W. Snyder, M. S. E., 9:5 Spraight St., Madi- son, Wis. John H. Dunn, M. S. E., 114 E. Electric Ave., Rogers, Ark. John A. Farley, M. S. E., ,';623 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Cheisea W. Milner, M. S. E., Leesburg, Ohio. William E. Lyon, Sgt. (i), 400 N. 5th St., Springfield. Walter J. Moeller, Sgt. (1), 4107 Greenview Ave., Chicago. Arden M. Nance, Sgt. (i), 718 3rd Ave., Peoria. Frank A. Watrous, Sgt. (i). Deep River, Conn. Archie L. Gates, Sgt. (i), 21 S. Maple Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. Robert E. Davis, Sgt. (i), 724 W. 45th St., Kansas City, Mo. Alfred H. Soulby, Sgt. (i), 607 Ann Arbor St., Flint Mich. Milo K. Rolph, Sgt. (i), Marseilles. Charles E. Neumann, Sgt. (i). Box 255, Mineral Point Wis. George Thorp, Sgt. (i), 1810 Lamborn Ave., Superior, Wis. Lars G. Kiland, Sgt. (i), 416 W. Mifflin St., Madison Wis. Albert R. Matheny, Sgt. (i), 1847 Jackson Blvd., Chi cago. Elias H. McKnight, Sgt. (i). Court St., Bowling Green Ohio. Lewis S. Todd, Sgt. (i). Canal St., West Bridgewater Pa. Homer Deaton, Sgt. (i), 439 W. Edward St., Spring field, ueorge Pocius, Sgt. (i), 4932 W. 14th St., Cicero. Clarence O. Magnuson, Sgt. (i), 2413 Central St., Evanston. Hugh Barefoot, Sgt. (i), Graceville, Fla. Joseph S. Szarat, Sgt. (i), 3036 W. 22nd St., Chicago. George P. Kellogg, Sgt. (i), Taylor, N. Y. Arthur M. Wilkinson (i), 1423 Glenlake Ave., Chicago. Fred V. Hussey (i), 6340 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Arthur D. Adams (i), 421 Franklin St., Butlex, Pa. Damien J. Ward, Corp., 2057 W. 69th Place, Chicago. Harry DeWinter, Corp., Ada, Mich. Arthur Barwig, Sgt., 3754 Maple Sq. Ave., Chicago. Albert Friedlander, Corp., 825 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. Victor A. Malmberg (i), Winthrop, Minn. Bertram D. Mills (i), i6th & Canton Pike, Hopkins- ville, Ky. Charles L. Lang (i), 1612 Garfield Ave., Marinett-e, Wis. Ralph H. Shorts (i). Box 37, Oquawka. Ray Hanson, Corp., R. D. 7, London, Ohio. John P. Wampach (i), 306 Columbia St., Aurora. Ralph C. Braley, Sgt., 15430 Loomis Ave., Harvey. Henry G. Hannon, Corp., 2845 Palmer St., Chicago. Joseph H. Quinn (i), Stillwell, Ind. George P. Niekum (i), 1521 Paim St., St. Louis, Mo. Ray J. Wenzel (i), Campbellsport, Wis. John F. Yette.r (i), Stephen, Minn. William C. Heinrichs, Corp., 948 Winnebago St., Mil- waukee, Wis. Patrick J. Fearon (i), 4915 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Verr W. Clark, Sgt., Elmwood. Harry C. Kraus, Corp., R. D. 7, Bellevue, Pa. Thomas R. Roach, 802 E. Hickory St., Streator. Jacob Schilt, care Mrs. Kate Landgraf, Mendota. Ernest H. Richmond, 438 Indiana Ave., Chester, W. Va. William Peter Salz, 4109 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Charles n.. Minton, Corp., Bonair Hotel, Taylor & Berlin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 300 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Owney Robinson, Box 334, Cumberland, Wis. Jack A. Dugan, Sgt., 3130 W. Federal St., Youngstown, Ohio. William Merritt, Corp., 1121 S. 28th St., Louisville, Ky. Louis J. Baltzer (i), 3517 Wilton Ave., Chicago. Herman Carl Abel, 560 North Ave., Aurora. William A. Parker, Wyman, Wyo. Francis D. Behm, 1519 Popular Grove St., Baltimore, Md. Oliver O. Vincent, Corp., 5827 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Sydney M. Boyden, 520 W. Willow St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. George R. Goth, Sgt., 4538 N. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Ervin W. Ste.inert, Corp., R. D.. 25, Omro, Wis. Fred John Feige, 389 26th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph Hurwitch, 1216 S. Turner Ave., Chicago. Malvin Davis, R. D. 4, Reedsburg, Wis. Roy Ledwith Foley, 46 32nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ralph Holmes (i), 2269 Adams St., Indianapolis, Ind. Clare A. Davis, 8ig S. Ionia Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Jacob F. Hummel, Sgt., 329 Poplar St., Steelton, Pa. Oswald H. Blackwood, Corp., 1400 Washington St., Columbia, S. C. Edward P. Paule, 36 S. Main St., Burlington, Iowa. Wm. Warren Pitts, 11 18 N. isth St., Fort Smith, Ark. Max R. Pankratz, Valders, Wis. Earl Simpson, 656 E. Wealthy St.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Floyd O. Brown, Sgt., Mercer, Tenn. Robert A. Miller, Sgt., 4060 E. 93rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. Edward F. Bartik, Corp., 2719 S. Spaulding Ave., Chi- cago. Odie Stillwejl, 608 N. 7th St., Rockport, Ind. Irvin Vanderberg, 1952 N. Richmond St., Chicago. Erwin Waidanz, 1337 W. 14th Place, Chicago. John H. Wasson, 6740 Green St., Chicago. Ambrose W. Carson, Corp., Yelleville, Ark. Floyd T. Wooldridge, 333 Benton St., Aurora. William C. Anderson, Sgt., 935 S. Paulina St., Chicago. Dover A. Carlson, Corp., 1720 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago. Charles G. Harding (i), 6763 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Frank F. Eckstein (i). Silver City, N. M. Carl O. Iverson (i), 3rd & 9th Sts., Watertown, S. D. Charles H. Wisockis (i). Box 194, Oglesby. Harry E. Fraher, Corp., 233 E. Maple Ave., Downers Grove. Donald W. Gallagher (1), Plainfield, Wis. Lee W. Butler, Sgt., 900 W. Detroit Ave., Indianola, Iowa. Sam Corbin, Corp., 740 N. Curtis St., Chicago. Robert F. Swartzbaugh (i), R. D. 2, Goshen, Ind. Joseph J. Smith (i), 11 S. loth St., St. Louis, Mo. William K. Shea (i), 2863 Loomis St., Chicago. James E. Akenhead, 501 2nd. Ave., Dickenson, N. D. Peter McLaughlin, Corp., 3830 Wilcox St., Chicago. Harry S. Jenkinson (i), Arlington Heights. James B. Elliott, Sgt., 1916 Vinton St., LaFayette, Ind. Clinton B. Hills, Corp., 228 Seminary Ave., Aurora. Milton S. Budroughs, Tolono. Frank O. Brennan, Sycamore St., Genoa. John F. Altvater, 1604 Beaver Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. LeRoy Ellison, Tower Hill. John J. McLaughlin, Corp., 753 Bittersweet Place, Chicago. John T. Carlson, 827 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island. Morris Kunin, Sgt., 1523 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. William Murphy, Corp., 4210 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Charles Klein, 5545 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Otto Kopp, 3833 Grenshaw St., Chicago. Carl Irving Loberg, Nelsonville, Wis. Narve C. Hotvedt, 504 Grand Ave., East Eau Claire, Wis. Clarence W. Shea, Corp., 416 Lincoln St., Alpena, Mich. Herman Ernest Braaz, 546 25th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. McLean, Sgt., care Mrs. Mary Pottie, 606 S. Grove Ave., Chicago. Stanley C. Ross, Corp., 108 Prospect Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis. Adelbert J. Silger, R. D. 8, Salem, Ind. George Magnor 2419 N. Avers Ave., Chicago. Herman Mautner, 6052 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Stephen W. Shields, Corp., 5628 S. Lincoln St., Chi- cago. Fred W. Shickel, 334 S. i6th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Charles W. Matz, Sgt., 1914 Central Ave., Evanstori. Ernest Summerfield, Corp., 7210 S. Carpejiter St., Chi- cago. Fred Calvin Farrar, 122 S. 6th St., Albia, Iowa. Joseph R. Frederick, 225 loth Ave., Antigo, Wis. Harry F. O'Neill, 1044 Franklin St., Chicago. Thomas I. Berg, Corp., 2406 Thor Ave., Racine, Wis. Reuben Quillman, 131 N. Spring Ave., LaGrange. Claude W. Vonderheide, Sgt., 523 Belden Ave., Chi- cago. Vincent L. Wheaton, Corp., R. D. 35, Eden, Wis. Amil Clarence Ruff, Gidmanton, Wis. Fred Sheppard Slagle, Schwind Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. James A. Stephen, 21 Pine St., Homewood. Judge W. Tyler, 9407 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Arthur C. Bowden, Corp., 6248 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Elmer Thayer, R. D. 4, Morris. Robert Franks, Corp., 325 W. Atwood St., Gabon, O. Warren Kennedy (i), 636 Wellington St., Chicago. Vincent IT. Mast (0, Tomah, Wis. Roy J. Vollendorf, 1418 Columbus St., Manitowoc, Wis. Virgil Francis Wood, 304 S. 3rd St., Rockford. James Swain (i), 421 W. 6sth St., Chicago. Herbert Miles (i), R. D. i. Box 37, Crawfordsville, Iowa. Harry Clanpison, Sgt., Walworth, Wis. Allen J. Wolcott, Corp., Imperial Oil Co., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Edgar D. Richards (i), Marshfield, Mo. Morris Earlix (i), 3557 Ogden Ave., Chicago. Albert M. Leuck (i), 232 Spring Grove Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Henry Morris (i), 1207 N. State St., Chicago.^ Bohumil Paisker (i), Motycin, Praha, Bohemia. Raymond A. Furrer, Sgt., Mason City. Stearns E. Field (i), 1323 Hill St., Joplin. Mo. Russell E. Ford (i), loii Bellefontaine St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Ernest E. Hall (i). Cedar Springs, Mich. Waldemar Larson (i), iktci Cunnine;ham St., Rockford. Charles R. White (i), Hillsboro, Wis. Albert E. Reynolds (i), 302 S. Lincoln St., Havanna. William R. Force, Sgt., Goodland. Bernard J. Mullen, Corp., R. D. 10, Milton, Wis. Joseph W. Rogers (i), 217 W. Hickory St., Neosho, Mo. William J. Patton (1), 322s Pierce Ave., Chicago. Verne C. Pickering (i). Eland, Wis. John Edward Reed (i), R. D. i, Potosi, Wis. Richard P. Schroeder (i), 2023 W. 21st Place, Chicago. Hugh C. Shannon Ci), 206 N. California Ave., Chicago. Alfred H. Coe, Sgt., 920 Bishop Ave., Benton Har- bor, Mich. John A. Sutter (i), 1320 Nelson St., Chicago. William P. Weitz (i), 120 Feeder St., Johnstown, Pa. Bruce, S. Whitehead (i), 524 Lycoming St., Williams- port, Pa. Harry F. Wilson (i), 13 10 S. Madison St., Normal. John Leo Varley (i), 19.S3 Superior St., Toledo, Ohio. Merrill R. Apker, Lavalle, Wis. Andrew C. Peterson, Sgt., Amherst, Wis. Fred E. Locke, Corp., 1059 Hudson Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Arthur J. Comer, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Carl Fred Engel, Butternut, Wis. Walter F. Lange, 1023 Vassar Ave., South Bend, Ind. Warren F. Turner, 2120 soth Court, Cicero. Roy Fairbrother. Woodstock, Wis. Charles L. McNee, DeLancy, Delaware Co., N. Y. Marion J. Wilson, Sgt., Box 40, Benton Harbor, Mich. Alexander McClement's, Corp., 11 Seabury St., New- ark, N. J. Louis W. Falkenthal. 2344 Greenview Ave., Chicago. Claire M. Hall, R. D. 5, Adrian, Mich. Victor C. Kasper, Lancaster, Wis. William L. Goldrick, 1625 Morgan St., Chicago. Tames F. Frampton, R. D. i, Hallton, Pa. Richard E. ITamnquist, Sgt., River Falls, Wis. Anthony G. Wirtz, Corp , 5405 Shields Ave., Chicago. James S. Arnold, 502 Chestnut St., Lebanon, Pa. James G. Bishop, Haskell, Okla. Earl Henry Bayer, Whitewater, Wis. James Cosgrove, 424 3rd St., Hudson, Wis. Morris J. Eckman, 5707 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Frank T. Brunner, Avon, Minn. John H. Hughes, Sgt., 4211 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Jonathan N. Lee, Corp., 309 Forest Park Blvd., Janes- ville. Wis. Evan John, loio "A" St. N. E., I^inton, Ind. Herbert B. Linde, 424 29th St., Milwaukee, Wis. THE 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION 301 William R. Kimmel, 3732 Concord Place, Chicago. Louie E. Dieckhoff, Randolph, Wis. Stephen Williams Ells, 3409 Pierce Ave., Chicago. Leander, Altoona, Wis. Merle C. Craig, Sgt., 305 5th Ave. N. E., Watertown, S. D. Joseph C. Johnson, Corp., Blair, Wis. Hans Ohlsen, 715 E. 46th St., Chicago. Wendell Kinzel, Wilhelm Part, Halethorpe P. O., Balti- more, Md. William W. Nelson, R. D. 2, JBox 51, Woodville, Wis. Edward ^I. Kozlik, Haugen, Wis. Michael Menolasino, 904 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Joseph Krooth, 5621 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Ivan A. Sherman, Sgt., R. D. 2, Marshall, Wis. Guy S. Webster, Corp., Florence, Ont., Canada. Albert G. Plante, 29 Main St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Archie W. Maze, 302 Warner Ave., Peoria. Walter H. Pence, 304 E. Main St., Dundee. Charles Albert Rush, R. U. 2, Big Lake, Minn. Earl M. Paulson, lola, Wis. Albert Ross, Oglesby. Frederick J. Minds, Corp., 1520 Wilson Ave., Chicago. Edward Freeman, Corp., 946 N. loth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edward L. Sweeney, 1655 Carmen Ave., Chicago. Clarence J. Yergin, 230 S. East St., Kendallville, Ind. Fred Stuer, Platteville, Wis. Carroll G. Walburn, Gray Eagle, Minn. John F. Smith, 215 N. Van Buren St., Belvidere. Edgar J. Clement, Corp., 1403 Logan Ave,, Marinette, Wis. Gibson E. DeLaney, Corp., 4146 Drexel Blvd., Apt 411, Chicago. Rudy C. Wollert, 536 E. Suttonfield St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Leo R. Wood, 3215 Franklin Blvd., Chicago. Alfred P. Wagner, Richfield St., Marshfield, Wis. Royal W. Kampen, Kirkland. Frank Vanac, 1214 Calhoun St., St. Louis, Mo. Harry Thorp, Cable, Wis. Fred Bowenshult, Corp., 2839 Winnebago St., St. Louis, Mo. William J. McWilliams, 194S W. 22nd St., Chicago. William L. Campbell, 6624 University Ave., Chicago. Dee M. Stumphy, Thomson. Floyd C. Springer, Box 405, Stanley, Wis. Jacob Rudin, 6 Lake St., Paterson, N. J. Louis Noville Marx, 5700 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Rocco Pennelle, 5037 CuUom Ave., Chicago. Frank G. Rabede^u, Corp., R. D. 1, Box 22, Wayne, Mich. Louis J. Schrader, Corp., 255 W. 2nd St., Peru, Ind. Arthur S. Krooth, 5621 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Ernest H. Berg, care Chas. Haffelder, R. D. i, Men- omonie, Wis. Martin T. McCollow, Neosha, Wis. Carl Fred Berger, 2332 Grand St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Michael L. McPartland, R. D. 2, Green Isle, Minn. Josef Brazda, Cook, 2405 S. 56th Ave., Cicero. Robert Walder, Corp., 2141 Pensacola Ave., Chicago. Raymond A. ^loershell, Marengo, Iowa. William R. O'Hara, 11 15 W. Marquette Blvd., Chicago. John S. Rhodes, 23 Harrah Bldg., Uniontown, Pa. George E. Gabler, South Elgin. Marks B. Wright, 1100 Columbia Ave., Rogers Park. James J. Glover, 1106 Belden Ave., Chicago. Swen P. He.nrickson, Bryant, S. D. Ira M. Wagenman, Corp., R. D. 2, Bisbee, N. D. Frank Brown, 4614 S. Compton St., St. Louis, Mo. James McAllister, 3005 W^arren Ave., Chicago. Harry A. Seegert, 295 ist St., Dundee. Carl G. Lindgren, 211 Michigan St., Elgin. Fred Adam Helwig, 1712 Warren Ave., Chicago. Rudolph E. Holtz, Western Ave., Carpentersville. Alexander H. Naber, Corp., Shawano, Wis. Pierce E. Owens, Corp., R. D. 3, Dodgeville, Wis. Frederick Schaflfer, Corp., 800 S. Clinton Ave., Oak Park. Fred Alansing Bacon, Court St., Cronner House, N. Y. Francisco Chimmiento, Castekiveto, Satemo, Italy. William E. Griffin, 2238 W. 13th St., Chicago. Blasius G. Oberle, R. D. 3, Box 22, Thorpe, Wis. Chas. F. Baxter, Montfort, Wis. Arley A. Mourer, Rodney, Mich. Joseph Jeane, Leesville, La. DETACHMENT MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, 311TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION Harrison M. Hawkins, ist Lt., 6146 Carpenter St., Philadelphia, Pa. Peter Vadheim, Sgt. (i), Garretson, S. D. Lee H. Weise, Sgt., Lakefield, Minn. Eugene C. Krug (i), 2249 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mathew F. Baldwin, Bloomington, Wis. Peter H. Bent, 4713 Olcott Ave., East Chicago, Ind. Eugene M. Biddle, 114 Buell Ave., Joliet. • Walter H. Eckert, 1729 Hancock Ave., Chicago. Arthur F. Evans, 319 N. 4th Ave., May wood. Herbert E. Campbell, 28 E. issth St., Harvey. Edward P. Ceroid, 185 1 Howe St., Chicago. James Wood (i), Waldoboro, Maine. Waldemar M. Sherk, 629 15th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Firby Tilton (i), 1545 W. Central .^ve., Toledo, Ohio. Antonio Tachella, 30 11 20th St., San Francisco, Cal. ALL ABOARD FOR HOME THE 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Douglas Potts, Col., The Wyoming, Washington, D. C. Frank F. Wormwood, Jr., Maj., 609 Indian Terrace, Rockford. Paul E. Gardner, Capt., 4803 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Theodore V. Tillinghast, ist Lt., Care Pullman Trust and Savings Bank, Pullman. Thomas P. McGuire, Keg. Sgt. Maj., 5336 Drexel Ave., Chicago. George W. Cottingham, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 2918 Austin St., Houston, Tex. Lewis F. Gifford, Bn. Sgt. Maj., 4711 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Arthur F. Wolff, Wag., 713 E. 50th St., Chicago. Myron I. Levistein, 4706 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. William B. Durnion, Cook, 169 W. Madison St., Chicago. Peter W. Shue, 4863 Lake Park Ave., Chicago. Arthur J. Hause, 818 15th St., Rock Island. Sanger Collins, 5057 S. State St., Chicago. Edward F. Jarvise, Cook, Trail City, S. D. Emory A. Champlin, Sgt., 51 Charles Field St., Provi- dence, R. I. Martin J. McMahon, 6935 Stonv Island Ave., Chicago. Fred Wagner, Jr. (i), 5344 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Wilham F. Kaiser, Cook, 623 Bolivar St., Owensboro, Kentucky. Ardla E. Smith, Windom, Kan. Herbert Olsen, Wag., 7730 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Joseph H. White, Jr., 5840 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Emile Marceau, 5030 Evans Ave., Chicago. Harry E. Cullen, Ord. Sgt., 1120 C. St., S. E., Wash- ington, D. C. Ralph E. Kewley, Sgt., 5460 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. John J. Bokosky (i), Momence. Harry A. Anderson, 1527 E. 71st Place, Chicago. Ross G. Germain, 1917 Bayer Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. COMPANY A, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Grant B. Ireland, ist Lt., Washburn. Robert M. Wiley, 2d Lt., Silver City, N. M. Leo J. Hunt, Corp., 5422 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Clarence Corrill, Sgt., 4925 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. William O. Walter (i), 4126 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Robert H. Krone (i), Box 632, Bogalusa, La. Willard A. Henkins, R. D. i, Putnam. Daniel W. Hackman, R. D. 3, Box 60, Rochester, Minn. Patrick O'CarroU (1), 5048 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Arthur F. Bowker, 108 St. Lawrence Ave., Beloit, Wis. James W. Sloan, Corp., 7836 Sangamon Ave., Chicago. William Murphy, 815 W. soth Place, Chicago. Anerd G. Laren (1), 105 1 E. 47th St., Chicago. William F. Burns (i), 6715 S. Green St., Chicago. Oliver Q. Chambers R. D. 6, Box 36, Union Grove, Wis. Fred C. Douglas, Box 133, Cumberland, Wis. Leslie J. Meyers, Niagara, Wis. Frederick C. Schmidt, Cook, 45 Washington Ave., Rich- mond Hill, N. Y. James McLaughlin, Corp., 2906 E. 78th St., Chicago. Erwin W. Hohhof (i), 3510 Wallace St., Chicago. Leon Shapiro (i), Sparta. Henry A. Pagel, 921 Georgia Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. James M. Simons, Maple Park. Archibald Johnson, Conesus Lake, N. Y. Harry J. Heymann, 120 Center St., New Ulm, Minn. Walter P. Klenner (i), 4933 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Peter V. Horney, Corp., 7820 St. Lawrence Ave., Chi- cago. Frank E. Lindquist, Box 131-A, R-3-L., Iron Mountain, Mich. Samuel Harris (i), 4923 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Louis Rosenberg, 1353 Rutledge St., Madison, Wis. Ray H. Rasmusen, 867 Prairie Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Clarence Paetschow, 530 29th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. DeWitt T. Troester, R. D. 2, Care of R. E. Young, Galien, Mich. Sylvester T. Hector, Corp., 6216 Langley Ave., Chicago. Guy A. Doyle (1), Warm Springs, Va. Albert W. Schnell, New Richmond, Wis. Hugo Passer, 300 W. Sherman Ave., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Walter Nielsen, Brookside Terrace, Minneapolis, Minn. John Krausefeldt, 843 N. Waller Ave., Chicago. Bengt J. Peterson (i), 1400 ist Nat. Bank Bldg., Chi- cago. John F. Burkhart, 217 Virginia St., Antigo, Wis. Gustav E. Stenman, Corp., 788 Spruce St., Winnetka. Leo A. Hammond, 210 3d St., Kenosha, Wis. Glenn Schofield (i), 2944 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Otto C. Toepel, Iron Ridge, Wis. Frank C. Davis (i), 5907 South Blvd., Chicago. John M. Theus, 715 12th Ave., Rock Island. Benjamin Rosenheim (i), 6140 Justine St., Chicago. Roy F. Nye, Shirland. Alexander Marcus, Sgt., Hudson, Kan. Frank W. Maderich, R. D. i, Phillips, Wis. William F. Noble (i), 707 Exchange St., Kenosha, Wis. Alfred H. Soil, Care of J. C. Penny Co., Baker, Ore. George H. Conley, 12 E. 15th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Carl Weidler, 8so>4 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James P. Derrig, 3043 Ellis Ave., Chicago. John E. Van Ausdell, 1125 N. Waco St., Wichita, Kan. John F. Walsh, Corp., 6541 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Harry E. Lewitzke, 458 32d Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Hubert J. Weber, 404 S. Cedar St., Marshfield, Wis. Edgar W. Kessel, 1632 N. 9th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Robert P. Zastrow, 503 Park Ave., Wausau, Wis. John H. Hurlburt, Seneca. Millard Zwoster, 1122 National Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Tesar, Box 164, Wauseka, Wis. Harry E. Munson, Corp., 836 Carney BWd., Marionette, Samuel Levinson (i), 4934 Forrestville Ave., Chicago. Otto F. Lindelof, 721 Grover St., Kenosha, Wis. Marshall Williams (i), Winamac, Ind. Zala R. Lane, 1343 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis. Ben Hageman, Box 145, Litchfield, N. D. Albert R. Seemann, 732 Indiana St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edwin H. Wicklem, Harvey, N. D. Regner N. Vilholm, Corp., 1215 E. 71st Place, Chicago. Julian A. Bonfield, 4716 Calumet Ave., Chicago. August A. Keim (i), Box 725, St. James, Minn. Harry E. Frykberg (i), Manistee, Mich. Ivan B. Woodard, Mech., Box 146, West Liberty, O. Harry J. Mulvaney (i), 1419 E. 66th Place, Chicago. Harry E. Lorenz (i), 6237 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Fred W. Gallagher (i), 5010 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Harold E. Whitney, Corp., Hebron, Neb. Louis Fox (i), 61 15 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Thomas McKeon (i), Carntalladowra County, Leitrin Island, Ireland. Hans Dykstra (i), 10801 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. James Cronin (i), 4034 Forrestville Ave., Chicago. Frederick W. Knospe, 10546 Avenue L, Chicago. William N. Bennett (i), 6209 University Ave., Chicago. John A. Connerton, 11 19 N. Branch St., Chicago. Patrick Cullen, Jr., 907 Acorn St., Rockford. Andrew Bonczyk 271 1 Hillock Ave., Chicago. John P. Clark (i), 5125 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Oscar Kjorness, Lake Park, Minn. Jerome B. Schram, 30 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago. Leonard E. James, Erie. Roy T. Hanson, 425 E. Broadway Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph L. Holzman (i), 945 E. 52d St., Chicago. Thomas E. Demond, Corp., 2329 Clifton Ave., Chicago. Joseph Weinman (i), 611 E. 48th St., Chicago. Earl G. Williams (i), 6107 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Raymond A. Coyne (i), 1423 E. 6sth Place, Chicago. Harold E. Robertson, Wolsley Ave., Winnipeg, Canada, James H. Lyman (i), 6239 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Solomon J. Cowin, 131 S. 13th Ave., Maywood. Ortie Selden, Lime Ridge, Wis. Alfred L. Dupuis, Mosinee, Wis. 302 THE 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND M. P. 303 John C. Demaag, Corp., 742 Atwood St., Grand Rapids, Mich. John Hill (i), 3000 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Edmund G. Burton, 322 Brooklynn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Harold Jacobson, Luck, Wis. John J. McCracken, N. Main St., Abingdon. James McCuUough, R. D. 2, Graettinger, la. Henry Wallyn, Refugie, Belgium. Charles Maynard, Corp., 5041 Forrestville Ave., Chicago. Charles D. Ryder (i), R. D. 5, Plymouth, Mich. Nicholas C. Jenner, Mess Sgt., 5237 Harper Ave., Chi- cago. Alexander Anderson, Box 354, Mellen, Wis. Hiram W. Chandler, 515 W. Popular St., Independence, Kan. Joseph K. Demildt, Hs., 548 Brugshentenweg, Ghent, Belgium. Frank Robas, House No. 7 Cerslze Cirmioln, Austria. William C. Irwin, 314 Lilas St.. Winnipeg, Canada. Dav^d Heyman, Corp., 4944 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. George L. Mosby, 2835 Fullerton Ave., Chicago. Christ D. Haleas, Sad., 2964 Prairie Ave., Chicago. William J. Wedlock, Mech., 4610 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Russell H. Abbee, Hs., R. D. 2, Hillsdale, Mich. Rudolph Klein, Wag.. 918 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Alexander Lawson, Hs., 2510 5th Ave., South Milwau- kee, Wis. Frederick S. Lund, Corp., 4949 Forrestville Ave., Chi- cago. George H. Payne, Bug., Indianapolis, Ind. John T. Thoraetz, Bug., 6234 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Peter Angelos, Cook, 51 Cherry St., New York, N. Y. Gunnard Swanson, Wag., 743 E. 50th St., Chicago. Jens M. Jensen, Wag., 4549 Evans Ave.. Chicago. John A. Carey, Wag., 3319 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. John Wujnovich, Cook, Bilek, Hercegovina, Serbia. Reuben O. Hoffman, Jr., Sgt., 6033 Champlain Ave., Chi- cago. Firman K. Mack, Corp., 6 131 Woodland Ave., Chicago. Simpson Mark, Sgt., 5346 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Fred E. Crane, Stab. Sgt., 7842 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Sidney Kaufman, Sup. Sgt., 5636 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Lyle H. Kaufman, Sgt., 5636 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Michael A. Kelly, Sgt., 6149 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. George W. Cook, 871 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago. William T. Shauley, 6605 Green St., Chicago. John H. Renneisen, 300 Breckenridge St., Louisville, Ky. Walter A. Ulrich, Dorchester, Wis. Albert J. Holzinger, 2412 S. Troy St., Chicago. Joseph T. Connolly, 1312 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, New York. Griffin H. Odom, Farmersville, La. COMPANY B, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Lloyd S. Shumway, Capt., 1325 E. State St., Rockford. Merrill C. Norris, 2d Lt., Riverside. William Purdy, ist Sgt., 2928 E. loist St., Chicago. Earl A. Ryder, Corp., R. D. 3, Box 17, Decatur. Edward E. McNally, Sup. Sgt., 5744 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Frank A. Markee, Sgt., 5721 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Eric B. Mood, Box 21, Grand Rapids, Minn. Filing A. Knutson, Cumberland, Wis. Ole Olson, R. D. 3, Box 9, Grantsburg. Wis. Frank Geary, 6444 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Vergel L. Willis, R. D. 2, Platteville, Wis. Peter P. Kocevar, 1235 Berdend Ave., Pueblo, Colo. Lloyd R. Leary, Corp., 414 S. Madison St., Stoughton, Wisconsin. Carl F. Dewey, Hazel Green, Wis. Foster W. Chapman (i), 4400 N. Lyndale Ave., Min- neapolis, Minn. Arthur B. Draeger. 1024 Center St., Milwaukee, Wis. Clarence Thompson, R. D. i, Blanchardville, Wis. Wade R. Matthews (i), R. D. 4, Glascow, Ky. Roy A. Wood. 620 27th St.. Rock Island. Alphonse Poeller, 517 Oakland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Allen P. Jenks, Corp., Dodgeville, Wis. Robert J. Lorenzen, 3906 Dearborn St., Chicago. Albert E. Freitag, 701 Worth St., Waukesha, Wis. Herbert Krengel, 886 Aurora Ave.. St. Paul. Minn. John J. Bremhorst, 1295 Louis Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Clarence Nelson, Boscobel, Wis. Hugo H. Boetcher, R. D. 5, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Oscar W. Granat, Golva, N. D. Edgar Cunningham, Corp., 26 E. 43d St., Chicago. John Norbuth (i), 833 W. 34th St., Chicago. Neal Mclntyre, 109 Roosevelt Ave., Beloit, Wis. John J. Nolan, 100 W. 77th St., New York, N. Y. Windell H. Stream, 2439 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Edward Rosol, R. D. 3, Box 38, Hillsboro. Wis. Otto F. Bauman, Corp., 696 Buffum St., Milwaukee, Wis. Albin J. Lundahl, 1436 E. 71st Place, Chicago. Mathew H. Dimon, Little Fork, Minn. Frank A. Thielmann, 125 S. 8th Ave., West Bend, Wis. Joseph B. Lopez, Lemoore, Cal. John S. Davis, 3406 Archer Ave., Chicago. Lemuel A. Norden, Box 303, Dassel, Minn. Maxson D. Sayner, 320 S. 8th St., LaCrosse, Wis James S. Fickel, Corp., 5827 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Edwin W. Klein, 815 S. Brooks St., Madison, Wis. John P. Dalton, 59 11 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Ingwold G. Jesness, Cloquet, Minn. Frederick Schmidt, 316 Division St., West Bend, Wis George H. Anacker, no E. Allen St., Rice Lake, Wis. William E. Koster, Wyanet. Marvin Prosser, Box 35, Antigo, Wis. William J. Lubben, Corp., 2935 Throop St., Chicago. Emil J. Ingold, 416 Western Ave., Peoria. Albert S. Stcinweg (i), 10720 Avenue H., Chicago. James Thomas (1), Ramsonville, N. Y. Arthur H. Knight, 367 5th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Dies, 434 Adams St., Berlin, Wis. William F. Williams (i), 6252 S. Loomis Blvd., Chicago. Steve G. Elston (i), 54 E. 6th St., Chicago. John E. Mohon, Corp., Crystal Springs, Miss. Steve Ulis (i), 701 W. 3Sth St., Chicago. Joseph L. W^hite, Mech., 826 W. 33d Place, Chicago. William J. Radatz, Mech., 3823 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Max F. Kurland, Hs., 1210 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago. Marcus K. Jorgensen, Wag., 74 11 S. Racine Ave., Chi- cago. Daniel Fitzgerald, Wag., 3000 Archer Ave., Chicago. Henry A. Noble, Hs., R. D. 4, Pearl City. Louis Riedel, Cook, 5945 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Bartholomew Audisio, Cook, Cuneo, Entraque, Italy. John Gahan, Stab. Sgt., Hotel La Salle, Chicago. Arthur C. Hergt, Mess Sgt., 185 Boylston St., Jamaica Plains, Mass. Joseph E. Oberhuber, Sgt., 4012 Huston Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Clement O'Keefe, Bug., 5905 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Clarence G. Dittes, 711 Kentucky Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Samuel Doroff, Ck., 67 E. i22d St., New York, N. Y. Robert A. Harper, Sgt., 5812 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Fred H. Brown, 5761 S. State St., Chicago. Hugh J. McLenaghan (i), 6200 S. Park Ave., Chicago. John F. Heis, 827^/3 20th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. George R. Worchesek (i), 1603 W. 5th St., Winona, Minn. Frank T. McCann, Geneva. Daniel Ahern, Corp., 7058 Union Ave., Chicago. Frank W. Peterson (i), 240 E. 109th St., Chicago. Eugene L. Canmann (i), 3639 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Peter Dicola, 125 Sand St., Dunmore, Pa. Charles Schmidt, R. D. 4, Box 1, Alcester, S. D. Lavaughn Brown, 719 Pine St., Muscatine, la. George J. Ott, 3418 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. George B. Case, Wilder, Minn. William Richartz, Corp., 6335 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Henry G. Polzin, R. D. 4, West Bend. Wis Charles M. Nunnelley, Greenville, Ky. Oscar H. Bergeman, 303 W. Jefferson St., Waupun, Wis. Frederick C. Pire, 926 Euclid Ave., Beloit, Wis. John G. Uselmann, R. D. 2, Middleton, Wis. Stephen D. Macomber, R. D. 23, New Lisbon, Wis. George K. Piskey, 1121 Wisconsin St., Berlin, Wis. Bert E. Kelsey, Corp., R. D. 9, Loves Park, Rockford Charles A. Norton (i), 5652 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Benjamin Hunniford (i), S936 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Albert H. Brown, Plover, Wis. Albert J. Walmsley, 1046 Main Ave., Lakeview, N. J. Emil M. Roos, Duranda, Wis. Abbott B. Zimmer, 803 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Emil A. Kolden, R. D. i. Box 9, Odin, Minn. Henry G. Lear, Corp., 120054 20th St., Rock Island. August Summerfield, 3008 Lloyd Ave., Chicago. Edward Thomas (i), 6129 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Harry L. Hitchcock, 1039 W. Grand Ave., Beloit. 304 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Van J. Andreas, R. D. i, Sterling. William E. Giese, R. D. 8, Rice Lake, Wis. George H. Miller, 7301 Springfield Ave., West Allis, Wis. Clarence C. Griffin, 844 W. 7th St., Superior, Wis. Clarence L. Samuelson, Corp., 7543 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. John A. Meyer, 312 Hewitt St., Neenah, Wis. Harry J. Blair, 2438 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Leo M. Miller, R. D. 4, Paynesville, Minn. Clyde R. Scheib, 407 W. 12th St., Davenport, la. William J. Counihan, 94 W. 6th St., Superior, Wis. Isadore Lesser (i), 821 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. William Hagen, 1016 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago. Leonard A. Pettitt, Corp., 519 2d Ave., Oskaloosa, la. John P. McGrath (i), 5519 Kenwood Ave.. Chicago. Walter S. Beatty (i), 5644 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Archie R. Hart, R. D. 10, Box 85, Neenah, Wis. Wesley G. Bennett, Box 401, Tomahawk, Wis. William Pendergast (i), 345 E. 43d St., Chicago. Frank M. Bloom (i), Knight Ave., R. D. 11, Rockford. Eric Peterson. Box 20, R. D. 4, Antigo, Wis. "William R. Jackman, Corp., Bowmanville, Ont., Canada. Ernest Macollet, 14 Piquette St., Detroit, Mich. Hugh F. Sweeney (i), Dewitt, la. Otto C. Raffel, Hs., 303 Union St., Michigan City, Ind. Walter C. Abeles (i), 5959 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Patrick O'Day, Wag., 2933 Elias St., Chicago. William R. Young, Mineral Ridge, O. Thomas E. Powers, Wag., 2525 Hillock Ave., Chicago. Clarence Blanchard, Corp., Blanchardville, Wis. Walter J. Larson, Sad., R. D. i, Colby, Wis. Olai B. Thompson, R. D. i, Riley, Wis. Lee Livingston, Cross St., Oconto, Wis. John M. Browb, R. D. 7, Merrill, Wis. Harold H. Bertuleit, Patzau, Wis. John J. Johnson, Corp., 319 Main St., Aurora. Harry R. Wisner, R. D. i, Box 33, Shell Lake, Wis. Arthur G. Burgess, 420 N. Saginaw St., Pontiac, Mich. James R. Brandon, 2903 S. Normal Ave., Chicago. Lyle J. Grcgan, Cascade, la. Revelle C. Urquhart, Sgt., 1241 Hamilton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Frank T. Baker, 6510 17th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Seth R. Hummel, R. D. 3, Des Moines, la. Otto Koppert, 3154 Wall St., Chicago. SANITARY DETACHMENT, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE William Rupert, Capt., no West St., Rockford. Harry E. Hosking, Corp., 621 B. St., Marysville, Cal. Henry J. Becker, Corp., Jackson, Minn. Maurice A. Hazard, 1403 Harlem Blvd., Rockford. Severt C. Olson (i). 5627 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Rupert Reddy, Ridott. Edward A. Roggatz, 1741 N. Central Park, Ave., Chi- cago. MOBILE VETERINARY SECTION ATTACHED TO 31 "H TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Joseph H. Dornblaser, ist Lt., Georgetown. Francis A. Herron, Sgt., Auburn. Lamont D. Uhlman, Corp. Roberts, Wis. Simon T. Lewis, Hs., 115/2 Ann St., Parkersburg, West Virginia. Merten J. Clayton (i), Loretta, Ky. Alexander Ornowski (1), 417 S. 7th St., Reading, Pa. Herbert S. Ferris (i), R. D. 2, Alexis. Harry L. Becker (i), 1465 Balmoral Ave., Chicago. Oscar E. Duncan, R. D. 3, Box 80, Floyd, Va. Michael Hester, 5954 S. La Salle St., Chicago. John F. Vallee, 919 Euclid Ave., Beloit, Wis. Phul C. Jaegle (i), R. D. 3, Streator. Arthur E. Kuhn, R. D. s, Streator. Lee A. Blank, Far.. 756 Illinois Av'e., Elgin. Harry F. Wilson, Far., R. D. 2, Logansport, Ind. Floyd W. Plager, R. D. 2, Pearl City. Willis E. Jordan, Blueford. James E. Leister, Box 24, Lavinia, Minn. Carl G. Swedberg, R. D. i. Three Rivers, Minn. Ralph A. Rinker, Grand Ridge. Alfred E. Davies, Corp., 1219 S. 49th Ct., Cicero. Vernon A. Higer, Kirklin, Ind. VETERINARY FIELD UNIT i, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Arthur E. Joseph 2d Lt., 3514 Rokeby St., Chicago. Roy Judd, Far., Care of C. C. Martin, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Bertram J. Stuart, Far., 15 S. View St., Aurora. Enoch R. Swenson (i), Wheaton, Minn. VETERINARY FIELD UNIT 2, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Joseph G. Devita, 2d Lt., 613 Chapel St., New Haven, William B. Rodman, Far., Gen. Del., Rock Island. Conn. John M. Ludig (i), 339 Woodruff St., Aurora. Glenn B. Rodman, Far., 975 E. Knox St., Galesburg. VETERINARY FIELD UNIT 3, 311TH TRAIN HEADQUARTERS AND MILITARY POLICE Ralph W. Applegate, 2d Lt., Loveland, O. George F. Gibson, Far., R. D. 2, Altona. William K. Ware, Far., R. D. 2, Box 75, Yates City. Martin J. Loew (i), R. D. 4, Box 64, North Milwaukee, Wisconsin. THE 311TH SANITARY TRAIN HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Edward A. Spitzka, Lt.-Col., 63 E. 91st St., New York, N. Y. Allen R. Howard, ist Lt., 306 Main St., Pittsburg, Pa. Wesley J. Stanley, Sgt. (i), 902 Oakwood Blvd., Chi- cago. John Lanigan, Sgt., 555 Joliet St., Ottawa. Emil T. Fribolin, Sgt., 6537 St. Lawrence Ave., Chi- cago. William J. Curry, Wag., 840 E. 47th St., Chicago. Joseph Baumgarter (i), 430 14th St., Oshkosh, Wis. DENTAL UNIT NO. i, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN George S. Bell, ist Lt., Spooner, Wis. Francis J. D'Enebeau, ist Lt., R. D. i, Owensberg, Ind Verna R. Dush, ist Lt., West Salem. Arthur Morrissey, ist Lt., 124 N. Church St., Elk- horn, Wis. Morton H. Holmes, ist Lt., 4404 Washington St., Kansas City, Mo. Louis C. Schultz, ist Lt.. 1408 Belle Plaine Ave., Chi- cago. Abraham B. Berkenstadt, Surg. Asst., 51 16 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Oscar Y. Vermilye, ist Lt., Piano. Grant W. Newby (i), Sun Prairie, Wis. James L. Shipley (i), 1003 N. Main St., Rockford. Clarence Werner (i), 633 N. Church St., Rockford. Edward A. Zimmerman (1), 754 _W. 77th St., Chicago. Joseph W. Ganshert, Gratiot, Wis. Barrnett Q. Smith, 130 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, AMBULANCE SECTION, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN James C. Janney, Capt., Old Colony Trust Co., Boston, Mass. Raoul A. Hebert, 1st Lt., 281 Remsen St., Cohoes, N. Y. Earl H. Carr, ist Lt., Duquoin. Edward Mendriski, Sgt., 931 W. 31st St., Chicago. George E. Vale, Cook, 171^ 4th St., Dennison, Ohio. Halcot M. Botsford (i), R. D. i, Petoskey, Mich. Louis Musso (i), Cossombrato, Piedmont, Italy. Julius A. Rude (i), Merrillan, Wis. Harris R. Vail (i), care C. A. Jones Co., 2205 Morris Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Earl N. Wolpert (i), Duncannon, Pa. Lawrence E. Thomas, 6336 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Thomas E. Waterman, Sgt., 6641 Minerva Ave., Chi- cago. AMBULANCE COMPANY 341, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Mortimer H. Linden, Capt., 266 S. 9th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bayard T. Mousley, ist Lt., Alstead, N. H. Thurman R. Beaver, ist Lt., 617 E. 19th St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Elmer Trateean, Sgt. (i), Carmel, Ind. Edwin T. Planner, Sgt. (i), 320 N. Illinois St., Indian- a; ilis, Ind. Jason C. Morris, Cook, 846 Thomas St., Memphis, Tenn. Claude R. Warren, 704 N. Pine St., Indianapolis, Ind. Julien R. Lennes, R. D. 4, Box 36, Osakis, Minn. Philip Harris, 5241 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Carl R. Smith, Stanton, Mich. Phillip M. Johnson, 460 E. Losey St., Galesburg. Carl Ranstad, Battle Lake, Minn. lee H. Naftalin, Corp., 737 N. May St., Chicago. Walter J. Giese, 532 Harrison Blvd., Wausau, Wis. Roy F. Powell, 3904 Un atilla St., Denver, Colo. John Finklestein (i), 3710 Flourney St., Chicago. Andrew Swieringa, Box 94, Lansing. Herbert Sharon, R. D. , Augusta. Arthur W. Dorn, 429 W. King St., Winona, Minn. Sam Quist, Wahkon, Minn. Walter K. Dolmetsch, Ci rp., 3847 Carrolton Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. Harry Noble, Sgt., Cicero, Ind. Laurence Connaughton (i), 322 Randolph St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Ralph Huggins, Gilson. Ellis C. Hill, Cook, Taylorsville, Ky. Amil Rupp, Box 2, Walters, Minn. Albert H. Soderling, 5th St., S., Willmar, Minn. Ralph W. Matthews, Prophetstown. George H. Sievers, 1126 W. 4th St., Faribault, Minn. George T. Johnson, Latham. Basil E. Myers, Sgt., Kirklin, Ind. John F. Messer, Olivia, Minn. John P. Twohig, 838 S. Loomis St., Chicago. Leslie C. Nash, R. D. 3, Monmouth. Walter L. Smithson, 402 2nd Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles H. Gano, 3357 Colorado Ave., Chicago. Arthur Coltella, 724 E. io4tT St., Chicago. Walter F. Fuller (i), 3131 Bellefontaine St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Alvin E. Hiller, 27'th & Northwestern Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. George R. Edwards, Corp., R. D. 30, Zionsville, Ind. Walter C. Mehne, R. D. 2, Jasper, Ind. Harry Bailey, Wag., 9453 Commercial Ave., Chicago. George Szymkowski, 1500 W. Division St., Chicago. George E. Giese, 707 Forest St., Wausau, Wis. Fred W. Ouaday, Blue Earth, Minn. Arvid I. Hill, R. D. i. Box 127, Embarrass, Minn. Victor Vanacker, 1406 17th St., East Moline. Hjalmer G. Johnson, 522 N. Stevens St., Rhinelander, Wis. Guy W. Hoyt, Corp., 6327 Bellefontaine St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Grover C. Parr, Sgt., Broad Ripple, Ind. Roy E. Palm, 208 Kimball St., Elgin. Oliver Thompson, Milan, Minn. Rolando Reiling, R. D. 2, Port Byron. Aleri V. Alecock, R. D. i. Little York. Leon Mertens, Strathmore, Alberta, Can. Edward Kleinlieinz, 114 Woodward Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. George, W. GifFrow, 902 ist Ave., Sterling. John E. Fender, R. D. i. Downer Grove. Charles E. Hayes, Sgt., 1617 N. Capitol Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Roland W. Brerinan, Sgt., care Indiana Women's Prison, Indianapolis, Ind. Frank Feller, 6317 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. George Slick, Milledgeville. Lewis A. Beattie, R. D. 3, Toulon. Oscar Johnson, R. D. 1, Annandale, Minn. Hervery D. Harn, Bradford. John Donner, 308 Farmer St., Monroe, Wis. Rudolph Aarnes, 403 Nichols Ave., Montevideo, Minn. Lambert P. Karst, 1755 Cornelia Ave., Chicago. Roy Duensing, Corp., Trilla. Peter Rouman, Antigo, Wis. Joseph H. Shawback, R. D. 16, Tonica. Frank L. Cosgrove, 57 Clifmont St., Roslindale, Mass. Manuel B. Brown, Dundee, Minn. John S. Sigborne, 5006 Pensacola Ave., Chicago. 305 3o6 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION LIEUTENANT COLONEL E. A. SPITZKA Commanding 311th Sanitary Train. MAJOR HENRY H. THOMPSON Division Sanitary Inspector, LIEUTENANT COLONEL FRANK DEACON Sanitary Detachment, 333rd Field Artillery. MAJOR J. C. DALLENBACH Medical Detachment, 332nd Field Artillery. THE 311TH SANITARY TRAIN 307 Charles E. Czahurski, 4412 S. Wood St., Chicago. EHas H. Thomas, Corp., Carmel, Ind. Ray M. Archibald, Sgt., 328 W. 25th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Alfred Willis (i), Monrovia, Ind. John R. Horan, Box 17s, Mathersville. Emil F. Frank, 480 Addison St., Elgin. John F. Tanck, 2626 W. Adams St., Chicago. LeRoy E. Seter, 31 S. State St., Chicago. Carl O. Lilljestrale, Box 52, Clarkfield, Minn. John R. Page, Sgt., 225 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. David Kaufman, 3741 S. Wood St., Chicago. Erick H. Erickson, Danbury, Wis. Eddie J. Bakius, Cook, 466 W. 21st St., Indianapolis, Ind. Charles W. Mills (i), Zionsville, Ind. Elmer h. Huibregtse, 1434 Jefferson Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Ge.orge F. Lang (i), 932 Garfield Drive, Indianapolis, Ind. Arthur Fosmoe, 2527 9th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Edwin H. Yaeger, Sanborn, Minn. Guy Palmer, Sgt., R. D. i, Hanover, Ind. Arthur H. Stephen (i), Sawyer, Wis. Jorgen H. Hansen, R. D. i, Goodhue, Minn. Harry R. Graves (i), 122 Carroll St., Hammond, Ind. Christ E. Christenson, Crosby, Minn. Frederick E. Cossentine, Eagle Bend, Minn. Rudolph Dudey, Hartland, Wis. Erwin G. Schleiger, 1025 20th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Earl F. Shippy, R. D. 2, Orangeville. William J. Newbauer, Sgt., 339 E. Wyoming St., In- dianapolis, Ind. Chester A. Faulkner, Gurnee. John P. Wheat (i), 322 Graham St., Indianapolis, Ind. Harry W. Evenson, R. D. 5, Mankato, Minn. Lester L. Golbrath, 7649 Vernon Ave., Chicago. David Yaver, 1257 Oliver Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. John C. McCrum (i), 606 W. Arch St., Portland, Ind. George P. Marshall, R. D. 2, Belvidere. Harold Robinson, Sgt., 3102 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Arthur Ashley, R. D. 2, Lyle, Minn. Lloyd F. Lobdell, Mukwonago, Wis. Thomas P. Burke, R. D. s, Amboy. Charles G. Millington, 1206 10th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Frank T. Becker, 8800 Colfax Ave., Chicago. Albert Krause, Osseo, Minn. John J. Ruffino, 206 S. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago. Ray E. Withe, Sgt., McCloud, Cal. Ernest Hedengren, 615 6th St., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Howard C. Ford, R. D. i, Boonton, N. J. Albert D. Juinco, Matanzas, Cuba. AMBULANCE COMPANY 342, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Edmund W. Bolio, Capt., 55 Rhode Island Ave., De- troit, Mich. Harry M. Lowell, ist Lt., 6418 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Walter Grunewald, ist Lt., 23 Chestnut St., Glovers- ville, N. Y. Harold L. Piatt, Sgt. (i), Epworth, Iowa. Lane S. Hart, Sgt. (i), Duncannon, Pa. Russell E. Gould, Sgt., 1938 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. Waltej L. Corey, Sgt., St. Croix Falls, Wis. Wallace K. Boyer, Sgt., Duncannon, Pa. Henry M. Burtness, Spring Grove, Minn. Clarence E. Halley, 614 Peach St., Rockford. Oscar Peterson, R. D. 10, Milton, Wis. Harry Peters, Wag., 2931 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. William O'Hern, Wag., 2543 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. Conrad O. Olson, 3200 Park Ave., Chicago. Bruce C. Bryson (i), Delton, Va. Samuel D. Snyder, Sgt., Thackeray. Arthur Berg, Brandon, Minn. Harris J. Lamb, Sgt., 316 E. High St., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Herbert Anderson, R. D. 2, Reynolds. Earl L. Semrad, Wag., 330 E. 25th St., Chicago. Louis Buchholz, Mech., 411 E. 29th St., Chicago. Efthimios Tjourakis (i), Amalias, Province of Elias, Greece. Robert Forsythe, R. D. 26, Oconomowoc, Wis. Clayton D. Caldwell, Sgt., 2nd St., Leechburg, Pa. Ray C. Miller, 1304 Moore St., Fremont, Ohio. Charles J. Colahan, 1027 ist Ave., Rockford. Bert E. Lyon, ist Ave., S., Jamestown, N. D. Frederick Anderson, R. D. i, Myrtle, Minn. Rasmus Bartleson, Manufacturers Ass'n, St. Paul, Minn. Christian Fanrbach, 2226 Archer Ave., Chicago. George R. Senescu, 1309 W. 12th St., Chicago. Charles H. Gross, Sgt., 630 Guernsey St., Piqua, Ohio. Albert J. Erickson, R. D. 2, Alden, Minn. Samuel B. Short, 122 S. Allen St., Web City, Mo. Edward G. Granst, 2700 S. 5th Ave., Chicago. Adolph J. Lube, 3040 Greenview Ave., Chicago. Sidney £. Hughes, Goodell, Iowa. George A. iJehling, R. D. 3, Amery, Wis. Theo. G. Eikamp, Cochrane, Wis. Frank h. Kautz, Sgt., 52 Kenmawr Ave., Rankin, Pa. Harold G. Schmeltz, 3512* S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Charle.s J. Nelson, R. D. 2, Claremont, Minn. George E. Jester, Cook, 721 N. 4th St., Springfield. Francis C. Frederick, Rodney, Mich. John Rusch, Wag., 2518 Lowe Ave., Chicago. George A. Beach (i), 302 S. Union Ave., Alliance, Ohio. George R. Smith, Sgt., 2301 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Marcellus J. Yahner, R. D. i, Dysart, Pa. John M. Wyllie, R. D. 2, Iowa City, Iowa. Edward W. Watson, Wag., 323 E. 26th St., Chicago. Frank P. Miller, 1340 Chapin St., Chicago. Dominick Abate, 234 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Simeon W. Rovise, Wag., 250 Adams St., Denver, Colo. Lyne L. Flannigan, Wag., 5634 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Robert Karolich, 4226 Potomac Ave,., Chicago. Theo. W. Radtke, 1020 Grand St., Peru. George E. Dehring, R. D. 1, Brownville, Wis. William Chalis, 2358 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Gynther Gilbertson, 203 W. Mill St., Austin, Minn. Peter A. Harme, 636 S. Main St., Blue Earth, Minn. Horatio C. Fowler, 902 6th Ave., S., St. Cloud, Minn. Vincent Cox, Sgt., Streator. Otto L. Luebbe, New Holstein, Wis. Raymond A. Kasper, R. D. 2, Owatonna, Minn. Louis Severson, 2429 S. 34th Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Fred Mathie, 21 13 ist St., Peru. Martin Otto, R. D. 2, Sandwich. Richard E. Schaller, 415 Bryant Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. George Clouras, 84 W. Madison Ave., Chicago. William M. Mahoney, Corp., 6537 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Grant L. Eisel, 6614 Ingleside Ave, Chicago. Steve Clemons, Wag., 3206 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Herbert L. Neumann, 235 Seminary St., Aurora. Julius J. Wyzkowski, Hatley, Wis. Peter Ciculla, 784 W. Main St., Madison, Wis. John U. Collins, R. D. i, Stetsonville, Wis. August Meiser, 771 Market St., Kenosha, Wis. Rex L. Hibbert, Corp., Eldon, Iowa. Edward W. Roe, 324 5th Ave, N., Wausau, Wis. Harry T. Lawler, 616 E. 5th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Louis S. Torok, Wag., Catawba Island, Ohio. David Spero, 147 Warren Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Walter B. Swanson, 1710 Aldrich Ave., N., Minneap- olis, Minn. Benjamin Stolp, 214 S. 4th St., Aurora. Charles Richardson, Corp., 6426 Dante Ave., Cliicago. Steven L. Roszczynialski, 141 7 Wicker Park Ave., Chi- cago. Earl C. Hicks, 730 S. Academy St., Galesburg. Nils I. Rosencrantz, 5436 W. Congress St., Chicago. William P. Templcrnan, 1837 Ne.wport Ave., Chicago. .Samuel Newbury, Wag., 52 Adams St., Manchester, Conn. John Helstern, Wag., 2940 Cottage Grove Ave., Chi- cago. John J. Kilsfallen, 4453 Wallace St., Chicago. Michael F. Stumpp, Corp., 477 Edmund St., St. Paul, Minn. James R. Egbers, Mandon. William H. Eraser, 109 W. Summit St., St. Paul, Minn. Irby S. Lochbaum, R. D. 4, Peoria. William Baird, Pine River, Wis. Joy D. Leach, Bloomfield, Iowa. Harry C. Vest (i), 1018 W. Eldorado St., Decatur. Louis Errgang, Wag., 500 Milton St., Cincinnati, O. Addison M. Carver (i), 2255 S. Park Ave., Chicago., Harry DeGrauwe (i), 733 Elm St., Rockford. 3o8 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION Clifford F. Combes, Wag., 415 E. Main St., Monticello. William C. Doerries, 215 W. McCarty St., Jefferson City, Mo. Ignazio Crisanto (i), 7034 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Harvey M. Gibbons, Wag., 2925 Ellis Ave., Chicago. William A. Steinhaus, 1443 S. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wis. John T. Kaniut, 3941 39th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Daniel J. McNerne.y (i), Drumlich County, Ireland. Joseph J. Flandrena, Hurley, Wis. Herbert A. Leight, R. D. 8, Stillwater, Minn. Albert Froehlich, R. D. 2, Reesville, Wis. John R. Scofield, R. D. i, Box 19, Lakeville, Wis. Anthony Sablich, 327 W. 24th St., Chicago. George N. Schiopu (i), 630 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago. William G. Action (i), 2322 S. State St., Chicago. Gilbert M. Kline, Cook, Lehigh Hotel, Allentown, Pa. Harry B. Combes, 415 E. Main St., Monticello. Elmer N. Yeates, Wag., R. D. i, Bonfiejd. Thomas L. Lipman, 2942 Ellis Ave., Chicago. William F. Johnson, 2422 S. Canal St., Chicago. Edward Samuelson, Wag., 308 W. 24th St., Chicago. Wilbur Bennett, Meadville, W. Va. AMBULANCE COMPANY 343, Suth SANITARY TRAIN Clarence S. Gardner, Capt., 800 E. 3rd South Provo, Utah. Wilson F. McDill, ist Lt., No St or Ho No, Kemerer. Wyo. George F. Davis, ist Lt., Harvey ville, Kan. Lester F. Wire, Sgt. (i), 668 3rd St., East Salt Lake City, Utah. John C. Reed, Sgt. (i), Murray, Ky. Frank B. Hammond, Sgt., 11 19 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Lynn W. Raybould, Sgt., 528 S. W. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gordon L. Cameron, Sgt., 364 N. 4th St., Laramie, Wyo. Vincent A. Sadler, Sgt., 1185 S. nth, East Salt Lake City, Utah. Charles S. Taylor, Corp., 4177 Vrain St., Denver, Colo. Bert J. Costello, Plainview, Minn. Herbert J. Genseke, 124 Washington St., Streator. Orrin G. Hollaway, Chr., 121 S. W. Te.mple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Henry G. Jennings, Crs., 815 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Clarence S. Christensen, 914 24th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Emil Berglund, 3335 Snelling Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. George H. Larson, Box 303, Sauk Rapids, Minn. Alfred L. Self, Chr., 125 S. nth. East Salt Lake City, Utah. Clarence H. Patten, Chr., St. Anthony, Idaho. Lee R. Stephenson (i), 832 6th St., San Bernardino, Cal. George C. Tonks, Chr., Morgan, Utah. Elme.r C. Thornhill, Sgt., 216 Texas St., El Paso, Tex. Charles R. Holland (i), 8 M. E. Ave., Ogden, Utah. John A. Carlson, R. D. 2, Arlington, S. D. Leland A. Tuft, Chr., Monroe, Utah. John E. Hayward, Mech., 146 N. ist West, Salt Lake City, Utah. James E. Spry, Chr., 264 North sth West, Salt Lake City, Utah. Irwin C. Trumble, 561 W. Sth St., St. Charles. Alvin P. Wold, 714 York St., St. Paul, Minn. Albert E. Peterson. 1800 Stevens Ave., Apt 31, Minne- apolis, Minn. James A. Hayne\ 2713 Blaisdell Ave., Minneapolis, Minn^ Joseph C. Jansen, 723 College Ave., Red Wing, Minn. Eduard N. Haas, 268 Rural St., Aurora. Clarence C. Griebahn (i), 215 E. 70th St., Chicago. George W. Griebahn, 1616 Balmoral Ave., Chicago. George F. Trost (i), 6615 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Alfred M. Snelgrove, Sgt., 744 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lee R. Fry, Corp., Morgan, Utah. James J. Lynch (i), Waterville, Ireland. Albert E. St. Onge, 1210 3rd Ave., Worthington, Minn. Lester J. Skinner, 34 E. lootli St., Roseland, Chicago. Ole Christ Olson, 122 E. Central Ave., Faribault, Minn. Grant Simpson (i), 641 E. 64th St., Chicago. August F. Behm (i), 60 W. 14th Place, Chicago Heights. Max H. Darrow, 3215 Flournoy St., Chicago. George R. Singer, 5 1 1 Ne.w York St., Aurora. Nicoloy C. Hansen (i), 6925 East End Ave., Chicago. Herman A. Tourville, 312 7th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Abel Johnson, 625 Kummmgs Ave., Waukegan. Dewey Solomon, Sgt., 22 S. Sth East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Harold A. Margetts. Corp., 533 South 2nd. West, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mbert O. Anderson, 42 E. 17th St., Garfield, Utah. Sidney H. Canham, 353 W. 5th South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. George W. Becker (i), 6631 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Thomas D. Harman (1), 123 N. 6th West St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Roy E. Guiver (i), 823 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Evan W. Church, Cook, looi Wilson Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Henry J. Lindenmeyer, 302 Cross St., Peru. Howard E. Bixler, 1432 Jonquile Terrace, Chicago. George Mayer, 825 Broadway Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Edward C. Miller, 1028 Geneva St., Racine, Wis. John H. Luhman, 720 Cherry St., Belvidere. Philip J. Kernan, 260 i6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lester J. Kabisius, Sgt., 503 5th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Jesse D. Barlow, Corp., Clearfield, Utah. John Cassimattis, Cook, Kithri, Province of Lacon- ias, Greece. Michael J. Noon (i), Julian Hotel, 63rd & Stewart Ave., Chicago. Victor S. Steadman, Chr., El Centro, Cal. Edward M. Albert, 1144 sth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry B. VanLangen, Cedarburg, Wis. Walter T. Frazier, Chr., 1124 South 5th East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Harold Swanson, 516 13th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Francis W. Carlson, Epiphany, S. D. Arvid O. Johnson (i), 521 7th St., Rockford. Hugh J. Hawkins, 198 Maple St., St. Paul, Minn. Joseph Hemmesch, Box 33, Melrose, Minn. John I. Kinne, Artas S. D. Christopher Babler, 2932 Lyndale Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank Zimmerman, Sgt., 138 S. 10th West, Salt Lake City, Utah. Alson A. Ferguson, Chr., 937 Spruce St., Pueblo, Colo. Leo J. Flanagan (i), 314 E. 70th St., Chicago. Hans C. Hansen (i), 76 U. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Leland B. Nelson (i), 832 Ramona Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dwight Baum, 1140 S. 31st St., Omaha, Neb. William Bruechert, 91s S. i8th St., Manitowoc, Wis. Le.o A. Schoebel, R. D. i, Theresa, Wis. Clarence McLatchie (i), Kaysville, Utah. Harry Doerr (i), New Holland, Pa. Roy A. Hough, 2809 Frederick St., Menominee, Mich. Delbert C. Guiver (i), 25 T. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. John H. Hough, Chr., 409 W. Water St., Piqua, Ohio. Otto A. Thomas, Chr., 732 E. Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal. Williard S. Hatch, Chr., Woods Cross, Utah. Harry L. Strong (i), Kaysville, Utah. Leonard L. Fish, Sgt.," 14 Uintah Apts., Salt Lake City, Utah. Grela E. Sanders (i), 462 17th Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John B. Andersen, 533 S. Lake St., Aurora. Wesley N. Miller, Chr., 326 S. Durbin Ave., Casper, Wyo. Warren M. Miller, Chr., 326 S. Durbin Ave., Casper, Wyo. Earl T. Deckman, Chr., 1424 Marquette Road, Chicago. Tames H. Curran, Cook, Gen. Del., Seattle, Wash. Nathaniel Benston, 3913 37th Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert Aiken, R. D. i, Ottawa. William Royle, Jr. (i), 3650 Adams Ave., Ogde.n, Utah. George R. Brewer, Box 72, Boycevillc, Wis. Jacob Baum, 16 Elizabeth St., Batavia. Harry J. Halton (i), 475 D. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Earl M. Wilson, Corp., 547 E. ist South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Robert W. Hatch, Sgt., Woods Cross, Utah. Thomas J. Hennion, 10 Abbott Ave., Morristown, N. J. THE 311TH SANITARY TRAIN 309 AMBULANCE COMPANY 344, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Frederick S. Cooper, Capt., 406 E. Gambier St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. William O. Fischer, ist Lt., 406 Broadway, Columbia, Mo. Ignatius Jasinski, ist Lt., Bradley Road, West Dover, Ohio. Clarence A. Berge, ist Lt., 823 Richfield Road, Flint, Mich. Joseph F. Bold, Sgt. (i), 6521 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Thomas L. McCullough, Sgt. (i), 78 Medbury Ave., De- troit, Mich. * Andrew L. Powers, Sgt., 206 nth Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Joseph P. Hoflfsetz, Sgt., 425 N. State St., Rockford. John S. Zapf, Sgt., 6555 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Robert Jacobs, 1914 Franklin St., Houston, Texas. Julius Egner, 1217 nth Ave., Rockford. Axel Johnson, 815 Milton Ave., Chicago. Victor S. Boult, 2544 Pleasant Ave,, Minneapolis, Minn. Rowland W. Adrian, Mess Sgt., 300 Fies Ave., Marion, Ohio. Henry E. Peterson, Cook, Rodney, Mich. I^ester G. Zimmerman, Cook, Bandonville, Pa. Thomas Hong, Cook, 6446 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Bernard P. Bay (i), 5616 Maryland Ave., Chicago. Mark Fowler, 562 Mathew St., Galesburg. Alfred Alippo, 531 N. Carpenter St., Chicago. Albert P. Ansel, 221 Perry St., Elgin. Albert R. Warne, 707 Cunningham St., Rockford. William Lally, 6601 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Howell L. Edwards (i), 6203 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Glen E. Stentz, Sgt., State Hospital, Cleveland, O. Raymond E. Kramer, Wag., in 17th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Jacob J. Koranda, 2954 Poplar Ave.., Chicago. Clyde E. Pulfrey, Wag., 301 Awegle St., St. John, Mich. Thomas Sullivan, Wag., 5300 Carpenter St., Chicago. Ralph L. Hunt, 359 E. 70th St., Chicago. Louis Welsh, 6326 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. William M. Vesper, 1720 S. 20th St., Centerville, la. Carroll B. Rust (i), Taylorsville, Va. Harry L. Buckland, Wag., R. D. i, Batavia, N. Y. John yi. McGonigle, Jackson, Neb. Thomas W. Love, Wag., 6531 Evans Ave., Chicago. Adolph Struchevsky, Sgt., 1523 N. Ashland Ave., Chi- cago. Stefan V. Cuirko, Box 88, Chapin, Iowa. Adarti J. Eliszewski, 983 Maple St., Milwaukee, Wis. Stanislaw Janulis, 12231 Wallace St., Chicago. Constantine Koutsouris, Ptry, Agion, Greece. Butte Ydema, Kakkum, Frersland, Netherlands. Peter Wachholtz, R. D. 5, Box iii. Grand Rapids, Wis. Joseph A. Uetz, 431 Chippewa St., Eau Claire.. Wis. William A. Truchinski, R. D. i. Box 25, Pittsville, Wis. Vincenzo Moncata, 212 Loomis St., Rockford. George J. Smisek, Lonsdale, Minn. Dominick Morbito, 451 N. Morgan St., Chicago. Charles E. Miller, Sgt., Plainville, Ind. John N. Hoh (i), 4010 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Edward J. Bostik, 201 N. Randolph St., Belleville, Kan. Elbridge Brackett, 1114% West End Ave., Duluth, Minn. John P. Bremer, R. D. i, Lake City, Minn. Otis L. Brown, R. D. 6, Box 100, Galesburg. Otto F. Cable,, Box 62, R. D. 13, Altoona. Ernest W. Carlson, 766 Maryland St., St. Paul, Minn. Howard G. Cole, 44 Day St., Galesburg. Robert A. Collier, Gen. Del., Greensburg, Pa. Lloyd E. Corsepius, Box 96, Viola. Joseph DeBartolo, 7836 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Frank G. Williams, Sgt., Glenwood, Ohio. Albert C. Black, Wag., 324 E. State St., Rockford. Bert O. Cope, Wag., 6428 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Harry R. Garringues, Wag., 2184 W. 63rd St., Cleve- land, Ohio. Christian F. Jorgensen, Wag., 311 Lincoln Ave., La Grange. John W. LeMoine, Wag., 413 John St., East Liver- pool, Ohio. Charles F. Malone, Wag., Box 165, Norfolk, Va. Michael J. Murphy, Wag., St. Augustine. Lawrence P. Sullivan, Wag., 6734 Langley Ave., Chi- cago. Walter J. Blrchler (i), 11 12 E. 64th St., Chicago. Thomas P. McCarthy, 8 E. 69th Place, Chicago. Frank M. Zengel, 768 Capitol Heights, St. Paul, Minn. James B. Burley, Sgt., 1165 4th Ave., Akron, Ohio. Richard W. Barnes, 3508 Emerald Ave.., Chicago. Maurice F. Casey, 8835 Buffalo Ave., So. Chicago. Joseph H. Hammer, 5 114 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. William J. Clifford (i), 40 West iT3th St., Chicago. Walter Klajbor, 1267 Wade St., Chicago. William Barrett, 6612 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Richard W. McCann, 6441 Evans Ave., Chicago. John J. McNally, 6332 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Arthur P. Reilly, 6536 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Reuben E. Schutt, 1827 Thomas St., Marietta, Wis. Eugene W. Martin, Corp., 233 Pine St., Steelton, Pa. David W. Jenkins (i), 214 Stewart Place, New Castle, Pennsylvania. Frank Lally, 6601 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Carl L. Lavery, 6538 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. John S. Lentz (i), 274 S. 3rd St., Lehighton, Pa. Thomas J. Baugh, 6324 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Joseph J. Bilski, 6069 Ridge Ave., Chicago. Daniel J. DeLahanty, 358 Thomas Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. John P. Fitzgerald, 512 W. Healy St., Champaign. Tom Hazejhurst, 6401 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Rudolph P. Jacobs, 2508 S. Canal St., Chicago. Walter R. Juby, 376 Park St., Elgin. Robert J. Troughton, Sgt., 3529 S. Lincoln St., Chi- cago. Nevis Dever, Box 3, Springhill, Kan. Clarence E. Ford, Box 174, Luverna, Minn. Frank E. Hanson, Chetek, Wis. Winfield J. Isaacson, Lynn Center. Gustave A. Israelson, 3221 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Algot N. Johnson, Helgoland, Vorgarda, Sweden. Albert _ E. Johnson, 1024 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Clarence R. Killelea, Box 427, Seneca. August Kruser, R. D. 5, Box 98, Dubuque, Iowa. Charles W. Harrison, Corp., The Plaines, Ohio. Paul Kosa, Mech., 6607 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Henry B. Epard, Far., Luray, V'a. William D. Meier, Sad., Rudyard, Mich. Victor J. Peterson, Gotoland, Kl, Romar, Sweden. John C. Ehrenberg, 1323 Richard St., Milwaukee, Wis. Casimer R. Gawelski, 1064 Midland Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. Carl J. Lundberg, R. D. i, Litchfield, Minn. Pierce L. Power, R. D. i. Blue Mounds, Wis. Albin T. Swanson, Durand, Wis. Edward Wilson, 3346 Wallace St., Chicago. Frank G. Eichhorn, Corp., 3215 Lowe Ave., Chicago. Evo Matthys, R. D. 2, Box 67, Atkinson. Edward J. Mechan, 929 2nd Ave., Rock Island. Jack C. Morrow, 6421 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. Otto M. Neuendorf, 731 Fuller St., St. Paul, Minn. Frank M. O'Brien, 3206 Emerald .\ve., Chicago. Walter F. O'Connor, 773 Englehart Ave., St. Paul, Minn. William J. O'Coh'nor, Wataga. Alfred M. Peterson, R. D. i. Box 38, Richville, Minn. George F. Rogers, 1731 Fuller St., Chicago. Augusteno Seminari, 452 N. Green St., Chicago. Jacob L. Saxe, 2620 2nd Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Harry Stout, 6415 Ellis Ave.., Chicago. Edward J. Timmonds, 6443 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Henry C. Thomas, R. D. i. Box 34, Milladore, Wis. James S. Toppan, 6520 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Matt P. Tremmel, R. D. i, Marshfield, Wis. Fred V^hdergeest, R. D. 2, Birnamwood, Wis. Walter Voight, Fall Creek, Wis. William Wan Boxsel, Breda Noord, Brabant, Holland. Paul Erickson (i), 5825 Rogers Ave., Chicago. Tony Delanski, R. D. 2, Posen. Forest F. Fellows, 928 Franklin St., Columbus, Ind. Walter Goldstein, 6341 Ingleside Ave., Chicago. Frank Koranda, 3025 Parnell Ave., Chicago. August H. Lange, Louisberg, Wis. Leo H. Peitner, 227 Hill Ave., Elgin. Theopfiel Longeuveilli,- 224 Payson St., Kewanee. Charles Pfeiffe.r, 3744 N. Marshfield Ave., Chicago. Clarence B. Wood, 128 E. Vine St., Owatonna, Minn. Jesse D. Alphin, Fayetteville, N. C. 310 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION John Lauritzen, Borgsum, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Theodore Kapp, 71 East End Ave., Nyle, N. Y. Alfred H. Smith, 6509 Woo^lawn Ave.,' Chicago. William L. Jackson, R. D. 3, Cookville, Tenn. *" " " " • Ddl; HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, FIELD HOSPITAL SECTION, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Edgar T. Flint, Maj., 68 Lincoln St., Foxcraft, Me. Harry B. Burr, Capt., 15 Sherman Ave., Denver, Colo. Clifford I. Shimeall, Sgt., Beloit, Wis. William Flock, Sgt., 3756 Ellis Ave., Chicago. William D. Lantz, Cook, 1534 loth St., Altoona, Pa. Earl H. Copeland (i), Mountville, Pa. Albert S. Hansen, Union Grove, Wis. Mike, Malone (i), 11942 W. LaSalle St., Chicago. Lawrence T. Burns, 4915 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Albert G. Lindgren, 764 E. 40th St., Chicago. Segwald S. Samuelson, Wittenberg, Wis. Harry Schierer, Indiana, Pa. Fred F. Nicholson, 7715 Colfax AT*e., Chicago. FIELD HOSPITAL COMPANY 341, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN William J. Young, Capt., 11 1 Maple St., Bangor, Me. James W. Beveridge, Capt., 137 E. 33rd St., New York City, N. Y. Cale C. Craig, Capt., 902 N. Market St., Mf. Carmel. Raymond M. Schulte, ist I-t., Dollar Bay, Mich. Robert E. Barto, ist Lt., Pine Grove, Pa. Leslie E. Anthony, Sgt. (i), Blanchardville, Wis. Charles A. Scott, Sgt. (i), 1828 Grace St., Lynchburg, Va. Stanford Davendish, Sgt., 280 E. Ogden St., Girardville, Pa. Joseph J. Weite, 2040 Hamburg St., Chicago. Percy E. Kyllo, Goodhue, Minn. William Bergstrand, 915 E. Lawson St., St. Paul, Minn. Arthur A. Spelbrink, Ivanhoe, Minn. Melvin L. Breiby, 279 Western Ave., Janesville, Wis. William Sallis, 415 Wisconsin Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Walter_ E. Gregory, Sgt., Bainbridge, Ind. William S. Barham, Maurertown, Va. Frank F. Schreiber, Colona. Henry G. Mallin, R. D. i, Osceola, Wis. Adam D. Elletson, mo Belletrami Ave., Bemidji, Minn. George C. Haglund, R. D. 3, Maple Lake, Minn. Thomas R. Maloney, 113 N. 6th St., Livingston, Mont. William Billings, Cook, 26 W. 112th Place, Chicago. Henry T. Naimy, Sgt., 1402 Walla Walla Ave., Walla Walla, Wash. Louis A. Edelmann, Cook, 7014 Cregier Ave., Chicago. Ferdinand J. Kopp, 11446 State St., Chicago. Bernard F. Schneider, 504 W. 117th St., Chicago. Edward Konvicka, 967 W. 19th St., Chicago. Einar Johnson, R. D. i, Bovey, Minn. Gilbert J. Novak, 420 E. Davenport St., Iowa City, la. Martin Hametman, 11441 Harvard Ave., Chicago. John Haderlein, 191 7 Barry Ave., Chicago. Joseph W. McGovern, Sgt., 7446 Wabash Ave., Chi- cago. Martin A. Dapper, 377 Smith Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Walter E. Lausch, 709 Johnson St., Charles City, la. Virgil E. Miller, Sunset Ave., Albert Lea, Minn. Edward R. Hodgson, 4804 N. Robey St., Chicago. Frank Stradcutter, Belle Plaine, Minn. Frank Dobek, 1331 Minnesota Ave., South Milwau- kee., Wis. Knute G. Ramstrom (i), 11305 Watt Ave., Chicago. Benjamin Droskin, 303 N. Sacramento St., Sycamore. William J. Reed, Sgt., 11840 State St., Chicago. Frank W. Robison, Joy. Selmar B. Gerald, R. D. 5, Clear Lake, Wis. Henry B. Gelting, R. D. 2, Painesville, Minn. Bernard J. Gallagher, R. D. 3, Kendall, Wis. Arley M. Michael, Burlington, Ind. Joe Ways, Stevens Point, Wis. August Piekarski, 612 Liberty St., Berlin, Wis. Bruno Herman, 11403 Forestville Ave., Chicago. William Prines, Corp., West Jeanette, Pa. Eugene B. Andreoni, 1509 W. Erie St., Chicago. Henry A. Miller, Wadena, Minn. Ebert A. Larson, 687 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Fred A. Bridgestock, R. D. 4, Box 2, Prophetstown. Stanislaus Smeykal (i), 414 156th St., West Ham- mond. Philip Pleta, 5712 W. Dive.rsey Ave., Chicago. Frank H. Eberett, R. D. 2, Box 6, Jasper, Minn. Harry J. Rhyner, R. D. i, Curtiss,* Minn. Leslie Heydenburg, Corp., 7100 Stony Island Ave., Chi- cago. William G. Quinn, 10453 Bensley Ave., Chicago. Lester J. Lane, 533 Center St., Sycamore. George Visnovski, 11333 Langley Ave., Chicago. Donald J. Blodgett, 417 Center St., Woodstock. Amund O. Tubus, Viroqua, Wis. Louis E. Moulds, 4145 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Charlie, Lynn. Maurice Wasserman, 1018 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Aage Larsen, Corp., 10 Kronprinesessegade, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Stanley Stolacz (i), 1115 Chicago Ave., Chicago. John Levstik (i), 11 262 Stephenson St., Chicago. John McCarthy (i), 1322 E. 73rd St.. Chicago. Tony Rotondi, 307 s6th Ave., West Duluth, Minn. Antoni Wilcze.wski, Crodio, Gibernia, Biclansy, Russia. Frank A. Glaubke, 1861 S. Avers Ave., Chicago. Howard R. Hancox, 428 S. Humphrey St., Oak Park. Steve Zebranski, 10740 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Frank J. Sheridan, Corp., Faribault, Minn. Lloyd C. Watt, 617 W. Main St., Detroit, Minn. George L. Boll, 554 1st Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles A. Lowe, 4935 Gladys Ave., Chicago. John Fontana, 151 ii6th St,, Chicago. Joseph W. Mitchell, 2100 3rd Ave., Rock Island. Matthias Kluchenak (i), No. 8, Alley No. i, Taren- tum, Pa. Wilfrid S. Carlson, R. D. 2, Atkinson. Joe S. Graboeski, 611 N. Curtiss St., Chicago. Bert Ezra Minter, 1333 Eddy St., Chicago. John W. Reiff, 1018 Franklin St., Reading, Pa. FIELD HOSPITAL COMPANY 342, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Charles A. White, Capt., 284 W. Riverview Ave., Belle- vue. Pa. Be,njamin R. Ruben, ist Lt., Port Chester, N. Y. Michael Robinson, ist Lt., 307 W. Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. William W. Mattson, 1st Lt., 5269 17th Ave. N. E., Albert T. ' Fredlund, Sgt., 575 Rondo St., St. Paul, Minn. Frederick Lindsley, Sgt., 305 Lenox St., New Haven, Conn. William A. Hansen, R. D. 13, Box 49, Larsen, Wis. Julius G. Buchholz, Norwalk, Wis. Frank A. Anderson, R. D. i, Smithshire. William Ambuul, 11047 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Cliflford N. Rood, 4022 Cedar Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. John E. Cussen, 5532 S. LaSalle St., Chicago. Erwin B. McLewis, Sgf., 248 E. Kline St., Girard, O. John W. Ford, 4715 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Oscar L. Goff, 4437 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Harold M. Carlson, 1278 Day St., Galesburg. John J. Babcock, 11 15 Ashley Ave., Beloit, Wis. David E. Campbell (i), 326 Garfield Ave., Chicago. John Gladiak, 10737 Michigan Ave., Chicago. John B. Martin (i), 4 E. 113th St., Chicago. Joseph Smutny, 3337 W. 23rd St., Chicago. Lewie T. Johnson, Dawson, Minn. George J. Egar, 1940 Farragut Ave., Chicago. Leon W. Held (1), 24 Chestnut St., Natrona, Pa. Ray L. Alcorn (i), 417 W. 11 8th St., Chicago. ,, Richard F. Gomoll, 4148 S. Albany Ave., Chicago. Herbert Nystedt, Mech., 6718 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Obrey J. Glogovac, 8958 Greenbay Ave., Chicago. THE 311TH SANITARY TRAIN 3" Clarence A. Gustafson, Corp., 420 S. W. 3rd Ave., Galva. Edward A. Verhalen, R. D. 2, Hales Corners, Wis. Robert Higgins, R. D. i, Zumbro Falls, Minn. Vincent J. Timmins, Seneca. Hans S. Hanson, Benson, Minn. John A. Levandowsky (1), 508 Cheyenne St., Leav- enworth, Kan. Edwin A. Steiner, R. D. 3, Mauston, Wis. Robert L. Kilpatrick, Corp., McCormick Bldg., Chi- cago. Leo J. Kiley, 5039 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Reuben A. Johnson, Litchfield, Minn. Clarence W. Johnson, 3028 loth Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Melvin L. Thurm, no W. Boyd St., Dixon. Clarence C. Ginther, 821 26th Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Peter F. Kochan, 1456 Cornell St., Chicago. Edward C. Schmied (i), 11728 Princeton Ave., Chi- cago. Frank L. Fifelski, Sgt., 11324 S. Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Michael T. Mrzywka (i), 82 Frederick Park, Roches- ter, isr. Y. Frank G. Burch (i), care Mrs. H. Hendrickson, 7410 Dante Ave., Chicago. John O. Strand, ii335 Stewart Ave., Chicago. Joseph A. Unger, Rochelle. John C. Miller, Jr., 334 Church St., Peru. Wenzel V. Meingast, 606 24th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edwin C. Lynch, Sgt., 844 E. 112th St., Chicago. John M. Freund, McHenry. Martin T. Carlson, R. D. s, Geneseo. Charles Seitz, 131 1 Nelson St., Chicago. William F. Gibson, Box 91, Ontario, Wis. Theodore F. Hess, 312 Front St., Aurora. Ralph T. Davis, 33 New St., East Orange, N. J. Edgar B. Philson, 305 Main St., Berlin, Pa. Walter F. Held, Corp., 12 Pine St., Natrona, Pa. Carl J. Henry, 184 Benton St., Aurora. Hjalmer G. Anderson, 739 8th Ave., Rockford. Alfred B. Clarke, Bangor, Mich. John J. Carey, 3444 Janssen Ave., Chicago. Harry F. Ehrenberg, 7233 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Harold A. Skes, Cook, 3930 Humboldt Ave,., Minne- apolis, Minn. Almon H. Baldwin, 118 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Fred R. Triplett, Corp., Bend, Oregon. Gustaf DeGraeve, 512 i8th Ave., Moline. Frank A. Douglas, 6134 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. William J. LaHaye, 334 8th Ave. S., Grand Rapids, Wis. Leo A. Loosbrock, Lismore, Minn. Walter P. Denis, 2138 W. Polk St., Chicago. Ervin C. Pfeiffer, 419 8th Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. George W. O'Brien, 1025 31st N. W., Washington, D. C. Earl E. Vanarsdale, Sgt., Girard. Vasilios G. Kolettis (i), Mettelim, Vausa, Greece. William T. Halquist, Alexandria, Minn. Gle.n H. Felix, 2035 Pepper Ave., Lincoln. Neb. Thomas H. Roberts, Box 242, Sparata, Wis. James E. Jurd, 3680 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Waldo H. Norlander, Cook, Mercedes, Hildalgo Co., Texas. Alfred Strom, 815 6th Ave., Two Harbors, Minn. Charles L. Meehan, Sgt., 501 Maik Bldg., Denver, Colo. Bert R. Archibald, Lake Nebagamon, Wis. FIELD HOSPITAL COMPANY 343, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Herbert B. Hanson, Capt., Middlebury, Vt. Grover C. Schwartz, Capt., Perkasie, Pa. Harry C. O'Dell, Capt., Farmersburg, Ind. William Rupp, ist Lt., 2676 E. 75th St., Chicago. Aubrey R. Lyons, Sgt. (i), Lamoille. John C. Dieflfenderfer, Sgt. (i), 191 5 Freemansburg Ave., Easton, Pa. John D. Creighton, 7126 S. Chicago Ave., Chicago. Frank E. Baumnach, Cook, 818 Bowen Ave., Chicago. Charles Schowerer, Cook, 4134 Monticello Ave., Chi- cago. Frank A. Johnson, Mech., 7143 Evans Ave., Chicago. Joseph B. Crow (i), 6616 Perry Ave., Chicago. Nick NedelcofI (i), 450 E. 42nd Place, Chicago. Tohn_ G. Sanford (i), 4232 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Hugo Haas, 4054 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago. Marinus W. Jensen, 3010 20th St., Minneapolis, Minn. James Bailey, Sgt., 21 12 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jesse G. Brown, R. D. 2, Acworth, Ga. Buril B. Burton, Ladysmith, Wis. William L. Dawson, Kinsman. Raymond M. Kelly, 3248 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Parke V. Daly, 70 r Marshall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Einer Dock, R. D. i, Viroqua, Wis. George S. Olszewski, 823 N. May St., Chicago. William T. Edwards, Sgt., Box 863, California, Pa. Arthur E. Andersen, 6316 Harper Ave., Chicago. Arthur E. Anderson, Mellen, Wis. William J. Barkley, 425 E. 42nd Place, Chicago. Oscar Berz, 1572 Albany Ave., Chicago. Stephen W. Borkowsky, 432 E. 42nd Place, Chicago. Virgil L. Brady, 618 E. Locust St., Belvidere. John C. Trindl (i), 4116 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Gustave W. Murbach, 1534 N. Oakley Blvd., Chicago. Charles J. Bradley, 117 W. Central Blvd., Kewanee. George E. Engstrom, Woodhull. Mjalmar G. Erickson, White Rock, S. C. Peter S. Fischbach, R. D. 4, Paynesville, Minn. Clarence M. Fose, 314 Franklin St., Whitewater, Wis. Wenceslaus H. Heller, 471 40th Ave., West Milwau- kee, Wis. Hugh W. Parkinson, 123 S. Lincoln Blvd., Centralia. William Niemann, 1416 Fletcher St., Chicago. Vincent E. O'Hagan, 3917 Gladys Ave., Chicago. George S. Strakosch, Sgt., 2516 Newkirk Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. - Albert C. Henrikson, 406 Rosewood Ave., Aurora. Henry Hieptas, Little Chute, Wis. Edward L. Hill, iioi 21st St., Milwaukee, Wis. Franklin" G. Ive.rson, 3429 W. Harrison St., Chicago. Benjamin S. Kadet, 1542 E. 67th St., Chicago. Peter P. Kozlowski, ssi W. 123rd St., Chicago. Edward A. Martinek, Box 256, Britt, Iowa. Carl J. Puetz, 5701 Lowe Ave,., Chicago. John H. Carper, 504 Clover St., Akron, Ohio. George J. P. Mattes, 825 W. Main St., Ottawa. Charles E. McShane, 4421 Xerxes Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Royal R. Michel, 4126 Beloit Road, Milwaukee, Wis. Hyme H. Miller, 727 Jewett Place, Minneapolis, Minn. William J. McSherry, 27 State St., Hinsdale, Mich. Oliver J. Patton, 1361 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Carl S. Johnson, Andover. Oscar J. Fueger, Corp., R. D. 35, Tennyson, Ind. Harold G. Ryan, 934 Lansing Ave., Austin, Minn. Arthur E. Sarsfield, 417 Bowen Ave., Chicago. George A. Scherrei, 981 New York Ave., St. Francis, Wis. Joseph O. Schmidt, 7736 East End Ave., Chicago. Tracy Shaw, 4139 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Rezer Snell, Jr., Brookneal, Va. Edwin R. Stead, 852 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago. Harry Strassberg, 170 E. issth St., New York, N. Y. Arthur F. Johnson, Corp., 108 loth Ave., Rockford. Nels Swepson, Box 237, Hopkins, Minn. Charles H. Tillmeyer, 598 12th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ferdinand Wagner, 668 51st St., Milwaukee, Wis. John O. Wallner, 1619 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Minn, Alvin C. Weinke, 311 Garfield Ave., Menasha, Wis. Waldo B. Whale, 929 N. Loring Ave., Chicago. Benjamin G. Woertz, 727 E. 40th St., Chicago. Phillip J. Carroll, Corp., 749 Bloomfield Ave., Mon- treal, Quebec, Canada. Elvie P. Napstad, 2317 E. Washington St., South Wayne, Wis. Albert E. Nelson, 2319 27th Ave,., Minneapolis, Minn. Bruno P. Niemiec, 2546 W. Walton St., Chicago. Lay ton S. Oeder, 871 Superior St., Milwaukee, Wis. Carter O. Olson, no 2nd Ave. S., Wausau, Wis. Ward V. Reamer, 4249 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Arthur J. Rhodee, 263 Concord St., Oconomowoc, Wis. Bohumil Rund, 2408 S. 60th Court, Cicero. -Antonio Mendes, 6th St., Fowler, Cal. 312 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION FIELD HOSPITAL COMPANY, 344, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Robert E. Hayes, Capt., Channing, Mich. Richard J. Miller, Capt., Bessemer, Mich. Walter W. Wright, Capt., Edinburg, Ind. William C. Behen, ist Lt., 10 Bradford St., Dover, Del. Wilbur C. Edwards, Sgt. (i), California, Pa. Arthur Killion, Sgt. (i), 1707 S. 3rd St., Terre Haute, Ind. John A. Gibson, Sgt., Middlebranch, Ohio. Sever 'E. Rudrud, R. D. 3, Westby, Wis. Fred W. Schneider (i), 3764 Eden Ave., Chicago. Lawrence C. Pape.r, 846 N. LaVergne St., Chicago. John L. O'Donnell, 17 S. Springfield Ave., Chicago. Joseph J. Bradshaw, 7334 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Raymond C. Miller, Wag , 508 E. 43rd St., Chicago. Robert F. Hendricks, Sgt., Nashville, Ga. Henry A. Williams, 3056 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago. Charles Schmutte, Wag., White Bluflf, Tenn. Daniel J. Ryan, Wag., 6819 Harper Ave., Chicago. Nels E. Roseland, 910 3rd Ave., Rockford. William D. Ellison, 261 Walnut St., Winona, Minn. Seth McCormick, Sgt., Mountain Home, Ark. Ernest N. Franz, Hs., Maysville, W. Va. Alfred Niederstadt, 412 1 Be.loit Road W., Milwaukee, Wis. Oscar E. Bjotk, R. D. 3, Galesburg. Walter W. Johnson, 1520 School St., Rockford. Harold J. Egger, 6416 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Cardie C. Newsome, Sgt., 603 Highland Ave., Coving- ton, Va. Abe H. Greenberg, Trenier Hotel, Chicago. Harry W. Hedlund, 10 E. 113th St., Chicago. Steven Schuster, Wag., 11820 Peoria St., Chicago. Christian Rohr, R. D. 2, Oldham, S. D. Wilbur Starlin, Wag., Gen. Del., East Liverpool, O. Emil Nelson, Wag., 7145 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Charles E. Shuke (i). Six Mile Run, Pa. Henry W. Blanken, 309 2nd St., Dundee. Charles R. Pierce, 260 Park Ave., Aurora. Arthur Graffenberger, 377 19th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harold S. O'Farrell, 421 Washington Ave., Wauke- gan. Thorvald Lyngholm, Corp., Two Buttes, Colo. Thomas Ke,lly, 5714 Marshfield Ave., Chicago. John P. Kenney, 7123 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. Bernardo Giovanetti, Wag., 6109 State St., Chicago. Otto Swanson, R. D. i, Geneseo. William M. Stern, 261 E. 134th St., Chicago. Edwin M. Page, 300 Wellington Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Frederick Tews, 434 West St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Simmons, Corp., 5002 Kentucky Ave., Nash- ville, Tenn. Mell Lootens, R. D. i, Annawan. Raymond E. Crotty, Wag., 7816 Coles Ave., Chicago. Ellsworth J. Smaltz, Fulton. Walter W. Waddelow, Mt. Morris. Harvey K. Maggert, Sad., Cromwell, Ind. George C. Johnson, 7043 Indiana .-\ve., Chicago. George E. Roomian, 3835 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Morris P. Botts, Sgt., 3607 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Angelo Franzini, Canton Tessin, Airolo, Switzerland. Ira D. Le.wis, Melette, S. D. John A. Nabdurski, 5353 S. Winchester Ave., Chicago. Oluf Madsen (i), 2624 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Clarence Carlson, Mech., 3714 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. John Jevyak, 4916 Todd Ave. E., Chicago. John K. Skriskas, 2246 W. 24th St., Chicago. Edward M. Brady, Sgt., Anna. Russell Robertson, R. "D. i, Winston-Salem, N. C. Andrew T. Ahern, Cook, 6527 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Ernest V. Gifford (i), Edina, Mo. James H. Carlos, Braham, Minn. Theopheil VanDenberghe, R. D. 7, Geneseo. George J. Sutton, Cereal, Alberta, Canada. Anders A. Carlson, R. D. 2, Woodhull. Vaughan H. Griffith, Sgt., 34 Washtena Ave., Ridge- wood, N. J. Allen R. Smith, 623 E. 74th St., Chicago. Arthur F. Hedmark (i), 6844 Champlain Ave., Chi- cago. Jacob Sommi, Bloomville, Wis. Daniel J. Baril, Cook, Lake Linden, Mich. Thomas J. Conlon, 2842 Eden Ave., Chicago. Harry Yampolsky, R. D. 3, Benton Harbor, Mich. CAMP INFIRMARIES, 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Frank Chervensky, Sgt., 331 W. isth St., Holland, Mich. Burt H. Hunt, Sgt., 267 S. 8th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah. James M. Reese, Sgt., Smith Center, Kan. Walter F. Kubisiak, Wag., 616 ist. St., Stevens Point, Wis. Carl Johnson, 135 W. 58th St., New York City, N. Y. Holger A. Sunde, Sgt., 1626 N. Troy St., Chicago. Benjamin Hannaman, Wag., Blue Earth, Minn. Clyde C. Wiseman, Sgt., Culver, Ind. Albert Lichtenberg, Wag., Bear Creek, Wis. John F. Walker, Sgt., ' Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Tony C. Wagner, 658 26th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Donald Mclntyre, Sgt., Rockford, Mich. William Schaich, Wag., West Allis, Wis. Paul Schicantek, Wag., 58 Chestnut St., Wauwatosa, Wis. lo Stahl, Wag., 624 W. Stevenson St., Gibsonburg, Ohio. DIVISION MEDICAL SUPPLY UNIT Frederick S. Simmons, Capt., 126 St. Anna Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Paul E. Bloomer, Sgt. (i), Orleans, Nev. Carl Anderson, Sgt., 621 N. 4th St., Missouri, Mont. William H. Franklin (i), Galesburg. Gail I. Lewis (i), 807 N. ist St., Phoe.nix, Ariz. Stanley Sawicki (i), Flint, Mich. Patrick A. Durkin, 6637 S. Paulina St., Chicago. John A. McDonough, 3224 McClurg St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Michael Petrosky, 253 Brown St., Tamaqua, Pa. SANITARY SQUAD NO. 81, 86th DIVISION Edward W. Mitchell, Capt., 810 W. Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph A. Myers, Sgt. (i), R. D. 5, Bedford, Ind. Holton L. Lightfoot, Sgt., 3872 Lake Park Ave., Chi- cago. Orville H. Butters, Corp., 919 N. Mozart St., Chicago. Albert J. Van .Dyke (i), 3616 S. Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Maynard E. Suley, 1329 S. Jefferson Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Otto Max J. Primas, 133 N. Long Ave., Chicago. Frederick Holzhueter, R. D. 2, Waterloo, Wis. Louis H. Brozek, R. D. 6, Kewanee, Wis. Walter W. Cullison (i), Summerfield, Kan. Frank Tricario, 2642 W. Huron St., Chicago. Joseph M. Skalski, 13 issth Place, Hammond, Ind. Nick Bebbo, 615 4th St., Elkhart, Ind. Edwin Schmeling, R. D. i, Thiensville., Wis. Edwin M. Wilke, R. D. 6, Box 100, Watertown, Wis. John Strach, 943 Newton St., Chicago. Angelo G. Krenos, 122 i8th St., Rock Island. Sylvester J. Mazurika, 4347 Honore St., Chicago. Litt R. Ransom (i), Wallworth, Wis. George F. Dolan (i), 11 55 Beech St., St. Paul, Minn. Andreas Lebratore, 1020 S. Sangamon St., Chicago. Earl L. Von Dabrowski (i), 5517 Thomas St., Chicago. Thomas W. Tepper, 3239 W. 38th St., Chicago. Edward Wood, 1142 Eastman St., Green Bay, Wis. Arthur W. Burgard, 1526 Maryland Ave., Sheboy- gan, Wis. Daniel H. Barnard, Sawyer, Wis. Charles Juister, 1313 Considine St., Cincinnati, O. THE 311TH SANITARY TRAIN 313 MAJOR DENNIS H. UDALL Division Veterinarian. MAJOR EDGAR FLINT 311th Sanitary Train. MAJOR CARL C. VOGEL Medical Detachment, 331st Field Artillery. MAJOR CHARLES V. CRANE Medical Detachment, 342nd Infantry. 314 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION SANITARY SQUAD NO. 82, 86th DIVISION Alfred Mullikin. ist Lt., Walbert Apt., Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Lyle E. Becker, Sgt., Granada, Minn. William C. O'Connor, Corp., 635 N. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. E. E. Wood Nichols, Sgt., Apt 22, The Meridian, In- dianapolis, Ind. Oscar E. Peterson, Deerfield, Wis. Joe Ognibebe, 2235 Emerson Ave., Chicago. Glenn S. Thorsen, Hawkins, Wis. James Shattuck, 1416 W. S4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. John C. Alland, 722 S. i6th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Guiseppe I.oPresti, Patti Scalor, Messing, Italy. Ernest E. Biggs, R. D. 3, Toulon. William Henn, Jr., R. D. 2, Schleisingerville, Wis. Henry Clement, 1530 N. i6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Charles Bastar, 314s W. 40th St., Chicago. Daniel J. Gross, 1410 S. Oakland Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Henry Vieau, 413 S. Oakland Ave., Green Bay, Wis. William C. Lange, 3943 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. Frank Jasaitis, 4419 S. Honore St., Chicago. Ygnoc Wiliezka, Barracks 325, Camp Logan, Hous- ton, Tex. Armen W. Voss, R. D. i, Horicon, Wis. Frank Brykowski, 138 E. Central Ave., Toledo, O. James E. Sharpe, Elwin. John M. Williams, 432 W. Root St., Chicago. Fred J. Reitemeier, 1609 Grand Ave., Chicago. Andrew J. Kanuch, R. D. i, Smith Mills, Minn. Boleslaw Krasnoski, 8423 Escanaba Ave., Chicago. Tony Genacanyons, s E. Milwaukee Ave,., Ft. Atkin- son, Wis. 343RD AMBULANCE CORPS William L. Mullin, R. D. 4, Leon, Iowa. Walter Beathke, 1513 Columbus St., Manitowoc, Wis. Daniel W. Henshaw, 5305 Cornell Ave., Chicago. George L. Carufel, 879 Linwood Place, St. Paul, Minn. John A. Campbell 2037 Loomis St., LaCrosse, Wis. William A. Rohlik, Vesta, Minn. Thomas Cooney, 696 E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. Harold J. Bishop, Corp., Kaysville, Utah. Thomas Butler Mahon, 121 N. Leamington Ave., Chi- cago. Johannes A. Pay, Irma, Wis. Willis M. Baker, 3951 Greenview Ave., Chicago. Glenn Wilson Camp, R. D. 6, Austin, Minn. Albert Hollatz, R. D. 5, Box 78, Parkers Prairie, Minn. George J. Sladek, 600 S. Foster St., Merrill, Wis. William E. Webber, 2459 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Michael Messar, 945 Hurlbert St., Detroit, Mich. 311TH SANITARY TRAIN Cyril Cadieu, 353 Blemhuber Ave., Marquette, Mich. 342ND AMBULANCE CORPS Robert A. Harrison, Oakville, Conn. Henry Frankel, 88 Clinton St., Hoboken, N. J. Clayton Guthier, Emmons, Minn. 344TH AMBULANCE CORPS Henry J. Branger, Mineral Point, Wis. Arnold N. Jenkins, Mifflin, Wis. William A. Krueger, R. D. 3, Manawa, Wis. William D. Shelley, 130 Harrison Ave., South Lima, Ohio. Harry Hoffman, Hardwick, Minn. Paul F. Meinertz, 414 Davidson St., LaCrosse, Wis. Ernest H. Tessmann, Augusta, Wis. Floyd McDaniel, R. D. 3, Grove City, Ohio. 341ST FIELD HOSPITAL James J. Miller, 1746 Mohawk St., Chicago. 341ST AMBULANCE CORPS George Skogstad, Grand Meadow, Minn. MOBILE FIELD LABORATORY Wesley C. Becker, ist Lt., Greenwood, Ne,b. Alvin R. Harnes, ist Lt., 1447 Broadway, Cape Gir- ardeau, Mo. William G. Hill, Sgt., 131 Wabash Ave., Carthage. Ralph M. Hill (i) 131 Wabash Ave., Carthage. Frank H. Baker, 366 W. 34th St., Savannah, Ga. John F. Correa, 49 Valentine St., New Bedford, Mass. THE 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN Hays McFarland, Maj., Brighton, Colo. Melville Clark, Capt., 408 State St., Ottawa. Guerdon L. Dimmick, Jr., ist Lt., 253 Ferry Ave., Detroit, Mich. Howard J. Liston, ist Lt., 511 Lime St., Joliet. Phineas E. Greanwalt, ist Lt. & Chap., Lapel, Ind. William G. Bruehl, Q. M. Sgt., 3440 S. We,stern Ave., Chicago. Roderick A. Gould, Sgt. (i), 3530 McLean Ave., Chi- cago. Bartholomew Sheehan, Q. M. Sgt., 6456 Minerva Ave., Chicago. Martin H. Goetz, Sgt., O. M. C, 7604 Langley Ave., Chicago. Charles A. Dugan, Sgt. Q. M. C, 54So E. View Park, Chicago. Carlton Jones, 2034 W. 35th St., Chicago. Ng Lee 5hee, Cook, care Sing Lee, Chung Shing Street, Check Horn, Hoi Ping, Canton, China. Arvid E. Kallen (i), 4753 Dover St., Chicago. Clifford H. Lampman, 170 Farwell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry C. Duckworth, Corp. Q. M. C, 6142 S. Artesian Ave., Chicago. George E. Huttner, Corp. Q. M. C, 5423 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Meryl Searles, 428 N. Avon St., Rockford. Obediah E. White, R. D. i, Lexington, Ala. COMPANY A, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN Ralph T. Gilpin, Capt., 1010 Forest Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Noble Van Burkleo, 1st Lt., 260 Main St., Clarksville, Texas. Harry M. Schaeffer, ist Sgt., 53 E. Helena St., Dayton, Ohio. Charles A. Lawrence, Sgt., 205 Shawnee St.,_ Freeport. Lawrence M. Watters, 6741 S. Green St., Chicago. Ludwig C. Larson, R. D. 5, Westby, Wis. Harry T. Krause, Sobieski, Wis. Ralph R. Dorris, 1Q30 Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Selmer C. I arse,n, Corp., Westby, Wis. Brasyl D. Freeman, 2504 37th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. George H. Baker, Corp., 4038 Normal Ave., Chicago. Germain J. Davison, Corp., 221 E. Jefferson St., Wau- pun, Wis. Daniel C. Sullivan, 107 N. Benton St., Sparta, Wis. Joseph J. Leonard, R. D. i, Hollandale, Wis. Patrick J. McGuire, 428 S. Leavitt St., Chicago. Ralph S. Harper, 1801 W. 21st St., Chicago. Perry O. Hall, Cook, Clarkesburg, Mo. Edward J. Polev, Corp., 980 W. Delaware Ave., Toledo, Ohio. John R. Lindrud, Corp., Cochrane, Wis. Robert L. Bodine, Sgt., 4517 Magnolia St., Chicago. William J. Natzke, 2336 W. 19th St., Chicago. George W. Gerrick, 341 19th Ave., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Joseph Kahn, 3209 Cortez St., Chicago. Royal Lee, Mineral Point, Wis. Loyd C. Allie, Corp., 548 Oak St., Grand Rapids, Wis. Arnold C. Kronenberger, 961 Richards St., Milwaukee, Wis. James C. Parlon, Corp., 4943 Michigan Ave., Chicago. James B. Pratt, Sheldon, Iowa. William F. Kearney, Corp , 1663 Central Park Ave., Chicago. Harry W. Nelson, Viroqua, Wis. Theodore R. Ayen, Corp., Mt. Horeb, Wis. Herman L. Natzke, 2336 W. 19th St., Chicago. Frank T. Krapp, 1042 E. Marquette Road, Chicago. Albert Johnson, 704 W. Lincoln St., Fe.rgus Falls, Minn. George J. Gentleman, Corp., 6548 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Albert A. O'Neill, Corp., 1946 Trumbull Ave., Chicago. Allan Levy, Sgt., 5420 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Peter J. Ries, Corp., 3039 Eastwood Ave., Chicago. Harry P. Smith, 414 E. Connant St., Portage, Wis. Anthony H. Rolft, 7052 Stoney Island Ave., Chicago. John E. Honish, Corp., Kendall, Wis. Arthur P. Amond, R. D. i, Gillett, Wis. James E. Buxton, Leadmine, Wis. Richard L. Hendrickson, Corp., 12 Mallory Ave,., Batavia. Raymond J. Herringer, Corp., 7648 Constance Ave., Chicago. Anthony V. Philbin, 807 N. Wells St., Chicago. Edward J. Flanagan, Corp., R. D. i. New London, Wis. Frank J. Kniering, 6505 Champlain Ave., Chicago. Frank A. Schaller, R. D. 7, Sparta, Wis. Henry W. Connell, 4339 W. Adams St., Chicago. Charles J. Manning, R. D. 6, Paw Paw, Mich. James F. Sheller, Corp., 507 6th Ave., Sterling. Andrew F. Smarko, Corp., 319 E. Johnson St., Ishpem- ing, Mich. William F. Christ, Corp , 4426 N. Sacramento Ave., Chicago. William A. Sanford. Corp., 103 1 Lincoln Ave., Peru. Edward A. Klick, Corp., 1822 Thomas St., Chicago. Gustave A. Stenerson, Balfour, N. D. James Kelley, Corp., 207 Lincoln St., Aurora. John G. Herbst, Corp., 854 Center St., Chicago. "Harold W. Pederson, Corp., R. D. 2, Box 57, Arling- ton, Wash. Julius W. Bristol, 22 W. 114th Place, Chicago. William F. Vogel, Sgt., 7200 Harrison St., Forest Park. Antonio Scalise, Corp., 909 S. State St., Chicago. Thomas J. Horan, Corp., 7217 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Keith L. Morris, Corp., 112 W. Broadway, Kilbourn, Wis. Adolph T. St. Clair, Corp., Box 123, Mosinee, Wis. William Meister, 958 N. Robey St., Chicago. Arthur B. Winters, Corp., Lake Shore Drive, St. Joseph, • Mich. George A. Schiesl, N. Pine St., Marshfield, Wis. Russell R. Ayers, Corp., Newman. Sam F. Altman, Sgt., 1920 Division St., Chicago. William Bentzinger, Corp., Cook, Neb. William A. Mowrey, Sgt., 62 W. Huron St., Chicago. Fred W. Clanton, Corp., 2413 Aldrich Ave., S., Min- neapolis, Minn. Sam B. Cathy, Candler, N. C. Valentine K. Cobb, 830 Carr St., Charleston, W. Va. Joseph C. Gardner, Eldorado, Okla. COMPANY B, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN John D. Campbell, Capt., 5412 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Richard W. Heurtley, ist Sgt., 61 E. Cedar St., Chi- cago. Lewis C. Robinson, Sgt., 1135 Hyde Park Blvd., Chi- cago. John l5. Hynes (i), 3612 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. Ervin Hoeppner, Corp., 1414 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur J. Pickart, 2942 Wallace St., Chicago. Walter Stuebing, Corp., 12035 Stewart Ave., Chicago. Joseph Kucinskis, Corp., 128 Kensington Ave., Chicago. William Pistorius, Corp., 921 Leland Ave., Chicago. John L. O'Donnell, Corp., 888 Warren Ave., Milwau- kee, Wis. James H. Waring, Corp., 342 4th St., Fond du Lac, Wis. John Sherman, Rozelville, Wis. Fred G. Corwin (i), 2375 Budford Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Ambrose M. Read, Corp., 6500 Dorchester Ave., Chi- cago. 315 3i6 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION A GROUP OF THE SUPPLY TRAIN, AT LE MANS, NOVEMBER ii, 1918 DINNER TO GENERAL MARTIN ON HIS RETURN TO CHICAGO THE 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN 317 Earle. J. Fleming (i), 5051 Forestville Ave., Chicago. William Hinterseher, Noble. Fred J. Villani, Corp., 1058 W. Polk St., Chicago. Samuel McConnell, Corp., Slippery Rock, Pa. Samuel H. MuUer, 880 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Louis M. Paulson, Sgt., 3423 W. 62nd Place, Chicago. Claude J. Burns, Corp., Walworth, Wis. Henry Clutterbuck, Cook, 3343 Federal St., Chicago. John J. Zillner, Corp., 1939 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Henry A. Botten, 320 3rd St., Montevideo, Minn. Jacob Brasler, Sgt., 1601 E. ist St., Los Angeles, Cal. Tony Skelly, 1355 W. 47th St., Chicago. Joseph Sedlacek, Corp., 7815 Maryland Ave., Chicago. John C. Chapman, Troy Center, Wis. Joseph F. Walsh, Corp., 1343 E. 71st St., Chicago. Rudolph Herrmann, 1325 Richard St., Milwaukee, Wis. Henry T. Kamm, Corp., 761 Hamilton Ave., Detroit, Mich. John A. Callaghan, Corp., 5733 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Henry H. Meisel, Corp., 821 S. Wood St., Chicago. Walter J. Badzmierowski (i), 2822 Archer Ave., Chi- cago. Wayne H. Stevens, 1225 Sherman Ave., Madison, Wis. John C. Meagher (i), 1108 E. 53rd St., Chicago. George R. Krueger, Corp., 220 Ringold St., Janesville, Wis. Henry A. Kaphengst, Corp., La Salle St., Lake Geneva, Wilson Woodruff, Corp., 749 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Joseph O. Smith, 2610 Cold Spring Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Duncan L. Clinch, Corp., 645 Rookery Bldg., Chicago. Joseph E. Casper, Corp., 519 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Roy W. Howe, Sgt., 65 Francis St., Maiden, Mass. Arthur Vogt, Cook, 4435 Shields Ave., Chicago. Jacob Dickmann, Jr., R. D. i. Box 22, Saukville, Wis. William Bell, Corp., 10037 Avenue "L," Chicago. Conrad G. Biemann (i), 1266 Richard St., Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph G. Kosiek, 2868 Hillock Ave., Chicago. Edward A. Teven, Sgt., 6159 St. Lawrence Ave., Chi- cago. William McDonald, Beardsley, Minn. Albert Rindahl, Corp., R. D. i. Box 126 B, Duluth, Minn. Frank Novotny, Corp., R. D. 2, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Emil A. Muejler (i), Burleigh St. (84), Milwaukee, Wis. George E. Hall, 41 61 Washington Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Hubbard H. Cooper, Corp., 2501 Madison St., Louis- ville, Ky. ."Mfred W. Fuller, 1729 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Adolph Bues, Corp., 186 i8th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Andrew Moeskau (i), Nymore, Minn. Clarence Crossen, 104 Comstock St., Joliet. Fred J. Kendiger, Corp., 5 29th St., Milwaukee, Wis. William Eadie, 4837 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Oscar G. Narum, Corp., Lake Mills, Iowa. Raymond Wenster, Platteville, Wis. William T. Kolb, Corp., 2412 W. Van Buren St., Chi- cago. Clarence T. Hornbrook (i). Chick Hotel, Rockford. Edwin T. Kitto, Fulton, S. D. Paul D. Harvey, Sgt., 150 N. Humphrey Ave., Oak Park. Fern A. Anderson, Corp., Oregon. Samuel Lang (i), 6226 Eberhart Ave., Chicago. Charles Robinson, Corp., 1254 St. Louis Ave., Chicago. Rual J. Coil, 208 LaFayette St., Detroit, Mich. Cleve F. Foster, Asburg, Mo. Pedro Gonzales, Sanderson, Texas. Samuel L. Kirk, Casa, Ark. John C. O'Connell, R. D. i, Des Moines, Iowa. John C. Stewart, Reid, Miss. COMPANY C, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN George G. Goll, Capt., 201 W. University Ave., Cham paign. William McCandless, ist Lt., 5056 Westminster Place St. Louis, Mo. Sherwood H. Lee, Sgt. (i), 7736 Maryland Ave., Chi cago. Michael J. Ahern, Sgt., 3132 W. Harrison St., Chicago Frank J. Witt, Corp., 396 Hope St., St. Paul, Minn. Aaron D. Ellington, Corp., 3819 Honore St., Chicago Ernst F. Ortlieb, Corp., Chilton, Wis. Bert Jensen, Corp., 1105 Herrick Ave., Racine, Wis Elmer J. Genz, Corp., 755 35th St., Milwaukee, Wis Melvin Wroolie, Box 203, Boyd, Minn. Fred J. Janecek, Corp., R. D. 4, Almond, Wis. Arthur H. Oster, 127 N. Broadway, Centralia. Gunnard Anderson, Corp., 1740 Karlov Ave., Chicago. Frank L. Gentry, 7058 Normal Ave., Chicago. Walter E. McCann, 261 Western Ave., Janesville, Wis. Michael J. Sullivan, 518 Mineral St., ^lilwaukee. Wis. Edward J. Eckhart, Corp., 7437 Dante Ave., Chicago. Henry W Oswald, 11 15 N. 6th St., ^Minneapolis, Minn. Rupej-t Kurtzwell, R. D. 3, Edgar, Wis. Berthold Krueger, 711 Jackson St., Wausau, Wis. Walter Seehausen, 503 South West St., Carlinville. Arthur Retzlaff, R. D. 2, Hilbert, Wis. Arnold C. Brandt, Corp., 1144 30th St., Milwaukee, Wis. James J. Hussion, 409 Richmond Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. Hans R. Buhrow, Corp., 1906 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Charles Levine, Sgt., 3408 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Peter J. Harvath, Corp., Niagara, Wis. Emil A. Oman, R. D. i, Grandy, Minn. Joseph E. Sheehan, Corp., 6319 Justine St., Chicago. Irving Kepke, Bonesteel, S. D. Roman Cholewinski, Corp., 3357 Mospratt St., Chicago. Joseph Kapanovvski, 2855 Hillock Ave., Chicago. Thomas B. McCarthy, Corp., 747 S. Ke.dvale Ave., Chicago. Leo A. Osman, 145 E. 118th Place, Chicago. Charles E. Gramlich, Corp., 1506 Milwaukee Ave., Racine, Wis. Anthony Kelber, 943 3Sth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Silas C. Gilbert, Corp., 305 S. 7th St., Lake City, Minn. Arthur G. Angove, 469 38th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Robert I. Mead, Corp., Hub City, Wis. Joseph .\nderson, 7512 East End .\ve., Chicago. Isadore Kleinfield, 3337 S. Federal St., Chicago. George J. Gauthier, R. D. i, Oconto, Wis. Thomas Rolff, Christiana, Norway. Loyal F. Dinnauer, Sgt., 1545 West Blvd., Racine, Wis. Blase B. Fencil, R. D. 2, Algoma, Wis. Edwin D. Stead, 310 E. 33rd St., Chicago. William S. Jacob, 258 N. Pleasant St., Kenosha, Wis. Elmer H. Gauvreau, 841 N. Robey St., Chicago. Thomas E. Lucy, 3563 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Leo Holiday, Marion. Reinhold C. Lisch, Corp., R. D. 1, DePere, Wis. Nicholas Socrates, Elgin. Frank T. Kramer, Corp., 722 N. 2nd St., Platteville, Wis. James J. Dillon, 43 W. 33rd St., Chicago. .'Mva A. Bark, Bloomington, Wis. John J.'O'Dornan, 2820 Hillock Ave., Chicago. Joseph P. Berres, Corp., 120 9th Ave., N., West Bend, Wis. Frank R. Corcoran, 508 N. Eastern Ave., Joliet. Frank J. Poradek, Corp., 315 Center St., Oconto, Wis. Floyde E. Suttle, Lancaster, Wis. Edward Goodman, Corp., 410 W. Milwaukee St., Janes- ville, Wis. Charles Carpenter, Corp., 1853 Madison St., Chicago'. William F. Zanger, Corp., R. D. 2, Box 60, Suring, Wis. Russell G. Lahm, Corp., Reeseville, Wis. Charles J. Schlack, Corp., 3254 Wentworth Ave., Chi- cago. Michael Palus, Cook, 917 W. 33rd St., Chicago. Peter Katsandres, Corp., 3856 S. State. St., Chicago. Michael Jareczek, Sgt., 3249 Mospratt St., Chicago. Frank F. Giller, 453 Cascade St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles Long, Sgt., Hotel Shattuck, Berkeley, Cal. Joseph Laughlin, Altoona, Ala. Noel Lewis, Blytheville, Ark. Leon E. Maeckel, R. D. 2, Yoakum, Texas. Albert G. Moore, Fort Valley, Ga. Ben F. Pearson, Graveley, Ark. Johnnie Larue, Evadale, Ark. 3i8 THE EIGHTY-SIXTH DIVISION COMPANY D, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN Lucien B. Dyer, Capt., 520 E. Honeywell Ave., Hoopes- ton. Alba C. H. Cromer, ist Lt., 509 Honeywell Ave., Hoopeston. John C. Garriott, Sgt. (i), 5454 Everet Ave., Chicago. Ernest Ihrig, Sgt., 2423 W. North Ave., Chicago. .Arthur J. Moran, Corp., Delavan, Wis. Paul Schirrick, Corp., R. D. 2, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Horace Granath, Corp., R. D. 3, Delavan, Wis. Ralph Bjornson, 2321 24th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Herman D. Johnson (i), R. D. i, Dilly, Wis. Paul O. Nelson (i), 1227 3rd Ave., Rockford. Luther E. Ash, Corp., 852 Newport Ave., Chicago. George Prince (O, 618 Brons Ave., Peoria. William Skrivan, Corp., 1128 N. Mozart St., Chicago. John B. Shanyfelt, 1019 Eclipse Ave., Beloit, Wis. Arnold Hershberg, 94 Garfield Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Pe.ter C. Rasmussen, 1415 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago. Paul J. Schumacher, Corp., Potosi, Wis. August Mueller (i), care Daily Argus, Rock Island. John B. Brown, Corp., 1140 N. ISIozart St., Chicago. Frank R. Bauman, 406 W. Washington St., Monroe, Wis. George Ganschow, Corp., 1616 Humboldt Blvd., Chi- cago. Harold V. Sheridan, Corp., 1565 N. Hoyne Ave., Chi- cago. Michael J. Whalen, 329 Clemons Ave., Madison, Wis. Sylvester Smith, Corp., 3228 S. Wall St., Chicago. Harry G. Grains, 1432 N. Robey St., Chicago. Mark Levy, 3354 Union Ave., Chicago. Thos. Wilkins, Corp., 3354 S. Charlton St., Chicago. Forest E. Burton, Corp., Linden, Wis. Eral A. Quant, Sgt., 9122 Houston Ave., Chicago. Edwin C. Lundin, Corp., 715 Grover St., Kenosha, Wis. Edward Beckman, Corp., 3319 W. Division St., Chicago. Clifford L. Lajeunesse (i), mo 15th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Glen Fesenfeld, Corp., Black Earth, Wis. Edwin L. Petrie, Corp., 1433 Addison St., Chicago. Albert Hird (i), Cuba City, Wis. Donald McCoy, Corp., Delavan, Wis. Elmer Berger, Potosi, Wis. William P. Tobin (i), 3525 Flournoy St., Chicago. Oscar H. Wechlo, 1328 28th St., Milwaukee, Wis, Thomas F. Tracey (i), 229 W. 148th St., New York City, N. Y. Timothy S. Cook (i), Cuba City, Wis. Rudolph Swanson, Corp., 7341 Bennett Ave,., Chicago. Joseph Szarmach, 921 W. 31st St., Chicago. David Harris (i), 1246 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago. Lloyd Heeg, 327 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Albert G. Hawley, Corp., Argyle, Wis. Emil Pudleiner, R. D. 2, Box 47, Dorchester, Wis. John J. Shaver, Corp., 1127 N. 14th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Edwin Linder, R. D. 4, Belvidere. Charles Steigelman, Corp., 1141 38th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Louis Sharpe, 1300 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Robert Wilson, Sgt., 1036 14^/^ St., Rock Island. Walter H. Jacobson, Corp., 906 W. Illinois St., Urbana. Mike Berhoff, 1412 N. Claremont Ave., Chicago. Nicholas J. Rose, 106 Cleveland Ave., Stevens Point, Wis. Joseph . F. Bowar, Cross Plains, Wis. Carl Lokkins, 902 N. 4th Ave., Wausau, Wis. Walter L. Ackerman, Corp., 3256 S. Park Ave., Chi- cago. Nicholas F. Berg, 416 S. Central Ave., Marshfield, Wis. Harry Kurtz, 2040 W. 13th St., Chicago. Myer Mallin, 787 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Harry Bonfield, Corp., 1142 Fullerton St., Chicago. Henry Ruppert, 1524 N. Fairfield St., Chicago. Willis Chroniste.r, Warriors Mark, Pa. Herman C. Deecken, Corp., 10036 Ewing Ave., Chicago. Jack Sattler, 819 9th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Russell J. Montgomery, Sgt., Kilbourn, Wis. Walter Hainse.urther, Sgt., 5318 Michigan Ave., Chi- cago. August Bohnsack, Corp., 10545 Avenue "L,", Chicago. John Seach, Cook, 10261 Avenue "G," Chicago. Alexander Zuzulas, Corp., Washington Hotel, South Chicago. Oscar Grooman, Cook, Medicine Bow, Wyo. Frank Baczek, Corp., 8036 Coles Ave., Chicago. Alfred F. Finger, 918 Harmon St., Milwaukee, Wis. Edward H. Ahrens, 3348 Beach Ave., Chicago. Sigfrid W. Johnson, Sgt., 9736 Exchange Ave., Chicago. Chauncey Locke, 206 Vinton St., San Antonio, Texas. William Whittenburg, R. D. i. Miller, Mo. COMPANY E, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN James A. Bell, Capt., 1125 Davis St., Evanston. Dale D. Wyllys, ist Lt., 82 Howell St., Hillsdale, Mich. William P. McConnell, Sgt. (i), 5015 N. Western Ave., Chicago. Stillman McCord, Corp., 9001 Dauphin Ave., Chicago. Julius Mortense.n, Corp., Breedsville, Mich. Gustav A. Paulson, Corp., 11245 Vernon Ave., Chicago. William Waterhouse, Corp., 311 Grant St., Wausau, Wis. David Hutchinson, Corp., Harvard. Anthony Spizzirri, Corp., 518 W. 27th St., Chicago. George C. Brannen, Corp., 531 W. s6th St., Chicago. Reuben E. Swanson, Prophetstown. Frank Maroch, Corp., North St. Paul, Minn. Howard Saager, Sgt., 9428 Langley Ave., Chicago. William Scanlan, Corp., 3552 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Irving Strassburg, Elkton, S. D. Henry H. Prain, Corp., 629 S. 3rd Ave., Wausau, Wis. Julecic Nelson (i), 4 E. 26th St., Minneapolis, Minn. George A. Nordgren, Corp., 10904 State St., Chicago. August F. Feige, Corp., 918 E. 76th St., Chicago. Joseph E. Lynch, Hawley Road & Grand Ave., Wau- watosa. Wis. Raymond Sheehan, 813 Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis. Verne W. Winquist, R. D. i, Davis Junction. Theodore J. Beckman (1), P. D. i. Box 10, Wausau, Wis. George A. Butzler (i), 318 Lynden St., Fond du Lac, Wis. Aaron Johnson, Corp., 4723 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Budd A. Holt, R. D. 2, Elk River, Minn. Frank O. Nicholson, 4513 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Frank O. C. Bank, Powers Lake, Wis. Walter Kejler, Corp., 2245 S. California Ave., Chicago. Thomas Manger, R. D., Kinmundy. Elmer E. Vosburgh, 31 10 Chestnut St., Milwauke Wis. Zay Barnum, R. D. i, St. Cloud, Minn. John W. Little, Corp., 128 W. iiith Place, Chicago. Charles Sprietsma, Sgt., 10921 State St., Chicago. Carl H. Anderson, Corp., R. D. 3, Rockford. Harold Fitzgerald, 125 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles Kubosch, Corp., 1390 loth St., Milwaukee, Wis. David Stone, Lakefield, Minn. Earl P. Jordan .(i), Rockton. Clifford Kenniston, Sgt., 5443 Drexel Ave., Chicago. Andrew F. Pabich, Corp., 11 16 Newton St., Chicago. Anton H. Sjoholm, R. D. 2, Pecatonica. Martin Peterson (i), R. D. i, Box 64, Hillsboro, Wis. Arthur Faucault, 818 E. 47th St., Chicago. Langton H. Klaas, Corp., 237 S. Market St., Chicago. Bert A. Hoogland, 103 W. 114th St., Chicago. Robert C. Cobb, Corp., Lake Geneva, Wis. Fay Whitford, Frederickstown, Ohio. Chester Roderick, Corp., 115 Fremont Ave., Wood- stock. Philip T. Regan (i), Hollandale, Wis. Albert Andersen, Corp., 6959 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Jacob Glickman, 1122 S. Halsted St., Chicago. Herbert Chatfield, Corp., 576 6sth Ave., West Allis, Wis. Marshall G. DeRoche, 2309 S. Lincoln St., Chicago. Henry L. Mertz, Corp., 534 S. Park Ave,, Oshkosh, Wis. Adolph Cisler, Corp., Branch, Wis. August Dahlstrom, Corp., 7829 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Leo A. Smith, 820 Racine St., Milwaukee, Wis. John P. Byrne, 7226 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. William Dumroese, Corp., 2239 S. California Ave., Chicago. THE 311TH SANITARY TRAIN 319 Rudolph Dahlstrom, Sgt., 264 W. 107th St., Chicago. John A. Carlson (i), Box 45, Mosling, Wis. Louis B. Babka, Corp., 2359 Trumbull Ave., Chicago. Edward tiann (i), Tintinhull, Somersetshire, England. Frank Roesler, Corp., 698 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Paul A. Kleinschmidt, R. D. 2, Kenosha, Wis. Arthur* L. Werner, Corp., 531 Middle St., Kenosha, Wis. John A. Busch, 681 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Karl F. Henrich (1), 62 Sycamore St., Detroit, Mich. Melbourne Morris, Sgt., 1009 Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Oliver P. LaChance, Donaldson, Wis. Palmino DaVia, Cook, 9446 Wabash Ave.., Chicago. Lester Deutsch (1), 5111 Indiana Ave., Chicagfo. Nicklas Ruzinsky, Cook, 90 Canta Ave., Detroit, Mich. Harry H. Quinby, Sgt., 5823 Dorchester Ave., Chicago. William Sanderson, Hamilton, Ala. Herman Smith, 932 Watkins St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Robert D. Spurlock, Pleasant Plaine, Ark. Ernest G. Johnson, R. D. 1, Cherry Valley. COMPANY F, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN Edward D. Horrell, ist Lt., 11 12 N. Broad St., Gales- burg. Lewis E. Helvern, ist Lt., Beattie, Kans. Ralph Bloomhuff, Sgt. (i), 5238 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Russell Eastburn, Sgt., 814 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. William E. Gorss, 509 W. i i6th St., Chicago. Henry Hilgendorf, 341 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ferdinand Wassman, Corp., 727 Church St., Vincennes, Ind. Henry Wormser, Corp., 10905 Wallace St., Chicago. Frank J. Miller, Corp., Franklin Grove. Joseph F. Wasko, Corp., 1151 E. 93rd St., Chicago. William Prendergast, Corp., 5951 Michigan Ave., Chi- cago. Roy W. Penn, Corp., 1916 4th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Daniel T. Williams, Corp., 1629 W. 32nd Place, Chi- cago. Edward H. Simon, 716 Packard. Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Will Owens, West Chapel St., Dodgeville, Wis. Frank J. Jochem, 629 Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. Erich Vollbrecht, Corp., 823 Spring Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Aloys Wirsching, Corp., 5178 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Anthony Alle^i, Corp., 4423 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Percy F. Day, 1819 S3rd St., S., Superior, Wis. Michael N. Smith, Corp., 1222 W. Randolph St., Chi- cago. Carl Ross, Jr., 31 19 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. James J. Chase, Farmington, Minn. Joseph P. Crombie, Columbus, Wis. Charles Jackson, Corp., 584 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Clarence Widell, Corp., 215 7th St., Rockford. Michael Kavanaugh, 4717 Lexington St., Chicago. George A. Dobner, Corp., iiio 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis. John J. Halpin, 3719 Wallace St., Chicago. Glen N. Herring, 6022 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. William J. Nash, 6363 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Mike Kolosh, 28 W. 114th St., Chicago. Thomas Tollefson, 191 2 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago. Edward Markiwicz, Corp., 651 LaPorte Ave., South Bend, Ind. Charles W. Holmes, Box 64, Livingston, Wis. Andrew Zywicki, 1433 Rawsen Ave., South Milwaukee, Wis. Joe M. Steiskal, 2750 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Jacob J. Klauck, Corp., 1406 N. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Louis Craney, 141 1 Hastings St., Chicago. Arthur F. Simes, R. D. i, Hebron. Ernest I. Leavitt, Box 24, Gerney, Wis. James P. McCormick, Corp., Hobart, Ind. Robert Rupprecht, Jefferson, Wis. Stanley Lukaszewicz, 1307 Rawson Ave., S., Milwau- kee, Wis. Clarence Zarling, Corp., 2310 S. 6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Edward Meara, Corp., Axtell, Kansas. Wallace N. Miller, 319 Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Joseph G. Adelich, Northwestern Hotel, Sheboygan, Wis. Raymond G. Watson, 5245 S. State St., Chicago. Edward Cohen, Corp., 5418 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Samuel Lewin, Corp., 916 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Walter Goodrum, Corp., 603 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur H. Remus, 1525 Martin Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. William M. Phillips, Corp., 508 Washington Ave., Albia, Iowa. Otto Hubace>c, Corp., 2729 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Herman H. Marotz, 1642 S. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Peter M. Smiih, 5533 S. Seeley Ave., Chicago. Theodore Dutkanych, Corp., 36 Russel St., Ansonia, Conn. Paul F. Brand, Corp., 138 Warren Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Theodore Zimmermann, 1215 S. 13th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Henry W. Harms, 45 Canada St., Cedarburg, Wis. Frank E. Cloutier, 173 Bellevue Ave., Providence, R. I. Emanuel Larsen, Ugilt, Simden, Denmark. Thomas L. Renwock, Corp., Kirkland. William F. Kotek, Corp., 3024 S. Albany Ave., Chi- cago. Roy W. Kellar, Corp., 1453 E. 69th St., Chicago. Ge.orge Mermigas, Cook, 317 Wells St., Milwaukee, Wis. Victor Stachowiak, 2252 S. Whipple St., Chicago. Ellis Hamersley, Cook, 812 N. Fairfax St., Sioux Falls, S. D. Louis Click, Sgt., 5326 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Ray E. Gleason, Sgt., R. D. 2, Janesville, Wis. Charles A. Denzel Sgt., 1107 E. Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Steve Miller, 1837 N. 9th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Herbert Yuenger, Corp., 2700 W. 23rd St., Chicago. James C. Sullivan, Sgt., 6830 Dante Ave., Chicago. Maxwell D. Johnson, Sgt., 4317 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Walter C. Richtmann, Corp., 1206 7th Ave., Rock Island. Henry Vester, Ulm, Ark. SANITARY DETACHMENT, 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN Albert N. Cole, Capt., 4512 N. Carlisle St., Philadelphia, Pa. Elmore G. Gosden, Sgt., Bonner, Mont. John F. Kennedy, Corp., 2542 Norton Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Clifford J. Mitchell (i), 229 Douglas St., Houghton, Mich. Irving D. Auspitz, 5434 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Paul R. Henderson (i), 113 E. Winchester Ave., Ash- land, Wis. Harrison J. Wall, 2753 Archer Ave., Chicago. Dennis J. Morgan, 2633 Lowe Ave., Chicago. John Giangrasso, Pageri Provi Di Palimo, Italy. Corso Budera No. 90. Howard H. Harvey, 1716 N. 27th St., Omaha, Neb. Nicholas Eichner, 779 Wycoff Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. ATTACHED TO 311TH SUPPLY TRAIN FOR TRAVEL Charles C. Burt, Lt.-Col., 1106 Walnut St., Coshocton, John P. Moore, Sgt. Q. M. C, Crescent Hotel, 4065 T> ^,- r. , Ellis Ave., Chicago. Raymond Sanders, Sgt. Q. M. C, 2612 Renwick St., St. Joseph, Mo. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFT^R 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date ivil82892 Oh THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY