i^ v> CORRESPONDENCE RBirBCTIKft RELATIONS WITH (PERSIA. Presented to both' Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1857. LONDON : PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS. f:;—- «•■•■■ eftA ^ ^^i \ ^^1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS, No. 1. Lieut. -Colonel Shell 3. To Lieut.-Colonel Shell 4. Lieut.-Colonel Shell 5. 6. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. 1.5, 16. 17. 18. To Lieut.-Colonel Shell 19. 20. Lieut.-Colonel Shell 21. »» i» 22. To Sheffee Khan 23. To Lieut-Colonel Shell 24. Lieut.-Colonel Sheil 25. Sheffee Khan 26. To Sheffee Khan . July 22, 1851 24, Sept. 24, Aug. 8, Sept. 17, Oct. 1, Nov. 9, 22, Dec. 29, Jan. 20, 1852 Feb. 14, Mar. 7, 15, May 31. 1, 4, July 7, Aug. 27, July 28, Aug. 22, Oct. 27, 27, Aug. 31, Oct. 29, Nov. 3, Subject. Page Persian Minister disclaims any intention to occupy Herat .. .. .. .. 1 Letter to Persian Minister respecting Herat 2 Approving the foregoing . . . . . . 2 Answer from Persian Minister, and further letter to him respecting Herat . . . 3 Affairs of Herat . . . . . . 4 Proceedings of Persian Government rela- tive to Herat . . . . . . . . 4 Troops going to Khorassan. Has warned Persian Minister about Herat. His assurances . . . . . . . . 5 Affairs of Herat . . . . . . . . 6 Sadr Azim's renewed assurances respect- ing Herat . . . . . . . . . 6 Russian Minister's language . . . . 6 Commimications with Sadr Azim respect- ing Herat . . . . . . . . . 7 1,200 men sent by Persians to Herat. Incloses correspondence with Persian Government ,. .. .. ..10 Letter from Sadr Azim, and reply, respect- ing affairs of Herat .. ,. .. 15 Audience of and conversation with tlie Shah. Herat 19 Further audience of the Shah. Herat . . 20 Stale of things at Herat. Colonel Sheil will await instructions . , . . . , 20 Herat. As to necessity of preventing the Persians from permanently occupying Herat .. . . .. .. " .. 21 Instructions from Lord Malmesburv for his guidance. Displeasure of Her Majestv's Government at occupation of Herat '. . 23 Herat. Her Majesty's Government justi- fied in calling for explanations as to apparent contradiction between their assurances and tiieir acts, &c. . . .. 24 News from Herat. Incloses extracts from Tehran Gazettes .. .. ., .. 26 Sadr Azim's explanations subsrquent to Colonel Shell's receipt of Lord Malmes- bury's des|iatcb of Julv 7 .. .. 27 Breaking off diplomatic intercourse with him on account of proceedings of Persia in Herat affairs .. .. ,, .,29 State of the question with Persian Govern- ment relative to Herat. Cannot allow any systematic attempt on the part of Persia to effect a change in the posses- sion of countries lying between Persian frontier and British territories in India . 29 Leiter from Sadr Azim relative to the eiacnation of Herat. Present state of his discussions with Persian Government. 31 Assurnces nlative to Heiat Wishes to. give personal explanations . . . . 35 Can place no reliance on his assurances, and cannot receive him . . . . . . 35 5250.10 b 2 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. 27. Lieut.-Colonel Shcil , . • .- 80. „ „ 31. ,1 „ 32. 83, 84. '• n »» »> 35. 36. » »» • • »l 9* 37. ft » 89. ,1 )j . , 40. To Lieut.-Colonel Sheil 41. Lieut.-Colonel Sheil 42. To Lieut.-Colonel Shell 43. To Mr. Thomson 44. Mr. Thomson 45. To Mr. Thomson 46. Mr. Thomson 47. To Mr. Thomson 48. Mr. Murray 49. To Mr. Murray 50. Mr. Murray 51. 52. 53. » » i> >» >» » .■54. To Mr. Murray 55. Lord Stratford 56. Mr. Murray Sept. 17, 1852 Oct. 8, 22, 31, Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 2, Jan. 5, 1853 7, 13. 19, 30, Feb. 4, Mar. 21. Feb. 17. April 18, May 7, June 15, 1854 Aug. 7, Sept. 2, Nov. 16, June 22, 1855 Aug. 1, Nov. 9, 17, 20, 21, Jan. 4, 1856 3. Nov. 28, 1855 Subject. Page Leiter from Sadr Azim respecting Sam Khan having left Herat, and ano.her Agent going iheie without troops .. 36 Conversation with Sadr Azini on commu- nicjiting to him Lord Malniesbury's despatch of Aiisiust 27 .. .. .36 Persian Government seem determined to pers-evere in annexing Herat to Persia . 37 Inclosing translation of firrhaii conferring government of Herat on Syed Mahomed Khan " .. .. 38 Translation of article from " Teiiran Ga- zette,'' and of firman nominating Abbass Koolee Khan lo permanent residence at Herat 39 Notes to and from Sadr Azim respecting Sam Khan marching with troops to Herat 40 Prince Governor of Khorassan reports the recall of Sam Khan from Herat with his troops . . . . . . . . 42 Ccmmunication which he addressed to Persian Prime Minister respecting Lord Malniesbury's despatch of October 27. Conversation on the occasion. Trans- lation of Engagement of Persian Govern- ment regarding Herat . . . . . . 42 Letter from Sadr Azim demanding that England should disclaim all right or intention to interfere in affairs of Herat. Has returned it to be corrected . . . 46 Correspondence relative to refusal of Per- sian Government to adhere to arrange- ment as to Herat . . . . . . . 46 Incloses a proposed arrangement respecting Herat, which he has rejected . . . . 53 Further correspondence. Translation of arrangement relative to Herat, sealed by the Sadr Azim. Hopes that it will be approved . . . . . . . . . 56 Letter to the Ruler of Herat inclosing copy of Persian Agreement . . . . 63 .Approving arrangement relative to Herat, and his letter to the llnler of Herat . . 64 Threat of Persian Government not to adhere to Herat Engagement. Menace withdrawn .. .. .. ..64 Answer to Lieutenant-Colonel Shell's des- patch of February 17. Herat .. .. 68 Conversati!)n with Sheffee Khan .. .. 68 Has appointed Meerza Hashem Khan to be First Persian Secretary to the Mis- sion . . . . . . . . . . 68 Approving Meerza Hashem's appointment. 69 Persian Government object to Meerza Hashem's appointment . . . . . . 69 Mav appoint Meerza Fezloollah instead of Meerza Hashem. As to the latter going as Agent to Shiraz . . . . . . 70 Appointment of .Meerza Hashem Khan as Agent at Shiraz. Calls attention to his case . . . . . . . . . 70 Approving Meerza Hashem Khan's ap- pointment to be British Agent at Shiraz . 71 Persian Government refuse to accept Meerza Hashem as Agent at Shiraz .. 71 Copies and translations of correspondence respecting Meerza Hash m . . . . 72 Has struck his flag. Explanations as to the cause of his doing so . . . . S3 Failure of M. Boiirre, the French Minister, to accommodate matters . . . . . . 85 Approving liis having struck his flag . . 87 Letter and note addressed to him by the Persian Prime Minister . . . . . . 87 Correspondence on case of Meerza Hashem, and hauling down British flag. Shah's autographs . . . . . . . . 89 TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. 57. Mr. Murray 58. »» i> 59. » » 60. »i »> 61. Lord Stratford 62. Mr. Murray 63. „ „ 64. „ 65. Consul Stevens 66. Lord Stratford 67. Mr. Murray 68. „ 69. Consul Stevens 70. Mr. Murray 71. „ 72. „ 73. 74. 76. Lord Stratford 77. To Lord Stratford 78. 79. To Mr. Murray 80. To Consul Stevens 81. Mr. Murray 82. Consul Stevens 8.3. „ „ 84. 86. To Consul Stevens 87. Lord Stratford 88. Mr. Murray 89. „ „ , 90. „ 92. Consul Stevens 93. To Lord S.ratford 94. Consul Stevens 93. Lord Stratford S6. Consul Stevens 97. - „ ,, Dec. 1, 3, 4, 6, 1855 Jan. 12, 5, 8, 8, 1856 Dec. 31, 1855 Feb. 18, 1856 .Tan. 18, 22, 8, Feb. 15, 22, Mar. 6, 7, 7, 7, April 10, May 15, 15, 15, 15, Mar. 22, 20, 21, 31, Apr. iMay 2, 16, 12, Apr. 2, 7, 7, 7, 9, May 24, .Apr. 20, May 26, Apr. 30, 30, Subject. Page 97 Expects Persian Government to give way . Explanations relative to Meerza Hashemi's ca&e " Tehran Gazette " relating to suspension of relations The satisfaction which he demanded as the conditions of resuming diplomatic rela- tions Instruction of Persian Prime Minister to Persian Charge d' Affaires at Constanti- nople Modification of his terms . . Active military preparations of Persia, Advices from Khorassan. . Copy of despatcli to Consul Stevens Copv of despatches he has addressed to Indian Government and Mr. Murray . . Translation of a letter from the Chief Priest of Tehran, containing charges against persons attacking Mussulman women Letters from Heratee Chiefs Paper drawn up by Persian Minist?r for publication in Europe Persians are sending proposals to Dost Mahomed Khan . . Affairs of Herat .. Literal translation in English of the Shah's antograpli letter . . Is going to move from Tabreez nearer to Turkish frontier. Communication from the Kaimakam Despatch from Consul Stevens, with copy of a letter from Sadr Azim to foreign Missions in Tehran, relative to Herat and Candahar Despatch from Consul Stevens, respecting a Persian army being directed against Affghanistau Copy of letter pretended to have been written to Ruler of Herat by Mr. Thom- son Official comminiication verbally made by the Persian Charge d' Affaires .. .As to conditions which Persia must accept. .Xmonnt of satisfaction to admit of Mr. Mnriay's return to Tehran Mission should proceed to Bagdad. Con- suls to remain at Tabreez and Tehran . . To remain at Teliran, but not to communi- cate with Persian Government politically. Despatches from Consul Stevens, relative to Herat and Persian movements . . Article from " Tehran Gazette," resjiect- ing causes of Mr. Murray's with Irawal. . Letter to Minister for Foreign Affairs re- fusing present of sweetmeats Substance of news from Meshed . . Investment of Herat Approving his refusal of Persian sweet- meats on New Year's day Translation of letter from the Sadr Azim . Communication through the Mehmandar from Sadr Azim. Attempt to induce him not to cross the Persian frontier Further statement respecting his differences with Persian Government and withdrawal of the Mission . , . . . . . . 141 Nei- s from Herat and Aslerabad . . . 142 Letter to Mr. Stevens from the Minister for Foreign Affairs ,. .. .. 143 Troops sent to Herat . . . . . . 144 If Persia occupies Herat, it will be another csuse of quarrel . .. .. .. 144 Intelligence about Herat and Candsihar . . 144 Copy of letter to the Sadr Azim . . . . 145 Reports from Herat . . . . . . 146 Publication of offensive document. . .. 146 98 98 99 100 105 106 107 108 110 111 114 119 120 120 121 122 124 124 126 126 127 128 128 130 137 138 139 140 140 141 y TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. 98. Consul Stevens 99. 'J'o Lord Stratford . . 100. Consul Stcvtns to .Mr.Miirra 101. Consul S. evens 102 103. „ ., 104. Lord Stratford 105. 106. To Mr. Murray . 107. To the Sadr Azim . 103. To Consul Stevens. 10^. To India Board . 110. Consul Stevens 111. ., ,. 112. Mr. Murray 113. Consul Stevrns 114. ,. 115. •. 116. )» )» 117. Lord Stratford 118. To Consul Stevens 119. Consul Stevens 120. 121. »> j» 122. To Consul Stevens 123. Consul Stevens 124. »» »» 125. ». •♦ 126. '1 *» 127. To Consul Stevens 128. » » 129. To India Board 130. 131. 132. 133. Consul Stevens The Sadr Azim Couiul Stevens 134. To Mr. Murray 135. India Board 136. ., 137. To Mr. Murray 138. To the Persi.in Minister for Foreign A flairs 139. .Consul Abbott f; Mflv 1, 1856 .lune l.'r. Feb. 20, May ID. 31, 31. Juno 23. Subject. Page 147 28, July 11. 11. 11. 19, June 4, 7, 21, 15. 16, 20, 22, July 16, 30, 10, 10, 22, Sept, 16, Aug. 12. 15, 16, 17. Sept. 22, 24, 24, Aug. 21, 17, 23, 23, Sept. 26, Oct. 8, 8, 10, 10, Sept. 10, News in a letter from Meshed If Persia evacuates Herat, wu will not insist on Meerza Hashem going to Shiraz 147 News respecting Herat . . . . . . 147 Ditto. More troops sent to Khorassaii .. 148 Intelligence from Herat . . . . . . 149 Forokli Khan going .Embassador to Paris. . 151 Communication with the Persian Charge d"Affaires. Is to send him an ultimatum. 151 Has placed a memorandum of conditions in the hands of the Persian Charge d' Af- faires .. .. ..152 Copies of letter to Sadr Azim, and of in- structions to Consul Stevens .. .. 152 Demanding reparation for breach of engage- ment relative to Herat . . . . 158 To forward above letter to Sadr Azim with an accurate tiaiislation .. .. .. 153 An expedition to be prepared at Bombay to occupy Karrack and liusliire . . . 154 Gross outrage on Meerza Mootallib, Pi'rsi;in writer of Her Mnjesty's Con- sulate . . . . , . . . . . 154 Explosion ft Herat of amnmnition of the Persian army .. .. .. ..158 Defence of his proceedings .. ..158 Acknowledging receipt of despatch of 15th of May .. 161 Respecting the outrage on Meerza Mootal- lib. Correspondence with Sadr Azim . , 162 Narrative, translated from tlie Persian, of events at Herat .. .. .. ..166 Aftairs of and at Herat. Departure of Ferokh Khan postponed . . . . . . 168 Answer from Sadr Azim to his letter to him of May 25 169 Instructions respecting outrage upon Meerza Mootallib 174 Intelligence from Herat. Essan Khan's wives and children said to be captured . . 174 Water cut olT I rom the British Mission 174 Herat still holds out. No foundation for reported capture of Essan Khan's family. 176 To remonstrate against the water being cut off from British Mission . . .. . 176 Delivery of Lord Clarendon's letter to the Sadr Azim . . . . . . . . 176 Movements of troops after the delivery of Lord Clarendon's letter .. .. .. 177 Report that speedy surrender of Herat may be expected .. .. .. ..177 No answer from the Sadr Azim. Sends back the messenger .. . .. 177 Orders sent to India to dispatch the expe- dition to the Persian Guif .. .. 177 Aporoves his proceedings. To leave Persia . . . . 178 The expedition to be dispatched to Persian Gulf 178 Respecting the Sadr Azim's answer . . 178 Ansver to Lord Clarendon's letter . . 1 79 Occupation of Subzar by the Persians . . 181 Expulsion of Mission Agent from Astera- bad 181 Transmitting copies of instructions to Consuls at Tehran and Tabreez to with- draw from Persia . . . . . . 182 Papers relative to Persian proceedings on the frontiers of Kliel at 182 Commissioner in Scinde suggests that assistance should be given to the Khan of Khelat 186 Letter to the Sadr Azim to be sent on to Tehran 187 Reparation which Gieat Britain requires. An expedition to proceed against Persia . 187 Sadr Azim's unfriendly feelings towards Englishmen ... ,. .. IBS'* TABLE OP CONTENTS. Vll No. 140. Lord Stratford 141. To Lord Stratford 144. Mr. Murray 143. Lord Stratford 144. To Lord Stratford 145. Consul Stevens 146, 147 148. 14S. Consul Abbott 150. „ 151. To Consul Abbott 152. Lord Stratford 153. To Lord Stratford 154. Lord Stratford 155. „ ,, 156. Consul Stevens 157. To Lord Stratford 168. Lord Str.itford 159. 160. Sir Justin Sheil 161. To Lord Stratford 162. ludia Board 163. To Lord Stratford 164. Lord Stratford 165. To Lord Stratford 166. Mr. Murray 167. Consul Stevens 168. „ ,, 169. Lord Stratford 170. 171. 172. To Consul Stevens 173. To Lord Stratford 1 74. Sir Justin Sheil 175. Mr. Murray 176. „ 177. To Lord Cowley 178. Lord Cowley 179. To Lord Cowley 180. Lord Cowley 181. To Lord Cowley 182. Lord Cowley 183. To Lord Cowley 184. Lord Cowley Oct. Sept. Nov. Oct. IS, 1856 28, 29. 3, Subject. Pas Nov, Oct. Dec. Nov. Dec. Dec. 14, o_ 2," 8, 18, 23, 23. 25, 10. 27. 16, 23, 25, 11, 30, 12. 13, 16, 17, ; 18, 7, Nov. 19, 21, Oct. 25, Dec. 3, 15, 19, 21, Jan. 30, 7, 1857 20, Dec. 9, 1856 Jan. 22, 27, 28, 1857 Feb. 30, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, Arrival iit Constaiilinoplo of Ferokh Khan, Persian Ambassador May receive any counnuuic-ation from Per- sian Ambassadoi' respecting reparation to England . . Bcniier Ahbass question settled disadvait- tageously for Iniiunn of Muscat . . Has opened communication with the Persian Ambassador Approving his proceedings .. .. Sanguinary affair at Herat Shahzadeh Mahomed Youssuf brought prisoner to Tehran Fnrrah is said to have fallen. Shahzadeh's life spared Determination of the Shah to possess him- self of Herat. Preparations against the English . . Sieps taken by him on leaving Persia Five regiments ordered to Tehran Approval of his proceedings His communications with Ferokh Khan unsatisfactory Approval No satisfactory result from his communi- cations witli the Persian Ambassador . . Progress of negotiations with Ferokh Khan Condition on which Persia will withdraw from Herat Approving his proceedings Further correspondence with Ferokh Khan 203 Cannot prevail on Ferokh Khan to redeem his pledges . Explanation as to the Agreement of January 1853 Nothing will be added to the present ulti- matum if immediately complied with. Expedition to Persia cannot be delayed . Three Proclamations issued by the Gover- nor-General of India His proceedings eutiiely approved . Further communications with Persian Am- bassador Approving his conduct . . . . . . Has forwarded letter to the Sadr Azim from Lord Clarendon, through Persian Consul at Bagdad Acknowledging receipt of despatch ordering him to leave Persia . . . . His aiTival at Trebizond. Account of his departure from Tehran , . Additional correspondence with Ferokh Khan Close of negotiation with him Ferokh Khan declares his engagements null and void, and prepares to leave for Paris , Approval . . Approving his proceedings on conclusion of negotiation with Ferokh Khan . . Respecting the Agreement made by Persian Government relative to Herat . , Copy of " Tehran Gazette." Article re- specting Herat , . Substance of article from •' Tehran Gazette" To transmit to London any written proposals from Ferokh Khan Ferokh Khan asks for an interview with Lord Cowley Approval of conduct Interview and conversation with Ferokh Khan Approval. Instructions . . Execution of instructions. Ferokh Khan's full-powers Approval. Her Majesty's Government hope that an arrangement of differences may be made with Persia , . . 236 Conversation with Persian Ambassador . . 23S 189 189 190 190 192 192 192 193 193 194 195 195 195 197 197 199 203 203 203 209 211 211 214 214 217 218 218 219 220 223 224 224 224 225 227 229 231 231 231 232 234 234 vtii TABLB OF CONTBNTS. No. 1 85. To Lord Cowley 1 86. Lord Cowley ^187. To Lord Cowley "■^188. Lord Cowley ~ 189. To Lord Cowley Feb. 10, 1857 Mar. 4, 6, 4, 14, Subject. Page Approving his language to the Persian Am- bassador . . . . . . . . 237 Incloses Treaty of Peace, which he signed on 4th March with Ferokh Khan . . 237 Entire and cordial approval of his conduct in negotiating Treaty of Peace . . . . 237 Correspondence with Ferol