D9U6 As DOCUMENTS DEPT. UC-NRLF SB Mb ^57 O !_ui UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE WAR TRADE BOARD SECTION WASHINGTON GOAL-TAR DYES FOR WHICH IMPORT LICENSES WERE GRANTED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 1920 By CHARLES S. HAWES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 (UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE WAR TRADE BOARD SECTION WASHINGTON COAL-TAR DYES FOR WHICH IMPORT LICENSES WERE GRANTED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 1920 By CHARLES S. HA WES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 jp CUMENTS TV ^^ DjUgA* DOCUMENTS DEPT. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Letter of transmittal 5 Foreword 6 Explanatory notes 7 Table 1. Dyes licensed by classes 9 Table 2. Dyes licensed by brands 9 Direct cotton colors '. 9 Basic colors 15 Acid colors 17 Acid colors which are true alizarines. 24 Alizarine colors 25 Chrome colors 26 Vat colors 29 Sulphur colors 34 Lake colors and color lakes 35 Spirit and oil soluble colors 36 Developers and special products 36 Union colors 37 Unidentified unclassified colors 37 3 701 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. United States Department of State, War Trade Board Section, Washington, February 17, 1921, Sir : There is submitted herewith a report prepared by Charles S. Hawes, research assistant, on foreign coal-tar dyes for which import licenses were granted by the War Trade Board during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920. This report does not show actual importa- tions effected during that period as, of course, the use of an import license is not mandatory, except to cover actual importations. In submitting this report, I think it only fair to mention that Mrs. Florence Burlingame has been actively engaged in its preparation and by her careful, painstaking work and close application to detail, has added much to the value of the report. Respectfully submitted. F. S. Dickson, Acting Chief, War Trade Board Section. To the Honorable Bainbridge Colby, Secretary of State. 5 FOREWORD. This report shows what foreign-made dyes the War Trade Board licensed for importation into the United States during the year July 1, 1919, to June 30, 1920, inclusive. It must be borne in mind, however, that all licenses issued were not used to effect actual importations, and importations could hardly have been effected during that period on licenses issued during May and June, 1920. This is clearly illustrated by comparing quantities in Table 2 with those shown in Table 14, page 60 of the United States Tariff Commis- sion's Census of Dyes and Coal-tar Chemicals: 1919 (Tariff Informa- tion Series No. 22). As licenses were granted for dyes needed by actual consumers to meet their manufacturing requirements for a six- months' period, the figures given would seem to indicate the probable requirements of United States manufacturers in leading dyestuff- consuming industries of the country for six months from the date dyes were received. These figures also would tend to show what dyes should be added to the dye-producing program in this country in order to place the United States in a more independent position and to help free the country from the necessity of importing foreign dyes. EXPLANATORY NOTES. Every application for a license to import dyes of enemy make or origin was carefully scrutinized for the purpose of determining whether the particular dye for which an import license was requested, or a satisfactory substitute therefor, was being produced in the United States and was available to the consumer on reasonable terms as to price, quality and delivery. If the records of the War Trade Board showed that an identical color, or a satisfactory sub- stitute therefor, was being produced in the United States and was available on those terms the license was refused. It is obvious that most of the dyes in the following tables were either unobtainable from United States sources or if produced were not satisfactory for the use intended by the applicants for one or more of the reasons mentioned above. Special attention is called to the fact that approximately 600,000 pounds of German dyes were bought and fully paid for prior to April 6, 1917, when this country entered the war, and were licensed for importation even though our records showed that the same colors were being produced in the United States. The entries for names of colors show how applications were actually filed. For instance, some licenses were granted for powder and some for paste. In many applications neither powder nor paste was mentioned, although the dyes asked for were produced in both concentrations. When neither was mentioned, the brand was listed as shown in the application, but it has been assumed in all case (excepting with respect to vat dyes) that the applicant wanted powder. Frequently applicants for licenses classified the dyes desired under Schultz numbers, but the War Trade Board can not vouch for the correctness of these numbers in all cases. Every effort has been made to verify all such classifications, and it is believed that for the most part the dyes have been classified correctly in this list. There were three principal reasons for granting licenses for the importation of German dyestuffs: (1) No production in the United States at the time license was granted; (2) production was insuffi- cient to meet domestic requirements, and (3) manufacturers of dye- stuffs failed to give the War Trade Board complete information concerning the dyes produced by them. In some cases licenses were granted for small quantities of dyes of enemy origin for research purposes, although such dyes were not licensed for commercial use. 7 8 EXPLANATORY NOTES. This list shows colors for which import licenses were issued during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920. Due to the constantly increas- ing activity of American dye manufacturers in producing new colors and perfecting others, many of the dyes included in this list would not now be licensed for importation if of enemy origin, as they are now obtainable from domestic manufacturers on reasonable terms as to price, quality and delivery. COAL-TAR DYES FOR WHICH IMPORT LICENSES WERE GRANTED DURING FISCAL YEAR 1920. The following table (Table No. 1) is a summary. It shows the total poundage, by classes, of all dyes given in Table No. 2. Table No. 1. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by classes, fiscal year 1920. Class. Germany. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. Total 3,721,950 . 3,854,421 1,625,543 316,390 9,518,304 592,587 105,546 991,157 144,248 412,479 217,027 1,021,378 5,354 199,456 10,516 14,700 5,500 2,002 782,774 337,669 1,073,269 4,000 13,891 652,690 863,798 124,530 1,500 309,140 1 5,600 46,567 7,449 197,189 2.440 1,690,101 497,231 2,264,055 149, 593 889,742 946, 155 1,917,222 592,322 1,345 207,372 76,438 32,046 462,370 256,000 68 207,001 18.365 426, 322 1,456 82, 634 11,972 26,055 275 138 123,389 5,775 4,425 300 1,985 The following table shows total poundage by brands of dyes for which import licenses were granted, classified by the country of Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. DIRECT COTTON COLORS. Total 592,587 782,774 309,140 5,600 1,690,101 YELLOW. 1,500 1,500 220 220 450 501 100 1,150 305 400 16,200 250 296 450 296 501 296 Cotton yellow G 100 296 Diamine fast yellow 3 G 1,150 Benzo light yellow 4 GL 305 400 15,200 250 303 617 4,500 4,500 2,000 617 2,000 1,210 5 617 1,210 617 Diamine fast mellow FF 5 617 11,200 3,500 3,500 11,200 3,500 3,500 5,000 31,882 617 617 5,000 31,882 Chrysamine K 37556—21- 10 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which imvort licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. S ^^'\ England.! All other. Total. 304 DIRECT COTTON COLORS— Contd. yellow— continued. 17,205 I 1 17, 205 304 1,485 1,100 5 2,420 1,540 1,485 304 Chrysophenine G 1,100 304 5 304 New yellow for cotton, 330 per cent 2,420 304 New yellow for cotton, 335 per cent Cotton vellow CH 1,540 10,200 10,200 450 310 450 404 310 22,680 22, 680 210 32 5 210 Diazo last yellow OG 32 Diazo vellow R s 2,205 408 4,750 7,155 1,100 4,660 6,541 2,205 408 Diphenvl chlorine yellow FF 4,750 198 Mimosa Z cone 7,155 198 1,100 198 Thiazol vellow G 4,660 198 Thiazol yellow G cone 6, 541 198 Titan yellow G 380 3S0 Oxamine vellow 3 G i,666 2,200 1,000 Paper yellow cone, 118 per cent 2,200 6i6 Polychromine AC 441 1,600 1,950 S41 441 616 Primuline 1,761 29,300 32,661 l,9oC 9 Sun vellow 3 GC 8-11 615 Thioflavine S 750 1,2^0 100 1,100 506 2,500 150 1,000 680 200 750 286 Toluylene yellow OO 1,25C Toluylone yellow G 10C ORANGE. Alkali orange G 1,10C 392 Alkali orange GT 1 5oe Azidine orange Y extra... 2,50C Benzo brilliant orange S 15C Benzo fast orange 2 RL 1,000 Benzo fast orange S 680 Benzo light orange 2RL 20C 340 Benzo orange R 1,200 1,20C Congo orange 25,000 25,00C 315 Congo orange G 75 75 1,100 1,000 300 350 450 11 373 Congo orange R 7S Cotton orange cone 1,10C Diamine fast orange ER 1 1.00C 30C Diamine orange F . . . 35C Diamine orange G 450 Dianol fast orange D . . . 11,480 11, 4SC Diaxamine fast orange * .... 2,000 2,00C Diazo brilliant orange GR extra 5 5 441 I Diazo brilliant orange 5 G I 441 Polyphenyl orange RC 3,086 3,08€ 306 Pyramine orange 3 G 200 7,475 200 20C 360 Pyramine orange R 7, 47f Pyramine orange Y 20C Pyrazol orange G 40, 570 40, 57C 746 3,300 1,650 74C 392 Toluylene orange G, 150 per cent, cone Toluylene orange R, 160 per cent, cone Triazol direct orange G . 3,30C 287 1,65C 500 1,000 50C Triazol orange G ... 1,00C RED. Alkali pink 660 800 66C Benzo fast pink BL . . 80C Chlorazol pink R. . . 1,145 12,060 500 1,14S Dianol fast pink BK . . . 12,060 Dianol pink 50C 510 820 80C 510 121 ! Erika B extra 1 82C Importer's name; exporter called it diazamine. COAL-TAB DYES. TABLE No. 2.— Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of rigin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920— Continued. Schults No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England Allother . Total. 121 DIRECT COTTON COLORS— Contd. red— continued. Krika B\ T 140 45 210 140 1 22 45 122 Erika GN 210 600 600 Pink \1 25 25 330 12,855 100 1,725 3,500 10 100 1, 677 5,620 500 200 300 100 600 300 200 2,365 420 7,225 330 279 12, 855 100 270 1,725 279 5,200 279 10 319 100 319 1,677 6,720 500 319 1,100 200 300 100 eoo 300 200 200 1,140 2,365 990 420 7, 225 25 5,000 2,000 1,000 100 2,000 Azidinc red 8 BO 100 2,300 900 75 Benzo fast red 8 BL 2,300 900 332 Ben zo fast red ° BL 343 75 343 5, 170 1,450 5,170 1,450 6,840 200 343 343 Dianol fast red FG 6,840 343 200 • 343 331 507 9,398 1,102 2,200 285 110 650 12,500 331 194 507 363 9,398 363 1,102 405 Benzopurpurine 1 B 2,100 4,300 285 Benzo Rhoduline red B Benzo Rhoduline red 3 B 110 Benzo red 1 2 B 650 370 Brilliant Congo R 950 591 25,470 2,260 10, 921 13,300 1,261 3,200 13,450 591 Chloramine brilliant red 8 B 25, 470 2,260 10,921 13,300 15 066 . 319 Chloramine red B 319 ; Chloramine red 3 B Chloramine red 8B Chloramine red 8BS 13,805 2,999 2,200 794 225 100 1,450 450 40 400 313 Congo rubine 6^199 2,200 794 366 Deltapurpurine 5 B 366 Deltapurpurine 5 B cone 366 Deltapurpurine 5 B, 1 10 per cent 225 Diamine brilliant rubine S 100 Diamine fast red 8 BL 1,450 450 Diamine fast red 8 BL, 140 per cent Diamine violet red 40 Dianil light red 8 BW 400 Dianol fast red X 500 500 Diazo fast red 5BL 10 510 1,690 10 Diazofastred7BL 510 Diazo rubine B 1,690 Diphenyl red SC 14, 108 14, 108 400 346 Oxamine red 400 5 3,300 10,120 Oxydiamine red S 5 Paper red 3,300 10, 120 400 307 Paper red Rosanthrene AWL 400 3,000 . 1 Rosanthrene R :::::::::: 3,000 483 Rosophenine 1,000 . 1,000 12 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. s sr' E ^^- Allother. Total. 358 DIRECT COTTON COLORS— Contd. red — continued. Toluylene red RT 2,500 i 2,500 510 Triazol red B 510 1,520 Triazol red 8 B 1,520 Benzo bordeaux 6 B 1,650 2,500 751 760 100 5,465 1,200 500 750 100 233 605 250 2,215 905 1,130 100 400 1,102 100 166 1,370 325 400 1,650 Benzo fast Bordeaux 6BL 2,500 Diamine Bordeaux B cone 751 Diamine Bordeaux S 760 100 5,465 1,200 Naphthamine fast Bordeaux BG 500 Triazol Bordeaux B 750 Oxamine claret B 100 326 VIOLET. Benzamine violet G 233 326 Benzo violet 605 326 250 2,215 Benzo fast heliotrope 4 BL 905 Benzo fast heliotrope 2 RL 1,130 Benzo violet BL 100 Benzo violet R 400 1, 102 Benzo violet 2 RL extra 100 Benzo violet RZ 166 Brilliant benzo violet B 1,370 Brilliant benzo violet 2 R 325 Chloramine violet R 400 Chlorazol violet WBX 600 600 5 300 2,500 5 Diamine fast violet FFBN 300 Diamine heliotrope B 2,500 21, 240 Dianol violet R . \ 21, 240 Diazo fast violet BL 828 2 828 2 Direct violet B 5,000 5,000 352 1,240 1,240 Naphthamine violet 1,000 1,000 322 Trisulphon violet B 20, 047 20, 047 410 BLUE. 2,200 600 50 220 2,200 410 600 410 50 410 Benzoin brilliant blue GDN 220 Aminogen blue RN 5,000 200 5,000 Azo dark blue S 200 337 Benzamine azo blue G, 350 per cent Benzamine azo blue 3 R cone, 215 percent. Benzo blue R W 1,100 1,092 5 1,400 50 200 300 4,250 2,500 661 60 1,100 1,092 419 5 419 Chicago blue RW 1,400 419 Diamine blue R W . . 50 Benzo brilliant blue 3 BX.. 200 456 Benzo fast blue B . . . 300 Benzo fast blue FFL 4,25C 2,50( 661 426 Benzo sky blue BH . 60 426 Chloramine sky blue A... 5,950 1,500 5,950 426 Chloramine sky blue A cone 1,500 Benzoine blue RTII, 300 per cent . 287 25 125 2,200 200 287 .541 Betamine blue 8 B . 25 541 Brilliant sky blue 5 G . . 125 416 2,200 424 Brilliant benzo blue 6 B. 200 424 Brilliant skv blue 6 B . . . 5,300 5,300 424 Chicago blue 6 B... 200 3, 161 200 424 Chicago blue 6 BX... 3,161 424 Chloramine sky blue 6 B . . . 2,000 22,975 100 2,000 424 Chloramine skv blue FF 22,975 424 , Diamine skv blue FF 2,455 11,031 100 2,555 424 Heligoland blue 6 B 11,031 424 i Oxamine pure blue 6 B 100 COAL-TAR DYES, 13 Table No. 2. -Foreign dyes for which import licenses were, granted, with country of origin and Quantity I pounds >, by brands, fiscal yea, ontinued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. 424 DIRECT COTTON COLORS— Contd. blue- continued. 1,200 60 1,200 60 100 57 1,300 1 500 424 424 Sky blue FFO 100 57 1,300 1,500 50 Brilliant fast blue B Brilliant fast blue G . ' 50 471 5,550 5,741 5,550 5,741 50 1,100 50 471 50 1,100 50 3,920 20 50 50 16,700 610. 575 550 3,800 1,900 800 391 418 3,920 20 50 50 274 16,700 610 274 273 575 Dianunogen blue XA 550 Diaminogen blue NB 3,800 1,900 800 Dianil fast blue GL Dianol blue BH 2,000 5,440 35,920 4,990 2,000 5,440 35,920 4,990 150 Dianol fast blue 2 B Diazo indigo blue BR extra 150 3,660 4,000 650 500 10 4,000 Diazo indigo blue 4 GL extra 3,660 4,000 650 Diazo indigo blue 2 RL Diazo indigo blue 3RL 500 Diazo sky blue B 10 Diazo sky blue 3 GI 4 000 Diphenvl blue KFC 1,843 441 3,500 l'843 Diphenvl dark blue R 441 Direct blue BH 22,387 992 25,887 992 Direct blue BXR 14,050 14,050 8,844 2,380 440 Direct blue GN, 250 per cent 8,844 2,380 440 2,200 Direct blue 4 GN, 250 per cent Direct blue R W Direct pure blue A 2,200 100 Direct sky blue 6 B 100 11,050 530 Direct skv blue GS, 250 per cent 11 050 Direct sky blue, green shade 530 Napnthamine blue B 1,200 3,000 2,550 125 100 25 1 200 Naphthamine blue 3 RE 3 000 Naphthogene blue 2 R 2,550 125 Naphthogene blue 4 R Oxamine blue 3 R 100 Oxydiaminogen ED 25 Polyphenyl blue GF cone 1,800 1,323 1,050 1,800 1,323 1,050 5,105 105 Polyphenyl blue GNH Sky blue A Solamine blue FF 5,105 105 2,000 100 150 660 2,137 361 Sulphone azurine D Triazol blue B 2,000 Zambesi pure blue 4 B 100 Zambesi pure blue R 150 GREEN. Alkali dark green 660 475 Alkali green D extra 2,137 9,050 475 Direct green G 9,050 475 Renol green B extra 300 25 441 Brilliant benzo green B 300 Brilliant dianil green G 25 Chlorazol dark green PL 15,500 300 15,500 474 300 474 220 200 220 474 Direct green B 32,594 474 Triazol green B 200 Dianol green B G 12,960 12,96* 5 Diazo brilliant green 3 G 5 14 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity ( pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schult No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer land. England. Allothei •J Total. DIRECT COTTON COLORS— Contd. green— continued. Diazo fast green CF 100 100 1 • 100 Diazo green GF 100 Diazo olive G s Diphenyl dark green BC 2,800 12,910 2,000 2,800 12, 910 2,220 300 Diphenyl dark green KG W ■ Direct green Naphthamine fast green B BROWN. Benzo brown B 220 300 30 200 3,200 1,000 50 850 1,320 487 30 Benzo chrome brown CR 200 Benzo chrome brown G 3,200 1,000 50 Benzo dark brown extra Benzo fast brown GL Benzo fast brown 3 GL 850 Chloramine brown G 1,320 10, .500 200 Chlorazol brown G 10,500 Columbia brown R 200 331 490 Cotton brown A 331 Cupranil brown B 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 18,050 1 5,000 Cupranil brown G 5,000 5,000 Cupranil brown 3 G Cupranil brown R 5,000 18,050 Cutch brown RR 349 Diamine brown B 25 50 5 375 400 5 50 200 200 2,500 25 50 Diamine brown R 5 Diamine catechine B 375 Diamine catechine G 400 Diamine catechine 3 G 50 Diamine fast brown G 200 Diamine fast brown GB 200 Diamine fast brown R 2,500 485 Dianol brown GM 17,720 36,160 17, 720 Dianol orange brown X 36, 160 Diazo brown 3 G 2,000 5 2,000 Diazo brown 3 RB 5 393 Diphenyl brown 3 GNC 3,308 3,308 Direct brown G 4,591 4,591 Direct brown 2 G 1,000 1,000 Direct brown 3 G 375 375 Direct brown 3 GN 1,103 3,450 1,103 Direct brown 3 GNC 3,450 4,400 4,400 Eclipse brown BK 2,205 2,205 250 200 200 500 250 200 200 500 400 200 500 400 Parasulfon brown V 200 500 375 Triazol brown SOOO 2,500 2,500 Triazol discharge brown GG extra 222 64, 740 64, 145 90,914 1,000 2,802 222 449 64, 740 457 64, 145 Trisulphon brown MB 90, 914 Trisulphon discharge brown GG extra Trisulphon bronze B 1,000 2,802 Zambesi brown 4 R 1 1,100 4,300 . 125 . 100 BTACK. Benzo fast gray , Diamine fast gray BN 1,650 Diamine fast gray G 1,100 Diamine fast gray RN 25 241 Diamine gray G 4,300 241 Neutral gray G 125 Direct gray R paste . 18,285 . 18,285 Alkali black J cone 2,200 . 287 . 2,000 . 2,200 Benzo blue black BH, 150 per cent 287 1 Benzo chrome blue black B | |. 2,000 COAL-TAR DYES. 15 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import license were granted, with tountry of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. m£y. ^S^'-O-U'^er. Total. DIRECT COTTON COLORS— Contd. black— continued . Benzo fast black 5,429 7,355 5 429 7*355 333 8,790 1,000 :::::::::: 8J790 1 000 333 Developed black BE 333 22,566 22! 566 38,800 800 7,500 7,500 5 333 Melantherine black BH 38,800 800 473 7,500 7,500 5 5,000 Diamine black DN Diamine jet black OO 5,000 15,000 22,986 6 860 436 Dianol black FFX 15,000 436 Heligoland black FFN 22,986 6,860 6,615 3,000 Heligoland black FFN A Diazo black 6,' 615 3,000 200 Diazo brilliant black 364 Diazo brilliant black B 200 5,000 Diazo fast black SD 5,000 33,800 1,500 200 Diazophenyl black 33,800 1,500 Direct black B 200 Heliogoland black BH 13,200 850 1,000 11,300 2,500 1,250 12,000 1,200 2,000 100 23, 170 33,085 13,200 850 Naphthamine fast black VFC Oxamine black BB 1,000 11,300 2,500 1,250 12,000 1,200 2,000 100 Oxamine black T5"RTX Oxydiamine black N Oxydiamine black SOOO Oxydiamine black UI Paper black Pluto black CF Zambesi black BB Zambesi black D 23, 170 33,085 Zambesi black V BASIC COLORS. Total 105,546 ' 337,669 46,567 7,449 497,231 YELLOW. Acid phosphine 1 1,120 1,120 602 Acridine golden vellow G 100 5,000 420 100 602 Acridine golden yellow 2 G 5,000 420 602 Acridine golden yellow W 602 Acridine yellow ::::::: 200 200 Acridine vellow XF 709 709 Auracine G 1,103 3,600 100 96, 439 1 103 493 Auramine 7,240 10' 840 588 493 Auramine cone 488 551 493 18,846 115,836 220 Flavophosphine BK 220 1,350 222 Janus yellow G 1,350 110 Marion yellow ::::::: 110 Rhoduline yellow 6 G 550 7,535 550 618 Thioflavine T 7,535 603 ORANGE. Acridine orange 1,000 1,000 400 603 Acridine orange NO 400 100 500 603 Acridine orange 00 100 603 Euchrysine 3R extra 500 Brilliant phosphine 5 G 383 383 34 Chrysoidine RG cone 3.307 1,000 1,500 3,307 1,000 Diamond phosphine R Euchrysine GRNTN 1,500 Euchrysine RRD 2,250 2 1,000 800 1,433 2,250 2 Euchrvsine RT Euchrysine RRT 1,000 Flavophosphine 4 G 800 606 Leather yeilow 3 G (orange) 1,433 606 Leather yellow NL 827 827 606 Patent phosphine G 28,366 35,000 3,083 35,000 6.084 28,366 35,000 3,083 35,000 6,084 606 Patent phosphine 2 G, 100 per cent 606 Patent phosphine 2 G, 300 per cent 606 Patent phosphine M, 100 ner cent 606 Patent phosphine M, 300 per cent .::::: 16 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 606 BASIC COLORS— Continued. oeange— continued . 4,000 4,000 606 400 200 400 606 Phosphine 2 G 200 606 103 551 4,000 103 606 551 606 4,000 606 400 6,050 100 125 400 606 Saba phosphine 2 G 6,050 100 606 606 125 Paraphosphine G 1,800 1,800 Patent phosphine R 10,000 10,000 800 Phosphine 3R 800 440 50 500 250 1,340 Pyrophosphine GG 440 Rhoduline orange N 50 Rhoduline orange NO 500 74 Tannin orange R 250 576 RED. Irisamine G extra 1,340 576 500 15,900 500 573 Rhodamine B 2,000 200 15 17, 915 200 573 Rhodamine B, extra 573 Rosazine B, cone 2,200 2,200 572 Rhodamine G 260 245 5,090 2,760 72 25 360 260 572 Rhodamine G, extra 245 571 Rhodamine 6 G 13, 636 960 3,360 22,086 3,720 72 25 360 600 571 Rhodamine 6 G, extra. Rhodamine 5 G Rhodamine R 570 Rhodamine S Tannin pink B 600 671 Induline scarlet 500 25 200 600 441 300 500 684 Brilliantine rhoduline red 25 684 Brilliant rhoduline red B 200 512 Diamond magenta crystal 600 512 Fuchsine crystal 1,050 1,491 240 Janus red B 300 636 Prune pure 6,902 6,902 2,585 26 679 Safranine FF extra 2,585 26 50 679 Safranine Z 683 Safranine MN 50 Rosanthrene Bordeaux B 10,000 10,000 47 10 2,200 088 VIOLET. Rosolane 47 10 2,200 717 150 900 688 Rosolanepaste 516 Crystal violet extra 516 Crystal violet 5BO 2,700 3,417 150 516 Crystal violet 6 B Crystalviolet6BE 900 Dahlia for white 20 20 514 H^offmans violet 750 300 235 660 330 2,000 2 2,237 172 4,100 750 514 Red violet 300 515 Methyl violet B extra 235 515 Methyl violet 2 B 660 515 Methyl violet BBN 330 515 Violet de Paris 2,000 2 517 Methyl viole t6B Methyl violet 3 BOO 2,237 Methyl violetbase Z 172 687 Methylene heliotrop e 4,100 400 680 Methylene violet 2 R 400 Rhoduline heliotrope B 50 25 1,500 250 253 279 100 50 3,500 50 Rhoduline heliotrope3 B 25 Rosolane B 1,500 250 685 Tannin heliotrope BLUE. Corn blue B, 143 percent 253 Corn blue N 279 621 Cresyl blue 2 BS 100 621 Cresylblue2RN 50 690 Diphene blue R 3,500 COAL-TAR DYES. 17 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. SchultJ No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 501 BASIC COLORS-Continued. blue — continued . Glacier bl ue 500 55 500 55 9,000 3,600 256 126 Indoin 649 Meldola blue 3 R 9,000 3,600 649 Meldola blue 3 R cone 649 Phenylenblue 256 659 Methylene blue 4,120 4,120 551 659 Methylene blue B cone 551 659 Methylene blue, BB 1,050 2,500 3,550 827 659 Methylene blue BR extra 827 659 Methylene blue medicinal 25 902 187 1 114 Methylene blue F 300 300 Methylene blue FZP 112 6,720 112 112 Methylene blue G S 6 720 Methylene blue GSF 112 Methylene blue M 3,000 440 97 462 10 1,900 80 3,000 440 663 New methylene blue N 558 New Victoria blue B 97 560 Night blue 462 653 Nile blue A 10 Nile blue B 1,900 80 Nile blue BX 496 Setoglaucine 1,400 1,400 4,050 1 502 661 4,050 1,502 100 700 1,425 500 1,383 260 128 Toluidine blue 498 Turquoise blue B 'l00 498 Turquoise blue BB 700 498 Turquoise blue G 1,425 500 498 Turquoise blue GL extra 559 Victoria blue B 35,876 37,259 260 522 Victoria blue 4 R 499 GREEN. Basic green Z 128 499 Brilliant green extra 1,102 1,102 2,592 752 449 Brilliant green crystals 2,592 752 1,210 112 159 723 499 Brilliant green extra crystals 499 Brilliant green 6 B 1,210 112 499 Diamond green G F Brilliant green Z 159 495 Malachite green crystals 320 1,000 2 043 660 Methylene green 220 5,587 220 660 660 5,587 114 283 BROWN. 114 1,102 2,300 i;ooo 224 300 Bismarek brown FR extra 1 102 681 BLACK. 2 300 Basic jet black APX i'ooo '224 Leather black BO 300 ACID COLORS. Total 991,157 1,073,269 197,189 i 2,440 2,264,055 YELLOW. Azoflavine 3 R extra, 135 per cent 140 670 1,052 761 670 • 140 1,052 761 140 Brilliant yellow S 140 660 7,210 3,340 1,000 15,217 660 140 7,210 3,340 1 000 141 141 141 15,217 505- 141 505 834 142 834 613 25,000 33,990 25,000 49,350 613 Chinoiine yellow 15,360 37556—21- 18 COAL-TAB DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. 613 613 ACID COLORS— Continued. yellow— continued . 600 585 170 551 275 3,000 600 585 613 170 613 613 551 275 3,000 2,645 300 586 2,645 300 932 441 278 932 441 278 19 25,082 25,082 1,000 19 1,000 2,350 19,700 5 19 Fast light yellow 2 G 8,450 10,800 19 19,700 5 1,100 1,100 137 2,332 6,051 5 3,000 25 2,332 6,051 5 137 2() 3,000 25 2,340 2,340 15,500 8,339 500 134 15,500 7, 139 500 105 300 10 1,600 6,198 16,812 127 134 1,200 105 300 Silk yellow DN 10 1,600 23 106, 240 3,S50 116,288 16,812 725 23 585 22 83,596 83,723 22 5,840 9 22 9 145 ORANGE. 50 50 145 2,250 374 2,250 374 79 500 38 4,000 4,000 11,267 1,323 253 38 11,267 1,323 253 408 105 2,116 2,425 5,550 1,723 2,205 500 100 200 200 363 200 100 200 100 242 9,900 726 144 K 408 Orange EN 105 139 •Orange G S. 2,116 2,425 5,770 1,723 139 Orange GS, 150 per cent 139 220 139 76 2,205 500 RED. 100 581 200 581 200 227 363 227 Brilliant croceine BX 200 227 100 227 2,200 200 227 Cotton scarlet extra 100 Brilliant scarlet PBT 242 9,900 726 Brilliant scarlet RN Coomassie scarlet 4,480 4,480 100 225 Croceine AZ 100 100 450 249 100 167 Croceine scarlet 3 BX 450 COAL-TAR DYES. 19 m.i; No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 255 ACID COLORS— Continued. red— continued. 100 500 500 740 1,100 500 375 250 1,000 200 2,204 1,186 2, 756 200 1,600 50 220 220 4,409 100 100 255 500 500 247 740 247 1,100 247 500 17-') 375 250 83 Scarlet 3 R 1,000 200 83 Scarlet 4 R 83 2,204 1,186 Scarlet Z. 2,756 200 Acetyl red BB 400 1,600 400 50 524 220 524 220 524 4,409 100 Acid milling red 110 110 293 10, 108 50 2,500 120 2 882 2,315 6,666 1,200 525 500 1,525 100 5,500 3,300 300 5,100 6,600 2.50 3,337 220 2,720 800 10, 108 50 2,500 5,000 5,120 2 168 882 168 Amaranth DE 2,315 108 Azo acid rubine 2 B cone, 160 percent 6,666 1,200 525 500 1,525 355 200 300 5,500 3,300 673 300 672 5,100 65 6,600 65 250 3,337 147 220 146 2,720 800 18,200 18,200 Azoorseille KWS 205 205 1,000 600 3,300 1,370 1,000 600 3,300 103 2,200 1,100 3,570 1,100 163 163 882 882 163 1,000 6,720 1,000 163 6,720 441 100 165 100 441 66 100 165 100 182 3,090 3,090 57 236 231 551 550 55 50 300 331 800 551 Cloth red 2 B, 133 per cent . . . ::::::::::i:: 550 Cloth red 3 B, extra . . 55 50 •*: ; 300 113 Crystal Ponceau 6 R 331 100 800 11,257 10, 912 7,027 11,257 10, 912 42 7,027 5 5 Fast red A 330 2,200 100 300 75 330 2,200 100 64 300 64 Lanafuchsin 6 B 75 20 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. ACID COLORS— Continued. bed— continued. 100 5 400 1,598 100 5 Milling red 4 RC 400 1,598 11, 216 11, 216 1,000 441 1,091 1,918 400 200 20 1,000 441 1,091 82 673 674 675 1, 918 400 200 20 500 661 500 661 5,500 1,535 5,500 1,536 297 297 112 275 9,480 6,600 110 3,139 50 50 275 112 112 9, 480 6,600- 112 110 3,439 50 VIOLET. 50 110 10O Acid violet BE no- 10,200 10 861 783 810 lo, 200 Acid violet 3 BN 10 861 78a 530 810 530 Acid violet 4 BS 1, 320 1,320 Acid violet 4 BLO 300 200 100 84 '.'.".'.'." 300 Acid violet 4 BLOS 200 527 2,250 2,350 527 Acid violet 6 B 84 Acid violet 4 BNS 43,100 50 250 21, 230 43, 100 Acid violet 5 BN 50 561 Acid violet 5 BNS 250 548 Acid violet 6BN 1,700 200 1,000 250 5 50 100 1,000 700 77 20 20 300 50 100 22, 930 548 Acid violet 6 BNO 200 Acid violet 6 BNONY 1,000 Acid violet 6 BO 250 Acid violet 6 BS. . 5 534 Acid violet 7 B 50 Acid violet 8 B extra 100 Acid violet PW 1,000 Acid violet R 700 n\ Acid violet 4 R 2G 20C Acid violet 4 RNOO 2C 30C Alkali violet 6 BO 5f Azo wool violet 7 R 10C Erio violet B C 4.910 2,141 4,91C Erio violet RL supra 2,141 528 Fast acid violet 10 B . . . 27, 795 27,79; 528 Kiton fast violet 10 B 2,175 | 2, 17. c 582 East acid violet A 2 R 175 2,280 5,500 2,438 Ml 582 Fast acid violet R ; 2,28( 582 Fast acid violet RGE . . 5,5(X 582 Violamine R 2,43* 182 Fast sulfon violet 5BS 10, 100 110 10,1(X Fast sulfon violet 8 B IK Formyl violet 10 B 100 1,100 1,600 1 1(K Guinea fast violet 10 B . . . 1.101 Guinea violet 4 B 1,60( Kiton fast violet 12 B 200 20( 186 441 44 61 Victoria violet 4 B S 11,761 11,76 580 Violamine B 500 .1 500 .::::::::: 57 584 Violamine 3 B 501 Wool fast violet B ;l 50 COAL-TAR DYES. 21 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for vihich import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England.! Allother. Total. ACID COLORS— Continued. BLUE. 500 220 1,000 500 220 Acid blue OO 1,000 Acid blue R 1,800 1,800 Acid blue RBF.. 10,000 10,000 543 704 1,000 704 543 1,000 S 13 Kiton blue V 10,000 10,000 543 1,927 2,520 5,000 22, 557 1,605 548 12,420 1,000 2,000 1,927 543 Neptune blue BGX 2,520 543 5,000 543 Patent blue V 200 22, 757 543 Tetracvauol V 1,605 Acid brilliant blue A 548 Acid cyanine BF 12,420 1,000 2,000 877 125 125 877 4,400 63,400 1,000 500 500 500 3,000 4,000 230 15,000 165 7,400 2,000 200 200 10 225 262 1,078 4,400 536 Alkali blue 63,400 536 Alkali blue 2 B 1,000 536 Alkali blue R 500 536 500 Alkali blue 3 B... 500 Alkali blue 4 BE 3,000 Alkali blue5BKR... 4,000 Alkali blue6B 230 15,000 Alkali blue IT 165 Alkali blue 3 RG 7,400 Alkali blue 20 LX, new 2,000 200 Alkali blue No. 72 . 200 Nicholson blue 2 B. 10 225 5 Anthracyanine 3 FL 262 1,078 63 Azo acid blue B 14,450 14,450 539 Blue cone 1,100 1,000 1,000 900 1,100 1,302 165 1,100 .^9 Blue BNOO, Oehler's . 1,000 539 Blue BT 5 B 1,000 539 Blue T-5 B-OO 90C 539 1,10C 539 1,302 539 Silk blue. 165 539 Soluble blue 2 R 150 15C Soluble blue 3 R, 130 per cent 1,782 1,311 200 650 800 4,350 63,911 6,100 7,000 551 1,500 100 4,030 10 1,650 150 1,650 500 250 2,000 500 2,000 100 200 825 750 200 1,785 Soluble, blue 3 R, 160 per cent 1,311 Blue FS 20C 545 65C 545 Indigo acid blue A SOC 545 4,35C 545 710 64, 621 6, IOC Brilliant acid blue FF 7,00C 551 538 Brilliant cotton blue N extra, greenish 1,50C 538 IOC 4.03C Brilliant silk blue 10 B.. 1C 562 1,65C 562 15C 562 Brilliant wool blue FFR 1.65C 562 Fast acid blue 50C 562 25C 562 2,00C 562 Fast acid blue FS 50C 562 Fast acid blue SS or O 2,00C 562 10C 562 20C 562 82c 562 75C Chargee blue OB 20C Cloth fast blue R 25,000 25,00C 188 Coomassie acid blue R 5,600 5.60C 22 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for ivhich import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 188 ACID COLORS— Continued. blue — continued. 3, 016 3,016 257 102, 500 102, 500 257 100 415 1,061 551 4,300 17, 750 11, 745 270 100 257 415 257 10,000 11,061 538 551 544 4, 300 546 17, 759 546 Cyanole FF 11, 745 270 546 1,000 32,466 1,000 531 32,466 2,000 2,000 2,609 200 4,300 662 3,200 1,000 1,100 300 187 1,000 1, 573 3,527 300 100 500 1,190 2,000 5 25 250 2 506 17, 493 20,093 200 506 506 4,300 506 662 506 3,200 1,000 1,100 Fast felt blue 300 Fast light blue B 187 1,000 1,573 3, 527 300 Gloria blue FB 100 500 1,190 187 2,000 537 5 537 25 537 250 537 1, 542 2,425 1,542 2,425 693 iio 300 100 2,200 110 300 692 100 692 2,200 Navv blue BW 300 300 Navy blue KWSG. . 500 205 1,000 500 Navy blue KWSR... 205 1,000 440 250 690 Patent blue AGL 200 1,000 675 60 500 300 100 200 33,000 500 100 100 100 100 10,000 1,500 200 1,825 750 1,400 200 Patent blue AS . . . 1,000 Patent blue B 675 60 Patent blue BP 500 30Q Patent blue GA 100 Patent blue S . 200 33,000 500 Straw blue G 100 Tolyl blue 6 B 100 Tolyl blue RR 100 665 100 10,000 1,500 565 Wool blue B 200 565 Wool blue 2 B . . . 1,825 565 Wool blue 5 B . . . 750 565 1,400 Wool blue RL 22,709 22, 708 Wool blue S, 333 per cent 1,485 2,000 5,740 500 1,48£ 2,00C Wool fast blue BL... 5,74C Wool fast blue GL . . . 50C Xylene blue 1,100 2,700 50 46, 735 80, 105 1,10C Xvlene blue A 2,70C ' 5C 508 46, 73c 507 Xylene blue VS 1,000 81, W, * This is the way the dye was allocated as coming from source consumer requested. COAL-TAR DYES. 23 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. 504 ACID COLORS— Continued. GREEN. 2,500 1,433 300 2,500 504 1,433 504 300 505 1,333 1,333 505 5.50 505 3,075 220 600 5,400 500 550 505 505 505 3,075 505 220 505 600 505 5,400 505 Light green SFXX 500 245 245 1,000 1,000 400 3,500 231 1,000 Alkali fast green 3 B 1,000 400 3,500 231 7,598 10,200 7,598 503 10,200 503 6,027 3, 030 2,310 3,410 7,700 6,027 503 3,030 503 2,310 503 3,410 566 7,700 566 13,540 13,540 566 6, .595 5,070 6,595 566 279,689 566 5,070 566 29,782 29,782 3,000 3,000 564 3,307 39, 819 10,000 3,307 564 39, 819 564 10,000 564 5,601 2,400 1,200 1,100 8. 750 1,810 1,500 3 1,000 5,601 564 2,400 1,200 523 1,100 523 8,750 1, 810 1,500 3 1,000 4 500 500 1,000 2,100 1,000 2,100 212 BROWN. 440 440 441 441 286 1,900 100 286 Bayer's brown No. 4 1,900 100 60 60 211 4,741 441 2,200 440 331 500 211 4,741 213 244 441 107 2,200 440 217 BLACK. 331 217 Naphthaline black 12 B . 5,500 5,500 217 Naphthol blue black 6 B . 840 2,200 1,100 3,307 840 Acid black 4 BD 2,200 Acid black 6 BA 1,100 Acid black D 3, 307 1,102 22.5 225 5,953 5,953 3,000 6, .500 1,825 1,320 2,700 3,000 6,500 1,825 1,320 Azo acid black B • 2,700 24 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. ACID COLORS— Continued. black— continued. Blue-black solide 9,400 9,400 6,720 6,480 6,720 6,480 400 Coomassie fast black B W Gloria black N 400 5,000 2,205 7,249 2,000 6,646 3,600 20,300 5 5,000 2,205 Naphthol blue-black M Naphthylamine black 4 B 7,249 2,000 6,646 Naphthylamine blue-black Naphthylamine blue- black 5 B 3,600 20,300 5 Nerol 2 B Neutral wool black B Nigrosine BS 5 5 700 Nigrosine J 250 250 Nigrosine XXX 5 5 265 Sulphon cyanine black B 2,400 2,200 2,200 3,000 10,000 2,200 2,400 2,200 2,200 3,000 10,000 2,200 Wool black 6 BA Wool black D extra, 100 per cent. . . Wool black G R Wool black GRT Wool black 3 R ACID COLORS WHICH ARE TRUE ALIZARINES. Total 144,248 4,000 1,345 149,593 RED. Alizarine rubinole 650 1,140 100 7,100 30 50 1,200 750 8,850 50 25,956 425 7,000 650 Alizarine rubinole 3 G 1,140 Alizarine rubinole 5 G 100 Alizarine rubinole R 7,100 30 852 VIOLET. Alizarine blue JR (violet) 852 Alizarine direct violet R 50 852 Alizarine irisole R 1,200 853 Anthraquinone violet R 750 856 BLUE. 8,850 50 856 Alizarine astrol G 858 Alizarine saphirol B 4,000 500 30,456 425 858 Alizarine saphirol B powder 858 Alizarine saphirol SE 13,056 Alizarine blue SAWSA 7,000 100 100 851 Alizarine cyanole B 200 400 200 851 Alizarine direct blue B 400 Alizarine delphinol B 250 130 160 250 Alizarine delphinol BS 130 Alizarine delphinol SE 160 Alizarine direct blue E 1,200 130 500 1,200 50 250 12, 262 25 10 3,300 1,500 3,000 610 500 10 4,270 1,200 Alizarine direct blue EB 130 Alizarine direct blue EE 500 Alizarine direct blue ESB 1,200 50 Alizarine direct blue SR Alizarine saphirol, SD 250 855 Alizarine sky blue, B . . . 12,262 25 Alizarine sky blue, 3 R . . . Brilliant anthrazurol 10 860 Cyananthrol BGA 3,300 860 Cyananthrol BGA cone 1,500 860 Cyananthrol 3 GO 3,000 859 Cyananthrol R 610 859 Cyananthrol RB 500 859 Cyananthrol RBX 10 859 Cyananthrol RXO 4,270 Durasol acid blue B 205 205 865 GREEN. Alizarine cvanine green 360 436 14, 334 7,316 14, 108 450 360 865 Alizarine cyanine green extra 436 865 Alizarine cyanine green CE 14,334 7,316 14, 108 865 Alizarine cyanine green CG 865 Alizarine cyanine green CG, extra 865 Alizarine cyanine green CG, powder 450 COAL-TAR DYES. 25 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. 865 ACID COLORS WHICH ARE TRUE ALIZARINE— Continued. green— continued . Alizarine cyanine green CG, extra powder.. 500 688 1,000 3,310 396 1,720 144 312 1,700 100 150 500 100 250 50 550 500 865 688 865 Alizarine cyanine green G 1,000 3,310 865 865 396 865 Alizarine cyanine green G, extra powder 1,720 865 144 865 312 865 1,700 865 100 1.50 500 863 100 864 250 864 50 Brilliant alizarine green 205 per cent ALIZARINE COLORS. Total 550 412,479 13.891 207,372 256,000 889,742 YELLOW. 770 450 160 450 773 100 772 25 25 778 RED. Alizarine IP, 20 per cent, paste... 6,000 ■*250,*666" 6,000 11,200 778 Alizarine red 11,200 81,000 778 Alizarine red, 20 per cent, paste 331,000 12,000 3,775 150 780 12,000 3,775 150 3,752 1,000 50 5,675 1,000 4,300 200 780 Alizarine red I WS. . . 780 Alizarine red IWS, powder. 780 2,500 6,252 780 1,000 50 780 Alizarine red SK . .. 780 Alizarine red W 5,675 1,000 4,300 780 Alizarine red W, powder .. 780 Alizarine red WS 786 Alizarine red G 200 784 Alizarine red SX 2,240 2,500 10,500 2,240 2,500 10,500 200 785 Alizarine red SY P, paste 785 Alizarine red YCA 797 200 1,500 20 100 1,400 500 100 100 50 1,500 200 798 Alizarine, maroon paste, 10 per cent 1,500 20 Alizarine, claret R . . . 100 1,400 500 VTOLET. 100 790 BLUE. Acid alizarine blue BB 100 800 50 803 1,500 200 803 Alizarine blue AS 803 Alizarine blue WG . . 48,000 48,000 2,000 1,000 2,400 10,000 803 Alizarine blue WX, 20 per cent, paste Alizarine blue BB A 2,000 1,000 2,400 10,000 600 788 Alizarine blue CWRB 788 Alizarine blue CWRR 788 600 788 2,500 14,000 9,900 2,500 14,000 38,800 804 4,000 4,000 600 24,900 858 Alizarine blue SAE 4,000 1,500 25 858 900 799 Alizarine blue C 2 G powder 25* 500 799 Alizarine cyanine 3 6. 500 37556—21- AL-TAE DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, ivith country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 799 ALIZARINE COLORS— Continued blue— continued. 2,500 2,500 11,200 2,240 1,700 850 11,200 2,240 1,700 850 3,000 300 400 234,000 500 1,200 1,510 2,500 1,250 7,500 2,400 8,000 25 3,000 1,200 3,000 422 500 5,000 2,000 50 1,400 Anthracene blue SWGG 3,000 300 801 400 789 234,000 500 GEEEN. 805 1,200 808 1,510 808 2,500 1,250 7,500 2,400 8,000 25 808 ■808 808 808 ■854 854 3,000 1,200 3,000 422 854 Alizarine viridine FF, 40 per cent, paste. . . 854 782 BROWN. 782 500 782 5,000 2,000 50 782 782 782 1,400 5,291 2,000 5,712 4,480 782 5,291 782 2,000 5,712 4,480 774 BLACK. 2,500 12,000 2,000 25,500 650 1,750 800 2,500 12,000 2,000 25,500 650 774 807 862 862 1,750 800 CHROME COLORS. Total • 217,027 652,690 76,438 946, 155 YELLOW. 58 320 320 58 Terracotta RRN. 881 20 881 294 440 150 360 7,305 2,500 12, 107 1,300 1,102 250 100 300 300 441 416 460 294 150 294 360 Chrome yellow BN 5 7,310 177 2,500 177 12, 107 1,300 1,102 250 177 202 BED. 100 355 Anthracene acid red 3B 300 Anthracene chrome red A 300 441 Chrome carmine Z 416 Chromorhodine 220 220 Diadem chrome red BR 25 25 Eriochrome red PEI 8,708 :::::::::: 8,708 COAL-TAR DYES. 27 No. 2. origin and quant ■Foreign dyes for ivkich import licenses were granted, with country of nd quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. CHROME COLORS— Continued. bed— continued. 2,270 660 2,270 660 50 1,698 50 1,698 1,200 250 1,200 VIOLET. 250 100 100 100 100 Eriochrome violet B 25,804 5,090 25,804 5,090 220 626 220 20 75 50 599 20 -599 Galleine W, paste 75 K Gallo violet D.. 50 635 Moderne violet 7,230 8,762 7,230 Ultra violet MO 8,762 BLUE. 2,205 2,205 Alizarine acid blue 25 25 Alizarine blue OCB 1,100 2,200 2,000 1,100 Alizarine blue OCR 2,200 Alazarine blue OCR Dbl cone 2,000 Anthracene chromate blue MRB 50 50 Anthracene chrome blue 62 62 Anthracene chrome blue F 500 500 627 Anthracyanine S, powder 660 11 660 ^27 Anthracyanine SR 11 Anthracyl blue BT 165 3,454 5,500 165 3,454 5,500 500 500 1,000 2,300 6,000 73, 453 992 6,600 5,604 2,220 Brilliant chrome blue BS 1,000 2,300 6,000 Brilliant chrome blue P 622 Brilliant delphine blue 622 Brilliant delphine blue BS 73,^53 9 9 2 622 Brilliant delphine blue VS 622 Delphine blue 20 6,620 5604 2 220 622 Delphine blue BS Chromazurine G 554 Chromazurol S 2,000 2,000 441 -554 441 Chrome blue B S 1,500 8,790 1,808 1,500 Chrome blue FB 8,790 1 808 163 Chrome blue R Chrome brilliant blue G 3,086 1,500 3 086 1,^00 631 Chromocvanine B, paste 631 Rhineblue cone 440 440 Chromephenine FKN 1,220 2,000 1,220 Chrome fast cyanine G 2,000 6, 7 20 181 Erachrome dark blue B 6,720 Erio alizarin blue G 4,410 220 4 410 551 Eriochrome azurol 220 551 Eriochrome azurol B 2,000 2,000 8 893 551 Eriochrome azurol BX 8,893 8,818 Eriochrome azurol SXT 8 .818 553 Eriochrome cyanine RC 3,080 600 100 3 ,°80 Fast Mordant blue B 600 Fast Mordant blue BC loo 637 Gallamine blue extra paste 52,096 2,000 3,000 52,0% 599 Gallein 2,000 Gallein JRG paste 3,000 Gallein L paste 5,600 5 OOO 626 Gallocyanine paste 73,084 73,084 Gallopnenine P 2,000 2,250 2 000 Gallophenine R paste 2 250 1,500 17,252 660 633 Indahzarine J paste 1,500 17,252 660 2,382 882 110 1 667 Indochromine T Omega chrome cyanine R 642 Phenocyanine R paste 2,100 3,000 4,482 3,882 110 642 Phenocyanine VS paste 643 Phenocyanine TV 28 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. CHROME COLORS— Continued. GREEN. 5,000 5.000 91 2,209 1,100 2', 209 91 Anthracyl chrome green A, 150 per cent 1,100 22,400 21,720 22, 400 21, 720 600 660 2,000 1,194 660 600 2,000 601 1,194 601 913 2,000 913 601 2,000 6,720 6,720 276 800 300 100 800 276 300 276 100 260 991 4,200 991 4,200 221 BROWN. 2,800 550 319 440 5,500 2,800 550 319 440 5,500 4,077 4,077 551 551 80 4,480 4,480 50 100 50 100 1,483 100 1,48 10G 3,300 4,200 18,600 2,100 3,300 4,200 18,600 2,100 Oxychrome brown VN 661 1,000 650 1,700 3,000 661 1,000 BLACK. Acid alizarine gray 650 Acid alizarine gray G 1,700 Alizarine acid gray B 3,000 1,000 1,000 2,400 4,000 40,000 36,000 1,600 100 2,544 484 660 500 500 75 1,500 300 1,000 2,400 4,000 159 40,000 288 Acid alizarine black SE 36,000 Acid alizarine black SET 1,600 Acid alizarine blue black 100 Acid chrome black 2,544 Alkali chrome black B 484 Alkali chrome black D 660 Anthracene blue black C 500 500 185 75 185 1,500 185 Anthracene chrome black F 300 185 Anthracene chrome black PF extra Cheshire chrome black R 1,000 6,820 6,820 Chrome black 341 3,630 4,410 4,400 2,200 1,102 10,242 '341 Chrome black G 3,630 Chrome black K 4,410 Chrome black PON 4,400 275 Chrome fast black F 2,200 275 Diamond black F cone 1,102 275 Diamond black FB 10,242 275 Era black J 120 120 157 Chrome fast black P V 2,200 600 2,200 157 Diamond black PV 600 181 Chrome fast black PWRL 2,500 10,000 87,276 87,201 69,290 2,500 181 Eriochrome blue black R 10,000 184 Eriochrome black A 87, 276 183 Eriochrome black T 87,201 180 Eriochrome blue black BC 69,290 Mersey black B 100 100 Metacnrome blue black B 100 100 COAL-TAR DYES. 29 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, viith country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- . land. England. Allother. Total. VAT COLORS. Total 1,021,378 863,798 32,046 1,917,222 YELLOW. Algol yellow WF powder 814 600 20 1,075 900 50 500 1,800 360 400 • 600 814 Algol yellow WG powder 20 817 817 817 759 759 759 890 890 795 795 795 ► ■ 810 810 810 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 Algol yellow R 1,075 Algol yellow R powder 900 Algol yellow R paste 50 Algol yellow S paste 500 Anthraflavone G 1,800 360 Anthraflavone G paste Anthraflovone G, 20 pel cent, paste Ciba yellow G powder 400 1,850 3,000 444 100 87,500 1,850 Ciba yellow G, 10 per cent, paste 3,000 Cibanone yellow paste 444 Cibanone yellow R powder 100 Cibanone yellow R, 10 per cent, paste. 87,500 Helindone yellow 2 G 275 925 2,500 450 17,870 200 30, 824 1,500 19,750 455 25 5,000 275 925 Helindone yellow 3 GN paste 2,500 Helindone yellow 3 GN, 20 per cent, paste . Indan throne yellow G 450 17,870 200 Indanthrene yellow G powder Indanthrene yellow G paste 30, 824 Indanthrene yellow G extra paste... 1,500 Indanthrene yellow G, 20 per cent, paste... Indanthrene vellow R powder 19,750 455 Indanthrene yellow R paste 25 Indanthrene yellow R, 12 per cent, paste. . . Chloranthrene yellow G 5,000 60 100 5 5 60 Duranthrene yellow, 10 per cent, paste 100 Hydranthrene yellow AG 5 Hydranthrene yellow AR 5 Thioindigo yellow 3 GN paste 2,000 850 100 200 2,000 822 ORANGE. Algol brilliant orange FR 850 822 824 824 792 835 913 913 913 913 914 914 760 760 760 Algol brilliant orange FR powder. . 100 Algol orange R powder 200 Algol orange R paste 220 220 Cibanone orange R. 10 per cent, paste. . 2,800 2,800 Helindone orange 20 per cent, paste 10 600 325 1,720 255 25 250 1,425 200 2,600 9,000 3, 025 100 6,670 8,500 4,200 2, 310 10,700 2,300 25 20 50 400 400 700 300 200 950 10 Helindone orange R 600 Helindone orange R powder 325 Helindone orange R paste 1,720 Helindone orange R, 20 per cent, paste Helindone orange D powder 255 25 Helindone orange D paste 250 Indanthrene golden orange G... 1,425 Indanthrene golden orange G powder Indanthrene golden orange G paste 200 2,600 760 Indanthrene golden orange G, 20 per cent, 9,000 761 3,025 761 Indanthrene golden orange R powder Indanthrene golden orange R paste 100 761 6,670 761 Indanthrene golden orange R, 20 per cent, paste 8,500 Indanthrene golden orange RR, 20 per cent, paste 4,200 Indanthrene golden orange RRT.. . 2,310 Indanthrene golden orange RRT paste Indanthrene golden orange RRT, 20 per cent, paste , 10,700 2,300 812 812 Indanthrene orange RT. . . 25 Indanthrene orange RT powder 20 812 Indanthrene orange RT paste. 50 Indanthrene orange RRT . . . 400 Indanthrene orange RRT paste. .. 400 913 Thioindigo orange, R paste 700 870 RED. Algol corinth R 300 870 Algol corinth R powder 200 818 Algol pink R powder 950 30 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920— Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 818 VAT COLORS— Continued. red — continued. 600 200 375 200 650 810 800 2,000 100 50 2, 475 4, 900 300 1,000 300 50 600 815 200 815 375 819 Algol brilliant red 1840 200 819 Algol brilliant red 2 B i 650 819 810 819 800 819 AlgolredFF.. 2,000 819 100 819 50 819 2,475 4,900 825 Algol red B Algol red 2 B . 300 816 Algol red 5 G . . , 1,000 816 i 300 829 " 50 907 55 5,000 500 300 62, 600 22 1,440 30, 500 55 2,465 35, 750 55 907 5,000 500 907 907 300 907 62, 600 9C9 22 906 1,440 906 30,500 908 55 919 2,465 919 i 35,750 5,960 910 Helindone pink AN. . . ; 5,960 8,100 160 3,700 2,485 1,800 120 5, 030 200 7,100 2,500 1,100 11,100 5,000 750 3,000 625 2,000 1,300 50 1,500 45 1,400 225 200 85 1, 030 1,150 1.200 100 3,400 20 6,200 5,500 4,260 3,750 2,000 750 400 25 50 50 120 2,625 1,000 2, 000 50 3,000 910 8,100 910 Helindone pink AN, 10 per cent, paste . Helindone pink AN, 20 per cent, paste Helindone pink BN 160 910 3,700 910 2,485 910 1,800 910 Helindone pink BN, 10 per cent, paste Helindone pink BN, 20 per cent, paste Thioindigo rose AN 120 910 ! 5, 030 910 200 910 Thioindigo rose AN paste ::::::;::: ::::::*■ 7,100 910 Thioindigo rose AN, 20 per cent, paste Thioindigo rose BN 2,500 910 1,100 910 Thioindigo rose BN paste 11,100 910 Thioindigo rose BN, 20 per cent, paste Helindone fast scarlet C 5,000 907 750 907 Helindone fast scarlet C paste 3,000 915 625 915 Helindone fast scarlet R paste 2,000 915 Helindone fast scarlet R, 20 per cent, paste. Helindone scarlet G 1,300 50 Helindone scarlet R paste 1,500 916 Helindone scarlet S powder. . . 45 916 Helindone scarlet S paste 1,400 916 Helindone scarlet S, 20 per cent, paste Thioindigo scarlet S paste 225 916 200 917 Helindone red B 85 917 Helindone red B powder. . 1,030 917 Helindone red B paste 1, 150 917 Helindone red B, 20 per cent, paste Helindon e red 2 B powder . 1,200 100 918 Helindone red 3 B 3,400 918 Helindone red 3 B powder' 20 918 Helindone red 3 B paste. . 6,2O0 918 Helindone red 3 B, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene pink B 5,500 4,260 Indanthrene pink B paste.. . 3, 750 Indanthrene pink B, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene pink H 21 2,000 750 Indanthrene pink H 25 paste 400 762 Indanthrene scarlet G.. 25 762 Indanthrene scarlet G powder 50 845 Indanthrene maroon R paste 50 831 Indanthrene red B N . . 120 831 Indanthrene red BN extra. 2,625 831 Indanthrene red BN paste 1,000 831 Indanthrene red BN, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene red extra paste. . . 2,000 831 50 831 Indanthrene red extra, 20 per cent, paste. . . 3,000 COAL-TAR DYES. 31 No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. VAT.COLORS— Continued. red — continued. Ohloranthrene red 5 G... 65 65 830 1,050 10 570 660 1,500 1,050 830 10 828 Indanthrene clarei B paste. 570 827 [ndanthrene claret B extra.. 660 827 [ndanthrene claret B extra paste 1,500 905 Durindone scarlet R 1,200 2,000 450 340 1,200 905 Durindone scarlet R paste - 2,000 905 Durindone scarlet R, 20 per cent paste 450 912 Durindone red B paste. 340 912 Thioindigo red B paste 2,000 2,000 917 Durindone red N, 20 per cent, paste 120 120 VIOLET. Algol brilliant violet B powder. 25 200 995 2,200 1,885 7,850 .... 25 821 Algol brilliant violet 2 B . . . 200 821 Algol brilliant violet 2 B powder . . 995 820 Algol brilliant violet R. 2,200 820 Algol brilliant violet R powder . 1,885 820 Algol brilliant violet, R paste 7,850 901 Ciba violet B powder 13,655 83, 800 12,625 79, 650 110 13,655 901 dba violet B, 10 per cent, paste. . . 83,890 901 Ciba violet R powder 12,625 901 Ciba violet R, 10 per cent, paste. . . 79,650 901 Ciba violet paste 110 920 Helindone violet B 100 100 3, 750 2,400 950 260 1, 050 470 3,225 4,000 100 920 Helindone violet B powder 100 920 Helindone violet B paste 3,750 920 Helindone violet B, 20 per cent, paste Helindone violet 2 B 2,400 920 950 920 Helindone violet 2 B powder 260 920 Helindone violet 2 B paste 500 920 Helindone violet R 1,050 920 Helindone violet R powder 470 920 Helindone violet R paste 3,225 920 Helindone violet R, 20 per cent, paste H vdranthrene violet paste 4,000 5 5 H vdron violet paste 200 310 20 50 100 500 3,000 820 50 1,560 900 7,100 11,250 20,946 1,000 11,500 635 300 100 2,200 450 2,035 1,500 100 300 75 200 Indanthrene red violet 310 Indanthrene red violet RRN powder Indanthrene red violet RRN extra paste. . . Indanthrene red violet RRN, 20 per cent, paste 20 50 100 Indanthrene violet BN paste 500 Indanthrene violet BN extra paste. . . 3,000 286 Indanthrene violet R extra 820 768 Indanthrene violet R extra powder Indanthrene violet RN extra 50 832 l,o60 832 Indanthrene violet RN extra paste 900 832 Indanthrene violet RN extra, 20 per cent, paste 7,100 767 Indanthrene violet RR extra 11,250 767 Indanthrene violet RR extra paste 20,946 767 Indanthrene violet RR extra, 8 per cent, A 1,000 767 Indanthrene violet RR extra, 20 per cent, paste 11,500 767 Indanthrene violet RR extra powder Thioindigo violet B 635 300 Thioindigo violet It 100 Thioindigo violet 2 R paste 2,200 844 BLTTO. Algol blue 3 450 844 Algol blue 3 G powder 2,035 844 Algol blue 3 G paste 1,500 839 Algol blue K 100 839 Algol blue K powder 300 839 Algol blue K paste 75 821 VI col blue 3 R oowder 600 880 Ciba blue powder 121,480 173,000 100 2 881 Ciba blue 2 B oowder 121,480 881 Ciba blue 2 BD, 16 percent, paste 173,000 882 Ciba blue O 100 32 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for ivhich import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. 880 VAT COLORS— Continued. blue — continued. Helindone blue 2 B 250 80 170 825 975 105,450 300 5,000 8,900 2,500 317 250 80 896 Helindone blue 3 ON 170 896 S25 Helindone blue 3 R, 20 per cent, paste 975 748 105 450 748 748 748 748 748 748 748 843 843 843 842 842 842 842 * 300 5,000 Hydron blue Q-, 20 per cent, paste 8,900 2,500 317 Carbindol blue R 11,200 7,000 11,200 7,000 100 300 25 249,975 3,526 73,650 200 39,600 100 Indanthrene blue GC powder 300 Indanthreneblue GO paste 25 249, 975 Indanthrene blue GCD powder 3,526 Indan threne blue GCD paste 73,650 Indanthreno blue <^CD. 10 Der cent, naste.. 200 842 Tndaiithrone blue GCD. 20 ner cent, oaste. . 39,600 842 842 £41 841 841 840 840 838 838 838 838 838 838 850 763 763 763 Caledon blue R 200 100 200 Duranthrcne blue CC, 10 per cent, paste 100 Indanthreno blue 2 GS L 900 600 2,000 50 500 50 2,000 1,000 500 4,C50 2,000 900 Indanthreneblue 2 GSL powder 600 Indanthrene blue 2 GSL paste 2,000 50 Indanthrene blue 3 G, 8 per cent, paste 500 50 Indanthrene blue RS 6 2,006 Indanthrcne blue RS cone 1,000 Indanthrene blue RS powder 500 Indanthreneblue RS paste 4,050 Indanthrene blue RS, 20 per cent, paste — Duranthrene blue RS, 10 per cent, paste. . . 2,000 120 120 1,610 910 10 1,400 4,500 1,510 Indanthrene dark blue RO 910 Indanthrene dark blue RO powder 10 Indanthrene dark blue BO naste 1,400 763 Indanthreno dark blue BO, 20 per cent, 4 500 763 Hydranthrene dark blue paste 5 5 Indanthrene Navy blue B naste 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,500 800 1,000 3,200 4,000 500 1,000 100 1,000 894 894 893 893 Alizarine indigo B paste. Alizarine indigo 2 B 100 1,200 Alizarine indigo G 1,200 1 500 893 Alizarine indigo G, 20 per cent, paste . 800 895 1,000 895 Alizarine indigo 3 R paste 3,200 885 Brilliant indieo B. 20 ner cent, naste 4,000 887 Brilliant indieo 4 G. 20 ner cent, naste 500 Brilliant indigo N 1,000 881 Bromindigo FB paste 100 881 Durindone blue 4 B paste 2,300 6S0 2,300 881 Durindone blue 4 B, 20 per cent, paste 680 881 Indigo KB paste 100 1,000 950 1,000 100 881 Indigo MLB/4 B 1,000 880 Indigo blue MLB/2 B 950 880 Indigo blue MLB/2 B powder 1,000 882 Durindone blue 5 B paste 2,300 680 2,300 680 2,300 882 Durindone blue 5 B, 20 per cent, paste 680 883 Durindone blue 6 B paste 2,300 883 Durindone blue 6 B, 20 per cent, paste 680 883 Indigo MLB/6 B 220 75 3,000 500 900 300 750 850 100 220 883 Indigo MLB/6 B powder 75 883 Indigo MLB/6 B, 20 per cent, paste 3,000 GREEN. Algol dark green B powder 500 Algol dark green B, 12 J per cent, paste Algol green B 900 847 300 847 Algol green B powder 750 833 Algol olive R 850 833 Algol olive R powder 100 COAL-TAR DYES. 33 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands , fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. • Name of dye. • Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. 891 VAT COLORS— Continued. green— continued. 500 30,000 30,250 33,800 50,000 500 30,000 30,250 33,800 50,000 850 370 550 891 892 850 370 550 892 892 791 Helindone green G, 20 per cent, paste 5 5 Indanthrene bleach green B20 percent paste. 200 200 10 400 350 500 3,900 20,000 150 250 400 1,000 1,500 200 200 Indanthrene blue green B paste 10 400 765 350 765 500 765 3,900 20,000 150 765 Indanthrene green B, 20 per cent, paste BROWN. Algol brown B paste 869 Algol brown G powder 250 Algol brown R 400 Algol brown R powder 1,000 1,500 55 Algol brown R paste 868 Cibanone brown B, 20 per cent, paste 55 873 Helindone brown AN paste 1,000 500 1,185 790 3,850 1,100 815 75 2,200 1,000 Helindone brown CR 500 904 Helindone brown G 1,185 904 790 904 Helindone brown G paste 3,850 1,100 815 904 Helindone brown G, 20 per cent, paste Helindone brown 3 GN, 20 per cent, paste.. Helindone brown 2 R 836 902 75 902 Helindone brown 2 R paste 2,200 813 Hydranthrene brilliant copper D 105 5 5 105 813 Hydranthrene brilliant copper R 5 Hydranthrene brown BG paste 5 867 Indanthrene brown B dbl. paste 1,630 100 400 700 2,000 1,000 800 700 100 200 1,630 100 867 Indanthrene brown B* : Indanthrene brown H 20 400 Indanthrene brown H 20 paste 700 Indanthrene brown H 21, 20 per cent, paste. Indanthrene brown RR paste 2,000 1,000 904 Thioindigo brown G paste 800 834 BLACK. Algol gray B paste 700 834 Algol gray 2 B powder 100 834 Algol gray 2 B 200 899 Ciba gray B, 20 per cent, paste 300 300 921 Helindone gray BB, 20 per cent, paste Helindone gray BB . . . , 30 35 500 100 285 500 500 400 1,000 30 921 35 921 Helindone gray BR 500 848 Indanthrene gray B 100 848 Indanthrene gray B, powder 285 848 Indanthrene gray B, paste 500 Indanthrene gray H, 20 500 Indanthrene gray H, 20 paste 400 Helindone black 2 RG 1,000 Hydranthrene black paste 5 5 765 Indanthrene black B. . ; 12, 950 1,000 4,800 150 200 5,400 14,100 21,000 100 600 12, 950 765 Indanthrene black B, powder 1,000 765 Indanthrene black B, paste 4,800 765 Indanthrene black BB 150 765 Indanthrene black BB, powder 200 765 Indanthrene black BB, paste 5,400 765 Indanthrene black BB, dbl. paste 14,100 765 Indanthrene black BB. 40 per cent, paste. . Indanthrene black BB, 40 per cent, dbl. paste 21,000 100 765 Indanthrene black H, 20 600 34 COAL-TAK DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity {pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. SULPHUR COLORS. Total 5, 354 124, 530 462, 370 68 592, 322 YELLOW. 734 6,500 4,000 2,000 3,000 6,500 4,000 13, 189 734 Sulphur vellow (Thionine Isabellina) 11,189 1,000 1,200 11,251 2, 740 36,200 712 Sulphur yellow G 4,000 Sulphur yellow Y 1,200 Thional yellow G 11,251 2,740 36,200 440 198 Thional yellow GR Thional yellow 3 RD ORANGE. Sulphurol orange 440 Thional orange G 12,500 12,500 500 RED. Hydrosulphone prune S 500 200 45, 160 1,000 Sulphur prune 200 Thional corinth R BX 45, 160 1,000 100 Thionone corinth B VIOLET. Immedial purple C 100 450 882 BLUE. Immedial direct blue B 450 Katigen indigo CLGGX 882 726 Pyrogene direct blue RL 1,660 1,660 Sulphur blue 300 300 Sulphur indigo 1,600 1 600 Sulphurol indigo blue cone 418 220 154 418 Sulphurol indigo blue B, cone 220 Sulphurol indigo blue R, cone 154 Sulphur sky blue 7,500 7,500 Thiogene new blue 2 RL 500 500 Thional blue 6 B 3,500 3 500 Thional blue BR 500 500 Thional brilliant blue 6 B 4,100 500 4,100 GREEN. Brilliant sulphur green 2 G 500 Cross dye green B 23,000 6,000 23,000 6 000 Cross dye green 2 G Immedial olive B 200 1,000 200 Katigen sulphur green 2 G 1,000 709 Pyrogen dark green B 4,000 23, 750 220 4,000 709 Pyrogen green 3 G 23, 750 220 Sulphur brilliant green 2 G Sulphur green : 1,400 55 1, 455 Sulphur green B 1, 136 5,000 20,000 34,000 1,136 Sulphur green 2 G 5,000 Thianine brilliant green 2 Y 20,000 Thianine green 2 G 34, 000 16,200 49, 160 11,200 746 Thional brilliant green GG 16,200 Thional brilliant green 4 GX 49, 160 11,200 59,954 Thional green 3 B... Thional green D Y 59, 954 Thional green GG 1, 100. 1,500 1 100 706 BROWN. Cachou de Laval 1 500 Sulphur brown 300 400 '300 Sulphur cutch 400 Sulphurol dark brown 550 440 550 Sulphurol mode brown G 440 747 Thional brown G 40,000 40 000 Thional brown GD 59.640 70,840 59,640 70 840 Thional brown R 721 BLACK. Sulphur black 13 13 . COAL-TAR DYES. 35 Table No. 2— Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin (Bid quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. LAKE COLORS AND COLOR LAKES. Total 199,456 1,500 207,001 18,365 426,322 YELLOW. 28 550 2,100 1,700 1,200 450 451 1,000 121 1,000 11,600 1,500 301 520 550 2,100 1,700 1,200 450 451 1,000 121 1,000 11,600 1 500 28 Hansa yellow G 28 28 Pigment fas! vellow Q powder Lake vellow 8* (' Mars vellow pigment Naples yellow ORANGE. Helio orange RM Lithol fast orange paste 202 RED. Pigment scarlet 3 B 299 Zinnobar scarlet BF 301 520 300 Zinnobar scarlet R cone 8,398 25,950 4,700 Alizarine lake N 25 950 Alizarine madder lake 4,700 17 468 17,468 106 Autol red RLP 500 500 750 11,000 3,630 7,480 1,498 5,000 6,600 2,200 3,300 1,000 200 6,000 5,000 2,000 500 500 30,805 7.7oi 2,000 500 Brilliant heliopurpurine B 500 45 Brilliant lake red R 750 45 Brilliant lake red R paste 11,000 3,630 7 480 Brilliant red FE Brilliant red FE 1,498 5,000 6,600 2,200 3 300 Fast red EDF Fast red EDN « 1 000 '200 6,000 5 000 Helio dark red 6 B 2,000 500 Heliopurpurine 7 BL Helio red M 500 153 Lak e red C paste 30,805 7, 751 132 Lake red P paste Lithol red 3 G 2,000 220 173 Lithol red R 220 152 Lithol rubine powder 1,000 3,200 6,000 500 250 200 1,000 152 Lithol rubine B 3,200 152 Lithol rubine BN 6,000 500 152 152 Lithol rubine (J 250 152 Lithol rubine RG 200 152 Permanent red 200 200 152 Permanent red extra 2,000 1,200 8,000 2,000 1,200 8,000 149,430 1,005 3,481 152 Permanent red extra powder 152 Permanent red R Madder lake 149,324 1,005 106 56 Para red 3,481 Permanent madder red 1,000 1,000 5,830 3,190 2,000 1,200 500 2,300 100 1,610 5,830 3.190 Claret for paint 2,000 Claret red 1,200 Helio Bordeaux B L powder VIOLET. Helio fast violet AL 500 2,300 Helio fast violet RL. . . . 100 Methyl violet 1,610 36 COAL-TAR DYES. Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz No. Name of dye Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. Allother. Total. LAKE COLORS AND COLOR LAKES- Continued. BLUE. 400 400 1,000 100 400 100 1,320 3,000 3,000 1,000 100 Brilliant lake blue FB ... 400' Brilliant lake blue SP 100 1 320 858 3,000 858 3,000 1,500 14,224 383 1,500 14,224 Violet blue L 383 BLACK. Black, pigment 24,577 2,691 24,577 4,679 Lake colors, miscellaneous 1,800 188 SPIRIT AND OIL SOLUBLE COLORS. Total 10,516 1,456 11,972 YELLOW. Aurine 555 1,456 1,456 612 Chinoline yellow cone 50 200 369 77 132 528 271 93 220 55 995 4,961 110 2,230 5 220 50 612 Chinoline yellow extra powder 200 Olesol yellow 369 587 RED. Eosine D 77 587 Eosine Z 132 Olesol carmoisin 528 VIOLET. Methyl violet base R 271 517 Methyl violet 7 B • 93 Methyl violet base 220 Methyl violet 7 B base 55 BLUE. Aniline blue 995 Aniline blue BCBH 4,961 Olesol pure blue 110 559 Victoria blue B base 2,230 559 Victoria blue B pure 698 BLACK. Nigrosine (spirit soluble) 220 DEVELOPERS AND SPECIAL PRODUCTS. 8 Total 14,700 82,634 26,055 123, 389 Developer B 950 25 50 50 700 50 25 550 200 100 3,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 950 Developer Z 25 98 50' Nitrosamine pink extra 50 Fast red G base 700 56 Nitrosamine red paste 50 Bordeaux developer 25 Resorcine 500 26,055 27, 105 923 Ursol A '... 200 923 Ursol4R 100 Dissolving salt B 3,000 GlaucolFF, G, and R.' 5,000 Hydrosulphite cone 34,945 37, 945 1,000 Naphthol AS Paratoluidine 46,000 1,189 46,000 Phenylene diamine 1,189 8 Figures for this class are incomplete. No attempt was made to compile complete returns for developers, and special products. COAL-TAR DYES. 37 Table No. 2. — Foreign dyes for which import licenses were granted, with country of origin and quantity (pounds), by brands, fiscal year 1920 — Continued. Schultz Name of dye. Ger- many. Switzer- land. England. All other. Total. UNION COLORS. Total 5,500 275 5 775 YELLOW. Halt silk yellow 500 500 Half woof yellow 110 55 55 55 110 VIOLET. Half wool dark violet « 55 BLUE. Half wool pale blue 55 GREEN. Half wool dark green 55 Union black S 5,000 5,000 UNIDENTIFIED AND UNCLASSI- FIED. Total 2,002 300 1,985 138 4,425 Fast pink C 300 300 Vert jade B 15 15 Aniline brown ( Wharfdale brown) 5 5 Black ; '. 12 12 Leather black 1,122 880 1,122 Tibet black FWN 880 All other ""i,980 ! 2,091 INDEX Name of dye. Schultz No. Page. A. Acetvl red BB 19 Acid alizarine black EB 28 Acid alizarine black ENT 28 Acid alizarine Mack R 159 28 Acid alizarine black . e ET 28 288 28 Acid alizarine blue-black 28 Acid alizarine blue BB 790 25 Acid alizarine prav 28 Acid alizarine prav G 28 Acid alizarine red B 202 2fi Acid al izan'ne red O .' 2a Acid anthracene red 3 B 400 217 19 Acid black 23 Acid black 6 BA 23 Acid black 4 BD 23 Acid black F> 23 Acid black M, cone 23 Acid bine A f Kalle) 21 Acid bine AS, cone 21 Acid bine no 21 Acid bine R 21 Acidl lueRBF 21 21 Acid Bordeaux 20 A cid Bordeaux B 20 Acid brilliant blue A 21 Acid brown G 212 23 Acid brown RN 23 Acid chrome black 28 Acid chrome blue Oft, cone... . 27 Acid chrome violet B 27 Acid cvantne BF 21 Acid dark navy blue 21 Acid direct black 23 Acid eosine L, new IS Acid eosine LN 18 Acid fuchsine, extra 524 505 505 505 504 504 504 505 19 Acid preen 23 Acid green. 250 per cent 23 Acid preen extra cone 23 Acid preen 23 Acid preen fi B cone 23 Acid preen B W 23 Acid preen GG 23 Acid preen UX 23 Acid preen for wool 23 Acid indico blue 2 R 21 Acid indipotine 877 524 524 21 19 Acid magenta G, 260 per cent Acid mapenta S 19 19 Acid milling black B 23 Acid milling red 19 Acid milling red G 293 19 18 Acid phosphine 15 Acid rhodamine, pure 19 Acid rhodamine B 19 Acid rhodamine BG 19 Acid rhodamine 3 R 19 Acid violet 20 Acidviolet4B 20 20 Acid violet 6 B 527 20 20 Acid violet 8 B, extra 20 Acid violet 4 BC, cpnc 20 Acid violet BE 20 Acid violet 4 BLO 20 Acid violet 4 BLOS 20 Acid violet 3 BN 20 Name of dye. Acid violet 4 BN Acid violet 5 BN Acid violet 6 BN Acid violet 6 BNO Acid violet 6 BNONY Acid violet 4 BNS Acid violet 5 BNS Acid violet 6BO Acid violet 4BS Acid violet 6 BS Acid violet BW Acid violet PW Acid violet R Acid violet R, extra Acid \ iolet 4 R Acid violet 4 RN Acid violet 4 RNOO Acid violet, red shade Acridine golden yellow G Acridine golden yellow 2G Acridine golden .yellow W Acridine orange Acridine orange NO Acridine orange OO Azidine orange Y, extra Acridine yellow Acridine yellow NF Afghan vellow GX Algol blue 3 G A lgol blue 3 G, paste A lgol blue 3 G, powder Algol blueK Algol blue K, paste A lgol blue K, powder A lgol blue 3 R, powder Algol Bordeaux 3 B A lgol brown B, paste Algol brown Q , powder Algol brown R Algol brown R, paste Algol brown R, powder Algol brilliant violet B, powder. . . Algol brilliant violet. 2 B Algol brilliant violet 2 B, powder. Alpol brilliant violet R Algol brilliant violet R, paste Algol brilliant violet R, powder. . Algol brilliant orange FR Alpol brilliant orange FR, powder Alpol brilliant red, 1840 Alpol brilliant red 2 B Alpol brilliant red 2 B, paste Alpol brilliant red 2 B, powder. . . A lpol corinth R A lgol corinth R, po .vder A lgol dark green B, \2\ per cent paste Algol dark green B, powder Algol grav B, paste Algol gray 2 B Algol gray 2 B, powder Algol green B Algol green B, powder Algol olive R Algol olive R, powder Algol orange R, paste Algol orange R, powder Algol pink R, 20 per cent, paste. Algol pink R, powder Algol red B Algolred2B Algol red FF Algol red5G Algol red 5 G, powder Algol red R, powder Schultz No. 39 40 INDEX. Name of dye. Schultz No. Page. Name of dye. Schult2 No. Page. 819 819 815 815 817 817 817 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 27 28 24 24 26 26 26 25 25 25 26 26 25 26 25 25 25 25 24 25 27 27 27 25 25 25 24 25 25 25 28 26 26 26 24 28 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 24 25 25 25 26 26 Ahzarine green S 808 808 808 808 808 808 797 894 S94 893 893 893 895 895 778 852 26 Alizarine green S, paste 26 Alizarine green S, powder 26 Alizarine green SP 4 26 Ahzarine green V, paste 26 Alizarine green V veridine, paste Ahzarine grenade R 26 25 Alizarine indigo B, paste 32 814 814 Alizarine indigo 2 B 32 Alizarine indigo G 32 Ahzarine indigo G, paste 32 Alizarine indigo G, 20 per cent, paste. Alizarine indigo 3 R 32 856 856 774 807 774 800 803 803 862 862 32 Alizarine indigo 3 R, paste Alizarine IP, 20 per cent, paste 32 25 24 Alizarine lake 35 Alizarine lake N 35 Alizarine madder lake 35 Ahzarine maroon, paste, 10 per cent. 798 25 25 Alizarine mauve R 25 Alizarine red 780 778 778 786 780 780 780 780 780 784 785 780 780 780 785 25 Alizarine red 25 Alizarine blue C 2 G, powder Alizarine blue CWRB 799 788 788 Alizarine red, 20 per cent, paste Alizarine red G 25 25 Alizarine blue CWRR 25 Alizarine red IWS, powder 25 852 788 Alizarine red S 25 Alizarine red S, powder 25 Alizarine red SK 25 Alizarine red SX 25 Alizarine red SYP, paste 25 804 858 858 Alizarine red W 25 Alizarine blue SAE Alizarine red W, powder Alizarine red WS .' Alizarine red YCA 25 Alizarine blue SAP 25 Alizarine blue SA WSA . . . 25 803 803 Alizarine rubinole 24 Alizarine blue WX, 20 per cent ;, paste 24 Alizarine rubinole 5 G 24 782 782 782 782 24 858 858 24 Alizarine saphirol B, powder Alizarine saphirol SD 24 24 Alizarine celestol Ahzarine saphirol SE 858 855 24 Alizarine sky blue B 24 Alizarine claret R Alizarine sky blue 3 R 24 Alizarine claret R, paste Alizarine vifidine FF, paste Ahzarine viridine FF, 40 per cent, 854 854 854 854 58 770 410 26 Alizarine cyanine green 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 799 799 788 851 Alizarine cyanine green, extra Alizarine cyanine green CE 26 Ahzarine viridine FF cone, paste . . . Alizarine viridine FF, powder 26 Alizarine cyanine green CG 26 Alizarine cyanine green CG, extra. . Alizarine cyanine green CG, powder Alizarine cyanine green CG, extra powder 26 25 Alkali azurin G, cone, 300 per cent. . Alkali black J, cone 12 14 Alizarine cyanine green E . . . Alkali blue 536 536 21 Alkali blue 2 B 21 Alizarine cyanine green G, extra Alizarine cyanine green G, extra, powder Alkali blue 3 B 21 Alkali blue 6 B 21 Alkali blue 4 BE 21 Alizarine cyanine green G, powder. . Alizarine cyanine 3G Alkali blue 5 BKR 21 21 Alizarine cyanine NSG Alkali blue 2 G 21 Alizarine cyanine WRR. . . Alkali blue R 536 21 Alizarine cyanole B Alkali blue 3RG 21 Alizarine delphinol B Alkali blue II 21 Alizarine delphinol BS Alkali blue No. 4 536 21 Alizarine delphinol SE Alkali blue 20 LX, new 21 Alizarine direct blue B 851 Alkali blue No. 72 21 Alizarine direct blue E Alkali chrome black B 28 Alizarine direct blue EE Alkali chrome black D 28 Alizarine direct blue EB Alkali dark green 13 Alizarine direct blue ESB Alkali fast green 3 B 23 Alizarine direct blue SR 23 Alizarine direct green 865 865 852 Alkali green D, extra 475 13 Alizarine direct green CG Alkali orange G 10 Alizarine direct violet R Alkali orange GT 392 10 Alizarine emeraldole G, powder Alkali pink .*. . . 10 Alizarine emeraldole 5 G 11 Alizarine green C 865 Alkali violet 6 BO 20 Alizarine green C3G 168 168 19 Alizarine green S, paste , 805 Amaranth DE 19 INDEX. 41 Name of dye. A mido naphthol black 3 I '» I Amido oaphthol red BB Amine black green B Aminogen bine RN Aniline blue Aniline blue BGBII Aniline brown I Wharfdale brown) Aniline red Anthosine B line 3 B , Anthosine 5 B Anthracene acid brown R A nthracene acid red 3 B Anthracene blue black C Anthracene blue BB Anthracene blue LG Anthracene blue SWB A nthracene blue SWGt i Anthracene blue 8WGG, extra Anthracene blue SWR Anthracene blue WR Anthracene blue W( 1G, powder . . . Anthracene brown, paste Anthracene brown RBX Anthracene brown RD, past e Anthracene brown SW, powder. . . Anthracene brown WL. paste Anthracene brown. WLP, paste Anthracene chroma! e black LC Anthracene chromate blue MRB A Qthraoene chromate green FF A nthracene chrome black Anthracene chrome black 5 B Anthracene chrome black F A nthracene chrome black PF, extra A n i hracene chrome blue Anthracene chrome blue F Anthracene chrome red A Anthracene red A nt hracene yel low Anthracene yellow, paste Anthracene yellow C Anthracyanine FL Ant hracyanine 3 FL Anthracyanine S, powder Anthracyanine SR Anthracyanine 3 TL Anthracyl blue BT Anthracyl chrome blue D, cone Anthracyl chrome blue G, cone Anthracyl chrome brown G Anthracyl chrome brown GO, cone Anthracyl chrome green A , Anthracyl chrome green A, 150 per cent./. Anthraflavone G Anthraflavone G, paste Anthraflavone, G 20 per cent, paste Anthranol black T Anthranol blue BD Anthranol Bordeaux Anthranol brown M Anthranol green D Anthranol orange Anthraquinone blue green BXO.... Anthraquinone green GXN Anthraq i linone green GXN O Anthraq uinone violet R Auracinc G Auraniiiie Auramine, cone A 1 1 ramine O Aurine Autol red RLP Azidine red 8 BO Azo acid black B Azo acid blue B Azo acid rubine 2 B cone, 160 per cent Azo acid rubine 2 G, 160 per cent Azo acid rubine R V . 210 per cent Azo carmine BX. . .' Azo carmine G, extra Azo corallin, L 230 per cent Schultz No. 221 365 789 801 782 782 782 782 355 294 773 294 627 627 863 864 864 853 493 493 493 555 106 63 | 673 672 65 Name of dye. Azo crimson L. . Azo dark blue S Azo dark green A Azo eosine cone, 115 per cent. Azo fuchsine 6 BX, 70 per cent. Azo fuchsine G Azo fuchsine 4 G Azo geranine Azo orseille KWS Azo rhodine 6 B Azo rhodine 2 G Azo rhodine 2 GN Azo rubine S Azo rubine S, 200 per cent Azo yellow Azo yellow G Azo wool violet 7 R Azoflavine 3 R, extra, 135 per cent. Azoflavine Z Azure blue lake II. Basic green Z Basic jet black APX Bayer's brown No. 4 Benzamine azo blue G, 350 per cent . . Benzamine azo blue 3 R, cone, 215 per cent Benzamine fast yellow 2 G, cone Benzamine violet G Benzo azurin G Benzo azurin R Benzo blue RW Benzo blue black BH, 150 per cent Benzo Bordeaux 6 B Benzo brilliant blue 3 BX Benzo brilliant orange S Benzo brown B Benzo chrome blue black B Benzo chrome brown CR Benzo chrome brown G Benzo dark brown, extra Benzo fast black Benzo fast black L Benzo fast blue B Benzo fast blue FFL Benzo fast blue 4 GL Benzo fast Bordeaux 6 BL Benzo fast brown GL Benzo fast brown 3 GL Benzo fast eosine BL Benzo fast gray Benzo fast heliotrope BL Benzo fast heliotrope 2 RL Benzo fast heliotrope 4 BL Benzo fast orange S Benzo fast orange 2 RL Benzo fast pink BL Benzo fast red 8 BL Benzo fast red 9 BL Benzo fast red FC Benzo fast scarlet 4 BS Benzo fast scarlet 5 BS Benzo fast scarlet 8 BS Benzo fast scarlet GS Benzo fast vellow 5 GL Benzo fast vellow 5 GL, extra Benzo light orange 2 RL Benzo light yellow RL Benzo light vellow 4 GL Benzo light yellow 4 GL, ext ra Benzo new blue 5B , cone Benzo orange R Benzopurpurine 4 B Benzopurpurine 4 B . cone Benzopurpurine in B Benzo red 12 B Benzo rhodulinered B Benzo rhodulinered 3 B Benzo scarlet BC Benzo sky blue BH Benzo violet BL Benzo violet O Schultz p , 42 INDEX. Name of dye. Schults No. Page. Name of dye. Schultz No. Page. 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 23 12 19 17 17 37 36 21 24 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 36 21 21 21 21 21 19 23 25 24 12 12 13 12 12 20 27 27 27 11 21 18 18 18 18 27 27 27 13 13 13 13 19 17 17 17 17 17 35 32 32 32 36 36 36 36 35 35 21 23 19 18 15 35 35 16 ' Brilliant rhoduline red B 684 16 Brilliant scarlet 3 B, extra 18 Brilliant scarlet PBT 18 Brillian t scarlet RN.. . 18 Benzoine blue RTH , 300 per cent. . . Brilliant scarlet 4 R, cone 18 410 194 503 541 BrilliantsilkbluelO B - 21 Brilliant sky blue 6 B 424 12 Bri lliant skv blue G 13 Brilliant skv blue 5 G . . 541 182 12 19 283 Brilliant suplhur green 2 G 34 Bismarck brown FR, extra ! Brilliant wool blue B, extra Brilliant wool blue G, extra Brillian 1 wool blue FFR 562 562 562 303 142 881 706 842 748 748 163 163 163 21 Black 21 21 539 9 17 Blue BNOO, Oehler's 539 539 Bronindigo FB, paste 32 Blue BT 5B c. BlueFS Blue T-5 B-00 539 31 Bordeaux A Caledon blue R 32 Bordeaux B 112 112 32 Bordeaux B, 160 per cent 32 Bordeaux BR 19 Bordeaux G, 200 per cent 112 112 19 Bordeaux G, 110 per cent 19 Bordeaux developer 36 Brilliant acid blue A 545 21 Brilliant acid blue B 28 Brilliant acid blue FF 27 Brilliant acid blue FF, cone 424 424 419 1? Brilliant acid blue V 543 66 503 Chicago blue 6 BX 12 Brilliant acid carmine 6 B Chicago blue RW 12 Brilliant acid green 6 B Brilliant alizarine green, 205 per cent. 613 613 612 613 612 17 17 Brilliant azurine 5 G 416 424 36 Brilliant benzo blue 6 B 18 Brilliant benzo green B Chinoline yellow' extra, powder 36 18 Brilliant benzo violet 2 R 613 613 333 473 471 471 18 Brilliant Bordeaux 18 Brilliant chrome blue 15 Brilliant chrome blue BS 15 Brillint chrome blue P 13 370 227 227 227 622 622 13 Brilliant cotton blue N, extra, 11 14 Brilliant croceine 343 343 319 319 11 Brilliant croceine BX 11 Brilliant croceine 3 B, extra 11 11 Brdliant delphine blue 11 11 Brilliant delphine blue VS 426 426 424 424 12 Chloramine sky blue A , cone 12 Brilliant direct blue 12 Brilliant fast blue B 12 Brilliant fast blue G 12 Brilliant fast red L 617 617 9 Brilliant green, crystals 499 499 499 499 9 Brilliant green, extra crystals 31 Brilliant green, extra 849 29 Brilliant green 6 B 9 Brilliant green Z 14 Brilliant heliopurpurine B 13 Brilliant indigo 4 G, 20 per cent, paste 887 885 474 13 Brilliant indigo B, 20 per cent, paste. 10 Brilliant indigo N Chlorazol violet WBX 12 Brilliant lake blue B 28 Brilliant lake blue G, cone 28 Brilliant lake blue FB 27 Brilliant lake blue SP 554 27 Brilliant lake red R 45 45 28 Brilliant lake red R, paste 28 Brilliant milling blue B 28 Brilliant milling green B 503 Chrome black PON . 28 Brilliant milling red R Chrome blue BS 27 Brilliant orange R . . 79 Chrome blue FB 27 Brilliant phosphine 5 G 163 27 Brilliant red FE 27 Brilliant red FF 28 Brilliant rhoduline red 684 Chrome brown RVV 28 INDEX. 43 Name of dye. Chrome carmine 3 15, cone Chrome carmine Z Chrome citronine R Chrome fast black F Chrome fast black PV Chrome fast black PWRL ( Mirome fast brown LA Chrome fas! cyanine G Chrome green Y, paste Chrome yellow BN Chrome yellow DF Chromocyanine B , paste Chromogene violet B Cliromophenine FKN Chromorhodine „ Clu-omotrop 2 B, cone Chrysamine K Chrysoidine RG, cone ( JhrysoHne powder Chrysophenine Chrysophenine cone Chrysophenine G Ciba blue, powder Ciba blue 2 B, powder Ciba blue 2 BD, 16 per cent, paste. . . Ciba blue G Ciba Bordeaux B, 10 per cent, paste. Ciba Bordeaux B, powder Ciba gray B, 20 per cent, paste Ciba green, 10 per cent, paste Ciba green G, 10 per cent, paste Ciba red B, paste Ciba red G, 10 per cent, paste Ciba red G, powder Ciba red R, 10 per cent, paste Ciba scarlet, paste Ciba scarlet G, extra, paste Ciba scarlet G, 20 per cent, paste Ciba scarlet G, powder Ciba scarlet G, extra, powder Ciba violet, paste Ciba violet B, 10 per cent, paste Ciba violet B, powder Ciba violet R, 10 per cent, paste Ciba violet R, powder Ciba yellow G, 10 per cent, paste. . . Ciba yellow G, powder Cibanone brown B, 20 per cent, paste Cibanone green B, 10 per cent, paste. Cibanone green G, 10 per cent, paste Cibanone olive B, 10 per cent, paste. Cibanone orange R, 10 per cent, paste Cibanone yellow, paste Cibanone yellow R, 10 per cent, paste Cibanone yellow R, powder Citronine cone Claret for paint Claret red Cloth fast blue R Cloth red 2 B, 133 per cent Cloth red 3 B, extra Cochineal red RR Cochineal substitute Coerulein Coerulein, 20 per cent, paste Coerulein MS Coerulein S, powder Coerulein SL Coerulein SW Colosia red Columbia brown R Columbia fast black D, extra Columbia fast black G, extra Columbia fast scarlet 4 B Columbia yellow Congo orange Congo orange G Congo orange R Congo rubine Coomassie acid blue R Coomassie fast black B Coomassie fast black BW Coomassie navy blue 2 RNX Coomassie scarlte Schultz No. 177 631 57 84 586 304 304 304 sso SSL 919 919 909 906 906 908 907 907 907 907 907 901 901 901 901 901 600 600 601 601 801 279 617 315 373 313 188 257 Page. Name of dye. Corn blue B, 143 per cent . Corn blue N Corvolinc BT, cone Cotton blue Cotton blue double, cone. Cotton brown A Cotton orange cone Cotton scarlet, extra Cotton yellow CH Cotton yellow G Cotton yellow GI Cresyl blue 2 BS Cresyl blue 2 RN Schultz No. I CroceineAZ 225 j Croceinc scarlet 3 B 249 I Croceine scarlet 3 BX 167 i Cioceinc scarlet 7 B 255 ; Croceine scarlet 7 B, cone I Croceine scarlet 10 B, cone ! Cross dye green B Cross dye green 2 Q I Crystal orange ! Crystal orange 2 G I Crystal Pouceau 6 R Crystal violet, extra . . Crvstal violet 5 BO Crystal violet 6 B Crystal violet 6 BE j Crystal yellow Cupranil brown B Cupranil brown G Cupranil brown 3 G Cupranil brown R Curcurnein, superfine Curcumein GG, cone Curcurnein GG, new Curcumein Z Cutch brown RR Cyananthrol BGA Cyananthrol BGA, cone Cyananthrol 3GO Cyananthrol R Cyananthrol RB Cyananthrol RBX Cyananthrol RXO Cyanine B Cyanole, extra Cyanole FF Cyanole FF, extra Cyanole fast green G Cyanole green B Dahlia for white Delphine blue Delphine blue BS Deltapurpurine 5 B Deltapurpurine 5 B, cone Deltapurpurine 5 B, 110 per cent.. Developed black BH Developer B Developer Z Diadem chrome red BR Diamine azo blue R Diamine black BH Diamine black DN Diamine blue 3 B Diamine blue RW Diamine Bordeaux B, cone Diamine Bordeaux S Diamine brilliant blue G Diamine brilliant rubine S Diamine brown B Diamine brown 3 G Diamine brown R Diamine catechine B Diamine catechine G Diamine catechine 3 G Diamine cutch Diamine fast blue FFB Diamine fast blue FFG Diamine fast Bordeaux 6 BS Diamine fast brilliant blue R 44 INDEX. Name of dye. Sc £ ultz Page. i Name of dye. | • S $£ te Page. Diaminefast brown G 14 14 14 14 14 14 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 9 9 14 13 12 15 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 11 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 28 28 28 27 28 17 28 16 15 13 11 15 13 13 14 13 13 10 10 11 11 10 13 14 10 12 10 15 12 15 15 13 10 10 11 11 11 11 14 14 15 12 14 1 Diazo fast red 5 BL 11 Diamine fast brown GB Diazo fast red 7 BL. . . 11 Diamine fast brown R Diazo fast violet BL. . . 12 Diamine fast gray BN Diazo fast violet 3 RL. . 12 Diamine fast gray G Diazo fast yellow G 10 Diamine fast e;ray RN Diazo fast yellow GG 10 Diamine fast orange ER Diazo geranine B, extra 10 Diamine fast red 8 BL Diazo green GF 14 Diamine fast red 8 BL., 140 per Diazo indigo blue BR, extra 13 cent I Diazo indigo blue 4 GL, extra 13 Diamine fast scarlet 8 BF Diazo indigo blue 2 RL 13 Diamine fast scarlet 10 BF Diazo indigo blue 3 RL 13 Diamine fast scarlet 4 BFF ; Diazo indigo blue 4 R L 13 Diamine fast scarlet 4 BN Diazo olive G 14 Diamine fast scarlet 8 BN I Diazo rubine B 11 Diamine fast scarlet GG i Diazo scarlet 2 BL 11 Diamine fast scarlet 2GP I Diazo scarlet 5 BL 11 Diamine fast violet BBN Diazo sky blue B 13 Diamine fast violet FFBN Diazo sky blue 3 GL 13 Diamine fast yellow FF 617 296 241 .. 474 Diazo yellow R 10 Diaminefast yellow 3 G Diazophenvl black 15 Diamine gray G Diazophenyl black V 15 Diamine green B Diaxamine fast orange 10 Diamine heliotrope B Diphene blue R 690 16 Diamine jet black 00 Diphenyl blue KFC 13 Diamine orange F Diphenyl brown 3 GNC 393 14 Diamine orange B Diphenyl chlorine yellow 10 Diamine orange G Diphenyl chlorine yellow F 10 Diamine scarlet B 319 319 Diphenyl chlorine yellow FF 10 Diamine scarlet 3 B Diphenyl dark blue R 13 Diphenyl dark green BC 14 Diamine sky blue FF 424 Diphenyl dark green KG W 14 Diamine violet red Diphenyl red SC 11 Diamine yellow CP 304 404 Direct black B 15 Diamine vellow N Direct blue 5 B,conc 13 Diamineral blue CVB Direct blue BXR 13 Diamin ogen, extra 274 274 273 Direct blue BH 13 Diaminogen B Direct blue GN, 250 per cent 13 Diaminogen blue BB Direct blue 4 GN, 250 per cent 13 Diaminogen blue NA Direct blue RW 13 Diaminogen blue NB. Direct brown G 14 Diaminogen sky blue N. . Direct brown 2 G 14 Diamond black F, cone. . . 275 275 157 Direct brown 3 G 14 Diamond black FB Direct brown 3 GN 14 Diamond black PV Direct brown 3 GNC 14 Diamond Bordeaux R... Direct brown R 14 Diamond green 3 G . 276 499 276 512 Direct fast red F 343 11 Diamond green GF Direct fast scarlet SE 11 Diamond srreen SS. . Direct fast vellow R 617 9 Diamond magenta crystal Direct gray R, paste 14 Diamond phosphine R Direct green 14 Dianil fast blue GL. . Direct green B 474 475 13 Dianil light red 8 BW. Direct green G 13 Dianol black FFX 436 Direct orange 13 DianolblueBH Direct pure blue A 10 Dianol brilliant blue 6 B... Direct sky blue 6 B 13 Dianol brown GM Direct sky blue, green shade 13 Dianol dark blue B Direct sky blue GS, 250 per cent 13 Dianol fast blue 2 B Direct violet B 12 Direct violet R 352 12 Dianol fast pink BK Dissolving salt B 3f Dianol fast red FG 343 Double scarlet, 210 per cent 247 247 838 842 849 1W Dianol fast red X Double scarlet S, 115 per cent Duranthrene blue RS, 10 per cent, 19 Dianol fast yellow ARX Dianol green BG 32 Dianol orange brown X Duranthrene blue CC, 10 per cent Dianol pink 32 Dianol violet R Duranthrene yellow, 10 per cent paste Diazanil pink B 29 Diazo black Durasol acid blue B 24 Diazo Bordeaux 7 B Durindone blue 4 B, paste 881 8SI 882 882 883 883 912 917 906 905 905 32 Diazo brilliant black Durindone blue 4 B, 20 per cent Diazo brilliant black B 364 32 Diazo brilliant green 3 G Durindone blue 5 B, paste 32 Diazo brilliant orange 5 G Durindone blue 5 B, 20 per cent paste Diazo brilliant orange GR, extra 32 Diazo brilliant scarlet B, extra Durindone blue 6 B, paste 32 Diazo brilliant scarlet 3 B, extra Durindone blue 6 B, 20 per cent paste Diazo brilliant scarlet 6 B, extra 32 Diazo Brilliant scarlet G, extra Durindone red B, paste 31 Diazo brown 3 G Durindone red N, 20per cent paste. . Durindone scarlet R, 20 per cent 31 Diazo brown 3 RB Diazo fast black SD 31 Diazo fast Bordeaux BL 31 Diazo fast green CF Durindone scarlet R, paste 31 INDEX. 45 Name of dye. Schultz No. Page. Name of dye. Schultz No. Page. E. 14 19 36 36 28 2S 27 10 11 11 11 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 27 27 26 28 27 27 22 22 22 19 18 19 19 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 21 21 21 21 22 21 L8 23 is 19 20 20 I 20 ' 20 is 1! 11 22 :r, 22 23 23 22 23 18 is is IS 27 27 Fast mordant yellow G 294 26 Fast pink C 37 Eclipse brown BK Fast red A 19 Eosamine B 100 587 587 275 80 181 121 121 122 122 19 Eosine D Fast red ED F. 35 Eosine Z i Fast red EDN 35 Era black J Fast red G, base 36 Era chrome brown MW, paste Fast red toner 35 Erachrome dark blue B Fast sulfon violet 5 BS . . . 182 20 Krika B, extra Fast sulfon violet SB... 20 ErikaBN Fast wool blue B 22 Erika G, extra Fast wool blue B L 22 Erika GN Fast wool blue R 22 Eno alizarine blue G Fast yellow G, cone, 120 per cent. . . Fast vellow GR 137 137 626 18 Eriochrome azurol 551 551 551 554 18 Eriochrome azurol B Fast violet, cone, 222 per cent Filter blue green 27 Eriochrome azurol B X 23 Eriochrome azurol S Filter vellow 18 Eriochrome azurol SXT Flavazine S 20 18 Eriochrome black A 184 183 180 181 i Flavophosphin e B K 15 Eriochrome black T Flavophosphine 4 G 15 Eriochrome blue-black BC i Formvl blue B 22 Formyl violet 10 B 20 Eriochrome Bordeaux B 512 637 599 16 553 G. Gallamine blue, extra, paste Gallcin Eriochrome red PEI Eriochrome verdon A 260 27 Eriochrome violet B 27 Eriochrome violet BC Gallein JRG, paste 27 Enocyanine A 531 Gallein L, paste 27 Eriocyanine CR Galleine W, paste 599 599 626 772 27 Erio fast brilliant blue R Galleinc \V, powder 27 Erio fast fuchsine BBL i Gallocyanine, paste 27 Erioflavine SX 19 Galloflavine, powder 25 Eriofioxine 6 B Gallophenine P 27 Enotloxine2 G 42 506 506 506 506 506 564 564 Gallophenine R, paste 27 Gallo violet D 27 Erioglaucine, extra, cone Geranium lake 35 Glacier blue 501 17 Erioglaucine EP. . . Glaucol FF, G, and R 36 Gloria black N 24 Erio green supra.. Gloria blue FB 22 Erio green B Guinea black 3 B, extra 24 Erio violet BC Guinea brown R 23 Erio violet RL, supra Guinea fast blue B 22 Euchrysine GRNTN . . . Guinea fast green B 503 23 Euchrvsine RRD Guinea fast green 3 B 23 Euchrvsine RT... Guinea fast red 2 R 19 Euchrvsine RRT. . . Guinea fast violet 10 B 20 Euchrysine 3 R, extra . . 603 562 562 562 562 Guinea violet 4 B 20 F. H. Half silk yellow 37 Fast acid blue 37 Fast acid blue, extra .• 37 Fast acid blue B 37 Fast acid blue FS 37 Fast acid bine AW 35 Fast acid blue SS or G 562 581 35 Fast acid eosin G 28 28 28 141 35 Fast acid green 2 B, extra 35 Fast acid phloxine A . . . . .581 Hansa vellow G, paste Helianthine G 35 Fast acid red 17 Fast acid violet A 2 R 582 :>2s 5S2 582 Heligoland black BH 15 Fast acid violet 10 B Heligoland black FFN 436 15 Fast acid violet R Heligoland black FFN A .. 15 Fast acid violet RGE Heligoland blue 6 B 424 12 Fast acid yellow 3 G Helindcne black 2 RG 33 Fast brilliant pink 8 B Helindone blue 2 B 880 32 Fast brilliant scarlet 4 B 32 Fastevauincnavv blue, cone Helindone blue 3 GN. . . 896 896 e 873 32 Fast eosine L, paste Helindone blue 3 GN. powder Helindone blue 3 R, 20 per cent, past Helindone brown AN, paste ! 32 Fast felt blue 32 Fast green, extra 523 523 33 Fast green . bluish 33 Fast light blue B 904 904 904 904 836 902 902 33 Fast light green Helindone brown G, paste Helindone brown G, 20 per cent, paste Helindone brown G, powder Helindone brown 3 GN, 20 per cent. paste 33 Fast light green G Fast light vellow 19 19 19 33 Fast light vellow 2 G 33 Fast light Vellow 3 G Fast light vellow R 33 Fast mordant blue B 33 Fast mordant blue BC Helindone brown 2 R, paste 33 46 INDEX. Name of dye. Helindone fast scarlet C Helindone fast scarlet C, paste Helindone fast scarlet R Helindone fast scarlet R, paste Helindone fast scarlet R, 20 per cent, paste ' Helindone gray BB Helindone gray BB, 20 per cent, paste Helindone gray BR Helindone green G Helindone green G, 20 per cent, paste Helindone green G, powder Helindone orange, 20 per cent, paste. Helindone orange D, paste Helindone orange D, powder Helindone orange R Helindone orange R, paste Helindone orange R, 20 per cent, paste Helindone orange R, powder Helindone pink AN Helindone .pink AN, paste Helindone pink AN, 10 per cent, paste Helindone pink AN, 20 per cent, paste Helindone pink BN Helindone pink BN, paste Helindone pink BN, 10 per cent, paste Helindone pink BN, 20 per cent, paste Helindone red B Helindone red B, paste Helindone red B, 20 per cent, paste. Helindone red B, powder Helindone red 2 B, powder Helindone red 3 B Helindone red 3|B, paste Helindone red 3 B, 20 per cent, paste. Helindone red 3 B, powder Helindone scarlet G Helindone scarlet R, paste Helindone scarlet S, paste Helindone scarlet S, 20 per cent, paste Helindone scarlet S, powder Helindone violet B Helindone violet B, paste Helindone violet B, 20 per cent, paste Helindone violet B, powder Helindone violet 2 B Helindone violet 2 B, paste Helindone violet 2 B, powder Helindone violet R Helindone violet R. paste Helindone violet R, 20 per cent, paste Helindone violet R, powder Helindone yellow 2 G Helindone yellow 3 GN, paste Helindone yellow 3 GN, 20 per cent, paste Helindone yellow 3 GN, powder Helio BordeauxJBL, powder Helio dark red 6 B Helio fast blue BL, cone Helio fast blue SL, cone Helio fast violet AL Helio fast violet RL Helio maroon T Helio orange RM Helio purpurine 7 BL Helio red M Hoffmans violet Hydranthrene black, paste Hydranthrene brilliant copper D . . . Hydranthrene brilliant copper R . . . Hydranthrene brown BG, paste Hydranthrene dark blue, paste Hydranthrene olive R Hydranthrene violet, paste Schultz No. 907 907 915 915 915 921 921 921 892 892 892 835 914 914 913 913 913 913 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 910 917 917 917 917 Page. 918 918 918 918 514 "813 763 791 Name of dye. Hydranthrene yellow AG Hydranthrene yellow AR Hydron blue G Hydron blue G, paste Hydron blue G, 20 per cent, paste . . Hydron bine G, powder Hydron blue R Hydron blue R, powder Hydron violet, paste Hydrosulphite, cone Hydrosulphone prune S Immedia! direct blue B Immedial olive B. , Immodial purple C , Imperial scarlet 3 B , Jndalizarine J, paste , Indanthrene black B , Indanthrene black B, paste Indanthrene bleach green B, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene black B, powder Indanthrene black BB Indauthrene black BB, paste Indanthrene black BB, 40 per cent, paste Indanthrene black BB, double, paste Indanthrene black BB, 40 per cent, double, paste Indanthrene black BB, powder.. . Indanthrene black H 20 Indanthrene blue green, powder. . Indanthrene blue green B, paste. . Indanthrene blue green GB, paste Indanthrene blue 3 G Indanthrene blue 3 G, 8 per cent paste , Indanthrene blue GC Indanthrene blue GC, paste Indanthrene blue GC.powder Indanthrene blue GCD Indanthrene blue GCD, paste Indanthrene blue GCD, 10 per cent, paste Indanthrene blue GCD, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene blue GCD, powder Indanthrene blue 2 GSL Indanthrene blue 2 GSL, paste Indanthrene blue 2 GSL, powder... Indanthrene blue RC Indanthrene blue RS Indanthrene blue RS, paste Indanthrene blue RS, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene blue RS, cone Indanthrene blue RS, powder. Indanthrene blue WB, powder Indanthrene brown B Indanthrene brown B, double, paste Indanthrene brown H 20 Indanthrene brown H 20, paste Indanthrene brown H 21, 20 per cent paste Indanthrene brown RR, paste Indanthrene claret B, extra Indanthrene claret B, extra, paste. . Indanthrene claret B, paste Indanthrene dark blue BO Indanthrene dark blue BO, paste. . . Indanthrene dark blue BO, 20 per cent paste Indanthrene dark blue BO, powder. Indanthrene gray B Indanthrene gray B, paste Indanthrene gray B, powder Indanthrene gray H 20 Indanthrene gray H 20, paste Indanthrene golden orange R, powder Indanthrene golden orange RR, 20 per cent, paste INDEX. 47 Name of dye. Indanthrene golden orange RRT . . Indanthrene golden orange RRT, paste Indanthrene golden orange RRT, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene green B Indanthrene green B, paste Indanthrene green B, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene green B, powder Indanthrene maroon R, paste Indanthrene navy blue B, paste — Indanthrene orange RT Indanthrene orange RT, paste Indanthrene orange RT, Dowder. ... —IT. Indanthrene orange RR Indanthrene orange RRT, paste. . . Indanthrene pink B Indanthrene pink B, paste Indanthrene pink B, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene pink H 21 Indanthrene pink H 25, paste Indanthrene red BN Indanthrene red BN, paste Indanthrene red BN, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene red BN, extra Indanthrene red R Indanthrene red R, paste Indanthrene red, extra, paste Indanthrene red, extra, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene red violet Indanthrene red violet RRN, extra, paste Indanthrone red violet RRN, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene red violet RRN, pow- der Indanthrene scarlet G Schultz No. Indanthrene scarlet G, powder Indanthrene violet BN, paste Indanthrene violet BN, extra, paste. Indanthrene violet R, extra Indanthrene violet R, extra, powder Indanthrene violet RN, extra Indanthrene violet RN, extra, paste. Indanthrene violet RN, extra, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene violet RR, extra Indanthrene violet RR, extra, paste. Indanthrene violet RR, extra, 8 per cent, paste Indanthrene violet RR, extra, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene violet RR, extra, pow- der Indanthrene golden orange G Indanthrene golden orange G, paste. Indanthrene golden orange G, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene golden orange G, pow- der Indanthrene golden orange R Indanthrene golden orange R, paste. Indanthrene golden orange R, 20 per cent, paste Indanthrene yellow G Indanthrene yellow G, paste Indanthrene yellow G, extra, paste. Indanthrene yellow G, 20 per cent, Indanthrene yellow G, powder Indanthrene yellow R, paste Indanthrene yellow R, 12 per cent, paste Indanthrene yellow R, powder Indian yellow FF Indian yellow G Indigo acid blue A Indigo KB, paste Indigo blue MLB/2 B Indigo blue MLB/2 B, powder 765 765 765 765 845 812 812 812 Page. 762 762 766 766 832 I 832 832 767 767 767 I 767 767 760 760 760 760 761 761 761 849 849 849 141 .145 Name of dve. Indigo MLB/4 B Indigo MLB/6 B Indigo MLB/8 B, 20 per cent, paste. Indigo MLB/6 B, powder Indigotine cone Indochromine T Indocyanine B Indoin Induhne scarlet Intensive blue Irisamine G, extra J. Janus red B Janus yellow G , Jasmine, highly cone. K. Katigen indigo CLGGX . . . Katigen sulphur green 2 G. KitonblueV Kiton fast green V Kiton fast violet 10 B Kiton fast violet 12 B Kiton yellow S L. iake colors, miscellaneous. . . Lake red C, paste Lake red P, paste Lake yellow 8 G Lanacyl blue B Lanacyl violet BF Lanafuchsin Lanafuchsin 6 B Leather black Leather black BO Leather yellow 3 G (orange). Leather yellow NL Light green GG cone Light green 2 G, extra cone. . Light green SF Light green SFXX Lissome green Lithol fast orange, paste Lithol red 3 G Lithol red R Lithol rubine, powder Lithol rubine B Lithol rubine BN Lithol rubine BN, powder. . . Lithol rubine G Lithol rubine RG M. Madder lake Madder lake (crimson) Malachite green crystals Marine blue Marron vellow Mars yellow pigment Melaritherine black BH Meldolablue3 R Meldola blue 3 R, cone Mersev black B Metachrome blue-black B Metanil yellow GR, extra cone. Metanil yellow Y Methyl blue, pure Metyyl blue B , solu 1 e, for silk . M ethyl Lyons blue Methyl silk blue, new Methyl violet Methyl violet, base Methyl violet, base R Methyl violet, base Z Methyl violet B, extra Methyl violet, 2 B Methyl violet, BBN Methyl violet 3 BOO Methyl violet 6 B 517 48 INDEX. Name of dye. Methyl violet 7 B Methyl violet 7 B, base Methylene blue Methylene blue B, cone — Methylene blue BB Methylene blue BR, extra. Moth Vlene blue F Methylene blue FZP Methylene blue GS Methylene blue GSF Methylene blue M Methylene blue, medicinal. Methylene gray N D Methylene green Methylene green G Methylene green W Methylene heliotrope Methylene violet 2 R Metachrome olive B Metachrome olive brown G Milling blue B Milling red 4 BA Milling red FR Milling red 4 RC Milling scarlet 4 R, cone. . . Milling yellow Milling yellow 3 G Milling yellow O Mimosa Z, cone Modern gray RC Moderne violet Monochrome brown, paste. Mordant vellow O Mounsey olive brown, paste. N. Naphthaline black 12 B Naphthalene blue B Naphthalene green V Naphthalene green V, cone Naphthamine blue B Naphthamine blue 3 RE Naphthamine fast black VFC Naphthamine fast Bordeaux BG. . . Naphthamine fast brown BL Naphthamine fast brown 3 G Naphthamine fast green B Naphthamine violet O Naphthaline blue Naphthazin e navy blue Naphthazurine black B, paste Naphthogen e blue 2 R Naphthogene blue 4 R Naphthol AS Naphthol blue black 6 B Naphthol blue black M Naphthol green Naphthol orange, cone, 130 percent. Naphthylamine black 4 B Naphthylamine black S Naphthylamine blue-black Naphthylamine blue-black 5 B Naples yellow Navy blue BW Navy blue KWSG Navy blue KWSR Neptune blue B Neptune blue BG Neptune blue BGX Neptune green SGX Nerol2B Neutral gray G Neutral wool black B New acid brown New fast red GGL, cone New methylene blue N New patent blue G A New Victoria blue B New yellow for cotton, 330 per cent . Ne,w yellow for cotton, 335 per cent . Nicholson blue 2 B Nicholson blue 5 B Schultz No 517 659 959 659 659 659 681 660 6S7 (ISO 400 177 19S 635 177 217 561 564 692 217 4 144 545 543 543 503 241 663 558 304 334 Page. Name of dye. Nicholson blue 8 B Night blue Nigrosine (spirit soluble) Nigrosine BS Nigrosine J Nigrosine XXX Nile blue A Nile blue B NileblueBX Nitro orange OT, 115 per cent. Nitro orange RR, 110 per cent Nitrosamine pink, extra Nitrosamine red, paste Olesol carmoisin Olesol pure blue Olesol yellow Omega chrome brown CPM Omega chrome brown P . . . Omega chrome brown PB . Omega chrome brown PP . . Omega chrome cyanine R. . Omega chrome green F Omega chrome red B Omega chrome red 3 B . Orange II Orange IV Orange IV crystals Orange EN Orange GS..' Orange GS, 150 per cent . . . Orange RR, 110 per cent... Orange developer B Oxamine black BB Oxamine black BRTX Oxamine blue 3 R Oxamine claret B Oxamine pure blue 6 B Oxamine pure blue 6 BO . . Oxamine pure blue 6 BXX Oxamine red Oxamine violet Oxamine yellow 3 G Oxydiamine black N Oxydiamine black SOOO. . Oxydiamine black UI Oxydiamine brown G Oxydiamine brown RN Oxydiamine red S Oxvdiaminocen ED Oxychrome brown VN Oxyphenine A Oxyphenine R , P. Palatine chrome brown R Palatine light yellow R Paper black Pap er red Paper red O Paper yellow cone, 118 per cent . . . Paraphosphine G ' Para red Parasulfon brown G Parasulfon brown V Paratoluidine Patent blue , Patent blue A Patent blue A G L Patent blue AS Patent blue B Patent blue BP Patent blue BS, cone Patent blue E Patent blue G A Patent blue L Patent blue S Patent blue V Patent marine blue LE Patent phosphine G Patent phosphine 2 G, 100 per cent. 606 INDEX. 49 Name of dye. Patent phosphine 2 < 3 , 300 per cent Patent phosphine M. km) percent. Patent phosphine M, 300 per cent. Patent phosphine R Peacock blue pigment Permanent madder red Permanent red Permanent red, extra Permanent red, extra, powder Permanent red R Phenylenblue Phenylene diamine Phenocyanine R, paste Phenocyanine TV Phenocyanine VS, paste Phosphine Phosphine G Phosphine 2G Phosphine I Phosphine N L Phosphine O, extra Phosphine 3 R Pigment scarlet 3 B Pigment fast yellow G, powder Pink.M Pluto black CF Polar red G Polish red Polychromim AC Polvphenyl blue GF, cone Polyphenyl blue GNH Polvphenyl orange RC Polyphenyl yellow RC Ponceau extra . Ponceau 2 B, 115 per cent Ponceau R Ponceau S for silk Primuline Printing scarlet Prune pure Pure blue RT, double, cone Pure Para red, bluish Pure Para red, yellowish Pure zinc yellow 5 L, powder Pyramine orange R Pyramine orange 3 G Pyramine orange Y Pyrazol orange G Pyrogen dark green B Pyrogen green 3 G Pyrogene direct blue RL Pyrogene yellow O Pyrogene yellow 3 R Pyrophosphine GG Red violet Renol green B, extra Resorcine Resorcine brown Resorcine brown, 145 per cent . Resorcine dark brown Resorcine Havana brown Rhineblue, cone Rhodamine B , Rhodamine B, extra Rhodamine G Rhodamine G, extra Rhodamine 3 G Rhodamine 5 G Rhodamine 6 G Rhodamine 6 G, extra Rhodamine R Rhodamine S Rhoduline heliotrope B Rhoduline heliotrope 3 B Rhoduline orange N 1 thoduline orange NO Rhoduline yellow 6 G Rosanthrene AWL Schultz No 606 606 152 152 152 152 649 642 643 642 606 606 606 606 606 606 Page. 202 616 S2 175 616 636 709 709 • 726 734 734 514 475 211 211 213 , 631 573 573 572 572 576 571 571 570 Name of dye. , Schultz I No 15 Rosanthrene R 15 Rosanthrene Bordeaux B 15 Rosaline B, cone 16 Roeinduline 2 B 36 Rosinduline (i 35 Rounduline 2 G ;i.'> Rosolane 35 Rosolane paste 35 Rosolane B 35 Rosophenine 17 36 S. 27 27 27 16 16 16 if. in 16 16 86 m 11 15 20 26 10 16 12 10 10 20 20 20 19 10 19 16 2] 35 35 35 10 10 10 10 31 34 34 34 34 16 £ al a phosphine G Sal a phosphine 2 G BafranJne FF, extra Safranine MN fiftfranine Z Salicine chrome red, extra Salicinedark green CS Scarlet 3 R Scarlet 4 R , Scarlet 4 R, 145 per cent i Scarlet Z Setoilaucine i Silk blue I Silk yellow I N ! Silk yellow N Silk vellow N, cone Sky blue A Sky blue FFO Solamine blue FF Soluble blue, extra, greenish Soluble blue 2 R Soluble blue 3 R, 130 per cent Solul le blue 3 R, 160 per cent Special blue G Straw blue G Sulfamine brown A, cone Sulphone azurine D Sulphon blue R Sulphon c. anine black B Sulphon cyanine G, extra Sulphon cyanine GR, extra Sulphon c. anine 5 R , Sulphone yellow R Sulphur black Sulphur blue Sulphur brilliant green 2 G Sulphur brown Sulphur cutch Sulphur green Sulphur green B Sulphur green 2 G Sulphur indigo . Sulphur prune Sulphur sky blue Sulphur yellow (Thionine Isabel- lina) Sulphur yellow G Sulphur yellow Y Sulphurol dark brown Sulphurol indigo blue, cone. Sulphurol indigo blue B, cone Sulphurol indigo blue R, cone. Sulphurol mode brown G. Sulphurol orange Sun yellow 3 GC Tannin heliotrope Tannin orange R Tannin orange R Tannin pink B Tannin yellow GE Tartrazine Tartrazine XX Terra cotta RRN Tetracyanol V Thianine brilliant green 2 Y .".73 873 675 *\7\ 483 606 679 -,79 276 196 539 til 3 613 12} 538 539 721 Page. P. 16 16 16 16 27 28 19 19 19 19 17 21 18 18 18 13 13 13 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 13 22 24 22 22 22 18 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 50 INDEX. Name of dye. S No! tZ Pa S e - Name of dye. Sc ^! tZ Page. Thianme ereen 2 G 34 10 10 10 10 15 34 33 29 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 29 U. i Ultra violet MO Thiazol yellow 198 198 198 615 618 Thiazol yellow G 27 Thiazol yellow G, cone Union blacks 37 Thioflavine S ! Urania blue BB . . . 665 585 923 923 22 Thioflavine T ; Uranine 18 Thiogenenew blue 2 RL 1 UrsolA 36 Thioindigo brown G, paste 904 913 912 910 910 910 910 910 910 916 ! Ursol 4 R 36 V. ! Vert jade B Thioindigo red B, paste Thioindigo rose AN, paste 37 Thioindigo rose AN, 20 per cent, Victoria blue B 559 559 559 522 17 paste Victoria blue B, base 36 Thioindigo rose BN Victoria blue B, pure 36 Thioindigo rose B N, paste Victoria blue 4 R 17 Thioindigo rose BN, 20 per cent, paste Thioindigo scarlet S, paste Victoria navy blue B 22 Victoria navv blue LH 22 Victoria violet 4 B S 61 580 584 582 20 Thioindigo violet B Vinlaminp. B 20 Thioindigo violet R Violamine 3 B . 20 Thioindigo violet 2 R, paste Violamine R 20 Thiomdiso yellow 3 GN, paste ' Violet blue L 36 Thional blue 6 B 34 34 Violet de Paris 515 16 Thional blue BR Thional brilliant blue 6 B 34 J W. Thional brilliant, green GG 746 Thional brilliant green 4 GX 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 i Woolblack6BA 24 Thional brown G 747 Wool black D, extra, 100 per cent.. . 24 Thional brown GD Wool black G R 24 Thional brown R Wool black GRT 24 Thional corinth RBX Wool black 3 R 24 Thional green 3 B ; Wool blue B 565 565 565 565 562 562 22 Thional green D Y Wool blue 2 B 22 Thional green GG Wool blue 5 B 22 Thional orange G Wool blue G, extra 22 Thional yellow G 34 34 34 17 34 37 10 17 10 Wool blue N , 21 Thional yellow GR 198 Wool blue N, extra 21 Thional yellow 3 RD Wool blue RL 22 Thionine blue GO 661 Wool blue S, 333 per cent 22 Wool blue SR, extra 562 21 Tibet black FWN Wool brown 23 Titan yellow G 198 Wool fast blue BB, cone 22 Toluidine blue Wool fast blue BL 22 Toluylene fast orange GL Wool fast blue GL 22 Toluylene orange G, 150 per cent, 392 287 358 Wool fast violet B 20 » 10 12 | 10 Wool green BS 566 566 566 566 23 Toluylene orange R, 160 per cent Wool green S 23 Wool green S, extra 23 Toluylene red RT Wool green SC... 23 19 286 10 1 22 1 22 ' 13 12 X. Xylene blue i Tolyl blue 6 B TolylMueRR TriazolblueB 22 Xylene blue A 22 14 14 j 14' 14 Xylene blue AG 22 Xylene blue AS 508 507 22 Triazol brown SOOO Xylene blue VS 22 Triazol discharge brown GG, extra. . Xylene fast green B 23 Triazol direct orange G 10 11 13 ' 10 ! 12 12 ! 14 14 14 14 14 12 17 17 ! 17 17 ! 36 Xylene light green B 23 343 22 22 22 18 Xylene yellow 3 G 18 Xylene light yellow R 18 Triazol red B Z. Triazol red 8 B Trisulphon bronze B Trisulphon brown B 449 457 15 Trisulphon brown GG 1 Zambesi black D 15 Trisulphon brown MB Zambesi black V 15 Trisulphon discharge brown GG, extra 14 Zambesi pure blue 4 B 13 Trisulphon violet B 322 498 498 498 498 13 Turquoise blue B 299 300 35 Turquoise blue BB 35 Turquoise blue G Turquoise blue GL, extra Turquoise blue lake II RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR 2 5 2000 12,000(11/95) Spfe v »j VC 35220 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED DOCUMENTS DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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