ll Additions to Capt. r Narrative of the Reduction of p Bednore . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES ADDITIONS T O Capt. Oakes's Narrative O F T H E REDUCTION -Of. BEDNORE. LONDON: PRINTED for G.KEARS LEY, at JOHNSON'S HEAD, No. 46, Fleet Street. MDCCLXXXV- [PRICE SIX-PENCE.] o CORRECT LIST O F T H E Commifiioned, Non-Commiffioned, and Pri- vates, of his Majefty's Troops, who furvived the Series of Hardfhips recited in this Narra- tive, and joined the Efcort at Socrapatam and Bonavcram, the 2/th of March, and the ad of April, 1784. Printed from the Lift publidied by order of the Directors of Eaft India Company. ^ The hundred and fecond Regiment. Pine, captain. Jenore, enfign. The forty-fecond Regiment. Richard Fletcher, ferjeant. .y Privates. sf Peter M'Cane^ Donald Bruce, j Tho. Smith, Donald M c Alock, i Donald Ballon, Murdock Baton, ^Wiiljaoi S:-ele, Thomas Cane, O 2 Tho, J4897 ( 104 ) Tho. Crawford, Matthew Brown, James Fofter, Alex. Cambelh The feventy-third Regiment/ James Beverley, private. The feventy-eighth Regiment. Andrew Cameron, private. The ninty-eighth Regiment. James Allen, drummer. Privates. John Fifher, John Wild, William Brooks, Samuel Scoville^ John Hibbard, John Cattrum, Thomas Kemp, William Hurley, John Shephard, William Miller, Thomas Payn, John York, John Bunyn, Thomas Jones, Henry M'Crum, Thomas Dickfony Thomas Gillett, Robert Mitchell. The hundredth Regiment. John Carter, ferjeant ; Jofeph Honor, corporal ; Geo. Low, drummer ; James Stewart, fifer. Privates. Tho. Mc.Anally, Robert Crunfey, Alex. Patterfon, M'Roe, James M'Clay, William O'Brien, Robert Smith, Robert M'Harter, James Milner, William Maguff, George Moore, Geo. Godown, Thomas Hufley, Robert Smith, Ben. Wicks, ' Thomas Murray, John Newton, Alex. M'Cleod, John John Hill, Andrew Hunter, North Handler, Alex. Steward, John Waterfon, James DufF, Will. Dougharty, George Watfon, John Dykes, John Floyd, Francis Ware, James Ward, Tho. Smith, Terrence Lucon, James Fletchere, Will. Oliver, Edward Burgis, John Babefton, Geo. Doumaughy, Man. Farrolt, Samuel Fifher, Thomas Forger, William Handley, Alex. Sutherland, John Claypob, Will. Holorand, Michael Alford, Henry Doyle, Jofeph Ebb, Tho. Thornburry, John Anfon, John Reddyford, William Bunyan, William Cameron, John Ellis, Thomas Hart, Donald Kyle, Cornelius Licey, Thomas Lcyton, John Green, John Maltran, Ferrough Mains, John Smith, Mich. Blackmorc 1 , Thomas Smith, John Huet, JohnT.P.Birchin, James Alexander, Thomas Rice, Francis Ofborne, Benj. Harvey, Will. Robertfon, Thomas Coins, John Manning, John M'Leon, John Gun, John M'Donal, Norman M'Donald, Duncan Macahmfon, Alex. M'Kenzie, ColinM'Hay, Alex. Mackbon, Peter M'Kenon, Donald M'Leod, Dennis Collias, Rob. Tivitemby, Alex. M'Can, William Caftil, Samuel Howkins, Thomas Strawfon, Will. W. Shers, Samuel Hervey, Finley M 4 Roe, Chrift. M'Roe, James Murray, Dennis Kelly, Andrew M'Caldfon, Thomas Fatter, Simon CafTedy, James Thompby, David David Tapler, John Plumbef, Thomas Kettle, Charles Crowter> John Hickfon, John Letts, Chrift. Calatron, ', M. M'Donald, John Murchyj Richard Daniel, Alex. Shedwiefh, Wm. Lawrence, Kob. Tevelley, Henry Farfolt, Richard Brown^ Donald Campbell, Tho. M'Leon, Will. Dugfley, John Stephenfon^ Thomas Glynn, Andrew Laton, James Clarke, William Cary^ James Fitzgerald, John Harling Francis Low, M'Knowling, Will. Thompfon, Hen. Engliddwn, Ifoar Ireland, Francis M'Hurn, Will. Spitman, John MCarter> Henry Derfoh. The hundred and fecond Regiment. Gilbert Robertfon, Francis Senorf, John Brontgomcry* Geo. Ware, William Flint, James Steele, ferjeants j John Terning, Dom Fempleton, corporals j James M'Daniel, drummer. Privates. Rand. M l Donaldj Philip Cown, John Jackfon, John King, Micheal Hontach, John Fenning, Charles Dougarty, James Bingly, Edward Kelly, John Barns, James Kelly, Henry Ward, D. Gumming, Robert Moore, Thomas Flood, North Dorton, John M'Caden, Benjamin Barry, Martin Cornelly, M. Hyne, Mofes Carter, ' John Bill, Patrick Barnes* Fred. M. Do wall, Geo. Hackett, James Gallagan, John Rofter, Matthew Widow, Tho- Tho. Witlow, John Stewart, Arthur Forbes, Geo. Cotterey, James MagHce, William Boyd, Peter Burn?, Hugh Caffery, William Murphy, Robert Potter, Matthew Gahagan, James Handlej, John Quin, Morris Higgins, Matthew Ganner, Thomas Pritton, W. Kelly, James M'Cormic, George Shepherd, Fr. Gillen. James Butler, Artillery. Henry Gouldy, gunner ; John Smith, John Knock, John Brunt, matrofles. ffon-CommiJJioned and Private of the Madras and Bom- bay Ar title rj, and Infantry , &c -who joined the efcorl at Soc-apatam, and Bonaveram* the ^']th of 'March >, and the zd of April) 1 784. Madras Artillery. Andrew Vonderbank, Chriftopher Pocock, Benjamin Eaves, J->hn Drien, James Gampbe'l, James An der- fon, matrofles. Bombay Artillery. Richard Wife, Com. Stephen Blake, ferjeant ; Alexanr der Porter, William Field, corporals; James Hen- duck, Thomas Kiddle, bombadiers j James Wright, Griffin Roberts, gunners j Henry NeliLn, James Starling, Thomas Leflie, John Kays, John Squire?, gunners j George Breton, William Pulford, Edward Scoifield, Richard Clemence, James Duval, matrofles. Bombay Bombay Infantry. Richard Piffon, John Bratford, Rich. Boulton, Jacob Fiftier, William Poory, Jofeph Evan, William Roflen, John Murlow, ferjeants; Jofeph Rowland, James Cor- bett, William George, corporals ; Thomas Banken, drum-major. Privates. James Starteep, John Jones, Charles M. Griges, Robert Teoo, John Mullins, William Jackfor,, Tho. Smith, Charles Munford, Benjamin Derry, Andrew Fowler, Samuel Rhodes, John Davies, Fred. Dutchman, Andrew Denot, William Filly, Edward Garden, William Trimmar, John Fifhar, Andrew Burk, John Traul, James Block, Thomas Harries, Wm. Humby, Benjamin Ellis, John Wattes, John Sc6tt, Samuel Brains, Samuel Dyer, John Ellier, Thomas Ward, James Bond, Jofeph Terring, Tho. Couch, Will. Thomas, Thomas Life, Francis Allen, Thomas Towel, Michael Ward, Jofeph Lefthomc, Thomas Minian, Edward Evans, Abraham Golden, Wm.Thompkinfon, Richard Guefk, John M'Cormack, Peter Plucks, Thomas Rayner, Lockn M.'Lim, David Gray, John Young, Wm. M'Nimar, Wm. Warbu rto n Thomas Franklin, John Richardfon, John Domer, John Adams, John Smith, William Wallis, Peter M'Murray, Thomas Bell, Benjamin Weeks, Humphry Morris, John Oliver, Thomas Clark, Tho. Edwards. Nintl? Ninth C. B. Seapoys. John Connolly, ferjeant Firft Regiment^ fecond Battalion. James Warrer, Timothy Barrows, ferjeant majors ; Chreft Grofs Chreft, John Mackay, William Crou- cer, William Robertfon, Thomas Manby, William Shogely, ferjeants. Nabob's fecond Battalion, firft Divifion. James Scott, ferjeant. Privates. William Poole^ Alexander Coote, John Wede. Tenth Battalion. Jofeph Smith, ferjeant; George Jeffreys, Peter Gregory, Frederick, Dopman, drummers. Navy Officers. William Carthevv^ Thomas Carthew, Richard Boyer, William M'Quin, John Dittibi, Haviefon Shxw, Mor- gan Odwyan, Andrew Brown, Purrie Thomas, Tho- mas Hums, lieutenants. Seamen* Tunis Carmoody, Deter Heik<5, Leonard Salivary Thomas Herbifh* George Cooke, Walter Simpfon, Samuel Elfon, Robert Moffit. John Branner, Military officers. Madras Corps. Lamotte and Pearfun, captains ; Gibbings and Dryke, eniigns. Bombay Corps. Richard Walton, L. F. Worker; Facey, Captains; John M'Donald, Richard Wilfon, James Baird, W. Williamion, lieutenants j Manly, James James, enfnns. P Jofeph Seamen. Jofeph Ryley, W. Dickfon, Robert Toward, James Ramfay, Thomas HilJcott, Henry Philips, Jofeph Baviner, Robert Harrifon, W. Sumpter, Darby Dougharty, W. Kent, Patrick Tyren, W. Fiddlefton, Jofeph Linger, John Welch, John Morton, Peter Gallowan, John Smithers, John Sutherland, W. Gordon, James Grigg, Peter Chapell, James Smith, Matthew Buck, John Stubles, W. Simmons, William Wade, George Phillips, James Edington, W. Lone, James Holfworth, M. Smith. Commiflioned, Non Commtffloned Officers, and Privates., of his Majeflys and the Company's 'Troops, who met the Efcort at Oujfcottab, April 15, 1784. Lindfey, captain ; Eaftland and Forbes, lieutenants; Stringer and Penwick, enfigns ; Raine and Ogilvy, furgeohs ; Dupree and Hudley, N. fervice. Privates. Beard, Fordyce, Leech, M'Nevery, Monteeth, Dalryamble, Ragg, Read, Grant, Halliberton, Judfon, Mafley, Mellvill, Chafe, Jones, Mackay, Govvdie, Curing, Bat>, Bowfer, Muat, Picklaw, Smith, Galland, Campbell, Camfon, Coke, ( III ) Coke, Healey, Moore, Garey, Cuthbert, Graham, Hodges, Colin M'Auley, Haywood, Wilfon, Thewles, Bailey, Conner, M'Allifter, M'Donald, Kennitt, Lang, Gahagan, Fowles, Lay, Franks, Homes, Ennes, Grant, Mackay, Vifey, Gordon, Maitland, White, Taylor, Burne, Lathilup, Lafh, Ceuitzet. Dring, Bowles, captain, N. fervice ; Klauman, lieutenant, N. fervice ; Mr. Scardon, civil ; White and King, fur- geons 3 Paul Siclufor, ferjeant. Bengal Corps, Privates. Bufhley, Mafon, Latham. Ninth Regiment. Privates. Thornas Newel, -Thomas Manley, John Kennedy. Twentieth Regiment. Privates, Patrick Flinn, Francis M'Cue, William Johnfon. Forty-fecond Regiment. Privates. William Miller, Alex. Graham, John Hickey, H. Matthews, James Galbraith, Don. Mac Leord, Wai. Rofs. P % Seventy Seventy-third Regiment, William Stuart, private. Ninty-eighth Regiment. Thomas Carrangon, private. Hundredth Regiment. Samuel Dpve, ferjeant Artillery. Privates^ Edw. Bambridge, . Donald Glena, Richard Keith, Aug. M'Donald, And. Jones, John M'Cay, Thomas Shaw, William Bradfhaw, John Brown, Rich. Withf-.rfton, J. M'Cranmar, John Langley. Thomas Dickefon, Twenty-firft Battalion of Sepoys. John Condon, quartermafter-ferjeant ; J. Bavadbridgp^ James Middletony ferjeants. Privates. S. HandfHown, Donald M'Lane, Edward Powers, Jerik SufTains, James Ringfbury, Jhn Huih, Wm. Sutherland, Thomas Blanch, Robert: Brogkey, William Candrey, Nicholas A flow, Seventy-third Regiment. John Walker, ferjeant j JohnWieley, corporal. Privates. ^cter Wilfon, George King Abraham Gunn. 3 Firft Battalion, fecond Regiment. John Dennis, ; John Brazier, ferjeant. T Privates. Samuel Hopkins, Thomas Howell, John Loveland, Richard Smith, John Harris, Jofeph Pemberton, Thomas Bufh, John M'Donald, John Berwick, William Hill, John Barnes, James Carr, Henry Davies, John Taylor, Thomas Leighton, Samuel Jenkins, Second Battalion, fecond Regiment. Thomas Adamfon, William Luftain, corporals. Privates. Edward Jarvais, M. Anthony, William Short, John Jackfon, John Styles, William Horty, Thomas Stary, Bengal Cqrps. William Picker fon, . r Penfioners Corps, George Hobins, William Oliver, John Leafe, John Archer. Jofeph Hague, Firft Battalion, firft Regiment. Peter Stagger, . Firft Battalion, (econd Regimen.! , Henry Bennet, " . William Crocks ford, corporal. Privates. Tames Shipman, Thomas Haycock, William Tawler, John Chriftian. Artillery ( "4 ) Artillery Corps. Thomas Twigg, Thomas Mafon, Michael Murray, fer jeants ; Thomas Hankerfby, gunner, Vincent Smith, private. Bombay Corps. Peter Anderfon, David Gilbert, matrofles, John Smith, private. Seventeenth Battalion. Thomas White, mattrofs, Bombay Corps. John Bradley, ferjeant ; John Gaudy, mattrofs. John Smith, private. Sepoy Corps. Charles Pritchard, ferjeant. Bombay Corps. William Johnfon, ferjeant j Jof. Weftledge, mattrofs, John Eafton, John Hawfield, privates. Cavalry. Thomas Smith, Thomas Blake, ferjeants. Alexander M'lntofh, private. Merchant Corps. Naval Officers. Wilfon, Lieutenant. Meflrs. Lelley, Leaf, Wilfon, privates. Marines. Witman, lieutenant j Chanfloure, ferjeant. Privates. Buck, Manning, Tralevan, Wefton, amuel, Robifon, Roe, Roe, Covey, Lloyd, Read, Newman, Adams, Capline, Stiplow, Fitzmorris, Bowles, Andrews, Henry, Wintrope, Turnbull, Cramp, Evans, Gordon, Baftley, M'Knight, Elliot, Saunders, Ran. M'Donald, John Hanvay, John Birk, John Maxwell, Richard Moore, William Johnfon, Randolph Dodd, Samuel Davies, James Adams, James Rajan, Tho. Stevenfon, Cor. Sulivan, Alex. Robifon, William Swamp, James Swaney, Jofeph Hart, Thomas Parfons, James Fitzfimmons James Archey, Jofeph Caftlewait, Thomas Rich, Thomas Stand, Philip Wilier, Michael Dutton, Tho. Wai bridge, William Nead, James Barnes, Matthew Smith, John Lucas, William Kennedy, Donald Stevenfon, Peter Pearfey, George Taylor, James Smith, Francis Warner, Philip Burfil, Thomas Boulton, John Bonnett, Steven Baunder, William Ponsford, - Alex. Furgufon, William Carr, Rob. Richardfon, George Motts, John Brufli, Thomas Corrin, George Starr is, John Dent, Richard Morton, Peter Qualman, John Parfeval, John Emery, Wm. Thomfon, Wm. Thompftone, James Boyd, Ifaac Carter,, Francis Burgoyne, Abraham Smart, Lewis Key, John Gabriel, Thomas Huntley, Peter Peter Lawfon William Evan, Henry Tottachan, George Green, Michael Miller, John Pigler, Edward Gardner, William Craney, John Bannifter, Peter Woolifton> Michael Caftrean, James Brown, William Shorter, William Lee, Henry Afkins, William Young, William Matters, John Webb, John Simmons, Stephen Matthew, William Nicholas, John Rofs, Franc ifco, William Galey, William Clarke, Ed. Sckillion, James Ans, Denis Hogen, William Shirrage, N. Jackfon, Robert Fowl ton, Abraham Wray, Aley Banks, IfaacHulIets, John Davidfon, John Curk, John Williamfon, Ed. Flatman, James Peaton, Thorn as Macartey, John Mitcheil, James Harty, James Lacey, Dug. Armond, William Bowden^ William Beach, George Robs, M.Carroll, Law. Anfon, Ifaac Ants, Edward Pulfon, M. Donelly, James Dcverley, John Murfed, Law. Dark, John Howard, John Poor, Thomas Blaney, Thomas Hayes, Thomas Lynch, Thomas Made, Robert Key, Geo. Lifburne, William M'Alvin, John Stuart, James Furgaifon, James Smith, John Collins, Peter Tovvnfend, Samuel Robinibn, Henry Burke, Hugh Atland, Nich. Fofter, Mofes Goudey, Andrew Dean, Henry Fifher, Henry Chriftholm, Peter Anderfon, Henry Bartland, M. Patts, James Moore, John Fitzwater, ( "7 ) John Ifbeftrr, William Kennel!, Thomas Beard, William Brown^ Wm. Barnardly, Thomas Gatter, Thomas Green, H. Fabrichous, James Read, John Shenemar, James Hays, . Jn. Clavendanore, Richard Hardefton, Franc is Broker, Alex. Bogg, John Elfimore, John Miller, '- Mannel, John Gillisi John Alford^ Geo. Lee, Commiffioned, Non-Commiffioned Officers and Privates , of his Mujcfty^s 'Troops who joined the Efcort at Cuf- cotah) April 13, 1784. The forty-fecdnd Regiment O'Keeth, enfign. M'Lane, private. The ninth Regiment. Cunningham, lieutenant. The hundredth Regiment. Mack inline, enfign ; Brifcoe, furgeon. Privates. Wheeler, M'Kenzie* Le Cofterj Ma land, Seddon, Femvng, Patrickfon, Frafier, Morrifonj RoTe, M'Leod, Cummings, Auther, The hundred and fecond Regiment. Gale, lieutenant. Patterfon, enfign. Munro and Flood, privates. O The The forty-fecond Regiment. James Auftin, ferjeant. Privates. Mich. Bridgeftock, James Woter 1 , James Donaldfon, Donald Munro. Richard M'Mull in, The feventy- third Regiment. Andrew Lupton, corporal. Privates. William Green, David Witherfton, Henry Marr, George Moody, Daniel Hefs, William Davis, James M'Donald, John M'Milling, Henry Kenzie, Donald Frafier, William Frafier, Roderick M'Lane, Samuel Stuart, William Welch, James Mafterton, Andrew M'Beth, John Turnbull, John Macgregor, W r illiam Keilwick, Andrew Douglas, John Scones, William Wilfon Hugh Stuart, John Munro. The ninty-eighth Regiment. Charles Clark, ferjeant. Francis Doughtert, corporal. Privates. David Mathewfon, Patrick Boyle, John Wickinfon, James Colelough, ' John Lucks, Henry M'Cudden, Patrick Jennings* William Skinner, John Tippler, Donald Beckfon, Patrick Pathing, Richard Read, James Jacklbn, James Wenn, James Doyle, Charles Bridges. The ( "9 ) The hundredth Regiment. David Wilfon, ferjeant. John Towers, corporal. Privates. Tafli Still, William Bele, Henry Martin, William Chifshere, Andrew Gallen, Robert Block, Garick M'Goin, Edward Skillot, Francis M'Cann, Angno Smith, George Weft, John Dirges, James Rice, Francis M'Crew, Andrew Johnfon, M. M'Crew, William Vickens, Francis M'Crew, Thomas Rodgers, John M'Gudon, John Wought, Hugh Noble, Aley M'Kenzie, James Clarke, James Clark, John O'Dare, George Rulton, Donald, James Argraw, Howes. The hundred and fecond pLegtment. Jofeph M'Fate, ferjeant. Privates. Beft, Robert M jeants. James Baillie, mattrofs. Bombay Artillery. We-ft, F. H. E. -Bell, lieutenants. Engineer, Bland, lieutenant. Tarrianer and Griffiths, privates. Artillery. James Young, bombardier. Nathaniel Cole, Robert Hutchinfon, gunners. Baugh Lilley, M'Kenzie, ferjeants. Privates ( '22 ) Privates. Amb. Strenmore, William Vincent, William Alford, John Ford, Richard Pottage, Andrew Prefton, JLdward Cuckow, Burton, Thomas Weading, Edmund Riches, Patrick Brown, Peter Dayley, William Wale, Jofenh Everet, John Roberts, J ames Stuft, John Healley, John Farrol, Griffiths Evans, ^ames Elian. Win. Richardibn, Infantry. fridge, lieutenant ; Gilky, enfign ; Martin Minns, qiiarter-rnafter; George Dogald, ferjeant j John Robe, George Ludlow, corporals ; Privates Beddy, Thompfon, Doolind, Grumount, Bratton, ' Eaft, Stubbert, Donald Anderfon, Edward Smith, John Billingham, Charles Yoad, David Cock, John Cockburn, Thomas Hardy, Richard Cooper, Edw. Allingham, Thomas Afcott, Evan Evans, John Freeborn, William Matthews, George Breflet, William Jones, Jofeph Fowler, Mich. Woodeward, William Confins, Robert Rice, William Evans, John Nichals, William Hodges. James William?, Wm. Mac Leod, Michael Leags, Bombay Infantry. John Quinell, Robert Deane, Wm. Williams, John JohnPhips, Darley Moore, Benjamin Stapler, Mat. Barrington, John Luke, William Baker, Philip Trainer, John Seawood, Richard Eve, Neal M'Donald. Cavalry. John Churchill, quarter^mafter ; John Wiltfliire, fer- jeantj John Arrabone, corporal. John Fell, Thomas Manfon, John Count, Thomas Lawis, William Coleman, Thomas Struck, John Linken, John Mac GlaflTer, Tho. Richardfon, William Hudfon, Edward Burns, Bombay Legion* Private*. Rich. Richardfon, William Conman, B. Smith, - Sam. Walkwood, William Jofhua, John Carrol. Seaman. William Grigg. Sepoys. John Walker, ferjeant ; Daniel Davies, private. One-hundredth. William Haraes, private. Bengal Infantry, Bellowes, lieutenant; Foreman, enfign; Sheal, furgeort, Mac Cawin, civilian; Galafpey, cond.; 'Noye, clerk/ Privates. Wifeman, Patterfon,' D'Donald, Cheek, Oakes, James, Sale 35489' f 124 ) Sale, Gilmore; Hall, Gordan, Hooke, Jourdan, Nefbert, O 'Donald, Budding, Munn, M'Kenzie, Stove, Cook, APortuguefe fuller j Sutton, An Interpreter. Sheen, Bombay Artillery. George Smith, mafter ; Edward Steel, private. Firft Battalion, fecond Regiment. Thomas Foy, James Wale^ Samuel Cherry, John Wai ter, John Sheldon, and privates. Second Battalion, fecond Regiment. Privates. Edward Baillie, Thomas Hand, James Hill, Thomas Shell, John White, Abr. Heartgreve, George York, and Alias Shokes.j The hundred and fecond Regiment. John M'Donald, private; Thomas Grub, penfionaie FINIS. 27 85 TNIVI 's boo! University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UWIVi LOS ANGELES LIBRA DS 463 Additions to A2P2 Capt. Oakes's Narrative of v.l Reductions of Bednore. DS 463 A2P2 1735 v.l Universj South Libn