Colombos Crabfe of f 0e CofomBoB IRELAND AND COLUMBUS. Father Flattery's Brochure Brings Up Some Strong Arguments. The Rev. Hugh Flattery, the well-known Harlem clergyman and one of the best authorities on early American history, has made extended and diligent research into the ancestry of Columbus. He has un earthed facts which have led to some very inter esting conclusions, and these he has set forth in a hand some little brochure, entitled "The Cradle of the Colombos." It will prove particularly interesting to all Irish men, as showing the existence of another link in the chain that binds Ireland and America. This pamphlet traces the patronymic of the discoverer to its source in the city of Bobbio, Lombardy. This once renowned center of culture was founded in the sixth century by St. Columban, a distinguished Irish abbott. The name of this champion of arts and letters was adopted as a patrony mic by one of the ancestors of the discov erer. In other words, Father Flattery be lieves that had it not been for an Irishman New York's Columbian Celebration might have been conducted under some other name. This pamphlet is an interesting sequel to an address by General Butterfielr 1 published in the MOBNING ADVEKTISER so- months ago, in which facts were adduce show that St. Brendan, also an Irish- "" visited America centuries bef o us. of $e